Hong Kong: Young officers to work at UN The "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Junior Professional Officers to the United Nations" launch ceremony was held today and attended by Chief Executive John Lee. With the support of the Central People's Government and the assistance of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong SAR, 12 young public officers have been recommended to participate in the UN Junior Professional Officer Programme. They will be working in the UN offices in New York, Geneva, Vienna, and Nairobi as Chinese personnel, and are expected to report for duty in early 2023 for a two-year tenure. The Hong Kong SAR took part in the programme for the first time in 2019, with five young public officers recommended for work in UN offices. Addressing the ceremony, Mr Lee said the huge support given by the central government in sending young public officers of Hong Kong to work in the UN is a recognition of the citys young people. He encouraged them to give their best in the international arena, to serve as the bridge of the country and the world as well as serve to tell good stories of Hong Kong. The 12 officers are from the Financial Secretary's Office, Environment & Ecology Bureau, Labour & Welfare Bureau, Department of Justice, Customs & Excise Department, Drainage Services Department, Government Laboratory, Intellectual Property Department, Police, Transport Department and Independent Commission Against Corruption. This story has been published on: 2023-01-16. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Chinese envoy urges creating conditions for dialogue between Russia, Ukraine Xinhua) 08:54, January 16, 2023 People bid goodbye to each other with a hug in Irpin, Ukraine, March 8, 2022. (Photo by Diego Herrera/Xinhua) The current situation in Ukraine is a result of the deep-seated security imbalance in Europe, Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the UN, told a Security Council briefing on Ukraine, noting that only when parties concerned overcome differences and sit down at the negotiation table, can a fundamental solution be found to end the conflict and rebuild the European security architecture. UNITED NATIONS, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) -- China's envoy to the United Nations on Friday called on the international community to create conditions for dialogue and negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, and to redouble efforts to open up new prospects for peace in the new year. The current situation in Ukraine is a result of the deep-seated security imbalance in Europe, Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the UN, told a Security Council briefing on Ukraine, noting that only when parties concerned overcome differences and sit down at the negotiation table, can a fundamental solution be found to end the conflict and rebuild the European security architecture. The international community, in particular countries with major influence on the current situation, should encourage Russia and Ukraine to engage in dialogue and help open the door to a political solution of the crisis, he added. The envoy warned that escalating sanctions or providing weapons will only make the situation more difficult and may even provoke more confrontations and exacerbate the conflict, which must be avoided at all costs. Continued international humanitarian assistance is indispensable to help conflict-affected people survive the winter, he said, stressing that it is imperative now to help Ukraine repair damaged energy infrastructure as soon as possible. Russia's 36-hour ceasefire over the Orthodox Christmas should be welcomed, Zhang said, expressing the hope that in the future there will be more similar ceasefire initiatives, "so as to create conditions for a comprehensive ceasefire." He also urged all military operations that could affect the security of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to be stopped immediately. China supports the International Atomic Energy Agency in maintaining communication with Russia and Ukraine over the Zaporizhzhia plant in order to reach a mutually acceptable and viable arrangement at an early date, Zhang said. Speaking of the spillover effects of the crisis, the envoy noted that the artificial disruption of the global industrial chain and supply chain by unilateral sanctions cannot be ignored. Major developed countries should adopt responsible economic, monetary and trade policies to avoid negative spillover effects that exacerbate the economic and livelihood difficulties of developing countries, not to mention using the world economy as a political tool or weapon, thereby undermining the hard-won momentum of recovery, he said. "At the beginning of the new year, all parties should take new actions to actively open up new prospects for peace," Zhang said. "China will continue to uphold an objective and impartial position, and make constructive efforts in its own way." (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. Photo Illustration by Erin O'Flynn/The Daily Beast/Getty Images An obituary for the twentysomething anarchist sex-worker and writer Anarqxista Goldman described a heros death. Last night our beautiful, fiery associate, Anarqxista, got involved in an argument between a young woman and her violently abusive boyfriend, read the January obit, apparently written by residents of Goldmans anarchist commune, The Nude House. Anarqxista confronted him in defense of the girl and was stabbed three times in the process. She died shortly afterwards from her injuries. Some members of the anarchist community offered condolences. Others raised concerns: Anarqxista Goldman? The same online personality whod been scorned in anarchist circles last year for appearing to excuse child sex abuse? Then they made a more alarming discovery. Anarqxista Goldman never existed. The attractive young woman was actually the avatar for a fiftysomething British man whod previously written about posing as young women online, particularly for sexual gratification, and whod been run off Twitter for a similar stunt three years earlier. Anarqxista Goldman and an evolving set of usernames including Anarchagrrl and Dionysia Exarchopoulos are pseudonyms for Andrew Peter Lloyd, 54. The accounts used pictures of women in lingerie to promote Lloyds obscure music projects and writings, even rebranding Lloyds autobiography as a female-written novel. Rather than live in the Nude House in southern Europe, Lloyd lives in Nottingham, England. And Goldmans profile picture appears to have been lifted from an adult site, according to screenshots shared with The Daily Beast. The image on the adult site is larger than Goldmans Twitter avatar, suggesting it is the original image. Reached via email, Lloyd confirmed that he had operated the Goldman, Exarchopoulos, and Anarchagrrl accounts, but said hed created them in order to write books. I did not create these names to initiate sexual interactions nor were the names created for sexual purposes, he wrote in a statement. [I cannot deny such activity took place on my accounts, however. It was far from just me who initiated it though.] Anarqxista Goldman, for example, had a Twitter account I was very ineptly attempting to delete and end this past week so that she could be forgotten. The account began as simply a name to use [with no thought out ideas about where to take it] in September 2020 but it developed beyond anything I could ever have imagined at that time. In short, it got out of hand. I concede that if I had known then where it would end up now I would not have continued with it. Story continues Anarqxista Goldman, the most recent of Lloyds personas, had amassed thousands of Twitter followers and published thousands of pages on the open-source Anarchist Library by the end of 2022. Posting racy images and claiming to live in The Nude House, Goldman posited herself as a voice on sexuality and anarchy. But Anarqxista Goldman became persona non grata in some anarchist Twitter circles last May when, during an argument about consent, she tweeted that the anarchist activists Becky Edelsohn and Alexander Berkman had had sex around 1907, when Edelsohn was 15 and Berkman was 37. When Goldmans anarchist interlocutor objected omfg no a 15 year old cant consent to sex with a 37 year old, Goldman retorted have you ever been a 15 year old girl? Because I have. And it would piss me off a lot to know that tits on the Internet have decided that an entire class of people have been denied agency. The exchange sparked so much backlash that Goldman temporarily abandoned Twitter for a radical leftist anti-authoritarian server on the social media site Mastodon. The servers moderators banned her that same day. She came back to Twitter. Anarqxista Goldmans return was not the first time Lloyd had slunk back online amid accusations that hed behaved improperly while posting as a young, female anarchist. Until September 2020, he had operated a similar account called Anarchagrrl, which went offline after online sleuths accused the account of posing as a woman while soliciting women for sex via DMs. The anonymous sleuths report contained screenshots of those alleged direct messages, in which Anarchagrrl appears to have offered to connect a woman with sex work clients, if the woman would pay her and give her oral sex. (The woman declined.) Reached for comment about the screenshots, Lloyd told The Daily Beast that I confirm that I may have authored these messages. But they are not what they seem. As you will no doubt have gathered, I have an overactive imagination. In my online chats I frankly just make up stories and this relates to one of them. In that same conversation I said I lived in London. I never have. This conversation in fact led to the deletion of that account as the person receiving them was understandably concerned but, I say again, it was all just made up. I dont even have a bank account and zero credit to my name. Even in 2020, Anarchagrrls final tweets appeared to confess to the allegations. Earlier today after thorough investigation this account was seized by a small group of left wing accounts, the Anarchagrrl account posted. It transpired that the owner of this account was in fact a 51 year old male pretending to be a young female and in some cases asking for money to solicit sexual interactions. After revealing sensitive information to this male he agreed to hand over login details to us. Screenshots of Anarchagrrls old tweets, reviewed by The Daily Beast, reveal that they previously redirected to multiple accounts for Lloyds various music projects. Some of Lloyds old tweets promoting those music projects also remained on his Anarchagrrl account, including tweets in which he referred to himself by name. Only the idea of you is appealing to them, more so when youre dead, one of Lloyds Twitter followers observed to him in 2014, when Lloyd was working under the names 13LFO and Geeky Disco. Thats an interesting point, Lloyd responded. They want the idea of Geeky Disco not the reality of Andrew Lloyd. In fact, most people did not appear interested in the idea of his music project. Last year I had 907 downloads of my albums and 2405 listens to my tracks (of which only 344 were listens to a whole track), he wrote on his personal blog in 2016. To remedy the situation, he wrote, he borrowed photographs he found of a 25 year old female electronic musician from Berlin and made a Facebook account promoting his music under pictures of the good looking young woman with a bubbly personality. He appears to have continued periodically working under female alter-egos, which evolved and overlapped, eventually reaching his Anarqxista Goldman persona. One prolific pseudonym linking Lloyds accounts is Dionysia Exarchopoulos (sometimes Dionysia or Dionysia Ex on the Anarchagrrl account or on his blog). As Exarchopoulos, Lloyd self-published several novels, which were swiftly deleted from their online homes after anarchists on Mastodon linked Lloyd with Anarqxista Goldman. (The Daily Beast has reviewed archived versions.) Before their deletion, Lloyd tried selling the books film rights via a London literary agency, which lists one book in its Autumn 2019 rights catalog. A blurb describes the book as part moral philosophy primer, part incel manifesto, featuring a main character who spends most of his time online, either pretending to be a woman for sexual gratification, or grooming young women on Tumblr in an effort to wheedle his way into their real-life space. Angel Belsey, Exarchopouloss former literary agent, told The Daily Beast that shed long suspected Exarchopoulos was a pen name for a man. Belsey, who now runs an independent publishing house, hasnt represented Exarchopoulos since 2020, and said she found the new allegations against Lloyd disturbing. I always knew Dionysia was almost certainly a man who was cosplaying as a woman, but that didn't bother me; she wrote a really compellingoccasionally shocking and disturbingnarrative in her Diogenes work, and to me the blurry lines between what was real and what was fantasy were what made me want to represent it, Belsey told The Daily Beast via email. I did say to [the literary agencys founder] at the time that if I were to meet up with Dionysia, I would only do so in a public place! The meeting never happened, and Belsey said she lost her contacts with Exarchopoulos after leaving the literary agency. She still has direct messages from one of Exarchopouloss old Twitter accounts. The messages, she noted, suggest an author much older than their early twenties. In one message Exarchopoulos noted a preference for Linux computers and noted that Microsoft is not my thing since about 2005. Anarqxista Goldman would have been 10 years old in 2005. Exarchopoulos also wrote that I had imagined most of those reviewing manuscripts were young, educated women but it won;t affect what or how I write. If I can;t get past the gatekeepers I will keep doing what I do regardless. Other, more obvious evidence links Exarchopoulos to Lloydnamely that some of Exarchopouloss self-published works (updated with suggestive covers) were previously published online under Lloyds own name. One work, uploaded later under the Exarchopoulos pen name, is literally Lloyds autobiography. And in one of Exarchopouloss publications, the supposedly female author acknowledges that I am a white, middle-aged male from the UK. One of Belseys friends said she thought Exarchopouloss account previously represented its author to be a man. I think he was previously some odd but pleasant man who now seems to be pretending to be a woman, the friend wrote to Belsey in June 2019, according to direct messages Belsey shared. I am not sure what is going on to be honest. (By the time of the message, Exarchopouloss account posed as a woman sharing racy images, but its biography linked to one of Lloyds music project.) Anarqxista Goldman repeatedly tweeted that she was Dionysia Exarchopoulos, linking to Exarchopouloss ebook as my book on multiple occasions, and referencing Lloyds autobiography as one of her own novels. But by 2022, she was insistent that she was a young woman. She wrote in one of her books that she had been led to anarchy after a man tricked her into posing for pornographic photos. She tweeted that people (including dirty old men) message her for sex advice, which she would give. She even used her gender as a cudgel against anarchists who objected to her age-of-consent views. Those conflicts appear to have followed the fictional writer to the grave. On Jan 11., her supposed comrades in the Nude House announced Goldmans death from her own Twitter account. The Nude House followed with a longer obituary that contained Goldmans last writings and described her death at the hands of a knife-wielding domestic abuser. The obituary was unconventional. Anarqxista Goldman is dead and no one will ever see her happy, smiling, painted face again or embrace her warm, welcoming body that was so willing to embrace. We are, of course, heartbroken about this here at The Nude House, the southern European anarchist house where she made her home with us in March 2022, it began. The memorial went on to relitigate Goldmans recent online arguments. After claiming that Goldman had saved a stranger from suicide on a beach, the obituary continued that It was unfortunate, then, that there were some people online who simply misunderstood her and misdescribed her. This was particularly the case with regard to her views about youth sexuality, views she simply thought consistent both with an anarchy that believes in neither law nor government so how can there be ages of consent? (This is not consistent with most anarchist thinking, which condemns sexual exploitation regardless of its legality.) The Daily Beast was unable to find any references to a collective called The Nude House, besides those that directly referenced Goldman and her social media. The Anarchist Library, which did not return a request for comment, removed The Nude Houses obituary for Goldman and, soon thereafter, all of Goldmans work from the site. Anarqxista will be laid to rest on Friday which is also her birthday, her supposed Nude House comrades announced via her Twitter account. The date is also Lloyds birthday. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get the Daily Beast's biggest scoops and scandals delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Subscribe now. Seth Rogen took the opportunity to roast The CW Network during the Critics Choice Awards which was broadcast on The CW. The Critics Choice Awards took place on Sunday night (15 January) at the Fairmont Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles. The event was hosted by Chelsea Handler and broadcast on US network The CW. Rogen, 40, presented the award for Best Comedy Series, which went to Abbott Elementary. Noting that the Best Supporting Actor/Actress award had been combined, the Knocked Up star joked: That was weird. Why do they do that? Are we crunched for time? Get another hour! It cant be that expensive. You know how I know that? This show airs at 4pm on The CW. That cannot be a pricey timeslot, from my understanding of how this all works. Continuing to mock the awards host network, Rogen said: Im not saying The CW is bad. What I will say, it is the one network to receive zero Critics Choice nominations you are saying its bad. Were on your least favourite network, he said. How did that happen? Nominate yourselves next time, youd have won. No one will think its weird, theyll think its fine. Rogen will next appear opposite Chris Pratt and Anya Taylor-Joy in the star-studded film The Super Mario Bros Movie. He will voice the character of Donkey Kong. Elsewhere during the ceremony, Cate Blanchett also used her platform as the Best Actress winner to call out patriarchal awards shows. The Australian actor was feted with the award for her performance as fictional composer Lydia Tar in Todd Fields new film Tar. During her acceptance speech, Blanchett, 53, questioned the structure of awards shows, asking: Its like, what is this patriarchal pyramid where someone stands up here? The biggest winners of the Critics Choice Awards were Angela Bassett, Brendan Fraser, and Blanchett, who won Best Supporting Actress, Best Actor, and Best Actress awards respectively. Fraser also delivered an emotional acceptance speech after winning Best Actor for The Whale, thanking director Darren Aronofsky for bringing him out of the wilderness. You can find a full list of the 2023 Critics Choice Awards winners here. Besides the unusual migraines that prompted her to take a sick day, everything seemed fine for Jane Carhuff as she pulled away from her Puyallup home to go to the doctor in November 2019. But by the time she made the approximately 20-minute trip, the 55-year-old postal worker had crashed three times. Other drivers reported she was acting strangely and fled, according to police documents cited in court papers. Puyallup police later arrested her at the clinic on suspicion of DUI once Central Pierce & Rescue firefighters opined she wasnt in medical distress. Then she sat in Puyallups jail for hours acting goofy. A CT scan the next day revealed what was really going on in Carhuffs head: a massive stroke. Tragic, said attorney Tom Balerud, who filed a lawsuit this month seeking damages, out-of-pocket costs and other unspecified relief from the city of Puyallup and Central Pierce Fire on behalf of Carhuff. She had made it to exactly where she needed to be. The city of Puyallup declined to comment on the case, citing the active litigation under review, Puyallup police Capt. Ryan Portmann told The News Tribune. The city is represented by Jeremy Culumber of the Seattle-based law firm Keating Bucklin and McCormack, according to court documents filed Friday. The firm has represented police departments in excessive force cases and once provided legal services to the Pierce County Prosecuting Attorneys Office under former elected Prosecutor Mark Lindquist. Central Pierce Fire Chief Dustin Morrow said the district is gathering information and notified its legal counsel about the lawsuit. Carhuff, now under state care, is fed by caregivers and doesnt remember who her family is, according to her brother. I had to stop going, said James Carhuff, who told The News Tribune the group home visits bring him to the verge of tears. If they just would have taken her to the hospital. Carhuffs lawsuit criticized the Police Department for not conducting field sobriety tests in line with department policy and alleged firefighters rendered a medical opinion without the expertise to do so. Story continues Her brother said he wants to advocate for state law reform that mandates medical evaluations in cases like his sisters. We need a system first that looks to protecting people and worrying about their health before we get involved in some sort of confirmation bias, said Balerud, who agreed with Carhuffs brother. Before leaving for the doctors office, Carhuff had a normal breakfast with two family members, according to the lawsuit. The relatives directed Puyallup police to the clinic when officers arrived at the home looking for Carhuff. Plucked from the waiting area, Carhuff mumbled something about being diabetic and kept walking away as firefighters tried to examine her, according to the lawsuit. When her blood sugar came back normal, the firefighters told police she didnt appear to be in medical distress and concluded she was intoxicated. A Pierce County sheriffs deputy drew Carhuffs blood before Puyallup police booked her into the city jail, according to the lawsuit. When jail staff reported she was still acting strangely, the department dispatched an officer to go to her home again, according to the lawsuit. The same relatives said she didnt appear impaired when she left and advised she was a federal employee. She doesnt even drink, her brother told The News Tribune. When Carhuffs family posted her bail about eight hours after the arrest, jail staff advised them she wasnt in medical distress and to wait for the signs of her intoxication to wear off, according to the lawsuit. Carhuff was uncharacteristically mouthy with the police and argumentative with her brother as they left, her brother said. Outside, she tried to walk straight into the street. And she kept asking about her car, said her brother, who recalled her claims that she could fix it. I told her, This car is totaled. Carhuffs brother took her to the hospital the next day as her condition worsened, he said. Urgent care clinic staff said to rush Carhuff to the emergency room for a potential stroke, according to the lawsuit. Outside her hospital room, doctors broke the news to her brother that she indeed had a stroke and too many hours had passed to give her a critical blood clot-busting drug, he said. A retired pharmacy technician, Carhuffs brother said he knew passing minutes counted when he mixed the drug for hospitalized stroke patients during his career. After a Puyallup Municipal Court judge dismissed the DUI charges, Carhuffs criminal defense lawyer recommended having another attorney look at the incident for a civil claim, her brother said. Carhuffs brother said he cashed out a chunk of his retirement funds to pay for his sisters initial care. He said the state covers most of her expenses now, but not the clothing and other personal items he sources on his limited budget. I believe the case will be easy to prosecute, but there can be no winner, said Balerud, noting his lawsuit relies largely on a sworn search warrant from Puyallup police. I can only ease her suffering. Balerud said neither the city of Puyallup nor Central Pierce Fire responded to tort claims he filed more than two months ago as a precursor to the lawsuit. He declined to specify the financial damages sought. During an interview, Carhuffs brother reflected on how his sister, the youngest of five, inherited her fathers sense of humor. He joked that she was married to her job with the Postal Service, which she started out of high school in 1980. Its really a tragedy, James Carhuff said. She was young. And now, when I have to look at her, I have to cry. A screengrab from a video showing Matteo Messina Denaro being escorted by police after he was arrested in Palermo, Italy. Carabinieri/Handout via REUTERS Matteo Messina Denaro, the boss of Sicily's Cosa Nostra mafia group, was arrested on Monday. He became a fugitive on Italy's most-wanted list in 1993, tied to a series of murders and bombings. His capture followed the arrests of other crime kingpins who had been on the run for decades. The last of Italy's three long-time fugitive mafia bosses was captured on Monday at a private clinic in Palermo, Sicily, after three decades on the run, Italian authorities announced. Matteo Messina Denaro, 60, was apprehended while receiving treatment for an undisclosed medical condition at the private clinic, according to Pasquale Angelosanto, who heads up the special operations team for Italy's Carabinieri. Denaro initially tried to escape the clinic, but surrendered to authorities without resistance once he realized that the facility was surrounded, The Guardian reported, citing police sources. A video shared by the Italian newspaper la Repubblica shows people on the street clapping and cheering after Denaro, who was one of the bosses of Sicily's infamous Cosa Nostra, was apprehended. Denaro was sentenced to life in prison in absentia for his role in the 1992 murders of two anti-mafia prosecutors, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, and a series of deadly bombings in Florence, Milan, and Rome. Italian prosecutors also accused Denaro of helping to plan the kidnapping of a 12-year-old boy, Giuseppe Di Matteo, in 1993. Prosecutors said that the boy was held captive for two years before being strangled and dissolved in acid in response to his father cooperating with the police, according to NBC News. Denaro has been linked to dozens of other mafia-related murders, per CNN. The Guardian reported that Denaro once bragged: "I filled a cemetery all by myself." A handout photo shows Matteo Messina Denaro after he was arrested on January 16, 2023 Carabinieri/Handout via REUTERS Denaro became a fugitive in 1993, and in 2010 Forbes listed him as one of the ten most-wanted criminals in the world. Story continues He is the last of Italy's three most-wanted mafia bosses who eluded capture for decades, per Sky News. Mafia "boss of bosses" Salvatore Riina, who spent 23 years as a fugitive, was captured in 1993. He died in prison in 2017. Bernardo Provenzano, nicknamed the "Tractor" because he was known for mowing down his victims, was on the run for 43 years before being captured in 2007. He died in prison in 2016. Denaro was considered one of the successors of Provenzano, according to CNN. Police had tried to capture Denaro since he became a fugitive in 1993, but he was protected by a network of mafia collaborators in Sicily, The New York Times reported. Italian authorities were finally able to locate him following a suspected sighting in September 2021, which resulted in hundreds of tip-offs, according to prosecutors, per CNN. In a tweet on Monday, Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni described the arrest as "a great victory for the Italian state, which demonstrates we should never surrender to the mafia." Read the original article on Business Insider By John Revill ZURICH (Reuters) - Siemens has signed a 3 billion euro ($3.25 billion) contract to supply and service freight trains in India, the German engineering company said on Monday, the biggest locomotive deal in its history. Siemens will deliver 1,200 electric locomotives and provide servicing for 35 years under the agreement, also its biggest ever in India. The Siemens-designed, 9,000-horsepower trains with a top speed of 120 km (75 miles)/hr will be assembled in India over the next 11 years, with deliveries starting in 24 months. "These new locomotives ... can replace between 500,000 to 800,000 trucks over their lifecycle," said Siemens Mobility CEO Michael Peter. The order was a big step for Siemens in India, Peter told Reuters, saying the company had previously mainly provided components and infrastructure there. "India is looking for technology, better efficiency, and longer lifespan for its trains," he said in an interview. "In the past India built their own trains, but they want to increase reliability and average speeds." The deal is the latest bumper contract won by Siemens after it signed a 900 million euro deal for a new metro line in Sydney, Australia in December. Peter was confident about reaching Siemens's goal of increasing revenue at the mobility business by 6-9% this year, although this contract would mainly appear as orders in 2023. He said profit margins were in line with what he expected for rolling stock, declining to comment further. He said Siemens was also looking at other train contracts in India, the world's largest rail market with 24 million passengers travelling daily on more than 22,000 trains. The government in New Delhi wants to increase the rail network' share of freight transport to 40-45% from the current 27%, said Siemens, whose first contact in India - a London to Calcutta telegraph line - dates back to 1867. ($1 = 0.9237 euros) (Reporting by John Revill; editing by John Stonestreet) A Sunday night shooting in a Phoenix townhouse left four women with injuries that are not life-threatening. No arrests have been made. Phoenix police were investigating a Sunday night shooting in a south Phoenix townhouse that left four women with injuries that were not life-threatening. Officers responded to a call just before 11 p.m. of multiple shots and people screaming at a townhome near 48th Street and Broadway Road. Police found four women, including a pregnant woman and two teenagers, suffering from gunshot wounds. All were taken to a hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening, according to Phoenix police. There were other people inside the home at the time of the shooting, however, no other serious injuries were reported, police said. As of Monday, no arrests had been made. Police asked anyone with information to call Phoenix police or Silent Witness if they wish to remain anonymous: 480-WITNESS or 480-TESTIGO for Spanish speakers. Reach breaking news reporter Ellie Willard at ellie.willard@gannett.com or on Twitter @EllieWillardAZ. Support local journalism. Subscribe to azcentral.com This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: South Phoenix shooting leaves 4 women injured Photo: Hanna Petersen. The rally will take place at Canada Games Plaza near the Civic Centre. A rally is in the works to protest the recently announced closure of the pulp line at Canfors Prince George Pulp and Paper Mill. The closure will result in the loss of 300 jobs and Canfor is blaming a lack of fibre for its pulp operations. The shutdown will result in a reduction of 280,000 tonnes of market kraft pulp annually. However, Canfor said the specialty paper facility at the mill will stay open. Organizers of the rally say the closure will be a big blow to workers and the community at large as it follows a large number of other mill closures and curtailments in the region over the last two decades which have hit communities hard. The rally, set to take place Tuesday Jan. 17 at 6:30 p.m. at Canada Games Plaza and coincides with with the attendance of BC Premier David Eby at a dinner during the annual Northern Resource Forum in Prince George at which he is expected to speak on the governments forest policy. On Jan. 12, Eby said the government is deploying a crisis response team to Prince George in an effort to support those people and their families who are losing their jobs. "This is obviously devastating news for those 300 individuals who have lost their jobs for their families, these are people with mortgages, car payments. Its an incredibly stressful time for them and for the whole community in Prince George." Rally organizers from Stop the Spray BC supported by Conservation North and Stand Up for the North Committee said they the rally will be an opportunity for everyone to have their voices heard. Our forests and those who work in the forest industry need local jobs, local decision making, and long term planning using secondary growth forest, said James Steidle, spokesperson for the rally and member of Stop the Spray BC. Organizer and local activist Jenn Matthews said the purposed of the rally is to send a message to Premier Eby and the BC government that the provinces forest economy should work for BC workers and communities, as well as for the biodiversity of the forest, not for the benefit of large corporations such as Canfor. The solution to the fibre supply is not to raze every last stick of old growth and decimate the last of our forest habitat. A solution is needed that supports management in degraded (previously logged) areas, said Michelle Connolly of Conservation North. The critical question, said Peter Ewart of the Stand Up for the North Committee, is who makes the decisions about the forest resource. Too often, these decisions are made in the boardrooms of globalized corporations at the expense of workers and communities. That needs to be turned around so that workers and communities have more control over their economic future. -with files from the Canadian Press Jan. 15Judy Gill spoke of the impact Martin Luther King Jr. had on integrating schools in her home state of Virginia during a celebration of King's life at the Community Church of New Boston Sunday morning. "I never went to schools that were integrated. I always went to segregated schools," she said of attending Black schools. "My children went to integrated schools, but not me." On May 17, 1957, King delivered a famous speech titled, "Give Us the Ballot" in Washington, D.C. on the third anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled that state laws establishing racial segregation in public schools were unconstitutional. Some states, including Virginia, fought against desegregation, Gill said. She now lives in New Boston and attends the church regularly. The speech advocated for African American voting rights. "We needed people to champion our cause, and our cause was to have schools equal," Gill said before reading an excerpt from the speech, which King gave at the Lincoln Memorial during the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom. Every year, the church in the center of New Boston holds a celebration of King, on the day before the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday. The service included a reading of part of the 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech, in which King proclaimed, "Let freedom ring, from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire." The service started with the singing of the hymn, "Lift Every Voice and Sing," which also become known as the Black national anthem. Rev. Robert Woodland read from Matthew 5:38-48, which he called the basis of King's "philosophy of non-violence." Woodland said U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, then governor, was a driving force in having King's birthday recognized as a holiday in New Hampshire in 2000. The state was among the last to fully embrace the holiday. As a guest speaker at the service, Shaheen called King one of the "impactful and enduring figures" in the country's history. Like Gill, Shaheen also went to segregated schools growing up in Missouri. She later became a teacher in one of the first integrated schools in Mississippi. Story continues "It's now been more than five decades since Dr. King delivered his 'I Have a Dream' speech and yet many Americans continue to face those same barriers that Dr. King built a movement to tear down," she said. "Those barriers remain because of deep systemic issues that we really have to confront. Shaheen said last year brought a record number of hate crimes and King's message rings true today: "As Dr. King said, 'We aren't there yet, but we are going to get there.'" Many held hands as the nearly 70 people sang out "We Shall Overcome" in the 1888 Presbyterian chapel, complete with wooden pews and stained glass windows. Dot Marden, 84, of New Boston also experienced segregation in the South in her job at the YWCA in Danville, Virginia. She has lived in New Hampshire nearly 50 years. She sang in the choir on Sunday. "It is very meaningful for me particularly because I remember singing it so many years ago in the 60s," she said. "I was right in the middle of the movement, so for me it spoke very deeply for me." Marlena Roach, 16, a sophomore, at Goffstown High School has learned about the civil rights movement in school, but got to experience it more closely in hearing from Gill and Shaheen during the service. "I really liked the message of togetherness, especially at the end with the song, and everyone singing together," she said. Carolyn Ferguson-Wilson of Goffstown, who dressed as abolitionist Harriet Tubman for reenactments during church services in the past, called the service powerful. "We need to continue to serve and not give up even though this fight still continues," she said. "I see the struggles every day still with people who are marginalized. People who are of color." Getty Images Biden proposed reforms to income-driven repayment plans for student-loan borrowers. It includes cutting undergraduate payments in half, but the reforms exclude parent PLUS borrowers. Here's what you need to know about these changes. Broad student-loan forgiveness isn't the only relief President Joe Biden is hoping to implement for borrowers this year. On Tuesday, Biden's Education Department officially proposed reforms to income-driven repayment (IDR) plans, which where created to give student-loan borrowers affordable monthly payments based on income, with the promise of loan forgiveness after at least 20 years. As reports over the past year revealed, the plans seldom delivered on their promise. An NPR investigation found that some student-loan companies failed to track payments borrowers' made on the plans, throwing them off of the path to forgiveness, and oftentimes borrowers had to submit requests themselves to get accurate information on where their payments stood. In light of those flaws, the Education Department announced a series of reforms to the plans that included streamlining the path to loan forgiveness and cutting payments for undergraduate borrowers in half. "Today the Biden-Harris administration is proposing historic changes that would make student loan repayment more affordable and manageable than ever before," Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a statement. "We cannot return to the same broken system we had before the pandemic, when a million borrowers defaulted on their loans a year and snowballing interest left millions owing more than they initially borrowed." Here's what you need to know about these proposed reforms, and why some advocates are still pushing for further relief. Is Biden creating a completely new IDR plan? No - not completely new. The Education Department is amending the Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE) plan, the latest iteration of which calculates borrowers' monthly payments based on their discretionary income with the promise of debt relief after a set number of years in repayment. Story continues This revision mean that the department will also be phasing out other versions of income-driven repayment plans. It will phase out enrollment for borrowers in the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and income-contingent repayment (ICR) plans, and limit when a borrower can switch to an income-based repayment (IBR) plan. Who is eligible? If you have a federal graduate or undergraduate student loan, who will be eligible for these reforms. How will my monthly payments change? If you make less than $30,500, or if you're in a household of four with an income below $62,400, you will be given the option to make $0 monthly payments. These reforms also cut payments for undergraduates in half the new plan would require them to pay 5% of their discretionary income on their undergrad student loans, down from the current 10%. Borrowers who only have graduate school loans would continue to pay 10%, and borrowers who have both graduate and undergraduate loans would pay between 5 and 10%, based on average calculated from the share of loans borrower for undergraduate versus graduate studies. When will I receive loan forgiveness on this plan? According to the fact sheet, the department said it's "concerned that borrowers with small balances are discouraged from using existing IDR plans even if they would benefit from lower monthly payments because of the length of time required to receive loan forgiveness." That's why the department is proposing that borrowers who originally borrowed $12,000 or less will receive loan forgiveness after 10 years of payments. "Every additional $1,000 borrowed above that amount would add 1 year of monthly payments to the required time a borrower must pay before receiving forgiveness," the fact sheet said. The department estimated that 85% of community college borrowers would be debt-free after ten years of repayment with this change. What's the timeline for implementation? These proposals will enter a 30-day public comment period, and senior administration officials told reporters that the department plans to implement them this year, alongside Biden's plan to cancel up to $20,000 in student debt for federal borrowers (it's currently headed to the Supreme Court on February 28). Additionally, Congress did not increase funding for the Federal Student Aid office in its latest spending bill, suggesting hurdles to come with implementation of these reforms. The administration official said the department is disappointed with the lack of funding and notes that it will present a challenge. What if I'm in default or delinquent on my loans? The reforms are intended to help at-risk borrowers, as well. The department is proposing to automatically enroll borrowers who are at least 75 days behind on their payments into an IDR plan that would give them the lowest monthly payment. Borrowers already in default would also, for the first time, get access to an IDR plan. Who is excluded? Parents who took on PLUS loans a type of federal student loan that allows a parent to borrow up to the full cost of attendance for their child's education are not included. A senior administration official told reporters on Monday that the Higher Education Act of 1965 does not allow parent PLUS loans to be repaid on an IDR plan, and the department is not making any changes to that law. At this time, parent PLUS loan borrowers only have the income-contingent repayment plan the most expensive type of plan which requires them to pay 20% of their discretionary income for 25 years, and the remaining balance after that time period is forgiven. Advocates lauded the proposed improvements but expressed disappointment with this exclusion. "It ignores the reality that low-income familiesespecially low-income families of colorare more likely to rely on Parent PLUS loans or need to get a graduate degree to earn the same salary as their wealthier white peers," Persis Yu, deputy executive director of advocacy group Student Borrower Protection Center, said in a statement. Read the original article on Business Insider Roughly 500 to 700 homes have been impacted. Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Images Rio Verde Foothills, Arizona, a suburb a few miles out of Scottsdale, has had its water access shut off. The suburb shares water access with Scottsdale, but a major drought led Scottsdale to hold on to its water. Residents in the 1,000 person community now have to fend for themselves to find water supplies. Rio Verde Foothills, Arizona, a community of around 1,000 residents outside of Scottsdale, has had its main water supply shut off due to the extreme drought affecting the region, The New York Times reported. Until recently, Rio Verde Foothills purchased all of its water from Scottsdale, Arizona, since it did not own a water reservoir of its own. However, Scottsdale shut off the flow of water to the suburb earlier this month, citing its own water supply needs during this historic drought period. This decision meant that the roughly 500 to 700 homes in the community must now purchase water on an open, expensive market, and are left without a regular supply for their pipes. If another town is not willing or able to supply water to the unincorporated community, the longterm value of the residents' homes is in jeopardy. According to the report, residents have been trying to conserve water in any way they can, from eating on paper plates and skipping showers to installing rainwater collection systems on their homes. Many of the community's problems also stem from a 1980 Arizona law that requires subdivisions with six or more lots to show proof that they have a 100-year water supply. Many Arizona developers skirted around this regulation by splitting large lots into groups of four five properties, creating the feeling of suburbia without being beholden to these regulations. While an extreme scenario, the crisis in the Rio Verde Foothills represents a dire warning for the future of the water supply in many parts of the American West, where climate change has led to rising temperatures and longer hot and dry periods that have critically shrunk water reservoirs and ground water reserves. Correction: January 17, 2023 An earlier version of this story included a photo of a golf course in Rio Verde whose water has not been shut off. Insider has removed the photo. Read the original article on Business Insider The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating after Snellville police said one of its officers shot a suspect at a gas station. The shooting happened at the Speedway off the corner of Stone Mountain Highway and Highpoint Road. [DOWNLOAD: Free WSB-TV News app for alerts as news breaks] Snellville police said it responded around 4 a.m. to calls of a suspect with a gun. When officers arrived, police said one of them tried to talk to the man, who they say pulled out his gun. TRENDING STORIES: The officer fired at the man and hit him, according to investigators. An ambulance took the suspect to a local hospital. His condition has not been released. Investigators said they found the mans gun at the scene. Police said the officer had a minor injury. The news release did not say what the injury was. The gas station remains blocked as the investigation continues. IN OTHER NEWS By Herbert Villaraga DNIPRO, Reuters (Reuters) - Tearful neighbours and local residents left flowers and cuddly toys on Monday at a makeshift memorial near an apartment block in the city of Dnipro where Ukrainian officials say at least 40 people were killed in a Russian missile strike. A soldier staggered away, wiping away tears, after laying flowers on the seat of a transport shelter turned into a temporary monument to the victims of Saturday's attack. A candle burned beside the growing pile of toys and bouquets. Other people fought back tears as they stood behind the makeshift memorial, staring up at the ruined apartment bloc where emergency workers cleared away rubble. "We came here to look, pay our respects. It is very tough, such a shame about lives lost," said 63-year-old Viktoria. "I want to say 'Rest in Peace' to all those who died and 'Keep strong' to all those who survived. It is very sad, such a shame about lives lost. Any of us could have been there." Another local resident, 28-year-old Polina, came to lay flowers with her boyfriend and show solidarity. "My friend lives in this neighbourhood. She is in shock after what happened. She does not live in that apartment building, but in the neighbourhood. She was at home and heard an explosion. She sent me a video," she said. "We all live in buildings like this one and any of us imagined what if it happened to them? It's awful." Another local resident, 73-year-old Lidia, said her son-in-law had offered to help clear the rubble when he came to the scene of the blast on Saturday but was not allowed to. "He was told they had enough people. They spent some time and then left," she said. Dozens of people were still missing on Monday after what was the deadliest single incident since Moscow began a campaign of firing missiles at cities far from front lines of its war in Ukraine. Russia denies intentionally targeting civilians. (Writing by Timothy Heritage, Editing by Hugh Lawson) A Texas man pleaded guilty in federal court in Providence to his role in online romance scams that targeted and scammed seniors out of $1.6 million in at least 11 states, including a Rhode Island widow who gave him $60,000 of her money, according to U.S. Attorney Zachary Cunha. Fola Alabi, aka Folayemi Alabi, 52, of Richmond, Texas, pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy and money laundering, and admitted to a federal judge that he created companies and opened bank accounts that were used to launder more than $1.6 million in proceeds bilked from seniors nationwide, Cunha said in a statement Monday. Alabi, as a member of the conspiracy, befriended unsuspecting seniors online, often posing as a General in the U.S. military serving overseas, Cunha said. He feigned a personal, and sometimes romantic, interest in his victims, and convinced them to send substantial sums of money, usually in the form of bank checks or cash, to addresses and companies in Texas that were controlled by Alabi. Alabi subsequently deposited or directed that it be deposited into one of several bank accounts that he controlled, Cunha said. He then quickly withdrew or transferred the funds to other accounts. Among Alabis victims is a Rhode Island widow, who was contacted under false claims by a General Miller, purportedly a four-star General, who convinced her to provide $60,000 to finance shipment of his personal belongings to the U.S. At the scammers direction, a check was made payable to Full Circle Import Exports, a company created by Alabi, and mailed to Alabis residence in Texas. The victim was prepared to send an additional significant sum of money to the scammer claiming to be General Miller, when it was determined by her bank and the Westerly Police Department that she was likely the victim of fraud, Cunha said. According to court documents, in a cellphone seized from Alabi at the time of his arrest in May 2022, federal agents discovered photographs and videos of packages containing cash and checks received by Alabi from victims of the scam. Story continues According to a plea agreement, the loss from the romance scams totaled $1,640,421. Under the terms of the plea agreement, Alabi will forfeit assets derived from his criminal conduct, to include his Texas residence and $31,773.22 contained in a bank account. Alabi is scheduled to be sentenced on April 25, 2023. The case was investigated by the U.S. Inspection Service, FBI, U.S. Secret Service, and Homeland Security Investigations. The Westerly, Rhode Island, and Prescott Valley, Arizona police departments, Texas Department of Public Safety, West Virginia State Police, the Santa Clara, California County District Attorneys Office, and Defense Criminal Investigative Service also assisted with the investigation. Download the FREE Boston 25 News app for breaking news alerts. Follow Boston 25 News on Facebook and Twitter. | Watch Boston 25 News NOW ATHENS, Greece (AP) As a crowd of thousands chanted Long live the king and Constantine, Constantine, the casket carrying the former and last monarch of Greece emerged from Athens' metropolitan cathedral Monday after a funeral service attended by royalty from across Europe. Constantine's wife, Anne-Marie, the sister of Denmark's Queen Margrethe II, and his eldest son, Pavlos, followed at the head of the funeral procession. The casket, draped with the Greek flag, was loaded into a hearse for the trip to Tatoi, a former royal estate north of Athens where Constantine was to be buried near his parents and ancestors. Once a richly forested site popular with Athenians for picnics and nature walks, Tatoi was ravaged by a wildfire about two years ago and had remained mostly blackened and derelict ever since. Cleanup crews worked feverishly since Constantine's death last week at age 82 to clean up the site in time for Monday's funeral. A referendum definitively abolished Greece's monarchy in 1974. Constantine, a controversial figure during a turbulent time in Greek history, spent decades in exile before returning to settle in his home country in his waning years. By the grace of God, you drew your last breath in our country, which you always loved above all else throughout your life, Pavlos said in a eulogy to his father. Constantine's children and grandchildren, Pavlos said, are ready, as you had always been, to offer Greece whatever the country asks of us. European royals, many closely related to Constantine, descended on Athens for the funeral, including Margrethe and the Spanish royal family. Constantine's sister Sophia is the mother of Spain's King Felipe VI and the wife of former King Juan Carlos I. Constantine was one of the godparents of Prince William, heir to the British throne. William's aunt, Princess Anne, represented the British royal family in Athens. Juan Carlos, walking with the aid of a walking stick, attended with Sophia at his side. It was a rare public appearance for the former king, who has lived in Abu Dhabi since being cut off from the Spanish royal family in 2020 amid financial scandals. Story continues The Greek government had announced Constantine would be buried as a private citizen without honors reserved for former heads of state. A limited lying in state was allowed from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m in a chapel next to the cathedral. Thousands of people turned out, some traveling from across Greece and lining up for hours in the predawn darkness and winter chill. He was a constitutional leader of the country. It was a monarchy then, so we must honor this man who stayed in Greece for so many years and who is Greek, Athens resident Georgia Florenti said while waiting to pay her respects to the former monarch. Some mourners expressed disappointment that Constantine was being buried without the honors awarded to former heads of state. I feel anger because I consider it petty for funerals to be held at public expense for actors and singers, and for us not to honor a person who, for better or for worse, was king of Greece, said Irene Zagana. Constantine acceded to the throne in 1964 at age 23, already an Olympic sailing gold medalist. The young king and his wife enjoyed huge popularity, which quickly eroded because of Constantines active involvement in the machinations that brought down the elected government of then-Prime Minister George Papandreou. There was social adoration for the young king. Any dislikes there were concerned his mother, Thanassis Diamantopoulos, a political science professor at Athens Panteion University, said. "He himself was beloved, but unfortunately, through the mindless and thoughtless management of the 1965 crisis, he managed to squander this sympathy very quickly. The episode involving the defection from the ruling party of several lawmakers destabilized the constitutional order and led to a military coup in 1967. Constantine eventually clashed with the military rulers and was forced into exile. When the dictatorship collapsed in July 1974, Constantine was eager to return to Greece, but was advised against it by veteran politician Constantine Karamanlis, who returned from exile to head a civilian government. After winning a November election that year, Karamanlis called for a plebiscite on the monarchy. Constantine wasn't allowed to return to campaign, but the result was widely accepted: 69.2% voted in favor of a republic. Constantine should be given credit for something that other deposed monarchs have not done: he never threatened, challenged or undermined the state not headed by a king after he was dethroned, Diamantopoulos said. He accepted the 1974 referendum. He did not create a party of monarchy nostalgics. ... Thus, with his silence, he contributed to cementing the new system of government. There have been no opinion polls measuring possible support for the former king since the monarchy was abolished. Public discourse in Greece tends to be significantly negative concerning the monarchy. The number of people waiting patiently for hours in Athens to pay their final respects suggested Constantine was still much loved by a segment of society. He is a former high-level official to whom we should certainly show the necessary honors, a person who is serious, who is noble, who is decent, said lawyer Giannis Katsiavos, who was among the crowd. We will remember him forever. ___ Raphael Kominis contributed to this report. Photo: The Canadian Press A young Black man is suing Toronto police, alleging three officers tackled him, pressed a knee to his neck and repeatedly shot him with a stun gun, even as he pleaded he had done nothing wrong. The case, his family said Monday, highlights the disproportionate use of force levelled against Black people and ongoing racial profiling by Torontos police force. Whether we like it or not, he is symbolic of the experiences endured by many young Black males in North America, his mother Christine OGilvie said at a news conference. A statement of claim filed in the Superior Court of Justice alleges 27-year-old Hasani O'Gilvie was assaulted by three Toronto police officers near a North York grocery store on his way to class at the University of Toronto in August 2021. "This is a case of someone being assaulted for walking while Black," his lawyer David Shellnutt said. "He looked like somebody who police allege they were looking for." Toronto police said they would not comment as the matter is before the courts, and the Toronto Police Association which represents civilian and uniform members says the officers are not commenting as the case is also before a review tribunal. "In many cases, enforcement actions are met with resistance; not everyone wants to be arrested," said Toronto Police Association president Jon Reid in a statement. "As these members face charges under the Police Services Act, the Association will ensure they are treated fairly throughout this process." According to the claim against the three officers, which was filed in June and has yet to be tested in court, O'Gilvie gave his name to an officer who stopped him for questioning after following him down a walkway near the grocery store. The claim alleges the officer did not believe him and drew a stun gun shortly before two other officers arrived. O'Gilvie put his hands up and complied but the officers allegedly tackled him to the ground, the claim says. One officer then allegedly put his knee on his neck and repeatedly shot him with a stun gun while O'Gilvie "was subdued, not resisting, on the ground, and restraints being applied," the claim alleges. The claim alleges O'Gilvie was only released after the officers searched his bag and found identification proving what he told police. "Regardless of mistaken identity of who they were looking for, that this matter ended up with a young U of T student with a knee on his neck, the same manoeuvre that killed George Floyd just a year prior, and being repeatedly stunned by the same officer who was doing that is unacceptable," Shellnutt said. O'Gilvie and his mother are seeking more than $1 million in damages. The claim states he continues to suffer severe emotional and psychological trauma from the alleged assault, which left him with facial scarring and injuries to his upper body. O'Gilvie, who only returned to school last week, was not in a condition to speak at the news conference Monday, his family said. The lawyer said the family decided to pursue the lawsuit after their calls for police accountability were met with silence. Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/Getty Over the past few weeks, Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, and other marquee journalists have taken part in publishing the illuminating Twitter Files. With Elon Musks permission, the reporters dug through the social media companys internal records, exposing the censorship of New York Post reporter Emma Jo Morris Hunter Biden reporting, Stanford medicine professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharyas COVID-19 beliefs, and other findings, sharing them via lengthy tweet threads and Substack posts. The revelations were particularly terrifying for me and my fellow porn stars and sex workers because we know firsthand what its like for tech giants to censor our free speech, often for opaque reasons. For years, weve faced censorship on platform after platform, only for critics to yell at us that social media isnt the public square and you should build your own adult platforms. When weve succeededon adult sites like OnlyFans, for instanceweve faced conservative groups trying to destroy those platforms. We are one of the most censored groups and depend on the spirit of free speech to survive; after all, free speech protects the people you disagree with and/or dislike, and many people disagree with and dislike porn stars (even though they likely masturbate to our content). The Twitter Files Are Too Serious to Be Left to Elon Musks Pals We are the perfect group for the Twitter Files to analyze, but thus far, the Files have failed to divulge how the company handles sex workers, despite plenty of avenues for these reporters to investigate. For one, Taibbi and Weiss were able to prove that Twitter was guilty of shadow banning, i.e., preventing certain accounts and tweets from appearing in users feeds and searches. Other sex workers and I have complained about shadow banning for years, only for liberals and conservatives alike to dismiss us as conspiracy theorists. Ive struggled to find my sex worker colleagues accounts. Ive seen search results hide my own account. Even since Musk bought Twitter, my account will not appear in the search box for users who arent already following me. By examining Twitters internal communications, reporters could identify how and why the company has seemingly restricted legal adult stars. Story continues For years, many porn stars felt like Twitter treated us as criminalseven though the law protects our occupationso these reporters could also examine how Twitter classified porn stars. Were we seen as criminals? Were we grouped as one monolithic body? Did they treat some porn stars differently than others? Why were some porn stars deplatformed even though they didnt break company policies? Twitter has offered little clarity on how they shape their policies around porn stars, and the public deserves to know how the company came to its conclusions. More than anything, I would like to know if Twitter colluded with conservative groups to decide how to censor porn stars. So far, the Twitter Files have revealed that the Biden administration lobbied Twitter to bar anti-vaxxer accounts. (I disagree with anti-vaxxers, but its still disturbing that the government directed a corporation about who to censor.) Its plausible, given that level of oversight and outside influence, that Twitter received information from one of numerous conservative anti-sex trafficking groups. In the past decade, Evangelical groups like Exodus Cry have conflated sex trafficking with legal pornography as part of an attempt to ban all porn. Exodus Cry went so far as to launch the hashtag #TraffickingHub, which confused the public and led MasterCard to stop processing payments on PornHuba direct threat to my industry. J.D. Vance Is Coming for Your PornWatch Out Much of the conversation about porn as sex trafficking has originated on Twitter. Wed welcome a free-speech warrior to rush to our defense, but its not even clear that Musks iteration of Twitter wont continue to censor porn stars. Since taking over the platform, Musk has screamed about the importance of free speech, only to deplatform an account that tweeted about his plane. Most troubling for my industry, Musk has posted gushing conversations with Eliza Bleu, a self-proclaimed human trafficking survivor advocate who has occasionally lumped the porn industry in with trafficking. In one tweet, she highlighted how convicted sex trafficker Ruben Andre Garcia called the porn industry an evil business, and she has alluded to the conspiracy theory that porn is part of sex trafficking. Bleus views are troubling enough, but theyre even scarier considering Musk loves her account. The CEO remains vague about his internal policies; it often seems he makes decisions via public Twitter polls, and its possible he could rip access to the Twitter Files from reporters at a moments notice. Given the unpredictability, Musks newfound adoration for Bleu is frightening and points to the problem the Twitter Files have exposed: Social media giants decide what we can see with little oversight. Its more important than ever to know how and why Twitter treats sex workers the way it does. We need the journalists with access to these records to report on it now before its too late. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get the Daily Beast's biggest scoops and scandals delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now. Stay informed and gain unlimited access to the Daily Beast's unmatched reporting. Subscribe now. Rep. Adam Schiff of California. Brandon Bell/Getty Images Rep. Adam Schiff addressed the discovery of classified docs in Joe Biden's office and residence. The top Democrat said the misplaced files may have compromised national security. Both Biden and Donald Trump are under pressure over their handling of classified info. Rep. Adam Schiff, the former chairman of the House intelligence committee, said that President Joe Biden may have imperiled national security by mishandling classified files before becoming president. Schiff, a California Democrat, told ABC News on Sunday that "I don't think we can exclude the possibility without knowing more of the facts," when asked if Biden "jeopardized" national security by taking the documents. "We have asked for an assessment in the intelligence community of the Mar-a-Lago documents," Schiff said. "I think we ought to get that same assessment of the documents found in the think tank, as well as the home of President Biden." Schiff said it was right that Biden was facing a special-counsel investigation into his handling of classified information. The congressman called it "the right move," saying "the attorney general has to make sure that not only is justice evenly applied, but the appearances of justice are also satisfactory to the public." In a series of statements last week, the White House revealed that Biden's lawyers had discovered classified information in the office of his think tank in Washington, DC, and subsequently in his home in Wilmington, Delaware. He kept the documents from when he was vice president, before he had the sweeping powers over classified material he now has as president. The White House did not disclose the discovery of the documents in the office, which was in November, until reports emerged last week of a DOJ investigation of the issue. When pressed on whether the White House should've been more forthcoming on the issue, Schiff said he would "reserve judgement" until the investigation had been conducted. Schiff said that the intelligence community should perform a risk assessment of Biden's handling of the information, just as it had with Trump. Story continues Trump was found found to have taken stashes of government records, including highly sensitive classified information, to his home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, after leaving office. However, Schiff went on to draw a distinction between Biden's case and Trump's, noting that Biden's team willing gave the documents back and cooperated, unlike Trump's. Read the original article on Business Insider Anthony Joseph has won the TS Eliot Prize 2022 for Sonnets For Albert (Naomi Woddis) The prestigious TS Eliot Prize 2022 has been awarded to Anthony Joseph for his luminous collection Sonnets for Albert. The 25,000 prize Britains most lucrative poetry award is awarded annually to the writer of the best new poetry collection published in the UK and Ireland, with past winners including Ted Hughes, Carol Ann Duffy, and Seamus Heaney. The Trinidad-born poet Joseph, 56, was announced as the winner of the Prize on Monday (16 January) at Londons Wallace Collection by Chair and judge of the Prize, Jean Sprackland. Talking about why the judges picked Sonnets For Albert (Bloomsbury) as the winner, Sprackland described Josephs work as a luminous collection which celebrates humanity in all its contradictions and breathes new life into this enduring form. Last years winner was Joelle Taylor for her collection C+nto & Othered Poems (The Westbourne Press). The prize was founded by TS Eliots widow Valerie in 1993 and described by Andrew Motion as the prize most poets want to win while The Independent dubbed it the worlds top poetry award. Anthony Josephs Sonnets For Albert has been described as a luminous collection which celebrates humanity in all its contradictions and breathes new life into this enduring form (source) It is the only major poetry prize judged solely by established poets. The winner was chosen out of 10 shortlisted writers who will each receive 1,500. The shortlist included Victoria Adukwei with Quiet (Faber and Faber); Fiona Benson with Ephemeron (Cape); Jemma Borg with Wilder (Pavilion); Philip Gross with The Thirteenth Angel (Bloodaxe); Zaffar Kunial with Englands Green (Faber); Mark Pajak with Slide (Jonathan Cape); James Conor Patterson with Bandit Country (Picador); Denise Saul with The Room Between Us (Pavilion); and Yomi Sode with Manorism (Penguin). Sprackland said that each of the ten books on this years shortlist spoke powerfully to us in its own distinctive voice. In Sonnets For Albert, Joseph returns to the autobiographic material of his former work, Bird Head Son in 2009, in which he explores the legacy of being the son of an absent but larger-than-life Trinidadian father. Story continues Sonnets For Albert was also shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Poetry in 2022. Joseph who has lived in London since 1989, is a poet, novelist, academic, and musician. His previous poetry collections include Desafinado (1994), Teragaton (1998), and Rubber Orchestras (2011). He has also written three novels: The African Origins of UFOs (2006), Kitch: A Fictional Biography of a Calypso Icon (2018), and The Frequency of Magic (2019). As a musician he has released seven well-received albums since 2009; these often coincide with the publication of his poetry collections. He also performs as the lead vocalist for his band, The Spasm Band. His written work and performance are inspired by calypso, surrealism, jazz, and the rhythms of Caribbean speech. Live music carried over the plaza in front of the National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel Monday afternoon. Hundreds of people were lined up for entry into the museum the line stretched from the entrance to G.E. Patterson Avenue to celebrate and remember the life and legacy of civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But about midway up the line up a set of cement stairs chanting could be heard. "I am a man," an activist would yell through a bull horn. "Tyre was a man," the crowd would respond. Family, friends and activists gathered to, once again, deliver calls for justice for Tyre Nichols, the 29-year-old man who died after officers from the Memphis Police Department had stopped him for a traffic violation. "Our emotions are empty," said Jamal Dupree, one of Nichols' brothers. "We lost our little brother. There's nothing else that matters. We understand it's MLK Day, most respect to him, but nothing else matters right now. My mom was lifeless and the Memphis Police Department not only killed my brother, but they pretty much took the soul out of my momma." Nichols died Jan. 10 after two "confrontations" with Memphis Police during a traffic stop, which occurred Jan. 7 around 8:30 p.m. at the corner of Raines Road and Ross Road. "As officers approached the driver of the vehicle, a confrontation occurred, and [Nichols] fled the scene on foot," MPD said in a Sunday statement. "While attempting to take [Nichols] into custody, another confrontation occurred; however, [Nichols] was ultimately apprehended." At this point, according to police, Nichols "complained of having a shortness of breath" and was taken to St. Francis Hospital in critical condition. Tyre Deandre Nichols, 29, sits by a fire. Nichols died Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023, three days after a confrontation with Memphis Police officers during a traffic stop. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is looking into the death. As activists called for justice, the family would intermittently take the bull horn and say a few words about Nichols. Posters with the words "I am a man" printed over what the family said is a picture of Nichols in a hospital bed were held up for museum attendees to see. Story continues The image shows Nichols from the middle of his chest and up, laying in a hospital bed and intubated his eyes apparently swollen shut and nose bent in nearly an "s" curve. Blood can also be seen on the hospital bed's sheets, along with what appear to be stitches to the side of his right eye. Attendees would pause and watch for a moment, listening to an activist or family member speak, but many would move on from the rally after a bit of time passed. "We are here today to seek justice for our son," said Rodney Wells, Nichols' step father. "He was brutalized by the police department and we just want to make sure that justice is done. We want these police officers to be tried for murder, nothing else. We will settle for nothing less than a murder charge against these police officers." Nichols was born and raised in Sacramento, California, but moved to Memphis in 2020 for a fresh start. Family and friends remembered him as a free-spirited person who was never in trouble with the law. Nichols did not appear in numerous searches through criminal court records aside from two traffic tickets. Nichols' mother and stepfather lived in Memphis, but his siblings have flown in from California. They are not sure how long they will stay, but Keyana Dixon Nichols' older sister said the family has been trying to stay positive. Tyre Deandre Nichols, 29, died Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023, in Memphis, three days being stopped and detained by Memphis Police. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is looking into the death. "The anguish that this has caused my family, our lives will never be the same again," Dixon said through a stream of tears. "My mom is in a paralyzed state. She hasn't moved in days, days, she can't move. My family will never be the same, all over a cruel traffic stop." As family and friends protested outside National Civil Rights Museum, singing could be heard from inside the facility as people remembered King and his calls for non-violent protests on the national holiday in his honor. After the rally, the siblings spoke with a reporter from The Commercial Appeal to talk about what life has been like for the family outside of their public appearances. Nichols' mother has not been at any public rallies or protests. "It's been emotional," Dixon said. "Everybody has been quiet and somber. We try to laugh with each other, we have to stay strong for our mom. We all have to go back to California one day soon. It's just the fact that this is where my little brother took his last breath I hate it here. Every hour of every day has just felt different. We just want justice for my baby brother." Monday, civil rights lawyer Ben Crump was retained by the family. In a statement, Crump said Nichols' death, and other like it, hurts trust communities may have in their agencies when transparency is not found. Crump called for police to release any body camera video captured by the officers involved. "All of the available information tells us that this was the tragic and preventable death of a young man deeply beloved by his family and community," Crump said in a written statement. "This kind of in-custody death destroys community trust if agencies are not swiftly transparent." Authorities have not yet released footage from the incident and the officers involved were placed on leave after the Shelby County District Attorney's Office called in the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to investigate MPD's "use of force" during the stop. Those officers were given notice Sunday evening that "administrative action" is imminent pending an internal investigation. MPD did not respond to request for comment as to how many officers were given notice, but said the intern investigation is expected to be finished "later this week." Keyana Dixon, Tyre Nichols older sister, cries as she speaks about the pain her family is feeling in the wake of her brothers death on Monday, Jan. 16, 2023. Nichols died January 10 after a traffic stop with the Memphis Police Department. In the days since Nichols' death, MPD, TBI or the Shelby County DA's Office have been quiet. Family has told reporters that the officers who initiated the traffic stop were in unmarked cars and hoodies, although The Commercial Appeal has been unable to verify those statements. Memphis Police directed a reporter from The Commercial Appeal to speak with TBI regarding those details, but TBI did not confirm or deny them as its investigation is ongoing but acknowledged that "some of what [The Commercial Appeal reporter was] asking about is part of that investigation." After a service Tuesday, the family will work to get Nichols' body back to Sacramento for another service with his friends and family across the country who could not make the Memphis service. Lucas Finton is a news reporter with The Commercial Appeal. He can be reached at Lucas.Finton@commercialappeal.com and followed on Twitter @LucasFinton. This article originally appeared on Memphis Commercial Appeal: Family of man who died after traffic stop continue calls for justice University of Central Florida student Ashley Carino placed fifth overall at the 71st Miss Universe pageant this weekend. Carino competed in multiple rounds at the pageant Saturday, making it to the top five finalist spot. Miss USA, Miss Venezuela, Miss Dominican Republic, and Miss Curacao joined her as finalists, according to the Associated Press. Read: Miss Universe pageant: Miss USA, RBonney Gabriel, crowned Carino won the Miss Florida title in July 2021, her first pageant competition. She also placed third in the Miss USA competition in Nov. 2021. Last year, Carino won the Miss Puerto Rico title and represented her heritage in Miss Universe. According to the university, Carino was born in Puerto Rico but moved to Kissimmee when she was young. Read: Miss Florida 2021 delivers educational materials to AdventHealth pediatric patients UCF said Carino is also an aerospace engineering major. She said she hopes to finish her degree even with her duties as a Miss Florida. Carino told UCF that she was always interested in science and astronomy. Watch this UCF video below: Click here to download the free WFTV news and weather apps, click here to download the WFTV Now app for your smart TV and click here to stream Channel 9 Eyewitness News live. The Daily Mirror report initially stated that four Apache helicopters, armed with Hellfire missiles were slated for transfer, alongside Challenger 2 tanks. The tanks, according to a statement by the Prime Ministers Office, are still on the table with 14 destined to reach the Ukrainian Armed Forces thus far. Read also: Why we need Leopard 2A5 tanks In addition, the MoD confirmed that it will also be sending 30 AS90 self-propelled guns. Training for Ukrainian forces on these new weapons will commence shortly, the PMs Office added. Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine Seref Malkoc, Ombudsman of Turkey, has announced that Ukraine and Russia are working on a major exchange which could involve 1,000 people in total. Source: CNN Turk Quote: "At the meeting I attended, the Ukrainian Ombudsman [Dmytro Lubinets] handed over a list of 800 people to the Russian side. The Russian Ombudswoman [Tatyana Moskalkova] handed over a list of 200 people to her Ukrainian counterpart. The exchange is not limited to this. It is a list of wounded and captured individuals. In addition, there are thousands of children, there are women, there are other problems. If we can set up an Istanbul Platform, these issues can be discussed more easily. We are in the process of setting up this mechanism." Details: Malkoc added that by the end of the negotiations, the Ukrainian and Russian Ombudspeople had reached an agreement on about 40 amendments to the lists, most of which included wounded civilian and military personnel. Malkoc noted that Turkey is ready to establish a humanitarian corridor in Istanbul for any exchange. Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and again offered to mediate in talks between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Erdogan is expected to meet with Putin and Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the near future to discuss opening a humanitarian corridor. If Turkey's proposal is accepted, a humanitarian corridor will be established in Istanbul for the exchange of wounded civilians, military personnel, elderly people, children and women. It should be noted that long before the visit, Ukrainian Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets announced that he planned to talk to Tatyana Moskalkova, his Russian counterpart, about the release of Ukrainian civilians from captivity. Background: On 2 January, Lubinets announced that he was planning a meeting with Moskalkova regarding the release of prisoners, including civilians. On 10 January, it was reported that the meeting between Lubinets and Moskalkova regarding the release of prisoners would take place in Ankara and in an expanded format with Turkish involvement. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Key developments on Jan. 16: Two days after a Russian missile attack destroyed a section of an apartment building in Dnipro, the death toll of the strike rose to 40 people, including three children, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration reported on Jan. 16. At least 76 people were injured, the administration said, and 26 people are still missing as of the late evening on Jan. 16. First responders continue to work at the site. Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Governor Valentyn Reznichenko reported earlier in the day that 14 children were among the injured. A Russian missile hit the apartment block in a residential neighborhood in Dnipro, a city of 1 million people in central Ukraine, in the early afternoon of Jan. 14, making it one of the deadliest single attacks on civilian areas up to date since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion. According to the Geneva Conventions, targeting residential areas constitutes a war crime. Read more: Russian missile attack on Dnipro destroys families as death toll rises In total, Russia's war has killed at least 7,031 civilians in Ukraine since Feb. 24, the United Nations human rights agency reported on Jan. 16, adding that at least 11,327 people were injured. Most of the civilian casualties recorded were caused by the use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects, including shelling from heavy artillery, multiple-launch rocket systems, missiles, and air strikes. The agency noted that the actual numbers may be significantly higher as data from areas experiencing intense hostilities or those under Russian occupation, such as Mariupol in the eastern Donetsk Oblast, or Sievierodonetsk in neighboring Luhansk Oblast, has been delayed, and numerous reports require further verification. Story continues New Russian offensive anticipated Although Russia has failed most of its major objectives in the war, including capturing Kyiv in the early days of the full-scale invasion and the entirety of the eastern Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, Russian President Vladimir Putin hasn't changed his maximalist objectives to seize all of Ukraine, the Institute for the Study of War said in its latest update. The U.S.-based think tank said that Moscow was likely aiming to "conduct a decisive action in the next six months" to regain the upper hand in Ukraine after a series of failures and successful Ukrainian counteroffensives. The ISW suggests that the major offensive will most likely happen in the area of Luhansk Oblast, most of which is currently occupied. Meanwhile, the "most dangerous course of action" offensive against northern Ukraine remains "unlikely at this time," the think tank said. Concerns about Russia attacking northern Ukraine from Belarus renewed amid the joint military exercises that the Russian and Belarusian air forces started on Jan. 16. Russia also reportedly sent 40 railroad cars with military personnel and equipment to Belarus last week. Minsk has participated in Moscow's aggression by allowing Russia to use its territory for attacks against Ukraine. However, Belarusian troops have not been involved in invading Ukraine yet. "These are anomalous activities that intensify the information operation that Russia will attack Ukraine from Belarus and could support an offensive," the think tank said. "Though the ISW assesses an offensive is still a low-likelihood scenario at this time." "There continues to be no evidence that Russian forces in Belarus have created the command-and-control structures necessary for an operational strike group as of this publication." The Ukrainian military also expects Russia to conduct a new major offensive in the east of Ukraine. General Staff Deputy Chief Oleksii Hromov said on Jan. 12 Moscow would likely try to reach the "administrative borders" of Donetsk Oblast, about half of which is currently occupied, in the near future. Western battle tanks heading to Ukraine Amid the threat of a new major Russian offensive, Ukraine's Western allies pledged additional military aid. On Jan. 16, U.K. Defense Secretary Ben Wallace announced the country would hand over to Kyiv 14 Challenger 2 tanks to help push back the Russian invasion. The tanks will be supplied with armored recovery and repair vehicles. Equipped with advanced targeting technology and armor, the Challenger 2 tank is considered to be superior to the Soviet-era tanks operated by Russian and Ukrainian forces. Wallace also said the U.K. will deliver a battery of eight AS90 self-propelled 155 mm howitzers and two further batteries at 'varying states of readiness.' In addition, the U.K. will donate hundreds of armored and protective vehicles, including Bulldog personnel carriers, more "uncrewed aerial systems" to support Ukrainian artillery, some 100,000 artillery rounds, hundreds of missiles, including Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS), Starstreak air defense, medium-range air defense missiles. Britain will start training Ukrainian soldiers to use the Challenger 2 tanks and guns in the coming days. Ukraine's allies must "accelerate our collective efforts to dramatically, economically, and militarily keep the pressure" on Putin, Wallace said. Britains move could also heap pressure on Germany to authorize the delivery of modern German-built Leopard 2 tanks during the Rammstein defense summit on Jan. 20. Polish President Andrzej Duda said on Jan. 11 that Poland planned to supply a company of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. But since the vehicles are produced in Germany, their supply has to be approved by Berlin. Also on Jan. 16, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki urged the German government to provide Ukraine with "all types of weapons." "Ukrainians are now fighting not only for their freedom but also in defense of Europe," he said, as quoted by the Polish Press Agency. Bloomberg reported on Jan. 13, citing two unnamed officials familiar with the matter, that Germany will likely make a decision on whether to supply Leopard tanks to Ukraine next week, ahead of the Rammstein summit. Yurii Ihnat, a spokesman for the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, considers the scenario of a Russian landing in Kyiv or on the territory of Ukraine as unrealistic in general. Source: Yurii Ihnat on the air of the national joint 24/7 newscast on 16 January Quote: "Today, this is generally an unrealistic scenario... Then the enemy failed, and it will not succeed now. Because it will not be possible to fly just to the capital and land troops from the Il-76 in any way. I do not think they [the Russians - ed.] will be able to reach the border either." Details: According to Ihnat, the situation now differs from 24 February, when the invaders made a daring and unexpected attack on the outskirts of Kyiv. Now the Defense Forces are ready to meet Russian invaders with dignity. The main thing is to receive assistance from Western partners, in particular new missile defence systems. After all, Russian invaders can get additional ballistic missiles, so Ukraine needs air defence equipment to protect as many infrastructure facilities all over the country and large cities as possible from the tyranny of Russia. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Photo: Wikimedia Commons City councillors in Vancouver are set to consider a draft report aimed at reviving the historic Chinatown neighbourhood. A staff report, to be presented at a council meeting Tuesday, calls for approval in principal of the draft Uplifting Chinatown Action Plan and recommends councillors add necessary funding to the draft 2023 budget to carry out the program's proposals. The plan stems from a council resolution passed in November that would help clean up Chinatown's streets, alleys and sidewalks, remove litter and needles, halt any new graffiti, remove old tags and address vandalism and other problems. Costs are pegged at just over $2.1 million this year. If approved, the report recommends funds be added to the 2023 draft operating budget, either by reallocating money earmarked for other projects or by adding a further 0.2 per cent increase to a proposed five per cent property tax hike. The report, which has the approval of City Manager Paul Mochrie, says staff will return to council at the end of the year with an update on the progress, outcomes and achievements of the pilot project and details about the next, longer term steps. A Russian flag was held up during a match between Russian and Ukrainian players (Asanka Brendon Ratnayake/AP) (AP) The Ukrainian ambassador to Australia has condemned the display of a Russian flag at a first-round match at the Australian Open. Vasyl Myroshnychenko tweeted a picture showing the Russian flag being held up by a spectator during the clash between Russian Kamilla Rakhimova and Kateryna Baindl of Ukraine at Melbourne Park on Monday. Russian players are allowed to compete in the tournament but only under a neutral flag. I strongly condemn the public display of the Russian flag during the game of the Ukrainian tennis player Kateryna Baindl at the Australian Open today. I call on Tennis Australia to immediately enforce its neutral flag policy. @TennisAustralia @AustralianOpen pic.twitter.com/zw8pLN4FIF Vasyl Myroshnychenko (@AmbVasyl) January 16, 2023 Myroshnychenko wrote: I strongly condemn the public display of the Russian flag during the game of the Ukrainian tennis player Kateryna Baindl at the Australian Open today. I call on Tennis Australia to immediately enforce its neutral flag policy. Baindl moved through to the second round with a 7-5 6-7 (8) 6-1 victory. The PA news agency has contacted organisers for comment. LONDON (Reuters) - British TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson said he had emailed an apology to Prince Harry and Meghan after he wrote in a national newspaper column that he hoped the Duchess of Sussex would one day be forced to parade naked through the streets. Clarkson, who gained worldwide fame as presenter of motoring show "Top Gear", wrote in the Sun tabloid in December that he hated Meghan on a "cellular level", earning widespread condemnation from politicians, his employers, and even his own daughter. Clarkson's opinion piece on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex became the most complained about article for Britain's press standards regulator, with more than 20,000 complaints received. On Monday, Variety reported that Amazon Prime Video was likely to part ways with Clarkson, citing sources who said the streaming giant would not be working with him beyond seasons of The Grand Tour and Clarksons Farm that have already been commissioned. Neither Amazon Prime nor a representative for Clarkson immediately responded to a request for comment. "The language I'd used in my column was disgraceful," Clarkson said on Instagram on Monday, adding he had sent the apology on Christmas morning. "I really am sorry." Harry and Meghan have made headlines around the world in recent weeks after the couple released a Netflix series, and later Harry's book, in which they accused the British tabloid press of misogyny and racism. Harry told broadcaster ITV that Clarkson's comments were not only horrific and hurtful, but that they would encourage people around the world to think it was acceptable to "treat women that way". A spokesperson for Harry and Meghan on Monday said that while there had been an apology, "what remains to be addressed is his long-standing pattern of writing articles that spread hate rhetoric, dangerous conspiracy theories, and misogyny." "Unless each of his other pieces were also written 'in a hurry', as he states, it is clear that this is not an isolated incident shared in haste, but rather a series of articles shared in hate," the spokesperson said. Story continues Following the widespread public backlash after his column was published, Clarkson has said previously he was "horrified to have caused so much hurt". He said on Monday that despite an apology from the Sun newspaper and his efforts to explain himself, more than 60 British lawmakers "demanded action to be taken". He said his employers - British broadcaster ITV and Amazon - "were incandescent". "It's hard to be interesting and vigilant at the same time," Clarkson said in his post. "Very soon now I shall be a grandfather so in future, maybe I'll just write about that." (Reporting by Farouq Suleiman and Michael Holden; Editing by Vin Shahrestani) UNITED NATIONS (AP) The U.N. special envoy for Yemen said Monday he is encouraged by intensified regional and international diplomatic activity to end the countrys eight-year conflict. He urged the warring parties to work toward a shared vision with concrete steps to restore peace to the Arab worlds poorest nation. Hans Grundberg expressed appreciation for the diplomatic efforts by Saudi Arabia and Oman, telling the U.N. Security Council, We are witnessing a potential step change in the trajectory of this eight-year-conflict. He said these ongoing efforts shouldnt be wasted, and that demands responsible actions by Yemens internationally recognized government and Houthi rebels. While regional and international support is crucial during negotiations and implementing a peace agreement, Grundberg said many issues on the table, especially those related to sovereignty, can only be resolved through talks between the warring parties. Yemens devastating conflict began in 2014, when the Iran-backed Houthis seized the capital of Sanaa and much of northern Yemen and forced the government into exile. A Saudi-led coalition including the United Arab Emirates intervened in 2015 to try to restore the internationally recognized government to power. A U.N.-backed truce initially took effect in April 2022 and raised hopes for a longer pause in fighting, but it ended on Oct. 2 after just six months. Grundberg told the council that despite the end of the truce, the overall military situation in Yemen has remained stable with no major escalation or changes to front lines despite some limited military activity especially in Marib, Taiz, Dali, Hodeida and Lahj provinces. This has opened a window for intra-Yemeni talks but he stressed that discussions on the short-term way forward are framed in the context of a more comprehensive solution that delineates a clear pathway towards a sustainable political settlement. Without an agreement that includes a shared vision for the way forward, the state of uncertainty will persist, and with it an increasing risk of military escalation and a return to full-blown conflict, Grundberg warned. Story continues Grundberg addressed the council by video link from Sanaa where he said he held positive and constructive discussions with the Houthi leadership represented by Mehdi Meshat. In recent weeks, he said he also held fruitful talks with Rashad al-Alimi, the head of Yemens internationally recognized government, and regional parties in the Saudi capital Riyadh and Omans capital Muscat. The U.N. envoy said he urged the parties to make the most of the space for dialogue provided by the absence of large-scale fighting and to work expeditiously towards a shared vision with concrete, actionable steps. U.N. humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths, a former U.N. envoy to Yemen, echoed Grundberg saying the new year brings a genuine opportunity to move the political process forward. The international community and more importantly the parties to the conflict must not let this chance go to waste, he said. But Griffiths said he fears 2023 will be another extremely difficult year with an estimated 21.6 million Yemenis needing humanitarian assistance as the countrys economy continues to weaken and basic services hang by an ever-thinning thread. He called on the international community to support the U.N.s humanitarian appeal and to redouble efforts to boost Yemens economy. DUBAI (Reuters) - The United Nations envoy for Yemen said on Monday he was encouraged by intensified efforts for an expanded truce deal but stressed they should seek an inclusive process for a sustainable political settlement. Hans Grundberg, addressing a U.N. Security Council briefing more than three months after an initial truce pact expired, said "we are witnessing a potential step change" in the conflict's trajectory though the situation remained "complex and fluid". The eight-year-old conflict between a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the Iran-aligned Houthi group, the de facto authorities in North Yemen, has killed tens of thousands of people, wrecked the economy and pushed millions into hunger. A U.N.-brokered truce deal agreed in April and rolled over twice delivered the longest stretch of relative calm that has largely held since its expiry on Oct. 2, though the two sides stepped up an economic war. The United Nations has been pushing for an extended and broader deal encompassing a mechanism to pay public sector wages, which the Houthis had criticised for not including armed forces members. Grundberg, speaking from the Houthi-held capital Sanaa, thanked Saudi Arabia and Oman for their diplomacy and said discussions in the past month have developed "options for mutually acceptable solutions to outstanding issues". But he advised against a "piecemeal approach" focused on individual needs, saying talks on short-term steps should be part of a broader approach toward a sustainable resolution of a multifaceted conflict in which several parties are vying for power. Saudi Arabia, which intervened in Yemen at the head of a military coalition in 2015 after the Houthis ousted the internationally recognised government from Sanaa, has been trying to extricate itself from a costly war in which it has faced Houthi missile and drone attacks. The head of the Houthi Supreme Political Council, Mahdi al-Mashat, said in remarks on Houthi-run media on Monday that the talks with a Omani team were positive and, departing from past rhetoric, stressed the movement's desire for regional stability. The U.N. envoy said that while key elements of the initial pact were holding, continued limited military activity on front lines and "escalatory political and economic measures" could reignite violence. The deal allowed some fuel shipments into Houthi-held Hodeidah port and commercial flights from Sanaa. (Reporting by Ghaida Ghantous in Dubai and Mohammed Alghobari and Reyam Mokhashef in Aden; editing by Mark Heinrich) Ukrainian soldiers prepare for an attack in Bakhmut in the Donetsk region, Ukraine, on December 15, 2022. AP Photo/Andriy Andriyenko The US on Sunday started advanced training for Ukrainian troops, including prep for large-scale combat. Training will focus on combat that combines tanks, artillery, and combat vehicles. The advanced training hints at larger conflicts to come, as Ukraine warns of new Russian offensive. The US on Sunday began giving more advanced training to Ukrainian troops, suggesting that US authorities expect a ramping up of the conflict over the coming months, with Ukrainian forces aggressively taking the fight to Russia. Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told The Washington Post on Sunday that training had started that day and was designed to make Ukrainian troops more effective against Russian forces, with a focus on preparing them for large-scale combat. The training is aimed at getting troops to maximise the effectiveness of combined weapons: their tanks, artillery, and combat vehicles, Milley said, according to the Post. Around 500 Ukrainian soldiers will go through its initial version, the outlet reported. The news comes as Ukraine predicts a greater offensive from Russia after a winter slowdown in the fighting, and as the US and its partners commit their most advanced weaponry yet to Ukraine. Ukraine said that it expects a fresh Russian offensive in the Spring, with Ukrainian intelligence warning that Russia plans to mobilize 500,000 additional troops from mid-January a significantly larger number than the 300,000 soldiers Russia mobilized in September and October last year. In the past, American training of Ukrainian troops has been smaller in scale, and focused on using specific weapons they have been sent, the Associated Press reported. This latest training is designed to help Ukraine better launch offensives against Russia and to counter Russia's own attacks, Gen. Milley said. The Pentagon announced the new training in December, but did not say when it would begin. It also comes as the US ramps up the type of weaponry it is sending to Ukraine. Story continues On Sunday, Ukrainian soldiers began arriving in the US for training on the Patriot missile defense system, which the US announced in December that it would provide to Ukraine's military. Other allies are also committing increasingly advanced military equipment to Ukraine, with multiple European countries agreeing to send Ukraine tanks for the first time since the conflict began. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Sunday that he expects more heavy weapons to be sent to Ukraine in the near future, telling German outlet Handelsblatt: "We are in a decisive phase of the war." Read the original article on Business Insider Weeks before the Jan. 23 start of one of South Carolinas biggest murder trials when a jury will decide whether disgraced lawyer Alex Murdaugh is guilty of murdering his wife and son the South Carolina Attorney Generals Office has hired a veteran homicide prosecutor. John Meadors, who has prosecuted dozens of murder cases in the trial-by-fire arena of a courtroom, boasts another credential: He has beaten one of Murdaughs two top lawyers, Dick Harpootlian, in a high-profile murder case involving a prominent lawyer as a defendant. In 2007, Meadors and then-5th Circuit Solicitor Barney Giese were pitted against Harpootlian, who represented Columbia attorney Dewain Herring, who was charged with fatally shooting a nightclub manager who ejected Herring from his strip club. Herring claimed the killing was an accident. The event was captured on video. It took a jury two hours to find Herring guilty of murder. The judge gave him 30 years in prison. Herring, now 79, will be in prison until 2037. Meadors, now in his early 60s and known for a homespun and humble manner, wasnt snowed by Harpootlian, telling the Richland County jury in a closing argument that Harpootlian is a smoke-screen machine, if not a semi-automatic and automatic smoke-screen machine. Meadors is as talented as they come, Giese said, saying he didnt know what Meadors role will be with the S.C. Attorney Generals Office. We tried a bunch of big cases together. The S.C. Attorney Generals Office declined to say whether Meadors will be involved in the Murdaugh case. In response to a series of questions, a spokesperson said, John Meadors was not hired for Alex Murdaughs upcoming murder trial. The Attorney Generals office has been looking to bring on more talent and grow our already skilled prosecution team before Murdaugh was even on anyones radar. We have complete and utmost confidence in our experienced prosecution team. Meadors participation on the Murdaugh team is likely, however, given his trial experience, multiple sources familiar with the prosecution team told The State newspaper. Story continues Meadors declined to say whether he will be in the courtroom Jan. 23, saying only, I look forward to working with some outstanding prosecutors and support staff. ... Im honored to be part of the team. Murdaugh is charged in the June 2021 grisly shootings of his wife, Maggie, and youngest son, Paul, at the familys 1,700-acre Colleton County estate. Unlike other South Carolina murders where evidence, such as video footage, confessions or other facts are available such as in the 2015 case of Dylann Roof, who murdered nine Black worshippers in Charleston and whose video confession, gun and diary were shown to the jury similar substantial evidence has not been made public in the case against Murdaugh. So far, there have been no public disclosures of any eye witnesses, confessions or video footage linking Murdaugh to the murders. The two weapons used a shotgun was used to kill Paul, 22, and a rifle was used to kill Maggie, 52 are not known to have been found. Murdaugh, 54, is currently in jail without bond His lawyers asked for a speedy trial so that, they said, the State Law Enforcement Division can find the real killer. John Meadors, an attorney, has been hired by the S.C. Attorney Generals office. Who are the defense attorneys involved in the trial? Murdaughs two lawyers, state Sen. Harpootlian and Jim Griffin, both of Columbia, are acknowledged legal heavyweights. Harpootlian, who turns 74 on the trials opening day and is known for a charismatic courtroom presence and slashing humor, has tried hundreds of murder cases as both a prosecutor and a defense attorney, including 12 death penalty cases. Griffin, the more cerebral of the pair, has been a defense lawyer in numerous high-profile criminal trials, including when he helped win an acquittal for accused killer Grover Rye in 2009. In that case, Rye claimed self-defense in the killing of a law enforcement officer. The trial was broadcast nationwide on Court TV, which will carry the Murdaugh trial. Harpootlian and Griffin will give any set of prosecutors a good fight, said Columbia attorney Dennis Bolt, the lead defense lawyer on the Rye case. Murdaugh couldnt have a better defense team. Alex Murdaugh sits in the Colleton County Courthouse with his legal team including Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin as his attorneys discuss motions in front of Judge Clifton Newman on Friday, Dec. 9, 2022. Murdaughs trial for murder is scheduled to begin Jan. 23, 2023 in Walterboro. Who are the prosecutors involved in the trial? The main prosecutors from the S.C. Attorney Generals Office are lead attorney Creighton Waters, 52, and his co-counsel, veteran appellate lawyer Don Zelenka, 70. They both are among that agencys highest-paid lawyers and have worked together for decades. Waters, who joined the office in 1998, makes $130,000 a year. And Zelenka, who has been in the office since the late 1970s, makes $163,963 a year. The S.C. Attorney Generals Office historically does not handle murder cases. Its prosecutors generally handle, for example, cases of human trafficking, Medicaid fraud, white-collar crime, multi-county drug rings and domestic violence. Waters and Zelenka have both spent months working with SLED agents investigating the June 2021 double murders. Murdaugh was indicted last July. Waters, the chief attorney of the S.C. Attorney Generals State Grand Jury division, has worked with SLED to bring 19 indictments against Murdaugh that include about 99 financial-related charges including money laundering, breach of trust, forgery, computer fraud and tax evasion. In all, Murdaugh is alleged to have stolen $8.7 million and avoided paying $486,819 in state taxes. The S.C. Attorney Generals Office declined to detail Waters murder trial experience. The State did learn Waters was a prosecutor with Heather Weiss, a lawyer with the S.C. Attorney Generals Office, in a 2011 Lexington County homicide by child abuse case, in which the defendant, Lexie Dial III, received a life sentence. Heather and Creighton are good lawyers. They were prepared to try the case, said retired state Judge Knox McMahon, who presided over that trial. Waters last week told The State newspaper outside a Jan. 12 press conference that he has tried five murder cases in the last 10 years. Waters, who was with Attorney General Alan Wilson at the time, declined to say how many resulted in guilty verdicts. Wilson and Waters then ended the interview, saying they were busy. Waters and Zelenka are both respected for their brains and work ethic. Zelenkas major legal work has included mostly appeals, often of murder cases, in the S.C. Court of Appeals and state Supreme Court. The S.C. Attorney Generals Office declined to say how many, if any, murder trials Zelenka has tried. No one is more knowledgeable in the area of murder case law (in appeals) than Don Zelenka., said 1st Circuit Solicitor David Pascoe, who has tried and won more than 20 murder cases, including when he put two people on death row. As for Creighton, he is a very capable prosecutor. Rick Hubbard, solicitor of the 11th Circuit, described Waters as extremely bright and hard-working and Zelenka as a guru on matters of law and ethics. Hes my go-to guy, Hubbard said. Creighton Waters, an attorney with the S.C. Attorney Generals office, speaks with State Law Enforcement Division Chief Mark Keel on Jan. 12, 2023. Who is attorney John Meadors? The son of Jack Meadors, a prominent South Carolina Methodist minister and bishop, John Meadors once wrote that he, his sister and two brothers were taught that there are rules, and there are consequences when the rules are not followed. Over the years, Meadors has unsuccessfully run for office of 5th Circuit solicitor three times, in 1994, 2010 and 2018. He also unsuccessfully ran for state judge in 2002 and 2011. In his 2011 application to be a state judge, Meadors highlighted his vast experience, listing 27 murder cases that, he said, have given him deep experience in all aspects of criminal law. In that same application, he wrote he had tried five death penalty cases. Veteran criminal defense attorney Jack Swerling said Meadors, with his combination of murder trial expertise and down-home nature, would serve the Murdaugh prosecution team well in rural Colleton County. Hes more like somebody they (Colleton County jurors) would know: very social, very friendly, very warm and folksy, Swerling said. Experience can vary on murder trial defense and prosecution teams, veteran lawyers said. Trying a case is trying a case, said Greg Harris, a former prosecutor who now works as a defense attorney. I dont care if its white-collar crime or murder. Trying cases is all about calling witnesses and telling the jury what happened. Swerling, whose resume includes trying infamous serial killers Pee Wee Gaskins and Larry Gene Bell, said murder trials are special. A murder trial is unique, unlike any other kind of trial, Swerling said, adding theyre high pressure, where the slightest mistake can be costly. Some things are not learned; you have to experience them, Swerling said. The more experience you have, the more aware you are to issues that may come up. Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) said on Monday that he wont rest until lawmakers pass national voting rights legislation, renewing his push for further reforms on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Nobodys about to silence me on this issue of voting rights, Warnock said in an interview on MSNBCs Morning Joe. Were going to get this done. In the last Congress, Democrats tried and failed to pass sweeping voting rights legislation that sought to fight back against state laws in a number of GOP states that had curtailed access to the ballot. After the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act passed the House in September 2021, Democrats in the Senate were unable to get the bill through the chamber because of Republican opposition. Now Warnock, who is also the senior pastor at Atlantas Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King was pastor until his assassination in 1968, is pressing to get federal voting rights legislation passed, arguing on MSNBC that the issue should be at the top of his partys agenda. Voting rights is not just some other issue alongside other rights, Warnock said. Its the very framework in which we get to fight for all the things we care about. Warnocks offensive on voting rights comes after President Biden during a speech on Sunday at Ebenezer Baptist Church on what would have been the slain civil rights icons 94th birthday that the U.S. is at an inflection point for the fight for democracy. But with Republicans in control of the House of Representatives and Democrats holding a slim majority in the Senate, the prospects of passing sweeping voting rights legislation seem slim. Republicans have signaled instead that their legislative priorities include curtailing abortion access and repealing key parts of some of the Biden administrations most prominent legislative victories over the last two years. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. Christina Hall wants to add an alpaca to her growing list of pets! In an all-new episode of Christina in the Country premiering this Thursday at 8 p.m., the HGTV star, 39, visits an alpaca farm with her husband Josh and 7-year-old son Brayden (whom she shares with her ex-husband Tarek El Moussa). "Today we're doing something really fun we're going to an alpaca farm," Christina says in the exclusive clip above. "We have so much land in Tennessee, and I really want to fill it up with animals." In the sneak peek, multiple alpacas stand around Christina, who then tries to pet one of them as Brayden warns her: "Mom! That one's looking at me like, 'stay back.'" Following the alpaca farm excursion with her family, Christina tells her husband, "These are really cute, and I really want one." Josh looks at her skeptically and asks: "One? Just one? Who's going to take care of it?" With a smile, Christina answers, "You." RELATED: Christina Hall Is 'Actually Excited' to Turn 40: 'I Feel Like I'm 32' Christina Hall Visits Alpaca Farm HGTV The home renovation star who already owns goats, mini donkeys, and chickens is sharing an inside look into her life in Tennessee with her series Christina in the Country (a spin-off of her California-based renovation show Christina on the Coast), which premiered on Thursday, Jan. 12. The new series follows Christina and Josh, who purchased a Franklin, Tenn. farmhouse in 2021, as they settle into country life, expand Christina's design business, and renovate homes in Tennessee. Brayden, Christina's daughter Taylor, 12, whom she shares with El Moussa, and her three-year-old son Hudson, whom she shares with her ex-husband Ant Anstead, also experience a bit of country living with their mom on the show. RELATED: Christina Hall Says She and Husband Josh Will Retire Out of the Spotlight in Tennessee: 'The Ultimate Plan' Christina Hall Visits Alpaca Farm HGTV In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE earlier this month, Christina opened up about loving her life in Tennessee and how she hopes to retire there one day with Josh. Story continues "It's the best," Christina tells PEOPLE. "It's definitely where we'll retire. I would love to do the opposite [of what I do now]: I would love to live there full time and then have a cute little beach cottage in California, in La Jolla, that we hop back to." The design expert is currently based in Newport Beach, California, and makes regular trips to Nashville. "This is down the road when the kids are out of high school. But that's the ultimate plan," she reveals. Christina in the Country airs Thursday at 8 p.m. on HGTV. Photo: Tulare County Sheriff's Office Six people including a 17-year-old mother and her 6-month-old baby were killed in a shooting early Monday at a home in central California, and authorities are searching for at least two suspects, sheriff's officials said. Deputies responded around 3:30 a.m. to reports of multiple shots fired at the residence in unincorporated Goshen, just east of Visalia, the Tulare County Sheriff's Office said. Actually the report was that an active shooter was in the area because of the number of shots that were being fired, Sheriff Mike Boudreaux told reporters. Deputies found two victims dead in the street and a third person fatally shot in the doorway of the residence, Boudreaux said. Three more victims were found inside the home, including a man who was still alive but later died at a hospital, he said. The sheriff said investigators are searching for at least two suspects. They believe there is a gang connection to the killings. The sheriff's office conducted a narcotics-related search warrant at the residence last week, Boudreaux said. We also believe this was not a random act of violence. We believe this was a targeted family, he said. Goshen is a semi-rural community of about 3,000 residents 35 miles southeast of Fresno in the agricultural San Joaquin Valley. The problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power, said Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1967. In his final years of life, Martin Luther King Jr.s deliberate fight against poverty and intentional push for economic inclusion for Black people, and other marginalized groups, resonated with the masses. So much so that while delivering The Three Evils of Society, his 1967 speech, a member of the audience at the National Conference on New Politics in Chicago yelled, Martin Luther King for president! The problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power, King said at the time. The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., Leader Of The Civil Rights Movement, Giving A Press Conference Between 1961 And 1968. His Wife Coretta Is Partially Pictured On The Left, Half-Hidden By The Microphone. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images) As theGrio owner Byron Allen recalled at last years theGrio Awards, Kings wife Coretta Scott King believed his persistent and radical push for economic inclusion is why they killed my Martin. Fifty-five years after Kings 1968 assassination, the economic conditions for Black Americans have somewhat improved. We have fewer people in poverty and more Black people who are middle class, Brookings Institution senior fellow Dr. Andre Perry said. Strides have also been made in education, a critical pipeline to economic and social mobility for Black people. Since MLK died, weve seen an increase in educational attainment and closing educational gaps by and large, said Perry, the author of Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives and Property in Americas Black Cities. While economic mobility trends for Black Americans do not extend as strongly to the upper middle class or higher economic ranks, in terms of seeing a greater share of people who have decent jobs, have decent incomes were improving, says Perry. Still, some economic measures expose glaring racial gaps. Weve seen a small jump in homeownership in recent years, but the gap is still 30 points between Black and white, Perry explained. Story continues An activist holds a Martin Luther King Jr. sign as they protest outside of the sentencing hearing for former Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke at the Leighton Criminal Courthouse on January 18, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. Van Dyke was sentenced to 81 months in prison for the murder of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) He continued: Venture capital is an indicator of who we trust with money. We still see less than 2% of all venture capital going to Black people. Perry, a professor of economics at Washington University, also pointed to issues like lending disparities, appraisal bias and labor challenges in vital industries. In various tech sectors, Black people are not being hired, not being promoted, he said. Svante Myrick, president and CEO of the advocacy group People For the American Way, says economic barriers that existed when King was alive and those that persist today are a direct result of policy decisions by people in positions of power. This is what I think Dr. King knew, Myrick told theGrio. Other characters have come along since wrongly attributing it to cultural issues Bill Cosby [was] walking around saying if you only picked up your pants that maybe youll make more money. He continued, Well, we knew it wasnt culture. Much like in modern times, King understood that cultural reasons werent why Black people were suffering economically, Myrick says. It was actually policy choices: redlining through exclusionary zoning; the highways that were built through Black neighborhoods; to the lynching of successful, Black business people, he said. The integration of Black Americans into the economic mainstream was the next step beyond integration in our democracy and were still not there yet, Myrick said. Perry notes that, when it comes to policy, Black Americans need initiatives that will increase the amount of assets that we have, while simultaneously decreasing debt. So to what degree have the policies of the Biden-Harris administration lived up to the ideals of MLKs vision of economic inclusion? Myrick says President Joe Bidens student debt forgiveness program is the administrations greatest effort to advance racial equity on the federal level. He notes that debt forgiveness, which was modeled to significantly benefit Black households, is currently being blocked by Republican judges. However, the administration is still trying to push it through. The Supreme Court will hand down a decision on Bidens executive order later this year. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris stand together at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial as they arrive to attend an event marking the 10th anniversary of the dedication of memorial in Washington, Oct. 21, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File) Myrick also called the Biden-Harris administrations American Rescue Plan Act, passed in March 2021, the largest investment since the New Deal in working people. Anytime you invest in working people instead of corporations, youre are going to disproportionately benefit Black Americans. ARPA, both with its stimulus payments, but also investments in state and local government funding, were a huge boon, said Myrick, who also noted that state and local government employees are also disproportionately Black. In terms of what more the administration can do to advance economic justice, Perry said, If we can get more homeowners, business owners, people with 401Ks, while eliminating medical debt, student debt, then the Biden administration will serve Black people well. Perry said there are some innovations that can occur in that space, including encouraging banks to create loan bundles, like giving people mortgages while eliminating debt. Eliminating housing bias, he said, would also open pathways to homeownership. Already during this administration, while not necessarily the doing of the Biden White House, there are new credit scoring systems that will be implemented, Perry said. Lastly, he says addressing educational funding can go a long way. We still need to remove inequalities in educational funding there are still massive gaps between predominantly white public schools and predominantly Black and brown schools, Perry said. So the more we can address those funding gaps, the better. TheGrio is FREE on your TV via Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku and Android TV. Also, please download theGrio mobile apps today! The post Where does Black America stand in MLKs vision for economic inclusion? appeared first on TheGrio. A federal appeals court ruling that tossed out a Trump-era ban on bump stocks after a 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas wasn't just about the nation's divisive debate over guns. It was also the latest salvo in an effort by conservatives to rein in the power of the executive branch. The case itself concerns the question of whether a semi-automatic weapon equipped with a bump stock is essentially a machine gun, which has been heavily regulated for decades because of its use by organized crime. Bump stock attachments help a shooter use the recoil of a semi-automatic weapon to shoot faster in a way that mimics a machine gun's automatic fire. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives decided that under a 1986 law, a bump stock made a gun a machine gun. But in a 13-3 decision, the New Orleans-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit recently disagreed with not only that definition which it concluded went against years of agency interpretation but with the Trump administration decision to impose a rule rather than yield to efforts by Congress to legislate the question. Why a case on bump stocks matters Story continues What might happen next The 5th Circuit sent the case back to the district court to determine the proper remedy. That could include vacating the rule entirely, which would have national significance beyond the individual plaintiff in the case or the district in which the case is filed. Experts on federal litigation told USA TODAY that there have been more efforts among federal judges to avoid nationwide injunctions coming out of a single case in district court. Instead, there has been a greater effort to tailor a remedy to address the particular plaintiff or to apply specifically to the district court's jurisdiction. A bump stock device that fits on a semi-automatic rifle to increase the firing speed, making it similar to a fully automatic rifle, is installed on an AK-47 semi-automatic rifle at a gun store in Salt Lake City, Utah. This case is very likely not the last word on bump stocks or federal agency power, said Adam Winkler, a professor who specializes in constitutional law, the Supreme Court and gun policy at UCLA Law. "The Supreme Court has been cutting back executive agency power," Winkler said. "Many think its the new defining characteristic of the new Roberts court. They have been curtailing agency power in case after case. So it's possible this case would be looked at with the same lens." What people are saying about the ATF's authority to regulate bump stocks "While agencies are empowered to amend their regulations and issue rules, what they cant do is make law," said Cody Wisniewski, a senior attorney at the nonprofit Firearms Policy Coalition, which filed a brief in support of the plaintiff in the case. "They cant pass new statutes and they cant establish new criminal laws. That's exactly what this bump stock rule did, it was essentially a federal law in the guise of agency rulemaking. This opinion is important for this agency in particular, but also for other cases (to) establish the limits of rulemaking." "Critical to gun violence prevention is a strong ATF," said Eric Tirschwell, executive director and chief litigation counsel at Everytown Law. "We support the bump stocks rule not just because it's good policy and will save lives but also because it's important that the ATF have discretion and breathing room to enforce the laws and to adopt to changing technology. That's what the bump stock rule and ghost gun rule have in common. The gun industry likes to innovate toward products that they think skirt the law or evade the law, and ATF often has to catch up with an industry much less interested in public safety than in how they can get around the laws and rules to sell more products and increase profits." "Most of this case really wasnt about guns, and it wasnt about bump stocks, it was about administrative law and how one makes rules and who makes the rules," said Erik Jaffe, partner at Schaerr Jaffe LLP who represents the plaintiffs in a similar case in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. "The great irony of this, was this was the Trump administration's attempt to not let a Democratic Congress get credit for something. He saw the writing on the wall, they were going to pass it." Writing separately after the Supreme Court declined to take up another case involving the bump stocks rule in 2020, Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch gave a possible preview of how conservatives on the high court might approach the question of the ATF's authority. The agency was owed no deference when there was the "possibility of criminal sanctions," Gorsuch wrote. On the question of the ATF reversing its position in recent years, the justice pointed out that "the law hasnt changed, only an agencys interpretation of it." Then Gorsuch asked: "Why should courts, charged with the independent and neutral interpretation of the laws Congress has enacted, defer to such bureaucratic pirouetting?" Contributing: Martina Stewart This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Appeals court ruling on bump stock ban more about power, than guns Britons will consume an average of 7,560 chocolate bars in their lifetime, and 8,316 chocolate biscuits Scientists have discovered that its not the taste of chocolate that people find addicting, but the way it melts in your mouth Lower fat chocolate can still have the same texture effect as high fat chocolate Read on to discover how the findings could lead to a production of healthier chocolate Scientists have discovered that our affinity to chocolate has nothing to do with the taste. (Getty Images) Chocolate is delicious, there is no doubt about it - and Britain is a nation of chocoholics. According to recent research from the British Heart Foundation, the average Brit will eat 7,560 chocolate bars in their lifetime, 2,268 slices of chocolate cake, and 8,316 chocolate biscuits. While the sugar found in chocolate, which gives the confection its sweet taste, has long been thought to be the reason chocolate is so addictive, new research has found that our fondness of chocolate is down to something else entirely. Read more: 7 reasons why indulging in chocolate can be good for your health Scientists at Leeds University have discovered that the way chocolate lubricates our tongues could be the reason why were so addicted to the sweet stuff. Lubrication science gives mechanistic insights into how food actually feels in the mouth, co-author of the study, Professor Anwesha Sarkar, says. You can use that knowledge to design food with better taste, texture or health benefits. The melting texture of chocolate is what makes it addictive. (Getty Images) Sarkar explains that the fat released from chocolate plays a key part in how the sweet melts in our mouth, but that this fat content could be reduced without having an impact on the texture of chocolate. If a chocolate has 5% fat or 50% fat it will still form droplets in the mouth and that gives you the chocolate sensation, she explains. However, it is the location of the fat in the make-up of the chocolate which matters in each stage of lubrication, and that has been rarely researched. Read more: Cadbury launches three new chocolate bars at 91 calories each We are showing the fat layer needs to be on the outer layer of the chocolate, this matters the most, followed by effective coating of the cocoa particles by fat, these help to make chocolate feel so good. Story continues The study, which was published in the journal ACS Applied Materials and Interface, concluded with scientists believing that they can create a healthier chocolate that still has that addictive texture. Scientists believe it is possible to create healthier chocolate. (Getty Images) With the understanding of the physical mechanisms that happen as people eat chocolate, we believe a next generation of chocolate can be developed that offers the feel and sensation of high-fat chocolate yet is a healthier choice, Sarkar explains. Read more: Quality Street swaps iconic plastic wrappers for eco-friendly option after 86 years Our research opens the possibility that manufacturers can intelligently design dark chocolate to reduce the overall fat content. "We believe dark chocolate can be produced in a gradient-layered architecture with fat covering the surface of chocolates and particles to offer the sought after self-indulging experience without adding too much fat inside the body of the chocolate. Watch: How to make double chocolate focaccia Wipro Limited (NYSE:WIT) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript January 13, 2023 Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, good day, and welcome to the Wipro Limited Q3 FY '23 Earnings Conference Call. Please note that this conference is being recorded. I now hand the conference over to Mr. Dipak Kumar Bohra, Senior Vice President, Corporate Treasurer and Investor Relations. Thank you, and over to you, sir. Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash Dipak Kumar Bohra: Thank you, Inba. Warm welcome to our Q3 FY '23 earnings call and wish you all a happy new year. We will begin the call with our business highlights and overview by Thierry Delaporte, our Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director; followed by a financial overview by our CFO, Jatin Dalal. Afterwards, the operator will open the bridge for question and answers with our management team. Before Thierry starts, let me draw your attention to the fact that during this call, we may make certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Private Securities Litigation Reform Act 1995. These statements are based on management's current expectations and are associated with uncertainties and risks, which may cause the actual results to differ materially from those expected. The uncertainties and risk factors are explained in our detailed filings with the SEC. Wipro does not undertake any obligation to update the forward-looking statements to reflect events and circumstances after the date of filing. The conference call will be archived, and a transcript will be available on our website. Inba, you can open the call now. Over to you, Thierry. Thierry Delaporte: Thank you, Dipak, and thank you, everyone. Hello. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening to you all. Thank you for joining our third quarter results. From our entire leadership team, I'd like to wish you, first, a fantastic year ahead. We are optimistic about 2023 to deliver groundbreaking work for our clients and continue on a growth trajectory. We will talk about some of the opportunities that are ahead of us. Joining me today is our CFO, Jatin, you know him well; our Chief Growth Officer, Stephanie; our Chief HRO, Saurabh; and I'm pleased to introduce you to our new Chief Operating Officer, Amit Choudhary. Earlier today, we reported our third quarter results, as you know, I'm pleased to share that we have delivered: one, another quarter of double-digit revenue growth; second, record order bookings of over $4.3 billion, led by large deals signing of over $1 billion, a margin expansion of 120 basis points, a huge surge in cash conversion and the fourth straight quarter of lower attrition. Story continues Looking at the macroeconomic environment, the macroeconomic uncertainty, we had discussed last quarter continues, there's no doubt. However, tax spending remained robust, it's a reality. Our clients are looking for value-driven transformation, tighter governance, and improved return on investments. Cloud transformation continues to be a priority even as we see a higher focus on returns. It's against this backdrop that we have delivered our highest ever bookings in total contract value terms. Clearly, the investments we've been making in our clients are thought to bring about a shift in our portfolio and productive deal shaping are all paying off now. On a year-on-year basis, our bookings in total contract value terms grew 26% in Q3. We signed 11 large deals with a total contract value of over $1 billion. This strong booking trajectory translates into a 50%, year-on-year growth in our large deal bookings on a year-to-date basis. And by the way, our pipeline of large deals is both strong and diversified. Looking at the market, 3 of our 4 markets grew more than 20% year-on-year in total contract value terms as well. Some interesting insights worth mentioning here. One, our strong bookings were driven by Wipro's FullStride Cloud Services and Engineering Services. This grew at 25% and 45% year-on-year, respectively. Second, our large deals include new and existing clients seeking a transformation partner or going through vendor consolidation. Renewals with existing clients are often accompanied by services expansion, taking market share from others and, frankly, expanding into new areas of our clients' businesses. The deepening of our relationships with our clients is driven by our innovative solutions is improved by improved delivery execution, by higher customer satisfaction scores and finally by strong ecosystem partnerships. In fact, our customer satisfaction score has improved versus the previous subsidy by 10 percentage points. Strong order booking proves, frankly, that our business strategy is working. Third point, our expertise in business transformation, coupled with decades of experience in delivering cost optimal solutions is the combination our clients are seeking in this market. A good example of this is a recent deal we signed with a U.S.-based financial information, analytics and rating agency. The project involves integration and management of their infrastructure and security estate. Transformation partner, we will help them improve their future readiness at a lower cost. Now let's turn to revenue growth. And first, I'd like to note that over the last 10 quarters, we have grown at a very rapid pace. Our revenues have grown 45% and headcount has grown by 40%. We are now much bigger in scale in size with the breadth of service offerings and deeper client relationships. In Q3, we recorded our seventh straight quarter of double-digit revenue growth. We grew 10.4% on a year-on-year basis and 0.6% sequentially in constant currency term. Our sequential growth was impacted by follows as expected, and lower discretionary spending by clients. We have continued to turn the tide on margins, the hard work we've put in to improve our supply chain into delivery excellence, operations, automation has actually resulted in greater efficiencies. All this has contributed to a margin expansion of 120 basis points quarter-on-quarter. Our operating margin, therefore, is now at 16.3% versus last quarter. A little later, I'll ask Jatin to talk to you in more details about margin, but I do want to mention that this margin expansion is after absorbing the impact of 3 full months of salary increases that we've offered to our colleagues. It also factors quarterly promotions as well as the restricted stock units we've granted to our senior employees. Another good news has been on the cash conversation side. We saw robust cash conversion for the third quarter at 143% of net income. I will now share some details on our service offerings and sectors and how we are continuing to increase market share market by market. One, our market, our Americas 1 business grew 11% year-on-year in Q3. And inside the fastest-growing sector in that market was Communication, Media and Information Services, which grew at 14% year-on-year. Looking now at Americas 2 business, grew 9% year-on-year in Q3. And they are manufacturing led the pack with more than 18% year-on-year growth. But besides energy utilities, securities, capital markets and insurance also recorded good growth of more than 12% each. Order bookings grew 40% year-on-year. Our business in Europe also has continued to be a strong growth , double-digit growth for 7 quarters in a row. Europe delivered a year-on-year growth of 12% in this quarter. Almost all the markets in Europe grew double digits, led by the Nordics, by U.K. and Ireland, by Germany and Southern Europe. The order book in total contract value terms grew also at 25% on a year-on-year basis. Finally, our APMEA, which stands for our Asia Pac, Middle East and Africa region grew at 7% year-on-year in the third quarter, regions that did, I must say, particularly well during the quarter were Southeast Asia, but also the Middle East. Our transformation efforts in this region have started yielding results. It is very visible this quarter. We closed one of our largest deals in this market, the order bookings, they grew 22%. And looking forward, the pipeline is strong. Overall, I would say we've continued to strengthen existing client relationships. And I'm pleased to share that our top 10 clients grew 15% year-on-year, which also here confirm our strategy around growing large accounts. Now let's look at the service offerings, iDEAS, iCORE. First, our iDEAS global business line grew 12% year-on-year in Q3. This growth was led by; one, cloud, the cloud transformation part, which grew 27% year-on-year; absent data, which grew 18% year-on-year; digital experience, which grew 16% year-on-year; and finally, Engineering Services, which grew 12% year-on-year. Now looking at the iCORE part of the house, this global business line grew 8% year-on-year in Q3. Cybersecurity led the growth at 16% year-on-year followed by digital operations and platform growing at 9% year-on-year for Q3. From a total contract value standpoint, cloud infrastructure, our CIS business line grew over 50% year-on-year. CIS revenues now are lower as we continue to rotate our existing portfolio and move towards the cloud, which is very in line with our strategy, as you know. At the same time, we are signing long-term deals with clients in this business. We are continuing to evolve our FullStride Cloud Services business, creating new industry offerings, working together with partners, which is, in fact, helping expand our market coverage. FullStride Cloud Services continue to be a high-growth area for us, contributing over 1/3 of our total revenues today. Our cloud expertise spans the entire spectrum of cloud services from cloud strategy, migration, modernization to full stack industry solutions and running and optimizing cloud. Partnerships continue to be a source of growth as well. Bookings with hyper growth partners in Q3 continued to be strong, nearly $2 billion. That's a 35% year-on-year growth. Bookings through hyperscalers today stand at 44% of Wipro's overall booking in terms of total contract value. Besides cloud, we are expanding capabilities in artificial intelligence, in data and engineering, increasingly going to market as 1 Wipro. And these investments are getting noticed. A U.S.-based energy company has selected us to build an end-to-end greenfield fully automated warehouse in Europe. The project will allow the client to manage large sums of chemical storage while maintaining strict health and security requirements. This winning, if we look at it, brings together our domain, our engineering, digital, cybersecurity and health and safety capabilities. But it also underscores how our advisory capabilities technical and engineering expertise are differentiators for us in the market. Let me now turn to our most important asset, our people. I am pleased to share that attrition continues to drop for the fourth straight quarter. In Q3, attrition dropped to 21% on a trailing 12-month basis. Our quarterly annualized number, which dropped 360 basis points quarter-on-quarter are now at 17.5%. And we are confident that our focused talent strategy will result in continued moderation of attrition in the coming quarters as well, frankly. Second, we are recognizing and rewarding our talent, promoting a record number of colleagues in FY '23, the highest ever, in fact, with numerically 30% more promotions than in FY '22. Our leadership teams, brights of expense, high performance standards and strong collaboration continues to fuel our growth and our transformation. And finally, I'm encouraged to see more diversity in our leadership ranks, which has been a focus for the past several years. And definitely, we have more work to do here, we know that. But one promising change we're sharing with you is that we have more than doubled the number of women senior leaderships roles at Wipro. As this visible impactful leaders progressed their career, they demonstrate the impact diversity has on our clients on our business and on our people. We've been strict about maintaining the focus on talent quality, high performance segmentation and inclusion in our graduate hiring as well. Year-to-date, we have hired and onboarded more recent graduates than the whole of previous years and actually ever before. Now as always, I'll close with an outlook for the full year. We expect full year revenue growth to be at 11.5% to 12% in constant currency terms. On margins, our Q3 number is now the new base, and we will look to improve it further. In summary, I'll say that we had an excellent quarter with record bookings, sustained growth and delivery excellence. Our strategy continues to pay off, and we will remain on cost. With that, I will hand it over to Jatin now for his comments. See also 11 Best Aluminum Stocks To But and 15 Biggest Nursing Home Companies in the US. Jatin Dalal: Thank you very much, Thierry. I will quickly summarize the financial highlights for the quarter. We grew 10.4% year-on-year on constant currency terms. Our margins expanded 120 basis points to 16.3 percentage points. If you see our ETR, it was 22.9% compared to 21.5% last year. So that impacted a little bit net income conversion. But despite that, sequentially, we delivered 14.8% growth in net income and 2.8% on a year-on-year basis. Cash flow remained strong at 143.5% of operating cash flow as a percentage of our net income. Our cash at the end of the quarter was $4.6 billion gross and $2.7 billion net. This is a volatile year and quarter on ForEx. We had about $4 billion of ForEx hedges. And our realized rate for quarter 3 was 82.24. As Thierry mentioned, we have guided for 11.5% to 12% growth in constant currency terms for the full year '22, '23 at the exchange rates, which are mentioned in our PR. Thank you very much for joining, and we'll be very happy to take your questions from here on. To continue reading the Q&A session, please click here. The Singapore-Johor Causeway. (FILE PHOTO: Yahoo News Singapore) SINGAPORE Continuous heavy traffic is to be expected at the Woodlands and Tuas land checkpoints during the upcoming Chinese New Year holidays. The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) said in a media release that those who wish to depart for Malaysia via the checkpoints from Monday to Friday (16 to 20 January) are advised to factor in additional time for immigration clearance. It added that during the peak of Lunar New Year period in 2019, the average waiting time for travellers departing or arriving by car via the land checkpoints was about three hours. Traffic flow returning to pre-COVID levels Traffic flow through the two land checkpoints has returned to pre-COVID-19 levels during peak hours, with more than a million travellers passing through the checkpoints during the year-end holiday season last year, an average of 361,000 travellers daily. Motorists are advised to check the traffic situation at the land checkpoints through the Land Transport Authority's (LTA) One Motoring website or via the Expressway Monitoring & Advisory System installed along the Bukit Timah and Ayer Rajah Expressways. They can also get updates through ICAs Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as local radio broadcasts. Motorists are also reminded to avoid queue-cutting, as it can cause severe congestion and compromise the safety of other motorists. They are advised to observe traffic rules, maintain lane discipline, and cooperate with on-site officers. Tips for travellers to have smoother immigration clearance Travellers are reminded to ensure their passport has a remaining validity of at least six months. All short-term visitors are required to submit their Singapore Arrival Card with health declaration within three days prior to their arrival in Singapore. Due to the high volume of traffic and daily commuting for employment and studies, Singapore residents are exempted from submitting a health declaration if they are returning to Singapore via the land checkpoints. They will have to do so if they enter Singapore via the sea and air checkpoints. Story continues Travellers are strongly encouraged to submit the SG Arrival Card via the MyICA Mobile application to avoid being misled by commercial entities and websites providing such services for a fee. Drivers of foreign-registered vehicles entering Singapore must have a valid Vehicle Entry Permit, the LTA approval email, and an Autopass card. Prohibited items not to be brought into Singapore Travellers should not bring in prohibited items such as firecrackers, weapons, imitation tobacco products (electronics cigarettes, vaporisers) or controlled items such as "bak kwa", eggs and potted plants. Those bringing in dutiable or controlled items such as tobacco products must proactively declare them to our officers prior to being checked. Departing travellers driving Singapore-registered cars are reminded to observe the three-quarter tank rule. Offenders may be issued with a composition sum of up to $500 or prosecuted in court. Do you have a story tip? Email: sgnews.tips@yahooinc.com. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter. Also check out our Southeast Asia, Food, and Gaming channels on YouTube. A group of GOP Wyoming state lawmakers want to end electric vehicle sales there by 2035, saying the move will help safeguard the oil and gas industries. The measure, introduced to the state legislature on Friday, was sponsored by six state legislators, who said in it that electric vehicles will hinder Wyomings ability to trade with other states. The bill states that citizens and industries would be encouraged not to purchase electric vehicles before the ban goes into effect. The proliferation of electric vehicles at the expense of gas-powered vehicles will have deleterious impacts on Wyomings communities and will be detrimental to Wyomings economy and the ability for the country to efficiently engage in commerce, the bill reads. The legislation said that adding new power charging stations would require massive amounts of new power to sustain the misadventure of electric vehicles. The bill added that the oil industry has employed thousands of people in the state. Fifteen other states, meanwhile, including New York and California, have moved to ban gas-powered vehicle sales. The last clause of the bill instructs Wyomings secretary of state to send a copy of the bill to the California governor, who has backed his states ban on gas-powered vehicles throughout his governorship. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. By Crispian Balmer ROME (Reuters) - Italian investigators knew a lot of things about mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro. He liked wearing designer clothes, expensive sun glasses and Rolex watches, he loved video games and had a taste for luxury foods. He was also a ruthless killer who once claimed to have murdered enough people to fill a cemetery. What they didn't know was where he was. But on Monday, after 30 years on the run, the most wanted mafioso in Italy was finally captured, seized in a private clinic in the Sicilian capital Palermo after police found out he was receiving treatment there for cancer. "It is a day of celebration when we can tell our children that the mafia can be beaten," said Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who flew straight to Sicily when news of the arrest broke, underlining the importance of the capture. Messina Denaro was born in the southwestern Sicilian town of Castelvetrano in 1962, the son of a mafioso. He followed his father into the mob and at 15 he was already carrying a gun. Police believe he carried out his first killing when he was 18. The Castelvetrano clan was allied to the Corleonesi, headed by Salvatore "the Beast" Riina, who became the undisputed "boss of bosses" thanks to his ruthless pursuit of power. Nicknamed "'U Siccu" (The Skinny One), Messina Denaro became his protege and showed he could be just as pitiless as his master, picking up 20 life prison terms in trials held in absentia for his role in an array of mob murders. Details of his crimes emerged in the many court hearings. Police say he was heavily involved in the planning of the 1992 murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino - crimes that shocked the nation and sparked a crackdown that led to Riina's arrest in 1993. He was also held responsible for subsequent bombings in Rome, Florence and Milan in 1993 that killed 10 people in an apparently failed bid to force the government to halt its war on the Sicilian mob, know as Cosa Nostra (Our Thing). Story continues He was also found guilty of helping organise the kidnapping of Giuseppe Di Matteo, 12, to try to dissuade the boy's father from giving evidence against the mafia. The boy was held for two years before he was strangled and his body dissolved in acid. HOARDS OF MESSAGES Messina Denaro went into hiding in 1993 as a growing number of turncoats started providing details of his role in the mob. He communicated with other mafiosi via "pizzini", small pieces of paper sometimes written in code distributed by messengers. A mass of these notes was found in 2006 when police caught Bernardo Provenzano, who had led Cosa Nostra after Riina's arrest. In a letter to a contact, Messina Denaro said he couldn't believe how careless Provenzano had been. "When I receive a letter, even from family members, I reply as quickly as possible and immediately burn the one that arrived," he wrote. He never married, but was known to have a number of lovers. Denaro wrote that he had a daughter, but had never met her. He is also believed to have a son, but little is known about him. As police repeatedly swept Sicily looking for clues about his whereabouts, more correspondence emerged showing they were dealing with someone who saw himself very differently to the way he was portrayed by his foes. "I only care about being a fair man, I have made fairness my philosophy of life and I hope to die a fair man," he wrote in a letter dated Feb. 1, 2005, found in an abandoned hideout. He quotes the bible and French writer Daniel Pennac, amongst others, and laments the fact he had little formal education. In an eavesdropped recording from prison, Riina is heard complaining about his one-time protege, apparently perturbed by news he was investing in wind farms and angered he hadn't taken charge of the mafia, like he had. "The only guy who could do something because he was straight... didn't do anything," Riina told a fellow inmate. Despite his notoriety, prosecutors have always doubted that Messina Denaro became the "boss of bosses" after Provenzano's capture, saying it was more likely that he was simply the head of Cosa Nostra in western Sicily. Nonetheless, the fact he managed to escape arrest for so many years showed he had a fierce, loyal following. Whispers surfaced last year that he was seriously ill and prosecutors finally seem to have located him thanks to the fact he needed regular treatment at a Palermo clinic. "We have not won the war, we have not defeated the mafia but this battle was a key battle to win, and it is a heavy blow to organised crime," Prime Minister Meloni said. (Reporting by Crispian Balmer; Editing by Nick Macfie) WASHINGTON (AP) Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will meet with her Chinese counterpart, Vice Premier Liu He, in Switzerland on Wednesday to discuss economic developments between the two nations. The Zurich talks will be a follow-up to the November meeting between President Joe Biden and China's Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Bali, Indonesia. The two world leaders agreed to empower key senior officials to maintain communication. Strains between the worlds two leading economies have been growing despite their trade ties. The Biden administration has blocked the sale of advanced computer chips to China and is considering a ban on investment in some Chinese tech companies, possibly undermining a key economic goal that Xi set for his country. Statements by the Democratic president that the U.S. will defend Taiwan against a Chinese invasion have increased tensions. The meeting comes ahead of Yellens travel to Senegal, Zambia and South Africa this week in what will be the first in a string of visits by Biden administration officials to sub-Saharan Africa during the year. Africa is crucial to the global economy due to its rapidly growing population and significant natural resources. Chinas deepening economic entrenchment in African nations, surpassing the U.S. in trade with the continent to become one of the worlds largest creditors, is also a motivator for the U.S. to deepen ties with African nations. Yellen has spoken at length publicly about Chinas financing practices on the continent, calling them economic practices that have disadvantaged all of us. She has also called on China explicitly to end its relationship with Russia as the Kremlin continues its invasion of Ukraine. The U.S. and its European and Asian allies have imposed sanctions and an oil price cap on Russia in retaliation for the war, putting China in a difficult spot as it had promised a no limits friendship with Russia before the invasion began. Story continues It will be Yellens first in-person meeting with Liu since taking office and follows three virtual meetings between them. ___ Associated Press writer Josh Boak contributed to this report. Two Democratic lawmakers from New York called on GOP leaders Sunday to forthrightly cooperate with all the investigations into freshman Rep. George Santos, the Republican who confessed to having fabricated large parts of his resume. In a letter Sunday, Reps. Dan Goldman and Ritchie Torres asked Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., House GOP Caucus Chair Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., and Congressional Leadership Fund President Dan Conston to "proactively and forthrightly cooperate with all current and future investigations into Mr. Santos, including the investigation by the House Committee on Ethics that Speaker McCarthy confirmed this week. "In addition, we urge you to inform the American people about your knowledge of Mr. Santos's web of deceit prior to the election so that the public understands whether and to what extent you were complicit in Mr. Santos's fraud on his voters." The letter points to a recent New York Times report that detailed GOP leaders awareness of Santos false claims before the November midterms election. The report expanded "upon the degree to which each of you had at least some foreknowledge of Mr. Santoss lies," Goldman and Torres wrote. "Sadly, even now, after eight other Republican members of Congress have called for Mr. Santos to resign, you have refused to make any public comment on Mr. Santoss fraudulent candidacy, nor have you shared with the public your understanding of Mr. Santoss blatant deception and lies prior to the election." NBC News has not independently verified the Times' reporting. The Democratic lawmakers wrote that Stefanik remained one of Santos top supporters during his campaign and that one of her top aides assisted his campaign even after many staffers were reported to have quit after the vulnerability study. It is one thing for a candidate such as Mr. Santos to induce voters to support him based on a web of lies," Goldman and Torres wrote. "But it is altogether something else if the top levels of Republican leadership knew about Mr. Santoss lies during the campaign and chose to be complicit." Story continues Last week, Goldman and Torres filed a complaint asking the House Ethics Committee to launch a probe into Santos financial disclosure reports and alleging that he violated the Ethics in Government Act with his sparse and perplexing reports. They said that he failed to file timely disclosure reports for his most recent campaign and that his public statements contradicted some information in his 2022 financial disclosure. House Republicans calls for Santos to resign have grown in the past week after state GOP leaders and lawmakers in New York said he should step aside. McCarthy, who leads a slim GOP majority in the House, has not joined the calls. Hes got a long way to go to earn trust, but the one thing I do know is you apply the Constitution equal to all Americans, McCarthy told reporters Thursday. The voters of his district have elected him. He is seated. He is part of the Republican Conference. There are concerns with him, so he will go before Ethics. If anything is found to be wrong, he will be held accountable exactly as anybody else in this body would be. Santos has stood his ground. He said Thursday that if 142 people ask for me to resign, I will resign." He later clarified that he was referring to the more than 142,000 people who elected him in Novembers race in New Yorks 3rd Congressional District. Santos said he would be in Congress until those same 142,000 people tell me they dont want me. This article was originally published on NBCNews.com Photo: The Canadian Press FILE - Christine Lambrecht, Minister of Defense, rides in a tank during her visit to the Tank Training Brigade 9 in Munster, Germany, Feb. 7, 2022. Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht resigns. She has asked Chancellor Olaf Scholz to dismiss her, said a statement from the minister on Monday. (Philipp Schulze/dpa via AP, File) Germanys much-criticized defense minister announced her resignation Monday, as her department steers the massive project of modernizing the countrys military and oversees expanding weapons deliveries to Ukraine. Christine Lambrecht said in a statement that she had submitted her resignation request to Chancellor Olaf Scholz, adding that months of media focus on my person had stood in the way of a factual debate about the military and Germanys security policy. The valuable work of the soldiers and many people in my department must stand in the foreground, she said. There was no immediate word on a possible replacement. The 57-year-old has been defense minister since Scholz became chancellor in December 2021. Critics have long portrayed her as out of her depth but Scholz stood by her, describing her last month as a first-class defense minister. Pressure on her mounted recently after an ill-judged New Year's video message. Lambrechts resignation comes at a sensitive moment, as Scholz faces mounting pressure to make another significant step forward in German military aid to Ukraine by agreeing to deliver Leopard 2 battle tanks. Earlier this month, Germany agreed to provide 40 Marder armored personnel carriers and a Patriot air defense missile battery to Kyiv. Germany has given Ukraine substantial support in recent months, including howitzers, Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and the first of four IRIS-T surface-to-air missile systems. But critics, some inside Germanys governing coalition, have long complained of Scholzs perceived hesitancy to step up aid. Lambrecht was overshadowed on the issue by the chancellor, who made most major announcements. Lambrecht was then Finance Minister Scholzs deputy before being appointed justice minister in 2019. She also was minister for families and women in the closing months of then Chancellor Angela Merkels government. She was respected in those roles but was widely viewed as one of the Scholz governments weakest links at the Defense Ministry. The notoriously unwieldy department has a history of diminishing ministers reputations. Its importance increased with Russias invasion of Ukraine. That prompted Scholz to announce a special 100 billion-euro ($108 billion) fund to upgrade the German military, the Bundeswehr, which has suffered for years from neglect and in particular from aging, poorly functioning equipment. Last month, Lambrecht dismissed suggestions that the government had been too slow to get going on its spending drive. She said officials have moved fast but that such projects must be carefully negotiated this is tax money. The minister also drew criticism for hapless communication, starting with a January 2022 announcement that Germany would deliver 5,000 military helmets to Ukraine as a very clear signal that we stand by your side. In April, she took her 21-year-old son along on a military helicopter flight, which became public when he posted a photo to Instagram that it turned out the minister had taken herself. Her ministry said she had applied for permission and paid the costs herself, but critics said it showed poor judgment. An amateurish New Year's video message on her own private Instagram account prompted new opposition calls for Lambrechts departure and strained political allies patience. It showed a barely audible Lambrecht speaking against a backdrop of loud New Years Eve fireworks in a Berlin street. A war is raging in the middle of Europe, she said. And connected with that for me were a lot of special impressions that I was able to gain many, many meetings with interesting, great people. Read the full article on Motorious Who says Gen Z doesnt like the classics? Its always great to see more members of the rising generation get involved in the classic car hobby, like Dood Jaussaud of Thermopolis Police in Wyoming. The 22-year-old had a vision to restore a 1957 Chevy Bel Air four-door into a fully functional police cruiser, a goal he recently achieved after three years of hard work. The result is nothing short of spectacular. Watch the latest Motorious Podcast here. The journey didnt go how Jaussaud had planned, something most of us have experienced. He started off with one 57 Bel Air he tracked down in Columbus, Montana. While looking for parts to restore the classic, he ran into a guy in Douglas, Wyoming who supposedly had some parts for sale. Instead, the young police officer learned this man had two 1957 Chevy Bel Airs sitting in his garage and in fantastic condition. Selling his original Chevy, Jaussaud was able to move forward with transforming one into a classic police cruiser. The vehicle itself was essentially all factory original, including the 283 small block engine with 4bbl carb, two-speed Powerglide, Posi-Track, power steering, brakes, and all the chrome. From there, the transformation into a police cruiser involved installing a classic siren, gumdrop light, radio, and all the graphics. About the door badges, pinstriping, and other body art, all of that was painted by hand. Jaussaud found a pinstriper in Colorado who used to work as an artist for Disney to add some extra flair. She even put in little details like cartoon cops chasing robbers and donuts, making this Bel Air truly unique. Officer Jaussaud dreams of the 57 Chevy becoming his personal patrol car. When asked by a local reporter, Sgt. Mike Mascaro of the Thermopolis Police Department said the decision will have to be made by towns mayor, council members, and chief of police. Regardless, Jaussaud has a fine vehicle which is turning plenty of heads. Story continues Source: Cowboy State Daily Photos via YouTube, Facebook Sign up for the Motorious Newsletter. For the latest news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) Zach Edey made a go-ahead shot at the front of the rim with 2.2 seconds left and finished with a career-high 32 points and 17 rebounds to help No. 3 Purdue hold off Michigan State for a 64-63 win on Monday. A 51-second sequence earlier in the second half, though, showed just how dominant the 7-foot-4 Edey can be at both ends of the floor. Edey blocked a shot, had an alley-oop dunk, a defensive rebound and a layup to turn a one-point deficit into a three-point lead. He opens up a lot for us," Boilermakers coach Matt Painter said. The Boilermakers (17-1, 6-1 Big Ten) have won 17 of their first 18 games, matching a school mark set during the 1987-88 season. The Spartans (12-6, 4-3) dropped a second straight game after winning seven in a row. Tyson Walker put Michigan State ahead with 11 seconds remaining with a mid-range jumper, giving him a season-high 30 points, and Edey scored the winner on the ensuing possession. After Edey's last basket, A.J. Hoggard's long inbound pass was knocked out of bounds by Purdue's Brandon Newman with 1.8 seconds left. That left Tom Izzo with a chance to draw up a play to potentially win the game on Purdue's end of the court. Walker was set up with what seemed to be an open jumper on the left wing only to have Boilermakers guard Ethan Morton get a hand up to deflect the shot, leaving it short of the rim. Purdue freshman guard Fletcher Loyer had 17 points, including a go-ahead free throw with 25.7 seconds left in a game that had the intensity of a matchup in March. Ive known him since he was very young, Izzo said. The last give minutes of the game, he just took it over. Loyer's older brother, Foster, played for the Spartans before transferring to Davidson. Fletcher Loyer, a 6-4 freshman, scored a season-high 27 points Friday night in a win over Nebraska. Hes very aggressive, very sure of himself, Painter said. Hes not scared of the moment. Hoggard had 14 points and eight assists, playing well in the backcourt with Walker. Story continues I didnt think we did a very good job of guarding their guards," Painter said. Joey Hauser added 10 points for the Spartans, who looked like they were going to be overmatched early in the game. Purdue led by 13 points with 5:47 to go in the first half, but was ahead by just two at halftime after Michigan State started to make shots and cut down on turnovers. We lost the game in the first minutes with the ridiculous turnovers," Izzo said. The Spartans surged ahead by five points early in the second half before both teams took turns with the lead in a closely contested game with 13 lead changes and eight ties. In my heart I believe we competed well enough to win the game, but give them credit," Izzo said. BIG PICTURE Purdue: Edey's improved play and conditioning makes his tough to stop and sets up everything for coach Painter's offense that runs through the junior from Toronto. I love playing inside out," Painter said. If you dont have the horses, those plays don't work." Painter said Edey has learned how to stay on the floor. When he first got here, he couldn't pass and couldn't play without elbowing people in the head," he said. Michigan State: Izzo said senior forward Malik Hall will be out a while," with a foot injury that is potentially a major setback for a team that lacks front court depth. Whether its the full year or not, we dont know," Izzo said. UP NEXT Purdue: Plays at Minnesota on Thursday night. Michigan State: Hosts No. 23 Rutgers on Thursday night. ___ AP college basketball: https://apnews.com/hub/college-basketball and https://apnews.com/hub/ap-top-25-college-basketball-poll and https://twitter.com/AP_Top25 President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has held a regular meeting of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Staff to discuss the situation on the Donetsk front and in Ukraine's south. Source: Zelenskyy on Telegram Quote: "I held a meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. We discussed the situation on the frontline, separately analyzed the situation in the Donetsk region and the south. We heard information about the likely actions of the aggressor in the near future." Details: The President emphasises that Russia will prepare new missile strikes, so Ukraine is developing the most efficient countermeasures. In addition, the supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with ammunition and training of tactical commanders have been discussed at the meeting. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! Buried deep in the 24 pages of Dominion Energys latest legislative wish list are two points the power company hasnt been talking much about, but are likely to be where debate will rage in the General Assembly this year, legislators and lobbyists say. In the Lynchburg area, Dominion Energy serves about 9,500 customers, primarily in Appomattox and Campbell counties. One point would put new restrictions on firms that produce electricity from wind farms or solar facilities and want to compete for Dominion customers business. The other sets a new benchmark for a key, if obscure financial ratio. I know theres opposition, especially for rolling back competition, said House of Delegates Majority Leader Terry Kilgore, R-Scott. But thats what I like to do, bring all the different stakeholders around the table, he said. By the time the bill gets before the committee, its going to look a lot different. That could mean the competition rollback is simply a bargaining chip a tactic that businesses pushing multi-page, complex omnibus legislation sometimes try, as some lobbyists and legislators think Dominion is doing. The idea is that by including something that draws a lot of opposition, you can get most of what you want through the legislation by agreeing to withdraw the flashpoint. You know, legislation is a lot like making sausage, a grinning Kilgore said, asked if thats whats behind the competition rollback. Competition for renewable energy came in 2020, despite Dominions resistance. The idea was to create competitive pressure on Dominion for more access to more affordable renewable options, said the legislations sponsor, Del. Mike Mullin, D-Newport News. Dominion, meanwhile, says its bill is about three key points: The first is that it will merge into base rates some of the surcharges that have made power bills balloon since the General Assembly froze base rates in 2015. That, Dominion says, would mean something like an immediate savings of $5 to $7 on a typical monthly bill for 1,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity. Thats because those surcharges, called riders or rate adjustment clauses, normally rise every year. The 1,000 kilowatt-hour bill now stands at just under $137. The second point Dominion stresses is that its legislation would give the State Corporation Commission power to adjust its base rates. Those have barely changed since 2007, standing at about $70 of that $137-a-month, 1,000 kilowatt-hour bill. Because they havent changed, they reflect the value of Dominions facilities at that time, without reflecting the way that for most businesses, the value of assets tends to decline over time. A fresh look at base rates implies the SCC could order Dominion to lower its charges. Giving that traditional power back to the commission is what a much shorter, simpler bill from Del. Lee Ware, R-Powhatan, and Del. Rip Sullivan, D-Fairfax, proposes. Which brings up the third key point Dominion mentions: that it also wants the SCC to use a different benchmark for its profit margin. Its currently based on the lower range of profitability other Southeast states allow their utilities. Dominion says its current 9.35% return on equity is the lowest in the Southeast and makes it hard to get investors to put their money into the company. It wants the SCC benchmark to include all Southeast utilities, some of which are allowed a 10% return on equity. Doing so would tend to at least offset any SCC-ordered reduction in base rates. Thats where the obscure financial ratio could come in. Here, too, though Dominion has not highlighted this clause. The bill says that while Dominion is building its $9 billion offshore wind farm, the SCCs review of its rates should look at the ratio of stockholders equity to total capital that is, equity plus debt of Southeast utilities. These ratios, too, are higher than what the SCC now looks at when considering Dominion rates. That would also lead to higher power bills. Since Dominion rates are supposed to generate profits equal to 9.35% of equity, if either the rate or the figure used for that equity go up, Dominions rates could rise, too. While Gov. Glenn Youngkins energy plan calls for giving the SCC more authority, like the Dominion bill and the legislation Ware and Sullivan proposed, he hasnt said if he backs either bill. The governor will review the legislation when it comes to his desk, said press secretary Macaulay Porter, adding that Youngkin remains committed to doing something about rising energy prices. Deputy House Majority Leader Israel OQuinn, R-Washington, said Republicans plan for the 2023 session includes action on electricity costs and reliability. Its an issue that strikes close to home for him. OQuinn is from a corner of Virginia that was hit by power outages when cold temperatures at the end of last month strained the electric grid. But its too early to tell whether the GOP agenda includes the Dominion bill, or the Ware-Sullivan proposal or something else entirely, he said. Theres a lot of ideas and bills out there, and lots to work on, he said. This is really, really complicated. azertag.az - Apr 13 A commercial space startup in Japan on Wednesday said its Hakuto-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander is expected to touch surface of the moon late April, making it the first private company in the world to reach the celestial body, according to Anadolu Agency. The affordable housing lottery has launched for 426 Manhattan Avenue, a six-story residential building in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Designed by Peter Pizzimenti and developed by Yisroel Greenfeld, the structure yields 33 residences. Available on NYC Housing Connect are ten units for residents at 130 percent of the area median income (AMI), ranging in eligible income from $99,086 to $215,150. Residences come with hardwood floors, air conditioning, and name-brand kitchen appliances, countertops, and finishes. Select units come with private balconies. Amenities included a lounge, shared laundry room, common area Wi-Fi, gymnasium, and a rooftop terrace. Tenants are responsible for electricity including stove, heat, and hot water. At 130 percent of the AMI, there is one studio with a monthly rent of $2,890 for incomes ranging from $99,086 to $138,840; six one-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $3,059 for incomes ranging from $104,880 to $156,130; one two-bedroom with a monthly rent of $3,599 for incomes ranging from $123,395 to $187,330; and eight three-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $4,095 for incomes ranging from $140,400 to $215,150. Prospective renters must meet income and household size requirements to apply for these apartments. Applications must be postmarked or submitted online no later than February 3, 2023. Subscribe to YIMBYs daily e-mail Follow YIMBYgram for real-time photo updates Like YIMBY on Facebook Follow YIMBYs Twitter for the latest in YIMBYnews Weather Alert ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON TO 8 PM CDT THURSDAY FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR ALL OF EASTERN NEBRASKA AND SOUTHWEST IOWA... * Affected Area...In Iowa, Monona, Harrison, Shelby, Pottawattamie, Mills, Montgomery, Fremont and Page. In Nebraska, Knox, Cedar, Thurston, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne, Boone, Madison, Stanton, Cuming, Burt, Platte, Colfax, Dodge, Washington, Butler, Saunders, Douglas, Sarpy, Seward, Lancaster, Cass, Otoe, Saline, Jefferson, Gage, Johnson, Nemaha, Pawnee and Richardson. * Winds...South 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph. * Relative Humidity...As low as 20 percent. * Impacts...Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior. && China and Benin signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on partial debt cancellation Saturday during the visit of the Chinese top diplomat Qin Gang to the African country. Qin said his visit was to identify more fields of action, Africa News reports. China intends to work together with Benin to implement the projects agreed by both parties in the framework of the implementation of the nine (09) programs of Africa-China cooperation for the next three years, programs retained during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. These are infrastructure projects in the manufacturing and health sectors. There are also priority cooperation projects on which our two countries must work to ensure implementation for the well-being of the Beninese people, he said. I am thinking for example of infrastructure, agriculture, human resources training, manufacturing and peace and security, he added. The Chinese foreign minister also visited the town of Glo-Djigbe to observe textile production. The visit that follows the celebrations in December of 50 years of cooperation between the two countries heralds the implementation of a new strategy to increase the Chinas presence in Benin. Qin, Chinas former envoy to the U.S. visited Benin a part of the African tour that included Senegal, Zambia and Egypt. Tunisias independent electoral body, ISIE, announced Sunday the second round of the parliamentary elections will take place on January 29, amid growing calls for cancellation of the electoral process. head of the body Farouk Bouasker, who announced the date, said the campaign for the second round will commence on January 16. The process will take place in 131 constituencies with 7.8 million voters. The first round which took place on December 17 recorded the lowest turnout ever registered in the history of the country. The ISIE put the turnout at 11 per cent. Most opposition parties and powerful labor union UGTT boycotted the election in rejection of President Kais Saied-backed new constitution. Saied, in power since 2019, seized all major powers in July 2021 in what was branded a coup by critics and oppositions parties. Saturday, thousands of Tunisians, pitched up in capital Tunis at the call of Ahmed Nejib Chebbi, president of the National Salvation Front alliance, to demand the resignation of President Saied following the unpopular election and difficult economic situation in the country. Chebbi said Saied had lost all legal legitimacy. The trial of two ex-French journalists, who blackmailed Moroccos King Mohammed VI in 2015, demanding 3 million in exchange for not publishing a damaging book on Morocco, started this Monday in Paris after lengthy judicial proceedings. The two blackmailers, Eric Laurent and Catherine Graciet, are charged with aggravated extortion and blackmail. The case dates back to summer of 2015 when the two defendants had threatened to publish a critical book on Morocco, unless they get 3 million. They were arrested by French police in Paris after they were videotaped and audio-recorded accepting 2 million, signing a statement pledging they will not publish their book and receiving a down payment of 40,000 each. Eric Laurent and Catherine Graciet had been indicted end of August by a Paris investigating judge for attempted blackmail and extortion against the King of Morocco. In a desperate move to skip trial, the two blackmailers had made some legal maneuvers to invalidate the incriminating audio & video recordings which were conducted under the supervision of the French police. But all their attempts failed as a French Appeal court upheld the charges against them. In France, extortion is a crime punishable by up to 7 years in jail and a 100,000 fine. Blackmail can be sentenced to up to 5 years in jail and a 75,000 fine. Photo: VPD Justin Mohrman was fatally stabbed in the morning of July 11, 2022. The woman accused in a fatal stabbing in Vancouvers Yaletown neighbourhood will undergo a psychiatric assessment, a Vancouver provincial court judge has ordered. The Vancouver Police Department said July 19, 2022 that Lindsay Scott, 34, is facing charges of second-degree murder and assault in the death of Justin Mohrman. The 29-year-old man was walking near Smithe and Homer streets around 8:30 a.m. July 11 when he was stabbed. 911 was called and he was taken to hospital. Defence lawyer John Turner told Judge James Sutherland Nov. 23 Scotts mental state at the time of the allegations is an issue. Judge Patrick Doherty ordered the assessment. Police said at the time there was no evidence to suggest the victim and his attacker knew each other. We believe they were strangers, Sgt. Steve Addison said. Police arrested Scott shortly after the incident at Main and Hastings. She remains in custody at Alouette Correctional Centre for Women in Maple Ridge. The case has been adjourned for 60 days for the assessment The Moroccan city of Fez, which recently hosted the Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, has long been a melting pot of religions and cultures, the UN press service states. An article published Sunday on the UN press service website notes that the 200-year-old Jewish cemetery of Fez symbolizes the centuries-long coexistence of diverse communities in the city and stands as a symbol of cultural harmony. We lived in harmony. There was no tension. We all knew we were Jews, Muslims, or Catholics, and we never had any problems on that side, Johanna Devico Ohana, a Jewish who ensures the maintenance of the citys cemetery, was quoted by the UN press service as saying. Before he died, Johanna Devico Ohanas father asked her to promise him one thing: if I ever die when Im in France, he insisted, bring me to Fez. He also asked her to take care of the Jewish cemetery, a role that was his responsibility before he passed away. His daughter agreed to both requests, and her father is laid to rest in the cemetery, the article indicates. My father was a lover of Morocco and a lover of Fez, says Ms. Ohana, who was born and raised in the city. The Jewish cemetery, nestled in the Mellah, is distinguished by its semi-cylindrical tombs, which capture the history of Moroccos flourishing Jewry. Today, Fez is known for its religion, art, sciences, craftwork, and trade activities. The Fez Medina, often described as Moroccos cultural and spiritual center, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the UN article recalls. The age-old intermingling of peoples made Fez an appropriate location for the ninth Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), which took place in November 2022, the website adds. Morocco is built around a model of openness, harmony and synergy that has seen the convergence of Arab-Islamic, Amazigh and Saharan-Hassanian confluents, and that has, at the same time, been enriched by African, Andalusian, Hebrew and Mediterranean tributaries, Andre Azoulay, adviser to King Mohammed VI, said during the opening of the UNAOC 9th Forum, the UN agency indicates. Located in northern Morocco, on the Wadi Fez, the city was founded in the ninth century, and served as the capital of Morocco for hundreds of years. In the year 809, King Idriss II encouraged Jews to move to Fez, so the city could benefit from their skills, the UN article recalls. Four Malian gendarmes were killed and three wounded on Sunday (15 January) in an ambush in the west of the Sahelian country, as diplomats, analysts and human rights groups say indiscriminate violence against civilians has grown since the arrival of the Wagner Group mercenaries more than a year ago. Two gendarmerie vehicles were reportedly burned, two others captured by the assailants during this operation carried out in Kouala, during which two assailants were killed and others taken prisoner. Its not yet clear to whom the attack was attributed. The gendarmes, like the army, the foreign forces and all that represent the State are the targets of the jihadist groups. Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maiga declared during the past week that there was no longer any part of the territory where the army could no longer go, while the authorities previously acknowledged that two-thirds of the territory was beyond the control of the army. This security finding is, however, contradicted by experts and by a recent UN report, according to which security conditions have continued to deteriorate in the central Sahel and particularly in Burkina Faso and Mali. In fact, since hundreds of mercenaries working for the shadowy Russian military contractor began working alongside Malis armed forces to try to stem a decade-long insurgency by Islamic extremists in the West African country, the insurgents linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group have only grown stronger, according to diplomats, analysts and human rights groups. With more than 2,000 civilians having been killed since December 2021, compared with about 500 in the previous 12 months, theres concern the Russian presence will further destabilize the already-troubled region, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, a nongovernmental organization. The simplest way to invest in stocks is to buy exchange traded funds. But if you pick the right individual stocks, you could make more than that. For example, the Perusahaan Sadur Timah Malaysia (Perstima) Berhad (KLSE:PERSTIM) share price is up 15% in the last 1 year, clearly besting the market decline of around 3.8% (not including dividends). That's a solid performance by our standards! Having said that, the longer term returns aren't so impressive, with stock gaining just 6.7% in three years. With that in mind, it's worth seeing if the company's underlying fundamentals have been the driver of long term performance, or if there are some discrepancies. See our latest analysis for Perusahaan Sadur Timah Malaysia (Perstima) Berhad While markets are a powerful pricing mechanism, share prices reflect investor sentiment, not just underlying business performance. One way to examine how market sentiment has changed over time is to look at the interaction between a company's share price and its earnings per share (EPS). During the last year Perusahaan Sadur Timah Malaysia (Perstima) Berhad grew its earnings per share (EPS) by 48%. This EPS growth is significantly higher than the 15% increase in the share price. So it seems like the market has cooled on Perusahaan Sadur Timah Malaysia (Perstima) Berhad, despite the growth. Interesting. This cautious sentiment is reflected in its (fairly low) P/E ratio of 8.93. The graphic below depicts how EPS has changed over time (unveil the exact values by clicking on the image). This free interactive report on Perusahaan Sadur Timah Malaysia (Perstima) Berhad's earnings, revenue and cash flow is a great place to start, if you want to investigate the stock further. What About Dividends? It is important to consider the total shareholder return, as well as the share price return, for any given stock. The TSR is a return calculation that accounts for the value of cash dividends (assuming that any dividend received was reinvested) and the calculated value of any discounted capital raisings and spin-offs. Arguably, the TSR gives a more comprehensive picture of the return generated by a stock. We note that for Perusahaan Sadur Timah Malaysia (Perstima) Berhad the TSR over the last 1 year was 18%, which is better than the share price return mentioned above. This is largely a result of its dividend payments! Story continues A Different Perspective We're pleased to report that Perusahaan Sadur Timah Malaysia (Perstima) Berhad shareholders have received a total shareholder return of 18% over one year. And that does include the dividend. That's better than the annualised return of 6% over half a decade, implying that the company is doing better recently. In the best case scenario, this may hint at some real business momentum, implying that now could be a great time to delve deeper. While it is well worth considering the different impacts that market conditions can have on the share price, there are other factors that are even more important. Like risks, for instance. Every company has them, and we've spotted 2 warning signs for Perusahaan Sadur Timah Malaysia (Perstima) Berhad (of which 1 doesn't sit too well with us!) you should know about. If you like to buy stocks alongside management, then you might just love this free list of companies. (Hint: insiders have been buying them). Please note, the market returns quoted in this article reflect the market weighted average returns of stocks that currently trade on MY exchanges. Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email editorial-team (at) simplywallst.com. This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned. Join A Paid User Research Session Youll receive a US$30 Amazon Gift card for 1 hour of your time while helping us build better investing tools for the individual investors like yourself. Sign up here The Lee County Humane Society is kicking off the new year with a project to expanded the shelter, creating more space specifically for large dogs. With the population increase in Auburn and Opelika, the Humane Society has been at nearly full capacity for about two years. Jenny Warren, the outreach and development coordinator for the animal shelter, said theyre breaking ground now on the new expansion with hopes of completing the project by March. Were just really growing as far as our shelter. Were having lots of donations and volunteers and fosters, but the problem is that we just dont have enough room, she said. Currently, the Lee County Humane Society has 66 large dog kennels and room for about 100 pets cats and dogs. By enclosing the current carport at the back of the building, Warren said they will be able to add space for a minimum of 10 large dog kennels. This will allow the shelter to house 110 to 120 pets. When were real full, each person that works at the shelter will have a pet in their office, or sometimes we have an extra bathroom in the back and well have to convert that into a place where we have kennels as well, Warren said. This expansion project has been in discussions with the LCHS, contractors and architects for about a year. With the help of volunteer Tom Gober, who has been spearheading the project, LCHS hopes to complete the expansion before the warmer weather sets in. Warren said the summer time is always busier with more intakes. She also said this project wouldnt be possible without the generous donation and support of Walter and Virginia Woltosz, who are not only passionate animal lovers but have also been active volunteers at the Lee County Humane Society since 2014. The Woltosz couple often helps with fundraisers and campaigns to raise awareness for the animal shelter. Were so thankful that we got this money for the expansion, but were not done. Were still working on goals, long term and short term, of growing and working with the community, Warren said. No More Wasted Lives is our campaign going on right now. Warren said its often more difficult for a larger pet to get adopted because of their size. Recently, we had an amazing story because we have a pet who had been in our care for 445 days and he got adopted, she said. The large dog, named Earl, was the longest term dog the animal shelter has had but was finally adopted on Dec. 6. Earl was deemed not dog friendly, but after a lot of time and energy was put into working with him, Warren said they were able to get him into regular playgroups. I love this cause. I love being here to support these animals that dont have a voice, Warren said. She also wants the community to know that LCHS is here to help not only the pets that are in the shelter, but also pet owners who are struggling with paying for food or something essential like a kennel. We have grants that help us pay for those things in order for those families to keep those pets in their care instead of coming back to the shelter, Warren said. While the community has been very supportive of LCHS, Warren said they still need everyones help to care for pets, support the animal shelter and have a 99% live release rate. LCHS is classified as a no-kill shelter, and in 2022 had a 98% live release rate. Its so important to do this expansion, but then also to have the fosters that help us to take those animals out of the shelter so we can have room for all those pets and we dont have to make those hard calls, Warren said. Anyone interested in the Lee County Humane Society, whether it be fostering, volunteering or donating, can contact foster2@leecountyhumane.org, Kim Reeder at Volunteer2@leecountyhumane.org, Jenny Warren at Outreachanddevelop@leecountyhumane.org or visit the website www.lee county humane.org. The Lee County Humane Society is located on 1140 Ware Drive in Auburn. Fuck off, Spacey. Reply Thread Link First Kevin S. that came to mind was Sorbo and I was like fuck that guy. Can't believe I forgot the way worse Kevin S. Fuck him and fuck everyone associated with this. Reply Parent Thread Link He was also a ~special guest at the Torino football game yesterday :/ Reply Thread Link Munnifesting his impending death Reply Thread Link Its crazy to me cause similar-ish to Weinstein this has been an open secret or heavily rumored about him. Same with Singer. Family Guy took shots all the way back in 2005 Funny enough I just that Seth had not heard been aware of the rumor at the time but other people in the writing staff were and had to explain it to him. Reply Parent Thread Link But Im not surprised. The US isnt perfect but Europeans love this more than us. Reply Thread Link Of course he his Italy sucks, no one I spoke to believed the accusations against him, the only one that I was able to convince it was because I showed him the Family guy scene with naked stewie from more than 10 years ago Reply Thread Link It's from 2005. Waaaaaaay back. I hope that search doesn't fuck up my algorithm. Reply Parent Thread Link Yes, thats how I managed to convince him that everyone knew and that it had been such an open secret that the family guy had a joke about it It was more convincing to him that the account of all the victims and again, the only one I managed to convince Reply Parent Thread Expand Link italy and france love to eat up americas garbage Reply Thread Link I wonder how hes managing to pay for all of these lawsuits Reply Thread Link he worked in hollywood for decades, he's probably pretty rich Reply Parent Thread Link I think people overestimate the amount of money actors make and manage to keep. And hes been in and out of court for years now. That shits expensive! Reply Parent Thread Expand Link eventually he's got to run out of money, no? he's been paying for lawsuits for decades now. Reply Parent Thread Link I always imagined the 70s-early 00s major movie stars made the most bank that lasts in perpetuity so that anyone whose heyday was across more than one of those decades is rich for life? Compared to the Sydney Sweeneys of today that can work 12 months in the year and still be paying off their agents ~ in my head lol Reply Parent Thread Expand Link If you had any shame you would have gone to live in a cage Reply Thread Link If he had any shame he wouldn't be here at all, but whatever combination of psychopath and/or narcissist that he is, they by far seem to only hurt others, not themselves. Reply Parent Thread Link I Havent Hidden Away, I Havent Gone To Live In A Cave i wish you would, bitch. Reply Thread Link if theres one thing american perverts are going to do its hangout in europe https://t.co/JgG5GPPnhi oatmeal influencer (@acechhh) January 15, 2023 Reply Thread Link my country (Australia) is also a dumping ground for the world's worst men, even the ones shunned by england (e.g. piers morgan). shame shame shame... Reply Parent Thread Link I love oatmealinfluencer, their takes are always impeccable. Reply Parent Thread Link Its so sad that all the actors in the world have died and the National Cinema Museum had to pick him. Prayers for everyone involved. Reply Thread Link Thought this was about Kevin Smith and went "Huh, ok, weird." at first until I saw it was this POS. Why do Europeans love to redeem pieces of shit?? I mean we do it too but they make it an art form, literally. Reply Thread Link I honestly feel like they care SO little that its not even redemption over there, its just another day of them carrying on unimpacted Reply Parent Thread Link So how long before he gets a standing ovation at the Oscars? Reply Thread Link there's no way he's coming back from this lol Reply Parent Thread Link New Jersey Contractor Cited Again After OSHA Finds Workers Exposed to Fall Hazards The new citations come with a proposed penalty of $584,333. A Trenton roofing contractor previously cited for exposing workers to fall hazards is facing additional citations for the same violation following an inspection at a different worksite. According to a news release, OSHA found four workers without fall protection and at risk of falling 30 feet in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Guelsin Lima, doing business as Extreme Roofing and Siding LLC, was cited for nine willful and three serious violations and received proposed penalties of $584,333. Just a few months prior to the most recent citation, Guelsin Lima received citations for four willful and two serious violations and proposed penalties of $247,309 after the agency found workers not using fall protection at other sites. Guelsin Lima has a significant OSHA history and is fully aware of what OSHA standards require. This latest inspection offers further proof that the operator of Extreme Roofing and Siding LLC simply refuses to comply with the law, explained OSHA Area Director Lisa Levy in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, in the news release. We will use our full authority to hold this employer, and others who continually put employees in danger, accountable. Italian oil and gas major Eni has announced a new gas discovery offshore Egypt, at the nargis-1 exploration well. The well was drilled in a concession area that Eni shares with Chevron, which is the operator of the exploration project with a 45-percent stake. Eni also has a 45-percent interest in the concession. The eastern Mediterranean has become a hot spot for gas exploration after several significant discoveries, including the giant Zohr field in Egypt which Eni also discovered. Egypt has some 2.21 trillion cubic meters of proven gas reserves and produced over 95 billion cubic meters as of 2021. Zohr alone produces over 2.7 billion cu ft of gas daily. Its reserves are estimated at 850 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Over the last eight years, Egypts gas production has grown by 66 percent, with export revenues surging 13-fold. Last year, the countrys liquefied natural gas exports topped 8 million tons, the bulk of which was sent to gas-starved Europe. Also last year, Egypt and Israel signed a cooperation deal with the European Union aimed at securing more eastern Mediterranean gas for Europe and having more Europe-based companies participate in gas exploration in the region. At the end of last year, the Egyptian government announced an oil and gas tender involving six offshore blocks and six onshore blocks in the Nile Delta and the Mediterranean. The deadline was set for April 30 this year. Meanwhile, the government awarded two exploration licenses in the outer Nile Delta to Exxon earlier this month. The U.S. supermajor will have complete control over both blocks, which cover a combined 11,000 sq km. ADVERTISEMENT Last month, Egypt announced a gas discovery in its section of the Mediterranean, in a block operated by Chevron. The discovery could hold some 3.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. By Charles Kennedy for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Energy bills in the UK are not expected to return to the levels from before Covid as the energy markets are very different now with the lack of Russian oil and gas, Equinors chief executive officer Anders Opedal told the BBC in an interview published on Monday. Gas and electricity bills for UK households will be slightly higher, according to Opedal, than before Covid and Ukraine war times, when a typical UK household paid some $1,590 (1,300) on energy bills per year. Currently, the annual bill of a typical UK household is around two times higher. Accelerating the adoption of renewables will require a lot of investment and these investments need to be paid for, so I would assume that the energy bills may slightly be higher than in the past but not as volatile and high as we have today, Opedal told the BBC. In light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the significant cuts of Russian gas flows to Europe, we need to treat energy as something that is not abundant, Equinors chief executive said. Operators need to make sure they are making the right investments in energy and people should conserve energy, after the end of what was perceived as an era in which the world had a lot of cheaper energy, according to Opedal. Specifically for the UK, the recent hike in the windfall tax on North Sea operators is making companies, including Equinor, to carefully assess the impact of the raised taxes. It is affecting how we judge each project because we have to take into account what is the tax level compared to what are all the other risks, Opedal told the BBC, but noted that the windfall tax hasnt affected the investment strategy of Equinor in the UK. ADVERTISEMENT Equinor is proposing developing the Rosebank oil and gas field, off the coast of the Shetland Islands, with a final investment decision expected in 2023. By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Photo: The Canadian Press Police in India say two men are facing charges in the deaths of a family who froze a year ago while trying to cross from Manitoba into the United States. Jagdish Baldevbhai Patel (left to right), son Dharmik Jagdishkumar Patel, wife and mother Vaishaliben Jagdishkumar Patel and daughter Vihangi Jagdishkumar Patel are shown in a handout photo.THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Amritbhai Vakil Police in India say two men are facing charges in the deaths of a family who froze a year ago while trying to cross from Manitoba into the United States. Deputy Commissioner Chaitanya Mandlik of the Ahmedabad crime branch in the state of Gujarat says the two men were arrested Sunday and other suspects are also wanted in Canada and the U.S. He says the two men are accused of acting as immigration agents, supplying the family with paperwork and assisting them in getting to the U.S. They are charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, attempting culpable homicide, human trafficking and criminal conspiracy. Mandlik says the family travelled from India to Toronto, then to Vancouver and Manitoba, where they tried to make their way on foot into the U.S. with seven other migrants. They said Jagdish Patel, his wife and their two children froze during severe winter weather. Mandlik says law enforcement officials in India are co-ordinating with the Canadian Embassy for next steps. The energy shortages plaguing Europes largest economy since 2021 have affected its attractiveness as an investment destination. According to a report in the German daily Augsburger Allgemeine, Germany now ranks 18th out of 21 countries, falling four places in the ranking produced by the German economic research institute ZEW, Reuters reported. The institute cited higher energy costs and a labor shortage for the revision of Germanys place in the ranking, along with the slow pace of innovation and a complicated bureaucratic environment. Soaring gas prices have shaken the German industry and prompted the government to spend billions of euros on helping businesses, as well as households, survive. Even with the state aid, however, many German businesses are curbing their activities or moving them to lower-cost energy locations such as the United States and Asia. In September last year, the German government approved a 200-billion-euro support package for businesses and households that included a gas price cap, to run until the spring of 2024. In addition to the support package, Germany, like other EU countries, has imposed a windfall tax on energy firms, also to be in effect until the spring of 2024. Besides financial support, the government also prompted lower gas consumption both from businesses and households to ensure supply security for the winter. According to the countrys energy regulator, the Federal Network Agency, Germanys natural gas consumption dropped by 14 percent in 2022 compared to the average consumption for the past four years. Industrial demand fell by 15 percent compared to the average for the past four years. Between October and December, industrial gas consumption fell by 23 percent, and consumption by private consumers and businesses was 21 percent below the previous years. Still, energy costs remained higher because Germany switched from Russian pipeline gas to LNG, which pushed its gas import bill significantly higher than it used to be. ADVERTISEMENT By Irina Slav for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Indias imports of Russian crude oil hit a record high of 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd) in December, as deep discounts on Russian crude when the price cap entered into force made India the top destination for Russias oil, ahead of China, Bloomberg reported on Monday, citing data from energy analytics firm Vortexa. Indias crude oil imports from Russia were 33 times higher in December 2022 than in December 2021, as India has emerged as a top buyer of Russian crude after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Before the invasion of Ukraine, India was a small marginal buyer of Russian crude oil. After Western buyers started shunning crude from Russia, India became a top destination for Russian oil exports alongside China. Russia is now the single-biggest oil supplier to India, having overtaken Iraq in November. Indias imports of Iraqi and Saudi oil increased in December, but they were still lagging the imports of crude from Russia. Imports of Iraqi oil rose by 7% to 886,000 bpd, while imports of Saudi crude jumped by 12% to 748,000 bpd, per Vortexa data. Russia overtook Iraq to become the single-largest oil supplier to India in November, as Indian refiners raced to stock up on Russian oil ahead of the December 5 price cap and associated bans on transportation services for Russias crude. Even after the price cap came into force, India continued to buy large volumes of discounted Russian crude and started importing some of Russias Arctic crude oil varieties for the first time, taking advantage of cheap Russian cargoes to meet robust demand. While China and India have not joined the Price Cap Coalition, the fact that a price cap now exists gives the worlds top crude oil importer, China, as well as other buyers of Russian crude such as India, more bargaining power to negotiate steep discounts for the Russian crude even outside the price cap mechanism, analysts say. ADVERTISEMENT By Charles Kennedy for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: The energy crisis in Europe isnt over yet, as only the mild weather has helped the continent avoid gas shortages so far this winter, Ignacio Galan, executive chairman of Spanish energy giant Iberdrola, said on Monday. As long as energy markets are over-reliant on fossil fuels and exposed to geopolitical events, they will remain fragile, Galan said, as carried by Bloomberg. We should not think that the energy crisis is over for good. At the end of last year, the top executives at other European majors, including BPs Bernard Looney and Enis Claudio Descalzi, said that Europe was more or less prepared to face this winter with nearly full gas storage sites and a steady flow of LNG imports. But as we said, the issue is not this winter. It will be the next one, because we are not going to have Russian gas 98% [less] next year, maybe nothing, Descalzi said at the ADIPEC conference in Abu Dhabi in November. According to Iberdrolas Galan, It is both disturbing and ironic that only unusual winter temperatures driven by climate change saved large parts of the Northern Hemisphere from much more serious threats to energy security and affordability this winter. The mild weather at the start of 2023, comfortable gas inventory levels, and still weak demand in Asia dragged European benchmark gas prices down to a 16-month low on Monday. That was due to ample supply and on reports Chinese importers are trying to divert February and March shipments to Europe amid weak prices at home and high inventories, according to Ole Hansen, Head of Commodity Strategy at Saxo Bank. Still, with the plunge in Russian pipeline gas deliveries, Europe will need huge volumes of LNG this year, commodity trader Trafigura said in December. ADVERTISEMENT While Europe should avoid a blackout this winter by drawing on inventories and cutting demand, it will need to import huge volumes of LNG in 2023 given the massive reduction in flows from Russia, Trafigura said in its annual report for the year to September 30. By Michael Kern for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: The legislature in Wyoming is proposing a resolution for a voluntary phase-out of electric vehicle (EV) sales by 2035, in a symbolic move aimed at supporting the states oil and gas industry and a response to states such as California and New York, which have said they would ban the sale of new gasoline-powered cars from 2035. The SJ0004 resolution, Phasing out new electric vehicle sales by 2035, is introduced by a group of Republican Senators led by Jim Anderson, and says that phasing out the sale of new electric vehicles in Wyoming by 2035 will ensure the stability of Wyoming's oil and gas industry and will help preserve the country's critical minerals for vital purposes. The Legislature would be saying, If you dont like our petroleum cars, well, we dont like your electric cars, Senator Anderson told Cowboy State Daily, commenting on the proposed resolution. The resolution calls for people in Wyoming to voluntarily reduce the purchase and use of EVs, but it would be symbolic if passed by the legislature. Brian Boner, another Wyoming Senator and the co-sponsor of the resolution, told Cowboy State Daily, Im interested in making sure that the solutions that some folks want to the so-called climate crisis are actually practical in real life. I just dont appreciate when other states try to force technology that isnt ready. The sponsors of the resolution say that Wyomings grid infrastructure and charging stations cannot handle a surge in EV use unless massive investments are made. They also argue that the critical metals in EV batteries are not easily found and recycled. Wyoming was the eighth-largest crude oil-producing state in the nation in 2021, accounting for slightly more than 2% of U.S. crude oil output, according to the EIA. The state was also the ninth-largest natural gas producer, and accounted for about 3% of U.S. marketed gas production in 2021. ADVERTISEMENT By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Wintry weather is expected to return to Omaha and eastern Nebraska this week, with snow on tap for Wednesday. Paul Fajman, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service office in Valley, said Sunday that the recent warming trend will continue Monday in Omaha, with a high of 45 degrees predicted. Temperatures will begin to drop in the afternoon, he said, with winds of 25 to 35 mph pushing the cooldown. Were going to start off Monday a little bit on the warm side, Fajman said. There will be a frontal passage about noon, and there will be a small chance that the Omaha area will see some light rain. A winter storm rolling out of the southern Rocky Mountains of New Mexico and Colorado is expected to move northeast across Kansas and into Nebraska on Wednesday, he said. Forecasters will have a better idea of the storms track closer to the event. Winter storm systems are notoriously hard to predict this far out, Fajman said. Right now, theres about a 60% chance of snow in the Omaha area (on Wednesday). If we get snow, there is about a 70% chance that we see at least 2 inches. Depending on the track of the storm, Omaha could even see up to 6 inches of snow, he said. The snow would contribute to a cooldown, with a high of 33 degrees on Thursday and 32 on Friday and Saturday. A much weaker system could move across eastern Nebraska and western Iowa on Friday night into early Saturday, possibly bringing an additional inch or so of snow. The low temperatures should be 24 degrees on Wednesday, 23 on Thursday and 18 on Friday and Saturday, Fajman said. This time of year, he said, our highs typically are about 33 degrees, with a low of 13 degrees. Our best Omaha staff photos & videos of January 2023 The number of cases and hospitalizations due to COVID-19 remained relatively low in Nebraska last week and declined slightly in the nation as a whole, but health officials continue to urge boosting. Regional differences in both cases and hospitalizations continued in the U.S., with COVID cases and hospitalizations remaining elevated in parts of the East and South. Nebraska tallied 1,486 cases for the week ending Jan. 11, close to the 1,420 cases tallied the week before, according to data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That was down from a peak above 3,600 in early December. The states per-capita case count remained in the lower third among states. A new subvariant of the coronavirus that has become dominant in the East also gained slightly in Nebraska, according to preliminary data from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. XBB.1.5 made up an estimated 9% of positive samples to undergo genomic sequencing, up slightly from the week before. Nationally, XBB.1.5, which is more transmissible than other recent versions of the virus and can more effectively infect cells, now appears to dominate in the U.S. According to CDC projections, it made up 43% of positive samples to undergo genomic sequencing last week. The subvariant topped 80% of positive samples sequenced in the Northeast. Amid uncertainty about what kind of wave the new subvariant will produce, health officials have urged people to get up to date on vaccines. Specifically, that means getting the updated bivalent booster, which targets the original strains as well as more recent omicron subvariants. Early findings from a study measuring the effectiveness of the bivalent boosters indicate that the shot provides vulnerable people over 65 with significant protection against the worst outcomes. Published by the CDC in late December, the study indicated that people over age 65 who had received the updated bivalent booster were 84% less likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with unvaccinated people. Bivalent-boosted older adults also were 73% less likely to be hospitalized with COVID than those who had received monovalent or original vaccines but not the new booster. This pandemic has gone on for a long time, said Dr. Nicholas Mohr, a University of Iowa professor of emergency medicine, anesthesia and epidemiology who participated in the study. Everybody wants this to be done. But we continue to have more variants, the virus continues to evolve and immunity doesnt last forever. One way that we can protect not only ourselves but also our friends and family members, especially those high-risk groups, is to be boosted, he said. And the bivalent vaccine is a really an important tool to improve outcomes in our communities. Uptake of the updated shots has been low, even among seniors. In Nebraska, only 43% of the vulnerable 65-and-over population had received the latest booster as of early January. That was above the U.S. average of 38%. Iowa ranked in the top 10 nationally, with 51% of its 65-and-over population having received the latest booster. Looking at all adults, only 19% in Nebraska, 22% in Iowa and 18% nationally are up to date on all their shots. And booster shots are almost nonexistent among children. Among those 17 and under, only roughly 5% in Nebraska, Iowa or nationally have received the latest booster. The analysis was conducted when other omicron subvariants, namely BA.5, BQ.1 and BQ.1.1, were predominant. But lab studies suggest the bivalent booster still is effective against severe disease with XBB.1.5, according to Johns Hopkins University researchers. The CDC recommends updated bivalent boosters for everyone 5 and older, if it has been at least two months since their last dose. Children ages 6 months to 4 years who completed the Moderna primary series also can get the booster if it has been at least two months since their last dose. There is no booster recommendation for children 6 months to 4 years who got the Pfizer primary vaccine series. In a bit of good news, both influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, continue to decline in Nebraska as well as in the country as a whole. Nebraskas influenza-like illness activity was high last week, down from the very high category, where it had been for weeks. Nebraska now has tallied more than 558,000 cases of COVID-19. The seven additional deaths reported last week bring the states total count to 4,730. LINCOLN Multiple bills are in the works in the Nebraska Legislature that were influenced by a 63-page report released last week detailing the states top housing needs. All state lawmakers were sent a copy of Nebraskas 2022 Strategic Housing Framework, which calls for 35,000 affordable housing units to be built by 2028, among other big goals. One bill has already been introduced that was influenced by the report, and at least three more are on their way. State Sens. Tony Vargas and Tom Briese led a briefing on the report last week. Though Vargas and Briese hold different party affiliations and represent two totally different parts of Nebraska hailing from Omaha and Albion, respectively Vargas said housing is a broad and urgent enough issue to warrant everyones attention. I think that the lack of available housing across Nebraska is curtailing economic growth in our state more than we realize, Briese said. Nebraska has not been immune to the decades-long national housing shortage. Vargas said research estimates the state needs to build at least 5,000 new housing units every year to keep up with demand. The 2022 report refers to issues for both renters and owners, and cites multiple contributors behind Nebraskas housing needs, including rising costs of housing and loans, and a lack of available land and diverse housing options. Dave Rippe, who contributed to the report through Queen City Development Company, said more than 175,000 Nebraska households are what he called housing burdened, which means more than 30% of the residents income goes toward paying for the home itself. Along with the goal of building 35,000 affordable housing units, the report also sets a goal of reducing the percentage of housing burdened homes in the state from 44% to 33% by 2028. This would amount to about 44,000 homes. While Nebraskas housing needs in metropolitan areas are intense and well-documented, Rippe noted that rural areas have their own set of unique needs due to their overall decline in population over the last few decades. He said in some rural counties, about 17% of the housing units are vacant. Much of the vacant property is old and uninhabitable, but Rippe said there arent enough construction crews based in rural areas to keep up with the necessary improvements. He estimated rural Nebraska needs at least 5,000 additional construction workers to meet demand. Briese introduced Legislative Bill 249 last week, to amend the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Act. The bill would increase the limit in workforce housing grant funding a nonprofit development organization can apply for from $1 million to $5 million over a two-year period. Vargas said there are at least three other bills influenced by the report that have yet to be introduced, which will focus on removing regulations that slow housing development and help distribute more funding for housing at a faster pace. Vargas said he does not have specific goals in mind for each legislative session. Were trying to make as much of a dent as we possibly can, Vargas said. Several housing bills that have been introduced were not influenced by the report. One of them, LB 424, was introduced by Sen. Wendy DeBoer of Bennington and would establish the Department of Housing and Urban Development. DeBoer said LB 424 has been in the works since last year, so the draft was not influenced by the reports research. However, she said the report likely will play a role in the bills progress through the Legislature this session. Another bill expected to come from the Urban Affairs Committee will suggest millions of federal dollars be used on several low- and middle-income housing projects in underserved areas of Omaha. The bill is linked to an independent report from engineering firm Olsson that was also released last week as part of a multiyear economic recovery effort. Photos: 2023 Nebraska legislative session BLOOMINGTON A giant guitar made its way through Central Illinois on Monday, stopping in a number of communities on its journey to the under-construction Illinois Rock & Roll Museum on Route 66. The aptly named Gigantar, created by artist Shannon MacDonald, stretches 24 feet high and weighs about 1,600 pounds, according to Ron Romero, founder and executive director of the Joliet museum, which is slated to open later this year. The gargantuan instrument traveled there from its origin in New Jersey. Along the way, it made stops at various Route 66 communities, including Lincoln, Atlanta, Bloomington, Normal, Lexington and Pontiac. We want people to know that it exists, our museum exists, and we want to be inclusive of all of Route 66 that we can, Romero said. ... Theres a lot of great music history here in Illinois, throughout the whole state, and nobody has really recognized that yet, so we just got lucky. We came around at the right time. Romero described the museum as a grassroots, volunteer-driven effort. Its leaders formed a nonprofit in 2017, purchased a three-story building in downtown Joliet in 2019 and have been remodeling since then. They hope to open the first floor this spring. Where does one get the money for such an undertaking? Anywhere we can get it, really, Romero said, including grants, private donations and over 700 charter members from 33 states and three countries. And there is some hope that the massive guitar, fashioned after the museums logo, might help attract even more support. Weve been doing a lot of work on the inside, and we get thousands of cars that go by every day, but nobody knows whats happening inside, Romero said. Putting something like this in the front of the building will get peoples attention to stop by, look in, and hopefully donate and get involved. A celebratory Gigantar lighting ceremony is planned for 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20, at the museum, 9 W. Cass St., Joliet. Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick is among the musicians expected to attend. For more information about the museum, visit roadtorock.org. Main Street of America: Route 66 attractions state by state Main Street of America: Route 66 attractions state by state Grant Park (Chicago) Mural City (Pontiac, Illinois) Lauterbach Giant (Springfield, Illinois) Chain of Rocks Bridge (Madison, Illinois) World's Largest Catsup Bottle (Collinsville, Illinois) Henry's Rabbit Ranch (Staunton, Illinois) Old Log Cabin (Pontiac, Illinois) (Former) World's Largest Rocking Chair (Cuba, Missouri) 66 Drive-In Theatre (Carthage, Missouri) Route 66 State Park (Eureka, Missouri) Meramec Caverns (Stanton, Missouri) Wagon Wheel Motel (Cuba, Missouri) Devil's Elbow, Missouri Cars on the Route (Galena, Kansas) Galena Mining & Historical Museum (Galena, Kansas) Brush Creek Bridge (Cherokee County, Kansas) Williams' Store (Riverton, Kansas) Baxter Springs Independent Oil and Gas Service Station (Baxter, Kansas) Milk Bottle Grocery (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) Blue Whale (Catoosa, Oklahoma) Lucille's Service Station and Roadhouse (Hydro, Oklahoma) Allen's Conoco Fillin' Station (Commerce, Oklahoma) Totem Pole Park (Foyil, OK) Cadillac Ranch (Amarillo, Tesas) VW Slug Bug Ranch (Conway, Texas) Midpoint Cafe (Adrian, Texas) Tower Station and U-Drop Inn Cafe (Shamrock, Texas) Leaning Tower of Texas (Groom, Texas) Big Texan Steak Ranch (Amarillo, Tesas) Blue Swallow Motel (Tucumcari, New Mexico) Tee Pee Curios (Tucumcari, New Mexico) Clines Corners Retail Center (Clines Corners, New Mexico) 66 Diner (Albuquerque, New Mexico) El Rancho Hotel (Gallup, New Mexico) Blue Hole (Santa Rosa, New Mexico) Hackberry General Store (Hackberry, Arizona) Winslow Corner (Winslow, Arizona) Angel and Vilma's Original Route 66 Gift Shop (Seligman, Arizona) Delgadillo's Snow Cap Drive-In (Seligman, Arizona) The town of Oatman (Oatman, Arizona) Wigwam Village Motel #6 (Holbrook, Arizona) Grand Canyon National Park Meteor Crater (Meteor City, Arizona) Elmer Long's Bottle Tree Ranch (Oro Grande, California) Emma Jean's Holland Burger Cafe (Victorville, California) Rt. 66 Museum (Victorville, California) Original McDonald's (San Bernardino, California) Cucamonaco Service Station (Rancho Cucamonga, California) Roy's Motel & Cafe (Amboy, California) Santa Monica Pier (Santa Monica, California) CHICAGO - In his closing remarks before a vote on a sweeping firearms ban, Illinois Senate President Don Harmon pushed back at critics who contended the prohibitions would violate the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The Oak Park Democrat concluded with a message for Republican lawmakers and other opponents of the measure, which was passed in response to the deadly mass shooting at Highland Parks Fourth of July parade: Well see you in court. When Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the measure into law Tuesday after the Democratic-controlled House gave its approval, Illinois became the ninth state to ban so-called assault weapons, winning praise from President Joe Biden. It also set up inevitable legal challenges from gun rights advocates that could take years for the courts to resolve. In a letter Tuesday to Pritzker, Harmon and House Speaker Emanuel Chris Welch of Hillside, Richard Pearson, executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, responded directly to the Senate presidents remarks, writing: Challenge accepted. While no lawsuit has yet been filed, experts on gun legislation and constitutional law said the new restrictions face a murky legal future, particularly in light of the U.S. Supreme Courts June decision striking down New York states concealed carry law. Its clear that the courts are becoming more hostile to gun safety regulations, said Adam Winkler, a UCLA School of Law professor and author of the book Gun Fight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America. The law (in Illinois) is going to be challenged, and there is a good chance it will be overturned. Pritzker, who noted hes also a lawyer, said he was very confident the law would withstand legal scrutiny. The law here that we now have enacted is constitutional, Pritzker told reporters after signing the measure late Tuesday. There was a lot of thought that went into it to make sure that it would be. The law immediately bans the delivery, sale, import and purchase of assault weapons and .50-caliber rifles. It offers a lengthy definition of the guns that fall under the ban, listing more than 60 specific models and entire categories such as all AR types. The ban covers semi-automatic rifles that can employ a detachable magazine and have a pistol grip, as well as a number of handguns and shotguns. People who owned such guns before the ban took effect will have to register them, with a serial number, by Jan. 1, facing a misdemeanor for a first offense and a felony for subsequent offenses. The law also immediately bans the delivery, sale or purchase of ammunition magazines of more than 10 rounds for long guns and more than 15 rounds for handguns. Also banned are devices that increase the firing rates of a gun, known as switches. Eugene Kontorovich, a law professor at George Mason Universitys Antonin Scalia Law School, said the bill contained several provisions that were clearly unconstitutional on their face. Among the issues, Kontorovich said, is the provision limiting the number of rounds an ammunition magazine can contain. Magazines exceeding those limits are available for civilian-owned handguns and the restrictions could be construed as an infringement on a citizens right to self-defense. Like Winkler, Kontorovich said the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the New York case last year will make it much more difficult for states to place restrictions on gun ownership going forward, particularly when it comes to guns purchased for home- or self-protection. The high courts 6-3 ruling in New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen found that the plain text of the Second Amendment protected the right of the plaintiffs to carry firearms for self-defense. One gun rights group said that the June decision could wipe out every unconstitutional law that stands in the way of someones Second Amendment rights. The ruling was cited last month by gun rights proponents in a pending federal appeals court case over whether Marylands assault weapon ban should be overturned. Winkler said while courts in other states had upheld gun bans like Illinois in the past, the Bruen ruling greatly expanded Second Amendment protections by imposing a new constitutional test requiring gun laws to be historically consistent with laws on the books in the 17th and 18th centuries. That test has already led to some mainstream, widely accepted gun safety regulations being overturned in other states, Winkler said, including bans on people with pending domestic-violence restraining orders from having a firearm, provisions limiting guns at summer camps and churches, and even a law requiring guns to have serial numbers. David Sigale, a Wheaton-based attorney who has filed a number lawsuits on behalf of clients who believe their Second Amendment rights were violated, agreed that the new law wont hold up if the Bruen case decision is applied. The Second Amendment says the people have the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense purposes. That right is not limited to arms that just existed back in 1791 and its not the governments place basically to say what firearms someone needs or should have or should want for those self-defense or other lawful purposes, Sigale said. Those claims have to be analyzed under a historical tradition test, and when that test is applied I dont think that these restrictions are going to hold up as passing muster, he said. Portions of the Illinois law, including which firearms fall under the nebulous definition of assault weapons, are similar to a law passed in Delaware last year that has already prompted legal challenges. The term assault weapon alone is often nonspecific and controversial. Gun rights advocates say it is a manufactured term used by gun control groups to overdramatize certain guns as weapons of war, even though some firearms that bear the ominous designation are commonplace for recreational use. One national gun control group on its website defines assault weapons as typically semi-automatic versions of weapons created for deadly battlefield purposes. They are designed and equipped with features that enable mass killing, including sustained, high-volume rapid fire shooting at large numbers of people in a short period of time, according to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The Illinois law defines such weapons as having several characteristics, including any feature capable of functioning as a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand. The Smith & Wesson M&P 15 rifle, which was used in the Highland Park shooting, is among the more than 60 types of guns listed in the proposal that are categorized as assault weapons. Aside from Delaware, the Giffords Law Center noted that seven states California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York and the District of Columbia have enacted laws banning so-called assault weapons. Those laws in many cases are similar, the law center said, but vary in terms of what firearms are defined as assault weapons, what exemptions apply to these guns owned before the ban went into effect, whether the laws require owners to register their assault weapons with law enforcement if they owned them before the ban, and other guidelines. Three other states Minnesota, Virginia and Washington have adopted regulations for assault weapons but not outright bans. In the Chicago area, Highland Park and about a dozen other suburbs moved to ban possession and ownership of the weapons in 2013 under a legislative compromise that gave municipalities a narrow window to do so as part of a measure that legalized concealed carry, which the state had been ordered to allow by a federal court. More recently, Naperville banned local sales of the weapons in the wake of the Highland Park shooting. Cook County has had a ban in place since 1993 that closely mirrors the definition in the new state law, though the county prohibits magazines holding more than 10 rounds, while the state allows up to 15 for handguns. The Cook County ban has survived legal challenges in recent years. In 2019, the federal appeals court in Chicago upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit from two gun owners who challenged Cook Countys ban, claiming it violated the Second Amendment because it was written so ambiguously that it could broadly apply to nearly all semi-automatic weapons. The nations highest court, though, has made landmark decisions throughout the years that have been a blow to gun control advocates. In 2010, the courts 5-4 decision in McDonald v. the City of Chicago struck down the citys nearly three-decade-old handgun ban and allowed Chicagoans to fall in line with the rest of the country by keeping handguns at home for self-defense. In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller ruled for the first time that the Second Amendment establishes the right to own a handgun for personal self-defense not merely as part of a state militia. However, the ruling in Heller also held that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose, a part of the decision that advocates are relying on to bolster bans like the one now in effect in Illinois. The debate over the ban on the floors of both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly made clear the stark divide on the issue. State Rep. Martin McLaughlin, a Republican from Barrington Hills, suggested the measure jeopardized someones right to defend themselves. If we wish to amend our constitution and the provisions and protections enumerated in the Second Amendment, as well within any of the other 26 amendments for our law-abiding citizens, we should be on the floor of Congress and not here on the floor of the state of Illinois, unfortunately, he said. We cannot improve the safety of the lives of the innocent law-abiding citizens by restricting the rights to self-defense. Democratic state Rep. Will Guzzardi argued theres case law saying that the Second Amendment protected the use of guns that were in common use at the time the amendment was written in 1791, and that the types of guns being used to wreak havoc in todays society were not common in the late 18th century. It is widely recognized, it is established jurisprudence, that the Second Amendment is not a regulatory blank check, Guzzardi, of Chicago, said during floor debate. These weapons have no place in civilian society, and I believe that everybody in this chamber in their heart knows that to be true. On Wednesday, the Supreme Court allowed a new law New York enacted in response to the Bruen ruling to remain in effect while a challenge continues in a lower court. The law places numerous restrictions on where concealed carry license holders can bring their weapons. But conservative Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas issued a statement telling those challenging the law that they should not be deterred by todays order from again seeking relief if the appeals court does not provide an explanation for its decision to leave the law in place or expedite its review of the case. And in December, the Oregon Supreme Court blocked a ballot measure approved by voters during the November election to ban magazines capable of holding more than 10 bullets. The states high court is weighing the measure after a lower court ruled it violated Oregons right to bear arms under its state constitution. Ari Freilich, state policy director for the Giffords Law Center, which helped craft the Illinois ban, acknowledged that the legal landscape has shifted somewhat in the wake of the Bruen ruling, with rogue decisions from, largely, kind of rogue conservative judges using the decision as justification to strike down numerous restrictions on gun ownership. A federal judge in Texas, for example, used the Bruen ruling as the basis for finding unconstitutional a prohibition on possessing a weapon while subject to a domestic violence restraining order. Still, given the U.S. Supreme Courts previous opinions in rulings like the Heller case, Freilich said, unless the Supreme Court kind of overturns its own precedent yet again we expect that if the Supreme Court means what it says, these types of restrictions should stand. In his closing remarks on the Senate floor, Harmon, whos pushed for many gun control measures during his two decades in Springfield, made clear why supporters feel its both necessary and within the bounds of the Constitution to ban high-powered weapons. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is intended to produce a secure state, Harmon said. We do not have a secure state. Too many people are dying from gun violence. Opponents of the ban have made equally clear that they see little room for compromise on a right they see as absolute. When you ask for a gun ban, theres not a place where we can go, where we can go and negotiate that, Ed Sullivan, a contract lobbyist for the Illinois State Rifle Association, told an Illinois House committee last month at a hearing on the gun ban. There are certain red lines in the sand. International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva on Sunday confirmed that Ghana has sought debt treatment under the Common Framework platform supported by the Group of 20 major economies. Reuters reported that Ghana requested on Tuesday to restructure its bilateral debt under the Common Framework platform supported by the G20, according to a source familiar with the situation. The crisis-hit nation becomes the fourth country to apply to the G20 initiative launched in 2020 and designed to streamline debt restructuring efforts in the wake of poorer countries buckling under the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. "Ghana just became the fourth country to seek treatment under the Common Framework, sending a signal that it is seen as an important pathway for debt resolution," Georgieva said in a blog. Ghana's debt restructuring under the Common Framework aims to include non-Paris club members, such as China in debt relief talks. China is Ghana's biggest bilateral creditor with $1.7 billion of debt, while the country owes $1.9 billion to Paris club members, according to data from the International Institute of Finance (IIF). Reuters reported first earlier this month that Ghana was seeking debt treatment under the G20 programme. Ghana, which secured a $3 billion staff-level agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in mid-December, has been hesitating on this request due to the long delays faced by other countries using the process. The Common Framework, designed to allow for speedy debt restructuring, has been widely criticised for its glacial progress. Chad, Ethiopia and Zambia signed up in early 2021. While Chad secured a deal with creditors in November, Zambia is still locked in talks. Ethiopia's progress was held up by civil war. "Countries seeking debt restructuring under the Framework will need greater certainty on processes and standards, as well as shorter and more predictable timelines," Georgieva said in the blog on Sunday. Source: Reuters Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video THE FIRST consignment of governments Oil For Gold deal arrived yesterday at the Tema Port from Dubai,Daily Guide has learnt. The Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) Company is the lead broker of the project, supported by GOIL and other oil marketing companies. The preliminary consignment, which consists of 40,000 metric tons of oil, is expected to be increased subsequently. Ghana currently has a monthly oil consumption requirement of 180,000 metric tons of oil. Government recently announced its plans to buy oil products with gold rather than the United States dollar reserves. In November, last year, it would be recalled Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia said that the move was meant to tackle the dwindling foreign currency reserves coupled with the demand for dollars by oil importers, which was weakening the local cedi and increasing living costs. The decision, billed to begin this first quarter of 2023, he said will fundamentally change our balance of payments and significantly reduce the persistent depreciation of our currency. He added that using gold would prevent the exchange rate from directly impacting fuel or utility prices as domestic sellers would no longer need foreign exchange to import oil products. Ghanas Gross International Reserves stood at around US$6.6 billion at the end of September 2022, equating to less than three months of imports cover. The figure was down from around $9.7 billion at the end of last year, according to the government. The barter of gold for oil represents a major structural change, Dr. Bawumia emphasised. Like Nigeria, Ghana produces crude oil but it has relied on imports for refined oil products since its only refinery shut down after an explosion in 2017. Although countries sometimes trade oil for other goods or commodities, barter deals of such nature often involve an oil-producing nation receiving non-oil goods. The new move comes amid plans by government to contain the economic challenges being faced by the country. Earlier last year, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta announced measures to cut spending and boost revenues in a bid to tackle a spiraling debt crisis. So, this has come in handy as the cedi, in October last year, became the worst performing currency in the world after it lost 45.1 per cent of its value to the United States dollar. Source: Daily Guide Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The National Chairman of the Progressive People's Party (PPP), Nana Ofori Owusu, has admonished the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to shut down Databank. Nana Ofori Owusu wondered why Databank is still operating following their challenges to protect the investments of their customers, hence incurring the wrath of their customers. The government late in December last year announced an amendment to the initial Domestic Debt Exchange programme (DDEP), under which individual bondholders are being asked to submit to a voluntary exchange of their domestic bonds for new bonds. Individual Bondholders Forum (IBF), a voluntary group of individual bondholders have meanwhile kicked against this. Databank Closes Offices Last year, some angry customers were said to have threatened the staff of Databank compelling them to resort to remote operations and working from home. The fund management company further announced a closure of its offices and remote work for its staff effective December 22, 2022 following the physical and verbal attacks on them by some of its clients. The company in an email to its clients said it had been affected by the liquidity challenges that have rocked the fund management industry owing to the "macro-economic crisis" facing the country. "We are currently engaging with the Ministry of Finance, our Regulator (The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)), and the Ghana Securities Industry Association regarding the impact of the debt exchange on Databanks mutual funds as well as other Collective Investment Schemes," the email said. SEC To Support Databank The statement also indicated that "as part of these discussions, the SEC issued a notice to Market Operators (SEC/CIR/005/12/22) on December 9, 2022, indicating its intent to support the market with much-needed liquidity relief, including access to the Financial Stability Fund as a last resort". "Therefore, we are hopeful that once the Debt Exchange Program has been concluded (expected settlement date: January 5, 2023), we will be able to access the necessary funds to once again pay withdrawal requests. We are totally reliant on the Government of Ghana to pay us, so we can in turn pay clients", it added. Collapse Databank But Nana Ofori Owusu has dissented to the SEC action to support Databank with the Stability Fund, questioning why they didn't create the same fund to cushion Gold Coast Securities, another fund management company, in 2019 before opting to shut it down when it was saddled with difficulties in resolving the plight of investors who placed funds with the company. SEC halting the operations of BlackShield Capital Management (formerly Gold Coast Securities) triggered angry reactions from the public but SEC Boss, Rev Daniel Ogbarmey Tetteh turned deaf ear to the management, customers and the public. Nana Ofori Owusu argued that at the time Gold Coast Securities' licence was revoked, it had invested 67 percent in government bonds and businesses but SEC went ahead to end their operations despite their pleas for time to address the problem of their investors. "Today, we are learning that the Finance Minister's company, Databank, has invested 90 percent of their money with government bonds and government securities . . . So, you collapse one company for supporting government business, bonds and securities; contractors, local Ghanaian contractors, were given money and they completed the project. They raise interim payment certificates, [some of them] about 8 of them, theirs were 30 million, some 50 million and others 5 million but [a company] one company has invested about GHC 4 billion in government securities and you're saying you won't pay the money and in not paying their money, you took away their licence. "Now, Databank has come out to say they too are unable to pay investors their liquidity challenge but with them, it was 67 percent that they give into government bonds and securities. They say it is 90 something plus percent of their portfolio was used to do this thing but with them, you have created a stability fund to bail out your companies; about 15 billion we are being told, to bail out your companies . . . So, how come that we live in a country where, on one hand, when you do something and I don't like you or I think you are not beautiful to me, then I will destroy your company?", he contended. He couldn't fathom why Databank will be supported with a fund to revamp their operations when Gold Coast Securities didn't get equal privileges. "The conditions that were there for Gold Coast Securities is the same conditions prevailing for Databank. Databank has done worse than what Gold Coast was going in at the time. They have used 90% of their portfolio to do government securities. Now, the safest investment you can do in the whole world is buying government bond; it used to be. The safest investment is buying government bonds, investing in government business and if someone has invested 67% in government business, you question why he has invested so much of his portfolio in government business. "Now, some other person is telling you he has invested 90% in government bonds, you won't tell him it is too much...They should collapse Databank. They should take their licence. They should do the same thing they did to other security companies," he said while discussing the financial sector challenges during Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo". Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia will on Tuesday, January 17 open the 74th Annual New Year School and Conference (ANYSC) at the Great Hall of the University of Ghana, Legon, Accra. The three-day programme is on the theme: "Positioning the African Market for Sustainable Economic Development through the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Mr Wamkele Mene, Secretary General AfCFTA, would deliver the keynote address for this years Programme, which is under the auspices of the School of Continuing and Distance Education (SCDE), College of Education, University of Ghana. Dr Simon-Peter Kafui Aheto, Director, 74th ANYSC/ Senior Lecturer, Department of Distance Education, SCDE, University of Ghana, who disclosed in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Accra, said the Programme would consist of the Main School and Conference, and a Youth School. He said the Main School and Conference were slated for Tuesday, January 17 to Wednesday, January 18, while the Youth School would be on Thursday, January 19, both at the Conference Room of the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) of the University of Ghana. "We are expecting about 400 participants for the main School and Conference from civil society, government agencies, private sector, informal sector, academia and people from all walks of life," Dr Aheto said. "For the Youth School, we will be expecting a minimum of 350 participants from around the country." Touching on expected outcomes of the Programme, Dr Aheto said one of the major outcomes of the Annual New Year School and Conference was the release of a communique at the end of the event. He said the previous communiques had shaped policies and provoked discussions of the themes within the public space. He reiterated that adequate opportunities would be created to ensure non-partisan discourse on the theme and widely disseminate policy briefs both locally and internationally. He noted that this year's Programme would contribute to the continents quest in advancing trade and industry to build a robust African economy that could sustainably contribute to growth in member countries He said the Annual New Year School and Conference had existed over the last 74 years; adding that "in the course of the year, we shall be cutting sod for the Annual New Year School and Conference Multipurpose Digital Youth Village Complex on campus, a hub for youth training and development in Ghana and on the continent." "Again, this years ANYSC coincides with the 75th Anniversary celebration of the premier University of Ghana, the institution that is affectionately called, Legon." Dr Aheto told the GNA that the 74th ANYSC was creating a platform for every Ghanaian, and every African to have a better understanding and involvement of the whole concept of the AfCFTA, an intra-continental trade space to promote. Since its inception in 1948, the Annual New Year School and Conference has been the flagship programme of the University and attracts people from all walks of life to deliberate on topical issues of national and international interests. It opens at the beginning of every new year. At the end of every school and conference, a communique is issued, which captures the recommendations of participants and discussants. The recommendations usually inform policy decisions and directions in the country. Source: GNA Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Having toured the 504, one and two-bedroom housing unit being developed for the Police Service, The Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, responsible for Lands and Forestry Hon. Benito Owusu-Bio announced that a New Edifice for the Police Service will be ready in the second week of February 2023. The Deputy Minister made this declaration when he embarked on a working visit to inspect the ongoing housing project for Personnel of the Ghana Police Service, the Ghana Meteorological Service, Civil Aviation and the DVLA located at Kwabenya( Atomic) on Thursday, 12th January 2023. Addressing the media, Hon. Benito Owusu-Bio disclosed that the project which is being developed by Unique Development Company is a land swap agreement between the Lands and Natural Resources Ministry, Lands Commission, Ministry of Interior, Ghana Police Service, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission and the private developer. He said this agreement was reached when the government realised that the Police Service was in urgent need of accommodation which also fell in line with the government's plan to build Morden Barracks for the security services, as their numbers kept increasing by the day. He indicated that the construction begun in 2020 but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the progress was interrupted and almost halted with 92% completion currently, they are hopeful to see the complete work by February 2023. The Deputy Minister explained that the project also includes a 10 Unit, 2-bedroom accommodation for the engineering and mechanic department of the Service with offices, canteens, and a police post to ensure their safety. Hon. Benito told the media that the police station within the new community will not only serve the Police Service and their families but also serve those in the neighbouring areas as well. The Deputy Minister further clarified that the project has also relocated the residents of the Ghana Airport Company and the Meteorological Service at Jubilee enclave to pave way for the construction of the Jubliee City Project. The Deputy Minister responsible for Lands as part of his working visit also took the media on a tour of the old Police Service accommodation facilities at the Airport, 37 DVLA enclave to give them an appreciation of the difference in outlook and the better facilities government is offering the Police Service. He expressed his joy at the progress of work done so far saying "work is far advanced and we are hopeful that the contractors will meet the deadline". The first phase of the project which includes 312 housing units, also has a fully furnished clinic, school block for JHS and Primary, police mobile maintenance unit, police station, fuel depot and a garage. The Second phase will see the construction of 192 housing units, taking the total number to 504 housing units. Also with the Deputy Minister on this working visit was the Advisor to the Minister on Mines, the Technical Director for Lands at the Ministry, Mr Maxwell Adu-Nsarfoa and other officials from the Ministry and the Lands Commission. Source: Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The National Cathedral Secretariat has responded to claims of conflict of interest and corruption on the part of Rev Kusi Boateng, Secretary of the Secretariat by North Tongu Member of Parliament (MP) Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, insisting that payment made to the company( JNS Talent Centre), Okudzeto Ablakwa links to Rev Kusi Boateng, was a refund of a loan the company had given to the Secretariat. Mr Ablakwa had earlier in the day claimed in a post on social media that Rev. Kusi Boateng, Secretary to the Board of Trustees of the National Cathedral of Ghana, was the third director of JNS Talent Cantre Limited, a company that received GH2.6 million payment from the Secretariat. Unimpeachable and incontrovertible evidence confirms that Mr. Kwabena Adu Gyamfi is the famous Rev. Victor Kusi Boateng who still serves on the National Cathedral Board as an Executive Council Member/Director... For the avoidance of doubt, there is no distinct Kwabena Adu Gyamfi. Kwabena Adu Gyamfi is a criminal creation of Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng. The two are therefore one and the same. In response, Rev Dr Opoku Mensah, Executive Director of the Secretariat said that as a normal verification expected of a Member of Parliament would have revealed, this was not an illegal payment but rather a refund of a short-term interest-free loan made by JNS to top up the payments to the contractors of the National Cathedral. This support was sought from a National Cathedral Trustee Member, Rev Kusi Boateng, in a letter dated August 26, 2021, due to a delay in the receipt of funds to pay the Contractors on time. The GHC 2.6m was paid from the JNS account to the National Cathedral account on August 27, 2021, following a request from Rev Kusi Boateng to his bankers, ADB. The GHC 2.6m was refunded to Rev Kusi Boateng, and JNS, by the National Cathedral on September 21 - 2022 Source: Peacefmonline.com/ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Former Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Koku Anyidoho has said that the eight students who were sacked for insulting President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo should thank the President for having a kind heart to forgive them. He said the girls would have been flogged openly in other jurisdictions for insulting the president. Honestly, these girls are damn lucky. In other jurisdictions, they would have been flogged publicly. What nonsense!! You joke with insulting the President & making it public? Ah! Ah! Ah! I guess we must thank President Akufo-Addo for having a kind heart to forgive them. Thanks Prez, Mr Anyidoho tweeted. Honestly, these girls are damn lucky. In other jurisdictions, they wld have been flogged publicly. What nonsense!! U joke with insulting the President & making it public? Ah! Ah! Ah! I guess we must thank President Akufo-Addo for having a kind heart to forgive them.Thanks Prez pic.twitter.com/OrRsm7lc3c Samuel Koku Anyidoho (@KokuAnyidoho) January 14, 2023 Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Private legal practitioner, Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko has advanced reasons for which individual bondholders are supposed to welcome the debt restructuring offer from the government. According to him, the Ghanaian economy could crash if the bondholders do not quickly accept the offer as outlined by the Ministry of Finance. Gabby, in a series of posts on social media, warned against the agitations surrounding the deal and encouraged the bondholders to play their role in the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP). Ghana is in a very difficult place. What we are seeing with the mobilisation of agitation on individual bondholders poses a real and serious risk worse than what we witnessed when opposition to E-Levy succeeded in derailing an already shaky macroeconomic situation from 2021, portions of his tweets read. The debt exchange programme is voluntary for individual bondholders but a very necessary evil for our economy. Its success is critical to restoring macroeconomic stability, securing an IMF prog. It hits those of us holding bonds very hard. A straight no to it is no solution!, Mr Otchere-Darko stressed. If the no-compromise opposition to it wins, what then has been achieved? It may lead to national debt default. So what then happens to the value of your bonds after! Potentially worthless. If participation is low, we jeopardize resolving the economic crisis and hardships, he wrote. Gabby Otchere-Darko concluded his tweet storm by reminding Ghanaians that the countrys economy is not in a good shape and that certain uncomfortable measures ought to be taken to restore it. Im sorry but we have to face the hard/painful truths. We aint sitting pretty. Our focus must be on how the burden to individual bondholders may be possibly eased; but not to take the hardline position of simply saying no to participation. It will come back to hit us harder!. Meanwhile, the invitation to the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP) expires today, Monday, January 16, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. This comes after two extensions of the expiration date by the Finance Ministry. The decision to include individual bondholders was necessitated after government was forced by labour unions to abandon plans to include pensions in the debt exchange programme which was first announced in December 2022. Source: ghanaweb.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video An early morning fire has gutted several shops, a restaurant, and corn and fufu mill in Hohoe. The fire believed to have started at about 0430 hours on Sunday, destroyed goods running into thousands of cedis. Master Dzayon Joshua, an eyewitness, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that at about 0430 hours, he saw smoke from the mill and rushed to the area. He said by the time he got to the mill, the intensity of the fire increased and touched the electrical wires connected to the mill. Master Dzayon said the fire then spread rapidly to the nearby shops. Madam Hannah Amegbor, owner of Amen Chop Bar, one of the affected shops, said she received a distress call at about 0457 hours that fire had gutted her shop. She said when she arrived, the first provision shop was already in flames and efforts to douse the fire proved futile. Madam Amegbor said when they called the Hohoe Municipal Fire Service, they were told that the fire tender was spoilt, adding that the cause of the fire was unknown to her. Alhaji Ibrahim Mohammed, owner of one of the burnt provision shops, told GNA that he received a call at about 0500 hours and when he got to the scene, all goods were burnt, and he could not salvage anything. Mr Wisdom Azumah, owner of the mill, said he had been operating since 1989 and it was the first time such an unfortunate incident had happened. He noted that he had no faulty electrical connections that he deemed could be the cause of the fire as speculated. Da Dzigbordi, Organiser, Hohoe Market Women Association, said they were appalled by the late response of fire officers and was disappointed that the fire tender at Hohoe was faulty. Station Officer II (SOII) Osei Henry, Hohoe Municipal Fire Officer, told the GNA that at about 0500 hours, they received a call about the incident and when they arrived, the fire was well-lit. He said the fire tender was faulty but a call was placed to the Kpando Division of the Service and they arrived at 0600 hours whilst the Hohoe officers were assisting in dousing the fire. SOII Osei said at about 0700 hours the fire was brought under control, adding that the cause of the fire was still being investigated. He noted that the callers called the 112 shortcode, which sent their information to Accra where Accra had to call Ho before Hohoe Division was then called by Ho. SOII Osei noted that the Kpando Division came and assisted within a short period. Mr Daniel Noble Awume, Hohoe Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), visited the scene while the Police were present to provide security at the scene. Source: GNA Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Anti-violence activists and members of the community attend a gathering near the intersection of South California Avenue and West Polk Street in Chicago on Nov. 1, 2022 after at least 14 people, including a 3-year-old, were shot in a drive-by shooting during a vigil the previous night. (Armando L. Sanchez / Chicago Tribune) On Jan. 10, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed into law the Protect Illinois Communities Act, which prohibits the sale and distribution of assault-style weapons, high-capacity magazines and gun switches in Illinois, effective immediately. The heroic journey to this historic moment was led by an army of legislators, lobbyists and activists. Advertisement For the past four years, my administration and my colleagues in the State Capitol have been battling the powerful forces of the (National Rifle Association) to enshrine the strongest and most effective gun violence legislation that we possibly can, Pritzker declared. I couldnt be prouder to say that we got it done. And we will keep fighting bill by bill, vote by vote, and protest by protest to ensure that future generations only hear about massacres like Highland Park, Sandy Hook and Uvalde in their textbooks. Advertisement Highland Park was the tipping point. On July 4 in that northern Chicago suburb, a young man allegedly used an AR-15-style rifle to shoot and kill seven people and wound more than two dozen others at a parade. I am thrilled these weapons of war are now illegal in Illinois. Yet future textbooks will not chronicle the gun-propelled slaughter in Chicago, and this law, while crucial and long overdue, will not quell the underlying deficits that plague many communities of color. The mass shooting in Highland Park commanded attention because it is a largely wealthy, white city where gun violence is rare. I am not blaming Highland Park for that, but the sorry truth is that for decades, the body counts have mounted in other communities with few resources to fight it. There were 695 homicides in Chicago in 2022, according to Chicago Police Department data analyzed by WTTW News. And 2,832 shootings were reported last year. The vast majority of the homicide victims more than 3 out of every 4 were Black, the analysis shows; 87% of those were male. Most perished by the gun. The Rev. Cornelius Parks speaks alongside faith leaders at Good Hope Free Will Baptist Church on Jan. 4, 2023, to express their support for a ban on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines. (Stacey Wescott / Chicago Tribune) My question is, and I love my brothers and sisters in Highland (Park), but if it didnt happen to Highland, would we be pushing the way we (are) pushing now? said the Rev. Cornelius Parks, pastor of Good Hope Free Will Baptist Church on Chicagos West Side. His church is a few blocks from the scene of another recent mass shooting, on another holiday, in East Garfield Park. Around 9 p.m. on Oct. 31, 14 people were attacked in a drive-by shooting near California Avenue and Polk Street on Chicagos West Side. Three were children: a 3-year-old and two others, 11 and 13. The adults ranged in age from 30s to 50s. One later died. It started when two people inside a dark SUV began shooting, police said. The vehicle, possibly an Audi sedan, fled south, the Tribune reported. Parks was a leading advocate of the assault weapons ban, but he said more needs to be done to heal the physical and psychic wounds of violence in communities like his. Advertisement The violence thats been taking place, that plague in the city of Chicago that is definitely relentless now, he told me recently. And truth be told, even with the gun laws, that wont stop it completely. He participates in a network of religious leaders who are providing counseling and support to the victims of the Halloween shooting. Ive been working with the community to try to bring awareness of things thats been plaguing our communities for a long time. Unfortunately, he said, many think it is normal. Gun violence has become normal; its not always been normal. Since July 4, there has been a stream of media reports about Highland Park, but not so much about the gun violence in communities that suffer massive deficits in resources. [ Halloween mass shooting victims in Chicago struggle to heal, call for more support ] In the aftermath of the Halloween shooting, theres a lot of repercussions that have taken place, a lot of individuals that got shot, Parks said. All of them had severe injuries that they had to work through, live through, operate through whether its going through rehab. Advertisement I dont believe everyone fully understands, he added, because when everyone else clears away, when the smoke clears, when everyone leaves, these people will have to bear this burden, these wounds, by themselves. His neighbors have scant access to assets and activities, he said, such as mental health services, neighborhood parks and other recreational outlets, and adequate schools. He pointed to his high school, Manley Career Academy High School, where 77 students are enrolled. So, you dont have extracurricular activities. How can you, with that little number of students in there? So now you have a huge school that dont even have 100 students. So, the resources (are) very important. For East Garfield Park and dozens of communities across Chicago, banning the guns is just the beginning. Laura Washington is a political commentator and longtime Chicago journalist. Her columns appear in the Tribune each Monday. Write to her at LauraLauraWashington@gmail.com. Submit a letter, of no more than 400 words, to the editor here or email letters@chicagotribune.com. A video shows the moment a diaper-clad toddler plays with a loaded handgun in an apartment building hallway before pointing it at himself and pulling the trigger. Neighbours who saw the boy last Saturday called police, and authorities arrived to search the apartment where he lived with his father. Cops found a 9mm Smith and Wesson pistol in the back of a desk drawer and the father was arrested. Authorities said the father could be charged with child neglect. Though the gun was loaded, thankfully, the boy was not harmed in the incident, as the bullets had not yet been chambered in the gun. The boy was returned to his mother, with whom he lived with full time. The incident took place in Beech Grove, Indiana, which is just outside of Indianapolis. Watch the video below. NEW: Neighbors who saw a toddler in diapers wandering around a Beech Grove, Indiana, apartment complex with a loaded handgun called police. The incident was caught on building cameras. The father - who lied that he didnt own a gun - was arrested. #inlegis https://t.co/FPpHFNi4rn pic.twitter.com/UGic373G4L Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) January 15, 2023 Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video 2020 presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has come under intense backlash over his recent comment on one of governments flagship programme, Agenda 111. In a post sighted by GhanaWeb on micro-blogging platform, Twitter, Mahama mentioned that although the Agenda 111 programme is in its fourth year, the Akufo-Addo-led administration has nothing to show for it. The Agenda 111 hospitals promise is in its 4th year, yet not a single hospital has been completed to support quality health care delivery. This is contrary to the lofty promise made in 2020. The NPP must learn to take Ghanaians seriously. Enough of the slogans, John Dramani Mahama wrote on his Twitter page. Reacting to this, some netizens have described Mahama's comment on the Agenda 111 project as false. According to the users of the bird app, the former presidents statement that Agenda 111 is in its fourth year is inaccurate because the initiative was announced in April 2020 during President Akufo-Addo's 8th COVID address to the nation. They subsequently noted that the sod-cutting ceremony for the programme was held in August 2021. Others, on the other hand, accused Mr Mahama of lacking new messages for Ghanaians. Here are some messages from John Dramani Mahamas critics There he goes again engaging in propaganda sophistry. How did the 'Agenda 111' hospitals promise get to its 4th year? Prez Akufo-Addo first announced it in May 2020 during his 8th COVID address to the nation. Sod-cutting was done in August 2021. 1/3 pic.twitter.com/dfvfffdezR - (@dtadomako) January 14, 2023 President Akufo-Addo first announcement on the Agenda 111 Hospital was in May 2020 during his 8th COVID address to the nation and the sod-cutting was done in August 2021. John Dramani Mahama ankasa no, w Maths problem fri titi. https://t.co/jyDGi54qbh pic.twitter.com/7CklY0FqgK Charles N.T. Tagoe (@royaltcafe2012) January 14, 2023 Dear JM This is one of the agenda 111 hospital constructiona ongoing at the Eastern Regional Hospital in Koforidua. Phase1 of this new hospital project involves the construction of a two hundred and eighty-five (285) bed facility, out of the total capacity of 600 beds. pic.twitter.com/O7Ue4CuAgq Volta Youth (@YouthAllianceM2) January 15, 2023 The Agenda 111 hospitals promise is in its 4th year, yet not a single hospital has been completed to support quality health care delivery. This is contrary to the lofty promise made in 2020. The NPP must learn to take Ghanaians serious. Enough of the slogans! John Dramani Mahama (@JDMahama) January 14, 2023 The Agenda 111 hospitals promise is in its 4th year, yet not a single hospital has been completed to support quality health care delivery. This is contrary to the lofty promise made in 2020. The NPP must learn to take Ghanaians serious. Enough of the slogans! John Dramani Mahama (@JDMahama) January 14, 2023 The Agenda 111 hospitals promise is in its 4th year, yet not a single hospital has been completed to support quality health care delivery. This is contrary to the lofty promise made in 2020. The NPP must learn to take Ghanaians serious. Enough of the slogans! John Dramani Mahama (@JDMahama) January 14, 2023 Source: ghanaweb.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The founder and leader of Heaven Way Champion Ministries, Evangelist Patricia Oduro Koranteng alias Nana Agradaa has been rearrested by the police. According to a report by Oman Channel, Agradaa who is facing multiple criminal charges in various courts was rearrested on Monday, January 16, 2023, after making an appearance before the Accra Circuit Court 4. The court on Monday adjourned her case to Friday, January 20, 2023, but before Agradaa could leave the court premises, she was picked up by the police in relation to another case. The cause of her arrest is not clear yet, however a video shared by Oman Channel shows Agradaa venting out her frustration as she was being whisked away. I am going with them (the police) so when you go, tell them that the case with Appiah which is in court was called today, it was adjourned but they are arresting me again because of the case with Appiah, she is heard issuing parting orders to her family and sympathisers before the police team led her away. Last week, the police prayed an Accra Circuit Court to issue a bench warrant for the arrest of Nana Agradaa for failing to appear in court. At an Accra Circuit Court on Wednesday, January 10, 2023, Superintendent of Police, Sylvester Asare, informed the Court that since Nana Agradaa was granted bail with conditions set out by the Court, she has defied the courts order and that efforts to make her comply by the courts order had been difficult. According to the prosecution, Nana Agradaa aka Evangelist Mama Pat, was not cooperating with the Police. The prosecution submitted that the only way to compel the accused person to appear in court was for the Court to issue a bench warrant. The court refused the police request but admonished the lawyer for Nana Agradaa to advise their client. Nana Agradaa has three different cases before three Circuit Courts in Accra on various counts of defrauding by false pretences and charlatanic advertisement in the media. She is also facing trial for her alleged role in the assault of one Prophet Akwasi Appiah, alias Appiah Biblical in 2020. Source: ghanaweb.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The Greater Accra Regional Executive Committee of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has petitioned the partys Functional Executive Committee (FEC) over what it describes as the misconduct of the Greater Accra Regional General Secretary, Theophilus Tetteh Chaie and his deputy Patricia Addy. In a petition sighted by Citi News, it stated that the regional secretary and his deputy have refused to work together with other executives in the day-to-day running of the party at the regional level. Below are the details of the petition GREATER ACCRA REGIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS SOUTH LA ESTATE ACCRA 12TH JANUARY, 2023 THE FUCTIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS HEADQUARTERS ADABRAKA THRO: THE GENERAL SECRETARY NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS HEADQUARTERS-ACCRA Dear Sir, COMPLAINT AGAINST THE CONDUCT OF REGIONAL SECRETARY, THEOPHILUS TETTEH CHAIE AND DEPUTY, PATRICIA ADDY The undersigned are all Executives of the Regional Executive Committee of our great Party in Greater Accra, and write to officially complain about the unruly conduct of the Regional Secretary, Theophilus Tetteh Chaie, and his deputy, Patricia Addy, for remedial actions to be taken before the inevitable happens. The Regional Secretary and his deputy have installed themselves as demigods and repository of all knowledge who, everybody must bow to and worship at their feet. In the absence of this divisive conduct, then they would not cooperate with any Executive of the Region, thereby holding the entire Regional Executive Committee to ransom. Prior to the National Congress, at a meeting to consider names to be co-opted onto the Regional Executive Committee, the Regional Secretary did not cooperate with other Executives because his preferred choice did not prevail. In instances where his views did not prevail at meetings, he failed to discharge his administrative duties to implement decisions of the Regional Executive Committee. He would then call Constituency Executives and incite them against the Regional Executive Committee, a practice he has perfected. The Regional Secretary and his deputy have become a law onto themselves such that they take decisions and engage in acts in the name of the Regional Party without recourse to the Regional Executive Committee. A classical case in point was how the Regional Secretary, without the knowledge of the Regional Executive Committee, used the official letterhead of the Region to write for the issuance of visa to an individual and presented same as though it was the decision of the Regional Executive Committee to engage in visa racketeering. This dubious act has brought the name of the Party into disrepute at the embassy. There are also uninvestigated claims of the Regional Secretary and his deputy using the name of the Party to solicit funds, either in cash or kind, for their personal use, and using the Partys Regional letterhead to write appreciation letters to donors. An act that has caused the Regional Chairman to instruct all Regional Executives to direct financiers who approach them for donations to the Regional Executive Committee. Sensing that his source of raising funds would probably be blocked, the Regional Secretary angrily kicked against this directive and in a reaction, nearly poked the Regional Chairmans eye with his hand at a meeting on Tuesday, January 10, 2023. A day to the National Congress, the Regional Secretary and his deputy disregarded other Executives including the Regional Chairman, by refusing to answer countless phone calls to attend a meeting at the Stadium to discuss distribution of accreditation cards to delegates. Though he was present at the Stadium, he shrugged off calls on him to attend the meeting. An incident that forced the Regional Chairman himself to go for the accreditations for distribution. The Deputy Regional Secretary, who at the time was heavily drunk, engaged in a brawl with the Regional Chairmans driver in a bid to take custody of the accreditations. When she was unsuccessful, she verbally assaulted the Regional Chairman in the full glare of Executives from other Regions. As if that was not enough, she sent an audio recording to a WhatsApp platform of Constituency Secretaries to denigrate the Regional Chairman. A committee has been constituted by the Regional Executive Committee to investigate her. What broke the camels back was the Regional Secretarys usual egoistic behaviour at our regional meeting of Tuesday, January 10, 2023, where the Regional Chairman suggested that, the Regional Administrator should be allowed into our meetings to take minutes for final proofreading by the Regional Secretary before it would be tabled for discussion. The Regional Chairmans suggestion was against the backdrop of the fact that, both the Regional Secretary and his deputy have in almost all cases struggled to make minutes available for our meetings. This practice was common in the past administration where meetings were held without minutes of previous meetings. The Regional Secretary kicked against this suggestion on account that the Regional Chairman was seeking to take his job away from him, and in an unconscionable manner, shouted at the Regional Chairman and other Regional Executives who disagreed with him. The Regional Secretary and his deputy walked out of a regional meeting of Tuesday, January 10, 2023 after he kicked against discussion of half year program for the various wings, i.e the Womens Wing, Youth Wing and Zongo Caucus. His contention was that it was not the duty of the Regional Organizer to instruct the wings to submit their programs for discussion; rather, the programs should have been submitted to him for perusal before he would submit it for discussion at our meeting. When the Regional Chairman insisted that we should go ahead with the discussion, he and his deputy angrily stormed out of the meeting. In the process, he refused to sign two letters the Regional Executive Committee had agreed last year to be written to the Parliamentary Caucus and members of a committee constituted to investigate the unruly behavior of the deputy Regional Secretary. In the face of the refusal, the Regional Chairman asked him to make two copies of the regional letterhead available for signatory to the two letters he had failed to sign to be changed. He refused and sat in his car in an attempt to drive out. Crestfallen by the Regional Secretary and his deputys disregard for other Executives, Hon Nii Laryea asked the security not to open the gate for him until he made the letterheads available since the letterhead was not his heirloom. He got out of his car in a fit of rage to forcefully push Hon Nii Laryea and in the ensuing melee, he fell. These and many other conducts of the Regional Secretary and his deputy which they have carried from the previous administration to this new administration, is impeding progress of the Party in the Region and we believe if immediate steps are not taken to bring them to book, they will cause us irreparable damage going into 2024. It cannot be the case that the Regional Secretary and his deputy were the only pious executives in the previous administration and all others were wrong, and in this new administration too, they are again Mr. and Mrs. Right and other Executives are wrong. Yours Sincerely, all signed electronically Nii Ashie Moore Chairman William Vinyo-Vice Chairman Anthony Nukpenu- Organizer Gambo Abdullai Zam-Atu Deputy Organizer Felicia Mekpoi Bortey Women Organizer Jessica Braimah Deputy Women Organizer Evelyn Dodzi Dzeketey- Deputy Women Organizer Amos Blessing Amorse Youth Organizer Gideon Hammond deputy Youth Organizer Mohammed Juda deputy Youth Organizer Jerry Johnson Communication Officer Simon Kweku Tettey Deputy Communication Officer Sumaila Horoya Ali Zongo Caucus Coordinator Mohammed Norgah Treasurer Kennedy Hedoe deputy Treasurer Nii Okai Laryea Co-opted Member Delphina Jones (Mrs) Co-opted Member Source: ghanaweb.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Martin Kpebu, a private legal practitioner and fierce critic of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has disclosed that he voted for the president in 2016 and does not regret his decision. Known for his unrestrained and harsh criticism of the President, Martin Kpebu said he voted for then-candidate Akufo Addo in 2016 because he did not want then-President John Dramani Mahama to have a second term in office. Though he continues to pass a bad verdict on the leadership style of president Nana Akufo-Addo, he believes voting for him to be president has exposed his bad qualities as a leader. Speaking on TV3s Key Points monitored by MyNewsGh.com, he said Im somebody that voted for Nana. I was in favor of Nana coming in 2016 because I didnt want JM to get a second term. On hindsight, I dont regret it because what we need to do in this country is that every eight years we have to change until we get an honest leader. We need to keep changing them. He noted that political leadership in Ghana has over the years been inundated with dishonest leaders which makes it essential for the citizens to vote out leaders who show such tendencies. Source: ghanaweb.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video President Nana Akufo-Addo has sacked another Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Development Authority. Mr Stephen Yir-engu Engmen was given his marching orders in a letter dated 21 December 2022. A letter signed by the Chief of Staff, Ms Frema Osei-Opare, said Mr Yir-engu Engmen is expected to comprehensively hand over his duties and any official property to the Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Development Authority before his departure. We wish to inform you that, H. E. the President has decided to terminate your appointment as Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Development Authority with effect from 21st March 2023. Mr Yir-Eru Engmen has been in office since 2018. He was sacked along with his fellow Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Northern Development Authority, Mr Patrick Seidu, effective Tuesday, March 21, 2023. A letter from the Chief of Staff, Ms Frema Osei-Opare has asked Mr Seidu to comprehensively hand over your duties and any official property in your custody to the Chief Executive Officer of the Northern Development Authority before your departure. Ms Osei-Opare also noted: We thank you for your services and we wish you the best in your future endeavours. Source: class fm Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Former Deputy Director of Communications for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Obiri Boahen, has questioned the basis on which Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe is questioning the contribution of flagbearer hopeful, Kennedy Agyapong to the party. Dr Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe, in a recent interview with Joynews questioned the competence and devotion of Kennedy Agyapong as a prospective flagbearer of the NPP. According to him, while the likes of Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia are known for their track record of stepping up for the party, the same cannot be said for the Assin Central MP. But responding to Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe in an interview with Wontumi Radio, Mr. Obiri Boahen disputed his claims. I said what! What is Nyaho-Tamakloe trying to say? In 2016 alone Kennedy Agypong and Kutin bought almost a hundred pickups. He paid a debt of $3 million for the NPP and that was even in the 90s," Obiri Boahen said. Tell me which of the 275 constituencies in Ghana have not felt the impact of Kennedy Agyapong? I am with Bawumia, I am campaigning for Bawumia but it doesnt mean I should sit aloof if someone says something about Bawumias competitor and I have details about it, he added. Mr Obiri Boahen noted that contrary to his claims, it is rather Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe who has no track record of commitment to the party. Recently did Kennedy Agyapong not donate nine thousand bags of rice? Has Nyaho Tamakloe donated even a cup of rice before? he questioned. Describing Dr Nyaho-Tamakloe as disgraced, the former deputy communications director said Dr Nyaho-Tamakloe has no basis to issue such criticism since he is no longer a member of the NPP. On what basis? Nyaho Tamakloe just like Wereko Brobbey has been dismissed. If Kennedy Agyapong is contesting he needs the vote of NPP persons so where do you come in? Some journalists keep referring to him as a founding member. At what point in time? If he is, we have dismissed him from NPP so please they should stop that, he stated. The NPP later this year is expected to elect a flagbearer. Already, Kennedy Agyapong, former NPP General Secretary Kwabena Agyapong and former Energy Minister Boakye Agyarko have all announced their intent to contest as the partys flagbearer. Last week two ministers in the current government resigned ahead of the NPPs flagbearer elections. Former Trade and Industry Minister, John Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen announced his intent to contest after resigning while former Minister for Agriculture, Dr Afriyie Akoto is yet to make an official announcement after resigning. However, Vice President Bawumia who is yet to officially announce his bid is deemed one of the lead contenders in the race to elect a flagbearer of the NPP. Source: ghanaweb.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: CMT activity is not divalent metal ion dependent. a, Schematic of CMT-mediated tryptophan C-mannosylation of secretory and transmembrane proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Nascent polypeptide chains (pink line) containing the WxxW/C sequon (pink boxes) are mannosylated by CMT using Dol-P-Man (mannosyl group depicted in green) as donor substrate, thereby forming the depicted C-glycosidic bond. Glycopeptides are subsequently folded and secreted via the Golgi apparatus. b, In vitro C-mannosylation reaction using purified CMT CeDPY19. TricineSDSPAGE was used to separate fluorescently labeled acceptor peptide upon mannosylation or unmodified, n = 1 independent replicates. c, LCMS analysis of in vitro C-mannosylation reaction, demonstrating the attachment of a single hexose to the fluorescently labeled acceptor peptide, n = 1 independent replicates. d, TricineSDSPAGE analysis of in vitro C-mannosylation reaction in presence of the divalent metal ions MnCl 2 and MgCl 2 as well as in the absence of divalent metal ions and with CeDPY19 preincubated with the metal ion chelator EDTA, demonstrating that CMT activity is unaffected by the absence of divalent metal ions, n = 1 independent replicates. Credit: Nature Chemical Biology (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41589-022-01219-9 In multicellular organisms, there are three types of protein glycosylation. N-glycosylation, O-mannosylation and C-mannosylation. All of these processes take place in the endoplasmic reticulum, and in all of them enzymes attach sugar residues to specific sites in newly forming protein. While N- and O-glycosylation are well studied, the third form, C-mannosylation of tryptophan side chains, has long been a mystery to researchers. Although 20 percent of all secretory proteins, as well as membrane proteins, are affected by it, it was unclear until recently what the change was for, how the specific protein sequences are recognized and how the associated enzyme reaction is chemically possible at all. In an international collaboration, researchers from ETH Zurich, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI) in Australia, the University of Chicago and the University of Bern have now elucidated the structure and function of the responsible enzyme, 'tryptophan C-mannosyltransferase' (CMT). The corresponding study was published in the latest issue of the journal Nature Chemical Biology. CMT is a member of the category C (GT-C) glycosyltransferase enzymes, one of the three glycosyltransferase superfamilies. The most prominent member is oligosaccharyltransferase (OST), which is responsible for N-glycosylation. Similar to the OST, the CMT also recognizes highly specific sequences in proteins, with the difference, however, that in mammals four different CMTs occur simultaneously, which also recognize different protein sequences. Sugars help immuno-receptors to the cell surface Only in recent years, the necessary tools, such as special antibodies and mass spectrometry test methods, were developed in order to be able to investigate the extent of C-mannosylation. It was shown that this process occurs almost exclusively where cell-cell communication is essential, especially in cytokine receptors of the immune system and adhesion GPCRs. The latter serve as "sensory antennae" for growing neurons that make their way through the brain. "The topic is red-hot, especially for our understanding of the cell-cell communication of the immune system," explains Kaspar Locher, Professor of Structural Biology at ETH Zurich: "Signaling molecules such as cytokines direct the immune response during an infection. While these and their associated receptors have been intensively studied for decades, it has long been neglected that C-mannosylation determines whether a cytokine receptor reaches the cell surface to exert its function." "With our insights into the structure of the enzymes involved, we now have a near-complete understanding of how C-mannosylation gets to these receptors," adds study first author Joel Bloch, former senior scientist in Locher's group. Tailor-made molecular construction kit The ETH researchers succeeded in producing the CMT enzyme in its pure form. With the help of chemists from WEHI (AUS) and the University of Bern, they built customized molecules that mimic CMT-specific protein sequences and sugar substrates. This allowed them to test the enzyme for its specific properties in the test tube for the first time. The researchers quickly realized that the enzyme chemistry of CMT must be novel and completely different from that of OST. "In such a case, we can only find out the mechanism of an enzyme using high-resolution structural elucidation. The problem, however, was that CMT could not be crystallized until now and had too little mass for cryo-EM, because this technique is particularly difficult to apply to proteins below 100 kDa," Locher explains. Antibody enables high-resolution electron microscopy A trick finally brought the breakthrough: In collaboration with researchers from the University of Chicago, the ETH scientists produced a synthetic antibody that binds specifically to the CMT. This antibody increased the mass of the enzyme so much that its structure could be elucidated with the help of cryo-EM. With the help of the cryo-EM structures, the group led by Kaspar Locher was finally able to decipher how the different CMT variants recognize different protein sequences. Based on these insights, the researchers could now predict more precisely which proteins in humans carry the modification. From this, they hope to be able to capture the 'C-mannosyl proteome' in the near future. By deciphering the peptide binding mechanism of CMTs, the researchers also hope to make progress in the production of CMT-specific inhibitors. Such molecules could contribute to advances in drug production, such as those to combat the malaria pathogen Plasmodium falciparum, which has its own CMT and needs it to attach to the host. The sequence and organ specificity of the human CMT variant CMT2 could also be used, as it plays a key role in sperm development. The new findings could therefore be used to develop CMT2 inhibitors as contraceptives for men. A novel enzyme mechanism Another enigma for scientists was the enzymatic mechanism of CMT. This creates a unique carbon-carbon bond between protein and sugar. Using a custom-made CMT inhibitor molecule, the scientists were able to "capture" CMT in the middle of a glycosyl transfer reaction and elucidate a cryo-EM structure of it. This allowed them to visualize the CMT reaction mechanism: a previously unknown form of electrophilic aromatic substitution enabled by precisely arranged side chains. Such insights could contribute to the development of designer enzymes that catalyze bonds between carbon atoms. Evolutionarily conserved protective mechanism in glycosyltransferases With a total of four different structures of the CMT, the scientists succeeded for the first time in visualizing a practically complete catalytic cycle of an enzyme of the GT-C superfamily. In the process, they uncovered an astonishing mechanism: The sugar substrates of the CMT are complex to produce due to their lipid binding and are therefore particularly valuable. As it turned out, the CMT initially binds them in a non-reactive protected binding pocket. Only when the protein or peptide to be modified docks onto the CMT is the sugar substrate shifted by a peptide sensor and brought into a highly reactive state. The scientists assume that this mechanism is evolutionarily conserved in GT-C enzymes and prevents valuable substrate molecules from being prematurely consumed. "Having uncovered the general architecture of GT-C enzymes three years ago, we now have a holistic understanding of their enzyme chemistry. It is another milestone in glycobiology," explains Locher. More information: Joel S. Bloch et al, Structure, sequon recognition and mechanism of tryptophan C-mannosyltransferase, Nature Chemical Biology (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41589-022-01219-9 Journal information: Nature Chemical Biology This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: CC0 Public Domain Scientists around the world are striving to learn more about how rising average temperatures worldwide influence the weather. They say it's increasingly likely that climate change is making weather events more intense, more frequent or of longer duration. It's punching up temperatures in heat waves and adding some percentage of rainfall to intense storms. It also may cause weather events to occur outside times or locations where they typically happened in the past. But what is causing climate change? Why are global temperatures rising? And Is the warming climate to blame for wild weather events? Here's some key information: What does climate change mean? Weather is what you see outside the window. Climate is what occurs in an area over years or decades. Climate change is the difference seen in long-term trends in air, water and ocean temperatures and longer-term weather patterns. Monitoring stations around the world add to a growing trove of information that reveals how temperature and rainfall are changing. Some have decades of measurements, while others have more than a century of data. In Japan, they've recorded the start of the cherry tree bloom for more than 1,200 years. Scientists use these historical records to study the rise in global average temperatures. For example, records show how sap rises earlier in maple trees or when wildfire seasons start earlier. They know warmer temperatures delay ice formation on the Great Lakes, when the warmer water temperatures fuel more lake effect snow. What is the most important cause of climate change? The biggest influence on the planet's changing climate is the release of emissions into the atmosphere from burning oil, gas and coal to move people and goods from place to place and to create energy, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Here's how that works: Carbon dioxide and other naturally occurring gases have always existed in the atmosphere, keeping the world warm just as a greenhouse keeps tropical plants alive in the winter. Scientists see that "greenhouse effect" in ice cores, sediments and tree rings. Modern day measurements show CO 2 emissions are rising. Since 1958, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii has grown from 316 parts per million to 417 parts per million. emissions are rising. Since 1958, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii has grown from 316 parts per million to 417 parts per million. Measured in such small amounts, the change might seem minuscule. However, because CO 2 has risen by more than 30% percent, NASA and other say the changes are having an out-sized impact on global average temperatures. has risen by more than 30% percent, NASA and other say the changes are having an out-sized impact on global average temperatures. National and international studies document how excess carbon dioxide traps excess energy and causes the planet to get hotter faster. If CO 2 doubles above the pre-industrial levels benchmark, the draft of the latest National Climate Assessment said global temperatures could rise by 4.57.2 degrees, spawning deadly heat waves, crop damage and other cascading impacts around the world. What are other causes of climate change? Manufacturing, mining and cutting down forests. Release of methane and nitrous oxide also contribute to the greenhouse effect. The El Nino Southern Oscillation, a pattern of changing water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, can change weather patterns. Volcanic eruptions can produce carbon dioxide emissions that warm the Earth, but also aerosol particles that have a cooling effect. How to stop climate change So what can be done to prevent the dire consequences forecast if emissions and temperatures continue to rise? Scientists with the United Nations and governments around the world say fossil fuel emissions must be slashed and soon to avoid "catastrophic consequences." To keep the increase in global average temperatures at 2.7 degrees compared to temperatures in the late 1800s, the world must reach "net zero" CO 2 emissions by 2050, according to the latest climate assessment. The world can't slash all emissions, so reaching the result of net zero emissions requires removing carbon dioxide from the air through both natural and mechanical means, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has reported. That includes measures such as preserving and protecting forests and wetlands that store carbon and developing technologies that can effectively suck carbon from the air. Other methods urged by the U.N. and others include living a less carbon-intensive lifestyle and increasing the use of renewable energy resources. Even if the world does reach net zero emissions, the national climate assessment states it will be impossible to prevent some of the warming already in motion. (c)2023 USA Today Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: A simple version of a Petri net for COVID infection. The starting point is a non-infected person. S denotes susceptible. Contact with an infected person (I) is an event which leads to two persons being infected. Later another event will happen, removing a person from the group of infected. Here, R denotes recovered which in this context could be either cured or dead. Either outcome would remove the person from the infected group. Credit: Joachim Kock During the pandemic, many people became amateur mathematicians. How quickly would the number of hospitalized patients rise, and when would herd immunity be achieved? Professional mathematicians were challenged as well, and a researcher at University of Copenhagen became inspired to solve a 30-year-old problem in computer science. The breakthrough has just been published in the Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery. "Like many others, I was out to calculate how the epidemic would develop. I wanted to investigate certain ideas from theoretical computer science in this context. However, I realized that the lack of solution to the old problem was a showstopper," says Joachim Kock, Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Copenhagen. His solution to the problem can be of use in epidemiology and computer science, and potentially in other fields as well. A common feature for these fields is the presence of systems where the various components exhibit mutual influence. For instance, when a healthy person meets a person infected with COVID, the result can be two people infected. Smart method invented by German teenager To understand the breakthrough, one needs to know that such complex systems can be described mathematically through so-called Petri nets. The method was invented in 1939 by German Carl Adam Petri (when he was only 13 years old) for chemistry applications. Just like a healthy person meeting a person infected with COVID can trigger a change, the same may happen when two chemical substances mix and react. In a Petri net the various components are drawn as circles while events such as a chemical reaction or an infection are drawn as squares. Next, circles and squares are connected by arrows which show the interdependencies in the system. A simple version of a Petri net for COVID infection. The starting point is a non-infected person. "S" denotes "susceptible." Contact with an infected person ("I") is an event which leads to two persons being infected. Later another event will happen, removing a person from the group of infected. Here, "R" denotes "recovered," which in this context could be either cured or dead. Either outcome would remove the person from the infected group. Computer scientists regarded the problem as unsolvable In chemistry, Petri nets are applied for calculating how the concentrations of various chemical substances in a mixture will evolve. This manner of thinking has influenced the use of Petri nets in other fields such as epidemiology: we are starting out with a high concentration of uninfected people, whereafter the concentration of infected starts to rise. In computer science, the use of Petri nets is somewhat different: the focus is on individuals rather than concentrations, and the development happens in steps rather than continuously. What Joachim Kock had in mind was to apply the more individual-oriented Petri nets from computer science for COVID calculations. This was when he encountered the old problem. "Basically, the processes in a Petri net can be described through two separate approaches. The first approach regards a process as a series of events, while the second approach sees the net as a graphical expression of the interdependencies between components and events," says Joachim Kock. "The serial approach is well suited for performing calculations. However, it has a downside since it describes causalities less accurately than the graphical approach. Further, the serial approach tends to fall short when dealing with events that take place simultaneously. The problem was that nobody had been able to unify the two approaches. The computer scientists had more or less resigned, regarding the problem as unsolvable. This was because no-one had realized that you need to go all the way back and revise the very definition of a Petri net." Small modification with large impact The Danish mathematician realized that a minor modification to the definition of a Petri net would enable a solution to the problem: "By allowing parallel arrows rather than just counting them and writing a number, additional information is made available. Things work out and the two approaches can be unified." The exact mathematical reason why this additional information matters is complex, but can be illustrated by an analogy: "Assigning numbers to objects has helped humanity greatly. For instance, it is highly practical that I can arrange the right number of chairs in advance for a dinner party instead of having to experiment with different combinations of chairs and guests after they have arrived. However, the number of chairs and guests does not reveal who will be sitting where. Some information is lost when we consider numbers instead of the real objects." Similarly, information is lost when the individual arrows of the Petri net are replaced by a number. "It takes a bit more effort to treat the parallel arrows individually, but one is amply rewarded as it becomes possible to combine the two approaches so that the advantages of both can be obtained simultaneously." The circle to COVID has been closed The solution helps our mathematical understanding of how to describe complex systems with many interdependencies, but will not have much practical effect on the daily work of computer scientists using Petri nets, according to Joachim Kock. "This is because the necessary modifications are mostly back-compatible and can be applied without need for revision of the entire Petri net theory. Somewhat surprisingly, some epidemiologists have started using the revised Petri nets. So, one might say the circle has been closed." He does see a further point to the story: "I wasn't out to find a solution to the old problem in computer science at all. I just wanted to do COVID calculations. This was a bit like looking for your pen but realizing that you must find your glasses first. So, I would like to take the opportunity to advocate the importance of research which does not have a predefined goal. Sometimes research driven by curiosity will lead to breakthroughs." The article "Whole-grain Petri nets and processes" has just been published by the Journal of the ACM. More information: Joachim Kock, Whole-grain Petri Nets and Processes, Journal of the ACM (2022). DOI: 10.1145/3559103 Interview: Japan's unilateral radioactive wastewater discharge irresponsible, harmful: green activist Xinhua) 09:06, January 16, 2023 SEOUL, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- Japan's unilateral push to discharge radioactive wastewater from its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean is irresponsible and harmful, as the Japanese government pursued it without consultations with neighboring countries, a South Korean green activist said. "It is very concerned that Japan is still unilaterally pushing for the discharge of the Fukushima contaminated water," Ahn Jae-hun, energy and climate change director at the Korea Federation for Environment Movement, told Xinhua on Saturday. "Neighboring countries such as (South) Korea and China could suffer more direct damage, so Japan had to consult with them. The problem is that Japan follows its own process (without consultations)," said Ahn. "A sizeable amount of the contaminated water, such as tritium, is difficult to purify no matter how much purification is performed. It is very irresponsible to release it as it is." Japan's planned release of tritium-laced wastewater from the Fukushima power plant into the sea will start around this spring or summer, according to Kyodo News reports citing the Japanese government. Japan decided in April 2021 to start dumping about 1.25 million tons of nuclear wastewater into the ocean spanning 30 years from 2023. The Japanese government has claimed that the contaminated water could be diluted with water and discharged at a low concentration after being treated with an advanced liquid processing system (ALPS). The green activist, however, noted that the radioactive substances cannot be completely filtered through the ALPS, saying substances, such as tritium, will be poured into the sea unfiltered. "A lot of radioactive materials have already flowed into the sea after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Because of that, fish contaminated with cesium are caught in waters off Fukushima," said Ahn. According to the South Korean environmental group's analysis of the 2021 data from Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, cesium was detected from 8 percent of Japanese fishery products. "Once (the contaminated water) is thrown into the sea, it cannot be retrieved. Environmental effects from radioactive materials cannot be felt immediately, but will inevitably appear over a long period of time," Ahn said. "The Pacific Ocean is not the sea of Japan, but the sea of everybody ... Pollutants will flow to neighboring countries in a situation that a lot of radioactive materials have already been released and contaminated (the marine ecosystem)," said the green activist. The South Korean government, which has opposed the radioactive wastewater dumping by Japan, reiterated its opposition. "Putting top priority on public health and safety, the government will continue to respond by maintaining its position that the contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant should be safely disposed of in accordance with international standards from the objective and scientific perspectives," a South Korean foreign ministry official said Friday. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) Illinois has inaugurated its 103rd General Assembly, with a host of new legislators. They will join dozens of others whove served before, all of whom will grapple with the issues that face our state. One of the biggest issues Illinois and frankly, the entire United States is grappling with is the need for public safety. For decades, mass incarceration has been societys defense in response to any concerns about crime. Advertisement But despite writing and passing laws that affect the thousands of people incarcerated in Illinois, very few legislators ever visit a prison and experience for themselves what conditions are like inside. Last month, I had the opportunity to visit Logan Correctional Center, a prison for female offenders just 30 miles northeast of Springfield. Advertisement During my visit, I couldnt help but wonder what our legislators just 30 miles away would think if they saw the conditions of this 45-year-old facility. How would they feel if their loved ones were subjected to some of the experiences the women of Logan shared with me? I thought I was no stranger to prisons. My husband, Jeffery, spent almost 12 years in prison, and I visited him countless times. I thought I had an idea of what to expect from my experiences in a visiting room I couldnt even begin to tell you the number of visits Ive had with my husband and my brother, who has also been incarcerated. But the visiting room of a prison is not the picture you get when you go from unit to unit inside the facility. When I saw the facilities at Logan, in this 45-year-old building, I could only think about my loved ones living like this day in and day out for decades. That crushed me. My husband dealt with similar conditions day in and day out but always came to the visitation room with a million-dollar smile. He never complained to me about it. People in prison have to have mental fortitude to deal with the conditions inside and put on a face for their loved ones like those problems dont exist. Our legislators cant possibly know this reality. They cant have seen places like this and not thought that the people inside deserve a second chance, an opportunity to get out of these conditions and rejoin society. When I talked to the women at Logan about what they needed to improve their lives, they asked for things as simple as hooks to hang their clothes on so they dont sit on a wet floor when they shower. I wouldnt even want to undress in that shower, let alone use it. The showers were disgusting. Advertisement Prisons should be designed for rehabilitating people, not warehousing them. There is a need for change, a need for alternative solutions. But our legislators cant even begin to think about this if theyve never seen it for themselves or spoken with people living inside these facilities. More than 27,000 people are incarcerated in our state. They are constituents, too. Legislators who take the time to visit prisons will become effective lawmakers because they govern from a place of empiricism. Effective policies transcend rationalism. They are derived from evidence-based research, objectivity and empiricism. Effective policies are the result of lawmakers understanding there has to be a humane component in policy. How can anyone write laws without knowing the people and places they affect? I encourage all Illinois lawmakers to take the time to visit a prison this year. You cant know if you dont go. Dr. Shaneva McReynolds is the Illinois state consultant for FAMM, a nonprofit criminal justice advocacy organization. After her husband was released from prison, she became an advocate to help other incarcerated people. Advertisement Submit a letter, of no more than 400 words, to the editor here or email letters@chicagotribune.com. This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: In tests conducted on the summit of the Santis, the scientists found that the discharge could follow the laser beam for several dozen meters before reaching the tower of the operator Swisscom. Credit: Xavier Ravinet - UNIGE Forest fires, power cuts and damaged infrastructurelightning fascinates and destroys in equal measure, causing as many as 24,000 deaths a year worldwide not to mention widespread destruction. Even today, the lightning rod invented by Benjamin Franklin is the best form of protection. And yet, these rods do not always provide optimal protection for sensitive sites. A European consortium consisting of the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), EPFL, hes-so and TRUMPF scientific lasers (Munich) has developed a promising alternative: the Laser Lightning Rod or LLR. After testing the LLR on the summit of Santis (in Switzerland), the researchers now have proof of its feasibility. The rod can deflect lightning over several dozen meters even in poor weather. The results of this research are published in the journal Nature Photonics. Lightning is one of the most extreme of natural phenomena. An abrupt electrostatic discharge of millions of volts and hundreds of thousands of amperes, lightning can be observed in a single cloud, between several clouds, between a cloud and the ground and vice-versa. As fascinating as it is destructive, lightning is responsible for up to 24,000 deaths a year. From power cuts and forest fires to damaged infrastructure, it also causes extensive devastation totaling several billion dollars. Lightning-protection devices have changed little since 1752 when Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning roda pointed, conductive mast made of metal connected to the ground. The traditional rod is to this day still the most effective form of external protection: it protects a surface with a radius that is more or less equal to its height. So, a 10 m-high rod will secure an area with a 10 m radius. However, since the height of the masts is not limitlessly extendable, it is not an optimal system for protecting sensitive sites over a wide area, such as an airport, wind farm or nuclear power plant. Making the air conductive A European consortium led by UNIGE and Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) has been looking at how to solve this problem in close partnership with EPFL (EMC Lab, Prof. Farhad Rachidi), TRUMPF scientific lasers, ArianeGroup, AMC (Prof. A. Mysyrowicz) and the School of Engineering and Management (hes-so, Prof. Marcos Rubinstein). It has been working on a device known as the Laser Lightning Rod (LLR). By generating channels of ionized air, the LLR was used to guide lightning along its beam. Extending upwards from a traditional lightning rod, it could increase its height virtually as well as the surface of the area it is protecting. "When very high power laser pulses are emitted into the atmosphere, filaments of very intense light form inside the beam," begins Jean-Pierre Wolf, full professor in the Department of Applied Physics in the Physics Section of UNIGE's Faculty of Science, and the study's last author. "These filaments ionize the nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the air, which then release electrons that are free to move," continues Professor Wolf. "This ionized air, called 'plasma,' becomes an electrical conductor." Image of the 124-m-high telecommunication tower of Santis (Switzerland). Also shown is the path of the laser recorded with its second harmonic at 515 nm. Credit: Nature Photonics (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41566-022-01139-z Tests at an altitude of 2,500 m The LLR project meant that a new laser had to be developed with an average power of one kilowatt, one Joule per pulse and a duration per pulse of one picosecond. The rod is 1.5 m wide, 8 m long and weighs more than 3 tons, and was designed by TRUMPF scientific lasers. This terawatt laser was tested on the summit of Santis (in Appenzell, at a height of 2,502 m) already instrumented by EPFL and HEIG-VD / HES-SO to observe lightning. It was focused above a 124 m transmitter tower belonging to the telecommunications provider Swisscom, which was equipped with a traditional lightning rod. This is one of the structures most affected by lightning in Europe. "The main difficulty was that it was a life-size campaign. We had to prepare an environment in which we could install and protect the laser," says Pierre Walch, a Ph.D. student in the Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquee (LOA), a joint research unit CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France. The laser was activated every time storm activity was forecast between June and September 2021. The area had to be closed to air traffic in advance. "The aim was to see whether there was a difference with or without the laser," explains Aurelien Houard, a research scientist in the Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquee (LOA) and coordinator of the project. "We compared the data collected when the laser filament was produced above the tower and when the tower was struck naturally by lightning." Effective even through cloud It took almost a year to analyze the colossal amount of data collected. This analysis now shows that the LLR laser can guide lightning effectively. Professor Wolf further explains, "From the first lightning event using the laser, we found that the discharge could follow the beam for nearly 60 meters before reaching the tower, meaning that it increased the radius of the protection surface from 120 m to 180 m." The data analysis also demonstrates that the LLR, unlike other lasers, works even in difficult weather conditionssuch as fog (often found at the summit of Santis), which can stop the beamsince it literally pierces the clouds. This outcome had previously only been observed in the laboratory. The next step for the consortium will be to increase the height of the laser's action even further. The long-term objective includes using the LLR to extend a 10 m lightning rod by 500 m. This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: One year ago, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haapai volcano erupted, causing widespread destruction to the Pacific Island Nation of Tonga, spewing volcanic material up to 58 km into the atmosphere. It brought a nearly 15 m tsunami that crashed ashore, destroying villages, and creating a sonic boom that rippled around the world twice. Satellites orbiting Earth scrambled to capture images and data of the aftermath of the disaster.. Credit: Jamie Perera/Midjourney One year ago, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano erupted, causing widespread destruction to the Pacific Island Nation of Tonga, spewing volcanic material up to 58 km into the atmosphere. It brought a nearly 15 m tsunami that crashed ashore, destroying villages, and creating a sonic boom that rippled around the worldtwice. Satellites orbiting Earth scrambled to capture images and data of the aftermath of the disaster. Almost a year later, you can now listen to a sonification of the largest eruption of the 21st Century, created using wind data from ESA's Aeolus mission. The volcano had erupted sporadically since 2009, but activity ramped up in late December 2021 as a series of eruptions sent bursts of volcanic gases spewing from the vent. The intense series of explosions began on 15 January 2022 and generated atmospheric shock waves, sonic booms and tsunami waves that traveled across the world. It also created a massive plume of water vapor that shot into Earth's stratosphereenough to fill more than 58 000 Olympic-size swimming pools. Several Earth-observing satellites collected data before, during and after the eruption. Scientists working on the Aeolus Data Science Innovation Cluster used data from ESA's Aeolus mission to track the volcanic explosion, thanks to near-realtime data from the Aeolus Virtual Research Environment. In an interview with Wild Alchemy, ESA's Tommaso Parrinello commented, "One of the most impressive aspects of the Aeolus mission is how quickly the data is with scientistsalmost all of it in less than three hours. The data is displayed on a beautiful and user-friendly interface virtual research environment, called ViRES, from which we can easily detect trends." Despite exceeding its design life in orbit, ESAs Aeolus mission continues to deliver excellent data. The uses for Aeolus wind data are many, from predicting the weather and improving climate models, to tracking events in near-realtime, such as the recent Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption. The image shows how the ash from the eruption left its mark in Aeolus measurements on 15 January 2022. A huge blip, or drop, can be seen in the Aeolus signal over the Tonga region, suggesting the plume of volcanic ash must have reached an altitude above the range that can be detected by Aeolus. Credit: ESA "With the Hunga Tonga eruption, the plume essentially blocked the satellite signal in the area of the eruption as they were injected into the otherwise 'clean' upper troposphere and lower stratosphere." A huge blip, or drop, in the Aeolus signal over the region of the eruption suggested the plume of volcanic ash must have reached an altitude above the range of Aeolus. The range of the Aeolus measurements was raised from 21 km to 30 km later on in January 2022, after which the satellite's cloud observations clearly reflected the location of the ash plume in the stratosphere. Tommaso explains, "Adjusting the satellite's range slightly, added to its global coverage, meant our colleagues at European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts were able to track the transport of this plume as it traveled west in almost-real time. Thanks to the sensitivity of Aeolus to the volcanic particles, it was possible to see the effects even some months later." In a recent paper published in Communications Earth & Environment, a team of scientists showed the unprecedented increase in the global stratospheric water mass by 13% (relative to climatological levels) and a five-fold increase of stratospheric aerosol loadthe highest in the last three decades. Using a combination of satellite data, including data from ESA's Aeolus satellite, and ground-based observations, the team found that due to the extreme altitude, the volcanic plume circumnavigated the Earth in just one week and dispersed nearly pole-to-pole in three months. Data Sonification Of Hunga Tonga Volcanic Eruption. Credit: European Space Agency The unique nature and magnitude of the global stratospheric perturbation by the Hunga eruption ranks it among the most remarkable natural events in the modern observation era. Even one year on, interest in the extraordinary explosive eruption remains. A sound artist has recently recreated the sonification of the underwater volcanic eruption using Rayleigh wind intensity signals provided by the ViRES platform. Using wind data obtained on one of its overpasses over the ash cloud of the Hunga Tonga explosion, Jamie Perera used an audio sample of one of the shock waves, time-stretched it into a ghostly tone, and assigned it to harmonic values transcribed from 90 Aeolus readings taken over a duration of approximately 15 minutes. The listener hears one reading every two seconds, in a harmonic range that spans six piano octaves, the highest of which can be heard at around 01:18 minutes when the readings show the eruption's dust plume at its highest peak (over 20.5 km). The artistic intention behind the sonification was to evoke the otherworldly landscape of Hunga Tonga and other volcanoes. Jamie commented, "It was important for me to work with the sound of the Hunga Tonga shockwaves, applied to the Aeolus data. I'm curious about how listening to the data can help us explore events like this from both factual and emotional perspectives." More information: Sergey Khaykin et al, Global perturbation of stratospheric water and aerosol burden by Hunga eruption, Communications Earth & Environment (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s43247-022-00652-x Journal information: Communications Earth & Environment This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: CC0 Public Domain On quiet nights across large swaths of the African bush, you may hear a series of whooping calls in the distance. This unique sound is the long-distance vocalization used by spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) to communicate with each other. For hyenas, it's advantageous to know who is calling before deciding to respond. They don't treat every member of their group the sameand the caller could even be an intruder in their territory. In animal societies, identity signals are common. They mediate interactions within groups, and allow individuals to discriminate group-mates from out-group competitors. However, individual recognition becomes increasingly challenging as group size increases and as signals must be transmitted over greater distances. We hypothesized that for hyenas long-distance calls could be used to determine the individual identity and the group membership of the caller. Our research sought to determine what information is in these calls, and how hyenas are able to determine whether they are hearing a group mate or an intruder. We found these calls were individually distinct. Hyenas from the same clan did not sound similar enough to identify the caller's group membership from voice alone. This means hyenas must be able to remember the voices of their group mates, an impressive feat of memorization. It also has implications for how hyenas maintain contact with each other and coordinate their movements over long distances. Our results suggest that individual identity of the caller is important enough and that a group signature is not enough information for a listening hyena to decide whether to respond or not. Furthermore, distinctive voices may more easily evolve and identifying the individual is enough for hyenas to remember what group the caller belongs to. Hyena social groups Spotted hyenas can be found in a range of habitats throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Their population is estimated to be between 20,000 and 50,000 individuals, with the highest known concentrations in Tanzania's Serengeti ecosystem. They live in social groups, called clans, that range in size from only six in harsh semi-desert habitats in Namibia to over 125 individuals in Kenya's Maasai Mara National Reserve. Within these social groups, spotted hyenas have a strict dominance hierarchy that determines who gets to feed first at carcasses and kills. When a female hyena has new cubs, they enter the dominance ranking right below their mother, pushing their older siblings lower in the pecking order. Young hyenas learn their position, along with the positions of their clan mates. Eventually, they will know where they, and the rest of their clan mates, fit into this hierarchy. Females will remain in this hierarchy their whole lives. When males reach maturity, they usually emigrate, where they become the lowest ranking member of their new clan. Spotted hyenas share and defend a territory as a group, but those groups can be large and individuals are often spread out across the landscape. This makes it difficult to coordinate movements and request help to expel lions and intruding hyenas. To communicate over these long distances, spotted hyenas use whoops, a loud, repetitive call that can be heard up to five kilometers away. When hyenas hear fast whoops from their group mates they often respond by traveling long distances to the caller, where they might help fight off lions or other intruders in the territory. And spotted hyena mothers recognize the whoops of their young cubs. If hyenas hear voices they do not recognize, they will approach and attack the intruders and they can even assess how many new voices they hear. The hyenas have complicated relationships with their group-mates; it might be advantageous to know who is calling before going to help. Additionally, over long distances, it may be difficult to hear the distinctive voice of a caller. And remembering the voices of over 100 group mates may become cognitively difficult. We wanted to test whether the long-distance calls indicated the identity and group membership of the caller. Recording hyena calls We recorded a large number of whoop vocalizations from the spotted hyenas in our study population. The Mara Hyena Project has been studying groups of hyenas, called clans, in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya since 1988. As part of our routine monitoring of hyena demography and behavior, we keep track of all individuals that immigrate or are born into our study clans. We keep track of their ages, ranks in the social hierarchy, where they spend their time, and with whom they socialize. We took a variety of acoustic measures to characterize each of the recorded whoopsthe frequency, or pitch, length, and how tonal the whoop was. Then we used a machine learning technique called "random forests" to test whether the whoops identified the individual or group. The random forest was able to identify the caller of each whoop more often than expected by chance. This suggests there is variation in the calls that can be used to identify the caller. But the random forest was unable to identify the group membership of each whoop. We also used our results from the machine learning to calculate how the repetitive nature of whoops might increase the likelihood of correctly identifying the caller. Whoops are almost always repeated as a series called a bout. This repetition may make identifying the caller easier over long distances when the bout is difficult to hear. The need to memorize the voices of everyone within a group may also explain why spotted hyenas whoop so often. This whoop broadcasting may provide an opportunity for group mates to learn each other's voices while also keeping track of individuals' locations with the large territory. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Ratings of the perceived knowledge and confidence of speakers answering knowledge questions, and of the perceived willingness of speakers to comply with requests. Answers were given either by native or non-native speakers and were preceded by either a short (200 ms) or long (1200 ms) pause. Ratings range from 0 (not knowledgeable/confident/willing at all) to 100 (very knowledgeable/confident/willing). (A): Boxes depict medians and quartiles, whiskers depict minimum and maximum values, and black dots depict outliers. Violin shapes around the boxes depict the distribution of the ratings. The width of the violin shapes at a given y coordinate corresponds to the number of ratings in this region. Note that, when evaluating the speakers knowledge, confidence and willingness, participants used the full range of the rating scale. Credit: Languages (2023). DOI: 10.3390/languages8010026 When we ask others to do us a favor, we often judge their helpfulness by the length of the pauses before their answers. Researchers led by Theresa Matzinger from the University of Vienna have now been able to show that these pauses are rated differently for native and non-native speakersbut not for all topics. The results of the study now appear in a special issue on the topic of speech pauses in the journal Languages. A long pause before a response to a request is interpreted by many people as a sign of a lack of willingness to help. Researchers at the University of Vienna and the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun investigated whether this effect only occurs with responses from native speakers or also with those from non-native speakers. The team led by Theresa Matzinger played about 100 short conversations to 100 Polish participants, in which the length of the pauses before the answers were either 0.2 or 1.2 seconds long. In addition, the responses were given either by native speakers of Polish or by Chinese learners of Polish who spoke Polish with a distinct accent. After listening to each conversation, study participants had to rate how willing they perceived the respondents to be to fulfill the request. Longer pauses mean less willingness to do someone a favorbut only among native speakers For native speakers, the expected effect was found: a longer pause before an answer was interpreted as a lower willingness to comply with the request. Non-native speakers, on the other hand, were seen as equally willing, regardless of how long the pause before their answers was. "Our results suggest that listeners include in their judgments of others' willingness to help how difficult speakers find it to express themselves. Thus, they do not see long pauses in non-native speakers as low willingness to help, but as a challenge for those speakers to formulate the answer in a foreign language. Therefore, they are more tolerant of longer pauses when they come from non-native speakers," explains Matzinger, who is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of English Studies at the University of Vienna. Answers to requests are evaluated differently than knowledge questions In a further step, the scientists tested how different pause lengths before answers to knowledge questionssuch as the question about the first vegetable grown in spaceare interpreted. Here, longer pauses were interpreted in both native speakers and non-native speakers as an indication of lower knowledge and lower confidence with regard to the correctness of the answer. According to Matzinger, one of the reasons might be that "Knowledge questions have less social relevance than requests. Knowledge questions can only be used to assess how competent someone is as a cooperation partner, but requests can be used to find out whether the person will actually cooperate." In subsequent studies, the scientists want to clarify whether this effect is independent of the languages spoken and now want to conduct tests with speakers of other languages and accents. More information: Theresa Matzinger et al, Pause Length and Differences in Cognitive State Attribution in Native and Non-Native Speakers, Languages (2023). DOI: 10.3390/languages8010026 This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: Delivering Effective, Long-Term Support and Integration for People with Lived Experience of Modern Slavery (2023). Research from the University of Liverpool, which proves that long term emotional support for survivors of modern slavery is vital, is being used to urge policy makers to provide more support, pointing to the success of an initiative from the charity Causeway. With the numbers of people affected by modern slavery (such as forced labor and trafficking) increasing, the research highlights how long-term support is vital for survivors to recover from their exploitation. Professor Alex Balch from the Department of Politics and Alexandra Williams-Woods, from the Management School, have published an independent analysis of Causeway's LifeLine program. This service provides long-term emotional support to survivors of modern slavery through initiatives such as drop-in sessions, phone calls and signposting. As well as interviewing those with lived experience of modern slavery, the analysis was co-designed with a group of survivors to find out how the service was working on the ground to develop recommendations to fully benefit service-users. Government-provided support for survivors of modern slavery through the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), was established to be short-term and designed to help foreign nationals, encouraging them to cooperate with police and return to their home countries. However nearly half of modern slavery survivors now identified are British nationalsmany of whom are children that are criminally exploited. When the NRM support ends, after 45 days or when a decision is made on whether an individual has been identified as a survivor of modern slavery, LifeLine (established in 2012) steps in to provide services including helping survivors find employment and housing as well as linking them in to other agencies for tailored support on issues such as immigration and mental health. The University of Liverpool's innovative analysis of the LifeLine service found that 78% of survivors were happy with the support that the service provided. During the study, survivors expressed concern about how much support was reduced when they moved from the NRM to Lifeline, indicating that government-provided support should be expanded. The recommendations from the University of Liverpool report give targeted advice to Causeway about how effective support for survivors can prevent harm, foster empowerment by being proactive, and be anchored in the local community through signposting to other services. Professor Alex Balch, who led the research said, "Our study has found that Causeway's LifeLine is an essential service which prevents survivors of modern slavery from falling through the cracks once government support through the NRM has ended. This support is crucial given that there are increasing numbers of people who have been identified as having experienced modern slavery." "Although the government has claimed that its law on modern slavery is 'world-leading,' our research found that without additional support offered by LifeLine, many survivors would struggle to navigate the system." "While our report made specific recommendations for Causeway, our findings highlight the need for government-provides support to be more robust to prevent survivors falling off a 'cliff edge' when the NRM support ends." "We were pleased that our assessment of LifeLine could involve survivors directly in the production of the research, allowing those who are directly affected by current services to be an integral part of the discussion." "We do hope that our recommendations will be taken forward to further improve the support that Causeway and, indeed, other organizations, can offer to survivors." Phill Clayton, Head of Research Development at Causeway said, "I remember clearly when I was managing a safe house for male victims of slavery in 2011, working alongside five survivors of labor exploitation. After the government's 45 days of support came to an end we had to abruptly move them on before they had fully recovered. This was heart breaking. The same day they moved out we received five more survivors filling up the safe house. But the next day the men who had moved on came back, knocking on the door and window desperate for our help." "It was this situation that seeded the idea of ongoing support via a drop-in model, allowing us to support more survivors with the limited resources we had. The philosophy was light touch, early intervention to nip in the bud issues before they escalated. The model has grown organically through co-design with survivors, we called it the Integration Support Program (ISP)." This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Transfer of a plasmid (green loop) between two bacterial cells through the process of conjugation. Credit: Getting et al./Microbiology Spectrum, Jan. 2018 Though the harnessing of antibiotics is one of the most significant human innovations, their efficacy is continuously eroded by the craftiness of their microbial targets. Once a single bacterium mutates to become resistant to antibiotics, it can transfer that resistance to other bacteria around it through a process known as horizontal gene transfer. One of the main vehicles for gene transfer among bacteria are small circular pieces of DNA, or plasmids. Plasmids can be transferred through direct physical contact between bacteria in a process known as conjugation, which helps bacteria share their antibiotic resistance genes with their neighbors. Although conjugation is well-understood on a molecular level, how it plays out in the environments that bacteria really inhabit, rather than the lab, is much less clear. One especially versatile gastrointestinal pathogen, Salmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium, is particularly interesting for studies on resistance gene sharing because it forms so-called persister reservoirs in its hosts. In these cases, antibiotic-resistant cells lurk in the gut tissue or other organs after an infection and migrate back into the gut lumen to cause reinfections after the antibiotic pressure is gone. Helper plasmids facilitate conjugation As S. Typhimurium frequently encounters gut bacteria, plasmid sharing, and the spread of resistance genes, is a real concern. A study recently published in the Journal of Bacteriology discovered that a particular strain of S. Typhimurium, known as SL1344, shares its plasmids with other bacteria using the assistance of another plasmid. The study, led by researchers at ETH Zurich in Switzerland, focused on a plasmid that encodes resistance genes for streptomycin and sulfonamides, called P3 for short. However, P3 lacks the genes for the conjugation machinery itself, meaning it needs a "helper" plasmid to move between cells; in S. Typhimurium this helper plasmid is known as P2. On a sequence level, P3 very closely resembles another plasmid known as pRSF1010, which has a broad host range, meaning it can replicate in a wide variety of bacterial species. Thus, the researchers hypothesized that P3 may be transferred from S. Typhimurium to diverse bacterial species in the mammalian gut environment, potentially spreading antibiotic resistance genes as it goes. The hypothesis was tested using mice. Experiment to check whether the recipient bacteria had any pre-existing antibiotic resistance. Cultures grown in liquid media containing various antibiotics. Credit: Marla Gaissmaier The mice were first infected with one of the recipient bacterial species, including representatives of the human gut flora, then with S. Typhimurium 24 hours later. The researchers then monitored the growth of both the recipient and S.Typhimurium, as well as the frequency of P3 transfer, by analyzing the feces of the mice over three days. They identified P3 transfer, mediated by P2, occurring between S. Typhimurium and four recipients belonging to the class Gammaproteobacteria, representing gut commensals as well as plant-associated bacteria. Altogether, P3 appears to be very "shareable" among diverse bacteria, within and beyond the mammalian gut. However, the researchers did not expect the plasmid to be transferred if there was no antibiotic pressure, as it would not directly benefit the bacteria to harbor resistance genes. They were surprised by their findings. "For me, the most striking thing was thatthe plasmid was taken up by other bacteria even without the selective pressure [of antibiotics]," explains Marla Gaissmaier, first author of the study and now a doctoral student at LMU Munich in Germany. "I didn't even challenge the bacteria with streptomycin, so there was no directly visible fitness advantage in taking up the plasmid." The plasmid paradox However, it remains unclear whether P3 persists in its recipients long-term and why it was transferred in the first place, even when it did not directly benefit the bacteria. This is known as the "plasmid paradox," to which several solutions have been proposed. For example, the plasmid may carry unknown fitness benefits besides antibiotic resistance. Indeed, a recent study using another broad host range resistance plasmid showed that it can have a wide range of effects across different recipient strains, with some gaining a fitness benefit by maintaining the plasmid. Alternatively, the plasmid may also be acting as purely "selfish DNA," only concerned with their own persistence and replication. Klebsiella michiganensis (red) is only able to receive the P3 plasmid from S. Typhimurium (yellow) when they are grown together on agar plates (left), not in liquid culture (right). Credit: Marla Gaissmaier Conjugative plasmid transfer has also been found to be perpetuated by non-antibiotic pharmaceuticals, such as certain painkillers and beta-blockers. In a 2022 study published in Microbiome, researchers discovered that common drugs such as ibuprofen and propranolol can boost the transfer of a broad-range, multi-resistance plasmid, RP4, from Pseudomonas putida to phylogenetically diverse bacteria in activated sludge. The researchers also showed that overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by bacteria in the presence of pharmaceuticals likely contributed to this enhanced conjugative activity. Managing the AMR Crisis Best practice guides urge the reduced use and abuse of antibiotics in both clinical and agricultural settings in order to reduce the selective pressure for transfer of resistance genes. Therefore, the spread of plasmids such as P3 and RP4 in the absence of this pressure is concerning, as it suggests that reducing antibiotic use and pollution may not be enough to curb rising resistance. "This means that antibiotic resistance can spread even when antibiotics are not involved," Gaissmaier explained, which is a "scary thought." Altogether, studies that probe the mechanisms and dynamics of plasmid transfer among bacteria are vitally important. By understanding where, how and how often plasmids are shared, we can continue to seek and develop solutions for emerging multidrug-resistant pathogens, as well as quantify risks and manage the world's ever-growing populations of antibiotic resistant pathogens. What's more, we can also understand what makes a plasmid "shareable," and even how to stop conjugation from happening to curb the spread of antibiotic resistance. Sun Tzu's famous phrase"know thy enemy"takes on new meaning in the face of the antimicrobial resistance crisis. More information: Marla Sofie Gaissmaier et al, The Mobilizable Plasmid P3 of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium SL1344 Depends on the P2 Plasmid for Conjugative Transfer into a Broad Range of Bacteria In Vitro and In Vivo, Journal of Bacteriology (2022). DOI: 10.1128/jb.00347-22 Yue Wang et al, Non-antibiotic pharmaceuticals promote conjugative plasmid transfer at a community-wide level, Microbiome (2022). DOI: 10.1186/s40168-022-01314-y Journal information: Journal of Bacteriology This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Map charts illustrating parental ivolvement mandates in states with no total bans, states with enjoined bans and states with laws protecting abortion access. Credit: Guttmacher Institute. Twenty-two states, including Colorado, that have not banned abortion still do require those under age 18 to involve their parents before terminating a pregnancy. Their only other option: to seek approval from a judge via a process called judicial bypass. New University of Colorado research published Jan. 12 in the American Journal of Public Health sheds new light on how many young people must navigate that process, shown in previous research to be traumatizing, and how frequently judges deny them care. It found that more than one in 10 minors seeking abortions in Texas and Florida between 2018 and 2021 sought judicial bypass, and as many as 13% were denied. About 5,527 minors in Florida and 5,520 in Texas received abortions during the study period. "States that support abortion rights but continue to mandate parental involvement have a responsibility to consider the true consequences of those mandates," said co-author Amanda Stevenson, assistant professor of sociology at CU Boulder. She notes that due to recent statewide bans in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, many minors must now travel across state lines to seek care only to face parental involvement mandates far from home. "Our research shows that substantial numbers of adolescents cannot involve their parents and rely on judicial bypass, and that bypasses are routinely denied." A glimpse inside the court For the study, Stevenson and co-author Kate Coleman-Minahan, assistant professor at University of Colorado College of Nursing at the Anschutz Medical Campus, analyzed data on bypass petitions and abortions provided to minors in Florida and Texas between 2018 and 2021. Florida moved from requiring parental notification to requiring consent in 2020. Texas has required parental consent for years and now has a total abortion ban. In Texas, 1014% of minors wishing to terminate a pregnancy during the study period had to seek permission through the courts. In Florida, about 15% of minors seeking abortions sought judicial bypass, and judges denied care to about 13% of them. Denials there doubled over the study period. "Florida is more critical than ever as a source of abortion care, since it's now the only place in the region to get an abortion after six weeks, so the fact that teenagers face such a large hurdle to get care there is significant," said Stevenson. The team's previous research found that some teens seeking judicial bypass have experienced family trauma, household substance abuse, or a general fear for their own safety if they were to tell their parents they are seeking an abortion. Once they begin the bypass process, they're often confronted with challenges taking time off from school, getting to the courthouse and other obstacles. Many reported finding the process humiliating and frightening, with judges and court-appointed guardians-ad-litem shaming them. Judges typically require minors to either provide evidence they are "mature" enough to have an abortion (things such as good grades or participation in extracurricular activities) or prove they can't safely tell their parent, said Coleman-Minahan. "They are often re-traumatized and re-victimized in court by having to describe their family situations," she said. Giving teens a voice The study also sheds some light on just how many teens from states where abortion is banned may be seeking abortions elsewhere and potentially running up against parental involvement laws. "Teenagers who are traveling really far to get abortions will also have to involve their parents and get documentation of notification or consent to meet that state's requirement," said Stevenson. "That can be logistically challenging to the point of being impossible." One Massachusetts study found that complying with parental consent guidelines in state there took about nine days. For those who sought judicial bypass, it took 15. Reasons for denials are not typically released, but previous studies have shown judges have denied bypasses based on family socioeconomic status, how far along a person was in their pregnancy or a judge's personal values. "Our research shows that young people are not just harmed by this process, they are denied abortions and that can have lifelong impacts," said Stevenson. The authors call on states such as Colorado and Maryland, that allow abortion access but mandate parental involvement, to routinely report the percentage of minors using the judicial bypass system so that coordinated services can be provided to help young people navigate it. Colorado requires parental notification but not consent. They also hope the data will demonstrate that parental involvement laws, which have been widely supported even among some advocates of abortion rights, harm large numbers of individuals and prevent some from getting the care they need. "If liberal states and organizations are talking about reproductive justice, then that conversation needs to include the needs of young people, too," said Coleman-Minahan. "They deserve abortion care as much as older people and are often left out of the conversation." More information: Amanda Jean Stevenson et al, Use of Judicial Bypass of Mandatory Parental Consent to Access Abortion and Judicial Bypass Denials, Florida and Texas, 20182021, American Journal of Public Health (2023). DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2022.307173 Journal information: American Journal of Public Health This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Dog experimenters Fiona, Henry and Seymour. Credit: Duke University A team of scientists from the U.S. have conducted new researchpublished in the journal Human-Animal Interactionswhich aimed to show whether or not toddlers choose to help dogs impulsively within certain scenarios. The researchers, in the study entitled "Do children help dogs spontaneously?", found that a sample group of children aged two to three years were twice as likely to help a dog reach a treat or toy when the animal showed interest than if it did not. Lead scientist Dr. Rachna Reddy, a postdoctoral fellow in evolutionary anthropology at Duke University, and her team, also found that the children were more likely to help the dogs get the out-of-reach items if they already lived with a pet dog, the dogs were livelier and if the item was a treat rather than a toy. The experiments conducted with three friendly dogsFiona, Henry and Seymourtook place at the University of Michigan's child laboratory between 2015 and 2020 and formed part of the research that also involved researchers from the University of Michigan and Stony Brook University in New York. Dr. Reddy, who is also a research associate in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University, said, "These findings lend support to our hypothesis that children's early-developing proclivities for goal-reading and prosociality extend beyond humans to other animals." The scientists recruited 97 toddlers (51 girls and 46 boys) aged between 20 and 47 months from middle-class families in and around the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and surrounding towns. The majority of the children were white (71%) while the rest identified as either multiracial, black or African-American, Latino, or Asian. Forty-four children had dogs at home and 53 did not. It was revealed that the toddlers gave dogs out-of-reach treats and toys in 50% of all events where dogs attempted to access these items themselves. In contrast, children offered dogs objects that dogs ignored only half as often, on only 26% of occasions. As expected, the researchers say, having a dog at home, the dog being highly engaged, and the out-of-reach object being food rather than a toy also increased the children's likelihood of giving dogs objects on an event-by-event basis. Dr. Reddy added, "From several perspectives, children's proclivities to attribute desires and goals to pet dogs during real-life, in-person interactions is unsurprising. "However, we observed as early as two years of age, children behave in ways showing they are not only able to read the goal-directed behavior of another animal but can and do employ that knowledge to help an animal reach its own goal. "In addition to informing us about childhood helping, these early child behaviors may have important evolutionary significance." Dr. Reddy and the scientists suggest that future research will be necessary to examine additional psychological components of inter-specific instrumental helping, including the emotions that underlie children's motivation to help dogs, how these motivations as well as cognitive attributions are shaped by culture, and how all of the preceding processes change throughout development. More information: Rachna B. Reddy et al, Do children help dogs spontaneously?, Human-Animal Interactions (2023). DOI: 10.1079/hai.2023.0001 Provided by CABI This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: University of Edinburgh Younger first-time voters in Scotland retain a habit of voting in elections and participate in greater numbers than older first-time voters, a study suggests. In the 2021 Holyrood elections, people under 30 who had been able to vote from age 16 went to the ballots in greater numbers than those enfranchised from age 18, the report found. Those who were able to vote as a 16 or 17 year-old were also more likely to continue voting into their 20s, researchers said. Long-term impact A team from the Universities of Edinburgh and Sheffield used voting habits from the 2021 Scottish Parliamentary elections to assess for the first time the long-term impact of Scotland lowering the voting age to 16 in 2014. The change was introduced for the 2014 independence referendum and then extended to Scottish local and parliamentary elections in 2015. Overall, researchers say the move has had positive long-term consequences for turnout. The boost was unrelated to whether people cast their first vote as a 16 or 17 year old in the independence referendum or in later elections. Political engagement However, they found lowering the voting age had no longer-term effects on non-electoral forms of political engagementsuch as involvement in demonstrations and petitionsor on addressing socio-economic inequalities in political engagement. When voting aged 16 or 17, the study found that socio-economic turnout inequalities were reduced and engagement in non-electoral politics was boosted, but these trends were not maintained as voters got older. Patterns of inequality Standard patterns of inequality re-emerged as people moved into their 20s, with those from higher socio-occupational classes more likely to vote. A lasting impact was found, however, for good civic education. Those who had taken classes in school where political issues had been discussed voted in greater numbers even as they grew older. Researchers surveyed 904 people aged 16 to 31 about their voting habits after the 2021 Scottish Parliament elections. They compared results from young people who could vote at 16 in the referendum on Scottish independence in 2014 and Scottish Parliament elections in 2016 or 2021 to young people whose first vote was at 18 in general, local or Scottish Parliament elections since 2010. Dr. Jan Eichhorn, of the University of Edinburgh's School of Social and Political Science, lead author of the study said, "Allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to vote was a good decision taken by the Scottish Parliament. Many younger first-time voters retain a habit of voting and participate in greater numbers than older first-time voters. The findings strengthen the case for enfranchising younger voters across the UK to improve long term voting behavior. But more can be done. Making sure all young people receive great civic education that includes learning how to discuss political issues well, could help reduce persistent social inequalities in turnout." Dr. Christine Hubner of the University of Sheffield's Sheffield Methods Institute, said, "The data allows us for the first time to look into the long-term trends in voting in Scotland after 16- and 17-year-olds were given the vote. This change appears to have disrupted the usual lifecycle patterns for political engagement, with the decline in voter participation during early adulthood yearsthe mid-twentiesbeing smaller for those enfranchised at age 16. This shows these young people not only vote in higher numbers, they continue voting at ages where voter turnout is usually at its lowest. The report clearly demonstrates that advocating for a lowering of the voting age to 16 for all gives more people the opportunity to benefit from engaging with politics." The report makes five recommendations for governments to overcome some of these inequalities and encourage lasting change in democratic engagement among young people beyond the act of voting. These include strengthening access to political literacy in schools, encouraging young people to engage with politics, and providing opportunities for democratic debate across all age groups in places such as workplaces and educational institutions. The team says more research could be done to understand why lowering the voting age initially reduces inequality in voter turnout and engagement but fails to last, and how that could be addressed in the future. More information: Votes at 16 in Scotland 2014-2021 study. www.sps.ed.ac.uk/votes-at-16-in-scotland-study This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: The schematic diagrams for the borate-ethanol washing process of LiNi 0.8 Co 0.1 Mn 0.1 O 2 materials. Credit: Lai Chen, Beijing Institute of Technology New work on developing a weak-acid washing strategy for layered nickel-rich cathodes was published in Energy Material Advances. "Satisfying the requirements of cost and performance is imperative for commercialized batteries," said paper author Lai Chen, associate professor at School of Materials Science and Engineering in Beijing Institute of Technology. "Currently, lithium-ion batteries have been widely adopted in the vehicle market, but they still require further development to maintain competitive advantage among competitors." Chen explained that automotive-type lithium-ion batteries have strict requirements on the cathode materials, such as high specific capacities, suitable discharge potentials, rapid transport kinetics, and good structure stability. "Among the various candidates of cathode materials, layered transition metal oxides are highly attractive due to their high specific capacities and working voltages," Chen said. "In terms of nickel contents, layered nickel-rich cathode with nickel content above 80% have advantages in capital cost, gravimetric capacity, and energy density, which are important factors for the commercial application." But more severe problems always come along with higher nickel fractions in layered nickel-rich materials. According to Chen, one of the most aggravating problems is the formation of surface impurity phases like the rock-salt NiO phase and residual lithium compounds. The formation mechanisms of these impurity phases are ascribed to the intrinsic properties of layered nickel-rich materials. The insulating rock-salt phase blocks the Li+/electron diffusion pathways, worsening the electrochemical performance of layered nickel-rich materials. The residual lithium compounds will deteriorate the comprehensive performances and cause trouble in the subsequent electrode manufacturing process. To remove these harmful surface impurity phases for practical application, Chen said most battery companies have adapted the washing process to stir the cathode powders in purified water for a few hours. These washing processes could significantly reduce the surface impurity phases and powder pH value. However, the increased chemically sensitive and prolonged process time still raise the capital costs. Chen and his team reviewed the latest work, comparing the several modification strategies to eliminate undesired surface impurity phases in which future research should focus. "Notably, the use of acidic treatments has also been demonstrated to eliminate the surface impurity phases and alter the surface structure of Ni-rich materials," Chen said. "In this paper, layered nickel-rich material is etched with a trace amount of boric acid and used as a model to demonstrate the influences of weak acid treatment on the surface phase regulations. Our aim is to provide inspiration for future research in the field." "The different acid treatment always contains three stages, including the acid-base neutralization between surface impurity phases and acid, Li+/H+ ion exchange and transition metal dissolution reactions between crystal structure and acid, and potential coating reactions during the secondary calcination process." According to Chen, considering the difference in particle size, inhomogeneity of surface impurity phases, and non-instantaneous characteristics of the etching process, it is hard to precisely control the reaction degree between Ni-rich cathode and acid solution. "Different from the harmful Li+/H+ exchange and transition metal dissolution reactions during flushing with plenty of water or strong acids, this treatment of ethanol solution with a trace of H 3 BO 3 will mediate the reaction with intrinsic NiO phase and residual lithium to maintain the structure stability and prolong the cycle life," Chen said. "Our work only uses lower concentrations and short-duration H 3 BO 3 washes to induce chemical changes and improve the electrochemical stabilities of Ni-rich cathode, which shows better storage performance and is of great significance for practical application." "We provided a novel, efficient, and low-cost strategy to eliminate the surface impurity phases and improve the electrochemical performances of layered nickel-rich material," Chen said. "Such weak acid washing strategy is suitable for large-scale production, thus promoting the potential practical application." "Our findings confirmed the negative effects of intrinsic NiO phase and residual lithium compounds on the surface of Ni-rich materials and improved the traditional understanding of acid modification," Chen said. "The effect of washing parameters such as solid-liquid ratio, washing time, and the concentration of weak acid to materials is still an issue to be systematically examined. In addition, further studies are needed to make a real-time verification of these potential chemical reactions between weak acid and surface impurity phases. Overall, there is a long way to go for the large-scale application of weak acid washing process." More information: Feng Wu et al, Removing the Intrinsic NiO Phase and Residual Lithium for High-Performance Nickel-Rich Materials, Energy Material Advances (2023). DOI: 10.34133/energymatadv.0007 Provided by Beijing Institute of Technology Press Youth activist Javier Gomez reacts as President Joe Biden hands him a pen after signing an executive order June 15, 2022, at the White House. The order in part is aimed at discouraging so-called conversion therapy. (Nicholas Kamm/Getty-AFP/AFP via Getty Images) Despite overwhelming medical evidence that so-called conversion therapy is nothing more than the pseudoscientific practice of attempting to change an individuals sexual orientation or gender identity through psychological or spiritual interventions, it remains legal to perform on minors in half the states in America. It is time that the federal government follow the lead of the other 26 states, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and more than 100 cities nationwide, as well as several other countries, by banning the harmful and debunked practice. Advertisement In June, President Joe Biden signed an executive order that directed the Department of Health and Human Services to establish guidance blocking federal funding for organizations that subject LGBTQ youths to conversion therapy, which has been roundly discredited by medical professionals. Under the order, HHS guidance would bar programs and organizations that receive federal funding from subjecting people to conversion therapy and provide support to those who have been subjected to such practices. The department will also seek to educate the public on the practice. The order also includes a commitment to expand mental health resources that are inclusive of LGBTQ youths and asked the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to provide more detailed guidance on providing LGBTQ-affirming mental health support. Advertisement The American Psychological Association says children, as well as their families, guardians and advocates, should not engage in conversion practices. Instead, they should seek psychotherapy, social support and educational services that provide accurate information on sexual orientation and sexuality, increase family and school support, and reduce rejection of sexual minority youth. The APA points out that conversion or reparative therapy for LGBTQ people has been linked to cases of depression, anxiety and suicidality. The mental health advocacy group The Trevor Project found similar results, reporting in a recent survey that LGBTQ youths who had been subjected to or threatened with conversion therapy practices were more than twice as likely to report attempting suicide within the past year as those who were not. More than 1 in 5 transgender youths, and more than 1 in 10 cisgender youths (those whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth), said they had been subjected to or threatened with such practices. The United Nations special rapporteur on torture has said that, in some instances, conversion therapy can lead to severe and life-long physical and mental pain and suffering and can amount to torture and ill-treatment. Conversion therapy grew in popularity in the 1960s and 70s when homosexuality and transgender identity were treated as mental disorders, and cures included counseling, physical punishment and even surgical intervention. Since then, LGBTQ identities have been widely recognized as healthy forms of human development. The World Health Organization no longer classifies homosexuality and gender dysphoria as disorders, and conversion attempts have been discredited as ineffective and harmful. While Bidens executive order was a positive step, it didnt go far enough. Sadly, the U.S. is behind other nations in banning this debunked practice. At the end of 2021, several other countries had laws banning conversion therapy. Last year, several others followed by either enacting legislation or taking other actions. Among them are Canada and France, which ban conversion therapy for minors and adults, regardless of perceived consent, in clinical and religious settings. Anyone found guilty of offering or practicing conversion therapy is subject to a fine or jail time. New Zealand, Greece, Israel, India, Vietnam, and several Mexican and Australian states also have banned conversion therapy. Advertisement In the United States, this is an issue that affects many families on both sides of the political aisle and one that the new Congress should take up this year. There is no reason why this harmful practice should still be legal in half our states. Jeffery Leving is founder and president of the Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving Ltd., and is an advocate for the rights of fathers. He is the author of Fathers Rights, Divorce Wars and How to Be a Good Divorced Dad. Submit a letter, of no more than 400 words, to the editor here or email letters@chicagotribune.com. In his book, "Behavioral Economics for Leaders: Research-based insights on the weird, irrational, and wonderful ways humans navigate the workplace", Matthias Sutter, director at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, describes findings from behavioural economics that are relevant in everyday professional life. Credit: ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy Matthias Sutter has been Director at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn since mid-2017. He is one of the most prominent research-focused behavioral economists in the German-speaking world. He focuses on how and for what reasons people make certain economic decisions. In his latest book, "Behavioral Economics for Leaders: Research-based insights on the weird, irrational, and wonderful ways humans navigate the workplace" (hardcover, Wiley, 2023, 256 pages), he describes 50 behavioral economic findings to promote the understanding of the "human factor" in professional life and to facilitate successful cooperation. The German version of the book was on the bestseller list shortly after its publication in Austria. In the following interview, Sutter explains why working from home can cause a career setback, what height has to do with earning money, to what extent some industries attract untrustworthy characters, why bonus payments always have to be transparent and why gender quotas ultimately make sense. Mr. Sutter, ever since the coronavirus pandemic, many people have been working from home. While this has its benefits, according to a study that you describe in your new book 'Behavioral Economics for Leaders: Research-based insights on the weird, irrational, and wonderful ways humans navigate the workplace,' there is one key disadvantage: it decreases the likelihood of being promoted. Why? Matthias Sutter: The explanation is probably related to the well-known saying "out of sight, out of mind." For career advancement you need not only suitable skills and professional experience, but also a good network within a company. And it is obviously easier to cultivate this in the office than virtually from home. There is one surprising criterion of success that does not play a role in Zoom meetings and in virtual professional life, but that does matter in real life: height. The taller people are, the more successful they are and there money they make more. Is this really true? Chancellor Scholz, Angela Merkel, and Gerhard Schroder can hardly be described as tall. Statistically, several studies show that taller men earn more on average. As a rule of thumb, ten centimeters of extra height translates to about ten percent more income. While height plays an important role in the teenage years, later employers are largely unaware of it. On average, taller young people have a larger circle of friends and are more involved in social activities or volunteer work. This helps them to gain important skills that will pay off in later life: such as reliability, leadership skills, cooperation or the ability to delegate. The fact that Germany's last chancellors were not very tall only shows that they had to have skills that were far above-average in other areas. Does the same also apply to tall women? In principle, yes, but the data is less clear for women than for men. This may also be due to the higher frequency of career breaks, which make it more difficult to establish the same connections. Men and women often differ in their willingness to compete in the career world for reasons that are not necessarily genetic. Why is that? In my own work, I have found that even at kindergarten age, boys enjoy competing much more than girls. This may have something to do with role models and role expectations. In professional life, facing competition is often essentialsuch as for an attractive job, for example. If women are less comfortable in such situations and are, therefore, more likely to avoid them, well-qualified women will be lost as candidates for such roles. This is a great loss for the companies, in particular, and society in general. Does something need to change in the education of young girls? There are some studies which show that success in competitive situations reduces gender differences in willingness to compete. This is why, for example, I encouraged my daughters early on to try out activities with a competitive element. When we look at societies where women play a greater role than men, such as the Khasi people in northeastern India, it becomes apparent that the culture in which we grow up have an impact on our willingness to compete. What can we learn from this? In matrilineal societies, women dominate because, for example, inheritance laws entitle them to more than men and it is customary for men to move to their wife's residence. It would appear that this leads to women being more competitive than men in such societies. What we can learn from this is that the organization of a society has a very strong influence on economically relevant behavior. One outcome detailed in your book is that young start-up companies survive longer if the proportion of women in the workforce is higher. Women on the board and as CEOs also have an influence on salary distribution and productivity in companies. This all sounds very 'politically correct.' But what are the facts behind this? I hadn't thought of it in that way, but yes, it can be interpreted like that, although it is not about that. If start-ups have a significantly below-average proportion of women in their workforcebelow average compared to the average in the respective industrythen this suggests a distortion in the recruitment process. This means that well-qualified women are consciously or unconsciously disadvantaged compared to men. Such distortions are a clear indication that companies do not have an optimal personnel policy. If more women sit on the board, the pay gap between men and women will narrow, especially at levels below the boardroom. You used to be an opponent of gender quotas, but have since changed your opinion. Why do you think gender quotas makes sense? My research with Loukas Balafoutas shows that quotas motivate the most capable women, in particular, to compete. Our studies show that this is something that they often do not do without quotas. I think this effect makes a lot of sense today, because we want the best people to be successful irrespective of gender. You say that if you want to go all the way to the top, you must be pretty strong-willed. And a good communicator. Why is that? What I mean by strong-willed is that you need perseverance and patience, because the way to the top is a long one. Communication skills, social skills and generally the ability to get on with other people are helpful here. This is what I mean by the "human factor": Being able to interact with people, to cooperate and also to manage them always pays off, both in terms of career opportunities and the pay slip. The 'human factor' also plays a role in the choice of industry. You have found that some industries attract employees who are less trustworthy. How can this be measured? We behavioral economists like to use a "trust game," originally invented by Joyce Berg and co-authors. In it, person A is given, let's say, 100 euros. Person A can send some of it to person B. This amount will be tripled. If, for example, person A sends the entire 100 euros, then person B gets 300 euros. After that, person B can return something to person A, but this will no longer be tripled. For example, person B could then divide their 300 euros equally, which would give both 150 euros. In this example, the trust of person Awho can only hope that person B will give something backwould have paid off because person B was trustworthy by returning large part of the money, Have you ever run this experiment in the financial sector? Yes, with students from the University of Frankfurt am Main, many of whom find their first jobs in the financial sector. We have found that students who want to work in the financial sector returnas person Bsignificantly less than students who want to work in other industries. To ensure that these results were watertight, we contacted these students repeatedly over a period of six years. Ultimately, we established that those who start their careers in the financial sector returned significantly less in the experiment as person B than other former students in other sectors. Many of us are attracted by money, not only in the financial sector. And to make employees more productive, companies also like to pay bonuses. It has now been found that performance-related pay can be quite counterproductiveif it violates fairness. What does that mean? Axel Ockenfels et al have found that bonus payments can be demotivating and reduce job satisfactionwhenever employees can accurately compare their bonuses and feel that they have been treated unfairly. In the specific case of a multinational corporation, this was primarily due to the fact that some of the employees' performance was rated as "averagemet expectations." However, if these employees received lesseven if only slightly lessthan the average bonus payment in their department, then they perceived this as a blatant violation of the principle of fairness. And this in turn has led to dissatisfaction and lower performance. Transparency and congruencewhat you do must match what you sayare enormously important for the acceptance of bonus payments. Reading your book, one quickly realizes that there is still significant room for improvement in today's professional life. What can individuals do to improve? I prefer to answer this with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, which I really value: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." This way, everyone can make a difference. A sea vessel struck and killed the whale that was beached in Brigantine on Thursday, according to the preliminary results of a postmortem evaluation. The results shed light on one case, as people continue to question a rash of whale strandings that have occurred on the New Jersey and New York coasts in the last month. The Marine Mammal Stranding Center issued a news release Sunday about a necropsy of the beached whale in Brigantine. Observations made during the necropsy indicate the whale had sustained blunt trauma injuries consistent with those from a vessel strike. There were signs of injuries and hemorrhaging on the whales head, thoracic region, right side and pectoral flipper, the release said. The whale, a female humpback, was 32 feet, 7 inches long and weighed about 12 tons. It was stranded late Thursday afternoon on a beach in the north end of the island. Before its death, the sea creature appeared to have been in relatively healthy condition, as evidenced by its blubber thickness and the fullness of the whales stomach and bladder. The necropsy was conducted by the MMSC, which is based in Brigantine, as well as the Atlantic Marine Conservation Society of New York, the Mystic Aquarium and the MERR Institute. It was done in near-freezing temperatures and heavy winds, with the MMSC praising the three dozen people who worked outside on the necropsy for their dedication and love of marine life. Officials from the Office of Law Enforcement at the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Fish & Wildlife Division at the state Department of Justice, New Jersey Park Police, and the Brigantine Police and Fire departments were also on the scene. Dave Powell of Lafayette Utility Construction also provided assistance. The latest stranding in Brigantine is part of an alarming spike in whales washing ashore in the region. There have been seven whale strandings along the coasts of New Jersey and New York within the last six weeks, including two humpback whales in Atlantic City, on Dec. 23 and Jan. 7, and one humpback whale in Strathmere on Dec. 10. In July, a humpback whale was found washed ashore in North Wildwood. The MMSC said in its release that there is currently an elevated number of whales off the Jersey Shore, likely attracted by small-fish prey that are also attracting striper. A voluntary slow zone is in effect for the waters off New York and New Jersey. There are active Seasonal Management Areas in effect off the ports of New Jersey, New York and in the Delaware Bay by which all vessels that are at least 65 feet long must travel slower than 10 knots. This surge in whale strandings is perhaps a symptom of an even larger trend. Humpback whales on the East Coast have been experiencing an extraordinary spike in deaths referred to as an unusual mortality event since 2016. The NOAA has said more research is needed to determine what is causing the mortality event. Activists from New Jersey and New York, including those from the group Clean Ocean Action, held a news conference last week after the Jan. 7 stranding in Atlantic City, talking just beyond where the whale carcass had been eviscerated and buried. They had written President Joe Biden a letter asking for a federal investigation into the whale deaths. The activists tied the deaths to work on New Jerseys planned offshore wind turbines and demanded that work on these projects be stopped. U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-2nd and state Sen. Vince Polistina, R-Atlantic, both called on the state to suspend work on offshore wind turbines pending an investigation into their environmental impacts. Ties between wind farms and whale deaths lack evidence, according to data collected by federal experts. The NOAA has said that no humpback whale has ever been found to have been killed by offshore wind activity. Several other environmental groups, including the New Jersey Sierra Club, the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters and the New Jersey Audubon, have said the notion that wind turbines are causing whale deaths is unfounded and premature. Gov. Phil Murphy, citing the NOAA statistic, has indicated that work on the offshore wind farm would not be halted. The MMSC addressed the speculation about wind in its news release, also noting the lack of whale deaths ever having been attributed to wind turbines. The group did note that vessel collisions and entanglements with fishing gear are the most common causes of deaths for all species of whale. Although there has been speculation about whether these whale deaths are linked to wind energy development, at this point no whale mortality has been attributed to offshore wind activities, the MMSC said. We will continue to gather data and go where the science leads us. The findings of the necropsy of the beached Brigantine whale are to be confirmed via laboratory testing in the coming weeks. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Even scientists could not detect fake research paper abstracts by bot #NEWDELHI Artificial-Intelligence (AI) chatbot called ChatGPT has written convincing fake research-paper abstracts that scientists were unable to spot, a new research has revealed. A research team led by Catherine Gao at Northwestern University in Chicago used ChatGPT to generate artificial research-paper abstracts to test whether scientists can spot them. According to a report in the prestigious journal Nature, the researchers asked the chatbot to write 50 medicalresearch abstracts based on a selection published in JAMA, The New England Journal of Medicine, The BMJ, The Lancet and Nature Medicine. They then compared these with the original abstracts by running them through a plagiarism detector and an AI-output detector, and they asked a group of medical researchers to spot the fabricated abstracts. The ChatGPT-generated abstracts sailed through the plagiarism checker: the median originality score was 100 per cent, which indicates that no plagiarism was detected. The AI-output detector spotted 66 per cent the generated abstracts. But the human reviewers didnt do much better - they correctly identified only 68 per cent of the generated abstracts and 86 per cent of the genuine abstracts. They incorrectly identified 32 per cent of the generated abstracts as being real and 14 per cent of the genuine abstracts as being generated, according to the Nature article. I am very worried, said Sandra Wachter from University of Oxford who was not involved in the research. If were now in a situation where the experts are not able to determine whats true or not, we lose the middleman that we desperately need to guide us through complicated topics, she was quoted as saying. Microsoft-owned software company OpenAI released the tool for public use in November and it is free to use. Since its release, researchers have been grappling with the ethical issues surrounding its use, because much of its output can be difficult to distinguish from human-written text, said the report. IANS Unmanned Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft will bring them back #MOSCOW Russia will launch the unmanned Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft to bring home three astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS) as their Soyuz MS-22 spaceship has an emergency situation, Russian space authorities have said. Russian cosmonauts Sergei Prokopyev and Dmitry Petelin together with NASA astronaut Francisco Rubio will return to Earth aboard the Soyuz MS-23 in the next weeks, which is supposed to dock to the ISS on February 22, Xinhua news agency reported, citing a statement by Russias space agency Roscosmos. Last month, astronauts found damage to the outer skin of the instrument-assembly compartment of the Soyuz MS-22 docked to the ISS, which caused a pressure drop in the cooling system. The systems of the ISS and the Soyuz MS-22 are operating normally, but Roscosmos and its partner space agencies have taken measures to ensure the safe return of the crew to Earth in the event of an accident before the arrival of Soyuz MS-23, the statement said. The Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on September 21, 2022, taking Prokopyev, Petelin and Rubio to the ISS for a six-month stay in orbit. The Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on September 21, 2022, taking Prokopyev, Petelin and Rubio to the ISS. IANS Pune ZP to file criminal plaints against 13 unauthorised schools which are running without permission from relevant boards The Pune Zilla Parishad (ZP) education department has ordered the filing of criminal complaints against the owners and administrators of 13 private English medium schools in the Pune district that are operating sans receiving approval from the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), or Maharashtra state boards. The order was issued in light of information found on the Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) portal, which shows that the institutes have been operating without receiving permission from any of the aforementioned boards. UDISE is a database for schools in the country. The Pune ZP primary education officer issued the order recently to taluka-wise group education officers to lodge complaints against the guilty schools and collect a fine of Rs one lakh each from them. It may be mentioned that several CBSE schools in Pune (city and rural) and Pimpri-Chinchwad had been facing allegations of obtaining fake noobjection certificates (NOC) and running in unauthorised manner. The schools are located at Kirkatwadi, Loni Kalbhor, Ambegaon Budruk in Haveli taluka; Urwade, Bawdhan, Hinjewadi, Jambhe, Sagawade, Dattawadi in Mulshi taluka; Daund, Kasurdi, Lingali Road in Daund taluka and Veer in Purandar taluka. Since the UDISE data revealed that the schools are operating illegally, the Pune ZP education department directed the schools to submit relevant data to UDISE. However, the schools failed to comply with the order. Subsequently, group education officers were ordered to inspect these schools. Expressing his shock, Jayashree Deshpande, president of Pune Parents Association, said, The association demands that NOCs and other relevant documents of all English medium schools be crossverified. State education commissioner Suraj Mandhre has assured that no single student will suffer the loss of education. Aayush Prasad, chief executive officer, Pune ZP, said, The report submitted by group education officers confirmed that 13 schools were functioning in unauthorised manner. They continued even without the permission of the state government. Orders have been issued to file cases against such schools. Sandhya Gaikwad, education officer (primary education), Pune ZP, said, The group education officers have been instructed to register cases against the 13 schools. In addition, directives have been issued to inspect other schools and cross-verify their documents. Earlier, the officers had carried out a similar inspection last year during which 43 schools were found to be unauthorised. The Pune ZP took action and shut down 29 of them. However, 14 schools were still running. Of them, one school has completed the necessary formalities and obtained approval from the SSC Board. Besides, four schools in Loni Kalbhor, Daund, and Haveli talukas have paid a fine of Rs 1 lakh each. The constable was attacked outside an eatery in Dhanori at around 11:15 pm on Saturday. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where he received several stitches. A-38-year-old police constable was allegedly attacked by a 24-year-old youth outside an etery in Dhanori at around 11:15 pm on Saturday. Accordig to the report, the police constable received information that some eateries at Dhanori octroi point were serving food even after the closing time. When he asked the eatery to close its shutters, the customer, waiting for his food got furious and attacked the personnel with a knife from the eatery. He was rushed to nearby hospital after recieving a deep cut on hid left cheek. The police constable has been identified as Sachin Uttam Jagdale 38; posted at Vimantal police station and the accused as Mahanandeshwar Batale (Tuljapur town in Osmanabad district). The accused has been arrested by the Pune Police under Indian Penal Code section 353 (assault or criminal force against public servent) and 333 (causing grievous hurt to public servant on duty). St. Ambrose University will host an in-person open house from 2 to 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 20, for students interested in pursuing a graduate degree. Undergraduate students, or those with a completed bachelors degree, are invited to tour facilities and meet with faculty and staff to learn more about SAU's graduate offerings which include a range of accredited degrees alongside flexible and online programs. The school is now accepting graduate applications for the 2023-2024 year. Representatives from the following SAU masters programs will attend: Accounting. Business Administration. Criminal Justice. Exercise Physiology. Information Technology Management. Organizational Leadership. Physician Assistant Studies. Public Health. Speech-Language Pathology. Social Work. Faculty and staff from SAUs doctoral programs in business administration, occupational therapy and physical therapy will also be present to speak with prospective students. Students interested in attending the open house may visit SAU's "Graduate Program Open House" webpage to register or request an individual meeting with program representatives. To learn more about earning a degree or certification from SAU, visit sau.edu. Sights from St. Ambrose University's Celebration of the Class of 2020 The humble soybean is the target of many research projects in the Midwest this year. In its brochure of 2023 research projects, the Illinois Soybean Association focuses on in-season agronomy, pest management, ag technology and conservation practice research. Healthy progress on new varieties This includes the progress made with high oelic oil in soybeans, a project with funding from ISA. Brian Diers of the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois and the National Soybean Research Center in Urbana who led the project last year, said he believes a good foundation has been built in the breeding program. The professor, who retired from the university at the end of December, is proud of the work he has done in the way of breeding soybean with high oleic and low linolenic acid, and said he is confident his work will go forward. He will work with the university team and the new breeder replacing him this year. By combining four genes together, we can develop soybean that have oil with greater than 80% oleic acid and less than 3% linolenic acid. The new varieties with this trait are marketed under the Soyleic name, he said. The team has focused on breeding the genes for the Soyleic trait into high yielding backgrounds and regional tests this past year have shown that the lines developed here perform well relative to commercial checks. During 2023, we will continue to develop new Soyleic experimental lines through making new crosses, inbreeding populations and evaluating experimental lines in field tests. Our best lines will be evaluated in regional tests and increased for commercial release, he said the day before his retirement. We will have trials in fields rented from farmers across Illinois. Additionally, we are working with an Illinois seed producer to increase our Soyleic varieties so they can be licensed to companies that will commercialize them, he said. SCN targeted Addressing a big robber of soybean yield, Jason Bond of the Crop, Soil and Environmental Management department at Southern Illinois University and his research team will continue to focus on Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN). In 2023, our research will focus on using multispectral imagery to determine levels of SCN infestation. This research aims to develop in-season assessments of damage caused by SCN. We will also evaluate different sources of host resistance and seed treatments to minimize SCN feeding and yield loss he said of his work in the third growing season of evaluating multispectral imagery collected with UAVs. One thing that surprised us in 2022 was the amount of SCN reproduction occurring on resistant varieties. Forty-five days after planting, we had over 100 SCN females on resistant varieties the said the SIU plant pathology professor and ILSoyAdvisor. Reproduction on resistant varieties is not new; however, field populations are even more aggressive because a more significant percentage of the populations can reproduce on resistant varieties, he said. We are in dire need of resistant varieties from different sources of resistance and more integrated methods (host resistance, non-host rotation, seed treatments, etc.) to control SCN, Bond said. Trying popular corn technique Soybeans also have their spot in the sun at the Precision Technology Institute in Pontiac in projects led by head agronomist Jason Webster. This year Webster will be looking at strip tilling soybeans into warmer soil because early-planted soybeans have consistently done so well. He also has ongoing studies and banding and fertility placement. The lone 911 call that was made on the morning of a triple homicide at Maquoketa Caves State Park came from the mother of the man police say was the killer. As the sun rose on the popular park in Jackson County, Iowa, on July 22, two gunshots rang out. A little boy screamed and ran for help. His parents were shot, he said; there was blood. A nearby camper took the boy by the hand, hurried toward the campground entrance and called 911. The contents of that call reveal more about what happened at the park than what investigators have been willing to disclose over the past six months, despite having concluded the case. 'He saw his parents were shot' Cecilia Sherwin struggled with the pronunciation of Maquoketa. After several attempts at describing her location, it clicked for the Jackson County 911 dispatcher: She was talking about Maquoketa Caves. "Shooting, shooting," Sherwin said. "We heard it this morning and this kid screaming. He said his parents were shot and there's blood." The 911 call, obtained by the Quad-City Times/Dispatch-Argus through an Open Records request to Jackson County, lasts for 23 minutes. The dispatcher is heard asking questions of Sherwin and trying to call law enforcement. As he called the park ranger and the phone continued to ring, the dispatcher said, "Come on," just before the ranger's phone went to voice mail. The connection between the dispatcher and Sherwin was briefly lost at one point, but she called back. The dispatcher again put her on hold as he tried to contact help. Nearly 10 minutes after her initial call, the dispatcher asked more questions, including where she was in the park, exactly. "At the entrance ... with the little boy," she replied. "He was screaming in the tent. We heard the shots." The dispatcher had questions for the boy, too, so Sherwin handed him her phone. "Who am I talking to?" the dispatcher asked. "Me," the boy replied. Then came some detail: The boy's name was Arlo. He was 9 years old. He was camping in a tent with his mom, his sister and his dad. "I woke up and there was someone, like, someone in, like, black clothes and they had a weapon and my sister was screaming," Arlo said. The dispatcher asked where his dad was. The boy paused, then replied, "I think they were hurt." He repeated to the dispatcher that the man had a "small gun" and was wearing "black clothes." He then handed the phone back to Sherwin. A few seconds later, she could be heard asking the boy, "Honey, are you OK? What's wrong?" The dispatcher assured them help was coming. A trooper and park ranger "aren't too far away," he said. An ambulance was standing by at the park's visitor center. After 23 minutes, the 911 call concluded with the arrival of a park ranger. Asked last week why she took the boy to the entrance of the park to call 911, Sherwin said, "We were running to safety, thinking someone in black was going to shoot us." The discovery of bodies Inside a tent near the entrance to the upper campground at Maquoketa Caves State Park, police found the bodies of Sarah and Tyler Schmidt, both 42, and their daughter, 6-year-old Lula. Two weeks later, the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, DCI, publicly disclosed the causes of the Schmidts' deaths: Tyler was shot and stabbed. Sarah was stabbed. Lula was shot and strangled. Arlo was the only member of the family from Cedar Falls to escape injury. Anthony Sherwin, 23, had been traveling and camping with his parents, Cecilia and Joe. He was in his own tent. The campground had a total of about a dozen campers, Cecilia Sherwin had told the 911 dispatcher. Anthony Sherwin's body was found "near the campground a short distance away" but still inside the park, according to an investigator's remarks at a news conference on the day of the killings. In addition to revealing the causes of death on Aug. 4, the Iowa DCI declared that Sherwin had been the killer: "... all evidence collected to this point substantiate Sherwin was the perpetrator of the homicides and acted alone." His parents don't believe it. Neither his character nor the bit of evidence shared with them proves he did it, they said. Cecilia Sherwin said her son sustained two gunshot wounds. She thinks the first would have been "debilitating" and wonders how he managed to shoot himself again. Police have declined to answer any questions and have not publicly released any additional information since Aug. 4. Public Records requests denied The list of unanswered questions is long, but one in particular bothers Cecilia Sherwin because it seems simple to answer: Was the gun police say was used by her son to commit suicide the same gun that was used in the shootings of Tyler and Lula Schmidt? She and her husband specifically asked one of the lead investigators whether a ballistics match was made. They didn't get an answer, she said. The Quad-City Times/Dispatch-Argus also filed requests for public records under Iowa's Open Records law and the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA. The request sought incident reports, investigative documents, crime-scene summaries and autopsy reports. "The records you seek are not public," replied Debbie McClung, strategic communications bureau chief, office of the commissioner, Iowa Department of Public Safety. "We can share immediate facts and circumstances of this case, which are contained in the press release links which Ive provided for you ..." McClung was asked in an email on Jan. 11 whether the gun used in the suicide matched the one used in the slayings. She did not respond. The Sherwins' requests for information also have either been denied or ignored, Cecilia Sherwin said. She was able to independently obtain her son's autopsy report, she said, but it only added to her confusion. She knew Anthony was wearing green shorts because she had given them to him the day before the shooting as she handed out the last of the clean clothes from the family's camping trip. The autopsy listed the clothing Anthony was wearing, which included the green shorts. To the Sherwins, the clothing distinction is important because Arlo had been insistent the person who killed his family was wearing black. "The reason we want the final report is that we want an independent review of what they say has happened because we believe Anthony was murdered and did not commit that crime," Cecilia Sherwin said. The people who likely knew Anthony best his parents say he wasn't capable of killing and he had no connection whatsoever to the Schmidts. Why would he violently attack them at sunrise? "We were told there was no motive and it was random," she said. Investigative matters aren't the only details that remain under wraps. Police won't even tell the Sherwins where in the park their son's body was found, Cecilia Sherwin said. "Why can't we know where our son's last moments on earth were, so we can put a small cross and flowers there? she asked. Arlo Schmidt is being raised by extended family, according to reports from his hometown. Cecilia Sherwin regularly thinks of the boy, she said. A University of Montana employee received an email indicating that "pipebombs" had been placed on campus and in a small number of federal field offices in Missoula, Helena and Billings around noon Monday. The FBI is investigating and analyzing the message, which has indicators of being a hoax, according to a UM alert sent via the campus emergency notification system Monday. In addition, no such devices were found on campus after a search of campus by UM police and local law enforcement concluded Monday afternoon, an updated alert said, adding that UMPD will continue to monitor campus. UM said it did not expect a disruption to the start of classes Tuesday. If you see anything suspicious on campus, such as a incendiary device, law enforcement is asking people to call the UMPD emergency line at 406-243-4000 or call 911. The story will be updated as new information is available. Martin Luther King Jr.'s stay in Chicago resulted in an agreement by local real estate agents to abide by the city's fair-housing ordinance in exchange for an end to protest marches. King is shown in November 1966, reviewing a copy of the ordinance with a West Side real estate agent. (Jack Mulcahy / Chicago Tribune) Were the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement that he led outwitted by Chicagos Mayor Richard J. Daley? As Kings top aide, the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, would later write, Richard Daley was a fox, too smart for us. Advertisement In a short-term strategic sense, that may have been true. But a look back reveals how much Kings Chicago crusade prepared this city, among others, for greater victories to come. In early 1966, King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference announced plans for the Chicago Freedom Movement, an expansion of their civil rights campaign.. Advertisement By various accounts, Chicago had a special importance to the man and the movement he led. On the heels of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1965 Voting Rights Act and other legal victories in the face of Jim Crow, the movement was turning its eyes to the more subtle de facto segregation that denied equal access to jobs, housing and education across racial lines in the North. Widely known as the nations most segregated city, Chicago offered a textbook example. Unlike the South, where we always had segregationists to help make issues clear, King said in the vernacular of those times, this ghetto Negro has been invisible for too long. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. speaks to a crowd from the back of a truck at 48th and South State streets near the Robert Taylor Homes in Chicago on July 24, 1965. King moved into a dilapidated Chicago apartment the following year to highlight the need for fair and open housing. (Ed Wagner Sr. / Chicago Tribune) Also unlike the South: Chicago had Mayor Richard J. Daley, the quintessential big city boss, who feared white flight, which already was happening with the post-World War II growth of suburbs and the federal highway program. Also unlike the South: Chicago had a fairly robust array of Black politicians who were fearful of losing their political base and their armies of precinct captains and who showed limited interest in upsetting the racial status quo. A core of Black, Daley-allied aldermen, for example, regularly voted against ordinances for open housing, among other desegregation reforms. Even before King delivered a historic speech at Soldier Field on July 10, 1966, he was already taking on politicians in Chicago, including Daley, in pursuit of open housing for nonwhites in the city. To publicize the movements expansion into rundown housing and overcrowded schools, among other economic justice issues, King moved into a dilapidated third-floor walk-up apartment on the West Side. Advertisement The SCLC joined Chicagos Coordinating Council of Community Organizations, led by Chicago activist Al Raby, in a new Chicago Freedom Movement, which marched for equal access to jobs, housing and public schools. The response to nonviolent demonstrations in such all-white neighborhoods as Gage Park and Marquette Park on the citys Southwest Side was violently hostile. Unlike the South, where police notoriously enforced segregation laws with police dogs and fire hoses in Alabama, Chicago police tried to keep civil rights marchers separated from hostile white mobs. Marchers had barely stepped off in Marquette Park on Aug. 5, 1966, when King was hit in the head by one of the rocks thrown by a chanting mob of young whites. I think the people from Mississippi ought to come to Chicago to learn how to hate, King said later. The campaign persisted through the summer of 1966. The freedom movement faced mounting challenges posed by white resistance to what many saw as a threat to their property values, among other fears stirred up by panic peddlers in the local real estate market. By late August, Daley, eager to make the problem go away, negotiated a summit agreement with King and various housing boards. As part of the agreement, the Chicago Housing Authority promised to build public housing with limited height requirements, not the high-rise ghettos of public housing on the South and West Sides, and the Mortgage Bankers Association agreed to make mortgages available regardless of race. Advertisement Although King called the agreement the most significant program ever conceived to make open housing a reality and only the first step in a 1,000-mile journey, the journey proved to be longer than he hoped. Daley and other city officials failed to take concrete steps to address issues included in the summit agreement. It appears that for all intents and purposes, the public agencies have (reneged) on the agreement, King later said, and have, in fact given credence to (those) who proclaim the housing agreement a sham and a batch of false promises. King left Chicago in January 1967 to write a now-classic book, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? He also expanded his agenda to the anti-war cause, delivering a historic speech in April 1967 at New Yorks Riverside Church condemning the Vietnam War. His Chicago crusade lives on most famously through such younger leaders as the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who ran the SCLCs Chicago branch Operation Breadbasket and later started his own Operation PUSH. Although Jacksons two presidential campaigns failed in the 1980s, he helped prepare the way for the generation that elected Barack Obama as the nations first Black president. Jackson is now 81. The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice, said King, Obama and others, memorably paraphrasing the 19th century abolitionist minister Theodore Parker. In that spirit, one can easily see Kings crusade in Chicago as something much more positive, powerful and long-lasting than the short-term loss handed to him by Daley. Advertisement Among other triumphs in the years since, Chicago has seen the demolition of the widely hated high-rise public housing developments, the growth of job and educational opportunities for people of color and the erosion of discriminatory housing and employment practices opposed by King. Major problems undeniably persist. We still have a long way to go to reach the promised land of which King preached. But his immortal spirit of determination, resilience and nonviolence still shines a bright optimistic light of hope to lead all of us out of a dark past into a brighter future. Join the discussion on Twitter @chitribopinions and on Facebook. Submit a letter, of no more than 400 words, to the editor here or email letters@chicagotribune.com. QUESTION: My small business is doing well and making money. Its starting to accumulate some cash. Im thinking of taking some cash out of the business, but how much should I keep in it? ANSWER: First, congratulations. In general, accumulating cash in your business puts you in a good position. In any business, liquidity is important. You need enough cash to pay your obligations. That is, over time, the amount of cash that flows into your business must be greater than or equal to the amount of cash that flows out of it. You can endure negative cash flow in the short term by dipping into reserves, selling assets or raising capital (either debt or equity). How long you can sustain negative cash flow is a function of the size of the hole you are digging each month, how much reserve you have and your ability to raise cash. Nevertheless, you will eventually have to achieve positive cash flow or the business will go bankrupt. Beyond simply meeting monthly obligations, it is a good idea to have a safety net: a cash reserve to help you through lean times. Suppose a big customer doesnt pay your invoice, or sales decline significantly. Such events are common, and a sufficient reserve will help you weather the storm long enough to make appropriate adjustments to your business. The size of the safety net you need is a function of the volatility of your business. In stable businesses, a cash reserve equal to a couple of months of your obligations might be sufficient. In businesses that are more volatile, you might need a safety net that will see you through a drought of six months or more. In general, liquidity that exceeds a reasonable safety net wont hurt the business. However, we have seen companies that are flush with cash overspend. For example, Reece Sewing Machine Co. had been in the business of leasing machines that made buttonholes since the turn of the 20th century. It had never sold a machine, only leased them. As a result, the company had a healthy monthly cash inflow from the lease base with relatively little associated expense. Shortly after World War II, it switched to selling buttonhole machines. It was getting all of the cash from the lease base plus all of the revenue from the sale of the new machines it built. Quickly, Reece was awash in cash. This enabled the company to expand its overhead significantly, which it did. Unfortunately, as machines got old, they dropped out of the lease base, which was no longer being increased. Revenue from that source began to dwindle. Because of the large overhead cost Reece had added, cash flow got tight. Then management hit on an idea: Sell the lease base to generate more cash quickly and allow Reece to continue to support the vast infrastructure it had built. This sustained the company in the short term. However, the end result was predictable. In a few short years, Reece had sold off almost all of its lease base. Out of ways to generate enough cash to sustain its inflated overhead, Reece spiraled toward bankruptcy. The morale of the story is, despite having abundant liquidity, companies should be frugal with spending. A more recent example of a business with excess cash resulting in overspending is WeWork, the coworking giant. For years, WeWork has received massive investments (mostly from Japan-based SoftBank). These investment dollars enabled WeWork to grow rapidly despite losing a massive amount of money, largely because it was overspending. Expenses were reported to be twice that of revenue. It all unraveled when investors balked at WeWorks initial public offering. Ultimately, the offering was withdrawn and the CEO left the company. SoftBank put an additional $5 billion into the company to keep it afloat while austerity measures were implemented. A subsequent IPO was successful, but the company continues to lose money. Even if you dont overspend, holding significant amounts of cash is a bad idea because it is an inefficient use of capital. It is much more prudent to invest the cash in growing your business or to return it to shareholders so that they can invest it in other ventures. If you plan to reinvest the money in your business, it might be wise to build a war chest, a fund that can be used to expand your business through organic growth or acquisition. If you decide to return the money to shareholders, you can do this either by declaring a dividend or repurchasing the companys stock. Dividends are the most frequent way companies return capital to shareholders. However, a publicly held company might repurchase stock if it thinks that the share price is too low. Privately held businesses most often repurchase stock as part of an ownership change, such as a leveraged buyout. Appropriate liquidity is important for all businesses. Make sure you understand how much liquidity your business needs, and develop a plan to achieve it. The owner of an 8-year-old jam company is leaping into the business full time after years of growing it as a small business while holding down office jobs. The playfully branded company is inspired by decades-old family recipes and a mission to connect LGBTQ and underrepresented people and businesses. Dayum This is My Jam shortened to Dayum Jam was created by Andy Waller in 2015. The companys recipes come from a hand-stitched cookbook passed down through five generations of their longtime friend and co-founder Lindsey Larkin's family. Much like its moniker, Dayum Jams products are titled with lively wordplay based on popular music from several generations. Baby Got Blackberry was the first jam the company named and created, inspired by Sir Mix-a-Lots 1992 hit song. Other song-branded jams include Bohemian Raspberry, Strawberry Zeal Forever and Hot for Peaches. Our longest-running tagline for the business is 'Open a Jar and Jam out,' Waller said. Were using good packaging, a fun logo and a mission thats rooted into the community to push people to our products, rather than just getting a typical jar. Dayum Jam also sells other items, such as pickles, salsa and a pancake mix, complete with similarly energetic names, including Psycho Diller and Livin La Vida Verda. The companys online ordering platform allows users to pay on a sliding scale, with choices from $8 to $10 for a product listed at $9. It just added a weekly service, The Weekly Jam, where customers can order Dayum Jam items alongside products from other small local businesses in Wallers network, and have them delivered. Waller is queer, transgender and nonbinary. Some of their previous projects have garnered a following among the local LGBTQ community. Waller founded Safe Space Market, a community of more than 50 small businesses with an emphasis on LGBTQ and other marginalized owners. That experience has segued into Dayum Jams newest section of the company, TransJam events. The events service is planning and hosting inclusive local events, parties and private workshops. Its second event in November was Dragstravaganza, which drew around 300 kids for story time, drag performances and games at Diversity Richmond. TransJam is rad; it's super new. The gist of it is combining Dayum Jam and my visibility with the work that I do and furthering my love and connection to small underrepresented businesses." The events side of the business is still fairly new, but its jams and pickles took off in 2021. Sales grew from $61,000 to $101,000, enough to persuade Waller to jump in full time even as their wife stepped away from the workforce to care for their children. "Before that, I was juggling running a small business with a full-time job. In 2020, I made huge efforts to increase sales due to the pandemic, my wife leaving her job ... and my becoming our sole breadwinner," Waller said. Creating their own work environment Wallers decision came after more than a decade spent working in office jobs where they said they struggled to feel accepted as a queer and trans person using they/them pronouns. Waller left their job at a state agency in November after working there for four years. The environment was what you might expect from a state office, Waller said. It was very khaki, and the average person was 20 years older than me. I was definitely the black sheep. Waller, 38, identified as nonbinary at the start of that job, but didnt transition until a year later. They started that job shortly after Virginia included LGBTQ as a protected class in 2018. Those state protections gave me the motivation and the feeling that I would be OK to transition, Waller said. The environment wasnt necessarily the most friendly, but I thought I wouldnt be discriminated against, or at least people would face repercussions if they did. Waller said that while protected legally, they ended up facing other forms of social isolation. One of their closest office friends, a middle-aged woman, stopped speaking with them after they transitioned. Waller corrected them for referring to them by the wrong pronouns, and that employee slowly stopped talking with them afterward, Waller said. Waller also faced a constant stream of people misgendering them. The office announced Waller's transition with an email and sent a reminder after continued misgendering, Waller said. The office was supportive at first, but that ended pretty quickly. It felt like the mental labor was on me from management to educate people, Waller said. Dont use the person for training that is already going through a difficult life change. Figuring out which bathroom they should use became a struggle. Waller would have preferred the office to rename all the bathrooms as all-gendered spaces. But the agency wanted to have Waller stick to a specific bathroom. I shouldnt have to use a mans bathroom. I shouldn't have to use a woman's bathroom, because I'm not a woman. But the world doesn't work that way, and I hate to say it, but to the average person, a nonbinary or all-gender bathrooms is like a massive ask, Waller said. Waller said they faced difficulties over their queer and nonbinary identity in three office positions before their last and final one. These things werent as egregious compared to what the average person can look at and recognize. If you take it all together, and it was job after job, its hard to deal with, Waller said. There are a lot of queer people who will just put their head down and say they dont care about it. Im just not that type of person. Battling through an awkward growth phase Now, Waller is taking over more of the companys functions since going full time. Dayum Jam is working with two jam chefs, an events person and a bookkeeper while pushing its way through a tricky period in its growth. Dayum Jam started out using just 10 pounds of fruit for two cooking sessions in 2015. Now, it uses from 50 to 60 pounds of fruit per day. One sessions batch of 24 8-ounce jars has turned into six to seven batches. And were not even keeping up with orders, Waller said. Dayum Jam was initially small enough to store the fruit in a single freezer and even had some leftover for winter when some of the fruits were out of season. We make way too much now, Waller said. I have three freezers; theyre huge, and its still not enough." The company which works out of a commercial kitchen with the Lakeside Farmers' Market in Henrico County is also facing some small-business growing pains when it comes to sourcing some of its fruits, Waller said. Im in this weird gray area. For a lot of farmers, 100 pounds of strawberries is a lot to supply, whereas for a huge corporate supplier, my business is peanuts. Ideally, Id love to work directly with a local farmer, but thats in flux. Dayum Jam works with a national supplier that connects businesses to small farms that specialize in the fruits they need. Right now, thats the pain point were at, Waller said. Slinging jams is a lot of work. The events side of the business finished 2022 with a couple of events. It now has two more scheduled for February. One includes an art market with a special speaker, a trans author and cartoonist; the other is a second Dragstravaganza at Diversity Richmond with community art, LGBTQ makers market, performances and more. Dayum Jam sells at Lakeside Farmers' Market from 9 a.m. to noon every Saturday at 6106 Lakeside Ave., in addition to selling through its website: https://dayumjamrva.square.site/. PHOTOS: Dayum This Is My Jam NEW YORK Ask people what you might find buried in the muck at the bottom of New York Citys East River and theyd likely say mob boss before thinking of mammoth bones. But several groups of treasure hunters have taken to the waterway in recent weeks after hearing a guest on comedian Joe Rogans podcast claim a boxcars worth of potentially valuable prehistoric mammoth bones was dumped in the river in the 1940s. Despite a lack of evidence to back up the story, treasure seekers using boats, diving apparatuses and technology such as remote-operated cameras have searched the murky waters in hopes of finding woolly mammoth tusks. I think the chances are just as good as the lottery. And people buy those tickets every day, said Don Gann, 35, of North Arlington, New Jersey, a commercial diver who was out in the water with his brother and two workers. It all started when John Reeves, an Alaskan gold miner with a passion for fossils, came onto The Joe Rogan Experience for an episode that aired Dec. 30 to talk about his land, where he uncovered numerous age-old bones and tusks. In the first half of the 20th century, under previous ownership, digging for gold unearthed a trove of prehistoric mammal remains. Some of that material was brought to New York City decades ago to be handed over to the American Museum of Natural History. Reeves cited a draft of a report put together by three men, including one who worked at the museum, that included a reference to some fossils and bones deemed unsuitable for the museum being dumped into the river. Im going to start a bone rush, Reeves told Rogan, before reading from the draft and giving out a location: East River Drive, which is now known as the FDR Drive, near 65th Street. Well see if anybody out theres got a sense of adventure, he said, later adding, Let me tell you something about mammoth bones, mammoth tusks theyre extremely valuable. After the episode aired, the American Museum of Natural History threw water as cold as the East River on the tale. We do not have any record of the disposal of these fossils in the East River, nor have we been able to find any record of this report in the museums archives or other scientific sources, it said in a statement. When reached by The Associated Press via telephone, Reeves refused to talk and instead told a reporter to read the pages of the draft he posted on social media before hanging up. He didnt answer other calls and emails. The pages posted on social media identify three men as the authors: Richard Osborne, an anthropologist; Robert Evander, who formerly worked in the American Museum of Natural Historys paleontology department; and Robert Sattler, an archeologist with a consortium of Alaska Native tribes. Reached by The Associated Press, Sattler said the story about the dumped bones came from Osborne, who died in 2005. The section of the Manhattan shoreline where Reeves claimed the bones were dumped underwent major changes in the 1930s and 1940s, as the East River Drive, later renamed for President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was constructed on fill and pilings. The highway opened fully to drivers in 1942, raising questions about how someone would have dumped a huge trove of bones without disrupting traffic. SAN DIEGO The Biden administration has launched an online appointment system for migrants seeking exemptions from pandemic-era limits on asylum the U.S. government's latest major step to overhaul border enforcement. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has begun allowing migrants to make appointments up to two weeks out using its website and through CBPOne, a mobile app that the agency has used in limited ways since 2020. CBPOne is poised to replace an opaque, bewildering patchwork of exemptions to a public health order known as Title 42 under which the government has denied migrants' U.S. and international rights to claim asylum since March 2020. Until now, CBP has arranged exemptions through advocates, churches, attorneys and migrant shelters, without publicly identifying them or saying how many slots were available. The advocates have chosen who gets in, with CBP having final say. Under the new system, migrants apply directly to the agency and a government official will determine who gets in. Their appointments will be at one of seven crossings: at Brownsville, El Paso, Hidalgo and Laredo in Texas; Nogales, Arizona; and Calexico and San Diego in California. Exemptions for Title 42 are meant to go to the most vulnerable migrants. The rollout is separate from measures announced in early January to expel migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to Mexico under Title 42 and at the same time allow up to 30,000 migrants from those four countries to be admitted to the United States every month under humanitarian parole for two years if they apply online, pay their airfare and provide a financial sponsor. While the administration previously signaled that it would introduce CBPOne for people seeking asylum at land border crossings with Mexico, the speed of change caught advocates off-guard. Utter and complete confusion, said Priscilla Orta, an attorney at Lawyers For Good Government's Project Corazon in Texas' Rio Grande Valley. U.S. officials told advocates Jan. 6 that they expected the app to be ready in a month, Orta said. Then advocates were informed the rollout had been moved up to Thursday. Under Title 42, the U.S. has expelled migrants 2.5 million times since March 2020 on grounds of preventing the spread of COVID-19. To qualify for an exemption under CBPOne, migrants must have a physical or mental illness, disability, pregnancy, lack housing, face a threat of harm, or must be under 21 years old or over 70. The governments app is currently available only in English and Spanish and requires access to a smartphone, email and reliable internet. U.S. Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, a Florida Democrat and Haitian American, expressed concern that the app wasn't available in Haiti's primary languages, Creole and French. The Homeland Security Department didn't immediately respond to specific questions about the rollout but said the app will be available to migrants in central and northern Mexico. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement that it allows people "to seek protection in a safe, orderly, and humane manner and to strengthen the security of our borders. It's the administration's latest attempt to address extraordinarily high numbers of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, many of whom are fleeing inequality and violence at home. U.S. authorities stopped migrants 2.38 million times in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, up 37% from 1.73 million times during an unusually busy 2021. Savitri Arvey, a senior policy adviser at the Womens Refugee Commission, said she struggled to explain all the recent policy changes to migrants during a visit to Monterrey, Mexico. It was just impossible in (migrant) shelters, she said Thursday. Theres this option for you, Venezuelans but not for you, Central Americans, she said. Some advocates welcomed the new system for seeking exemptions, saying it the old one was rife with favoritism and prone to corruption. CBP began working with advocacy groups to select people who are exempt from Title 42 during President Joe Bidens first year in office. Albert Rivera, director of the Agape Mision Mundial shelter in Tijuana, said he previously didnt have the connections to help migrants get exemptions, but on Thursday a Mexican woman at his shelter was able to sign up for an online appointment. We feel excited, said Rivera said. Everything was a monopoly. Last month, The Associated Press reported that Calvary Church in the San Diego suburb of Chula Vista was getting 40 exemptions a day and doling them out to people who paid $1,800 each or $3,500 for a married couple. Asylum is supposed to be free and intended for those most in need. About a week after the AP story ran, the church-linked group that facilitated exemptions, Most V USA, said CBP decided to stop working with it. CBP has been giving 180 exemptions a day in San Diego, Enrique Lucero, director of migrant affairs for Tijuana, Mexico, said this week. El Paso, Texas, was said to be getting 70 exemptions a day. Those whove worked with Hampton Public Schools Superintendent Jeffery Smith know that whoever replaces him has large shoes to fill. Smith announced Thursday his plans to retire, effective July 1, after a 32-year career in public education, the last eight as the Hampton school divisions superintendent. In 2015, Smith took over for Linda Shifflette, who retired after six years as superintendent. Under Smith, the Hampton school division achieved full accreditation in 2019 and has maintained it since. The divisions on-time graduation rates have gone up, and dropout rates have gone down. The school division also expanded its academies and career pathways and strengthened its dual enrollment program. School Board Chair Richard Mason credits these improvements to Smiths efforts to bring the school division forward. He compared Smith to a chef who not only brought in recipes for success, but shared them and allowed others to contribute and improve them. He has done the work of building leaders in Hampton city schools, Mason said. He was a leader who developed leaders. Smith described Hampton as a special place where he made many connections and established relationships that contributed to the school systems growth, according to a division news release. Im feeling that as a team, we have accomplished a great deal together, Smith told the Daily Press. Im leaving with gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to really serve this community. When he took the divisions top job, his mission was to identify strengths and opportunities, something he considers one of his biggest accomplishments. The Look, Listen and Learn tour not only helped him develop relationships with the school community but also sparked a book co-authored by other administrators and education experts, including John Caggiano, deputy superintendent for curriculum, instruction and assessment. This is part of why Smith is known as the dean of superintendents, Caggiano said. Smith, who was known to share his knowledge and work with others to help guide the division, often mentored other superintendents. Smith has been recognized regionally and statewide for his commitment to education. In 2020, he was named Virginia Superintendent of the Year and received the Mary Peake Award for Excellence in Education Equity. Last year, he was the recipient of the 2022 Virginia PTA Power Award. Caggiano said that when Smith first arrived, he trusted in the work done before him so that he could build from places of strength. Hes certainly left us in a wonderful position to continue to work with stakeholders to really focus on our core business of teaching and learning, Caggiano said. Smiths contract ends June 30. Though no details of a superintendent search had been released as of Thursday afternoon, Mason said the School Board will likely go through the same process as in the past. He said the search will look at candidates both within and outside the division. According to Daily Press reporting, the board hosted three community hearings in 2015 prior to Shifflettes departure. The Virginia School Boards Association conducted the search, and interviews with candidates were held that spring. Smith and Caggiano noted the administration has a good relationship with the board and that they trust the process in finding Smiths successor. Smith said he isnt sure whats next, though he has a few ideas. He plans to devote more time to his pastoral leadership. He also plans to remain involved in education through his work on different boards and is open to future opportunities. My passion for education isnt going to go anywhere, he said. A tough-on-crime bill highlighted by Gov. Glenn Youngkin in his state of the state speech ran off the tracks before a state Senate committee on Monday after sailing past House of Delegates gatekeepers last week. The bill would bring drug dealers up on felony homicide chargesbasically, second-degree murderif a user dies of an overdose. But it also could undercut the General Assemblys multiyear effort to encourage drug users to call 911 if they see someone overdosing, state Sen. Joe Morrissey, D-Richmond, told the Senate Judiciary Committee, echoing comments from a dozen opponents who work with addicts. In a mirror image of a vote by a GOP-led House subcommittee, the Democratic-majority Senate committee voted largely along party lines to defeat the bill. Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw, D-Fairfax, voted to move the bill forward, breaking with the other Democrats on the panel. The senators 8-7 vote means the bill, sponsored by state Sen. Ryan McDougle, R-Hanover, will not move on to the full Senate. Youngkins promise to sign any felony homicide bill the General Assembly sends him now depends on the House version moving through that body and then past the same Senate committee that rejected McDougles bill. How many deaths will it take for this measure to pass, said Robert Tracci, senior assistant attorney general, telling the committee that Attorney General Jason Miyares strongly supports the measure. McDougle said the assembly needs to take action in response to a soaring number of overdose deaths, from just over 1,600 in 2019 to more than 2,600 for 2022. Right now, if you give someone sitting beside you drugs and they overdose and die even if you call 911, you can be charged with felony homicide, McDougle said. But after a 2014 ruling from the Virginia Supreme Court, if a drug dealer sells the drugs and then leaves and the person overdoses, he cant be charged, McDougle said. The only person who cant be charged is the dealer, he said. While Virginias good Samaritan law protects people who use drugs from being prosecuted for possession if they report someone they are with is overdosing, opponents of McDougles measure said the problem was that it did not cover situations where one user shares drugs with anotherlegally, thats distribution. When my brother died, I wanted vengeance for a time ... but we need to stop criminalizing addiction, said Ginny Atwood Lovitt, executive director of the Chris Atwood Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides support for families affected by substance abuse as well as providing free Narcan, a medication that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose. State Sen. Chap Petersen, D-Fairfax City, said he thought the 2014 Supreme Court decision was the right approach by tying a homicide charge to a drug sale that happened immediately before use and when the dealer could have acted to prevent death. And, he said, penalties for distributing narcotics can track closely the five- to 40-year sentences for second-degree homicide. (starlines) In other action, the Senate committee approved a bill proposed by Morrissey that would end a sentencing procedure that can produce prison terms that run for a century or more. In Virginia, the mandatory minimum sentences imposed for some 200 crimes cannot be served concurrently. Morrissey said he knew of a case where a juvenile was sentenced to 33 years after accompanying two adults who robbed seven people; the juvenile was convicted of seven firearms charges; but what would have been at most a five-year term for any them turned into a 33-year sentence because they had to be served consecutively. So many judges have said: I dont want to do this, when imposing such sentences, Morrissey said. The committee also approved setting a two-year limit on when people convicted of a crime can ask a court to find they were actually innocent, with the trigger being the discovery of unknown or unavailable evidence or the availability of a scientific testing method. Were seeing a lot of what we could call frivolous petitions, said the bills sponsor, state Sen. Richard Stuart, R-King George. ANTWERP, Belgium Each tiny plastic package was barely the size of a fingernail and weighed all of 0.2 grams. Still, the bags of white powder police seized in a Brussels cellar were yet another indication that a surge in cocaine and crack supply is hitting Europe hard. And, with it, comes unprecedented drug violence in Belgium and the Netherlands, whose ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam have proven the main gateway for Latin American cocaine cartels into the continent. In Belgium, the justice minister is forced to live in a safehouse, out of reach of drug gangs. In the Netherlands, killings hit ever more prominent people and there are suspicions that the reason the heir to the Dutch throne had to quit her student life and return home was also linked to threats from drug lords. We almost have to see it as a war, said Aukje de Vries, the Dutch State Secretary for customs. Officials in Belgiums northern port of Antwerp on Tuesday announced yet another annual record in cocaine seizures last year: 110 tons, up 23% compared to 2021 and more than twice the amount confiscated five years ago. It astounded us, said Belgian Finance Minister Vincent Van Peteghem. It also means the drugs that are entering Europe (undetected) through our ports are also rising. And that, of course, has a huge impact. In the past three years Antwerp has suffered dozens of grenade attacks, fires and small bombs often linked to gangs trying to carve up the thriving cocaine trade. On Monday evening, the city better known for painter Peter-Paul Rubens and a famed fashion school saw the fatal shooting of a child, likely an unwitting victim of the drug war. A girl of barely 11 that obviously has nothing to do with crime gangs is now the victim of narco terror that is turning ever more ruthless, said Antwerp Prosecutor Franky De Keyzer. The situation in Belgium has become so bad that even Justice Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne is living in hiding after evidence emerged that drug gangs might be seeking to kidnap him, or worse. In the Netherlands, home to the global port of Rotterdam, murder and intimidation have become increasingly common as drug lords go to extreme lengths to protect their cut of the multibillion dollar market. And 50 tons of cocaine were seized there last year which, combined with Antwerp, made for another record year. Among high-profile murder victims in the Netherlands in recent years were a lawyer representing a witness in a drug gangsters trial and crime reporter Peter R. de Vries, who was a confidant to the same witness. Unspecified threats to the heir to the Dutch throne, Princess Amalia, forced her last year to abandon student life in Amsterdam and return home. Security reportedly also has been beefed up around Prime Minister Mark Rutte. In both cases, its suspected that drug-related crime is a factor. And in places like Brussels, where the violence might be less spectacular, cocaine and crack are starting to have a chilling effect in areas like the Marolles, a neighborhood so quaint it figured in Tintins cartoon adventures. The chief police inspector for the neighborhood, Kris Verborgh, said South American cocaine seems to be or seems to have become the new normal. Verborgh says the cost of the base product in Colombia amounts to some 500 euros ($536) a kilogram. A kilogram of the finished product can turn into some 70,000 euros on Belgiums streets. It is a massive amount of money that you can earn relatively easily, he said. Because of that, seizures in the dozens of tons in Antwerp and Rotterdam may still constitute a losing battle in a multibillion global trade from the Latin American nations of Colombia, Peru and Bolivia to the major cities of Europe. Brussels Marolles is hardly ground zero of that trade and many of the 11,000 people living in its warren of narrow streets are among the poorest in the city of 1.2 million. Yet, over the past months they have been sought out for cocaine and crack sales. Verborgh said each tiny dose of 0.2 gram sells for 20 euros, within reach of even a beggar seeking instant gratification for whom a traditional 0.8 gram dose costing 50 euros is too expensive. Theyre really targeting homeless people, said Verborgh. In a cocaine sellers world, it makes economic sense. Fixers sometimes sell crack ready-made to be smoked on the curbside of once tranquil streets, even in a subway station with families walking by. Gangs start intimidating locals not to squeal, hurl rocks at passing police vans and try to turn streets into no-go zones for police who Verborgh stresses, are not giving in. Hong Leong Bank has partnered with Payments Network Malaysia (PayNet) to launch the Visit Sekinchan 2023 campaign, in an effort to promote Sekinchan as the first cashless kampung in Malaysia. This continues from an earlier effort by the two entities to enable all Sekinchan residents and businesses with access to full-fledged banking and cashless payment facilities. The Visit Sekinchan 2023 campaign will see local businesses in Sekinchan ready to now serve urban and digitally savvy tourists with the convenience of cashless payments, making good use of the facilities that they have been empowered with in the past months. Aside from public markets, restaurants, and accommodations, places of worship in Sekinchan such as the famous Pantai Redang Datuk Kong Temple too, have adopted cashless payment methods to provide visitors with a more convenient and discreet method of donating. Visitors to Sekinchan during the campaign period can also take part in a digital treasure hunt called SekinGo, which is set to run until 30 April 2023. Tourists will need to visit 20 locations across the village to earn SekinCoins by scanning QR codes, which in turn allows them to win up to RM15,000 worth of prizes. The Visit Sekinchan 2023 campaign is an important milestone for us, not only in recognising the significance of going digital in our financial management and payment transactions, but the value it brings to the socio-economic growth of the town. It will also spur local development as our small businesses can now explore other digital business options, such as e-commerce and expand their products further afield, said the Selangor assemblyman for Sekinchan, Ng Suee Lim. Meanwhile, group managing director and chief executive officer of Hong Leong, Domenic Fuda said that the banks efforts in helping to advance Sekinchan is in line with its role as a community bank. Part of our ESG commitments is our dedication to closing the digital gap between urban and non-urban areas, and ensuring all communities benefit from digital and financial inclusivity, which is key to fostering progress and development for the country, he said. Prior to this campaign, Hong Leong has worked with PayNet since July 2022 to transform Sekinchan into a cashless kampung in phases. Among other things, the bank facilitated the opening of bank accounts and issuance of debit cards for the Sekinchan community without having to visit a bank branch. Additionally, business owners received an HLB DuitNow starter kit, consisting of a DuitNow QR and a payment terminal that accepts card and QR payments. During the process of rolling out these initiatives, HLB staff members also made it a point to visit participating vendors and businesses to address their concerns and assist them in gaining confidence when using the digital tools. This is as Sekinchans merchants indicated that they understood the importance of providing cashless options, especially for visitors, but lacked the confidence to utilise the tools as they were less tech-savvy. We have seen how cashless payments can increase the value of sales for vendors as customers are likely to spend a little bit more without worrying about looking for an ATM in case theyve run out of cash in hand. We hope that now, with the added convenience of being cashless-enabled, it will rejuvenate domestic tourism, entice foreigners to visit, as well as provide an opportunity to expand the business via e-commerce, said Fuda. Aside from Sekinchan, PayNet is also working with several other financial institutions to transform more rural areas as part of its ongoing Cashless Kampung project. These include Bario in Sarawak (with RHB Bank) and Changlun in Kedah (with TNG eWallet). 5 1 vote Article Rating SHARE New drainage and submarine electric lines part of planned projects for Cozumel Cozumel, Q.R. Government officials are planning on new drainage and electric lines for the municipality of Cozumel. Over the weekend, Governor Mara Lezama Espinosa announced what she has called historic projects. She said that in coordination with the Government of Mexico, the municipality of Cozumel will have historical projects on priority citizen issues such as drainage on Rafael Melgar Avenue and the installation of new submarine cables. When meeting with Cozumel Mayor Juanita Alonso Marrufo, they discussed the request to invest in drainage and the renovation of Rafael Melgar Avenue in the first square of Cozumel, an area that has not been updated for more than 40 years. A priority issue that neighbors have requested is the drainage on Rafael Melgar Avenue, so today, putting the interests of the people first, we will carry them out to care for the environment to generate well-being for the islanders, explained Mara Lezama. According to CAPA, the projects will begin toward the end of February when they will start the replacement of the wastewater collector for Rafael E. Melgar Avenue with an investment of around 60 million peso. CAPA says that a section of the collector collapsed due to its age, which ends up overflowing during heavy rains and busy tourist seasons due to demand on the system. At the end of February, they will start the replacement project, which will include 1.7 kilometers of new pipe. Lezama said she also negotiated the installation of new submarine cables to improve the electricity services of the population with with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), but did not provide a start time or cost for that project. Whats next for the old Burlington Coat Factory? The former stores location off Hershberger Road wont sit vacant long if the owner has its way. Hoback Properties LLC is exploring options for a new tenant or new development at the former Burlington address, said David Hoback, who belongs to the family that owns the property. The retailer At Home, which calls itself the Home Decor Superstore, filed plans for several building improvements indicating that it wanted to move into the location. The plans, submitted in November, depicted a new loading dock behind the building and customer loading area in front. But an architect working for At Home notified the city Dec. 6 that the company had put the project on hold, said Adrian Gilbert, Roanokes development program administrator. No reason was given, he said. The company could reinstate the proposal, but for now its status is withdrawn. Hoback did not respond to a request for additional information regarding At Home. At Homes spokeswoman did not reply to a request for comment. Roanokes Burlington store moved late last year to the former Stein Mart at Tanglewood Mall. The New Jersey-based discount clothing and homeware chain shortened the store name to Burlington as part of an upper-scale rebranding of its locations. Furniture placement A second new furniture store is planned in downtown Roanoke. New Day Office plans to open in March in part of the former BBT bank branch in the former BB&T building at First Street and Church Avenue. New Day Office provides products and services for commercial interiors, including office design and strategy consultantation, plus furniture and furnishings sales, owner Matt Brady said. The company is based in Hampton Roads. New Days move-in plans have been revealed three and a half months after Txtur, a custom residential furniture manufacturer and retailer, opened a store in Fire Station One on the City Market. Leasing activity has been expected at the First and Church location, since BB&T departed the address in 2020 in connection with the banks merger with SunTrust. Barry Ward, the landlords representative, said the multi-floor buildings going by the name 310 First. Ward is a first vice president and the managing broker of Roanoke office of Cushman & Wakefield Thalhimer. Another new tenant at 310 First will be Wallace 360, a multi-channel branding company, Ward said. Renovations to prepare its space are underway. Corners pockets new tenants Cave Spring Corners, the shopping center named after a spring in Southwest Roanoke County, has three incoming tenants. Banners Hallmark will occupy part of the former location of Sally Beauty, which left the mall. Capriottis Sandwich Shop, part of a Las Vegas chain, will serve cheese steaks, subs, salads and soup at its new location. Also coming is ISI Elite Training, a Charlotte, North Carolina, company that operates exercise centers. Maria Pace, spokeswoman for Brixmor Property Group, who supplied the above information, said Brixmor is close to leasing the vacant former Burger King at the shopping center on Brambleton Avenue. Cave Spring Corners largest stores are its Kroger and Hamricks locations. BLACKSBURG Breakthroughs in bioplastics could help break down two of the worlds most pressing problems at once, says a Virginia Tech professor researching to improve production of food-based, cost-effective, decomposable plastic. At Virginia Tech, Zhiwu Drew Wang is director of the Center for Applied Water Research and Innovation, and assistant professor for the Department of Biological Systems Engineering. People already know a lot about the food waste problem, and they should also know a lot about the plastic problem, he said. But, Usually, people dont see the correlation between food waste and plastic waste. In a specially designed lab, Wang is readying to upscale production of PHA-based bioplastic, repurposing waste food scraps. Its funded by a $2.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and is a continuation of earlier grant-paid bioplastic research, he said. I can convert food waste to plastic, Wang said. These two individual, separate problems can be addressed in this one technology, all together. Having already completed lab-scale studies of bioplastic production at Virginia Tech for the U.S. Department of Energy, Wang is now tasked by the USDA to upscale the process and bring it closer to real-world uses. There is a trend in the U.S. that universities should not only publish papers, Wang said. They should also develop technology that can be useful. Useful, thats the key word. Uses for bioplastic are as wide-ranging as for regular plastic, but with the added benefit of lowering fossil fuel usage, and reducing trash that ends up in landfills or as litter, he said. Our current plastic, part of that goes to the landfill, the rest goes to the ocean, Wang said. Plastic is non-biodegradable, so it will stay in the landfill or in the ocean for hundreds of years. But bioplastic is biodegradable, which means bacteria and other natural organisms can break it down into simpler, further-decaying components. In fact, bacteria is key to making PHA bioplastic, Wang said. Its as simple as that: grow the fat in the bacteria by using the food waste as the bacterias food, and then kill the bacteria to recover their fat, he said. Then process those fats into whatever bioplastic product I will want. For example, packaging film, thats a flexible plastic. He said all food waste whether it comes from a restaurant, home kitchen, processing company or even a slaughterhouse contains three main components: fat, carbohydrates and protein. Whatever food waste comes in, we separate them into those three factions, Yang said. And now we use three types of microbial communities to take care of them individually. At an on-campus lab created just for this project, Wang and student researchers will sort food waste by the truckload. Usually a university doesnt have a lab for pilot-scale studies, Wang said. Pilot-scale means its almost full-scale production. Its like a factory, rather than like a lab. The product extracted from those fat, carb and protein-munching bacteria are PHAs, or Polyhydroxyalkanoates. Its a type of biopolymer, he said. Most bioplastics are biodegradable in a landfill, Wang said. But PHA is the only bioplastic that is biodegradable in the ocean, so thats one advantage of this type of bioplastic. For Wang, its not a question of whether the bioplastic production process works, but to what extent can he successfully scale up the operation? And how cost-effective is the technology at scale? If I say I want to replace the fossil fuel-powered plastic, it might be too ambitious, Wang said. By now at least I can say We have the confidence that our technology can out-compete other bioplastic technology. Electric cars, solar panels and bioplastics face similar challenges, he said. Newer, more environmentally sustainable technologies tend to be more expensive than traditionally established products that use fossil fuels. Its still hard for bioplastic to compete with the fossil plastic in terms of cost, Wang said. But many big companies, they want to have a much better public image, so they hope they can pay a little bit more money to use the bioplastic. Bioplastic research at Virginia Tech is one of three projects selected by the USDA to help develop new bioproducts from agricultural commodities, said Jewel Bronaugh, USDA deputy secretary of agriculture. Its going to help us do this on a bigger platform, Bronaugh said. These particular projects all have an environmental justice component that we feel is really important. For bioplastics connection to environmental justice, she said waste management facilities are usually located in underserved communities. Its certainly exciting for this opportunity to be going to Virginia Tech, Bronaugh said. The research theyre trying to do with their project is going to create potential opportunities in rural communities and underserved communities. Bioplastic fits into the idea of a circular economy, Bronaugh said. A circular economy emphasizes extending the lifespan of materials for as long as possible, different from current linear economies throwing so much away into landfills. By that, we mean that we dont just pull resources out of rural communities, Bronaugh said. Were not just harvesting and consuming, but were regenerating in a sustainable manner the opportunities for new product development, new research and new economic development in rural communities. Meanwhile at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, a different pilot project is upscaling a process to convert swine manure into binding material for asphalt. Its another example of changing the narrative on what constitutes waste, said Wang at Virginia Tech. The new direction for cleaning waste is to turn the waste into something valuable, thats the circular economy, Wang said. If everybody thinks waste is also a resource, then the world will become much better. Sean Sublette Follow Sean Sublette Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Save Manage followed notifications Close Followed notifications Please log in to use this feature Log In Don't have an account? Sign Up Today RICHMOND The planetary warming signal continues to roar more loudly above the noise of everyday weather. On Thursday, NOAA announced that 2022 was the sixth-warmest year on record globally, matching an independent analysis from the Japan Meteorological Agency. NASA and the team at Berkeley Earth both calculated 2022 as the fifth-warmest year on record, each using slightly different methods for their calculations. These organizations all agree that the eight warmest years on record have come in the last eight years. These long-term analyses indicate Earths average temperature is now about 2F higher than at the end of the 19th century. The warming in Virginia is in line with the planetary average. Statewide, the average temperature has climbed 1.5F since that time. And with the exception of 2014, every year in the last quarter-century in Virginia has been warmer than the full 20th century average. There are no indications warming is slowing down. The increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere a byproduct of burning coal, oil, and natural gas is the primary reason for the warming. Since 1979, carbon dioxide concentration in the air has increased 25% , an unprecedented rate of increase in human history. To slow down the warming, more work will need to be done to move away from energy sources that emit carbon dioxide, a process known in many circles as decarbonization. In addition to carbon dioxide, the burning of coal, oil and natural gas produces pollutants that directly impact human health from microscopic particles that permeate the bloodstream to nitrogen oxides that contribute to childhood asthma. An analysis released by the Virginia Climate Center at George Mason University examined the benefits of decarbonization of Virginias power plants by 2045, meeting the goals of the 2020 Virginia Clean Economy Act. Dr. Nick Snow, a retired gastroenterologist in Winchester who continues working as an adjunct professor at Shenandoah University, sees the relationship very clearly. If the VCEA goal is met, it will more rapidly reduce the risk of childhood asthma than without it. In addition to the immediate health benefits, VCC estimates a total health cost savings between $2.8 billion and $7 billion over the next 20 years for Virginians mostly from the costs involved in premature death. People and businesses would also save upwards of $7.8 million by 2045, as the improved air quality means that people will lose less time at work from illness. Notably, the air is cleaner than a few decades ago. Luis Ortiz, who led the VCC study, explains, A lot of that benefit in those decades is from phasing out coal, which is very little of the power mix in Virginia right now. And coal is by far the most harmful of the pollutant-emitting power plants. Natural gas, also a fossil fuel, burns cleaner than coal, but like other fossil fuels, burning it still produces airborne pollutants. Ortiz continues, The move to natural gas has already produced a lot of benefits, in terms of emissions. Now its a matter of eliminating fossil fuels entirely from Virginias electricity production to further protect human health. The VCC analysis shows the biggest benefit to meeting the VCEA goals comes to Virginians living in Chesterfield and Henrico counties, near Dominion Energys Chesterfield Power Station, where two coal units continue to operate. Richmond was a little further down the list of benefiting municipalities, as it is usually upwind from the power plant. Dominion is in the process of moving toward decarbonization, having already informed the regional electricity transmission organization that they will retire the two coal units at the Chesterfield Power Station and its oil unit in Yorktown at the end of May. Dominions oil unit near Quantico (Possum Point) was retired last year, and its two coal units at the Clover Power Station in Halifax County are tentatively planned for retirement in 2025 although no final decisions have been made there. According to Aaron Ruby with Dominion, there is one caveat. Current law allows Dominion to petition the State Corporation Commission if a planned retirement would jeopardize reliability, and there are proposals from the state legislature to require a reliability review by the SCC before a facility is retired. *** As warm as it was, 2022 could have been even warmer, had it not been for the periodic cooling of the eastern Pacific Ocean near the equator, known as La Nina. And there are already signs that the Pacific temperatures are coming back up for 2023. Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain As someone whose health care career began as an adult student at community college, I recognize how an associate degree can open the door to a world of opportunities. More than that, the diversity, affordability and accessibility of community colleges may hold the key to solving one of the most daunting challenges in health care todaya critical shortage of nurses. Even before the pandemic, the United States was facing a nursing shortage largely driven by demographics, with an aging population needing more care, a growing share of nurses nearing retirement age, and not enough younger people signing up to replace them. Then came COVID-19 and a new crisis for the nation's largest health care profession. One analysis found that the total number of registered nurses declined by more than 100,000 in 2021, the largest drop in four decades. At the same time, the health care sector increasingly recognizes the need to improve workforce diversity, an important contributor to patient outcomes. These dual concernsincreasing the nursing talent pool and its diversityrequires a strategic response as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts more than 203,000 openings for registered nurses each year through 2031. Building talent pipelines At University of Michigan Health-West, CEO Peter Hahn, M.D., challenged me and my colleague, associate chief nursing officer Kate Veenstra, R.N., to find ways to leverage education partnerships to improve our pipelines of nursing talent. The first result was a recently announced local partnership that combines tuition support with paid on-the-job professional experience. Students who complete one semester of Grand Rapids Community College's Nursing Program can apply for the program and have up to three semesters of their Grand Rapids Community College tuition paid by UMH-West. They will commit to working at UMH-West for two years upon completion of the Grand Rapids Community College program and becoming licensed as registered nurses. During their employment as registered nurses, UMH-West will encourage and support their completion of a bachelor's degree in nursing, their BSN, through existing partnerships and tuition reimbursement. The program is funded with a startup grant from the University of Michigan Health-West Foundation. The initiative is designed to remove cost barriers, including for adult learners and others who need to continue working while finishing their education. Because community college is the launching pad for a diverse student population, we also hope to ensure the new generation of nurses reflects the communities we serve. Our goal was for 15 nursing students to sign up in December and graduate in April 2023. The program seeks to enroll 10 more nursing students each of the next three semesters: December 2023, April 2024 and December 2024. From the perspective of Grand Rapids Community College Nursing Program, the program is expected to help students focus on completing their education and entering the workplace more quickly and better prepared. Community college students typically have close ties to their communities; easing the path to employment provides an opportunity to give back. Establishing relationships, exploring options Another objective is to allow participants to explore career paths, make professional connections and experience the workplace culture. The support for participants to continue their education and toward a BSN, is an important component of the program. Speaking from my own experience, combining an associate degree with real-world, clinical experience can be the first step on a pathway to a rewarding career. After serving in the U.S. Navy, I enrolled at Grand Rapids Community College (then known as Grand Rapids Junior College) and earned an associate degree in general studies while working in variety of health care roles, including as a certified nurse's aide and patient care tech. I learned from colleagues and experienced a wide range of specialties. My experience encouraged me to go on to earn bachelor's degrees in health science and nursing, and a master's degree in health care administration. Thanks to the foundation set in community college, I have served as chief nursing officer at UMH-West for the past five years. Our hope is that this education partnership encourages more participants from a wide range of backgrounds to explore their own pathways and follow their passions to rewarding careers. More information: Xiaoming Zhang et al, United States Registered Nurse Workforce Report Card and Shortage Forecast: A Revisit, American Journal of Medical Quality (2017). DOI: 10.1177/1062860617738328 A Worrisome Drop In The Number Of Young Nurses, (2022). DOI: 10.1377/forefront.20220412.311784 L.E. Gomez et al, Diversity improves performance and outcomes, Journal of the National Medical Association (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.jnma.2019.01.006 Provided by University of Michigan The series of Meet TExTOUR interviews has a new episode. Marinos Ioannides from Cyprus University of Technology explains the unique heritage of the village of Fikardou and the importance of developing a cultural tourism strategy for the area. Have you ever heard about the abandoned village of Fikardou? It is a village in the mountain of Cyprus, and it is also one of the pilot sites of TExTOUR project, together with the Lebanes village of Anfeh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap5PXf3Tu0A Marinos Ioannides from the Cyprus University of Technology talks about the importance of sustainable tourism development in the Fikardou area. Even if the village is abandoned, its traditions and culture are still there and are a valuable treasure that must be preserved for future generations. Don't miss any of our Meet TExTOUR interviews: you can find them in our YouTube channel. Provided by iCube Programme DARLINGTON, S.C. (AP) A second person has been arrested after an adult died at a Darlington County long-term care facility in September. Myasia Toya McCoy was arrested by Darlington County sheriffs deputies Thursday and charged with abuse or neglect resulting in the death of a vulnerable adult. An arrest warrant states McCoy moved drugs from a secured area to an unsecured area, which led to a resident dying from a drug overdose. The victim hasnt been named. McCoy is the second employee to be arrested. Deputies arrested Brian Anthony James on the same charge in October. McCoy is free on $10,000 bail. Its unclear if she has a lawyer to speak for her. The facility is regulated by the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs. COLUMBIA, S.C. South Carolinas revenue has grown 40% in the past two years, but it could change this year. Frank Rainwater, executive director of the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office, said he expects the economy to slow, and is predicting revenue growth to return to normal this year. Rainwater was one of the guest speakers at the South Carolina Press Associations legislative preview day on Monday at the state Capitol. Revenue in South Carolina has grown by 40 percent in the last two years, according to state officials during a legislative session, an excessive growth after the pandemic, but a drop in this is in sight. The 2023 revenue forecast was last updated in November. It will be reviewed and updated again next month. The actions of the General Assembly with their budget have been conservative, and have set the base budget relatively low for the estimated revenue drop, Rainwater said. The state has a surplus of $1.2 billion from fiscal year 2021-22, and a projected $1.3 billion surplus for the 2023-23 fiscal year. In addition, the state has $209 million in its capital reserve fund for 2022-23. There also is a fund balance of $72.8 million in Litigation Recovery and $72.6 million in COVID-19 Response Recovery Fund. The projected total nonrecurring revenue for 2023 is $2.909 billion. With almost $3 billion in one-time available money, there are plans to continue to expand education services and improve the state physically and the peoples relationships within it. The state has a BEA Revenue Estimate as of November of $11.5 billion and a Projected FY New Revenue of $1.07 billion. The Projected FY 2023-24 New Revenue Available for Appropriation is $741 million. For FY 2023-24, the BEA Estimate as of November 2022 (earnings plus interest) for the Education Improvement Act (EIA) is $1.15 billion. The Projected New EIA Revenue is $148 million. As for the EIA surplus for FY 2022-23, the BEA estimate as of November (earnings plus interest) is $1.17 billion. The Projected FY 2022-23 EIA surplus is $165 million. Sales, individual, and corporate taxes take up about 85% of revenue, said Lisa Joliff, director of the Fiscal Analysis Division. As for statewide funding issues, Palmetto Fellows, LIFE, and HOPE Scholarship Adjustment (net of carry forward) is $37.1 million less this fiscal year. Funding will not be cut for scholarships, the change is due to changes in dual enrollment, budget research manager Amanda Martin said. Medicaid and Medicare changes also are on the horizon, with disenrollment for Medicaid beginning in April at the Department of Health and Human Services. Medicare premiums also will increase. Additional considerations include the state employee base salary and fringe increase (1%) of $26.7 million, which will result in an across the board increase for all employees. Another consideration for FY 2023-24 is employee health insurance program of $117 million, which will bring total funding considerations to $143.7 million Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who chaired the House Intelligence Committee until this month, said Sunday that classified documents discovered in President Joe Bidens office and home may have risked U.S. national security. I dont think we can exclude the possibility without knowing more of the facts, Schiff told ABCs This Week. He added that Attorney General Merrick Garlands appointment of a special counsel to lead the probe was appropriate. The White House on Saturday revealed that more documents than it had previously disclosed were found in Bidens Delaware home, a total of six. Bidens lawyers in November found 10 classified documents in a Washington office Biden used as vice president. Schiff said Congress should receive the intelligence communitys assessment of the documents in the same way that lawmakers have requested a review of classified government files found at former President Donald Trumps Florida estate. Id like to know what these documents were, Schiff said. Id like to know what the [intelligence communitys] assessment is, whether there was any risk of exposure and what the harm would be and whether any mitigation needs to be done. I think that would be appropriate and consistent with what we requested in the case of Mar-a-Lago. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday appointed a special counsel Robert Hur to investigate the Biden documents. The attorney general has to make sure that not only is justice evenly applied, but the appearances of justice are also satisfactory to the public. And here, I dont think he had any choice but to appoint a special counsel, Schiff told ABCs Jonathan Karl. Schiff stressed that Bidens reaction to the discoveries was very different than Trumps. The White House said Biden is cooperating with the Justice Department and the National Archives, without trying to obstruct the probe. All of that is a very sharp contrast to Donald Trumps handling of the situation, Schiff said. Story continues The FBI executed a search warrant at Trumps estate in August after the former president failed to comply with requests to turn over files taken from the White House. A different Justice Department special counsel is conducting a criminal probe into Trumps handling of the materials. House Republicans have vowed to investigate the Biden documents, and have asked for visitor logs for Bidens Delaware home since January 2021. Schiff noted that House Oversight Committee Chair James Comers (R-Ky.) request ignores Trumps possession of a far bigger hoard of documents. I think Congress needs to be consistent here and take the same approach, Schiff said. I dont think we ought to be doing things that are willfully intended to interfere with the Justice Departments work. You know the onion situation in the country is dire when you have flight crew members trying to get in on the smuggling drama. The Philippine Airlines is reportedly investigating at least 10 crew members who allegedly attempted to bring into the country almost 40 kilograms of onions and fruits from the Middle East. The Philippine Star reported that the crew members, who flew in from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, were caught with an undeclared amount of 15.5 kilograms of onions, 4.5 kilograms of lemons, and a kilogram of strawberries when they passed through the customs lane. The Bureau of Customs immediately confiscated the goods and said the airline staff violated three customs and plant quarantine laws. But while customs recommended taking appropriate legal action against the crew members, no charges were filed against the staff adding that Republic Act 10845, or the Anti-Agricultural Smuggling Act of 2016, only penalizes large-scale smuggling. After dashcam footage of a man sliding cooly through slippery roads went viral recently, a Redditor stepped up and turned it into an edit we never knew we needed. Redditor Ilovezam clipped the motorcyclist and photoshopped him sliding into different scenes like Jurong East Station, the Great Wall of China, and even Mordor from The Lord of the Rings. The clip was also accompanied by popular meme music Shooting Stars by Bag Raiders. I made a thing to honour sliding motorcycle man, the Redditor wrote in the post yesterday. This came after the dashcam footage was posted on Saturday by Facebook group SG Road Vigilante that showed the motorcyclist skidding on his bum across Jurong Town Hall Road after a fall during a heavy downpour. The motorcyclist just let the situation unfold by cooly sliding across the road without trying to stop. When his ride finally ended, he stood up and walked back seemingly unhurt to his bike. The incident happened on Jan. 13 at around 3:46pm. Of course, many trolls chimed in to joke about the incident with some saying that the man was still sliding to this day. I passed by Jurong East today, and this guy was still sliding, Hhxlegacy wrote on YouTube. Legend has it that he is still Sliding, Andy Gregory wrote on YouTube. A Redditor called the edit a quality shitpost and another thanked OP for his service. Thank you. This was begging to be done. The meme-verse can rest in peace now, Redditor Iamtheantihype wrote. Other stories you should check out: The Station is a weekly newsletter dedicated to all things transportation. Sign up here just click The Station to receive the full edition of the newsletter every weekend in your inbox. Subscribe for free. Welcome back to The Station, your central hub for all past, present and future means of moving people and packages from Point A to Point B. Let's get right to it, shall we? Top of mind for me this week is Tesla. I know, weird. But really, it seems that pressure is coming from all sides these days. The company's decision to slash prices has angered recent buyers (one only need to turn to Twitter to view the ire), shareholders are becoming more vocal about the lagging stock price (it fell more than 64% in the past year) and it's facing mounting regulatory pressure over Autopilot and its so-called FSD software beta product that promises full self-driving. To be clear, Tesla vehicles are not self-driving. The system is an advanced driver-assistance product. At any rate, these problems keep piling up. How much can the company take? In the past, Tesla and its CEO Elon Musk have managed to wriggle free of criticism or concerns it was stagnating, often by showcasing a potential future product or hitting ambitious production and delivery goals. But Tesla narrowly missed its own production and delivery guidance for the year, and Wall Street's Q4 expectations. And shareholders, consumers and regulators seem to be tiring of this cycle. To me, this is just another indication that Tesla is starting to be viewed (and treated) more as a legacy automaker and not a whiz-bang upstart that can do no wrong. You can drop us a note at tips@techcrunch.com. If you prefer to remain anonymous, click here to contact us, which includes SecureDrop (instructions here) and various encrypted messaging apps. Micromobbin' the station scooter1a Rebecca Bellan was out this past week, but I still wanted to share a couple of interesting micromobbin' stories reported by yours truly and Romain Dillet, who hails from France. Story continues First up is Romain's article that takes a look at Paris and its looming scooter decision that could upend the micromobility industry there. I recommend you read the entire article. Here's a small taste. On March 23, the fate of the 15,000 colorful electric scooters that currently spill across the streets of Paris could drastically change as the French capital weighs up whether to renew licenses for the three scooter companies currently operating in the city. Romain gets right to the implications, which stretch far beyond Paris: And this isnt just going to impact Dott, Tier and Uber-affiliated Lime the three companies that have held those licenses since 2020. The decision will set a precedent for the many cities around the world that have also let scooters onto their streets. If things dont go their way, a negative decision in Paris could have a chilling effect on micromobility startups globally. 2023 Bugatti Electric Scooter_Yellow 2 Image Credits: Bugatti/Bytech Next up is a more luxurious, high-performance scooter story. I'm talking about Bugatti, yes Bugatti, and its new electric scooter. Bugatti, through a partnership with tech accessory company Bytech, launched a $1,200 electric scooter in 2022. The two companies paired up again for a second-generation scooter that is beefier, equipped with new features and colors, and has larger self-repairing tires. The 2023 scooter is 10% larger than its predecessor and is equipped with a 36-volt/15.6Ah battery and an electric motor with a maximum output of 1,000 watts, according to the companies. That battery and motor combo allows the scooter to handle up to an 18-degree incline, have a max speed of 22 miles per hour and cover 35 miles on a single charge, according to the company. (Thats up from the 22-mile range in the previous model.) No word yet on the pricing for this bigger second-generation model. Perhaps this is one of those if you have to ask moments. ;D See ya next week! Deal of the week money the station We've seen lots of SPACs the past two years, but what about a double SPAC? Yes, it has happened. I'm talking about Wejo, the British automotive data exchange platform that went public in November 2021 after merging with special purpose acquisition company via Virtuoso Acquisition Corp at an implied $800 million valuation. But what's this? The company announced January 10 it has now agreed to merge with a SPAC created by private equity firm TKB Capital, in a deal that could raise up to $100 million. And that's money Wejo needs. It seems that this latest SPAC is the buoy Wejo is using to keep it afloat. It's not just that Wejo's share price fell below $1 a share; the company is also burning through cash. Wejo warned in November it had a $15 million cash balance, which would sustain the company for a "very short period of time." Wejo is about two years away from generating life-sustaining-nope-we're-not-going-to-file-for-bankruptcy revenue. To add a little extra financial drama to the scenario, Wejo also owes Palantir millions of dollars, per an op-ed piece by Chris Bryant in Bloomberg. This double SPAC is an odd one. I have this nagging feeling that some other failing SPACs will try this same tactic. Other deals that got my attention this week ... Apollo Future Mobility Group agreed to buy Chinese electric vehicle maker WM Motor Holdings for $2.02 billion. The acquisition must still meet regulatory approvals. Hystar, a green hydrogen startup based in Norway, raised $26 million in a Series B round co-led by AP Ventures and Mitsubishi Corp. Other investors included Nippon Steel Trading, Belgium-based investment company Finindus, Hillhouse Investment, Trustbridge Partners, SINTEF Ventures and Firda. Ottopia, an Israeli teleoperations company focused on the agriculture, construction, last-mile delivery, logistics and mobility industries, raised $14.5 million in its Series A funding round that attracted public transport giant ComfortDelGro as an investor. Other participants included AI Alliance Fund, MizMaa Ventures, IN Venture and Next Gear Ventures. T Oxbotica, a startup out of England that develops software to power autonomous vehicles, raised $140 million in a Series C round that included investment from Japans Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co. and corporate VC ENEOS Innovation Partners. Existing investors BGF, safety equipment group Halma, hospitality and recreation investor Hostplus, Kiko Ventures, the online shopping company Ocado Group, Tencent, Venture Science and automotive component maker ZF also participated. Tianqi Lithium Corp. agreed to buy Australian lithium explorer Essential Metals Ltd in a A$136 million ($94 million) deal that is estimated to provide enough supply for around 10 million electric vehicles. Notable reads and other tidbits Autonomous vehicles Aurora gives a progress report to FreightWaves. What next for Pittsburgh's autonomous vehicle scene? ADAS The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is apparently "working really fast" on the Tesla Autopilot investigation it opened in August 2021. Speaking of pressure on Tesla, there may be even more coming after The Intercept published videos and photos of an eight-car pile-up on San Francisco's Bay Bridge caused by a Tesla Model S. The driver claimed "Full Self-Driving" was active at the time of the crash. Electric vehicles, batteries and charging Lucid Group produced 7,180 of its luxury Air sedans in 2022, exceeding its previously lowered guidance for the year. Lucid adjusted its guidance last fall, stating it would produce 6,000 to 7,000 vehicles in 2022. Nikola is officially moving its battery manufacturing from Cypress, California, to its Coolidge, Arizona, manufacturing facility. The move is expected to be completed early in the third quarter. Manufacturing will continue in Cypress through the second quarter. Proterra produced its first commercial EV battery at its new factory in Greer, South Carolina. The company is calling the factory "Powered 1" and believes it will be the largest battery manufacturing facility in the United States dedicated to electric commercial vehicles. Tesla plans to invest about $770 million into an expansion of its factory near Austin that includes a die shop, a facility for battery cell testing and another to manufacture cathode and drive units. Tesla indicated it wants to build the new facilities this year. Zeekr, the premium brand under Geely Holding Co., started serial production of its second model, an electric van called Zeekr 009. People Carvana, the online used car dealer, continues to struggle and it's cutting workers as sales slow and it attempts to manage its $7 billion debt load. Cruise has Nilka Thomas as its new chief human resources officer. Thomas, who most recently served in a similar position at Lyft, succeeds Arden Hoffman at Cruise. Thomas also spent 13 years at Google leading efforts focused on recruitment, D&I, employee engagement, HR governance and employee relations. Hyzon Motors, the heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicle supplier, appointed John Edgley as president of international operations. Scale AI, the San Franciscobased company that uses software and people to label image, text, voice and video data for companies building machine learning algorithms, laid off 20% of its workforce. The company did not say how many people work at Scale AI. However, back in February 2022, the company told TechCrunch it employed about 450 people. SIOUX CITY A Sioux City man has been charged with first-degree murder after a woman was shot and killed on the north side Saturday night. At 9:41 p.m. Saturday, Sioux City Police officers were dispatched to 3319 Nebraska St. for a reported disturbance between a man and a woman. The woman was pleading for help, according to a press release from the Sioux City Police Department. According to a criminal complaint filed in the case, the victim -- Sarah Zoelle -- called 911 and said her boyfriend, Austyn Self, was pointing a gun at her. During the call, a 911 dispatcher "heard a sound consistent with a gunshot on the phone," according to the complaint. Self then picked up the phone and said to the dispatcher, "I shot her." On arrival officers found Zoelle suffering a gunshot wound and still holding a 6-month-old child in her arms. A 4-year-old and a 5-year-old were also in the house, according to the criminal complaint. Zoelle was pronounced dead at a local hospital. Self, 23, of Sioux City, was booked into the Woodbury County Jail on charges of first-degree murder and three counts of child endangerment. JACKSON, Mich. When Scott Steffes leaves Michigan's Parnall Correctional Facility this month he anticipates entering a new career that will take him upward of 25 feet above ground. Steffes, 37, is one of more than a dozen prisoners learning how to climb trees and trim branches around power lines as part of DTE Energy's $70 million plan to improve the utility's electric infrastructure. This has helped my situation in getting prepared for the outside world, Steffes said, minutes after lowering himself by rope from wooden posts in one of the yards outside Parnalls Vocational Village, 78 miles west of Detroit. Prisoners who participate in the tree-trimming program at Vocational Village receive a daily stipend of between 94 cents and $1.31. Steffes has served four years for domestic violence. He previously served time for theft and larceny. I didnt know what I was going to do upon my release, he continued. I didnt know where my life was headed." His release date is Jan. 17. By the following Tuesday he expects to be on the job with one of a number of companies contracted by Detroit-based DTE Energy. Line trimmers "are extremely in demand, right now, said James Shaw, business manager of Local 17 for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. As we start rebuilding the electrical infrastructure around the country, a lot of it is clearing the lines. Customers dont want to be out of power. The union partners with DTE Energy, one of Michigans largest electric utilities, on the prison program as well as a tree-trimming training program. Both are unique to the state and U.S., according to a DTE Energy spokesperson. The utility says fallen trees and branches are responsible for 70% of its power outages. DTE Energy often hires trimmers from other states to clear lines during major outages. They follow the storms. Thats where the money is, said Terrell Lockhart, a manager at DTE Energy. All this money is going to out-of-staters. We can save that money. We can do good for the local community by making this upfront investment. An Aug. 29 storm with winds that topped 70 mph downed trees, branches and power lines leaving more than 400,000 homes and businesses in Michigan without power. DTE Energy reported that more than 231,000 of their customers were without power. The previous year, nearly a million utility customers in Michigan lost power during a major storm. This fall, Michigans Public Service Commission ordered DTE Electric Co. and Jackson-based Consumers Energy to report their compliance with regulations and past orders on outages and downed lines. The order was born out of growing concern about the lack of progress in reducing power outages and preventing the publics contact with downed power lines. We still need a ton of tree trimmers," Lockhart said. "Trees, theyre constantly growing. In April 2021, DTE Energy partnered with IBEW Local 17, the city of Detroit and nonprofits to recruit residents from the city and surrounding communities to enroll in its Tree Trim Academy. The goal is to train local residents on line clearing. Half of the 59 graduates from the academys pilot class are Detroit residents. Forty-seven graduates are people of color and six are women. So far, about 100 people have graduated from the academy. More than 80 graduates have been hired by tree trimming companies and are working on projects. Students in the academy earn a daily stipend of $50 for the first two weeks of career prep curriculum, which then increases to $100 for the remaining five weeks of the program when theyre taught line clearance, safety, use of tools and machinery, and climbing. As a woodsman, pay starts at $17.50 per hour plus benefits. After two and a half years, when workers reach journeyman status, pay increases to nearly $32 per hour. They also receive benefits. Due to the large amount of overtime, a journeyman line clearance tree trimmer can make $70,000 to $120,000 per year, give or take, Shaw said. Sean Anderson calls the program a life changer. The 29-year-old Detroit resident was a trainee at the academy this fall. Ive never made this much money and Ive never had a career, so Ive never thought about ever being in a situation like this," Anderson said. But Im glad Im here now. Nobody wants to be poor." Jeffrey Gunnells was sentenced in 2018 to up to 15 years in prison for armed robbery and was paroled last April. He graduated from the program at Parnall and is now an instructor for the program, as well as a certified arborist. Since the partnership's start in 2019, 25 people have graduated from the program at Parnall. When youre in prison, youre pretty much kicked around by a pretty cold system. Everybody looks at you as somebody who's been untrustworthy, Gunnells said. You have guys that are so grateful for an opportunity and theyre hungry to get out here, and work and contribute to the wellbeing of their families and their communities, and basically redeem themselves." ATLANTA America has honored Martin Luther King Jr. with a federal holiday for nearly four decades yet still hasnt fully embraced and acted on the lessons from the slain civil rights leader, his youngest daughter said Monday. The Rev. Bernice King, who leads The King Center in Atlanta, said leaders especially politicians too often cheapen her fathers legacy into a comfortable and convenient King offering easy platitudes. We love to quote King in and around the holiday. ... But then we refuse to live King 365 days of the year, she declared at the commemorative service at Ebenezer Baptist Church, where her father once preached. The service, sponsored by the center and held at Ebenezer annually, headlined observances of the 38th federal King holiday. King, gunned down in Memphis in 1968 as he advocated for better pay and working conditions for the citys sanitation workers, would have celebrated his 94th birthday Sunday. Her voice rising and falling in cadences similar to her father's, Bernice King bemoaned institutional and individual racism, economic and health care inequities, police violence, a militarized international order, hardline immigration structures and the climate crisis. She said shes exhausted, exasperated and, frankly, disappointed to hear her fathers words about justice quoted so extensively alongside so little progress addressing society's gravest problems. He was Gods prophet sent to this nation and even the world to guide us and forewarn us. ... A prophetic word calls for an inconvenience because it challenges us to change our hearts, our minds and our behavior, Bernice King said. Dr. King, the inconvenient King, put some demands on us to change our ways. President Joe Biden on Monday addressed an MLK breakfast hosted in Washington by the Rev. Al Sharptons National Action Network. Sharpton got his start as a civil rights organizer in his teens as youth director of an anti-poverty project of Kings Southern Christian Leadership Conference. This is a time for choosing, Biden said, repeating themes from a speech he delivered Sunday at Ebenezer at the invitation of Sen. Raphael Warnock, the senior pastor at Ebenezer who recently won re-election to a full term as Georgias first Black U.S. senator. Will we choose democracy over autocracy, or community over chaos? Love over hate? Biden asked Monday. These are the questions of our time that I ran for president to try to help answer. ... Dr. Kings life and legacy in my view shows the way forward. Elsewhere in Washington, Martin Luther King III attended a wreath-laying ceremony at the national memorial to his father. Vice President Kamala Harris, the first woman and person of color to hold the office, spoke to volunteers at a day of service project at George Washington University. Thousands attended a memorial march in San Antonio. In Los Angeles, the Kingdom Day Parade returned after a two-year pandemic break. Other commemorations echoed Bernice Kings reminder and Biden's allusions that the Beloved Community Martin Luther King's descriptor for a world in which all people are free from fear, discrimination, hunger and violence remains elusive. In Boston, Mayor Michelle Wu talked about a fight for the truth in an era of hyper-partisanship and misinformation. Were battling not just two sides or left or right and a gradient in between that have to somehow come to compromise, but a growing movement of hate, abuse, extremism and white supremacy fueled by misinformation, fueled by conspiracy theories that are taking root at every level, she said. Wu, the first woman and person of color elected mayor of Boston, said education restores trust. Quoting King, she called for overcoming the fatigue of despair to enact change. It is sometimes in those moments when we feel most tired, most despairing, that we are just about to break through, Wu told attendees at a memorial breakfast. Volunteers in Philadelphia held a day of service focused on gun violence prevention. The city has seen a surge in homicides that saw 516 people killed last year and 562 the year before, the highest total in at least six decades. Some participants in the efforts signature project, led by Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, worked to assemble gun safety kits for public distribution. The kits include gun cable locks and additional safety devices for childproofing, according to organizers. They also include information about firearm storage, health and social services information, and coping in the aftermath of gun violence. Other kits being assembled highlighted Temple University Hospitals Fighting Chance program and included materials to enable immediate response to victims at the scene of gunfire, organizers said. Recipients are to be trained in the use of the materials, which include tourniquets, gauze, chest seals and other items to treat critical wounds, they said. In Selma, Alabama, a seminal site in the civil rights movement, residents commemorated King as they recover from a deadly storm system that moved across the South last week. There's a new attorney general in town. But Mike Hilgers is no stranger to the Capitol or state government after serving six years in the Legislature as a Lincoln senator, including two years in the challenging role of leading 48 fellow senators as speaker. There's a lot on his new desk now, including Nebraska water rights and the continuing challenge of human trafficking in the state, along with the approaching Feb. 28 U.S. Supreme Court hearing of arguments in Biden v. Nebraska, a case that will determine whether to allow the Biden administration's 2022 student loan debt relief plan to go into effect. Hilgers will be in Washington for those arguments. Nebraska is one of the lead states in challenging the Biden administration's executive action plan that would forgive up to $10,000 in federal student loan debt for borrowers earning less than $125,000 a year. Former Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson, along with attorneys general from five other states Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas and South Carolina filed the case, arguing that the administration exceeded its executive branch authority. "Congress didn't authorize it," Hilgers said during an interview eight days after he was sworn into office, vacating Lincoln's District 21 legislative seat with two years to go in his second term. Beau Ballard, Hilgers' former legislative aide, was chosen to fill the vacancy. Now, Hilgers is "getting to know people" in the attorney general's office, building relationships and getting up to speed on pending cases and investigations. "The train is going," he said, and decisions are being made. Hilgers said he will be focused on Nebraska water rights, as that becomes an increasingly important concern. Nebraska currently is preparing to exercise its rights under a century-old interstate compact that guaranteed access to South Platte River water flowing into the state from Colorado by already funding and preparing to build a $500 million canal system that would capture water from the river in Colorado. With storm clouds forming between the two states, a spokesperson in the Colorado governor's office has described the so-called Perkins County Canal proposal as "this canal to nowhere." Hilgers said he assumes his new role with "a good relationship" with the Legislature, although there are new members now that he needs to get to know. Some senators are "among my closest friends in life, a second family," he said. Hilgers said he "worked closely" with former Gov. Pete Ricketts as the speaker and expects to have "an outstanding working relationship" with Gov. Jim Pillen. Ricketts and he have "very similar principles," the attorney general said. "We agreed on a lot but not everything." Pillen, he said, is "a very authentic, good person" who puts his family first. Hilgers said he plans to stay alert to efforts by the Biden administration that may "try to take more power" than is granted by the Constitution. "This administration sometimes goes outside its lanes. We have to keep a close eye on the administration. It will be a primary focus in this office." Hilgers said he expects Sen. John Arch of La Vista to be a successful speaker as he begins the challenging task of managing 49 senators. "It's all about knowing the body," Hilgers said. "It's his body now." The Lincoln Journal Star's top photos from 2022 A Lincoln man who has presented himself as a professional dog trainer has been sued repeatedly over his business practices and was criminally charged in December with two misdemeanors over the alleged mistreatment of animals at his facility, according to court filings. City prosecutors charged Willie Dove Sr. with animal cruelty and animal neglect Dec. 5 more than a month after a Lincoln woman reported the 40-year-old to the city's Animal Control Department and the Nebraska Department of Agriculture following an injury her dog allegedly suffered at Dove's facility, said Steve Beal, the city's Animal Control director. The woman had boarded her 2-year-old corgi-Jack Russell mix at the east Lincoln business, Dove's Dog Academy & More, and took the dog to the vet following its boarding stay because of eye problems the dog was suffering, according to the complaint filed with the ag department. A veterinarian determined the dog had been strangled, according to the complaint, obtained through a public records request. The subsequent citation marked the first time Dove's dealings as a purported dog trainer led to criminal charges in Nebraska, according to state court records but former customers have been raising alarm over his conduct with animals and business practices for more than two years. A woman sued Dove in small claims court in December 2020 for $910 relating to her dealings with his previous business, Dove Dog Academy, which Dove operated in Waverly, according to court records. It's unclear exactly why Dove owed the woman, Melinda Howell, more than $900. Attempts to contact Howell were unsuccessful. Through his attorney, Sarah Newell, Dove declined to be interviewed for this story, instead offering a written statement. "Because litigation is pending, Mr. Dove unfortunately cannot comment in detail about these allegations, but he very much cares about his clients and their satisfaction," Newell said. "He continues to work diligently to provide quality service, he denies these charges, and we are working with veterinary professionals to provide broader insight into these allegations." Dove didn't appear at the small claims hearing Jan. 28, 2021, leading Judge Laurie Yardley to award a default judgment to Howell for the $910 she sought plus $56 in additional costs, according to court records. Dove didn't pay the sum, according to the filings. The court ordered the amount garnished from his paycheck at an Omaha funeral home. That January 2021 ruling would not mark the last time Yardley sided against Dove in a small claims case. The judge did so again in April 2022, after Dove sued a former client, Sheri Dempsey, for $1,338. In the filing, Dove accused Dempsey of pulling her dog from his training program "knowing she still owed a balance ... without any warning or notification" to Dove. Dempsey describes the ordeal differently. She had hired Dove in February to train her husky, Huli, in a two-week program that Dove indicated would feature near-constant one-on-one training involving Dove, who claimed to be a certified dog trainer, Dempsey told the Journal Star. But red flags began to pop up for Dempsey less than a week into the program, she recalled. Dove didn't interact with Huli when he first picked the dog up from Dempsey's house, she said. He didn't ask for vet info, food or a husky-grade harness before asking Dempsey to walk Huli to his car herself, she said. He called Dempsey an hour after he left her house and said he had lost Huli when he opened his car door in Omaha, said Dempsey, who drove there to help search for the dog, ultimately turning Huli back over to Dove when they found him. The next day, Dove called to say he was turning Huli's training over to a business partner, who Dempsey later learned was only paid to walk the dog for 20 minutes a few times per day, she said. "I'm like, 'What the hell is going on here?'" Dempsey recalled. "I'm starting to realize I've been bamboozled." Dempsey took Huli back from Dove's then facility at an office space at 70th and O streets where Dove was never licensed to board dogs, according to ag department records and took him home, terrified, covered in feces and, still, untrained, Dempsey said. "My dog has never been the same," said Dempsey, who also took the matter to police on suspicion of fraud in a complaint that went nowhere. "My dog is scared to death of everybody, other than my daughter and I." In the counter claim she filed against Dove, Dempsey accused the businessman of falsely presenting himself "as a certified dog trainer and breeder, but instead left my dog in a kennel for over 15 hours (overnight)." At an April 20 hearing in the small claims case, Yardley found Dove had misrepresented the services he would provide and ordered him to pay Dempsey $1,338 the amount she had paid upfront for the training plus interest. Dempsey said Dove hasn't paid. Dove's Dog Academy was sued again in small claims court last week by a third former client, Brandi Dunning, who is seeking more than $2,500 from Dove after her Staffordshire terrier, Izzy, was diagnosed with contagious pinkeye and an ear infection after a week at Dove's facility, Dunning alleged in the filing. Dunning had paid Dove $2,557 for a three-week boarding and training program that began Dec. 21, but after a week, she visited the academy to check on Izzy following a series of puzzling phone calls and text exchanges with Dove and his staff. "Upon entering, we were met with an overwhelming smell of dog urine," she said in the filing. "Once we were finally allowed to see our dog, she had on her collar, a shock collar and a gentle leader. "She looked very scared and sick." Dunning took Izzy to a vet and ultimately never returned her to Dove's facility, she said. She also filed a complaint against Dove's operation with the Better Business Bureau, where at least five customers have filed complaints against Dove in the past three years, according to the organization's website. In response to one complaint in January 2022, Dove threatened legal action against the complaining party for "slander." Dove appears to have taken steps to conceal prior complaints against his businesses and conduct from future prospective customers. He has made slight changes to his business's name multiple times in the past three years, according to licensing records and court filings. Previous names include Dove Dog Academy, Dove's Heavenly Dog Academy and Dove's Dog Academy. Dove's business has also recorded a run-in with the state Department of Labor, which issued a $500 citation against him last year over a wage complaint, according to department records. And, despite the repeated claims filed against him and last month's criminal charges, Dove has so far continued operations, avoiding any licensing troubles with the Department of Agriculture or the city. Department of Agriculture Inspector Rick Herchenbach twice checked in on Dove's training location in Waverly in 2020 and 2021 but never found any violations, according to inspection reports. But when Dove opened shop at 237 S. 70th St. sometime in 2021, his facility was never inspected nor licensed, according to the list of inspections completed in Lincoln that year. Dove moved to his current location at 6800 P St. in June 2022, but didn't seek a license to board animals until late September, when Herchenbach surveyed his new facility and ordered Dove to fix a hole in the wall and develop a written emergency vet care plan, according to his report. By the time Herchenbach checked back in on Dove in early October, neither issue had been remedied, the inspector wrote in his report. Still, Dove who had six dogs housed at his facility during that visit was allowed to keep operating. Herchenbach gave the academy an "acceptable" rating on his third visit to the P Street facility in late October. But the inspector had to return to the business less than three weeks later following the reported injury to a dog in late October. "Emergency vet plan is needed," he wrote in November, highlighting the same issue noted in the September report that Dove had failed to comply. The vet plan isn't mentioned as either compliant or non-compliant in Herchenbach's Oct. 24 report, the only visit that yielded an "acceptable" rating, according to the records. Reached by phone, Herchenbach referred questions to the ag department's public information office. Christin Kamm, the department's communications director, said investigators couldn't comment on the status of Dove's license because of an ongoing investigation. Dove's business appeared to have been closed, at least temporarily, by Thursday afternoon. No one answered or returned a phone call at the academy Friday and Dove posted a message on the business's Facebook account Thursday night thanking customers who had supported him. "I know we can't meet everyone's expectations and everyone's needs, but with that being said, for those who are 100% committed and put in the time and effort, man, it's been a blessing and an honor and privilege to work with you guys," he said, in part. Dove did not indicate in the video whether the business had closed. In response to specific questions over whether inspectors had shut the facility down, Kamm said she could not comment, again citing the ongoing investigation. Beal, the head of Animal Control, said that whether the business remained in operation was entirely under the purview of the Department of Agriculture. The only license the city might issue a dog boarding operation is a grooming permit, Beal said. "If he truly is doing pet grooming, then he has to have a permit for that, and he doesn't have one right now," Beal said. "So we're still involved in that aspect of this whole thing. Because he cannot operate a pet grooming business without having that permit from us." An automated phone menu that plays for Dove's Dog Academy & More listed four services as of Friday: professional dog training, certified dog walking, certified pet-sitting and grooming. Andrew Wegley's memorable stories of 2022 From grieving parents of a slain motorcyclist to a property owner in search of answers following a suspicious fire, a collection of five stories that ask, "Where's the justice?" 'Where's the justice?' "I really thought this would end up being fair," Marcia Selinger said after her son's death in a crash and the court case that followed. 'Things were supposed to get better' Former Lincoln Police officers say both the department and city leaders enabled wrongdoing for years. 'Justice for Diva' A Lincoln couple grapples with their dog's death at the hands of a Lincoln Police officer after the city denied their tort claim. Accident or arson? Investigators initially ruled the March fire at Mary O'Hare's rental property an accident. She suspects they're wrong. The Last of Us, HBOs adaptation of Neil Druckmanns lauded video game, is finally here after a long battle to bring the post-apocalyptic survival game to life. The show, which follows a gruff smuggler, Joel (Pedro Pascal), as he attempts to escort Ellie (Bella Ramsey), a brazen, foul-mouthed 14-year-old girl seemingly immune to the fungus that has zombified the world, across the United States. The last time zombies notably enraptured television audiences was with AMCs game-changing titan The Walking Dead, which premiered in 2010 and ended its 11-season run last November, after years of gaining, losing, then attempting to recapture Americas trust. The Last of Us takes up the mantle The Walking Dead set down long before it left the air, picking up where that show left off instead of attempting to trod its well-worn path. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement In The Last of Us, societys systems and institutions have existed long enough that its no longer a question of how to rebuild them, but rather, what to do when the new institutions are more broken than the old ones. The main draw to The Walking Dead, the line that people would use when convincing you to watch the show, was that though the show took place during a zombie apocalypse, it was the people that were the monsters. This was true, and yet the show managed to still, at its heart, be about community, society, and what it means to recreate those from nothing. Sure, we mainly followed Sheriff Rick Grimes and his son Carl as they moved through various farms, prisons, communes, and rebellions, but Ricks core tenet was always family. The show began with Rick trekking through a freshly destroyed Atlanta, Georgia, to find his wife and son. Though Rick and Carl made many stops along their journey, at every one they gained followers, parting their temporary home with additional members in tow. These additional members became the heartbeat of the show: Darryl, the surly right-hand man; Michonne, the katana-wielding badass and love interest; Carol, the battered-then-emboldened friend; Glenn, the former pizza delivery guy turned heart of the show, and on. Advertisement Ricks main dilemma, especially as the show progressed, was finding a permanent place to stay, one where he and all of his accumulated supporters, whom he had come to see as his own family, could live peacefully despite their run-ins with other sadistic dictatorships that tested their faith in humanity. Ricks crew was constantly trying to create their own functioning society, with the ultimate goal of finding solace in other humans, believing that there is always good, and that good is always worth saving. When they couldnt sustain it themselves, or when they were ambushed by other, less high-minded groups, they tried to weasel into other established societies, arriving and attempting to change the rules to ones that they could agree with. Beginning almost immediately after an apocalypse, the show grappled with a world in which the dust is still settling on its most tragic period. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement The Last of Us spends its first half-hour taking us through the initial outbreak, here an infection of a mutated form of the fungus Cordyceps that infiltrates human brains and turns them into murderous (if sometimes quite pretty) monsters. We then jump to 20 years after those calamitous events. FEDRA, a federal disaster-relief agency that has effectively become a new totalitarian government, already manages quarantine zones (QZs) in major cities across the country. Their corrupt methods of maintaining the peace have been around long enough to inspire the development of a resistance group, the Fireflies, which is also far from perfect. In The Last of Us, societys systems and institutions have existed long enough that its no longer a question of how to rebuild them, but rather, what to do when the new institutions are more broken than the old ones. Advertisement In The Last of Us version of the post-apocalypse, people are still the probleman early scene shows Joel schooling Ellie on why he refuses to start a fire while theyre camping in the woods, because theres no telling whose attention it might draw. Joel has truly no interest in community or society. He seems to prefer being on its fringes, refusing to buy into either FEDRA or the Fireflies completely. His partner, Tess (Anna Torv), seems to be the only reason he stays in the Boston QZ. His brother, Tommy (Gabriel Luna), has joined the Fireflies and is somewhere across the country in Wyoming. Family, he tells Ellie, is the main, if not only, reason one keeps going. But he makes it clear that hes incredibly selective about who fits in that categoryeven Tess, Joel says, is only like family. When hes developing feelings for others, the closest hes willing to get is: not quite. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Community and/or society hasnt served anyone in The Last of Us well. Despite claiming to be the last bastion of civilization, FEDRA strong-arms people into doing horrible things for medicine, food, or other supplies. The leaders of the resistance factionswhether they be the Fireflies or other independent onesare so zealous in their determination to overthrow FEDRA that theyve condoned innocent killings, or worse, carried them out themselves. The unaffiliated rest live in police states, either forced to go along to get along or join a resistance that is, frankly, failing. As for Joel and Ellie, they cant seem to evade devastation and the loneliness it bringseven when they find other people they can tolerate, it (mild spoiler alert) doesnt go all that well. Later episodes of the series show Joel being hesitant to believe in even the idea of a solid community, being presented with a picture-perfect place that, by Ellies estimation actually fucking works, but consistently feeling that something is amiss. Advertisement Sign up for the Slate Culture Newsletter The best of movies, TV, books, music, and more, delivered to your inbox. We encountered an issue signing you up. Please try again. Please enable javascript to use form. Email address: Send me updates about Slate special offers. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms Sign Up Thanks for signing up! You can manage your newsletter subscriptions at any time. The biggest flaw of The Walking Dead was that it failed to understand that the real gems of the show were the characters ancillary to Rick. The show provided an ensemble cast, made the audience care about the members of the ensemble and the idea of family, and then started to kill off its most beloved characters. Its biggest offense was the gruesome death of Glenn in Season 7, which was made worse by the fact that another member of Ricks crew had been brutally murdered moments before Glenns death. The Walking Deads viewership took a major hit after and never fully recovered (this is also when I stopped watching)which is understandable: the show failed to keep its promise. Advertisement Advertisement The Last of Us operates entirely differently, keeping the action centered on Joel and Ellie throughout the main story, and providing side characters with flashback spin-offs. We get to appreciate these side characters, and even become greatly endeared to them, but within the confines of their own story. By the time their character arcs come back and merge with that of present-day Joel and Ellie, things are clearly becoming quite dire (as they always are), and those extra characters fail to stay with our protagonists for long. The Last of Us centers humanity, showing people of all different walks of life and affiliations, but makes it clear that society is a wish upon a star, and everyone who believes in it is just fighting for the lesser of myriad evils. Sanjib Chaudhary chanced upon StoryWeaver, a multilingual childrens storytelling platform, while searching for books he could read to his 7-year-old daughter. Chaudharys mother tongue is Kochila Tharu, a language with about 250,000 speakers in eastern Nepal. (Nepali, Nepals official language, has 16 million speakers.) Languages with a relatively small number of speakers, like Kochila Tharu, do not have enough digitized material for linguistic communities to thriveno Google Translate, no film or television subtitles, no online newspapers. In industry parlance, these languages are underserved and underresourced. Advertisement This is where StoryWeaver comes in. Founded by the India-based not-for-profit childrens book publisher Pratham Books, StoryWeaver currently hosts more than 50,000 open-licensed stories across reading levels in more than 300 languages from around the world.* Users can explore the repository by reading level, language, and theme, and once they select a story, they can click through illustrated slides (each as if it were the page of a book) in the selected language (there are also bilingual options, where two languages are shown side-by-side, as well as download and read-along audio options). Smile Please, a short tale about a fawns ramblings in the forest, is currently the most read storyoriginally written in Hindi for beginners, it has since been translated into 147 languages and read 281,000 times. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement A majority of the languages represented on the platform are from Africa and Asia, and many are Indigenous, in danger of losing speakers in a world of almost complete English hegemony. Chaudharys experience as a parent reflects this tension. The problem with children is that they prefer to read storybooks in English rather than in their own language because English is much, much easier. With Kochila Tharu, the spelling is difficult, the words are difficult, and you know, theyre exposed to English all the time, in schools, on television, Chaudhary said A.I.-assisted translation elements incorporated in digital libraries like StoryWeaver can bring more languages into conversation with one anotherbut the tech is still new, and it depends on data that only speakers of underserved languages can provide.* This raises concerns about how the labor of the native speakers powering A.I. tools will be valued and how repositories of linguistic data will be commercialized. Advertisement To understand how A.I.-assisted translation tools work, its helpful to look at India: With 22 official languages and more than 780 spoken languages, it is no accident that the country is a hub of innovation for multilingual tech. StoryWeavers inner core shares features with other natural language processing tools, like one developed by Microsoft Research India called interactive neural machine translation prediction technology, or INMT.* Advertisement Unlike most A.I.-powered commercial translation tools, INMT doesnt do away with a human intermediary altogether. Instead, it assists humans with hints in the language theyre translating into. For example, if you begin typing, It is raining in the target language, the model working on the back-end supplies tonight, heavily, and cats and dogs as options for completing your sentence, based on the context and the previous word or set of words. During translation, the tool accounts for meaning in the original language and what the target language allows, and then generates possibilities for the translator to choose from, said Kalika Bali, principal researcher at Microsoft and one of INMTs main architects. Advertisement Advertisement Natural language processing tools can help StoryWeavers cadre of volunteers to generate translations of existing stories quickly. * The user interface is easy to master even for amateur translators, many of whom, like Chaudhary, are either volunteering their time or already working for nonprofits in early childhood education. The latter is the case for Churki Hansda. Working in Kora and Santali, two underserved Indigenous languages spoken in eastern India, she is an employee at Suchana Uttor Chandipur Community Society, one of StoryWeavers many partner organizations scattered all over the world. We didnt really have storybooks growing up. Our school textbooks were in Bengali [the dominant regional language], and we would end up memorizing everything because we didnt understand what we were reading, Hansda told me. Its a good feeling to be able to create books in our languages for our children. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Amna Singh, Pratham Books content and partnerships manager, estimates that 58 percent of the languages represented on StoryWeaver are underserved, a status quo that has cascading consequences for early childhood learning outcomes. But attempts to undo the neglect of underserved language communities are also closely linked with unlocking their potential as consumers, and A.I.-powered translation technology is a big part of this shift. Voice recognition tools and chat bots in regional Indian languages aim to woo customers outside metropolitan cities, a market that is expected to expand as cellular data usage becomes even cheaper. These tools are only as good as their training data, and sourcing is a major challenge. For sustained multilingualism on the internet, machine translation models require large volumes of training data generated in two languages parallel to one another. Parliamentary proceedings and media publications are common sources of publicly available data that can be scraped for training purposes. However, both these sourcesaccording to Microsofts researcher Baliare too specific, and do not encompass a wide enough range in terms of topics and vocabulary to be properly representative of human speech. (This is why StoryWeaver isnt a good source for training data, either, because sentences in childrens books are fairly simple and the reading corpus only goes up to fourth-grade reading levels.) Technical requirements aside, data work is also often invisible and poorly compensated, and it takes place in unregulated environments. Theres increasing concern over what we owe the behind-the-scenes human workers compiling data sets to train A.I. systems. Known as crowdworkers, these people perform rote, piecemeal tasks that range from labeling images of trees and pedestrians for self-driving cars to spotting signs of disease in medical scans. This type of monotonous ghost work takes on an emotional dimension in the context of language preservation. Language data workers contributing to machine translation models are so motivated by the prospect of linguistic dignity on the internet that fair compensation and data stewardship issues get jettisoned in favor of discussions that foreground why this work is important from a cultural perspective. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement The cultural value, after all, is enormous: Sanjib Chaudharys daughter understands more Kochila Tharu than she did even a few years ago, and Chaudhurys involvement with StoryWeaver has since grown. Over the past year and a half, he and two friends worked on generating Nepali equivalents for a total of 40,000 English words. But they were paid only $243 for the project, or less than 1 cent per English word, divided three ways. According to Microsofts Bali, models need 100,000 paired sentences to start generating acceptable translations. Despite the repetitiveness and poorly compensated nature of the work, Chaudhary sees himself not as a crowdworker but a language steward. We have many homophonic words in Kochila Tharu which arent there in English. Take the names of different fish we have so many words for fish, fishing equipment, and fish preparations that you wouldnt find in other languages, he said. If our language dies, we will lose them. I want to collect these words before they disappear. The hope for a future when marginal linguistic identities can thrive online is a powerful incentive for stewards like Chaudhary and Hansda. Hansdas stint with StoryWeaver led to a paid opportunity at AI4Bharat (or A.I. for India), an initiative at the Indian Institute of Technology in Chennai that collects data in labeled pairs for English and 12 Indian languages. The 100,000 sentences Hansda will add to the AI4Bharat dataset for Santali over 18 months span Indigenous oral histories, folktales, literature, sentences, and words. Hansda is paid $1.66 per hour for this work as a language expert. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement To be truly innovativeand accountableA.I.-assisted language research must ensure native speakers and their communities arent merely contributing data, but also helping to determine what this data will be used for. For now, AI4Bharat seeks to bring parity with respect to English in A.I. technologies for Indian languages with open-source contributions. That assumes openness will automatically lead to inclusion. But in practice, there are no clear guidelines preventing companies developing A.I. technologies from using datasets collected and trained by noncommercial research entities like universities or nonprofits. AI4Bharat, for example, categorizes its crowd-sourced datasets as open-source, meaning Hansdas contributions could be commercialized for profit in the future. Theres precedent for that: Announced last fall, Metas not-yet-public Make-a-Video A.I. tool was trained by datasets compiled from publicly available video clips on YouTube and Shutterstock. Calling the practice A.I. data laundering, technologist Andy Baio wrote that Outsourcing the heavy lifting of data collection and model training to non-commercial entities allows corporations to avoid accountability and potential legal liability. Advertisement Advertisement For now, the push toward linguistic inclusionwhether motivated by commercial profit, social impact, technological innovation, or a mix of all threeis exciting for speakers of minority languages. Hansda hopes for a day when her grandchildren can live their online lives in Santali. Theyll say, Our grandmother did this, she said. Future Tense is a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University that examines emerging technologies, public policy, and society. Thinking big, Slovak style. Font size: A - | A + Comments disabled Welcome to your weekly commentary and overview of news from Slovakia. Could this be the end of OLaNO? The general prosecutor is looking into how the pandemic was managed. Eurobarometer shows Slovaks fear war more than climate change. Whats in a number? Eduard Heger has declared his ambition to continue leading the country and has given us the exact measure of just how ambitious he is as prime minister. Its 76. When OLaNO won a plurality of the votes at the 2020 election, it decided, along with its other coalition partners, to take Sme Rodina into the coalition in order to secure a constitutional majority (i.e. 90 seats) in parliament. Now, Heger is determined to avert an early election and essentially stay in power. For this, he needs just half of the 150-member house plus one (i.e. 76 votes). So now he is broadcasting his intention to collect the signatures of 76 MPs who will support him in this endeavour. Shorter seasons could make many resorts unsustainable, ministry's analysis shows. Font size: A - | A + Comments disabled The climate crisis, and the associated rise in temperatures, is changing the nature of winter tourism in Slovakia. At the new year dawned, Strbske Pleso, one of the main resorts in Slovakias highest mountain range, the High Tatras, found itself largely without snow. Such a sight had not been seen in 33 years. The Institute for Environmental Politics, a think tank that operates under the Environment Ministry, has published an analysis in which it assumes that winter temperatures will continue to rise. While the current decade should remain relatively favourable for ski resorts in Slovakia, the impact of climate change is predicted to become more dramatic after 2030. This will pose a threat to ski resorts at elevations below 1,700 metres above sea level. Strbske Pleso is 1,300 metres above sea level. The institute is calling for the reconsideration of all ski resort construction projects lower than 1,700 metres above sea level, since their operation could quickly be rendered unsustainable. Resorts face shorter seasons Warmer winters threaten the sustainability of the winter-sports business in Slovakia since it obviously depends on snow, and thrives only during periods of heavy snowfall. A growing number of resorts will be unable to maintain their slopes and will thus need to shorten their seasons, the institute writes. Longer droughts, and increased rainfall at lower elevations during the winter months will also speed up the decline in conditions. Related article Related article The mountain guide advises where to go in winter Read more Slovakias weather broke several records in 2022. The country had one of its fourteen warmest autumns since 1871, as recorded by the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMU). In December meteorologists recorded a run of 364 days without frost in the southern Slovak town of Hurbanovo, Nitra Region.The last recorded streak of such exceptionally warm weather dates back to 1901. Meteorologists have been recording more and longer periods without frost. The end of December and early January saw some extraordinarily warm weather in Slovakia, say meteorologists from the SHMU. There were two unusually long series of days when the values of the maximum daily air temperature were higher than 10 degrees Celsius. Ski resorts suffered more from weather than from Covid According to the institute, periods of warmer and colder winters alternate, affecting the ski seasons. Local variations in the weather can play a significant role too. However, climate change means that no sustained colder periods are expected. The prediction suggests that ski resorts will steadily become unsustainable. Several resorts have already been affected by the trend. The relatively warm, dry winter of 2013/2014 had a bigger impact on Slovak resorts than even the threat of Covid-19 in the 2020/2021 season. Optimal conditions for ski resorts, at a temperature of -2C, are possible on about 100 days a year. Under ideal conditions, ski resorts in Slovakia can open for 82 days per season; 35 days are required for a resort to function normally. Out of a total of 107 ski resorts, 47 are located in the High Tatras. The resorts make a major contribution to local economies, boosting tourism. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230115/conflict-in-ethiopias-tigray-likely-claimed-600000-lives-says-african-union-peace-mediator-1106385136.html About 600,000 People May Have Died in Two Years of Tigray Conflict, AU Envoy Says About 600,000 People May Have Died in Two Years of Tigray Conflict, AU Envoy Says About 600,000 people may have died in the Tigray conflict, said African Union's envoy, lead mediator in the peace talks and former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo. 2023-01-15T21:19+0000 2023-01-15T21:19+0000 2023-01-16T06:45+0000 africa african union (au) nigeria tplf (tigray people's liberation front) /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/0f/1106347440_0:160:3073:1888_1920x0_80_0_0_b1349bb0533bdca9b2f62420568b5745.jpg About 600,000 people may have died in the Tigray conflict, said African Union envoy, lead mediator in the peace talks, and former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo in an interview with the Financial Times.Numbers similar to Obasanjo's were estimated earlier by researchers at the University of Ghent, Belgium, who said that the death toll was between 385,000 and over 600,000, with 300,000 to 400,000 being civilians.The head of the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, Daniel Bekele, said that it is hard to estimate the real number of casualties. "We will probably not be able to know the full number of casualties," he said, noting: "We need to be cautious about overly exaggerated death toll estimates by all sides."The Financial Times cited several Ethiopian officials saying that the death toll is closer to 80,000 or 100,000.Tigray ConflictThe conflict erupted in November 2020 when nationalist group the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) attacked Ethiopian military bases in what the rebels called a preemptive strike. The crisis lasted for two years, with the main belligerents being the Ethiopian government with purported assistance from Eritrea, and the TPLF on the other.The TPLF was dominant in the coalition that governed Ethiopia from 1991 to 2018. After the group lost its position, tensions began to grow between it and the new Ethiopian government.In June 2021, Tigray rebels seized the city of Mekele, the region's administrative center, after which the government declared a ceasefire. However, the rebels announced a new offensive, took control of a part of Tigray, and broke into the Amhara region.A new armistice was achieved only in March 2022, when the Ethiopian authorities proclaimed a humanitarian ceasefire with no fixed deadline to deliver humanitarian aid to Tigray. The rebels agreed to respect the armistice. However, in August, after an interval of five months, hostilities resumed.On November 2, 2022, the parties to the conflict sealed a cessation of hostilities agreement in Pretoria as a result of an AU-led peace process and agreed 10 days later on a disarmament roadmap. The latter stipulated the separation of forces in four specific areas followed by the handover of heavy weapons, along with the withdrawal of foreign troops.Eritrea was not a party to the Pretoria treaty, but, according to Obasanjo, it follows the conditions of the agreement that demand withdrawal, with "all Eritreans" currently "at the border." https://sputnikglobe.com/20230111/china-vows-to-help-ethiopians-after-tigray-conflict-1106217662.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20230114/french--german-fms-welcome-good-progress-under-peace-deal-in-ethiopia-1106318372.html africa nigeria Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Petr Baryshnikov Petr Baryshnikov News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Petr Baryshnikov tigray war, tigray conflict, tigray crisis, tigray deaths, tigray eritrea, ethiopia war, ethiopia conflict, tigray death https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/ancient-hidden-doors-found-in-great-wall-of-china-1106407327.html Ancient Hidden Doors Found in Great Wall of China Ancient Hidden Doors Found in Great Wall of China The camouflaged entryways were likely used by Chinese soldiers to covertly move beyond the Great Wall to conduct surprise attacks and clandestine missions. 16.01.2023, Sputnik International 2023-01-16T18:07+0000 2023-01-16T18:07+0000 2023-01-16T18:07+0000 viral china great wall of china secret door study /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/106910/78/1069107840_0:53:1025:629_1920x0_80_0_0_73c7c0fe816767c62d7a9faca873041b.jpg Researchers studying Chinas largest and probably most famous landmark - the Great Wall - have discovered the remains of over 130 concealed doors dotting this monumental fortification.These passages were apparently designed for scouts sent on missions beyond the wall, even though they could have also been used for other purposes.Records from the time of the Ming Dynasty, which reigned in China from 1368 to 1644, suggest that nomadic tribes were sometimes allowed to use these entrances to move their cattle to areas suitable for grazing, according to Chinese media.The hidden doors were designed to be indistinguishable from the outward surface of the wall and could also provide Chinese soldiers stationed there with the means to break out and launch a surprise flanking attack against assaulting enemies from a neighboring section of the fortification."This is a great demonstration of ancient China's military wisdom," another member of the research team, Li Zhe, said as quoted by media. china Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Andrei Dergalin Andrei Dergalin News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Andrei Dergalin china, great wall of china, secret, door, study https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/austrian-foreign-minister-urges-eu-not-to-misfire-with-possible-visa-ban-for-russians-1106413519.html Austrian Foreign Minister Urges EU Not to 'Misfire' With Possible Visa Ban for Russians Austrian Foreign Minister Urges EU Not to 'Misfire' With Possible Visa Ban for Russians VIENNA (Sputnik) - The European Union should not "misfire" with a possible visa ban for Russians and should instead think about the consequences of such a move... 16.01.2023, Sputnik International 2023-01-16T23:00+0000 2023-01-16T23:00+0000 2023-01-16T23:00+0000 russia austria alexander schallenberg sanctions travel restrictions /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/107883/74/1078837471_0:0:3123:1756_1920x0_80_0_0_a9534becaa118c7bc16a5611cea0e5d6.jpg "We must not misfire by, for example, introducing a visa ban for 144 million Russians," the minister said at a conference in Paris. He also said that against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis, Europe "must think about the next day, next week and next month at the same time" in relations with Moscow. He stressed the importance of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in these contacts, describing the organization as "one of the few remaining platforms where Russian diplomats remained." In early December, Poland did not allow Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to take part in the annual conference of the 29th OSCE Ministerial Council in the Polish city of Lodz, as Warsaw said it believed it was necessary to "absolutely isolate" Russia in the international arena amid its military operation in Ukraine. Schallenberg has repeatedly criticized Poland's decision. In retaliation for the start of Moscow's military operation in Ukraine on February 24, the West has launched a massive sanctions campaign against Moscow. In addition, the EU has decided to limit the movement of Russian citizens, terminating an agreement on the simplified visa regime with Russia. austria Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International austria, alexander schallenberg, sanctions, travel restrictions https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/belarus-russia-start-joint-air-force-exercise---defense-ministry-1106395905.html Belarus, Russia Start Joint Air Force Exercise Belarus, Russia Start Joint Air Force Exercise Belarus and Russia have started a joint flight and tactical exercise of aviation units in the regional group of troops to improve their operational compatibility, the Belarusian Defense Ministry said on Monday. 2023-01-16T11:26+0000 2023-01-16T11:26+0000 2023-01-16T11:34+0000 military russia armed forces belarus joint military exercises military drill drill air force drill belarusian defense ministry /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/105707/60/1057076022_0:88:2821:1675_1920x0_80_0_0_fcd42bb6623aec4ff3cf280376ac634f.jpg "Today, a joint tactical flight exercise of aviation units of the Belarusian and Russian armed forces, which are part of the aviation component of the regional group of troops, started," the ministry said in the statement.The key objective of the exercise is to increase interoperability of the forces in combat training tasks, the ministry added. A unit of the Russian aerospace forces is taking part in the drills. All air bases of the Belarusian air and air defense forces are in use during the drills, according to the Belarusian Defense Ministry. The joint exercise of Russia and Belarus will last through February 1. Earlier in January, Belarusian Deputy Defense Minister Andrei Juk said that both countries would continue to train their armed forces, and this tactical flight exercise would be followed by various staff training and a large-scale joint exercise "Sword of the Union 2023." Minsk has repeatedly stated that tasks of the Russia-Belarus regional group of troops are purely defensive. belarus Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International russian armed forces, military drills, belarusian defense ministry, joint military exercises https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/chinas-new-fm-visits-egypt-concluding-his-five-nation-africa-tour-1106391933.html China's New FM Visits Egypt, Concluding His Five-Nation Africa Tour China's New FM Visits Egypt, Concluding His Five-Nation Africa Tour Chinas Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited Egypt on Sunday, concluding his week-long Africa tour, which was his first official visit to the continent as a foreign minister, aimed at strengthening China-Africa cooperation. 2023-01-16T08:43+0000 2023-01-16T08:43+0000 2023-01-16T08:43+0000 africa north africa middle east egypt china cooperation tourism tourism industry infrastructure /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/10/1106388590_0:262:3073:1990_1920x0_80_0_0_6430df59bfb2bfcd19ea07a6dfd75579.jpg Chinas Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited Egypt on Sunday, concluding his week-long Africa tour, which was his first official visit to the continent as a foreign minister, aimed at strengthening China-Africa cooperation. During his visit to Egypt, the minister held talks separately with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, as well as with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry. The discussions were mainly focused on enhancing bilateral relations in various areas of mutual interest. At the meeting with Arab League secretary-general in Cairo, Egypt, Qin praised the successful convening of the first China-Arab States Summit, which was held on December 9, 2022, saying that it became a "milestone" in boosting China-Arab ties to new highs. He stated that China is ready to work with Arab countries to implement the realization of the summit's outcomes, which include initiatives in such spheres as development support, food security, public health, green innovations, security and stability. The countries' foreign ministers held talks on Sino-Egyptian ties, specifically regarding growing Chinese tourism to the North African country, which has been struggling to revive its tourist sector since it was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In his meeting with el-Sissi, Qin stated that China fully supports Egypt's positive contribution to ensuring peace and security in the Middle East, underlining that the country is determined to cooperate on this issue with Egypt and jointly promote stability in the region. The Egyptian president praised China's great development and its commitment to maintain strong ties with African nations, adding that relations between the two countries are "unbreakable." Addressing the prominent results that China and Egypt have achieved in implementing the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), el-Sissi stated that the country is inviting Chinese companies to invest and set up businesses. The Chinese foreign minister, for his part, reassured that Beijing will continue to expand its investment programs, and in particular, invest into Egypts infrastructure projects, including those within Chinas BRI. The BRI is a global infrastructure development strategy, proposed by China in 2013. It involves infrastructure, trade, and investment enhancement aimed at improving connectivity on a transcontinental scale. As of now, up to 43 African countries have joined the BRI by signing memorandums of understanding with China. Under this initiative, China has invested heavily in infrastructure on the African continent, including railways, roads, telecommunications, health and energy facilities. Gang's trip to Africa, which took place from January 9 to 16, also included such countries as Ethiopia, Angola, Benin, and Gabon. During his visit to Ethiopia, he signed an agreement to partially forgive the country's debt, stating that China is ready to help and support the people of Ethiopia after the conflict in Tigray, and urging the international community to increase the scale of humanitarian assistance for the country. He also visited the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he responded to allegations that China is creating a "debt trap" in Africa, saying that it is a false narrative, intentionally imposed on the cooperation between China and African states.In Benin, the Chinese government minister reportedly signed a memorandum of understanding on partial debt cancellation. Apart from that, the two sides inked various cooperation documents, including on people-to-people and cultural exchanges. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230112/chinese-fm-qin-gang-rejects-unreasonable-allegation-that-china-is-creating-debt-trap-in-africa-1106244067.html africa north africa egypt china Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Maria Konokhova Maria Konokhova News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Maria Konokhova china, egypt, chinese foreign minister qin gang, egyptian foreign minister sameh shoukry, cooperation, infrastructure, belt and road initiative https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/civil-rights-leader-martin-luther-king-jrs-oft-overlooked-anti-imperialism-1106397432.html Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King Jr.'s Oft-Overlooked Anti-Imperialism Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King Jr.'s Oft-Overlooked Anti-Imperialism #Martin Luther King Jr. is famous for leading the civil rights movement that ended racial segregation and the denial of voting rights to Black people. But it is often forgotten that he was a fierce critic of US imperialism. 2023-01-16T17:46+0000 2023-01-16T17:46+0000 2023-01-16T17:46+0000 sputnik explains mlk martin luther king jr us vietnam war us imperialism american imperialism civil rights movement /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e5/01/1a/1081884594_0:239:1975:1349_1920x0_80_0_0_3d29349a98be1787a35223c39b412b4b.jpg January 15 marked the 94th anniversary of US civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth.A protestant Baptist minister who began preaching in Montgomery, Alabama at the age of 25 in 1954, King first became involved in politics the following year as one of the leaders of the boycott of racially-segregated bus services in the city the following year.In 1957, King was elected the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Based in Atlanta, Georgia, the SCLC played a leading role in the campaign to repeal the 'Jim Crow' laws, passed in former slave states following the American Civil War, that instituted segregation and effectively disenfranchised black people from voting.Following victories in the civil rights campaign, in 1968 King and the SCLC took a bold step forward by organising the Poor People's Campaign. He envisioned "a multiracial army of the poor" to march on Washington for mass acts of civil disobedience until Congress legislated for an "economic bill of rights" for those in poverty.On March 29 of that year King, then aged 39, travelled to Memphis, Tennessee to support a strike by public sanitary workers. His flight was delayed by a bomb threat against the aircraft, and in his last speech at the city's Mason Temple on April 3, King was fatalistic about the prospect of his assassination, saying that like Moses, he had "been to the mountaintop, and I don't mind."At 6 pm on April 4, James Earl Ray fatally shot King as he stood on the balcony of the room he habitually stayed in at the Lorraine Motel. He died an hour later in hospital.VietnamA year before his death, at the Riverside Church in New York City, King declared it was "time to break the silence" over the US war in Vietnam."As I have called for radical departures from the destruction of Vietnam, many persons have questioned me about the wisdom of my path," he said, leaving him "greatly saddened, for such questions mean that the inquirers have not really known me, my commitment or my calling."King said the US military build-up in Vietnam had resulted in the abandonment of poverty alleviation programmes at home.As for his crusade against segregation, "We have been repeatedly faced with the cruel irony of watching Negro and white boys on TV screens as they kill and die together for a nation that has been unable to seat them together in the same schools," he said.In its policy towards Vietnam from 1945, when resistance forces led by Ho Chi Minh liberated the country from Japanese occupation, King said the US "fell victim to the deadly Western arrogance that has poisoned the international atmosphere for so long" by helping France re-colonise."We rejected a revolutionary government seeking self-determination," established by "clearly indigenous forces that included some communists" King said pointing out that just a quarter of the National Liberation Front, derided by the US as "Viet Cong" were communists.He went on to condemned how the US "pattern of suppression" and need to "maintain social stability for our investments" explained the presence of US "military advisors" in Venezuela, "counterrevolutionary action" by troops in Guatemala, the use of helicopter gunships against guerrillas in Cambodia and why "American napalm and Green Beret forces have already been active against rebels in Peru."Religion and RevolutionBut even before the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the young King voiced praise for revolutionaries "who have the insight to look beyond the inadequacies of the old order and see the necessity for the new."In his speech to the National Baptist Convention in St Louis, Missouri on September 9 1954, King compared Christ's teachings to the works of ancient Greek philosopher Plato, German communist visionary Karl Marx and American utopian socialist Edward BeIlamy, who foresaw a time when "the inequalities of monopoly capitalism would be blotted out and all men would live on a relatively equal plane". https://sputnikglobe.com/20180405/fbi-photographer-luther-spy-1063246850.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20160119/martin-luther-king-dream-rally-1033342787.html Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 James Tweedie https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e4/08/1c/1080307270_0:3:397:400_100x100_80_0_0_7777393b9b18802f2e3c5eaa9cbcc612.png James Tweedie https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e4/08/1c/1080307270_0:3:397:400_100x100_80_0_0_7777393b9b18802f2e3c5eaa9cbcc612.png News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 James Tweedie https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e4/08/1c/1080307270_0:3:397:400_100x100_80_0_0_7777393b9b18802f2e3c5eaa9cbcc612.png martin luther king jr., us, segregation, civil rights movement, vietnam, imperialism, anti-imperialism https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/daesh-terrorists-claim-responsibility-for-kasindi-church-blast-in-drc-1106388257.html Daesh Terrorists Claim Responsibility for Kasindi Church Blast in DRC Daesh Terrorists Claim Responsibility for Kasindi Church Blast in DRC The Daesh* terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the deadly explosion at a church in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Rita Katz, Director of SITE Intelligence Group, said. 2023-01-16T06:25+0000 2023-01-16T06:25+0000 2023-02-10T09:07+0000 africa isis isis-k terrorist attack church explosion blast democratic republic of the congo central africa daesh /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/10/1106388097_0:59:2957:1722_1920x0_80_0_0_e92650d7571a2f4da989ce2afca712e6.jpg On Sunday , media reported that several people were injured in an explosion at a Protestant church in the town of Kasindi in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), near the Uganda border. According to SITE, a non-governmental organization that tracks online activity of jihadist organizations, the Daesh is threatening further attacks. The Congolese army has confirmed that an improvised explosive device (IED) was detonated during a Sunday service at the Kasindi church. At least 10 people were killed and 39 were injured, DRC army spokesman Anthony Mualushay said on Sunday.* Daesh (also known as ISIL/ISIS/IS/Islamic State) is a terrorist group banned in Russia and many other countries africa democratic republic of the congo central africa Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International isis, isis-k, terrorist attack, church, explosion, blast, democratic republic of the congo, central africa, daesh https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/dead-canceled-moscow-barred-from-financing-famous-russian-cemetery-in-france-1106397310.html Dead Canceled: Moscow Barred From Financing Famous Russian Cemetery in France Dead Canceled: Moscow Barred From Financing Famous Russian Cemetery in France According to French media reports, local authorities have recently refused to accept the money that Moscow sent to finance the renewal of burial plot concessions at the Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois Russian Cemetery. 2023-01-16T13:16+0000 2023-01-16T13:16+0000 2023-01-16T13:16+0000 world france cemetery lease financing closure /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/10/1106398037_0:171:2991:1853_1920x0_80_0_0_68be84ea6ea48ee0047ee0124e72811d.jpg A famous necropolis in France that houses the remains of many prestigious Russian immigrants has ended up in a precarious state amid the fallout from the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine.According to French media reports, local authorities have recently refused to accept the money that Moscow sent to finance the renewal and maintenance of burial plot concessions at the Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois Russian Cemetery.The cemetery was established in the 1920s when a portion of the land of an already existing cemetery was provided to house the burials of Russians who fled their home country in the wake of the revolution of 1917 and the subsequent civil war.Some of the more notable Russians interred there include prominent author Ivan Bunin, filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky and painter Konstantin Korovin. It is regarded as the largest Russian cemetery in France.Following the news, the Russian Embassy in France expressed concerns over the unhealthy situation surrounding the cemetery. It likewise pointed out that there currently seems to be no risk of burial site removal, however, with city authorities saying that the matter of lease payments was merely postponed.Meanwhile, the head of the cemeterys Committee for the Maintenance of Russian Orthodox Graves reportedly remarked that they might be able to finance the lease of 22 burial plots for ten years.One media outlet also pointed out that inspections conducted by Russia in 2018 and 2020 showed that about 45 percent of the tombs at the cemetery required renovation, but the ensuing COVID pandemic, followed by the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, effectively caused Russia to abandon this undertaking. https://sputnikglobe.com/20220915/slovak-authorities-level-cemetery-containing-graves-of-russian-wwi-soldiers-with-bulldozer-1100824474.html france Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Andrei Dergalin Andrei Dergalin News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Andrei Dergalin sainte-genevieve-des-bois russian cemetery https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/drone-shot-down-over-sevastopol-bay-in-crimea-governor-says-1106386619.html Drone Shot Down Over Sevastopol Bay in Crimea, Governor Says Drone Shot Down Over Sevastopol Bay in Crimea, Governor Says An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was shot down by air defense systems off the coast of the Russian city of Sevastopol in Crimea, Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev said. 2023-01-16T04:50+0000 2023-01-16T04:50+0000 2023-01-16T04:51+0000 russia's special operation in ukraine crimea uav sevastopol /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/16009/70/160097035_0:0:801:451_1920x0_80_0_0_cfd743b1c5ce8c93a9153866407974ee.jpg "Air defense systems shot down a UAV over the [Sevastopol] bay," Razvozhayev said on Telegram late on Sunday night, adding that all services are running as usual following the incident. Ukrainian forces have attacked Crimea using drones multiple times since the start of the year. All of the UAVs were shot down by Russian air defense. In October of last year, Ukraine carried out a massive drone attack on vessels of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol. sevastopol Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International drone shot down in crimea, uavs in crimea, russia shots down ukrainian drone in crimea https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/experts-sudan--south-sudan-agreement-on-joint-force-creation-is-positive-sign-1106398663.html Experts: Sudan & South Sudan Agreement on Joint Force Creation is Positive Sign Experts: Sudan & South Sudan Agreement on Joint Force Creation is Positive Sign Sputnik has asked experts to comment on the joint force establishment in the historical context of the bilateral relations between Juba and Khartoum. 2023-01-16T14:16+0000 2023-01-16T14:16+0000 2023-01-16T14:16+0000 africa africa insight east africa north africa sudan south sudan border border tensions security /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/10/1106398507_0:0:3091:1739_1920x0_80_0_0_33296faa3430b40ae565eabe753fc43a.jpg The recent meeting of the political leaders of Sudan and South Sudan is a clear manifestation and "affirmation of positive relations" between the two neighboring nations, Ms Faith Mabera, a senior researcher at the Institute for Global Dialogue associated with UNISA, told Sputnik.According to Mabera, the outcome of the bilateral meeting, which was held in Juba on January 12, in particular a decision to form allied forces and jointly address glaring safety issues in the region, demonstrated that security is a "shared priority" in their political agenda, alongside with their efforts to improve political and economic relations. The main goal of the agreement, as stated in a joint communique shared after the meeting, is to prevent the infiltration of illegal weapons and to fight hostile forces and activities on the shared borders. Therefore, she stressed, the move once again underlined that both countries are facing "common internal challenges," which could be tackled jointly. Hence, she pointed out, there is an obvious need for security cooperation, including periodic meetings of security forces aimed at coordinating efforts in this field to confront potential threats, as well as share intelligence to address arms smuggling. The agreement between the leadership of Sudan and South Sudan could "contribute to providing security" if each of them at first solve their internal issues and if there is "a seriousness in doing so," Elshafie Mohamed Elmakki, an associate professor specializing in international relations at the Department of Political Science of Khartoum University (UofK) and former director of the University of West Kordofan, said in an interview with Sputnik. The professor also shared the viewpoint that addressing internal issues is the key to ensuring security in the region. According to him, both countries are now "suffering from complex internal problems."South Sudan, for instance, is suffering from activities of several armed factions opposed to the current President Salva Kiir's regime, while the administration in Khartoum is facing forces which reject the coup carried out by the head of the Sovereign Council Abdul Fattah al-Burhan on October 25, 2021. As a result of the coup, the armed element of the civilian-military coalition seized full control of the country. However, on December 5, 2022, the military and opposition signed a political framework agreement that provides for the establishment of a transitional civil administration. Talking about the relationships between the two nations, the expert outlined their historical background, as the countries used to be one sovereign state. After the separation of South Sudan in 2011, several "outstanding issues remained unresolved, including the issue of the Abyei region and the issue of border demarcation." However, Mabera highlighted that "the disputed oil-rich border area of Abyei, which has been a pending matter" between the nations for years, is a completely "different discussion point," while the recent meeting in Juba and its outcomes "speak more to general security cooperation." She believes that the formation of joint security forces may contribute not only to the improvement of security on the borders, but also to the bilateral relations in other areas, including economy. Elmakki, for his part, agreed that the separation is a political issue, while "the interests and overlaps between the two nations are strong, and political borders cannot limit them."As for the creation of joint forces, he stated that this practice is not new for the continent, which is trying to resolve its internal problems independently without the intervention of international actors. This can be seen in examples of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) bloc in West Africa intervening to solve conflicts in its member states, as well as East African Community sending troops to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Nevertheless, according to the professor, other "international players are actually present in Africa and it is too early for Africa to agree to end their role." https://sputnikglobe.com/20230113/sudan-south-sudan-agree-to-create-joint-forces-to-ensure-border-security-1106276139.html africa east africa north africa sudan south sudan Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Maria Konokhova Maria Konokhova News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Maria Konokhova sudan, south sudan, south sudan's president salva kiir, sudan's sovereign council chief general abdel fattah al-burhan, cooperation, joint forces https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/germans-unconcerned-about-gender-of-lambrechts-possible-successor-1106385733.html Germans Unconcerned About Gender of Lambrechts Possible Successor Germans Unconcerned About Gender of Lambrechts Possible Successor MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Nearly 100% of 100,000 of the Bild newspaper readers are indifferent to whether the next German defense minister will be a woman, or not, a... 16.01.2023, Sputnik International 2023-01-16T02:31+0000 2023-01-16T02:31+0000 2023-01-16T02:31+0000 world christine lambrecht germany bild /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/09/1106148881_0:0:3073:1728_1920x0_80_0_0_ded4bfd222a2c40512a1bbe07a475ca8.jpg German Chancellor Olaf Scholz had promised that women would make up at least half of his cabinet, which means that, if German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht resigns, she will need to be replaced with a female candidate, according to the Bild. The newspaper conducted a poll among 100,000 of its readers, which showed that 97% of respondents do not care whether Lambrecht is replaced by a man or a woman. At the same time, 79% said they believed that the new defense minister needs to have served in the German military. According to the Bild newspaper, Lambrecht will resign on Monday. On Friday, the Bild newspaper reported, citing sources, that Lambrecht had decided to resign from the post of defense minister at her own initiative. Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the country's defense ministry told RIA Novosti that reports about Lambrechts possible resignation were "rumors." Earlier this month, a new study conducted by the Institute for New Social Answers (INSA) showed that 64% of Germans want Lambrecht to resign and only 9% assess her performance in the post of defense minister as positive. Lambrecht has come under fire on several occasions in recent months, including from coalition partners. The latest wave of criticism was associated with her New Year greetings, where, against the backdrop of festive fireworks, Lambrecht mentioned the situation in Ukraine, saying in this context that 2022 was full of "special experience" and meaningful encounters with a lot of interesting people. germany Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International christine lambrecht, germany, bild https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/iran-nuclear-deal-how-us-failed-historic-breakthrough--opened-door-to-seven-years-of-controversy-1106401574.html Iran Nuclear Deal: How US Failed Historic Breakthrough & Opened Door to Seven Years of Controversy Iran Nuclear Deal: How US Failed Historic Breakthrough & Opened Door to Seven Years of Controversy Exactly seven years ago, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced that Iran had completed the necessary steps under the 2015 Joint Comprehensive... 16.01.2023, Sputnik International 2023-01-16T15:20+0000 2023-01-16T15:20+0000 2023-04-12T17:15+0000 sputnik explains us iran joint comprehensive plan of action (jcpoa) iran nuclear deal donald trump barack obama joe biden iaea nuclear weapons /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e6/05/1f/1095893094_0:0:2048:1152_1920x0_80_0_0_48500d0ae000a287a92835d1a4c7f1f0.jpg The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program reached in Vienna on July 14, 2015, between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council together with Germany (P5+1) and the European Union.The negotiations, which formally started in 2013, revolved around restrictions on the Islamic Republic's nuclear strategy in exchange for sanctions relief. Under the terms of the deal, Iran agreed to dismantle much of its atomic program and open its facilities to more extensive inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).Finally, by January 2016, Iran had shipped 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium out of the country; dismantled and removed two-thirds of its centrifuges; removed the calandria from its heavy water reactor and filled it with concrete; and provided access to its nuclear facilities and supply chain, as per White House archives.After the IAEA verified that Tehran had completed the necessary steps under the agreement, the US and European nations lifted oil and financial sanctions on Iran on January 16, 2016, and released roughly $100 billion of its assets. In addition, Tehran and Washington swapped long-held prisoners: five Americans, including a Washington Post reporter, Jason Rezaian, were released by Iran. In exchange seven Iranians, either convicted or charged with breaking US sanctions, were released and 14 others were removed from international wanted lists, according to the US press.The European and US signatories to the deal argued that the agreement was necessary to prevent Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons. For its part, the Islamic Republic of Iran placed emphasis on the peaceful character of its atomic strategy and its goodwill in addressing the international community's concerns.Origins of Iran's Nuclear ProgramIt was the US that helped Tehran kick off its nuclear program. It was launched in 1957 under Mohamed Reza Shahs rule within the framework of Washington's Atoms for Peace initiative. At the time, Washington and Tehran concluded a nuclear arrangement known as Cooperation Concerning Civil Uses of Atoms.In 1967, the US supplied a five-megawatt nuclear research reactor along with highly enriched uranium to Iran. At that time, Iran prohibited the development of nuclear weapons as a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, which has been in force since 1970. In 1975, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) struck an agreement with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to provide Iranians with scientific and technological training on nuclear energy.Iran's relations with the West and the US, in particular, had already been mired in controversy at that time. In August 1953, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) helped orchestrate a coup d'etat in Tehran. In the course of the notorious Operation Ajax, democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mossadegh was ousted, triggering a steady growth of anti-western sentiment in the country.The 1979 Islamic Revolution came as the apogee of the growing distrust. It resulted in the seizure of the US Embassy and the suspension of diplomatic relations between Iran and the US. Washington immediately halted its civilian nuclear cooperation agreement with the Middle Eastern nation and has since tried to hinder Iran's atomic program. Furthermore, the US declared Iran as one of the primary threats to its own interests and the interests of its regional allies and slapped a series of sanctions on the country from November 1979.Nonetheless, the Iran nuclear program continued to gain pace with Abdul Qadeer Khan, a Pakistani nuclear physicist, secretly providing Tehran with designs of a P-1 centrifuge in the 1980s. This sensitive data was instrumental in ensuring Iran's capability to enrich uranium. In 2001, the construction of the Natanz enrichment facilities began. At the 2002 IAEA General Conference, Gholam Reza Aghazadeh, president of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran revealed Tehran's intention to develop the full nuclear fuel cycle.Tehran's nuclear program prompted a storm of criticism in the West. The IAEA later claimed that Iran had conducted experiments aimed at designing a nuclear weapon until 2003. However, in 2007, the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence admitted that Iran had completely halted its alleged nuclear weapons program in the fall of 2003. CIA Director William Burns revealed on July 20, 2022, that Iran has made zero effort to create atomic arms since 2004.Iran's Nuclear Deal and Trump's AdventurismAfter the 2015 JCPOA came into force, the Islamic Republic of Iran fully abided by the provisions outlined in the agreement judging from the IAEA's quarterly reports to its board of governors and the UN Security Council on Tehran's implementation of its nuclear commitments.However, then-President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the JCPOA in 2018 and reinstated banking and oil sanctions on Iran. Trump argued the deal failed to curtail Irans ballistic missile program and its alleged "proxy warfare" in the Middle Eastern region.Tehran lashed out at Washington for reneging on its commitments and criticized European signatories to the deal, including France, the UK, Germany and the EU for submitting to US unilateralism. European powers implemented a series of limited efforts to preserve the Iran nuclear deal: France, Germany, and the UK launched a barter system (INSTEX), to conduct transactions with the Islamic Republic outside of the US banking system. According to western observers, the system wasn't efficient enough as it covered only food and medicine, which were already exempt from US restrictions.As long as the Trump administration maintained waivers for several countries to import Iranian oil, Tehran continued to abide by its commitments. However, soon Washington ended waivers and stepped up sanctions within the framework of the so-called policy of "maximum pressure" on Tehran.Iran responded by gradually loosening the JCPOA restrictions on uranium enrichment from under 5% to 60% from July 2019 to force western countries to observe their obligations under the deal. Nonetheless, the Iran nuclear program remained strictly peaceful.Later, the US press revealed that Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif held meetings with Obama's former Secretary of State John Kerry and other ex-officials "throughout the Trump years, in 2017, 2018 and 2019" to discuss the US policy and, presumably, to keep the nuclear deal alive. According to western observers, Obama veterans' effort to maintain ties with Tehran to some extent buffered the Trump administration's tough approach toward the Islamic Republic. The US media assumed that former Obama officials tried to lay the foundation for a future Democratic administration that would repair relations with Iran and revive the nuclear agreement.On his campaign trail, then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden repeatedly signaled his commitment to revive the Obama-era deal. After Biden assumed office in January 2021, his administration demonstrated readiness to restore the deal.Biden Administration's Failure to Restore JCPOAHowever, the nuclear negotiations did not start smoothly with Iran already having deep mistrust towards the US administration. On February 18, 2021, the Biden administration announced that it was ready to restart talks with Iran over the nuclear deal, while on February 25, 2021, Washington conducted strikes against alleged "Iranian-backed militia" targets in eastern Syria.The Pentagon claimed that the strikes were carried out in retaliation for rocket attacks on US facilities in Iraq over the past two weeks. However, international observers presumed at the time that the Biden administration sought to strengthen its hands in the lead up to discussions with Iran.The informal talks on restoring the JCPOA between the US and Iran reportedly began in March 2021, while on April 11, 2021, a blast damaged multiple IR-1 uranium enrichment centrifuges at the Natanz nuclear site. While it was initially believed that the site was subjected to a cyber-attack, it was later reported that the act of sabotage was performed with the use of explosives. The Biden administration said it had no involvement in the attack.Later in April 2021, official talks on the 2015 JCPOA kicked off in the Austrian capital of Vienna between Iran and the P4+1, including China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany. The US participated in the negotiations indirectly. Tehran and Washington's negotiations have repeatedly stalled, with the US refusing to take the first step and lift Trump's "maximum pressure" sanctions on Iran unless Tehran scales back its uranium enrichment activities.Nonetheless, by mid-August 2022, the "big issues" concerning the nuclear accords had been "largely settled," as US State Department spokesman Ned Price announced at the time. On August 22, 2022, EU High Representative Josep Borrell called the "final" text of the agreement "reasonable" at a press conference in the Spanish city of Santander. Borrell added that he hoped the US response would "put an end to the negotiations," after some 16 months of EU-mediated talks.However, in September 2022, National Security spokesman John Kirby revealed that Biden wanted to make sure that the US had "other available options () to potentially achieve that solid outcome of the no nuclear weapons capability for Iran" apart from the nuclear agreement.In October 2022, the US State Department abruptly signaled that the JCPOA is no longer Washington's focus. October 17, 2022, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced that the US government doesn't see "a deal coming together anytime soon." According to international observers, the Biden administration apparently sought to use protests over the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in Iran in order to force Tehran into further concessions. Washington openly supported the protests with western media amplifying the unrest by spreading uncorroborated information with regard to Amini's death.In early October, the Biden administration slapped a new batch of sanctions on Tehran over its response to the protests. The same month, Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with "activists and thought leaders focused on Iran" asking them "what more the United States could do to support" Iranian protesters apart from providing internet access. For his part, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan admitted in an interview with CNN on October 16 that the US is taking "a number of aggressive steps aimed at supporting the protesters in Iran." Tehran accused Washington of trying to foment regime change in the country.In addition, the US and its allies accused Iran of apparent drone supply to Russia during the latter's special military operation to demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine. Western powers claimed that the alleged supplies left Iran in breach of the 2015 JCPOA. Tehran and Moscow resolutely rejected the allegations of weaponry deliveries to Russia by Iran.Is There a Glimpse of Hope?Even though Iran maintained its willingness to continue talks on restoring the deal, Washington and the IAEA stepped up pressure on Tehran in November 2022. The IAEA Board of Governors issued a resolution on November 10, 2022, charging Iran with failing to cooperate with the nuclear watchdog regarding traces of uranium said to have been found at three so-called "undeclared nuclear sites."Iran dismissed the allegations referring to the fact that it had already provided reasonable answers to the IAEAs inquiries. In September 2022, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran revealed Tehran had been "fully cooperative" and provided the international watchdog with "information and answers to the nuclear agencys questions and has also held meetings to resolve the ambiguity."Still, the US, and its allies the UK, France, and Germany put forward the IAEA resolution. Russia and China voted against it.Prior to that, Washington joined Israeli-led drills simulating attacks on Irans nuclear facilities which further aggravated US-Iranian tensions.Later, a video emerged of Joe Biden declaring in early November 2022 that the nuclear energy deal with Iran is "dead": "It is dead, but we're not gonna announce it," the US president said at a campaign rally with fellow Democrat congressman Mike Levin in Oceanside, California.In early December 2022, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi stated that there is still slight hope for the revival of dialogue on the JCPOA.In late December, Iranian negotiators signaled apparent progress in the talks, stressing that the only remaining obstacle is the dispute between Iran and the IAEA over the origins and explanation of nuclear particles found at three sites in 2019. Furthermore, IAEA inspectors, led by its deputy director general for safeguards, Massimo Aparo, visited Tehran to meet the head of Irans Atomic Energy Organisation Mohammad Eslami.Moreover, EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell argued last month that the Iran nuclear deal should be separated from the disputes over the alleged human rights violations in Iran and supposed arms provision to Russia. In spite of the fact that the nuclear deal remains in a stalemate and the escalation of Irans nuclear programme is of great concern, we have to continue engaging as much as possible in trying to revive this deal," stressed Borrell. https://sputnikglobe.com/20221204/russia-hopes-us-will-return-to-revival-of-iran-nuclear-deal-source-says-1105025422.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20170624/cia-regime-change-middle-east-1054946121.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20220721/observers-cia-chiefs-bombshell-remark-confirms-us-anti-iran-sanctions-were-never-backed-by-proof-1097670080.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20221019/why-are-the-us-and-eu-upending-the-iran-nuclear-deal-1102076571.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20220722/how-multipolar-order-presents-antidote-to-washingtons-sanctions-against-iran-1097703219.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20221210/iaea-head-says-glimmer-of-hope-remains-to-restore-dialogue-on-jcpoa-revival-1105334434.html iran Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Ekaterina Blinova Ekaterina Blinova News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Ekaterina Blinova iran nuclear deal framework, jcpoa, iran nuclear deal russia, who negotiated the iran nuclear deal, who withdrew from the iran nuclear deal, iran nuclear deal latest news, vienna nuclear talks https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/israel-should-not-take-revenge-on-palestine-for-icj-appeal-says-un-secretary-general-1106413272.html Israel Should Not Take Revenge on Palestine For ICJ Appeal Says UN Secretary General Israel Should Not Take Revenge on Palestine For ICJ Appeal Says UN Secretary General UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Israel should not take revenge on the Palestinian Authority over Palestine's appeal to the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ)... 16.01.2023, Sputnik International 2023-01-16T21:30+0000 2023-01-16T21:30+0000 2023-01-16T21:30+0000 world israel palestine antonio guterres /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e6/0c/08/1105175399_0:0:3072:1728_1920x0_80_0_0_40d89b9d64b39e642df9acc5824c8f94.jpg In early January, the Israeli government took a number of measures against the Palestinian authorities due to the adoption of a UN General Assembly resolution following Palestine's appeal that called on the ICJ to issue a legal opinion on the consequences of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories. Specifically, the Israeli government decided to freeze construction for Palestine in Area C in the West Bank and withhold part of the funds intended for the Palestinians in the amount of $39 million in favor of the families of Israelis who died due to the actions of Palestinian armed groups, The Jerusalem Post newspaper reported. Tremblay told a briefing that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was against any retaliation against the Palestinian Authority in the context of the situation with the ICJ. The spokeswoman added that Guterres noted "with deep concern" the recent measures taken by Israel against the Palestinian Authority, and again called on the parties to refrain from unilateral steps that undermine bilateral confidence, as well as the path to the resumption of the political process between the two states. Relations between Israel and Palestine have been adversarial since the founding of Israel in 1948. Palestinians seek diplomatic recognition of their independent state on the territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which is partially occupied by Israel, and the Gaza Strip. The Israeli government refuses to recognize Palestine as an independent political and diplomatic entity, and builds settlements in the occupied areas despite objections from the UN. israel Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International israel, palestine, antonio guterres https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/italian-police-arrest-sicilys-cosa-nostra-mafia-boss-1106392956.html Italian Police Arrest Sicily's Cosa Nostra Mafia Boss Italian Police Arrest Sicily's Cosa Nostra Mafia Boss The kingpin, who claimed that he had filled the whole cemetery by himself, has been on the run for almost three decades. 2023-01-16T10:55+0000 2023-01-16T10:55+0000 2023-03-05T11:00+0000 world mafia cosa nostra kingpin italy /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/104895/76/1048957667_0:0:3500:1969_1920x0_80_0_0_60d542aca251908c204b3c1bef9c816e.jpg Italian Carabinieri police have arrested Matteo Messina Denaro, who is accused of being a boss of Sicilys Cosa Nostra mafia. He was detained at a private hospital in Palermo, Sicily, where he was receiving treatment,In 2002, Denaro was sentenced in absentia to a life term for orchestrating the murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino in 1992.He also faces a life sentence for organizing bomb attacks in Rome, Milan and Florence that claimed ten lives in 1993. Denaro was nicknamed Diabolik (Devilish, Fiendish) and was infamous for his cruelty. In March 1993, he was summoned to the court to testify, prompting him to flee. His whereabouts have remained unknown until now.Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni congratulated the law enforcement officers and called the operation a great victory for the state. She stressed that her government will keep fighting organized crime without letup. https://sputnikglobe.com/20220106/one-of-italys-most-wanted-criminals-arrested-thanks-to-google-street-view-1092056740.html italy Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International kingpin arrested, italian mafia, italian police, life sentence, cosa nostra mafia https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/japan-india-start-air-defense-military-drills-near-tokyo-1106389389.html Japan, India Start Air Defense Military Drills Near Tokyo Japan, India Start Air Defense Military Drills Near Tokyo Japan and India have started the Veer Guardian joint military exercises in the vicinity of Tokyo, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) said on Monday. 2023-01-16T07:40+0000 2023-01-16T07:40+0000 2023-04-06T12:15+0000 military japan self-defence forces india indian army drills japan /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e5/06/14/1083192954_0:161:3069:1887_1920x0_80_0_0_04ddc46836676889c2ed5716f59c6ee6.jpg The drills are taking place at the military bases of the Air Rescue Wing Hyakuri Detachment located in the Japanese prefecture of Ibaraki and at Iruma air base in Saitama Prefecture, the statement read. The exercises involve four Japanese Mitsubishi F-2 fighters and four US McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle tactical fighters, the JASDF said. India has provided 150 military personnel, four Russian Sukhoi Su-30MKI multirole air fighters and two US Boeing C-17 Globemaster III large transport aircraft, the statement added. The joint military exercises will run through January 26, according to the Japanese military. japan Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International japan, japan self-defense forces, india, indian army, drills Air Raid Warnings Issued in Several Regions in Eastern Ukraine Air raid warnings have been issued in the Kharkov, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy, Poltava, and Kirovograd regions in eastern Ukraine, according to the online air raid alert map of the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation. Russia began striking Ukrainian infrastructure on October 10, 2022, two days after Ukraine's terrorist attack on Russia's Crimean Bridge. The strikes are carried out on power, defense industry, military command and communications facilities across Ukraine. After strikes on November 15, 2022, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said nearly half of the country's power grid was put out of service. In December 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky said it was now impossible to completely restore the Ukrainian power grid. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/main-dutch-airport-cuts-14500-flights-due-to-influx-of-travelers---reports-1106412636.html Main Dutch Airport Cuts 14,500 Flights Due to Influx of Travelers Main Dutch Airport Cuts 14,500 Flights Due to Influx of Travelers PARIS (Sputnik) - The main international airport of the Netherlands, Amsterdam's Schiphol airport, has cut 14,500 flights due to the influx of passengers after... 16.01.2023, Sputnik International 2023-01-16T19:50+0000 2023-01-16T19:50+0000 2023-01-16T19:51+0000 world travel restrictions flight cancellations amsterdam /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/102008/05/1020080524_0:0:4000:2251_1920x0_80_0_0_4a5dfef5487a35e25dae8cdb2702a04f.jpg The Dutch government previously announced plans to reduce the number of flights at Schiphol from 500,000 to 440,000 a year. Despite the fact that this EU procedure is still under consideration, the airport has already begun to cut its flight movements. At the same time, the airport's spokesperson said that the reductions were not related to the government's plans, according to De Telegraaf. The airport is planning to reduce the number of flights by 40,000 by the end of 2023, the report said. After the lifting of restrictions imposed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Schiphol faced a large inflow of travelers, but the airport was not ready to handle such a load due to security personnel shortages. In the summer of 2022, Schiphol canceled hundreds of flights due to the lack of employees and introduced passenger traffic restrictions to avoid queues. amsterdam Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International travel restrictions, flight cancellations, amsterdam You are here: Business Sales of Chinese-brand passenger vehicles jumped 22.8 percent in 2022 amid domestic automobile manufacturers' bid to upgrade products, industry data showed. Last year, about 11.77 million domestic-brand passenger vehicles were sold, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. The market share of these cars reached 49.9 percent, up 5.4 percentage points year on year. Aiming at opportunities in the fields of new-energy vehicles and intelligent networks, Chinese automakers have promoted electrification and intelligent upgrading of vehicles and optimized the structure of products in recent years to attract more consumers, said the association. The international development of Chinese auto companies has also constantly enhanced the influence of domestic brands, it added. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/man-arrested-in-uk-as-part-of-probe-into-uranium-detection-at-heathrow-airport-1106388419.html Man Arrested in UK as Part of Probe Into Uranium Detection at Heathrow Airport Man Arrested in UK as Part of Probe Into Uranium Detection at Heathrow Airport A 60-year-old man has been arrested and released on bail in the United Kingdom as part of the ongoing investigation into uranium detection at London's Heathrow Airport in December 2022, London's Metropolitan Police said. 2023-01-16T06:30+0000 2023-01-16T06:30+0000 2023-01-16T06:30+0000 world uk heathrow airport terrorism /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e5/07/11/1083403003_0:0:3072:1728_1920x0_80_0_0_11564a456885a446cb3d542cd40c9ddd.jpg The police added that the suspect had been taken to a police station in northwest England but later released "on bail until a date in April." He was detained on suspicion of an offense under the 2006 Terrorism Act, according to the statement. Commander Richard Smith said that the incident "was clearly of concern," but still did not "appear to be linked to any direct threat to the public." On December 29, 2022, traces of uranium were detected at Heathrow Airport during a routine screening. On January 11, the counter-terrorism unit of London's Metropolitan Police Service announced an investigation in connection with the uranium package detected at the airport. According to law enforcement officers, the package was from Oman. The amount of uranium was extremely small and did not pose any threat to people. The package originated in Pakistan before arriving at Heathrow aboard an Oman Air passenger jet from Muscat, according to British media. heathrow airport Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International uranium at heathrow airport, terrorism at uk, london`s metropolitan police, uranium incident at airport https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/russian-mission-in-geneva-pay-attention-to-fate-of-arrested-sputnik-editor-1106412080.html Russian Mission in Geneva to UN Commissioner: Pay Attention to Fate of Arrested Sputnik Editor Russian Mission in Geneva to UN Commissioner: Pay Attention to Fate of Arrested Sputnik Editor GENEVA (Sputnik) - The Russian Permanent Mission in Geneva demanded that UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk and UN Special Rapporteur Irene Khan... 16.01.2023, Sputnik International 2023-01-16T18:48+0000 2023-01-16T18:48+0000 2023-01-16T18:49+0000 russia sputnik latvia journalist arrested journalists russian detained journalists /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/10/1106411514_0:309:3007:2000_1920x0_80_0_0_6aaffad6442e473bbeae0c1e77bd57aa.jpg The diplomat called the actions of the Latvian authorities, who arrested the journalist, a rough fight against alternative points of view and an attempt to intimidate "dissident" media. The permanent mission expects to receive a reaction to the political persecution of representatives of the Russian-speaking journalistic community in Latvia, he added. Kasem is a citizen of Latvia and has been living and working in Moscow for several years in the Rossiya Segodnya media group, which also includes Sputnik Lithuania. On December 30, the journalist arrived in Latvia for family reasons. According to Sputnik Lithuania, he was detained, and on January 5, the Riga court took him into custody, the journalist has already been transferred to the Riga Central Prison. The Russian Foreign Ministry said earlier that the detention of Kasem in Latvia is the revenge of the dictatorial regimes for his adherence to principles and constitutes terror against dissent. Russian Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova called the detention of the editor-in-chief of Sputnik Lithuania an attack on freedom of speech and appealed to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The head of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Vladimir Solovyov, commenting on the situation, told RIA Novosti that the UJR considers this one of the most serious violations and will send information about what is happening to all international journalistic human rights organizations. The Russian Foreign Ministry said earlier that Kasem's detention is a revenge of dictatorial regimes. Rossiya Segodnya Director General Dmitry Kiselev said that the detention of Kasem was an act of revenge against Russian media. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230112/russia-to-seek-sputnik-lithuania-editors-release-via-international-organizations-1106250637.html latvia Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International sputnik, latvia, journalist, arrested journalists, russian detained journalists . If you do not agree with the blocking, please use the Access to the chat has been blocked for violating the rules . You will be able to participate again through:. If you do not agree with the blocking, please use the feedback form The discussion is closed. You can participate in the discussion within 24 hours after the publication of the article. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/skorean-presidents-approval-rating-drops-below-40-1106394255.html S.Korean President's Approval Rating Drops Below 40% S.Korean President's Approval Rating Drops Below 40% South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol's approval rating has dropped below 40% for the first time in five weeks. 2023-01-16T10:15+0000 2023-01-16T10:15+0000 2023-01-16T10:15+0000 world south korea seoul approval ratings survey disapproval /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e6/02/14/1093214779_0:52:3072:1780_1920x0_80_0_0_87fb7a23565a473e94f9c30a97d771f1.jpg The survey conducted among 2,508 adults from January 9-13, showed that only 39.3% of South Korean citizens positively assessed Yoon's performance a 1.6 percentage points decrease compared to the week before, South Korean news agency reported. Meanwhile, Yoon's disapproval rating stood at 58.4%, rising by 2.5 percentage points over the same period, according to the media outlet. Realmeter attributed the drop in a positive assessment of Yoon's performance to his dispute with Na that took place after she offered to resign as vice head of the presidential committee on low birthrates since her policy had come into contradiction with Yoon's administration, the news agency reported. The president has removed Na from the post and also dismissed her as ambassador for climate and environment. Yoon's decision has been perceived as his opposition to Na potentially running for PPP leader, according to Yonhap. The decrease in Yoon's approval rating is also likely to be driven by the president's belligerent remarks on North Korea, a senior analyst at the pollster said, without specifying what statement was being referred to. south korea seoul Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International approval rating, disapproval rating, yoon suk yeol, dispute with na kyung-won https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/somali-army-captures-port-from-al-shabaab-terrorists-reports-1106407623.html Somali Army Captures Port From Al-Shabaab Terrorists: Reports Somali Army Captures Port From Al-Shabaab Terrorists: Reports The Somali armed forces have captured the strategically important port town of Harardere, which was under the control of the Al-Shabaab terrorist group, local media reported on Monday, citing the country's defense minister. 2023-01-16T17:51+0000 2023-01-16T17:51+0000 2023-01-16T17:51+0000 africa somalia al-shabaab /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/105554/82/1055548227_0:0:4200:2364_1920x0_80_0_0_9c1dee1fe81038f3c4385b6f77bf6f17.jpg Somali Defense Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur confirmed that the countrys army and locals have seized the strategic coastal town of Harardhere in Mudug region. It was the last district in the region that was under al-Shabaabs control, Somali National Television reported. It added that Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre thanked the army and locals for taking control of the port. Al-Shabaab is a Somali-based Islamist insurgent group with links to the al-Qaeda* terrorist group. The group has long been leading an insurgency against the Somalian federal government, staging numerous attacks in an effort to impose a radical version of Sharia law in the country.*Terroris groups banned in Russia and many other countries https://sputnikglobe.com/20230108/al-shabaab-terrorist-group-seeks-dialogue-somali-govt-says--1106123657.html africa somalia Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International somali armed forces, al-shabaab terrorist group, port town of harardere https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/south-african-president-to-skip-davos-forum-amid-energy-crisis-1106398928.html South African President to Skip Davos Forum Amid Energy Crisis South African President to Skip Davos Forum Amid Energy Crisis South African President Cyril Ramaphosa will not attend this weeks World Economic Forum in Davos due to the urgency to step up efforts to combat energy crisis at home, his spokesperson said. 2023-01-16T13:59+0000 2023-01-16T13:59+0000 2023-01-16T13:59+0000 africa 2023 world economic forum in davos davos south africa southern africa cyril ramaphosa /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e6/0a/1b/1102772228_0:0:2973:1672_1920x0_80_0_0_e1d4f6f5cfa465e4cfd889d6e564bc17.jpg "Due to the ongoing energy crisis, President @CyrilRamaphosa has cancelled his working visit to the World Economic Forum in Davos," Vincent Magwenya tweeted on Sunday. Ramaphosa is expected to meet with leaders of major political parties as well as with the National Energy Crisis Committee and the board of the state-run energy company Eskom, Africas largest power utility. Eskom introduced energy rationing in November to reduce power consumption after seeing energy prices spike amid the Wests standoff with Russia over Ukraine. Energy supply will be on the agenda of the Davos summit, hosted by Switzerland from January 16-20.The theme of the forthcoming meeting of the Davos Forum is "Cooperation in a Fragmented World." The Forum's agenda is dedicated to public-private partnerships to address the world's most pressing issues, and encourages world leaders to work together on energy, climate and trade issues. africa south africa southern africa Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International 2023 world economic forum in davos, davos, south africa, southern africa, cyril ramaphosa https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/stoltenberg-crucial-phase-of-ukraine-conflict-calls-for-heavy-arms-supplies-1106386091.html Fuelling the Fire? Stoltenberg Calls for More Arms to Ukraine Amid Crucial Phase of Conflict Fuelling the Fire? Stoltenberg Calls for More Arms to Ukraine Amid Crucial Phase of Conflict NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg believes that the West will boost its heavy hardware supplies to Ukraine in the near future. 2023-01-16T04:26+0000 2023-01-16T04:26+0000 2023-01-16T10:54+0000 russia's special operation in ukraine nato ukraine jens stoltenberg arms /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/102152/86/1021528687_0:107:2048:1259_1920x0_80_0_0_fd24735631ee036f2e53f5986adc4857.jpg "We are in a crucial phase of the war," Stoltenberg said in a Sunday interview with a German newspaper. "It is therefore important that we provide Ukraine with the weapons it needs to win," he added. Stoltenberg argued that military support for Ukraine is the fastest way to peace and praised the decisions of the US and Germany to equip Ukrainian troops with armored personnel carriers, as well as the readiness of France to supply light battle tanks to Ukraine. The NATO Secretary General said that, at the upcoming meeting of allies at the US Ramstein Air Base in Germany on January 20, further decisions would have to be made regarding Western arms supplies to Kiev. "The recent commitments for heavy hardware are important - and I expect more in the near future," Stoltenberg told Handelsblatt. Earlier on Sunday, Armin Papperger, the CEO of German defense company Rheinmetall, said that his company has 22 Leopard 2 tanks and 88 Leopard 1 tanks, but it would take about a year to prepare them for shipment to Ukraine. On Wednesday, Stoltenberg said that NATO member countries and their allies should provide more advanced military equipment to Ukraine faster, following reports of Russia gaining control over the city of Soledar in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). In April 2022, Moscow sent a note to NATO member states condemning their military assistance to Kiev. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned that any arms shipments on Ukrainian territory would be "legitimate targets" for Russian forces. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230115/german-defense-company-rheinmetall-unable-to-supply-leopard-tanks-to-kiev-in-2023-ceo-says-1106347587.html ukraine Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International ukraine conflict, western arms in ukraine, nato's aid to kiev, stoltenberg on nato's weapons in ukraine https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/ten-years-since-algerias-in-amenas-hostage-crisis-how-events-unfolded-1106404874.html Ten Years Since Algeria's In Amenas Hostage Crisis: How Events Unfolded Ten Years Since Algeria's In Amenas Hostage Crisis: How Events Unfolded The article is dedicated to the event that occurred ten years ago on January 16, 2013, as a terrorist group associated with the Al-Qaeda jihadist organization, seized control over an oil and gas complex in the town of In Amenas in eastern Algeria, taking several hundred of people hostage. 2023-01-16T16:28+0000 2023-01-16T16:28+0000 2023-01-22T08:02+0000 africa north africa algeria terrorism terrorist attack algiers hostage africa in details /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/10/1106404221_0:160:3073:1888_1920x0_80_0_0_305512ec37167d97dfb46a9f89a14883.jpg The incident started in the early morning of January 16, 2013. About 32 Islamists in four to five vehicles, who had come to Algeria from Mali and Libya, attacked two buses transporting workers from a natural gas plant to the airport in In Amenas in far eastern Algeria, about 60 kilometers west of the border with Libya. During the attack, the militants killed a number of the employees. Then, heavily armed militant gunmen in Toyota Land Cruisers stormed the entrance of the gas plant and accommodation blocks, where many workers had been preparing for their shift. Apart from that, the militants attacked the Central Processing Facility. They rigged the plant with explosives, claiming that any attempts to save the hostages "will end tragically."The terrorists had inside intelligence and detailed plans of the 15-hectare site. The gas field is operated by the Algerian state oil company Sonatrach with the British firm BP and the Norwegian firm Statoil. For several hours, the gunmen hunted for foreigners which were working at the site along with Algerians, taking them hostages and killing those who tried to run away. Some of the hostages had explosives strapped around their necks or waists. The main goal of the terrorists was to capture as many foreigners as possible and transport them to Mali to use them as hostages in negotiations on the termination of the international military operation against the Islamists in this country. Several Algerians helped to hide foreigners, giving them their clothes.The terrorists also planned to blow up the gas processing plant.By the afternoon, the world was provided with little information on the hostage crisis carried out by an Islamist group called "Those who Sign with Blood." Later, it was found that the terrorist group consisted mainly of Tunisians (11 people), Egyptians (seven), and Malians (five). In addition, it included three Algerian citizens and immigrants from Canada, Niger, and Mauritania. The well-known smuggler and leader of the terrorist group Mokhtar Belmokhtar, who was in northern Mali at the time, led the training of militants in Niger and their activities.Rescue OperationThe Algerian military, despite its initial intentions not to engage in negotiations with terrorists, nevertheless held preliminary talks with the leaders of the group, taking into account the number of foreign hostages. According to the authorities, when it became clear that negotiations were useless, elite units of the army intervened.By early morning of the next day, the Algerian Armed Forces surrounded the site and fired at it from helicopters, destroying the militants' vehicles by which they were planning to transfer the hostages. During the first military assault in the area of the residential part of the site, in the living quarters, the forces managed to help hundreds of employees of the gas complex escape and prevent the plant from being blown up. The operation of the military was complicated by extremely unfavorable conditions as the gas complex, in which 790 employees worked and lived, including 134 foreigners from 26 countries from across the world. It included residential buildings, as well as huge rooms with the equipment of a gas processing plant, where the terrorists who survived the first assault took refuge. With seven foreign hostages, the bandits barricaded themselves in one of the rooms, after blowing up the approaches to it.The Final Assault & End of SiegeThe final assault began on the morning of January 19. The special forces were able to get close to the place, where the militants with hostages were hiding, and offered the bandits the opportunity to surrender. The terrorists, who realized their failure, managed to execute seven foreign citizens and then were shot by the special forces.The military seized a significant arsenal of weapons from the terrorists, including six automatic rifles, 21 Kalashnikov assault rifles, two rifles with optical sights, grenade launchers, portable rocket launchers with shells and hand grenades. During the operation, the Algerian military rescued 685 Algerians and 107 foreigners, while 29 terrorists were eliminated and three were taken into custody. The victims of the terrorist attack were 37 hostages from eight countries, including the United States, the UK, France, Japan, Romania, Malaysia, Norway and the Philippines. The attack had far-reaching consequences. In particular, lawsuits were filed against BP in the UK and the US as they failed to protect their staff and ensure their safety at the Algerian facility. The state company Sonatrach closed two of its three facilities in the area following the incident. On February 22, 2013, the company on behalf of the joint venture started up a limited production at the In Amenas plant. Full production recommenced in September 2014. In France and the UK, criminal cases in connection with the incident were opened. As part of the British investigation, 69 witnesses were questioned and 73 pieces of physical evidence examined. The three terrorists who were captured are serving their sentences in Algerian correctional facilities. It turned out that they had been already wanted for other crimes.* terrorist organization outlawed in Russia and many other states. africa north africa algeria algiers Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Maria Konokhova Maria Konokhova News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Maria Konokhova algeria, hostage-taking, terrorist attack, al-qaeda, in amenas hostage crisis, terrorism, hostages https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/thousands-of-students-protest-against-judicial-reform-in-israel-1106412762.html Thousands of Students Protest Against Judicial Reform in Israel Thousands of Students Protest Against Judicial Reform in Israel MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Thousands of students held protests across Israel against the government's newly proposed judicial reform, Israeli media reported on Monday. 16.01.2023, Sputnik International 2023-01-16T20:19+0000 2023-01-16T20:19+0000 2023-01-16T20:19+0000 world israel tel aviv university tel aviv israeli supreme court protests /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/0e/1106306598_0:147:3073:1875_1920x0_80_0_0_1472eb70e07ded7cf06b720ad3e4a35f.jpg The protests were held on Monday at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, the University of Haifa and dozens of other educational institutions. At the same time, some students held alternative actions in support of the government's plans, the Times of Israel newspaper said. Four students at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem were arrested after blocking a road and refusing to comply with police instructions, the Haaretz newspaper said, citing authorities. On January 4, Israeli Justice Minister Yariv Levin rolled out a legal reform package that would limit the authority of the High Court of Justice and give the cabinet control over the selection of new judges. The planned overhaul sparked public criticism and prompted a wave of protests. On Saturday, around 80,000 Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv to protest the contested judicial reform plan. A similar rally last week was attended by over 10,000 people. israel tel aviv Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International israel, tel aviv university, tel aviv, israeli supreme court, protests https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/turkish-foreign-minister-calls-on-us-to-maintain-balance-in-relations-with-turkey-greece-1106407092.html Turkish Foreign Minister Calls on US to Maintain Balance in Relations With Turkey, Greece Turkish Foreign Minister Calls on US to Maintain Balance in Relations With Turkey, Greece Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Monday called on the United States to maintain balance in its relations with Turkey and Greece. 2023-01-16T17:38+0000 2023-01-16T17:38+0000 2023-01-16T17:49+0000 world us turkiye f-35 greece /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e6/04/14/1094900053_0:0:3073:1728_1920x0_80_0_0_1f76f1e49d15b023951512a9104bed7c.jpg The US has abandoned its course toward balanced relations between Greece and Turkey in recent years, which affects the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, Cavusoglu said during a press conference with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bisera Turkovic. He added that Washington's rejection of the arms embargo on Greek Cyprus was also deteriorating the situation on the island. Turkey and Greece have been at odds for decades, with the risk of an armed conflict arising several times since 2020. Disputed issues include competing territorial claims in the Eastern Mediterranean, in particular in the region of the Aegean Sea, the Greek-Turkish divide in Cyprus, and the delimitation of maritime borders. Turkey has repeatedly accused Greece of deploying weapons on the Aegean islands in violation of the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230107/president-erdogan-says-greece-should-abandon-anti-turkish-plans-in-aegean-sea-1106118432.html turkiye greece Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International mevlut cavusoglu, turkish-greeg relations, us-turkey relations, f-35 sale, f-35 for turkey, f-35 to turkey You are here: China Law enforcement authorities from China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand joined forces on Sunday for the start of the 125th Mekong River joint patrol. Two Chinese vessels departed Sunday morning from Jingha Port in southwest China's Yunnan Province for the mission. The patrol, expected to last four days and three nights, will focus on tackling cross-border crimes to ensure safety and stability along the river. The Mekong River -- known as the Lancang River in China -- is a vital waterway for cross-border shipping. The four countries have been conducting joint patrols on the river since December 2011. In 2022, law enforcement authorities from the four countries carried out 12 joint patrols, sending more than 200 ships and 2,700 law-enforcement personnel. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/uk-govt-decides-to-block-scotlands-gender-recognition-reform-bill-1106413013.html UK Gov't Decides to Block Scotland's Gender Recognition Reform Bill UK Gov't Decides to Block Scotland's Gender Recognition Reform Bill MOSCOW (Sputnik) - UK's Secretary of State for Scotland Alister Jack said on Monday that he decided to block Scotland's reform bill that would allow people to... 16.01.2023, Sputnik International 2023-01-16T20:44+0000 2023-01-16T20:44+0000 2023-01-16T20:44+0000 world nicola sturgeon scotland united kingdom alister jack trans rights /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e5/03/08/1082286169_0:109:3072:1837_1920x0_80_0_0_84f2f1837a0a90f75bc26c9a57903cc1.jpg In late December, the Scottish Parliament passed the gender recognition reform bill by 86 votes to 39. The reform would lower the age at which a person can change the gender on their identification papers from 18 to 16 years. After several days of discussions, the lawmakers were able to vote only on 60 amendments out of 153. Jack added that after careful and thorough consideration of all relevant recommendations and policy implications, he became concerned that the legislation would have a negative impact on UK-wide equality legislation. The bill, proposed by Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon several years ago, has drawn praise and criticism from different segments of the public. On Sunday, dozens of demonstrators, speaking both for and against the bill, gathered near the Scottish Parliament during the lawmakers' discussion of the latest amendments. Many Scottish residents believe that passing such a bill means that Scottish law will now be different from the rest of the UK. According to the bill, a person who wishes to obtain a legal gender recognition certificate (GRC) is no longer required to have a confirmed diagnosis of gender dysphoria. A person who wants to change genders must provide evidence only that they have lived in the desired "acquired gender" for three months instead of the previously required two years. For minors, this period will be six months. Another three month reflection period will be given to possibly reconsider the decision.Sturgeon, who previously accused the UK Government of using trans people as a "political weapon" criticized the announcement on Twitter. scotland united kingdom Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International nicola sturgeon, scotland, united kingdom, alister jack, trans rights https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/ukraine-is-test-lab-for-western-weapons-in-every-sense-report-1106390198.html Ukraine is Test Lab for Western Weapons In Every Sense, US Media Says Ukraine is Test Lab for Western Weapons In Every Sense, US Media Says Moscow has repeatedly warned Washington and its allies against providing Kiev with arms, something that the Kremlin says contributes to further escalating the Ukrainian conflict. 2023-01-16T10:40+0000 2023-01-16T10:40+0000 2023-01-17T14:53+0000 world ukraine russia us weapons special operation /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/10/1106389525_0:160:3073:1888_1920x0_80_0_0_aea04dcb0e830bfbe22edb7f547ff128.jpg Ukraine has become a testbed for western weapons which do not always live up to expectations and may finally become a thing of the past, a US media outlet has reported.The outlet claimed that the Ukrainian conflict offered the United States and its allies a rare opportunity to study how their own weapons systems perform under intense use.Another insider told the outlet that some sophisticated systems delivered to Kiev, including the Switchblade 300 drone and a missile designed to target enemy radar systems, have turned out to be less effective on the battlefield than anticipated.The insider argued that one lesson that Washington may take from the Ukrainian conflict is that towed artillery like the M777 howitzer system supplied to Kiev may be never used in the future due to the fact that the system is harder to move quickly to avoid return fire.Since the beginning of the year, the US and its allies have delivered more than $40 billion in military assistance to Kiev. Moscow has repeatedly warned against providing Kiev with arms, something that the Kremlin says contributes to further escalation of the Ukraine conflict.Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, for his part, underlined that the Ukrainian conflict had become another pretext for the US and its allies to unleash an economic and information war against Moscow in order to deplete it strategically.Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, following a request from the Donbass republics to protect them from Kiev attacks. https://sputnikglobe.com/20221205/we-havent-got-this-figured-out-yet-pentagon-says-of-ukraine-aid-as-us-runs-low-on-arms-to-send-1105072454.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20221207/how-much-money-has-us-sent-to-ukraine-1105168159.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20221213/nato-faces-very-real-arms-shortages-due-to-ukraine-conflict-aims-to-fill-gap-us-envoy-says-1105426924.html ukraine russia Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Oleg Burunov https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e4/09/0b/1080424846_0:0:2048:2048_100x100_80_0_0_3d7b461f8a98586fa3fe739930816aea.jpg Oleg Burunov https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e4/09/0b/1080424846_0:0:2048:2048_100x100_80_0_0_3d7b461f8a98586fa3fe739930816aea.jpg News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Oleg Burunov https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e4/09/0b/1080424846_0:0:2048:2048_100x100_80_0_0_3d7b461f8a98586fa3fe739930816aea.jpg a testbed for western weapons, russian special military operation in ukraine, western arms supplies to ukraine https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/ukrainian-syndrome-anatomy-of-a-modern-military-confrontation--1106400146.html Ukrainian Syndrome. Anatomy of a Modern Military Confrontation Ukrainian Syndrome. Anatomy of a Modern Military Confrontation Listening to many Western politicians, it seems completely impossible to understand the sense and mechanisms of the conflict in modern Ukraine. Take US President Biden. He denies the direct involvement of US troops in the conflict but at the same time he mentions on every occasion the billions in weapons the US supplies to the country. 2023-01-16T14:17+0000 2023-01-16T14:17+0000 2023-01-16T16:05+0000 analysis ukraine russia us /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/10/1106399959_0:160:3073:1888_1920x0_80_0_0_efc6ba1e9dd9a13a7a367f817affb5c4.jpg If billions are spent for military purposes in Ukraine, it means Ukrainian interests are extremely important for the US. But the US army does not want to fight there. So probably they are not so important, after all. And what about these weapon supplies worth billions of dollars? Are they donations? Is it a profitable business? Investments? Some political combination? No answers, only smoke.Or take the most recent revelations by German ex-Chancellor Merkel that the Minsk Agreements were just an attempt to give Ukraine time. Which means no one was ever going to establish peace in Ukraine. So, Russia was deceived. But what was the purpose? To protect Ukraine or to invade it themselves? Why did they need this deception if they could simply implement what was recommended by Germany? Or did Germany deliberately recommend something that could never be implemented? We could go as far as asking if political swindlers could be drawn to accountability, but it seems much more relevant today to start clearing the smoke around the current situation. That is how it has played out, anyway. But what were the root causes? And how can we get out of this situation, that is getting ever more dangerous? So let us begin our analysis by looking at the origins.What Was the Outcome of the Cold War?The beginning of a new war usually finds its origin in the end of a previous one. The Ukraine conflict was preceded by the Cold War. The answer to the question about its outcome will bring us closer to understanding of the essence of the current conflict, one which extends beyond Ukraine and affects many countries. The thing is that Western countries and the countries of the post-Soviet space, primarily Russia, have different perceptions of the outcome of this conflict.The West definitely considers itself as a winner and Russia as a defeated party. Since, in their eyes, Russia was defeated, then the territories of the former USSR and the Eastern Bloc are the legitimate prey of the US and NATO and are subject to control by the West under the motto Woe to the Conquered! Hence Ukraine is in the zone of influence of the US and NATO, and certainly not Russia. So, any of Russias claims to at least any influence on Ukrainian politics and protection of its interests in the region are groundless and a clear infringement on the interests of the US and NATO. We no longer have to view the world through a prism of East-West relations. The Cold War is over declared Margaret Thatcher in the early 1990s. It means the position of the East, of Russia, is no longer relevant. There is one vector, one master of the universe, one winner.Russia has a completely different view of this process. In no way does it consider itself as a defeated party. The end of the Cold War was brought about by democratic reforms of political and economic life, and military confrontation was replaced by trade and integration with the West. So, if ones former foe becomes a friend today, is it not a victory? Besides, the USSR and then the Russian Federation never had the goal of winning the Cold War but rather exiting the military confrontation between East and West that could have ended with a nuclear catastrophe. Moscow, together with Washington, found this way out, having reached the goals not so much for themselves as for the whole world.This way out by no means implied that the West would take over the East and subordinate the post-Soviet space in economic, legal and cultural respects. Quite the contrary: it implied equal cooperation and joint work to build a new political and economic reality. So, there are clearly two different attitudes to the outcome of the Cold War: the triumph of the winners, on the one part, and building a new world and a new civilization, on the other. The difference between these two attitudes would predetermine the developments that followed.New World or New Western Colonies?In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed, but in 1992 the European Union was established something the post-Soviet space including Russia associated big hopes with. Here, at last, there seemed to be a new world, a new supranational body, a new turn in the history of Western civilization. Russia, just like other states of the former Eastern Bloc and the USSR, saw itself in the future as an equal member of this Union. The vision of Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok was born.In this context, Russia welcomed not only the reunification of Germany but also the accession of its former allies and even former Soviet republics to the EU. In the 1990s, economic integration with the West was a priority for Russia; Moscow considered it as key to its success as a modern state. The Russian leadership had no particular desire to bind to itself the former Soviet republics, including Ukraine. Most of the Soviet republics had lived off subsidies from the central government, in other words, Russia. So, the leaders of these countries were given a friendly pat on the shoulder while Moscow sought to get rid of their economic burden as soon as possible.Faster than Ukraine, Russia began to integrate into the European market. Russia had vast volumes of energy resources that are in demand in Europe, while Ukraine, on the contrary, couldnt afford to buy energy resources at European prices. Ukrainian independence could well have ended with an economic meltdown but for the South-East, where heavy fighting is going on right now. With its vast production facilities and advanced industry, the South-East helped Ukraine find its place in the international division of labor. One would not normally mention this fact, but in the 1990s it was the Russian-speaking South-East that saved the economic and hence political independence of Ukraine.Now let us turn to something different. Since the 1990s, a series of major ethnic conflicts and wars involving millions of people emerged in Europe and close to its borders. Until 1991, there had not been such a big number of ethnic clashes. All of this led to the break-up of Yugoslavia and loss by Georgia, Moldova and Syria of their territorial integrity. This does not make any sense if we look at it from the perspective of European integration. The goal of this union was not the fragmentation of Europe into a multitude of small states, but quite the contrary: the creation of a huge supranational union of nations, and these nations would not have to exterminate each other, nor to multiply the borders, but rather build a new world together. So, what was wrong here?It only seems wrong if one relies on the concept that Russia used to stick to. And if one proceeds from the concept of the victory of the West in the Cold War, then ethnic conflicts acquire a completely different meaning. The latter was articulated on numerous occasions, e.g., at the meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on October 24, 1995, when US President Bill Clinton said: Using the blunders of Soviet diplomacy, the extreme arrogance of Gorbachev and his entourage, including those who openly took a pro-American position, we achieved what President Truman was going to do with the Soviet Union through the atomic bomb.It suggests that far from all Western politicians wanted to build a new and just world. Their goal was to defeat the adversary the USSR, Yugoslavia and other states. In this sense, the escalation of interethnic conflicts seems only logical, as they weaken the adversary and in the case of a victory, they help to dismember the country to make it easier for the winner to take over.Under these circumstances, the real state of affairs does not play any role. The situation is being deliberately escalated. On the one hand, representatives of the titular nation are being declared as organizers of the genocide, annihilating the foreign language and culture and performing ethnic cleansing. On the other hand, representatives of the national minority living in communities in certain parts of the country are being declared separatists and a threat to the state. This tactic dates back to ancient times and was used by the Roman Empire. But the building of a new slaveholding empire is not something we are witnessing these days, is it? Or probably Washington, for example, does consider the post-Soviet space as some provinces of a greater empire that already have their metropole and should be protected from Barbarians who do not want to be under the control of this empire?So, there are two political strategies: the economic and political integration of the countries with mutual benefit at the cornerstone, and the take-over of some countries by the others, with zero respect for the interests of the states that are being taken over. Such countries can be dismembered, declared rogue states or conquered.Let us elaborate on this in more detail. Russia has taken Western democracy as a model, carried out reforms and begun to integrate into the Western world. From the point of view of building a common European house, this should be welcomed and encouraged. Europe gets a peaceful and economically reliable partner along with its markets and resources, which certainly makes it even stronger. But if one is guided by colonial thinking, one would not tolerate the economic growth and independence of a distant colony. Provinces should not overtake the metropole, neither financially, nor politically, nor culturally.There is the EU that was engaged in building a new economic reality. And there is the NATO established in 1949 that confronted the East, primarily the USSR and later Russia. Remember the words by the first Secretary-General of the NATO Hastings Ismay: the bloc was intended to keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down. Thus, the NATO ideology implies that the US is in Europe, and in a dominating position, and Russia is not.But how should Russia take it? It ended the Cold War in good faith, while it seems that the US and the NATO have not. Which means that unification with the West intended for Russia will not happen on equal terms, but rather take the form of an economic and political take-over. Hence Moscows requirement to stop the enlargement towards Russias borders and revise the attitudes and the agreements. What we see now is that the NATO concept has not only derailed Russias integration into Europe but closed the door to Europes expansion and development. Of the two concepts mentioned in this article, one has clearly defeated the other.Russia and Ukraine the Tragedy of RelationshipsLet us move on from the general picture directly to relations between Russia and Ukraine. Let us start from the fact that the relations between these countries have their own specific history. These relationships are closer than the collaboration between England and Scotland, or the Northern and Southern States of the US. Ukraine was part of Russia for more than three hundred years, which influenced its culture, ethnic composition and mentality. Ukraines independence in 1991 was gained through an agreement with Moscow, not as a result of a national struggle for liberation. The new economic and political reality prompted the Russian elite not only to grant independence to Ukraine, but also to push for it. At that time, no one could have imagined an armed clash between the two new states, even in a nightmare. The Ukrainians saw Russia as a friendly state, and the Russians as a fraternal nation, and these sentiments were shared by Russians.In Russia, for a long time, the concept of Another Russia prevailed with respect to Ukraine, which supposes much closer relations than, for example, those between Britain and Canada. There was a popular saying in everyday life: "We have one people, but different states." Ukrainians and Russians were very interested in the political life of their respective neighbors. A suitable example is the current President of Ukraine Zelensky, who made a living from political satire, usually based on the politics of both states.However, the example of Ukraine clearly demonstrates how the concept of creating a common political and economic space was defeated by the concept of squeezing Russia out of Europe. In the wake of the first Maidan color revolution in 2005, Ukraine started building anti-Russian policy at the level of state ideology. In this, one can see clearly that this policy follows the templates of the Cold War. That is, psychologically, the Ukrainians were turned against the Russians through the support of certain politicians, changes in the educational system, in culture and in national media broadcasting. All of this came under the guise of democratic reforms and positive changes supported by all sorts of Western and international organizations.Within Ukraine itself, two countries had existed since 1991: Anti-Russia, and Ukraine as another Russia. While one does not think itself without Russia, the other does not think of itself with Russia. However, this division is quite artificial. Ukraine has spent most of its history with Russia, and it is tied to it culturally and mentally.Ukraines integration with Russia is definitely dictated by the economy. After all, if there is such a huge market and resources nearby, only a very shallow power could not use it, or go so far as to block it. Anti-Russian sentiments have brought Ukraine nothing but grief and poverty. Therefore, all pro-Western nationalist movements consciously or unconsciously preach poverty and destitution to the Ukrainian people.We have already mentioned that it was the South-East with its production potential that helped the country find its footing in the international division of labor. It turned out that most of the money was earned by the East, a large Russian-speaking region. Naturally, this could not but effect its political representation in the Ukrainian government. The South-East had more human resources and financial tools, which did not fit into the pro-Western picture of Ukraine. The people who lived there were too proud, too free, and too rich.Both the first and second Maidans were directed against Viktor Yanukovych, the former governor of Donetsk, the leader of Donbass and non-nationalist centrist political forces. Electoral support for such forces was very significant, and Ukraine did not want to be Anti-Russia for a very long time. President Yushchenko, who arrived with the first Maidan, very quickly lost the confidence of the people, for the most part because of his anti-Russian policies.Then an interesting trend emerged in Ukrainian politics. The elections after the second Maidan are won by President Poroshenko, who promised peace with Russia in one week. So, he was elected as a peacemaker president. Nevertheless, he became the president of the war, failed to implement the Minsk Agreements, and miserably lost the following election. He was replaced by Vladimir Zelensky, who also promised peace, but became the personification of war. So, the Ukrainian people are promised peace and then they are deceived. Having gained power under the rhetoric of peacemaking, he becomes the second Ukrainian leader to have taken an extremely radical position. If he had such a position at the beginning of the election campaign, no one would have elected him.And now let us return to the general concept of this article. If one says that one is going to build a new world with the neighbors but simply pushes ones own interests, regardless of anything, even war, even the threat of nuclear conflict, then obviously one is not going to build anything. This is what the ex-president of Ukraine Poroshenko did and this is what the current president Zelensky is doing, but not only them. This is what the NATO leadership and many American and European politicians are doing.Before the armed conflict, Zelensky simply crushed any opposition, pushing through the interests of his party; he did not build any peace. In Ukraine, politicians, journalists, and public activists who spoke about peace and good-neighborly relations with Russia were repressed before the military clash, their media were closed without any legal grounds, and their property was plundered. When the Ukrainian authorities were reproached for violating the rule of law and freedom of speech, the answer was that the peace party was "a bunch of traitors and propagandists." And the democratic West was satisfied with this answer.In reality, the situation was not so simple and straightforward. "Traitors and propagandists" represented, including in the parliament, not just the lion's share of the electorate, but also the basis of the country's economic potential. So, the blow fell not only on democracy, but also on the well-being of the citizens. Zelensky's policy has led to a situation where people began to leave Ukraine en masse due to adverse economic and social conditions, repression, and political persecution. Among them were a lot of Ukrainian politicians, journalists, businessmen, and cultural and religious figures who had done a lot for this country. These people have been excluded from politics and public life by the Ukrainian authorities, although they have the right to have their own position, no less than Zelensky and his team.The business of the South-East of the country is largely tied to Russia and its interests; that is why the conflict has ceased to be an exclusively internal matter. Russia was faced with the need to protect not only its economic interests, but also international honor and dignity, which, as was shown above, had been systematically denied. There was no one to rectify the situation. The Ukrainian peace party was declared to be treacherous and power was seized by the war party. The conflict dragged on, and took on an international dimension.It would seem that politics still mean something in Europe, but the politicians massively support Zelensky, dragging Europe into the war and towards the blocs economic downfall. It is no longer Europe that teaches Ukraine politics, but Ukraine that teaches Europe how to achieve economic decline and poverty with the help of a policy of hatred and intransigence. If Europe continues to support this policy, it will be dragged into a war, possibly into a nuclear one.And now let us get back to where we started. The Cold War ended with a political decision to build a new world with no wars. It is clear that such a world has never been built, that current global politics has returned to where it started: with detente. Now there are only two ways out: to slide into a world war and a nuclear confrontation, or to restart the process of detente, for which it is necessary to take into account the interests of all parties. But for this to happen, it is necessary first to acknowledge that Russia has its own interests and that they must be taken into account in the creation of a new detente. And, most importantly, to play honestly, not to deceive anyone, not to blow smoke, and not to make money on someone else's blood. But if the global political system is not capable of elementary decency; if it is blinded by pride and its own mercantile interests, then even harder times await us.The Ukraine conflict will either grow further, spilling over to Europe and other countries, or it will be localized and resolved. But how can it be resolved if the party of war reigns supreme in Ukraine, escalating military hysteria that has already gone beyond the borders of the country, and the West for some reason stubbornly calls it democracy? This party of war has declared an infinite number of times that it does not need any peace: what it needs is more weapons and money for the war. These people have built their politics and business on the war, they have rapidly upgraded their international ratings. In Europe and in the US they are greeted with applause, they should not be asked uncomfortable questions, there should be no doubt in their sincerity and truthfulness. The Ukrainian party of war keeps delivering triumph after triumph, while no military breakthrough is observed.But the Ukrainian party of peace is favored neither in Europe nor in the US. This eloquently suggests that most US and European politicians do not want any peace for Ukraine. But this does not mean at all that the Ukrainians do not want peace, or that Zelensky's military triumph is more important to them than their lives and destroyed homes. It is just that those who stood for peace were slandered, intimidated and repressed following the incitement of the West. The Ukrainian party of peace simply did not fit into Western democracy.And here the question arises: if the party of peace and civil dialogue does not fit into some kind of democracy, then is it a democracy? Perhaps, in order to save their country, the Ukrainians have to now start building their own democracy and open their civil dialogue without Western curators, the result of their governance of which is harmful and destructive. If the West does not want to listen to the point of view of the Other Ukraine, then this is its own business, but for Ukraine such a point of view is important and necessary, otherwise this nightmare will never end. This means that it is necessary to create a political movement composed of those who have not given up, who have not renounced their beliefs on pain of death and imprisonment, who do not want their country to become a place of geopolitical showdowns. The Ukrainian situation is catastrophically complex and dangerous, but it has nothing to do with what Zelensky says every day.By Viktor Medvedchuk, former Ukrainian opposition leader. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230107/bombshell-admission-ukraine-is-carrying-out-natos-mission-against-russia-defense-chief-says-1106118578.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20220517/new-secret-docs-uks-cold-war-era-black-propaganda-is-at-play-today-in-ukraine-scholars-say-1095575819.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20220411/ukraine-from-2004-to-2022-from-the-first-maidan-to-catastrophe-1094623112.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20220219/america-ignored-warning-nato-expansion-would-be-greatest-blunder-since-cold-war-ex-us-diplomat-says-1093182617.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20190330/ukraine-presidential-election-sentiment-1073695184.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20220411/minsk-agreements-why-the-genocide-of-donbass-failed-to-stop-1094652280.html https://sputnikglobe.com/20220923/a-look-at-history-of-dpr-lpr-kherson--zaporozhye-regions-1101118920.html ukraine russia Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International conflict in ukraine, roots of the conflict in ukraine, ukrainian crisis, what's behind ukrainian crisis https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/watch-cops-get-stuck-in-mud-while-trying-to-crack-down-on-coal-protest-1106385598.html Watch: Cops Get Stuck In Mud While Trying to Crack Down on Coal Protest Watch: Cops Get Stuck In Mud While Trying to Crack Down on Coal Protest According to authorities, more than 70 police officers were injured during a crackdown on an anti-coal mine protest in the western German village of Lutzerath. 16.01.2023, Sputnik International 2023-01-16T01:52+0000 2023-01-16T01:52+0000 2023-01-16T01:52+0000 viral protest germany coal mine /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/10/1106385435_0:0:2556:1437_1920x0_80_0_0_06bf1369b806592f05bd0473b29fa733.jpg German police attempting to shut down a protest against the demolition of a condemned German village found themselves stuck in the mud with their crackdown thwarted.Multiple videos posted online show cops facing off and attacking protesters in muddy areas, but one went viral after police officers found themselves trapped in mud. One protester dressed as a monk taunts the officers and pushes one over.At press time, the video has been viewed more than 26 million times.The protest, which has been ongoing through January, has attracted thousands of protesters including Greta Thunberg. According to a release from the police, over 300 protesters have been evicted from the abandoned town. Twelve protesters have been arrested while nine were taken to the hospital. The town is scheduled to be demolished to make way for a coal mine expansion.Police have been using pepper spray, water cannons, and batons in an attempt to break the protest. While the village's original inhabitants left Lutzerath years ago, the village has been occupied by climate protesters for over two years according to Al Jazeera reporter Step Vaessen. The protesters say bulldozing Lutzerath to make way for the mine would run counter to Germany's climate goals, while the government and the energy firm behind the coal mine expansion, RWE, says it is essential to secure Germany's energy security.While it has been reported that rocks and fireworks were thrown at police officers, spokesman Andreas Mueller said that the majority of the protests have been peaceful. germany Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Ian DeMartino Ian DeMartino News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Ian DeMartino protest, germany, coal mine https://sputnikglobe.com/20230116/white-house-has-no-visitor-logs-for-bidens-house-in-delaware-counsels-office-1106406914.html White House Has No Visitor Logs for Biden's House in Delaware: Counsel's Office White House Has No Visitor Logs for Biden's House in Delaware: Counsel's Office The White House does not have visitor logs for US President Joe Biden's house in Wilmington, Delaware, where some of the recently found classified documents were stored, the White House Counsel's Office said on Monday. 2023-01-16T17:25+0000 2023-01-16T17:25+0000 2023-01-16T17:25+0000 americas biden classified files us joe biden /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content /html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content https://cdn1.img.sputnikglobe.com/img/07e7/01/10/1106406730_0:161:3071:1888_1920x0_80_0_0_e11cc0dbb3684755f047ff0e81bb4a74.jpg On Monday, US media reported that the president's personal attorneys discovered the first batch of 10 classified documents pertaining to Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom at a think-tank office Biden once used, prompting a federal probe into the matter. The second batch of documents was discovered in the garage of Biden's house in Wilmington, while another one-page classified document was found in an adjacent room. The US Department of Justice is investigating how classified documents related to the period of Biden's vice presidency ended up in office and residential premises not authorized for their storage. The president's lawyers have promised full cooperation with the investigation, expressing confidence that it will establish the unintentional nature of what happened. https://sputnikglobe.com/20230115/fbi-raid-happens-when-gop--critics-blast-biden-doj-as-corrupt-mess-amid-classified-docs-row-1106331182.html americas Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 2023 Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 News en_EN Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 1920 1080 true 1920 1440 true 1920 1920 true Sputnik International feedback@sputniknews.com +74956456601 MIA Rosiya Segodnya 252 60 Sputnik International joe biden, classified docs in biden's home, biden scandal, investigation into biden While Cassidy Schneider has been involved with harness racing her entire life, the news that she was named as a finalist for Canada's 2022 Future Star Award is a far cry from the good news she received from Standardbred Canada some five years ago. Back in 2017, Schneider was a 15-year-old student at Wellington District High School who helped out at the family farm and snapped selfies with horses. Fast forward five years, and she's headed to the O'Brien Awards as one of the nation's up-and-coming talents. "I am honoured to be nominated for the Future Star Award," Schneider told Trot Insider. "Hard work and dedication pays off and I couldnt be more thankful to be given this opportunity! I want to thank my parents for always standing behind me and encouraging me to chase my dreams." Schneider, 21, races at tracks across southwestern Ontario but topped all trainers at Leamington Raceway in both wins and earnings and garnered Trainer of the Year honours at The Raceway at the Western Fair District with horses earning more than $320,000 in the Forest City this past season. In 2022 her second year as a full-time trainer Schneider posted a 87-84-73 summary from 621 starts with more than $632,000 in purses and a 0.254 UTRS. "My goal for 2022 was to get my 100th training win and to have a more successful year than the last," Schneider continued. "My goal for 2023 is to strive to be the best I can." There is certainly no triskaidekaphobia for Schneider & Co. Her stable is off to a strong start in 2023, winning three races at Western Fair on Friday the 13th. Her seasonal training average (as of press time) stands at 0.374. That success isn't viewed by Schneider as an individual accomplishment. "I owe my seasonal success to my staff, my family, my owners, and my horses, not to mention the drivers who make this dream a reality," said Schneider on her award-nominated season. "I wouldnt be in this position today without any of the above! Its not always easy working in this industry, but I know its always worth it and Im proud of my accomplishments thus far in my career. "My successful year has made a positive impact on our stable and its brought on many new achievements. A big thank you to my staff who puts in a lot of hard work every day and it doesnt go unnoticed. Whether thats in the barn or at the races, I cant thank them enough for that." Based out of Arthur, Ontario, Schneider was born into the industry as the daughter of longtime horseman Colonel Schneider Jr., whose father and grandfather also raced horses. She jogged her first horse PL Dangerous at the age of eight and she's been hooked on harness racing ever since. Her first win came in 2020 at Leamington Raceway with veteran trotter Yoooukilis, and she's picked up 123 more tallies to this point. "Schneider stables started out as a father / daughter duo but it quickly grew to a team and with a bigger team meant more horses more quality horses and for that I want to thank my dad and owners," stated Schneider. "My owners put their trust in me. Thank you for allowing me to work with your horses and I cant wait to see what this year brings for all of us!" A finalist for the 2022 Future Star Award along with Samuel Filion, Schneider hasn't stepped off the Cloud Nine provided by the call from Standardbred Canada just before Christmas. That news carried substantially more weight than the news that her photo was voted as a SC website contest winner in 2017. "When I got the call that I was an OBrien Award finalist I felt all the emotions and Im still feeling them," she admitted. "Its put a lot into perspective for me and Im truly grateful to even be nominated for such an award. This is a huge highlight in my career! "I have never been to the OBrien Awards before, but Im counting down the days! Im excited, nervous, and I feel like it will be an emotional experience. Im truly honoured for this nomination and regardless of the outcome, I will be grateful to have been nominated in the first place." The OBrien Awards Black Tie Gala is Canadian harness racings most prestigious event and Standardbred Canada is pleased to announce that the 2022 awards will be a live event at the Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale Hotel on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023. (Photos: Tiffany Chantel Photography, Lauzon Looks Photography, New Image Media) You are here: China Wang Yang, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, attends the opening meeting of the 25th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th CPPCC National Committee in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 15, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua] The 25th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee met Sunday to prepare for the first session of the new CPPCC National Committee. Wang Yang, chairman of the 13th CPPCC National Committee, attended the opening meeting. According to the agenda, the Standing Committee of the 13th CPPCC National Committee will deliberate and adopt a decision to hold the 14th CPPCC National Committee's first session. Participants will discuss and decide the quota and list of names of the members of the 14th CPPCC National Committee. The committee will deliberate and vote on the work report of the Standing Committee of the 13th CPPCC National Committee and a report on proposals, which are to be submitted at the annual session, as well as a draft amendment to the CPPCC charter. They will also discuss and vote on the draft timetable and agenda of the upcoming annual session. Sunday's opening meeting was presided over by Zhang Qingli, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. ANCHORAGE, Alaska After tidal surges and high winds from the remnants of a rare typhoon caused extensive damage to homes along Alaska's western coast in September, the U.S. government stepped in to help residents largely Alaska Natives repair property damage. Residents who opened Federal Emergency Management Agency paperwork expecting to find instructions on how to file for aid in Alaska Native languages like Yup'ik or Inupiaq instead were reading bizarre phrases. "Tomorrow he will go hunting very early, and will (bring) nothing," read one passage. The translator randomly added the word "Alaska" in the middle of the sentence. "Your husband is a polar bear, skinny," another said. Yet another was written entirely in Inuktitut, an Indigenous language spoken in northern Canada far from Alaska. FEMA fired the California company hired to translate the documents once the errors became known, but the incident was an ugly reminder for Alaska Natives of the suppression of their culture and languages from decades past. FEMA immediately took responsibility for the translation errors and corrected them, and the agency is working to make sure it doesn't happen again, spokesperson Jaclyn Rothenberg said. No one was denied aid because of the errors. That's not good enough for one Alaska Native leader. For Tara Sweeney, an Inupiaq who served as an assistant secretary of Indian Affairs in the U.S. Interior Department during the Trump administration, this was another painful reminder of steps taken to prevent Alaska Native children from speaking Indigenous languages. "When my mother was beaten for speaking her language in school, like so many hundreds, thousands of Alaska Natives, to then have the federal government distributing literature representing that it is an Alaska Native language, I can't even describe the emotion behind that sort of symbolism," Sweeney said. Sweeney called for a congressional oversight hearing to uncover how long and widespread the practice has been used by the government. "These government contracting translators have certainly taken advantage of the system, and they have had a profound impact, in my opinion, on vulnerable communities," said Sweeney, whose great-grandfather, Roy Ahmaogak, invented the Inupiaq alphabet more than a half-century ago. She said his intention was to create the characters so "our people would learn to read and write to transition from an oral history to a more tangible written history." U.S. Rep. Mary Peltola, who is Yup'ik and last year became the first Alaska Native elected to Congress, said it was disappointing FEMA missed the mark with the translations but didn't call for hearings. "I am confident FEMA will continue to make the necessary changes to be ready the next time they are called to serve our citizens," the Democrat said. About 1,300 people have been approved for FEMA assistance after the remnants of Typhoon Merbok created havoc as it traveled about 1,000 miles north through the Bering Strait, potentially affecting 21,000 residents. FEMA paid out about $6.5 million, Rothenberg said. Preliminary estimates put overall damage at just over $28 million, but the total is likely to rise after more assessment work is done after the spring thaw, said Jeremy Zidek, a spokesperson for the Alaska Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. While English may not be the preferred language for some residents, many are bilingual and can struggle through an English version, said Gary Holton, a University of Hawaii at Manoa linguistics professor and former director of the Alaska Native Language Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Central Alaskan Yup'ik is the largest of the Alaska Native languages, with about 10,000 speakers in 68 villages across southwest Alaska. Children learn Yup'ik as their first language in 17 of those villages. There are about 3,000 Inupiaq speakers across northern Alaska, according to the language center. It appears the words and phrases used in the translated documents were taken from Nikolai Vakhtin's 2011 edition of "Yupik Eskimo Texts from the 1940s," said John DiCandeloro, the language center's archivist. The book is the written record of field notes collected on Russia's Chukotka Peninsula across the Bering Strait from Alaska in the 1940s by Ekaterina Rubtsova, who interviewed residents about their daily life and culture for a historical account. The works were later translated and made available on the language center's website. Holton, who has about three decades of experience in Alaska Native language documentation and revitalization, searched the online archive and found "hit after hit," words pulled out of the Russian work and randomly placed into FEMA documents. "We make no excuses for erroneous translations, and we deeply regret any inconvenience this has caused to the local community," Caroline Lee, the CEO of Accent on Languages, the Berkeley, California-based company that produced the mistranslated documents, said in a statement. She said the company will refund FEMA the $5,116 it received for the work and conduct an internal review to ensure it doesn't happen again. How the flood risk has changed in your state, according to FEMA How the flood risk has changed in your state, according to FEMA Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington D.C. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The Ministry of Communications and Digital (KKD) has revealed that almost RM600 million in losses were recorded in 2022 due to scams and other cyber crimes in Malaysia. Hence, the ministry will focus on educating the public to be more digitally literate and not become victims. As reported by Bernama, KKD Deputy Minister Teo Nie Ching stressed that the problem of cyber crimes in Malaysia is quite serious. She further asserted that the ministry is implementing several initiatives to circumvent the issue, including working with social media platforms such as TikTok to raise awareness. In February and March this year, KKD will work together with social media platforms to promote a programme called Stop For Three Seconds. Teo said that the Three seconds here is to help the community to think first whether any information received is authentic or not. Moreover, social media platforms will also help promote the National Scam Response Centres (NSRC) 997 hotline. A government initiative to help victims of cyber crimes to prevent losses, the 997 hotline operates 12 hours daily and is a one-stop centre comprising representatives from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), private banks, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM). So, what do you guys think of the initiatives by KKD to combat scams and other cyber crimes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and stay tuned to TechNave for more trending tech news. This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Britains largest power plant, Drax in North Yorkshire, mostly burns wood pellets. Credit: Phil Silverman / Shutterstock Volatile prices in international energy markets sparked unrest throughout 2022, with governments seeking to reduce the impact of unprecedented price increases on their respective economies. As energy experts focused on how data can be used in the transition to a low-carbon economy, we have closely followed how this volatility has played out in Britain. Full data for the year 2022 is now available and here are a few things we have noticed. Britain (we talk about Britain and not the UK, as Northern Ireland is part of an integrated Irish electricity grid) saw a 4% drop in electricity demand from 2021that's the third largest year-on-year reduction after 2008 (caused by the shock of the global financial crash) and pandemic-affected 2020. It takes Britain's overall electricity demand back to values last seen in the 1980s, an 18% reduction from its peak in 2005. This time two years ago, we stated that COVID lockdowns meant electricity demand would never be so low again. We got it wrong. In fact, 2022 was the lowest year by some margin (2% lower than 2020). We believe the main factors for this drop were the significant increase in prices, the wider media attention on this, and the wider cost of living crisis. From importer to exporter The earliest undersea high-voltage direct current cable (known as an interconnector) from Britain to another country's power grid was laid in 1961 across the Strait of Dover to France. In the years since, another seven have been constructed: two to Ireland, one to Belgium, one to the Netherlands, one to Norway and a further two to France. More interconnectors are under construction or proposed, including a connection with Denmark due to go live at the end of 2023. Since 1978, Britain has always used these cables to import more electricity than it exported over a given year. Over the past decade, an average of 5% of the country's electricity has been imported, helping to reduce the amount it needed to generate itself. However, net imports swung to net exports in 2022 for the first time in 44 years. Looking at the individual interconnectors, it was the link to France that caused this significant change. In 2021, there were 14 terawatt-hours (TWh) of net imports from France whereas in 2022, there were 10 TWh to France. This is an enormous swing of 24 TWh from a single point of connection, and represents the largest annual change in a single electricity source since the shift from coal to gas in 2015/16. To put 24 TWh in context, this is broadly similar to the amount of electricity Scotland uses each year, or the annual output from Britain's onshore wind generation. So what happened? Over the past year, French nuclear power stations had many maintenance problems which led to significant reductions in their output. In August, 57% of the country's generation capacity was not being used. Despite a modest recovery, as of January 2023, 15 of its 56 reactors were closed for repairs. All this meant nuclear-reliant France had to import electricity from neighboring countries. This led to more electricity being generated in Britain than would otherwise have been the case, to satisfy the additional demand from France. So while Britain's renewable generation was at a record level, its fossil fuel generation was also higher than in the previous year. Without the problems in France, 2022 could have been the first year that Britain's wind, solar and hydro combined generated more electricity than its fossil fuelsa milestone that will happen anyway over the next couple of years. Wind is cheap, but your electricity isn't Wind generation also recovered from its relatively poor output in 2021 to reach a record generation of 77 TWh. That's a 24% increase on the preceding year, when capacity increased by just 11%. This sudden increase highlights the year-to-year variations that need to be planned for to have a robust and resilient decarbonized power system, including longer duration energy storage. Renewables (including generation from biomass) contributed nearly 40% of Britain's total generation in 2022. This progress, along with the lower demand for electricity within Britain, meant emissions from the power sector were broadly similar to previous years (though would have been lower if imports from France had continued). The rising prices of electricity and gas have contributed to a cost of living crisis, putting millions in fuel poverty. And though renewables and nuclear together provided over half of Britain's electricity in 2022, the system is still overwhelmingly influenced by prices set by fossil fuel plants. Reforms are urgently needed here to decouple the price of low-carbon electricity from that of fossil fuels. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Lightning latches onto a laser, in the first time scientists have successfully diverted the path of a bolt with a beam. Scientists said Monday they have used a laser beam to guide lightning for the first time, hoping the technique will help protect against deadly boltsand one day maybe even trigger them. Lightning strikes between 40-120 times a second worldwide, killing more than 4,000 people and causing billions of dollars worth of damage every year. Yet the main protection against these bolts from above is still the humble lightning rod, which was first conceived by American polymath Benjamin Franklin in 1749. A team of scientists from six research institutions have been working for years to use the same idea but replace the simple metal pole with a far more sophisticated and precise laser. Now, in a study published in the journal Nature Photonics, they describe using a laser beamshot from the top of a Swiss mountainto guide a lightning bolt for more than 50 meters. "We wanted to give the first demonstration that the laser can have an influence on lightningand it is simplest to guide it," said Aurelien Houard, a physicist at the applied optics laboratory of the ENSTA Paris institute and the study's lead author. But for future applications "it would be even better if we could trigger lightning," Houard told AFP. How to catch lightning Lightning is a discharge of static electricity that has built up in storm clouds, or between clouds and the ground. The laser beam creates plasma, in which charged ions and electrons heat the air. A laser on the top of a Swiss mountain, which managed to guide a lightning bolt for 50 meters. The air becomes "partially conductive, and therefore a path preferred by the lightning," Houard said. When scientists previously tested this theory in New Mexico in 2004, their laser did not grab the lightning. That laser failed because it did not emit enough pulses per second for lightning, which brews in milliseconds, Houard said. He added that it was also difficult to "predict where the lightning was going to fall". For the latest experiment, the scientists left little to chance. They lugged a car-sized laserwhich can fire up to a thousand pulses of light a secondup the 2,500-meter peak of Santis mountain in northeastern Switzerland. The peak is home to a communications tower that is struck by lightning around 100 times year. After two years building the powerful laser, it took several weeks to move it in pieces via a cable car. Finally, a helicopter had to drop off the large containers that would house the telescope. The telescope focused the laser beam to maximum intensity at a spot around 150 meters in the airjust above the top of the 124-meter tower. The beam has a diameter of 20 centimeters at the beginning, but narrows to just a few centimeters at the top. In theory, this technique could be used not just to drive lightning away, but to trigger it in the first place. Ride the lightning During a storm in the summer of 2021, the scientists were able to photograph their beam driving a lightning bolt for 50 around meters. Three other strikes were also guided, interferometric measurements showed. Most lightning builds up from precursors inside clouds, but some can come up from the ground if the electric field is strong enough. "The current and power of a lightning bolt really becomes clear once the ground is connected with the cloud," Houard said. The laser guides one of these precursors, making it "much faster than the othersand straighter," he said. "It will then be the first to connect with the cloud before it lights up." This means that, in theory, this technique could be used not just to drive lightning away, but to trigger it in the first place. That could allow scientists to better protect strategic installations, such as airports or rocket launchpads, by igniting strikes at the time of their choosing. In practice, that would require a high conductivity in the laser's plasmawhich scientists do not think they have mastered yet. 2023 AFP Beninese president meets Chinese FM Xinhua) 09:08, January 16, 2023 Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang (L) holds talks with his Beninese counterpart Aurelien Agbenonci in Cotonou, Benin, Jan. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Li Yahui) COTONOU, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- Beninese President Patrice Talon on Friday met with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang in Cotonou, the largest city of Benin. Talon asked Qin to convey his sincere greetings and best wishes to Chinese President Xi Jinping, saying the visit of the new Chinese foreign minister to Benin during his first official African tour, which came shortly after the 50th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Benin, has demonstrated the friendly and close ties between the two countries. Benin cherishes China's long-term support and assistance, Talon said, adding that Benin, though small in size, stands on the side of truth, equality and justice, and will continue to be a steadfast and reliable friend of China. China has found the right development path and made achievements that impressed the whole world, achievements that have deeply inspired all the developing countries, the president said. He said Benin looks forward to learning from China's experience, deepening and expanding practical cooperation with China, and accelerating national development and revitalization. Qin, for his part, conveyed President Xi Jinping's cordial greetings to Talon, noting that over the past half a century, China and Benin have always respected each other and treated each other as equals. Beninese President Patrice Talon (R) meets with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang in Cotonou, Benin, Jan. 13, 2023. (Xinhua/Li Yahui) China appreciates Benin's understanding and support on issues concerning China's core interests and major concerns, and stands ready to continue as a sincere partner of Benin with mutual political trust and forge ahead together in development, Qin said. He said China is looking forward to jointly implementing the important consensus reached by the two heads of state and the outcomes of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), so as to continuously push China-Benin relations to new levels. Beijing encourages more capable and reputable Chinese companies to invest in Benin, and hopes that Benin will safeguard the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese institutions and personnel, Qin said. He said that China has always adhered to the leadership of the Communist Party of China in its reforms and development, stayed committed to independence, and never simply copied the models of any other countries. China is willing to strengthen experience-sharing on state governance with Benin, and support its pursuit of a development path suited to Benin's national realities, Qin said. He said China will continue to work in solidarity with African countries, including Benin, to achieve common development based on the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation and in line with the principles of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, and a commitment to the greater good and shared interests. During the visit, Qin also held talks with his Beninese counterpart, Aurelien Agbenonci, and signed documents on cooperation in such fields as people-to-people and cultural exchanges. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) A doctor (R) hands over a health kit to villagers in Lingzishang Village, Fengnan District of Tangshan City, north China's Hebei Province, Jan. 11, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua] Local governments must make sure medications and antigen test kits are readily available in rural areas, according to a guideline released on Wednesday. Issued by the State Council's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism, the country's COVID-19 control task force, the guideline said antigen test kits or nucleic acid tests must be made readily available for fever patients. Village health clinics must ensure they have at least a two-week supply of medication, to which vulnerable groups or those with financial difficulties should have priority access. Local authorities are also tasked with conducting regular inspections, delivering medication, transporting patients to bigger hospitals and raising awareness about epidemic control, it said. Efforts must also be made to guide villagers to get vaccinated, wear masks and avoid gatherings and spending time with elderly relatives with underlying illnesses. Media reports of indiscriminate use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs in treating fever patients in the countryside have underscored the importance and timeliness of the official guidance from health authorities. Last month, officials attending a meeting on COVID-19 control in rural regions described the Chinese countryside as "vast, populous and thinly resourced". They warned that the expected mass migration for Spring Festival this month would create a new challenge for epidemic control in such areas, where a large number of elderly people live. The officials also asked for more support for the rural healthcare system in terms of medication, equipment, human resources and funds, and to improve the system's capacity to address challenges brought by the epidemic. The spread of COVID-19 in the countryside has cast a spotlight on the use of antibiotics and hormonal treatments by rural medics to treat fever patients. On Dec 30, WeChat account Fancaiju published an article praising the long-standing practice conducted by "barefoot doctors", or farmers with minimal basic medical and paramedical training, to treat fever patients. The article, among others shared on social media, made dangerous claims that COVID-19 patients could be treated with antibiotics and other medications that could bring about harmful and even fatal side effects. Epidemiologists have said that antibiotics, which can trigger fatal allergies, are ineffective in treating COVID-19 or other infections induced by viruses, and should only be given to COVID-19 patients if there's clear evidence of bacterial-induced complications. Long-term use could also lead to antibiotic resistance. More than 1.2 million people died worldwide from antibiotic-resistant infections in 2019, according to a peer-reviewed research article published in The Lancet last year. That figure exceeded that of major potentially fatal illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and malaria. Though hormonal drugs have been used to treat COVID-19 patients in clinical settings, the usage has generally been for those in critical condition. Side effects include elevated blood sugar, porous bones and gastrointestinal ulcers. Earlier this month, gmw.cn, a news website run by mainstream newspaper Guangming Daily, published a commentary criticizing the WeChat article as being misleading and out of touch with the realities in the countryside. The newspaper said the use of drugs including antibiotics to treat fever with unknown causes was in fact a last-ditch option in case of temporary shortages of medicines and overcrowded hospitals. Such treatments had never been included in China's general treatment plans for COVID-19 patients. The issue has raised alarm among health officials, too. On Dec 13, authorities in Huangshi, Hubei province, issued an order to discipline medics who used such drugs in rural areas to treat COVID-19 patients. The document cautioned against the use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs and vitamins, and asked rural medics not to prescribe intravenous drips unnecessarily. A report released by the National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Information Network in 2020 said the random use of antibiotics was the leading cause of adverse drug reactions, without specifying the percentage. Some 30 percent of such reactions were detected among adults age 65 and older. Carlos Correa finally has a team next year and its the same one he played for last season, the Minnesota Twins. However, the shortstop took a winding free-agent road to get back home, first by signing with the San Francisco Giants before that deal was paused over injury concerns. He then signed with the New York Mets before those same injury concerns caused Correa to leave and return to Minnesota. Now, Correas agent, Scott Boras, is taking some shots at the Mets for getting the exact same information the Giants got but still trying to go through with the deal anyway. I dont understand the Mets, Boras said to USA Todays Bob Nightengale in a weekend piece. I gave them all of the information. We had them talk to four doctors. They knew the issue the Giants had. And yet, they still call the same doctor the Giants used for his opinion. There was no new information. So why negotiate a contract if you were going to rely on the same doctor? It was different with the Giants because a doctor had an opinion they didnt know about. But the Mets had notice of this. They knew the opinion of the Giants. So why did you negotiate when you know this thing in advance? According to Correa, an ankle specialist that the Giants consulted was the doctor who didnt pass him for the deal. That same specialist then consulted with the Mets after they signed the initial deal. Dont cry too much for Correa, he signed a six-year, $200 million contract to return to the Twins so hell be fine. As for the Mets, it might be weird the next time they try to sign a Boras client, which is bound to happen soon. [USA Todays Bob Nightengale, Audacy] Finding funding for instructional materials something that has historically been done by the state has become a difficult task for Texas school districts. During their board workshop last Monday, the Bryan school district board of trustees unanimously approved a purchasing agreement of over $50,000 to be used on kindergarten through fifth grade ELAR/SLAR instructional materials. While a similar agreement was approved by the board in 2019, Barbara Ybarra, the associate superintendent of teaching and learning, said circumstances have changed. Instructional materials are typically and historically purchased by the state of Texas for all school districts, Ybarra said. It is a separate fund outside of the districts local budget and so in 2019 we came to the board seeking approval of the teachers request to move forward with [Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company] for our [English Language Arts] instructional materials. With the establishment of the Instructional Materials Allotment [ILA], the district has been called to make arrangements with vendors rather than telling the Texas Education Agency what materials are needed. While thats wonderful and it blends instructional materials along with technology, it has been lacking in full funding, Ybarra said. As we come to these adoptions now, the district has money at the state where we have to discern which vendor will we go, with whats approved by TEA and how many copies digital and print will we purchase? Eight-year agreements were once typical, but the state has begun pushing for 10- and 12-year cycles. With a commitment to being respectful of taxpayer dollars, Ybarra said the district does not want to purchase eight years of print materials that will sit on a shelf unused. The good news is the teachers adore these materials, and they use them all of the time, Ybarra said. She added that ELA is typically the most expensive adoption, and when the board approved it, it was considering sixth through eighth grades. This led the district to move forward with an eight-year digital agreement adoption, as well as four years of print materials. Now that the district is being tasked with paying for the print materials, the lack of state funding has become a larger issue. Unfortunately, the Instructional Materials Allotment has been dwindling with each biennium and weve gotten fewer and fewer funds from the state to fund all of the proclamations as well as the technology purchases, Ybarra said. Specifically, this last biennium, it was severely cut and it was not funded to the extent that we have seen ever. This means that many districts have to use local dollars to cover these purchases that were previously covered by the state. To add to it, multiyear contracts cannot be made with federal funding. Ybarra said the district worked with its vendor, HMH, which said it is hearing this same complaint from multiple districts across the state. Therefore, the company agreed to a four-year plan, but it must be billed annually to leverage federal funding such as the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief [ESSER] fund. ELA/R Elementary Coordinator Charlene Muehlstein worked with teachers and campus administrators to refine the quotes to ensure there was not any excess, Ybarra said. After going back and forth with HMH, they agreed to a four-year contract totaling $779,076.12, with $194,769.03 to be paid annually. The first year [due Feb. 26, 2023] will be funded from ESSER II with the second payment [due Oct. 1, 2024] coming from ESSER III. From there, the district will know whether more state funding has come across or if it needs to seek funds elsewhere. At that point, we are very optimistic and hopeful that we will see an increase in funding in the IMA, and perhaps we can return to that, Ybarra said. If not, we can set aside funds in Title I and State Comp-Ed [Compensatory Education] to cover the expenditures for the two additional years. When board member Leo Gonzalez II posed questions regarding the amount of money these instructional materials cost, Ybarra and Superintendent Ginger Carrabine put him at ease by stating that the cost is typical, but paying for the materials has become an issue across the state. To remind you, when we talked about legislative priorities and funding sources and school finance and all the cuts, IMA is a line item for every school district right now; were all having this conversation right now, Carrabine said. Theyve simply cut us so severely that everyones struggling to purchase instructional materials. Board Vice President Deidra Davis echoed this sentiment. Its very depressing or sad just thinking about the funding that was cut, but the encouraging side is that this is heavily utilized by our students, and the teachers love it, Davis said. Ybarra agreed with Davis, stating that is the saving grace where funding is concerned. GALLERY: 27th Annual MLK, Jr. Freedom March & Program Sitting inside the Texas Triangle that area of the state consisting of the three largest Texas metro centers: Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio-Austin there is room for major investments to be made in Bryan-College Station, according to Kevin Russel, the city of Bryans development services director. The city of Bryan services a nearly 1,000-acre business park that has been in existence for almost 15 years the Texas Triangle Park which is located along North Earl Rudder freeway, between F.M. 2818 and Old San Antonio Road. Axis Pipe & Tube, Kristen Distributing and FedEx Ground are currently within the park, and Russel said the city has more leads to potential businesses through the state currently in negotiation and a few through non-disclosure agreements. Their most recent investment came through Gov. Greg Abbotts office Thursday. CertainTeed Roofing will build a manufacturing facility and distribution center within the Triangle in north Bryan. CertainTeed is a subsidiary of Saint-Gobain, a French corporation that produces exterior and interior building products. Construction of the distribution center is expected to begin later this year and take several years to complete, according to the city. Exceptional global companies, like CertainTeed, are investing in Texas because we offer unmatched business operating advantages, including a world-class business climate, highly skilled workforce, reasonable regulations and lower taxes, Abbott said in a statement. Located in the heart of the Texas Triangle, Bryan is a prime location for CertainTeeds new manufacturing and distribution facility. The future of Texas is bright, and I look forward to an ongoing partnership with CertainTeed as we continue to expand opportunity for all Texans. The facility is expected to bring in 130 new jobs and create around $140 million in capital investment. CertainTeed has been given a Texas Enterprise Fund grant of $546,000 and has been offered a $1,000 veteran created job bonus. Our new manufacturing facility and distribution center symbolizes our commitment to our customers in the southern United States, to the State of Texas, and to the city of Bryan and its citizens, Carmen Bodden, CertainTeeds vice president and general manager, said in a statement. As a leader in light and sustainable construction, this new facility will ensure our business has the materials necessary to continue serving our customers while remaining focused on minimizing our environmental footprint. This will be the first new construction of a CertainTeed roofing plant in the United States since 2017, according to the city. There are 14 CertainTeed roofing plants in the U.S., including one in Ennis. We are proud that CertainTeed recognized Bryan as the place to grow their global business and we welcome them, Bryan Mayor Bobby Gutierrez said in a statement. Past investments and partnerships in TTP have helped bring this world-class company to our community that will provide for tremendous economic diversification and impact. Saint-Gobain will occupy about 211 of 449 acres that were available in the park, Russel said. We are in the middle of the Texas Triangle, however, when CertainTeed was looking at where they were going to locate, they are looking at how well construction is doing in the southern and southeastern part of the United States, he said. So, they felt like this site positioned them well to manufacture and shift their components or whatever they are producing out of that plant to the different states in the southeast of the U.S. Russel said companies looking to expand or locate in Texas go through the governors office. The governor sends out requests for qualifications, Russel said. They ask questions like can you provide this many gallons of water a day? Can you treat this much wastewater per day? And things like that. So each community that wants to look at these needs has to look at their infrastructure to make sure that they can supply what the company is asking for. We dont know what the companys name is, and we dont know who the company is when it goes through the governors office because they provide a code name for them. Russel said there was a code name for CertainTeed and he was unaware which company it was. Russels office had to find out if they had the resources to support the investment, without knowing what company could be coming to Bryan. We go through the process of what the investment amount is, what kind of jobs it is going to create and typically what the average payroll is going to be, to see if those things are in the interest of the board and the council and the commissioners court, he said. And if it does, then we proceed and respond to the RFQ, and if we make it to the next round we finally find out more information until we find out who the company is and we typically enter into a non-disclosure agreement. Then we can get more information from the company, and they can get more information from us, either the county, city or whoever they are dealing with, and at that point we get into negotiations on other things they are looking for, whether it is incentives, property or anything. The appraised value of the property determines what the ad-valorem amount Bryan is going to receive, Russel said. Those funds go into improving capital improvement projects, he said. That money would be used in so many different ways to improve the quality of life for all of the citizens of Bryan. As far as future investments for the Texas Triangle Park, Russel said the city is talking to a few companies. We are early in some of the discussions and we hope we have some more now this year, he said. But we are having discussions with other companies and they have been state leads, and there are ones that have contacted us directly and are interested in being located in the park. GALLERY: 27th Annual MLK, Jr. Freedom March & Program AUSTIN Greg Abbotts tenure as Texas governor has been highlighted by crises. Since he took office in 2015, hes had to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, the 2021 winter storm that killed 246 people, several mass shootings, including the Uvalde massacre, and other emergencies complicated by political polarization. Right now his legacy is going to be that hes a tested governor, said state Rep. Matt Shaheen, R-Plano. He has gone through significant disasters, pandemics, tragic shootings and all sorts of things. Hes come out stronger from it, and the state of Texas has come out stronger from all those challenges. But Abbott wants to be known as more than a crisis governor. After he takes his oath of office Tuesday for a record-tying third four-year term, hell offer his vision for Texas over the next four years and beyond. His inaugural speech is expected to focus on keeping Texas an economic powerhouse, while reducing the property tax burden for residents. Hell also discuss empowering parents to have a say in their childrens education. And hell pledge to confront district attorneys from urban counties that hes labeled as rogue for implementing progressive criminal justice policies, such as not prosecuting some low-level crimes. Hes going to be focused on the things he talked about last year, like real property tax reform, parental rights, including enabling parents to have a say in their childs education, Abbotts chief political strategist, Dave Carney, said during an interview last week with The Dallas Morning News. Hell also deal with the ongoing crisis with the border and other things like fentanyl poisonings. And hes dealing with the easy bail problem that we have in some of the bigger counties and bigger cities. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick also will be inaugurated for a third term. Unlike the start of his first two terms, Abbott isnt saddled with an immediate crisis. And lawmakers have a near $33 billion surplus, which the governor calls a generational opportunity. We are blessed with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to put our state on a course of unassailable excellence for generations to come, he said last week as he addressed the Texas House. Carney said figuring out how to use the surplus will be challenging. Everyone has a $32 billion spending plan and they arent always the same, he said. But its a good problem to have and it does give us the opportunity to really think creatively outside the box about how to do it in a way that doesnt squander it. While Abbott has been easily elected governor three times, Democrats have a different view of his accomplishments. And they want the longtime governor to focus on nagging deficiencies, such as improving access to health care, where Texas ranks near the bottom. I expect to hear pretty much what he talked about during his campaign, but we need more, said state Sen. Royce West, D-Dallas. He probably wont address it, but we still need to expand Medicaid in the state of Texas. I want to also hear about what he is planning to do in terms of school safety. Hes got to deal with the issues concerning the grid, because the increased Texas population requires more energy. Democratic Party consultant Colin Strother predicted Abbott will not offer dramatic policy proposals. Hes based his entire career on inertia, and most of us are expecting him to double down on that and not break any new ground, he said. You wont hear him talk about fixing some of the problems with education funding and infrastructure that weve been dealing with for the past 35 years. Strother said Abbott is looking beyond the legislative session and perhaps at a run for president. From a political standpoint, it doesnt make sense for Abbott to take big swings, he said. What makes sense is for Abbott to look both ways, cross this road and very carefully and deliberately maintain his position and his trajectory for the Republican presidential primary. When asked if Abbott was thinking about his legacy, Carney said: No. That will be in the fourth term, he said with a chuckle. Past inaugural speeches Elected governor after stints as attorney general and a Supreme Court justice, Abbott is one of the most accomplished politicians in Texas history. But with all his electoral success, he hasnt developed bold or brash policy agendas, analysts say. In 2015, after beating former state Sen. Wendy Davis by 20 percentage points, Abbott promised to work on issues related to transportation, water and education. As great as Texas is, theres more we must do, he said. More for the families stuck in traffic. More for parched towns thirsty for water. More for parents who fear their child is falling behind in school. More for employers searching for skilled workers. More for our veterans who return broken from battle. He also promised to do more for the millions of Texans who are tired of seeing our state sovereignty and the rule of law ignored by a federal government that refuses to secure our border. In his 2019 inaugural address, Abbott again insisted Texas leaders redouble their efforts to move the state forward. We can do more to educate the next generation and keep them safe at school, he said. More to advance our universities to meet the changes sweeping the 21st century. More to rein in the property tax burden on our citizens. Many of those issues remain priorities for Abbott, though Carney, his consultant, says a lot has been accomplished in eight years, including more than doubling the Tier One research institutions in Texas, one of his early goals. Carney said under Abbotts watch theres been more funding for highway transportation, teacher pay raises and more money for public education, though Democrats say much more is needed on those fronts. Texas has one of the highest graduation rates in the country for high school, and theres a lot of things hes done, Carney said. Theres a lot of things hes done that will be legacy-type things, but weve never had a conversation about that. Hes focused on whats on the minds of Texans and what hes going to do for them this session. But Democrats say Abbott should address not only Medicaid expansion, but expanding gambling and medical marijuana use. Abbott is open to more gambling, as is House Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont. Independent observers are going to be watching and waiting to see if he puts out any olive branches towards those two big issues, Strother said. Shaheen, the Plano lawmaker, is bullish on Texas. We just have such an exciting future as a state, Shaheen said. Were developing the next generation and the next workforce. We have close to a $33 billion surplus. California has a deficit. Our futures bright. Presidential run? Abbotts third inaugural address occurs as hes become a national figure, particularly with his border security policy thats included busing migrants to cities with Democratic Party leadership, including Washington, D.C., New York and Chicago. And hes a Texas governor, which almost automatically puts him in the conversation for the 2024 presidential election. The last two Texas governors Rick Perry and George W. Bush ran for president. Bush was elected in 2000, while Perry lost presidential bids in 2012 and 2016. Former President Donald Trump already has announced another run for the White House. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, now a darling of national conservatives, would be considered a front-runner if he joined the GOP presidential primary. The potentially large field could include former Vice President Mike Pence, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. In the Texas Constitution somewhere, theres something that says if youre governor, you have to be considered in the presidential sweepstakes, Carney joked. He said Abbott has been invited to events in early presidential contest states, but continues to politely send regrets. He doesnt want any distractions, said Carney, who did not rule out Abbott exploring 2024 presidential campaign options after the legislative session. Hes focused on the legislative session. Republican consultant Vinny Minchillo, who worked on the presidential campaigns of Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, said Abbott is not yet mentioned as a serious presidential contender. I am a little surprised that he does not get mentioned in the presidential sweepstakes, he said. Hes definitely not a rock star politician and maybe that is by choice, so hes really not in that conversation. Minchillo said he expected Abbott to enjoy having a term without an immediate crisis or threats of a primary campaign from rivals to his right. Rumors that Patrick would challenge Abbott during a GOP primary never became fact. The governors 2022 reelection bid did receive GOP opposition from former state Sen. Don Huffines of Dallas and former Texas Republican Party Chairman Allen West. Abbott easily won the GOP primary and went on to beat Democrat Beto ORourke in the general election. He doesnt have the specter of Dan Patrick breathing down his neck threatening to primary him, Minchillo said. Thats kind of gone. Now he can really run his own game. I expect to hear a lot about bread-and-butter issues. I expect to hear a lot about property taxes, and a lot about immigration. Minchillo said Abbotts inaugural speech is not a prelude to national politics, but Texas history. If Abbott wins another term, hell have the chance of being the longest serving governor in Texas history. Perry holds the record with 14 years as governor. Unless theres some incredible change, I expect for him to run one more time, he said. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe A zero-day vulnerability in FortiOS SSL-VPN that Fortinet addressed last month was exploited by unknown actors in attacks targeting governments and other large organizations. "The complexity of the exploit suggests an advanced actor and that it is highly targeted at governmental or government-related targets," Fortinet researchers said in a post-mortem analysis published this week. The attacks entailed the exploitation of CVE-2022-42475, a heap-based buffer overflow flaw that could enable an unauthenticated remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via specifically crafted requests. The infection chain analyzed by the company shows that the end goal was to deploy a generic Linux implant modified for FortiOS that's equipped to compromise Fortinet's intrusion prevention system (IPS) software and establish connections with a remote server to download additional malware and execute commands. Fortinet said it was unable to recover the payloads used in the subsequent stages of the attacks. It did not disclose when the intrusions took place. In addition, the modus operandi reveals the use of obfuscation to thwart analysis as well as "advanced capabilities" to manipulate FortiOS logging and terminate logging processes to remain undetected. UPCOMING WEBINAR Master the Art of Dark Web Intelligence Gathering Learn the art of extracting threat intelligence from the dark web Join this expert-led webinar! Save My Seat! "It searches for elog files, which are logs of events in FortiOS," the researchers said. "After decompressing them in memory, it searches for a string the attacker specifies, deletes it, and reconstructs the logs." The network security company also noted that the exploit requires a "deep understanding of FortiOS and the underlying hardware" and that the threat actor possesses skills to reverse engineer different parts of FortiOS. "The discovered Windows sample attributed to the attacker displayed artifacts of having been compiled on a machine in the UTC+8 timezone, which includes Australia, China, Russia, Singapore, and other Eastern Asian countries," it added. LINCOLN Humanities Nebraska has announced a special round of its letter-exchange program, Dear Stranger. Originally conceived by Oregon Humanities, Dear Stranger connects people from all over the state by inviting Nebraskans to write a letter to someone theyve never met. This is a fun way to connect with others during the cold winter months, said Mary Yager, associate director. As we prepare to commemorate our 50th year of helping people explore what connects us and makes us human, we look forward to matching letter writers again. The premise is simple: Write a letter, get a letter and make a new connection. Humanities Nebraska will match each letter received with a counterpart from a different part of the state. After the first anonymous exchange, each pair of letter writers is free to share contact information to continue the conversation. For letter writers who are interested, Humanities Nebraska has offered the following prompt for this round of letters, which must be postmarked by Feb. 15. Participants are encouraged to address the theme in any way they choose: Write about a local or national public event from the last 50 years a celebration, anniversary or gathering that occurred between 1972 and 2022 that was personally meaningful to you. Share how that experience felt, why you hold onto it, and how it affected you. Letters can be as short or long as a writer likes (even a postcard) and can take any form and include any enclosures that will fit in a first-class envelope. Participants should send their letters to Humanities Nebraska along with a signed participation form, available online at humanitiesnebraska.org. Letters should be addressed to Dear Stranger, c/o Humanities Nebraska, 215 Centennial Mall South Suite 330, Lincoln, NE, 68508 Questions about the program should be sent to dearstranger@humanitiesnebraska.org. BELLEVILLE Late last week, thieves broke into a bus lot owned by Belleville Township High School District 201 late Thursday evening or early Friday morning and stole the catalytic converters off 17 school buses. Preliminary estimates put damages at close to $100,000, according to Superintendent Brian Mentzer. "These are our smaller buses that primarily transport special-education students and early childhood students, not large buses," he said Friday afternoon. A "large presence" of Belleville Police Department officers showed up Friday morning to gather evidence and review video from surveillance cameras in hopes of finding those responsible, according to Mentzer. Assistant Chief Mark Heffernan, the department's spokesman, didn't immediately return a call for comment Friday. The school buses were parked on a lot off Mascoutah Avenue, where Belleville Schools Transportation Services are headquartered. The thieves gained access by cutting the fence in back, according to Mentzer. "It would appear in this situation that they were using a battery-powered saw (to get the catalytic converters)," he said. "That's the assumption that we're making right now after analyzing what they left." The thefts were discovered early Friday morning, when district employees were unable to start the buses before school. They quickly switched to buses in their reserve fleet with only a "slight disruption," according to Mentzer. "We did some combining of routes and made some slight time charges for pickups in order to meet the need," he said. "... It was just a little hectic around the garage for the ladies who do the routing." District officials believe all the buses can be repaired. "We don't have an exact amount yet, but we're estimating the losses could be upwards of $100,000," Mentzer said. "With losses as significant as this, we would probably resort to using our insurance." A catalytic converter, which resembles a small muffler, converts hazardous exhaust emissions into less-harmful gases. The devices are made of rhodium, palladium or platinum, whose values have skyrocketed. Catalytic-converter thefts have been on the rise for years across the United States. A new law on catalytic-converter sales designed to slow the trend took effect in Illinois last year. It requires businesses to keep specific records during acquisition and disposition. Illinois Secretary of State Police charged a Belleville man with two misdemeanors last fall after seizing 287 catalytic converters from his employer, a scrap-metal dealer in East Alton. How to take a break from social media Be easy on yourself and ask for help about social media use Helpful exercise to remind you what you're missing by scrolling Use your phone's screen-time tracking feature and limit social media use Physically distance yourself from your phone and apps Benefits of taking a social media break Reevaluate what you want out of social media Two and a half hours. Higher education funding, criminal justice reform and the creation of economic and workforce development strategies are among the issues that local lawmakers say they will be addressing with the opening of the 2023 legislative session. Everything from teacher shortages and aging school facilities to bail system changes and threats to the states electrical grid system are issues that legislators representing The T&D Region want to tackle. District 39 Sen. Vernon Stephens, D-Bowman Stephens, whose district includes portions of Orangeburg, Berkeley and Dorchester counties, said addressing teacher shortages is critical. In Orangeburg County, we do have a shortage of teachers. In order for us to attract teachers and ensure that we equip our children with skills that will ensure them a life that is competitive, especially in the job market, we have to focus on education," he said. He said increasing teacher pay is a start. Last year we took them up to the minimum of $40,000 a year. We need to be somewhere in another $5,000 to $6,000 more to make that truly competitive and have young folks who want to actually go into education. So we really have to do some work there on the pay scale, he said. He said upgrading school facilities is another factor in improving education. Yes, we did pass a $190 million bond referendum for Orangeburg County schools. That is not enough ... There are some school facilities that will still have issues with students accessing classrooms from the outside and the environment, he said. Stephens continued, The state of South Carolina for the last two years has passed $100 million to $150 million that is geared toward facility upgrades, as well as facility construction. I've been having conversations with some of my colleagues about a facilities bond for school facilities in the State of South Carolina. That will help throughout the state, especially those disadvantaged school districts, where the tax base is not sufficient enough to warrant actually building new facilities. He said he will also put more focus on increasing economic development in rural counties. Representing five counties, I see a considerable amount of investments in the Midlands of South Carolina, as well as the Lowcountry. Berkeley County is doing exceptionally well, as well as Dorchester and Orangeburg counties, but we need to focus some more on our rural counties and trying to make them attractive enough so that industry will locate there. Our commerce department is doing a fantastic job of selling South Carolina. Our local economic development teams need to enhance that some more in selling individual counties, Stephens said. He said the widening of Interstate 26 and I-95 will be key in economic growth. Those highways are two of the main highways in the state system and in this nation. Going back to the disadvantaged counties, or rural counties, those interstates open up the doors, Stephens said. He said he will also focus on legislation to combat hate crimes. I'm hoping that we can get beyond someone taking the life of someone because of his or her race, gender or national origin. ... We have to respect each other, but we have to make sure that we have legislation in place that will penalize individuals who do such hideous crimes and think that they can get away with it because society is beginning to look differently on crime, Stephens said. Parameters for high-speed chases that law enforcement officers sometime find themselves are another issue he wants to tackle. He said the general publics safety should come first when deciding, for example, when to begin or end such chases. A number of deaths have occurred because of these chases throughout our communities. ... Some bills have been prefiled that will go into detail about what would precipitate such action as to when we stop, or pull back. In Orangeburg County, there have been a number of deaths from high-speed chases. It's prevalent throughout the county, state and nation. I think that it's about time we take a look at it and try to prevent these things from happening. Those are unnecessary deaths, Stephens said. The senator said he is excited by Gov. Henry McMasters proposed budget plan. He has looked at education and is willing to put some additional funding into education above and beyond what we've been doing over the last couple of years. My fear is that the old voucher grinch might raise his head again, Stephens said. We may be passing legislation that will take funds from public schools and put it into the hands of private school parents, or the private schools themselves. I hope that will never happen, but I think it's probably inevitable that it is, he said. He said while the governor has thoroughly invested in the states economic growth, more can be done. "I applaud him the governor for that. I think we may need to do more, but that is a start. I'm kind of satisfied with some of his proposals, but there are some others that I think we need to perk up a little bit more. Overall, he seems to have a handle on what's best for the State of South Carolina. I think from the General Assembly's perspective, we're going to put our spin on it too," Stephens said, including working to provide more funding for local colleges and universities. South Carolina State University and Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College are among them. "We've been looking at South Carolina State University hard recently in trying to help them bridge that gap as it relates financially. There are a number of things that need to happen on the campus ... but I think the institution is headed in the right direction, as well as Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College, he said. I believe South Carolina State can actually have on the campus 5,000 to 6,000 students, but the problem is we don't have the dorms for that. We've recognized that. I applaud the institution and President Conyers and his staff for having that vision to grow the institution, but in order for us to grow it, we have to put some things in place, said Stephens, an SC State alumnus. "I think the academic piece is coming together. We just now have to make sure that we have the facilities to take care of our students, and those students who would love to be a fellow Bulldog, he said, noting that OCtech was doing wonders for economic development with its plethora of course offerings. District 93 Rep. Russell Ott, D-St. Matthews Ott said having Republicans as the majority party in the General Assembly will presents challenges in trying to get legislation passed, but hes committed to mature governance." Weve got a lot of problems that need to be addressed, and Im just very hopeful that this General Assembly is going to take a mature approach at trying to address those problems and not play politics as much as I think that we have in recent years. The elections are over. Its time to get down to the business of providing for our constituents and listening to them to try to address the needs and concerns of the state, he said. I think the budget is obviously going to dominate early on. Weve got a lot of one-time money, and weve got some new recurring money that we get to work with. The governor just recently put out his executive budget recommendation. So everybodys trying to get up to speed on that, Ott said. It looks encouraging to start with. I think a lot of his priorities line up with a lot of what my priorities are, which are law enforcement and education. Things have gotten so bad that even Henry McMaster has to acknowledge that weve been woefully short in those areas, he said. Ott said figuring out ways to retain and recruit teachers as well as law enforcement officers will be among his priorities, along with making sure that education savings accounts wont amount to putting public money into private schools. Im concerned that theres certainly going to be a major push this year for vouchers, what we are now calling ESAs, or education savings accounts. I think that majority party is certainly going to make a strong push for that. So thats something that Ive historically always been against and still dont think that public dollars should be used for private education. So Im going to try to hold the line there and make sure that our public schools are what the focus is, he said. Ott, who sits on a special economic development and energy issues committee which House Speaker Murrell Smith formed, said the state will have to continue to build on its strong economy. As far as Im concerned, though, weve got to be smart about it. We certainly want to be make sure were recruiting good businesses to the state, but weve also got to be very smart about where were bringing them. Weve got to look out for the rural communities. There has to be a balance, he said, noting that hell also be working to keep energy costs low. You shouldnt have to be deciding whether or not you can pay an electricity bill or the grocery bill. Weve really got a lot of folks out there that are struggling with those types of decisions. So I want to really do a deep dive into trying to figure out how we can attract economic development, but at the end of the day, for me, its about making sure that our constituents are able to afford the electricity, he said. Ott has also introduced bipartisan legislation to allow betting on horse racing in the state and hopes to make it law. Ive been working very hard on my equine support legislation. Thats another way of talking about allowing for advance-deposit wagering on horse racing in the State of South Carolina. Our equine industry has really fallen behind over the last couple of decades. Coming from a rural county of Calhoun and representing Orangeburg, where weve got things like the Elloree Trials, weve just got a rich equine horse history, he said. Im really excited about the possibility of getting that across the finish line this year, just opening up the opportunity for folks to engage in that online horse-racing wagering. That would bring a lot of revenue to our state, Ott said. He said he will also continue work to legalize the use of utility terrain vehicles on roads. More and more people are using them on roadways now. Theres some loopholes that people are able to use to be able to license them in other states and then drive them on our roadways. So were missing out on that revenue first and foremost, but at the end of the day, especially for the rural areas, its just something that a lot of people want. Im going to continue to work on trying to legalize that and make sure that its safe, he said. He said he will also work to foster the Regional Medical Centers burgeoning partnership with the Medical University of South Carolina, as well as support increased funding for local colleges and universities. Were starting off a new era with the hospital. So we want to continue to make sure that we set them up for success, Ott said. He said he has been working with OCtech President Walt Tobin to make sure that the college gets funding to attract students into fields to accommodate what he expects will be an influx of hybrid and electric vehicles. He said he would also be working with SC State to make sure that its capital and facility upgrade needs are met. Im going to continue to work with the board and administration there on understanding what their needs are trying to make sure that were able to meet them, Ott said. District 40 Sent. Brad Hutto, D-Orangeburg Hutto said, Im hopeful that we will continue to focus on education, particularly on infrastructure and the buildings in rural schools, rural counties. We have invested $100 million or more over the last two years in rural school infrastructure, and hopefully well continue doing that. The legislator said teacher pay and teacher recruitment and retention need to be revisited. We also need to take another look at classroom size, make sure that we dont have too many children in the classroom so that the teachers can effectively teach the children. Were going to look at paid family leave for our teachers and other school employees. So I would like to accomplish solving a lot of issues related to education, Hutto said. He said making sure the states workers are properly trained is another focus area, particularly because we have technical colleges and otherwise to handle the jobs that we have been successfully recruiting to South Carolina. Hutto continued, Weve also got some issues around criminal justice reform. There are issues about bail and some other issues (that have to be addressed), along with making sure that the states electrical infrastructure is adequately protected. Weve got to make sure that weve got adequate laws designed to protect it. I think those are some of the main things that we will take up. There are a lot of budget issues as we go forward. With the forecast on our budget, folks tell us that this should be a good year. So we will look forward to potentially funding some projects. The consolidation of the schools in rural counties will move forward, this year probably Barnwell County, he said. Hutto said he will continue to promote the RMCs partnership with MUSC. Were in ongoing discussions with the hospital as they move forward with their partnership with MUSC. I dont know that well need any legislation, but there have been a lot of ongoing talks with the state about making sure that this transition to a partnership works well, and I think it will, he said. He said he appreciates the work that went into the governors proposed budget, including the parts regarding increased pay for teachers and state employees. He said he is sure there will be more funding for S.C. State and OCtech this year. Hopefully, we can get some for our local schools as well. Its extremely early in the time table to talk about any specifics, but, yes, we have forecasts for a good budget. I believe there will be funds available for us to seek money to go to our local institutions to help them. District 95 Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter, D-Orangeburg Cobb-Hunter, whose district now includes portions of Dorchester County, said broadband expansion and increasing state employee pay will be among her statewide goals. As a member of Joint Bond Review Committee, we have been tasked with overseeing the implementation of broadband. So Im just really interested in making sure that the language that was inserted in the bill is sufficient to make sure that rural South Carolina gets access to broadband, she said. Cobb-Hunter continued, Locally, my focus is going to be on economic development, and specifically infrastructure and funding for higher education. In our area, weve got two technical colleges, OCtech and Denmark Tech. The presidents at both of those institutions are doing a great job, and I intend to do what I can to make sure that they get the kind of resources that they need. For me, its going to be about making sure that we have the tools to continue the great work that has been done by Orangeburg County Council. I am really excited about the new economic development director. I look forward to meeting with him to see what his vision is for the county and how I can help him with that. I do believe that there are great things happening in Orangeburg County, she said. Cobb-Hunter said she was impressed with the governors proposed budget. Quite frankly, I was pleasantly surprised. I appreciate the governor coming out of the gate recommending pay raises for state employees. I want to make sure, though, that we stop dividing state employees by giving some a raise, but not others. I think all state employees deserve a decent wage, she said. I just know, especially in this post-pandemic climate, that workers have choices now, and a lot of them are exercising that choice. The other thing I like is, of course, putting aside money for a rainy day, Cobb-Hunter said, noting that it may be warranted with a Republican-controlled House in the U.S. Congress. Im just nervous about all of the boon that weve had for the last two years coming to a screeching halt. The current Congress seems to not want to govern, but investigate. ... Im very nervous about the Republican-controlled House and the negative impact that they may have on all the good work that President Biden and the Democratic Congress has done over the last two years to grow this economy. I think its in jeopardy, I really do, she said. She continued, Unfortunately, what is happening in D.C. is filtering down to the state level. So I am still so very disappointed that the voices of five Black women are no longer heard in the General Assembly as a result of redistricting. Thats a significant loss on a personal level for me. Its just going to be interesting to see how things evolve. She said the widening of I-26 through Orangeburg County will also be a local priority for her. I know that my persistence in raising the issue is how we have gotten on the list and moved up on the list. It really is true that in politics the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Its my job to squeak so that Orangeburg and Dorchester counties get the grease, Cobb-Hunter said. She said she is going to spend the next two years acquainting herself with and doing whatever she can for her Dorchester County constituency. The county administrator in Dorchester County has done a phenomenal job, and I want to be a part of what Dorchester County Council is doing, Cobb-Hunter said. District 90 Rep. Justin Bamberg, D-Bamberg Bamberg said he wants to keep fighting to move the state forward. We rank last in a lot of things we ought to be first in, and first in a lot of things we ought to be last in. Everyday Im working to change that. I hope to get taxes lowered and bring more state funds to our community, especially our schools and medical facilities, he said. Bamberg continued, Bamberg County is, for example, one of nearly a dozen counties in our state without a single OB/GYN. That must change. In a state where Republicans in the General Assembly so firmly believe in protecting an unborn baby, its time to put the money where the mouth is in a lot of ways. We also need continued infrastructure improvement so that we are best positioned as the next area to grow as coast population growth heads down I-26. Bamberg said this years legislative session presents opportunities to pass meaningful legislation. We often waste valuable time debating issues designed to divide, with the goal of scoring political points. I'm not interested in that, and I hope my colleagues on the other side of the aisle aren't either. I'm always hopeful at the start of the legislative session because of the opportunity we're granted by voters to pass meaningful legislation. I'm concerned by the shift in the Republican Party to the right and how that will impact the bills we debate and how our time will be spent at the Statehouse this year, he said. Bamberg said he likes what he sees in the governors proposed budget. I'm glad to see Gov. McMaster finally support funding for many of the things Democrats like us have been fighting for over the years, like updating water systems in rural communities and improving safety in our schools given the change in times, he said. District 91 Rep. Lonnie Hosey, D-Allendale Hosey said seeing that the I-95 Corridor Authority Act become law is a priority for him. The bill would establish a 15-member authority representing Orangeburg, Bamberg, Allendale, Barnwell, Clarendon, Colleton, Darlington, Dillon, Hampton, Jasper, Lee, Marion, Marlboro, Sumter and Williamsburg counties. "We've been up and down on that for several years. Last year, we got it passed through the House and it got held up in the Senate. We're going to try again this year with the assurance that Senate leaders are going to try to push it over in the Senate this time," he said. Hosey said he hopes the authority will help reduce poverty and other issues that have crippled an area sometimes referred to as the Corridor of Shame. Getting a hate crime bill passed in the state is another priority, though he said it will be "an uphill battle." Hosey has said that he and Sen. Brad Hutto also secured $110 million from the SRS settlement funds to build a Barnwell County Consolidated High School and Career Center. "With the local consolidated district, Blackville and Williston went on with the process of it. Barnwell is still holding out of it. Sen. Hutto and I will have to legislate them into the process," he said. With redistricting, Hosey's district has gained a portion of western Orangeburg County, where he's also working to make sure local needs are met. "I'll have to talk to the citizens because it is a new district. I don't try to push things down on folks. We will have our town hall meetings and say, 'Look, what you think you want?' I have some brand new people with boots on the ground that we went through the election process this past year with that I will be talking to to try to get whatever interests that they might have," he said. Hosey continued, "I've found out that sometimes when we as legislators put in for something, they have to go through hoops and hurdles to try to get it done through county council or whatever," he said, noting that he's looking for Springfield, however, to move forward with a $1.8 million multipurpose recreation facility for which he helped secure funding. "That has been ironed out, I believe, to a point where we can move forward with that project," he said. "Over the years, I am not bragging, but it's a fact that God has worked with me to get some things in my district, and I will continue that effort with the voice of the people, what they say they want." Hosey has been in the House since 1999. The Rumour Mill Talks underway over Zapata loan move to Everton | 16/01/2023 Everton are reportedly negotiating with Atalanta over a proposed loan deal for striker Duvan Zapata. The 31-year-old Colombian international is available this month and according to iNews correspondent Mark Douglas, the Blues are hopeful of arranging a temporary move with an option to make the deal permanent in the summer. Zapata is hugely experienced, having played in Argentina and four different clubs in Serie A where he has scored 107 goals in 267 games over the past decade. He has also played 34 times for his country, scoring four times. Article continues below video content Zapata initially joined Atalanta on a two-year loan deal in 2018, a move that was eventually made permanent and went on to become the Italian club's highest-scoring foreign player in their history. According to a local report in Bergamo, Atalanta are happy to let Zapata leave this month but want an obligation to buy as part of any deal whereas Everton are currently offering a 15m option. Note: the following content is not moderated or vetted by the site owners at the time of submission. Comments are the responsibility of the poster. Disclaimer () How to get rid of these ads and support TW ToffeeWeb The Natrona County Fire District saw more vehicle crashes, special rescues, vehicle and miscellaneous fires last year than it has since 2016. Crews responded to 1,913 calls for service throughout 2022, with medical calls making up 1,236 of those reports, the Natrona County Fire District said. Those include breathing difficulty, child births, heart attacks, overdoses, strokes, unconscious patients and other similar issues. There were 275 vehicle accidents, which was the second highest number of calls after medical emergencies. A vehicle fire was reported on 32 occasions, which was also the highest number of those since 2016. This was coupled with an increase in miscellaneous fires. Trash fires, garbage fires or fires that dont have a classification fall under this category. It was a busy year for special rescues; there were 70. These include aircraft malfunctions, downed power lines, gas leaks, backcountry rescue, hazmat and high/low angle rescue. These incidents dont include off-district wildland assignments in dispatches to Arizona, Washington and other areas in Wyoming. [W]e are devoted to protecting lives and property by providing professional emergency services to our community, our visitors, and our neighbors with dedication, compassion and pride, the district said in a statement. We are honored to continue to serve you in 2023. The Family Dollar on CY Avenue, Kum & Go on 15th Street and the Big D gas station on 12th Street were robbed Sunday night, the Casper Police Department says. The suspect in all three robberies appears to be the same person, police say. The suspect is described as a white male. Officers responded to the first robbery at the Family Dollar at approximately 7:30 p.m., according to a Monday morning press release. An unknown male suspect entered the store and went directly to the checkout counter where he displayed a firearm to the clerk and demanded cash from the register, the release states. During the investigation of the first robbery, shortly before 9 p.m., officers were sent to the Kum & Go on 15th and McKinley streets for the second report of a robbery. The suspect again went straight to the checkout and demanded money while presenting what was believed to be a firearm in his jacket pocket, according to the release. The suspect was scared off as people pulled into the parking lot. He fled without any money. Just minutes after the attempted robbery at Kum & Go, the suspect went to the Big D gas station, brandished a pistol and demanded money before fleeing on foot, the release says. The Casper Police Department is asking for the publics help to identify the suspect, who they believe to still be armed and dangerous. Anyone with information is encouraged to call the department at 307-235-8286. An attempt by some members of the Fremont County GOP to censure Wyomings Sen. Cynthia Lummis for her yes vote on a bill that enshrined federal recognition of same-sex marriage failed Saturday. Its not clear what the exact vote count on the resolution was. Fremont County GOP Chairman Ginger Bennett declined to comment. One source who attended the meeting said it was roughly split between a third of members voting yes and two-thirds voting no. In November, Lummis broke from her previous record on same-sex marriages to vote in favor of the Respect for Marriage Act, which codified federal protections of same-sex and interracial marriage. The law requires all states to legally recognize these marriages. Wyomings Sen. John Barrasso voted no on the legislation, while former Rep. Liz Cheney voted yes. The bill came in response to concerns that the U.S. Supreme Courts overturning of Roe v. Wade over the summer cleared a path to chip away at same-sex marriage protections and other rights. Lummis vote was a surprising turn from her past stances on same-sex marriage. In 2013, for instance, then-Rep. Lummis cosponsored the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act, meant to block the federal government from punishing a person for acting on their religious belief that only marriages between a man and a woman are legitimate. She also cosponsored the 2015 State Marriage Defense Act, which would give states ways to get around federal recognition of marriage equality. Lummis explained her decision on the Senate floor before her second vote on the bill. For the sake of our nation today and its survival, we do well by taking this step, not embracing or validating each others devoutly held views, but by the simple act of tolerating them, she said. Nevertheless, her decision disgruntled some in the Wyoming Republican Party, which sent out an email newsletter the day after her first vote saying that the bill threatens religious liberties and is opposed to the Wyoming Republican Party Platform ... The proposed resolution from the Fremont County GOP describes the Respect for Marriage Act as an existential threat to the God-given family structure and the right to freedom of conscience... It says that Lummis should be censured for not ...faithfully representing either the party platform or the grassroots constituents [sic] whos sincerely and deeply held values and beliefs are codified therein. Sources who attended the meeting said that when the censure failed, one member tried to bring an amendment that would have changed the resolution to just an admonishment. But that was also unsuccessful. The body then voted down a proposal to send the senator a stern letter. The Fremont County GOPs vote on the resolution follows a failed attempt by Rep. Jeanette Ward, R-Casper, to bring discussion of censuring Lummis to the Natrona County GOP central committee meeting on Jan. 5. That effort failed in a 57-89 vote. The state could be cracking down on drones soon. Two bills considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday seek to criminalize flying unmanned aircraft in certain circumstances. Both proposals earned sponsorship from the Joint Judiciary Committee during last years interim legislative session. The first, Senate File 32, would make it illegal to fly drones over correctional facilities for surveillance or smuggling purposes. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously Friday to move the bill forward. The proposal, if passed as currently written, would ban using a drone to photograph, surveil, broadcast or otherwise record a correctional facility in Wyoming without prior authorization. Itd also explicitly ban using drones to smuggle contraband into jails or prisons. Both acts would be punishable by a fine of no more than $2,000, up to a year in jail, or both. Using a drone to sneak a deadly weapon into a correctional facility would be met with a much more severe punishment a fine of up to $10,000 and/or up to 10 years in prison. According to the bill, the new rules wouldnt apply to: Satellites; Drones operated by the U.S. government (or by people acting under federal contracts); Drones operated by the state government, law enforcement or emergency response agencies. Dan Shannon, director of the Wyoming Department of Corrections, was the only person to offer testimony on the bill Friday. Drones pose a unique security threat to jails and prisons, he told committee members. Sen. Cale Case, R-Lander, asked Shannon why drones should be considered different from other aircraft, like planes. If the bill were adopted into law, Case pointed out, itd still be legal to capture aerial footage of a prison using a plane, after all. One difference is distance, Shannon replied. Drones are capable of flying right up to or even landing inside correctional facilities. Because of that, photos and videos taken by drones are a greater privacy concern, Shannon said. Shannon said hes also worried about drones being used for smuggling. As of Friday, there have only been two documented cases of drones smuggling contraband into Wyoming state prisons, he said. Both were trying to sneak in tobacco. But in other states, drones have been successfully used to smuggle weapons and illegal drugs into correctional facilities, he added. Weve been very fortunate, Shannon said. The bill, if passed, would also allow the Department of Corrections to set internal rules on how to respond to drone sightings. Shannon said the department already has an idea of what those rules would look like. In the event that a drone was spotted above a state corrections facility, he said, the facility would first secure the area which would likely involve putting inmates on lockdown and notify law enforcement about the drone. Then theyd search for contraband. Another bill that went before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday, Senate File 34, would make it illegal for drones to fly onto private property. If passed, a person controlling a drone could be found guilty of trespassing if their aircraft enters the immediate reaches of the airspace of private land, and is found to have substantially interfered with the occupants use and enjoyment of the property. If convicted, the operator would face a fine of up to $750 and up to six months in jail. The bill attracted much more discussion than Senate File 32. Representatives from the livestock and energy sectors said drones were a growing nuisance in their respective industries. But there were concerns Senate File 34, as currently written, wouldnt have enough teeth to address the problem. Jim Magagna, executive vice president of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, questioned whether the use and enjoyment standard was too vague to enforce. The bill sets a much higher bar to clear than existing state criminal trespass laws, he said. If someone trespasses on my private land without authorization, theyre guilty of (trespassing), Magagna said. It doesnt matter if it interfered with anything Im doing or my enjoyment. Terry Armitage, an attorney representing the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, shared those concerns not just because of the use and enjoyment standard, but also because the bill doesnt clearly define what immediate airspace means. Im afraid as written, law enforcement probably wont write citations and prosecutors probably wont ever write a ticket, he said. While theres no hard-and-fast rule for what counts as immediate airspace, the general rule of thumb is less than 500 feet, Sen. Ed Cooper, R-Ten Sleep, said during Fridays meeting. The Senate Judiciary Committee indicated it would pick up discussion of the bill Monday. Drones are already subject to regulations set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Those regulations provide guidance on things like where drones can take off and land, and how far above private property they can fly. Many states and local governments have already taken steps to adopt stricter laws, however. In 2017, the Legislature passed a law authorizing the Wyoming Aeronautics Commission to issue additional rules related to unmanned aircraft. Trinidad and Tobagos murder toll has shot up to 164 with the killing of two men in separate Your childs education should be a family priority, according to Kimarie Richardson-Thomas, who has taught for 23 years in the public school system. Richardson-Thomas is the Academic Dean at Goodwood Secondary School, and teaches English Language, English Literature, and CAPE Communication Studies. As I get older, I am starting to understand my grandparents better. I have seen things grow The Tucson Chinese Cultural Center will host its first Lunar New Years event in three years on Saturday, Jan. 21. 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, and you know what they say about rabbits: They bring good luck. Last summer, in what the centers leadership admitted was beyond improbable, the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center was awarded a pair of federal grants totaling more than $300,000. Longtime volunteer Executive Director Susan Chan says it wasnt luck so much as fate playing its hand. Or perhaps a bit of both. Last spring, Chan received an email inviting the center to apply for a pair of federal grants through the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That was a first; in its 23 years, the center had never applied for any grants. But the COVID years that closed the center for more than two years and forced it to put its colorful celebrations like Lunar New Year on hold needed a bit of a jump-start, a mission tweak that would serve its community in this new pandemic landscape. We cant do what we did before; we have to think outside the box, Chan said, and part of that included reaching out to the community at large, offering its space to health officials to hold vaccination clinics and handing out masks to anyone who asked. During the three years, we did a lot of vaccine clinics. We did outreach. We gave out a lot of masks. We did our share to help, said Chan. A lot of people put blame, calling it the Chinese virus. During that time, we did have anti-Asian comments (sent) to us. A couple of times I received phone calls, and one of them I had to report to the FBI. The anti-Asian/anti-Chinese hatred nationwide and even in Tucson became so volatile that the center hosted a Zoom roundtable discussion with law enforcement officials about ways to stay safe. More than 100 people attended, Chan said. Then came that email last April encouraging the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center to apply for the CDC and NIH grants. What the heck, Chan thought. She recruited a pair of University of Arizona medical professors Dr. Howard Eng, who teaches pharmacy and public health at the University of Arizona; and Dr. Zhao Chen, associate dean of research for the UAs Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and tapped retired attorney Robin Blackwood, who is an expert in Tucson Chinese history, to help her write the grant proposals. Chan said they werent holding their breath. Plenty of people had warned them that rarely, if ever, does an organization win a grant on its first try, so their expectations were not especially high. Never say never. We couldnt believe it, Chan said of learning in August that the center had landed a $100,000 CDC grant and an NIH grant that could top $200,000 over a five-year span. Usually it takes years for you to receive such a grant, and the first time out, we received it. We were shocked and elated. The one-time CDC grant funds a study addressing the disparities of COVID-19 on Pima Countys Asian communities. The NIHs $45,000-a-year All of Us grant, which is renewable up to five years, allows the center to research health patterns among its seniors to identify ways to provide better health care to meet their needs. Its part of the All of Us programs Precision Medicine Initiative with its partners, Asian Health Coalition and Asian Engagement and Recruitment Core. Chan said a big focus of the centers All of Us grant work will be to develop a healthy Asian living program for its seniors that will include educational speakers addressing ways to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle and a nutrition program that the center hopes will grow into something similar to Meals on Wheels, a meal-delivery system for the communitys most vulnerable seniors. They also would like to start some sort of home health care program, Chan said. If the pandemic had an upside, it was that it forced the Chinese Cultural Center to rethink its mission and how it achieves it, Chan said. Because of the pandemic, we have to have a different way to run the center. We cant do what we did before; we have to think outside the box, she said, including collaborating with the UA East Asian Studies program on several programs including expanding the centers popular school field trip series with a focus on underrepresented area schools and bringing in nationally known authors including documentarian Curtis Chin and New York Times bestselling author Jamie Ford. Saturdays Lunar New Year celebration is the centers first big public event since the pandemic. It will include Chinese performances and a gourmet Chinese buffet. SONOYTA, Mexico Meyling holds in tears as she and her partner, who have been at the border in Sonora for a month, question whether theyre going to get a chance to ask for asylum in the U.S. for themselves and their three young children. The family is from Nicaragua, one of the countries included in the latest expansion of Title 42, a public health policy that the U.S. has used for nearly three years to expel migrants who enter the country undocumented. The U.S. has used Title 42 to expel migrants more than 2.5 million times since March 2020 when it was enacted, mostly to Mexico. For most of that time, Mexico would accept only its own citizens as well as migrants from the Northern Triangle: Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Therefore, many migrants from farther away were primarily exempt from the expulsion and would be processed under immigration law and given a day in court where they could ask for asylum. In October, the U.S. made a deal with Mexico to accept thousands of migrants from Venezuela who have entered the U.S. undocumented while also creating more legal pathways for Venezuelans to enter the U.S. And on Jan. 5, President Joe Biden announced migrants from Nicaragua, Cuba and Haiti would be added to that list. The U.S. could expel 30,000 people from those countries to Mexico a month, and at the same time 30,000 people a month from those countries would be allowed to come into the U.S., but only if they applied for the program before making the trip to the border. Nearly 76,000 Haitians, Cubans and Nicaraguans were apprehended by border authorities in November, the most recent data available, a quarter of which were families and children, according to federal data. In Arizona, people from Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti account for almost a quarter of migrants apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona in October and November, the first two months of fiscal year 2023. Confusion about the changes The announcement on the change last week created immediate confusion among migrants who were already at the border and for many of the shelters and centers in Sonora that serve them. Meyling and her family left Nicaragua because of the economic crisis and violence, and they cannot go back, she says. Meyling and her family spend their days at the Centro de Esperanza migrant resource center and shelter in Sonoyta, a midsize Mexican border town south of Ajo that many Americans drive through on the way to Rocky Point. The Arizona Daily Star is using only Meylings first name because the center asks journalists not to use migrants last names due to the dangers many face, both at home and at the U.S.-Mexico border. The centers courtyard is full of families. Small children play with toys in a sandy area. Teens pass a volleyball in the courtyard and a group of women prepares huge pots of carne de puerco in red sauce, white rice and potatoes. The center, run by the nonprofit Shelters for Hope, is working on fundraising to expand but currently has limited overnight space for families. They also serve about 150 people a day, providing food, clothing, showers, basic medical care, a safe place for families to be during the day and more. On Wednesday, Meyling was asking the same question many had how could she apply for the new program from her home country when she was already at the border? How the two new programs work There are two expanded ways that migrants can come into the country. One is the Alternate Travel Initiative, which includes migrants from Ukraine and Venezuela and just expanded to include migrants from Haiti, Nicaragua and Cuba. The other program is a Title 42 exemption thats a more formal process to one that has been quietly happening for a while now. The Title 42 expansion in October that created legal pathways for more Venezuelans to enter the country while also expelling more under Title 42 seems to be achieving its goal of curbing unauthorized immigration at the border. From the month prior to the month after the new policy, the number of Venezuelans apprehended at the border dropped by 60%. Migrants who apply for this program need a sponsor in the U.S. to start the process. These sponsors are typically friends or family members. After passing background checks, eligible migrants would be allowed to live and work temporarily in the U.S. and could apply for asylum. People are also supposed to apply for the program from their home country or another country besides Mexico. The idea is that they would not have to cross a land border at all but can fly directly to where their sponsor is, which can be anywhere in the U.S. What that explicitly means is that those who were already in Mexico or at the border when the announcement was made can still apply, but those who crossed into Mexico without authorization after Jan. 5 wont be eligible. They are eligible for the second option, however, the Title 42 exemptions, which is open to a limited number of migrants from any country. People can apply through the CBP One app if they attest that they or their family member qualify for at least one of six reasons, which include having a physical or mental illness, having a disability, being pregnant, not having access to safe housing or shelter in Mexico, being under the age of 21 or over 70, or having been threatened or harmed while in Mexico. Migrants can apply for this program only if they are anywhere north of the 19th parallel 19 degrees north of the earths equatorial plane which is roughly a bit south of Mexico City. They will receive an appointment to be processed at a port of entry. There are eight ports of entry across the Southwest border where migrants can apply for these appointments through the app, one of which is in Arizona. Application option The Dennis DeConcini Port of Entry in Nogales is processing 60 people a day, including holidays and weekends, under this exemption: 30 in the morning and 30 in the afternoon. The ability to make an appointment from an app rather than waiting at a port of entry will likely make it easier and safer for people, says Bonnie Arellano, supervisory program manager for admissibility with the Tucson Field Office. Having a mom with three kids stand outside the port for several hours waiting to come in as compared to getting an appointment and coming in through CBP One are two very different stories for that person, she said. This gives them an opportunity to get to the port in a timely fashion, know that theyll be able to be received at a certain time and get the opportunity to tell their story. As its been, individuals and families sometimes wait months at the border, in a sort of limbo, hoping to seek asylum in the U.S. while living in often subpar conditions and being vulnerable to exploitation. Allowing migrants to apply for the Title 42 exemption themselves, rather than needing a third party to do it for them, which is how it worked before this change, is a step in the right direction, says Joanna Williams, executive director of the Kino Border Initiative, a binational organization that provides humanitarian aid to migrants in Nogales, Sonora. Its a step in the right direction in the sense that it allows an individual to submit their case to the government rather than them being dependent on another organization or actor, she said. In the past, different organizations or individuals such as a private lawyer could refer cases for a Title 42 exemption to the U.S. government, sometimes giving those who could afford to pay someone an advantage over the most vulnerable migrants. But there are still access issues with the new process. The application is currently only in English and Spanish, which can limit who applies. The Yuma area has seen people crossing the border from 176 countries, speaking 200 languages. Another barrier is access to WiFi and a cell phone. Williams says even less expensive cell phones are more likely to have problems navigating the app. What the programs will look like here The Kino Border Initiative is helping people who come to them in Nogales, Sonora, navigate the app, which went live Thursday, Williams says. Appointments for the next two weeks opened Thursday morning, and a significant number of migrants were able to get one. But although Kino provides migrants with information and has trained staff who can help, there are concerns for migrants in more rural areas of the border who are not necessarily getting access to information in a timely fashion, Williams says. As far as the other program, which expanded Title 42 expulsions, the first 100 people who get expelled from the U.S. each day through the Arizona border are bused to Hermosillo, Sonora, Williams said. She is deeply troubled by the expansion of Title 42 expulsions and is concerned about the conditions people are waiting in while navigating this new reality. The Biden administration theoretically was going to end Title 42 because theres no public health justification for it, she said. This instead, using it more and more as an approach to border management, is an unsustainable tool. Congress didnt pass this law with this intention. And so its continuing to use more of a bandage approach that causes real harm to the families that are expelled into limbo in Mexico. Yuma is one of the areas of the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona that has seen a large influx of migrants in the last few years, many of whom were being allowed to come into the country to await a day in court to ask for asylum. Amanda Aguirre, president and CEO of the Regional Center for Border Health, which provides same-day services to migrants, says the numbers of people they are helping has been enormous up to 500 a day. More of the services the health center and many other migrant service providers in the U.S. are providing are able to be covered by grants, most recently funded with $800 million in the federal omnibus spending bill, passed in December. But it is hard to say whether the expansion will change the influx of people they see in Yuma, Aguirre says, especially if migrants applying for the new legal pathways still come through the Arizona ports of entry. The challenge is still going to be there, she said. Photos: Biden visits the border for the first time In a guestroom recording studio, Margot Carmichael and her sister Jenna Schneider gather to tell stories to listeners every week about tragic deaths that happened in and around Arizona. Since December, the two sisters have teamed up to create Death X Southwest, a true crime podcast centered around exploring stories about various murder cases that are unique to the Southwest. Carmichael and Schneider grew up in Chicago, but when Carmichael came to Tucson to attend the University of Arizona, her family came along too and hasnt left since. Following in her sisters footsteps, Schneider also attended the UA. Just like their similar taste in universities, the sisters were also both drawn to true crime. Carmichael and Schneider said they became more interested in true crime once podcasting became a popular medium. They also tended to be more drawn to books and movies with true crime themes. As a podcast producer for Calvary Media, a Los Angeles-based media company, Carmichael said she always has podcasting on her mind, which led her to share different ideas for new shows with her creative sister. While talking about a true crime podcast Schneider enjoyed listening to, Carmichael began thinking about a name for a podcast about crimes that happened in Tucson or in the Southwest. Thus, Death X Southwest was born. We just kind of bounce ideas off of each other for a couple of months and then I brought it to my bosses at Cavalry Media, pitched them the idea and they loved it, Carmichael said. The sisters decided to focus solely on homicide cases that happened in the Southwest to help fill a gap that they say is missing from other true crime podcasts. We realized that the Southwest is severely underrepresented in true crime podcasting, Carmichael said. There are a few small podcasts that do focus specifically on the Southwest or cities in the Southwest, but theres really not much. After they were given the green light, Schneider said they did some practice episodes in order to navigate the roles they would play. Carmichael would eventually be the one who researches the different cases and then tells the story to Schneider, who would ask Carmichael questions about the case and give her thoughts. In order to find a case, Carmichael searches online for homicides that happened in the Southwest that have enough reliable information on them. Once she finds a good case and has done the research, she writes a script and gets ready to record. The two sisters meet at the recording studio in Carmichaels guestroom where Carmichael begins to tell the story while Schneider interjects with her questions. We start up every episode by kind of generating a little bit of sense of place a little geography, Carmichael said. A lot of these places that were talking about, neither of us have necessarily been to or spend too much time in. So, we try to talk about interesting facts and general information about the location of each of these crimes, and then we get into the story. On Dec. 12, the first episode of Death X Southwest made its debut on Apple Podcasts. In addition to their weekly podcast, they also put out bonus episodes that are titled Look-up List. The Look-up List episodes allow Carmichael and Schneider to take a look back at their most recent episode and correct any facts they may have gotten wrong or address topics that needed a deeper dive. I think for both of us, a big part of what was important to us from the beginning was remaining authentic and being honest and true to who we are, Carmichael said. So while we certainly always want to put out the most accurate and well researched information, sometimes Ill find something after the fact, so I just think its an opportunity to be honest and to say we dont have all the answers all the time. So far, Carmichael and Schneider have covered cases such as Adrienne Salinas death. According to the podcast, Salinas, a college student from Tempe, disappeared in 2013 and her remains were found months later. Death X Southwest has also covered the death of Gloria Marmolejo, a mother of two who was slain in 2009 in El Paso, Texas. As for the future of Death X Southwest, both sisters hope to grow a loyal following and cover some stories that take place in Tucson. Carmichael and Schneider are also hoping to one day go on tour where they can visit Southwest cities and tell the stories on stage with the help of detectives, police officers or family members involved in the case. As a podcast producer, Im aware of how much work goes into podcasting and various podcasts, Carmichael said. But Ive learned it on a different level now, so I have great respect for all the fellow podcasters out there. Death X Southwest is available to listen to on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Both of those platforms are available for download from the app store. Flash At least ten people were killed in an improvised explosive device attack on Sunday in the northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), said a local army spokesman. About 39 people were seriously injured when a bomb exploded at a local church in Kasindi of the North Kivu province, said Anthony Mwalushayi, spokesman for the DRC Armed Forces in the region, who provided the provisional casualty number. According to the Twitter account of the Congolese Ministry of Communication, the Congolese government said it strongly condemned the bomb attack visibly perpetrated by rebels from the Allied Democratic Forces on Sunday. Around 80,000 demonstrators took to the streets in Tel Aviv to protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new government and its plans for sweeping changes to Israel's judicial system. Yaniv Segal, Activist at The Pink Front joins for more. As featured on Netanyahu moving ahead on legal overhaul despite outcry Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his government plans to charge ahead with an overhaul of the countrys judicial system, despite fierce criticism from top legal officials and protests against the changes that drew tens of thousands of people. In 1988, David Lazaroff got a call an important one. About jellyfish. A couple years earlier, Lazaroff had worked for a decade as an environmental education specialist at Sabino Canyon. Everyone knew me there and whenever something odd or interesting showed up in Sabino Canyon, Id get a call, he says. Thats what happened in 1988, after a few hikers spotted something strange in Sabino Creek and reported the sighting to folks in the visitor center. Jellyfish. They saw jellyfish. Lazaroff had been interested in freshwater biology, studying critters long before graduating from the University of Arizona in 1984 with a degree in ecology and evolutionary biology. He didnt know if hed ever see freshwater jellyfish in person, but he hoped the day would come. This was that day. He followed the directions given to the visitor center and made the trek into Sabino Canyon on a warm day in mid-July. I walked way, way up and no jellyfish, he says. I was kind of disappointed. But a week later, someone else reported a sighting and this time, better directions were left with the visitor center. Lazaroff started his hike and then he saw them teeny tiny jellyfish, less than an inch across, pulsing in a desert creek. The mystery of freshwater jellyfish The jellyfish may not be rare, but theyre rare to see. Theyre commonly called freshwater jellyfish their scientific name is Craspedacusta sowerbyi but technically speaking, theyre not really jellyfish. They look like them, they eat like them, they act like them. But theyre technically part of a different class of organisms, with very, very minor kind of anatomical differences from true jellyfish, Lazaroff explains. When the jellyfish are visible, theyre in low water thats been still for a while. Theyre weak swimmers, so you wont see them when the water is running. Most of their lives, though, are spent in a completely different form one that doesnt look like jellyfish at all. Its called a polyp. Lazaroff describes their appearance as such: cutting a finger off a glove, smearing it in Vaseline and dirt, then shrinking it down to less than an eighth of an inch. You have this little debris-covered tiny creature underwater that nobody ever notices, he says. Lazaroff says freshwater jellyfish reproduce asexually three ways, creating clones of each other a bud grows on the side of a polyp, developing into a tiny larva, dropping off, crawling away and growing into a new polyp; a bud grows on the side of a polyp, developing directly into a new polyp, which then drops off and lives by itself; or a bud grows, develops directly into a new polyp and remains permanently attached to the parent. All these scenarios produce tiny organisms most of which we never notice. But sometimes, freshwater jellyfish reproduce sexually. A bud grows on the side of a polyp and then that teeny bud grows into a teeny jellyfish. Register for more free articles. Log in Sign up Freshwater jellyfish aren't native to Tucson, or even to the United States. Lazaroff says theyre native to China, and there are a few theories on how they made their way here. Thought to be the most likely scenario is that sometimes polyps can fall into a resting state, when theyre covered by a hard coating, almost like a seed, Lazaroff says. Its possible they get stuck to the foot of a bird, which then migrates from pond to pond. Lazaroff says the jellyfish are pretty much harmless at Sabino Creek, though. When he spotted them in the 80s, there were fish swimming in the same pool of water and they were simply ignoring the jellyfish. The jellyfish might affect microscopic animals in the pond, but thats not something you and I would ever notice, he says, adding that the jellyfish could possibly catch a very small fish. There have been a few reports from people saying their hands felt irritated after coming in contact with them, too. But still, they're a rare sight. The polyps dont always produce jellyfish and when they do, they might not grow big enough for us to see, or while theyre growing, they might be washed away in running water. Theyre mysterious creatures, Lazaroff says. Another two documented sightings Lazaroff spotted the jellyfish in a still pool of low murky water, warm at 80 degrees. He had to kneel on a rock to see them. Some would come up to the surface, before disappearing back into the murky water, Lazaroff says. In his scenario, you couldnt miss them if you were deliberately looking for them but if you werent, youd easily walk right by them. He didnt need anyone to help him identify the freshwater jellyfish when he saw them he knew what they were. But he called a friend, a biologist from the University of Arizona, because he knew theyd be interested, too. By the time the biologist visited the creek in early August, the water started running again. That wouldve been the end of the jellyfish, Lazaroff says. Lazaroff hasn't seen the jellyfish since then, but there have been at least two more documented sightings in Sabino Creek in 1999 and 2021 according to the United States Geological Survey, which allows people to log reported sightings of aquatic species. Though theyre mysterious and a little bit strange, Lazaroff thinks its important to remember their beauty. They are exquisite tiny little jellyfish. In China, they are called peach blossom fish, so thats a nice name for them it implies the beautiful side of these creatures, he says. Lazaroff documented his jellyfish sightings in a sidebar of his 1993 book, Sabino Canyon: The Life of a Southwestern Oasis. The book describes the treasured beauty of Sabino Canyon, its plants, animals and recreation. He has another book about Sabino Canyon set to be released this spring. Before moving to Arizona in 1977, Lazaroff lived in California, where he worked as a high school teacher and a naturalist for the National Park Service. He moved here after accepting a job in Sabino Canyon. I found Sabino Canyon to be just a fascinating place theres so many things about it, he says. Its interesting in so many ways. It has an interesting geology, biology, history its a lot of interesting stuff crammed into just a few miles, he says. Thats the thing talking about jellyfish. You can get wrapped up in the strangeness of these creatures, these brainless creatures that reproduce in strange ways, but then you can forget that theyre beautiful and unexpected, floating around in the water. Authorities are investigating after officers fatally shot an armed man who was reportedly having a mental episode Saturday night in McAlester. Officers from the McAlester police department, with assistance from Krebs police, at 8:25 p.m. were called to the 1900 block of Green Meadows Drive in McAlester, where a 911 caller had requested a welfare check on a male subject that was having a mental episode, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said in a news release. The man was known to McAlester officers, the OSBI said. Officers arrived at the home and approached the man, who was in a doorway armed with a carbine rifle, the OSBI said. Officers gave commands to the man to put the weapon down, which were disregarded, the OSBI said. Officers discharged their weapons, hitting the man. Officers immediately began rendering aid, the OSBI release said. The man was transported to the McAlester Regional Health Center, where he was pronounced deceased. A loaded carbine rifle and a high-capacity magazine were recovered from the scene. No officers were injured. The mans name is not being released pending next of kin notification, the OSBI said Sunday. The investigation involves Native Americans and falls under the McGirt Supreme Court decision, the release said. Application deadline: Applications to serve a one-year appointment as the District 2 representative on TPS Board of Education must be received by board clerk Sarah Bozone by 5 p.m. Friday. The seat will officially become vacant on Jan. 23, when current board member Judith Barba Perezs resignation takes effect. By law, the board has up to 60 days to appoint her successor. The application form is available in English and Spanish on the districts website and in the front office of each school within District 2. Schools within that board district include Emerson, Kendall-Whittier, McKinley, Mitchell, Owen, Sequoyah and Springdale elementary schools; Unity Learning Academy; Carver Middle School; Booker T. Washington High School; and Will Rogers College Middle and High School. Election deadline: Friday is the deadline to register to vote in Feb. 14 elections. Claremore and Owasso each have a school board primary, while Catoosa, Coweta, Jenks, Skiatook and Union each have a bond proposal on the ballot. Back to Park: Without debate, Tulsa Public Schools Board of Education approved a lease extension at its Jan. 9 meeting to allow Minim Productions to use the former Park Elementary School while shooting season three of Reservation Dogs. Minim had a short term lease with the district in 2022 to use the building for offices and storage space while filming the second season of the FX series. Located at 3205 W. 39th St., Park is one of three westside schools that were shuttered in 2017 as part of an effort to offset a multimillion-dollar budget shortfall. The building was added to TPS surplus list in 2019. Stay home days: Area school districts are closed Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Owasso Public Schools also will not be in session Tuesday due to a professional development day. Enrollment session: TPS has an enrollment exposition scheduled for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at Tulsa Techs Peoria Campus, 3850 N. Peoria. Along with representatives from TPS campuses and departments, on-site enrollment help for the 2023-24 school year will be available for families. Translation services will be offered. Hacking away: In honor of Black History Month, the Urban Coders Guild and Holberton Tulsa are accepting registration through Feb. 13 for the Black Futures Hackathon on Feb. 20. Scheduled for 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 15 N. Cheyenne Ave., the free event is open to high school students and members of the Urban Coders Guild. No previous coding experience is required. Registration is available at hackathon.holbertontulsa.com, with spaces reserved on a first come, first served basis. COVID-19 by the numbers: Four districts had published updated COVID-19 case counts by the close of business Friday. Bartlesville Public Schools had one reported case among staff and six among students. Both Berryhill Public Schools and Skiatook Public Schools had no reported cases among staff or students. Tulsa Public Schools had six reported cases among students and seven among staff. Campuses with at least one reported case are Bell, Hamilton and Peary elementary schools and Webster Middle and High School. Bixby, Broken Arrow, Catoosa, Claremore, Collinsville, Coweta, Glenpool, Jenks, Kiefer, Liberty, Mounds, Owasso, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Sperry, Union, Verdigris and Wagoner are not publishing updated case counts at this time. School board schedule: The Board of Education for Bartlesville is scheduled to meet Monday. The boards for Anderson, Sapulpa and Union are scheduled to meet Tuesday. Featured video: Memorable Tulsa World education stories of 2022 Officials at Tulsa Community College are continuing to see higher enrollment numbers from Oklahoma high school students. With registration still open through Monday for 16-week courses, Lissa Steadley, director of TCCs Dual Credit Programs, said her office has already seen an enrollment increase of more than 10% among its six offerings for the second consecutive spring semester. Working with high schools as far as way as Mountain View-Gotebo in southwestern Oklahomas Kiowa County, TCC currently partners with more than 170 school districts around Oklahoma to offer in-person and remote dual-credit options, which allow students the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school. It is our goal to help students get started on the right foot, Steadley said. Ive been here 10 years, and we have grown steadily every year, but in this last year or so, it has just taken off. Weve never seen double-digit growth like this. Among the six programs under Steadleys office is dual enrollment. Also known as concurrent enrollment, it is open to juniors and seniors and allows students to take college classes that also count toward their high school diplomas. For example, Composition I, a one-semester course, can fulfill a students high school English requirement for the junior or senior year while simultaneously earning that student three hours of college credit. Students are able to earn up to 12 hours of college credit as juniors and 18 hours of college credit as seniors with tuition covered by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. The lure of getting ahead academically appealed to Bixby senior Carter Breneman. He has already completed four college classes and will be taking statistics and biology in person at TCCs Southeast Campus this semester. I wanted to be proactive about my future and try to get a head start so that when I get to college I wont have to roll through as many general education classes, he said. That opportunity to complete at least part of an associates degree at a lower cost was also attractive for fellow Bixby senior Auree Maddox. Maddox is on track to complete a full years worth of college credit by the time she graduates from high school in May. She said the opportunity to avoid taking on student debt was a key factor in her decision to take college courses while still in high school. Its so hard to finish college in four years, so if I can get ahead, why wouldnt I? Maddox said. <&rule> Featured video: Memorable Tulsa World education stories of 2022 Voters would see little difference, but conducting elections would get a little bit easier if legislation requested by the Tulsa County Election Board becomes law, board Secretary Gwen Freeman said this week. Every little bit of help we can get, well be happy with, Freeman said. Senate Bill 266, by Sen. Dave Rader, R-Tulsa, would allow limited sharing of election day poll workers at locations hosting more than one precinct. Some precincts already share polling places, but they cant share personnel. Each precinct must have a full complement of at least three officers an inspector, a judge and a clerk. SB 266 would allow two or more precincts with no more than 7,500 registered voters combined to share not only polling places but workers. In other words, two precincts at the same location might need only five poll workers instead of six, with one of the five probably the inspector going back and forth as needed. The request is prompted by the difficulty in recruiting and retaining enough poll workers. Tulsa Countys 251 precincts, for instance, require a minimum of 753 workers for any one election. Freeman said the figure is often higher, though, because a fourth worker is often added when a large turnout is expected. And, with not every worker available for every election, Tulsa County tries to maintain a roster of 1,000-1,100 election officials. Interest in being an election official has waned substantially over the last few years, Freeman said. For whatever reason, since COVID its gotten harder and harder. They get bullied. They get yelled at. Theres public backlash for just showing up and doing a job. Freeman and Tommy Neal, Tulsa County election support and security specialist, said they wont put pen to paper to figure out which precincts might be affected by the proposed change unless SB 266 actually becomes law. Whether precincts share workers could depend in part on the type of election and expected turnout, but Neal said any voting location changes would be intended as permanent. Neal said he does not believe the change would lead to longer lines at the polls. If it gets implemented, this wont be much of a change (for voters), Neal said. It wont be massive. <&rule> Featured video: Memorable Tulsa World election and political stories of 2022 Cheyenne leaders asked Congress in the 1990s not to label the place where dozens of their ancestors were killed in a surprise attack as a battle. The name stuck, though, and the National Park Service has managed the western Oklahoma site ever since. Now tribal leaders are renewing their push for battlefield to go amid a broader reckoning by the U.S. government to reconsider racist or otherwise offensive landmark names and how they came to be. Flash A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Saturday for the upgrading and renovation project of Luang Prabang hospital aided by China in the north of Laos. Lao Minister of Health Bounfeng Phoummalaysith thanked China for its assistance, saying medical facilities are an important part of Laos' infrastructure and the project demonstrated China's strong support to help improve Lao people's livelihood and the profound friendship of the Chinese to the Lao people. Speaking at the ceremony, Chinese Consul General in Luang Prabang Li Zhigong said China has always supported the development of medical and health care in Laos, actively responded to Laos' needs for assistance, and carried out in-depth cooperation in the medical field and achieved positive results. It is believed that the project will further improve the hospital's modernization level and medical treatment capabilities, Li said. Governor of Luang Prabang province Khamkhan Chanthavisouk, and Vice President of the Laos-China Cooperation Committee Xaysana Sitthiphone also attended the ceremony. A former senior tech lead manager at Google, Huy Nguyen abandoned his career in Sillicon Valley to return home to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to pursue his dream of developing a blockchain. In 2017, then 30-year-old Huy Nguyen was one of Googles youngest senior tech lead managers. However, in 2021, the man decided to leave Google and return to Vietnam to create a startup which he hoped would help his homeland develop its technology sector. Sharing knowledge Since returning to Vietnam, Huy Nguyen has spent his time as the CEO of KardiaChain a blockchain technology startup which he co-founded. Instead of solely focusing on developing his own business, Huy Nguyen spends a significant portion of his time attending community events dedicated to blockchain technology in Vietnam. These events, which share ideas on how to develop Vietnams technological sector, are one of Huy Nguyens primary reasons for returning home. Aside from them, Huy Nguyen also appears on talk shows for technology education, offers courses to students, and participates in workshops and conferences on regulation and policy. During Huy Nguyens time at Google, he helped launch an online system for automatic bidding in telecom networks using blockchain technology so he believes that this experience gives him valuable insights he can share with the Vietnamese tech community. "Once I learned about blockchain technology, I realized how many benefits it could bring to various fields. If we use it wisely, it can even change the status of our nation," Huy Nguyen said. He also believes that Vietnam is in its golden age of blockchain technology development and, based off this feeling, he hopes to raise awareness of blockchain in the community and help as many people as possible to learn about and access this new technology. He does this by lecturing at universities, writing textbooks, and giving lectures on blockchain technology. He hosts workshops and seminars for executives and entrepreneurs in order to help them garner a better understanding of how blockchain technology can be applied to their business models. "We need more 'catalysts' to help Vietnamese entrepreneurs create certain advantages in their own market so they can stop being the 'followers' of global companies," Huy Nguyen said. Huy Nguyen speaks as one of the moderators at a blockchain workshop in Ho Chi Minh City in 2022. Photo: Supplied A promising future In addition to his work within Vietnam, Huy Nguyen also promotes Vietnamese blockchain technology in other countries, hoping to show the global community that Vietnam is a promising country and worthwhile investment. This work takes Huy Nguyen all around the world, including a trip to Bangladesh where he engaged with student teams on behalf of the Vietnam Association for Information Processing at the global final round of the World Final ICPC 2020 competition. At the event, the Vietnamese delegation won the bronze medal. Many people consider Huy Nguyens work in the local blockchain community to be extremely special because, rather than focus on his own business or spend time in the U.S., where his family has settled, he tries to build the community. "I used to think that it was important to focus on my own work, but now I feel that I have greater responsibility for both my company and my homeland," Huy Nguyen explained. "I want to be a part of the preparation process for Vietnam's next generations to take advantage of a new wave of technology," he said. "A generation thoroughly educated and inspired by the fire of enthusiasm that can help spur Vietnam to become a new technological powerhouse." Huy Nguyen strongly believes that Vietnam has a great opportunity thanks to the fact that the proportion of its population that works is twice the size of the proportion of the population that is dependent. This is often referred to as 'the golden population structure.' Huy Nguyen (left) sits with one of his coworkers when he was still working at Google. "We have seen how much countries like the U.S., Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and China have benefited [from the golden population structure]," he said. "I really do not want our country to miss this opportunity. "The reason this motivates me so much is because I have the desire to put Vietnam on the world map of technology, and if we see an opportunity, we must do our best to seize it." Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! A former senior tech lead manager at Google, Huy Nguyen abandoned his career in Sillicon Valley to return home to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to pursue his dream of developing a blockchain. In 2017, then 30-year-old Huy Nguyen was one of Googles youngest senior tech lead managers. However, in 2021, the man decided to leave Google and return to Vietnam to create a startup which he hoped would help his homeland develop its technology sector. Sharing knowledge Since returning to Vietnam, Huy Nguyen has spent his time as the CEO of KardiaChain a blockchain technology startup which he co-founded. Instead of solely focusing on developing his own business, Huy Nguyen spends a significant portion of his time attending community events dedicated to blockchain technology in Vietnam. These events, which share ideas on how to develop Vietnams technological sector, are one of Huy Nguyens primary reasons for returning home. Aside from them, Huy Nguyen also appears on talk shows for technology education, offers courses to students, and participates in workshops and conferences on regulation and policy. During Huy Nguyens time at Google, he helped launch an online system for automatic bidding in telecom networks using blockchain technology so he believes that this experience gives him valuable insights he can share with the Vietnamese tech community. "Once I learned about blockchain technology, I realized how many benefits it could bring to various fields. If we use it wisely, it can even change the status of our nation," Huy Nguyen said. He also believes that Vietnam is in its golden age of blockchain technology development and, based off this feeling, he hopes to raise awareness of blockchain in the community and help as many people as possible to learn about and access this new technology. He does this by lecturing at universities, writing textbooks, and giving lectures on blockchain technology. He hosts workshops and seminars for executives and entrepreneurs in order to help them garner a better understanding of how blockchain technology can be applied to their business models. "We need more 'catalysts' to help Vietnamese entrepreneurs create certain advantages in their own market so they can stop being the 'followers' of global companies," Huy Nguyen said. Huy Nguyen speaks as one of the moderators at a blockchain workshop in Ho Chi Minh City in 2022. Photo: Supplied A promising future In addition to his work within Vietnam, Huy Nguyen also promotes Vietnamese blockchain technology in other countries, hoping to show the global community that Vietnam is a promising country and worthwhile investment. This work takes Huy Nguyen all around the world, including a trip to Bangladesh where he engaged with student teams on behalf of the Vietnam Association for Information Processing at the global final round of the World Final ICPC 2020 competition. At the event, the Vietnamese delegation won the bronze medal. Many people consider Huy Nguyens work in the local blockchain community to be extremely special because, rather than focus on his own business or spend time in the U.S., where his family has settled, he tries to build the community. "I used to think that it was important to focus on my own work, but now I feel that I have greater responsibility for both my company and my homeland," Huy Nguyen explained. "I want to be a part of the preparation process for Vietnam's next generations to take advantage of a new wave of technology," he said. "A generation thoroughly educated and inspired by the fire of enthusiasm that can help spur Vietnam to become a new technological powerhouse." Huy Nguyen strongly believes that Vietnam has a great opportunity thanks to the fact that the proportion of its population that works is twice the size of the proportion of the population that is dependent. This is often referred to as 'the golden population structure.' Huy Nguyen (left) sits with one of his coworkers when he was still working at Google. "We have seen how much countries like the U.S., Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and China have benefited [from the golden population structure]," he said. "I really do not want our country to miss this opportunity. "The reason this motivates me so much is because I have the desire to put Vietnam on the world map of technology, and if we see an opportunity, we must do our best to seize it." Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! They could be scenes straight from gangster movies, except all happened for real in the French port of Le Havre over the past year. A drug gang smashing its way out of the port in a lorry loaded with cocaine under police fire; another criminal band storming a depot inside the tightly-controlled zone to grab a hidden shipment of the drug. And then there was the container cracked open in daytime traffic just outside the gates by a gang who set it on fire once they retrieved a cache of the white powder. "There is so much money to be made they do not think twice about taking big risks," a police officer in the Channel port told AFP. Le Havre is one of northern Europe's big five container ports. And its vast cargo terminals where the River Seine reaches the sea have become the main point of entry for cocaine into France. A record 10 tonnes of the drug were seized on its quays in 2021 -- up 164 percent on the previous year -- as a vast wave of cocaine has poured into Europe from South America. The explosion in the trade has led to a massive escalation in violence and corruption in the port, most of it focused on the port's 2,200 dockers, the main target of the drug trafficking mafia. 'Price list' of bribes The dockers, organised under the banner of the communist union, the CGT, have long been the masters this world apart of giant cranes and mountains of multi-coloured containers. "Not just anyone can get into the port of Le Havre, so to get the drugs out, the traffickers need accomplices -- most of all dockers," a police source told AFP. Several dockers have been jailed over the past few years for working with the drug gangs, and the names of others have popped up in police wiretaps. One of them told his lawyer how he got entangled in the trade. "Before I used to make 200 or 300 euros ($320) a month from selling (stolen) perfume or cartons of cigarettes. One day some guys asked me to take some bags out (of the port) for 1,000 euros a bag. "It started like that," he said. In fact, according to a "price list" discovered in 2017, the "narcos" were offering dockers up to 75,000 euros to help get a container out of the port, with 10,000 for the loan of a security badge and 50,000 for moving a container. "Some dockers do it for the money, but most are threatened or pressured into it," insisted lawyer Valerie Giard, who has defended several. "The traffickers come up to them at the school gates or in a cafe and show them photos of their family," Giard said. "They tell them that if they don't do what they say, they'll be trouble. Once they get them involved, they never get out." Those who resist face more muscular methods. Death on the docks In June 2018, a docker was kidnapped near his home and found a few hours later his face battered and the calves of his legs stabbed with a screwdriver. The 54-year-old told police his abductors demanded he pay them several million euros, saying he was "a big fish. We know where you work, and that you can get containers out" of the port. A police informant later told investigators that the man had "refused to work" for a trafficker. Two dozen Le Havre dockers have been kidnapped or held hostage since 2017, the authorities say -- some by drug traffickers but others by small-time hoodlums who assumed they had profited from trade. "Abducting port workers has become the big local sport," said Giard. At least one of the kidnappings turned deadly. On June 12, 2020 the bloodied body of docker Allan Affagard was found behind a school in a suburb of Le Havre. The big outspoken union man had been investigated two years earlier, accused of helping get a tonne of cocaine out of the port -- a claim he denied. His wife told police that the 40-year-old had been abducted the night before he was found dead by three masked men. Shortly before he had gone to the police after receiving "threatening messages". Three well-known Le Havre underworld figures have since been hit with conspiracy charges but the docker's killers are still free. Affagard's murder sent a chill through the port. "The press see this case as being the arrival of drug cartel violence here," said lawyer Guillaume Routel, who has made his name defending dockers. "That is certainly exaggerated, but anyone handling cargo in the port feels in danger." 'They are watching us' A fearful silence hangs over the Neiges district hard by the port where many of the dockers traditionally live. The dockers' union is no more talkative. With members told to keep their mouths shut, the CGT refuses to discuss publicly the bad apples who have been purged from its ranks. "Everybody is worried on the port," said Alain Le Maire, of the customs officers' union. "The traffickers are watching us with their binoculars or their drones. Now when we check a container, we are guarded by colleagues armed with assault rifles." Since the "electric shock" of the Affagard murder, security has been further tightened. "Safety and security are some of our main priorities," port chiefs said. More guards have been hired, the security badge system toughened and more than a million euros are being spent on new CCTV cameras. But the flow of drugs has not been stemmed, with more than 8.5 tonnes of "coke" seized in 2022, according to a police officer. "Progress has been made, but we cannot lie, the port is still a sive," admitted a customs official, who asked to remain annoymous. Huge pressure "All the cameras in the world won't make a huge difference against determined traffickers." "The dockers are less complicit. They have understood that they are playing with something that is stronger than them," a police officer said. "But the pressure is still huge. If we are not careful, we could slip into what has happened in Antwerp and Rotterdom," North Sea mega ports through which most of Europe's cocaine is smuggled. It is a frightening prospect. In the Netherlands, the Dutch-Moroccan "Mocro maffia" -- a key cog in the trade -- have been accused of assassinating an investigative journalist and a lawyer, with Belgium's justice minister the target of a kidnap plot. "Things could get bad here too," Le Havre prosecutor Bruno Dieudonne admitted. "We are not yet at the stage of attacks with assault weapons like in Antwerp, but the danger is not far off." They could be scenes straight from gangster movies, except all happened for real in the French port of Le Havre over the past year. A drug gang smashing its way out of the port in a lorry loaded with cocaine under police fire; another criminal band storming a depot inside the tightly-controlled zone to grab a hidden shipment of the drug. And then there was the container cracked open in daytime traffic just outside the gates by a gang who set it on fire once they retrieved a cache of the white powder. "There is so much money to be made they do not think twice about taking big risks," a police officer in the Channel port told AFP. Le Havre is one of northern Europe's big five container ports. And its vast cargo terminals where the River Seine reaches the sea have become the main point of entry for cocaine into France. A record 10 tonnes of the drug were seized on its quays in 2021 -- up 164 percent on the previous year -- as a vast wave of cocaine has poured into Europe from South America. The explosion in the trade has led to a massive escalation in violence and corruption in the port, most of it focused on the port's 2,200 dockers, the main target of the drug trafficking mafia. 'Price list' of bribes The dockers, organised under the banner of the communist union, the CGT, have long been the masters this world apart of giant cranes and mountains of multi-coloured containers. "Not just anyone can get into the port of Le Havre, so to get the drugs out, the traffickers need accomplices -- most of all dockers," a police source told AFP. Several dockers have been jailed over the past few years for working with the drug gangs, and the names of others have popped up in police wiretaps. One of them told his lawyer how he got entangled in the trade. "Before I used to make 200 or 300 euros ($320) a month from selling (stolen) perfume or cartons of cigarettes. One day some guys asked me to take some bags out (of the port) for 1,000 euros a bag. "It started like that," he said. In fact, according to a "price list" discovered in 2017, the "narcos" were offering dockers up to 75,000 euros to help get a container out of the port, with 10,000 for the loan of a security badge and 50,000 for moving a container. "Some dockers do it for the money, but most are threatened or pressured into it," insisted lawyer Valerie Giard, who has defended several. "The traffickers come up to them at the school gates or in a cafe and show them photos of their family," Giard said. "They tell them that if they don't do what they say, they'll be trouble. Once they get them involved, they never get out." Those who resist face more muscular methods. Death on the docks In June 2018, a docker was kidnapped near his home and found a few hours later his face battered and the calves of his legs stabbed with a screwdriver. The 54-year-old told police his abductors demanded he pay them several million euros, saying he was "a big fish. We know where you work, and that you can get containers out" of the port. A police informant later told investigators that the man had "refused to work" for a trafficker. Two dozen Le Havre dockers have been kidnapped or held hostage since 2017, the authorities say -- some by drug traffickers but others by small-time hoodlums who assumed they had profited from trade. "Abducting port workers has become the big local sport," said Giard. At least one of the kidnappings turned deadly. On June 12, 2020 the bloodied body of docker Allan Affagard was found behind a school in a suburb of Le Havre. The big outspoken union man had been investigated two years earlier, accused of helping get a tonne of cocaine out of the port -- a claim he denied. His wife told police that the 40-year-old had been abducted the night before he was found dead by three masked men. Shortly before he had gone to the police after receiving "threatening messages". Three well-known Le Havre underworld figures have since been hit with conspiracy charges but the docker's killers are still free. Affagard's murder sent a chill through the port. "The press see this case as being the arrival of drug cartel violence here," said lawyer Guillaume Routel, who has made his name defending dockers. "That is certainly exaggerated, but anyone handling cargo in the port feels in danger." 'They are watching us' A fearful silence hangs over the Neiges district hard by the port where many of the dockers traditionally live. The dockers' union is no more talkative. With members told to keep their mouths shut, the CGT refuses to discuss publicly the bad apples who have been purged from its ranks. "Everybody is worried on the port," said Alain Le Maire, of the customs officers' union. "The traffickers are watching us with their binoculars or their drones. Now when we check a container, we are guarded by colleagues armed with assault rifles." Since the "electric shock" of the Affagard murder, security has been further tightened. "Safety and security are some of our main priorities," port chiefs said. More guards have been hired, the security badge system toughened and more than a million euros are being spent on new CCTV cameras. But the flow of drugs has not been stemmed, with more than 8.5 tonnes of "coke" seized in 2022, according to a police officer. "Progress has been made, but we cannot lie, the port is still a sive," admitted a customs official, who asked to remain annoymous. Huge pressure "All the cameras in the world won't make a huge difference against determined traffickers." "The dockers are less complicit. They have understood that they are playing with something that is stronger than them," a police officer said. "But the pressure is still huge. If we are not careful, we could slip into what has happened in Antwerp and Rotterdom," North Sea mega ports through which most of Europe's cocaine is smuggled. It is a frightening prospect. In the Netherlands, the Dutch-Moroccan "Mocro maffia" -- a key cog in the trade -- have been accused of assassinating an investigative journalist and a lawyer, with Belgium's justice minister the target of a kidnap plot. "Things could get bad here too," Le Havre prosecutor Bruno Dieudonne admitted. "We are not yet at the stage of attacks with assault weapons like in Antwerp, but the danger is not far off." Check out the news you should not miss today in Vietnam: Society -- Police in Hai Duong Province, northern Vietnam arrested a twelfth grader for murdering a gold shop owner last week in order to rob the victim and use the money for gaming. -- A man from Binh Thuan Province, south-central Vietnam was arrested on Sunday for stabbing another man to death over a money conflict, according to local police. -- The Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security on Sunday suggested issuing a citizen identity card at the same time as registering a child's birth on demand for those under the age of six who have not yet registered their birth certificate. -- The Rach Mieu Bridge, which lies along a major route connecting Ho Chi Minh City and provinces in Vietnams Mekong Delta, was heavily congested on Sunday as people returned to their hometown to visit ancestral graves and deliver ornamental plants. Lifestyle -- A three-meter-tall cat mascot statue in Ai Tu Town, Quang Tri Province, north-central Vietnam, which was created to welcome the Year of the Cat, has captured the online community's attention due to its lovely and realistic appearance. -- As Tet approaches, a farmer from Dong Thap Province, located in the Mekong Delta, is being sought after for his watermelons, which are shaped like a gold bar. World News -- At least 68 people were killed on Sunday when a domestic flight of Yeti Airlines crashed in Pokhara in Nepal, the worst air crash in three decades in the small Himalayan nation, Reuters reported on Sunday. -- Storm-lashed California is bracing for what may be a final battering of rain and snow starting late Sunday, adding to the damage unleashed by a weather system that has caused severe flooding and killed at least 19 people across the state, Reuters reported. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Check out the news you should not miss today in Vietnam: Society -- Police in Hai Duong Province, northern Vietnam arrested a twelfth grader for murdering a gold shop owner last week in order to rob the victim and use the money for gaming. -- A man from Binh Thuan Province, south-central Vietnam was arrested on Sunday for stabbing another man to death over a money conflict, according to local police. -- The Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security on Sunday suggested issuing a citizen identity card at the same time as registering a child's birth on demand for those under the age of six who have not yet registered their birth certificate. -- The Rach Mieu Bridge, which lies along a major route connecting Ho Chi Minh City and provinces in Vietnams Mekong Delta, was heavily congested on Sunday as people returned to their hometown to visit ancestral graves and deliver ornamental plants. Lifestyle -- A three-meter-tall cat mascot statue in Ai Tu Town, Quang Tri Province, north-central Vietnam, which was created to welcome the Year of the Cat, has captured the online community's attention due to its lovely and realistic appearance. -- As Tet approaches, a farmer from Dong Thap Province, located in the Mekong Delta, is being sought after for his watermelons, which are shaped like a gold bar. World News -- At least 68 people were killed on Sunday when a domestic flight of Yeti Airlines crashed in Pokhara in Nepal, the worst air crash in three decades in the small Himalayan nation, Reuters reported on Sunday. -- Storm-lashed California is bracing for what may be a final battering of rain and snow starting late Sunday, adding to the damage unleashed by a weather system that has caused severe flooding and killed at least 19 people across the state, Reuters reported. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! George Santos said he'll resign if 142,000 people demand it. Adam Kinzinger is trying to make it happen with a new petition. Former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger is trying to get Rep. George Santos to resign. Santos told Rep. Matt Gaetz he will resign if 142,000 people demand it. "He said he'll resign if enough people ask - so game on. Sign the petition!" Kinzinger tweeted. Former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger has started a petition to get embattled New York Rep. George Santos to resign. Kinzinger kicked off an online petition on Thursday, the same day Santos appeared on the podcast "War Room: Pandemic" with Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz. During the podcast, Santos said he will resign if more than 142,000 people the number of people who voted to elect him during the November midterms call for him to step down. "On January 12, 2023, disgraced pathological liar and brand new Congressman George Santos promised Matt Gaetz (and the rest of us) that he would resign if 142,000 people signed a petition asking him to do so the same number of votes he received in November," the petition on Kinzinger's Country First website read. "We're happy to deliver them to his office!" Kinzinger also promoted the petition in a tweet on January 12, writing: "He said he'll resign if enough people ask - so game on. Sign the petition!" At press time, the petition had garnered 40,311 signatures, less than a third of its goal of 142,000 signatures. The petition asks for each person's first and last name, and their postal code. It's unclear if Kinzinger is tracking whether the signatures are from people who live in Santos' district. The petition appears to be the latest salvo in an online feud between Santos and Kinzinger. On January 11, the two exchanged a series of insults on Twitter. Santos mocked Kinzinger for appearing to fight back tears during a July congressional hearing on the Capitol riot. In response, Kinzinger tweeted: "Cries are better than lies, FRAUD." The scandal-plagued Santos has admitted to making up facts about his work experience and education. In December, Santos said he lied about working at Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. Santos also told the New York Post in December that he did not graduate from any institute of higher learning. Story continues The admissions came after The New York Times found that companies Santos claimed to have worked for had no record of him. Various other points of doubt have since been raised about Santos' life and personal history including his false claim about being Jewish, which he has since walked back, and even his name. Prosecutors in Long Island said on December 28 that they have opened an investigation into Santos. Long Island Republicans and the New York State GOP in January also called on Santos to resign, but Santos has refused to do so. As for Kinzinger, the Illinois congressman announced in late 2021 that he would not seek re-election during the midterms. Kinzinger is now a political commentator on CNN. He also leads Country First, an organization "dedicated to defeating the Toxic Tribalism tearing our families, friendships, and country apart." Representatives for Kinzinger and Santos did not immediately respond to Insider's requests for comment. Read the original article on Business Insider Labour has called for Irans revolutionary guard to be formally branded a terror group as part of a UK retaliation to Alireza Akbaris execution. Shadow foreign secretary David Lammy and shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a special branch of Irans armed forces, was behaving like a terrorist organisation and must now be proscribed as such. Iranian state media on Saturday announced that Mr Akbari, a British-Iranian national and former Tehran defence official, had been killed after being accused of spying for MI6. His execution was internationally condemned, including by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who branded it callous. Labour said the execution was a barbaric moment in a long line of worrying behaviour by Tehrans authorities. The party said the IRGC poses a growing threat on UK soil, while also cracking down on protesters in Iran. Labour also cited the unjust imprisonment of British nationals in Iran, long-standing concerns about Irans threats to Israel, and its support for violent groups across the region as reasons to formally label the guards a terror outfit. The move could have widespread domestic political support after MPs last week voted in favour of adding the revolutionary guards to a list of banned terrorist organisations in the UK. The backbench motion, tabled by Conservative MP Bob Blackman, is non-binding on the Government and ministers are still considering the matter. Labour said ministers could go through the existing proscription process. Alternatively, the party proposed making an amendment to the National Security Bill that would create a parallel power to proscribe state bodies like the IRGC on the basis of their activity. In a joint statement, Mr Lammy and Ms Cooper said: The Iranian regimes actions against courageous protestors seeking a better future, as well as British nationals imprisoned in Iran and its threats to UK security, mean robust action is needed now. Story continues David Lammy and Yvette Cooper, pictured with Sir Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves, have called on the IRGC to be proscribed as a terror group (Stefan Rousseau/PA) The IRGC is behaving like a terrorist organisation and must now be proscribed as such. Labour supports proscribing the IRGC either through the existing process, or through amending the National Security Bill to create a new process of proscription for hostile state actors. Party officials pointed to MI5 director Ken McCallums most recent threat update, referring to 10 kidnap and death plots by the Iranian regime on British soil, as part of the case against the IRGC. Senior Tories, including former cabinet minister Robert Jenrick, have been urging ministers to take a harder line on the IRGC in recent months. Commons Foreign Affairs Committee chairwoman Alicia Kearns has called on ministers to shut down a London base which is said to be used by the special branch. The Tory MP said she wanted to see the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp office in Maida Vale closed. They like to call it an outreach office, an Islamic centre, she told BBC Radio 4s Today programme on Saturday. The head of it was appointed directly by the supreme leader of Iran. This is an organisation that is solely there to spread the word of the Islamic repressive regime. She said proscribing the guards would represent a big shift in policy for Britain as it would be the first time that we would have recognised that states can undertake terrorism. A group of people thought to be migrants are brought in to Dover (PA) (PA Wire) The UK Governments plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda will be challenged at the Court of Appeal. Two judges dismissed a series of legal challenges against the Home Offices policy in December, following a High Court challenge. But, at a hearing on Monday, they gave the go-ahead for their aspects of their ruling to be reconsidered by senior judges. The Court of Appeal will be asked to consider a range of issues, including whether the High Court judges were wrong to find there were sufficient safeguards to prevent asylum seekers being returned to a country where they were at risk of persecution, and whether the scheme is systemically unfair. Lord Justice Lewis and Mr Justice Swift granted permission to appeal to a number of individual claimants and charity Asylum Aid. Asylum Aid, which provides legal advice to asylum seekers and refugees, will challenge parts of the December ruling related to the safety of Rwanda for migrants. No date has been set for the hearing, and the Court of Appeal may also be asked to consider other issues which Lord Justice Lewis and Mr Justice Swift refused permission to appeal against. In April last year, then-home secretary Priti Patel signed an agreement with Rwanda for it to receive migrants deemed by the UK to have arrived illegally, and therefore inadmissible under new immigration rules. Several challenges were brought against the proposals, which were described at the time as a world-first agreement in a bid to deter migrants from crossing the Channel. The first deportation flight due to take off on June 14 was then grounded amid a series of objections against individual removals and the policy as a whole. However, at the High Court in London in December, senior judges rejected arguments that the plans were unlawful. Lord Justice Lewis, sitting with Mr Justice Swift, dismissed the challenges against the policy which has already seen the UK pay Rwanda 140 million as a whole. However, they did rule in favour of eight asylum seekers, finding the Government had acted wrongly in their individual cases. Story continues Following the ruling, current Home Secretary Suella Braverman said she remained committed to sending migrants to Rwanda as soon as possible. The UK Government has refused to put a date on when the first flight to Kigali could take off, recognising the threat of further legal action. The Home Office previously said ministers stand ready to defend against further legal challenges to the Rwanda deportation policy. STORY: Lazar, 49, was arrested in Bucharest in December and was handed to Romania's border police on Monday (January 16). He faces charges of drug trafficking, money laundering, and complicity in attempted murder, according to police. He was met on Monday by U.S. Marshals with face coverings as he was led to a plane, according to a Reuters witness. STORY: Their main demand was the release of the Inter-University Students' Federation President, Wasantha Mudalige, who has been under detention for more than 150 days. Mudalige played a major role in anti-government protests that led to the resignation of former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The protesters were also demanding that President Ranil Wickremesinghe introduce measures to ease the economic burdens placed on the people as the country grapples with economic crisis. Flash Iran will take delivery of a number of Su-35 fighter jets from Russia in the early days of the next Iranian year, which will start on March 21, an Iranian lawmaker told semi-official Tasnim news agency. In an exclusive interview published on Sunday, Shahriar Heydari, a member of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, revealed that Iran had previously ordered the fighter jets. He noted that Iran has also ordered a number of defense and missile systems as well as helicopters, most of which will be soon delivered by Russia. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said in December 2022 that cooperation between Tehran and Moscow in different areas, particularly the defense sector, is not against any third country. Ukraine and some Western countries have recently accused Iran of exporting suicide drones to Russia for use in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Iran has admitted to supplying Russia with a small number of drones in the months before the Ukraine conflict, but has denied supplying Moscow with unmanned aerial vehicles for use against Kiev. Ryan Calum Crighton (Instagram) A British man was among dozens of people killed in a plane crash in Nepal on Sunday. Nepalese officials initially said Ruan Calum Crighton, 34, was from the Republic of Ireland. It is understood he was travelling on a UK passport. Mr Crighton, from Brentwood, Essex, was a talented British ballet dancer who died one day after his birthday, MailOnline reported. His death sparked an outpouring of grief across Europes ballet community. A Foreign Office spokesperson said: We are supporting the family of a British man who has died in Nepal and are in contact with the local authorities. His was among the names of passengers published by the Civil Aviation Authority ofNepal, where his nationality was listed as Irish. A spokesman for Irelands Department of Foreign Affairs said: The Department of Foreign Affairs can confirm that an individual indicated in reports as being Irish is a UK national. The wreckage of the passenger plane (Krishna Mani Baral/AP) (AP) The UKs Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is providing consular support. Our deepest sympathies go to all those who have been affected by this tragic plane crash. Seventy-two people were on board the Yeti Airlines TR 72 flight from the capital Kathmandu to Pokhara, with the death toll rising to 68 on Sunday. Fifteen foreign nationals were among those on board, according to Nepals aviation authority. It was not clear what caused the crash, Nepals worst air accident in three decades. The flight data recorder and a cockpit voice recorder have been retrieved from the site. Mr Crighton first joined the Central School of Ballet, London in 2005 before becoming a dancer with the Slovak National Theatre in Slovakia from 2008 to 2013. (AP) He then became a valued member at the prestigious Finnish National Opera and Ballet company in Finland from 2013 to 2019, according to his LinkedIn profile. More recently, Mr Crighton had been enrolled at the European School of Physiotherapy in Amsterdam. He was supposed to graduate next year. One dancer at Slovak National Theatre told the Irish Daily Mail that news of his death deeply upset him. Story continues I got the info yesterday, but I was hoping it wasnt him. Ruan was one of my best friends. We dance together on stage for years Im devastated. It is very hard to say something about [him] right now. But first he was a sunshine. Johanna Jarventaus, Communications Director of Finnish National Opera and Ballet, said she was aware of the tragedy. You are here: World Flash The death toll from a Russian missile attack on the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro has risen to 20, the regional governor said Sunday. At least 73 people were injured, with four in intensive care, Valentyn Reznichenko, head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, said on Telegram. About 40 people are still missing following the strike on Saturday that destroyed 72 apartments and damaged 230 others, Reznichenko said, noting the rescue operation at the site is still underway. Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of the Ukrainian president's office, wrote on Telegram that 530 emergency workers and volunteers and 144 units of equipment are participating in the rescue operation. Russia has yet to respond or comment on the attack. HA NOI An online 3D exhibition about Vietnamese kings' bonus and penalty incentives entitled Reward-Punishment: The Past but not Old Stories has open at the Ha Noi's National Archives Centre 1. The organisers for the first time have introduced to the public 80 of the most featured official papers from royal documents of the Nguyen dynasty during their reign from 1802 to 1945. In addition, many vivid documents, photos and artefacts make the exhibition more interesting to visitors. According to Tran Thi Mai Huong, director of the centre, each item has its own story or part of a specific event, which reflected the ideas, points of views and ways of working of the Vietnamese ancestors. The age of monarchy is away, but many of its rules still valid today and needed to be distilled and preserved in life," Huong said. "They are the strictness in conducting reward-and-punishment regime; the use of talented people and people with meritorious services; humanistic thought when opening the door to live for people and give people opportunities to make atonement for sins; the points of view that respects national morality standards such as the loyalty and piety." She added that researching the ancestors' work would also help people to find valuable lessons to apply in their lives. Organisers also hoped that the documents would be precious resource for researchers and anyone who were interested in this issue. The most interesting part of the exhibition is how the Nguyen kings delivered Tet (Lunar New Year festival) bonuses. King Tu uc in 1874 approved that his people were allowed to take their Tet holiday rest from the 28th day of the last lunar month to the eighth day of the first lunar month of the following year. In case of urgent work that could not be postponed, they could ask for permission before doing their work. Under King Minh Menh's reign, he released a document in 1826 that specifically stated rewards for mandarins. It read: "The Lunar New Year is coming, I will celebrate Tet with you. On that day, there will have a party, and rewards of silver will be given to you based on your ranking. The princes and the princesses, will receive 20 taels of silver each; first-class civilian mandarins and military officers will get 12 taels each." The document also regulated bonuses for other people working in the palace including eunuchs and low-levelled military mandarins. All of them were allowed to attend the party. The King also gave reward to the people nationwide. A document released in 1827 stated that people who were over 80 years old would receive a roll of cloth and a bag of rice; over 90 a roll of silk and two bags of rice, meanwhile 100-year-olds would be given two roll of silk, one roll of cloth and three bags of rice. Sometimes, the kings also delivered gifts for individuals. It could be a very small one, a pear, which was given to the receiver under a solemn ceremony. The Lunar New Year was also an opportunity when the kings pardoned criminals. A document under King Duy Tan in 1909 stated: On the occasion of the Lunar New Year, all kinds of prisoners will be considered to be released or get sentence reduced. Among them, prisoners of death sentence will be beat 100 times with sticks and exiled and kept in hard labour for nine years. Also there were years that kings asked to stop Tet celebration and party organisation because of special reasons such as wars and epidemics. At the exhibition, visitors can also find down kings' reasonable reward and punishment incentives given to both mandarins and normal people. The exhibition is available at the https://archives.org.vn and https://facebook.com/luutruquocgia1. VNS GENEVA The World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2023 will be a chance for Viet Nam to share with the international community its vision on common efforts in settling emerging global challenges. It will also be an opportunity to share Viet Nam's policies and experience in international integration and socio-economic development. They are the views of Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai, head of the Permanent Mission of Viet Nam to the United Nations (UN), WTO and other international organisations in Geneva, told Vietnam News Agency on the threshold of the forum. The diplomat said that the event will also offer a chance for Viet Nam to call for investment and resources from international organisations, economic groups and investment funds in the world and from Switzerland, the host nation. Ambassador Mai highlighted that amid numerous crises and challenges in the world political and economic situation, Viet Nam has emerged and been recognised by the world as a bright spot in the region and the world, not only for its strong commitment and consistent implementation of green transition, energy transformation, digital transformation for post-pandemic recovery, and sustainable development, but it also for the countrys impressive performance. The countrys GDP expanded 8.02 per cent in 2022, the highest in the past 12 years, with the scale of the economy exceeding US$400 billion for the first time, ranking 30th globally. Vietnam stood at the 23rd position in the world in terms of the trade scale and has become the largest ASEAN trade partner of three economic centres, namely the US, China, and the EU. Vietnamese economic growth in 2023 is forecast to reach 6.3 per cent, leading Southeast Asian nations, she noted. According to Ambassador Mai, the WEF 2023, slated for January 16-20 in Davos, Switzerland, is taking place when the world is facing plenty of challenges, such as a cost-of-living crisis, economic recession, economic decline, climate crisis, disruption caused by climate change, a food crisis, and increasing social polarisation. Along with these issues, many problems are deepening divisions and dividing the geopolitical landscape. The goal of the meeting, in the words of Professor Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the WEF, is to discuss ways to address fragmentation and increasing trust erosion at both global and national levels through increasing ties between governments and businesses, thereby enabling a strong and sustainable recovery. This year's meeting agenda focuses on solutions and public-private partnerships which can deal with the world's most pressing challenges, whilst encouraging world leaders to work together on issues relating to energy, climate and nature, investment, trade, infrastructure, advanced technology, employment, skills, as well as social and health issues, along with geopolitical cooperation in a multipolar world. Ambassador Mai said that Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha will attend the event from January 16-17, which will be the first trip abroad by Ha since he took office. Ha will give speeches at discussions on food and water security, and this represents a good stepping stone to draw the attention of the international community on food security before the country hosts the fourth Global Conference on Sustainable Food System in April. In addition, the Deputy PM will co-chair a Viet Nam-WEF global business forum which will focus on green and creative transformation. During his stay, Ha will hold a number of bilateral meetings, including those with Prof. Schwab; Achim Steiner, Administrator of the UN Development Programme (UNDP); and Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations of the World Bank (WB). Ambassador Mai said that since Viet Nam and the WEF set up their relations in 1989, leaders of the two sides have paid great attention to bolstering the ties across all fields. Viet Nam has attended the WEF at a high level, including the Prime Minister level at four WEF Annual Meetings in Davos, the same level at four WEFs on ASEAN, she said, adding that the country hosted the WEF ASEAN Summit in 2018, the first WEF-Mekong Conference in 2016, and the WEF East Asia Conference in 2010. In line with the COVID-19 pandemic containment efforts, the two sides held the first National Strategic Dialogue in 2021 with the aim of strengthening the public-private partnership as a key driver in the comprehensive recovery and sustainable and inclusive development plan. The two sides are also working for the signing of a Viet Nam-WEF cooperation agreement in the new period, creating a framework for deeper and more extensive partnership. Viet Nam always highly values the WEF's recommendations and cooperation with Vietnamese Government agencies in the fields of sustainable development, digital transformation, and innovation, she said, underlining that the country hopes that the WEF will continue to assist Viet Nam by offering access to advanced knowledge and resources in order to serve the sustainable development goals and make effective use of new growth drivers. Deputy PM Ha's participation at the WEF 2023 manifests the efforts of Viet Nam - a dynamically developing country, a reliable friend and partner, and a responsible member of the international community which is ready to engage itself in the settlement of global challenges, Ambassador Mai stated. VNS Photo: Shutterstock Hanoi College of Electro Mechanics (HCEM) is one of 45 training institutions that seeks to become a high-quality training school for Vietnam, approaching the advanced training level of the rest of the region and beyond. The school already boasts many students who have achieved high results in national, ASEAN, and global vocational skills exams. It currently offers training for 20 professions, of which seven key occupations are covered according to high-quality international-standard programmes, with the number of high-quality labourers entering the market standing at over 1,000 people per year. Despite possessing many achievements and experience in vocational training for more than 50 years, rector Dong Van Ngoc said that HCEM still faces many difficulties in enrolment, despite nowhere near reaching capacity. We invest in modern facilities that are not inferior to many leading universities in Vietnam. While universities specialise in research training, vocational training institutions like HCEM focus mainly on practical teaching, so the equipment and books in the classrooms are equipped just like businesses, said Ngoc. However, misconceptions about such training remain in this country. The mindset that a good student must go to university, while vocational training is for students with difficult circumstances and low ability, has been deeply ingrained in the subconscious of many Vietnamese and is a pressing issue for educators, Ngoc said. Therefore, eliminating this prejudice and bringing the contributions of such programmes to the right position in the job market is an ongoing challenge for management agencies and establishments. According to Nguyen Quoc Huy, rector of Bac Ninh College of Electrical Engineering and Construction, vocational education is often closely linked to the needs of businesses, from building programmes and organising training to arranging jobs after graduation. Therefore, most graduates in this type of education often get jobs immediately. In the northern province of Bac Ninh, one of the localities with the highest concentration of industrial parks and foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam, the average income of vocational students after graduation is about VND7 million ($300) per month. Students with good skills can reach an income of VND20 million ($870) per month. This level of income is commensurate with or even higher than that of many university graduates, emphasised Huy. We need to change our perspective, as its normal to study well but go on a vocational training course. Those who study well in the direction of skills development should go to such training. Vu Truong Giang, deputy chief of office at the Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs, said that the effects of the pandemic still have a great impact on many areas of the job market, and that societys perception of vocational training may be shifting as a result. However, in order to achieve more development this year, Giang suggested that schools must connect with businesses to strengthen training orders, and integrate recruitment standards of enterprises into their ongoing courses. There must also be a focus on digital transformation skills. We want parents and students to understand that the vocational training ecosystem and other ecosystems are integrated with the goal of creating opportunities for all. Each student should base their decisions on qualifications, passions, and interests and choose the most suitable kind of training as an official path to access better and more sustainable job opportunities in the future, he said. Vocational education is increasingly proving effective when meeting the needs of employers and the labour market. According to statistics of the General Directorate of Vocational Training, there are around 670 professions and occupations at college level and almost 900 at intermediate level. In which, about 80 per cent of graduates have had jobs suitable to their professions and training qualifications or created their own jobs, participating in most fields of the economy. The rate of rural labourers having jobs after training reached 89.3 per cent. In some occupations such as mechatronics, telecommunications, logistics, tourism, and oil and gas, the vocational skills of Vietnamese workers meet the requirements of foreign-invested enterprises and can take on many complex job positions previously performed by overseas experts. Unofficial reports from training institutions in Vietnam suggest that the enrolment rate last year at colleges was over 103 per cent, and at intermediate schools the rate reached 104 per cent. Continuing education and other forms may have seen enrolment of more than 10 per cent. Dong Van Ngoc, Rector Hanoi College of Electro Mechanics Skills training time and work capacity are significant in vocational education, in which practice is crucial. Vocational education institutions are ready to apply technology to ensure training activities in any situation, including digital transformation of learning and teaching processes, and investment in VR technology or simulation tech to promote distance teaching. We are no exception. During the pandemic, we carried out the same on-site training initiatives as military schools to isolate us from the outside environment. For students who participated in online learning during that time, if there was a shortage of knowledge and skills, they were compensated in meeting output standards. However, training programmes must be shortened to sit alongside the school year. Preliminary assessment results indicate that graduates in 2022 can still integrate into the job market. We also have a job placement policy for students, and those who cannot find a job will be refunded their tuition fees. We also invest in Industry 4.0 technology to meet the needs of labour training for auxiliary technology enterprises in the high-tech field. Pham Vu Quoc Binh, Deputy director general General Directorate of Vocational Training Vocational education had many outstanding achievements in 2022. Enrolment exceeded the set target of about 2.3 million people, equivalent to more than 10 per cent. The awareness of society, especially businesses, about vocational training is increasingly improved. Many businesses have cooperated with training institutions to organise training programmes, while the number of trainees at related institutions participating in the international labour market increasing. Vietnam also won two silver medals at the World Skills Competition last year, demonstrating the increasing quality of vocational institutions. The directions of the National Assembly and the government emphasise the investment of resources and the building of mechanisms to develop vocational education. To achieve this, first of all, it is necessary to build a lifelong learning system in the field of education for the whole society. It is required to raise awareness about related training, improve training quality, and promote activities according to the needs of enterprises, helping trainees access sustainable jobs after graduation with suitable salaries. Another vital factor is the integration of career counselling into the general education curriculum and the vocational training and working process of employees. With good career counselling and guidance, learners will make better choices. Nguyen Duc Luu, Rector Bac Ninh College of Industry Bac Ninh province has a relatively high density of foreign-led enterprises, a well-developed system of vocational training institutions and a vibrant labour market. These institutions here also pay great attention to coordinating with media to change peoples thinking and perception about vocational education, as well as its value in the labour market. Although each institution will have different admission policies, we all take full advantage of social networks to spread information to the community, connecting those in need with the communication channels of institutions. There are many students who finish university and cannot find a job, so the education and admissions counselling industry need to give more advice on suitable subjects for each level of study and each training scheme, such as advice on choosing attractive professions. The work of counselling and streamlining the abilities of students also needs attention to avoid the situation of people studying in many schools at the same time, but not being able to get a job. Vocational institutions should also cooperate with the Ministry of Education and Training to communicate to parents and young people appropriately. Vocational training not to be overshadowed by higher education Sharing about Malaysia's experiences in overcoming the middle-income trap, Datuk K. Yogeevaran Kumaraguru, former Secretary-General of the Ministry of Plantation Industry and Commodities, Malaysia said at the Vietnam Reform and Development Forum (VRDF) 2019 that Malaysia made a mistake by only focusing on higher education while forgetting vocational training, and cautioned Vietnam against making the same mistake. Vietcombank was the first bank with equity exceeding $4.26 billion by the end of 2021. In 2022, four more banks achieved this figure Techcombank, Vietinbank, VPBank, and BIDV. In 2022, the charter capital of many banks saw a significant increase, with some banks even recording a vast increase in charter capital. At the same time, banks continue to improve their capital adequacy ratio and apply international standards in risk management. More than 20 banks have applied Basel II standards. Notably, many banks have successfully applied Basel III with more stringent requirements, such as TPBank, ACB, VPBank, SeABank, NamABank, and OCB. Some banks are also partially applying or piloting Basel III implementation, including VIB, HDBank, Techcombank, ABBank, MSB, and Sacombank. Besides the growth in scale, banks development in customer base is significantly greater, with digital transformation being an indispensable factor. While in the past, it typically took a traditional bank 20-30 years to acquire a million customers or more, digital banks today grow in a much higher speed. An example would be Cake by VPbank, with 2.3 million customers within 20 months. According to a report by the State Bank of Vietnam released in December, in the previous 11 months of 2022, non-cash payment transactions recorded a growth of 85.6 per cent in quantity and 31.39 per cent in value. Among this, transactions via mobile phone increased by 116.1 per cent and 92.3 per cent in quantity and value, respectively; transactions via QR code increased 182.5 per cent and 210.6 per cent respectively. In 2022, Vietcombank, MB, HDBank, and VPBank have revealed their intentions or plans to receive a forced transfer of weak credit institutions. In which, in their April annual meeting of shareholders, Vietcombank and MB approved the plan to receive the compulsory transfer of weak banks. By August, HDBank had also consulted shareholders and approved a plan to receive compulsory transfer. Although VPBank has not announced a specific plan, at the annual meeting of shareholders, president Ngo Chi Dung also revealed a plan for a possible merger or acquisition. In a newly-released strategic investment report for 2023, Rong Viet Securities Company (VDSC) believes that the banking industry will continue to weather the storm in the downtrend of real estate and a less positive outlook for import and export. According to the report, interest income growth of the banking industry will slow down due to the impact of credit growth along with a decrease in interest margin (NIM) in 2023. Credit growth is expected at 11 -12 per cent, lower than the target of 15.5-16 per cent for 2022. Credit growth will vary among banks based on their specific advantages and level of economic support. In addition, with the negative outlook of the real estate market, credit demand is forecasted to be lower than in the past. The decline in NIM also see a divergence among different groups, leading to the expected interest income growth below 11 per cent. Therefore, VDSC believes that interest income of banks will slow down in 2023. Asset investment (including bonds) is also forecasted to decrease in size and profit margin, as the upcoming issuance volume may increase again compared to 2022 but still lower than the previous boom of 2019-2021, due to tight conditions. Elevated professional investor standards also make it difficult for banks to find buyers. Growth in bancassurance income will continue to slow down, on the background of lower expected credit growth, reallocation of personal assets to high-interest savings channels, and market saturation. Some exceptions may be LienVietPostBank or HDBank, thanks to the recognition of exclusive fees and the collection of insurance premiums in the first year when signing new exclusive contracts for insurance distribution. VDSC forecasts that the total operating income of the banking industry will grow modestly, in the context of decelerating lending activities, at 10 per cent on-year, when interest income growth is at 11 per cent. Likewise VNDirect Researchs latest report for 2023 also predicts the industrys profit growth to decelerate and reach 10-11 per cent on-year in 2023-2024 (from 32 per cent in 2022) as credit growth usage slows, NIM shrinks, and credit costs rise. However, the report assessed that the banking system has improved much more than before, and the banking sector remains the biggest beneficiary of Vietnams economic growth in the long term. Given the current situation, we give priorities to banks that are able to defend against fluctuations such as VCB and ACB. However, once the storm is over, we have a preference for banks with low valuations, a solid capital buffer and a large proportion of real estate loans and corporate bonds in the credit portfolio, typically TCB and VPB. Nestle Vietnam has teamed up with the Dong Nai Labour Confederation to provide 1,000 gifts to union members and workers in difficult circumstances in the province. The company also coordinated with the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Dong Nai to offer 500 Lunar New Year gifts to disadvantaged people. In addition, Nestle Vietnam also participated in programmes to provide Lunar New Year gifts to poor and disadvantaged women and children in four border provinces, as well as workers in industrial zones in Hung Yen province. Other recipients were female workers in Ho Chi Minh City who cannot return to their hometown during the festive break; disadvantaged students who travel from Ho Chi Minh City to their hometowns for the holiday; and poor households, near-poor households, and orphans struggling since the pandemic emerged in 2020. Since December, Nestle Vietnam has donated about 54,000 units of nutritional products to more than 8,500 people in provinces and cities across the country. The donations are made through agencies and organisations including the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union, Hung Yen Industrial Zones Management Authority, the Student Support Centre of the Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union, the Golden Heart Charity Social Fund under the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, and others. Nestle Vietnam has also sponsored the Godmother initiative with a total value of VND1 billion ($42,660), including cash and products, as part of its strategic cooperation with the Vietnam Women's Union which will cover until 2027. The activities are part of Nestle Cares, a corporate social responsibility programme to contribute to the local community. Nestle Vietnam enters multi-stakeholder partnerships in green agriculture Nestle has partnered with stakeholders to promote regenerative agriculture in Vietnam and contribute to the development of green, sustainable, and low-carbon agriculture. Nestles best practices in regenerative agriculture The introduction of regenerative farming methods needs to be promoted. Pham Phu Ngoc, Agro Service manager at Nestle Vietnam, writes about how this must include biodiversity enhancement, soil and water conservation, and livestock integration. Binh Son refinery has produced about seven million tonnes of assorted products, photo Le Toan The government last week reported that in 2022, the total state budget recorded a surplus of $9.67 billion, which is in stark contrast to a figure of about $18.14-18.23 billion predicted just a few months ago. In 2022, total budget expenditure is estimated to be over $67.93 billion equivalent to 87.5 per cent of the years estimates and up 8.1 per cent on-year. The budget spending has ensured demands for socioeconomic development, national defence and security, state management, payment of debts, and restoration of production activities in areas affected by natural disasters and the pandemic, the government said. Meanwhile, the state budget revenue is estimated to have hit $77.6 billion, equal to 126.4 per cent of the years estimates and up 13.8 per cent on-year. All kinds of revenues have registered an on-year climb, reflecting recovery in almost all sectors in the economy. Specifically, domestic revenues hit $61.8 billion, tantamount to 120.8 per cent of the years estimates, and up 9 per cent on-year. In addition, revenues from export-import activities in the year stood at $12.17 billion, equal to 140.7 per cent of the years estimates and up 29.7 per cent as compared to the corresponding period last year. According to the General Statistics Office (GSO), the economys 12-month commodities export-import turnover is estimated to be $732.5 billion, up 9.5 per cent on-year. Export turnover stood at $371.85 billion, up 10.6 per cent, and the import turnover reached $360.65 billion, up 8.4 per cent. There has been a trade surplus of $11.2 billion for the entire year - which is contrary to the trade deficit of $1 billion that was expected earlier in 2022. Vietnam consecutively recorded a trade surplus in 2022, at $809 million in Q1, $1.28 billion after six months, $5.7 billion after nine months, and $10.6 billion after the first 11 months. What is more, revenues from crude oil stood at $3.34 billion, equivalent to 273 per cent of the years estimates and up 72.5 per cent on-year. All trade achievements have been thanks to production rebound, consumers high spending, and tax reduction and removal under free trade agreements commitments, the GSO said. Surging performance State-owned PetroVietnam, in an example, reported that in 2022, its total revenue hit $40.2 billion, exceeding 66 per cent of the years plan, and up 47 per cent on-year. Its pre-tax profits also increased 60 per cent against that in 2021. The group contributed $7.3 billion to the state coffers, surpassing by 2.6 times as compared to the years plan and up 50 per cent on-year. PetroVietnams exploitation of crude oil exceeded by 24 per cent of the years plan, while its production of petrol climbed 12 per cent against the years plan and 9 per cent on-year. PetroVietnams Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical JSC (BSR) which is responsible for managing and operating the $3 billion Dung Quat Oil Refinery Plant, is reported to have produced about seven million tonnes of assorted products, with total revenue of nearly $7.2 billion in 2022. The company contributed about $784.7 million to the state budget in the year. In 2022, the south-central province of Quang Ngai, where the plant is located, reaped a total budget revenue of $1.48 billion, half of which came from BSR. PetroVietnam is proposing that the plant be expanded with another investment of about $1.2 billion. In another case, Vinacomin also reported that in 2022, it produced 39.4 million tonnes of rough coal; 1.47 million tonnes of alumina of which 1.45 million tonnes have been consumed. Vinacomins revenue is estimated to touch $7.21 billion - up 19.5 per cent on-year, and its total profit is estimated to increase 54 per cent on-year. The group contributed $915.6 million to the state coffers. New targets Last November, the National Assembly approved a resolution on allocation of central budget in 2023 the key legal foundation for making plans on use and management of the state budget for national socioeconomic development next year. According to the resolution, total central and local budget revenues will be $37.54 billion and $32.92 billion, respectively. Total central budget expenditure will be $56.26 billion. This would mean a central budget deficit of $18.72 billion. The government is ordered to promote the financial disciplines and rules, with all violators being strictly sanctioned, and punishments being imposed on those that delay and obstruct the speed of capital allocation and disbursement, read the resolution. The responsibility of heads of units will be individualised if their units face delayed disbursement and fail to fulfill assigned tasks. According to the Ministry of Finance (MoF), it is calculated that in 2022, the government would have loans worth $29.3 billion. This includes loans for central budget balance of up to $28.1 billion, of which borrowing to offset the central budget deficit was a maximum of $19.6 billion, borrowing to repay the principal did not exceed $8.52 billion, and on-lending was $1.16 billion. Such loans come from government bond issuance instruments, with the average issuance term may be less than nine years; from official development assistance loans and foreign preferential loans; and from other lawful financial sources or from issuance of government bonds directly to the State Bank of Vietnam. Also, according to the MoF, the governments debt repayment was about $14.6 billion, of which the governments direct debt payment was a maximum of $13 billion and the repayment of on-lending projects was $1.56 billion. When it comes to the loan and repayment plan of localities, borrowing from the governments foreign loans and other domestic loans was as much as $1.24 billion. Localities debt repayment was $265.7 billion, including principal payment of $158.1 million and interest payment of $107.56 million. It is also estimated that Vietnams public debt at the end of this year will be 43-44 per cent of GDP; the government debt will be 40-41 per cent of GDP; the nations foreign debts will be 40-41 per cent; and the governments direct debt repayment obligation will be about 18-19 per cent of total state budget revenues lower than the permissible limit of 25 per cent. How do you assess the startup scene in Vietnam and what are the challenges for Vietnams businesses and startups? Herston Elton Powers, managing partner of 1982 Ventures Vietnams startup opportunity has reached an inflection point and is poised for significant growth as GDP grew 8.02 per cent in 2022, the fastest expansion in 25 years. In 2023, we expect Vietnam to come to the forefront regarding tech investment for early-stage startups in Southeast Asia. The fintech sector will see the strongest growth, as the Vietnamese market has lagged Singapore and Indonesia in terms of development. The push for digital financial services, especially in payments, will create more opportunities to build home-grown fintech champions. These startups will also be able to import proven business models built by Vietnamese for Vietnam. The country has some of the strongest technical talent in Southeast Asia, however, we would like to see even more people launching new companies. There is plenty of venture capital (VC) that wants to invest in Vietnam. Potential founders should view 2023 to start building the next set of Southeast Asian tech unicorns. Recent years witnessed the explosion of NFT, blockchain, crypto companies. Could you elaborate on the future trends for 2023, particularly for Vietnams startups? The recent downturn in crypto markets has made investors much more selective. We avoided much of the hype in this sector and have always been focused on infrastructure plays. We aim to help institutionalise the crypto market while ensuring regulatory compliance. Now is a great time to build if you are working on solving real problems now in a sustainable way. We expect VC investment in Vietnam to increase significantly in 2023. Recently, over 40 funds committed to investing $1.5 billion in Vietnamese startups. 1982 Ventures is already one of the most active Southeast Asian VC funds in Vietnam and welcomes new investors to the market. We plan to expand into Vietnam by hiring a local Vietnamese team member in early 2023. What is your take on a potential sandbox model for Vietnams blossoming startups? We are incredibly bullish on the potential sandbox model for Vietnams startups, especially for fintech. In our view, regulation is good for fintech. Unlike other sectors, financial services are highly regulated to protect individuals and the broader financial ecosystem. An open and progressive regulatory sandbox will increase innovation around digital financial services in Vietnam. The sandbox will allow fintech startups to test and develop new products and services while still being subject to some level of oversight and regulation. We are hopeful that the startup community and the regulators will work together to ensure the sandbox is fit for purpose and promotes innovation and financial inclusion in Vietnam. How can a sweet spot be found to maintain the balance between user growth working in tandem with revenue growth? Investing in unsustainable business models is a losing proposition in any market. Many investors and founders learned this lesson over the past 9-12 months. We are a VC fund that is focused on investing mostly in startups. The very definition of a startup is a company that is designed to grow fast. We look for sustainable business models with a clear path to strong profitability. It is essential that these startups most have the potential to achieve hyper-growth in all key metrics in massive markets. This is why finding a product market fit is critical. Otherwise, startups and investors end up burning cash to pump vanity metrics to hide weak and unsustainable business models. Vietnam's green startups show growth Green startups show strong growth in the Vietnamese market as sustainable development projects draw the attention of several venture capitalist funds. Vietnam has tools to latch onto startup movement International venture capitalists are still optimistic on Vietnams startup scene amidst global headwinds. Vinnie Lauria, managing partner at Golden Gate Ventures, discussed with VIRs Van Huong the future trends for venture capital funds and how the government could support startups. Naris Cosmetics Vietnam specialises in producing cosmetics, soap, detergents, polish, and sanitary preparation. The company has a factory in Portrade International Tech Park in the southern province of Binh Duong. Following this deal, Naris Cosmetics Vietnam officially became a member of Rohto-Mentholatum Vietnam under the name Rohto-Mentholatum (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. II from January 4. It will operate under the leadership of new president and general director Hirofumi Shiramatsu. Shiramatsu, who is also general director of Rohto-Mentholatum Vietnam said, "The successful negotiation of this purchase and sale agreement is an important milestone for us. Through the merger, we will welcome 50 new members of Naris Cosmetics Vietnam with the spirit of being one team. As a result, 2023 is expected to be a breakthrough year for our team with diversity, originality, and creativity in new initiatives and projects." Rohto-Mentholatum Vietnam is a subsidiary of Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, one of the leading Japanese pharmaceutical corporations specialising in health and beauty care products. During 26 years in Vietnam, the company has become known for brands in such as New V. Rohto, Sunplay, Acnes, and Oxy. "With two pharmaceutical and cosmetic factories currently operating in Binh Duong, we are able to continuously supply our products to the market while also bringing the highest quality products to consumers at reasonable prices. We aim to improve the competitiveness of our factories and promote sustainable growth for the group in the region with a medium- to long-term vision," Shiramatsu added. Vietnam's largest cosmetics retailer HSV Group secures investment from Mekong Capital Mekong Capital announced that Mekong Enterprise Fund IV (MEF IV) has completed an investment into HSV Group, which is the cosmetics retailer in Vietnam with the highest number of stores. CVI Pharma strengthens pharmaceutical and cosmetics R&D from natural herbs The Vietnam-Korea Institute of Science and Technology (VKIST) on September 30 signed an MoU with domestic and foreign partners to strengthen sci-tech research activities. The lifting of restrictions coincides with a dramatic increase in infections and deaths due to the pandemic within the Chinese borders. In fact, official data showed infections last December to be the highest ever recorded for China since the start of the pandemic. Despite this, the World Health Organization thinks the risk of a new pandemic wave globally is minor, as the current COVID-19 variant in China apparently is a subtype of Omicron, for which most vaccines should be effective. Dr. Daniel Borer, Interim program manager of Global Business, RMIT Australia and Dr. Nuno F. Ribeiro, senior lecturer of Tourism and Hospitality, RMIT Vietnam Still, other experts warn that the virus could easily mutate within China into new variants, given that mass infections are expected to occur due to the massive travelling of the upcoming holidays. Currently, there is a lack of accurate and transparent data in China regarding infections and fatalities, making it unclear how dangerous the current pandemic threat is. In most countries, the most recent COVID-19 vaccinations took place 6-12 months ago. Some experts warn that they may have lost a great deal of their effectiveness, especially if new variants are incoming. Japan and South Korea have recently stopped issuing short-term visas for Chinese travellers, much to the dismay of Chinese authorities, which were quick in imposing travel bans to Japan and South Korea in return. Many other countries like Canada, the United States, and Germany force Chinese travellers to present negative tests. Some countries like Belgium and Malaysia have introduced checks on residual waters on flights to test for traces of COVID-19. On the other hand, countries like Thailand are welcoming long-missed Chinese tourists with flowers at their airports, happy to receive the boost in their still ailing sector. For a country like Vietnam, which shares borders and many economic ties with the northern giant, the pressing question is whether travel restrictions should be imposed or not and whether other measures need to be implemented. A lot is at stake as China is a key economic and tourism partner for the country. Undoubtedly, China is one of the key global business partners for Vietnam. With imports of $109 billion in 2022, representing one-third of total imports, China is Vietnams top importer. Also, it is Vietnams second-largest export partner with $53 billion, representing 15.3 per cent of total exports in 2022. In terms of foreign direct investment, China initiated 283 new projects in 2022, second only after South Korea, with a total value of $2.5 billion. Furthermore, China is expected to experience solid economic growth in 2023 with its GDP growing by 5 per cent. Hence, having good relations with our northern business partner can be a key element for Vietnam in the year to come as economic growth is expected to slow down. It is not surprising that Vietnamese businesses have received the lifting of travel restrictions from China with relief. Not having to quarantine or present negative COVID-19 tests when entering China will speed up transport and improve supply chains, as Chinas imports are essential for garments and textiles as well as the electronic manufacturing industry of Vietnam. The tourism sector sees opportunities in Chinas reopening. Before 2020, China was the largest market for Vietnam tourism, with Chinese tourists accounting for as much as 5.9 million visitors in 2019, consistently making up 20-25 per cent of total in international arrivals. However, while Chinese visitors made up in numbers, they lacked in expenditure per capita and length of stay. When compared with other markets such as South Korea, the United States, and France, Chinese tourists were likely to spend less and stay for a shorter time. They were also less likely to return a second time. Furthermore, the potential for external leakages is also high, as it occurred in the past with infamous zero-VND tours whereby Chinese tourists would buy all-inclusive travel packages to Vietnam which comprised Chinese-owned travel agencies, transportation, and accommodation, with little Chinese tourist expenditures staying in Vietnam. With Vietnam being opened to tourism for almost a year now, it is nevertheless experiencing a slow recovery in this area. According to statistics from the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT), total international arrivals in 2022 reached 3.4 million, up 98 per cent over the same period in 2021 but falling short of the targeted five million international arrivals proposed by the government. Over the past two years, the total absence of Chinese tourists forced Vietnam to turn to other markets to make up for lost demand. Markets such as South Korea, the US, and France were re-emphasised, and new markets such as India and Singapore revealed themselves to be potentially lucrative. The absence of Chinese tourists also ensured that Vietnam had to redouble its efforts regarding domestic tourism, and this was immensely successful. As of December 2022, domestic tourism figures are on par with 2019, and experts predict a boom of local travellers this year. Nonetheless, the appetite for Chinese tourists is great in Vietnam. Recently, the VNAT, various departments of tourism, and several private tourism businesses have emphasised the need to recapture the Chinese market, with an emphasis on the luxury segment. While local authorities have been emphatic in the need for pandemic prevention, there has been little talk of which, if any, preventive measures will be put in place to prevent future outbreaks originating from Chinese visitors. Although an early travel ban paired with enforced quarantines was indeed beneficial in 2020, this may not be the appropriate response currently. Vietnams population is largely vaccinated and vaccines are readily available. Furthermore, China has made it clear that travel bans will see retaliation, which may negatively impact the two countries business relations. Still, monitoring incoming Chinese travellers is required. Measures such as presenting a recent negative COVID-19 test as well as checking residual waste on flights for traces of COVID-19 can easily be implemented without detriment to the flow of travellers to this country. Similar measures should be considered for incoming travellers from countries in the Asia-Pacific region which had not implemented sufficient control measures to Chinese travellers. The Vietnamese government has demonstrated it can be very proactive when it comes to containing the pandemic and protecting people, and it has been rightfully praised for doing so. It is probably high time to be proactive once again. Vietnam stands to win as China+1 gains traction Changes in the global supply chain are taking place due to the virus outbreak, prompting a mounting number of foreign manufacturers to speed up their relocation from China to neighbouring countries including Vietnam. Top leaders of Vietnam, China agree to step up result-oriented cooperation Vietnamese Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping consented to step up result-oriented cooperation between the two countries during their phone talk on September 29. Vietnam, China seek solutions to cargo congestion at border gates Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu has held phone talks with Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Jianghao to discuss measures to accelerate the circulation of goods through border gates between the two countries. LINCOLN Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) mailed the 2022 Census of Agriculture paper questionnaires to all known agriculture producers across the nation. Last month, producers received their survey codes with an invitation to respond online. Any Nebraska producer who did not respond online now has the option to complete the ag census at agcounts.usda.gov or by mail. Producers who have already responded to the 2022 Census of Agriculture online do not need to respond again. The deadline for response is Feb. 6, 2023. For producers in Nebraska, the Census of Agriculture is their opportunity to show the value and importance of Nebraska agriculture. Producers, policy-makers, and business leaders all use Census data to make informed decisions that will shape the future of the industry, said NASS Northern Plains Regional Director Nicholas Streff. Responding to the Census is more convenient than ever before. The online version is fast, user-friendly, and secure. Thank you to those producers that have already responded. The Census of Agriculture remains the nations only comprehensive and impartial agriculture data for every state, county, and U.S. territory. Farm operations of all sizes, urban and rural, which produced and sold, or normally would have sold, $1,000 or more of agricultural products in 2022, are included in the ag census. The Census of Agriculture is the producers voice in the future of American agriculture. Responding to the Census of Agriculture is required by law under Title 7 USC 2204(g) Public Law 105-113. The same law requires NASS to keep all information confidential, to use the data only for statistical purposes, and only publish in aggregate form to prevent disclosing the identity of any individual producer or farm operation. NASS will release the results of the ag census in early 2024. To learn more about the Census of Agriculture, visit nass.usda.gov/AgCensus. Follow @usda_nass for the latest information. One of the more interesting challenges Josh Guffey faced in making his debut feature film was to procure a pet for Tony Todd, the actor who played the original "Candyman." The Bettendorf native spoke with the actor regularly over the phone leading up to the filming of "All Gone Wrong," and Todd sometimes would even call Guffey in his persona of Lamont Hughes, the heavy hitter in an underground drug ring operating out of Kewanee in the film. It was during one of these calls that Todd said his character needed a pet some kind of reptile or tarantula to sit in his office. As the request came just days before Todd was set to arrive for filming, Guffey began panicking. Luckily, producer Michael Kennedy was able to find the owner of a frilled-neck lizard, who dropped the lizard in its tank off at the bar office they were filming in just before Todd got onto the set. "In the corner of this room is the dragon, the frilled dragon, it's like 6 inches long or something," Guffey said. "And (Todd) was like, 'OK, cool. All right, I can work with this.'" This is just one of many stories Guffey has gathered throughout his 13-year journey of writing and directing "All Gone Wrong," which will be released Jan. 27 on streaming services like Apple TV+, iTunes, Amazon, Vudu, Google Play and cable-on-demand. The film follows a law enforcement agent, played by Jake Kaufman, as he works to uncover a drug network operating out of Kewanee after a rookie cop was killed during a bust. Originally premiered at the 2021 St. Louis International Film Festival, "All Gone Wrong" has received multiple awards since its release. "It still doesn't feel totally real to me, to be honest," Guffey said. Guffey's path to putting "All Gone Wrong" into the world began at the University of Iowa. He'd been interested in videography since taking a television production class at Bettendorf High School, and he said transitioning to college helped him realize that making movies could be a vocation, rather than just a hobby. As he heard stories about undercover narcotics jobs from his sister, a Bettendorf Police officer, and other officers, Guffey said one true story stuck in his brain, of a drug task force officer who went undercover in Kewanee to help curb the town's struggles with drugs. After he graduated in 2008, Guffey started his first draft of "All Gone Wrong" the title and essence of the film stuck around through all its iterations, Guffey said. He met Kaufman early on in his work on the project and stuck with him through it all, but day-to-day life kept the film on the backburner for many years. "Over all those years, you're making a living, you're raising a family, but I always wanted to keep moving this project forward," Guffey said. "So it wasn't until 2018 when I just basically said, 'I'm going to set a shoot date eight months from now, and we're going to make this movie. And that was sort of the moving train that I needed." More people came onto the project, and by June 2019 they were ready to go. Guffey said they were able to get a cut of the film finished before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down much of the film industry and spent 2020 refining "All Gone Wrong." Working with Todd and other staff and producers was like a dream come true, Guffey said, and he's been grateful for the work they put in and the support they offered. "At all stages making this movie, it's just been kind of like a kid in a candy store, because you get to work with so many talented people," Guffey said. "You just get to be along for the ride to see everybody's best work, and I was just very fortunate." Kaufman said he met Guffey on the set of a web series, and there was a certain energy about the Bettendorf native that hooked him in. They ended up fueling each other's creative energy and working on multiple projects together, all the while bouncing thoughts and ideas around about "All Gone Wrong." Being able to look at the finished product after more than a decade thinking about it is amazing, Kaufman said, especially since they can now show it to all the others who supported them through it all. "It's a long ride, but it's been a great ride, especially now, on this side of it," Kaufman. SIOUX CITY -- A Sioux City man has been charged with first-degree murder after a woman was shot and killed on the north side Saturday night. At 9:41 p.m. Saturday, Sioux City Police officers were dispatched to 3319 Nebraska St. for a reported disturbance between a man and a woman. The woman was pleading for help, according to a news release from the Sioux City Police Department. According to a criminal complaint filed in the case, the victim -- Sarah Zoelle -- called 911 and said her boyfriend, Austyn Self, was pointing a gun at her. During the call, a 911 dispatcher "heard a sound consistent with a gunshot on the phone," according to the complaint. A man identifying himself as Self then picked up the phone and said to the dispatcher, "I shot her." On arrival officers found Zoelle suffering a gunshot wound and still holding a 6-month-old child in her arms. A 4-year-old and a 5-year-old were also in the house, according to the criminal complaint. Zoelle was pronounced dead at a local hospital. Self, 23, of Sioux City, was booked into the Woodbury County Jail on charges of first-degree murder and three counts of child endangerment. Counties with the most motor vehicle fatalities in Iowa Counties with the most motor vehicle accident fatalities in Iowa #19. Linn County, Iowa #18. Black Hawk County, Iowa #17. Polk County, Iowa #16. Dallas County, Iowa #15. Woodbury County, Iowa #14. Scott County, Iowa #13. Warren County, Iowa #12. Pottawattamie County, Iowa #11. Marion County, Iowa #10. Boone County, Iowa #9. Mahaska County, Iowa #8. Lee County, Iowa #7. Cedar County, Iowa #6. Mills County, Iowa #5. Plymouth County, Iowa #4. Hardin County, Iowa #3. Iowa County, Iowa #2. Madison County, Iowa #1. Adair County, Iowa Temperatures in eastern Ukraine have been well below freezing in recent days, hardening the ground and opening a window for potential winter offensives by both sides. But such pushes may not come, either now or during a more sustained cold spell. Military analysts say that while the shift from muddy to frozen terrain is important in enabling the use of wheeled combat and support vehicles, its just one of many factors commanders would consider before a major new assault. More important are the availability of reserves, equipment and ammunition, and the need to create weak spots in enemy lines. Both sides are being stretched by slow but resource-sapping offensives. Russian forces are trying to take Bakhmut and nearby Soledar, while Ukrainian troops are attacking Kreminna and Svatove; all are small to mid-sized towns in the eastern Donbas region that Russia claims to have annexed but only partially occupies. The situation around Soledar and Bakhmut is forcing our command to use more reserves in this direction, so it may be that in the close future there wont be enough left to conduct a big offensive in the south, from Zaporizhzhia, or anywhere else, said Igor Levchenko, head of strategic modeling at New Geopolitics, a Kyiv-based think tank. How the conflict evolves is likely to be determined less by changes in weather than by the relative success each side has in wearing down the others forces and reconstituting their own by spring, he said. The risk for Russia, according to a European defense official, is that in Bakhmut it makes only a minor tactical gain at the cost of huge personnel losses. A similar mistake in the summer left Russian forces exhausted and overstretched, opening the door for Ukraine to launch successful counteroffensives in the fall. Though poorly trained, recently mobilized troops have shored up defenses around Kreminna and Svatove, slowing Ukraines advance. Taking Svatove would allow Ukraine to cut a key Russian logistics route for operations in the Donbas. Newly announced supplies of armored fighting vehicles from the U.S., Germany and France, tanks from the United Kingdom and growing signs that NATO standard tanks could follow, would better equip Ukraine for a fresh offensive. Ukraines general staff have been masters of operational design to date and will spend weeks or months setting conditions for the next, decisive phase of the campaign, Ben Hodges, a former U.S. lieutenant general and commander of the U.S. Army in Europe, said in emailed comments from Tbilisi, Georgia. While Russia may aim to use mobilized recruits to prolong the war until support for Ukraine from its allies crumbles, I dont see that happening in 2023, Hodges said. Rather I see Ukraine liberating Crimea by the end of August. Russias President Vladimir Putin annexed the Crimean peninsula in 2014, turning it into a support base for his forces in the rest of occupied Ukraine. Some military analysts have expressed skepticism at Ukraines capacity to retake it. While falling temperatures hardened the ground in the east, theyve also been too low for soldiers to fight effectively away from shelter, as any offensive breakthrough would require. The human factor is far more important than the vehicles they can move in winter, said Ed Arnold, a former British infantry officer now at the Royal United Services Institute, a London think tank. In freezing weather, morale, mobility and logistics all can get hammered, he said. Frozen batteries for drones and radio sets have to be recharged twice as often, while low visibility can render unusable the surveillance drones needed for artillery to target defenses. With both sides running low on artillery shells, the need for precision offered by drones has already at times silenced guns along the front. What we call the find aspect you need for any operation just becomes much more difficult, Arnold said. Even foot patrols that can normally cover 15-20 km in a day can suddenly only cover five, because theyre burning more calories, need to carry more food and just cant do as much in the difficult conditions. Very low temperatures can favor defensive troops that enjoy effective logistics, according to Arnold, enabling them to maintain warmth and stockpile food at front-line positions for as many as 20 days. Those are luxuries unavailable to an advancing force, which has to be resupplied in real time. The cold also can force errors, such as Russias decision to concentrate hundreds of troops in the relative warmth and comfort of a dormitory in Makiivka, within range of Ukraines HIMARS rockets. That saw 89 killed in a New Years attack, according to Russias defense ministry; Ukraine put the death toll much higher. Most worrying to military planners, according to Arnold, is that a freeze can suddenly turn to thaw, leaving offensive troops exposed and unsupplied as wheeled support vehicles again become stuck in Ukraines notoriously glutinous mud. Tracked vehicles, such as tanks, can still operate but not if fuel tankers can no longer reach them. Soldiers, similarly, would then be left without food, and artillery without ammunition or the ability to quickly move position. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) and UAE-government owned energy company Masadar have signed a 2 GW offshore wind and hydrogen contract in the Republic of Azerbaijan in Abu Dhabi. The two companies also signed Joint Development Agreements for 1 GW Solar Photovoltaic and 1 GW Onshore Wind projects. It follows news in June that Masdar signed implementation agreements with the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to develop renewable energy projects in the country with a combined confirmed capacity of 4 GW as an exclusive concession, with the right to develop an additional 6 GW as a second phase. Masdar signed two implementation agreements, one concerns covers integrated offshore wind and green hydrogen projects with a capacity of 2 GW. The other agreement relates to the development of onshore wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) projects, each representing 1 GW of capacity. At the same time, Masdar also signed an intial Memorandum of Understanding with the SOCAR for the joint development of the renewable energy sources. Senior Secured Bond Issue Investor Calls Commencing Perth, Jan 16, 2023 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Cyprium Metals Limited ( ASX:CYM ) is pleased to advise that on Tuesday 17th January 2023, the Company is commencing fixed income investor calls with international debt capital market investors. The issue of a USD denominated senior secured bond with a five-year tenor may follow, subject to inter alia market conditions. HIGHLIGHTS - Fixed Income Investor Calls commencing with international debt capital market investors - The contemplated Senior Secured Bond Issue is part of a total debt funding package for the Nifty Copper Project Restart - All Required Regulatory Approvals prior to financing have been received Managing Director Barry Cahill commented: "We are very pleased to have finalised due diligence and documentation to commence fixed income investor calls for a contemplated Senior Secured Bond Issue with Pareto Securities as the manager. The contemplated Bond Issue is part of the full finance package for the restart of the Nifty Copper Project. The restart project economics remain very robust and are further enhanced based on current copper prices of around AUD13,000 per tonne. These copper prices are AUD1,000 per tonne higher than used in the Nifty Copper Project Restart Study. As all of the required regulatory approvals have been able to be completed prior to financing being received, we are looking forward to completing our total funding package so that we can commence executing our Nifty Copper Project restart development plans." The net proceeds from the contemplated bond issue together with the Offtake Prepayment Facility (refer to CYM ASX announcement dated 22 December 2022, "USD35M Secured Offtake Prepayment Facility for Nifty Copper Project Restart") comprises the targeted AUD240 million to AUD260 million debt funding package to finance the restart of the Nifty Copper Project. All of the approvals that are required prior to completion of financing have been received, with the final approval for the amendment to the State Agreement required to be submitted post finance. The Company will advise of any material developments as the proposed issue is progressed. About Cyprium Metals Ltd Cyprium Metals Limited (ASX:CYM) is poised to grow to a mid-tier mining business and manage a portfolio of Australian copper projects to deliver vital natural resources, strong shareholder returns and sustainable value for our stakeholders. We pursue this aim, in genuine partnerships with employees, customers, shareholders, local communities and other stakeholders, which is based on integrity, co-operation, transparency and mutual value creation. NAL Restart Accelerates Towards Target Brisbane, Jan 16, 2023 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Emerging lithium producer Sayona Mining Limited ( ASX:SYA ) ( DML:FRA ) ( SYAXF:OTCMKTS ) has pushed ahead towards the recommencement of production in Q1 2023 at its flagship North American Lithium (NAL) operation in Quebec, Canada, with work continuing during the Christmas holiday period to ensure deadlines are met. Progress towards the concentrator restart neared nearly 90% by the end of December for engineering and construction, with all critical equipment received, including the Vacuum pump and WHIMS Rectifier-Reducer. Installation of the LIMS was completed, together with the third ore sorter and other key items. Up to 50 workers from selected contractors continued working during the Christmas holidays to maximise progress. Importantly, there were no recordable injuries during the period, reflecting Sayona's focus on maintaining a Zero-Tolerance policy regarding safety. Pre-operational verifications and operational readiness continues to progress, including training and process operational support, with 75% of electrical and mechanical inspections completed. As previously reported, all environmental approvals have been received (refer ASX release 12 December 2022), significantly de-risking NAL's restart. No environmental-related incidents were reported during the period, reflecting Sayona's focus on maintaining the highest environmental standards Commitments to end December totalled C$49 million versus planned commitments of C$49.3 million, with potential cost savings being further investigated. All equipment required for the restart has been procured, with all major procurement packages received at site. NAL's advances towards the production of locally sourced lithium in Quebec in 2023 follow continued demand growth from electric vehicles (EVs) in North America. In the United States, EV sales nearly doubled from 2021 to 2022, while Canada is targeting 60% of all vehicle sales to be electric by 2030. Almost US$300 billion of investment in new lithium-ion battery gigafactories has now been announced, including US$131 billion in 2022, up 24% on the prior year, according to analysts Benchmark Minerals Intelligence. Sayona's Managing Director, Brett Lynch commented: "Sayona continues to advance towards the restart of production at NAL this quarter, and I congratulate the project team for pushing through the holiday period to ensure targets are met. This is particularly noteworthy given widely publicised global supply chain issues and cost pressures, with our team working hard to mitigate any potential issues. "We now plan on releasing bimonthly updates on the NAL restart as we accelerate closer towards production. "With demand from North America's EV and battery sector continuing to increase, NAL's outlook is excellent, putting Quebec in a highly strategic position as a clean and green, economical and stable supplier of this vital battery mineral." *To view photographs, please visit: https://abnnewswire.net/lnk/6173PP61 About Sayona Mining Limited Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA) (OTCMKTS:SYAXF) is an Australian, ASX-listed (SYA) company focused on sourcing and developing the raw materials required to construct lithium-ion batteries for use in the rapidly growing new and green technology sectors. The Company has lithium projects in Quebec, Canada and in Western Australia. Please visit us as at www.sayonamining.com.au New Mexicos startup economy is thriving, thanks in good part to a spate of fresh bioscience companies that are working to turn innovative technologies into new products and services. In fact, the bioscience sector has dominated the startup landscape in recent years, with more patents issued to New Mexico innovators in that sector over the past decade than any other local industry, according to the national business research company D&B Hoovers. Nearly 150 local bioscience startups formed just in the past 10 years, Hoovers recently reported, with operations scattered around the state. That includes a broad array of health-related products and services, as well as new biotechnology to improve agricultural production and protect the environment. Continuous innovation and discovery at the states research universities and national labs has created a steady pipeline of emerging technologies that creative entrepreneurs and venture investors are working to take to market. The University of New Mexico, in particular, has become a hotbed for health-related startups working to commercialize new medical devices, diagnostic tools and therapeutics. Both the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro and New Mexico State University in Las Cruces are also spinning out many bioscience startups based on their research and engineering specialties. NMSU, for example, is emerging as a center of excellence for agricultural-related biotechnology. Research and development at UNM health sciences, combined with the universitys Center for Biomedical Engineering, inspired the launch of 39 health-related startups over the 10-year period from fiscal year 2013 to FY 2022, said Lisa Kuuttila, UNM chief economic development officer and head of Rainforest Innovations, which manages the universitys technology transfer operations. That represents about 44% of the total 89 startup companies that launched with UNM technology over the past decade. And in recent years, that ratio has increased, with new bioscience ventures accounting for 17 of 29 companies, or 58%, that formed with UNM innovation over the four-year period from FY 2019-FY 2022. More and more companies are being developed, Kuuttila told the Journal. The bioscience industry is becoming a really major sector for our state Many startups are still small scale at the early stages, but we now have a broad array of companies that we didnt have just 10 years ago. Some of the recently formed bioscience startups around the state include: BennuBio, an Albuquerque company thats marketing superfast cytometers, or cell meters, for medical diagnostics WaveFront Dynamics, or WaveDyn, which built a specialized eye-measurement machine to help customize sight correction for difficult-to-treat patients Natures Toolbox, or NTxBio, which created technology to rapidly make new vaccines and drugs based on processes originally licensed from Los Alamos National Laboratory BioFlyte Inc., which is marketing proprietary technology to detect airborne biological threats Los Alamos-based Innate Immunity, which is marketing a new protein originally developed at LANL that strengthens the immune system in plants to protect crops against disease Circular Genomics, which is commercializing UNM technology to diagnose depression and other neurological disorders Armonica Technologies, which is developing another UNM innovation for rapid genomic sequencing MNT SmartSolutions, which is building a remote-controlled, magnetic toothpaste and toothbrush that injects anti-bacterial solutions into the nooks and crannies of gums and teeth In the startup world, many new companies with promising technology often fail in the early stages, or never gain needed traction in the market. But many of New Mexicos startups are steadily advancing in technology development and market penetration, boosted by the states vibrant startup ecosystem, which offers robust business development services and, often, access to capital, said Stuart Rose, founder of the BioScience Center in Uptown Albuquerque. We still have many early-stage companies, but today we also have a lot more advanced startups that have established themselves, Rose told the Journal. Theyre not yet mature companies, but many are well-positioned for breakout growth over time. Some companies have already achieved breakout growth. Two homegrown firms, for example, were recently acquired by large, deep-pocketed corporations that can now accelerate their market penetration. Publicly traded Cadence Design Systems paid $500 million this summer to acquire OpenEye Scientific, a Santa Fe-based molecular design and modeling software company. And data analytics company Health Catalyst paid nearly $105 million in summer 2021 to acquire Twistle, an Albuquerque-based company that built a patient-engagement system to link healthcare teams directly with patients through automated communication. New Mexicos bioscience industry success is generating national attention, which could attract more companies and investors to the state going forward. Were starting to get noticed, Kuuttila said. Weve worked very hard to make that happen. Im really bullish on the prospects. Molecular Biologist Vasu Kandachar works with tissue samples in a lab at the BioScience Center in Uptown Albuquerque where Quasr Diagnostics is developing technology for rapid detection of infectious disease. (Adolphe Pierre-Louis/Journal) Michael Keller of Circular Genomics which is commercializing UNM technology to diagnose depression and other neurological disorders examines tissue samples at a lab in the BioScience Center in Uptown Albuquerque where the company is located. (Adolphe Pierre-Louis/Journal) Molecular Biologist Vasu Kandachar sets up PH reaction samples to determine the presence of viruses for Quasr Diagnostics, a startup at the BioScience Center in Uptown Albuquerque thats working to market Sandia National Laboratories technology to enable rapid diagnostics for infectious disease. (Adolphe Pierre-Louis/Journal) Prev 1 of 3 Next Pharmaceutical research, development and manufacturing company Curia broke ground this fall on a $100 million expansion of its Albuquerque operations, potentially adding nearly 300 new local jobs to its current workforce. Its the second major expansion here since 2018 by the biotech company, which already employs about 400 people at two locations, including a 135,000-square-foot facility at the Midtown Business Park at I-25 and Montgomery, plus an 80,000-square-foot facility near Balloon Fiesta Park. Curias Oct. 27 groundbreaking coincided with another major biotechnology industry announcement that same week in Las Cruces, where remote health-monitoring services company Electronic Caregiver reported closing on $42.5 million in fresh funding from private investors. That makes a total of $110 million in private equity raised by Electronic Caregiver since launching in 2009. The new funding will help accelerate the firms aggressive expansion plans, which include hiring another 770 employees over the next few years, about 95% of them to be located at the companys 10-story downtown office tower. The state and the city of Las Cruces provided about $1.2 million in Local Economic Development Act, or LEDA, funding last year to help remodel and equip Electronic Caregivers office building, which the firm purchased outright over the summer after leasing space there for more than a decade. The state also contributed $5 million in LEDA money to Curia for its expansion plans in Albuquerque, with the city expected to kick in another $500,000. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who attended Curias groundbreaking, said that the companys investment and expansion plans reflect the states growing reputation as a bustling magnet for the life sciences industry. New Mexico has become a sophisticated biosciences hub that continues to attract companies leading the way in global science and healthcare, Lujan Grisham said in a statement. These are high-paying jobs of the future that will fortify New Mexicos families and expand economic security for our graduates who want to remain in the state to live and work. While big announcements, the Curia and Electronic Caregiver expansions are only the latest developments in New Mexicos burgeoning bioscience industry, which has grown exponentially over the past decade, and particularly over the past five years, after lawmakers approved the creation of a state-funded Bioscience Authority in 2017 to help promote local industry development. Thats led to more unified public and private efforts to help newly formed startups launch and grow, expand existing businesses, and attract more companies, entrepreneurs and investment capital to the state. Those efforts are boosted by New Mexicos vibrant startup ecosystem, which offers broad wrap-around services through incubators, business accelerators and access to early-stage venture funding. That support base has, in turn, inspired local entrepreneurs to turn a lot more biotechnology innovation from the states research universities and national labs into marketable products and services. More work is needed to build on todays momentum, according to local industry experts, beginning with additional state and private-sector funding to convert fledgling startups and existing businesses into thriving, sustainable enterprises. And to get that ball rolling, the Bioscience Authority is seeking $50 million in state money in this years legislative session for a new co-investment fund to allow the Authority to invest jointly in local bioscience companies alongside other venture firms. Apart from capital, more physical infrastructure such as incubation labs with high-tech equipment and collaborative office space is also critical. But, given the states accelerated bioscience development in recent years, local leaders say New Mexico is now approaching a turning point that, with additional statewide efforts, could move the industry from promising momentum to critical mass. Doug Ziedonis University of New Mexico Health System CEO and executive vice president for UNM health sciences called it a critically important moment for the local industry. Were at a very exciting point now with our research universities, state agencies, government officials and industry all coming together around strategic plans to push forward, Ziedonis told the Journal. Weve seen how successful collaborative efforts in such other sectors as the film industry have been, and we know we can do the same in the bioscience arena. We have great momentum and, by working together, we can really grow this industry, not just in Albuquerque, but across the state. Steady expansion New Mexicos bioscience sector which includes medical-related products and services, as well as biotechnology for agricultural production and environmental improvement has been evolving for decades, thanks to continuous innovation and discovery at the states research universities and labs, plus entrepreneurial creativity in applying new technologies to real-world problems. As of 2015, some 700 biotech companies were already operating around the state, directly employing about 9,300 people and supporting up to 41,000 industry-related jobs, according to a report by a GrowBio initiative that emerged in 2016 to unite the public and private sectors around policies and incentives to build the industry. Commercial development encompasses everything from new medical devices, diagnostic tools and treatments to improved methods and tools for food production and safety, and innovative use of microbes and enzymes to make manufacturing and chemical processes environmentally friendly. The sector generated about $1.2 billion in revenue in 2015, according to the report, with such large, well-established institutions as Tricore Reference Laboratories and the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute in Albuquerque boosting employment numbers and economic impact significantly. But a broad swath of emerging bioscience startups also contributed to industry growth as public and private efforts to build New Mexicos startup economy gained force. In particular, the 2013 opening of a BioScience Center in Uptown Albuquerque as the states first privately run, dedicated incubator for biotechnology startups marked a turning point. Pharmaceutical industry veteran Stuart Rose opened the center after building a homegrown startup, Oso Biopharmaceuticals, into a major contract research and manufacturing services company in Albuquerque. New York-based AMRI Global aquired Oso for $110 million in 2014. Its since rebranded as Curia, the company that just broke ground on a $100 million expansion. Roses 20,000-square-foot BioScience Center reached full occupancy within six months of its opening in January 2013, and has remained full ever since, housing up to 22 startups at any given time. The center has maintained 100% occupancy since launching, said Greg Byrnes, executive director of the NM Biotechnology and Biomedical Association, or NMBio. Theres always a waiting list to get in. Apart from incubating dozens of startups over the years, the center has helped bring industry people together to network and collaborate, which was one of Roses original goals. When I ran Oso Pharmaceuticals, I learned a lot about many things going on across the state, but most people didnt know each other, so no one realized the significant level of activity already happening here, Rose told the Journal. I saw the potential to create a focal point for people to connect through the BioScience Center. By 2017, unified industry-building efforts in general had gained a lot more momentum through GrowBio, an initiative spearheaded largely by NMBio and UNM health sciences, which worked together to gain legislative approval to create the BioScience Authority as a collaborative economic development agency focused on the bioscience industry. The 13-member Authority which receives about $300,000 in annual state funding thats channeled administratively through UNM includes representatives from the states three research universities, plus appointees by the governor and both legislative chambers. Bioscience Authority The agency has concentrated on building collaborative relationships to tap into bioscience-related economic development opportunities, said Board Chair Dale Dekker, a founding principal at Dekker/Perich/Sabatini who helped launch the GrowBio initiative. Weve worked to become a forum for building statewide awareness and support about the sectors potential to diversify the economy, Dekker told the Journal. Our board includes industry experts, entrepreneurs, economic development professionals and public officials from around the state. In particular, the agency is forging collaborative initiatives on workforce development, in- and out-of-state marketing and promotion, forums and networking activities to connect people and organizations, and joint efforts to help local communities attract bioscience-related investment, said Authority Executive Director Stephanie Tofighi. In one noteworthy achievement, the agency created an online guide for community readiness zones that cities and municipalities can follow to identify existing strengths and needed assets such as land, buildings and shovel-ready development areas where companies can locate to build out local bioscience hubs. It includes an evaluation process to gain industry recognition as readiness zones, with bronze-to-platinum certifications that can boost marketing initiatives. Its for self-evaluation by communities that go through the process with real estate professionals, architects and municipal organizations to evaluate their local landscape, Tofighi told the Journal. Weve now identified and certified sites in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Las Cruces and Rio Rancho, and were working with people in Socorro, Los Alamos, Los Lunas and Santa Ana Pueblo to certify more zones. As a trade organization, NMBio is also working closely with the Bioscience Authority to assist local companies in business development, marketing and networking to strengthen and advance the industry. Its helped especially in raising New Mexicos visibility nationally and internationally by organizing local delegations to participate in regional and national trade fairs and conferences. In 2020, it placed a 16-page, $50,000 informational insert about New Mexicos bioscience development in Site Selection, a premier, global industry publication. Association membership has increased from just 27 in 2016, when Byrnes became executive director, to more than 100 now. The industry is growing significantly, Byrnes said. Weve expanded our national participation and visibility, and weve been able to recruit more companies as a result. Co-investment fund Still, to convert todays momentum into sustainable, long-term industry expansion, the bioscience sector needs more concentrated state assistance and promotion, particularly funding for startups and existing businesses to weather the early stages of commercial development, Byrnes said. All other states with strong bioscience industries and commercial hubs have been blessed with state funding to build their industries, Byrnes said. We need the state to step up here if we really want to grow New Mexicos bioscience sector. Gov. Lujan Grishams administration has included bioscience as one of New Mexicos key, strategic industries to diversify the economy. But, beyond the Bioscience Authoritys $300,000 annual allocation, the state has yet to earmark specific funding for bioscience sector development, Dekker said. Were making good progress in building out the bioscience ecosystem, but we need to accelerate our efforts with funding to help biotechnology companies build solid foundations in New Mexico, Dekker told the Journal. We need to make key investments in this sector as a strategic industry cluster. To do that, the Bioscience Authority, NMBio and other industry partners are seeking legislative approval in this years session to earmark $50 million in state money for a new co-investment fund to strategically deploy capital into promising local companies in partnership with other venture investors. Under the proposal, the agency would seek experienced private equity firms that commit to investing $2 for every $1 dollar in state funds for targeted investments, effectively tripling deployable co-investment money to $150 million. A lot of venture funding has already flowed into local bioscience startups through the State Investment Council, which provides some permanent fund money for venture firms that commit to investing in local companies. That includes a $20 million catalyst fund that pumped capital into eight different micro funds for early-stage investments in startups, creating a collective, $40-million pool of venture funding when including micro fund-matching dollars. Some of that money did flow to bioscience startups, helping to create a lot more biotech ventures in recent years. But most of the catalyst money is now already deployed, making it harder for startups to find more funding. And that money was never earmarked specifically for the bioscience sector, which generally requires more capital than other types of startups to become established. Bioscience really needs capital because it takes longer than other industries to create a sustainable product and its very expensive, Tofighi said. To test the co-investment concept, the Bioscience authority partnered last year with the New Mexico Angels on a $225,000 investment in Albuquerque-based BennuBio, which is marketing superfast cytometers, or cell meters, for medical diagnostics. The agency provided $75,000, with the rest coming from the Angels Vintage Fund for early-stage investments. Not all industry leaders think the co-investment fund is the right way to deploy state capital. Rose, for example, believes funding would be better allocated directly to established venture firms that commit to investing in local bioscience companies, and that the Bioscience Authority should instead focus on seeking state money for economic development initiatives, such as building more incubator and lab space for biotechnology startups. But Rose says more state funding is critical to keep industry development moving forward, especially as existing companies seek additional capital to grow. ROSWELL, N.M. (AP) Authorities continue to investigate the reported shooting of a man at the Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge near Roswell, but say the victim isnt being cooperative. Chaves County Sheriffs officials placed the refuges visitor center and trails on lockdown Friday afternoon after a man was found bleeding from a gunshot wound. He was transported to a hospital and authorities said he suffered injuries not considered life-threatening. The mans name, age and hometown still werent available Sunday and neither was a possible motive for the shooting. Undersheriff Charles Yslas said the victim told authorities that the shooter was driving a black vehicle. Authorities have processed the crime scene and searched unsuccessfully for the vehicle and a gun used in the shooting. Right now, the evidence that we have isnt really matching up with the stories, Yslas told the Roswell Daily Record. The victim isnt being very cooperative with us, so we are continuing to investigate it. The refuge is located about 7 miles (11 kilometers) northeast of Roswell. Copyright 2023 Albuquerque Journal Sandia National Laboratories spent record-breaking amounts last fiscal year, according to its annual economic impact report. The laboratory, headquartered in Albuquerque, spent a total of $4.2 billion in fiscal year 2022 the first time the defense contractor surpassed $4 billion in spending. Spending increased by approximately $300 million since fiscal year 2021; over the past five years, the labs expenditures have increased by $1 billion. Every year we think its going to slow down and it hasnt, said Scott Aeilts, associate labs director of Mission Services at Sandia, at an economic forum meeting last week. Spending isnt the only way that Sandia broke records last year; the lab also saw an all-time high number of employees. Last year, the labs created close to 500 new positions and hired close to 1,900 new workers for a total of 15,533 employees nationwide, up from 14,921 in fiscal year 2021. Of that number, the vast majority are employed in New Mexico, with 80.9% or 12,581 employees in the state. Over the past fiscal year, Sandia hired more than 1,400 new workers in New Mexico. In addition to Sandia sites in Albuquerque and Carlsbad, New Mexico, the lab has locations in California, Texas, Nevada and Washington, D.C. Aeilts said that this year, the labs plan to add an additional 500 jobs. Laura Lovato, manager of Sandias supply division and supply chain risk management, said that, while record-breaking, this growth is typical for the lab. Since 2016, the lab has added an average of 558 new employees each year; with a net increase of 632 employees this year, Sandias employment growth was slightly higher than normal, but not unusual. Each year has been a record-breaking year for at least the past three years, Lovato told the Journal. And we anticipate to keep growing. The demographics of Sandias employees have shifted over the past five years. Since fiscal year 2017, the contractor has increased the number of minority employees. The number of minority and female employees in management positions has also grown. More than one in four of Sandias new hires over the past five years have relocated to New Mexico, bringing in approximately 1,800 new residents to the state. However, New Mexico university graduates are still highly represented in Sandias workforce, with almost 40% of employees holding a degree from a state school. It has also put an emphasis on contracting with small businesses. Of the $4.2 billion in spending, almost a half billion dollars went to subcontracts in New Mexico. More than $419 million, or the vast majority of the $482,836,000 spent on subcontracts in the state, went to small businesses, in industries including computer facility management systems, engineering and construction Lovato told the Journal that while federally-funded Sandia is obligated to contract with a certain number of small businesses, its also a win-win for the contractor. It makes good business sense as well from a community perspective, Lovato said. Thats because we need a diverse supplier base to meet our mission needs. When we acquire products and services, we want to make sure we can drive some innovation, different ideas to help us meet those needs. And so small business is part of that supplier diversity. Sandia uses guidelines from the Small Business Administration to identify which companies can be classified as small businesses. The standards for small businesses can vary based on industry. Enduring supply chain issues have complicated the contracting process, Lovato said. But by partnering with different agencies, Lovato said that Sandia will continue to adapt and grow despite the difficulties. Were just constantly trying to understand supply chain as a whole, because theyve been so challenging the past couple of years since COVID, Lovato said. Its evolving quickly, so were partnering to make sure we can do so in a safe and secure manner, while still trying to make sure we can meet small business goals. A novel ointment for topical treatment of HPV-induced warts and pre-cancers won first place at this years bioscience shark tank for University of New Mexico researchers in mid-November. A three-member panel of judges, all local entrepreneurs, selected viral oncology professor Michelle Ozbuns research as the winner in a pitch competition with other UNM investigators who presented on a new microfiber to make face masks more comfortable and effective in filtering viruses, and use of nanoparticles to prevent tooth and gum disease. The on-campus competition took place Nov. 11 at the fourth annual BioVenture Partnership Event, which UNMs Clinical and Translational Science Center and the New Mexico Bioscience Authority jointly launched in 2018. It brings faculty, students, local entrepreneurs and investors together for presentations, a poster display highlighting new bioscience discoveries, and plenty of networking, said Eric Prossnitz, a Department of Internal Medicine professor and chair of the BioVenture planning committee. Theres lots of innovation at UNM and among local companies and entities, but not many opportunities to all gather in one place, Prossnitz told the Journal. This brings everyone together to connect and maybe inspire more investment in new and existing companies that can market cutting-edge technology to improve health care. The BioVenture partnership is one of many programs and initiatives underway at UNM to help pull emerging technology from lab to marketplace, reflecting a vibrant local startup ecosystem that UNM and the New Mexico Startup Factory are now working to spread to other research universities in the western U.S. through a new, $3.25 million grant that the National Institutes of Health approved in September. Under the three-year grant, the partners expect to educate and mentor faculty on the fundamentals of technology transfer at 11 universities in seven states: New Mexico, Alaska, Idaho, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada and Wyoming. The UNM Health Sciences Center and the Anderson School of Managements Innovation Academy are collaborating on the initiative, which will draw on extensive tech-transfer experience developed at UNM over many years, said Academy Executive Director Rob DelCampo. We want to take what weve developed here in technology transfer and spread it out across multiple states, DelCampo told the Journal. At its core, this is all about building a new culture of entrepreneurship on university campuses to create the groundswell needed to push technology transfer forward. UNM has developed its own entrepreneurial culture over many years, beginning in 1996 when it launched the universitys first tech-transfer program through the Science and Technology Corporation. The STC, now rebranded as Rainforest Innovations, has spearheaded yearslong educational and promotional programs to encourage all faculty to disclose their research and innovation so tech-transfer professionals can patent and market it for licensing to investors. As a result, campuswide faculty disclosures grew from just 18 in 1996 to an average of 50 per year in the first decade after launching the tech-transfer office. Its since exploded to an annual average of 113 disclosures over the last decade, according to Rainforest metrics. Thats created a pipeline of new, commercially viable technologies, leading to more than 800 issued patents, 817 technology-licensing agreements, and 155 startups formed with UNM innovations since 1996. UNM health sciences is particularly active, thanks to cutting-edge technology from the health sciences system, plus a myriad of programs to train, mentor and assist faculty and students in product commercialization, said Doug Ziedonis, UNM Health System CEO and executive vice president for UNM health sciences. In addition, Rainforest Innovations and Andersons Innovation Academy which provides entrepreneurship courses and hands-on business training for students have encouraged interdisciplinary teams of faculty and students from health sciences, engineering and business administration to collaborate on marketing new technologies. Its all about team effort, Ziedonis told the Journal. You need to cultivate collaboration and transdisciplinary research. That begins with educating academics about the benefits of technology transfer, especially in the health sciences, where many professors think just publishing their research will inspire investors to take it to market, Prossnitz said. But it generally takes millions of dollars to commercialize new drugs or health tools, and that wont happen without patent protection, real-world efficacy testing of new products and services, and customer discovery to prove theres a market for it. You have to change (academic) culture to get people involved, Prossnitz said. Once you explain these things, it makes sense to faculty, and thats where all the tech-transfer training and programs come in. It also takes a village, or mature ecosystem, to make it happen, something local incubators and accelerators have been building for years, including the NM Startup Factory, which launched 15 companies over the past decade to commercialize technology from UNM and other state universities and labs. Its now building a comprehensive, online set of educational products and services in partnership with UNM to provide assistance to the western universities covered under the new NIH grant, said Startup Factory President John Chavez. That will include everything from Innovation Academy curriculum, training and online mentoring services to assistance with patenting technology and applying for federal research grants. Well educate researchers on what it means to take biomedical products from bench to market, Chavez told the Journal. And well put boots on the ground to go out to institutions with our project managers to provide customized assistance. The project could significantly raise UNMs regional and national prestige. It definitely establishes us as a leader in these states, DelCampo said. People are now looking to us to do what weve done in technology transfer. Copyright 2023 Albuquerque Journal CEDAR CREST Phyllis Bergman watched one of her sisters suffer as she waited for death. The other had a much different end. She drank a prescribed medication that put her to sleep before stopping her heart and lungs, making her the first person in Bernalillo County to use New Mexicos medical aid-in-dying law, in 2021. Ive been a hospice nurse, Bergman said, and Id say thats the most peaceful death I have ever seen. Bergman, who lives in Cedar Crest, is among the growing number of New Mexicans whose relatives have used the states End-of-Life Options Act. It allows terminally ill adults to seek a doctors help to end their life. More than 130 people took the life-ending medication in 2022, and the pace is picking up as the law becomes more well known. Since it went into effect in June 2021, 170 people altogether have used the law, according to state records. Its also triggered a court challenge. A local physician and a Christian doctors association filed a federal lawsuit seeking to declare parts of the law unconstitutional. The University of New Mexico Hospital, meanwhile, is establishing a medical aid-in-dying program to help providers and patients navigate the law. Jacqueline ONeill, a physician and professor leading the program at UNM, said she is already seeing strong interest in the End-of-Life Options Act, even though the hospital hasnt yet set up a formal website and phone line to handle inquiries. This is something that is very, very much wanted by our community, said ONeill, who spoke with the Journal on her own behalf, not the hospitals. No struggle Bergman, for her part, has an unusual perspective on the laws impact, having watched her two sisters endure pancreatic cancer at the end of their lives. Her younger sister, Vicki, died in southern California in 2017. She was unable to use the aid-in-dying law then in effect in California, which had a two-week waiting period and other restrictions. Vicki, 67, was miserable at the end, Bergman said, suffering from nausea and wasting away to just 87 pounds. She awoke each day to disappointment. Shed say, Oh, I havent died yet. When am I going to die?' Bergman said. But it was a much different end for Bergmans older sister, Linda, an Albuquerque resident who died in 2021, just after the End-of-Life Options Act went into effect. After watching what Vicki had gone through, Bergman said, her sister Linda, an actress and legal secretary, was clear from the beginning that she wanted some control over her death if she faced a terminal illness. She picked a chalice she wanted to drink from and chose to end her life surrounded by family. Linda, 79, drank the thick liquid down on her own. Within 10 to 15 seconds, she closed her eyes, Bergman said, and her entire body relaxed. She stopped breathing about an hour and 20 minutes later. There was never a sign of struggle, Bergman said. For other families, Bergman said, she recommends people talk ahead of time about how to handle end-of-life questions. They can even record a video making their wishes clear. You need to have the conversation, she said, and you need to write it down. A nonprofit group, End of Life Options New Mexico, offers information on the states aid-in-dying law and resources for advance directives. Freedom of conscience New Mexicos medical aid-in-dying law is named after Elizabeth Whitefield, a retired judge who testified before the Legislature about wanting an end-of-life choice that would spare her family the pain of watching her choke to death while battling throat and liver cancer. For years, it triggered some of the most emotional debates at the Roundhouse. Terminally ill patients and their families often traveled to the Capitol to offer in-person testimony in favor of the bill. The states Catholic bishops opposed the measure. Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe called it the worst in the nation and said New Mexicans should protect the life and dignity of each and every human being, especially the most vulnerable. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed the legislation after it reached her desk in 2021, too late for Whitefield, who died in 2018. The Democratic governor said it was self-evidently a humane policy to alleviate suffering. Much of the legislative debate, however, centered on how to ensure medical providers werent required to participate over a moral objection. But a federal lawsuit filed last month alleges the law violates the First Amendment rights of doctors. The suit takes aim at a provision in the law that says a provider who isnt willing to carry out a patients end-of-life request must refer them to someone else who can. The complaint also challenges a provision stating providers shall inform terminally ill patients of all reasonable options. The plaintiffs are Mark Lacy, a doctor who works with terminally ill patients in New Mexico, and the Christian Medical and Dental Associations. The government has no business forcing doctors to participate in procedures that lead to the taking of human life, said Mark Lippelmann, attorney for the plaintiffs and senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, an advocacy group. Doctors and medicines are supposed to help and heal, not kill. Moreover, doctors shouldnt be forced to facilitate the death of a patient theyve sworn to protect and the government should strive to protect freedom of conscience, not threaten it. The state hasnt yet answered the complaint in court. Supporters of the law said the language was intended to ensure physicians werent forced to participate but that patients would be aware of their options. The law, in fact, says no health care provider who objects as a matter of conscience can be required to participate under any circumstance. It also prohibits disciplining a provider for a refusal to participate. Education needed ONeill, the physician at University of New Mexico Hospital, said an early challenge in carrying out the law so far is a lack of awareness that its available, in addition to a shortage of health care providers, especially in rural areas. There are frequent questions, she said, about who qualifies and how to handle end-of-life discussions with patients. Theres a lot of provider education that needs to happen and definitely patient education, ONeill said. Under the law, a doctor may issue a prescription for life-ending medication only after determining the individual has the mental capacity to make an informed decision and is doing so voluntarily and without coercion. The law is available only for patients with a terminal illness. A 48-hour waiting period to get the prescription filled is required with narrow exceptions and the patient also must be able to self-administer the medicine. Its often a bitter-tasting drink made with a powder, ONeill said, though the medicine can be administered rectally. Shes been present for eight or nine ingestions. Every single one of them has been a positive experience, ONeill said. More people using law Records kept by the state Department of Health show 170 people 88 men, 82 women have ingested the end-of-life medication in New Mexico since the law went into effect. A disproportionate share of them have been non-Hispanic white. Just 7% of the aid-in-dying ingestions, for example, have involved Hispanic individuals, who make up 50% of the state population overall. The pace of ingestions, in any case, has been climbing. About 11 people a month used the law in 2022, up from six a month in 2021. Carrizozo resident Laura Robinson whose 77-year-old mom died last year after being diagnosed with an inoperable cancer said her mom was relieved when a friend brought up the aid-in-dying law. Nobody in the medical field had mentioned it, Robinson said. But her mom was eager to use it and underwent a competency test with a doctor to determine that she was of sound mind. Robinsons mom, Suzanne Donazetti, an artist, took the medicine mixed with some apple juice. We were able to just talk about how much we loved her, and how we were proud of her, Robinson said. She wasnt in pain. She died surrounded by family. ROME (AP) Italian film legend Gina Lollobrigida, who achieved international stardom during the 1950s and was dubbed the most beautiful woman in the world after the title of one of her movies, died in Rome on Monday, her agent said. She was 95. The agent, Paola Comin, didnt provide details. Lollobrigida had surgery in September to repair a thigh bone broken in a fall. She returned home and said she had quickly resumed walking. A drawn portrait of the diva graced a 1954 cover of Time magazine, which likened her to a goddess in an article about Italian movie-making. More than a half-century later, Lollobrigida still turned heads with her brown, curly hair and statuesque figure, and preferred to be called an actress instead of the gender-neutral term actor. Lollo, as she was lovingly nicknamed by Italians, began making movies in Italy just after the end of World War II, as the country began to promote on the big screen a stereotypical concept of Mediterranean beauty as buxom and brunette. Besides The Worlds Most Beautiful Woman in 1955, career highlights included Golden Globe-winner Come September, with Rock Hudson; Trapeze; Beat the Devil, a 1953 John Huston film starring Humphrey Bogart and Jennifer Jones; and Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell, which won Lollobrigida Italys top movie award, a David di Donatello, as best actress in 1969. In Italy, she worked with some of the countrys top directors following the war, including Mario Monicelli, Luigi Comencini, Pietro Germi and Vittorio De Sica. Two of her more popular films at home were Comencinis Pane Amore e Fantasia (Bread, Love and Dreams) in 1953, and the sequel a year later, Pane Amore e Gelosia (Bread, Love and Jealousy). Her male foil was Vittorio Gassman, one of Italys leading men on the screen. Lollobrigida also was an accomplished sculptor, painter and photographer, and eventually essentially dropped film for the other arts. With her camera, she roamed the world from what was then the Soviet Union to Australia. In 1974, Fidel Castro hosted her as a guest in Cuba for 12 days as she worked on a photo reportage. Lollobrigida was born on July 4, 1927 in Subiaco, a picturesque hill town near Rome, where her father was a furniture maker. Lollobrigida began her career in beauty contests, posing for the covers of magazines and making brief appearances in minor films. Producer Mario Costa plucked her from the streets of Rome to appear on the big screen. Eccentric mogul Howard Hughes eventually brought Lollobrigida to the United States, where she performed with some of Hollywoods leading men of the 1950s and 60s, including Frank Sinatra, Sean Connery, Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis and Yul Brynner. Over the years, her co-stars also included Europes most dashing male stars of the era, among them Louis Jourdan, Fernando Rey, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean-Louis Trintignant and Alec Guinness. While Lollobrigida played some dramatic roles, her sex symbol image defined her career, and her most popular characters were in lighthearted comedies such as the Bread, Love trilogy. With lush eyelashes and thick, brown curls framing her face, Lollobrigida started a hairstyle rage in the 1950s known as the poodle cut. Gossip columnists commented on alleged rivalries between her and Sophia Loren, another Italian film star celebrated for her beauty, In middle age, Lollobrigidas romance with a man 34 years her junior, Javier Rigau, from Barcelona, Spain, kept gossip pages buzzing for years. I have always had a weakness for younger men because they are generous and have no complexes, the actress told Spains Hola magazine. After more than 20 years of dating, in 2006, the then-79-year-old Lollobrigida announced that she would marry Rigau, but the wedding never happened. Her first marriage, to Milko Skofic, a Yugoslavia-born doctor, ended in divorce in 1971. In the last years of her life, Lollobrigidas name more frequently appeared in articles by journalists covering Romes courts, not the glamour scene, as legal battles were waged over whether she had the mental competence to tend to her finances. On her website, Lollobrigida recalled how her family lost its house during the bombings of World War II and went to live in Rome. She studied sculpture and painting at a high school dedicated to the arts, while her two sisters worked as movie theater ushers to allow her to continue her studies. ___ Maria Grazia Murru contributed reporting. Instructor Robert Girmendonk monitors cadets Trent Duffney and Sean De La Cruz during the push-up section of the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy physical assessment tests. (Adolphe Pierre-Louis/Albuquerque Journal) Claudia Leyva, from Roswell, grimaces during the sit-up section of New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy physical assessment tests held at the academy while being spotted by Johandra Alvarado from Santa Fe. (Adolphe Pierre-Louis/Albuquerque Journal) Cadets start their 1.5 mile run during the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy physical assessment tests held at the academy. (Adolphe Pierre-Louis/Albuquerque Journal) Prev 1 of 3 Next A mile-and-a-half run in less than 16 minutes. A 300-meter sprint under 71 seconds. More than 15 push-ups and 27 sit-ups in 60 seconds or less. Those are the physical requirements more than 70 cadets with the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy had to meet Monday morning to ensure their spot in the next phase of training on their way to becoming sworn law enforcement officers, according to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety. Of the 70 cadets who participated Monday, 65 succeeded and will embark on a 17-week training session that begins Jan. 29. Those who complete the training will graduate May 26. CBS/YouTube Celebrity In his memoir, the Duke of Sussex recalls his first date with British actress Cressida Bonas after he was introduced to her by his cousin Princess Eugenie. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Prince Harry claims Princess Eugenie sighed in despair after he ended his first date with Cressida Bonas by awkwardly leaning in for a kiss. The Duke of Sussex, 38, reveals he was set up by his royal cousin on the night out with actress Cressida, 33, whom he went on to date between 2012 and 2014. Harry said in his memoir "Spare" the date was "painfully awkward" as he had leaned in to kiss Cressida, but his "aim was off" and it ended up as a "graze," according to the Sunday Mirror on January 15, 2023. He said in the ghostwritten autobiography he called Eugenie the following day to talk about his embarrassment, but fond Cressida had beaten him to it. Harry added, "Disencouraged, I told her the date had gone well but the ending had left something to be desired. She didn't disagree. She'd already spoken to Cressida. She sighed. Awkward." Harry also used the book to tell how he split from with Cressida - the daughter of 1960s "It girl" Lady Mary Gaye Curzon, whose father was the 6th Earl Howe, and Jeffrey Bonas, her mum's third husband who owns a fabric company called MacCulloch and Wallis - at a friend's house as she did not want to deal with the strains linked to life in the royal family. Mail Online said on Sunday, January 15, 2023 it had been reported Prince William's wife Catherine, then Duchess of Cambridge, was said to be helping Cressida handle the spotlight of life in the royals. But the actress shrugged off such rumours as "noise," adding in an interview, "All that stuff is not real. It's really important to remember that all it is noise, noise that can be very loud at times." Cressida is still friendly with Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie and attended Harry's 2018 wedding to Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, before she married Harry Wentworth-Stanley, 33, in 2020, with whom she had a baby in November 2022 after IVF treatment. You can share this post! Nations rolling out red carpet for Chinese tourists 09:23, January 16, 2023 By MO JINGXI ( China Daily Chinese passengers arrive at the Suvarnabhumi Airport in Samut Prakan, Thailand, Jan. 9, 2022. (Xinhua/Rachen Sageamsak) Indonesian Ambassador Djauhari Oratmangun said on Friday that his country welcomes Chinese people to visit after Beijing optimized its COVID-19 response policy. He said that Chinese people who wish to enter Indonesia for purposes such as tourism, government duties, business meetings, purchasing goods and transit are eligible to apply for a visa on arrival, which enables a maximum stay of 60 days. "Indonesia is wonderful and beautiful, please do come," he said, noting that a company based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, has planned to organize a conference for 200 to 300 people on the Indonesian island of Bali. Earlier this week, Indonesian Minister for Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno said at a news briefing in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, that the Southeast Asian country expects at least 253,000 tourists from China this year. Indonesia is among the many countries that have introduced measures to welcome Chinese tourists since China started to implement new measures on crossborder travel on Jan 8. Mbelwa Kairuki, Tanzania's ambassador in Beijing, told China Daily that after three years of waiting, he was glad to welcome Chinese tourists to his homeland, where people can visit Serengeti National Park to see the world's second-largest mammal migration or climb Mount Kilimanjaro, which is also known as the "rooftop of Africa". On Monday, Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health Anutin Charnvirakul and other Thai government officials greeted passengers from China at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport and presented them with gifts and garlands. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said in a speech earlier this month that the presence of Chinese tourists is vital to the country's tourism and economic growth, adding that Cambodia will not follow some other nations in imposing COVID-19 related restrictions on people arriving from China. The Foreign Ministry of the Maldives said in a statement published on its website on Dec 28 that the country welcomes China's refinement of its exit and entry measures and "is eagerly awaiting to welcome back Chinese tourists to the Maldives". Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a news briefing earlier that friendly countries with hospitable hosts fill Chinese tourists' hearts with warmth and happiness and will naturally become favored destinations. He also said efforts will be made to make it easier for Chinese tourists to travel to those places, including by increasing the number of direct flights. (Web editor: Cai Hairuo, Liang Jun) Cover Images/Michael Simon/ROGER WONG Celebrity The estranged couple, who reportedly separated in August 2022, are spotted for the first time together since her affair with her 'Good Morning America' co-anchor was exposed. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Amy Robach and Andrew Shue have reunited for the first time since her affair with T.J. Holmes made media headlines. The "Good Morning America" anchor and her estranged husband were seen together on Friday, January 13 in New York City. The 49-year-old met her ex at a park in Greenwich Village to give him their family Maltipoo Brody. The broadcaster was the first to arrive at the location just before 9 A.M., according to Daily Mail. After walking the dog around the park, Andrew arrived. The former couple then had a brief exchange and the 55-year-old actor greeted their dog with rubs and head scratches. For the outing, Amy wore a brown two-toned fleece track jacket, blue jeans and brown boots. Andrew, in the meantime, kept warm in a gray light puffer jacket, hoodie, black sweatpants nd sneakers. Amy and Andrew reportedly separated in August 2022. It was also unveiled that they were "about ready to settle their divorce" before her secret relationship with her "GMA3" co-anchor T.J. was exposed in November. As for T.J., he has filed for divorce from his estranged wife Marilee Fiebig. He filed the paperwork in New York City, seeking to end his nearly 13 years of marriage to the Atlanta-area attorney. The pair married on March 1, 2010 and have a daughter, Sabine, who was born in January 2013. After news of his affair with Amy broke, it was revealed that T.J. and Marilee had also separated in August. You can share this post! ITV Celebrity Both the Duke of Sussex and the Prince of Wales are welcomed to attend a reopening of the London hotspot where the two princes used to visit when they were younger. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Prince Harry has received an invite to reunite with Prince William at the relaunch of a nightclub where the brothers once partied. The Sunday Times reported on January 15, 2023 that Bouji in London, once a major celebrity hotspot in the city, announced it will reopen its doors after closing in 2014. Boujis co-owner Carlo Carello spoke about how they want the Duke of Sussex, 38, to be the guest of honour - in the wake of admissions in his memoir "Spare" about his life as the so-called "Party Prince" and his drug-taking - and said the club would like him to join the grand reopening "via the Metaverse." He added the web would let him party with William, 40, like the "old days," and said he hoped it would mean the siblings would have a "happy ending" amid reports they are estranged after the publication of "Spare". Mr. Carello also said he wanted to bring back the famed Table 11, which was the royals' favourite spot in the club, which he added was regularly "surrounded" by "pretty girls," including William's future wife Catherine and her sister Pippa Middleton. After Boujis first opened two decades ago it attracted famous faces including Paris Hilton, Prince, and Rihanna, along with other royals such as Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. Harry's claims of rows with his brother include allegations William screamed at him during his "Megxit" negotiations and that his older sibling pushed him to the floor during a spat in which he allegedly called his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, 41, "rude" and "difficult." You can share this post! Celebrity Jeffrey Epstein's accomplice and former lover claims in her interview from prison that she met the late British monarch at a palace event and they connected over their love of horses. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Ghislaine Maxwell says she met Queen Elizabeth and hit it off with the monarch over their mutual love of horses. The convicted sex offender and friend of the late royal's son Prince Andrew claimed in an interview with The Mail On Sunday, January 15, 2023 from her jail cell at the Tallahassee Federal Correctional Institute in Florida that the meeting was one of the biggest honours of her life. "I thought the Queen was one of the most exceptional women I ever had the honour and privilege of meeting," Maxwell said in a chat due to be released in full this week. The 61-year-old - serving a 20-year sentence for grooming young girls for her former lover, the paedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein - added Her Majesty had a "sparkle" in her eye when they met and said she was "profoundly" sorry to hear the royal had died last year aged 96. Her comments come ahead of a CBS production by documentary filmmaker Daphne Barak on Ghislaine which will released this week by the broadcaster. Maxwell's visits to Buckingham Palace included as a guest of Prince Andrew, and she was invited to a more intimate gathering at Balmoral in 1999 when the Queen, who died at the estate on September 8, was thought to be in residence. In June 2000, Maxwell and Epstein - found dead from an apparent suicide in his New York jail cell aged 53 in 2019 - were at Andrew's 40th birthday at Windsor Castle, hosted by the Queen and, the following day, they went with him to horseracing at Ascot. Maxwell has branded her jail conditions "appalling" and has told The Sun On Sunday, "It's very far from a cushy country club. You're locked up the entire time. If they let you out for an hour, there's no communal area to get together. There's not a chair for everybody, there's no way to watch TV." You can share this post! INSTAR IMAGES/Instagram/JOHN NACION Celebrity The Oscar winner and the 'House of Cards' alum, who were married from 1996 to 2010, are spotted together for the first time months after she filed for divorce from Clement Giraudet. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Sean Penn and his ex Robin Wright Penn have reunited for the first time in years. Over the weekend, the "Into the Wild" star and the "House of Cards" alum were seen traveling together at the Los Angeles International Airport. In pictures obtained by Page Six, Penn could be seen carrying a black backpack while his former spouse walked behind him with a black suitcase. The actor kept it simple in a casual beige tee, cargo pants, a black jacket and winter boots. Robin, in the meantime, kept warm in a black turtleneck, jeans and brown boots. The Golden Globe Award winner also brought a white puffer jacket in her arms. Sean and Robin, who were married from 1996 to 2010, traveled together just four months after she called it quits with her husband, Clement Giraudet. She filed for divorce from the Saint Laurent executive in September 2022 to end their four-year marriage. As for Sean, he finalized his divorce from Leila George in April 2022 following their 15-month marriage. The Oscar-winning actor and the daughter of actor Vincent D'Onofrio dated for four years before tying the knot in July 2020. During an interview with Hollywood Authentic earlier this year, Sean blamed himself for their separation. "I only see [her] on a day-to-day basis now, because I f**ked up the marriage. We were married technically for one year, but for five years, I was a very neglectful guy," he admitted, though he insisted that he wasn't unfaithful. Sean claimed that while he "doesn't know" what the future will hold for him and Leila, he said he's worked on what he sees as the problems with himself during their relationship. "Now, when I wash the dishes, I don't answer my phone," he explained. "If I'm with my wife for a day, I don't have my phone on, even though I'm juggling a lot of things." "I don't juggle them better by taking more calls. I can have my phone off and not watch the news for 12 hours now," he elaborated further. "And even when I'm stressed, I'm never stressed the way I used to be. Because we've all had our hearts broken at some point." You can share this post! Instagram Celebrity The drama begins after Blueface tweets, 'I got way more money then ak why he playing like this,' seemingly addressing Akademiks tweeting a viral video from an episode of his and Chrisean Rock's reality show, 'Crazy In Love'. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Blueface is the latest hip-hop artist who is beefing with DJ Akademiks. The "Thotiana" rapper and the blogger were caught trading shots on Twitter after the emcee name dropped the latter in his post. On Thursday, January 12, Blueface tweeted, "I got way more money then ak why he playing like this." It arrived days after Akademiks tweeted a viral video from an episode of Blueface and Chrisean Rock's reality show, "Crazy In Love", in which the femcee hit him in the head with a Hennessy bottle. On the next day, Blueface informed his fans that there was no bad blood between him and Akademis. "I got no beef with ak guys I just use him for promo at this point if he tell yall what I got going on I don't have to say much just respond to him every once Ina while an he gone do his job for me for free [speaking emoji]W promo," he penned. Akademiks later wrote on his own page, "I fw and love Blueface I want him not to be in abusive relationship and I don't want his career and reputation ruined. I want him back focused on rap." Not feeling the YouTuber's statement, Blueface responded, "Im the EP of my docu-series... Ak I'm bigger then rap I'm past rap stop tryna keep me Ina box cuz yo rap career ain't take off." "I son ak an let him know he a pawn on my chest board now it's fake care an love I'm to good at the mind games [crying laughing face emoji] thin line between love an hate [blue heart emoji]," Bueface added in a follow-up post. Firing back, DJ Akademiks shared a photo of one Blueface's recent head tattoos that caught the attention of 6ix9ine, who seemingly claimed Blueface was in debt. "Please y'all go watch my SON Blueface get knocked out on camera by his girl on her reality show .. so that he can get a lil paycheck to pay his mortgage and finance that cheap a** C8. We don't want him getting no more tattoos of JEWELERS on the side of his head," Akademiks noted. Blueface, on his part, unleased screenshots of his and Akademiks' respective Spotify monthly listeners. He captioned it, "Ak please stop talking about people music career clearly you don't have the answers you failed at rap." "Good morning Blue. Lol just do better bruh. That's all. Im rooting for you," Akademiks wrote back. "U better than being a stand in stunt double for domestic abuse on a reality show on Zeus. Sorry if I want better for u than u want ur self. That $4.99 subscription shouldn't have u compromising character." You can share this post! Celebrity Among those who are forced to skip the award ceremony due to positive COVID-19 test results are Colin Farrel, Brendan Gleeson, Michelle Pfeiffer and Jamie Lee Curtis. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Three years into the COVID-19 pandemic and it appears Hollywood is still figuring out how to give each other golden statues without also creating a potential superspreader event. Colin Farrell, Jamie Lee Curtis and others have backed out of the 2023 Critics' Choice Awards after testing positive for the highly contagious virus just days after attending the Golden Globes. Deadline reported on Sunday, January 15 that "all attendees of tonight's Critics' Choice awards have to submit a Covid test taken within 72 hours of the event." The site added, "The unusual step is one of the first major awards in 2023 to require this added measure." The decision came amid the growing list of dropouts from the virus. On Friday, January 13, Jamie revealed that she had COVID-19, three days after attending the Golden Globes on Tuesday, January 10. "F**k COVID! Sadly, this head cheerleader is not going to be at all the weekend festivities cheering on her friends and colleagues. Life on life's terms," the "Everything Everywhere All at Once" actress wrote alongside a picture of three tests with positive results. "I'm glad that there are all these home tests available so that I didn't go to the @americanfilminstitute lunch and spread my germs," Jamie added. The 64-year-old actress, nominated for Best Supporting Actress, was supposed to attend Critics' Choice Awards on Sunday at the Fairmont Century Plaza in Los Angeles and the BAFTA Tea Party in Beverly Hills on Saturday, January 14. The next day, Marc Malkin, Variety's senior culture and events editor, reported that both Colin, who is up for Best Actor for "The Banshees of Inisherin" after winning the trophy at the Globes, and Brendan Gleeson, tested positive for COVID. "Here we go again. Just confirmed that #colinfarrell and #brendongleeson won't be at #CriticsChoiceAwards tomorrow because they have both tested positive for COVID," Marc tweeted on Saturday. Then on Sunday, Michelle Pfeiffer, who was tapped to present Jeff Bridges with the Lifetime Achievement Award, revealed she has COVID too. "I'm so sorry to be missing the Critics Choice Awards today. Yep, Covid," the "Grease 2" star wrote via Instagram. "Especially disappointed not to witness @thejeffbridges receive his Lifetime Achievement Award." The awards will be broadcast starting at 7 P.M. ET on The CW. Chelsea Handler hosts the program. You can share this post! Instagram Celebrity The Three 6 Mafia producer explains why he's missing from the raptress' funeral in Southaven, Mississippi, claiming that he paid for her funeral despite his absence. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - DJ Paul has defended himself after he and Juicy J were criticized for not attending Gangsta Boo's funeral. Clearly fuming, he went off on those who questioned his absence at his fellow Three 6 Mafia member's funeral on Saturday afternoon, January 14 in Southaven, Mississippi. DJ Paul, whose real name is Paul Duane Beauregard, took to Instagram on Sunday to address the criticism. "Don't Owe None Of You Goofs The 2 Minutes It Took Me To Make This But You Betta Keep My Name To The Upmost!! Especially Bout My Love Ones!!!" he wrote. "U Complainers Just Wanted To Pour Ya Fake Love On Me! Naw Bih!!" DJ Paul noted he paid for Lord Infamous, Koopsta Knicca and Snootie Wild's funerals, but he's not a fan of funeral. "And I Paid For #lordinfamous & #koopstaknicca Funerals!!" he claimed. "And @snootiewild Funeral & Still Talk To His Family Every Month! We Family Now!" "Attending A Funeral & A Church Makes Some Of You Sinners Feel You Did Something Special Don't It. What Did U Do For Them Before Death???" he continued, adding that it was the organizers' intention to make Gangsta Boo's funeral more about her than about Three Mafia 6, which DJ Paul appreciated. "Ps: The Producers Of Boo Funeral Tried They Best To Make Her Not Have Any Mafia Ties, Good Job! Rest Up Queen!!!" In the video, the founder of the hip-hop group further lashed out, "Lemme explain something to y'all b***h a** n***as out there who got something to say about me not coming to Boo funeral." He claimed, "N***a, I paid for the funeral, hoe! I'm on muthaf**kin' tour and even if I wasn't, I don't do funerals, n***a!" "The last time I was at a funeral, it wasn't nothing but a bunch of groupie a** muthaf**kin' n***as up in that muthaf**ka," he continued. "Boo know how much I loved her, I know how much she loved me, n***a. I ain't got nothin' to prove to none of you punk-a**, groupie-a** n***as up in there." The 46-year-old went on taking credit for discovering Gangsta Boo. He said, "Cuz it wouldn't be nothin but about four or five muthaf**kas in there if it wasn't for who I created. N***a, what I created. The teenage girl I found. N***a, I'm the one that wrote 'Where Dem Dollas At' hook, n***a. I'm the one who was writing and producing that s**t. Yeah she did her verses, she did some hooks. Juicy [J] was doing beats, he was doing hooks. But I discovered her, n***a! I went to school with her, she went to school with me." DJ Paul also defended Gangsta Boo's casket, which many said looked cheap. He explained that the raptress was going to be cremated, as in her family's tradition, and her mother didn't see the need for spending money on a fancy one. Juicy J, who was also not present at Gangsta Boo's funeral, has not responded to the criticism. Gangsta Boo passed away on Sunday, January 1. According to reports, the rap pioneer was found dead around 4:00 P.M. local time in her hometown of Memphis. A cause of death was not immediately revealed, but police stated that there was no evidence of foul play. She is believed to have overdosed after taking cocaine that was, unbeknownst to her, laced with fentanyl. Her brother allegedly also took the same drug, but survived and was released from hospital. You can share this post! Instagram Movie 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' is the biggest movie winner of the night with 5 trophies, Fraser defeats Austin Butler and Collin Farrell for the Best Actor prize, while Cate Blanchett is named Best Actress. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - "Everything Everywhere All at Once" cast and crew just had one of their biggest nights at the 2023 Critics Choice Awards. Fresh off their multiple Golden Globe wins, the multiverse comedy came out victorious at the ceremony, which took place on Sunday, January 15 at the Fairmont Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles. "Everything Everywhere" took home the coveted award, Best Picture, edging out nine other contenders which included "Avatar: The Way of Water", "Babylon", "The Banshees of Inisherin", "Elvis", "The Fabelmans", "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery", "RRR", "Tar", "Top Gun: Maverick" and "Women Talking". The absurdist comedy-drama film grabbed four other prizes for Best Director and Best Original Screenplay for filmmaking duo Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, Best Supporting Actor for Ke Huy Quan and Best Editing. The movie's lead Michelle Yeoh lost out the Best Actress title to Cate Blanchett, who was recognized for her performance in "Tar". Giving a bunch of shout-outs to fellow actresses, she asked that people should stop pitting women against each other. "Why don't we just say there is a whole raft of female performances that are in concert and in dialogue with one another," she said onstage. "And stop the televised horse race of it all because can I tell you every single woman with a television, film, advertising, tampon commercials, whatever, you're all out there doing amazing work that is inspiring me continually. Thank you I share this with you all." Meanwhile, Best Actor kudo went to Brendan Fraser for his role in "The Whale". He defeated other nominees such as Austin Butler ("Elvis") and Colin Farrell ("The Banshees of Inisherin") for the acting nod. "It was Herman Melville who once wrote that there are only five critics in America - the rest are asleep," Fraser said in his speech. "I don't know what it means, either, but I'm sure glad you woke up for me. Where were you for 'Furry Vengeance'?!" he added, calling out his 2010 comedy co-starring Brooke Shields and Ken Jeong. He thanked director Darren Aronofsky for finding him "in the wilderness." He then got emotional as he shared a message of hope. "If you - like Charlie, who I played in this movie - in any way, struggle with obesity, or you just feel like you're in a dark sea, I want you to know that if you, too, can have the strength to just get to your feet and go to the light, good things will happen," he said through tears. "Tar" won another award in Best Score category for Hildur Guonadottir's work. "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery" also bagged two awards, Best Comedy and Best Acting Ensemble, with "RRR" and "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" also among pics scoring multiple wins. "Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio" was named Best Animated Feature, "Avatar: The Way of Water" grabbed Best Visual Effects prize, while "Top Gun: Maverick", "Elvis" and "Babylon" took home one award each. Surprisingly, "The Banshees of Inisherin", which scored nine nominations from eight different categories, failed to score a single win from the Critics Choice Awards. The ceremony, which was hosted by Chelsea Handler, also honored the best in TV. Jeff Bridges was presented with Lifetime Achievement Award, while Janelle Monae received the SeeHer Award. Full Movie Winners of the 28th Critics' Choice Awards You can share this post! Instagram Celebrity Many viewers accuse the pageant show of 'fraud,' believing that Miss Venezuela Amanda Dudamel should've won the title and that R'Bonney Gabriel only won because the Miss Universe owner's tie to Miss USA. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Beauty and brain may have been accounted by Miss Universe judges to pick the winner over the years, but the competition seemingly forgot the golden rule of fair play. Miss Universe 2022 is facing rigging allegations following Miss USA R'Bonney Gabriel's win at the latest edition of the pageant show. After the 28-year-old from Houston, Texas was crowned as the new Miss Universe on Saturday, January 14, many questioned the validity of her victory. Many accused the show of fraud, with some pointing out the new Miss Universe owner's tie to Miss USA. Anne Jakkaphong Jakrajutati, a Thai transgender activist and businesswoman who purchased the organization in October 2022, expresses openly on Instagram that she owns both Miss Universe and Miss USA. Viewers soon made assumption that the fix was in from the get-go to make sure R'Bonney was crowned by the show's ending. For starters, the 2022 Miss Universe was hosted in New Orleans. Some also saw it suspicious that a beauty treatment business that offers the winner a price included R'Bonney in an advertisement less than 24 hours after she won. In the meantime, Miss Venezuela Amanda Dudamel had impressed throughout the broadcast, especially with her heartfelt answers on certain questions. Her outfits were also less ridiculed than the ones R'Bonney wore, particularly in the costume category, when she walked onstage with a viral costume that featured an actual scale-sized moon. Believing that Amanda was robbed of the 2022 Miss Universe title, people voiced their criticism on Twitter. They wrote things like "Fraud!" and "Scammer" in replies to a video of the winning moment, while someone claimed, "ROBBED!! DOMINICAN REPUBLIC OR VENEZUELA DESERVED." Another similarly said, "The crown was for DR or VENEZUELA," referring to Miss Dominican Republic Andreina Martinez who ended up being the second runner-up. Amanda, meanwhile, finished as the first runner-up. You can share this post! Instagram/Cover Images/Dutch Press Photo Celebrity The comedian, who hosted the Sunday, January 15 ceremony, mocked the British royal over a confession from his tell-all memoir 'Spare' during her opening monologue. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Chelsea Handler poked fun at Prince Harry for his frostbitten penis tale at the 2023 Critics Choice Awards. The comedienne was on form during her opening monologue at the star-studded bash at Los Angeles' Fairmont Century Plaza on Sunday night, January 15. She began by highlighting Niecy Nash-Betts' nomination for "DAHMER - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story", on which she played Glenda Cleveland, the next door neighbor to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, before going on to joke that the public are going to have to listen to a "billion hours" of the British royal talking about using Elizabeth Arden cream on his chilly willy during a charity trek to the North Pole in 2011, a confession from his tell-all memoir "Spare". She said, "Niecy Nash-Betts is nominated for 'Dahmer'. 'Dahmer' became the third highest viewed show on Netflix, which a combined watch time of 1 billion hours," before joking, "Which, apparently, is the same amount of time we're going to have to listen to Prince Harry talk about his frostbitten penis. Enough already." Harry's friend, James Corden, was also the butt of a joke after his spat with New York restaurant Balthazar, where he was accused of being extremely rude towards the waiting staff. Referencing the cast of FX comedy "The Bear", she joked, "They showed us how gruelling and how absolutely miserable working in the restaurant industry can be, and they didn't even have to wait on James Corden." Seemingly referring to Ellen DeGeneres and the toxic workplace scandal surrounding her former eponymous talk show, Chelsea quipped, "In the movie 'Tar', Cate Blanchett portrayed an iconic lesbian whose career is affected by her toxic behaviour. And she didn't even have to host her own daytime talk show." And perhaps one of the most controversial celebrities of the past year, Kanye West, also got a grilling from Chelsea over his anti-Semitism. She said, "There's been some solid Jewish fare for this award season. We had 'The Fabelmans', and 'The Fleishmans', and that giant bagel in 'Everything Everywhere All at Once'. We've all heard a lot of nonsense recently about Jews running Hollywood. And I would like to say, as a Jewish woman, so what if they do? Who cares? The French run bakeries, Italians run the mafia, and Swedish people run IKEA." You can share this post! Instagram Celebrity The 'Real Housewives of Salt Lake City' star is ordered to participate in a mental health treatment program after she finishes her 6-and-a-half-year stint behind bars. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Jen Shah's punishment continues even after she completes her prison sentence. According to new court documents, "The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" star is ordered to participate in a mental health treatment program after she finishes her 6-and-a-half-year stint behind bars. Obtained by TMZ, the court documents reveal that Jen will be under supervised release for five years once she's set free. During the period, she will participate in the program. The documents additionally state, "You must continue to take any prescribed medications unless otherwise instructed by the health care provider. You must contribute to the cost of services rendered based on your ability to pay and the availability of third-party payments. The Court authorizes the release of available psychological and psychiatric evaluations and reports, including the pre-sentence investigation report, to the health care provider." It is also said that the Bravo personality must give her probation officer "access to any requested financial information." She must ask for permission to "incur new credit charges or open additional lines of credit" until she's on track with her restitution payments in addition to her paying 15 percent of her gross income toward her restitution, which has been set at $6,646,251.00. Jen was sentenced on January 6 for conspiracy to commit wire fraud. She is set to report to prison by February 17. Prior to receiving her sentence, Jen issued an apology to her family and her victims. "I am sorry. My actions have hurt innocent people. I want to apologize by saying, I am doing all I can to earn the funds to pay restitution," she said while in court. Earlier this month, Jen reportedly celebrated with her friends after she was sentenced to 6-and-a-half years in prison for her crimes. She allegedly threw a lavish dinner party with a group of 20 at Italian hotspot Valbella at the Park in Midtown on January 6 after her sentencing in federal court in the morning. She reportedly spent the night "eating and drinking" on the establishment's second floor. "She had two people standing around her table blocking anyone from taking photos," a source claimed. You can share this post! Instagram Music In the meantime, according to reports, the 'Justice' star is currently busy working on his seventh studio album that's expected to be a mix of RnB and hip-hop. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Justin Bieber truly knows what his fans want. The 28-year-old pop superstar surprised his fans with an impromptu performance when he attended OBB studios' launch on Sunday, January 15. During the event, the "Justice" star gave the crowd an acoustic performance of "Stay". While leaning on a stage stairs, the Canadian crooner, who appeared to be a little drunk, flawlessly belted out his song "Stay" while The Kid LAROI, clad in a black jacket, ripped jeans, black beanie and high-top black Converse, was sitting on a chair on stage. Justin showed off his body tattoos as he went topless. The "Ghost" hitmaker, who previously donned his gray Drew hoodie and a furry jacket, was seen sporting a pair of low-rise baggy jeans that exposed his Calvin Klein gray panties. He completed his look with Nike sneakers. Justin attended the event with his supermodel wife Hailey Bieber (Hailey Baldwin). For the special outing, Hailey donned a black busty top that she paired with black pants. She accessorized her look with gold earrings and a massive gold belt. Justin is reportedly busy working on his seventh studio album. It's reported that his upcoming new music will be released sometime this year. The "Baby" hitmaker's upcoming mixtape is expected to be an R&B album with a slight mix of hip-hop. On April 29, 2022, Justin's song "Honest", featuring Don Toliver, was released. It may be possibly the first single on his new album. Then in May last year, he spoke to Apple Music's Ebro Darden and teased a collaboration with John Mayer on his next album. "There's a wicked guitar solo, so that was really cool for me," he told the radio host. "He's someone who I've looked up to for a long time," Justin, who canceled his "Justice World Tour" in September to focus on his health following Ramsay-Hunt syndrome diagnosis, confessed. "So we were at Henson the studio, and I was working on this song and he came in. He's like, 'Can I go in the booth?' And I was like, 'Yeah bro, go in.' " Justin continued, "He laid a guitar solo and it was just like, it was mind-blowing to see him actually operate in his gift like that, being able to see it firsthand, because he is on another level. It's insane." Justin went on to reveal that his album was still in the works at the time. "I don't think there's a date yet, but I do know that we're wrapping it up," so he said, before teasing, "It's almost done. It sounds really good. I'm really excited about it. I got a lot of cool features and yeah, it should be dropping not too long from now." You can share this post! Facebook Celebrity Earlier this week, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf pardoned the 35-year-old Philadelphia rapper, who was convicted on firearms and drug charges back in 2008. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - Boosie Badazz (Lil Boosie) sings Meek Mill's praises after Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf pardoned the Philadelphia rapper. Making use of his Twitter account, the Baton Rouge star celebrated the pardon. "@MeekMill Mill GOT A PARDON!!," Boosie announced on Saturday, January 14. "THATS SUM Powefuls**t [hands raised emoji]!! THATS REAL POWER!!" The "Wipe Me Down" emcee went on to say, "U N YOUR TEAM CAN CHANGE LAWS N BRING ALOT OF REAL ONES HOME FROM PRISON WHO HAVE BEEN WRONGED!! KEEP GOING YOUNG KING [crown emoji] I BELIEVE YOU CAN MAKE SOME CHANGES FOR THE ONES GONE #mademesmilethismorning." In another tweet, Boosie added, "LOUISIANA CAN I GET A PARDON?" Wolf gave out pardons to a total of 369 recipients. "I have taken this process very seriously - reviewing and giving careful thought to each and every one of these 2,540 pardons and the lives they will impact," he said in a statement. "Every single one of the Pennsylvanians who made it through the process truly deserves their second chance, and it's been my honor to grant it." "A record prevents positive forward motion in a person's life, and can spark a repetitive cycle of defeat. I firmly believe that with restored rights, pardoned Pennsylvanians prove themselves by stepping up and giving back to our communities," he added. Meek was convicted on firearms and drug charges back in 2008. He also received a two-to-four-year prison sentence for violating his probation a decade later. Since then, Meek Mill has become a vocal advocate for criminal justice reform, launching an organization called the REFORM Alliance in 2019. In response to the pardon, Meek showed gratitude on Instagram. "I'm only gone do more for my community on god," he wrote in the caption alongside the official pardon document. You can share this post! Universal Pictures Movie John Williams, a longtime collaborator of Steven Spielberg, admits he was skeptical about the science in the director's classic sci-fi movie 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial'. Jan 16, 2023 AceShowbiz - John Williams asked NASA as he had doubts about the science of "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial". The 90-year-old composer was skeptical about the physics of the famous scene in the Steven Spielberg classic when Elliott and his friends pedal their bicycles over the moon and revealed that he consulted scientists to make sure that it was factually correct. "The speed of the bicycles that lift up over the moon... that's always bothered me a little bit, especially when I'm conducting it," John said when speaking at an American Cinematheque event "Spielberg/Williams: 50 Years of Music and Movies". "I'm always thinking to myself, what is the escape velocity? How fast do you have to be going to be able to lift it out of gravity? I never know what that was, but it was on my mind." When the legendary composer received an award from the space agency in 2022, he took the opportunity to get his nagging question answered. Williams said, "Last year I went to the Kennedy Center to do something musically and NASA decided to give me an award." "The man presenting it to me was an astronaut, and in a quiet moment I said to him, 'What is escape velocity?' And he said, 'It's 17,500 miles an hour. What happens is you get on a spaceship, and it takes eight minutes to get from zero to 17,500 miles per hour.' " Williams also revealed that the 1982 sci-fi film is his favourite movie helmed by the legendary filmmaker. He said, "It's tough to say, because I think 'Saving Private Ryan' is the best Second World War story ever made. But I think 'E.T.' might be Steven's masterpiece. It's almost a perfect film." You can share this post! Instagram/YouTube Celebrity The 'Kardashians' star, along with the former Spidey depicter, has allegedly dropped by a Californian prison and had discussions with inmates while 'camera rolled.' Jan 17, 2023 AceShowbiz - Kim Kardashian has reportedly met inmates at a Californian prison. The 42-year-old reality superstar reportedly visited criminals in "solitary confinement" at some point over the last week and spoke with them the impact being imprisoned has had on their mental health. "Kim spent a day at Pelican Bay State Prison in Crescent, CA earlier this week. Her focus was to meet with inmates in solitary confinement, speaking with them in depth about the toll the lockup can have on their mental stability," a source told TMZ. The outlet went on to allege that "The Kardashians" star was joined by film producer Scott Budnick and "Spider-Man" star Tobey Maguire on the trip, and was said to be in "deep conversation with several people as cameras rolled" after catching the attention of locals when her private jet arrived at the city's local airport. The SKIMS founder - who has North, nine, Saint, seven, Chicago, five, and three-year-old Psalm with ex-husband Kanye West - is currently training to be a lawyer and in 2018 visited then-President Donald Trump White House to campaign for criminal justice reform. She was there on behalf of Alice Marie Johnson, a woman who received a life sentence in 1996 over nonviolent drug charges and was granted clemency after 21 years behind bars when Kim intervented. And the "Kardashians" star previously explained her motivation for embarking on her legal studies. She said, "I hated how I felt when I went into the White House for the first time and I didnt know half of anything that they were saying - like all of the clemency talk, and all the attorney lingo and everything that they were talking about. I literally was sitting there, like texting my attorney that was next to me." "I was to the point where I didn't even know like all of the abbreviations in the White House, so they were like okay this person a the DOJ, and I was like, 'What is the DOJ?' And my attorney was like, 'Come on, Department of Justice, and she kept texting me all this stuff but I was never too embarrassed to ask. I think that sometimes like you go into something and you like I should know all this stuff." You can share this post! Advantage Club, a global employee engagement platform, has announced the appointment of Matthew E. Willis as Senior Vice President and General Manager in North America. This appointment is part of the company's overall expansion plan in the North American market. He will drive revenue growth and ensure the success and support of Advantage Club customers across diverse industries in North America. Matthew has over two decades of experience in technology, finance, retail & professional services. He has also served as a mentor and investor to various early-stage companies. In his current role, Matthew will bolster Advantage Club's efforts to build deep customer engagements and expand growth in North America. Before joining Advantage Club, he held various senior leadership positions at CareerBuilder, where he scaled the enterprise and mid-market divisions. Matthew also served as VP and GM of North America at Broadbean Technologies, where he successfully scaled the North American business to 5x MRR. Speaking on his appointment, Matthew Willis said, "Advantage Club is building significant momentum in the new age employee experience and engagement space. The company has an excellent product offering and a holistic reward and recognition approach. I look forward to utilizing my expertise in sales and product-led growth to develop the market as we advance in North America and globally." Sourabh Deorah, Co-Founder & CEO, said, "We are delighted to have Matthew on board. With his expertise, we aim to penetrate deeper into the North American market to create a stronger foothold. This appointment is a part of our larger global expansion plan as we scale our products and services to the next level." Matthew Willis holds a JD from the University of Colorado Law School, an MS from Miami University and an MBA in finance/marketing from the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. On the occasion of National Youth Day 2023, Godrej & Boyce, the flagship company of the Godrej Group, celebrated the young engineering students that they had partnered with in the last one year, to help build world-class formula student race cars. The company had been working closely with students from Indias top engineering institutes Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), D.J. Sanghvi, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai and K.J. Somaiya. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Godrej & Boyce (@godrejandboyce) To help the youth of our nation see through their dreams until the finish line, we are supporting students from #VeermataJijabaiTechnologicalInstitute, @djsce_official, @iitbombay, and @Somaiya_SVU in engineering their racing vehicles for Formula Student Races. pic.twitter.com/oFnRYaTcTb Godrej & Boyce (@GodrejAndBoyce) January 12, 2023 The film highlighted interesting visuals of one of the teams supported by Godrej & Boyce showcasing how they mentored students and provided them with complete access to their workshop, equipment and resources. They also imparted to the students, practical knowledge and guidance every step of the way to rev up the engines of growth in India, together. Godrej & Boyce has contributed towards empowering the nations youth through various initiatives. The organisation has trained nearly 2 lakh youth through their CSR program Disha and close to 4000 young people in the last three years through corporate training and apprenticeship programs. Chavinesh Mukund, from Ranchi, wins the grand prize for the Western Digital Share Your Memories Contest a 150g gold bar. The six-month festive competition called Share Your Memories will run until the end of February 2023. Consumers buying select Western Digital offerings including SanDisk products, 128 GB* and above, or any WD products, 2TB* and above, will be eligible to participate in this exciting contest. Two winners will be selected every week, who will win vouchers worth Rs. 1,00,000 each that can be redeemed to buy LG Electronics consumer durable products from a physical marketplace. Every quarter one winner will be selected to win a 150g gold bar. Indias start-up ecosystem has come up in a big, so much so that it is considered as the third largest in the world (as per the Economic Survey 2021-22) after the US and China. The Startup India initiative, launched by the Narendra Modi Government in 2016, has been giving a strong impetus to the growth of this ecosystem in the country. The Government also launched a Startup India Seed Fund Scheme in April 2021 to provide financial assistance to start-ups. To celebrate the spirit of the Indian start-up ecosystem and mark this momentous day, the Government of India has chosen January 10 to 16 2023 as Startup India Innovation Week. Several workshops, capacity-building sessions, and events are being hosted by Startup India, with each session dedicated to a particular theme about the entrepreneurial ecosystem in India. The week-long celebration commenced on January 10 with a Workshop on Alternative Investment Funds and ASCEND SAMAGAM on Startups in Northeast India. The workshop was organized by DPIIT. The event was followed by a webinar on the topic Founders of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow by Startup India. Day 2 of Startup India Innovation Week witnessed an impressive participation from budding entrepreneurs. Startup India, in partnership with Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), organized a two-day physical workshop on women for startups, in Kochi, on the 10th and 11th of January 2023 and a webinar on the topic Bridging the Bridge: Going Global. Startup India organized a roundtable on Startups and Innovation with Central Government Ministries and Public Sector Undertaking on 13th January 2023, to build upon the existing policies of Ministries to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in India. Over 19 ministries and PSUs deliberated on opportunities and the way ahead for the growth of the Startup ecosystem in India. On Day 4, Startup India with the support of Zone Startups organized a MAARG Mentorship Masterclass for Mentors mentoring startups in their entrepreneurial journey. Startup India with the support of Zone Startups also organized a MAARG Mentorship Masterclass for Mentors mentoring the startups in their entrepreneurial journey. Webinars, conferences, and hackathons on supporting entrepreneurs were organized on Day 5 of Start-Up India Innovation Week. Atal Incubation Centre at Banasthali Vidhyapeeth organized a 2-day Mega Startup Fest on the 15th and 16th of January to bring creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking. The fest will culminate with felicitating the winners of the National Startup Awards on January 16, 2023. On the occasion of the National Startup Day, some leading Start-up Stars speak about the importance of such an initiative, as well as share their journey and success with Adguly... Rajagopal Menon, Vice President, WazirX: National Startup Day is an important event that celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation in India. We believe that startups in the crypto industry are playing a crucial role in shaping the future of the internet of value. PM Narendra Modi announced that January 16th will be celebrated as National Startup Day in 2022. He stated that startups will be the backbone of the new India and will have an important role to play as the country completes 100 years of independence. It is a significant step to recognize the contribution of these brave risk-takers. For long, businessmen have long been reviled in India because of our socialist hangover. This day provides a reminder for all of us to acknowledge the importance of entrepreneurship. One entrepreneur provides jobs to at least 5 others besides generating jobs for an entire allied ecosystem. Indian startups raised $42 billion in 2021, up from $11.5 billion in the previous year, showing how vibrant this sector is. We live in a time when an industry is rapidly evolving and startups are at the forefront of driving this change. As entrepreneurs, we must firmly resolve to contribute to making India a 5 trillion dollar economy and work towards making that dream a reality. Aakrit Vaish, CEO and Co-founder, Jio Haptik: Every part of the nation is experiencing a surge in tech penetration, and every form of organization is transitioning to a digital-first model. Technology and digital were considered just exciting topics till a few years ago, but now we see major adoption of tech everywhere. The National Startup Day is not only an opportunity to celebrate the groundbreaking ideas of entrepreneurs and inspire budding startups but it also encourages and uplifts the entire community. The times to come will be highly intriguing given the vast future potential available and the number of entrepreneurs stepping forward to seize those opportunities. Haptik has seen exponential growth while supporting and collaborating with other leading startups like Zoop, CashE, Pepperfry, OYO etc to help them improve their customer service, reach untapped audience, boost revenue and much more through their services. Additionally, over 5000 SMBs have been added to our platform, Interakt, in the previous 12 months. Divya Jain, Co-founder, Seekho: In the past few years, India has emerged as one of the largest hubs for young startups, given its massive youth population and vibrant consumption economy there is an opportunity to experiment and solve problems differently. This Startup Day is exciting to celebrate our startups, and give them the encouragement and support they need as in their growth lies the future of our country. Pramod Kathuria, Founder & CEO, Easiloan The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams. - Oprah Winfrey. This quote is incredibly fitting for startup day, as starting a business is a huge undertaking and a true adventure. It takes courage, determination, and a willingness to take risks. Its not just about having a great idea or product, its also about having the drive and passion to see it through to fruition. So, if youre thinking about starting your own business, remember that it's not just about the destination, it's about the journey. Embrace the adventure and enjoy the ride. And remember, the biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams. Entrepreneurs and startup founders need to stay true to their passion and not settle for anything less than their best work. Finding our true calling in life and pursuing it with love and dedication is the key to success and fulfillment. We, at Easiloan, are truly aligned with this thought and hence are working towards solving the home loan problem in India. Easiloan is Indias 1st unified digital marketplace for home loans, which brings together all key stakeholders of the ecosystem on a single platform. Abhimanyu Bisht, CEO, Venture Catalysts: National Startup Day is a great testimony as well as inspiration for all the stakeholders of the Indian start-up ecosystem Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, their employees, VCs, and angel investors. The current government has taken some quick and prudent steps to promote entrepreneurship and make start-ups the backbone of our economy. Currently, startups are contributing about 3% to the overall GDP and that is likely to become 10% in the next decade this gives us even more confidence in working towards creating the proper infrastructure to fuel the growth of early-stage start-ups and those entrepreneurs building in Bharat. Tier 2, 3 city-based start-ups contribute about 50% to the National data on start-ups, since the last three years we have been consistently seeing a spike in the proportion of start-ups applying to us for funding. In 2022, we had almost 30% of the start-ups came from towns beyond the metros. Krutika Lal, Co-Founder & CMO, Aretto: The start-up ecosystem has seen a shift from skepticism to nationwide adoption in the past decade, and we are now entering a new phase of exponential growth as e-commerce, digital payments, and data democratization continues to shape the future of business. It has blossomed into a thriving community where collaboration and support are at the forefront. New designs, innovations, and ideas are constantly emerging and the audience is more open than ever to embracing local, homegrown startups. Together, we are growing as a unit and propelling the future of entrepreneurship. Vicky Dodani, Founder, Agrizy: The declaration of National Startup day is symbolic. This announcement has not only validated the efforts put in by entrepreneurs and budding start-ups from across sectors, but also encourages them to come up with new and exciting innovations shortly. Leveraging tech to disrupt the agriculture sector, agritech in India is developing exponentially. Indian agritech start-ups are utilising rising technologies like ML/ AI and IoT etc. across the Agri value chains. It will also lead to developments in the digital landscape, thereby actively fueling the growth of the Indian start-up ecosystem. Zaiba Sarang, Co-founder, iThink Logistics: India has the fastest-growing and one of the most innovative start-ups globally. Simultaneously, the end-user segment is also evolving with changing demographics and a dynamic business environment. This has strengthened the role of start-ups over the years in the growth of the Indian economy. The celebration of National Start-Up Day was the icing on the cake. This gave a boost to entrepreneurs, which accelerated the foundation of 69,000 start-ups last year. We, as a start-up, have received tremendous support in terms of new scheme launches and smoother regulations for a stronger future. Nishant Behl, Founder, and CEO, Expand My Business: The declaration of 16 January as the National Startup Day has been a truly inspiring initiative for the Indian start-up sector. Tech adoption is booming in each nook and each form of enterprise is turning into a digital-first sector. A single concept can extrude the route of your career. Digitalisation has opened up several avenues and opportunities that were completely unheard of before technology set foot in the startup segment. However, there are numerous demanding situations that one has to stand at the same time as constructing a startup like monetary management, group constructing, fierce competition, guidance, consulting, and training. But with the proper facts, help, and the right IT solutions, this may be tackled easily. Chetan Rexwal, Co-founder, Ekank Technologies: The year 2022 was a year of realization for startups. On one hand, we witnessed the size of startups increasing rapidly, and on the other hand, we witnessed dried-up funding due to a major funding winter amid a decline in investor confidence. The future of startups would be more about how startups can identify problems or core areas that have remained untouched from an accessibility perspective, and grow that sustainably using tech. In 2023, we can expect startups to be more focused on profitability and unit economics, which is an economically sustainable and profitable business model. Unit economics will help them to understand whether the investment made in acquiring a customer is returning any marginal profit, and if so, how much and or how fast it is going to be. Imthiaz, CEO & Co-Founder, Raaho: National Startup Day marks a historical period in the development of Indias economy. The government has leveraged the national platform for start-ups to be recognized, and appreciated, and find the appropriate opportunities to build partnerships and grow together. We applaud this initiative and take pride in being part of Indias vibrant startup culture. Logistics functions as the bridge between various industries, and its contribution to the development of the Indian economy has been enormous. The widespread prevalence of entrepreneurship in India is spearheading change, growth, and evolution across industries, and logistics will play a prominent role in making Indias start-up ecosystem rise to the top! Sagar Agarvwal, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Beams Fintech: Indias rising Internet active population, a deeply penetrated digital financial infrastructure, and a top-tier tech talent pipeline make it a unique growth cradle for digital-first companies. What makes it more special is the support these companies get from the Indian government, the Rs 10,000 crore fund of funds, UPI growth initiatives and now the National Startup Day to name a few. Amidst macroeconomic challenges globally, we believe India will carve its own unique growth story. By 2025, we expect Indian Startups to contribute at least 4-5% of the countrys GDP, employing ~3-4 million people. Indian Startups have come a long way, today, we have the third highest number of unicorns in the world, and over the past few years, we have even also seen IPOs from the likes of Zomato, Delhivery, PolicyBazaar, Five Star Business Finance, etc. Today, start-ups are not just ecosystem partners to the more traditional industry, but are evolving into industry leaders themselves. We at Beams Fintech fund, also believe that startups are critical to reaching Indias $5 Tn GDP target, and look forward to supporting quality companies and driven founders with growth capital, hoping to create Fintech market leaders of the future. Nishith Rastogi, Founder, and CEO, Locus: National Startup Day is a reminder of the boundless potential of entrepreneurship to create employment, drive meaningful innovation, and enable strong economic growth for the progress of our nation. Being an entrepreneur myself, I am extremely grateful for the tireless support extended by The Government of India to the ecosystem. It motivates entrepreneurs to pursue relentless innovation with grit and determination. I believe the government's visionary initiatives, such as Digital India, are ideal launchpads for Indian entrepreneurs to keep pushing boundaries to make a difference. We at Locus promote a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation for good that empowers young guns within our organization to apply and file for patents. By doing so, we want to support them in their commitment to solving the challenges of the global last-mile logistics industry. Jitendra Chouksey, Founder and CEO, Fittr: PM Narendra Modi's announcement of National Start-Up Day to holistically support startups through ideas and guidance has given assurance to aspiring entrepreneurs like us. Embarking a day to startups educates individuals about our critical role in the economy. The support and motivation that we have received from the government have helped us utilise our profound knowledge to our full potential & thereby enhance public health and fitness solutions through our services and scientifically backed nutritional education tools around the globe. It has also enabled us to tap into our indigenous resources and create employment for many people. We hope our government continues to support young entrepreneurs and the start-up ecosystem by believing in their vision. Netflix is partnering with Japanese content studio BABEL LABEL in a multi-picture deal as part of our goal to grow more live-action films and series through strong local collaborations. This partnership gives Netflix exclusive access to multiple titles produced and created by BABEL LABEL for the next five years. The studio is home to outstanding creators such as director-writer Michihito Fujii, who was named Director of the Year at the 2020 Japan Academy Awards for The Journalist. This film, crowned Picture of the Year by the Japan Academy Awards, was adapted into a last year. We really enjoy the shows that BABEL LABEL produces with all their talented film-makers like Fujii, who is a well of borderless, groundbreaking storytelling and stylised aesthetics, says Kaata Sakamoto, VP of Content, Japan, Netflix. We hope that through this partnership, we can bring even more must-watch shows to our local live-action slate that our members all around the world will be able to enjoy. Part of Japanese media company CyberAgent, BABEL LABEL was set up in 2013 and quickly gained a following for its contemporary approach to film-making. We are delighted that this partnership deal will bring BABEL LABEL's works to the world. By developing projects together with Netflix, we are committed to develop great stories from Japan and produce them into global hits, says Hisato Yamada, CEO, BABEL LABEL. Live-action titles from Japan, such as romance series and the second season of , have been resonating strongly with fans all over the world. The manga-based thriller set a new record as our most-watched Japanese series ever, taking the #1 spot on the with 61.2 million viewing hours over its premiere weekend in late December 2022. First Love is a touching and tender love story that reminds everyone who watches it of their first love and is popular with people of all ages. Alice in Borderland is a survival drama television series and it is popular all over the world for its tense thrill. The original comics are classified as gambling comics and game comics. so If you are a thrill lover or gambler who does casinos or plays online casinos often, this is must-watch series for you This year, we will be debuting a diverse range of. Last week, we kicked off the year with The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House, while Call Me Chihiro and Sanctuary will premiere in the next few months. Roadcast Technologies, Indias leading telematics and delivery automation SaaS platform has its eye set on international business expansion. With offices already set up in Vietnam, the company is looking to set up local offices in Indonesia, Thailand, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, etc. Roadcast Technologies started operation in 2015 and recently raised Series A $2 Mn from Jubilant Foodworks in July 2022. To ace growth in these new geographies, Roadcast has brought on board A Rueben Das to facilitate HR activities and bring the right talent on board. An experienced HR professional with over 19 years of experience working with Jubilant Consumers, Carz on rent, Kuoni Travel Group, Salasar Techno Engineering Ltd, and across various sectors like manufacturing, food & beverage, ground transportation, car rental, travel and management consulting, Rueben is the perfect fit for talent acquisition for Roadcast. A strong team is the foundation of any company, especially at the expansion phase. Rueben understands the vision and requirements of Roadcast and will help us set up offices in new geographies. We are committed to providing the best product to our clients and the right team will help us do the same for which Rueben is a crucial part, shared Vishal Jain, Co-Founder, Roadcast. Roadcast is leading technology innovation in the Logistics space in India. I am thrilled to be a part of the team. The vision is to take the brand global and acquire the right talent to ensure that it witnessed unprecedented growth, shared Rueben Das, HR Head Roadcast Technologies. With expertise in identifying the right person for the right role, Ruebens strengths include streamlining systems and processes in place. With the company in its global expansion phase, ensuring that the team is well-placed for smooth functioning is crucial for Roadcast. Rueben, with his two decades of experience, will invest in culture building, streamlining HR operations, and employee branding activities. Mumbai based Brand and Communications Group, Quotient Ventures announced today the appointment of media and advertising veteran T. Gangadhar (Gangs) as its Group CEO. This appointment is effective February 1st, 2023. Talking about the appointment, Founder and Group Chairman & CEO, Joseph George ( Joe ) said I have always admired leaders in companies getting in talent better than oneself; I think I have done so too with the appointment of Gangs. His experiences and competencies across Organizational leadership (India & APAC), P&L Management, Advertising (strategic planning and account management), Marketing, Media, Content, Digital and Data are just what the Group requires hereon in its growth ambitions across Tilt Brand Solutions, Vector Brand Solutions and StudioQ. With over 25 years of experience in advertising, marketing and media, Gangadhar joins Quotient Ventures from GroupM/WPP where he last served as Asia Pacific CEO, Essence. Prior to WPP, he has worked with Sony Pictures Networks, Lowe Lintas and DDB Mudra. Talking about the appointment, T.Gangadhar, the incoming Co-Founder & Group CEO said I have tremendous admiration and respect for what Joe, Shriram and Rajiv have built in such a short period of time. Rarely does one get the opportunity to lead an organization that has so much going for it, yet is hungry to do better. I am excited about the prospect of deploying the Full-Brained-Thinking philosophy, and further consolidating the Groups position as a premier destination for brands and businesses owners. Apart from being a seasoned, growth-oriented professional, Gangs ( as he is popularly known in the industry ) is passionate about bringing meaningful change in the communications industry. He has been one of the most vocal voices for diversity, inclusion and equality (DEI) in the Asia Pacific region. Joseph George ( Joe ) concluded In spite of the Covid disruption hitting us just 18 months after our launch, we have had a terrific run these past 4.5 years. And so, we are in an exciting position where there is enough to be built upon, but also a lot to be built anew. And between Gangs, Shriram and Rajiv, we have just the right leadership team with the right interests, the right experience, the right attitude and the right competencies to lead us on this journey ahead Quotient Ventures is a modern marketing services group offering strategic, creative, digital and production solutions across formats and platforms for new and legacy brands alike. The group comprises of Tilt Brand Solutions a contemporary brand and communications consultancy, Vector Brand Solutions a BrandFirst digital agency that provides Full-Funnel solutioning, and StudioQ a video and content production unit. Over the last 4.5 years, it has collectively worked for some of Indias most ambitious brands and companies: 24Mantra, A23, Apna, Bank of Baroda, Blinkit, Dream11, Duroflex, Flipkart, Fossil, GoDaddy, Google, Groww, GSK, JustDial, Kenko, Licious, Livspace, Marico, Meril, MG Motors, MI, Microsoft, MyBillbook, Myntra, Philips, PhonePe, Razorpay, RR Kabel, Sharechat, Shopsy, Star, Swiggy, Tata, TVS, Udaan, Unilever, Vedantu and many more. Building on its strategic relationship with Microsoft, Verizon today announced the ability to deliver Teams Phone Mobile (formerly Operator Connect Mobile) with the launch of Verizon Mobile for Microsoft Teamsa new service that integrates mobile devices with Microsoft Teams for easier calling and collaboration. As the first U.S. operator to enable wireless subscribers to use their mobile device's native dialer to receive calls as a Teams endpoint, Verizon launched Verizon Mobile for Microsoft Teams to create a unified business communications experience, delivering true mobile flexibility with the power of Verizon 5G and Teams to users working from anywhere. What were hearing from customers is a need for the true mobilization of unified communications and collaboration to support their hybrid work environments, said Sampath Sowmyanarayan, Chief Executive Officer, Verizon Business. Were proud to be the first operator in the United States to unleash Teams Phone Mobile and to help customers further mobilize their workforce through the addition of Verizon Mobile for Microsoft Teams to our robust suite of collaboration and calling solutions. This is yet another example of how were helping customers to adapt and succeed in todays changing workplace by delivering the flexibility to work from anywhere. IT business leaders are increasingly challenged with improving and consolidating collaboration and calling, increasing the availability and responsiveness of remote, hybrid and onsite employees, and reducing costs for redundant devices, voice services and support. Delivering a mobile-first Teams experience for todays increasingly growing mobile workforce, Verizon Mobile for Microsoft Teams enables anywhere access to Teams capabilities, all via a single, business-provided phone number for both mobile and desktop devices, to help streamline hybrid work models. Key benefits: Single Number Simplicity: Verizon Mobile for Microsoft Teams provides the simplicity of using a single phone number across devices to allow employees the flexibility of being able to work from virtually anywhere without losing context or business presence Super Call Quality: Teams calls made with the smartphone dialer are treated as voice calls on the Verizon LTE network, resulting in superior call quality Seamless Call Transfer: Allows users to move between devices and Teams endpoints during a call without dropping the call True Mobility and Cost Savings: Through an integrated calling solution that can replace stand-alone solutions, Verizon Mobile for Microsoft Teams helps to reduce costs while keeping employees connected Security Peace of Mind: The capability to enforce secure and compliant business policies on all employee communications With Microsoft now connecting over 12 million PSTN users, organizations are realizing the value in using unified calling platforms to stay connected. With Verizon Mobile for Microsoft Teams, organizations can have a mobile unified collaboration and communication experience that minimizes cost and reduces security risks. Verizon Mobile for Microsoft Teams is the latest in Verizon's solutions to enable enterprises to enable hybrid workers to communicate and collaborate with Microsoft Teams with Verizon Calling with Microsoft Teams (Direct Routing) and Verizon VoIP for Operator Connect. For organizations looking for easy ways to connect Microsoft Teams to existing conference room systems, Verizon also offers the BlueJeans Gateway for Microsoft Teams. By combining the global scale and reliability of the Verizon 5G network with Microsoft Teams, Verizon and Microsoft are providing enterprise customers the communications tools they need to thrive in todays flexible workplace. For more information on Verizon Mobile for Microsoft Teams, visit Verizon's Microsoft Teams for Collaboration and Communications page. Anushka Sharma is gearing up for her first event as an investor. This will be the first in-person meet up that she will participate in after a few years, in Mumbai. As a part of this event, Anushka has even invited 3 lucky winners to have lunch with her. The selected moms would have the exclusive opportunity to meet Anushka and get to know how she aces being an actor, an investor & a mom, and what her thoughts on nutrition are, as a fitness enthusiast. A huge believer of healthy eating, Anushka invested in Wholsum Foods (Slurrp Farm) in April 2022. The brands products are made of millets like ragi, jowar, bajra, foxtail millet, amaranth, etc. The Slurrp Farm contest is designed keeping in mind how mothers often need and get support from their clan of sisters. Similarly, they can share their own experiences and tag their sisterhood of moms, which is one of the biggest pillars of strength to lean on. If theres one thing thats become clear over the past two years, its that there is a giant, yawning chasm between the Republican establishment and conservative voters who had long thought they had a home in the Republican party. In many venues, at both the national and the state level, the Republican establishment has been working against conservative candidates whom the voters support. There were too many individual parts to the dishonest 2020 Presidential election to believe the Democrat party did not have help from Republican leadership. That would explain former President George W. Bush exuberantly attending Joe Bidens inauguration. There were reports that Bush went up to Congressional Black Caucus leader James Clyburn, who was instrumental in getting out the South Carolina black vote in the primary, and told him he was a savior for getting Joe Biden elected. Following the November 2022 midterm election fiasco, the evidence pointed even more strongly to an ongoing organized conspiracy among Republicans. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel deliberately tanked the midterms by denying funding and support personnel to pro-Trump candidates in many states, including Nevada, Arizona, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania. McConnell foolishly diverted $9 million to support Lisa Murkowski, a Republican, over Kelly Tshibaka another Republican. The 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election was eerily like the 2020 presidential election. As highlighted in Republican candidate Kari Lakes lawsuit, there were massive and obvious voting irregularities. The first sign of trouble was the elongated time frame that Maricopa County (home to 60 percent of Arizona voters) required to count votes. How could it be that the Election Day was November 8, but the final vote tabulation was not completed until November 21? Signature verification issues and boxes of ballots bundled with no seal or chain of custody documentation alone amounted to hundreds of thousands of possible illegal votes that could have easily changed the outcome. Consider, too, that Arizonas population is 7.3 million. Texas, with a population of 29.1 million, and Florida, with 22.25 million, completed their tabulations on Election Day eve. How could Arizona be such a dismal disappointment when it had a Republican Governor and a Republican Attorney General and, in Maricopa County, which is Arizonas largest county, had four of five Republican supervisors? The answer is that there is a vast difference between establishment Me First Republicans and Republican America First (aka MAGA) true believers. The Arizona Republicans in positions of power are RINOs who acted against President Trump and his endorsed candidates. To support a fraudulent electoral process is to deny a free democratic republic its right to exist. Those who do this are anarchists. Image: Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden (edited). YouTube screen grab. Why? Murkowski voted to impeach President Trump, while Tshibaka supported the former president. The inescapable conclusion seems to be that Republican leadership only supports candidates that support them, as opposed to those who support America and Americans. Its true that the label RINO sometimes means different things to different people. Are moderates non-RINO? Is Susan Collins from Maine a Republican or RINO? Is George W. Bush a true Republican or a RINO? When I voted for Bush, I believed he was a Republican. Not today. In the Trump era, how do we define a Republican? Perhaps its best to define it negatively: If Mitch McConnell is a Republican, I do not want to be one. The fact is that the Pre-Trump Republican Party was a corporatist, elitist cabal of liars and actors who pretended to be concerned with the lives of ordinary Americans but in reality, could not care less. They enriched themselves through massive spending on unnecessary wars and joined with Democrats to spend money we do not have. Just recently, Americans watched a mad orgy of hero worship in the U.S. Congress when most members gathered to lavish praise on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a corrupt foreign leader whose supporters in Ukraine include open Neo-Nazis. It was a betrayal of the American people when Republicans joined with leftist Democrats to shower praise on Zelensky, a despot who has banned opposition parties, imprisoned a political opponent, attacked Russian Orthodox Churches, and gone after unfavorable media. Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if Donald Trump had his second term. Vladimir Putin is a very dangerous man, but Ukraine was not the way or the place to best confront him. McConnell, like so many RINOs, wants a continuation of endless foreign wars. This assures a continuous flow of tens of billions of dollars going out the door regularly with no accountability. The American people will never know who really benefits from these misadventures. RINOs join with their Democrat colleagues in promoting January 6, 2021, as an insurrection rather than a peaceful protest infiltrated by FBI operatives that spurred it getting out of hand. Julie Kelly has pointed to McConnell rejoicing in the events of January 6, 2021: Just as the first wave of protesters breached the building shortly after 2 p.m., congressional Republicans were poised to present evidence of rampant voting fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Ten incumbent and four newly elected Republican senators planned to work with their House colleagues to demand the formation of an audit commission to investigate election irregularities in the 2020 election. [snip] The Hail Mary effort was doomed to fail; yet the American people would have heard hours of debate related to provable election fraud over the course of the day. The conclusion from reading Kellys essay is that, yes, McConnell wanted a riot because it served his political goals. And really, one doesnt have to guess or infer. McConnell said it himself. On January 6, he spoke with Politicos Jonathan Martin about the days events and admitted that I feel exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally, totally discredited himself. Letting rip with his real feelings about a president who closed the Southern border; created the best American economy in decades, enriching people of all races; and kept America out of foreign wars, McConnell called Trump despicable and bragged how We crushed the sons of b----esand thats what were going to do in the primary in 22. Various videos show the Capitol security guards inviting demonstrators inside the halls of Congress and, later, FBI Director Wray refused to answer questions about agents/provocateurs planted in the crowd. The Revolver put together disturbing footage of Ray Epps seen on camera urging the crowd to move into the Capitol, as unknown people engaged in acts that were consistent with a planned Fed-Surrection. In addition, texts have emerged from Epps to his nephew where he brags about orchestrating the riot. According to Revolver News, which is doing the work the mainstream media once did, Epps (and other FBI cohorts) make a living traveling around the country as a paid informant/provocateur for the FBI. It's been both illuminating and scary over the past two years to see what our government has becomeand this could only have happened with the joint coordination of House Speaker Pelosi and Senator Mitch McConnell. There is no other way. If McConnell had insisted on adequate security, then the Democrats could not have pulled off the hoax. Quod Erat Demonstratum (So it has been demonstrated.) The Republican establishment that conspired to block Trump in 2020 is hard at work to make sure that, if they cannot stop him from running in 2024, they will stop him from winning. To this end, Kari Lake and all American First Conservatives are their targets. Right now, Mitch McConnell is the face of the Republican Me First establishment and must be dealt with to save our Constitutional Republic. In terms of the Democrats current dominance, remember that conservatives have a secret weapon on their side: Reality. Every one of the Democrats Utopian ideas and goals will eventually collapse under the weight of reality. Theres an inkling of that in an article distributed by the Bay Area News Group (BANG), which provides content to various left-leaning newspapers in the San Francisco Bay Area. The other day, a BANG writer seemed surprised to learn that environmental rules are starving California of life-giving water, all to save a very small fish. California is a state that habitually cycles between drought and deluge. It will go years with constantly lessening rain, only to have a spectacularly wet winter completely wipe out that drought. In the 20th century, California embarked on massive irrigation projects that turned the Central Valley into Americas breadbasket despite droughts. A well-watered Central Valley was one of the reasons that Americans had such wonderful access to healthy, low-cost produce. Then, the environmentalists learned that the wee Delta Smelt, a little fish unique to the Sacramento Delta, was on the verge of extinction. Ironically, the environmentalists prevailed during the administrations of President Nixon (the 1973 federal Endangered Species Act) and Governor Reagan (the 1970 California Endangered Species Act). In 2014, during the last drought before this one, Allysia Finley wrote about Californias insane water policy. At that time, the Central Valley was being forced to leave 500,000 acres fallow because there wasnt enough water. The reason for this government-created dust bowl was that the priority was protecting the smelt. After 300 smelt were found trapped in pumps that were releasing water from the Sacramento Delta to farmland, the federal government stepped in. According to Finley, the state then flushed 800,000 acre-feet into the San Francisco Bay last winter and an additional 445,000 acre-feet this spring to safeguard the endangered delta smelt. Thats enough for roughly three million households to live on and to irrigate 600,000 acres of land. A couple of years later, I took this picture while driving through the Central Valley Image by Andrea Widburg. When he was a candidate in 2016, Trump announced that he would push back against these rules, but his own EPA won out in 2019, enforcing even stronger rules, something Governor Newsom reinforced in 2020. Now, even urban water supplies are suffering. Conservatives have long known whats been happening, but it was a surprise to see Paul Rogers, from the Bay Area News Group, make the same point for BANGs Democrat-majority reading audience: The most drenching storms in the past five years have soaked Northern California, sending billions of gallons of water pouring across the state after three years of severe drought. But 94% of the water that has flowed since New Years Eve through the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, a linchpin of Californias water system, has continued straight to the Pacific Ocean instead of being captured and stored in the states reservoirs. Environmental regulations aimed at protecting a two-inch-long fish, the endangered Delta smelt, have required the massive state and federal pumps near Tracy to reduce pumping rates by nearly half of their full limit, sharply curbing the amount of water that can be saved for farms and cities to the south. The move has angered Central Valley politicians of both parties along with agricultural leaders, who have been arguing for many months that someone must help farmers suffering terribly during the drought. Now they are frustrated that the state Department of Water Resources and the federal Bureau of Reclamation arent capturing more water amid the record rainfall. [snip] An immense amount of water was moving through the Delta on Friday. The flow rate was so high that it surpassed the volume raging down the mighty Columbia River near Portland, Oregon. At that rate, about 159,000 cubic feet per second, the Delta was carrying enough water 316,500 acre feet a day or 1.2 million gallons every second to fill an empty reservoir the size of Hetch Hetchy in Yosemite National Park to the top every 27 hours. When the state and federal pumps are fully running, they can move roughly 10,800 cubic feet per second. That means they are unable to catch most of the current deluge even if maxed out. But since Jan. 1, they have averaged just 6,415 cfs per day far less than their capacity. This article wont change anything any time soon. Still, it gives me hope that reality is starting to make inroads in the Utopia of California, a Utopia distinguished by drug abuse, homelessness, and poverty, most of it hidden from the Blue coast elites who live in their fine mansions, far from the fallout of the policies they push. Joe Biden and his acolytes made a big deal about his diplomacy chops as contrasted to President Trump during the days of his 2020 presidential campaign. "America is back!" he yawped, shortly after taking office. So here's his way of making America popular abroad: ABU DHABI, Jan 15 (Reuters) - U.S. climate envoy John Kerry on Sunday outlined core principles for a "high-integrity" carbon offset plan meant to help developing nations speed their energy transition, and next steps including establishing a consultative group. The Energy Transition Accelerator (ETA), first announced at last year's COP27 climate conference, is being developed by the United States with the Bezos Earth Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation to mobilise private capital. Kerry told the Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum in Abu Dhabi the aim was to create bankable deals to accelerate reduction of emissions, stressing that the ETA was not a substitute for other funding sources and would be time-limited. "We believe you can have high-integrity, accountable, transparent credit which will help us to be able to put some money on the table," he said, acknowledging widespread criticism of voluntary carbon offset schemes. John Kerry is his climate czar, and he's making all those slackadaisical third-world countries out there an offer they can't refuse. Go green, partner with some greenie billionaires and oligarchs, get carbon credits, convert it to some kind of dished out foreign aid, and not just for companies, but sovereigns. Chile, which has already over-embraced green energy and bought itself some economic stagnation as a result, and which isn't by any normal standards a developing country, as well as corruption-happy Nigeria, which is, are the two nations that have signed on to the "incentive" program so far. Going green is a horrible idea for the Third World, as it will drive energy prices up in the poorest countries, leading to job and investment loss. Ultimately, it will set their capitals on fire, as happened in Sri Lanka. But that's a matter of no concern to Kerry. The important thing is that the Third World gets those wind turbines whirring, and never mind about providing jobs or rising living standards to their locals. If a tiny oligarchy benefits, he's comfortable with that. Like Joe Biden, Kerry gets his apocryphal Marie Antoinette on with a "let them make solar panels" argument that this nonsense will make them rich. It's a hideous idea, amounting to a "to do" list for the Third World, and in more ways than one. The project, whose murky, muddled framework is described on the Rockefeller Foundation's website here, is, well, a joint oligarch-NGOState Department operation. Kind of like, well, you know, the United Fruit Company, which one film claims once involved the Rockefellers as shareholders. We don't know if that's true, but we do know that the Rockefellers got their enormous fortune from oil. We do know that Jeff Bezos, the other partner here, operates mail facilities in sweatshop conditions, something quite a few third-world locals will notice. Now they bankroll left-wing causes, particularly greenie ones, telling everyone else to go green, despite the absence of evidence that any man-caused global warming exists at all. Oil for me, bird Cuisinarts and rare-earth child exploitation at monster prices for you. They made their pile off oil and other things and want to make sure that other nations can't make a pile for themselves off oil, too. Worse still, Kerry's scheme tells these countries to give up their sovereignty and natural plans for development in order to take instructions from a multilateral...committee. Sound attractive? Sure, there's money in it for them, but don't imagine there won't be a dollop of resentment at having to jump through Kerry's virtue-signaling hoops to get it. Worse than even that, this so-called aid program is going head to head with China's expansionist activities, such as its Belt and Road Initiative, which offers out huge loans and investments in return for access to ports and other strategic assets, sometimes on the default model, which often happens, and other times as part of the deal. How can this Kerry-and-the-oligarchs global warming program compete with that? Third-world countries, good and bad, will ask themselves whether getting a fancy new port complex is better or the feel-good sense of "going green" in hopes of pleasing the Davos crowd, and they will make their decisions accordingly. Perhaps grossest of all, even Reuters notes that these programs, and apparently there have been many others, are natural third-world corruption-fests: Such schemes, in which companies get emissions credits in return for channelling cash to poor countries that cut their carbon output, have often been riddled with fraud and double-counting. "There are only two purposes for which we will allow someone to be able to buy a credit - one, to be closing down or transitioning existing fossil fuel facility that is providing power, and two, for the actual deployment of renewables that will replace current dirty sourcing," Kerry said. Shut down your oil production, get a carbon credit, and don't worry about the poverty and disorder that will create. Expect a lot of whipped up anti-Americanism from these places as an unintended consequence when this becomes the take-it-or-leave it deal to those countries. People flee places that are falling apart, particularly from centrally planned economies, which includes those involved in green schemes. Sound like a great foreign policy for the U.S.? Biden, of course, has a solution to that, too in the open borders of the U.S. Maybe that was the plan all along. Image: Pixabay, Pixabay License. "> Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta was Martin Luther King's church: his grandfather became the pastor in 1894, his father became the senior pastor in 1931, he was baptized there in 1924, and he served as co-pastor from 1960 until his assassination in 1968. How that mighty pulpit has fallen, as evidenced by Biden's appearance there Sunday morning, which saw him tell blatant lies, mangle a Supreme Court justice's name, and come on to a little girl. The church accorded Biden the honor of being the first sitting president to give the Sunday sermon there, which is kind of funny when you consider Biden's long history of openly racist remarks. The mainstream media, however, had only positive coverage for a president who has presided over the most draconian racial policies since Woodrow Wilson spoke about the need for continued racial progress: President Joe Biden said America needs to heed the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to "redeem the soul of America" in a sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta on Sunday. [snip] "The fact is that this is a time of choosing," he said. "Are we a people who will choose democracy or autocracy? You couldn't ask that question 15 years ago; we thought democracy was settled for our African Americans. It's not." "We have to choose a community over chaos," he continued. "Are we the people going to choose love over hate? These are the vital questions of our time. I believe Dr. King's life and legacy show us the way and we should pay attention." Funnily enough, none of the mainstream media reports mentioned Biden's open lies, and all shied away from any focus on his creepy callout to someone who was clearly a little girl in the audience. (See here, here, and here for more examples of these omissions.) But lie he did, and in ways that ought to have offended the older people in the audience, who really did fight for Civil Rights at a time when Democrats had systematically denied those rights to African-Americans. Biden claimed that he was a Civil Rights activist as a young man: "I've two political heroes. My entire life. When I started off as a 22-year-old on the east side of the Civil Rights movement. I got elected to the United States Senate when I was 29 and wasn't old enough to take office." Biden: "I have two political heroes my entire life when I started off as a 22-year-old kid in the east side in the civil rights movement." pic.twitter.com/6ms4cE01so The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 15, 2023 That short snippet contains a blatant lie. Even CNN and PolitiFact, two Democrat outlets, have conceded that Biden was not involved in the Civil Rights movement. Biden also couldn't resist boasting about his fierce battle against apartheid in South Africa, along with "a whole lot else." Biden: "Andy and I took on apartheid in South Africa, and a whole lot else." pic.twitter.com/DpvXbDDwu7 The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 15, 2023 That, too, is an easily debunked lie. As even Biden conceded, the sum total of his "taking on Apartheid" was to go with members of the Congressional Black Caucus on a delegation to South Africa. Once there, despite men with guns (do you believe that?), he refused to use the Whites Only door at the airport. In a shameful exchange, @cnn finally asks @JoeBiden about lying several times about being arrested in South Africa on way to meet Nelson Mandela. -Biden says he meant "he was not able to move" and he was "stopped" -@JohnBerman doesn't challenge him, pivots to Trump question pic.twitter.com/ubREcy4boS Jordan (@JordanChariton) February 28, 2020 But Biden wasn't done. He also insisted that he routinely attended the local Black churches in high school and college. Funnily enough, not one member of the local Black churches remembers seeing a White kid in attendance: BIDEN: "I used to go to 7:30 mass every morning in high school and then in college, before I went to the Black church. Not a joke." Congregants say they can't recall Biden ever attending. pic.twitter.com/4xcF6i0nFE RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 15, 2023 Biden also struggled mightily to remember the name of the Supreme Court justice whom he nominated, Ketanji Brown Jackson. The best part of this video is the woman on the far right of the screen: BIDEN: "Those are the words of Kejan Kejan Ketanji Drown Jackson, our Supreme Court justice." pic.twitter.com/Fbhk0pffsY RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 15, 2023 And then, in a quintessential moment, demonstrating that there is nothing that will stop a pervert from yielding to his impulses, Biden hit on a little girl in the audience: Joe being creepy again at MLK Day speech: "What's your name honey? It's good to see you. Maybe I can have a picture with you before I leave, ok?" pic.twitter.com/tarpgMK3Gq The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 15, 2023 That's just creepy, right down to his doing the perv thing of asking her for a picture with him. Think about it. He's the president. The normal thing if he were in campaign mode would be to ask the girl, "Would you like a picture with me?" But this isn't about the girl. This is about Biden and his impulses. Ick. The whole appearance was vintage Biden: the divisive statements on race, the lies, the garbled speech, and the openly displayed creepiness around little girls. Martin Luther King's family church deserves better than to be sullied by such a man. UPDATED: This post was updated to remove an egregious mathematical error I made about Biden's birthday. Image: YouTube screen grab. A few days ago, WTTW News, which is a PBS station in Chicago, reported that Mayor Lori Lightfoot's re-election campaign sent an email to Chicago public school teachers urging them to encourage their students to volunteer for Lightfoot's re-election campaign in exchange for class credit. The email was sent to teachers' official work email accounts suffixed with "cps.edu." It remains unclear how many Chicago teachers received the email, which was sent by Lightfoot's deputy campaign manager. The email states that students in the "externship program" would have to dedicate 12 hours per week to the Lightfoot campaign. Lightfoot's campaign spokesperson issued a statement claiming that the effort was meant "to provide young people with the opportunity to engage with our campaign, learn more about the importance of civic engagement and participate in the most American of processes." They were attempting to disguise it as an educational opportunity for students. Then WTTW News published the contents of the email, which received a deserving backlash from all, including other candidates in Chicago's mayoral race. Here's the email the Lightfoot's campaign said was "a common practice that has been utilized in city, state, and federal level campaigns for decades" before the team announced it will cease contacting CPS employees "out of an abundance of caution" (Personal info is cut off) https://t.co/VxjYHuxwVJ pic.twitter.com/j6Hvk1hOZz Alice Yin (@byaliceyin) January 12, 2023 Lightfoot's campaign issued another statement pledging to "cease contact with Chicago Public Schools employees" out of an "abundance of caution." Less than two hours later, Lightfoot's campaign issued a third statement: All campaign staff have been reminded about the solid wall that must exist between campaign and official activities and that contacts with any city of Chicago, or other sister agency employees, including CPS employees, even through publicly available sources is off limits. Period. Mayor Lightfoot acknowledged that it was "simply a mistake" for her campaign to email Chicago Public School teachers, asking them to encourage their students to volunteer for her campaign in exchange for class credit. Lori Lightfoots campaign was asking teachers to offer their students extra credit if they volunteered. Simply a mistake, she says. pic.twitter.com/dPVACIzgJb RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 16, 2023 But like all politicians who make such "mistakes," Lightfoot insisted there was "no nefarious intent" and that she was unaware of the email until WTTW reported about it. Lightfoot also stressed that there were no conversations between the campaign and her government office or anyone at CPS to coordinate the recruitment effort. The Chicago Teachers Union slammed the Lightfoot campaign for the email. The Chicago Public Schools inspector general has launched a probe into the matter. Lightfoot said she would "cooperate fully" with any investigation. This isn't the first time the Lightfoot campaign has done this. WTTW News reported that last August, the Lightfoot campaign sent similar emails to City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) officials seeking student volunteers. CCC spokesperson and deputy vice chancellor Katheryn Hayes responded to the email request as follows: In accordance with City Colleges' Ethics policy, City Colleges does not coordinate with political campaigns. After receiving a campaign email in August seeking student volunteers, City Colleges staff notified its Ethics Department. Following the Department's guidance, City Colleges notified the campaign of CCC's ethics policy and purged the emails from CCC accounts. City Colleges is not aware of having received subsequent campaign emails, but is looking into the matter. Lightfoot once again claimed to be unaware that her campaign had reached out to City Colleges staff, and other universities, adding that the young staffer responsible for the controversial recruitment effort is "mortified" at the uproar that it has caused. Chicago's ethics ordinance prohibits the use of public resources, including email accounts, for non-official purposes such as supporting a political campaign. All those who work for the city administration and its sister agencies are barred from working for political campaigns while receiving their salaries from taxpayer funds. Encouraging their students to volunteer for a particular campaign violates those rules and could result in the employees' discipline. Lightfoot's campaign was hence urging teachers to violate the very rules that she is supposed to enforce as mayor. Even the ACLU of Illinois also thinks that Lightfoot campaign emails to Teachers may have violated federal law. The ACLU said that the email from the campaign is inappropriately coercive and raises First Amendment concerns. The ACLU also referred to a Supreme Court ruling from 1995, which stated that government officials cannot use their office or power to coerce participation or to punish for lack of participation in political campaigns. Lightfoot is already trailing in the polls and this scandal can make things considerably worse for her. WTTW News reports that "[p]olitical patronage has long plagued all levels of Illinois government, with employees' jobs often hinging on their political activities in support of or against specific political candidates. The practice which gave the Chicago machine much of its power has been outlawed after a series of court decisions that forced government agencies to reform their practices." Lightfoot ran for mayor in 2019 promising to root out corruption and toughen the city's ethics regulations. But like all Democrat politicians, her words have no relation with her actions. So let's dig a bit deeper. First, we look at the students. The Democrats know that their ideas are deficient and unpopular, hence the only way they can win is by circumventing the rules. They use politicized agencies and the news media to suppress news that could harm them. They change voting rules such as permitting voting by mail and much before Election Day. They pass secret executive orders to boost voter participation. They allow an influx of illegal aliens, hoping to give them voting rights, which will reduce the impact of conservative votes. Recruitment of the very young is part of this strategy to hijack democracy. Young students are usually impressionable and uninformed. They could be influenced and eventually indoctrinated or programmed to unconditionally subscribe to various Democrat ideas. The Democrats know that if brainwashing occurs at a young age, it is often permanent. Part of this indoctrination is to demonize conservatives as bigots, despots, and ignoramuses. Consequently, they view Republicans not as political opponents, but as their enemies who need to be destroyed. They form a permanent Democrat voter base. They become fanatics such that they could influence and coerce others such as friends and family members. This is one of the reasons why states such as New York and California are Democrat bastions. The states may suffer myriad grave crises, but the voter's mind is a prison that cannot contemplate voting for the GOP. Now for teachers who received the emails. Should Lightfoot manage to win re-election, teachers who declined to volunteer for the mayor's campaign or encourage their students and reported the email to their superiors could face retaliation. As mayor of Chicago, Lightfoot appoints the superintendent of the Chicago Public Schools and the members of the Chicago Board of Education. Lightfoot could pressure top officials on the Board to purge all dissenters. This is so grave that it even merits Lightfoot being compelled to drop out of the race. But that is unlikely to occur. It has been a tough week for the Democrats with Biden's mishandling of classified documents and Lightfoot's campaign emails. Like Biden, when Lightfoot was caught, she tried her best to evade accountability until it was untenable. It reveals the entitlement of the Democrats, that they operate with the assumption that their violations will never be exposed. This is where they err. The Democrats also assume that if, on a rare occasion, they are exposed, they will never receive punishment. Unfortunately, they are right in this assumption. Image: Twitter screen shot. Globalists, such as Tom Friedman, Klaus Schwab and Barack Obama, along with a lot of greenie billionaires, have expressed admiration for China and its development as a world power for years. Now, China is returning the compliment. According to PJMedia's Catherine Salgado: Chinese Communist Party (CCP) state propaganda outlet Global Times praised the Davos Spirit in a tweet, claiming, Chinas ideals and achievements also made the Davos Spirit more dazzling. The tweet further said that China is excited to find more like-minded friends at the WEF. Editorial: The #Davos Spirit with openness and cooperation as core is also resonating with China. Chinas ideals and achievements also made the Davos Spirit more dazzling. https://t.co/ilhsHpJ08B pic.twitter.com/BHWJ5INGwN Global Times (@globaltimesnews) January 15, 2023 The tweet included a link to a Global Times editorial titled, China has always kept in step with Davos Spirit. The editorial said that, with the WEF theme of Cooperation in a Fragmented World, the CCP is excited to play a supposedly constructive role in resolving issues. The full editorial from the communist Chinese state paper is here. Which pretty well makes Davos and the Chicoms a mutual admiration society. And why wouldn't it be? Schwab, who runs the outfit, is on record as envisioning a future where "you'll own nothing and be happy," which sounds remarkably like something China's communist founder, Mao Zedong, might have said in his day. Last November, Schwab declared on Chinese state television that China was a role model, a "model for many nations." He tried to paper it over with happy talk about every nation choosing for itself, but the deed was done. I wrote about that disturbing incident and its utterly fascistic implications here. Meanwhile, other characters such a Tom Friedman have praised the Chinese regime, and Barack Obama has expressed his longing to be able to scrap the trappings of democracy to rule by fiat and diktat like they do. Those are the globalists, the one-world governmenters, the great resetters and they are still out there, while guys like LeBron James continue to rake in the money. Such mutual admiration now, it's kind of like they're the same thing. But China, recall, is the nation that just got through a round of major protests over its top-down edicts on the COVID they created. Yes, they created COVID and then inflicted it on the world which is a problem right there. They are the pioneers of mass surveillance of the public and a detested social credit system. Big Brother had nothing on the Chicoms. They are a nation that just got caught setting up illegal police stations around the world the better to extend their reach to even those 11 million Chinese people who flee their communist paradise each year. Nobody foreign, it should be noted, immigrates to China. That's a heckuva violation of national sovereignties in a variety of countries, the better to extend the all-reaching hand of state, and those cop stations have drawn many reports of thuggery. Last week, one of their illegal police stations in New York City was raided by the FBI. They aren't exactly a good global citizen, so to speak, but no matter -- the compliments just keep coming. That's just one of a host of problems with China abroad. Their spy operations are legion -- just ask Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Eric Swalwell, two dupes of the Chicoms on that front. They are challenging the U.S. for dominance on the South China Sea, ending the great piece in the post-Vietnam War era that led to the rise of the Asian Tiger states. Now they are menacing most of those nations, especially lead-Tiger Taiwan, with their violations of its airspace, and they have certainly crushed freedom in the Original Tiger, Hong Kong, violating their treaty obligations to do it. They have repressed religious figures there, shut down virtually all the independent press, and driven little kids leading protests into exile. They are absolutely a brute power whose only role model is Russia. But the gushy gush, kissy kiss between China and the Davos set, full of its self-indulgent greenie billionaires and puffed up diplomats and hedge fund managers and cabinet officials and journalistic hangers on has never been heavier. It's a disgusting specter and ought to serve to discredit Davos as an institution. Any group that can suck up to China like they do is pretty much at odds with millions of freedom-loving peoples. Going to Davos ought to be socially shamed, not hailed and rewarded as a sort of 'in crowd.' It's bad stuff, and what it tells us is that Davos is morphing into something worse than just a rich man's playground now. It's becoming an arm of the Chinese communist party. That's not good for "the world" they claim to speak for. Image: World Economic Forum (www.weforum.org) swiss-image.ch / Photo by Remy Steinegger, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0 In the 1972 movie, The Godfather, the main character, Michael Corleone, subtly asserts that there is little substantive difference between the U.S. government and the Mafia. He even hints that U.S. senators sometimes go so far as to kill their political opponents. Nonsense, we said at the time. Our government is not an organized crime syndicate. We knew that. Two prominent Democrat members of Congress are soon to be removed from sensitive committee assignments, and a third is next on the list. The reasons for this are clear. Eric Swalwell, who had a sexual affair with a Chinese spy, is obviously, ineligible to be trusted with military secrets. Adam Schiff repeatedly lied about closed-door proceedings targeting President Trump. Ilhan Omar has openly made pejorative remarks about Jews, while refusing to condemn (or even acknowledge) Islamic terrorism. None of these removals, necessary though they are, occurred while the Democrats held the House. Indeed, their speaker expressed support for them. To further complicate matters, all this is occurring at the same time as damning revelations are being made concerning "the big guy," Joe Biden, who occupies the Oval Office. Big Joe has been being paid one million dollars yearly by the Communist Chinese government, laundered through the University of Pennsylvania, in return for failing to suppress Chinese spy operations in the U.S. Could a million dollars influence Joe Biden to skew the performance of his official duties in favor of the Chinese? Combined with the discovery that Big Joe has been hiding classified government documents in unsecured locations, such as his garage, the portrait emerging is not that of an American statesman, but rather that of the head of a family that profits immensely by collaborating with potential wartime enemies of the United States. Politically, Big Joe's scandals promise to become the proverbial millstone around Democrat necks. Indeed, that is why government agencies (read: Democrat operatives) under Biden have been concealing them. Now, however, concealment is becoming increasingly difficult, and therefore, we are witnessing the beginnings of his predictable jettisoning due to his endangering continued Democrat control of the government. Amendment 25 looms large. Near the end of The Godfather, one of his close associates is notified that he is being taken for the iconic "ride." His pleas to "get me out of this" are callously brushed aside. Biden's ride will be political only, but just as much of a figurative dead end. This raises the absurd prospect of America's possible first female president being not a "crooked Hillary," but rather a "giggling Kamala." While it seems inconceivable that even the clownish Democrats could be so ludicrous, they are. If Biden is unable to finish his term, Kamala will inherit the presidency but will be as much a millstone as Big Joe. Kamala's election prospects in 2024 will be dismal. Indeed, she was summarily dismissed by Democrat voters during her brief and bungled attempt at a presidential primary campaign in 2019. Her most memorable moment occurred when fellow Democrat Tulsi Gabbard humiliated her on the debate stage by exposing her lies and hypocrisy. Kamala's ride to the Oval Office was over but this one time, Biden got her out of it, by naming her as his running mate. She lives; therein lies the dilemma for the Democrats. Image: VectorPortal. Name an assassination, and it nearly always has horrible, far-reaching, consequences. Gavrilo Princip's assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand triggered World War I. Charlotte Corday's assassination of Jean-Paul Marat intensified the French Revolution's Reign of Terror. Fanny Kaplan's attempted assassination of V.I. Lenin in 1918 left him enfeebled for years, giving an opening to Stalin. In the U.S., another such disaster with far-ranging consequences, according to Paul F. Petrick, writing for Issues & Insights this morning, was the 1881 assassination of President James Garfield, by Charles J. Guiteau, a disgruntled campaign worker. Guiteau's evil act ushered in the dawn of the Deep State. Petrick writes: Reformers led by Sen. George H. Pendleton, D-Ohio, sought to prevent future Guiteaus by eliminating Guiteau's motive for the killing, namely the "spoils system" whereby every presidential administration saturated the federal bureaucracy with party loyalists, a presidential prerogative that critics condemned as antithetical to good government. Disgust with the spoils system reached a critical mass in the wake of Garfield's murder, prompting Congress to pass the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act. ... While the new law introduced hiring via competitive examination and prohibited politically-motivated demotions and dismissals, it originally only applied to 10% of what was then a federal workforce of 130,000. Nevertheless, Congress had planted the seed of civil service reform and like every seed, it contained the potential for growth. Specifically, that potential lay in a provision of the Pendleton Act that permitted the president to increase the number of federal employees subject to civil service protection. Naturally, subsequent presidents sought to protect more and more of their appointees from being summarily replaced by their successors and now over 90% of the federal workforce, which has ballooned to 2.9 million employees, enjoys civil service protection. From that, the Deep State emerged from the depths: The Pendleton Act was conceived by reformers who disliked politics because they distrusted democracy. They designed structures that diluted the people's power and produced a federal bureaucracy insulated from presidential authority. This entrenched and unaccountable army of federal bureaucrats is what is colloquially known as the "Deep State." The op-ed goes on to note that there are passages within the laws that can enable a president to reduce the Deep State just as they can enable a president to entrench it further. Joe Biden, of course, is in that latter category, while President Trump is in the former, not only making large categories of these hacks fireable during his presidency, but now vowing to make these nasty Deep State hacks fireable again as part of his 2024 campaign pitch. It's shocking to think that the Deep State came as a consequence of a terrible 1881 assassination. And scarier still, a look at the assassins who did get away with murder in the U.S. of its presidents are such a familiar bunch John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated President Lincoln in 1865, was a disgruntled Democrat who hated Republicans and sympathized with the Confederacy. Garfield's 1881 assassin was a campaign worker who expected to be handed a government job. William McKinley's assassin in 1901 was a crazed Antifa-like anarchist. John F. Kennedy's assassin in 1963 was a Soviet sympathizer with some kind of relationship with the CIA. These types remain all around us. Garfield's assassination seemed particularly traumatic. As a little kid, I remember reading about Garfield's desperate attempt to recover following the attack, taking in sea air and other useless remedies of the premodern medicine era. A look at the number of the Old West counties being settled at the time, bearing the name "Garfield," attests to popular moves to memorialize him. The reform, though, has proven worse than the crime it attempted to stomp out, and President Trump is right in being on top of this matter and in wanting to get rid of it. Once again, Trump is right and ready to strike at the head of the snake. Petrick's essay is simply terrific history, enlightening and concise, with an important call to action. Read the whole thing here. Image: Wikipedia, public domain. I first read of Inna Zhvanetskaya in American Thinker, in an article that stated that German authorities wanted to put a Holocaust survivor in a mental institution to force her to take the COVID shot. I clicked on the title, thinking it must be satire. Surely no one in Germany would be emulating the Nazis by persecuting a Holocaust survivor and trying to force her to submit to medical experimentation. Alas, the article was a serious factual account of Inna's trials in modern Germany after surviving Hitler. Inna has a professional guardian. In Germany, a guardian might be appointed to oversee medical care or make financial decisions, but there is an emphasis on the guardian upholding the wishes of the ward. The court may intervene and appoint a new guardian if the wishes of the ward are not being respected. Inna's guardian is certainly not following her wish not to be given a COVID shot. One would expect her to be appointed a new guardian. Instead, she has gone into hiding to protect herself from the Nazi...I beg your pardon, that should be the German state. Incidentally, as far back as 2021, Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor and lifelong medical rights activist, warned that modern techniques being used to force COVID vaccination resembled tactics used by the Nazis to subjugate the Jewish people. Then, as now, doctors parroted the party line by claiming that the rights of individuals were not as important as public welfare. Image: Four survivors of Nazi medical experiments arriving in Nuremberg to testify. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD. The Nazis used doctors to promote eugenics, which led to the murder of millions of Jews as being unfit to live. Today, doctors are used to promote experimental mRNA vaccinations, as well as lockdowns and masks. The cost to society has been enormous in terms of ruined lives and ruined economies. As for Inna, for the moment, she is safe, shielded by local activists who hid her before she could be arrested. Mascha Orel, the co-founder of We For Humanity, an organization that assists Holocaust survivors and their descendants, has spoken to Inna and confirmed that she is in good health, although confused and badly frightened. Small wonder. Inna survived the Holocaust to become a pianist, a teacher, and a composer. Her compositions reveal her gifts as a musician. It is indeed strange that, in her old age, she has been transported back to a nightmare where her own government is seeking to destroy her. Pandra Selivanov is the author of Future Slave, a story about a 21st-century black teenager who goes back in time and becomes a slave in the Old South. One of my favorite pastimes is reading the Facebook feed of an extremely nice man I know who is both an ardent Democrat and an ardent Israel supporter. For several years now, hes been trapped in a state of cognitive dissonance, trying to square the circle created by his preferred political partys increasingly open hostility to Israel, as well as the rising anti-Semitism on the left. This struggle may escalate soon, as a recent poll shows that anti-Semitism is worst among two groups who have come to define the Democrat party: Young voters and Blacks. Just The News summarizes the polls results: Black Americans were the most likely demographic to agree with anti-Semitic stereotypes overall despite the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.s tireless work fighting in support of the Jews. When asked whether Jews have too much power in the business world, 31% of black Americans agreed. Additionally, 29% of black Americans agreed that Jews think they are better than other people. [snip] About a quarter of young adults, however, agreed that Jews talk too much about the Holocaust, have too much business power and think they are better than others. The poll was conducted with YouGov from Jan. 5-Jan. 9 with 1,000 respondents and had a margin of error of 3.55%. As a general matter, also, the poll showed that Democrats are more anti-Semitic than Republicans. These results were inevitable as the left gained ascendency in society and, specifically, in education, and as Islam made inroads into the Black community. Image: YouTube screen grab. What people too often forget is that the Nazis werent some bizarre right-wing animal called a fascist. That was a canard the socialists came up with after the war to tar their opponents. The Nazis were open socialists whose nickname came from their full identity: National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). In the 1920s and 1930s, the umbrella concept of socialism divided itself into two rival parties: the communists, who believed the state should own all the means of production, and the fascists, who believed the state should control all the means of production while allowing private ownership. Thats why in Britain, in the 1930s, so many upper-class people supported the Nazis. They assumed democracy would die and that the only choice would be socialism. Therefore, they preferred the version of socialism that would allow them to retain their property. As for Hitlers and Germanys antisemitism, that was also baked into the leftist cake. Its true that Germany, like all European countries, had a history of antisemitism going back to the Roman era. However, it was Marx, a Jew whose father converted the whole family to Christianity for pragmatic reasons when Marx was a child, who made antisemitism an integral part of socialism. He did this by arguing that Jews and capitalism were inextricably intertwined. And in typical self-loathing fashion, he hurled epithets at Jews that were indistinguishable from the things the Nazis later said. It was, therefore, inevitable that, as the left indoctrinated young Americans in socialism, these same young people would be more open to antisemitism. The trajectory was to side with the oppressed Palestinians, then to hate Israel and, finally, to hate all Jews. American Blacks have been getting antisemitism from two directions. The first is the Democrat partys open embrace of socialism. The second is the rise of two antisemitic sects within the Black community. American Black communities used to be very Christian. It was the Black Christian church that was the foundation for Martin Luther Kings bully pulpit. (Incidentally, King was hugely philosemitic and a big Israel supporter.) That changed with Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan is openly antisemitic, and his church reflects that. Although only 1% of American Blacks are Muslim, they account for 20% of the Muslim population in America, and they are a vocal minority. Given those numbers, the fact that Muslims have openly genocidal attitudes toward Jews is invariably going to help fertilize the growing antisemitism that leftism is bringing to the Black community. It doesnt help that the Black Hebrew Israelites (BHI), an openly antisemitic group that claims to be the true heir of the Biblical Jews, is also ragingly antisemitic and gaining traction. With these vicious influences within the Black community (socialism, Islam, and the BHI), its not surprising that physical attacks against Jews tend to come from Blacks. Jews understand that this rising antisemitism from the left carries the risk of turning into the same existential threat that almost wiped out Europes Jews in the 1930s and 1940s. Some of them are finally wising up enough to become conservatives. Lets hope that my Facebook friend and his pro-Israel, Democrat followers eventually make the same choice. It's another MLK Day and another opportunity to remember the man and his legacy. Am I the only one who thinks that no one in the modern Democrat party remembers a word he said? Does anyone remember when he said this? I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. What I am hearing from today's left is that everything is about race or skin color. If you mention character, then you are likely to be called a racist. I still remember the day that he was killed. My buddy Harvey phoned me with the news that Dr. Martin Luther King had been shot in Memphis. Then President Johnson spoke to the nation. By a crazy coincidence, he had just announced days before that he would not be running for re-election in 1968. Then all hell broke loose. Cities were burning from coast to coast. I shared the frustration about Dr. King's assassination but did not understand what looting businesses had to do with the shooting. My guess is that all the chaos boosted Governor George Wallace's campaign, the "law and order" man that election. Over the last years, we've created a national holiday to remember Dr. King, and his words are heard over and over again. Nevertheless, I've asked myself a simple question: what would Dr. King say of the state of black America today? the collapse of the black family? the black-on-black crime? the terrible black Democrat leadership that runs cities like Baltimore and Detroit? the dependence on government programs? We will never know, but I'll submit that Dr. King would not be happy. For sure, he'd be reminding the "identity politics" Democrats to judge people by their character, not the color of their skin. Go read that "I have a dream" speech, and ask yourself a simple question: do the Democrats believe that anymore? PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos. Image: New York Public Library. Vermont university and public officials worked frantically to prevent a January 15 showing of Matt Walsh's documentary, What is a Woman? The event was scheduled by Travis Allen, father of the local Randolph Union High School girl who complained about being compelled to undress in front of a male student. School security for Vermont Technical College pulled the computers from the building and informed Mr. Allen that he could not use school equipment under the leasing agreement. The pressure to cancel the film originated from local "equity coordinator," Dana Decker, and Randolph Union school counselor Beverly Taft. The cancelation was by a public institution, fueled by government employees, which raises clear First Amendment issues. Had this been X-rated pornography or featured drag queens for young children, these public officials would likely have shared the event gladly. But private citizens using public property to view a trans-documentary is verboten. Decker posted to Facebook: We cannot keep on perpetuating the hate in our already broken community Here's some of trans liberation group intel: Trans liberation group are asking central vt community to call VTC and express their dismay at hosting this event... "Hello, my name is... and I want to express my disappointment that VTC would show a transphobic propaganda film in the same town where recent Transphobic events have occurred..." The alleged "transphobic event" involved girls complaining about a male gawking at them while they changed, which was portrayed as harassment of the boy. The girls have been discredited by school authorities, despite the transgender voyeur's recorded admission that what the girls reported is exactly true. RUHS counselor Taft zealously took to social media to object to Walsh's film: [I]t is troubling something like this is happening on the grounds of a public education institution, in a community where young people have been viciously put at risk... This event is sure to stoke the fires of hate. The fires of hate are stoked by these government mouths attendees at the voluntary showing included parents of children who have been "viciously put at risk" by reckless government ideologues. These public employees demand content discrimination on behalf of a "trans liberation group" (whoever that is). It is verboten to even watch a film in Vermont if it questions official government propaganda about queer ideology and the potential harms thereof to minor children. Walsh's film does just that: The documentary tells stories of young female athletes forced to compete against, and share locker rooms with, biological males who identify as female. ... The documentary's strength is in being educational about the current status of the gender-ideology movement, its cultural influence and its dangers. Vermont is abolishing basic civil rights. The father of a girl punished for objecting to males in the girls' changing room is prohibited from airing a documentary about female athletes being compelled to change in front of males in locker rooms, by the same government that compelled his daughter to disrobe. Vermont Tech distributed an email an hour after the event was canceled, by President Parwinder Grewel: I am committed to ensuring that our students and employees are welcome and feel safe. This week, we will review our facilities use policies and engage our community in any changes to them, recognizing our responsibility as a public institution to maintain reasonable and viewpoint neutral policies. We encourage all to engage in civil discourse and thoughtful debate that does not normalize discriminatory but protected speech. This is far from "viewpoint neutral": the college claims it must not "normalize discriminatory but protected speech." American First Amendment law "normalizes" protected speech. Walsh's film constitutes protected "thoughtful debate" about the merits of gender theory, which is "woven into every tenet" of this government institution. Viewing a popular movie is prohibited because it transgresses against the established trans-dogma of the woke state. More viewings of What is a Woman? are being scheduled in Vermont with free popcorn and pizza. If the speech-stiflers hate it this much, it merits another gander. Image: Daily Wire. According to a new report from The Pixel, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 may feature a less visible crease and a 108MP camera. The Pixel is a Vietnamese blog that recently suggested that the Z Fold 5 will be both slightly heavier and thicker, as it will include an S Pen silo. The Galaxy Z Fold 5 tipped to have a less visible crease, and offer a 108MP camera Well, that very same source is now back with some more information. Do take it with a grain of salt, as was the case with the aforementioned rumor. The source shared even more info now. The source claims that the Galaxy Z Fold 5 will have a much less pronounced display crease, in line with the competition, and Naver (via GaryeonHan) explains why. Samsung seemingly developed a new hinge, called the dumbbell hinge. That hinge allows the main display to sink inside the phones body, and prevents the phone from creasing as much. This also seems to be a waterdrop-style hinge other companies are using. Another benefit of this hinge is the fact the Galaxy Z Fold 5 will fold flat, unlike its predecessors. Thats also in line with what other OEMs have been doing, OEMs such as OPPO. It will be interesting to see whether Samsung will be able to retain water and dust resistance with this new design, as other OEMs do not offer it. Advertisement The phones dimensions have also appeared The Pixel claims the Galaxy Z Fold 5 will feature a 7.6-inch display with a resolution of 1768 x 2208. The phones dimensions, when unfolded, will be 158.5 x 128.5 x 6.5mm. It will be a bit taller, wider, and slightly thinner (when unfolded), than its predecessor. In the folded state it will be taller, wider, and thicker than the Galaxy Z Fold 4. It will allegedly measure 158.5 x 67.5 x 14.5-16mm. On top of everything, the source says that the phone will weigh 275 grams, compared to 263 grams of the Galaxy Z Fold 4. A 108-megapixel main camera from the Galaxy S22 Ultra will allegedly be in use. That camera will be backed by a 12-megapixel ultrawide unit, and a 64-megapixel telephoto camera (2x optical zoom). An S Pen silo is also expected to be included, as per the previous report. As already mentioned, take this report with a grain of salt. The massive power and influence of Big Tech over politics, national security, and the economy allegedly become a concern for the US administration. According to an op-ed Biden wrote for The Wall Street Journal, he has called for bipartisan legislation to keep Big Tech in check and make them accountable for their actions. He also recently asked for a probe into Elon Musks Neuralink. While the president did not mention a specific company, we all know that companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Meta are called Big Tech. These companies usually gather a vast amount of data from users. President Biden also believes Big Tech can deepen extremism and polarization in our country, tilt our economys playing field, violate the civil rights of women and minorities, and even put our children at risk. Privacy is a top concern for the president, and hes asking for serious federal protections for the data that Big Tech is collecting from users. Biden says legislation should determine a limit for the data collection practices, including biometric, health, browsing history, location, and communications data. President Biden is worried about Big Tech data collection The US president also calls for extra protection for young people who are especially vulnerable online and suggests limiting targeted advertising or banning it altogether. Biden alluded to Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act that gives immunity to online platforms from civil liability. Revoking Section 230 was one of Bidens presidential campaign promises that have yet to come true. Likewise, US senators and Congress members have recently proposed several bills to amend Section 230 and keep Big Tech accountable. Advertisement Besides limiting data collection, Joe Biden wants tech companies to be more transparent about their algorithms to stop them from discriminating, keeping opportunities away from equally qualified women and minorities. Additionally, Biden says algorithms can harm childrens mental health and safety. Despite the political differences, it seems that the Democrats and Republicans are united in passing bills that restrict major tech companies. Last February, a bipartisan bill was introduced to give children more control over their privacy options and keep them away from harmful content like self-harm, sexual exploitation, and alcohol. In the end, Biden mentioned his efforts to promote competition in the US economy and tech industry. My vision for our economy is one in which everyone small and midsized businesses, mom-and-pop shops, entrepreneurs can compete on a level playing field with the biggest companies, Biden said. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has recently filed a lawsuit against Voyager Labs for allegedly creating tens of thousands of fake Facebook accounts to scrape user data and provide surveillance services for clients. According to the legal filing, Meta alleges that Voyager Labs created over 38,000 fake Facebook user accounts to scrape information from over 600,000 Facebook users and groups belonging to employees of non-profit organizations, universities, news media organizations, healthcare facilities, the armed forces of the United States, and local, state, and federal government agencies, as well as full-time parents, retirees, and union members. Furthermore, Voyager also scraped data from Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Telegram to sell and license for profit. As a result, Meta disabled more than 60,000 Voyager Labs-related Facebook and Instagram accounts and pages on or about January 12th. Meta is demanding that the company stop violating its terms of service and has asked a judge to permanently ban Voyager from Facebook and Instagram, claiming that Voyagers actions have caused it to incur damages, including investigative costs, in an amount to be proven at trial. Companies like Voyager are part of an industry that provides scraping services to anyone regardless of the users they target and for what purpose, including as a way to profile people for criminal behaviour, said Jessica Romero, Metas Director of Platform Enforcement and Litigation. This industry covertly collects information that people share with their community, family, and friends, without oversight or accountability, and in a way that may implicate peoples civil rights. Advertisement Understanding Voyagers business model The company bills itself as a leader in advanced AI-based investigation solutions. However, in practice, this means analyzing social media posts to make claims about individuals. According to The Guardian, Voyager Labs sold its services to the Los Angeles Police Department, with the company claiming to predict which individuals were likely to commit crimes in the future. However, experts say these technologies are flawed, and algorithms are too simple to predict crime effectively. Voyagers model suggested factors like Instagram usernames denoting Arab pride or tweets about Islam could indicate someone is leaning toward extremist ideologies. Samsung has reportedly hired a new head for its online sales and marketing team. According to the Korean media, the company has roped in former Yogiyo CEO Kang Shin-bong for this role. Kang will serve as the vice president of the Korean tech behemoths newly established Direct to Consumer (D2C) Center under its Global Marketing division. He will lead Samsungs efforts to improve and strengthen its brand image through online sales channels. Kang brings decades of professional experience to Samsung. He studied business administration at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, and served various roles in companies like Boston Consulting Group, eBay, and Yogiyo. Most recently, he was the CEO of Yogiyo, which is South Koreas second-largest food delivery platform. Yang stepped down from his role at Yogiyo in May last year after more than five years citing personal reasons. He remained an advisor for the company but may have now quit that role after joining Samsung. Samsung has been finding it difficult to keep Chinese firms at bay in the smartphone market lately. While it remains the worlds largest smartphone vendor, the company is losing market share to its Chinese rivals, which are coming at it fast with aggressive pricing. The Korean behemoth has been unable to match that. It has also failed to penetrate the Chinese market, and that means a massive loss of opportunity. After all, China is the worlds most populous country and the largest smartphone market globally. The company may be hoping Kwang will help improve its brand image in the country. Advertisement Samsung recently hired a Mercedes designer This is Samsungs second high-profile hiring in less than a month. In late 2022, the company announced that it had roped in former Chief Design Officer of Mercedes, Hubert H. Lee, to lead its smartphone design team. Lee has two decades of experience in design and leadership at the very top. He will serve as the executive vice president and head of design at Samsungs MX (Mobile eXperience) division that oversees the smartphone business. The Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Galaxy Z Flip 5 foldables should be the Korean firms first major products under Lees close watch. The fifth-gen Galaxy foldables will arrive in mid-2023. Early rumors are already suggesting major aesthetic improvements on the new devices. We should hear more about them in the coming month, once Samsung is done and dusted with the Galaxy S23 series flagships, which arrive on February 1st. Samsung is reportedly on track to complete the construction of its $17 billion semiconductor factory in Texas this year. Located in the city of Taylor in Williamson County, it is the companys second chip manufacturing plant in the US. The other factory is also located in Texas (Austin, Travis County) and has been operational since 1996. The new site is about 25 kilometers away from the existing one. Samsung announced the Taylor factory in November 2021. It chose the site after exploring many others across the US, including a new site in Austin. The construction of the factory began last year. In December 2022, the Korean media reported that the tech behemoth has placed equipment orders for building clean rooms at the location. Clean rooms are clean rooms where semiconductor manufacturing takes place. These enclosed spaces are free from any dirt and pollution. Atmospheric parameters such as pressure and temperature are also manually regulated to ensure optimal manufacturing conditions. The latest update about the factory is that Samsung is motoring along nicely with its construction. In a recent Instagram post, the companys co-CEO and the head of the chip business Kyung Kye-hyun said that the construction is on track. The fab will be finished within this year and start producing the best products next year, he wrote. An accompanying photo featured Williamson County Commissioners Court Judge Bill Gravell handing over the Samsung Highway road sign to Kyung. Samsung Highway is the new name of the road near the under-construction Taylor factory. The road was previously called Future County Road. Samsung will manufacture advanced semiconductors in the new chip factory Samsung plans to manufacture advanced semiconductor solutions in its upcoming factory in Taylor, Texas. The new site will churn out 5nm and smaller chips starting next year. The Korean company already seems to be losing the competition with TSMC in 3nm solutions despite beginning mass production several months early. It reportedly found it difficult to improve its yield rates in the early stages. The firm took the help of San Jose, California-based software company Silicon Frontline Technology to figure out a resolution. Advertisement However, Samsung seems to have already lost several big customers to TSMC, including Qualcomm and Tesla. The company is expecting its chip sales to get halved this year, with no significant improvements projected for next year. Time will tell whether a new factory will help Samsung gain some of the last customers. We should hear from the company once the Taylor plant is operational. (ANSA) - ROME, JAN 16 - European Commissioner for Financial Stability Valdis Dombrovskis said Monday he saw progress in Italy's dropping its position as remaining hold out against the ratification of the reform of the EU's bailout fund the European Stability Mechanism. On Italy's ratification of the reform, the EC VP said, "there seems to be some progress, so we hope to be able to confirm ratification" by all members. Dombrovskis was speaking on the sidelines of the Eurogroup, which is also expected to have an update on the ratification process of the ESM, sources said. Premier Giorgia Meloni on Thursday met with ESM chiefs in Rome and asked them to consider possible adjustments to make it an effective tool to meet the demands of all EU economies, saying that it was currently an "anomalous" instrument, used by no one, the premier's office said. Along with Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, Meloni met new ESM Director-General and former Luxembourg finance minister Pierre Gramagna, named last month, and Secretary-General Nicola Giammarioli of Italy. The hour-long meeting came after Italy held out from approving ESM reform. Meloni said that she would "sign in blood" the vow not to OK it. The Italian premier has said the EU should unlock ESM funds for "other initiatives". (ANSA). (ANSA) - ROME, JAN 16 - An Italian activist was arrested during an Israeli army operation in a Palestinian refugee camp on Monday, local sources said. The 50-ish woman, Stefania Costantini, reportedly engaged in aid work, was arrested in the Dheisheh camp at Bethlehem, in the West Bank, they said. The reason for her arrest is not yet clear. Italian diplomatic authorities, the consulate in Jerusalem and the embassy in Israel are following the case. Local sources, cited by Palestinian news agency WAFA, said that "Israeli soldiers burst into the home of Palestinian journalist Nidal Abu Aker, beat his son, who had just had a surgical operation, and questioned his wife." The IDF soldiers, WAFA went on, also burst into the home of Abu Aker's elderly mother, where they reportedly found the Italian activist and arrested her. (ANSA). (ANSA) - ROME, JAN 16 - An Italian activist who was arrested during an Israeli army operation in a Palestinian refugee camp early Monday was repatriated later in the day, well-informed sources said. The 50-ish woman, Stefania Costantini, reportedly engaged in aid work, was flown back to Italy due a visa expiry after she was arrested in the Dheisheh camp at Bethlehem, in the West Bank. Italian diplomatic authorities, the consulate in Jerusalem and the embassy in Israel are following the case. Local sources, cited by Palestinian news agency WAFA, said that "Israeli soldiers burst into the home of Palestinian journalist Nidal Abu Aker, beat his son, who had just had a surgical operation, and questioned his wife." The IDF soldiers, WAFA went on, also burst into the home of Abu Aker's elderly mother, where they reportedly found the Italian activist and arrested her. (ANSA). BEIRUT - Iran strengthens its political and commercial discussions with the United Arab Emirates, the only country in the Gulf to entertain cordial relations with the Islamic Republic, regional rival of Saudi Arabia. The UAE also normalized their relations with Israel, Iran's arch-enemy. As UAE media reported on monday, an Iranian government delegation held talks with UAE government officers in Abu Dhabi to discuss economic cooperation. Following the tension that came after the normalization of relations between the UAE and Israel, Tehran and Abu Dhabi re-launched strong political and diplomatic relations since 2021. According to the UAE news agency, the Minister of State, Khalifa al Marar, in the last days, met with the Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran for economic diplomacy, Mahdi Safari and other members of the delegation from Tehran. The two parties, writes the news agency Wam, held a series of meetings geared to economic bilateral cooperation in various sectors, focusing mainly on: energy, trade, transport and tourism. Said Hajari, the assistant to the Foreign Affairs Minister for Economic Affairs of the UAE, stated that commercial relations between the United Arab Emirates and Iran are "an example of partnership in the private sector, based on cooperation, trust and mutual benefits". Europe's crowned heads in Athens for funeral of Constantine II Private ceremony, Greek Minister of Culture Mendoni attended (ANSAmed) - ATHENS, 16 GEN - The kings and queens of Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Prince Albert II of Monaco, the Swedish heir to the throne, the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, gathered together at Athens Metropolitan Cathedral this morning, to take part at the private funeral, which were celebrated by Athens' Archbishop Ieronymos II. Constantine II was the former King of Greece, he passed away last Tuesday at age 82, due to an ictus. A descendant of the royal family of Schleswig-Holstein-Glucksburg, Constantine II became king in 1964 and was king until 1973. In 1968, during the Regime of the Colonels, he was forced to go into exile, first in Rome and later in London, where he lived for 40 years, until he returned to his home country in 2013. In 1960 he won a gold medal for sailing at the Rome Olympic games. He will be buried at the former royal residence of Tatoi, to the north of Athens, where most of the royal family members are buried. A few hours after the death of the last monarch, the Greek government communicated that the funerals would be held as a private ceremony. At the ceremony, representing the Greek government, were the Vice President Panagiotis Picrammenos and the Minister of Culture, Lina Mendoni. Among other present, there was the president of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, Spyros Capralos. The British royal family was represented by Princess Ann, the sister of Charles III, both cousins of the former Greek king. There were also present the former queen of Spain, Sofia, the sister of Constantine II and her husband, Juan Carlos. Outside the Cathedral, according to the Greek TV ERT, approximately 3,000 people were gathered to pay their final goodbye. Historically, the Greek royal family has not been popular among the people, who saw the monarchs as the expression of foreign interference in their country. In 1974, in a referendum, the monarchy was definitely abolished with 70% votes in favor. (ANSAmed). ROME - An Italian activist was arrested during an Israeli army operation in a Palestinian refugee camp on Monday, local sources said. The 50-ish woman, Stefania Costantini, reportedly engaged in aid work, was arrested in the Dheisheh camp at Bethlehem, in the West Bank, they said. The reason for her arrest is not yet clear. Italian diplomatic authorities, the consulate in Jerusalem and the embassy in Israel are following the case. Local sources, cited by Palestinian news agency WAFA, said that "Israeli soldiers burst into the home of Palestinian journalist Nidal Abu Aker, beat his son, who had just had a surgical operation, and questioned his wife." The IDF soldiers, WAFA went on, also burst into the home of Abu Aker's elderly mother, where they reportedly found the Italian activist and arrested her. ROME - An Italian activist who was arrested during an Israeli army operation in a Palestinian refugee camp early Monday was repatriated later in the day. The 50-ish woman, Stefania Costantini, reportedly engaged in aid work, was flown back to Italy due a visa expiry after she was arrested in the Dheisheh camp at Bethlehem, in the West Bank. Italian diplomatic authorities, the consulate in Jerusalem and the embassy in Israel are following the case. The reason for her arrest is not yet clear. Local sources, cited by Palestinian news agency WAFA, said that "Israeli soldiers burst into the home of Palestinian journalist Nidal Abu Aker, beat his son, who had just had a surgical operation, and questioned his wife." The IDF soldiers, WAFA went on, also burst into the home of Abu Aker's elderly mother, where they reportedly found the Italian activist and arrested her. ROME - Mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro, Italy's most wanted man, has been arrested by the Carabinieri police's ROS unit after 30 years on the run, sources said on Monday. He was arrested inside the day hospital of a private clinic in Palermo and did not put up resistance, the sources said. When approached by an officer and asked for his name, he replied: "I am Matteo Messina Denaro". Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni hailed the arrest as a "great victory for the State". Noting that it happened the day after the anniversary of late Cosa Nostra boss-of-bosses Toto Riina's arrest in 1993, she said it shows that the State "does not give up in the face of the Mafia". "My warmest thanks and those of the entire government go to the police forces, in particular to the Carabinieri Ros section, the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor's Office, and the Palermo Prosecutor's Office, for the capture of the most significant figure in the mafia," she added. "The government will make sure that the fight against mafia crime continues without respite, as demonstrated by the fact that this executive's first measure - the defence of the 'carcere ostativo' (tough prison regime for mafia convicts) - concerned precisely this matter." The 60-year-old mobster, aka Diabollik, had been on the run since 1993. He had having treatment at the clinic, which is called 'La Maddalena', for over a year, sources said. Other patients clapped and shouted "Bravi!" (well done) during the arrest. Messina Denaro was taken to the San Lorenzo Carabinieri barracks in Palermo after the operation. The clinic said the ex-fugitive was undergoing cancer treatment there under a false name. The mobster, who got his nickname from the Italian comic book character Diabolik, a masked superthief anti-hero, was seen by some experts as the boss of bosses within the Mafia after the deaths of Bernardo 'The Tractor' Provenzano in 2016 and 'The Beast' Riina in 2017, although other experts said he was not at the very summit of Mafia power, without being able to say who occupies that post, possibly because it is vacant. Giovanni Falcone's assassination was ordered by then boss of bosses Riina with the agreement of former co-boss Provenzano. In 2020, Messina Denaro was also convicted of complicity in greenlighting the 1992 bombings that killed Falcone and his friend and colleague Paolo Borsellino two months later. The bombs, which also killed Falcone 's wife and members of both prosecutors' security details, sparked a strong reaction from the State. Messina Denaro was condemned to life in prison for involvement dozens of murders, including those of Falcone and Borsellino and that of Giuseppe Di Matteo, the 12-year-old son of a mobster-turned-State witness who was strangled and dissolved in acid in 1996, and bombings in Milan, Florence and Rome in 1993. Reportedly idolised by Cosa Nostra's younger troops because of his ruthlessness and playboy-like charisma, Messina Denaro sealed a reputation for brutality by murdering a rival Trapani boss and strangling his three-months-pregnant girlfriend. President Sergio Mattarella called Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and the Commander of the Carabinieri police Teo Luzi on Monday to congratulate them on Messina Denaro's arrest, the head of State's office said in a statement. Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi expressed "great satisfaction" at the arrest, hailing it was a "historic result in the fight against the mafia". "Congratulations to the Palermo Public Prosecutor's Office and to the Carabinieri police, who have brought a very dangerous fugitive to justice," he said during a visit to Ankara. "It is an extraordinary day for the State and for all those who have always fought against mafias". Palermo chief prosecutor Maurizio De Lucia said "we have caught the last of the mafia bombers of 1992-3" and added "it is a debt which the Republic had with the victims of the Mafia which we have in part settled". Meloni visited Palermo on Monday and said she wanted January 16 to become a national day dedicated to the people who combat organized crime. 'We are used to remembering, above all, those who make the ultimate sacrifice in the fight against the mafia," Meloni told reporters. "But there are people who sacrifice their entire existence to achieve these goals. "I would like today to be the day on which the work of these men and women is celebrated. "It is a proposal I will make - a day of celebration for us to tell our children that the mafia can be beaten". She said Monday was a "historic" day but stressed that the mafia has not been defeated yet. "We have not won the war," she said. "But this was a fundamental battle to win and it is a big blow to organised crime". Meloni added that her government would take action to ensure that people do not turn to the Mafia because the State fails to provide answers to their problems. Referring to people like those in Palermo who applauded when Messina Denaro was arrested at a private clinic on Monday, she she "they will not be left alone. "The message is to continue to believe that the State can give better answers, that the State is there, it will take care of them, we will do our best so that they will never have to find themselves in the situation of despair of having to do something they never want to do," she said. "But they must also have the alternative and we must build the alternative, we must do everything we can, because that is the most effective tool in the fight against the cancer of the mafia". The premier also held a minute's silence on Monday at the site of the Capaci bombing, the Cosa Nostra attack in which anti-mafia magistrate Falcone was killed along with his wife and three police bodyguards in May 1992. Falcone's friend and colleague Borsellino was killed in another mafia bombing along with five members of his security detail two months later. Palestinian boy, 14, killed in clashes with Israeli army At Bethlehem camp. Army says they were attacked with explosives (ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, 16 GEN - A young Palestinian boy,14, was killed in the Dheisheh camp, in Bethlehem, West Bank, during clashes with the Israeli army. The Palestinian Health Ministry- cited by Wafa news agency- identified the boy as Omar Lofti Khumour, who died at the hospital after being wounded in the head. The army - cited by the media - said that during their operations at the refugee camp "suspects threw stones, explosives and Molotov bottles against the soldiers that responded". The army added that 19 Palestinians were arrested in other operations in the West Bank, in particular in Qabatiya, near Jenin, where soldiers responded to fire. The same - always according to the Israeli army, mentioned by the media - happened in Nablus. In Hebron a wanted Palestinian was arrested and an M16 rifle was confiscated. Since the beginning of 2023- according to Wafa news agency- 14 Palestinians were killed in clashes with the Israeli. Wide army operations began in the West Bank after the wave of attacks that took place in Israel last year. (ANSAmed). Aid workers get initial victory in trial in Lesvos, Greece Espionage charges dismissed due to "procedural reasons" (ANSAmed) - ATHENS, 16 GEN - A group of 24 aid workers and volunteers who participated in migrant rescue operations on the Greek island of Lesvos, won a significant battle in their trial after espionage charges against them were dismissed by the court due to "procedural reasons". The defendants, which includes Sarah Mardini, a 25-year-old Syrian refugee, and Sean Binder, a 27-year-old German national, are not out of the woods yet, however, as they also face more serious criminal charges of facilitating illegal entry of migrants, participation in a criminal organization and fraud, which remain pending amid an ongoing investigation. The trial, which was initially set to go ahead in 2021 but was postponed twice previously over procedural issues, started on Friday. The smuggling-related case has been widely criticized by human rights groups. And on Friday the trial concluded at 2pm local time, with the Lesvos court largely accepting the objections of the defendants' lawyers on procedural grounds and dismissed the prosecution's indictment as invalid by the North Aegean Criminal Court of Appeal. As a result, there will be no decision on the merits of the case. The court's ruling means that the trial will not continue until the indictment is corrected. Local media reported that this is unlikely to happen now. Although there was much relief outside the court after the ruling, the 24 defendants remain anxious about the criminal prosecution, the investigative process of which has not been completed almost five years down the line. "We're not going to celebrate the obvious," said Zacharias Keses, Mardini's and Binder's defense attorney. He also represents Charis Petsikos and Cleo Papapantolean. Despite this, the fact that the court has "recognized the mistakes made during the subpoena and the referral is very important as a message to the inquiry process", added Keses. Reacting to the news, Nils Muiznieks, director of Amnesty International's European Regional Office, said: "Today's decision offers authorities a new opportunity to end this ordeal and right their own wrongs by dropping all charges, including the more serious felony charges still pending. The procedural errors cited by the court, including the failure to provide a translation, only compound the absurdity of the Greek authorities targeting people who defended the rights of migrants and refugees. We strongly urge the Greek authorities once again to drop all charges and allow Sarah and Sean to return to their lives. The criminalization of these brave human rights defenders just because they helped refugees and migrants in need shows the callous attitude of Greece and Europe towards people seeking safety at their borders." The indictment will now be sent back to the prosecution. For the 24 defendants, the remaining misdemeanor charges are set to expire in February 2023, while the previously mentioned felony charges against the aid workers, including facilitating illegal entry, participation in a criminal organization and fraud, remain pending. The UN's Refugee Agency (UNHCR) added to Amnesty International's comments with a statement of their own in support of the 24 defendants. "NGOs and volunteers acting in line with the law provide additional and much-needed support when needs overcome capacity. Those performing rescue operations or providing assistance in good faith should not be penalized for doing so. Saving lives at sea and providing humanitarian assistance is a moral and humanitarian imperative; it is one of the most basic obligations of humanity," said the UNHCR statement via Twitter. (ANSAmed). ROME - The number of people rescued at sea has gone, on average, from 300 to less than 80, since the new migration decree passed. This is what the head of mission of Doctors Without Borders, Juan Matias Gil, highlighted at the press conference over the decree which was held at the lower chamber of the Italian Parliament. "After eight years people continue to die in the Mediterranean", he added. "The way we operate now is we leave after we've conducted the first rescue, while before we conducted on average 4.5 rescues per mission", he explains. Since 2015 "233 thousand people" were rescued, underscores Valentina Brinis of Open Arms. The number of penal and administrative proceedings the NGO faced over the course of these years stands at 20, according to the NGO. "It is an area of the sea where in 2023, lives continue to be lost. This route is extremely busy, every year between 80 thousand to 100 thousand people travel on it. Over two thousand people die on this route per year", adds Brinis. Tunisian nationalist party wants 'Sub-Saharan migrants out' Petition to deport them, denouncing an alleged conspiracy (ANSAmed) - TUNISI, 16 GEN - The increase in numbers of irregular migrants coming from different African countries, who are stuck in Tunisia for various reasons, has resulted in the most conservative parts of Tunisian society to ask to be "shielded" against these new arrivals. They are seen as unwanted guests or, worse, as "invaders". With the pretext of "defending Tunisian sovereignty", for example, over recent months, the little-known Tunisian Nationalist Party is conducting a campaign based on harsh talk, asking, through a petition, for irregular migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa to be ousted from Tunisia. The political entity, with approximately 30 thousand supporters on social media, regularly operates in Tunisia under the guise of having been authorized by the Interior Ministry in 2018 and it has launched a campaign titled "fight against the colonization of Tunisia by Sub-Saharan irregular migrants". Some of its members go around the neighborhoods in Tunis to raise awareness among the population to oppose the migrants' presence in Tunisia, spreading a conspiracy theory alleging that their presence is the result of a plan by European countries, who are in collusion with francophone Tunisian elites, supported by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to "colonize" Tunisia. According to the Nationalist Tunisian Party, the majority of Sub-Saharan Africans who arrive on Tunisian soil, come from francophone countries and it is used by the country's "enemy forces" in a sort of clash of civilizations. Tunisia was one of the first countries in the world to abolish slavery and in 2018, it was the first country in the region, to adopt a law that makes racial discrimination a crime. Among the requests of the petition of the Tunisian Nationalist Party is the repeal of the law 50/2018, on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, in addition to the imposition of visas for all those entering Tunisia who come from Sub-Saharan countries. (ANSAmed). Scientists and clinicians are set to receive 47.5 million over the next five years to help develop new cancer treatments. As part of a partnership between Cancer Research UK, the NIHR and The Little Princess Trust, 17 adult Experimental Cancer Medicine Centres (ECMCs) will host clinical trials for these treatments. The ECMCs in Belfast, Birmingham, Cambridge, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Oxford, Southampton and five locations in London will receive 40.8 million to conduct these trials. Meanwhile, an additional 2.2 million has been allocated to expand research at 12 paediatric ECMCs across the UK with the total budget earmarked at 6.6 million over five years. The increased funding for the paediatric network will help employ new research staff, including nurses and data managers who are critical for delivering these trials to patients, Cancer Research UK said. Executive director of research and innovation at Cancer Research UK, Dr Iain Foulkes, said: We are proud to be supporting an expansion of our successful ECMC network, bringing together vast medical and scientific expertise to translate the latest scientific discoveries from the lab into the clinic. The ECMC network is delivering the cancer treatments of the future, bringing new hope to people affected by cancer. The trials taking place today will give the next generation the best possible chance of beating cancer. Minister of State for Health Helen Whately said: A cancer diagnosis can be devastating but the earlier the diagnosis, the better the chance to treat it and beat it. We are already picking up more cancers early by screening but we can do even better. This partnership between Cancer Research UK, the National Institute for Health and Care Research and the Little Princess Trust will fund innovative trials that could lead to new life-saving treatments. Every life lost to cancer is devastating and Im pleased that across the country, people will be given renewed hope especially children and young people that we can beat this awful disease. British and Irish talent was left extremely disappointed at the 28th annual Critics Choice Awards, after being snubbed in every major category. Martin McDonaghs The Banshees Of Inisherin went home empty-handed, despite having scored multiple previous wins and nine total CCA nominations. The film was beaten in the best picture category by Everything Everywhere All At Once, and McDonagh also lost out to the sc-fi thrillers creators Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert for best director. Colin Farrell tested positive to Covid-19 so did not attend the ceremony(Willy Sanjuan/Invision/AP) The films star Colin Farrell who won the Golden Globe for best actor in a musical or comedy earlier this week was beaten for the top acting award by Brendan Fraser. Farrell and his costar Brendan Gleeson did not attend the ceremony on Sunday after testing positive for Covid-19, according to reports by US media outlets. Kerry Condon also lost out in the CCA best supporting actress to Black Panther star Angela Bassett. Farrells co star Kerry Condon was nominated as best supporting actress (Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP) The only win for British talent came from Daniel Radcliffe, who won best actor in a limited series or movie made for television, for his performance in Weird: The Al Yankovic story. The Harry Potter star, who plays the US musical comedian in his spoof biopic, was not present at the ceremony to collect the award. In the television categories, Matt Smith and House Of The Dragon also lost out with Smith beaten for best supporting actor in a drama series by Giancarlo Esposito. Businesses close to The O2 Academy Brixton have reacted with dismay to the suspension of its licence for three months after two people were killed in a crowd crush. The stairs to the venue remain covered in floral tributes to security guard Gaby Hutchinson, 23, and Rebecca Ikumelo, 33, who died after ticketless fans tried to enter an Asake gig on December 15. Aman Wold, owner of cafe bar Brixtonia, said the three month ban was unnecessary and would reduce his takings significantly. He told the PA News Agency: At the weekend, on Friday and Saturday night, a lot of us have definitely noticed the impact already. I would say without exaggeration that on Friday and Saturday we lose at least 25% or 30%. On the road you can see it is a lot quieter, especially on weekends. I think it is unnecessary. Gaby Hutchinson who was named as the second person to have died after a crowd crush at the O2 Brixton Academy (Metropolitan Police/PA) Nearby Japanese restaurant Sushi Revolution has also seen its custom fall and owner Tom Blackshaw said the venues closure was harming the local area. He said: It is not good timing to lose one of the big draws of people to this area with the cost of living and inflation at the same time. The quality of the acts you get there are first class and it will be missed until it comes back, but were obviously hoping it could come back and operate safely. He added: When there is a concert on we get a nice number of 20 people in, all in groups of two. We like them because they come to eat quickly and then go straight away. It was good for us. Renato Carato is a front of house staff member at Greek eatery Mikos, which he said was missing out on 1,000 it made every night from revellers heading to and from the Academy. Rebecca Ikumelo, 33, who died following a crowd crush outside an Asake concert at the O2 Academy Brixton (Family handout/PA) When it was open, a lot of people would come after the concerts but now it has closed, not many customers come at night, he told PA. I am worried about the next three months because it will affect the business. So many people used to come before and after the shows when they were going in and coming out. We just have to keep going, especially because we are a new place. We have only been open five months. At Brixton Kebab, a takeaway just 20 metres down the road from the O2, staff said the whole of Brixton was struggling because of the venues closure. Crowds outside the Academy on the night Asake performed (@rofiatcc/PA) A waiter, who asked not to be named, said: When the shows are on, it is really busy and all of Brixton gets loads of business. But because of the closure it has been quiet. About 6,000 people come to the gigs and we are always very, very busy and we could make up to 2,000 a day. It is packed, all the restaurants are packed, all the places are packed and the streets are packed. There is a very big queue here. It should re-open. It is good for all the people and it brings business to this place. Scientists have revealed the oldest known example of a sexual combat weapon similar to the structures found in modern-day rhino beetles. A unique specimen of a trilobite trident, showing four rather than three tines (or prongs), suggests the structures may have been used for combat rather than feeding, as previously thought. Researchers say this is a rare example of fossil anatomical weaponry and unlocks important information regarding the form and sexual behaviours of this extinct arthropod group. Trilobites were invertebrate animals with an exoskeleton, a segmented body and paired jointed legs. The analysis of the Walliserops trifurcatus fossil suggests the prongs may have been used in combat and competition for mates such as male jousting to gain female favours. It had previously been thought the trident was used for feeding. However, the four-tined creature had grown to full maturity and adult size. The scientists suggest malformations in a variety of living organisms show that a malformation in a feeding structure would possibly have hindered the survival of the individual. This supported the theory that the trident may have played a sexually selected function instead. Professor Richard Fortey, scientific associate at the Natural History Museum and co-author of the paper, said: The extraordinary Devonian trilobite Walliserops carried a unique, giant trident on its head, the purpose of which has long been a mystery. We now believe that it was used for jousting between males striving for dominance. Examples of sexually selected traits can be found in many living and fossil specimens and involve a process where traits are selected because they enhance fertilisation success. The individual W.trifurcatus fossil was found in Morocco. Scientists used comparisons of specimens including the unique fossil to map and compare the structures to the similar morphologies found in Dynastinae (rhino) beetles. According to the researchers, the results showed that the trident shares a similar structure and function to those used in sexual competition and combat, making this the oldest example of its kind. Prof Fortey said: The evolution of sexually motivated competition in animals is hundreds of millions of years older than we thought. The findings are published in the PNAS journal. Gaps still remain between London and Brussels over the Northern Ireland Protocol, Downing Street said, as the Foreign Secretary resumes talks with the European Commission vice-president. James Cleverly will speak to Maros Sefcovic on Monday over a proposal to iron out issues with post-Brexit trade arrangements affecting Northern Ireland and Great Britain. Speculation had mounted in recent days that the two sides could be edging towards a breakthrough on the Northern Ireland Protocol, amid suggestions that cross-Channel relations have improved since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister. Downing Street on Monday appeared to play down hopes of an imminent breakthrough, saying issues remain outstanding in the negotiations. They will continue to look at any progress thats being made, the Prime Ministers official spokesman said of the meeting. But as weve said on a number of occasions, there are still gaps in our position that need to be resolved in order to address the full range of problems created by the protocol. The announcement last week that a deal had been reached on sharing real-time data on goods travelling from Great Britain to Northern Ireland was seen as a step towards an overall resolution. A UK Government source said the negotiations were proving complex and difficult but there was a desire to work together to reach an agreement. Labour said signs of progress were promising and urged Mr Sunak to ignore the right wing of his party to secure a protocol pact with Brussels. Talk of pushing through the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, heavily criticised by the EU for the way it would unilaterally override parts of the treaty signed by former prime minister Boris Johnson, has grown quieter in recent months. There has also been a flurry of activity in Northern Ireland, with Mr Cleverly and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmers Belfast appearances last week adding to speculation that a protocol announcement is moving nearer. Irish MEP Barry Andrews told Times Radio on Sunday that there was an expectation that a political declaration could emerge out of the Cleverly-Sefcovic talks on Monday. Not an internationally binding agreement, but a political declaration and framework for the way forward, said the Fianna Fail politician. We had some positive announcements last week and generally I think theres been a build-up of trust between the parties. James Cleverly will speak to Maros Sefcovic (PA) Speaking to the PA news agency about Mondays talks, a UK Government source said: Wed all prefer a negotiated solution but significant gaps remain. It is the conversations with the commission that will either bring that about or not. Nobody should be under any illusions that this is complex and difficult but the desire to work together on a solution seems to be there. Alongside the UK-EU talks, Labour will send a delegation to Derry to meet business leaders and learn about how the protocol has affected Northern Ireland trade. Shadow foreign secretary David Lammy, shadow Northern Ireland secretary Peter Kyle and shadow Cabinet Office minister Baroness Chapman will visit Foyle Port, a gateway that handles two million tonnes of cargo a year. Party officials said they were going to see first-hand how red tape from the Conservatives deal and ongoing uncertainty are affecting trade. The protocol was agreed to in 2019 by Mr Johnson as a way of breaking the Brexit deadlock. In order to avoid a hard border in Ireland, it moved customs and food safety checks and processes to the Irish Sea, creating economic and administrative barriers on the movement of goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The protocol is vehemently opposed by many unionists and the DUP is blocking the functioning of a devolved government in Stormont in protest at the arrangements. Mr Lammy said: Recent signs of progress on the protocol are promising Rishi Sunak must press on and stand up to the ERG hardliners before this window of opportunity closes. With a UK Government showing determination, diplomatic skill and hard work, and flexibility on both sides, the problems with the protocol are resolvable. If the Government can reach a deal that delivers for our national interest and the people of Northern Ireland, the Labour Party stands ready to do what it takes to get it over the line. Patients lives are being put at risk after figures revealed some waited almost five years for key diagnostic tests, the Scottish Conservatives say. One patient in NHS Grampian waited 258 weeks for a CT scan while another in the health board waited 255 weeks for an MRI scan in what the party says is a ticking timebomb for the NHS. Freedom of Information requests (FoI) by the party have revealed the longest recorded waits for one of the eight key diagnostic tests on which Public Health Scotland publishes information. Another patient waited 107 weeks for a non-obstetric ultrasound, the longest wait for that kind of diagnostic test. Sandesh Gulhane branded delays to diagnostic testing shameful (Fraser Bremner/PA) In NHS Tayside, a patient waited almost four years for an upper endoscopy, with another waiting almost three years for a colonoscopy. Another patient in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area waited 187 weeks for a lower endoscopy, while another waited 145 weeks for a cystoscopy. The Tories shadow health secretary, Dr Sandesh Gulhane, said the figures were the most extreme waits, but claimed there was a general trend of more and more patients waiting to undergo diagnostic tests. Dr Gulhane said the waiting times are scarcely believable and branded the figures shocking and shameful. He said: These diagnostic tests are potentially life-saving so it is vital patients undergo them as quickly as possible. It is scarcely believable that certain patients have been waiting almost five years for one of these tests. These deeply concerning issues are not confined to one health board either, the lengthy delays are occurring right across Scotland. The number of patients waiting on a key diagnostic test has now soared past 150,000 under the stewardship of Humza Yousaf. His flimsy NHS recovery plan, which is now well over a year old, has failed to remobilise frontline services like lifeline cancer services. Patients are suffering longer and longer delays as a result of his inaction, often with no end in sight. Successive SNP health secretaries failures on workforce planning are coming home to roost and nothing Humza Yousaf has done since he has been in post has improved that situation. The SNP have not met the target waiting times for all cancer patients to begin cancer treatment for a decade. They cannot hide behind the pandemic as an excuse for their overwhelming failures. The Scottish Conservatives have exposed deep-rooted issues at the very heart of our NHS and the buck stops with Humza Yousaf. His tenure as Health Secretary has been a disaster for suffering patients and over-stretched staff. He must be sacked now. Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said: The NHS is experiencing its most challenging winter yet and we must recognise the enormous impact of the pandemic on our health service, and on non-emergency treatment. We are determined to clear the backlog of planned care appointments caused by the pandemic and have set ambitious targets to ensure patients waiting too long are seen more quickly. Health boards have developed plans to increase capacity, workforce and activity. Six mobile MRI and five mobile CT scanners will help people get the diagnostic tests they need, and additional activity throughout the week including weekends, such as weekend endoscopy sessions, will help reduce diagnostic waits. Our 70 million endoscopy and urology diagnostic recovery and renewal plan is increasing capacity and supporting workforce training. Mobile endoscopy units are providing access to an additional six endoscopy rooms. Matt Smith said that if he were to win at the 28th Critics Choice Awards, he would celebrate by having a few lagers with my mates. The actor, who stars in CCA nominated series House Of The Dragon, said it was lovely to have been invited to the event in Los Angeles on Sunday. Smith, who is nominated for best supporting actor for his role in the popular HBO series, was joined on the red carpet by fellow British stars including Claire Foy, Jude Hill, and Daisy Edgar Jones. Many expressed their excitement about returning to the annual ceremony in-person, and meeting other members of the industry. Claire Foy arrives at the 28th annual Critics Choice Awards at The Fairmont Century Plaza Hotel (Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP) Its really lovely to be invited to the party its lovely to be part of it and be invited lets see if we win, Smith told the CCA. Asked what he would do to celebrate a win, he said: Probably go and have a few lagers with my mates, a few lagers and a steak dinner. Foy stars in Women Talking, which is among the contenders for the CCAs best picture. She told the CCA that despite her lingering jet lag she was really excited to be attending the ceremony. Im really excited to be here, really excited to see the all ladies again and just hopefully have a good time. Twelve-year-old Hill, who was last years winner of the CCAs best young actor, said it was weird to be at the event with so many famous people. Asked how he had prepared for Sundays ceremony, he told the CCA: I did some jumping jacks (but) to be honest the adrenalines enough to keep me pumping. It feels so weird, theres so many famous people who I never thought Id be in the same room as, and theyre here tonight. Farrell stars in Martin McDonaghs The Banshees Of Inisherin, alongside Brendan Gleeson (Chris Pizzello/AP) Theres millions and millions of people Id love to see, its hard to pick just one. Sundays ceremony will see Colin Farrell and Austin Butler go head to head directly for the first time as contenders for the CCAs top acting award. The pair have already been recognised separately for their performances in The Banshees Of Inisherin and Elvis, respectively picking up accolades at the Golden Globe awards earlier this week. Sci-fi thriller Everything Everywhere All At Once leads the film contenders at the awards, having earned 14 nominations. The film starring Michelle Yeoh, Ke Huy Quan and James Hong was nominated best picture and best comedy, as well as several acting nods. Everything Everywhere All At Once is joined in the top category by Martin McDonaghs The Banshees Of Inisherin, which also received nine nominations in total. The film takes on Babylon, Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, RRR, Tar, Women Talking, Elvis and Steven Spielbergs The Fabelmans in the best picture category. Blockbuster films Avatar: The Way Of Water, and Top Gun: Maverick also earned nods for best picture. Austin Butler poses in the press room with the award for best performance by an actor in a motion picture, drama (Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP) At the Golden Globes on Tuesday, Farrell won the best performance by an actor in a motion picture: musical or comedy and Butler won the equivalent award for a dramatic motion picture. The pair will battle it out for the CCA best actor award, and are joined by Brendan Fraser, Bill Nighy, Paul Mescal and Tom Cruise. As well as Yeoh, CCA best actress nominees include Cate Blanchett, Viola Davis, Danielle Deadwyler, Margot Robbie and Michelle Williams. US comedy show Abbott Elementary leads the television contenders at the Critics Choice Awards, having earned six nominations. The star-studded ceremony will take place at the Fairmont Century Plaza hotel in Los Angeles, and is due to begin at midnight UK time. The CCA, the second major ceremony of the awards show season, is historically the most accurate predictor of Academy Award nominations. A serving Metropolitan Police officer has been revealed as one of Britains most prolific sex offenders after admitting attacking a dozen women over an 18-year period. The force has apologised to victims after it emerged Pc David Carrick, 48, had come to the attention of police over nine incidents including allegations of rape, domestic violence and harassment between 2000 and 2021. Carrick, who joined the Met in 2001 before becoming an armed officer with the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command in 2009, faced no criminal sanctions or misconduct findings. He was only suspended after being arrested over a second rape complaint in October 2021 though the full picture can still not be reported for legal reasons. Carrick appeared at Southwark Crown Court on Monday to plead guilty to four counts of rape, false imprisonment and indecent assault relating to a 40-year-old woman in 2003. At the Old Bailey in December, Carrick, who served in the Army before joining the Met, admitted 43 charges against 11 other women, including 20 counts of rape, between March 2004 and September 2020. He denied a further count of rape in September 2020 relating to a 13th woman, whose allegation triggered the investigation, and the Crown Prosecution Service decided it was not in the public interest to proceed to trial on the charge. Over drinks in a pub on September 4 2020, Carrick told her he was a firearms officer nicknamed Bastard Dave, showed her his warrant card and boasted of meeting famous people, including then-prime minister Boris Johnson, in the course of his work, a court previously heard. Detective Chief Inspector Iain Moor from the Bedfordshire, Cambridge and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit speaking to the media outside Southwark Crown Court (Jonathan Brady/PS) In total, Carrick, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, has pleaded guilty to 49 offences relating to 12 women between 2003 and 2020. They are: 24 counts of rape nine counts of sexual assault five counts of assault by penetration three counts of coercive and controlling behaviour three counts of false imprisonment two counts of attempted rape one count of attempted sexual assault by penetration one count of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent one count of indecent assault They include the rape of nine different women but some of the charges are multiple incident counts, meaning they relate to more than 80 sexual offences, including at least 48 rapes. A prison van arrives at Southwark Crown Court, where serving Metropolitan Police officer David Carrick has admitted 49 offences, including 24 counts of rape, after carrying out sex attacks on a dozen women over an 18-year period (Jonathan Brady/PA) Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb said she will sentence Carrick over two days from February 6. The case will plunge the Met into a fresh crisis, coming after a string of damaging scandals, and is a major setback in Commissioner Sir Mark Rowleys attempts to clean up the forces reputation. Dame Louise Casey, who is already carrying out a review of the culture in the Met, called for a full inquiry into the Carrick case and said she would volunteer to carry out the work herself if necessary. Assistant Commissioner Barbara Gray, the Mets lead for professionalism, said Carricks offending was unprecedented in policing and apologised to his victims for failing to rout him out of the force. We should have spotted his pattern of abusive behaviour and because we didnt we missed opportunities to remove him from the organisation, she said. Downing Street described Carricks crimes as appalling and the Prime Ministers official spokesman said: Police forces must root out these officers to restore the publics trust, which has been shattered by high-profile events such as this. Labour former cabinet minister Harriet Harman, the mother of the House, criticised the Mets response as woefully inadequate. She said in a tweet: Senior officers who kept him in the Met should be fired. We need transparency and accountability. Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said the case is further evidence of appalling failures in the police vetting and misconduct processes, still not addressed by Government, that he was ever able to serve as a police officer. Everyone who demanded change will feel badly let down today, she said. Detective Chief Inspector Iain Moor from the Bedfordshire, Cambridge and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit, third left, and Jaswant Narwal Chief Crown Prosecutor at CPS Thames and Chiltern, second right, speaking to the media (Jonathan Brady/PA) Mayor of London Sadiq Khan added: Londoners will be rightly shocked that this man was able to work for the Met for so long, and serious questions must be answered about how he was able to abuse his position as an officer in this horrendous manner. Detective Chief Inspector Iain Moor, from the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit, said the sheer number of offences show Carricks prolific and callous nature and he expects more victims to come forward. Carrick met some of the women through online dating sites such as Tinder and Badoo or on social occasions, using his position as a police officer to gain their trust. Whilst he was not a man that stalked the streets scouting for victims, he invested time in developing relationships with women to sustain his appetite for degradation and control. The coercive nature of his offending undermined his victims in the most destructive way, Mr Moor said. Some of the women were raped on multiple occasions over months or years, with many of those attacks involving violence that would have left them injured. Victims were locked in a small cupboard under the stairs in Carricks Hertfordshire home for hours without food or forced to clean his house naked. Carrick whipped one woman with a belt, urinated on some of his victims and told them when they could eat and sleep. Jaswant Narwal, Chief Crown Prosecutor at CPS Thames and Chiltern, hit out at Carrick for his actions (Jonathan Brady/PA) He called women fat and lazy or his slave as he controlled them financially, isolated them from friends and family and banned them from speaking with other men or their own children. He thrived on humiliating his victims and cleverly used his professional position to intimate there was no point in them trying to seek help because they would never be believed, Mr Moor said. The coercive nature of his offending undermined his victims in the most destructive way. The officer described the false imprisonment charges as shocking, adding: Carrick forced his victim into a small under-stairs cupboard at his home, where they stayed -intimidated and humiliated until he chose when they could come out. I have seen bigger dog crates. It is unbelievable to think these offences could have been committed by a serving police officer, he said. The offending was absolutely abhorrent and Im disgusted by it. I have a lot of pride and respect in the police service and Im proud to be a policeman. When something like this happens, it obviously places a big cloud over the service as a whole. But Im hoping that as a result of the thorough investigation that weve done and the fact that hes been brought to justice will hopefully give people the confidence to be able to report matters to the police. The first 600 energy payments are being rolled out in Northern Ireland. The money includes a 400 payment as part of a UK-wide support scheme and an additional 200 in recognition of Northern Irelands dependence on home heating oil. Electricity companies are being funded directly for the scheme to deliver money to households amid the cost-of-living crisis. Those who pay their bills by direct debit will receive the 600 in their bank accounts while other customers will be sent a voucher. The mailout of the vouchers is taking place in tranches over the next four weeks and will be completed by the end of February. The vouchers can only be redeemed at post offices. The Post Office said it has worked with the electricity suppliers to prioritise the delivery of vouchers to households on the customer care register. Each gas and electricity supplier is required to compile and maintain a register which stores details of consumers who merit special treatment on account of age, disability or chronic illness. As the vouchers start to arrive on Monday, the Post Office has urged everyone due to receive a voucher to pay close attention to their post and to be careful not to accidentally throw their voucher away. With an estimated 75% of households in Northern Ireland not paying energy bills by direct debit, it is expected that post offices will be busier than usual during the rollout. Consumers in the rest of the UK began to receive energy support payments last year, with the political impasse at Stormont blamed for the delay in the rollout in Northern Ireland. Andrew Goddard, head of payments for the Post Office, described the payments as a major logistical exercise. We are working very hard to distribute the vouchers as quickly as possible, he said. We are working with the energy companies to distribute all vouchers by the end of February so please be patient and keep an eye out for yours to arrive. The only way to redeem the voucher is at a post office. The good news is that when you do receive it, our branches are open long hours and postmasters and their teams will be working flat out to process them and support their communities. Please do read the voucher very carefully and ensure you take it, plus the forms of ID specified, to ensure the teams can process your voucher and you receive your money. There are common questions and answers included with the voucher as well as information on what to do if you need to claim the voucher on behalf of someone else. We also encourage customers to receive your money and deposit this straight into your bank account. We have an agreement with all the major banks and staff at the branch will be able to do this for you there and then. Your energy provider may contact you to say your voucher should be arriving in the post soon. But the actual voucher will only ever be sent by post. The voucher will never be sent by email, text or other route. Mark Gibson, external affairs manager at Post Office NI, said they are concerned around personal security for people receiving their money. He emphasised that the only way the vouchers can be redeemed is at the Post Office. If anybody contacts you purporting to be from Post Office, be it be text, telephone, email, it is not from us, it is a scam so just ignore it, he said. We will not ask you to enter any details or anything like that the only way you can redeem this (voucher) is through the Post Office. Further information can be found at postoffice.co.uk/costofliving Royal Mail is continuing to ask customers to refrain from posting items to overseas destinations while it investigates a cyber attack. The company said it was experiencing severe disruption to its international export services and is temporarily unable to dispatch items overseas. But it did not provide any updates on Monday on when the incident is likely to be resolved and shipping would resume. It is believed to have already left more than half a million letters and parcels stuck in limbo, according to reports late last week. We're experiencing disruption to our international export services and are temporarily unable to despatch items to overseas destinations. Please do not post any export items while we work to resolve the issue. Sorry for any disruption this may cause. Royal Mail Help (@RoyalMailHelp) January 12, 2023 The attack is suspected to have come from a Russian-linked ransomware gang called Lockbit, the Telegraph first reported. A Royal Mail distribution centre in Northern Ireland revealed its printers began spurting out copies of a ransom note on Tuesday, saying your data are stolen and encrypted. Lockbit, which is believed to have close links to Russia, was also behind a major hack of car dealership Pendragon last year, which refused to pay a ransom payment of 60 million dollars. Royal Mail would not comment on the hacking reports, but said it had launched an investigation into the incident and had reported it to its regulators and security authorities. Royal Mail said on Monday that it wants to avoid a build-up of items to be sent overseas sitting in its sorting offices. It said in a statement: To support faster recovery when our service is restored and to prevent a build-up of export items in our network, were asking customers not to post international items until further notice. Items that have already been despatched may be subject to delays. The company has been hit by disruption in recent months, with postal workers staging walkouts in December in a long-running dispute over jobs, pay, pensions and conditions. Royal Mail workers have staged strikes (PA) It has caused havoc for businesses who rely on the delivery services, with major retailers such as Moonpig, Card Factory and Asos partially blaming the strikes for a drop in sales towards the end of last year. Royal Mail has also suffered heavy losses from the crippling industrial action. In November, it said that three days of strikes in the first half of the year had cost it around 70 million, while a further five days in October cost it another 30 million. More strike days in November and December, including across the crucial Black Friday discounted shopping days, as well as the temporary suspension of international deliveries, are likely to have had a big hit on the loss-making delivery firm. The company recently rubbished reports that it was planning to sack thousands of workers in order to save money, despite targeting 350 million in cost efficiencies. Instead, it confirmed it would be reducing 10,000 full-time equivalent roles, which would be achieved through natural attrition, reducing temporary workers, and a generous voluntary redundancy scheme which has been oversubscribed. Britain and the European Union agreed to continue scoping work to solve the dispute over the post-Brexit Northern Ireland Protocol, as gaps in their positions remained despite talks. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly and European Commission vice-president Maros Sefcovic said they would continue to search for potential solutions in a constructive and collaborative spirit. There had been speculation ahead of their virtual meeting on Monday that the two sides were edging towards a breakthrough, but Downing Street said there are still gaps. DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson said he believes Brussels and London are not close to striking a deal, describing the difference in viewpoint as significant. Thank you @MarosSefcovic for further talks with @chhcalling and I on the Northern Ireland Protocol. Scoping talks will continue, so we can find a solution that works for the people of Northern Ireland and protects the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement.https://t.co/MFWbQJFG3P James Cleverly (@JamesCleverly) January 16, 2023 Following the talks, which Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris joined, Mr Cleverly and Mr Sefcovic released a joint statement saying they had discussed a range of existing challenges. They agreed that this scoping work for potential solutions should continue in a constructive and collaborative spirit, taking careful account of each others legitimate interests, they said. Officials could not confirm another meeting had been scheduled, but expected one soon. They did not say whether talks would enter a more intensive phase. I welcome the continued positive engagement today between VP @MarosSefcovic and Foreign Secretary @JamesCleverly, and that the EU & UK will continue to work together constructively to find joint solutions to concerns raised by businesses and communities in Northern Ireland.(1/2) Micheal Martin (@MichealMartinTD) January 16, 2023 Irish foreign minister Micheal Martin welcomed the continued positive engagement, saying the two sides were working together constructively to find joint solutions. An announcement last week that a deal had been reached on sharing real-time data on goods travelling from Great Britain to Northern Ireland was seen as a step towards an overall resolution. The focus on the controversial Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, which could break international law by overriding parts of the treaty signed by former prime minister Boris Johnson, has grown quieter since Rishi Sunak became PM. Here's the joint statement after my video call with @JamesCleverly & @chhcalling: https://t.co/Dh7UUFbI3P Agreed that our scoping work for potential solutions will continue in a constructive, collaborative spirit, taking careful account of each other's legitimate interests. pic.twitter.com/3Coe3wow8M Maros Sefcovic (@MarosSefcovic) January 16, 2023 But on Monday Sir Jeffrey said: It was clear from our conversations with James Cleverly last Wednesday when he visited Belfast that there are still substantial gaps between the two sides. There is still a lot of ground to be covered. I dont think we are close to a deal at this stage. Our position remains unchanged. We need to get an agreement that restores Northern Irelands place within the United Kingdom and its internal market. Before news came that Mondays meeting had broken up, Mr Sunaks official spokesman said that there are still gaps in our position that need to be resolved in order to address the full range of problems created by the protocol. The protocol was agreed to by Mr Johnson as prime minister in 2019 as a way of breaking the Brexit deadlock. In order to avoid a hard border in Ireland, it moved customs and food safety checks and processes to the Irish Sea, creating economic and administrative barriers on the movement of goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The protocol is vehemently opposed by many unionists and the DUP is blocking the functioning of a devolved government in Stormont in protest at the arrangements. Nurses in Wales will stage two more strikes next month as part of an ongoing dispute with the Welsh Government over pay. The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) in Wales said the action will take place if progress is not made in negotiations by the end of January. In a statement, the union said members in Wales will strike for 12 hours on February 6 and 7. The RCN held its first national strike in December. NEW STRIKE DATES 6 and 7 February (Wales and England) We've repeatedly urged the Welsh Government to find a resolution to our dispute over NHS nursing pay. We stand for the future of nursing. #FairPayForNursing 1/5 pic.twitter.com/KtDPTh81mO Royal College of Nursing Wales (@RCNWales) January 16, 2023 On Monday, the National Education Union in Wales also said strike action will take place in February and March. Helen Whyley, director of RCN Wales, said: I hoped that the Welsh Government would change their approach and come back to the table to negotiate with the RCN seriously on NHS pay and offer a substantive and restorative pay award. This has not happened to date. Their offer of a non-consolidated one-off payment, funded by monies found down the back of the sofa, shows the Welsh Governments disrespect for the crisis in the nursing workforce and a lack of a real commitment to want to address it. RCN Wales members have been left without a choice. We will be taking strike action on February 6 and 7. Nursing staff are striking for patient safety, for the future of nursing and to save the NHS in Wales. We stand beside our members in their call to our Government here in Wales for fair pay. Enough really is enough. Last Thursday, Government representatives including health minister Eluned Morgan took part in talks with unions to see if they could end the pay row. Ms Morgan set out her plan to give health workers a lump sum but union bosses said the cash payment was not enough to address real problems caused by sub-inflation wages. The proposed amount has not been disclosed. The RCN, in its statement on Monday, said the value of salaries for experienced nurses was 20% lower in real terms due to below-inflation pay awards since 2010. This has resulted in more than 3,000 vacancies for registered NHS nurses in Wales, it added. Russell George MS, shadow health minister for the Welsh Conservatives, called on the Welsh Government to engage in meaningful discussions with nurses. A solution to this dispute will only come through negotiation and it wont be easy, but if Labour does not even have the humility to do this property then they give nurses no dignity, Mr George said. Without resolution, the Labour-run Welsh NHS will never work for patients or staff and we will continue to see performance decline below where we are now, with the slowest ambulance response times on record and Britains longest waiting list and worst A&E waits. Rhun ap Iorwerth MS, spokesman for health and care at Plaid Cymru, added: Our hard-working NHS nurses deserve respect from this Welsh Labour Government for all the work they have put in to care for us when we needed it most. They are over-worked, under-resourced and desperately under-paid. And now they are disrespected. This Welsh Labour Government has the money and the means to make an improved offer through unallocated funding and reserves. What they lack is the will to pay our nurses what they deserve respect and fair pay. In a statement, the Welsh Government said it is disappointed by the announcement of further strike dates. We are disappointed that the RCN has decided to proceed to announce further dates for industrial action but are pleased that they have held out the possibility in their press release of negotiations continuing, a spokesman said. We are still waiting to hear formally from all of the other health unions in Wales in terms of their response to the package that was set out last week. On Monday, the NEU Cymru said teacher members voted overwhelmingly for strike action. Some 92.28% of teacher members voted yes on a turnout of 58.1%. The union declared four days of strike action in February and March in Wales, with the first on February 1 affecting around 1,500 workplaces in the country. In a ballot of support staff, 88.26% voted for strike action on a turnout of 51.3%. David Evans, Wales Secretary of the NEU Cymru, said the union will meet education minister Jeremy Miles in the coming days. The Princess Royal joined foreign monarchs and thousands of mourners in Athens for the funeral of the last king of Greece, Constantine II. Anne represented the King at the sombre ceremony where crowds chanted long live the king and Constantine, Constantine as his coffin emerged from the Greek capitals metropolitan cathedral following the funeral service. Charles was unable to attend the funeral of Constantine, who was distantly related to the British royal family, due to diary commitments including meeting the President of Cyprus during Monday morning. The Princess Royal represented the British royal family (AP) Constantine was a godfather of the Prince of Wales and Lady Gabriella Windsor, daughter of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent, and William asked his relative Gabriella to represent him at the funeral. Royals from across Europe, including the Spanish and Danish royal families, who were closely related to Constantine, were in Athens to attend the service and burial, while hundreds of police were deployed in the Greek capital. Constantines wife, Anne-Marie, is the sister of Denmarks Queen Margrethe II, who attended, while his sister Sophia is the wife of Spains former King Juan Carlos, and mother of Spains current monarch, King Felipe VI who was joined by his wife Queen Letizia at the funeral. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and his wife Queen Silvia were also among the mourners as was Prince Albert of Monaco. Greeces monarchy was abolished after a referendum in 1974, and Constantine, a distant cousin of the King, spent decades in exile, living mainly in Hampstead Garden Suburb in north London before returning to settle in his home country in his final years. Constantines descendants in front of the coffin during funeral at Metropolitan Cathedral in Athens (Pool via AP) Constantine was said to have been especially close to Charles and he was also a sailing partner of the Kings father, the Duke of Edinburgh. As the coffin was taken from the cathedral after the ceremony, the late Greek kings wife Anne-Marie and his eldest son Pavlos followed at the head of the funeral procession. The coffin, draped with the Greek flag, was loaded into a hearse for the trip to Tatoi, the former royal estate north of Athens where Constantine will be buried near his parents and ancestors. The Greek government announced after his death that Constantine would be buried as a private citizen, without honours reserved for former heads of state. A limited lying in state was allowed in a chapel next to the capitals metropolitan cathedral, where the funeral service was held. Well-wishers at the Chapel of Saint Eleftherios (AP) Constantine, who died aged 82 in an Athens hospital last week, acceded to the throne at the age of 23 in 1964, the youthful monarch, who had already achieved glory as an Olympic gold medallist in sailing, was hugely popular. By the following year, he had squandered much of that support with his active involvement in the machinations that brought down the popularly elected Centre Union government of prime minister George Papandreou. The episode, still widely known in Greece as the apostasy or defection from the ruling party of several politicians, destabilised the constitutional order and led to a military coup in 1967. Constantine eventually clashed with the military rulers and was forced into exile. The dictatorship abolished the monarchy in 1973 and a referendum after democracy was restored in 1974 dashed any hopes Constantine had of reigning again. There needs to be compromise on both sides if a deal is to be done that will bring strikes by teachers in Scotland to an end, Nicola Sturgeon has said. The Scottish First Minister spoke out as industrial action continued to close schools north of the border. On Monday both the EIS the largest teaching union in Scotland and the Association of Headteachers and Deputes in Scotland (AHDS) began a rolling 16-day programme of strike action. Teachers will strike in two local authority areas each day, with schools in Glasgow and East Lothian, which are shut to all pupils apart from those taking prelim exams, the first to be affected. EIS members in Glasgow are gathering outside City Chambers calling for a fair pay offer for Scotland's teaching professionals #EISStrike #PayAttention pic.twitter.com/qAYvcUxupg EIS (@EISUnion) January 16, 2023 Ms Sturgeon, speaking at a briefing for journalists in Edinburgh, conceded: Of course, I am concerned about industrial action in our schools, because I dont want to see that impact on young people and I dont want to see teachers having to take industrial action. But she stated her Scottish Government was not a Government that simply digs our heels in in industrial disputes, citing talks which have so far prevented strikes by NHS staff north of the border as proof of this. Ms Sturgeon said: We are a Government that seeks to find resolutions to disputes, a Government that tries to treat public sector workers as fairly as we possibly can, to maximise pay increases within the resources we have got, and to avoid industrial action. She insisted ministers were ready and willing for further talks with teachers leaders, but added: As we also see in the NHS, it does involve compromise on both sides. I hope we will see that compromise on both sides. Andrea Bradley, EIS general secretary, said teachers were prepared to strike into the new academic year if necessary. The unions current mandate for industrial action expires in May and Ms Bradley has said it would be a matter of deep concern if exams were impacted by industrial action. Speaking at a rally at Glasgows City Chambers, she said: If the action were to be ongoing towards the exams, then that would be a matter of deep concern to all, to Cosla and the Scottish Government, which says education is its number one priority. We would hope that this dispute is brought to a much swifter resolution than that but thats not to say that if there isnt a resolution, that our members will not be prepared to take action beyond that. The mandate lasts until May and it may be that we have to ballot members once more for another mandate for strike action into the new academic session but we hope it wont come to that. Talks on Thursday between the Scottish Government, local authority leaders and teaching unions failed to resolve the pay dispute. Teachers on the picket line outside Pinkie St Peters Primary School in Musselburgh, East Lothian (Jane Barlow/PA) Unions have rejected a pay offer which would see most teachers receive a 5% wage rise, although the lowest earners would get an increase of 6.85%. Scotlands Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville has insisted the 10% teachers are demanding is unaffordable. The EIS has now announced a further 22 days of strike action, starting at the end of February, with union general secretary Andrea Bradley saying there was a growing frustration from teachers that previous talks had failed to result in an improved pay offer. She said the highest rate of the pay offer 6.85% for the lowest paid applies to just 8.4% of teachers, many of whom fail to secure permanent work after their probationary year. Scotlands education secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said strikes are in nobodys interest (Jane Barlow/PA) Ms Somerville said it disappointing the EIS had escalated its action. She stated: Strikes in our schools are in no ones interest including for pupils, parents and carers who have already had to deal with significant disruption over the past three years. It is disappointing that the EIS has proceeded to escalate industrial action we are continuing to urge teaching unions to reconsider their plans while talks are ongoing. Recent discussions have been constructive. There has been a shared understanding that talks have been focused on discussing potential areas for compromise not on tabling a new offer at this stage. To date we have made four offers, all of which have been rejected, but we remain absolutely committed to reaching an agreement on a pay deal that is fair and sustainable for all concerned. After talks on Thursday failed to resolve the issue, Katie Hagmann, Cosla resources spokesperson, said: Cosla leaders are clear that given the financial pressures being faced, it remains the case that the 10% ask of the trade unions remains unaffordable and therefore we still remain a distance apart in terms of a settlement. People have been urged to keep warm and check in on family and friends who may be more vulnerable to cold weather with sub-zero temperatures, snow and ice hitting parts of the UK this week. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), a Government health agency, issued a level three cold alert on Monday in response to severe winter weather. It warned that older people and those with pre-existing health conditions are particularly vulnerable during a cold snap, and stressed it could have a serious impact on peoples health. It comes as the Met Office said all of England will continue to experience cold weather until 9am on Friday. Snowy conditions on the A69 between Newcastle and Hexham on Monday (Owen Humphreys/PA) The forecaster has issued a yellow warning for snow and ice across parts of Northern Ireland, north-west England and North Wales from 12pm on Monday until 12pm on Tuesday. An ice warning for Cornwall and parts of Devon in south-west England will also be active from midnight until 9am on Tuesday. Snow and ice is also expected to affect northern Scotland and areas such as Orkney and Shetland, until 9am on Wednesday, it said. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan activated the capitals Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) to provide emergency accommodation for rough sleepers on Monday, as temperatures in the city are expected to fall below 0C overnight. A car passes through floodwaters next to a snow-covered field near Wrotham in Kent (Gareth Fuller/PA) The Met Office has warned that snow showers and icy stretches may bring some disruption and could lead to longer journeys for drivers and train passengers. It said treacherous conditions could also lead to slips and falls on icy surfaces, and urged drivers and cyclists to beware of icy patches on untreated roads. Dr Agostinho Sousa, head of extreme events and health protection at UKHSA, said: Cold weather can have a serious impact on health, particularly older people and those with pre-existing health conditions, as it increases the risks of heart attacks, strokes and chest infections. During this period, it is important to check in on family, friends and relatives who may be more vulnerable to the cold weather. If you have a pre-existing medical condition or are over the age of 65, it is important to try and heat your home to at least 18C if you can. It comes after wintry conditions moved in from the Arctic over the weekend, with people in areas such as Hexham, Northumberland, waking up to settled snow on Monday. Met Office chief meteorologist Jason Kelly added: Cold, icy and sometimes snowy conditions are in the forecast this week with the UK seeing more of a north-westerly regime, with temperatures well below average for the time of year. Wintry showers are likely at points through the week in the north of England. Warnings have been issued and ice is likely to be a hazard for much of the week with some tricky travel conditions possible. Maximum temperatures will largely only reach the low single figures with temperatures below freezing through most nights this week. People walk a dog in snowy conditions near Hexham (Owen Humphreys/PA) An overnight low of minus 9.1C was recorded at Dalwhinnie in the Highlands, the Met Office said. And senior meteorologist Alex Burkill said there could be lows of minus 10C or minus 11C overnight on Monday into Tuesday. On Monday, he said: Its fair to say its cold today, cold tonight, cold tomorrow and cold through much of the week really. He said the weather will become more changeable on Friday ahead of milder conditions by the weekend, By the weekend there will be a real upturn in temperatures, he added. For people struggling to afford heating bills, Simple Energy Advice provides free advice on energy efficiency and national grants that are available, the UKHSA said. An American imprisoned in Iran for seven years launched a hunger strike Monday to protest his soul crushing plight and that of other Americans held in Iran, appealing to President Biden to take action to secure their release. In a letter to Biden from his cell in Evin prison in Tehran, Siamak Namazi said he is starting a seven-day hunger strike to mark seven years since he was left out of a January 2016 prisoner swap between the U.S. and Iran. When the Obama administration unconscionably left me in peril and freed the other American citizens Iran held hostage on January 16, 2016, the U.S. government promised my family to have me safely home within weeks, Namazi wrote. Yet seven years and two presidents later, I remain caged in Tehrans notorious Evin prison. Namazi accused former presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump of having failed him and criticized Biden for not meeting face-to-face with the families of Americans imprisoned in Iran. In the past I implored you to reach for your moral compass and find the resolve to bring the U.S. hostages in Iran home. To no avail, Namazi wrote. Not only do we remain Irans prisoners, but you have not so much as granted our families a meeting. Namazi said he was asking Biden to spend one a minute a day for the next week contemplating the fate of Americans detained in Iran, while in return he would refuse to eat. Siamak Namazi with his father, Baquer Namazi. (Courtesy Babak Namazi) All I want sir, is one minute of your days time for the next seven days devoted to thinking about the tribulations of the U.S. hostages in Iran. Just a single minute of your time for each year of my life that I lost in Evin prison after the U.S. government could have saved me but didnt. That is all, he wrote. Alas, given I am in this cage all I have to offer you in return is my additional suffering. Therefore, I will deny myself food for the same seven days, in the hope that by doing so you wont deny me this small request. Namazi has been held prisoner in Iran longer than any other American in history. Iranian authorities sentenced him to 10 years on charges of collaboration with a hostile foreign government. The United Nations, human rights organizations and the U.S. government say that the charges are baseless and that his detention is an arbitrary violation of international law. His elderly father, Baquer Namazi, was imprisoned in 2016 after having traveled to Iran to try to help his son. He was later released on medical furlough and then allowed to leave the country in October. Two other U.S. citizens are imprisoned in Iran, Morad Tahbaz and Emad Sharghi, as well as an unknown number of permanent U.S. legal residents, including Shahab Dalili. Iran denies imprisoning foreigners on arbitrary charges Despite his scathing criticism of successive U.S. presidents, Namazi said the ultimate blame for his incarceration rested with what he called a ruthless regime in Iran. He said he has told his captors that he never forgets that it was not Obama or Trump who imprisoned me on made up charges and that it is clear whose vile hostage diplomacy has blighted the lives of so many innocent men and women and their families. Iran has denied that it has imprisoned Americans and other foreigners on arbitrary charges and says the cases were handled in accordance with its laws. U.S. officials say that securing the freedom of Americans detained in Iran is a top priority and that Biden is deeply committed to ensuring all U.S. citizens who are wrongfully detained abroad can return home safely. In his letter, Namazi said he had no words to convey the ineffable pain Ive endured since Iran took me hostage in October 2015. Nothing I say could possibly convey the agony of having to harden myself to this soul crushing callousness and lawlessness. How does one describe what it feels like to be stripped of your humanity and treated as some sort of extortionately priced item instead? he wrote. How do I explain the devastation my family and I are left with after so many half-hearted prisoner deals crumbled last minute, turning freedom into a chimera?" Babak Namazi, Namazis brother, said in a statement that his family is of course gravely concerned for Siamaks health and distraught that he has resorted to such desperate measures. However, we also understand his frustration with the seemingly unending horror he has faced and support his call on both Iran and the U.S. to finally reach a deal to secure the release of all the American hostages. Since the start of the 2022-23 school year, nearly 10,000 students from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela have enrolled in Miami-Dade County public schools about 2,500 more students than who arrived in the entire 2021-22 year, reflecting the surge of immigrants coming from those four countries over nearly six months. All told, the district has enrolled more than 14,700 new students whove emigrated from another country, an unexpected wave that comes at a time when the district is grappling with an already thin workforce and classroom teacher vacancies one of the pandemics lingering effects. This whole thing is like a perfect storm. Weve already been experiencing, for the last couple of years, the lack of human capital, said Miami-Dade School Board Chair Mari Tere Rojas in a meeting Wednesday where board members and Superintendent Jose Dotres discussed the issue. Now, were going to have more children to serve. Of the 14,723 students who enrolled in the district between Aug. 17, 2022 the start of the school year and Jan. 10, 2023, 9,935 came from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, the four countries where U.S. immigration levels have been at record highs over the past year, according to the district. The remaining students, enrolled in all grade levels, have come from more than 20 countries, mostly countries in the Americas such as Argentina, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico and Peru, and some from Russia and Ukraine. READ MORE: Fast turnaround: Feds approve first Cubans to come to the U.S. under new parole program The increase has become a topic of discussion for School Board members in recent months. Rojas in October requested data regarding migrant students. On Wednesday, at the end the boards first workshop of the calendar year, the numbers came into sharper focus. Board members and district staff briefly discussed the implications of the influx of students, particularly with the district facing fewer teachers since the pandemic. (At the start of the school year, the district reported about 220 classroom vacancies.) The arrival of the new students has been particularly acute over the last few months, reflecting the near-daily landings of migrants off Floridas southeast coast. From mid-October to Dec. 22, the number of student migrants who enrolled in the district increased by more than 3,100, records show. On Oct. 11, the district reported 9,864 students who had enrolled after immigrating; by Dec. 22, the number totaled 12,978 students. In December, just before Christmas, 175 Cubans arrived in the Florida Keys and Hollywood Beach in 24 hours. Over the New Years weekend, more than 500 Cubans arrived in the Keys. A group of 70 Haitian migrants arrived Thursday afternoon off Virginia Key, a barrier island off Miami that leads to Key Biscayne. READ MORE: Border Patrol says migrants from Brazil, Bahamas and Haiti arrived in Fort Lauderdale Students coming from Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti and Venezuela During the entire 2021-22 school year, the district enrolled 13,404 students who recently came from other countries, records show. Notably, the countries the district is paying most attention to are Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, when comparing this years numbers to last year, said Dotres, who updated board members Wednesday on the latest numbers. So far this year, there have been 4,600 more Cuban immigrant students who have enrolled compared to all of last school year, and nearly 1,700 more students from Venezuela, records show. Overall, the number of students this year enrolling from Nicaragua is just about 330 shy of the total number of students who emigrated last year from the country. And from Haiti, the number is just 90 fewer students compared to last year, data show. The number of students emigrating from other countries has remained relatively stable compared to previous years, he said, prompting district staff to play closer attention to the four outliers. In response, the district has launched its Student Influx Guide, or plan for how the district responds to a sudden increase in enrollment. It comprises three brackets and is deployed depending on the severity of the influx. Currently, the district is operating in the first bracket, or the engaging stage, Chief Operating Officer Luis Diaz told the Herald Thursday. That means, once the district is made aware of an influx, staff begins monitoring and targeting which schools students are enrolling in. READ MORE: Between politics and poor pay, teachers are more strained than ever and the numbers show it For the time being, no school has become too overcrowded or is unable to provide the resources needed, Diaz said. Though exact data was not available for which schools have received the majority of students since the start of the school year, Diaz said, historically, a familys country of origin has indicated where they have settled across the region. (Cubans, for example, often choose to reside in Hialeah, he said.) The district registers the new students immediately and, as part of the engaging stage, follows up with those students to ensure proper documentation, or language exams, for example, are finalized. Then, and perhaps most importantly, services for those students are triggered. At this point in time, [were] making sure that every student that resides in and enrolls in the district gets the services theyre allowed to receive and the services they should receive, Diaz said. The next phase, Diaz said, would be to set up registration centers or hubs around the district to streamline student enrollment processes, avoid overcrowding at one or various schools in a particular neighborhood and centralize the resources both the schools and families often require upon arrival. Broward Schools see fewer migrant students Compared to Miami-Dade, Broward County schools usually receive fewer immigrant students, defined as those born in another country who have been in the U.S. for less than three years, said Victoria Saldala, director of the Bilingual or English for Speakers of Other Languages Department at Broward Schools. The district reported nearly 6,900 foreign-born students who registered for the first time at a U.S. school less than three years ago, although its August number includes those who enrolled during June and July. Since June 2022, the highest enrollment numbers have come from Colombians, followed by Cubans, Haitians and Venezuelans. The district operates an International Welcome Center, which supports parents and guardians as they register their children for school, and connects them with school social workers to help them with school supplies, uniforms, clothing and food. All schools also provide mental health and other services as well. We dont care how they got here. Our job is not to question that. We accept all students, said Saldala, whos been working with these families for about 35 years, the first 18 or so in Miami-Dade and 17 years in Broward. READ MORE: Florida says its helping feds deal with migrant surge but not directly intervening Previous influx of migrant students This isnt the first time Miami-Dade schools have dealt with an influx of students as the result of immigration, which Rojas noted Wednesday. In the 1980s, there was the Mariel boatlift, which allowed Cubans who wished to leave Cuba to board boats at the port of Mariel in Havana and flee to the US. In just six months, more than 125,000 Cubans arrived to the United States, predominantly settling in South Florida. In the 1990s, there was the rafter crisis, which saw 35,000 Cubans flee the country. This year, Diaz said, the challenges are mostly related to hiring teachers and other staffers. In some cases, it will take a minute or so to hire a teacher, he said. If and when a school receives an influx of students and a new position is required to offset the numbers, the district will allocate and budget for the position as soon as possible. The issue will be the hiring of the staffer for the position. Miami Herald reporter Jimena Tavel contributed to this story. A measles outbreak in Ohio is raising concerns about the spread of the disease and how a decline in vaccination rates among children might be leading to additional outbreaks. Eighty-five cases have been reported in Ohio as of Friday, mainly in Columbus and other parts of Franklin County, according to Columbus Public Health. Most of these cases were in unvaccinated children. Hospitalization was required for 34 of those who were infected. Its not the only recent measles outbreak in the country. Minnesota experienced 22 cases last year in the Twin Cities area. The outbreaks, which come amid a rise in anti-vaccine sentiment, are raising worries among health experts about whether lower vaccination rates will lead to further spread of diseases that can be safeguarded against by vaccines. With any of the vaccine preventable illnesses, we always worry about when theres not enough herd immunity, says physician Susan Koletar, director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. Herd immunity occurs when enough people are immune through vaccination or natural infection to stop an illness from spreading. Measles is so contagious that immunization rates need to be at least 95 percent to eliminate the disease. The Ohio outbreak began in October 2022, with the bulk of cases occurring in mid-November to early December. These community cases are thought to be linked to one of four travel-related measles cases, says physician Mysheika W. Roberts, who is the health commissioner for Columbus. Although most of the cases are in unvaccinated children, six of the children had received their first of two doses of the combined measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Another twenty-four of the children were too young for any doses, according to the agencys website. The U.S. was declared measles-free in 2000, but travelers periodically bring in infections. People who visit countries where measles is endemic, meaning there is regular transmission in the population, can return to their home communities and seed a local outbreak. The mere fact that individuals who were not vaccinated, traveled to a measles endemic country and then were allowed to come back into the United States, where they likely instigated this outbreak is concerning to me as a public health professional, says Roberts. One of the potential reasons these measles outbreaks may be happening is that vaccine coverage rates fell during the pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that vaccination rates among kindergarteners are high, but coverage for the 2021-2022 school year dropped to 93 percent compared to 95 percent for the 2019-2020 school year. The risk of contracting vaccine preventable diseases has been particularly heightened for children who are in low-income households or live in rural areas, as vaccine coverage decreased for those groups by 4 to 5 percent during the pandemic, according to the CDC. That drop in childhood vaccinations in part stems from disruptions during the pandemic, as well as financial and logistical hurdles, the CDC reported. But rising vaccine hesitancy and the anti-vaccine movement have also contributed, and are a major factor driving recent measles outbreaks. The U.S. saw its highest annual number of measles cases in recent history in 2019 with 1,274, most of which occurred in eight underimmunized communities, according to the CDC. We are living in a generation where most of the people who have hesitancy about the vaccines never experienced any of those diseases, says Koletar. And they never experienced any of those diseases because of widespread immunization practices. I think many parents feel like since they dont see measles in our community, that it is safe for them to not get their child vaccinated, says Roberts. She attributes some of the vaccine hesitancy to the circulation of misinformation. A debunked theory linking the MMR vaccine to autism is one example. Baseless concern driven by that theory may lead some parents to delay MMR vaccination until right before their child enters school, which could mean the child gets their first dose when they are about 4 years old instead of 12 months old. The MMR vaccine has been around since the 1960s and is very, very effective, notes Roberts. We didnt get to eliminate measles without the MMR vaccine. The politicization of vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic has also fueled anti-vaccine attitudes, she says. The anti-vaxx [and] the vaccine hesitant community has probably grown as a result of this pandemic and spilled over from the COVID-19 hesitancy to all vaccine hesitancy, Roberts notes. Each family may be weighing their own personal risk and making decisions that way, says vaccine safety researcher Elyse Kharbanda. Willingness to get vaccinated may increase when transmission is high or there is recent memory of an outbreak, but once that goes away, vaccine acceptance may subside, she continues. Amid the dropping vaccination rates, Koletar is concerned that there could be an uptick in other vaccine preventable diseases, like tetanus, rubella and chickenpox. Rubella can be harder to diagnose than measles and may go undetected at times, according to Koletar. People in their late teens and adults who have neither had chickenpox nor been vaccinated against it can get really sick if they get chickenpox, she adds. As a physician, those are frightening times, particularly if you have a young pregnant woman who gets chickenpox. For now, the situation looks positive in Ohio. The most recent measles case was detected on Dec. 24, which means if there are no new cases through Feb. 4 the outbreak may be declared officially over. Looking ahead, theres a need for more research into what interventions would help get more people in vaccine resistant communities to accept vaccines, according to Kharbanda. Interventions like alerts and letters are effective at promoting vaccination to families who intend to vaccinate their children and just got busy and forgot, Kharbanda tells The Hill. But those types of simple interventions really dont work with families and communities that are fearful and vaccine resistant, she says. It takes time and good relationships with communities to understand what beliefs are perpetuating vaccine hesitancy and to gain trust, she adds. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. MLK was a progressive activist who was being surveilled by the FBI, not simply an image of nonviolence. Martin Luther King Jr. is heralded as a selfless martyr and national hero. But the story that is upheld about his life couldnt be further from the truth. The world indeed witnessed the relentless violence of racism on the day King was assassinated. Still, the nation has often settled for an image of a one-dimensional freedom fighter with a watered-down message instead of honoring the true progressive activist that he was. For Black families, seeing King honestly is vital. The real Martin Luther King Jr. was a Black radical, husband, and father who was robbed of the opportunity to age and see his loved ones grow. And now we know that the FBI may have been involved in his assassination, its easy to see his murderand lifeas another example of state-sanctioned violence, removing a Black father from his family. Decades later, we can only make assumptions about what he would have taught his children had he lived by remembering what he left behind, honestly. Related: On mutual and collective responsibility: "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." "An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." On the importance of having equal access to education: "I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education, and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits." " I said to my children, Im going to work and do everything that I can do to see that you get a good education. I dont ever want you to forget that there are millions of Gods children who will not and cannot get a good education, and I dont want you feeling that you are better than they are. For you will never be what you ought to be until they are what they ought to be. On the evils of capitalism and the importance of redistributing wealth: I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic... [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive... but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness." We must recognize that we can't solve our problem now until there is a radical redistribution of economic and political power... this means a revolution of values and other things. We must see now that the evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied together... you can't really get rid of one without getting rid of the others... the whole structure of American life must be changed. America is a hypocritical nation and [we] must put [our] own house in order." On fighting for change: This unadate image provided by the Dallas Zoo, a clouded leopard named Nova rests on a tree limb in an enclosure at the Dallas Zoo. Nova, a missing clouded leopard, shut down the Dallas Zoo on Friday, Jan. 13, 2023, as police helped search for the animal that officials described as not dangerous and likely hiding somewhere on the zoo grounds. (Dallas Zoo via AP) (ASSOCIATED PRESS) DALLAS (AP) Police investigating after a clouded leopard escaped her enclosure at the Dallas Zoo say a cutting tool was used to intentionally make an opening in the fence of the small cat's habitat, and a similar cut was found at a habitat for small monkeys. Dallas police said Saturday evening that they did not know if the two incidents were related. None of the langur monkeys escaped and none appeared to be harmed. On Friday, arriving zoo workers discovered that a clouded leopard named Nova was missing from her habitat. A daylong search ensued, during which the zoo was closed while staff and police combed the 100-acre (40-hectare) grounds. She was discovered by late afternoon near her habitat. After it was determined that Nova wasn't injured, the zoo said that she spent Saturday with her sister, Luna, in their habitat, perched up on a high branch while oh-so-many guests stopped by to wish her well. Police and zoo officials have said they have reviewed surveillance footage but would not say what it showed or whether there were potential suspects. Animals have escaped enclosures from the Dallas Zoo before. Most notably was in 2004, when a 340-pound (154-kilogram) gorilla named Jabari jumped over a wall and went on a 40-minute rampage that injured three people before police shot and killed the animal. President Donald Trump speaks as White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders listens during an East Room event on second chance hiring June 13, 2019. Alex Wong/Getty Images Matt Gaetz thinks Trump should pick Sarah Huckabee Sanders or Kristi Noem for his 2024 running mate. Gaetz said Trump should run with a woman to get votes from women who don't like him. Gaetz theorized that Trump only won in 2016 because women who didn't like him still voted for him. Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz says he's told former President Donald Trump to pick a woman as his running mate if he wants to win in 2024. "What I've said to President Trump is like, you have to create a permission structure where women who do not like you vote for you again," Gaetz said on the conservative "Timcast IRL" podcast on Friday. Gaetz added that he thought the "reason Trump won in 2016" is because "a whole lot of women who didn't like him voted for him" instead of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Gaetz named Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a former White House press secretary, as his pick for Trump's 2024 running mate. The Florida congressman praised Sanders for her "directness" and her move to ban TikTok on state government devices. "She's the kind of person I look at," Gaetz said. Gaetz also named South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem as a possible Trump running mate. (AP) Sanders, for her part, avoided endorsing Trump directly in an interview on Fox News on January 15. "I love the President, have a great relationship with him. I know our country would be infinitely better off if he was in office right now instead of Joe Biden but right now my focus isn't 2024," Sanders said on "Fox News Sunday." Gaetz also named South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem as a possible Trump running mate, calling her a "pretty stellar" alternative to Sanders. The Florida congressman did not say if Trump had responded positively to his suggestions. Representatives for Trump, Gaetz, Sanders, and Noem did not immediately respond to Insider's requests for comment. Trump announced on November 15 that he is running for president again in 2024. This is his third presidential run: He won his first race against Clinton in 2016 and lost to President Joe Biden in 2020. In October, The New York Times Magazine journalist Robert Draper told the Daily Beast that Trump has "repeatedly" discussed choosing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as his running mate. Draper said this is because Greene has been "unflaggingly loyal" to the former president through a litany of scandals and lawsuits. In January, The Daily Beast also reported, citing two sources who have spoken to Trump and an unnamed GOP strategist, that Trump has mostly been considering female running mates for his 2024 campaign. GOP Reps. Elise Stefanik and Greene, as well as former Democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, have been floated as candidates, per the Daily Beast. Read the original article on Business Insider FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Biden departs the White House for travel to Delaware from the White House in Washington By Steve Holland and Kanishka Singh WASHINGTON (Reuters) - No visitor logs exist for President Joe Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware, where classified documents from his vice presidential days were found, as it is a private residence, the White House Counsel's office said on Monday. "Like every President across decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal. But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them," the White House Counsel's office said in a statement. Biden's Republican predecessor, Donald Trump, declined to release logs of visitors to the White House during his four years in office, in a break with prior norms. The Republican chairman of the House of Representatives Oversight Committee on Sunday demanded visitor logs for Democrat Biden's house in Wilmington after classified documents were found in his office and garage. Republicans have sought to compare the Biden documents case with that of Trump, who faces a federal criminal probe of how he handled classified documents after he left the White House in 2021. Legal experts have noted the differences between the two cases. The White House says Biden's team has turned over the documents it found. Trump had resisted doing so until an FBI search in August at his Palm Beach, Florida resort. Biden's legal team said it had found classified documents relating to his time as vice president under then-President Barack Obama at his Delaware home and at a Washington think-thank. His lawyers on Saturday reported finding five additional pages at his home. The material at the think tank was found in November and the disclosure was made public after a CBS News report last week. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday named a special counsel to investigate Biden's handling of the sensitive government documents. A separate special counsel is investigating Trump's handling of classified documents, as well as his unsuccessful attempts to overturn his 2020 election defeat. (Reporting by Steve Holland and Kanishka Singh in Washington; Editing by Scott Malone and Alistair Bell) CLEVELAND Matt Dolan, who lost a raucous Republican Senate primary in Ohio last year, plans to run again in 2024, this time seeking to unseat longtime Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown. Dolan will announce his candidacy this week, he told an Ohio GOP official in a voicemail Sunday, which the official shared with NBC News on the condition of anonymity. A representative for Dolan declined to comment Monday. Brown has said he intends to seek a fourth term next year. Dolan, a state senator whose family owns the Cleveland Guardians, would most likely be the first candidate on the GOP side to officially declare. Other Republicans closely looking at the race include Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose and Bernie Moreno, a businessman who briefly was a Senate candidate in 2022. Dolan has also been the most aggressive in setting himself up for 2024. CLEVELAND, OH - APRIL 28: Ohio State Senator Matt Dolan, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio, speaks with a local television station after voting early in the May 3 Primary Election at the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections on April 28, 2022 in Cleveland, Ohio. Last week, Former President Donald Trump announced his endorsement of J.D. Vance in the Ohio Republican Senate primary. Other challengers in the Republican Senate primary field include Josh Mandel, Mike Gibbons, Jane Timken, Matt Dolan and Mark Pukita. (Drew Angerer / Getty Images file) As a critic of former President Donald Trump and those who embraced his debunked election conspiracy theories, Dolan struggled to connect with the right-wing base during last years race, even as he expressed support for Trump's policies and wouldn't rule out backing him in 2024. But with a heavily self-funded war chest, he finished a competitive third in the primary behind eventual winner J.D. Vance and former state Treasurer Josh Mandel after a surge in the polls over the closing days. And after Trump was blamed for the GOPs disappointing results outside Ohio in the November midterms, Dolan quickly asserted himself as a post-Trump candidate to take on Brown next year. What we witnessed nationally should convince us the country is ready for substantive candidates, not personalities and election deniers, Dolan wrote to county GOP chairs in Ohio less than a week after the election in an email that indicated he was weighing another run. In his voicemail Sunday, Dolan acknowledged that others are likely to run in 2024 and expressed interest in earning the officials support in what could be another crowded primary. Dolan told the official that the race should be about beating Brown and that he felt he was the candidate best positioned to do so. Browns seat along with those held by Democrats Jon Tester of Montana and Joe Manchin of West Virginia and an open seat in Michigan, where Democrat Debbie Stabenow is retiring will be among the GOPs top pickup opportunities next year. Republican leaders in Ohio are bracing for another brutal primary like the one that elevated Vance, a political novice best known for his bestselling memoir, Hillbilly Elegy. Vance defeated Democrat Tim Ryan by a comfortable margin with help from national GOP groups that spent tens of millions of dollars on TV ads. Other Republicans who are mentioned as possible candidates include U.S. Rep. Warren Davidson and Mark Kvamme, a venture capitalist with close ties to former Gov. John Kasich. The Foreign Secretary will resume talks with his European Commission counterpart as speculation mounts that London and Brussels could be nearing a breakthrough on the Northern Ireland Protocol. James Cleverly will speak to Maros Sefcovic, the commissions vice-president, on Monday over a proposal to iron out issues with post-Brexit trade arrangements affecting Northern Ireland and Great Britain. Political expectation about the prospect of an accord has grown, with suggestions that cross-Channel relations have improved since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister. The announcement last week that a deal had been reached on sharing real-time data on goods travelling from Great Britain to Northern Ireland was seen as a step towards an overall resolution. A UK Government source said the negotiations were proving complex and difficult but said there was a desire to work together to reach an agreement. Labour said signs of progress were promising and urged Mr Sunak to ignore the right wing of his party to secure a protocol pact with Brussels. Talk of pushing through the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill heavily criticised by the EU for the way it would unilaterally override parts of the treaty signed by former prime minister Boris Johnson has grown quieter in recent months. There has also been a flurry of activity in Northern Ireland, with Mr Cleverly and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmers Belfast appearances last week adding to speculation that a protocol announcement is moving nearer. Irish MEP Barry Andrews told Times Radio on Sunday that there was an expectation that a political declaration could emerge out of the Cleverly-Sefcovic talks on Monday. Not an internationally binding agreement, but a political declaration and framework for the way forward, said the Fianna Fail politician. We had some positive announcements last week and generally I think theres been a build-up of trust between the parties. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly is due to speak to his European Commission counterpart (Peter Morrison/PA) Speaking to the PA news agency about Mondays talks, a UK Government source said: Wed all prefer a negotiated solution but significant gaps remain. It is the conversations with the commission that will either bring that about or not. Nobody should be under any illusions that this is complex and difficult but the desire to work together on a solution seems to be there. Alongside the UK-EU talks, Labour will send a delegation to Derry to meet business leaders and learn about how the protocol has affected Northern Ireland trade. The trip will see shadow foreign secretary David Lammy, shadow Northern Ireland secretary Peter Kyle and shadow Cabinet Office minister Baroness Chapman visit Foyle Port, a gateway that handles two million tonnes of cargo a year. Party officials said they were going to see first-hand how red tape from the Conservatives deal and ongoing uncertainty are affecting trade. Shadow foreign secretary David Lammy will travel to Northern Ireland on Monday (Stefan Rousseau/PA) The protocol was agreed to in 2019 by Mr Johnson as a way of breaking the Brexit deadlock. In order to avoid a hard border in Ireland, it moved customs and food safety checks and processes to the Irish Sea, creating economic and administrative barriers on the movement of goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The protocol is vehemently opposed by many unionists and the DUP is blocking the functioning of a devolved government in Stormont in protest at the arrangements. Mr Lammy said: Recent signs of progress on the protocol are promising Rishi Sunak must press on and stand up to the ERG hardliners before this window of opportunity closes. With a UK government showing determination, diplomatic skill and hard work, and flexibility on both sides, the problems with the protocol are resolvable. If the Government can reach a deal that delivers for our national interest and the people of Northern Ireland, the Labour Party stands ready to do what it takes to get it over the line. Transportation sector growth picks up speed By Luo Wangshu (China Daily) 09:37, January 16, 2023 A high-speed train travels along a line from Zhengzhou, Henan province, to Chongqing, which began operations in June last year. LI YANG/XINHUA Higher investment and a detailed plan of action aim to provide greater convenience and greener travel. Luo Wangshu reports. Last year, China's transportation sector saw more investment and extended itself on all fronts to promote high-quality growth, meet people's travel needs, improve lives and boost socioeconomic development. Despite downward pressure on the economy and external challenges, the sector has driven domestic demand and expanded investment to stabilize economic growth and create new space for funding, according to Hou Zhenxing, deputy director of the general planning department at the Ministry of Transport. "Transportation is the pulse of the economy and provides the connections of civilization," he said. The ministry said investment in transportation fixed assets saw a 6.3 percent rise in the first three quarters of last year from the same period in 2021, maintaining a high growth rate. The country has also accelerated the construction of a comprehensive transportation network. In October, a detailed plan was released for the construction of the system's backbone network, with the scale expected to reach 260,000 kilometers by 2025. A project was also launched to improve the transportation and logistics network to boost the carriage of freight in urban areas, with 15 cities selected as the first group to be built into national cargo transport hubs. Major transport construction projects such as the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, the expansion of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway and the third phase of the Changsha Huanghua International Airport in central China's Hunan province proceeded smoothly. Roads, railways and other transportation facilities were built and opened, and more money was invested in building highways in order to maintain and increase investment and stabilize the economy. (Web editor: Cai Hairuo, Liang Jun) The White House says no visitor logs exist for President Bidens private residence near Wilmington, Del., where classified documents were found, after House Republicans called for the release of such records. Like every President across decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal, the White House counsels office said in a statement to numerous news outlets on Monday. But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them, it added. A Secret Service spokesman also told CNN that while the agency provides security for Bidens home, it does not independently maintain visitor logs for it. The revelation comes after Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the chair of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, called on the administration to release the visitor logs from the Delaware home as Republicans heats up their inquiry into Bidens handling of Obama-era classified documents. Given the serious national security implications, the White House must provide the Wilmington residences visitor log, Comer wrote in a letter to Bidens chief of staff, Ron Klain. Bidens legal team has said it has found classified documents dating back to Bidens time as vice president at the Delaware home as well as a Washington think tank. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Robert Hur last week to be the special counsel that investigates the issue for the Department of Justice (DOJ). Republicans have sounded the alarm that Bidens handling of classified information could have jeopardized the countrys national security a concern that Comer communicated to Klain in the letter. Comer also requested all documents and communications related to the search of Bidens properties and other locations where classified documents were found. He also wants the identity of the Biden aides who conducted the searches. Former President Trump, who is also under investigation for his handling of classified information, reacted to the latest development, saying in a social media post on Monday Maybe they are smarter than we think! The White House just announced that there are no LOGS or information of any kind on visitors to the Wilmington house and flimsy, unlocked, and unsecured, but now very famous, garage, Trump said in the post. As the DOJ investigation and congressional inquiries begin, the White House has been adamant that administration officials have cooperated fully with law enforcement. Updated at 1:22 p.m. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill. While jurisdictions like California and New York move toward banning the sale of new gasoline-powered cars, one US state wants to go in the opposite direction. Wyomings legislature is considering a resolution that calls for a phaseout of new electric vehicle sales by 2035. Introduced on Friday, Senate Joint Resolution 4 has support from members of the states House of Representatives and Senate. In the proposed resolution, a group of lawmakers led by Senator Jim Anderson says Wyomings proud and valued oil and gas industry has created countless jobs and contributed revenue to the states coffers. They add that a lack of charging infrastructure within Wyoming would make the widespread use of EVs impracticable and that the state would need to build massive amounts of new power generation to sustain the misadventure of electric vehicles. SJ4 calls for residents and businesses to limit the sale and purchase of EVs voluntarily, with the goal of phasing them out entirely by 2035. If passed, the resolution would be entirely symbolic. In fact, its more about sending a message to EV advocates than banning the vehicles altogether. To that point, the final section of SJ4 calls for Wyomings Secretary of State to send President Biden and California Governor Gavin Newsom copies of the resolution. One might even say tongue-in-cheek, but obviously its a very serious issue that deserves some public discussion, Senator Boner, one of the bills co-sponsors, told the Cowboy State Daily. Im interested in making sure that the solutions that some folks want to the so-called climate crisis are actually practical in real life. I just dont appreciate when other states try to force technology that isnt ready, While the resolution has the markings of a political stunt, it does allude to genuine economic anxiety. Wyoming produced 85.43 million barrels of oil in 2021, making it the countrys eighth-largest crude oil producer that year. The states Carbon County is also home to one of the largest wind farms in the US. Something thats not talked about enough when it comes to climate change is how the world transitions to a zero-emissions economy in an equitable way. People in many rural US states are rightfully mistrustful of so-called green technologies because they havent benefited from more recent technological shifts as much as their urban counterparts. Take the advent of the internet, for instance. In 2018, Microsoft found that many rural communities dont have access to broadband internet. Thats something that has contributed to diminishing economic opportunities in those places. Has reached its seventh edition "Kaira Looro", the international architecture competition for students and young architects, the objective of which is to grow up careers of new architectural talent, raise awareness in the international community regarding the topics of emergency, and support humanitarian projects. Since last Friday, 13rd January 2023, registrations have been open for the 2023 edition which requires the design of an elementary school in the rural areas of Senegal. The aim of the selection process is to select an architectural model of a primary school that can raise the level of education for children, secure the right to study, ensure health and provide the psycho- physical and health conditions necessary to develop each students potential. A facility that is not only limited to school courses, but that can host cross-curricular activities is ideal, a place that is not only a school but also a community. Through architecture, shapes and colors, the aim is to create a model that inspires confidence in the students, the community and the authorities. A unique and symbolic, yet simple, place of identity in which every child can find themselves and begin to build their future. The project must be conceived as feasible in a process of a humanitarian intervention and self- construction, i.e., without qualified personnel and with the direct participation of the local community; it must, therefore, meet certain construction requirements. Balouo Salo Participation is open to architects, students, designers, engineers, and anyone who wants to propose a solution to the theme. It is possible to participate in the competition individually or in teams, with one requirement: the presence of under 35 years old on the team. Calendar & Deadlines: Early registrations: 13rd Jan - 28th Febr 2023 Normal registrations: 1st March - 9th Apr 2023 Late registrations: 10th Apr - 15th May 2023 FAQ answer deadline: 1st June 2023 Submissions Deadline: 11st June 2023 Jury evaluation: 2rth June - 01st July 2023 Winners announcements: 10th July 2023 The entries received will be evaluated by a jury made up of prominent architects: Kengo Kuma (Kengo Kuma & Associates), Benedetta Tagliabue (EMBT Miralles Tagliabue), Agostino Ghirardelli (SBGA | Blengini Ghirardelli), Manuel Aires Mateus (Aires Mateus Architects), Raul Pantaleo (TAM Associati), Mphethi Morojele (MMA Design Studio), emmanuelle moureaux (Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture + Design), Saad El Kabbaj, Driss Kettani e Mohamed Amine Siana and an scientific committee made up of Raoul Vecchio (Balouo Salo), Sebastiano DUrso (University of Catania and other specialist in architecture and humanitarian actions. Awards will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, 2 honorable mentions, 2 special mentions, 20 finalists, and 20 Top 50. The winning project will receive a cash prize (5.000 ) and an internship at Kengo Kuma & Associates studio in Japan, as well as the construction of the project as humanitarian intervention. The other internships will be awarded to the 2nd place team at the EMBT Miralles Tagliabue in Spain and to the 3rd place at the SBGA Blengini Ghiradelli in Italy, and respectively 2.000 and 1.000. Furthermore, all of the projects will be published on the competitions website and in its official book, transmitted to 30 of the competitions global media partners, and shared with institutional partners. The competition is organized by the Balouo Salo Non-Profit Organization, engaged in charitable projects in Africa, and all proceeds (obtained from the registration fees), will be entirely donated to the implementation of humanitarian projects in Africa to improve the living conditions of communities in rural areas. Archilovers and Archiportale are media partners of the competition. by Vladimir Rozanskij Deaths are increasing due to taking drugs without controls, or because they are expired or of dubious quality. The deaths could be much higher than the official figures. Pharmacies out of control: they sell everything without a prescription, in several cases even narcotics. Moscow (AsiaNews) - The pharmaceutical industry in Central Asia is in urgent need of reform, as many media outlets have been reporting for some time. Over the past two months in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, more than 20 children who used Indian-made 'Dok-1 Max' cough syrups and lozenges have died. The probable cause of the deaths is kidney failure. Deaths caused by this preparation had already surfaced in reports from West Africa since last October, with warnings from the World Health Organisation (WHO) against this medicine. In spite of this, Dok-1 Max and other dubious preparations remained available in Uzbekistan until the end of December, and many believe that deaths due to their intake are far higher than the official figures. A popular Uzbek blogger, Nikita Makarenko, sought answers on these matters from health officials in his country. He asked why WHO warnings were ignored, even though the weaknesses of the local health system are not a new and surprising fact. In 2021 in the city of Angren a girl died from 'Tseftrjakson', an antibiotic against infections. The preparation was supposed to be administered under the supervision of doctors, but the girl had received it from a relative without any preparation, and three other people died that year from the same cause. The Uzbek government does not provide statistical data on such cases. Several observers are convinced, however, that there are other cases of deaths of children and adults linked to taking medicines and antibiotics without due verification. Tseftrjakson is still available in Uzbek pharmacies, and these cases denote a trend in the pharmaceutical industry in Uzbekistan and all Central Asian countries, as an investigation by The Diplomat also states. The report points out that the healthcare sector in Central Asia is in need of heavy investment, with poorly qualified staff and outdated equipment. Treatment in hospitals and private clinics is also very expensive, and most people try to get by with home remedies. Public and private pharmacies often work unsupervised: in Uzbekistan there are almost 1,000 pharmacies where one can buy any medicine without a prescription, and non-prescription antibiotics are available in almost all pharmacies in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. In 2019, the Turkmen government banned the sale of antibiotics in private pharmacies, but the lack of information makes it impossible to verify how far this directive is enforced. Uzbekistan has also tried to limit the uncontrolled spread of antibiotics, but without success, given the numerous deaths since 2021. The accessibility of medicines in Uzbek pharmacies and parapharmacies is so well established that it is included as one of the benefits in tourist travel advertisements. This spread of such controversial preparations not only makes the population more threatened in terms of health, but even spreads addiction to narcotics, as The Diplomat points out. In Kazakhstan, the authorities have fined about 200 pharmacies for selling narcotics, which have been prohibited in the country for years, but this has not stopped (clandestine) trafficking. A similar situation occurs in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Tramadol is widely used among students in these countries, as it is considered an easy and cheap way to overcome all kinds of stress. Another risk factor is the spread of counterfeit or expired medicines, which are bought at heavily discounted prices for chronic diseases, such as diabetes. It is estimated that between 10 and 12% of the preparations on sale belong to these categories, and entire factories and warehouses of counterfeit medicines have been found in Uzbekistan. After the devastating effects of Covid-19, profound reforms are needed in this region, where control over the health sector has been lost. So far, 'cosmetic' measures are being taken, with demonstrative closures of some pharmacies and resounding calls for 'European standards', which, however, penalise smaller retailers. by Melani Manel Perera The Sri Lankan president took part in Pongal, a traditional festival, assuring the implementation of the 13th Amendment devolving powers to the provinces. Activists organised an event in response to demand justice for the victims of the civil war. Colombo (AsiaNews) - President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday attended the National Thai Pongal Festival in the city of Jaffna and ensured the full implementation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which provides for the devolution of powers to the provinces. Called Thai Pongal or simply Pongal, it is a harvest festival celebrated in various parts of India and by the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. The victims of the civil war launched a demonstration called 'Free Pongal' to demand the release of Tamil political prisoners from the government. "The leaders of the northern and southern provincial councils have demanded the full implementation of the 13th Amendment. We are pursuing these activities. In the next two years, we will continue this work systematically,' Wickremesinghe said, adding that a special commission will be set up to build a country where all can live in harmony, while the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be accelerated. However, the relatives of the missing young people protested at the president's words: 'We cannot celebrate without our rights. We do not want to celebrate without our sons and husbands who have disappeared and without answers from the authorities,' some women said. The Tamil population is also demanding access to land that the army confiscated during the civil conflict that devastated the country between 1983 and 2009. "Without our land to cultivate, what is the point of celebrating Pongal?" a Tamil mother from the Wanni area in the north of the country told AsiaNews. Instead of Thai Pongal, some Tamil activists organised 'Free Pongal' at the University of Jaffa to demand the release of those who have been in prison (some for more than 15 years) and often without ever having received formal charges. According to Kumanan, a Tamil youth activist contacted by AsiaNews, the event was organised by the 'voiceless of the voiceless' to call for 'an amnesty or a presidential pardon' for political prisoners on the occasion of the Tamil holiday of Pongal or Sri Lanka's Independence Day, which falls on 4 February. Murugiah Komakan, the coordinator of the organisation, led the proceedings and former prisoners from the Kilinochchi and Jaffna areas also participated. Among those present was also Hindu priest Raghupathi Sharma, a Tamil political prisoner recently released by presidential pardon. About 43 per cent of respondents in an online survey perceive the United States "very unfavourably, especially among those born after 1990. Europe is viewed more favourably, with Germany at the top with 69 per cent and the United Kingdom at the bottom with 46 per cent. Beijing (AsiaNews) A majority of Chinese view the United States with disfavour, this according to an online survey co-published by researchers from the National University of Singapore, Canadas University of British Columbia and Rice University in the United States. Based on a sample of 2,083 Chinese respondents, the study was conducted in 2020 and 2021. It shows that 43 per cent held a "very unfavourable" opinion of the United States; only 23 per cent expressed a "very or somehow" positive view. The most unfavourable view was held by people born after 1990. In a survey published in June, the Pew Research Center found that negative views of China had reached an all-time high in most of the 19 countries studied, especially the United States, especially over human rights. Attitudes among ordinary Chinese appear to go against the timid attempts by the Chinese government to improve relations with the United States. According to several observers, the latter is evinced by the decision to appoint Qin Gang, former ambassador to the United States, as foreign minister, and to sack "wolf warrior" Zhao Lijian, until recently Deputy Director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, relations are expected to remain frosty. The Biden administration shows no signs of ending the trade war against China nor of lifting the ban on technology transfers initiated by Donald Trump. Chinas disappointment vis-a-vis the United States, however, is not reflected in its attitude towards the rest of the Western world. The joint study by Singaporean, Canadian and US universities found that a positive view of Europe, especially Germany (69 per cent), among Chinese. European countries are perceived as less aggressive than the United States; in fact, the Chinese government and state media usually treat them in a friendlier way. The one European exception is the United Kingdom, viewed favourably by only 46 per cent of respondents. In China, the UK is often associated with the US in areas such as the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, criticism of Beijing's policies in Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang, and the disputes over Taiwan and the South China Sea. Today's headlines: President Tsai Ing-wen's deputy to head the ruling party in Taiwan; Former MP killed in Kabul; Iraqi PM ready to maintain US troop presence; Nepal plane crash: four missing; Jehovah's Witness convicted of extremism in Russia. MYANMAR Supplies of materials from companies in 13 countries are being used by the ruling coup junta to produce weapons to be used against the armed opposition. This was revealed in a report by a UN study group. Companies from the USA, France, India and Japan are also involved. TAIWAN Vice President Lai Ching-te is the new leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), in power since 2016. The appointment puts him in the front row to run for the country's presidency: current Head of State Tsai Ing-wen's term expires in 2024. In November, the Dpp suffered a stinging defeat in local elections. AFGHANISTAN Former MP Mursal Nabizada has been assassinated. The attack, by an armed group, took place in her home in Kabul; her brother was also wounded and a bodyguard killed. The victim was a member of the lower house of parliament until the return of the Taliban to power in August 2021. IRAQ Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani does not oppose the continued presence of US troops in the country, a statement that will infuriate the pro-Iran Shia militias. There are currently 2,500 US troops on Iraqi soil, half of those deployed between 2014 and 2018 in the campaign against Isis. NEPAL The search continues for the four people missing in the plane crash near Pokhara airport. A Yeti Airlines aircraft crashed into a gorge shortly before it began its landing phase. There are currently 68 victims, 52 Nepalese and 15 foreigners. RUSSIA The court in Kyzyl, in the Republic of Tuva, sentenced a follower of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Anatolij Senin, to six years in prison on charges of extremism, the first conviction in the Mongolian-Siberian region. He had been arrested for "transmitting video recordings of religious content, incitement to prayer and religious songs and Bible study". GEORGIA Rustavi 2 TV broadcast an audio recording with the voice of the mother of former President Saakasvili (now in prison) criticising opposition politicians. The woman explains that her son came to Georgia 'because of Russia', stirring up a hornet's nest of controversy and mutual accusations of treason and plotting with the Kremlin. by Nirmala Carvalho Despite talks between the parties led by a Church committee, the bishops meeting ended with no agreement. In the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly, tensions have simmered for a year over a failed compromise on the uniform rite. For Card Alencherry, everyone should understand that ignoring the synod's decision is illicit. New incidents between opposing sides marred Christmas celebrations at Ernakulam cathedral. Kochi (AsiaNews) Despite ongoing talks, the Synod of the Syro-Malabar Church ended on Saturday at Mount St Thomas Kakkanad without any agreement on unifying the style of the Holy Qurbana, the Eucharistic celebration according to this Eastern rite. In a post-synodal circular, Major Archbishop Cardinal George Alencherry reiterated that the final decision on matters relating to the liturgy belongs to the Synod and the Holy See. No one else has the right to decide otherwise. For this reason, everyone should understand that ignoring the synod's decision is illicit. The possibility of discussions is only within the framework of that decision," he said. In the circular, the cardinal explains that a committee of six bishops was set up at the suggestion of Mar Andrews Thazhath, the apostolic administrator appointed by Pope Francis for the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly. Several discussions were held in the archdiocese with opponents and supporters of the uniform rite, members of the curia, and prominent lay people. Card Alencherry said that the talks are aimed at providing parishes within the archdiocese with enough time to implement the uniform celebration. The hope of bishops at the synod was to start the process of reconciliation by starting the uniform mass at the Cathedral basilica at least on Sundays, the circular said. Opponents, however, have refused the basic terms of reference. As a result, it was impossible to reach a decision accepted by all, but discussions will continue. With respect to the violent incidents that took place in Ernakulam cathedral before Christmas, the circular said that priests who used the Eucharistic celebration to protest and people who invaded the altar to prevent them, both inflicted deep wounds on the Church. A report from the committee on the matter will be sent to Rome, which will act accordingly. Meanwhile, acting on behalf of priests in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly, Fr Jose Vailikodath reiterated that they will continue to celebrate the holy Qurbana facing the faithful, rejecting once again, the compromise reached by the Syro-Malabar Synod in 2021 to find a single form of celebration for the various dioceses. The clergyman also criticised the post-synodal circular, arguing that it was written in a way that creates further problems rather than solve the issue. Latif Afridi, 79, was killed by a relative, Pakistani media report. Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif expressed sorrow, urges provincial government to bring the situation under control. The lawyer had repeatedly criticised the military for interfering in politics. Peshawar (AsiaNews/Agencies) Latif Afridi, a lawyer, human rights activist, and former president of Pakistans Supreme Court Bar Association, was shot dead today inside Peshawar High Court. Rushed to hospital, he died from to his wounds on the way. Afridi was with other lawyers in a courtroom when a gunman opened fire, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police Senior Superintendent Of Police Kashif Abbassi said. The attacker was identified as Adnan Afridi, thought to be related to the victim. According to the police, the attack was due to personal enmity. According to the Pakistani newspaper Dawn, the assailant is the cousin of anti-terrorism judge Aftab Afridi, who was also shot dead last year. Latif Afridi and some other family members were named in connection with the case, but later acquitted by the anti-terrorism court in Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. According to Reuters, however, the attacker is not related to the murdered lawyer. The Peshawar High Court Bar Association expressed concern, calling the incident a "security lapse, wondering how a gunman could have got inside the courthouse. People are allowed in the High Court only if they show their identity card. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif expressed deep sorrow over the lawyers "brutal killing. I pray that the bereaved family bear this loss with fortitude, Peshawar. The worsening law and order situation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is alarming. The prime minister went on to urge the provincial government to take immediate action to restore calm. Latif Afridi, 79, was an expert in constitutional law and a staunch critic of Pakistans military for interfering in the countrys politics. He had survived previous attacks. PHEV HVAC Still wearing the trippy vinyl stickers on the entire exterior, the Lamborghini Urus(name unconfirmed) does have a few visual updates over the S and Performante variants. For one, the headlamps look different, and the hood protrudes more into the bumper, which is also new. The side skirts are less beefy than the ones of the sportier alternative , and the rear bumper is less aggressive. It still has two spoilers out back, and four exhaust tips.Moreover, the wheels equipping this prototype are rather small, and they were fitted with normal (maybe low-friction) tires, though they may not be the final production version, as the Italian exotic car maker is probably testing different configurations to see which one works best. And if you were wondering whether this is indeed the plug-in hybrid version of the Urus , then all you have to do is look at the left rear quarter panel, and you will see the charging port hidden by camouflage.In all likelihood, expect more exclusive upholstery and trim on the inside, as well as dedicated load and submenus in the infotainment system and digital dials. The third screen, which is used to control thesystem, should remain the same. An additional driving mode, which will allow it to travel on zero emissions for a few miles, will be included too. And if youre wondering how far it will be able to drive in the all-quiet mode, then you will have to wait for Lamborghini to officially lift the curtain for this model, because it is still unknown.The same goes for the powertrain too, which should mix the twin-turbo V8 with an electric motor. Some say that the Urus PHEV will share it with the Porsche Cayenne Turbo S E-Hybrid, and that it will launch with roughly 675 horsepower combined, available via the right pedal. A more powerful version, which will dwarf the rest of the range in terms of output, is said to be in the making too, and that one could boast somewhere around 820 hp, if the latest rumors hold water. Still, dont forget to take this information with a pinch of salt, as no one who is not directly involved in its development knows for sure.As we already told you in the intro, the Lamborghini Urus PHEV is due this year, and this has been confirmed multiple times. Chances are it will reach our shores as a 2024 model. SUV True, Honda and Acura finished last year with almost 33% fewer sales than in 2021, but December was one of their best months overall. As such, it was adamantly clear that if supply met the strong demand they would have fared even better. And theres a logic behind the customer love.After all, the Asian carmaker had something for everyone in 2022. That includes the new generation HR-V (now a larger, compact offering based on the eleventh Civic and offered internationally as the ZR-V), the freshly introduced all-new best-selling CR-V crossover, the mid-size three-row Pilot (including as a TrailSport adventurer), and more.Hey, even passenger cars had a saying in this, given the release of the latest Accord (which is hitting nationwide dealerships this very month to help out with the recovering sales) and Honda unleashing the untamed sixth iteration (FL5) of the Civic Type R Hot Hatch into the wild. Sure, they are trying to be more practical than ever here as well, so we are dealing with a spacious five-door liftback.But what if people do not mind being cramped if that means they can remember the vintage three-door hatchback times of the original EK9 Civic Type R (1997-2000), the follow-up EP3 from 2001 to 2005, or the FN2 European and international version (2007-2011) of the third generation? Well, slim chances of that happening in the real world but cue the dreamy realm of digital car content creators, and of course, all CGI bets are off Thus, meet Sugar Chow, the virtual artist better known as sugardesign_1 on social media, who is back at digitally fiddling with the latest Honda Civic Type R, again showing a lot of CGI love for Hondas high-performance compact. That is, in between a quirky Lynk&Co 03+ Wagon (after all, he loves Touring the world! and making everything a juicy or laughable station wagon/shooting brake) and his recent passion for Alfa Romeo Giulias.Thus, after giving us stuff like the Tonale-inspired next-generation neo-retro Giulia in sedan, wagon, and even Sprint Quadrifoglio Coupe form , he is now back to his passion for Hondas feisty Civic. The three-door hatchback Coupe version of the current Honda Civic Type R is a recurring theme, indeed, complete with classic or base dirt-cheap variations.But this one must be the coolest transformation to date, even though I am not sure it has any value in crossover terms. As such, meet the imagined Honda Civic Type-R Crosstour! It not only looks CGI-miles better than the botched attempt at creating a mid-size five-door coupe-SUV back during the early 2010s but is also hitting all the right JDM tuning-style vibes, complete with a lowered stance and a widebody-style treatment for the wheel arches.So, unless there is an air suspension, it will not do much off-roading, unlike the Porsche 911 Dakar or Lambo Huracan Sterrato. But at least it still carries a lot more luggage thanks to the streamlined roof rack and box on top of the ceiling. Alas, I do wonder how air flows around the big wing sitting right behind the roof box If commercial drone deliveries are so popular, why not implement the same concept for delivering school meals to remote or hard-to-reach locations? In the summer of 2022, Skyports teamed up with local authorities in Scotland, to test drone delivery for island schools. For the initial tests, a Swoop Aero eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing) was used to safely carry meals from the Oban Airport to the Lochnell Primary School. In the future, all school meal deliveries in the area could be carried out by drones.This is just one of the many examples where drones are proving to be a successful, green, cost-effective alternative to conventional transportation of goods. And this is just the beginning. But, while everyone is talking about the aircraft themselves, and their commercial operators, theres almost no talk about the people who are needed to take this phenomenon to the next level.Granted, everyone in the industry is dreaming of a future where all eVTOL and cargo drone operations would be unmanned. But even then, operations will still need to be closely monitored by ground-based control stations. In the meantime, drone pilots (who are also a new addition to the industry) also require support. Especially with drone services expanding rapidly, in different parts of the world.Alex Brown, director of Skyports Drone Services, makes a good point when he states that workforce development is essential for the growth of any new industry, although it often stays in the background. As this particular company continues to grow and reach new markets (from Columbia to Korea and Kenya) it plans to also develop dedicated operational support for drone services (not limited to deliveries, but also including monitoring and survey).That is why it has recently launched a large-scale Hub Operator Program. Those who will be hired through this program will basically support the drone pilots from the ground. Theyll perform the essential checklists for safe operations, help with situational awareness during flights, and ensure safe drone landings and departures. Of course, theyll do all of that after a period of extensive specialized training.One of the key features of these new positions is mobility, because the future support experts will need to travel frequently from one flight hub to another. It probably sounds exciting for those who would like to be involved in this young, exciting industry, instead of just watching it develop from the sidelines.At the same time, Skyports continues to work on developing air taxi vertiports in major urban centers across the globe. Once those will be closer to becoming reality, an even higher wave of workforce recruitment is to be expected. Detailed in patent number 11545036, the so-called real-time driving behavior and safety monitoring is a new capability that Google originally started to look into back in December 2019 when the first application was submitted.The new system describes technology based on vehicle sensor data that helps Googles software determine potential hazards and then issue a notification to the driver, therefore helping the person behind the wheel act accordingly.At the end of the journey, Google says it can display a summary of the driving monitoring, including the number of alerts and other potential details regarding the detected hazards.While similar systems have been around for a while , Googles concept seems to push the driving monitoring solutions a step further. The company says that its implementation could allow for identifying objects and providing the right alerts based on the type, location, and relative motions of the objects.In other words, Google envisions a set of different notifications, perhaps based on a severity rating, including audible and flashing notifications that would be displayed on the dashboard.Google says all the data processing would take place both locally and in the cloud. Once the system receives the data from the vehicle sensors, including radar and infrared cameras, it uses its local processing power to identify the vehicle's position, the objects in its proximity, and the distance to them. The driver is then alerted of a potential hazard, while images, sensor data, hazard information, and the type of issued alert are automatically uploaded to a server for further analysis. Eventually, the server would send back the statistics that are displayed at the end of the journey.Google sees the whole concept as a proper fit for Google Maps, and its not hard to figure out how the whole thing could work. The navigation system, most likely running in Android Automotive cars (as this is the only way for Googles services to get access to vehicle sensors), would provide an AR-powered experience where the potential hazards in front of the car are marked in real-time on the map.An image included in the patent shows a pedestrian crossing the street and flagged as a potential hazard, with the rest of the navigation interface, including the next turn and the ETA, displayed in the top left and right corners. This would allow Google Maps to put focus on safety features without impacting the navigation experience While this is a feature that others have also developed, Google could turn it into a big incentive for automakers to bring Android Automotive to their cars. The adoption of the OS is still happening at a slow pace, with some companies, including BMW, specifically going for the open-source version to block Google from accessing vehicle data The new system is still a patent for now, so nobody knows for sure if Google has already decided to promote it to the production channel. Looking to the future, Heesen hopes for a thriving 2023, with plans to launch no less than four major superyachts this year, including the yards most powerful project to date, the 197-foot (60-meter) superyacht Project SkyFall. The other three projects to be completed and unveiled this year are the full custom Project Sparta, the first hull in the re-styled Steel series dubbed Project Apollo, and the smart custom Project Oslo24.As always at Heesen, we are anticipating the Chinese New Year with great enthusiasm and expect 2023, the Year of the Water Rabbit, to be another intense and exciting one. Right from the get-go, 2023 promises to be a very busy year, the company says.At the moment, the shipyard has fifteen yachts under construction, but only four of them will see daylight in 2023. Project SkyFall is set to be the first superyacht to be delivered this year, with its launch to the water expected to happen on January 27. The 197-foot (60-meter) vessels exterior design was handled by Omega Architects, while world-famous Harrison Eidsgaard penned the interior design.Featuring an aluminum hull and superstructure, Project SkyFall has been designed as a sportfishing mothership and comes complete with storage space for 40 rods and even a fighting chair. It will be able to accommodate up to 12 guests across five staterooms and will be equipped with a power package totaling 22,000 horsepower and delivering a top speed of 37 knots (43 mph/69 kph) in light load conditions.The next project to see daylight this year is the 220-foot (67-meter) full-custom Project Sparta, which features a sporty profile characterized by an elegant sheer line and strong bow, according to the company. Winch Design took care of both exterior and interior styling for this vessel, with its Fast Displacement Hull Form designed by Van Oossanen Naval Architects and engineering overseen by Arcon Yachts. Project Sparta will offer up to 12 guests a smooth cruising experience at a top speed of 16 knots (19 mph/30 kph).The first of five hulls in the shipbuilders re-styled Steel Series, Project Apollo, is also under construction. Featuring a muscular exterior designed by Omega Architects and an interior concept created by Luca Dini Design and Architecture, this superyacht model can accommodate 12 guests in six cabins and reach a top speed of 15.5 knots (18 mph/29 kph).Finally, vouching to create the best yachts and the brightest future for the shipyard, Heesen will also launch the 164-foot (50-meter) Project Oslo24, a highly customized yacht that is built on the same platform the shipyard used for its Steel Class superyachts. This particular vessel was commissioned by an experienced yachtsman, hence the customizations. The future owner chose a hybrid propulsion system for the yacht, along with some standout interior features, like a glass-bottomed pool and a firepit.Heesen Yachts representatives will be present at the Dubai and Palm Beach boat shows in the spring, where theyll disclose more details about their new projects. 55 Chevy Photo: eBay/User aimoch1 73 BMW 3.0 CSL Race Car Photo: eBay/User will32ec Dodge Van Photo: eBay/User lindajim927 63 Studebaker Champ 2020 Corvette Photo: eBay/User stc1995 Volkswagen Kafer Racer Photo: eBay/User smilehobbie 2020 Jaguar F-Type Photo: eBay/User kpenwood Custom 18 Ford Mustang GT Photo: eBay/User dbomb816 Nissan Skyline H/T 2000GT-X Photo: eBay/User hollywood123818 71 Lamborghini Miura SV Photo: eBay/User hiddentreasuresofturkey 84 Mustang SVO Photo: eBay/User 2007brechbill 94 Audi Avant RS2 Photo: eBay/User monaro7373 32 Ford 81 Camaro Photo: Lamley Group While most people haven't abandoned hope just yet, there are two alternatives to having a complete STH collection for every year. The first one is finding them all on eBay or collector forums, but it won't be cheap. While you might pay around $2 for an STH item if you can find it inside a store, you can end up paying a hundred times more if you'll buy it from someone who's only looking to make a profit.The other alternative involves going straight to Mattel Creations at the beginning of each year. That's because the diecast manufacturer releases a set containing all 15 STH items, usually in January. Getting all 15 from the store will only cost you about $30, but Mattel will charge $250 for it all. But there's more. The tricky part is that they're only making 1,500 sets in total, and chances are tens of thousands of people will be trying to get at least one. So let's look at the Super Treasure vehicles that were available in 2022 to get an idea of how big this moment is for Hot Wheels collectors around the world.The '55 Chevy kicked things off for 2022, as it was the first STH model to arrive in stores. Larry Wood originally designed this casting for its 2006 release, when it had a metal base and a Spectraflame paint job. The first variation to use Real Riders wheels arrived in 2007, and there aren't that many premium versions of this car going around.Fast forward to 2022, both the regular '55 Chevy and its rarer version were painted blue. You could recognize the STH by the fact that it had the Spectraflame paint job but also the Real Riders 5-spoke wheels, which made it look quite impressive. Of course, there's also a TH symbol on it, and it's not that easy to spot even if the vehicle is still carded.Prices for this STH range between $49 to $225. Of course, loose items can cost a bit less, but for this exercise, we'll only be looking at collectibles that are still intact in every way possible.Case B for 2022 brought with it the '73 BMW 3.0 CSL Race Car Super Treasure Hunt. This casting has only been around since 2016, and Mattel had Fraser Campbell working on the design before its official release.Since its debut, we've only seen 10 different variations of it, so it's no wonder that collectors are always keen to get their hands on one on every occasion they get. The 2022 Retro Racers appearance featured two almost identical models, and anyone who was anything less than a Hot Wheels expert probably had a hard time telling them apart.The STH item was painted in Spectraflame Yellow and featured Real Riders 8-spoke wheels while also featuring Castrol, Bilstein, and Hot Wheels decals. Prices for it range between $40 to $99, which is nothing compared to the 2016 Toy Fair edition. One of those can cost you more than $1,000.The Dodge Van was the third Super Treasure Hunt released for 2022, and up to that point, it was also the newest casting around. Ryu Asada designed this for its 2021 release, so it achieved STH status after just two initial variations.You'll only find seven of them on the market today, but there's a good chance more are coming shortly. Once again, telling this model apart from the regular variation was quite tricky for most people. Besides the Spectraflame color, some noticed that the 5-spoke wheels were replaced with Mini Classic 4-Spoke Real Riders ones.Also, a TH decal appeared right above the Dodge one on the door, but that's about it. As you'd expect, the Dodge Van was less popular than the previous two models. But that didn't necessarily impact its market value, as the most expensive one is rated at about $300. At the other end of the spectrum, there's still hope of finding one for $40.The '63 Studebaker Champ was up next, but the Spectraflame Black truck wasn't all that popular. A Lamley Group poll had it sitting in P3 on a list of the worst STH collectibles for 2022, and that may be because this is a lesser-known vehicle these days.Still, there is some history behind this casting, as it was first used in 2011. The STH release marked a new era for it, as Mattel opted for retooling to make it slightly more attractive.The STH variation used 8-spoke RR wheels as opposed to the standard 5-spoke ones. One of the most expensive '63 Studebaker Champ STH models we've seen on the market has a price tag of $201. But you might be able to get it for just $30 if you're not in that big of a hurry.From our perspective, the 2020 Corvette was one of the coolest Super Treasure Hunt collectibles of the year, but that doesn't seem to be a popular opinion. It arrived with Case E in 2022 and featured a clean look with its Spectraflame Elkhart Lake Blue paint job and Real Riders 5-Spoke Modern wheels.Before the STH and regular mainline variation, there had been just one other version: the 2012 iD: Supercars Sebring Orange Corvette. So there are just three iterations of the Hot Wheels C8 Corvette on the market if you don't account for the race version.If you're keen on adding a Short Card 'Vette to your collection, that can cost you up to $225. But $40 could do the trick, too, if you don't mind having the Long Card. That shouldn't be that difficult of a decision, right?Case F brought the first JDM Super Treasure Hunt of 2022: the '99 Honda Civic Type R (EK9). The late Ryu Asada designed this casting for its 2021 debut, so the world had only seen one previous variation of it before the STH model hit the market.The entry-level Phoenix Yellow paint job was upgraded to Spectraflame Yellow, and the PR5 wheels made way for a set of more exciting Real Riders 6-spoke Mag rims. Given how few iterations of this casting are around and the fact that the younger generation of collectors loves Japanese cars, it's no wonder that the '99 Civic Type R was voted as the third most popular STH of 2022.That has an impact on its market value as well. The most expensive one we've come across on eBay recently had a price tag of $400. Finding a carded version for less than $160 sounds like Mission Impossible, but it doesn't hurt to keep trying.The Volkswagen Kafer Racer that was hiding in Case G was the second least popular STH of 2022. This, too, was almost identical to the standard variation, so that may be why people voted this way.While the Spectraflame Carmine iteration is the latest one to hit the market, the first version of this casting first appeared back in 2017. Mark Jones designed it while drawing inspiration from the Porsche 935 "Moby Dick" race car.Regardless of its popularity rating, the most expensive Short Card STH Kafer you'll come across will require a $250 investment. Finding one for less than $40 isn't all that impossible either, but you'd better have some negotiation skills to get to that point.The eighth Super Treasure Hunt item to come out in 2022 was the 2020 Jaguar F-Type. There aren't that many variations of this casting around since it was just released in 2021. Ryu Asada designed this as well, and the STH model is the only one to feature a Spectraflame paint job and Real Riders wheels.The previous three iterations weren't quite as good, and one of them even made use of the terrible TRAP5 wheels. The STH Jaguar featured a clean look, a strategy that has proven to be quite effective in recent years.Still, this collectible was almost as unpopular as the Studebaker Champ. And finding one for the right price isn't going to be all that hard. You'll pay a maximum of $112 for one of these, while some people are even willing to accept $35 or less these days.This may come as a surprise, but the '18 Ford Mustang GT was voted to be the worst Super Treasure release for 2022. Both the regular version and the rare one featured mismatched wheels, but the standard Y5 model was replaced by the Real Riders 6-Spoke Mag design.Other than that, these two were almost identical, and that may be why this STH has such a bad reputation. Most people will tell you that the 2020 iD series Falken Mustang was infinitely better, but otherwise, your options are quite limited.Since 2019, Mattel has released 11 different variations of this casting, but you'll probably like the Premium RTR's a lot better. As for the market value of the Super Treasure Hunt, prices range between $35 to $90.The Nissan Skyline H/T 2000GT-X was the second and final Japanese Super Treasure Hunt model for 2022. And it was also the third most popular STH according to collectors that voted in the Lamley Awards.This Jun Imai-designed casting has been around since 2011, and by 2013 there was already a Premium variation going around. In 2016 it graduated to Car Culture: Japan Historics, and there are 18 different iterations to look for if you're going for the complete collection.The regular and STH versions were almost identical to each other, but the latter had 8-spoke wheels instead of the standard 5-spoke design. Given its popularity, this is one of the most expensive STH cars of 2022. Some people are asking as much as $400 for it, while the most sensible listings have it sitting at $80.The '71 Lamborghini Miura SV casting arrived in 2019 as part of the Hot Wheels id: Factory Fresh series. So it had a nice Spectraflame Giallo Miura paint job and ID wheels for a decent overall package.The casting was introduced to the Mainline series in 2022, and Mattel upgraded it to STH status to celebrate that new beginning. The regular item looked quite boring with its MC5 wheels and Arancio Miura paint job, but that was not the case for the STH as it sat on Real Riders 10-spoke rims.This STH collectible appeared in Case L and can cost as much as $500 these days. Some people might be willing to let it go for $50, but don't expect any miracles beyond that point.If you've been following our series of Super Treasure Hunt reports, you might remember that Mattel has created several STH variations of the Ford Mustang. But the '84 SVO showed up in 2022, hidden away in some of the M cases for that year. The casting first appeared in 2012 and was designed by Jun Imai.Even so, it's quite rare, as there are only nine variations of it in total. The STH iteration featured a Spectraflame Purple paint job and Real Riders 5-spoke wheels, and American Muscle enthusiasts were ecstatic about it, to say the least. The most expensive ones on the market are priced at around $200, while the cheapest ones can go for about $30.European cars are more and more popular with Hot Wheels collectors these days, and Audis have been a big part of the shift. People have almost been fighting for the '94 Avant RS2 ever since it came out in 2021.So it's no wonder that Mattel has already created four variations of it so far. We haven't seen a Premium version just yet, but that's bound to change over this year.The regular 2022 model wasn't half bad in Brilliant Black, rolling on Aerodisc wheels. But the STH just took things to the next level, and that's why it took P4 in the popularity competition. One eBay user has listed one of these for $560, but that doesn't mean you can't try and get a similar product for about $40.Case P brought with it the '32 Ford, which was instantly popular thanks to its Gulf livery. The Spectraflame Blue chassis sits on Real Riders Steelie wheels, and it's obvious why this casting is quite popular among Hot Wheels collectors.Gary Saffer designed this in the '90s, and it made its official debut back in 1998. You'll spend a lot of time and resources finding all the variations out there, but it will probably be worth it in the end. Talking about the 2022 STH version, the market value ranges between $60 to $320.The last STH to show up in 2022 was the '81 Camaro. Some people are still finding this one today, so you'd better keep an eye out for it too. The casting has been around since 2012, but there aren't as many variations of it as you'd expect.The Super Treasure Hunt features a cool Spectraflame Green paint job and Real Riders 5-spoke wheels and will sell for anything between $50 to $200. It's a bit strange that Mattel hasn't paid that much attention to this casting, as there are no other Premium versions of it.And the color scheme on both the regular iteration and the STH one might remind you of some other vehicles in the company's line up too. Either way, the '81 Camaro STH wasn't as popular as expected, but it still makes for a great addition to any enthusiast's collection.Now that we've seen all the Super Treasure Hunt models that were available in 2022, let's do the math. You can get all 15 on Mattel Creations for $250 before taxes if you're lucky enough. The set launches on January 17, 2023, at 9 AM PT, and it also includes that cool-looking box. But there's a limited supply of just 1,500 sets, so if you can get one, you might as well go get a lottery ticket too.Buying all 15 cars on the market will cost you at least $700, so you can easily tell why Mattel's release feels like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity . If you'll ever want to let go of it, you're almost sure to earn a profit too. But then again, collecting Hot Wheels cars isn't all about finding Super Treasure Hunt cars. There are also the Premium models to look out for, and at the end of the day, those can be just as fun. PHEV AWD The forum is held from January 16 to 20 in Davos, Switzerland , and brings together political, business, cultural, and other leaders from across the globe. There, the brand operates 45 eco-friendly vehicles, which serve as delegate transportation - some of the models are the Santa Fe, Genesis GV60, Electrified GV70, Electrified G8, and Ioniq 5. The fleet is made up of a total of 59 vehicles, all boasting Busan's World Expo 2030 logo on their sides.The electrified vehicles were strategically chosen for the events, as they reflect Busan's World Expo vision for a sustainable future: "Transforming Our World, Navigating Towards a Better Future." Busan recognizes the need for a fundamental change to tackle global challenges, and it has devised three sub-themes for the event: climate change, the downsides of digital transformation, and the inequality among and within nations. Each sub-theme is correlated with the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) - people, planet, and prosperity.The next World Expo is set to be held in Osaka, Japan, in 2025. Busan is going against other competitors, such as Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for the 2030 hosting privileges. Dedicated EV charging stations were set up near the event venues, but the brand went even further and added an emergency solution. Ioniq 5 units also provide emergency charging using the car's Vehicle to Load (V2L) feature, which enables you to charge any electric device, including other vehicles.The Genesis X concept car is showcased in a transparent container at the entrance of the event hall, hosting "Korea Night" during the World Economic Forum, and reflects the brand's new perspective on sustainable luxury car design.Hyundai also prepared the models with safety measures in case of intense winter weather. The company is using a fleet withand winter tires, and a dedicated technical team is ready to handle any issues.This isn't the first time the Group has promoted Busan's bid the brand was also present at the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) General Assembly in Paris in June and November 2022 with the same logo-wrapped vehicles.Hyundai seized the opportunity to support the Busan World Expo 2030 initiative at the G20 Bali Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, last November, where it presented promotional banners and brochures official vehicle delivery ceremony. The South Korean manufacturer utilizes its global network to carry out a wide range of marketing activities, including product launches. Photo: Kleanbus EV Photo: Kleanbus Photo: Kleanbus Photo: Kleanbus The firm in question is called Kleanbus, and it is now going through a prototype testing phase, which involves bus fleet operators to learn if they need to change things or reconfigure their process or the resulting vehicles in any way to make the most out of the conversion.The biggest reason for any fleet operator to convert is the fact that a repowered bus is significantly less expensive than a brand-new, all-electric bus, as well as the fact that these will have just one-third of the operating costs of a diesel bus. Another benefit is the fact that it extends the life of a functional bus chassis while reducing the need to recycle one.Moreover, converting an older bus from diesel to electric power also means one less diesel bus driving through the center of a city. Ideally, a bus operator that is a public transit company will time these conversions when their older buses require costly engine repairs, which are a reality even though they are not subjected to high loads during their work.The solution proposed by Kleanbus involves an "e-drivetrain in a box," which effectively replaces the old diesel engine in a bus, regardless of the size or height of the bus, and charging is not an issue since it can be done at the bus depot, where many conventional vehicles spend hours each day.Yes, not even conventional diesel-powered buses do not get driven round-the-clock, even with driver changes, so theones would fit right in.This kind of conversion is not suitable for extreme environments such as Oymyakon , where vehicles are kept running to prevent them from freezing over, but that is just an extreme use case scenario that does not apply to 99 percent of the buses being made.The biggest advantage of an electric bus for public transportation is the fact that all its routes are predetermined, and its mileage is easy to predict daily.In theory, there should be no range anxiety because the charge can be topped off at the depot during the driver's break, and the route never changes , so it makes sense even from a practical standpoint.The only issue is to have enough electrical energy available to charge all or most of the buses on the fleet overnight, which may be an issue without any upgrades to a city's power grid.Fortunately, public transportation authorities do not decide to change their buses to EV s overnight, and authorities typically work together on these changes to adapt everything according to what will be the new normal.Kleanbus needs two weeks to repower an existing bus to its new form, and that is a quicker delivery time than for a new electric bus. Once a particular bus type is adapted to electric power, it will be homologated to its new configuration, and that homologation document will be applied to future conversions of that bus type. In other words, this is cost-effective, as well, and it will become a more straightforward process in a few years.The cost of such a conversion has not been mentioned with real-life figures, but that will be done soon once the prototype finishes its real-world testing procedure. Once a few customers order dedicated conversions, the price for such a conversion will be easier to estimate.While cheaper than getting a new bus altogether, albeit an EV one, some costs will take miles and miles of driving without using conventional fuel until the conversion pays for itself.Until the costs get amortized, they need to be paid, and this needs to be done without crippling the budget of the public transit authority, as well as without raising ticket prices to the moon.Yes, the number of tickets sold is also an important variable here, as some bus lines are more profitable than others, and EV buses might be better on lines where there are fewer tickets sold than those that are always full.On the other hand, you want to get pollution from diesel buses out of the city as soon as possible, and taking the old buses out of the center of a city is usually a priority. It will be up to each city's public transit authority, in particular, to determine which bus is the best for it, but we remind everyone that decisions like these are typically made based on purchase costs, as well as usage costs.While an EV is cheaper to use in the long run, acquiring it is more expensive. The goal of both EV conversion firms and electric bus manufacturers is to reduce that initial cost to enable more acquisitions.The folks over at Kleanbus pride themselves on being able to adjust their projects depending on the requirements of the customer.Moreover, they have also partnered with several financing firms to enable a multitude of payment options, including battery leasing, which makes the most sense for some fleets. With all this happening in the field, it may bring a new direction to the industry instead of simply manufacturing and selling conventional buses. AMG The model is also known as S-Klasse due to its former Sonderklasse (German for special class) title and was officially born in 1972 with the advent of the first generation aka W116. Sure, its roots can be traced further back in time, to the W108, Fintail, or Ponton models, but for all intents and purposes, thats where we started counting the seven generations up to the contemporary W223.Which, by the way, is a major darling of the North American aftermarket community. And there is no need to take our word for granted, as there are numerous examples out there including of the murdered-out variety . Alas, this time around, we are going to discuss a different color usually associated with sadness.Frankly, since blue is my favorite hue, I have never felt depressed when seeing this shade anywhere on planet Earth. And I am not going to start right now, especially since the good folks over at Atlanta, Georgia-based Road Show International have another subtle treat that may or may not cause certain classic car fans to run amok crying their outrage a Mercedes-Benz 420 SEL fitted with the visually freshbody kit (but none of the power upgrades).Given its model branding, this S-Class belongs to the second-generation W126s second series (1986-1991) and is motivated by a 231ps/228 hp 4.2-liter V8 that is said to be capable to send this RS Edition to 62 mph/100 kph in 7.9 seconds on its way to a maximum speed of 135 mph/217 kph. RSI rarely dabbles with vintage models but when it does, everything is of the highest quality. As such, after seeing older stuff like a Chevy SS (also dressed in blue, though not of the Horizon Blue variety), a 1989 BMW 635CSi in white over black, or an RS Edition Chevy Impala SS, now it is also time to get acquainted with this examples Dove Gray interior.As always, there is also an overabundance of RS Edition options. Among them, we could easily mention highlights such as the complete aerodynamic kit from AMG, chromed exhaust tips, the iconic Hammer wheels that are matched with the body color, or the Euro-style instrument cluster, signaling that we are potentially dealing with one of those cool, underground gray-market imports.Plus, there are also suspension-lowering parts from H&R along with a full Bilstein shock system swap, and more AMG features inside. As for the dedicated RS goodies, those include classic apparitions such as the gloss lighting package, two-tone painted license plate trim ring, the ceramic paint coating protection, along with the nano-ceramic window and windshield tints. This means that running Android Auto is no longer possible for the impacted users, with the most recent reports indicating that its all happening after the update to version 8.6. Android Auto 8.6 is the most stable version of the app, so it is supposed not only to offer a more refined experience overall but also to include a series of important fixes.The app, however, no longer works at all, as the exclamation mark that shows up on the screen blocks Android Auto from running. Playing music via Bluetooth is still possible, but the Android Auto interface isnt loading.The error doesnt provide further details to help diagnose the problem, but on the other hand, the exclamation mark inside of a white triangle has been around for a while in Android. Its being used to indicate a critical error a similar symbol is displayed when entering the recovery mode on the device, which can be done from the bootloader menu.In the case of Android Auto, however, its not yet clear why its showing up, but if Android Auto 8.6 is indeed the one to blame, the fix is rather simple.Someone says that another Android device running Android Auto 8.5 was able to connect to the head unit in the same car properly, and this indicates the most recent version of the app is indeed causing the fatal error.The solution to bring things back to normal is to manually downgrade to an earlier version of Android Auto (such as 8.5). To do this, just head over to this page where you can find all the latest releases of Android Auto. Pick a version that you want to download (the recommended build is 8.5, as its a recent update, so youre not missing out on too many fixes) and save the standalone APK installer on your device.When the download is complete, you must manually install the app and therefore complete the downgrade to the earlier release. In most cases, users will need to grant app installation permissions, as by default, Android devices are configured to use the Google Play Store as the only repository for software.The downgrade process doesnt need more than a few seconds to come to an end, at which point you should be running the older version of Android Auto. No further action is required, but keep in mind that your Android device might try to update the app if the automatic updates are enabled on the Google Play Store (head over to the Android Auto listing in the store and uncheck the auto-update option in the top right menu).At this point, it's not yet know if Google is investigating the glitch , so downgrading seems to be the only option. kW As fate would have it, one or both tailgate strikers may have been misaligned. The manufacturing defect may lead to an unintended tailgate opening, a condition that may happen while driving or stationary.Unsecured cargo may fall onto the road, posing an increased risk of accidents for other traffic participants. According to recall number REC-005602, a.k.a. campaign number RC20011ZB8, owners are required to contact their nearest dealer to schedule a service appointment. Of course, the remedy comes at no charge whatsoever to the affected owners.It should be highlighted that Ram not American Special Vehicles is the company responsible for the misaligned tailgate strikers. The Stellantis-owned marque issued a recall in the United States of America at the beginning of December 2022 for no fewer than 1,244,078 pickups FCA US LLC, the groups North American division, opened an investigation into this concern in July 2021 after receiving multiple reports of tailgates opening while driving. FCA US LLC identified 15 customer assistance records, 101 field reports, and a whopping 736 warranty claims with dates of receipt ranging from June 2019 to November 2022.The strikers bear part numbers 06512865AA and 06512878AA. Similar to the Australian recall, FCA US LLC instructed U.S. dealers to identify if one or both strikers are misaligned. The fix shouldnt take too long given that dealer techs need to adjust the striker alignment to the box.Over in Australia, the Ram pickup sold no fewer than 6,149 units last year despite starting at 85,950 kangaroo bucks (make that 59,900 freedom eagles). At the other end of the spectrum, the most expensive specification available is a staggering 219,950 AUD (around 153,270 USD).Converted to right-hand drive in Melbourne, the Ram 1500 for the Australian market is available in eight flavors, kicking off with the DS-generation Express Quad Cab, Crew Cab, and Warlock. The DT-generation Laramie Standard is up next, followed by the Limited RamBox. The heavier-duty 2500 and 3500 are available solely as Laramie Standard. The most expensive specification is of course - the 1500 TRX.As a brief refresher, the HEMI-engined truck flaunts 702 horsepower at 6,100 revolutions per minute and 650 pound-feet of torque at 4,800 revolutions per minute from a 6.2-liter V8. Converted to Australian units, that means 523and 881 Nm. The only transmission available is an eight-speed automatic designed by ZF Friedrichshafen AG. Despite flaunting 35-inch tires, the Raptor s worst nightmare hits 60 miles per hour (97 kilometers per hour) in 4.5 seconds. The quarter mile is over in 12.9 seconds, and top speed is estimated at 118 mph (190 kph). As much as they train for certain operations in the simulator, nothing can prepare future military pilots for the amazing flight experiences that they are about to have. Such as arriving in snowy Norway while sitting in the cockpit of the iconic Atlas aircraft.For a junior crew from the LXX Squadron, one of the RAF units that operate Atlas, this flight from RAF Brize Norton in the UK, to Barduffos in Norway, was their first real mission on the aircraft.What was Atlas supposed to deliver in this case? Well, an entire team of so-called Movers from the Air Movements Squadron, plus two RAF Police Dog Handlers with their dogs (known as Military Working Dogs). In addition to that, Atlas also carried exercise freight all in support of two exercises taking place in Norway (Joint Viking and Aquila Enabler).Extreme cold weather training is essential for the crews of both military aircraft and ships. For pilots, they need to become familiar with icy runways, and practice how to safely handle the aircraft in these challenging conditions.For the old A400M, this is nothing new. Capable of covering more than 2,000 nautical miles (2,300 miles/3,700 km) while flying as high as 40,000 feet (12,192 meters) its specifically designed to reach remote airfields, and land in unfavorable environments. As it has proven during this recent flight to Norway, its also flexible enough to carry different combinations of personnel, cargo pallets, and military vehicles.Its large enough to carry a Chinook helicopter inside its belly, or a single boat. During one of its latest missions, it dropped a quad bike and a vehicle trailer in Morocco. Traditionally used for its long range and heavy lift capabilities, the A400M has also recently added refueling skills.At the end of 2021, RAF started testing this new essential capability that allows large aircraft such as Atlas to de-fuel into refueling facilities that are set up in austere locations. This way, the fast jets that arrive there from their home bases can be refueled and carry on with their missions.With a total length of 147 feet (45 meters), Atlas boasts a maximum payload of 81,600 lbs (37,000 kg) and can hit up to 400 knots (460 mph/741 kph). It doesnt bear these heavy lifting responsibilities by itself, but together with the Hercules (C130J). kW EV The crucial part about the new onboard charger is something that Renault promised but did not explain. According to the French automaker, the new component provides faster charging of the vehicle while ensuring the durability of the battery. Anyone looking for anything that sustains what Renault claims about this onboard charger will get frustrated.Another main advantage of the new bidirectional component is that it reduces energy losses by 30%, and it is also more compact than regular onboard chargers. The top charging speed is about the same as the best currently available in the market: 22in three-phase mode. Having to wait seven more years to see it in vehicles is far from the soon Renault said it would take to check how good this onboard charger really is.Until then, Renault may have time to tell us how the new component protects the battery pack and how much longer it would last if it were a crucial element in a bidirectional system. If you are not aware of how that works, you should before you buy a vehicle with vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capability.All current battery packs lose capacity as they are charged and discharged. In other words and following the industrys jargon they have a maximum number of cycles (each complete charge the battery packs get). BEVs can use that discharge process to power the motors or a house, or the grid. Vehicles that spend cycles as batteries will run less than if they only used electricity to move around.Some car companies say battery packs have to retain 70% of their original capability to remain useful in vehicles. Others restrict that to 80%. When a battery pack is no longer suitable for a car, it has to be replaced. Tesla charges between $16,000 and more than $20,000 for a battery pack. Nissan already charged $35,000 for a LEAF replacement.Who will want to help the grid when they may have to replace a battery pack that costs so much? Most will only use V2G in emergencies to power their homes. If power companies want to use the electricity stored in someones car, they must include compensation for the battery degradation V2G will cause. So far, we have not heard of anyone discussing this, as if battery packs could be used indefinitely. When the bill for these components starts arriving, lets see who will have to pay for new ones we suspect it will be theowner in most cases. Photo: Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube Channel Photo: Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube Channel Photo: Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube Channel Before we get to Sonic, though, we're taking a short detour first. That's because no other mascot in video game history is as famous and brought in more American dollars (or Japanese Yen) than the little mustachioed Italian plumber that stemmed from the imagination of Shigeru Miyamoto.That mascot's name is Mario Mario. And no, that was not a typo. His last name is the same as his first name, which makes his brother, Luigi Mario. This was confirmed by Miyamoto himself back in 2015, during the 30th anniversary of the hit video game Super Mario Bros.While Mario Mario 's popularity grew and grew, at the same time, the competition was inevitably at hand. In this case, it came from SEGA, under the form of the Sonic the Hedgehog video game in 1991, on their flagship Genesis console. To say that the title was a massive success would be an understatement. According to sources from the video game industry, in total, the first ever Sonic game sold over 22 million copies.Granted, it came bundled with the Sega Genesis, but it's still no small feat. Quite the opposite, in fact, because it was the best-selling home video game of that year, generating over one billion dollars in console sales alone, thus helping Sega gain 65% of the European console market. Dennis Lynch, who was working at the Chicago Tribune back then, said that it even managed to outsell Mario in America in 1991.The sequel was an even bigger commercial hit, breaking sales records in the United States, with over 1,000,000 copies sold during its release day alone. The third one was filled with appraisals as well, but sadly, not long after, things started to turn the opposite way for Mario's arch-nemesis. The fall wasn't abrupt and quick, but it came nonetheless.While the Italian plumber continued to grow, the world moved on from Sega's blue mascot, and the hit franchise ultimately ended up on the pages of history as a "member berry." (A "member berry" is a nostalgia trip coined by South Park creators in episode 268).Now getting back to the present, Sonic is becoming quite the phenomenon again, but not in the interactive medium of storytelling, but in the form of classic movies.Starring opposite Jim Carrey as his arch-enemy, Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, Sonic The Hedgehog 1 and 2 became two of the highest-grossing video game adaptations of all time. The duo is sitting pretty next to Warcraft, Pokemon Detective Pikachu, Rampage, Uncharted, The Angry Birds Movie, and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.Taking this recent resurgence into consideration, having one of the best Sonic games on your video game platform will obviously benefit its popularity. One such platform even came on four wheels. After Tesla rolled out the 2021 holiday update , owners were able to play the first Sonic game on the car's main display through Tesla Arcade.All you needed to have (aside from a Tesla, of course) was a compatible controller connected through one of the vehicle's USB ports . You could have used the touchscreen buttons as well, but your reaction time needs to be spot-on to play such a fast-paced 2D platformer. Touch controls are as precise for a game like Sonic as a blunt cleaver is for a surgeon.Almost exactly one year after that, during 2022's holiday update, Telsa sort-of, kind-of removed Sonic from its library. The official reason wasn't given by anyone from Tesla, so please excuse me if I don't start listing all the possible explanations. While speculations might be fun, I see no use for them in this case.Moving on, recently, the user "Thib" from the "notateslaapp.com" forums posted a screenshot of how they complained to the Tesla service about the missing video game and said that "They replied it is a temporary suspension and it will come back." Now, take this with a grain of salt because this is in no shape or form an official public confirmation.This being said, though, the blue rapscallion might be missing, but that's just one little critter. Whereas at the very end of 2022, Tesla integrated Steam, the world's largest PC video game digital store, into its fleet. While this effort amazed video game journalists from all across the world, the reality is that your Tesla won't run just like a PS5 or Xbox Series X.First of all, while some models might have the RDNA 2 graphics architecture, the keyword here remains "some." You have to find out if yours has one before you go and try out Cyberpunk 2077. Also, the cars are running on a version of Linux, so even if you want to get the latest Sonic Frontiers from Steam, it's locked to Windows only, I'm afraid.However, you can still try and play the Sega Genesis Collection Bundle which is on sale at the moment of writing, from $65 down to $25. The collection features over 50 classic games, but not the original Sonic titles, sadly. It does have some games involving Sonic, but I wouldn't advise you to try them. Instead, go for Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master, Golden Axe, or Streets of Rage. SUV WLTP EV The final voting round took place at the Brussels Motor Show, which opened its doors to the media on January 13th. Held at the Brussels Expo in the northern part of Brussels, the show will conclude on January 22nd.Not available in North America, the Avenger won Car of the Year 2023 with 328 points to its name. Despite abysmal sales and deliveries in 2022, the Volkswagen ID. Buzz received 241 points. The Nissan Ariya couldn't do better than 211 points, followed by the Kia Niro with 200 points, Renault Austral with 163, Peugeot 408 with 149, and bZ4X/Solterra twins with 133.Slotted below the Renegade in Jeeps portfolio, the B-segment utility vehicle is manufactured at the Tychy plant in Poland for the European market, alongside the Fiat 500e. It will be soon joined by badge-engineered crossovers from the Fiat and Alfa Romeo brands, although not much is known about those two for the time being.Based on the STLA Small architecture, a development of the Common Modular Platform introduced by Groupe PSA in 2018 with the DS 3 Crossback, the newcomer went official in September 2022 at the Paris Motor Show. Jeep already confirmed both electric and combustion-engined options, 200 millimeters (7.9 inches) of ground clearance, a 20-degree approach angle, and a 32-degree departure angle. Not bad for a smallThe order books for the 2023 model year Avenger opened on December 1st, following more than 10,000 pre-orders. The launch specification is dubbed no surprises here Avenger 1st Edition. Scheduled to start deliveries in the second quarter of 2023, this configuration is priced at 39,500 ($42,800 at current exchange rates) or 249 ($270) per month.The all-electric version of the all-new Avenger is estimated at up to 404 kilometers (make that 251 miles) of zero-emission range on thecombined test cycle. In the urban jungle, make that 550 kilometers (342 miles). A 1.2-liter turbocharged three-cylinder mill of Groupe PSA origin is also available, packing 100 metric ponies. Joined by a six-speed manual, this lump drinks 5.5 liters of dinosaur juice per 100 kilometers in the combined test cycle, as in 51.4 imperial or 42.8 U.S. miles per gallon.No fewer than three grades are listed in Italy for the Jeep Avenger , with prices starting at 23,300 ($25,240) for the entry-level Longitude. Highlight features include Selec-Terrain and Hill Descent Control, a digital instrument cluster and touchscreen infotainment system, LED headlights, and 16-inch alloy wheels.The Altitude adds the likes of adaptive cruise control, 17-inch alloys, and a power liftgate. The range-topping Summit builds on the Altitude with goodies such as 18-inch alloy wheels with a two-tone finish, a hands-free power liftgate, 360-degree parking sensors, and a reversing camera.The all-electric version kicks off with a sub-Longitude trim level dubbed Avenger, which is currently priced at 35,400 ($38,350). More powerful than the combustion-engined sib thanks to 156 metric ponies, the Avengerneeds only 24 minutes to charge from 20 to 80 percent at 100 kW SUV kWh Since its market introduction in 2021, the high-riding 'Stang has started to grow on people, although diehard Mustang fans will never accept the Mach-E as a member of the muscle cars family. And theyll become even more upset by the news about the Mustang name from now on being associated with both hearses and limos.You guys have a British company called Coleman Milne to thank for that. It describes itself as UKs leading manufacturer of hearses and limousines, but its likely youll remember the name from a few years ago, when it released a Tesla Model S-based hearse now called Whisper.The Mach-E is the vehicle that opens the new year for Coleman Milne, with thebeing transformed into both a hearse and a limousine. They are not fully ready yet, as there are still type approvals and structural durability tests to be received and performed, but the company hopes it will have both of them ready for demonstrations in the first half of the year.The SUVs sport no changes when it comes to the factory powertrain, and in the case of both, were talking about the Mach-E equipped with a 75battery and boasting a range of 273 miles (439 km). The body changes made to the Mustangs do bring the factory range down to 200 miles (322 km), though.The family of modified Mustang Mach-E is called Etive, after a river in the West Scottish Highlands, and will be offered in both right- and left-hand configurations.The hearse comes with a full-length deck featuring three full-size bearer seats, all of them equipped with lap and diagonal seatbelts, and a glass roof up top. The vehicle will be highly customizable and can be fitted upon request with a power lift tailgate, sliding deck and slide-out under-draw deck, and illuminated signage, among others.The limousine, on the other hand, can carry seven, driver not included, and the single most important modification is the addition of 114 mm of overall height.Both hearse and limo Mustang Mach-E come in black, of course, and feature all the systems and pieces of hardware youd normally find on a stock Mustang Mach-E. Pricing for the Etive range was not disclosed. Photo: YouTube/Nicole Johnson's Detour Photo: YouTube/Nicole Johnson's Detour Photo: YouTube/Nicole Johnson's Detour Photo: YouTube/Nicole Johnson's Detour Shelby gave the world plenty, but one thing stands supreme above all else: the Cobra. The mans ability to devise the legendary machine brought him righteous fame, even if the name Shelby is seldom thought of outside the Ford orbit.Indeed, Carroll Shelby made one extraordinary car from the Mustang. Still, before that, he drew attention to his work with a very American approach to a most European automotive concept. The history of the little British AC body stuffed with the American heart is too well-known to lay down here, butThat 1962 moment when a 289 CID (4.7-liter) Ford V8 dropped under the hood of the AC was immortalized on the cover of Road and Track magazine. One day, one issue of the publication fell into the hands of a young man named Lynn, and everything would take a turn for the (automotive) better.Fast-forward six decades, and Lynn Park is the undisputed legend among Cobra hotheads. This is partly due to his dedication to the brand he has built, bought, refurbished, and de-furbished (he explains in detail in the video) numerous V8 snakes.Top that with a life-long friendship with Carroll Shelby, add a collection of fifty Cobras in the mix, and it becomes clear why the Mr. Cobra moniker is Lynns gearhead name. And one very lucky YouTuber got a once-in-a-lifetime treat from the legendary collector.Nicole Johnsons Detour made a pitstop to Pasadena, California, right at Mr. Parks residence or should we say at the Cobra sanctuary? for a unique experience. All fifty of the Cobras in the Lynn Park collection run and drive despite some of those deceptive looks but not too many people got the chance to drive them.Apart from Lynn and his two sons, no one has sat in the drivers seat of the Cobras not after the cars entered the collection, anyway. So, as in a monumental show of gratitude toward Carroll Shelbys memory, Lynn Park agreed to hand over the keys to some of his most beloved cars to the YouTuber for a quick touch of the heavenly piston snake.The collection is a history encyclopedia in its own right, as each car has a story to tell some of them bear the marks of legend, in fact. For example, remember the Ford V Ferrari sequence where Ken Miles hammers the trunk lid of a Cobra to fall inside the FIA Rules and Regulations book?That episode is not a piece of Hollywood scripting, but it happened. When Shelby sent his five roadsters to Europe in 65, the rules said that a wooden box of a specific size had to fit inside the trunk. So the team put the hammer down and adjusted the Cobras . One of those cars is in the Shelby American Collection, and the other belongs to Lynn Park.But one of the most prized possessions in the collection is Cobra no. 10. Or, to be accurate, Chassis no. 2010 the tenth car built by Shelby American. A 289 original, the car runs and drives beautifully and the YouTuber overwhelmed and aghast got a hands-on ride with the historic vehicle. You can listen to the burble of the V8 as it goes up and down the hill at pace.The legendary status of Lynn Park among the Cobras innermost circles is undeniable. The autographed photo of him sitting next to no. 2010 Cobra (with Carroll Shelby at the wheel) is proof enough for anyone that Mr. Cobra earned his reputation fair and square.Perhaps one of the most coveted Cobras of all is the El Cid Dragon Snake the drag racer that Shelby himself owned, one of just five ever built. Lynn got the car from Carroll with the express interdiction to have it resold something to which Mr. Park immediately agreed. And if you slide the timeline marker on the video to around 26:00, I strongly suggest you turn down the volume. After all, theres a reason its called DragonApart from the second shock of her YouTubing and driver career (which is turning on the engine of the black drag champion of 64 Winternationals), the car vlogger gets the final treat. The utmost courtesy, the bucket list white elephant driving an original 427 Cobra.Not just any Cobra with the mighty 500-hp V8 in it, but one that has never been driven by anyone except Lynn Park himself and The First Lady of Motorsports herself, Linda Vaughn. Not that it would be a difficult car to drive as the video shows, the Cobra is every bit of a drivers car on public roads as it is a racer on the track.The greatest homage paid to Carroll Shelby is to drive his cars precisely as he dreamt them to be driven, as pure and unconstrained by technology as he made them. And, to all extents, Lynn Park is the perfect example of what Shelby cars were all about from 1962 onwards. EV Photo: RCA Photo: RCA Photo: RCA As the company stated, the new two-wheelers are designed to "accommodate a range of rider preferences from outdoor fitness enthusiasts to two-wheeled commuters." Two of them are relatively straightforward and similar to other models we can find on the market, while the third is a bit more special, as it boasts an aggressive design and high-performance capabilities.The new models are the GoGo (a folding fat-tire e-bike), the Explorer (a step-through commuter e-bike), and Dirt-E (an off-road e-bike). I'll discuss them one by one.The GoGo looks like your standard foldable e-bike - its frame is built out of aluminum and sits on 20-inch Kenda fat wheels. The e-bike is powered by a 48 V, 750 W rear hub motor connected to a 14.5 Ah battery behind the seat tube.With easy transportation and storage in mind, thisfolds at the handlebars and the middle of the frame. For instance, the GoGo might prove useful if you need to drive up to your riding destination or store the bike at your workplace without taking up too much space.Impacts are absorbed through the fat tires and a front suspension, and the GoGo slows down using Tektro disc brakes. Other notable details are a pair of baskets for cargo use, fenders, and a multi-speed drivetrain.Next up, we have the RCA Explorer, designed for the modern city dweller who isn't limited by tight spaces. This e-bike features a step-through frame that makes hopping on and off a piece of cake, and its upright position and cruiser handlebars make it ideal for urban use.Many of its components are the same as on the GoGo, including the battery, motor, drivetrain, and front suspension. As for battery integration, it's found mounted in the downtube but can be easily removed and charged elsewhere. It's then fitted with Kenda 26-inch urban tires completed with fenders for a clean ride. Given that it boasts the same mounting points as the GoGo, it seems you can equip it with the same accessories, but they do not come as standard.And finally, there's the Dirt-E, the most eye-catching of all three RCA describes its look as "reminiscent of an Italian supercar." I wouldn't necessarily call it that, but it has a compact, off-road design that reminds me of the Sur-Ron LBX or the Talaria Sting Even though it does look like a dirtbike, the all-electric machine is still considered an e-bike, as it comes with functional pedals. Its full suspension setup and increased power make it even more appealing than the other two models. The fat tires have been chosen for both on and off-road action , connected to four-cylinder hydraulic disc brakes. Furthermore, the 21 cm (8.2 inches) ground clearance is enough for the bike to overcome larger obstacles.A motor with a power rating of 1,000 W and a peak power rating of 1,250 W sets the rear wheel in motion, and it's capable of taking you up to 55 kph (34 mph) or 25 kph (16 mph) under European regulations. A 60 V, 20 Ah battery will provide around 85-100 km (53-62 miles) of range, and a full charge takes about six to eight hours.The bike is built on a 6061 aluminum frame and looks pretty lightweight too bad we don't have any exact info about its weight. However, we know it can hold a maximum load of 120 kg (265 lbs.). RCA claims 35 degrees gradeability the Shimano Tourney 7-speed drivetrain will undoubtedly come in handy when dealing with slopes, and it also boasts front and rear LED lights and a smart display, which we know nothing about.Before I wrap things up, I want to mention something - given that RCA is an established brand, I was expecting a bit more. I am aware that their e-bikes have just been announced, and there's a lot more work to be done before the official launch, so I'm not disappointed about their specs. What struck me as odd is that the technical sheets feature typos and mistakes - it's minor details like this that can turn possible customers away from buying.Still, RCA deserves a shot at creating fine e-bikes we'll keep our eyes peeled for any new info about the products . The company said that they should become available by late Q2 or early Q3 of 2023. With pricing not yet revealed, a low cost may be an additional buying incentive for customers. ICE Electric Vehicle In the U.S., many states have followed California's lead in banning the sale of carbon-emitting vehicles as of 2035. The Golden State welcomed Washington, Oregon, New York, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Delaware, North Carolina, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and New Mexico to the battle over sales of internal combustion engine () vehicles. However, there is one state giving the movement toward electrified mobility a big middle finger salute and is moving to ensure the war on fossil fuel mobility is not fought on its soil.Wyoming, known as The Cowboy State, is going in the opposite direction and supporting the continued sales of carbon-emitting vehicles. In fact, legislation has been introduced banning the sale of electric vehicles in the state by 2035. Republican senator Jim Anderson from Casper, Wyoming, sponsored the bill and told the Cowboy State Daily it is intended "to push back against bans on new sales of cars with internal combustion engines in states like California and New York."The bill known as Phasing Out NewSales by 2035 was introduced last Friday and already has strong support from members of both the Wyoming House of Representatives and the Senate.On the surface, the proposed bill appears to be a sign of hope for the ICE community, but the details have much more bark than bite.Section 1 reads, That the legislature encourages and expresses as a goal that the sale of new electric vehicles in the state of Wyoming be phased out by 2035.Followed by Section 2- That the legislature encourages Wyoming's industries and citizens to limit the sale and purchase of new electric vehicles in Wyoming with a goal of phasing out the sale of new electric vehicles in Wyoming by 2035.The bill also lists several reasons behind the effort. If one is not a miner or rancher in the state, chances are they are in oil and gas, which is big in terms of providing employment, and a move toward electrification would jeopardize those jobs.Wyoming's lack of charging infrastructure across its vast stretches of highway rendering the use of electrified vehicles impractical is also mentioned.The strongest language in the bill states, the United States has consistently invested in the oil and gas industry to sustain gas-powered vehicles, and that investment has resulted in the continued employment of thousands of people in the oil and gas industry in Wyoming and throughout the country.Where the rubber hits the road, the bill is largely a symbolic one that lets other states know that Wyoming will not be pushed around by their legislation. Co-sponsor of the bill, Republican Senator Brian Boner said, Im interested in making sure that the solutions that some folks want to the so-called climate crisis are actually practical in real life, Boner said. I just dont appreciate when other states try to force technology that isnt ready.It remains to be seen how the White House will view this bill , but states are able to decide what can be sold within its borders and what cannot. Thus far, the current administration has not gotten behind the California-led electric vehicle movement. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian was criticized by Karabakhs leadership after claiming on January 10 that the international community has always regarded the disputed region as an integral part of Azerbaijan. Pashinian also said his government must only deal with Armenias problems and that the authorities in Stepanakert should themselves settle the conflict with Baku. In a joint statement issued the following day, Karabakhs government and main political factions said Pashinians remarks undermine the Karabakh Armenians right to self-determination. Vardanyan went farther, linking them with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyevs latest statements on the conflict also made on January 10. Pashinian responded on January 12 by urging the Karabakh leaders to tone down their rhetoric and negotiate with Azerbaijan in order to end the Azerbaijani blockade. That was followed by reports that Arayik Harutiunian, the Karabakh president, wants to sack Vardanyan and force snap presidential and parliamentary elections. Artur Tovmasian, the Karabakh parliament speaker, did not rule out the possibility of such elections when he spoke to RFE/RLs Armenian Service on Saturday. I am not going to resign, especially in the existing situation, Vardanyan wrote on social media later in the day. At the same time, the possible resignation of the countrys president and parliament is unacceptable. In this situation, we have no right to serve the enemy's agenda and surrender, added Vardanyan. One of his political allies in Armenia said sacking Vardanyan and holding snap elections in Karabakh in the current challenging circumstances would be tantamount to treason. Davit Galstian, a Karabakh opposition leader, suggested on Monday Pashinian pressured Harutiunian to replace the holder of the second-highest post in Karabakhs leadership. Harutiunian has not bowed to the pressure so far, he said. Armenian opposition figures likewise accused Pashinian of seeking to get rid of Vardanyan to facilitate far-reaching concessions to Azerbaijan. Its possible that there was pressure from Armenia especially aimed at removing individuals who have a principled position contradicting the Armenian governments approaches, said Tigran Abrahamian, a senior lawmaker from the opposition Pativ Unem bloc. Neither Pashinian nor other Armenian government officials publicly commented on the political situation in Stepanakert. Some Pashinian allies and supporters criticized Vardanyan in recent days, implying that his exit is necessary for ending the blockade. Meanwhile, Harutiunian on Monday met with Karabakh lawmakers and insisted that there is no political crisis in Artsakh. According to his press office, the Karabakh president said the authorities in Stepanakert should address internal political problems only after overcoming the humanitarian crisis caused by the month-long blockade. The office gave no other details of the meeting. Vardanyan, 54, is a prominent Armenian billionaire who made his fortune in Russia in the 1990s and 2000s. He was appointed as Karabakhs state minister in November two months after renouncing his Russian citizenship. Azerbaijans government condemned Vardanyans appointment, with Aliyev claiming that the former investment banker was sent to Karabakh by Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov insisted that Moscow has nothing to do with Mr. Vardanyan when he met with his visiting Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov on December 23 less than two weeks after Azerbaijani government-backed protesters blocked the sole road connecting Karabakh to Armenia. Speaking at a joint news conference with Lavrov, Bayramov said Vardanyan must step down and leave Karabakh. Vardanyan has made defiant statements throughout the blockade. He has said that the Karabakh Armenians will continue to resist Bakus efforts regain full control over the territory. A section of the high-voltage transmission line coming from Armenia was knocked down on January 10 almost one month after Azerbaijani government-backed protesters blocked the Lachin Corridor on ostensibly environmental grounds. According to the authorities in Stepanakert, the accident occurred near the town of Lachin handed back to Azerbaijan last summer. They suspect that it was an act of sabotage aimed at aggravating the effects of the Azerbaijani blockade. Karabakh was thus left relying only on electricity generated by its hydroelectric plants that cannot fully meet its energy needs. Its leadership had to impose rolling blackouts across the Armenian-populated territory. A crisis task force headed by the Karabakh premier, Ruben Vardanyan, discussed the energy crisis at a daily meeting in Stepanakert. An official statement on the meeting said Baku is still not allowing Karabakh specialists to visit the site of the accident and repair the transmission line. The task force decided to extend the power outages from two to four hours a day. It said that the measure, effective from Tuesday, will help the authorities ensure the minimum energy needs of the population as long as possible. The power cuts are especially challenging for residents of Stepanakert and other Karabakh towns who use electricity to heat their homes. They are compounded by growing shortages of food and other essential products that were imported to Karabakh from or through Armenia. Later this week, the authorities will start ration some of these items to ensure their even distribution to the population. Every local resident is to receive one a liter of sunflower oil and one kilogram of rice, macaroni, buckwheat and sugar a month. Many residents called for such rationing after the authorities began supplying Karabakh shops with these staples from their strategic reserves late last month. They complained that on not all shops are receiving the emergency supplies. Karabakh food stores now mostly sell bread, milk and other dairy products made by local farmers and firms. Over the weekend, Russian peacekeepers stationed in Karabakh handed out tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables outside Stepanakerts maternity and childrens hospitals. The peacekeepers trucks can drive to and from Armenia through the otherwise blocked road. You can reach Ishani Desai at 661-395-7417. You can also follow her at @_ishanidesai on Twitter. Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. Cape Lookout's Stunning Colors: One Serious Oregon Coast Treasure in Pics and Pixels Published 01/16/23 at 6:50 PM By Oregon Coast Beach Connection staff (Oceanside, Oregon) There's little doubt that Cape Lookout State Park is one of the more dynamic places on the north Oregon coast. Set well back off the road that is the Three Capes Tour, the beach here takes a couple minutes worth of a drive through thick, forested layers, and then you arrive at a rather small beach access that gives way to much bigger things. (All photos Oregon Coast Beach Connection) A hint of that is the soaring trees overhead: wind-blown, weather-beaten specimens that have been blasted by countless Oregon coast gale winds, some left leaning in possibly precarious stances all rather dramatic. Yet by silhouette they wind up looking almost like tall tropical trees, especially when the deep colors of sunset erupt behind them. Indeed, it's the colors of Cape Lookout State Park that can create the unforgettable sights and moments, happening somewhere between dusk and blue hour. Like the shot at top, with Cape Lookout itself the second of the Three Capes a dark, descending blob that meets the sea. At other moments, dusk can surprise with how plain it gets. The stream that comes down from the state park along with the tracts of stones covering the place are in a dusk that's given a pale cast by some amount of clouds, so there's just a hint of sundown's usual hues. It's nice, even lighting that shows what much of this beach is made of. This shot, by the way, is summertime, hence the calm conditions and wider beaches. Hit this place in winter and it can be scary with those raging storms. Not to mention: sand levels decrease and bring the tideline even closer. Moody spring days produce interesting and complex color schemes to the Oregon coast. There's a lot of pastels and cooler shades you get only between February and maybe June. This shot is typical of April along the shorelines of Oregon. Once again it's summer, here. You can see the beach is fairly expansive. Keep heading south towards the cape and things get even more colorful with large chunks of rock sticking out that are covered in bright green lichens and algae. When sunset happens, the softer soils of the cliffs can light up brightly and deeply, almost rivaling the hues of Cape Kiwanda to the south. These soils hide something fascinating, especially hundreds of feet to almost a mile inland, where things get swamp-like. Embedded here is evidence of various crushing tsunamis, especially the big one 300 years ago. Those fields, complete with dead, worn-down stumps, helped geologists a few decades back prove the extent of that 9.0-generated death wave. Cape Lookout has also contributed to Oregon coast geology and science in other ways. During some winters, ghost forest stumps about 4,000 years old can pop up on the northern part of the park. Yet for a couple of winters way back around 2007, winter storm erosion was so harsh that it pulled up parts of Neskowin's ghost forest (only 1900 years old) and deposited the debris here. Those ghost forests were thought to be doomed at the time something climate change will eventually do to them. Back then, however, it was a strange sight to see broken chunks of one ghost forest mix with the older ones still in their sandy graves. This shot above is one of Cape Lookout's own ghost stumps. On one late spring eve, dusk's colors began some intense transformations at the north Oregon coast favorite. Cape Lookout's tall trees were in fine form as the sky shifted and clouds tweaked the dials on the hues. Then came a major surprise. Oregon Coast Beach Connection headed north to Oceanside and this spectacular moment exploded. Later, after dark, the area was this magical, even sci-fi-like scene. Hotels in Three Capes - Where to eat - Three Capes Maps and Virtual Tours MORE PHOTOS BELOW More About Oregon Coast hotels, lodging..... More About Oregon Coast Restaurants, Dining..... Coastal Spotlight Andre' GW Hagestedt is editor, owner and primary photographer / videographer of Oregon Coast Beach Connection, an online publication that sees over 1 million pageviews per month. He is also author of several books about the coast. LATEST Related Oregon Coast Articles Back to Oregon Coast Contact Advertise on Oregon Coast Beach Connection All Content, unless otherwise attributed, copyright Oregon Coast Beach Connection. Unauthorized use or publication is not permitted If you'd like to leave a comment (or a tip or a question) about this story with the editors, please email us We also welcome letters to the editor for publication; you can do that by filling out our letters form and submitting it to the newsroom. Reporter Heather Bellow, a member of the investigations team, joined The Eagle in 2017. She is based in the South Berkshire County bureau in Great Barrington. Her work has appeared in newspapers across the U.S. Reporter Greta Jochem, a Report for America Corps member, joined the Eagle in 2021. Previously, she was a reporter at the Daily Hampshire Gazette. She is also a member of the investigations team. A celebrated Berkshires chef, Dan Smith, continues looking for a buyer for his farm-to-table food destination, the John Andrews Restaurant. The restaurant, on the market for more than a year, is listed at $975,000. Dubbed the architect of modern Berkshire cooking by Travel & Leisure, Smith, 61, opened the restaurant in May 1990. Smith said he hopes to have more family time at home. He declined to comment further, other than to say there have been showings of the property in its year and a half on the market. The restaurant is at at 224 Hillsdale Road, also known as Route 23. Antonio Segalla, a sales associate with Lance Vermeulen Real Estate Inc., of Great Barrington, said he has been representing the property for six months. Dan would transition any potential buyer, Segalla said, meaning the chef would stay on temporarily. Whatever helps to bridge the struggles of opening a new restaurant. Segalla said Smith is ready to move on. The goal is to retire. Sign-up for The Berkshire Eagle's free newsletters Sign up The restaurants website describes Smiths approach to menus this way: Chef Dan holds a strong commitment to locavore principles supporting local farmers and artisan food makers in the Berkshires, Hudson Valley and Northwestern Connecticut. He develops his menu around regional producers and is inspired by the produce they bring to his kitchen door. If a farmer visits the restaurant in the morning, Dan will work their ingredients into his menu that same evening. The restaurant is open for dinner Thursday through Monday. Promotional material says the restaurant is available for catered events, including weddings, amidst three acres of land, sweeping views of the surrounding forest include an old icehouse built as part of the original farmstead in the late 1700s and a welcoming fire pit set in the back of a clearing. According to the advertisement posted at Stone House Properties website, the restaurant has two dining rooms with an enchanting fireplace, a cozy tavern with banquette seating, and vast exterior seating featuring patios, pergolas and fire pits with a combined capacity for 105 guests. It is described as a turn-key restaurant. Segalla, the broker, said he hopes the property remains in use as a restaurant. Its just like a jewel of South County, you know, especially coming over the line from New York, he said. Its a pretty special location, and theres not that many special restaurants anymore. Segalla said there has been interest in the property and that hes had talks with some people in pretty good depth. Its a great opportunity for somebody, Segalla said. Even a young entrepreneur. Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the interpretation of facts and data. The View from White Oaks Lauren R. Stevens: Will we humans do right by the rest of life on Earth? Tonight's rundown: Talking Points Memo: Joe Biden continues to decline with the world watching and remains out of the press reach Presidential Historian Larry Cook weighs in on how Bidens relationship with the press compares to past presidents US Special Forces have been confirmed to be in Ukraine OReilly describes Democrats hosting the DNC in Chicago as Crazy Arrogant The trial of Fox News gets underway 58% of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck even as inflation begins to cool off Smart Life: Utilizing Kelly Blue Book when searching for a new car This Day in History: FDR dies in office Final Thought: what to do when someone is disrespectful to you In Case You Missed It: Read Bill's latest column, "Reason to Believe" Join 'Team Normal!' Order your gear now at BillOReilly.com! Pre-order Bills next bestseller Killing the Witches NOW Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices The Ghanaian subsidy of the MTN Group has received a bill for back taxes of around $773m, including penalties and interest charges, the parent company said on Friday, 13 January. A shopper walks past an MTN shop at a mall in Johannesburg, South Africa. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko/File Photo The Ghana Revenue Authority issued MTN Ghana with the bill after auditing it for the years 2014 to 2018 and inferring that the company under-declared its revenue by about 30% during the period, MTN said in a statement. The carrier, which has a presence in 19 countries in Africa and the Middle East, said it disputes the "accuracy and basis" of the assessment and that it would fight it. "MTN Ghana believes that the taxes due have been paid during the period under assessment and has resolved to defend MTN Ghana's position on the assessment," the company said. But what does ESG really mean? Its shorthand for the way that many corporations operate in accordance with the belief that their long-term survival and their ability to generate profits require accounting for the impact their decisions and actions have on the environment, society as a whole and their own workforce. These practices grew out of long-standing efforts to make businesses more socially and environmentally responsible. ESG investing, sometimes called sustainable investment, also takes these considerations into account. Zeroing in on the E, S and G ESG priorities vary widely, but there are some common themes. These priorities usually emphasise environmental sustainability the E in ESG with a focus on contributing to efforts to slow the pace of climate change. Theres also an effort to uphold high ethical standards through corporate operations. These social concerns the S can include, for example, ensuring that a company doesnt buy goods and services from exploitative suppliers, or treats its employees well. Or it might entail taking care to hire and retain a diverse workforce and taking steps to reduce social injustices in the communities where a corporation operates. Companies embracing ESG principles should also have high-quality governance the G. Governance includes oversight, handled by a competent and qualified board of directors, regarding the hiring and firing of top corporate leaders, executive compensation and any dividends paid to shareholders. Governance also pertains to whether a companys leadership operates fairly and responsibly, with transparency and accountability. Why ESG matters By 2026, the total amount invested globally according to these principles will nearly double to $34tn from $18.4tn in 2021, the accounting firm PwC estimates. However, increasing scrutiny of which investments really qualify as ESG could mean it takes longer to reach that volume. This corporate concept is becoming a political touchstone in the US because some states, like Florida and Kentucky, arguing that these practices divert from the focus on maximising profits and can be detrimental to investors by making other considerations a priority, have barred their pension funds from using ESG principles as part of their investment considerations. Some very large asset managers, including BlackRock, arent allowed to work with those pension funds anymore. Many of the arguments against embracing these principles hold that they reduce profits by taking other factors into account. But how do ESG practices affect financial performance? A team of New York University scholars looked at the results of 1,000 different studies that had sought to answer this question. It found mixed results: Some of the studies found that ESG principles increased returns, others found that they weakened performance, and a third group determined that these principles made no difference at all. Its possible that the disparities among results could be due largely to the lack of clarity regarding what counts and does not count as ESG, which has been a long-standing discussion and makes it hard to assess how ESG investments perform. The NYU scholars also found two consistent results regarding ESG strategies. First, they help protect investors against risks such as losses resulting from the failure of a supply chain due to environmental or geopolitical issues, and they can protect companies from volatility during periods of economic instability and downturns. Second, investors and companies benefit more from ESG strategies in the long term than in the short term. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. At the end of 2022, I had the opportunity to familiarise myself with ChatGPT , a language model chatbot developed by American AI research laboratory, OpenAI, the same folks behind the DALL-E AI art generator. (Authors note: One of the paragraphs in this article was generated by ChatGPT. See if you can guess which one.) Using terabytes of text sourced from the internet, ChatGPT is trained to produce human-like responses and interact with users based on given prompts. The chatbot has caused quite the stir since it debuted in November last year, reaching over a million users in just five days and producing some truly entertaining social media content. You can spend a fun afternoon asking it to write haikus about kitchen appliances (which is a sentence I never thought Id write). On the serious side of things, the technology on display here, and what its ultimately capable of, is now under more scrutiny than ever. Case in point, the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) announced this month a new policy banning the use of AI tools to write scientific papers. Meanwhile, education departments in the US are barring student access to the chatbot out of 'safety and accuracy' concerns. The bot also allegedly set alarm bells off at Google, with the technology posing a threat to its search business. Meanwhile, Microsoft is reportedly looking to incorporate it into the Microsoft Office suite and is even in talks to invest $10 billion in OpenAI. Putting ethical usage and application arguments aside, technologies like ChatGPT present many questions for marketers, one of which is: Can a robot write a think piece? Right now, that answer is no. What the AI can do On a fundamental level, it could be argued that an AI like ChatGPT is not capable of having an original thought because it simply cribs everyone else's and presents them in different ways (such is the nature of its training). But that doesnt mean this technology can't be incredibly useful. ChatGPT offers a very simple, conversation-driven user interface. Anyone can use it by giving it a prompt, and if youre not happy with its response, you can adjust your prompt or give it feedback to generate a new response. When I tested it by typing in a few prompts, the bot made a good case for itself. A prompt to write a release announcing the United States government was banning citizens from using TikTok came back with cohesive results, as did an article announcing the launch of a new streaming feature on Twitter. In the Twitter article, the bot even made up details, like how users could find and activate the feature on the Twitter apps homepage. Taking it a step further, the bot produced a decent email template announcing an upcoming Black Friday sale and even a feature article highlighting the various attractions tourists could visit in the Middle East. What stands out with this AI is its grasp of structure and archetypal forms of marketing copy. The examples above exhibited the kind of writing an agency may put out and, in the case of the TikTok press release, an understanding of how to articulate information and deliver it in order of priority. A marketing student or intern could look at the content to learn more about length, format, and writing style. A junior or senior writer could produce work based on its guidance on how to best approach a topic and what elements to include. What the AI cant do (yet) Where ChatGPT shows its limits is when you ask it to come up with original ideas. Sure, the bot will make the argument for you (say, to prioritise Africas digital transformation) as long as the prompt makes the desired outcome clear. But directly asking it to come up with sophisticated ideas for content that you would then produce yourself results in output that just mirrors the stipulated prompt. Asking it to come up with an idea for an essay about digital transformation in Africa resulted in the bot telling me to write an essay about digital transformation in Africa. Perhaps more complex prompts could deliver more complex work, but there are other factors to consider. For one, ChatGPT was built to mimic human speech and not to be an information repository. While it may have had access to a large amount of online text during its training, it does not have real-time internet access (thank goodness) and as such, its dataset and knowledge cut-off year is the end of 2021. This limits its ability to return current or accurate results. For example, when I asked it to write a bio for Clockwork, it incorrectly declared the agency was founded in 2006. When asked what the fastest marine mammal is, the bot proceeded to give an entirely different answer after its first answer, the peregrine falcon, was pointed out to be incorrect. Fact-finding and checking remain a core part of any content-production process especially when it comes to producing content thats timely and explores the trends of the day. And a bot that changes its mind over the facts for the sake of generating content isnt exactly ideal. Another issue with ChatGPT as a search engine is that it is not designed to be objective. Language models are trained on a large dataset of text, which means that they can often reflect the biases and prejudices present in that dataset. This can lead to ChatGPT providing biased or skewed results, which can be harmful and misleading for users. Embrace the future (and our robot overlords) The combination of subjectivity, lack of fact-checking capabilities, and limited original thought mean ChatGPT can't replace traditional journalistic intuition or real insights. Luckily, we still need humans for that. But as a tool in the arsenal of smart content producers and marketers, it can be very useful. Bouncing a few ideas off it for a think piece may yield some direction or input on what the piece could include; its adept at shortening text or providing a few copy options, and its great at rewriting if you give it the right direction. Ultimately, marketers and writers can use it to complete certain tasks more efficiently, but because of how confidently it produces misleading or incorrect information, you still need someone skilled operating the controls. Given the speed at which this technology is developing, that may not be the case in a few years. But until then, we can have fun with the haikus. (Authors note: The paragraph that discusses the use of ChatGPT as a search engine third from the bottom was generated by the AI. During the editing process, it was the only paragraph that my editor asked to be cut. Take that, robot!) School shoes are an essential part of the uniform kit - protecting your child's feet while they run and play on the school grounds, and keeping them comfortable while they sit at their desks. With varying brands and costs on the market, parents purchase the best pair they can afford, and in order to reap maximum use of the school shoes, the onus lies on children, and parents, to take care of their shoes. Michael Sithambaram, manager of Schools Division at Bata South Africa, manufacturer of the countrys most loved school shoes, Bata Toughees, said caring for your school shoes is essential. Bata South Africa produces over four million of the countrys school shoes every year. We all eagerly look forward to back to school. Many parents will remember their very first back to school responsibility polishing their school shoes at the start of the new week. With great attention to detail, this simple act not only taught children responsibility, but to protect the items they own against wear and tear. For us at Bata, parents trust us to craft a pair of good quality, comfortable and enduring shoes for their children, but thereafter it lies in their hands to properly care for shoes, he said. Here are Bata South Africas top points to help teach and encourage children to take care of their shoes: Clean shoes with a soft cloth wipe across the top of the shoe Brush the underneath of the shoe daily to clear any grit or mud caught underneath Polish the shoe with a matching polish colour to take away scratches or marks Buff with a soft cloth for shine Do not store in a box, as the box can contain fungus and mould that could catch on the shoe. If the shoe gets wet, stuff with a ball of paper to absorb any moisture and allow to air dry. Invest in shoes that have durable features such as genuine leather uppers, guarantees on fair wear and tear, have odour protection, and are less susceptible to discolouration and deterioration of fibre structure. Back to school can be full of excitement for children, eager to see their friends, and run and play on the school grounds. This is how they learn. We know that parents invest in the best pair of shoes they can afford for their children, and with a few simple steps each week, both parents and children can lengthen the lifespan of a shoe and get maximum use of it without sacrificing on comfort, said Sithambaram. The 'torqued-up' bakkie rolled into my driveway the other day and the timing of that could not be more apt. After all, Toyota Gazoo Racing are firing on all cylinders at the 2023 Dakar desert race. They are dune-demolishing the opposition to dust. And just by driving the Hilux GR Sport, I can see why. It's big, it's bold and unmistakeably Toyota. Image credit: Naresh Maharaj There is plenty of power to take on the toughest of all road terrains, including deep soft sands like in the Dakar. Here are some quick take-outs: Hilux GR Sport continues Toyota South Africa's GR product roll-out Engine outputs boosted to 165kW and 550Nm GR-specific suspension tuning Bespoke exterior design with distinctive GR-Sport front grille treatment Wider overfenders and black exterior-trim package Leather/Alcantara interior trim with unique GR accents 17" Alloy wheels shod with 265-65-R17 tyres The 2022 Hilux GR Sport is the second GR iteration of South Africa's best-selling vehicle, following the debut model introduced in 2019. It features a host of unique design and dynamic features to differentiate it from its stablemates and position the Hilux GR-S as the hero model of the range. Ride and handling Under the skin, new monotube shock absorbers are paired with stiffer coil springs to deliver improved high-speed stability and handling response. The wheel and tyre package features bespoke 17" alloy wheels in a Titanium finish - while the tyre package has been revised with taller profile 265-65-R17 rubber, to offer enhanced off-road performance. Exterior: Just eye-catching Lets make no bones about the good looks. Its very eye-catching. The Hilux GR-S wears a unique suit, with the designers penning the design around the concepts of toughness and sportiness. A large and prominent black front grille, horizontal crossbar finished in a carbon-fibre pattern, and chrome Toyota lettering (a GR Sport trademark) announce its presence. Special treatment has been applied to the LED headlights, alongside vertically-stacked air ducts with integrated LED fog lamps. Keen observers will note that the bumpers are based on the Raider model design (rather than Legend variants) and most notably include wider black overfenders with contrasting inserts. Image credit: Naresh Maharaj Image credit: Naresh Maharaj This helps give the GR Sport a more aggressive appearance. Black mirror caps, black door handles, graphite-coloured side steps and rear styling bar with GR branding - create a sporty contrast. Four exterior colours are offered mimicking the GR brand colours: Arizona Red, Graphite Grey, Attitude Black and Glacier White. These in turn are offset by the contrasting inlay in the overfender (red, black or silver depending on paintwork choice). Interior design Design changes to the interior include a new instrument cluster with a cog-like metallic bezel, red needles and unique gauge face. A bespoke, perforated leather-trim steering wheel with red contrast stitching and GR badging, is joined by sporty aluminium pedals. GR branding has also been applied to the Push Start button and centre console. Striking carbon-fibre trim replaces the brushed finish in Legend models, which is complemented by red accent trim signalling the GR-S' performance credentials. The racing-inspired front seats feature Alcantara inserts, GR badging on the headrests, red accent panels plus power adjustment for the driver's seat. Engine and drivetrain Power output has been increased to 165kW (+15) and torque ramped up by 50 Nm to a peak of 550Nm. This has been accomplished via a special ECU calibration which interfaces with revised 6-speed automatic transmission mapping and lock-up control - to ensure optimised power delivery. These improvements result in a 0-100km/h sprint time reduction of 0.65 seconds. Top speed is quoted as 175km/h. Only one drivetrain configuration is offered in the form of a 4x4 transaxle mated to a 6-speed automatic transmission with Auto LSD function. Specification and features Standard specification remains comprehensive with the model closely aligned to Legend-grade specification (with the exception of an auto-dimming rear-view mirror and JBL audio). This includes keyless entry, retractable and power-adjustable side mirrors, automatic headlights, auto door lock, park distance control (PDC), reverse camera, dual-zone climate control, air-conditioned upper glove box, Multi-Information Display (MID), one-touch power windows and integrated power outlets (in 220 and 12-volt format). Fear not. All the bells and whistles are there to ensure a smooth and comfortable drive. Pricing Hilux GR-S 2.8 GD-6 4x4 6AT - R 865,400 All Hilux models are sold with a nine-services/90,000km service plan (intervals set at 10,000km) and a three-year/100,000km warranty. Service and warranty plan extensions can also be purchased from any Toyota dealer (220 outlets). We know uncertainty is top of mind for CMOs. The pandemic changed the world and we continue to face great global uncertainty. Linah Maigurira is the sales leader at Google. Source: Supplied. The war in Ukraine and the resulting humanitarian catastrophe has had wider geo-political and economic implications. Tough GDP forecasts, falling consumer confidence, tight labour markets, disrupted global supply chains and rising energy and food prices. From conversations we have had with CMOs across EMEA, weve seen a few core trends and priorities emerge for 2023. CMOs in 2023: hardened optimists CMOs in most markets are optimistic but cautious - driven, and growth-minded, despite ever-emerging events. For over two years, CMOs have been focused on staying afloat during the pandemic, managing through the turmoil, coming out the other side smarter and more resilient. The big theme coming through in this journey was that a wait and see attitude is a recipe for failure, and that flexibility is necessary to survive even thrive. Many feel the future is harder to predict, so they are striving to be agile and ready to pivot when the situation - good or bad - calls for it. For many, they know this new challenge will pass like previous recessions. CMOs around the world arent anxious about economic uncertainty. They see it as one of the many challenges they get to battle next on the path to growth and profitability. Keeping what worked; flexibility, tech and e-commerce As consumers became more digitally adept and dependent on digital to communicate, shop, eat, and be entertained, companies across all industries accelerated digital plans to reach and meet their needs. At the start of 2022, many CMOs started with plans to rebuild the momentum they lost during the pandemic, in the form of growing market share and profitability. Most marketers highlighted the below tactics as areas they plan to double down on: E-commerce will continue to grow with convenience and speed of delivery/ same day expected to become the next competitive battle Staying agile by including multiple scenarios is their main plan Re-distributing budgets, re-evaluating pricing, cutting costs are also a focus Enabling flexibility and hybrid working structures Economic uncertainty is spurring strategy on ad spend decisions Most CMOs report having to cut budgets to survive, but now have seen those budgets pushed further back to at least pre-pandemic levels. This means they are having to prepare to revise plans at a moments notice. Marketing teams are being told they'll need to respond accordingly to margin increases. All CMOs reported continuing the shift to digital, irrespective of marketing spend increases or cuts, with channel and platform selection based on target audience efficiencies. CMOs said that the key to surviving or thriving was leveraging data to target more effectively and without waste. For those who had been more reliant on traditional channels, digital proved well to reach their target more effectively and with a smaller budget. This learning experience has driven CMOs to invest more in digital in 2023 and beyond. Pivot is the underlying force The pandemic did cause curling of budgets and softening of plans. But after three years, companies cant afford to sit on the sidelines again to wait for uncertainty to pass. While in the past companies have pulled back budgets in the face of recessions or economic events, CMOs and CFOs are approaching this economic event head on. The key drivers of the shift of priorities have to do with leaving the pandemic behind but being smart about the future unknowns. Pivot is the underlying force behind the need to deliver shareholder value and below are some of the ways they are hedging their bets: Shifting budget allocations to digital from traditional, with a focus marketing efficacy; OOH was reported to be the biggest casualty during the pandemic, but post-pandemic TV seems to be a target for allocation reduction Focusing on short term (1-2 year) plans vs. long term Scrutinising every media, channel, placement, and communication for effectiveness and contribution to goals Overall, in a changing scenario as is todays market, CMOs and their teams are willing and ready to make and adjust decisions quickly and with agility. Data and automation are existential needs with growing talent scarcity Hiring, retaining and training talent, especially those with deep digital knowledge, is one of the biggest hurdles in meeting business objectives and present a major risk in accelerating business growth. Unlike before the pandemic, CMOs will have to do more with less: fewer talent, less resources, and budgets that buy less because of cost increases since 2020. With the growing pressure CMOs face, and the growing talent shortage, getting better at data harnessing has become a P0 imperative. Automation and performance marketing are seen as stop gaps for talent shortage. In addition, businesses expect to invest in better tools with more precise, real-time data and in upskilling talent in data mining, understanding, and developing actionable insights to build forward visibility. For companies who are testing the waters, there is a need for training and guidance on how to maximise the tools they have to make informed decisions. The growing importance of CMO and CFO partnership CFOs and CMOs have the power to drive long-term growth by working together to unlock marketings full potential and measure success. Breaking down silos is a force multiplier when it comes to the effective use of data. Working hand in hand, finance and marketing can identify and share data to optimise campaigns for the desired business goals. Reforming budget practices and jointly owned business OKRs can help CFOs and CMOs track how campaigns perform against business metrics such as profit or customer value creating shared accountability and building mutual trust. In hindsight, many CMOs see positive outcomes and opportunities post-pandemic. While theres no question the future is uncertain, marketers have proven strongest in uncertain times. 2023 will be an uncertain year for everyone. As CMOs and CXOs confront increasing challenges on multiple fronts, many will be wanting to sharpen their focus, find clarity amidst uncertainty, and move forward with confidence- embracing new ways of doing business to thrive in the new norm of uncertainty. Onward to 2023! Rio Tinto, the largest Australian iron ore miner, is bracing for a volatile start to 2023 as the end of Chinas zero-COVID policy raises the risk of new waves of infections pummelling demand across its biggest customer base. The mining giant on Tuesday reported it had shipped 87.3 million tonnes of iron ore, the key ingredient needed to make steel, from its mines in Western Australias Pilbara during the December quarter. The result marked an increase of 4 per cent from the same time last year and was slightly ahead of most analysts expectations. An iron ore truck drives through the Rio Tinto Marandoo mine site on the outskirts of Karijini National Park in Western Australia. Credit: Krystle Wright Rio Tinto said market conditions improved towards the end of last year, sending iron ore prices 22 per cent higher. Chinas steel sector by far the worlds biggest iron ore consumer benefited as Beijing unleashed three stimulus packages to aid the countrys property sector, before the further easing of pandemic-related public health controls in December and gradual reopening of the economy. However, the coming months will likely bring high volatility, the company warned, as China faces a growing wave of coronavirus cases. New outbreaks were expected to intensify short-term risks of supply chain disruptions and labour shortages across the country. Arts Centre CEO Karen Quinlan wrote in a December email to a supporter hoping to establish an organ fund that to reintroduce an organ to the venue would today require substantial construction works, closure of the venue for many months, significant cost and result in a long period of disruption to presenters and audiences. But all these comments are disputed by top organists and by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra itself, which acknowledges there are many works with organ it would like to program but cannot. Melbournes Hamer Hall. Credit: Mark Gambino Hamer Hall has been our home for 40 years, and we have a wonderful relationship with Arts Centre Melbourne, but its such a shame that it has now been without an organ for over ten years, says the MSOs director of programming, John Nolan. A pipe organ is a vital part of any great concert hall. So much of the standard symphonic repertoire includes it and theres also an amazing repertoire of concertos for organ. We use a digital organ sometimes but theres a lot of music we simply cant program at Hamer Hall. Does the MSO want a new organ? Absolutely, and this is often on our agenda with the Arts Centre. This is something we mention to them quite often, Nolan says. John Maidment was a member of the Arts Centres musical instruments committee when the first organ was commissioned in the late 1970s. Unfortunately it was designed and built before the building was completed and the acoustic known, and organists agree that while it was a beautiful instrument it was unsuited to the hall and under-powered. In a cathedral it would have been fantastic, Maidment says. Organist Douglas Lawrence playing the organ he designed at Scots Church in Melbourne. Credit: Scott McNaughton I voiced a few doubts initially and was told to shut up [by other members of the committee]. Maidment rejects the arguments against a replacement organ. To say they havent got the money is ludicrous. Look at the extraordinarily large sums of money being spent on the State Theatre and the contemporary art gallery, but there is total inertia on this. He says the organ space in the refurbished hall is better than the previous space, and a new organ would be prebuilt and lifted into position. There also wouldnt need to be the massive disruption cited by Karen Quinlan, he says. The thing that does take time is the voicing of the pipes, but that can be done when the hall is closed at night time, thats standard practice. You probably have 12 hours every day when that can be done. It might cost $5 million. The moneys immaterial really; you just need the will to do something. Experts say Hamer Hall cannot be considered a world-class orchestral venue until it has a real organ. Another of Melbournes top organists, Douglas Lawrence, says he knew the old organ was inadequate within five seconds of seeing the specifications. For a concert hall organ it was not loud enough. During the opening concerts I played the Saint-Saens symphony with the MSO and Hiroyuki Iwaki. And when we got to the loud bit, where the organ is supposed to annihilate the orchestra, Iwaki stopped the orchestra and said more organ please, Mr Lawrence. And I said, Mr Iwaki, Im very sorry but there is no more organ. And he looked up and said, ha, very funny. More organ please, Mr Lawrence. Mr Iwaki I am playing with both feet, both hands and my nose. There is no more organ. Lawrence, the music director at Scots Presbyterian Church and founder and director of the Australian Chamber Choir, has obtained quotes from leading organ builder Rieger of about 2.3 million Euros ($3.6m) for a new organ. Its the weirdest thing. Theres been an indifference to it I find unfathomable, because theres so many major works that cannot be performed as the composer intended. When [the MSO] do Mahler they bring an electronic keyboard in, and they just cant do it. Theres the orchestra banging away, and the organ is supposed to fill and expand it, and theres nothing there. You walk into most concert halls around the world and the first thing you see is the organ. Tony Way The orchestra players think its absurd. Its just a piece of equipment that has to be there. Its like having no double basses, it wouldnt work, Lawrence says. Another noted organist, Age music critic Tony Way, says the situation is a scandal. Hamer Hall cant claim to be a world-class venue without a decent organ. Also, the view of the hall from the seats is terrible, because you have that plywood wall, a bland and uninviting view, when you go to a concert. Feature: Excitement, hope run high as high-speed train resumes between Hong Kong, mainland Xinhua) 10:07, January 16, 2023 Guests attend a ceremony to mark the resumption of operation of the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link at the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station in south China's Hong Kong, Jan. 15, 2023. After nearly three years of service suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link resumed operation Sunday, with an average of 38.5 pairs of high-speed trains on a daily basis running from stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station at the initial stage. (Xinhua/Li Gang) HONG KONG/GUANGZHOU, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- It was a little past dawn Sunday when the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station welcomed its first batch of travelers, who couldn't hide their excitement behind the masks as they were about to catch the very first high-speed train in nearly three years to the Chinese mainland. "My son can't wait to get a taste of the special dishes of our hometown," said a traveler surnamed Fu, who hasn't been back to northeastern China for two years. Soon she and her son would get onboard the first train in the morning to Shenzhen, where she would then transfer to her hometown for the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year holiday. After nearly three years of service suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link resumed operation Sunday, with an average of 38.5 pairs of high-speed trains on a daily basis running from stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station at the initial stage. Liao Jun, a student from Jiangxi Province who studies in Hong Kong, was excited to catch the first train back to the mainland. "Today will be a day to remember. The resumption of high-speed rail services is of great significance to the overall connectivity between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the mainland," he said. The first train left for Shenzhen at 7:03 a.m. local time. In only 18 minutes, the train arrived at Shenzhenbei station, where a southbound high-speed train was ready to take passengers to Hong Kong. The windows of the train were decorated with Chinese paper-cuts that read "happy new year" and wishes for the upcoming Year of the Rabbit, which falls on Jan. 22. At the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station, inbound passengers were greeted with gift bags that read "Hello, Hong Kong." The arrival hall was decorated with potted flowers that signal good fortune for a new year. "I printed out the ticket today as a souvenir," said a businessman surnamed Bu, who just took the train from Shenzhen to Hong Kong to visit his clients. "It would be of great help to be able to talk to my clients face to face," he said. By 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning, nine northbound bullet trains and seven southbound bullet trains had taken around 1,400 passengers to their destinations. Tickets were sold out for most of the trains. Passengers are greeted with gift bags at the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station in south China's Hong Kong, Jan. 15, 2023. After nearly three years of service suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link resumed operation Sunday, with an average of 38.5 pairs of high-speed trains on a daily basis running from stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station at the initial stage. (Xinhua/Li Gang) Passengers get their tickets checked at the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station in south China's Hong Kong, Jan. 15, 2023. After nearly three years of service suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link resumed operation Sunday, with an average of 38.5 pairs of high-speed trains on a daily basis running from stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station at the initial stage. (Xinhua/Li Gang) Passengers are greeted with gift bags at the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station in south China's Hong Kong, Jan. 15, 2023. After nearly three years of service suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link resumed operation Sunday, with an average of 38.5 pairs of high-speed trains on a daily basis running from stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station at the initial stage. (Xinhua/Li Gang) Passengers pose for photos aboard the train G5607 bound for Hong Kong at the Shenzhen North Railway Station in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province, Jan. 15, 2023. After nearly three years of service suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link resumed operation Sunday, with an average of 38.5 pairs of high-speed trains on a daily basis running from stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station at the initial stage. (Xinhua/Mao Siqian) Crew members of the train G5607 bound for Hong Kong welcome passengers at the Shenzhen North Railway Station in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province, Jan. 15, 2023. After nearly three years of service suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link resumed operation Sunday, with an average of 38.5 pairs of high-speed trains on a daily basis running from stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station at the initial stage. (Xinhua/Mao Siqian) Passengers get their tickets checked at the Shenzhen North Railway Station in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province, Jan. 15, 2023. After nearly three years of service suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link resumed operation Sunday, with an average of 38.5 pairs of high-speed trains on a daily basis running from stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station at the initial stage. (Xinhua/Mao Siqian) The train G5607 bound for Hong Kong is pictured at the Shenzhen North Railway Station in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province, Jan. 15, 2023. After nearly three years of service suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link resumed operation Sunday, with an average of 38.5 pairs of high-speed trains on a daily basis running from stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station at the initial stage. (Xinhua/Mao Siqian) (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 People come to La Mama and they dont want to leave, says Liz Jones. Thats putting it lightly the 76-year-old came to Melbournes beloved independent theatre company in 1973 and has worked there ever since. But now, approaching her 50th anniversary, Jones is hanging up her hat as artistic director. It was a hard decision because after 50 years, your identity becomes tied to the organisation, she says. But I feel fine about it a little bit heavy-hearted, but that really becomes lighter and lighter. Dr Liz Jones AO, pictured at La Mama theatre. Credit: Justin McManus Jones met the late La Mama founder Betty Burstall in 1971, and came on board at the company as co-artistic director two years later before taking the reins solo in the 1980s. Under Jones, La Mama has become known as one of Australias finest purveyors of innovative, artist-led stage work, and launched the careers of actors such as Cate Blanchett and Judith Lucy. Loading Reflecting on half a century at La Mama, what stands out to Jones is a strong sense of community. In 2008, locals rallied to help purchase the Carlton building, with a price tag of $1.7 million. It seemed a gargantuan ask a Herculean task, she remembers. I felt deeply touched that La Mama was so treasured by the community That was very, very precious to me. The community mobilised again when the theatre was ravaged in a blaze in 2018 donations for the rebuild totalled over $3 million. Save Log in , register or subscribe to save articles for later. Save articles for later Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Got it Normal text size Larger text size Very large text size As the city returns from its pandemic lull, we reveal its untold stories. See all 6 stories . Barney Gardner watched as his once-bustling, working-class suburb of Millers Point was turned into extravagantly renovated townhouses and rows of empty holiday homes. Just about all of them are Airbnb because they were turned into one- bedrooms, and there are still quite a lot of empty properties that have been sold, and the people havent done anything with them, Gardner said. The harbourside enclave, which was once known for its social housing, has become the Sydney suburb with the highest proportion of unoccupied dwellings, with 34 per cent of its homes empty on the most recent census night. Its one of the suburbs contributing to the 164,624 empty homes across Greater Sydney. The unoccupied rates of some places, such as Copacabana, The Entrance and Avoca (28 per cent), are easily explained by the high proportion of holiday homes. And unusually high vacancy in Kensington (18 per cent) and Glebe (14 per cent) might be explained by the absence of foreign students during lockdowns in 2021. But thats not a one-size-fits-all explanation. North Parramatta in the heart of Sydney suburbia where the median three-bedroom house price is $1.06 million had a relatively high 16 per cent of homes unoccupied on census night. Raine & Horne Parramatta senior property manager Rachael Barr has a theory about why. Advertisement North Parramatta got hit especially hard because of COVID but also the construction of the light rail around that area, she said. Coming down OConnell Street every day, there was just a lot of traffic and roads were closed. While the light rail is still being completed, Barr has seen demand for homes across the suburb recover recently. We had trouble even getting people into units last year because half the roads were closed, Barr said. But its starting to clear up in that area. Buses arent limited by road closures and demand for homes has gone back up. Its actually better now than it was pre-COVID. Barney Gardner sits outside the home he lived in for most of his life, which is now being sold once again. Credit:Steven Siewert Emma Baker, a professor of housing research at the University of Adelaide, said the number of empty homes across Greater Sydney was at least partially a reflection of the haphazard way that Australia collects housing data. Not many of the empty houses are genuinely just sitting there waiting for someone to come and live in them, she said. The census was conducted on a cold winters night so a lot of the empty houses would have been holiday homes in places where no one bothered to respond to the census. Of the approximately 9 million homes in Australia, about 1 million did not return a census form. Advertisement Sydneys rental vacancy rate hit an all-time low of 1.1 per cent in September 2022, improving fractionally to 1.3 per cent in December. Amid this rental crisis, UNSW professor Hal Pawson said expanding a program where developers are forced to include a portion of affordable housing in their developments or pay a levy, called inclusionary zoning, could be key to keeping low-income people in the city. The levy would then go towards the construction of housing. Developments in Pyrmont, Ultimo and Green Square have had similar schemes in place since the mid-90s. The state government approved an inclusionary zoning scheme in the City of Sydney in 2021 that requires developers to commit three per cent of new residential buildings to affordable housing. But in 2020, the state government rejected an application by the City of Ryde to apply inclusionary zoning rules. Pawson, the associate director of the City Futures Research Centre, said it was egregious the scheme hadnt been expanded to more areas. Its really pretty shameful that the government, particularly in a city where land is so valuable, has failed to utilise this method of generating funding for affordable housing at no cost to government. The states strategies to boost broad housing stock have long been on a collision course with local government. In the 1990s it was objections to dual occupancy laws. In 2017-18, then planning minister Rob Stokes missing middle policy to allow homeowners to subdivide their properties and build more medium density in suburban areas - was met with requests from at least nine councils to delay the new rules applying to their LGAs. Advertisement By 2021, 19 of 33 Sydney councils did not meet the target for homes to be built in the preceding five years, the Herald reported last year. Loading Committee for Sydney chief executive Gabriel Metcalf told the Herald in April 2022 that boosting supply was part of the solution to the citys housing affordability crisis. Building more sprawl at the edge of Sydney is not the right answer, he said. It puts people far from jobs, locks them into long commutes, and forces those households to spend huge amounts of money on transport. Commuting is clearly not a drawback in Millers Point, where the median dwelling price is just under $2.1 million and median weekly rent is $1,056, according to data from CoreLogic. In the 1960s, when Barney Gardner and partner Glenda Cox grew up blocks away from each other, boys followed their dads onto the maritime wharves and public housing was handed down through generations. The wharfies have gone, but Gardner and Cox were among a handful of residents who were allowed to stay. After the state government announced in 2014 it would sell off its inner-city housing in a bid to fund additional public housing elsewhere, Gardner and Cox spent the next several years watching the brutal and rapid expulsion of people who had lived here their whole lives. Advertisement Dominic Perrottet has launched an attack on former NSW premier Bob Carr, blaming him for the proliferation of poker machines across Sydney while vowing to push his cashless gaming reform through cabinet before the looming election. Perrottet said that Carr was responsible for putting a poker machine on every street corner of Sydney during his decade as premier. Dominic Perrottet blasted former NSW premier Bob Carr, blaming him for the proliferation of poker machines. Credit: Nine / NCA The former Labor premier took to social media last week to call Perrottet unelectable following revelations he dressed as a Nazi at his own 21st birthday. Asked to respond to Carrs comments on Monday, Perrottet said he would not be taking lectures from the man he believes is responsible for allowing Sydney to be overrun by poker machines. As the Australian Defence Force weighs up its options for a piece of prime Brisbane real estate, artists impressions of a futuristic inner city are emerging. The Queensland government is considering changes to the nearby Roma Street Parklands: the train station will be reshaped for Cross River Rail and Brisbane Live arena for the 2023 Olympics requires changes to Roma Street. Australian planning firm Architectus is one of several with images of how Victoria Barracks on Petrie Terrace should be blended in with Roma Street Parklands. Credit: Architecturus That has opened the door to a rethink of Victoria Barracks on Petrie Terrace. Brisbane City Council in 2022 asked planners to submit ideas for the citys future and several concepts showed walks to and through an opened-up Victoria Barracks. Police officers are leaving the West Australian force in record numbers, with their union describing an overseas recruitment drive as a band-aid solution. Police Union acting president Paul Gale said 465 sworn police officers resigned last year and 97 retired - the highest number of resignations and retirements in the forces 189-year history. WA Police are resigning in record numbers. Credit: Getty Images He said the total number of sworn officers was down from 7112 in 2021 to 6893 in 2022. The union supports the governments overseas recruitment drive, however, this is only a band-aid solution, Mr Gale said in a statement on Monday. But the New Guard was the biggest, with a peak membership of about 50,000 men, many of them like Campbell returned World War I servicemen. At the time, NSW Police had fewer than 2000 men. The New Guard planned to install machine gun nests around the NSW Parliament to hold the captured building against an anticipated counterattack by the police, as set out by historian Andrew Moore, an associate professor at Western Sydney University, in his contribution to a new book, Histories of Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Australia, published last month. Leader of the New Guard fascist group Eric Campbell making what looks like a Nazi salute in Sydney in December, 1931. Credit: One senior New Guardsman later recounted that we were definitely prepared for civil war. The police and New Guard knew each other well; theyd clashed in a series of skirmishes and street fights as the paramilitary gangs in their hundreds attacked unionists, broke up strikes and disrupted meetings of the Communist Party. The police had infiltrated the group and were prepared for its attempted coup. They planned to defend the parliament with howitzers at the ready, no less. The acting superintendent of the Metropolitan Police, the notoriously violent Big Bill Mackay, issued orders to his force to go out there and belt their bloody heads off, as Moore describes. The coup attempt never came. The New Guards biggest target, the Labor premier of NSW, Jack Lang, was sacked by Governor Philip Game over the states fiscal crisis. The New Guard lost its momentum and many of its members. If this is news to you, youre not alone. Most Australians probably wouldnt know about the 1930s and the local fascist movement, says the co-editor of the new book, Evan Smith, lecturer in history at Flinders University. Its always just seen as cranks, fringe, and thats just ignorance. The arrest of Francis De Groot, a member of the fascist New Guard, after he upstaged NSW premier Jack Lang at the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge in March, 1932. Credit: SMH Archives The only well-known scene from Australias fascist history is the moment that a New Guard member Captain Francis de Groot charged on horseback at the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 1932. He upstaged Jack Lang by using his sword to cut the ceremonial ribbon before the premier could. The New Guard considered Lang unworthy of the honour. Smith says this is seen as Australias fascist moment, a tiny surviving fragment of an overlooked history. Even if the fascists in Australia werent challenging for power themselves, their violence and intimidation of unionists and communists was very real. The New Guard kidnapped communists. What they were doing was akin to what the Ku Klux Klan was doing during Reconstruction in the US. Yet for all its fascination, despite its potential as an object lesson and in spite of the good work of many historians to tell our story its almost as if Australias secret armies are kept a secret history. My copy of the weighty Oxford Companion to Australian Politics, for instance, contains no entries on fascism or anti-fascism, or the New Guard, or even far-right or extremist movements. Loading Moore says its an inconvenient reality for the preferred historical narrative of Australia as a relaxed and comfortable country that avoided political extremism. The young Perrottet had no excuse for making light of Nazism, but he got one thing right this week. He says hes committed to better education about the atrocities of the past. That must include education about anti-Semitism, but should also teach the broader history of fascism, at home and abroad. Because we cant leave the struggle against fascism to ASIO and the Federal Police. ASIO chief Mike Burgess last year said that right-wing extremists had accounted for 16 per cent of the agencys investigative caseload three years ago but reached 40 per cent last year. Its the extent of what were seeing thats the difference: more people interested in it, more activity. Most of ASIOs priority counter-terrorism cases at the end of last year were investigations of people under the age of 18, he said. Loading As a nation, we need to reflect on why some teenagers are hanging Nazi flags and portraits of the Christchurch killer on their bedroom walls and why others are sharing beheading videos, said Burgess. The task of preventing radicalisation was one for parents, schools and community leaders, he said, not ASIO: We do not belong in the classroom. But with state governments responsible for schools, Dominic Perrottet, you do. The Opinion newsletter is a weekly wrap of views that will challenge, champion and inform your own. Sign up here. Singapore: East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta has called on the Australian government to finally release secret documents relating to the Indonesian invasion and occupation of the south-east-Asian nation as he led tributes to Balibo Five widow Shirley Shackleton. Shackleton died on the weekend at the age of 91 after a long illness, having campaigned for decades for justice for the Australian-based journalists slain by Indonesian special forces in 1975 and for self-determination for East Timor. Shirley Shackleton visits the grave of her husband Greg Shackleton in 2012. Credit: Michael Bachelard Her husband, Channel 7 reporter Greg Shackleton, was murdered in Balibo along with Gary Cunningham, Brian Peters, Malcolm Rennie and Anthony Stewart as they sought to film the invasion for Australian television. Australian journalist Roger East was also executed in Dili six weeks later. Shirley spent the rest of her life campaigning for Timor-Lestes freedom and for the truth about the circumstances of the murder of the five journalists, Ramos-Horta said. Rome: Italys No.1 fugitive, a Mafia boss convicted of helping to mastermind some of the nations most heinous slayings, was arrested on Monday when he sought treatment at a private clinic in Sicily after three decades on the run. Matteo Messina Denaro was tried in absentia and convicted of dozens of murders, including helping to mastermind, along with other Cosa Nostra bosses, a pair of 1992 bombings that killed top anti-Mafia prosecutors and led the Italian state to stiffen its crackdown on the Sicilian crime syndicate. He faces multiple life sentences he is expected to serve in a maximum security prison and under the particularly restrictive conditions reserved for top organised crime bosses. Top Mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro (centre) leaves an Italian Carabinieri barrack soon after his arrest at a private clinic in Palermo, Sicily. Credit: Carabinieri via AP He went into hiding a year after those bombings while still a young man but he was still considered one of Cosa Nostras top bosses even as a fugitive. Hundreds of police officers were tasked over the years with tracking him, the last of three longtime top-level Mafia bosses who managed to elude capture for decades. He is now 60, and his health condition helped investigators zero in on him, according to Carabinieri General Pasquale Angelosanto, who heads the police forces special operations squad. A former Adelaide financial adviser has been sentenced for falsifying company books, corporate watchdog ASIC has announced. Tai Thanh Nguyen, who was formerly an authorised representative of GWM Adviser Services and Interprac Financial Planning, was convicted on two counts of falsifying company books and placed a $1,000 recognisance bond to be of good behaviour for two years, after pleading guilty to the charges in Adelaide Magistrates Court. Nguyen falsified seven documents relating to two of his clients, between February 2010 and December 2018, by forging their signatures and by adding dates to documents. In sentencing Nguyen, Magistrate Brian Nitschke said, it is a serious matter to falsify company records and the company records must reflect accurately the truth of the situation. Nitschke also added that falsifying such records is a breach of trust of those who youre engaged to act for. On June 24, 2022, Nguyen was charged following an ASIC investigation. Prior to that, in 2019, he was permanently banned by ASIC from providing financial services. The matter was prosecuted by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions after a brief and referral from ASIC. The 500 robot-aided surgeries include complex robotic procedures encompassing the entire gamut of Uro-Oncology, Uro-Gynaecology, Reconstructive Urology and Kidney Transplant. Our urology team has successfully carried out 500 robotic urology procedures since its introduction in the year 2017. This milestone has been achieved in just 53 months, despite 2 years of Covid disruption, said Dr Mohan Keshavamurthy, Director, Urology, Uro-oncology, Uro-gynaecology, Andrology, Transplant & Robotic Surgery, Fortis Hospitals, Bengaluru, and Chairman, Renal Sciences Specialty Council, Fortis Hospitals, India Fortis Hospital in Bengaluru said it has successfully completed 500 robotic-aided urology procedures. The urology team at Fortis Hospitals, Bengaluru led by Dr. Mohan Keshavamurthy completed 500 robotic surgeries in 53 months of the installation of Da Vinci surgical system at Fortis Bannerghatta.The 500 robot-aided surgeries include complex robotic procedures encompassing the entire gamut of Uro-Oncology, Uro-Gynaecology, Reconstructive Urology and Kidney Transplant. As part of our endeavour for enhanced patient experience, we have now introduced BK ultrasound MRI Fusion Biopsy solution, to improve the early detection of clinically significant prostate cancer that has not been diagnosed by the standard technique of prostate biopsy, said Keshavamurthy. The hospital also announced the launch of BK ultrasound MRI Fusion Biopsy solution for Prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. On the other hand, bkFusion is a fast, flexible, and effective MRI-ultrasound fusion prostate biopsy solution. It fuses real-time ultrasound with MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) images of the prostate to provide urologists with clear visualization. This helps them accurately target lesions identified on the MRI, potentially reducing the risk of missing high-grade tumors or under-staging tumors for active surveillance. According to a recent report, Fortis said bkFusion has an 84 per cent positive detection rate for prostate cancer and bkFusion biopsies have been recorded to be as fast as seven minutes. Robot-aided surgery is a minimally invasive procedure which allows surgeons to have better vision, precision, and control while performing the surgeries. Other benefits include decreased pain, fewer post-operative infections and less scarring. Recovery is rapid, with minimal hospital stay, faster mobilisation and rehabilitation. Reducing the chance of infection makes it an ideal procedure for people with diabetes and other co-morbidities. Also Read Singh brothers get 6-month jail term in Fortis-Daiichi Sankyo case Robots help upgrade crash-testing for cars Mobile robots could soon be in our homes and offices Fortis Healthcare sees strong growth in hospital revenues in Q2FY23 Time has passed when offer price of Rs 170 for a share was good: IHH's Loh Drug pricing regulator NPPA revises ceiling prices of 128 medicines National Cooperative Society to have Rs 500 crore share capital WEF Davos 2023: Adani Group pledges to grow 100 million trees by 2030 WEF 2023: ReNew Power explores green hydro project in India, Egypt Saab scraps agreement with Adani to build fighter aircraft in India By following the Japanese model of treating more patients at the lowest cost compared to the competition, Fortis has been able to deliver better outcomes and excellent clinical quality, said Oleti. Regarding pricing, Akshay Oleti, Business Head, Fortis Hospitals, Bengaluru, said the Fortis Group of Hospitals in Bengaluru are able to effectively provide affordable high-tech robotic treatments by focusing on a volume-driven program. Also, there is positivity amongst the insurance companies to cover most of the robotic surgeries, thereby alleviating the need for out-of-pocket spends for the patient, said Oleti. Robotic procedure costs vary based on the procedure. However, we benchmark them 20-30 per cent lower with respect to our competitors. As a part of the pricing strategy, Oleti said Fortis has created affordable packages that provide comfort to the patients financially. These packages predominantly account for the additional consumables used in the robotic program. The cutting-edge technology has the potential to improve the early detection of clinically significant prostate cancer and we are confident that this technology will be utilised to its fullest, said Ram Narayan, Director Healthware India, a medical equipment distributor and partner of Fortis. US-based Intuitive makes the robotic-assisted Da Vinci surgical system. Mandeep Singh Kumar, vice president and country general manager, Intuitive India, said Dr. Keshavamurthys well-knit robotic surgery team, and advanced da Vinci RAS technology coupled with Intuitives ecosystem development have been the key drivers towards this achievement. We share similar goals of making robotic surgery more accessible and offering its benefits to the greater patient community, said Kumar. Photo: Bloomberg A pair of former fund managers from KKR & Co. and British International Investment Plc aim to raise as much as $250 million to invest in technology-focused startups in India, according to people familiar with the matter.The new venture capital fund, Fractal Growth Partners, was co-founded by Ajay Candade, who until recently led KKRs growth tech business in India, and Nikhil Balaraman, who was previously head of South Asia tech investment at BII. FGP will look to scale up companies that have moved past the seed funding phase, one of the people said, asking not to be identified as the information is not public. The firm will also invest in software as a service and business to business companies, the person said.India has one of the worlds fastest-growing tech industries, with startup hub Bengaluru drawing venture capital investment at a faster pace than London or San Francisco, by one estimate. Warburg Pincus Chief Executive Officer Chip Kaye described India in November as the most optimistic place for investments today, citing areas such as digital consumables and e-pharmacy.FGP is in the process of raising between $200 million and $250 million and has already attracted some domestic and overseas investors, according to one of the people. It cited external macro factors that impacted the cost and availability of capital for this step. This comes at a time when quick-commerce platform Dunzo had last week laid off 3 per cent of its workforce as part of a restructuring exercise. However, the announcement was made on Monday. Mohalla Tech Pvt Ltd, the parent company of homegrown video-sharing platforms ShareChat and Moj, has laid off 20 per cent of its workforce, comprising around 500 employees. By Aditya Kalra BENGALURU (Reuters) -India's ShareChat, a short video-sharing platform backed by Google and Temasek, said on Monday it let go of around 20% of its employees, as startups face increasing pressure from investors to cut costs. "There is a growing market consensus that the current global economic downturn would be a much more sustained one, and we thus have to, unfortunately, seek more cost savings by reducing our team size," ShareChat Chief Executive Officer Ankush Sachdeva said in an internal memo seen by Reuters. Indian startups raised $24 billion last year, a third lesser than in 2021, according to Venture Intelligence. They have let go thousands of employees in recent months to become profitable, as investors have become more circumspect of high valuations in a turbulent stock market that has hammered tech shares across the globe. ShareChat also said it had over the last six months "aggressively optimised costs" across its business including in marketing and infrastructure. Also Read Google improves Gmail search, Chat with search labels, related results Key staff driving Apple search engine leaves, rejoins Google: Report Google adds 'Search Status Dashboard' to provide real-time service outages Google Chat lets users filter search results with search chips on web Google adds direct access of Lens image search to homepage: Details here Broadcaster Viacom18 bags Women's IPL five-year media rights for Rs 951 cr Indian startups need to reserve cash, listen to customers to stay afloat Around 58% builders expect housing prices to rise further in 2023: Survey Logistics management firm Locad raises $11 million in Series-A funding Tech spend to increase, we'll hire 30K in FY24: HCLTech CEO C Vijayakumar "As capital becomes expensive, companies need to prioritise their bets and invest in the highest-impact projects only," a ShareChat spokesperson said. "We aim to sail through the uncertain global economic conditions over 2023 and 2024." Valued at $5 billion, Bengaluru-based ShareChat has more than 2,200 employees and is spreading its team globally across India, the United States and Europe, according to its website. It was not immediately clear if ShareChat has updated its website since the decision to reduce its workforce. ShareChat confirmed employees would get two weeks' pay for every year served and employee stock ownership plans will continue to vest as per schedule until April 30. (Reporting by Anuran Sadhu in Bengaluru; Writing by Praveen Paramasivam in Chennai; Editing by Rashmi Aich and Savio D'Souza) Also Read HealthKart raises $135 million in funding from Temasek, A91 Partners India's share in venture capital funding falls sharply; China surges ahead Foodtech firm SaveEat raises $500,000 in funding to expand business Startup funding drops by 80% YoY to $3 bn in Q3 of Calendar 2022: Tracxn From layoffs to cost-cutting, start-ups brace for long funding winter Tech spend to increase, we'll hire 30K in FY24: HCLTech CEO C Vijayakumar Consumer companies push deal activity to 25-year high in 2022, shows data Breather for Natco in Novartis cardiac drug case from Delhi High Court Pending deal approvals: Industry participants flag lack of quorum at CCI We have decided not to pursue the arrangement with the Adanis, said Mats Palmberg, chairman and managing director of Saab India, at a media interaction in New Delhi on Monday. Swedish aerospace and defence company, Saab, which had entered into a partnership with Adani Group to manufacture the Gripen E fighter in India, said on Monday that it was no longer going ahead with that agreement. Saab is one of seven global aerospace giants that are competing in the tender, estimated to be worth over Rs 60,000-70,000 crore for 114 medium multirole fighter aircraft for the Indian Air Force (IAF). Saab and Adani Group had announced their partnership on August 31, 2017. The agreement between the two would come into effect if Saab were selected as the foreign partner, to supply the Gripen E fighter. Asked who Saab would partner for building the Gripen E in India, Palmberg said that provided the Indian defence MINISTRY allowed Saab to hold 74 per cent of the manufacturing entity which was permitted under the foreign direct investment cap on defence and aerospace manufacture it would opt to manufacture the fighters in a company in which Saab owned 74 per cent. Besides Saab, these include Boeing with its F/A-18E/F Super Hornet (US), Lockheed Martin with its F-21 (US), Dassault with the Rafale (France), Eurofighter Typhoon (Europe), and two fighters from Russia: the MiG-35 and the Sukhoi-35. Also Read Top headlines: Adani's $100-bn green energy push; Saab to produce in India Swedish weapons giant Saab to build Carl-Gustaf M4 rocket launcher in India Adani acquires stake in NDTV: Will retail investors benefit? Sebi approval needed for Adani to secure promoter group's stake: NDTV Are we allowed to transfer shares to Adani Group firm: NDTV's Roys ask Sebi Sparking the EV supply chain: India trying to reduce dependence on China Google-backed ShareChat, Dunzo hand out pink slips to employees JSW Ispat Special Products Q3 consolidated net loss widens to Rs 97.98 cr Siemens signs Rs 26,000-crore locomotive order with Indian Railways Why have different standards for India and Europe: SC to Google With a detailed media briefing on Monday on the performance attributes of the Gripen E fighter, Saab has been the first of the foreign vendors to make its play in what the aerospace industry expects to be a tightly-contested acquisition. The defence ministry has issued a request for information and is understood to be evaluating responses from the original equipment manufacturers. The ministrys next step will be to draw up an acceptance of necessity and then to issue a request for proposal. However, this left the IAF with a serious shortfall of fighter aircraft, necessitating the fresh tender for 114 medium fighters. This fighter acquisition has been necessitated by the cancellation of an earlier fighter tender, issued in 2007 for 126 medium multirole combat aircraft. That ended in the government-to-government purchase from Dassault of 36 Rafale fighters. Also Read Where did big tech and startups go wrong on hiring? Hiring of top-level professionals slowing down in Indian startups: Report Why are Indian start-ups facing such a severe funding winter? EPAM sacks around 100 Indian employees, revokes offer letter of others 'What if I'm next?' Fear grips Amazon India employees amid global layoffs Fractal Growth Partners eyes $250 mn fund to invest in Indian tech startups National start-up day: Amid funding cloud, hopes for fresh pitch Startup VilCart raises $18 mn from investors to expand operations Dream11 staff to pay Rs 1 lakh if they disturb colleagues on leave This came in response to Googles appeal against the Competition Commission of Indias (CCIs) order penalising the tech giant, asking it to pay Rs 1,338 crore for practices related to Android devices. The Supreme Court on Monday asked Google why the standards for Android devices in India were different from those in Europe. Google has three months to comply with the CCIs directive and its deadline is January 19. The matter will be heard again on Wednesday. Additional Solicitor General (ASG) N Venkatraman, who appeared for the CCI, said Google had filed an appeal against the CCI order before the three-month window in the directive ended. The January 19 deadline is for complying with directions issued by the CCI, which includes allowing Android users to uninstall Apps and select a search engine of their choice. A Bench comprising Chief Justice of India (CJI) D Y Chandrachud, Justice P S Narasimha, and Justice J B Pardiwala observed that Google, filing an appeal at the last moment, had made it look like the matter needed to be looked into urgently. Also Read Competition (Amendment) Bill: How it is looking to change CCI's functioning India-EU Competition Week on digital resolutions starts on Monday Several app developers may soon have to pay 6% commission to Google: Report FIH Men's Hockey World Cup 2023: Obstacles India will face on its home turf India drops in global ranking for mobile speed, improves in fixed broadband Triton EV to acquire AMW Motors' Bhuj manufacturing plant for Rs 210 crore Bharti Airtel launches '5G Plus' services in five cities of Uttar Pradesh 'Will practice same regime as in Europe?', SC on Google plea on CCI penalty Reliance Industries suspends natural gas auction from KG-D6 block Supreme Court to hear plea of Google against NCLAT order on January 18 The contention that the 90-day compliance of the CCI order by Google is not possible is wrong since Google has adhered to a similar deadline in the European Union, the ASG said. He said Google was discriminating between consumers in India and those in other regions such as Europe. The court asked Google if it would introduce the same regime in India as it had abroad and if the steps the tech giant had taken were inconsistent with the CCIs directive. Venkatraman and senior advocate Mukul Rohatgi, who appeared for OSLabs Technology, told the court the tech giant was discriminating against a third world country like India. While admitting Googles appeal, the NCLAT had asked it to deposit 10 per cent of the penalty amount of Rs 1,338 crore, thereby granting some relief. The NCLAT on January 4 had refused to grant an interim stay on the CCIs order and asked the tech giant to change its business model in India. Google has said in court the CCI will force the US company to change how it markets its Android platform. The next hearing on the matter in the NCLAT has been scheduled for April 3. (The) compliance date was January 19 and we filed in December. There is an urgency since the compliance date is almost a week from today, he said. Senior advocate A M Singhvi, while appearing for Google in the apex court on January 11, said extraordinary directives were passed by the CCI. He said the NCLAT posted the hearing of Googles appeal in April, which would make it infructuous. Singhvi said the penalty was levied on Google without evidence and after doing a tainted investigation. Google on Friday hit out at the competition regulator for slapping penalties for alleged abuse of its dominant position, saying the orders struck a blow at the effort to accelerate digital adoption in India and would lead to higher prices. At first, the Supreme Court said it would send the matter back to the NCLAT but then posted it for hearing on Wednesday. Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang (L) and Arab League (AL) Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit attend a press conference in Cairo, capital of Egypt, Jan. 15, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Dongzhen) CAIRO, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- China is ready to strengthen communication and coordination with Arab countries to implement the outcomes of the first China-Arab States Summit, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said here Sunday. The summit was held successfully with fruitful results, Qin said while meeting the press with Arab League (AL) Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit. Three significant outcome documents were issued, namely the Riyadh Declaration of the First China-Arab States Summit, the Outline of the Comprehensive Cooperation Plan Between China and Arab States and a document on deepening the Sino-Arab strategic partnership for peace and development, Qin said, adding both sides also agree to make all-out efforts to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era. Going forward, China is ready to strengthen communication and coordination with Arab countries to implement the outcomes of the summit, Qin said. Firstly, China and Arab countries should jointly carry forward the spirit of bilateral friendship featuring "solidarity and mutual assistance, equality and mutual benefit, and inclusiveness and mutual learning." Both sides should uphold independence, focus on economic development, maintain regional peace and strengthen inter-civilizational exchanges, so as to make solid progress in building a China-Arab community with a shared future and contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, said the Chinese foreign minister. Secondly, both sides should jointly implement the spirit of the Riyadh Declaration. The Declaration emphasizes maintaining international order and multilateralism based on international law, promoting the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom of all mankind, opposing politicizing and instrumenting human rights issues and interfering in other countries' internal affairs, upholding the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, strengthening counter-terrorism efforts, and opposing "double standards" on fighting terrorism, strengthening dialogue among civilizations, safeguarding the diversity of civilizations, and opposing the "clash of civilizations" theory, he said. Qin added that the two sides should jointly uphold the above spirit, safeguard international fairness and justice, and safeguard the common interests of developing countries. Thirdly, both sides need to work together for more outcomes of practical cooperation. The Outline of China-Arab Comprehensive Cooperation Plan covers 182 cooperation measures in 18 fields, including politics, trade and economy, investment and finance. The eight major cooperation initiatives for China-Arab practical cooperation proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping cover 56 cooperation measures in eight areas, including development support, food security, public health, green innovation, energy security, inter-civilizational dialogue, youth development and security and stability, which meet the development needs and concerns of the Arab side, said Qin. China will establish an effective working mechanism with Arab countries to implement the above-mentioned cooperation measures one by one, accelerate cooperation projects that are ripe for development and strive for more early harvests, Qin said. The Delhi assembly was adjourned for the day, amid protest by MLAs of the ruling AAP against Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena's alleged interference in the working of the city government. The assembly saw repeated adjournments on the first day of its three-day session and hardly 10 minutes of proceedings could be held. The House was first adjourned for 10 minutes following a war of words between Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and BJP members over alleged interference of Saxena in the working of the city government. AAP legislator Saurabh Bhardwaj had initiated a discussion on calling attention motion on the issue of "Illegal and unwanted obstructions and interferences in the education of children and training of teachers". After the House reconvened, AAP MLAs again started raising slogans against the lieutenant governor over his "objections" to sending Delhi government teachers for a training programme to Finland, following which the speaker again adjourned the House for half an hour. Subsequently, the House was adjourned for the day. Also Read Plane carrying 72 people, including 5 Indians, crashes in Nepal's Pokhara Are airline stocks set to fly high? Akasa looks to undercut IndiGo as battle for cheapest airfares heats up Could an Indian airline be in race for SriLankan Airlines stake buy? Tata group, Singapore Airlines finalise merger of Air India and Vistara Maharashtra CM to sign MoUs worth Rs 1.4 trn at Davos, eyes 66.5k new jobs NHRC orders probe in 2014 custodial death case at Etah district of UP Budget 2023: Real estate sector wants tax sops, PPP in affordable housing Japan, India hold their first joint air drill as China concerns grow Prominent farmers' leader Rakesh Tikait on Monday announced the farmers movement would be intensified across the country from January 26. Tikait was in Bihar's Buxar to meet farmers in Banarpur village who are agitating for the past 92 days for compensation for their land acquired for thermal power, water pipeline, and railway corridor projects. "We have decided to start an agitation from January 26. The farmers have been appealed to drive tractors and host the national flag in their respective agricultural fields. Tractors are the weapons of farmers in the country so our farmers will use it to do the rally. I also ask police personnel to stay away from the tractors," he said while addressing a massive gathering in Banarpur village. "I will come to Buxar on February 20 and stay for 10 days to intensify farmers' movement in Bihar. The farmers' agitation needs to intensify here in Bihar, similar to Delhi," Tikait added. The 250 acres land of Banarpur village under Chausa block was acquired by state and central government for 11,980 MW thermal power, water pipeline, and railway corridor projects. Due to the acquisition, over 300 families are affected in the village. Some of the Dalit families also lost their houses as well and living in the huts. They are demanding compensation at current market rate while the state government is giving as per the rate of 2012-13. The farmers are thus refusing to take compensation at the decade-old rates. Also Read There will be a major people's movement soon, says Rakesh Tikait Rakesh Tikait warns of another farmer agitation, questions Agnipath scheme Is India seeing a revival of farmers' agitation? Tikait extends support to mahapanchayat called in support of Shrikant Tyagi Should you buy, sell, hold Rakesh Jhunjhunwala-owned stocks? India among few nations evolving food systems for farmer-allied SMEs: Study Cracks in 849 buildings in Joshimath, dismantling of unsafe hotels underway Joshimath crisis: Cracks in 44 more buildings, including PWD's rest house SC dismisses plea to bring UP CM's office under the ambit of Lokayukta 21st edition of naval exercise 'Varuna' between India and France begins --IANS ajk/vd India will make efforts to include concerns of the Global South in the G20 framework during its ongoing presidency of the grouping, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla said on Monday. Birla, who is leading an Indian Parliamentary Delegation to Kenya, made the remarks as he met Kenya's Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. With an eye on the upcoming Assembly election which is less than four months away, the Bharatiya Janata Party will launch 'Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra' from January 21 to 29. The BJP national president J P Nadda will flag off the campaign from Vijayapura in north Karnataka on January 21. Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, BJP State president Nalin Kumar Kateel, former chief minister B S Yediyurappa and local MLA Basanagouda Patil Yatnal will attend the event. The number of cases of COVID-19's XBB.1.5 variant, responsible for the rise in cases in the US, has gone up to 26 in India, according to INSACOG data on Monday. ...Read More Law minister Kiren Rijiju has written to the Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud suggesting the inclusion of government representatives in the Supreme Court's collegium to infuse transparency into the process of appointing judges, a report by the Times of India (TOI) said. According to the report, Rijiju has suggested the inclusion of the Centre's representatives in the SC collegium and of the state government in the HC collegiums. In December, Rijiju submitted a written reply to the Rajya Sabha stating that the Centre had been receiving representations from "diverse sources" on the lack of transparency, objectivity and social diversity in the collegium system on the appointment of judges. Also Read SC appointments: What is the collegium system, and how does it work? What is the Supreme Court Collegium system? DY Chandrachud to succeed UU Lalit as the next Chief Justice of India SC dismisses plea to block Justice Chandrachud's appointment as next CJI Is it time to rethink the collegium system of judicial appointments? Parents, cos bat for 'responsible gaming' as industry nears formalisation Delhi Assembly session to begin today; tussle with Guv to be discussed LIVE: 'RRR' wins Critics Choice Awards 2023 for Best Foreign Language Film Richest 1% of Indians now own 13 times more wealth than bottom half: Oxfam TMS Ep347: IT Q3 results, Auto Expo 2023, markets, Ganga Vilas cruise He added that the government has sent suggestions for supplementing the Memorandum of Procedure for the appointment of judges to the high courts and Supreme Court, as reported by news agency PTI. Rijiju had expressed similar views in November too. The apex court and the Centre have also been in conflict over the delay by the latter in clearing names for the judges recommended by the SC collegium. On November 28, SC expressed their concern for the delay in appointments and said that it "frustrates the whole system". On January 6, attorney general R Venkataramani told the Supreme Court that the Centre would adhere to the timeline and assured the bench at least 44 names shall be cleared soon. Amid a standoff between the government and the Supreme Court Collegium over the appointment of judges, a parliamentary panel had recently asked the Executive and the Judiciary to come up with "out of box thinking" to deal with the "perennial problem" of vacancies in high courts. The committee also said that it is 'surprised" to note that the Supreme Court and the government have failed to reach a consensus on the revision of the Memorandum of Procedure for the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court and the high courts, though the same is under consideration of both for "about seven years now". KABUL, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- Afghan Counter-Narcotics police have destroyed 62 drug processing labs and arrested 69 persons on the charge of involvement in the drug business in Afghanistan's western Ghor province, reported the state-run Bakhtar news agency on Monday. The Counter-Narcotics police made the announcement after a series of operations launched in the province over the past more than a year, the news agency added. Police also uncovered a huge quantity of materials used in manufacturing heroin from the sites of the operations, it said. Afghan authorities have intensified crackdown on illicit drugs and those involved in the business. Enthused BJP workers and supporters lined the roads to greet Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his roadshow here as the party's two-day national executive began in Delhi on Monday. In an atmosphere enlivened by music and the cheering crowd, the roadshow started from Patel Chowk and continued till the NDMC convention centre. People showered Modi with flower petals and chanted slogans in his support. Huge cutouts of the prime minister were placed along the road, besides several posters highlighting various initiatives of the government and also India's presidency of the G20. Stages had been erected at places. Folk artistes from several states performed on some of them, while others blared patriotic songs. BJP president J P Nadda welcomed Modi at the venue of the party's meeting, which started upon the prime minister's arrival. While Modi has frequently been holding roadshows, it is not very often that he does it ahead of the party executive, which has been organised several times in the national capital now. Also Read Nadda chairs meeting with BJP's state office bearers, district president BJP President Nadda to visit Odisha tomorrow, to address 2 public meetings J P Nadda begins whirlwind tour of Himachal for pro-incumbency votes BJP meeting likely next month in Delhi to endorse extension of Nadda's term PM Modi's security breached during roadshow in Karnataka; man intercepted Vaishno Devi, Amarnath at risk of environmental disaster: Mehbooba Mufti 'Will practice same regime as in Europe?', SC on Google plea on CCI penalty PMO team visits Joshimath to inspect land subsidence; more cracks appear SC refuses to consider plea to declare Joshimath crisis a national disaster Mahadayi water issue: Oppn members ousted after disrupting Goa Guv's speech BJP leaders noted that Modi had held a roadshow ahead of the party's national executive in Odisha, and added that the exercise proved to be helpful in galvanising cadre and supporters. With Lok Sabha polls due in the first half of next year, the enthusiastic roadshow will also help energise the party's Delhi unit after its loss to the Aam Aadmi Party in the recent municipal polls, they said. The 15th India-UK Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) were held here on Monday, in which the Indian delegation was led by Vinay Mohan Kwatra, Foreign Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, while Philip Barton, Permanent Under-Secretary, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), represented the British side. In a statement, the Ministry of External Affairs said, "India and the UK share a comprehensive strategic partnership, with the adoption of Roadmap 2030 for future relations. The FOC provided an opportunity to review the progress made in the implementation of Roadmap 2030 despite the restrictions imposed by the Covid-pandemic. " Both sides discussed issues like trade and economic cooperation, defence and security, science and technology, people-to-people relationship, health and climate change. "It was appreciated that letters formalising the Young Professional Scheme were exchanged on the occasion of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas on January 9 in London. The scheme would be launched on February 28. Both sides aspire to early conclusion of a balanced and comprehensive India-UK FTA that may intensify the economic engagement between the fifth and the sixth biggest global economies," the statement said. Both sides exchanged views on regional and global issues of mutual interest, including Afghanistan, Ukraine, the Indo-Pacific, Commonwealth and United Nations. The UK appreciated India's contribution at UN Security Council in 2021-22 as a non-permanent member and reiterated its support for UNSC reforms. It also commended India's priorities as President of G20 this year as it looks forward to its participation. Also Read Has the rally in defence-related stocks run its course? Aus to stop ex-military pilots flying for China; Britain shares concern Turmoil in Britain: Its political crisis is a self-inflicted wound Iran hangs former defence ministry official Ali Akbari in spy claim Has India finally buried the Bofors ghost with export of big guns? Ethanol pipeline gets Rs 16K-crore investment bid in Uttar Pradesh India Inc's yearly outlook 'most cautious in a decade': PwC survey MeitY calls another consultation on online gaming policy on Tuesday India now buying 33 times more Russian oil than a year earlier UP RERA logs 23% growth in registration of new real estate projects in 2022 Both sides agreed to maintain regular exchanges at political and senior official levels and hold the next FOC in London in 2024. --IANS miz/arm Union Minister of State for Science and Technology Jitendra Singh on Sunday said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the number of radars has increased from 15 to 37 in the last eight years and 25 more radars are to be added in the next five years for the universal coverage of the country. While delivering the Keynote Address on the occasion of the 148th Foundation Day of India Meteorological Department (IMD) here, Singh dedicated 4 Doppler Weather Radar Systems to the Western Himalayan States of Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. He also dedicated 200 Agro Automated Weather Stations to the Nation. The Minister also released eight publications of the IMD and gave away awards to school children and also felicitated the best performing offices and officers of IMD. Singh informed that Under Agro-Meteorological Services, it is targeted to establish 660 District Agro Meteorological Units (DAMUs) by 2025 and increase from 3,100 blocks in 2023 to 7,000 blocks in 2025. The Minister pointed out that the warning and advisory services are helping farmers and fishermen to improve their economy as found in the latest survey by National Centre for Applied Economic Research. For example, the investment in the monsoon mission programme has resulted in a return of 50 rupees for the investment of each rupee. The Minister further added that the farmers below the poverty line especially have benefited immensely as Agromet Advisories at District and Block Levels are used effectively by crores of farmers during various stages of farming and the service is being expanded. The web GIS services launched by IMD last year have been augmented further with the addition of hazard and vulnerability elements in collaboration with other state and central agencies is helping the public, disaster managers, and stakeholders to initiate timely response action to mitigate the disasters further, the Minister noted. Also Read Entire country to be covered by doppler weather radar network by 2025: Govt J&K gets third X-Band Doppler Weather Radar for better, timely forecasts Extreme weather event seen on almost 90% days in first 9 months: CSE report Apple Watch ECG sensor can predict stress level accurately: Study China lost $18 billion last year due to extreme weather events: UN report India's G20 presidency: Infra Working Group meet to begin in Pune on Monday Delhi excise policy 2023-24: Remove rules promoting imports, says CIABC Creative autonomy necessary, but with safeguards: Anurag Thakur Jammu and Kashmir govt okays Rs 91-cr project for revival of silk industry Pending deal approvals: Industry participants flag lack of quorum at CCI Singh said, Climate Services are very important for short and long-term planning and strategy development and IMD has already initiated these services in five major thrust areas of Agriculture, Health, Water, Energy, and Disaster Risk Reduction and has lined up plans to expand them through the customization of products. He said, soon a National Framework will be created on priority to provide climate products and information for Sectoral applications. The ministry earlier this month released draft amendments to the IT (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, in relation to online gaming. The draft rules propose a self-regulatory body to certify what is permitted as an online game in India. They also prescribe a registration mark on all online games registered by the SRO (self-regulatory body). Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has called for another round of public consultation on online gaming rules on January 17. All major industry bodies, policy advocacy groups and industry stakeholders will deliberate on the recently released policy, sources said. The next round of deliberations is expected to include around 80-100 people from industry bodies, policy advocacy groups and other representatives from the online gaming industry in the country, sources said. January 17 is also the last date for submitting feedback on the policy through the website of MyGov. Rajeev Chandrashekhar, the minister of state for electronics and information technology, on January 11 held a meeting with children, parents, teachers, Esports athletes, gamers, and safety and trust organisations on the proposed rules on online gaming at the Electronics Niketan, MeitYs office here. The clarity in the definition of an online game, implementation of KYC norms, and child safety were among the main concerns raised during the meeting. The online gaming intermediaries also need to appoint a Chief Compliance Officer, who is a resident of India. The compliance officer will be responsible for compliance with the rules and coordination at all times with law enforcement agencies. They are also required to appoint a nodal contact person for 24x7 coordination with law enforcement agencies and officers to ensure compliance with their orders. The rules define an online game as any game that is offered on the Internet and is accessible by a user through a computer resource if he makes a deposit with the expectation of earning winnings. Once the policy is enacted, the gaming platforms will be required to observe due diligence under the rules, including reasonable efforts to cause its users not to host, display, upload, publish, transmit or share an online game not in conformity with Indian law, including any law on gambling or betting. Also Read AIGF urges TN to reconsider online gaming ban, says move 'unconstitutional' How is game of skill different from game of chance? Industry hails decision to separate gaming from gambling, horse racing Industry considers options as Tamil Nadu ordinance bans online gaming Playing on the 5G success: India's gaming sector set to get a boost India now buying 33 times more Russian oil than a year earlier UP RERA logs 23% growth in registration of new real estate projects in 2022 Finance ministry increases 'risk profiling' of shipments from China India's ongoing FTA negotiations with EU, UK are on track: Govt official Union Budget 2023: Long-term capital gains tax likely to be rationalised During independent discussions held by some industry organisations, the gaming companies had demanded a relaxation for smaller intermediaries from the requirement of appointing compliance officers. They had also expressed reservations about the independence of self-regulatory organisations to be formed to provide registrations to all online games. JERUSALEM, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- Another Chinese automobile brand, Lynk & Co owned by China's Geely Automobile Holding Group, was unveiled in Israel at a press conference on Monday. The model sold in Israel is the plug-in hybrid model Lynk & Co 01, a compact crossover SUV jointly developed by Lynk & Co and Swedish-based Volvo Cars, which is also owned by Geely. It can travel about 70 km using only electricity and could switch to a gasoline engine when the battery is depleted. "One of the reasons for choosing Israel is that we are an urban brand, and Israel is an urbanized country," Peng Bing, marketing and market development manager at Lynk & Co APAC told Xinhua. "Also, Israel is a hi-tech-based country, which is entering the electric vehicle era," he noted, adding that by the beginning of 2024, the company plans to offer pure electric models in Israel as well. "Israeli people have global vision and acceptance of new brands," he said. The Geely model, Geometry C, was the best-selling electric vehicle in Israel in 2022, after selling 5,381 units in the country throughout the year. Ahead of visit by India's External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar to Sri Lanka this week, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has assured to fully implement the India-brokered 13th Amendment to the Constitution. Wickremesinghe said that the 13th Amendment, which was proposed to devolve power and solve the ethnic problem between the majority Sinhalese and the minority Tamils, would be implemented not only in the war-ravaged North but in the Sinhala majority South as well. The Sri Lankan President made the remarks while participating at the National Thai Pongal Festival held at northern city of Jaffna on Sunday. He announced that a statement on the government's steps toward the reconciliation will be made public in February after discussing with the political leaders next week. Wickremesinghe also assured that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's work will be accelerated in order to provide relief to the families of those disappeared. Following the intervention of India in 1987, under the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord, 13th Amendment was introduced to the Sri Lankan Constitution. Also Read Ranil Wickremesinghe: From PM to President in Sri Lanka's troubled times Sri Lankan President Wickremesinghe thanks PM Modi for India's support Sri Lanka's Tamil parties to discuss federalism ahead of talks with govt Wickremesinghe hopeful of resolving problems faced by ethnic Tamils Sri Lanka holds all-party meet to resolve Tamil's political autonomy issue Like India said, 13A should be implemented: Sri Lanka president Imran Khan says PM Shehbaz Sharif will have to take trust vote: Report Ro Khanna's US Senate plan sparks speculation about his White House bid Brazil's Supreme Court agrees to include Bolsonaro in riots probe US, Pakistan share long-standing defence partnership: Defence Secy Austin Signed between the then Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and the Sri Lanka's former President J.R. Jayawardene, the accord aimed at solving the ethnic conflict which had developed to a bloody war between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), which was fighting for a separate land, and the Sri Lanka's military. The accord was signed to find solution to the ethnic crisis by devolving political powers to the Tamil dominated northern and eastern provinces in the country. However, under the 13th Amendment, the Provincial Council (PC) system - a power sharing arrangement dividing the country to nine provinces including the Sinhala majority areas - was introduced. The PC system, once fully implemented, would have the right to self-govern over areas such as land, health, agriculture, education, housing and police. The majority Sinhala extremist parties have been strongly opposing the 13A specially sharing powers like police from the Centre. India has been urging Sri Lanka to implement the 13A especially since the end of civil war in 2009 and this was reiterated by the External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar when he visited Sri Lanka in 2021. --IANS sfl/sha The black box of the crashed Yeti Airlines aircraft was recovered from the accident site on Monday, officials said, as rescue operations intensified to locate the four missing people. On Sunday, a Yeti Airlines plane with 72 people onboard, including five Indians, crashed into a river gorge while landing at the newly-opened airport in the resort city of Pokhara, killing at least 68 people. This was Nepal's deadliest aviation accident in over 30 years. The black box of the crashed aircraft was found at the accident site and it was handed over to the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, said Yeti Airlines spokesperson Sudarshan Bartaula. The cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder were recovered on Monday, as search and rescue teams rappelled down a 300-metre gorge to continue their efforts to locate the four missing persons. Since the accident site lies in a deep gorge of the Seti River, rescuers were finding it difficult to make much progress in search operations, Nepal Army sources said. Also Read Nepal plane crash: At least 68 dead, rescuers search for 4 missing persons At least 68 killed in Yeti Airline plane crash in Nepal: Rescue official Plane carrying 72 people, including 5 Indians, crashes in Nepal's Pokhara Aircraft with 22 people on board makes emergency landing in western Nepal Deeply grieved on hearing about air crash in Nepal's Pokhara: S Jaishankar Crashed Yeti aircraft was previously owned by now-defunct Kingfisher I heard a bomb-like explosion, says Pokhara aircraft crash eyewitness Sparks will fly: Electric vehicle trade war between US, Europe heating up Nepal plane crash killing 68 further blights its bad air safety record Pakistan PM Shahbaz Sharif kicks off nationwide polio eradication drive Meanwhile, a medical team was airlifted from the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital in Kathmandu for conducting postmortem of the victims at the Western Regional Hospital in Pokhara, media reports said. The US military's new, expanded combat training of Ukrainian forces began in Germany on Sunday, with a goal of getting a battalion of about 500 troops back on the battlefield to fight the Russians in the next five to eight weeks, said Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Milley, who plans to visit the Grafenwoehr training area on Monday to get a first-hand look at the programme, said the troops being trained left Ukraine a few days ago. In Germany is a full set of weapons and equipment for them to use. Until now the Pentagon had declined to say exactly when the training would start. The so-called combined arms training is aimed at honing the skills of the Ukrainian forces so they will be better prepared to launch an offensive or counter any surge in Russian attacks. They will learn how to better move and coordinate their company- and battalion-size units in battle, using combined artillery, armour and ground forces. Speaking to two reporters travelling with him to Europe on Sunday, Milley said the complex training combined with an array of new weapons, artillery, tanks and other vehicles heading to Ukraine will be key to helping the country's forces take back territory that has been captured by Russia in the nearly 11-month-old war. This support is really important for Ukraine to be able to defend itself, Milley said. And we're hoping to be able to pull this together here in short order. Also Read DU UG Merit List 2022 released: Here's how to download simulated merit list Maharashtra CET counselling 2022 released today; here's how to check Pak President Alvi okays appointment of Asim Munir as Chief of Army Staff Jammu and Kashmir NEET 2022 merit list released; check details here VKSU merit list 2022 released for UG admissions; check details here Ahead of Jaishankar's visit, Sri Lanka Prez assures to fully implement 13A Iran to get Russian Su-35 fighters in next Iranian year, says lawmaker Like India said, 13A should be implemented: Sri Lanka president Imran Khan says PM Shehbaz Sharif will have to take trust vote: Report Ro Khanna's US Senate plan sparks speculation about his White House bid The goal, he said, is for all the incoming weapons and equipment to be delivered to Ukraine so that the newly trained forces will be able to use it sometime before the spring rains show up. That would be ideal. The investor count is the total number of permanent account numbers registered with fund houses; folios are the number of active investment accounts for various schemes. The net folio addition also declined 19 per cent, compared with the previous year, reveals data from the Association of Mutual Funds in India. Also Read OnePlus details Nord Watch features ahead of India launch: Details here OnePlus debuts Nord Watch at Rs 4,999: Specifications, features, and more Apple 'Far Out' event today: Here's what users expect from Watch Series 8 Stocks to Watch Today: Paytm, Reliance, NDTV, ICICI Bank, Yes Bank Stocks to watch: Eicher Motors, Tata Consumer, Coal India, BoB, IRCTC Street signs: Nifty's 20-DEMA, capital goods stocks gain, and more Consumer companies push deal activity to 25-year high in 2022, shows data Breather for Natco in Novartis cardiac drug case from Delhi High Court No word from RBI yet on regulatory leeway for HDFC twins' merger Passenger vehicle wholesales rose 23 per cent year-on-year in the December 2022 quarter, aided by robust demand in the festive period, the automobile industry body Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers said on Friday. The total passenger vehicle dispatches from the companies to dealers in the third quarter rose to 9,34,955 units compared to 7,61,124 units in the same period of the previous financial year. In December, passenger vehicle sales witnessed an increase of 7 per cent at 2,35,309 units against 2,19,421 units in the year-ago month. Powered by Capital Market - Live News CAIRO, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- China and Egypt have agreed to maintain mutual support, strengthen cooperation in various fields and deepen coordination in regional and international affairs, visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang told the press here Sunday. Qin said that, during his visit to Egypt, the two sides had in-depth exchanges on implementing the important consensuses reached by the heads of state of the two countries, and reached broad consensus on bilateral relations and regional and international issues of common concerns. China-Egypt traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership are of high quality. In recent years, China-Egypt relations have achieved leapfrog development under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi. Especially during the past three years, China and Egypt have strengthened their comprehensive strategic partnership by working together to fight the pandemic and helping each other, he said. During this visit, both sides agreed that China and Egypt have solid strategic mutual trust and should continue to firmly support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests and major concerns. China thanks Egypt for its valuable support on issues concerning China's core interests such as Taiwan and Xinjiang-related issues, firmly supports Egypt in pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions, and supports Egypt in safeguarding national sovereignty and security and achieving development and revitalization, Qin said. Both sides agreed that the Belt and Road cooperation between China and Egypt has yielded fruitful results and enjoys huge potential. China is ready to further synergize its development strategies with Egypt and jointly implement the Global Development Initiative. China is ready to work with Egypt to promote major projects, import more quality Egyptian products, and encourage more Chinese companies to invest and do business in Egypt to achieve greater mutual benefit and win-win results, he said. Qin said the two sides agreed that China and Egypt, with their profound civilizations, should continue to expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges, actively promote exchanges between their think tanks, youth and media, and build a deeper people-to-people bond. Recently, China has optimized and adjusted its prevention and control measures in light of the changing situation of the pandemic, which will facilitate people-to-people exchanges between China and other countries. China appreciates Egypt welcoming Chinese tourists and believes that in the near future, the number of Chinese tourists and flights to Egypt will return to or even exceed the pre-pandemic level, Qin said. The two sides agreed that China and Egypt share similar views and positions in regional and international affairs and need to work more closely to jointly promote the political settlement of regional hotspot issues, safeguard the basic norms governing international relations, safeguard the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs and safeguard the common interests of developing countries, he said. For supply of 1200 locomotives of 9000 HPSiemens has received an order for 1,200 locomotives of 9000 horsepower (HP) from Indian Railways, marking the single largest locomotive order in the history of Siemens Mobility and single largest order in the history of Siemens in India. Siemens will design, manufacture, commission and test the locomotives. Deliveries are planned over an eleven-year period, and the contract includes 35 years of full service maintenance. The locomotives will be assembled in the Indian Railways factory in Dahod, Gujarat. Maintenance will be performed in four Indian Railways depots located in Vishakhapatnam, Raipur, Kharagpur and Pune. Locomotive assembly and maintenance will be implemented together with the staff of Indian Railways. The contract has a total value of Rs. 26,000 crore (approximately), excluding taxes and price variation. Powered by Capital Market - Live News In the wake of the entire Congress top brass in Kerala joining hands to take on Thiruvananthapuram MP Shashi Tharoor, the party leadership on Monday directed all leaders, including Tharoor, to maintain decorum. Sensing that if it does not intervene now, it might be a bit too late, the All India Congress Committee(AICC) asked the leaders to ensure that there is no more "free for all" in public domain. The AICC leadership has asked general secretary in charge of Kerala- Tariq Anwar to see that all the "guns" stop firing in the open. For all "political" reasons, Tharoor has now emerged as the persona-non grata for all the top party bosses in the state heading their own factions and it includes State party president K.Sudhakaran, leader of Opposition V.D.Satheesan, Ramesh Chennithala and even veteran Congress leader former Defence Minister A.K.Antony. Apparently, the only leader who has not joined the others is two-time former Chief Minister Oommen Chandy. The single reason for the never-seen unity at the party's top level here is Tharoor's decision to contest against Mallikarjun Kharge for the party president post, as the latter was the nominee of the party high command. Tharoor's sudden decision to oppose him sent shockwaves in the party and since then, the Lok Sabha MP has found the going getting tough. Also Read Kharge vs Tharoor: Voting begins for Congress party presidential polls Stage set for Digvijaya Singh vs Shashi Tharoor for top Congress post Shashi Tharoor gets nomination form collected, likely to file on Sep 30 Kharge vs Tharoor: Counting of votes begins for Congress Presidential polls Will call for CWC elections if elected Congress chief: Shashi Tharoor JD(S) to grow beyond old Mysuru, get majority in K'taka polls: Kumaraswamy Sethusamudram project would benefit only few DMK leaders: BJP's Annamalai PM holds roadshow ahead of National Youth Festival in Karnataka's Hubballi Telangana: BRS to unveil national agenda at first public meeting on Jan 18 Eighth session of 15th Kerala Assembly to begin from January 23 What made them restless is Tharoor's expanding support base which now includes important social and religious groups and their heads, who recently had rolled out a red carpet, when the leader visited the headquarters. Thanks to the proliferation of social media and the new age media and Tharoor's dabbling in it, he has emerged as the most popular politician in the state. And sensing Tharoor has nothing to lose, while the state unit of the party has a lot to lose in the power game, the AICC finally decided to intervene. According to sources in the know of things, it will remain like this till the conclusion of the special AICC session to be held next month, when a new set of office-bearers are elected to join Kharge. --IANS sg/shb/ After the departure of Peter Stern, an Apple executive who helped build Apple TV+ business operations, Oliver Schusser, vice president of Apple Music and Beats, will now help manage the subscription streaming service. Eddy Cue, senior vice president of Services for Apple, hired Schusser in 2004 as vice president of iTunes International, reports AppleInsider. Schusser developed the service's international presence and took control of Beats in 2020. Stern had announced his departure from the company on Monday. The tech giant is likely to divide Stern's former responsibilities between Schusser and two other vice presidents-- Robert Kondrk, vice president of services product and design and Adrian Perica, vice president of corporate development. The iPhone maker has been working to reorganise its Services business to focus more on streaming and advertising, the report said. Also Read Apple to sell ad space for TV+ next year during sports league : Report Apple started selling refurbished Studio Display models in US: Report Trump's ally Steve Bannon convicted of contempt for defying 1/6 subpoena Apple iPhone is 16 today, and a long way from when Steve Jobs unveiled it Apple CEO Tim Cook credits Steve Jobs with fostering culture of privacy Apple releases Music, TV, Devices apps for Windows 11 on Microsoft Store Twitter adds 'For You', 'Following' tabs on web interface after iOS update Apple may release HomeKit architecture in iOS 16.3 beta: Details here Google Meet users can now see speaker notes while presenting Slides Free TV channel streaming might soon be supported by YouTube: Report Meanwhile, last month, it was reported that the company was planning to launch its TV application on Android smartphones soon. The news came from Twitter user ShrimpApplePro and it claimed that the tech giant was testing the application internally and plans to release it soon. --IANS aj/kvd Google will reportedly release a new Chromecast with Google TV on its Home application. The Google Home application has received a preview update that included a new dongle, reports SamMobile. According to the application preview, the new Chromecast dongle includes a new Google TV device with the YTC codename. It might still be under development and is expected to be a high-end product, higher than the HD variant of Chromecast. Moreover, the company needs to refresh the current Chromecast which was released in 2020. The device is expected to come with a more powerful chipset than its predecessor. Also Read Chromecast with Google TV review: Pricey, but easy-to-use streaming device Apple partners with Google, Mozilla web browsers to develop Speedometer 3 Google may unveil cheaper Chromecast at $30 with 2 GB RAM in October Compaq launches Ultra HD LED smart Android TV at Rs 17,499: Details here Mozilla challenges anti-market practices of Google, Apple, Microsoft Samsung's Galaxy Z Fold 5 smartphone may feature 'droplet' style hinge Micro-LED display for Apple Watch may be manufactured by LG: Report Microsoft Edge gets text prediction tool for editable fields in new update Google adds phoneless navigation support in Maps on Wear OS smartwatches AI chatbots will boost productivity, empower artists: Satya Nadella Moreover, there might also be improvements in storage and other features. The tech giant has not made any comment yet on the leaked Chromecast with Google TV. However, more details for the upcoming dongle are expected in the coming weeks, the report said. --IANS aj/ksk/ Mourners carry the body of Omer Khamour during his funeral in the central West Bank city of Bethlehem, Jan. 16, 2023. A Palestinian teenager was killed on Monday in clashes with the Israeli soldiers in the Dheisheh refugee camp south of the central West Bank city of Bethlehem, Palestinian medics and eyewitnesses said. The Palestinian Health Ministry said in a press statement that Omer Khamour, 14, died in a Palestinian hospital after being critically injured in the head by Israeli soldiers during clashes. (Photo by Mamoun Wazwaz/Xinhua) RAMALLAH, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- A Palestinian teenager was killed on Monday in clashes with the Israeli soldiers in the Dheisheh refugee camp south of the central West Bank city of Bethlehem, Palestinian medics and eyewitnesses said. The Palestinian Health Ministry said in a press statement that Omer Khamour, 14, died in a Palestinian hospital after being critically injured in the head by Israeli soldiers during clashes. Palestinian eyewitnesses said an Israeli army force stormed the refugee camp to arrest Palestinians wanted by Israel and clashed with dozens of Palestinian stone-throwers. The health ministry statement added two other Palestinians were moderately injured. No injuries were reported among the Israeli soldiers. Clashes and tensions between the Israeli soldiers and the Palestinians occur almost daily as the Israeli army storms cities, towns, and villages in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The Palestinian Health Ministry said that since Jan. 1, the Israeli soldiers have killed at least 13 Palestinians, including three children. Palestinian officials had warned of the Israeli escalation of killing Palestinians, mainly after the formation of the new Israeli government headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which is the most right-wing in Israel's history. Unsubscribe to continue This is a subscriber only feature Subscribe Now to get daily updates on WhatsApp Although there has been some relief in Covid-19s impact on Chinese society and the economy, experts predict there will be a resurgence in the virus. The government needs to be prepared, with priority given to building up the countrys health care system. With the change in Chinas Covid policy, medical institutions have been under a great deal of stress, and health care professionals have suffered extreme hardship. Some have even given their lives. As the wave of Covid outbreaks eases, now is the time to improve the health care systems ability to respond to future outbreaks. However, such an endeavor is inextricably linked to reform of the medical system. You've accessed an article available only to subscribers Subscribe today for just $.99. VIEW OPTIONS (Bloomberg) U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will hold her first face-to-face meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He Jan. 18 in Zurich, making a detour on her way to talks in Africa. The pair will exchange views on macroeconomic developments and other economic issues, the Treasury Department said in a statement. The surprise announcement follows the November meeting between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Bali, Indonesia. It was the first face-to-face session for the heads of state and has initiated a modest thawing of relations between the two governments. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi (1st R) meets with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang (2nd L) in Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 15, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Dongzhen) CAIRO, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday called for strengthening Egypt's coordination with China in international and regional affairs, as well as further promoting the Arab-China and Africa-China cooperations. Sisi made the remarks during his meeting with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Sisi asked Qin to convey his sincere greetings to Chinese President Xi Jinping, while once again congratulating the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October last year. China is a great country and its development is unstoppable, the Egyptian president said, adding that the friendship between Egypt and China has been historically "unbreakable." Egypt will continue to firmly adhere to the one-China principle and resolutely oppose any interference in China's internal affairs by external forces, Sisi stressed. Commending the fruitful results that Egypt and China have achieved in jointly advancing the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Sisi said Chinese enterprises are welcome to invest and set up businesses in Egypt. In light of China's recent optimization and adjustment of the COVID-19 prevention and control measures, Egypt warmly welcomes the Chinese people to visit as soon as possible, the Egyptian president said. Qin, for his part, conveyed President Xi's cordial greetings and best wishes to Sisi, saying China and Egypt have supported each other and forged a profound friendship in the cause of pursuing development, promoting peace and safeguarding justice. The two countries' heads of state have a high level of mutual trust and maintained close exchanges, giving a strong impetus to the development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Egypt, Qin said. China highly appreciates Egypt's reaffirmation of firmly adhering to the one-China principle and likewise supports Egypt in taking a development path that suits its own national conditions and safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests, he noted. Qin said he looked forward to closely aligning the two countries' respective development strategies, speeding up the building of key cooperation projects, and achieving more results in the BRI construction as well as the implementation of the China-Arab States Summit's outcome in Egypt. Expressing China's support to Egypt's positive role in promoting peace and stability in the Middle East, he said that China is willing to work with Egypt to jointly promote long-term peace and stability in the region and push for an early and just settlement of the Palestinian issue. Qin later held talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, during which the two sides spoke highly of the exemplary role and strategic significance of the China-Egypt solidarity and cooperation. The two ministers vowed to jointly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, continuously improve bilateral relations, strengthen multilateral coordination, jointly safeguard the basic norms of international relations, and defend international fairness and justice. Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang (L) holds talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry in Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 15, 2023. (Xinhua/Wang Dongzhen) DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- The World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting opened on Monday in Davos, Switzerland, aiming to address divisions and fragmentation in face of multiple crises. The manifold political, economic, and social forces are creating increased fragmentation on a global and national level, said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the WEF, ahead of the annual meeting. Schwab stressed the need to reinforce cooperation between the government and business sectors. "At the same time there must be the recognition that economic development needs to be made more resilient, more sustainable and nobody should be left behind." Under the theme of "Cooperation in a Fragmented World," the annual meeting will focus on solutions and public-private cooperation to tackle the world's most pressing challenges. World leaders will discuss issues including energy, climate, nature, economy, technology, society, health, and geopolitical cooperation. Faced with the possibility of being left behind in the shift towards EVs, Toyota has announced a radical shift in company policy and directi... MOGADISHU, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- Somali National Army (SNA) forces on Monday captured a strategic town of Harardhere in the Mudug region of north-central Somalia which had been under al-Shabab control for more than ten years, a government official confirmed. Somali Defense Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur said Harardhere was the last district to be liberated from al-Shabab in the Mudug region. "It's a big victory for us. I would like to congratulate the Somali people that our national army forces in partnership with the locals have won and seized Harardhere from the hands of al-Shabab," he said. Mohamed said the extremist group has been harassing the lives and wealth of the Somali people for many years and called on the public to double efforts to liberate the remaining areas under the control of al-Shabab. There was no immediate comment from al-Shabab but the latest onslaught comes as government forces are making military progress, and have liberated many areas in central Somalia in the recent past. Chief John Ross DAR members celebrate National Hat Day Jerry Summers presents Warner Park history Blank TN in love project Previous Next Chief John Ross Chapter members were excited to meet for their first meeting of 2023 at the Tea Cottage in Chattanooga. Twenty-nine members, three prospective members and three guests were in attendance for the January meeting. Regent Jennifer Harvey shared with members the "Blanket TN with love" project for February and a program was presented by Jerry Summers on the history of Warner Park. Chapter members celebrated National Hat Day by wearing their favorite hats. The hats were diverse in designs and colors and just fun to see everyones personalities reflected in their style. After the meeting, members brought their hats and fans (replicas of one from the DAR Museum) outside to take a photo and share the fun of the day. The next chapter meeting will be on Feb.y 8 at the Tea Cottage. The meeting will have a conservation theme that includes guest speaker Melony Lusk with Crabtree Farms. Chief John Ross Chapter in Chattanooga has grown steadily in membership since its founding almost 100 years ago and is proud now to be the third largest chapter in the state of Tennessee with 184 members. Any female 18 years or older who can prove that a Revolutionary War patriot is in her direct line is eligible and welcome to join the Chief John Ross Chapter, NSDAR. Next Sunday, I and a group of activists will be counterprotesting a pro-abortion event marking the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Its hosted by a local pro-choice group called the New Suffragettes, who claim the prestigious history of Americas feminist movement as their own. We plan to be present at this event as a peaceful but loud reminder that preborn human beings deserve the full, equal protection of the law. More importantly, however, I personally hope to demonstrate that being both pro-life and a feminist are critical. The name New Suffragettes reminds us of the first wave feminist movement, and this is exactly what the pro-abortion feminists want us to believe: that in order to be a true feminist, we must support the taking of innocent human lives. As pro-life feminists, we often find ourselves unwelcome in traditionally feminist spaces. In fact, were often accused of being fake feminists - all because were pro-life. So that brings us to the question: what is a pro-life feminist? A pro-life feminist believes in the fundamental principle of feminism: we embrace the rights of all human beings without exception. And that of course means without regards to race, religion, sex, age, location, ability, size, parentage. Feminism is a philosophy that rejects the use of force to dominate or control one another and we look for holistic solutions to the issues that women, children and families face. Fundamentally, feminism is pro-life, pro-family, pro-woman. And yet, what may be called third wave feminisms Big Lie permeates feminist activism, literature and speech: that without the right to abortion, women cant be free; that abortion is essential to the success and liberation of women. And so, the abortion industry, who profits off of the plight of millions of women every year across the world, is delighted with the blunder that pro-abortion feminists make. As pro-life feminists, we proudly and unapologetically stand against abortion. We hold that abortion violates the fundamental principles of feminism. We declare that abortion is a tool of the patriarchy, that it is classist eugenics and that abortion hurts women. We dare to dream big dreams for women in crisis pregnancies. We dare to proclaim that women deserve better than abortion violence. We dare to work for a world where abortion violence is illegal, unnecessary and unthinkable. We dare to say that women dont need abortion in order to be successful in her life, her career, her family. Abortion is fundamentally the antithesis of feminism: it is violent, it tramples on the human rights of preborn children and it traumatizes and hurts women, families and children. To claim to hold to the principles of feminism is to stand against the murder of innocent human beings, to help support women in crisis in their families, relationships and their communities. That is true feminism, and that (perhaps not surprisingly) is what a pro-life feminist does. Next Sunday, as I stand with my amazing group of activists in Coolidge Park, Ill be proclaiming loudly, proudly and unapologetically: this is what a pro-life feminist looks like. William Reynolds * * * Mh. Reynolds, Many women and men today have bought into the lie that feminism will empower and free them. However rallying for abortion, dispensing with God-given roles, and working to dismantle the family unit will bring neither power nor freedom. Protection of the innocent, obedience to Gods Word, and fortification of the family are much more empowering and freeing. I will walk in freedom, says the psalmist, for I have devoted myself to your commandments. (Psalm 119:45) Feminism was originally a positive movement, focused on giving women the basic rights God intends for every human being to have. Tragically, feminism now focuses on destroying distinctions in the roles of men and women. The only one who is good, God Himself, offers the free gift of salvation to all who believe (Ephesians 2:8-9) and invites everyone to taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8). Perhaps during your visit to Coolidge Park, proclaim loudly, proudly and unapologetically the Gospel of Jesus Christ because all other ground is sinking sand. Michael Burns * * * Most people know that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are the three unalienable rights our Declaration of Independence asserts we are endowed with by our Creator. Thomas Jefferson was wise to use the term Creator without specifying exactly who that creator is. The dictionary defines unalienable as Impossible to take away or give up. We have other rights that are specified in the Constitution that are not unalienable, like the right to own a gun or the right to remain silent when asked a question in a legal setting. Those rights are optional. We can exercise or assert those rights if and when we choose. Perhaps youre one of the millions who hold the belief that a fetus should be recognized as a living person with an unalienable right to life. As you know, millions of other people disagree. Those people believe a fetus is not a person with unalienable rights. Each side is entitled to whichever belief they hold. The two sides are forever conflicted. All people know and agree a woman in the United States definitely has unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There is not one person who would question that. Agreement is 100 percent. And, we all know an unwanted pregnancy, or a wanted pregnancy gone awry, can adversely affect a womans life, liberty and/or her pursuit of happiness. Thats another undeniable fact. Yet, there are people that conclude a state government is correct to dictate that a fetus be endowed with an unalienable right to life that negates or overrides the unalienable rights of a pregnant woman. How would you respond to a pregnant woman of any age who didnt want the child, for whatever reason, when she says: This fetus is threatening my rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and I want to abort it? Thats a fair question for everyone because her rights are supposed to be impossible to take away or give up. Ill make it easy because there are only two conclusive responses. Choose one: 1. Work it out with your doctor, its up to you. Your rights are unalienable. 2. Your rights are no longer unalienable. The fetuss rights outweigh yours. David Saluk * * * Mr. Saluk riddle me this, What would you call something that fully resembles a human with fully formed appendages, working organs and circulatory system, capable of feeling pain and reacting to it, able to yawn, hic-cup, kick, punch and urinate? At 16 weeks of development the only the only thing this baby lacks is a voice. Jay Reed Here is the latest Hamilton County arrest report: AGUILAR, CINTYIA ODALIN 727 SHELL ROAD DUNLAP, 37327 Age at Arrest: 32 years old Arresting Agency: East Ridge DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE BREWER, MONTASIA DARLENE 6310 JOCELYN DRIVE CHATTANOOGA, 37411 Age at Arrest: 22 years old Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE COMMEE, JUSTIN OBRYAN 6603 HILTON DR EAST RIDGE, 374124215 Age at Arrest: 30 years old Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD SPEEDING DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE CRAYTON, DAYLE LEMOINE 3231 6TH AVE CHATANOOGA, 37407 Age at Arrest: 44 years old Arresting Agency: Hamilton County Booked for Previous Charges or Other Reason(s) DAVIS, CONTRAVIS DEWAYNE 3220 GLEASON DR CHATTANOOGA, 374121326 Age at Arrest: 18 years old Arresting Agency: East Ridge AGGRAVATED BURGLARY FORFEITURE CAPIAS DOMESTIC ASSAULT FORFEITURE CAPIAS VANDALISM/MALICIOUS MISCHIEF FORFEITURE CAPIAS DIAZ CASTRO, JORGE LUIS 727 SHELL ROAD DUNLAP, 37327 Age at Arrest: 30 years old Arresting Agency: East Ridge PUBLIC INTOXICATION DOWNER, SEAN TOM 1020 WEST 37TH STREET CHATTANOOGA, 37410 Age at Arrest: 44 years old Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD TRAILER REGISTRATION REQUIRED DRIVING ON REVOKED, SUSPENDED OR CANCELLED LICENSE ELLIS, CHARITY MARIE 727 E 11TH ST CHATTANOOGA, 374033104 Age at Arrest: 35 years old Arresting Agency: Hamilton County NONSUPPORT AND FLAGRANT NONSUPPORT NONSUPPORT AND FLAGRANT NONSUPPORT NONSUPPORT AND FLAGRANT NONSUPPORT FUGITIVE (ARREST FOR CRIME IN ANOTHER STATE) FERGUSON, GLEN MARLIN 197 DURHAM STREET SODDY DAISY, 37379 Age at Arrest: 46 years old Arresting Agency: Hamilton County DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE IMPLIED CONSENT LAW - DRIVERS OPEN CONTAINER LAW FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REGISTRATION, EXPIRED GREEN, KADERIOUS 600 EAST 52ND STREET CHATTANOOGA, 374102005 Age at Arrest: 24 years old Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL TRESPASS HAMILTON, TREVIN RAY 113 GOODSON AVE APT 14 CHATTANOOGA, 37405 Age at Arrest: 27 years old Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD BURGLARY OF A BUSINESS HARRIS, RONALD DEWAYNE 7954 BORK MEMORIAL DR OOLTEWAH, 37363 Age at Arrest: 54 years old Arresting Agency: Hamilton County STALKING HERNANDEZ, JUAN S 11026 BLAIR RD APISON, 37302 Age at Arrest: 33 years old Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD SPEEDING DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE POSS. Here are the mug shots: AGUILAR, CINTYIA ODALIN Age at Arrest: 32 Date of Birth: 09/09/1990 Arresting Agency: East Ridge Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE BREWER, MONTASIA DARLENE Age at Arrest: 22 Date of Birth: 01/17/2000 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE COMMEE, JUSTIN OBRYAN Age at Arrest: 30 Date of Birth: 03/07/1992 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): SPEEDING DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE CRAYTON, DAYLE LEMOINE Age at Arrest: 44 Date of Birth: 10/11/1978 Arresting Agency: Hamilton County Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Booked for Previous Charges or Other Reason(s) CUX-RUZ, MARIO ROLANDO Age at Arrest: 25 Date of Birth: 07/16/1997 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Booked for Previous Charges or Other Reason(s) DAVIS, CONTRAVIS DEWAYNE Age at Arrest: 18 Date of Birth: 04/24/2004 Arresting Agency: East Ridge Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): AGGRAVATED BURGLARY FORFEITURE CAPIAS DOMESTIC ASSAULT FORFEITURE CAPIAS VANDALISM/MALICIOUS MISCHIEF FORFEITURE CAPIAS DIAZ CASTRO, JORGE LUIS Age at Arrest: 30 Date of Birth: 08/12/1992 Arresting Agency: East Ridge Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): PUBLIC INTOXICATION ELLIS, CHARITY MARIE Age at Arrest: 35 Date of Birth: 05/22/1987 Arresting Agency: Hamilton County Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): NONSUPPORT AND FLAGRANT NONSUPPORT NONSUPPORT AND FLAGRANT NONSUPPORT NONSUPPORT AND FLAGRANT NONSUPPORT FUGITIVE (ARREST FOR CRIME IN ANOTHER STATE) HAMILTON, TREVIN RAY Age at Arrest: 27 Date of Birth: 08/26/1995 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): BURGLARY OF A BUSINESS JOHNSON, DEANGELO D Age at Arrest: 44 Date of Birth: 06/07/1978 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): DISORDERLY CONDUCT TINTED WINDOWS VIOLATION LIGHT LAW VIOLATION RECKLESS DRIVING JONES, LEBRON TYSON Age at Arrest: 61 Date of Birth: 01/24/1961 Arresting Agency: East Ridge Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): AGGRAVATED ASSAULT FALSE IMPRISONMENT VANDALISM/MALICIOUS MISCHIEF SEXUAL BATTERY INTERFERENCE WITH EMERGENCY CALLS KRESSER, JOHN GILBERT Age at Arrest: 49 Date of Birth: 02/21/1973 Arresting Agency: Hamilton County Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): LICENSE, EXPIRED DRIVER LICENSE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY LEAVING SCENE OF ACCIDENT W/DAMAGE TO VEHICLE MARTINEZ-SANTANA, JUAN CARLOS Age at Arrest: 31 Date of Birth: 06/03/1991 Arresting Agency: East Ridge Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): DRIVING WITHOUT DRIVERS LICENSE DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE RECKLESS DRIVING MOORE, KELVIN DESMOND Age at Arrest: 49 Date of Birth: 10/04/1973 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): DOMESTIC ASSAULT PITMON, NAURICE ANTWON Age at Arrest: 20 Date of Birth: 02/02/2002 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TRAILER REGISTRATION REQUIRED DRIVING ON ROADWAYS LANED FOR TRAFFIC, VIOLATION QUEEN, SKYLAR DANIELLE Age at Arrest: 26 Date of Birth: 10/19/1996 Arresting Agency: Tenn Hwy Patrol Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): SPEEDING FAILURE TO MAINTAIN LANE DRIVERS TO EXERCISE DUE CARE DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE RAMIREZ, LEOBARDO Age at Arrest: 19 Date of Birth: 11/02/2003 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): PUBLIC INTOXICATION DRINKING UNDER AGE/SELL ALCOHOL TO MINOR ROBERTS, ZOE CELESTE Age at Arrest: 27 Date of Birth: 07/27/1995 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): VANDALISM/MALICIOUS MISCHIEF DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE SMITH, ZECHARIAH LEMONTE Age at Arrest: 23 Date of Birth: 01/28/1999 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT EVADING ARREST DRUGS GENERAL CATEGORY FOR RESALE DRIVING ON REVOKED, SUSPENDED OR CANCELLED LICENSE TINTED WINDOWS VIOLATION STRICKLAND, ROGER G Age at Arrest: 19 Date of Birth: 12/07/2003 Arresting Agency: Hamilton County Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): POSSESSING A FIREARM WITH INTENT TO GO ARMED POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE THOMAS, TOMMY LEE Age at Arrest: 49 Date of Birth: 08/30/1973 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): POSSESSING A FIREARM WITH INTENT TO GO ARMED WILLIAMS, WENDY MICHELLE Age at Arrest: 53 Date of Birth: 02/09/1969 Arresting Agency: Hamilton County Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): PUBLIC INTOXICATION POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA WILSON, SHAWNELLE DEMETRIA Age at Arrest: 29 Date of Birth: 01/07/1994 Arresting Agency: Hamilton County Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Booked for Previous Charges or Other Reason(s) WOODS, JAKEL M Age at Arrest: 19 Date of Birth: 04/22/2003 Arresting Agency: Chattanooga PD Last Date of Arrest: 01/15/2023 Charge(s): DOMESTIC ASSAULT OF HANDGUN WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCEJOHNSON, DEANGELO D4951 LEVANDER ROAD HIXSON, 374112113Age at Arrest: 44 years oldArresting Agency: Chattanooga PDDISORDERLY CONDUCTTINTED WINDOWS VIOLATIONLIGHT LAW VIOLATIONRECKLESS DRIVINGJONES, LEBRON TYSON604 PARKVIEW DRIVE CHATTANOOGA, 37411Age at Arrest: 61 years oldArresting Agency: East RidgeAGGRAVATED ASSAULTFALSE IMPRISONMENTVANDALISM/MALICIOUS MISCHIEFSEXUAL BATTERYINTERFERENCE WITH EMERGENCY CALLSKRESSER, JOHN GILBERT1509 EAST 50TH STREET CHATTANOOGA, 37407Age at Arrest: 49 years oldArresting Agency: Hamilton CountyLICENSE, EXPIRED DRIVER LICENSEFINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITYLEAVING SCENE OF ACCIDENT W/DAMAGE TO VEHICLELAMBEKE, JACOB ALLEN569 AKINS RD RINGGOLD, 307365249Age at Arrest: 37 years oldArresting Agency: East RidgeDRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE 2NDLINDSEY, BRANDON EUGENE727 E 11TH ST CHATTANOOGA, 374033104Age at Arrest: 38 years oldArresting Agency: Hamilton CountyINDECENT EXPOSUREPUBLIC INTOXICATIONMARTINEZ-SANTANA, JUAN CARLOS727 SHELL RD DUNLAP, 37327Age at Arrest: 31 years oldArresting Agency: East RidgeDRIVING WITHOUT DRIVERS LICENSEDRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCERECKLESS DRIVINGMEREDITH, KENNETH RAY1832 TREADWELL ROAD CHATSWORTH, 30705Age at Arrest: 35 years oldArresting Agency: CollegedaleBooked for Previous Charges or Other Reason(s)MOORE, KELVIN DESMOND3112 ST PAUL ST CHATTANOOGA, 37404Age at Arrest: 49 years oldArresting Agency: Chattanooga PDDOMESTIC ASSAULTPITMON, NAURICE ANTWON3530 KIRKLAND AVE CHATTANOOGA, 374101336Age at Arrest: 20 years oldArresting Agency: Chattanooga PDDRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCEFINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITYTRAILER REGISTRATION REQUIREDDRIVING ON ROADWAYS LANED FOR TRAFFIC, VIOLATIONQUEEN, SKYLAR DANIELLE306 SHERI PLACE LANE SODDY DAISY, 37379Age at Arrest: 26 years oldArresting Agency: Tenn Hwy PatrolSPEEDINGFAILURE TO MAINTAIN LANEDRIVERS TO EXERCISE DUE CAREDRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCERAMIREZ, LEOBARDOCHATTANOOGA,Age at Arrest: 19 years oldArresting Agency: Chattanooga PDPUBLIC INTOXICATIONDRINKING UNDER AGE/SELL ALCOHOL TO MINORROBERTS, ZOE CELESTE191 LAWMAN LN TUNNEL HILL, 307557871Age at Arrest: 27 years oldArresting Agency: Chattanooga PDVANDALISM/MALICIOUS MISCHIEFDRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCESEYMOUR, LOGAN DEAN2833 DAYTON BLVD RED BANK, 37415Age at Arrest: 24 years oldArresting Agency: Hamilton CountyDRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCERESISTING ARREST OR OBSTRUCTION OF LEGAL PROCESSOPEN CONTAINER LAWDRIVING ON REVOKED, SUSPENDED OR CANCELLED LICENSEDISOBEDIENCE TO OFFICER DIRECTING TRAFFICSMITH, ZECHARIAH LEMONTE2605 E 19TH ST CHATTANOOGA, 374045419Age at Arrest: 23 years oldArresting Agency: Chattanooga PDRECKLESS ENDANGERMENTEVADING ARRESTDRUGS GENERAL CATEGORY FOR RESALEDRIVING ON REVOKED, SUSPENDED OR CANCELLED LICENSETINTED WINDOWS VIOLATIONSTRICKLAND, ROGER G3811 JUASNDALE DR CHATTANOOGA, 374062741Age at Arrest: 19 years oldArresting Agency: Hamilton CountyPOSSESSING A FIREARM WITH INTENT TO GO ARMEDPOSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCETHOMAS, TOMMY LEE1813 BARNES CT CHATTANOOGA, 374216540Age at Arrest: 49 years oldArresting Agency: Chattanooga PDPOSSESSING A FIREARM WITH INTENT TO GO ARMEDWEBB, JENNIFER REBECCAHOMELESS CHATTANOOGA, 37402Age at Arrest: 46 years oldArresting Agency: Chattanooga PDPUBLIC INTOXICATIONWHITEHEAD, AMANDA ANRNISE3214 JOCELYN LANE CHATTANOOGA, 37411Age at Arrest: 31 years oldArresting Agency: Red BankRESISTING STOP, FRIST, HALT, ARREST OR SEARCHDISORDERLY CONDUCTASSAULT ON FIRST RESPONDERWILLIAMS, WENDY MICHELLE10206 BEAR TRAIL DR SODDY DAISY, 37379Age at Arrest: 53 years oldArresting Agency: Hamilton CountyPUBLIC INTOXICATIONPOSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCEPOSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIAWILSON, SHAWNELLE DEMETRIA717 FRICKS LN ROSSVILLE, 30741Age at Arrest: 29 years oldArresting Agency: Hamilton CountyBooked for Previous Charges or Other Reason(s)WOMACK, CARSON KENNEDY2624 PADDOCK PARK DR THOMPSON STATION, 371793003Age at Arrest: 19 years oldArresting Agency: UTCMINOR IN POSSESSION OF ALCOHOLDISORDERLY CONDUCT911 VIOLATION (IMPROPER USE)RECKLESS ENDANGERMENTRESISTING ARREST OR OBSTRUCTION OF LEGAL PROCESSWOODS, JAKEL M803 SYLVAN DR CHATTANOOGA, 374112028Age at Arrest: 19 years oldArresting Agency: Chattanooga PDDOMESTIC ASSAULT Officer Shell and his partner, K9 Goose, were requested to assist the Bradley County Sheriffs Office with a traffic stop in the 1800 block of West Lake Road, inside Bradley County. K9 Goose assisted the deputies locate the presence of methamphetamines, fentanyl, and drug paraphernalia inside the stopped vehicle. A minor parking lot crash was reported in the parking lot of McKee Foods Corporation. A lost license plate sticker was reported from the McKee Foods Corporation. A traffic stop in the 8200 block of Apison Pike resulted in the drivers arrest for driving on a revoked license, possession of illegal narcotics and drug paraphernalia. The driver was also found to have a Collegedale warrant for driving on a revoked license and was booked on that as well. A student from Southern Adventist University reported that their vehicle had been damaged while on campus. A Collegedale fugitive being held at the county jail was booked on a petition to revoke bond warrant from an original drug possession charge. Police received a complaint of a family asking for money on Walmart property and made contact with the individuals. They were advised that they were on private property and to cease their activities. An individual called police to the Walmart to report that they had traveled with their friend from Michigan to Georgia to pick up their friend's child. They stated that while in Georgia their friend had kept them hostage for a brief period of time before traveling back through Tennessee. The individual, who was in good health and not in danger, was referred to the appropriate Georgia agency to file an report. An officer was called to a Wellesley neighborhood home regarding a juvenile who had signed up for an app on their phone and had been receiving unwanted text messages. An officer made contact with the driver of a broken-down vehicle in the 10600 block of Lee Highway who was found to have a petition to revoke bond warrant out of Collegedale for a previous drug possession charge. They were taken into custody and transported to the jail. A traffic stop in the 5900 block of Main Street for an expired license plate resulted in the drivers arrest for 5th offense DUI and possession of an open container of alcohol. Officers assisted two homeless individuals in the 9300 block of Lee Highway who advised that they were passing through on their way to Cleveland, Tennessee. Police responded to a residence in the 5600 block of Tallant Road for a reported domestic disorder. One individual was arrested and charged with aggravated domestic assault, aggravated kidnapping, and interference with emergency calls. Officers responded to a home in the 9600 block of Wiltshire Drive for a disorder between family members. The disorder was found to be verbal only and everyone involved agreed to separate for the remainder of the day. An officer was dispatched to check the well-being of two individuals walking in the 10600 block of Lee Highway. They were found to have locked themselves out of their car and had already contacted help, which was on the way. Police and the fire department were sent to a McKee Foods Corporation facility in the 10600 block of Apison Pike after security personnel heard propane tanks making a hissing noise. Everything checked out ok. Police responded to an alarm at a business in the 4900 block of Swinyar Drive. Upon arrival it was determined that an employee had accidentally entered the wrong number on the alarm panel. Officers responded to the Hills Parc apartment complex for an individual having a mental health crisis. The individual was transported to a local hospital for evaluation and treatment. A parking lot crash between a parked car and a tractor trailer was reported at the Walmart. Police responded to a crash at Four Corners. There were no injuries. A Hills Parc apartment resident reported that their vehicle had been vandalized. An individual was arrested at the Collegedale Walmart for possession of methamphetamines, fentanyl, and a warrant out of Meigs County. Collegedale police assisted Chattanooga police with a crash in the 8100 block of Apison Pike. Police responded to the campus of Southern Adventist University for an individual who was highly intoxicated. A residential distress alarm was activated in the 9400 block of Leyland Drive. The resident advised that it was an accidental activation and that all was well. A resident in the 8800 block of Apison Pike reported that their storage shed had been burglarized and that property valued at approximately $2,600 had been stolen. A driver stopped in the 9000 block of Old Lee Highway was charged with displaying the license plate from another car on their vehicle. A minor parking lot crash was reported at the Walmart. An officer was dispatched to the area of Sunny Lane and University Drive, in the South District, after receiving reports of gunshots. Contact with the shooters was made on their property, outside the city limits of Collegedale, and no violations were found. A disagreement between neighbors in the College Park apartments brought an officer to the scene. The issue was resolved with the officers assistance. Police responded to a disorder at the Hawthorne at the Crest apartment complex and found it to be a verbal only disorder between siblings. A business alarm was activated in the 5400 block of Little Debbie Parkway. Officers located an unlocked door and checked the building. Everything checked out ok and the door was able to be secured. An officer made contact with a homeless person on private property in the 5900 block of Reagan Lane. The individual advised that they were only passing through. A minor parking lot crash was reported at the Taco Bell. An officer assisted with a disagreement between tenants at the College Park apartments. A team of Baylor School students will have the opportunity to fly a payload on a suborbital flight as part of NASAs TechRise Student Challenge. Led and mentored by Baylor faculty members Dr. Mary Loveless and Dr. Louie Elliott, seniors Porter Stinson, Shriyaa Srihari, and Chris Yang; and juniors Finley Smith and Jack Champion, submitted a proposal for funding and flight through the NASA TechRise competition last October. On Thursday they learned via a virtual announcement that they have been selected as one of the 60 winning TechRise teams throughout the U.S. As winners they will work with a TechRise advisory team who will help them build out their experiment in the coming months. Their experiment will launch on the high-altitude balloon test flight in Summer 2023. "It is such an honor for our students to have the opportunity to partner with NASA on this research project, and I am impressed and proud of their efforts, added Head of School Chris Angel 89. I have no doubt that our students will learn a great deal from this experience and I look forward to following their progress. The challenge was open to students in grades six through 12 at American public, private, or charter schools, including those in U.S. territories. This year, winning teams include about 500 students representing 38 states and territories. Baylor was the only winner in the state of Tennessee. (See all winners here: Future Engineers: NASA TechRise Challenge) "NASAs missions of tomorrow are sparked by the accomplishments of the Artemis Generation today in classrooms across America, said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. Through opportunities like the TechRise Student Challenge, young people are deepening their passion in science and technology, preparing to be the future innovators and pioneers who help humanity soar to new heights and unlock more secrets of the universe. Titled Can Machine Learning Be Used in Low Earth Orbit to Characterize Methane Leaks? the project originated in the Baylor Research Engineering Lab following discussions on methane links and its potency as a greenhouse gas. The students in the team had several ideas that they were discussing while brainstorming this project, said Mary Loveless, director of Baylor Research and Lead Scientist for Engineering Research. They were very passionate about using high-altitude technology to monitor aspects of a changing climate. Several were very interested in machine learning, as well, and they knew that this specific experimental set-up of a balloon at altitude for four hours would be ideal for imaging. After doing some research, they combined these thoughts to see if they could answer the question of whether machine learning can be used to characterize methane leaks by examining the thermal signature of methane plumes with a thermal camera. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, agreed Dr. Loveless. We are looking forward to the opportunity to see what kind of results we can obtain from this unique test environment, and this balloon flight offers one of the only ways to truly test this experiment. This test would not have been remotely feasible for high school students without the TechRise Student Challenge. It truly is an amazing and exciting endeavor. Number of people seeking treatment at fever clinics continues to decline: Chinese health official Xinhua) 10:23, January 16, 2023 BEIJING, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- The number of people seeking treatment at fever clinics in China peaked on Dec. 23, 2022 at about 2.87 million, and the figure has since been in continuous decline, a health official said on Saturday. The number of fever patients fell to 477,000 on Jan. 12, a decrease of 83.3 percent from the peak daily figure, said Jiao Yahui, head of the Bureau of Medical Administration under the National Health Commission, at a press conference held by the State Council joint COVID-19 prevention and control mechanism. The number of people in fever clinics or consultation rooms across the country has shown an overall downward trend since reaching its peak, in both urban and rural regions, Jiao said. The COVID-19 detection rate at fever clinics also continues to decline, peaking at 33.9 percent on Dec. 20, 2022. The number dropped to 10.8 percent on Jan. 12, Jiao added. People seeking treatment at general outpatient departments totaled nearly 9.14 million on Jan. 12, basically returning to the pre-epidemic level, Jiao said. The proportion of positive COVID-19 tests among all hospital outpatients peaked at 5.7 percent on Dec. 19, 2022, and has since continued to drop, falling to 0.9 percent on Jan. 12, Jiao said. Regular medical services at hospitals are recovering gradually, Jiao said. Currently, about 16,400 fever clinics have been set up in medical institutions at or above the grade-two level, with approximately 43,100 fever clinics or consultation rooms established in community-based health institutions. China has a three-tier system to grade hospitals, with tertiary hospitals -- which have the largest number of beds and provide comprehensive medical services -- at the top of the system. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) MOGADISHU, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- A senior Somali security officer was killed and 12 others wounded in a suicide car bombing in Halgan district, central Somalia, Monday, the military confirmed. Jamal Ahmed Jama, the commander of the Criminal Investigations Department in Baladweyne town, was killed in the attack while the injured were civilians, authorities said. Chief of Defense Forces Odowaa Yusuf Rage said the vehicle laden with explosives detonated in the Halgan area, about 75 km south of Baladweyne. Rage, who made the announcement in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, said the injured have been rushed to hospitals after the attack claimed by al-Shabab. The latest incident occurred two days after more than 10 people were killed in two separate attacks in Jalalaqsi and Bulaburte, in the Hiran region of central Somalia. Former Royal Butler Calls Prince Harry Petulant and Privileged After Saying Butler Was Milking Princess Diana Tragedy for Money A former royal butler is taking aim at Prince Harrys claim that he used Princess Dianas death to make money. Paul Burrell called Harry petulant and privileged and said hes changed a lot since he was a boy. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Rolf Vennenbernd/picture alliance via Getty Images Prince Harry says Princess Dianas former butler was milking her tragedy for money In his book Spare, Prince Harry said it made his blood boil when Burrell released a book in 2003 titled A Royal Duty, about the time he spent with Diana. At the time, Prince Harry and Prince William called the book a cold and overt betrayal. Mummys former butler had penned a tell-all which actually told nothing, Harry wrote. It was merely one mans self-justifying, self-centering version of events, he continued. My mother once called this butler a dear friend, and trusted him implicitly. We did too. Now this. Prince Harry added, He was milking her disappearance for money. It made my blood boil. Dianas butler believes Prince Harry has changed since meeting Meghan Markle Burrell appeared on the Australian show Sunrise, where he shared his belief that Harry has changed. I first met him when he was in his mummys tummy all those years ago and Princess Diana took her hand and placed it on her tummy, I felt him kick, Burrell said. Ive known him all his life. I dont recognize the young man I see today. Thats not the boy that I knew. Somethings changed fundamentally. He continued, I think that change is Meghan. What I see now is an angry, petulant, privileged prince who is constantly blaming other people and not taking any accountability on his part. According to the butler, The princess would be appalled by what shes hearing now. She would be really, really angry at these personal, vindictive revelations which dont only undermine Harry, but he undermines his country, his family, the institution which his mother was very proud of and his late grandmothers legacy. He added, Her memory is being tarnished because she went to her grave thinking that one of her family was a racist and now we hear, Oh no, we never said that. So whats going on? he said. Butler calls Prince Harry very bitter and angry Burrell also remarked about the role Meghan played in Harrys book. Meghan is the influence driving him behind the scenes, the butler said. This isnt just a book written by Harry Meghans had huge influence in this book. Shes beside him steering him on his path. He continued, You cant just blame Harry. You have to blame the both of them. Burrell believes Harry is very bitter. He explained, I dont like to see our monarchy being tarnished and the rug being pulled from underneath the feet of our king who has not yet crowned and Harrys brother, who is on his way to be king one day. And the snipes that have gone forward about Kate Kate has never put a foot wrong. He added, But the other side of the story will never be heard because the royals believe theres great dignity in silence. Ultimately, Burrell said he thinks Prince Harry is a very bitter and angry young man and hes hurling these comments out to hurt people. The butler added, He wants to hurt his family, he wants to hurt his father, he wants to hurt his brother, he wants to hurt his sister-in-law. Why? Because he feels as hes been left behind. Harry always knew he was number two You have permission to edit this article. Edit Close LUSAKA, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- The Zambian government said Monday that the planned visit by International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva was a good signal that the country was on the right path in its economic transformation. The IMF chief said last week that she would be traveling to Zambia in two weeks' time and hoped that the southern African nation would become the second nation after Chad to complete a debt treatment process under the Common Framework platform supported by the Group of 20 (G20). She added that debt relief was critical for heavily indebted nations to avoid cuts in social services and other repercussions. Zambian Minister of Finance and National Planning Situmbeko Musokotwane said in a press release that the visit of the IMF chief was a good sign and a strong sentiment. The visit comes at a time when Zambia's international profile was rising because of the good economic transformation that the country has embarked on and the responsiveness of the policies through social sector interventions to some of the needs of the citizens, he noted. The minister further welcomed the IMF chief's announcement that a new global sovereign debt roundtable of creditors and some borrower countries will meet for the first time on the sidelines of the G20 finance ministers' meeting in India. He affirmed Zambia's appreciation for the clarification that the new roundtable would not substitute the Common Framework for debt treatment, but complement it. Last August, the IMF Board approved a 1.3-billion-U.S.-dollar loan program for Zambia under the Extended Credit Facility, a crucial step in the country's quest to restructure its debt. In 2021, the southern African nation sought to restructure its debt under a G20 Common Debt Restructuring Framework. This is the first time for an IMF chief to visit Zambia since 2011. Biden touts efforts to protect 'religious freedom,' condemns persecution in annual proclamation President Joe Biden touted his faith and condemned religious persecution worldwide in declaring Monday Religious Freedom Day, even as critics contend that his administration has demonstrated hostility to religious liberty in the United States. Biden issued a presidential proclamation Friday designating Jan. 16 Religious Freedom Day. In the message, the president stressed how "faith has sustained me throughout my life," adding, "for me and so many others, it serves as a reminder of both our collective purpose and potential in the world." The Religious Freedom Day proclamation has been issued annually by presidents dating back to 1993, marking the 1786 passage of the "Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom" authored by Thomas Jefferson. The 80-year-old Catholic lamented that "for far too many people within our borders and beyond, practicing their faith still means facing fear and persecution." He stressed that "religious freedom" is the "freedom to practice religion fully and freely or to practice no religion at all" and "is enshrined in our Constitution." Biden listed his administration's efforts to advance religious freedom worldwide, including allocating $20 million to "promote religious freedom and protections for members of religious minorities globally" to "ensure that people everywhere can practice their faiths free from fear." He also listed the establishment of the "Protecting Places of Worship Interagency Policy Committee." The president recalled that the White House hosted its first summit on combating hate-motivated violence in September. "In December, I established a new interagency group to increase and better coordinate the Federal Government's efforts to counter antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of bias and discrimination within the United States," he stated. "As a founding member of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance, we also have coordinated with partners around the world to promote the rights of religious minority groups and combat persecution." He also highlighted the implementation of "training on religious freedom and its central importance to our work." Biden's proclamation comes as his administration has faced pushback from religious liberty advocacy groups for policies that critics say force religious adherents in the U.S. to take actions that violate their deeply held beliefs. The administration implemented a rule barring healthcare providers from refusing to discriminate based on "sexual orientation and gender identity." Opponents warn that it could force religious doctors, hospitals and healthcare providers to perform or cover genital-mutilating surgeries on trans-identified individuals in violation of their religious beliefs about gender and sexuality. Both the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have found the rule unconstitutional. In December, Biden signed the so-called Respect for Marriage Act after being passed by the Democrat-controlled Congress with support from a handful of Republicans. Religious freedom groups expressed concern that the law could trample on conscience protections for religious business owners who object to same-sex marriage. Some business owners believe that providing services celebrating such unions, including wedding cakes, floral arrangements and websites, would violate their convictions that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. While the president condemned the "intimidation, violence, and unequal protection under the law" faced by religious communities worldwide, pro-life advocates believe that his administration has not done enough to thwart the "intimidation, violence, and unequal protection under the law" that they experience in the U.S. The conservative advocacy group CatholicVote launched a $1 million ad campaign ahead of last year's midterm elections to highlight what the organization characterized as the "inaction of the Justice Department" in response to the targeting of churches for vandalism. The ad featured video footage of headlines reporting attacks directed at churches followed by an empty podium to indicate a lack of response from "our second Catholic president." CatholicVote previously sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice about the attacks on churches and pro-life pregnancy centers amid a rising trend of vandalism and arson following the leaking of the U.S. Supreme Court's June opinion overturning the national right to abortion. Catholic Vote urged the administration to "commit to vigorous efforts to prevent them, and to investigate and prosecute them; and to proactively engage with the affected faith communities to ensure their concerns and security needs are being met." "The relative silence from the Administration endangers Americans even more," the letter contended. Bill Donohue of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights echoed similar concerns in a letter to top Republicans on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. He suggested that the Department of Justice was imposing "unequal justice under the law" by raiding a pro-life activist's home with a SWAT team while taking little action to address the violence directed at churches and pro-life pregnancy centers by pro-abortion groups. Donohue's letter followed the arrest of pro-life activist Mark Houck on charges that he "twice assaulted a man because he was a volunteer reproductive health care clinic escort" in violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. A GiveSendGo fundraiser set up to cover Houck's legal expenses asserts that the clinic escort was "harassing" the pro-life activist and his son as they prayed outside a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood clinic and that Houck "pushed him away" as he "continued yelling at Mark's son." "There seems to be much interest in pursuing alleged wrongdoing by pro-life activists, yet little interest in pursuing alleged wrongdoing by abortion-rights activists," Donohue wrote. "This kind of overreaction to a minor infraction of the law is deeply troubling, and it becomes even more troubling when paired with the underreaction by the Department of Justice when the pro-life side is targeted." Church pastor, wife sentenced after using homeless for forced labor, stealing benefits A California pastor and his wife will serve time behind bars after pleading guilty to forcing homeless people to give up their welfare benefits and panhandle for up to nine hours a day, six days a week, in what federal prosecutors call a church labor trafficking scheme. Victor Gonzalez, the head pastor of Imperial Valley Ministries, was sentenced to six months in prison and an additional six months in home confinement after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit benefits fraud in a San Diego federal court. His wife, Susan Gonzalez, received a time-served sentence. The church, headquartered in El Centro, owned and operated group homes for men and women in the El Centro area, Calexico and Chula Vista. According to prosecutors, they recruited from outside El Centro and as far away as Texas. Prosecutors allege that IVM leaders forced group home program participants to panhandle and held those who joined the program confined in group homes against their will. An indictment alleges that the defendants confiscated identification documents that prevented participants from leaving their homes. Participants were also forced to adhere to church rules, which included no contact with family members for roughly 30 days from the time they joined, City News Service reports. The defendants also used and distributed benefits the participants received through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, according to the plea agreement. Gonzalez's attorney, Robert Rexrode, was quoted by City News Service as saying that IVM's program was like any other "aggressive drug treatment program" where rules are stricter and often prevent participants from contacting others as they remain in confinement. Rexrode argued that the fundraising IVM participants took part in was not involuntary and that Gonzalez completed the ministry program and wanted participants to follow the same rules he did. Gonzalez reportedly lived for free in an El Centro home and had access to a weekly salary and "other financial benefits such as occasional $ 1,000' blessings' from IVM," noted City News Service. According to a statement released in 2019 by the U.S. Attorney's Office based out of the Southern District of California, the Gonzalezes are two of about a dozen defendants indicted in the case. The allegations are based on the defendant's alleged involvement in recruiting homeless people in San Diego and other cities and forcing them to raise money on behalf of the El Centro-based church. All the other co-defendants, prosecutors say, pleaded guilty alongside the Gonzalez for their involvement in recruiting homeless people for labor-intensive work and panhandling for church leaders to reap the financial benefits. The U.S. Attorney's Office confirmed that the church spearheaded roughly 30 affiliate churches in the United States and Mexico. The church's mission statement included the goal of helping "to restore drug addicts and their families." The Salvation Army issued a case study in 2020 expressing concerns about the ministry's labor tactics as having been "a disturbing case of labor trafficking in which leaders of a church ministry exploited several people under the guise of helping them." "Often, faith communities can have a powerful and positive impact on people's lives but unfortunately sometimes that power is manipulated and corrupted by individuals who are willing to exploit others for their own benefit. This case is a tragic example of how vulnerabilities are targeted by traffickers and power and control are employed to exploit victims," the Christian charity stated in a report. The Salvation Army defined labor trafficking under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act as "the use of force, fraud, or coercion to recruit, harbor, transport, obtain or employ a person for labor or services in involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery." "We know that at least one of the victims reached out to the police. Law enforcement was key in identifying this trafficking situation and making arrests. There are many details of this case that are still unknown, but it is still important to consider what points of identification were missed," The Salvation Army continued. "What red flags might community members living and working near the group homes, bus stations, or panhandling sites have noticed? Were there medical providers that had contact with the victims? Could the employees in the benefits office have picked up on anything strange?" Library allows Pastor Story Hour event after previously canceling event A Massachusetts library that previously canceled a "Pastor Story Hour" event following complaints from residents changed its mind about allowing a local minister to use its space to read to children. The Chelmsford Public Library announced the update on its Facebook page, stating that it reinstated the Pastor Story Hour's Friday reservation after receiving advice from legal counsel. However, the library stated that allowing the event is not a sign of endorsement for it or its sponsors. Kendall Lankford, the teaching pastor of The Shepherd's Church, reserved a Friday morning time slot at the library to teach children about the Lord. Lankford wanted to host the event in response to several libraries nationwide holding drag queen story hour events, which involve men dressing as women and reading to children. In a Friday statement to The Christian Post, Lankford claimed the library changed its mind about canceling the event after the pastor obtained legal counsel from the Massachusetts Family Institute. The pastor and his attorneys submitted a letter to the library on Thursday night. Lankford said the event was a "huge success," with about 50 people in attendance, including adults and children. The library told CP in a Friday statement that it has always advocated for free speech and the "principles of respectful and kind treatment of others." The Chelmsford Public Library seeks to serve as a space where its community members feel "valued and welcome." "We now recognize that actions taken subsequent to the approval of the reservation, and communications immediately before the event, seemed to violate some details of library policy and directs hate at members of our community played too large a role in our decision, to the detriment of our commitment to everyone's right to free speech," the library wrote. The library issued an apology, acknowledging that it unintentionally erred in its attempt to honor the principles and rights it supports and that it's "unequivocally committed" to allowing Lankford to host his scheduled event. "Nothing that has taken place over the past couple of days changes the exceptional work that library staff does every day that demonstrates our values and supports our community," the library continued. After initially approving the event, the Chelmsford Public Library stated Wednesday on its Facebook page that it only allowed Lankford to use one of its rooms and was not condoning the Pastor Story Hour. "Use of a library meeting room by a nonprofit does not indicate endorsement by the library," the statement said. "We support your individual choices as to what to attend and do not advertise or promote any non-library meetings on the library calendar." Some responses to the post accused the library of allowing "hate" and sending a message to vulnerable populations that the library is unsafe. Other comments said that permitting the Pastor Story Hour was an example of "blatant discrimination, homophobia, bigotry, transphobia." In a now-deleted Facebook post, the Chelmsford Public Library said it canceled Lankford's reservation, claiming that the Pastor Story Hour would contradict the library's policies. As CP reported, multiple libraries told Christian actor Kirk Cameron last month that he could not host a story hour event to read his faith-based children's book, As You Grow. One library, the Rochambeau Public Library in Providence, Rhode Island, told the actor's publisher that it would not host Cameron due to concerns about a conflict of values. "No, we will pass on having you run a program in our space. We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align," the Rochambeau Public Library stated. Last month, Cameron's publisher, Brave Books, claimed that over 2,500 people attended the actor's story hour event at the Indianapolis Public Library, while the latter said the door count was around 750. The library also denied allegations that it refused the actor permission to rent a space for the event, claiming that it only said it would not officially partner to promote the event. London church shooting linked to Colombian cartel A shooting outside a church in London Saturday, which injured at least six people, including a 7-year-old girl, might have been linked to a Colombian cartel that flooded the U.K. with cocaine, according to officials who said a 22-year-old man has been arrested as a suspect. A money deliverer in a London-based drugs gang tied to the Colombian Cali cartel, identified as Carlos Arturo Sanchez-Coronado, was a former husband of 50-year-old Fresia Calderon, whose memorial service was targeted by the shooter, The U.K. Times reported, citing officials. The shooting occurred outside St. Aloysius Roman Catholic church in Phoenix Road during the memorial Saturday afternoon for Calderon and her 20-year-old daughter, Sara Sanchez, who died within days of each other last November. Sanchez had been battling leukemia and died three weeks after her mother died from a pulmonary embolism on a flight from Colombia to London, according to The Sunday Times. The gunman opened fire on mourners, leaving a 7-year-old girl fighting for her life and five others wounded. On Sunday, the girl was said to be in a serious but stable condition. At least four women aged 21, 41, 48 and 54 and a 12-year-old girl were also injured in the shooting outside Euston railway station. Police on Sunday arrested a 22-year-old man after a car was stopped in Cricklewood Lane in Barnet, north London, The Guardian reported. The identity of the suspect has not been revealed. Sanchez-Coronado was jailed in the U.K. in 2009 for five-and-a-half years for helping his drugs gang launder money, said the Times, adding that he had briefly fled Britain, but was later captured by the police and became the first man to be extradited from Colombia to the U.K. He is believed to have died last year. Officials were quoted as saying that the gangs stranglehold on the countrys drug market was so tight that the price of cocaine surged 50% after its dismantling. It is suspected that the shooter might have been targeting a particular guest in a revenge plot. Hundreds of people were attending the memorial service when shots were fired from the vehicle. "We believe the suspects discharged a shotgun from a moving vehicle, which was a black Toyota C-HR, likely a 2019 model or similar," said Superintendent Jack Rowlands of the Metropolitan Police. An area resident told The Daily Mail that an emergency services helicopter had made an aborted landing near the railway station before flying off and eventually landing in a nearby school playground. When the service finished, we were outside to see the flying of doves [released as part of the memorial service]. A black car came and started to shoot bullets. It was chaotic, a witness was quoted as saying. Another witness said, No one knew if it was a bomb or gunman. We were looking for places to hide. We all just snuggled into corners where we could. We left after about 10 minutes, I did not dare [leave before], according to MyLondon. Millions under flood watch as latest round of storms batter California; death toll rises to 19 Nineteen people are dead in California and millions more are under flood watches through Monday evening as the storm-ravaged state faces one more round of heavy rain and potential mudslides. With another storm expected to douse Southern California through early Tuesday morning leaving what some forecasters say could be over 6 inches of snow 8 million residents in the Central California region are under flood watches through Monday night. Officials with the California Geological Survey say the rainfall could bring even more flooding and landslides to the state, which has had over 400 landslides since the end of December. As of Monday, the series of storms has killed 19 people since Christmas, when the heavy storms first started, including a child who was killed after a tree fell on a home. Rescue crews, meanwhile, are still searching for a 5-year-old boy who was swept away by floodwaters in San Luis Obispo County on Jan. 9. More than 175 people living at a mobile home park in San Joaquin County had to be evacuated Sunday after the site was flooded, according to sheriffs officials. Evacuation warnings were issued Sunday evening for residents in the Central Coast near the Carmel River in Monterey County. Residents in the Matilija Canyon area of Ventura County were ordered Sunday to evacuate after getting more than 17 inches of rain the previous week. Towering piles of rock and mud reach over 40 feet tall in some locations, blocking access to roadways and leaving residents isolated to the canyon, a Ventura County Sheriffs Office spokesperson said Sunday. In addition to more rain, the Sierra Nevada mountains are expected to see up to another 2 feet of snow on top of several more feet of snow from the previous weeks. Mountains in Southern California could get as much as 6 inches of fresh snowfall. According to the National Weather Service (NSW), heavy snowfall and strong winds in the mountains of Central and Southern California could bring whiteout conditions and dangerous to near impossible travel in some areas. On Saturday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the White House approved a request for a major disaster declaration and pledged to continue to work in lockstep with local, state and federal partners to help keep Californians safe and make sure our communities have the resources and assistance they need to rebuild and recover. By midweek, things should slow down and give California a much-need respite, according to the NSW, with a stretch of dry weather expected at least through the weekend. However, as David Lawrence of the NWS said, Just because were expecting dry weather later in the week, we still do have the potential of flooding with that heavy rain the next couple of days. Pro-lifers counter Newsom's pro-abortion advertisements with billboards of their own A coalition of pro-life advocacy organizations is sponsoring billboards promoting chastity in response to California Gov. Gavin Newsoms advertising effort to promote his state as an abortion sanctuary in states that ban or severely restrict abortion. In a statement released Wednesday, the Life Legal Defense Foundation announced that the Coalition for an Abortion-Free Future is posting billboards promoting chastity in the exact locations where Newsom's election campaign posted pro-abortion billboards. Save sex for marriage. Plan your future. Not your abortion, one billboard reads. The billboard includes a picture of a young woman looking at the results of a pregnancy test as a young man sitting beside her, presumably her boyfriend, puts his fingers over his eyes as an indication of stress due to the positive pregnancy test result. The billboard also contains statistics suggesting that over 85% of abortions are performed on unmarried women and encourages passersby to learn more at abortionlessfuture.com. Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collected in 2020 shows that 86.3% of abortions are performed on unmarried women. The Coalition for an Abortion-Free Future, which describes itself as a group of national pro-life organizations committed to saving children in the womb and ending abortion, noted that one of the billboards is located in Columbus, Ohio. If men and women stopped having sex outside of relationships truly committed to protecting the lives of the babies they create, the demand for abortion would largely disappear, the announcement predicted. Pro-life resources could then focus on helping families welcome their unexpected additions. The coalition's spokesperson Mark Harrington said in a statement that the billboards seek to remind people "of the inconvenient truth that the main driver of abortion is irresponsible sexual activity. We need to have a conversation in this country including in the pro-life movement about the true cause of most abortions, Harrington said. Newsom, a Democrat, launched the billboard campaign last September to promote California as a destination for women seeking abortions in states that have issued total or near-total bans on abortion following the U.S. Supreme Courts June decision determining that the U.S. Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. One billboard in Mississippi sparked outrage for including a Bible verse at the bottom. The Mississippi billboard quotes Mark 12:31, proclaiming, Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these. The larger text above the Scripture passage reads, Need an abortion? California is ready to help. The billboard directs women to abortion.ca.gov, a $1 million state-run website promoting the state as a destination for women unable to obtain abortions in other states. Unlike the states where Newsoms re-election campaign posted the pro-abortion billboards, specifically Indiana, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota and Texas, California has codified the right to abortion into state law. In addition to re-electing Newsom on Nov. 8, California voters approved Proposition 1, which amends the states constitution to guarantee a right to reproductive freedom in the form of abortion and contraception. A database compiled by the pro-life advocacy organization Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America reveals that following the Dobbs decision, 13 states have total or near-total bans on abortion in effect, including four of the seven states where Newsom's campaign posted billboards. Pro-life laws in Indiana and Ohio are currently entangled in legal challenges while the South Carolina Supreme Court permanently struck down the states ban on abortions after six weeks gestation last week. According to the Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion advocacy organization that once served as the research arm of Planned Parenthood, California is one of three states with a constitution that explicitly contains a right to abortion. The state is one of 16 that protects the right to abortion in state law. KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- The Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) will make a comeback this year following a four-year hiatus, with the event being launched by government officials here on Monday. The biennial program exhibition will be held from May 23-27 and bring together senior government officials, top military officers, and industry leaders, as well as exhibitors from the defense and commercial sectors from all over the world, the organizer said in a statement. Malaysian Transport Minister Anthony Loke Siew Fook and Defense Minister Mohamad Hasan joined officials to launch the event. Loke said the return of the exhibition will revive momentum in Malaysia's aerospace and maritime sectors, putting an end to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. "Malaysia has long been focused on uplifting the domestic aerospace and maritime sectors so that they can further contribute to national growth. We have the capability and capacity to enhance the shipbuilding and repair industry in the country," he said. Loke added that the country aims for Malaysian vessels to account for 20 percent of global shipping, 30 percent of intra-ASEAN trade, 90 percent of domestic shipping and 100 percent of port tugboat operations, besides boosting its capabilities in its domestic drone industry. For his part, Mohamad said Malaysia will seek to strengthen its defense industry ties with reliable partners in line with its National Defence and Security Industry Policy to be launched this year. "We look forward to more strategic and significant collaborations with reliable partners. This will enhance the domestic defense and security industry's capability, in producing military hardware and technologies, in order to achieve the goals for Malaysia to become self-reliant, and for the players to be part of the international supply chain," he said. First launched in 1991, LIMA has grown into a major arms and technology showcase, drawing hundreds of companies from dozens of countries. This year's edition is expected to draw over 600 exhibitors, 60 percent being companies from the defense industry, while the remaining 40 percent will be from the commercial sector, the organizer said. No child should be trapped in poverty: Sarah Huckabee Sanders defends school vouchers, CRT ban Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the youngest governor in the country, defended her executive order banning indoctrination and critical race theory from school classrooms and her plans to reform the state's education system through school vouchers. "No child should ever be trapped in a lifetime of poverty because of their bank account or their ZIP code," Sanders told "Fox News Sunday" host Shannon Bream, declaring that parents know best how their children should be educated and how they "can best be put on a path to success." The newly elected governor said protecting students is what's most important during her interview with Bream, who questioned Sanders about the "Executive Order to Prohibit Indoctrination and Critical Race Theory in Schools. Sanders, 40, signed the executive order on her first day in office. Bream noted that Democrat Arkansas state House Minority Leader Tippi McCullough and Axios both claimed that schools in the state are not teaching CRT. We have to make sure that we are not indoctrinating our kids and that these policies and these ideas never see the light of day, Sanders said, explaining why she believes the executive order was necessary. Sanders added, We should never teach our kids to hate America or that America is a racist and evil country. Under her executive order, teachers can still teach students about the sins of Americas past, but they cannot instruct students to hate this country. CRT emerged in academia in the 1970s. According to the book Critical Race Theory, co-author Richard Delgado explains: the movement came about with a "collection of activists and scholars engaged in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power. ... Unlike traditional civil rights discourse, which stresses incrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law." Sanders raised concerns that the theory presents an overly harsh, inaccurate depiction of the country. During the interview with Bream, the governor also outlined her plans for an education reform package to improve students literacy and career readiness, stating that she intends for Arkansas to have the largest conservative education reform package in the next legislative session. Bream highlighted some critics' concerns with Sanders support for school vouchers, which would provide public money for students to attend school outside their ZIP code. The Fox News host also noted that critics are concerned that Sanders wants to roll back the states income tax, as Arkansas teachers salaries are among the lowest in the country. According to World Population Review, the average salary for teachers in Arkansas is $52,486, compared to Mississippis average of $47,162, which reported the lowest average teacher salary. In response, Sanders said that the states current budget for education is not producing the results that students and parents deserve, asserting that Arkansas can do better with its money. I absolutely think that we can, and we should raise teacher pay and put incentives where they need to be, she added. We need to reward our hard-working teachers. Thats part of the education package that were going to roll out here in the next couple of weeks. But we also have to make sure that those teachers are delivering for our students and that parents are empowered to make the best decisions possible for how and where their kid can be best educated. Sanders is not the only governor that has expressed support for school vouchers. As The Christian Post has previously reported, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott openly endorsed school choice last May. Abbott said parents should be allowed to use taxpayer dollars to send their children to the school of their choice. Robert Francis "Beto" ORourke, who ran for governor against Abbott and lost, disagreed, citing fears that school vouchers could cripple traditional public schooling in rural areas. In July, Arizona adopted one of the country's most expansive school choice laws, ensuring that all K-12 students are eligible for scholarship funds. Families who participate in the program receive $6,500 a year per child for private school, homeschooling, tutoring or micro-schools. Kentucky church ministry builds 1,000th ramp for those in need A Kentucky church's ministry founded in the 1990s to build handicap-accessible ramps has just completed the construction of its 1,000th ramp. The Reidland United Methodist Men Ramp Ministry, based in Paducah, built the 1,000th ramp on Wednesday, having built ramps for people in need in the western Kentucky area since they launched in 1995. Joe Burkhead, the head of the ramp-building ministry who has been a volunteer with them since its inception, told The Christian Post that the group started out as an extension of Reidland UMCs Helping Hands ministry work. Our UMM group did a lot of help projects for our older church members, Burkhead explained. Our then-President Bill Thistlewood fielded a request from a community asking if we could build a handicap ramp for a person in need. Billy came to me and asked if I would take charge of that request, which I gladly did. Although they did not originally intend to have the ramps be a ministry unto itself, soon after finishing the first one, the UMM chapter began receiving requests from others who needed ramps. The first year they completed five ramps, the following year they built 10, and by the eighth or so years after, they were averaging as many as 50 ramps built annually. We completed 60 this past year more than Id prefer asking our guys to do, but weve been swamped with requests the past year-plus, and until recently have been running three to four months behind, Burkhead said. Burkhead told CP that while there has been a lot of turnover with volunteers over the past 27 years and he is the last original member, he felt that right now, we have perhaps the best core group of builders weve ever had. We had an extended period of low numbers about three or four years ago, and I was personally really struggling to keep the ministry going. God answered some prayers, and suddenly we were up to a very solid crew again, he said, noting that people from outside Reidland UMC are now part of the ministry. Our core group now includes a Roman Catholic, two Baptists, and an Independent, and we have at least three other part-timers who are not members of our church. Nearly all of the ramps have been built within 25 miles of the church property, although on one occasion, Burkhead recalled, they built one in Mississippi that stretched for over 100 feet and, at one point, was nearly 7 feet off the ground. We always hope that recipients and their relatives take away the realization that God has hands and feet at work here on Earth, and that they are the beneficiary of His love and grace, not our carpentry, said Burkhead. I often tell my fellow building brothers that they deserve the privilege of heading up the ministry for a few months, just so they can experience the joy and satisfaction of recipients appreciation and initial reaction. NAMB church planter Clint Clifton dies in plane crash: 'His passion for the kingdom was always on display' Clint Clifton, a church planter with the North American Mission Board, tragically died in a plane crash in Georgia on Thursday at the age of 43, sparking an outpouring of grief from the church planting community. In an email sent to NAMB and Send Network staff and missionaries, NAMB President Kevin Ezell revealed Clifton died in a small plane crash in north Georgia on Thursday evening. Clifton was the only person in the plane and was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident, according to the Dawson County News. God generously gifted Clint in so many ways. He had a pastors heart and was a talented church planter with a passion for reaching people for Christ. He loved what we do here at NAMB and poured his heart and life into it. We miss him already and he leaves a void that cant be filled, Ezell wrote. As we pray for and encourage Clints family and closest friends, lets all take care of each other as we walk through the grief and shock of this moment. Nothing can prepare you for news like this, but we have a Savior who will carry us and sustain us in the days ahead. According to Dawson County News, the crash occurred Thursday evening but was not reported until Friday morning. Clifton was reportedly in his personal plane when the accident occurred. Clifton and his wife, Jennifer, had been married since 2000 and had five children: Noah, Ruthe, Isaiah, Betchina and Moses. Clifton hosted the New Churches podcast and served in numerous ministry positions throughout the Southeast prior to planting Pillar Church in Dumfries, Virginia, where he served as an elder, according to Baptist Press. In a letter sent to the members of Pillar Church, Colby Garman, teaching pastor of Pillar Church, said the news of Cliftons death comes as a tidal wave of sorrow to both the church and his family. There are not adequate words to express the feeling of loss that they have experienced. In addition to being a great pastor he was a better husband and father, he said. We share in the sorrow and loss with them not only because in Christ we have been made family together but also because of the powerful and practical impact Clints life has had on all of us. He was a special person that we are going to miss so deeply. It is impossible to imagine Pillar Church without his unique passion and joyful presence. In a social media post on Friday night, pastor and author David Platt mourned Cliftons passing. Words can't express the respect I have for Clint as a husband, dad, church planter, & friend. I'm stunned & really sad. And I really long for the day when news like this is no more, he wrote. Please pray for Clint's amazing wife, Jennifer, & their incredible kids. Trevin Wax, NAMB vice president for research and resource development, said his team was stunned by the loss. Clint was a gifted leader who loved pouring his life into mentoring and resourcing church planters. His passion for the kingdom was always on display, and he devoted ceaseless energies into seeing pastors strengthened and equipped for mission. In a recent Instagram post, Clifton revealed he was gearing up for the release of a new book titled How to Start a Residency, which he said answers nine practical questions about turning everyday members into ministry leaders. In a 2014 interview with The Christian Post, Clifton shared his passion for bringing the Gospel to underserved communities and areas resistant to the Good News. "The truth is, lost people don't see a need for new churches so the communities are always resistant to churches, especially churches that are clear on the Gospel," said Clifton. "It's an uphill battle planting churches in a city that doesn't see a use for them. The challenges are numerous, the city is expensive, the culture is diverse but Jesus saves. His Gospel is powerful and will grow wherever it's planted. In his email, Garman reminded Pillar Church members that as believers, they "do not sorrow as those without hope." "As you process this news I would encourage you to bring your sorrows to the Lord and share the burden with one another," he wrote. Share stories together of Clints impact on your life, give fresh consideration to the purpose God has given each of your lives, and endeavor to make the most of the moments God has given us to walk together." This week in Christian history: Missionary bids farewell, English bishop martyred Throughout the extensive history of the Church, there have been numerous events of lasting significance. Each week brings anniversaries of impressive milestones, unforgettable tragedies, amazing triumphs, memorable births and notable deaths. Some of the events drawn from over 2,000 years of history might be familiar, while others might be previously unknown by most people. The following pages highlight anniversaries of memorable events that occurred this week Jan. 15-21 in Christian history. They include a missionary to China writing a farewell letter, an influential American Baptist minister founding a church, and the martyrdom of Saint Henry. 1 2 3 4 Next Voters recall school board members who wanted to keep kids' trans identities secret from parents Residents of a small town in Maine have voted to recall two school board members over their support for a policy that would allow school district employees to keep students' gender confusion and their chosen identities secret from parents. Voters in the small town of Paris, Maine, part of the Maine School Administrative District 17, voted to recall two school board members who supported a proposed policy that would allow school employees to withhold from parents details about their child's struggles with gender identity. The town reported on its Facebook page that 333 Paris residents voted to oust school board members Julia Lester and Sarah Otterson on Tuesday, while 243 voted against the recall. The Lewiston Sun Journal reported that the school board voted to table the proposed policy at a Dec. 5 meeting. It would have required Oxford Hills School District to accept a students assertion of their gender identity when there is a consistent assertion while at school. In the case of a student who has not yet informed their parent(s)/guardian(s), the administrator shall first discuss parent/guardian involvement with the student to avoid inadvertently putting the student at risk by contacting their parent(s)/guardian(s), the proposed policy stated. The student shall be notified by the administrator prior to contacting their parent(s)/guardian(s). The tabled policy added: ... in the event that a student and their parent or legal guardian do not agree with regard to the students gender identity or gender expression, the school shall abide by the wishes of the student with regard to their gender identity and gender expression while at school. In other words, the policy would have required the school district to address trans-identified students by their chosen pronouns and non-legal names even if parents insisted their child be addressed by their legal name and biological sex. The policy also would have allowed students to enter opposite-sex bathrooms and locker rooms. Thus, male students who self-identified as female would have been allowed to enter girls' restrooms, locker rooms and showers and vice versa. The Sun Journal reported that nearly 700 voters signed a petition calling for the recall of Lester and Otterson following outrage over the policy, leading the town of Paris to schedule a special election on Jan. 10. Lester resigned before the recall vote and has been replaced. The Paris Board of Selectmen will appoint a replacement for Otterson at a special meeting Tuesday night. The recall of Lester and Otterson comes as schools across the U.S. face scrutiny and outrage from parents over policies designed to keep their child's chosen gender identities a secret from them while at school and allow students confused about their gender to go by different names and opposite-sex pronouns. Last year, a judge in Montgomery County, Maryland, dismissed a lawsuit over the school districts policy ordering school officials to address students by their legal birth name when communicating with their parents but using the student's chosen name and gender in the classroom. Meanwhile, parents in Leon County, Florida, sued the school district for concealing the fact that they were referring to their daughter with they/them pronouns without their consent. Shortly thereafter, the Republican-controlled Florida Legislature passed a measure defending parental rights in education that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law early last year. The law requires schools to keep parents informed about any changes to their childs mental, emotional or physical health, including confusion about their gender. In Virginia, the Department of Education released a directive last year requiring schools to keep parents informed about all aspects of their childs psychological development, including their gender identity, and required students to submit legal documents before schools can refer to them by their chosen name and gender identity. Nick Vujicic tells Sadie Robertson Huff that churches are at risk of dying unless they do 2 things Nick Vujicic joined Sadie Robertson Huff on her "Whoa That's Good" podcast, where he warned that churches are at risk of dying unless they shift their focus. Vujicic, an evangelist known worldwide for his testimony of being born without limbs, continues to be a source of encouragement and an example of overcoming insurmountable odds with the love of family and the power of God. During the podcast, which focused on the topic of "How to Not Tap Out When Things Get Hard," Vujicic and Robertson Huff, who came to fame on the A&E reality TV series "Duck Dynasty," discussed tithing, cohabitation, suicide, depression and Jesus' command to fulfill the Great Commission. I believe we're all part of the Great Commission if we actually engage, Vujicic said in the episode that aired Wednesday. He warned that far too often, unhealthy churches avoid reaching the lost because they are too focused on collecting tithes and talking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I think the Church will be absolutely dead if they do not do two things, which is: reach the lost [and] actually disciple middle of the road. Not too charismatic and not too conservative, not denying the power of the Holy Spirit [and] not really emphasizing the gifts as much as the basics, which I think we've lost, added Vujicic, who has phocomelia syndrome, a rare condition that led to him being born without arms and legs. Too many people are overly concerned about tithing in the Church and about which way the world is going, Vujicic warned, when they should really be concerned about where the Church is going. We talk too much about tithing. We talk too much about the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be talking about tithing. But we have to start telling the youth, Hey, let's go back to keeping your pants on and what did you read from Monday to Saturday this week? Vujicic said. Until we teach our 16-year-olds in the church to keep their pants on and actually read their Bible from Monday to Saturday if something doesn't change, man, it's gonna be a remnant. I'm praying, not for revival in the way that America's praying for revival. I'm praying for a healthy Church, especially in Gen Z. Vujicic noted that one way to fulfill the Great Commission is through preaching the Gospel in truth because that is what sets people free, starting with each individual congregation. He said that one topic that weighs heavy in the Church is the question of sex and cohabitation outside of the biblical covenant of marriage. Vujicic said that he dated his wife for 12 months, and then they were engaged for six months before they got married. You know, we hear about all these stories of ... We know we're Christian, we know we're going to eventually get married. So, it's OK if we live together. No, it's not. It's OK if we sleep together. No, it's not! Vujicic exclaimed. If your man of God can't show you in action [that they can put] God first now, how on Earth do you expect him to show God being put first in your marriage? If you can't put God first now, do not fool yourself. You are believing an absolute lie, Vujicic warned. But that shame and guilt and condemnation, I want you to know that there is no shame or guilt and condemnation for those in Christ Jesus because those who are in Christ Jesus [can] repent of your sin and find restitution for your soul. Stop with your unbelief. At the beginning of the podcast episode, Vujicic also touched on the topic of depression. He shared that he was bullied in adolescence because of his missing limbs and that led him to attempt suicide. However, he eventually discovered Christ and gave His life to Jesus. As much as I had a loving home, I didn't feel like I had purpose or worth. And especially the bullying magnified all the fear in my life about the future. I convinced myself I'd never get a job, be independent, be happy, never get married, never find true love. At 10, I attempted suicide in my bathtub in 6 inches of water, Vujicic shared. And I was stopped by one thought, realizing I am going to leave just more pain with my parents. So at age 15, I gave my life to Jesus. And it was a turnaround of years of starting to be thankful for what I had, instead of being angry for what I didn't have. The Scripture that Vujicic said changed his life was John Chapter 9 when Jesus healed a man who had been blind from birth. People asked Jesus, Why was [the blind man] born that way? And Jesus said: It was done so that the works of God will be revealed through Him. And what changed my life was not that He healed the blind man. What changed my life is that the blind man didn't ask any questions and He didn't stop Jesus from doing the miracle, Vujicic said. And that's when I realized, whether God will heal me or not, if I don't get a miracle, I can still be one. And the greatest miracle of all is my soul being saved, knowing Jesus and helping other people know that He loves them too. Although Vujicic has been able to overcome depression on many occasions, he admitted that sometimes he still struggles. In February 2021, he received help for depression by having 10 one-hour therapy sessions. When you look at the word disabled and you put a G O in front of disabled, it spells God is able. To do what? To do exceedingly, abundantly more than you could ever ask, imagine or attain. But that doesn't mean though that I don't go through depression, Vujicic admitted. I think all of us, at times, on some level, bottle up emotions and we don't believe that we need the heart and the mind to always be in a healthy connect. Christians tend to deny their capacity to experience depression, Vujicic said, because they often paint a false narrative that if you have God, youll never face hardships. I want all our listeners to know that it's not about just the joy of the Lord and just hoping that 2023 is going to be good and [that] we claim this in Jesus' name its going to be better, Vujicic said. I'm kind of sick of all that as much as embracing the fact that you're going to have higher highs and lower lows. We go through the ups and downs. Everyone in the Bible had ups and downs. And in that, He ruthlessly perfects those who He royally elects. Chris Pratt 'wouldn't change a thing' in speech about God, prayer Actor Chris Pratt said that he wouldnt change a thing about his 2018 MTV Speech in which he told audiences that God loves them and stressed the importance of prayer. In a recent Instagram post, the Jurassic Park actor reflected on a speech he gave after accepting the Generation Award at the MTV Movie & TV Awards. In the speech, he outlined several points of advice for his audience, much of it infused with biblical wisdom. I was given three minutes to impart wisdom to the next generation, he shared. Given the chance to do it again I wouldnt change a thing. Except maybe I wouldnt try to eat the popcorn backstage, the actor captioned a video of the event. The advice included: You have a soul, be careful with it. God is real. God loves you. God wants the best for you; believe that, I do. Learn to pray. It's easy, and it is so good for your soul. Grace is a gift. Like the freedom that we enjoy in this country, that grace was paid for with somebody else's blood. Do not forget that. Don't take that for granted. God bless you, the actor concluded his speech, drawing cheers and applause from the audience. The 43-year-old actor, who recently welcomed his second child with his second wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger, has been open about his Christian beliefs and how they have guided him throughout his life. Pratt and his family attend Zoe Church, pastored by Chad Veach. Pratt told Esquire magazine in 2014 that he was introduced to religion as a rebellious teenager in Maui, Hawaii, by a complete stranger. "This guy came by and was like, 'What are you doing tonight?' I was like, 'Oh, I dunno...' So he's like, 'Will you fornicate tonight?' I was like, 'I hope so.' 'And drugs and drinking?' It's like, 'Most likely, yeah. Probably all three of those things. I mean, at least two of them, possibly all three,'" Pratt said. "He was like, 'I stopped because Jesus told me to stop and talk to you. He said to tell you you're destined for great things.' My friends came out, and I was like, 'Hey, I'm gonna go with this guy.' I gave my soul to Jesus within, like, two days. I was stuffing envelopes for his organization, Jews for Jesus." He also shared how his faith sustained him when, during his first marriage with Anna Faris, their son, Jack, was born five months premature and with significant health issues. "We were scared for a long time. We prayed a lot," he told People magazine. "It restored my faith in God, not that it needed to be restored, but it really redefined it." Pratts boldness hasnt come without a cost. In 2019, actress Ellen Page, who now identifies as Elliot Page, claimed in a tweet that Pratts Church was infamously anti lgbtq. Pratt later denied the allegation in an Instagram story: It has recently been suggested that I belong to a church which hates a certain group of people and is infamously anti LGBTQ. Nothing could be further from the truth. He also clarified in an interview with Mens Health that while he loves God, he takes issue with the ways people have misused religion for evil purposes. I think theres a distinction between being religiousadhering to the customs created by man, oftentimes appropriating the awe reserved for who I believe is a very real Godand using it to control people, to take money from people, to abuse children, to steal land, to justify hatred. Whatever it is. The evil thats in the heart of every single man has glommed on to the back of religion and come along for the ride, he said. In response to the backlash Pratt receives for his faith, Joe Rogan, who has the No. 1 most-listened-to podcast in the United States, commented that people in Hollywood are terrified that if they step outside the lines, they will experience criticism and ostracization from their overwhelmingly liberal and secular colleagues. Chris Pratt gets in trouble because hes Christian, Rogan remarked, explaining that the adverse treatment Pratt has received is unwarranted. He described the actor as the nicest ... guy Ive ever met in my life. ... He's done nothing. Hes so nice. Hes kind of outside of the lines in terms of his ideology. Hes a Christian and pretty open about it, he added. Because of that, they attack him. Its something so simple, like, he just believes in Jesus and he likes to be a good person. DOJ appeals $230 million ruling holding gov't liable for Texas church massacre Less than a year after U.S. District Judge Xavier Rodriguez ruled that the government must pay $230 million to the survivors of the 2017 mass shooting at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, the Department of Justice has filed an appeal, angering some. "I'm feeling kind of hurt and abandoned and really disrespected," Juan "Gunny" Macias, 58, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who was shot five times during the attack on the church told USA Today in response to the DOJs appeal. As the small congregation worshiped at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs on Nov. 5, 2017, former U.S. Air Force airman Devin Kelley, 26, began firing his Ruger AR-556 rifle inside the building shortly after the 11 a.m. service began. Within minutes, 26 people were dead and 22 others, including Macias, were left with serious injuries. At least eight members of one family, including a pregnant mother, were killed. Kelley took his own life after the shooting. Rodriguez ruled in February 2022, that the Air Force was partially responsible for the shooting because it failed to report to an FBI database that tracks criminal history, that when Kelley was discharged in 2014, he had been convicted of assaulting his wife and stepson. The conviction, if reported, would have legally barred Kelley from purchasing or possessing a firearm. Kelley went on to purchase firearms from federal dealers over several years and used three of those guns in his attack on the church. In the U.S. government's appeal filed on Jan. 9 and cited by The New York Times, Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Departments civil division, argued that their failure to report Kelleys conviction should not make them liable for the crimes he committed after he was discharged from the Air Force. That mistake is not a legally proper basis for imposing liability on the United States, or for finding the Air Force more culpable for the deadly massacre than the shooter himself, Boynton argued. The U.S. government withdrew from a mediation process with lawyers for the families of the dead church members and survivors late last year and decided to appeal the decision by Rodriguez. Jamal Alsaffar, a lawyer for the families and survivors, told the New York Times that the decision was a blow to nationwide gun safety efforts and a betrayal by their government. The families offered to settle this case for less than the judges awards and far less than what the D.O.J. settled for in the Charleston and Parkland mass shootings, but they were rejected, Alsaffar said. Dena Iverson, a spokeswoman for Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, told the publication that even though the government has filed an appeal it didnt mean they could not negotiate a settlement in the future. Although the formal mediation has now ended, we remain open to resolving the plaintiffs claims through settlement and will continue our efforts to do so, she said noting that the government will continue our efforts at an out-of-court resolution. John MacArthur 'recovering well' following procedure after health scare Pastor taking a few weeks off ahead of Shepherds Conference Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church of Sun Valley, California, who fell ill about two weeks ago, has been successfully treated for a blockage in his arteries but will take the next few weeks off from preaching, his church said. After a week of tests, the doctors determined that a procedure was needed to clear some blockage in his arteries, Grace Community Church said in a brief update on MacArthurs health. The procedure was very successful, and the pastor is recovering at home and is doing well, the church added in a public statement on Friday. The update said the pastor would not preach for the next few weeks to recover ahead of the Shepherds Conference: "Our pastor is recovering at home and is doing well. He will take the next few weeks off from preaching to recover and to prepare for Shepherds Conference. God has answered our prayers and we can add to those prayers thanksgiving that his situation was identified and resolved. Our pastor is feeling better and is grateful for the opportunity to rest in the coming weeks. The 83-year-old pastor fell ill on Jan. 1, which was a Sunday, and couldnt preach in the second service. We are pleased to report that he is doing well. He saw a doctor on Sunday afternoon, and he is in good health and just needs rest from a busy holiday week, the church stated at the time. "Just so you know, Pastor John had a bug this week and preached our first hour but asked if he might be able to take a break for the second hour," stated an elder, as quoted by Protestia. "So, Mike Riccardi is going to be answering the call. It's pretty, pretty amazing we have guys with sermons in their Bibles wherever you go, and so Mike's going to be here." MacArthur became the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in 1969, a few years after graduating from Biola Universitys Talbot Theological Seminary. During that time, MacArthur reportedly preached over 3,000 sermons. The Grace Community pastor has garnered his share of criticism over the years for his views on women preachers, the Charismatic movement and religious freedom. In 2020, when California issued strict, ongoing lockdown orders during the COVID-19 pandemic, MacArthur's church complied with the first rounds of lockdowns but eventually began gathering in person, engaging in a lengthy legal battle over the issue in which the state threatened to jail the pastor. Eventually, California and Los Angeles County agreed to a settlement with Grace Community Church in which government officials paid $800,000 in legal fees to end the litigation. Last September, MacArthur sent an open letter to California Gov. Gavin Newsom denouncing the elected official's use of the Bible to champion abortion. "You revealed to the entire nation how thoroughly rebellious against God you are when you sponsored billboards across America promoting the slaughter of children, whom He creates in the womb," wrote MacArthur. "You further compounded the wickedness of that murderous campaign with a reprehensible act of gross blasphemy, quoting the very words of Jesus from Mark 12:31 as if you could somehow twist His meaning and arrogate His name in favor of butchering unborn infants." Most Teens View Porn By Age 13, Evangelical Democrat Defends Abortion, Minnesota Forcing Teachers To Affirm LGBT Ideology link to download the audio instead. link to download the audio instead. 09:21 09:21 Nearly three out of every four teenagers have viewed pornography at some point in their lives, with more than half first seeing sexually explicit material by age 13, according to a new study. A freshman Democratic congresswoman who identifies as Evangelical cited a Bible verse often used by pro-lifers when speaking this week against a Republican-sponsored measure mandating medical care for infants born alive after an abortion. The largest United Methodist Church congregation in South Carolina is seriously considering a departure from the mainline Protestant denomination over ongoing debates on homosexuality. A federal court has ruled that Christian colleges and universities can continue to receive funding through Title IX, rejecting LGBT students' efforts to strike down a religious exemption to federal discrimination law. BRUSSELS, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) -- As the auto industry worldwide transitions towards electromobility and the number of Chinese-made "new energy vehicles" sold globally is on a steady increase, more and more carmakers and dealers across Europe consider the competition from Chinese manufacturers an opportunity rather than a threat. After a two-year hiatus, the Brussels Auto Show made a spectacular return on Jan. 14. The 100th edition of this prestigious trade event welcomes visitors until Jan. 22. On display are the cutting-edge electric vehicles and e-mobility technologies of the world's major carmakers. The 55-odd exhibitors include Chinese brands, such as BYD, SERES, BAIC or MG. They display fully electric vehicles as well as hybrid, gasoline and CNG (compressed natural gas) cars. China's leading electric vehicle (EV) maker BYD brought three models to the show: the ATTO 3, the HAN and the TANG, but the company's representatives told Xinhua that other models are also scheduled to be brought to Europe soon. BYD is already present in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium, and this year it will also launch in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and the United Kingdom. Since 2015, China's EV products have dominated the global market. In 2022, the Asian country exported almost 680,000 "new energy vehicles," a 120 percent increase year-on-year. China's breakthrough in Europe's EV market has won praise from many and criticism from some, with the latter arguing that it presents a threat to Europe's established automotive giants. However, many exhibitors asked by Xinhua at the Brussels Auto Show disagreed with this assertion. "We are in favor of a free market, we welcome competition, be it from China or the United States," Jeroen Lissens, head of corporate communications at BMW Group Belux, said. Without competition, the automobile industry would not be as innovative as it is today, he added. German high-end carmaker BMW displays its lineup of "new energy cars," including the fully-electric iX3 manufactured at the company's plant in Shenyang, northeastern China. "China is our biggest market. We are the only foreign carmaker in China having a joint venture with a share of 75 percent. We manufacture cars there," Lissens said. Volkswagen and the brands it owns also display their vision of the future of e-mobility. The German auto giant's show was organized by D'Ieteren, the Brussels-based automobile distribution company. Jean-Marc Ponteville, D'Ieteren's communications director, told Xinhua that the automobile market in Europe is highly competitive, which clearly benefits customers. "Competition is good, it moves the market forward," he said. It obliges carmakers to continue to invest in technology and innovation, he said. "The vehicle industry is by default multinational. Each car is assembled from parts made in different countries, so no car is made in a single country only," Ponteville said. The world's automotive industry is highly internationalized, whether in Europe, the United States, Japan or China. Chinese carmakers employ foreign designers, engineers and technologies, and their supply chains are also multinational. SERES, an EV maker based in southwest China's Chongqing, officially launched its three-model SERES 5 e-SUVs (sports utility vehicles) at the Brussels Auto Show. John Zhang, founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of SERES Global, said he appreciated the global cooperation during the five years of development and testing of the new SUVs. "It doesn't necessarily mean that there is a conflict when the cars come to Europe. SERES is a Chinese brand, but we use a lot of foreign technologies. Our cars are equipped with Bosch cameras, Bosch chips and Pirelli tires, all of which are European products," Zhang told Xinhua. "Today, when we released the new cars, we invited business representatives from the supply chain to attend, including Bosch, industrial robot maker FANUC, tire supplier Pirelli, and many others. Our suppliers welcome us very much. So, this is a win-win situation," he said. "Our secret is the Blade Battery, a fantastic technology," Mike Belinfante, senior public relations at BYD Europe, said. "We offer a platform to other companies in the U.S. or Japan who want to use our technology." "We all want to cooperate. Those who go it alone are bound to lose out. It's our common interest to share our technologies and our experiences," Belinfante said. Biden likens MLK to Moses and Joseph in speech at Ebenezer Baptist Church President Joe Biden compared the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to Moses and Joseph in the Bible as he spoke at a worship service celebrating the life of the famous civil rights leader at Ebenezer Baptist Church, the historic Georgia church where King once served as lead pastor. He followed their path of Moses, a leader of inspiration, calling on people not to be afraid and always keep the faith, Biden told the congregation at the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, the day before the federal Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. He followed the path of Joseph, a believer in dreams and the divinity they carry and the promise they hold, he continued. And like John the Baptist, he prepared us for a greater hope ahead, one who came to bear witness to the light. Martin Luther King Jr. was a non-violent warrior for justice, the president said, adding that he followed the word and the way of His Lord and His Savior. We need to commit to his path, Biden declared. The president also paid tribute to the wife of Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King. My view [is] that this is her day as well, he said. Im God-fearing thanks to my parents and the nuns and priests who taught me at school, but Im no preacher, Biden added. But Ive tried to walk my faith as all of you have. He continued, I stand here inspired by a preacher who was one of my only political heroes Dr. King. His message was spiritual, it was moral to redeem the soul of America that we are all created equal in the image of God, he said. Biden also said its a critical juncture for the United States and the world. "Just as after World War II, the world is changing and its direction will depend on the decisions the country makes." Biden told the congregation it was humbling for him to be the first sitting president to speak at the historic church. In his proclamation on the holiday, Biden said Friday, From the pulpit to the podium to the streets, Dr. King devoted his life to the quest for this Beloved Community in our Nation. His activism and moral authority helped usher in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He gave a voice to the restless spirit of millions yearning for change. He gave us a roadmap to unify, to heal, and to sustain the blessings of the Nation to all of its people. Ebenezer Baptist Church was founded in 1886 and is best known for being the pulpit of the Rev. King Jr., who served as the churchs co-pastor from 1960 until his assassination in 1968. The Rev. Martin Luther King Sr. also served in the leadership of Ebenezer Baptist Church, having overseen various roles from 1927 until his retirement in 1975. At the 9 a.m. service on Sunday, the message was delivered by the churchs pastor, Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock. The church, which boasts approximately 6,000 members, garnered renewed national attention in 2021 when Warnock was elected to the U.S. Senate in a special runoff election. The other day, because this is America, the 82-year-old hands that used to pick somebody else's cotton went to the polls and picked her youngest son to be a United States senator, said Warnock in his victory speech at the time. The improbable journey that led me to this place in this historic moment in America could only happen here. As Biden campaigned for president ahead of the 2020 presidential election, a priest in South Carolina refused to serve him communion due to his abortion advocacy. Supporters of withholding communion from pro-abortion Catholic politicians, both inside and outside the Church hierarchy, point to the Churchs Code of Canon Law as the justification for their position. The Code of Canon Law states that those who are obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion. However, in November 2021, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a document on communion that didnt overtly call for a ban on pro-choice politicians receiving the sacrament. At a general meeting at the time, bishops overwhelmingly approved a document from the USCCBs Committee on Doctrine known as "The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church." Eight bishops voted against the document, while 222 bishops voted in favor. Three abstained. The document also stated that Catholic laity who exercise some form of public authority have a special responsibility to form their consciences in accord with the Churchs faith and the moral law, and to serve the human family by upholding human life and dignity. It read, As Christians, we bear the responsibility to promote the life and dignity of the human person, and to love and to protect the most vulnerable in our midst: the unborn, migrants and refugees, victims of racial injustice, the sick and the elderly. Pennsylvania school board votes to ban activist flags, teachers' partisan views from classroom A Pennsylvania school board has implemented a policy requiring teachers to refrain from engaging in political advocacy in the classroom as concerns about the promotion of LGBT ideology and critical race theory in public schools loom large in American politics. The board of directors for the Central Bucks School District in Bucks County voted to approve Policy 321 at a school board meeting Tuesday, according to NPR news station WESA which reported that the board voted 6-3 in favor of implementing the policy. Neutrality and balance in classroom instruction are desired in order to create an optimal learning environment and atmosphere of inclusiveness, where all students are welcome, the policy states. Because views and beliefs about partisan, political, or social policy matters are often deeply personal, employees should not, during assigned work hours, advocate to students concerning their views or beliefs on these matters. Such advocacy does not contribute to a positive learning climate and may be disruptive, divisive, and distracting. Rather, classroom instruction should relate to approved curriculum. The districts role is to teach students how to think, not want to think, thereby keeping classrooms places of education, not indoctrination, the policy adds. Under the new policy, employees of the Central Bucks School District cannot advocate to students concerning any partisan, political, or social policy issue nor engage in partisan, political or social policy electioneering or campaigning unrelated to employee representative elections. District employees must also refrain from displaying any flag, banner, poster, sign, sticker, pin, button, insignia, paraphernalia, photograph, or other similar material that advocates concerning any partisan, political, or social issue. Employees are also forbidden from distributing political literature such as leaflets, brochures or petitions and requiring students to do the same. The ban on flags has an exception for the American flag and the flag of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. However, district officials are permitted to discuss political topics when directly relevant to the curriculum and appropriate to classroom studies given the students age, class year, and course of study. Policy 321 did not single out any particular ideology by name or give specific examples of what might constitute banned material or advocacy. It does give teachers and school staffers permission to wear small pieces of jewelry, consistent with the professional dress code, that symbolically represent an individuals personal beliefs. This policy is not a prohibition on topics of speech, the document adds. Rather, it is designed to promote education instead of indoctrination or endorsement of partisan, political or social policy matters. In an analogous context, the district has long educated students about world religion but cannot endorse a particular religion. When implementing and enforcing Policy 321, District employees, the Superintendent and principals may be guided by that existing and familiar non-endorsement principle. The Central Bucks School District previously found itself the subject of a complaint filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania to the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice and the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education after the school board and district administration ordered the removal of LGBT pride flags from classrooms and common areas, which they described as inappropriate political symbols. Other actions cited as concerning in the complaint include the implementation of a policy designed to eliminate sexualized content from school libraries and textbooks, which the ACLU of Pennsylvania condemned as an effort to advance censorship of LGBTQ+ content. On Oct. 20, 2022, two weeks after the ACLU of Pennsylvania filed the complaint against Central Bucks School District, the U.S. Department of Educations Office for Civil Rights announced it was opening an investigation into the district. The complaint characterized the ordered removal of pride flags as one of many examples of policies that exacerbated the existing hostile environment for LGBTQ+ students. The ACLU of Pennsylvania attributed the development of such policies to several new directors [joining] the school board following the November 2021 election. The implementation of policies designed to reduce political advocacy in Central Bucks School District comes as parents and community members across the U.S. have descended on school board meetings to express outrage over public schools embrace of critical race theory and inclusion of sexually explicit material as part of the curriculum. For example, the mayor of Hudson, Ohio, called on members of the school board to resign for allowing the use of a book with sexually explicit writing prompts in a college-level English class. Stacy Langton of the Washington, D.C.-area Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia, confronted her school board over the presence of two books with sexually explicit content in the library at her sons high school: Gender Queer and Lawn Boy. She noted that one book describes [the illegal act of child sexual assault of] a fourth-grade boy performing oral sex on an adult male while the other book has detailed illustrations of a man having sex with a boy. As a result of concerns surrounding the content schools are teaching to students, several advocacy groups have emerged in an attempt to draw attention to the problem and change the makeup of the bodies that decide what material is taught to students in public schools. One such endeavor, the 1776 Project PAC, works to elect school board members nationwide who want to reform our public education system by promoting patriotism and pride in American history and abolishing critical race theory and The 1619 Project from the public school curriculum. While the list of endorsed candidates on the 1776 Project PACs website does not include the Central Bucks School District, several of the groups preferred candidates running for school board seats in other Pennsylvania districts during the same election cycle won their races. The organization has also seen several of its preferred candidates secure victory in their races in the major states of Texas and Florida ahead of the 2022 general election and more than 100 of its endorsed candidates win in the November 2022 general election. Religious colleges urged to 'lean into' their identities, not mimic secular universities seeing enrollment drop WASHINGTON Amid a national decline in undergraduate enrollment, representatives from multiple religious colleges and universities gathered Thursday and were encouraged to remain loyal to their faith-based identities as they seek to boost attendance and success. The event, "The Fate of the Religious University," was held at the American Council on Education, consisting of various panels discussing how religious universities should be leaning into their religious identities even as they seek to bolster student enrollment. Some university presidents in attendance included University of Notre Dame President the Rev. John Jenkins, Catholic University of America President Peter Kilpatrick and Yeshiva University President Rabbi Ari Berman. Eboo Patel, president of Interfaith America, was one of the event's opening speakers, stressing that colleges should make their religious identity known and have programs demonstrating interfaith cooperation. He said such programs would prove that their institutions are "reacting positively to other religious communities and working to serve the common good." According to an October report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, the national undergraduate enrollment rate dropped 1.1% during the fall 2022 semester, declining by 4.2% since 2020. Despite this national decline, some Christian universities experienced record highs in enrollment. Commenting on this report, Patel pointed to Council for Christian Colleges & Universities President Shirley Hoogstra and former Brigham Young University-Idaho and Brigham Young University-Pathway President Elder Clark Gilbert's presentations, citing this as a potential reason for the trend. The CCCU is an advocacy organization representing the interests of its 140 member institutions in the United States. "Their institutions are differentiated," Patel told The Christian Post in an interview. "They serve a particular population that seeks to be nurtured in their identity and to have a positive relationship with the world. And those institutions do it very well." "And I think it is the case that many people of faith, of all faiths, they feel like they're in a broader social environment which is hostile to their identity." During his presentation, Gilbert said that for many students, their arrival at a faith-based college might be the first time they feel like they fit in. He told a personal story about his high school experience, saying how, at the time, his friends saw him as the "designated driver" after a night of heavy alcohol consumption. He remembered feeling more at ease once he enrolled in a religious college, a strength Gilbert believes faith-based institutions should capitalize on. Gilbert said religious institutions should not seek to mimic secular colleges and universities but lean into that particular "niche" that makes them unique. Hoogstra agreed, urging colleges to "lean into [their] distinctiveness" during her co-presentation with Gilbert. She also encouraged religious colleges to work on behalf of their community by partnering with local businesses so students can help spread their college's culture. Hoogstra, who formerly served as an executive at Calvin University in Michigan, used as an example a nursing student interning at a local hospital, saying that the student could help the hospital better understand the college's adherence to faith-based values. In an interview with CP, Shoogra said she believes the future of Christian education is "very bright" because religious institutions are honing in on their "distinctiveness." "I think today that the American public and families want to know what they're buying when they get a college education," she said. "So, our campuses are clear about that, and they're different than secular institutions." Hoogstra believes that one of the benefits of CCCU's campuses is that the colleges educate the "whole person," which better prepares students to think and ask questions. Another panel, led by College of Ozarks President Brad Johnson and Brigham Young University-Hawaii President Keoni Kauwe, discussed the innovative ways their schools are helping young people access a college education. Students at the College of Ozarks, affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA, do not pay tuition. Instead, they work 15 hours a week to pay for their education. Johnson said that the campus has a hotel, a restaurant and a stained glass and candle factory. He said the revenue from these features subsidizes the students' education. Johnson said that allowing students to work for their education helps them "know that they belong and can achieve all God wants them to achieve." Kauwe said BYU-Hawaii, affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, functions under a similar model where students fund their education by working at the Polynesian Cultural Center, a tourist attraction. The BYU-Hawaii president said that this enables students to fund their education and celebrate their culture, which creates a sense of "commonness" among the students. He said the celebration of religious identity and diversity is what helps students thrive. Kauwe said schools like the ones he and Johnson oversee must be vocal about the "success" of these models, proving that this is a "viable" way to run an institution. Supreme Court to hear case of Evangelical Christian who asked USPS not to force him to work Sundays The U.S. Supreme Court late Friday said it will hear the civil rights lawsuit of an Evangelical Christian postal worker who resigned from the U.S. Postal Service after it refused to allow him to observe Sunday as the Sabbath. Gerald Groff of Pennsylvania quit USPS in 2019 after a service of about seven years because the Quarryville Post Office in Lancaster County required him to deliver Amazon packages on Sundays. It is unlawful for employers to discriminate against employees on the basis of religion, said Kelly Shackelford, who heads the legal firm First Liberty that is supporting Groffs case, in a statement. Its time for the Supreme Court to reconsider a decades old case that favors corporations and the government over the religious rights of employees. The postmaster initially granted Groffs request, allowing him to work additional shifts on other days of the week instead, but later the USPS offered only proposals that would require Groff to work on Sundays and thereby violate his conscience. Last May, a three-judge panel for the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Groff. Circuit Judge Patty Shwartz, an Obama appointee, wrote that if Groff were to receive exemptions from working on Sundays, the accommodations "would cause an undue hardship" for the postal service. "Exempting Groff from working on Sundays caused more than a de minimis cost on USPS because it actually imposed on his coworkers, disrupted the workplace and workflow, and diminished employee morale," the ruling read. Randall Wenger of the Independence Law Center, which is also supporting Groff, said, Observing the Sabbath day is critical to many faiths a day ordained by God. No one should be forced to violate the Sabbath to hold a job. Aaron Streett of the law firm Baker Botts, which is also helping Groff, explained, We are simply asking the Supreme Court to apply the law as written and require employers to grant meaningful religious accommodations to people of faith. ILC lawyer Jeremy Samek earlier told ABC 27 that its not uncommon for people to request reasonable accommodations at their workplace. Employers are actually required to provide reasonable accommodations. Its something that happens every single day. Samek continued, We should, as a society, seek to reasonably accommodate people with unique religious beliefs, that we can all live and work together in a pluralistic society. At the end of the day, Mr. Groff wants his job back. Its important for him, but its also important for lots of other people who work for the federal government or the post office that they be able to continue their employment and to continue to observe their religious beliefs. Walgreens and CVS: Your neighborhood abortion drug dealers Local pharmacy giants, Walgreens and CVS, are now your neighborhood abortion drug dealers. Thanks to the FDA a taxpayer-funded federal agency where 46% of its budget in 2022 was supplied by Big Pharma abortion pills (mifepristone) can now be sold in retail pharmacies. Alleged hangers have been replaced by actual DIY chemical abortions up to 10 weeks gestation. This is the back alley. Your neighborhood pharmacy has become your de facto community abortion mill. President Biden, who once denounced Roe v. Wade saying it "went too far," is going too far to ensure the violence of abortion is easily accessible no matter the women it harms or how many human lives it kills. Never mind both Walgreens and CVS have been found guilty of corruption by a federal jury for significantly contributing to the opioid crisis. Now the two pharmacy chains have announced theyll happily contribute to the far more fatal abortion crisis (which killed nearly one million humans in 2020). Were coming out of a pandemic where extraordinary (and blatantly unconstitutional) efforts were exerted to, allegedly, save human lives. One would think we had plenty of time, as a society, to do some serious introspection as to the value of every human life. We were all vulnerable to a scourge none of us had seen before in our lifetime. Lockdowns changed us but not enough to value the most vulnerable. Content with losing fundamental rights, the Left became even more radicalized during COVID demanding that killing innocent humans was essential healthcare. Sure, Democrats. And slavery was jobcare. Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), never one to let reality get in the way, celebrated the FDAs alarming and fatal decision. Yet she tweeted recently: State-sanctioned murder is inhumane, unconscionable & has no place in our society. Abortion is state-sanctioned murder. Democrats want abortionists to be able to kill without restrictions, and they demand that taxpayers fund it. And now, of course, they want dangerous abortion pills as easy to access as candy. She bizarrely claims that minorities lack access to abortion. Perhaps thats why abortion is the number one killer of black lives in America, outnumbering the top 10 causes of death combined. Too many lack access to the truth. Pro-abortion Guttmacher reported that there were 930,160 abortions committed in 2020. The CDC identifies 39.2% of those abortions among non-Hispanic black women, 32.7% among non-Hispanic white women, 21.1% among Hispanic women, and 7% comprise the remaining people groups. The abortion rate in the black community is four times higher than whites and over two times higher than Hispanics. How much higher should those abortion rates be, Rep. Pressley? Shes peddling a common lie among the Left that its somehow racist to not want black lives aborted. You know, because those of us fighting black genocide are really doing this for white supremacy! Community activists used to be in an uproar when liquor and cigarette makers disproportionately targeted black communities. Now, Walgreens and CVS are the new death dealers at the corner of stealthy and crappy. Woe is Walgreens Many dont realize the long sordid history Walgreens has when it comes to jeopardizing public health. Let me list a few. There was that 2008 racial discrimination class action lawsuit where the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sued Walgreens for "discriminating against African American retail management and pharmacy employees in promotion, compensation, and assignment." Walgreens settled for $24 million. That same year, Walgreens paid out $35 million to the federal government as a result of a national investigation into its fraudulent prescription altering and billing scheme. The pharmacy was accused of changing prescription dosage without any kind of physician approval and charged Medicaid more for the medications. See. Stealthy and crappy, not so much healthy and happy. In 2013, Walgreens paid $80 million for an an unprecedented number of record-keeping and dispensing violations with millions of controlled substances, including oxycodone. The chain was accused of helping the flow of these drugs to the black market. In 2019, Walgreens agreed to pay a whopping $269 million to settle both federal and state lawsuits for overbilling taxpayer-funded healthcare programs. These are just a few of the corrupt actions of your friendly corporate drug dealer. CVS is a mess In 2009, CVS paid $2.25 million in a joint Federal Trade Commission and Health and Human Services investigation where the chain failed to protect patient information. CVS employees threw away pill bottles with personal and medical information, credit card info, employment applications (with SSN info), and more sensitive material into open dumpsters. In 2016, CVS paid $3.5 million to settle allegations that 50, count em, 50 of its stores filled out bogus prescriptions for addictive painkillers. The pharmacy chain violated the Controlled Substances Act, and the Department of Justice had to act to improve public safety and public health since CVS Health chose not to. In 2022, both Walgreens and CVS agreed to pay a massive $5 billion settlement because of allegations that they enabled the opioid crisis. In 2021, just over 75,000 human lives died from synthetic opioids according to the CDC. But dont worry, this recent reckless FDA decision has nothing to do with politics or profits (wink, wink). The Left loves changing the language. Euphemisms are so much easier than the truth. Self-managed abortions are what they now call these back-alley abortions. Grab a snack, some Kombucha, and a do-it-yourself chemical abortion. Fake feminism wants you to kill in the privacy of your own home, your workplace, your dorm room, or even your churchs restroom. Women (yes, the only ones who can get pregnant) you deserve so much better than the violence of abortion. Making it easier to access never reduces the complicated emotional, mental and spiritual trauma that follows. There is easy access to a network of pregnancy help centers, staffed by those whove been exactly where you are. They will love you through your journey and dont profit from any decision you make. Unlike Planned Parenthood or a local abortion drug dealer, they see your value and the equal value of the life you carry within. Shooting at London church leaves 7-year-old girl fighting for her life Police in London are on the lookout for the gunman who opened fire on mourners gathered outside a church for a memorial service. The mass shooting left a 7-year-old girl fighting for her life and five others wounded. The shooting occurred outside St. Aloysius Roman Catholic church in Phoenix Road during a Saturday afternoon memorial for 50-year-old Fresia Calderon and her 20-year-old daughter, Sara Sanchez, who died within days of each other last November, according to The Sunday Times. Sanchez has been battling leukemia and died three weeks after her mother died from a pulmonary embolism on a flight from Colombia to London. At least four women aged 21, 41, 48 and 54 and a 12-year-old girl were also injured in the shooting outside Euston railway station in central London, The Sunday Times reported, adding that the 7-year-old girl was in a life-threatening condition. The 12-year-old girl sustained a minor leg injury and the adult victims have been treated for non-life-threatening injuries. The 48-year-olds injuries could be life-changing, according to reports. Police said on Sunday they are looking for the suspects' vehicle, which is believed to be a black Toyota. Hundreds of people were attending the memorial service when shots were fired from the vehicle. "We believe the suspects discharged a shotgun from a moving vehicle, which was a black Toyota C-HR, likely a 2019 model or similar," said Superintendent Jack Rowlands of the Metropolitan Police. An area resident told The Daily Mail that an emergency services helicopter had made an aborted landing near the railway station before flying off and eventually landing in a nearby school playground. When the service finished, we were outside to see the flying of doves [released as part of the memorial service]. A black car came and started to shoot bullets. It was chaotic, a witness was quoted as saying. Another witness said, according to MyLondon, No one knew if it was a bomb or gunman. We were looking for places to hide. We all just snuggled into corners where we could. We left after about 10 minutes, I did not dare [leave before]. A police source told the Mail that the gunman jumped out of the car and started firing into the crowd. Police Superintendent Ed Wells was quoted as saying that while any shooting incident is unacceptable, it is shocking when multiple people, including two children, are injured. Our thoughts are with all the victims, but in particular with the 7-year-old girl who is in a life-threatening condition and with her family, Wells said, adding that officers and specialist detectives were investigating the case. I can assure the communities of Camden and beyond that we will do everything we possibly can to identify and bring to justice those who were responsible. The Mail suggested that the gunman may have been targeting a particular guest at the memorial service to seek revenge. People are saying the intended target of the shooting was a man who attended the service, a woman who attended the service was quoted as saying. Theres speculation that it was some sort of revenge attack. Voice of the Martyrs adds 4 African countries to list of nations hostile to Christians A persecution watchdog has added four more African countries to the list of the worlds most dangerous and difficult places to follow Christ in its 2023 prayer guide for churches. Announcing the launch of its annual 2023 Global Prayer Guide, The Voice of the Martyrs, which has tracked the persecution of Christians worldwide since 1997, said it has added and designated Benin, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique and Niger as hostile nations. VOM explained that the hostile designation includes nations or large areas of countries where national governments attempt to provide protection for the Christian population, but Christians are routinely persecuted by family, community members and/or extremist groups because of their witness. The Global Prayer Guide is free to anyone who requests a copy here and was created to inform and equip Christians worldwide with how best to pray for their persecuted brothers and sisters. Benin, which borders western Nigeria, is considered the birthplace of voodoo, and many in the north view Christianity as a threat to their traditional beliefs. Jihadi violence increased in Benin during the second half of 2022, according to another watchdog, International Christian Concern, which says extremist groups linked to al Qaeda and the Islamic State have been waging war in the Sahel for several years. However, the violence is slowly creeping south and west into neighboring states, including Burkina Faso and Benin. Christians account for roughly 30% of the population of 13.3 million in this small West African nation, and Evangelicals about 8%. In Congo, the church in the eastern parts is under immense pressure, VOM explains, as Islamist groups severely persecute Christians there, raiding villages, destroying churches and brutally killing hundreds of believers. Last October, a group of nongovernmental organizations urged the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to allow Congolese citizens to remain in the United States with a work permit as they face the possibility of severe persecution by Islamic extremist groups in their home country. ICC also warned at the time that Christians in the eastern DRC were suffering persecution at the hands of extremist groups like the Allied Democratic Forces, an Islamic extremist group mainly active in the eastern North Kivu province near the border with Uganda. "Though the Congolese government is pushing back against these terrorist groups, insufficient attention is paid to Christian communities, which are targeted for their differing religious beliefs," ICC stated at the time. "ICC has witnessed the violence in the DRC firsthand, in one instance coming across the still-smoking wreckage of a car attacked by terrorists in June of this year. Just days later, at least 10 Christians were killed when an Islamist extremist group ambushed their three vehicles near the village of Makisabo, Beni. The Allied Democratic Forces, an Islamist extremist group, allegedly blocked the road, shot all the passengers, and set the vehicles on fire." VOM added that in Mozambique, an Islamic insurgency that started in 2019 continues to create chaos and instability in the northern province of Cabo Del Gado. Islamic extremists have been exploiting a crisis in the coastal province of Cabo Delgado. A civil war started in 2017 over the area rich with gas, rubies, graphite, gold and other natural resources. Protesters demonstrated against what they say is profits going to an elite in the ruling Frelimo Party, with few jobs for local residents. In Niger, radical Islamists from countries surrounding the nation, including Mali, Burkina Faso and Nigeria, are attacking Christians inside the country with increasing frequency, VOM said. The ongoing spread of radical Islam on the African continent is increasing the daily danger for our Christian brothers and sisters there, VOM spokesperson Todd Nettleton said. The first thing that persecuted Christians ask Christians in free nations to do for them is to pray. In March 2021, over 130 people and nearly two dozen children were killed in a series of suspected Islamic extremist raids in Niger. In 2020, the U.S. State Department created a special envoy position to monitor rising extremism in Africa's Sahel region as al Qaeda and Islamic State-aligned militants were expanding their footholds. Along with the Global Prayer Guide, VOM also offers resources on its app for iOS and Android and the website, icommittopray.com. Fifteen years ago, I oversaw the move from an in-house payroll function to a third-party provider. I thought the project had been going fairly well until I got a call from the providers account manager. He was sorry to be the bearer of bad news, he said, but the laptop of the business analyst who had been working with us onsite had been stolen from his (unlocked) car when he stopped for petrol. This was particularly unfortunate, the contrite account manager told me, because it held an unencrypted copy of our staff payroll database. Funding organisations in the UK do not have the best track record of demonstrating diversity in the way we are governed, run and in the funding we award. At board and executive staff levels in particular, traditional hiring practices have favoured those from senior and highly professionalised backgrounds. And research by the Association of Charitable Foundations in 2018 showed that boards of charitable funders were 99% white, 60% over 65 and 68% male. But there is progress, and many funders are now committing themselves to bringing in the lived and learned expertise of people from more diverse backgrounds. Were also being increasingly challenged rightly so by external scrutineers like those behind the Foundation Practice Rating initiative. My organisation, the Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland, is the largest independent funder in North East England, awarding grants of around 7m-8m annually. Were also the largest community foundation in the UK by asset size. We support small, local charities and community organisations through funds set up by individual, family and institutional donors who are looking to make a difference. Growing giving and philanthropy to benefit our area now and for generations to come is at the heart of our work. In December I tried to volunteer at a charity Christmas concert. I applied online to the job ad, received a prompt reply from the charitys volunteer development officer, filled in the form she sent me and soon received a confirmation email. Two weeks later I donned coat, hat and gloves and headed out into the freezing cold to do my shift. I found the church closed and in darkness. I texted, emailed and tried to call the volunteer development officer but received no reply. I then texted the fundraising manager, and later that evening received an apologetic text stating that the concert had been cancelled a week earlier and she wasnt aware I had been due to volunteer. I have still heard nothing from the volunteer development manager who communicated with me in the first place. If this was just a rare glitch, it wouldnt matter so much. But we continue to hear similar stories about people who have tried to volunteer with charities often as trustees and had a less-than-satisfactory experience. So, if your charity is still searching for a useful new years resolution, you could do worse than ensuring that your systems and processes for handling volunteers are fit for purpose. On a more positive note, kudos to Eileen Chubb, director of the charity Compassion in Care which runs a whistleblowing hotline for people working in the care sector. Eileen was so enraged by Matt Hancocks appearance on Im A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here that she called in to James OBriens radio show on LBC and gave an emotional interview about the former health secretarys failure to even respond to any of the 42 special reports that the charity sent him during the Covid pandemic, warning of the huge risks that care home staff and patients were being exposed to as a result of his governments policies. The seven-minute call was authentic and hugely compelling, and Compassion in Care later tweeted that Since Eileen spoke to @mrjamesob last week, we have had the biggest response we have ever experienced. We want to thank everyone who has contacted us. It was a powerful reminder that there are many tools and tactics that charities can use to get their messages and stories out into the public domain, and they neednt cost the earth or take up loads of time. In fact, Ive been noticing quite a few charities making themselves heard recently. Another example was the joint campaign in the autumn by the National Trust, Wildlife Trusts and RSPB, condemning the attack on nature that would ensue from then-prime minister Liz Trusss calamitous mini-budget. The charities swift, eloquent response garnered extensive column inches and helped to pile on the pressure for the new governments proposals and personnel, as it turned out to be scrapped. If your charity has done any campaigning that it is particularly proud of or any other work, for that matter please do enter it in this years Charity Awards, now open for applications at charityawards.co.uk. As we kick off another year that threatens to be bleak and difficult for the sector, beset by rising costs, soaring demand for services and a squeeze on individual donations and statutory funding, it is all the more important that we celebrate charities endeavours and keep highlighting the vital role that they play in our society. sign up to receive the Civil Society News daily bulletin here . For more news, interviews, opinion and analysis about charities and the voluntary sector, LISTEN NOW: Apple or Spotify At the start of January, Jon Allsop, chief writer of the Columbia Journalism Reviews newsletterThe Media Today, tuned back in to the news after a two-month hiatus. On this weeks Kicker, Allsop discusses what he found upon his return: a ghost land of a Twitter feed and a keen awareness of the trivial nature of much of the news. In conversation with Kyle Pope, CJRs editor and publisher, Allsop also talks about what media trends hell be monitoring in the new year. Other CJR staffersPesha Magid, a Delacorte fellow; Mathew Ingram, CJRs chief digital writer; and Amanda Darrach, a contributing producerdiscuss the media issues theyre watching in a round-robin discussion with Pope. Dont forget to subscribe to CJRs revamped daily newsletter, and listen to our new podcast, Red Pen: A Grammar Podcast. MORE READING What were watching in 2023, The Editors, Columbia Journalism Review The Media Today is back, Jon Allsop, Columbia Journalism Review A photojournalist who captured a horrifying photo of a family killed in Ukraine said she witnessed a war crime, Lauren Frias, Insider Fear Still Remains: Ukraine Finds Sexual Crimes Where Russian Troops Ruled, Carlotta Gall, New York Times Emily Russell is a CJR fellow. With a short reception, the Enfield Historical Society recently opened its exhibit of the Ujima African American Alliance the first African American organization to be officially formed in the town. This is a very historical event, said Rosalind Swift, founder of the Ujima African American Alliance. I was quite surprised when I started researching and find out that there had never been a nonprofit Black organization, officially formed in Enfield. Swift said Ujima was formed in 2017, as an off-shoot of People Empowering People (PEP). Ujimas mission has been one of education and forming partnerships. The main thing is getting involved in the community, she said. As part of our mission, were hoping we can get more people of color involved in the community involved in commissions and politics, if they want to be, to really build and work together for a more inclusive community. There are a lot of firsts that have been happening here in Enfield, said Mayor Bob Cressotti, alluding to the towns first Juneteenth celebration last summer, among other events. I know Enfield is moving in that direction. This is what were looking for in Enfield, to have that partnership. We will continue to work together, to partner, and make this exhibit bigger and better. The exhibit features items from Ujimas foundation to present. The museum was given photos, news articles, a shirt, and other items by Ujima, but the goal is that ongoing contributions will be forthcoming. As more of Enfields Black history is learned, more items will be submitted to the museum. Enfield Mayor Bob Cressotti and Town Manager Ellen Zoppo-Sassu check out the items donate to the museum, as part of the Ujima Exhibit. Im excited about this first step, and looking forward to many other steps, Swift said. We plan to start going way back, but as we continue to do new things, we plan to add that too. This is just a start. We have a lot of ideas and things we want to do. Mike Miller, of the historical society, said he welcomes the exhibit and the partnership with Ujima. We realize that there are a lot of holes in the history and stories that we tell, Miller said. Some of it is because the information has just been lost, and some if it is because somebody needs to get out there and do some digging. Im really looking forward to working with you and helping to fill some of our holes. Enzima Hutchings, who is on the board of Ujima, as well as the Enfield Culture and Arts Commission, said she is happy to be a part of the historic occasion. This is a beautiful team, and working hard to make waves here, she said. Im excited that everyone is excited about being here. Chad Woodyard, Ujima chairman, said hes grateful to have the opportunity to have the exhibit in the museum. It is a start. We have a long way to go, Woodyard said, adding how important history is. Anything that happened in America is American history. No matter how bad, it needs to be talked about, he said. We cant hide from it, but we should be able to have civil conversations about what has happened, without getting anger at each other. None of us did those horrific things, but they happened. Those are the gaps that will be filled in. Woodyard added that Enfield had an instrumental role in the Underground Railroad, and that is something else that needs to be researched further. Cressotti said that hes interested in learning more about Enfields black history. Mayor Bob Cressotti said he welcomes the exhibit and looks forward to learning more about Enfields African American history. I am thrilled to be starting to learn about how the African Americans came here, what was their role, was it in farming, or how many were employed at Bigelow Carpet Factory. These are the things that we really want to find out about Enfield history, he said. Town Manager Ellen Zoppo-Sassu said she also sees the exhibit as important to the town. A historical society is often labeled as nostalgic and from the past, she said, but really, the role of a historical society is to constantly examine the stories of the past, find the gaps, find those missing stories and fill them in. For more information, visit https://enfieldhistoricalsociety.org/ or visit Ujima African American Alliance on Facebook. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, January 16) Despite having only two senators in the opposition, Senate Minority leader Koko Pimentel on Monday said he believes the whole upper chamber will not let the controversial Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) just easily pass and be a law. We will really scrutinize this and I think although we only have a 2-person minority, I believe that the 22-person majority will also scrutinize this measure, he told CNN Philippines The Source. Speaking to reporters on Sunday, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said he will explain to business leaders who are attending the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland that his administration aims to establish the Maharlika fund for investments in agriculture, energy, digitalization, and climate change, among others. The forum is a great venue for a soft launch of the MIF given its prominence and its participants, Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Carlos Sorreta earlier said. However, Pimentel disagrees. The opposition senator earlier said a soft launch of the bill is premature. He also said this move may only pressure the senators to pass the controversial bill, which was swiftly approved by the House of Representatives. If the president announces this therefore it is premature and the more dangerous effect is this will be an indirect way of pressuring the Senate to blindly approve this measure which we should not, Pimentel explained. The senator said that the current version of the bill is not well thought of, it is not well written, and it has internal inconsistencies or contradictions. One of the issues he raised is on funding. House Bill 6608 states that the initial capitalization of the fund will be from the Landbank of the Philippines (Landbank) worth 50 billion, and the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) worth 25 billion. It also noted that subsequent annual contributions, specifically in the first and second year of implementation, the Bangko Setral ng Pilipinas (BSP) shall remit 100% of its declared dividends, the bill said. In the succeeding years, the BSP shall remit 50% of its declared dividends to the MIF, and other half to the national government to fund the increase in the capitalization of the BSP. Pimentel said these funds already have their purpose since these help banks run in prudent manner to maintain the ratios required by the BSP. If we move this from the balance sheets of DBP and Landbank of the Philippines then they will be, they might be already falling below the ratios or the reserve requirements required by the Bangko Sentral, he pointed out. Moreover, requiring the BSP to remit dividends will deprive the national government of some cash flow, he said. What will replace the cash flow from a dividend of a governmental body like the BSP, either higher taxes or more borrowings so balik din po tayo (we just go back), Pimentel said. The Maharlika Corporation actually will be another reason to incur more borrowings. The House approved the proposed Maharlika Investment Fund on Dec. 15, barely two weeks after it was filed on Nov. 28 by House Speaker Martin Romualdez, presidential son and Ilocos Norte Rep. Sandro Marcos, and four other lawmakers. It was received by the Senate on Dec. 19, but the upper chamber has yet to tackle the proposed measure. Representatives of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency out of Boston will be in Hartford Tuesday to review residents ongoing claims of flooding and sewage backups. Residents and activists contacted the agency due to ongoing incidents of flooding and sewage backups in Hartfords North End and concerns that lack of action is tied to the location in the city. Residents said they feel unheard by some elected officials and the Metropolitan District Commission. Renewed attention was drawn to the issue after late summer storms in 2021 dumped record-setting rain in hours and by that October, residents and business owners in Hartfords North End were still cleaning up the mess, some having seen human feces floating in their basements. Even then, property owners had been demanding a solution to flooding troubles that have plagued the Upper Albany, Blue Hills and Northeast neighborhoods for years, or in some cases decades. After a host of more recent discussions, an EPA official confirmed with community activist Bridgitte Prince that the agency will be coming into the city, to meet with residents who have experienced the issues. Documents shared with the Courant show the agency already has obtained records of residents complaints. The meeting is at 3 p.m. Tuesday, the Courant learned. The plan is to initially meet at the American Legion, 2121 Main St., and then travel to different neighborhoods where residents will talk about flooding issues at their homes, Prince said. Metropolitan District Commission Communications Administrator Nick Salemi said Friday that he was not aware of the meeting Tuesday, the agency was not invited to it and he could not comment on it. Salemi, however, did say that he knew the EPA would be in the city Wednesday and Thursday to review the MDCs ongoing Clean Water Project. The $2 billion project is intended to control and reduce the overflow of untreated sewage into local waterways, according to the agency. When flooding issues were broached in late 2021, Scott Jellison, MDCs executive director, said it offered to separate the one system running down Albany Avenue in 2012, but the MDC couldnt pay for the storm water portion because the road is controlled by the state. And unfortunately, no one wanted to fund that project, Jellison said at the time. If the improvements were again contemplated, the MDC could help with the planning but it couldnt help pay for them, he said. Amid the outcry by residents and small businesses, Hartford also rolled out a $500,000 grant program to help repair damage caused by heavy rainstorms in summer 2021 that flooded streets and basements and backed up sewers. That money has been dispersed. Prince started the process of getting the EPA representative to come to the city due to her own experiences with flooding in the community and her concern for others living there. When her father lived on Cleveland Avenue, Prince left her valuable duffle bag from her service for the U.S. military in his basement. However, his basement flooded during one of the storms, destroying many of her valuables, including her medals and other military treasures, she said. It flooded and flooded. And all of my things in my duffel bag were destroyed. I mean, in hindsight, we took out some of the uniforms and let them dry. But there was so much in there that was destroyed. And we ended up throwing away the duffel bag. So when I talk about a personal story, thats personal. And now were talking about decades later, it is still the same situation, Prince said. Resident and civil rights/environmental rights attorney Cynthia Jennings said that she has unknowingly been exposed to black mold for years from a foot of water that ran into her basement. She said after 21/2 years, she became aware she had been exposed to the black mold and had acquired some cancer markers within her body. It took me three years [for] my doctor [to] treat me [with] everything to get rid of, to repeat, those markers [including] raising my body temperature up, until it was just below what would kill the cancer cells, [but] it wouldnt kill my own cells, Jennings said. She said she ultimately regards the flooding issues in the city as environmental racism because she does not see the issue of flooding being addressed in the North End. An extraction company at Sharon Lewis Hartford home to get out the water and sewage out of her home basement that flooded in early December 2022. In 2021, The Metropolitan District Commission said there are plans for further upgrades in Blue Hills that could cost hundreds of millions. But the improvements are still years away and require approval in a referendum of MDCs member towns. In Upper Albany, the combined sewer and storm water systems on Albany Avenue likely need to be separated, the MDC has said. The project could cost $20 million to $35 million, the MDC has said, coming just a few years after a major, $30 million road and streetscape project was completed. Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin has noted that city is working with the MDC on short- and long-term resolutions, with separating sewer and storm water systems in mind. In some cases, special valves can control backups. The city also has had substantial contact with the EPA, state Department of Environmental Protection and the MDC on stormwater and flooding issues. The fundamental problem is that our stormwater system is built for a different era, when so-called hundred year storms were actually hundred-year storms instead of annual events, Bronin said this week. The cost of upgrading an antique storm sewer system so that it can handle todays weather patterns is massive and far beyond the capacity of any local government, and we have to be honest about the scale and scope of that challenge, he said. Bronin said his biggest concern is about the MDC plan on a so-called long-term control plan which he does not believe would solve the problem of flooding, while also surcharging residents. The MDCs Clean Water Project, with its more than $2 billion in infrastructure improvements to MDCs wastewater system, formally addresses a federal consent decree and a Connecticut DEEP consent order to achieve Federal Clean Water Act goals, according to the agency. Resident Sharon E. Lewis, executive director of the CT Coalition for Environmental Justice, said she agrees with Jennings and understands the impact of environmental justice on a professional and personal level. She never imagined that she would be living in a hotel due to her own basement flooding. I was totally shocked when this happened to me, of all people, because 25 years ago, MDC installed a backflow valve in my basement to prevent this. Unbeknownst to me, mine had failed. I had no idea, she said. My basement turned into a swimming pool for sewage from the street, and water, groundwater and oil. Everything in the basement was destroyed. Lewis said that she discovered flooding about a month ago, on Dec. 4. When Lewis and her husband opened the kitchen door to the basement that Sunday, he saw the flood and they rushed to get out of the house as quickly as possible. She said the fire department called the city, which had a licenses and inspections official come to her home who then had to call Eversource and MDC to turn off the power and water along with telling her that the house was unsafe to live in with no water, no heat and electrical circuit breakers popping. Now at a local hotel, Lewis said she is working to figure out her next steps and is trying to apply for assistance. She said she is also working with MDC, who has told her it will be another two to three months before they can work on the basement. The burner to my furnace was underwater. My oil tank was bobbing like the Titanic. My freezer was still connected, but floating, it was unbelievable, I never realized the power of water , she said. There are times when I just cant manage it anyway, its way too much. Its just way too much. Ive lost everything. You have no idea what that means. Thats pictures. And Im an antique collector from way back when suitcases and all kinds of things in my travels all over the United States, all boxed up thrown away, she said. She wants people to know that this is a serious environmental justice issue that does not just affect her, but many people throughout the United States. Kitchen view of the home basement of Sharon Lewis Hartford home after it was flooded in early December 2022. Its all over the North End in Hartford, (and other cities) any community where there are low-income individuals and people of color, we live in a house that was built prior to 1978, she said. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, January 16) British companies do not see corruption in the Philippines as a major concern when deciding to invest in the country, a British Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (BCCP) official said on Monday. When asked if rampant corruption is seen as an issue by British investors, BCCP Executive Director Chris Nelson said, No, I wouldn't say so. Nelson said companies from the United Kingdom are looking more at the ease of setting up and doing business, and how big the opportunities are in the country. I think the question for the company is also how quickly and what opportunities are to invest, Nelson told CNN Philippines The Final Word. The director said trade between the Philippines and the United Kingdom has actually increased and interest level among British companies remains high. He says news on the country eyeing digitalization is a good sign. I think the Philippines is also looking to improve its digitalization, which, I think, will help in terms of process so, I think, it is more on creating those opportunities, again, getting people to set up quickly and to do business here, Nelson said. He also said British companies see the country as a very important market, describing it as a gateway to Southeast Asia. RELATED: BCCP backs Marcos' plan to attract more foreign investors Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, January 16) Newly-crowned Miss Universe 2022 RBonney Gabriel truly deserves to win the competition as she embodies the quality the new leadership of the organization is looking for, an expert said. She has that transformational leadership quality that the new organization has been looking for in its next winner, pageant expert Adam Genato told CNN Philippines' The Source. He added that ever since business mogul Anne Jakapong Jakrajutatip took over, she has always said she is really serious in looking for that transformational woman who could empower her fellow women and transform lives by uplifting her fellow countrymen in her community and we saw that with RBonney. In the final question and answer round, the Filipino-American beauty queen was asked, If you win Miss Universe, how would you work to demonstrate this is an empowering and progressive organization? She said she will use it to be a transformational leader. Gabriel, who is also a fashion designer, said she is using fashion as a force for good by cutting down on pollution through the use of recycled materials in her pieces, as well as teaching sewing to women who have survived human trafficking and domestic violence. I say that because it is so important to invest in others, invest in our community and use your unique talent to make a difference, she pointed out. Meanwhile, Genato said it was a surprise for him that Philippines bet Celeste Cortesi failed to enter the top 16, but noted a lot of factors may have contributed to this. We can only speculate, but I can say some of the things. Number one, I really find her preliminary performance very safe. Pageant fans, not just in the Philippines, but also in the audience here in New Orleans were left wanting for more for a show-stopping gown perhaps in the evening gown segment of the competition, he said. While it is unknown how Cortesi performed in the closed-door interview prior to the finals, Genato noted this was 50% of a candidates score, which makes it a big factor. We dont know what happened behind the scenes, but for sure definitely, there were a lot of judging that happened behind the scenes that we were not privy of, he said. I couldnt say how she fared, but when we saw Celeste coming out of the preliminary closed-door interview days before the finals night, she was very happy, she was in high spirits. Cortesi's early exit ended the 12-year streak of the Philippines of heading to the Miss Universe pageants semi-finals. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, January 16) The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) refused to comment on the call for Director General Manuel Tamayo to inhibit himself from the investigation on the air traffic management system failure on New Year's Day. CAAP said Monday it would answer all other issues when the Senate hearing on the air traffic management system fiasco resumes. Senate Public Services Committee Chairperson Grace Poe earlier asked Tamayo to inhibit saying that CAAP should not be investigating itself. Sen. Poe suggested that former CAAP Director General William Hotchkiss lead the independent investigation instead together with a representative from an organization of civil aviation engineers. The senator said an executive session may be held when the hearing resumes. Tamayo earlier took the responsibility for the paralysis of airports in the country due to the system failure at the air traffic management center. CNN Philippines also tried to reach Hotchkiss for a comment but he has yet to respond to the request for an interview. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, January 16) The reappointment of General Andres Andy Centino as chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) involves the rationalization of seniority in the country's military, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said Sunday. In an interview with the media, Marcos noted that Centino is the only four-star general in the AFP, hence he is more senior than his predecessor Lieutenant General Bartolome Vicente Bob Bacarro. Kasi nira-rationalize namin yung seniority. Kasi yungAndy Centino has four stars and Bob Bacarro has three stars. So kailangan natin ayusin kasi magkakagulo doon sa baba, Marcos explained. [Translation: We are rationalizing seniority. Andy Centino has four stars, while Bob Bacarro has three stars. So we need to fix it because there will be trouble among the lower ranks.] There were some comments that were made: Paano yan pag nag-extend-extend kami naman dito sa lower ranks, wala na kaming pag-asa? [If we get extended in the lower ranks, do we still have a chance?], the president added, referring to lower-ranking military officials. Marcos further explained such sentiments would only result in low morale among military officials, which prompted him to fix the seniority. On Jan. 6, Marcos announced that he reinstated Centino as AFP chief of staf, five months after removing him from the position and appointing him ambassador to India. Centino succeeded Medal of Valor awardee Bacarro, who had taken over the AFP in August 2022. READ: Returning chief Centino: Strong, capable leaders needed for AFP unity, modernization Rumors about an alleged destabilization plot in the military surfaced after the abrupt shift in the AFP's leadership. The AFP and the Philippine National Police have refuted these claims. Newly appointed Defense Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. likewise dismissed the alleged "unrest" in the military and said that the AFP is addressing some valid issues," such as the delay in promotions of officials. When asked about Galvezs appointment in the Department National Defense, Marcos praised the former presidential peace adviser, saying that he knew exactly what to do the moment he took his oath of office. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, January 16) President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said he will explain to global leaders that his administration aims to establish the Maharlika fund for investments in agriculture, energy, digitalization, and climate change, among others. This was his short response when asked by reporters on Sunday on how he plans to introduce the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) during the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. Sasabihin ko exactly whats happened, that we are forming a sovereign wealth fund for investments in thefor big investments in the basic areas, such as agri, energy, digitalization, climate change, Marcos said. The point being is that now there is a socialthere is a wealth fund. Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Carlos Sorreta earlier described the WEF, which will run from Jan. 16 to 20, as a great venue to soft launch the MIF given the prominence of the forum and its participants, which include business leaders. Palace press briefer Daphne Osena-Paez also said Marcos wants to discuss the MIF there to let them know what the country is doing in terms of being ready and attractive for investments. Others have deemed the presidents plan as premature, including Senate Minority Leader Koko Pimentel who called it a move to tie the hands of the Senate to the controversial measure. While the proposal swiftly hurdled the House of Representatives last month amid concerns on capital sources and timing, the Senate has yet to deliberate on its merits. READ: The proposed Maharlika Investment Fund: What you need to know Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, January 16) Police officers of lower rank will also eventually be subject to scrutiny amid efforts to rid the Philippine National Police (PNP) of illegal drug ties, the organizations chief said Monday. PNP chief Rodolfo Azurin Jr. said second-level officers will be next in line in the internal cleansing after authorities finish reviewing records of third-level officers who submitted courtesy resignations. Second-level means lieutenant to lieutenant colonel for police commissioned officers, and from patrolman/patrolwoman to executive master sergeant for non-commissioned officers. Third-level officials, meanwhile, are those with the rank of full colonel to general. After this exercise, definitely we will go down to the next level, which is we really need to engage our second-level officers kasi sila yung mga nasa ground eh [because theyre the ones on the ground], Azurin told reporters in a briefing. Nearly two weeks ago, Interior Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. appealed to third-level PNP officials to submit courtesy resignations as a supposed shortcut in cleansing their ranks. According to Abalos, a five-man committee will be formed to determine if an official who tendered his or her courtesy resignation has been involved in illegal drugs. He said the decision to accept the resignation based on the findings and recommendation of the committee would ultimately lie with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. He wants to cleanse the PNP about itong mga [the] involvement ng [of] third-level officers and maybe siguro pati yung mga [possibly even] second-level officers later on, Azurin said, referring to Abalos. The police chief, however, clarified that he does not think courtesy resignations among second-level officers would be necessary. No need for resignation siguro [I think], Azurin told CNN Philippines in a message. He said senior officials will just "engage and supervise their people well" after they themselves are cleared by the five-man panel. Asked if there will be other measures, such as an internal review, to ensure the removal of erring second-level officers, Azurin said, So far wala [none]. According to the PNP chief, a total of 929 police colonels and generals have since submitted their courtesy resignations. Azurin said that accounts for 97.48% of all 953 in the third-level rank. With this overwhelming response, I would like to express my satisfaction, admiration, and respect to all these fine gentlemen for heeding the call for change and reformation in the police organization and for putting the interest of the nation on top and over personal desires and considerations, Azurin said. Asked what will happen to those who refuse to support Abalos call by the Jan. 31 deadline, the police chief said, We will deal with that after Jan. 31." Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, January 16) Senators on Monday condemned the Bureau of Customs (BOC) for humiliating 10 flight attendants who tried to sneak in about 40 kilos of agricultural products, including onions, but leaving big smugglers and cartels untouched. During a Senate inquiry on the soaring prices of local onions, Sen. JV Ejercito expressed his disapproval of reports that the BOC was investigating crew members of Philippine Airlines for bringing in onions and fruits from the Middle East. Ejercito believed the products were only meant for personal consumption as onion prices in public markets have surged to up to 700 per kilo. "Ito ay eye-opener na, ganun na kalala ang ating situation (This is an eye-opener, our situation is that bad). This is already a cause for alert," he said. "Milyun-milyon 'yung nakakalusot sa smuggling, ito papatulan pero 'yung big-time smugglers, cartel ay nakakalusot," he added. [Translation: Millions are getting away with smuggling, but this is being punished while the big-time smugglers, and cartels are getting away.] Sen. Raffy Tulfo and Sen. Grace Poe echoed similar sentiments. Poe even stressed that onion prices are higher than meat prices and Filipino workers' minimum wage, which is at 537 only for Metro Manila. (CNN) Hundreds of emergency personnel on Monday resumed searching for four missing people following a deadly plane crash in Nepal that has once again highlighted the dangers of air travel in a country often referred to as one of the riskiest places to fly. Of the 72 people on board, at least 68 were killed when the Yeti Airlines flight crashed near the city of Pokhara Sunday the worst air disaster in the Himalayan nation in 30 years. It was also the third-worst aviation accident in Nepal's history, according to data from the Aviation Safety Network. Experts say conditions such as inclement weather, low visibility and mountainous topography all contribute to Nepal's reputation as notoriously dangerous for aviation. The Yeti Airlines flight Sunday had nearly finished its short journey from the capital Kathmandu to Pokhara when it lost contact with a control tower. Some 15 foreign nationals were aboard, according to the country's civil aviation authority. Pokhara, a lakeside city, is a popular tourist destination and gateway to the Himalayas. It serves as the starting point for the famous Annapurna Circuit trekking route, with more than 181,000 foreigners visiting the area in 2019. A government committee is now investigating the cause of the crash, with assistance from French authorities. The Yeti Airlines plane was manufactured by aerospace company ATR, headquartered in France. 'Hostile topography' Fickle weather patterns aren't the only problem for flight operations. According to a 2019 safety report from Nepal's Civil Aviation Authority, the country's "hostile topography" is also part of the "huge challenge" facing pilots. Nepal, a country of 29 million people, is home to eight of the world's 14 highest mountains, including Everest, and its beautiful rugged landscapes make it a popular tourist destination for trekkers. But this terrain can be difficult to navigate from the air, particularly during bad weather, and things are made worse by the need to use small aircraft to access the more remote and mountainous parts of the country. Aircraft with 19 seats or fewer are more likely to have accidents due to these challenges, the Civil Aviation Authority report said. Kathmandu is Nepal's primary transit hub, from where many of these small flights leave. The airport in the town of Lukla, in northeastern Nepal, is often referred to as the world's most dangerous airport. Known as the gateway to Everest, the airport's runway is laid out on a cliffside between mountains, dropping straight into an abyss at the end. It has seen multiple fatal crashes over the years, including in 2008 and 2019. A lack of investment in aging aircraft only adds to the flying risks. In 2015, the International Civil Aviation Organization, a United Nations agency, prioritized helping Nepal through its Aviation Safety Implementation Assistance Partnership. Two years later, the ICAO and Nepal announced a partnership to resolve safety concerns. While the country has in recent years made improvements in its safety standards, challenges remain. In May 2022, a Tara Air flight departing from Pokhara crashed into a mountain, killing 22 people. In early 2018, a US-Bangla Airlines flight from Bangladesh's capital Dhaka to Kathmandu crashed on landing and caught fire, killing 51 of the 71 people on board. And in 2016, a Tara Air flight crashed while flying the same route as the aircraft that was lost Sunday. That incident involved a recently acquired Twin Otter aircraft flying in clear conditions. (CNN) The death toll from a Russian missile strike on an apartment block in Dnipro rose to 30, Ukrainian officials said on Sunday, after missiles and explosions were heard across the country. At least 75 people were injured in Saturday's attack, with 30 of them still in the hospital, Natalia Babachenko, adviser to the head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, told Ukrainian media. Twelve of the hospitalized remain in serious condition, including a 9-year-old girl, Babachenko added. The rescue operation is ongoing and up to 40 people could still be under the rubble, she said. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had previously said that "dozens" of people, including a 3-year-old girl, were rescued from the building even though most of the floors were "smashed" in the strike. According to the president, 72 apartments were destroyed and more than 230 apartments were damaged in Saturday's strikes. The Ukrainian Air Force said the Russian missile fired at the apartment block in Dnipro was a Kh-22 the same type that hit a busy shopping mall in central Ukraine last summer. Yurii Ihnat, spokesman for the Ukrainian air force, said the Kh-22 "was fired from a Tu-22M3 long-range bomber, launched from the area near Kursk and the Sea of Azov." "There were a total of five launches of these missiles," Ihnat said. The Kh-22 is an older type of cruise missile that is less accurate than most modern missiles. Attack on the capital Elsewhere, missiles and explosions were heard everywhere from Lviv in the west; Kharkiv in the northeast; Zaporizhzhia and Dnipro in the southeast; Myokaliv in the south; and Kharkiv in the northeast, officials said. Authorities in Kyiv said there was an "attack on the capital." Blasts were heard as early as 6 a.m. local time, according to the head of Kyiv region military administration, Oleksiy Kuleba. Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko said strikes hit the city's east bank, where several power facilities were located. The exact locations of the blasts could not be immediately verified by CNN. A thick fog blanketed much of the city. However, Oleksandr Pavliuk, a Kyiv-based commander in the Ukrainian army, said the explosions in Kyiv were not caused by Russian attacks. "The explosions are not connected with the threat from the air or air defense, as well as with any military actions," Pavliuk wrote on the encrypted social media app Telegram. "If there was a threat you would have heard the alarm. The cause of the explosions will be reported separately." Russia's latest nationwide salvo appeared to target critical infrastructure across Ukraine, as the Kremlin continues its efforts to limit the country's ability to heat and power itself in the middle of winter. 'Fierce fighting' in Soledar On the battlefield, all eyes are fixed on Soledar, a town of little strategic value that Russia is attempting to retake in the hopes that it will provide Russian President Vladimir Putin a symbolic victory. Various units of the Ukrainian military said that Soledar remains the scene of "fierce fighting." Russia's Ministry of Defense claimed that its forces took control of the town, although Kyiv has denied it. After a broad assessment regarding the situation on the ground in Ukraine, several Western governments have decided to answer Zelensky's longstanding call to supply modern battle tanks to Kyiv. France, Poland and the United Kingdom have pledged to soon send tanks for the Ukrainian military to use in its efforts to protect itself from Russia. Finland is considering following suit. Britain said it plans to send a dozen Challenger 2 tanks and additional artillery systems. Poland plans to send a company of German-built Leopard tanks while France will deliver its domestically built AMX 10-RCs. This storu was first published on CNN.com, "Russian missile strike on apartment building in Dnipro kills 30 people, Ukraine officials say." (CNN) The UK government has blocked a new law intended to allowed trans people in Scotland to change their legal gender without a medical diagnosis a controversial move that has added fuel to the already highly emotional debate over Scottish independence. Scottish Secretary Alister Jack announced on Monday that Westminster has taken the highly unusual step of blocking the Scottish bill from becoming law because it was concerned about its impact on UK-wide equality laws. Heres what you need to know: Whats in the Scottish law? Scotland passed a new law in December to make it easier for people to change their legal gender. Under the current system, trans people must jump through a number of hoops to change the gender marker in their documents. They must have a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria a condition defined by the distress caused by the discrepancy between a persons body and their gender identity and prove that theyve been living in their chosen gender for two years. They also need to be at least 18 years old. The new rules would drop the medical diagnosis requirement, moving instead to self-determination. The waiting time would be cut from two years to six months, and the age limit lowered to 16. Why did Scotland want to change the rules? Campaigners have long argued that the current process is overly bureaucratic, expensive and intrusive. The Scottish government held two large public consultations on the issue and proposed the new, simpler rules. We think that trans people should not have to go through a process that can be demeaning, intrusive, distressing and stressful in order to be legally recognized in their lived gender, the government said when proposing the new rules. At the end, an overwhelming majority of Scottish lawmakers voted for the change the final tally was 86 for, 39 against. What was the reaction in Scotland? The bill sparked emotional reaction on both sides. The debate over the proposal was one of the longest, most heated in the history of the Scottish Parliament and the final vote had to be postponed after it was interrupted by protesters shouting shame on you at the lawmakers. Many human rights and equality organizations and campaigners welcomed the new rules, pointing out to a growing number of democratic countries where self-determination is the norm. The Equality Network, a leading Scottish LGBTI rights group, said that after years of increasingly public prejudice against trans people, things have started to move forward. But the bill also attracted huge amount of criticism, including from Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who said the law could have detrimental effect on the rights of women and girls. Rowling and other opponents of the bill argue the new rules will weaken the protection of spaces that are designed to make women feel safe, such as women-only shelters. The Scottish government has rejected that argument, saying the law doesnt change the rules on who can and cannot access single-sex spaces. It also said that experiences from countries that have made similar changes showed no adverse impact on other groups. Campaigners agreed. There are no down-sides, the campaign group Stonewall said. For example when Ireland did it, nobody else was affected, except trans people who for the first time were able to have their gender recognised in a straightforward and empowering way by the state. Why is the UK government getting involved? Scotland has a devolved government, which means that many, but not all, decisions are made at the Scottish Parliament in Holyrood, Edinburgh. The Scots can pass their own laws on issues like healthcare, education and environment, while the UK Parliament in Westminster remains in charge of issues including defense, national security, migration and foreign policy. The UK government can stop Scottish bills from becoming laws, but only in a few very specific cases for example if it believes the Scottish bill would be incompatible with any international agreements, with the interests of defense and national security, or if it believes that the bill would clash with a UK-wide law on issue that falls outside Scotlands powers. Under the rules that set out how Scotland is governed, London has four weeks to review a bill after its passed by Holyrood, after which it is sent to the King for Royal Assent, the last formal step that needs to happen before it becomes the law. Why is this so controversial? The issue is highly controversial because tensions between London and Edinburgh over the issue of Scottish independence are already high. When Scotland last held a referendum in 2014, voters rejected the prospect of independence by 55% to 45%. However, things have changed since then, mostly because of Brexit. People in Scotland voted to remain in the EU during the 2016 referendum and the pro-independence Scottish National Party has argued that Scots were dragged out of the European Union against their will, pushing for a new independence vote. The UK government has said it would not agree to a new independence vote and Britains Supreme Court ruled in November that the Scottish government cannot unilaterally hold a second independence referendum. This story was first published on CNN.com, "UK government blocks Scotlands new gender recognition law" Gov. Ned Lamont announced Monday that special elections will be held later this month to fill three vacancies in the state House of Representatives, including the seat that was held by Rep. Quentin Q Williams who died in a wrong-way crash after leaving the governors inaugural ball on Jan 5. Williams, 39, was just starting his third term serving Middletown. The Democrat had been sworn into office a few days earlier and had recently been named House chairman of the Labor and Public Employees Committee. Lamonts office said the special elections will be held on Feb. 28 to fill Williams seat, along with seats in Hartford, West Hartford and Stamford districts. Williams death hit the legislature and state residents hard. The vacancies include Williams spot representing the 100th assembly district covering parts of Middletown; the 6th assembly district, which includes parts of Hartford and West Hartford, a seat most recently held by Edwin Vargas; and the 148th assembly district, which includes parts of Stamford that was most recently held by Daniel Fox, the governors office said. The elections to fill all of the vacancies scheduled for Feb. 28 will be at local polls set up in the communities place or places of holding biennial Electors Meetings. Vargas, 74 is a former Hartford teacher, union leader and Democratic chair in Hartford. He was elected to the first of his five terms in the House in 2012. Vargas recently arranged to honor House staffer Milagros Acosta for receiving the Peruvian Citizen of the Year of the Peruvian diaspora. Acosta is the only person in Connecticut to receive the award. In accordance with state law, Lamont issued the writs for each of these districts on Jan. 13, his office said. They are available to view online here: Governor Lamonts special election writs for the 6th Assembly District Governor Lamonts special election writ for the 100th Assembly District Governor Lamonts special election writ for the 148th Assembly District Colorado Politics is published both in print and online. Our website features subscriber-only news stories daily, designed for public policy arena professionals. Member subscribers also receive the weekly print edition of our award-winning newspaper, containing outstanding features and news stories, in their mailboxes every Saturday. Colorado Springs artist Marc Shereck's new exhibit, "Transect," will open Friday with a free reception at The Bridge Gallery. The artist has been inspired since childhood by the landscape and culture of New Mexico. Its often much easier to convey information with a well-designed diagram than to communicate through a large text blurb. As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Thats where Microsoft Visio comes in. Part of the Microsoft 365 suite, this app helps professionals convey information through professionally designed diagrams. What is Microsoft Visio? Microsoft Visio is the diagramming and vector graphics application in the Microsoft Office family. If you need to make diagrams such as decision trees, flow charts, org charts, and so on, this is the Microsoft tool to do it. Visio is less popular than other Microsoft apps like Word or Excel, but it is still a valuable tool to understand and use in everyday business. Although there is a desktop Visio application, this cheat sheet will walk you through the basics of using Visio in Microsoft 365 the web-only version thats included with Microsoft 365/Office 365 business and enterprise subscriptions since most business professionals who use Office have access to this version. All of the features in the web version of Visio can also be found in the desktop application, but not vice versa. How to find Microsoft Visio within Microsoft 365 To begin this tutorial, we need to locate and open Microsoft Visio. For most people, Visio will not be a default application on your Microsoft 365 home page (formerly known as the Office home page). To find Visio, navigate your Microsoft 365 home page, sign in if you havent already, and type visio in the search bar at the top of the screen. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG From the Microsoft 365 home page, search for Visio and launch it in your browser. (Click image to enlarge it.) Click Visio in the results list to launch the web app in your browser. You will be taken to a page where you can see some commonly used templates for creating diagrams. This includes flowcharts, basic diagrams, organizational charts, and infographic timelines. There is also an icon labelled All templates here you can go through the complete list of templates available in Visio to help you find the exact template that is right for your situation. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG The Visio start page has a variety of templates to start from. (Click image to enlarge it.) Using templates is the easiest way to begin making diagrams in Visio. Ill walk you through two of the most common Microsoft Visio use cases creating flowcharts and org charts. If Visio doesnt have a template that suits your business needs, its quick and easy to make custom diagrams using Visios drag-and-drop features; Ill show you that process as well. How to create a flowchart in Microsoft Visio A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or process. It is excellent for showing the step-by-step process for completing a task while giving you the flexibility to show different decisions that need to be made and representing if-then scenarios. Microsoft Visio makes it extremely easy to create this type of diagram. In this example, we will create a simple flow diagram to show what will happen during a team meeting to discuss a new idea for a company app. The team will discuss the idea, decide if they like it, and then take action based on that decision before ending the meeting. Begin by clicking the Flowchart Template icon on the Visio start page. Youll be taken to the main Visio interface, which looks a lot like Microsoft Word and other Microsoft 365 apps. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG The flowchart template opens with basic flowchart shapes in the left column and a blank canvas on the right, topped by the Office Ribbon toolbar. (Click image to enlarge it.) The first step for any flowchart is creating a start point. Click and hold the oval Start/End icon in the left panel and drag it onto the blank canvas area on the right. The oval object appears with eight handle points at the corners and sides. To resize the oval, click and drag any of these handles; to move the oval on the canvas, click the middle of the oval and drag it. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Drag a Start/End oval onto the canvas. Drag any of the handles around the outside of the oval to resize it. (Click image to enlarge it.) To add text to an image, click in the center of it, and youll enter text edit mode just type in the text you want to appear there. In our example, well call the starting oval shape Team Meeting Begins. You can adjust the texts font and size using the tools in the Ribbon toolbar at the top of the screen. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG The start oval now shows Team Meeting Begins. (Click image to enlarge it.) Next, you need to add your processes every step that will be taken for the task to be completed that doesnt require a decision to be made. These are represented by rectangles. Click the Process icon and drag it to the canvas below the oval we added previously. As you do so, a dotted green line appears that guides you to place the rectangle directly below the oval. Resize the rectangle as needed, then name it Team Discusses Idea. To connect the items, simply hover over the bottom edge of the start image, then click and drag from the green and white button on the start image to the top of the process image. This will create a downward-flowing arrow connecting the two. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Connecting the process rectangle to the start oval. (Click image to enlarge it.) If you make a mistake, you can delete any shape or line on the canvas by right clicking-it and selecting Delete from the pop-up menu. Next, in our flowchart, well show that the team needs to decide whether they like the app idea. This is represented via a diamond image and will have three possible outcomes. Click the Decision icon in the left panel, drag it below Team Discusses Idea, and repeat the steps outlined above to resize it, name it, and connect it as shown below. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Add the decision diamond and connect it to the process rectangle above. (Click image to enlarge it.) The three possible responses to the decision will be No, Yes, and Not Enough Info. To add text boxes for the responses, go to the Home tab on the Ribbon and select the Text Box icon (a square with an A in the middle). Click on that and your cursor will be able to draw text boxes on the canvas. Create a text box for each response, then type the appropriate word or phrase in each one. You can work with text boxes in the same ways you can with shapes. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Adding text boxes for the three possible responses. (Click image to enlarge it.) Below each text box, add a rectangular Process shape for its outcome and name the outcome shapes as shown below. Draw connector lines from the Decision shape to each response and from each response to its outcome. To create connector lines that go across and then down the canvas, simply drag from the starting object out to the side and then down, and the connector line will appear where you dragged. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Adding and connecting the three outcomes. (Click image to enlarge it.) Now weve added three possible outcomes to our decision tree that will cover the possible outcomes of the meeting. Please take note of the third decision (furthest to the right). Often you may need to account for decisions that will result in you going back to an earlier step in the process and redoing some steps. (Having the third option return to a previous step in this example is for demonstration purposes; in reality, youd conduct more research outside the meeting and then discuss the idea again in a later meeting.) Now there is only one step left: add the ending to the flowchart (using the Start/End shape again), which is when the meeting ends. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Add, label, and connect the end shape, and the flowchart is complete. (Click image to enlarge it.) How to create an organization chart in Microsoft Visio Next, we will look at how to create a simple org chart that consists of one head executive, their assistant, two managers, and their corresponding teams. Go back to the Visio start page and click on the Organization Chart template. Creating an org chart is relatively simple. As we did with the flowchart, drag and drop the items you want in this case, colored rectangles corresponding to work roles from the left pane onto the main canvas and organize them in a hierarchical structure as shown below. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Drag and drop placeholders for the employees in your org chart. (Click image to enlarge it.) All thats needed after that is to draw the lines showing the relationships between staff members. As with the flowchart, draw lines going from the higher-level staff to the lower-level staff. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Draw connector lines showing the relationship of employees to one another. (Click image to enlarge it.) To add text to the boxes, click on each image, then modify the name and title of the staff member. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Fill in the employees names to complete the org chart. (Click image to enlarge it.) How to create a diagram from scratch in Microsoft Visio If there are no templates that suit your exact needs, you will need to create a diagram from scratch. While we cannot anticipate every action you may want to take in creating a custom diagram, here are the basic steps for creating a custom diagram. To begin, from the Visio start page click New blank drawing. 1. Select and place your shapes. As when using a template, youll see the Shapes panel on the left side of the screen, with a blank canvas to the right. The basic building blocks of your diagram will be different shapes that you use to represent different items. Simply click and drag your desired shape(s) onto the canvas. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Drag any shapes you want to use for a diagram from the shapes panel onto the canvas. (Click image to enlarge it.) You can move, resize, and add text to shapes on the canvas just as we did when using a template. In addition to the generic shapes that appear in the Shapes pane by default, you can look up custom icons that more accurately describe the information that you want to convey. Click the plus symbol at the left of the panel, and youll be able to browse through multiple collections of shapes and icons that you can pin to your panel, such as Cycle Diagram Shapes, Business Frameworks, and Interface Icons. (In fact, Visio templates are basically targeted sets of these shape collections.) You can also use the search box at the top of the Shapes panel to search for specific icons, as shown below. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Use the search box to find highly specific shapes or icons for your diagram. (Click image to enlarge it.) 2. Add arrows Next, you need to use arrows as connectors to show relationships between the shapes in your diagram. These arrow images help people to understand the logical direction that information is flowing. For example, in an org chart, you need to show people who report to those within the organization. Click the icon with two curved arrows at the left of the Shapes panel to see the Arrow Shapes collection. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Visio offers an array of arrow types you can use to show the progression of your diagram. (Click image to enlarge it.) 3. Apply a theme Themes can be helpful to make your diagrams more visually appealing or to reflect company or client color schemes. To select a theme, simply go to the Design tab in the Ribbon, click Themes, and select the theme of your choice. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Applying a theme makes your diagram more attractive and easier to take in quickly. (Click image to enlarge it.) How to save, open, and collaborate on Visio diagrams As youre working on a diagram in your browser, Visio autosaves your work, calling it Drawing (or Drawing2, Drawing3, etc.) by default. To change its file name to something more meaningful, click its name in the title bar at the top of the screen and type in a new name. When you go back to the Visio start page, youll see all the diagrams youve created (and that others have shared with you) in a list at the bottom of the page. Click any file name in the list to open the diagram. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG Visio files you have access to are listed on the Visio start page. (Click image to enlarge it.) The diagram will open in a mode that lets you view and comment on it, but not edit it. To switch to editing mode, select Edit Diagram > Edit in Browser at the top right of the screen. Like Word, PowerPoint, and other Microsoft 365 apps, Visio lets you collaborate on diagrams with co-workers in real time. Microsoft calls this co-authoring. To share a diagram, click the Share button at top right and select Share from the menu that appears. The Send link pane appears. Here you can type in colleagues names or email addresses and an optional message. Click the pencil icon at the right to choose whether you want to let the people youre inviting edit the diagram itself or simply view and comment on it. When youre done, click Send, and your invitees will receive an email with a link where they can access the diagram. Shimon Brathwaite/IDG You can invite colleagues to collaborate on a Visio diagram. (Click image to enlarge it.) To add a comment to a diagram, click the Comments button at the top right and then click New in the pane that appears. To comment on a specific item in the diagram, click its shape and then click the New button in the Comments pane. Type your comment in the comment box (you can @mention someone to call their attention to it) and then click the Post comment button (a paper airplane icon). Others can read and reply to your comments and/or add their own comments. Cambodian PM highlights close ties with China Xinhua) 10:40, January 16, 2023 PHNOM PENH, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen on Saturday highlighted Cambodia-China close ties, saying that such relations had provided great tangible benefits to the kingdom's development. During an annual gathering with journalists in Phnom Penh, Hun Sen said the bilateral ties are solid as this year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Cambodia and China. "The Cambodia-China Free Trade Agreement, which took effect (on Jan. 1, 2022), has further promoted trade and cooperation between our two countries," he said. He said that the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, a community with a shared future between Cambodia and China, the Belt and Road Initiative, and the ironclad friendship have laid a solid foundation for all-round and long-term cooperation between the two countries. He also underlined the importance of the Cambodia-China joint fight against the COVID-19 pandemic over the past few years, saying that it had injected fresh vitality into the relationship between the two countries. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) For centuries, obesity has been a focus of scorn and ridicule. People with obesity are seen as lazy, selfish, behaviorally indulgent or undisciplined. Schoolyard bullies feel free to torment and shame their obese peers. So Connecticut pediatricians and public health officials cheered this month, when the American Academy of Pediatrics released a guideline declaring obesity a chronic disease. I was so happy to see this. This is a significant health issue children are facing and this gives credence to it, said Dr. Christine Finck, head of the obesity program at Connecticut Childrens Medical Center in Hartford. Obesity is a chronic disease. Its not just a cosmetic thing. Its not a defect of will. This is the first time Ive seen it highlighted so specifically. The AAP report, dated Jan. 9, offered clinical practice guidelines to work with children living with obesity and their families. Clinicians are instructed to help children and families become more physically fit before the children reach adulthood, when the long-term repercussions of obesity diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, sleep apnea, musculoskeletal injuries, liver disease, depression take hold. The AAP guidance stated that 14.4 million American children live with obesity. Connecticut Department of Public Health statistics report that 16.8% of Connecticut children live with obesity. Obesity is defined as being in the 95th percentile or higher on the body mass index. Obesity is more common in boys than girls; according to those statistics, 19.7% of boys and 13.7% of girls have obesity in the state. Nonwhite children are more likely to be obese: Compared to 11.2% of white Connecticut children, 27.8% of non-Hispanic Black children, 26.3% of Hispanic children and 15% of children who are multiracial or other race have obesity. Obesity happens most frequently in families in lower income brackets. Connecticut households with lower than $35,000 annual income see a 25.3% of childhood obesity, compared to families in the $35,000 to $74,999 range (23.2%) and $75,000-plus range (12.5%). A lot of that has to do with access to healthy food in lower-income neighborhoods, said Jennifer Vinci, who runs the nutrition, physical activity and obesity programs for the DPH. In talking about where grocery stores are located, in a city people might not have access within walking distance. They might have to go to a corner store where the food is highly processed packaged foods that are low in nutritional value and high in calories. Thats a double-edged sword: overconsumption of calories and a lack of nutrients, she said. Additionally some of these communities across the state might experience a lack of access to opportunities for safe physical activity, like parks where children can run and play and burn off energy, or access to trails, bike lanes or simply just sidewalks. The safety factor might deter folks from getting out and moving, she said. Vinci said the state works with schools, day-care centers, places of worship and programs that help the food-insecure, such as SNAP and WIC, to ensure that high-nutrient, healthful food be available. Other factors figure into the causes of obesity, including medication side effects, genetics and psychological factors, and medical professionals say all of those factors must be taken into account when counseling the child and the childs family. Melissa Santos, clinical director of the Pediatric Obesity Center at Connecticut Childrens, who focuses on the psychology of children with obesity, said obesity can be so traumatizing it manifests itself in low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation. We know many negative connotations about obesity, that its a matter of willpower, that kids have no self-control, that theyre lazy, theyre ugly, Santos said. Kids are picked on, teased, bullied. Beyond that, there is the anxiety of not knowing if you can sit in the chair assigned to you at school, anxiety about what happens in gym class. Also their bodies hurt, all the aches and pains. It makes them not want to be active. Santos pointed to a 2003 study that concluded that obese children and teens have a comparable decrease in their health-related quality of life to kids who have cancer. Physicians, parents and teachers need to be informed of the risk for impaired health-related [quality of life] among obese children and adolescents to target interventions that could enhance health outcomes, the study concluded. Santos said that study captures the struggle with obesity. Its not an appearance thing. Its not about looking cute. This is a condition that impacts kids so badly. We dont give kids with it the respect that their condition warrants. Our hearts dont break for kids with obesity the way they break for kids with other conditions. Santos said all obesity-related psychological counseling is family-based. You want the whole family to come around. There is nothing worse for a kid struggling with his health than to not have his whole family around him, Santos said. Also, parents worry so much about children with obesity, they are so concerned, that they may not say the best things. Dr. Bhavna Sacheti, a South Windsor-based pediatrician, said when a family starts with therapy to battle obesity, the progress is gradual. She gave an example. All three children came to our practice, all elementary-school age, all overweight, mom and dad were overweight. They were very lovely and kind and hard working, Sacheti said. They made tiny changes in the beginning, like everyone drink a glass of water every day Small changes go a long way. Then they joined a fitness program for all of them. They came every two or three months for follow ups on their BMI and weight. Over a year and a half they were able to slowly make changes. All the kids are growing and continue to do well. When the whole family does things, it works. Everybody is motivated. Youre not isolating one kid in the family. The whole family benefits from a healthy eating program and changing lifestyle and how they grocery shop and how they think about food and cope with stress, Sacheti said. Sacheti said the AAP guidelines are exciting because when conditions are validated by studies, then research into the condition gets more funding. Finck hopes that the recognition of obesity as a chronic disease will help legislative efforts to force insurance companies to cover medical procedures, such as teen bariatric surgery, that can help nip obesity in the bud before it becomes more medically problematic. Husky plans, weve had the most success with those, but private insurance gives us some trouble, Finck said. This study might helps us when we petition the legislature. Every year we go to the legislature, that all insurers have to recognize obesity as a disease. Right now they dont and you have to pay extra. You dont have to pay extra if you have cancer. Its biased and its not fair. Susan Dunne can be reached at sdunne@courant.com. In the quiet of a Hartford courtroom this week, four women who survived attacks nearly 40 years ago faced the man convicted of kidnapping them and spoke of the long healing journey that, in some ways, is just beginning. For close to four decades, the four women have waited for a sense of justice they werent sure would ever come. This week, they breathed the sigh of relief that comes with knowing their attacker is behind bars. Michael Sharpe now in his 70s was sentenced to 72 years in prison for his crimes, meaning he will spend the rest of his life in prison. Kathy, one of the women Sharpe attacked, said in court that for the first time since Sharpe broke into her home shortly after shed moved to Connecticut in the summer of 1984, she felt whole again. He tried to take my soul, and he might have for a while, Kathy said while standing just feet from a stoic Sharpe. But I have it back fully now. I no longer consider myself a victim, I am a survivor, she said. Sharpe, a former Hartford charter school CEO, was convicted in November of eight counts of kidnapping in a case that was once cold for decades. For years, detectives had struggled to find any link between the four young women who were blindfolded and assaulted in their apartments and condos between June and July of 1984. Finally, in 2020, DNA evidence offered a breakthrough that led investigators to Sharpe: DNA that was left behind on bed sheets, towels and washcloths at the crime scenes was found to have a 1 in 7 billion chance of belonging to anyone other than Sharpe. After hearing emotional, detailed testimonies from each of the four women known in court as Jane Does 1-4 but now known by their first names, Kathy, Rosanne, Shelley and Linda a jury found Sharpe guilty on all counts. Michael Marion Sharpe, center, was sentenced to 72 years in prison on Monday for felony charges related to the kidnappings of four women in Connecticut dating back to 1984. At his sentencing, each woman had the chance to speak to Judge Frank M. DAddabbo about the pain, fear and post-traumatic stress theyve endured since their attacks. Kathy, Shelley and Linda sat close to one another in a front row of the courtroom, often reaching out to comfort one another, while Rosanne, who lives in Florida, appeared in court virtually and spoke via video conference. Rosanne told the judge about the trickle-down effect of the attack on her life, her health, her career, her husband and his career. She and her husband both altered the courses of their careers and lives after the attack, moving south to escape reminders of that night. She asked the judge to recognize that the four attacks happened in a short period of time, one after the other, and escalated over time. That tells me that he had no remorse, no regrets, at least not enough to stop committing these heinous crimes, she said. Instead, they became more invasive, he became bolder. He was never regretful. He just kept committing these crimes and continued to live his life with no accountability or responsibility for a very long time. Meanwhile, survivors like Linda were living in constant fear. For years I lost sleep. Was he going to come back? Is he following me, and will he find me, again and kill me?' Linda recalled to the judge. I was constantly scared, a lot of fear and deep anger, extreme emotions caused years of disrupted sleep and nightmares, she said. She said that she now has this closure that I can add to those dark days and dark years. Linda told the judge that the memory of the attack haunted her for decades. She said Sharpes attack stole her youth, keeping her from being able to socialize or enjoy dating or spending time with friends for much of her young life. Her self-esteem, she said, was stolen that night, too. For years I couldnt look at myself in the mirror, she said. Now, she knows shell be able to face her reflection and embrace her beauty and strength. While testifying at trial was painful, Linda said the process led to the closure she needed. Weve spent almost two years with new wounds and old wounds that were torn open, and its more trauma, she said of the time since Sharpes arrest. But justice couldnt have been done any better in that situation. At Sharpes sentencing, Shelley told the judge that the years between her attack and Sharpes arrest were filled with gripping pain and anxiety. My assailant remained unknown, and I felt a constant hypersensitivity to the knowledge that he had not been caught, she said. The nighttime and sleep were terrifying. Shelley told the judge that the years between her attack and Michael Sharpes arrest were filled with pain and anxiety. (Douglas Hook / Hartford Courant) Shelley said that after all those years, she felt like her world had been tilted off its axis when she finally learned that he had been caught. But the pain remains. While there is some sense of closure in finding and prosecuting this villain, his sadistic cruelty is an abomination [that] will continue to affect me for the rest of my life, she said in court. I have built a productive, meaningful life because I have worked at my own healing despite this trauma. I am much stronger than this mans vicious, vile acts. My life will never be completely whole again. I will never know who I would have become if I had not lived through this trauma. Walking on the beach in Old Lyme the day after the sentencing, Shelley recalled the moments she spent walking on that beach the days following her attack when she took her first steps toward healing. Shelley said she felt that the judge listened to her story, and the stories of the other survivors, and acknowledged just how much they each suffered over the past 38 years. Now, she can take the first steps on a new part of that healing journey, she said. Theres closure for the first time, she said. Rosanne said she also felt like the judge understood the depth of their trauma and the severity of Sharpes crimes. I was glad that the judge decided to hand down a pretty harsh sentence based on the multiple acts that Michael Sharpe committed with seemingly no remorse, and that the acts seemingly got bolder as time went on, she said. Though she too felt a sense of relief after the sentencing, she said she is ultimately relieved to close this chapter. Im relieved that its all over, she said. She said she thinks shell be happier in life now that the last two years are behind her. I dont have to think about it and talk about it every day and that closure is huge, she said. At many points during the trial, Rosanne said she found herself wishing she didnt have to be there. She wished she didnt have to take the stand and relive the old memories. But she pushed forward, she said, for the other victims. Now I realize how important it was for myself, and for the others as well, she said. The sentencing, in a way, renewed her faith in a justice system that she had once lost hope in. I feel like the way this turned out, my belief in the court system has been renewed, she said. There is justice. Justice really does exist. Tasha V. Meisenheimer is grateful for cancer every day because an unexpected diagnosis prompted the Connecticut mom to quit her full-time teaching job and pursue her dreams. With the support of her husband, Dan Meisenheimer, she started a little chicken farm in their yard in Orange and became a childrens book author, something shes always wanted to do but couldnt find the time for while working. Her new childrens book, Pia Pullet Comes to Chicken Little Farm, is one in a planned series of five featuring the chickens as characters will be launched soon at The Hickory Stick book Shop in Washington Depot. Shell sign the book, read portions and hold a discussion. Meisenheimers cancer ordeal started in 2019 when she went for a routine baseline mammogram at 40 years old. To her surprise, she learned she had stage 3 breast cancer. She underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation. She took a year to heal and then quit her teaching job. She is currently in remission. It was a wake-up call. I know my life may be shortened, Meisenheimer said. Im glad I made the decision. Thats why I feel so grateful to cancer. Im doing the things I want to do and the world is opening up to me like never before. Tasha Meisenheimer was a longtime English teacher at Pomperaug High School in Southbury when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and it changed her perspective. Raising chickens has always been among her dreams, so she started Chicken Little Farm in her yard in Orange. Meisenheimer was a longtime English teacher at Pomperaug High School in Southbury when she got the illness that changed her perspective. Raising chickens has always been among her dreams, so she started Chicken Little Farm in her yard. The Meisenheimers currently have 16 chickens of eight breeds. A couple of years ago, Meisenheimer started a business delivering eggs for $6 per dozen in the Amity area. She earns enough to buy their organic chicken feed, but its more about making people happy than the money, she said. She and her son Lachlan love to observe the chickens behaviors. The chickens help teach Lachlan about responsibility, compassion for animals and the animals themselves, Meisenheimer said. She created characters and started teaching Lachlan about chickens through stories. The book, she said, has opened conversations about mortality with Lachlan. Meisenheimer, an avid reader, originally wanted to be a full-time writer. She was set to attend New York University toward that dream, but she changed the plan and swiveled into teaching after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Meisenheimer figured if she was a teacher that she could write, too, but in reality, there wasnt enough time in the day. Tasha Meisenheimer collects eggs from her chickens at home in Orange. A couple of years ago, Meisenheimer started a business delivering fresh farm eggs for $6 per dozen in the Amity area. She earns enough to buy their organic chicken feed. Her first colorfully illustrated book, geared for ages 4 through 10, is about a Pia, a Polish breed of chicken that stands out because of ornamental head feathers. The other chickens in the book with colorful personalities mock Pia and pull her feathers out. Chickens in real life would pull them out, too, not to be mean, but just to try to normalize the look, Meisenheimer said. In the end, after Pia wins first prize at the town fair to become the envy of the other chickens, she helps them to win the following year by creating headpieces for them out of the feathers they had plucked. The message of the book is to be true to who you are, whether its fashion, race or ethnicity because what makes you different makes you beautiful, Meisenheimer said. It helps them understand their own identity and to accept what may make them different, she said. I definitely think it will spark conversations about getting along with others. Tasha Meisenheimer holds her Chocolate Naked Neck Silky chicken named Harriett at home in Orange. Friend Elizabeth Tremper, a teacher at Amity Middle School in Orange and former school librarian, previewed the book and says its like a timeless classic with a moral, rather than trendy. It kind of gives that Charlottes Web vibe, said Tremper, noting that its fun learning about chickens on the books journey. She admires Meisenheimers post-cancer approach to life, saying it took a lot of courage for her to quit a solid full-time job. She has a different perspective in life being so close to death, Tremper said. Shes all about taking chances in life. Meisenheimer said future books planned in the series will include one about a misfit rooster and another about patriotism, ancestry and sacrifice. Im looking forward to continuing the series, she said. Its important to teach kids they (chickens) arent something you just eat at dinner. Then, theres the legacy. Not knowing how much time I have, I didnt want to wait around to be discovered, Meisenheimer said. It definitely feels good to leave something to the world. Pia Pullet Comes to Chicken Little Farm can be ordered and previewed at chickenlittlefarmct.com. Australian Dollar, AUD/USD, US Dollar, Iron Ore, China, Japan PPI, USD/JPY - Talking Points The Australian Dollar found support while the US Dollar slid lower The markets are focussed on the China re-opening story but there might be hurdles If commodity prices keep going north, will AUD/USD benefit? Recommended by Daniel McCarthy Get Your Free AUD Forecast Get My Guide The Australian Dollar is higher at the start of the week as optimism grows around the prospect of China boosting global growth as they seek to re-open their economy. Iron ore, Australias top export, eased slightly on Monday but remains well above last Octobers low. Base metals in general have surged higher in hopes of increasing demand from the Middle Kingdom. While the re-opening of China has been welcomed by markets, the somewhat opaque Covid-19 data is clouding the outlook. The impact has could lead to caution by some investors. Chinas GDP data tomorrow will be closely watched for clues on the state of the worlds second-largest economy. Japanese year-on-year PPI to the end of December came in at 10.2%, above forecasts of 9.5% and 9.7% previously. The month-on-month figure for December was 0.5%, above 0.3% anticipated and 0.8% prior. The data revealed upward revisions. USD/JPY continue to languish near the seven-month low under 127.50. The Bank of Japans (BoJ) monetary policy meeting on Wednesday could see further tightening. APAC equities mostly reflected the positive sentiment with all the main indices in the green except for Japan, with the potential upcoming move by the BoJ weighing on it. Crude oil is slightly softer today but has largely held last weeks gains. The WTI futures contract is above US$ 79.50 bbl while the Brent contract is near US$ 85 bbl at the time of going to print. Gold joined base metals higher trading at a nine-month high of US$ 1,927 today. The US will be out today as they mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day The full economic calendar can be viewed here. Recommended by Daniel McCarthy How to Trade AUD/USD Get My Guide AUD/USD TECHNICAL ANALYSIS AUD/USD remains within an ascending trend channel and is teetering on the upper band of the 21-day simple moving average (SMA) based Bollinger Band. Resistance might be at the previous highs and breakpoints of 0.7047, 0.7069 and 0.7137. On the downside, support could be at the prior lows and breakpoints of 0.6956, 0.6916 and 0.6860. Chart created in TradingView --- Written by Daniel McCarthy, Strategist for DailyFX.com Please contact Daniel via @DanMcCathyFX on Twitter This investigation by the respected think tank Civitas demonstrates beyond doubt that Britains top universities have finally capitulated to the bullies and ideologues of the radical progressive Left. They are now engaged in the wholesale indoctrination of the younger generation with pernicious notions such as white privilege, unconscious bias and decolonising the curriculum. These professors of propaganda have lost sight of what higher education is for. Instead of helping young people to think for themselves, they are teaching them to parrot the jargon of political correctness. University once seen (in the words of that great 19th century theologian John Henry Newman) as a seat of wisdom, a light of the world has degenerated into a kind of adult kindergarten, where knowledge is sanitised and students are infantilised. Daniel Johnson said: 'Britains top universities have finally capitulated to the bullies and ideologues of the radical progressive Left' At the University of Glasgow, for instance, those embarking on an archaeology degree are solemnly warned that they might need to examine bones. Forensic scientists of a tender disposition are informed that they will be investigating crime scenes. And they are by no means alone. More than half of the 137 institutions surveyed by Civitas have adopted at least part of the radical progressive agenda. Shockingly, Cambridge tops the league table, closely followed by Oxford. These two ancient universities have fallen for the woke agenda hook, line and sinker. Oxbridge scored highest by a range of measures, including unconscious bias training for staff and trigger warnings on offensive material. Oxbridge scored highest by a range of measures, including unconscious bias training for staff and trigger warnings on offensive material When I read history at Oxford in the 1970s and went on to Cambridge in the 1980s, the idea that the sensitivities of undergraduates needed to be protected by trigger warnings would have been laughed out of court. Yet such mollycoddling has now become so routine that it no longer attracts attention. The Centre For Teaching And Learning at Cambridge has ordered staff to include warnings on all books and plays that include violence, discrimination and illness. No author is immune to this insidious form of censorship. Many of the great satirists of the 1960s and 70s, from That Was The Week That Was to Monty Python, began at the Cambridge Footlights. No chance of such irreverent spirits emerging there now but how mercilessly the likes of Peter Cook and John Cleese would have mocked the dotty dons who now presume to censor Shakespeare. Harry Potter books, for example, now carry trigger warnings from Chester University because these harmless texts which most children read at primary school can lead to difficult conversations about gender, race, sexuality, class and identity. Harry Potter books now carry trigger warnings from Chester University Isnt part of the point of going to university: To have difficult conversations? Now we are told that the University of Warwick has even banned the term trigger warning in case it upsets students who are scared of guns. If only the word woke a piece of cultural appropriation, imported from America, if ever there was one could go the same way. It used to be said that scientists were immune from the worst effects of such progressive ideology. If this was ever true, it is so no longer. Imperial College, Londons largest science-based university, now insists that young boffins check their white privilege. Increasingly, universities are devoting precious resources to decolonisation, which often involves cancelling their past founders, benefactors or alumni because of some dubious connection to slavery. Sometimes the academics monstrous ingratitude backfires. After the Black Lives Matter protests, Edinburgh renamed its David Hume Tower because of a single footnote in the great Scottish philosophers works. As a result, the university lost more than 2million in donations and legacies. After the Black Lives Matter protests, Edinburgh renamed its David Hume Tower because of a single footnote in the great Scottish philosophers works The hypocrisy of woke academics cries out for exposure. Why, if Cambridge University is so concerned about its historic links to the slave trade, has it accepted 60million of Chinese cash in the past five years? Under Xi Jinping, China has incarcerated more than a million Uighurs in slave labour camps. The Government has so far watched impotently from the sidelines as this corruption of academic life has unfolded. Belatedly, ministers are trying to protect the freedom of speech of visiting lecturers, but they have not yet penalised universities for adopting woke policies. Yet the taxpayer still subsidises universities, both directly and indirectly, through student loans. High time, then, for ministers to use the power of the purse-strings to stop this sinister infiltration of higher education by woke ideology. Daniel Johnson is editor of thearticle.com It's emotional blackmail on a global scale. Issue a grovelling apology to my wife and I against your better judgement. Then forgive us for spilling your biggest secrets and darkest moments, laced with the most grotesque criticism to which you can't respond, to the highest bidder or there's even worse to come. That was the twisted threat from Prince Harry briefed personally, somewhat ironically, given his apparent hatred of the British Press, to one of his favourite propagandists in the print media at the weekend. The Duke of Delusion warned sinisterly in yet another deranged interview that he has a further 400 pages of material ready to publish, including further toxic revelations about his father and brother In this climate, it's not only impossible to imagine Charles and William being able to reconcile with Harry, it's also reckless The Duke of Delusion warned sinisterly in yet another deranged interview that he has a further 400 pages of material ready to publish, including further toxic revelations about his father and brother. That prompted a royal source to tell The Sunday Times that 'right now, he's holding a gun to their heads'. Not so lovely 'Haz' revealed to Bryony Gordon of The Daily Telegraph that he didn't include those stories in Spare because 'I don't think they (King Charles and Prince William) would ever forgive me'. But he goes on to his nodding dog interviewer: 'Now you could argue that some of the stuff I've put in there, well, they will never forgive me anyway. 'But the way I see it is, I'm willing to forgive you for everything you've done, and I wish you'd actually sat down with me, properly, and instead of saying I'm delusional and paranoid, actually sit down and have a proper conversation about this, because what I'd really like is some accountability. And an apology to my wife.' I'd laugh if this idiocy didn't threaten the international reputation of the British Royal Family. Apologise for what, you fool? Charles funded your wife's extravagant demands and and then the Palace helped hide forever the findings of an independent investigation into her alleged bullying of multiple staff members. You should be buying your dad a pint of organic beer, not demanding the new monarch issue a grovelling apology to our second most unpopular royal. It's emotional blackmail on a global scale. Issue a grovelling apology to my wife and I against your better judgement. Then forgive us for spilling your biggest secrets and darkest moments, laced with the most grotesque criticism to which you can't respond, to the highest bidder or there's even worse to come. Pictured: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex at Windsor Castle In Spare, Harry has painted Wills as an angry, balding, cold egomaniac who was never there for him and physically attacked him twice recently The idea that William, who, yes, still loves his brother, will be party to any sort of grovelling apology to appease Harry is for the birds. But Charles too needs to man up and realise that the appeasement strategy he has employed to deal with Harry has failed spectacularly By the way, isn't it telling that Harry has so many close friends working in senior roles in the media that he's only ever interviewed by his BFFs? That's why he can make these unhinged threats to the likes of Gordon, ITV's Tom Bradby and CNN's Anderson Cooper, and why he's never speaking to an unbiased journalist who could challenge the ridiculousness of what he's suggesting. But Dirty Harry wasn't finished there. He told Gordon, who, yet again, failed to ask for any evidence, that the press 'have got a s*** tonne of dirt about my family,' adding: 'I know they have, and they sweep it under the carpet for juicy stories about someone else.' Really? What are these stories and what does their existence suggest about the behaviour of your family members? Of course, this is just yet another unproven smear from Harry that he laughably claims is 'not about trying to collapse the monarchy' but 'about trying to save them from themselves'. It's also a laughable notion to suggest for one moment that the British Press try to cover up negative stories about the Royal Family, given it was newspapers here that first revealed Prince Andrew's friendship with the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and doggedly pursued the story for a decade, against the wishes of most of the establishment, until he lost his formal role. Prince Harry's book, Spare, was released on January 10 and quickly became one of the fastest selling non-fiction books ever Even in the past year, it's British newspapers who have revealed a host of damaging stories about Charles' questionable relations, including the extraordinary revelation that, when Prince of Wales, he accepted 3 million from a Qatari sheik in banknotes stuffed into Fortnum & Mason carrier bags. But it suits Harry's delusional narrative to suggest the media are only interested in negative stories about the Sussexes. The truth isn't what this is about; Harry is doing everything possible to damage his family with the suggestion of dodgy revelations to come, without ANY actual evidence, something he would be furious about if the media were doing the same. As ever, his nasty attention is particularly targeted at William. The Prince of Wales already burning red will have turned catatonic with rage after his younger brother dragged two of his three children into his latest publicity drive. It suits Harry's delusional narrative to suggest the media are only interested in negative stories about the Sussexes The Sussexes were invited back into the inner family fold and treated with utmost respect for both the funeral of Prince Philip, the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee, and her funeral, only for the grenades launched in their Netflix victimhood fest and Spare to be far worse than any courtier or member of the firm was expecting Knowing exactly the additional damage he was causing on his already toxic relationship with his older brother, Harry added to Gordon: 'And though William and I have talked about it once or twice, and he has made it very clear to me that his kids are not my responsibility, I still feel a responsibility knowing that out of those three children, at least one will end up like me, the spare. And that hurts, that worries me.' Wow. Just imagine if a member of the Royal Family went to a newspaper and suggested that they had a 'responsibility' to ensure that Harry's kids Archie and Lilibet weren't separated by their embittered parents from every blood relative connected to their British heritage In this climate, it's not only impossible to imagine Charles and William being able to reconcile with Harry, it's also reckless. But, of course, that's what the so-called 'wise heads' otherwise known as the wets in the royal household were suggesting to The Sunday Times yesterday. I revealed that the brothers' relationship was already effectively over after Harry allowed Meghan to go on Oprah Winfrey and trash Kate in front of the world for apparently making her cry following a drama over bridesmaid dresses A royal source, who the newspaper said 'has the King's ear and who knows the Sussexes', revealed a reconciliation meeting will likely happen before the coronation in May. They argued: 'Both sides need to hold their hands up and admit we didn't get everything right, and we got a lot wrong, and we have to say to him 'we understand the pain you've been through'. The King can do it.' Another 'well-placed royal source' added: 'They have to invite them in before the coronation, or it will become such a circus and distraction.' I'm sorry, these advisers are on another planet if they expect William to sit down in a room with his out-of-control bro and admit wrongdoing as part of a wider royal apology within the next four months. I revealed that the brothers' relationship was already effectively over after Harry allowed Meghan to go on Oprah Winfrey and trash Kate in front of the world for apparently making her cry following a drama over bridesmaid dresses. But in Spare, Harry has painted Wills as an angry, balding, cold egomaniac who was never there for him and physically attacked him twice recently. It's an unforgivable portrayal that completely distorts history, but one that will, sadly, stick with the Prince of Wales for the rest of his life. So the idea that William, who, yes, still loves his brother, will be party to any sort of grovelling apology to appease Harry is for the birds. But Charles too needs to man up and realise that the appeasement strategy he has employed to deal with Harry has failed spectacularly. The Sussexes were invited back into the inner family fold and treated with utmost respect for both the funeral of Prince Philip, the late Queen's Platinum Jubilee, and her funeral, only for the grenades launched in their Netflix victimhood fest and Spare to be far worse than any courtier or member of the firm was expecting. If Charles gives in now, with this purported reconciliation summit, he is making it clear to Harry and Meghan that throwing mud works. That would not lead to silence, as he might hope, but far more mudslinging in the future. The only solution is to get tough on the Sussexes and freeze them out until they apologise for their treacherous behaviour. Brace yourselves. For once I agree with Keir Starmer. We don't need new laws to deal with the eco-nutters who specialise in bringing traffic to a standstill. As the Labour leader told LBC Radio today: 'The police already have adequate powers to arrest people and move them on when they are obstructing the highway.' Hallelujah. That could have been me speaking. Come to mention it, it was. Time and again in this column I've insisted that there's already more than enough existing legislation to prevent Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil and whatever their latest offshoot calls itself this week causing mayhem on our streets. Keir Starmer said on LBC Radio today that police 'already have adequate powers to arrest people and move them on when they are obstructing the highway' Just as you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, so you don't need a former Director of Public Prosecutions to clarify the law on blocking the roads or behaving in a manner likely to cause a breach of the peace. Try using the Public Order Act 1936, and updated in 1986, as a basis for negotiation. So there is absolutely no need for the Government to bring in any new laws aimed at XR and Just Stop Oil protests. They should simply order the police to do their job properly. Daftest proposal of the lot is the so-called 'slow walk' amendment, which is designed to discourage eco-maniacs from strolling in formation down the middle of the road. In future, the Old Bill will be entitled to ask them to walk on the pavement instead. But only if it is judged they are causing 'serious disruption'. Only after a proper assessment has been carried out, will Plod be able to start arresting them. And who is going to be the final arbiter? Will it be a sergeant? An inspector? A deputy assistant chief constable with a degree in what constitutes seriously illegal disruption? Will we have to install a new generation of roadside cameras to record whether protesters are walking too slowly? And how slow is too slow four miles an hour? Five? Given that London is now officially the most congested city in the world, with average speeds in the centre down to a shade over seven mph, if the protesters got a bit of a spurt on they could always argue they weren't causing serious disruption to anyone especially as eco-friendly cyclists and e-scooter riders have their own dedicated lanes these days. No doubt we will need additional legislation to clarify the exact interpretation of slow walking on the public highway, which will then have to be tested by the Supreme Court, before being referred upwards to the European Court of Human Rights. Before long, a whole industry will spring up. A new Government department will have to be created to oversee it. Fifty years after Monty Python, we will finally end up with a real-life Ministry of Silly Walks. And none of this nonsense would be necessary if only the police would stop playing Softly, Softly when it comes to these infuriating protests. Ignore their pathetic pleas that they need more 'clarification' to prevent a handful of headbangers bringing the King's Highways to a complete halt. Of course, they don't. They are simply playing politics at the behest of their senior officers, who have all been brainwashed by the Left-wing freemasonry Common Purpose. From the start of these soppy, selfish, eco-protests, the Old Bill have bent over backwards to accommodate them. Disco-dancing round a pink yacht in Oxford Circus, skateboarding with demonstrators blocking London Bridge, asking idiots glued to the M25 if they'd like a nice cup of tea . . . The list of lunacy and outright dereliction of duty goes on. So when Starmer insists that no new laws are necessary, he's right. But only because the Government and the police have until now lacked the courage and political will to stick up for the tax-paying, law-abiding majority whose lives have been made a misery. Pictured: Just Stop Oil activists marching through Westminster in solidarity with jailed fellow protesters and called on the UK Government to stop issuing new oil and gas licences Yes, in a nominally free society there should be a right to protest. But not to disrupt others going about their lawful business. As I wrote when all this madness kicked off a couple of years ago, CND's Bruce Kent and the Aldermaston marchers had no trouble sticking to the pavement or confining their rallies to Trafalgar Square. The XR mob have deliberately disrupted travel and commerce, resorted to criminal damage and economic sabotage. They have arguably cost lives, by stopping ambulances in their tracks. And yet they still attract widespread sympathy in Labour/Guardianista circles. Where I part company with Starmer is his ludicrous insistence that by bringing in new legislation to deal with such protests, the Government is treating peaceful protesters like 'terrorists'. Once a yuman rites lawyer, always a yuman rites lawyer. Ultimately, this all boils down to politics. Starmer actually supports the aims of the back-to-the-Stone-Age eco-nutters, just not their specific tactics. Otherwise he would have handed back the 360,000 donation he took from one of XR's principal backers, Dale Vince, tree-hugging chairman of Forest Green Rovers FC. The police approach to protesters seems to depend on whether they are acting in a 'good' cause such as saving the polar bears, or demanding more 'trans rights'. Pictured: Just Stop Oil activists protesting on the streets of London and slowing traffic If your demo is sufficiently 'woke', the Old Bill will give you a free pass, no matter how much misery you are causing. But if Ukip supporters tried blocking the A2 in Kent in protest at illegal immigration, or Millwall fans occupied the pitch at, say, Forest Green Rovers, over a disputed VAR decision, the police would send in the heavy mob to start cracking heads straight away without bothering to consult the 'serious disruption' guidelines. Just look at the contrast between the way they handle Just Stop Oil hooligans with how they baton-charged Countryside Alliance members and came down hard on frightened young women mourning murdered Sarah Everard during Covid. So, no, Starmer's right. We don't need new laws. We just want the police to stop playing politics and do their job on behalf of the overwhelming majority of people who pay their wages. We certainly don't need Scotland Yard becoming the Ministry of Silly Walks. Mind How You Go. A complete parcel of barracks They were, we all agreed, the best of British. There was universal admiration for the eight young soldiers who carried the Queen's coffin on her final journey. These impeccable pallbearers epitomised the stiff upper lip, the dignity and majesty of the occasion. Yet now it has been revealed that the living quarters at Wellington Barracks, in London, where they stayed the night before the funeral, have been described as 'not fit for pests'. The barracks are riddled with mould and damp. This horrifying report comes after a Mail on Sunday investigation into the appalling condition of military homes across the country revealed that sleeping bags have been handed out to soldiers and their families, some of whom have been without hot water for weeks. Shameful conditions have been exposed at the barracks where the Army pallbearers who carried the Queen's coffin stayed before her funeral. Pictured: Pallbearers carrying the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II on September 19, 2022 A video obtained by The Mail on Sunday shows a mould-ridden ceiling and dirty water streaming down walls and stairs at Wellington Barracks in London Compare and contrast the squalid quarters being endured by the military with the comfy hotel accommodation being enjoyed by some foreign nationals who've crossed the Channel illegally at a cost to taxpayers of almost 7 million a day. It speaks volumes for the warped values and priorities of this Government and the Establishment in general. We used to judge an army on how well it carried its wounded. Now we can only judge our country on how badly it treats its military, while some people who have come here illegally are living in luxury at our expense. At least Her Maj is no longer around to see it. Makes you proud to be British. When Radio 2 fans heard that Steve Wright In The Afternoon was being replaced by Radio 1's Scott Mills, we feared the worst. All things must pass, according to George Harrison. And so the 1960s and 70s hits which were a staple of Wrighty's show have given way to more recent acts, most of whom I've never heard of. One listener said Scott's show is like being stranded in a nightclub. Wouldn't know. I gave up on it when Steve was ushered out. Radio 1's Scott Mills (pictured) will be replacing Radio 2's Steve Wright In The Afternoon Look, things change. But in pursuit of younger listeners on Radio 2, the Beeb has given us boomers no other channel to cater for our tastes in music. So allow me to point you in the direction of commercial rival Boom Radio, which is Hoovering up Radio 2's old audience. They've even asked me to do a turn for them next month, on Phil Riley's Still Busy Living, a sort of Desert Island Drunks show, where you talk about your life and career and pick some of your favourite records. So if you want to hear your Uncle Rich chewing over the price of fish and playing everyone from The Kinks to Squeeze, tune in to Boom on Feb 12, pop pickers. Not 'arf! On April 16, 1963, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. penned the Letter from the Birmingham City Jail. Rev. King and others were being held for violating a court order against parading, demonstrating, boycotting, trespassing and picketing. The letter was written in response to A Call for Unity, a letter composed by eight local white clergy members. Their letter called for an end to anti-segregation protests in Birmingham, Ala., and to find proper channels to achieve a better Birmingham. In response, Rev. King wrote, your statement, I am sorry to say, fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations. He called their letter a superficial kind of social analysis that deals merely with effects and does not grapple with underlying causes. Rev. Kings response could have easily been directed to white moderates who oppose Black Lives Matter as extremist; condemned the 2020 George Floyd protest as counterproductive; or blunt their criticism of Donald Trumps embrace of white supremacy with some nonspecific reference to some good policies he had. Sadly, I must share Rev. Kings analysis of who and what constitutes the greatest impediment to justice. In the Letter from the Birmingham City Jail, King wrote these words: that the Negros great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to order than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another mans freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a more convenient season. The great enemy of justice are those moderates who feign outrage at societal injustice, but whose outrage conveniently disappears when real change threatens their status. These moderates are more comfortable leaving unchallenged the assumed moral authority of certain institutions, traditions and practices that are the purveyors of injustice rather than confronting their own role in maintaining these institutions. The hard truth is that the comfort of the status quo is always preferable to pursuing the demands of justice. The Letter from the Birmingham City Jail calls for us to reject the justice of those white clergy members and to redefine justice so that it recognizes the humanity of all the diverse peoples of this nation. A nation of multiple races, diverse ethnic groups, LGTBQ+ folks, diverse faiths, atheists, agnostics, the poor, the old, and all who are marginalized. It asks: How do we achieve the beloved community? MLK Day is an American federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of each January. It commemorates the birthday (Jan. 15) and life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most pre-eminent black civil rights leaders in U.S. history. The campaign for creation of a day to honor King began after his assassination in 1968; however, a bill officially marking Kings birthday was not signed until 1983 by President Ronald Reagan. The first observed Martin Luther King Day was on Jan. 20, 1986. title= MLK Day is an American federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of each January. It commemorates the birthday (Jan. 15) and life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most pre-eminent black civil rights leaders in U.S. history. The campaign for creation of a day to honor King began after his assassination in 1968; however, a bill officially marking Kings birthday was not signed until 1983 by President Ronald Reagan. The first observed Martin Luther King Day was on Jan. 20, 1986. data-src=/wp-content/uploads/migration/2023/01/16/33IZSQHIRCHIL4QEVUOYBBP4EI.jpg> MLK Day is an American federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of each January. It commemorates the birthday (Jan. 15) and life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most pre-eminent black civil rights leaders in U.S. history. The campaign for creation of a day to honor King began after his assassination in 1968; however, a bill officially marking Kings birthday was not signed until 1983 by President Ronald Reagan. The first observed Martin Luther King Day was on Jan. 20, 1986. Although the term the beloved community is most closely associated with Rev. King, it was first coined, in 1913, by American philosopher Josiah Royce. Royce believed life means nothing, either theoretically or practically unless we center ourselves as fellow sojourners in building community grounded in love, redemption, and reconciliation. The beloved community is not simply a philosophical concept, but a way of understanding justice that moves beyond retribution to building a society that is inclusive and redemptive. A community where, as the late U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone said, each person is free to fully develop his or her full potential. As Americans, we have become comfortable with a view of justice that preferences law and order over compassion and a recognition of our shared humanity. The American concept of justice works against building community because its primary, if not sole, focus is preserving the social order, retribution, and punishment not redemption, restoration, and reconciliation. It is this limited focus that constrains our ability to create the beloved community. Rev. King said, An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. This King holiday his words are our collective call as we accept the challenge of creating the beloved community. Terrance Carroll is a former speaker of the Colorado House. The first and only African American to ever hold that position in Colorado. He is a Baptist preacher, attorney, and former police officer. He is on Twitter @speakercarroll. I don't want to sound too bossy but it's time to talk about the skin barrier. It's an important subject and in the skincare world right now it's also a topical one (excuse the pun), for there's a renewed focus on products that help support our skin barrier health. 'The skin is the largest organ of the human body and maintaining a good skin barrier keeps the 'good stuff', like moisture, in and the 'bad stuff', like allergens and irritants, out,' explains Dr Keyla Lazardi, chief scientific officer for Elizabeth Arden. Small wonder, then, that Arden already does a roaring trade on its ceramide ranges (ceramides help to hold skin cells together). 'A healthy barrier will create a watertight seal,' says Dr Lazardi. I don't want to sound too bossy but it's time to talk about the skin barrier. It's an important subject and in the skincare world right now it's also a topical one But barrier disruption can occur for a number of reasons, including over-using acids like retinols as well as environmental factors and age, and it can result in skin sensitivity, dehydration, lines and pigmentation. So Elizabeth Arden has created Advanced Light Ceramide Capsules (from 48, elizabetharden.co.uk). 'This new ceramide [called Ceramide NP] can better mimic the skin's natural ceramide composition to achieve faster results,' says Dr Lazardi. Elizabeth Arden has created Advanced Light Ceramide Capsules (from 48, elizabetharden.co.uk) The results are impressive and include stronger, firmer skin, refined pores and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines. Kiehl's, too, has come up with a more emphatic offering with the introduction of Ultra Facial Advanced Repair Barrier Cream (35, kiehls.co.uk) to add to its Ultra Facial Cream 'We focus on this because it makes up about 80 per cent of the ceramides in the skin and is essential in maintaining a healthy barrier.' Texture-wise this feels lighter than the brand's already popular Advanced Ceramide Capsules. The results are impressive and include stronger, firmer skin, refined pores and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines. Kiehl's, too, has come up with a more emphatic offering with the introduction of Ultra Facial Advanced Repair Barrier Cream (35, kiehls.co.uk) to add to its Ultra Facial Cream. Aimed at dry, distressed and compromised skin, it's a balm-to-cream formula but still quick-absorbing. Tatcha's new Indigo Overnight Repair (80, tatcha.co.uk) is a serum in moisturiser treatment that works to strengthen the skin's barrier and balance the microbiome Coats, meanwhile, is an excellent new brand from a collective of beauty executives, chemists and skin experts working in partnership with the Skin Health Alliance. Pictured: Toning Milk (22) The focus is on maintaining a healthy skin barrier with its 'skinsentials' range based around a simple three-step routine: a gentle pH-balanced non-foaming Cleanser (20), a hydrating Toning Milk (22) and a triple-moisture Water Cream (25, all amazon.co.uk) for extra hydration and protection Tatcha is also focusing on the topic with its new Indigo Overnight Repair (80, tatcha.co.uk). It's a serum in moisturiser treatment that works to strengthen the skin's barrier and balance the microbiome for healthy-looking skin. Coats, meanwhile, is an excellent new brand from a collective of beauty executives, chemists and skin experts working in partnership with the Skin Health Alliance. I'd highly recommend OO Cream from Cotswolds-based Jane Scrivner (29, janescrivner.com) and Curel Intensive Moisture Facial Cream (19.50, boots.com) The focus is on maintaining a healthy skin barrier with its 'skinsentials' range based around a simple three-step routine: a gentle pH-balanced non-foaming Cleanser (20), a hydrating Toning Milk (22) and a triple-moisture Water Cream (25, all amazon.co.uk) for extra hydration and protection. An SPF is in the works. For some classic, dependable options, I'd highly recommend OO Cream from Cotswolds-based Jane Scrivner (29, janescrivner.com) and Curel Intensive Moisture Facial Cream (19.50, boots.com) from the Japanese brand that's great for sensitive skin. From Rio with brio Bom Dia, the fragrant range from Brazilian brand Sol de Janeiro, has a rather splendid new body scrub (39, spacenk.com) Bom Dia, the fragrant range from Brazilian brand Sol de Janeiro, has a rather splendid new body scrub (39, spacenk.com). Using glycolic and salicylic acid for a little chemical exfoliation, alongside crushed maracuja seeds for some proper scrubbing texture, its a luxurious way to feel refreshed and invigorated in the new year. Dont overdo it on the acids, though remember that skin barrier! Using it two or three times a week is enough to keep skin looking and feeling smooth. As for the fragrance, many diehard fans of Baccarat Rouge perfume feel this has similar vibes with its notes of black amber, plum, jasmine and warm musk. Under a tenner The official Pantone shade of the year is Viva Magenta. Weve hunted around and the polish we feel comes closest and remains at the more affordable end of the nail colour spectrum is the new Pixel from Mavala (6.20, nailpolishdirect.co.uk) If you want to add some strong 2023 vibes to your beauty arsenal, then consider snapping up a nail varnish in the official Pantone shade of the year: Viva Magenta. Weve hunted around and the polish we feel comes closest and remains at the more affordable end of the nail colour spectrum is the new Pixel from Mavala (6.20, nailpolishdirect.co.uk), which forms part of its newly launched Digital Art collection. Plus, as these pots are small, you should be able to finish it up before embracing next years official colour. SHOPPING Contains affiliated content. Products featured in this Mail Best article are selected by our shopping writers. If you make a purchase using links on this page, Dailymail.com will earn an affiliate commission. Click here for more information. While eyeshadow is probably not the item that you couldnt live without in your make-up bag compared to mascara or concealer, we have news about a brand new multi-tasking eyeshadow from twenty/twenty beauty. The ophthalmologist-founded brand, who are behind the internet viral twenty/twenty lash and brow growth serum, have developed a cream eyeshadow that also nourishes eye skin and works to combat dry eyes as well as last all-day. Its literally just launched on the twenty/twenty website and Amazon on January 11, and there is so much excitement about this do-it-all product that we recommending shopping fast as theres no way of knowing when it will sell out. twenty/twenty beauty cream eyeshadow stick These creamy, smooth eye shadow sticks glide easily onto lids with rich pigments to help make eyes pop. They're good for you too as they're packed with hydrating gentle ingredients like castor oil, argan oil, hyaluronic acid and Vitamin E to minimize the symptoms of dry eye disease. There's even a built-in sharpener for precise application. Shop The twenty/twenty beauty shadow sticks are available in four glam shades including Starry Eyed (left) and Brown Eyed Girl (right) If youre one of the up to 49 million Americans suffering from dry eyes, especially in the winter, these luxe cream eyeshadows could alleviate many of your symptoms without having to put chemical drops in your eye. And if you have sensitive or aging skin around the eyelids, youll benefit from castor oil, argan oil, hyaluronic acid, konjac root powder, and vitamin E to nourish and hydrate the lids and reduce the dreaded wrinkly, crepe-like texture. As its actively working to smoothen out the surface of your lid, youll find that the shadow sits better on your eyelid rather than pooling or smudging. The twenty/twenty formulas are nourishing and hydrating thanks to castor oil, argan oil, hyaluronic acid, konjac root powder, and vitamin E Even better is that the creamy formula will last all day on the eyelids without flaking into the eye and irritating eyes. Dr Diane Hilal-Campo, the ophthalmologist founder of twenty/twenty beauty, has seen patients with eye damage caused by loose eyeshadow glitters and powders. This is why twenty/twenty beautys shadow is cream based as loose powder can flake onto the ocular surface, causing inflammation, scratches to the cornea, or even permanently stain the subconjunctiva (the area behind the whites of your eyes). The twenty/twenty beauty shades will help you build drama or make your eye color pop with Private Eye black (left) useful for building a smoky eye And there are glam benefits as well as health benefits as the colors are ultra-flattering and can be built-up to achieve a sexy night time face. The names are cute too as you have Starry Eyed (lustrous champagne), Tiger's Eye (subtly shimmering camel), Brown-Eyed Girl (deep bronze) and Private Eye (true black with subtle bronze shimmer). To choose your favorite color and shop the new shadows before they sell out, head to the twenty/twenty website now. She also shared the five things you should never do at a job interview and why She said your questions need to show your skills and proficiency for the role Tea Angelos is the CEO of Smart Women Society and author of a new book A career expert has shared the questions you should ask at the end of a job interview - and the five things you should never do. The Australian founder and CEO of Smart Women Society Tea Angelos said before any job interview wraps up, she always has two or three questions up her sleeve ready to ask a potential employer. The reason why she asks these questions is so she can show she has a 'genuine interest' in working for the company, and find out anything she needs to know ahead of starting. Scroll down for video A career expert has shared the questions you should ask at the end of a job interview - and the five things you should never do (the founder of Smart Women Society Tea Angelos pictured) The reason why Tea (pictured) asks these questions is so she can show she has a 'genuine interest' in working for the company, and find out anything she needs to know before starting The first question Tea said she asks is: What does a typical day in this role look like? 'By asking this question, you are trying to get more specific context about what your daily activities may involve,' she told FEMAIL. 'While the job description would have given you an understanding of the roles and responsibilities you will have, it often does not give enough context about the actual activities you will be doing day to day.' The 25-year-old said she sometimes supplements this question with: What are the key indicators of success in this role? 'This could indicate strict Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or metrics, or it could refer to more high-level indicators such as creativity and innovation,' she said. But it's key to ask, as understanding what the company views as success will ensure 'you're both on the same page'. Next, the careers expert said it can be a good idea to find out what are some growth opportunities in the role. This is important as it both shows the interviewer that you're both wanting to learn and develop, while also showcasing your attitude and goals. 'All jobs are part of a bigger plan and strategy that a company has in place. By asking this question, you may be able to learn about the longer-term plans for the role and its importance within the broader company,' Tea said. Other questions you can consider asking include: What are some of the company's goals over the next few years? You can also ask about the company culture and someone else's 'favourite part about working at the company'. 'If you ask someone their favourite part, this question is trying to seek a real-life answer from the interviewer that isn't just what is written in the job advertisement on the website,' Tea said. 'Don't be afraid to continue the conversation from the answer to find more details about what they find the most enjoyable in their role.' You can ask about the company culture and someone else's 'favourite part about working at the company', as this is a good way to try and get a genuine answer to a question How to ace a job interview every time 1. Do your research: 'Preparation is key to acing your interview and securing the role. Start by conducting thorough background research about the company, culture, role and interviewer. Familiarise yourself with the company's website and social media. Understand the history, mission, products and services, key leaders, future plans and involvement. Find out who will be interviewing them and look them up on LinkedIn.' 2. Practice common questions: 'There are a variety of standard questions that are asked by most interviewers regardless of the industry or level of seniority. Prepare responses for these. Typical examples are questions like 'Tell me about a time when...' and you should use the STAR (situation, task, action, result) technique to answer them.' 3. Dress smart: 'What you wear to your interview will depend largely on the industry and the individual company's dress code. The best way to figure this out is to look at their website and see what the staff are wearing in photos. If you're still unsure, it's better to be overdressed than underdressed.' 4. Conquer your nerves: 'If the interview is in person, get ahead of nerves and plan ahead on how you'll get there, factoring in traffic and parking. Aim to arrive 15-30 minutes early so you can familiarise yourself with where you need to go and have a read over your notes.' 5. Make a good impression: 'Finally, it's important to create a great first impression by building a rapport with the interviewer. They usually know within the first few minutes of an interview whether they want to hire you so be polite to everyone. Avoid speaking poorly about your existing or previous employer and ask for the interviewer's email so you can send a thank you.' Advertisement Tea said you should ask about the key indicators of success in the role (pictured), as this ensures you're on the same page before starting Five things not to do at an interview Not showing interest or enthusiasm in the role Bad-mouthing your current/previous employer Showing up late Not being prepared (not having done your research, not knowing about the company and the role) Bad body language or posture, no eye contact Advertisement Finally, Tea said you can ask what are the next steps in the process - as this shows the interviewer that you are 'serious and eager for the role'. 'Asking this question will also give you an insight into what you can expect moving forward in the process and the associated timings,' she said. 'All companies do their hiring differently, so knowing the process will help keep you patient and allow you to know when the right time may be to follow up.' Tea shared the five things you should never do at an interview. These include not showing interest or enthusiasm, bad-mouthing your current or previous employer, showing up late, not being prepared and bad body language or posture without eye contact. Tea Angelos is releasing her first book, Smart Moves: Simple Ways to Take Control of Your Life - Money, Career, Wellbeing, Love, this year. For more information, please click here. A carer who 'has an allergy to the cold' has revealed she was once told she looked like a 'monster' due to her skin's red and blotchy reaction to low temperatures. Tammy Rose Bringloe, 34, who lives in Birmingham, said people have made fun of her condition throughout her life, saying she must be 'lying' or 'joking'. Tammy's condition, known as cold urticaria, affects her on an almost day-to-day basis, as 'anything colder than (her) body temperature' produces an allergic reaction of varying severity and length. She said her skin will usually break out in hives, go 'red and blotchy', and then she will experience swelling, itchiness, an intense burning sensation, and sometimes nausea. Tammy Rose Bringloe, 34, (above) who lives in Birmingham, said people have made fun of her condition throughout her life, saying she must be 'lying' or 'joking' On a few occasions, Tammy said she has even fainted due to a reaction, but she wants to increase awareness of the condition so that it is taken more seriously and is more widely recognised. She said: 'Raising awareness is something that needs to happen because no one knows about it. 'People are taking the mick and they're getting bullied for it, and I'm really against that because I had that myself and it can affect your mental health. 'If I can help someone else, instead of people taking the mick, and (help others) be more understanding you don't know the difference it makes on that individual.' On a few occasions, Tammy said she has even fainted due to a reaction, but she wants to increase awareness of the condition (Pictured: Tammy taking a selfie by the sea) The 34-year-old's condition, known as cold urticaria, affects her on an almost day-to-day basis, as 'anything colder than (her) body temperature' produces an allergic reaction of varying severity and length WHAT IS COLD URTICARIA? Cold urticaria is a skin reaction that causes it to break out in hives when exposed to low temperatures. Other symptoms include swelling of the hands when holding cold objects, and the lips and throat when drinking chilled beverages. In severe cases when the entire body is affected, sufferers may experience fainting, a racing heart, shock, and swelling of the tongue and throat, which can prevent breathing. Anyone can develop cold urticaria, however, people are more at risk if they are young, have recently had an infection, have an underlying condition or have inherited certain genetic traits. Cold urticaria often goes away on its own but can be treated via antihistamines and avoiding temperatures below 39F (4C). Essential cold urticaria makes up about one to three per cent of all urticaria cases, according to the National Organisation of Rare Disorders. Urticaria, also known as hives, is estimated to affect around one in five people at some point in their lives, according to the NHS. Source: Mayo Clinic Advertisement Tammy, who is a care and support worker, said she believes she was born with cold urticaria - a chronic, reactive skin disorder which occurs after exposure of the skin to cold temperatures. She said her mother and brother have the same condition, but she was not officially diagnosed until her mid-20s and she does not have an EpiPen, which is used for self-administration of adrenaline for the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions. Wearing layers of clothing to keep warm is one preventative measure, and she takes 'the strongest antihistamines you can be prescribed', but she said her reactions are difficult to predict and manage, especially during the winter months. She added: 'It took me a long time to get a name for it. 'Mum just called it our allergy, or our allergy to the cold, or said 'you're having an allergy attack' - that was the term that she always used. 'So they were the terms that I always used, and people would be looking at me, thinking, 'what on earth are you talking about?'. 'People always thought I was joking, because you say 'I've got an allergy to the cold'... and then it wasn't until I started fainting with it that people thought 'she isn't lying about it'.' Tammy referred to herself as a 'science experiment' and said others used to call her 'a personal thermometer' or 'the weather girl' as her skin would 'tell you how cold it was'. During a typical reaction, her hands and face would swell up, her skin would go bright red, and her body would be 'severely itchy' - sometimes, she said, it was 'like her skin (was) on fire'. She remembers fainting for the first time after she had gone swimming with a friend when she was approximately 11 years old, which was 'scary' as she thought 'her body was shutting down'. And Tammy struggled during her time at school, as people would call her names and say she was just 'pretending' to have an allergy. 'When it got really bad, my whole face would swell that much that my eyes started closing in,' she said. Tammy claimed people with cold urticaria, a skin reaction to the cold (picture), are being bullied, and by raising awareness it will be taken more seriously Although she looks to have very clear skin here, Tammy believes she was born with cold urticaria (Pictured: Tammy, right, with her mum, Melanie Holmes, left) 'People are disgusted to look at you and (they would say) 'you're a monster', and I think I ended up just joking about it myself, saying, 'I'm a tomato on legs'. 'My hands were a big thing, and people would go, 'what's wrong with your hands?', or people used to think, in the summer, because you don't expect to get it in the summer, that I was sunburnt. 'People never believed me, saying 'why are you pretending?', so trying to get people to listen (was really difficult) and it did affect my confidence a lot.' Tammy explained that the bullying and name-calling at school, and the lack of understanding, had a profoundly negative affect - particularly because she felt no one was listening to her. She said people accused her of 'trying to get out of PE at school' and they would 'laugh' at her when she tried to explain her condition. Tammy believes that, with the rise of social media and more open dialogue, she can help to raise awareness of the condition Tammy referred to herself as a science experiment and said others used to pick on her and call her a personal thermometer or the weather girl 'It used to be awful when I was a kid and teenager; people are judgmental, everyone's obsessed with their looks,' she said. 'Especially, when I was a teen, everything was about looking good all the time. The magazines were different back then to what they are now. 'Now with the media... people are more aware and are less judgmental and more accepting, but I didn't have that, so it was really difficult. 'It took over (my life) a bit, and, trying to get people to understand it, because it is a bit of a strange allergy, was hard.' Tammy believes that with the rise of social media she can help to raise awareness of the condition (Pictured: Tammy cuddling with her friend's dogs) Tammy believes that with the rise of social media she can help to raise awareness of the condition. She used to believe her condition was ugly, but now she wants to bare it to the world and hopefully prevent others with cold urticaria from being subjected to abuse or misunderstood. She added: 'People are so focused on image and looking good, and I think, from what I had (experienced), people can be so judgmental of other people. 'But for these people going through these things, their mental health is affected by these comments and people not being aware. 'Sometimes people might say comments without actually meaning to be horrible, they're almost oblivious... but I think awareness of anything is a good thing - it makes people reflect more on themselves, (and) it makes people hopefully less judgmental.' Tensions arose between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton early on in their relationship it has been reported, after the now Princess of Wales was prioritised over the Duchess of Sussex by a designer whose clothes have been worn by both royals. Both Kate, 41, and Meghan, 41, are fans of British designer Erdem Moralioglu, with the Duchess of Sussex falling in love with his clothes during her career as an actress, as reported by The Telegraph. Despite sporting his designs to several engagements before entering royal life from 2016, once Meghan joined the Firm, the Princess of Wales is said to have been given priority over Meghan as she, too, was an existing customer. The 46-year-old designer has been described as being like Marmite, as people tend to either love or detest his work, with no room for ambivalence, thanks to his confident colour choices and fearless approach to pattern. Kate has been snapped wearing Erdem dresses on multiple royal engagements over the years, including this design she sported while attending the opening of the V&A Photography Centre at the Victoria & Albert Museum in 2018 His romantic clothing has been described as 'chintzy' by some, due to his use of romantic floral fabrics. Kate has been snapped wearing the East London-based designer's creations on multiple royal engagements over the years, donning a mid-calf fit-and-flare frock from British label Erdem's SS18 collection to attend the the opening of the V&A Photography Centre at the Victoria & Albert Museum in 2018. She also sported the designer for other engagements, sporting a full-length mustard floral print gown to a Dinner given by the British Ambassador in Stockholm in 2018, and opting for the designer's Shebah Floral Cotton Silk Gown to attend the Chelsea Flower show in 2019. Meanwhile, Meghan wore Erdem's 'Davina' dress from his 2015 collection in early 2016 - before it was available to the general public - for an appearance on NBC's Today Programme, before she had even met the Duke of Sussex. Meanwhile, Meghan Markle is also a fan of the designer, and wore his clothing before meeting Prince Harry. Here she is pictured wearing Erdem for the first time during a royal engagement, donning this custom green coat dress in 2019 And Zara Tindall has also been spotted in Erdem designs, sporting this knee length floral frock to attend Royal Ascot in 2021 She was also seen in Erdem dresses in March 2017 during a wedding in Jamaica, and around the time of the 2017 Invictus Games in Toronto, when she wore his 'Sebla' dress. However, as a royal, Meghan did not publicly wear the designer until March 2019, The Telegraph reports. The fact that frocks crafted by the British designer, who was born in Canada, were being handed to Kate first is said to have gone down badly with the Sussexes. This led to Meghan allegedly saying Kate 'wasn't even Queen'. Clothing created by fashion designer Erdem Moralioglu (pictured in London in December 2022) is said to have created some tension between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle Kate and Meghan are not the only members of the Firm who appear to be fans of Erdem: Princess Eugenie donned a short 950 flowery frock when announcing her engagement to Jack Brooksbank in 2018. And Zara Tindall donned of the brand's trademark floral frocks to attend Royal Ascot in 2021, opting for a navy blue knee length number with long sleeves. Sophie Wessex has also been snapped in the brand on multiple occasions, garnering headlines when she opted for a 2,895 Erdem Lindsay pleated metallic-lace gown which was patterned with intricate lace to attend the Royal Variety Performance at Albert Hall last month. So, who is the man behind the brand that's become a fashion darling of the royals? Sophie Wessex is also a fan of the brand, and stunned in this intricate gown when she attended the Royal Variety Performance in December last year Erdem grew up in Montreal, with his homesick mother who surrounded herself with British treasures including Brideshead Revisited and Room With A View. These informed the young creative with a romantic view of Britain that is clear in his chintzy designs. Coming to the UK as a young adult, he learned his trade at Londons prestigious Royal College of Art and on internships at Vivienne Westwood and Diane von Furstenberg. Debuting his own inaugural collection some 15 years ago, Erdem, who was awarded an MBE for services to fashion in 2021, won plaudits for his grown-up style that took ethereal fabrics and Renaissance florals and made them appeal to savvy career women. The Good: Princess Eugenie plumped for a 1,288 demure, highnecked floral Erdem when she posed for official engagement photographs with new fiance Jack Brooksbank His talent was instantly recognised and saw a panel of influential judges including Alexandra Shulman, Joan Burstein, the formidable founder of powerhouse boutique Browns, and designer Roland Mouret award him the coveted Fashion Fringe prize at London Fashion Week. This provided a cash injection for his fledgling business and a springboard to catapult him into the spotlight. Today, Erdem has made England his home and the base for his internationally acclaimed brand. It sells in more than 170 chic boutiques and department shops around the world, including a flagship store bearing his own name in Londons Mayfair. Other high profile people who have been spotted wearing the brand include former Vogue editor Alexandra Shulman, Net-a-Porter founder Natalie Massenet and Samantha Cameron. A five-year-old girl has smashed a record, becoming the youngest to climb Britain's highest peaks in under 48 hours - and even carried out a mountain rescue in her stride. Seren Isla Price, from Llangennech, Carmarthenshire, took on the mammoth challenge with her dad Glyn to climb Snowdon, Ben Nevis and Scaffell Pike. She became the youngest ever to complete the climb of the highest mountains of Wales, England and Scotland in less than 48 hours. Her eventful climb even included a mountain rescue after Seren and Glyn spotted a walker who needed help getting down the mountain. Five-year-old Seren Isla Price (pictured) has climbed Britain's highest peaks in under 48 hours alongside her father Glyn It came as the pair were reaching the top of Ben Nevis and noticed a group of hikers huddling around a woman. Brave Seren leapt into action to lead the way with her torch - and even offered the woman a Lucozade drink in a bid to boost her energy. Dad Glyn said: 'She needed help going down the mountain, we called mountain rescue as she was quite fatigued and they were working their way up from the bottom. Seren (pictured) became the youngest ever to complete the climb of the highest mountains of Wales, England and Scotland in less than 48 hours The youngster (pictured) even gave a helping hand to a fellow climber who was struggling, giving the woman some of her Lucozade Plans: now Seren and father Glyn are hoping to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Everest base camp, and scale Mount Toubkal in North Africa in the future Fearless: despite describing the climbs as 'very difficult', Seren (pictured) has plenty more plans for peaks she'd like to scale in the future 'It took about two hours to get her down the zigzag path, down to the reservoir where the mountain rescue meet us with the air ambulance. 'Seren was brilliant in the fact she gave Lucozade to the lady to help give her energy and was helping her down the mountain.' The youngster began climbing mountains with dad Glyn was she was just three-years-old - and has already scaled the Welsh three peaks. Seren (pictured) starting scaling peaks with her father Glyn when she was just three-years-old. The pair has plans to tackle even more ambitious climbs nows Peak: Seren (pictured here at the summit of Pen Y Fan) has described the gruelling climbs as 'very difficult' Duo: however, the five-year-old (pictured) has not let that stop her - and has many future climbs planned with her father Glyn (pictured) Thanks to her hard work climbing, Seren (pictured) has raised almost 800 for Birmingham Children's Hospital, which helped her when she was a baby She first planned to attempt her latest challenge in 24 hours but the walk was delayed due to the rescue. She has raised just under 800 for Birmingham Children's Hospital as they helped her when she was a baby. Seren described the climbs as 'very difficult.' The father-daughter duo hope to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Everest base camp, and scale Mount Toubkal in North Africa in the future. A mother has shared a candid video of her delivering her fifth baby in a bid to show other women what childbirth is really like. Chrissy Horton, from San Diego, California, can be seen at the beginning of a three-minute-long TikTok clip modelling a large baby bump before she then runs viewers through each stage of her experience, from developing contractions to journeying to hospital to the final push. The mom can be seen at one point violently shaking in the hospital bed, but she reassures viewers that it's 'super normal' and 'it's all part if the process'. At another point she warns that 'it's about to get real' so 'you might want to turn the volume down on your phone'. She then proceeds to give a 'primal scream' as her baby starts coming. Chrissy Horton from San Diego can be seen at the beginning of a TikTok clip modelling a large baby bump before she then runs viewers through each stage of her experience The expectant mom said she did laundry so she didn't come back to a 'bunch of dirty clothes' after being in hospital At 3:30am, the expectant mom said the pain got 'so bad' when she was around eight centimeters dilated, and she was given an epidural and had a catheter inserted Other insights she offers in the video, which has been viewed more than eight million times and garnered much praise from other women, is how she had to get a catheter inserted after having her epidural and how you still look pregnant after giving birth because your 'uterus hasn't shrunk yet'. The clip begins by showing Chrissy at home as her contractions start developing in the last afternoon. She explains she was home alone at the time as her husband had taken their three other kids to a martial arts class. However, when they got home she hopped on an exercise ball and bounced up and down in a bid to 'get things moving'. At 10pm she showered, got ready for bed and started a load of laundry because she didn't want to 'come home to a bunch of dirty clothes'. The next bit of footage shows Chrissy waking up at around 2am because she 'couldn't take it anymore', with the contractions happening closer together. She explains: '[The] contractions were like five minutes apart at that point so I had to call my mom to over to watch the kids so we can go off to the hospital. @hortonlane What its like to give birth! Come with me as I deliver my 5th baby. When I was pregnant with my first baby I had no idea what to expect when giving birth. I wish I had someone to walk me through how long labor could potentially be, the interventions that are used, and what my options were. So I decided to document and share my entire birthing experience from start to finish. I begin recording as my first serious contractions took place. I had been experiencing Braxton Hicks for several weeks at this point, but on this day the contractions were different. They were stronger and I could feel my whole uterus contracting, rather than just a localized area. They became stronger and I began breathing heavier. Thats when I knew the contractions needed to be timed. They say you know its time to leave for the hospital when your contractions are happening at least every 5 minutes, last for one minute each, and have been happening consistently for 1 hour. Its called the 5-1-1 rule. I birth big babies, I am talking over 10 lbs, and never once was a c-section mentioned to me just because of their size. I have had an epidural for all my births so for baby number 5 I really wanted to try to have an unmedicated birth. Unfortunately I didnt make it. I was close, but I knew I would lack the strength to push if I continued to suffer and fight the pain. I have actually enjoyed my epidural births! They allowed me to relax and be more present for the experience. Being able to relax is key too. Each time I tried to birth unmedicated labor wouldnt progress. Please note, this is just my personal experience. Everyone is going to have a different birth story #givingbirthbelike #birthstory #birthstorytime #pregnantmama #pregnancyvlog #momtobe2023 #hospitalbag #givingbirthisnojoke #postpartumrecovery #10lbsbaby #hospitalbirth #hospitalbagessentials #pregnantmama #41weekspregnant #epiduralbirth #naturalbirth #unmedicatedbirth original sound - Chrissy Horton Once the baby starts coming, the mood of the video gets more intense. When Chrissy gives birth, the medics inform her she did it without tearing In the next part of the video Chrissy informs viewers about the next steps. She also reveals that the belly is still swollen after giving birth because the 'uterus has not shrunken back down yet' 'It was around here [at 3am] that I really regretted not being at the hospital sooner to get an epidural. My waters hadn't broke yet and I know that provides a cushion during contractions so it was only gonna get worse.' When they arrive at hospital, the video shows that part of the carpark was under construction so they had to park on the 4th floor and take the stairs, as she didn't want to risk getting stuck in the elevator. Once in the hospital, Chrissy describes how they had to check in with triage while the medical team got a room ready for her and started prepping her for birth. The contractions were like five minutes apart at that point so I had to call my mom to over to watch the kids At 3:30am, the expectant mom said the pain got 'so bad' when she was around eight centimeters dilated, and she was given an epidural and had a catheter inserted. She recalled: 'I couldn't make it any longer the epidural helped me relax and then things started to progress better.' Once the baby starts coming, the mood of the video gets more intense. Chrissy can be heard saying: 'I always get scared. Even though this is my fifth.' While her husband rubs her shoulder, a medic tells her to 'bear down like you have to poop'. Chrissy pulls a face as she pushes, clearly in lots pain. 'Can he come out on his own or do I have to keep pushing?' the mom-to-be quips as everyone crowds round. The Hortons found out they were expecting another child in spring 2022. At the time they had three girls and one girl aged 10 months to six years old The medical team tell Chrissy that the baby will come and she's only been pushing a couple of minutes. Eventually her baby comes out and her fears are put at rest when the medics tell her the delivery happened without her tearing. In the next part of the video Chrissy informs viewers about the next steps. She says: 'Immediately after [the] baby is born he is placed on my chest and that is where they check his vitals and then we do delayed cord clamping... until about 10 minutes after birth. 'Then after about an hour of skin-to-skin they weigh him and measure him.' One frame shows Chrissy after she has given birth with her belly still swollen. She explains: 'You are still going to look pregnant because your uterus has not shrunken back down yet.' The Hortons found out they were expecting another child in the spring of 2022. At the time they had three girls and one girl aged 10 months to six years old. Chrissy, who blogs and posts regularly about life as a mother, said she made her latest clip about childbirth to help other women. She explains in the caption: 'When I was pregnant with my first baby I had no idea what to expect when giving birth. I wish I had someone to walk me through how long labor could potentially be, the interventions that are used, and what my options were. 'So I decided to document and share my entire birthing experience from start to finish. Please note, this is just my personal experience. Everyone is going to have a different birth story.' Princess Diana's brother Earl Spencer has unveiled a rare image of their grandfather - and fans have gone wild for the family resemblance to Prince William. Charles Spencer, 58, who lives at Althorp House in Northamptonshire, took to Twitter last week to reveal a photograph of his grandfather, Albert, his great-aunt Lavinia and his great-uncle Cecil at a fancy dress party in 1902. Royal fans have since pointed out the likeness between Charles' grandfather and his nephew Prince William, 40. One person wrote on Twitter: 'Your grandfather, Prince William and Prince George look a lot alike! A really charming photo.' Charles Spencer, 58, who lives at Althorp House in Northamptonshire, took to Twitter last week to reveal a photograph of his grandfather (left), Albert, his great-aunt Lavinia (centre) and his great-uncle Cecil (right) at a fancy dress party in 1902 Another said: 'Wow, your grandfather and the Prince of Wales are the absolute image of each other. The Spencer genes.' A third added: 'I can see the family resemblance in your grandfather and a young William, Prince of Wales.' Fans also commented on the similarity between the late Diana and her great-aunt Lavinia, with one person writing: 'Lavinia; I can see Diana in her expression. Great photos! Treasured memories.' Charles shared the black-and-white image with the caption: 'Love the family photographs I find here at Althorp. Royal fans have since pointed out the likeness between Charles' grandfather and his nephew Prince William (pictured in 1990) Reaction: One person wrote on Twitter: 'Your grandfather, Prince William and Prince George look a lot alike! A really charming photo.' Fans also commented on the similarity between the late Diana and her great-aunt Lavinia, with one person writing: 'Lavinia; I can see Diana in her expression. Great photos! Treasured memories.' 'My grandfather (left), my great-aunt Lavinia (middle) and my great-uncle Cecil, about to set off for a fancy dress party in c.1902.' Last month, Charles shared a 'hauntingly beautiful' photo of Princess Diana's grave. The late Princess was laid to rest at her childhood home of Althorp House, Northamptonshire in 1997, and the grave was re-dedicated by The Archbishop of Canterbury in 2017 ahead of the 20th anniversary of her death. Charles shared the black-and-white image with the caption: 'Love the family photographs I find here at Althorp.' Her brother, the Earl of Spencer, shared a photo on Instagram, showing a misty morning on the island in the middle of the Round Oval Lake where his sister is buried. Royal fans branded it 'hauntingly beautiful' and thanked him for sharing it. The Earl Spencer, 58, who was Diana's younger brother, is a British peer, author and broadcaster. He inherited the family seat of Althorp estate on the death of his father in 1992 and lives there with his third wife, Karen, and their daughter Lady Charlotte. Lady Melissa Trafelet, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, has announced that she is expecting twins with her husband Remy Trafelet. Missy Trafelet (nee Percy), 35, and the wealthy American businessman, 52, were married in December 2019 and welcomed their first child together - daughter Bluebell - in 2020. The socialite, who grew up at Alnwick Castle, where the Harry Potter franchise was filmed, is also stepmother to Remy's three children Franny, 15, Charlotte, 17 and Remy, 20, from a previous relationship. Their family is now set to grow, with Missy announcing the exciting news earlier this week. 'It is very exciting,' she told Tatler, 'We are expecting twin boys in February.' Lady Melissa Trafelet, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, has announced that she is expecting twins with her husband Remy Trafelet (pictured together in 2019) Missy and Remy are based in the US and split their time between homes in New York and a 6,000 acre ranch in Georgia. The couple married in December 2019 following Missy's split from Thomas van Straubenzee, who was best man to the Prince of Wales, in 2016. Missy and Thomas were wed at her family estate in 2013, divorcing just three years later with Missy revealing that she felt she was too young. Missy and Remy are based in the US and split their time between homes in New York and a 6,000 acre ranch in Georgia The heiress began dating Remy after, largely away from the public eye, and moved to New York to be closer to the US-based financier. In 2019 the couple revealed their engagement and that they were expecting their first child together. No stranger to British high society, Missy is a close friend of Prince Harry's ex-girlfriend Chelsy Davy, who she was pictured with in 2018 arriving at Princess Eugenie's wedding to Jack Brooksbank. Prince William was also best man at her first wedding, having been a close friend of her ex-husband's at school, with Ms Davy one of the then-Lady Percy's bridesmaids. No stranger to British high society, Missy is a close friend of Prince Harry's ex-girlfriend Chelsy Davy, who she was pictured with here in 2018 arriving at Princess Eugenie's wedding to Jack Brooksbank The youngest daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, grew up at Alnwick Castle, where the Harry Potter films were shot. The announcement of her pregnancy due date means the birth of her twins will come just months after Missy's younger brother, Lord Max Percy, welcomed his second child. Max and his wife Princess Nora of Oettingen-Spielberg welcomed a younger sister for their three-year-old daughter Romy in December. A gynaecologist has stated that women should not receive paid menstrual leave because it could set women back decades in terms of career progression and professional responsibility. Annie, from the US, is an Obstetrician-Gynaecologist (OB-GYN) who debunks reproductive and other women's health myths on her TikTok account. She recently revealed why she thought it was a 'terrible idea' that governments around the world mandate paid menstrual leave for women. But she's not alone, with many Australians agreeing 'a legislative entitlement for paid menstrual leave is a step away from achieving gender equality in the workplace'. A gynaecologist has stated that women should not receive paid menstrual leave because it could set women back decades in terms of career progression and professional responsibility Countries like Spain, Indonesia, and Zambia have already implemented paid period leave of up to three days a month. But Dr Annie believes that whoever is pushing this agenda 'hates women and wants to hold them back'. 'As an OB-GYN, I can tell you that there are definitely women who, on a monthly basis, need to stay home from work,' she said in her video. 'They have severe cramps, heavy bleeding, and they're debilitated to the point where they need to be at home.' Poll Is paid menstrual leave a good idea? Yes No Is paid menstrual leave a good idea? Yes 31 votes No 228 votes Now share your opinion And while those women should be able to take off work like any other sick person would, pushing an agenda suggesting that every woman should be permitted to take three days off out of every month is just a setback for women. 'What do you think happens when a surgeon operates? Do you think she can take off work because she has severe cramps every single month?' she asked. She also revealed that getting her period has caused her severe stress during her job in the past. 'I, like any other female surgeon who operated during their childbearing years, can tell you that at some point in their career they operated and they got their period during or before that surgery and had severe cramps or heavy bleeding,' she recounted. 'We would go home to change - but we have to come right back to work.' Menstrual and menopause leave - why some Australians want them to be included in the Fair Work Act A proposed policy from five unions would give employees one day a month or 12 days a year of paid leave if they suffer painful periods or menopause symptoms. They say the policy would 'allow women can take care of their health in a way that they haven't been able to before'. Although there is no government legislation on menstrual and menopause leave, a number of companies in the private sector have implemented their own policies. None of the major political parties have announced a policy in this space. Source: ABC Advertisement She went on to outline how such a mandate could prevent women from rising in the ranks at their jobs. 'How about the president? You think a president can take off three extra days out of every month?' 'This agenda is saying that women should work eleven months as opposed to their male colleagues - who will work a full twelve months.' 'How do you convince any employer that a woman should be promoted when she's worked a full month less than her male colleague - or her female colleague who doesn't take off from work?' Annie, from the US, is an Obstetrician-Gynaecologist (OB-GYN) who often debunks reproductive and other women's health myths on her popular TikTok account Many commenters agreed with Annie's position. 'There's no way I want my job knowing my cycle,' one woman said. 'It would stigmatise women's issues further. We should just have stronger sick leave policies and advocate for women's healthcare,' added another. But others did not see the merit in her argument. 'So, the people who do have debilitating paid should just suck it up? Are we discriminating on medical issues now?' 'This argument could be applied to maternity leave,' said another. 'Let's scrap that too so that women can work the same hours, days, and months as men.' She said the trick makes sure the doona fits neatly into the corners of the cover Cleaning and styling 'queen' Chantel Mila has shared her 'life-changing' trick to put on a doona in seconds. The Melbourne mum-of-two said the method, which is commonly called a 'burrito roll', works like 'magic' and ensures perfect corners every time. To perform the hack, Mama Mila rolls her doona into her bedlinen until it's in a sausage shape, then unrolls it to reveal a neatly made bed. Scroll down for video Cleaning and styling 'queen' Chantel Mila (pictured) has shared her 'life-changing' trick to put on a doona in seconds To do the hack, the mum laid her doona down flat and placed her quilt cover inside-out over the top, she then rolled both the doona and cover towards the end of the bed together. 'This doona trick may just change your life,' she said. 'If you struggle to put on your doona this trick helps save so much time and energy!' The mum laid her doona down flat and placed her quilt cover inside-out over the top, she then rolled both the doona and cover towards the end of the bed together. She pushed the entire rolled doona through the opening at the end of the cover. She then unraveled the doona and it was already in the cover 'like magic'. 'Perfect corners every time and your bed is made in seconds,' Chantel said. She pushed the entire rolled doona through the opening at the end of the cover. She then unraveled the doona and the doona was already in the cover 'like magic' Chantel's followers were very impressed with the hack. 'This is the best trick ever! Since I found out about it via your reel, I have been using it every time now, it is brilliant, and makes life so much easier,' one woman said. 'Best way to do this, I do it all the time, it makes life easier,' another wrote. 'I hate changing my bedding, it takes me so long! I will definitely try this,' another said. How to do the 'burrito roll' doona method: 1. Lay your doona down flat on the bed and put an inside-out quilt cover over the top 2. Roll both the doona and cover towards the end of the bed together 3. Push the entire rolled doona through the opening at the end of the cover 4. Unravel the doona and it should perfectly fit inside the cover Advertisement Chantel previously shared her simple method for folding bed linen into space-saving 'packages.' The mum can fit a flat sheet, a fitted sheet, and two pillow cases into her bed linen bundle and said her easy fold helps 'save space, reduce allergens, and neatly folds your sets into bundles.' Chantel previously impressed thousands with her simple method for folding bed linen into space-saving 'packages' 1. The fitted sheet Many have complained about the labours of folding a fitted sheet correctly, but Chantel's simple method only takes a few seconds and avoids a crumpled mess. The mum first placed the sheet on a flat surface with the elastic side up and smoothed it out. She then placed the bottom corners of the sheet into the top corners and folded the left corner into the right one, so that the final shape was of a large rectangle. Next, she simply folded the top and bottom inwards and followed suit with the sides until the sheet was a small rectangle. 2. The flat sheet While folding a flat sheet is much easier, Chantel suggested following the same dimensions as the fitted sheet so that it is easier to fit into the bed linen bundle. She then placed the folded flat sheet on top of the fitted sheet and began work on the pillow cases. While folding a flat sheet is much easier, Chantel suggested following the same dimensions as the fitted sheet so that it is easier to fit into the bed linen bundle 3. The pillow cases The first pillowcase is simple: Chantel folded it into a small rectangle and placed it atop her linen stack. For the second pillowcase, the mum began by turning it inside out and inserting her bed linen bundle into the opening. She pushed the pieces to the far end of the pillowcase and folded it in half. 'I use the pillow flap to secure the bundle tightly,' she said finally. For the second pillowcase, the mum began by turning it inside out and inserting her bed linen bundle into the opening Many have complained about the labours of folding bed linen correctly, but Chantel's simple method only takes a few minutes and avoids a crumpled mess Thousands who saw the video were impressed with the foolproof method, writing comments like 'this is game-changing' and 'amazing.' 'Finally a way to fold fitted sheets! Thanks so much for the tip,' a woman wrote. 'Perfect!' echoed another. 'The inside out pillowcase and tuck with the label trick is next-level good.' Jacqueline took Mindful & Co Kids from start-up to stardom in just two years But Oprah said they are 'great for adults and kids alike' for being mindful The pebbles are essentially wooden discs that kids can use to stack and build up The 'Patience Pebbles' were created by Gold Coast mum Jacqueline Yeats Oprah Winfrey has named a unique toy created by an Australian mum in her list Oprah Winfrey has named a unique toy created by an Australian mum in her quarterly list of her favourite items. The 'Patience Pebbles' ($54.95) were created by Gold Coast mum and psychotherapist Jacqueline Yeats in an effort to 'bring a calming effect into your family home as your little one discovers the art of mindfulness through play'. The 'pebbles' are essentially wooden discs in either a rose or 'sea foam' colour that children can use to stack and build up 'castles or rocket ships'. Oprah Winfrey has named a unique toy created by an Australian mum in her quarterly list of her favourite items (Patience Pebbles pictured) Oprah (pictured) said of the pebbles: 'Kids and grown ups alike will love these Patience Pebbles' The brand, Mindful & Co Kids, claim the pebbles 'foster creativity, imagination and free play', while also building 'resilience, patience and independence' and help to teach cause and effect. Many parents also like the fact that the pebbles are sustainable and sold in muted shades, meaning they won't look too bright or garish in your home. Oprah said of the pebbles: 'Kids and grown ups alike will love these Patience Pebbles. 'Carved from wood and painted prettily, they help you pause, focus and engage by stacking them'. The brand, Mindful & Co Kids, claim the pebbles 'foster creativity, imagination and free play', while also building 'resilience, patience and independence' and teaching cause and effect Oprah isn't the only fan of the 'Patience Pebbles' either. Reviews online for the unusual $54.95 buy are similarly glowing, where they boast an impressive five-star rating. 'We've got two under two, and these have been an absolute lifesaver - they keep the big one entertained for ages while we tend to the little one!' one mum wrote. 'These patience pebbles are just perfect for quiet reflection time as well as fine motor development and just plain fun,' another added. A third wrote: 'The quality of the products is beyond what I expected. Mindful & Co Kids have created their products with so much attention to detail, they are just gorgeous. I will definitely be making more purchases from this beautiful store'. Many parents also like the fact that the pebbles (pictured) are sustainable and sold in muted shades, meaning they won't look garish in your home This isn't the first time one of Jacqueline's products have ended up on one of Oprah's coveted lists. Previously, the TV star selected other Mindful & Co items including an ABCs of Mindfulness book with hand-drawn illustrations and poems, and 'affirmation' colouring pencils. Jacqueline Yeats took Mindful & Co Kids from start-up to stardom within two years, and she is now even stocked in the US megastore Bloomingdale's. The business started with a a yoga flash card game that encourages children to practise mindfulness on the go. Now, she sells a whole host of mindful-inspired games and toys and has a booming international business. Advertisement The famous American work ethic helped the United States become the economic superpower of the 20th century. But experts warn the decision to prioritize careers over families has set the country on an irreversible path to economic destruction. The reason? People do not have enough children anymore. A baby boom in the mid-20th century saw the average woman give birth to between three and four children. Today, just 1.6 children - the lowest level recorded since data was first tracked in 1800. This could lead to economic devastation in America down the line - as the federal government would need to collect more taxes to fund programs such as Medicare and Social Security - while dishing out less benefits to each person. The downward trend of American fertility has accelerated in recent decades, as the 'Instagram generation' of millennials and zoomers prioritize their careers, travel and relaxation over building families. Fertility in the US has plummeted in recent decades (top). The average American woman is now only having 1.6 children throughout her life, well below replacement level of 2.1. It is a 15 percent drop from the rate of 1.9 in 2010. North Dakota, South Dakota and Alaska are America's most fertile states, with more than 65 annual births per 1,000 fertile aged women (center left). Fertility rates dropped the most since 2005 in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and California (center right). Dr Melissa Kearney (pictured), an economic professor at the University of Maryland, agrees with Census projections that the decline may start in 2035. Dr Phillip Levine (bottom right), an economist at Wellesley College, fears the population imbalance will crash Social Security and Medicare Dr Melissa Kearney, an economic professor at the University of Maryland, told DailyMail.com: 'There has been a greater emphasis on spending time building careers. Adults are changing their attitudes towards having kids. 'They are choosing to spend money and time in different ways... [that] are coming into conflict with parenting.' She continued that younger people are also showing more interest in leisure activities and travel now than they did before, on top of career building. '[Wanting to travel] just comes into conflict with parenting,' she said. According to the US Census Bureau, the fertility rate - which measures how many children an average woman will give birth to during her life - was 1.6 in 2020. This falls far below the level of 2.1 needed to maintain current population levels. Many have pointed to high costs of child care, student debt held by Americans in their early 20s and other financial pressures. A report by the First Five Year Fund found that the costs of raising a child have increased 220 percent over the last three decades - with it costing around $10,000 per year to raise a child under the age of six. Americans also now owe over $3trillion in collective student debt, a figure that has doubled over the past 20 years. Large portions of this debt are held by people in their 20s and 30s - who are of the age to start having kids. Census data projects that the US population will start falling by 2035 - unprecedented in the nation's 250-year history. Dr Kearney warns that, gradually, the government would need to collect more taxes to keep these programs afloat - while providing less benefits to each individual recipient. Dr Phillip Levine, an economist at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, warned to DailyMail.com there will need to be economic reorganization to keep the country afloat adding 'jobs will be lost' in manufacturing, construction and other fields and move into care and other services for the elderly. This will 'eventually have a damaging impact both on social cohesion and general wellbeing, and on economic dynamism', he warned. Dr Christopher Murray, a global health expert from the University of Washington, told DailyMail.com: 'Since most purchases of real estate or consumer durables are in the working age adults, it will tend to put downward pressure on these types of assets. 'In the long run, societies have to adapt to having more grandparents than grandchildren. 'We are actually only just beginning to understand the myriad [of] challenges that sustained low fertility will have on societies.' Fertility in the US has long been falling. A half-century ago in 1970, the average woman was having 2.39 children over her entire life-span. In 1920 - a full century ago - the rate was at 3.17. Earliest available data from 1800 puts the rate at 7.04. The Census Bureau predicts there will be 94.7million Americans over the age of 65 by 2060, accounting for 23 percent of the nation's population. In 2020, the most recent Census, 56million Americans were over 65 - accounting for just 17 percent of the population. A half-century ago in 1970, seniors made up around 10 percent of the US population. This puts an excess burden on social programs like Medicare and Social Security, as this portion of the population pulls away its resources but does not pay into them. In research published last week, Dr Kearney and Dr Levine investigated potential causes of this decline in fertility. They found that financial issues play less of a role than But, the researchers do not find these financial pressures to be a significant part of the problem. They cite Scandinavian countries such as Sweden (fertility rate of 1.6) and Norway (1.5), which have strong welfare states but also suffer from a declining birth rate, as examples why the problem lies deeper than economics. Their research found little correlation across the world, and in the US, between available childcare subsidies from the government and changes in fertility. Income has not proven to be a factor either - with the decline noticeable in women across socioeconomic and educational brackets. Men are now having their first child at 26.4 years old on average, while women are giving birth for the first time at 23.7. Both have increased greatly in the last two decades The number of American women with at least one child has fallen to just 52.1 percent, while the number of men dropped to 39.7 percent in 2019 US life expectancy crashes to lowest level since 1996 US life expectancy has crashed to its lowest level since 1996, official data has revealed. A report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the average American born in 2021 will live to just 76.4 years. It is the second consecutive year that life expectancy has fallen, after tumbling from 78.8 years in 2019 and 77.0 years in 2020. It is now at its lowest level since 1996, when it was 76.1 years. Covid was the third-leading cause of death for the second year in a row in 2021, and a five-fold increase in drug overdose deaths over the past decade - fueled by a ferocious rise in fentanyl contamination - has also contributed to the decline. Life expectancy in the US reached its highest point - 78.9 years - in 2014. Before the pandemic, in 2019, life expectancy was nearing that level again. The Covid crisis caused the biggest yearly drop in life expectancy in 2020 since World War II. Heart disease was still the top causes of US deaths, followed by cancer. Advertisement Women in lower income brackets are actually more likely to have children than their wealthier peers, with experts pointing to them having less access to family planning and sexual education. Instead, researchers believe it is a result of Americans, and women in particular, changing priorities in recent decades. Some have pointed to the 2008 Great Recession as an inflection point in America's declining fertility rates. The massive economic downturn cost millions of Americans their jobs, and a spate of foreclosures around the country led to many families losing much of their wealth. Dr Levine admits the recession played some role, saying 'clearly the recession had and impact' but says that 15 years later the effects would have mostly been diminished. 'Every time a recession happens fertility rates go down... it's not a surprise,' he continued. '[15 years later] it's harder to say we're still dealing with the recession.' Instead, he says America 'is catching up with the rest of the world', as many developed nations in Europe and east Asia - like Japan and South Korea - have already experienced sharp drops in fertility. Dr Levine said that people in a more developed nation start to see children less as a means to perform labor - like in agrarian societies where every hand of help matters - but more-so as an investment. This means that instead of having multiple children to boost the families productivity, families will opt to have fewer offspring and instead invest as many resources as possible into their individual success throughout life. But he said that 'it is not clear why that happens' repeatedly across the world. The intangible nature of what is causing birth rate to decline means that tangible solutions to the issue may be hard to come by, the pair of economists warn. 'If it is really just shifting priorities, then it's a lot harder to thinking we could implement policies to stop the decline of child-bearing,' Dr Kearney said. She believes policies like a child tax credit, childcare subsidies and guaranteed maternity and paternity care could have 'modest' effects on fertility decline because they relieve some financial pressures. These will not solve the problems, though, as the attitude on parenting that exists in much of the developed world would still remain. 'Even in countries with expansive welfare states we see low fertility rates,' she explained. America, and many other western nations, face long-term harm unless they can come up with a solution. 'Declining birth rates will put America in a position where there are 'more older people and fewer workers,' Dr Kearney explains. This will stress on public programs like social security and Medicare, where a younger workforce funds care for the elderly. A smaller workforce will also lead to overall economic contraction and a 'less dynamic, less productive economy,' she says. Dr Kearney warns that over time, the general quality of life of the average American could degrade. Immigration can help the country maintain a stable workforce in the short-term. Dr Levine says that the entire economy may need to reshape itself around changing demographics. Government leaders will have to invest more into human capital - making education and job training more accessible to make sure each individual worker is more productive. Industries that cater to older people, like elderly care, should expect to grow - while toy and game companies could expect to shrink. 130 seniors had an ischemic stroke in the 21 days post-bivalent, the VSD found A preliminary link between Pfizer's Covid vaccine and an increased stroke risk in seniors cannot be stood up in further datasets, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have said. On Friday the CDC and FDA announced one of the four main databases used to track Covid vaccine injuries had detected an association between the updated bivalent shot and ischemic strokes in over-65s. The find came from the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a near real-time surveillance system monitoring the safety of vaccines containing health records of more than 12 million Americans. It found that 130 seniors had the stroke within 21 days of the shot representing 0.02 percent of the roughly 550,000 seniors who received the shot. The agencies said it was 'very unlikely' the signal represents 'a true clinical risk' because it was only a tiny proportion of the group and the finding was not stood up in four other large databases that had a much larger sample size. The Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) found that 130 people ages 65 and older had a stroke within 21 days of receiving the Pfizer omicron booster among about 550,000 seniors. Subsequent CDC investigations using datasets from Medicaid, Veterans Affairs and the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) did not replicate the finding. VAERS - which anyone can report to - received over 1,082,000 reports between 2019 and 2022. Between December 14, 2020, and January 4, 2023, VAERS received 18,533 preliminary reports of death among people who received a Covid shot. By contrast, a report from the Commonwealth Fund estimated Covid vaccines have saved three million lives The CDC and FDA cross-referenced other databases - including the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) - and failed to confirm the finding, suggesting it was a one-off. And an FDA official told the Washington Post: 'We have looked at the totality of the evidence, and there are no concerns at this time that this represents a true safety signal.' A similar safety signal was not detected for Moderna's booster in the VSD - despite the shot using the same mRNA technology as Pfizer - and no other age group appeared to be affected. When health officials ran a different analysis of the VSD, they could not find the same signs for concern. But they hope the CDC safety signal will not put people off getting the shot. After all, the Covid vaccinations have saved an estimated three million lives, The Commonwealth Fund estimated. The issue was first detected in late November, a CDC spokesperson said, and an investigation was launched in mid-December. The finding raised alarm bells as it suggested that people who received the bivalent were more likely to have an ischemic stroke in the 21 days post-vaccination compared to days 22-42 after the shot. This 'met the statistical criteria to prompt additional investigation', the CDC statement said. CDC officials used an alternative methodology to conduct a different analysis in the VSD database but could not replicate the finding. They also checked the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services system, containing 83.9 million individuals, and the Veterans Affairs database, with nine million people. Neither dataset indicated an increased risk of ischemic stroke following a bivalent vaccine. The Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) and Pfizers global safety database have also not seen more reports of ischemic strokes since people received the bivalent shots. Anyone can report to the VAERS, co-managed by CDC and FDA, including patients, family members, healthcare providers and vaccine manufacturers. Between 2019 and 2022, the VAERS received over 1,082,000 reports. It is unclear how many people are in Pfizer-BioNTechs global safety database, but 46,331 people took part in its landmark trial in 2020. Furthermore, other countries have not seen any indication that the bivalent booster leads to an increased risk for ischemic stroke. More than 396 million Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered in the US as of January 4, 2023, according to Statista. And more than 4.3 billion Pfizer doses have been shipped worldwide, as of December 11, 2022. Covid vaccines have saved three million lives in America, according to a report by The Commonwealth Fund, with more than 665 million doses being administered between December 14, 2020, and January 4, 2023. During that time, VAERS received 18,533 preliminary reports of death (0.0028 percent) among people who received a Covid shot. These deaths were not necessarily directly caused by the vaccine. Continued monitoring has so far identified nine deaths caused by the J&J/Janssen Covid-19 vaccination. CDC officials are still strongly recommending seniors come for their vaccines, which have been shown to give high protection against severe Covid. According to CDC data, 39 percent of elderly Americans over 65 have received either Pfizer's or Moderna's bivalent booster. Pfizer told DailyMail.com is has been made aware of limited reports of ischemic strokes in people 65 and older following vaccination with their updated shot. 'Neither Pfizer and BioNTech nor the CDC or the FDA have observed similar findings across numerous other monitoring systems in the US,' Pfizer added. 'Globally and there is no evidence to conclude that ischemic stroke is associated with the use of the companies' Covid-19 vaccines. 'Compared to published incidence rates of ischemic stroke in this older population, the companies to date have observed a lower number of reported ischemic strokes following the vaccination with the Omicron BA.4/BA.5-adapted bivalent vaccine.' Pfizer/BioNtech and Moderna's bivalent shots, which target both the original coronavirus and Omicron sub-variants, have been authorized for use in children six months and older. The shots were brought into the fold because they directly target the Omicron variant. Original Covid vaccines that rolled out in late 2020 were tailored towards the Wuhan strain of the virus, which emerged at the start of that year. The Omicron variant, which took over the world at the end of 2021, mutated to bypass protection from those shots, though. These bivalent shots are meant to bolster protection against infection and slow the spread of the many emerging forms of Omicron. An ischemic stroke, also known as brain ischemia, occurs when the flow of blood to the brain is interrupted. This is usually from a blood clot. Brain tissue begins to die within minutes of it being deprived of oxygen-rich blood. More than 700,000 Americans suffer an ischemic stroke each year. It accounts for almost 90 percent of all strokes. A stroke is fatal in up to 20 percent of cases. Even survivors are often left with permanent brain damage, which leads to speech, vision and mobility issues - among other things. Early last year, the CDC warned that young males who had received the mRNA vaccines - either the Pfizer or Moderna shot were at an increased risk of suffering heart inflammation. The agency warned that myocarditis was appearing more frequently in males 16 and older within seven days of receiving the shot. In previous investigations of possible risks of myocarditis, health officials found stronger signals as they went through other safety databases, but the ischemic stroke link has so far not been held up. More than 550 Americans are dying from Covid across the US as the virus makes a minor comeback after months of plateauing rates. Latest official data shows there were 558 fatalities every day in the week ending January 11 up 44 percent in a week. But experts are not panicked over the relatively sharp rise, saying it is likely down to 'backfilling' deaths that were not registered over the vacation period. They also point out that the current figure is three times lower than at the same time last year (1,900) and a far cry from the more than 3,000 daily deaths at the peak in January 2021. As Covid deaths rise in the US, the flu and RSV waves continue to subside after the respiratory viruses struck earlier than usual this year - a trend blamed on a lack of immunity after years of lockdowns and other restrictions. Latest official data shows there were 558 fatalities every day in the week ending January 11 up 44 percent in a week. But experts are not panicked over the relatively sharp rise, saying it is likely down to 'backfilling' deaths that were not registered over the vacation period But experts say the fact numbers are less than half the levels for the same time last year is a testament to the effectiveness of vaccines, boosters and antivirals. Shown America's Covid death tally Dr Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at Harvard University said it might be due to a delay in reporting deaths over Christmas and New Year, when families began mixing again on a scale . He said: 'You can get effects from delayed reporting and the holidays. 'The current data is backfilled, so recent reporting is incomplete, suggesting that while numbers are up they are not astronomically so.' Dr Paul Hunter, an infectious diseases expert at the University of East Anglia in the UK, agreed, suggesting it could also be down to this lag. 'Whenever I see a sudden and unexpected change in any surveillance data, my first question is always, "could this be an artifact?",' he told DailyMail.com. 'Artifacts are more common around holiday periods. The above graph shows weekly Covid cases recorded in the US. They fell by 13 percent in the latest week that data is available for compared to the previous seven-day spell The above graph shows the number of Covid tests being completed per day. Figures are now at their lowest levels since the pandemic began Above is hospitalizations with Covid in the US. Like cases figures, these are also trending downwards dropping by about 12 percent in a week 'Possible explanations include: [The current tally] is due to a backlog of late reported deaths over the holiday period finally being reported.' Concerns have also been raised that the uptick in deaths could be down to the new Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 which is more infectious than other variants. The mutant strain is now behind two in five infections in the US and accounts for the vast majority of infections in the North East in states including New York, Connecticut and Maine. But Dr Hunter said it was an 'unlikely explanation' because the timelines don't match up. Covid deaths tend to follow infections by about two to three weeks, but the current data is based on infections that people caught about three to four weeks ago when XBB.1.5 was behind less than one in ten infections in the US. Dr Hunter said: '[Another possibility is this rise] is real and due primarily to Covid due either to an increase in virulence (possible due to XBB.1.5 but I am not sure I believe that) or an undetected surge in infections prior to Christmas. 'Deaths follow infections by about two to three weeks and then there is a reporting delay. 'So, if it was XBB.1.5 we are talking about deaths following infections acquired three to four weeks ago when XBB.1.5 was still not that common, and so an unlikely explanation.' Dr Hanage added: 'There is a lot of interest in XBB.1.5 especially in terms of the disease it causes. 'But about all we can say conclusively right now is that it is not *very* different. 'But that could change as data comes in and the infections it has caused start to resolve one way or the other.' Currently, about 59,200 Covid cases are being detected in the US every day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), down 13 percent on the previous seven-day spell. But this figure likely does not reflect the true situation on the ground because the number of Covid tests being completed daily is now at its lowest level since the pandemic began. Concerns have been raised over Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5, which is more infectious than currently circulating variants. XBB.1.5 is now behind more than two in five infections in the US It is dominant in the northeastern states, including New York, Connecticut and Maine. Above the purple color represents XBB.1.5, and the dark green is BQ.1.1, the second most common Covid variant in the US The above shows the proportion of cases down to XBB.1.5 (purple color) in New York and New Jersey(left, HHS region two) and in California, Arizona, Hawaii and Nevada (right, HHS region nine) Covid hospitalizations across the country are also trending downwards, with an average of 5,783 people being admitted to wards with Covid daily over the week to January 10, the latest available. This was down 12 percent from the 6,579 a week earlier and just over a quarter of the peak admissions recorded in January last year. Covid deaths have trended upwards, however, with 3,709 recorded over the week to January 11. But this is still shy of the 3,947 fatalities per week recorded in late August, and far below the 13,144 every seven days from the week to January 12 last year. It comes as flu cases have fallen by more than two thirds in a fortnight and RSV is continuing to trend downwards. A CDC report released on Friday showed 8,200 flu cases were detected in the first week of the new year, down from the 28,000 registered two weeks ago. Hospitalizations with flu-like illness also tumbled below levels recorded at this time last year. RSV followed its downward trend for the eighth week in a row, dropping to 2,100 cases registered in the same week or the lowest number since early September. In its weekly update, the agency said: 'Seasonal flu activity continues but is declining in most areas. 'The percentage of patient visits [to hospitals] for respiratory illness decreased for all regions during [the first week of the year].' They added: 'CDC continues to recommend that everyone ages six months and older gets an annual flu vaccine as long as flu activity continues.' The blockbuster takeover of Call of Duty maker Activision Blizzard by Microsoft is in fresh doubt as yet more regulators scrutinise the 56billion tie-up. The European Commission will hand the tech giant a charge sheet in the coming weeks listing competition concerns over the largest video game acquisition of all time, Reuters reported. The main concern from regulators is that Microsoft which makes the Xbox games console could damage the video games market by restricting access to Activision games such as Crash Bandicoot and Guitar Hero and give unfavourable terms to its rivals. Competition fears: Regulators are concerned Microsoft could damage the video games market by restricting access to Activision games such as Call of Duty (pictured) The UK competition watchdog is also probing the takeover, which was agreed by Microsoft last January as it tries to keep up with video game big shots Sony and Tencent. Earlier this month, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) delayed its decision on whether to block the deal, pushing the deadline from February to the end of April. The CMA blamed the complexity of the investigation and the large volume of evidence. US competition regulators said they will go to court to block the deal. The Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Competition said: Microsoft has already shown that it can and will withhold content from its gaming rivals. A Microsoft spokesman said: Were continuing to work with the European Commission to address any marketplace concerns. Our goal is to bring more games to more people, and this deal will further that goal. The FTSE 100 has started the year on the front foot and investors are watching closely to see if it can hit a new record high. The UKs blue-chip index led the way among main global stock markets last year, keeping its head above water and delivering a respectable total return including dividends of 4.7 per cent. After a strong finish to 2022 and good start to 2023, it is now up 14 per cent on its October lows at 7,860, within a whisker of its all-time closing high at 7,877. So why has the FTSE 100 been performing so well and can it continue its run throughout this year? On this episode of the Investing Show, Simon Lambert and Richard Hunter take a look back at the scorecard for the Footsie and other major markets last year and look forward to what may happen this year. The FTSE 100 ended the day up 0.2 per cent or 16 points at 7860.1, within touching distance of its record closing high of 7,877 in May 2018. It's also not far off its all-time intraday high of 7,903.5, set the same month of that year. Among the companies with reports and trading updates today are Sainsbury's, Marks & Spencer, Amigo Holdings, MJ Hudson and Ashmore. Read the Monday 16 January Business Live blog below. > If you are using our app or a third-party site click here to read Business Live Lex Greensill has broken his silence over a bitter planning dispute that threatens his plan to establish a sustainable farm near his Cheshire home. As liquidators continue to pick over the wreckage of his business empire, the disgraced Australian financier has been bogged down in a three-year battle with Cheshire West and Chester Council. The row revolves around Shotwick Park, 502 acres of lush English countryside bordering his country pile in the village of Saughall. Back to nature: Lex Greensill wants to convert land bordering his home in the village of Saughall into a regenerative farm Greensill wants to convert the land into a regenerative farm, planting a mixture of crops including broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale. Having grown up on his familys sugar cane and melon farm near Bundaberg in Queensland, he has described his desire to give his children a similar experience. He has also said he is motivated by a desire to give something back to the local community and do his bit to tackle climate change. Some 25 years after leaving the family farm to seek his fortune, his dream of tending the land has been threatened. The implosion of his murky supply chain finance firm Greensill Capital has fuelled distrust among villagers and councillors. At an emergency meeting last month, the local parish council withdrew its support for his plans while it seeks fresh guarantees. Doubts are being raised about Greensills intentions, with some locals fearful that he may be plotting to sell some of the land to property developers. In an interview with the Australian Financial Review the 46-year-old said he has been hurt by the speculation. I live here, he said. If I wanted to build houses on it, I dont think Id be living right next to it. The local parish council in Saughall attempted to allay the concerns of residents late last year by demanding the sale contract include a clause which prevents the land from being developed. But even this guarantee has failed to satisfy everyone, with the parish council split between those who back Greensills plans, and those who oppose them. There is a question in the village that because Greensill Capital went bust, can I be trusted to do what I said? he said, nearly two years on from the collapse of his firm. It hurts that people would think that, but thats what is worrying people and thats why I agreed to a covenant immediately. Row: Lex Greensill wants to convert the ex-vicarage in Saughall, Cheshire (pictured), into a regenerative farm There are also nagging concerns about how he can afford the estimated 5million-plus purchase price let alone the money that will then have to be ploughed into the farm and conservation project given his business went bust owing creditors billions. In its annual report last summer, liquidators Grant Thornton revealed more than 2.6billion of financial claims were outstanding against London-based Greensill Capitals parent company, based in Bundaberg. The report also revealed the Australian parent company had just 1.5million in the bank at the end of April last year. Lawsuits and fraud allegations from creditors denied by Greensill himself continue to hang over his failed business. Meanwhile, he has assured locals in Saughall that the money for the farm and conservation project will come from his family farm in Bundaberg, which has gained a stranglehold on the local sweet potato business. But this raises questions too. For years, locals have suspected the farms expansion was funded by Greensill Capital. Greensill has been accused of shielding money from creditors by funnelling cash from his failed financial business into the farming operation, run by his brother Peter. Again, the Greensill family has denied this, maintaining the two businesses are separate. Greensills initial interest in the land stemmed from a desire to preserve the view from his family home in Saughall he shares with his English doctor wife Vicky and two sons. Shotwick Park had been leased by Cheshire West and Chester Council to local farmers. When it emerged the council wanted to sell, Greensill was anxious the land did not fall into the hands of property developers. He wanted to buy the fields across the lane from his house to make sure his family continued to enjoy an unimpeded view of the Welsh mountains. But the council was not prepared to sell such a small area of land, so Greensill decided to buy all of it as a conservation project. There may be some who wish Greensill well with his latest venture. Others may believe a lengthy planning dispute with the district council is the very least he deserves. Royal Mail faces losses of nearly 750million as the crisis engulfing the company deepens. With bosses due to be grilled by MPs today over the worsening state of the service, analysts said the business was on course to rack up a 745million loss for the 12 months to the end of March. That represents more than 2million a day and follows a 416million profit last year. Analysts believe that Royal Mail was on course to rack up a 745m loss for the 12 months to the end of March Royal Mail has been battered by strikes, the end of the pandemic parcel boom and a recent Russian cyber-attack that has stopped it sending post overseas. So large are Royal Mails projected losses that it would push its parent company, International Distributions Services (IDS), to a 290million loss for the year from a 662million profit in 2022. The eye-watering sum also stands in stark contrast to IDSs international delivery business GLS, which is predicted to rake in a profit this year of 317million. Royal Mail, which was set up 507 years ago by Henry VIII, is facing a threat to its existence as it tries to boost its competitiveness with a series of changes to working conditions and the automation of sorting offices around the country. The plans have been opposed by the Communication Workers Union (CWU), which represents around 115,000 postal workers. In a bitter industrial dispute, staff walked out over the crucial Christmas period, leaving cards and presents piled up in post rooms across Britain. Matters were made worse last week when Royal Mail warned a cyber-attack has caused serious disruption to its overseas postal service, leaving it unable to send parcels and letters abroad. The attack has mainly affected the firms massive Worldwide Distribution Centre near Heathrow airport. A Russia-linked hacking firm called Lockbit claimed responsibility. More than 100 Royal Mail engineers are working to find a solution and get the service back up and running. But the company has not yet provided a date for when overseas post will resume. The incident adds another headache for IDS boss Simon Thompson, who is due to appear before the Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy committee today to answer questions about the state of the firm. Appearing alongside him will be Nick Read, the boss of the Post Office, a separate state-owned company, as well as CWU heads Dave Ward and Andy Furey. The seemingly endless stream of problems at Royal Mail has dented IDS shares, which have tumbled 55 per cent over the last 12 months and are languishing well below the 2013 330p float price. Thompson warned in a letter to staff last month that they were fighting for the life of this business. IDS has previously said it could split the company in two to separate troublesome Royal Mail from the much more successful GLS branch. Blue Monday struck the UK hydrogen industry as ITM Power issued its third profit warning in just eight months. The green energy firm was seen as a trailblazer when it listed in London in 2004, becoming the first ever hydrogen company to take the step. It quickly became a stock market darling with shares at a record high of 682p in January 2021 a 1264 per cent rise on its 50p float price. Profit warning: ITM Power was seen as a trailblazer when it listed in London in 2004, becoming the first ever hydrogen company to take the step But the past two years havent been kind and yesterday investors sold the stock afresh as chief executive Dennis Schulz said expected earnings for the current year would not be met the third warning since June. Shares slumped 12 per cent, or 12.5p, to 91.3p. The company makes electrolysers that separate hydrogen from water, a key technology in the green revolution. However, manufacturing problems at its factory in Sheffield mean it has failed to deliver to major customers, including German gas giant Linde and chemical firm Yara, who together are building a green hydrogen plant in Norway. Analysts say the problem has been ITMs transition from research and development to full scale manufacturing. Nick Walker at Peel Hunt said: ITM knows how to make the products but now it has to deliver them. These are two very different skill sets and require the right people, machinery and set-up. Investors are fast running out of patience but more worryingly so are the customers. If they go elsewhere, then its trouble. Schulz joined from Linde in December but he wont have long to turn the problems around. He said: For the company to develop from a research and development entity to a mature delivery organisation, we require firmer foundations. Stock Watch - Amigo Amigo shares fell nearly 25 per cent as it struggles to convince investors to help pay what it owes to customers missold loans they could not afford. The high-interest lender said it has not managed to find a so-called cornerstone investor to help it raise 15million for customers, blaming the economic backdrop. Amigo has been on the ropes for several years after receiving an onslaught of complaints over how it sold loans to customers. Shares dropped 24.6 per cent, or 0.96p, to 2.94p. The stock is followed closely by retail investors but backers also include JCB grandee Lord Bamford and financier Peter Hargreaves, who hold stakes worth 7 per cent and 4.5 per cent respectively. Housebuilder Taylor Wimpey rose 2.3 per cent, or 2.6p, to 117.35p after broker upgrades by UBS and JP Morgan. Barratt Developments also added 1.8 per cent, or 8.2p, to 463.2p and student housing firm Unite climbed 2.1 per cent, or 21p, to 1004p. Investors remained on tenterhooks to see if the FTSE 100 index would break its record closing high of 7877.45. But with the US markets closed for Martin Luther King Day, the index lacked impetus and ended the session gaining 0.2 per cent, or 16 points, to 7860.07. Miners and oilers were also weighing progress down, as Brent Crude and copper and zinc on the London Metal Exchange all fell. BP slid 0.7 per cent, or 3.35p, to 481p, Shell lost 0.6 per cent, or 15p, to 2425.5p and Rio Tinto declined by 2 per cent, or 123p, to 6096p. There was more action on the domestically-focused FTSE 250 which was up 0.7 per cent, or 129.49 points, to 20082.33, as clothes retailer Asos and events firm Ascential gained. Brokers have watched Ascential (up 7.9 per cent, or 16.4p, to 224p) closely ever since it told investors in April it was looking to demerge. The idea is to create more value for shareholders by listing its digital operations in the US where tech businesses have had better valuations. The rest of the business such as the Cannes Lions and World Retail Congress events would remain listed in London. The plans were never given formal approval by the board but investors expect more details at the full-year results next month. Asos continued its turnaround, adding 5.2 per cent, or 38.5p, to 783.5p. The fast fashion retailer is back in the Citys good books after last weeks trading update buoyed investors. And news that mini skirt sales have risen by more than a third in the past four months also set pulses racing. Comer said on CNN that he doesn't trust the Justice Department to investigate A Secret Service spokesperson has said visitor logs aren't kept for his home Kentucky Rep. James Comer wants to see visitor logs for Biden's Delaware home House Republicans have demanded access to visitor logs for Joe Biden's Delaware home to determine both who would have had access to classified documents found in the president's garage as well as how they got there. The White House on Saturday said it had discovered five additional pages of classified documents at his home on Thursday, the same day a special counsel was appointed to review the matter. The demands made by the newly empowered Republicans were spearheaded by Kentucky Representative James Comer, who said: 'We have a lot of questions.' They want records of everyone who visited the Biden compound from January 2021 onwards - when he was inaugurated as president. However, answers to those questions may not be forthcoming as a Secret Service spokesperson has since said visitor logs aren't even kept for Biden's personal home. The demands made by the newly empowered Republicans were spearheaded by Kentucky Representative James Comer (pictured), who said: 'We have a lot of questions.' A Secret Service spokesperson has since said visitor logs aren't even kept for Biden's personal home Comer, who is now the chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, said he also wants to see before the end of the month all documents and correspondence related to searches in the president's Wilmington home between the inauguration date of January 20, 2021, right up until January 2023. In a letter on Sunday to White House chief of staff Ron Klain, Comer criticized the searches by Biden representatives when the Justice Department began investigating and said Biden's 'mishandling of classified materials raises the issue of whether he has jeopardized our national security.' On CNN's 'State of the Union,' Comer referred to Biden's home as a 'crime scene' but acknowledged that it was not clear if laws had been broken. 'My concern is that the special counsel was called for, but yet hours after that we still had the president's personal attorneys, who have no security clearance, still rummaging around the president's residence, looking for things - I mean that would essentially be a crime scene, so to speak,' Comer said. While the US Secret Service provides security at the president's private residence, it does not maintain visitor logs, agency spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said on Sunday. 'We don't independently maintain our own visitor logs because it's a private residence,' Guglielmi said. He said that the agency does screen visitors to the president's properties but doesnt maintain records of those checks. An aerial view of Joe Biden's Wilmington home in Delaware where the documents were found. On Saturday the White House revealed another five pages of classified material was discovered President Joe Biden waves before boarding Air Force One at Delaware Air National Guard Base a day after the White House announced that more classified documents were found in his home The White House also confirmed that Biden has not independently maintained records of who has visited his residence since becoming president. 'Like every President in decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal,' White House spokesman Ian Sams said. 'But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them.' Asked about Comer's request for logs and communications regarding the search for documents, Sams responded: 'I would simply refer you to what Congressman Comer himself told CNN this morning: "At the end of the day, my biggest concern isn't the classified documents to be honest with you." That says it all.' In that CNN interview, Comer said House Republicans did not trust the Justice Department to conduct a proper investigation. Security personnel stand at the entrance to President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware on February 21, 2021 Vice-president Joe Biden (left) and President Barack Obama confer in 2010. The documents in questions are said to be from Biden's time as vice-president President Donald Trump's administration announced early in his presidency that they wouldn't release visitor logs out of 'grave national security risks and privacy concerns of the hundreds of thousands of visitors annually.' Barack Obama's administration initially fought attempts by Congress and conservative and liberal groups to obtain visitor records. After being sued, it voluntarily began disclosing the logs in December 2009, posting records every three to four months. A federal appeals court ruled in 2013 that the logs can be withheld under presidential executive privilege. That unanimous ruling was written by Judge Merrick Garland, who is now serving as Biden's attorney general. White House officials 'can say they're being transparent, but it's anything but,' the committee chairman, Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, told Fox News Channel's Sunday Morning Futures. White House lawyer Richard Sauber said in a statement on Saturday that a total of six pages of classified documents were found from Biden's time serving as vice president in the Obama administration during the search of his private library. The White House had previously said only a single page was found there. The latest disclosure was in addition to the discovery of documents found in December in Biden's garage and in November at his former offices at the Penn Biden Center in Washington. Sauber said that Biden's personal lawyers, who did not have security clearances, stopped their search after finding the first page on Wednesday evening. Sauber found the remaining material on Thursday, as he was facilitating their retrieval by Justice Department. Sauber did not explain why the White House waited two days to provide an updated accounting. The White House is already facing scrutiny for waiting more than two months to acknowledge the discovery of the initial group of documents at the Biden office. Democrat Jamie Raskin of Maryland said Biden's team handed over documents to the National Archives whereas Trump resisted requests for cooperation Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, said the Justice Department rightfully appointed special counsels to 'get to the bottom' of the issue, as they had done with regarding Trump's mishandled documents in Mar-a-Lago. But Raskin also attempted to argue the two cases were quite different. He said Biden's team handed over documents to the National Archives whereas Trump resisted requests for cooperation. 'We should keep a sense of proportion and measure about what were talking about,' Raskin told CNN. Asked on Sunday if his oversight committee would investigate Trump's handling of classified documents as well, Comer showed doubts. 'There have been so many investigations of President Trump, I dont feel like we need to spend a whole lot of time investigating President Trump, because the Democrats have done that for the past six years,' he said. Australians have increasingly embraced digital 'tap-and-go' payments in recent years as new research shows physical cash is set to vanish from circulation within a decade. Independent payments market expert Lance Blockley estimated that by 2025 traditional cash would make up less than 4 per cent of total retail purchases across the country. His research forecast that online shopping would continue to increase its retail market share and the preference for debit and credit cards at physical points-of-sale instead of carrying cash would remain strong. Young consumers have embraced tap-and-go payments as society increasingly goes 'cashless' (stock image) Mr Blockley, who is the managing director of consulting firm The Initiatives Group, said in a submission to the ACCC that banknotes across all uses, not just retail, would be at 10.2 per cent in 2025 down from 24.2 per cent in 2019, reports The Sydney Morning Herald. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated a transition that was already happening with shoppers switching to contactless payments and online shopping in far greater numbers, he said. Reserve Bank data shows that from 2009 to 2019, which coincided with the widespread uptake of tap-and-go RFID chips in cards, total payments in cash in Australia dropped by about half. Mr Blockley also noted credit cards, while still used by older consumers, have been overtaken as the most popular digital payment method by debit cards, which provide quick and simple access to money already in an account. He suggested this could be a combination of their ease of use, lower fees, and consumers increasingly wary of getting into debt. Banknotes would be used in less than 4 per cent of all retail transactions in Australia by 2025 new research forecasts Millennial Martina Berlotti, 24, from Bondi Junction in Sydney's east, told the newspaper she only ever used cash when people gave it to her to settle a small debt - like a restaurant bill. Rhiannon Feely, 21, from Zetland agreed saying using her phone to pay was far 'easier' than carrying around cash. But Dylan Silcock, 32, from Tempe said he was tossing up going back to banknotes after making the 'convenient' digital switch. 'I'm considering moving back to cash because of the transaction fees and I don't like the record of my transactions being recorded as well... It's also much easier to budget using cash,' he said. A Brisbane mum recently shared a simple explanation of why banknotes were superior to digital payments on social media where it went viral. Fiona Edmunds showed that physical money would retain its value no matter how many times it is used. However whenever you use a bank card, some of the money will invariably be eaten away by fees, which the shop owners are forced to pay. A Brisbane mother-of-three shared an elegantly simple explanation of why cash is superior to paying by card 'I have a $50 banknote in my pocket and I go to a restaurant and pay for dinner with it,' Ms Edmunds said in the post that more than 19,000 people have shared. 'The restaurant owner then uses the bill to pay for their laundry. The laundry owner then uses the bill to pay the barber,' she continued. 'After an unlimited number of payments it will still remain a $50 value which has fulfilled its purpose to everyone who used it for payment.' 'BUT if I come to a restaurant and pay digitally via card, the bank fees for my payment charged to the seller could be up to 3 per cent or $1.50.' Ms Edmunds said a similar percentage is imposed on every other transaction using that original $50 if the holder pays via tap-and-go. 'Payments made by the laundry shop owner, the barber and so on. Therefore after 30 transactions the initial $50 will exist at only $5 and the remaining $45 has become property of the bank.' While this is a simplified example and fees vary wildly between banks, the principal is sound. With each subsequent purchase, banks and credit card companies take a small cut from the original $50 until with enough transactions, eventually it becomes theirs. 'Use it or lose it folks... cash is king,' Ms Edmunds said. A community leader has slammed the lack of recognition around the upcoming Vietnamese Lunar New Year claiming most of the focus in Australia has been on the Chinese version. With the Lunar New Year falling on Sunday, January 22, Australia's cities and towns have been decked out with decorations honouring China's Year of the Rabbit - the fourth animal in the Chinese zodiac. But for the 258,000 Vietnam-born Australian residents, the fourth animal is a cat, not a rabbit. Critics say this distinction has barely been acknowledged by organisations such as the City of Sydney and Star Casino. 'It means that the Vietnamese community is invisible and it actually does hurt,' former local councillor and food writer Thang Ngo told ABC Radio. Those born in the Year of the Cat are said to be smart and confident. Fireworks light up the skyline over the Sydney Opera House on January 27, 2017 to celebrate the Lunar New Year and welcome the Year of the Rooster The City of Sydney has been accused of favouring the Chinese Lunar New Year over the Vietnamese version, which ushers in the Year of the Cat Mr Ngo used the City of Sydney as an example - detailing the promotional material centering only on a rabbit and not including any other animals. A City of Sydney spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia that it 'works to incorporate as many aspects of different cultures (as possible) into our celebrations'. 'Lunar New Year celebrations are as diverse as the people who celebrate the occasion with many cultures marking Lunar New Year in April, for example,' the spokesperson said. 'Vietnamese culture will be celebrated throughout the festival.' Around 335,000 people in Australia have Vietnamese ancestry. In Greater Sydney, 93,778 people were born in Vietnam and 117,000 speak Vietnamese at home in NSW. Mr Ngo said Star Casino's celebratory decorations also failed to mention the Year of the Cat, despite running a free bus service to bring people from the southwestern Sydney suburb of Cabramatta to the casino. More than a third of residents living in Cabramatta have Vietnamese ancestry. 'If our money is good enough for The Star, then I think they'll find the money for an extra illustration,' he said. Daily Mail Australia has contacted The Star for comment. Stickers with cat image are pictured at the Spring Festival Fair in the Old Quarter on January 14, 2023 in Hanoi, Vietnam A giant Hello Kitty balloon is seen in Acapulco, Mexico on January 6, 2023. Fairfield City Council in southwestern Sydney will feature a Hello Kitty event as part of its Lunar New Year celebration on February 4 Kim Vo, a volunteer with the Viet Culture Quintessence Group in the Sydney suburb of Bankstown, said the Year of the Cat is always a good year. 'The cat is very friendly to the family, but also the cat is very helpful for the family because they catch mice and rats, which are very harmful to the agricultural crop in the paddy field,' he said. Cats' usefulness may be the reason it was chosen to be included in the Vietnamese zodiac over the rabbit. But another explanation is the Chinese words for rabbit and cat sound similar. 'People who are born in the Year of the Cat are very smart, have ambition, have good luck and are confident,' Mr Vo said. An Australian souvenir hangs as performers participate in a lion and tiger dance as part of Lunar New Year celebrations at Paddy's Markets in Chinatown, Sydney, Saturday, January 29, 2022 A man is pictured holding Year of the Rabbit stickers in a shop in Jakarta, Indonesia on January 10, 2023 The City of Sydney's annual Lunar New Year festival, which was first held in 1996, was known as the Chinese New Year Festival up until 2019. The name was changed after years of lobbying to include other cultures, despite some opposition from the Chinese community. Councils in Sydney's southwest with significant Vietnamese communities have used illustrations of both a rabbit and cat to advertise their celebrations. Bankstown's Lunar New Year festival will include a giant inflatable cat, while Fairfield City Council has a Hello Kitty event as part of its celebration on February 4. The Star Casino in Sydney (pictured) has been accused of not properly acknowledging the Vietnamese Year of the Cat Mr Ngo wants other councils and organisations marking Lunar New Year to include the cat. 'The point of inclusion is you can have more, not less and by just excluding groups, you're effectively wanting to do less rather than more and that's really not a good sign for harmony,' he said. The City of Sydney said Vietnamese culture will be celebrated throughout its 16-day festival, which runs from January 21 to February 5. 'This will include performances at the Lunar Spectacular show, lion dancing as well as a hand painted Vietnamese Lunar Gateway situated at the end of Thomas Street in Haymarket,' the spokesperson said. They added that in preparing for the festival it 'consulted extensively on its designs with several community groups, including members from Sydneys Vietnamese community'. Social media giants have failed to make meaningful changes since the Molly Russell inquest, the teenagers father said last night. A coroner ruled in September last year that online content contributed to the 14-year-old taking her own life in 2017. He sent a report to the Government and four tech firms, including Instagram, recommending how they might prevent a similar tragedy in the future. But Mollys father Ian Russell criticised their response accusing the platforms of making a big PR show of improving user safety when nothing has fundamentally changed. A coroner ruled in September last year that online content contributed to the 14-year-old taking her own life in 2017 Speaking to the Daily Mail, he said: It all sounds good, but I looked on Instagram just before Christmas and you can still find harmful content similar to what Molly had been viewing. Whatever they do only counts when harmful content is much harder to find and their algorithms dont promote harmful content to young and vulnerable people. Mollys inquest heard how Molly, from Harrow, north-west London, was bombarded with depression, self-harm and suicide content on social media in the months leading up to her death in 2017. Andrew Walker, senior coroner for north London, concluded that the depressed schoolgirl took her life while suffering from the negative effects of online content. A Prevention of Future Death report was sent to the Government, Meta which owns Facebook and Instagram Pinterest, Snapchat and Twitter. It called on the Government to strengthen the Online Safety Bill, which returns to parliament this week. But Mr Walker said the platforms could start self-regulating before then. Mollys inquest heard how Molly, from Harrow, north-west London, was bombarded with depression, self-harm and suicide content on social media in the months leading up to her death in 2017 The Molly Rose Foundation, a charity set up in her name, said it considered the platforms responses so far underwhelming and unsurprising. Meta declined to comment on specific claims, but cited policies it had put in place to protect young users. Pinterest said it had removed posts about self-harm and Snapchat said its design limited the potential of harmful content being recommended. Thriday, a next-generation financial management platform built for SMEs, has reported outstanding results from its first three months of launch. Thriday, which rolled out to customers in early October last year, uses artificial intelligence to automate banking, accounting, and tax to help businesses eliminate time wasted on financial admin. Aussie small to medium businesses are reducing time-consuming financial management by using the new Thriday app After raising $9 million in funding, Thriday has launched a ground-breaking innovation known as 'Luca'. Luca a homage to the inventor of double-entry accounting, Luca Pacioli is an automated bookkeeping algorithm that uses a business's real-time bank account data to categorise transactions according to the correct ATO rules. Using the same approach as Chat GPT, the bookkeeping model was fine-tuned by testing on a data set of over 50,000 real-world bank transactions. The new solution means that small businesses only need to earn and spend money using their Thriday transaction account, and all their financial admin is completed on autopilot. Thriday is optimised for Aussie small business owners and works seamlessly with banks and the ATO to manage your day-to-day financial admin Research conducted by Thriday highlighted that since launch, Thriday customers reported a 90 per cent reduction in time spent on financial admin. With financial admin ranking as the most disliked activity in running a small business, and the average small business owner spending 6 hours a week on their financial affairs, the solution is a welcome addition to the market. Small business owner, Will, was one of the first customers to try out the new platform, 'Thriday is an absolute game changer for my business!' He added, 'Using a tool like Thriday means I can manage everything easily in one place. This saves me time and gives me peace of mind that I am doing the right thing. With Thriday, everything is automated, and tax time takes me no time at all.' Using AI, Thriday's unique value proposition is automating financial admin that currently relies on the business owner, a bookkeeper, or an accountant to complete. Without Thriday, businesses today are stuck having to do a huge number of manual calculations and updates. Doing it manually leads to human errors, incorrect categorisations, and an expensive bill at the end of it all. Thriday has also launched a Business Activity Statement (BAS) lodgment service to support small businesses. The new feature is an Australian first, allowing companies to save time by automatically submitting their BAS to the ATO using data from their Thriday business bank account. Using Thriday, businesses registered for GST will be notified when their BAS is due. Thriday will then prepare the BAS report using its bookkeeping and accounting services ready for lodgment to the ATO. Thriday's CEO and co-founder Michael Nuciforo When Thriday was first established, the team identified that artificial intelligence was the key to unlocking the pain points that small business owners suffer from. Michael Nuciforo, CEO and Co-founder, highlighted what makes Thriday so unique: 'Legacy platforms such Xero and MYOB still rely on a human, whether it's the business owner, a bookkeeper or accountant, to do all the heavy lifting. Like ChatGPT, we have adopted the latest technology such as cloud computing and machine learning models to completely automate the hardest part of accounting figuring out what a transaction is and applying the correct tax rules.' The Thriday team 'The reality is, all the data that you need to determine your cash flow, profit and loss, BAS, and tax bill sits within your business bank account', he continued, 'With Thriday, business customers can eliminate the time they waste on financial admin, and the best part is, they can reinvest that time back into their business or spending more time with their loved ones'. For more information and pricing, click here Australia's most wanted man and his bikie boss partner had hoped to evade authorities after fleeing to Turkey but for one of them, their life on the run has come to an end. Duax Ngakuru, the international head and 'Supreme Commander' of the Comanchero outlaw motorcycle gang, was reportedly arrested in Turkey on Sunday. His arrest is the latest in a string of captures linked to the encrypted AN0M app with authorities warning Ngakuru's good friend and Australia's most wanted man Hakan Ayik could be next. Australian authorities are still working on figuring out where Ngakuru is and confirmed to Daily Mail Australia on Sunday they were making inquiries with local law enforcement. It's understood police are also now narrowing in on Ayik, a notorious underworld figure. Ayik and Ngakuru went to school together at James Cook Boys Technology High School in the southern Sydney suburb of Kogarah and have been photographed together in Turkey. A selfie taken of the pair in 2020 showed them outside the Kings Cross Hotel in Istanbul. Turkish authorities are closing in on Australia's most wanted alleged drug kingpin Hakan Ayik Duax Ngakuru (pictured left with Akin in Instanbul) the international head of the Comanchero outlaw motorcycle gang was reportedly arrested in Turkey in recent days The hotel is owned by Ayik and is allegedly the headquarters of the 'Aussie Cartel', a group of drug smugglers with links to the Comancheros. The selfie was posted on the encrypted app AN0M, which was supposed to let criminals speak freely but was in fact set up by the FBI and monitored by the AFP. Despite once thinking Turkey may be their safe haven, the arrest of Ngakuru has sparked concerns in others involved in the Australian drug cartel that they may be next. AFP assistant commissioner Nigel Ryan warned crime figures would be tracked down no matter where they are. The Comancheros bikie boss Duax Ngakuru (pictured right) was reportedly arrested last week in Turkey Ngakuru is rarely photographed, but a recent image showed the bikie boss living large on a yacht beside a large Turkish flag 'Organised crime figures who think they can fly under the radar in another country, while they continue to make money from trafficking dangerous drugs into Australia, should realise they have a real and genuine problem,' he told The Australian. 'Countries around the world have indicated to the AFP they are taking action against people using or thinking of using their countries as a safe haven.' The arrest and extradition of former Comancheros boss Mark Buddle, in August last year, from Turkish-controlled Northern Cyprus to Australia has further added to the stress levels of those in the cartel. Ngakuru, 42, left Australia in 2010 and assumed the role as 'Supreme Commander' of the Comancheros bikie club following Buddle's arrest. Ngakuru is estimated to have a fortune of more than $100million and has been accused by police of running major drug importations into Australia for distribution across the country. The senior bikie is understood to be running Comancheros operations from Turkey along with Ayik, who fled Sydney while on bail for drug charges in 2010. In one AN0M message from 2021 between Ngakuru and another unknown figure in New Zealand, the bikie boss is seen describing his move from Australia to Turkey. 'Yeah hard place to operate that's why I love it over these ways. Good life there but hard to be a crook and get away with murders lol,' he wrote, the publication reported. In 2010, Ngakuru and his wife Reynee mysteriously left Turkey and moved to Dubai before eventually returning and settling in Turkey. Ngakuru is rarely photographed, but a recent image showed the bikie boss living large on a yacht beside a large Turkish flag. Australian tourists have been stunned by sad photos showing beaches in Bali strewn with rubbish sparking a debate about the island's merit as a much-loved tourist destination. An appalled Sydney woman shared photos of the island's famous Legian beach. In the images, the sand is completely covered with plastic debris. Some online forums now cynically refer to summer in Bali summer as 'garbage season', at least on the island's busy east coast. Legian, located north of Kuta and south of Seminyakm, is a favourite tourist hotspot for millions of Aussies. The reality of Bali's beaches compared to the glossy images in tourist ads have been called into question after photos emerged showing rubbish-strewn beaches Not quite the beach stroll tourists hoped for. A photo shared online of Legian beach in Bali Australian tourists have been stunned by sad photos showing beaches in Bali strewn with rubbish sparking a debate about the island's merit as a much-loved tourist destination The images sparked a fiery debate, with many asking if they showed 'the real Bali' and whether the beloved holiday hotspot is still worth visiting. 'At least I know where the sewerage outlet is in Legian, absolutely disgusting today,' Tracey, who shared the photos online, claimed. Others corrected her, saying it wasn't sewerage, but a recurring seasonal issue in which ocean currents bring floating rubbish to Bali's eastern beaches. During the wet season, from October to March, tons of water bottles, food packaging, straws, cutlery and bags washed into the sea and rivers are carried by ocean currents and dumped on Bali's Kuta, Seminyak, Legian and Jimbaran beaches daily. The previously pristine beach is a hotspot for holidaymakers as they flock to the destination to soak up the sun and enjoy the party atmosphere (pictured, Kuta beach, Bali) A familiar sight along Bali's east coast during summer: tractors cleaning up the beach In December and January, the entire east coast of Bali, is inundated with trash, with only a small army of dedicated volunteers battling to keep it clean In December and January, the entire east coast of Bali, is inundated with trash, with a small band of dedicated volunteers fighting a losing battle to keep it clean. Tractors heaving rubbish off Bali's beaches are a common sight. In December, 600 tonnes were collected, according to Made Gede Dwipayana, Marine Garbage Evacuation Detection Coordinator of the Badung Regency Environmental and Sanitation Service. One Christmas day alone, 25 tractors were deployed to Kuta beach to clean it up. Some locals, however are not well trained in the latest beach clean-up methods and resort to a more short-term approach. Bali's beaches are not always pristine, and in summer they are far from that From October util March, Bali's eastern beaches are inundated with trash 'We saw Bali people picking up rubbish then digging a hole in the sand to bury it,' one person on Facebook said. The photos shocked people unfamiliar with Bali leaving some mystified why anyone would think of a beach holiday there when they can go to clean beaches in Australia. 'Why would you go there when Australia has the best beaches in the world,' said a Sydney woman in the Facebook thread. 'This is why you don't swim in the ocean in Bali,' a Newcastle woman said. 'If youre going to Bali for their beaches then youve totally missed the mark!' a Canberra mum said. A Sydney surfer claimed Bali beaches have looked like this in summer for 'at least two decades'. 'All the rubbish is dragged into huge piles on the beach at Tuban where it is taken by trucks to a landfill tip. Around five tons is removed every day,' he wrote. Some commented that the beaches on other side of the island are still clean, even at this time of year. Over 100 volunteers and four front-end loaders (pictured) were sent to Kuta Beach to clean up the rubbish. An estimated 600 tonnes of waste washed up along Bali's entire coastline from October to December The west coast gets the runoff from the villages! Go over to the east side the water is fine,' one said. Others commented that the eastern beaches are much cleaner in June and July. Many said the island's beaches are clean outside of the wet season and added that Bali still has plenty going for it despite the trash problem during the wet season. Many said that the warmth of the locals, bars and restaurants, temples, Balinese culture and the natural beauty inland are the best things about Bali. In 2022 more Australians visited Bali than any other nationals. Over 352,000 Aussies went there, with Indians the next biggest group at just 93,000. The biggest year in recent memory was 2019, when 1.23 million Australians visited. They were then killed by another white officer for speaking to the female Red Cross workers at an Allied encampment in France, the documents revealed A pair of black soldiers who served in World War II were killed by a white superior officer for defying segregation and speaking to white female Red Cross workers at a camp in France, newly unearthed documents revealed. The slain soldiers - Allen Leftridge and Frank Glenn - were challenged by a sergeant for the breach of norms, the archived documents show, and then ruthlessly gunned down by another officer as punishment. The altercation also saw a third soldier - a white man just released from a German prison camp - killed in the crossfire. The two white soldiers involved in the murders, which took place on the war-torn Western front in 1945, were absolved of their actions. Despite the deed's inherent illegaily - and several witnesses seeing the murders firsthand, the killer, an unnamed American soldier, was cleared and one of the men's widows denied a survivor's pension. The duo's story is now being told thanks in part to the victim's widow, the late Sarah Leftridge, who shared the harrowing account with a black journalist who would eventually marry her. Previously long-forgotten, the story of Allen Leftridge and his fellow slain soldier is being told thanks to Leftridge's late widow Sarah Leftridge, who offered a harrowing account of the incident. Army officials told her that her husbands death was 'due to his own misconduct' The newly unsealed documents contain letters offering her own account of the incident - which saw Army officials tell her that her husbands death was 'due to his own misconduct.' Nearly a century later, the pair's descendants are seeking justice - after, for reasons that arent clear, she was denied her rightful military benefits. That ruling came from a US judge who ruled in a court martial called after the 1945 incident that her husbands death came after he failed to heed to his superiors. The incident transpired towards the end of the long-running conflict at an allied encampment known as The Lucky Strike, accounts offered by witnesses and since unsealed Army documents confirm. The camp was a bustling tent city of roughly 58,000 American troops who at the time were awaiting transportation back to the United States after victory in Europe. That said, the settlement was also heavily segregated - and described as both a 'seventh heaven' and a center of unbridled chaos due to brewing tensions between the war-weary troops. The incident transpired towards the end of the long-running conflict at an allied encampment known as The Lucky Strike, a bustling tent city of roughly 58,000 American troops who at the time were awaiting transportation back to the United States after victory in Europe The encounter in question transpired at the height of these tensions, roughly two weeks after the end of the war in September 1945. Documents and witness accounts detail how Leftridge and Glenn - whose death, unlike his companion, was described as in the line of duty and his widow awarded compensation - entered a Red Cross tent where women were serving soldiers doughnuts and coffee. The soldiers at some point went inside to get some - disobeying Army-laid laws that prohibited Black soldiers from socializing with French women. At the massive encampment, black troops were typically charged with guarding German prisoners, as officials feared black men would engage in interactions with white Europeans. There are varying accounts of what transpired next - though the duo were reprimanded by an unnamed officer, who Alfred A. Duckett, Stacy Leftridge's second husband, said was romantically involved with one of the women. '[The] white MP ordered him not to stand there talking to this woman, Allen turned his back on him,' Duckett said in an interview published in Studs Terkels 1984 oral history 'The Good War.' Duckett, who died in 1984, was a journalist whose reporting until now served as the primary account of the encounter. Duckett described how a subsequent scuffle left Leftridge 'shot in the back and killed' by an armed guard called over to quell the encounter. Glenn was also killed at some point during the previously shrouded incident. There have been varying accounts of the 1945 encounter - which saw the duo reprimanded by an unnamed officer who Alfred A. Duckett (at right), Stacy Leftridge's second husband, said was romantically involved with one of the women. Duckett, a journalist, learned of the story after meeting Stacy and her daughter (pictured) in 1950. The pair would wed soon after However, in an undated statement from the Library of Congress unearthed by The Washington Post, a witness, Solomon Johnson, said Leftridge and the sergeant 'got into a hot discussion and suddenly came to blows' before his and Glenn's death. After the fight was broken up, the witness reportedly said, Leftridge 'took one step' toward the guard, who then fired on him. According to the documents, Johnson told Army officials investigating the incident that the unnamed guard, who was white, 'never gave the command "Halt" or gave any warning' to indicate that he was about to fire on Leftridge, much less Glenn. While a court martial was called and the two unnamed white men put to trial, no legal action was taken in relation to the altercation - not to the sergeant nor the guard, nor their pair's more senior officers. In an explanation to the NAACP, the Army said Leftridge was killed because the soldier 'failed to heed' the challenge of a superior officer. The organization has since taken up Leftridges late widow's calls to rectify her first husband's service record. The new documents shed new light on the decade's old altercation, and reveal that, nearly a century later, racial injustices leveled toward black servicemen during WWII are at last being addressed. The case was previously only touched upon by Duckett in the 1984 oral history, and Sarahs efforts to secure military benefits from the Army have still proved unsuccessful. The duo's story was detailed by the late Sarah Leftridge in the newly unsealed documents from the Library of Congress, which contain documents including this letter from Sarah to Army officials asking for her husband's record to be rectified However, thanks to the reporting of her late husband - who became obsessed with the case after interviewing Sarah about the incident, and eventually marrying her in 1950 - the case is seeing new light. Leftridges daughter, Carolyn Holman, is now carrying on her stepfather and mother's efforts to rectify her late father's legacy and is continuing to ask Army officials to clear his name and compensate her family for back payments that should have been sent to her mother. With the recent attention the case has gotten, it looks as if though that is a possibility. An Army spokesperson has hinted that action in the case could be taken in the coming months. Madison Bonzo told the Post in a statement that the service 'puts a high priority on honoring the legacy of all our Soldiers and their families, especially when there may be an error or injustice.' 'The Army is standing by to assist the Leftridge family through the Army Board for Correction of Military Records at the Army Review Boards Agency, should they decide to submit a records correction request,' the statement said. Princess Diana's former butler has pondered whether William being given more sausages for breakfast when he was a child played a part in their played a part in their fractious relationship as adults. Paul Burrell claims the Duke of Sussex would become confused and complain when he was young that his older brother got bigger breakfasts. The 64-year-old claims after the young prince asked why that once, a nanny for the pair told him the now-Prince of Wales needed 'filling up more' as he would be 'King one day'. Mr Burrell, who acted as butler for the Princess of Wales for 10 years, said it could have been an early display of the dynamic between the two feuding siblings that dominates today. Prince William (right) pictured with Prince Harry (left) on the balcony of Buckingham Palace during the RAF centenary in 2018 Paul Burrell, the former butler for Princess Diana, pictured here on Good Morning Britain in 2022 Mr Burrell, who was present during William and Harry's childhood, said there were signs of an early rivalry between the princes. 'When I look back now, I think maybe I was glimpsing the dynamic at play,' he told the Sun. 'One time I saw the nanny give William three sausages at breakfast and Harry had two. 'And Harry would look at his plate and say, how come he gets three? And I only get two.' Mr Burrell added that when the nanny responded about the pecking order between the two brothers the now-Duke of Sussex would 'fall quiet and suck it up'. The former member of the Royal Household said despite Diana seeing the boys as 'absolutely equal', he believes the hierarchy within the Firm that puts William first has caused resentment from Harry. He said that the Duke 'found it tough living up to the standard set by William' and that this became more stark when he attended Eton against his mother's wishes. Mr Burrell said Diana had felt Harry would be unjustly compared to his older brother if he went to the independent school, and that this turned out to be the case. The father-of-two said that William was 'brighter' than his younger brother, and that while the future King was 'measured and stoic', Harry took to playing the clown to get noticed. He added that he no longer recognises the Harry who is in the public eye today to the young boy he saw grow up in the Royal Household, saying: 'He's clearly hurt and angry at being "the spare" and so he's lashing out from that place.' Harry, pictured here during an interview with ITV's Tom Bradby earlier this month, showed early signs of being unhappy with his position, Paul Burrell says Paul Burrell, pictured here with Diana in 1997, served the Princess of Wales as her butler for 10 years Meanwhile, Mr Burrell claimed that the relationship between the Fab Four - the Sussexes and the Cambridges - worsened over 'house envy' He claimed that Meghan, who was then living in Nottingham Cottage while the Cambridges were in Kensington Palace, 'got a sight of everything Kate and William enjoyed... she realised she wasn't in the top tier'. Harry recently revealed he was 'embarrassed' to show Meghan his home and that his future wife likened it to a 'frat house'. It comes after the Duke of Sussex lashed out at Mr Burrell in his recently released memoir, Spare, which also saw him launch vicious attacks on his brother and the monarchy. In the book, which was released in the UK on Tuesday, Harry accused Diana's former butler of 'milking' her death for money by publishing his 2001 book A Royal Duty. The novel contained a raft of private revelations, although in his memoir Harry called it 'one man's self-justifying, self-centring version of events'. Harry said he learned of the book while working as an unpaid farmhand in Australia at the age of 19, adding that it 'made my blood boil'. He wrote that he wanted to fly home to 'confront' Mr Burrell for his 'cold and overt betrayal', but his father and brother talked him out of it. Speaking last week after the publication of Harry's memoir, Mr Burrell said Diana would be 'appalled' by her youngest son's behaviour, and accused Harry of making 'personal, vindictive revelations'. He added that he saw Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, as the driving force behind the Duke's behaviour. He told Australian television: 'She [Meghan] is beside him steering him on his path. You can't just blame Harry. You have to blame the both of them. 'I don't like to see the rug being pulled beneath the feet of our King and Harry's brother, who is on his way to being King. And the snipes that have gone forward about Kate [the Princess of Wales]... 'Kate has never put a foot wrong. But the other side of the story will never be heard because the royals believe there's great dignity in silence.' Mission Majnu is going to be released on OTT this week. (By arrangement) We are in the middle of the first month of the new year. One of the most-loved Indian movies, RRR, is going great guns abroad and is likely to be at the cusp of making a record. Streamers too are constantly in the process of bringing new content for their viewers though for this week it seems, for now, the pace is a bit sluggish. Still, something new is always on the anvil. Netflix Limited series Women at War, telling the story of how women deal with the devastating consequences of war, will start streaming on January 19, Thursday. Kaapa which stands for Kerala Anti-social Activities Prevention Act forms the backdrop of this Malayalam action thriller starring Prithviraj Sukumar. It was theatrically released almost a month ago. Move on 70s. It's the 90s now. That 90s show, an American feel-good sitcom, will stream on January 19, Thursday. Directed by Shantanu Bagchi, Mission Majnu is a spy thriller. It is headlined by Siddarth Malhotra and Rashmika Mandanna. Set in the 70s, its a story of an undercover spy who uncovers a covert nuclear programme in Pakistan. Spy thrillers like Razi, Mukhbir have worked well with audiences earlier. The movie will stream on January 20, Friday. Whatever might be the fate of its Indian version, the international series Fauda has always been one of the most successful and loved series. The fourth season starts this Friday. The show, which promises to be a gritty one, boasts of a huge star cast including Lior Raz and Hisham Suliman. K-dramas are already very popular among viewers. Now, we have a Korean sci-fi thriller set in the post-apocalyptic near-future. It has written and directed by Yeon Sang-ho of Train to Busan. The 1.39-hour-long movie drops on Netflix on January 20, Friday. The first season of the Turkish fantasy drama Shahmaran will begin on January 20, Friday. The teaser expectedly shows lots of snakes, as the name of the show refers to a mythical creature that is half snake, half woman. Narvik, a small town in Norway, was a source of steel iron needed for Hitlers war machinery. Now, its the title and subject of the movie which will be shown on Netflix from January 23, Monday. Its a war movie set against the backdrop of World War II. Lets be doctors again, announces Dr Max Goodwin in the latest season of New Amsterdam which premiers on January 23, Monday. Zee5 The platform is having the release of a movie and another original show. Rakul Preet Singhs Chhatriwali, dealing with sex education among youths, will be released on January 20, Friday. Besides Rakul, the movie stars Sumeet Vyas. The movie has been directed by Tejas Deoskar, who earlier had helmed Bucket List, which was Madhuris first Marathi movie. Telugu web series which has a screenplay and direction by C. Chandra Mohan is an action-packed drama. It premieres on January 20, Friday. Its a story of four friends who are often involved in petty crimes but now have to escape the police, don, and a politician. Aha On January 13, we had the team Veera Simha Reddy on Unstoppable 2 with NBK . Similarly, the sixth episode of Comedy Stock Exchange also dropped on the same day. Disney+Hotstar Jhansi season 1 was much-liked by the audiences. Jhansi played by Anjani is now back for the second season which promises to be an out-and-out action drama. The first season was out on Oct 27, 2022. Just within three months, the second season will be released on January 19, Thursday. Lionsgate Play As they say, You buy a Lamborghini when you are someone. Know the story and the man behind the iconic luxury car brand as the movie is streaming on the OTT platform this week. Netflix 1. Mission Majnu 2. Fauda, Season 4 3. Women at War 4. Jung_e 5. Shahmaran 6. Narvik 7. Kaapa 8. That 90s show 9. New Amsterdam Zee5 1. Chatriwali 2. ATM Aha 1. Unstoppable 2 with NBK Talk Show (episode) 13th January 2. Comedy Stock Exchange Stand-up comedy show (6th episode) 13th January Disney+ Hotstar 1. Jhansi Season 2 Lionsgate Play Lamborghini Two others have been arrested and two men are still being sought The group allegedly held the woman down while she was raped The man and his 'generals' kidnapped a woman and held her hostage inside a Flint, Michigan home Michael Barajas, 36, has been charged with more than 20 felonies A Michigan man who filed his teeth into fangs has been accused of trafficking A Michigan man filed down his teeth into fangs to intimidate human trafficking victims while commanding several underlings to do his bidding, including kidnapping women, prosecutors say. Michael Barajas, 36, who is seen sporting multiple face tattoos in his mugshot from the Genesee County Sheriff's Office, is accused of building a human trafficking gang called the 'Massad Squad.' They're said to have prowled around in a Hummer looking for victims. 'He would tell the victim, "I'm going to rip your throat out if you don't do what I tell you to do, and you don't comply,"' said Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson. 'It's dominance. It's kidnapping. It's grooming.' Two of his 'generals' were recently arrested and law enforcement officials have since brought 20 new charges against the ring leader who allegedly held a 20-year-old woman down while she was raped by men inside a home for two weeks. Michael Barajas, 36, is accused of building a human trafficking gang called the 'Massad Squad' The man filed his teeth down to intimidate his victims, law enforcement said During a recent press conference, Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson shared shocking details, of how the kidnapped 20-year-old woman was abused by the fanged-criminal and his band of accomplices. 'I knew this serial monster was bad, but I did not realize he's as bad as what I'm going to tell you today,' Swanson said Tuesday. Swanson said Barajas around Thanksgiving sent out accomplice Alex Matthew Schmidt, 23, and another man in a yellow Hummer to search for women who were 'vulnerable.' While searching, the pair found a 20-year-old woman walking along the road near Flint. Swanson said the pair offered the woman a warm place to stay, a shower, and food. 'It's the bare needs of an individual,' Swanson said. 'It's the basic hygiene that she so needed. That was the grooming hook that they used.' Ropes were found where the woman was being held inside the Flint home This is the home where the group was holding the victim The men brought the woman back to a home on Marmion Avenue in Flint, where Barajas was waiting. Swanson said Barajas had not been in the house but completely orchestrated the kidnapping. Barajas had trained the 'generals' to go find vulnerable women and bring them back to the 'Massad Squad' human trafficking headquarters, law enforcement said. 'The term "Massad Squad" was, I'm sure, in his mind, something that he was trying to create to form a sex industry trade,' Swanson said. The woman tried multiple times to escape from the residence Officials found the home in complete disarray These are some of the things officials found inside the home The group bolted the windows of the home shut After the woman was brought back to the Flint home, the victim was raped by men while Barajas and his 'generals' held her down. The group of men would use ropes or other items, Swanson said. The sheriff continued, saying the men would often force her to put a pacifier in her mouth and call them 'daddy' or put a gun to her head. 'Barajas held (a gun) to the head of our victim and said, 'If you don't do this, I'm going to kill you,' Swanson said during the recent press conference. It was during these assaults that Barajas would use his filed teeth to intimidate the woman, by threatening to rip her throat out. These are two of Barajas' accomplices, according to law enforcement officials The woman was held inside the house for two weeks She finally escaped the Flint house after going to the hospital for a medical emergency Throughout the two weeks she was in the home, the woman attempted to escape multiple times with no success. The group of men had barricaded and locked the doors and screwed the windows shut. During her first attempt, the woman was able to get out the front door and run down the street before they tackled her and dragged her back. 'She ran out the door, and as she was running down the street, they fired a round at her, they tackled her. She actually stabbed Barajas at one point. They dragged her back,' Swanson said. In another attempt, the woman made it to a nearby McDonald's before Barajas and the other men found her. Inside, they allegedly threatened to kill her if she made any statements. 'She went back a second time against her will,' Swanson said. The victim was finally rescued on December 8 when she had a medical emergency and was rescued at the hospital. The home where the group held the woman was raided and Barajas was arrested, the man was charged with kidnapping, criminal sexual conduct, and assault with a dangerous weapon. His first bond was set at $250,000. After the initial story broke, another victim came forward in January, accusing Barajas of targeting her when she was just four-years-old. 'At age 4, she was put into a situation because of her connection as the child of an adult to Barajas' family of adults,' Swanson said. 'Almost the same type of threats, the same type of intimidation, and the same type of sexual assault.' The alleged assaults happened up to five times a week from 2003 to 2007. 'It was only because that relationship of the adults broke up that she was rescued and she was taken out of the situation, never to tell her story until January 3, 2023,' Swanson said. Now, officials are looking for additional victims to come forward, calling him a 'serial monster' and saying 'he did not stop targeting' randomly for 15 years. 'Her torture and her nightmare ended in 2007. So from 2007 to 2022, when we got in, how many other victims are along that timeline?' Swanson said he 'knows' there are more victims out there and is encouraging them to reach out to the proper authorities. There was a board over a window of the home This is the bolt on the door where the woman was being held The 20 new felony charges filed against Barajas include 10 counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, as well as intimidation, bribery, and weapons offenses. If he is found guilty, Barajas faces a maximum sentence of life in prison. He's currently being held without bond. 'The brutality, the look, the intimidation - I've seen nothing like it,' Swanson said. Alex Matthew Schmidt, 23, and Jojuan Najee Howze, 33, have both been arrested as members of the human trafficking operation. Schmidt has been charged with kidnapping and first-degree sexual assault. Howze has been referred to by authorities as a 'participant in the violent sex ring,' and has been charged with kidnapping and four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. Two more men are still being sought by police, including Cody Lohrer who had information that is important to the case. Two more men are still being sought by police, including Cody Lohrer who had information that is important to the case 'We need to find him,' Swanson said. 'He's got information that is critical to this case. He's got information that I know, as an active participant -- he is, at this point, since there's no formal charges, he is an individual of interest. But we're going to find him, and we're going to find Lil Ryan, as well.' Lil Ryan is the street name of the other man wanted by police in this case. 'I will tell you this: If you took advantage of any of these females, or any other female or male in a sex slave ring, we're going to find you,' Swanson said. 'You can try to hide it from your families, your friends, you can try to go and put different names on your phones under different profiles and try to do ghost apps -- we'll find you,' the sheriff said. The cousin of Martin Luther King Jr.'s wife, Coretta Scott King, has called the newly-unveiled statue celebrating the civil rights icon a 'woke' waste of money. The 20-foot-high piece 'The Embrace' depicts the famous hug between the two civil rights leaders after MLK Jr. learned he had won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Seneca Scott, King's cousin and a failed candidate for mayor of Oakland in 2022, spoke out against the statue Sunday. He claimed that 'ten million dollars were wasted' on the statue of his cousin's late husband, who he described as being members of 'one of the all time great American families'. A bronze sculpture honoring Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King that depicts the famous hug between the couple, was unveiled in Boston Friday, but is receiving mixed reviews 'The woke algorithm is just broke, I don't know what else to tell you,' he told the New York Post. 'If you went through all of that and that's what you came up with, something's wrong.' He was responding to the artist behind the sculpture, Hank Willis Thomas, who said: 'When we recognize that all storytelling is an abstraction, all representation is an abstraction, hopefully it allows us to be open to more dynamic and complex forms of representation that don't stick us to narrative that oversimplifies a person or their legacy, and I think this work really tries to get to the heart of that.' Scott, whose grandfather's brother was Coretta Scott King's father, said he only met King once at a family reunion prior to her death in 2006. 'It's doubly insulting to the black community, who still on average too many of us are below the poverty line,' Scott said, calling for the sculpture to be melted down. 'You're spending $10million on a bronze statue without heads on it? Man, it's a joke. No performative, no photo ops, put your phone down and go do [an act of service] that no one knows about,' he added. The $10 million artwork shows two disembodied sets of arms, with no heads, sparking confusion among many art fans, and followers of the civil rights icon. Some King family members were among the large crowd that turned out for a ceremony at the Freedom Plaza of the Boston Common where the piece was shown off for the first time - featuring only the couple's interlocking arms. Seneca Scott, the cousin of Martin Luther King Jr.'s wife, Coretta Scott King, has called the newly-unveiled statue celebrating the civil rights icon a 'woke' waste of money The 20-foot-high piece 'The Embrace' depicts the famous hug between the two civil rights leaders after MLK Jr. learned he had won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 Several people online questioned the artist's decision not to include the couple's heads. But others were moved by the piece, which pays tribute to the iconic couple who fell in love in Boston, and then went on to make a difference in the world. The sculpture is one of the country's largest memorials dedicated to racial equity, a privately-funded King Boston organization said last year. It was designed by Thomas and MASS Design Group and was selected out of 126 proposals and installed on the Boston Common not far from where King led a rally and march in 1965. When photos and video of the sculpture debuted online, some Twitter users were confused by the art. Scott, King's cousin and a failed candidate for mayor of Oakland in 2022, spoke out against the statue Sunday People stand near the 20-foot-high bronze sculpture 'The Embrace,' a memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, in the Boston Common One Twitter user slammed the sculpture for not honoring the original photo Boston residents gathered to witness the unveiling of the sculpture which cost $9.5 million One user said it was the angle that some were seeing, not the statue in its entirety, that made it appear strange. 'It's unfortunate that our first sighting after the unveiling is the worst possible angle,' the user wrote. 'Here's what we should have seen' One Twitter user called it a 'horrible sculpture' while another tweeted that it did not translate well. 'This is awful,' the British rapper Zuby added. One user shared an image of the piece that showed it at a better angle. 'It's unfortunate that our first sighting after the unveiling is the worst possible angle,' the user wrote. 'Here's what we should have seen.' Another user slammed the sculpture for not honoring the original photo. Scott, whose grandfather's brother was Coretta Scott King's father, said he only met King once at a family reunion prior to her death in 2006 'The original photo this inspired was beautiful and perfect. Why not just honor that with a replica instead of this horrible odd weirdly sexualized bronze blob #mlksculpture #MLK.' Another wrote: 'Finally some feel good news. Beautiful sculpture. Thanks for sharing!' The sculpture was unveiled as part of annual tributes and commemorations of the life and legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., which began nationwide Friday. The massive monument consisting of four intertwined arms was dedicated Friday in Boston, where the leader first met his wife. The civil rights leader and his wife first met in Boston in the early 1950s, when he was a doctoral student in theology at Boston University and she was studying at the New England Conservatory of Music. 'They both loved this city because of its proud heritage as a hotbed of the abolitionist movement and its unique intellectual and educational resources,' their son, Martin Luther King III, said during the dedication. 'And indeed, Boston became a place where they forged a partnership that would change America and make a powerful contribution to the Black freedom struggle. That's what I see in this beautiful monument.' 'They both loved this city because of its proud heritage as a hotbed of the abolitionist movement and its unique intellectual and educational resources,' their son, Martin Luther King III, said during the dedication. 'And indeed, Boston became a place where they forged a partnership that would change America and make a powerful contribution to the Black freedom struggle. That's what I see in this beautiful monument.' Yolanda Renee King, who never met her grandparents, said she and everyone else are challenged to 'carry forward' the couple's 'unfinished work.' 'This is the spirt we must keep as we commemorate (the King holiday),' the 14-year-old said, as those in attendance cheered. 'Let's make it a great day of community service; a day of brotherhood, a day of sisterhood; a day of using your platform for good; a day of love and healing in the spirt of this wonderful monument.' It was designed by Hank Willis Thomas and MASS Design Group and was selected out of 126 proposals and installed on the Boston Common not far from where King led a rally in 1965 Imari Paris Jeffries, executive director of EmbraceBoston, the organization behind the memorial, noted the significance of the sculpture's placement at the Boston Common, America's oldest public park and a high traffic area with millions of city residents and visitors walking its paths every year. 'I think Boston has this reputation of being this city of heroes and abolitionists, like W.E.B. Du Bois and Frederick Douglass, simultaneously with this reputation of not being friendly and in some cases being described as racist. So there's this tension between these two images of Boston. Having the memorial there is part of our intention to transform our city's perspective.' The organization is also raising money to build an economic justice center in the city's historically Black neighborhood where MLK preached. Do you know more? Contact tips@dailymail.com He uploaded the bizarre find to his TikTok and Instagram Quinn is fishing when a package is seen drifting to his boat A man claims he found a 'bag of drugs' while spearfishing A fisherman claims he has discovered a bag filled with drugs in the ocean while spearfishing. Quinn, who is from Coffs Harbour on the NSW North Coast, was out spearfishing off the coast when he came across a huge package bundled together in a net bag. The net appeared to contain large bricks of cocaine, wrapped in black plastic. He uploaded footage of the extraordinary find to social media. 'If anyone needs cocaine, I have plenty,' he wrote in the caption of the TikTok clip. On Instagram, he joked: 'I have inched a little closer to retirement guys!' 'Not the prize catch I was expecting today, that's for sure!' Fisherman Quinn claims he discovered a 'bag of drugs' in the ocean while spearfishing on the NSW north coast The fisherman's discovery shadows Australia's 'insatiable' love affair with cocaine, with use having exploded in the last 20 years. NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics figures released this year showed a 12.5 per cent increase of cocaine use and possession arrests over the five years until 2020, while drugs such as ecstasy declined in popularity. Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission suggests the nation's base of cocaine users is 'broadening', with a growing social acceptability of the drug. Drug manufacturers of cocaine in South America see Australia as a lucrative market for large exports due to its high price - about $300 a gram - on Sydney streets. Some social media users joked about the fisherman's shock discovery. 'From 'spearfishing' to 'line fishing',' wrote one. Another said: 'Congratulations on early retirement.' 'We fishing for a week straight...no sleep,' joked a third. Quinn is seen pulling the package, encased in rope netting, to the side of his boat and observing it Others cautioned Quinn about the risks of finding the batch and urged him to call police. 'Dont even touch it. Trust me, theres always someone watching,' responded one man. 'Not even worth touching it,' commented a second. The TikTok clip has gone viral and amassed more than 700,000 views. Dramatic video shot by an overhead drone captured the events immediately following a deadly encounter between a sheriff's deputy and a suspect in California. The footage was shot by a drone that just happened to be flying in the area at the time of the incident at 4:20pm on Friday in Lake Elsinore, southeast of Los Angeles. It shows the loved ones of suspect Jesse Navarro, 42, frantically rushing to shield him after he was shot by deputies. The footage, shared with ABC7 also sees the fatally wounded Riverside County sheriff's Deputy Darnell Calhoun, 30, being loaded into a police cruiser just before he is taken to the hospital, later passing away from his injuries. Newly released drone footage captures the moments following a tragic encounter between a sheriff's deputy and a suspect in Lake Elsinore, California The drone just happened to by flying in the area at the time of the incident Riverside County sheriff's Deputy Darnell Calhoun, 30, died from his injuries having been shot by suspect Jesse Navarro, 42 The tragic incident took place on Friday in the unincorporated community of Lakeland Village, which borders Lake Elsinore, and involved a domestic violence suspect. Although the exact details of the encounter are still under investigation, Deputy Calhoun was the first officer on the scene when he encountered Navarro, a Lake Elsinore resident. Calhoun was reportedly shot in the leg and torso and was rushed to the Inland Valley Medical Center. Officers were on scene as part of the investigation well into the evening on Friday Officers are seen standing outside of Inland Valley Medical Center where Deputy Calhoun died A second deputy arrived to find Calhoun suffering from multiple gunshot wounds in the street. Neighbors say they saw the deputy attempting to take cover close to a house on the corner but the suspect got back into his truck and chased him before shooting him several times. Navarro, who was also shot, was rushed to the same hospital. The sheriff's department reports that he remains in critical condition. It saw the suspect's loved ones rushing to shield him after he was shot by police In the next frame of footage, the suspect's family can be seen gathered around him Deputy Calhoun was killed Friday in an encounter with a domestic violence suspect in the unincorporated community of Lakeland Village, which borders the city of Lake Elsinore Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy Darnell Calhoun, right, poses with Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, left, in Riverside, California Deputy Calhoun was described as well-liked and friendly by his colleagues. He was married with two sons with a third child on the way. The community is planning to honor the deputy's life with a candlelit vigil on Tuesday night. Throughout the weekend tributes as part of a makeshift memorial have been growing for the fallen officer near the scene of the shooting. Deputy Calhoun was described as well-liked and friendly by his colleagues. He was married with two sons with a third child on the way He says they weren't enough to ensure patient and public safety in strikes Steve Barclay says 'voluntary arrangements' put in place were too last minute New laws are needed to stop union barons who put lives at immediate risk by failing to provide enough timely cover during ambulance worker strikes, the Health Secretary has said. In a letter to the GMB union, Steve Barclay said voluntary arrangements put in place ahead of recent walkouts were too last-minute and not enough to ensure patient and public safety. He said it showed that new strike laws designed to ensure a minimum level of services run during blue light strikes are desperately needed. Steve Barclay said voluntary arrangements put in place ahead of recent walkouts were too last-minute and not enough to ensure patient and public safety MPs are expected to clash over the legislation when it is debated in Parliament today, with Labour vowing to block it despite warnings that doing so could put lives at risk. It came as the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) union warned that nurses strikes in England on Wednesday and Thursday will be the biggest yet. Staff across 55 trusts are taking part 11 more than during the unions December walkouts. Yesterday, RCN boss Pat Cullen warned she was prepared to carry on the strikes for up to a year. Pickets will stay for as long as it takes for this government to do the right thing for nursing staff, she told The Sunday Telegraph. Mr Barclay is said to have privately acknowledged that nurses deserve more money, but has been told by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt that any improved settlements must be found within his departments existing budget. MPs are expected to clash over the legislation when it is debated in Parliament today, with Labour vowing to block it despite warnings that doing so could put lives at risk. Ambulance workers are seen above on strike earlier this month Nurses have been offered the equivalent of 4.5 per cent for 2022-23, but the RCN initially demanded pay rises of 19 per cent. It has since suggested 10 per cent would be enough. Thousands of ambulance workers who are members of the Unison and Unite unions will strike again next Monday. In his letter to the GMB, which also represents ambulance staff who went on strike last Wednesday, Mr Barclay said a certain amount of disruption is inherent to any strike. But he argued that anti-strike legislation was required to stop putting so many lives at risk. The letter, dated yesterday, added: During recent action I have not been reassured that the current system of voluntary arrangements can be relied upon to ensure patient and public safety. While all unions involved in the recent strikes agreed to coverage of category 1 calls [for life-threatening situations], not all agreed derogations for coverage of all category 2 calls, which includes serious conditions such as a stroke or chest pain... In addition, assurances I have received from trade unions covering ambulance services in particular have been volatile, with the scope and extent of arrangements being disputed right up to wire. Mr Barclay said the legislation, called the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill, will give the public much needed assurance that a certain level of urgent and time-critical care will always continue throughout strike action. Koch warned Aussies of the scam which illegally uses his picture and comments Ms Hambrook signed up to the fake trading scheme and paid an initial $250 fee A great-grandmother has lost $150,000 of her life savings after she was lured into a fake crypto scheme which illegally used the face and 'business advice' of Sunrise host David 'Kochie' Koch. Western Australian woman Dale Hambrook is warning other Aussies after she was tricked by fake emails and a fake news website claiming the Sunrise host was an investor in the scheme. Ms Hambrook, 73, received the email in June 2022 from an unknown sender encouraging her to boost her finances by investing in Bitcoin. She said the email came at a crucial time in her life when she was facing mounting medical bills but said she felt 'stupid' once she realised it was a scam. The sophisticated email prompted Ms Hambrook to click a link to an article and sign up to a fake trading scheme after the fake story explained Kochie had invested in the cryptocurrency and made a substantial amount. Dale Hambrook, 73, (pictured with her granddaughter Rachel) lost $150,000 of her life savings after she was lured into a crypto scheme which claimed it was endorsed by Sunrise host David 'Kochie' Koch 'I got an email about Kochie about investing in Bitcoin and he was doing very well with it,' Ms Hambrook told 7News. 'I thought it would be a good opportunity to make a few dollars, extra dollars so I could have some eye surgery to cover the out-of-pocket.' Ms Hambrook was initially asked to pay a $250 sign-up fee but was soon asked to invest thousands more. 'There was $7,500 and the next one was $10,000 and there were a couple of $15,000 and then it just did all that until I said, "I've got more money",' Ms Hambrook said. The great-grandmother realised something was wrong when she asked for her money back and her cryptocurrency contract was cancelled. Her granddaughter Rachel said the sophisticated scam was easy to get 'sucked into' because it directed people to an article which had comments made with real names. 'There's reviews, there's people commenting with real names so you think it's with real stories - it's very easy to get sucked in,' Rachel said. David 'Kochie' Koch warned his followers not to fall victim to the fake articles promising to reveal how the Sunrise host makes money (pictured) It comes after Kochie shared an image of a fake online article claiming to reveal how much money he 'really earned' to Instagram on January 7 warning his followers to not fall for the scam. 'Beware 2023 and the financial scams keep on coming more than ever,' he wrote. 'The one on the left came up on @realestateaus as I was scrolling the site. The one on the right was sent to me yesterday from Instagram. 'They are scams trying to con you by illegally using my image and attributing fictitious comments to me.' It is not the first time Koch has found himself at the centre of an online scam relating to Bitcoin investment. Koch (pictured) was at the centre of another online scam related to Bitcoin investment in 2019. The 66-year-old was also forced to deny any association with fraudulent online adverts in 2018 which linked him to erectile dysfunction treatment In 2019, the Channel Seven presenter alerted fans of the hoax with a lengthy post on Instagram, writing: 'SCAM WARNING; ANY STORY OR ADVERTISEMENT CLAIMING THE KOCHS RECOMMEND BITCOIN AS AN INVESTMENT IS A SCAM.' 'It is driving us crazy the con artists using Libby and I as bait to lure people into investing in Bitcoin. 'Facebook are doing their best to take them down but then they pop back up using different offshore servers.' In 2018, Koch was also forced to deny any association with fraudulent online adverts promoting erectile dysfunction treatment. He tweeted: 'For those who might be tempted... be warned the erectile dysfunction advertisements doing the rounds online using my image are fake.' When Emmy-nominated TV producer Malcolm Clark went to a party at the World Congress of Science & Factual Producers in Glasgow last month, he was looking forward to making some useful contacts. So when he was introduced to Nathan Wren, a BBC executive who develops science programming, he was, naturally, delighted. But the conversation soon took an awkward turn. Clark, who has worked on landmark BBC programmes such as Tomorrows World and Horizon, is also co-founder of the LGB Alliance, a group critical of the militant trans agenda. He seized the opportunity to tell Wren that BBC science programme-makers must stand up for biological facts. In short, they should keep reminding other staff that a woman with a penis was what the vast majority of the public rightly calls a man. Malcolm Clark, who has worked on landmark BBC programmes such as Tomorrows World and Horizon, is also co-founder of the LGB Alliance Thousands of people pass through Soho on a London Trans+ Pride march from the Wellington Arch in July last year But as Clark railed against the cowardice of BBC management in the face of the Pride Group, Wren informed him that he was, in fact, speaking to the co-chair of the BBC Studios branch of that very LGBT+ organisation. In the lively discussion that followed about what Clark saw as BBC Prides biased interference in news coverage, Wren informed him that we only intervene, when, say, a trans subject is being covered and then well press to ensure trans voices are being heard, adding: We often ask for changes and they dont happen. The veteran producer was not reassured. In a subsequent article for The Critic magazine, he wrote: Why do Nathan and his group of agitprop moaner-groaners think they have a right to ask for changes in the first place? The row at that party in Scotland is just one front in an increasingly bitter culture war raging most fiercely behind the historic portals of the BBC. The corporation has long prided itself on its worldwide reputation for impartial reporting. Yet concerns are growing that it is allowing its news coverage to be influenced by the partisan, narrow-minded views of trans activists, grouped around the BBC Pride network within its ranks. A minority of activist journalists, editors and administrators are pushing a trans rights agenda and seeking to impose their preferred language and values on news stories they deem to relate to trans issues. BBC Pride has apparently gone far beyond the aim of representing LGBT+ staff within the corporation. It is now seeking to police the way in which the BBC reports the news. Worse, these fringe activists are being effectively empowered by a BBC management that is afraid of being branded transphobic. In response to recent controversies about BBC presenters publicising their personal political views, BBC bosses have been keen to stress their commitment to impartiality. Yet the strong perception among senior BBC journalists is that a number of usually younger colleagues have been pushing trans rights within the corporations coverage, and have become too close to organisations such as Stonewall, the controversial LGBT+ charity. These senior journalists fear the BBCs impartiality is at risk, and that naive bosses have not only let this vocal minority become too influential, but have also shut down debate on the issue. In much of UK public discussion today, those who espouse views that might until recently have been considered mainstream common sense such as the fact there are two biological sexes, and only women can have babies are now dubbed as gender critical. And within the BBC, gender-critical staff feel increasingly frightened to express an opinion. A minority of activist journalists, editors and administrators are pushing a trans rights agenda and seeking to impose their preferred language and values on news stories they deem to relate to trans issues. Pictured: The London Trans+ Pride march One senior BBC News insider says: Quite a few people think they [BBC Pride] have too much power. They silence debate, especially over gender ideology. The BBC shies away from reporting the subject. Its not balanced in any way. Staff are afraid of expressing gender-critical views. The same senior insider is clear that the influence of BBC Pride reaches all corners of the corporation: The group shuts down gender-critical voices, which skews the news reporting. Some staff are particularly fed up with the way BBC Prides influence undermines the BBCs reputation for impartiality. This culture clash is sometimes presented as a generational divide. However, critical insiders are keen to point out that some older journalists are also involved in the trans lobby. And managements accommodating attitude is key to the growing influence of BBC Pride. One insider says it is time BBC director-general Tim Davie shut it down. There seems little prospect of that. BBC Pride networks most powerful internal champion, it turns out, is one Phil Harrold, a little-known but powerful figure who is not only a BBC Trustee and company secretary, but also the chief-of-staff to director-general Davie. So, in effect, a BBC Pride supporter acts as gatekeeper to the news giants top bosses. When Mail+ pursued the story last week, a BBC spokesman told us that BBC Pride is a volunteer-led staff network which aims to support all LGBTQ+ staff. It is not an editorial team, has no role in directing content and, like the Daily Mail Groups LGBTQ+ network, our staff networks help ensure the BBC is an inclusive organisation. Yet it seems those running BBC Pride, and the managers whose ear they have, didnt get that memo. It is striking that BBC Prides influence has seemingly continued to grow, despite the Corporations formal break with the trans ideology espoused by Stonewall. Initially, back in 2018, BBC bosses had enthusiastically embraced Stonewall, signing up to the charitys controversial 5,000-a-year Diversity Champions programme, in which firms and public institutions can be awarded the status of Diversity Champion if they sign up to a tick-box list of Stonewalls demands. One insider says it is time BBC director-general Tim Davie shut it down', with some staff particularly fed up with the way BBC Prides influence undermines the BBCs reputation for impartiality A group of demonstrators pose holding placards ahead of the London Trans Pride protest in July last year While the BBC was still a member of the scheme, a senior source had said there was a lot of disquiet in some quarters about certain correspondents echoing Stonewalls agenda, amid concerns the BBC had been captured by the trans lobby. While most kept these concerns to themselves, in 2021 one BBC radio journalist, Stephen Nolan, produced a podcast about the worrying influence of Stonewall lobbying on the BBC and government departments. Nolan told The Times that Ive been broadcasting in Northern Ireland for 25 years with all the bullets and bombs, and Ive had death threats. Yet really seasoned people [at the BBC] were saying: Do you really want to put yourself in the firing line on this?. He said many colleagues viewed the subject as untouchable: Theres a fear factor of even talking about it. Thats not acceptable. Debating a subject shouldnt affect your career. The BBC pulled out of Stonewalls Diversity Champions programme in November 2021, admitting that taking part had led to questions about whether the BBC can be impartial when reporting on debates Stonewall was involved in. Yet behind the scenes the pressure to bend the BBCs news agenda to reflect trans ideology continued. Some younger staff were reported to be horrified by the cutting of ties with Stonewall. This came not long after a row about a BBC News website report on a disturbing new phenomenon in the lesbian dating world. Reporter Caroline Lowbridge had spoken to gay women who said they felt pressured and coerced into accepting trans women as partners that is, into having sex with biological men. An open letter calling on the BBC to apologise for the article, promoted by BBC Pride, attracted more than 16,000 signatures, including some from BBC staff. In the wake of this furore there were reports in late 2021 of a fractious Zoom call involving director-general Davie, the then director of news Fran Unsworth and BBC Pride. Unsworth, who was due to retire shortly afterwards, was said to have told the Pride activists that they needed to get used to hearing views they dont personally like. The BBC pulled out of Stonewalls Diversity Champions programme in November 2021, admitting that taking part had led to questions about whether the BBC can be impartial when reporting on debates Stonewall was involved in Last year the BBC was forced to backtrack after a presenter on Radio 4s Front Row programme dismissed J.K. Rowlings gender critical views as very unpopular' A Sunday Times report of the meeting quoted a BBC journalist who said: Fran was calm but determined . . . it felt like she was having to explain journalism to idiots. According to reports, the meeting was extremely hostile towards the director-general, who was told by one member of staff that he was not in a position to make decisions on this issue, because hes not trans. A leaked transcript of a BBC Pride meeting in the same week revealed staff threatening to quit over news output one alleged was actively hostile to trans and non-binary people. Another complained senior management had been gaslighting young staff over the Lowbridge article. We were accused of being overly emotional in our response to our feelings about this article, and accused of not having read it properly and accused of not understanding the concept of impartiality. One key battleground in this ongoing culture war is the BBC style-guide the book of in-house rules that governs what language journalists should use in reports. Some journalists are concerned that the trans lobby exercises undue influence over the style guide. For example, it defines homosexual as a person who is attracted to people of their own gender, rather than their own sex. This is in line with Stonewalls advice. The emphasis on gender rather than biological sex is more than a matter of semantics. It implies that a male who identifies as a woman should be treated as such, and thus allowed access to all women-only spaces from changing rooms to prisons and to compete in womens sports. This endorsement of trans ideology is often reflected in BBC news coverage. During the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, for example, the BBC News website published a 3,000-word hagiography of Laurel Hubbard, the trans weightlifter from New Zealand who was allowed to enter the womens competition, complete with questionable claims about there not really being much hard evidence of a difference between male and female athletes in strength and speed sports. Laurel Hubbard, the trans weightlifter from New Zealand who was allowed to enter the womens competition Outside New Broadcasting House stands a statue of George Orwell, who memorably warned against the evils of totalitarianism in his masterpiece 1984 When readers posted comments challenging the scientific basis of this pro-trans propaganda, the BBC threatened to report them to the police for expressing hatred. The BBC style guide also says, in line with the trans lobbys outlook, that journalists must use the pronouns preferred by the person in question. This is about much more than being polite; in practice, it can lead to distorted reporting. Months after the BBC published the article about some lesbians allegedly being coerced into having sex with trans women, it was revealed the news website had changed the gender of one alleged sexual assailant. The alleged victim had described her assailant using the male pronouns he and him; BBC editors had replaced these words with the neutral terms they and them. One BBC insider told The Times that I cant think of any other situation where we would change the words of an alleged sex victim. BBC reports often reflect the casual assumption that the trans ideology which influences its internal politics must be shared by or anyway imposed upon its audience. Last year the BBC was forced to backtrack after a presenter on Radio 4s Front Row programme dismissed J.K. Rowlings gender critical views as very unpopular. As a BBC journalist who wrote about this in The Spectator (under a pseudonym, to avoid retribution) asked: Unpopular where, exactly? Doncaster? Hull? Birmingham? Or the counter of Caffe Nero outside New Broadcasting House? Senior BBC managers insist they are holding the line. David Jordan, director of editorial policy and standards, told the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee last year that some people now saw identity issues such as gender or racial identity as trumping impartiality. Yet he insisted the BBC is committed to freedom of expression, we are committed to reflecting all viewpoints . . . . [staff should] leave their prejudices at the door. Outside New Broadcasting House stands a statue of George Orwell, who memorably warned against the evils of totalitarianism in his masterpiece 1984. The wall behind it is inscribed with his words: If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. There has never been a better time for the BBC to take this message to heart. A woman who disappeared in the Australian outback a week ago may still be alive, police say. Angie Fuller, 30, from Alice Springs, was last seen on Tanami Road, 15km west of the Stuart Highway intersection in the Northern Territory on Monday night. She had been with her boyfriend at the time and was last seen running into the bushland. Despite extensive searches across the outback, including the use of helicopters and drones, no trace of Ms Fuller has been found. NT Police Acting Superintendent Rob Engels said detectives have not lost hope. Angie Fuller from Alice Springs hasn't been seen since Monday and police say her family hold concerns for her welfare 'We believe Ms Fuller is alive. There are certainly water sources in the area that she can access,' he told reporters. 'Our experts to date tell us it is survivable at this time.' Police have so far searched an area stretching 240-square-kilometres. Ms Fuller's boyfriend is assisting police with inquiries, Superintendent Engels said, confirming he was the last to see her. 'We believe she and her boyfriend had run off into the bush where she was last seen, and we are hoping she has gone to ground in there and is accessing water and giving us an opportunity that we will find her,' he said. The boyfriend of missing woman Angie Fuller is seen clashing with police as they search his car Police believe Ms Fuller is still alive despite having not been seen in a week Police hoping Ms Fuller is alive comes after a video filmed by her boyfriend in the days after her disappearance surfaced. In the clip the neck-tattooed man, who describes himself as a 'sovereign citizen', is heard clashing with a police officer who had asked to search his car. 'My car was randomly searched without my permission, without me standing there,' the man says in the video. 'The only reason I searched your car is we've got a missing person and you're in the area that we're conducting a search,' the officer responds. Anyone with information into Ms Fuller's whereabouts are urged to contact police Police have used search helicopters and a drone to try track down Ms Fuller who vanished in the vast bushland in the Northern Territory 'I'm just trying to figure out why you're here.' The man then tells the officer: 'I have every right to be part of the search. 'Why am I here? You know why I'm here. The missing person is my girlfriend.' The police officer then calmly tells the man he is investigating whether the car is related to Ms Fuller's disappearance. NT Police have described Ms Fuller as being of Asian appearance, around 165cm tall, with long black hair that has purple streaks throughout. Anyone who was travelling along the Tanami Road, between 10pm on January 9 and 9am the following day are urged to contact police. Those with information on Ms Fuller's whereabouts is urged to contact police on 131 444 or via Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. His devastated mother shared her response to the comments Officeworks said it was 'disappointed by the cruel comments A heartbroken mother called out cruel internet 'trolls' who made fun of her son's haircut and wheelchair after he appeared in an Officeworks ad. The mother sent a message to Australian journalist and podcaster Jacqueline Felgate after seeing the horrid response to her son Cooper's ad, shared by Officeworks on Facebook earlier this month. '(It's) 2023, and instead of people seeing the ad for what it is actually about, we have adults commenting on his hair and wheelchair,' the mother wrote. 'I had to laugh when someone wrote he probably wasn't really a wheelchair user. 'He is just a kid doing what he loves and just happens to be a wheelchair user.' Nasty trolls began making fun of the teen's haircut and wheelchair in comments on the Officeworks Facebook post The devastated mum then went on to explain the challenges Cooper has faced and said his teenage friends are more understanding than some adults. 'The 15 operations he lives with doesn't stop him from achieving great things,' she said. 'His friends see him for who he is, a hilariously funny and super sporty kid who is fantastic to be around. 'Meanwhile, we have adults taking a dig at him.' Cooper's devastated mum shared a message (above) saying her son's teenage friends are more understanding than the adults attacking him online Australian journalist and podcaster Jacqueline Felgate highlighted the cruel bullying on her Instagram Commenters under Ms Felgate's post flocked to support Cooper and slammed the nasty messages left on the Facebook ad. 'I hope Cooper is okay. Internet trolls are just the worst,' one person wrote. 'Kindness doesn't come easy to some,' another said. 'What is wrong with people?! Seriously I am not sure when it became acceptable to insult and attack people. These are most likely grown adults, treating a young man like this,' another wrote. 'Literally every second kid at my kid's school has a haircut like this. People can say the meanest things,' one commenter wrote. A fifth said: 'I don't understand why people need to behave this way. I really, really don't.' WHAT IS ABLEISM? Ableism is the discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities. It can be used to described the systematic or personal exclusion and oppression of people with disabilities. Source: Victorian Government Advertisement Others wrote the mean comments were an example of ableism and applauded Officeworks' diverse advertising. Officeworks said the ad was part of campaign featuring 13 students and was 'designed to support inclusion so all children can identify and feel represented'. 'We are deeply disappointed to see some negative and hurtful comments on social media in response to our latest Back to School social media ad, featuring one of our students in a wheelchair,' an an Officeworks spokesperson said. 'Officeworks has zero-tolerance for bullying and anti-social behaviour. 'Offensive comments have and will continue to be deleted in line with our online community management policy. 'With support from the family involved, our campaign will continue to run and promote diversity and inclusion in our community while supporting children and families across Australia getting ready for the new school year.' Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has brought the Republican race for the 2024 nomination to a standstill as potential rivals await his decision. Candidates who could throw their hat in the ring are waiting for him 'to screw up or fade', a Republican strategists says, but he hasn't done so. While speculation mounts he has been focused on his manifesto for Florida after his landslide gubernatorial election win in November which saw him flip to the Democratic stronghold of Miami. According to an Axios report, some in the Republican party see him as a 'paper tiger'. But he has rarely sought the national spotlight and has instead kept championing conservative policies in his state. Donald Trump - who declared his 2024 intentions last November - is still seen as the man to beat for the GOP nomination. But candidates he backed for the midterms performed poorly, and many Republicans are said to be keen to jettison the divisive former president from the party. Now the GOP is waiting on DeSantis to formally announce his intentions, which may not come until the Florida state legislature session ends in May. DeSantis (pictured with his family during an inauguration ceremony this month) has been branded by his critics a 'paper tiger,' lacking in charisma 'Everyone not named DeSantis is having a hard time figuring out their way around him. So they are waiting for him to screw up or fade,' Republican strategist Scott Jennings told Axios . 'So far, he's doing neither.' None are likely to want to challenge Trump by announcing their own intention to run, with the president's ill-temper towards those he deems disloyal well-known. Other possible runners include South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin and former Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley. No campaigns are expected to be launched until well into 2023, with candidates keen to keep their intentions under wraps for as long as possible, to minimize the chances of attacks from rivals, or scandals from their past re-emerging. There is no formal deadline by which candidates must file to run, but certain state-specific criterion must be met, such as doing so well in advance of primaries, caucuses, and the general election. The first filing deadline for a presidential state primary last election cycle was on November 8, 2019, in Alabama. Twenty three months before the last election in 2020, 18 Democrats had signaled their intention to challenge then-president Donald Trump. But no Republicans have yet taken the leap. Joe Biden, 80, is widely expected to clinch his party's nomination again after a better-than-expected midterms result. He's also seen as the best hope of defeating Trump, should the 45th president succeed in clinching the GOP nomination. Former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, became the latest presidential candidate to formally enter the contest in the last seven elections - doing so in November 2019. At this stage in 2019, nine Democratic presidential candidates had declared campaigns against then-president Trump 'No one wants to take slings and arrows from Trump,' said an adviser to a top 2024 contender. 'Whether they get in early or late isn't going to matter if they have a built-in network of donors.' DeSantis is not known for being charismatic but has popular appeal and was characterized by the Financial Times as a 'straight-shooter' who can address voters 'in a clear and direct style that ordinary people can understand.' As Florida governor he has advocated for tighter borders and against eco-friendly ESG investing of state funds, committing to make the state 'the brick wall against all things woke.' Last March he controversially signed into law a parental rights bill that banned teachers from giving classroom instruction on 'sexual orientation' or 'gender identity' in kindergarten through third grade, known as the 'Don't Say Gay' bill. DeSantis has vowed to make Florida 'the brick wall against all things woke' Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley (pictured) is expected to be one of the first candidates to launch a bid for presidency and rival Trump Responses among 4,470 potential GOP primary voters when asked who they would vote for if the 2024 Republican primary or caucus were held in their state today. Survey conducted by Morning Consult The Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin, one of the GOP's rising stars, is one candidate not expected to make an announcement for some time as he manages Senate politics in his own state. Former vice president Mike Pence, described by one of his top advisors as a 'known commodity,' is also unlikely to announce a run for the presidency any time soon. 'It's in his interest to wait longer. He's always available as an option later,' they added. Another potential, Mike Pompeo, has recently published a book that he will be promoting during a tour of the country in the coming months and is therefore unlikely to make any announcement soon, Axios was told by somebody familiar with his thinking. On the other hand former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is said to be beginning to mobilize for a presidential campaign. Some of her top advisors have moved to South Carolina, her base, ahead of an anticipated presidential run, Axios reported. Meanwhile DeSantis is unlikely to make a public decision about running until May, when Florida's legislative session finishes. Trump recently performed better than expected in a poll of 4,470 potential Republican primary voters, conducted between January 6 and 8 by Morning Consult. He remained the front-runner with 46 percent in favor, following him in second position was DeSantis who was preferred by 33 percent. However, Trump's popularity has dwindled from 50 percent when he announced his plan to run in November. Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin, one of the GOPs rising stars, is not expected to make an announcement for some time Former vice president Mike Pence was described by one of his top advisors as a 'known commodity' and is unlikely to announce a run for the presidency any time soon Trump seemingly regarded DeSantis as a threat after the midterm elections, in which many of the candidates he backed - such as Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania and Herschel Walker in Georgia - suffered humiliating defeats. In the days after the election he branded DeSantis an 'average REPUBLICAN Governor with great Public Relations' and called him 'Ron DeSanctimonious.' He also took to his platform Truth Social to downplay DeSantis's election success. 'Now that the Election in Florida is over, and everything went quite well, shouldn't it be said that in 2020, I got 1.1 Million more votes in Florida than Ron D got this year, 5.7 Million to 4.6 Million? Just asking?,' he wrote. In 2017 the National Green Tribunal (NGT) imposed a complete ban on the production, storage and sale of Chinese manja as it not only poses a threat to birds and humans, but also harms the environment. (File Image) HYDERABAD: Three persons travelling on motorbikes suffered severe throat slashes from stray manja in different parts of the city over the Sankranti weekend. On Saturday, Nagesh of Bahadurpura was riding on the Fateh Nagar Flyover when a kite threat caught him by the throat, causing him to fall of the bike. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he is recovering. In a second incident on Saturday, a six-year-old girl suffered a throat slit while she was travelling on a bike on the Nagole Flyover on January 14. The girl, G. Keerti, was operated upon and is currently recovering. On Sunday, a boy identified as Rafiya Sayeed was on his way home from Malakpet to Chaderghat when a manja slashed his throat, leaving a deep cut. He was treated at a private hospital and is out of danger, but it will take months for his throat to recover from the damages. Following one of the Saturday incidents, the Rachakonda Police raided 70 kite vendors, registered 57 cases and seized 843 bobbins and 966 pouches of illegal Chinese manja worth Rs 25,000. Rachakonda Police commissioner D.S. Chauhan directed the police to probe into Chinese manja sales. He also directed DCPs, ACPs and SOTs under his command to ensure that Chinese manja sales were curbed. We have sternly warned kite sellers that a case would be directly booked against them and they have to take responsibility if someone gets injured by the Chinese manja sold through their shops, Chauhan said. Doctors and health experts last night rounded on Keir Starmer's radical plans for NHS reforms. Patients would face an even worse NHS crisis, doctors warned, after Labour proposed that the public should refer themselves for medical care. One critic called the proposals 'dangerous'. Amid the worst winter many in the health service can remember, Sir Keir said patients should be able to self-refer themselves for specialist help, without having to see a GP. Doctors warned that demand for care would surge and waiting lists would become even longer. The plan could see specialists 'inundated' by the worried well, critics said, while others warned 'Dr Google' self-diagnosing on the internet would become even more of a problem. Starmer proposed that the public should be able to refer themselves for care in an NHS reform Sir Keir said self-referrals would cut down on 'bureaucratic nonsense', adding: 'One of the proposals we've put forward is, would it not be possible to consider self-referral so individuals don't have to go to a doctor, and use up a doctor's time, in order to get referred to specialist help? 'If you've got back pain and you want to see a physio, it ought to be possible, I think, to self-refer,' he told the BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg. 'If you've got internal bleeding and you just need a test, there ought to be a way that doesn't involve going to see a GP.' Tory MP Steve Brine, chairman of the Commons health committee, said Sir Keir's comments were 'clinically naive at best, and dangerous at worst'. Dr David Wrigley, of the British Medical Association, said: 'The idea that self-referring to see non-GP specialists will help alleviate NHS pressure is very unlikely. In fact, it would probably have the opposite effect, and is precisely why we need GPs' expert knowledge. Patients could refer themselves unnecessarily or to the wrong specialty, creating higher demand and longer waiting times for those who really need specialised care.' Dr Philip Banfield, a consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, told Sky News' Sophy Ridge on Sunday: 'You have people who are the worried well and the people who really have an issue say, "I don't want to bother my doctor; I don't want to take up someone else's time". So you then end up, paradoxically, with a widening health inequality.' More than 7.2million patients in England were stuck in the backlog in October (red line) or one in eight people. More than 400,000 queued for at least one year (yellow bars) Waiting times, ramped up by the backlog of patients which built up during the Covid pandemic, are already a major part of the NHS crisis. The number of people in England waiting to start routine hospital treatment, such as cataract operations and hip operations, hit 7.21million in October, the highest number since records began in August 2007. Labour said that under their proposals, self-referrals would not be used for those with suspected cancer, or those needing to see a consultant. But they could be used for women's health problems or for people with mental health problems, eye conditions, or those needing tests after finding blood in their stool. Dennis Reed, from Silver Voices, which campaigns for elderly patients, said: 'I'm not sure this proposal has been sufficiently thought through people don't want to do their own care and try to work out their own diagnosis they want to see their family doctor. 'There is a real danger people would turn to Dr Google and inundate specialists with referrals for illnesses they don't have. Meanwhile, other people wouldn't want to bother a specialist, so wouldn't refer themselves and may miss out on care.' The plan could see specialists 'inundated' by the worried well, critics said, while others warned 'Dr Google' self-diagnosing on the internet would become even more of a problem (file image) Senior Tory MP Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown said the 'alarming' policy would 'clog up' the health service. 'It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever: we need our specialists to be able to concentrate on those people who are really sick and need their services. 'Labour is wrongly using the health service as a political weapon to try and get at the Government.' Other proposed Labour reforms include more investment, more staff and a 'ruthless focus on ensuring patients are treated better and sooner'. Currently, most GPs run their own practices under NHS contracts, but Labour wants to gradually wind this down. All new GP practice managers would be direct employees of the NHS, with self-employed family doctors disappearing altogether after existing GPs with this arrangement enter retirement. MP Steve Brine also warned that plans were 'clinically naive at best, and dangerous at worst' An ally of Health Secretary Steve Barclay said: 'Labour's new plan for primary care is a proposal for an expensive top-down reorganisation that is uncosted and unfunded. The policy is totally incoherent.' Dr Eilir Hughes, a GP based in North Wales, responded to Sir Keir's suggestion that those with 'internal bleeding' should be able to self-refer by tweeting that this was 'dangerous', adding: 'Unreasonable to expect patients to make such a diagnosis on themselves. How do you know which test they need? What do you do if their diagnosis is wrong?' Sir Keir outlined the proposals on self-referrals and GP contracts in the Sunday Telegraph. The Labour leader said the health service must either 'reform or die', that 'well-meaning reverence' for the NHS had overtaken the reality, and it should not be 'off limits' for criticism. He added: 'The idea the service is still "the envy of the world" is plainly wrong.' Self-referrals were described as a way to crack down on the 'bureaucratic nonsense' that patients encounter every day in the health service. Sir Keir said: 'Every patient will have their own experience of these mundane inconveniences and inefficiencies. Across the system and across the country each one adds up, resulting in a mind-boggling waste of time, energy and money, all of which could be better spent.' The distraught mother of one of the victims of the Gold Coast helicopter tragedy has collapsed and had to be helped by mourners at her daughter's funeral. Rita Jaja was overcome with emotion as Vanessa Tadros, 36, was farewelled by around 100 friends and family at St John The Beloved Church at Mt Druitt, Sydney. Ms Tadros, 36, died in the horror crash on January 2, along with three other victims, including Ron and Diane Hughes, who were on honeymoon from the UK when the joy flight turned disastrous. Helicopter chief pilot Ashley Jenkinson was also killed in the crash. Rita Jaja, mother of Vanessa Tadros, 36, was overcome with emotion at her daughter's funeral Rita Jaja, mother of Vanessa Tadros, had to be helped by mourners The distraught mother was overwhelmed at the funeral of her daughter Vanessa Tadros Vanessa Tadros, 36, was farewelled by friends and family on Monday at St John The Beloved Church at Mt Druitt, Sydney Vanessa Tadros, 36, (whose portrait was held by one young mourner) died in the horror crash on January 2, along with three other victims Vanessa's husband Simon revealed their son Nicholas , 10, was now off life support Large white floral bouquets filled the inside of the church and adorned the white coffin that sat at the centre of the large service. Ms Tadros's husband, Simon, flew back from their son's hospital bedside in Queensland for the ceremony and was seen kissing his wife's coffin before it was taken inside the church. Their son Nicholas, 10, survived the crash with major injuries but has now come off life support. In a tearful tribute, Mr Tadros called his wife his 'beautiful rose' and thanked everyone for coming to the Maronite ceremony. Hew added: 'To my beautiful wife, I will always love you, no matter what. 'I know you will always be with me and Nicholas. Rest in peace beautiful.' The family were visiting the Gold Coast on holiday when the fatal crash happened. Simon Tadros, husband of Vanessa Tadros, was seen kissing her coffin outside the church Large white floral bouquets filled the inside of the church and adorned the white coffin that sat at the centre of the large service Family and friends (pictured) gathered to remember the devoted mother Mourners began gathering at St John The Beloved Church at Mt Druitt, Sydney, at 10.30am on Monday for the service for Vanessa Tadros Mourners lined up to say their last goodbye to the devoted mother He has undergone five operations for surgery over six hours on broken bones in both legs and his left hand, revealed Mr Tadros. 'Nicky has been off life support now for a few days and his body has responded very well, still on the ventilator machine to support his breathing,' he said Mr Tadros in a Facebook update. 'They have lowered his sedation medicine at times to see if he is responsive and he has woken up and able to respond to some questions with a nod or shake of the head. 'He is also able to hold my hand but still no movement in his legs yet but have been advised that could be due to the broken bones in both his legs. 'Due to the pain and distress and anxiety levels they have had to sedate him again for now. 'He has a couple of surgeries next week. One on Tuesday and a major operation on his right ankle on Friday, so pray that all goes well.' Helicopter chief pilot Ashley Jenkinson and newlyweds Ron and Diane Hughes, on honeymoon from the UK, were also killed in the crash Floral tributes have been left on shoreline overlooking the spot where four died in the Sea World Helicopter tragedy on January 2 On Sunday, about 200 mourners formed a human chain near the site of the crash as part of a vigil for the people affected by the fatal incident. The ceremony was held at Broadwater Parklands, metres from where four people died when their joy ride from the popular Queensland theme park went terribly wrong. Gold Coast local Chantal Clarke organised Sunday's vigil to pay respects to the victims and begin the healing process. Participants were invited to join hands in a 'chain of support' for those killed, the survivors, and their families. On Sunday, about 200 mourners formed a human chain near the site of the crash as part of a vigil for the people affected by the fatal incident Well-wishers gathered to mourn those who died and hope for a full recovery for those injured in the tragedy 'Our city is known as being the place of dreams, the place of holidays, not the place of death,' Ms Clarke told NCA NewsWire. 'I felt it was very important that people came together, acknowledged it and showed support for each other and for the families. 'Ms Clarke thanked everybody who had supported the community and the victims in the wake of the crashy, especially the Kombumerri traditional owners. Kombumerri community representative Justine Dillon led the vigil on Sunday. 'We all felt it, we all got really sad feeling such a tragedy on our country,' she told NCA NewsWire. 'We're very connected so we can feel the country's hurting and the people, the community. And we need community to help us, so we're here for them.' Ms Dillon welcomed attendees to country and invited them to participate in a smoking ceremony in which they had ochre painted on them. Lemongrass was added to the small eucalyptus fire to help heal the area from the hurt inflicted on it by the crash. The group then walked down to the shore where people, including strangers, held each other's hands and looked across the water towards Sea World to pay their respects. Police will have the power to stop go-slow protests before they cause chaos under a law being proposed by ministers. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak last night said the planned crackdown would end new forms of guerrilla tactics being used by eco-zealots from groups such as Just Stop Oil. He said the legislation would strike a better balance between the right to protest and the rights of the hard-working majority to go about their day-to-day business. It comes after climate protesters changed tactics in recent weeks to include slowing traffic to a crawling pace with walking protests on busy roads through cities. Police will have the power to stop go-slow protests before they cause chaos under a law being proposed by ministers Just Stop Oil activists last month led walking protests in London during rush hour, blocking three lanes on both sides of the A2, in Southwark, before launching another similar blockade in the City. Downing Street said an amendment will be tabled to the Public Order Bill in the coming days. This will broaden the legal definition of serious disruption, giving police greater ability and clarity over when to intervene. Under the proposed change, if a slow walk begins and officers assess that it could cause serious disruption, they can shut it down before chaos erupts. They will first be able to place conditions on the slow walk, requiring that it proceeds on the pavement instead. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak last night said the planned crackdown would end new forms of guerrilla tactics being used by eco-zealots from groups such as Just Stop Oil If protesters refuse, officers would be able to remove them. The idea would be for potential incidents to be dealt with within minutes rather than hours. Police will also not need to treat a series of protests by the same group as standalone incidents, but will be able to consider their total impact. This includes long-running campaigns designed to cause repeat disruption over days or weeks. Mr Sunak said: The right to protest is a fundamental principle of our democracy, but this is not absolute. A balance must be struck between the rights of individuals and the rights of the hard-working majority to go about their day-to-day business. The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act, passed last year, was intended to restrict disruptive protests by increasing penalties. Sir Mark Rowley, head of the Metropolitan Police Service, said he welcomed the proposed amendment, which is currently in the House of Lords. He said: In practical terms, Parliament providing such clarity will create a clearer line for the police to enforce when protests impact upon others who simply wish to go about their lawful business. A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a drive-by shooting outside a memorial service in London injured six people. The Metropolitan Police says it has arrested a 22-year-old man following the shooting outside a church in Euston on Saturday afternoon. The incident left several people injured, including a seven-year-old girl who remains in a serious but stable condition in hospital tonight. Detectives say the man was taken into custody after a car was stopped in Cricklewood Lane, Barnet, shortly before 4pm yesterday afternoon. Police officers investigate the scene of the shooting near Euston station on Saturday night The shooting, which took place at around 1.30pm pm on Saturday, January 14, took place as mourners attended a service for a 20-year-old British-Colombian cancer victim and her 50-year-old mother. Family and friends of Sara Sanchez and her mother, Fresia Calderon, were at St Aloysius Church on Phoenix Road opposite Euston Railway station for the memorial. Ms Calderon is understood to have died from a blood clot in November following a flight from Colombia to Heathrow, before Ms Sanchez died from terminal leukaemia three weeks later. It is reported that when members of the congregation went outside to release white doves - a symbol of peace - a man jumped out of a car and started firing into the crowd. Officers from the Met Police, along with paramedics from London Ambulance Service and London Air Ambulance rushed to the scene after reports of multiple injuries. Three women - aged 48, 54 and 41 - were taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries, although the 48-year-old's wounds were assessed as being potentially life-changing. A 21-year-old woman was also taken to a central London hospital and her condition has been assessed as non life-threatening. A seven-year-old girl who was also at the scene was hurt in the attack, and taken to hospital where she remains in a serious but stable condition. Earlier today it emerged that Ms Calderon had been married to a convicted member of the Cali cartel. It is raises the question whether that incident could be linked to the Colombian drug trade. Carlos Arturo Sanchez-Coronado had been jailed in the UK for his role in the money laundering operation of a gang linked to the Cali cartel in Colombia, the Telegraph reports. The drive-by shooting took place in north London outside the memorial of a cancer victim, 20, and her mother, 50 Mr Sanchez-Coronado is said to have been the first man to have been extradited from the South American country to Britain, before he was admitted three counts of money laundering and fake documents. The criminal organisation's share of the UK drugs market was so vast that the price of cocaine was said to have risen by 50 per cent following its dismantling. During a number of raids of properties in north west London, police seized millions of pounds of cash and cocaine and marijuana with a street value of 100million. Sanchez-Coronado, meanwhile, was later tracked down in Colombia where he had been working as a taxi driver. He was imprisoned in 2009, before later moving back to South America, where he was believed to be living in the Chilean capital of Santiago when he died at the age of 56 last year. Carlos Arturo Sanchez-Coronado (left) was the ex-husband of Fresia Calderon, who was one of the people the service was being held in memory of The shooting took place at a memorial service for Fresia Calderon (left) and her daughter Sara Sanchez (right), who died within a month of each other An invitation to the memorial service on Saturday urged people attending to wear white clothing in memory of the mother and daughter The incident happened on Phoenix Road, metres away from Euston Station in central London CCTV footage obtained by Sky News shows a black car being driven down the street where the shooting took place at around the time of the incident. In the video a loud bang can be heard, before people begin to run away from the church screaming in terror and a dark car driving down Phoenix Road, near Euston Station. A police source told The Mail on Sunday a man jumped out of the car and started firing into the crowd as white doves - symbols of peace - were released. It had been mooted that the shooter at the service was targeting a member of the crowd in a revenge attack, although police have not yet revealed a motive for the crime. Shocking footage has since emerged showing the chaos inside the church as the mass shooting began. Grieving churchgoers can be heard screaming and running for safety back inside the church, with one person shouting, 'we need to get out' while another said, 'get to the back'. Others were heard crying, some shouting 'oh my god' and others being told to 'sit down'. One woman who attended the funeral said last night: 'People are saying the intended target of the shooting was a man who attended the service. 'There's speculation that it was some sort of revenge attack.' Father Jeremy Trood, who was conducting the service before the shooting on Saturday, said it was 'pandemonium' and told Sky News he heard a gunshot shortly after mourners had left the church to release the doves. One guest who was at the memorial service said on Saturday: 'People are saying the intended target of the shooting was a man who attended the service,' one woman from the funeral said last night. 'There's speculation that it was some sort of revenge attack.' A dark car was seen driving down the street where the shooting took place in CCTV footage from outside the church Immediately following the shooting people can be seen fleeing in terror on the CCTV footage Father Jeremy Trood, who conducted the memorial service, said the scenes after the shooting were 'pandemonium' Speaking at the scene on Sunday morning before the arrest had been made Superintendent Jack Rowlands from the Met Police called the shooting a 'senseless act of violence'. He added: 'Just before 1.30pm yesterday, we were called to reports of a shooting outside St Aloysius church in Phoenix Road, Camden. 'Officers responded with paramedics and a crew from the London Air Ambulance. 'They found multiple people with injuries caused by pellets from a shotgun. 'We believe the suspects discharged a shotgun from a moving vehicle, which was a black Toyota C-HR, likely a 2019 model or similar. 'This was a shocking incident. People came here to attend a funeral, to be with friends and loved ones and mourn together, instead they were the victims of a senseless act of violence.' Anyone who witnessed the incident or who has information about what took place should call 101, giving the reference 3357/14JAN. Information can also be provided to Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. Kentucky's African-American Attorney General spoke out against Democrats' treatment of Black and minority conservative leaders in a recent bombshell interview. Citing recent smear campaigns against Black Republicans such as South Carolina Senator Tim Scott - who in 2021 fell victim to an organized effort that saw Twitter users label him 'Uncle Tim' - AG Daniel Cameron slammed the behavior as unbefitting of a democracy. The comments from Cameron come as the Republican - who has enjoyed a meteoric rise since assuming the state prosecutor's seat in 2020 - looks to usurp Democrat Andy Beshear in the state's upcoming gubernatorial race. Speaking to Fox News, the 37-year-old Kentucky Native argued that instead of being pressured to fit a certain profile, elected officials should feel that they are being judged on the merit of their actions - not their skin color. Scroll down for video: Speaking to Fox News, 37-year-old Daniel Cameron argued that elected officials should feel they are being judged because of their beliefs, not their skin color 'I think, for far too long, some Democrats have tried to ask folks that look like me to vote in one specific way,' Cameron told Fox in an exclusive interview of the treatment he and some of his African-American colleagues have been subjected to for not adhering to the expectations of the mainstream left. 'And if you don't, and if you express a difference of opinion or thought, then they recoil at that, and they give you a lot of grief on Twitter and other social media platforms,' Cameron said. The televised sit-down saw Cameron - who appeared remotely from his office in Frankfort - further argue and that equal treatment for all the elected officials, regardless of party, is central to the fabric of the nation. "I firmly and fully believe in the American spirit and the innovative spirit of the hardworking men and women all across this country,' Cameron said, growing increasingly animated while speaking on the subject 'In fact, I often talk about the role that common sense and fair play have played in the Republican Party.' Citing recent campaigns against Republicans such as South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott - who in 2021 fell victim to an organized effort that saw Twitter users label him 'Uncle Tim' to the point where it was trending - Cameron slammed the behavior as unbefitting of a democracy Cameron proceeded to use various instances from American history showing the accomplishments of various influential conservatives to illustrate his point. 'It was common sense and fair play that told Abraham Lincoln that this nation couldn't live up to its founding unless it got rid of slavery.' Cameron said. 'It was common sense and fair play that told Teddy Roosevelt that the financial health and interest of this country couldn't just be held in the hands of a few in big business. 'It was common sense and fair play that told Ronald Reagan that he had to get the thumbs of the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., off the backs of the hardworking men and women of this country. 'Otherwise,' the politician went on, 'we were going to lose that patriotic and innovative spirit.' Kentucky Attorney General Cameron has enjoyed a meteoric rise since assuming the state prosecutor's chair in 2020, and hopes to usurp Democrat Andy Beshear in the state's upcoming gubernatorial race Rejecting such characterizations and praising the history of the Republican Party - Cameron touted how 'common sense and fair play' has benefited the party. Judging elected officials on any other basis, Cameron said, would go against the very essence of American society. 'Patriotism is important to the fabric of the commonwealth,' the prosecutor continued, before airing his hopes to instill these beliefs in the people of his home state if elected in November. 'We've got a lot of pride in this state in our history and we value the rights that are given to us by God,' Cameron said. 'I want to be a governor that recognizes and shares those values with the men, women and children of all 120 counties.' He added: 'I hope what I've demonstrated, whether in my time as running for attorney general and winning that race, or even now as I run for governor, is that here in Kentucky we don't care what you look like, we care about your values.' Cameron, a candidate hoping to unseat a vulnerable Democratic incumbent in this year's election, made the comments as the GOP continues to make gains in communities that have traditionally voted Democratic. His comments also come as conservatives of color continue to face backlash for not fitting restrictive political profiles laid out by depictions in the media or other politicians. Scott, a black politician in nearby South Carolina, recently fell victim to such criticism on Twitter, for failing to adhere to certain expectations that come with his skin color. In the spring of 2021, the politician was relentlessly compared to the racist 'Uncle Tom' trope that depicts black people as subservient after he defended the country as not racist after a speech from Joe Biden. The campaign was so pronounced, that it was one of the top ten trending topics on the site for 12 hours, before eventually being pulled. Scott, a black politician in nearby South Carolina, recently fell victim to such criticism on Twitter, for failing to adhere to certain expectations that come with his skin color Bishop Talbert Swan: 'Uncle Tim Scott has perfected the art of sycophantic bootlicking. He's a master step n fetch it artist and cunning white supremacy apologist, who demonstrated his buck dancing skills in front of the entire world.' In a now-deleted Tweet which he later apologized for, white TV personality Scott Nevins wrote: 'Sen @TimScottSC is uncle Tom'ing it for his life. So sad. South Carolina should be so ashamed'. Journalist Yashar Ali pointed out the hypocrisy of employing a derogatory racial term to make a point about race in America. 'To the white liberals saying "but it's true," I can't believe this needs to be said but this is not your term to use ... your political beliefs don't allow you to use terms like this. 'My god do not allow politics to melt your brains like this.' Scott, the only black Republican in the U.S. Senate, slammed the backlash at the time as racist, and criticized Twitter for allowing the racist phrase to trend on its site for so long. Author Yvette Nicole Brown was one of many to slam the South Carolina with the racist phrase writing: 'Uncle Tim lost me when he said Biden was dividing us after he had sat quietly while Tang destroyed this country for four years. #BoyBye' Yale professor Phillip Atiba Goff said: 'White people. Please do not use terms like Aunt Jemima, coon, and Uncle Tom. It's gross and racist and not the thing you seem to think it is. Even if you live in Brooklyn. Especially if you live in Brooklyn' Policy analyst Javon Price Flagsaid: 'The fact that 'Uncle Tim' is trending on Twitter tells you all you need to know about the left' Actress and author Yvette Nicole Brown, who starred in Community, said: 'Uncle Tim lost me when he said Biden was dividing us after he had sat quietly while Tang destroyed this country for four years. #BoyBye'. 'Uncle Tom' is derived from an 1852 novel: It's become an offensive racial caricature The term Uncle Tom is derived from the lead character of white abolitionist author Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. Uncle Tom is a gentle character, a smiling, wide-eyed servant who offered no resistance to the horrors of slavery. Described as the most enduring fictional slave, he later became 'synonymous with servility and self-hatred', according to a 2008 NPR documentary Why African-Americans Loathe 'Uncle Tom'. According to the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia, the Tom caricature 'is often old, physically weak, psychologically dependent on whites for approval'. Uncle Tom's Cabin sold over two million copies within two years of its publication. Advertisement Conservative writer Carmine Sabia: 'Not stunned that Uncle Tim is trending because how dare even one black person not follow the Democrats like the Pied Piper. How dare Sen. Tim Scott have his own opinions and principles?' Yale Professor of African American Studies Phillip Atiba Goff called out white people for using the 'Uncle Tom' without understanding how offensive it was. 'White people. Please do not use terms like Aunt Jemima, coon, and Uncle Tom. It's gross and racist and not the thing you seem to think it is. Even if you live in Brooklyn. Especially if you live in Brooklyn.' After the backlash, Scott blasted Biden and the Democrats for 'pulling us further apart.' 'I won't waste your time tonight with finger-pointing or partisan bickering. You can get that on TV any time you want. I want to have an honest conversation,' Scott said. Later in the speech he added, 'Nowhere do we need common ground more desperately than in our discussions about race.' Another instance of outcry against a black Republican came earlier this month, when Florida congressman Byron Donalds was labeled 'a prop' by far-left congresswoman Cori Bush of Missouri, after his nomination for the position. With these instances in mind, Cameron slammed such treatment to Fox News, airing hopes to address such behavior over the course of his young political career. Cameron is considered a rising star of the party and has been praised by political figures such as President Donald Trump for his handling of the highly publicized Breonna Taylor case. Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman, was fatally shot in her Louisville home in March 2020 when at least seven police officers from the city's force illegally forced entry into the apartment. Cameron's grand jury indicted one of the three officers who fired during the March 13 raid, charging Brett Hankison on three counts of wanton endangerment for alleged wild shots that entered a neighboring apartment. The other two officers were not charged, with the grand jury finding that their actions were justified after Taylor's boyfriend first opened fire, striking one officer. Celebrities including actress Viola Davis, 'Schitt's Creek' creator and star Dan Levy, actor George Clooney, rapper Common, and Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James, meanwhile, panned Cameron for the decision. The ruling saw Cameron get called out by Academy Award winner Davis, who called the outcome 'Bulls***' and 'Scandal' star Kerry Washington, who slammed the prosecutor while sharing a post by the ACLU.' 'Today's verdict is not accountability and not close to justice,' Washington wrote, before criticizing Cameron for what she labeled a political maneuver meant to earn him a spot in Trump's Supreme Court. 'Daniel Cameron is on Donald Trumps short list as replacement of #RGB on the Supreme Court. The same man who decided to not charge the officers responsible for killing #BreonnaTaylor. Vote.' Levy wrote in a tweet that he was 'Disgusted. Enraged. Heartbroken,' over the decision, and encouraged his followers to donate to a bail fund for protesters in Louisville. 'Please contribute if you can. Justice should not be a luxury,' Levy wrote. Clooney, a Kentucky native, said he was 'ashamed' of the grand jury's decision. 'The justice system I was raised to believe in holds people responsible for their actions,' Clooney said in a statement to Deadline. Two popular ABC presenters have been caught up in a bizarre conspiracy theory that they wore dark dresses on TV to mark the death of George Pell. Fauziah Ibrahim wore a black jacket while presenting Weekend Breakfast on the public broadcaster on Saturday - a colour which is not unusual for her to wear. Co-host Johanna Nicholson also opted for formal attire wearing a dark blue dress. Twitter trolls immediately started false rumours the pair had worn the outfits in mourning for Cardinal Pell. Fauziah Ibrahim wore the outfit while presenting Weekend Breakfast on the public broadcaster on Saturday Cardinal Pell died from cardiac arrest in Rome on Tuesday with NSW and Victoria ruling out state funerals deeming it 'distressing' for survivors of sexual abuse Cardinal Pell died from cardiac arrest in Rome on Tuesday with NSW and Victoria ruling out state funerals deeming it 'distressing' for survivors of sexual abuse. He served 404 days in prison, convicted of molesting two choirboys in the late 1990s, before his convictions were overturned by the High Court in 2020. 'Queens of ABC 'black mourning' TV on 14/01/23 - Fauziah Ibrahim & Johanna Nicholson. PLEASE EXPLAIN to whom you are paying your respects...' one troll wrote. Another added: 'Johanna Nicholson and Fauziah Ibrahim were dressed in black on Saturday's breakfast show.' The false rumours prompted some social media users to hit back. 'I hate how we're having to look at what a news presenter wears but since people are going at her over this,' one wrote. 'Fauziah ibrahim has worn black many times on-air - including sometimes all-black there is literally ZERO evidence she wore "mourning clothes for George Pell"' Social media users swooped in to defend Ibrahim after rumours swirled she wore black to mourn the death of George Pell ABC's RN Breakfast newsreader Matthew Bevan swooped in to defend his colleague. 'Stunning that people are still hassling Fauziah Ibrahim, who is excellent. How about we just leave that in 2022, hey folks?' Daily Mail Australia contacted ABC for comment. Ibrahim came under fire over a live TV interview with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese back in January 2022. The interview centred on Covid rapid tests and vaccination figures and the presenter was accused on social media of rarely giving Mr Albanese an opportunity to complete a sentence. At one stage, he tried six times to answer a statement she made about Labor 'getting on board' with the Coalition's plan to boost vaccination rates. Ibrahim came under fire over a live TV interview with Anthony Albanese back in January 2022 'If you'll just wait a minute,' Mr Albanese said as Ms Ibrahim spoke over the top of him. The interview attracted criticism and upset several viewers enough they lodged complaints with the public broadcaster. The ABC offered her unwavering support and stood behind their presenter. She then made headline again in April after it emerged she kept two lists grouping her followers into groups titled 'lobotomised s***heads' and 'Labor trolls/thugs'. She was accused of anti-Labor bias and pulled from the air for a month before she returned in May. A leading barrister who campaigns against media hacking won a multi-million pound High Court case using evidence from hacked emails. Hugh Tomlinson, KC, is chairman of the pressure group Hacked Off, which was set up following the phone-hacking scandal and helps victims of 'press abuse' who have had private data stolen. But an investigation by The Sunday Times and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism found that evidence allegedly gleaned from hacking was used by his client, the state of Ras al-Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates, in a case against an American-Iranian businessman Farhad Azima. It is claimed an Indian 'hack for hire' gang obtained Mr Azima's emails. Hugh Tomlinson, KC, is chairman of the pressure group Hacked Off which helps victims of 'press abuse' who have had private data stolen, following the phone-hacking scandal (file image) The investigation found evidence that a former Metropolitan Police officer instructed the gang to target the businessman's emails and that this officer was working for the UAE state. Ultimately tens of thousands of emails, photos, voice recordings, videos and text messages were uploaded on to the internet. Mr Tomlinson, 69, presented Mr Azima's emails as evidence in the London High Court case not knowing how they came to be on the internet. The state of Ras al-Khaimah refused to comment. Mr Tomlinson yesterday said he has a 'professional obligation to take any case within my areas of expertise.' He said: 'The case which I present in court is that of my client. Subject to my professional obligations. I am required to act in accordance with my clients instructions and the rules of court. The case which is mentioned by the Sunday Times is no different from any other in this regard.' Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of being in a muddle over Scottish independence after backtracking on a pledge to turn the next general election into a de facto referendum. Last year, the First Minister vowed to treat the next UK election as an independence vote if the Supreme Court ruled which it did that she couldnt call a poll without Westminsters consent. But yesterday the SNP said it will give members two options at a conference in March. Either, Ms Sturgeon can use a good result at the next general election which must be held by January 2025 to pressure No 10 into letting her hold another referendum. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on the way to First Minister's Questions in the Scottish Parliament earlier last week Or, the next Scottish election, due in 2026, would become a vote on independence, The Sunday Times reported. The watered-down position was described as a muddle by former SNP health minister Alex Neil. He also branded the strategy utterly confusing. Some in the party think a de facto referendum would be a massive gamble that risked killing off the independence campaign for a generation. They also fear it could cost the SNP its position as Scotlands main party. Scottish Labour MSP Sarah Boyack said: Its plain for all to see that Nicola Sturgeons daft promise of a de facto referendum is in tatters. A referendum on Scottish independence from the UK was held in September 2014, with 55 per cent rejecting separation. More than 30,000 asylum seekers have been waiting in Britain for more than six years while their applications are heard, official figures have revealed. Nearly half 13,000 have spent more than a decade in the UK, while taxpayers fund their living expenses to the tune of billions of pounds per year. Home Office figures from a Freedom of Information request by The Sun on Sunday show 60,290 cases have dragged on for at least three years. Some 12,994 had been in limbo for ten years. Migrants are processed at centres before being provided accommodation at hotels or bed and breakfasts, costing over 2billion per year but rising to 3.5billion this year. Home Office figures from a Freedom of Information request show more than 30,000 asylum seekers have been waiting in Britain for more than six years while their applications are heard Migration Watch chairman Alp Mehmet said: If, after ten years, it is still not possible to make a decision, the claim is clearly pretty weak. Such failures are the result of dithering and indecision. Its an absolute disgrace. James Roberts, of the TaxPayers Alliance, added: Taxpayers are footing the bill for asylum backlogs. At present, there are around 150,000 asylum seekers in total awaiting a decision on their status. Migration Watch chairman Alp Mehmet said: If, after ten years, it is still not possible to make a decision, the claim is clearly pretty weak' The Government had planned to deter arrivals with a controversial plan to process individuals in Rwanda but this has also met legal challenges. It is currently looking at increasing resources and improving cooperation with French authorities. A Home Office spokesman said: We have established an Asylum Action Group to focus on increasing productivity within the asylum system and speed up the processing of claims. The movement by residents of Eastern Oregon to secede from the state and join Idaho has taken a step further after a Republican state senator introduced a bill that would allow 11 counties to join their neighboring state. State Senator Dennis Linthicum introduced Senate Joint Memorial 2 on January 10, also known as the 'Greater Idaho' bill. 'Eastern Oregon is culturally, politically, economically much more similar to Idaho than it is to western Oregon,' said Matt McCaw, a spokesman for the Greater Idaho Movement. 'Our movement is about self-determination and matching people to government that they want and that matches their values. In Oregon, we've had this urban-rural divide for a very long time.' State Senator Dennis Linthicum introduced Senate Joint Memorial 2 on January 10, also known as the 'Greater Idaho' bill Though the movement has been bubbling for a while, the bill was introduced in the wake of Oregon's recent state elections, in which a Republican came within four points of winning the governor's mansion for the first time since 1987. Republican nominee Christine Drazan, the GOP leader in the state House, fell short in her effort, against Democrat Tina Kotek Kotek, the state's first openly gay woman to serve as speaker, will succeed outgoing Gov. Kate Brown, who has dismissed the Greater Idaho Movement and previous GOP attempts to recall her from office. In addition to coming up short in the governor's race, Democrats in the more progressive western part of the state, which contains Oregon and the two major college towns, still led the left to a 10-seat majority in the state house and a 5-seat majority in the state senate. Eleven eastern Oregon counties have voted in favor of this so far, with four other counties, including Wallowa, included in the proposal to move state lines. 'Our proposal is to take that border between Oregon and Idaho, which was set almost 200 years ago in a very different time when there was only 50,000 people in the state of Oregonit made sense then, it doesn't make sense now to have that border there because that's not where the cultural divide is,' McCaw said. Idaho's state government is even more dominated by Republicans than Oregon is by Democrats. The movement to split the state via political leanings was emphasized following a close governor's race that saw Democrat Tina Kotek (right) win to succeed Kate Brown (right) Republicans have a 28-7 majority in Idaho's state senate and a 58-12 majority in the state legislature. Idaho has not elected a Democratic governor since 1995. 'The policy and the government that works for western Oregon, that western Oregonians want, does not work in eastern Oregon and it's not what eastern Oregonians want,' McCaw said. Regardless of how residents vote, to actually change the states' borders would require lawmakers in Oregon, Idaho and U.S. Congress to sign off on it. While Idaho Gov. Brad Little said he was sympathetic toward the Greater Idaho cause, he acknowledged that it wasn't likely to go anywhere. The border between Idaho and Oregon (pictured) would be moved westward if the bill passed Idaho Gov. Brad Little said it was unlikely that the movement could succeed 'There's a lot that needs to happen before moving the border is within the realm of possibility,' Little said. Oregon Senate President Rob Wagner, a Democrat, does not believe the bill will move forward. McCaw, however, sees no downside to its passage. 'We have been to the legislature in Idaho, we have a lot of support in legislature in Idaho for this idea. They see the benefit of bringing 400,000 like-minded people into their state. It makes Idaho stronger; it gives people the government they want and it's a win-win for everybody involved.' Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai (Twitter/@BSBommai) Mangaluru: The Karnataka government has proposed to set up Environment University in Sirsi of Uttara Kannada district. For the first time in the state, Environment University will be established in Sirsi. Forest and horticulture colleges are located here. Both these colleges will be affiliated with the Environment University to study horticulture, agriculture, biodiversity, and wildlife protection, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai said. He was speaking after laying the foundation stone for various developmental works in Sirsi taluk and felicitation programme of Assembly Speaker Vishveshwara Hegde Kageri on Sunday. According to the CM, facilities will be provided to study arts, commerce, and science. "It will be a composite university with a specialization in the environment. The grants will be announced in the forthcoming budget. This is a gift for the people of this region," he said . "Rs 100 crore has been reserved under the green budget. The money will be utilized on the useful programs of the North Karnataka region, he asserted. Bommai assured that there will be no forced eviction of forest dwellers in the state. A case related to the protection of rights of the forest dwellers is pending in the Supreme Court and it is in the final stages. An affidavit has been filed in this regard. At any cost, the government will not allow the forced evacuation of forest dwellers, he said. The CM also added that the government has decided to establish a super-specialty hospital in Kumta. For several years people of Uttara Kannada district have been demanding a super-specialty hospital. At present, the people have to depend on Udupi, Mangaluru, or Goa. The grants required for the hospital will be released and a foundation stone will be laid for the project soon, he assured. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'were not welcome' at the Bafta Tea Party in LA after London executives decided it would be a PR disaster, sources have claimed. The couple did not make the guestlist for the biggest British showbiz night in Hollywood on Saturday following the fallout from Harry's tell-all memoir Spare. London executives 'snubbed' the Sussexes as they believed inviting them was a 'terrible idea', a Bafta insider claimed. The source, a Bafta consultant, told The Sun: 'Bafta decided it was a terrible idea. They thought it would be a PR disaster. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'were not welcome' at the Bafta Tea Party in LA after London executives decided it would be a PR disaster Sources claim the pair didn't make the cut for the event, which attracts megastars such as Kate Hudson (pictured above), after Harry's recent attacks on the Royal Family 'Prince Harry, in his book and docuseries, has roundly attacked the Royal Family. 'The US team was reminded that Harry's arch-nemesis, his brother Prince William, is president of Bafta. 'So for them to rollout the red carpet to Harry and his wife would be like setting off a nuclear bomb. It's a no-go.' The pre-awards event, which was hosted at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, attracted other stars such as Cate Blanchett The source concluded: 'Any interviews would go viral. Anything negative on William would be devastating.' The pre-awards event, which was hosted at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, attracted megastars such as Cate Blanchett and Kate Hudson. The Bafta Tea Party is 'a staple fixture' in glitzy Los Angeles. It invites various 'nominees, members and guests for a uniquely elegant gathering,' according to its official website. 'The party has a long tradition of recognising the very best filmmaking talent and is hugely popular with nominees seeking a respite from the hectic and demanding Awards season.' A Bafta spokeswoman denied a Harry and Meghan invite had been discussed. Firefighters extinguished the blaze and rescuers are now hunting for survivors Harrowing images show the total destruction of one civilian high-rise in Dnipro President Volodymyr Zelensky has attacked the Russian people's 'cowardly silence' over a missile strike which hit a Ukrainian tower block, killing at least 30 people. The death toll in Dnipro has continued to rise after an apartment building in the eastern city was struck by one of Vladimir Putin's weapons on Saturday, January 14. The incident, which has left dozens dead, including a 15-year-old girl, and injured scores more, has drawn condemnation from around the world as the war continues to rage. In his evening speech to the nation, the Ukrainian premier addressed potential Russian listeners directly, saying they 'could not utter a few words of condemnation of this terror'. Rescue workers carry a woman from the debris of the tower block in Dnipro on Sunday, a day after it was struck by a Russian missile Emergency personnel have worked round the clock to try and rescue casualties in the damaged building Speaking in Russian, the 44-year-old told people living in the Putin-controlled state: 'Your cowardly silence, your attempt to 'wait out' what is happening, will only end with the fact that one day these same terrorists will come for you.' The president said that two children had reportedly been left orphans in the attack and that rescuers are still searching the rubble for 30 missing people. Rescue efforts are being hampered by freezing temperatures as winter bites in the eastern European nation. The 15-year-old victim was named as Maria Lebid by Anton Gerashchenko, advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. He tweeted: 'Maria Lebid, 15. Another victim of Russian rocket strike on Dnipro. 'My 15 year old, supersmart, supertalented and super funny sister is gone (rocket hit our home)' - her sister wrote. 'Maria's mom was at work that day. RIP, Maria.' President Volodymyr Zelensky has attacked the Russian people's 'cowardly silence' over a missile strike which hit a Ukrainian tower block, killing at least 30 people Firefighters gather around the collapsed building to fight the flames after the missile attack on Saturday A woman is carried from the rubble by rescuers in Dnipro on Sunday, January 15, the day after the attack Earlier in the day Mr Gerashchenko, named two women as the first victims of the attack. He said: 'Olga and Iryna. Dentists and volunteers. They treated our Defenders, including those who returned from captivity. 'They are two of the victims of yesterday's Russian attack on Dnipro - the women were walking past the building to a gym. RIP, Olga and Iryna.' Regional governor Valentyn Reznichenko said seven children were among those transported to hospital with severe injuries. The missile that hit the apartment building was a Kh-22 launched from Russia's Kursk region, according to the military's air force command. The entire block was obliterated into a mountain of brick and mortar, with twisted bits of charred metal strewn about nearby streets. Workers used a crane as they tried to rescue people trapped on upper floors of the apartment tower, where about 1,700 were living. Some residents also signalled for help with lights on their mobile phones. Zelensky said: 'Search and rescue operations and the dismantling of dangerous structural elements continues. Around the clock. We continue to fight for every life.' Firefighters were deployed to hose down the flames in the aftermath of the attack as rescuers began to pick through the wreckage in the hope of finding survivors. The attacks also targeted the capital, Kyiv, and the north-eastern city of Kharkiv, ending a two-week lull in Moscow's strikes on Ukraine's power infrastructure and urban centres. A cat is carried to safety after being pulled from the rubble of the building by a rescue worker Russia fired 33 cruise missiles on Saturday, of which 21 were shot down, according to General Valeriy Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces. Ivan Garnuk was in his apartment when the building was hit and said he felt lucky to have survived. He described his shock that the Russians would strike a residential building with no strategic value. He said: ''There are no military facilities here. There is nothing here. There is no air defence, there are no military bases here. It just hit civilians, innocent people.' Dnipro residents joined rescue workers at the scene to help clear the rubble. Others brought food and warm clothes for those who had lost their homes. Russia's defence ministry said on Sunday its forces had launched a wave of missile strikes against Ukrainian military and infrastructure sites on Saturday. The Russian defence ministry did not mention Dnipro as a specific target of any strikes. In its statement Russia said: 'All assigned objects were hit. The targets of the strike have been achieved.' Separately, Putin said the special military operation was showing a positive trend and that he hoped Russian soldiers would deliver further gains after Soledar. 'The dynamic is positive,' Putin told Rossiya 1 state television. More than 1,000 people were living in the apartment block when it was hit by the Russian missile Rescue workers are operating under highly dangerous conditions with much of the building completely destroyed A woman holds her hands to her face as she deals with the sight of the horrific strike on her home No one was reported hurt there, but missile debris caused a major fire at one 'critical infrastructure object' and damaged houses on the outskirts of the city, officials said. A pair of missiles rained down on the industrial district of Ukraine's second city Kharkiv, the regional governor reported. Moscow's fresh aerial assault comes as both sides continue a bitter fight for the towns of Bakhmut and Soledar in Ukraine's embattled eastern region of Donetsk. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak today told Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky that Britain will soon deliver a squadron of Challenger 2 battle tanks to help 'push Russian troops back' as a sign of the UK's 'ambition to intensify support for Ukraine.' Confirming his decision to provide 14 British tanks to Kyiv during a call with Mr Zelensky, the Prime Minister will now deploy his ministers on an international diplomatic blitz in an attempt to gain widespread support and heap pressure to follow his lead in taking advantage of a 'window of opportunity' to support Ukraine. Officials said the decision was made after Mr Sunak 'analysed the military picture'. Rescue team work among the rubble of a damaged residential building hit by shelling in Dnipro, southeastern Ukraine, 14 January 2023 Emergency workers clear rubble with many people under debris in the southeastern city of Dnipro, Ukraine, January 14, 2023 Harrowing images from the scene show how an entire block was obliterated into a mountain of brick and mortar, Dnipro, Ukraine, January 14, 2023 Emergency workers clear the rubble after a Russian rocket hit a multistory building leaving many people under debris in Dnipro, Ukraine, Saturday, January 14, 2023 Rescuers work on a residential building destroyed after a missile strike, in Dnipro, Ukraine, January 14, 2023 Emergency workers and local residents pick through rubble in a desperate attempt to dig out survivors A view shows an apartment building heavily damaged by a Russian missile strike, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine Local residents clear the rubble after a Russian rocket hit a multistory building leaving many people under debris in Dnipro, Ukraine, Saturday, Jan. 14, 2023 Emergency workers clear the rubble after a Russian rocket hit a multistory building leaving many people under debris in Dnipro, Ukraine, January 14, 2023 Rescuers and local residents evacuate a wounded man after a missile strike on a residential building in Dnipro, Ukraine, January 14, 2023 Emergency workers clear the rubble after a Russian rocket hit a multistory building leaving many people under debris in Dnipro, Ukraine, Saturday, Jan. 14, 2023 Firefighters were deployed to hose down the flames and a rescue operation is underway to save any survivors Critical infrastructure in Kyiv was targeted in this morning's attacks, the deputy head of Ukraine's presidential office, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, said on Telegram. An unidentified infrastructure object was hit in the city and emergency services were operating at the site of the strike, Kyiv's city military administration said. Explosions were heard in the Dniprovskyi district, a residential area on the left bank of the Dnieper River, Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko said. He added that fragments of a missile fell on a non-residential area in the Holosiivskyi district on the right bank, and a fire broke out in a building there. No casualties have been reported so far, as civilians piled into the metro tunnels below the city and waited for the raid to end. Elderly civilians played music and danced as waited for the air raid sirens to abate. Earlier on Saturday, two Russian missiles hit Kharkiv - regional governor Oleh Synehubov said Putin's troops fired two S-300 missiles at the industrial district of Kharkiv. The strikes targeted 'energy and industrial objects of Kharkiv and the (outlying) region,' Synehubov said. No casualties have been reported, but emergency power cuts in the city and other settlements of the region were possible, the official said. The attacks come amid conflicting reports on the fate of the fiercely contested salt mining town of Soledar, in Ukraine's embattled eastern region of Donetsk. An American who became an internet sensation when she complained about seafood prices in Australia has hit back at her 'haters' - as she's taken to hospital. The woman, who uses the names baal.and.chain and Hunky Dory on her TikTok account, sparked debate when she complained about the cost of lobster in Australia, when she was craving a lobster roll. 'Just a quick update for all my haters. I've been in the hospital for the last week - not from too much seafood consumption,' she quipped. 'I had a bad reaction from some anesthesia.' A woman (pictured) revealed why she took a week to respond to online comments about her The woman, possibly still feeling the effects of her hospital stay, then made a strange comment at the end of her latest video. 'Yeah, I'm using taxpayer dollars,' she said. 'Die mad, bloody b***h.' The first part seemed to be a preemptive jab at those who may now want to accuse her of using Medicare despite not being Australian. It was unclear if the second part was what she expected the 'haters' to say about her, or if she was saying that about them. The expat had used social media to complain about craving a lobster roll - or a shrimp cocktail or crab cakes - after a hot summer's day at the pool. But she simply couldn't satisfy her cravings because 'lobster is like $60 a pound'. She said it was 'ridiculous' lobster was so expensive in Australia because 'it's a freakin' island.' This led to many of the 'haters' pointing out that Australia is much more than just an island. 'First, I would like to comment that I know Australia is a freakin' continent, but it's also an island,' she said on her latest video. 'My God, a lot of people are giving me s*** about that.' In the original video, she griped that when she grew up in New England on the US's north-east coast the seafood was 'cheap and plentiful'. 'I had seafood all the time ... maybe not super cheap but it was not like Australian prices,' she said. An American woman complained in a video about the cost of seafood (pictured) in Australia 'And I just spent a day at the pools and it's hot and I just want a freakin' lobster roll, or a shrimp cocktail, some crab cakes, fritters and chowder.' Commenters were quick to correct her American English and made suggestions of where she should go to get good seafood. 'Not a shrimp cocktail, it's a prawn cocktail,' one wrote, while another advised, If you're in Australia it's crayfish, prawns and kilograms'. 'You need to try bugs. Moreton bay bugs are the best. They are like a mini lobsters. Trust me,' another said. On her follow-up video from hospital, the woman joked that all she wanted to get out of it was some free food. 'I thought I would get some free seafood out of this,' she said. 'Like, John West, bring my PR package. It's ridiculous (that they haven't sent me free seafood). 'I mean, I'll take what I can get. Hunky Dory (one of her TikTok names)... hook a b**** up.' She said when she grew up in New England on the US north-east coast seafood was 'cheap and plentiful' (pictured, a lobster roll in the US) 'I had seafood all the time ... maybe not super cheap but it was not like Australian prices,' she said (pictured, clams in chowder broth in New York) Her revelation that she had been unwell brought some much needed support in the comments under her video, with people wishing her well and hoping she recovers soon. There was also some anger at how she was treated with her previous video, with one saying 'F*** the haters. Aussie seafood is a rip off! Get well.' 'Do you know you made the Australian media,' another said. 'You p***** off an entire country.' She was also told that people should not be angry at her medical treatment. 'I don't anyone is mad that you're using the publicly funded health system,' one said. But they still need approval from the TGA with no concrete availability estimate Australians will soon be able to test themselves for four different viruses with the same type of rapid antigen tests we all became extremely familiar with during the Covid pandemic. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is considering approving the four-in-one tests that will test for coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and two different types of flu with multiple applications already submitted from companies looking to get their kit on shelves first. The tests are already available in some overseas countries. The process is similar to the existing rapid antigen tests with a nasal swab taken, mixed with a fluid and dripped onto a test strip - only the new versions will have four droplet spaces for the various tests. Pharmacies Guild of Australia President Trent Twomey told 2GB if the TGA approved the four-in-one tests, Australia would be among a select few countries leading the way. The new version RATs will have four slots where droplets from the same sample will be placed 'The rapid antigen tests help the system cope and prevent it from getting overloaded as happened with Covid,' he said. 'They are higher than 80 per cent accurate - so they're effective, its just not the higher than 90 per cent accuracy you get with pathology-based tests'. 'Not only would it be cheaper than getting a pathology test but it's going to be quicker and easier than going to a lab as well.' The tests cost under $10 in other countries with pricing likely to be similar in Australia. Health authorities generally recommend repeated RATs to increase the accuracy in their results or confirmation with a follow up PCR test. The rapid antigen tests require a nasal swab but can be done at-home (pictured: one sample being taken in 2021) The RAT modernisation is just a month after Health Minister Mark Butler announced an update to Australia's Covid management plan. Australians needed a referral to obtain a PCR test from January 1, in a major shift to the way the country deals with Covid-19. Mr Butler said Australia was changing how it handles coronavirus in 2023 and would transition to managing Covid-19 in a 'similar way' to other respiratory viruses, moving away from bespoke arrangements. Low-risk individuals who test positive on a RAT are advised to stay home where possible and avoid high risk settings. Low-risk individuals who live or work with people who are high risk, particularly for Covid-19, can get a referral if their symptoms persist even after a negative RAT. High-risk individuals will be prioritised for PCR testing. Those considered high risk under the new plan include older Australians, First Nations people, people with a disability, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, people living in remote communities, people with complex underlying health conditions, and the immunocompromised. Access to antivirals will still be available to eligible people following a positive test - whether by RAT or PCR. A California public defender fatally fell from the fourth floor of a resort hotel on the Pacific coast of Mexico in what his friends and family insist was a murder. Elliot Blair, 33, was celebrating his first wedding anniversary with his wife about 20 miles south of the US border when he fell to his death in the early hours of Saturday morning. It was initially reported that Blair was involved in a 'crime', but Mexican police have said the fall was accidental and small local news sites said he had been drinking. In a GoFundMe page set up by his family it was said that he was 'killed' and 'the victim of a brutal crime.' 'We wish we could provide everyone with more information, but very limited information has been disclosed by authorities in Mexico,' read the webpage. Public defender Elliot Blair, 33, was celebrating his first wedding anniversary with his wife when he mysteriously fell to his death in the early hours of Saturday morning Reports of how he fell are mixed, but Mexican police said he fell from the fourth floor of Hotel Las Rocas At around 1.15am on January 14 authorities were notified that Blair fell from the balcony of Hotel Las Rocas in the town of Rosarito, just south of Tijuana and off the Tijuana-Ensenada highway. Blair was a public defender for the Orange County Public Defender's office. He and his wife Kim, also a public defender, were celebrating a year since their marriage in California in January 2022. Local news site Patrulla 646 Codigo Rojo reported that hotel staff notified authorities of the accident and that when police arrived, Blair was lying face down and unconscious. It was said that when paramedics arrived he was found to be dead. Staff from the state attorney general's office dealt with the removal of the body and were conducting an investigation. A Facebook page dedicated to sharing news from the Rosarito area, Rosarito en la Noticia, shared an account of what happened and noted that information was being withheld by local authorities and cited reporting in Californian newspaper The Orange County Register. The first suggestion that Blair was murdered seems to have been published by The OC Register on Saturday afternoon. The claim in not attributed but reporters spoke with Orange County Public Defender Martin Schwarz. Schwarz told the outlet: 'We have been in communication with the family and are doing what we can to support them in this difficult time, including working with local and federal officials to help provide them with answers.' He and his wife Kim (both pictured) were married in California in January 2022 At around 1.15am on January 14 authorities were notified that Blair fell from the balcony of Hotel Las Rocas in the town of Rosarito, just south of Tijuana His wife Kim (left) is also a Public Defender in Orange County 'Here in Rosarito, the information was not released,' wrote the author of the Rosarito en la Noticia post. 'An employee of the hotel reported the unfortunate event to the authorities, who took it upon themselves to hide information,' they wrote in Spanish. The GoFundMe page had raised more than $70,000 as of Sunday night - one anonymous donor offered $4,000. According to the page the money will be spent on helping his grieving wife deal with the bureaucracy and the transport of his body back to the US. On the page his family and colleagues implicitly reject the idea that Blair fell accidentally and have hired lawyer David Craig Scarsone, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Hotel Las Rocas was not answering phone calls on Sunday night. 'He was the victim of a brutal crime. His family is working with US Officials to gain more information,' read the GoFundMe statement, which also alluded to his good character. 'Elliot and Kim have been dedicated Public Defenders in Orange County, CA since 2017. Elliot was a compassionate lawyer who dedicated his life to serving indigent clients. Elliot was known as a patient and caring advocate,' the statement read. A Sydney tenant living in a five-bedroom home has been slammed after confessing their rent is entirely covered by the four people who sublet the property. In an anonymous Facebook post shared to Sydney Inner West Housemates' group on Sunday, the tenant explained they sublet a five-bedroom home with four other people. The tenant's name has been on the lease for the past two years, however the contract is up for renewal and the four other renters wish to sign on. 'Seeking advice,' the anonymous tenant wrote. 'The issue is I have not been very transparent about the relative rental contributions and my rent is actually entirely covered by them. How do I go about navigating this situation?' The anonymous tenant confessed their rent was being paid by four people who sublet the property (pictured) The post received 200 comments before the administrators of the group turned commenting off, with many blasting the tenant for using 'dodgy' tactics to steal money. 'Dude you're such a dodgy person and you should be ashamed of yourself,' one user commented. 'Good to know you're a dodgy pr**k as well ... It is illegal and they should be called out on it,' another user added. A third wrote: 'Yeah mate, that s**t is f'd up. You've pretty much been stealing from these people for two years.' The group administrator questioned the anonymous poster, asking whether they wanted to avoid being 'found out'. The tenant said their concern was they would not be able to afford their mortgage repayments if the situation fell over after the other renters discovered the 'head tenant' didn't pay rent. Some users argued in support of the head tenant and said his actions - although unethical - did not break any laws. 'I literally do not understand the problem here - you rented a place and are subletting rooms, you can charge whatever you like,' one person commented. 'If they don't like it they can get their own place and sublet. Ultimately you are the one taking the risk here as the place is in your name.' The tenant has been on the property's lease as the head tenant for the past two years. The lease on the five-bedroom home, which is located in Sydney's inner west, is up for renewal and the four renters who are subletting the home have asked to sign on (STOCK IMAGE) Another commented: 'Nothing illegal in this. If you are smart enough and are able to do get away with this then you should. Life isn't fair.' 'While it's s**ty morally it's not illegal. It's basically the same as landlords using tenants to pay off their mortgage,' a third wrote. Other users claimed the tenant's actions were in fact illegal and they should face the consequences. In NSW, tenants must have written permission from landlords to sublet a property (STOCK image of people at a rental inspection) 'For those saying this isn't illegal. Lying to others for financial gain is fraud, which is illegal. The financial gain here is having their rent paid for them,' one person wrote. 'At a low estimate you've ripped off at least $50 per person per week. You have stolen more than $20,000,' another person commented . 'From people you live with no less! Lying about total rent is grounds for an NCAT case. I hope they see this, and I hope they get back every cent.' A third person chimed: 'Living under a roof is a human right, not a monopoly to f**k people over with.' In NSW, a landlord must give written permission to the tenant to sublet or transfer any part of the property. If a tenant sublets the property without consent, they are breaching the terms of the tenancy agreement. In a subletting arrangement, the tenant can rent part or all of the property to another person for an agreed amount. The tenant remains the landlord's tenant and is responsible for the tenancy, including the actions of the sub-tenant. A young Australian who was left with a horrific injuries after being viciously mugged in Bali had dreamed of moving to the Indonesian island and making it his home. Perth man Lachie Hunt was attacked in the tourist hotspot earlier this week and is recovering in Kuta's BIMC Hospital with a broken leg, bleeding on the brain and a suspected fractured spine. Doctors fear for Mr Hunt's mobility due to the damage to his back with his mother Melissa Hunt flying from Western Australia to be by her son's bedside. Before the horror attack, Mr Hunt was a Bali regular, posting numerous snaps of himself at luxurious resorts scattered across the island paradise to his social media accounts. In a post from October - just three months ago - Mr Hunt revealed his hopes of moving to Bali permanently. Perth man Lachie Hunt said he wanted to move to Bali just weeks before he was brutally attacked Mr Hunt is recovering in hospital after he was mugged while holidaying in Bali. He has a potentially fractured spine and a broken leg 'One day I'll get to call this place home' he wrote alongside a photo of him walking down a busy street in Kuta. Another snap from a trip to Bali in October showed Mr Hunt lapping up the sunshine in a resort pool. 'Best time away with the best company,' he wrote. A few years ago he posted a photo of him sipping on a cocktail at Seminyak's famed Mrs Sippy pool club. 'Miss this place already,' he wrote. Mr Hunt regularly shared snaps of him living it up in Bali on his social media accounts The last photo Mr Hunt shared to Instagram was also a Bali snap, showing him and a mate enjoying a drink on a lounge at a beach club The last photo Mr Hunt shared to Instagram was also a photo from Bali, showing him and a mate enjoying a drink on a lounge at a beach club. Nursing staff at BIMC confirmed they had spoken to Mr Hunt and his mother after he woke up on Saturday morning. His friend, Jarrad Visser, has now set up a GoFundMe to cover his friend's hospital bills, with a photo showing Mr Hunt covered in bandages with a neck brace as he lies bedbound. 'Sounds like he was mugged and bashed pretty good, he can't remember much,' he wrote. Mr Hunt has travelled to Bali several times in recent years 'He's pretty banged up all round. He's in hospital in BIMC Bali getting the best care but the best care is bloody expensive. So asking if you are able to help out in anyway to dig deep it would go along way and mean a lot to the family. 'I'm in contact with his mum Mel she's over there taking good care of him and his injuries are a potential fractured back and he has bleeding on the brain.' The fundraiser has had more than $20,000 donated so far. A Texas mother-of-five was killed when she was run over by a car in San Antonio while defending her 11-year-old daughter from bullies in the middle of the street. Ashley Lopez, 28, was in the middle of an argument that police said contained at least 30 people and started to argue with another woman the evening of January 11. Pennie Gomez, 36, who was involved, left and got into a silver Hyundai Sonata and intentionally drove toward the two women, killing Lopez and injuring the woman she was fighting with. Making matters worse, someone noticed that Lopez was under Gomez's car and tried to get it off of her when Gomez just dove off, dragging her 20-to-30 feet. Ashley Lopez (pictured left), 28, was in the middle of an argument that police said contained at least 30 people and started to argue with another woman the evening of January 11. Pennie Gomez (pictured right), 36, left the group, got into a silver Hyundai Sonata and intentionally drove toward the two women, killing Lopez Witnesses caught the grisly incident on cell phone cameras and two passengers in Gomez's car got out and returned to the scene to corroborate. Lopez's mother Ana Blanco spoke Sunday, saying she only had one question: 'Why would you do this?' Blanco told KENS5 Lopez was defending her 11-year-old daughter from school bullies who had shown up at their home when the fight broke out. She and Lopez's sister-in-law Andrea Mata say they believe Gomez's daughter was living with Lopez at the time, though they say they don't know her. 'To our recollection, [Lopez and Gomez] were not fighting. There was nothing between them, no bad blood,' said Mata. Gomez has been charged with Murder and Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. She is currently being held at a county jail on $251,000 bond. She was already wanted on unrelated drug possession charges. Lopez's mother Ana Blanco spoke Sunday, saying she only had one question: 'Why would you do this?' Gomez has been charged with Murder and Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. She is currently being held at a county jail on $251,000 bond. Her alleged victim is pictured after being dragged Lopez's family is attempting to raise money to ease the funeral costs When asked about the hit-and-run, Gomez responded by demanding her right to an attorney. Blanco and Mata say they plan to attend the hearings in hopes of getting an answer for why Lopez was killed. For now, they have combined with a local motorcycle club to help raise money for Lopez's funeral. They're also planning to host a barbecue fundraiser next weekend. A driver who plunged 70metres after driving off a cliff in Queensland has miraculously survived. The woman, aged in her 60s, was behind the wheel on Peachester Rd, near Beerwah, in the Sunshine Coast hinterland region when she drove off the road. She was assessed by paramedics for possible neck and spine injuries and a tricky rescue operation to get her back up the cliff was completed. The woman in her 60s careened 70m down an embankment after driving off Peachester Rd in the Sunshine Coast hinterland (pictured) Queensland Ambulance Service confirmed paramedics attended a single vehicle rollover reported on Peachester Road about 11.22am on Monday. 'A stable patient is being assessed at scene, with a rescue underway,' QAS said. Queensland Police told Daily Mail Australia about 3.30pm that Peachester Rd near Ocean View Park is currently blocked both ways following the rollover. 'Emergency crews currently on scene.' Queensland Police added. 'Motorists are advised to avoid the area and to follow any traffic directions given.' The road winds along steep ridges near the Glass House Mountains with numerous 40km/h speed limits in place. Queensland Ambulance confirmed about 4pm the rescue operation had been completed and the woman was transported to Sunshine Coast University Hospital in a stable condition. Republican Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has slammed the decision by seven Fairfax County schools to withhold from their students whether they received a prestigious national merit recognition as 'maniacal'. Only awarded to 50,000 of 1.5million high schoolers who score well on the PSATS, the prestigious award can help students compete for scholarships, honors accolades, and college admissions. The schools - which include America's best-performing public school, Thomas Jefferson High - have explained their decision to keep the results secret as a form of 'equity.' They insist it's part of a new school strategy meant to provide 'equal outcomes for every student, without exceptions.' - but parents are furious. As a result of the deception, pupils who had been named 'commended students' by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation were purposely left in the dark so as to not 'hurt the feelings of' other students. Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has expressed his concern about the impact of seven Fairfax County schools decision to withhold national merits from students which often aid scholarships and college admissions But however well-intentioned, the explanation doesn't wash with GOP Governor Youngkin, who has mooted potential criminal charges against staff involved. He has also criticized the Fairfax County Schools Superintendent for using taxpayer money to hire equity consultants, and believes the issue is a systematic problem in the schools. Youngkin criticized Michelle Reid, Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent for spending large sums of taxpayer money on equity consultants Equity is a favored buzzword among woke disciples and means helping everyone achieve the same outcome, rather than offering the same opportunity to do so. Supporters say it helps those who've struggled to reach their potential because of societal racism and unfairness. But detractors say it often works by lowering standards for top-performing students to create the impression of equal outcomes, rather than uplifting students to excellence. 'They have a maniacal focus on equal outcomes for all students at all costs. And at the heart of the American dream, is excelling, is advancing, is stretching and recognizing that we have students that have different capabilities,' Youngkin told ABC 7. 'Some students have the ability to perform at one level, others need more help, and we have to allow students to run as fast as they can to dream the biggest dreams they can possibly dream and then go get them.' Youngkin clinched his surprise gubernatorial election victory in 2021 by targeting woke school measures, with his latest vow likely music to many local parents' ears. The admission by the schools of failing to notify their students of any national merit recognition they may have achieved means students will miss important college scholarship and admissions deadlines. The high schools involved include Annandale, West Potomac, John R. Lewis, Edison, Thomas Jefferson for Science and Technology, Westfield, and Langley High Schools. These seven schools account for 25 percent of the high schools in Fairfax County. and Youngkin appeared angered by the schools' decision to act in such a manner. The withholding of the merit results has been flagged with the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares, who has now begun a formal investigation into the schools' conduct How National Merit Scholarships recognize top students The National Merit Scholarship Program (NMSP) is a scholarship program that recognizes and rewards academically talented high school students in the United States. Among students taking the Preliminary SAT (PSAT) each year, about 50,000, or the top 3 percent, qualify for NMSP recognition. About two-thirds of those 50,000 students are awarded letters of commendation, while the remaining third qualify as semifinalists and can apply for a National Merit Scholarship. The Fairfax County schools say they failed to notify Commended Students of their status in a timely manner last fall. Though Commended Students are not eligible for the scholarship program, the recognition is an academic honor and could bolster a college application. Commended students are typically recognized by their high schools with a special ceremony, and could also gain an advantage in applying for other academic scholarships. The program is administered by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), a not-for-profit organization. Advertisement 'It impacts students ability to apply to college for scholarships, and in this idea of a golden ticket as it is called was withheld from them and it seems to have been withheld from them for the purpose of not wanting to make people feel bad who didn't achieve it. And all of a sudden, we see it spreading around to the rest of Fairfax County.' Youngkin took aim at Fairfax County's Superintendent for spending large sums of taxpayer money on equity consultants. 'The reality is that we have a superintendent in Fairfax schools who has explicitly stated that her top objective is equal outcomes for all students, regardless of the price,' said Youngkin. 'Now we know the price includes paying $450,000 to a liberal consultant to come in and teach the administrators in Fairfax County how to do this. What it appears happened is that principals in schools decided that they were going to systematically withhold accolades and a path to college admission and scholarships from high-performing students.' The Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Reid, has met with parents at Thomas Jefferson, Westfield, and Langley high school to address their concerns and says she committed to being transparent with the results of their ongoing review. 'In each case, it's my understanding principals sign certificates and pass those to staff who distribute them,' Reid told parents last week, seemingly skirting the issue. Reid said in an email to the community that as Fairfax County Public School carries out its own review, she is committed to being transparent with the key findings. The withholding has now been flagged with the Virginia Attorney General who has now begun a formal investigation into the schools' conduct. The impact on students and their families can be significant, as some scholarships and grants can be worth over $90,000. 'Only three percent of high school seniors get recognized. It's a huge issue,' Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares told 7News. 'We actually know of some schools that give a full four-year scholarship if you are one of those who get recognized a national merit award commendation,' he said. Youngkin says he is committed to turning Virginia's education around for the better 'How you pay for college can be as stressful as getting into college. The idea that sometimes these are $90,000-100,000 plus benefits of scholarships that were never going to be told that these students are eligible to apply for. That's wrong,' Miyares said. Youngkin says he is committed to turning Virginia's education around for the better. 'We funded through the largest education bill ever in Virginia history, raising teacher salaries, funding, equipment, funding infrastructure, but also launching lab schools. We have been driving curriculum to be the best curriculum in the nation so that we will teach all of our history, the good and the bad, we want it to be the best. 'This is a moment where we have to recognize that educating our children so that they are equipped to take on not just the challenges, but to take on confidently the pursuit of their dreams is at the heart of education and equal outcomes for all students at any cost is a cost too much for Virginia.' The decision by brass at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax, Virginia, was reportedly part of a new school strategy meant to provide 'equal outcomes for every student, without exceptions' Parents of students at one of the nation's top-ranked high schools are demanding its principal be fired after she and other officials delayed informing students that they had qualified for an award that helps them compete for scholarships, honors programs, and college admissions One of the schools involved in the deception, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax, Virginia, said the school strategy was meant to provide 'equal outcomes for every student, without exceptions.' Many parents say that simply can't be achieved and that equity-obsessives should focus on helping children who are less academically minded into an area of learning or practical work they'll enjoy, and at which they may be able to excel. Last month, parents called for the axing of principal Ann Bonitatibus and Director of Student Services Brandon Kosatka - alleging they are responsible. One mom seen at the procession, along with dozens of others, demanded 'action' against the pair be taken immediately. 'Let it be known that we are not for fake meetings - we are for real action,' Shawna Yashar told Fox 5 DC, visibly irate over the school's decision to keep the awards under wraps. Yashar, one of the parents who were part of the effort unearthing these allegations against the Fairfax County Public School system, reportedly said that Kosatka admitted to her that the understated approach to informing students about their academic honors was intentional. Yashar said the director owned up to the allegations when she him about it by phone, spurring the senior school staffer to tell her the truth behind the school's decision. She said the confrontation transpired in mid-November after her son was awarded a letter of commendation - two months later from when the awards are typically handed out in September. Yashars said that her son and other pupils received the letters on November 14 - spurring her to contact Bonitatibus directly about the delay. However, the principal was apparently not available, with Kosatka being the one to field the inquiry. When questioned, Kosatka, according to Yashar, explained the school's side - that staffers had wanted to hand the letters out 'discreetly' to avoid hurting the feelings of students who failed to garner the distinction. 'Theres not a lot of kids who didnt get either award, and we didnt want them to feel bad about it,' Yashar credited Kosatka as saying. Only learning of the distinction a few months ago in the fall, the student body and their families are irate - and were seen outside the school last month airing their displeasure It is not the first time officials with the Fairfax County Public School network - which encompasses 198 schools and centers - have come under fire for guidance touted as 'progressive'. In 2021, the school and its board found themselves in federal court after it changed its admission requirements to limit the number of Asian-American students enrolled to improve the chance of admission of other students regardless of academic ability. Once again, billed as a means to boost equity, the guidance immediately sparked controversy for scrapping merit-based admissions - and was subsequently found to be against federal law. Last February, a federal judge ruled Fairfax County school officials guilty of racial discrimination however plans to overturn the woke rules have been put on hold thanks to a successful legal challenge by their supporters, with a court set to consider an appeal last this year. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi (C) waves to his supporters during a roadshow ahead of the BJP national executive meet in New Delhi on January 16, 2023. (Photo: AFP) NEW DELHI: Jubilant BJP workers and supporters queued up near central Delhis roads to greet Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his roadshow in the national capital ahead of the saffron partys two-day national executive meeting that began on Monday. In an atmosphere cheered up by music and slogans, the roadshow began from Patel Chowk and continued till the NDMC convention centre. People showered Mr Modi with flower petals and chanted slogans in his support. Huge cutouts of the PM were placed along the road, besides several posters highlighting various initiatives of the government and also Indias G-20 presidency. Traffic movement was hit in and around central Delhi as several roads were closed for hours. Expecting a huge public turnout, the police had made special arrangements to ensure smooth traffic management. At the mega event, there was a sea of people as enthusiastic party workers and locals gathered in the midst of the four-layered security arrangements. Stages were erected at places where folk artistes from several states performed at some of them, while others blared patriotic songs. Not only enthused BJP workers but many Delhiites, including children, were waiting for the PM's cavalcade in Lutyens Delhi. As soon as the black SUV from which Mr Modi was greeting the people was visible, elated people cheered and shouted slogans of the BJP and Mr Modi and even showered flower petals. Nisha Sharma, a Delhi resident, said: So what if we lost the MCD elections, were still in power across the country. Im here to support our indisputable leader, Narendra Modi. BJP president J.P. Nadda welcomed Mr Modi at the venue of the partys meeting, that started after the PMs arrival. While Mr Modi has been holding roadshows frequently, it is not often that he does it ahead of the partys executive meet, that has been organised several times in the national capital now. BJP leaders noted that the PM held a roadshow ahead of the partys national executive in Odisha, and added the exercise proved helpful in galvanising the cadre and supporters. With the Lok Sabha polls due in the first half of next year, the enthusiastic roadshow will also help energise the partys unit in Delhi after its loss to the Aam Aadmi Party in the recent municipal polls, they said. The traffic police said to ensure smooth traffic movement in the vicinity of the PMs roadshow from the Patel Chowk roundabout on Sansad Marg to Jai Singh Road Junction, special arrangements were put in place. During the roadshow, Baba Kharak Singh Road, Outer Circle Connaught Place, Park Street/Shankar Road, Minto Road, Mandir Marg, Barakhambha Road, Panchkuain Road, Raisina Road, Tolstoy Road, Janpath, Firozeshah Road, Rafi Marg (from Sunheri Masjid to Rail Bhavan), Rani Jhansi Road, DBG Road, Chemsford Road, Bhai Veer Singh Marg, DDU Marg, Ranjit Singh flyover, Talkatora Road and Pandit Pant Marg remain affected, the police stated. On Saturday, his businesswoman wife confirmed they split eight months ago Two months ago, he pleaded guilty to cocaine possession on night out in Bondi He is required to drive with an interlock device following an offence in 2020 Tim Tregoning is pictured in Sydney after pleading guilty to cocaine possession The husband of P.E Nation co-founder Claire Tregoning has been pulled over by cops and charged with getting behind the wheel of a car without a breathalyzer installed. Timothy Tregoning, 40, was apprehended by police on Barrenjoey Road, near Avalon in Sydney's Northern Beaches, at 6.02pm on November 11 and accused of driving a vehicle without an approved interlock device. Interlock devices are used to test the blood-alcohol level of some drink driving offenders. A motorist must complete a breath test before they can drive - if alcohol is detected, the vehicle will not start. Court documents seen by Daily Mail Australia state that Tregoning is required to drive a car with an interlock device, following an offence in 2020. His matter will be mentioned in Manly Local Court on January 18. It comes just two months after he pleaded guilty in Waverly Local Court to carrying two bags of cocaine during a night out in Bondi on September 30. The father-of-two was taken to Waverley Police Station and charged with possessing a prohibited drug. Tregoning did not appear in Waverley Local Court when his matter was mentioned on November 15, but his lawyer pleaded guilty on his behalf. He will be sentenced on January 24. Timothy Tregoning and his wife Claire (pictured right, with her business partner Pip Edwads) spit eight months ago 'It is very amicable, we still love each other, we are co-parenting and he remains a great friend,' she said Meanwhile, his activewear mogul wife Claire confirmed on Saturday that she and Tregoning quietly split eight months ago. 'It is very amicable, we still love each other, we are co-parenting and he remains a great friend,' she told the Sydney Morning Herald. 'Things change and that's just what happened for us, but we are getting through that with a lot of respect and support for each other.' Rumours emerged last November that the pair had quietly split after they deleted each other from Instagram and stopped posting loved up pictures. They spent most of their marriage renovating their family home in Avalon, in Sydney's northern beaches, and raising their two children. From relaxing family weekends to lavish trips away, the businesswoman was constantly tagging her cinematographer husband in Instagram posts with their kids as she wore P.E Nation gear. Claire Tregoning, 42, (left) finally confirmed her split from husband Timothy, 40, (right) on Saturday after they separated eight months ago The P.E Nation co-founder and filmmaker who share two children together (pictured), kept their break-up under wraps for most of last year During interviews in 2020, the pair spoke about how they relied on each other for support during lockdown - with Mrs Tregoning adding that her husband travelled a lot for work, so 'both being locked down has been amazing'. In December of that year, she shared a photo of her and her husband in a passionate embrace while laying bed together during a Tasmanian holiday, with the caption 'Lover', with her 19,000 followers. On Father's Day last year, Claire posted an image of Timothy and their kids eating croissants together on the deck of their $1.2million renovated 'shack' - gushing about how he's a 'beautiful chaotic loving dad' to their 'crazy cubs'. 'The love you shower our crazy cubs in is endless. Your journey and growth as a father has been an inspiring one to watch. We love you,' she wrote. It was the last time he featured on her feed. Since then, Claire has been on holidays to Tasmania and Los Angeles, a ski trip to New Zealand, and two jaunts to London - splashing her getaways on Instagram, tagging friends and family members each time. They spent most of their marriage renovating their family home in Avalon, in Sydney's northern beaches, and raising their two children But the high-profile Sydney fashion socialite broke her silence in a recent interview with The Sydney Morning Herald where she said they 'still love each other'. Pictured with P.E Nation co-founder Pip Edwards Her husband, however, had been notably absent from her feed. Claire, who had been in London with P.E. Nation co-founded Pip Edwards, did not respond to questions about her suspected separation when contacted by Daily Mail Australia. The same question was put to Timothy, who didn't deny the rumour. When responding to a Daily Mail Australia reporter, he said: 'Keep working babe, you've got a long way to go.' Little more than a year after the Father's Day post, on September 30, Tregoning was arrested in Bondi when police found him with two resealable bags of cocaine. A Spanish traveller has become the first person fined under beefed-up biosecurity laws after he failed to declare meat and cheese in his luggage. The 20-year-old man had his visa cancelled and was fined $3300 for carrying more than one kilogram of undeclared raw pork meat and cheese. The man was stopped at Perth Airport last Tuesday when 275 grams of non-commercial pork pancetta, 665g of non-commercial pork meat and about 300g of goats' cheese in his luggage weren't declared. The Albanese government announced in October it would increase the infringement amounts for people caught with banned items to stop diseases and pests from entering and establishing in Australia. Previously the man would have had his visa cancelled and been fined $2664. Travellers whose visas are cancelled are removed from Australia on the earliest available flight and can face an exclusion period of three years before they are able to reapply. A 20-year-old Spanish man had his visa cancelled and was fined $3300 for carrying more than one kilogram of undeclared raw pork meat and cheese into Australia Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt told AAP the new laws won't dissuade travellers from coming to Australia. 'I think the overwhelming majority of tourists do the right thing and they declare biosecurity risk items when they arrive and that's what this guy didn't do,' he said. 'If he had declared those products, other action would have been taken, but the problem was that he didn't declare them. 'We are serious about keeping foot and mouth and other diseases out of the country and travellers need to remember that when they're trying to enter Australia.' Senator Watt called on international travellers to think carefully about their passenger declarations and report anything in doubt. Agricultural minister Murray Watt slammed the tourist for bringing in the meat It comes as the department of agriculture issued a warning about the Lunar New Year which starts on Sunday. The department's Dr Chris Locke said Lunar New Year gifts which are often food parcels could be stopped at the border. 'Unfortunately, there are some traditional gifts for Lunar New Year that could introduce pests and diseases into Australia,' Dr Locke said. 'We often see items at the border that contain pork, fruit, plants, herbs and eggs. Items like these could pose a high risk of introducing pests and diseases.' It's been estimated an outbreak of foot and mouth in Australia cost the economy more than $80billion across 10 years. Those failing to declare biosecurity risk items at the border face fines of up to $5500 and the cancellation of their visa. Blee, 21, was allegedly involved in the failed import of 108kg of cocaine in 2022 The son of a superyacht owner charged over a deadly alleged drug importation has been granted bail after celebrating his 21st birthday in a NSW prisoner uniform. James Lake Kusviandy Blee, 21, has been in custody since his arrest in November 2022 on drug import and supply charges. He was allegedly involved in the failed plot to import 108kg of cocaine in May 2022, when a 31-year-old Brazilian died while trying to retrieve drugs from the hull of a bulk carrier in the Port of Newcastle. His body was found near packaged bricks of the drug floating in the water. With the full brief of evidence yet to be presented and a trial unlikely to proceed this year, Justice Dina Yehia granted Blee bail on Monday in the NSW Supreme Court. NSW Supreme Court Justice Dina Yehia granted James Lake Kusviandy Blee bail on Monday after concluding a trial will unlikely proceed this year He has to remain of good behaviour, report to police daily and reside at a Queensland address as part of his conditions on a $50,000 surety. There are also restrictions on his use of electronic devices and the internet. Blee's father, James Blee, was arrested in May 2022 and remains in custody facing similar drug import and supply charges, as well as manslaughter in connection with the dead diver. The younger Blee's defence argued his alleged conduct almost entirely comprised of things done at the request of his father. When granting bail, Justice Yehia considered the son's age, lack of criminal history, and the fact that he had voluntarily attended Tweed Heads Police Station before his arrest. The 21-year-old is allegedly involved in the failed plot to import 108kg of cocaine in the hull of a bulk carrier in May 2022 (pictured) Police were alerted to the failed drug import attempt after the body of a 31-year-old Brazilian scuba diver was found floating near packed bricks of the drug (pictured) The judge rejected arguments from the Crown that Blee had not attempted to flee in the almost six months between his father's arrest and his own because he thought he was either already under surveillance or was otherwise 'in the clear'. 'His father had been arrested, a search warrant was executed at his premises, it was clear when he voluntarily attended the police station that he understood police wanted to speak to him in connection to the criminal activity,' Justice Yehia said on Monday. The crown case against Blee was not weak, she said, but it was also not overwhelmingly strong. Blee appeared via videolink from Clarence Correctional Centre, sighing in relief and crossing his chest after bail was granted. He has been excused from attending in person when his case is mentioned in court again in February. Local business owners say it will be biggest event ever to be held in resort town Exmouth region will attract up to 50,000 visitors keen to see rare phenomenon Town with population of 2,806 will be the best place to view total solar eclipse A tiny Australian resort town is bracing for an influx of thousands of stargazers within months three years after a phone call out of the blue from the US hinted at a rare phenomenon heading their way. Exmouth on the tip of Western Australia's North West Cape will be the best place in the world to view this year's total solar eclipse. At 11.27am on April 20, the path of totality will graze the tip of Western Australia in a 40kilometre-wide track near Exmouth and become the most accessible land-based place on Earth to view the 62-second spectacle. Home to 2,806 residents, the Shire of Exmouth estimates up to 50,000 visitors could descend on the region, including surrounding coastal towns 300km away. Local business owner Steve Riley admits the town still isn't ready, despite a woman from the US giving a caravan park operator the head-ups in 2020. Tourists and stargazers will flock to Exmouth in April to view the total solar eclipse 'He had call from a chick in America who said, "I want to hire out your whole caravan park for a week, what's your number? Gimme a price",' Mr Riley told Daily Mail Australia. 'At the time no one had no idea and didn't take any notice because people come to Exmouth all the time. It's a tourist town and we do it well.' Mr Riley finally realised how big the phenomenon would be a year ago when he took part in a question and answer session over Zoom with Tourism Western Australia and international tour operators. The solar phenomenon will occur in the middle of April school holidays and the town's whale shark swimming season. It comes just months after the Exmouth's population swelled by a record 20,000 during the July school holidays last year after the state's borders reopened. 'It's the biggest event Exmouth has ever had, so it's going to be crazy,' Mr Riley said. 'We've just got to roll the dice and see what happens. It's all about pre-planning.' Exmouth will be the best place in the world to see the total solar eclipse on April 20 What's a total solar eclipse A solar eclipse happens when the moon casts a shadow on the earth as it passes between the earth and the sun. At least twice a year, the orbits of the moon and Earth block the sun to cause a shadow on Earth. Most eclipses are partial, but when the moon is in close to the earth, it results in a total eclipse. Advertisement Mr Riley's fishing and tackle business - which also hires out and sets up camping sites - has been flooded with inquiries from around the globe. 'We got bookings for a group of 10 astronomers from Chile, a reporter from New York, along with groups coming from Japan and across Europe,' he said. He admits pre-planning for the event and dealing with government agencies hasn't been smooth sailing and the town is still playing catch up post-Covid-19. 'The council had to build two huge water tanks, otherwise the the town would have run out of water,' Mr Riley said. 'There will be trucks doing extra garbage and waste collection services throughout the week.' 'Food and drink businesses are bringing in extra containers and fridge trucks for storage.' 'There's talk going around that once the town hits full capacity, the highway will be blocked off and only those with accommodation will be allowed in.' Portable mobile phone towers have also been installed. The Western Australian government has spent the last two years and poured $21million into turning the world heritage-listed Ningaloo Marine Park into a viewing spot and campsite for visitors. With a population of just 2,800, up to 50,000 visitors could descend on Exmouth in April Local businesses started receiving inquiries about the rare phenomenon threes years ago (pictured, the total solar eclipse from Union Glacier in Antarctica in 2021) A three-day 'Dark Sky Festival' in Exmouth will include stargazing, science and astronomy activities, music, and 'unique dining opportunities'. 'Observers can expect to see the Suns bright disc slowly being covered by the silhouette of the Moon to produce a diminishing solar crescent,' Gravity Discovery Centre astronomer Rick Tonello said. Qantas still has seats on flights to Exmouth in the week leading up to the solar eclipse while Mr Riley assured there are still accommodation vacancies in town, despite being heavily booked out. 'If you're coming, book your accommodation now,' he said. 'Once you have somewhere to stay, the rest is easy.' For stargazers who miss out or can't make it to Exmouth, Coral Bay will experience a 99 per cent partial eclipse while, further south, Geraldton and Perth will see an 80 and 70 per cent eclipse respectively. The Duke of Sussex's controversial and revealing memoir - which was declared the fastest selling non-fiction book ever by its publisher - is proving hard to find at US libraries with thousands of requests in for a limited number of books and eBooks. Several library systems in major American cities have said that patrons will need to wait several months to borrow a copy of Prince Harry's 'Spare.' For example, in the city of Chicago, its public library has 1,520 'holds' reserving a chance to borrow the book, but only 217 print copies to lend. It's even worse in Columbus, Ohio, where there are 1,789 holds in place for 250 print copies. The Duke of Sussex 's controversial and revealing memoir - which was declared the fastest selling non-fiction book ever by its publisher - is proving hard to find at US libraries Tim Paluch, the communications head for the Des Moines, Iowa public library, says he's never seen anything like this. 'The interest is nuts on this one. NUTS,' he told Axios. 'We are seeing holds and request numbers unlike just about any book since before COVID. Even the book on CD has 17 holds right now, which is wild.' The Chicago library system, as well as their counterparts in cities like Minneapolis and Denver, have ordered dozens more copies in an attempt to meet demand since the book's release. Even eBook copies are hard to come by: in Denver, 852 holds have been placed for 163 virtual copies of 'Spare,' while Philadelphia has 755 holds for 50 eCopies; in Portland, Oregon, the county library has 1,057 holds for 38 eBooks. Elsewhere, the Hennepin County Library which serves Minneapolis has 1,395 holds for 132 print copies; Indianapolis has 441 holds for just 15. 'Spare' has blown other recent buzz books - like Jennette McCurdy's tell-all 'I'm Glad My Mom Died' and Colleen Hoover's fiction work - out of the water. It's hard for libraries to come up with more supply, as budgets have been cut throughout the pandemic. The Chicago Public Library system, which runs the Harold Washington Library Center (pictured) - ordered dozens more copies in an attempt to meet demand since the book's release Minneapolis Central Public Library in Hennepin County has 1,395 holds for 132 print copies The Multnomah County Central Library in Portland, Oregon has 1,057 holds for 38 eBooks The Columbus Metropolitan Library in Columbus, Ohio 1,789 holds in place for 250 print copies 'People will certainly wait a little longer, but the demand is just so high on this type of zeitgeist book that we don't really have another choice,' Paluch said. Libraries desperate to meet demand also increases delivery times and supply chain issues. Licensing issues also limit the number of eBooks a library can get their swiping hands on. Prince Harry's tell-all autobiography was finally released on January 10, with a record 400,000 hardback, e-book and audio format copies reportedly being sold. The book includes claims that the Prince of Wales physically attacked him and teased him about his panic attacks, and that the King put his own interests above Harry's and was jealous of the Duchess of Sussex and the Princess of Wales. Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex is seen leaving 'The Late Show With Stephen Colbert' on January 9 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and guest Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex Larry Finlay, managing director of Transworld Penguin Random House, said: 'We always knew this book would fly but it is exceeding even our most bullish expectations. 'As far as we know, the only books to have sold more in their first day are those starring the other Harry (Potter).' As the duke continued a run of high profile promotional interviews, he said he 'would like nothing more' than for his children to have relationships with the royal family. His remarks about his son and daughter came despite the criticism he has levelled at his brother William, father Charles and stepmother Camilla. In his first print interview about his autobiography, he told US magazine People that Archie, three, and 19-month-old Lili did have a connection with some of the Windsors, whom he did not name, saying this brought him 'great joy'. Prince Harry's memoir Spare is offered for sale at a Barnes & Noble store on January 10, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois Prince Harry's tell-all autobiography was finally released on January 10, with a record 400,000 hardback, e-book and audio format copies reportedly being sold He also described his late mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, as his 'guardian angel' and said she is with him 'all the time'. In his interview with People magazine, which featured a flattering photoshoot, Harry said of his book, which was ghost written by JR Moehringer: 'I don't want to tell anyone what to think of it, and that includes my family. This book and its truths are in many ways a continuation of my own mental health journey. 'It's a raw account of my life the good, the bad and everything in between.' Harry has faced criticism for his revelation in Spare that he killed 25 Taliban members during the Afghanistan war. He has also shared frank admissions of drug-taking throughout his life, of losing his virginity to an older woman in a field as a teenager, and getting frostbite on his penis. CNN is reportedly considering hiring a comedian to host one of its struggling prime time hours - the latest in a series of sweeping changes to the network under new CEO Chris Licht. According to people familiar with the matter, the not-yet-named funnyman or woman would be tasked with filling the hallowed 9pm time slot, previously held by Chris Cuomo. Brass at the famously progressive news network have reportedly floated names such as Bill Maher, Trevor Noah, Arsenio Hall, and Jon Stewart, as candidates, to offer a nontraditional, late-night-esque take on the day's news. Fox News has found success with Gutfeld!, the late-night comedy show hosted by Greg Gutfeld. The rumored maneuver comes as the late-night sphere has been through a great deal of changes recently - and as CNN execs, led by Licht, have largely failed to fill the space left by Cuomo, who lost the gig more than a year ago after trying to help his brother Andrew Cuomo fight off a sexual harassment scandal. CNN is reportedly considering hiring a comedian to host one of its struggling prime time hours - the latest in a series of sweeping changes to the network under CEO Chris Licht (pictured) The showrunner previously hinted at a desire to sign Jon Stewart in an interview last year with the New York Times. Sources said Stewart is one of several comics lined up for the gig The maneuver comes as somewhat disjointed from Licht's previously aired plans for the network since taking the helm early last year, which included it moving away from opinionated reporting that became especially prevalent during Trump's administration. That said, the showrunner, who previously headed Stephen Colbert's Late Show, hinted at a desire to sign Stewart in an interview last year with the New York Times. Currently under contract with Apple, the 60-year-old satirist seems like an unlikely option - though the stellar ratings he brought The Daily Show for 16 years has likely piqued Late Night expert Licht's interests - especially when compared to ratings spawned by his successor Trevor Noah, and other more polarizing talking heads such as Colbert and former Daily Show correspondent Samantha Bee. Speaking to The Times, Licht - who laid off hundreds of staffers last month including politics reporter Chris Cillizza - said he would love to bring on the former late night host, if possible. Another, more promising prospect is Bill Maher, a more no-nonsense progressive who, despite his politics, manages to appeal to wider demographic than his more polarizing counterparts Brass at the famously progressive news network have reportedly also floated names such as , Arsenio Hall and Trevor Noah as candidates, to offer a nontraditional, late-night-esque take on the day's news Another, more promising prospect is Maher, a more no-nonsense progressive who despite his politics, manages to appeal to wider demographic than his more polarizing counterparts. Maher, 66, currently hosts his long-running, eponymous program on HBO, which, like CNN, is now presided over by parent company Warner Bros. Earlier this week, Puck reported that CNN brass were already in talks to begin airing some of Mahers weekly extra HBO segments on some of the station's various media outlets. Already familiar with using satire to improve viewership, Licht was brought on last February with the tall task of raising diminished viewership on the network. That said, ratings slumps in late night have been widespread - and many have attributed it to liberal talking points exhibited by hosts while on the air. As liberals find themselves turned off by politically driven diatribes by their favorite TV talkers, figures like Gutfeld! have carved out a spot for themselves at the top of the heap in the battle for late-night supremacy - potentially spurring Licht's latest action to right the CNN ship Offenders include Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, and James Corden - all vehement progressives who have seen ratings fall drastically in recent years, with nearly all at some point accused of being vehicles for the liberal mass media. The rapidly shifting late night landscape, moreover, has made the success currently enjoyed by more conservative talkers - such as Greg Gutfeld - all the more stark. The Fox Show last year drew a ratings average of 2.15M viewers - well over what liberal rivals Fallon, Corden, Colbert, and Noah, have drummed up in recent months. The show, which went nightly in April 2021, is often lambasted by the left and adored by the right - but as liberals find themselves turned off by politically driven diatribes by their favorite TV talkers, shows like Gutfeld! have carved out a spot for themselves at the top of the heap in the battle for late-night supremacy. Back in July, showrunners pulled notorious neoliberal comedian Samantha Bees 'Full Frontal' on TBS, after Bee, a former correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, had trouble securing even 300,000 viewers to her show. Then, in September, Stewart's replacement, woke comedian Trevor Noah, was bounced from the program after seven years also amid dwindling ratings. Since assuming Stewart's spot at the once popular show, viewership has declined dramatically - with some saying the South African comic's heavy-handed soapbox rants triggered the slump. When Noah, 38, took over the show in 2015, its ratings sat at around 900,000 - but in recent months numbers have fallen below 400,000. For reference, Stewart's tenure saw viewing figures typically around 1.5 million an episode - which at points rose as high as 2.5million. Viewing figures for the week of September 19-25 show liberal late night shows playing second-fiddle to new top dog Gutfeld!, which started airing weeknights at 11pm in April of last year. Many attribute the reduction to recent political rantings exhibited by hosts while on the air Meanwhile, its hard to find a monologue on Colbert, Kimmel, or Seth Meyers without Trump, who has been out of office for nearly two years, being the topic of discussion. With that said, famously liberal Meyers, who took the Late Night mantle made famous by David Letterman and later diminished by Fallon back in 2017, has failed to hit the viewer mark in recent years. In 1984, Letterman averaged 2.5 million viewers. Today, Meyers has struggled to even meet the 800,000 viewer mark. The situation at NBC is reportedly so dire that rumors are swirling that Meyers' show may be relegated either to the networks struggling streaming service, Peacock, or to notoriously leftist network arm MSNBC. Corden, meanwhile has also been subjected to his own controversies and even worse ratings, also failing to hit 800,000 as he faces backlash from fellow comedians such as Ricky Gervais for stealing their material. Back in July, showrunners pulled notorious neoliberal comedian Samantha Bees 'Full Frontal' off TBS, after Bee, a former correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, had trouble securing even 300,000 viewers to her show, Across the rest of the late-night sphere, the ratings phenomenon is much of the same, with only Colbert, Kimmel, and Fallon surpassing the million mark, in second, third, and fourth place behind Gutfeld, respectively. All are well below Gutfeld!'s impressive ratings haul of 2.5million views as of October, according to the latest Nielsen research. The aforementioned shows' averages all dwindled well below ratings garnered in recent years, and have all been hosted for a number of years by increasingly outspoken - and left-leaning - hosts. And as these hosts continue to welcome guests such Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Nancy Pelosi - while spewing harmful rhetoric -Fox's Gutfeld has meanwhile emerged as the King of late-night. Then, in September, Stewart's replacement, woke comedian Noah, was bounced from the program after seven years amid also dwindling ratings That, taken in conjunction with Kimmel's recent revelation regarding his ratings, seems to illustrate a desire from viewers for nonpartisan, and even unapologetic, content - something the mainstream late shows have seemed to lost touch with. And, as ratings for these shows continue to plummet to unprecedented lows, no one has taken greater pleasure in the shifting landscape as Trump, who last month congratulated Gutfeld, who previously headed the talk show Red, for his recent viewing figures - while also taking credit for the ratings demise seen by Kimmel's, Colbert's, and Noah's shows. 'It was my great honor to have destroyed the ratings of late-night Comedy shows,' the ex president wrote of the struggling shows on his Truth Social Platform. 'There is nothing funny about the shows, the three hosts have very little talent,' he went on. CNN has subsequently sought to purge itself of its reputation of being a 'woke' media source - with Licht, who headed Stephen Colbert's Late Show for six years until it was announced he was replacing Zucker, pledging to make the network reliable to the people again by halting the slander of Republicans. The new movement has resulted in the termination of several popular and notoriously progressive hosts, including John Harwood and Brian Stelter, along with their shows. However, despite these efforts - which have been in motion for the better part of a year - poor ratings have persisted, particularly for the network's crucial primetime spot. Upon assuming the CEO spot toward the start of the year, Licht warned staffers that changes were coming to the network that they may 'not understand' or 'like.' Similarly, Licht has strived to steer hosts like Don Lemon and Jim Acosta away from opinionated reporting that became especially prevalent during Donald Trump's campaign and presidency. Seeking to return to the station's roots as a hard-hitting news source, Licht over the past eight months has revamped the newsroom with a series of hiring, firings, and on-air shuffles - which has seen him condemned by left-wingers such as ex-colleague Keith Olbermann and gun activist Sharron Watts. Licht, 51, responded to that disapproval, addressing decisions like moving Lemon out of primetime and tabbing Jake Tapper to temporarily fill Chris Cuomos old slot - a failed experiment that lasted just a month. Licht, meanwhile, has already faced backlash for replacing progressives like Lemon and Cuomo with more centrist figures - as well as hires like Stephen Gutowski, founder and editor of firearms website The Reload. Licht seemed to be responding to recent criticism he's following hires like Gutowski, by figures such as Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action, a grassroots organization dedicated to implementing increased public safety measures to quell gun violence - especially in schools. Ex-CNN staffer Olbermann, along with several others, have been vocal in their disapproval of Licht, going as far as to label him a 'TV fascist' after his plans to overhaul the struggling network. In an interview with the Times, Licht - who also made waves when he canceled Brian Stelters 'Reliable Sources' amid his attempts to tone down any displays of partisanship by on-air talent - asserted that his mission is to offer a viable information outlet to both conservatives and liberals with his various maneuvers. 'No one wants a school shooting,' Licht said. 'But we have to understand the culture of people who like guns.' He added: 'This is not vanilla, centrist or boring.' The comments echoed those made by Licht to the Financial Times in November, when he proclaimed that 'one of the biggest misconceptions about my vision is that I want to be vanilla, that I want to be centrist. That is bulls**t. 'You have to be compelling. You have to have edge. In many cases, you take a side. Sometimes you just point out uncomfortable questions,' he added. 'But either way, you dont see it through a lens of left or right.' Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is seen on Stephen Colbert's Late Show earlier this year. As broadcasts grow increasingly political and partisan, the cultural demise of late-night comedy looks poised to continue Licht has repeated said that his plans for on-air talent at the network are for them to offer 'a rational conversation about polarizing issues' and a version of news dedicated to basing polarizing figures such as Trump '24/7.' To that avail Licht has made a number of changes at CNN since taking the helm, as he strives to return the station to its roots with hard-hitting, non-partisan journalism free of punditry. Those moves have turned heads both within the company and externally, and said his vision for CNN is one where journalism takes a front seat to punditry prevalent across much of cable news. Last month, in addition to the 9pm shuffle, anchor Alisyn Camerota and legal analyst Laura Coates were moved to man the 10pm through 12am time slot - a post that was left abandoned by Don Lemon, who was moved to head a 'reimagined' morning show along with co-anchors Poppy Harlow and Kaitlan Collins. 'By adding the insights, experience and strong voices of Alisyn and Laura, we will advance and expand on that coverage, creating something complimentary and compelling in primetime,' Licht said of the decision - one of the biggest made by the boss in recent months amid his nonpartisan overhaul. Since taking the helm, Licht, has been adamant staff move away from opinionated reporting that became especially prevalent during Donald Trump's election campaign and subsequent presidency, with his tenure already seeing marked decreases in partisan panels. The new CNN boss has worked to tone down the often opinionated and emotional reporting from anchors like Lemon, who also was relieved of hosting duties for the network's underperforming primetime slot Late last year, Licht walked back its decision to have Jake Tapper (pictured) take over the 9pm primetime slot following poor viewership - throwing a hurdle into the network's reported plans for the anchor to become the 'face' of the network as it pulls away from partisan reporting Days before tapping Tapper, CNN announced the 'reimagined' morning show featuring famously progressive Lemon, another prime-time staple at the network and a famously outspoken critic of former President Trump and the Republican Party. The decision saw Lemon sign off his 10 p.m.-midnight block on October 7, trading in the hour for the new morning program. The production replaced the 'New Day' show hosted by John Berman and Brianna Keilar, which had run from 6 to 9am. 'There is no stronger combination of talent than Don, Poppy, and Kaitlan to deliver on our promise of a game-changing morning news program,' Licht wrote in a statement at the time announcing the change. 'They are uniquely intelligent, reliable and compelling; together they have a rare and palpable chemistry. Combined with CNN's resources and global newsgathering capabilities, we will offer a smart, bold and refreshing way to start the day.' Lemon has anchored his primetime hour since 2014, and has been with CNN since 2006. The change also forced further tweaks to the network's dayside schedule, where both Tapper - the anchor of the late-afternoon news program The Lead - and Camerota led news hours. New Day anchors John Berman and Brianna Keilar, meanwhile, were moved from the morning hours to make room for Lemon's new morning program, and will each fill in during Tapper's The Lead, which airs from 4-5pm. Network fixture Wolf Blitzer, meanwhile, received an extra hour for his longtime program The Situation Room, which now starts at 5 pm to fill the gap. The shakeup has left only Anderson Cooper and fellow anchor Erin Burnett at their current hours - with CNN saying other fill-in hosts will be named in the coming weeks. Last month's announcements served as some of Licht's most prominent decisions amid his 'opinion-based' overhaul, which sources have said is geared at toning down the often divisive rhetoric of anchors who slam the GOP and their ideals. Since taking the helm, Licht, who headed Stephen Colbert's Late Show for six years, has demonstrated a desire to move away from opinionated reporting that became especially prevalent during Donald Trump 's election campaign and subsequent presidency After being announced as Zucker's successor, Licht sent a memo to his future staff alluding to the changes to come, seeking to rectify viewership that has diminished starkly over the years, as the network's personalities have become increasingly outspoken with their political opinions. 'Our viewers demand the truth from us, and I want to learn the truth from you,' Licht wrote at the time. 'Together, we will double-down on what's working well and quickly eliminate what's not.' Licht has said his one directive as CNN's president is to ensure that it 'remains the global leader in news' as it adjusts to its recent merger with the Discovery Channel - emphasizing the word 'news' in capital letters. In February, Zucker resigned after facing pressure from network brass for not disclosing a consensual romance with his second-in-command Allison Gollust, his friend and colleague of over 20 years - violating corporate policy in the process. Gollust, meanwhile, was forced out of the network almost immediately after - following a third-party investigation into 'issues associated with Chris Cuomo and former Governor Andrew Cuomo,' WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar said in a statement. At the time, Discovery's largest shareholder, John Malone - a billionaire businessman who donated $250,000 to Trump's inauguration in 2017 - openly criticized CNN of its increasingly apparent left-leaning bias, ahead of the companies' multibillion-dollar merger. CNN founder Ted Turner reportedly also 'adamantly' opposed the direction Zucker had taken with CNN by 'turning it into an opinion network,' a decision the billionaire said was done to compete with other partisan stations like Fox - but resulted in 'losing the concept of hard news.' Turner and Malone apparently agreed on their disappointment in the current state of the network, Turner's biographer Porter Bibb said last year when Zucker was still at the helm. 'John Malone is not only speaking his own opinion of what CNN should be doing as an all-news network, but he speaks for Ted,' Bibb said. Malone, 81, has since been credited with the ouster of Zucker, which reportedly came after the exec learned of the ex-president's affair with Vice President Gollust. Australia is bracing for a wild week of weather extremes which will see sweltering heat give way to bucketing rain and the threat of a major tropical cyclone. Every state across the nation will be hit by a deluge in the coming days, with an extraordinary radar image forecasting rain in almost every inch of the continent on Sunday. Only one small area in the outback will be spared from the downpour. Despite the wet weather and intense thunderstorm warnings, temperatures are predicted to be hot and sweaty, as warm air is drawn down from the Interior ahead of an approaching cold front out to sea. This rain map shows that Australia is set to get downpours in every state and territory on Sunday Pedestrians brave the rain and cold weather in Sydney's CBD on January 6, 2023 'The mercury is likely to reach into the mid-to-high thirties in Adelaide and Melbourne on Tuesday and could also hit the low-thirties in Hobart, Canberra and Sydney on Tuesday or Wednesday,' Weatherzone's Ben Domensino said. 'This week could feature Sydney's first day over 30C since February 2021, which would end the city's second longest stretch without a 30C day in records dating back to 1859.' Further north, large parts of northern Queensland already cut off by floodwaters will continue to be bombarded with heavy rainfall from a massive low pressure system sitting out to sea. 'While it's too early to know how any of these lows will behave just yet, there is an increased risk of tropical cyclone development in and around the Coral Sea from about Thursday onwards,' Mr Domensino said. The Bureau of Meteorology has recently warned all Queenslanders to be on high alert for cyclones up until May. Sydney, where these two are walking along Bondi Beach, may get its first day above 30C in almost a year Southern capitals are set to get some sweltering heat in the next few days before a cold front brings storms and showers Disaster management and response expert Professor Iain MacKenzie said while wetter-than-normal La Nina weather patters continue to decline, the risk of devastating cyclones dramatically increases. 'If you live anywhere on the Queensland coast you should expect cyclonic conditions at some stage, they are moving further south,' Mr MacKenzie told the Courier Mail. 'We shouldn't be too concerned or excited when the conditions are for a certain number of cyclones because it only takes one to cause devastation, be prepared every season. 'Know what the cyclone ratings are and what your house can withstand, know where you're going to go in the event of a cyclone, how you're going to get there and alert friends and family if you're staying with them.' An independent inquiry is looking into the Maribyrnong River flooding in Melbourne in 2022 (pictured) with the city set to get more rain over the next few days Townsville residents show there is an upside to all the rain the region is receiving, with the bucketing set to continue Meanwhile, as the cold front moves south in the coming days it may bring severe thunderstorms to South Australia, Victoria and southwest NSW. Canberra and Sydney may get the brunt of storms on Wednesday night. Western Australia and the Northern Territory will also have to batten down under with heavy rain and storms forecast for the next few days. 'Rain and thunderstorms will continue over northern parts of Qld, the NT and WA during the first half of this week as a broad low pressure trough lingers over northern Australia,' Mr Domensino said. 'This rain and storm activity will become more widespread over WA in the middle of the week as tropical moisture feeds into a deepening trough near the nation's west coast.' This is the terrifying moment a shooter opens fire outside a memorial service for the ex-wife and daughter of a drugs cartel gangster, as a man is arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and a young girl fights for her life in hospital. In CCTV footage from a nearby street, a black car can be seen travelling towards the church in Euston, central London, at around 1.30pm on Saturday, moments before a huge bang rings out. Crowds of people are then seeing fleeing the scene on foot, with some heard screaming as they attempt to get to safety. It is not known if the black car in the footage is involved in the incident. The funeral was being held for Sara Sanchez and her mother, Fresia Calderon, whose ex is a gangster linked to the notorious Colombian Cali Cartel. It comes after the Metropolitan Police said it had arrested a 22-year-old man following the shooting, which left six people injured, including a seven-year-old girl who remains in a serious condition with 'life-threatening' injuries. Carlos Arturo Sanchez-Coronado (left) was the ex-husband of Fresia Calderon, who was one of the people the service was being held in memory of A dark car was seen driving down the street where the shooting took place in CCTV footage from outside the church Immediately following the shooting people can be seen fleeing in terror on the CCTV footage Detectives say the man was taken into custody after a car was stopped in Cricklewood Lane, Barnet, shortly before 4pm yesterday afternoon. The shooting, which took place at around 1.30pm pm on Saturday, January 14, took place as mourners attended a service for a 20-year-old British-Colombian cancer victim and her 50-year-old mother. Family and friends of Sara Sanchez and her mother, Fresia Calderon, were at St Aloysius Church on Phoenix Road opposite Euston Railway station for the memorial. Ms Calderon is understood to have died from a blood clot in November following a flight from Colombia to Heathrow, before Ms Sanchez died from terminal leukaemia three weeks later. It is reported that when members of the congregation went outside to release white doves - a symbol of peace - a man jumped out of a car and started firing into the crowd. Officers from the Met Police, along with paramedics from London Ambulance Service and London Air Ambulance rushed to the scene after reports of multiple injuries. Three women - aged 48, 54 and 41 - were taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries, although the 48-year-old's wounds were assessed as being potentially life-changing. A 21-year-old woman was also taken to a central London hospital and her condition has been assessed as non life-threatening. Earlier yesterday it emerged that Ms Calderon had been married to a convicted member of the Cali cartel. It is raises the question whether the incident could be linked to the Colombian drug trade. Carlos Arturo Sanchez-Coronado had been jailed in the UK for his role in the money laundering operation of a gang linked to the Cali cartel in Colombia, the Telegraph reports. Police officers investigate the scene of the shooting near Euston station on Saturday night The drive-by shooting took place in north London outside the memorial of a cancer victim, 20, and her mother, 50 Mr Sanchez-Coronado is said to have been the first man to have been extradited from the South American country to Britain, before he was admitted three counts of money laundering and fake documents. The criminal organisation's share of the UK drugs market was so vast that the price of cocaine was said to have risen by 50 per cent following its dismantling. During a number of raids of properties in north west London, police seized millions of pounds of cash and cocaine and marijuana with a street value of 100million. Sanchez-Coronado, meanwhile, was later tracked down in Colombia where he had been working as a taxi driver. He was imprisoned in 2009, before later moving back to South America, where he was believed to be living in the Chilean capital of Santiago when he died at the age of 56 last year. The shooting took place at a memorial service for Fresia Calderon (left) and her daughter Sara Sanchez (right), who died within a month of each other An invitation to the memorial service on Saturday urged people attending to wear white clothing in memory of the mother and daughter The incident happened on Phoenix Road, metres away from Euston Station in central London CCTV footage obtained by Sky News shows a black car being driven down the street where the shooting took place at around the time of the incident. In the video a loud bang can be heard, before people begin to run away from the church screaming in terror and a dark car driving down Phoenix Road, near Euston Station. A police source told The Mail on Sunday a man jumped out of the car and started firing into the crowd as white doves - symbols of peace - were released. It had been mooted that the shooter at the service was targeting a member of the crowd in a revenge attack, although police have not yet revealed a motive for the crime. Shocking footage has since emerged showing the chaos inside the church as the mass shooting began. Father Jeremy Trood, who conducted the memorial service, said the scenes after the shooting were 'pandemonium' Grieving churchgoers can be heard screaming and running for safety back inside the church, with one person shouting, 'we need to get out' while another said, 'get to the back'. Others were heard crying, some shouting 'oh my god' and others being told to 'sit down'. One woman who attended the funeral said last night: 'People are saying the intended target of the shooting was a man who attended the service. 'There's speculation that it was some sort of revenge attack.' Father Jeremy Trood, who was conducting the service before the shooting on Saturday, said it was 'pandemonium' and told Sky News he heard a gunshot shortly after mourners had left the church to release the doves. One guest who was at the memorial service said on Saturday: 'People are saying the intended target of the shooting was a man who attended the service,' one woman from the funeral said last night. 'There's speculation that it was some sort of revenge attack.' Speaking at the scene on Sunday morning before the arrest had been made Superintendent Jack Rowlands from the Met Police called the shooting a 'senseless act of violence'. He added: 'Just before 1.30pm yesterday, we were called to reports of a shooting outside St Aloysius church in Phoenix Road, Camden. 'Officers responded with paramedics and a crew from the London Air Ambulance. 'They found multiple people with injuries caused by pellets from a shotgun. 'We believe the suspects discharged a shotgun from a moving vehicle, which was a black Toyota C-HR, likely a 2019 model or similar. 'This was a shocking incident. People came here to attend a funeral, to be with friends and loved ones and mourn together, instead they were the victims of a senseless act of violence.' Anyone who witnessed the incident or who has information about what took place should call 101, giving the reference 3357/14JAN. Information can also be provided to Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. The owners of a dog trapped in a cave for two days feared they would never see their beloved staffy again before a miracle rescue saw the pet emerge safe and sound. Jax, a five-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier, was pulled out of a NSW Central Coast cave on Monday after falling down a narrow crevice in rocks while wandering with his owners' at a Wyong Creek property on Saturday. Jax's owner Deborah May expressed her joy having prepared herself to never see the beloved pet again. Jax, the staffy, emerges safe and sound from the cave where the dog was trapped for two days 'We are so relieved to have him back,' she told Daily Mail Australia. Video shows the rescuers exclaiming in triumph 'We got him' as an exhausted but unharmed Jax appears from the opening around mid-day on Monday. 'He's happy, he's wagging his tail,' one person observed as Jax meekly made his way around the group. After Jax surprisingly turning down an offered bowl of water, one of the rescuers suggested 'he just wants a cuddle'. Jax's owner Deborah May put out a desperate plea for help to rescue the dog on Saturday and was overwhelmed with the response she received. Som volunteers even had to turned away as there were already enough helpers working with Central Coast Volunteer Rescue and NSW Cave Rescue crews. The rescuers were encouraged by hearing Jax continue to bark and whine while they were trying to get an opening into the cave A subdued Jax appeared to in relatively good health after the two-day ordeal of being trapped under rocks Rescuers were given hope by Jax barking and yelping in response to his owner's prompts. However, as Jax remained trapped, Ms May became resigned to the worst case scenario. 'We thought we would be saying our goodbyes to him last night, Ms May told Daily Mail Australia after the rescue. 'We were devastated thinking no one could get him out.' Jax's owners put out desperate pleas to the NSW Central Coast community to help rescue Jax and were overwhelmed with offers Ms May says that Jax has come out of the ordeal well but exhausted and is catching up on some much needed sleep Many in the community became absorbed in the rescue effort. When Ms May put out requests for jack hammers and chain saws to help clear the cave entrance she was swamped with offers. 'We would like to truly thank everyone for there support in helping us rescue our boy,' Ms May posted on Facebook. After being given the all clear by RSPCA vets Jax got some much needed rest. 'He has been bathed and he is exhausted and sleeping at the moment,' Ms May posted on Facebook. In 2006, Pokhrel was killed when plane he was flying for Yeti Airlines crashed She followed in footsteps of husband Dipak Pokhrel by joining Yeti Airlines ju Khatiwada, 44, is among the 72 people feared dead after a plane crashed into a gorge near the city of Pokhara in Nepal on Sunday The husband of the female co-pilot who was flying a passenger plane which crashed into a gorge in Nepal was also a pilot who died in a plane crash 17 years ago. Anju Khatiwada, 44, who is among the 72 people feared dead after a domestic carrier crashed into a gorge near the city of Pokhara on Sunday, followed in the footsteps of her husband, Dipak Pokhrel, by joining Nepal's Yeti Airlines in 2010. Four years earlier, in 2006, tragedy had struck and Pokhrel was killed when a small passenger he was flying for the domestic carrier went down minutes before landing. Khatiwada was able to pay for her flying lessons with the insurance payout she received following Pokhrel's death. And now, 17 years after her husband died, Khatiwada is feared to have been killed after the Yeti Airlines plane she was co-piloting plummeted into a steep gorge, smashed into pieces and burst into flames as it approached Pokhara on Sunday morning. Anju Khatiwada, 44, (pictured) who is among the 72 people feared dead after a domestic carrier crashed into a gorge near the city of Pokhara on Sunday, followed in the footsteps of her husband, Dipak Pokhrel, by joining Nepal's Yeti Airlines in 2010. A rescue team recovers the body of a victim from the site of the plane crash of a Yeti Airlines operated aircraft, in Pokhara, Nepal, on Monday Rescuers pull the body of a victim who died in a Yeti Airlines plane crash in Pokhara on Monday Horrifying video showed the plane banking suddenly and sharply to the left as it approached the airport. A loud explosion followed At least 70 people have been killed, but officials fear all 72 people on board the flight have died in Nepal's worst aviation disaster since 1992. 'Her husband, Dipak Pokhrel, died in 2006 in a crash of a Twin Otter plane of Yeti Airlines in Jumla,' airline spokesman Sudarshan Bartaula told Reuters, referring to Khatiwada. 'She got her pilot training with the money she got from the insurance after her husband's death.' A pilot with more than 6,400 hours of flying time, Khatiwada had previously flown the popular tourist route from the capital, Kathmandu, to the country's second-largest city, Pokhara, Bartaula said. The body of Kamal K.C., the captain of the flight, who had more than 21,900 hours of flight time, has been recovered and identified. Kathiwada's remains have not been identified but she is feared dead, Bartaula said. 'On Sunday, she was flying the plane with an instructor pilot, which is the standard procedure of the airline,' said an Yeti Airlines official, who knew Khatiwada personally. 'She was always ready to take up any duty and had flown to Pokhara earlier,' said the official, who asked not to be named because he isn't authorised to speak to media. Family members mourn the death of a victim of the plane crash of a Yeti Airlines operated aircraft, in Pokhara, Nepal, on Monday Hopes of finding any survivors after a plane with 72 people on board crashed in Nepal are now 'nil', a senior local official said on Monday. Pictured: Rescuers scour the crash site in Pokhara on Monday A rescue team works to recover the body of a victim from the site of the plane crash of a Yeti Airlines operated aircraft, in Pokhara on Monday A rescue team recovers the body of a victim from the site of the plane crash of a Yeti Airlines operated aircraft on Monday Rescuers stand by wreckage of a passenger plane that crashed in Pokhara, Nepal, on Monday The ATR-72 aircraft that Khatiwada was co-piloting rolled from side to side before crashing in a gorge near Pokhara airport and catching fire, according to eyewitness accounts and a video of the crash posted on the social media. Horrifying video showed the plane banking suddenly and sharply to the left as it approached the airport. A loud explosion followed. Another video - published online as a Facebook Live - appeared to show the final moments of those on board the doomed plane. Footage appeared to show the inside of the aircraft as it prepared to land in Pokhara, The video, apparently taken by an Indian man called Sonu Jaiswal, shows passengers smiling as the plane flies over houses. The Yeti Airlines logo is visible over Mr Jaiswal's shoulder and a Nepalese insurance advert can be seen on the airline's tray. The clip continues, before the camera suddenly starts to shake and passengers are heard shouting. It then goes black with a loud bang, before flames light up the frame. The cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder from the aircraft, which may help investigators determine what caused it to crash in clear weather, were recovered on Monday. Nepal began a national day of mourning Monday, as rescue workers rappelled down a 984 feet gorge to continue the search in cloudy weather, more than 24 hours after the crash. Two more bodies were recovered on Monday, taking the death toll to 70, said Navin Acharya, an official at the rescue coordination centre at Kathmandu airport. The search was called off for the remaining two missing people as darkness descended and will resume on Tuesday, he said. The plane, on a scheduled flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, gateway to the scenic Annapurna mountain range, was carrying 57 Nepalis, five Indians, four Russians, two South Koreans, and one person each from Argentina, Ireland, Australia and France. One of the passengers feared dead is Myron William Love, a teacher and keen traveller from Sydney. Mr Love's family were said to still be holding out hope that he survived. Mr Love was among 15 non-Nepalese nationals on board the domestic flight from Kathmandu, along with five Indians, four Russians, one Irish national, two South Koreans, one French national and an Argentinian. Footage appears to show the plane flying over houses in the town in the central region of Nepal moments before the crash (pictured left). Right: A passenger films a video as the plane flies over houses as it comes in to land Myron William Love (pictured), a teacher and traveller from Sydney, is feared dead after the crash Family members of the Yeti Airlines ATR72 aircraft victims react outside the hospital mortuary in Pokhara, central Nepal on Monday A relative of Mr Love declined to comment until Australian embassy officials made an announcement. 'We're not saying anything until the consulate has confirmed the body.' 'Incredibly sad news out of Nepal of a plane crashing with many passengers on board,' Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Monday, adding that his government was seeking information about the Australian national on board. In the capital Kathmandu around 100 people lit candles at a gathering in memory of the crash victims and called on the government to ensure proper safety standards, witnesses said. It remains unclear what caused the crash, the Himalayan country's deadliest airplane accident in three decades. The weather was mild and not windy on the day of the crash. Minutes before the aircraft was to land on Sunday, the pilot asked for a change of runway, a spokesperson for Pokhara airport said on Monday. 'The permission was granted. 'We don't ask (why), whenever a pilot asks we give permission to change approach,' spokesperson Anup Joshi said. A witness who recorded footage of the plane's descent from his balcony said he saw the plane flying low before it suddenly veered to its left. 'I saw that and I was shocked I thought that today everything will be finished here after it crashes, I will also be dead,' said Diwas Bohora. After it crashed, red flames erupted and the ground shook violently, like an earthquake, Bohora said. 'I was scared. Seeing that scene, I was scared.' Another witness said he saw the aircraft twist violently in the air after it began descending to land, watching from the terrace of his house. Finally, Gaurav Gurung said, the plane fell nose-first towards its left and crashed into the gorge. Nepal's Civil Aviation Authority said the aircraft last made contact with the airport from near Seti Gorge at 10.50 am before crashing. Nearly 350 people have died since 2000 in plane or helicopter crashes in Nepal - home to eight of the world's 14 highest mountains, including Everest - where sudden weather changes can make for hazardous conditions. British foreign secretary banned from entering Russia Xinhua) 10:46, January 16, 2023 MOSCOW, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- Britain's Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs James Cleverly is among 36 British citizens that have been recently barred from entering Russia, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Saturday. In addition to Cleverly, Secretary of State for Leveling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations Michael Gove, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Oliver Dowden, Minister without Portfolio Nadhim Zahawi, and Chief of the General Staff Patrick Sanders are also blacklisted, said the ministry's spokesperson Maria Zakharova. The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Thursday a travel ban on 36 British citizens due to London's policy of confrontation against Russia. The newly sanctioned include members of the cabinet of ministers, representatives of security services as well as journalists, the ministry said in a previous statement without disclosing their names. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with first batch of 'Agniveers', via video conferencing, in New Delhi, Monday, Jan. 16, 2023. (Photo: PTI) NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday congratulated the first batch of Agniveers on being the pioneers of the Agnipath scheme, asserting that it is a transformative policy and a game changer in strengthening the armed forces and making them future-ready. Virtually addressing the new recruits, he said this "path-breaking" scheme will further empower women. According to an official statement, the prime minister said the young Agniveers will make the armed forces more youthful and tech-savvy. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh called the Agnipath scheme one of the "most important and unprecedented reforms" in the armed forces. Addressing the Agniveers, the prime minister said technologically-advanced soldiers will play a "key role" in our armed forces, and added that the current generation of youth especially has this potential and Agniveers will play a leading role in the forces in the times to come. The prime minister said "new India" is filled with renewed vigour and efforts are underway to modernise the armed forces and make them 'aatmanirbhar' (self-reliant). "In the 21st century, the way wars are fought is changing," he said, speaking about the new fronts of contactless warfare and challenges of cyber warfare. Lauding the potential of Agniveers, he said their spirit is reflective of the bravery of the armed forces which has always kept the flag of the nation flying high. "The experience they will acquire through this opportunity will be a source of pride for life," he added. The prime minister concluded by saying that they are the ones who are going to provide leadership to the nation in the 21st century, the statement said quoting Modi, who also added that the new recruitment scheme will further empower women. The prime minister said he looks forward to seeing women Agniveers in all three forces, noting that they are leading armed forces on various fronts and cited examples of women posted in Siachen and driving modern fighter planes. Defence Minister Singh said the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has taken a number of decisions to empower the nation, terming the Agnipath scheme as one of the "most important and unprecedented reforms", an official statement said. Singh asserted that strengthening the security apparatus of the country is the government's topmost priority amidst the ever-evolving global scenario and geopolitical uncertainty. He appreciated the fact that the scheme received encouraging response, with a large number of applicants turning up for the recruitment and made special mention of the women Agniveers who are also being trained along with their male counterparts. The defence minister added that several ministries, including the Defence Ministry, are coming forward for the welfare of Agniveers. Reservation is being ensured for Agniveers on a number of posts in various departments of Ministry of Defence, Central Armed Police Forces and Ministry of Railways. Arrangements are being made jointly by MoD & Ministry of Education to ensure proper education to the Agniveers. "In collaboration with Ministry of Finance, arrangements are being made to provide loans at reasonable rates to Agniveers, who wish to start self-employment or any business after service. Agniveers will not only become Surakshaveers, but also Samriddhiveers, he said. Under the Agnipath scheme, announced on June 14 last year, the three services are recruiting youths between the age bracket of 17-and-half years and 21 years for four years with a provision to retain 25 per cent of them for 15 more years. For 2022, the upper age limit was raised to 23 years. Opposition parties have criticised the exercise but the government has said it will make the armed forces more youthful and cater to its current needs. The prime minister's address was telecast live on all Agniveer Training Centres and was attended by Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan, Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal V R Chaudhari, Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral R Hari Kumar, Chief of the Army Staff General Manoj Pande and other senior MoD officers. Hopes of finding any survivors among the 72 passengers on board a plane that crashed in Nepal are now 'nil', a senior local official has said. The Yeti Airlines ATR 72 plummeted into a steep gorge as it approached the central city of Pokhara on Sunday morning, smashing into pieces and bursting into flames on impact in Nepal's worst aviation disaster since 1992. It is not yet known what caused the crash, but investigators on Monday found both the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder which may help to determine what happened. It comes as a video on social media - verified by agencies - showed the twin-propeller aircraft banking suddenly and sharply to the left as it approached Pokhara airport. A loud explosion followed. 'We have collected 68 bodies so far. We are searching for four more bodies... We pray for a miracle. But, the hope of finding anyone alive is nil,' Tek Bahadur KC, chief district officer in Taksi, said on Monday. Hopes of finding any survivors after a plane with 72 people on board crashed in Nepal are now 'nil', a senior local official said on Monday. Pictured: Rescuers scour the crash site in Pokhara on Monday The Yeti Airlines ATR 72 crashed into the steep gorge, smashed into pieces and burst into flames as it approached the central city of Pokhara on Sunday morning, in Nepal's worst aviation disaster since 1992. Pictured: Rescue workers search the wreckage Mr Bahadur's comments came after a video - broadcast on Facebook Live - appeared to show the final moments on board the flight. Footage appeared to show the inside of the aircraft as it prepared to land in Pokhara, with one passengers seen smiling just moments before the disaster. The video, which was apparently taken by an Indian man called Sonu Jaiswal, shows passengers smiling as the plane flies over houses. The Yeti Airlines logo is visible over Mr Jaiswal's shoulder and a Nepalese insurance advert can be seen on the airline's tray. The clip continues, before the camera suddenly starts to shake and passengers are heard shouting. It then goes black with a loud bang, before flames light up the frame. Nepal, which has a poor record on air safety, observed a day of mourning on Monday for the victims. Nepal's air industry has boomed in recent years, carrying goods and passengers between hard-to-reach areas, as well as ferrying tourists and foreign mountain climbers. The country's poor record due to insufficient training and maintenance has led the European Union to ban all Nepali carriers from its airspace over safety concerns. Nepal also has some of the world's most remote and difficult runways, flanked by snow-capped peaks with approaches that pose a challenge even to the most accomplished pilots. The weather is also notoriously capricious and hard to forecast, particularly in the mountains, where thick fog can suddenly obscure whole mountains from view. Nepal's deadliest aviation accident took place in 1992, when all 167 people on a Pakistan International Airlines jet died when it crashed on approach to Kathmandu. Today, at the site in Pokhara, debris was seen strewn across the crash site, including mangled passenger seats and the plane's white fuselage. Soldiers used ropes and stretchers to retrieve bodies from the 1,000-foot deep ravine late into the night on Sunday, with recovery efforts resuming this morning. Footage appears to show the plane flying over houses in the town in the central region of Nepal moments before the crash (pictured left). Right: A passenger films a video as the plane flies over houses as it comes in to land Footage appears to show the flight descending towards the new airport moments before the crash on Sunday There were 72 people on board the aircraft, including 15 foreigners: five Indians, four Russians, two South Koreans, and one passenger each from Argentina, Australia, France and Ireland. The rest were Nepalese. One of the passengers feared dead is Myron William Love, a teacher and keen traveller from Sydney. Mr Love's family were said to still be holding out hope that he survived. Mr Love was among 15 non-Nepalese nationals on board the domestic flight from Kathmandu, along with five Indians, four Russians, one Irish national, two South Koreans, one French national and an Argentinian. A relative of Mr Love declined to comment until Australian embassy officials made an announcement. 'We're not saying anything until the consulate has confirmed the body.' 'Incredibly sad news out of Nepal of a plane crashing with many passengers on board,' Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Monday, adding that his government was seeking information about the Australian national on board. Nepal's Civil Aviation Authority said it is not known what caused the disaster as of yet. The aviation authority said the aircraft last made contact with the airport from near Seti Gorge at 10.50am local time (5.05am GMT) before crashing. One of the passengers feared dead is Myron William Love (pictured), a teacher and traveller from Sydney The ATR 72 was on a flight from the capital Kathmandu and plunged into the gorge between Pokhara's new international airport and the old domestic airport shortly before 11:00am Nepal time on Sunday. 'I was walking when I heard a loud blast, like a bomb went off,' said witness Arun Tamu, 44, who was around 500 metres away from the site and live-streamed footage of the blazing wreckage on social media. 'A few of us rushed to see if we could rescue anybody. I saw at least two women were breathing. The fire was getting very intense and it made it difficult for us to approach closer,' the former soldier told AFP. It is unclear if anyone on the ground was injured. 'Our first thoughts are with all the individuals affected by this,' the plane's France-based manufacturer ATR said in a statement on Sunday. 'ATR specialists are fully engaged to support both the investigation and the customer.' A witness watching from the terrace of his house said he saw the aircraft spinning violently in the air after it began its descent. Local resident Bishnu Tiwari, who rushed to the crash site near the Seti River to help search for bodies, said the rescue efforts were hampered by thick smoke and a raging fire. A rescue team recovers the body of a victim from the site of the plane crash in Pokhara Local resident Bishnu Tiwari, who rushed to the crash site near the Seti River to help search for bodies, said the rescue efforts were hampered by thick smoke and a raging fire 'The flames were so hot that we couldn't go near the wreckage. I heard a man crying for help, but because of the flames and smoke we couldn't help him,' Tiwari said. 'Half of the plane is on the hillside,' said Arun Tamu, the local resident, who told Reuters he reached the site minutes after the plane went down. 'The other half has fallen into the gorge of the Seti.' Khum Bahadur Chhetri said he watched from the roof of his house as the flight approached. 'I saw the plane trembling, moving left and right, and then suddenly its nose dived and it went into the gorge,' Chhetri told Reuters, claiming that local residents took two passengers to a hospital. Images and videos shared on Twitter showed plumes of smoke billowing from the crash site about a mile away from Pokhara International Airport. The aircraft's fuselage was split into multiple parts that were scattered down the gorge. Firefighters carried bodies, some burned beyond recognition, to hospitals where grief-stricken relatives had assembled. At Kathmandu airport, distraught family members at times exchanged heated words with officials as they waited for information. It came as the first victim was named as Russian travel blogger Elena Banduro, who had posted the message 'Go to Nepal' excitedly before the flight. On social media today the 33-year-old was described as 'the brightest, kindest soul we knew'. Three other Russians died on the flight, named as Viktoria Altunina, Yuri Lugin and Viktor Lagin. Earlier the Russian ambassador to Nepal, Alexei Novikov, confirmed that four Russians had died on board. 'Unfortunately, four citizens of the Russian Federation died,' he said. 'We are in constant contact with the Nepalese authorities and will provide all necessary assistance to the relatives of the dead Russians.' Family members and relatives of victims weep outside a hospital in Pokhara on January 16, 2023 Rescue teams work to retrieve bodies from the wreckage of the crash in Pokhara Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who rushed to Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu after the crash, has set up a panel to investigate the accident. 'The incident was tragic. The full force of the Nepali army and police has been deployed for rescue,' he said. 'We expect to recover more bodies,' said army spokesman Krishna Bhandari. 'The plane has broken into pieces.' Nicola Sturgeon lashed out at Rishi Sunak today over her controversial gender identity legislation, warning it would be an 'outrage' if Westminster blocked it from becoming law. The PM could move to block the Holyrood legislation from receiving royal assent as early as today after warnings it will cause UK-wide legislative chaos. There is a growing expectation that Mr Sunak will deploy Westminster's powers to prevent the controversial shake-up going ahead in Scotland. It would reduce the age for formally changing gender from 18 to 16, and remove the need for a medical diagnosis. The UK government is said to have received 'clear' legal advice that Mr Sunak can trigger Section 35 of the Scotland Act - the first time it will have happened since devolution two decades ago. Ministers must act by a deadline of Wednesday, but Downing Street is keeping its options open on exactly when an announcement will be made. At a press conference today Ms Sturgeon said: 'In my view there are no grounds to challenge this legislation.' At a press conference today Ms Sturgeon said: 'We've got Westminster politicians refusing to accept the role of the Scottish Parliament to legislate in the area of its own competence and making unwarranted and completely unjustified threats to challenge that legislation.' Rishi Sunak raised his concerns about the gender identity rules with Nicola Sturgeon during a private dinner in Inverness last week The measures passed at Holyrood have been highly controversial in Scotland as well as the rest of the UK (pictured, protests in Edinburgh last week) Sturgeon blasts Starmer over gender bill 'concerns' Nicola Sturgeon also turned her fire on Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer after he admitted to 'concerns' about the bill. The First Minister said accused Sir Keir of failing to stand up to the Tories. Pointing out that Scottish Labour MSPs had voted for the Bill, she said if Sir Keir was to support a block 'he would be showing utter contempt for his own Scottish party as well as the Scottish Parliament'. She added: 'We will see what happens this week but these is no justification whatsoever for the action that is being talked about.' Sir Keir today reiterated weekend comments about the bill. Speaking to a Scottish trans activist on LBC he said: 'I'm afraid I do think that 16 is too young. 'Now people would just have different views on this. But I think 16 is too young for that process ... I would go for 18. The age of adulthood in most cases.' Advertisement She claimed the Bill, passed by MSPs last month, was within the Scottish Parliament's competence, and added that 'it doesn't affect the operation of the Equality Act'. Ms Sturgeon declared: 'If there is a decision to challenge in my view it will be quite simply a political decision and I think it will be using trans people already one of the most vulnerable, stigmatised groups in our society as a political weapon. 'And I think that will be unconscionable and indefensible and really quite disgraceful.' The Bill allows trans people to self-identify without a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and lowers the minimum age that Scots can legally change their gender from 18 to 16. It also slashes the timescale for obtaining a gender recognition certificate (GRC) from two years to three months for over-18s. But it has provoked fears that abusive males could take advantage of the new system, and has put Scotland on a constitutional collision course with Westminster. The Scotland Act, which established a devolved Scottish government and parliament, gives Westminster four weeks to consider bills passed by Holyrood that could have an 'adverse effect on the operation of the law'. The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill was passed by MSPs on December 22, meaning the deadline will arrive on Wednesday. Westminster's legal advice apparently suggests the new measures would 'cut across' UK-wide legislation on equalities. A UK Government spokeswoman officials were closely assessing the impact the law passed in Scotland would have on the Equality Act. 'We share the concerns that others - including the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls - have with the Bill, particularly around safety issues for women and children,' said the spokeswoman. 'We are looking closely at these issues, and also the ramifications for the 2010 Equality Act and other UK wide legislation. 'Our concerns include the protection of single sex spaces, and the checks and balances included in the process of gaining a legal gender recognition certificate. 'No final decisions have been made and we are considering our next steps.' Mr Sunak raised his concerns with Ms Sturgeon during a private dinner in Inverness last week. He told broadcasters afterwards: 'Obviously this is a very sensitive area and I know there were very robust debates and exchanges on it as the bill was passing in Scotland. 'What I'm concerned about is the impact of the bill across the United Kingdom. As is entirely standard, the UK Government would take advice on that. 'There may be impacts across the UK that we need to be aware of and understand the impact of them. 'That is what we are doing, and once the Government has received final advice it will set out next steps.' A Government source said the PM remained concerned about the impact of the Bill on women's safety and the implications for the 2010 Equality Act, which covers England, Scotland and Wales. If Section 35 is invoked, it would be the first time since devolution - although other two other pieces of Holyrood legislation were recently successfully challenged in the Supreme Court by the UK Government for being outside the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament. The UK Government also has to make a decision on whether it would accept gender recognition certificates obtained in Scotland for services in England. Keir Starmer told the BBC he thought 16 was too young an age for people to decide to legally change their birth gender Labour has also aired concerns about the legislation, with the party's leader referencing both the reduction in age and the potential impact on equalities. Labour peer Baroness Chakrabarti backed the principles behind Scotland's Gender Recognition Reform Bill but warned that the Government 'may have a point' on how it affects UK-wide legislation. The former shadow attorney general and ex-director of civil liberties group Liberty told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: 'Whilst I am sympathetic to the change that is made to make the rights of trans people in Scotland, I think we may have a clash between the position in the UK-wide legislation and the position in Scotland.' She said it 'may mean even though I suspect political mischief on the part of the Conservative Government and culture wars they may have a point. It is arguable at least that what's happened in Scotland has a potential impact on the legislation as it operates UK-wide.' Meanwhile, Mr Sunak is expected to ban all conversion therapy this week, opting to go further than his recent predecessor Boris Johnson. The Daily Telegraph said ministers are set to announce that they plan to 'implement a total ban on both forms of conversion' and will make legal changes to enforce the position. A suspected spider bite on the wrist has turned into a painful ordeal for a pregnant mum who has spent the last week in hospital. New Zealand woman Renee Peck has already undergone two surgeries, has stitches running up the side of her arm and will require a skin graft. She first spotted an innocuous small red mark on her right wrist while washing her hands last Monday before her arm swelled up and became more painful throughout the day. New Zealand woman Renee Peck has already undergone two surgeries, has stitches running up the side of her arm and will require a skin graft (stock image) Still bedridden in a Wellington hospital a week later, Ms Peck shared her harrowing ordeal to raise awareness about the danger of insect bites. She's relieved it wasn't any of her children who were bitten and that it hasn't harmed her unborn baby, which will be her fifth. 'The bite was into a vein so has gone into my bloodstream, and I'm probably going to need more surgery,' Ms Peck told Stuff. 'I'm not sure how much longer I'll be in here. Once the infection is all gone, they can start the skin graft with some skin from my leg.' Ms Peck recalled seeing a spider on her bed before being bitten and suspects it could have been a white-tail spider as she's previously been bitten by one. 'I'm just concerned that people may not be aware of the danger posed by this sort of thing. The thought of this happening to a child, like my 4-year-old, it could be far worse,' she told the publication. Ms Peck, who is 21-weeks pregnant, has been told by doctors she will remain in hospital until the infection is cleared. Ms Peck recalled seeing a spider on her bed before being bitten and suspects it could have been a white-tail spider as she's previously been bitten by one (stock image) She was forced to delay her gender reveal scheduled for last Friday due to her stint in hospital. Ms Peck said she had all the symptoms of a white-tail spider bite, including a red mark, local itchiness, swelling and pain. However spider expert and Lincoln University entomology Cor Vink believed there was nothing scientifically her bite was from the species and was most likely a secondary skin infection. 'When you're bitten by a white-tail spider it hurts like hell. It would wake you up. It's worse than a wasp sting, but it doesn't last that long,' he said. Three Russian soldiers were killed and sixteen injured when a sergeant accidentally detonated a grenade near an ammunition dump in Belgorod, Russia. Russian news agencies reported on Sunday that the explosion occurred in a repurposed cultural centre near the Ukrainian border, which was being used to store ammunition and house Russian soldiers. A source in the local emergency services said: 'The preliminary cause of the explosion is careless handling of ammunition.' Emergency services told Interfax that a sergeant unintentionally detonated an RGD-5 anti-personnel grenade in the building's sleeping quarters, next to the weapons storage room, causing an explosion and a fire that grew to 4,843 square feet (450 square metres). Pro-Russian troop with a rocket propelled grenade in Mariupol, Ukraine, in May 2022. High explosives have been a regular feature of Russia's campaign in Ukraine since last year. Abandoned munitions crates in the Kharkiv region in eastern Ukraine in September 2022 Independent online news agency Baza claimed the sergeant picked up the grenade in order to gain authority in front of his subordinates. Fifteen people were forced to evacuate from nearby buildings in Tonenkoye village when the explosion led to fires, and eight soldiers remain missing as of Sunday evening. Other sources reported the officer was a 'senior sergeant' and platoon commander. The 112 and Baza Telegram channels, linked to Russia's law enforcement agencies, said the dead and injured were conscripts called up to fight in Ukraine under a mobilization drive. Reports did not say exactly when the incident took place. The Belgorod region borders the northeast of Ukraine, where the city of Kharkiv has been targeted by multiple Russian missile attacks since the invasion of Ukraine last February. In October a gunman opened fire at one of the several military bases in the Belgorod region, killing 11 soldiers and injuring 15. Fuel and ammunition stores there have also been rocked by explosions in what Moscow said were Ukrainian attacks. Kyiv, without claiming responsibility, has described them as 'karma' for Russia's invasion. Telegram channel 112, a news channel following incidents within Russia, wrote that a criminal case had been opened following the event. The Royal Family will find it 'impossible' to compromise with Harry and Meghan because the only thing they will accept is a 'grovelling apology' and a 'capitulation', a royal author warned today. Tom Bower, who wrote an unauthorised biography of the Duchess of Sussex, suggested it would be naive for King Charles and Prince William to seek a 'peace summit' with the Sussexes and urged them to issue a statement rebutting the couple's claims instead. He told Good Morning Britain: 'There's no compromise with the Sussexes. They are set on one thing which is to get a grovelling apology, a capitulation. They want William, Kate and King Charles to say that the Sussexes are absolutely right and have been wronged. But they're not right and haven't been wronged. 'For the Royal Family to in any way seek a compromise with a couple who have proven themselves to be so unreliable, untrustworthy and deceptive is a recipe for undermining the monarchy.' Tom Bower, who wrote an unauthorised biography of the Duchess of Sussex, suggested it would be naive for King Charles and Prince William to seek a 'peace summit' with the Sussexes Mr Bower said the Sussexes had caused 'colossal' damage to the monarchy and 'now is the time' to make a statement'. 'Ever since they appeared on Oprah Winfrey, Meghan and Harry have spewed out endless accusations, misrepresentations, inaccuracies and often downright lies,' he said. 'I think Harry has no other option for his own profit and Meghan's profit to continue these allegations into infinity. 'At some stage, the Royal Family has to draw a line and say that these allegations are untrue and the institution - which is supported by the majority of Britons - represents us and will not be traduced by this couple in California who hate them but keep their titles. 'They've so far earned over $120million just by rubbishing and fabricating, in my view, about a family who provides a huge service to Britain.' It follows reports this weekend that a reconciliation between Prince Harry, Prince William and their father was not out of the question. 'It's fixable,' the source - who reportedly has ties to both camps - told The Sunday Times. 'Both sides need to hold their hands up and admit ''we didn't get everything right, and we got a lot wrong''... It's going to take flexibility on all sides, but it can be done.' 'It needs Harry over here, in the room with the King and Prince of Wales, a couple of other family members, some of 'his people' he trusts who always had his back, so he doesn't think he's being ambushed.' The source said King Charles would have no issue with these terms. And Harry has made no secret of his desire to reconcile with his family - even in the midst of all the mudslinging of the past few weeks. Prince William may be slightly harder to win over, the source said. He's said to have been extremely hurt by the way his younger brother has portrayed him in his memoir, Spare. Harry has shared deeply personal recollections of brotherly spats they have shared, revealed text messages between his wife Meghan and the Princess of Wales during their now infamous bridesmaid dress argument and accused the future King and Queen of endorsing his Nazi costume. Even still, the royal source says William's loyalty is ultimately to his country, and he will reconcile if he believes it's the best thing for the future of the monarchy. Mr Bower told Good Morning Britain: 'There's no compromise with the Sussexes. They are set on one thing which is to get a grovelling apology, a capitulation' A second source said: 'They have to invite them in before the coronation, or it will become such a circus and distraction.' The King's coronation will take place on Saturday, May 6. There have been conflicting messages as to whether the Sussexes can expect an invite to the ceremony. Initially, it was reported Charles would extend an invitation to Harry and Meghan, though insiders quietly felt they'd find a reason to politely decline. But amid the onslaught of insults there were whispers His Majesty was being urged to reconsider his position - even by some senior ranking royals - out of concerns any private discussions would make their way into print. These qualms were no doubt not eased when Harry revealed in an interview with The Telegraph this week that he had enough material to publish a second book. In fact, half of his first draft ended up on the cutting room floor, because he feared revealing its contents would mean he'd passed the point of no return with both his brother and father. He said: 'There are some things that have happened, especially between me and my brother, and to some extent between me and my father, that I just don't want the world to know. Because I don't think they would ever forgive me.' These memories were shared with ghostwriter J.R. Moehringer only for context, and did not make the final cut. Publisher Penguin Random House says Spare is already a record breaker. Harry said he knew that including any details about intimate moments with his family would attract backlash, but ultimately decided he could not truthfully tell his story without them. Still, the Royal Household is said to remain hopeful the worst of the grenade throwing is now in the past. If that proves to be correct, and Harry spends the next few weeks living the quiet life in Los Angeles he and Meghan have longed for, sources say there is hope for his relationship with his family. Harry said he'd be open to reconciliation and even returning to a partial royal role, on the condition he could have 'frank' conversations with his family which would stay private. The Duke of Sussex has appeared on several US television shows to promote the memoir and reveal additional family secrets 'I don't know whether they'll be watching this [interview] or not, but, what they have to say to me and what I have to say to them will be in private, and I hope it can stay that way,' he said, noting he doesn't want 'frank discussions [to] leak out'. The comments have been labelled ironic given all the private moments Harry has shared in his memoir. He also said he'd require an apology for Meghan if he were to return to the royal fold. The prince said: 'You know what you did, and I now know why you did it. And you've been caught out, so just come clean.' He claimed that 'if people had listened' to his concerns earlier, the gulf between he and Meghan and the rest of the royals would not have grown so wide. It is not clear what Harry wants his family to apologise to his wife for but he claimed he was fighting the 'good fight' by siding with Meghan. During the publicity blitz to promote his book, the Duke of Sussex told Tom Bradby that 'a lot can happen between now and then' when asked if he will go to see his father crowned in May. The coronation - just 16 weeks away - will be a smaller affair than ever before, which is a reflection of King Charles' ambitions for a slimmed down monarchy. The palace are yet to publish plans for the ceremony and the guest list has not yet been agreed. Organisers said the event will 'reflect the monarch's role today' and 'look towards the future, while being rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry'. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said: 'There is always a way forward. But it has to be at the right time.' Charles reveals to friends he wants to shy away from a bitter battle with Harry: The King knows better than anyone the Duke of Sussex has barely scratched the surface about his marriage to Diana and that he has reason to fear his son, writes TOM BOWER At a recent private dinner for friends hosted by Charles and Camilla at Clarence House, the Kings guests were taken aback by his obvious reluctance to confront his son Harry over his disloyalty. In the face of multiple smears, indiscretions and provocations, Charles betrayed one of his cardinal weaknesses: a constitutional unwillingness to confront personal problems head-on. Rather than fight for an important principle, Charles disclosed to his guests, he preferred to shy away from a bitter battle. And so it came as no surprise to read yesterdays newspaper account of proposals for a mooted peace summit, with Palace sources quoted as saying that the King might ignore Harrys treachery and deceit over the past week and seek reconciliation by admitting his errors. At a recent private dinner for friends hosted by Charles and Camilla at Clarence House, the Kings guests were taken aback by his obvious reluctance to confront his son Harry over his disloyalty Such a suggestion must have truly shocked Britains monarchists, a constituency that makes up the vast majority of King Charles subjects. The very idea that he might succumb to pressure from his younger son shows that Buckingham Palaces officials fear they are losing control of the narrative. The revelation that may well have given them most pause was Harrys claim that he had junked half the final manuscript because of its length the clear implication being that another 400 pages of embarrassing revelations and vitriolic accusations could be published in the near future. No one knows better than Charles that Harry has barely scratched the surface when it comes to his tumultuous marriage to Diana, his difficult relationship with his own parents and his adulterous relationship with Camilla. The embattled King knows he has good reason to fear his son. Charles resolve is also weakened by guilt. He is sufficiently self-aware to realise that, in the wake of Dianas death, he was anything but the supportive father he should have been. All too often, at weekends and during school holidays, Harry was left in the care of his nanny at Highgrove while his father pursued his own interests or nestled in another home with Camilla. The chickens, Harry might say, have now come home to roost. One of the most poignant and revealing quotes attributed to Charles in Harrys book is the Kings plea to his sons following Prince Philips funeral: Please boys, dont make my final years a misery. In that one sentence, Charles exposed his vulnerability. His reign, he feared, could be wrecked by Harry and Meghan. In the face of multiple smears, indiscretions and provocations, Charles betrayed one of his cardinal weaknesses: a constitutional unwillingness to confront personal problems head-on And homing in on any human weakness seems to me to be Meghans speciality. Just as she humiliated her own father and dumped her family and many friends, she appears vengeful against Harrys family for perceived slights. Hence Harry saying last week that his family should apologise. As someone who has climbed the very greasy pole that leads to success in the dog-eat-dog world of American television, Meghan can smell weakness a mile off and Charles positively reeks of it. Finding himself between a rock and a hard place his first instinct is to sue for peace he would not last even one minute as a studio executive. But Charles should be aware that he could jeopardise his status and popularity with the British people if he caves in to the demands of the Sussexes. Not only would the majority of his subjects, outraged by Harrys perfidy, deplore any concessions to the Montecito hucksters, but William and Kate would surely not co-operate in any humiliating apology. For the Cambridges have borne the brunt of the Sussexes attacks. In all their interviews, Meghan and Harry have perhaps unconsciously revealed their breath-taking jealousy of the heirs to the throne. Prince Harry's book, Spare, was released on January 10 and quickly became one of the fastest selling non-fiction books ever Even before her glittering marriage, Meghan appears to have been outraged by the fact that Kate outranked her, both in the hierarchy and when it came to privileges. Which is why the Cambridges have good reason to suspect the genuineness of Harrys desire for reconciliation. The fact is that William can sense his fathers temptation to surrender. Thats the obstacle to Charless peace-making endeavours. In the interests of the monarchy, William and Charles have been only recently reconciled. As an eyewitness to his mothers distress over Charless adultery, William has always found it difficult to warm to his stepmother entirely. Now, its hard to believe that he or Kate can see any advantage in bowing to Harrys demands. Concessions, they believe, will only lead to further accusations. The King and his advisers, William knows, are treading a dangerous path. Talk of reconciliation is a mirage. Harry and Meghan will settle for nothing less than total capitulation and victory. The cartel linked to a drive-by shooting at a memorial service for a mother and daughter in London was so notorious it was featured in hit Netflix series Narcos. The funeral was being held for Sara Sanchez and her mother, Fresia Calderon, whose ex-husband, Carlos Arturo Sanchez-Coronado, had been the 'money deliverer' for a London-based gang with members linked to the infamous Colombian Cali Cartel. In 2006 the drug dealers, mainly based in north London, admitted importing 150 kilograms of cocaine and sending as much as 19million back to Colombia. Investigators believe the real amount to be much higher. Sanchez-Coronado had already fled abroad by the time UK police busted the gang in 2003. Carlos Arturo Sanchez-Coronado had fled abroad but was hauled back to the UK Bundles of US dollars were seized during the raids on the homes of the London gang in 2003. The gang was linked to drugs supplied from the Colombian Cali Cartel Drugs were distributed by the cartel through Spain, where they were sent to London to be sold before profits were sent back to South America More than 100 officers swooped on the homes of 17 suspects and businesses and arrested ten men and two women. Jesus Ruiz Henao and his brother-in-law Mario Tascon posed as respectable members of the public but were jailed for 19 years and 17 years respectively in 2006 for conspiracy to supply Class A drugs and money laundering offences. Another 29 people were also jailed for their roles in the gang. Carlos Arturo Sanchez-Coronado (left), with daughter Sara Sanchez, who died from terminal leukaemia Police officers lead away a man arrested in Hornsey during a series of raids in London in 2003 Packages of what is believed to be high-grade cocaine seized in London by the Met Police But Sanchez-Coronado had escaped to Colombia and would not face justice until 2009 after he had been discovered working as a taxi driver in Colombia in May 2008. As he battled to try and avoid extradition he claimed he used the money earned in the gang to help his sick daughter in Colombia. It is unclear to whom he was referring. He was brought back to Southwark Crown Court where he was jailed for five and a half years for helping the ring launder money. The Colombian Cali Cartel was featured in Netflix's hit series Narcos A total of 31 people were jailed for their roles in the London gang, linked to the Cali Cartel The London ring was smashed in 2003 but Sanchez-Coronado had escaped to Colombia On his release, the crook moved back to South America, where he was believed to be living in the Chilean capital of Santiago when he died aged 56 last year. But his links to the Colombian Cali Cartel may now be haunting London's streets. The drugs empire was founded in 1987 by brothers Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela and Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela. They had broken from Pablo Escobar's operation and, at the height of their powers, were said to control more than 90 per cent of the world's cocaine. A suspect in the 2003 raids is led away after the police said the UK cartel had been smashed Meanwhile Carlos Arturo Sanchez-Coronado, pictured, had fled to Colombia after the London raids DEA chief Thomas Constantine called it 'the biggest, most powerful crime syndicate we've ever known'. It was a trip by Gilberto into Spain in the mid-1980s that saw the drugs ring expand into Europe. Through the Italian Camorra Mafia-style network, its cocaine was distributed across the Continent. Guerrilla faction FARC kidnapped Christina Santa Cruz, the daughter of Cali Cartel leader Jose Santacruz Londono, in 1992. On November 7, 2002, Colombian drug kingpin Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela walked out of prison as a free man after serving seven years on a 15-year sentence This August 1995 file photo shows Cali Cartel top leader Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela after his capture But the cartel responded to its demand for a 10million ransom by snatching 20 or more members of the Colombian Communist Party and other organisations and the sister of Pablo Catatumbo, a representative of the Simon Bolivar Guerrilla Coordinating Board. Eventually the family members were released. The cartel operated under a cloak of fear and intimidation. Death threats were made against those who made mistakes and junior members were murdered. The cartel was eventually brought down when Jorge Salcedo Cabrera, the operation's head of security, became a confidential informant for the DEA. Saturday's shooting, which took place at around 1.30pm in Euston, happened as mourners attended a service for Sara Sanchez, 20, and her mother Fresia Calderon, 50. Ms Calderon is understood to have died from a blood clot in November following a flight from Colombia to Heathrow, before Ms Sanchez died from terminal leukaemia three weeks later. The Metropolitan Police said it had arrested a 22-year-old man following the shooting outside St Aloysius Church, which left six people injured, including a seven-year-old girl who remains in a serious condition with 'life-threatening' injuries. A top propagandist once said it could 'plunge Britain into the depths of the sea' Russia has manufactured its first batch of high-speed Poseidon drones said to be capable of wiping out entire coastlines with radioactive tsunamis, it was reported today. The weapon, which could reportedly cause a 1,640ft tsunami, is alleged to have a unlimited range, although details of its unique 125mph underwater propulsion system have been a closely guarded Russian secret. The development came as a Vladimir Putin loyalist called on state TV for Britain to be 'demolished from the face of the Earth' as it prepares to supply Ukraine with Challenger 2 tanks. Retired general Andrey Gurulev claimed on Rossiya 1 that the deployment of British and German tanks 'to kill us' amounts to crossing a red line. He accused the UK of 'getting cocky', and warned the country could be wiped off the map without resorting to nuclear weapons, stressing: 'We have to remember about London so they don't try to steal our victory. If it did not exist, there will be victory.' Scroll down for video Russian propagandists have previously said the missile could cause a nuclear tsunami to wipe out Britain. Pictured: A clip from channel Russia 1 last year showing a computer-generated mock-up of a tsunami rolling towards Britain's coast Russian state news agency TASS reported Russia has manufactured its 'first batch of nuclear-armed Poseidon drones' (pictured). Russian propagandists have called for the drones to be used to destroy Britain He also called for an initial giant nuclear test on the Arctic island of Novaya Zemlya 'so the whole earth shudders'. His outburst against the UK came as Russian state news agency TASS reported the manufacture of the 'first batch of nuclear-armed Poseidon drones'. Last year another leading Putin propagandist Dmitry Kiselyov notoriously told viewers that Russia should 'plunge Britain into the depths of the sea' with its 'underwater robotic drone Poseidon'. The Russian weapon is a giant nuclear-armed torpedo capable of causing radioactive tsunamis that destroy enemy coastlines. In October, it was reported that Nato had sent an intelligence note to its member states warning that Putin had deployed its 604ft-long K-329 Belgorod nuclear submarine, carrier of the Poseidon. Russia 1 shows a CGI mock-up of the feared Poseidon missile travelling through the ocean Russia's Channel 1 shows a CGI mock-up of Britain being 'wiped off the map' with the Poseidon missile The Belgorod submarine is designed to carry Moscow's super weapon - the nuclear-powered drones named Poseidon - which Russia claims are capable of causing nuclear tsunamis At the time it was believed to be on a mission to test the fearsome weapon. A source told TASS today: 'The first batch of Poseidon ammunition has been manufactured and will be soon delivered to special-purpose nuclear-powered submarine Belgorod.' The same source from the Russian military and defence industry said trials of core components of Poseidon underwater drones, including the nuclear power unit, had been trialled successfully. Putin sees the Poseidon missile as key to his attack on the West, it has been reported. Gurulev - a mouthpiece for high-ranking Kremlin hardliners - sees Britain as a lynchpin of the West's unity with Ukraine. He told state TV that the expected deployment of German tanks carries a historical significance that will change the conflict. 'The appearance of German tanks on Russian territory is the cornerstone of any war,' he said, even though - if the move goes ahead - the tanks would be for defensive use in Ukraine, and not stationed on Russian soil. 'As soon as Leopard-2 tanks get here, be ready [for full war],' he said. 'Britain will supply 14 Challenger-2 tanks, you have to take this seriously. It's against us, it's to kill us. These guys are getting cocky. They have no brakes. 'Should we use nuclear weapons? Why should we be embarrassed to talk about our resolve if there is a threat to Russian territory?' he said ominously. 'And Leopard tanks will be riding in Russia, in [our] Nazi-occupied Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions.' In fact, these are Putin-occupied regions of Ukraine, and not Russian territory, as claimed by the Kremlin. Last year, Moscow said it had annexed four regions in the east of Ukraine, despite not being fully in control of any of them. Russia's K-329 Belgorod nuclear submarine is seen docked in the Arctic He demanded: 'Who is stopping this from happening? Start with the resumption of nuclear weapons testing. Drop the mother of [all bombs] on Novaya Zemlya [in the Arctic], so the whole Earth shudders. 'Next time we should hit the lid of the coffin. About Britain, I said six months ago that it should be demolished from the face of the Earth. 'This can be done without engaging the nuclear triad, without our submarine forces with intercontinental ballistic missiles, silos or mobile launch systems. 'We have enough firepower without it. 'But we have to make it clear - one more time and this will come. 'Our president [Vladimir Putin] said that at this stage everything is going according to the plan of the Defence Ministry and the General Staff, this is true. 'But I am sure that the plans do not include the presence of German tanks on our soil. The special operation has been going on for almost a year. '[The people are with Putin]. They will do whatever it takes to win. But we have to remember about London so they don't try to steal our victory. 'If it did not exist, there will be victory.' TV presenter Dmitry Kiselyov avidly watched by Putin and a top executive in Moscow's powerful state media propaganda machine told viewers in May that an option was 'to plunge Britain into the depths of the sea'. 'It approaches the target at a one kilometre depth with the speed of 200 kilometres per hour [125mph]. There is NO way to stop this underwater drone,' he said at the time. 'It has a warhead with a capacity of up to 100 megatons. 'The explosion of this thermonuclear torpedo close to Britain's shores will raise a giant wave, a tsunami, up to 500 metres [1,640ft] high. 'This tidal wave is also a carrier of extremely high doses of radiation. 'Surging over Britain, it will turn what is probably left of them into radioactive desert. 'Permanently unusable for anything. 'How do you like this prospect? And Putin warned about this, back on February 24 [if anyone interfered with his special military operation].' Chief analyst of the Russian General Staff, Admiral Igor Katasonov has said: 'Unique characteristics of the Poseidon system will help the Navy to successfully combat aircraft carriers and strike groups of a potential adversary in any oceanic theatre of war and destroy shore infrastructure facilities.' The UK Government has announced it will deliver tanks to Ukraine, its first donation of such heavy-duty weaponry. The UK Government has announced it will deliver tanks to Ukraine, its first donation of such heavy-duty weaponry. Pictured: A Challenger 2 main battle tank taking part in an exercise in Oman Although the pledge of 14 Challenger 2 tanks appeared modest, Ukrainian officials expect it will encourage other Western nations to supply more tanks. Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Ukraine could expect more heavy weapons following Kyiv's requests to its allies. 'The recent pledges for heavy warfare equipment are important - and I expect more in the near future,' Stoltenberg told Germany's Handelsblatt daily, ahead of a meeting this week of a group that coordinates arms supplies to Kyiv. A scientist who claims to have developed repetitive strain injury after his lab bosses made him repeatedly squeeze pipettes at work is suing for 50,000. Stem cell expert Dr Syed Mian, 36, says he was left with crippling pain in both hands and severe anxiety following hours of intensive laboratory work while conducting experiments at King's College London. The award-winning research fellow claims his former employer failed to ensure his place of work was safe for him. He sued the institution for 50,000 in compensation after he was left depressed and unable to handle manual work. King's College, which is a leading global research centre and has produced 12 Nobel Prize winners, admitted a breach of duty but says Dr Mian failed to alert them in time that he was suffering at work. Stem cell expert Dr Syed Mian, 36, says he was left with crippling pain in both hands and severe anxiety following hours of intensive laboratory work at King's College London Dr Mian, from Sutton, was based at the university's Denmark Hill Campus in south London when the problems started, court documents disclose. As a research fellow, much of his work included 'pipetting', which required him to grip the pipette and squeeze the rubber bulbs with his thumb. 'This required a significant amount of pressure and he would do this task for lengthy periods without rotation or a break throughout the day,' his legal team claim. When Dr Mian began feeling pain in his right hand in July 2018, he was diagnosed with tenosynovitis, a form of RSI, which caused swelling along the side of the wrist and base of the thumb. The pain and swelling stopped him using his right hand for pipetting so he switched to his left hand - only to develop similar problems in his left hand and thumb. Dr Mian, from Sutton, was based at the university's Denmark Hill Campus in south London when the problems started, court documents disclose [file image] The repeated pipetting technique has left him with lasting pain and discomfort around the thumbs and wrists of both hands, and this has also caused depression and anxiety. Lawyers for King's College London say it should not have to pay any compensation to Dr Mian, who is now working for the Francis Crick Institute researching interactions between stem cells and bone marrow in cancer patients. He had 'failed to report in time that he was experiencing symptoms as a result of his work' and carried on pipetting despite suspecting it was the source of his problems, it claims. The case is set for a trial at Central London County Court on a date to be fixed. Italian police swooped on a private hospital in the Sicilian capital of Palermo where mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro had gone for a cancer check Mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro's 30-year bid to evade justice came to a dramatic end today after the Italian 'Godfather' was finally arrested - but not without one last attempt to outrun the law. Messina Denaro, head of the notorious Cosa Nostra gang and nicknamed 'The Devil' following a string of brutal murders, was captured when armed police swarmed a private medical facility in Palermo, Sicily, where he was undergoing treatment. The 60-year-old had tried to outrun the police officers on foot and pushed his way through a series of hospital doors - but he only made it as far as a bar that was part of the same building where he had been seeing doctors for colon cancer checks. As the officers cornered the now frail mafia boss, Messina Denaro meekly gave them his name before they bundled him into a waiting black minivan in front of shocked patients and medical staff. Italy's most-wanted mafia boss, Matteo Messina Denaro (centre), was today arrested at a private hospital after 30 years on the run Matteo Messina Denaro, Italy's most wanted Mafia boss who had been on the run for 30 years, was arrested today. Pictured: A mugshot of Messina Denaro from today (left), and the Mafia boss in the 1990s Messina Denaro, right, is seen in a car with Italian Carabinieri officers soon after his arrest at a private clinic in Palermo, Sicily Members of a Carabinieri police ROS unit outside the Maddalena clinic where Italy's most-wanted mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro was captured by special forces in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, on Monday A composite picture shows a computer generated image released by the Italian police, right, in their efforts to track the mobster down, and a picture of Matteo Messina Denaro, left Pictured: Police reconstructions of the face of Messina Denaro shared to the public, depicting what he could look like today as an older man, and in costume as a woman The Mafia boss, who has not been seen in public for three decades, was pictured sitting in a police van wearing a brown leather shearling jacket, a white skull cap and his trademark tinted glasses shortly after his arrest. Messina Denaro, who had a 12-year-old boy strangled and his body dissolved in acid, was taken to a secret location by police immediately after he was detained. A trigger man who once reportedly boasted he could 'fill a cemetery' with his victims, Messina Denaro was a leading figure in Cosa Nostra, the real-life Sicilian crime syndicate depicted in the Godfather movies. For a mafia boss who evaded arrest for over 30 years, it was his frequent visits to a private clinic that led to his arrest. Messina Denaro had been sitting in the private clinic waiting to see a doctor for colon cancer tests when he was surrounded and chased by a swarm of armed police officers A member of staff who asked to remain anonymous told local media: 'He'd been coming here on and off for about a year. He'd had an operation a few months ago and was back for more tests and chemotherapy. 'When I turned up for work this morning at 6am it was all quiet and then he arrived to do his Covid test. 'A few minutes later a police officer wearing full body armour as if he was going to war came in and said he was looking for a patient. 'He said to remain calm and that armed officers were on every floor of the clinic. We had no idea who he was or what his background was. 'The guy actually managed to get out and ran into a local bar but they tracked him down and that's when all hell broke loose.' Messina Denaro was sentenced in absentia to a life term for his role in 1992 in the murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. Pictured: The scene of the murder of Falcone in Palermo, Sicily, in 1992 The mafia boss, who comes from the small town of Castelvetrano in Sicily, also faces a life sentence for his role in bomb attacks in Florence, Rome and Milan which killed ten people the following year In 1993, Messina Denaro helped organise the kidnap of a 12-year-old boy, Giuseppe Di Matteo (pictured), in an attempt to blackmail his father into not giving evidence against the mafia, prosecutors say Messina Denaro, head of the notorious Cosa Nostra gang and nicknamed 'The Devil' following a string of brutal murders, was captured when armed police swarmed a private medical facility in Palermo, Sicily, where he was undergoing treatment Messina Denaro is believed to have become the 'boss of bosses' following the death of Salvatore 'The Beast' Riina in November 2022. Messina Denaro was the last of three longtime fugitive top-level mafia who had evaded capture. As news of his arrest spread across Palermo, local residents emerged to applaud and shake the hands of the Italian paramilitary police officers involved in the operation. The residents were seen cheering and wiping away tears as they felt a wave of relief that Messina Denaro, who had coordinated years of terror in Italy, had finally been detained. Messina Denaro, who called himself Andrea Bonafede (meaning, 'Goodfaith'), had tried to run from the private clinic and hide but was caught by the police officers. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni hailed the arrest as 'a great victory for the state that shows it never gives up in the face of the mafia'. Messina Denaro faces multiple life sentences. He was sentenced in absentia to a life term for his role in 1992 in the murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. The mafia boss, who comes from the small town of Castelvetrano in Sicily, also faces a life sentence for his role in bomb attacks in Florence, Rome and Milan which killed ten people the following year. Messina Denaro, 60, who had a 12-year-old boy strangled and his body dissolved in acid, was detained by Italian police at the Maddalena private clinic in Palermo, Sicily Local residents emerged to applaud and shake the hands of the Italian paramilitary police officers who were involved in the operation (pictured) The residents were seen cheering and wiping away tears as they felt a wave of relief that Messina Denaro, who had coordinated years of terror, had finally been detained In 1993, Messina Denaro helped organise the kidnap of a 12-year-old boy, Giuseppe Di Matteo, in an attempt to blackmail his father into not giving evidence against the mafia, prosecutors say. The boy was held in captivity for two years before he was strangled and his body dissolved in a vat of acid. Messina Denaro had been number one on Italy's most-wanted list but the only known photo of him dated back to the early 1990. A new e-fit was created in 2014 with the help of an informant. Police said in September 2022 that Messina Denaro was still able to issue commands around the running of the mafia in the area around the western Sicilian city of Trapani, his regional stronghold, despite his long disappearance. In 2015, police discovered he was communicating with his closest collaborators via the pizzini system, where tiny, folded paper notes were left under a rock at a farm in Sicily. Local residents emerged to applaud and shake the hands of the Italian paramilitary police officers who were involved in the operation that saw Messina Denaro arrested Messina Denaro also used a five-year-old girl, Attilio Fogazza's young daughter, to run secret handwritten messages between himself and other mafia top dogs. Fogazza, who himself is on a murder charge, said in 2016 that Messina Denaro's second-in-command Domenico 'Mimmo' Scimonelli approached his daughter to send the messages. The right-hand man had taken his daughter for an ice cream and put the messages inside her jacket and backpack. The daughter and the rest of Fogazza's family have been living in a secret location under police protection while he cooperates with the prosecutors as they attempt to bring down the 'boss of bosses' in the Italian mafia scene. Fogazza ran a car dealership in south-western Sicily and decided to collaborate with Palermo investigators after he was arrested last December for the murder of Salvatore Lombardo in 2009, who was killed after he stole a van from Scimonelli. 'One day my daughter said Uncle Mimmo had taken her for a gelato and put the messages inside her jacket and her backpack,' Fogazza told prosecutors in Palermo. Messina Denaro's arrest on Monday came 30 years and a day after the January 15, 1993, capture of convicted 'boss of bosses' Salvatore Riina in a Palermo apartment after 23 years on the run. Scene of the murder of prosecutor Judge Giovanni Falcone in 1992 Messina Denaro went into hiding in summer that year, as the Italian state waged a crackdown on the Sicilian crime syndicate following the murders of Falcone and Borsellino. Mafia boss Bernardo Provenzano set the record for the longest time on the run. He was captured in a farmhouse near Corleone, Sicily, in 2006 after 38 years as a fugitive. Once Provenzano was in police hands, the hunt turned to Messina Denaro. That all three top bosses were ultimately arrested in Sicily will not surprise Italy's police and prosecutors. Police have long said that such bosses rely on contacts and the loyalty of fellow mobsters and family members to move them from hideout to hideout, supply basic essentials, and operate under a code of silence known as 'omerta.' One woman was taken to hospital with a broken neck and a cut on her head The helicopter stopped to throw flowers and sweets to children at a party below Five children among injured after low-flying navy helicopter blows over a roof Eight people, including five children, were injured in Thailand on Saturday when a helicopter flying over a children's party caused a stadium roof to collapse. The Thai navy helicopter flew low to scatter flowers and sweets for children celebrating a National Children's Day event, but downwash from the aircraft flattened marquee tents and caused a steel and canvas stand roof to collapse. Nareerat Khumkana, 58, was taken to the nearby Prapokklao Hospital in south-eastern Thailand with a broken neck and a cut on her head, according to local media. The navy helicopter is seen arriving at the National Children's Day event in eastern Thailand Attendees were seen getting out of the way as the helicopter rocked tents and dropped sweets From another angle, small objects can be seen falling from the helicopter above the crowds The Bangkok Post reported that the local Tha Chang municipal office had asked the navy's Chanthaburi and Trat Border Defence Command to arrange the flyover. Tha Chang mayor Tawatchai Chantakit said in an afternoon press conference that the municipality would fully compensate the injured. Children and adults were attending a large National Children's Day event in eastern Thailand A navy spokesman extended apologies on behalf of the navy's commander-in-chief, Admiral Choengchai Chomchoengpaet, who has ordered the distribution of financial and medical aid. Tha Chang is a municipality in the Tha Muang district of the Chanthaburi province in south-eastern Thailand, around 150 miles east of Bangkok and bordering Cambodia. Two injured adults and five children were taken to hospital but discharged shortly after. In 2017, a Jas 39 fighter jet crashed during an air show on Children's Day in Songkhla province, southern Thailand, in a flyover organised by the Royal Thai Air Force. Squadron Leader Dilokrit Pattavee was killed when the jet he was piloting crashed on a runway during the air show. State BJP President Bandi Sanjay Kumar that the government guarantee the payment of revised salaries beginning on July 1. (Photo:DC) HYDERABAD: The Telangana BJP demanded that the BRS government constitute a new Pay Revision Commission to revise the pay of government employees and teachers in light of growing prices. State BJP President Bandi Sanjay Kumar demanded in a letter to Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao on Monday that the government guarantee the payment of revised salaries beginning on July 1 of this year. He also threatened to launch a state-wide agitation if the government delayed revising the salaries. If the government fails to set up a PRC, and revise salaries and start timely payment from July 1, the BJP will launch an agitation in the state in support of employees, Sanjay said in his letter. The Chief Minister has been deceiving government employees since he assumed office and exploited those very employees to agitate and support the formation of the Telangana state. The government does not pay salaries on the first of every month. Families of the government employees were torn apart due to G.O. 317. To make matters worse, the four dear allowance increases due to the government employees have been held back, he said. Regarding the PRC, Sanjay claimed that although the first PRC following Telangana's formation was to be implemented from July 1, 2018, it was delayed by 21 months, depriving employees of benefits for that time. "This year's PRC ends on June 30, and starting on July 1, a new PRC's recommendations must take effect. This can only be done if a new PRC is appointed which the state government has not done so far, he said. Audio files suggest the American Airlines pilot may have been at fault Passengers were transported off the plane and set off instead the next morning Air traffic control at New York's JFK airport signaled the plane to abort takeoff The narrow escape on Friday night saw the Delta 1943 stop with 1,000ft to spare A Delta pilot remained cool, calm and collected Friday night despite nearly colliding nose-first into the side of an American Airlines that had crossed into its runway. The unnamed pilot could be heard in audio recordings from the John F. Kennedy International Airport air traffic control tower simply saying he will need to make a few phone calls about the nearly fatal crash. 'Yeah, we're gonna have to go somewhere, run a couple of checklists and probably make some phone calls for Delta 1943,' the pilot says calmly, adding that he figures the crew will just head back to the gate. The Boeing 737 he was piloting was traveling at 115mph down a runway at the New York's airport at around 8.45pm when an air traffic controller noticed that the American Airlines flight to the UK crossed from an adjacent runway right in front of the departing plane, ABC 7 reports. Air Traffic Control had told the American Airlines flight to cross 'runway 31L at Kilo' but instead crossed runway 4 Left at Juliet, crossing directly in front of the departing Delta flight. The Delta pilot was forced to abruptly brake, traveling another 661 feet before he came to a complete stop with just 1,000 feet to spare before the plane would have T-boned the American Airlines Boeing 777, the Federal Aviation Administration said in a preliminary statement. It was then forced to return to the gate, and did not takeoff again until the next morning, while the American Airlines flight arrived in the UK on time. Donall Brian Healy, one of 145 passengers onboard the Delta flight, shared how the Boeing 737 had to stop just two to three seconds after it began accelerating down the runway, thrusting passengers forward in their seats. 'We're talking split seconds here, but the initial cognition is this is not going to end well,' he told NBC News. 'There were vocal reactions,' he said. 'A few screams when the plane first started slowing then total silence.' He added in another interview with Business Insider that he 'felt a surge of adrenaline knowing this was not normal and not knowing what to expect. 'As the plane came to a stop, I realized we'd be OK I thought it was a mechanical thing.' Healy said the pilot actually told the passengers that another plane had passed in front of them, forcing him to abort the takeoff. He decided to cancel his flight in the aftermath and received a full refund. It is unclear how many people were on board the Boeing 777, but American Airlines Boeing 777-200s carry 37 business seats, 24 premium economy seats, 66 standard standard seats and 146 main cabin seats. Both the FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board are now investigating the incident as it remains unclear what happened to the pilots in the aftermath though the American Airlines pilot was forced to call a phone number for 'possible pilot deviation.' An American Airlines plane was seen crossing the path of a Delta flight as it was about to take off. Air traffic control exclaimed 's***!' as they noticed the potential collision Audio recordings suggest the American Airlines pilot did not properly follow Air Traffic Control's instructions. As the Aviation Herald reports, the American Airlines flight was on taxiway B for departure from runway 04L. It was cleared to cross runway 31L on taxiway K, but instead continued straight on, joining taxiway J, crossing runway 04L. At the same time, the Delta flight was cleared for takeoff from runway 04L and was accelerating when Air Traffic Control noticed the conflict. A controller took swift action to keep the airlines from colliding. 'S***! F***! Delta 1943, cancel takeoff clearance! Delta 1943, cancel takeoff clearance!' he said in an audio recording of Air Traffic Control communications. The recording was made by LiveATC, a website that monitors and posts flight communications. 'Delta 1943 say intentions,' the controller continues, before telling the plane to taxi. The plane had previously been cleared for takeoff. Air Traffic Control then instructed the crew of the American Airlines flight to call a phone number 'due to possible pilot deviation.' The pilot then asks: 'The last clearance we were given, we were cleared to cross is that correct.' An air traffic controller responds, 'I guess we'll listen to the tapes, but you were uh supposed to depart 4L. You're currently holding short of runway 31L.' The Delta flight eventually took off to Santa Domingo Airport in the Dominican Republic the next morning, while the American Airlines flight arrived on time at London Heathrow on Saturday morning (file images) The two planes can be seen coming within 1,000 feet of each other before the Delta 1943 came to an abrupt halt The Delta plane had previously been cleared for takeoff and was about to depart for Santa Domingo What are the rules on serious incursions? The Federal Aviation Administration has four categories of runway incursion (when a plane, vehicle or person is incorrectly on a runway). These range from Category D (least serious) to Category A (most severe). Category D has 'no immediate safety consequences', while the next stage, Category C, says there is 'ample time and/or distance to avoid a collision'. Category B demonstrates 'significant potential' for a collision. Category A is 'a series incident in which a collision was narrowly avoided' - the final stage before an accident itself occurring. The near miss on Friday 13 at JFK was defined by US Department of Transportation general Mary Schiavo as being a Category A incursion Source: FAA Advertisement The Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board both announced they would start investigations into the incident. A Delta spokesperson said in a statement it 'will work with and assist aviation authorities on a full review of flight 1943 on Jan. 13 regarding a successful aborted takeoff procedure at New York-JFK. 'We apologize to our customers for the inconvenience and delay of their travels.' American Airlines would not comment on the incident and said it would defer all questions to the FAA. Former US Department of Transportation general Mary Schiavo told CNN that the incident fell into the 'most serious category of runway incursions' (category A) and that such occurrences are on the rise. John Cox, a retired pilot and professor of aviation safety at the University of Southern California, told NBC News: 'The Delta crew was doing exactly what it was supposed to.' He added that he thought the controller 'made a good call to reject the takeoff.' And, Cox said the rejected takeoff safety maneuver, which is when pilots stop the aircraft and discontinue the takeoff, is one they are 'very, very familiar with.' 'Pilots practice rejected takeoff almost every time they get to the simulator,' he said. 'They'll go back and listen to every transmission between the American jet and air traffic control to see who misunderstood what,' Cox said. People took to Twitter to express their shock and relief that nobody was hurt. Former US Department of Transportation general Mary Schiavo told CNN that the incident fell into the 'most serious category of runway incursions' (category A) and that such occurrences are on the rise People took to Twitter to express their shock and relief that nobody was hurt - and said it could have been another Tenerife Airport disaster The Delta plane returned to the gate at JFK, where those onboard disembarked. Pictured: File image of the entrance to New York's JFK airport Pictured: A Federal Aviation Administration sign hangs in the tower at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York 'Brilliant work by ATC to recognize the incursion and cancel takeoff clearance,' Lawrence Hunt wrote. Zach Lowrie also said he is 'very grateful that a tragedy was averted,' and another Twitter user named Nathan simply wrote: 'Great job by the ATC and Delta pilots,' Others compared the near-miss to the infamous Tenerife Airport Disaster in 1977, when two Boeing 747 passenger jets collided on the runway of what was then called Los Rodeos Airport. There were 583 fatalities, making it the deadliest aviation accident in history. Britain and the EU today agreed to continue 'scoping work' on a solution to the bitter row over Northern Ireland as the latest talks failed to provide a breakthrough. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly spoke with European Commission vice-president Maros Sefcovic via video link to discuss progress on ending the dispute over post-Brexit trade rules. But a joint statement released after their talks shed little light on whether an end to the Northern Ireland Protocol row was any closer. It read: 'The two sides discussed the range of existing challenges over the last two years and the need to find solutions together to tackle comprehensively the real-life concerns of all communities in Northern Ireland and protect both Northern Ireland's place in the UK's internal market and the integrity of the EU's single market. 'They agreed that this scoping work for potential solutions should continue in a constructive and collaborative spirit, taking careful account of each other's legitimate interests.' Foreign Secretary James Cleverly and European Commission vice-president Maros Sefcovic agreed to continue 'scoping work' on a solution to the Northern Ireland Protocol row Today's talks between Mr Cleverly and Mr Sefcovic came just a week after the pair's previous discussions, held in London, led to a significant boost to hopes of resolving the Protocol row. Last Monday's agreement on a data-sharing deal permitted Brussels access to UK IT systems and means the EU will be allowed to monitor the flow of goods into Northern Ireland. Such an agreement was seen as key to a wider solution to the Protocol dispute and raised expectations of a further breakthrough at this week's talks. Yet, despite those growing hopes, Downing Street had earlier played down expectations of an imminent breakthrough. The Prime Minister's official spokesman admitted that 'gaps' remained between the UK and EU over the Protocol. 'They will continue to look at any progress thats being made,' the spokesman said ahead of Mr Cleverly and Mr Sefcovic's talks. 'But as weve said on a number of occasions, there are still gaps in our position that need to be resolved in order to address the full range of problems created by the Protocol.' Mr Cleverly and Mr Sefcovic were once again be joined in their discussions today by Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris. The pair's talks in London last week led to an agreement on a data-sharing deal, which is seen as key to a wider solution to the Protocol dispute Mr Cleverly and Mr Sefcovic were once again be joined in their discussions today by Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris Unionists are bitterly opposed to how the Northern Ireland Protocol is currently being implemented Mr Heaton-Harris has a legal duty to call fresh elections in Northern Ireland if a power-sharing executive isn't restored at Stormont by Thursday. It has been suggested he could once again delay calling Stormont elections for a number of weeks in order to give more time for the Protocol talks between the UK and EU to reach a resolution. The DUP, who are boycotting the Stormont institutions as part of their protest against the Protocol, have shown little appetite for re-entering power-sharing until the UK-EU talks reach a conclusion. Speculation that a Protocol agreement might be near had mounted in recent days after both Mr Cleverly and Mr Heaton-Harris visited Belfast last week. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer also made his own trip to Northern Ireland. Barry Andrews, an Irish member of the European Parliament, said there was an 'expectation' that a 'political declaration' could emerge out of today's talks between Mr Cleverly and Mr Sefcovic. 'Not an internationally binding agreement, but a political declaration and framework for the way forward,' the Fianna Fail politician told Times Radio last night. 'We had some positive announcements last week and generally I think there's been a build-up of trust between the parties.' A UK Government source said: 'We'd all prefer a negotiated solution but significant gaps remain. 'It is the conversations with the Commission that will either bring that about or not. 'Nobody should be under any illusions that this is complex and difficult but the desire to work together on a solution seems to be there.' In an address on Sunday, Pope Francis added to growing rumours he might abdicate from the position with a sermon on the 'virtue of stepping aside at the right time'. Pope Francis previously stated he would step down from the role if his health deteriorated but has dismissed general speculation, otherwise fuelled by apparent conflict within the church. During the Sunday Angelus, a Catholic prayer the Pope often leads on Sundays and holy days, the Pontiff said: 'It is easy to become attached to roles and positions, to the need to be esteemed, recognised and rewarded.' He continued: 'It is good for us too to cultivate, like [Saint] John [the Baptist], the virtue of setting ourselves aside at the right moment, bearing witness that the point of reference of life is Jesus. 'To step aside, to learn to take ones leave: I have completed this mission, I have had this meeting, I will step aside and leave room to the Lord. To learn to step aside, not to take something for ourselves in recompense.' Pope Francis addressed crowds during the Sunday Angelus prayer in Saint Peter's square People listening to the Pope's weekly Angelus prayer on Sunday 15 January in the Vatican City Pope Francis during the Angelus prayer in Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City, 15 January 2023 Francis addresses a crowd during his Angelus prayer from the window of the apostolic palace The Sunday Angelus is a regular prayer led by the Pope, who first gives a reflection on the Gospel of the Sunday and then leads the faithful in prayer from the window of his study overlooking Saint Peter's Square. Pressure has been mounting against the current Pope from conservative factions of the church, who see Pope Francis as more liberal than his predecessor. The Telegraph reported last week it was unlikely Pope Francis would step down while Pope Benedict XVI was alive. This was to avoid an unprecedented situation where three Popes were living in the Vatican at one time. The former Pope died on New Year's Eve, 2022. Mourners gathered in St Peter's Square for Pope Benedict XVI's two-hour long ceremony Cardinals from around the world pictured in attendance of the late Pope's funeral in January Pope Francis speaks with members of The Pope John XXIII Community Association in January Pope Francis greets the faithful from a wheelchair at a meeting in Vatican City in January 2023 Five popes have 'verifiably' renounced the position through history, with others disputed. The most recent was Benedict XVI, who resigned in 2013 and said he was motivated by his declining health due to old age. Pope Benedict XVI was the first pope to renounce the position in 598 years, since Gregory XII resigned to end the Western Schism in the Catholic church. Contemporary popes are generally expected to hold the position until their death. The new precedent has flared rumours that Pope Francis may too at some point renounce the position. In December, the current Pope revealed he had already signed a resignation letter years ago to take effect should be become 'impaired' by health issues or an accident. Further speculation grew last year after the Pontiff visited the Italian city of L'Aquila, associated with Pope Celestine V who resigned in 1294 and only since visited by Pope Benedict XVI, who resigned in 2013. Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, nonetheless dismissed reports he would renounce the position in July last year. Shocking footage has emerged of the horrific conditions inside a boarding house that are so appalling vulnerable locals would rather sleep on the streets or in a tent. Flint House is a privately-owned crisis boarding house in Hobart's north where unhoused residents of all ages from the elderly to families with young children pay up to $450 a fortnight for a roof over their heads. Alison Dunning had family members living there with children and was so disgusted by the conditions she filmed a walk-through of the facility now known as New Town Accommodation. The three minute clip is every landlord's worst nightmare with the premises covered in mould and graffiti while the living areas are strewn with rubbish, torn furniture, broken fixtures, general clutter and discarded belongings, including clothing and toys. A tour of the 'updated' shared bathroom facilities shows broken toilets filled with faeces, filthy shower bays, overflowing sinks, cracked tiles and a used syringe lying on the floor with underwear and towels. @alisondunning868 flint house is a place for homeless too go women, men, children, even the elderly.. they are ment too cooking 2 meals a week and the homeless is ment be able too live in this home the owner knows everything that goes on inside the house's no one is safe here and too be aloud too live here with children the Tasmania government knows about this house and what goes down in flint house the owner dose not have provide any help for the homelessness just takes the rent she also aloud a pedifile be caretaker we need something too be done about this so the homeless people can live in a clean safe environment original sound - alison... Families with children pay up to $450 a fortnight to live in these rooms at Flint House The bedrooms are also in an inhabitable state with upended furniture and the floor covered with discarded possessions and garbage. 'This is the situation children and adults have to live in,' Ms Dunning begins as she enters the premises. 'How are children, let alone adults meant to live in this situation! There's a lot to show.'. Ms Dunning is heard retching repeatedly within moments entering the building. 'Oh my f*****g God, it stinks guys, it is really bad. I've never seen anyone in their right mind,' she said 'Okay, I'm getting out of there.' A choice between living on the streets and Flint House was an easy one from Ms Dunning. 'This is not suitable for any human being, in any way shape or form,' she said. 'I've never been so disgusted. I've been homeless and I'll stay on the streets don't go to Flint House.' The 'upgraded' shared bathroom facilities included broken and filthy toilets (pictured) 'How is this good enough for children? No women or children or anything should live in this building. Of a look of one bedroom, Ms Dunning said: 'This is a room obviously vacant but I wouldn't sleep in that, I'd sleep in a tent.' She called on the authorities to intervene and claimed children under the care of the Child Safety Services were living there. 'No one is safe here, the Tasmania government knows about this house and what goes down in flint house,' she captioned the video. 'We need something to be done about this so the homeless people can live in a clean safe environment.' A syringe was found on the bathroom floor scattered with underwear and towels The video posted to TikTok has since gone viral and sparked widespread outrage. 'Oh my goodness! That's disgusting!' one woman posted. Viewers were divided over whether the owners or residents was responsible. 'This is so disgraceful and disgusting but if there are people that are living there they should try and clean it up the best that they can,' one commented. Another added: 'If the residents cleaned up after themselves & respected the place, then the owners may be willing to repair & keep maintenance up on the place. But if it's just going to continually get damaged, disrespected etc, then what's the point!?' Alison Dunning called on the Tasmanian government to intervene, even though the boarding house is privately owned (pictured are cracked tiles in the bathroom) The privately owned boarding house is in the Hobart suburb of New Town in the city's north The divided comments prompted a reply from Ms Dunning. 'I expect the people who pay too live in this place too have way better cleaner environment I expect the owners too able too be able too help them,' she wrote. Daily Mail Australia has contacted New Town Accommodation for comment. The facility is described online as 'crisis accommodation with individual rooms, free Wi-Fi, and continental breakfasts, with 'upgraded' shared bathroom facilities and access to an industrial kitchen and cooking areas. A spokesperson for the Tasmania housing minister told The Mercury the government was unable to comment as the premises is privately owned. Flint House was last sold three years ago for just under $1.115 million. Around 30 residents had to be relocated to temporary alternate accommodation after the building was damaged by fire nine months ago. The name Matteo Messina Denaro sends shivers down the spines of Sicilians who have spent decades in fear that they could be added to his long list of victims. For 30 years, the crime boss continued to wield huge power and coordinate decades of terror which resulted in the deaths of over 50 people, despite never being seen in public after going on the run in the early 90s. The mafioso, who once boasted he could 'fill a cemetery with his victims', was forced into hiding after he ordered a series of deadly attacks, including the murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, as well as a series of car bombs in Florence, Milan and Rome that left 10 people dead and 93 injured in 1993. And children were not off limits. In the same year, Messina Denaro helped organise the kidnapping of a 12-year-old boy, Giuseppe Di Matteo, in an attempt to dissuade his father from giving evidence against the mafia, prosecutors say. The boy was held in captivity for two years before he was brutally strangled to death, and his body dissolved in a vat of acid. For 30 years, Matteo Messina Denaro (pictured in the 1990s) has continued to wield infinite power and coordinate decades of terror which saw over 50 people killed, despite never being seen in public after going on the run Matteo Messina Denaro, Italy's most wanted Mafia boss who had been on the run for 30 years, was arrested today. Pictured: A mugshot of Messina Denaro from today (left) and being led away by police officers (right) Now, after three decades on the run, Italy's No. 1 fugitive has finally been arrested by police - at a private clinic in Palermo, Sicily. The 60-year-old was led away from Palermo's 'La Maddalena' hospital by two uniformed carabinieri police and bundled into a waiting black minivan - potentially closing the door on a long chapter of blood and violence wrought by the crime boss. Nicknamed 'Diabolik' and 'U Siccu' (The Skinny One), Messina Denaro had been sentenced in absentia to a life term for his role in the 1992 murders of the two anti-mafia prosecutors Falcone and Borsellino. The horrific murders were a trademark for the feared criminal. They shocked the nation and sparked a crackdown on Cosa Nostra, the real-life Sicilian crime syndicate depicted in the Godfather movies. Messina Denaro was born on April 26, 1962 in the small town of Castelvetrano near Trapani in western Sicily and grew up in the heart of organised crime. He was the son of influential mafia 'capo' (captain) Francesco Messina Denaro, and he quickly rose through the ranks - and eventually followed in his father's footsteps to become the boss of Cosa Nostra. He is said to have first used a gun at the age of 14 and allegedly killed at 18, and is accused by prosecutors of going on to be solely or jointly responsible for numerous other murders in the 1990s. In 1993, Messina Denaro helped organise the kidnap of a 12-year-old boy, Giuseppe Di Matteo (pictured), in an attempt to blackmail his father into not giving evidence against the mafia, prosecutors say. The boy was eventually strangled, and his body dissolved in acid Messina Denaro was sentenced in absentia to a life term for his role in 1992 in the murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. Pictured: The scene of the murder of Falcone in Palermo, Sicily, in 1992 The mafia boss, who comes from the small town of Castelvetrano in Sicily, also faces a life sentence for his role in bomb attacks in Florence, Rome and Milan which killed ten people in 1993. The bombs targeted some of Italy's most famous landmarks Messina Denaro lived a playboy lifestyle. He was known for driving expensive cars and for having a taste for wearing finely tailored suits and Rolex watches. As a rising-star in the mafia in the 1980s, he dressed in designer brands Versace and Armani. His first run-ins with the law began in 1989, when he took part in a bloody struggle between two clans. He was accused that year of murdering Nicola Consales, a hotel owner who complained to an employee of always having 'these little mafiosos under our feet'. Unfortunately for Consales, the employee was Messina Denaro's mistress. In 1992, he was part of a mob group sent to Rome to try and kill anti-mafia judge Giovanni Falcone. The group was eventually recalled by Toto Riina, the Corleone boss dubbed 'the Beast', who decided on another approach. Falcone was murdered in a car bomb near Palermo on May 23, 1992. In 1993, he is reported to have assassinated rival boss Vincenzo Milazzo. His attention then turned to Milazzo's pregnant girlfriend, who he strangled to death. The two bodies were buried in the countryside. As head of the Castelvetrano clan, he was allied to the Corleonesi clan, who were immortalised in the legendary 'The Godfather' films. He also became one of Cosa Nostra's deadliest soldiers when a war erupted between the mafia and the state over stricter prison laws for convicted gangsters. Messina Denaro was also convicted for the murder of 12-year-old Giuseppe di Matteo, who was abducted and held captive for two years in a bid by the mafia to stop the boy's father from testifying against them to the state. After all that time in captivity, he was brutally strangled to death and his body was disposed of in a bath of acid. It was in the same year that Messina Denaro is accused of having a role in bomb attacks in Florence, Rome and Milan that killed 10 people and injured 93. The attacks were carried out alongside notorious hitman Giovanni Brusca, who boasted to murdering 200 people single-highhandedly. The bomb attacks, that targeted some of Italy's most historic monuments, forced Messina Denaro into hiding. He faces a life sentence for his role. In 1994 and 1996, statements from mobsters who turned state witness shed some light on his role within Cosa Nostra. In 2000, after a maxi-process against the Sicilian Mafia in Trapani, he was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment. However, the sentence and being forced underground did little to quell his influence in the outside world. A composite picture shows a computer generated image released by the Italian police, right, in their efforts to track the mobster down, and a picture of Matteo Messina Denaro, left Pictured: Police reconstructions of the face of Messina Denaro shared to the public, depicting what he could look like today as an older man, and in costume as a woman Messina Denaro was captured when armed police swarmed a private medical facility in Palermo, Sicily (shown on a map), where he was undergoing treatment After 'boss of bosses' Leoluca Bagarella was arrested in the clampdown that followed the bombing spree, Messina Denaro was taken under the wing of Bernardo Provenzano who would increasingly refer to him as his 'nephew'. From there, Messina Denaro worked to bring the mafia into the modern age. He united the scattered mafia clans around the city of Trapiani, formed connections with Columbia's cocaine cartels, and cultivated a Robin-hood like status. A the same time, he had numerous sources of revenue, from drug trafficking to gambling, both in Italy and abroad. But despite his reputation as a moderniser, he had to avoid using phones and the Internet to reduce his chances of being caught. His womanising ways raised eyebrows among the clans more conservative members. He fathered a daughter in 1995, which was seen as not being in keeping with Cosa Nostra's more traditional family values. Nevertheless, he climbed to the top. When Provenzano was arrested in 2006 after 43 years on the run, Messina Denaro was tipped as his obvious successor. And with his mentor's death in 2016 - followed by the death of influential godfather Toto Riina a year later - Messina Denaro was all but unopposed at pinnacle of the Sicilian Mafia, and was a popular figure among some of the locals. As the net was tightening around him, fan pages on Facebook sprung up during his later years on the run. 'Cosa Nostra works for the poor and the oppressed, seeking, in its own way, to correct mistakes,' one adoring page found by The Guardian in 2014 swooned. At the time, 30 of Messina Denaro associates were arrested. Francesco Garofalo, member of anti-mafia group Libera, told the newspaper at the time: 'What you hear all the time in town, and on blogs, is how the mafia gives work and the government takes it away. There are people here who would like to see Messina Denaro appointed mayor.' While the arrests were seen as the beginning of the end for the mafia boss at the time, it still took some of Italy's best investigators more than seven years from that point to finally get him in handcuffs. Pictured: Members of a Carabinieri police unit gather outside the Maddalena clinic where Matteo Messina Denaro was captured by special forces in Palermo, Sicily on Monday Messina Denaro, right, is seen in a car with Italian Carabinieri officers soon after his arrest at a private clinic in Palermo, Sicily. He spent 30 years on the run after a string of crimes Local residents were seen cheering and wiping away tears as they felt a wave of relief that Messina Denaro, who had coordinated years of terror, had finally been captured. Some congratulated police officers who had been involved in the operation to arrest him Investigators spent decades searching the homes and businesses of the boss's known allies on the island. Despite being number one on Italy's most-wanted list, the only known photo of him dated back to the early 1990. A new e-fit was created in 2014 with the help of an informant. He moved between the homes of loyalists who gave him safe harbour, choosing to stay mobile as opposed to being stuck in a remote part of Sicily. He was so hard to find, he has been likened to Osama Bin Laden. 'He has no direct contact with his group. Hi-tech equipment is of limited use: he won't use a cell phone or computer more than once, satellites cannot see a pizzino and a drone wouldn't be able to follow someone down narrow alleys, one investigator told The Guardian in 2014. 'Bugging is hard when suspects talk on the beach, in olive groves or in cemeteries, but never indoors.' In 2015, police discovered Messina Denaro was communicating with his closest collaborators via the pizzini system, where tiny, folded paper notes were left under a rock at a farm in Sicily. Police looked in particular for hiding places in grottoes, caverns or even bunkers inside buildings where the man nicknamed 'Diabolik' could be concealed. Police said last September that he was still able to issue commands relating to the way the mafia was run in the area around Trapani, his regional stronghold. He was finally arrested on Monday, January 16, when he visited the private clinic, where he had been undergoing chemotherapy for more than a year under a fake name of Andrea Bonafede, according to Italian news agency Ansa. When he went for his appointment on Monday, the clinic was surrounded by soldiers, and he was finally detained. A witness said that when he was approached by carabiniere and asked his name, he replied: 'Matteo Messina Denaro.' The arrest of 'an extremely dangerous fugitive' was 'an extraordinary day for the state', Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said after the news broke. The arrest comes almost 30 years to the day since police arrested Salvatore 'Toto' Riina, the Sicilian Mafia's most powerful boss of the 20th century. He eventually died in jail in 2017, having never broken his code of silence. 'It is an extraordinary event, of historic significance,' Gian Carlo Caselli, who was a prosecutor in Palermo at the time of Riina's arrest. Experts say that Cosa Nostra has been supplanted by the 'Ndrangheta, the Calabrian mafia, as the most powerful organised crime group in Italy. 'There is a sense that the Sicilian Mafia is not as strong as it used to be, especially since the 90s, they have really been unable to enter the drug market and so they are really second-fiddle to the Ndrangheta on that,' said Federico Varese, Professor of Criminology at Oxford University. Cosa Nostra's bombing strategy of the early 1990s - which triggered national outrage and forced politicians to act - introducing waves of anti-mafia laws and making hundreds of arrests. 'That 'declaration of war' against the state certainly meant a weakening of the organisation that fostered other groups, such as the 'Ndrangheta,' said Federico Cafiero De Raho, a former national anti-mafia prosecutor and a lawmaker with the opposition 5-Star Movement. Any revelation from Messina Denaro on the group's activities could be a further major development. 'According to all knowledge, he had a role in the bombings and further developments are possible,' said Gian Carlo Caselli, who served as chief prosecutor in Palermo at the time of Riina's arrest. 'Messina Denaro was the last godfather, he represented all the secrets of Cosa Nostra. It is the end of a myth and the organisation will have to cope with this,' said Anna Sergi, an expert in organised crime at England's Essex University. Sergi said it was not clear who would step in to replace Messina Denaro in what is now a more factionalised mafia. 'If Cosa Nostra wants to rebuild the leadership it had in the past it needs directives, but there are no big chiefs anymore,' Sergi told Reuters, adding that she expects the group to try to rebuild connections with clans in the United States. A Minnesota man who served nearly 25 years in prison over his wife's death has walked free after his murder convictions were vacated. Thomas Rhodes, 63, was convicted in 1998 of first- and second-degree murder in the death of his 36-year-old wife Jane Rhodes, who fell overboard and drowned on a night-time boat ride with her husband on Green Lake in Spicer in 1996. His conviction hinged on a doctor's testimony who said he deliberately killed his wife and ran over her body several times, but Rhodes maintained his innocence and a forensic pathologist has now found the death was not inconsistent with an accicent. He told the Mankato Free Press after his release on Friday: 'I look forward to hugging my sons Eric and Jason, being a good grandfather to my six wonderful grandkids, and having time to create new memories with family and friends.' Thomas Rhodes smiles as he walked out of a Minnesota state prison on Friday after serving 25 years inside How Thomas Rhodes was arrested, convicted then freed over his wife's death Jane Rhodes died in 1996 during a late-night boat trip and her body was found the next day by authorities. Two years later, Thomas Rhodes was formally indicted with his murder. Prosecutors cited medical analysis that claimed she suffered facial injuries inconsistent with drowning. They also ascribed a motive to Thomas that he was seeking a divorce, which he denied. A Kandiyohi County jury convicted him of first- and second-degree murder on July 29, 1998, which came with a life prison term. By 2013, the Innocence Project started working to free Rhodes and held hearings in front of the Minnesota Supreme Court. Last year, Dr McGee's testimony was questioned in this and a number of other cases, and the newly formed Conviction Review Unit analyzed Rhodes' sentencing. His murder conviction was quashed but his manslaughter charge was upheld. Having already served 25 years, more than double the manslaughter sentence, he was immediately freed to leave. Advertisement On the fateful night in the summer of 1996, the couples and their two sons went on vacation to Green Lake. One night, Thomas and Jane went for a ride on their jet boat after dark at high speed. Thomas said his wife stood up to reach for something and then fell, and he desperately searched for her in the water but found nothing in the darkness. He appealed for help from police but her body was not found until the following day. Giving evidence at trial two years later, Dr. Michael McGee said Rhodes grabbed his wife by the neck, threw her overboard and ran her over several times. He cited injuries to her head and neck that he said were inconsistent with drowning and could have killed her even if she was not drowned. Prosecutors had claimed Rhodes wanted to divorce his wife but changed his mind due to financial concerns and killed her instead. He had previously had an affair but reconciled with Jane. The Conviction Review Unit in the Attorney General's Office examined the case. As part of that investigation, a forensic pathologist found that Jane's death was not inconsistent with an accidental fall, the office said. 'With the benefit of a thorough review of all the evidence and circumstances, the CRU found that the medical evidence used in Mr. Rhodes' conviction was flawed,' the statement said. In 2010, interviewed by Fox 9, Rhodes said: 'I know there was never any violence in our marriage, there was no violence that night.' Messages left Saturday at phone numbers listed for Michael McGee were not immediately returned. Efforts to reach him through social media were not immediately successful. The state's report did not exonerate Rhodes: the Attorney General's Office said there was sufficient evidence to support a conviction of second-degree manslaughter, saying negligence led to his wife's death. Thomas Rhodes, 63, was convicted in 1998 of first- and second-degree murder in the death of his 36-year-old wife Jane Rhodes (pictured) Rhodes is the first person released in Minnesota since the Conviction Review Unit was created in 2021 (pictured hugging his sons after his release) A clay model shows the injuries suffered by Jane which were used by Dr McGee to allege her death was deliberate Dr. Michael McGee (pictured) said Rhodes grabbed his wife by the neck, threw her overboard and ran her over several times However, Rhodes has spent nearly 25 years in prison, which is more than twice the maximum sentence allowed for the manslaughter conviction. Rhodes drove a small, unstable boat late at night at top speed, knowing that his wife could not swim, the statement said. She was neither wearing a life jacket nor were life jackets available. Also, the boat had no flashlights or a quick way to call for help. On Friday, a Kandiyohi County judge vacated Rhodes' murder convictions. The Minnesota Department of Corrections said the judge then accepted a plea to second-degree manslaughter. Rhodes was sentenced to four years in prison, and got credit for time served, which led to his release, the corrections department said. Rhodes is the first person released in Minnesota since the Conviction Review Unit was created in 2021. The unit reviews legal cases for people who claim to be innocent. The father-of-two (pictured with his sons Eric and Jason) leaves prison as a grandfather The released prisoner, pictured with two of his grandchildren, said he wants to 'create new memories with family and friends' 'He was beaming the whole time,' Hayley Drozdowski-Poxleitner, a spokesperson for the Great North Innocence Project, said of Rhodes. 'This has been a long, long time coming.' The Great North Innocence Project, which worked with the Attorney General's Office, said in a news release that nine forensic pathologists reviewed the case and found that Jane Rhodes' injuries were most likely caused by a blow to her head, possibly from falling out of the boat or from an unintentional hit by the boat as Rhodes searched the water. None of the forensic pathologists would have called her death a murder, the organization said. Testimony from McGee has been questioned in several cases in recent years. In 2021, a federal judge threw out the death sentence of a man who was convicted of kidnapping in the 2003 slaying of North Dakota college student Dru Sjodin, in part because of testimony from McGee. That judge said new evidence showed McGee, the former Ramsey County Medical Examiner, was 'guessing' on the witness stand. Alfonso Rodriguez Jr. is expected to be re-sentenced, and prosecutors have said they will still seek the death penalty. A senior Tory minister has blasted the Church of England over its refusal to conduct same-sex marriages. Penny Mordaunt, who ran to become party leader and prime minister twice last year, accused religious authorities of treating LGBT people as 'second-class citizens'. In a letter to the Bishop of Portsmouth, written in her capacity as an MP in the city, the Commons Leader urged Dr Jonathan Frost to back reform of the rules concerning ceremonies at the General Synod in February. Church of England ministers are legally barred from conducting same-sex marriages, and they cannot be held in church. But there are increasing calls for changes to be made. In her letter, Ms Mordaunt, whose twin brother James is gay, told Bishop Jonathan it was important to recognise the 'pain and trauma' the church's position was causing. Penny Mordaunt, who ran to become party leader and prime minister twice last year, accused religious authorities of treating LGBT people as 'second-class citizens' In a letter to the Bishop of Portsmouth, written in her capacity as an MP in the city, the Commons Leader urged Dr Jonathan Frost to back reform of the rules concerning ceremonies at the General Synod in February In her letter, Ms Mordaunt told Bishop Jonathan (left) it was important to recognise the 'pain and trauma' the church's position was causing. Church of England ministers are legally barred from conducting same-sex marriages, and they cannot be held in church. But there are increasing calls for changes to be made. 'I know you have many things to consider in your deliberations, but I hope you will back reform, allowing parishes and clergy to conduct weddings for same-sex couples or, at a minimum, enable authorised blessings. 'I want all my constituents and others to have the right to have their relationship solemnised in their local parish in England,' she said. 'It is also important to recognise the pain and trauma that this continues to cause many LGBT+ people who are left feeling that they are treated as second-class citizens within our society. As a unionist I would also value some consistency across the UK on these matters.' While the Church of England refuses to conduct ceremonies, other Anglican churches in the UK will host same-sex marriages. Last year James Mordaunt condemned the Government's stance on gay and trans rights, saying that Conservative MPs were 'complicit' in the hatred. He had previously been very supportive of his sister, with the pair sharing pictures and speaking of their pride in each other. But last February Mr Mordaunt told his 45,000 Twitter followers that LGBTQI+ rights have 'gone backwards' under the Tories. The 48-year-old added: 'If you are a member of the Conservative Party, a Conservative MP, part of this homophobic transphobic Government, you are complicit. 'It doesn't matter what your voting record is, you are now very clearly working in a system that makes the lives of LGBTQI+ people drastically worse off All people in my community want is to live their lives as themselves.' James, a Virgin Atlantic steward and keen bodybuilder, singled out Tory minister Oliver Dowden for criticism following a speech he made railing against 'woke warriors'. A woman's body has been found inside a Sydney unit with police later uncovering her torched car in bushland a short drive away. Investigators were called to the Penrith apartment in Colless Street at about 4.15pm on Monday, after another female who is known to the deceased made the grim discovery. The woman is yet to be formally identified but is believed to be the 28-year-old resident of the unit. A woman's body has been discovered in a unit in Sydney's west (pictured) Police believe another person had been to the unit before the woman who discovered the body Specialist forensic police are now swarming the crime scene with a full-scale investigation underway to track down a potential killer. Detectives are being assisted by the State Crime Command's Homicide Squad, under Strike Force Diere with early inquiries suggesting 'another person had been at the unit prior to the arrival of the woman who reported the matter'. 'The deceased woman's vehicle has also been located burnt-out in bushland at Castlereagh near Post Office Road,' NSW Police said. 'It has been seized and will undergo forensic examination.' 'Despite an extensive search of the area surrounding the vehicle, the driver has not been located.' Anyone with any information about is this matter is urged to contact police. The woman's vehicle was found burnt out in bushland about 15 minutes' drive from the unit A stalker who used an Amazon Alexa device to spy on his ex-girlfriend before threatening to stab her boyfriend and throw acid in her face has been spared jail. Scorned boyfriend Hassan Mehmet, 35, waged a campaign of harassment against Shelby Laidlaw, warning he would pull her teeth out after he deliberately crashed her Jaguar in a motorway suicide attempt. While on police bail, he used the Alexa to listen in on Ms Laidlaw's conversations, bombarded her with hundreds of messages and threatened to attack her new boyfriend. Mehmet, who is from Southwark, southeast London, pleaded guilty to a string of offences, including stalking and dangerous driving, but was spared jail at the Old Bailey. Hassan Mehmet, 35, waged a campaign of harassment against Shelby Laidlaw, who he had been in a relationship with for 13 years, warning he would pull her teeth out after he deliberately crashed her Jaguar in a motorway suicide attempt The couple had been in a relationship for 13 years before it ended in April. Mehmet was detained on April 13 for coercive and controlling behaviour and domestic common assault after it was alleged that he bit Ms Laidlaw on her head. He was arrested and released on police bail multiple times for alleged offences against Ms Laidlaw before he was finally remanded in custody on 22 July last year. Mehmet embarked on his campaign of harassment while on bail, using the Alexa device to listen in on private conversations. He also sent his victim hundreds of messages and emails detailing a string of serious threats that included stabbing Ms Laidlaw in the neck and assaulting her with acid. In an impact statement read out in court, Ms Laidlaw said: 'I was worried Hassan was going to carry out the threats. 'Hassan has been abusive in our relationship. 'The whole situation has left me feeling really drained and I'm scared of ever seeing him again as I feel he has no regard for authority.' While on police bail, Mehmet used the Alexa to listen in on Ms Laidlaw's conversations, bombarded her with hundreds of messages and threatened to attack her new boyfriend. [File image] James Lachkovic, prosecuting, told the Old Bailey: 'On 21 April she allowed Mehmet to accompany her on a hospital visit with her. 'In the car afterwards he threatened to use a knife on a male friend of hers and showed her a knife. She was so scared that she allowed him to borrow her car. 'On 22 April he came to her address and threatened to throw acid in her face before driving off in her car. 'On that same day he sent 118 messages and he sent further messages in the days following.' Later that day, Mehmet drove Ms Laidlaw's car on the M20, where he deliberately drove off the motorway and crashed the vehicle. He told police he was trying to hurt himself because of the breakdown of his relationship, the court heard. Mehmet was taken to hospital and visited Ms Laidlaw at her address after he was discharged. Between 26 and 27 April he sent her 266 messages, from different numbers, from the hospital. Judge Philip Katz told Mehmet: 'This is an appalling course of conduct against your partner between April, June and July 2022. 'You were repeatedly messaging, calling, messaging on Facebook, spying on her with Alexa. It is appalling. 'The whole thing is simply a disgusting course of conduct. 'Later on it seems you tried to kill yourself with a car which was a selfish and dangerous thing to do. 'At the end of the day, the concerns that I had that you were just the sort of individual who would go out and kill her as a result of problems with you personality; my fears about that have been put to rest by the information made available to me.' Mehmet has 29 convictions for 36 offences between 2001 and 2017, with his previous crimes included robbery, affray, burglary, aggravated vehicle taking, criminal damage, theft and handling stolen goods. Manisha Knights, defending, said her client was 'very, very, very' unwell at the time of the incident and was suffering from emotional unstable personality disorder. 'His mental health was at an absolute low.' Mehmet was sentenced to a suspended two year prison sentence, while a stalking order and a restraining order will both be in place for 10 years. He will also be subject to trail monitoring for nine months and have to undertake 30 days rehabilitation. He was banned from the roads for 12 months and must retake his driving test before he can drive again. Keir Starmer jettisoned another Labour pledge today admitting that he cannot stand by the offer of free bus travel for under-25s. Sir Keir said the 2019 manifesto should be treated as 'gone' as he was grilled over ditching a swathe of commitments. The Opposition leader also insisted that Britain would be better off if hard-Left predecessor Jeremy Corbyn had become PM - rather than guiding the party to an historic trouncing. Speaking during an LBC phone-in as he prepares to head for the World Economic Forum in Davos this week, Sir Keir said he had to be 'realistic about what is possible' after Covid and with the war in Ukraine raging. He said the next Labour manifesto will need to be written 'from scratch', and everything will be fully costed. Asked about the promise of free bus travel for young people, Sir Keir said that was also 'under review'. Speaking during an LBC phone-in as he prepares to head for the World Economic Forum in Davos this week, Keir Starmer said he had to be 'realistic about what is possible' after Covid and with the war in Ukraine raging Pressed on whether the country would be in a better position if Jeremy Corbyn (right) had won the 2019 election, Sir Keir said: 'We could hardly be in a worse place.' Pressed on whether the country would be in a better position if Mr Corbyn had won the 2019 election, Sir Keir said: 'We could hardly be in a worse place.' Yesterday Sir Keir refused to stand by his pledge to abolish tuition fees, in the latest of a string of U-turns. Despite making the promise when he ran to be leader in 2020, he sidestepped questions on whether it still stood. He told the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg: 'I think the tuition fees system needs to be changed, I don't think it's working. 'But looking at the damage that's been done to the economy... we will only make commitments that we can afford at the next general election so we need to look at that promise again.' His refusal to commit to the policy follows shifts on Brexit, the NHS and welfare. Sir Keir last week struggled to explain major volte faces over his pledges to defend EU free movement and ban the NHS from using private sector capacity. He has also retreated on commitments to nationalise public utilities, has warned against tax rises even on the richest and it was confirmed the party would not scrap Universal Credit. Chandrababu Naidu visited the sub-jail in Pileru constituency in Annamayya district and met his party activists in remand there over cases of sporadic violence involving TD and YSRC cadres at Rompicherla in Punganur constituency. (By Arrangement) TIRUPATI: Telugu Desam (TD) president Nara Chandrababu Naidu said on Monday that police excesses in Andhra Pradesh would be brought to the attention of the judiciary and the central government. I would visit every police station in the state where false charges have been filed against TD leaders and cadres, he said. The former chief minister visited the sub-jail in Pileru constituency in Annamayya district and met his party activists in remand there over cases of sporadic violence involving TD and YSRC cadres at Rompicherla in Punganur constituency. Clashes had occurred over the removal of TDs publicity material on December 7. Naidu told the media that the actions of the YSRC government were oppressive in nature. He accused the police of fabricating cases against eight TD activists, five of them Muslims, in Rompicherla. "The TD cadres were remanded in custody without being brought before the court and the police adopted third-degree torture on them. This is state-sponsored terrorism, Naidu alleged. He said the police maltreated the YSRC leader Raghurama Krishnam Raju and ordinary people such as Abdul Salam from Nandyal as also a 21-year-old Pathan Riyaz Khan. The government is silencing the minorities' voices by filing false cases against the opposition and imprisoning them. I would not leave anyone resorting to atrocities against the TD cadres, he warned. In fresh attacks on state minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy, the TD chief said the local minister was instrumental in imprisoning minority youths. "Peddireddy made sure the families of those imprisoned cannot celebrate Sankranti this year. He is trying to scare the opposition by fabricating false charges against them. He will be taught a lesson in the next elections, Naidu said. Meanwhile, the sudden arrival of Naidu sparked a controversy at the borders of Annamayya district. His campaign vehicle was stopped by the district police, which said he did not give advance information to the police about the visit. This led to protests by TD cadres. The police later allowed Naidu to visit the Pileru sub-jail. The former chief minister summoned his party members to Pileru. Some 300 cars carrying TD supporters arrived at the sub-jail along with Naidu in a convoy from his native village of Naravaripalli in Tirupati district. But her 20,000 legal claim was thrown out by an employment tribunal judge Ms Mallet-Ali tried to sue Bertha Park High School, in Perth, for 'discrimination' She claimed pupils mocked her skin colour and greeted her saying 'wagwan' A teacher of Pakistani descent who sued a school after claiming bosses failed to stop pupils from racially abusing her has lost her discrimination case. Rizwana Mallet-Ali, who is Scottish and speaks with a Scottish accent but has Pakistani ethnicity, was the target of racist abuse in her classroom by pupils who put on exaggerated Indian accents. Children repeatedly addressed the home economics teacher using the Jamaican greeting term 'wagwan', an employment tribunal heard. After several incidents, Ms Mallet-Ali demanded that persistent offenders be excluded from Bertha Park High School in Perth, Scotland or face police action, as it amounted to 'hate crime'. But she was left fuming after school leaders instead chose to take a 'restorative approach' to each pupil by giving them 'guidance'. Rizwana Mallet-Ali tried to sue her former school, Bertha Park High School in Perth, Scotland, over claims she was racially abused by pupils Mother Ms Mallet-Ali went off sick with anxiety after the torrent of abuse and later resigned. The experienced teacher of 14 years tried to sue the school at an employment tribunal, claiming its approach 'was unsuccessful and not appropriate' and rendered it 'institutionally racist'. But, she has now lost her 20,000 race discrimination claim as a judge ruled the school did not treat her any differently due to her race, believing they would have treated a white employee in the same way. The tribunal in Dundee, Scotland, heard Ms Mallet-Ali began working at Bertha Park in February 2020 until she resigned in November 2021. The mother from Stirling reported six pupils over a total of eight incidents, it was heard. A tribunal report said: 'The first occasion was when Ms Mallet-Ali was present in the school in the autumn of 2020. A pupil addressed her using the word 'wagwan', which is a predominantly West Indian patois form of greeting. 'Ms Mallet-Ali has no ethnic connection with that area or culture, and speaks with a Scottish accent. 'She considered the comment was racially motivated as she was the only non-white member of staff in the school. She said to the pupil that in the context it was a racist comment. 'On April 19, 2021... A group of pupils who were friends began speaking with an Indian accent. One of the pupils was the individual who had used the 'wagwan' greeting the previous autumn...She felt this was mocking her origins and skin colour. Ms Mallet-Ali said children greeted her with 'wagwan' and mocked her skin colour - abuse which later prompted her to quit her job 'On 29 April 29, 2021, a pupil in her class repeated back something she had said but in an exaggerated Indian accent. 'She took the pupil out of the class to explain that this was unacceptable. 'The pupil appeared to understand, and was allowed to return to the class. He did the same thing again and was removed and spoken to by a guidance teacher. He was brought back to apologise.' The tribunal heard incidents continued into May of 2021, with Ms Mallet-Ali being called 'wagwan' again and one pupil acting 'aggressively' to her. The report added: 'After each incident the school's approach was to take the pupil out of the class and for there to be a conversation involving Ms Mallet-Ali, a guidance teacher, [headteacher Stuart] Clyde, or a combination of those individuals. 'The school consciously takes what it calls a 'restorative' approach to pupil behaviour which breaches its expected standards. 'Broadly, this involves having a discussion with a view to persuading the pupil to change their behaviour by understanding why it is not acceptable, rather than any more punitive steps. 'This was the approach taken in response to Ms Mallet-Ali's reported incidents. 'As the number and frequency of reported incidents increased, Ms Mallet-Ali felt more strongly that the school was not doing enough to prevent them occurring or to otherwise protect her. 'She wished the offending pupils to be excluded from her class. She also wanted the school to report the incidents to the police as hate crimes.' She said Bertha Park High School (pictured) failed to deal with the abuse and tried to sue the Perth secondary for 20,000 claiming it was 'institutionally racist'. But her discrimination claim was thrown out by a judge during an employment tribunal in Dundee, Scotland It was heard the school was 'reluctant' to report it to the police but made contact and it was arranged that an officer would visit to give a talk to the pupils. Ms Mallet-Ali remained unhappy and on May 26 2021 called police to report 'potential hate crimes' and went off sick. She submitted a grievance about the school's handling of her complaint and said she was too unwell to return to her job and that it would be 'unsafe'. She resigned in November 2021 before launching her legal case and asking for 20,000 in compensation. At the tribunal, the panel said it accepted that pupils had behaved as she described, that they did so 'because of her ethnicity' and that this had the impact of making her 'too unwell to work in the school'. But she lost her claim as they ruled the school would have treated a white teacher who had suffered personal abuse about 'an aspect of the teacher's physical appearance, or a particular habit or mannerism they used, or their sexual orientation' in the same way. Employment Judge Brian Campbell said: 'Ms Mallet-Ali clearly wished criminal proceedings to be initiated, and sanctions to be imposed by the school itself. 'The school did not adopt that ethos. This was a general policy decision and not one chosen specifically in response to how it viewed her complaints. 'The tribunal recognises that Ms Mallet-Ali sustained racially motivated verbal abuse from pupils on a number of occasions... and that this was distressing to her to the point that it impacted on her health. 'However...the [school] did not treat her less favourably than it treated, or would have treated, a relevant comparator by reason of race. Her claim therefore must be dismissed.' The tribunal stated Ms Mallet-Ali was 'offered support' throughout the incidents and the school acted within the 'scope of its powers'. A Perth & Kinross Council spokesperson said: 'Perth & Kinross Council does not condone discrimination of any kind and any instance of racism in our schools, towards pupils or staff, will be responded to appropriately and in line with Council policy and guidance. 'The Council is reassured that the Tribunal recognised the actions taken by the school were appropriate in the circumstances. 'This included a restorative approach to discipline , which promotes accountability and helps the young person understand the harm they caused, as well as reporting incidents to police when matters escalated.' HAS YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL SERVED A SUBSTANDARD MEAL? DO YOU HAVE PICTURES? HAS YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL SERVED A SUBSTANDARD MEAL? DO YOU HAVE PICTURES? Email tips@dailymail.com or katherine.lawton@mailonline.co.uk A frustrated mother has shared a photo of the 'tiny' lunch portions at her ten-year-old son's school - which she claims leave him 'starving when he gets home every day'. Leanne Pengelly, 43, snapped a picture of the free school meal provided to son Josh at Millbrook Primary School in Newport. It showed a meagre-looking meal of cabbage, potatoes and carrots with some gravy. HAS YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL SERVED A SUBSTANDARD MEAL? DO YOU HAVE PICTURES? Email tips@dailymail.com or katherine.lawton@mailonline.co.uk She was only able to identify the tiny portion sizes after picking up Josh from school early one day. Leanne Pengelly, 43, snapped a picture of the 'tiny' school meal provided at Millbrook Primary School in Newport Ms Pengelly (left) raised concerns with the school's teachers and said that the meal would 'barely fill a five-year-old' let alone her ten-year-old son Josh (right) Poll Do YOU think this roast dinner is too small for a 10-year-old? Vote here and let us know... Yes No Do YOU think this roast dinner is too small for a 10-year-old? Vote here and let us know... Yes 356 votes No 1505 votes Now share your opinion The mother, who raised concerns with the school's teachers, said that the meal would 'barely fill a five-year-old'. 'My son wasn't well so I went to pick him up from school and they gave him his lunch to eat and I was shocked at how little there was,' she said. 'He has always said the meals are small and he's starving when he gets in from school. 'I brought it up with Millbrook a few years back, but nothing got done and I had never seen the size of them. 'My son gets free school meals, but it costs me extra money to go out and buy stuff for packed lunches because he's so hungry.' Ms Pengelly added: 'After picking him up from school I had to make him more food because he was still so hungry, so I can't imagine how he must feel every day at school. Millbrook Primary School said all meals have to meet Welsh Government's quality standards 'He is a 10-year-old boy and they wouldn't fill a five-year-old up.' Ms Pengelly said she had since voiced her concerns to staff at the school - with one teacher suggesting she would raise the issue with Newport City Council. Children at the school are currently being taught at the former Brynglas Adult Training Centre two miles away from the original site, but there is no confirmation on when they will be able to return. A spokesman for Millbrook Primary School and Newport City Council told MailOnline: 'All school meals supplied by Newport City Council's contracted catering company have to meet Welsh Government's quality standards. 'They are nutritious, freshly cooked and affordable. We are sorry this parent felt this meal, which included a pudding, was insufficient but we would urge her to raise her concerns directly with the school. 'The school sent the meal home with the child, who was unwell, as a gesture of goodwill. It is not something they are legally required to do.' HAS YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL SERVED A SUBSTANDARD MEAL? DO YOU HAVE PICTURES? Email tips@dailymail.com or katherine.lawton@mailonline.co.uk The Kremlin said on Monday that any British tanks sent to Ukraine will 'burn' on the battlefield and warned military aid 'will not aid the situation on the ground' but instead only serve to prolong the on-going invasion. Since President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine on February 24, the United States and its allies have given tens of billions of dollars' worth of weaponry including rocket systems, drones, armoured vehicles and communications systems. Britain said on Saturday it would send 14 of its Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine as well as other advanced artillery support in the coming weeks. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov accused Britain of 'using this country as a tool to achieve their anti-Russian goals,' when asked about the British tanks. The Kremlin said on Monday that any British tanks sent to Ukraine will 'burn' on the battlefield. Pictured: A Challenger 2 tank is seen during training drills in 2018 (file photo). Britain said on Saturday it would send 14 of its Challenger 2 main battle tanks in the coming weeks Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov accused Britain of 'using this country as a tool to achieve their anti-Russian goals,' when asked about the British tanks. Pictured: A destroyed Russian tank covered by snow stands in the village of Kamyanka, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, January 14 'The special military operation will continue. These tanks are burning and will burn,' he said, using Moscow's term for Putin's invasion. He added that plans by some countries - like the UK and Poland - to send tanks to Ukraine will 'not change the situation on the ground. It will only prolong this story.' British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak promised last week to provide British Challenger 2 tanks to Kyiv. Earlier this month France also pledged to send tanks - the French-build AMX-10 RC - to Ukraine. Monday also saw the Kremlin deny any conflict between the Defence Ministry and the Wagner mercenary group fighting for Russia in Ukraine, calling it an invention of the media. Tension between Wagner and the defence establishment burst into the open last Friday when the ministry claimed the capture of the Ukrainian town of Soledar - which Ukraine disputed - but made no mention of Wagner's role in the fighting. Wagner's boss Yevgeny Prigozhin complained of attempts to minimise his forces' role and belittle their achievements. The defence ministry later issued an update praising the 'courageous and selfless actions' of Wagner fighters. Peskov told reporters it was unhelpful for pro-Russian media to take part in media 'manipulations' about an alleged rift between the armed forces and Wagner. He said Russia recognised both as heroes, and 'both of them will be forever in our memory'. 'As for any conflicts, these are mainly products of informational manipulations, which are, okay, sometimes arranged by our informational opponents, but sometimes our friends behave in such a way that such enemies are not needed,' he said. 'Everyone is fighting for their country. So this is how it should be viewed.' Emergency personnel work at the site where an apartment block that was heavily damaged by a Russian missile strike in Dnipro, Ukraine January 15 Meanwhile, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is under pressure to approve an increase in international military support for Kyiv by allowing the export of Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine by manufacturer Germany, and other countries that have them. Warsaw has signalled it is willing to send Leopard tanks to its neighbour. However, Kyiv suffered a setback on Sunday when German armsmaker Rheinmetall said it could deliver repaired Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine in 2024 at the earliest and would need a confirmed order to begin repairs. Its chief executive was quoted as saying this by Bild newspaper on Sunday. Germany announced earlier this month that it would provide Ukraine with 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to help repel Russian forces. But Kyiv has also requested heavier vehicles such as the Leopards, which would represent a significant step-up in Western support to Ukraine. Still, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said earlier this month delivering the Leopard tanks could not be 'ruled out'. The German army has only around 350 Leopard 2 tanks today, compared to some 4,000 battle main tanks at the height of the Cold War. For Rheinmetall, repairing the tanks it has in stock - at least 22 Leopard 2 tanks and 88 Leopard 1 tanks - would cost several hundred million euros, Papperger told Bild. 'The vehicles must be completely dismantled and rebuilt,' he added. The firm also has 100 Marder vehicles, Papperger said, but these would also need repairs taking seven to eight months before they could be used. Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov during their meeting in Ufa, the capital of Bashkortostan, Russia, on Friday, January 13 Germany has become one of Ukraine's top military supporters in response to Russia's invasion after last year, overcoming a taboo that is rooted in its bloody 20th century history on sending weapons to conflict zones. Still, critics say German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his ruling SPD are too slow, waiting for allies to act first instead of assuming Germany's responsibility as the Western power closest to Ukraine. Germany's defence industry is banned by law from producing tanks for stock-keeping. Even if production were ramped up, experts say it could take at least two years for new tanks to be ready for use. The country's military aid for Ukraine was potentially plunged into further disarray on Monday as Germany's much-criticised defence minister announced her resignation. Christine Lambrecht's decision also comes as her department steers the massive project of modernising the country's military. In a written statement, she said she submitted her resignation request to Chancellor Olaf Scholz, adding that 'months of media focus on my person' had stood in the way of a factual debate about the military and Germany's security policy. The 57-year-old Lambrecht has been defence minister since Scholz became chancellor in December 2021. Critics have long portrayed her as out of her depth. But Scholz stood by her, describing her last month as 'a first-class defence minister.' Pressure on her mounted recently after an ill-judged New Year's video message. The notoriously unwieldy department has a history of diminishing ministers' reputations. Its importance increased with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. That prompted Scholz to announce a special 100 billion-euro fund to upgrade the German military, the Bundeswehr, which has suffered for years from neglect and in particular from ageing, poorly functioning equipment. The country's military aid for Ukraine was potentially plunged into further disarray on Monday as Germany's much-criticised defense minister announced her resignation. Christine Lambrecht's decision also comes as her department steers the massive project of modernising the country's military. Pictured: Lambrecht is seen on January 12 Last month, Lambrecht dismissed suggestions that the government had been too slow to get going on its spending drive. She said officials have moved fast but that 'such projects must be carefully negotiated - this is tax money.' The minister also drew criticism for hapless communication, starting with a January 2022 announcement that Germany would deliver 5,000 military helmets to Ukraine as 'a very clear signal that we stand by your side.' In April, she took her 21-year-old son along on a military helicopter flight, which became public when he posted a photo to Instagram that it turned out the minister had taken herself. Her ministry said she had applied for permission and paid the costs herself, but critics said it showed poor judgement. An amateurish New Year's video message on her own private Instagram account prompted new opposition calls for Lambrecht's departure and strained political allies' patience. It showed a barely audible Lambrecht speaking against a backdrop of loud New Year's Eve fireworks in a Berlin street. 'A war is raging in the middle of Europe,' she said. 'And connected with that for me were a lot of special impressions that I was able to gain - many, many meetings with interesting, great people.' She was treated for systemic hypertension and was diagnosed with renal failure The bear lived at Kansas City Zoo for over a decade and has now died aged 33 Berlin got her name as she was born one month after the fall of the Berlin Wall America's oldest polar bear 'Berlin' has been euthanized at Kansas City Zoo after staff discovered she was suffering from incurable renal failure. Berlin was born on December 11, 1989 in Cincinnati Zoo - a month after the fall of the Berlin Wall - which led to her unusual name. The 33-year-old bear was the oldest in captivity in the US, and possibly the whole of North America, according to Kansas City Zoo. She had been treated for systemic hypertension and was later diagnosed with renal failure. Berlin was given her name because she was born one month after the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 America's oldest polar bear 'Berlin' has been euthanized at Kansas City Zoo after staff discovered she was suffering from incurable renal failure (pictured at Como Zoo in 2012) Berlin was euthanized after treatment options were 'exhausted', the zoo announced on Thursday afternoon, after the decision was made on Wednesday. 'Berlin was a beloved ambassador for her species and helped contribute to research that has benefited the wild polar bear population,' the zoo said in a news release. 'Her animal care specialists commended her big personality and described her as "smart and sassy" and say she gave all of her caregivers "a run for their money!" 'Unfortunately, Berlin's health had significantly declined yesterday morning, and it was determined there were no other additional medical options to improve her condition. She was euthanized surrounded by her caregivers. 'Berlin will be dearly missed by her Zoo family, including staff, volunteers, and guests.' Berlin went to the Lake Superior Zoo in Duluth, Minnesota, when she was only a year old. There, she managed to temporarily escape her enclosure when her habitat flooded in 2012, when rising water levels allowed her to swim up onto a rock. Adele Wellens posted on Twitter to remember visiting Berlin in the Zoo with a friend The 33-year-old bear was the oldest in captivity in the US, and possibly the whole of North America, according to Kansas City Zoo In 2012 Berlin managed to escape her enclosure after it became flooded and she swam onto a rock She was described as 'smart and sassy' by Kansas City Zoo, reportedly giving her caregivers a 'run for their money' Lizzy Larson said Berlin loved every toy she was given and was good at solving puzzles Polar Bears in accredited zoos have a life expectancy of 23.4 years according to the Kansas City Zoo. Pictured: Berlin at Lake Superior Zoo Lake Superior Zoo posted on Facebook, remembering Berlin's close bond with fellow polar bear Bubba. The zoo said: 'The two of them charmed locals and tourists alike with their playful nature and beauty. 'Many residents of the Twin Ports fondly remember visiting them at the zoo.' Lizzy Larson cared for Berlin at the zoo for three years. She said: 'The thing that I will remember most about Berlin was how incredibly smart she was. Everything Berlin did had a purpose. 'She could solve every puzzle we gave her and I never found a toy she didn't like! I will fondly remember how enthusiastically she would jump into her pool to play. 'I know that she has touched countless hearts in her 33 years of life. We will all be mourning her loss.' People took to social media to share their memories of visiting Berlin at the zoo. Adele Wellens shared a picture of herself looking at the Bear and said: 'The summer I moved to Duluth I first visited a friend in Kansas. We went to this zoo and saw this polar bear. 'I had no idea until today that she was the same polar bear who escaped the @lakesuperiorzoo during the 2012 flood. RIP Berlin. (Pic currently hanging on my wall at home.' Berlin then stayed at Como Zoo before being moved to Kansas City Zoo in 2012, where she spent the last decade of her life. She never had cubs of her own but at Como Zoo she was introduced to six-year-old Nikita in the hope they would add to the small population of polar bears in US zoos. Nikita was eventually sent to North Carolina, to be partnered with a young female polar bear. After moving to Kansas Zoo, Berlin became renowned for her witty and playful nature. Lake Superior Zoo's tribute said she was given a melon and appeared to try to plant the seeds and watch over her plants. The beloved bear's death was announced on Thursday - and she was reportedly surrounded by her caregivers. Polar Bears in accredited zoos have a life expectancy of 23.4 years according to the Kansas City Zoo. In the wild they live for an average of between 15 and 18 years, according to Polar Bears International. Biologists estimate there are between 20,000 and 30,000 polar bears worldwide. Freedom for Animals says 300 of these are housed in zoos. The IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group lists the polar bear as a vulnerable species and cites sea ice loss from climate change as the biggest threat to their survival. In June, however, researchers from the University of Washington discovered a new population of polar bears thriving in the ice-free sea in Southeast Greenland. Berlin was euthanized after treatment options were 'exhausted', the zoo announced on Thursday afternoon, after the decision was made on Wednesday Berlin moved to Kansas City Zoo in 2012, where she stayed for the final decade of her life (file image) People took to social media to share their memories of visiting Berlin at the zoo Polar Bears live in the Arctic on ice-covered water. They rely on ice to access seals to eat and to rest and breed on. They can be found in the US (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Greenland and Norway. They are known for travelling around slowly, at around three miles an hour. Polar bears are adapted to cope with a cold climate. The outer layer of fur is hollow and reflects light. This means it appears to be white which helps them to be camouflaged on the ice. The skin underneath is actually black but this can only be seen on the nose. They have a thick layer of fat under their skin and, alongside their big size, this helps to generate heat in the freezing environments. In addition, they have grip on their pads and webbing between their toes which helps with walking on ice and swimming. Their litter size is usually two, but can range between one and four (rare). Kansas City Zoo said it would make its annual contribution from the conservation fund to Polar Bears International in Berlin's memory. MPs are set to vote tonight on the Government's new strikes laws in the wake of disruptive action by rail workers, nurses and ambulance staff. Rishi Sunak wants to give ministers the power to impose minimum service levels in key public services - such as the NHS, schools and transport networks - during walkouts by unions. The Prime Minister has argued this will bring Britain into line with other European countries, where minimum service level laws exist, and protect lives by ensuring a basic level of emergency service is always available. Under the bill, some employees would be required to work during a strike and could be fired if they refuse. Labour has accused the Government of 'threatening nurses with the sack' with their plans, which have been introduced amid a bitter pay dispute between ministers and unions. Mr Sunak is facing a huge battle to get the legislation through Parliament, with opposition MPs and peers gearing up for a fight over the proposed laws. The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill faces its first test in the House of Commons tonight when Business Secretary Grant Shapps attempts to push it to its next parliamentary stage. He presented the bill for its second reading in front of MPs this evening with a warning that it would be 'irresponsible' for opposition parties to oppose the Government's efforts to 'keep livelihoods and lives safe' during strikes. The Business Secretary warned that continuing to rely on voluntary arrangements between unions and NHS trusts during strikes by health workers was not sustainable. Business Secretary Grant Shapps told the Commons it would be 'irresponsible' for opposition parties to oppose the Government's efforts to 'keep livelihoods and lives safe' during strikes Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner branded the proposed legislation as the 'sacking of nurses' bill' Members of the RMT union joined a protest against the strikes legislation outside Downing Street this evening Union members were encouraged to join tonight's demonstration in Westminster with flags, banners and placards 'We cant continue to rely on voluntary arrangements to ensure the safety of people we represent,' Mr Shapps told the Commons. 'After all, strokes and heart attacks dont respect the boundaries of, for example, trust borders, and Im intrigued to know what the members opposite would actually say to their constituents, perhaps to grieving constituents whove lost loved ones because of some sort of postcode lottery.' Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner hit out at the 'tone' of Mr Shapps's remarks in the Commons this evening and demanded he 'reflect' on his comments. Confirming her party would vote against the bill's second reading, she told MPs: 'I cannot recall a measure that is at once so irrational and so insulting. 'Not only is it a vindictive assault on the basic freedoms of British working people, but this legislation is as empty of detail as it is full of holes. 'So, we will oppose the sacking of nurses bill and not just nurses, but also many of the key workers who we clapped and who kept our services going in the face of the pandemic. 'We will vote against it tonight and the next Labour government will repeal it.' The Liberal Democrats and SNP are also set to vote against the bill's second reading tonight. Meanwhile, to coincide with this evening's debate in the Commons, trade union leaders who spearheaded recent strikes staged a demonstration outside Downing Street against the 'hostile' legislation. Members of the PCS union, which has recently held a Border Force strike, and the RMT union, which has staged regular strikes on the railways for months, both attended the Westminster rally. The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill is part of Mr Sunak's response to the ongoing 'winter of discontent'. Nurses, ambulance drivers, rail workers, and border officials - as well as many other workers - have all brought widespread disruption to Britain with walkouts in recent months. The bill seeks to give the Government the power to set minimum service levels for NHS, fire, education, transport, nuclear decommissioning and border security services. It does not set out what minimum service levels should be, or what they should be based on, but gives ministers the power to impose minimums through secondary legislation. The PCS union encouraged its members to join tonight's demonstration outside Downing Street with flags, banners and placards. The union's general secretary Mark Serwotka said: 'This bill puts power in the hands of the wrong people. 'It gives all the power to ministers and employers instead of our members who are being denied their democratic right to strike. 'It paves the way for workers who have voted for strike action being sacked if they refuse to turn up for work on a strike day. 'We shall oppose this hostile legislation to protect our members' rights.' An Indigenous woman has created a storm of debate by attacking Coles for selling national flags to wave ahead of Australia Day. The post on popular Facebook group Tea Time shows a picture of small Australian flags on a supermarket shelf in boxes labelled 'waver flag'. 'I'm Indigenous and I saw this today,' the post reads. 'FUMING I SAW THIS AT COLES, they need to be cancelled. A caption running across the photo reads 'Today is really testing my patience'. An Indigenous woman has created a storm of debate by attacking Coles for selling national flags to wave ahead of Australia Day Poll Should Coles be 'cancelled' for selling Aussie flags? Yes No Should Coles be 'cancelled' for selling Aussie flags? Yes 111 votes No 1109 votes Now share your opinion The post sharply divided opinion on the polarising topic of whether or not January 26 should be a day for patriotism. National day celebrations have grown increasingly controversial in recent years with many Australians unwilling to commemorate arrival of the First Fleet from Britain in 1788, as it also marks the beginning of Indigenous people being dispossessed of the continent. In some quarters the date has been labelled 'Invasion Day' or 'Survival Day' and outspoken Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe has called for the date to be a national day of mourning. Major companies such as Telstra, KPMG, Channel 10 and some universities are even giving staff the option to work on the day and take another date off if they feel uncomfortable. The celebration of Australia Day on January 26 has become increasingly controversial. Pictured: Australia Day revellers on the Gold Coast in 2022 For many Australia Days celebrations mean a day at the beach with mates (pictured, pals enjoy the sun at Wave Break Island on the Gold Coast in 2022) But not everyone agrees and many slammed the Facebook user's post insisting it should be a 'day of fun'. 'I don't get it? It's an Australian flag... we live in Australia?' one person said. Another wrote: 'Get over it'. 'Can't really cancel a major grocery chain,' a third commented. 'We need them for many reasons and cancel culture isn't the answer... in my opinion.' But many Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians rallied to the woman's support. Protesters hold placards as they march during an Invasion Day rally in Sydney in 2022 Activists are spotted using hand written signs to convey their views on the plight of the Indigenous in Australia. Pictured: Invasion Day rally protesters in Brisbane, 2022 'If you don't feel the pain that our people suffered from years ago and even today shut ya dot!' One person wrote. Another said: 'You're allowed to be p***ed off sis. I would have grabbed them and put them in the fridge.' The post even attracted a reply from a persons claiming to be a Coles staff member. 'As someone who works for Coles (specifically a nightfiller who fills the shelves with this stuff) unfortunately it's not up to us as the staff to pick and choose what gets filled and what doesn't,' the person said. 'If we don't fill we get in trouble. (And taking a stand can also jepodise jobs and income from a already problematic expensive cost of living society) 100 per cent agree that a stand should be made - but not at the expense of the staff and working folk at Coles.' Daily Mail Australia has contacted Coles for comment. The mother of a missing infant remains in intensive care with hypothermia A Ukrainian mother who was trapped for 20 hours under rubble after Russian airstrikes destroyed her apartment was not able to cry out for help because she is deaf, her sister has revealed. Russian missiles destroyed the tower block of civilian flats in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro on Saturday, killing 40. Kateryna 'Katya' Zelenska, 27, was pictured covered in dust with her neck in a brace as she was being lifted from the rubble by rescuers. She was later identified by her sister, Alina, when the harrowing image was shared on Instagram. She said: 'This is Katya - my sister! She was found only this morning and thank God she is alive. She lived with her family in that cursed house on Peremoza! 'She could not call for help, because she has been deaf since childhood!' Katya is rescued from rubble in a photo released by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine Kateryna's sister said they were still looking for the missing husband and one-year-old Sister Alina shared an image of Kateryna 'Katya' Zelenska who was rescued from the rubble Russia fired 33 cruise missiles on Saturday, of which 21 were shot down, according to General Valeriy Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces. The attack was the largest by Russia in several weeks targeting Ukrainian power infrastructure and urban areas. Kyiv and Kharkiv were also targeted by missile attacks. Firefighters in Dnipro worked through Saturday night and Sunday day to recover survivors and the dead from the destroyed residential area. Earlier today, the city's mayor Boris Filatov said there was 'minimal' chance of finding any more survivors as the death toll reached 35. At the time of writing, the number of dead recovered is 40. 75 have been confirmed injured, including 14 children. The condition of 30 residents is still unknown. Some of the people trapped in the building, which housed 1,700 people, were able to use torches on their mobile phones to attract attention. Mother Kateryna, who was unable to cry for help because she is deaf, was found with a body temperature of 87.8F (31C) after 20 hours trapped in freezing temperatures. The average body temperature for a healthy adult is 98.6F (37C). She was hospitalised and remains in intensive care, where doctors are trying to save her life. Kateryna Zelenska's (R) husband (L) and one-year-old son are reportedly still missing Emergency services work at the site where an apartment block was heavily damaged in Dnipro Kateryna Zelenska (R) was found and rescued by firefighters after 20 hours with hypothermia Rescue workers carry the body of a man who was killed in a Russian missile strike on Saturday According to the website Our City, Kateryna's missing son and husband died in the attack. Locals were 'shocked' that a residential building with no apparent strategic value would be targeted by Russian forces. Ivan Garnuk said: 'There are no military facilities here. There is nothing here. There is no air defence, there are no military bases here. It just hit civilians, innocent people.' Dnipro residents joined rescue workers at the scene to help clear the rubble. Others brought food and warm clothes for those who had lost their homes. The condition of 30 residents is still unknown after the Russian strike on Dnipro on Saturday Firefighters in Ukraine look to recover a woman from rubble after the Russian airstrike This is the dramatic moment armed police swarmed a car and arrested a suspect in connection with a drive-by shooting at a memorial service in central London at the weekend. A seven-year-old girl was among the victims of the incident that left six injured and at least one with life changing injuries after a gunman opened fire from a car as guests left the St Aloysius Church on Phoenix Road, opposite Euston Railway station on Saturday. The service was being held for Sara Sanchez and her mother, Fresia Calderon - whose ex-husband is a gangster linked to the notorious Colombian Cali Cartel. Footage shows three unmarked police cars boxing in a black Kia Nero hybrid electric vehicle at around 4pm on Sunday. Ten armed police officers then surround the car before removing the driver and pinning him to the road in Barnet, northwest London. Footage shared with the Daily Mail shows three unmarked police cars boxing in the black Kia Nero hybrid electric vehicle Ten armed police officers surround the car before removing the driver and pinning him to the road (moment pictured) Part of the group of armed police continue to point their weapons at the person in the passenger seat while another marked police car could be seen further down the street. The police can be heard shouting 'get on the ground' as they bring the suspect to the floor. The witness can be heard describing how the police said they were arresting the man on 'suspicion of attempted murder' and that there is a cab licence sticker in the window of the vehicle. One local living in a flat on the road said: 'They smashed into my car, I think it's going to be written off, I'm still dealing with the insurance. 'They blocked the car in at the front, side and back. Right into my BMW that was parked on the side of the road. Armed police were pointing their guns into the car.' An employee at the Junction Cafe on Cricklewood Lane who witnessed the arrest said: 'There were a lot of police, armed police, they boxed the guy's car in, just out here by the cafe.' They said they saw one man arrested, adding: 'There was another man, but he wasn't taken away in the van.' Carlos Arturo Sanchez-Coronado (left) was the ex-husband of Fresia Calderon, who was one of the people the service was being held in memory of The shooting took place at a memorial service for Fresia Calderon (left) and her daughter Sara Sanchez (right), who died within a month of each other 'The windows of the car were all smashed up, but I didn't see if that happened before the arrest or if the car was already like that,' they added. An employee at the Irish News shop on the street also witnessed the arrest, saying: 'Yesterday afternoon about 3:30 there was quite a lot of noise, at least three cars and a lot of police. One man was taken away in the van and there was another man.' Police said a man was arrested and taken into custody shortly before 4pm on Sunday afternoon. Officers were called to St Aloysius Church on Phoenix Road in Euston, central London, on Saturday where a memorial service was taking place for a young woman and her mother. Scotland Yard said shotgun pellets were fired from a black Toyota C-HR at around 1.30pm before it was driven off - amid fears the attack is linked to Colombia's violent drug wars. An eyewitness told the Sun police made 'heavy contact' with the car, adding 'I've never seen anything like it in my life - it happened so fast and became a major police operation in the blink of an eye.' Four women and two children were injured in the attack, with the youngest left in a life-threatening condition. The Metropolitan Police said a 22-year-old man was arrested after a car was stopped in Cricklewood Lane, Barnet, shortly before 4pm on Sunday. Police officers investigate the scene of the shooting near Euston station on Saturday night An invitation to the memorial service on Saturday urged people attending to wear white clothing in memory of the mother and daughter He has been taken into custody. Three women - aged 48, 54 and 41 - were taken to a central London hospital. Sources said that all of their injuries were there assessed and designated as non-life threatening. Police said the 48-year-old has potentially life-changing injuries. A 21-year-old woman was also taken to a central London hospital and her condition has been assessed as non life-threatening. The seven-year-old girl remains in hospital in a serious but stable condition. A 12-year-old girl who sustained a leg injury is expected to make a full recovery. The shots sent mourners running and screaming, with many of them sheltering inside the church, witnesses said. Father Jeremy Trood, who conducted the service, confirmed it was a Requiem Mass for Sara Sanchez, 20, and her mother, who both died in November. Ms Sanchez suffered from leukaemia for three years before succumbing to the disease. Her death came after her mother died suddenly from a rare blood clot on arrival at Heathrow from Colombia, The self-proclaimed 'Fat Doctor' has claimed people aren't simply obese because of their diet and there is no proof weight loss has any health benefits in an exchange with LBC's Nick Ferrari (left). In one of the wildest segments, Dr Asher Larmie (right and inset) denied the presenter's love for red wine and hatred of exercise was to blame for his larger frame. Mr Ferrari told LBC's listeners: 'I'm fat because I drink too much red wine and I don't exercise enough.' But Dr Larmie, a trans, non-binary GP based around Hertfordshire, interrupted and replied 'that's absolutely not true', much to Mr Ferrari's amusement. 'You are not fat because of what you eat and how much exercise you do. That is the line that everybody is led to believe', added the GP, who has built a following of fat fanatics online. Mr Ferrari replied: 'Doctor if I left you now and ran up and down Leicester Square for three hours then went home and had a piece of lettuce and then came and did the tomorrow and the day after that and the the day after that I would start to look like a supermodel.' But Dr Larmie dismissed this too, telling the presenter such efforts were useless as he would regain the weight within the first year adding 'the body will always return you to your natural set point weight'. Some asked why the sculpture cost quite so much to make, while others questioned why the couple's heads had been removed They struggled to see the hug it represents, inspired by Dr. King and his wife Coretta Scott King But art critics say the $10.5million bronze sculpture missed the mark The Embrace by Hank Willis Thomas was unveiled in Boston yesterday to fanfare The new sculpture honoring Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King has been panned a day after its unveiling in Boston, with many art critics left disappointed by the tribute to the civil rights icon. The sculpture, titled The Embrace, was inspired by a photograph of the couple hugging in 1964 after learning that Dr. King Jr. had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Hank Willis Thomas, the Brooklyn-based artist behind it, said he wanted to create a sculpture dedicated to love and not war, and that the image symbolized the strength of the iconic couple's marriage. Members of the King family were there to watch the sculpture's unveiling in Boston yesterday. But while the idea behind the piece is undeniably moving, the final result fell flat for many critics - not to mention Coretta's cousin. The Embrace was unveiled in Boston yesterday ahead of Martin Luther King Day The sculpture was inspired by a hug shared by Dr. King and his wife Coretta when he learned he'd won the Nobel Peace Prize Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. hugs his wife Coretta after learning he'd been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize of 1964 Former Guardian art critic Waldemar Januszczak said the 19-ton sculpture was a 'particularly bad monument to Martin Luther King' while others labeled it 'awful' and a 'waste of money'. Many asked why the artist chose to depict the couple's arms and shoulders but not their heads or faces, and said it was hard to 'wrap the brain around'. 'Were they really so scared to commission a full figure naturalistic likeness?' asked one critic. 'A great shame, perhaps the concept was far better than the execution...it just looks... awful!' Unimpressed: The sculpture fell flat for many who asked why the artist removed the couple's heads Artists and art critics were similarly unimpressed with the sculpture 'This is a sculpture that doesn't translate well in a photo; a single angle view doesn't capture it. 'Amazing idea, beautiful concept, but hard to wrap the brain around,' said another. According to an interview with the artist by The New York Times, the sculpture was paid for in part by Embrace Boston - a part of The Boston Foundation. The charity 'works toward racial and economic justice', according to the Times' report. It 'helped provide resources and $10.5 million in funds' which includes a 'maintenance fund' for the sculpture and the park in which it sits. Artist Hank Willis Thomas at the unveiling yesterday. He said he wanted to create a sculpture dedicated to 'love' not war Thomas said of the sculpture: 'When we recognize that all storytelling is an abstraction, all representation is an abstraction, hopefully it allows us to be open to more dynamic and complex forms of representation that don't stick us to narrative that oversimplifies a person or their legacy, and I think this work really tries to get to the heart of that.' In an interview with CBS a week ago, he said he was inspired by the image of Dr. King and his wife. 'There was an intimacy that I saw that wasn't highlighted often. I just love that image - him hugging her with such glee and such joy and price. I saw the pride on her face and I recognized that this was teamwork. 'All of his weight in that picture is on her.' Coretta's cousin was among those who criticized the finished result. 'The woke algorithm is just broke, I don't know what else to tell you. If you went through all of that and that's what you came up with, something's wrong,' he told The New York Post. File photo of Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman holding a folder-case containing the Union Budget 2022-23. (Representational Image/PTI)Photo The forthcoming Union Budget, to be presented in Parliament by finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on February 1, will be the first real post-Covid Budget and the last full-year Budget before the general election is announced. The macroeconomic backdrop is a challenging one, where domestic demand drivers are still recovering from the ravages of the pandemic while the global environment is one of great uncertainty. It goes without saying that the Indian economy will not remain immune to the global reverberations. The Budgets over the past few years have been very high on reforms and providing capex support to the economy and industry. The forthcoming one should continue to take forward the governments focus on creating an enabling policy and infrastructure ecosystem for manufacturing in India, apart from bracing the economy for an imminent global slowdown with minimal sacrifice. Towards this end, here are five specific suggestions for the upcoming Budget. First, an appropriate fiscal strategy needs to be spelt out. Fiscal consolidation is imperative for macro-economic stability. As per the latest government numbers, the economy remains on track to achieve the fiscal target of 6.4 per cent of GDP on the back of healthy tax buoyancy despite a sharp increase noted in the spending this year. The Budget should lay down the fiscal consolidation roadmap so that the fiscal deficit can move towards 4.5 per cent of GDP by FY26. It is pertinent to mention here that so far, the revenue augmentation has been driven mainly by tax component, while the non-tax component has continued to remain lackadaisical. The latter needs to get a rev up, to diversify the sources of revenue. To achieve this, it is suggested that there should be aggressive focus on privatisation. It is suggested that the responsibility and authority for the identified PSUs could be transferred to DIPAM from the line ministries once a decision has been taken to privatise them. In addition, the Budget should target higher asset monetisation receipts in FY24 with a focus on the railways and telecom. The subsidy bill in the current year has ballooned due to a sharp rise in the food and fertiliser subsidy. This needs to be rationalised next year, as a high subsidy burden squeezes the finances available for funding the productive expenditure in the economy. Non-merit subsidies comprise a staggering 5.7 per cent of GDP, with a breakup of 1.6 per cent and 4.1 per cent between the Centre and states. This is clearly unsustainable. Second, the Budget needs to take forward the ambition of developing a globally competitive manufacturing sector. With shifting global value chains, this is an opportune time for India to expand its manufacturing base to capitalise on the China plus one strategy being pursued by many global economies. A globally competitive manufacturing sector will play a pivotal role in Indias journey to becoming a Viksit Rashtra (developed country) in the next 25 years or so. This will be accompanied by a rise in the share of manufacturing sector in GVA from the current print of 16 per cent to around 25 per cent over the similar time period. A critical impetus to accomplish this will come from the manufacturing sector embracing technology and innovation in a much bigger way and gearing up for the Techade. This would entail ramping up investments in R&D, from the current levels of a mere 0.7 per cent of GDP to four per cent of GDP by 2047 with an interim goal of 2.5 per cent by 2030. To facilitate this, it is suggested that the Budget should set up a joint Industry-Government Science and Technology Advisory Council to deliberate on making a roadmap for achieving these aspirational goals. Third, the Budget needs to provide continued capex support to the economy. There is no greater multiplier than capital expenditure for the economy. It is well known that every rupee spent on infrastructure generates a multiplier effect of approximately 2.95 for the economy. In the coming year, with global uncertainty becoming a restraining factor, revival in private capex is expected to remain subdued, thus reinforcing the need for public capex to pump prime the economy. In this context, it is suggested that the Budget should increase allocation towards capital expenditure by 35 per cent, like last year, thus taking the total public capex to about Rs.10 lakh crores. This should include significant focus on rural infrastructure to boost jobs and incomes in the rural areas. This would boost rural demand. The Budget should also continue with the Rs. 1 lakh crore of interest-free loans scheme for state capex and make it performance driven to encourage the states to undertake capital expenditure. State capex is a large proportion of overall government capex, and hence it is important to continue to extend support to states for capex. Fourth, the Budget needs to spur health and education spending. The need to substantially increase spending on public healthcare and education is well recognised. In fact, investing in health and education is pivotal for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth, while improving worker productivity in the post-Covid-19 period. The government has made significant allocation in the last two Budgets to address the healthcare system, but it needs to be stepped up even further. The consecutive Budgets should endeavour to raise public spending on healthcare from 1.28 per cent of GDP in 2018-19 to around 2.5-3.0 per cent of GDP by 2025 to ensure affordable healthcare. In addition, the Budget could announce a high-powered task force to examine the possibilities of private institutional capital supporting public capital in a large way for healthcare and education. Finally, it is critical for the Budget to lend its support for sustainable growth. India is one of the very few countries globally to have walked the talk on its climate commitments and has set an ambitious goal of achieving Net Zero by 2070. To achieve these ambitious goals, the government should set up a mechanism for green certification to help MSMEs access overseas Green Finance. The mechanism should be accompanied by G2G engagement for creating acceptance for the mechanism. The Budget could also announce a specialised Development Finance Institution (DFI) to fund the energy transition and other climate change mitigation and adaptation measures along with announcing a PLI for electrolysers to encourage production of green hydrogen. Industry is looking forward to a growth-oriented and reform-focused Union Budget that would not only address the existing macro-economic challenges but also put in place strong levers for the development of the country during the Amrit Kaal with an overall objective of making India a Viksit Rashtra by 2047. An Afghan asylum seeker accused of murdering an aspiring marine during a row over an e-scooter posed with a huge knife on TikTok to gain more followers, a court heard today. Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai, 21, was charged with the murder of aspiring Royal Marine Thomas Roberts, 21, outside a Subway sandwich shop in Bournemouth on March 12 last year, having allegedly stabbed him twice in the chest with a '10cm blade'. In the months before the alleged murder, Abdulrahimzai shared pictures of himself posing with a 10inch knife on the social media and video sharing app TikTok - despite being warned by his foster parent, police and social workers not to. He also revealed he was 'beaten up' during an incident in King's Park, Bournemouth just months before Mr Robert was stabbed - an incident which prompted Abdulrahimzai to start carrying a knife, the jury heard. When asked by prosecution solicitor Nic Lobbenberg KC, at Salisbury Crown Court, why he carried a knife, he said: 'I was fearing for my life, there were people from home who wanted to kill me and people in Bournemouth had threatened to stab me to death.' Murder-accused asylum seeker Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai, 21, broke down in tears today as he claimed his parents were killed by the Taliban and detailed the alleged torture he endured The Afghan national was charged with the murder of aspiring Royal Marine Thomas Roberts (above), 21, outside a Subway sandwich shop in Bournemouth on March 12 last year, having allegedly stabbed him twice in the chest with a '10cm blade' Abdulrahimzai (centre with black hood) was caught on camera headbutting a reveller on a night just minutes before he allegedly murders an aspiring Royal Marine in a row over an e-scooter Giving evidence for the first time today at Salisbury Crown Court, Abdulrahimzai sobbed as he described the abuse he claims he endured at the hands of the Taliban and how the insurgents killed his parents after 'bombing' his home. Abdulrahimzai, who was born in Afghanistan, arrived in the UK in December 2019 and initially told the authorities he was 16 when he was arrested, but the court has since determined that he is now 21. Taking to the dock as part of his defence today, self-professed orphan Abdulrahimzai claimed he was one of the thousands of victims of the horrors of the Taliban. The militant group seized control of Afghanistan in the summer of 2021 after the last remnants of Allied forces withdrew from the country after two decades. Recalling his own experience, Abdulrahimzai told the court: 'I have seen some explosions not very far away. There was an American base not far from where we lived and the Taliban would come and demand things and there would be fighting and gunshots. 'They used heavy weapons like rocket launchers. They planted bombs around my house, I was at my uncle's house at the time, when I came home my parents were dead. I saw their body parts and a lot of blood.' After briefly breaking down in tears, Abdulrahimzai said he was then captured and tortured by the Taliban for up to three weeks before being dumped and left for dead on the side of a road. The jury was shown photographs of scarring all over his body which he says was caused by the torture, during which he was beaten with the butts of rifles and injured with knives. Abdulrahimzai told the court how he had been hanging around a nightclub in Poole having drunk vodka and missed his bus when he encountered Mr Roberts and Mr Medway. Opening the case last week, prosecutor Nic Lobbenberg KC told jurors it was a 'fatal encounter all about a scooter which has cost this boy his life'. He added: 'Thomas was the peacemaker, he came between the two men. For his troubles, he received two stab wounds.' Abdulrahimzai later 'buried' the knife, and burnt some of the clothes he was wearing, the court was told. 'I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart, I wish I could change it,' he added. Armed police are pictured arresting the Afghan national, who is accused of murder The arrest, captured on police bodycam, took place just hours after the killing of Mr Roberts A police cordon outside Subway on Old Christchurch Road in Bournemouth A court heard Mr Roberts, a DJ, was enjoying a night out with his friend James Medway, 24, when he got into an argument with Abdulrahimzai over an e-scooter outside a Subway sandwich store. Jurors were told that, moments after intervening in the disagreement, Mr Roberts, 21, sustained two stab wounds to his chest from an 'aggressive' Abdulrahimzai - with one slicing through his heart. Firearms officers wearing balaclavas and full tactical gear swooped in on the asylum seeker's flat 24 hours after the incident and arrested him. In the video a police officer can be heard reading him his legal rights as Abdulrahimzai is detained in the hallway of his block of flats in Poole, Dorset, following the raid which took place just after midnight on March 13, nearly 24 hours after the incident. Abdulrahimzai can be seen roaming around the streets of Bournemouth in other images in the early hours of March 12 last year before he allegedly murdered Mr Roberts. Details about Abdulrahimzai's perilous journey to safety through Europe were also revealed in court today. A chilling Snapchat video allegedly shows murder accused Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai in a street fight with another man, raining down blows before later posting a Snapchat message boasting: 'we are Afghan we keep it real' (right) He first headed to Serbia through Pakistan and Iran in October 2015, before arriving in Norway later that month with a friend he considered to be like an adopted brother. Abdulrahimzai then left Norway and spent some time in Italy and Serbia. He applied for asylum in Norway, but when his application was refused in December 2019, he left out of fear of being deported back to Afghanistan. In November 2020, Abdulrahimzai was involved in an incident in King's Park, Bournemouth, where he was 'beaten up,' persuading him to start carrying a knife, the jury was told. When asked by prosecution solicitor Nic Lobbenberg KC, at Salisbury Crown Court, why he carried a knife, he said: 'I was fearing for my life, there were people from home who wanted to kill me and people in Bournemouth had threatened to stab me to death. 'I was given it by my friend for my safety. It's a five-inch blade and I think I've seen other people with 22-inch knives. 'My intention wasn't for everyone to see it, it was taken by friends. I put it on TikTok to get some followers. There's just people out there liking knives.' In violent footage released to the court last week, Abdulrahimzai can be seen viciously pummeling another man during a street brawl before boasting: 'We are Afghan, we keep it real'. In the footage shown to jurors, Abdulrahimzai can be seen pinning his helpless opponent to the floor as he rains down blows, punching the cowering male in the head nine times. At the end of the video, Abdulrahimzai films himself with the caption 'we are Afghan we keep it real... I'm 100% sure you wouldn't forget your lessons for the rest of your life.' Abdulrahimzai, who was born in Afghanistan, arrived in the UK that same month and initially told the authorities he was 16 when he was arrested. The court has since determined that he is now 21. He has clamed it was normal for people in Afghanistan to not know their dates of birth due to a lack of education, and his uncle had told him the incorrect date. Salisbury Crown Court heard on the night of the stabbing, Abdulrahimzai wore a hooded coat, a balaclava partially covering his face, and an Afghan flag around his neck. Mr Roberts acted as 'peacemaker' and tried to break up the argument at around 4.40am on March 12 when Abdulrahimzai pulled a 10cm blade and stabbed him twice in the chest, it was heard. Mr Roberts managed to stay on his feet for a few seconds as Mr Medway chased after Abdulrahimzai, but collapsed to the ground seconds later as he 'bled profusely' and then died in hospital. The defendant, who was living in Poole at the time of the incident, denies murder and the trial continues. Tennessee congressman Tim Burchett thinks it's time the government stops covering up evidence of UFOs. The Republican representative told News Nation over the weekend that the US government has been perpetually participating in a 'huge cover-up' of potential alien life, adding that there is proof of UFOs in the Bible. Recently, a report delivered to Congress showed a sharp uptick in military sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena - the new term for UFO. Burchett, who was recently reelected for his third term, has advocated for declassifying information about UFOs for the American people. When asked by anchor Natasha Zouves what he thought of the 171 UFOs that displayed 'unusual fight characteristics' and for which there were no explanations, he said that he has been a 'believer in phenomena for a long time.' Citing the King James Bible, Burchett said, 'The first chapter of Ezekiel is pretty clear of a UFO sighting.' Ezekiel, a book in the Old Testament that describes visions from the prophet Ezekiel, includes in its first chapter a vision of 'four living creatures,' each of which was winged and had four faces, 'a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle.' The lawmaker underscored that some of the UFO sightings now on the record showed vehicles that were capable of maneuvers, such as turns and speed shifts, that are beyond the abilities of any known civilian or military aircraft. Furthermore, the maneuvers in question would exert deadly forces on any occupants of the vehicles that were human. 'If you were human and made the turns that have been seen in some of this footage, you would literally turn into a ketchup packet,' Burchett noted. 'I mean, you would be gone.' 'We've been covering this thing up since the '40s. Since Roswell, or before then,' he added before noting that he doesn't 'trust government' and believes officials should 'release everything.' If the federal government is in possession of an alien craft, Burchett said it is the right of the American people to know and they 'can handle it.' 'I just feel like America is ready. We need to know and to stop with all of the shenanigans,' he concluded. Rep. Burchett has served in Congress since being elected in 2018. He was formerly the mayor of Knox County, Tennessee. Burchett said he doesn't trust the government and encouraged those in power to drop their pretensions and expose the American people to the full reality of potential alien life out there Burchett, with her wife Kelly and daughter Isabel. He lives in Knoxville and has served in Congress since 2019 Rep. Tim Burchett flanked by Reps. Byron Donalds and Lauren Boebert during the fourth day of House leadership elections UFOs and the Bible? Rep. Burchett claimed UFOs are mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel The declassified 2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena was delivered to Congress last week. The report shows a major increase in reports of UFOs from US military personnel over the years. In 2021, a preliminary report that included 144 UFO sightings across 17 years was delivered to the legislative body. But now, the latest report lists 510 UFO reports as of late August of last year. Of the 510 sightings, about 250 were new reports that occurred post-2021, and more than 100 occurred during the time documented in the initial 17 years, but were discovered or reported following the initial report. Several hundred of the unidentified aircraft were eventually identified as either drones, balloons and airborne clutter, or birds. But for 171 of the UFOs, there remains no explanation. In a standard issue statement, the US Department of Defense assured Americans that it is taking the potential threat of UFOs seriously. 'The safety of our service personnel, our bases and installations, and the protection of U.S. operations security on land, in the skies, seas, and space are paramount. We take reports of incursions into our designated space, land, sea, or airspaces seriously and examine each one,' wrote the institution. Scotland Yard failed to stop David Carrick despite nine incidents being reported to police over two decades - including allegations of rape, domestic violence and harassment. The 48-year-old Met firearms officer faced no criminal sanctions or misconduct findings over the incidents between 2000 and 2021 - eight of which involved women victims - leaving him free to attack 12 women in a 17-year campaign of torture and abuse. Carrick passed vetting procedures to join the Met in 2001 despite allegations of malicious communications and burglary against an ex-partner the previous year. He was accused of harassment and assault against a former partner while still in his probationary period in 2002 but the matter was not referred to the Directorate of Professional Standards. Today, campaigners said the Met's 'horrendous' failings were evidence of an 'institution in crisis', while Downing Street admitted public trust in the police had been 'shattered'. Carrick faced no criminal sanctions or misconduct findings over the incidents between 2000 and 2021 - eight of which involved alleged women victims Carrick appearing in Southwark Crown Court today, where he pleaded guilty to 24 counts of rape On one of the darkest day's in the Met's 194-year history - David Carrick, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, has pleaded guilty to 49 charges relating to 12 women between 2003 and 2020; Include the rape of nine different women but some of the charges are multiple incident counts, meaning they relate to 71 serious sexual offences, including 48 rapes; Fiend was nicknamed 'B***ard Dave' by colleagues and showed one of his victims his warrant card; Force failed to stop him despite nine incidents, including claims of rape, domestic violence and harassment, coming to police attention over two decades; Rishi Sunak's spokesman called the case 'appalling' and said that high-profile incidents had 'shattered' public trust; Sadiq Khan says he is 'absolutely sickened and appalled' by Carrick's 'truly abhorrent offences'; Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb will sentence Carrick over two days from February 6; Met is now reviewing more than 1,600 cases of alleged sexual offences or domestic violence involving officers and staff; Campaigners said the Met's failure to stop Carrick showed it was an 'institution in crisis'; Force said it's confident Carrick would not have passed vetting procedures to join today; Police warned Carrick may have had more victims who are waiting to come forward; Baroness Casey, who is conducting a review of the Metropolitan Police's standards and internal culture, . Carrick would flash his warrant card to lure the women into a false sense of security and tell them: 'I'm a police officer, you can trust me'. After the attacks, he would taunt his victims by saying they'd never be believed because he was a policeman and it was his word against theirs. The monster took delight in humiliating his victims, whom he branded his 'slaves' - with some locked in a small cupboard under the stairs for ten hours without food, whipped with a belt, or forced to clean his house naked. He was the subject of five complaints from members of the public between 2002 and 2008, including rudeness, incivility and the use of force, with two of the incidents dealt with by management action. Carrick passed checks to become a firearms officer in 2009 despite at least one further domestic incident involving the Met in 2004 and was re-vetted in 2017 - the same year he was spoken to by Thames Valley Police officers after being thrown out of a Reading nightclub while drunk. By then he had also been the suspect in a 2016 Hampshire Police investigation following an allegation of harassment but he was not arrested. The Pc was given 'words of advice' after being accused of grabbing a woman by the neck during a domestic incident investigated by Hertfordshire Constabulary in 2019 over informing his chain of command about off-duty incidents but found to have no misconduct case to answer. He was placed on restricted duties after he was arrested on suspicion of rape in July 2021 but the restrictions were lifted after the criminal probe was dropped in September. Carrick has now admitted two charges of rape, two of sexual assault and one count of controlling and coercive behaviour in relation to the woman. However, Carrick never returned to full duties because he was arrested over another rape allegation in October after another woman came forward. The investigation prompted another dozen women to make allegations against Carrick, many of whom said they had been scared to speak out because of his position. No police colleagues ever complained about Carrick's behaviour but following his arrest some officers confirmed he was known as 'the bastard' or 'Bastard Dave' because he was 'mean and cruel'. In total Carrick, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, has pleaded guilty to 49 offences, relating to 12 women between 2003 and 2020. They include the rape of nine different women but some of the charges are multiple incident counts, meaning they relate to 71 serious sexual offences, including 48 rapes. The monster was a Met Police firearms officer who worked on the Parliamentary estate Carrick was part of the Met's Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command In total Carrick, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, has pleaded guilty to 49 offences, relating to 12 women between 2003 and 2020. They include the rape of nine different women but some of the charges are multiple incident counts, meaning they relate to 71 serious sexual offences, including 48 rapes. Assistant Commissioner Barbara Gray, the Met's lead for professionalism, said Carrick's offending was 'unprecedented in policing' and apologised to his victims for failing to remove him from the force. 'We should have spotted his pattern of abusive behaviour and because we didn't, we missed opportunities to remove him from the organisation,' she said. 'We are truly sorry that being able to continue to use his role as a police officer may have prolonged the suffering of his victims.' More than 1,600 claims of sexual assault and domestic violence against Met officers and staff under review More than 1,600 cases of alleged sexual offences or domestic violence involving Metropolitan Police officers and staff are being reviewed in the wake of the David Carrick case. The force said that accusations ranging from arguments to the most serious sexual crimes from the last 10 years are being checked to make sure that the appropriate decisions were made. A total of 1,633 cases involving 1,071 officers and staff are set to be reviewed. The force said that most officers whose cases are reviewed will remain on duty without being subject to restrictions while the inquiries are carried out. A spokesman said: 'In the event that information was to emerge from a review that raised concerns then an officer or member of staff's status would be reconsidered without delay. 'All new allegations against officers and staff are subject to robust risk management including restrictions and suspension where appropriate.' The Met has already faced heavy criticism of its internal disciplinary procedures with Baroness Casey finding the system is racist and misogynist, and that allegations of sexual misconduct or discrimination are less likely to result in a case to answer than other claims. The peer said that some officers and staff were getting away with misconduct and even criminal behaviour. Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has said he believes hundreds of corrupt officers are serving within the force and should be sacked. National concerns have also been raised about how police forces deal with allegations of domestic abuse made against officers and staff. Watchdogs found that there were systemic weaknesses in the way that the claims are dealt with following a so-called super-complaint, a system used to raise wider issues in policing, made by women's justice campaigners. Advertisement She added: 'What we are responsible for, and I truly apologise for, is that we have failed to identify the abusive behaviours that he has conducted over a long, long period of time. 'We are truly sorry that he was not identified earlier, that victims felt that they couldn't come forward earlier, and we have to bear that responsibility that he continued then to use his position as a police officer to exploit and manipulate and carry out his predatory behaviours.' The Met said the force is confident Carrick would not have passed vetting procures to join the force today and said in 2009, when he joined what is now the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command, previous incidents resulting in criminal or misconduct action were not necessarily taken into consideration. The force admitted sufficient intelligence checks were not carried out when he was re-vetted in 2017 and that Carrick was not vetted again after he was arrested for rape in July 2021. The only time there is evidence that a full review was carried out was when he was arrested in October 2021. The case is the latest in a string of damaging scandals for the Met, including offensive messages exchanged by a team at Charing Cross and the strip-search of a teenage girl at school while she was menstruating. Dame Cressida Dick stepped down as commissioner last year after facing criticism over the controversies and the case will be seen as a major setback for her successor Sir Mark Rowley's attempts to clean up the reputation of the force. A review has identified around 1,000 current officers and staff who have previously been the subject of allegations of sexual offences, including rape or domestic abuse, which could not be proven or subject to misconduct proceedings. Ms Gray said: 'It's a devastating impact that he has had on other women and girls across London, because we're working so hard to gain their trust and our colleagues are devastated when they are working 24/7 seeking to protect victims at all times.' Of the review, a Met spokesman said: 'As part of our continuing commitment to reform and delivering the highest level of professional standards, we are reviewing the details of any allegations of domestic abuse or sexual offences from the past 10 years where a Met officer or member of staff was involved and the allegation/resulting case has been finalised. 'This will include a very wide range of allegations from verbal arguments and altercations in a domestic or family setting to the most serious sexual offences. It could include cases where no further action was taken and where no criminal allegations were made.' Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle wrote to MPs and parliamentary staff describing Carrick's actions 'heinous'. 'Although none of these offences took place on the Parliamentary Estate, I know how troubling and unwelcome it is that Carrick was allowed to work among us,' he said. Sir Lindsay said that he was 'seeking clear reassurance from the Metropolitan Police that their system failures which enabled Carrick to work in Parliament will never be repeated'. A sadistic Met firearms officer who was today exposed as one of the UK's worst rapists carried out 85 sex attacks on women who he locked in cupboards, urinated on and forced to clean his house naked. David Carrick, 47, nicknamed 'Ba***ard Dave' abused and tortured 12 victims over nearly two decades after telling victims 'I'm a police officer, you can trust me' and flashing his warrant card. Women said Carrick locked them in a tiny cupboard under the stairs of his Hertfordshire home for 10 hours, controlled what they ate, and cut them off from their family. Others described being dragged to the shower by their hair, whipped with belts and being told 'you're my slave, you're a whore'. David Carrick, 47, nicknamed 'Ba***ard Dave' abused and tortured 12 victims over nearly two decades after telling victims 'I'm a police officer, you can trust me' and flashing his warrant card Carrick passed vetting procedures to join the Met in 2001 despite allegations of malicious communications and burglary against an ex-partner the previous year. He was accused of harassment and assault against a former partner while still in his probationary period in 2002 but the matter was not referred to the Directorate of Professional Standards. Carrick continued to serve while using his position of power as a police officer to violently abuse women until October 2021. The 48-year-old found some of his victims on dating sites such as Tinder and Badoo before arranging to meet at bars and using his status as a police officer to gain their trust. Prosecutors said Carrick would appear 'fun-loving, charming and charismatic' but was 'very manipulative' and 'very self-confident almost to the point of being cocky'. He said, 'not again', when he was arrested at his home in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, in October 2021 after he was accused of raping a woman he met on Tinder in a Premier Inn in St Albans. When she arrived at a nearby pub on September 4 2020, Carrick had ordered a bottle of wine and the woman said she felt 'pressured' to drink as he had paid for it. He told her he was a Met Police firearms officer nicknamed 'Ba***ard Dave', showed her his warrant card and boasted of meeting famous people, including Mr Johnson, in the course of his work. Carrick appeared in Southwark Crown Court today charged with a string of sex offences The monster was a Met Police firearms officer who worked on the Parliamentary estate Carrick faced no criminal sanctions or misconduct findings over the incidents between 2000 and 2021 - eight of which involved alleged women victims She told police that Carrick called her 'disgusting' and referred to himself as a 'dominant bastard' while raping her the following morning after she woke up naked in the bath with sick in her hair. During his first appearance at Westminster Magistrates' Court on October 4 2021, prosecutor Mark Fleckney said a trawl of his electronic devices revealed searches for 'rough' pornography. Carrick was suspended from duty following his arrest and remanded in custody as the investigation 'snowballed' following the publicity surrounding the case, according to police. He denied raping the woman and prosecutors said it was not in the public interest to proceed to trial on the charge as he admitted sex attacks on a dozen other women who came forward following the first complaint. Investigators said they discovered a pattern of behaviour where Carrick used his position as a police officer to gain the trust of his victims, who feared they would not be believed because of his position. Carrick, who had a pet snake, exerted control by paying for dinner and drinks, so women would feel indebted to him before isolating them from their friends and family members. He would tell some of his victims they were not allowed to eat, calling them 'fat and lazy', while others were ordered to stay in bed all day so they could have sex all night. Women were locked in an understairs cupboard in Carrick's home, said by police to be smaller than a dog crate, for hours without food, or made to clean the house naked. He passed vetting procedures to join the Met in 2001 despite allegations of malicious communications and burglary against an ex-partner the previous year Carrick was part of the Met's Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command Carrick urinated over some of his victims and made derogatory comments towards the women, referring to them as his 'slave' or a 'whore'. Senior Crown Prosecutor Shilpa Shah told a media briefing: 'The patterns of behaviour that were similar would be things such as the derogatory comments, calling them things like his slave, and making rude remarks all the time. 'This was also on the phone evidence he would message them calling them horrid names, saying things such as you're my slave, you're a whore. In the actual offending behaviour there were striking similarities 'For example, that he would urinate in their mouth. That is something that you wouldn't make up. He would also force them to give him oral sex to the point that they would be gagging. 'For a couple of the victims he would say they weren't allowed to eat today, saying you could eat this much of an apple today. He would call them fat and lazy, and say that's why you're not allowed to eat.' Explaining how Carrick allegedly financially abused his victims, Ms Shah said he would make them feeling indebted to him. She said: 'He would be the one to pay for them and would not allow them pay. It would be something along the lines of, you're not using your own money, you use my money, so they would feel indebted to him.' Columbus Nova is accused by the Treasury Department of laundering money for his billionaire Russian oligarch cousin Viktor Vekselberg The New York congressman once boasted Intrater's old firm as a 'client' New York Rep. George Santos appears to have had considerable business and political ties to the U.S.-based cousin of a Russian oligarch, a new report suggests on Monday. Representing parts of Queens and Long Island, the newly installed member of Congress has admitted to fabricating a wide range of details in his backstory including his education, career and family heritage. His allegedly shady business dealings have also come under scrutiny, after discrepancies between his wealth on paper and evidence of financial struggles inspired questions over where Santos got the $700,000 he poured into his own 2022 campaign. Andrew Intrater, a prolific Republican donor, has not only donated thousands of dollars to Santos both in 2020 and 2022, but also poured it into a business that the SEC branded a 'Ponzi scheme.' Findings made by the Washington Post from the SEC's investigation of Harbor City Capital - the Florida-based investment firm where Santos worked for a year - show the now-lawmaker touted Intrater's company as a 'client' of his. New York Republican Rep. George Santos is under intense scrutiny for the lies he's told about his personal and professional life including possible violation of campaign finance laws Recent FEC filings depicted above show Intrater donated thousands of dollars to Santos' campaigns in 2020 and 2022 Documents also reportedly show that a Mississippi-based company, which only lists Intrater as an executive, handed Harbor City Capital a check for $625,000. It's not clear when the payment was made. Intrater has previously been accused of using his business, Columbus Nova, as a front to launder money for his cousin Viktor Vekselberg - which Intrater denies. The billionaire was sanctioned by the US Treasury in 2018 after Russian prosecutors raided his company offices 'for bribing officials connected to a power generation project in Russia.' Vekselberg was sanctioned again last March as a 'Kremlin insider' with close ties to Vladimir Putin's inner circle as part of a widening net of economic penalties in response to Russia's brutal and unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Santos is among several House Republicans who have received money from Andrew Intrater (pictured), the cousin of a sanctioned Russian oligarch A video of Santos in a meeting for Harbor City Capital, obtained by the Post, shows him boasting about Intrater and Columbus Nova's involvment in a Manhattan skyscraper project. Santos was reportedly trying to secure more Big Apple investors during the meeting. 'You might know who they are,' he said of Intrater's company, which he also pointed out was 'legitimate.' 'Theyve made the news on several occasions. They were heavily involved with the Russia probe. Unjustified.' FEC records show Intrater gave Santos a combined $5,600 in individual contributions for his 2020 campaign, when he narrowly lost to incumbent Democratic Rep. Tom Suozzi. Santos' successful 2022 campaign got $6,600 from Intrater individually. The Manhattan financier's donation listed his role as asset manager at private equity firm Sparrow Capital. The company's name is a rebranding of its previous label, Columbus Nova. A 2019 New York Times report details how Vekselberg's sanctions crippled Intrater's old venture, leading him to sue then-Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and the department he headed over allegedly violating Intrater's Fourth Amendment rights. Vekselberg was the biggest investor in his cousin's firm, which was caught up in the billionaire's sanctions due to longstanding US policy to extend the penalties onto any company in which the sanctioned person or entity has at least a 50 percent share. Intrater's cousin Viktor Vekselberg (pictured in January 2017 with Vladimir Putin) was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury in 2018 and again just after Russia invaded Ukraine Allegations that he served as a front for Vekselberg stem from leaked financial documents belonging to Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, though he was never formally accused of any such wrongdoing. As for Intrater's billionaire Russian cousin, his superyacht named the Tango was seized by authorities in Spain last April in connection to the latest US sanctions. Neither Santos nor Intrater responded to the Post's requests for comment. Harbor City Capital, the company that Santos briefly worked for, saw its assets frozen in 2021 after the SEC accused it of defrauding investors of millions of dollars. Its founder lauded Santos as a 'perfect fit' when he was hired. But questions over that and the Republican congressman's other lies have spurred growing calls for him to resign - including from several fellow GOP lawmakers. But Santos has rebuffed them all, insisting he will remain to serve the residents of New York's 3rd Congressional district. Todd wore a black and white top - which resembled prison stripes - as he stopped by the post office Thursday She stocked up her shopping cart at a Publix with sodas, snacks and laundry detergent, despite being due to report to prison tomorrow to serve a seven-year sentence; Todd will serve for 12 years DailyMail.com spotted Julie this weekend stopping at three different furniture stores and grocery shopping with her daughter Savannah, 25, and mother Pam Hughes Advertisement Todd and Julie Chrisley are continuing their 'goodbye tour' around Tennessee before they're due to report to prison on Tuesday. DailyMail.com spotted Julie, 49, this weekend stopping at three different furniture stores and grocery shopping with daughter Savannah, 25, and mother Pam Hughes. It was business as usual for Julie, who was dressed casually in an all black velour tracksuit, as she filled her shopping cart at a local Publix with sodas, snacks and laundry detergent. Her hefty grocery haul seems odd considering she'll be far from her Brentwood, Tennessee, mansion for the next seven years. Instead, she'll be reporting to FMC Lexington in Kentucky tomorrow, while her husband Todd will be reporting to FPC Pensacola to begin their combined 19-year sentence for tax evasion and fraud. Todd and Julie Chrisley are stepping out around Tennessee before they're due to report to prison on Tuesday. Todd - wearing black and white stripes - went the post office, while Julie went shopping Julie filled up her shopping cart at a Publix with sodas, snacks and laundry detergent, despite being due to report to prison tomorrow to serve a seven-year sentence On Sunday, Julie was seen driving back home with Todd in the passenger seat. Both appeared tense Julie's hefty grocery haul seems odd considering she'll be far from her Brentwood, Tennessee, mansion for the next seven years Julie was dressed casually in an all black velour tracksuit with Nike sneakers as she left a furniture store with daughter Savannah The Chrisleys have been out and about in the last few days leading up to their incarceration. It appears they're trying to savor their last moments of freedom Savannah wore a fun matching black sweat suit, with yellow smiley faces all over, while Pam had on a black vest over a light blue sweater Julie stopped at three different furniture stores with daughter Savannah and her mother on Saturday. It's not clear what they're shopping for For Julie's outing on Saturday, she stopped at three different furniture stores with daughter Savannah and her mother. Savannah wore a fun matching black sweat suit, with yellow smiley faces all over, while Pam had on a black vest over a light blue sweater. Julie later stopped at the post office and to a Publix before heading home. On Sunday, Julie was seen driving back home with Todd in the passenger seat. The Chrisleys have been out and about in the last few days leading up to their incarceration. Todd was seen on Thursday in a black and white striped shirt as he headed into the post office. Julie was right by his side in a gray and green leopard sweater. They brought their two youngest children Grayson, 16, and Chloe, 10, along for the ride. None of the Chrisleys cracked a smile on this outing, with Grayson looking somber in a white cap and black tracksuit. Todd is set to begin his sentence at FPC Pensacola, a minimum-security prison in Florida long known for being one of the cushiest prisons in the country Todd was ordered to serve 12 years in prison, and Julie to serve seven, with a 16-month probation period for both upon their release None of the Chrisleys cracked a smile on this outing, with Grayson, 16, looking somber in a white cap and black tracksuit And just the day before, exclusive DailyMail.com photos showed the Chrisleys enjoying what could be their last meal as a family. The couple went out to lunch with daughters Savannah and Chloe, son Chase and his fiancee Emmy Medders, and Todd's mother Faye. The reality show family had lunch at Taqueria del Sol, where they were seen greeting each other with warm hugs and smiles before sitting outside on a canopy covered deck. Notably absent from the goodbye tour was Todd's daughter Lindsie, 33, despite her showing support earlier this week when she was seen leaving a courthouse in Atlanta after her father and stepmother's bond was denied. DailyMail.com revealed last month that Lindsie filed a report against her father and gave a lengthy interview to the FBI, sharing shocking allegations of harassment, physical violence and blackmail against her famous family. The reality show family had lunch at Taqueria del Sol, where they were seen greeting each other with warm hugs and smiles before sitting outside on a canopy covered deck Todd greeted son Chase's fiancee Emmy Medders with a hug and smile before sitting outside on a canopy covered deck with the rest of his family Julie gave her daughter Savannah a kiss as they left the restaurant. It's one of the last time she'll see her mother before she begins her prison sentence Chase had on black track paints, but with a white long sleeve shirt as he held hands with Medders, who was in a black cap, leggings and jacket Chrisley Knows Best first hit the air in 2014 and in May 2022, was renewed. This came just a month before the couple was convicted by a federal journey Todd and Julie were found guilty on federal charges of bank fraud and tax evasion and submitting false documents to banks to take out loans, reportedly more than $30 million worth, to finance their opulent lifestyle. They also used a production company to hide income from the IRS, lawyers argued. Todd was ordered to serve 12 years in prison, and Julie to serve seven, with a 16-month probation period for both upon their release. Julie will swap her closets of designer clothes for a full khaki uniform at the Kentucky prison. Todd is set to begin his sentence at FPC Pensacola, a minimum-security prison in Florida long known for being one of the cushiest prisons in the country. But despite its reputation, the disgraced Chrisley Knows Best star will still be forced to live within a strict schedule that will see him waking at 4.45am daily, making his bed with military precision, and working a prison job all morning and into the afternoon. The star will be allowed up to five visitors at a time during evening visiting hours on Fridays, and during the day on weekends. This is the dramatic moment emergency services were forced to knock down the wall of a flat during a 17-hour rescue mission to save an obese heart attack victim. Fire crews are also seen constructing a ramp to remove the 50stone man out of his ground floor council home in Acton, West London, in an operation estimated to have cost around 10,000. After the lengthy extraction process, the heart attack victim, known only as Manuel, is understood to have been rushed to a special ward at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington. Neighbours revealed how Friday marked the third attempt at removing 'Manuel' from his flat, with the bed reportedly breaking during their most recent efforts. Fire crews are seen constructing a ramp to remove the 50stone man out of his ground floor council home in Acton, West London, in an operation estimated to have cost around 10,000 After the lengthy extraction process, the heart attack victim is understood to have been rushed to a special ward at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington. Pictured: The scene on Friday morning The operation began with a 999 call at around 2am on Friday, January 13 after locals raised the alarm. Dozens of paramedics, police officers, firefighters were among those working to save the man known only as Manuel during the incident. Fire crews were first on the scene at around 9am, where they started work demolishing the exterior wall of the flat. They then painstakingly constructed a temporary wooden ramp and used ropes to hoist the patient onto a stretcher. He finally arrived in hospital at around 8pm. Dozens of paramedics, police officers, firefighters were among those working to save the man known only as Manuel during the dramatic incident Experts including an urban search and rescue team - normally deployed during earthquakes - were joined by council officials who surveyed the damage Experts including an urban search and rescue team - normally deployed during earthquakes - were joined by council officials who surveyed the damage. MailOnline understands there are around 40 residents living in the west London flat block. One neighbour, Vernon Bannister, told the Sun how the man lives on takeaways and owns 'the biggest TV I have ever seen'. 'There's other people in this building that are sick and they have to pay for it,' he added. She has also been ordered to write a letter of apology to victim's family But probation could be cut to five years if she completes all conditions imposed A Florida drawbridge operator who killed a grandmother last year when she raised the spans before making sure they were clear will avoid jail after pleading guilty to manslaughter. Artissua Lafay Paulk, 43, opened the Royal Park Bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway on February 6 as 79-year-old victim Carol Wright was still walking across with her bicycle. It caused Wright, a retired newspaper editor who was riding back from a bookstore, to plunge 50 feet to her death landing on a concrete slab. Paulk reportedly texted her friend immediately afterwards: 'I'm here with the police, I killed a lady on the bridge.' Artissua Lafay Paulk 43, a drawbridge employee, pleaded guilty to manslaughter after killing a 79-year-old bicyclist last year when she raised the spans before making sure they were clear. She will avoid prison time Paulk allegedly texted her supervisor - who is also her mother-in-law - that she lied to police before deleting the messages At a hearing last Tuesday, the operator was sentenced to eight years of probation and 200 hours of community service. But her probation could be cut to five years if she completes all conditions imposed. Palm Beach County Circuit Court Judge Scott Suskauer also ordered she write an apology letter to Wright's sisters and that she must not work any job that involves operating heavy machinery or equipment. Florida Drawbridges, the private contractor that operates the government-owned span, paid Wrights family $8 million to settle a lawsuit. Paulk was operating a bridge that connects West Palm Beach and Palm Beach when she opened the bridge to let a boat pass. After lowering its entrance barriers, she was supposed to go outside the bridge tender's station and make sure no cars, pedestrians or bicyclists were on it. The operator originally told police she had checked the bridge, but surveillance video and text messages she sent to her boss immediately after Wright's fall show she had not. As well as texting her friend, she also reportedly spoke to her supervisor Kathie Harper who happens to be her mother-in-law. Harper instructed Paulk to tell officers she checked the bridge three times before lifting it which bridge tenders are required to do, the affidavit said. She then asked Paulk to delete the messages which she did. Both were fired. Paulk had worked for the company for around a year at the time of the incident. Wright (left), a retired newspaper editor, was walking her bike home from a bookstore when the bridge started to go up. She plunged 50 feet to her death. The victim was within 10 feet of reaching safety when the drawbridge started to go up at around 1pm. A Good Samaritan, who witnessed the incident, raced to Wright's aid and tried to pull her to safety but lost his grip. She slipped through the gap formed by the rising bridge and the main roadway and desperately tried to cling on, before falling more than five stories to the concrete base of the 1,238-foot span over the Intercoastal Waterway. At the time West Palm Beach Police Spokesperson Mike Jachles said: 'The woman tried to hang on. There was a bystander nearby who tried to help her, but tragically she fell five or six stories below where she died landing on concrete.' A Good Samaritan raced to Wright's aid and tried to pull her to safety but lost his grip Palm Beach County Circuit Court Judge Scott Suskauer ordered Paulk, pictured, to write an apology letter to Wright's sisters Paulkwas interviewed by detectives again after being brought to police headquarters. She was then taken to jail, where she was booked on one count of manslaughter by culpable negligence. The bridge is equipped with bells and whistles to alert drivers and pedestrians that the drawbridge is going up. Mr Rennie had previous convictions for drink driving and drug possession A judge at Shrewsbury Crown Court said he was a 'liability' driving vehicles The daredevil stuntman currently holds two Guinness Book of World Records Jason Rennie, 51, was given an eight-month suspended jail sentence A stunt rider dubbed the 'Welsh Evel Knievel' has been banned from the roads after an incident which left another motorist with broken bones. Jason Rennie, who holds a series of records for motorcycle stunts, was branded a danger to other road users after a trailer he was driving with a Land Rover on the back of it flipped over. Mr Rennie, who is also referred to as 'Jason the Jump', was driving a Mitsubishi Shogun truck on the A41 at Tern Hill, Market Drayton. The 51-year-old, who once performed in front of 30,000 fans at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, had been at Wicked Wholesale in Market Drayton with a friend on December 14, 2020, when they loaded the Land Rover onto the trailer. Mr Rennie's friend had originally started driving but he soon took over when they got back to the A41 after the other man did not feel it was safe to drive. Jason Rennie, 51, dubbed the 'Welsh Evel Knievel' has been given an eight-month suspended jail sentence and been banned from driving for two years Mr Rennie jumping over three lorries, a distance of 251ft, at Donnington in 2000 Shrewsbury Crown Court heard how the pair pulled over at a fish and chip shop for a break before the vehicle started fishtailing on the A41. Mr Rennie tried to correct the car but the vehicle started to swerve and the trailer flipped, with the Land Rover ending up in the opposite lane. Edward Kealey was driving from the other direction in a Peugeot but he could not avoid the Land Rover and crashed, sustaining a broken right knee, a laceration to his right arm and multiple other bone breaks. A passenger in his car also sustained minor injuries. The daredevil stuntman pictured in 2000 setting a world record for the longest motorcycle jump at Donington Park near East Midlands Airport The court heard how Mr Rennie had five previous convictions for 13 offences, including possession of Class A drugs, driving with excess alcohol, driving without insurance and driving while disqualified. Mr Rennie, of Coedpoeth, Wrexham, pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by driving while disqualified. Paul Smith, mitigating, said Mr Rennie has issues with alcohol and takes cocaine. Sentencing him to an eight-month suspended jail sentence, Judge Anthony Lowe described Mr Rennie as 'a liability when it comes to driving vehicles'. He also told Shrewsbury Crown Court: 'You don't pay any regard or have any worry about courts saying you can't drive.' The 'Welsh Evel Knievel' currently holds two Guinness Book of World Records for the longest motorcycle head-on ramp jump and longest motorcycle jump with a passenger Judge Lowe disqualified Mr Rennie from driving for two years, ordered him to undertake 20 rehabilitation activity days and a six-month alcohol treatment programme. The stunt driver must also pay prosecution costs. In 2000 Mr Rennie broke a world-record for jumping over three lorries, a distance of 251m. He also smashed Evel Knievel's bus jump record set in 1975 by jumping half the length of the Millennium Stadium pitch - equivalent to 13 double-deckers - in 2003 in front of more than 30,000 people. Currently, he holds two Guinness Book of World Records for the longest motorcycle head-on ramp jump and longest motorcycle jump with a passenger. The O2 Academy Brixton has had its licence suspended for three months after a crowd crush killed two people. The decision was made by Lambeth council's licensing sub-committee today after security guard Gaby Hutchinson, 23, and Rebecca Ikumelo, 33, were fatally hurt when ticketless fans tried to enter an Asake gig on December 15. Chairman of the sub-committee, councillor Fred Cowell, said: 'The decision of the licensing sub-committee is that the premises licence is suspended for a period of three months from today, expiring at one minute past midnight on April 16 2023. He added: 'No licensable activities shall take place at the premises unless and until an application to vary the premises licence has been made by the premises' licence holder.' The O2 Academy Brixton has had its licence suspended for three months after a crowd crush killed two people Security guard Gaby Hutchinson, 23, (left) and nursing graduate Rebecca Ikumelo, 33, (right) were fatally hurt when fans without tickets tried to enter a show by Nigerian artist Asake at the south London site on December 15 Mother-of-two who died in Brixton Academy crush was an autism campaigner who offered parenting tips on TikTok: Click here to read more Rebecca Ikumelo (pictured), 33, from Newham, east London, died in hospital after being critically injured in the crush which unfolded during Asake's concert Advertisement The meeting was called after an application by the Metropolitan Police. Gerald Gouriet KC, representing the force, said the full extent of the injuries caused by the crush is still unknown. 'It started at 8pm, so I understand by 9pm a large crowd of about 1,000 people had formed outside the entrance to the premises, to all intents giving the appearance of entering the building,' he said. 'Staff at the venue closed the entrance doors and called the police for support. And we have a timing for that call, it's 9.04pm. The police arrived at 9.16pm. 'When they arrived, they found large-scale disorder, the crowd pushing against the doors, trying to force them open, which they eventually did. 'And when the doors were breached, the crowd poured into the lobby towards the auditorium. 'A number of them fell to the floor. Several - we don't yet know the total number and that will be found out as the inquiry proceeds - were injured as the crowd surged on and over those who had fallen.' Four people were taken to hospital, Mr Gouriet said. 'Tragically, as we know, two of them died as a result of their injuries,' he said. 'A third remains critically ill and the fourth has been, thankfully, discharged.' The crush left a number of people with serious injuries, with many being treated at the scene by staff, police officers and paramedics. Mother-of-two and nursing graduate Rebecca Ikumelo, 33, from Newman, East London, died in hospital as a result of her injuries two days after the fatal crush Gaby Hutchinson, right, died following the crush at the O2 Brixton Academy on December 15 Heartbroken partner pays tribute to second Brixton O2 victim: Click here to read more Gaby's partner, Phoebie Turley, posted a picture of the couple in a social media post that said: 'My absolute world. I love you with my entire heart and soul' Advertisement Mr Gouriet applied for the venue to have its licence suspended for three months, for that suspension to include the initial 21-day appeal period, and for no licensed activities to take place there until it has had an application to vary its licence granted by the licensing sub-committee. Stephen Walsh KC, representing the O2 Academy's owner, Academy Music Group (AMG), said his client agreed to the suspension terms as set out by the police. 'But can I make it clear that AMG agrees to the suspension, as suggested by Mr Gouriet, also to the continuance of the interim steps, that is the shorter suspension to cover the appeal period, and also to the single condition, which Mr Gouriet read out to you a few moments ago. 'So there is full agreement about that.' He also offered sympathies on behalf of the venue to those impacted by the tragedy. 'The O2 Academy Brixton recognises the gravity of the events which occurred on the night of December 15 2022 and expresses its sincere condolences to the families of those who died during that tragic incident and its genuine concerns for anyone affected by it,' he said. Reacting to the decision, Vauxhall MP Florence Eshalomi said public safety is 'paramount'. 'Venues like the Brixton O2 make a huge cultural and economic contribution to our area, and nobody wants to lose that,' she said. 'However, public safety is paramount, and the gravity of December's incident must be recognised.' Academy Music Group (AMG), which owns the O2, said today that it had 'reflected deeply' on the incident, and its Brixton venue would remain closed regardless of the licensing decision in two days Amid growing pressure to confirm a new Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) administrator, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says it's 'time to clear the runway' for President Joe Biden's pick Phillip Washington. Republicans, however, oppose Washington's nomination due to his lack of experience and recent allegations of potential corruption. But lawmakers on both sides of the aisle see a need to fill the void left when Trump-nominated Administrator Steve Dickson stepped-down halfway through his five year term at the end of March. In recent weeks, Americans have faced a high level of interruptions in air travel. Southwest Airlines had a complete meltdown over the holidays when increased travel and issues with their systems led to thousands of flights being delayed or canceled. A few weeks later, all domestic flights at U.S. airports were grounded for several hours Wednesday morning due to an FAA systems glitch, which caused a ripple effect on flight plans throughout last week. Senate Majority Leader chuck Schumer said during a press conference in New York Sunday that the upper chamber will 'clear the runway' for a confirmation hearing for Phillip Washington, Joe Biden's pick to lead the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Schumer promised on Sunday that the Senate will work to overcome the partisan gridlock over confirming a new FAA leader. 'It's time to clear the runway for President Biden's choice for FAA Administrator, Phil Washington,' Schumer said at a press conference. 'With recent events, including airline troubles and last week's tech problem, this agency needs a leader confirmed by the Senate immediately.' 'I intend to break this logjam, work to hold a hearing for Mr. Washington, where he can detail his experience and answer questions and then work towards a speedy Senate confirmation,' Schumer added. Biden earlier this month renominated Washington to lead the FAA after failing to get a confirmation hearing in the 117th Congress with the initial July nomination. The FAA has operated without a Senate-confirmed administrator for nearly a year. Republicans claim Phillip Washington (pictured) does not have the experience needed to lead the FAA Meanwhile, the FAA is being led in interim by Acting Administrator Billy Nolen. The White House and Transportation Department are facing growing pressures to act to prevent a full-out airline crisis following the FAA outage last week, which closely followed Southwest Airlines canceled thousands of flights over the holidays due to a scheduling system failure. The FAA has now been functioning without a Senate-confirmed administrator for nearly a full year leading to more criticism and questions surrounding the mishandling of recent air travel meltdowns. Both the House and Senate are concerned that there has been a void in leadership at the FAA. Senator Ted Cruz, who is taking the top GOP position on the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee in the new Congress, said in a statement Thursday that the FAA failures exhibit the larger 'dysfunction' within the Department of Transportation under Secretary Pete Buttigieg. A spokesperson for House Transportation Chairman Sam Graves told DailyMail.com the congressman is 'very concerned about' the failure to secure a confirmed FAA administrator. 'There has been a collective drain of experience there in recent years that must be addressed, but the Administrator is obviously the highest priority,' a spokesperson for House Transportation Committee Chairman Sam Graves told DailyMail.com 'There has been a collective drain of experience there in recent years that must be addressed, but the Administrator is obviously the highest priority,' the spokesperson added. Joe Biden's pick to head the FAA is Denver International Airport Chief Executive Phil Washington. The president renominated Washington last month to lead the agency. Washington, however, has faced criticism from Republicans after he was named in a search warrant that tied him to corruption allegations at the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Washington has denied wrongdoing. He formerly served as the CEO of the Los Angeles public transport system. Currently Billy Nolen, the FAA's top aviation safety official, has been running the agency on an interim basis until an administrator is confirmed. He was appointed as the acting administrator in April 2022 after Trump-nominated Administrator Steve Dickson stepped-down halfway through his five year term at the end of March. During a committee hearing last year, before ascending to Ranking Member, Cruz said of Washington's nomination: 'Even when the administration finally sends us a nominee for FAA administrator, they send someone with almost zero aviation experience a requisite for the job and who has recent news has highlighted has more than a little bit of scandal surrounding him.' Senator Ted Cruz is taking over as GOP Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, which is tasked with confirming an FAA administrator. He said that Washington has 'almost zero aviation experience' The Federal Aviation Administration system that sends pilots safety alerts and other critical information glitched this week and led to hours of all departing flights being grounded on Wednesday morning and lingering delayed and cancellations on Thursday Senator Roger Wicker, who Cruz is taking over for as ranking member of the Committee that oversees DOT and would need to confirm the FAA administrator, has also been highly critical of Washington during his first nomination last year. Wicker expressed criticism over supporting Washington due to his lack of aviation industry experience as well as the aforementioned warrant. Billy Nolen has been serving as acting FAA Administrator since the Trump-appointed head stepped down in March 2022 when halfway through his five-year term The warrant was issued in the fall following whistleblower complaints and sought more information related to potential favoritism in awarding contracts to the LA Metro Transit Authority after leading the group for six years. Washington was appointed last year to his current role as the CEO of the Denver International Airport, which is the third busiest airport in the world. He also led the transition team for the Biden-Harris Department of Transportation and co-chaired their administration's Infrastructure Policy Committee. Increased scrutiny has fallen on the FAA and DOT in general following a slew of air and other travel-related meltdowns over the last two years. The FAA had to prevent departing flights across the U.S. from taking off for several hours Wednesday morning due to a computer glitch. 'The flying public deserves safety in the sky,' Cruz said in a statement Wednesday. 'The FAA's inability to keep an important safety system up and running is completely unacceptable and just the latest example of dysfunction within the Department of Transportation.' 'The administration needs to explain to Congress what happened, and Congress should enact reforms in this year's FAA reauthorization legislation,' he added. 'This incident also highlights why the public needs a competent, proven leader with substantive aviation experience leading the FAA.' The US military has launched a new, expanded combat training program in Germany to bolster the skills of Ukrainian forces fighting Russia's invasion. The program, which began on Sunday, aims to get a battalion of about 500 troops back on the battlefield to fight the Russians in the next five to eight weeks, said General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The training program comes as both Ukraine and Russia prepare to enter an intense new phase of the war this spring, with Ukraine fielding new tanks supplied by NATO countries, and Russia completing its mass mobilization of hundreds of thousands of conscripted troops. Milley, who plans to visit the Grafenwoehr training area on Monday to get a first-hand look at the program, said the troops being trained left Ukraine a few days ago. In Germany is a full set of weapons and equipment for them to use. Personnel from US Air Forces in Europe provide training to Ukrainian military personnel on unmanned aerial vehicle employment at an undisclosed site in October. The US on Sunday launched a new, expanded training program for Ukrainian forces General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said the program, which began on Sunday, aims to get a battalion of about 500 troops back on the battlefield to fight the Russians in the next five to eight weeks The so-called combined arms training is aimed at honing the skills of the Ukrainian forces so they will be better prepared to launch an offensive or counter any surge in Russian attacks. They will learn how to better move and coordinate their company- and battalion-size units in battle, using combined artillery, armor, and ground forces. Until now the Pentagon had declined to say exactly when the training would start. Speaking to two reporters traveling with him to Europe on Sunday, Milley said the complex training - combined with an array of new weapons, artillery, tanks, and other vehicles heading to Ukraine - will be key to helping the country's forces take back territory that has been captured by Russia in the nearly 11-month-old war. 'This support is really important for Ukraine to be able to defend itself,' Milley said. 'And we're hoping to be able to pull this together here in short order.' The goal, he said, is for all the incoming weapons and equipment to be delivered to Ukraine so that the newly trained forces will be able to use it 'sometime before the spring rains show up. That would be ideal.' Ukrainian servicemen fire an anti-aircraft gun towards Russian positions on a frontline near the town of Bakhmut, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in Donetsk region on Sunday A Ukrainian tank with soldiers is seen through a car window close to the frontline near Kremenna in the Luhansk region, Ukraine on Sunday On Monday, the Kremlin scoffed at the recent transfer of NATO-supplied armored fighting vehicles to Ukrainian forces, saying they would have no impact on the Russian invasion, which Moscow calls a 'special military operation'. 'The special military operation will continue. These tanks burn well and will burn just like all the others. The goals of the special military operation will be achieved,' said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, according to state-run outlet Tass. Peskov said he doubted that Western countries 'care about the fate of the people who live in Ukraine or their future.' 'They simply use that country as a tool to achieve their anti-Russian aims,' Peskov claimed. The new training program in Germany comes as Ukrainian forces face fierce fighting in the eastern Donetsk province, where the Russian military has claimed it has control of the small salt-mining town of Soledar. Ukraine asserts that its troops are still fighting, but if Moscow's troops take control of Soledar it would allow them to inch closer to the bigger city of Bakhmut, where fighting has raged for months. Russia also launched a widespread barrage of missile strikes, including in Kyiv, the northeastern city of Kharkiv, and the southeastern city of Dnipro, where the death toll in one apartment building rose to 35. Rescue workers carry the body of a man who was killed in a Russian missile strike on an apartment building in the southeastern city of Dnipro, Ukraine on Monday Personnel conduct a search and rescue operation at the scene where civilians lost their lives in the missile attack, carried out by the Russian forces on the Ukrainian city of Dnipro on Monday Milley said he wants to make sure the training is on track and whether anything else is needed, and also ensure that it will line up well with the equipment deliveries. The program will include classroom instruction and fieldwork that will begin with small squads and gradually grow to involve larger units. It would culminate with a more complex combat exercise bringing an entire battalion and a headquarters unit together. Until now, the US focus has been on providing Ukrainian forces with more immediate battlefield needs, particularly on how to use the wide array of Western weapons systems pouring into the country. The US has already trained more than 3,100 Ukrainian troops on how to use and maintain certain weapons and other equipment, including howitzers, armored vehicles, and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, known as HIMARS. Other nations are also conducting training on the weapons they provide. Emergency personnel work at the site where an apartment block was heavily damaged by a Russian missile strike in Dnipro on Monday In announcing the new program last month, Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, Pentagon press secretary, said the idea 'is to be able to give them this advanced level of collective training that enables them to conduct effective combined arms operations and maneuver on the battlefield.' Milley said the US was doing this type of training prior to the Russian invasion last February. But once the war began, US National Guard and special operations forces that were doing training inside Ukraine all left the country. This new effort, which is being done by US Army Europe Africa's 7th Army Training Command, will be a continuation of what they had been doing prior to the invasion. Other European allies are also providing training. Fines for lorry drivers who inadvertantly bring stowaways into Britain will rise from 2,000 to 10,000 per migrant, the immigration minister has announced. Robert Jenrick told MPs the action was being taken as part of the Government's determination to 'crack down on illegal migration' and 'to dismantle the organised criminal gangs behind it'. He admitted concerns that the current level of penalties for hauliers - which have been in place for more than 20 years - were not proving effective in ensuring drivers properly secure their vehicles from migrants. The increased fines, new maximum penalty levels and a new penalty for failing to adequately secure a goods vehicle are expected to come into force from February 13. Immigration minister Robert Jenrick told MPs the Government was determined to 'crack down on illegal migration' The Goverment's reforms will also include new security standards for all vehicles. In a written statement to the House of Commons, Mr Jenrick noted how there were 3,145 incidents where clandestine entrants were found hidden in vehicles in 2020-21. This was despite the Covid pandemic seeing a lower volume of traffic across Britain's borders. The figure rose to 3,838 incidents in 2021-22. Fines for lorry drivers who inadvertantly bring stowaways into Britain will rise from 2,000 to 10,000 per migrant There were 3,838 incidents where clandestine entrants were found hidden in vehicles in 2021-22 A security dog barks after detecting migrants hidden under a lorry at the port of Cherbourg, northwestern France Mr Jenrick said the Government was concerned the Clandestine Entrant Civil Penalty Scheme was 'not having enough of an effect'. 'Existing penalty levels have not changed since 2002,' he added. 'Drivers and other responsible persons are not taking the steps required to secure their vehicles, and clandestine entrants are continuing to use these routes to come to the UK.' The scheme is aimed at tackling negligence by people who are not criminals, but whose carelessness means they are responsible for stowaways gaining access to a vehicle. Under immigration legislation, the Government is able to penalise vehicle owners, hirers and drivers who fail to secure a vehicle and for carrying clandestine entrants to Britain. The new maximum fine will apply for each migrant found in a vehicle, meaning if a driver has two stowaways they could face a 20,000 penalty. Mr Jenrick said: 'Our reforms, including new penalty levels, have been designed to strike a better balance between disincentivising negligence and failures to comply with vehicle security standards, while ensuring that the regime is not overly burdensome on industry.' Those who do deliberately attempt to smuggle people into Britain face criminal prosecution, rather than fines under the civil penalty scheme. A Home Office spokesman said: 'This is the first overhaul of the Clandestine Entrant Civil Penalty Scheme in 20 years and demonstrates the Governments ongoing commitment to cracking down on illegal migration. 'Far too many vehicles are currently not adequately secured. These measures are another tool in securing our border, deterring illegal migration and disrupting the business model of people smugglers.' More than 133 million users and close to 12 million businesses utilize Pix for bank transfers At least $3 trillion was transferred via Pix in 2022, according to the central bank. Samuel Faria, a resident from the southern state of Sao Paulo, recorded himself from the Senate president's chair claiming to have received money through Pix The banking app was launched by Brazil's central back in 2020 and allows customers to transfer money instantly free of charge Brazilian authorities have opened a probe into a government-operated payments system that was used by supporters of former far-right President Jair Bolsonaro to crowdfund last week's insurrection. Law enforcement has been working to identify the election deniers who used Pix to organize the January 8 invasion of the presidential palace, Supreme Court and Congress in the capital city of Brasilia. 'We have a secure and consistent line of investigation focused on tracking financial movements undertaken via Pix,' a senior federal police officer, who is part of the investigation, told Reuters. 'The financiers' time is up.' Police arrested 1,398 rioters, who have been charged with crimes that include terrorism and attempting to stage a coup. The Supreme Court and Justice Ministry will be looking to present similar charges against those who allegedly financed the invasion. Samuel Faria, a resident from the southern state of Sao Paulo, recorded himself claiming to have financially backed the January 8th insurrection at the Brazilian presidential palace, Supreme Court and Congress. Faria, a supporter of former President Jair Bolsonaro, claimed to have received donations via Pix, a government-run instant payment system. At least 1,398 rioters have been charged with crimes that include terrorism and attempting to stage a coup Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro destroy a window at the Supreme Court in Brasilia on January 8 Samuel Faria, a resident from the Sao Paulo city of Socorro, recorded himself sitting on the Senate president's chair and bragging about leading insurrectionists into the government building just a week after the inauguration of leftist President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who beat out Bolsonaro in a runoff October 30. 'Money is in the account,' Faria says in Portuguese. 'Thank you patriotic friends, people from Amparo, they helped us there, many friends sponsored us there on Pix.' As of Monday, Faria had not been arrested for his alleged role in the invasion. Pix, which was introduced in November 2020 and is run by the federal government, allows users to instantly transfer money to other individuals through the online banking app without any cost. The payment system is used by 'beggars and billionaires,' according to Reuters, to transfer around $3 trillion and outpaced debit and credit card payments last year. More than 133 million users and close to 12 million businesses utilize Pix for bank transfers, according to the central bank. However, Pix has also used to spearhead the agenda driven by Bolsonaro's hardcore followers, who promote their Pix 'keys' on YouTube videos and Instagram livestreams, asking followers to send instant contributions to their bank accounts. Enzo Leonardo Suzin, a conservative YouTuber known as Enzuh, told Reuters that most of his income still came from ads, but Pix contributions now represented up to 20% of revenue. 'I always used crowdfunding to improve the quality of the channel,' said Suzin, who was targeted in 2020 by a Supreme Court probe into alleged fake news but has never been charged. Pix has become ubiquitous thanks to the fact it is free and instantaneous. Its reach has been a boon to fundraisers, who can easily receive transfers from across Brazil. After Lula's win, Suzin had noticed Pix becoming widely used by the hardcore Bolsonaro supporters pressing for a coup in encampments outside military bases across Brazil, including the army headquarters in Brasilia. Many of them had paused their lives and were using social media to solicit contributions from like-minded 'patriots'. 'Many influencers and some everyday folks there financed themselves exclusively via Pix,' Suzin said. Brazil's central bank launched Pix, an app where people can instantly wire money - free of charge - to other individuals. The payment system was used by supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro to bankroll the January 8th insurrection Law enforcement, central bank officials and money-laundering experts said Pix donations will be crucial to investigators' efforts to uncover who orchestrated the insurrection. Surveillance video obtained by Brazilian news magazine Fantastico showed one of the rioters knocking a 17th century grandfather clock to the ground. The Balthazar Martinot timepiece was gifted by French King Louis XIV to Portuguese King Dom Joao VI, who ruled Brazil and Portugal, and is only one of two that exist in the world. The clock was left beyond repair, according to the authorities. A rioter was caught on camera destroying the 17th century grandfather clock that was gifted by French King Louis XIV to Portuguese King Dom Joao VI, who ruled Brazil and Portugal Footage showed an insurrectionist approach the $1.5 million As Mulatas oil on canvas painting and stab at the artwork. The painting is considered one of the most important pieces produced by Brazilian modernist painter Emiliano Di Calvacanti and was punctured seven times. Several officials requested anonymity to discuss the probes underway. 'It's an extremely powerful tool within that investigative context, and I have no doubt it will be used,' said Bernardo Mota, a former official at the Council for Financial Activities Control (Coaf), Brazil's financial intelligence unit. Security forces stand guard as supporters of Brazil's former President Jair Bolsonaro demonstrate against President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in Planalto Palace, in Brasilia, Brazil, on January 8 Federal Legislative Police agent stand next a vehicle that crashed into a fountain after supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro invaded the National Congress in Brasilia on January 8 Transfers made via Pix are protected by bank secrecy laws, and authorities can only access a suspect's transaction history through a court order. Although Pix does not offer more traceability than previous systems, experts said the fact it is administered by the central bank removes a layer of bureaucracy, allowing investigators to sidestep dealing with private banks. That is particularly useful in an investigation such as this one, Mota said, with a need to quickly trace what could be hundreds or even thousands of different financiers across Brazil. One of the most common types of Pix key is a person's phone number, offering investigators a shortcut to seek wiretaps and subpoena chat records. 'I think that speed allows you to identify the relations between the people involved, and especially those who financed it all,' Mota said. 'You might have people who financed it and weren't there (in Brasilia) that day. Through the financial links you can identify them.' The central bank said in a statement that 'all Pix operations are traceable,' adding that it 'always works closely with the competent authorities in the investigation of any crimes involving the financial system.' Pix has its investigative drawbacks, experts said. With a growing share of daily transactions now carried out over the system, it may be time-consuming for investigators to separate suspicious transfers from everyday spending. A current central bank official said a slew of new financial technology companies and digital payment processors had increased access to banking in Brazil, while also making it easier to open an account with little or even false information. With Pix, protestors could 'gather resources for everything we needed,' said Oswaldo Eustaquio, another high-profile Bolsonarista, told Reuters. 'Money was never a problem for us.' Jeremy Clarkson says he emailed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Christmas Day to apologise for a column in which he said he hated Meghan. The presenter, 62, wrote that he had dreamed of the 41-year-old duchess parading through British towns being publicly shamed in his column in The Sun newspaper. It sparked a fierce backlash, with Harry accusing Clarkson of inciting hatred towards women, and both Clarkson and the newspaper apologised last month. Jeremy Clarkson says he emailed Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Christmas Day to apologise Clarkson went on Instagram today to reveal he had emailed the royal pair again to apologise But today he repeated his apology in a lengthy statement on his Instagram account in which he discussed the correspondence. Clarkson said he had not read his column to someone else before giving it to The Sun to publish, something he usually did. He said he emailed the couple on Christmas Day to say his language in the column had been 'disgraceful' and he was 'profoundly sorry'. He said: 'One of the strange things I've noticed in recent times is that whenever an MP or a well-known person is asked to apologise for something, no matter how heartfelt or profound that apology may be, it's never enough for the people who called for it in the first place. 'So I'm going to try and buck the trend this morning with an apology for the things I said in a Sun column recently about Meghan Markle. I really am sorry. All the way from the balls of my feet to the follicles on my head. This is me putting my hands up. It's a mea culpa with bells on. Harry and Meghan did not accept Clarkson and The Sun's first apology and called it a stunt Michelle Donelan insisted she did not 'align' herself with the TV presenter's comments about Meghan, but the Culture Secretary vowed to 'always champion' the freedom of the Press 'Usually, I read what I've written to someone else before filing, but I was home alone on that fateful day, and in a hurry. So when I'd finished, I just pressed send. And then, when the column appeared the next day, the land mine exploded.' Clarksons column was published last year and attracted criticism from high-profile figures including his own daughter, influencer Emily Clarkson. It quickly became the Independent Press Standards Organisations most complained-about article ever. It comes after the Culture Secretary Michelle Donelan had said in an interview with the BBC that Clarkson 'had the right to say what he wanted to say'. She later insisted she did not 'align' herself with the TV presenter's comments about Meghan, but vowed to 'always champion' the freedom of the Press. In its apology, The Sun said: Jeremy Clarkson wrote a comment article about the Duchess of Sussex. It provoked a strong response and led to a large number of complaints to Ipso, the independent press regulator. In a tweet earlier this week, Jeremy said he had made a clumsy reference to a scene in Game of Thrones, which had gone down badly with a great many people and he was horrified to have caused so much hurt. He also said he will be more careful in future. Columnists opinions are their own, but as a publisher we realise that with free expression comes responsibility. We at The Sun regret the publication of this article and we are sincerely sorry. The newspaper added that the article had also been removed from their archives as well as their website. Clarksons original apology on Twitter on December 19 had said: Oh dear. Ive rather put my foot in it. In a column I wrote about Meghan, I made a clumsy reference to a scene in Game of Thrones and this has gone down badly with a great many people. Im horrified to have caused so much hurt and I shall be more careful in future. There are no visitor logs available for President Joe Biden's private Delaware home where six classified documents were found, the White House said on Monday. The White House Counsel's Office emphasized that the president's home in Wilmington is 'personal' and as such no recordings of who comes in-and-out would be available. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) told DailyMail.com that Americans 'need transparency not secrecy' on Monday and vowed to keep pushing the administration for more information. 'Like every President in decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal,' the White House Counsel's Office told Fox News. 'But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them.' President Joe Biden's White House revealed that no public visitor logs were kept at his Wilmington, Delaware residence Comer told DailyMail.com when asked for a response, 'President Biden promised to have the most transparent administration in history but he refuses to be transparent when it matters most.' 'The White House, National Archives, and the Justice Department withheld information from Congress and the American people about classified records found in unsecure locations from Joe Bidens time as vice president. The American people deserve transparency, not secrecy,' the head House Oversight lawmaker said. 'We will continue to press the Biden Administration for answers about who had access to these classified documents and why Biden aides were permitted to rummage through the Wilmington residence after the appointment of a special counsel.' Comer sent a letter to Biden's Chief of Staff Ron Klain on Sunday demanding access to any visitor logs kept for the Delaware home. 'Without a list of individuals who have visited his residence, the American people will never know who had access to these highly sensitive documents,' the Kentucky Republican wrote in his letter. The Penn-Biden Center was used by Biden as a personal office from about 2017 through when he launched his 2020 campaign. Ten top secret pages were reportedly found there by Biden's personal lawyers while cleaning out the office. Six so far have been found in his Wilmington-area home. DailyMail.com has reached out to the White House for confirmation. At least six classified documents were found at Biden's private residence in the upscale neighborhood of Greenville, a wealthy section of Wilmington, Delaware The office building housing the Penn-Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C where President Joe Biden's personal lawyers handed over documents, which date from Biden's time as the vice president to the Justice Department. Timeline of events leading up to Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing Special Counsel Robert Hur to oversee investigation as to the potential mishandling of classified documents Former President Donald Trump crows after the Department of Justice appoints Special Counsel to investigate President Joe Biden's handling of classified information Biden's political nemesis Donald Trump reacted to the news with gleeful schadenfreude on Monday. 'The White House just announced that there are no LOGS or information of any kind on visitors to the Wilmington house and flimsy, unlocked, and unsecured, but now very famous, garage. Maybe they are smarter than we think!' Trump wrote on his Truth Social app. 'This is one of seemingly many places where HIGHLY CLASSIFIED documents are stored (in a big pile on the damp floor).' He added of his Florida estate, where dozens of classified documents were recovered during an August FBI raid: 'Mar-a-Lago is a highly secured facility, with Security Cameras all over the place, and watched over by staff & our great Secret Service. I have INFO on everyone!' Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to oversee Biden's handling of classified documents after the papers dated from his vice presidency were first discovered on November 2, 2022 at the Penn Biden Center. The initial 10 had been found among Biden's personal possessions in a closet when private lawyers were cleaning out the president's old office. Subsequent searches revealed first one more page found at Biden's Delaware home, and then on Saturday officials admitted five additional ones were recovered from there as well. The president has pledged to take the matter 'seriously' and cooperate with the National Archives and Justice Department every step of the way. But questions are still mounting over what took the White House so long to admit the documents' existence - which it did after CBS News first broke the story regarding the Penn-Biden Center - and who could have had access to the papers in Biden's home. Whether anyone with 'foreign connections' had access to the documents, likely in reference to the president's son Hunter Biden. Hunter's foreign business dealings in China and Ukraine have been the subject of scrutiny for years, and he's also under investigation by the U.S attorney in Delaware for possible financial fraud. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to say whether visitor logs for the Greenville home exist during a news briefing last week. She instead pointed out that the Biden administration had expanded transparency with regards to White House visitor logs that had been severely curtailed under Trump. A sadist who systematically tortured his teenage girlfriend for three weeks before murdering her has been denied parole from prison. James Patterson Smith, now 74, was also considered too dangerous to be moved to an open prison and will remain in closed conditions. He was 45 when he met 14-year-old Kelly-Anne Bates and began a relationship that ended in the teenager's brutal murder in 1996. Kelly's case sparked fury across the UK when it emerged she had over 150 separate injuries on her body when she died. Pathologist William Lawler said it was the worst case of methodical torture he had ever witnessed and he was haunted by the evidence. Kelly-Anne Bates was (pictured) brutally tortured and murdered in 1996 by her sadistic boyfriend James Patterson Smith when she was 17 Smith was jailed for life in November 1997 and during the trial it emerged that he had a horrific history of violence towards women. Sadistic killer James Smith has been refused parole for his brutal murder of his 17-year-old girlfriend, Kelly-Anne Bates in 1996 The brute was given a minimum sentence of 25 years and became eligible for his first parole hearing this year. MailOnline can now reveal he appeared before a three-person Parole Board in November last year. Smith gave evidence during the appeal and is believed to have told the panel he is a changed man. The Parole Board told the killer on Monday that his appeal had been rejected. A spokesperson for the Parole Board said: 'We can confirm that a panel of the Parole Board refused the release of James Smith following an oral hearing. The panel also refused to recommend a move to open prison. 'Parole Board decisions are solely focused on what risk a prisoner could represent to the public if released and whether that risk is manageable in the community. 'A panel will carefully examine a huge range of evidence, including details of the original crime, and any evidence of behaviour change, as well as explore the harm done and impact the crime has had on the victims. 'Members read and digest hundreds of pages of evidence and reports in the lead up to an oral hearing. 'Evidence from witnesses such as probation officers, psychiatrists and psychologists, officials supervising the offender in prison as well as victim personal statements may be given at the hearing. Kelly-Anne gets to grips with crutches after injuring herself as a teenager Flashback: Kelly-Anne and her mother Margaret on holiday in Barry Island, Wales 'It is standard for the prisoner and witnesses to be questioned at length during the hearing which often lasts a full day or more. Parole reviews are undertaken thoroughly and with extreme care. Protecting the public is our number one priority. 'Under current legislation he will be eligible for a further review in due course. The date of the next review will be set by the Ministry of Justice.' Smith's trial at Manchester Crown Court was one of the most harrowing cases heard there as details emerged of Kelly-Anne's tormented life. The jury heard how Kelly-Anne, from Hattersley, Greater Manchester, was a strong and sporty girl who had wanted to be a teacher. She was at college and worked for a graphics firm. At 14, while babysitting for a friend, Kelly-Anne met Smith. He began a grooming process which was so secretive that her parents knew nothing about him for two years. When Kelly-Anne's parents Margaret and Thomas finally met Smith, they were distraught at the age difference. Speaking in 2015, Margaret, who died in 2020, told MailOnline: 'The first time I met him, he swaggered down the stairs and it made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Margaret and Tommy Bates are speaking about their daughter Kelly-Anne's brutal murder for the first time Margaret Bates said Kelly-Anne was very maternal and here the teenager feeds a baby 'He was much older than I expected and this wasn't the man I wanted for my daughter. 'I vividly recall seeing our bread knife in the kitchen and wanting to pick it up and stab him in the back. 'It was a bizarre thought - I would never normally think of anything so violent and now I wonder whether it was some sort of sixth sense. 'I've thought about that many times.' Mrs Bates called police and social services but because Kelly-Anne was 16 they could not help. She said: 'One night she came home and her face was black and blue. Another time, her hand was bruised. I suspected Smith was hitting her, but Kelly-Anne denied it.' In November 1995, 17-year-old Kelly-Anne moved in with Smith who lived in Gorton, Manchester. She spoke to her parents most weeks on the phone, when Smith was present, but never saw them again. On April 17, 1996, Smith went to Gorton police station and said that he had accidently killed his girlfriend during an argument in the bath, claiming that she had inhaled water. Police attended Smith's address and found Kelly-Anne's naked body in a bedroom. They found blood in every room of the house and a post-mortem examination revealed the extent of her injuries. The court was told that during the last month of her life she had been kept bound in the house, sometimes tied by her hair to radiators or chairs and at other times with a ligature around her neck. Margaret Bates and her only daughter Kelly-Anne as a baby Kelly-Anne and her brothers Andrew and Paul have some fun on the beach William Lawler, the Home Office pathologist who examined her body said: 'In my career, I have examined almost 600 bodies of victims of homicide but I have never come across injuries so extensive.' The injuries listed to the court included: multiple stab wounds caused by knives, forks and scissors, both eyes gouged out, partial scalping and mutilation to her ears, nose, eyebrows, mouth, lips and genitalia. Peter Openshaw, prosecuting, told the jury: 'It was as if he deliberately disfigured her, causing her the utmost pain, distress and degradation. 'The injuries were not the result of one sudden eruption of violence, they must have been caused over a long period (and) were so extensive and so terrible that the defendant must have deliberately and systematically tortured the girl.' The cause of Kelly-Anne's death was given as drowning, but immediately before death she had been beaten about the head with a shower head. Smith denied murder but the jury took just one hour to find him guilty. Sentencing him, the judge Mr Justice Sachs said: 'This has been a terrible case; a catalogue of depravity by one human being upon another. 'You are a highly dangerous person. You are an abuser of women and I intend, so far as it is in my power, that you will abuse no more.' The jury was provided with professional counselling to help them deal with the distress of seeing the photographs of Kelly-Anne's injuries. They all accepted. Schools in both counties have been hit by scandals, with ex-superintendent of Loudoun, Scott Zeigler, being indicted by a grand jury after being fired GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin slammed the decision made by the school as 'maniacal' Pupils at the schools were not informed if they had won a prestigious National Merit award - so other students were not 'upset' Virginia's Attorney General has launched a probe into 11 schools across two districts after they failed to tell top students that they had received a National Merit award claiming it could affect the youngster's college scholarships. Loudoun County Public Schools Acting Superintendent Daniel Smith admitted that four schools failed to inform pupils that they had won the awards. It comes after an investigation into Fairfax County Public Schools was lodged by AG Jason Miyares after discovering that seven of their schools also failed to tell pupils of their awards. Parents of pupils at the seven Fairfax County schools hit out after the revelations, claiming that the students were deliberately left in the dark, so other students 'feelings were not hurt.' Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares, has now begun a formal investigation into the schools' conduct and confirmed at a meeting he was also looking into Loudoun County Families are furious that they were not informed of their children winning awards, with many protesting the schools' decision to keep it quiet The prestigious awards are only given to 50,000 of 1.5million high schoolers who score well on the PSATS and can help students compete for scholarships, honors accolades, and college admissions. Republican GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin slammed the decision made by the school as 'maniacal,' with the AG saying students have been punished in the name of 'equity'. The investigation is looking into the administration's decisions to withhold the National Merit Scholarship honors from students and if it violates the Virginia Human Rights Act. Receiving the honors can help with college admissions, and some parents accused the district of purposefully delaying notification of students because of racial bias. After a meeting on January 10, Miyares said that he would also be looking into the way Loudoun County handled the scholars. A spokeswoman for the AG said: 'Attorney General Miyares is looking at every complaint and allegation regarding potential violations of the Virginia Human Rights Act at Northern Virginia high schools. Loudoun County Public Schools Acting Superintendent Daniel Smith (left) admitted that four schools failed to inform pupils that they had won the awards. Michelle Reid, Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent (right) was critizied for spending large sums of taxpayer money on equity consultants Loudoun County High School, which is run by Principal Michelle Luttrell, was reportedly never notified by the NMSC of the students who were Commended Scholars Which Virginia schools are accused of failing to inform 'commended pupils' of their awards? Fairfax County: 1. Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology 2. Westfield High School 3. Langley High School 4. Annandale High school 5. Edison High School 6. Lewis High School 7. West Potomac High School Loudoun County: 8. Freedom High School 9. Loudoun County High School 10. Potomac Falls High School 11. Unnamed High School in Loudoun County Advertisement 'We encourage any student or parent who believes they have been discriminated against to file a complaint with our Office of Civil Rights on our website.' Smith said 14 of the high schools in Loudoun County promptly notified commended students in the fall, but Freedom, Loudoun County and Potomac Falls high schools didn't along with another unidentified faculty. Speaking at the same hearing, Smith added: 'It's important to note that there are two types of recognition students receive, Semi-finalist/Finalist and Commended Scholars. 'I can confirm all LCPS National Merit Scholar Semi-finalists were notified, and appropriate procedures were implemented to assist in their scholarship applications this year.' He added that the county's Office of Student Mental Health will create an operating procedure to inform students of the award. Smith, who got the job last year and previously worked in Fairfax and Page Counties, said that the process varies 'significantly from school to school'. A National Merit Scholarship Corporation spokesman said that any students who aren't notified of the recognition by their schools could call the NMSC to check their status. Loudoun County High School, which is run by Principal Michelle Luttrell, was reportedly never notified by the NMSC of the students who were Commended Scholars. Principal Michelle Luttrell, who leads Loudoun County High School, is one of the top educators to become involved in the scandal Freedom High school, run by Neelum Chaudhry (right) blamed the issues on a 'human error.. While Principal Brandon Wolfe (left) has been urged to contact students at Potomac Falls High School to let them know about their awards Once the school contacted the NMSC they learned that five students were commended, and they reached out to their families. A 'human error' at Freedom High School run by Neelum Chaudhry meant that pupils did not receive the information, though leadership officials have since met with the recipients and are in communication with the universities they applied to. Potomac Falls High School and Principal Brandon Wolfe have been urged to contact the commended scholars' students before a recognition program later this month. A fourth high school, which has not been identified, was found to not have notified students following a review on January 13 though all students and parents who were not notified in 2022 have now been contacted. It is the latest in a long line of scandals for notorious Loudoun County, who hit the headlines multiple times last year after school officials we accused of 'looking out for its own' after a teenage boy committed two sexual assaults at two different schools. Former superintendent Scott Siegler was fired on December 6 after the allegations were made public and has been indicted by a Virginia grand jury after reports show he had 'lied' about the assaults. Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has expressed his concern about the impact of seven Fairfax County schools decision to withhold national merits from students which often aid scholarships and college admissions A National Merit Scholarship Corporation spokesman said that any students who aren't notified of the recognition by their schools could call the NMSC to check their status Fairfax County schools involved include Annandale, West Potomac, John R. Lewis, Edison, Thomas Jefferson for Science and Technology, Westfield, and Langley High Schools. Thomas Jefferson High School is America's best-performing public school with the schools insisting their decision is part of a new strategy meant to provide 'equal outcomes for every student, without exceptions. Last month, parents called for the axing of principal Ann Bonitatibus and Director of Student Services Brandon Kosatka - alleging they are responsible. One mom at the protest, along with dozens of others, demanded 'action' against the pair be taken immediately. The seven schools account for 25 percent of the high schools in Fairfax County, and Youngkin appeared angered by the school's decision to act in such a manner. Governor Youngkin criticized the Fairfax County Schools Superintendent for using taxpayer money to hire equity consultants and believes the issue is a systematic problem in the schools. He said: 'They have a maniacal focus on equal outcomes for all students at all costs. And at the heart of the American dream, is excelling, is advancing, is stretching and recognizing that we have students that have different capabilities. Both West Potomac High School run by principal Tanganyuika Millard (right) and Edison High School, with Pamela Brumfield (left) as their principal have been affected by the probe The decision by brass at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax, Virginia, was reportedly part of a new school strategy meant to provide 'equal outcomes for every student, without exceptions' Antonio DiBari (left) is the current principal of Westfield High school and previously worked at Loudoun Valley High School. Principal Alfonso Smith (right) of John R Lewis High School, has also addressed the issue with parents 'Some students have the ability to perform at one level, others need more help, and we have to allow students to run as fast as they can to dream the biggest dreams they can possibly dream and then go get them. Shawn De Rose, principal of Annadale High School sent out letters to parents regarding the issue 'It impacts students' ability to apply to college for scholarships, and in this idea of a golden ticket, as it is called, was withheld from them and it seems to have been withheld from them for the purpose of not wanting to make people feel bad who didn't achieve it. 'And all of a sudden, we see it spreading around to the rest of Fairfax County.' He blamed Superintendent Dr Michelle Reid for hiring a $450,00 liberal consultant to teach the schools how to have 'equal outcomes for all students.' She has met with parents at Thomas Jefferson, Westfield, and Langley high school to address their concerns and says she is committed to being transparent with the results of their ongoing review. During a meeting last week she said: 'In each case, it's my understanding principals sign certificates and pass those to staff who distribute them.' The impact on students and their families can be significant, as some scholarships and grants can be worth over $90,000. Last month, parents called for the axing of principal Ann Bonitatibus (left) alleging they are responsible. Langley High School Principal Kimberly Greer (right) is one of the educators also in charge of faculty embroiled in the scandal Lewis High School (Robert. E. Lee previously named) is one of the seven schools account for 25 percent of the high schools in Fairfax County, and Youngkin appeared angered by the school's decision to act in such a manner It is not the first time officials with the Fairfax County Public School network - which encompasses 198 schools and centers - have come under fire for guidance touted as 'progressive'. In 2021, the school and its board found themselves in federal court after it changed its admission requirements to limit the number of Asian-American students enrolled to improve the chance of admission of other students regardless of academic ability. Once again, billed as a means to boost equity, the guidance immediately sparked controversy for scrapping merit-based admissions - and was subsequently found to be against federal law. Last February, a federal judge ruled Fairfax County school officials guilty of racial discrimination however, plans to overturn the woke rules have been put on hold thanks to a successful legal challenge by their supporters, with a court set to consider an appeal last this year. Giuseppe's brother, Nicola, said he felt a 'mixture of joy and pain' after arrest He ordered the kidnap and murder of Giuseppe Di Matteo, 12, in 1993 Italian police swooped on a private hospital in the Sicilian capital of Palermo where mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro had gone for a cancer check The brother of a 12-year-old boy who was strangled and had his body dissolved in a vat of acid by Mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro today said he hoped the killer 'suffers for a long time' after he was arrested after 30 years on the run. Giuseppe Di Matteo, 12, was kidnapped in 1993 under the orders of Messina Denaro in an attempt to blackmail his father into not giving evidence against the mafia, prosecutors say. The boy was held in captivity for two years before he was strangled and his body dissolved in a vat of acid. Giuseppe's brother, Nicola, today said that he felt a 'mixture of joy and pain' after Messina Denaro was arrested at a private health clinic where he was receiving treatment for cancer. Giuseppe's brother, Nicola, (left) today said that he felt a 'mixture of joy and pain' after Messina Denaro was arrested at a private health clinic where he was receiving treatment for cancer In 1993, Messina Denaro helped organise the kidnap of a 12-year-old boy, Giuseppe Di Matteo (pictured), in an attempt to blackmail his father into not giving evidence against the mafia, prosecutors say Italy's most-wanted mafia boss, Matteo Messina Denaro (centre), was today arrested at a private hospital after 30 years on the run Matteo Messina Denaro, Italy's most wanted Mafia boss who had been on the run for 30 years, was arrested today. Pictured: A mugshot of Messina Denaro from today (left), and the Mafia boss in the 1990s Nicola said: 'I've read that he is sick. Well, I hope that he has a long life so he can suffer for as long as possible, the same suffering he gave to my brother. An innocent child. 'My family has received this news with a mixture of joy and pain as it has reopened old wounds. We would like to thank the forces of law and order and the judiciary who have always stood by us. 'What we want to know now more than anything, is how he managed to stay undiscovered for 30 years. Maybe now the truth will emerge.' Messina Denaro, head of the notorious Cosa Nostra gang and nicknamed 'The Devil' following a string of brutal murders, was captured when armed police swarmed a private medical facility in Palermo, Sicily, where he was undergoing treatment. The 60-year-old had tried to outrun the police officers on foot and pushed his way through a series of hospital doors - but he only made it as far as a bar that was part of the same building where he had been seeing doctors for colon cancer checks. As the officers cornered the now frail mafia boss, Messina Denaro meekly gave them his name before they bundled him into a waiting black minivan in front of shocked patients and medical staff. Messina Denaro, right, is seen in a car with Italian Carabinieri officers soon after his arrest at a private clinic in Palermo, Sicily Members of a Carabinieri police ROS unit outside the Maddalena clinic where Italy's most-wanted mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro was captured by special forces in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, on Monday A composite picture shows a computer generated image released by the Italian police, right, in their efforts to track the mobster down, and a picture of Matteo Messina Denaro, left Pictured: Police reconstructions of the face of Messina Denaro shared to the public, depicting what he could look like today as an older man, and in costume as a woman The Mafia boss, who has not been seen in public for three decades, was pictured sitting in a police van wearing a brown leather shearling jacket, a white skull cap and his trademark tinted glasses shortly after his arrest. Messina Denaro, who had a 12-year-old boy strangled and his body dissolved in acid, was taken to a secret location by police immediately after he was detained. A trigger man who once reportedly boasted he could 'fill a cemetery' with his victims, Messina Denaro was a leading figure in Cosa Nostra, the real-life Sicilian crime syndicate depicted in the Godfather movies. For a mafia boss who evaded arrest for over 30 years, it was his frequent visits to a private clinic that led to his arrest. Messina Denaro had been sitting in the private clinic waiting to see a doctor for colon cancer tests when he was surrounded and chased by a swarm of armed police officers A member of staff who asked to remain anonymous told local media: 'He'd been coming here on and off for about a year. He'd had an operation a few months ago and was back for more tests and chemotherapy. 'When I turned up for work this morning at 6am it was all quiet and then he arrived to do his Covid test. 'A few minutes later a police officer wearing full body armour as if he was going to war came in and said he was looking for a patient. 'He said to remain calm and that armed officers were on every floor of the clinic. We had no idea who he was or what his background was. 'The guy actually managed to get out and ran into a local bar but they tracked him down and that's when all hell broke loose.' Messina Denaro was sentenced in absentia to a life term for his role in 1992 in the murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. Pictured: The scene of the murder of Falcone in Palermo, Sicily, in 1992 The mafia boss, who comes from the small town of Castelvetrano in Sicily, also faces a life sentence for his role in bomb attacks in Florence, Rome and Milan which killed ten people the following year Messina Denaro, head of the notorious Cosa Nostra gang and nicknamed 'The Devil' following a string of brutal murders, was captured when armed police swarmed a private medical facility in Palermo, Sicily, where he was undergoing treatment Messina Denaro is believed to have become the 'boss of bosses' following the death of Salvatore 'The Beast' Riina in November 2022. Messina Denaro was the last of three longtime fugitive top-level mafia who had evaded capture. As news of his arrest spread across Palermo, local residents emerged to applaud and shake the hands of the Italian paramilitary police officers involved in the operation. The residents were seen cheering and wiping away tears as they felt a wave of relief that Messina Denaro, who had coordinated years of terror in Italy, had finally been detained. Messina Denaro, who called himself Andrea Bonafede (meaning, 'Goodfaith'), had tried to run from the private clinic and hide but was caught by the police officers. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni hailed the arrest as 'a great victory for the state that shows it never gives up in the face of the mafia'. Messina Denaro faces multiple life sentences. He was sentenced in absentia to a life term for his role in 1992 in the murders of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. The mafia boss, who comes from the small town of Castelvetrano in Sicily, also faces a life sentence for his role in bomb attacks in Florence, Rome and Milan which killed ten people the following year. Messina Denaro, 60, who had a 12-year-old boy strangled and his body dissolved in acid, was detained by Italian police at the Maddalena private clinic in Palermo, Sicily Local residents emerged to applaud and shake the hands of the Italian paramilitary police officers who were involved in the operation (pictured) The residents were seen cheering and wiping away tears as they felt a wave of relief that Messina Denaro, who had coordinated years of terror, had finally been detained Messina Denaro had been number one on Italy's most-wanted list but the only known photo of him dated back to the early 1990. A new e-fit was created in 2014 with the help of an informant. Police said in September 2022 that Messina Denaro was still able to issue commands around the running of the mafia in the area around the western Sicilian city of Trapani, his regional stronghold, despite his long disappearance. In 2015, police discovered he was communicating with his closest collaborators via the pizzini system, where tiny, folded paper notes were left under a rock at a farm in Sicily. Local residents emerged to applaud and shake the hands of the Italian paramilitary police officers who were involved in the operation that saw Messina Denaro arrested Messina Denaro also used a five-year-old girl, Attilio Fogazza's young daughter, to run secret handwritten messages between himself and other mafia top dogs. Fogazza, who himself is on a murder charge, said in 2016 that Messina Denaro's second-in-command Domenico 'Mimmo' Scimonelli approached his daughter to send the messages. The right-hand man had taken his daughter for an ice cream and put the messages inside her jacket and backpack. The daughter and the rest of Fogazza's family have been living in a secret location under police protection while he cooperates with the prosecutors as they attempt to bring down the 'boss of bosses' in the Italian mafia scene. Fogazza ran a car dealership in south-western Sicily and decided to collaborate with Palermo investigators after he was arrested last December for the murder of Salvatore Lombardo in 2009, who was killed after he stole a van from Scimonelli. 'One day my daughter said Uncle Mimmo had taken her for a gelato and put the messages inside her jacket and her backpack,' Fogazza told prosecutors in Palermo. Messina Denaro's arrest on Monday came 30 years and a day after the January 15, 1993, capture of convicted 'boss of bosses' Salvatore Riina in a Palermo apartment after 23 years on the run. Scene of the murder of prosecutor Judge Giovanni Falcone in 1992 Messina Denaro went into hiding in summer that year, as the Italian state waged a crackdown on the Sicilian crime syndicate following the murders of Falcone and Borsellino. Mafia boss Bernardo Provenzano set the record for the longest time on the run. He was captured in a farmhouse near Corleone, Sicily, in 2006 after 38 years as a fugitive. Once Provenzano was in police hands, the hunt turned to Messina Denaro. That all three top bosses were ultimately arrested in Sicily will not surprise Italy's police and prosecutors. Police have long said that such bosses rely on contacts and the loyalty of fellow mobsters and family members to move them from hideout to hideout, supply basic essentials, and operate under a code of silence known as 'omerta.' A British-made sauvignon blanc wine has been hailed as the 'best in the world' among 20-30 unoaked entries at a 'blind' tasting competition. Gloucestershire-based winemakers at Woodchester Valley snapped up the 'Master' medal at the Global Sauvignon Blanc Masters awards. The family business is one of just a handful of British vineyards producing sauvignon blanc grapes - traditionally grown in warm climates such as California's Napa Valley and France's Loire Valley. The 'blind' competition was decided by judges with no knowledge of the origin country of the wines - with the family business beating out entrants from New Zealand, Austria and even Greece. Gloucestershire-based winemakers at Woodchester Valley snapped up the 'Master' medal at the Global Sauvignon Blanc Masters awards (pictured: owner Fiona Shiner and her winemaker Jeremy Mount) The family business is one of just a handful of British vineyards producing sauvignon blanc grapes - traditionally grown in warm climates such as California's Napa Valley and France's Loire Valley The competition was decided last Friday, January 13, after being run in collaboration with the London-based The Drinks Business. Demand for English wine surged by a fifth last year due to enthusiasts visiting vineyards during staycations The rise suggest a new-found taste for home-grown grapes. The increase has been attributed to wine enthusiasts visiting vineyards during Covid staycations when foreign travel was restricted. Majestic Wine said shoppers developed more adventurous tastes during the pandemic. Majestic said: 'We've seen a real growth of interest in English wines, and anecdotally know a lot of our customers have visited the wineries we stock. 'The quality of the wine has come on leaps and bounds.' Favourite English grape varieties include chardonnay, pinot noir and Bacchus England's answer to New Zealand sauvignon blanc. Advertisement Judges described the winning pick as a 'perfect example' of why they did blind tasting - demonstrating the surprise that a British entrant had won. They wrote: 'This is a perfect example of why we taste blind - partly to leave any preconceptions behind us, and partly for the absolute joy of surprise when something unexpected turns out to be wonderful. 'And this wine was, indeed, wonderful. It starts with an intense gooseberry nose, building to reveal undertones of ripe lemon. On the palate there is bright, taut acidity and a juicy mouthfeel. 'Very well balanced, there's just a hint of sweetness on the finish, which is long and textured. A very engaging wine, perfect for matching with asparagus or goat's cheese.' Woodchester Valley is a family business run by Owner Fiona Shiner, her husband, and her daughter Chloe. The family took a leap into the unknown when planting sauvignon blanc vines on a steep, south-facing limestone slope on the edge of the Cotswolds at Stonehouse. The site was formerly known as 'Stanhaus' - which is mentioned as having one of just a handful of English vineyards noted in the Domesday book from 1086. They had previously won a gold medal for their sauvignon blanc in 2019 - but never expected to take the top prize at the Global Sauvignon Blanc Masters awards. British white wine has traditionally been written off by wine connoisseurs due to it's cold climate that often does not allow white grapes to mature as intended. Following the surprise win, vineyard owner Fiona wrote: 'It's a phenomenal result for us. Eyebrows were raised in 2015 when I planted Sauvignon Blanc in the Cotswolds. Judges described the winning pick as a 'perfect example' of why they did blind tasting - demonstrating the surprise that a British entrant had won Woodchester Valley is a family business run by Owner Fiona Shiner, her husband, and her daughter Chloe. The family took a leap into the unknown when planting sauvignon blanc vines on a steep, south-facing limestone slope on the edge of the Cotswolds at Stonehouse 'Nearly 8 years later to have our sauvignon blanc wine judged one of the finest in the world and by such a prestigious panel of judges - it really doesn't get much better than that! 'From the first taste of the juice from the 2021 harvest we were excited about its potential and are immensely proud of winning this award. 'We hope this highlights that England can produce great quality still wines as well as sparkling.' Her daughter Chloe, 34, said that the family were thrilled with the win, and hoped it would set an example for other British producers to follow. She said: 'The British wine industry is predominantly based on sparkling wine at the moment, so adding a bit of variety to the industry is quite nice. 'Sauvignon blanc is not really that widely planted in the UK, I think there is only about three or four producers in the UK. 'My mum was always such a huge fan of that style of wine though that she took a risk. 'The other nice thing is our winemaker, who is from Kent, has worked out in Kent before working here and so has had a lot of experience making it. 'He was a bit sceptical about a sauvignon blanc from the UK, but I think his experience has probably been very valuable to our success. 'There's definitely an increasingly popular market for white wines in the UK, and just the growth in vineyards in general over the last few years has been phenomenal - which is exciting.' Winemaker Jeremy Mount, who produces the wine for the family, added: 'Sauvignon Blanc is a relatively new variety to the UK so it's extremely rewarding to be given this award from such an esteemed panel of judges, acknowledging the quality of our Sauvignon Blanc against other world class wines.' The Government's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda faced a further setback today after a group of individuals and a charity were granted permission to bring their legal challenge to the Court of Appeal. Two High Court judges ruled in December that the Rwanda policy was lawful overall - a decision which Home Secretary Suella Braverman proclaimed as a victory. But at hearing today, the two judges gave the go-ahead for aspects of their ruling to be reconsidered by senior judges - plunging the timescale for the Rwanda flights once again into uncertainty. The Court of Appeal will be asked to consider a range of issues, including whether plan is an unlawful penalty under the Refugee Convention, whether sufficient safeguards are in place for asylum seekers at risk of persecution, and crucially, the December ruling on whether the policy was lawful. Following the High Court's ruling last December, Home Secretary Suella Braverman said she is 'committed' to sending migrants to Rwanda as soon as possible The first deportation flight - due to take off on June 14 last year - was grounded amid a series of objections against individual removals and the policy as a whole A group of individual claimants and charity Asylum Aid were granted permission to bring their cases to the Court of Appeal by Lord Justice Lewis and Mr Justice Swift. Asylum Aid, which provides legal advice to asylum seekers and refugees, will challenge parts of the December ruling related to the safety of Rwanda for migrants. Carolin Ott, a solicitor representing Asylum Aid, told The Independent: 'We look forward to presenting our clients case that the procedure adopted by the Home Office to send asylum seekers to Rwanda is unfair and consequently unlawful.' No date has been set for the hearing, and the Court of Appeal may also be asked to consider other issues which Lord Justice Lewis and Mr Justice Swift refused permission to appeal against. In April last year, then-home secretary Priti Patel signed an agreement with Rwanda for it to receive migrants deemed by the UK to have arrived 'illegally', and therefore inadmissible under new immigration rules. Several challenges were brought against the proposals, which were described at the time as a 'world-first agreement' in a bid to deter migrants from crossing the Channel. The first deportation flight - due to take off on June 14 - was then grounded amid a series of objections against individual removals and the policy as a whole. Lord Justice Lewis and Mr Justice Swift today granted a number of individual claimants and charity Asylum Aid permission to appeal 'HIGH COURT RULING VINDICATES RWANDA PLAN', SAYS SUELLA BRAVERMAN Addressing the ruling in the Commons on December 19, Suella Braverman urged Labour critics to get behind the scheme - but could not say when flights would start. 'This judgment thoroughly vindicates the Rwanda partnership. I spoke earlier today with my Rwandan counterpart, the Rwandan minister, Vincent Biruta, and we both confirmed our joint and steadfast resolve to deliver this partnership at scale as soon as possible,' she said. 'It's what the overwhelming majority of the British people want to see happen. The sooner it is up and running, the sooner we will break the business model of the evil gangs and bring an end to these illegal, unnecessary and unsafe Channel crossings. 'Now that our courts have affirmed its legality, I invite the opposition to get behind this plan and I commend this statement to the House.' Advertisement However, at the High Court in London in December, senior judges rejected arguments that the plans were unlawful. Lord Justice Lewis, sitting with Mr Justice Swift, dismissed the challenges against the policy - which has already seen the UK pay Rwanda 140 million - as a whole. However, they did rule in favour of eight asylum seekers, finding the Government had acted wrongly in their individual cases. Following the ruling, Ms Braverman said: 'I am committed to making this partnership work - my focus remains on moving ahead with the policy as soon as possible and we stand ready to defend against any further legal challenge.' And Dover MP Natalie Elphicke added said: 'Left-wing organisations need to stop using endless appeals to overturn democracy and waste taxpayers' money. It's time they accepted the determination of UK courts. 'Let's all get behind action to stop the small boats crossings, save lives at sea and prevent people falling prey to organised criminality.' The UK Government has so far refused to put a date on when the first flight to Kigali could take off, recognising the threat of further legal action. The Home Office previously said ministers 'stand ready' to defend against further legal challenges to the Rwanda deportation policy. It came as a new poll showed that almost three quarters (72 per cent) of voters disapprove of the Government's handling of immigration. Some 73 per cent of those quizzed by YouGov were unhappy said the system was being run in an incompetent or chaotic matter. The first Rwanda flight - due to take off on June 14 - was grounded after legal challenges to individual removals and the policy as a whole Labour branded the Government's Rwanda plan 'unworkable' and 'unethical'. Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said: 'The Rwanda scheme is a damaging distraction from the urgent action the Government should be taking to go after the criminal gangs and sort out the asylum system. 'It is unworkable, unethical, extortionately expensive. 'Ministers have already written a 140m cheque to Rwanda without the policy even starting, with millions more promised even though Home Office officials say there's no evidence it'll provide a deterrent and it risks making trafficking worse.' Meanwhile, Liberal Democrats called the initiative 'immoral, ineffective and incredibly costly'. Refugee charities also voiced their opposition to today's ruling. Enver Solomon, CEO of the Refugee Council, said: 'Treating people who are in search of safety like human cargo and shipping them off to another country is a cruel policy that will cause great human suffering.' Amnesty International UK said the Rwanda plan should be 'abandoned in its entirety'. Rwandan Government spokeswoman Yolande Makolo said: Rwanda continues to be on standby to host migrants from the UK. As soon as legal proceedings are complete, we have provisional arrangements in place to rapidly scale up our capacity to meet the requirements of the partnership. 'We have several agreements with hotels and other accommodations, as well as longer-term housing facilities, which we can operationalise at very short notice. Furthermore, our existing accommodation facilities are available to host over 300 migrants immediately.' A retired teacher accused of preying on boys at two top Scottish public schools was named in the House of Commons today. Former SNP leader Ian Blackford used parliamentary privilege to name the man known as 'Edgar' who is accused of being a dangerous sexual predator in the 1970s. The 82-year-old is accused of crimes against boys at Edinburgh Academy and Fettes College - the alma mater of ex-PM Tony Blair, and has since moved to South Africa. BBC presenter Nicky Campbell, who attended the Academy in the 1970s, has led calls for him to be brought back to the UK to stand trial, with a court hearing due to take place later this year. In a session of Education Questions in the House of Commons today, Mr Blackford told MPs: 'All of us in this house will prioritise keeping school children safe from sexual predators and I am sure the minister will be aware of the Scottish Child Abuse enquiry detailing the horrific allegations from a number of witnesses to events at Edinburgh Academy and Fettes schools by an individual referred to as ''Edgar''. Former SNP leader Ian Blackford used parliamentary privilege to name the man known as 'Edgar' who is accused of being a dangerous sexual predator in the 1970s. BBC presenter Nicky Campbell, who attended the Academy in the 1970s, has led calls for him to be brought back to the UK to stand trial. The 82-year-old is accused of crimes against boys at Edinburgh Academy (top) and Fettes College (above) - the alma mater of ex-PM Tony Blair, and has since moved to South Africa 'I have a number of constituents who have complaints against ''Edgar''. This man has admitted to inappropriate behaviour and is currently fighting extradition from South Africa where he has been publicly named. 'There is precedence (sic) in England where another alleged abuser living in South Africa whose extradition has been sought has been publicly named. 'We now know that there are dozens of boys who have come forward to the police with allegations against the man referred to as ''Edgar''. It is important that others who were abused by this man can come forward. 'It is right that his crimes against children are named and it is also right that he is now named.' Blackford this week said the case could become 'Jimmy Savile Mark II'. Earlier this month Mr Campbell, 61, alleged he witnessed 'Edgar' abusing his friend in his school's changing rooms and described his conduct as 'so ubiquitous' that all of the pupils knew what was going on. Speaking on BBC Breakfast this morning, Mr Campbell said: 'He could well be one of the most prolific paedophiles in British criminal history if you do the maths and look at how long he taught and how many schools he was at.' After Campbell went public with the allegations, other former pupils of Edinburgh Academy and Fettes College stepped forward with stories of abuse. Edinburgh Academy has since issued a public apology and say it is cooperating with police. In a statement to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, Fettes College - whose alumni include former PM Tony Blair - made a 'full and unreserved apology'. Edgar, who lives in a retirement complex in Cape Town, was arrested in South Africa in 2019 by British Police, and is due to appear in court on March 17 for a further extradition hearing. A talented British ballet dancer perished in the Nepal plane crash just one day after his 34th birthday. Ruan Crighton, from Brentwood, Essex, was listed as the 12th passenger on board the doomed Yeti Airlines ATR72 flight that crashed into a gauge and caught on fire as it approached the central city of Pokhara on Sunday. It comes as the rescue crew searching the wreckage said that hopes of finding any survivors among the 72 passengers on board the plane are now 'nil'. Initial reports claimed Mr Crighton was from Ireland but the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed on Monday that he was a UK national and was travelling with a UK passport. The passenger, who has been named as Ruan Crighton, was on board the Yeti Airlines ATR 72 flight when it crashed into gorge near the city of Pokhara on Sunday Pictured: Mr Crighton competing in the Helsinki International Ballet competition Final in 2016 Hopes of finding any survivors after a plane with 72 people on board crashed in Nepal are now 'nil', a senior local official said on Monday. Pictured: Rescuers scour the crash site in Pokhara on Monday The Yeti Airlines ATR 72 crashed into the steep gorge, smashed into pieces and burst into flames as it approached the central city of Pokhara on Sunday morning, in Nepal's worst aviation disaster since 1992. Pictured: Rescue workers search the wreckage The UK Foreign Office confirmed Mr Crighton, a British national, had died in Nepal and his family were being supported by specialist officers. It's understood that Mr Crighton died just one day after celebrating his 34th birthday which fell on January 14. His death has been met with resounding sadness across the ballet community in Europe. Mr Crighton first joined the Central School of Ballet, London in 2005 before becoming a dancer with the Slovak National Theatre in Slovakia from 2008 to 2013. He then became a valued member at the prestigious Finnish National Opera and Ballet company in Finland before enrolling at the European School of Physiotherapy in Amsterdam. He was supposed to graduate next year. A friend and dancer at Slovak National Theatre told the Irish Daily Mail that news of his death deeply upset him. 'I got the info yesterday, but i was hoping it wasn't him,' he said. 'Ruan was one of my best friends. We dance together on stage for years I'm devastated. It is very hard to say something about [him] right now. But first he was a sunshine.' Johanna Jarventaus, Communications Director of Finnish National Opera and Ballet, said she was aware of the tragedy. A rescue team recovers the body of a victim from the site of the plane crash of a Yeti Airlines operated aircraft, in Pokhara, Nepal, on Monday Rescuers pull the body of a victim who died in a Yeti Airlines plane crash in Pokhara on Monday 'We've had a British-born dancer with the same name working at the Finnish National Ballet,' she said. 'I hope the authorities in Nepal will be able to formally identify the victims as soon as possible. We'd prefer not to make any public statement at this point.' A BBC news article from 2008 stated that Mr Crighton was 'set for stardom'. His love of ballet started out at a young age when he was introduced to dance during a gymnastics class, it read. Then at 12-years-old he decided to take ballet lessons at Brentwoods Central School of Dance and Drama. He is now furthering his career at Londons Central School of Ballet where he will leave with a degree in Professional Dance and Performance. Ruan has already taken his first leap to a professional career by accepting a job offer with the Slovakian National Ballet and will move to Slovakia for when he graduates. Mr Crighton told the publication that he was looking forward to his new job with the Slovakian National Ballet. 'I'm nervous because I don't speak Slovak and I've only spent a day there but I'm really looking forward to spending a few years there and dancing as much as possible, he said. Mr Crighton, a UK national, was named as one of the 72 people on board the flight by the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal. Horrifying video showed the plane banking suddenly and sharply to the left as it approached the airport. A loud explosion followed The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal listed Mr Crighton as an Irish national but a spokesman for Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed that he is a UK national. The spokesman said: 'The Department of Foreign Affairs can confirm that an individual indicated in reports as being Irish is a UK national. The UK's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is providing consular support. 'Our deepest sympathies go to all those who have been affected by this tragic plane crash.' A Foreign Office spokesperson said: 'We are supporting the family of a British man who has died in Nepal and are in contact with the local authorities.' Mr Crighton was named as one of the passengers on the doomed Yeti Airlines ATR 72 flight which plummeted into a steep gorge as it approached Pokhara, smashing into pieces and bursting into flames on impact in Nepal's worst aviation disaster since 1992. At least 69 of the 72 people aboard have been confirmed dead and officials believe the three missing were also killed. It is not yet known what caused the crash, but investigators on Monday found both the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder which may help to determine what happened. It comes as a video on social media - verified by agencies - showed the twin-propeller aircraft banking suddenly and sharply to the left as it approached Pokhara airport. A loud explosion followed. 'We have collected 68 bodies so far. We are searching for four more bodies... We pray for a miracle. But, the hope of finding anyone alive is nil,' Tek Bahadur KC, chief district officer in Taksi, said on Monday. Mr Bahadur's comments came after a video - broadcast on Facebook Live - appeared to show the final moments on board the flight. Footage appeared to show the inside of the aircraft as it prepared to land in Pokhara, with one passengers seen smiling just moments before the disaster. The video, which was apparently taken by an Indian man called Sonu Jaiswal, shows passengers smiling as the plane flies over houses. A rescue team works to recover the body of a victim from the site of the plane crash of a Yeti Airlines operated aircraft, in Pokhara on Monday Family members mourn the death of a victim of the plane crash of a Yeti Airlines operated aircraft, in Pokhara, Nepal, on Monday The Yeti Airlines logo is visible over Mr Jaiswal's shoulder and a Nepalese insurance advert can be seen on the airline's tray. The clip continues, before the camera suddenly starts to shake and passengers are heard shouting. It then goes black with a loud bang, before flames light up the frame. Nepal, which has a poor record on air safety, observed a day of mourning on Monday for the victims. Nepal's air industry has boomed in recent years, carrying goods and passengers between hard-to-reach areas, as well as ferrying tourists and foreign mountain climbers. The country's poor record due to insufficient training and maintenance has led the European Union to ban all Nepali carriers from its airspace over safety concerns. Nepal also has some of the world's most remote and difficult runways, flanked by snow-capped peaks with approaches that pose a challenge even to the most accomplished pilots. The weather is also notoriously capricious and hard to forecast, particularly in the mountains, where thick fog can suddenly obscure whole mountains from view. Nepal's deadliest aviation accident took place in 1992, when all 167 people on a Pakistan International Airlines jet died when it crashed on approach to Kathmandu. Today, at the site in Pokhara, debris was seen strewn across the crash site, including mangled passenger seats and the plane's white fuselage. Soldiers used ropes and stretchers to retrieve bodies from the 1,000-foot deep ravine late into the night on Sunday, with recovery efforts resuming this morning. Footage appears to show the plane flying over houses in the town in the central region of Nepal moments before the crash (pictured left). Right: A passenger films a video as the plane flies over houses as it comes in to land Footage appears to show the flight descending towards the new airport moments before the crash on Sunday There were 72 people on board the aircraft, including 15 foreigners: five Indians, four Russians, two South Koreans, and one passenger each from Argentina, Australia, France and Ireland. The rest were Nepalese. One of the passengers feared dead is Myron William Love, a teacher and keen traveller from Sydney. Mr Love's family were said to still be holding out hope that he survived. Mr Love was among 15 non-Nepalese nationals on board the domestic flight from Kathmandu, along with five Indians, four Russians, one Irish national, two South Koreans, one French national and an Argentinian. A relative of Mr Love declined to comment until Australian embassy officials made an announcement. 'We're not saying anything until the consulate has confirmed the body.' 'Incredibly sad news out of Nepal of a plane crashing with many passengers on board,' Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Monday, adding that his government was seeking information about the Australian national on board. Nepal's Civil Aviation Authority said it is not known what caused the disaster as of yet. The aviation authority said the aircraft last made contact with the airport from near Seti Gorge at 10.50am local time (5.05am GMT) before crashing. The ATR 72 was on a flight from the capital Kathmandu and plunged into the gorge between Pokhara's new international airport and the old domestic airport shortly before 11:00am Nepal time on Sunday. One of the passengers feared dead is Myron William Love (pictured), a teacher and traveller from Sydney 'I was walking when I heard a loud blast, like a bomb went off,' said witness Arun Tamu, 44, who was around 500 metres away from the site and live-streamed footage of the blazing wreckage on social media. 'A few of us rushed to see if we could rescue anybody. I saw at least two women were breathing. The fire was getting very intense and it made it difficult for us to approach closer,' the former soldier told AFP. It is unclear if anyone on the ground was injured. 'Our first thoughts are with all the individuals affected by this,' the plane's France-based manufacturer ATR said in a statement on Sunday. 'ATR specialists are fully engaged to support both the investigation and the customer.' A witness watching from the terrace of his house said he saw the aircraft spinning violently in the air after it began its descent. Local resident Bishnu Tiwari, who rushed to the crash site near the Seti River to help search for bodies, said the rescue efforts were hampered by thick smoke and a raging fire. A rescue team recovers the body of a victim from the site of the plane crash in Pokhara Local resident Bishnu Tiwari, who rushed to the crash site near the Seti River to help search for bodies, said the rescue efforts were hampered by thick smoke and a raging fire 'The flames were so hot that we couldn't go near the wreckage. I heard a man crying for help, but because of the flames and smoke we couldn't help him,' Tiwari said. 'Half of the plane is on the hillside,' said Arun Tamu, the local resident, who told Reuters he reached the site minutes after the plane went down. 'The other half has fallen into the gorge of the Seti.' Khum Bahadur Chhetri said he watched from the roof of his house as the flight approached. 'I saw the plane trembling, moving left and right, and then suddenly its nose dived and it went into the gorge,' Chhetri told Reuters, claiming that local residents took two passengers to a hospital. Images and videos shared on Twitter showed plumes of smoke billowing from the crash site about a mile away from Pokhara International Airport. The aircraft's fuselage was split into multiple parts that were scattered down the gorge. Firefighters carried bodies, some burned beyond recognition, to hospitals where grief-stricken relatives had assembled. At Kathmandu airport, distraught family members at times exchanged heated words with officials as they waited for information. It came as the first victim was named as Russian travel blogger Elena Banduro, who had posted the message 'Go to Nepal' excitedly before the flight. On social media today the 33-year-old was described as 'the brightest, kindest soul we knew'. Three other Russians died on the flight, named as Viktoria Altunina, Yuri Lugin and Viktor Lagin. Earlier the Russian ambassador to Nepal, Alexei Novikov, confirmed that four Russians had died on board. 'Unfortunately, four citizens of the Russian Federation died,' he said. 'We are in constant contact with the Nepalese authorities and will provide all necessary assistance to the relatives of the dead Russians.' Family members and relatives of victims weep outside a hospital in Pokhara on January 16, 2023 Rescue teams work to retrieve bodies from the wreckage of the crash in Pokhara Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who rushed to Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu after the crash, has set up a panel to investigate the accident. 'The incident was tragic. The full force of the Nepali army and police has been deployed for rescue,' he said. 'We expect to recover more bodies,' said army spokesman Krishna Bhandari. 'The plane has broken into pieces.' Last week, residents of the foothills sued Scottsdale for cutting off a utility as families struggle to procure water to power their lives On January 1, Scottsdale stopped selling water to the neighboring area of the Rio Verde Foothills, eliminating the water source of 1,000 people Residents in the Rio Verde Foothills of Scottsdale, Arizona, are going to extreme and uncomfortable measures to procure water as they count the days until the supply runs out. The city officially stopped transporting water to the unincorporated neighboring area on the first day of the new year. Scottsdale has blamed the ongoing drought for its decision to shut off tap water for its neighbors. The city says it can no longer afford to sell water to its neighbors and must concentrate instead on conserving water for its own residences. That critical decision has left between 500 and 700 homes - roughly 1,000 people, many of whom operate businesses and send their children to school within Scottsdale city limits - without a dependable source of water. Water in Arizona has been a major socio-political issue for years as authorities and communities understand the reality that Lake Mead is drying up and there may not be enough water from the Colorado River to support some populations in the near future The Rio Verde Foothills is a small, unincorporated area to the east of Scottsdale, Arizona Residents of the area's many half-million dollar McMansions, stucco homes, and ranches are desperately searching for a solution to the very serious problem. Homeowners say they are counting down the days until their water supplies run out. 'It's dire,' said Cody Reim, who says his monthly water bill will now skyrocket to about $1,000 a month. 'We need water now, we can't wait a week, and we can't wait a day. This shouldn't have happened; we shouldn't be ten days without water.' Reim, a father of four young children, organized the protest. He said sitting around and waiting was an impossibility for him. Water-based financial turmoil has jeopardized the living situations of young families and retirees alike. An average family's water bill in the area has jumped to $660 from $220 per month. And though water trucks can be filled and refilled for now, it is unclear how long the current backup sources will last. According to Sarah porter, the director of the Kyl Center for Water Policy at Arizona State University, what is happening in Rio Verde right now should act as a cautionary tale for other unincorporated areas that rely on water from the Colorado River, which supplies about 35 percent of Arizona's water. 'We can't just protect every single person who buys a parcel and build a home. There isn't enough money or water,' she told the New York Times. She added that several other unincorporated areas in Arizona rely on water from nearby larger cities including Prescott and Flagstaff and that those systems too are tenuous, given the ongoing reality of the drought. Even the current storming in California will not save the area, which is experiencing the profound impact of a 20-year drought that has all but emptied Lake Mead, the largest reservoir in the US. Before the cutoff, houses that did not have their own wells would have water delivered every few weeks by truck. The trucks filled up with water from Scottsdale at a pipe about 15 minutes away from the Rio Verde Foothills and then deliver the water directly to residents' doors. Buried beneath their front yards, families have 5,000-gallon storage tanks, which is enough water to last an average family a month. When tanks ran low, residents called the water haulers for a refill. The arrangement was never more solid than that, but home occupants told the Times the water always arrived on time and that they had come to believe the system was reliable. Now those water trucks have to search elsewhere for the refills. Rio Verde protestors whose water was cut off on January 1 sued the city of Scottsdale last week for cutting off a utility Trucks hauling 5,000 gallons of water to individual residences in the Rio Verde Foothills now must go elsewhere to find water for costumers, increasing the time and cost of the process Pictured: downtown Scottsdale, Arizona. The reality of the ongoing drought will force many living in the southwest United States to reevaluate their lifestyles and access to resources Protestors with families and just days of water supply left gather in front of Scottsdale City Hall Lake Mead has been drying up for two-decades and there is, according to Scottsdale, no longer enough water readily available for them to sell to surrounding areas Protestors gather in front of Scottsdale City Hall after their water supply was cut off in January Last week, a group of Rio Verde Foothills residents sued Scottsdale in an effort to get their water restored. They are arguing that the city is violating Arizona law by cutting off utility services to customers beyond their borders. Scottsdale did not respond to the suit. Protestors with signs gathered in front of Scottsdale City Hall as Mayor David Ortega welcomed new and returning councilmembers to the chamber. Rio Verde residents grouped together told local outlets that they are on the brink of running dry. 'We have about five to seven days of water left,' Wendy Walk told News 12. 'My community is beautiful; it's the most special place in Arizona. And if it doesn't have water, almost a thousand homes, it's going to die. I just hope our neighbors in Scottsdale see this and want to help,' said Reim. 'I believe this is a righteous cause,' he said. The British cinematographer behind films including Trainspotting, Kidulthood and Billy Elliot has died aged 83. Film industry veteran Brian Tufano had a 50-year career that saw him work on dozens of productions, which also included Blade Runner, East is East and Quadrophenia. He was described by the Daily Mail in 1977 as the 'most celebrated TV cameraman in Britain'. Leading tributes, Bafta Scotland said: 'We are saddened by this news - Cinematographer Brian Tufano shot some of Scotland's most iconic films: Trainspotting, Shallow Grave and Late Night Shopping.' Quadrophenia's director, Frank Roddam, told MailOnline that Tufano was a 'brilliant' and 'lovely' man who brought 'great experience'. The British cinematographer behind films including Trainspotting, Kidulthood and Billy Elliot has died aged 83. Film industry veteran Brian Tufano (pictured above with Trainspotting director Danny Boyle in 2020) had a 50-year career that saw him work on nearly 50 productions, which also included Blade Runner, East is East and Quadrophenia Trainspotting, which was released in 1996, proved to be a classic, with Ewan McGregor starring as Mark Renton Announcing news of his passing on Twitter today, Tufano's former colleague at the UK's National Film and Television School said: 'Very sorry to have to share that Cinematography legend and former @NFTSFilmTV Head of Department Brian Tufano has died. 'He shot so many amazing films and did so much to champion new talent, in particular female DPs. We loved him and will REALLY miss him.' Fim producer Jessica Levick said: 'So sorry to hear this and love to all his family. If there was one person I was in total awe of at @NFTSFilmTV when I was there, it was Brian Tufano, for DPing some of my absolute favourite films so brilliantly. 'He was amazing.' Filmmaker Chris Atkins said: 'Brian Tufano shot Trainspotting and was a titan of cinematography, sorely missed.' Born in Shepherd's Bush, West London, in 1939, Tufano entered the film industry in 1956 as a pageboy at Lime Grove Studios. Billy Elliot, released in 2000, made star Jamie Bell a household name and netted Tufano the Television Craft award from Bafta Leading tributes, Bafta Scotland said: 'We are saddened by this news - Cinematographer Brian Tufano shot some of Scotland's most iconic films: Trainspotting, Shallow Grave and Late Night Shopping' Announcing news of his passing on Twitter today, Tufano's former colleague at the UK's National Film and Television School said: 'Very sorry to have to share that Cinematography legend and former @NFTSFilmTV Head of Department Brian Tufano has died Filmmaker Chris Atkins said: 'Brian Tufano shot Trainspotting and was a titan of cinematography, sorely missed' Fim producer Jessica Levick said: 'So sorry to hear this and love to all his family. If there was one person I was in total awe of at @NFTSFilmTV when I was there, it was Brian Tufano, for DPing some of my absolute favourite films so brilliantly. 'He was amazing' He then embarked on an apprenticeship at the BBC and went on to spend more than 20 years working with directors including Ken Loach and Stephen Frears. Tufano's first prominent film role came on Quadrophenia, which was released in 1979 and became a cult classic. The film is set during the violent era of rivalry between 'Mods' and Rockers'. Quadrophenia's director Mr Roddam told MailOnline: 'When I did my first ever film at the BBC, a documentary, there was a system where you had a pool of cameramen. 'You could get very unlucky and get a terrible one. There were certain stars in the group and Brian was one of those. He was much revered. 'On my first documentary, I got him. Years later, I pulled him out of the BBC to make Quadrophenia.' He added: 'He brought great experience. He was a very experienced cameraman. He was a bit of a classicist. 'It is very important to maintain a tone when you're making a film, he was a very good moderator of the tone. 'We had that language between us. 'He would have a clear memory of the transitions. A brilliant man. And a lovely man to work with.' The cinematographer went on to form a fruitful partnership with director Danny Boyle, working on four films with him. The first - Shallow Grave - was released in 1994 and starred Ewan McGregor, Christopher Eccleston and Kerry Fox. Tufano's first prominent role came on Quadrophenia, which was released in 1979 and became a cult classic. The film is set during the violent era of rivalry between 'Mods' and Rockers'. Above: Lead stars Phil Daniels and Leslie Ash as Jimmy Cooper and Steph in Quadrophenia A scene from the 1979 film Quadrophenia, which was set in the Sussex seaside town of Brighton Trainspotting, which was released two years later, proved to be another classic, with McGregor starring as Mark Renton. Tufano then worked with Boyle on A Life Less Ordinary - released in 1997 - and Alien Love Triangle, which hit cinemas in 2008. Earlier in his career, he worked as a photographer on 1982 film Blade Runner, which received rave reviews from critics and viewers. Billy Elliot, released in 2000, made star Jamie Bell a household name and netted Tufano the Television Craft award from Bafta. The film was also nominated for the Best Cinematography award. For the last decade, Tufano has been semi-retired, with his last credit coming on Gymnast, a documentary that followed the British gymnastics athletes who went to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Customers say they have noticed less vagrants since the measure was deployed 'Opera is annoying, and I'm assuming they are correct because it works', he said The owner of a store in Austin said studies had shown the music is annoying 7-Eleven stores are blaring out classical music to deter homeless people from loitering outside because the vagrants 'find opera annoying'. Opera singing has been booming outside a store in Austin, Texas, and at multiple locations in California where the Democrat-run cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco are gripped by homelessness crises. Store owners have turned to Pavarotti and Beethoven to keep their shops safe, claiming that it irritates homeless people who harass and assault their customers. Jagat Patel, who owns a 7-Eleven in the Riverside neighborhood of Austin, told Fox 7: 'Studies have shown that the classical music is annoying. Opera is annoying, and I'm assuming they are correct because it's working'. A speaker on top of the roof blares classical music to deter homeless people from gathering outside the store in the Riverside neighborhood of Austin Jagat Patel, who owns a 7-Eleven in the Riverside neighborhood of Austin, said : 'Studies have shown that the classical music is annoying. Opera is annoying, and I'm assuming they are correct because it's working'. A man sitting on the ground nearby to the store in Austin, Texas. Since the measure was introduced, customers say they have noticed less people congregating outside The sonic deterrent has been used by 7-Eleven stores in California since at least 2019. It is not clear whether classical music in particular annoys loiterers, or whether its volume keeps them away. Studies on the London Underground have shown that violence in stations was reduced by a third when classical music was played. Patel started using the measure to deter homeless people who he said attacked and harassed customers. He said that he was particularly concerned for women and young people at his store. 'Especially a lot of my female customers and my young customers are scared to come here, because there are people constantly hanging out in the parking lot soliciting for money', Patel said. However, not all the customers are happy with the music. Austin resident Jessica Cohen who frequently shops at the 7-Eleven on Riverside, told KXAN: 'I was just astounded by how loud it was. Annoying, this early in the morning. Not that I don't love classical music, but this is just rude.' But she added that since the music started she has noticed fewer people hanging out in front of the store. Coming up on @fox7austin: a 7-11 is playing classical music to deter homeless people from being in the area. What the store owner and those who live and work nearby have to say at 9 pic.twitter.com/Zn0dBSnouw Angela Shen (@AngelaShenFOX7) January 14, 2023 The practice was introduced at a 7-Eleven in North Hollywood four years ago to prevent vagrants from congregating. Sandra Andrade, a 7-Eleven store clerk, said at the time: 'Now it's very busy, its more busy since the music and there are less homeless people'. Another store owner Sukhi Sandhu, told The Modesto Bee that he began playing opera and classical music last year in an effort to drive out panhandlers. 'Once the music started, the riffraff left,' Manuel Souza told the paper. 'It's hard to hang out and gossip and joke around.' A group of 7-Eleven stores in Canada is credited with being the first to use the method to discourage antisocial behavior in 1985, when they played Mozart and Beethoven to disperse crowds of teenagers in their parking lots. Different genres of music are known to effect people's moods, with classical music linked to dopamine which can be soothing to listeners. However, younger people may find the sound irritating. In West Palm Beach, Florida, catchy children's songs including Baby Shark and Raining Tacos have been used to deter homeless people sleeping near one luxury venue. The Waterfront Lake Pavilion, which can be rented for $250 to $500 per hour, employed the deterrent to keep rough sleepers off its patio. Republican South Carolina Senator Tim Scott on Monday denounced the 'stench of hypocrisy' he believes is wafting from the Biden administration amid growing backlash over the president's possession of classified documents. Documents dating back to Biden's vice presidency were discovered in his Wilmington, Delaware home and at a Washington, DC think tank where he used to have an office. Scott appeared on Fox News just as the White House revealed there were no visitor logs for Biden's private house, amid concerns over who could have accessed the classified files there. The president and his White House have repeatedly asserted that they are cooperating with the National Archives and Justice Department as the matter is investigated. South Carolina GOP Senator Tim Scott called the Biden administration's handling of the classified files situation 'obnoxious' But questions are still piling up over why the initial discovery, which occurred at the Penn Biden Center in Washington on November 2, 2022, was not revealed by the White House until this month. Critics have also suggested they were kept secret for 'political' motivations, with the November 8 midterms less than a week later. 'The truth is that they suppressed the information before the election so that it would not have impact during the election. That sounds like a little bit of engineering from my perspective,' Scott said on Monday morning. 'The stench of hypocrisy coming from this administration is making the American people sick.' Referencing today's holiday to honor slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., Scott - who is black - continued, 'I can't imagine this double standard in the justice system being applied on MLK Day to black folks versus white folks.' 'Can you imagine how this administration continues to treat their friends and themselves, versus President Trump, or their adversaries? We can't have a two-tiered justice system in America,' Scott said. Republicans are asking why there are no visitor logs to President Biden's private residence in Wilmington, Delaware in light of classified document debacle President Joe Biden's private home in Wilmington, Delaware and location of several classified documents Timeline of events leading up to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Gartland appointment of a Special Counsel to oversee investigation into Biden's handling of classified documents It's not clear how Trump is linked to the senator's point about racism in the justice system, but Biden's possession of classified files has spurred furious comparisons among Republicans about how the former president was treated for his handling of secret presidential records - which resulted in an FBI raid - compared to Biden's own lawyers being allowed to search for and turn over his. Among the top differences between the two situations revolves around compliance. Trump's Florida estate was raided because officials believed his legal team was not being truthful about the ex-president's possession of classified files. Biden's attorneys, in contrast, have appeared to have gone out of their way to make a show of cooperating with investigators. But Scott claimed on Monday that the media reactions to today's revelations that there are no available visitor logs for Biden's Delaware home would have been vastly different. 'The national media would have lost their minds had the name been "Trump" and not "Biden" on the logs,' Scott said. The White House told multiple outlets on Monday, 'Like every President in decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal.' 'But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them.' A 17-year-old mother, her six-month-old baby and an elderly woman shot dead in her sleep are among six people who were callously murdered in a gang-related attack on a California home last night. Two gunmen targeted the house in Goshen, in central California, at 3.30am on Monday. They fired so many rounds that neighbors called 911 reporting an active shooter. The two gunmen then fled, leaving their victims in the street and inside the home. The scene in Goshen, California, on Monday morning after six people - including a six-month-old baby - were shot dead Two people were found dead in the street and one was found in the doorway An elderly woman was murdered in her sleep, according to ABC. It's unclear where the teenage mother and her baby were killed. Police have not yet released the identities of any of the victims, nor have they released a description of the suspects. Two people survived by hiding inside the house. A week ago, a search warrant for drugs was carried out at the property. The Tulare County Sheriff's Office said the shooting was 'gang' and 'drugs' related. 'Detectives believe there are at least two suspects and this is not a random act of violence. 'It appears this family was targeted and there are gang associations involved, as well as potential drug investigations. 'A week ago, TCSO Detectives conducted a narcotics search warrant at the victims home,' a spokesman said. Police continue to process the crime scene. An update is expected from officials today Harry and Meghan have rebuffed an apology from Jeremy Clarkson over his column - as it emerges his Clarkson's Farm and Grand Tour series will be dropped from Amazon Prime. The Duke of Sussex branded the article about his wife 'horrific, hurtful and cruel' during an interview with ITV's Tom Bradby to discuss his autobiography Spare earlier this month. It comes as the Sussexes' cheerleader Omid Scobie today tweeted a statement from a spokesperson for Harry and Meghan accusing Clarkson of 'spreading dangerous conspiracy theories, and misogyny'. It also made the point that Clarkson had emailed his apology over the column attacking the duchess to Harry 'solely' rather than to Meghan. It read: 'On December 25, 2022, Mr Clarkson wrote solely to Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex. The contents of his correspondence were marked Private and Confidential. Jeremy Clarkson says he emailed Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Christmas Day apologising Prince Harry branded the article about his wife Meghan Markle 'horrific, hurtful and cruel' Harry and Meghan refused to accept Jeremy Clarkson's Christmas Day apology Sussexes cheerleader Omid Scobie today tweeted a statement from a spokesperson for Harry and Meghan. It accused Clarkson of 'spreading dangerous conspiracy theories, and misogyny'. It read: 'On December 25, 2022, Mr. Clarkson wrote solely to Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex. 'The contents of his correspondence were marked Private and Confidential. 'While a new public apology has been issued today by Mr Clarkson, what remains to be addressed is his long-standing pattern of writing articles that spread hate rhetoric, dangerous conspiracy theories, and misogyny. 'Unless each of his other pieces were also written "in a hurry", as he states, it is clear that this is not an isolated incident shared in haste, but rather a series of articles shared in hate.' Advertisement 'While a new public apology has been issued today by Mr Clarkson, what remains to be addressed is his long-standing pattern of writing articles that spread hate rhetoric, dangerous conspiracy theories, and misogyny. 'Unless each of his other pieces were also written "in a hurry", as he states, it is clear that this is not an isolated incident shared in haste, but rather a series of articles shared in hate.' It comes as Variety have reported that Amazon Prime Video will not be working with Clarkson on further seasons of The Grand Tour and Clarkson's Farm that they had previously commissioned. The reports say Clarksons Farm could end with Season 3, expected in 2024, and The Grand Tour could end after four more special episodes, the last of which is expected to be in late 2024. Clarkson's Farm documents his efforts to run the Oxfordshire Farm he bought in 2008. The success of the series has seen visitors flock to the Diddly Squat farm shop in Chipping Norton Road, Chadlington and the second series is due to launch on February 10 on Prime Video in over 240 countries and territories. Amazon has been approached for comment. Clarkson, meanwhile, has said he emailed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Christmas Day to apologise over his column in The Sun newspaper in which he said he 'hated' Meghan. The piece, in which the 62-year-old TV presenter said he dreamed of the duchess being paraded through British towns and publicly shamed, became the Independent Press Standards Organisation's (Ipso) most complained-about article after its publication. The Sun later apologised and said it regretted the publication of the column which last week surpassed more than 25,000 Ipso complaints. In a lengthy statement on his verified Instagram account, The Grand Tour presenter earlier said he emailed the couple on Christmas Day to say his language in the column had been 'disgraceful' and he was 'profoundly sorry'. He said: 'One of the strange things I've noticed in recent times is that whenever an MP or a well-known person is asked to apologise for something, no matter how heartfelt or profound that apology may be, it's never enough for the people who called for it in the first place. In a lengthy statement on his verified Instagram account, The Grand Tour presenter said he emailed the couple on Christmas Day to say his language in the column had been 'disgraceful' and he was 'profoundly sorry' Sussexes cheerleader Omid Scobie today tweeted a statement from a spokesperson for Harry and Meghan 'So I'm going to try and buck the trend this morning with an apology for the things I said in a Sun column recently about Meghan Markle. I really am sorry. All the way from the balls of my feet to the follicles on my head. This is me putting my hands up. It's a mea culpa with bells on. 'Usually, I read what I've written to someone else before filing, but I was home alone on that fateful day, and in a hurry. So when I'd finished, I just pressed send. And then, when the column appeared the next day, the landmine exploded.' Clarkson described the moment he picked up a copy of the Sun to 'see what all the fuss was about.' He continued: 'We've all been there, I guess. In that precise moment when we suddenly realise we've completely messed up. You are sweaty and cold at the same time. And your head pounds. And you feel sick. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Had I really said that? It was horrible. 'I knew what had happened straight away. I'd been thinking of a scene in Games of Thrones, but I'd forgotten to mention this. So it looked like I was actually calling for revolting violence to rain down on Meghan's head. 'I was very angry with myself because in all those controversial days on Top Gear, when I was accused of all sorts of things, it was very rarely sexism. 'I was mortified and so was everyone else. My phone went mad. Very close friends were furious. Even my own daughter took to Instagram to denounce me.' Clarkson's statement went on to say ITV and Amazon, which airs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? and The Grand Tour respectively, were 'incandescent'. He said: 'The Sun quickly apologised and I tried to explain myself. But still, there were calls for me to be sacked and charged with a hate crime. 'More than 60 MPs demanded action to be taken. ITV, who make Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, and Amazon, who make the farm show and the Grand Tour, were incandescent. 'I therefore wrote to everyone who works with me saying how sorry I was and then on Christmas morning, I emailed Harry and Meghan in California to apologise to them too. 'I said I was baffled by what they had been saying on TV but that the language I'd used in my column was disgraceful and that I was profoundly sorry.' Clarkson said he will 'try' to be 'interesting and vigilant' at the same time in future columns. The reports say Clarksons Farm could end with Season 3, expected in 2024 The Grand Tour could end after four more special episodes, the last of which is expected to be in late 2024, reports say His statement concluded: 'Over the last 30 years, I have written very nearly five thousand newspaper and magazine columns, so it was inevitable that one day, I'd do a Harry Kane and sky one of the damn things. Which is what happened with the piece about Meghan. 'So can I move on now? Not sure. It's hard to be interesting and vigilant at the same time. You never hear peals of laughter coming from a health and safety seminar. But I promise you this, I will try. 'Who knows? Very soon now I shall be a grandfather, so in future, maybe I'll just write about that.' MailOnline has approached Amazon and representatives of Jeremy Clarkson for comment. Protests broke out nearby Memphis Police Department over the weekend after a black man died following a traffic stop where officers 'beat' him into 'cardiac arrest.' Tyre D. Nichols, 29, was pulled over on January 7 for reckless driving by police officers in an unmarked car and hoodies, his Keyana Dixon sister said. The police department reported a 'confrontation' between Nicolas and officers before he ran from the scene and was ultimately caught. 'Afterward, the suspect complained of having a shortness of breath, at which time an ambulance was called,' police said. Nichols was seen bloody and bruised on a hospital bed where he died the next day. Police haven't confirmed the details of Nichols' arrest or his family's claims, but his condition led to an investigation as officers involved remain on the force. The department said it had served notices to the officers involved and is launching an investigation, meanwhile furious protesters are now demanding Memphis police release the bodycam footage. Nichols' family claimed he suffered from cardiac arrest and kidney failure at the time of his death, however the police have yet to confirm his cause of death. Tyre D. Nichols, 29, died in a Memphis hospital after he was pulled on January 7. Nichols' family claimed he was 'beat' by police who wore 'hoodies' The police department reported a 'confrontation' between Nicolas and officers before he ran from the scene and was ultimately caught Nichols' family claimed he suffered from cardiac arrest and kidney failure at the time of his death. Rodney Wells, Nichols' stepfather, confirmed his son's critical state following the incident. 'When we got to the hospital, it was devastating,' Wells told WREG-TV. 'All of that still should not occur because of a traffic stop. You shouldn't be on a dialysis machine looking like this because of a traffic stop. That's inhumane.' Wells appeared alongside Nichols' family, including his sister Dixon, and other supporters outside of the police department this weekend. Protestors carried signs demanding justice for Nichols while his loved ones spoke on behalf of what they claimed happened to the 29-year-old. 'If he did run, it was because he was scared,' Dixon said. 'A traffic stop is supposed to be a traffic stop for anybody, and they were in an unmarked vehicle, so I already knew what he thought.' Meanwhile, protestors demanded transparency for the family. 'The least they can do is be transparent with the mother, father and the family and show that video to them about what happened to their son,' community activist Kareem Ali told WMC-TV. Nichols' sister Keyana Dixon sister said her brother likely ran because he was scared Furious protesters over the weekend gathered nearby the Memphis Police Department and are now demanding Memphis police release the bodycam footage The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has launched an investigation alongside the police department to determine the details of the incident and officer involvement. Memphis police chief CJ Davis didn't release the names of the officers or how many were involved - but reassured on Sunday that action will be taken as the findings come through at the end of the week. 'After reviewing various sources of information involving this incident, I have found that it is necessary to take immediate and appropriation action,' Davis wrote in a statement. 'The department is serving notice to the officers involved of the impending administrative actions.' Mayor Jim Strickland added that police violations are taken seriously. 'Make no doubt, we take departmental violations very seriously and, while we must complete the investigation process, it is our top priority to ensure that swift justice is served,' Strickland wrote in the statement. 'We want citizens to know that we are prepared to take immediate and appropriate actions based on what the findings determine.' Outraged supporters voiced their distaste with the police's handling of Nichols' arrest based on the details provided by his family while sharing the photo of him on the hospital bed. One person shared how Nichols may have assumed the officers were carjackers that have been attacking random civilians in the city. 'Everyone you know needs to see this picture and understand that this young man was pulled over by an unmarked car by a plainclothes pig wearing a hoodie,' one person wrote. 'Any reasonable person in Memphis would have been scared and likely pulled off after seeing a man in a hoodie coming from an unmarked car, especially considering the fact that a gang of carjackers have been caught posing as MPD as recently as this week.' Supports of Nichols (above) shared how he may have assumed the officers were carjackers that have been attacking random civilians in the city Memphis police chief CJ Davis didn't release the names of the officers or how many were involved - but reassured on Sunday that action will be taken as the findings come through at the end of the week Nichols' case is now being represented by civil rights attorney Ben Crump who has handled high profile cases, such as the death of George Floyd. 'All of the available information tells us that this was the tragic and preventable death of a young man deeply beloved by his family and community. 'This kind of in-custody death destroys community trust if agencies are not swiftly transparent. The most effective way for the Memphis Police Department to be transparent with the grieving Nichols family and the Memphis community is to release the body camera and surveillance footage from the traffic stop. 'Nobody should ever die from a simple traffic stop the footage is the only way to discern the true narrative of why and how that happened to Tyre.' Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home is where his lawyers found at least six classified documents Texts from Hunter to his daughter Naomi in 2019 show him complaining about having to give his father half of his salary Joe Biden has always insisted that he never benefited from his son's international business dealings while he was vice president but text messages show that Hunter did pay his father's bills while he was earning money from overseas. The money included thousands in repairs to Joe's Wilmington, Delaware home, which is where at least six classified documents were recently found by the president's lawyers. Hunter Biden complained in text messages to his daughter in 2019 that he paid for 'everything' for the family for three decades and said he had to give Joe 'half' of his salary. Emails from 2010 show that Hunter and Eric Schwerin, his business partner at Rosemont Seneca, discussed how much they needed to spend paying for then-vice president's bills. The subject was 'JRB bills', which match President Biden's initials, and detailed thousands in repairs that needed to be done on Joe's lakeside home in Wilmington, Delaware. Hunter Biden complained about having to pay his father's bills - even though President Joe Biden insists he never benefited from his son's international business The email noted that $2,600 needed to be paid to a contractor for a 'stone retaining wall', another $1,475 to the painter for the 'back wall and columns' of the property and an additional $1,239 to a builder who'd fixed the AC at Joe's late mother's home. He rented that house to the Secret Service for $2,200 a month. President Biden's Wilmington home has become the subject of discussion this month after it was revealed he took classified documents some labeled as 'top secret' from his time as vice president and relocated them from the White House to his Delaware residence. Other bills from the email included a $190 per month AT&T phone bill. Biden has repeatedly denied claims that he helped facilitate or thereafter benefited from his son Hunter's international business. In a 2019 text to his daughter Naomi, Hunter, who buy then had been battling a drug addiction for years, wrote: 'I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years.' 'It's really hard,' he complained. 'But don't worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won't make you give me half your salary.' Texts from Hunter to his daughter Naomi in 2019 show the president's son complaining about having to give Joe half of his salary. He also threatened to never give her a 'dime' again Many of the bills were for repairs to the Biden family home in Wilmington, Delaware. There were bills for paint and new walls that Hunter and his business partner paid. The home is now where Joe Biden's lawyers found at least six classified documents he took from the White House when he was vice president Hunter started working for Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings LLC in 2014. He earned from Burisma $83,333 monthly up until two months after Joe Biden left office. The payments from Hunter to his father were described in a 2010 email, which is the time period where Biden was earning $225,000-a-year as Vice President under Barack Obama. For decades, the senior Biden earned well over $100,000-a-year as an author and U.S Senator. Hunter, according to emails, had to foot the phone and home repair bills for his father while working as the interim CEO of Paradigm Global Advisors while founding the investment firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners. In an email to Hunter from Eric Shwerin, his partner at Rosemont Seneca Email from Hunter Biden's business partner about the need to pay Joe Biden's personal bills. Shwerin to Hunter in other emails titled JRB Future and JRB bills In other texts to his personal assistant, he said his father had been using lines of credit on his account The texts about AT&T were from 2018 Joe and Hunter Biden in 2010, when the former was Vice President and Hunter was being asked to pay family bills through his roles at an investment firm Before Joe left office, he was often referred to as 'the big guy' and described in an email from a Ukrainian executive at Burisma which suggested he'd gotten access to him through Hunter. It raised serious questions because the executive was also being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor who was ousted after Joe leveraged $1 billion in American aid money to get him out. The White House did not respond to requests for comment on Monday morning. Joe has, in the past, denied ever offering access to him or the White House to any of Hunter's business associates. Schwerin, in one of the emails, wrote to Hunter: 'FYI, there are a few outstanding bills that need to be paid and I am not sure which ones are a priority and which should get paid out of 'my' account and which should be put on hold or paid out of the 'Wilmington Trust Social Security Check Account.' 'There is about $2,000 extra in 'my' account beyond what is used for monthly expenses.' In another, he said: 'Mike Christopher [builder] is hassling me so I am paying a couple of the smaller things since I haven't heard from your Dad. Know he's busy so it's OK. 'But if you think he has a moment or two to review the e-mail I sent you let me know.' The following month, he said: 'Does it make sense to see if your Dad has some time in the next couple of weeks while you are in DC to talk about it? Your Dad just called me about his mortgage . . . so it dawned on me to might be a good time [for] some positive news about his future earnings potential.' In the years after he left office as Vice President, Joe and Jill Biden made millions through book deals and speaking engagements but much of the money flowed through companies which allowed them to circumvent tax bills. In the years that followed the emails, Hunter became addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol. Photos like this one were found on the same laptop as the emails In 2017 alone, the couple declared $11.1 million in earnings - more than double they had made in any other year for 18 years prior. Joe has always insisted the money was earned above board. In a 2018 email to one his own assistants, Hunter complained that he had been shut out of his own bank account and that his father had been using it. 'Too many cooks in the kitchen. Too many profile changes and such. Happened 10 days ago too... 'My dad has been using most lines on this account which I've through the gracious offerings of Eric have paid for past 11 years,' he said. Hunter wrote in his memoir Beautiful Things how he slipped into drug and alcohol addiction while working in these business roles. Do YOU know this man? Email james.gant@mailonline.co.uk Do YOU know this man? Email james.gant@mailonline.co.uk A Mall spokesman says the man was later allowed to continue shopping Social media users reacted with fury, as one said he should sue the Mall A man wearing a 'Jesus Saves' T-shirt was ordered to remove the clothing or leave the Mall of America last weekend in a video that has gone viral on social media. A security guard at the nation's most famous shopping center in Minnesota can be heard telling the man: 'If you want to shop here you need to take off that shirt'. Another clip shows the same guard saying: 'Jesus is associated with religion and it is offending people. People have been offended.' The video which was recorded on January 7 has prompted outrage online with one group organizing a protest at the Mall where they intend to wear their own 'Jesus Saves' shirts. Viral video shows a man wearing a 'Jesus Saves' T-Shirt being ordered to take off the clothing or leave by security guards at Mall of America on Jan 7th A spokesman for Mall of America told DailyMail.com that the man was allowed to remain in the Mall following the interaction while still wearing his shirt. This is despite the fact guards can clearly be heard threatening to kick him out. In the original clip, the shopper is seen in a yellow T-shirt branding the religious slogan. The back of the shirt reads 'Jesus is the only way' while the popular 'coexist' - symbol - which advocates different religions living alongside each other peacefully - is crossed out. The videos have now been shared across TikTok and Twitter while one was livestreamed to Facebook on January 7. One week prior, he had also been issued with a 24-hour trespass for 'soliciting guests'. During the tense exchange, three security guards surround the man. In a clip that has gone viral on social media, the man insists he was shopping peacefully in the shirt but officers accused him of 'religious soliciting' He can be heard saying: 'I didn't say anything though. I didn't speak. I didn't say anything. I just went to Macy's.' The guard replies: 'Again, I'm giving you a couple options. You can take the shirt off and you can go to Macy's and you can do your shopping. 'Or you can leave the mall, OK? Those are your only options right now,.' The officer later claims he was engaging in 'religious soliciting,' which the Mall forbids. However the man insists throughout the video that he was not attempting to preach but was simply wearing the shirt while shopping. Mall policies prohibit 'inappropriate attire,' including apparel that 'has obscene language, obscene gestures or racial/religious/ethnic slurs that are likely to create a disturbance.' The Mall also forbids 'picketing, demonstrating, soliciting, protesting or petitioning.' The man was asked on a different day to leave the mall because he was preaching. This time, however, he appears to have just walking around the mall. Social media users have reacted with fury to the video which sees the guard claim 'Jesus is associated with religion and it is offending people' A guard is heard saying: 'Yes, you're walking wearing that shirt in the form of soliciting and we've had guests come up and say they're offended by your shirt.' The posts have attracted mass outrage online. A Twitter user called John Mason captioned the video: 'I automatically assumed this was overseas, but it's right here in America.' Another user Wyatt Sullivan replied: 'If I ever go to the Mall of America again, I'm wearing the biggest Jesus shirt I can find.' Meanwhile Pastor Chase Thompson wrote: 'He should sue them into oblivion. The clip has prompted a protest by a group on Facebook who will wear 'Jesus Saves' T-shirts to the Mall on Saturday Feb 4 The planned protest was shared on a Facebook group belonging to the Bloomington Patriots 'This wouldn't have happened anywhere in the U.S. until very recently, and it certainly wouldn't have happened if he'd had a pride shirt on and even 50 people complained.' A group called Bloomington Patriots plans to hold a demonstration at the mall on Feb. 4 and is asking attendees to wear 'Jesus shirts.' A spokesman for the Mall said: 'The guest referenced in the video was approached by Mall of America security on January 7, 2023. 'One week prior, he was issued a 24-hour trespass for soliciting guests. 'After a brief interaction, the guest was not required to change his shirt and was allowed to remain at the Mall.' It must be nice to be Joe Biden. When the Justice Department lost patience with Donald Trump, who was storing classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, they launched an unprecedented Hollywood-style raid on the former president's home complete with 30 federal agents and a comprehensive search of Melania's wardrobe. But when it turns out that Biden was keeping secret material in his personal office and Delaware garage alongside his prized Corvette -- suddenly it's like Seinfeld's Uncle Leo stealing from the bookstore, 'I'm an old man!' Spare me. Where was the raid on Wilmington? Unfortunately, the horses have now bolted the barn. The opportunity to conduct a credible investigation has passed. The special counsel probe has been spoiled and the bungling Justice Department has bungled another one. Think I'm overreacting? Listen to none other than Andrew Weissman, the FBI lawyer appointed to help Robert Mueller run the special counsel investigation into Trump: 'Why did Biden counsel do the searches of his home/garage, and not the FBI/DOJ?,' he tweeted last week. 'Or at least invite them to participate, or consent to the FBI/DOJ doing the searches? And why the search delays and no prompt public disclosure?' Now that Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed an independent investigator to handle this, Biden's hand-picked document recovery team has reportedly been sidelined. When it turns out that Biden was keeping secret material in his personal office and Delaware garage alongside his prized Corvette -- suddenly it's like Seinfeld's Uncle Leo stealing from the bookstore, 'I'm an old man!' Unfortunately, the horses have now bolted the bar. The opportunity to conduct a credible investigation has passed. (Above) Access road to Joe Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home But we are compelled to demand: Why has taken the DOJ this long to get serious? Let's review exactly what has happened thus far to demonstrate just how sloppy this whole ordeal has become. On November 2nd, lawyers emptying Biden's office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington DC allegedly happened upon classified documents. They alerted the National Archives, who informed the DOJ. No one told the public anything as the country voted in the November 8th midterms. On November 9th the FBI started a preliminary investigation. In December, more documents turned up. This time at Biden's Wilmington home. That apparently lit a fire under the U.S. attorney tapped to look into this mess and he recommended Garland appoint a special counsel. Still, the American people hadn't heard a peep until January 9th, that is, when CBS News reported on the November discovery. On January 10th, Biden faced reporters' questions for the first-time and he was shocked, shocked like Claude Rains in Casablanca, to discover that there were classified documents. He played it off like some weird accident, all the while the White House knew that classified material had also been found in his Delaware garage. That seems like the kind of thing that a forthright and honest administration might mention. But they didn't. On January 11th, the garage docs were made public. And finally on January 12th, Garland announced the special counsel investigation. So, from November 2nd to January 11th, Biden's personal lawyers had free rein to search for, move, identify, scatter around and maybe, just maybe tamper with classified documents. This weekend, the White House revealed that even more secret info was found in Wilmington, even after White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Thursday, 'the search is complete.' How disorganized is this operation? Were the nuclear secrets mixed up the junk mail? The American people lost their patience with this law enforcement ineptitude a long time ago. Is Garland telling us that he trusted Biden's team to turnover everything they had and spill all the beans no matter how damaging they may be? I'm no lawyer, but I am familiar with the concept of a pristine crime scene. A good investigator would likely object to his suspect fiddling with the evidence for two months. America knows how Hillary Clinton handled that responsibility. Clinton's operatives deleted more than 30,000 emails stored on her unsecured, unauthorized private server when she was secretary of State. Clinton claimed the emails were 'personal and private,' an FBI investigation later determined that many of them were not. To this day, there are serious unanswered questions about that investigation and here we go again. Repeatedly, we've heard from The White House, Democrats and many in the media that Biden has been 'cooperating' with the Justice Department. That's what differentiates Biden's case from Trump's, they say. That's why it wasn't necessary for the DOJ to secure a warrant and march into Biden's home. Really it seems like the DOJ has been cooperating with Biden and not the other way around. I'm no lawyer, but I am familiar with the concept of a pristine crime scene. A good investigator would likely object to his suspect fiddling with the evidence for two months. Remember that when the FBI waltzed into Mar-a-Lago, they recorded exactly where the documents they discovered were found. Federal agents found materials in Trump's desk. We were all treated to a tastefully photographed sampling of top-secret papers arrayed on the floor. An FBI 'property inventory' revealed a comprehensive laundry list of what they found, how it was stored and where. Where's the corresponding inventory for Biden? The answer is there isn't one. Biden's team did all the discovering. Remember that when the FBI waltzed into Mar-a-Lago, they recorded exactly where the documents they discovered were found. Federal agents found materials in Trump's desk. We were all treated to a tastefully photographed sampling of top-secret papers arrayed on the floor. This whole thing stinks to high heaven but don't expect our media to notice, notorious Democrat apologist Joy Behar just about summed it up on The View last week saying, 'Trump is a liar and a thief, so it's not that big a jump to say that he obstructed and he lied. We don't think that Biden is a liar and a thief so we give him the benefit of the doubt.' See how this works? It's not very subtle. Not to mention the fact that Joseph Robinette Biden is the most egregious fabulist in the history of American politics. He has lied about his college grades, being arrested in South Africa, driving big rigs and being a civil rights warrior. Oh and he's a known plagiarist. But this guy gets the benefit of the doubt? This is a body of water that Democrats are now trying to walk on, but it's the same one they sought to drown Trump in. As GOP Sen. Josh Hawley put it, 'In President Trump's case, that retention [of documents] triggered an unprecedented raid on the home of a former president, rationalized with a thicket of partisan doublespeak, President Biden has not experienced anything remotely similar.' Justice is supposed to be blind, but in today's America it seems to be peeking when it comes to Biden and Democrats, if not flat out flirtatiously winking at them. The cracks in the integrity of this investigation are too glaring to ignore. And the American people deserve good answers now! Suspended Good Morning America host T.J. Holmes was spotted doing some shopping and grabbing breakfast in New York City, as his place on the morning show remains in jeopardy. Holmes stopped at a Zara and walked out with a shopping bag before slipping into a Le Pain Quotidien to grab something to eat. It has been nearly seven weeks since Holmes's secret relationship with Good Morning America co-host Amy Robach was exclusively revealed by DailyMail.com. The two were subsequently suspended over the scandal and have been off the air since. A well-placed industry source recently told DailyMail.com it is looking 'less likely' they will return to the network and characterized their position as 'in limbo.' T.J. Holmes steps off the curb onto the street in New York City. The suspended Good Morning America host is 'in limbo' Holmes crosses the street after shopping at Zara in New York City Holmes was spotted wearing a pair of black shades to cover his face, and a black scarf wrapped around his neck. He wore a black coat in the cold morning air, and a pair of blue slacks. Holmes also wore a pair of white sneakers and carried a brown Zara bag. The host could be seen crossing the street and walking down a sidewalk. Robach, 49, and Holmes, 45, are accused of having an affair by their respective partners, with Holmes officially filing for divorce in January A well-placed industry source told DailyMail.com: 'Amy and T.J. have not been fired. The situation is still in limbo' The co-anchors were suspended from the show after initially weathering the storm. Exclusive DailyMail.com photos showed them getting cozy in November 2022 Robach, 49, and Holmes, 45, are accused of having an affair by their respective partners, with Holmes officially filing for divorce in January. A well-placed industry source told DailyMail.com: 'Amy and T.J. have not been fired. The situation is still in limbo. 'But the longer the indecision goes on, the less likely they will return to doing GMA3 together. That said, their relationship never violated company policy. 'They're both very talented professionals, and the expectation is there will be other alternatives for them at the network.' At first Robach and Holmes seemed determined to brazen it out with T.J. sparking disbelief when he appeared alongside Robach and made light of the scandal after their relationship became public Both Holmes and Robach have been married to their respective spouses since 2010. It is not known when or how Holmes's wife, 44-year-old attorney, Marilee Fiebig, (pictured together in 2012) and Robach's husband, former Melrose Place actor Andrew Shue, 55, (pictured right in March 2022) learned of the romance, but both couples are said to have split up in August this year Homes wears a pair of blue pants while crossing the street in New York City Homes went shopping at Zara and picked up breakfast at Le Pain Quotidien ABC has refrained from giving a public update on the decisions around the future of the hosts with their replacement continuing to say that they were 'filling in'. The co-anchors were suspended from the show after initially weathering the storm, after exclusive DailyMail.com photos showed them getting cozy in November 2022. Initially they returned to the air on December 1, just a day after the scandal broke, and appeared to make subtle quips about their situation., Four days later president of ABC Kim Godwin announced that they would not appear on air because their relationship was a 'internal and external distraction.' The couple were seen having a relaxing break over Christmas together, and were pictured by DailyMail.com kissing as they went for lunch in Miami, Florida. They had tried to keep their distance in the immediate aftermath of the story breaking, as sources questioned whether the relationship could survive the onslaught of attention. Homes wears a black jacket and matching scarf while walking down the street After DailyMail.com revealed that both the married co-anchors were having an affair, both Holmes' and Robach's 12-year marriages were left in tatters with both couples splitting after learning of the illicit romance Holmes walks away down a New York City sidewalk with a Zara bag in one hand After DailyMail.com revealed that both the married co-anchors were having an affair, both Holmes' and Robach's 12-year marriages were left in tatters with both couples splitting after learning of the illicit romance. Robach shares daughters Ava, 19, and Analise, 16, with ex-husband Tim McIntosh. The duo also divorced in 2008. Just days before Christmas, they were seen enjoying a low-key lunch at the Capital Grill near Holmes's apartment in the Financial District. At first Robach and Holmes seemed determined to brazen it out with T.J. sparking disbelief when he appeared alongside Robach and made light of the scandal after their relationship became public. Homes rounds a corner in New York City with one hand in a pocket. Just days before Christmas, he had Robach had a low-key lunch at the Capital Grill near his apartment in the Financial District A 79-year-old great-grandmother died in a house explosion, thought to have been caused by a 'decades-old' faulty copper gas pipe join, an inquest has heard. Retired pub landlady Doreen Mace, originally from Erdington, Birmingham, was described by her relatives at the hearing on Monday as a 'once-in-a-lifetime soul'. She died at a house owned by her partner, David Murphy, in Dulwich Road, Kingstanding, Birmingham, on June 26 last year, in a blast that caused what the coroner described as a 'Hollywood film-esque level of destruction'. On Monday morning, the inquest's 11-member jury was shown an image of a 'gas pipe separation under (the) floor of (the) living room', which is suspected of being at the heart of the explosion. Doreen Mace, pictured, 79, who died in a house explosion in Birmingham when the blast tore through the property - leaving her buried under several feet of rubble The 79-year-old great-grandmother died in a 'very significant' house explosion, thought to have been caused by a 'decades-old' faulty copper gas pipe join, an inquest has heard It emerged that Mr Murphy had rung UK gas distribution network Cadent at 8.22pm that Sunday, reporting that he could smell 'what he thought was gas', his hob was no longer working, and the meter was 'making a noise'. He was told by a call handler 'not to use any source of ignition, and to ventilate the house', and that an engineer would arrive 'within the hour', the coroner said. Less than 15 minutes after the call ended, the house exploded. Numerous 999 calls were made - the first at 8.38pm - by neighbours, who described a 'huge bang' and said 129 Dulwich Road had been 'flattened' and was 'completely missing'. Ms Mace's (left and right) grandaughter, Samantha O'Brien, read out a pen portrait of her grandmother, calling her 'a caring, energetic and fun-loving lady with such an infectious smile', who was 'devoted to her family' David Murphy (pictured) - though suffering 'relatively significant injuries' - survived, having earlier been rescued from the rubble of the kitchen The blast was so violent that it sent roof tiles through the windows of a leisure centre 114ft (35m) away, and, while initially there was only a small fire, it grew so that searches for Ms Mace had to be called off for safety reasons. The body of Ms Mace, of Elmwood Road, Erdington, was later recovered under 3ft (1m) of rubble from the lounge at the front of the property. Her partner, Mr Murphy - though suffering 'relatively significant injuries' - survived, having earlier been rescued from the rubble of the kitchen, where he had been protected by a fridge, by members of the public, who carried him away using a mattress. Opening the hearing, Birmingham and Solihull Area Coroner James Bennett told the inquest: 'Sadly, we reach a point where natural gas is escaping into the property. It eventually ignites, causing the explosion.' Emergency services at the scene in Dulwich Road, Kingstanding, in Birmingham It was confirmed by West Midlands Police Detective Inspector Ranj Sangha, in evidence, that multi-agency investigators agreed 'the explosion was caused by natural gas escaping from a pipe underneath the lounge floor'. The coroner also heard that the floorboards in the bay area of the lounge were 'bowing' because some of the joists were 'rotting', according to a statement given to the police by Mr Murphy's son. 'Is it right the area of floor was bowing was in reality above the gas pipe?' asked the coroner. Mr Sangha replied: 'Yes, in close proximity.' The ex-Birmingham City Council house was nearly 100 years old, with the inquest hearing that the boiler was not working at the time of the blast It was confirmed by Detective Inspector Ranj Sangha, in evidence, that multi-agency investigators agreed 'the explosion was caused by natural gas escaping from a pipe underneath the lounge floor' The ex-Birmingham City Council house was nearly 100 years old, with the inquest hearing that the boiler was not working at the time of the blast. Mr Murphy was selling the property - which had become privately owned in 1981 under a previous occupant - and had accepted an offer. Estate agent particulars recorded the problem with the floor, accompanied by photos, and the lack of a working boiler. Tracing the history of the pipework, Mr Sangha said police contacted Gas Safe, whose records only dated back to 2009, and also Birmingham Council, but officers were told 'no-one holds records that far back'. Summarising other evidence, Mr Bennett said the 'best estimate' was that the pipe 'had been there at least 50 years, but cannot exclude the possibility it was original pipework when the house was built in or before 1928'. Estate agent particulars recorded the problem with the floor, accompanied by photos, and the lack of a working boiler He told jurors 'there was a very significant explosion, and the reality is the force of the explosion completely destroyed the house' and caused damage to neighbouring properties. The coroner said that, 'many years ago - potentially decades', whomever installed the gas pipe had used a type of fitting which needed 'soldering', but had not done so. 'So, at that joint, it was never soldered or welded and, sadly, we reach a point where natural gas is escaping into the property. It eventually ignites, causing the explosion. 'It appears Doreen, sadly, was in the lounge at the point of the explosion.' Jurors also heard from Mr Sangha that Mr Murphy, who was in the kitchen at the back of the house when the blast happened, was found in a void created by a falling fridge, which 'seems to have provided him with some cover'. Mr Bennett told jurors 'there was a very significant explosion, and the reality is the force of the explosion completely destroyed the house' and caused damage to neighbouring properties One Ms Mace's granddaughters, Samantha O'Brien, attended the inquest, along with other family members. She asked the detective: 'After your investigation, are you satisfied Mr Murphy did not know the extent of disrepair of the pipework?' Mr Sangha replied: 'We have nothing to suggest he knew the pipe underneath had not been soldered - there's nothing to suggest he was aware of that fact.' While an energy performance certificate (EPC) had been prepared for the sale of the house, there was no gas safety certificate - although it is not a legal requirement. Earlier, Ms O'Brien read out a pen portrait of her grandmother, calling her 'a caring, energetic and fun-loving lady with such an infectious smile', who was 'devoted to her family'. 'At time of her passing, Nan was 79 years young, still with a determination, vigour for life, on par with a person half her age,' she said. The scene in Dulwich Road, Kingstanding, Birmingham, after the explosion destroyed the house Emergency services at the scene in Dulwich Road, Kingstanding, where an explosion on Sunday destroyed a house She added her grandmother had been planning a holiday with her partner, and said: 'She was and always will be our matriarch and a once-in-a-lifetime soul we are grateful to have known.' Steve Critchlow, specialist Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspector, said the likelihood was the unsoldered joint had been 'leaking small amounts of gas' for many years, but there had been a total failure - for reasons he would only be guessing at - on June 26. He said: 'It can't have been leaking like that - and wouldn't have been fully separated - before June 26.' He added it was more likely the pipework dated from the 1950s or 1960s. Mr Critchlow also said gas explosion deaths were 'very rare' and averaged one per year, with more than 22 million domestic gas-fitted properties in the UK. A married teacher has avoided jail after grooming and having sex with one of his teenage students. Father-of-two, Ian Featherstone, was said to have committed a 'massive breach of trust' as he groomed a Derbyshire school student on social media. The 44-year-old teacher at Abbotsholme School exchanged sexualised messages and intimate photographs with the teenager in addition to having sex with her without a condom, Derby Crown Court heard. But the relationship was said to be discovered when the victim, who was later diagnosed with autism, confided to a teacher about what was happening. Ian Featherstone, 44, was given a two year suspended jail time after grooming and having sex with one of his teenage students, , Derby Crown Court heard (pictured) Julian Lynch, prosecuting at Derby Crown Court, said: 'He deliberately used a particular social media account because he was still married. The relationship turned physical and he did not use a condom because he's had a vasectomy, he was clearly aware what he was doing was wrong. 'He told her not to save any of his contact details and instead she had them on a piece of paper she kept with her phone.' Featherstone, who now lives at his parents address in Busby, Leicester, pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual activity with a child while in a position of trust and has no previous convictions of any kind. However, Laura Coton, mitigating, said that his pre-sentence report concluded he posed a low risk of reoffending. She said: 'He has a 14-year career as a teacher, a career he loved. He has two children with his now ex-wife to whom he was married for 14 years and was in a relationship with for 20 years. 'They split up as a result of this offending which he described as "a massive mistake he never wants to repeat". He has lost his career, his marriage and full contact with his children and has lost the respect of his colleagues. He is obviously incredibly embarrassed.' Judge Shaun Smith, KC, gave Featherstone a 12-month jail sentence suspended for two years. As part of this order, an electronically-monitored curfew will confine Featherstone to his home address each evening between 7pm and 5am. Featherstone has now been placed on the sex offenders list for 10 years and is required to attend a 45-day sex offender awareness programme as well as 55 rehabilitation sessions with the probation service. The defendant was also ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and was placed on the sex offender register for 10 years. Judge Shaun Smith said: 'This is a massive breach of trust. You are highly regarded by former students, you have done charity work and you clearly excelled as a teacher. But it was your job as a teacher that led to this offence. 'There was a huge age disparity between you and what I have read in your (pre-sentence) report in your own words, is that you "gave in to temptation of the attention you were receiving" from her, you turned that around and you groomed her into a relationship. There is absolutely no excuse for it, she was suffering from autism, she was on the spectrum.' A spokesman for the school reportedly told Derbyshire Live: 'We are appalled by the actions of this individual. Behaviour like this has no place in a school.' The school also said it 'acted quickly' in response to the allegations. It added: 'We are providing all support necessary to any student who requires it and hope that today brings some form of closure for the victim.' The school also said it 'acted quickly' in response to the allegations. MailOnline has approached the school for comment. A court ruled there's 'no basis' for their claim and rejected their citizenship claim The siblings, who are both in their 50s, were raised in the Republic of Georgia A brother and sister from the Republic of Georgia who claimed to be members of the British Royal family have lost their family court fight for UK citizenship. Steven Lord Lloyd-Bagrationi and Kate Lloyd-Bagrationi say their grandmother was the illegitimate granddaughter of King Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark, giving them the right to become British citizens. The pair, who are both in their 50s and live in the Caucasian country, had asked a judge to declare their father, was a British man called Stephen Henry Lloyd, who it is claimed was the only child of an 'English peeress'. However, a judge has ruled against them, saying there is not enough evidence for their claim, meaning there is 'no basis' for her to hear their application for a 'declaration of parentage'. Steven Lord Lloyd-Bagrationi, pictured, claims to be a member of the British and Georgian royal families along with his sister, Kate Lloyd-Bagrationi Kate Lloyd-Bagrationi, pictured, along with her brother, asked for the courts in the UK to declare their father was a British man called Stephen Henry Lloyd In a ruling from a private hearing in the East London Family Court, Judge Madeleine Reardon revealed the pair claim to be members of both the British and Georgian royal families. She wrote: 'The applicants seek a declaration that their father was a British man called Stephen Henry Lloyd, who died in 1971. 'It is the applicants' case that they are members of both the English and the Georgian royal families.' She added: 'The underlying purpose of the application, as the applicants have repeatedly made clear, is to establish their paternity as a route to obtaining British citizenship.' The judge said Mr Lloyd-Bagrationi and his sister had told her that their father was a member of the British royal family, born on October 22, 1939, and their mother a member of the Georgian royal family. They said they had not been able to find 'any record' of their father's birth or family, or documentation supporting his connections with the UK, and believed that was because 'all records were destroyed' in the Second World War. The siblings claim their grandmother was the illegitimate granddaughter of Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark, pictured here in 1862 'The applicants' statements provide some limited information about their father's ancestry,' said the judge. 'They say that he was the only child of Henry James Lloyd and Maria Rosemary Hanover-Lloyd, who was 'an English peeress', being the illegitimate granddaughter of Edward VII and Alexandra of Denmark.' The judge said Mr Lloyd-Bagrationi and his sister had both been born in the Republic of Georgia. 'Their case is that their father was British and their mother Georgian,' she said. 'Their parents met in Moscow and married in Georgia in 1965.' She was told that their father had died after a car crash in December 1971 and their mother, who died in 2010, had married a Georgian man. Mr Lloyd-Bagrationi said he had lived in the UK for a 'substantial part of his adult life'. Evidence showed that his sister had never visited the UK, the judge said. Judge Reardon said there were a 'number of gaps' in the evidence and concluded that there was 'no basis on which the court can accept jurisdiction to hear this application'. 'The application has failed because the evidence produced has not been sufficient for the court to establish jurisdiction,' she said. 'I hope that the applicants understand that the main reason their application has failed is in fact not that I do not believe them or am unsympathetic to their situation, but simply that the evidence they have produced is not sufficient.' The judge said she had published her judgment in the interests of 'transparency' and said she hoped that publication might help Mr Lloyd-Bagrationi and his sister in their attempt to establish British nationality. 'There is a general public interest in increasing awareness of the workings of the family justice system and the wide range of cases that come before the courts,' she said. 'However, it has also occurred to me that if in fact there is more substance in the applicants' case than has been apparent from the evidence produced in these proceedings, publication of the judgment may perhaps assist them to locate and identify members of their wider paternal family and to produce the evidence which the court (or, probably more pertinently, the Home Office) would require in order to establish their British nationality.' Rishi Sunak will block Nicola Sturgeon's controversial gender identity legislation from becoming law, it was confirmed tonight. In an unprecedented move, the Prime Minister will prevent the Holyrood legislation from receiving royal assent after warnings it would cause UK-wide legislative chaos. Mr Sunak's dramatic action swiftly set up a fresh row with Ms Sturgeon's SNP-led administration in Edinburgh. His decision was announced just hours after the First Minister insisted it would be an 'outrage' if Westminster halted reforms passed by the Scottish Parliament last month. In the wake of the PM's move, Ms Sturgeon this evening hit out at a 'full-frontal attack' on Holyrood and vowed her Scottish Government would continue to defend the gender legislation. It means the Scottish Government and UK Government could be on course for another showdown at the Supreme Court. Less than two months ago, Supreme Court judges told Ms Sturgeon she can't hold a second independence referendum without Westminster's prior approval. In order to prevent the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill from becoming law, the UK Government will make an order under Section 35 of the Scotland Act 1998. The move is the first time UK ministers have used a Section 35 order since devolution more than two decades ago. Nicola Sturgeon hit out at a 'full-frontal attack' on Holyrood and vowed her Scottish Government would continue to defend the gender legislation The Scottish First Minister had earlier attempted to warn the UK Government against blocking the gender identity legislation Alistair Jack, the Scottish Secretary, wrote to Ms Sturgeon today to inform her of the UK Government's decision Alistair Jack, the Scottish Secretary, wrote to Ms Sturgeon today to inform her of the UK Government's decision. He said in a statement tonight: 'After thorough and careful consideration of all the relevant advice and the policy implications, I am concerned that this legislation would have an adverse impact on the operation of Great Britain-wide equalities legislation. 'Transgender people who are going through the process to change their legal sex deserve our respect, support and understanding. 'My decision today is about the legislation's consequences for the operation of GB-wide equalities protections and other reserved matters. 'I have not taken this decision lightly. The bill would have a significant impact on, amongst other things, GB-wide equalities matters in Scotland, England and Wales. 'I have concluded, therefore, that this is the necessary and correct course of action.' Ms Sturgeon responded to the announcement by vowing to 'defend the legislation and stand up for Scotland's parliament'. She also warned the 'Westminster veto' - if successful - would be 'the first of many' over Holyrood legislation. 'This is a full-frontal attack on our democratically elected Scottish Parliament and its ability to make its own decisions on devolved matters,' the First Minister added on Twitter. Leading transgender rights charity Stonewall accused the UK Government of using the 'nuclear option' in response to the Scottish bill. The charity's chief executive, Nancy Kelley, also claimed Mr Sunak was using trans people's lives as 'a political football'. Rishi Sunak raised his concerns about the reforms with Nicola Sturgeon during a private dinner in Inverness last week The measures passed at Holyrood have been highly controversial in Scotland as well as the rest of the UK (pictured, protests in Edinburgh last week) Sturgeon blasts Starmer over gender bill 'concerns' Nicola Sturgeon turned her fire on Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer today after he admitted to 'concerns' about the bill. The First Minister accused Sir Keir of failing to stand up to the Tories. Pointing out that Scottish Labour MSPs had voted for the bill, she said if Sir Keir was to support a block 'he would be showing utter contempt for his own Scottish party as well as the Scottish Parliament'. She added: 'We will see what happens this week but these is no justification whatsoever for the action that is being talked about.' Sir Keir today reiterated his weekend comments about the bill. Speaking to a Scottish trans activist on LBC he said: 'I'm afraid I do think that 16 is too young. 'Now people would just have different views on this. But I think 16 is too young for that process ... I would go for 18. The age of adulthood in most cases.' Advertisement At a press conference earlier today, Ms Sturgeon had claimed transgender people were at risk of being used as a 'political weapon' if Westminster acted to block the Scottish legislation. The SNP leader insisted the gender identity bill, passed by MSPs last month, was within the Scottish Parliament's competence and added that 'it doesn't affect the operation of the Equality Act'. 'If there is a decision to challenge in my view it will be quite simply a political decision and I think it will be using trans people already one of the most vulnerable, stigmatised groups in our society as a political weapon,' she said. 'And I think that will be unconscionable and indefensible and really quite disgraceful.' The bill allows trans people to self-identify without a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and lowers the minimum age that Scots can legally change their gender from 18 to 16. It also slashes the timescale for obtaining a gender recognition certificate (GRC) from two years to three months for over-18s. But it has provoked fears that abusive males could take advantage of the new system, and has put Scotland on a constitutional collision course with Westminster. The Scotland Act, which established a devolved Scottish government and parliament, gives Westminster four weeks to consider bills passed by Holyrood that could have an 'adverse effect on the operation of the law'. The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill was passed by MSPs on December 22, meaning the deadline was due to arrive on Wednesday. Westminster's legal advice has apparently suggested the new measures would 'cut across' UK-wide legislation on equalities. Mr Sunak raised his concerns with Ms Sturgeon about the bill during a private dinner in Inverness last week. Speaking to broadcasters afterwards, he said: 'Obviously this is a very sensitive area and I know there were very robust debates and exchanges on it as the bill was passing in Scotland. 'What I'm concerned about is the impact of the bill across the United Kingdom. As is entirely standard, the UK Government would take advice on that. 'There may be impacts across the UK that we need to be aware of and understand the impact of them. 'That is what we are doing, and once the Government has received final advice it will set out next steps.' Keir Starmer told the BBC he thought 16 was too young an age for people to decide to legally change their birth gender Labour has also aired concerns about the Holyrood legislation. Sir Keir Starmer told the BBC yesterday that he didn't think 16 was old enough to be able to decide to change gender. The Labour leader also expressed misgivings about the potential impact on UK-wide equalities law, but warned against the issue becoming a 'political football'. Scottish Labour supported the gender identity reforms and almost all of its MSPs voted for the finalised bill, despite being unsuccessful with a tabled amendment that sought to clarify the application of UK-wide equality laws. Monica Lennon, a Scottish Labour MSP for Central Scotland, condemned tonight's 'shameful decision' by the UK Government, which she claimed was made for 'cynical political reasons'. 'A bad day for democracy, devolution and for human rights,' she added. 'Anyone thinking the Tories care about women's rights or the interests of LGBTQ people is deluding themselves.' Police phone logs reveal Massachusetts mother Ana Walshe was first reported missing to police by her employer, not her husband, as his attorney claimed in court. The logs show that on January 4, the Washington DC head of security for real estate firm Tishman Spyer called police in Massachusetts, where Walshe lived, to request a welfare check. The man who called told the operator that he had informed Walshe's husband, Bryan, that she was missing too. But in court last week, Bryan - who is charged with misleading investigators - and his team of attorneys said it was he who notified Tishman Spyer of Ana's disappearance. Missing Massachusetts mother Ana Walsh, left, once called the cops on her now husband, Brian, claiming he threatened to kill her and her friends The Cohasset home that Ana shared with her husband, Brian, and their three children It's unclear if or when he ever notified police. Ana was last seen alive on January 1, at around 1.30am, leaving a New Year's Eve party with her husband. ANA WALSHE'S DISAPPEARANCE JANUARY 1: Ana is seen leaving a New Year's Eve party at 1.30am She fails to turn up to work in Washington DC, and there is no proof of her making it to the airport for her flight. JANUARY 4: Tishman Speyer's head of security in DC calls police to report her missing. The caller told the operator he'd informed her husband JANUARY 6: Fire reported at the house Ana shared with her husband JANUARY 8: Brian Walshe arrested for misleading investigation JANUARY 9: Police reveal they found blood in the basement of the couple's home JANUARY 10: Police reveal they found trash bags filled with bloody items, a hatchet and a hacksaw in a trash center near the home Advertisement She was due to travel to DC the following day, but never made it. In the weeks since, blood has been found the basement of her home and a bloody hatchet has also been recovered. Her husband was spotted on surveillance cameras hovering near a compactor near his mother's house. DailyMail.com also obtained police records which show how Ana told police her husband was going to 'kill her' in 2014. Police reports obtained by DailyMail.com show that Ana, a Serbian native, called the Washington DC Metropolitan Police saying he 'made a statement on the telephone that he was going to kill her and her friends.' The call came just one year before the couple said 'I do' in Serbia and years before she was reported missing on New Years Day 2023. DC police told NBC Boston the case has since been closed. But Brian, 47, is now charged with misleading a police investigation. And it has since been revealed that he Googled 'How to dispose of a 115lb woman's body' just days before her disappearance. Missing Massachusetts mother Ana Walsh, left, once called the cops on her now husband, Brian, claiming he threatened to kill her and her friends. The Massachusetts mom of three, 39, alleged that on August 2, 2014 before the couple married Walshe made a threat over the phone that he was going to kill her and her friends. The report to Washington DCs Metro Police does not specifically name Walshe. It identifies the person who made the chilling move as S-1 and adds that he now lives in Boston in a clear reference to him. Ana, 39, was not reported missing until January 4, when her office called the police when she failed to show up for work. Her husband did not report her disappearance to cops Brian has pleaded not guilty to misleading the police investigation and is being held on a $500,000 bond Ana made the report to Timothy Jefferson in her previous name of Knipp at 6pm. She gave her address as 435 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001 but then refused to cooperate in the prosecution. The realtor, who works for a DC real estate firm during the week, resided there before her marriage to Brian and living in Cohasset, Massachusetts. She was last seen at that house in the early hours of January 1, when she supposedly took a car to Boston's Logan Airport to fly to DC. Ride-share services show no pickups at the family home, according to WCBV, and Ana's cellphone continued pinging from there for two days after she allegedly left the house. She wasn't reported missing, however, until January 4, when she failed to show up for work. The comedians also made fun of the Biden administration's relative complacency when it came to Hunter Biden's laptop Rogan speculated with the two comedians that the sudden discovery of the documents in Biden's Wilmington garage seems like an inside job Comedians Shane Gillis and Matt McCusker mocked the circumstances surrounding the revelation of the president's classified document scandal Popular podcast host Joe Rogan floated the theory that the discovery of top secret and classified documents that appear to have been mishandled by President Joe Biden is part of a ploy by the Democrats to oust Biden before the 2024 race. On an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience that came out over the weekend, Rogan spoke with comedians Matt McCusker and Shane Gillis, who co-host a podcast of their own together. During the conversation, the three broached the subject of the recently discovered top secret and classified documents that were found by Biden's lawyers and legal aides in his Delaware home and at his DC think tank. 'If I had to guess - they're trying to get rid of him,' Rogan speculated, referring to members of the president's own party, hoping to clear the field ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Biden's team has continuously denied any wrongdoing and predicted that he'll be cleared of any criminality when it comes to the classified document debacle 'Its crazy. Hes (Joe Biden) getting jammed up on like manila folders when he was like kissing 12-year-old girls on camera,' said McCusker, referencing some of the president's oft-noted odd behavior around underage girls. Rogan then weighed in: 'I don't know jack sh** about politics. But if I had to guess - they're trying to get rid of him.' 'My guess would be theyre trying to get rid of him. If all of a sudden theyre - his own aides are sending these - instead of like taking these classified documents, which you have located and go, 'Well, lets not do that again' and f***ing locking them up somewhere,' said Rogan. 'Self-reporting,' Gillis offered. 'Dude, come on,' Rogan replied. 'That sounds sus. Well, no one self-reported that f***ing laptop.' 'Well, that was Russian disinformation,' Gillis joked. 'That reeks of Russian disinformation.' The comedian, who infamously was cast and then promptly fired by Saturday Night Live producers for past insensitive jokes he'd made, was referencing the claim made by 51 US intelligence officials who said the Hunter Biden laptop appeared to be Russian disinformation on the eve of the 2020 presidential election. 'I mean everyone said this a million times with like the news. If that was flip-flopped, if it was, you know, Trumps kid, that wouldve been all over,' said McCusker. 'It wouldve been like, this is the fate of our democracy...blah, blah, blah,' he added. 'And the media would've gone right along with it,' said Rogan. Popular podcast host Joe Rogan said his initial reaction to the president's classified document scandal is that his own party is attempting to oust him ahead of the 2024 race Comedian Shane Gillis speculated that it is unlikely anyone affiliated with the president's administration would suddenly decide to self-report finding classified documents in the president's home Biden's team has continuously denied any wrongdoing and predicted that he'll be cleared of any criminality. 'We have cooperated from the moment we informed the Archives that a small number of documents were found, and we will continue to cooperate,' Richard Sauber, a senior White House lawyer, said in a statement, adding that the documents were 'inadvertently misplaced' and not illegally mishandled. The top secret documents found in DC include US intelligence memorandums and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom, CNN reported. There was also a memo from Biden to President Obama as well as two briefing memos preparing Biden for phone calls one with the British prime minister, the other with Donald Tusk, the former prime minister of Poland who served as president of the European Council from 2014-2019. Biden fired back at reporters who asked about the debacle on Thursday saying that the documents found in Delaware were in a 'locked garage' with his beloved Corvette. 'People know I take classified documents and classified material seriously. I also said we're cooperating fully and completely with the Justice Department's review,' he said. The revelation of the classified material is deeply awkward for Biden, who condemned Donald Trump last year when it emerged that he had boxes of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. Second anniversary: The Capitol Police killing of Ashli Babbitt By Mark Alexander web posted January 16, 2023 There was a flood of media churn earlier this month about the protracted election of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) but then aren't protracted elections the new norm? Amid all the talkinghead blather, you may have missed Joe Biden's lame second anniversary celebration of the January 6 "insurrection," and how we almost lost our "democracy." (It's a Republic, Joe.) It was also the last hurrah for former Speaker Nancy Pelosi's histrionic J6 inquisition, which despite her worst efforts had little to no bearing on the 2022 midterm "red ripple." This left it to Joe Biden to keep the J6 mythology alive, and he did so by presenting a handful of "Presidential Citizen Medals" to Capitol and Metro Police, and a couple of citizens. Indeed, a relatively small handful of the rioting jackasses disgracefully assaulted cops that day. In his presentation remarks, Biden propagated lies that he's repeated since 2020, the most vile of which is that police officers were killed that day. Most of those claims have been the patently false assertion that U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was killed by protesters. In fact, as I thoroughly documented at the time, and as later confirmed by the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP), Officer Sicknick, an Air Force veteran and Donald Trump supporter, died after the riot of natural causes. That notwithstanding, the Biden administration had that information suppressed for months so that Pelosi and Chuck Schumer could desecrate his life of service by using his death as political fodder. Rather than circling back to his old lie, Biden generated a new one last week, declaring: "Today is a ceremony ... to recognize the late U.S. Capitol Police Officer Billy Evans. His family is with us today. Three months after Jan. 6, while they were still cordoning off the Capitol because ... threats by these sick insurrectionists continued to be profligated [sic] on the internet, again all of America saw what happened when Officer Evans was killed defending a checkpoint he had to go through to get to the Capitol because of these god-awful, sick threats that continue to move forward." That was a BIG god-awful lie. Fact is, Officer Evans was murdered by a radical black Islamist extremist who had no connection to Trump or the J6 protest groups. Biden then attempted to pivot to "voter intimidation," declaring, "Defending and protecting our democracy means that despite our differences of opinion, we must say clearly with a united voice that there is no place none, zero, zero place in America for voter intimidation zero, never." That was spin to support the Demos' so-called "voter rights" bulk-mail ballot fraud strategy. Of course, many other Democrats have repeatedly spun the lie about USCP officers being killed, including Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), who declared protesters were "killing law enforcement officers." Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL) claimed last week: "I hugged the families of the heroic police officers who lost their lives during the violent January 6th insurrection. ... All freedom-loving Americans owe a debt to the officers who died ... protect[ing] the Capitol at the cost of their lives." Seizing Biden's BS momentum, lawyers for a family member of Officer Brian Sicknick announced a lawsuit against Trump and two rioters. Time for a reality fact-check. Let's recall the one person who was actually killed during the Capitol riot. First, I should distinguish that the "riot" was primarily limited to thugs outside the building, and most of those who entered the building, while inexcusable, were not "rioters," and hardly qualified as protesters. That single fatality was Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old 14-year Air Force veteran, a white, five-foot two-inch, 110-pound unarmed woman from California. Babbitt was, by any objective account, unjustifiably shot and killed by an inept black USCP officer, Lt. Michael Byrd. (Can you imagine the outcry if the race of the assailant and victim were reversed?) Babbitt was killed as she foolishly attempted to climb through a broken window within the Speaker's Lobby. I have written at length about the circumstances of her death, including the fact that she was wrong for being there, and the fact that investigators closed the shooting review without releasing any details to the public. Unlike every other officer-involved shooting everywhere outside the Beltway, there has been no public information released about Babbitt's shooter or the circumstances justifying that shooting and not a shred of information about the justification or competence of the officer involved. DC Demos have sealed the records from any public scrutiny. For that reason, there is no reason to trust the decision to exonerate that officer, especially given the political influence of the Biden regime in that cover-up. The only public knowledge about Ashli Babbitt's death were the graphic videos of the shooting, which have since been removed from YouTube (of course), but one video remains here a video that clearly shows the circumstances from her side of the door before and after her death. What's evident from that video and from reports of those present is that there were four uniformed officers within feet of Babbitt, at least four additional heavily armed riot police, and one or more plain-clothed officers none of whom made an effort to prevent her attempt to climb through the broken window of the door before she was shot and killed. There is no apparent justification for Officer Byrd's use of deadly force, and it was fortunate that none of the other officers immediately behind Babbitt were injured by his reckless actions. The USCP has been exempted by Congress from Freedom of Information Act requests, but there was and is nothing preventing the USCP from releasing the full investigative report other than protecting one of its own in order to protect the Demos' narrative. So, case closed? Unfortunately, yes, until it is reopened as a result of a wrongful death civil liability suit Ashli Babbitt's family has yet to file, most likely because of government stonewalling of the release of reports on the shooting, and whitewashing of the details. But now that Republicans have regained control of the House under the aforementioned Kevin McCarthy, will they open up the Babbitt files? Probably not, because doing so will draw attention to the ugliness of J6, and Republicans in DC and nationwide would like to move on... Meanwhile, almost 980 people have been arrested in connection with the Capitol breach case, but the most dangerous person in DC on the day of the Capitol riot, an actual terrorist, has not been arrested. The FBI and BATFE are offering a $100,000 reward for information to convict the person who left pipe bombs outside both the Republican and Democratic National Committee headquarters the night before the protest. In stark contrast, the J6 riot was not even remotely as deadly or destructive as the almost 600 "summer of rage" riots by violent Democrat mobs that besieged our nation for six months prior to the "Capitol insurrection." It is estimated that there were more than 50 deaths directly associated with that violence, 19 in just the first two weeks of the riots. Those riots were prompted by the Demos' "systemic racism" lie after the death of drug thug George Floyd, and fomented by Demo support for their Marxist so-called Black Lives Matter radicals. The Demos' "summer of rage" caused billions of dollars in damages, and the murder victims included several law enforcement officers, notably David Dorn and Dave Patrick Underwood, at the same time Democrats were calling to "defund the police" and vilifying cops. The resulting surge in violence continues today. But on January 6, 2021, Democrats finally found a riot they could condemn. If not for double standards, Democrats would have NO standards. And finally, a note of irony: Among a few people arrested in DC on the second anniversary of the whitewashing of Ashli Babbitt's killing was her mother, who was charged with gathering without a permit when she and a small group gathered to remember her daughter. Mark Alexander is the executive editor of the Patriot Post. Andrew Tate's head of security said that the ex-kickboxer is 'a little bit paranoid' but only ever asked him to remove women from his home, not stop them from leaving. Bogdan Stancu, who worked for Tate and his brother for several years, claims that he was not once asked to prevent women from leaving the Romanian property. The former special forces soldier told the BBC that it was in fact the opposite, and on occasion he had been asked to physically remove women from the house, without force, due to them being too drunk or causing problems. Additionally, Mr Stancu revealed that Tate had recently become fearful of potential threats to him, however, it is unclear as to what they were. Mr Stancu revealed that Andrew Tate had recently become fearful of potential threats to him, however, it is unclear as to what they were He told the BBC that the former kickboxer had become 'a little paranoid' and believed 'somebody wanted to hurt him'. Tate rose to notoriety in recent years for his attitude towards women, was arrested in Romania on December 29 in an investigation into alleged rape, human trafficking and organised crime. Following his arrest, recent news reports claim that Tate refused to let women leave his compound without being escorted by one of his employees, according to WhatsApp messages filed by prosecutors. The messages allegedly show Tate threatening a woman in a WhatsApp group that includes his employees and the alleged victims. Andrew Tate (pictured) admitted that women who stayed at his luxury villa were not allowed to leave and told them 'you go nowhere' in a now resurfaced video Tate claimed that women are 'stuck' at his house when they live there while he jets off internationally Filed by prosecutors and released by Gandul, they show one of the women asking to leave the compound. Tate tells the woman 'don't go anywhere' without one of three trusted employees. Adding to these allegations, Tate's admission that women who stayed at his luxury villa were not allowed to leave as he told them 'you don't go nowhere' was revealed a newly resurfaced video. In the clip Tate claims that women are 'stuck' at his house when they live there while he jets off to wherever he desires. Tate said: 'With all these chicks just stuck in the house, sitting there bored, completely in love with me. 'And of course, they don't go out. They're not allowed out.' Romanian police have been investigating Tate and brother Tristan since April last year. The investigation occurred after a 22-year-old woman told police she was held against her will last year and culminated in officers raiding his villa last month and taking the brothers into custody. When asked by the BBC why he never appeared to doubt the intentions of his empoyler, Mr Stancu said: 'I never doubt Andrew.' The head of security admitted that it was fair for the police to follow through with their investigations, and if the brothers were indeed convicted with charges, they should suffer the consequences. Tate and his brother Tristan rose to notoriety in recent years for his attitude towards women, was arrested in Romania on December 29 in an investigation into alleged rape, human trafficking and organised crime President Joe Biden, 80, made an embarrassing misstep when he forgot the name of Martin Luther King III's wife while initiating a group singing of the Happy Birthday song during an event honoring the late civil rights leader. Arndrea Waters King's birthday is January 16, which fell on Martin Luther King Jr. Day this year. Biden attended the annual MLK breakfast hosted in Washington by the Rev. Al Sharptons National Action Network. Sharpton got his start as a civil rights organizer in his teens as youth director of an anti-poverty project of Kings Southern Christian Leadership Conference During his opening remarks, he paused to encourage everyone to sing Happy Birthday to Waters King. The strange speech also included a moment where the president called Republicans 'fiscally demented.' 'Well look, my wife has a rule in our family When it's somebody's birthday you sing Happy Birthday,' the president said of first lady Jill Biden. President Joe Biden forgot the name of Martin Luther King III's wife Arndrea Waters King during a singing of the Happy Birthday song on Monday But when the time came for Biden to place Waters King's first name into the verse, Biden instead mumbled. It appears that he started to say the name Valerie instead of Arndrea. There was general laughter amongst the crowd as the president loudly mumbled the incorrect, incoherent name over the microphone at The Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. The president concluded the latest gaffe with a futile: 'Well.' Arndrea has been married to King III since 2006. The two have one daughter, Yolanda Renee King. Arndrea Waters King married Martin Luther King III in 2006 and they have one daughter together. Waters King's birthday is on January 16, which fell on Martin Luther King Jr. Day this year Biden forgets Martin Luther King III's wife's name while singing Happy Birthday to her and calls Republicans 'fiscally demented' in speech commemorating MLK Day, The president attacked Republicans during his Monday speech as he touted a reduction in the federal deficit of $1 trillion. 'Hear me, that's a fact,' Biden said to scattered claps. 'And there's going to be hundreds of billions reduced over the next decade.' He then went into a slurred and muttered remark against the GOP, saying: 'But so what, these guys well, they're fiscally demented, I think.' On Sunday, he traveled to Atlanta, Georgia and became the first-ever sitting president to deliver sermon remarks at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, which was once led by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr from 1960 until his assassination in 1968. Former President Trump is basking in the swelling controversy surrounding President Biden's handling of classified files and ominously claimed to have 'info on everyone.' 'The White House just announced that there are no LOGS or information of any kind on visitors to the Wilmington house and flimsy, unlocked, and unsecured, but now very famous, garage. Maybe they are smarter than we think!' Trump mused on Truth Social. 'This is one of seemingly many places where HIGHLY CLASSIFIED documents are stored (in a big pile on the damp floor). Mar-a-Lago is a highly secured facility, with Security Cameras all over the place, and watched over by staff & our great Secret Service. I have INFO on everyone!' Trump added. Amid growing calls for Biden to make public the list of names who had been in and out of home during his presidency, the White House Counsel's office said Monday there is no such record of names. 'Like every President in decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal,' the White House Counsel's Office told Fox News. 'But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them.' House Oversight Chair Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., wrote to White House chief of staff Ron Klain on Sunday demanding access to any visitor logs kept for the Delaware home. 'Without a list of individuals who have visited his residence, the American people will never know who had access to these highly sensitive documents,' the Kentucky Republican wrote in his letter. Former President Donald Trump crows after the Department of Justice appoints Special Counsel to investigate President Joe Biden's handling of classified information Last week it was revealed that classified files had been found both at Biden's home in Delaware and at his think tank office in Washington, D.C. The Penn-Biden Center was used by Biden as a personal office from about 2017 through when he launched his 2020 campaign. Ten top secret pages were reportedly found there by Biden's personal lawyers while cleaning out the office. Six so far have been found in his Wilmington-area home. The Justice Department has for months been looking into whether Biden mishandled the documents after leaving the vice presidency. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to oversee Biden's handling of classified documents after the papers dated from his vice presidency were first discovered on November 2, 2022 at the Penn Biden Center. Garland had appointed a special counsel to oversee Trump investigations - including the handling of classified files - in November. The president has pledged to take the matter 'seriously' and cooperate with the National Archives and Justice Department every step of the way. Timeline of events leading up to Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing Special Counsel Robert Hur to oversee investigation as to the potential mishandling of classified documents At least six classified documents were found at Biden's private residence in the upscale neighborhood of Greenville, a wealthy section of Wilmington, Delaware President Joe Biden's White House revealed that no public visitor logs were kept at his Wilmington, Delaware residence But questions are still mounting over what took the White House so long to admit the documents' existence - which it did after CBS News first broke the story regarding the Penn-Biden Center - and who could have had access to the papers in Biden's home. Whether anyone with 'foreign connections' had access to the documents, likely in reference to the president's son Hunter Biden. Hunter's foreign business dealings in China and Ukraine have been the subject of scrutiny for years, and he's also under investigation by the U.S attorney in Delaware for possible financial fraud. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to say whether visitor logs for the Greenville home exist during a news briefing last week. She instead pointed out that the Biden administration had expanded transparency with regards to White House visitor logs that had been severely curtailed under Trump. A Met Police officer who has been revealed as one of Britain's worst rapists bragged to a woman that he was essentially 'untouchable' due to his position in the force. David Carrick, who committed at least 71 sex attacks on women, including more than 40 rapes, over the course of nearly two decades, boasted to one woman that he was 'not worried' about getting caught breaking the law. The Met's commissioner Sir Mark Rowley issued a grovelling apology on Monday as the true extent of the 48-year-old's horrific crimes became public knowledge for the first time, admitting that the force 'let women and girls down'. And it was revealed that the force, which missed multiple signs about his true nature for years while he worked as a parliamentary and diplomatic protection officer, is now looking into abuse claims against more than 1,000 members of staff. Carrick, pictured here in his police uniform, demeaned his victims, telling one woman 'you're my slave' Met Police commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, pictured, has apologised to Carrick's victims and vowed an overhaul of the force's vetting process According to one woman who claims she was in a one-off relationship with the sadistic officer for five years, the rapist had bragged that his position meant he couldn't be prosecuted. Speaking to the Sun the woman, who only gives her first name as Rachel, said Carrick seemed to know about an assault she had reported to the police, suggesting he had used the force's database to look up her personal information. She added that he had claimed to take items, including jewellery, from the Met's evidence lockers to use them at home. She told the paper: 'I once asked him if he was not worried about getting caught because of his job. His exact words to me were "its because of my job that Im not worried". 'He said he was so far at the top that he was untouchable.' The woman said that while she was not assaulted by Carrick when she was with him, he treated her in a degrading and demeaning way. She said he told her to 'behave like a prostitute' and had asked her to pretend to be asleep in the bedroom. She added that he had used police-issue handcuffs on her and brought what looked to be a real gun home with him, along with his police baton. Rachel said his behaviour was controlling, saying: 'Knowing now what he has done and how he treated all of those women, how on earth was he allowed to be a police officer?' It was revealed on Monday that Carrick abused his elite position to to coerce terrified victims in a depraved campaign of sexual abuse. Carrick has admitted charges against a dozen women, including dozens of counts of rape, stretching from 2003 to 2020. The Met said it was now reviewing 1,633 cases involving 1,071 of its officers and staff who have faced complaints of domestic abuse or sexual offending over the past decade. It comes as one female former chief constable warned that vetting in the police is 'non-existent'. Sue Fish, the former head of Nottinghamshire Police, said the system is 'utterly unfit for purpose' and that it 'fails to recognise predatory men within policing ranks or aspiring to-be members of the police service'. She told the Telegraph: 'I am rarely speechless, but this is worse than horrific. I think the scary question is: how many others are there?' She added that the disciplinary process within forces sees things 'in isolation' and does not see patterns of behaviour that could raise red flags. When Carrick was first arrested for rape in July 2021, he was placed on restricted duties rather than being suspended. And bosses failed to carry out basic checks into his background that would have revealed a pattern of abusive behaviour. Carrick was vetted just twice during his two decades in the force, in 2001 and 2017, despite rules stating officers in his position should be reviewed every ten years. He was known among colleagues as Bastard Dave and had a reputation for being mean and cruel. But over two decades, no colleagues expressed concerns. Carrick, pictured here at the beach, abused and tortured women at his Hertfordshire home Carrrick, pictured here in an artists impression in court, boasted to women that he was a police officer His mother Jean last night said a serious complaint was first made about her son when he was just a teenager. Carrick yesterday entered guilty pleas to six counts of rape and sexual assault against one woman, having admitted 43 offences against 11 women at the Old Bailey last month. Some of the pleas cover multiple offences, meaning he has confessed to more than 80 serious sex crimes. The cases relating to other Met officers that are being reviewed include those that resulted in no action or no criminal allegations. Sir Mark, who replaced Dame Cressida Dick in September following her resignation amid a string of scandals, said he would write to Home Secretary Suella Braverman and London Mayor Sadiq Khan in March with the reviews findings. The force has been rocked by the murder of Sarah Everard, by a damning report revealing a toxic culture at Charing Cross police station and by a pair of officers who photographed the bodies of two murdered sisters. The Met will check potentially dangerous officers against police and national intelligence databases, Sir Mark said. He added in a statement: This man abused women in the most disgusting manner. It is sickening. Weve let women and girls down and indeed weve let Londoners down. The women who suffered and survived this violence have been unimaginably brave. And I do understand also that this will lead to some women across London questioning whether they can trust the Met to keep them safe. We have failed. And Im sorry. He should not have been a police officer. Womens groups last night said the Met was an institution in crisis. Andrea Simon, of the End Violence Against Women coalition, said: It is abundantly clear that an officer whose behaviour gave him the nickname Dave the Bastard among colleagues should not have been in the force in the first place. Sir Mark has repeatedly said it is crazy that he is unable to sack officers when they break the law. Carrick was first charged with raping a 50-year-old woman in October 2021. This charge was later dropped, but its coverage in the media gave 12 other women the courage to report abuse at his hands. The officers abhorrent crimes included rape, dragging his victims into the shower by their hair before sexually assaulting them, keeping them locked in a small cupboard and carrying out sickening sexual acts against their will. An ex-girlfriend said Carrick would handcuff her wrist to her ankle with his police-issue cuffs, then claim he had left the key at the station in London. Carrick, from Stevenage in Hertfordshire, joined the Met in August 2001, having served for two years in the Army. The previous year, he was accused of burglary and malicious communications involving an ex-girlfriend but he was not arrested. He passed vetting checks the following year and began working as a response officer in Merton, south-west London. While still on probation in 2002, Carrick was accused of harassment and assault of a former partner. Again, he was not arrested, and the matter was never referred to the Mets Directorate of Professional Standards. Carrick was involved in domestic incidents in 2004, 2009 and 2019, a harassment allegation in 2014, and an altercation at a nightclub in 2017 but no further action was taken. Then, in July 2021, Carrick was arrested over a rape complaint. He was not suspended, however, and the victim dropped the complaint. When Carrick was later charged over a separate woman, the first victim was recontacted and Carrick admitted raping her and carrying out a sickening sexual act. He will be sentenced early next month and faces a long prison sentence. Speaking today Sir Mark said the force had let 'women and girls down', admitting his officers had 'failed' to investigate allegations made against Carrick as they should have. In a statement he said: 'This man abused women in the most disgusting manner. It is sickening. We've let women and girls down and indeed we've let Londoners down. 'The women who suffered and survived this violence have been unimaginably brave and courageous in coming forward. 'And I do understand also that this will lead to some women across London questioning whether they can trust the Met to keep them safe. 'We have failed. And I'm sorry. He should not have been a police officer.' The Met commissioner, who started in the role several months ago, added: 'We haven't applied the same sense of ruthlessness to guarding our own integrity that we routinely apply to confronting criminals. 'We failed in two respects. 'We failed as investigators where we should have been more intrusive and joined the dots on this repeated misogyny over a couple of decades. 'And as leaders, our mindset should have been more determined to root out such a misogynist. 'These failures are horrific examples of the systemic failures that concern me and were highlighted by Baroness Casey in her recent review. I do know an apology doesn't go far enough, but I do think it's important to acknowledge our failings and for me to say I'm sorry. 'I apologise to all of David Carrick's victims. And I also want to say sorry to all of the women across London who feel we've let them down. 'I have promised action. From my first day four months ago, I said that the Met will become ruthless at rooting out those who corrupt our integrity. That's because our integrity is our foundation. 'We haven't guarded this as ferociously as we must and we will do. In the four months to date, we've launched a new anti-corruption and abuse command, putting 30 per cent more officers into fighting corruption. And we've done public appeals. 'We've raised 250 fresh lines of inquiry, and we're doing more proactive work against problematic officers than ever before. I've also brought in new leadership to lead this work, to reform our integrity. 'At the end of March, I plan to write to the Home Secretary and the Mayor in an open public letter. And by then, we will also have finished reviewing all of our people, having checked their details against all the police, national intelligence data in the police national database. 'We'll have begun a full review of our national vetting process, we'll have completed Operation Onyx, which is our review of the officers and staff whom we have concerning domestic or sexual incident reports against. 'And we'll also have tested new legal routes to dismiss those who fail vetting. 'We will reform at speed. I promise that to Londoners.' David Carrick, pictured here in his police uniform, pleaded guilty today to 71 sex attacks on 12 women over the course of nearly 20 years Carrick, pictured, admitted to 48 counts of rape when he appeared at court on Monday, January 16 At court earlier today it was revealed Carrick, whose nickname on the force was 'Ba***ard Dave', abused and tortured 12 victims, boasting to them 'I'm a police officer, you can trust me'. He locked women in a cupboard under the stairs of his Hertfordshire home for hours on end, controlled what they ate and isolated them from their families. The vile police officer allegedly whipped his victims with belts, dragged them by their hair and demeaned them by saying 'you're my slave, you're my whore'. The rapist had joined the force in 2001 despite allegations of malicious communications and burglary against an ex-partner just a year before. While on his probationary period he was accused of assault and harassment against a former partner, but this was not passed onto the Directorate of Professional Standards. Following this he used his position as a police officer to abuse women, finding some of his victims on dating websites and meeting them in bars where he would gain their trust. He would appear to be a 'fun-loving, charming and charismatic' man, prosecutors said, but this was hiding a dark secret. In reality, he was 'very manipulative' and 'self-confident almost to the point of being cocky'. When he was arrested at his Stevenage home in October 2021 accused of raping a woman he met on Tinder, he said: 'Not again.' When she arrived at a nearby pub on September 4, 2020, Carrick had ordered a bottle of wine and the woman said she felt 'pressured' to drink as he had paid for it. He told her he was a Met Police firearms officer nicknamed 'Ba***ard Dave', showed her his warrant card and boasted of meeting famous people, including Mr Johnson, in the course of his work. She told police that Carrick called her 'disgusting' and referred to himself as a 'dominant bastard' while raping her the following morning after she woke up naked in the bath with sick in her hair. While looking into the allegations against him, investigators found a pattern of behaviour where Carrick abused his position as a police officer. Carrick, who had a pet snake, exerted control by paying for dinner and drinks, so women would feel indebted to him before isolating them from their friends and family members. He would tell some of his victims they were not allowed to eat, calling them 'fat and lazy', while others were ordered to stay in bed all day so they could have sex all night. Women were locked in an understairs cupboard in Carrick's home, said by police to be smaller than a dog crate, for hours without food, or made to clean the house naked. Carrick urinated over some of his victims and made derogatory comments towards the women, referring to them as his 'slave' or a 'whore'. Senior Crown Prosecutor Shilpa Shah told a media briefing: 'The patterns of behaviour that were similar would be things such as the derogatory comments, calling them things like his slave, and making rude remarks all the time. 'This was also on the phone evidence he would message them calling them horrid names, saying things such as you're my slave, you're a whore. In the actual offending behaviour there were striking similarities 'For example, that he would urinate in their mouth. That is something that you wouldn't make up. He would also force them to give him oral sex to the point that they would be gagging. 'For a couple of the victims he would say they weren't allowed to eat today, saying you could eat this much of an apple today. He would call them fat and lazy, and say that's why you're not allowed to eat.' Explaining how Carrick allegedly financially abused his victims, Ms Shah said he would make them feeling indebted to him. She said: 'He would be the one to pay for them and would not allow them pay. It would be something along the lines of, you're not using your own money, you use my money, so they would feel indebted to him.' Marine life experts are warning that the underwater surveys used to build off-shore wind farms may be to blame for a recent spate of beached whales. In just the past month, seven whales have washed up along the shoreline of New York and New Jersey an unprecedented number. During that time period, experts say, companies contracted by the New Jersey government to build off-shore wind farms have been conducting underwater geographical sonar surveys that emit the same frequency whales use to navigate. Lawmakers, experts and environmental groups are now calling for a cessation of all work on off-shore wind farms. But the Biden administration is continuing to push them forward as part of its sweeping plan to address climate change, advocating for more off-shore wind farms on both the East and West coasts and on the Gulf of Mexico. Seafreeze Fisheries Liaison Meghan Lapp told FOX News host Tucker Carlson Sunday night that a recent spate of beached whales off the coast of New Jersey could be due to underwater geological sonar surveys being conducted by off-shore wind companies Speaking to Tucker Carlson Sunday night, Seafreeze Fisheries Liaison Meghan Lapp said the Biden administration is so far refusing to investigate a possible connection between the rampant whale deaths and the underwater surveys. 'The government is not claiming that it's anybody's fault,' she said. Lapp continued: 'I can't authoritatively say that all of the whales that are washing up are because of off-shore wind farms. 'But what I can tell you is that the seven whales that washed up off New Jersey in the past month have all washed up during intense geotechnical surveying of wind-farm leases off of New Jersey.' She went on to say that 'there has been an unusual mortality event for humpback whales from 2016 until now' across the East Coast, and 'the only thing that has changed in the ocean in that time is the fact that there have been offshore wind surveys occurring from 2015 until now.' As she explained, these surveys emit an 'intense sound,' noting that it is already well-documented that these sounds 'can cause bleeding in the eardrums of whales and lesions in their ears. 'Now, all of a sudden you have off-shore wind farm surveys and you see them stranded on the beaches.' 'The only thing that changed in the ocean is the surveying activities that have been going on for off-shore wind farms, which are essentially carpet bombing the ocean floor with intense sound,' Lapp said, calling for a federal investigation. She said the effects of these wind farm surveys should be studied by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration before any other projects move forward. 'Nobody is reporting on this, nobody is looking at this with a critical eye, and really there needs to be a suspension of these surveys until somebody can do an investigation.' 'They need to take a very hard look at this,' she added. She explained that the frequencies these sounds emit were already known to cause harm to whales and 'Now, all of a sudden you have off-shore wind farm surveys and you see them stranded on the beaches' In just the past month, seven whales have washed ashore the coast of New York and New Jersey. One of those humpback whales is seen here on Friday Experts say the sonar conducted to build off-shore wind farms emit the same frequency that whales use to navigate A number of environmental groups and lawmakers have been calling for such an investigation over the past few days. Last Monday, environmental groups from New York and New Jersey met in Atlantic City at the site of one of the beached whales to announce that they were writing the White House, requesting a probe and asking for a halt to all site work until the causes of these whale deaths can be determined. Cindy Zipf, executive director of New Jersey-based Clean Ocean Action, called the rate of whale deaths in the two states unprecedented. Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew called for a Congressional investigation 'Is it an omen?' she asked at the news conference, according to the Associated Press. 'Is it an alarm? Never before have we had six whales wash up in 33 days.' A seventh whale then washed ashore nearby Thursday evening, prompting local officials to join in on the call for action. Among them was Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew, of New Jersey, who issued a statement Friday asking for all off-shore wind activity to stop 'following an unprecedented number of whales that have washed ashore in the New Jersey/New York area over the past month. 'Since off-shore wind projects were being proposed by Gov. Murphy to be built off the coast of New Jersey, I have been adamantly opposed to any activity moving forward until research disclosed the impacts these projects would have on our environment and the impacts on the fishing industry,' he continued. A group of environmentalists announced last Monday they wrote to President Joe Biden requesting a probe and asking for a halt to all site work until the causes of these whale deaths can be determined. But the off-shore wind farms are a major part of his plan to address climate change New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (pictured) has refused to halt any off-shore wind projects 'Ocean life is being put at risk as our Governor and President force through their Green New Deal policies without giving full consideration to their real-world impacts,' Van Drew said in the statement to DownBeach.com. 'We have seen a complete lack of transparency from New Jersey's leaders aa well as DC politicians who are ramming through these projects in order to push their climate agenda,' he added. Van Drew said that once committees for the 118th Congress are finalized, he will be calling for a Congressional investigation. 'I demand that all off-shore wind activity be halted until it is properly determined what the effects of these activities are having on our marine life.' But so far New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, has refused to halt any off-shore wind projects, as many of New Jersey's environmental groups warned against linking off-shore wind work and whale deaths, saying the associations are 'unfounded and premature.' Murphy said that the recent whale deaths were 'tragic,' but cited data from NOAA, which had earlier said no humpback whale has been found to have been killed due to offshore wind activities. 'They have said it['s been happening at an increased rate since 2016, and that was long before there was any off-shore wind activity,' he claimed, noting: 'It looks like some of these whales have been hit by vessels.' Meanwhile, Orsted, the Danish wind power developer tapped to build two of three off-shore wind projects approved off the shores of New Jersey told the Associated Press that its current work does not involve using sounds or other actions that could disturb whales. It would not, however, comment on any previous work or discuss what type of work it was conducting. DailyMail.com has also reached out for comment. A 28-year-old woman has been found dead in suspicious circumstances inside a home in Sydney's west as a man is arrested over her alleged murder. Her death was reported to police after a woman known to her found the body inside a unit on Colless Street in Penrith. The body has not been formally identified, however they believe it is that of a 28-year-old resident of the home. Her car was found burned out in bushland 13km away near Castlereagh. Police arrested a 32-year-old man at a home in Cranebrook in Sydney's west in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The man was taken to Penrith Police Station where inquiries are continuing. A woman's body has been discovered in a unit in Sydney's west (pictured) Police believe another person had been to the unit before the woman who discovered the body Specialist forensic police are examining the home and what remains of the vehicle. 'An investigation is under way after the body of a woman was found in a home in Sydney's west today,' the NSW Police spokeswoman said. 'About 4.15pm, a woman attended Penrith Police Station and notified officers that she had located the body of a woman who was known to her inside a unit on Colless St, Penrith. 'Officers from Nepean Police Area Command attended the unit and found the body inside. 'The woman is yet to be formally identified but is believed to be the 28-year-old resident. 'A crime scene was established, which is being examined by specialist forensic police. The woman's vehicle was found burnt out in bushland about 15 minutes' drive from the unit Police investigating the death of the woman are appealing with for anyone with information about this matter to contact them (pictured, officers at the scene on Monday) 'Initial inquiries suggest another person had been at the unit prior to the arrival of the woman who reported the matter. 'The deceased woman's vehicle has also been located burnt-out in bushland at Castlereagh near Post Office Road. 'It has been seized and will undergo forensic examination. 'Despite an extensive search of the area surrounding the vehicle, the driver has not been located.' Police are urging anyone who may have information that could assist detectives to come forward and contact Penrith Police station or Crime Stoppers. President Joe Biden made a strange new argument for a ban on certain styles of rifles, claiming that Americans would need more than guns if they want to take on the federal government. Biden said during the National Action Network (NAN) Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast Monday that AR-15s wouldn't be enough for American citizens to overtake the government. The main inception for the Second Amendment protections came from the Founding Father's desire to allow citizens the ability to rise-up and overthrow their government if so desired. It was meant to be an equalizer for citizens against a potentially corrupt government. The president also said in his speech that Republicans see a monetary benefit to keeping certain high-capacity and semi-automatic rifles legal. President Joe Biden said there is 'no redeeming value' to assault weapons as he made the argument against these rifles by claiming AR-15s won't help American citizens overthrow the federal government 'There is no social redeeming value [to assault weapons],' Biden said to a friendly room of attendees at a breakfast for Reverend Al Sharpton's civil rights non-profit NAN. 'Deer aren't wearing kevlar vests out there, what the hell do you need an assault no I'm serious,' the president said in repeating his frequently-used argument against AR-style firearms. 'And ban the number of bullets that go in a magazine. There's no, no need for any of that.' But then Biden launched a new argument, claiming that not only are AR-15s too much to use for hunting, but that they aren't enough to protect citizens against the federal government. 'If you need to worry about taking on the federal government, you need some F-15s,' Biden said, referencing military jet. 'You don't need an AR-15.' 'I'm serious, think about it. Think about the rationale for this. It's about money,' he said. Biden said AR-15s won't help American citizens if they wanted to overthrow the federal government Said that they would need F-15 jets to be successful against the federal government The president vowed during his remarks on MLK Day: 'I'm going to get assault weapons banned. I did it once, I'm going to do it again.' Biden has repeatedly pressed for Congress to pass what he calls 'common-sense gun reform,' which includes a ban on so-called assault weapons, which is a phrase many people who are not familiar with firearms use to describe AR and AK-style weapons and other semi-automatic rifles. The president has also demanded a nationwide ban on high-capacity magazines. A frequent argument anti-Second Amendment groups use is that people should only be buying rifles for hunting. They sarcastically quip that hunters who want to use AR-15s must be a 'terrible shot.' Bur pro-Second Amendment advocates claim that there should not be restrictions on the style of firearms the average American citizen should be able to purchase, pointing to Constitutional protections for the right to bear arms as a way to defend against or rise up against the government. Manhattan's District Attorney Alvin Bragg is under fire after offering a plea deal to a man accused of an anti-Semitic attack who said he 'would do it again.' Waseem Awawdeh, 24, was offered an undisclosed six-month plea deal more than a year after he was arrested on charges of attacking Joseph Borgen, 30, while yelling anti-Semitic slurs. Awawdeh and a pro-Palestininan group targeted Borgenm, who was wearing a grey kippa, and walking toward Times Square on May 20, 2021. The suspect faced a seven-year jail sentence and was charged with assault as a hate crime, gang assault, menacing, aggravated harassment as a hate crime and criminal possession of a weapon. 'If I could do it again, I would do it again,' Awawdeh allegedly said at the time. 'I have no problem doing it again.' District Attorney Alvin Bragg is being slammed for what critics are calling an 'Open Season on Jews' Waseem Awawdeh, 24, was offered a six-month plea deal after he was arrested for an anti-Semitic attack on Joseph Borgen, 30, in May 2021 The brutal attack was filmed showing Awawdeh beating Borgenm with crutches before calling him a 'dirty Jew' and pepper spraying him. State Assemblymember Dov Hikind called out Bragg decision while calling Awawdeh a 'Jew killer.' '[Bragg] offered Waseem Awadeh a sweet plea deal with a 6mo sentence, despite the fact that the violent Jew-hater said he would try to kill Jews again and showed no remorse,' Hikind wrote on Twitter. 'Awadeh and a mob attacked Joseph Borgen who was seriously injured and feared for his life! Shameful!' Former New York City judge Jeanine Pirro accused Bragg of forming an 'alliance' with criminals. 'By offering a plea deal in a vicious assault, thats a hate crime to boot, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg proves his allegiance, not only to criminals, but to those victimized because of their religion and ethnicity,' Pirro wrote. Awawdehs lawyer, Peter Marc Frankel, confirmed the DAs plea deal offer, which was first reported by the New York Sun. Kalman Yeger, New York City Councilmember, added that it was 'Open Season on Jews.' Joseph Borgen, 30, was beat by a pro-Palestininan group while on his way to Time Square from his Upper East Side home State Assemblymember Dov Hikind called out Bragg decision while calling Awawdeh a 'Jew killer' Former New York City judge Jeanine Pirro accused Bragg of forming an 'alliance' with criminals Bragg was elected in November 2021 and led with the soft-on-crime approach of using prison as a last resort. The woke DA campaigned on the promise of criminal justice reform and issued a controversial 'Day One' memo after assuming office that said he would only seek prison time in the most severe cases. That same month Bragg took office, career criminal William Rolon, who faced only misdemeanor charges for threatening a store worker with a knife, was told by a judge that he should 'feel lucky' because of Bragg's new policies. In November 2021, Bragg filed a motion to dismiss the murder indictment against a Manhattan nurse who fatally stabbed her husband. Bragg's sweeping changes called on prosecutors to ditch felony armed robbery charges and instead charge suspects with petty larceny - a misdemeanor which carries a maximum of one year in prison - even when a weapon is involved if the firearm did not 'create a genuine risk of physical harm. Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger's graduate program at Washington State University maintains a database of police bodycam footage and live surveillance video feeds, which an insider claims he may have had access to. WSU's Complex Social Interaction Lab (CSI Lab) maintains a database of bodycam footage from five police departments, while another study operates a live feed of security footage from the WSU campus. A WSU spokesman insisted to Fox News Digital that 'Kohberger never had access to any footage' from the CSI Lab, but an insider told the outlet that individuals on campus may have had access to the database without authorization. The CSI Lab does not include footage from the police department in nearby Moscow, Idaho, where Kohberger is charged with murdering four University of Idaho students: Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin. Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger's graduate program at Washington State University maintains a database of police bodycam footage WSU's Complex Social Interaction Lab (CSI Lab) maintains a database of bodycam footage from five police departments Kohberger was in the first semester of a criminology PhD program at WSU when the murders occurred on November 13, in a home about 10 miles away from the WSU campus in Pullman. The source quoted by Fox News, who works for the university, speculated that Kohberger could have used the CSI Lab to view unredacted images from crime scenes, and other disturbing footage. However, Phil Weiler, WSU's vice president of marketing and communications, told the outlet that Kohberger never obtained entry to the programs that maintain the footage. 'To be clear, Bryan Kohberger never had access to any footage from the Complex Social Interaction Lab at Washington State University,' he said. 'Access to that facility is strictly controlled. All research assistants must complete a background check, an FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Level 2 certification, be fingerprinted by the FBI and sign a confidentiality agreement in order to enter the facility,' said Weiler. But the insider claimed that 'multiple individuals who have not gone through the vetting or training' had access to the facility as part of their duties, including 'technical support staff.' Phil Weiler, WSU's vice president of marketing and communications, said that Kohberger never obtained entry to the programs that maintain the footage Kohberger is charged with murdering four University of Idaho students: Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen (together left), Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin (together right) The prospect of an accused killer gaining access to the footage raised concerns for the insider, who told the outlet: 'I don't think that any amount of positive research that has come out of this department is worth the risks of letting a wolf in the henhouse.' The website for the CSI Lab says the program is devoted to assisting police departments by using 'software to analyze police footage' and giving 'results and guidance to better police departments.' The project includes bodycam footage from five local police departments, but the Moscow Police Department is not part of the study. A separate WSU study from the Division of Governmental Studies and Services (DGSS) maintains live security camera feeds from around Pullman. Last spring, Kohberger completed a master's in criminal studies at DeSales University in Pennsylvania, where he studied under famed forensic psychologist Katherine Ramsland, whose books include How to Catch a Killer and The Mind of a Murderer. Ramsland also wrote a book based on her correspondence with Dennis Rader, the notorious BTK Killer whose serial murders spanned decades. While he was at DeSales, Kohberger took to Reddit in May with a post seeking criminals to complete his survey about how they selected their targets and carried out offenses. Police are seen outside the home in Moscow, Idaho where four students were murdered Last spring, Kohberger completed a master's in criminal studies at DeSales University in Pennsylvania, where he studied under famed forensic psychologist Katherine Ramsland Previously, experts have speculated in remarks to DailyMail.com that Kohberger could have been drawn to his interest in criminology for ulterior motives. 'I suspect that Kohberger was well aware of his dark nature and homicidal ideation and endeavored to discover more about himself through his studies,' said Enzo Yaksic, a criminal profiler and founder of the Atypical Homicide Research Group in Boston. 'But pursuing an advanced degree to become a better murderer is a foolhardy exercise,' he added, 'as nothing more is learned about such tactics and strategies than can be found on a popular podcast or true crime book. Kohberger, 28, is charged with four counts of first-degree murder and felony burglary and is being held without bail in Idaho. His attorneys have said that he plans to plead not guilty to the charges, and expects to be exonerated of any involvement with the crime. Over the weekend, a former FBI investigator claimed that Kohberger may have been motivated by an 'incel complex'. Pete Yachmetz speculated that Kohberger may have been trying to 'assert some dominance' in allegedly committing the murders. Kohberger, 28, is charged with four counts of first-degree murder and felony burglary and is being held without bail in Idaho. His attorneys say he plans to plead not guilty He noted that Kohberger, 28, had a history of social issues growing up in Pennsylvania as his former classmates describe him as a troubled, disgruntled young man who didn't fit in at school. Speaking to the New York Post over the weekend, Yachmetz said he believes the brutality of the murders and Kohberger's history of social challenges may point to a possible motive. 'I believe a continued stabbing of a victim indicates ... an uncomfortable rage ad extreme anger,' he said, noting that Kohberger has been descried as 'socially awkward with a long history of interpersonal problems. 'I think he may have developed an incel complex,' Yachmetz said, 'The murders may have ben an effort to assert some type of dominance.' The term 'incel' short for 'involuntarily celibate refers to men who have trouble establishing romantic relationships. It is associated with misogynistic online tendencies and sometimes even crime, with Psychology Today reporting last year that men who identify as 'incels' tend have poor mental health and are more likely to experience feelings of victimhood, inferiority and loneliness.' Graham claims she will call the police 'every time' Bixler enters the women's locker room Bixler, 72, transitioned in 2017 after the death of their late wife and is a retired teacher and principal A mom who dressed up as a cat to protest against a trans board member has slammed a gym for allowing them to use the women's locker room claiming that they stared at her breasts. Lindsey Graham, 41, was at Esporta in Goodyear, Arizona, a suburb west of Phoenix, when she claimed Paul Bixler came into the female changing area while she was half naked. The 72-year-old is a retired teacher and principal who identifies as a transgender woman and wears ' his dead wife's clothes.' Mother-of-three Graham, who goes by 'Patriot Barbie' online, claims that Bixler stared at her breasts while entering the female locker room which was reported to the police. She told DailyMail.com that she would call the police 'every time' Bixler used the women's changing rooms, and believes that the cops agree with her. Lindsey Graham, 41, was at Esporta in Goodyear, Arizona, when she claimed Paul Bixler came into the female changing area while she was half naked Graham filmed Bixler entering the female locker room, and shouted 'why isn't anyone warning the women? I hope there is no one undressing in there.' Speaking to DailyMail.com she said: 'There was no communication between us whatsoever. I didn't speak to him; he didn't speak to me. 'He had his back to me, but there was a mirror, so when he turned around after loading up his things, he was able to see me completely topless. 'The idea that he was in there and I was undressing is enough to have violated my rights. When I called the police they seemed to be well aware of him already. 'I don't think this is the first time that it has happened. They knew what card is being played, and he told them that he has had bottom surgery so he is allowed to use that changing room. 'It is frustrating because the police told him he's free to go and let him go back into the changing room. 'What if there was a little girl getting changed in there? Realistically I'll never get undressed in that locker room now. 'It's not fair for me to have to cancel my gym membership and put my life on hold to accommodate and comply with his mental disorder. 'Every time I see him in there I will be calling the police. I sensed that the police today morally didn't agree with what they were forced to comply with. Lindsey told DailyMail.com 'Every time I see him in there I will be calling the police. I sensed that the police today morally didn't agree with what they were forced to comply with' The mom-of-three previously dressed up as a cat at a school board meeting to protest against the schools' 'woke agenda' 'I believe they knew in their hearts that I was right. 'The employees of the gym were happy to let him use the women's changing rooms after he was using the men's for so long and now a sudden change.' Graham filmed Bixler entering the female locker room, and shouted 'why isn't anyone warning the women? I hope there is no one undressing in there.' Lindsey added: 'He is engaged in an activity which is setting a precedent for others, they now have some get out of jail free card to force themselves into women's spaces. 'They can violate women without cameras nearby, and intrude upon our safety and security and that is what concerns me most. 'This is alarming, women's rights are being violated and I'm not going to put up with it. He will suffer no consequences from this.' Bixler, in an interview in July with AZCentral , said that though she'd transitioned late in life, she's gotten mostly positive reactions from the locals The mother posted a video to her TikTok account where she said police claimed it was a 'touchy, sensitive issue in society' - adding 'we are at a point where we are catering to society instead of facts.' She added that Bixler was not arrested before filming herself asking 'Paul if you are a female, why do you use the men's restroom sometimes and the women's restroom sometimes?' Bixler slowly turned around and replied, 'Please stay away from me', as a police officer attempted to calm the situation down. The pair have clashed before, with the mother donning a cat costume for a school meeting and mocking the school's 'woke agenda'. Retired teacher Bixler was appointed to the Liberty School Board, which covers eight schools on the outskirts of metropolitan Phoenix, in 2021. The mother posted a video to her TikTok account where she said police claimed it was a 'touchy, sensitive issue in society' - adding 'we are at a point where we are catering to society instead of facts' Graham believes that Bixler has a 'mental illness' that should keep her from having an influence over kids and accessing women's locker rooms Graham, no relation to the US Senator from South Carolina of the same name, clearly addressed Bixler - without naming her - and the board at a school meeting in December. She said: 'I'm a cat. Meow, meow. I'm not a woman dressed as a cat. I am a cat. How many of you believe and confess that I'm a cat? How many of you believe that your child or a child from this school would believe that I'm actually a cat?' After nobody raised their hands, she continued: 'No one. You're right. Truth prevails over imagination. Reality exists. Discernment is innate and something that we're wired to have. One look at me, and you know this to be true. I'm a woman posing as a cat.' She added that Bixler is 'very clearly a man' and 'the only thing he does to identify as a female is put lipstick on. He grew his hair out a little bit, and he wears his deceased wife's clothing to school.' Bixler transitioned after his wife of 36 years, Candace, died in 2017. This blog covers software patent news and issues with a particular focus on wireless, mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers, connected cars) as well as select antitrust matters surrounding those devices. The end of affirmative action in the college admissions process may mean a sharp decline in the enrollment of black students and other ethnic minorities. If the United States Supreme Court rules as it is expected to in the next few months, affirmative action in college admissions will likely be overturned or rolled back significantly. A brief submitted to the court by 33 selective liberal arts colleges over the summer, claimed that if affirmative action is ended, 'the probability of black applicants receiving offers of admission would drop to half that of white students.' 'And the percentage of Black students matriculating would drop from roughly 7.1 percent of the student body to 2.1 percent.' Some higher education professionals argue that without affirmative action, the number of black students of color at colleges and universities will plummet to 2 percent Proponents of affirmative action policies rally in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC in late October as the justices heard arguments that could spell the end of the race-based selection policy Affirmative action effectively became a popular tool for college admissions offices to use in the late 1960s and has become a sanctioned practice via previous Supreme Court rulings. However, when the practice was last ruled upon by the high court in 2003, then-justice Sandra Day O'Connor noted that it had been a quarter-century since the body first approved the use of race and sex to diversify student bodies at public institutions. 'We expect that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today,' she wrote. Nearly 25 years on from that writing, prestigious institutions are now saying that if affirmative action is taken away, black enrollment will fall to '1960s levels,' implying that the tool has not worked as intended and has indeed, been a failure. The court is slated to rule on two against, Harvard and the University of North Carolina respectively. If affirmative action is rolled back entirely or in some measure, it will more than likely require a shift in strategy to the methods colleges currently employ to build a diverse class. Programs that specifically target racial and ethnic groups for scholarships and honors programs may be targeted, in addition to the continued minimizing of the importance of standardized test scores in an application package. The court may also prevent colleges from purchasing lists of potential applicants that revolve around the race and ethnicities of the students, Dr. Angel B. Perez told the New York Times. She, the chief executive of the National Association for College Admission Counseling, described those purchases as a common practice in recruitment. So-called 'fly-ins,' in which certain students are provided all-expense-paid visits to campuses may also be outlawed by the court, as could scholarship programs specifically designated for students of color. Perez also argued that the potential overhaul of affirmative action would significantly decrease the number of students of color who attend college: 'We will see a decline in students of color attending college before we see an increase again.' 'We will be missing an entire generation,' she said. Despite protests and objections from some in the professional world of education, a majority of Americans approve of doing away with affirmative action in college admissions Several justices did not appear to be moved by arguments from Harvard and UNC that using bespoke race-based selection of applicants helped them build diverse classes necessary to foster appropriate learning environments Programs that specifically target racial and ethnic groups for scholarships and honors programs may be targeted, if affirmative action is overhauled In court, the universities argued that they use a system of race-conscious admissions because diversity is a critical aspect of forming a class prepared to learn. Members of the largely conservative-appointed court did not appear particularly moved by the argument, which they heard in October. The cases were originally filed in 2014 by Students for Fair Admissions, an anti-affirmative action group that argued the universities had discriminated against Asian and white applicants by giving preferred admissions to Black, Hispanic and Native American students - many with comparatively less qualified applications. By a wide margin, Americans do not support using affirmative action policies in the college admissions process and would support the Supreme Court overturning its legality. A YouGov survey found that 54 percent of adults in the US were opposed to universities considering race as a factor in selecting applicants - even as part of efforts to boost diversity on campus. That figure far outweighs the 23 percent who wanted admissions directors to use race to guide selections and similar numbers who were unsure. Democrats were much more supportive of affirmative action policies than Republicans. Supporters of affirmative action gathered outside the US Supreme Court as the judges heard arguments about race-conscious college admissions in Washington, DC, this week A decision by the 6-3 majority conservative leaning court is due by June Nine US states already prohibit any consideration of race in admissions to public colleges and universities: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and Washington. In California, the heavily blue voter base handily rejected a proposal to revive affirmative action in 2020. Though public opinion on the topic appears to vary depending on how the question is asked. A Gallup Poll from 2021 found 62 percent of Americans in favor of affirmative action programs for racial and ethnic minorities. But, in a Pew Research Center survey from March of last year, 74 percent of Americans, including the majority of black and Latino respondents, said race and ethnicity should not factor into college admissions. The White House tore into House Republicans in a forceful Monday statement that denounces the chamber's majority lawmakers as 'hypocritical' for their treatment of Donald Trump's handling of classified documents compared to President Joe Biden's. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) appeared on Fox News this afternoon where he blasted the administration for not keeping visitor logs of Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home - where at least six pages of classified records were found from his vice presidency. But White House spokesman Ian Sams claimed Comer and his colleagues have 'no credibility.' 'Their demands should be met with skepticism and they should face questions themselves about why they are politicizing this issue and admitting they actually do not care about the underlying classified material,' he said in a statement obtained by DailyMail.com. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) has been leading the Republican response to the discovery of classified documents among President Joe Biden's private files 'As President Biden has said repeatedly, he takes classified information seriously, which is why he immediately directed his team to ensure the documents were sent back to the government.' The Biden spokesman added in a final shot, 'President Biden is doing the right thing and is cooperating fully with a thorough review, but House Republicans are playing politics in a shamelessly hypocritical attempt to attack President Biden.' It comes after Comer told DailyMail.com on Monday that Americans 'need transparency not secrecy' on Monday and vowed to keep pushing the administration for more information, when the White House revealed there are no visitor logs for Biden's private residence. 'Like every President in decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal,' the White House Counsel's Office told multiple outlets. 'But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them.' Biden's White House revealed that no public visitor logs were kept at his Wilmington, Delaware residence Comer told DailyMail.com when asked for a response, 'President Biden promised to have the most transparent administration in history but he refuses to be transparent when it matters most.' 'The White House, National Archives, and the Justice Department withheld information from Congress and the American people about classified records found in unsecure locations from Joe Bidens time as vice president. The American people deserve transparency, not secrecy,' the head House Oversight lawmaker said. 'We will continue to press the Biden Administration for answers about who had access to these classified documents and why Biden aides were permitted to rummage through the Wilmington residence after the appointment of a special counsel.' Later on Monday, he stepped up his rhetoric during a television interview on Fox News. 'What amazes me is what the White house said about the fact that they didn't keep records of who went to and from the president's personal residence because that was personal,' Comer said. 'But yet the Democrats released Trump's personal tax returns for years prior to him even being president.' Under the President Records Act, all documents and files from the White House to be stored at the National Archives He also called the president's son Hunter Biden, whose foreign business dealings in Ukraine and China have been the subject of intense scrutiny, a possible 'national security risk' as Republicans question who had access to the documents while they were in the Biden home. Comer sent a letter to Biden's Chief of Staff Ron Klain on Sunday demanding access to any visitor logs kept for the Delaware home. 'Without a list of individuals who have visited his residence, the American people will never know who had access to these highly sensitive documents,' the Kentucky Republican wrote in his letter. The Penn-Biden Center was used by Biden as a personal office from about 2017 through when he launched his 2020 campaign. Ten top secret pages were reportedly found there by Biden's personal lawyers while cleaning out the office. Six so far have been found in his Wilmington-area home. Biden's political nemesis Donald Trump reacted to the news with gleeful schadenfreude on Monday. 'The White House just announced that there are no LOGS or information of any kind on visitors to the Wilmington house and flimsy, unlocked, and unsecured, but now very famous, garage. Maybe they are smarter than we think!' Trump wrote on his Truth Social app. 'This is one of seemingly many places where HIGHLY CLASSIFIED documents are stored (in a big pile on the damp floor).' At least six classified documents were found at Biden's private residence in the upscale neighborhood of Greenville, a wealthy section of Wilmington, Delaware The office building housing the Penn-Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, D.C where President Joe Biden's personal lawyers handed over documents, which date from Biden's time as the vice president to the Justice Department. Timeline of events leading up to Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing Special Counsel Robert Hur to oversee investigation as to the potential mishandling of classified documents Former President Donald Trump crows after the Department of Justice appoints Special Counsel to investigate President Joe Biden's handling of classified information He added of his Florida estate, where dozens of classified documents were recovered during an August FBI raid: 'Mar-a-Lago is a highly secured facility, with Security Cameras all over the place, and watched over by staff & our great Secret Service. I have INFO on everyone!' Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to oversee Biden's handling of classified documents after the papers dated from his vice presidency were first discovered on November 2, 2022 at the Penn Biden Center. The initial 10 had been found among Biden's personal possessions in a closet when private lawyers were cleaning out the president's old office. Subsequent searches revealed first one more page found at Biden's Delaware home, and then on Saturday officials admitted five additional ones were recovered from there as well. The president has pledged to take the matter 'seriously' and cooperate with the National Archives and Justice Department every step of the way. But questions are still mounting over what took the White House so long to admit the documents' existence - which it did after CBS News first broke the story regarding the Penn-Biden Center - and who could have had access to the papers in Biden's home. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to say whether visitor logs for the Greenville home exist during a news briefing last week. She instead pointed out that the Biden administration had expanded transparency with regards to White House visitor logs that had been severely curtailed under Trump. In a wide-ranging address in honor of Martin Luther King Day, President Biden called for cops to use deadly force as the last resort and questioned why car insurance costs more in neighborhoods with heavily black populations. The president also insisted America needed to remember its 'abuses' in remarks at the National Action Network's MLK day breakfast at the historic Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C. 'The idea that we're supposed to remain silent on the abuses of the past, as if they didn't occur? That's not being woke. That's being honest. That's talking about history,' the president said. The remark pushed back against Republican cries that schools are teaching children critical race theory. The president then accused car insurance companies of charging higher premiums based on race. In a wide-ranging address to honor Martin Luther King Day, President Joe Biden called for cops to be 'retrained' not to shoot-to-kill and questioned why car insurance costs more in neighborhoods with heavily black populations 'If you live in one of those neighborhoods and you have the same exact car I have in the other neighborhood, you pay more for your insurance than that side. No basis for it. None at all other than you're black and I'm white.' Biden then told the crowd that U.S. police officers need to use nonlethal tactics, when appropriate. 'We have to retrain cops,' Biden said. 'Why should you always shoot for death, with deadly force? The fact is, if you need to use your weapon, you don't have to do that.' He touted his own executive order that restricted chokeholds and no-knock warrants at the federal level and created a national database to track officer misconduct. The president moved on promising to deliver an assault weapon ban after the last one expired in 2004. Biden then told the crowd that the U.S. needed to 'retrain' police officers not to shoot to kill 'I am going to get am assault weapons ban. I did it once, I'm going to do it again.' 'There's no social redeeming value - the deer aren't wearing Kevlar vests out there. What the hell you need of assault? No, I'm serious and ban the number of bullets and go into magazine. There's no need for any of that,' Biden said. He then mocked assault weapon advocates who claim they need such an arsenal to keep government tyranny in check. 'I love my right-wing friends who talk about the tree of liberty is watered with a blood of patriots.' 'If you need to worry about taking on the federal government, you need some F-15s. You don't need an AR-15. I'm serious - think about it. Think about the rationale for this. It's about money, money, money.' In his address Biden also blasted 'fiscally demented' Republicans who voted last week in the House to claw back $72 billion from the IRS which he said would help the wealthy 'cheat' on their taxes if it became law. He said he had kept a 'promise' by granting clemency to several thousand who had been charged with federal marijuana possession offenses in October. 'No oneI'll say it againno one should be in federal prison for the mere possession of marijuana. No one,' he said. 'In addition to that, they should be released from prison and completely pardoned, and their entire record expunged so that if they have to ask, 'Have you ever been [convicted], you can honestly say, 'No,'' he added. Biden doesn't have the authority to expunge records, but the U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) released a report showing that during the last fiscal year no one was in jail for marijuana possession. The suspected mastermind of a website used by fraudsters across the world denied involvement in the multi-million-pound fraud today. Tejay Fletcher, 35, said to be the administrator of iSpoof, denied four charges against him at Southwark Crown Court, after more than 200,000 potential victims were targeted by the site. iSpoof, created in December 2020, had 59,000 users at its peak that would pay Bitcoin to use criminal software, with charges ranging from 150 to 5,000 per month. The service enabled criminals to mimic bank telephone numbers and caller IDs, allowing scammers to trick victims out of thousands, and in some cases, millions of pounds. iSpoof enabled criminals to mimic bank telephone numbers and caller IDs to scam people At one point, 20 people were called every minute by scammers using technology from the website. Fletcher is charged with two counts of fraud connected with iSpoof between 30 November 2020 and 6 November 2022, possession of criminal property and transferring criminal property, namely Bitcoin. He appeared at Southwark Crown Court wearing a grey fur coat and denied all four charges via videolink from HMP Thameside. Fletcher, of Docklands, east London, was remanded in custody ahead of his trial on a date to be fixed at the same court. Met Police texted 70,000 people who were targeted by iSpoof, which has now been shut down The Met Police has texted 70,000 people who were targeted by scammers using iSpoof, which has now been shut down. Victims previously told MailOnline of how their mobiles rang and the name of their banks appeared on the screen of their phone. Using stolen personal details, the caller convinced them that their bank accounts had been compromised and the cash must be moved into a new account. But in reality, they would never see their savings again. UK police began investigating the site in June 2021, believing iSpoof to be the largest criminal site that was based in the country. ISpoof is said to have made more than 3million in profits. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley earlier said the number of potential UK victims was 'extraordinary', adding. 'What we are doing here is trying to industrialise our response to the organised criminals' industrialisation of the problem,' he said. San Francisco's reparations committee will propose paying $5million to each longtime black resident of the city in a reparations plan this spring. To qualify, people need to have identified as black on public records for at least 10 years and be at least 18 years old. They also must qualify for two of a number of requirements, including having been born in the city or migrated to it between 1940 and 1996 and then lived there for 13 years. It is unclear exactly how many people would qualify should the proposal pass, but if just 10,000 people qualified it would cost at least $50billion. The proposal will be submitted to Mayor London Breed and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the San Francisco Human Rights Commission in June. Board President Aaron Peskin told the San Francisco Chronicle he hopes the proposal will pass. They were unveiled weeks after the chair of California's Reparations Task Force claimed the state's black residents were owed $1 million each. The proposal was compiled by the San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee, chaired by Eric McDonnell A example of racist policies from San Francisco's past the reparations proposal cited The $5million payment to qualifying San Francisco residents is just the beginning of the draft's proposals. 'A lump sum payment would compensate the affected population for the decades of harms that they have experienced, and will redress the economic and opportunity losses that Black San Franciscans have endured, collectively, as the result of both intentional decisions and unintended harms perpetuated by City policy.' The proposal also offers a number of other requirements to be handed out to qualifiers, including the creation of a 'comprehensive debt forgiveness program' which would eliminate credit card and other debts, along with student and housing loans. 'Black households are more likely to hold costlier, riskier debt, and are more likely to have outstanding student loan debt,' the proposal said. 'When this is combined with lower household incomes, it can create an inescapable cycle of debt. Eliminating this debt gives Black households an opportunity to build wealth.' The requirements to receive the reparations benefits as proposed by the committee San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin told the San Francisco Chronicle he hopes the proposal will pass The proposal also says qualifying low-income households should have their income supplemented to match the city's median income - $97,000 in 2022 - for the next 250 years. 'Racial disparities across all metrics have led to a significant racial wealth gap in the City of San Francisco,' the draft states. 'By elevating income to match AMI, Black people can better afford housing and achieve a better quality of life.' A number of other proposals include investment in San Francisco's black community, financial education, legal protections of people's reparations, tax credits, and black-owned banks being brought in to manage people's money. The proposal also says San Francisco 'issue a formal apology for past harms, and commit to making substantial ongoing, systemic and programmatic investments in Black communities to address historical harms.' A timeline of San Francisco's black residents laid out in the proposal draft A red-line map cited in the proposal. The map was created for banks to rate the safety of loans given to residents of certain areas of the city. The purported riskiest - the red zones - were black neighborhoods Slavery was never legal in California, but the state was a haven for slaveowners during the period. The proposal also cites a number of city initiatives from decades past that studies show were racially motivated and had debilitating effects on the black population. Some were as simple as early legal restrictions against where black people could live in the city and the kinds of jobs they could hold. Others were as far-reaching as city-wide zoning measures which left black communities marginalized effectively in ghettos, or else entirely razed to the ground and left vacant for years. In addition to the racial, age, and duration of San Francisco residency requirements, people who meet a number of other qualifications would be eligible for the reparations. Other qualifying factors include being able to demonstrate descent from a slave, having been affected by or directly descended from somebody who was affected by urban renewal, and other policies in the 1900s. Qualifiers can also be directly descended from somebody who was jailed during the War on Drugs campaign, has been incarcerated themselves under the initiative, or can demonstrate they attended San Francisco public schools during desegregation. The proposal will be submitted to Mayor London Breed and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the San Francisco Human Rights Commission in June People speak at a reparations task force meeting in San Francisco in April, 2022 The proposal will be submitted to San Francisco leadership in June. 'There are so many efforts that result in incredible reports that just end up gathering dust on a shelf,' San Francisco Board of Supervisors president Peskin told the SF Chronicle. 'We cannot let this be one of them,' he added. The proposal was compiled by the San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee [AARAC], which was commissioned by the Board of Supervisors. It was first presented to leadership in December. 'Centuries of harm and destruction of black lives, black bodies and black communities should be met with centuries of repair,' AARAC chair Eric McDonnell told the SF Chronicle. 'If you look at San Francisco, it's very much a tale of two cities.' San Francisco's proposals come in the wake of California's Reparations Task Force boss Kamilah Moore sharing her demands for payback. She said any black Californians descended from slaves were owed $1 million each. Moore also said any black resident who'd suffered housing discrimination at the hands of California was owed $223,500. She asserted that redlining - refusing loans such as mortgages to poorer people - had kept many black Californians in poverty between 1933 and 1977. Despite the huge cost of complying with the proposals, Moore insists they'd actually benefit the Californian economy by stimulating consumer spending. Audio files reveal the dramatic moment air traffic controllers warned pilots about a near-fatal 115mph plane crash. The Federal Transit Authority workers jumped into action Friday night to prevent a departing Delta flight carrying 145 passengers from colliding into the side of an American Airlines flight bound for the UK. The Delta flight was preparing for takeoff when it was forced to slam on the brakes, stopping just 1,000 feet from a possible fatal collision. It seems the unnamed American Airlines pilot had crossed into the wrong lane, popping up right in front of the accelerating Delta plane. But throughout it all, the Delta pilot seemed calm and collected, even calmly telling Air Traffic Control he'd have to simply return to the gate and 'make some phone calls' An American Airlines plane was seen crossing the path of a Delta flight as it was about to take off. Air traffic control exclaimed 's***!' as they noticed the potential collision Federal Transit Authority recordings detail the moments immediately before and after the potential crash at New York City's John F. Kennedy International Airport at around 8.45pm Friday. It begins with the American Airlines pilot saying the flight was ready to taxi onto a runway, to which an air traffic controller says they should take runway 4 left and 'hold short of Kilo.' The female pilot repeats the message moments before another air traffic controller informs her to proceed down the route and 'cross runway 31 left at Kilo.' She responds that she is 'crossing 31 left at Kilo' but starts to approach the wrong lane, heading straight rather than turn left. Just a moment later, air traffic control clears the Delta flight heading to the Dominican Republic that it is 'cleared for takeoff.' The pilot affirms the message saying: 'Cleared for takeoff, runway 4 left, Delta 1943.' But as it proceeded down the runway at 115mph, an air traffic controller noticed that the Delta flight was about to T-bone the American Airlines flight. 'S***, ah! F***' a controller could be heard saying. At that point another air traffic controller comes on the radio urging 'America 106 Heavy, America 106 Heavy, Heavy hold position... American 106 Heavy hold position.' A third air traffic controller, meanwhile, tells the Delta pilot: 'Delta 1943 cancel takeoff clearance! Delta 1943 cancel takeoff clearance.' The pilot replies that he is 'rejecting,' as an air traffic controller asks what his intentions are. 'Yeah, we're gonna have to go somewhere, run a couple of checklists and probably make some phone calls for Delta 1943,' the pilot says calmly. An air traffic controller says the plane can 'taxi right on Bravo and hold short of Hotel Bravo' which the pilot once again repeats. But another air traffic controller ten asks: 'Delta 1943 did you make the switch?' 'Yes sir, we did,' the pilot responds. 'OK, I'm guessing you're [going to] wanna move, right?' 'Uh, well, uh we gotta make a couple phone calls here and my guess is that we're gonna go back to a gate,' the pilot says, apparently shrugging off the near crash. The air traffic controller agrees with his assessment, saying: 'OK I, figured that as well.' He then turned his attention back to the rogue American Airlines flight, saying there was 'possible pilot deviation' and 'I have a number for you, advise read to copy.' The female pilot replies that she is ready to copy down the phone number, while an apparent co-pilot asks: 'The last clearance we were given, we were cleared to cross, is that correct?' The air traffic controller responds, 'I guess we'll listen to the tapes, but you were uh supposed to depart 4L. You're currently holding short of runway 31L.' The Delta flight eventually took off to Santa Domingo Airport in the Dominican Republic the next morning, while the American Airlines flight arrived on time at London Heathrow on Saturday morning (file images) The Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board both announced they would start investigations into the incident. A Delta spokesperson said in a statement it 'will work with and assist aviation authorities on a full review of flight 1943 on Jan. 13 regarding a successful aborted takeoff procedure at New York-JFK. 'We apologize to our customers for the inconvenience and delay of their travels.' American Airlines would not comment on the incident and said it would defer all questions to the FAA. Former US Department of Transportation general Mary Schiavo told CNN that the incident fell into the 'most serious category of runway incursions' (category A) and that such occurrences are on the rise. John Cox, a retired pilot and professor of aviation safety at the University of Southern California, told NBC News: 'The Delta crew was doing exactly what it was supposed to.' He added that he thought the controller 'made a good call to reject the takeoff.' And, Cox said the rejected takeoff safety maneuver, which is when pilots stop the aircraft and discontinue the takeoff, is one they are 'very, very familiar with.' 'Pilots practice rejected takeoff almost every time they get to the simulator,' he said. 'They'll go back and listen to every transmission between the American jet and air traffic control to see who misunderstood what,' Cox said. There is a renewed push for more public holidays in Australia to better reflect the nation's multicultural population. Independent think-tank The Lowy Institute said this month it is a 'no brainer' to make Lunar New Year and Diwali - the Hindu Festival of Lights - both public holidays, giving Australians an extra two days off work. The institute argued while Australia often brands itself as a successful multicultural country this is often 'based on food, dance, and dress, and can feel superficial'. An independent think-tank has argued Australia should have more public holidays through observing multicultural festivals In Australia. traditions such as public holidays are heavily based on western Christianity, it said, despite less than half of Australians identifying as Christian, according to the 2021 census. According to a 2018 Household, Income and Labour Dynamics Survey, even fewer actively attend church - about a quarter of Australians go just once a year. The Lowy Institute argued in a period of increased geo-political tension such a gesture would send a message that Australia genuinely recognises its cultural and religious diversity. And that the perception of Australia as having one of the best work-life balances in the world and loving a long-weekend was actually not entirely accurate. Many of our neighbours, such as Indonesia and the Philippines, actually have significantly more public holidays. The Lowy Institute said that there had already been discussions about making Diwali a holiday, given that Hinduism is the fastest growing religion in the country. Diwali, or the Festival of Lights, is a public holiday in many countries with a Hindu population The number of Hindus has grown from just 20,000 to nearly half a million over the last three decades. Diwali is one of the religion's most important festivals and celebrates the victory of light over darkness and good over evil and is celebrated as a public holiday in India, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore and Nepal among other countries. Lunar New Year, meanwhile, is widely celebrated as a public holiday in almost every Asian country. Sydney already has the largest Lunar New Year celebration outside of Asia. A 'selfless' mother-of-two had allegedly been in a heated argument with her boyfriend of two months before she was found dead in her apartment in Sydney's west. Dayna Isaac, 28, was found dead inside her Colless St unit in Penrith, at about 4.15pm on Monday. A murder investigation has since been launched with her boyfriend, Paul Sultana, 32, taken into police custody. Charges are yet to be laid. Police had received reports of a disturbance at the home, with Mr Sultana's mother finding Ms Isaac lifeless in the apartment. Dayna Isaac, 28 was found dead inside a Colless St unit in Penrith, west Sydney, about 4.15pm on Monday Ms Isaac's (pictured) friend said she was the 'most beautiful, kind hearted and selfless' person she has ever met Her boyfriend, Paul Sultana, 32, has been taken into police custody and is assisting police with inquiries Police are seen at the unit block after Ms Isaac's body was found on Monday afternoon Ms Isaac's car was found burned out in bushland 13km away near Castlereagh in the city's north-west. Specialist forensic police are examining the home and what remains of the vehicle. Daily Mail Australia understands Ms Isaac was not fully clothed when she was found. NSW Police Acting Superintendent Carlene Mahoney said the 32-year-old man and Ms Isaac had been friends for a long time but had only been dating for about two months. Police do not believe a weapon was involved, and neighbours had reported a disturbance shortly before Ms Isaac was found. 'Police were informed that there was a disturbance at the premises and they did attend and they later identified that the deceased was at the premises,' Superintendent Mahoney said. Police do not believe a weapon was involved, and neighbours had reported a disturbance shortly before Ms Isaac was found. Mr Sultana (pictured) is in police custody Police are seen at the apartment block in Penrith on Tuesday morning Police and forensic investigators are at the scene Ms Isaac's two girls, aged one and three, were not home at the time. A friend of the mother-of-two said she was the 'most beautiful, kind-hearted and selfless' person she had ever met. 'She lit up the room and was the life of the party,' the woman, who requested anonymity, told Daily Mail Australia. 'She was an amazing doting mother to two beautiful girls who absolutely adored her, and I am so so proud to call her not just my friend, but my sister.' Another friend wrote to Facebook: 'RIP gorgeous girl, I'll miss you'. Pictured is the apartment block where Ms Isaac was found dead Those living in the area have been rattled by the news about the death of their neighbour. One local resident said she saw police cars lined up the street when she arrived home on Monday afternoon. 'I just heard the news, I was shocked,' she said. 'This area is pretty quiet, you don't hear about much happening around here. It tends to be more in Cranebrook.' Another woman who lives in the same building as Ms Isaac said she woke up this morning to the property taped off and police officers scouring the site. 'It was quite scary, I was at work yesterday and found out over Facebook a woman had died in my street,' she said. 'When I came home late last night there was only one police officer there, but when I came out of the building this morning they were everywhere.' Police are urging anyone who may have information that could assist detectives to come forward and contact Penrith Police station or Crime Stoppers. But it passed by a majority of 60, meaning a second reading will take place Unions criticised the plans, with Labour and opposition MPs trying to block it MPs voted in favour of the Government's strike bill in the House of Commons MPs have voted for the Government's strike bill that would set minimum service levels for frontline workers holding industrial action. Ministers had introduced the bill in the wake of strikes by rail workers, nurses, ambulance staff and civil servants in recent weeks, that has seen the country grind to a halt. The bill, which had been harshly criticised by unions, gives ministers the power to draw up minimum service laws, that could see workers fired if they refuse to work during a strike. After a fiery debate in the House of Commons about the proposals, MPs voted to accept the first reading of the bill by a margin of 60, with 309 voting in favour compared to 249 against. Business Secretary Grant Shapps, pictured here on January 10, introduced a second reading of the bill into the House of Commons tonight Members of the RMT union were among those protesting against the bill outside Downing Street tonight Thousands of teachers in England and Wales will go on strike in February and March in row over pay despite warnings vulnerable children will be put at risk Advertisement It means the proposals in the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill can move forward to a second reading as part of what is set to be a tricky roadmap into becoming law. Unions, Labour and other opposition MPs, as well as peers in the House of Lords have all vowed to fight the plans put in place by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Labour has accused the Government of 'threatening nurses with the sack' with their plans, which have been introduced amid a bitter pay dispute between ministers and unions. Introducing the bill to parliament earlier in the night, Business Secretary Grant Shapps said the public had 'had enough of the constant, most unwelcome, frankly, dangerous disruption to their lives'. He added there are 'millions of people who rely on essential transport to get to work or to family commitments who every day have the extra stress of worrying about making alternative arrangements, sometimes costly arrangements, because of these forever strikers'. Mr Shapps went on: 'There comes a time when we can't let this continue and that is why we need minimum safety and service levels - to keep livelihoods and lives safe, and it's frankly irresponsible, even surprising, for the opposition opposite to suggest otherwise.' He presented the bill for its second reading in front of MPs this evening with a warning that it would be 'irresponsible' for opposition parties to oppose the Government's efforts to 'keep livelihoods and lives safe' during strikes. The Business Secretary warned that continuing to rely on voluntary arrangements between unions and NHS trusts during strikes by health workers was not sustainable. Recent strikes by rail workers, nurses and ambulance staff (pictured) sparked the Government to introduce the bill Angela Raynor, deputy leader of the Labour Party, hit out at the Government's plans and the 'tone' of his remarks 'We can't continue to rely on voluntary arrangements to ensure the safety of people we represent,' Mr Shapps told the Commons. 'After all, strokes and heart attacks don't respect the boundaries of, for example, trust borders, and I'm intrigued to know what the members opposite would actually say to their constituents, perhaps to grieving constituents who've lost loved ones because of some sort of postcode lottery.' Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner hit out at the 'tone' of Mr Shapps's remarks in the Commons this evening and demanded he 'reflect' on his comments. Confirming her party would vote against the bill's second reading, she told MPs: 'I cannot recall a measure that is at once so irrational and so insulting. 'Not only is it a vindictive assault on the basic freedoms of British working people, but this legislation is as empty of detail as it is full of holes. 'So, we will oppose the sacking of nurses' bill and not just nurses, but also many of the key workers who we clapped and who kept our services going in the face of the pandemic. 'We will vote against it tonight and the next Labour government will repeal it.' The Liberal Democrats and SNP are also set to vote against the bill's second reading tonight. Meanwhile, to coincide with this evening's debate in the Commons, trade union leaders who spearheaded recent strikes staged a demonstration outside Downing Street against the 'hostile' legislation. Members of the PCS union, which has recently held a Border Force strike, and the RMT union, which has staged regular strikes on the railways for months, both attended the Westminster rally. The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill is part of Mr Sunak's response to the ongoing 'winter of discontent'. Nurses, ambulance drivers, rail workers, and border officials - as well as many other workers - have all brought widespread disruption to Britain with walkouts in recent months. Union members gather outside Downing Street tonight to voice their opposition to the Government's bill The bill seeks to give the Government the power to set minimum service levels for NHS, fire, education, transport, nuclear decommissioning and border security services. It does not set out what minimum service levels should be, or what they should be based on, but gives ministers the power to impose minimums through secondary legislation. The PCS union encouraged its members to join tonight's demonstration outside Downing Street with flags, banners and placards. The union's general secretary Mark Serwotka said: 'This bill puts power in the hands of the wrong people. 'It gives all the power to ministers and employers instead of our members who are being denied their democratic right to strike. 'It paves the way for workers who have voted for strike action being sacked if they refuse to turn up for work on a strike day. 'We shall oppose this hostile legislation to protect our members' rights.' Protesters chanted 'f*** the Tories' and 'the people united will never be divided' and others banged drums as they gathered in Westminster. Speaking at the protest, Jo Grady, general secretary of the University and College Union, said she was 'keeping warm' by thinking about how National Education Union (NEU) teachers had earlier voted to strike. 'It's absolutely freezing but you know what's keeping me warm? The NEU just smashed their ballot,' she told the crowd. 'Picket lines, democracy, we are the champions of them and we are not going to accept any extra conditions on our ability to do that.' Clare Keenan, from the PCS, described the Bill as an 'attack on my human rights and those of my fellow workers'. She said: 'You can't make people go to work five days a week and having to use food banks and removing their ability to protest. 'It's just a hurdle that they're putting in the way to stop workers from taking industrial action.' Retired George Hallam, who attended to show solidarity with workers, likened the Bill to anti-strike action taken under Margaret Thatcher's government. He said: 'I think the Government is chancing its arm because the last time it tried something like this was the 1970s... It's worse than a sin, it's a mistake, because they're likely to get a bloody nose like they did back then.' Liberal senator Jim Molan has died at the age of 72 after a long battle with prostate cancer. His family released a statement on Tuesday revealing that Molan's health had rapidly declined after Christmas before he died on Monday. 'He was many things a solider, a pilot, an author, a volunteer firefighter, and a senator,' they said. 'Most of all, he was an adored husband, father, grandfather, and brother. Our loss is immeasurable, but we are comforted in our memories of a full life courageously lived, devoted to family and in service of the country he loved.' He leaves behind his wife Anne, four children and five grandchildren. Molan was a major general in the army, under which he served for 40 years, before he retired in 2008 and moved into politics in 2012. He was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer in 2021 but remained optimistic about his future battle with the illness. Senator Jim Molan has died at the age of 72 after a battle with cancer Senator Molan was a major general in the army, under which he served for 40 years, and leaves behind his wife Anne, four children and five grandchildren 'I am receiving the best possible care from my clinicians and have the love, support and prayers of my family,' he said. 'I have never been afraid to fight the battles that need fighting, and this is no exception.' He took a leave of absence in April of that year to begin chemotherapy before returning to parliament and becoming re-elected for a six-year term in the 2022 election. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese paid tribute following the shocking news of his death. 'Jim Molan lived his life in service of our country. He was a man of principle and a politician of conviction. My condolences to his loved ones, colleagues and friends,' he said. Former prime minister Scott Morrison said he left 'an amazing legacy'. 'He was a very big man, Jim - big in stature ... he had big ideas, he had big passions,' he said. 'Jim's service in Iraq at the senior level ... was like few Australian servicemen and women had ever experienced, such was the regard that was held of Jim's military capabilities.' Another colleague and former minister Keith Pitt said it was a 'great loss' for Senator Molan's family, parliament and Australia. 'A bloke that would always take your call,' Mr Pitt tweeted. Molan was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in 2021 but remained optimistic about his future battle with the illness A statement was released by his family on Tuesday confirming that Molan had died after a sudden decline in his health on Monday Former RSL president and army veteran James Brown said Senator Molan was a 'great patriot'. 'A deep thinker, an unstoppable force, and a good friend - we will miss him.' Senator Simon Birmingham shared his condolences saying the country had lost a 'true patriot'. 'Jim Molan served Australia as a soldier, a Senator, a community volunteer and a strategist,' he said. 'A man of principle, who was willing to make sacrifices for his beliefs, Jim embodied the best of service to nation. 'Jim's death will be felt with great sadness by all his colleagues who all valued his abiding commitment to Australia, his diligence as part of our Liberal Senate team and his thoughtful friendship.' Liberal colleague Hollie Hughes shared details of conversations she had with him before Christmas. '(We) were having a chat about how it was. He'd finished his chemo, he was feeling better and was waiting to see how it had gone. We both sort of said, 'Well, that's it, quiet time in January and I'll see you back in February',' she told Nine Radio. During his military career, Molan was commanding officer of the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, commander of the 1st Brigade, commander of the 1st Division and its Deployable Joint Force Headquarters, and commander of the Australian Defence College In April 2004, he deployed for a year to Iraq to serve as Chief of Operations for the new Headquarters Multinational Force in Iraq In 2016, Molan unsuccessfully stood as a Liberal Party candidate for the Senate in New South Wales at the 2016 federal election 'It's just such a sad, sad day, he's going to be greatly missed, not only by the country and the contribution that he made, but our Senate team is very, very close.' His sports presenter daughter Erin broke down in tears describing her father as her 'hero' shortly after news broke of his diagnosis two years ago. 'He's lived an entire life of service to others and I've grown up looking at him like he's my hero. He's my best friend and we speak every single day.' 'He's an absolute fighter and when we were hit with the news, all we wanted was hope, and we got hope and there is no one I would back more to beat this fight because we need him too. We love you Dad so much.' Molan was commanding officer of the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment and commander of the 1st Brigade during his military career. Commander of the 1st Division and its Deployable Joint Force Headquarters and commander of the Australian Defence College were among his roles. Molan was commanding officer of the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment and commander of the 1st Brigade during his military career He was deployed to Iraq as Chief of Operations for the new Headquarters Multinational Force in April 2004. He received an Officer in the Order of Australian for his role in Indonesia and in East Timor, the Distinguished Service Cross and Legion of Merit by the US government. Molan retired in 2008 before he was made special envoy for Operation Sovereign Borders under Tony Abbott's government. He is credited with helping to create the Stop the Boats and asylum seeker policies. Molan unsuccessfully stood as a Liberal Party candidate for the Senate in New South Wales at the 2016 federal election. Molan took over the role of senator Arthur Sinodinos following his resignation in November 2019. At the 2022 election, he was re-elected to a six-year term. Would you sign a rocket? Would you like to see your message heading for the heart of Vladimir Putins war machine, roaring out of the sky towards a Russian tank on the battlefields of Ukraine? Would you sleep easier knowing that a shell fired in the fight for freedom had carried your name, and that in your own little way, you had done your bit? If your answer is yes, heres another way of asking the same question. Would you like your name to be on the missile that kills a frightened conscript in his early 20s? Would you like to think that it was your shell, with your message, that had killed a young father? They sound very different; yet they are, of course, the same question. Such are the moral dilemmas of war, in which decent people feel they have no choice but to do terrible things. The Sign My Rocket initiative was launched last summer to raise money for the defence of Ukraine by encouraging outsiders to sponsor artillery shells, bombs and missiles This isnt a hypothetical issue. Almost a year into the war in Ukraine, one of its most extraordinary developments has been the success of a fundraising drive called Sign My Rocket. The initiative was launched last summer by Ukrainian IT student Anton Sokolenko, to raise money for the defence of his native land by encouraging outsiders to sponsor artillery shells, bombs and missiles. At first, he hoped to raise 3,000 enough for a drone. But such has been the success of his campaign that he is already close to raising 1 million. Visit the Sign My Rocket website and youre invited to choose your weapon, from a simple shell to a MiG-29 fighter jet, with a sliding scale of prices. Then you type in your message. The Ukrainian soldiers will write it in permanent marker on your weapon of choice, and send you a photo or video as proof. Some people may find this very unsettling. But they dont include the former assistant head of Finlands military intelligence, Martti Kari, who signed a rocket with the words Merry Christmas from the Kari family! Nor do they include one of Finlands most acclaimed writers, Sofi Oksanen. This year, she tweeted proudly, the money I would have spent on fireworks went to this kind of rocket to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression, along with a picture of some rocket shells. Its easy to see why such an initiative would be popular in Finland, where people remember their underdog struggle against Russian imperialism in the Winter War of 1939-40. But would ordinary Britons be happy to sign a rocket? Indeed they would. As Mr Sokolenko reports, there have been almost 200 orders from Britain, asking for a wide variety of messages. London Says Hi, reads one. Another, painstakingly decorated with the Union Jack, is inscribed: Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022. A third, more prosaically, carries the message: My Dogs Luke and Leah P*** and S*** on Putins Face. Two U.S. soldiers writing Easter greetings to Hitler on a bomb in southern Italy, March 1944 Moving or macabre? Stirring or sick? The truth is that its all of them at once. Today, many people recoil from the idea of sponsoring a missile with a personalised message. To mock the enemy, even in a just cause, challenges our sense of decency. Yet writing insulting messages on shells and missiles is nothing new. Indeed, perhaps the most famous British example took place during the war to recapture the Falkland Islands from General Galtieris Argentine dictatorship. A few weeks into the conflict, the Sun ran a front-page image of a British missile emblazoned with the headline Stick This Up Your Junta. The newspaper had sponsored the missile by promising to pay for HMS Invincibles victory party when the war was over. So as its lead story boasted, the first missile to hit [General] Galtieris gauchos will come with love from The Sun, complete with the painted message: Up Yours, Galtieri. Not everybody found this amusing. War correspondents reported that many of the men in the Task Force thought it a sick thing to do. Even the Invincibles onboard newsletter printed letters from appalled sailors. In this case, the issue was that the missile had been signed by a civilian. Many of us are uneasy at the idea of spectators decorating instruments of death, given that theyre risking nothing themselves. But what about when soldiers and sailors do it? After all, signing missiles is just as old as warfare itself. In the ancient world, soldiers would carve jeering messages into the lead bullets fired from their slings. The British Museum holds an example from Athens in about 87 BC: a lead slingshot, inscribed with the mocking word Dexai Catch! The most graphic examples were found in Perugia in Italy, where Mark Antonys wife, Fulvia, was besieged by their rival Octavian during one of Romes civil wars. Prepare your anus, Lucius Antonius, you baldy, reads one. I seek Octavians anus, reads another. I seek Fulvias clitoris, boasts a third. In the centuries that followed, the popularity of such disobliging messages seems to have dwindled. But with the deadly new technology of the 20th century, they became popular once again. A little girl sticking 'Wings for Victory stamps on to a 500lb bomb case in Trafalgar Square During World War I, for instance, British soldiers drew caricatures of Kaiser Wilhelm II or chalked Heres one for you, Fritz! on shells bound for the German lines. It was during World War II, though, that the idea of scrawling messages on bombs really caught on, especially among American aircrews. Look through photograph archives, and the taunting slogans jump out at you. Run, Rommel! Run! scrawled a pilot on the deadly cargo of his B-25 bomber in North Africa in 1942. Have You Heard This? Itll Kill Ya!! reads another message painted on a U.S. bomb destined for the cities of Japan. Again, the obvious difference between this and Sign My Rocket is that the Americans themselves were doing the fighting. But were deluding ourselves if we think that our grandparents and great-grandparents werent just as bloodthirsty as the Greeks or the Romans. Indeed, even I had a jolt when I saw one picture taken in London in March 1943. The occasion was the Wings for Victory Week, organised to raise more than 100 million for the Royal Air Force, ending with a public rally in Londons Trafalgar Square. In the photograph, a group of civilians are inspecting a pair of deadly-looking bombs bound for Germany. The bombs are being covered with Wings for Victory stamps and the people putting them on are little children, almost visibly trembling with excitement. No doubt many people today would find such a scene deeply unsettling. Allied bombs killed around half a million German civilians, some of them younger than the children in the picture. Yet in a total war, everybody had become a combatant. And as ghastly as it sounds, there was a ruthless honesty about that scene in Trafalgar Square. For at its most basic, brutal level, war is a fight to the death. Kill the enemy and you win: its as simple as that. What, then, of Anton Sokolenkos Sign My Rocket? I can readily understand why many people find such an idea horrific. No decent person should glory in slaughter. As cruel and hateful as Mr Putin and his cronies are, many of his troops are conscripts, who have no idea why theyre in Ukraine at all. They arent all evil, just as not all Germans were wicked during World War II. Yet the tragedy of war is that it leaves little time for distinctions. And, as in World War II, the basic moral issue is clear. The Russians are the aggressors, waging a campaign of bestial savagery. The Ukrainians are fighting in defence of their homes and families, just as our ancestors fought against the Nazis a generation or two ago. To paraphrase Churchill, their only policy must be to wage war, and their only goal must be victory. But victories are only won by bullets, and by killing the enemy. That is, and always has been, the nature of human conflict. So, as cold-hearted as it sounds, every Ukrainian shell that finds its mark, whether signed or not, is a step closer to victory and to peace. And whatever the messages on those shells, there is no doubt about their true author. Whether they are in English or Ukrainian, they were all ultimately written by the same man. And that man the author of so much misery, the cause of so much suffering, the destroyer of so many lives is Vladimir Putin. David Carrick went to great lengths to ensure women knew what he did for work For two decades David Carricks professional status was the perfect cover for his depravity. Im a police officer, youre safe with me became an integral part of his patter, something he could trip out as part of his charm offensive when he met a woman for the first time. He revelled in his status, going to great lengths to ensure the women he pursued knew what he did for a living. He would flash his warrant card and boast he had protected the prime minister a lie. As a modus operandi, it was the perfect way to gain the trust of those he preyed on, of whom there were many; 13 women were central to the court case who knows how many more there may be. For two decades David Carricks professional status was the perfect cover for his depravit The missed opportunities to stop Carrick in his tracks as his police career unfolded are damning More than 80 sexual offences, including at least 48 rapes, make Carrick one of Britains most appalling predators. And all while promising to serve and protect. His terrifying campaign of abuse lasted at least 17 years, almost the entire length of his service with the Metropolitan Police. Victim after victim was drawn in by his charm before time and again the mask slipped. One moment a charismatic charmer, the next a monster. He was, as one source close to the case told the Mail, the ultimate Jekyll and Hyde. The list of his offences makes for sickening reading: urinating on victims, whipping them with his belt, dragging them by the hair and threatening them with violence if they failed to obey him; he locked one woman in a cupboard for hours at a time. In other words, Carrick would do everything possible to demean his victims. How did his reign of terror continue unchecked for so long? Therein lie serious questions, once again, for Scotland Yard, following a bombshell report by Baroness Casey, commissioned in the wake of the murder of Sarah Everard. It uncovered how scores of officers are allowed to remaain in the ranks despite being accused of appalling crimes, including sexual assault, domestic abuse, corruption and fraud. The missed opportunities to stop Carrick in his tracks as his police career unfolded are damning; nine times he came to the attention of fellow officers and nine times he was allowed to continue working. Eight of those times included alleged incidents involving women, but he was never arrested or even suspended from his role, which from 2009 saw him as an elite firearms officer guarding embassies and parliamentary buildings. The list of his offences makes for sickening reading: urinating on victims, whipping them with his belt, dragging them by the hair and threatening them with violence if they failed to obey him After a brief spell working at a grocery store, he followed in his fathers footsteps, enlisting aged 19 in the Armed Forces Carrick had good reason to think he could abuse women with impunity. After all hed been getting away with it for years Had Carrick not been a police officer, perhaps his victims would have reported him sooner. But the fact is, it was his job that enabled his manipulative campaign of abuse to continue, because the women he targeted were too scared to go to the police because he was the police. He knew what he was doing, said senior prosecutor Shilpa Shah. With a couple of the victims he introduced himself immediately as: Im a police officer, youre safe with me. On some occasions he said victims would not be believed because he was a police officer, and on other occasions he simply implied it. 'Most of the victims have said they didnt come forward sooner because they feared they wouldnt be believed, and he encouraged this fear. Carrick had good reason to think he could abuse women with impunity. After all hed been getting away with it for years. Born in Salisbury in 1975 he went to Durrington comprehensive school where his passions included taekwondo (he gained a black belt). He was by all accounts, academically able and popular there were several girlfriends although he was known for the occasional fight. After a brief spell working at a grocery store, he followed in his fathers footsteps, enlisting aged 19 in the Armed Forces. Carricks parents separated when he was a teenager and his mother Jean yesterday told The Guardian she believed her son, who she had not seen since he cut contact 15 years ago, signed up because he wanted to travel and to carry a weapon. He joined the Met in 2001 and his first offence, or at least the first on the charge sheet, came just two years later in 2003. The first time any check was placed on Carrick came in July 2021, when he was arrested on suspicion of raping a woman he had met online Carrick appearing in Southwark Crown Court today, where he pleaded guilty to 24 counts of rape By the time he moved from Merton, where he served out his probationary period, to Barnet joining parliamentary protection in 2009 the pattern of his appalling conduct was well established. Yet somehow during his years in the Met no colleague had ever complained about his conduct or even expressed concerns a fact that may seem surprising given his nickname was Bastard Dave, a moniker he appears to have revelled in. The first time any check was placed on Carrick came in July 2021, when he was arrested on suspicion of raping a woman he had met online. Rather than being suspended, he was placed on restricted duties. These were soon rescinded when the terrified woman dropped her complaint (in the wake of Carricks subsequent arrest, he was charged with her rape). But the case of Miss Everard, in October 2021, gave one of Carricks victims enough confidence to come forward. She described meeting him in a pub in St Albans, Hertfordshire, in August 2020 after making contact via the dating app Tinder. The account she gave provides a terrifying insight into the actions of a serial rapist. Carrick arrived first, bought a bottle of wine, then pressured the woman into sharing it with him despite her protests that she didnt normally drink. Early in the date, Carrick proudly showed her his warrant card and announced he had guarded VIPs including the PM. He told her that his nickname among friends and colleagues was Bastard Dave, that he was domineering and wanted a submissive partner. The woman said she began to feel unwell, her legs were unsteady and she wanted to go home. Her next memory was waking up naked in the bath in a room at the Premier Inn, with vomit in her hair and no recollection of how she got there. When she staggered into the bedroom, St Albans Magistrates Court was told, she found Carrick lying naked on the bed. He called her disgusting and bellowed at her to clean herself up, before pinning her face down on the covers and raping her. The woman left the hotel in tears and kept the rape to herself for more than a year before summoning the nerve to report it. Carricks response when he was arrested at his 350,000 terraced home in Stevenage was: Not again, a reference to his earlier arrest in July 2021. A search of the property, where Carrick turned the spare room into a home gym, revealed a large pet snake, while an investigation of his phones browsing history revealed searches for rough anal sex. Carrick was part of the Met's Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command When the Mail visited the modest crescent of terraced homes where Carrick lived from 2007, neighbours painted a picture of a fitness-obsessed man who would lift weights at all hours and who would bring home a constant stream of different women. I must have seen him with about 50 different women over the years he has lived here, a neighbour remarked. All shapes, sizes, ages and races. I thought there must be something wrong with him that he couldnt keep a woman, but now I realise he must be all about the sex, having sex with different women. After his second arrest, over the attack in the Premier Inn, Carrick was not just defiant, he was also arrogant, insisting she had consented. It was a stance he maintained as the investigation snowballed, with more women coming forward. During his police interviews he was very confident, charming, and it was as if he was talking to his friends just having a chat, said Miss Shah. At his first appearance before magistrates, Carrick, who was seen by his friends as a power freak, smirked. For more than a year on remand he maintained the encounters were consensual or simply never took place. The abuse wasnt restricted to brief encounters; he coerced some women into controlling relationships, isolating them from their friends and family. One was locked in an understairs cupboard for hours at a time. I have seen bigger dog crates than that cupboard, said Detective Chief Inspector Iain Moor, of Hertfordshire Police, which investigated the crimes. One woman who was interviewed by detectives investigating Carrick but chose not to make a formal complaint, told of her own horrific experience A source close to the investigation said he became a master manipulator, using his victims vulnerabilities against them and employing a Jekyll and Hyde approach. He would be incredibly charming on a first date or at the beginning of a relationship, said the source. Then later, he would start employing his toolkit well-rehearsed behaviour that would play on the vulnerabilities of his victims. If one was not confident in her appearance, he would start making escalating comments about how ugly they were. Then the next day he would be utterly charming again, apologise for what he had said and chalking his bad behaviour down to having a tough day. He was never a monster on day one because you dont get a second date if you are a monster. A former girlfriend last night told The Guardian he raped and choked her, saying: I can kill you without leaving any evidence. The woman, who chose not to make a formal complaint, not wanting to relive her ordeal in court, met Carrick on Tinder and found him charming at first. But slowly he began to exert his control over her life and became increasingly violent. Obsessed with pornography, he forced her to drink his urine, left her handcuffed for hours at a time and abused her using his police status to blackmail her into staying. He made me feel very small, she said. I blame myself. Why did I let him do this? His defiance during his early court appearances, clad in a prison-issue tracksuit, weakened with time. Did he think his status as a long-serving police officer would protect him? We cannot know. But yesterday, as Carrick admitted the final six charges of rape and sexual assault of a further victim at Southwark Crown Court, it will have been clear to him he was not untouchable after all. He may have a top hat and 'carrot' for a nose. But Jeffrey is no ordinary snowman - standing at 58ft tall and made from 50 tons of snow. The snowman is wooing Wisconsin travelers for the third year in a row, with 150 cars passing a day passing through at the weekend to catch a glimpse of him. He is the creation of Craig Carlson and his two sons, Hunter and Boe, who named the snowman after Mr Carlson's brother, who died six years ago. Jeffrey the snowman has been a winter staple in Milltown since 2019. Craig Carlson and his two children Hunter and Boe built the snowman along with 100,000 pounds of snow and two trees for the arms The people above are the creative masterminds behind Jeffrey the Snowman Mr Carlson started the tradition with his sons in 2019 to win a contest. 'He was 19ft tall,' Mr Carlson told CBS News. 'He was a little rough. The crew and my boys and I had so much fun doing it that we decided to do it again.' Every year, the family goes for 'bigger, and better', so in 2020, Jeffrey hit 32 feet and then grew to 44 feet in 2021. 'Now this year we decided to go even bigger,' Hunter said. Talking about his late brother Jeffrey, Mr Carlson said: 'He'd like it, so it's been a lot of fun.' Jeffrey's eight-foot top hat is made of cattle panels and his scarf is 75ft long. This year the family built the snowman to raise money for a local community club. The magnificent sight stops about 150 cars per day on the weekend filled with dazed spectators One woman can be seen making the 75ft-long scarf that goes around Jeffrey's neck A man can be seen working on Jeffrey's eight-foot top hat made of cattle panels This year the Carlson family built the snowman to raise money for their local Milltown Community Club. As of January 15, the family had raised $1,000 of their $2,000 goal. The funds will go toward the town's 75th anniversary celebration. In the future, Mr Carlson hopes to raise money for a scholarship in honor of his brother, WQOW reported. Queues of hundreds of passengers formed at the stalled airport Security stopped letting customers through as they searched for issue A technical issue breach has brought Brisbane Airport to a screeching halt leaving passengers in the lurch. The issue occurred on Tuesday morning as hundreds of people worked their way through the security gates. Security stopped letting passengers through as they searched for the cause of the issue however managed to resume operations just before 9am, local time. 'Screening has now restarted. Please expect some delays with processing through the screening points. The screening teams appreciate your patience,' the airport said. A technical issue has brought Brisbane Airport (pictured) to a screeching halt as security grounds all flights and stops customers from entering as they search for the perpetrators Queues of passengers wound through the terminals as they waited for the airport to recommence operations. 'Security screening was paused for 22 minutes at the Domestic Terminal while a technical issue was resolved. The pause lasted from 7:02am to 7:24am,' a spokesperson for Brisbane Airport told Daily Mail Australia. 'Screening then resumed with lines cleared and no further impact. We thank all BNE passengers for their patience this morning.' The head of the British Army warned yesterday that the UKs support for Ukraine is leaving this country weaker. In a letter obtained by the Daily Mail, General Sir Patrick Sanders spelled out the realities for Britain of donating so much of its military equipment. The Chief of the General Staffs message to soldiers was released just moments after the Defence Secretary announced the latest provision of aid. Army sources said Gen Sir Patricks intervention was a bid to hold ministers feet to the fire over promises the British Army will get back what it is giving away. General Sir Patrick Sanders has spelled out the realities for Britain of donating so much of its military equipment Defence Secretary Ben Wallace updating MPs in the House of Commons on the latest situation in Ukraine on Monday As Ben Wallace told the House of Commons yesterday, the UK is sending 14 Challenger 2 Main Battle Tanks. These will be accompanied by recovery vehicles, vast quantities of spare parts, hundreds of armoured vehicles, AS-90 artillery heavy guns, high-velocity rockets and drones. The latest package of aid, alongside contributions from Nato allies, is intended to break the deadlock on the battlefields of Ukraine. After months of stalemate, Ukraine and Russia are planning spring offensives the success or failure of which could determine the outcome of the war. But the UKs tank stocks have dwindled dramatically in recent years, hence the growing concern among senior Army officers and soldiers. In an unprecedented intervention, Gen Sir Patrick told troops: Giving away these capabilities will leave us temporarily weaker as an Army, there is no denying it. There is no doubt our choice will impact on our ability to mobilise the Army against the acute and enduring threat Russia presents and meet our Nato obligations. Our tank crews and gunners will feel the impact the most. But the decision also brings the opportunity to accelerate the modernisation and transformation of the Army ahead of Russia. Ukraine needs our tanks and guns now. I know they will put them to good use. And there can be no better cause. And this package will encourage our allies to give battle-winning capabilities in greater numbers. Gen Sir Patricks words were posted on the Ministry of Defences private internet server Defence Connect. The UK is sending 14 Challenger 2 Main Battle Tanks. Pictured: Challenger 2 main battle tank is displayed for the families watching The Royal Tank Regiment Regimental Parade in September last year A damaged building while the members of the Ministry of Emergency Situations conduct rescue work at Kalininsky district in Donetsk, Ukraine, on Monday His contribution to the debate over provision of military support was welcomed by troops who are anxious about the size of Britains Armed Forces and the MoDs appalling record on procurement. The Ajax armoured vehicle is a case in point. It has already cost 3.5billion yet is six years late being delivered into service. The light tank was so badly designed it could not fire accurately at high speed and was so noisy it rendered its crews deaf. Moments before Gen Sir Patricks letter was released, Mr Wallace told the House: Today I can announce the most significant package of combat power to date to accelerate Ukrainian success. Mr Speaker, we will be the first country to donate Western main battle tanks. 'And, we will be bringing a further squadron of our own Challenger tanks to higher readiness in place of the squadron sent. Mr Wallace confirmed the tanks and AS90s would come from existing stocks. But in an attempt to quell concerns from inside the Army, he said he would bring forward the timetable for a programme to modernise artillery weapons. A challenger 2 Main Battle Tank pictured during a Land Combat demonstration in October 2018 He also announced a review, based on the lessons of the conflict in Ukraine, of whether the UK requires a larger tank fleet. The Challenger 2 tank is due to be replaced by the Challenger 3. But there are expected to be far fewer of the upgraded version. Many of the UKs 227 Challenger 2s are not in a condition to be used in combat. The tank, introduced in 1994, weighs 62.5 tons and is armed with a 120mm rifled gun and a 7.62mm chain gun. German defence minister Christine Lambrecht resigned yesterday as her government came under criticism for its dithering in sending Ukraine heavy tanks. Miss Lambrecht said months of media focus on my person had stood in the way of a factual debate about the military and Germanys security policy. Congress could move to pass a law requiring presidents to keep visitor logs for their personal residences after classified files were discovered at President Biden's home, one GOP lawmaker said. Now that classified documents have been found at the homes of both President Biden and President Trump, Rep. Ben Cline, R-Va., said it might be time to strengthen rules about the comings and goings of guests of a president's home. 'I think that that's a reasonable demand given the fact that this is stretching beyond the exception,' he told Fox News. 'It's becoming a more commonplace occurrence to see these documents popping up. We have to put protections in place to make sure our national security is protected, and those visitor logs may be the first step in what needs to be done.' 'These are becoming more than just rare exceptions, and we have to start looking at making sure that national security is protected.' President Joe Biden's White House revealed that no public visitor logs were kept at his Wilmington, Delaware residence On Monday the White House Counsel's office said there are no visitor logs to be made public. 'Like every President in decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal,' the office said. 'But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them.' House Oversight Chair Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., wrote to White House chief of staff Ron Klain on Sunday demanding access to any visitor logs kept for the Delaware home. 'Without a list of individuals who have visited his residence, the American people will never know who had access to these highly sensitive documents,' the Kentucky Republican wrote in his letter. Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have said it appears Hunter Biden was living at the Wilmington residence where classified documents were found and expressed concerns about him conducting international business in the presence of secret files. Last summer Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence was raided to retrieve the files he had not turned over to authorities. Republicans have decried a double standard in the handling of Biden's mistreatment of classified files and Trump's while Democrats ay it's a false equivalency because Biden's team has been cooperating with authorities. Trump, for his part, said that the locked room where he kept documents in Mar-a-Lago is more secure than Biden's garage, where five documents were found. At least six classified documents were found at Biden's private residence in the upscale neighborhood of Greenville, a wealthy section of Wilmington, Delaware 'The White House just announced that there are no LOGS or information of any kind on visitors to the Wilmington house and flimsy, unlocked, and unsecured, but now very famous, garage. Maybe they are smarter than we think!' Trump mused on Truth Social. 'This is one of seemingly many places where HIGHLY CLASSIFIED documents are stored (in a big pile on the damp floor). Mar-a-Lago is a highly secured facility, with Security Cameras all over the place, and watched over by staff & our great Secret Service. I have INFO on everyone!' Trump added. Last week it was revealed that classified files had been found both at Biden's home in Delaware and at his think tank office in Washington, D.C. The Penn-Biden Center was used by Biden as a personal office from about 2017 through when he launched his 2020 campaign. Timeline of events leading up to Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing Special Counsel Robert Hur to oversee investigation as to the potential mishandling of classified documents Ten top secret pages were reportedly found there by Biden's personal lawyers while cleaning out the office. Six so far have been found in his Wilmington-area home - one in the house and five in the garge. The Justice Department has for months been looking into whether Biden mishandled the documents after leaving the vice presidency. That investigation only came to light last week. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to oversee Biden's handling of classified documents after the papers dated from his vice presidency were first discovered on November 2, 2022 at the Penn Biden Center. Garland had appointed a special counsel to oversee Trump investigations - including the handling of classified files - in November. The president has pledged to take the matter 'seriously' and cooperate with the National Archives and Justice Department every step of the way. A young girl has had her life saved by a bystander after she was pulled unconscious from a pool in Sydney's west. Paramedics rushed to the scene after the little girl was found in a pool at Merrylands Swimming Centre on Burnett Street at 3:35pm on Monday. She was saved after bystanders noticed her in trouble in the water and used a pool noodle to bring her closer to the lifeguards. The lifeguards pulled her from the water unconscious and administered four rounds of CPR The girl, four, taken to the Children's Hospital at Westmead in a stable condition after being revived The lifeguards pulled her from the water unconscious and administered four rounds of CPR before she became responsive, according to NSW Ambulance Inspector Kevin McSweeney. 'When paramedics arrived, thankfully the girl was conscious and breathing,' he said. 'We just want to recognise the young fellow in the pool who was able to get help for the little girl.' Paramedics then took her to The Children's Hospital at Westmead in a stable condition. 'Water related incidents can often have a tragic outcome, but fortunately today had a happy ending,' Mr McSweeney said. 'We urge everyone to remain vigilant around water and to never take your eyes off your kids.' Cumberland City Council which runs the pool has been contacted for comment. The final hours of allegedly murdered secret lover campers Russell Hill and Carol Clay have been revealed. The badly burnt remains of Ms Clay, 73, and Mr Hill, 74 were located by Victoria Police Missing Persons Squad detectives on November 30, 2021 - just days after the arrest of former Jetstar pilot Gregory Lynn. On Monday, the Melbourne Magistrates' Court heard the elderly lovers had visited a graveyard in the remote wilderness and buzzed other campers with a drone. Russell Hill (pictured, right) and Carol Clay (left) are alleged by police to have been murdered during a camping trip in March 2020 Gregory Lynn, 55, (pictured) was charged with the murder of secret lovers Russell Hill, 74, and Carol Clay, 73 Russell Hill (pictured with his missing drone) is believed to have filmed campers in and about the area where he was allegedly murdered The daughters of slain camper Russell Hill, Colleen and Debbie, eye balled his alleged killer in court on Monday Weed sprayer Robert Williams told the court he believed he had seen Mr Hill in the wilderness in the days before he was allegedly murdered. He described Mr Hill as a 'grumpy old bugger' who later buzzed him with a drone. 'I was getting droned out,' he later told police. Mr Williams said he saw the drone hovering over other people's campsites, which he believed were being filmed. Mr Hill had taken a drone with him on the trip, but it has never been found. The court heard deer poachers were known to hunt in the area, with gunshots routinely echoing through the night. The campers were allegedly shot by Lynn before their bodies were burnt and dumped in bush graves. Campers Damir Javor and Goran Miljkovic had seen the couple as they parked their vehicle at a camp site believed to be shared by Lynn. Mr Miljkovic told the court he had seen the couple as they drove slowly down a forest track within the Wonnangatta Valley in the Victorian Alps. 'They appeared to be a grandma and grandpa out for a drive,' he said through the aid of a Serbian interpreter. The pair had been stuck behind the elderly couple as they drove slowly along the track to their campsite, which already had two vehicles parked there. One of those cars was a white Landcruiser, the other was described as a blue Nissan Patrol - the same type of vehicle seized by police when they arrested Lynn on November 22 last year. Mr Miljkovic said he saw the elderly couple park their car up close to the two vehicles already at the site. He described the move as 'strange' given there was plenty of room for them to park elsewhere. Mr Miljkovic told the court he saw the elderly couple again the following day as they returned from a graveyard situated in the remote bushland. The pair had been headed back to their ute, which was parked by the river. The charred remains of the couples' tent were found by fellow campers a day after they vanished Ms Clay was on a romantic camping trip and had confided in her sister about the romance The drone Mr Hill is believed to have flown over the area he was allegedly killed. It has never been found The burnt out remains of Mr Hill's Toyota Landcruiser was found at their campsite near Dry River Creek Track on March 21 that year. Lynn appeared in court from behind bulletproof glass. He had been arrested at a remote campsite in Arbuckle Junction, 1.5 hours south of Wonnangatta in the states east in November 2021. Dressed in a black suit, Lynn took notes throughout the preliminary hearing, which will determine if he is to face a Supreme Court of Victoria jury trial. Lynn's flight attendant wife and the families of both Mr Hill and Ms Clay watched the hearing via videolink. The court heard prosecutors were keen to have the contents of Lynn's initial record of interview and his original statement to police suppressed over fears they may be inadmissible when the matter goes to trial. In a late development, Lynn had been presented with a bundle of folders containing transcripts of conversations he had on prison phones while awaiting trial. The court heard his car had been identified by CCTV cameras on the Great Alpine Rd at Mount Hotham. An IT expert told the court two cameras had identified 12 vehicles of interest through number plate identification technology. The hearing is expected to run until early next week. Homicide Squad Detective Inspector Andrew Stamper's phone went off in court on Monday to the tune of Queen's hit 'Somebody to Love' Greg Lynn's barrister Dermot Dann, QC attends court in Melbourne on Monday Footage of the search showed plain clothes officers sifting through dirt by hand as an excavator worked ahead turning the soil over and digging up the packed ground A previous hearing was told Victorian homicide detectives had compiled a 773-page brief of evidence against Lynn. Lynn has employed high profile criminal barrister Dermot Dann, KC to defend him. Mr Dann said he was eager to cross examine ballistics expert Paul Griffiths, who is due in court next week. 'Mr Griffiths is an important witness dealing with the bullet trajectory and so forth,' he said. Mr Hill's family were not aware that he would be spending the weekend with his lover, Ms Clay The court previously heard 11 witnesses will be called to give evidence in the preliminary hearing. The court heard the police brief contained mountains of transcripts of secret recordings of Lynn captured by detectives as part of 'Operation Lexicon'. The 55-year old man from Caroline Springs in Melbourne's west remains in custody after being charged with the couple's murders. The bodies of his alleged victims had been dumped in dense bushland off the Providence Spur Track, north of Dargo in the state's east, and had remained there for 20 months. Forensic experts made the grisly find off the Providence Spur Track north of Dargo in the state's east within dense bushland often frequented by deer hunters Greg Lynn is seen with his wife Melanie - who is a flight attendant with Jetstar - with the pair meeting through work Officers endured treacherous conditions in the search for the missing campers For 20 months police have been investigating what happened to the two missing campers Detectives believe the bodies had been dumped in the area the very day they went missing on March 20, 2020. Mystery remains, for now, over what else police found at the burial site. Lynn faces life behind bars if convicted of the murders. Labour called on ministers yesterday to proscribe Irans Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group. The Government is considering the move after the execution of Alireza Akbari, 61, a British-Iranian dual national who was lured back to Iran by the security services three years ago. He had moved to the UK with an investment visa and had become a naturalised citizen here. But the ex-deputy Iranian defence minister was arrested in 2019 and convicted of spying for the UK. He denied the charge. The Government is considering the move after the execution of Alireza Akbari, 61, a British-Iranian dual national who was lured back to Iran Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said his execution was a callous and cowardly act, carried out by a barbaric regime. Ministers have imposed a travel ban and asset freeze on the Iranian prosecutor general, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly has also temporarily withdrawn Britains ambassador to Iran, Simon Shercliff. But Shadow Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, and Shadow Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, urged ministers to go further and faster. Their joint statement said: The Iranian regimes actions against courageous protestors seeking a better future, as well as British nationals imprisoned in Iran and its threats to UK security mean robust action is needed now. The IRGC is behaving like a terrorist organisation and must now be proscribed as such. The British coast is home to almost half of the world's population of grey seals The growing seal colony is down to a large amount of fish and high dunes Between Waxham and Winterton the number counted has boomed to 3,796 The seal pup population has grown dramatically on the Norfolk coast this year Almost 4,000 baby seals have been spotted on a five-mile stretch of coast in Norfolk - almost double the count from 2019. Each year, the seal population between Waxham and Winterton attracts thousands of visitors as young seals are weaned before re-entering the sea. So far, this seal watching season, a total of 3,796 seal pups have been born and 1,169 adults have been spotted. Back in the winter of 2019/2020 the total pup count was much lower than this year's population, standing at 2,069. Almost 4,000 baby seals have been spotted on a five-mile stretch of coast in Norfolk - almost double the count from 2019 Peter Ansell, chairman of Friends of Horsey Seals, said: 'It is a sign of a healthy colony. 'It's down to the fish, at the moment the North Sea is providing enough fish for thousands of seals, and this is a nice place for them to come ashore and do their breeding. 'They are very popular with visitors, which is funny because they don't really do anything, they come ashore and flop down and every few hours the pup nudges the mum for a feed.' So far this seal watching season, a total of 3,796 seal pups have been born and 1,169 adults have been spotted. Pictured: Two grey seal pups on the beach at Horsey in Norfolk How to see seals without disturbing them Seals are wild animals, so it is best to follow these rules if you find yourself on a beach with a seal, according to the Norfolk Coast information site: Keep a minimum of 10 metres, or further, away from any seal and move quickly Stay on the landward side of the seal Keep your dog on a lead Watch out of seals Do not approach a seal Take care of the surrounding environment, such as sand dunes Advertisement Almost half of the global population of grey seals live around the British coast, with Norfolk being an important breeding site. This is because it is home to flat beaches, shallow waters and high dunes, particularly around the Horsey and Winterton area, offering good conditions for female seals to give birth. Seals can thrive in this part of the world as they have no predators hunting them and have little disturbance from humans. The population rise was predicted by experts in the area last year. During the 1980s a small proportion of seals were born in Blakeney Point in Norfolk but the population has since exploded, rising from 69 to almost 4,000. National Trust ranger Carl Brooker told ITV News in 2021: 'It's absolutely incredible that we can see it growing and growing every year, because a lot of the time, particularly, if you read in the papers, a lot of it is doom and gloom - "we've lost this and we've lost that" - but you come to Blakeney Point and were gaining wildlife every year.' There are concerns, however, that climate change may impact the future of the seal populations, due to flooding, which could impact the seals' 'fragile environment'. Mr Brooker added: 'If we get too many of these high seas and too much of these things happening in the winter, we are going to lose Blakeney Point. 'It's just a thing that we need to be most wary of. At the moment, we're lucky and we've got loads of seals here, but it is a fragile environment.' These are the best locations to spot seals along the Norfolk Coastline. Common seals have their young between June and August whereas Grey seals have their young between November and January Almost half of the global population of grey seals live around the British coast, with Norfolk being an important breeding site. Pictured: A newborn grey seal pup on the beach at Horsey in Norfolk Visitors are asked to keep at a distance and keep their dogs on a lead while the pups are ashore in the winter months until about February. Norfolk is home to both Grey seals and Common seals. Grey seals are generally bigger with specks on their coats, and have longer heads with parallel nostrils. They spend most of their time lying on British beaches, out of the sea after feeding on fish. According to the Wildlife Trust, in the early 20th century there were only 500 seals in and around Britain. The charity now estimates there are more than 120,000 grey seals in Britain, making up 40 per cent of the world's population and 95 per cent of the European population. Common seals, meanwhile, have a more rounded head and 'v' shape nostrils. They are often found on sheltered shores and estuaries on sandbanks and beaches. Common seals feed on fish like Grey seals but also each squid, mussels, crabs and whelks. Born in the summer, their pups can swim when they are only a few hours old, according to the Wildlife Trust. The best time to see seals at Blakeney Point is during the summer months, whereas the peak seal season at Horsey is during the winter birthing season. Grey seals can be found all over the UK, whereas Common seals are generally found off the coast of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Teesmouth and eastern England. Chinese mainland reports 59,938 COVID-19 related deaths at hospitals from Dec 8 to Jan 12 10:57, January 16, 2023 By Wang Xiaoyu ( Chinadaily.com.cn Jiao Yahui, head of the National Health Commission's medical administration bureau, attends a news conference, Jan 14, 2023. [Photo/china.com.cn] Chinese mainland reported 59,938 COVID-19 related deaths at hospitals from Dec 8 to Thursday, a health official said on Saturday. Jiao Yahui, head of the National Health Commission's medical administration bureau, said that 5,503 fatalities were caused by respiratory failure induced by the infection, and the other 54,435 cases had died with preexisting illnesses. The average age of deaths during said period is 80.3, and over 90 percent of them had suffered from chronic illnesses, she said. "Winter is also the peak season for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases among the elderly. With the spread of the COVID-19 disease, the number of elderly deaths is relatively large and we are attaching greater significance to protecting elderly patients and saving their lives," she said. Jiao said that China has established a reporting platform aimed at collecting and analyzing COVID-19 related deaths in a scientific and fact-based manner. The platform was put into use on Dec 31. In addition, medical institutions across the country were asked to gather and report information on deaths recorded between Dec 8 to 29. She said it took some time for experts to analyze the massive amount of data so as to present a science-based and objective account of the COVID-19 death toll in the country. China has been counting deaths with a positive COVID-19 nucleic acid test as COVID-19 related fatalities since the initial phase of the epidemic, Jiao said. The criteria, she said, is in alignment with standards adopted by the World Health Organization and most countries. (Web editor: Cai Hairuo, Liang Jun) Biodiversity in Madagascar is in jeopardy as extinction threatens about 20 million years to regain what the habitat has lost. Madagascar's Biodiversity Threatened by Extinction Getting extinct is what the animals could end up on the island; this includes lemurs which are local species to the region. Scientists told, last Tuesday, reported Science Alert. Located in the south of the Indian Ocean, the island has been isolated from Africa for over 80 million years. At that time, many unique plants and animals could only be found on this isolated island, noted Daily Sabah. About 2,500 years ago, humans invaded the island with catastrophic consequences, which resulted in the dying out of giant lemurs, elephant birds, and even dwarf hippos, and some 30 mammalian species are already extinct. Based on the study, researchers from Europe, Madagascar, and the United States investigated how it will take for the large island's species diversity to come back to how it was before the human intrusion, citing Nature. They revealed that if the loss of animals was ever to stop, nature might recover in around 3 million years with the onset of similar complex mammalian species to substitute for those now killed. It gets worse as 128 mammals now in danger of extinction would finally die out by their calculations that would balloon to a whopping 23 million years. More than ever, it shows the need to restore the island's diversity of flora and fauna. One of the study authors, Luis Lima Valente, senior researcher at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in the Netherlands, had given this grim assessment. Read Also: Emmanuel Macron Facts: Interesting Info You May Not Know About The French President If flora and fauna do out and go extinct, then the island ecosystem will crash. Study co-author Luis Lima Valente added it would affect the people in the region, causing starvation and emigration. Habitat Will Take 20 Million Years To Restore It is a biodiversity hotspot, which indicates it has a large population of species that can be seen nowhere else. The scientists were astonished to learn that Madagascar might require less time than some other islands to return to pre-human diversity, ascribing this adaptability to the fact that human-caused extinctions started fairly late. Even so, Madagascar's high species diversity implies that if the extinctions proceed, this will take much more time to recoup than other archipelagos. Valente remarked that this hotspot with more endangered species as they have more to lose in terms of flora and fauna. The islands' driving forces of biodiversity loss are land reformation for farming, habitat destruction, introduced species, global warming, and poaching. This is from a 2020 assessment carried out by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and over 100 Madagascar lemur species are under threat. This contains nearly 40% of the island's previous forest coverage, which was lost between the 1950s and 2000. Estimating how long before concerned species re-evolved is called evolutionary return time, or how long diversity could be restored. The grim message that biodiversity in Madagascar is affected due to massive extinction and will take 20 million years to restore is unfathomable. Related Article: Uncanny Quasicrystal Created in Extreme Temperatures Either Naturally or Randomly @ 2023 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Dogs are humans' best friends even before they can speak in full sentences or count. Young children, even before the age of two, instinctively want to help dogs, a study has found. As toddlers, they have an early bond with man's best friend, which makes them pay attention to a pet begging for a toy or treat. Researchers recruited 97 children, aged 20 months to just over three years old, and put each child in a room with a dog in a play pen. Young children, even before the age of two, instinctively want to help dogs, a study has found (stock image) When a dog clearly wanted the item (green) children got the dog the item half the time - in 118 out of 236 trials. When dogs were not bothered (white) , children only helped 26 per cent of the time Children are kinder if they have a dog in the family Pre-school children may be better behaved and kinder if they have a family dog, a study has found. Experts believe younger children, who spend more time with pets as they are not at school, learn better empathy. Researchers at the University of Western Australia and Telethon Kids Institute looked at more than 1,600 families with children aged two to five. Parents filled out a questionnaire which measured children's antisocial behaviour, problems interacting with others and 'prosocial' behaviours such as kindness and sharing. Children from dog-owning households were 23 per cent less likely to have difficulties with their emotions and social interactions compared to children who did not own a dog. Advertisement The experiment aimed to see if the youngsters would pass a dog an item, like a toy or treat, which was beyond their reach. When a dog clearly wanted the item, for example begging for it, looking back and forth at the object and child, whining or scratching at the play pen, children got the dog the item half the time - in 118 out of 236 trials. When dogs were not bothered, children only helped 26 per cent of the time. The results show children are motivated to notice and understand dogs' desires, and to help them, at around the same age they start doing this for other people. Dr Rachna Reddy, who led the study from Duke University, said: 'Previous studies have shown children, even at really young ages, want to behave in ways that are helpful to people. 'Now we know they have a similar instinct to do this for dogs. 'We have lived alongside dogs for thousands of years, so we have a special history with them, which may help to explain this.' The study, published in the journal Human-Animal Interactions, used three friendly small dogs called Fiona, Henry, and Seymour. Each child met one of the dogs, accompanied by a researcher, while their parent pretended to be distracted by reading a magazine. The researcher then pretended they had to leave, or do a work task on a computer, and surreptitiously dropped a dog treat or a toy like a rubber bone close to the child and out of reach of the dog, which could see the item through holes in the sides of their play pen enclosure. The study, published in the journal Human-Animal Interactions, used three friendly small dogs called Fiona (left), Henry (centre), and Seymour (right) The 44 toddlers who had dogs at home were best at helping a dog who clearly wanted an object, by passing it to the animal, or asking their parent or researcher to do so. Dog-owning toddlers got a dog an item they wanted on 60 per cent of occasions, while children without dogs did so only 40 per cent of the time. Dog-owning toddlers were also more likely to get toys and treats for dogs which didn't seem to want them and ignored the objects. However the authors caution that children who do have dogs may simply be more confident around them, rather than necessarily being more helpful towards them. Children were more interested in helping the dogs get food than toys, with one child shouting at their parent 'She's hungry! She's hungry! That dog is hungry!' before the study started. Humans' innate desire to understand animals tick could help to explain how our ancestors came up with the idea of domesticating cows and chickens for farming, or working with dogs when hunting. The Netflix smash has already been criticised for promoting French stereotypes French politician David Belliard has slammed the hit Netflix series in an article A French politician has slammed the hit Netflix series Emily in Paris as it presents a 'Disneyland' version of the city that is 'not viable in the face of climate change'. David Belliard, Deputy Mayor of Paris, claims the series presents an unrealistic portrayal of the French capital that is not prepared for the threat of global warming. Emily in Paris depicts a young American woman named Emily, played by British actress Lily Collins, who moves from Chicago to Paris to start a marketing job. The third series of the show debuted on Netflix last month, but Belliard blasts it as 'irritating' and depicting a stereotypical 'urban caricature' of the city. Emily in Paris depicts a young American woman Emily, played by British actress Lily Collins, who moves from Chicago to Paris to start a marketing job David Belliard, Deputy Mayor of Paris, claims the series presnts an unrealistic portrayal of the French capital that is not prepared for the threat of global warming. Belliard is pictured giving a speech during the Paris council meeting in 2020 What is Emily in Paris? 'Emily in Paris' depicts a young American woman Emily, who moves from Chicago to Paris to start her dream job. Emily, hailing from the Midwest, is hired by Paris marketing firm Savoir to provide 'them with an American perspective on things'. Emily changes her Instagram handle from @emilycooper to @emilyinparis and begins documenting her time there in a series of posts. Advertisement His criticism of the show which has been renewed for a fourth season has been published in the Liberation newspaper in his native French. 'It's a snapshot of an unchangeable Paris, a Disneyland, which is confined to the ultra-centre, inhabited only by the richest people in a uniform architectural heritage,' Belliard says. 'In short an "Instagram Paris" with impeccable colours and ideal views. 'This fable is neither desirable nor viable... there is the complete erasure of the constraints of climate deregulation and the rarity of resources. 'We have to get out of nostalgia for a stereotypical city and invent a new aesthetic coherence that is adapted to a changing world.' In the series, the titular character moves into the attic of an old apartment building in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, known as the Latin Quarter. According to The Times, the show has triggered a wave of beret-wearing fans to the area, which is home to many students. Emily's building 1 Place de l'Estrapade is a grand 19th century apartment structure that looks stylish on film, but is one of several not adapted to rising temperatures. The title character Emily is played by British actress Lily Collins, daughter of musician Phil Collins Pictured, 1 Place de l'Estrapade, prominently featured in the Netflix show Emily in Paris. Emily lives in the attic, but the show doesn't depict how she may have sweltered through Europe's heatwaves Sacre bleu! Experts reveal the real-life cost of Emily in Paris' lavish lifestyle Financial experts have revealed the true cost of the lifestyle depicted in Netflix show Emily in Paris - and you may have to hold onto your beret. Analysis by New Casinos shows she couldn't splash out on clothes, food and transport to the extent depicted on-screen with an estimated salary of $46,980 (38,440). Emily's most expensive habit is no doubt her wardrobe. Based on the high price tags of the glamorous clothes viewers have seen the fashionista flaunting around in, she's estimated to have spent a whopping $76,795 on clothes and accessories every year. She also pays $33,127 annually for rent, which leaves her with just $13,853 leftover for the rest of the year to cover her other expenses. Read more Advertisement However, the show doesn't depict how she may have sweltered through Europe's recent heatwaves at the top of the building. Belliard continues: 'The flats on the top floors, often occupied by the poorest people, become unbearable ovens in hot weather. 'A simple solution... would be to paint the roofs with white reflective paint. But are we ready to abandon the colour palette of Paris?' Belliard, one of 34 deputy mayors of Paris, serves as a member of the executive team to the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, member of the Socialist Party. He is in charge of the transformation of public spaces, as well as transportation, mobility, rules and regulations on city streets, and the management of roads. According to Belliard, the way the city is presented by Netflix is more in the interest of French conservatives who are resisting efforts to adapt city infrastructure. Mayor Hidalgo has faced opposition to the council's green-friendly schemes, which often go against the interests of preserving Paris's historic and elegant architecture. For example, Belliard claims there's a resistance to new cycle lanes, which can help reduce carbon emissions by reducing a reliance on vehicles for journeys around the city. It's not the first time Emily in Paris has been lambasted since it debuted on Netflix back in 2020, with much of the condemnation coming from French critics. It's not the first time Emily in Paris has been lambasted since it debuted on Netflix back in 2020. In a review for Premiere, critic Charles Martin said 'no cliche is spared' in the show, 'not even the weakest', and listed a number of French stereotypes In a review for Premiere, critic Charles Martin said 'no cliche is spared' in the show, 'not even the weakest', and listed a number of French stereotypes. 'We learn that the French are "all bad", that they are lazy and never arrive at the office before the end of the morning, that they are flirtatious and not really attached to the concept of loyalty, that they are sexist and backward, and of course, that they have a questionable relationship with showering,' Martin wrote. Another article in Sens Critique said that viewers 'have to strongly love science fiction to watch this series, knowing that Parisians are mostly friendly, speak irreproachable English, make love for hours and that going to work remains an option. 'The writers may have hesitated for two or three minutes to stick a baguette under each French person, or even a beret to clearly distinguish them, on the other hand, they all smoke cigarettes and flirt to death.' Meanwhile, a 2021 article in Business Insider called it 'unrealistic' and 'filled with berets and baguettes' with 'countless stereotypes about French people'. Scientists have blamed poisoned fish on a spate of seal attacks against humans in South Africa, including one on American actress Loulou Taylor. Several unprovoked attacks have been reported in Cape Town. In the one involving Taylor, the animal had just chased and mauled a boy playing in the shallows. A previous attack was reported by a woman on a different beach on the Cape Peninsula where she was chased and pounced on, while a spearfisherman has said he was left with bite marks when a seal attempted to drag him into deep water. The series of incidents prompted baffled scientists to investigate the cause of the attacks from animals which typically do not target humans. Seals will generally not initiate aggression towards humans, unless seriously provoked. Scientists have blamed poisoned fish on a spate of seal attacks against humans in South Africa, including one on American actress Loulou Taylor. Pictured: The seal is seen attacking a boy who was playing in the shallows of a beach in Cape Town, South Africa early this month Lifeguards at Clifton Beach said at the time they treated two people for bite wounds on Tuesday following an incident involving a 'seal pup', Several unprovoked attacks have been reported in Cape Town after a mass die-off blamed on toxic algae But in Cape Town, reports of attacks have increased since a mass die-off of the animals along the coast. These were put down to domoic acid, The Times reported. The acid is a naturally occurring neurotoxin produced by marine algae that builds up in small fish and squid. These are then eaten by predators in the ocean. Scientists have said that the algae typically only blooms for a few weeks. However, warmer waters as a result of climate change and pollution have caused the toxic blooms, known as a red tide, to grow bigger and to last longer, they say. Brett Glasby, from the city's Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation, told the Daily Maverick that the attacks were 'defensive behaviour'. 'It's not aggressive behaviour it's defensive behaviour. Last year, we had a mass die-off on our coastlines that was attributed to domoic acid poisoning from red tide algae bloom,' he told the outlet. 'The seals consume fish and crustaceans that have algae bloom domoic poisoning one of the symptoms is a swelling of the brain. 'The animals that survive domoic acid poisoning suffer neurological damage and we suspect that is what has led to us seeing an increase in the number of attacks around Cape Town,' Glasby explained. Onlookers rushed to help the boy who was being attacked by the feral baby seal in the attack earlier this month. It was the latest in a series of attacks on humans by seals in Cape Town Pictured: A man was seen in footage as he grabbed the violent seal by its flippers and tossed it back into the water as the woman was carried to safety after the attack HBO actress Loulou Taylor (pictured) said she was bitten six times by the angry seal pup as she swam on the coast of South Africa In the attack on Taylor, who is known for staring in HBO's Raised By Wolves, footage showed the enraged animal charging at a child and trying to bite him as a man shouted 'get out of the water'. Onlookers screamed before two men came to the rescue, causing the animal to flee. But a woman can then be heard crying out as the creature went on to attack her in the sea. She attempted to push it off but failed, which prompted a group of witnesses to help. A man eventually grabbed the animal by its flippers and tossed it back into the water as the woman was carried to safety. Just seconds before the rampage started, someone could be heard saying 'aw cutie' - only for the situation to descend in to chaos. South African authorities urged holidaymakers to stay away from marine wildlife in the wake of the attack on January 3. The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) said lifeguards at Clifton Beach treated two people for bite wounds following an incident involving a 'seal pup'. South Africa's sandy beaches attract large crowds during the holiday season in Southern Hemisphere summer. 'Residents and visitors are encouraged to treat all marine and coastal wildlife with respect and to remove their pets from areas where wildlife may be present,' Cape Town deputy mayor Eddie Andrews said in a statement in the wake of the attacks. While the 'dad bod' was once seen as the most attractive physique for men, a new study suggests that that may no longer be the case. Research has revealed that men who want to be seen as better looking should build up muscle around the pecs and biceps although it might not work if they're short. According to experts, a higher 'shoulder-to-hip ratio' (SHR) where there's a bigger circumference around the shoulders than there is around the waist is a mark of attractiveness. However, men who aren't very tall may not be able to change a woman's perception of how attractive they are - even with a lot of built-up muscle, the study suggests. Building up muscle around the pecs and biceps can help men boost their level of attractiveness - as long as they're tall. It's less likely to work for men who are shorter, according to the new study (file photo) What is shoulder-to-hip ratio? Shoulder-to-hip ratio (SHR) is a measure comparing circumference at the shoulders with circumference at the waist. SHR is calculated by taking the shoulder circumference and dividing it by the waist circumference. A higher SHR means there's a bigger circumference around the shoulders than the waist. As a result, higher SHR suggests more muscle around the shoulders (such as the biceps, deltoids and pecs) than there is fat around the belly. A lower SHR is the opposite, suggesting more fat around the belly. For men, the ideal SHR is 1.6, meaning the circumference of the shoulders is 1.6 times the waist circumference. A SHR below 1.6 can either suggest the waist is bigger than it should be, or shoulders are narrower than they should be, or a combination of both. Advertisement The new study was led by experts at the University of British Columbia and published in Archives of Sexual Behavior. The experts say high SHR is a 'sexually dimorphic trait', meaning it's predominantly seen in men rather than in women as a way to attract the opposite sex. 'Our results showed that women's perceptions of males attractiveness, masculinity, and fighting ability were influenced by, and interacted with, height and SHR,' lead author Farid Pazhoohi told PsyPost. 'In general women preferred taller and broader shouldered men in particular when these two traits were presented in combination (or interacted together).' Pazhoohi and colleagues wanted to see how different heights and SHRs in men would affect how attractive they were perceived to be by women. In particular, they wanted to see how the two factors of height and SHR would interact and affect each other. 'For example, would the impact of a high SHR be the same on a short man as a tall man, or would its effect decline (or increase?) as men became shorter,' the researchers wrote in their paper. To find out, the team recruited 659 heterosexual women in the US, all between the ages of 18 and 83 years. Participants were tasked with viewing images of male bodies with heights ranging from 5 feet 3 inches (160cm) to 6 feet 3 inches (190cm), and three degrees of SHR ('small', 'intermediate' and 'large'). Rather than being shown men in the flesh, the participants were shown illustrations of men, either in silhouette or more detailed colour renders, next to a female figure for comparison. Participants were tasked with viewing images of male bodies with heights ranging from 5 feet 3 inches to 6 feet 3 inches, and three degrees of SHR ('small', 'intermediate' and 'large'). Pictured, a male with a height of 160cm (5 feet 3 inches) but with a higher SHR Pictured, a male with a height of 190cm (6 feet 3 inches) but with a lower SHR. The male figures were shown next to a female for comparison What is sexual dimorphism? Some animals show high levels of sexual dimorphism - meaning they show big differences in their physical characteristics aside from their sexual organs - partly to attract mates. For example, in peacocks, males are normally brightly-coloured with large lustrous tail feathers, compared with the female, which has more subdued colouration. Other examples of sexual dimorphism include antlers that are largely only found in male deer and the striking mane of the male lion. In humans, women are drawn to dimorphic traits such as larger upper bodies, taller heights and beardedness. Advertisement Each participant was then asked to rate each figure's attractiveness, masculinity and fighting ability. Overall, the participants considered taller men and men with larger SHR as more attractive, masculine and better in terms of their fighting ability. 'Here, we find that women prefer tall and broad-shouldered men, especially when the men were both tall and broad-shouldered,' they wrote in their paper. The effect of height on attractiveness was more complicated, however. Male bodies with higher SHRs (more muscle around the shoulders) were considered more attractive on taller men, but less so when on shorter men. In other words, it's less of a guarantee that short men will be deemed attractive, even when they have a lot of upper body muscle. Results support the widely-held belief that height is an important factor for women when choosing a man and for a man when trying to attract a woman. According to a 2002 study, taller men are more successful in acquiring long-term partners than shorter men. It's already thought a man's height is a signal of 'biological quality', linked to increased fitness, health and attractiveness in prior studies. In terms of women's attractiveness as perceived by men, the equivalent is something called the 'waist-to-hip ratio' (WHR), calculated by dividing the circumference of the waist by that of the hips. Results support the widely-held belief that height is an important factor for women when choosing a man (file photo) Men are biologically hardwired to find a lower WHR where the woman's waist is significantly narrower than her hips more attractive. A higher WHR on the other hand, where the width of the waist matches or even exceeds that of the hip, is an indicator of obesity or ill health. A 2019 study by Pazhoohi found that women tend to stand so that one side of the hip points upwards to reduce the hip-to-waist ratio of one side of the body. This pose, known as the Contrapposto, is frequently used by celebrities on Instagram or while posing on the red carpet to increase perceived sexiness. Blasting the sky with a giant laser could divert lightning away from airports and nuclear power stations. Lightning strikes the ground in Britain alone about 300,000 times a year, with 30 to 60 people struck by lightning and around three dying. But the greatest threat is the damage lightning strikes can do to power stations, with one in 2019 causing the UK's worst blackout in a decade, cutting off 1.1 million people. Now a laser the size of a large car could protect against these acts of god in the future, by attracting bolts of lightning away from buildings. Blasting the sky with a giant laser could divert lightning away from airports and nuclear power stations Scientists fired 1,000 pulses of laser light a second from a machine 26 feet long, weighing more than three tons, sending the beams into the atmosphere above a tower in Switzerland which is struck by lightning around 100 times a year. Over more than six hours of using the laser during thunderstorms between June and September last year, researchers were able to divert four lightning strikes. Lightning takes the path of least resistance before hitting the ground. The air, which does not conduct electricity, is difficult to move through, so lightning bolts will fork in a different direction to reach a power station or airport, which conduct electricity far better. Scientists fired 1,000 pulses of laser light a second from a machine 26 feet long, weighing more than three tons, sending the beams into the atmosphere above a tower in Switzerland which is struck by lightning around 100 times a year But laser pulses can attract lightning in the same way, by charging the air to make it conduct electricity. This traps lightning above a building, and the lightning then moves through the charged air, before falling harmlessly to the ground. Traditional lightning rods do a similar job, but experts say they can only divert lightning as far away as they are tall - with a 30-foot rod, for example, only able to guide lightning 30 feet away. Scientists hope lasers, while currently extraordinarily expensive, might be the future for protecting important infrastructure including nuclear power stations, wind farms and airports With lightning rods unable to pull lightning far enough away from large buildings, the laser technology could help protect larger infrastructure. Scientists have been working on doing this with lasers for more than 40 years, but this is the first time it has been proven outside the laboratory, according to the new study. Professor Jean-Pierre Wolf, who led the team behind the breakthrough, from the University of Geneva, said: 'Seeing the lightning being diverted by the laser pulses was very emotional. 'It comes four years after my own house was actually struck by lightning, breaking the chimney, the windows and leaving my wife without electricity. 'I was at a conference discussing this research, so it may have been the lightning's revenge.' Worldwide, lightning causes as many as 24,000 deaths a year. The lightning rod is said to have been invented by US President Benjamin Franklin in the 18th century - made from conductive metal to attract lightning and guide it safely to the ground. But scientists hope lasers, while currently extraordinarily expensive, might be the future for protecting important infrastructure including nuclear power stations, wind farms and airports. The study, published in the journal Nature Photonics, showed lightning could be diverted by more than 50 metres using two high-speed cameras. Researchers also used antennae to track the path of the lightning using the electromagnetic radiation it produces. Laser pulses, which form long strings in the atmosphere, ionise nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the air to charge it and attract lightning. Lasers also appear to prevent lightning from happening in the first place, as they give the air a negative electric charge so that it can travel up to the positively charged bottom of a cloud and neutralise the charged particles which might otherwise trigger lightning bolts. Wyoming has introduced state legislation to ban the sale of new electric vehicles by 2035 to 'ensure the stability' of its oil and gas industry. The announcement comes as several states, including New York, California and Oregon, move to phase out the sale of new gas-powered vehicles to combat climate change. Wyoming officials argue that the oil and gas production has created 'countless jobs' and contributed 'revenues to the state of Wyoming throughout its history.' The bill also notes that Wyoming lacks charging stations and that 'the critical minerals used in electric batteries are not easily recyclable or disposable.' Wyoming is set to ban the sale of new electric vehicles by 2035 to preserve its booming oil and gas industry The proposed legislation, introduced Friday, comes from a group of lawmakers led by Senator Jim Anderson. In 2021, Wyoming placed as the eighth top oil producer in the US, producing 85.43 million barrels. Today, approximately 100 companies are operating 30,000 miles of pipelines in Wyoming, not including all gathering systems or all inactive or abandoned pipelines. And there are more than 68,000 jobs in the state's oil and gas industry. The bill praises gas-powered vehicles as enabling the state's industries and businesses to ship goods and resources across the US. Lawmakers also note that the US 'has consistently invested in the oil and gas industry to sustain gas-powered vehicles and that investment has resulted in the continued employment of thousands of people in the oil and gas industry in Wyoming and throughout the country.' On the other hand, the shift to electric vehicles would 'have deleterious impacts on Wyoming's communities and will be detrimental to Wyoming's economy and the ability for the country to efficiently engage in commerce.' The bill encourages Wyoming residents to limit the sale and purchase of new EVs and aim to phase them out entirely by 2035. Sen. Brian Boner, R-Douglas, said the Wyoming resolution would be entirely symbolic. 'One might even say tongue-in-cheek, but obviously it's a very serious issue that deserves some public discussion,' Boner told the Cowboy State Daily. 'I'm interested in making sure that the solutions that some folks want to the so-called climate crisis are actually practical in real life. 'I just don't appreciate when other states try to force technology that isn't ready.' California first announced the ban on gas-powered cars in 2020, but the legislation went into effect in August 2022. The announcement comes as several states, including New York, California and Oregon, move to phase out the sale of new gas-powered vehicles to combat climate change The state requires that 35 percent of new passenger vehicles sold by 2026 produce zero emissions, then 68 percent by 2030 and 100 percent five years after. New York was the second state to announce the same ban in October 2022, and Massachusetts, Oregon and Washington recently followed. However, nearly a dozen more could join the ranks in the coming months. The other states that follow the emission standards but have not yet committed to the ban are Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, District of Columbia and Rhode Island. Artificial intelligence can now let people invent a social life by creating images that suggest they attended a party that never happened and with friends that do not exist. Twitter user Miles created a realistic-looking collection with the AI system Midjourney, which generated images of women smiling at the camera and men raising their cups for a toast. The images appear to be candid shots of friends at a party, but a closer look may give you nightmares. The 'people' are grinning with mouths full of teeth, hands are growing from hips and tattoos look like mold growing on their skin. However, the excessive amount of fingers has captivated the internet, with one user saying they look like 'a nest of alien appendages sprouting forth to devour their host.' A Twitter user used the AI system Midjourney to create images of people at a party. While they look realistic, many of the 'people' were created with more than five fingers on their hand Midjourney is an AI program that creates images from textual descriptions. This means users type keywords of what they want to be made, and the AI generates the photos based on the theme. Miles shared a thread with the AI party images, the first group showing only women. Two of the photos suggest the women are taking pictures looking in the mirror - one of them is holding up what appears to be a camera. And the other two snaps show candid shots of three friends smiling and looking forward. The 'mirror pics' are a dead giveaway that AI created the images because the 'people' holding the camera have more than the standard five fingers on their hand. Twitter users 'Rural Anarchy' posted: 'Pretty soon, the only way to tell will be to count the fingers. 5 and it's real, 6 it's questionable, 7 and it's definitely AI generated.' Along with too many fingers, the women also have too many teeth. The following photographs show men, which could have been taken during a weekend house party. A group of three are raising their cups to cheers, but they not only have an excessive amount of fingers, but one of them has a hand growing out of his arm. Twitter user 'David the Pooh' tweeted: 'I love playing 'Who's holding the cup' with my identical triplet bros. It helps distract everyone from the tiny bowl of tiny eggs we bring to every party.' And while many users laugh at the mistake, Miles found the AI may be biased when creating 'people.' 'I had to be specific in order to get male-looking AI peopleand even then, variation is a challenge. It definitely defaults to white people when you ask for 'people,' Miles tweeted. There is one image Midjourney created that looks like it was snapped in real life, but users have spotted mistakes in the eyes. The digital images also show people with mouths full of teeth, off-centered necks and missing bits of clothing. One woman appears to have tattoos that look like mold growing on her skin The images appear to be candid shots of friends at a party, but a closer look may give you nightmares There is one image Midjourney created that looks like it was snapped in real life, but users have spotted mistakes in the eyes However, John Hoopes tweeted that AI now presents a new tool for 'stay-at-home introverts.' These people can 'invent a vibrant social life for their online personae. No one can deny that they were at a party that never happened and was attended by imaginary friends. For those who 'need to get out more,' this may be it,' the Twitter users posted. AI also creates artwork that looks like a graphic designer made it. In September, a piece was awarded a first-place blue ribbon and a $300 prize after winning the digital category at the Colorado State Fair Fine Arts Competition. Human artists, however, were furious about the news - with one saying the world is 'watching the death of artistry unfold.' Images were also created to show men only. This image looks realistic until you see the hand floating at the bottom right A group of three are raising their cups to cheers, but they not only have an excessive amount of fingers, but one of them has a hand growing out of his arm The excessive amount of fingers has captivated the internet, with one user saying they look like 'a nest of alien appendages sprouting forth to devour their host.' In September, an AI-generated image was awarded a first-place blue ribbon and a $300 prize after winning the digital category at the Colorado State Fair Fine Arts Competition The AI artwork, dubbed Theatre D'opera Spatial, was submitted by Jason Allen, the president of a Pueblo-based gaming company Incarnate Games, who said he used Midjourney to make the stunning scenes that appear to combine medieval times with a futuristic world. Midjourney is an AI program that creates images from textual descriptions. Allen announced his win on Discord, an instant messaging social platform where he goes by Sincarnate. The news then spread to Twitter, where users shared their distaste that AI-generated artwork was chosen over those created by a human - one user stated, 'that's pretty f*cking sh*tty.' The Colorado resident appears not to be bothered by the criticism. Allen notes on Discord how Twitter users are against AI-generated art but are also 'the first to throw the human under the bus by discrediting the human element.' Longtime Vancouver Canucks forward Gino Odjick died on Sunday at the age of 52. His sister, Dina Odjick, posted the news on her Facebook, writing: Our hearts are broken. My brother Gino Odjick has left us for the spirit world.' Odjick suffered a heart attack, according to a report by the Montreal Gazette. He developed amyloidosis nine years ago, a rare condition that creates protein deposits in the heart. Gino Odjick, the Vancouver Canucks favorite, has died at the age of 52 from a heart attack Odjick played 444 games, mainly for the Canucks, across a distinguished 12-year career Odjick's sister Dina confirmed the news on her Facebook account on Sunday night The disease caused him to undergo various forms of treatment, including chemotherapy. After spending parts of eight seasons with the Canucks, which included a run to the Stanley Cup Final in the 1993-94 season, Odjick had stints with the New York Islanders, Philadelphia Flyers and Montreal Canadiens during his 12-year career. In 444 career games, Odjick scored 46 goals and tallied 52 assists. He was considered a fan favorite and was known to get into fights, and according to Sportsnet, holds the record for most penalty minutes in Vancouver franchise history with 2,127. The Canucks said in a statement on Sunday: 'The Vancouver Canucks and Aquilini family mourn the trafic passing of Gino Odjick.' Its chairman, Francesco Aquilini, added: 'Gino was a fan-favorite from the moment he joined the organization, putting his heart and soul into every shift on and off the ice. Odjick also played for the New York Islanders, Philadelphia Flyers and Montreal Canadiens 'He inspired many and embodied what it means to be a Canuck. Personally, he was a close friend and confidant, someone I could lean on for advice and support. He will be deeply missed.' The New York Islanders said in a statement Sunday night: 'The Islanders are deeply saddened to learn the passing of former family member, Gino Odjick. The team extends our condolences to the Odjick family and friends.' The Candiens, meanwhile, said: 'The Canadiens are saddened to learn the passing of Gino Odjick. The organization would like to extend its deepest condolences to his family and friends. Thank you for all the memories, Gino.' The Love Island 2023 lineup was unveiled on Monday, as fans eagerly count down to the show's return on January 16. And among those set to enter the South African villa is airport security officer Shaq Muhammad. The 24-year-old Londoner is seeking a 'future wife' in the villa and describes his dad, sisters and Arsene Wenger as his dream dinner guests. Here's everything you need to know about Shaq... Who is Shaq Muhammad? Meet the 'Casanova' Love Island 2023 airport security officer who cries at romance films and is searching for his 'future wife' in the villa Who is Shaq Muhammad? Shaq is a family man, who falls in love quickly, stays loyal and isn't afraid to show his emotional side. He describes himself as a 'catch', saying: 'Im a great boyfriend. Im very kind and thoughtful. Parents always love me. They say, Hes a good person, you should marry him! 'Once Im with someone Im always all about that person. Im very vocal about that.' Romantic: Shaq is a family man, who falls in love quickly, stays loyal and isn't afraid to show his emotional side He adds: 'Im the type of person that wears my heart on my sleeve. If I find someone I click with, I fall very hard, very fast. 'Sometimes that can be a bad thing. Im a very emotional person. It can be a blessing and a curse.' Speaking on what he thinks he'll be like in the villa, Shaq said: 'I get on with people in general, so I think people will naturally be drawn to me. 'Im a lovable person. I do put myself first and Im not scared to just go for what I want, if I have to step on peoples toes or things like that.' Self-assured: He describes himself as a 'catch', saying: 'Im a great boyfriend. Im very kind and thoughtful. Parents always love me. They say, Hes a good person, you should marry him! Why is Shaq Muhammad single? Shaq says he's single because he hasn't met that special someone yet and he's not prepared to settle. He explained: 'I have dated, but no-ones just clicked fully on all levels with me. Im not one to rush into a relationship if I dont feel like its right for me. 'Im not saying you have to tick every single box, we just have to vibe and be on the same level. So, until I meet someone like that, Im going to stay single.' Picky: Shaq says he's single because he hasn't met that special someone yet and he's not prepared to settle What is Shaq Muhammad looking for on Love Island? Shaq is going on the show because he's unlucky in love and wants to find the one he will someday marry. He said: 'I havent had the best luck with previous relationships. So I thought, why not be in the sun and potentially meet the love of my life? 'Hopefully I do come out with my future wife. The person I hope to marry one day. Hopefully shes in the Villa.' Hopeful: Shaq is going on the show because he's unlucky in love and wants to find the one he will someday marry What gives Shaq Muhammad the 'ick'? Shaq has his 'icks' that turn him off, saying: 'I dont like rude people. It automatically puts me off. 'That and slang words - if you call me bro Im off, thats a complete turn off, I cant handle that.' What's Shaq Muhammad's favourite film? Shaq admits his favourite film is a romance and isn't shy in confessing that it makes him cry when he sees it. He said: 'Every time I watch Dear John I cry. Thats my favourite film. 'Any time Im with someone and they say, "Lets watch a romantic film", Im like, "How about Dear John, how does that sound?"' Dear John is a romantic war drama based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks about a soldier who falls in love with a college student. Emotional: Shaq admits his favourite film is a romance and isn't shy in confessing that it makes him cry when he sees it Who would Shaq Muhammad like to play him in a film? Shaq's choice to play him in a film would be Damson Idris, explaining: 'Hes an amazing actor and Ive seen videos of him when hes not acting and hes quite funny. And I think Im quite funny, I think itd go hand-in-hand. What is Shaq Muhammad's dream date? Shaq says his dream date is: 'Id take a plane to Monaco, do a helicopter ride over the city and then do a yacht dinner date. 'The next morning wed go scuba diving. Ive never been and Ive always wanted to. So, well do the cute dinner at night and then dive 40 feet the next morning.' Shirley Ballas has showed off the incredible results of her 5,000 non-surgical face-lift this week. The Strictly star, 62, posed for a slew of gorgeous before and after snaps and said: 'This is the best I've looked in years'. Since February last year the former dancer has visited one of the UK's top cosmetic doctors, Dr Judy Todd, in a bid to rejuvenate her appearance without going under the knife. Radiant: Shirley Ballas, 62, has showed off the incredible results of her non-surgical face-lift this week Shirley said: 'This time last year I was conscious that my jawline was sagging and hanging a bit, my skin looked dull and a bit lifeless and I wanted to get rid of all my spider veins and tighten up the skin on my neck and chest'. 'I wanted to look my very best but I really didn't want to go under the knife, so I thought I would try this alternative route.' Shirley modelled a chic selection of outfits for the shoot as well going make-up free to showcase her newly taut skin and radiant complexion. The procedure included regular NeoGen Plasma treatments, which uses nitrogen plasma pulses which delivered controlled high temperatures deep inside the skin tissues to massively boosts collagen and elastin production. Results: The Strictly star, 62, posed for a slew of gorgeous before and after snaps and said: 'This is the best I've looked in years' (left in 2022, right in 2023) Stunner: Since February last year the former dancer has visited one of the UK's top cosmetic doctors, Dr Judy Todd, in a bid to rejuvenate her appearance without going under the knife The NeoGen treatment took around 30-minutes and was performed all over her face, including around the delicate eye area, and was specifically targeted along her jawline, as well as her chest and hands. Shirley went on to gush about the jaw-dropping results after admitting she wasn't sure what to expect. She said: 'My jawline feels just that much sharper I feel like the skin is not sagging, it feels rejuvenated, it feels bright and clean, no little veins going on, no sun spots, all in all a really spectacular look. 'I was a bit apprehensive at the start but I'm thrilled to bits with the results'. New you: Shirley said: 'This time last year I was conscious that my jawline was sagging and hanging a bit, my skin looked dull and a bit lifeless and I wanted to get rid of all my spider veins and tighten up the skin on my neck and chest' (left pictured this month, right in 2004) Doctor: The programme included regular NeoGen Plasma treatments, which uses nitrogen plasma pulses which delivered controlled high temperatures deep inside the skin tissues to massively boosts collagen and elastin production 'Every woman in her 60s wants to feel confident, and I have to say at age 62, I now feel by far the best I've ever felt'. 'I feel like my skin is bright, it's healthy, it looks great, I've got a much better jawline, so I'm very very excited that people will recognise the results.' Shirley was also prescribed Obagi topical skincare to use every day, and took natural G Herbal supplements to help speed skin repair and boost the nutrient levels in the skin. In total over the ten months, Shirley's treatments and topical skincare products cost around 5,000. Youthful: 'Every woman in her 60s wants to feel confident, and I have to say at age 62, I now feel by far the best I've ever felt' (pictured in 1994) Loving life: 'I feel like my skin is bright, it's healthy, it looks great, I've got a much better jawline, so I'm very very excited that people will recognise the results' It comes after she revealed she was taking some time off over Christmas after facing an 'immense amount of trolling' throughout the latest series of Strictly Come Dancing. The BBC show's head judge said she is going to 'get myself together for the new year' by enjoying some time away for the 'first time ever'. The dancing icon has decided not to do panto last year, explaining how a scary incident which saw a letter being hand delivered to the theatre in 2021 has affected her decision. She told S magazine in December: 'It's the first time I've taken any time off ever! I'm taking two and a half weeks off, because of the immense amount of trolling I got throughout this series. 'I decided I wouldn't do panto this year. Last time I did it, I got a letter hand-delivered to the theatre that was very off-putting.' 'I actually kept it. I don't know why. So I'm going to take some time off and just get myself together for the new year.' Dr Judy Todd runs clinics at the Cadogan Clinic in London and Synergy Clinic in Glasgow. Opening up: It comes after she revealed she was taking some time off over Christmas after facing an 'immense amount of trolling' throughout the latest series of Strictly Come Dancing NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg hinted at potentially providing more heavy weapons for Ukraine soon after praising recent pledges made by Western allies to the embattled European country. The remarks came a day after a wave of Russian attacks across Ukraine again targeted critical infrastructure and left at least 30 people dead after a residential building in the east-central city of Dnipro was struck. Heavy Weapons for Ukraine The head of the transatlantic military alliance said that the recent pledges of heavy weapons for Ukraine were significant, noting that he was expecting more deliveries in the future. He made the remarks ahead of a scheduled meeting on Friday that would include defense officials from the bloc. The authorities are set to coordinate arms transfers to Kyiv to help it fight against Russia's continued invasion. What the military alliance refers to as the Ukraine Defense Contact Group is set to gather for a third meeting in the US Ramstein Air Base in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany on Friday, as per Aljazeera. Stoltenberg was also asked whether or not Germany must move to provide heavier weapons to Kyiv, and he responded by saying that they were in a "decisive phase" of the war. He added that officials were anticipating more fierce fighting, prompting an increased need for weapon assistance to Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday called for more heavy weapons from the West, saying that Russian "terror" could only be stopped on the battlefield. During his nightly address, he added that the weapons stored in the warehouses of Ukraine's partners were needed to end the aggression. Zelensky's remarks came shortly after United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged a delivery Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine. It was the first Western country to supply heavy tanks to support Kyiv's battle against Russia. Read Also: Western Allies To Send Leopard Tanks to Ukraine Russia-Ukraine War The death toll from the Russian missile strike targeting a tower block in Dnipro has risen once, now reported at 30. Residents continued to dig through rubble in search of survivors who could have been trapped underneath, according to Channel News Asia. On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed the claimed taking of Soledar in eastern Ukraine as a major success. During a Sunday interview, Putin said there was a positive dynamic and noted that everything was going according to their plans. In a statement this week, Russia's defense ministry said it had already completed the liberation of Soledar. If confirmed, it could be considered a key gain as Moscow's military forces continue to push towards the nearby transport crossroads of Bakhmut. On the other hand, Ukrainian authorities have continued to deny the Russians' claims, insisting that in Soledar, heavy fighting continues. The U.S.-based Institute for the Study of War said on Sunday that Ukrainian forces were unlikely to be still able to hold their positions within the settlement of Soledar itself. If Russia has taken some victory in Soledar, it would be the first after several months of setbacks against the Ukrainian military. Both sides have also conceded heavy losses in the battle for the region, said France24. Related Article: US Warned Over Weapons Supply to Ukraine @ 2023 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Veteran royal correspondent Camilla Tominey has spoken out after Prince Harry criticised her directly in his new memoir Spare. The Duke of Sussex accused Tominey, 44, who is the associate editor of London's Daily Telegraph, of 'always getting stuff wrong' when reporting on his life. Speaking on Australia's Today show on Monday, Tominey revealed she used to have a 'good working relationship' with Harry, 38, but he simply can't handle criticism. Veteran royal correspondent Camilla Tominey has spoken out after Prince Harry (pictured) criticised her directly in his new memoir Spare 'We always used to have quite a good working relationship, but Harry doesn't seem to take kindly to journalists that don't write anything other than undiluted praise,' she told hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo. Tominey also said Harry's goal of 'taking down his family and the institution' of the Royal Family wasn't earning him much support in Britain. 'His popularity is tanking in the UK,' she explained. The Duke of Sussex accused Tominey, 44, (pictured) who is the associate editor of London's Daily Telegraph, of 'always getting stuff wrong' when reporting on his life 'The book is a real mix because there are some touching pages about the loss of his mother and you can completely sympathise with him. 'But then it goes from those tender moments to discussions about whether or not he had frostbite on his genitals and how he lost his virginity... it's too much information.' Tominey was one of the first journalists to report on the dispute between Meghan Markle and her sister-in-law Kate Middleton over Princess Charlotte's bridesmaid dress, which supposedly left Kate in tears. She wrote October 2018 she had 'spoken to two separate sources' confirming the version of events in which Kate was the one crying. Speaking on Australia's Today show on Monday, Tominey revealed she used to have a 'good working relationship' with Harry, 38, but he simply can't handle criticism However, the Sussexes later claimed in their March 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey that it was Meghan who broke down in tears. Harry slammed Tominey's report in Spare, writing: 'Days later came the coup de grace: from a royal correspondent, a sci-fi fantasy describing the "growing froiduer" between Kate and Meg, claiming that, according to "two sources", Meg had reduced Kate to tears about the bridesmaid dresses. 'This particular royal correspondent had always made me ill. She'd always always got stuff wrong.' Jessica Marais has been pictured with her daughter Scout for the first time since May 2020. The former Packed to the Rafters star, 37, cuddled up to Scout, 10, in a photo shared on Instagram last Tuesday as they attended a family gathering with Jessica's ex-fiance and Scout's father James Stewart, 47, and his wife Sarah Roberts, 38. Proving that all is well between the blended family, Jessica beamed as she wrapped her arms wrapped around Scout and her ex-partner's new flame Sarah. Troubled actress Jessica Marais, 37, was pictured with daughter Scout, 10, for the first time in almost three years as she attended blended family gathering with her ex James Stewart, 47, and his new wife Sarah Roberts, 38, last Tuesday (all pictured) Also spotted in the crowd was Jessica's sister Clara Marais, as well as Clara's partner and young children. 'Family,' James simply captioned the sweet image. Fans were thrilled to see James and Jessica's amicable relationship, with one commenting: 'I love when both parents make it work for their kids. Beautiful to see Jess with everyone'. Proving that all is well between the blended family, a smiling Jessica wrapped her arms around Scout and her ex-partner's new flame Sarah. (Pictured L-R: James, Sarah, Jessica, Scout) They were last pictured together in May 2020 during an emotional reunion - seen here - that took place a week after the actress was hospitalised following a welfare check 'I've been wondering how Jess is doing. How wonderful to see everyone together. A beautiful, big family!' another added. The heartwarming photo marks the first time Jessica has been pictured in public with Scout in almost three years. Mother and daughter were last photographed together in May 2020 during an emotional reunion that took place a week after the troubled actress was hospitalised following a welfare check by emergency services. James dated Jessica from 2010 to 2015 and they welcomed Scout in May 2012. Pictured together on December 15, 2010 in Sydney James married to fellow Home And Away star Sarah in 2019. The couple are pictured together earlier this month Photos showed the Wrong Girl star wrapping her arms around Scout, who had brought her a colourful handmade card as a Mother's Day gift. The emotional moment took place outside Jessica's home in Coogee, Sydney. She smiled while looking at the card, which featured the message 'I [heart] you' with 'Happy Mother's Day' inside the heart. Just one week earlier, emergency crews had been called to Jessica's eastern suburbs home on a welfare check. (Pictured: Jessica attending the 2018 Logie Awards) A timeline of Jessica Marais' personal struggles 1994: Watches her father, university dean Tony Marais, die of a heart attack at age nine 2014: Speaks for the first time about her struggles with bipolar disorder in an interview with The Australian Women's Weekly 2015: Jessica splits from partner James Stewart after six tumultuous years together June 2018: Pulls out of the Logie Awards because she is receiving treatment for 'urgent' issues at The Health Clinic, a mental health facility in Bronte September 2018: Pulls out of Channel Nine show Bad Mothers a month before it is scheduled to begin filming 2019: Pulls out of Halifax: Retribution, a reboot of '90s drama Halifax f.p. February 2020: Announces she's stepping away from Back to the Rafters for 'personal reasons' May 2020: Sparks concern when emergency crews are called to her home in Sydney's east for a welfare check August 2020: Jessica's mother Karen passes away Advertisement James, who dated Jessica from 2010 to 2015, watched on from afar. Just one week earlier, emergency crews had been called to Jessica's eastern suburbs home on a welfare check. Three officers were seen ringing Jessica's doorbell at about midday, before two male paramedics entered the building. Minutes later, Jessica emerged wearing black leggings and a grey cardigan as she slowly stepped down the stairs with the assistance of the paramedics. She was walked to an ambulance where she was put on a gurney and taken to the Prince of Wales Hospital in Randwick. A witness told Daily Mail Australia she was not wearing any shoes, her hair was a 'dishevelled mess' and she was in a 'visibly distressed state'. Jessica and James, who met on the set of Packed to the Rafters in 2007, have been co-parenting Scout since their split in 2015. James went on to marry fellow Home And Away star Sarah in 2019. Jessica has had a difficult few years. The mother of one, who suffers from bipolar disorder, was unable to attend the Logie Awards in July 2018 because she was receiving treatment for 'urgent' issues at The Health Clinic, a mental health facility in Bronte. While in treatment, she attended daily counselling sessions and had access to nurses, psychiatrists and psychologists. Jessica reportedly followed a detox and inner health program, with inpatient programs averaging $25,000 for a month. In September 2018, the South African-born star announced she was pulling out of Channel Nine show Bad Mothers a month before it was scheduled to begin filming. 'Jessica has decided to step away from acting for the remainder of 2018 to focus on her health and spend time with her family,' her manager said at the time. The mother of one, who suffers from bipolar disorder, was unable to attend the Logie Awards in July 2018 because she was receiving treatment for 'urgent' issues at The Health Clinic, a mental health facility in Bronte. Pictured: Jessica posing with her award for Best Actor at the 2016 Logie Awards In July 2019, it was announced that Jessica would return to screens in Halifax: Retribution, a reboot of '90s drama Halifax f.p., starring alongside Rebecca Gibney and Anthony LaPaglia. However, two months later reports claimed she had pulled out of the series. Then in February 2020, Jessica shocked fans by announcing she would be stepping away from the highly anticipated Back to the Rafters for 'personal reasons'. Jessica now works as a waitress at a cafe in Sydney. If you, or someone you know, needs support please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 Patrick Murray has revealed that his recent surgery saved his life, as doctors removed half of his liver after discovering a malignant growth. The Only Fools And Horses actor, 66, is battling cancer for a second time and has shared that he is 'eternally grateful' to his surgeon Professor Nigel Heaton. And hoping to be cancer free by his next scan, the star added that he would 'love' to reprise his role as Mickey Pearce in the 1980s comedy for one last time. 'Im eternally grateful': Only Fools And Horses star Patrick Murray, 66, says recent liver surgery saved his life Patrick is battling cancer for the second time, almost a year after beating lung cancer, but shared that he is hoping to be cleared of the disease soon. And speaking on his recent surgery to The Sun, he explained: 'I had the same surgeon as George Best, Professor Nigel Heaton, and he was delighted with the outcome as the tumour wasnt in a good place. So Im eternally grateful to him. 'Amazingly, the liver will grow back in four weeks I couldnt believe it when he told me.' One for good measure? And hoping to be cancer free by his next scan, the star added that he would 'love' to reprise his role as Mickey Pearce in the 1980s comedy for one last time (pictured on the show, 2001) He explained: 'Amazingly, the liver will grow back in four weeks I couldnt believe it when he told me' Patrick announced in January 2022 that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer after doctors discovered a malignant tumour. Five months later, he told fans he was 'cured', writing: 'Thanks again for all your lovely messages. As you may know, I was diagnosed with lung cancer last July. 'After an op in October to remove the tumour I had chemo to help prevent the cancer returning. 'During this chemo, another tumour was discovered in my liver. Luckily for me this cancer was unconnected to the lung cancer and was also treatable. 'I had a procedure called TACE to deal with this. Last Friday l saw my oncologist She told me the lung cancer was cured and that the tumour in my liver was shrinking'. Health update: He shared the surgery news to Twitter earlier this week while updating fans He cautiously added: 'It's not over yet, but as you can imagine I am over the moon with this latest news. Patrick is best known for his role in Only Fools And Horses, which he said this week he was hoping to reprise for one last time. Of a reboot, he told The Sun: 'Id love it. Getting together again and with all the cast and seeing how all the characters have developed. Mickey will probably have a little Mickey running around. The series' writer John Sullivan passes away in 2011, but Patrick is confident a reboot could still work, adding: 'If the quality of the script was there, I imagine the others would be up for it too.' Former Olympic swimmer Geoff Huegill was every inch the doting dad on Sunday as he enjoyed bonding with his partner Roxy and their one-year-old son Rafe at Bondi Beach. Huegill, 43, looked fit as a fiddle in white t-shirt, patterned blue shorts and sandals. The Singapore-based star's strapping build and bulging biceps were visible underneath his shirt as he lifted his little boy onto his shoulders. Olympic swimmer Geoff Huegill was every inch the doting dad on Sunday as he enjoyed bonding with his partner Roxy and their one-year-old son Rafe at Bondi Beach Huegill, 43, looked fit as a fiddle in white t-shirt, patterned blue shorts and sandals Meanwhile, his partner Roxy rocked a smart casual look in an unbuttoned white shirt and matching pants and a black top. She let her auburn locks hang freely around her shoulders and completed her look with stylish designer sunglasses. The lovebirds were all smiles as they bonded with their young son during their fun day out. The Singapore-based star's strapping build and bulging biceps were visible underneath his shirt as he lifted his little boy onto his shoulders Meanwhile, his partner Roxy rocked a smart casual look in an unbuttoned white shirt and matching pants and a black top Last year Huegill discussed how his marriage fell apart after he and his former wife, Sara Hills, were charged with cocaine possession in 2014. In a searing episode of SAS Australia, which aired in August, he broke down as he revealed the awful impact that fateful night had on his family. 'We got pulled aside by the police and I was searched. And basically in the blink of an eye, our life turned upside down,' he said during an interrogation with the show's Directing Staff. She let her auburn locks hang freely around her shoulders and completed her look with stylish designer sunglasses The outing was a well-deserved break for Huegill Huegill and his ex-wife, Sara, married in 2011, and split in 2018. The couple share two daughters, Mila, nine, and Gigi, seven. Following their divorce, Sara, 37, reverted to her maiden name Hills and relocated to Tasmania. 'I definitely have regrets. My biggest one would be not being in my kids lives on a daily basis, because of our marriage separation,' he went on. The loved-up couple looked delighted to be spending a fun day together Roxy kept an eye on Rafe as the youngster went for a walk Huegill was at Royal Randwick racecourse on April 26, 2014 with his wife when they were caught on CCTV cameras entering a disabled toilet together. The Huegills were guests at the running of the Australian Turf Club's $400,000 race, the Champagne Stakes, which is sponsored by Moet & Chandon. Police noticed the couple stayed in the toilets for some time. When the Huegills re-emerged and returned to the Moet & Chandon private box, police interviewed and around 5.45pm allegedly took possession of a small bag of cocaine. Huegill began dating glamorous lawyer Roxy Toll in 2019 and the couple welcomed their son Rafe in 2021. Sarah Hyland gave a peek of her toned abs while walking the 28th Annual Critics' Choice Awards' red carpet with her husband Wells Adams on Sunday. The Modern Family actress, 32, stepped out in a sleek black dress with the fabric cutout on her stomach. Her curly dark brown tresses fell down the sides of her face, and thin wispy bangs hung down to her bright eyes. Showing off her skin: Sarah Hyland bared some skin while walking the 28th Annual Critics Choice Awards red carpet with her husband Wells Adams on Sunday She painted her lips light pink, and she accessorized with a large gold bracelet and beautiful diamond rings. She posed alongside her man, 38-year-old Wells Adams. The former Bachelorette contestant wore an all black suit, sans a tie. Hyland and Adams met on social media back in 2017. They got engaged in 2019 and finally married last summer. Sleek gown: The Modern Family actress, 32, stepped out in a sleek black dress with the fabric cutout on her ribs and high on her chest. Long locks: Her curly dark brown tresses fell down the sides of her face, and thin wispy bangs hung down to her bright eyes With her man: She posed alongside her man, 38-year-old Wells Adams. The former Bachelorette contestant wore an all black suit, sans a tie Critics' Choice Awards WINNERS 2023: AT A GLANCE FILM BEST PICTURE: Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST ACTOR: Brendan Fraser The Whale BEST ACTRESS: Cate Blanchett Tar BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Ke Huy Quan Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Angela Bassett Black Panther: Wakanda Forever BEST DIRECTOR: Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY: Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY: Sarah Polley Women Talking BEST COMEDY: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery BEST ANIMATED FEATURE: Guillermo del Toros Pinocchio His moment: Brendan Fraser sobbed as he earned Best Actor for The Whale TELEVISION BEST DRAMA SERIES: Better Call Saul (AMC) BEST ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Bob Odenkirk Better Call Saul (AMC) BEST ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Zendaya Euphoria (HBO) BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Giancarlo Esposito Better Call Saul (AMC) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Jennifer Coolidge The White Lotus (HBO) BEST COMEDY SERIES: Abbott Elementary (ABC) BEST ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Jeremy Allen White The Bear (FX) BEST ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Jean Smart Hacks (HBO Max) - WINNER BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Henry Winkler Barry (HBO) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Sheryl Lee Ralph Abbott Elementary (ABC) BEST LIMITED SERIES: The Dropout (Hulu) BEST ACTRESS IN A LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE MADE FOR TELEVISION: Amanda Seyfried The Dropout (Hulu) - WINNER Advertisement Sarah is a presenter at the evening's awards ceremony which celebrates the last year in film and television. A number of the biggest stars in film went to the the event though several nominees weren't in attendance because of COVID-19. Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson and Jamie Lee Curtis are all reportedly not able to go to the event. Sick: A number of the biggest stars in film went to the the event though several nominees won't be able to go because of COVID-19 including Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson (pictured November 2022) Another star out: Jamie Lee Curtis also won't be in attendance because of COVID-19 (pictured January 10, 2023) Hyland's appearance out marked a rare night off for the Pitch Perfect: Bumper in Berlin star. She will soon start work on an untitled project with The Big Sick co-writer, Emily V. Gordon. Though the plot is currently under wraps, IMDb says the movie will be 'inspired by real-life events' from Hyland and Gordon's lives. Making a new series: She will soon start work on an untitled project with The Big Sick co-writer, Emily V. Gordon (L to R: Gordon, Kumail Nanjiani) She is the breakout 'villain' on The Bachelors after outing her co-star Jasmine Absolom as a secret OnlyFans model last week. But Tash Candyce didn't appear to have a care in the world as she enjoyed a relaxing day at the beach in Melbourne on Saturday. The 31-year-old, also known as Natasha Zuanetti, flaunted her extremely thin figure in a red bikini as she soaked up the sun. The Bachelors 'villain' Tash Candyce showed off her extremely thin figure in a red bikini as she hit the beach in Melbourne Tash stretched her body out on the sand in the tiny two-piece, which highlighted her flat stomach and slender thighs. She wore her long blonde hair loosely, and carried her belongings in a Dior tote bag. The real estate agent, who previously dated Bachelorette alum Michael Turnbull, protected herself from the summer sun with designer shades and a black cap. Tash, 31, also known as Natasha Zuanetti, stretched her body out on the sand in the tiny two-piece, which highlighted her flat stomach and slender thighs Tash made headlines last Wednesday when she outed a fellow contestant on The Bachelors as a secret OnlyFans model. She told the other women about Jasmine Absolom's racy side-hustle while her love rival was speaking privately to suitor Jed McIntosh. 'I didn't say anything about Jasmine's OnlyFans at all to Jed because that's not my place. That's not of my business,' she said snarkily. She wore her long blonde hair loosely, and carried her belongings in a Dior tote bag While it's unclear why Tash decided to bring it up at all, she did hint at a feud between the pair in a piece-to-camera interview. 'Jasmine always tries to start something and she should really learn that when she starts something, I'm going to finish it,' she said. The OnlyFans revelation sparked heated discussion among the women in the mansion, with some feeling Tash had gone too far. The real estate agent, who previously dated Bachelorette alum Michael Turnbull , protected herself from the summer sun with designer shades and a black cap Tash made headlines last Wednesday when she outed a fellow contestant on The Bachelors as a secret OnlyFans model Tash (right) told the other women about Jasmine Absolom's racy side-hustle while her love rival was speaking privately to suitor Jed McIntosh The news also sent shockwaves through the Bachelor fanbase, with many viewers angry at the show for copying a storyline from MAFS. 'I am once again, disappointed that a woman's OnlyFans is being used against her in a negative connotation,' one viewer tweeted. 'I cannot deal with another OnlyFans shaming storyline,' another wrote. 'Is this why they bumped Bachelors last year? They didn't want to do an OnlyFans storyline right after MAFS did it?' asked a third. The Bachelors continues Monday at 7.30pm on Channel 10 Dancing On Ice fans have been left fuming after Ekin-Su Culculoglu was awarded 'low ands unfair' scores from the judges during the show's first episode on Sunday. The Love Island winner, 28, recreated her notorious villa crawl during the routine -which host Holly Willoughby described as the show's 'sexiest ever skate' - only to find herself in next week's dreaded skate off. Ekin-Su also faced a backlash with viewers complaining about her racy costume with one claiming it was 'not appropriate' before the watershed. Unimpressed: Dancing On Ice fans have been left fuming after Ekin-Su Culculoglu, 28, was awarded 'low ands unfair' scores from the judges during the show's first episode on Sunday Ekin-Su scored a total vote of 21.5, as Ashley gave her a 5.5, Oti scored her a 6, Jayne and Chris both a 5. She wasn't shy to get on her hands and knees and crawl across the ice during the performance, pulling a slew of facial expressions while dancing with partner Brendan Hatfield. Watching from the audience beau Davide Sanclimenti joined the crowd as they cheered on the reality star. Taking to Twitter one fan wrote: 'I thought Ekin-Su was fantastic, harsh scores if you ask me'. Gutted: The Love Island winner, 28, recreated her notorious villa crawl during the routine -which host Holly Willoughby described as the show's 'sexiest ever skate' - only to find herself in next week's dreaded skate off Semi-sheer: Ekin-Su also faced a backlash with viewers complaining about her racy costume with one claiming it was 'not appropriate' before the watershed While another added: 'She was better than Siva [Kaneswaran] or Joey [Essex] - why such a low score? A furious fan commented: 'So Someone in last place was kept in over someone who was in 4th place. Basically it's a popularity and pity vote! Unfair! Ad not judged on the performance! I don't think many people who who Ekin is, Ekin who?? Ekin-Su! You will get my vote next week!' A fourth said: 'I thought Ekin-Su's performance deserved a bit of a higher score' and a fifth wrote: 'She deserved more than 21'. For the performance the reality star slipped into a nude illusion bodysuit which was adorned with metallic crystals and beads. Skate off: Ekin-Su scored a total vote of 21.5, as Ashley gave her a 5.5, Oti scored her a 6, Jayne and Chris both a 5 One viewer tweeted: 'I watched this performance with my 8 year old daughter, not appropriate at all. There's a watershed for a reason'. Another said: 'The right decision [Ekin-Su being in the dance off] whose idea was it to have her writhing on the ice in an exposing costume?'. And a third wrote: 'Please put some clothes on next week, it's not an educational program it's nasty'. Fuming: Taking to Twitter one fan wrote: 'I thought Ekin-Su was fantastic, harsh scores if you ask me' However other viewers came to Ekin-Sue's defence saying: 'People slut shamed Ekin-Su on Love Island and are now doing the same thing on Dancing On Ice'. Obsessed with the Karen's on the hashtag moaning about Ekin-Su's outfit, what did you want her to wear a Sunday dress?'. Another said: 'Everyone over the age of 30 telling Ekin Su to cover up, she's wearing a body suit from the ankles to her neck but because it's skin coloured you lot have a problem. Get a grip. Shocked: One viewer tweeted: 'I watched this performance with my 8 year old daughter, not appropriate at all. There's a watershed for a reason' After the first six celebrities performed, it was time to find out who would be dancing again next week in the bottom two - and was at risk of being sent home. And it was bad news for Ekin-Su, who looked gobsmacked at the news as she turned to talk with her dance partner Brendyn, while her boyfriend Davide was equally as unhappy while he watched from the audience. The Love Island star admitted that she was 'sad' with the news, as presenters Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby questioned her after the result and attempted to reassure her. Defending: However other viewers came to Ekin-Sue's defence saying: 'People slut shamed Ekin-Su on Love Island and are now doing the same thing on Dancing On Ic 'I'm just sad, but, you know. I've been really ill as well and I know it's not an excuse but I've just got back up, and yeah,' said Ekin-Su. Earlier in the episode beau Davide made a cheeky quip after seeing his girlfriend's racy outfit. When asked by host Holly 'How hot is your girlfriend?' the Italian hunk, 27, replied: 'I know, I can't wait to get her home' On the island of Barbados stand two of the grandest mansions in the Caribbean. Handsomely built in Jacobean style, both have featured in the upmarket magazine Country Life and in tourist literature promoting places for holidaymakers to visit. Nowadays, for all their architectural significance, they come heavy with unpleasant associations. Long ago, Drax Hall and St Nicholas Abbey were the centrepieces of sprawling plantations owned by rich white men making fortunes from the cruelties of slavery. In the 18th and early 19th centuries, the sugar plantations of the West Indies helped to make Britain the worlds richest country at appalling cost to millions of enslaved Africans, captured and forcibly shipped to the New World to tend the crops in brutal and degrading conditions. St Nicholas Abbey was formerly owned by the slave-owning ancestors of Britains Oscar-nominated actor Benedict Cumberbatch Drax Hall is still in the hands of its original owners, a family headed by South Dorset MP and Old Etonian Richard Drax. St Nicholas Abbey, meanwhile, was formerly owned by the slave-owning ancestors of Britains Oscar-nominated actor Benedict Cumberbatch ironically the co-star of the Hollywood film 12 Years A Slave. Only yesterday it emerged that Cumberbatch has bought an 8.1 million mansion set in 355 acres of land in Somerset complete with organic farm and cider orchard. While the house may well have been bought with the proceeds of his film and TV work, it nonetheless focused attention on just how wealthy he is at a time when arguments over compensation so-called reparations for the misdeeds of long-dead sugar plantation owners are getting more and more heated. Barbados, which in 2021 removed the late Queen as its head of state and became a republic, is certainly in the mood for a fight over slavery. And it is looking to the living descendants of 19th-century slave-owners to pay up. Richard Drax is reputedly still the richest landowner in the Commons. Now, Barbadian activists say he must make amends for profiting on the back of black slaves for generations. Barbados, which in 2021 removed the late Queen as its head of state and became a republic, is certainly in the mood for a fight over slavery Yet it is the Cumberbatch clan that has the more intriguing Barbadian backstory, raising fascinating questions about the rights and wrong of reparations and who exactly should pay them. Now, one of the actors cousins has come forward to point out that some of the richest Cumberbatch clan plantation owners were, remarkably, themselves former slaves. These individuals, who were mixed-race, amassed huge fortunes as they forced slaves to grow sugar on their Barbadian plantations under the punishing Caribbean sun. Helen Ashton a retired home economics teacher living in the Cotswolds and a cousin of Cumberbatch also believes that these wealthy mixed-raced ancestors of hers received British government compensation, like thousands of other colonial plantation owners, for freeing slaves when the practice was abolished in 1834. Helen may have blonde hair and blue eyes. But genetic testing has shown that she herself is at least partially mixed-race and a descendent of the black slavers who owned the poor souls toiling on their plantations. As Helen, 76, last week wrote in a letter to the Daily Telegraph, the rights and wrongs [of reparations] are by no means straightforward. Helens discovery about her own ancestry came when she looked again at the will of one of her great-great-great-great-grandfathers, Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch, who lived in St Nicholas Abbey and died a bachelor. Lawrence was white. However, his will of 1833, found in Barbadian archives, shows that he had long-standing and Helen believes loving relationships with two of his female slaves, who between them bore him at least six children. As Helen now tells the Mail: My four times grandfather Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch lived a wonderful lifestyle in Barbados. He had relationships with two mixed-race slave women, Elizabeth and Lizzie, which produced many children. He never married them, but I believe they were happy unions. Barbadian activists say he must make amends for profiting on the back of black slaves for generations His will shows he provided for both Elizabeth and Lizzie and their joint offspring. They included my direct ancestor, John Edward Cumberbatch, who was the son of the slave Elizabeth. Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch freed this mixed-race son from slavery. He left him a Barbadian townhouse, to be shared with his brother Richard, also borne to the slave Elizabeth. Both children were also given 100 [a sum running into thousands today], and a proportion of my wearing apparel, in other words his fine gentlemans clothes. Helen has traced the bloodline of her ancestor John Edward (the freed slave) back to January 1823 and his wedding at St Michaels Church, Barbados ten years before his white fathers death. Significantly, John Edward was marrying another mixed-race Barbadian, 19-year-old Julia Belgrave, who came from a wealthy family that owned no fewer than eight sugar plantations. Both John Edward and Julia were described in the islands marriage register of the time as free coloured. Within two generations, John Edward and Julias grandson, Alphonso, moved to England with his widowed mother. Amid much family secrecy about their background, they joined the upper echelons of Victorian society. With help from the Barbadian sugar fortune, Alphonso was educated at a school for gentlemen in the West Country, and went on to become a famous Harley Street surgeon. He and his mother appear in the 1861 census as living on private means from property and land abroad at a smart address in Bath. A member of the family later donated money to build the Cumberbatch building at Trinity College, Oxford. In total, the government paid out 20 million (some 16.5 billion today) to 3,000 slave-owning families for the loss of their human property Alphonso went on to marry into one of the most well-to-do families in England. He died in a mansion in the Home Counties. What a journey for a single family: the offspring of an enslaved mother reaching the apex of British society in a few short decades. As Helen wrote in the Telegraph: Within two generations, the offspring of John Edward and Julia Belgrave made their own way in life, becoming members of the British upper-middle classes . . . These descendants of enslaved people owned many slaves and plantations themselves. And, as Helen says, this raises another important question. Where did the money come from for her mixed-race branch of the family to uproot to England and live on independent means? It has to be noted, of course, that Alphonso and his mother left Barbados soon after the British government compensated former slavers after the practice was abolished in 1834. In total, the government paid out 20 million (some 16.5 billion today) to 3,000 slave-owning families for the loss of their human property. It was 40 per cent of the Treasurys annual income, and the loan to finance it was repaid from the public coffers only as recently as 2015. Yet there may be more to Helens family wealth than such compensation. She has found that her own enslaved ancestors in particular Julia Belgraves family, into which John Edward married played a significant role in fighting slavery in Barbados. However, the less creditable side of Helens ancestors lives, until now hardly touched on, is detailed in a research document, The Children Of Africa In The Colonies. It recounts the experience of freed slaves in Barbados during the early 19th century. Held in Oxford Universitys Bodleian Library and seen by the Mail, the research reveals how Helens mixed-race forebears themselves profited from slavery. It states: Very few people of colour were as wealthy as the Belgrave family, who between them, by 1816, owned at least three plantations [in Barbados] with hundreds of slaves. Britains Oscar-nominated actor Benedict Cumberbatch was the co-star of the Hollywood film 12 Years A Slave The conclusion seems clear. By marrying Julia Belgrave, John Edward Cumberbatch was marrying into a rich slave-owning family. This is despite the fact that he himself had a mother who had been a slave. And that in turn means the past is rarely as clear-cut as we would like to think: that only white people kept slaves, for example, or that there are purely good people in the debate and purely bad ones. The truth is that Barbados was something of a melting pot during the 18th and 19th centuries and a long way from British Victorian society with its repressive social mores. As the sugar trade boomed, African slaves soon outnumbered whites by many thousands. Most of the Europeans were unattached plantation owners from England, chosen because the tough life encouraged the migration of bachelors rather than family men. Needless to say, these men among them Helens ancestor Lawrence Trent Cumberbatch sought sexual partners and their eyes turned to slave women, some of whom were their property. In time, the mixed-race offspring that resulted from these unions also went on to have relationships with the plantation owners, or overseers settling from England. Couples married, others had illicit relationships that lasted a lifetime, or slept with black prostitutes. It was commonplace for Barbadian mistresses to be set up by rich, white men in handsome houses to bring up mixed-race children, who took their names from their English fathers. Some couples across the racial divide shared family homes for their entire lives. In an official history of Barbados, published in 1845, writer and explorer Sir Robert Schomburgk (who was knighted by Queen Victoria) observed that while in England every 15th child is illegitimate . . . in Barbados the illegitimate children exceed those born in wedlock. An official of the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations said last week that no claims against one family, such as the Cumberbatch clan, have yet been considered Now, there is awareness and shame over how Britain amassed great wealth from the profits of slavery. Lloyds of London, the global insurance brokers market, and giant brewer Greene King recently apologised for benefiting from the terrible trade. An official of the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations said last week that no claims against one family, such as the Cumberbatch clan, have yet been considered. He explained that the name of British Conservative politician Richard Drax has been put forward for investigation because he still owns property including Drax Hall plantation on the island. The Drax family did well from compensation, receiving todays equivalent of 3 million for the buy-out of 297 slaves on their Caribbean plantations. University College London has papers which show the Cumberbatch slave owners were handed a similarly large sum. As for the Belgraves, the records reveal that the family got, in todays money, nearly 400,000 alone for freeing 124 slaves at just one of their many plantations. It is likely, of course, that this was the tip of the iceberg. As Helen has written: I realise how much my Cumberbatch family have in common with the stories of thousands of coloured people on the island. Many were descended, like us, from liaisons between white plantation and slave owners and their female slaves. It is a story you dont hear much about. Strikingly, DNA testing shows Helen has genes that are 0.8 per cent Nigerian and 0.2 per cent West African which tallies with her research findings that she is descended, many generations ago, from slaves shipped from those regions. Helen says that the money that her Barbadian relatives brought with them to England did nothing to hide the shame within her family of their mixed-race ancestry and being the descendants of slaves. It was kept a closely guarded secret. Whenever the subject of race came up in family conversations, relatives would quickly change the subject, she says. They may have known the truth about my Cumberbatch ancestors affair with his slaves . . . I know one anecdote about a lady from Barbados called Cumberbatch visiting my grandmother in England with a gift of a beautiful inlaid table. Some of the older family members, including her, were shocked to find the lady was dark-skinned. They might, if alive today, be equally shocked by Helens recent discovery that her mixed-race Barbadian ancestors were prolific slave-owners themselves and wonder what precisely that means for the knotty question of reparations, or who today might owe what to whom. Molly Meldrum has offered a bizarre excuse for exposing his bare buttocks to the crowd at Elton John's farewell gig in Melbourne on Friday. The television legend, 79, insisted he didn't intentionally drop his pants to moon the crowd and blamed a faulty belt buckle. 'Some people thought it was part of the show. It wasn't. Elton had no idea I was going to jump on stage, nor did the promoter, Michael Chugg, who's also a dear friend of mine,' Meldrum told the Herald Sun, Molly Meldrum (pictured) has offered a bizarre excuse for exposing his bare buttocks to the crowd at Elton John's farewell gig in Melbourne 'I shouldn't have crashed Elton's show. As for my performance being more revealing than it should have been well, at the start of the night, my belt buckle broke and my pants were already falling down. And on stage, one thing led to another.' 'I just hope my antics didn't detract from a truly spectacular show and Elton's fabulous farewell. No one is to blame apart from me.' The legendary Australian music critic was watching his old friend Sir Elton in the crowd at AAMI Park for his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour, before he was brought up on stage. The television legend, 79, told the Herald Sun on Monday, he didn't intentionally drop his pants to moon the crowd and blamed a faulty belt buckle Speaking about the Countdown Compere, the I'm Still Standing hitmaker said: 'He's quite honestly a national treasure,' 'I want to thank him for all the love and loyalty he's shown me over the years. I love you'. Meldrum then joined Elton on stage for a performance of The B**** Is Back, where he exposed his bare buttocks to the crowd. 'I shouldn't have crashed Elton's show. As for my performance being more revealing than it should have been well, at the start of the night, my belt buckle broke and my pants were already falling down. And on stage, one thing led to another,' Meldrum said Shocked fans have now called for Meldrum to be arrested for indecent exposure, with one Tweeting: 'Molly Meldrum bared his bum at Elton John concert in front of thousands and never got arrested.' 'Women baring their breasts in protest at the #tdu2023 are arrested. Molly Meldrum baring his bottom is just "a big larrikin". Another example of double standards,' one person said. 'Was Molly Meldrum arrested for his exhibition?' a third questioned. Janelle Monae put on an eye-popping display in a racy sheer gown before delivering a heartfelt speech about gender identity while accepting the SeeHer Award at the 2023 Critics' Choice Awards. The 37-year-old Kansas City native - who Daniel Craig said 'lifted me up every day' on the Glass Onion set - is the seventh recipient of the SeeHer Award, which 'honors a woman who advocates for gender equality, portrays characters with authenticity, defies stereotypes and pushes boundaries. She follows last year's winner Halle Berry, Zendaya, Kristen Bell, Claire Foy, Gal Gadot, and inaugural winner Viola Davis. The star flashed her braless bust beneath her racy sheer gown, which featured raunchy cut-outs on the side and hugged her toned curves. Wow: Janelle Monae put on an eye-popping display in a racy sheer gown before delivering a heartfelt speech about gender identity while accepting the SeeHer Award at the 2023 Critics' Choice Awards Critics' Choice Awards WINNERS 2023: AT A GLANCE FILM BEST PICTURE: Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST ACTOR: Brendan Fraser The Whale BEST ACTRESS: Cate Blanchett Tar BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Ke Huy Quan Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Angela Bassett Black Panther: Wakanda Forever BEST DIRECTOR: Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY: Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY: Sarah Polley Women Talking BEST COMEDY: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery BEST ANIMATED FEATURE: Guillermo del Toros Pinocchio His moment: Brendan Fraser sobbed as he earned Best Actor for The Whale TELEVISION BEST DRAMA SERIES: Better Call Saul (AMC) BEST ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Bob Odenkirk Better Call Saul (AMC) BEST ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Zendaya Euphoria (HBO) BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Giancarlo Esposito Better Call Saul (AMC) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Jennifer Coolidge The White Lotus (HBO) BEST COMEDY SERIES: Abbott Elementary (ABC) BEST ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Jeremy Allen White The Bear (FX) BEST ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Jean Smart Hacks (HBO Max) - WINNER BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Henry Winkler Barry (HBO) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Sheryl Lee Ralph Abbott Elementary (ABC) BEST LIMITED SERIES: The Dropout (Hulu) BEST ACTRESS IN A LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE MADE FOR TELEVISION: Amanda Seyfried The Dropout (Hulu) - WINNER Advertisement Monae, who goes by the pronouns they/them and she/her, was presented the award by her Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery co-star Kate Hudson, with Monae addressing her at the start of her speech. 'Kate, I love you so much. You are a sister. You are a force, and thank you for your time,' she began, adding, 'I'm Janelle monae and my pronouns are she, her, they, them,' she said, adding something else that was bleeped by censors. 'But to her, mother figure like my character Teresa, to an abandoned LGBTQIA+ person, because the family they were born into won't accept them, I see you,' she said. Gender: The 37-year-old Kansas City native - who Daniel Craig said 'lifted me up every day' on the Glass Onion set - is the seventh recipient of the SeeHer Awar Kate and Janelle: Monae was presented the award by her Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery co-star Kate Hudson, with Monae addressing her at the start of her speech Character: 'But to her, mother figure like my character Teresa, to an abandoned LGBTQIA+ person, because the family they were born into won't accept them, I see you,' she said 'To her, working in STEM like Mary Jackson whose brilliant mind continues to advance the technology of this world that you are still fighting for equal pay, I see you,' she added. 'To, like Helen, risking your life every day to teach our kids because we still can't get gun-control together in this country, I see you,' she said. 'To her, with big ideas, like Andi, who constantly has to deal with billionaire douchebags with no original ideas parading around his genius, I see you,' Monae continued. Brilliant: 'To her, working in STEM like Mary Jackson whose brilliant mind continues to advance the technology of this world that you are still fighting for equal pay, I see you,' she added Continued: 'To her, with big ideas, like Andi, who constantly has to deal with billionaire douchebags with no original ideas parading around his genius, I see you,' Monae continued 'These are just a few of the characters I've had the honor of playing. And I tried to make an effort in my work, whether it's storytelling through music, through film, through TV, to fashion, literature, highlight the ones who've been pushed to the margins of society, who have been outcast or relegated to the other,' she added. 'This is a deeply personal choice for me because I grew up to working-class parents, my mother was a janitor my father was a trash man and my grandmother was a sharecropper in Aberdeen Mississippi. It's personal because I am nonbinary. I am queer and my identity influences my decisions and my work,' she said. 'I have always believed that through storytelling, we are able to shed light on the human experience, and experience that most people around this world won't get an opportunity to see,' she said. Honor: 'These are just a few of the characters I've had the honor of playing. And I tried to make an effort in my work, whether it's storytelling through music, through film, through TV, to fashion, literature, highlight the ones who've been pushed to the margins of society, who have been outcast or relegated to the other,' she added Personal: 'This is a deeply personal choice for me because I grew up to working-class parents, my mother was a janitor my father was a trash man and my grandmother was a sharecropper in Aberdeen Mississippi. It's personal because I am nonbinary. I am queer and my identity influences my decisions and my work,' she said 'I kind of keep this glimmer of hope in my heart that when someone meets a character like the ones that I've had an opportunity to play, you be more empathetic to their experience, more empathy. You want to be more like them. You want to be more kind, less judgmental, more eager to advocate for them,' she said. 'There were many times, to sit up here, I know I am dressed up. All of that. But there were so many times in my life, y'all, where I couldn't see me. I couldn't see my light. I couldn't see past my circumstances. If you know my story, I wasn't supposed to make it out of Kansas City, Kansas, and be here tonight,' she said. 'I wasn't. I didn't see the vision clearly for myself. I couldn't see my gift. I couldn't see what my purpose was supposed to be at that time. But thank you, god, so many other people did. They didn't give up on me and they gave me opportunities despite my own lack of confidence. I was faking it until I made it,' she said. She then addressed fans watching at home, stating, 'To anyone out there like me watching right now, I just want you to know that I see you. Challenge you to see you. Thank you to See Her and thank you to the Critics Choice Association for recognizing me. I stand in the biggest puddle of gratitude and for making me the recipient of the 2023 SeeHer award. Thank you.' Glimmer: 'I kind of keep this glimmer of hope in my heart that when someone meets a character like the ones that I've had an opportunity to play, you be more empathetic to their experience, more empathy. You want to be more like them. You want to be more kind, less judgmental, more eager to advocate for them,' she said Thanks: She then addressed fans watching at home, stating, 'To anyone out there like me watching right now, I just want you to know that I see you. Challenge you to see you. Thank you to See Her and thank you to the Critics Choice Association for recognizing me. I stand in the biggest puddle of gratitude and for making me the recipient of the 2023 SeeHer award. Thank you' Janelle and Kate: Janelle Monae and Kate Hudson enjoy the Critics' Choice Awards from their table on Sunday evening Janelle and Austin: Janelle Monae chats with Austin Butler at the Critics' Choice Awards Janelle and Austin: Janelle Monae gets close with Elvis star Austin Butler at the 2023 Critics' Choice Awards Nominees: Janelle Monae chats with fellow Critics' Choice Awards nominee Austin Butler Hugs: Janelle Monae gives Austin Butler a hug at the 2023 Critics' Choice Awards All smiles: Janelle Monae smiles while chatting with Austin Butler New York City Mayor Eric Adams visited the Texas border amid an influx of immigrants, calling on United States President Joe Biden for much-needed resources to address the growing issue. The Democrat argued that the influx of people crossing the border could cost his city $2 billion and is asking for financial assistance from the federal government. On Sunday, Adams stood outside a Texas church while surrounded by a group of migrants. Eric Adams Visits Southern Border The New York City mayor told the crowd that he would continue to fight for their well-being so that they could work in the United States to allow them to experience the "American dream." The audience began to clap and cheer as Adams' words were translated into Spanish so he could be understood. However, the lawmaker's positive message sharply contrasts his challenging goal for the trip to the southern border, which is to pressure the Biden administration to help his city. Adams' administration has been struggling to deal with an influx of migrants, as per the New York Times. Adams is now showing compassion for the people whose lives have been upended while arguing that they must stop coming to his city. The situation in the southern border has become one of the mayor's greatest challenges in recent months. There have been more than 36,000 migrants who arrived suddenly in New York City over the past year, which has strained the region's budget and its system meant for sheltering homeless people. The New York City mayor, who has for weeks called for more assistance from the federal government, decided to make a personal trip to the border. It came one week after President Biden himself visited El Paso after announcing a new crackdown on immigrant crossings. One immigrant, Venezuelan Kailey Marquez, said they heard talks that authorities in New York can help them more than other states in the US Marquez was among the crowd of people gathered outside the Sacred Heart Catholic Church shelter where Adams spoke, according to the New York Post. Read Also: Houston Restaurant Robber's Mom Speaks Out New York City's Migrant Problem After touring the church, Adams and his Immigrant Affairs Commissioner, Manuel Castro, spoke to the asylum seekers. One immigrant told the mayor that he first heard about New York while they were watching television. Marquez said that she was hoping that Adams' visit to the southern border would help them get ahead in life. She said that she gave birth in the U.S. to her child, who is now 20 days old, and added that her other children were aged six and 12. Two other Venezuelans said they wanted to go to New York, one of whom noted that it was famous among migrants for being a sanctuary city. One migrant, Elvis Mendoza, said that he wanted to go to that sanctuary. The visit came as a small western New York community was at risk of being overwhelmed due to the influx of migrants. Reports noted that there were at least 35 Colombian migrants who arrived in the city of Jamestown late last year, said Fox News. Related Article: California Storm Update @ 2023 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. The Dude and his bowling buddy Walter reunited after 25 years when John Goodman presented Jeff Bridges with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2023 Critics' Choice Awards following his cancer battle after being diagnosed with lymphoma in 2020. The 70-year-old Goodman delivered a heartfelt speech about his longtime friend before presenting the 73-year-old Bridges with the award. Goodman revealed all of the 'camaraderie and friendship' they felt behind-the-scenes translated to the screen, 'all because of Jeff. Honor: Jeff Bridges accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2023 Critics' Choice in Los Angeles on Sunday night The Big Lebowski reunion: The Dude and his bowling buddy Walter reunited after 25 years when John Goodman presented Bridges with award. The pair are pictured left on Sunday and right, in the hugely popular 1998 film Critics' Choice Awards WINNERS 2023: AT A GLANCE FILM BEST PICTURE: Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST ACTOR: Brendan Fraser The Whale BEST ACTRESS: Cate Blanchett Tar BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Ke Huy Quan Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Angela Bassett Black Panther: Wakanda Forever BEST DIRECTOR: Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY: Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert Everything Everywhere All at Once BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY: Sarah Polley Women Talking BEST COMEDY: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery BEST ANIMATED FEATURE: Guillermo del Toros Pinocchio His moment: Brendan Fraser sobbed as he earned Best Actor for The Whale TELEVISION BEST DRAMA SERIES: Better Call Saul (AMC) BEST ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Bob Odenkirk Better Call Saul (AMC) BEST ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Zendaya Euphoria (HBO) BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Giancarlo Esposito Better Call Saul (AMC) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Jennifer Coolidge The White Lotus (HBO) BEST COMEDY SERIES: Abbott Elementary (ABC) BEST ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Jeremy Allen White The Bear (FX) BEST ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Jean Smart Hacks (HBO Max) - WINNER BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Henry Winkler Barry (HBO) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Sheryl Lee Ralph Abbott Elementary (ABC) BEST LIMITED SERIES: The Dropout (Hulu) BEST ACTRESS IN A LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE MADE FOR TELEVISION: Amanda Seyfried The Dropout (Hulu) - WINNER Advertisement 'He was so committed and would deliver his hilarious 'Dude-isms' so effortlessly that no one ever knew where Jeff ended and the dude began,' Goodman said, adding he, 'continues to play such a wide range of characters and tends to lose himself in all of them, before they showed a clip package and Bridges took the stage to accept his award. 'Thank you, John! Thank you, John. Thank you, critics. The dude, from Lebowski, he would say, this is just like your opinion, man,' Bridges joked. He added it was his father's Lloyd Bridges' (who passed away in 1998 at 85) birthday today and he, 'wouldn't be up here without my dad. He's the reason I'm up here. Friendship: Goodman revealed all of the 'camaraderie and friendship' they felt behind-the-scenes translated to the screen, 'all because of Jeff' Thanks: 'Thank you, John! Thank you, John. Thank you, critics. The dude, from Lebowski, he would say, this is just like your opinion, man,' Bridges joked Loved: The star posed up with his wife Susan Bridges on the red carpet Cute couple: The pair looked happier than ever as they posed up 'I can remember him loving shoulders so much. He loved acting so much. As a kid, you know, I said dad, I'm not sure if I want to be an actor and he goes, what are you talking about? I said painting may be music,' Bridges said. 'He said Jeff, don't be ridiculous. Being an actor, they're going to call on you to do all those things that you're interested in. Besides that, get to tell tell all these wonderful stories from all these different perspectives, people that are alive,' Bridges added. 'This is a wonderful profession. He is so right. I am so glad I listened to him. The family that I grew up in was so supportive. My mother, some of you guys might have met her, she was the best actor in the bunch,' he said of his mother Dorothy Bridges, Love: 'I can remember him loving shoulders so much. He loved acting so much. As a kid, you know, I said dad, I'm not sure if I want to be an actor and he goes, what are you talking about? I said painting may be music,' Bridges said You did it! The iconic actor posed up with his gong on the glittering night He went on to thank his brother Beau Bridges and their sister Cindy for being 'so supportive,' before praising his wife Susan Getson. 'And I get to be supported by my beautiful, wonderfully talented wife, Sue. We have been married 48 years. Three incredible daughters, Isabelle, Jessie, and Haley,' Bridges said, joking that he admitted he checked out his IMDB page, 'to prepare for the night, adding, 'I said wow. I've made a lot of movies! My gosh. All these little lifetimes, right?' 'These actors. It's like these little families. Families that are coming together, trying to work together and make something beautiful. Pull up this one-time magic trick of making a movie. Doing our best,' he added. Thanks: He went on to thank his brother Beau Bridges and their sister Cindy for being 'so supportive,' before praising his wife Susan Getson Supportive: 'And I get to be supported by my beautiful, wonderfully talented wife, sue. We have been married 48 years. Three incredible daughters, Isabel, Jessie, and Haley,' Bridges said, joking that he admitted he checked out his IMDB page, 'to prepare for the night, adding, 'I said wow. I've made a lot of movies! My gosh. All these little lifetimes, right?' 'So families, that's kind of what it all comes down to. I don't have time to list all these great experiences I had making movies but I would like to shine the light on two guys who were very influential in my life and my career, Peter Bogdanovich and Bob Rafelson,' he said. 'Peter of course directed 'Last picture show.' The great company, pbs producer. Mentioning picture show, I've got to mention Lloyd Catlin. He has been my stand-in for 70 movies. Talk about extended families, he is certainly in there,' Bridges said. 'My gosh. I wanted to say something else and I forgot and I told them not to put that thing up there, you know. But telling stories. That's the privilege us actors get to do,' he said. Families: 'So families, that's kind of what it all comes down to. I don't have time to list all these great experiences I had making movies but I would like to shine the light on two guys who were very influential in my life and my career, Peter Bogdanovich and Bob Rafelson,' he said Stories: 'My gosh. I wanted to say something else and I forgot and I told them not to put that thing up there, you know. But telling stories. That's the privilege us actors get to do,' he said. 'We get to see some wonderful lines. One of my favorite lines was from a movie 'Star man.' Playing an alien. Happened to be sort of a critic in a way. He certainly had a strong opinion. Strong opinions about us. He said you know what I love most about it, you are your best when things are at their worst,' Bridges added. 'And I love that because especially in these days, we are going through some tough times, guys. We could use our best. It makes me, it makes me want to tell the best story, live the best story and we can,' he said. 'Together we can do that. We can make something beautiful. So love you, guys, all of you. Critics, everyone in the room. Great to be in cahoots with you,' Bridges concluded. Alien: 'We get to see some wonderful lines. One of my favorite lines was from a movie 'Star man.' Playing an alien. Happened to be sort of a critic in a way. He certainly had a strong opinion. Strong opinions about us. He said you know what I love most about it, you are your best when things are at their worst,' Bridges added In an interview in September, Bridges reflected on how everything in life became 'hyper-precious' amid his health struggles. He was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2020 and he was also hit hard by COVID-19 - but Jeff believes his two-year 'health adventure' has actually helped him to look at life through a new lens. The actor - who revealed in 2021 that his tumour had shrunk - shared: 'I got cancer and chemo and then COVID on top of that. And the chemo stripped me of my immune system so I got the COVID pretty bad. 'I was sick for about two years and [it was] very dreamlike, you know.' Jeff spent months in hospital at the height of his health struggles. However, he always tried to retain a positive outlook on life, and he admits that the experience has had a lasting impact on him. Together: 'Together we can do that. We can make something beautiful. So love you, guys, all of you. Critics, everyone in the room. Great to be in cahoots with you,' Bridges concluded Discussing his health troubles, Jeff told Sky News: '[There were] wonderful parts about being that sick that were kind of unexpected, you know, feeling all that love coming towards me from my family and friends and from other people all over the world. 'That was [an] unexpected, wonderful feeling, and then also the love that that kind of triggered for me. 'I said, 'Oh yeah, this is life, this is wonderful', and everything became kind of hyper-precious during that time.' Still, the Hollywood star was 'thrilled' when he was able to get back on set of The Old Man. NRL star Sam Burgess' new girlfriend Lucy Graham is proving to be the polar opposite to his ex-wife Phoebe. While the former Mrs Burgess is known for her reserved demeanour and elegantly-curated Instagram feed, Lucy boldly showcased her wild side on Monday as she posed with Sam for a racy Instagram photoshoot. The couple were pictured standing a staircase outside ritzy Byron Bay hotel Raes, with Lucy, 33, comically thrusting her pelvis into Sam's derriere. Sam Burgess, 34, (left) and Lucy Graham, 33, (right) put on an X-rated display as the posed for Instagram photos outside the ritzy Byron Bay hotel Raes on Monday Lucy triumphantly grinned as she pulled her beau's backside towards her hips, while Sam, 34, closed his eyes and pretended to wince. In a second photo, the twosome were seen breaking to laughter. 'He's a real Bad Gal,' Lucy captioned the post, tagging her burly beau. Lucy triumphantly grinned as she pulled her beau's backside towards her hips, while Sam closed his eyes and pretended to wince While Sam's ex-wife Phoebe (pictured) is known for her reserved demeanour and elegantly-curated Instagram feed, Lucy boldly showcased her wild side in the Instagram photo Lucy looked chic in a white singlet top and beige trousers, while Sam sported a black T-shirt and matching shorts. Sam's family members were clearly entertained by the bombastic post, with his sister-in-law Joanna commenting: 'Yesssssss! naughty naughty.' His brother Luke meanwhile poked fun at Sam and Lucy for wearing matching white Birkenstock sandals, writing: 'Birkenstock ambassadors for sure!!!' Sam, who was born in West Yorkshire, England, has known Lucy for about 20 years, a source close to the footy player told Daily Mail Australia Sam, who was born in West Yorkshire, England, has known Lucy for about 20 years, a source close to the footy player told Daily Mail Australia. Her identity was revealed in October, after the retired South Sydney Rabbitohs star took her as his date to the premiere of Russell Crowe's film Poker Face in Rome. Sam's latest relationship came after a series of flings that followed his split from Phoebe in January 2019. Phoebe, the influencer daughter of a millionaire mining boss who lives on a sprawling estate in Bowral, has remained single since the divorce The father-of-two is said to have briefly dated Daily Mail Australia columnist Jana Hocking in January last year, as well as American waitress Oak Schuetz in late 2019. Meanwhile, Phoebe, the influencer daughter of a millionaire mining boss who lives on a sprawling estate in Bowral, has remained single since the divorce. The couple share daughter Poppy, four, and son Billy, three. Cate Blanchett won Best Actress at the 2023 Critics Choice Awards on Sunday for her portrayal of disgraced composer Lydia Tar in Todd Field's TAR. The Australian actress, 53, beat Michelle Williams, Viola Davis, Danielle Deadwyler, Margot Robbie, and Michelle Yeoh in the category. 'It is extremely arbitrary considering how many extraordinary performances there have been by women,' Cate said as she accepted her award. Cate Blanchett (pictured) has won Best Actress at the 2023 Critics Choice Awards for her captivating performance in TAR 'I can't believe I'm up here. This is ridiculous... I would love it if we would just change this whole f---ing structure. It's like what is this patriarchal pyramid where someone stands up here.' She continued: 'Why don't we just say there was a whole raft of female performances that are in concert and in dialogue with one another?' 'And stop the televised horse race of it all. Because can I tell you, every single woman with a television, film, advertising, tampon commercials whatever you're all out there doing amazing work that is inspiring me continually. So thank you. I share this with you all.' The Australian actress, 53, beat Michelle Williams, Viola Davis, Danielle Deadwyler, Margot Robbie, and Michelle Yeoh in the category Cate is enjoying a spectacular start to the awards season after scooping a Golden Globe for her role the Tar last week. In the film, she portrays troubled high-profile composter Lydia Tar, who is days away from recording the symphony that will elevate her career. After one of her former students commits suicide, Lydia is accused of having inappropriate relationships with her female proteges and her world begins to unravel. 'It is extremely arbitrary considering how many extraordinary performances there have been by women,' Cate said as she accepted her award Cate is meanwhile tipped to win her second Best Actress Oscar for the role. TAR was written and directed by Todd Field, 58, and was his first film in 16 years. The star won her first Best Supporting Actress Oscar in 2004 for Martin Scorsese's The Aviator. Do you know more? Contact tips@dailymail.com Kanye West's new Australian 'wife' Bianca Censori was a party girl who was equally at home at a wild rave, in a nightclub or trackside for a race meeting, according to her friends. Daily Mail Australia has spoken to confidantes and colleagues who remember the 27-year-old as a stylish and smart 'social butterfly' in her home city of Melbourne. They were not surprised Bianca had gone on to work for Kanye, but were shocked to learn of her secret 'wedding' to the troubled hip-hop superstar. Bianca is 'head of architecture' at Kanye's fashion brand Yeezy, and his ex-wife Kim Kardashian is said to have long been suspicious of her lookalike successor. Kanye West's new Australian 'wife' Bianca Censori was a party girl equally at home at a wild rave, in a nightclub or trackside for a race meeting, according to her friends. (She is pictured right at the Rainbow Serpent music festival in Victoria in 2017) Bianca is pictured centre as a student at Carey Baptist Grammar School in 2011 Daily Mail Australia has spoken to confidantes and colleagues who remember 27-year-old Bianca Censori (above) as a stylish and smart 'social butterfly' in her home town of Melbourne But long before she caught the hitmaker's attention in Los Angeles, Bianca was turning heads at home in Victoria's capital city. A series of pictures obtained by Daily Mail Australia shows the young Bianca at the Rainbow Serpent music and art festival in the state's west wearing tassel pasties on her nipples. Bianca grew up at Ivanhoe, a well-heeled Melbourne suburb, and studied for the Victorian Certificate of Education at Kew's prestigious Carey Baptist Grammar School. She mixed mostly with students from Ivanhoe Grammar School, as well as Kew's Methodist Ladies' College, and the Catholic Genazzano FCJ College and Xavier College. A high school peer told Daily Mail Australia that Bianca 'always ran in private school circles'. 'She was friendly with the Xavier and Ivanhoe Grammar boys and hung out with Genazzano and MLC girls,' she said. School friends were not surprised Bianca had gone on to work for Kanye, but were shocked to learn of her secret 'wedding' to the troubled hip-hop superstar. (She is pictured far right at the Rainbow Serpent music festival) Bianca (right, in blue shorts) is 'head of architecture' at Kanye's fashion brand Yeezy, and his ex-wife Kim Kardashian is said to have long been suspicious of her lookalike successor Bianca (second from left) grew up at Ivanhoe, a well-heeled Melbourne suburb, and studied for the Victorian Certificate of Education at Kew's prestigious Carey Baptist Grammar School 'She's super close with her family, who from memory were always considerably private people. So the fact Bianca has married someone so high-profile must have taken them by surprise.' Another school friend said while Bianca was in the 'popular' group, she 'always had time for people outside her social circle'. 'I would describe Bianca as a social butterfly - the kind of girl who was friends with everyone,' the peer told Daily Mail Australia. 'Like, she was never an intimidating mean girl. I think it would surprise people how smart she is.' After graduating in 2012 with a VCE that put her near the top of her school, Bianca obtained a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Melbourne in 2017. Bianca, who has worked for Yeezy since November 2020, 'wed' 45-year-old Kanye (above) two months after his divorce from 42-year-old Kim was finalised in November Kim Kardashian (left) has long been suspicious of her ex-husband Kanye West's new 'wife' Bianca Censori (right), according to a new report A childhood friend said Bianca was always going to succeed at whatever she chose to do. 'She was a party girl after high school; she never missed all the big social events like nightclubbing or going to the Spring Racing Carnival,' she said. 'I can't say I'm surprised she's ended up working for Yeezy. She has always been stylish and pushed boundaries in fashion. 'At one point she was running her own jewellery business. I am surprised she's married Kanye, though.' Another female friend recalled attending the four-day Rainbow Serpent festival with Bianca in Lexton in January 2017. A source close to Kim told Page Six the star of Keeping Up with the Kardashians (above) had sensed 'there was a certain frisson' between Kanye and Bianca 'Bianca was always a bit of an "It girl",' she said. 'We partied together at Rainbow Serpent back in the day and she was up for a good time. 'I loved that she so boldly wore nipple pasties!' Bianca returned to university to complete a Master of Architecture from 2019 to 2020. A former colleague at a South Yarra furniture store remembered Bianca had always applied herself to work. 'While I haven't been in touch with Bianca for a number of years, I can confirm she was a very hard-working young lady,' she said. 'I was certainly surprised to read she's gotten hitched to Kanye West - good for her.' A female friend recalled attending the four-day Rainbow Serpent festival with Bianca (circled above) in Lexton in January 2017. 'I loved that she so boldly wore nipple pasties!' Bianca, who has worked for Yeezy since November 2020, 'wed' 45-year-old Kanye two months after his divorce from 42-year-old Kim was finalised in November. The pair reportedly celebrated their union at a private ceremony and both have been seen wearing wedding rings. The informal nuptials have apparently not been followed the filing of a marriage certificate. After the non-legally binding ceremony made headlines, Kim shared a series of cryptic quotes on Instagram, including: 'I'm really in my quiet girl era, I don't have much to say. Just much to do.' Another read: 'Just remember, the black sheep usually turns into a goat. Keep doing you.' After the non-legally binding ceremony made headlines, Kim shared a series of cryptic quotes on Instagram, including one that read: 'I'm really in my quiet girl era, I don't have much to say Another read, 'Just remember, the black sheep usually turns into a goat. Keep doing you' A source close to Kim told Page Six the star of Keeping Up with the Kardashians had sensed 'there was a certain frisson' between Kanye and Bianca. 'Kim hates her,' the source said. 'She's pretty. And Kim hates pretty girls.' Last month, Kanye paid tribute to his 'wife' by releasing the track Censori Overload, a play on her last name. In the lyrics, he revealed he stayed celibate before tying the knot, singing: 'And The Bible said, I can't have any more sex 'til marriage.' The song appears to reference his split from Kim, opening with the lines, 'Waking up to "I can't do this anymore" text,' before adding: 'I know it's 'cause the headlines / Why she wanna leave?' In April last year, Bianca gave a lecture to the University of Malta about working with Kanye, telling students: 'At Yeezy we were able to develop a Donda language, an aesthetic with Kanye, which has informed both of our design aesthetics.' Bianca also showed students several housing projects she was working on at Yeezy, saying: 'I developed a space where you can sit, listen to water trickle, and watch how it comes in and out of your residence.' She is set to hit the red carpet on Monday night for the Australian premiere of her new movie Babylon. And Margot Robbie enjoyed a luxurious boat ride around the Sydney Harbour earlier in the day with her co-stars Samara Weaving, Phoebe Tonkin and Diego Calva. The Queensland-born star, 32, looked every inch the stunner in a strapless grey top, matching maxi skirt and designer sunglasses. Margot Robbie almost tripped over her floor-length skirt as she boarded a boat on Sydney Harbour on Monday while in Australia to promote her new movie Babylon The bombshell's locks were styled out in natural waves and she added touches of glamour to her look with silver jewellery, sky-high Santoni platform heels, and a designer handbag. Margot hiked up her long skirt to avoid tripping over the floor-length number while walking down a set of stairs to board the boat. Meanwhile, her co-star Samara, 30, set temperatures soaring with her eye-popping figure-hugging violet frock by Christopher Esber. A daring cut-out at the bust showcased her ample cleavage and flawless decolletage. The Queensland-born star, 32, looked every inch the stunner in a strapless grey top, matching maxi skirt and designer sunglasses The bombshell's locks were out in natural waves and she added touches of glamour to her look with silver jewellery and a designer handbag Margot hiked up her long skirt to avoid tripping over the floor-length number She accepted a helpful hand from a crewman who escorted her onto the vessel The Home and Away star's blonde hair fell around her shoulders in loose waves and her rarely seen arm tattoo of a budding plant was clearly visible. Also along for the ride was Australian actress Phoebe Tonkin, 33, who turned heads in a plunging purple dress that showcased her slender figure. The actress pals looked thrilled to take in the sights on Sydney Harbour ahead of their Babylon promotional tour Down Under. Samara has previously spoken about how her stratospheric rise in Hollywood has come at the expense of extensive physical comparisons to Margot. Meanwhile, Samara Weaving, 30, set temperatures soaring with her eye-popping figure-hugging violet frock by Christopher Esber A daring cut-out at the bust showcased her ample cleavage and flawless decolletage The Home and Away star's blonde hair fell around her shoulders in loose waves and her rarely seen arm tattoo of a budding plant was clearly visible Their likeness is so uncanny that Samara revealed in 2020 she is regularly approached by excited fans who think they're meeting the Oscar-nominated actress. 'I've tried saying, "No, it's not who you think it is," but because I also have an Australian accent, people still think I'm Margot and she's being really rude, ' the Adelaide-born star told WHO Magazine. Also along for the ride was Australian actress Phoebe Tonkin, 33, who turned heads in a plunging purple dress that showcased her slender figure The stars sipped on Champagne and lapped up the sunshine on the boat Babylon co-star Diego Calva looked thrilled to sit back and and enjoy the boat ride Samara added she was once approached for a photo by a young Margot fan who thought she was finally meeting her idol. 'I didn't have the heart to tell her I wasn't her, so I just stood there and tried to copy her [Margot's] smile,' she recalled. When asked if she was annoyed at the constant comparisons to the blonde bombshell, Samara said: 'Are you kidding? No, it's flattering. I love Margs. She's the best!' Samara was all smiles as she gazed at the ocean The beautiful actresses looked thrilled to be having a leisure cruise ahead of promoting their new movie Kim Kardashian threw her daughter Chicago a lavish Hello Kitty-themed party to celebrate her fifth birthday on Sunday. The Kardashian reality star, 42, took to social media to show off the extravagant party in her all beige $60 million Hidden Hills mansion with pink walls and carpets just for the occasion. Chicago is one of four children that she shares with her ex-husband Kanye West - who recently 'tied the knot' with one of his Yeezy designers in a private ceremony just two months after their divorce was finalized. There was no sign of the rapper in any of the social media videos posted by the family. Celebrating Chicago: Kim Kardashian, 42, threw her daughter Chicago a lavish Hello Kitty-themed party to celebrate her fifth birthday on Sunday Kim's home was adorned with pink balloons and Hello Kitty decorations in every single room. In her TikTok video, Kim shared that Chicago's birthday party had a ramen bar, 'Chicago's Waffle Pops', and a milkshake station. Even the Hello Kitty design was toasted into slices of bread that had a pink filling. A lavish bash: The Kardashian reality star took to TikTok to show off the extravagant party in their $60 million Hidden Hills mansion with pink walls and carpets just for the occasion All pink everything: Their home was adorned with pink balloons and Hello Kitty decorations in every single room At the center of a large room was a giant pink ball pit with two slides for the children to play in and a DJ mixing tunes for the event. The party had activities planned and stations set up for the children to enjoy face painting, slime making, and 'kitty stuffing'. Over a TikTok video, Kim wrote, 'Happy birthday ChiChi' with a red heart emoji. Hello Kitty! The party had a Hello Kitty mascot for Chicago's themed birthday party Think pink: The video panned around showing Kim wearing in a 'I Love You Chicago' baby tee and giving a tour of the birthday bash with pink carpets and decorations At the beginning of the video, Kim narrated: 'Happy birthday Chicago! I love you so much. I can't believe you're five years old.' The video panned around showing Kim wearing in a 'I Love You Chicago' baby tee and giving a tour of the birthday bash with pink carpets and decorations. Even the food and refreshments were designed to match the Hello Kitty theme. Got it made: Even the food and refreshments were designed to match the Hello Kitty theme Attention to detail: Everything including the snacks were decorated to fit the Hello Kitty theme The video ended with friends and family - including momager Kris Jenner, all of Kim's children, as well as Khloe and her daughter - singing 'Happy Birthday' to Chicago. Khloe recorded the video of Chicago blowing out her birthday cake as Kim moved her hair out of the way. In the clip, Khloe is heard talking to her four-year-old daughter: 'True, say "Yay!"' What a ball! At the center of a large room was a giant pink ball pit with two slides for the children to play in and a DJ mixing tunes for the event Catered ramen bar: The party was also prepared with a DIY ramen bar for the children to enjoy between having fun Balloons everywhere: Their home was adorned with pink and red balloons in every single room shown in the TikTok clip And the clip abruptly ends with comedic timing as True starts crying 'mama!' and Khloe stops recording. Earlier on Sunday, Kim shared an Instagram slideshow tribute in honor of her 'twin' Chicago West's fifth birthday. The SKIMS/SKKN CEO shared four snaps of herself, back when she was platinum blonde, posing with her youngest daughter in her bedroom. 'My twin. Happy 5th birthday. I really can't believe you're 5!' Kim who boasts 457.3M social media followers gushed. Lots to enjoy! The party had activities planned and stations set up for the children to enjoy Ample activities: There were stations set up for face painting, slime making, and 'kitty stuffing' Scented slime: There also was a station to make pink slime with a custom scent 'I'm so so proud to be your mom, it's the best feeling in the entire world. You are the cuddliest sweetest silliest most independent caring girl in the whole world and I just love you so much!' Kardashian has three other children daughter North West, nine; son Saint, seven; and son Psalm, three from her six-year marriage to ex-husband number three Kanye 'Ye' West, which ended in 2021. The canceled 45-year-old just 'married' his Yeezy head of architecture, Bianca Censori, but the Beverly Hills ceremony was not legally binding as they did not obtain a marriage certificate. Birthday post: Earlier on Sunday, Kim shared an Instagram slideshow tribute in honor of her 'twin' Chicago West's fifth birthday Ye only finalized his divorce and 20/80 custody arrangement with the half-Armenian beauty in November, which requires him to pay her $200K/month in child support. Kim flaunted her admiration for her youngster as she dressed in a short-sleeved t-shirt emblazoned with the sentence 'I love you Chicago.' She was typically stylish as she paired the tee with light wash denim with slits at the knees and a pair of pointy-toe heels. Throwback: The SKIMS/SKKN CEO shared four snaps of herself, back when she was platinum blonde, posing with her youngest daughter in her bedroom Proud mama: 'My twin. Happy 5th birthday. I really can't believe you're 5!' Kim who boasts 457.3M social media followers gushed And North dressed festively for her baby sister's birthday bash, appearing on TikTok in a velvet blue getup with feather trim. Big brother Saint was all smiles, showing off a toothy grin as he stood in front of a Hello Kitty painting station at the event. Kim's momager Kris Jenner also shared a substantial birthday tribute to little Chicago with a total 10 Instagram posts. Proud grandma: Kim's momager Kris Jenner also shared a substantial birthday tribute to little Chicago with a total 10 Instagram posts 'Happy birthday to my beautiful granddaughter Chi Chi!' the 67-year-old grandmother-of-12 who boasts 76.6M social media followers wrote. 'You are our little doll who lights up every room. You bring the sunshine and the smiles every day and are so kind, sweet, loving, artistic, creative, generous, funny, and give the best hugs. 'You are the most amazing daughter, granddaughter, sister, cousin, niece, and friend and I am so blessed God chose me to be your grandmother! I love you more than you will ever know! Lovey xoxo!' That same day, Kardashian and Jenner flew her $150M private jet back to Los Angeles after attending the funeral of Tristan Thompson's mother Andrea at Last Days Pentecostal Ministries in Canada. To Chicago: 'Happy birthday to my beautiful granddaughter Chi Chi!' the 67-year-old grandmother-of-12 who boasts 76.6M social media followers wrote Kris (born Kristen Houghton) spoke at the ceremony and called the Jamaican matriarch 'the most amazing, dedicated, devoted, and selfless mom and such a loving, kind, and fabulous grandmother' on Instagram. Andrea who suffered a heart attack on Saturday was the primary caregiver for her epileptic 16-year-old son Amari, who also arrived in Los Angeles with his 31-year-old brother and the Kardashian-Jenner clan on Sunday. Khloe Kardashian has two children daughter True Thompson, four; and a four-month-old son from her onoff five-year romance with Tristan, which ended in December 2021. Fans can catch more from the famous family in the 10-episode third season of The Kardashians, which began production in September. She's back in her home country of Australia after a whirlwind overseas promotional tour for Babylon. And Margot Robbie did not disappoint in the style stakes on Monday night, pulling out all the stops for the film's Australian premiere in Sydney. The 32-year-old turned heads in a floor length baby blue gown which featured a daring split adorned with red lace detailing. Margot Robbie (pictured) did not disappoint in the style stakes on Monday night, pulling out all the stops as she attended the Sydney premiere of her new film, Babylon Margot looked every inch the movie star as she posed on the red carpet for photographers, before meeting her adoring fans. The Wolf Of Wall Street Star showcased her cleavage in a plunging satin gown, with the minimalist style frock clinging to her petite figure. Margot accessorised her head-turning look with matching heels, and her diamond wedding ring. The former Neighbours star wore her blonde locks out and relaxed. The 32-year-old turned heads in a floor length baby blue gown which featured a daring split adorned with red lace detailing Margot looked every inch the movie star as she made posed on the red carpet for photographers, before meeting her adoring fans Margot accessorised her head-turning look with matching heels, and her diamond wedding ring Samara Weaving certainly got the baby blue style memo on the night. The former Home and Away star donned a Grecian-style gown with an asymmetric hem to showcase her trim pins. She wore her long locks down, allowing them to cascade past her shoulders, also in a similar style to Margot. Samara Weaving (pictured) certainly got the baby blue style memo on the night The former Home and Away star donned a Grecian-style gown with an asymmetric hem to showcase her trim pins. Samara is often compared to Margot, with their likeness so uncanny the former Home and Away star revealed in 2020 she is regularly approached by excited fans who think they're meeting the Oscar-nominated actress. 'I've tried saying, "No, it's not who you think it is," but because I also have an Australian accent, people still think I'm Margot and she's being really rude, ' the Adelaide-born star told WHO Magazine. Samara added she was once approached for a photo by a young Margot fan who thought she was finally meeting her idol. Samara (right) wore her long locks down, allowing them to cascade past her shoulders, also in a similar style to Margot. Samara is often compared to the I, Tonya star (pictured), with their likeness so uncanny the former Home and Away star revealed in 2020 she is regularly approached by excited fans who think they're meeting the Oscar-nominated actress 'I've tried saying, "No, it's not who you think it is," but because I also have an Australian accent, people still think I'm Margot and she's being really rude, ' Samara told WHO Magazine Samara added she was once approached for a photo by a young Margot fan who thought she was finally meeting her idol. 'I didn't have the heart to tell her I wasn't her, so I just stood there and tried to copy her [Margot's] smile,' she recalled 'I didn't have the heart to tell her I wasn't her, so I just stood there and tried to copy her [Margot's] smile,' she recalled. When asked if she was annoyed at the constant comparisons to the blonde bombshell, Samara said: 'Are you kidding? No, it's flattering. I love Margs. She's the best!' Phoebe Tonkin, who stars as Jane Thornton in the film, meanwhile stunned in a floor-length white dress with embroidered detail. Phoebe Tonkin, who stars as Jane Thornton in the film, meanwhile stunned in a floor-length white dress with embroidered detail. Pictured The actress, 33, wore her long brunette tresses out and relaxed. The Vampire Diaries starlet wore a face full of makeup which consisted of foundation, blush, bronzer and red lipstick. She completed her look wearing black strappy heels. The Vampire Diaries starlet wore a face full of makeup which consisted of foundation, blush, bronzer and red lipstick At one point Phoebe was seen posing alongside Samara Margot made sure to say hi to her adoring fans outside Sydney's State Theatre The Hollywood starlet was flanked by security as she crossed Market Street in the city's CBD Margot happily posed for photos with fans and signed autographs Diego Calva meanwhile looked dapper in a beige suit. The 30-year-old Mexican star teamed it up with a crisp white shirt, a striped tie and suspenders. He completed his look wearing a gold watch and brown leather shoes. Diego Calva meanwhile looked dapper in a beige suit. Pictured The 30-year-old Mexican star teamed it up with a crisp white shirt, a striped tie and suspenders Diego was all smiles as he posed for photos alongside Margot Margot's younger actor brother Cameron looked every inch the dapper hunk in a black tuxedo. The 27-year-old, who also briefly appeared on Neighbours, accessorised with an oversized black bow tie and collection of rings. Cameron could be seen smiling as he posed on the red carpet alongside the film's stars. Margot's younger actor brother Cameron looked every inch the dapper hunk in a black tuxedo. Pictured The Neighbours star, 27, accessorised with an oversized black bow tie and collection of rings The Sydney premiere of the film attracted a star-studded crowd, with some of Australia's most popular influencers and reality stars in attendance. The event was also attended by the who's who of the Sydney social scene, along with influencers and reality TV stars. Married At First Sight's Olivia Frazer looked unrecognisable as she posed for photos on the red carpet. Married At First Sight's Olivia Frazer (pictured) looked unrecognisable as she posed for photos on the red carpet The bronde stunner wowed in a strapless, blush coloured evening gown that featured corset detailing. Olivia, 29, teamed the stylish look with a gun-metal clutch The bronde stunner wowed in a strapless, blush coloured evening gown that featured corset detailing. Olivia, 29, teamed the stylish look with a gun-metal clutch to carry her personal belongings in. Elsewhere, Jules Robinson looked sensational in an off-white frock with frayed material detailing. Elsewhere, Jules Robinson (pictured) looked sensational in an off-white frock with frayed material detailing Celebrity personal trainer Jono Castano and his model girlfriend Simone Holtznagel looked stylish in matching black outfits. Both pictured Celebrity personal trainer Jono Castano and his model girlfriend Simone Holtznagel looked stylish in matching black outfits. Jono was every inch the leading man in a double-breasted suit, while Simone flashed the flesh in a racy frock that showed off her genetically blessed looks. TV veteran Kerri-Anne Kennerley looked effortlessly stylish in a long-sleeved black top that featured a sequin design and loose trousers. TV veteran Kerri-Anne Kennerley looked effortlessly stylish in a long-sleeved black top that featured a sequin design and loose trousers. Pictured The event was also attended by the who's who of the Sydney social scene, along with influencers and reality TV stars. Pictured: Home and Away's James Stewart and fiancee Sarah Roberts TikTok star Sabrina Treffiletti (pictured) looked every inch the red carpet queen in a lace red gown that featured an opening at the bust and a tail Relationship expert Jana Hocking ensured all eyes were on her in a show-stopping orange frock that showcased her sensational cleavage The bubbly blonde completed her look with a pair of colorful pumps Elsewhere, relationship expert Jana Hocking ensured all eyes were on her in a show-stopping orange frock that showcased her sensational cleavage. The bubbly blonde completed her look with a pair of colorful pumps. TikTok star Sabrina Treffiletti looked every inch the red carpet queen in a lace red gown that featured an opening at the bust and a tail. She wore her blonde locks curled to perfection and completed her look wearing metallic strappy heels. Married At First Sight's Jackson Lonie meanwhile looked every inch the handsome hunk in a black tuxedo. Jackson Lonie meanwhile looked every inch the handsome hunk in a black tuxedo. Pictured Christian Wilkins commanded attention in a monochrome ensemble. The 27-year-old wore a black-and-white polka dot blazer which he teamed with loose trousers and black shoes Set in 1920s Hollywood, Babylon centres around the rise and fall of several ambitious dreamers - including the characters portrayed by leading stars Brad Pitt and Margot. Margot is overnight starlet Nellie LaRoy who is navigating her way through the industry by self-destructing via drugs, parties and sexual encounters. Written and directed by Damien Chazelle, the film shows character Manny Torres (Diego Calva) entering the high-profile world and becoming smitten with Nellie. This Morning star Josie Gibson's son Reggie has been rushed to hospital after a painful accident in Mexico. TV presenter Josie, 37, revealed son, four, was forced to receive medical treatment on Sunday during their luxury break. He had an X-ray to investigate the damage but it's not clear how the accident occurred. Ouch! This Morning host Josie Gibson took to Instagram to reveal her son Reggie, 4, was rushed to hospital after painful accident on holiday in Mexico on Sunday Single: Josie has revealed that she plans to stay single until son Reggie, four, is well into his teens and has no room for a man in her life Josie shared a photo of her son in a wheelchair on Instagram praised the healthcare he had received. She penned: 'I've got to give it up to the Mexican hospitals, in and out within the hour. Consultation, X-ray, Plastercast. 'Poor Reggie on holiday as well.' Her love: Josie shared a video of Reggie dancing poolside while wearing a dinosaur print T-shirt. She wrote: 'HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Having a blast with this one!' While away, Reggie had been having a lovely time up until his accident. Josie shared a video of him dancing poolside while wearing a dinosaur print T-shirt. She wrote: 'HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Having a blast with this one!' Josie recently revealed that she plans to stay single until son Reggie is well into his teens, admitting she has no room for a man in her life. She gushed about life as a single parent and insisted love was the last thing on her mind in 2023. Josie, who split from her son's father shortly after his birth, told The Sun: 'I think when Reg is about 15 and he's off living his life, maybe then [I'll start dating]. She went on to say the youngster still sleeps in bed with her and he wouldn't be happy for any change to the arrangement. She revealed that even if she were looking for love, there wouldn't be enough hours in the day as she juggles her busy career with motherhood. 'This might sound really weird, but I love Reg so much, nothing else comes close to it,' she explained. 'I know its a different sort of love, but Im just so into him and hes at such a sweet age, I want to be with him all the time I can.' She said that a boyfriend at this point in her life would be 'encroaching' on her cherished time with her son. She recently put on a stunning display at the Golden Globe Awards in LA wearing a mesh mini dress. And Kate Beckinsale turned heads once again in a tiny turquoise sequin playsuit for a fun selfie photo-shoot with a friend, also called Kate. The British actress, 49, looked incredible in the gorgeous snaps shared to her 5.5million followers on Instagram on Sunday. Wow! Kate Beckinsale turned heads once again in a tiny turquoise sequin playsuit for a fun selfie photo-shoot with a friend, also called Kate Looking good: The British actress, 49, looked incredible in the gorgeous snaps shared to her 5.5million followers on Instagram on Sunday Captioning the post, Kate jokingly wrote: 'Kate squared/a pair of Kates/a Kate for most occasions except a boring occasion and even then we would probably have a nice time Kate-ing about.' While keeping her cat as an accessory on her shoulder and in her arm, Kate's sequinned all-in-one featured shoulder pads and a black waist band. It had various fishnet mesh panels across the outfit, and had a zip at the front to allow for a plunging neckline. Kate teamed her slinky playsuit with a pair of thick black tights. Photo-shoot time: While keeping her cat as an accessory on her shoulder and in her arm, Kate's sequinned all-in-one featured shoulder pads and a black waist band Strike a pose: It had various fishnet mesh panels across the outfit, and had a zip at the front to allow for a plunging neckline Adding some inches to her model stature, Kate wore a pair of shiny patent leather black platform heels which had an ankle strap and a chunky heel. To accessorise, Kate opted for a silver shiny clutch bag, which contrasted against her layered gold necklaces and gold hoop earrings. She threw her blonde tresses up into a high ponytail, also opting for a black hairband to match parts of her playsuit. Posers: Adding some inches to her model stature, Kate wore a pair of shiny patent leather black platform heels which had an ankle strap and a chunky heel Pals: Captioning the post, Kate jokingly wrote: 'Kate squared/a pair of Kates/a Kate for most occasions except a boring occasion and even then we would probably have a nice time Kate-ing about' Kate went for a full face of makeup which looked flawless, adding a smokey eye for some drama. Her pal opted for a black poncho-style dress, with cream embroidery detailing, pearl necklaces and some quirky black glittery boot heels. The photo-shoot comes after Kate put on a glamorous display posing for snaps alongside Vas Morgan at his Golden Globes afterparty, which he and Michael Braun hosted in California at Limitless X The beauty donned a mini bubble dress with a mesh panel, while beaming alongside pals following the 80th annual awards ceremony. Stunners: Kate Beckinsale stunned in a mesh mini dress while Rita Ora opted for a hotpant playsuit on Tuesday evening as they posed alongside Vas Morgan at his and Michael Braun's Golden Globe Awards afterparty Rita Ora also posed up a storm as she joined in on the fun at the bash, sporting a pink hotpant playsuit for the appearance. Posing inside the bash, Kate looked ethereal in a linen bubble mini dress - which featured a figure-hugging bodice before coming out into a puff skirt. The number, which was designed by brand August Getty Atelier, had a maesh section over the chest with a high neck and white embroidery. She battled the cold weather by layering an extravagant white faux fur coat over the top and adding platformed silver heels with a double strap detail. While Much Ado About Nothing actress Kate had her caramel-hued locks tied into a chic high ponytail. Nailed it: Posing inside the bash, Kate looked ethereal in a linen bubble mini dress - which featured a figure-hugging bodice before coming out into a puff skirt He recently gave her a beautiful ring sparking engagement rumours with his partner Ekin-Su Culculoglu. And Love Island's Davide Saclimenti, 28, has spoken about his love for his Dancing On Ice girlfriend, during an interview on Good Morning Britain on Monday. When asked if they are betrothed, he said: 'In Rome we do promise rings, so now we are officially together and we live together, even though we are not getting married yet. Promise ring: Love Island's Davide addressed engagement rumours with girlfriend Ekin-Su as he discussed THAT ring he gave her over Christmas on Good Morning Britain on Monday When asked if they are betrothed, Davide said: 'In Rome we do promise rings, so now we are officially together and we live together, even though we are not getting married yet 'I wanted to get her a ring and give it her for Christmas. I got her a promise ring. Yeah, no were not engaged!! It's a promise ring.' Davide and Ekin-Su, also 28, shared a video of her receiving the ring while sitting at a table on a rooftop with a stunning view of Rome over Christmas/ Davide gave her a big white bag and Ekin-Su giggled as she began to open the gift. As the song Time to Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli played, Ekin-Su opened the ring box, with Davide then placing the ring on her wedding finger. Confused? Ekin-Su and Davide left fans begging for answers after they shared a clip of a romantic moment from their trip to Rome in Italy And during his latest interview, Davide spoke about his girlfriend ending up in the dance-off on Dancing On Ice. He said: 'I was there watching her live from the audience, I think she's doing well, obviously not just because she is my girlfriend. 'She's a strong woman, she knows what she wants, I think this will push her to try harder and get what she wants.' He continued: 'It is good for her because she will push herself even though she was sad for a few hours at first. The end of the day, this is the show it's how things go.' Supporting her: And during his latest interview, Davide spoke about his girlfriend ending up in the dance-off on Dancing On Ice He said: 'I was there watching her live from the audience, I think she's doing well, obviously not just because she is my girlfriend' Addressing rumors, he was asked to go on the show himself, he said: 'If Ekin comes out and I go in, I have to win! 'Haha no, I went to see her once and they gave me some ice skates and I think they were actually surprised how well I could actually stand on my feet. 'Next year, if I have the possibility [to go on Dancing On Ice], then I hope that Ekin will be there supporting me.' Davide also gave advice to the new Islander hopeful as the show is due to kick off on Monday night. He said: 'Go on for yourself, not for fame. Go to fall in love and find someone.' Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu shrugged off the massive demonstrations that involved roughly 80,000 protesters that condemned the planned overhaul of the country's judiciary. The overhaul includes the weakening of the country's Supreme Court, which would prevent it from being able to veto legislation and policies that are deemed unconstitutional. It would also grant the government control over the panel that appoints judges. Benjamin Netanyahu's Judicial Overhaul Plan Critics have argued that on top of other planned legislation, the planned changes will affect Israel's democratic character. This is due to upsetting the nation's system of checks and balances, granting too much power to the executive branch, and leaving minorities to fend for themselves. In a statement released by Netanyahu's office, the prime minister argued that there were massive protests two months ago. He said millions took to the streets to vote in the elections. Netanyahu argued that one of the systems the people voted in support of was overhauling the judicial system, per the Times of Israel. During the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said that everyone who went to the election rallies in city centers and neighborhoods could hear the rising voices from the crowds. The prime minister also urged to avoid being swept away by inflammatory slogans regarding civil war and the destruction of the state. Netanyahu added that when he was in the opposition, he and his allies did not call for civil war or speak about the state's destruction. Last week, rhetoric over the overhauls and pushback against them flared up when opposition lawmaker Benny Gantz accused the prime minister of "leading toward civil war." On the other hand, leader Yair Lapid urged supporters of his Yesh Atid party to take to the streets as part of a "war over our home." Read Also: NATO Anticipating Heavy Weapons Supply for Ukraine Massive Israeli Protests During the massive protest that involved roughly 80,000 Israelis, people held signs that compared the prime minister to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Some also said that Israel was becoming similar to semi-democratic Hungary and theocratic Iran, according to CNN. Several protesters said that they came out into the streets because they feared for Israel's future and to message Netanyahu that the public would not stand for what they consider the dismantling of Israeli democracy. On Thursday, the president of Israel's Supreme Court, Esther Hayut, criticized the proposed changes as an "unbridled" attack on the country's legal system. He added that they were made to force a fatal blow on the judicial system's independence. One group of protesters was seen clashing with police officers while attempting to block access to a major road, the Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv. Critics also said that the planned overhauls would foster corruption, violate minority rights, and deprive the country's court system of credibility. The demonstrators also had protesters draped in Israeli flags, carrying posters in Hebrew and pictures of Netanyahu with an X over his mouth said BBC. Related Article: Peru Protests Death Toll Update @ 2023 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Theo James cut a stylish figure on Monday, as he attended the Giorgio Armani fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2023/2024 with his wife Ruth Kearney. The White Lotus star, 38, looked as handsome as ever in a navy blue double-breasted suit. He added a matching blue shirt underneath and shiny black shoes, while his hair was styled in its natural curls. Looking good: Theo James cut a stylish figure on Monday, as he attended the Giorgio Armani fashion show during the Milan Menswear Fall/Winter 2023/2024 with his wife Ruth Kearney Ruth complemented him by also donning a suit, while wearing nothing underneath to show off a hint of cleavage. She added a few extra inches to her height in a pair of black pointed high heels and toted a coordinating black handbag. She accessorised with a pair of white dangling earrings and a simple diamond necklace for a touch of sparkle. Dapper: The White Lotus star, 38, looked as handsome as ever in a navy blue double-breasted suit Handsome: He added a matching blue shirt underneath and shiny black shoes, while his hair was styled in its natural curls Love is all you need: The couple were seen holding hands outside the show Chic: They looked perfectly in sync for their stylish appearance together Her blonde tresses were left down and loosely waves, while she sported a light palette palette of makeup. They were joined at the star-studded fashion event by Ed Westwick and Jordan Barrett. Ed put on a dapper display in a navy blue blazer, teamed with matching trousers and a white T-shirt. Glitzy: They were joined at the star-studded fashion event by Ed Westwick and Jordan Barrett Dashing put on a dapper display in a navy blue blazer, teamed with matching trousers and a white T-shirt Smart: He added a pair of bright white trainers for a casual touch and a blue and red patterned pocket square He added a pair of bright white trainers for a casual touch and a blue and red patterned pocket square. Jordan opted to wear a pair of dark purple trousers with a matching purple patchwork sweater. He layered over a silk navy blue bomber jacket and accessorised with a silver chain necklace and black loafers. Purple reign: Jordan opted to wear a pair of dark purple trousers with a matching purple patchwork sweater Stylish: He layered over a silk navy blue bomber jacket and accessorised with a silver chain necklace and black loafers Also in attendance at the glitzy menswear show was James Norton who looked dashing in grey coat. The actor layered a navy jumper underneath and a pair of matching pinstripe trousers. He added shiny brown shoes and a delicate silver chain necklace, while hiding his eyes behind a pair of sunglasses. Giorgio Armani himself was at the event, and came out on the runway after showing his collection. Tailored: Also in attendance at the glitzy menswear show was James Norton who looked dashing in grey coat Sophisticated: The actor layered a navy jumper underneath and a pair of matching pinstripe trousers Shade: He added shiny brown shoes and a delicate silver chain necklace, while hiding his eyes behind a pair of sunglasses Shades off: He wore a big smile on his face as he was pictured leaving the show Man of the hour: Giorgio Armani himself was at the event, and came out on the runway after showing his collection Royal wave: Armani himself was seen greeting fans outside, (left), while Jordan Barrett cut a trendy figure, (right) Jonathan Cheban, whose official name is now Foodgod, was seen during a rare outing in Beverly Hills late last week. The best friend of Kim Kardashian - who has been on Keeping Up With The Kardashians and the new show The Kardashians - was not alone, however. Instead the star was with a blonde mystery woman who wore cute pink frame sunglasses as she clung to the reality TV veteran. DailyMail.com has learned her first name is Erica. Back in the 90210: Jonathan Cheban, whose official name is now Foodgod, was seen during a rare outing in Beverly Hills late last week Would she approve? His very close friend is Keeping Up With The Kardashians vet Kim Kardashian Cheban wore dark clothing with a print T-shirt that featured Madonna in a #1 shirt, and black slacks as he made his way around Rodeo Drive. His female friend had light hair and wore a dark blazer over a dark top with ripped jeans and black Louis Vuitton sneakers. She held a beige and black Louis Vuitton purse. They walked in step and she held onto his arms. He has not been romantically linked since his last girlfriend, stylist Anat Popovsky, whom he met in 2012 while filming Kourtney and Kim Take Miami. The two split in 2016. Not solo: The best friend of Kim Kardashian - who has been on Keeping Up With The Kardashians and the new show The Kardashians - was not alone, however In 2017 he was seen holding hands with a pretty blonde woman, but she was never ID'd. In September he looked upset when he got a parking ticket on his Alfa Romeo sedan in photos obtained exclusively by DailyMail. The New Jersey native walked up to his white car, pulled the ticket off the window, then talked to a parking enforcement officer on the sidewalk. Jonathan has stayed close to Kim over the past 15 years. He has carved out a niche for himself as Foodgod who explores the more exotic foods of the world, like deep friend pastries and cotton candy cones. She will be missed: His ex is Anat Popovsky; here they are seen in Las Vegas in 2016 Cheban has amassed a big social media following which was parlayed into TV fame as he launched Foodgod on the Food Network. His costars include Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner and Fat Joe. This comes months after he was seen at the same shop. There was an attempted robbery at the Louis Vuitton store in Beverly Hills in April in broad daylight when a man ran out of the luxury store with a $8,000 leather jacket. In style and in step: Instead the star was with a blonde mystery woman who wore cute pink frame sunglasses as she clung to the reality TV veteran Close: Cheban wore dark clothing with a print T-shirt and slacks as he made his way around Rodeo Drive C ute duo: His female friend had light hair and wore a dark blazer over a dark top with ripped jeans and black Louis Vuitton sneakers Cheban was walking up to the store to shop just after the incident occurred at 1:30 pm and he spoke to DailyMail.com exclusively. Several police were already on the scene as two men were reportedly arrested. 'It was a madhouse, there were so many police here in these huge bullet proof vests, and there were helicopters in the sky circling, it did not look like Beverly Hills, it looked like an action movie! This place has changed a lot,' he remarked to DailyMail.com exclusively. The attempted robbery was chaos, said a person who saw the event unravel. According to the eyewitness who spoke to DailyMail.com exclusively, the police arrived within four minutes with four SUV police cars and apprehended two suspects outside the shop. His pal: This comes after the New Jersey native was seen after dining with Kardashian and her daughter North West at The Polo Bar in New York City According to the Los Angeles Times which talked to the police, one suspect was caught near the store, and the other was detained by private security contractors about a block away. Because the suspects used force, they could be charged with a felony, it was added. 'A man tried to run out of Louis Vuitton with a leather jacket, and security tried to apprehend him on the stairs, which resulted in a physical fight that made a lot of noise and scared shoppers out of the store,' said an onlooker to DailyMail.com. 'The suspect and the security guard were rolling down the stairs together, yelling, and fighting in front of customers it was a big scene. 'I thought someone was hurt but no one seemed to be hurt.' 'When police arrived I saw guns and I saw a man get tackled and handcuffed on the street. It was really scary. People are talking about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars. I feel bad for Chris, but this is much worse. This was intense,' said the shopper. SO LV: She held a beige and black Louis Vuitton purse. They walked in step and she held onto his arms On their way to lunch: The pair seemed to be heading to a restaurant on Rodeo Drive Ceban says he is so aware of increased crime in big cities, he leaves the bling at home. 'I don't wear nice watches anymore because of it. I was robbed in New Jersey and my watch was taken, so I don't even wear anything nice when I go out anymore,' he added. Cheban is referring to the August 2020 robbery in New Jersey where his $250,000 watch was stolen at gunpoint when he was with his mother. A suspect Victor Rivera was arrested months later in Miami. Beverly Hills has been hit with a string of crimes in the past year, including a robbery at Fendi and a shooting at the restaurant Il Pastaio over an expensive watch. 'It happens to often now, people don't even get shocked anymore,' said an eyewitness outside Louis Vuitton to DailyMail.com. Before throwing her five-year-old daughter Chicago a Hello Kitty-themed birthday bash on Sunday, Kim Kardashian flew her private jet 782 miles North to visit Pelican Bay State Prison in Crescent, CA last week. The 42-year-old aspiring attorney spent a day at the notorious supermax prison facility to visit with some of the estimated 290 inmates spending 22 hours or more each day in solitary confinement for up to five years - according to TMZ. The security housing unit (SHU) is reserved for inmates who pose a serious threat to inmates and staff with each windowless cell measuring 7ft x 11ft. Surprise! Before throwing her five-year-old daughter Chicago a Hello Kitty-themed birthday bash on Sunday (pictured), Kim Kardashian flew her private jet 782 miles North to visit Pelican Bay State Prison in Crescent, CA last week Raising awareness: The 42-year-old aspiring attorney spent a day at the notorious supermax prison facility to visit with some of the estimated 290 inmates spending 22 hours or more each day in solitary confinement for up to five years (pictured in 2013) Pelican Bay inmates - who also spend 90 minutes a day alone in bare concrete exercise pens - are not allowed phone calls, only rare noncontact visits, and there have been several hunger strikes to protest conditions over the years. The United Nations have stated that anymore than 15 days in solitary is 'torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment.' Two of the more infamous inmates to grace Pelican Bay include former music mogul Marion 'Suge' Knight and the late cult leader Charles Manson. A look inside: The security housing unit (SHU) is reserved for inmates who pose a serious threat to inmates and staff with each windowless cell measuring 7ft x 11ft (pictured in 2013) Cruel? Pelican Bay inmates - who also spend 90 minutes a day alone in bare concrete exercise pens (pictured in 2013) - are not allowed phone calls, only rare noncontact visits, and there have been several hunger strikes to protest conditions over the years Prior residents: Two of the more infamous inmates to grace Pelican Bay include former music mogul Marion 'Suge' Knight (L) and the late cult leader Charles Manson (R) Mastermind: Kim was joined by fellow criminal reform advocate Scott Budnick (L, pictured in 2021), who produced Ben Lear's 2016 documentary They Call Us Monsters and Joshua Rofe's 2013 documentary Lost for Life - both about adult charges for juvenile offenders Making movie magic: Kardashian was also joined by Golden Globe nominee Tobey Maguire - who executive produced and starred in Babylon - as well as a camera crew for an upcoming documentary (pictured December 15) Kim was joined by fellow criminal reform advocate Scott Budnick, who produced Ben Lear's 2016 documentary They Call Us Monsters and Joshua Rofe's 2013 documentary Lost for Life - both about adult charges for juvenile offenders. Kardashian was also joined by Golden Globe nominee Tobey Maguire - who executive produced and starred in Babylon - as well as a camera crew for an upcoming documentary. The Calabasas socialite has visited prisons in the past and frequently uses her star power to help secure clemency for inmates like Alice Marie Johnson, Cyntoia Brown, Matthew Charles, and Jeffrey Stringer. Prison selfie: The Calabasas socialite has visited prisons in the past (pictured in 2019) and frequently uses her star power to help secure clemency for inmates like Alice Marie Johnson, Cyntoia Brown, Matthew Charles, and Jeffrey Stringer One year to go! Kim passed the 'baby bar' exam in 2021 (pictured) after failing it three times, and she reportedly spends 18 hours a week studying for the California State Bar in 2024 without attending college or law school Legacy: Kardashian - who wants to start her own law firm - is following the footsteps of her late father, OJ Simpson defense attorney Robert Kardashian Sr. (M, pictured in 1995), who died at age 59 from esophageal cancer in 2003 when she was only 22 Kim passed the 'baby bar' exam in 2021 after failing it three times, and she reportedly spends 18 hours a week studying for the California State Bar in 2024 without attending college or law school. Kardashian - who wants to start her own law firm - is following the footsteps of her late father, OJ Simpson defense attorney Robert Kardashian Sr., who died at age 59 from esophageal cancer in 2003 when she was only 22. The System podcaster also has her hands full raising four children, running SKIMS and SKKN, and executive producing/starring in the 10-episode third season of The Kardashians - which began production in September. She's famous for her incredible sense of style. And Victoria Beckham has treated her fans to a peek at the newest collection from her high-end fashion brand. The fashion designer, 48, flaunted her incredible figure in a flowing gown decorated in diagonal ruffles. Looking good: Victoria Beckham has treated her fans to a peek at the newest collection from her high-end fashion brand The pale pink dress boasted spaghetti straps and a long ruffled train that reached the floor. Victoria took to Instagram on Monday to share two mirror selfies of herself modelling the outfit. In the caption she teased: 'Monday morning fitting. New Summer collection for a special occasion x #VBSS23 coming soon!! VB'. It comes after Victoria cut the prices of hundreds of clothing items in a huge sale amid the reported financial trouble of her company after it reportedly racked up a total of 66.3million of debt since its launch. Dazzling: The fashion designer, 48, flaunted her incredible figure in a flowing gown decorated in diagonal ruffles On her website it says: 'Explore the VB sale with up to 60 per cent off key styles'. Items including sunglasses, coats, gym wear and dresses are included in the offers online. For example a green dress in the sale section is down 40 per cent from 990 to 594 while a camel coat is also 40 per cent reduced 1,590 to 954. Sneak peek: In the caption she teased: 'Monday morning fitting. New Summer collection for a special occasion x #VBSS23 coming soon!! VB' A representative for Victoria has been contacted by MailOnline for comment. It comes after earlier this week it was revealed that the company reportedly has racked up a total of 66.3million of debt since its launch. The fashion designer launched her fashion label in 2008 with a small collection of dresses. It swiftly grew to an extensive range that now includes handbags, coats, shoes and accessories. Store: The fashion designer launched her fashion label in 2008 with a small collection of dresses. It swiftly grew to an extensive range that now includes handbags, coats, shoes and accessories According to The Mirror, the latest accounts for Victoria Beckham Holdings Ltd show it made losses of 5,887,036 in 2021, down from 8,581,944 in 2020. This means overall losses for the firm now stand at 66.3m since its launch in 2008 and directors of the firm - including Victoria and her husband David - were not paid a dividend. The study says: 'The loss for the year, after taxation and minority interests, amounted to 5,887,036 (2020 - loss of 8,581,944 Power couple: Despite the big losses, the Beckhams global empire has reportedly doubled its profits - racking in 11.6 million in 2020 'During the 2021 financial year the ultimate shareholders provided additional loans of 0.6m to the group.' The luxury fashion business has expanded to Europe and the Middle East, with the annual accounts saying the brand was also expanding into new products, with the launch of leather goods and the VB Body range. A company spokesperson told MailOnline: 'The shareholders continue to support and invest in the business for growth. The balance sheet is good, there is no bank debt.' CEO, Marie Leblanc added: '2021 saw the successful repositioning of Victoria Beckham Limited and 2022 is set to be an even stronger year. 'We have entered a new chapter for the business and our energy is focused on accelerating growth and taking the brand to its full potential. 'With the successful launch of leather goods in 2022 and the continuous acceleration of sales growth in Beauty, we have high expectations.' Despite the big losses, the Beckham's global empire has reportedly doubled its profits. Annual accounts filed with Companies House in London showed the pair made 11.6m in the year ending December 2020 despite the pandemic compared to 4.5m in 2019. In accounts submitted in 2021, auditors warned of 'significant doubt' about Victoria's fashion company's ability to continue operating when it was reported that the company had racked up debts of more than 46 million since it launched. Friends of the star said at the time that she is determined to continue with her company even though her detractors have dismissed it as a vanity project. One said: 'This is what gives Victoria her identity, she loves it and despite its obvious obstacles, she is a grafter and hugely passionate about it.' In February 2021, it emerged that Mrs Beckham's beauty range she set up in 2019 had suffered a loss of 4.7 million. A spokeswoman for Mrs Beckham said: 'Whilst 2019 was a challenging year, the business halved its losses - a significant step in the road to profitability. The launch of the hugely successful beauty line in the same year helped drive overall revenues up 7% on 2018 and both businesses are focussed on profitable growth. 'The showcase of the recent AW21 fashion collection has been well-received by fashion critics and the beauty business has seen multiple sell-out products in recent months.' The finale of the second season of Ginny And Georgia saw Georgia being put into the back of a police car on her wedding day after being arrested for murder. So fans are keen to know what's next for her complexed character, Brianne Howey, although a third season is yet to be confirmed. Ginny And Georgias creator (Sarah Lampert) and showrunner (Debra J. Fisher), told Deadline have not discussed season 3 with Netflix yet. Will there be a Ginny And Georgia Season 3 On Netflix? Creators hint at what's to come after SHOCKING season 2 finale More to come: Ginny And Georgias creator (Sarah Lampert) and showrunner (Debra J. Fisher), told Deadline have not discussed season 3 with Netflix yet but they sound hopeful They said: 'No, theres been no talks with Netflix about Season 3. Theyre very regimented about how they do things. 'So theres very much a strategy in place where I think well drop it, and then we have to wait to see how it does and if were going to see Season 3 but I certainly hope we do because its going to be a wild ride.' However, it's fair to say there is an appetite among the cast and crew to continue the show which tell the story of Ginny Miller, an angsty fifteen-year-old, who often feels more mature than her thirty-year-old mother, the irresistible Georgia Miller. And in the same Deadline interview, the show creators reference season three many times, suggesting they have already made plans for its creation. OMG! The finale of the second season of Ginny And Georgia saw Georgia being put into the back of a police car on her wedding day after being arrested for murder They said that the show would look really different in season 3, namely because Georgia has actually been arrested for murder, which ends season 2 on a huge cliffhanger. 'They want to throw a number of surprises into season 3 that they already have planned out. They will dig deeper into Austin and what he witnessed during season 2, and how that will affect him. 'Theyll explore how or if Paul sticks by his new wife after her arrest in season 3. Theyll deal more with the eating disorder presented in season 2 as they wanted to take their time with that and show it couldnt be wrapped up neatly in one season.' Damian Romeo, who plays Matt Press, wants the writers to take his character in a 'new direction' in season three. Epic: Creators have said that the show would look really different in season 3, namely because Georgia has actually been arrested for murder, which ends season 2 on a huge cliffhanger Digging deeper: 'They want to throw a number of surprises into season 3 that they already have planned out including Austin's mental health crisis The actor portrays a jock in the show who strikes up a destructive relationship with Abby (Katie Douglas). But Damian has said there could be more layers to Matt and said he would like to see 'more depth' to him in season three, should the show be renewed. He told The Express: 'I think every episode and every season we are digging with a chisel right now. And I'd like them for season three to take a shovel. 'I love the producers, the team, everyone we shoot with. We are like a big family so of course, if they invite me back for a third season I'll be there.' Kristen Stewart braved rainy weather to go for a walk with a friend in Los Angeles on Sunday. The 32-year-old actress looked casual in a pair of distressed jeans, a green jacket with a black hood and sneakers. The Twilight star wore a distressed black billed hat over her dark chocolate mullet hairstyle. She debuted the look at the Chanel show in October during Paris Fashion Week. Rainy day: Kristen Stewart braved rainy weather to go for a walk with a friend in Los Angeles Sunday. The 32-year-old actress looked casual in a pair of distressed jeans, sneakers and tried to keep warm wearing green jacket with a black hood She appeared to be makeup free, showcasing her peaches-and-cream complexion, and completed the look with rose-colored sunglasses. Her friend kept warm in a pair of tan corduroy pants, boots and brown turtleneck top. She covered up with a tan puffy jacket. The woman had highlighted hair which was worn down in soft waves. Makeup free: Kristen appeared to be makeup free, showcasing her peaches and cream complexion, and completed the look with rose colored sunglasses. Her friend kept warm in a pair of tan corduroy pants, boots, brown turtleneck top and tan puffy jacket The Spencer actress, who is engaged to screenwriter Dylan Meyer, 34, has been getting ready to step behind the camera. She will make her feature length directorial debut on The Chronology Of Water, based on the memoir by Lidia Yuknavitch. Kristen has also co-written the screenplay and cast Imogen Poots, 33, to star in the film about a bi-sexual woman overcoming a history of abuse and drug addiction who finds herself involved in the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement opposing Israeli oppression of Palestine. Love stories: Kristen will appear in two smaller films later this year - Love Lies Bleeding, co-starring Ed Harris and Jenna Malone, as well as the sci-fi adventure Love Me, about a romance between a satellite and a buoy, co-starring Steven Yeun The actress-turned-director has taken the lead on smaller projects including an episode of Homemade, a short film called Come Swim, and two music videos. The versatile star recently wrapped up work on two smaller projects - the romantic drama Love Lies Bleeding, co-starring Ed Harris and Jenna Malone, as well as the sci-fi adventure Love Me, about a romance between a satellite and a buoy, co-starring Steven Yeun. Both films are slated for release later this year. Lila Moss shared a throwback snap of herself alongside her supermodel mum Kate as she led her 49th birthday tributes on Monday. The model, 20, took to Instagram to post the hilarious shot, which saw her younger self wear a pair of oversized sunglasses while sitting next to the supermodel. In her caption, she wrote: 'Happy birthday mumma! side by side forever xxx.' Doting daughter: Lila Moss shared a throwback snap of herself alongside her supermodel mum Kate as she led her 49th birthday tributes on Monday Family: In her caption, she wrote: 'Happy birthday mumma! side by side forever xxx' Jordan Barrett, who is signed to Kate's modelling agency, shared a nude snap of the pair to his Story, along with an old video of the icon. Alongside, he wrote: 'National holiday, Kates. love. " @katemossagency,' and, 'TO YOU. @katemossagency. LOVE. FOREVER.' Fellow supermodel Christy Turlington shared a photo taken from a British Vogue shoot in 1993 during a trip to Nepal. She wrote: 'Happy Birthday to the divine @katemossagency Always bringing the fun into the room who sees everything. What a pair! Kate (left) and Lila (right) are pictured at the Dior Homme Menswear Fall/Winter 2020-2021 show during Paris Fashion Week in January 2020 'This photo was taken by @arthurelgort on one of my favorite trips of all time to Nepal with @britishvogue in 1993. @guidopalau @lucindachambers & [elephant emoji].' Elsewhere, Kate is clearly unconcerned about the row over 'nepo babies' people who have benefited from nepotism thanks to their parents' careers. She's reportedly signed up another daughter of a famous pal to her modelling agency. The new recruit is Bliss Chapman, 17, who is daughter of model-turned-nutritionist Rosemary Ferguson and the artist Jake Chapman and ex-girlfriend of Cruz Beckham. Pals: Jordan Barrett, who is signed to Kate's modelling agency, shared a nude snap of the pair to his Story, along with an old video of the icon Buddies: Fellow supermodel Christy Turlington wrote: 'Happy Birthday to the divine @katemossagency Always bringing the fun into the room who sees everything' Bliss was a bridesmaid at Kate's 2011 wedding to musician Jamie Hince and is also the ex-girlfriend of youngest Beckham boy Cruz. The young couple split in March of last year after 18 months of dating, which became public when they were pictured hand-in-hand at the Reading Festival. And the young beauty is now joining her half-sister, Elfie Reigate, 22, who was the debut signing of the Kate Moss Agency. The term nepo babies was coined online and is used to describe celebrity offspring who land easily in the world of showbiz, cushioned by their parents' famous names. EastEnders' legend Adam Woodyatt has hit out at social media 'scams' after they used his weight loss to advertise their account. The actor, 54, took to his Instagram on Monday to share a fake advertisement he'd seen and that it had '100% nothing' to do with him. He also said he was aware of several accounts pretending to be him but clarified his account with 108K followers was the only one he used. Scam: EastEnders ' legend Adam Woodyatt hit out at social media 'scams' on Monday after they used his weight loss to advertise their account He said: 'A friend saw this advert on Facebook or whatever it is called this year and sent it to me. It is 100% NOTHING to do with me. 'Im also aware of several accounts pretending to be a personal or private account for me on Instagram, it doesnt matter how many times we report or block them, another one pops up. 'Im on Twitter and Facebook but rarely use them, this is the account that I use regularly although I dont reply often to comments (I probably should interact a bit more than I do) and I never check messages.' He ended his post advising his followers to 'please be careful on Social Media.' Clarity: Adam also said he was aware of several accounts pretending to be him but clarified his account with 108K followers was the only one he used Then and now: The actor, 54, took to his Instagram on Monday to share a fake advertisement he'd seen and that it had '100% nothing' to do with him Responses to Adam's post were equally split - half appalled at the scam and the other half impressed by his weight loss. One user commented: 'Looking great nonetheless'. Meanwhile, another penned: 'Fake advert aside... huge difference before and after!' Adam was a familiar face in Albert Square as he played the part of Ian Beale for 36 years before exiting the show in 2021. Reflection: EastEnders ' Adam Woodyatt has admitted it 'can't have been easy' for his children when they were at school due to his fame as a soap star (pictured in April 2022) Yet he recently accepted that his on-screen role will have caused his issues for his two children - Jessie, now 29, and Sam, 25 - who he shares with ex-wife Beverley. Adam told The Daily Star: 'You would have to ask them how going through school with Ian Beale as their father was. It cant have been easy for them. 'I did actually apologise for them once when I picked up an award. They must have gotten some stick at school.' Since leaving Walford, The EastEnders veteran has been working hard on new projects, such as starring in the West End musical My Fair Lady. Pastures new: Adam, 54, was a familiar face in Albert Square as he played the part of Ian Beale for 36 years before exiting the show in 2021 (pictured on the show) The actor who first appeared in the BBC soap back in 1986 also made reference to the recent flashback episode that dramatised Albert Square in a one-off 1979 episode. Adam stated: 'I thought it was very clever. Hats off to the team.' The special episode gave a bit of a backstory to the Mitchell family and featured Jaime Winstone as Peggy Mitchell - the character made famous by Dame Barbara Windsor. Family: Adam accepted that his on-screen role will have caused his issues for his two children - Jessie, now 29, and Sam, 25 - who he shares with ex-wife Beverley (pictured in 2020) On whether or not he would return to the show, Adam revealed in September: 'The door has been left open, but there are lot's of doors.' In November 2021, Adam surprised his family - along with the nation - when he joined Im A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! as a latecomer alongside Coronation Street star Simon Gregson. Upon entering the show, Adam said: 'I didnt want to spoil the surprise and so I have been keeping very quiet about it. Adam exited I'm a Celeb in sixth place. The actor was part of a double elimination alongside Olympic gold medal winning diver, Matty Lee. Jeremy Renner shared a photo of snowy setting in Lake Tahoe on social media on Monday. The 52-year-old Mayor Of Kingstown actor said he was missing his 'happy place' as he continues to recover in a hospital two weeks after a scary snow plow accident that nearly crushed him to death near his home in Northern California. The Hawkeye actor's sister, Kym, told People last week that Jeremy is working hard to restore his health with therapy in a hospital. Happy place: Jeremy Renner is still recovering from his near-fatal snow plow accident at his home in Reno, but he has been thinking about better days to come. The Avengers star posted a photo of a snow covered cabin Monday, writing, 'Missing my happy place...' 'If anyone knows Jeremy, he is a fighter and doesn't mess around,' she said. 'He is crushing all the progress goals. We couldn't feel more positive about the road ahead.' The second season of the action star's gritty drama, Mayor Of Kingstown, debuted on Paramount+ Sunday night, and a post about in on social media gave his friends and fans an opportunity to send more good wishes his way. Progress: Jeremy's sister, Kym, said he is making progress. 'If anyone knows Jeremy, he is a fighter and doesn't mess around,' she told People. 'He is crushing all the progress goals. We couldn't feel more positive about the road ahead' 1923 star Robert Patrick wrote, 'Cant wait! Hope you are feeling better!!!!' One fan shared their hope writing, 'I'm praying for you to heal quickly and painlessly! So excited for season 2! .' Another shared, 'Well be more excited once youre 100%. Get well soon.' Well wishes: A social media post about season two of Mayor of Kingstown gave friends and fans another opportunity to share their good wishes. 1923 star Robert Patrick wrote, 'cant wait! Hope you are feeling better!!!!' In an earlier post, Jeremy's The Hurt Locker co-star Evangeline Lilly called him 'one of the most grounded and real people I ever met in Hollywood,' and the actor is going to be showing that side of himself in the upcoming Disney+ reality show Rennervations. The four-part series will focus on Jeremys lifelong passion for giving back to communities around the world by reimagining unique purpose-built vehicles to meet a communitys needs. One of those projects is located in neighboring Sparks, Nevada, at The Generator, a center best known for producing some of Burning Man's most iconic sculptures. Sabrina Elba delivered her acceptance speech at the Crystal Award ceremony at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, on Monday. The actress, 32, was the picture of elegance in an asymmetrical black dress while joined by her husband Idris, 50, who looked suave in a double-breasted grey suit. She reportedly said: 'Rural communities are filled with talented, youthful populations and enormous potential for new and vibrant markets. Stunning: Sabrina Elba delivered her acceptance speech at the Crystal Award ceremony at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, on Monday 'The private sector can play a massive role in supporting and sourcing from small farmers and in ensuring world leaders continue to invest in holistic ways to combat environmental degradation and rising hunger. According to Mirage News, Idris added: 'The poor of the world are not just looking for aid and handouts, they are looking for investment investment in people, in nature, in innovation. 'With greater access to finance, markets, resources, technology and knowledge, we can unlock a different future. 'Failure to invest massively will lead to increased hunger and poverty, which in turn could fuel social unrest, conflict and migration.' Couple: The actress, 32, was the picture of elegance in an asymmetrical black dress while joined by her husband Idris, 50, who looked suave in a double-breasted grey suit Powerful: She reportedly said: 'Rural communities are filled with talented, youthful populations and enormous potential for new and vibrant markets' Message: She added: 'The private sector can play a massive role in supporting and sourcing from small farmers and in ensuring world leaders continue to invest in holistic ways to combat environmental degradation and rising hunger' The UN Goodwill Ambassadors received the Crystal Award in front of global leaders in government and industry. Idris' appearance comes after he shared the official release date for his latest film Luther: The Fallen Sun. The actor, who is set to play the lead role, can be seen appearing from a dark shadow in the first dramatic trailer for the film. On ominous voice is then heard saying: 'Something's coming. You see me now?' Force for good: Idris added: 'The poor of the world are not just looking for aid and handouts, they are looking for investment investment in people, in nature, in innovation' Speech: He continued: 'With greater access to finance, markets, resources, technology and knowledge, we can unlock a different future' Deserving: The UN Goodwill Ambassadors received the Crystal Award in front of global leaders in government and industry It will arrive in select cinemas on 24 February, followed by a Netflix release on 10 March. The streaming service took to Twitter on Wednesday to confirm that the much-anticipated new picture will be called Luther: The Fallen Sun. It also revealed that the film, which will follow on from the dramatic 2019 series finale, will be released in March next year. Netflix also shared brand new images of Idris, back once again as DCI John Luther, who was last seen being sent to prison in the dramatic BBC series finale. In the new snaps, Idris is seen once again sporting his signature tweed jacket ensemble as he is seen exploring an array of mystery locations. He cut a suave figure in dark suit trousers, a blue shirt and a red tie, which he styled with his famous longline coat as he once again embodied Luther. And the Luther movie is set to be as jampacked with dramatic scenes as ever as one photograph shows a concerned Idris holding up his hands in a busy city setting. Exciting: Idris' appearance comes after he shared the official release date for his latest film Luther: The Fallen Sun His character Luther is also seen exploring more challenging climes and breaking away from its traditional London setting as he was seen making his way through a snowy, mountainous landscape. Another shot shows Idris standing on what appeared to be underground train tracks, while a final snap saw him dramatically walking through red lights. Luther: The Fallen Sun will arrive in select cinemas on 24 February, followed by a Netflix release on 10 March. The national emergency service said on Sunday that the death toll from a Russian missile strike on an apartment building in the southeastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro rose to 30 as rescue personnel attempted to find survivors in the rubble. Before Saturday's attack, officials believed that more than 1,700 people resided in the multistory apartment building. Emergency crews labored throughout the night and the next day to repair the facility. Russia Missile Strike Rocks Ukraine The reported death toll made it the worst strike in a single area since September 30 in the Zaporizhia region of Ukraine. Russia also struck the capital, Kyiv, and the northeastern city of Kharkiv on the same day, breaking a two-week lull in its nearly weekly strikes against Ukraine's electrical infrastructure and metropolitan areas since October. Russia acknowledged the Sunday missile assaults, but did not name the Dnipro apartment complex. According to AP News via Yahoo, Russia has repeatedly denied using human targets in the fight. The commander of the military's air force stated that the missile that impacted the apartment block was a Kh-22 launched from the Kursk region of Russia. The Ukraine lacks a system that can detect this type of weapon. Workers in Dnipro deployed a crane to rescue those trapped on the upper floors of a residential structure. Some people requested aid using their cell phone flashlights. The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said that at least 73 people were injured and 39 people had been rescued. According to the Dnipro city government, 43 individuals are missing. Ivan Garnuk was residing in his apartment when the structure was attacked, and he expressed thanks for his survival. Read Also: Nepal Plane Crash Video Russia, Ukraine Fight for Eastern Donetsk Moscow's attacks on Ukraine's electricity infrastructure and metropolitan centers resumed after a two-week respite. According to General Valeriy Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, Russia launched 33 cruise missiles, 21 were intercepted on Saturday. According to the air force leadership, the missile that struck the multi-story residential structure in Dnipro was a Kh-22 launched from Russia's Kursk area. Workers utilized a crane to attempt to rescue around 1,700 individuals stuck on the upper levels of the apartment building. Some locals requested assistance using the lights on their cell phones, as per Mirror. On Sunday, the Russian military stormed a residential neighborhood in the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson, according to a Telegram message from the region's governor, Yaroslav Yanushevych. According to initial reports, two persons were injured. Kyrylo Tymoshenko, the deputy head of the Ukrainian presidential office, stated on Telegram that this morning's strikes targeted vital infrastructure in Kyiv. Unidentified infrastructure was struck in the city, and emergency services were dispatched to the scene, according to the military administration of the city of Kyiv. Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Kyiv, reported hearing explosions in the Dniprovskyi neighborhood, a residential area on Dnieper River. He said that missile parts landed in a non-residential sector of the Holosiivskyi neighborhood on the right bank, where a structure caught fire. As they waited for the air raid sirens to cease, elderly citizens, danced and performed music. Putin's army launched two S-300 missiles against the industrial zone of Kharkiv, according to regional governor Oleh Synehubov. The strikes targeted "energy and industrial items of Kharkiv and the (outlying) area," Synehubov stated. The official stated that no injuries had been recorded but that emergency power outages were possible in the city and other villages in the region. The raids came amid contradictory reports regarding the fate of the bitterly disputed salt-mining town of Soledar, located in Ukraine's beleaguered eastern Donetsk region. Related Article: Russia-Ukraine War Update @YouTube @ 2023 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. The first poster for the third season of The Mandalorian was shared on Monday morning. Bounty hunter Din Djarin is seen holding his cute little friend Baby Yoda, whose proper name is Grogu. The last time audiences saw the green wonder in the Mandalorian series he was with Luke Skywalker played by Mark Hamill (with the power of CGI). The trailer for the new season - which will premiere on March 1, 2023 - drops on Monday evening during the NFL game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Mando and Grogu back together: The first poster for the third season of The Mandalorian was shared on Monday morning. The bounty hunter is seen holding his cute little sidekick Baby Yoda, whose proper name is Grogu The poster was revealed by Star Wars' Twitter account. It sees the Mandalorian - played by Pedro Pascal - with his full costume and singed cape on as he holds Grogu in one of his arms. The two look to be making an escape as Mando uses his trusty jet pack while firing his blaster. The Mandalorian's new season will see the hero face push back from the Mandalore community as they don't like the 'consequences' of Mando taking Baby Yoda. Deadline reported in December that the third season will see Mando traveling to his home planet Mandalore. Carl Weathers, Giancarlo Esposito and Katee Sackhoff are all returning to the series which added Christopher Lloyd for its highly-anticipated third season. March 2023: The Mandalorian and Grogu will ride together again in March The second season of the program came out in 2020 though Mando and Grogu made a long appearance in The Book of Boba Fett series that came out earlier this year. Nick Nolte, Ming-Na Wen, Taika Waititi and Bill Burr have appeared in the series in the past alongside a number of other big names. Over its first two seasons, the show has been lauded by fans and critics alike. It holds a 93% on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. The Mandalorian has also been big on the awards circuit, taking home 14 Emmys, one Screen Actors Guild Award and a Grammy nomination. March 1: The hotly-anticipated new season will premiere on March 1 2023, three years after the second season Traveling: Deadline reported that the third season of the show will see Pedro Pascal's Mando traveling to his home planet Mandalore Star power: Nick Nolte, Ming-Na Wen, Taika Waititi and Bill Burr have appeared in the series in the past alongside a number of other big names (Clancy Brown second from right, Burr far right) Since The Mandalorian season two ended, Mando and Grogu were seen during an episode of The Book Of Boba Fet. The Mandalorian is one of many Star Wars spin-off shows Disney+ has released over the last few years. The Book Of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi were both released earlier this year along with the most recent series, Andor, which follows the popular character from Rogue One. Disney will release a number new shows starting next year as well such as Ahsoka, a new series starring Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka Tano and The Acolyte starring Amandla Stenberg and Squid Game star Lee Jung-jae. Mads Mikkelsen looked every inch the Hollywood star as he made his way to a show at Milan Fashion Week in Italy on Monday. The actor, 57, made a stylish arrival in an all-black outfit as he attended the Zegna men's show. Mads, who is known for playing Harry Potter villain Gellert Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts franchise, puffed on a cigarette as he made his way inside. Stepping out: Mads Mikkelsen cut a stylish figure in an all-black outfit and puffed on a cigarette as he headed to the Zegna show during Milan Fashion Week in Italy on Monday The Danish actor wore a pair of black trousers, which he teamed with a black turtleneck top, over shirt and long black coat. He finished his look with a pair of black leather-look shoes and his short hair neatly styled. Mads looked relaxed as he made his way to the show. Puffing away: Mads, who is known for playing Harry Potter villain Gellert Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts franchise, puffed on a cigarette as he made his way inside Stylish: The Danish actor wore a pair of black trousers, which he teamed with a black turtleneck top, over shirt and long black coat Front row: Mads sat front row at the show in Milan He is known for films including Hannibal and Doctor Strange. The Danish actor replaced Johnny Depp, 59, to play Gellert Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore. In August last year, he praised Johnny as an 'amazing actor' and said the star may return to the Fantastic Beasts film franchise after his legal victory against ex-wife Amber Heard. Hollywood star: He is known for films including Hannibal and Doctor Strange Speaking at the Sarajevo Film Festival, Deadline reported that Mads described taking over the role as 'very intimidating' and spoke about the reason for Johnny's departure from the film - his libel case against his ex-wife. He said: 'Obviously, well, now the course has changed - he won the suit, the court [case] - so let's see if he comes back. He might. 'I'm a big fan of Johnny. I think he's an amazing actor, I think he did a fantastic job.' Speaking out: Mads Mikkelsen (left) praised 'amazing' Johnny Depp after replacing the actor in Fantastic Beasts amid his legal battle with Amber Heard (both pictured in character) Mads continued: 'Having said that, I could not copy it. There's there was no way I could just copy it, because it's so much him. It would be creative suicide. 'So, we had to come up with something else, something that was mine, and build a bridge between him and me. So, yes, it was intimidating. 'His fans were very, very sweet, but they were also very stubborn. I didn't interact too much with them, but I could understand why they had their hearts broken.' The Flash star Ezra Miller was seen for the first time since pleading guilty to breaking into a Vermont neighbor's home last week, as they landed at LAX Airport on Saturday. The embattled actor, 30, narrowly avoided jail time on Friday after accepting a plea deal in connection with a break in at a southern Vermont home May last year - with the star accused of stealing alcohol during the incident. Miller, who identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, looked somber as they strode through the terminal clad in an animal print shirt, joggers and a red blazer. The actor wore a black woolen hat, tinted shades and boots as they headed into the city with what appeared to be a hand-rolled cigarette in their mouth. Sighting: The Flash star Ezra Miller was seen for the first time since pleading guilty to breaking into a Vermont neighbor's home last week, as they landed at LAX Airport on Saturday The sighting comes after the star agreed to a suspended sentence of 89 to 90 days in jail for the misdemeanor of 'unlawful trespass,' according to a plea deal filed with the Vermont Superior Court in Bennington on Friday. Miller will also be fined $500 plus a $192 surcharge and be placed on probation for a year. Two other charges were dropped, including a felony burglary charge that could have carried a sentence of 25 years in prison. Vermont Police charged Miller with felony burglary of an unoccupied dwelling May 1, with the actor claiming they were in the house to look for ingredients for a recipe for their mother. What's that? The actor wore a black woolen hat, tinted shades and boots as they headed into the city with what appeared to be a hand-rolled cigarette in their mouth Tough time; The embattled actor, 30, narrowly avoided jail time on Friday after accepting a plea deal in connection with a break in at a southern Vermont home May last year - with the star accused of stealing alcohol during the incident Seen: The actor failed to raise a smile as they walked through the terminal Off they go: Miller toted a duty free bag as they arrived in Los Angeles Miller was accused of taking bottles of gin, vodka and rum from their neighbor's pantry on that day at around 5pm in the afternoon. They told their attorney on Friday that they were grateful for the love and support they received. 'Ezra Miller pled guilty this morning to a misdemeanor unlawful trespass in Vermont Superior Court and accepted the conditions imposed by the court,' Miller's attorney Lisa Shelkrot said on behalf of the embattled actor. 'Ezra would like to thank the court and the community for their trust and patience throughout this process. 'They would once again like to acknowledge the love and support they have received from their family and friends, who continue to be a vital presence in their ongoing mental health.' The sighting comes after the star agreed to a suspended sentence of 89 to 90 days in jail for the misdemeanor of 'unlawful trespass,' according to a plea deal filed with the Vermont Superior Court in Bennington on Friday (pictured 2021) In a video from the Vermont court on Friday, Miller was seen to plead 'guilty' while standing beside their attorney and speaking to Judge Kerry Ann McDonald-Cady The prosecutor said in court Friday that this resolution protects his client's privacy without having to go to trial Actor #EzraMiller, best known for his role as "The Flash," appeared in Vermont court Friday and accepted a plea deal to avoid jail time for his role in an alleged alcohol theft dating back to May. pic.twitter.com/52WuKtZRmW Law&Crime Network (@LawCrimeNetwork) January 13, 2023 Miller, who asked that the court address them as Mx. Miller, entered the courtroom at the beginning of the hearing with their lawyer. They wore a black suit jacket over a black crewneck shirt and pants and a black face mask with their long hair pulled back, as seen in videos of the proceedings on Twitter. The prosecutor said in court Friday that this resolution protects his client's privacy without having to go to trial. It also ensures compliance with conditions that would protect the victim and allows the defendant to continue employment with mental health treatment. 'I do find they strike the balance of both your rehabilitation and continue to make sure that you're a healthy citizen and also a punishment factor here,' said Judge Kerry Ann McDonald-Cady of the deal terms. 'So I do find this an appropriate sentence and in the interest of justice.' Vermont Police charged Miller with felony burglary of an unoccupied dwelling May 1 - with the non-binary actor claiming they were in the house to look for ingredients for a recipe for their mother Miller played The Flash in the DC Cinematic Universe - and was pulled into crisis meetings with Warner Bros over their behavior Miller (pictured in a mugshot taken for separate charges in Hawaii) will also be fined $500 plus a $192 surcharge and be placed on probation for a year. Two other charges were dropped, including a felony burglary charge that could have carried a sentence of 25 years in prison She added that the conditions are 'about mental health, substance-free living' and no contact with the neighbor. As part of the plea agreement, Miller also agreed not to consume alcohol if it interfered with their employment or interaction with others and the actor must continue with rehabilitation efforts around their mental health treatment. McDonald-Cady then went over the state's standard probation conditions, including the requirement to notify their probation officer of any employment or address changes and told Miller to check in with probation before 3 pm Friday. The 30-year-old Flash actor had previously pleaded not guilty to charges of unlawful trespassing, two charges for burglary to an unoccupied dwelling and petit larceny for allegedly breaking into a Vermont home and stealing three bottles of alcohol. Miller had previously pleaded not guilty to the charges, claiming they were getting ingredients for a recipe for their mother and can be seen here with attorney Lisa Shelkrot who said in a statement that Miller had wanted to acknowledge the ongoing love and support of family and friends Vermont State Police said in a statement at the time they were notified of 'a burglary complaint at a residence on County Road in the town of Stamford, Vermont. 'The initial findings indicated that several bottles of alcohol were taken from within the residence while the homeowners were not present,' the statement continued. 'As a result of an investigation that included surveillance videos and statements, probable cause was found to charge Ezra M. Miller with the offense of felony burglary in an unoccupied dwelling.' Miller was previously arrested in Hawaii on separate charges for assault of a woman They were arrested in August, and entered their now defunct not guilty plea in October when a judge ordered they stay away from neighbor Isaac Winokur - the house they stole the bottles from, as well as neighbor Aiden Early. The actor spoke only to confirm that they understood the conditions of their bail. It was just the actor's most recent run-in with the law. They had also been accused of grooming, after the parents of Tokota Iron Eyes, a Native American activist, 18, filed a protection order against the actor. Her parents accused Miller of grooming their child and other inappropriate behavior with her as a minor from the age of 12 which has been disputed by Tokota. A Massachusetts mother was granted a temporary order of protection against Miller in June, on behalf of the woman's 12-year-old child. It was granted after the judge found the child faced 'substantial likelihood of immediate danger of harassment.' Miller has been accused of 'grooming' and 'brainwashing' Tokata Iron Eyes, 18 (backseat), who is a member of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. They are pictured together here in a car Miller is seen here in their breakout film The Perks Of Being A Wallflower in 2012 A mother-of-three and her young children have also moved into Miller's Vermont farmhouse which is allegedly filled with guns and large quantities of marijuana. The father of the children claims that the mother, 25, left their island home in Hawaii with Miller in April, and took the children without his consent. Video from April, obtained by Rolling Stone, reportedly showed at least eight assault weapons, rifles, and handguns lying around the living room. It's also claimed they created a secret harem out of their Vermont ranch - a de facto convent - where the star is claimed to have asserted themselves as a Jesus figure over a group of women. Miller was also arrested twice in Hawaii in March last year - charged with disorderly conduct and second-degree assault. They were accused of shouting and swearing at customers as they sang karaoke at a bar in Hilo, as well as grabbing a microphone from a 23-year-old woman. At a court hearing for the incident, they pleaded no contest to one count of disorderly conduct and paid a $500 fine. A video surfaced on Twitter of Miller appearing to choke a woman at a bar in Reykjavik, Iceland, in April 2020 - but did not appear to result in any charges In April, one month later that year, the star was accused of throwing a chair at a 26-year-old woman, hitting her at a private party in Pahoa. A video of Miller appearing to choke a woman at a bar in Reykjavik, Iceland, also surfaced in April 2020, but did not result in any charges. In August Miller announced that they were seeking treatment for 'complex mental health issues', after Hollywood bosses were forced to reconsider their future in the DC's cinematic universe. They said in a statement: 'Having recently gone through a time of intense crisis, I now understand that I am suffering complex mental health issues and have begun ongoing treatment.' 'I want to apologize to everyone that I have alarmed and upset with my past behavior. I am committed to doing the necessary work to get back to a healthy, safe, and productive stage in my life.' The actor stars in the 'Flash' movie, an insider telling The Wrap that early screenings had scored positive feedback. It will feature Miller as the titular superhero encountering other versions of themselves and Supergirl from other timelines. Love Island fans were left cringing following Monday's launch show, as Olivia Hawkins and Will Young shared a toe-curling hug after being coupled up. The pair, who were coupled up after Olivia was ditched by the popular hunk Kai Fagan, failed to convince fans that they were a legitimate match, with many insisting that they had zero chemistry. And it seemed that many fans weren't far off in their estimates as show ring girl Olivia admitted to already 'friendzoning' Will as she has her head turned for Haris Namani, 21. Despite it being the first episode of Love Island 2023, viewers were quick to claim that there is 'zero chemistry between farmer Will Young, 23, and Olivia Hawkins, 27 As they became the fifth and final couple to be paired up, Will leaned in to kiss Olivia on the cheek, but as he went to hug her she appeared to pull away. The awkward moment was immediately clocked by fans on Twitter, with one penning: 'Olivia does not fancy that guy, she just can't stand Will already and is trying to pivot lol!'. Another added: 'This is cringe,' while a third wrote: 'In what world would Olivia and Will EVER suit???' Olivia spoke around the fire pit to her a few of her fellow islanders where she admitted that the farmer 'is not my type'. Nope! The pair, who were coupled up after Olivia was ditched by the popular hunk Kai Fagan, failed to convince fans that they were a legitimate match Head turned: Fans might not be far off as later in the show ring girl Olivia admitted to already 'friendzoning' Will as she has her head turned for Haris Namani, 21, (pictured) She said: 'He's so lovely but he's just not my type. We would be really good friends. I don't want to friendzone him already but in my head I have.' Speaking to the camera, she added: 'With Will I'm already thinking friendship but I'm going to go in with an open mind and get to know everyone else.' The reality star's head looks like it might have already turned to boxer Haris after the pair had a cheeky chat by the fire pit. 'Cringe!': Taking to Twitter, viewers penned: 'Olivia does not fancy that guy, she just can't stand Will already and is trying to pivot lol! The pair, who have similar careers, couldn't contain their smiles as they joked together. Haris reassured the ring girl that his age wouldn't be an issue as they pinky promised not to mention it again. Speaking to makeup artist Lana Jenkins, 25, the brunette beauty admitted Haris 'is really cute' and that they are a 'match made in heaven' because of their similar jobs. Ahead of entering the villa, Olivia gushed that celebrity crush was muscle bound boxer Anthony Joshua. 'We would be really good friends': Olivia (far right) spoke around the fire pit to her a few of her fellow islanders where she admitted that the farmer 'is not my type' The busty busty has revealed that she has 'never been in a relationship' but now hopes to change that during her time in the villa. Meanwhile Will from Buckinghamshire is hoping to find the one after years working as a farmer on his family's 1million estate. The hunk has already had a touch of fame thanks to his viral TikTok videos, amassing over one million followers on the social media platform. 'Match made in heaven': The reality stars head looks like it might have already turned to boxer Haris after the pair had a cheeky chat by the fire pit Will insists any potential partner doesn't need to be good with animals, explaining: 'My mum didnt step on the farm for the first 20 years of my mum and dads marriage!' 'What attracts me is energy, if the energy is there, she can do whatever she wants. 'As long as she respects what I do and my busy times of the year, then thats all I need. If she loves it, bonus! But its not a big issue for me. ' Gemma Collins revealed that she's put on a stone and admitted she is 'scared to weight herself' after recent trip to Tel Aviv. The TV personality, 41, previously lost 3.5st and admitted she has been 'working out' and 'eating well'. But Gemma explained to listeners on her GC podcast that she needs to 'crack on' and 'get some weight off' after her holiday. Weight-gain: Gemma Collins revealed that she's put on a stone and admitted she is 'scared to weight herself' after recent trip to Tel Aviv The TOWIE star - who recently broke down in tears after visiting Bethlehem - head to Tel Aviv alongside fiance Rami Hawash, 48, and his son Tristan, five. Gemma told her fans: 'Not only did we have a magical time, we went to Tel Aviv and me and Rami were all in love again. 'We've never not been in love, we're in love more than ever and we just really got connected. 'I did some really good stuff while I was there, from the nature side of things it was incredible.' Health: The TV personality, 41, previously lost 3.5st and admitted she has been 'working out' and 'eating well' Gemma - who began to develop 'agonising' back pain during the trip last month, which was later diagnosed as a trapped nerve - explained she's ready to lose weight. She said: 'I ate vine leaves, hummus, falafel. Basically I probably wacked on, no joke...seven to ten pounds, even a stone. I'm scared to get on the scales, I refuse to get on the scales.' 'I think January, February, March is a time where I certainly need to crack on and start doing my fitness and get some of this weight off. 'I'm absolutely sick of it, as you all know I struggle with my weight as I have PCOS and underactive thyroid and it's a constant battle for me all the time. 'When my back went I was like I really need to lay off the goodies.' Ouch! Gemma - who began to develop 'agonising' back pain during the trip last month, which was later diagnosed as a trapped nerve - explained she's ready to lose weight The TV personality recently admitted she was trying to kickstart her healthy New Year plan after revealing some days she feels 'ugly or not good enough'. Gemma shared more throwback videos of herself working out as she revealed it was 'time to get back to it', after the festive period. In the clips, she was wearing a printed black and white two-piece gym set, while pumping some weights and completing a gruelling work out. She wrote: 'Watching videos to motivate me. Time to get back at it. Holiday is over.' Gemma also revealed she was embarking on a new meal plan with Muscle Foods as she plans to resume her fitness and healthy eating. In the next clip, she added: 'So excited to be on @mfgoalgettersuk @musclefooduk.' Gemma previously admitted she sometimes feels 'ugly' and not 'good enough', saying she regularly doubts herself despite her larger than life on-screen persona. She said, while her insecurities sometimes get her down, she is happy in her relationship with fiance Rami Hawash, 46, who she insists has changed her life. On Wednesday, an Indiana University student was stabbed in the head while on a bus in Bloomington, Indiana, in an unprovoked attack described as a "racially motivated crime" by officials. The unidentified 18-year-old female student was repeatedly stabbed in the head while waiting for the Bloomington Transit bus doors to open around 4:45 p.m. on Thursday, according to a statement released by the Bloomington Police Department. Indiana University Student Stabbed in Head Billie R. Davis, 56, of Bloomington, was apprehended with the assistance of another bus passenger who pursued her on foot after the attack, according to police. Court papers stated that Davis was charged with attempted murder, aggravated violence, and battery with a dangerous weapon. Police stated that Davis and the victim had not communicated before to the incident, as seen by video footage from inside the bus, NY Times reported. Student was sent to a hospital. On Sunday, her condition was unavailable. The institution did not reply to a request for comment immediately. Sunday, neither the Bloomington Police Department nor Davis's attorneys responded to inquiries for comment. Bloomington's mayor, John Hamilton, said in a statement that the stabbing was a "brutal attack." James C. Wimbush, vice president of diversity, equality, and multicultural relations at Indiana University, stated in a statement released on Friday that the incident serves as a reminder "that anti-Asian hatred is real and can have severe effects on people and our society." The Bloomington assault coincides with an increase in hate crimes against Asians. The spike in attacks drove lawmakers to approve the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act last year, giving government and law enforcement authorities new powers and resources to prevent, monitor, and respond to hate crimes. Read Also: Nepal Plane Crash Video Hate Crimes in US In 2019, Indiana's governor, Eric Holcomb, enacted a bill that imposes harsher penalties for offenses motivated by bigotry, such as racism. It was uncertain if the evidence could be utilized against Davis. The authorities believe that while the student waited for the doors to open, a woman suddenly hit the victim, as per NY Post. As her victim remained at the scene bleeding, Davis exited the bus and fled the area, according to surveillance footage reviewed by authorities. A witness followed Davis in order to provide police with her whereabouts. According to online court documents, Davis is being detained at the Monroe County Jail on a $100,000 surety bail and a $1,000 cash bond. The event occurred almost three years after activists around the nation began spotlighting violent attacks on Asians as part of the Stop Asian Hate movement. Between March 2020 and March 2022, Stop AAPI Hate, a non-profit organization created in 2020, received reports of over 11,500 acts of hate towards Asians in the United States. The Indiana University Asian Culture Center, a campus resource group, issued a statement on Friday condemning the unjustified act of violence. Wednesday's attack, according to the organization, "shocked our Asian community." In 2016, Yue Zhang of Nashville, Indiana was attacked with a hatchet by a white guy who claimed he "hated these people," according to the organization. Won-Joon Yoon was fatally shot by a white man who was a "avowed white supremacist" outside of a church in 1999. Related Article: Ana Walshe Dark Past with Conman Husband @YouTube @ 2023 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao. (Photo: Twitter) HYDERABAD: Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao will inaugurate the newly-constructed Telangana Secretariat on February 17 on the occasion of his birthday. The CM named the new Secretariat after Dr B.R. Ambedkar, the Father of the Indian Constitution, in September 2022. Touted as the CM's 'dream project', the new Secretariat with a built-up area of nearly 7 lakh sft was constructed at a cost of over Rs 600 crore with all modern amenities. Official sources said that the CM will start functioning from the new Secretariat soon after the inauguration on February 17. The new Secretariat has seven floors (Ground+Six floors) and the CM will occupy the top floor. The CM is likely to sign the first file appointing a new PRC (pay revision commission) to hike salaries and pensions for state government employees and pensioners, after taking charge in the new Secretariat building. The term of the present PRC is set to end on June 30 this year and new pay scales should come into force from July. The CM hardly visited Secretariat after assuming office in June 2014 citing 'vastu' issues in the old building. He worked from old CM's camp office in Begumpet. He visited Secretariat only a few times to hold cabinet meetings and departmental review meetings between June 2014 and November 2016. He avoided Secretariat completely after he moved into the newly constructed "Pragathi Bhavan" in November 2016, the CM's official residence-cum-camp office in Begumpet. The CM last worked from Secretariat in November 2016. The CM decided to demolish old Secretariat building and construct a new one in it's place with all modern amenities. The demolition works started in July 2020 and the cabinet approved the construction of new Secretariat in August 2020. The CM laid the foundation for the construction of new Secretariat in June 2019. But several petitions were filed in the High Court against the government's decision to demolish old Secretariat who argued that it amounts to a wastage of public money. After a year-long legal battle, the High Court dismissed the petitions in June 2020 and allowed the government to demolish the old Secretariat and construct a new one in its place. The demolition works and transportation of debris went on for five months from July to December 2020. The construction works began in December 2020. The target was to complete the project in a year by December 2021, but the works got delayed due to Covid. Roads and Buildings minister Vemula Prashanth Reddy said that the construction works have been completed and finishing works have been going, which will be completed by this month-end. However, official sources said that only CM's chamber and CS's chamber are fully ready and it will take two more months for all departments to move to the new building. The Secretariat is likely to become fully operational only after Ugadi by March-end. The CS, officials and staff are working from temporary secretariat at BRKR Bhavan since August 2019 while ministers and several other departments are working from various government buildings located across the city. Scores of youngsters from the district and neighbouring Chittoor, Annamayya and Kadapa regions thronged the villages to witness Pasuvula Panduga.' (Representational Image/DC) TIRUPATI: Notwithstanding the police warnings, the 150-year-old bull race, Jallikattu, was held at Arepalli Rangampeta and other villages in Chandragiri constituency in Tirupati district, marking the Kanuma festival on Monday. Nearly 10 youths were injured in the event. Scores of youngsters from the district and neighbouring Chittoor, Annamayya and Kadapa regions thronged the villages to witness Pasuvula Panduga, the Chittoors variant of Jallikattu. The participants vied with each other to snatch the trophies tied to the horns of the bulls by chasing them. Some youths were injured in the process. Pasuvula Panduga is seen as the inferior variant of Tamil Nadus Jallikattu. It is in vogue in Rangampeta and other villages in Chittoor region for long years. The bull race at Rangampeta has a violent history. More than 20 persons were injured during the event in 2020. The event commenced here in the morning, with cattle farmers offering prayers to their village gods. They kicked the bulls to make them run amok amid the beating of drums, after these were released from about 20 cattle sheds in the village. Around 50-60 bulls were made to run through a narrow road in the village. Animal rights activists were upset that the event was held despite the holding of awareness programmes and a Supreme Court order banning the dangerous game. Bulls were forcibly fed with country liquor and they were also treated to doses of ganja-mixed jaggery lumps. Activists alleged that such feeding could result in the early death of these cattle due to internal injuries and a steady degradation of their health. The Chandragiri police were tight-lipped about the holding of the Jallikattu events at Rangampeta and some other villages. Amid political pressure, police remained as mute spectators, also for fear of communal backlash. Police said they prevented the event in a few villages in the district by issuing strict warnings to the organisers. Mir Mukarram Jah. (Twitter Image) Hyderabad: The death of 90-year-old Mir Mukarram Jah the titular Nizam and a grandson of the last Nizam Osman Ali Khan ends the legacy of the yesteryear royalty of a one-time princely state. He died in Istanbul of Turkey on Saturday and his mortal remains will be brought to Hyderabad on Tuesday evening, with the burial scheduled for Wednesday, after evening prayers. The body will be kept at the Chowmahalla Palace, for family members to pay respects on Tuesday and for the general public to view on Wednesday. The remains will be buried at the Asaf Jahi family tombs, after a foot procession till the Macca Masjid. Trustees and family members in Hyderabad said that preparations have been made. M.A. Faiz Khan, a trustee of the Mukarram Jah Trust, said, He (Jah) was a simple man and the funeral is going to be in a simple manner, as per his wish. We are expecting many important guests from across the globe as well from across India. He said, The Telangana government has decided to accord funeral with full police honours and arrangements are being done. We appeal to all those paying a visit to maintain decorum and respect the tradition. Nawab Mir Najaf Ali Khan, Jahs cousin, said, My cousins death saddened the whole family. I have many pleasant memories of him when my late father Prince Hashim Jah Bahadur invited him on my Bismillah ceremony Tasmi-o-khani in 1968. As per the Asif Jahi tradition, I presented nazar to him. Mohammad Rizwan Qureshi, the khatib of Macca Masjid, will be leading Namaz-e-Janaza, the funeral prayer of Mukarram Jah. The Awqaf committee of the trust has asked the Hafez-o-Qari Rizwan to lead the prayers, including the dua and fateha after the burial at the Shahi Maqbara at Mecca Masjid. The committee will announce the time for the burial after the mortal remains arrive. Union minister G. Kishan Reddy also expressed concern and said that the state government must ensure the safety of patients at hospitals. (DC File photo) HYDERABAD: Hospital-acquired infections continue to cause havoc in Telangana governments hospitals despite the so-called lessons learnt after the death of four women who underwent family planning operations in Ibrahimpatnam in August last. The deaths of two women who died on January 12 after delivering their babies at the Malakpet Government Maternity Hospital have yet again proved that the state health department setting up hospital infection control committees after the Ibrahimpatnam deaths have remained as unproductive as its promises that Ibrahimpatnam-like incidents will not recur. Meanwhile, amidst the ongoing crisis of women who underwent surgeries at the Malakpet hospital currently recuperating at the Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, and two of them in critical condition, there are demands that the highest in the health department, starting with the health minister T. Harish Rao, top officials, and doctors at the hospitals, be booked under murder charges. The responsibility ultimately lies with the person on top, who is the health minister. He, along with top officials of the department, and the doctors at the hospital must face murder charges. Why cannot there be such action when laws have been framed to book anyone who even protests against poor service at government hospitals? Telangana Congress president A. Revanth Reddy said. This is a failure at every level in the healthcare system and the government. Whenever something like this occurs, the Chief Minister should have called for a review with his health minister and officials. That has not happened. The minister himself is busy with BRS party work in Khammam and is not taking even the minimum responsibility, Revanth Reddy said. The BJP state secretary Dr S. Prakash Reddy said, the moral responsibility for the two deaths, and the illness suffered by others who underwent surgeries at the Malakpet hospital lies with the health minister. What is the use of the minister talking about setting up new medical colleges when basic requirements at government hospitals cannot be met? And why are there no strict guidelines imposed on the private hospitals for their operation theatres in government hospitals? he asked. Even Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundarajan, a doctor herself, expressing concern at the two deaths, told media at the Raj Bhavan on Sunday that as a gynaecologist, she had several doubts and said there was a need to improve facilities at hospitals. Earlier, Union minister G. Kishan Reddy also expressed concern and said that the state government must ensure the safety of patients at hospitals, and ensure such incidents do not happen. Health department sources said on Monday that in all, 19 patients from the Malakpet hospital including nine who underwent surgeries on January 11 - were admitted to NIMS following the deaths of the two women, Sri Vennela, and Tanniru Shivani. Two of those who were operated upon on January 11, developed sepsis shock and were put on continuous dialysis, the sources said, adding that these two women are expected to remain on intermittent dialysis until they become fully stable. Six others were also found infected and they, with the rest of the patients, were administered antibiotics to control the infections, the sources said. Ten others who were admitted to NIMS were patients at the Malakpet hospital who underwent surgeries on January 12 and were shifted to NIMS as a precautionary measure, the sources said. Eleven of these 19 patients were discharged on Monday as their condition was stable and they were without any infection. Of the eight still in the hospital, five had undergone cesareans, two underwent tubectomies for family planning, and one was a general surgery patient, all at the Malakpet hospital on January 11 and 12. A couple of these patients have some fever, but all of them are expected to recover, doctors said. Though some of the patients at NIMS were advised they could go home, they chose to stay at the hospital until full recovery and removal of sutures, the department sources said. BJP leader Syed Shahnawaz Hussain.(Photo: ANI) NEW DELHI: Paving the way for registration of an FIR against BJP leader Syed Shahnawaz Hussain on a woman's complaint alleging rape, the Supreme Court on Monday dismissed his plea challenging an order of the Delhi High Court for lodging a First Information Report and launching an investigation. The apex court, which observed it will not interfere with the high court order, said all remedies available under the law are open for Hussain, a former Union minister. "Let there be a fair investigation and, if there is nothing, it will exonerate you (Hussain)," a bench of Justices S Ravindra Bhat and Dipankar Datta told the counsel appearing for Hussain. Senior advocates Mukul Rohatgi and Siddharth Luthra, representing Hussain, told the bench that complaint after complaint was filed by the woman against the politician. "There are complaints after complaints which were investigated by the police and nothing was found. It cannot go on and on," Rohatgi argued, adding there was a "series of consistent attacks" against Hussain. However, the bench observed, "We find no reason to interfere." During the hearing, the top court observed that till date the statement of the complainant under section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), which deals with recording of confessions and statements before a magistrate, has not been recorded. Luthra argued the complainant had alleged that she was in a relationship with Hussain's brother. "She may have all the grievances against my brother.... but I (Hussain) cannot be put to such trauma," he said. "Let it be investigated," the bench observed, adding the orders of the trial court as well as the high court in the matter were against Hussain. When Luthra said once an FIR is lodged, there may be consequences, the bench observed, "What consequences? You are not being held guilty. We are applying the law as we see. In a simple case, the victim has to run through all these loops." When reference was made to the trial court record, the apex court said, "We have come to the stage of trial court record even before an FIR is registered. This speaks volume about this case." Rohatgi referred to the sequence of events and said a number of complaints have been filed by the woman against Hussain in several courts, including one in Patna. Hussain's counsel said the complainant had approached the court on every occasion with multiple complaints. The bench asked whether the police had informed the complainant that there was no sufficient ground to proceed and lodge an FIR in the matter. "You may be a victim, she may not be a victim but there is a possibility of reverse also," the bench observed. "Sorry, dismissed," ruled the bench, dismissing Hussain's petition. Hussain's counsel requested the bench to clarify that its order will not come in the way of challenging the FIR when it is lodged. "We will not say anything. Look at the number of hearings we have taken," the bench said, adding all remedies in law are available to the petitioner. During the hearing, the counsel for the complainant alleged the arguments advanced by Hussain's counsel were not correct. The high court had on August 17 last year dismissed Hussain's plea challenging a trial court order directing the Delhi Police to register an FIR against him, saying there was no perversity in the 2018 order. The top court had on August 22, 2022 stayed the operation of the high court order. During an earlier hearing before the apex court, Hussain's counsel had dubbed the complaint "bogus" and "malicious". In 2018, a Delhi-based woman had approached a lower court seeking registration of an FIR against Hussain for alleged rape, which the BJP leader has denied. A magisterial court had on July 7, 2018 ordered registration of an FIR against Hussain, saying a cognisable offence was made out in the complaint. This was challenged by the BJP leader before a sessions court which had dismissed his plea. In its order on Hussain's appeal, the high court had said, "There is no merit in the present petition. The petition is dismissed. The interim orders (for stay on action against Husssain) stand vacated. The FIR be registered forthwith. The investigations will be completed and a detailed report under Section 173 CrPC be submitted before the learned MM (metropolitan magistrate) within three months." The high court had also noted that while reference was made in the police's status report to the recording of the statement of the prosecutrix on four occasions, there was no explanation as to why the FIR was not lodged. "The FIR only puts the machinery into operation. It is a foundation for the investigation of the offence complained of. It is only after investigations that the police can come to the conclusion whether or not an offence had been committed and if so by whom. In the present case, there seems to be a complete reluctance on the part of the police to even register an FIR," the high court had said. Harish referred to the BRS's public meeting as "historic". (Photo: DC File Image) HYDERABAD: Finance minister T. Harish Rao, who has been camped out in Khammam for the past five days, asserted that five lakh people from 13 Assembly constituencies in Khammam and surrounding districts, including Andhra Pradesh, were being mobilised for the event, which will take place on 100 acres with an additional 450 acres set aside for parking vehicles. Rao expressed optimism that the BRS's first public meeting, scheduled for January 18, will alter the course of national politics. Speaking to the media in Khammam, Harish referred to the BRS's public meeting as "historic" and stated that CMs of Delhi, Punjab, and Kerala will take part in the meeting besides few other national leaders such as Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and his counterparts from Punjab and Kerala, Bhagwant Mann and Pinarayi Vijayan, will arrive in Hyderabad by Tuesday evening. They will then meet BRS president and Chief Minister K.Chandrashekar at Pragathi Bhavan at Pragathi Bhavan to discuss national politics and the importance of opposition unity for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Few other national leaders will also take part in these discussions, Harish informed. Following the meeting on Wednesday, Chandrasekhar Rao along with the three CMs and national leaders will take two helicopters to Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple in the Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district to participate in special pujas. Rao will inspect the temple renovation works undertaken by the Telangana government at a cost of over Rs 1,200 crore to develop Yadadri as a temple town. Harish stated that the public meeting will dramatically alter how the country views politics by highlighting the accomplishments of the BRS government. The minister said that the CM along with other CMs and national leaders will first inaugurate the newly-constructed Integrated District Collectorate Complex in Khammam followed by the launch of the second phase of Kanti Velugu. After these programmes, the CMs and other national leaders will proceed to the public meeting, which will be held from 2 pm to 5 pm, Harish said. The minister stated that there was a severe shortage of vehicles to provide transport facility to lakhs of people, who are willing to take part in the BRS rally and that vehicles were being brought in from neighbouring states to meet the demand. Ministers, MLAs, MLCs, and MPs were appointed as incharges for each Assembly segment to mobilise people for the meeting and there has been huge response from people to participate in the public meeting, he noted. A file photo of Prime Minister Narendra Modi being felicitated by BJP National President JP Nadda during the BJP Parliamentary party meeting. (Photo: PTI) HYDERABAD: The two-day Bharatiya Janata Partys national executive meeting in New Delhi starting on Monday is expected to be significant for Telangana with the state heading for polls later this year. With speculation rife in the run up to this meeting about possible changes in the state leadership, the meeting is expected to provide clarity on the continuation of Bandi Sanjay Kumar as the state BJP president, and also discuss its plans for preparing the BJP for the state elections. It is expected that Sanjay will be formally given a second term as the state party president as the BJP is learnt to be reluctant to change leadership as it gears up for the polls. The message from the party would be that any differences that are within, must be sorted out by the leaders who should come together with the sole purpose of ensuring a BJP victory in Telangana. Top leaders of the party from the state, including Union Minister G Kishan Reddyt, Sanjay, Dr K Laxman, G Vivek Venkatswamy among other things, are attending the office-bearers meeting that will be followed by the national executive meeting later in the afternoon. Also, a formal request for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to contest from Telangana in the Lok Sabha elections next year from Mahbubnagar constituency is expected to be made by former MP AP Jithender Reddy. The party had already conducted one round of survey in the constituency to evaluate initial response of the people to the idea of Modi contesting from there. The two-day meeting is expected to draw a road map ahead for Telangana, as well as other states Nagaland, Tripura, Karnataka, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh, along with the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir where state elections are round the corner. BRS working president K.T. Rama Rao. (Photo:Twitter @@MinisterKTR) Hyderabad: Industries and IT minister K.T. Rama Rao has asked non-resident Indians living in Europe to participate in the state government's programmes like Mana Ooru-Mana Badi and work as goodwill ambassadors to promote Telangana as well as India. Urging them to be part of the states growth story, the minister assured of complete support even if anyone wants to make small investments in the state and create jobs. The minister is in Davos, Switzerland, to take part in World Economic Forum. He was speaking at the 'Meet and Greet' programme organised by the Indian diaspora in Zurich on Sunday. The event was attended by Indians living in Switzerland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and other countries. During the meet, the minister spoke about the progress achieved by Telangana government since the inception of the state in 2014 and the holistic development model being adopted by the state government. Rama Rao said that paddy production in Telangana was at 68 lakh tonnes and procurement by the government was 24 lakh tonnes at the time of the formation of the state in 2014. By 2022, the production and procurement grew to 3.5 crore tonnes and over two crore tonnes respectively. IT exports from Telangana grew from Rs 57,000 crore to Rs 1.83 lakh crores, per capita of Telangana grew from Rs 1.24 lakh to Rs 2.78 lakh, while national average was Rs 1.49 lakh, during the same period, he said. Speaking about the progress achieved in the villages, under the leadership of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, he said that now every village has a nursery, vaikunta dhamam (crematorium), and 10 per cent of Gram Panchayat budget is earmarked as green budget, and the government has provided a tractor and a tanker for every gram panchayat in the state. He said that the needs of farmers were taken care of by providing free power round-the-clock, Rythu Bandhu, Rythu Bima, high-quality seeds, fertilisers and pesticides, and Rythu Vedikas were built. He said that Palle Pragathi was a role model, and that the needs of people in villages were thoroughly thought through by CM Rao, which no other CM or PM did. The industries minister said that five revolutions were unfolding in Telangana at present, which are pink revolution (meat), yellow revolution (oil palm), blue revolution (inland fisheries), white revolution (milk) and green revolution (crops). The investigation into the Joe Biden Classified Documents Scandal could jeopardize the president's 2024 re-election campaign, according to experts. On Saturday, White House Special Counsel Richard Sauber said that lawyers with security clearances examined Biden's house on Thursday and found five more classified documents. Some political experts believe that the Joe Biden Classified Documents Scandal may cause a setback for a president pursuing re-election, notably because it makes the Joe Biden Presidency vulnerable to GOP criticisms. But for some Democratic strategists, like Kevin Walling, the issue will not affect Joe Biden 2024 Elections aspiration for another term. Walling noted that Biden seems to be geared "to run hard and win," Fox News reported. Read Also: Joe Biden Classified Documents Scandal Latest Update On Saturday, Sauber said the six classified papers found at Biden's possession were "immediately" turned over to the US Department of Justice, per CNBC News. Attorney General Garland cited "extraordinary circumstances" on Thursday to shed light on the Joe Biden Classified Documents Scandal . Although the special counsel is not subject to daily Justice Department oversight, the investigation will be conducted under departmental norms, according to a previous HNGN article. GOP Wants To Scrutinize All Documents, Logs in Biden's Delaware Home Rep. James Comer, a Republican and the chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, stated that he would like to see all correspondence and documents regarding the searches conducted by the Biden team, according to AP News. Moreover, the legislator from Kentucky wants to inspect all the visitor logs for the Biden's Delaware home dating back to January 20, 2021. He said the goal is to find out who had access to confidential documents and how the records got there. Related Article: The Difference Between Donald Trump and Joe Biden Document Scandals @ 2023 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Pawan Kalyan (PTI file photo) Vijayawada: Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan would launch his specially designed vehicle for political campaign, Varahi, by offering traditional puja for it at the Kondagattu Anjaneya Swamy temple in Karimnagar district on January 24. As PK had survived an electric shock while on a visit to this place during his 2009 poll campaign, he believes that he had the blessings of the Kondagattu Anjaneya Swamy. Hence, he would launch his new campaign vehicle after taking a darshan of the lord and offering traditional puja to the vehicle there. The Jana Sena chief would meet party leaders of the Telangana wing of JS and chalk out an action plan as also the party programmes in Telangana in the coming days. Pawan Kalyan would start his Narasimha Yatra to visit 32 temples of Lord Narasimha on the same day by offering a special puja in the Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple at Dharmapuri and visit the remaining 31 Narasimha temples in the days thereafter. In 1960, Golwalkar said that caste could be used for cross-breeding superior humans, like it was done in animals. (Representational Image/PTI) My good friend Ram Madhav has written a piece saying that most leaders reacted to RSS chief Mohan Bhagwats interview without reading it. Now I have not read Madhavs piece, but that is not the point. The issue is whether the RSS is misunderstood and, particularly, whether the RSS ideology is misunderstood. To get there we do not need to read the apologists but go straight to their texts. And this I have done, for one of my books. Here is a condensation for those who do not have the time or inclination to read their speeches. I say speeches because they have not written any books. Neither Golwalkar nor Deen Dayal Upadhyaya wrote any book. This is surprising because Upadhyaya is referred to as an ideologue and his Integral Humanism is referred to by the BJP as its basic philosophy. Integral Humanism is a collection of speeches. So is Bunch of Thoughts (that is why it was given this name because it is a rambling, incoherent collection). So, what do they say? Here are the main parts. In Bunch of Thoughts, Golwalkar says that the Hindu people are his god and this god manifests itself through caste. Meaning that the organisation of Hindu society in the way Manu described it (Brahmin head, Kshatriya arms, Vaishya thighs and Shudra feet) is the entity that is worthy of worship. In 1960, Golwalkar said that caste could be used for cross-breeding superior humans, like it was done in animals. This was done by Hindus earlier, through Namboodiri Brahmin men marrying outside the caste. It was also done, he said, through Namboodiri men fathering the first child of a woman married to someone else. It may interest readers to know that Europe in the feudal period may have had something similar called droit du seigneur (right of the lord), allowing feudal lords to have sexual relations with subordinate women on the wedding nights of the women. That this is straight exploitation of the weak and the marginalised and not some noble thing does not appear to have occurred to Golwalkar. If such things are not pushed forth by the RSS cadre or the BJP it is not because these statements have been withdrawn but because they are likely confident that few people will do what the author has done and actually read the primary texts. It would be interesting to see a television debate today around whether or not the caste system should be worshipped and ossified as the RSS wants it to be. Upadhyayas talks are comical if read seriously (see my book Our Hindu Rashtra for details) but in part also nasty. Consider this paragraph: Let me give you an illustration. Once during a conversation between Shri Vinobaji and the Sar Sanghachalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Shri Guruji, a question arose as to where the modes of thinking of Hindus and Muslims differ. Guruji said to Vinobaji that there are good and bad people in every society. There can be found honest and good people in Hindus as well as in Muslims. Similarly, rascals can be seen in both the societies. No particular society has a monopoly of goodness. However, it is observed that Hindus even if they are rascals in individual life, when they come together in a group, they always think of good things. On the other hand, when two Muslims come together, they propose and approve of things which they themselves in their individual capacity would not even think of. They start thinking in an altogether different way. This is an everyday experience. Vinobaji admitted that there was truth in this observation but had no reasons to explain it. The writer Devanura Mahadeva in his recent book on the RSS says that the RSS promotes discipline and unanimity over thinking and analysis. Of the title Bunch of Thoughts itself, he says that there is not much thinking in the work, only a series of random, dangerous beliefs and that too from a bygone age. Thinking is discouraged in the RSS through the insistence on order over diversity. The RSS tames its volunteers, Mahadeva writes, and quotes Golwalkar as saying that they must do what is told if told to play kabaddi play kabaddi, told to hold meeting then meeting their discretion is not required. Among the things that this cadre is taught is that the Constitution is flawed. For instance, the RSS has always attacked federalism. The very idea of states is offensive to Upadhyaya, because there can be only one Bharat Mata and the existence of a Tamil Nadu or Gujarat or West Bengal is wrong. We can see echoes of this in the current problem with a BJP governor in the South. Mahadeva links this hatred of federalism to the Goods and Services Tax, which has taken away or severely limited the rights of states to raise their own revenues. Mahadeva calls Hindutva a cow-faced tiger, an entity that is eating at Indian society from within. He makes a number of original observations, such as the RSS tries to pull out the teeth and nails of Jaina, Bouddha, Sikh, Lingayat and other dharmas that were born in India and rejected the Chaturvarna order. By merely saying that these are Hindu faiths, it is sought to subsume their message. These are the things the ideology promotes, according to its own people. We should not be surprised then that there are frequent reactions of the negative sort that Madhav is referring to. These reactions only reflect the truth. File photo of Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar conducting proceedings in the House during the Winter Session of Parliament, in New Delhi, Friday, Dec. 23, 2022. (Photo: PTI/VIDEO GRAB VIA SANSAD TV) India must be grateful to Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar for sparking off this debate, when he questioned the judiciary, and contextualised the 1973 landmark Supreme Court verdict in the Kesavananda Bharati versus the State of Kerala case, and argued that since the phrase constructed for the first time by the judiciary in its ruling, ... basic structure of the Indian constitution...cannot be amended, it was a forced reduction in the Parliaments powers to legislate. Since it was delivered nearly 50 years ago, the Supreme Court verdict has been held as a truism, a tenet of Indian politics, with several past leaders and parliamentarians, including past Prime Ministers, Lok Sabha Speakers and, predecessors of Mr Dhankhar, having praised it and accepted it as the larger legal boundary of the scope of ambition for Parliament. The deeper meaning lies in the understanding that the Indian Constitution, created after much deliberations and study by our founding fathers in the Constituent Assembly, that it has envisaged and brought into legal and political effect a system of governance, in which, with clear separation of powers, and internal checks and balances, the three pillars of government operate legislature, executive and judiciary. The Indian Constitution is supreme herewith as the legal, and moral and political, codified wisdom which gave birth to the entire independent Indias political system, and is the fountainhead of all of the system, the powers, the procedures, the law, and the three pillars, and none of them can therefore, by definition, or chronology, be above it. At another level, the supremacy of the Constitution lies in the clear unambiguous separation of power, and roles, of each of the principal pillars of the government. Neither the legislature, nor judiciary, or at the Central highest level, neither Parliament, nor the Supreme Court, can legitimately conduct an overreach to cut down the power, or reduce the scope, of each other. The Constitution is the custodian of this holy truth. The Kesavananda Bharati case is a judicial reflection on the meaning and limitation of the popular dictum Parliament can make laws by asking, can Parliament make any law? Can Parliament pass a law saying the Constitution no longer holds good, or that the Indian parliamentary system should be replaced by a presidential form of democracy, or that the judiciary is defunct? The answer is an emphatic nada, a big no. Parliament, as envisaged, created and empowered by the Constitution, does not enable Parliament to change those aspects which are central to the design of the Constitution, which the Supreme Court, aptly, collectively, phrased as the basic structure. The Vice-President raises important questions including, did the Constitution itself use the phrase, or if the judiciary created it, can it be binding on Parliament, and if so, has the judiciary overtaken the power of Parliament to legislate, or amend the sacred parchment? The answer is simple with or without a guiding phrase the judiciary can, should and must reflect on the legality of any legislation, or amendment, of Parliament it is not a reduction of the powers of Parliament but the proper exercise of the powers, and function, of the judiciary. Indias merchandise exports fell by 12.2 per cent to $34.48 billion in December 2022 as against $39.27 billion recorded in the corresponding month of the previous year due to weakening global demands amid recession fears in major economies. As per data released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry on Monday, Indias imports also declined during the last month of the 2022 calendar year leading to a marginal drop in the trade deficit. Imports declined to $58.24 billion in December 2022 as compared to $60.33 billion recorded in December 2021, registering a year-on-year decline of 3.46 per cent. The trade deficit narrowed to $23.76 billion in December, the lowest level in eight months. The merchandise trade deficit stood at $23.89 billion in November. The trade deficit has narrowed consistently this year due to softening in imports. Weak global demand amid recession fears in the major economies of the world continues to weigh on Indias foreign trade. The majority of economists anticipate a global recession in 2023, as per a survey report released by the World Economic Forum in Davos on Monday. Merchandise exports for the period April-December 2022 rose to $332.76 billion as against $305.04 billion recorded in the corresponding period of the previous year, posting a year-on-year growth of 9.08 per cent. Cumulatively, merchandise imports have jumped to $551.70 billion in April-December 2022 period as against $441.50 billion recorded in the corresponding period of 2021, posting an increase of 24.96 per cent. A sharp jump in imports, especially in the first quarter of the current financial year, has pushed the cumulative trade deficit for April-December 2022 to $218.94 billion as against $136.45 billion recorded in the corresponding period of the previous year. The resilient growth of the Indian economy during the first half of the current financial year, the fastest among major economies, bespeaks strengthening macroeconomic stability. However, global growth forecasts indicate a downturn in global economic activity and trade, the ministry of commerce and industry noted in a statement. As per the Global Composite PMI report (January 2023), new export orders contracted for the 10th consecutive month in December. The report also indicated that India and Ireland were the only nations to register a growth of economic activity in December 2022. Engineering goods, which had been a bulwark for Indian exports post Covid, have taken a hit this year. After making a strong performance in FY2021-22, engineering goods exports have been faltering mainly due to weak demand from major advanced economies. The zero Covid policy followed by China also contributed significantly to the slowdown over the past several months, said EEPC India chairman Arun Kumar Garodia. Engineering goods exports have recorded a year-on-year decline for the sixth straight month in December 2022. The government data shows that engineering goods exports fell nearly 12 per cent year-on-year to $9.08 billion in December 2022 as compared to $10.30 billion in the same month last year. Considering the gloomy world economic outlook for 2023, the global trade prospects are dim and its signs have been visible in the high-frequency numbers. In view of this, we see challenging times ahead for the engineering goods sector, Garodia said. Indias overall export (merchandise and services combined) fell by 5.26 per cent year-on-year to $61.82 billion in December 2022. Overall imports during the month under review dropped by 1.95 per cent to $73.80 billion. For April-December 2022 period the overall exports reached $568.57 billion, registering a growth of 16.11 per cent year-on-year, while overall imports jumped to $686.70 billion in the first three-quarters of the current fiscal as compared to $546.95 billion recorded in the corresponding period of the last fiscal, posting year-on-year growth of 25.55 per cent. As Indias domestic demand has remained steady amidst the global slump, overall imports in April-December 2022 are estimated to exhibit a growth of 25.55 per cent over the same period last year, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry noted in the statement. Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has struck a deal with publisher Harper Collins to write a memoir that will cover his role at the centre of one of the most dramatic periods in recent British history. Johnson stood down as prime minister in early September after his ministers resigned en masse over a string of scandals, including parties at the heart of government when the rest of Britain was under a strict lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic. Harper Collins said on Monday that Johnson had signed an agreement but did not give any details about how much he would be paid or when the book would be released. Johnson's time in office covered Britain's departure from the European Union, the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent revelations about parties which broke lockdown rules in government buildings, and Britain's initial response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Arabella Pike, the publishing director at a division of Harper Collins, who has acquired the rights to the book, called it a "memoir like no other". "I look forward to working with Boris Johnson as he writes his account of his time in office during some of the most momentous events the United Kingdom has seen in recent times, she said. Since leaving office, Johnson has made more than 1 million pounds ($1.2 million) for four speeches including to insurers and investors in blockchain. Johnson, whose flamboyance has long been one of his hallmarks, was widely expected to resume his writing career and join the speaking circuit after leaving office. His previous books include a biography of his hero and British war leader Winston Churchill and he had agreed to write a book about William Shakespeare before he became prime minister. In October, Johnson abandoned an attempt to reclaim the job he lost just weeks earlier after his successor Liz Truss was herself forced out as prime minister. After racing home from a holiday in the Caribbean, Johnson said he did not believe he could unify the Conservative party's lawmakers. Track the latest news updates only on DH Lt Governor VK Saxena has approved the convening of the next meeting of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi on January 24 for the oath-taking of councillors and the election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor, an official at L-G House said on Monday. This comes days after the maiden meeting of the newly elected MCD house was adjourned without electing the mayor and the deputy mayor following a ruckus by councillors. The L-G "has approved the convening of the next meeting of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi on January 24, for administering of oath to councillors, the election of Mayor, deputy mayor and six members to the standing committee", the official said. The meeting will convene at 11 am at Aruna Asaf Ali Sabhagar, 4th floor, A-Block, Dr. S.P. Mukherjee Civic Centre, according to officials. The first meeting of the newly elected MCD on January 6 was adjourned without electing the mayor and the deputy mayor amid protests by AAP councillors over the administering of oath to the 10 aldermen - the unelected members of the house. The BJP and AAP accused each other of assaulting their councillors in a scuffle that broke out in the MCD House on Friday, with the AAP alleging that the BJP made the alderman take oath first to get them voting rights for the election to Mayor and Deputy Mayor. Meanwhile, the BJP had claimed the AAP councillors had come prepared to disrupt the oath of the aldermen and they assaulted BJP councillors including women. In the December polls, the AAP ended BJP's 15-year rule at the MCD, winning 134 of the total 250 wards. The BJP managed to win 104 wards. The forthcoming Union budget will be presented amid fears of a global recession. Resilient domestic demand, an investment cycle revival, a strengthened financial system, and structural reforms will provide an impetus to Indias economic growth despite the rapid deterioration in global prospects, the finance ministry said in November 22. Though cautious optimism is fine, overconfidence among policymakers in their ability to overcome the global headwinds may pose risks to India. Policymakers in India appear to be confident about the bright growth prospects for the country, despite the fears of a global recession. However, India is not immune to a global recession or a global slowdown, which impacts trade, commodity prices, and capital flows. A possible recession in the worlds largest economy needs to leave its imprint on the forthcoming Union budget. Previous recessions and slowdowns have impacted the exports of autos and their ancillaries, metals, textiles, etc. A slowdown in exports could lower manufacturing growth and also impact domestic consumption to some extent. With slowing domestic consumption and exports, obviously, government investments need to be stepped up. Now, a lions share of government investments go to the infrastructure sector, and only a small part goes to the manufacturing sector. While investments in highways, ports, and airports are welcome, India also needs to step up its investments in the manufacturing sector simultaneously and try to become a major player in the global supply chains in order to fully leverage the returns from such infrastructure investments. Major investments in the development of infrastructure without commensurate investments in the manufacturing sector are akin to putting the cart before the horse. Fed rate hikes in the US and rupee depreciation are prompting FPI outflows from India. In these uncertain times, it is required that India maintain and increase its forex reserves. Indias foreign exchange reserves fell by $70.76 billion in 2022, as per data released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The forex reserves stood at $562.85 billion in the week ended December 30, a fall from $633.61 billion at the end of the previous calendar year. In order to attract more FPI capital flows (which give a significant boost to Indias forex reserves), it is desired that the forthcoming Union budget make Indian capital markets attractive for FPI investments. With effect from FY 201819, in terms of FPI taxation in India, the exemption for long-term capital gains (LTCG) on the sale of listed shares was done away with. A 10% tax on such gains was introduced. While retaining and enhancing the security transaction tax (STT) rates, the abolition of LTCG will greatly enhance the attractiveness of Indian capital markets for FPIs. Easing export restrictions on agriculture and allied products and enhancing export incentives for labour-intensive products like garments, leather products, handicrafts, engineering goods, electronic components, auto ancillaries, etc. will improve Indias exports and reduce the current account deficit (CAD). The defining symbols of New India are billionaires, babus, and berozgari. The upcoming Union budget must prioritise reducing economic inequalities by raising taxes on the wealthy while lowering taxes on the poor and middle class. The budget must also focus on reducing the ballooning revenue expenditures of the government and non-essential babudom. Employment generation should be the central focus of the forthcoming Union budget, as India has already become or will soon become the most populous country on the planet. The fabled demographic dividend of India needs to be harnessed in earnest by making substantial investments in education, skill development, healthcare, and labour intensive manufacturing, and SME sectors. (The writer is an alumnus of IIM, Ahmedabad, and a retired corporate professional.) The crash of a Yeti Airlines aircraft at Pokhara in Nepal has underscored yet again the countrys poor airline safety record. Of the 72 crew and passengers on board the plane, the bodies of 68 have been recovered. According to eyewitnesses, as the aircraft began its descent into Pokhara airport, it began spinning violently before crashing in a gorge and catching fire. Nepal has suffered some 46 fatal air crashes since 1946. Sundays crash was its third deadliest ever. It was also the second air crash in less than a year; back in May last year, an aircraft crashed in the mountainous Mustang district killing all 22 people on board. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has ordered a probe into the air crash at Pokhara. Both the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder have been recovered and these will tell investigators what caused the crash. Nepals mountainous topography it is home to eight of the worlds highest mountains makes it particularly vulnerable to air accidents as navigating this treacherous terrain from the air is extremely challenging. Its equally difficult to land aircraft on short runways that are surrounded by mountains and deep gorges. Unstable weather conditions and low visibility add to the challenges. While natural factors have contributed to Nepals nightmarish flying conditions, there are several manmade reasons, too, that have made the country a death trap for aircraft. Probes into airline safety have revealed that several aircraft used for domestic flights are too old and often lacked state-of-the-art technology that could have helped mitigate challenges posed by terrain and weather. Underlying these problems is the structure and organisation of Nepals civil aviation body. The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) is both a service provider and a regulator. This has undermined the aviation bodys capacity to monitor and ensure better safety of aircraft. Since 2009, successive Nepali governments have been promising to enact legislation to split CAAN into two entities one to provide service and the other to regulate the industry. However, the legislation is yet to materialise. Vested interests, including CAAN officials and some foreign airlines, have blocked such legislation. Nepals failure to reform CAAN is costing the country and the world heavily. Far too many lives have been lost to air accidents; many of them could have been prevented. Besides, livelihoods are in peril, too. Nepals economy is dependent on tourism, which has been hit by frequent plane crashes. Safe flights will boost tourist arrivals. Nepali airlines are losing business to foreign competitors. Since 2013, the European Union has banned Nepali airlines from entering European airspace. A probe into the crash must be followed up by a reform of CAAN and the Nepali aviation sector. Former Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy on Monday assured farmers that they will not be in debt if the JD(S) is voted to power in the 2023 Assembly election. Kumaraswamy was interacting with farmers from 60 Assembly constituencies virtually from his Bidari farmhouse. During the interaction, Kumaraswamy said he was helpless when he was CM twice. "I was not elected as CM by the people of Karnataka. I got the opportunity because of political circumstances. Since I was associated with other political parties, I could not address all the issues of farmers," he said. Also Read | CID to probe 'Santro' Ravi case, says Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra Requesting the farmers to vote for his party so that it can come to power independently, Kumaraswamy said JD(S) is needed for the welfare of farmers and the state. "Only JD(S) can understand farmers' issues. We have planned Raitha Chaitanya, a dedicated scheme for farmers and several farmer-friendly programmes have been designed," he explained. During the interaction, farmers raised price fixation for crops, setting up of warehouses, cold storage units, availability of farm loans, supply of quality seeds, loan waiver and other issues. Also Read | Agriculture to get a lift as Karnataka farmers take to drones Responding to them, Kumaraswamy said: "Giving financial stability to farmers is our main goal. Departments related to farmers should not work from Vidhana Souda. Instead, they should operate from farmlands. If we come to power, warehouses will be set up in every gram panchayat and cold storages at taluks." Kumaraswamy even promised 24x7 free power supply to farmers. He requested them to be united and rise above political differences. "You may have voted for any party, but after elections, you should be united for the welfare of the community," he said. Prince Harry has voiced worry for the three children of the Prince and Princess of Wales. During an interview with The Telegraph to promote his new memoir 'Spare,' the Duke of Sussex thought about how the position of his elder brother's children inside the British royal family may influence them. Prince Harry Doesn't Want Prince William's Kid to be The Next 'Spare' Prince William is next in line for the throne after King Charles III, followed by his children Prince George, nine, Princess Charlotte, seven, and Prince Louis, four. In his memoir, Prince Harry claims that his family referred to him as "the spare" as a child, a reference to the disparaging expression "the heir and the spare," according to MSN. Prince William is rumored to be "grieving" for Prince Harry, even though Prince Harry is still alive, since the end of their relationship. Prince Harry, 38, stated in his most recent interview to promote his memoir that he worried at least one of the Prince and Princess of Wales' children would become a "spare" like himself, The Sun reported. The Duke of Sussex stated that he felt obligated to "fix" problems for Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. However, in an interview yesterday, he confessed that his older brother had made it evident that Prince Harry was not responsible for his children. Prince Harry, speaking from the California residence he shares with his 41-year-old wife Meghan Markle and his three- and one-year-old children Archie and Lilibet, stated his family needed to discuss "trauma" in their life. He said, "You may not like me now, but perhaps you'll appreciate me in five or ten years." According to reports, Prince William, 40, experiences "living sadness" at the dissolution of his close bond with Prince Harry. In his book, Prince Harry states that his brother knocked him to the ground, broke his necklace, and caused him to fall into a dog dish at his house, Nottingham Cottage. According to sources, Prince William will not respond to his brother's recent allegations. Read Also: Lisa Marie Presley Cause of Death Prince Harry, Prince William Feud Started With Sausage? Moreover, Prince Harry allegedly struggled with the fact that his brother Prince William was fed more sausages than he was, according to the former butler of Princess Diana. He claims this provided an early glimpse into the competitive relationship between the two royals. Paul Burrell, 64, recounted that Prince Harry would ask, "Why does he get three?" when he was handed fewer bangers than his brother at the dinner table. The nanny would then allegedly respond, "William requires more nourishment than you do." He will become king one day." These sorts of statements generated early problems between the brothers, Burrell said, as per Mirror. When the nanny responded with her statement about Prince William being king, Prince Harry "would fall silent and swallow it," according to Burrell. "However, even in his own house, he had to deal with this." According to Burrell, the majority of Prince Harry's current behavior stems from his upbringing in an atmosphere where he continually had to play second fiddle to Prince William. Princess Diana pleaded with Charles not to send Prince Harry to Eton, fearing that he would be often compared to his elder brother, but her appeals fell on deaf ears. According to Burrell, Prince Harry dealt with the issue of competing with his brother by being more rowdy and loud. Due to his behavior as a toddler, Prince Harry was often instructed to stay quiet, according to Burrell. This occurred all over again when the Prince went public with his complaints. The butler also recalled an event in which Prince William had an outburst and stated that he did not wish to become king. While he sympathized with Prince Harry due to his terrible childhood circumstances, Burrell thought he went too far in his critics of his family by claiming he no longer recognized him. The memoir 'Spare' by Prince Harry was the fastest-selling nonfiction book in history. It sold 1.43 million copies on its first day of release in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. Related Article: Prince Harry Memoir Shocking Claims @YouTube @ 2023 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Councillor Kathleen McGurk has welcomed updates from the Department of Infrastructure on the progress of the A6. The Sinn Fein Cllr for the Benbradagh area said there was annoyance at the length of the works. "There is a great deal of frustration that we are still waiting on the completion of the A6 road to Belfast. While everyone understands the need to ensure works are completed safely, we urged the department to do so as quickly as possible. "It was welcome to hear that the Department expects the work to be finished by the end of March, however, this depends on the outcome of the Roads Safety Audit, Cllr McGurke said. She said the scheme is now well advanced, but signage and street lighting works are yet to be completed. "When the road opens it will initially have traffic management in place for a while before we will have full dual lane opening. "Sinn Fein will continue to work closely with the department during this time to ensure focus is kept on this project as it is an essential and long-awaited upgrade for the people of Dungiven and the Northwest," she added. Brooke Scullion maintains momentum and gives her granny a shoutout in week two of Dancing with the Stars. The Bellaghy woman opened the show this week dancing Quickstep to Love Machine by Girls Aloud with dance partner Maurizio Benenato. Lorraine Barry was the first judge to give feedback to an exhausted Brooke following the performance. Wohoo she exclaimed. Ballroom is my speciality and I am so impressed with you and your quick-step. The speed the operative word here is quick the speed you get across the floor is incredible, she said. Lorraine then looked across to the other dancers who were standing off camera and warned them Brooke had 'set the bar way high tonight'. Judge Arthur Gourounlian toured with Girls Aloud and performed Love Machine on stage with them. He heaped praise on Booke's performance. You said you were scared of quickstep? Quickstep should be scared of you! I could go on. Love Machine? Oh baby, you're a dance machine, he said. Brooke she said she felt the pressure after last week but just tried to enjoy it while speaking to show host Doireann Garrihy after the dance. I just wanted to have fun. What an opportunity to dance to Girls Aloud, she said. Brookes granny got a shout out. She couldn't make it to Dublin for the show but was watching from home. I wish she could be here tonight. She's... Brooke stopped herself mid sentence then looked directly into the camera and continued I'm not telling them what age you are Granny. I love you. She loves Quickstep. She was like 'that's my favourite dance. So now at least I can go home and teach her, she said. Judge Brian Redmond gave Brooke a seven out of ten for her performance. Lorraine and Arthur both gave her an eight. The combined 23 points put her in second place on the night but joint top overall with 48 points. She is tied with influencer Suzanne Jackson who received 25 points this week for her Viennese Waltz with dance partner Michael Danilczuk. Derry man Damian McGinty and his partner Kylee Vincent danced the Salsa to Jason Derulo's Acapulco. They are currently in fourth place on the overall leaderboard. Derry Girls actress Leah O'Rourke and her partner John Nolan danced American Smooth to This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) by Natalie Cole. Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Councillor Sandra Duffy, has launched a month long celebration of the City and District's thriving food and drink scene. Love LegenDerry will take place throughout the month of February and feature a programme of events and initiatives to allow locals and visitors to sample the best of our food offering. Members of the LegenDerry Food Network, in partnership with Council and Visit Derry, are bringing together an exciting programme of events and experiences to celebrate our vibrant food and drink scene in the city and beyond. "The LegenDerry Food Network has made significant strides over the past few years to strengthen the range and quality of our food and drink offering," said Mayor Duffy. "The City and District has now firmly established itself as a foody destination and more and more visitors are coming to sample our locally sourced food and drink. "Love LegenDerry will celebrate how far we have come and encourage locals and visitors to get out and about across the City and District and sample our authentic experience for themselves." Tourism Manager at Derry City and Strabane District Council, Margaret Edwards, explained more about the initiative. "The overall ambition of the Love LegenDerry campaign is to drive economic benefit by extending the food tourism season and attract visitors to travel here, stay overnight and sample our food experiences. "It aims to enhance the reputation of our food and drink offering by using local produce, raising awareness of local provenance, great quality and value for money and provide a financial boost to our food businesses by extending their peak season. "Members of the network created a series of special events during the month to highlight and celebrate the thriving scene here." Events include Meet the Producers at a long table event with Soda and Starch and Artis, a special Valentines gin making experience at the Walled City Brewery, afternoon tea at the White Horse Hotel and a new foodie fusion experience with a set menu of French inspired Irish cuisine. Derry City and Strabane District Council Mayor, Councillor Sandra Duffy pictured at the launch of the Love Legenderry Food Month with, Emily McCorkell, Chairperson, Margaret Edwards, DCSDC, Selina Horsh, Assumpta ONeill, Visit Derry, Mark Froydenlund and Shauna Froydenlund. Picture Martin McKeown. 13.01.23 You can also have fun at a special couples cooking experience, visit a goat farm in the Sperrins, find out about cheese making, take part in some urban foraging, experience a wine, wild and wasted tasting dinner with talks and a focus on zero waste and an oyster and stout bluegrass festival at the Walled City Brewery. The LegenDerry Food Brand and Network was set up by Council and the private sector in February 2019 to bring forward ambitious plans to build on the North West's unique food offering as part of the wider food and drink strategy for the Council area. Full details are available at www.legenderryfood.com Derrys ambitious Acorn Farm Project has moved a step closer, with the appointment of Doran Consulting Engineering to lead a multi-disciplinary team to design, deliver and project manage the capital project. The Acorn Farm, which is based at St Columbs Park, is a social innovation project supporting skills development through food growing and production. This sustainable food hub will embrace innovative climate smart technology for local food production while progressing new culinary practices and food systems. Once completed the Acorn Farm will be an iconic eco-tourism and visitor attraction as well as a focal point for community climate action and food growing In addition to the appointment, Paul Mitchell Architects has also been confirmed to lead on the development of the Gatelodge at the entrance of the park. Both projects are funded by the UK Governments Levelling Up Fund, and led by Derry City and Strabane District Council, working in partnership with the Community Foundations Acorn Fund and the Conservation Volunteers Once completed the project will feature special grow domes, glasshouses, an orchard and apiary, with the facilities for water harvesting and solar harvesting, all promoting sustainable approaches to growing food both responsibly and economically. The overall budget of 6.2m will provide a unique urban growing space for the city. Welcoming this latest milestone in the project, Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Councillor Sandra Duffy, said: This is a really innovative and ambitious initiative which will help change peoples perceptions about growing food and raise awareness about the benefits of growing food at home. As well as teaching practical skills it will provide a unique learning environment and will be central to environmental activity at one of the citys most important green spaces. Im delighted to have reached this stage in the project and look forward to seeing it progress over the coming months. Levelling Up Minister Dehenna Davison said: Green spaces are at the very heart of our communities and they are vital in supporting the health of local people and offering a place for tranquillity. Our multi-million pound investment from our Levelling Up Fund, which kick-started this pioneering project, will help drive forward sustainable food growth in Northern Ireland and provide a much-needed sanctuary for people in Derry/Londonderry now and in years to come. Speaking on behalf of the Acorn Fund, Shana Kelpie said: We have reached another important step today in this really exciting project for the city. As pressures continue to grow in terms of the cost of living, its even more important that we continue to explore new avenues when it comes to food production providing people with the knowledge and skills to become more self-sufficient. The environmental benefits will also be significant, helping to raise awareness about conservation and more sustainable practices. Robert Shearman from the Conservation Volunteers said: The Acorn Farm will be a fantastic attraction within the wider St Columbs Park, which is such an important shared green space for the City. It will greatly improve the sustainable food growing sector locally and I hope it will inspire both businesses and householders to explore new approaches to food production. Amazon is back with its Republic Day sale with really good offers on the flagship phones from Apple to Xiaomi. These smartphones are expensive due to their excellent performance and features but thanks to Amazon. Amazon has bank offers, instant discounts and exchange offer on the phone. Here is the list of flagship phones at effective prices on Amazon: Apple iPhone 13 In the Republic Day sale, Amazon has offered a 26% instant discount on the iPhone 13 base variant. After the instant discount, the price dropped from 79,990 to 59,499. There is also a Bank offers on the phone which is an SBI credit card discount of up to 1,250. Last but not the least, there is an exchange offer as well which can be availed up to 18,050. Buy now Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra is one of the most power-packed phones by Samsung. The base variant is available on Amazon at just 90,699, let me tell you how. Amazon has a 17% instant discount on the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra which makes it 1,09,999. Now we have an exchange offer and a bank offer, an exchange offer can be applied while buying the phone for up to 18,050. SBI has offered a 1,250 discount on its credit card. On the other hand, there is one more Galaxy S22 Ultra on Amazon which is not on sale but it costs 91,040 with an instant discount of 31%. Buy now Google Pixel 7 Pro Google Pixel 7 Pro is available on Amazon at 68,910 and it is originally priced at 82,999. Amazon has offered a 16% discount on the Google Pixel 7 Pro. Along with that, there are exchange offers and bank offers which can be used to make the phone cheaper. Buy now Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 5G The second most expensive phone and a foldable device by Samsung which is worth 1,71,999 is also available with offers on Amazon. The phone can be bought at a 42% discount. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 5G costs only 99,999 after the instant discount and you can add the exchange offer as well by trading your old phone. Buy now Xiaomi 12 Pro 5G: Xiaomi 12 Pro 5G is also available on Amazon at 54,999 after an instant discount of 31%. The phone is originally priced at 79,999. There is also an SBI credit card offer which gives you off up to 7,000. An exchange offer up to 25,050 is also available. After availing of all the offers you can get the phone for just 22,949. Buy now OnePlus 11R is expected to drop this year in April or May as production of the phone has reportedly begun in India. OnePlus 11R will be the second offering from the series after OnePlus 11 makes its global debut in February. The specifications and design of the phone have been leaked already. It also comes with toned-down specifications, just like the OnePlus 10R. 91Mobiles also spotted the phone's moniker on the official OnePlus website which confirms that OnePlus 11R is bound to be released in India soon after OnePlus 11. As the company is focussing on globally launching the OnePlus 11 in February, the dates for the launch of the OnePlus 11R in India might get revealed in a few weeks. As mentioned earlier, the specifications of the device have already been leaked. This premium device is said to be powered by an underclocked version of the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 (3GHz instead of 3.2GHz). Along with this, it could have a 6.7 inch AMOLED display offering a 120Hz refresh rate. The phone could come in 8GB, 12GB, and 16GB RAM options and with 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB respectively. Additionally, it could be powered by Android 13-based OxygenOS 13.1. Speaking about the camera, it could come in a triple camera setup which could include 50MP primary sensor, a 12MP secondary lens, and a 2MP tertiary camera. It may have a 16MP selfie camera. On the battery front, it is speculated that it could have a 5000 mAh battery, supported by 100W fast charging. For more technology news, product reviews, sci-tech features and updates, keep reading Digit.in or head to our Google News page. Oppo is gearing up to launch a few new smartphones in India and has already confirmed the launch of the Oppo A58 5G, which will be its mid-range offering. As per a post published by MySmartPrice, the launch timelines of three new Oppo smartphones, namely the Oppo Reno 8T, Oppo Reno 10 and Oppo F23 have been revealed. What are the launch dates of the Oppo Reno 8T, Oppo Reno 10, and Oppo F23? Oppo Reno 10x Zoom image is used for representational purposes. The Oppo Reno 8T is claimed to launch around the first week of February, according to Mukul Sharma. He also revealed that the smartphone will offer 8GB of RAM and 256GB of internal storage. It may also have an AMOLED display, 67W fast charging support, and a Snapdragon 695 SoC. The premium smartphone is likely to be priced at around 32,000. The Oppo F23 is believed to launch in March. As of now, there are no additional details about the specifications or price of the Oppo F23. Finally, the Oppo Reno 10 is going to launch in either April or May this year. We wont see the Oppo Reno 9 in India, therefore, the Oppo Reno 10 is being considered the official successor to the Oppo Reno 8 series in India. Is the Oppo Reno 8T being launched as the Oppo F23 in India? Some time back, we had talked about the alleged specifications of the Oppo Reno 8T, and the fact that it may be launched as the Oppo F23 in India. However, since tipster Mukul Sharma has indicated separate launch dates, these smartphones are likely to not be the same thing with different names. For more technology news, product reviews, sci-tech features and updates, keep reading Digit.in or head to our Google News page. While were all waiting with bated breath for the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S23 series, the company is working on and launching other products for 2023 to cater to more audiences. The Samsung Galaxy A34 is an upcoming smartphone thats made scanty headlines since it first surfaced in November 2022. We have already come across its renders and recently the Geekbench scores of the device have reportedly surfaced. The folks over at TheTechOutlook have spotted it first. Samsung Galaxy A34 Geekbench scores (Leaked) Alleged Samsung Galaxy A34 Geekbench listing As per the Geekbench listing, the phone's model number is SM-A346B and carries an octa-core processor with 2.60GHz max clock speed. The device in testing has 6GB RAM. In the Geekbench test, the Galaxy A34 supposedly got a 786 single-core score, and a 2318 multi-core result. Samsung Galaxy A34 colour options (Leaked) TheTechOutlook has published 360-degree renders of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy A34. These renders reveal that the smartphone will be available in four different colour options. These colours include violet, lime, graphite and silver, and we may learn more about the overall design of the smartphone once we are closer to the launch. Samsung Galaxy A34 specifications (Expected) It is believed that the Samsung Galaxy A34 is running on the MediaTek Dimensity 1080 processor. It may offer 6GB RAM, along with 128GB of internal storage. The smartphone could come with a 6.5-inch 90Hz FHD+ Super AMOLED display. We might see a triple camera setup, headlined by a 48MP primary camera along with a 5MP ultra-wide lens and a depth shooter. The smartphone might have a 13MP selfie camera as well. We may also see a 5,000 mAh battery with 25W charging support. For more technology news, product reviews, sci-tech features and updates, keep reading Digit.in or head to our Google News page. Many have touted the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 as the best-performing foldable smartphone of 2022. However, new foldable smartphones released by Chinese companies have highlighted the scope of improvement for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4, as far as the design is concerned. It is believed that the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 will address the design flaw. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 design A report published on Naver, which is a Korean publication, indicates that Samsung has created a waterdropshaped hinge in the upcoming folding smartphone. This means that the smartphone will be able to fold completely flat, something it hasnt been able to do so far. The inner screen will end up looking flatter and have a crease that is less visible. This is a major change that most fans of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold smartphones have been asking for. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 will still be water-resistant! Much like its predecessors, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 could also come with an IPX8 rating. However, it may not be dust resistant. This waterdrop hinge design has been called dumbbell and it was patented by the brand all the way back in 2016. Clearly, Samsung had a long-term view of how the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold series will continue to develop as time goes on. For more technology news, product reviews, sci-tech features and updates, keep reading Digit.in or head to our Google News page. Gene Andrew Cernan, more commonly referred to as just Gene Cernan, was born on March 14, 1934 in the city of Chicago, Illinois. As the commander of the Apollo 17 mission, which took place from December 7 to December 17, 1972, he holds the distinction of being the final human, as of writing, to step foot on the Moon. Cernan's Footsteps to the Moon In 1956, after graduating with a degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University, Cernan was commissioned into the United States Navy. During his time as a naval aviator, he was responsible for landing his aircraft on approximately 200 different carriers. He attended the United States Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where he earned a master's degree in aeronautical engineering in 1963. This school is located in the state of California. Near the end of that year, he learned that he had been chosen to become one of the lucky 14 astronauts who would be part of the third group. As a Captain in the United States Navy, Cernan made history by becoming the first person to orbit the Earth three times and the first to visit the moon twice. He was the last human to leave footprints on the Moon, and he was the second American to set foot in space. The Explorations that Cernan Had on the Moon In October 1963, NASA selected a group of 14 people, including Cernan, to become astronauts. During a three-day flight in June 1966, he and Commander Thomas P. Stafford piloted the Gemini 9 mission. In total, Cernan spent over two hours away from the spacecraft. Cernan was the third human being to set foot in space, following the Russian Alexei Leonov and the American Ed White. He was also one of the original 12 men to set foot on the moon. On the 1966 Gemini 9 mission, Cernan spent two hours and seven minutes outside the spacecraft before returning inside due to helmet visor fogging caused by exertion. Cernan was unable to try out a new jetpack because the spacewalk was cut short. His memoir included a chapter titled "The Spacewalk From Hell" in which he detailed the terrifying experience. Apollo 10 was the first mission to conduct a comprehensive qualification and verification test of the lunar lander in lunar orbit, and he was the lunar module pilot for that mission. This mission was carried out in the month of May in 1969. During the course of the mission, the Apollo command module, service module, and lunar module all carried out their duties as planned and demonstrated remarkable consistency and reliability. During the course of the mission, astronauts got as close as 8 lunar miles to the surface of the moon. After stepping down from NASA in 1976, Gene Cernan went on to found Cernan Corp., a company that catered to the aerospace and energy industries by providing management and consulting services. He also held the position of executive vice president at Houston's Coral Petroleum Inc. In 2016, a film about his life titled "The Last Man on the Moon" was released in theaters. Today, January 16, is his sixth death anniversary. Louth Independent TD, Peter Fitzpatrick, along with the Regional Group of TDs are to seek action on what they describe as "deficient dental services" in a forthcoming motion. "Our health service is in crisis. Delayed dental treatment, due to the collapse of the Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS) is compounding chronic illness", says Deputy Fitzpatrick. To address what is seen as a mounting dental health crisis, the Regional Group have published a Dail motion which will be debated this Thursday 19 January, calling for immediate access improvements to dental care. The bottom line is that dental services should be affordable and available. Unfortunately, it is neither. We must improve access to dental care in an equitable and sustainable manner for all, across all income groups, says Deputy Fitzpatrick. The Regional Group says that most oral health conditions are largely preventable and can be treated in their early stages, however, oral diseases are becoming more common due to deficient services and share risk factors with chronic disease such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Every week we are contacted by constituents in Louth and East-Meath who, despite having a medical card, cannot get dental care, said Fitzpatrick. "The reason being that there is an almost 25% fall in the number of dentists claiming reimbursement through the Dental Treatment Services Scheme since December 2020. With dentists withdrawing from the Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS), these people cannot afford to pay for a dentist, especially amid this cost-of-living crisis. "On top of this, most community healthcare dentists are at full capacity and unable to take on new patients. The public dental service is on its knees. For this reason, the DTSS needs to be reviewed and reformed without further delay with full stakeholder consultation." In a statement from Deputy Fitzpatrick, he explains that the delays in dental care "are affecting those in most need, especially, children and people with disabilities. More than 13,000 children are awaiting orthodontic treatment. Many children do not get their first dental check until secondary school children, while more and more adults with disabilities are facing delays in accessing dental surgery under general anaesthetic." Deputy Fitzpatrick and the Regional Group Members state there are many solutions available to the Government, but they need to be initiated immediately. Fitzpatrick and his colleagues in the regional group are calling for the reformation of the Dental Tax Relief scheme (Med 2). The group believes that an increase in the tax relief will assist those struggling with increasing bills by expanding access to treatments and reliefs available. Immediate reform is also required for work permit schemes for dentists and dental nurses. In relation to staffing and recruitment of dentists, associates, hygienists, and nurses into the sector, the Regional Group Members highlight the requirement of additional undergraduate places for dental graduates in Irish universities. Furthermore, the group says the State needs to provide additional training places for auxiliary workers and a renewed vocational training scheme. Likewise, Deputy Fitzpatrick says he will push for the provision of additional training to allow paediatric dental services to operate where there is a lack of paediatric nursing staff. "Long term thinking is needed", says Deputy Fitzpatrick, and he notes that supporting our dental and health care providers "supports the health of our people, saves money and reduces pressure on our health services in the long run". The rest of the world is preparing for the car industry's transformation by shifting from gas-fueled cars to electric vehicles. However, Wyoming's legislature believes that the sales of new electric vehicle models should be phased out by 2035. Economical Standpoint It may be confusing to some why a state would prefer to go against the tide, especially since other states are doing the exact opposite by moving to ban the purchase of new electric cars. Senate Joint Resolution 4 explains why that's the case. The proposition was led by Senator Jim Anderson, as mentioned by Engadget, and other lawmakers. It states that the state's oil and gas industry was proud and valued and that it created countless jobs and revenue for Wyoming over the years. Wyoming is the country's eighth-largest crude oil producer in 2021, supplying around 85.4 million barrels of oil. Senator Boner expressed that it was obviously a serious issue that needed to be addressed and subjected to public discussion. It also posits that gas-powered vehicles have transported goods and resources more efficiently throughout the US since their invention, and allowed the state's industries and businesses to engage in commerce. The Senate Joint Resolution 4 also pointed out that Wyoming still has not developed enough charging infrastructures for EVs, which is essential considering the "vast stretches of highway," thus, making the use of EVs "impracticable." Read Also: Tesla's Major Supplier Panasonic to Build World's Largest EV Battery Plant in Kansas Environmental Standpoint Senator Boner also pointed out that he was interested in making sure that the proposed "so-called climate crisis" solutions are actually practical, instead of other states trying to force technology that isn't ready just yet, which may cause more issues than it solves. Critical minerals used in electric batteries are not easy to recycle or dispose of. Municipal landfills in Wyoming or anywhere else will have to develop practices to deal with it in a responsible manner. Otherwise, it might add to the already heavy amount of waste. Although it sounds counterproductive, the resolution aims to preserve the country's critical minerals for vital purposes, instead of being used for the production of electric vehicles and the batteries it needs to run. While factoring in the amount of minerals that will be used, the resolution also mentioned that the ban will ensure stability in the state's oil and gas industry. From an environmental point of view, it appears to be more harmful considering the carbon emissions brought by gas-fueled cars. Conclusion With all those being said, Senate Joint Resolution 4 aims to phase out the sales of new electric vehicles by 2035. It also encourages the state's industries and citizens to limit the purchase and sale of new EVs. Its goal is also for the State Secretary of Wyoming to transmit copies of the resolution to the President of the United States Joe Bide, the members of the congressional delegation of Wyoming, the Senate, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, and the governors of Wyoming and California. Related: US EV Infrastructure Plan Revealed: 5 Billion Nationwide Fast Charging Project An event to remember the deaths of three men exactly 100 years ago was held at the site of their executions at Dundalk Gaol last week, with Sinn Fein TD Ruairi O Murchu giving an oration. Thomas McKeown, Thomas Murray and John McNulty were commemorated at the event to mark their executions, by a six-man firing squad at Dundalk Gaol on January 13 1923. Deputy O Murchu was joined by councillors Kevin Meenan, Edel Corrigan, Antoin Watters and Pearse McGeough, and the descendants of the executed men ahead of a wreath-laying ceremony at the Republican plot in St Patricks Cemetery. In his oration, Deputy O Murchu said all three men had attended Mass the morning of their executions, and were given the Last Rites by three brave priests who defied a ban by the Catholic Church on any sacraments being given to those being executed. The local newspaper in Dundalk described the executions as a terrible spectacle. It was reported that the executions were dreadful and the people were shocked beyond description. It was also noted that all three were captured, charged, tried, found guilty and executed within days of their arrest. In his final letter to his family, Mr McKeown, who was from Piedmont, Lordship, said there was nothing troubling him after he had his confession heard. Mr McKeown was arrested at the family farm at Piedmont on January 4 1923 and charged with having a revolver and 100 rounds of ammunition. Deputy O Murchu said: His family had a very different version and in a letter, Thomas McKeowns brother said that he was murdered on a lie because he did not have a revolver and 100 rounds of ammunition. His brother said that when the Free State forces came into their house, they arrested the youngest son and they found two useless guns and six rounds of ammunition which did not fit the guns. He was arrested on a complete falsehood. He said this showed the callousness and pettiness of the Free State who were executing people who did not have any level of seniority in the Republican movement. Thomas Murray, Deputy O Murchu said, was from Whitecross in Co Armagh, but lived in Navan. He, along with John McNulty from Belleeks, Co Armagh, was arrested at Hackballscross for possession of revolvers and ammunition on January 9 1923 and four days later they were executed. Mr McNulty had originally given a false name to the Free State forces on his arrest, but gave his correct identity on the morning of his execution as he wanted his family to know what happened to him. Mr Murray was reinterred in Navan a year and nine months after his execution, while Mr McKeown and Mr McNulty were reinterred in the Republican plot in Dowdallshill. Deputy O Murchu said: These men fought and strived for an Irish republic which was something better than the two states we got one sectarian and one conservative. After the event at Dundalk Gaol, wreaths were laid in remembrance of the three men at the Republican plot. A further event, commemorating the centenary of the executions of James Melia, Thomas Lennon and Joseph Ferguson will be held at their execution site, Dundalk Military Barracks, at 8am on January 22. Students from Louth have taken home five prizes from the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2023. Organised by BT Ireland, the exhibition has become one of the leading school STEM exhibitions in Europe, attracting over 100,000 student participants since the first event in 1965. Second-level students from Louth demonstrated their ingenuity in tackling science, engineering and technology challenges alongside over 1,700 projects entered in this years competition. Solomon Doyle from Dundalk Grammar School received a Senior Individual Award and an Analog Technologies Award for his project: 'DermAI- Deep Neural Network Based Detection Tool for the Classification of Benign and Malignant Skin Lesions in Aid of Early Prognosis. April Conroy, Jessica Fergus and Kathleen Campbell from St Vincent's Secondary School received the National Disability Authority Award and a Highly Commended Award for their project on the effect of ageing on balance in the Biological & Ecological Category. Conall Mullins Shortt and TJ McDonnell from Colaiste Ris were awarded the 2nd Place Senior Group Award for their project Investigating the Immunosurveillant properties of erythrocyte-bound toll-like receptors. Speaking at the awards ceremony, Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD said: With the BTYSTE back in person for the first time since before the pandemic, I have had the pleasure to witness first-hand the level of innovation and creativity demonstrated by this years entrants, across a range of important and relevant topics. To every participant you have been an excellent representative of yourself, your family and your school, and you should be incredibly proud of your achievements. The calibre of each entry is a testament to the tenacity and talent of the students behind them, and it is this constant high standard that makes BT Young Scientist one of the longest running, and most successful STEM events in Europe. From my time in the classroom, I am aware of the enormous work and support required to participate in competitions like this, and I wish to acknowledge your teachers and school communities who have also generously given their time and expertise to support you on your journey. Shay Walsh, Managing Director, BT Ireland said: "On behalf of the entire team at BT Ireland, I wish to thank each and every student who took part in this years exhibition for sharing your ideas with us. After a long three years, it has been a pleasure to welcome you all back to the event in person. The past week has been truly inspiring, and I am in awe of your unique and individual talents. The level of creativity, innovation and research displayed over the last number of days has been nothing short of remarkable, and I am humbled and grateful to be a part of it. I would also like to extend my congratulations to all our winners, who join a special group of some of Irelands brightest minds. I have no doubt this is only the beginning of all the brilliant work you will go on to do. A group representing landlords is calling on the government to take action to prevent what it called an exodus of small landlords from the rental market. It comes after a survey from the Society of Chartered Surveyors of Ireland (SCSI) indicated that 40% of sales instructions in the last quarter of 2022 were landlords selling their investment properties. According to the survey, although an increase in buy-to-let properties is expected, 78% of SCSI agents said the second-hand rental stock will not be replaced in the next two years a much more pessimistic view when compared to the start of the year. The report also stated that the main reason deterring landlords from remaining in the market is overly complex legislation. In response, the Irish Property Owners Association is calling on the government to reduce tax rates of up to 52% in place for non-institutional landlords, and to ease regulations. It also called on the government to urgently incentivise landlords to stay, in a meaningful and not cosmetic way. The IPOA added that the miniscule measures introduced for the sector in Budget 2023 had no impact on stemming the exodus of landlords from the market. The alarming numbers published by the SCSI confirm that landlords are leaving the market in significant numbers, in the face of unsustainable taxation and regulatory burdens, it said in a statement. Citing a survey carried out with Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers (IPAV) which showed 57% of landlords with properties in Rent Pressure Zones planned to sell their property, the IPOA said it was clear landlords were following through on their actions. IPOA chairwoman Mary Conway said the figures are extremely alarming, but not at all surprising. The IPOA has been highlighting this problem, and its trickle-down effect on the availability of quality rental accommodation, to Government for years, without adequate recourse. The SCSIs findings should be sobering reading for those who argue that we can achieve a sustainable rental market solely by increasing the regulatory burden on the sector. We welcome indications from An Taoiseach that he aspires to introduce new incentives for landlords, but these need to be meaningful and not cosmetic, if he is to resolve the exodus of private landlords from the market. These latest figures underscore the need for a fundamental rebalancing of the approach to this policy issue, rather than continuing with menial tweaks to the system, which only incentivise landlords to sell up. Therefore, a reduction of tax on private landlords rental income with a commensurate rise in the rate paid by institutional investors in residential property will achieve an outcome that will avert further blockages to housing supply. Ministers and groups including the tenancy rights organisation Threshold have said that small landlords who are more likely to charge lower rents are leaving the rental sector. This is putting an even greater squeeze on the number of affordable properties in Ireland, amid what the government said is a challenging situation to provide suitable accommodation to those in need. Ahead of Budget 2023, speculation circulated that the government could take measures to encourage landlords to stay in the market, including the possibility of a reduction in their rate of tax. Instead, the government made changes to the pre-letting expenses regime for landlords by doubling the amount that can be claimed per premises to 10,000 euro and by reducing the period for which a premises must be vacant from 12 to six months. Michael McGrath the then-public expenditure minister, now the minister for finance said that the changes were a signal from the government to landlords (that) we want you to stay and we want people who are interested in investing in property to look at it as a viable proposition. Hong Kong: 2023 legal year opens The ceremonial opening of the legal year 2023 was held at City Hall today, returning to its traditional venue after a two-year absence due to COVID-19 restrictions. In his opening remarks, Chief Justice Andrew Cheung identified three main functions of the Judiciary. First and foremost, the primary role of the Judiciary is to uphold the rule of law and administer justice in strict accordance with the law. This is the most important function of the Judiciary and the courts must do it well. It cannot be achieved without the Judiciary being an independent, impartial and effective one. He added that the second role the Judiciary plays in society is the protection of fundamental rights. It is the function of the courts to uphold fundamental rights. This is an important facet of the rule of law as practised in Hong Kong. Whilst fundamental rights must be, and are given by our courts, a generous interpretation, most fundamental rights are not absolute - they are liable to be proportionately restricted for the sake of others or for the public interest. The third role played by the courts relates to their lawmaking function under the common law system. However, the Chief Justice emphasised that the courts lawmaking role should not be exaggerated. In most of the cases that come before our courts, the courts task is either to interpret and apply written laws, or to apply binding authorities applicable to the dispute before it. Where circumstances justify, the court may give a written law a modern or updated interpretation in order to address changes that have occurred after the law was initially framed. This is permissible so long as it is in accordance with the original legislative intent, and does not do unacceptable violence to the language of the law. Mr Cheung added that two initiatives are being explored to ensure the Judiciary remains a modern one that moves with the times, involving live broadcasting and e-litigation. With the advent of technology and given the limited seating capacities of our courtrooms and public health considerations, live broadcasting of proceedings is a natural way forward to further enhance the transparency of court procedures and public confidence in the judicial process. Yet, the due administration of justice must always remain the primary and overriding consideration. Not all proceedings are inherently suitable for live broadcasting. I have decided to appoint a working group within the Judiciary, to be chaired by a senior judge, to examine the guiding principles as well as the implementation practicalities of live broadcasting of court proceedings, with a view to introducing live broadcasting of at least some court proceedings or at some court level within sometime this year, if reasonably practicable. Noting that the second initiative under consideration relates to the Judiciarys Information Technology Strategy Plan, Mr Cheung said it is time to make a greater stride in driving the migration to e-litigation. Without seeking to downplay the short-term inconvenience and the cultural change that will be required, the legal profession is strongly urged to give serious consideration to switching to the e-litigation platform. Also speaking at the event, Secretary for Justice Paul Lam pointed out that although the common law system has been and will be maintained in Hong Kong, it is based on the constitutional order founded on the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China. On December 30, 2022, the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee interpreted Articles 14 and 47 of the National Security Law. Mr Lam said there are some suggestions that the interpretation has expanded the powers of the Chief Executive and the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, eroding the Judiciarys independent judicial power and even putting the Chief Executive and the committee above the law. Such suggestions are plainly wrong and misconceived. The interpretation is, by definition, a clarification of the original intent and purpose of those provisions; it does not confer any new power on anyone. On this occasion, I wish to make a solemn pledge that the Government will do its best to defend the Judiciary so that it may exercise their constitutional powers and discharge its constitutional duties, independently free from any interference. This story has been published on: 2023-01-16. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Henan man dedicated to passing on traditional Chinese shadow puppetry through innovation People's Daily Online) 11:05, January 16, 2023 Fang Dechun, an inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage item of shadow puppetry, giving a performance in a village in Xinyang city, central Chinas Henan Province, December 15, 2022. (China News Service/Yang Jie) A man in central Chinas Henan Province has spent over 40 years committed to preserving and passing down the traditional Chinese art of shadow puppetry using many innovative techniques. Chinese shadow puppetry, also known as shadow play, is a type of opera performance presented by silhouette figures made from leather with history that reaches back to antiquity. Performers use puppets to create the illusion of moving images on a translucent cloth screen that is illuminated from behind. Shadow puppetry has been designated an intangible cultural heritage item, and Fang Dechun is an inheritor of the art form. In his late 50s, Fang is from Pingqiao district of Henans Xinyang city, a place with a long history of shadow play. Pingqiao was home to many shadow puppetry artists throughout the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. Shadow puppetry is still performed at many different celebrations today, ranging from festivals to weddings. Fang Dechun, an inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage item of shadow puppetry, giving a performance in a village in Xinyang city, central Chinas Henan Province, December 15, 2022. (China News Service/Yang Jie) Fang and his shadow puppet troupe often provide performances for ticket holders, but also frequently arrange charity performances in places such as nursing centers and primary schools to ensure that the elderly can enjoy shadow puppetry and to help young people to understand the art form. Keeping elderly fans of shadow puppetry engaged and influencing young fans are Fangs first step in developing new ways of inheriting the traditional art form. Recently Fang has also created new texts on contemporary themes for shadow puppetry while also inheriting over 30 traditional texts. He has adapted the popular TV series Journey to the West for the art form, gaining him many young fans. Fang has also leveraged the internet to popularize shadow puppetry. He has uploaded some short videos themed on shadow puppetry on several social media platforms to showcase the charm of the intangible cultural heritage item. Fang Dechun, an inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage item of shadow puppetry, giving a performance in a village in Xinyang city, central Chinas Henan Province, December 15, 2022. (China News Service/Yang Jie) Fang described becoming an apprentice of a senior shadow puppetry artist when he was 15. Two years later, he mastered the art of puppetry and established a shadow puppetry troupe with several shadow puppetry amateurs. So far, Fang has trained 12 apprentices. Shadow puppetry is really attractive [and] I wholeheartedly want to pass on the art form. I will teach what I know about shadow puppetry without reservation to anyone willing to learn, said Fang. (Web editor: Xian Jiangnan, Du Mingming) NASA wants your help in finding more alien worlds in space. The space agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is inviting everyone once again to participate in NASA's Exoplanet Watch project, where amateur astronauts can help NASA scientists find exoplanets with or without a telescope. NASA's Exoplanet Watch project has been going on since 20128 under its Universe of Learning, one of NASA's Science Activation programs that lets anyone experience how science is done and discover the universe for themselves. NASA Exoplanet Watch Invitation Details NASA's Exoplanet Watch allows the space agency to increase the number of people looking at the stars to find exoplanets, planets not included in our solar system. However, this was not always the case, according to Space.com. The project initially had limits in 2018 on how many people could help through the data NASA's telescopes collect. With the project's opening to the public, however, anyone can download these data to their device or access it via the cloud, and then use a custom data analysis tool NASA created to assess them. Using this tool, especially for those with no background in astronomy, can be difficult. Thankfully, NASA provided a set of instructive tutorials on the project's official website for people to look into to learn how to properly use it. Read More: 'Formula 1: Drive to Survive' Season 5 is Coming Back to Netflix on February 24 Rob Zellem, the project's creator and an astrophysicist at NASA's JPL, said that people who would participate in his Exoplanet Watch project could learn how to observe exoplanets and do data analysis using the custom data analysis tool NASA created. They can also learn how to spot exoplanets in the process. How to Help NASA Find Exoplanets Those with a telescope can look for exoplanets by focusing on a star and using the transit method to check if a planet is orbiting it. To do so, an amateur astronomer has to look for a slight dimming of the star in question as the planet passes in front many times to determine if a planet is orbiting it. This method is the most successful in NASA's hunt for exoplanets, with the space agency finding 3,941 planets through this method. Another method to consider is the Wobble method, wherein astronomers look for a star's "wobbling" in space, which changes the color of the light they observe. This method helps NASA find 1,023 planets, making it one of the most popular methods scientists use in spotting exoplanets. Those without a telescope can still help NASA find exoplanets by using the data the space agency's telescopes collected to spot the ones astronomers may have overlooked. This data consists of 10 years of exoplanet observations collected by a small ground-based telescope south of Tucson, Arizona. People using the data the telescopes provided can use the transit method to spot exoplanets as they orbit around their host star. They can also look for variations in the apparent brightness of stars, such as outbursts of light, and star pots (dark spots on a star's surface) to spot exoplanets. Related Article: Scientists Discover TOI-1452 b, an 'Ocean World' 100 Light-Years Away From Earth CORK hoteliers have urged the Government to retain the 9% Vat rate for the tourism and hospitality sector in Ireland, warning that the majority of Irish hotels and guesthouses are still in recovery mode from the pandemic. The current reduced Vat rate is to expire on February 28 and revert back to the higher rate of 13.5% from March 1. A statement from the Cork branch of the Irish Hotels Federation (IHF) said that, in light of the growing economic challenges facing the sector, local hoteliers are urging the Government to retain the existing rate to safeguard tourism livelihoods and secure the long-term, sustainable development of Irish tourism. Prior to the pandemic, the IHF said the industry supported over 270,000 livelihoods including some 27,000 jobs throughout Cork. In a local tourism update, the federation said that the industry has made enormous progress over the past year in restoring employment, boosted by a number of short-term factors including high levels of pent-up demand, and displaced business previously contracted for 2020 and 2021. The majority of hotels and guesthouses, however, are still in recovery mode having come out of an exceptionally challenging two years of Covid, during which time the hotels sector alone lost over 5bn in revenue, the IHF warned. It also said the industry is facing into very worrying headwinds with the uncertainty around the future economic outlook. With a full recovery in tourism now likely to be delayed until 2026, an increase in the VAT rate to 13.5% is the last thing that should be contemplated, given its inflationary impact and the damage it would cause to Irelands tourism competitiveness, the IHF statement continued. Last week, Finance Minister Michael McGrath said he does not anticipate that all measures put in place to help people survive the pandemic will expire in their entirety at the end of February as planned. Finance Minister Michael McGrath. Picture: Jim Coughlan. Speaking ahead of an event at University College Cork (UCC) last week, Mr McGrath said Government has a number of decisions to make in the coming weeks regarding support measures. We have a number of decisions to make in the coming weeks. We have a reduced Vat rate on electricity and gas bills, domestic household bills. We also have excise reductions in the case of diesel and petrol that also fall to expire in February. He continued: We have a temporary energy business support scheme which got up and running in December and which is also due to end at the end of February, and we have a 9% rate of Vat in tourism and hospitality. That dates all the way back to 2011 as part of a jobs initiative that lasted for a number of years, then the normal rate of 13.5% was reinstated. Then for 2019 and in late 2020 as part of a Covid stimulus measure it was reduced again, he said. When we brought forward a Budget in late September it was on the basis that all those measures would expire at the end of February. I do not anticipate that all of them will in their entirety end at the end of February, I dont expect that to happen, and I will be making recommendations to the party leaders in the first instance in the coming weeks. My own Department is doing a detailed assessment now of all of those different measures and I will discuss it with the party leaders in the coming weeks, and well make decisions but I dont expect all of them to end in their entirety but I cant give a commitment about any specific measure, he continued. Samsung's next foldable phone will no longer have a crease as noticeable as it is now. The popular tech giant will reportedly use a new hinge style as part of a potential design change meant to make the upcoming Galaxy Z Fold 5's crease less obvious than its predecessor's. Samsung has been improving its foldable screen for its Galaxy Z Fold phone line-up, with the Galaxy Z Fold 4 having less of a noticeable crease than the Galaxy Z Fold 3, which the company released in 2021, per ZDNet. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 Hinge Style Change Details Samsung is reportedly planning on using a "waterdrop" type display structure for the upcoming Galaxy Z Fold 5, according to the Korean site Naver. This hinge style allows the phone's display to roll inside the main body in a waterdrop shape to form a gentler curve that leaves less of a crease. The new hinge style will let the phone's display fold completely flat when being closed, with no gap between the phone's two halves, per SamMobile. Additionally, the new waterdrop style hinge is expected to improve the Galaxy Z Fold 5's display considerably, preventing creases from being created in the first place. Interestingly, Samsung may have had this design since it had the design patented in 2016, with it being known as "dumbbell" instead of "waterdrop." Although the tech giant didn't mention why it never released the design until now, it is probable that its lack of an IPX8 waterproof rating prevented it from using the design from the start. Read More: Warner Bros Discover Raises Prices For HBO Max's Ad-Free Plan For The First Time Speaking of the IPX8 waterproof rating, the waterdrop hinge style now comes with it, allowing the phone to be continuously submerged in water levels deeper than one meter, per Audio Reputation. The Verge mentioned that the tech giant only applied to receive the IPX8 waterproof rating for its third-gen folding devices in 2021, which helped its foldable phones stand out from its competition in the form of Oppo's Find N2 and the Motorola Razr, both of which lacks water resistance despite them initially featuring the waterdrop-style hinge. However, what the Galaxy Z Fold 5 only lacks now is a dust resistance rating, which means that the phone is vulnerable to dust or other fine particles like sand, according to Reactual. Samsung's Woes With Foldable Phone Creases And Cracks Samsung's thirst to improve its foldable screens is understandable given the many issues customers had with the Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Fold 4, which it released in 2021 and 2022, respectively. According to a previous report from The Verge, users reported several issues ranging from cracked screens, which one Reddit user, unfortunately, experienced with their Galaxy Z Fold 4, to noticeable creases with the Galaxy Z Fold 3 that eventually broke the phone due to the creases it created when being closed, per 9to5Google. With the new waterdrop style hinge possibly on the way to being installed on the upcoming Galaxy Z Fold 5, Samsung customers will have fewer things to worry about. Related Article: Samsung Announces First Unpacked Event of 2023 Happening In February THE economic, political and societal development of Ireland since joining the European Economic Community in 1973 has been nothing less than seismic. At the time, there was a common understanding of the significance of Irelands membership of what was to become the European Union. It held a promise of prosperity, greater freedom, and even the chance for peace in our time. As a new member country, Ireland sprang forward with a youthful enthusiasm. Successive Irish governments and businesses sought out and grasped every opportunity the Single Market had to offer. We were keen to expand trading links with our European neighbours. In the early days, Ireland was considered a poor country in comparison to most other member states. Every penny of EU funding was welcomed like the gift that it was. Through wise investments, we upgraded our roads and infrastructure. Farming families across rural Ireland benefited massively thanks to the Common Agricultural Policy. EU membership has certainly delivered economic benefits to Ireland, having received more than 40 billion in EU funds from 1973 until 2018, as a net recipient of the EU budget. The Single Market accounted for 40% of total Irish exports in 2020. This market is said to represent more than 30 billion in added value to our economy. Ireland has also became a more equal, inclusive society, where human rights are cherished. Joining the European Community saw an end to the so-called Marriage Bar, which had required women to give up public sector jobs once they got married. EU values, such as equality, have been a guiding light for our country. Once in this European club, Ireland began strengthening diplomatic relations, shaping legislation and quickly established a reputation as a hardworking, committed member state. Ireland has a record of being a trusted broker, with a proven ability to get opposing sides to come together in search of compromise. A recent example of this was when Irelands Environment Minister, Eamon Ryan, was appointed to lead negotiations for the EU, in order to get us over the impasse at the COP27 Climate Change Conference in Egypt. In addition to leading political figures, Irish diplomats and staff working in the EU institutions have risen to the highest positions based on their talent and dedication. We have had two Irish Secretary Generals of the European Commission, Catherine Day and David OSullivan. Mr OSullivan has just been appointed to lead the enforcement of EU sanctions against Russia on a global scale. The election of Pat Cox as President of the European Parliament in 2002 also shows how our small country has often taken the lead, thanks to exemplary representatives. Of course, our membership has not been without challenges. EU solidarity has helped us overcome the worst of times. The Union supported the dream of peace in Northern Ireland and funded numerous multi-million euro reconciliation projects in the wake of the Good Friday Agreement. The economic recession was also a painful time in our history, after which we had to rebuild our fiscal strength and stability. Since the UK voted to leave the Union, our fellow EU member states have stood firmly by Irelands side to achieve the best post-Brexit agreements possible, despite difficult circumstances, in order to preserve peace on the island. Ireland is now a net contributor to the EU budget. The economic benefits afforded to us through seamless access to the Single Market, the most affluent market in the world, gives us the capacity and responsibility to give back. We can share our good fortune, not only in monetary terms, but also in terms of the wealth of our experience. We joined the EEC alongside Denmark and our closest neighbour and ally, the UK. In the past, Ireland could depend on the UK at the European Council table. Looking forward, Ireland should develop new alliances, perhaps with some of the newer member states. Together, smaller countries can be effective allies for each other. Ireland must strive to be an outward-looking, forward-thinking member state. We should focus on emerging opportunities across the digital sphere. In other vital areas, we have much more work to do, such as in tackling climate change. In fact, we have the potential to be a clean energy exporter, utilising our abundant renewable natural resources. Encouraging and investing in talented Irish people who might consider a career in the EU institutions is also crucial. Ireland has matured in its 50 years of EU membership. We have achieved our overarching aims of furthering national interests and improving our economic prospects. At EU level, Ireland continues to promote peace, progress human rights and advocate for a more equal, just world. The European Union is now truly home for Ireland. Our country can be confident in its future, as a highly-respected bridge-builder and a driver of positive change. After 50 years, Ireland is a true EU success story. Sean Kelly MEP (Ireland South) is the Leader of Fine Gael in the European Parliament. CHS Inc. and Cargill to expand TEMCO operations to include Texas Gulf CHS Inc. and Cargill, two of the United States' leading agribusinesses, announced on January 13 the intent to expand the scope of their joint venture, TEMCO LLC, by adding the Cargill-owned export grain terminal in Houston, Texas. The addition of the Houston terminal will expand the joint venture's export capabilities, providing shipping access for grains, oilseeds and byproducts through the port of Houston. TEMCO currently operates three facilities in the Pacific Northwest: Portland, Oregon; Kalama, Washington; and Tacoma, Washington. These three facilities distribute grain to global markets, primarily located in the Asia-Pacific region. Through TEMCO, both companies look forward to building on 24 years of successful partnership to expand global grain market access for US farmers to help meet the increasing global need for food. "We're pleased to continue to build upon our successful relationship with Cargill to expand the reach of TEMCO," said John Griffith, executive vice president of ag business for CHS. "In keeping with our purpose of creating connections to empower agriculture, access to the Houston terminal provides additional options for area cooperatives and farmers to participate in the global marketplace, helping to advance CHS growth strategy for the region and open new opportunities for US farmers." The Houston terminal is located approximately 40 miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico via Galveston Bay. With six million bushels of storage and capacity for 350 rail cars, the facility handles up to 250 million bushels annually. The terminal receives both trucks and railcars with a variety of commodities for global export. "We look forward to expanding our joint venture by integrating the Houston terminal and leveraging the successful operating model that's in place today with TEMCO," said Sheryl Wallace, president of North America Grain for Cargill. "We are excited to provide additional market access and opportunities for our farmer customers and to better serve our global demand customers." "The TEMCO team is excited to integrate the Houston terminal into our operations," said Brian Kubik, general manager for TEMCO. "This expansion will create efficiencies and opportunities for TEMCO and its employees." - Cargill Pig population in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, sees decline from May 2022 period The pig population in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, reached 5.78 million head, down 5% compared to May 2022 (6.1 million head), according to preliminary data from the State Statistics Office of the German state, as of November 3, 2022. Likewise, the number of pig farms was 5,670, some 350 farms less compared to May 2022. Finishing pigs accounted for almost half (47.8%) of the North Rhine-Westphalia pig herd with 2.76 million head, a decrease of 6.6%. The number of piglets (1.63 million head, -8.6%) and breeding sows (332,700 head, -4.4%) also decreased, while the number of young pigs (less than 50kg) increased by 6.2% (1.06 million head). - IT NRW (Germany) Ireland's pigmeat, poultry prices support overall export values in 2022 verage prices for Ireland's pigmeat and poultry helped to offset the impact of lower production levels on overall export values last year, according to Bord Bia. The state agency's Export Performance and Prospects Report 2022/2023, published on January 11, revealed that the value of Irish agri-food exports increased by 22% to a record 16.7 billion in 2022. The value of Irish meat and livestock exports grew by 15% last year to over 4 billion. However, rising feed, fertiliser and energy costs posed a significant challenge in 2022 for intensive pig and poultry enterprises, along with grass-based cattle and sheep farming systems. Irish pigmeat export values grew by 2% on 2021 levels to 540 million, as higher prices offset a reduction in export volumes. However, the Bord Bia report noted that pig farmers were hit with "unprecedented production costs" that impacted their viability for much of 2022. Data from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) shows that Irish pigmeat production was up by almost 5% in the first half of 2022, but this had fallen to 1% by the end of September, reflecting the impact of high input costs on farmers. "This drop off in producer confidence was illustrated by the increase in sow supplies at pigmeat export plants, which increased by around 8% for the first nine months of the year," Bord Bia stated. The volume of Irish pigmeat exports fell marginally to 228,000 tonnes in 2022. A tightening of supplies across Europe in the second half of the year saw pig prices rise sharply. The Irish pig price increased by almost 28% during the second half of 2022 to reach 2/kg. For the year as a whole, Irish pig prices increased by approximately 14% to 1.77/kg. The value of Irish pigmeat exports to the European Union increased by 23% to 100 million last year, while there was a 3% rise in exports to the UK market which was worth 95 million. Pigmeat shipments to China, which is a key export destination, fell by 31% to 130 million last year, as the country's domestic production continues to recover from African swine fever (ASF). This decline was offset by strong growth in Australia, the Philippines, the United States and South Korea. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is forecasting that global pigmeat production will increase by 1% in 2023 to 111 million tonnes, reflecting further recovery in Chinese output. The report said that EU farmer sentiment will be heavily influenced by feed cost volatility driven by the ongoing war in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the report showed that Irish poultry export values increased by 14% to 143 million during 2022, with volumes up 3% at 78,000 tonnes. The value of Irish poultry exports to the EU rose by 31% to 30 million, while trade with the UK increased by 19% to 85 million, reflecting a strong recovery in the foodservice channel. Exports to international markets were 7% lower at almost 31 million due to ongoing restrictions in South Africa. Bord Bia said that the ongoing threat of avian influenza has been extremely challenging for the global poultry industry, disrupting trade and supply. The impact of high production costs hit the Irish poultry sector with throughput levels falling by 5% to 80 million head for the first nine months of 2022, compared to the previous year. The decline continued into the final quarter of the year due to ongoing disease risk, high feed costs and trade restrictions. The report noted that "stronger pricing helped to offset lower export volumes". Bord Bia has forecast that the global poultry industry will recover further in 2023; however. high feed and energy costs are likely to persist. "A weaker economic climate will lead to more price-driven consumer behaviour, which supports poultry consumption," the report stated. - Agriland The poster of Apple TV+ original series "Pachinko" / Courtesy of Apple TV+ Apple TV+'s Korean language drama "Pachinko" has won the best foreign language series at this year's Critics Choice Awards. At the ceremony held by the Critics Choice Association in Los Angeles on Sunday (U.S. time), "Pachinko" won the trophy in the TV category to beat eight other contestants. Based on the 2017 bestselling novel by Korean-American author Lee Min-jin, the drama is a sprawling, multilingual epic that examines four generations of a Korean family during the Japanese occupation of Korea and the subsequent racism that followed. Korean American author Lee Min-jin poses for a photo during a publicity event in Seoul, Aug. 8, 2022. Yonhap Manx Government apologises for historical mistakes that contributed to abuse Photo: Manx National Heritage The Council of Ministers has apologised for historical mistakes that contributed to children being abused at the Knottfield childrens home in the 1970s and 80s. The apology is made in the Governments response to a report on the abuse by Tynwalds Social Affairs Policy Review Committee (SAPRC). Setting out the Council of Ministers response to the report, the Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK said: The Council of Ministers read this report with sincere sorrow and regret and is deeply sorry for the mistakes that were made which contributed to the suffering and the lifelong impact of these traumatic experiences. Whilst we cannot undo the past, we are committed to doing everything we can to provide support to those affected by this terrible betrayal of trust. The Chief Minister goes on to pay tribute to the bravery of victims in coming forward and giving evidence: We cannot underestimate the suffering that has been inflicted on the survivors and their families, and greatly appreciate their bravery in giving evidence. The report was distressing to read and must have been extremely traumatising to relive. We also pay tribute to those victims who are no longer with us and whose trauma and bravery will not be forgotten. The report and its findings were originally published in October 2018 but were withdrawn while a criminal investigation and legal proceedings took place. Joseph Marshall was jailed for six years in April 2022 following conviction for sexually abusing two boys at the childrens home. Following the conclusion of legal proceedings, the Isle of Man Governments response to the 2018 report is now able to be published. Work to begin on design of new heritage visitor attraction Proposals to create a vibrant new visitor experience in the south of the Island, including the relocation of the Peggy back to Castletown, have taken another step forward. Manx National Heritage has announced the appointment of a multi-disciplinary design team to develop an all-weather heritage visitor attraction at the Nautical Museum. The renovation will form part of a 5 million redevelopment scheme as Manx National Heritage aims to deliver a refreshed interpretation of the historic site, creating a memorable experience for locals and visitors alike. The ambitious redesign will also see the return of the world-famous vessel, the Peggy, to a distinctive purpose-built boathouse which will be located at the heart of the site. The project has been designed to highlight the story of the Peggy and her owner/designer, George Quayle, along with the Islands wider maritime history. The appointed design team comprises a consortium of building and exhibition professionals with a track record in the successful delivery of architectural and exhibition design to the highest standards. It will be led by Dannat Johnson Architects (DJA) and project managed by Fraser Randall who together completed two major new permanent exhibitions for the Imperial War Museum in London last year. As many in the accessibility community will tell you, inclusive design isnt an endeavor thats one and done. Its a continuous, ongoing effort to ensure that as new products and services are made, people with different needs or disabilities arent left out. Over the last three years, Engadget has produced a report, in addition to our regular coverage, that looks back on the developments in the tech industry that impact the accessibility community, focusing on the largest companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Meta. Of course, there are plenty of other big companies to consider, like Uber, Airbnb, Netflix and more. But the six weve selected have an outsized impact and influence on the industry.. Last year, we saw significant developments that could pave the way for more accessible designs in future, such as the opening of Microsofts Inclusive Tech Lab. In October, the University of Illinois (UIUC) partnered with Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta and Microsoft on a Speech Accessibility Project to improve voice recognition for those with atypical speech patterns that AI algorithms rarely consider. But there were also major setbacks, such as Elon Musk dismantling the accessibility team at Twitter, amid everything else that happened in that hellhole. All around the industry, we saw pieces of news that showed greater interest overall in accessible products and design. According to LinkedIns vice president of engineering, Erran Berger, there has been a 33 percent increase in the last year in people sharing insights, ideas and problem solving together related to accessibility. Berger said this corresponded with a significant uptick in the total annual number of U.S. job postings with the word accessibility in the job title. LinkedIn data shows that these postings have spiked 171 [percent] since September 2019. This increased interest permeated all of tech. Comcast debuted its Xfinity large button voice remote last year, for example, while popular chat app Discord updated its Windows app to support high contrast mode, as well as enable alt-text for image in iOS. There were also plenty of startups and smaller device makers that are creating products like wearables and hearing aids to help those with disabilities better interact with the world. Subscribe to the Engadget Deals Newsletter Great deals on consumer electronics delivered straight to your inbox, curated by Engadgets editorial team. See latest Subscribe Please enter a valid email address Please select a newsletter By subscribing, you are agreeing to Engadget's Terms and Privacy Policy. As we continue to call for a more inclusive design process that follows the accessibility communitys mantra of nothing about us without us, its worth taking the time to see which companies have fared well and which have failed to consider people with different needs. Amazon Amazon Like most companies on this list, Amazon updated a number of its products across various categories to offer better accessibility. For example, it added gesture support to Echo Shows, allowing users to dismiss timers by waving or holding up an open palm, so those who dont want to or cant use their voice to silence alarms can do so without touching the device. It also added support for audio streaming for hearing aids to its Fire TV platform, and brought the Tap To Speech (or Tap To Alexa) feature from its Echo Show displays to its Fire tablets. Amazon also teamed up with a selection of organizations to bring its products to communities that could benefit from them. It donates products like Echos, Ring home security devices and more to Homes For Our Troops and the Gary Sinise Foundation, which help get these to veterans. The company also works with the National Association for the Blind in India by giving local school districts Echo devices so they can be used as teaching aids for kids with vision disabilities. Many new Alexa features also have accessibility benefits. The Person and Package announcements, for example, let you know through the Alexa mobile app, Echo Show, Fire TV or Fire Tablet when your compatible Ring camera or video doorbell detects a you guessed it, person or package. This way, you can choose to be alerted by visual or audio cues. On the latest Echo Dot, an onboard accelerometer allows you to tap the top of the speaker to pause and resume media playback, snooze alarms or end timers and calls. This offers those with speech impairments an alternative means of interacting with the device. Its also worth noting that Amazons remote caregiving service Alexa Together also received updates that allow users to add more family members to care for aging loved ones, and enabled primary caregivers to remotely set up Routines for their wards. In October, the company released a new campaign that included videos featuring an Amazon employee and people with disabilities using accessibility features across Alexa, Fire TV and more. It also redesigned its accessibility home page to make its tools easier to discover. And, as weve mentioned in previous editions of this report, the companys venture capital arm the Alexa Fund invests in startups, some of which work on products to improve accessibility. Apple As an established leader in making accessible products, Apple continued to do well lastyear despite not doing a lot. On Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) on May 19th, it announced a new door detection feature for iPhones that would help those who are blind or have low vision by identifying entryways and reading any signs or words on them. At the same time, the company unveiled Apple Watch Mirroring, which lets people with motor and physical disabilities control their smartwatch using the iPhones assistive features. These include Voice Control, Switch Control, head tracking, sound actions and external Made For iPhone inputs. Apple also brought Live Captions to iPhone, iPad and Mac, which would transcribe all content playing through the device, as well as the speech of people in the real world. Those using Live Captions for calls on Mac can also type a response and have that spoken aloud to their callers. It also added 20 new languages to its VoiceOver screen reader, as well as voices and locales. Apple Other features include Buddy Controller, which lets users ask another person to co-control a game character with them and Siri Pause Time to adjust how long the assistant waits before responding. The company also updated Sound Recognition so it will now identify custom noises like a unique doorbell or alarm and added new themes, font and line customizations to the Apple Books app for improved readability. A slew of other small updates were also announced on GAAD, which would be too much to exhaustively detail here, but a complete list can be found on the companys website. On Dec. 3rd, the International Day of the Person with Disabilities, Apple released a short film that showcases its assistive features. The video was well-received and not only helped highlight the ways people with disabilities can use their i-devices to live their lives, but also introduced some lesser known features to a wider audience. Google Google is basically the internet, so its contribution to accessibility is of particular importance. Because its product portfolio is so diverse, spanning smartphones, speakers, displays, browsers, apps, email, search and more, the companys reach is immense. That also means that Google typically has a lot more updates than any other name on this list. Across Android, Pixel, Chrome, Search and more, the company rolled out improvements to its screen readers, captioning and alt-text support, among others. A lot of its work in 2022 was around expanding existing features to cover more platforms and languages. For example, in December, the company announced its Project Relate non-standard speech-recognition pilot would expand to include Hindi. On Global Accessibility Awareness Day in May, Google also said it was building out-of-the-box support for braille displays into Androids Talkback screen reader, eliminating the need to install a separate app. It also announced new education-related updates like support for alt-text in gmail and tweaks to the Docs experience for those using Braille readers. Chrome OS also got a little easier to use, with improved voice control and dictation, while Meet now allows users to pin multiple people on their calls, allowing those who use ASL to be able to see their sign language interpreters and other speakers at the same time. The company even looked at making fonts that were easier to read. Notably, Google also introduced Guided Frames, a tool to help blind or low vision users take selfies, when it launched the Pixel 7. Instead of being relegated to a separate day or buried in a press release, it was nice to see such a feature share the stage with other highlights during a flagship phone reveal. Google continues to engage the disability community, and appears to be reaching out via its Accessibility account on Twitter. As of August, it was looking to work with students with dyslexia for a research study on the Chrome browser. In December, it opened its first Accessibility Discovery Center in the UK. With this pattern of outreach and engagement, Google appears to have a meaningful approach to accessibility that adheres to the principle of nothing about us without us. What could become only the second lithium mine in the US received backing from the Biden administration this week. In an announcement spotted by Bloomberg , the Department of Energy said it would provide mining company Ioneer with a conditional loan valued at up to $700 million to develop the Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron Project in Nevadas Esmeralda County. Once operational, the mine is expected to produce enough lithium for about 370,000 electric vehicles annually. Ioneer already has supply agreements with automakers like Ford and Toyota, though the project likely wont start producing lithium until 2026. The Biden administration made the funding available through the Energy Departments Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program . To secure the money, Ioneer must obtain all the necessary permits from relevant state and federal agencies. The Center for Biological Diversity has come out against the project due to the risks it poses to a species of endangered wildflower in the area known as Tiehms buckwheat. The US Interior Department has yet to bless the project for that same reason. The Department of Energy said Ioneer revised its plans for the site to avoid direct impacts on the plant. However, its worth noting lithium mining requires a lot of water to carry out. Still, the mineral is essential to many technologies needed to transition the world to a zero-emissions future. Whats more, lithium supply is expected to fall short of global demand by 2030. That gap will make it difficult for the Biden administration to meet its goal of ensuring half of all cars sold in the US by the end of the decade are electric vehicles. Use Messages, Maps, Family Sharing and more to let people know where you are. How to share your location using an iPhone Use Messages, Maps, Family Sharing and more to let people know where you are. All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission. All prices are correct at the time of publishing. Smartphones may mean never having to ask for directions, but it can still be tricky to relay exactly where you are at any given moment to friends and family trying to find you. iPhone users can share their current location using Messages, Apple Maps, Google Maps and Apples Find My app. While Apple makes it easiest to share locations with other iPhone users, there are a number of ways to send your position to someone who uses an Android device as well. We covered four different methods in the steps below, along with a way to share from your Mac and how to stop sharing your location when you need to. How to share your location using Messages This might be the easiest method, as youre probably already texting the person with which you want to share your location. To text someone exactly where you are, follow these steps: 1. Open a conversation in Messages and tap the recipients name/image at the top of the screen. 2. Tap Send My Current Location. Subscribe to the Engadget Deals Newsletter Great deals on consumer electronics delivered straight to your inbox, curated by Engadgets editorial team. See latest Subscribe Please enter a valid email address Please select a newsletter By subscribing, you are agreeing to Engadget's Terms and Privacy Policy. 3. A map thumbnail of your location will immediately appear in your conversation. Amy Skorheim / Engadget If your recipient has an iPhone and they tap the map, an info screen will open with an option to get directions via Apple Maps. If your recipient does not have an iPhone, they will receive an Apple Maps link that will open in their browser. If you want to share your location for a longer period of time: 1. Tap on your recipients name/image in your Messages conversation. 2. Tap on Share My Location. 3. Choose Share for One Hour, Share Until End of Day or Share Indefinitely (which remains active until you turn sharing off). Amy Skorheim / Engadget 4. They will receive a notification that you are sharing your location with them and you will be added to their Find My app. Just keep in mind that this only works with other iPhone users. How to quickly share your home address in Messages If you have your address saved under your own contact, you can send your home address via Messages by typing the words my address is Messages will auto-suggest your home address to fill in. This also sends your address as a link your recipient can tap on to open their default map app. How to share your location using the Find My app Find My lets you locate your Apple devices as well as other iPhone users. The app is a combination of two former Apple offerings, Find My iPhone and Find My Friends. As you may expect, this also only works with other iPhone users. Tap on the Find My app from your home screen. Tap on People on the bottom left. Tap the + symbol at the top of the list of contacts. Select Share My Location from the pop-up box. Type the name of the person you want to share your location with. Note that only your contacts with iPhones or email addresses will appear. Amy Skorheim / Engadget 6. Tap the name of the contact and tap send. Select whether you want to share for an hour, the rest of the day or indefinitely until you turn location sharing off. 7. Youll receive a pop up box that says youve started sharing your location and your recipient will receive a notification that youve shared your location with them and your information will appear in their Find My app. A note about satellite location sharing Currently, all iPhone 14 models have the ability to both message with emergency services and share your location when you are outside of cellular coverage areas. That means you can send your location via the Find My app even when you are off the grid. You can read more about the limitations and other factors in Apples press release. How to Share your location using Family Sharing Family Sharing is an Apple service that allows you to share things like subscriptions, media purchases and photo albums with up to five people in your family. This is also another way to let your family know where you are. Go to Settings then tap your Apple ID, iCloud+, Media & Purchases button at the top. Tap on Family Sharing. Choose the friends or family members you want to use Family Sharing with from the list (note that Family sharing only works with other iPhones). Tap the blue arrow to send. Your recipients will receive a text invitation to join Family Sharing. Amy Skorheim / Engadget 5. Once you are sharing with someone, you can enable Location Sharing at the bottom of the Family Sharing menu (Settings > Apple ID > Family Sharing). 6. Tap on Location Sharing at the bottom of the screen. 7. Youll see an information panel about Family Sharing and your location. Tap Share Location. 8. The next time you tap Location Sharing from the Family Sharing menu, youll be directed to a screen that allows you to toggle location sharing on and off. Amy Skorheim / Engadget 9. People who are connected with you through Family Sharing (provided you have location sharing toggled on) will be able to see you in the Find My app and in your profile panel in Messages. How to share your location using Google Maps You can also share your whereabouts directly from the apps that many people use for navigation. To send a location via Google Maps, youll need to be logged in with your Google account within the Maps app. Once youve logged in, follow these steps to start location sharing: Open the Google Maps app on your iPhone. Tap on your account image in the upper right corner. Tap Location sharing. Youll see a location sharing information panel. Tap the Share Location button. Amy Skorheim / Engadget 5. From here, you can choose to share with your contacts from within Google by selecting a duration and the icon of the person you want to share with. Your recipient will receive a Google Maps notification (provided they have Google Maps installed and notifications turned on for that app). They will also receive an email with a link to view your location on Google Maps. 6. Alternatively, you can tap More Options below your contacts to share your location with a link. 7. Youll see a pop-up window asking if you want to share with a link. Tap Share. 8. Select from the suggested contacts (the small icon at the lower right of each contacts image indicates which method will be used to send the link). Or select an app, such as Messages or Gmail to open those apps and enter your contacts information. 9. Your contact will receive a link via the method you chose. When they tap the link it will take them to the Google Maps app (if they have it installed) or to Google Maps within the browser. Amy Skorheim / Engadget How to share your location using Apple Maps If you prefer using Apple Maps for navigation, heres how to use the app to send your location details: Open Apple Maps Tap the arrowhead icon to center the map on your current location. Drag up on the panel at the lower half of the screen. Scroll down to Share My Location and tap. Choose the person you want to share your location with from the suggestions menu or choose an app, such as Messages or Mail. You can add a comment if you want, and press the blue send arrow. Amy Skorheim / Engadget 6. If you choose to send via Messages, your recipient will receive a map thumbnail of your location. If they tap that, it will open their Apple Maps app. If they dont have Apple Maps, your location will open using Apple Maps in their browser. How to share your location using a Mac Click Launchpad from the Dock. Open the Find My app. Click on Share My Location in the lower left corner. Type in the name of the person you want to share with. Similarly to the Find My app on an iPhone, the Find My app on a Mac can only share your location with other Apple devices. Amy Skorheim / Engadget 5. Your recipient will receive a notification that youve shared your location with them and your information will appear in their Find My app. Troubleshooting location sharing If youre having trouble sharing your location, make sure Location Services is on for the app you want to use. Go to Settings. Tap on Privacy & Security. Tap on Location Services. Make sure Location Services is toggled on. Ensure the app you want to use is set to While Using. Amy Skorheim / Engadget How to stop sharing your location If youve shared your location for a duration of time through Find My, Family Sharing or Google Maps, you can stop sharing at any point. If youve shared using a one time link to your location, via Messages, Apple Maps or the link option in Google Maps, you cant undo that action, just as you cant unsend a text or an email. Stacks of bundled dollar bills are photographed at Hana Bank in central Seoul / Newsis By Anna J. Park The Korean government is expected to relax its long-held restrictions on foreign currency remittance as early as the second half of next year in a move to better suit global trends and standards, according to ministry officials, Monday. The envisioned change is part of the government's plan to enact a new legal framework regarding foreign exchange transactions. Currently, the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act which took effect in 1999 imposes various restrictions applied to foreign currency wire transfers exceeding $5,000 per transaction. For instance, an individual's dollar remittance exceeding $50,000 a year could only be wired through offline branches of a previously designated bank, after that person officially submits the reason for the remittance and the exact amount of money required. Aiming to replace the overly intrusive and antiquated law, the finance ministry is now reviewing guidelines for the new foreign exchange transaction law. The new law is expected to improve autonomy in foreign currency transactions, compared to the current law. A finance ministry official said the new guidelines will be announced soon. "It is expected that Deputy Prime Minister Choo Kyung-ho will announce the direction of the new act either at the end of the month or early next month," the official explained to The Korea Times. "The ministry is still holding consultative discussions with other related government ministries regarding the matter, and nothing has been confirmed or decided as of now." Once the direction of the new law is set through the guidelines, the government plans to push forward its enactment by the second half of next year. Notwithstanding that nothing has been decided as of yet, it is expected that the new legal framework on foreign currency transactions would remove individuals' obligations of registering the purpose of foreign currency transactions ex ante, replacing them with ex post notifications, when it comes to personal matters like travel and overseas study. Some transactions, however, will still require ex ante registration before remittance, including large-sum transactions that necessitate monitoring by financial authorities, and they will be clearly stipulated as exceptions to the ex post notification rule. As the possibility of money laundering or tax evasion could rise with the changed rules, the authorities' monitoring of transactions through individuals' obligations of ex post notifications will be maintained. The current Foreign Exchange Transactions Act focuses largely on stemming the drainage of foreign currency reserves. It is estimated to be unfit for Korea's current economic size and transactional affairs. The country's rather stable foreign currency reserves, among the world's top nine largest as of last November, has been one of the considerations behind the need for the current law's annulment. According to the Bank of Korea, the country's foreign currency reserves stand at $423.2 billion, which is 12.7 times more than in 1996. President Joe Biden urged Americans to look toward Martin Luther King Jr.'s life for lessons on repairing divisions, extremism and injustice, as he become the first sitting U.S. president to speak at a Sunday service in the civil-rights leader's church in Atlanta. A-Plan Rural Insurance have set up a Rural Community blog as part of their work on social media to contribute to farmers' efforts in showcasing British farming. The blog invites farmers to give their experiences in the industry, sharing their contributions to over 120,000 followers on Instagram. Bridging the gap between farm and the consumer is something that lots of farmers are trying to do in an effort to help more people understand the reality of what goes into producing their food. Since starting the blog, A-Plan Rural have worked with a great variety of farmers from differing backgrounds and locations all over the UK. In their latest blog, they spoke with Ioan Humphreys, a sheep farmer based in Wales who has generated a large Instagram following from his content that shares the ups and downs he experiences on his farm. They and asked him a series of questions around his farming background, how he got into farming, a typical day in his boots, and the opportunities he feels are available for people wanting to get into farming. Read the full blog here. A group of asylum seekers were hosted in Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) as part of a Farming in Protected Landscapes funded project. As part of the project, the Yorkshire AONB offers conservation activities for refugees to have an opportunity to come together, and experience a positive experience in nature. Defra's Farming in Protected Landscapes programme offers funding to farmers and land managers in AONBs, National Parks and the Broads. It is not an agri-environment scheme. The programme funds projects that support nature recovery, mitigates the impacts of climate change and provide opportunities for people to discover the landscape and its cultural heritage. In December, asylum seekers took part in coppicing activities in the Nidderdale AONB. This January, hedge-laying was planned but due to bad weather, they took part in a woodwork workshop hosted in the Harrogate and Nidderdale District Scouts activity centre, in Thornthwaite. The group carved wooden spatulas and spoons, sharpened hedge stakes and fashioned decorative flowers from hazel stems, with guidance from tutors from the Leeds Coppice Workers. All those taking part are fleeing violence, war and oppression in their home countries and are in the process of applying for refugee status. Asylum seekers have no right to work in the UK, while applying for asylum, so volunteering as part of a conservation project offers well-being and a sense of purpose. Matt Trevelyan, Farming in Protected Landscapes Officer at Nidderdale AONB, said: Here in the UK, refugees suffer from acute anxiety about the complex asylum process. "They worry about accommodation, money, education, access to legal advice. They fear detention, deportation, destitution and homelessness. "And there is a constant concern about loved ones left behind or missing. All this takes a heavy toll on their emotional and psychological wellbeing. Research shows 61% of asylum seekers experience serious mental distress. Refugees are five times more likely to have mental health needs than the UK population. Despite the rain, the group enjoyed a short walk around Darley Beck after the woodwork activities. To date, asylum seekers from Syria, Iran, Turkey and Sudan have taken part in the volunteering scheme. A further four outings are planned to take place throughout the year, with activities including dry-stone walking and visits to working farms. Mr Trevelyan said: It is such a pleasure to work alongside people from other cultures, on this occasion, Kurdish, Eritrean and Iraqi. "Im hugely impressed by the beautiful manners of these men, who show such resilience, embracing the unknown, and facing new challenges with real joy. The RSPCA is warning that the UK's animal welfare standards could plunge, as 44 laws carried over from the EU come under threat from proposed new UK government legislation. A key debate on Wednesday (18 January) in the House of Commons on the Report Stage of the REUL Bill will help decide whether crucial legislation will be kept. Around 80% of all major animal welfare laws in the UK were agreed when the UK was a member of the EU. Existing laws including the battery hen ban and the banning of growth promoters in livestock are just some of the 44 pieces of legislation brought over from the EU which are now in danger of being scrapped. The threat comes from the Retained EU law (Revocation & Reform) Bill - REUL - which sets out a filtering process to ascertain if a retained EU law should be continued. Altogether, a total of 2,417 laws need to be assessed by the end of this year (2023) - a very tight time period. The concern is that many of them - including the 44 animal welfare laws - could automatically be lost as time runs out, as laws will be revoked by default at that stage unless Ministers actively move to save them. RSPCA head of public affairs, David Bowles said: If the UKs REUL Bill passes, hard-won laws that we take for granted now, such as the bans on battery hens, cosmetics testing on animals and growth promoters given to farm animals, could be lost. If inertia or a lack of commitment from the new administration results in the time running out before the filtering process of those 44 key pieces of animal welfare legislation can take place, those laws will automatically vanish into thin air. "Not only would it be a huge backward step for animals but the UK government would have reneged on its commitment to maintain high standards of animal welfare post-Brexit, because around 80% of all major animal welfare laws in the UK are those carried over from the EU. The threat to the 44 pieces of legislation comes despite a majority of people wanting the UK government to protect animal welfare by law. According to the charity's Animal Kindness Index, eight out of ten people in the UK support animal welfare being protected by law - including 80% of those polled in England, 90% in Wales, 82% in Scotland and 78% in Northern Ireland. Mr Bowles said: We must not allow animal welfare standards to drop as a result of the UK Governments determination to create a bonfire of EU laws. "We are calling on the new Secretaries of State at the Business and Environment Ministeries to drop the Bill completely as it serves no real purpose. "If they wish to push ahead regardless we call on them to confirm an extension to the deadline to 2026 as the Bill allows." Defra, with responsibility for 570 laws - the largest number of EU retained laws in all of the Ministries and which contain the UKs high animal welfare and environmental standards - arguably has the hardest task. Eighteen of the 44 pieces of legislation carried over from the EU which now require filtering relate to farm animals - the largest body of legislation. gettyimagesbank By Lee Hyo-jin The government is being urged by operators of nursing facilities to ease visa rules and attract more foreign nationals to work as caregivers here as the country grapples with an increasing shortage of paid caretakers amid a rapidly aging population. Caregivers are hired to assist the elderly and sick people either in their homes or at nursing facilities. Their responsibilities range from helping them dress, eat, wash and change their diapers. As the physically and emotionally challenging job is being shunned by young Koreans, the country is already largely dependent on foreign workers, with ethnic Koreans of Chinese nationality (called Joseon-jok in Korean) currently accounting for one-third of the caregivers at nursing homes. Operators of nursing hospitals believe that the government should open the door to foreign workers from Southeast Asian countries for instance to address the labor shortage which often leads to increased costs of care. "It has long become impossible for nursing homes to secure enough caregivers by relying solely on Korean nationals. The problem has worsened since the COVID-19 pandemic as many Chinese caregivers are not returning to Korea after heading back to their home country," Ki Pyung-suk, head of the association of nursing hospitals, told The Korea Times. Ki, also the head of Gaeun Hospital in Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, viewed that the government should ease visa regulations and allow more foreign workers to enter the sector. "We are requesting the immigration and health authorities to allow E-7 or E-9 visa holders to work as caregivers," he said. The E-9 non-professional work visa is offered to foreign nationals from 16 countries, including Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Nepal and Cambodia, who seek to work in the agricultural, manufacturing or fisheries industries. Currently, only foreign nationals with H-2 or F-4 visas can work as caregivers. The H-2 visa is a temporary work visa issued mainly to ethnic Koreans of Chinese nationality or ethnic Koreans from post-Soviet Union countries, or Koryoin, while the F-4 visa is issued to overseas Koreans. As of 2021, among some 40,000 caregivers employed at nursing homes across the nation, 35 percent were ethnic Koreans of Chinese nationality, while 64 percent were Korean nationals, according to a study by the Korean Convalescent Hospital Association. By age group, 48 percent of these care workers were in their 50s and 38 percent were in their 60s. The study also found that one caregiver assists an average of eight patients due to the shortage of care workers. Ki said that other countries facing similar issues are already moving fast to secure foreign caregivers from Southeast Asia. Japan accepts thousands of foreign caregivers through bilateral partnerships with Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam. They are hired at nursing homes after undergoing training programs funded by the Japanese government. The Korean government is moving to adopt similar measures. Last month, the presidential committee on Aging Society and Population Policy said that the government will review allowing foreign workers to gain employment as caregivers by expanding the scope of visas or creating a new visa category. But the Ministry of Justice or the Ministry of Employment and Labor have yet to announce detailed plans. Image: Instagram/@robbreportsingapore The Trans Bhutan Trail has reopened after 60 years of disuse, starting when the country acquired a road network Dating back to the 16th century, the Trans Bhutan Trail (TBT) is steeped in history. This route of 403 kilometres has seen many treading its path monks crossing from one region to another, people who travelled from one to another of the many dzongs (fortresses) it connected, and post messengers (garps) who carried mail and messages. It started from the Haa district in the west of the country and crossed to Trashigang in the east. In 2020, His Royal Highness, the fifth King of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, joined hands with the Bhutan Canada Foundation and the Tourism Board of Bhutan to give the trail unused for 60 years and in a dilapidated state with wildly-overgrown flora, treacherous terrain and wooden bridges on the verge of collapse a new lease of life. Led by a multitude of experts, 900 volunteers (dusuups) worked to restore the trail. Even now, they remain at hand to help anyone on the trail who needs a hand, or a leg up. Image: Instagram/@transbhutantrail If you want to complete the entire TBT, it would take you a little over a month, and you would need to be reasonably fit. Luckily, for adventure seekers and history enthusiasts, taking on smaller sections of the trail a day trek or one of seven days can also be very rewarding. Although it is mandatory to travel with a local guide, the trail is well signposted, with QR codes detailing the information you need to immerse yourself in the area you are traversing. Image: Instagram/@k_rellihan Work with the TBT team to find the section that works for you in terms of budget and time (keep in mind that Indian visitors pay a daily sustainability fee of Rs 1,200); you can also leave the trail to explore must-visit cultural sites along the way. The TBT website is an excellent resource to help you plan your trip, and also offers a range of stay options to suit every budget. Also Read: 5 Indian Festivals To Catch In February Squadron Leader Avani Chaturvedi will participate in war games outside India as a member of the IAF contingent. She is one of Indias first three female fighter pilots. She will fly her Sukhoi-30MKI jet in the first-ever air combat exercise between India and Japan later this month, making her the first IAF woman fighter pilot to participate in such aerial wargames in a foreign country. Almost seven years ago, Avani was among the first group of women to be commissioned as fighter pilots in the countrys air force. The women officers have been taking part in wargames with foreign contingents coming to India, including the French Air Force, where two of the female fighter pilots participated. However, this will be the first time the women officers would be representing the nation abroad. Avnis strength is flying the Sukhoi-30MKI jet. Additionally, she is qualified in the MiG-21 Bison fighter jet, and she has completed her Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer training. Along with Mohana Singh Jitarwal and Bhawana Kanth, she was one of the first women to fly in combat. Avni holds a Bachelor of Technology degree from Banasthali (University) and studied aviation at the universitys aviation school. Before being inducted into the IAF fighter squadron, she completed six months of intensive training at the Air Force Academy in Dundigal, Hyderabad. An IAF contingent will depart tomorrow for Hyakuri Air Base, Japan, for the maiden Exercise Veer Guardian 2023 to be held with Japan Air Self Defence Force from 12 to 26 Jan 2023 IAF will participate with four Su-30 MKI, two C-17 Globemasters & an IL-78 tanker, tweeted the official handle of Indian Air Force, sharing pics of the crew. Veer Guardian 2023 will be held in Japan from January 16 to January 26 at the Hyakuri Air Base and its surrounding airspace in Omitama, as well as the Iruma Air Base in Sayama. Notably, only the IAF, among Indias three military branches, allows women in combat positions. Indias apparel exports to Mauritius noted mild gains after the free trade agreement (FTA) came into force on April 1, 2021. The exports increased by 5.96 per cent year on year to reach $36.008 million during April 2021 to March 2022 (FY22). Apparel exports from India to Mauritius amounted to $19.31 million in the first half (H1) of 2023. On a quarterly basis, the shipment had increased to $12.251 million in Q1 2022, which eased to $7.059 million in Q2 of the same year. The outbound trade is yet to reach the level of April 2016-March 2017 when the shipment had peaked at $42.672 million. India's apparel exports to Mauritius noted mild gains after the free trade agreement (FTA) came into force on April 1, 2021. The exports increased by 5.96 per cent year on year to reach $36.008 million during April 2021 to March 2022 (FY22). Apparel exports from India to Mauritius amounted to $19.31 million in the first half (H1) of 2023. Indias shipment of apparel to Mauritius decreased by 7.71 per cent to $33.984 million in April 2020-March 2021 due to the pandemic. Indias apparel exports to Mauritius were recorded at $34.170 million in April 2017-March 2018, $31.322 million in April 2018-March 2019 and $36.824 million in April 2019-March 2020, according to Fibre2Fashions market insight tool TexPro. The industry is confident that FTAs will encourage Indias exports to partner countries. Sanjay Garg, president of North India Textile Mills Association (NITMA) recently said, The trade agreements with the UAE and Mauritius have already begun to provide better results. Mauritius is a minor market for Indian apparel exports. Mauritius contributed merely 0.23 per cent in the total outbound apparel trade of India, which was at $15.747 billion in April 2021-March 2022. Fibre2Fashion News Desk (KUL) Global cotton production in 2022-23 is projected to be down by 300,000 bales to 115.4 million, mainly due to lower yields in India, according to the Cotton: World Markets and Trade report by US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Consumption of cotton is forecast to decrease globally, attributed to lower use in India, Indonesia, and Vietnam. US 2022-23 exports are lowered 250,000 bales compared with the previous month to 12 million bales. This is despite higher US production and is attributed to lower global demand, with global consumption forecast down more than 800,000 bales compared with the previous month to 110.9 million. Global cotton production in 2022-23 is projected to be down by 300,000 bales to 115.4 million, mainly due to lower yields in India, according to the 'Cotton: World Markets and Trade' report by US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Consumption of cotton is forecast to decrease globally, attributed to lower use in India, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Major consumers including India, China, and Pakistan are facing challenges including a downward trend in profit margins and yarn orders, which in turn have resulted in conservative buying practices for cotton lint. Additionally, a lower global consumption forecast reflects the slowing of overall global demand for cotton products, as per USDAs report. China still remains the largest destination for US cotton exports, but outstanding sales are significantly lower compared with the previous year. Despite Pakistan holding the largest portion of US outstanding sales, issues with financing are slowing shipments and new sales. Lower projected US exports are expected to increase US ending stocks to 4.2 million bales, 700,000 bales higher compared with last month and symbolic of lower global consumption prospects. Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DP) Ram Charan is currently enjoying a career-high with RRR winning many accolades in the International territories. The film bagged the award for Best Original Song for Naato Naato at the Golden Globe Awards and this morning was also honoured with Best Foreign Language Film at the Critics Choice Awards. As he spoke to the media in the US, he expressed his love for Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt films, he said, I never missed any Brad and Tom films, he admits. They were [both] somebody I looked up to when I was young. Seeing them again in Once Upon a Time In Hollywood and Top Gun: Maverick, man, they dont age. They are the same. Tom, for 38 years he looks the same and hes only getting better and keeping us so close to him as fans of his. It is heartwarming to hear an Indian star speak so passionately about Hollywood A-listers like a true fan. LONDON, Jan 12, 2023 - (ACN Newswire) - LiquidityFinder is thrilled to announce the launch of their upgraded community-driven fintech platform to assist electronic trading businesses and institutional investors in discovering and connecting with well-matched business partners to drive OTC liquidity.As organizations and the range of financial instruments they offer change frequently, providers seeking to enhance their liquidity services are in need of new tools to stay ahead of the competition. New entrants to the institutional liquidity provision space are emerging every month. LiquidityFinder provides the tools to let the market know what their product range is, and makes them immediately discoverable. Consumers of liquidity products also need to be sharp about who provides what instruments at a fair price to enable their business to stay competitive.LiquidityFinder provides tools to simplify this discovery.The new social, partnership and research functionalities developed by LiquidityFinder aim to make it easy for Brokers, Asset Managers, and Proprietary and Professional Traders to keep up to date with the latest changes in the industry, leverage advanced research, and obtain access to the best possible commercial terms for their business.The free-to-use features include complete user profiles and posting, industry forums, and partner matching and messaging capabilities to directly communicate with Prime of Prime (PoP) brokers, ECN's and related businesses to optimize their trading. Users of the site can submit requests for information to brokers able to offer the services they require and for Retail Brokers, this means an ability to search and discover more competitive terms (spreads and commissions) than they currently receive from incumbent providers.Sam Low, Founder and CEO of LiquidityFinder stated, "I am incredibly excited to announce the launch of the new LiquidityFinder platform. We have created an environment where any person involved in trading or fintech is able to research and follow the best liquidity and fintech providers in the market, keep on top of the latest news and developments in the trading and fintech industry and share their views, questions and comments in our secure forums to create engaging conversations covering the industry."He continued, "Through our hands-on work with clients, we have been engaging with a broad range of traders and brokers to ensure that our new product meets their needs. Speaking to senior executives at retail brokerage firms I know that there is a lot of room for them to get more competitive business terms than those they are currently on. The businesses on LiquidityFinder are hungry for that business. The tools we have created help bring these two sides together."About LiqudityFinderLiquidityFinder is a community-driven fintech platform that assists electronic trading businesses in discovering and connecting with well-matched and sustainable business partners. Our mission is to help traders, brokers and institutions streamline their research and create frictionless partnerships that drive OTC liquidity more efficiently, accelerating their time to market. www.liquidityFinder.com @LiquidityFinderMedia Contact:Sam LowLiquidityFinder+44 7734 467909Visit us on social media:Facebook: www.facebook.com/liquidityfinderTwitter: https://twitter.com/LiquidityFinderLinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/liquidity-finderSource: LiquidityFinderCopyright 2023 ACN Newswire . All rights reserved. TOKYO, Jan 16, 2023 - (JCN Newswire) - JCB International Co., Ltd., the international operations subsidiary of JCB Co., Ltd., Japan's only international payment brand, announces the launch of a 10% cashback campaign for JCB cardmembers outside Japan for purchases in Japan starting January 16 2023.From January 16 to April 15 2023 (JST)[1], JCB cardmembers from outside Japan[2] receive 10% cashback when the accumulated spending amount for in-store purchases in Japan with 30,000 yen or above with JCB Card[3] use. For more information about the campaign, please visit JCB Special Offers.JCB Special Offers: https://www.specialoffers.jcb/en/campaign/detail/japancashback/56914/JCB offers beneficial campaigns and convenient services to JCB cardmembers across the world. As a Japanese brand with a spirit of hospitality, JCB provides services that enrich JCB cardmembers' travel experience. Please check the "Enrich your travel in Japan with OMOTENASHI" video at official YouTube channel "JCB Global".Watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9swTv8VSc-8About JCBJCB is a major global payment brand and a leading credit card issuer and acquirer in Japan. JCB launched its card business in Japan in 1961 and began expanding worldwide in 1981. Its acceptance network includes about 41 million merchants around the world. JCB Cards are now issued mainly in Asian countries and territories, with more than 150 million cardmembers. As part of its international growth strategy, JCB has formed alliances with hundreds of leading banks and financial institutions globally to increase its merchant coverage and cardmember base. As a comprehensive payment solution provider, JCB commits to providing responsive and high-quality service and products to all customers worldwide. For more information, please visit: www.global.jcb/en/ContactAyaka NakajimaCorporate CommunicationsTel: +81-3-5778-8353Email: jcb-pr@jcb.co.jp[1] The campaign may end early once the campaign budget has reached its maximum limit.[2] Cards issued by some issuers may not be eligible (please refer to JCB Special Offers for further details). http://www.specialoffers.jcb/[3] Up to 5,000-yen cashback per JCB Card use.Source: JCBCopyright 2023 JCN Newswire . All rights reserved. Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die BaFin ist nicht als ihre Befurwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgultigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich moglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere uber die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann. SHENZHEN, China, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Thanks to initiatives such as the 1+ Million Genomes, world-class academic and public research funding, as well as extensive regulatory and clinical applications, Europe has become a top genomics market and technology leader. With a commitment to building core tools and technology to lead life science, MGI Tech Co., Ltd. (or its affiliates, referred to as "MGI") is dedicated to enhancing access across the continent. This past year, MGI expanded its presence in Europe first by introducing the latest HotMPS* sequencing chemistry in selected countries in April. It later became commercially available in the United Kingdom and Germany in July and September respectively. Built upon the combinatorial Probe Anchor Synthesis (cPAS) technology found in MGI's DNBSEQ technology***, HotMPS* presents significant advantages including stronger signal, less systematic sequence-based errors. Shortly after that, a new central office was set up in Wehrheim, Germany in July and MGI's first overseas Customer Experience Center (CEC) was opened in Latvia in October, followed by two other CECs in London and Berlin in November. "MGI's latest product* roll-out and expansion in Europe demonstrate our commitment to and staying power in the market," said Dr. Yong Hou, General Manager of MGI Europe and Africa. "As we continue to introduce our proven technology*** and its benefits to more people in the region, we are also fostering closer ties with customers and partners, facilitating better understanding and knowledge of our products, and providing the right to another choice." The Wehrheim office is home to most of MGI's human resources personnel in Europe, who is responsible for building out a smooth recruitment and expansion process to facilitate a rapidly growing business. In addition, warehouse facilities equipped with MGI's cutting-edge technology*** are available to support the marketing, Field Application Specialist and Field Service Engineer teams. Meanwhile, joining existing MGI demo labs in Australia and Japan, the CEC in Riga serves customers and partners by facilitating easier access to and expertise in high-throughput sequencing technology and specialized automation workflows. Besides running demo tests, the site offers validation for the compatibility of third-party products, while operating as a training center for MGI staff and distributors. On the other hand, the London CEC operated by partners from the BRC Genomics Facility at Imperial College London is equipped with MGI's innovative automation and sequencing solutions***, including the UK's first DNBSEQ-G400 sequencer**, to enable metagenomic analysis, spatial transcriptomics, microbiome, spatiotemporal omics, WGS, WES, RNA sequencing and more. Similarly, the CEC in Berlin was the fruits of MGI's partnership with leading precision network ALACRiS Theranostics GmbH (ALACRiS), which combines MGI's strong technology platforms with ALACRiS's unique clinical solutions to facilitate precision medicine for all on multiple cancer indications. "MGI's three new CECs are providing customers and partners in Europe with unique access to our cutting-edge offering," said Duncan Yu, President at MGI. "In addition, they play an instrumental role in facilitating new scientific workflows, amplifying knowledge across our sequencing and automation platforms, and further developing relevant capabilities and expertise across Europe." Since its inception in 2016, MGI has been at the forefront of genomics innovation, continuously pushing boundaries and exploring the limits of technology. MGI's comprehensive product portfolio encompasses sequencing solutions*** based on DNBSEQTM, automation systems, ultrasound diagnostic platforms and counting to meet the diverse needs of the industry. With applications across agriculture, population genomics, precision medicine and more, MGI empowers over 1,300 international users spanning 80 countries and regions. *This sequencing reagent is only available in selected countries. **This sequencer is only available in selected countries, and its software has been specially configured to be used in conjunction with MGI's HotMPS sequencing reagents exclusively. ***Unless otherwise informed, StandardMPS and CoolMPS sequencing reagents, and sequencers for use with such reagents are not available in Germany, Spain, UK, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Finland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Portugal, Austria, and Romania. Unless otherwise informed, StandardMPS sequencing reagents, and sequencers for use with such reagents are not available in Hong Kong. View original content:https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/mgi-demonstrates-strong-commitment-to-expanding-genomic-access-in-europe-301720417.html Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 16, 2023) - Buffalo Coal Corp. (TSXV: BUF) (JSE: BUC) (the "Company" or "Buffalo Coal") today announced the final discharge of Buffalo Coal's loan facility with Investec Bank Limited ("Investec"). The Company settled the outstanding loan facility of R32,576,523 including interest along with a reduced royalty amount agreed to with Investec of R2,500,000. On January 13, 2023 Investec issued a final discharge notice confirming that all the indebtedness and obligations of the Company under the loan facility agreement have been irrevocably and unconditionally finally paid and discharged in full on January 12, 2023. Investec has commenced the process to cancel the securities that covered this loan facility. About Buffalo Coal Buffalo Coal is a coal producer in South Africa. It holds a majority interest in two operating mines through its 100% interest in Buffalo Coal Dundee Proprietary Limited, a South African company which has a 70% interest in Zinoju Coal Proprietary Limited ("Zinoju"). Zinoju holds a 100% interest in the Magdalena bituminous mine, the Aviemore East anthracite mine and the Balgray and North Adit anthracite projects in South Africa. Buffalo Coal has an experienced coal-focused Board and Management team. The Company has its primary listing on the TSX Venture Exchange and has a secondary listing on the Alternative Exchange, operated by the JSE. Forward-Looking Statements This press release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities legislation, which reflects the Company's current expectations regarding future events. Forward-looking information is based on a number of assumptions and is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control, which could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update such forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable law. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Ms. Emma Oosthuizen Chief Financial Officer Email: emma.oosthuizen@buffalocoal.co.za Registered Office: Greytown Road Industrial Area, Dundee KwaZulu-Natal, 3000 January 16, 2023 Designated Advisor: Questco Corporate Advisory Proprietary Limited To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/151262 Call comes ahead of World Economic Forum annual meeting Schneider-commissioned research finds most companies planning to spend under 2% of revenues on sustainability and decarbonization initiatives On the demand side of the energy transition, only 31% of organizations currently push electrification as a way to decarbonize Rueil-Malmaison, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, today issued an urgent call for governments and companies around the world to accelerate their sustainability action and step up investments into technologies that will help them reduce their carbon emissions and bolster their energy security. The call comes amid spiking energy prices, an energy supply crisis and fast accelerating climate change, which together pose major challenges for companies, economies and societies around the globe. These challenges form the backdrop for the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, from 16-20 January, which senior Schneider Electric executives will attend. "Today's climate and energy crises are an economic reality for ever-increasing numbers of people. As business leaders and policymakers come together at Davos, we must act in our own best long-term, not short-term, interests," said Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Schneider Electric's Chairman and CEO."We must not avoid the tough decisions.There can be no long-term prosperity without a complete energy transition. At Schneider, our approach is to 'Digitize Strategize, Decarbonize' - businesses, governments and societies must do this now, to make good on the commitments they have made." With 38% of global CO 2 emissions coming from the built environment, and a further 32% from industry1, Schneider Electric's products, software and services in the areas of industrial automation and energy management help companies, industries, building managers and households to decarbonize and digitize their energy usage. Schneider Electric also offers deep insights into decarbonization trends and solutions, through surveys, research and in-depth reports compiled by the Schneider Electric Sustainability Research Institute . An independent survey of more than 500 C-suite executives commissioned by Schneider last year found that corporate sustainability commitments and investments are often hampered by the complexity of decarbonization. On average, the financial commitment to sustainability and decarbonization initiatives across the companies surveyed was less than 2% of projected revenue over the next three years - despite the fact such investments are often efficient and cost-effective, with return on investment often under one to three years. Respondents highlighted stakeholder alignment, budget, technology, skills and regulation as challenges to sustainability implementation. However, a majority noted that enhanced industrial automation and the upgrading of electrical infrastructure will form a key part of their sustainability plan for the next three years. Renewable energy procurement is among the top initiatives pursued on the supply side, while electrification - a key demand-side measure - scores low among organizations' sustainability priorities. Alongside electrification, delivering increased efficiency across existing infrastructure through digitization and automation will be among the most important levers in the next decade, being the fastest and most capital-efficient means for many organizations to reduce emissions. Embracing sustainability as a business imperative, with digital solutions key to navigating the global energy crisis A further recent Schneider Electric report on the EU's electrification potential found that focusing on sectors in which electrification is both feasible and attractive could raise electricity's share of the energy mix from around 20% to 50%. In turn, the share of natural gas and oil would drop by around 50%, contributing significantly to improved energy security. Schneider Electric offers specific, practical solutions to help companies navigate this transition more quickly and efficiently. Schneider Electric points out that today's European energy crisis follows decades of secure, reliably available energy and relatively stable pricing. Many are experiencing for the first time unpredictable energy supplies and unaffordable prices, demonstrating a failure both of long-term energy security preparedness, and of the implementation of decarbonization plans. This in turn underscores the importance of reevaluating the entire energy equation, from the supply side (energy transition) to the demand side (energy efficiency). "Purpose and profits must align to become powerful forces in the fight against climate change," said Mr. Tricoire. "We already have the technology to avert the energy and climate crises, and to deliver safe, reliable, and sustainable energy distribution and energy use. Our data-driven approach, spanning industrial automation, digitization and the digital twin technology of the enterprise metaverse, combines to unlock a brighter, more sustainable and more prosperous future. The urgency for action has never been greater than it is now." About Schneider Electric Schneider's purpose is to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability for all. We call this Life Is On. Our mission is to be your digital partner for Sustainability and Efficiency. We drive digital transformation by integrating world-leading process and energy technologies, end-point to cloud connecting products, controls, software and services, across the entire lifecycle, enabling integrated company management, for homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure and industries. We are the most local of global companies. We are advocates of open standards and partnership ecosystems that are passionate about our shared Meaningful Purpose, Inclusive and Empowered values. President Yoon Suk Yeol meets with South Korean troops of the Akh unit in Abu Dhabi on Jan. 15. Yonhap President Yoon Suk Yeol visited with South Korean troops of a military contingent in the United Arab Emirates on Sunday, his office said. The Akh unit has been carrying out various missions in Abu Dhabi since its establishment in 2011, including training UAE troops and protecting Korean nationals in the region in case of emergencies. Akh means brother in Arabic. LONDON (dpa-AFX) - QinetiQ Group plc (QQ.L) announced Monday that it has won an 80 million pounds contract with the UK's Ministry of Defence or MOD. Under the contract with the MOD for a 10-year period, the company will provide a specialist mission data and electronic warfare skills solution alongside training and IT support. The company's expertise, training and support is expected to accelerate and transform mission data production, which will enable military platforms and personnel, from the UK and its allies, to be better protected in a rapidly changing threat landscape. James Willis, Chief Executive of UK Intelligence at QinetiQ, said, 'The contract demonstrates how the MoD works closely with industry to build the skills of the future and introduce innovative approaches to enhance mission capability. Our team is harnessing the value delivered by small and medium sized companies and our academic partners.' Copyright(c) 2023 RTTNews.com. All Rights Reserved Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die BaFin ist nicht als ihre Befurwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgultigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich moglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere uber die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann. Aura Blockchain Consortium and Mojix partner for strategic collaboration GENEVA, SWITZERLAND and LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / January 16, 2023 / Aura Blockchain Consortium, a leader in blockchain solutions for the certification of luxury goods, and Mojix, a global leader in item-level intelligence solutions for supply chains, have entered into a strategic collaboration with a view to offer the Aura Blockchain Consortiummembers the possibility to connect the two technical architectures. To further enrich customer experience, the two organizations are spearheading strategic efforts in building transparency and trust within the global luxury ecosystem. Connecting the cloud-based Mojix platform to the Aura Blockchain would enable certified traceability via immutable item identification, as well as instant and accurate track-and-trace, back to any original material composing an individual article. Aura Blockchain Consortium enables and supports participating members to tag their products with secure, unique blockchain-based identities that can track a product's manufacture and supply from raw materials through to the end customer. With their Aura SaaS offering, member brands can quickly and easily onboard, maximizing value, focusing on the customer journey and digital innovation. This allows for both upstream and downstream traceability in the supply chain for consumers - making it one of the best direct-to-consumer offerings in the market and giving full transparency to the customers. Thanks to NFC-RFID technology and serialization, Mojix can deliver standardized unique identities to luxury items and track them from source to sale, including their separate components or ingredients. At any stage within the supply chain, the GS1 EPCIS standard enables visibility on event data, both within and across enterprises, for users to gain a shared view of the items. Aura Blockchain technology secures this data, thereby providing its immutable and irrefutable nature. The collaboration between the two platforms is expected to bring opportunities for Aura Blockchain Consortium members and generate awareness around the benefits of digitization and item-level intelligence in the luxury industry. Benefits will apply to companies irrespective of their size and nature, and will support the main pillars of luxury credibility, well beyond simply authentication. The benefits include facilitating Brand Protection (fighting the grey market; delivering certificates of ownership), enhancing Quality and Provider control (managing repair cycles; managing chain of custody and recalls; verifying process conformity) and improving Customer Loyalty through unique, item-specific, and undisputed information on provenance and conditions of manufacture and/or transportation. Daniela Ott, General Secretary of Aura Blockchain Consortium says: "Aura Blockchain Consortium's mission is to address common issues across the luxury industry, thus enhancing the overall customer experience with the use of technology. The Aura Consortium is building a partnership ecosystem to support its member brands, and we are thrilled to welcome Mojix as our latest globalecosystem partner. With Mojix, we are giving our members exciting and exceptional new technological opportunities in the field of traceability to protect and grow their brands globally." Dan Doles, Mojix CEO concludes: "We're honored to be able to demonstrate, once again, the power of item-level intelligence and transparency in the world of luxury, one that we know well and have supported for the past twenty years. The difference this time is major: our partnership with the Aura Blockchain Consortium will make it very easy to onboard brands to digitization, serialization, and the pertinent use of that data. We're looking forward to it!" About Aura Blockchain Consortium Aura Blockchain Consortium was established in 2021. The founding members of Aura Blockchain Consortium are LVMH, Mercedes-Benz, OTB Group, Prada Group, and Cartier, part of Richemont. The luxury groups have joined forces to address the shared challenges of communicating authenticity, responsible sourcing and sustainability in a secure digital format. Aura Blockchain Consortium is a nonprofit association based in Switzerland with the purpose to promote socially responsible, sustainable, and customer-centric business practices throughout the lifecycle of luxury products by leveraging blockchain and other technologies. By promoting the use of a single global blockchain solution open to luxury brands of all sectors worldwide, the platform provides consumers with additional information, services, transparency and raises the customer experience to a new level. For more information, please visit www.auraluxuryblockchain.com About Mojix Mojix is a global leader in item-level intelligence solutions for Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Retail. The firm is leading the way in item-level traceability solutions utilizing its high security, globally scalable cloud-hosted SaaS platform. Founded in 2004, the company has deep domain expertise in serialization technologies such as RFID, NFC, and print-based marking systems. Mojix builds business intelligence from event-triggered actions tracking billions of unique identities, following item lifecycles from source to shelf. Companies can leverage the seamlessly integrated data to increase their sales and operational efficiency, reduce major risks and enhance their customer experience. With offices across the US, Latin America and Europe, Mojix is now a recognized expert in end-to-end, item-level track and trace, product authentication and automated inventory management. Learn more at www.mojix.com Media Contacts For the Aura Blockchain Consortium: press@auraluxuryblockchain.com For Mojix: pressrelease@mojix.com Mojix, Inc. Mojix and ytem are registered trademarks or trademarks of Mojix, Inc. SOURCE: Mojix, Inc View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/734679/Enhancing-Authentication-for-Luxury-Brands-with-Blockchain Positive results on primary and secondary endpoints, identifying dose for future development Direct and significant effect of CER-001 on endotoxin removal and consequent reduction in the inflammatory cascade or "cytokine storm" Significant protective effect of CER-001 on endothelial functionality Trends towards fewer ICU days for patients treated, lower requirement for organ support and improved 30-day survival were also seen Trial reinforces the well-established safety profile of CER-001 Efficacy results consistent with those observed in COVID-19 Regulatory News: ABIONYX Pharma (FR0012616852 ABNX PEA PME eligible), a new generation biotech company dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative therapies for patients, today reported that the pilot Phase 2a clinical trial evaluating CER-001, the only natural recombinant apoA-I, as a treatment for septic patients at high risk of developing Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) met its primary objective. There are no approved treatments for septic patients in the world. Loreto Gesualdo, full Professor, Head of the Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Unit, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, and lead investigator of the RACERS study stated: "We are incredibly excited to share results from this pilot Phase 2a trial evaluating CER-001 in septic patients at high risk of developing acute kidney injury. There is a complete lack of treatment options for septic patients at high risk of developing acute kidney injury, a disease that in 2019 had an estimated 13.7 million related deaths globally (Lancet 2022; 400: 2221-48). The trial shows promising positive results across a variety of primary and secondary endpoints. CER-001 was significantly able to scavenge endotoxins, modulate the cytokine storm, and provide endothelial protection. The trend observed in reducing renal damage, the need for organ support and ICU-day stay underscores the potential clinical significance of these results." The RACERS study included 20 patients with gram-negative sepsis who were at high risk for acute kidney injury due to high levels of endotoxin activity and decline in function of one or more organ systems. Patients received either standard of care treatment alone, or in combination with one of three dosage regimens of CER-001 (five patients per group). The main objective of this pilot study was to investigate whether the use of CER-001 at different doses, in combination with standard of care (SOC) treatment, is safe and effective, providing a potential new strategy to treat septic patients, reducing the inflammatory response to endotoxin and preventing the progression to AKI according to KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) criteria, as well as safety and tolerability of the dosage regimens in order to select the optimal dose of CER-001. One of the metabolic characteristics of bacterial (like sepsis) or virus infections (like sars-Cov-2) is the strong decrease of circulating lipoprotein and particularly the High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) with its main containing protein apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I). As an example, apoA-I level was recently described as the biomarker predictive of long-term mortality after surgical sepsis1. The rational of Abionyx was to restore, using CER-001, the apoA-I levels to reestablish all the functionality of this individualized biomarker leading to potential benefit in sepsis pathology. RACERS pilot study has shown for the first time in a human pilot trial that the recovery of a normal apoA-I level in patient stop the cytokine storm and improve the clinical outcomes. CER-001 demonstrated rapid and sustained reduction in endotoxin levels and consequent reduction in the inflammatory cascade or "cytokine storm" relative to SOC alone. Endothelial biomarkers demonstrated a significant protective effect of CER-001. Trends towards fewer ICU days, lower requirement for organ support and improved 30-day survival. Evaluation of safety data, taken together with the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data, has identified the dose that will be used in subsequent studies. Connie Peyrottes, Senior VP clinical development at ABIONYX Pharma, added: "In this pilot study, CER-001 was shown to directly decrease endotoxin and inhibit inflammation, limiting the associated downward spiral that septic patients often experience. The broad pleiotropic effect of our apoA-I bioproduct can target multiple facets of septic disease, rather than focusing on a single step in the inflammatory process. Primary and secondary endpoints showed benefits of CER-001 therapy when added to standard treatments. The positive results from this Phase 2a trial show CER-001 has the potential to be a gamechanger for critical illnesses marked by inflammation and organ failure across different high mortality clinical indications which continue to have high unmet medical needs." Michael Davidson, M.D., Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of ABIONYX concluded: "The impressive results of this Phase 2a study confirm that CER-001 may potentially treat sepsis and other severe, acute inflammatory diseases. These results are consistent with the previously published results in COVID-19 and opens a new chapter in the development of CER-001 in the field of short-term therapy for acute conditions." The observed safety and efficacy in RACERS were generally consistent with historical data including clinical results for CER-001 in COVID-19 that were published recently in the scientific journal "Frontiers in Medicine", a specialty medicine journal, in September 2022. The potential use of CER-001 in septic patients is currently under clinical development. These data will be discussed with regulatory authorities, starting with Europe but also the U.S. later this year in order to design an appropriate clinical and regulatory development strategy for this disease state that currently has no available treatment options. About RACERS RACERS is a clinical trial named RACERS (a RAndomized study comparing short-term CER-001 infusions at different doses to prevent Sepsis-induced acute kidney injury) with CER-001 in septic patients at high risk of developing acute kidney injury. Following the positive signals observed in the Temporary Authorization for Named Use (ATUn) in an ultra-rare kidney disease, the study assessed the role of CER-001, a novel, in preventing Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in septic patients. The core component of the program is the launch of a 30-day Phase 2a clinical dose-finding trial with the Company's lead product candidate, CER-001, in the prevention of AKI in septic patients. Researchers have demonstrated that in humans, reconstituted HDLs have a scavenger role in reducing circulating endotoxin, as well as major anti-inflammatory and endothelial activity. These important effects were also demonstrated with CER-001 in a rigorous preclinical model of sepsis-induced AKI developed in collaboration with an Italian Veterinarian Hospital (Surgical Section, Chief: Prof. Antonio Crovace). Several other AKI/sepsis models showed that HDL is a critical factor in modifying the disease. This clinical study, designed in concert with expert Italian nephrologists (Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Unit, Chief: Prof. Loreto Gesualdo) and intensivists (Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Unit, Chief: Prof. Salvatore Grasso), was a randomized, open labelled, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study evaluating the safety and efficacy of intravenously administered CER-001 in patients with sepsis at high risk for AKI based on their endotoxin levels and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA score). A total of 20 patients were randomized to receive 8 doses of CER-001 over 6 days on top of standard of care, or standard of care alone. The primary endpoint of the study was the onset and severity of AKI according to KDIGO criteria as well as safety and tolerability of the dosage regimens in order to select the optimal dose of CER-001. The clinical study was partnered with the University of Bari. About CER-001 in COVID The complete data are available in the article: "Apolipoprotein-A-I for severe COVID-19-induced hyperinflammatory states: A prospective case study" https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2022.936659/full About ABIONYX Pharma ABIONYX Pharma is a new generation biotech company that aims to contribute to health through innovative therapies in indications where there is no effective or existing treatment, even the rarest ones. Thanks to its partners in research, medicine, biopharmaceuticals and shareholding, the company innovates on a daily basis to propose drugs for the treatment of renal and ophthalmological diseases, or new HDL vectors used for targeted drug delivery. 1 Guirgis, Faheem W.,et al. Annals of Intensive Care 11, n 1 (decembre 2021): 82. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13613-021-00865-x. View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230116005256/en/ Contacts: NewCap Investor relations Nicolas Fossiez Louis-Victor Delouvrier abionyx@newcap.eu +33 (0)1 44 71 98 53 NewCap Media relations Arthur Rouille abionyx@newcap.eu +33 (0)1 44 71 00 15 SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The global intelligent document processing market size is anticipated to reach USD 11.6 billion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 29.7% from 2022 to 2030. The adoption of intelligent document processing solutions is likely to rise owing to the growing need to manage large amounts of data, requiring efficient document processing solutions. Moreover, growing investments in digital transformation among industries are likely to drive market growth. Key Industry Insights & Findings from the report: In terms of component, the solution intelligent document processing segment accounted for the maximum revenue share of 63.6% in 2021. This can be attributed to the availability of various intelligent document-processing software packages and tools with multiple deployment options. The services intelligent document processing segment is likely to expand at the highest CAGR of 30.1% over the forecast period. This is due to the availability of support and deployment services while implementing intelligent document processing solutions. Based on technology, the machine learning segment dominated the market with a share of 45.9% in 2021 and is expected to grow at the highest CAGR of 30.1% over the forecast period. This can be attributed to the importance of machine learning algorithms in extracting and classifying information. Based on deployment, the cloud segment dominated the market with a share of 57.6% in 2021 and is expected to grow at the highest CAGR of 32.5% over the forecast period. This can be attributed to the cost-effectiveness and ease of deployment of cloud solutions. Based on organization size, the large size enterprises segment dominated the market with a share of 72.8% in 2021 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 29.1% over the forecast period. The need to manage large amounts of data and improve internal workflows is driving growth for large size enterprises segment. The Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR of 31.1% over the forecast period. This can be attributed to the growing interest of SMEs in adopting digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to tackle various challenges. Based on end-use, the BFSI segment dominated the market with a share of 25.6% in 2021. This can be attributed to the large document processing requirements in the sector. The government & public sector segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR of 32.3% over the forecast period. The increasing need to manage documents such as tax forms and social security documents is aiding growth for this segment. North America held the largest share of 31.4% in 2021 and is expected to retain its position over the forecast period. This can be attributed to high digitalization and technology adoption in the region. In September 2022 , U.S.-based ProcessMaker, a Business Process Management (BPM) software provider, announced the acquisition of Netherlands -based Doculayer (Onior Group B.V.), an intelligent document processing solution provider. ProcessMaker aimed to add the intelligent document processing feature to its offerings and solve process management challenges with this acquisition. held the largest share of 31.4% in 2021 and is expected to retain its position over the forecast period. This can be attributed to high digitalization and technology adoption in the region. In , U.S.-based ProcessMaker, a Business Process Management (BPM) software provider, announced the acquisition of -based Doculayer (Onior Group B.V.), an intelligent document processing solution provider. ProcessMaker aimed to add the intelligent document processing feature to its offerings and solve process management challenges with this acquisition. Asia Pacific is anticipated to expand at the highest CAGR of over 31.4% over the forecast period owing to the large presence of intelligent document processing vendors and numerous Artificial Intelligence (AI) startups in the region. Read 175 page market research report, "Intelligent Document Processing Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Component, By Technology, By Deployment, By Organization Size, By End-use, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030", published by Grand View Research. Intelligent Document Processing Market Growth & Trends The COVID-19 pandemic had a positive impact on the intelligent document processing market. The COVID-19 pandemic made governments impose travel restrictions and social distancing norms. Hence, many businesses across the world looked for technological alternatives that led to automation to reduce human interference. According to U.K.-based Intelligent Automation Network, a community of global technology leaders, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated investments in automation and made organizations rethink every business aspect, including customer service delivery and manufacturing. Hence, intelligent document processing solutions witnessed a rise in adoption post-pandemic. Intelligent document processing vendors offer solutions and services to various end-use industries such as manufacturing, banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI), and the government & public sector. Moreover, the companies are investing in Research & Development (R&D) and launching new products to meet customer needs. For instance, in March 2021, U.S.-based ABBYY announced the launch of Vantage 2, a platform for getting insights from documents. The company aimed to help clients accelerate digital transformation and improve customer experience with this launch. Intelligent Document Processing Market Segmentation Grand View Research has segmented the intelligent document processing market based on component, technology, deployment, organization size, end-use, and region: Intelligent Document Processing Market - Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030) Solution Services Intelligent Document Processing Market - Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030) Machine Learning Natural Language Processing (NLP) Computer Vision Intelligent Document Processing Market - Deployment Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030) Cloud On-premise Intelligent Document Processing Market - Organization Size Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030) Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Large Size Enterprises Intelligent Document Processing Market - End-use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030) BFSI Healthcare Manufacturing Retail Government & Public Sector Transportation & Logistics IT & Telecom Others Intelligent Document Processing Market - Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030) North America U.S. Canada Europe U.K. Germany France Italy Netherlands Asia Pacific China India Japan Australia South Korea Latin America Brazil Mexico Chile Argentina Middle East & Africa & UAE Saudi Arabia South Africa List of Key Players in Intelligent Document Processing Market ABBYY Automation Anywhere, Inc. Kofax Inc. WorkFusion, Inc. UiPath IBM Appian HCL Technologies Limited HYPERSCIENCE AntWorks Datamatics Global Services Limited Check out more related studies published by Grand View Research: Intelligent Process Automation Market - The global intelligent process automation market size is expected to reach USD 17.5 billion by 2025, registering a CAGR of 16.9% from 2019 to 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The fast-paced development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implementation is propelling the strategists to realign their business models with modern technologies. Intelligent process automation helps achieve flexible and intelligent automation by combining artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and other emerging technologies. It can be used in a variety of scenarios, such as processes that have predefined rules and minimal human judgment involved. It primarily helps automate repetitive processes and in turn reduce manual efforts. Significant advantages such as improved customer experience and increased process efficiency are anticipated to drive the adoption of this technology in near future. - The global intelligent process automation market size is expected to reach by 2025, registering a CAGR of 16.9% from 2019 to 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The fast-paced development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implementation is propelling the strategists to realign their business models with modern technologies. Intelligent process automation helps achieve flexible and intelligent automation by combining artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and other emerging technologies. It can be used in a variety of scenarios, such as processes that have predefined rules and minimal human judgment involved. It primarily helps automate repetitive processes and in turn reduce manual efforts. Significant advantages such as improved customer experience and increased process efficiency are anticipated to drive the adoption of this technology in near future. Natural Language Processing Market - The global natural language processing market size is estimated to reach USD 439.85 billion by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 40.4% from 2023 to 2030, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. Machine learning is predicted to play a critical role in natural language processing (NLP) techniques, mostly in text analytics, as AI advances. In the future, unsupervised and supervised learning will enable machine-learning engines to undertake more in-depth assessments. According to their ongoing evolution, social media platforms are expected to play a superior role in business decisions. A company, for instance, can rely on several NLP tools to track customer evaluations, feedback, and comments about their business on social media platforms and in the news around the time of a quarterly report. - The global natural language processing market size is estimated to reach by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 40.4% from 2023 to 2030, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. Machine learning is predicted to play a critical role in natural language processing (NLP) techniques, mostly in text analytics, as AI advances. In the future, unsupervised and supervised learning will enable machine-learning engines to undertake more in-depth assessments. According to their ongoing evolution, social media platforms are expected to play a superior role in business decisions. A company, for instance, can rely on several NLP tools to track customer evaluations, feedback, and comments about their business on social media platforms and in the news around the time of a quarterly report. Payment Processing Solutions Market - The global payment processing solutions market size is expected to reach USD 98.01 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 14.5% from 2020 to 2027, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market growth can be attributed to the emergence of digital technology and customers' demand for immediacy of transactions. The customers are looking for faster and convenient money transfer options, thereby driving the adoption of payment processing solutions. Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports. About Grand View Research Grand View Research, U.S.-based market research and consulting company, provides syndicated as well as customized research reports and consulting services. Registered in California and headquartered in San Francisco, the company comprises over 425 analysts and consultants, adding more than 1200 market research reports to its vast database each year. These reports offer in-depth analysis on 46 industries across 25 major countries worldwide. With the help of an interactive market intelligence platform, Grand View Research Helps Fortune 500 companies and renowned academic institutes understand the global and regional business environment and gauge the opportunities that lie ahead. Contact: Sherry James Corporate Sales Specialist, USA Grand View Research, Inc. Phone: 1-415-349-0058 Toll Free: 1-888-202-9519 Email: sales@grandviewresearch.com Web: https://www.grandviewresearch.com Grand View Compass | Astra ESG Solutions Follow Us: LinkedIn | Twitter Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/661327/Grand_View_Research_Logo.jpg View original content:https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/intelligent-document-processing-market-worth-11-6-billion-by-2030-grand-view-research-inc-301722273.html WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Iranian American businessman Siamak Namazi has started a seven-day hunger strike in an Iranian jail and appealed to President Joe Biden to make efforts to liberate him from Iran's custody. A press release issued by Namazi's lawyer Jared Genser says, 'Siamak remains behind bars in Iran's notorious Evin Prison, where he has endured prolonged solitary confinement, denial of access to medical care, and physical and psychological torture.' It says Namazi sent a letter to Biden on Monday, which marked the seventh anniversary of the release of five US citizens in a prisoner swap with Iran. Here are some excerpts from the letter: 'When the Obama Administration unconscionably left me in peril and freed the other American citizens Iran held hostage on January 16, 2016, the U.S. Government promised my family to have me safely home within weeks.' 'Yet seven years and two presidents later, I remain caged in Tehran's notorious Evin prison.' 'All I want sir, is one minute of your days' time for the next seven days devoted to thinking about the tribulations of the U.S. hostages in Iran. Just a single minute of your time for each year of my life that I lost in Evin prison after the U.S. Government could have saved me but didn't.' Dubai-based businessman Siamak Namazi was arrested in mid-October 2015 and sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of collaborating with a foreign government to overthrow the Iranian regime. His father Baquer had also been arrested on spying charges and released later. Washington has repeatedly said it is working to free Namazi and other U.S. citizens who are unjustly held by Iran. They include 67 year old environmentalist Morad Tahbaz, who holds a dual U.S.-British nationality, and 58 year-old businessman Emad Shargi. Both of them were arrested in Iran in 2018. Copyright(c) 2023 RTTNews.com. All Rights Reserved Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die BaFin ist nicht als ihre Befurwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgultigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich moglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere uber die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann. BENGALURU, India, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Alliance University, South India's first private university and one of the leading private universities in India, successfully hosted its Annual Convocation ceremony at the University's Central Campus in Bengaluru. The event was attended by graduates and their families and was presided over by Hon'ble Dr. C. N. Ashwath Narayan, Pro-Visitor of Alliance University and Minister for Higher Education, IT & BT, Science and Technology, and Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, and Livelihood, Government of Karnataka. Justice S. R. Bannurmath, Chairman of the Karnataka Law Commission and Shri. Harshit Singhal, Managing Director of HashedIn by Deloitte were present as the guests of honor. The ceremony began with a welcome address by Mr. Abhay G. Chebbi, Pro-Chancellor, Alliance University who congratulated the graduates and encouraged them to strengthen their networking and communication abilities, develop relevant skills periodically, think like an entrepreneur and develop leadership qualities. This was followed by the university's annual report presented by Dr. Anubha Singh, Vice-Chancellor of Alliance University who gave an overview of the University's achievements and 25 years of Alliance Education and the university's vision to be a world-class institution. The highlight of the event was the keynote address by Dr. C. N. Ashwath Narayan, who congratulated the graduates and urged them to use their education for the betterment of society. He reflected on the role of an institution in shaping future leaders and the evolving higher education sector in India. He mentioned the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) in the state of Karnataka and the state's goal to completely implement it and contribute to the national growth story. Shri Harshit Singhal of HashedIn by Deloitte encouraged graduates to continue learning and to be ready for the constant changes and disruptions happening in the world. Justice S. R. Bannurmath, Chairman of the Karnataka Law Commission, acknowledged the role of parents, family, and teachers in the success of graduates and encouraged them to take advantage of opportunities and contribute to the society. The event concluded with the presentation of medals and merit certificates to students who excelled in their specializations, the conferral of degrees and diplomas to all graduates, bringing the ceremony to a memorable finish. The convocation saw graduation of 2445 students of which 1615 received degrees; 830 received diplomas; and 14 received doctoral degrees. Medals and merit certificates were awarded to 161 rank holders. Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983844/AU_Leadership_Team.jpg Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1966520/AU_Logo.jpg View original content:https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/alliance-university-hosts-grand-annual-convocation-ceremony-301722302.html VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / January 16, 2023 / Spark Energy Minerals Inc., ("Spark" or the "Company") (CSE:EMIN)(Frankfurt:M1N)(OTC PINK:MTEHF), announces that Foxfire Metals Pty Ltd ("Foxfire"), the Company's JV partner, has completed a geochem-ground reconnaissance and mapping program on three of its Lithium and Rare Earth licenses held in the state of Minas Gerais, just 38 kilometres Southeast of Sigma Lithium (TSX-V: SGML). Current geochem and mapping have confirmed pegmatites and old workings. Assay results testing for LCT pegmatites are expected in the 1st quarter of 2023. The program was completed in late December 2022. The soil and rock chips samples collected have been delivered to independent SGS laboratories in Brazil. Background: Spark acquired a 75% interest in eight Brazilian exploration licenses ("the Brazilian Portfolio"), six for lithium and two for rare earth elements ("REE") (the "Brazilian Portfolio"). The Brazilian Portfolio totals 12,315 hectares of highly prospective lithium and REE exploration licenses, in the states of Minas Gerais and Bahia for lithium and Goas for REEs. Brazil is now recognized as one of the world's major high grade lithium producers confirmed by Tesla supplier recently securing off take agreements with Sigma Lithium Corporation's subsidiary, Brazilian Sigma Mineracao SA (Sigma). Figure 2. Location map of Spark's Minas Gerais lithium and rare earth licences. The dotted lines indicate distance from Spark's licences to the state owned Companhia Brasileira de Litio's mining operation, Lithium Ionic (TSX-V: LTH) and SGML. Recent discoveries in the same, well known lithium province and pegmatite area of Minas Gerais have also been made by Latin Resources (ASX). Highlight: An exploration program commenced in late December 2022 and confirmed pegmatites on the license areas. Old workings were also identified where pegmatites have been mined, but it is unclear if this mining was for lithium. Rock chip and soil samples will be forwarded to SGS laboratories in Brazil with results expected in first quarter of 2023. Old workings at Minas Gerais and surface exposure of pegmatities have been confirmed. The technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Paul Woolrich (BSc Geology, MSc Geochemistry, PhD Metallurgy) who is a Member of the MAusIMM, a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and is a Technical Director of Foxfire Metals Pty Ltd. About Spark Energy Minerals Inc. Spark Energy Minerals, Inc., is a Canadian company pursuing battery metals and mineral assets with newly acquired interests in Brazil and Canada. The Company has acquired assets in some of the world's most prolific mining jurisdictions, Brazil's growing lithium and provinces and in the Newfoundland, Canada region which is gaining recognition as a world hot spot for lithium and rare earth mineral exploration. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SEE THE COMPANY'S WEB SITE AT https://sparkenergyminerals.com Email to info@sparkenergyminerals.com Contact: Peter Wilson, CEO, Tel. +1-604-649-0945 Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Further information about the Company is available on www.SEDAR.com under the Company's profile. Certain statements contained in this release may constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" (collectively "forward-looking information") as those terms are used in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and similar Canadian laws. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated", "anticipates" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on the Company's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. In particular, this release contains forward-looking information relating to the business of the Company, the Property, financing and certain corporate changes. The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and the Company is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Certain statements contained in this release may constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" (collectively "forward-looking information") as those terms are used in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and similar Canadian laws. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated", "anticipates" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on the Company's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. In particular, this release contains forward-looking information relating to the business of the Company, the Property, financing and certain corporate changes. The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and the Company is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. SOURCE: Spark Energy Minerals Inc. View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/735340/Spark-Energy-Confirms-Pegmatites-at-its-Minas-Gerais-Brazilian-Lithium-and-Rare-Earths-Projects WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - President Joe Biden has declared that a major disaster exists in Alabama and California, the two States affected by severe winter storms recently. Biden ordered Federal aid to supplement State, tribal, and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe winter storms, flooding, landslides, and mudslides in California beginning on December 27. The President's action makes Federal funding available to affected individuals in the counties of Merced, Sacramento, and Santa Cruz. Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster. Federal funding also is available to State, tribal, and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work in the counties of Merced, Sacramento, and Santa Cruz. Also, Federal funding is available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide. FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell named Andrew F. Grant as the Federal Coordinating Officer for Federal recovery operations in the affected areas. Federal Emergency Management Agency said residents and business owners who sustained losses in the designated areas can begin applying for assistance at www.DisasterAssistance.gov, by calling 800-621-FEMA (3362), or by using the FEMA App. Sunday, President Joe Biden declared that a major disaster exists in the State of Alabama and ordered Federal aid to supplement State, tribal, and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes on January 12. The President's action makes federal funding available to affected individuals in Autauga and Dallas counties. Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster. Individuals and business owners who sustained losses in the designated areas can apply for disaster assistance at www.DisasterAssistance.gov, by calling 800-621-3362 or by using the FEMA App, FEMA said. Federal funding is also available to state, eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis, for emergency work in Autauga and Dallas counties. Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide. Kevin A. Wallace was named the Federal Coordinating Officer for federal recovery operations in the affected areas. Damage assessments are continuing in other areas, according to FEMA. Additional designations may be made at a later date after assessments are fully completed. Copyright(c) 2023 RTTNews.com. All Rights Reserved Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX CHICAGO, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Fetal Monitoring Market size is projected to reach USD 5.2 billion by 2027 from USD 3.7 billion in 2022, at a CAGR of 7.3% according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets. The reimbursement for fetal monitoring, insurance policies for fetal monitoring services, and the more number of obstetrics and gynaecology centres are the major factors driving the growth of this market. Download PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=35700261 Browse in-depth TOC on "Fetal Monitoring Market" 221 - Tables 45 - Figures 246 - Pages Fetal Monitoring Market Scope: Report Coverage Details Market Size USD 5.2 billion by 2027 Growth Rate 7.3% of CAGR Largest Market North America Market Dynamics Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities & Challenges Forecast Period 2022-2027 Forecast Units Value (USD Billion) Report Coverage Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends Segments Covered Product, Portability, Method, Application, End User, and Region Geographies Covered North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World Report Highlights Updated financial information / product portfolio of players Key Market Opportunities Development of non-invasive, portable, and advanced fetal monitors Key Market Drivers Rising number of preterm births and increasing adoption of infertility treatment The ultrasound devices segment accounted for the largest share of the fetal monitoring market, by product segment, in 2021 The fetal monitoring market is segmented into ultrasound devices, electronic maternal/fetal monitors, fetal electrodes, fetal doppler devices, uterine contraction monitors, telemetry devices, accessories & consumables, and other products based on products. In 2021 ultrasound devices segment accounted for the larger share in the market. This segment's growth can primarily be attributed to the rising number of diagnostic clinics and maternity centers. Non-portable systems segment to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period Based on portability, the market is segmented into non-portable systems and portable systems. In 2021, non-portable systems accounted for the largest share of this market, owing to wide applications in hospitals and diagnostic centers to assess fetal and maternal health. Non-invasive method segment accounted for the largest share of the fetal monitoring, by method segment, in 2021 Based on the method, the market is segmented into invasive and non-invasive. In 2021, the non-invasive accounted for the largest share of this market. Non-invasive methods are widely accepted for their safer method of diagnosing and monitoring the fetus, especially in high-risk pregnancies and rising advanced technologies drive the growth of this segment. Antepartum segment accounted for the largest share of the fetal monitoring, by application segment, in 2021 The market is segmented into antepartum and intrapartum based on application. The antepartum segment accounts for the largest share of the fetal monitoring market. The diagnosis of any congenital fetal abnormalities, antepartum fetal monitoring is carried out during the gestation period. The increasing incidence of fetal anomalies drive the growth of the antepartum segment. Home care settings to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period Based on end users the market is segmented into hospitals, obstetrics & gynecology clinics, and home care settings. In 2021, hospitals accounted for the largest share of this market. This growth of this segment can be attributed to the growing number of pregnancy procedures, and availability of highly advanced facilities in hospitals. North America is the largest regional market for fetal monitoring market The global fetal monitoring market is segmented into North America, Europe, the Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World. In 2021, North America was the largest regional market for fetal monitoring. The rising number of premature births in the region are the major factors supporting the growth of the fetal monitoring market in North America. However, the Asia Pacific region offers high-growth opportunities for players in the fetal monitoring market. This regional segment is projected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Factors such as rising birth rates, and healthcare infrastructure improvements in several Asia Pacific countries are factors driving the market growth in the region. Request Sample Pages: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestsampleNew.asp?id=35700261 Fetal Monitoring Market Dynamics: Drivers: Rising number of preterm births and increasing adoption of infertility treatment Advanced and innovative fetal monitoring technologies Government initiatives and increasing collaborations for research by health agencies Reimbursement and insurance policies for fetal monitoring services Active product launches by key manufacturers Increasing number of obstetrics and gynecology centers for fetal monitoring Restraints: High costs of fetal monitoring equipment Availability of refurbished products Opportunities: Development of non-invasive, portable, and advanced fetal monitors Emerging markets and strengthening infrastructure Challenges: Product recalls Lack of skilled healthcare professionals Key Market Players: The major players operating in this market are Cardinal Health, Inc. (US), Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands), GE Healthcare (US), Siemens Healthineers (Germany), FUJIFILM SonoSite, Inc. (US), Natus Medical Incorporated (US), Huntleigh Healthcare Limited (UK), The Cooper Companies Inc. (US), CONTEC Medical Systems Co., Ltd. (China), EDAN Instruments, Inc. (China), Neoventa Medical AB (Sweden), Bionet Co., Ltd. (South Korea), Progetti Srl (Italy), TRISMED Co., Ltd. (Republic of Korea), ShenZhen Luckcome Technology Inc. (China), MedGyn Products, Inc (US), Dixion (Germany), Promed Group Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong), Advanced Instrumentations (US), BRAEL-Medical Equipment (Poland), GPC Medical (India), BISTOS (Korea), Mediana Co. Ltd (Korea), Life Plus Medical (India), ChoiceMMed (China), Trivitron Healthcare (India), Dott Medical Co. Ltd. (China), Shenzhen Comen Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. (China), Shenzhen Vcomin Technology Limited (China), Nemo Healthcare (Netherlands), MindChild Medical, Inc. (US), Melody International Ltd. (Japan), Janitri Innovations Pvt. Ltd. (India), and Laerdal Global Health (Norway). Recent Developments: In May 2022 , GE Healthcare (US) and Pulsenmore ( Israel ) signed an agreement to accelerate the adoption of Pulsenmore's home care ultrasound solutions and support their goal to pursue US FDA clearance and commercial expansion. , GE Healthcare (US) and Pulsenmore ( ) signed an agreement to accelerate the adoption of Pulsenmore's home care ultrasound solutions and support their goal to pursue US FDA clearance and commercial expansion. In April 2022 , ArchiMed Group ( France ) acquired Natus Medical Incorporated (US) to expand the reach and breadth of Natus' market-leading products, reinforcing the focus on research & development and pursuing acquisitions of complementary businesses. , ArchiMed Group ( ) acquired Natus Medical Incorporated (US) to expand the reach and breadth of Natus' market-leading products, reinforcing the focus on research & development and pursuing acquisitions of complementary businesses. In March 2021 , CONTEC Medical Systems Co., Ltd. ( China ) launched CMS1700B Color Doppler Ultrasonic Diagnostic System, which is mainly suitable for the diagnosis of problems in the abdomen, heart, peripheral vessels, breast, obstetrics and gynecology, small organs, urology, muscle, incretion, pediatrics, etc. Get 10% Free Customization on this Report: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestCustomizationNew.asp?id=35700261 Browse Adjacent Market: Medical Devices Market Research Reports & Consulting Related Reports: Patient Monitoring Devices Market - Global Forecasts to 2027 Newborn Screening Market - Global Forecasts to 2026 IoT Medical Devices Market - Global Forecasts to 2026 Ultrasound Market - Global Forecasts to 2026 Medical Wearables Market - Global Forecasts to 2025 About MarketsandMarkets: MarketsandMarkets is a blue ocean alternative in growth consulting and program management, leveraging a man-machine offering to drive supernormal growth for progressive organizations in the B2B space. We have the widest lens on emerging technologies, making us proficient in co-creating supernormal growth for clients. The B2B economy is witnessing the emergence of $25 trillion of new revenue streams that are substituting existing revenue streams in this decade alone. We work with clients on growth programs, helping them monetize this $25 trillion opportunity through our service lines - TAM Expansion, Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy to Execution, Market Share Gain, Account Enablement, and Thought Leadership Marketing. Built on the 'GIVE Growth' principle, we work with several Forbes Global 2000 B2B companies - helping them stay relevant in a disruptive ecosystem. Our insights and strategies are molded by our industry experts, cutting-edge AI-powered Market Intelligence Cloud, and years of research. The KnowledgeStore (our Market Intelligence Cloud) integrates our research, facilitates an analysis of interconnections through a set of applications, helping clients look at the entire ecosystem and understand the revenue shifts happening in their industry. To find out more, visit www.MarketsandMarkets.com or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Contact: Mr. Aashish Mehra MarketsandMarkets INC. 630 Dundee Road Suite 430 Northbrook, IL 60062 USA: +1-888-600-6441 Email: sales@marketsandmarkets.com Research Insight: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/ResearchInsight/fetal-monitoring-market.asp Visit Our Website: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/ Content Source: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/PressReleases/fetal-monitoring.asp Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/660509/MarketsandMarkets_Logo.jpg View original content:https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/fetal-monitoring-market-worth-5-2-billion-by-2027---exclusive-report-by-marketsandmarkets-301722329.html EDMONTON, Alberta, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Space Engine Systems Inc. (SES) is a Canadian based company that claims to be a trucking company to anywhere in space and mainly focussed on the Lunar Mission. Recently featured in the year-in-review by AIAAhttps://aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org/year-in-review/ramjet-and-scramjet-propulsion-mature-advancing-weapon-capabilities/recognized around the world. SES space planes use air breathing combined cycle engines to get to space. The rocket engines kick in only after a very high altitude. They have Hello-1 X demonstrator which is planned to be launched from the US this year (2023) subject to regulatory approvals. Hello-1 can carry 550 kg to LEO. Hello-2 will carry 5,500 kgs to LEO and can carry 1,660 kgs to LLO and 760 kgs to the moon. This is planned for 2025. A video accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/aabd8867-c39f-4628-a74c-6d61ef9fec5e All vehicles except the sexbomb (drone) are piloted with an unmanned option. We want to be there ready to demonstrate to regulatory bodies that it can be flown within a supersonic corridor. We are taking orders for Hello-1 and Hello-2 payloads. We can clearly claim that we will be the lowest cost to space as we use air breathing engines through most of earth's atmosphere. Do you know that rocket engines are really bad or shall we say highly inefficient to take off within the atmosphere? Air breathing engines Isp (specific impulse) could be 3800 to 4200 seconds compared to rocket engines less than 450 seconds. Air breathing engines as the name suggests picks up oxygen from the air. Rocket engines are totally inefficient within the atmosphere. It may be rocket science but it is horrible in terms of efficiency in the earth's atmosphere. All our systems are 100 % reusable and glides back to any airport. Unlike the rockets 1 st stage that lands back these days by anyone they still need to take oxygen and propellant with various thrusters from ground to guide and bring it back to land. It is a huge penalty. Ours just glides back like a plane or like the proven shuttle and lands back in any airport. It is free. It has wings and it has lift. Do we need to explain any more? stage that lands back these days by anyone they still need to take oxygen and propellant with various thrusters from ground to guide and bring it back to land. It is a huge penalty. Ours just glides back like a plane or like the proven shuttle and lands back in any airport. It is free. It has wings and it has lift. Do we need to explain any more? Horizontal take off and landing will substantially reduce vibrations and protect your pay load from any damage. We can have multiple flights within a month to space. We don't need to land on water for human flights either. SES space planes can land in any airport anywhere. No toxic fuels. Space Engine Systems Turbo-Ram Jet Assembly Facility Pradeep Dass, President & CTO of Space Engine Systems says that we are very focussed now to launch from the US through our US company Space Engine Systems USA, Inc.. We are also setting up multiple facilities in the US to support these systems. The US company is a standalone company to support our various spin off products for defense or any other that may be required by various US organizations. We are also setting up at Cornwall, UK. It is at Newquay airport. The Cornwall team has been very supportive and is standing by to help us at all levels says Pradeep Dass. Our UK company Space Engine Systems UK is operating in the UK. We are in the very early stages of discussions with CAA for licensing to launch our various products from the UK. It is exploratory at this time. You never know that we may be the 1st to launch successfully from UK soil to space. We have an aggressive plan for launch. We are taking orders and selling seats. Refer our web to gather more information. Media: Space Engine Systems www.spaceenginesystems.com info@spaceenginesystems.com A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/af5d0966-81d3-46b8-bf4b-4d55fe944e35 Yoon describes UAE as 'brother country' during visit to Korean troops By Nam Hyun-woo ABU DHABI President Yoon Suk Yeol said Sunday (local time) that South Korea and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) face similar security situations, with the South grappling with threats from North Korea and the UAE menaced by Iran. Yoon even described the UAE as "a brother country." The president made the remarks during his visit to the Akh unit, a South Korean Special Warfare Unit base in Abu Dhabi, on the second day of his state visit to the Middle Eastern country. "You are here because the UAE is our brother nation," Yoon told the troops. "And (defending) our brother nation's security is as important as that of South Korea's. The UAE's enemy the most threatening nation is Iran and our enemy is North Korea We are in a very similar position to the UAE." The remarks came after Yoon and his UAE counterpart, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, held a summit and agreed to elevate the two countries' special strategic partnership further and expand bilateral cooperation across all industries. During the summit, Sheikh Mohamed promised to make $30 billion worth of investments in South Korean companies to "express the UAE's trust in South Korea." Yoon made the comments to stress the two countries' deepening ties. But his remarks could spark controversy as he mentioned a third country, Iran, while highlighting the importance of South Korea's bilateral relations with the UAE. As Yoon said, there have been tensions between the UAE and Iran as Tehran's nuclear ambitions pose a threat to the security of the entire Middle East. The two countries have also been in dispute over the sovereignty of three islands Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs which are currently occupied by Iran. Despite this situation, the UAE has been trying to improve its relations with Iran. Last year, the UAE restored full diplomatic relations with Iran and returned its ambassador to Tehran, six years after Abu Dhabi downgraded ties. The move was part of the UAE's efforts to engage in talks amid heightened tensions after the U.S. quit the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which is a pact by global powers and Iran to cut Tehran's nuclear capacity. The U.S.' exit triggered Iran to resume the enrichment of uranium over a certain percentage as part of countermeasures. Seoul's foreign ministry said the remarks were made as he encouraged the soldiers of the Akh unit which contributes to the peace and security of the UAE and explained the complex security environment to the soldiers of the unit. "The Akh unit is non-combatant, and its main duties include education and training for the UAE military and protecting our people in the case of an emergency," its official said. MANCHESTER, England, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- XAG Agricultural Drones, P40 and V40, have been granted the UK's first-ever Operational Authorization from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for agricultural spraying operations. With the efforts of XAG's partner, AutoSpray Systems, drone spraying and spreading on farms become legal in the UK, which means that agriculture is about to embrace automation and AI for the net-zero goal. Drone technology has been developed and widely used in various industries, where agriculture is one of the most promising. In the UK, the applications of drone are strictly regulated by the CAA. Drone's takeoff weight was limited to under 25kg, and dropping materials from drones is also prohibited. Although farmers have a growing demand for intelligent production tools, agricultural drones did not ground on UK farmland. Change comes with the release of the UK Government's ambition statement and vision for commercial drones, after which CAA started to consider granting Operational Authorization to heavier spray drones. XAG's autonomous drones for agriculture can spray and spread precisely straight to the target. They not only conform to the operational safety standards, but also help farmers boost yields with less input. According to PwC's forecast for the future of commercial drones in the UK, by 2030, the country will have 900,000 drones in operation, which would create 650,000 new jobs, contribute 45 billion to the UK economy, save 22 billion in business and reduce carbon emissions by 2.4 million tons. The widespread use of commercial drones will benefit the UK rural economy and reduce environmental footprints. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs shows that the UK's utilized agricultural area accounts for 71% of UK's land total, which puts larger pressure on the environment. To help farmers produce in a greener, energy-smart way, the government released the Sustainable Farming Incentives. Farmers will be paid up to 40/hectare for the effective improvement of soil health and for mitigating climate change during production. Drones deliver clear environmental benefits in agriculture. Running on batteries, the electric XAG Agricultural Drone reduces diesel use and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. It is designed for precision, with RTK centimeter-level navigation, to decrease the amount of chemicals used. Also, aerial operations protect the soil from compaction. Typical applications for drones include plant protection spraying, fertilizer spreading, broadcast sowing, and greenhouse shading. Traditionally, UK farmers use large tractors or self-propelled sprayers. In addition to high costs, the use of heavy ground machinery is limited by the rainy climate and mountainous terrain. The alternative solution is to apply the fully autonomous drone to reach and treat previously inaccessible land with no damage. Since cooperating with Harper Adams University in research on precision agriculture in 2018, XAG has never stopped exploring the UK drone market. The grantee of Operational Authorization marks a significant change that agricultural drone officially set foot in the country. Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1984036/Pilot_smartphone_control_XAG_Agricultural_Drone.jpg View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/xag-agricultural-drone-is-granted-the-caa-operational-authorization-to-spray-in-the-uk-301722442.html Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 16, 2023) - Plurilock Security Inc. (TSXV: PLUR) (OTCQB: PLCKF) and related subsidiaries ("Plurilock" or the "Company"), an identity-centric cybersecurity solutions provider for workforces, is pleased to announce the release of an AI-driven security automation application that is powered by ChatGPT. The technology demo showcases the capability of using a Large Language Model (LLM) form of AI, specifically ChatGPT, to address common business workflows. Specifically, security questionnaires are frequently used between organizations to assuage the security posture of one organization doing business with another. The new demonstration enables users to upload security questionaries and instantly complete them with content, saving hours of repetitive work by security teams. Users can access the Plurilock Labs at https://plurilock.com/labs/ About Plurilock Plurilock provides identity-centric cybersecurity for today's workforces. The Plurilock family of companies enables organizations to operate safely and securely while reducing cybersecurity friction. Plurilock offers world-class IT and cybersecurity solutions through its Solutions Division, paired with proprietary, AI-driven and cloud-friendly security through its Technology Division. Together, the Plurilock family of companies delivers persistent identity assurance with unmatched ease of use. For more information, visit https://www.plurilock.com or contact: Ian L. Paterson Chief Executive Officer ian@plurilock.com 416.800.1566 Roland Sartorius Chief Financial Officer roland.sartorius@plurilock.com Prit Singh Investor Relations prit.singh@plurilock.com 905.510.7636 Forward-Looking Statements This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") related to future events or Plurilock's future business, operations, and financial performance and condition. Forward-looking statements normally contain words like "will", "intend", "anticipate", "could", "should", "may", "might", "expect", "estimate", "forecast", "plan", "potential", "project", "assume", "contemplate", "believe", "shall", "scheduled", and similar terms. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, actions, or developments and are based on expectations, assumptions, and other factors that management currently believes are relevant, reasonable, and appropriate in the circumstances. Although management believes that the forward-looking statements herein are reasonable, actual results could be substantially different due to the risks and uncertainties associated with and inherent to Plurilock's business. Additional material risks and uncertainties applicable to the forward-looking statements herein include, without limitation, the impact of general economic conditions, the success of the Company in obtaining new or extended contracts or orders; the Company's ability to maintain existing customers or develop new customers; the Company's ability to successfully integrate acquisitions of other businesses and/or companies or to realize on the anticipated benefits thereof; and unforeseen events, developments, or factors causing any of the aforesaid expectations, assumptions, and other factors ultimately being inaccurate or irrelevant. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect the Company's forward-looking statements. Many of these factors are beyond the control of Plurilock. All forward-looking statements included in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as at the date hereof, and Plurilock undertakes no obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws. Risks and uncertainties about the Company's business are more fully discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in its most recent Annual Information Form. They are otherwise disclosed in its filings with securities regulatory authorities available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/151419 BioMed X establishes its first US-based institute in New Haven with a new immunology research project in collaboration with AbbVie. HEIDELBERG, Germany, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioMed X, an independent German biomedical research institute, announced today the extension of its ongoing research collaboration with AbbVie. This marks the launch of the first BioMed X Institute in the US, to be located in New Haven, Connecticut. Following a first joint research project on Alzheimer's disease at the BioMed X Institute in Heidelberg, Germany, the new US-based research collaboration will focus on immunology and tissue engineering. "Extending our successful partnership with AbbVie to our new site in the US is a big milestone for our institute," said Christian Tidona, Founder and Managing Director of BioMed X. "We are grateful to be able to bring our unique innovation model to New Haven and Yale University, one of the top places in the world for groundbreaking discoveries in biomedical research," added Tidona. The new BioMed X Institute will be managed by Mark Johnston, an experienced biotech entrepreneur and business leader who recently joined the BioMed X family. "My role is to synergize the BioMed X know-how with the invaluable local resources in New Haven to add a new dimension to the global BioMed X network," explained Johnston. Neighboring the historic campus of Yale University, the US branch of BioMed X will be embedded in the New Haven life sciences hub. "Yale is devoted to academic leadership as well as global strategic partnerships to foster innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit. We welcome BioMed X to our biosciences community and appreciate the opportunities this alliance ushers in, including cooperation with international industry partners and networking with the European biotech ecosystem," said Josh Geballe, Managing Director at Yale Ventures. BioMed X was founded 10 years ago on the campus of one of Europe's most renowned universities in the life sciences and medicine, the University of Heidelberg, operating at the interface between academia and industry. With its unique innovation model, BioMed X identifies the world's best early career academic scientists and relocates them to a BioMed X institute to solve a major challenge in biomedical research in close collaboration with a global pharmaceutical company. Our industry's understanding of human disease biology is limited by the availability of relevant model systems that truly mirror the complexity of diseased human tissues, which hampers drug discovery and development. There are currently no good ex vivo models available involving human immune cells migrating through an organotypic human tissue microenvironment and recapitulating the molecular processes that typify human disease both spatially and temporally. Such models would allow for the generation of new insights into human disease biology, the identification and validation of new drug targets, and the development of new therapeutic concepts for the treatment of immune-mediated inflammatory conditions. The current partnership with AbbVie is focused on the development of a new tissue engineering platform to produce complex human ex vivo modelsbefore March 12, 2023. "AbbVie is encouraged by the potential of this collaboration with BioMed X to change the paradigm in drug discovery and expand the understanding of human disease biology," said Timothy Radstake, Executive Director and Head of Early Immunology Discovery at AbbVie. About BioMed X BioMed X is an independent research institute located on the campus of the University of Heidelberg in Germany, with a worldwide network of partner locations. Together with our partners, we identify big biomedical research challenges and provide creative solutions by combining global crowdsourcing with local incubation of the world's brightest early career research talents. Each of the highly diverse research teams at BioMed X has access to state-of-the-art research infrastructure and is continuously guided by experienced mentors from academia and industry. At BioMed X, we combine the best of two worlds - academia and industry - and enable breakthrough innovation by making biomedical research more efficient, more agile, and more fun. Contact Information: Flavia-Bianca Cristian Recruiting & Communications Manager fbc@bio.mx +49 6221 426 11 706 Related Images Image 1: BioMed X Logo BioMed X Logo Image 2: AbbVie Call Visual This content was issued through the press release distribution service at Newswire.com. Attachment BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) - The Switzerland market, which opened modestly higher Monday morning, ended the day's session on a strong note, with stocks gaining in strength as the session progressed. The World Economic Forum kicked off today in Switzerland, with the war in Ukraine, economic instability and uncertainty and climate change on the agenda. The benchmark SMI ended with a gain of 145.20 points or 1.29% at 11,435.99, the day's high. Partners Group gained 3.5%. Sika gained nearly 3.5%, after the Swiss specialty chemical firm inked a deal with British firm INEOS to sell MBCC Group's admixtures business in various countries to address competition concerns. Lonza Group ended nearly 2.5% down. Novartis, Givaudan, Credit Suisse, Holcim, UBS Group and Alcon gained 1.5 to 2%. Sika AG gained about 1 percent. The Swiss specialty chemical firm has inked a deal with British firm INEOS to sell MBCC Group's admixtures business in various countries to address competition concerns. In the Mid Price Index, Temenos Group soared nearly 9% as CEO Max Chuard quit the software company under pressure from activist shareholders. Straumann Holding climbed about 3%. VAT Group surged 2.5%, while Kuehne & Nagel, Schindler Holding, Adecco, Schindler Ps, SIG Combibloc, Ems Chemie Holding and Lindt & Spruengli N gained 1.6 to 2.2%. Lindt & Spruengli Part, AMS, Belimo Holding, PSP Swiss Property, SGS and Roche Holding also ended with impressive gains. Zur Rose drifted down 4%. Tecan Group ended 2.2% down, while Bachem Holding ended nearly 1% down. Copyright(c) 2023 RTTNews.com. All Rights Reserved Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die BaFin ist nicht als ihre Befurwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgultigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich moglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere uber die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann. Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 16, 2023) - The Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE" or "the Exchange") today announced the appointments of two key new members to its management team: Tracey Stern as Chief Legal Officer, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary and Stuart Schady as Vice-President Trading & Market Data Services. Tracey Stern Tracey joins the CSE after an extensive career as a senior market regulator with the Ontario Securities Commission and as a chief compliance officer with a Canadian investment dealer. With her deep knowledge of domestic and global developments in market structure, Tracey will support the continuing evolution of the CSE as a leading exchange for global entrepreneurial companies. Stuart Schady Stuart assumes his new role after three years at the CSE as Director of Business Development in the Trading & Market Data Services Group. Prior to joining the Exchange, he had a client-facing role with a global trading technology and services firm, and various roles at the largest banking group in Africa and its brokerage subsidiary. During his tenure with the CSE, Stuart has impressed clients and colleagues with his focus on service and his knowledge of the ever-evolving trading landscape. "I want to congratulate Tracey and Stuart, two highly skilled and experienced leaders, on their appointments and welcome them to the executive team," said Richard Carleton, CSE Chief Executive Officer. "With our strengthened management team, we are positioned for further success during a year in which several notable initiatives will be coming to fruition. We look forward to sharing more in the coming months." About the Canadian Securities Exchange: The Canadian Securities Exchange is a rapidly growing stock exchange focused on working with entrepreneurs to access the public capital markets in Canada and internationally. The Exchange's efficient operating model, advanced technology and low fee structure help companies of all sizes minimize their cost of capital and maximize access to liquidity. The CSE offers investors in Canada and abroad access to a multi-sector collection of growth companies through a liquid, reliable and regulated trading platform. The Exchange is dedicated to entrepreneurship and has established itself as a leading hub for discourse in the entrepreneurial community. STAY CONNECTED WITH THE CSE ============================= CSE TV on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/csetv Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/canadianexchange/ Linkedin: https://ca.linkedin.com/company/canadian-securities-exchange Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CanadianSecuritiesExchange/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CSE_News Blog: https://blog.thecse.com/ Website: https://thecse.com/ Contact: Richard Carleton, CEO 416-367-7360 richard.carleton@thecse.com To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/151444 Productsup provides L'Oreal with more control over its product data to drive down costs and fuel growth Productsup, the leading product-to-consumer (P2C) software company, officially announced today that L'Oreal Australia, the world's leading beauty player, has selected the Productsup P2C platform to enhance its commerce operations by delivering rich, relevant, and accurate product information to consumers. As its feed management partner, Productsup will help accelerate L'Oreal's go-to-market strategy in the APAC region, enabling the company to reach more consumers across more channels than ever before. "L'Oreal has always been an outlier for technology innovation in the beauty industry, pushing established boundaries," said Vincent Peters, Chief Executive Officer at Productsup. "From developing its own artificial intelligence system that analyzes consumer behavior online to launching experiences in the metaverse, the brand has a reputation for identifying trends before they go viral. We're excited to help L'Oreal deliver on its promise to celebrate beauty while maintaining quality, authenticity, and efficiency in its product information at every consumer touchpoint." With more than 30 different makeup, hair, fragrance, skincare, and sun protection brands within its portfolio, L'Oreal Australia has a huge volume of diverse product information that it needs to continuously clean, enrich, and distribute across various marketing and selling channels. Productsup's P2C platform enables L'Oreal to gain complete visibility over its product feeds and automate manual processes, providing the control and agility needed to manage a strong omnichannel brand presence regardless of the channel. "We needed an enterprise-grade platform that could handle complex data, integrate with our existing tech stack, and provide a comprehensive view of our product data ecosystem all while having a user-friendly interface," said Cristina Borsaru, Head of Search at L'Oreal Australia and New Zealand. "Productsup's product-to-consumer platform delivers on all of these requirements, equipping our team with the leading-edge technology needed to reach consumers in the fastest and most cost-effective way." Learn more about Productsup's P2C platform and feed management solutions: https://www.productsup.com/solutions/feed-management/. About Productsup Productsup helps brands, retailers, service providers, and marketplaces navigate commerce complexity. The Productsup product-to-consumer (P2C) platform processes over two trillion products a month, empowering long-term business success as the only global, strategic, scalable platform managing all product-to-consumer information value chains across any platform, any channel, any technology. Founded in 2010 and headquartered in Berlin, Productsup has grown to over 300 employees spread out across offices worldwide and works with over 900 brands, including IKEA, Sephora, Beiersdorf, Redbubble, and ALDI. Learn more at www.productsup.com. View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230116005078/en/ Contacts: Megan Perkins press@productsup.com VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / January 16, 2023 / Aztec Minerals Corp. (TSXV:AZT)(OTCQB:AZZTF) announces plans for a two-phase, CAD$1.2 million exploration program in the first half of 2023 at the Cervantes porphyry gold-copper project in Sonora, Mexico. Aztec's board met last week to review and approve the following Phase 1 and 2 exploration programs. Aztec plans to start work in the first quarter on a Phase 1, CAD$250,000 surface exploration program comprised of road cut, reconnaissance outcrop and soil sampling, Terraspec SWIR data collection and geological mapping. It is planned to collect and analyze for multi-elements and SWIR over 1,300 geochemical samples including 950 road cut, 120 soils and 250 outcrop chips to expand and enhance geochemical and geological knowledge throughout the Cervantes project. Mapping will focus on the exposed road cuts with detailed lithological, structural and alteration mapping of the California target, while reconnaissance surface work will be on the California North, Estrella, Jasper, Purisima, Jacobo, La Verde, Brazil, El Indio targets. To gain efficiency, the surface exploration program is planned to be conducted during the regional dry season of December through May. Two field teams will examine outcrop exposures generated from recently constructed drill roads with detailed geological mapping for the lithologies, alterations (Terraspec), mineralization, structures and geotechnical aspects. The road cuts will also be continuously chip channel sampled to consolidate surface data with the geochemistry of the drill hole dataset, as well as to assist in 3D modeling. View: Cervantes Proposed 2023 Phase 1 Road Cut Channel Sampling Plan Multiple targets outside of the California target will be explored with reconnaissance surface mapping, outcrop and soil sampling to enhance understanding, modeling and refine targeting for drilling. This will include the first field work on the La Verde and El Indio targets and first detailed work on the Brasil, Jacobo, California Noroeste, and Estrella Norte targets. View: Cervantes Proposed 2023 Phase 1 Surface Exploration Plan Subject to the Phase 1 results and available funds, Aztec plans to initiate a Phase 2, CAD$900K 26 hole, 4,000 m reverse circulation ("RC") drill program in the second quarter from mid-April through June (before the rainy season) to expand the mineralized California Au target in all compass directions, including connecting the California target with the California Norte target, and also to expand the California Norte target mineralization. View: Cervantes Proposed 2023 Phase 2 RC Drilling Plan Project data evaluation will also continue to advance including using the understandings gained on the multi-element relationships with Au and applying them to the soil sampling data, reviewing the subsequent results to the geophysical data and the SWIR-Terraspec data, 3D modeling of the data, metallurgical, and multiple other investigations. At the California target, where Aztec has delineated extensive porphyry gold-copper mineralization it will drill 22 infill and step-out holes at a 50m+ spacings to expand and define the area of mineralization, including closing with the California Norte target. At the California Norte target, four drill holes will undertake expanding the target mineralization. The primary objectives of the two phase 2023 exploration program are to continue to define the open pit, heap leach gold potential of the porphyry oxide cap at California, test the down dip extensions of the phyllic alteration in the Qfp intrusive for deeper copper-gold porphyry sulfide mineralization underlying the oxide cap, and test for extensions of the at California Norte. Cervantes Project Overview Cervantes is a highly prospective porphyry gold-copper project located in southeastern Sonora state, Mexico. The project lies 160 km east of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico within the prolific Laramide porphyry copper belt approximately 265 km southeast of the Cananea porphyry copper-molybdenum mine (Grupo Mexico). Cervantes also lies along an east-west trending gold belt 60 km west of the Mulatos epithermal gold mine (Alamos Gold), 35 km northeast of the Osisko San Antonio gold mine, 45 km west of the La India mine (Agnico Eagle), and 40 km northwest of Santana gold deposit (Minera Alamos). View: Cervantes Project Location Map Cervantes Project Highlights Large well-located property (3,649 hectares) with good infrastructure, road access, local town, all private land, water wells on property, grid power nearby (3,649 hectares) with good infrastructure, road access, local town, all private land, water wells on property, grid power nearby Nine prospective mineralized zones related to high level porphyries and breccias along a 7.0km east-northeast corridor with multiple intersecting northwest structures to high level porphyries and breccias along a 7.0km east-northeast corridor with multiple intersecting northwest structures Distinct geophysical anomalies, California target marked by high magnetic and low resistivity anomalies, high radiometric and chargeability anomalies responding to pervasive alteration California target marked by high magnetic and low resistivity anomalies, high radiometric and chargeability anomalies responding to pervasive alteration Extensive gold mineralization at California zone , 118 soil samples average 0.44 gpt gold over 900 m by 600 m area, trench rock-channel samples up to 0.47 gpt gold over 222 m , 118 soil samples average 0.44 gpt gold over 900 m by 600 m area, trench rock-channel samples up to 0.47 gpt gold over 222 m Extensive drilling at the California zone, intersecting gold oxide cap to a classic gold-copper porphyry system, drill results up to 1.49 gpt gold over 137 m and 1.00 gpt gold over 165m at the California zone, intersecting gold oxide cap to a classic gold-copper porphyry system, drill results up to 1.49 gpt gold over 137 m and 1.00 gpt gold over 165m Excellent gold recoveries from preliminary metallurgical tests on drill core from California zone; oxide gold recoveries in bottle roll tests range from 75% to 87% from preliminary metallurgical tests on drill core from California zone; oxide gold recoveries in bottle roll tests range from 75% to 87% Three-Dimensional IP Survey conducted in 2019, IP chargeability strengthens and broadens to >500m depth over an area 1100 m by 1200 m and extends strong chargeability anomalies to the southwest covering Estrella, Purisima East, and Purisima West, coinciding well with alteration and Au-Cu-Mo soil geochemical anomalies California Target Aztec has now completed over 10,500 meters of drilling over 54 drill holes at the Cervantes Project, primarily at the California target. In 2017-18, Aztec completed a Phase 1, 17 diamond core hole drill program, totaling 2,675 meters (m). The initial phase of drilling tested the California target 900m by 600m gold-in-soils anomaly that averaged 0.44gpt covering hydrothermal breccias within a Quartz feldspar porphyry stock intruding Paleozoic siliciclastic sediments. During the 2021 - 2022 exploration program, Aztec completed a further combined 7,837 m of drilling over 37 drill holes comprised of a 26-hole 5,248.6 m track-mounted reverse circulation drill program and an 11-hole 2,588 m man-portable oriented core program. Every 2021-2022 drill hole, except one, of the 29 drill holes successfully completed out of 31 attempted at the California and the adjoining California Norte targets intersected near surface, oxidized gold mineralization with minor copper values. The drilling program expanded the footprint and the depth of the California target mineralization and alteration associated with the California porphyry intrusive complex with continued intercepts of broad gold mineralization. The identified California target area drilled has been enlarged to approximately 900 meters long E - W by 730 meters wide N-S, and exploration drilling successfully expanded the primary California zone to an area now measuring approximately 900 meters long E-W by 250 to 500 meters wide N-S, with demonstrated, continuous mineralization of up to 170 meters depth. The porphyry gold-copper mineralization is still open in all directions with anomalous mineralization and alteration up to 265 meters depth vertically. The California and California Norte targets appear to be merging from drilling and surface exposures. Aztec's drilling to-date has consistently intersected an oxidized gold cap to a porphyry-type gold-copper-silver system at California, including multiple 100+ meter widths of exceeding 0.40 gpt gold. Highlights of the Aztec's 2017 - 2022 drill programs are as follows (see news releases dated June 26, 2018 and January 10, 2023): 137m @ 1.49 gpT Au incl 51.7m @ 3.42 gpT Au, 119m @ 0.091% copper in CAL22-005 165m @ 1.00 gpT Au incl 24.4m @ 4.25 gpT Au, 160m @ 0.065% copper in CAL22-004 152m @ 0.87 gpT Au, incl 33.5m @ 2.05 gpT Au, 123m @ 0.095% copper in CAL22-012 94m @ 1.04 gpT Au incl 15.2m @ 3.96 gpT Au, 55m @ 0.36% copper in CAL22-001 100m @ 0.75 gpT Au incl 9.14m @ 3.087 gpT Au, 138m @ 0.10% copper in CAL22-006 160m @ 0.77 gpT gold incl 80m @ 1.04 gpT gold, 0.11% copper in 18CER010 139m @ 0.71 gpT gold incl 20m @ 2.10 gpT gold, 0.16% copper in 17CER005 118m @ 0.63 gpT gold incl 43m @ 1.18 gpT gold, 0.16% copper in 17CER003 122m @ 0.60 gpT gold incl 62m @ 0.88 gpT gold, 0.06% copper in 18CER007 170m @ 0.42 gpT gold incl 32m @ 0.87 gpT gold, 0.06% copper in 18CER006 Preliminary metallurgical tests on California drill cores were conducted in 2019 (see news release dated March 12, 2019). Drill core samples were grouped into 4 separate types of mineralization: Oxide 1, Oxide 2, Mixed Oxide/Sulfide and Sulfide. The preliminary results of bottle roll tests showed excellent potential for heap leach gold recovery, as follows: 85.1% recovery on 2.0mm material and 94.3% on 75-micron material in sample Oxide 1 87.7% recovery on 2.0mm material and 94.2% on 75-micron material in sample Oxide 2 77.9% recovery on 2.0mm material and 89.0% on 75-micron material in sample Mixed Oxide/Sulphide 51.2% recovery on 2.0mm material and 78.7% on 75-micron material in sample Sulphide Additional Targets Purisima East - outcropping gossans, altered and mineralized diatreme breccias and porphyry intrusions marked by a 700m by 600m geochemical soil anomaly in 193 samples that average 0.25 gpt gold, a small historic 'glory hole' mine where rock chip sampling returned high-grade mineralization up to 44.6 gpt gold. Estrella - outcrops of gossan and sulfides in silicified Paleozoic sediments near quartz porphyry dikes with rock chip samples up to 3.9 gpt gold and 2,010ppm copper. Purisima West - a mirror image of Purisima East in size and type of gossans, altered and mineralized breccias and intrusions in association with gold and copper soil anomalies. Jasper - 2017 trenching returned skarn/replacement-type mineralization up to 0.52% copper and 0.62 gpt gold over a 92.4 m length. In 2022 RC drilling found a broad zone of copper - gold mineralization in JAS22-001. California North - coincident IP chargeability and gold-copper-molybdenum soil geochemical anomalies with demonstrated gold - copper mineralization by RC drilling, it may be a north extension of the California target Other targets - porphyry alteration and geochemical soil anomalies mark the Jacobo and Brasil prospects but more work is required to expand and define these targets Allen David Heyl, B.Sc., CPG., VP Exploration of Aztec, is the Qualified Person under NI43-101, supervised the Cervantes exploration program. Mr. Heyl has reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this news release. "Simon Dyakowski" Simon Dyakowski, Chief Executive Officer Aztec Minerals Corp. About Aztec Minerals - Aztec is a mineral exploration company focused on two emerging discoveries in North America. The Cervantes project is an emerging porphyry gold-copper discovery in Sonora, Mexico. The Tombstone project is an emerging gold-silver discovery with high grade CRD silver-lead-zinc potential in southern Arizona. Aztec's shares trade on the TSX-V stock exchange (symbol AZT) and on the OTCQB (symbol AZZTF). Contact Information - For more information, please contact: Simon Dyakowski, President & CEO, Director Tel: (604) 619-7469 Fax: (604) 685-9744 Email: simon@aztecminerals.com Website: www.aztecminerals.com Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. Forward-Looking Statements: Certain statements contained in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements under Canadian securities legislation. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "expects" or "it is expected", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "will" occur. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Accordingly, the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. When relying on forward-looking statements to make decisions, investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements, except as may be required by applicable securities laws. SOURCE: Aztec Minerals Corp. View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/735434/Aztec-Plans-Two-Phase-CAD12-Million-Exploration-Program-at-Cervantes-Gold-Copper-Project-Sonora-Mexico VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / January 16, 2023 / The Power Play by The Market Herald has announced the release of new interviews with Danavation, Psyence Group and Mullen Group discussing their latest news. The Power Play by The Market Herald provides investors with a quick snapshot of what they need to know about the company's latest press release through exclusive insights and interviews with company executives. Danavation (CSE:DVN) signs contracts for 5 new digital smart label installations Danavation (DVN) is advancing its platform-as-a-service and operations. The company has secured five new contracts for the installation of its digital smart label in two additional locations under the ACE Hardware banner. The total contracted value of these five installations is expected to represent one-time revenue of $800,000 with ongoing recurring revenue for the life of the contract. Danavation Technologies' CEO John Ricci joined Sabrina Cuthbert to discuss this news. For the full interview with John Ricci and to learn about Danavation, click here. Psyence (CSE:PSYG) announces business combination and signs LOI with Australian CRO iNGENu Psyence Group (PSYG) and Newcourt Acquisition Corp (NCAC) have announced a business combination agreement with Psyence Biomed Corp.. Psyence has signed a Letter of Intent with Contract Research Organisation iNGENu CRO Pty Ltd. iNGENu will be responsible for jointly designing the Phase IIb clinical trial to be conducted in Australia. Dr. Neil Maresky, Chief Executive Officer of Psyence, met with Sabrina Cuthbert to discuss the news. For the full interview with Dr. Neil Maresky and to learn about Psyence Group, click here. Mullen Group (TSX:MTL) shares approved budget and business plan for 2023 Mullen Group announced that the company's board has approved the budget and business plan for 2023. Priorities include investing in the business, pursuing acquisitions and driving process improvements. Senior Operating Officer Richard Maloney met with Sabrina Cuthbert to discuss the news. For the full interview with Richard Maloney and to learn about Mullen Group, click here. Interviews for The Power Play by The Market Herald are released daily. To learn more about the companies featured in The Power Play or to explore our other interviews visit? The Power Play by The Market Herald. About The Market Herald The Market Herald Canada is the leading source of authoritative breaking stock market news for self-directed investors. Our team of Canadian markets reporters, editors and technologists covers the entire listed company universe in Canada. We cover over 3,985 businesses, their people, their investors, and their customers. We write the stories that move the Canadian capital markets. DISCLAIMER: Report Card Canada Media Ltd. ("Report Card") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Market Herald Limited, an Australian company ("Market Herald"). Report Card is not an advisory service, and does not offer, buy, sell, or provide any other rating, analysis or opinion on the securities we discuss. We are retained and compensated by the companies that we provide information on to assist them with making information available to the public. All information available on themarketherald.ca and/or this press release should be considered as commercial advertisement and not an endorsement, offer or recommendation to buy or sell securities. 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CONTACT: The Market Herald marketing@themarketherald.ca themarketherald.ca SOURCE:?The Market Herald View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/735418/The-Power-Play-by-The-Market-Herald-Releases-New-Interviews-with-Danavation-Psyence-Group-and-Mullen-Group-Discussing-Their-Latest-News Arctic Shores, a Manchester, UK-based psychometric assessment provider, raised 5.75M in Series B funding. The round was led by Praetura Ventures, with participation from existing shareholder Beringea. Helen Verwoert, operational partner at Praetura Ventures and ex-chief people officer at Dr. Martens, and Alexander Crawford, Co-Head of Investments, at Calculus Capital, will join the board. The company intends to use the funds to accelerate the development of its soft-skills assessment and international expansion, specifically in Europe. Founded in 2014 by Robert Newry and Safe Hammad, Arctic Shores is a company providing a psychometric assessment that uses behavioural tasks and captures responses to determine personality traits which reveal potential. Collecting 10,000+ data points from an engaging interface, the application ranks which candidates are most suited to a role in a company. Existing customers include Vitality, Thales, TalkTalk, Arcadis, PwC and Siemens. The investment will accelerate the adoption of Arctic Shores new self-configure platform, and the launch of an innovative update to assessing workplace intelligence. Following growth in Germany including major contracts with Airbus Siemens and Schneider Electric, the investment will further Arctic Shores European presence and market capability to accelerate in this region. FinSMEs 16/01/2023 Eagle Genomics, a Cambridge, UK-based TechBio platform business applying network science to biology, received an undisclosed amount in funding from Omron Ventures. The current funding round is ongoing, and open for additional investment opportunities. The company intends to use the funds to support the ongoing development of its platform as well as continued global expansion and increased client impact. Led by CEO Anthony Finbow, Eagle Genomics leverages an AI-augmented knowledge discovery platform that empowers scientists to exploit multi-dimensional data to help companies conduct science-led innovation for next-generation products. It supports the entire innovation workflow from hypothesis through insight to product claims helping bring novel, safer and sustainable products to market, faster, across the Food and Nutrition, Beauty and Personal Care, AgBio and BioPharma industries. Omron Ventures joined existing investors abrdn, Environmental Technologies Fund and consortium led by Granpool Innovative Investments. In October 2022, Eagle Genomics announced a USD $20m first close of its scale-up funding round. The round was led by abrdn plc, with continued participation from existing investors Environmental Technologies Fund, and a consortium of investors headed by Granpool Innovative Investments. FinSMEs 16/01/2023 Unification Minister Kwon Young-se has met with the United Arab Emirates' minister in charge of co-existence to appeal for support for Seoul's inter-Korean policy and discuss ways for cooperation, his office said Monday. Kwon held talks with Tolerance and Coexistence Minister Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan on Sunday (UAE time) in Abu Dhabi, according to the unification ministry. Kwon is currently on a visit to the UAE, accompanying President Yoon Suk Yeol. Yoon embarked on an eight-day trip to the UAE and Switzerland on Saturday. The ministry said Kwon explained the Yoon government's "audacious" initiative aimed at helping North Korea develop its economy in return for denuclearization and Nahyan voiced his support for the proposal. The ministers also exchanged views about the South's preparations for inter-Korean unification and the UAE's integration policy, it added. The government said it will continue to work to drum up international support for its "audacious" proposal and broaden the understanding of the South's unification policy. (Yonhap) Beijing Daily: We noted that Foreign Minister Qin Gang concluded his visit to Angola and Benin last week. Could you share more about the visit? Wang Wenbin: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Angola. Just last month, China and Benin celebrated the 50th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic relations. In that context, Foreign Minister Qin Gangs visit to Angola and Benin has highlighted the traditional friendship and close connections between China and these two countries. During the visit, Angolan President Joao Lourenco and Beninese President Patrice Talon met with Foreign Minister Qin respectively. They both applauded Chinas development path and achievements and thanked China for its long-standing support and help. They look forward to deepening and expanding practical cooperation with China and accelerating national development and revitalization, and they stand ready to continue to be a steadfast and reliable friend of China and work with China to uphold the principle of non-interference in other countries internal affairs and safeguard international fairness and justice. Foreign Minister Qin expressed appreciation for the two countries understanding and support on issues that bear on Chinas core interests and major concerns. He said that China will, as always, support the two countries in opposing external interference, choosing development paths independently, and safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests, and that China will continue to unite and work with Angola, Benin and other African countries to achieve common development in the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation and in line with the principles of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith, and the commitment to the greater good and shared interests. During the visit, Foreign Minister Qin also held talks with Angolan Foreign Minister Tete Antonio and Beninese Foreign Minister Aurelien Agbenonci respectively, and signed cooperation documents between China and Benin on people-to-people and cultural exchanges and others. Foreign Minister Qins visit is a continuation of the 33-year fine tradition of Chinese diplomacy, whereby Chinese foreign ministers have made Africa the destination of their first overseas visits each year. His visit reflected the deep friendship between China and Africa, and witnessed the ever-growing China-Africa friendly cooperation. Chinas action shows it has been true to African friends. We always deliver for Africa as its partner for cooperation, and hold dear our abiding friendship with Africa. As the new year begins, there is much to look forward to. It is our belief that guided by the principles of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith and a commitment to the greater good and shared interests, the future augurs well for China-Africa relations, and holds great promise for the China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era. AFP: Vice Premier Liu He will represent China at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Do you have any details on his trip? Can you confirm he will hold talks with the US Trade Representative Katherine Tai? Wang Wenbin: We have put out the announcement that Vice Premier Liu He will attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 and visit Switzerland. As the trip progresses, we will share more details with you. Please check back for the updates. Let me also add that the economic and trade teams of China and the US stay in regular communication. We will keep you posted if anything comes up. Shenzhen TV: Foreign Minister Qin Gang also visited Egypt and the League of Arab States Headquarters during his trip to Africa. Could you share more on this? Wang Wenbin: Not long ago, President Xi Jinping attended the first China-Arab States Summit, which guided the China-Arab relations into a new era of all-round, deepened progress. On January 15, Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited Egypt and the League of Arab States Headquarters. This is an important action for delivering on the outcomes of the China-Arab States Summit. It demonstrates Chinas strong determination to make every effort with the Arab world to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era. During the visit, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Foreign Minister Qin, and Foreign Minister Qin also held talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry. The two sides had in-depth exchanges of views on following through on the important common understandings between the two heads of state, and reached extensive common understandings on bilateral relations and regional and international issues of common interest. The two sides agreed that China and Egypt enjoy solid strategic mutual trust, and should continue to firmly support each other on issues that bear on each others core interests and major concerns. China appreciates Egypts valuable support on issues that bear on Chinas core interests, including affairs related to Taiwan and Xinjiang. China firmly supports Egypt in following a development path that suits its own national conditions, and in safeguarding its sovereignty and security and realizing development and revitalization. The two sides agreed that China-Egypt cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative has been productive and full of potential. China stands ready to further synergize its development strategies with Egypts, work together to implement the Global Development Initiative, jointly advance the construction of major projects, import more quality products from Egypt, and encourage more Chinese companies to invest and do business in Egypt, so as to achieve mutually-beneficial results at a higher level. The two sides agreed that China and Egypt, with profound civilizations, need to continue expanding cultural and people-to-people exchanges, actively encourage exchanges between the think-tanks, youth and media organizations of the two countries, and realize people-to-people connectivity at a deeper level. China appreciates Egypts decision to welcome Chinese tourists. We believe that in the near future, the number of Chinese tourists and flights to Egypt will return to or even surpass the pre-pandemic level. The two sides agreed that China and Egypt, with similar views and positions on regional and international issues, need to coordinate and work more closely together to advance the political settlement of regional hotspot issues, uphold the basic norms in international relations, safeguard the principle of non-interference in other countries internal affairs and protect the common interests of developing countries. During his visit to Egypt, Foreign Minister Qin held talks with Secretary-General of the League of Arab States (LAS) Ahmed Aboul Gheit. The two sides agreed to deliver on the outcomes of the China-Arab States Summit and accelerate the implementation of the eight major cooperation initiatives, so as to bring more benefits to the peoples of both sides. Foreign Minister Qin noted that China firmly supports Arab states in working in solidarity to address security issues in the region, supports the Arab people in exploring their own development paths independently, and supports the LAS in playing a bigger role in promoting peace and stability in the Middle East. Secretary-General Gheit expressed appreciation to China for steadfastly upholding justice in the world, supporting the development of Arab states and the unity of the LAS, and providing invaluable help to Arab countries in the successful fight against COVID-19. He noted that he looks forward to deeper Arab-China cooperation in all areas and that more Chinese citizens are welcome to visit Egypt and other Arab countries for sightseeing or carrying out economic and trade cooperation. During the visit, Foreign Minister Qin pointed out that the Palestinian question is at the heart of the Middle East issue and matters to the regions peace and stability. The heightening Israeli-Palestinian situation is fundamentally caused by the stagnation in Israel-Palestine peace talks and the protracted delay in the implementation of the two-state solution. The international community needs to act with a stronger sense of urgency, keep the Palestinian issue high on the international agenda, push for the resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel, and properly address Jerusalems final status and other issues, so as to bring about the just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue on the basis of the two-state solution at an early date. Major countries with influence need to step up to their responsibility on this. Bloomberg: The World Health Organization has expressed hopes for China to share more detailed information on its coronavirus situation. That was even after China provided the death toll figures over the weekend. What is the foreign ministrys response to this? Wang Wenbin: On January 14, Ma Xiaowei, minister of Chinas National Health Commission (NHC) spoke to WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on the phone to exchange views mainly on the COVID-19 situation in China. The WHO Secretariat and Director-General Tedros spoke highly of the Chinese governments efforts to cope with the COVID-19 epidemic and thanked China for maintaining long-term technical exchanges and sharing epidemiological information and data with WHO. The two sides agreed to continue to strengthen technical exchanges and cooperation on epidemiological response and work together to protect global health security. China attaches great importance to its cooperation and ties with WHO. We actively support the organizations leading coordinating role in the global fight against the pandemic, and maintain close exchange with the WHO Secretariat and Director-General Tedros. China has been sharing information with WHO and other countries since COVID-19 began. We reported the infections to WHO at the earliest opportunity. China is the first country to identify the pathogen and share the genome sequence, and established a technical exchange mechanism with WHO. Over the past month or so alone, the Chinese side has had technical exchanges five times and one phone conversation with WHO. Chinas contribution to the global fight against COVID has been recognized by WHO and widely among the members of the international community. We will continue to support WHOs role in uniting and rallying the international community to fight the pandemic and share information with WHO and the rest of the international community in a timely, open and transparent manner in accordance with the law to jointly tackle the COVID challenge. We hope all sides will view these issues with a science-based and objective attitude and respect and support Chinas COVID response so that we can together make our due contribution to global solidarity against the pandemic. Global Times: A joint statement was released following the recent US-Japan Security Consultative Committee (2+2), in which the two sides shared their continuing concerns regarding Chinas ongoing and accelerating expansion of its nuclear arsenal. Whats Chinas comment? Wang Wenbin: We have noted relevant reports. The US-Japan joint statement contains manipulated and misleading narratives aimed at justifying military build-up by propagating and hyping up the so-called nuclear threat from China. We firmly reject this and have made serious demarches. China is firmly committed to a defensive nuclear strategy. We have honored our pledge to no first use of nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances and unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones. China is the only one among the five nuclear weapon states to have made these pledges. We have always kept our nuclear capabilities at the minimum level required by national security. For any country, as long as they do not use nuclear weapons against China, they have nothing to worry about being threatened by Chinas nuclear weapons. This is the most meaningful transparency a country can provide. In fact, it is the negative developments in the US and Japan regarding nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation that call for vigilance from the international community. The US already has the largest and most advanced nuclear arsenal in the world but still has invested over a trillion dollars to upgrade its nuclear triad. It has been developing low-yield nuclear weapons, lowering the threshold for using nuclear weapons, and forming a Cold-War style bloc by selling nuclear-powered submarines and strengthening the nuclear umbrella. Japan, as a non-nuclear-weapon state party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), is supposed to fulfill its international obligations on non-proliferation. The reality, however, is that Japan has been sitting comfortably under the USs nuclear umbrella and even opposing and obstructing efforts to get the US to relinquish its policy of first use of nuclear weapons. The international community has long questioned and expressed concerns over this. We urge the US and Japan to abandon the Cold-War mentality and bloc confrontation, fulfill their nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation obligations in good faith, and step up to their role in upholding regional and international peace and stability. Reuters: According to a Kyodo news report, China has issued a small number of visas for some diplomatic, public and emergency business travelers. My question is whether there has been any recent changes in this visa policy as this report from Kyodo news suggests? Wang Wenbin: We believe that for all countries, COVID response measures should be science-based and proportionate. They should not affect normal cross-border travel and people-to-people exchange and cooperation, should not be discriminatory, and should not be used as a pretext for political manipulation. We hope that relevant countries will shift to a science-based approach and, in the spirit of mutual respect, lift the discriminatory restrictions against Chinese citizens as soon as possible and work with China towards restoring normal cross-border travel and people-to-people exchange and cooperation. The Paper: According to reports, the Japanese government on January 13 said they will start releasing treated nuclear-contaminated water from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the spring or summer. The National Fisheries Cooperative Federation of Japan once again expressed their opposition in a statement. We also noted that the ROK foreign ministry said the same day that Japan must treat contaminated water safely and in accordance with international laws and standards in an objective and science-based manner. Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: Over the past two years, the international community has strongly questioned and opposed the unilateral, wrong decision of the Japanese government to discharge the nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea, and expressed grave concern over its impact on the marine environment and public health. As a matter of fact, the majority of the Japanese public are also opposed to such irresponsible practice. According to a survey, 55 percent of the Japanese surveyed expressed opposition to the governments plan to release treated contaminated water into the sea. Regrettably, Japan has yet to take seriously and address these concerns. It still hasnt offered full and convincing explanation on issues like the legitimacy of the discharge plan, the reliability of data on the nuclear-contaminated water, the efficacy of the treatment system or the uncertainty of environmental impact. Despite having made three field trips to Japan, the IAEA Task Force is yet to reach a conclusion on the safety of the disposal plan, and has asked for multiple clarifications and improvements from the Japanese side. Even so, Japan has greenlighted its ocean discharge plan and forcibly proceeded with the construction of needed facilities. This is highly irresponsible. We once again urge the Japanese side to take seriously the legitimate concerns of all parties, dispose of the nuclear-contaminated water in a science-based, open, transparent and safe manner, place itself under the strict monitoring of the IAEA and take credible steps to protect the marine environment and the health rights and interests of all those concerned. Japan must not start discharging the nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean before having full consultation with neighboring countries and other stakeholders as well as relevant international agencies. CCTV: According to reports, a Nepalese passenger plane carrying 68 passengers and 4 crew members from Kathmandu to Pokhara crashed and caught fire on Wednesday, local time. So far, no survivors have been found. Will China send condolences to Nepal? Wang Wenbin: This tragic incident is deeply saddening. At this moment of grief, as Nepals close neighbor and long-standing true friend, China offers its thoughts to the people of Nepal. We mourn for the victims of the crash and offer our heartfelt sympathy to the families who have lost loved ones. Reuters: Just a follow-up on my earlier question. I wanted to ask whether China has indeed issued a small number of visas for some diplomatic, public and emergency business travelers since it announced a visa suspension? Wang Wenbin: I have shared Chinas position on this. We reiterate our hope that relevant countries will lift the discriminatory restrictions against China as soon as possible and work with China towards restoring normal cross-border travel and people-to-people exchange and cooperation. Bloomberg: Sri Lankas debt restructuring talks are now at a crucial stage. Can we ask, did Vice Minister Chen Zhou engage in debt talks during his visit to Sri Lanka? Wang Wenbin: As we have learned, Vice Minister Chen Zhou of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee recently led a CPC delegation to Sri Lanka and some other countries. For more on the visit, I refer you to the competent authorities. China has been closely following the difficulties and challenges facing Sri Lanka and providing assistance for its economic and social development to the best of our capabilities. As to Sri Lankas debt to the Chinese side, China supports relevant financial institutions in having consultations with Sri Lanka to seek a proper settlement. China stands ready to work with relevant countries and international financial institutions and continue to play a positive role in helping Sri Lanka navigate the situation, easing its debt burden and helping it achieve sustainable development. In the meantime, we hope and believe that Sri Lanka will work in the same direction and make independent efforts to uphold the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investment and financing partners, and maintain stability and credibility of its investment and financing environment. CCTV: US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held talks in Washington D.C. on January 13 and released a joint statement, which claims that the Indo-Pacific faces growing challenges including from actions inconsistent with the rules-based international order by China. They also stressed the commitment to strengthening the US-Japan alliance and the USs commitment to Japans defense and criticized China on issues relating to the East China Sea and Taiwan. Whats Chinas response? Wang Wenbin: The ugly playbook jointly used by Japan and the US to tarnish Chinas image, interfere in Chinas internal affairs and suppress Chinas development is packed with danger and hypocrisy. We firmly reject it and have conveyed strong demarches. Japans militarist past, marked by devastating wars of aggression and brutal crimes against humanity, brought untold suffering on this region and beyond. Instead of drawing serious lessons from its past, Japan has displayed a dangerous tendency of rearming itself, with sharp rises in its annual defense spending for the 11th year running and constant readjustment of its defense policy aimed at military breakthrough. To justify its aggressive military build-up, Japan has been falsely hyping up regional tensions. It is even seeking to bring NATO into the Asia-Pacific. All of this makes people wonder whether Japan is tearing itself away from post-war peaceful development and fear the growing danger of history repeating itself. Our message for Japan: anyone seeking to jeopardize and risk the security and stability in the Asia-Pacific will be rejected and pushed back by countries across the region. The US preaches the so-called rules-based order, but is second to none when it comes to undermining the international rules and order. From unwarranted invasion of other countries to arbitrary unilateral sanctions, from owing large arrears to the UNs regular budget to deliberately impeding the appointment of new judges to the WTOs Appellate Body, from coercive diplomacy to piecing together exclusionary blocs, from muscle-flexing in the Asia-Pacific by deploying warships and military aircraft to opening Pandoras box on nuclear proliferation, facts prove time and again that the US does not really care about rules or order. It cares about only one thing - the perpetuation of US hegemony. Any existing rule that stands in the way of US interests will be ignored, replaced or even thrown out of the window, even if it was proposed and written by the US itself. It must be pointed out that China will stay firmly committed to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. No country or force can hold back Chinas development. We will do what is necessary to resolutely defend our sovereignty, security and development interests. We call on the US and Japan to step out of the Cold-War mentality, quit the obsession with containing and suppressing China, stop dangerously ramping up military build-up and propagating chaos in the world and return to the right path of peace, friendship and cooperation. ********************************** The 14th Love Knows No Borders international charity sale will open in a virtual format in Beijing on the afternoon of January 17 under the theme of Showered with Love. Foreign Minister Qin Gang, special guest Madame Qian Wei, wife of Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and State Councilor Wang Yi, among others, will attend the event. This year, there will again be online and livestreaming charity sales. You can access the special webpage for the online charity sale by searching for Alibaba digital county Tmall flagship store on Taobao APP. The webpage will be launched officially on January 17 and remain available till February 8. There will be a livestreaming sale in the evening around February 8. Since 2009, the Love Knows No Borders international charity sale has been successfully held for 13 consecutive years, and a host of poverty alleviation and assistance projects have been implemented, covering infrastructure, health, livelihood, medical care, child care and other fields. Over the past 13 years, the focus of the Love Knows No Borders international charity sale has been on poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. The love it gathers from both at home and abroad has yielded fruitful results. This years charity sale will be held under the theme of Showered with Love. The donations will be used on the projects of warmth, installing and upgrading shower facilities for elementary and middle schools in Malipo and Jinping, two counties in Yunnan. You will find an upcoming series of short videos on the official accounts of Love Knows No Borders on media platforms such as Wechat channel, Douyin, Kuaishou and Bilibili. Foreign diplomatic envoys and representatives of international organizations in China will share their experience and stories about being part of the charity sale and promote the culture and products of their countries. We hope you will follow the Love Knows No Borders international charity sale, join the activities and share your love. Tamara Mawhinney, right, chargee d'affaires of Canada to Korea, cuts a cake with Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin during a ceremony commemorating the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries at the Canadian Embassy in Seoul, Jan. 12. Courtesy of Embassy of Canada in Korea By Kwon Mee-yoo On Jan. 14, 1963, Korea and Canada officially established diplomatic relations. In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the ties, the two countries vowed to strengthen their partnership in the Indo-Pacific region during a ceremony held at the Canadian Embassy in Seoul, Jan. 12. Tamara Mawhinney, chargee d'affaires of Canada to Korea, emphasized that the two countries are committed to moving forward together into the future, as represented in the tagline of the anniversary celebration, "Stronger Together." "Sixty years is a significant milestone and we have much to be proud of. In reality, our relationship is even older, grounded in strong historical and people-to-people ties... and this journey goes from Dr. Frank Schofield, who participated in Korea's independence movement and in whose honor this reception hall is named," Mawhinney said during her speech. She noted that Canada and Korea upgraded their bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership, with a broad and comprehensive agenda demonstrating how much the two countries have in common. "This anniversary marks a celebration of the past: we look back with gratitude and pride at our shared history. But it is also a celebration of our optimism and ambition for the future of the Canada-Korea relationship," Mawhinney said. The Canadian chargee d'affaires also mentioned that both countries have recently announced their respective Indo-Pacific strategies and welcomed Korea's perception of Canada in its strategy. "Through this strategy, our mission is to be an active, engaged and reliable partner in the Indo-Pacific and in the North Pacific now, but also long into the future. We want to advance and defend our interests and values by supporting a more secure, prosperous, inclusive and sustainable region. We intend to do so by working more closely with our partners and Korea is very high on that list," she said. "There are important choices every country needs to make in navigating an evolving, often challenging international context. Clearly Canada and Korea are choosing each other as partners and this takes place at the most auspicious and exciting time for Canada and Korea, our 60th anniversary." Tamara Mawhinney, left, chargee d'affaires of Canada to Korea, makes a toast with Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin during a ceremony commemorating the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between two countries at the Canadian Embassy in Seoul, Jan. 12. Courtesy of Ministry of Foreign Affairs China unveils measures to boost development of smaller businesses Xinhua) 11:13, January 16, 2023 BEIJING, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- China has released a document to support the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), detailing specific measures to promote the high-quality development of these firms, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The document, issued by the State Council, contained 15 measures that aim at stabilizing the growth and improving the competitive edge of the MSMEs in the country. Seven of these measures seek to help MSMEs tide over difficulties through policy support, easier financing and demand expansion, among others. In particular, large enterprises and platform institutions are encouraged to release procurement lists targeting MSMEs and carry out cross-border matchmaking activities, in order to create more business opportunities for these enterprises. The document also outlined eight measures to help build up the core competitiveness of smaller businesses. Efforts should be made to enhance talent cultivation, step up direct financing support for quality MSMEs and strengthen the application and protection of intellectual property rights of these firms, the document said. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) A public hearing on ways to resolve the thorny issue of how to compensate victims of Japan's wartime forced labor at the National Assembly in Seoul, Thursday. Korea Times file By Kang Seung-woo Less than a week after South Korea delivered a proposal to resolve a wartime forced labor dispute with Japan, the two sides seem to be on the same page to find a speedy "solution" to the long-running issue that has caused bilateral ties to deteriorate to their lowest level in decades. Seo Min-jeong, director-general of the Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau at Korea's foreign ministry, held working-level talks with her counterpart, Takehiro Funakoshi, in Tokyo for follow-up discussions on finalizing adjustments to Seoul's proposal, and Japan taking sincere steps in response, including offering an apology to surviving South Korean victims of its forced labor during Japan's 1910-45 occupation of Korea. It marked their first face-to-face meeting following the proposal. Last Thursday, the Korean government unveiled a plan at a public hearing to compensate the victims through a public foundation fund rather than pursuing payment from responsible Japanese firms. In separate 2018 rulings, Korea's Supreme Court ordered Japanese companies - Nippon Steel Corp. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries found guilty of exploiting forced labor during World War II to compensate surviving South Korean victims. However, the Japanese government claims that all issues from its 35-year occupation of Korea, including wartime sex slavery, were settled under a 1965 treaty that normalized bilateral relations and provided loans and grants to South Korea. The plan seeks to garner funds from South Korean companies that benefited from the treaty, including Korean steelmaker POSCO, but Seoul also hopes that Japanese companies will eventually contribute to the foundation. A positive sign also came from Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida who vowed to resolve pending issues with Korea swiftly and restore bilateral ties while on a visit in the United States, Friday, according to Kyodo News. In addition, Foreign Minister Park Jin and his Japanese counterpart, Yoshimasa Hayashi, held phone talks, also on Friday, and agreed to restore healthy bilateral relations and develop them further by resolving the pending issue. Amid the positive signs, there is growing speculation that after the official solution is finalized in February, President Yoon Suk Yeol will travel to Japan to hold a summit with Kishida, where they may declare the normalization of bilateral relations. In addition, Japan is expected to invite Yoon to Hiroshima in May, where the Group of Seven summit will take place. Since taking office last May, Yoon has sat down with Kishida twice, in September and November. However, despite the rosy prospects, the victims and supporting civic groups have rejected the plan, calling for Japan's apology and direct involvement by the companies in the compensation process. Therefore, experts suggest that the government should maximize Japan's forward-looking attitude in order to come up with a smooth solution in order not to place itself in hot water again. In 2015, the Park Geun-hye administration signed with the Japanese government a deal to end their dispute over Tokyo's enslavement of Korean women forced into sex slavery at Japanese wartime "comfort stations" from 1932 to 1945. However, the government faced strong complaints from some victims who claimed the agreement was made without their consent. MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Results from a clinical trial in a genetic DNA repair disorder show that a new drug afamelanotide may be able to reduce the development of skin cancers. The trial results are the first showing the potential of afamelanotide, a melanocortin drug under development by CLINUVEL, to protect and treat patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), a rare disorder which causes extreme rates of skin cancers and forces patients to live in the dark. XP patients are known as children of the moon due to their need to avoid any light and sun exposure or risk severe, aggressive skin cancers from an early age, CLINUVELs expert genomic scientist, Dr Jessica Nucci said. Our first clinical trial results demonstrate that afamelanotide in adult XP patients can reduce key markers of light and ultraviolet DNA damage, suggesting we may be able to reduce the risk and frequency of skin cancers in these patients. Xeroderma pigmentosum affects patients ability to repair DNA skin damage following exposure to light, particularly ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The disorder which affects an estimated one in a million individuals leads to a 1,000-fold increase in the risk of skin cancer and, tragically, a life expectancy of around 30 years. Australian biopharmaceutical company CLINUVEL started clinical trials of afamelanotide in XP patients in 2020, aiming to assess whether treatment with the drug could safely reduce the number of photoproducts breakages in the DNA helix known as CPDs as well as showing improvement in other markers of skin damage. Results from the first three XP patients treated showed a reduction in CPDs, particularly at deeper levels of the skin, as well as a decrease in sunburn (under controlled laboratory conditions). Key markers such as p53 and H2AX also showed response to the drug. The expert physicians caring for the XP patients assessed that afamelanotide treatment provided effective systemic photoprotection and was well tolerated. These results are exciting as the findings may be translated to wider populations who are at higher risk of skin cancer due to DNA damage, such as those who are immunosuppressed or with fair skin, blue eyes and fair hair, Dr Nucci said. In the immediate term, we have multiple studies of afamelanotide ongoing which may provide greater evidence of the potential of the drug to assist DNA regeneration in both XP patients and disease-free subjects. Afamelanotide belongs to the family of melanocortins, hormones and their analogues, which are recognised to activate human pigmentation, reduce oxidative damage, inflammation and swelling, and optimise the response of skin cells to UV-induced damage. CLINUVEL is already marketing a controlled-release formulation of afamelanotide known as SCENESSE as the worlds first photoprotective drug for the rare disorder erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP). Further results from the Companys DNA repair program are expected later in 2023. Media enquiries: Monsoon Communications, Mr Rudi Michelson, +61 411 402 737, rudim@monsoon.com.au Note to media: CLINUVEL has released further investor and technical releases on results from the CUV156 study. For more details, go to www.clinuvel.com. About CLINUVEL PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED CLINUVEL (ASX: CUV; ADR LEVEL 1: CLVLY; XETRA-DAX: UR9) is a global specialty pharmaceutical group focused on developing and commercialising treatments for patients with genetic, metabolic, systemic, and life-threatening, acute disorders, as well as healthcare solutions for specialized populations. As pioneers in photomedicine and the family of melanocortin peptides, CLINUVELs research and development has led to innovative treatments for patient populations with a clinical need for systemic photoprotection, assisted DNA repair, repigmentation and acute or life-threatening conditions who lack alternatives. CLINUVELs lead therapy, SCENESSE (afamelanotide 16mg), is approved for commercial distribution in Europe, the USA, Israel and Australia as the worlds first systemic photoprotective drug for the prevention of phototoxicity (anaphylactoid reactions and burns) in adult patients with erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP). Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, CLINUVEL has operations in Europe, Singapore, and the USA. For more information, please go to https://www.clinuvel.com. SCENESSE, PRENUMBRA, NEURACTHEL, and CYACELLE are registered trademarks of CLINUVEL. Head of Investor Relations Mr Malcolm Bull, CLINUVEL PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Investor Enquiries https://www.clinuvel.com/investors/contact-us Forward-Looking Statements This release contains forward-looking statements, which reflect the current beliefs and expectations of CLINUVELs management. Please see the full disclaimer on CLINUVELs website. www.clinuvel.com Level 11, 535 Bourke Street, Melbourne - Victoria, Australia, 3000 T +61 3 9660 4900 F +61 3 9660 4909 PUNE, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- "Furniture Market" research report focus on overall information that can help to take decisions on current market situation. Furniture refers to movable objects intended to support various human activities such as seating (e.g., chairs, stools, and sofas), eating (tables), and sleeping (e.g., beds). Furniture is also used to hold objects at a convenient height for work (as horizontal surfaces above the ground, such as tables and desks), or to store things (e.g., cupboards and shelves). Furniture can be a product of design and is considered a form of decorative art. In addition to furniture's functional role, it can serve a symbolic or religious purpose. It can be made from many materials, including metal, plastic, and wood. Furniture Market Report Contains 2023: - Complete overview of the global Furniture Market Top Country data and analysis for United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia, etc. It also throws light on the progress of key regional Furniture Markets such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East and Africa Description and analysis of Furniture market potential by type, Deep Dive, disruption, application capacity, end use industry impact evaluation of most important drivers and restraints, and dynamics of the global Furniture Market and current trends in the enterprise Detailed profiles of the Top major players in the industry, including. Steelcase,Herman Miller,Haworth,HNI Corporation,Okamura Corporation,Kokuyo,ITOKI,Global Furniture Group,Teknion,Knoll,Kimball International,KI,Kinnarps Holding,Nowy Styl,Ahrend,Henglin Chair Industry,Flokk,Fursys,SUNON,Uchida Yoko,Changjiang Furniture Company,Sedus Stoll,EFG Holding,Aurora,Bene,Quama,Martela,USM Holding,VS,Lanlin,IKEA,Ashley Furniture Industries,Steinhoff,Kimball,Hill-Rom,Stryker Get a Sample Copy of the Report at https://proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/21835972 Furniture Market Segmentation: - Report Overview Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War Influence, the global market for Furniture estimated at US$ 440400 million in the year 2022, is projected to reach a revised size of US$ 560470 million by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 4.1% during the forecast period 2022-2028. The home furniture segment accounts for the largest revenue share due to the evolution of flat-pack and RTA furniture. To cater to the rising demand, the vendors in the market are focusing on manufacturing flat-pack furniture for medium-price segments and solid wood furniture targeted at the high-end market. Report Scope This latest report researches the industry structure, sales, revenue, price and gross margin. Major producers' production locations, market shares, industry ranking and profiles are presented. The primary and secondary research is done in order to access up-to-date government regulations, market information and industry data. Data were collected from the Furniture manufacturers, distributors, end users, industry associations, governments' industry bureaus, industry publications, industry experts, third party database, and our in-house databases. This report also includes a discussion of the major players across each regional Furniture market. Further, it explains the major drivers and regional dynamics of the global Furniture market and current trends within the industry. Inquire or Share Your Questions If Any Before the Purchasing This Report https://proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/pre-order-enquiry/21835972 researchers latest report provides a deep insight into the global Furniture Market covering all its essential aspects. This ranges from a macro overview of the market to micro details of the market size, competitive landscape, development trend, niche market, key market drivers and challenges, SWOT analysis, Porters five forces analysis, value chain analysis, etc. Furniture Market segments help decision-makers direct the product, sales, and marketing strategies, and can power your product development cycles by informing how you make product offerings for different segments. Segment by Type Metal Furniture Plastic Furniture Wood Furniture Furniture Segment by Application Household Office Hospitality & Hotel Education Healthcare Other Market segment by Region/Country including: - North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain, etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Southeast Asia, etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.) Key Players in the Furniture Market: - Steelcase Herman Miller Haworth HNI Corporation Okamura Corporation Kokuyo ITOKI Global Furniture Group Teknion Knoll Kimball International KI Kinnarps Holding Nowy Styl Ahrend Henglin Chair Industry Flokk Fursys SUNON Uchida Yoko Changjiang Furniture Company Sedus Stoll EFG Holding Aurora Bene Quama Martela USM Holding VS Lanlin IKEA Ashley Furniture Industries Steinhoff Kimball Hill-Rom Stryker Get a Sample Copy of the Report at https://proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/21835972 Key Drivers & Barriers High-impact rendering factors and drivers have been studied in this report to aid the readers to understand the general development. Moreover, the report includes restraints and challenges that may act as stumbling blocks on the way of the players. This will assist the users to be attentive and make informed decisions related to business. Specialists have also laid their focus on the upcoming business prospects. COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine War Influence Analysis The readers in the section will understand how the Furniture market scenario changed across the globe during the pandemic, post-pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War. The study is done keeping in view the changes in aspects such as demand, consumption, transportation, consumer behavior, supply chain management, export and import, and production. The industry experts have also highlighted the key factors that will help create opportunities for players and stabilize the overall industry in the years to come. Report Includes: This report presents an overview of global market for Furniture, sales, revenue and price. Analyses of the global market trends, with historic market revenue/sales data for 2017 - 2021, estimates for 2022, and projections of CAGR through 2028. This report researches the key producers of Furniture, also provides the sales of main regions and countries. Highlights of the upcoming market potential for Furniture, and key regions/countries of focus to forecast this market into various segments and sub-segments. Country specific data and market value analysis for the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Germany, the U.K., Italy, Middle East, Africa, and Other Countries. This report focuses on the Furniture sales, revenue, market share and industry ranking of main manufacturers, data from 2017 to 2022. Identification of the major stakeholders in the global Furniture market, and analysis of their competitive landscape and market positioning based on recent developments and segmental revenues. This report will help stakeholders to understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights and position their businesses and market strategies in a better way. This report analyzes the segments data by type and by application, sales, revenue, and price, from 2017 to 2028. Evaluation and forecast the market size for Furniture sales, projected growth trends, production technology, application and end-user industry. Descriptive company profiles of the major global players, including Steelcase, Herman Miller, Haworth, HNI Corporation, Okamura Corporation, Kokuyo, ITOKI, Global Furniture Group and Teknion, etc. Key Benefits of Furniture Market Research Report: Types, applications, regions, and key players covered in the study Industry drivers, restraints, and opportunities covered in the study Recent industry trends and developments Competitive landscape & strategies of key players Historical, current, and projected market size, in terms of value In-depth analysis of the Artificial Intelligence AI Chips Market Sales, price, revenue, market share, and growth rate are covered in the report sales channels, distributors, traders, dealers, etc. are covered in the report Detailed TOC of Global Furniture Industry Research Report, Growth Trends and Competitive Analysis 2022-2028 1 Report Overview 1.1 Research Scope 1.2 Market Segment by Type 1.2.1 Global Furniture Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2017 VS 2021 VS 2028) 1.2.2 Metal Furniture 1.2.3 Plastic Furniture 1.2.4 Wood Furniture 1.3 Market Segment by Application 1.3.1 Global Furniture Market Share by Application (2017 VS 2021 VS 2028) 1.3.2 Household 1.3.3 Office 1.3.4 Hospitality & Hotel 1.3.5 Education 1.3.6 Healthcare 1.3.7 Other 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Market Perspective 2.1 Global Furniture Market Size (2017-2028) 2.1.1 Global Furniture Revenue (2017-2028) 2.1.2 Global Furniture Sales (2017-2028) 2.2 Global Furniture Market Size across Key Geographies Worldwide: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 2.2.1 Global Furniture Sales by Regions (2017-2022) 2.2.2 Global Furniture Revenue by Regions (2017-2022) 2.3 Global Furniture Market Size Forecast by Region 2.3.1 Global Furniture Sales Forecast by Region (2023-2028) 2.3.2 Global Furniture Revenue Forecast by Region (2023-2028) 2.4 Global Top Furniture Regions (Countries) Ranking by Market Size 2.5 Furniture Market Dynamics 2.5.1 Furniture Market Trends 2.5.2 Furniture Market Drivers 2.5.3 Furniture Market Challenges 2.5.4 Furniture Market Restraints Get a Sample Copy of the Report at - https://proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/21835972 1.To study and analyze the global Furnitureconsumption (value) by key regions/countries, product type and application 2.To understand the structure of Furniture Market by identifying its various sub segments. 3.Focuses on the key global Furnituremanufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the value, market share, market competition landscape, Porter's five forces analysis, SWOT analysis and development plans in next few years. 4.To analyze the Furniture with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market. 5.To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks). 6.To project the consumption of Furniture submarkets, with respect to key regions (along with their respective key countries). 7.To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market. 8.To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies. Key Reasons to Purchase To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global Furniture Market and its commercial landscape. Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk. To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the Furniture Market and its impact in the global market. Learn about the Furniture Market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations. To understand the future outlook and prospects for the Furniture Market. Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements Purchase this Report (Price 5600 USD for a Single-User License) https://proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/21835972 Client Focus 1. Does this report consider the impact of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war on the Furniture market? Yes. As the COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war are profoundly affecting the global supply chain relationship and raw material price system, we have definitely taken them into consideration throughout the research, and we elaborate at full length on the impact of the pandemic and the war on the Furniture,Industry. 2. How do you determine the list of the key players included in the report? With the aim of clearly revealing the competitive situation of the industry, we concretely analyze not only the leading enterprises that have a voice on a global scale, but also the regional small and medium-sized companies that play key roles and have plenty of potential growth. Please find the key player list in Summary. 3. What are your main data sources? Both Primary and Secondary data sources are being used while compiling the report. Primary sources include extensive interviews of key opinion leaders and industry experts (such as experienced front-line staff, directors, CEOs, and marketing executives), downstream distributors, as well as end-users. Secondary sources include the research of the annual and financial reports of the top companies, public files, new journals, etc. We also cooperate with some third-party databases. 4. Can I modify the scope of the report and customize it to suit my requirements? Yes. Customized requirements of multi-dimensional, deep-level and high-quality can help our customers precisely grasp market opportunities, effortlessly confront market challenges, properly formulate market strategies and act promptly, thus to win them sufficient time and space for market competition. About Proficient market insights: Proficient market insights is an upscale platform to help key personnel in the business world in strategizing and taking visionary decisions based on facts and figures derived from in-depth market research. We are one of the top report resellers in the market, dedicated to bringing you an ingenious concoction of data parameters. PUNE, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- "Defense Contracting Service Market" research report focus on overall information that can help to take decisions on current market situation. Defense Contracting Service Market Report Contains 2023: - Complete overview of the global Defense Contracting Service Market Top Country data and analysis for United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia, etc. It also throws light on the progress of key regional Defense Contracting Service Markets such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East and Africa Description and analysis of Defense Contracting Service market potential by type, Deep Dive, disruption, application capacity, end use industry impact evaluation of most important drivers and restraints, and dynamics of the global Defense Contracting Service Market and current trends in the enterprise Detailed profiles of the Top major players in the industry, including. Lockheed Martin,Boeing,Raytheon Technologies,General Dynamics,Northrop Grumman,Huntington Ingalls Industries,Humana,Moderna,Regeneron Pharmaceuticals,AeroVironment,BWX Technologies,Textron,CAE,BAE Systems,Leonardo,Norinco Get a Sample Copy of the Report at https://proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/21662206 Defense Contracting Service Market Segmentation: - A defense contractor is a business organization or individual that provides products or services to a military or intelligence department of a government. Products typically include military or civilian aircraft, ships, vehicles, weaponry, and electronic systems, while services can include logistics, technical support and training, communications support, and engineering support in cooperation with the government. Security contractors do not generally provide direct support of military operations. Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, military contractors engaged in direct support of military operations may be legitimate targets of military interrogation. In the United States, defense contracting has taken an increasingly larger role. In 2009, the Department of Defense spent nearly $316 billion on contracts. Contractors have assumed a much larger on-the-ground presence during American conflicts: during the 1991 Gulf War the ratio of uniformed military to contractors was about 50 to 1, while during the first four years of the Iraq War the U.S. hired over 190,000 contractors, surpassing the total American military presence even during the 2007 Iraq surge and 23 times greater than other allied military personnel numbers. In Afghanistan, the presence of almost 100,000 contractors has resulted in a near 1-to-1 ratio with military personnel.The surge in spending on defense services contractors that began in 2001 came to a halt in 2009, leading to the Better Buying Power initiative of 2010. Inquire or Share Your Questions If Any Before the Purchasing This Report https://proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/pre-order-enquiry/21662206 The global market for Defense Contracting Service is estimated to increase from US$ million in 2021 to reach US$ million by 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of % during 2022-2028. Keeping in mind the uncertainties of COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine War, we are continuously tracking and evaluating the direct as well as the indirect influence of the pandemic on different end use sectors. These insights are included in the report as a major market contributor. The APAC Defense Contracting Service market is expected at value of US$ million in 2022 and grow at approximately % CAGR during 2022 and 2028. The United States Defense Contracting Service market is expected at value of US$ million in 2022 and grow at approximately % CAGR during 2022 and 2028. The Europe Defense Contracting Service market is expected at value of US$ million in 2022 and grow at approximately % CAGR during 2022 and 2028. The China Defense Contracting Service market is expected at value of US$ million in 2022 and grow at approximately % CAGR during 2022 and 2028. Global key Defense Contracting Service players cover Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon Technologies, General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman, etc. In terms of revenue, the global largest two companies occupy a share nearly % in 2021. researchers latest report provides a deep insight into the global Defense Contracting Service Market covering all its essential aspects. This ranges from a macro overview of the market to micro details of the market size, competitive landscape, development trend, niche market, key market drivers and challenges, SWOT analysis, Porters five forces analysis, value chain analysis, etc. Defense Contracting Service Market segments help decision-makers direct the product, sales, and marketing strategies, and can power your product development cycles by informing how you make product offerings for different segments. Segmentation by type Modern Weapons Cyber Security Information Technology Robot Technology Smart System Others Segmentation by application Army Navy Air Force Market segment by Region/Country including: - North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain, etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Southeast Asia, etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.) Key Players in the Defense Contracting Service Market: - Lockheed Martin Boeing Raytheon Technologies General Dynamics Northrop Grumman Huntington Ingalls Industries Humana Moderna Regeneron Pharmaceuticals AeroVironment BWX Technologies Textron CAE BAE Systems Leonardo Norinco Get a Sample Copy of the Report at https://proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/21662206 Report Coverage This latest report provides a deep insight into the global Defense Contracting Service market covering all its essential aspects. This ranges from a macro overview of the market to micro details of the market size, competitive landscape, development trend, niche market, key market drivers and challenges, value chain analysis, etc. This report aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the global Defense Contracting Service market, with both quantitative and qualitative data, to help readers understand how the Defense Contracting Service market scenario changed across the globe during the pandemic and Russia-Ukraine War. The base year considered for analyses is 2021, while the market estimates and forecasts are given from 2022 to 2028. The market estimates are provided in terms of revenue in USD millions. Key Benefits of Defense Contracting Service Market Research Report: Types, applications, regions, and key players covered in the study Industry drivers, restraints, and opportunities covered in the study Recent industry trends and developments Competitive landscape & strategies of key players Historical, current, and projected market size, in terms of value In-depth analysis of the Artificial Intelligence AI Chips Market Sales, price, revenue, market share, and growth rate are covered in the report sales channels, distributors, traders, dealers, etc. are covered in the report Detailed TOC of Global Defense Contracting Service Market Growth (Status and Outlook) 2022-2028 1 Scope of the Report 1.1 Market Introduction 1.2 Years Considered 1.3 Research Objectives 1.4 Market Research Methodology 1.5 Research Process and Data Source 1.6 Economic Indicators 1.7 Currency Considered 2 Executive Summary 2.1 World Market Overview 2.1.1 Global Defense Contracting Service Market Size 2017-2028 2.1.2 Defense Contracting Service Market Size CAGR by Region 2017 VS 2022 VS 2028 2.2 Defense Contracting Service Segment by Type 2.2.1 Modern Weapons 2.2.2 Cyber Security 2.2.3 Information Technology 2.2.4 Robot Technology 2.2.5 Smart System 2.2.6 Others 2.3 Defense Contracting Service Market Size by Type 2.3.1 Defense Contracting Service Market Size CAGR by Type (2017 VS 2022 VS 2028) 2.3.2 Global Defense Contracting Service Market Size Market Share by Type (2017-2022) 2.4 Defense Contracting Service Segment by Application 2.4.1 Army 2.4.2 Navy 2.4.3 Air Force 2.5 Defense Contracting Service Market Size by Application 2.5.1 Defense Contracting Service Market Size CAGR by Application (2017 VS 2022 VS 2028) 2.5.2 Global Defense Contracting Service Market Size Market Share by Application (2017-2022) 3 Defense Contracting Service Market Size by Player 3.1 Defense Contracting Service Market Size Market Share by Players 3.1.1 Global Defense Contracting Service Revenue by Players (2020-2022) 3.1.2 Global Defense Contracting Service Revenue Market Share by Players (2020-2022) 3.2 Global Defense Contracting Service Key Players Head office and Products Offered 3.3 Market Concentration Rate Analysis 3.3.1 Competition Landscape Analysis 3.3.2 Concentration Ratio (CR3, CR5 and CR10) & (2020-2022) 3.4 New Products and Potential Entrants 3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Get a Sample Copy of the Report at - https://proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample/21662206 1.To study and analyze the global Defense Contracting Serviceconsumption (value) by key regions/countries, product type and application 2.To understand the structure of Defense Contracting Service Market by identifying its various sub segments. 3.Focuses on the key global Defense Contracting Servicemanufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the value, market share, market competition landscape, Porter's five forces analysis, SWOT analysis and development plans in next few years. 4.To analyze the Defense Contracting Service with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market. 5.To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks). 6.To project the consumption of Defense Contracting Service submarkets, with respect to key regions (along with their respective key countries). 7.To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market. 8.To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies. Key Reasons to Purchase To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global Defense Contracting Service Market and its commercial landscape. Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk. To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the Defense Contracting Service Market and its impact in the global market. Learn about the Defense Contracting Service Market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations. To understand the future outlook and prospects for the Defense Contracting Service Market. Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements Purchase this Report (Price 3660 USD for a Single-User License) https://proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/21662206 Client Focus 1. Does this report consider the impact of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war on the Defense Contracting Service market? Yes. As the COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war are profoundly affecting the global supply chain relationship and raw material price system, we have definitely taken them into consideration throughout the research, and we elaborate at full length on the impact of the pandemic and the war on the Defense Contracting Service,Industry. 2. How do you determine the list of the key players included in the report? With the aim of clearly revealing the competitive situation of the industry, we concretely analyze not only the leading enterprises that have a voice on a global scale, but also the regional small and medium-sized companies that play key roles and have plenty of potential growth. Please find the key player list in Summary. 3. What are your main data sources? Both Primary and Secondary data sources are being used while compiling the report. Primary sources include extensive interviews of key opinion leaders and industry experts (such as experienced front-line staff, directors, CEOs, and marketing executives), downstream distributors, as well as end-users. Secondary sources include the research of the annual and financial reports of the top companies, public files, new journals, etc. We also cooperate with some third-party databases. 4. Can I modify the scope of the report and customize it to suit my requirements? Yes. Customized requirements of multi-dimensional, deep-level and high-quality can help our customers precisely grasp market opportunities, effortlessly confront market challenges, properly formulate market strategies and act promptly, thus to win them sufficient time and space for market competition. About Proficient market insights: Proficient market insights is an upscale platform to help key personnel in the business world in strategizing and taking visionary decisions based on facts and figures derived from in-depth market research. We are one of the top report resellers in the market, dedicated to bringing you an ingenious concoction of data parameters. First lady Kim Keon Hee, left, tours the Qasr Al Watan presidential palace in Abu Dhabi, Jan. 15. Yonhap First lady Kim Keon Hee befriended UAE Deputy Prime Minister Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, known as one of the richest people in the country, during her ongoing visit to Abu Dhabi, officials said Monday. Kim was seated next to Sheikh Mansour during the state luncheon hosted by UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan for President Yoon Suk Yeol at the presidential palace in Abu Dhabi on Sunday, according to the officials. The two exchanged pleasantries, with Sheikh Mansour telling Kim that he plans to visit South Korea soon. The deputy prime minister asked the first lady to recommend places to visit in South Korea, and Kim agreed to do so and to keep in touch, the officials said. The first lady, who is accompanying Yoon on his four-day state visit to the UAE, also met with the UAE president's mother the same day and the two shared their views on various cultural and social issues, according to the presidential office. Fatima bint Mubarak Al Ketbi invited Kim to dinner at the Sea Palace in Abu Dhabi, according to senior presidential secretary for press affairs Kim Eun-hye. VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Solstice Gold Corp. (TSXV: SGC) (Solstice, we, our or the Company) announces the commencement of the Phase 2 drill program at its 100% owned and royalty-free, Red Lake Extension (RLX) project, located in the northwest corner of the prolific Red Lake Gold Camp (the Camp). The 4,000m program (10-12 drill holes) will test two main target areas at an average depth of approximately 200m below surface. These areas are complementary to those drilled in Phase 1 last summer and include targets with more of a structural emphasis or a follow up on historical drilling described below. This winter program includes ice drilling to optimize access to targets. Mike Timmins, Solstice CEO stated, The goal of the Phase 2 program is to drill test several well-developed priority targets at our South Fold area and the Nungesser Lake areas of RLX. In Phase 1, we observed large-scale alteration, encountered low-grade gold in two holes and anomalous gold in several others. This winter we will leverage results from our summer drilling and test targets with more structural bias and some with historical drilling with a further 4,000m. We will continue to leverage our technical edge and explore new extensions of the Camp to realize the potential of the property. Vital Drilling, based in Sudbury has commenced drilling at the South Fold Target Area, a milestone that marks the start of an exciting first half of 2023. For the first time, we have demonstrated that gold is present in this essentially unexplored extension of the Red Lake Greenstone Belt. Using the knowledge gained from our Phase 1 drill program, we look forward to vectoring towards additional targets this winter as weve identified several compelling and significantly sized target areas. To date we have sparsely tested only a 5.6km strike length, a small part of the ~18km of prospective target strike length at RLX. We believe that our RLX project has all the attributes to host gold mineralization in a gold camp that continues to yield new gold discoveries and look forward to results from this winters drill program. stated Solstice Chairman, David Adamson. Project Background: RLX hosts a road-accessible, 18km-long largely unexplored extension of the Red Lake Greenstone Belt (RLGB), located ~27 km north of the community of Red Lake. It lies in the vicinity of a major deep-tapping fault inferred by government geologists and researchers from seismic data1,2. Mapping by the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS)3 has identified a regional scale deformation zone, the Nungesser Shear Zone (NSZ) which parallels the property to the west. In the western part of the RLX project, a distinctive intrusive rock type known as Sanukitoid has also been mapped by government geologists. Such intrusions are derived from deep (mantle) sources and are typically associated with major crustal-scale faults. The Ontario Geological Survey1 has noted from seismic data that, elsewhere in Red Lake, important gold deposits are associated with these deep fluid pathways. We consider the geological and structural setting at RLX to be highly prospective for gold mineralization. Highlights from Phase 1: In 2022, Solstice completed 5,323m of diamond drilling in 11 drill holes. These holes tested a 5.6km corridor in the Central Target area of RLX. This total includes one lost drill hole which was abandoned prior to testing its target. Gold-bearing quartz-sulphide veining was intersected in mafic rock units overlying iron formation in two drill holes. Intensely altered zones (ALT), structurally above the mafic units noted above are associated with an extensive, moderate electro-magnetic (EM) response comprising several biotite-sericite, +/- potassium feldspar flooded intervals (9m-36m core length) which obliterate primary rock types. Gold values to date in these units are low but enrichment in some pathfinder elements (Ag, Pb, Zn) indicate their potential prospectivity. 2022 drill results confirm that the RLX property is underlain by the northern extension of volcanic rocks of the Red Lake Greenstone Belt as documented at the Sidace gold deposit located approximately 12.5 km to the southwest (Evolution Mining 53.3% / Pacton Gold 46.7%). Assay results presented here represent the first reported gold within the RLX volcanic package. For additional information, please refer to our news release Solstice Provides Red Lake Exploration Update and Announces Winter Drilling at RLX dated November 21, 2022. Phase 2 Program: Many large and prospective areas of RLX shown in Figure 1, are best accessed in the winter due to the presence of lake and/or swamp. Winter targets have some of the strongest electro-magnetic (EM) response and structural complexity at RLX. Drilling has commenced at the South Fold target area. Figure 1. RLX property showing new gold and historical (Dome Exploration, 1980) intercepts, completed Solstice drill holes and Phase 2 target areas. Base map is 220-240m (below surface) resistivity slice from 3D EM inversion modeling (Emergo SCI). 9* denotes hole lost due to technical reasons. Target areas include: A mapped fold in the South Fold Target within altered mafic volcanics and iron formation with strong EM response. Folding post-dates regional folding in the area and is associated with large-scale NE-trending faults (Figure 1). Solstice interprets this area to be the northeastern extension of the East Bay Fault (EBF). In the core of the Red Lake camp, the EBF is a fundamental regional structure with associated gold mineralization along much of its length. Follow up of elevated gold and alteration in Phase 1 areas (South Nungesser target) Areas where shallow drilling using small, 18mm diameter core by Dome exploration in 1980 documented elevated gold* (Dome B6 and B7 targets). Additional target areas as shown in Figure 1 guided by observations from current drilling, gold in humus soils and geophysical modeling. *In addition to newly identified gold in volcanic rocks, previous drilling in 1980 by Dome Exploration* reported elevated intrusive-hosted gold in two shallow holes drilled on Nungesser Lake (Figure 1 and 3). One drill hole (B6) reported 0.62g/t gold over 1.5m at 57.3m down hole, plus a separate interval of 0.62g/t over 1.5m at 62.0m. A second drill hole (B7) located approximately 1.8km further east, reported 0.62g/t gold over 1.3m at a down-hole depth of 59m. These areas will be tested in Phase 2. South Fold Target Area This area (Figure 2) is defined by a NE trending fold cut by regional-scale NE-faults. Mapping in this area has identified epidote and carbonate altered mafic volcanic flows and flow breccias with local intercalated exhalite units. These are likely correlated to mafic volcanics in the main RLGB. The area exhibits strong Bi-Pb-Mo and Au-Ag-Sb soil anomalies. EM inversion modeling identifies three main target areas which display increasing conductivity with depth. Drilling in this area is designed to test all three attributes, geological, geochemical, and geophysical. Figure 2. RLX F3 South Fold 3D view of target area (plan view) with interpreted faults sets and selected geological units. EBF is the East Bay fault. Northern Target Area Targets other than the South Fold area are shown in Figure 3. The main limb of the RLX greenstone belt, which occupies the western half of Figure 3, forms a flexure related to extensive F2 faults cut by later F3 faults. Solstice drill hole 22-07, which returned 1.96g/t Au over 1.5m (see news release dated November 21, 2022), lies at the southern end of this area. Four holes are planned to drill test this area. An additional four holes will test remaining targets in the eastern part of Figure 3. These include areas of EM associated with magnetic depletion which are related to a NE-trending F3 fault (Peanut Target), strong EM response with associated magnetic response (NE Target) and previous gold documented by Dome Exploration (B7 Target). Figure 3. RLX Northern targets 3D view (plan) with interpreted faults sets and planned drill holes. *Dome Exploration (1980, Dome) results are reported in Ontario government assessment files. Hole B6 reported 0.62g/t gold over 1.5m at 57.3m down-hole plus a separate interval of 0.62g/t over 1.5m at 62.0m down-hole. Hole B7 reported 0.62g/t gold over 1.3m at 59m down-hole. Dome reported a total of 12 AQ (18mm diameter) drill holes in the area for a total of 1198.3m (average hole length 87m after subtracting overburden). Of these, four were drilled in the wrong direction and two drill holes were sampled but no assays were reported. Remaining holes were sparsely sampled but returned trace gold. Values reported in Dome drill logs were converted from imperial measurement and dwt gold using 1.55 dwt = 1g/t.. 1Lewis, S.O. 2021. Deep tapping seismic structure in the Red Lake district; in Ontario Geological Survey, Resident Geologist Program, Recommendations for Exploration 2020-2021, p.9-13. 2 Calvert, Andrew J. and Cruden, Alexander R. 2004. Seismic evidence for the preservation of the Archean Uchi granite-greenstone belt by crustal-scale extension. Tectonophysics 388 p.135-143 3 Stone, D. and Good D. 1990. Precambrian geology, Nungesser Lake; Ontario Geological Survey, Preliminary Map P.3175, scale 1:50000. About Solstice Gold Corp. Solstice is an exploration company with quality, district-scale gold projects in established mining regions of Canada. Our 194 km2 Red Lake Extension (RLX) and New Frontier projects are located at the northwestern extension of the prolific Red Lake Camp in Ontario and approximately 45 km from the Red Lake Mine Complex owned by Evolution Mining. Our newly formed 322 km2 Atikokan Gold Project is approximately 23km from the Hammond Reef Gold Project owned by Agnico Eagle Mines Limited. The Qaiqtuq Gold Project, located in Nunavut is approximately 26 km from Rankin Inlet in the Meliadine Gold Camp, covers 886 km2 with certain other rights covering an adjacent 683 km2. The project hosts a 10 km2 high-grade gold boulder field, is fully permitted and offers multiple drill-ready targets. An extensive gold and battery metal royalty and property portfolio of over 70 assets was purchased in October 2021. Over $2 million in value and three new royalties have been generated since the acquisition. Solstice is committed to responsible exploration and development in the communities in which we work. For more details on our core properties or the recently acquired royalty and property portfolio, please see visit our website at www.solsticegold.com. David Adamson was a co-award winner for the discovery of Battle North Gold Corporation's Bateman Gold deposit and was instrumental in the acquisition of many of the district properties in the Battle North portfolio during his successful 16 years of exploration in the Red Lake. Sandy Barham, M.Sc., P.Geo., Senior Geologist, is the Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 standards responsible for reviewing and approving the technical disclosures of this news release. Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. On Behalf of Solstice Gold Corp. Mike Timmins, Chief Executive Officer For further information on Solstice Gold Corp., please visit our website at www.solsticegold.com or contact: Phone: (604) 283-7234 info@solsticegold.com Forward-Looking Statements and Additional Cautionary Language This news release contains certain forward-looking statements (FLS) including, but not limited to the targeting of two main areas for Phase 2 drilling at RLX, the inclusion of ice drilling to optimize access to targets, that the geological and structural setting at RLX is highly prospective for gold mineralization, and the testing of specified targets in Phase 2. FLS can often be identified by forward-looking words such as approximate or (~), emerging, goal, plan, intent, estimate, expects, potential, scheduled, may and will or similar words suggesting future outcomes or other expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions, intentions or statements about future events or performance. There is also no guarantee that continued exploration at Solstice exploration projects, all of which are at an early stage of exploration, will lead to the discovery of an economic gold deposit. In respect of the FLS, the Company has made certain assumptions that management believes are reasonable at this time. The assumptions include conditions, including weather, will permit scheduled drilling and that the Company will have sufficient capital to execute its exploration activities. However, there can be no assurance that such assumptions and statements will prove to be accurate and actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from any FLS include, but are not limited to, unforeseen delays related to drilling, the future impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic and government response to such pandemic, the ability of the Company to raise capital, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required TSXV, governmental, environmental or other project approvals, inability to locate source rocks, inflation, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in the development of projects, regulatory approvals, changes in national and local government, legislation, taxation, controls, regulations and political or economic developments, risks and hazards associated with the business of mineral exploration, the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, title to properties and other factors. FLS are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results. Potential shareholders and prospective investors should be aware that these statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those suggested by the FLS. Shareholders are cautioned not to place undue reliance on FLS. By their nature FLS involve numerous assumptions, inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and various future events will not occur. Solstice undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any FLS whether as a result of new information, future events or other such factors which affect this information, except as required by law. Photos accompanying this announcement are available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/62b07ac5-acae-4159-bdac-83e2844ad275 https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/a52879ac-8ee0-4898-9917-cb26b539650d https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/971069ac-e6f6-4d5a-8ee3-e7f11bfa3a4e Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (OTCQB: VSBGF) (CSE: VSBY) (Frankfurt 5VS) (VSBLTY), a leading software provider of security and retail analytics technology, today announced that it will support a vertical advertising solution, based on Intel Smart Edge software, as a system integrator. The solution will be deployed in convenience stores and a family restaurant chain across 25 states. VSBLTY has been selected as a Systems Integrator for Intel Smart Edge and will serve as a key collaborator of integrated components in the Intel Smart Edge portfolio, including Intel Smart Edge Node software and Intel Smart Edge Controller software. Intel Smart Edge is an edge-native distributed computing platform that enables deployment and management of container-based workloads with cloud-like ease, resiliency and security at the edge. Intel Smart Edge runs demanding workloads like AI, media, and software-defined networking functions, powered by pre-validated blueprints and solutions provided by Intel and a robust partner ecosystem. Built on a microservices-based architecturewith optional support and turnkey capabilitiesIntel Smart Edge removes edge-networking barriers for application developers, infrastructure builders and end-users at the network and enterprise edge. In announcing the new collaboration with Intel, VSBLTY Co-founder & CEO Jay Hutton said, This dramatic new solution unleashes the power of the edge to enable contextual addressable digital out of home marketplaces. It will have a major impact on Store-as-a-Medium (SaaM) advertising practices while improving sales for participating retailers. The vertical advertising solution, powered by Intel Smart Edge, runs over the top of a premises edge server, enabling multiple secure workloads to run simultaneously in real-time, eliminating network latency that has plagued early attempts at real-time media networks. Intel Smart Edge software is designed to enable retail SaaM efforts by acting as a middle layer between a traditional digital out of home CMS system and programmatic ad tech demand, establishing a contextual ad marketplace. VSBLTY has integrated its OpenVINO toolkit-optimized VisionCaptor and DataCaptor products into the Intel Smart Edge context engine, which allows for the real-time processing of anonymized customer context in-store and the immediate injection of that audience context into the Open RTB bid stream. VSBLTY will deploy the solution using publisher technology from Perpetual Media and their demand partners, with Wireless Guardian, to stand up retail media networks in Mountain Express Oil convenience stores and travel centers, reaching 19 states and up to 750 leading quick service family restaurants in 25 states, respectively. When these two networks are rolled out, VSBLTY expects to represent more than 200M programmatic impressions per month in total. VSBLTY technology provides enhanced customer engagement and audience metrics using machine learning and computer vision. Its industry leading VisionCaptor and DataCaptor software combine motion graphics and interactive brand messaging with cutting-edge computer vision insights. Investor Relations CHF Capital Markets Cathy Hume, CEO, +1-416-868-1079, x251 cathy@chfir.com Harbor Access Jonathan Paterson, 475-477-9401 Jonathan.Paterson@Harbor-Access.com Graham Farrell, +1-416-842-9003 Graham.Farrell@Harbor - Access.com CONTACT: Linda Rosanio, 609-472-0877 lrosanio@vsblty.net About VSBLTY (http://vsblty.net/) Headquartered in Philadelphia, VSBLTY (OTCQB: VSBGF) (CSE: VSBY) (Frankfurt: 5VS) (OTC: VSBGF) (VSBLTY) is the world leader in Proactive Digital Display, which transforms retail and public spaces as well as place-based media networks with SaaS-based audience measurement and security software that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning. Its proprietary technology effectively integrates with other digital retail solutions, including QR codes and mobile applications. The firm is also recognized for its leadership role in the growing Store as a Medium movement that enables brands to reach customers when and where buying decisions are being made while producing a new revenue stream for retailers. Dublin, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Europe Tractor Market - Industry Analysis & Forecast 2023-2028" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The Europe tractor market size witnessed shipments of 158,231 units in 2022, which is expected to reach 200,449 units by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 4.02% during the forecast period. Market Trends and Opportunities Increasing Use of Bioenergy in Tractors Conventionally, farmers used diesel engine tractors known for their high power. Tractors are now more efficient and can complete tasks with fewer power requirements due to advances in machine technologies, fuel, and engines. The volatility in diesel prices hampers the budget management of farmers. Farm-produced bio-based energy can already be used to power several new, cutting-edge models of agricultural machinery. Technological Advance in Tractor Technology A new frontier of innovation emerged as agriculture met digital technology, opening various paths to a smart agricultural future in the Europe tractor market. Tractor manufacturers are competitive, and companies constantly strive to innovate and ensure product differentiation at affordable prices. State-of-the-art technology-based tractors are currently available in the market. GPS and remote sensing make farming more accurate and productive. Industry Restraints Lack of Awareness of the Latest Agricultural Equipment Innovations There are many innovations and advances in the agricultural sector and agriculture tractors and machinery. Agriculture scientists develop ways to increase yield using innovative and efficient machinery. Implementing modern equipment and systems and adopting advanced scientific methods such as artificial intelligence help farmers make better decisions. The number of farmers unaware of the latest innovations in agriculture technologies and equipment is very high in Europe. This is mainly due to limited awareness and information among the farming community. The resistance from farmers to change and update their farming practices is another reason for the low adoption of the latest agricultural machinery. Such factors are expected to hamper the growth of the Europe tractor market during the forecast period. Competitive Landscape John Deere and New Holland dominated the Europe agriculture tractor market with a collective industry share of over 25% in 2022. The threat of rivalry is high in the Europe tractor market since more than 40% of the share is held by the top five players. In March 2022, John Deere launched the new electric variable transmission (EVT) for select 8 Series Tractors and a new JD14X engine for 9 Series. Massey Ferguson launched the MF 6S series tractors in February 2022. This machine provides up to 180 HP with advanced technology. Massey Ferguson launched the MF 8S series tractors in July 2020. A guard-u install engine and a neo-retro design distinguish this series of tractors. These tractors are designed to advance smart farming technologies. In March 2021, CNH Industrial partnered with Monarch Tractors, a US-based agri-technology company, to improve long-term sustainability and raise awareness of the importance of zero-emission agriculture among farmers. Key Vendors John Deere CNH Industrial AGCO Kubota Other Prominent Vendors Zetor Mahindra & Mahindra Escorts JCB Foton Motor MTW Holdings SDF Arbos Group Yanmar Key QuestionsAnswered: 1. How big is the Europe tractor market? 2. What is the growth rate of the Europe Tractor Market? 3. What are the expected units sold in the Europe tractor market by 2028? 4. Who are the key players in the Europe tractor market? 5. Which wheel drive holds the highest Europe tractor market share? 6. Which country dominates the Europe tractor market? Report Attribute Details No. of Pages 179 Forecast Period 2022 - 2028 Estimated Market Value in 2022 158231 Units Forecasted Market Value by 2028 200449 Units Compound Annual Growth Rate 4.0% Regions Covered Europe Key Topics Covered: 1 Research Methodology 2 Research Objectives 3 Research Process 4 Scope & Coverage 4.1 Market Definition 4.1.1 Inclusions 4.1.2 Exclusions 4.1.3 Market Estimation Caveats 4.2 Base Year 4.3 Scope of the Study 5 Report Assumptions & Caveats 5.1 Key Caveats 5.2 Currency Conversion 5.3 Market Derivation 6 Market at a Glance 7 Premium Insights 8 Introduction 8.1 Overview 8.2 Value Chain Analysis 8.2.1 Overview 8.2.2 Raw Material & Component Suppliers 8.2.3 Manufacturers 8.2.4 Dealers/Distributors 8.2.5 Retailers 8.2.6 End-Users 8.3 Common Agricultural Policy & Eu Agricultural Expenditure 8.4 Increasing Adoption of Precision Farming 8.5 Technological Advances 9 Market Opportunities & Trends 9.1 Technological Advances in Tractor Technology 9.1.1 Gps Technology 9.1.2 High Demand for Autonomous or Self-Driving Tractors 9.2 Shortage of Agricultural Laborers 9.3 Increasing Use of Bioenergy in Agricultural Machinery 10 Market Growth Enablers 10.1 Assistance to Farmers Through Loans & Subsidies 10.2 Strong Agricultural Commodity Prices Support Market 10.3 Growing Food Consumption & Export of Organic Products 11 Market Growth Restraints 11.1 Lack of Awareness of Latest Agricultural Equipment Innovations 11.1.1 Lack of Education Among Farmers 11.2 High Demand for Used & Rental Tractors 11.3 Climate Change Adversely Impacting Agricultural Activities 12 Market Landscape 12.1 Market Overview 12.2 Market Size & Forecast 12.3 Five Forces Analysis 12.3.1 Threat of New Entrants 12.3.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 12.3.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers 12.3.4 Threat of Substitutes 12.3.5 Competitive Rivalry 13 by Horsepower 13.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine 13.2 Market Overview 13.3 Less Than 50 Hp 13.3.1 Market Overview 13.3.2 Market Size & Forecast 13.3.3 Market by Geography 13.4 50 Hp-100 Hp 13.4.1 Market Overview 13.4.2 Market Size & Forecast 13.4.3 Market by Geography 13.5 Above 100 Hp 13.5.1 Market Overview 13.5.2 Market Size & Forecast 13.5.3 Market by Geography 14 by Wheel-Drive 14.1 Market Snapshot & Growth Engine 14.2 Market Overview 14.3 2-Wheel-Drive 14.3.1 Market Overview 14.3.2 Market Size & Forecast 14.3.3 Market by Geography 14.4 4-Wheel-Drive 14.4.1 Market Overview 14.4.2 Market Size & Forecast 14.4.3 Market by Geography 15 Geography 16 Competitive Landscape 16.1 Competition Overview 17 Key Company Profiles 18 Other Prominent Vendors 19 Report Summary 19.1 Key Takeaways 19.2 Strategic Recommendations 20 Quantitative Summary 21 Appendix For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/1tnjiy Attachment Dublin, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global Biostimulants Market by Active Ingredient (Humic Substances, Amino Acids, Seaweed Extracts, and Microbial Amendments), Mode of Application (Foliar, Soil Treatment, and Seed Treatment), Form (Liquid and Dry), Crop Type and Region - Forecast to 2027" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The global biostimulants market is estimated to be valued at USD 3.5 billion in 2022. It is projected to reach USD 6.2 billion by 2027, recording a CAGR of 11.8 % during the forecast period. Conventional farming has been heavily criticized for causing biodiversity loss, soil erosion, and increased water pollution due to the rampant usage of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Organic farming is widely considered a far more sustainable alternative when it comes to food production. The lack of pesticides and a wider variety of plants enhances biodiversity, improves soil quality, and reduces fertilizer or pesticide run-off pollution. Some major adopters of organic farming include Australia, Argentina, China, and Spain. To produce organic food products, different methods are adopted selection of pest-resistant varieties, suitable rotations, green manure, balanced fertilization, usage of humic-based biostimulants, early planting, mulching, cultural, mechanical & biological control measures, and disturbance in pest life cycles is the basis of pest management programs, which is used in organic farming. Biostimulants find an important usage in organic agriculture revolution. Key players in the biostimulants market include BASF SE (Germany), UPL (India), Valagro S.p.A (Italy), Gowan Group (US), FMC Corporation (US), ILSA S.p.A (Italy), Rallis India Limited (India), Haifa Group (Israel), Adama Ltd. (Israel), Biovert-Manvert (Spain), Koppert (Netherlands), Trade Corporation International (Spain), and AgriTecno (Spain). Europe is estimated to account for the largest share in 2021 with a CAGR of 11.5% According to the European Environment Agency, the agricultural sector occupies a significant share of the land in Europe. Small farms characterize Europe with intensified farming systems and the cultivation of various crops. The strong agricultural sector of the region makes it one of the leading consumers of biostimulants. The key players in the European biostimulants market include BASF SE (Germany), Valagro S.p.A. (Italy), Biovert S.L (Spain), Koppert Biological Systems (Netherlands), Tradecorp International (Spain), and AgriTecno (Spain). The European markets have a basic or minimal regulatory framework for biostimulant products. Due to this, numerous start-ups are emerging in the market, especially in Spain and Italy. However, according to a primary insight, the region will soon establish a proper regulatory framework to ensure the best products are provided in the markets. Asia Pacific is projected to witness a growth of 12.5% during the forecast period The agriculture industry in Asia, particularly in Southeast Asian countries, has witnessed effective transformation due to various technological advancements. This has resulted in the adoption of intensive agricultural practices and has led to a decrease in the soil's nutrient levels. To revitalize the soil, the use of inoculants and biostimulants has been recommended by the agricultural authorities in various countries of Asia. Biostimulants enhance the physiological activities of the seed for early emergence and optimum crop development at later stages under various climatic and agronomic conditions in the region. Biostimulants are being used to improve the yield and quality of fruits and vegetables The steady growth of the production of fruits & vegetables is expected to strengthen the demand for biostimulants. In a COVID-19 scenario, agrarian economies, such as India, Bangladesh, and Vietnam, where agriculture accounts for about 12-16% of GDP, have been affected the most. The agricultural commodity markets were stressed by the lag between the trading and physical delivery prices of agricultural produce. To mitigate the risks to agriculture, the governments have launched relief schemes and packages for the benefit of small farmers. With the reopening of many global markets, the sector is rapidly resuming production. Market Dynamics Drivers Increasing Need for Sustainable Agriculture Table 6 Sustainability Investments by Key Agriculture Companies Easy Availability of Seaweed as Raw Materials Strong Demand for High-Value Crops Restraints Commercialization of Low-Quality Biostimulant Products Opportunities Technological Advancements in the Production of Biostimulants Significant Developments in Seed Treatment Challenges Uncertainty in Global Biostimulant Regulatory Framework Leading players profiled in this report: BASF SE (Germany) UPL (India) Valagro S.p.A (Italy) Gowan Group (US) FMC Corporation (US) ILSA S.p.A (Italy) Rallis India Limited (India) Haifa Group (Israel) Adama Ltd. (Israel) Biovert S.L (Spain) Koppert Biological Systems (Netherlands) Tradecorp International (Spain) AgriTecno (Spain) Axeb Biotech SL (Spain) MAFA Bioscience, S.A. (Spain) LawrieCo (Australia) Devi Cropscience (India) Bioflora(US) AgriCen (US) Omnia Specialties Pty (Australia) Kelp Products International (South Africa) Afrikelp (South Africa) AminoCore (Germany) Aphea.Bio (Belgium) South Agro (Italy) Report Attribute Details No. of Pages 287 Forecast Period 2022 - 2027 Estimated Market Value (USD) in 2022 $3.5 Billion Forecasted Market Value (USD) by 2027 $6.2 Billion Compound Annual Growth Rate 11.8% Regions Covered Global Key Topics Covered: 1 Introduction 2 Research Methodology 3 Executive Summary 4 Premium Insights 5 Market Overview 6 Industry Trends 7 Biostimulants Market, by Active Ingredient 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Humic Substances 7.3 Seaweed Extracts 7.4 Amino Acids 7.5 Microbial Amendments 7.6 Other Active Ingredients 8 Biostimulants Market, by Mode of Application 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Seed Treatment 8.3 Soil Treatment 8.4 Foliar Spray 9 Biostimulants Market, by Formulation 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Liquid 9.3 Dry 10 Biostimulants Market, by Crop Type 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Cereals & Grains 10.3 Oilseeds & Pulses 10.4 Fruits & Vegetables 11 Biostimulants Market, by Region 12 Competitive Landscape 13 Company Profiles 14 Adjacent & Related Markets 15 Appendix For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/75v4i0 About ResearchAndMarkets.com ResearchAndMarkets.com is the world's leading source for international market research reports and market data. We provide you with the latest data on international and regional markets, key industries, the top companies, new products and the latest trends. Attachment Pune, India, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global anti-money laundering software market size was valued at USD 1.65 billion in 2021 and USD 1.82 billion in 2022. The market is expected to reach USD 4.31 billion by 2029 with a CAGR of 13.0% during the forecast period. Increasing importance of monitoring of transactions amongst consumers is expected to propel market growth. Intensifying focus of financial institutions on digital payments and related issues is anticipated to fuel market development. The growing adoption of real-time transaction monitoring and RegTech automation is propelling the growth of the market. Fortune Business Insights shares this information in its report titled Anti-Money Laundering Software Market Forecast, 2023-2029. Request a Sample Copy of the Report: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/anti-money-laundering-software-market-107106 Key Industry Development November 2022: Sanction Scanner collaborated with Coinfirm for the implementation of compliance knowledge and traditional finance ecosystems. This partnership will ensure the customers can scan and monitor transactions mediated by their companies both for crypto assets and sanctioned money. Report Scope & Segmentation Report Coverage Details Forecast Period 2022 to 2029 Forecast Period 2022 to 2029 CAGR 13.0% 2029 Value Projection USD 4.31 Billion Base Year 2021 Anti-Money Laundering Software Market Size in 2021 USD 1.65 Billion Historical Data for 2018 to 2020 No. of Pages 135 Segments covered Type, Enterprise Type, Deployment, End-user and Geography Key Takeaways Emerging trends in anti-money laundering software include big data analytics, integrated software and cloud-based solutions. Anti-Money Laundering Software is in huge demand in corporations to Identify fraudulent activities and prevent cyberattacks. Cloud-based solutions segment holds a significant share in the global market. Anti-money laundering software market size in North America was USD 0.66 Billion in 2021 Drivers and Restraints Adoption of Big Data Analytics to Propel Market Growth Adoption of Big Data analytics in anti-money laundering solutions is projected to drive the anti-money laundering software market growth. There has been an increasing adoption of Big Data analytics, which helps organizations to analyze the businesses to determine the patterns and valuable insights. Using data analytics is set to create the market growth for such solutions. Big Data is also an essential tool for AML compliance as it helps in the personalization and automation of AML compliance processes. However, high costs and operational processes related with the service to impede the market expansion. Browse Complete Report Details: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/anti-money-laundering-software-market-107106 Segments Integrated Software to Govern the Segment as it Combines Various Software Based on type, the market is bifurcated into integrated and standalone. Integrated segment is estimated to have the maximum share in the segment as it combines various solutions such as audit management, anti-money laundering software, and regulatory change management. Large Enterprise to be Prime Part Due to Increasing Demand for API According to enterprise type, the market is divided into large enterprise and small & medium-sized enterprises. Large enterprise segment is expected to hold the largest part in the segment due to increasing demand for API deployment for improvement and agility and also to avoid risks. Cloud to Lead the Segment Due to its Increased Efficiency According to deployment, the market is divided into cloud and on-premise. Cloud-based model is set to have a majority part due to increased efficiency and low costs of development of an IT infrastructure. Banks and Neobanks to be the Leading Segment Due to High Adoption On the basis of end-user, the market is divided into bank and neobanks, insurance, investment, crypto, and others. Bank and neobanks segment held the majority share in the year 2021 due to high adoption in the identification of the risks and fulfilling AML obligations. Regional Insights North America to Dictate Market Share Owing to High Number of End-users North America is expected to hold majority part in the anti-money laundering software market share owing to technological innovations and high number of end-users. The market in the region reached the valuation of USD 0.66 billion in 2021 due to increase in the adoption rate of growth strategies of market players. Europe is projected to show important progression due to the adoption of new technologies and strict data privacy laws such as AMLA, AMLD6, and AMLR. Asia Pacific is anticipated to show steady growth due to developments in digitization and in banking solutions. Such developments are being adopted in Thailand and India. Competitive Landscape Collaboration Strategies by Key Market Players to Drive Market Development Key players in the market are focusing on expanding their presence by mergers and acquisition strategies, which is set to create the demand for anti-money laundering software. In June 2022, Trust Payments collaborated with Feedzai. The collaboration aims to add cloud-based risk management solutions, which are integrated with machine learning and AI for the customers of Trust Payments. Key players in the market have been collaborating with other players to assist their businesses and expand their customer base. Have Any Query? Ask Our Experts: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/speak-to-analyst/anti-money-laundering-software-market-107106 List of Key Players Profiled in the Report Oracle (U.S.) ACI Worldwide (U.S.) Eastnets (U.S.) AML Partners. (U.S) Alessa (U.S) Acuant, Inc. (U.S.) Feedzai (Portugal) SAS Institute Inc. (U.S.) Ondato (U.K.) Sanction Scanner (U.K.) Major Table of Contents: Global Anti-Money Laundering Software Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, By Segments, 2018-2029 Key Findings By Type (USD) Standalone Integrated By Enterprise Type (USD) SMEs Large Enterprise By Deployment (USD) On-premise Cloud By End-user (USD) Banks and Neobank Investment Insurance Investment Crypto Others (Healthcare, Government, etc.) By Region (USD) North America South America Europe Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific North America Anti-Money Laundering Software Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, By Segments, 2018-2029 Key Findings By Type (USD) Standalone Integrated By Enterprise Type (USD) SMEs Large Enterprise By Deployment (USD) On-premise Cloud By End-user (USD) Banks and Neobank Investment Insurance Investment Crypto Others (Healthcare, Government, etc.) By Country (USD) United States Canada Mexico Europe Anti-Money Laundering Software Market Size Estimates and Forecasts, By Segments, 2018-2029 Key Findings By Type (USD) Standalone Integrated By Enterprise Type (USD) SMEs Large Enterprise By Deployment (USD) On-premise Cloud By End-user (USD) Banks and Neobank Investment Insurance Investment Crypto Others (Healthcare, Government, etc.) By Country (USD) United Kingdom Germany France Italy Spain Russia Benelux Nordics Rest of Europe TOC Continued! FAQs How big is the Anti-Money Laundering Software Market? Anti-money laundering software market size was USD 1.65 Billion in 2021. How fast is the anti-money laundering software market growing? The anti-money laundering software market will exhibit a CAGR of 13.0% during the forecast period, 2022-2029 Related Reports: Fraud Detection and Prevention Market Size, Share, Revenue Forecast and Opportunities Payment Security Market Overview, Industry Share and Forecast Identity Theft Protection Services Market Size, Share, Opportunities & Analysis Cryptocurrency Market Analysis, Global Size and Industry Share Forecast Identity and Access Management Market Size, Share, Revenue Forecast and Opportunities About Us: Fortune Business Insights offers expert corporate analysis and accurate data, helping organizations of all sizes make timely decisions. We tailor innovative solutions for our clients, assisting them to address challenges distinct to their businesses. Our goal is to empower our clients with holistic market intelligence, giving a granular overview of the market they are operating in. Contact Us: Fortune Business Insights Pvt. Ltd. US: +1 424 253 0390 UK: +44 2071 939123 APAC: +91 744 740 1245 ORLANDO, Fla., Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Loyal Source Government Services , one of the nations leading healthcare solutions providers, today announces the opening of its first Medical Disability Examination (MDE) clinics, supporting Veterans across the Western U.S. As part of the Compensation and Pension Program, MDEs are required by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for Veterans claiming a disability related to their military service. Loyal Sources 21 new brick-and-mortar clinics will provide Veterans with exceptional care with a client-centric focus. Clinic locations include Arizona (2), California (9), Hawaii (1), Idaho (1), Nevada (1), New Mexico (1), Oregon (2), Utah (1), and Washington (3). Loyal Source is providing a network of providers and specialists at each of the clinic locations and throughout the region including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, psychologists, and audiologists. All clinics will include a support staff of office managers, administrative personnel, certified nursing assistants, and medical assistants. Providing high quality healthcare to our Veterans through accessible leading-edge clinics is an honor and Loyal Source is ready to continue to provide elite services to our Veterans through the MDE contract. said Brian Moore, CEO of Loyal Source. Quality healthcare is essential, and our goal is to provide high quality medical exams to our Veterans. By partnering with the VA and being awarded this MDE contract, were able to extend our reach to Veterans and offer our countrys heroes the best possible care. Earlier this year, Loyal Source announced it had been awarded the MDE contract by the VA, Veterans Benefits Administration. The total contract value awarded was $6.8B across all four regions of the United States. A total of $2B has already been awarded. Loyal Source was added to the agreement in June and can perform until September 30, 2028, upon contract completion. Since its inception, Loyal Source has proudly served military members, Veterans, and their families by providing superior medical, counseling, and training services focused on improved physical and behavioral health outcomes. For more information on MDE partnership and career opportunities, visit www.loyalsource.com/mde . For more information on Loyal Source, visit www.loyalsource.com . About Loyal Source Loyal Source is an Orlando-based workforce solutions provider dedicated to delivering elite services worldwide. With a focus on government healthcare, technical and support services, engineering, and travel healthcare, Loyal Source provides exceptional custom solutions to both private enterprise and government agencies. For more information about Loyal Source, visit www.loyalsource.com . Pune, India, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global flywheel energy storage market size was valued at USD 297.6 million in 2021 and USD 316.8 million in 2022. The market is expected to reach USD 551.9 million by 2029 with a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period. The rising transition toward renewable energy sources is expected to propel the market course in a growing direction. Growing demand for electricity for energy storage installation is expected to facilitate market development. Fortune Business Insights shares this information in its report titled Flywheel Energy Storage Market, 2022-2029. Key Industry Development: July 2022- Active Power partnered with Central Power to bring POWERHOUSE power outage demonstrations live and Central Power standby generators. The POWERHOUSE has the companys flagship CLEANSOURCE PLUS MMS 1.33MW UPS with automatic transfer Request a Sample Copy of the Research Report: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/sample/flywheel-energy-storage-market-100756 Report Scope: Report Coverage Details Forecast Period 2022-2029 Forecast Period 2022 to 2029 CAGR 8.3% 2029 Value Projection USD 551.9 Million Base Year 2021 Market Size in 2021 USD 297.6 Million Historical Data for 2018-2020 No. of Pages 137 Segments covered Flywheel Energy Storage Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Application (Uninterrupted Power Supply, Distributed Energy Generation, Transport, Data Centers, and Others) And Regional Growth Drivers Rising Demand for Electricity to Drive Market Development Increase in the Geographical Presence by Key Players to Improve Market Growth Drivers and Restraints: Growing demand for electricity demand has propelled the demand for energy storage, which is anticipated to drive the flywheel energy storage market growth. Energy Storage Systems (ESS) have the ability to balance supply and demand for electrical energy. The energy demand continues to increase across various developing countries, such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, which have increased energy prices. Increasing production capacity for environment-friendly storage systems is expected to boost market growth. However, lower energy density and high component costs are expected to impede market growth. COVID-19 Impacts: Delay in Various Projects During Pandemic Affected Market Progress The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the market negatively as various projects were delayed. Major renewable and fossil-based energy-producing countries such as China and the U.S. took stern actions, which led to impeding the market growth. The imposition of lockdown and travel bans caused delay in several planned projects across the energy storage industry. To get to know more about the short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on this market, please visit: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/industry-reports/flywheel-energy-storage-market-100756 Report Coverage: The report provides a detailed analysis of the top segments and the latest trends in the market. It comprehensively discusses the driving and restraining factors and the impact of COVID-19 on the market. Additionally, it examines the regional developments and the strategies undertaken by the market's key players. Segmentation: UPS to Lead the Segment Due to Increasing Demand for Uninterrupted Energy On the basis of application, the market is divided into Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS), distributed energy generation, transport, data centers, and others. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) segment is anticipated to lead due as the demand for continuous and uninterrupted energy is rapidly increasing across the globe. The distributed energy generation segment is set to increase owing to faster power backup. Regional Insights: Asia Pacific to Lead Market Share Due to Demand for Uninterrupted Electricity Asia Pacific is expected to lead the flywheel energy storage market share due to rising demand for uninterrupted electricity. Countries such as China, South Korea, Japan, India, and the Philippines have been adopting technology for flywheel energy storage due to high efficiency and long service life advantage. North America is set to be the one of the most lucrative markets. The U.S. accounted for majority of installed capacity in the region and Canada has been working on enhancing the storage capacity for flywheel. Europe is set to grow owing to the transition toward renewable energy to achieve carbon-neutral status. It is one of the preferred technologies due to its environment-friendly nature and strong power capacity. Latin America is set to have foreseeable growth due to transition in energy. Countries have been rapidly transitioning from traditional sources of energy such as hydroelectricity and crude oils to a diverse energy mix, including various cleaner fuels. Quick Buy - Flywheel Energy Storage Market Research Report: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/checkout-page/100756 Competitive Landscape: The global market has various small and large players. They have been operating on local, regional, and international footholds and emphasizing enhancing their global position. In November 2021, Active Power added markets and geographies with new flywheel energy storage installations, as it is helping industries transition to net-zero operations. Such development by the company is set to push its presence geographically. A List of Key Manufacturers Operating in the Global Market: Active Power Amber Kinetics, Inc Beacon Power, LLC Calnetix Technologies, LLC Piller Group GmbH Powerthru VYCON, Inc Stornetic GmbH Energiestro Oxto Energy Revterra Adaptive Balancing Power GmbH Flywheel Energy Storage Market Segmentation: By Application: Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) Distributed Energy Generation Data Centers Transport Others Have Any Query? Ask Our Experts: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/speak-to-analyst/flywheel-energy-storage-market-100756 Table of Content: 1. Introduction 1.1. Research Scope 1.2. Market Segmentation 1.3. Research Methodology 1.4. Definitions and Assumptions 2. Executive Summary 3. Market Dynamics 3.1. Market Drivers 3.2. Market Restraints 3.3. Market Opportunities 4. Key Insights 4.1. Key Emerging Trends 4.2. Latest Technological Advancement 4.3. Regulatory Landscape 4.4. Porters Five Forces Analysis 4.5. Impact of COVID-19 on the Flywheel Energy Storage Market 5. Global Flywheel Energy Storage Market Analysis (USD Million), Insights and Forecast, 2018-2029 5.1. Key Findings / Summary 5.2. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast By Application 5.2.1. Uninterrupted Power Supply 5.2.2. Distributed Energy Generation 5.2.3. Transport 5.2.4. Data Centers 5.2.5. Others 5.3. Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast By Region 5.3.1.North America 5.3.2.Europe 5.3.3.Asia Pacific 5.3.4.Latin America 5.3.5.Middle East & Africa Continued Get your Customized Research Report: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/customization/flywheel-energy-storage-market-100756 About Us: Fortune Business Insights offers expert corporate analysis and accurate data, helping organizations of all sizes make timely decisions. We tailor innovative solutions for our clients, assisting them address challenges distinct to their businesses. Our goal is to empower our clients with holistic market intelligence, giving a granular overview of the market they are operating in. Contact Us: Fortune Business Insights Pvt. Ltd. US: +1 424 253 0390 UK: +44 2071 939123 APAC: +91 744 740 1245 San Francisco, California, USA, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Last month, US Capital Global Securities LLC launched an investment opportunity of up to $250 million in InnoCom Bio Equities, Inc. (InnoCom or the Company). Headquartered in San Francisco, InnoCom focuses on bringing equity and early commercialization to innovative best-in-class life science ventures. On December 21, Jack E. Doty, the CEO of InnoCom, presented at the Health 2.0 Conference in Las Vegas, participating on a panel entitled Lessons Learned from the Pandemic: Leading in a Time of Crisis. The event was also attended by Pankaj Vashisth, Senior Vice President at US Capital Global Securities. A premier event for the global healthcare community, the Health 2.0 Conference deliberates on ways to boost the global healthcare ecosystem by bringing the brightest minds in healthcare and wellness under one roof. At an exclusive recognition session at the Conference, Mr. Doty was presented with an award for pushing the frontiers of innovation in healthcare. The Health 2.0 Conference Awards seek to recognize the smartest minds in the industry. They are intended to honor a few such luminaries who have made impactful contributions and have been leading change in the healthcare sector. I am delighted that Jack Doty and InnoCom have been so well received at the Health 2.0 Conference, said Charles Towle, CEO at US Capital Global Securities. InnoCom is looking to raise $250 million in equity to fund the pre-clinical, phase I, and phase II clinical trials of its portfolio companies, as well as funds to take these companies to market or to Big Pharma for licensing purposes. If you are interested in InnoCom, a rapidly expanding enterprise that is pushing the frontiers of innovation in healthcare, the opportunity to participate in this $250 million equity offering is now open to eligible investors. About US Capital US Capital Global Securities LLC (USCGS) is the FINRA-member broker-dealer division of US Capital that acts as placement agent for growth-stage companies, projects, and investment funds. Since 1998, US Capital has been committed to providing lower middle market businesses and investors with sophisticated debt, equity, and investment opportunities usually available only to larger middle market companies and institutional investors, using the latest FinTech and RegTech innovation. US Capital entities manage direct investment funds and provide wealth management and capital raise services. USCGS or its affiliates may provide advice to, be compensated by, may have other business relationships with, or may from time to time acquire, hold or sell a position in the securities of the issuers mentioned herein. Any such offer or solicitation shall be made only pursuant to the confidential private placement memorandum. View USCGS Form CRS at www.uscapglobalsecurities.com/crs.html. To learn more about this investment opportunity, email Pankaj Vashisth, Senior Vice President at US Capital Global Securities, at pv@uscapglobal.com or call +1 415-889-1034. Attachments Farmington, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Global Oil And Gas Data Monetization Market Size Is Expected To Reach US$ 65.12 Billion By 2029, at a CAGR Of 16.45% During The Forecast Period. Oil and gas companies are turning a lot of different kinds of data into intelligence in order to get more out of their assets. Sensors in oilfields produce a lot of unstructured data that can only be useful if it is analysed in real time. With predictive and regulatory analytics, oil and gas companies can turn this data into a valuable asset that helps them save money and make money. In the oil and gas industry, the amount of data being made and used keeps going up, and so do investments in data. Software and services for data analytics and data management. The oil and gas industry can use insights from data monetization to find new ways to make money, improve production and service quality, and come up with new products, processes, and ways to improve them. Request Sample Copy of Report Oil And Gas Data Monetization Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth Opportunities, Future Trends, Covid-19 Impact, SWOT Analysis, Competition and Forecasts 2022 to 2030 , published by Contrive Datum Insights. Recent Developments: In November 2019, Oracle announced a new cloud-native deployment option for BRM. An improved deployment model provides a modern monetization solution to capture opportunities. The latest version of the BRM solution has been introduced to support new 5G-capable use cases for CSPs. Oracle announced a new cloud-native deployment option for BRM. An improved deployment model provides a modern monetization solution to capture opportunities. The latest version of the BRM solution has been introduced to support new 5G-capable use cases for CSPs. In July 2019, Microsoft introduced a new Microsoft Azure service. The new Azure Data Share service is a cloud service. Help organizations share internal data. The company focuses on providing services that allow its customers to share data to comply with regulations and privacy policies. Regional Outlook: North America has 34% of the world market, and this is expected to stay the case for the next five years. Growing oil production and shale gas activities are driving the growth of the oil and gas data monetization market in the region. This is because they are likely to increase the demand for indirect data monetization in order to improve operational efficiencies. Also, it is expected that the Middle East and Africa will have 26% of the global oil and gas data monetization market. Large proven oil reserves in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and the UAE can help grow the oil and gas data monetization market in these areas. There is a lot of room for growth in both indirect and direct data monetization. Indirect data monetization includes software and services that help find insights for building data repositories (primarily exploration data products). Over the next few years, the market will be driven by the use of seismic, geophysical, and software solutions in the region to find new exploration sites and their potential. Buy this Premium Research Report@ https://www.contrivedatuminsights.com/buy/8172?Mode=PM Scope of Report: Report Attributes Details Growth Rate CAGR of 16.45% from 2023 to 2030. Revenue Forecast by 2029 USD 65.12 Billion By Type Data-as-a-service, Professional Services, Software/Platform, Other By Application National Oil Companies (NOCs), Independent Oil Companies (IOCs), National Data Repositories (NDRs), Oil and Gas Service Companies, Other By Method Indirect Data Monetization, Direct Data Monetization, Other By Companies Halliburton, Schlumberger, Informatica Corporation, SAP SE, Oracle Corporation, Accenture plc Regions and Countries Covered North America: (US, Canada, Mexico, Rest of North America) Europe(Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Nordic Countries, Benelux Union, Rest of Europe) Asia-Pacific (Japan, China, India, Australia, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Rest of Asia-Pacific) The Middle East & Africa(Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East & Africa) Latin America(Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) Rest Of the World Base Year 2022 Historical Year 2017 to 2022 Forecast Year 2023 to 2030 Market Growth Factors: In the next few years, one of the main things that will make the oil and gas data monetization market grow is the improvement of technology in Big Data and business analytics. Industry 4.0 has also paved the way for a new era of competition, which is also driving the demand for the oil and gas data monetization market. This implementation is a big part of how oil and gas companies can deal with the challenges of their industry and improve their operational and maintenance needs. Also, the oil and gas data monetization market has a chance to grow because more people are using IoT solutions. These solutions are built around applications like factory optimization, predictive maintenance, and supply chain automation. Oil and gas companies are always turning the large amount and variety of data they have into intelligence to improve the way their assets work. Market Opportunities: The rise in the number of oil and gas companies around the world is one of the main things that makes the oil and gas data monetization market grow. The growth of the market is sped up by the growing use of big data technologies to collect, manage, and gain new insights, as well as by the growing demand for data monetization technologies that can help key players improve their business operations and become more competitive. During the analysis period, the market will also be affected by the introduction of open standards and centralised data management for seamless integration and operation across a number of pipeline operation systems, as well as the high use of these operation systems for simulation, measurement, and asset management. Key Segments Covered: Top Market Players: Halliburton, Schlumberger, Informatica Corporation, SAP SE, Oracle Corporation, Accenture plc., and others. By Type Data-as-a-service Professional Services Software/Platform Other By Application National Oil Companies (NOCs) Independent Oil Companies (IOCs) National Data Repositories (NDRs) Oil and Gas Service Companies Others By Method Indirect Data Monetization Direct Data Monetization Others Regions and Countries Covered North America: (US, Canada, Mexico, Rest of North America) (US, Canada, Mexico, Rest of North America) Europe: (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Nordic Countries, Benelux Union, Rest of Europe) (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Nordic Countries, Benelux Union, Rest of Europe) Asia-Pacific: (Japan, China, India, Australia, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Rest of Asia-Pacific) (Japan, China, India, Australia, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Rest of Asia-Pacific) The Middle East & Africa: (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East & Africa) (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East & Africa) Latin America: (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) Rest Of the World Check out more related studies published by Contrive Datum Insights: Palm Oil Market - The Global Palm Oil Market Size Was Valued At USD 63.7 Billion In 2021 And Is Expected To Grow at a CAGR Of 5.1% In Revenue From 2022 To 2030. In 2021, the revenue share that the APAC area will account for will be greater than 71% of the total. - The Global Palm Oil Market Size Was Valued At USD 63.7 Billion In 2021 And Is Expected To Grow at a CAGR Of 5.1% In Revenue From 2022 To 2030. In 2021, the revenue share that the APAC area will account for will be greater than 71% of the total. Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR/IOR) Market - The global Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR/IOR) Market will witness a CAGR of 5.90% for the forecast period of 2022-2029. The presence of significant players in a region that is moving at a rapid pace in terms of technical improvement contributes to North America's position as the market leader. - The global Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR/IOR) Market will witness a CAGR of 5.90% for the forecast period of 2022-2029. The presence of significant players in a region that is moving at a rapid pace in terms of technical improvement contributes to North America's position as the market leader. Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Market - A part of the oil and gas business called the "midstream sector" is in charge of storing and moving oil and gas. When ownership of a product changes, truck, rail tank, and ship loading are often used as ways to transfer custody. Customization of the Report: The report can be customized as per client needs or requirements.For any queries, you can contact us on anna@contrivedatuminsights.com or +1 215-297-4078. Our sales executives will be happy to understand your needs and provide you with the most suitable reports. About Us: Contrive Datum Insights (CDI) is a global delivery partner of market intelligence and consulting services to officials at various sectors such as investment, information technology, telecommunication, consumer technology, and manufacturing markets. CDI assists investment communities, business executives, and IT professionals to undertake statistics-based accurate decisions on technology purchases and advance strong growth tactics to sustain market competitiveness. Comprising of a team size of more than 100 analysts and cumulative market experience of more than 200 years, Contrive Datum Insights guarantees the delivery of industry knowledge combined with global and country-level expertise. Social: Facebook / LinkedIn / Twitter Contact Us: Anna B. | Head Of Sales Contrive Datum Insights Phone: +91 9834816757 | +1 2152974078 Email: anna@contrivedatuminsights.com Visiongain has published a new report entitled Biodefence Market 2023-2033. It includes profiles of Biodefence Market and Forecasts, Market Segment by Size by Product (Vaccines {Anthrax, Smallpox, Botulism}, Biothreat Detection Devices {Assays and Reagents, Detectors, Identifiers, Samplers}), plus COVID-19 Impact Analysis and Recovery Pattern Analysis (V-shaped, W-shaped, U-shaped, L-shaped), Profiles of Leading Companies, Region and Country. The Biodefence Market was valued at US$14,675.0 million in 2022 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.78% during the forecast period 2023-2033. Favourable Government Initiatives in Emerging Economies to Boost the Industry Growth Favourable government initiatives in the developing countries will foster biodefence market growth over the forecast period. Growing awareness about the consequences of biological warfare and importance of readiness to such threats will contribute to market expansion. Availability of novel vaccines that acts as preventive measure against most deadly infectious diseases will continue to drive biodefence market growth over future years. Countries like India are more vulnerable to agricultural biological threats. Infectious diseases are spreading rapidly in the agricultural sector as a result of the intentional release of microbes and viruses. The majority of the Indian population relies on agriculture as its main occupation and hence, the loss of human resources has impelled the government to implement initiatives. Download Exclusive Sample of Report https://www.visiongain.com/report/biodefence-market-2023/#download_sampe_div How has COVID-19 had a Moderately Positive Impact on the Biodefence Market? The COVID-19 pandemic has put tremendous pressure on the healthcare industry by impacting supply chain and logistics across the world. However, it had a slightly positive impact on the biodefence businesses across the globe. The pandemic led to economic damages and loss of life demanding a widespread response from government and non-governmental group across the globe. For instance, The International Monetary Fund estimated that COVID-19 will result into economic damage of over US$12.5 trillion through 2024 to the global economy To counteract the effects of Covid-19 pandemic, several pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in collaboration with governments are working towards developing vaccines and resuming supply of essential medicines. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, several government bodies across the globe increased spending for biodefence. For instance, in order to discourage other countries from trying to take advantage of America's perceived susceptibility to a medical crisis, the U.S. Defense Department considerably expanded its budget for biological defence efforts. How will this Report Benefit you? Visiongains 194-page report provides 112 tables and 107 charts/graphs. Our new study is suitable for anyone requiring commercial, in-depth analyses for the Biodefence Market, along with detailed segment analysis in the market. Our new study will help you evaluate the overall global and regional market for Biodefence Market. Get financial analysis of the overall market and different segments including product type and capture higher market share. We believe that there are strong opportunities in this fast-growing Biodefence Market. See how to use the existing and upcoming opportunities in this market to gain revenue benefits in the near future. Moreover, the report will help you to improve your strategic decision-making, allowing you to frame growth strategies, reinforce the analysis of other market players, and maximise the productivity of the company. What are the Current Market Drivers? Growing International Collaborations to Tackle Biological Threats Many governments and international organizations are working together by sharing critical information and technologies to tackle any kind of biological threats. Some countries are working towards establishing and strengthening the global cooperation network for prevention and control of the infectious diseases. Brazil through its integrative One Health initiative aims to achieve optimal health conditions through health surveillance at local, regional, national and global levels. In August 2022, the United States government entered into series of discussions on current and future biological threat reduction and capacity-building initiatives in the Philippines as a part of its Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program. Availability of Advanced Threat Detection and Security Screening Technologies Projected to Drive Market Growth Through 2033 Access to better threat detection and security screening technologies has helped in the early identification of biological warfare agents. This helps any country to protect its troops on the battlefields or the civilians who are confronted with terrorist attacks. There is a growing focus on incremental innovation in some of the detection technologies such as proteomics, genomic signatures, etc. Successful detection of harmful biological agent plays an important role in preventing the extent of spread of disease into an epidemic. Early detection of harmful biological agent and response to minimize the spread typically determines the extent of potential consequences. For instance, European Commission in collaboration with Rapid Alert System helps to implement instant measures to control an outbreak. Such prompt support systems help in containment and distribution of medicine while dedicated laboratory networks enable prevention of potential biothreats. Download Exclusive Sample of Report https://www.visiongain.com/report/biodefence-market-2023/#download_sampe_div Where are the Market Opportunities? Increasing List of Bio-Threat Agents to Offer Lucrative Growth Prospects Bio-threats include the deliberate release of any biological agent that leads to one or more type of disease or infection. The community health experts across the world have developed a system to timely detect and identify biological agents based on their risk to the national security. Some of these agents are more dangerous and their harmful effects pose serious threat to national security. They can be transmitted within the community and are associated with high mortality potential to cause massive social disruption. These agents are classified under Category A agents such as anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox, etc. Other agents included under Category B and Category C are associated with low mortality and relatively moderate potential of social disruption. Some of these include ricin toxin, typhus fever, Q fever, etc. Agents of non-biologic origin are classified as CBRNE agents. This group includes all agents of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive materials origin that have potential to cause serious damage to national security. These materials can be used as weapons of mass destruction, when intended to use for the specific purpose. Development of Advanced Biotechnology Products to Augment Biodefence Business Landscape Development of novel biodefence products requires huge investments and long time. For instance, the development of a vaccine can take up to 10 years and cost around a hundred million dollars. The market is also expected to be driven by technological advancements in the field of biodefence, such as the development of new vaccines and diagnostic tests, and the increasing adoption of advanced technologies, such as genomics and biotechnology. A stable and safe biotechnology product is expected to have higher adoption. Many governments classify biotechnology research and development activities based on their risk profiles. They also have formulated different supervision models and guidelines to monitor the development activities throughout the research process. The guidelines also discourage the research and development of biotechnology product that could prove detrimental to public health and biodiversity. Future of biotechnology relies on developing new technologies associated with serious concerns in the event of misuse. Competitive Landscape The biodefence market is highly competitive and is dominated by some of the major industry participants. Some players operating in the market include Alexeter Technologies, LLC, Altimmune, Achaogen, Inc., Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, ANP Technology, Bavarian Nordic, BBI Detection, Biofire Defense (bioMerieux SA), Biosearch Technologies, Bruker, Dynport Vaccine Company, Electronic Sensor Technology Inc., Elusys Therapeutics, Emergent BioSolutions Inc., Ichor Medical, NanoLogix, New Horizons Diagnostic Corporation, PositiveID Corporation, Research International, SIGA Technologies, Inc., Statera Biopharma (Cleveland Biolabs), Smiths Detection, and Synexis Systems among others. The business participants are utilizing a combination of organic and inorganic growth strategies in a bid to capture highest market share and outperform the competition. The major industry players adopt various strategies comprising investment in R&D, collaborations, partnerships, expanding regional network, and launch of novel biotechnology products to maintain its competitive positioning. Recent Developments In November 2022, Appili Therapeutics Inc. announced that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), via the Joint Science and Technology Office of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) in partnership with the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA), will provide at least US$14 million in funding over two years to fund the development of ATI-1701. ATI-1701 is a potential first-in-class vaccine candidate for the prevention of infection with aerosolized Francisellatularensis, a top-priority biothreat. In July 2022, SIGA Technologies received an approval from the United Kingdom for its oral drug tecovirimat, which is effective against monkeypox, smallpox, cowpox, and vaccinia. It can also be used in adults and children who have recently been vaccinated against smallpox. This strategy helped the company to be one of the prominent players in the market against monkeypox outbreak. To access the data contained in this document please email oliver.davison@visiongain.com To find more Visiongain research reports on the Pharma sector, click on the following links: Do you have any custom requirements we can help you with? Any need for a specific country, geo region, market segment or specific company information? Contact us today, we can discuss your needs and see how we can help: oliver.davison@visiongain.com About Visiongain Visiongain is one of the fastest-growing and most innovative independent market intelligence providers around, the company publishes hundreds of market research reports which it adds to its extensive portfolio each year. These reports offer in-depth analysis across 18 industries worldwide. The reports, which cover 10-year forecasts, are hundreds of pages long, with in-depth market analysis and valuable competitive intelligence data. Visiongain works across a range of vertical markets with a lot of synergies. These markets include automotive, aviation, chemicals, cyber, defence, energy, food & drink, materials, packaging, pharmaceutical and utilities sectors. Our customised and syndicated market research reports offer a bespoke piece of market intelligence customised to your very own business needs. Contact: President Yoon Suk Yeol and his United Arab Emirates counterpart Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, front row fourth from right, pose for a photo during their visit to the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant in Abu Dhabi, Monday (local time). Yonhap Korean president also advances cooperation in carbon neutrality By Nam Hyun-woo ABU DHABI President Yoon Suk Yeol and United Arab Emirates (UAE) President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan visited the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant in Abu Dhabi, Monday, which has become the symbol of the two countries' partnership. "The Barakah Nuclear Power Plant has a symbolic meaning representing the special strategic partnership between Korea and the UAE," Yoon said. "As Team Korea showcased the country's capabilities in the nuclear power industry, now is the time for both Korea and the UAE to join hands to create additional nuclear power partnerships in the UAE and other countries, with the success of the Barakah plant." The UAE president said, "Workers from the UAE, Korea and other countries have made efforts to complete the third reactor of the plant." He added that he is "proud of the plant which will enhance the UAE's clean energy portfolio and suggest a global standard in nuclear power projects." Along with the two presidents, the UAE's Deputy Prime Minister Mansour bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan also participated in the event. Yoon's visit to the Barakah plant came a day after the UAE announced $30 billion worth of investments in Korea, which the UAE leader said is "an expression of trust in Korea, which keeps its promise under any circumstance," referring to the Barakah plant. The Barakah plant is the first nuclear power station that Korea built overseas. It is also the first nuclear power plant built in the Middle East. In 2009, Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO) and the UAE's Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp. signed an $18.6 billion deal to construct the plant, which houses four Korea-developed ARP-1400 reactors. KEPCO was the main service provider, while Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP), Doosan Enerbility, Hyundai E&C, Samsung C&T and a number of other Korean firms also participated in the project, which was constructed within the promised budget and deadlines. As a result, the power plant is also known as the "miracle in the desert." Two of the reactors are now in commercial operation. The third one is set to be operational soon, while the fourth one will be completed within next year. Currently, the two reactors meet 60 percent of Abu Dhabi's electricity demand, and 15 percent of the energy needs of the entire UAE. When all four reactors go into operation, they will provide 25 percent of the UAE's electricity. For Korea, the Barakah plant became a launch pad for nuclear exports. Last year, KHNP won a 3 trillion won ($2.4 billion) contract from Egypt's El Dabaa nuclear power plant project, and signed a letter of intent to build Poland's second nuclear power plant. President Yoon Suk Yeol watches SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won, left, shake hands with United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan during Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center, Monday (local time). BROCKET, Alberta, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Piikani Nation is no stranger to taking a modern approach to problems and combining technological advances with generational and cultural knowledge to create solutions. Chief and Council have a history of embracing communication and technology to support their community. In order to better communicate with members both on and off-reserve, Piikani Nation has developed a custom mobile application in order to distribute information and send notifications. 40% of our members live off-reserve, spread all across Canada, explained Chief Stanley Grier, We need to be able to connect with them for important events like Per Capita Distributions and ensure everyone is receiving their benefits and entitlements. Piikani Tsi Nii Ka Sin will use the mobile app to distribute information to band members including news items, event information, resources, documents, and fillable forms. Because the mobile app enables Piikani Tsi Nii Ka Sin to send push notifications at any time of day or night, it can also be used for emergency alerts or time-sensitive updates. Communications Manager Mariah Grier elaborated on the need for this type of digital solution stating, Building success for our community through education and partnerships on a foundation of Piikani values and culture is our vision keeping our members informed is a vital part of fulfilling those goals. Download the Piikani Nations official app for Apple and Android devices today and stay up to date with local news and events! About the Piikani Nation Pronounced Bee-Gun-Knee, the Piikani Nation is a member of the Blackfoot Confederacy and a signatory to Treaty 7. Piikani has a strong focus on education and an exceptional post-secondary graduate rate, turning out doctors, lawyers, educators, scientists, researchers, and many other skilled professionals. The main Piikani reserve covers a 427km2 area west of Lethbridge in Alberta and is the fourth-largest reserve in Canada by land area. About Communikit Communikit is a mobile app platform developed by Aivia Inc. (pronounced AY-vee-yuh) that enables the leadership of Indigenous Nations and organizations to communicate with their members in minutes, no matter where they are. The first and fastest-growing network of its kind, Communikit currently serves 82 Nations and Indigenous organizations across Canada. A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/62c76828-4e50-4f5a-a981-40ec443428df We're sorry, you encountered a page that doesn't exist. Investors can contact the law firm at no cost to learn more about recovering their losses LOS ANGELES, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Portnoy Law Firm advises The Gap, Inc. (Gap or the Company) (NYSE: GPS) investors that a lawsuit filed on behalf of investors that purchased securities between November 24, 2021 and July 11, 2022. Investors are encouraged to contact attorney Lesley F. Portnoy, by phone 844-767-8529 or email: lesley@portnoylaw.com, to discuss their legal rights, or click here to join the case via www.portnoylaw.com. The Portnoy Law Firm can provide a complimentary case evaluation and discuss investors options for pursuing claims to recover their losses. On April 21, 2022, after the market closed, the Company announced that the CEO of Old Navy, Nancy Green, had stepped down. On this news, Gap's stock price fell $2.57 per share, or 17%, to close at $11.72 per share on April 22, 2022, thereby injuring investors. Then, on May 20, 2022, The Wall Street Journal published an article stating that Old Navy's inclusive, extended sizing campaign, BODEQUALITY, had resulted in "too many extra-small and extra-large items and too few of the rest, a mismatch that frustrated customers and contributed to falling sales and a management shake-up." The article also pointed out that Old Navy accounts for 54% of Gap's sales and roughly 80% of the profits, and that Gap had warned that spring quarter sales would fall short of expectations because of troubles at Old Navy. On this news, Gap's stock price fell $0.86, or 7.7%, to close at $10.33 per share on May 23, 2022, thereby injuring investors. Then, on May 27, 2022, the Company released its first quarter 2022 financial results, admitting that the results had been "impacted by execution missteps in size and assortment at Old Navy related to BODEQUALITY," as well as global supply chain disruptions. On this news, Gap's stock price fell 4.9% to close at $11.03 per share on May 31, 2022. Then, on July 11, 2022, after market hours, Gap announced that its President and CEO was stepping down from her position and had resigned from the Board of Directors. On this news, Gap's stock price fell $0.44, or 5%, to close at $8.32 per share on July 12, 2022, thereby injuring investors further. The complaint filed in this class action alleges that throughout the Class Period, Defendants made materially false and/or misleading statements, as well as failed to disclose material adverse facts about the Company's business, operations, and prospects. Specifically, Defendants failed to disclose to investors that: (1) there were execution missteps in size and assortment at Old Navy related to BODEQUALITY which were adversely impacting Old Navy's margins and financial results; (2) contrary to the Company's statements, there were inventory risks relating to BODEQUALITY that were actually existing that were adversely affecting the Company's operations; and (3) as a result, Defendants' positive statements about the Company's business, operations, and prospects were materially misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis at all relevant times. Please visit our website to review more information and submit your transaction information. The Portnoy Law Firm represents investors in pursuing claims against caused by corporate wrongdoing. The Firms founding partner has recovered over $5.5 billion for aggrieved investors. Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes. Lesley F. Portnoy, Esq. Admitted CA and NY Bar lesley@portnoylaw.com 310-692-8883 www.portnoylaw.com Attorney Advertising English French DELSON, Quebec, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Goodfellow Inc. (TSX: GDL) (the Company or Goodfellow) announces that Ms. Paule Tetu has informed the Board of Directors that she is resigning effective immediately. The Company thanks Ms. Tetu for her contribution as director of the Company and wishes her well with future endeavours. About Goodfellow Goodfellow is a diversified manufacturer of value-added lumber products, as well as a wholesale distributor of building materials and floor coverings. Goodfellow has a distribution footprint from coast-to-coast in Canada servicing commercial and residential sectors through lumber yard retailer networks, manufacturers, industrial and infrastructure project partners, and floor covering specialists. Goodfellow also leverages its value-added product capabilities to serve lumber markets internationally. Goodfellow Inc. is a publicly traded company, and its shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol GDL. A temple painting of a rabbit at Haedong Seongchwi Temple in Busan / Courtesy of Dale Quarrington By Dale Quarrington With yet another year behind us, we have another to look forward to filled with hopes, dreams and aspirations. We've said goodbye to the Year of the Tiger in 2022, to welcome in the Year of the Rabbit in 2023. And while the rabbit certainly doesn't seem as ferocious as the tiger or as sublime as the dragon, it is a clever creature characterized by compassion and sincerity. There are a variety of ways in which rabbits make their appearance at Korean Buddhist temples. One of these ways is through dancheong, which is a painting style that covers wooden surfaces with a variety of colors and motifs. These paint schemes can be simple or highly elaborate. The highly elaborate kind is known as geum-dancheong. And there is a subset of decorative murals called byeoljihwa, or "separate paintings" in English, that fall under this kind of geum-dancheong style. The byeoljihwa style includes flowers, birds, insects, fish and animals. In this style, when a rabbit adorns the surface of a temple shrine hall, it's meant to symbolize a creature free from evil influences. And the rabbit's long ears are a sign of longevity. A Smoking Tiger painting at Deungun Temple in Yanggu County, Gangwon Province / Courtesy of Dale Quarrington Another way in which rabbits can be represented in temple artwork, which also falls under the byeoljihwa style of painting, is in Smoking Tiger paintings. In this style of painting, you'll find a male tiger smoking a long pipe with help from a rabbit. It's common to start Korean folktales with the phrase "Back when tigers smoked," which works similar to "Once upon a time." The tiger is meant to represent the aristocracy, while the rabbit is meant to represent commoners. What's important about this idea is that it reflects an idea of when both the aristocrats and commoners could smoke without thinking about their wealth or status, before it was outlawed by the aristocrats during the 1392-1910 Joseon Kingdom. So that's why, when people say "Back when tigers smoked," they are referring to a long, long time ago, when things were a little more egalitarian. Yet another way that you can find rabbits at Korean Buddhist temples is in a group of 12. This group, whether they're statues or paintings, represents the zodiac animals. The zodiac has a long history in many cultures. In China, where it is believed to have originated, it predates Buddhism. The zodiac took the form of local animals that were familiar to the Chinese people. It played an integral part in their daily life, and as it moved eastward, it became integral for all those that came into contact with it, including Koreans. It played a central role in the calendar, harvesting and luck. It's no wonder, and much like the absorption of Korean shamanism, how the zodiac would soon become an integral part of Buddhism, and Korean Buddhism in particular. Buddhism, as it traveled eastward, attempted to curry favor with locals. And the zodiac would be no different. In Korean Buddhism, the zodiac is known as the Sibiji-shin, or the Twelve Spirit Generals, who are armed with both physical power as well as compassion and virtue through Yaksayeorae-bul (the Buddha of the Eastern Paradise, also the Medicine Buddha). Yaksayeorae-bul is also committed to relieving humans from suffering, pain and disease. In addition to relieving people's pain, Yaksayeorae-bul is also committed to helping people overcome their ignorance on their road towards enlightenment. That's why Yaksayeorae-bul promised to fulfill the Twelve Great Vows. From these promises, Yaksayeorae-bul directed the Twelve Spirit Generals to fulfill these vows. So not only do these fierce figures guard Korean Buddhist temples, they're also teachers And one of the other ways in which you can spot rabbit at Korean Buddhist temples is a rabbit riding a turtle. This is a folktale that was absorbed into Korean Buddhism alongside the shamanic figure of the Dragon King. In this tale, the Dragon King is sick. His doctors have told him that the only way to get better is to eat a rabbit liver. The Dragon King asks all his advisers to help him, but only the humble turtle volunteers to find a rabbit for him. Folktale art of the rabbit and turtle at Pyochung Temple in Gyeongsan, South Gyeongsang Province / Courtesy of Dale Quarrington Finally landing on the coastline of a sandy beach from the Southern Sea, the turtle approaches what he believes to be a rabbit. Confirming that this is in fact a rabbit, the turtle asks the rabbit if he wants to visit a beautiful underwater palace to see the Dragon King. The rabbit agrees but wonders how he'll swim or breathe underwater. The turtle assures him that he needn't worry, that the turtle will show him how to breathe. Also, the turtle tells the rabbit that he'll carry him upon his shell. When the two finally reach the dragon palace and meet the Dragon King, the rabbit is instantly scared because he realizes it means his life. Quickly, and rather cleverly, the rabbit tells the Dragon King that because it's such a valuable organ, he doesn't always travel with his liver. So if only the turtle would return him to land, and his home, he would retrieve it. The Dragon King, struck by the rabbit's devotion, gives the rabbit permission to return home riding the turtle's shell, once more. Back on land, the rabbit thanks the turtle and quickly hops off its back. As the rabbit makes his way back towards his home, he turns towards the turtle before entering the forest and says, "You don't really believe I keep my liver hidden in the forest, do you?" Surprised, and dumbstruck, the turtle responds, "What? You mean, you lied to us?" Rather smartly, the rabbit says to the turtle, "Did you think I was really going to let your stupid Dragon King cut me open and take my liver? Ha!" Quickly, the rabbit hops off into the forest never to be seen of again by the turtle. Multiple painted rabbits at Naewon Hermitage in Busan / Courtesy of Dale Quarrington Kweku Darlington: Older women dont stress in relationships By Gifty Owusu-Amoah Showbiz News Jan - 16 - 2023 , 11:33 Even though he has revealed that he is single at the moment, rapper Kwaku Darlington says he prefers to be with older women. According to the 27-year-old artiste, dating women of advanced years comes with less stress since they are easy going and understandable. He mentioned in an interview with Ghana News Agencys Simon Asare recently that being with an older person was not only a choice but a safe haven. For the older women, all they want is enjoyment, and I am someone who loves to enjoy a lot, so I see them as a perfect fit. Dating a younger person comes with a lot of stress because you will go through all kinds of disruptions that could affect your career. Hanging out with an older person is a safe haven for me, and that is my choice, he said. Real name, Emmanuel Kweku Owusu Darlington, Kweku Darlington is also a songwriter and producer based in Kumasi. Read also I want to see my son - Shatta Wale He became popular with the hit song 'Sika Aba Fie'. He released a remix of the song which featured Fameye, Kuami Eugene, Yaw Tog and Kweku Flick. Kweku Darlington has since produced more dazzling hit tunes including Sika Kankan, Onipa, and Bibie Awu among others. Presently, the artiste who earned four nominations including Best Hiphop Song of the Year and Collaboration of the Year at the 2022 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards is ready to drop the video of his love themed song, Osama. "But the way I see it is, I'm willing to forgive you for everything you've done, and I wish you'd actually sat down with me, properly, and instead of saying I'm delusional and paranoid, actually sit down and have a proper conversation about this, because what I'd really like is some accountability. And an apology to my wife." Among the claims made in the book, Prince Harry said his brother described Meghan as "difficult", "rude" and "abrasive". Prince Harry also accused his brother of physically attacking him. He told the Telegraph that "no institution is immune to criticism and scrutiny", claiming that if only 10% of the scrutiny put on him and his wife had been applied to the Royal Family "we wouldn't be in this mess right now". Follow @Graphicgh He also spoke about therapy, describing it being "like clearing the windscreen, clearing away all the Instagram filters, all of life's filters". Barima Osei Hwedie II - A traditional leader, civil servant whose work speaks for him Jacob Agyenim Boateng Opinion Jan - 16 - 2023 , 17:54 Barima Osei Hwedie II, the Ejurahene, is one personality whose many good works have passed largely unnoticed and I am singling him out for recognition as a traditional ruler and visionary civil servant par excellence. I am by this pointing out the monumental works of one of the most prolific servants of our time who deserves all the support and encouragement to continue to drive the development of the Ejura Traditional Area, something he has done in the last eight years, and also as a civil servant for over four decades. Barima Osei Hwedie II has excelled in what he does but, unassuming as he is, many of his works have gone unnoticed. One of his significant achievements as a traditional leader has been the steps he took to ensure his subjects are insulated from robbery attacks and other criminal activities in and around his traditional area. As a broadcaster who works with Kumasi-based OTEC FM, I have met many personalities in the line of duty but Nana Osel Hwedie II is one personality who in my view continues to distinguish himself among his peers in the country. Nana is selfless, honest, very hardworking and above all very patriotic. Development With assistance from his elders, the Ejurahene has since his ascension to the Ejura throne constructed a four bedroom apartment for the Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipal Health Directorate to house senior doctors serving in the area. Together, they have fenced the Ejura Government Hospital to secure the land and to protect workers of the facility. Nana also assisted in the construction of a maternity block for the hospital. In the agriculture sector, Barima Osei Hwedie II is ever ready to provide land to government agencies, individuals and other corporate institutions to be used for farming, an action that has brought recognition to Ejura as the "Ashanti Region food basket". Another significant initiative worth mentioning is the release of 653 acres of land to the Ghana Prisons Service in 2017 for the cultivation of food to augment the country's food production. That same land houses a 300-bed ultramodern facility for convicted prisoners. Nana has also pushed for a water project which is funded by the traditional council and he is doing a lot in the education sector as well. These include the provision of land for the Ghana Baptist University College for the establishment of the school's headquarters; renovation of a dilapidated three-unit classroom block at the Ejura Anglican Basic School as well as the provision of scholarships to brilliant, needy students in tertiary institutions from the area. With regard to security, Barima Osei Hwedie II has been championing the setting up of a military base in the traditional area, the construction of a police headquarters and a Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) office to address the crime and the general security threats which usually arise particularly during the peak of political activities. Nana indeed deserves praise for his exemplary leadership. Nana, piaawwww!!! By Jacob Agyenim Boateng (Broadcaster) OTEC FM, Kumasi Ghana Education News 8 Chiana students to report for direction Emmanuel Bonney & Mohammed Fugu Education Jan - 16 - 2023 , 12:56 The eight students of the Chiana Senior High School (SHS) who were dismissed for insulting the President have been asked by the Ghana Education Service (GES) to report to the headmistress of the school for further directions. This is as a result of the reversal of their dismissal, following the intervention by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. The GES has thus referred the matter of the eight girls to the schools internal disciplinary committee to explore alternative sanctions other than dismissal. It said the affected students were dismissed based on a recommendation from the schools Disciplinary Committee. Dismissal Last Thursday, the female students were dismissed by the GES for insulting President Akufo-Addo in a video they recorded and shared on social media. They were suspended last year prior to the dismissal, which the GES said was to serve as a deterrent to other students. They were seen in a widely circulated video using vulgar and unprintable words on the President. The video was in reaction to the President's national address on the economy on November 30, 2022, the address which was afterwards popularly referred to as largent naime pas le bruit, to wit, money does not like noise or sika mp dede. The GES also apologised to the President and the public on behalf of the students and the school. Sanctions The GES subsequently referred the matter to the schools disciplinary committee to explore alternative sanctions After the dismissal letters were handed over to them, the students were seen in another video apologising for their comments. However, following their dismissal, the President intervened when his attention was drawn to it. A statement from the Ministry of Education said the sector Minister, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum, had directed the GES to revise its decision. The dismissal of the students last week elicited mixed reactions from the public. While some thought it would serve as a deterrent to others, some individuals and bodies thought it would jeopardise their future. Social, emotional learning Meanwhile, the Northern Network for Educational Development (NNED), a network of education-focused civil society organisations, has called for the introduction of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in schools. That, it said, would help students better understand their thoughts and emotions to become more self-aware, develop more empathy for others within their environment and make responsible decisions. The network was of the view that the classroom was where students were often first exposed to people from different backgrounds who held differing beliefs and views, hence such an intervention would help put all students on an equal footing to succeed. The call comes in the wake of the action and subsequent dismissal of the eight students of the Chiana SHS which stirred controversy, resulting in an intervention by President Akufo-Addo just a day afterwards for their reinstatement. Commendation/weak supervision A lead member of the Northern, North East and Savannah Regional Chapter of the NNED and Executive Director of Savanna Signatures, Stephen Agbenyo, said with the dynamics of democracy and the rights of everyone, it was important to also educate particularly students on their responsibilities. While condemning the language of the students in the viral video and reminding all that the freedom of speech guaranteed under the Constitution was not absolute, the NNED lead member blamed the authorities of the Chiana SHS for the gross indiscipline exhibited by the students. "In our view, the act by the students exposes the weak supervision in our second-cycle educational institutions by school authorities, especially on the part of teachers and management committees who have direct oversight responsibility of the schools," he said. He further maintained that if the authorities of the school had been diligent and up to the task, those students would not have had the chance to use unauthorised gadgets (mobile phones) in the school to record themselves and share same on social media. He lauded the President for showing leadership and a good heart in intervening and helping to save the future of the girls. TDCL rolls out plan for affordable housing Benjamin Xornam Glover Jan - 16 - 2023 , 06:47 The TDC Company Limited (TDCL) has expressed its unwavering commitment to bridge the housing deficit in the country through the construction of affordable houses for the public. The Managing Director of the company, Alice Abena Ofori-Atta, said the Community 26 Kpone affordable housing project and the Community 22 housing scheme, among other projects, were some of the areas that the company had chalked up some successes in the drive to offer affordable accommodation to the public. Ms Ofori-Atta said this when she took her turn at the Meet-The-Press series of the Ministry of Information in Accra yesterday. She said the construction of affordable housing units had yielded positive results since the inception of TDCL, adding that in the over 70 years history of the company, each project delivered by TDCL was as a result of decades of experience and expertise in building and providing housing. Ms Ofori-Atta said the company would continue to do its best to ensure that it achieved its noble mission of creating and managing unique and sustainable urban settlements to meet the evolving needs of our residents, businesses and other stakeholders. Completed works The Manager in charge of Corporate Planning of the company, Akwasi Boachie, in a presentation, said in terms of affordable housing, the company recently completed a gated-community at Community 26 in Kpone. The apartments of that community comprise studio apartments, one-bedroom standard, one-bedroom special and two-bedroom facilities numbering over 2,000 housing units. He said the project started in 2007 was handed over to the TDCL in 2015 for completion, and was solely financed by TDCL through internally generated funds. Mr Boachie said for a record time, they had sold almost half of the anticipated 2,000 housing units. He said the company also embarked on a 204 housing units at Tema Community 22 under the National Homeownership Fund, which was inaugurated by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in October 2020, constituting the first phase of the project. A second phase, he said, was underway, and would comprise a total of 201 housing units made up of two and three-bedroom apartments. He said with the deployment of flexible payment platforms, it was easier for potential home owners to access their houses and make payment with ease. Housing deficit The Director-General of the State Interests and Governance Authority (SIGA), Edward Boateng, said in spite of the existing huge housing deficit that still confronted the country, the TDCL had played its part in helping to address the situation by managing to deliver and bridge the gap, especially for the middle and lower income earners. He said a look at the revenue mobilisation drive of the TDCL suggested that it was no wonder that the company emerged the best performing state-owned enterprise in the maiden Public Enterprises League Table Awards. The Public Enterprises League Table is an innovation by the minister of public enterprises to assess the performances of specified entities regarding compliance. Haphazard development The General Manager in charge of Operations of the TDCL, Samuel Asante, responding to a question of haphazard development in Tema, said although the master plan for the development of Tema was in place, there were some miscreants in the society who operated on the blindside of the TDCL to circumvent the system. He said that notwithstanding, the TDCL through its development taskforce had been conducting regular exercises to check the activities of encroachers. The Deputy Minister of Information, Fatimatu Abubakar, commended the management of the TDCL for striving to be self-sustaining, and encouraged the public to patronise the TDCL in order to access affordable housing units. Who wins NPP flagbearership? 9 Stalwards eye slot Samuel Duodu & Chris Nunoo Politics Jan - 16 - 2023 , 16:33 With about two years to the December 2024 general election, nine stalwarts of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) are eyeing the flagbearership of the party. Already, two of them have resigned their Cabinet positions to prepare and win the hearts and minds of party delegates. They are the Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, and the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto. The seven other contenders, all leading members of the NPP, are the Vice-President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia; a former Minister of Energy, Boakye Agyarko; the Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, and a former Presidential Spokesperson and General Secretary of the party, Kwabena Agyepong. The rest are a former Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Joe Ghartey, who is also the MP for Essikado-Ketan; a former MP for Mampong, Francis Addai-Nimoh, and a former Minister of State, Dr Kofi Konadu Apraku, who is also a former MP for Offinso North. The NPP is, however, yet to open nominations. Guidelines According to the General Secretary, Justin Frimpong Kodua, guidelines for the primary would be made public on Tuesday, January 31, this year. The guidelines are to ensure free, fair and transparent processes, so that at the end of the day, those who will lose the presidential primary will know that they lost in a fair contest. Meanwhile, the nine likely candidates have touched base with party faithful across the country with messages of hope, promises and assurances. Some of them have also caused the erection of giant billboards carrying their pictures. Although the National Council of the party is yet to fix a date and venue for the presidential primary, the aspirants are not leaving anything to chance as they criss-cross the country to enable them to win the slot. Date, venue According to Article 13 (1) of the NPP Constitution: "The election for the partys presidential candidates shall be held not later than 24 months from the date of the national elections. "The date and the venue for the election shall be decided by the National Council, provided, however, that the National Council may, on appropriate occasions, vary the day. Given the above, both party members and the presidential hopefuls are waiting in earnest for the modalities for the internal election to elect a presidential candidate for the 2024 general election to come out. Kyerematen Mr Kyerematen, an economist and lawyer, served under former President John Agyekum Kufuor between 2003 and 2007 before his reappointment by President Nana Addo-Dankwa Akufo-Addo in 2017 till his resignation early this year to enable him to concentrate on his presidential ambition. This will be the fourth time Mr Kyerematen is contesting the NPP flagbearership. The first was in 2007, the second in 2010 and the third in 2014. He was the first runner-up in all the three contests. Mr Kyerematen has an extensive and distinguished career in international trade, international public policy, enterprise development, politics and diplomacy. The flagship One-District, One-Factory policy is one of the several brainchild propositions of the outgoing Trade and Industry Minister. Dr Akoto Dr Akoto holds a doctorate in Agricultural Economics from the University of Cambridge and had been Minister of Food and Agriculture since 2017 until his resignation in January this year to focus on his presidential ambition. He is credited with the introduction of programmes such as the five modules of the Planting for Food and Jobs, Rearing for Food and Jobs, Planting for Export and Rural Development, agricultural mechanisation and the greenhouse technology, as well as the recruitment of 6,000 agricultural extension officers to beef up the system and the recruitment of more than 1,000 veterinary doctors, which is ongoing. During his tenure, the contribution of the agricultural sector to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased from 20.1 per cent in 2016 to 21.7 per cent in 2021, before sliding marginally to 19.9 per cent last year, mainly due to the governments inability to fund the fertiliser subsidy. He was for two terms the MP for Kwadaso in Kumasi, Ashanti Region, starting from 2009. Bawumia Dr Bawumia, an economist and banker, is the sitting Vice-President. He was a Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana until his selection as the running mate of the NPPs presidential candidate, Nana Akufo-Addo, in the 2008 elections. He was maintained as the running mate for three consecutive times. He was the lead witness for the petitioners in the 2012 Presidential Election Petition, which challenged the declaration of John Mahama as the winner of Ghana's 2012 presidential election. Kwabena Agyepong Mr Agyepong is a civil engineer who also served as the Press Secretary to former President Kufuor from 2001 to 2006. He was one of the 17 aspirants who contested the party's presidential primary in 2007, ahead of the 2008 general election. In 2014, Mr Agyepong contested the position of General Secretary of the NPP and won. However, he was suspended from his position as General Secretary after some party members filed a petition against him. Ghartey Mr Ghartey is a lawyer and MP for Essikado-Ketan in the Western Region. He is a former Attorney-General and Minister of Justice and once served as the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament. He is also the immediate past Minister of Railways Development. Ken Agyapong Mr Agyapong, a businessman, is the incumbent MP for Assin Central in the Central Region. He has been MP since 2000 and is the Chairperson of the Defence and Interior Committee of Parliament. Agyarko Mr Agyarko is a banker, economist, former Minister of Energy and founder member of the NPP in 1992. He was appointed National Campaign Manager of the NPP in the 2012 presidential election and Policy Adviser to the presidential candidate of the NPP during the 2016 election. Addai-Nimoh Mr Addai-Nimoh is a development planner and civil engineer. He is a former MP for Mampong in the Ashanti Region and contested the NPP's presidential primary in 2014 ahead of the 2016 elections and placed third. Dr Apraku Dr Apraku, an economist, is a former Minister of Regional Cooperation and NEPAD and also Minister of Trade and Industry in former President Kufuor's administration. In 2008, he was appointed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Council of Ministers as the ECOWAS Commissioner for Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Research, where he was responsible for multilateral surveillance mechanism Dr Apraku was also a member of the Second, Third and Fourth Parliaments of the Fourth Republic. He was among the 17 aspirants who contested the flagbearer slot of the NPP in 2007 ahead of the 2008 elections. Intentions Among the nine personalities eyeing the NPP flagbearership, it is only Mr Kyerematen who has formally declared his intention and also spelt out what he is bringing on board. Consequently, he has unveiled a national development plan for the country, dubbed: the Ghana Transformational Plan (GTP). The seven-point plan, among other things, seeks to provide a strong macroeconomic environment, a new agricultural revolution (NAR) for the country, industrial transformation, digital mainstreaming, energy security and diversification, decarbonisation and climate resilience. The execution of the GTP, he said, would require the collective effort of every Ghanaian, irrespective of political orientation, ethnicity or religion, saying it would lead to a new dawn of restoration, rebuilding and reward. The other eight leading members with interest in the presidential slot are yet to make official declarations but have made their intentions known. The Assin Central legislator, Mr Agyapong, some time last year unveiled a campaign slogan for his presidential bid with the letters, PHD Patriotism, Honesty and Discipline. He is reported to have said the three attributes were key to moving the country forward and so they would be given priority in his government. Dr Akoto, who seems not to be bothered by media analysis and projections, said he was working on the quiet. He indicated his resolve to engage the delegates of the NPP, whom he described as the kingmakers, to convince them to vote for him to become the flagbearer, come 2024. He has decided to keep his cool until he finally exits office on January 24, this year. Mr Agyepong, who spoke with the Daily Graphic, said he believed it was time for the party to change the narrative and elect a new generational leader. He said it was a new dawn for the party and for that matter delegates must elect someone who was selfless, ready to serve and also ready to sacrifice. Mr Agyarko, in a brief remark, expressed satisfaction with the pace at which he was working, saying: I am comfortable at the pace I am going. While many of the aspirants would strategically like to keep their cards to their chest and proceed, Mr Addai-Nimoh announced his intention to officially launch his ambition at a ceremony at the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) Hall in Accra on February 1, 2023. Mr Ghartey, like some of his fellow aspirants who had been working on the quiet, took time to visit former President Kufuor at his residence last Thursday to inform him about his decision to contest the flagbearer position. He gave an assurance that he would not conduct himself in a manner that would bring the NPP into disrepute. Mr Ghartey also promised to run a clean campaign in a manner that would enhance unity in the party after the contest. For his part, Dr Apraku told the Daily Graphic that he was on course and was relying on interpersonal relationships to attain his dream. He said he had not shied away from the media, but that for now he was working on the ground, saying although the media hype was good, he was doing the interpersonal form of campaigning. Dr Apraku said it was a personalised contest and, therefore, he would be interacting more with the delegates to sell his message to them and why they should vote for him to become the flag bearer of the NPP. Party's constitution Unlike in 2007 when 17 leading members contested the party's presidential primary, the NPP Constitution has been amended to accommodate not more than five persons for the flag-bearer contest. According to Article 13(9) of the NPP Constitution: "Where there are more than five contestants for nomination as the party's presidential candidate, a Special Electoral College shall cast their votes by secret ballot for the first five contestants to be short-listed." The Electoral College It said the Special Electoral College to select the five aspirants to contest the flagbearership shall comprise the National Council, the National Executive Committee, all members of the National Council of Elders and all NPP MPs. The rest are three representatives of each of the special organs of the party, past national officers, three representatives each from every external branch, founder members during the registration of the party at the Electoral Commission and all party card bearing ministers of state. At the end of the day, those who will be selected by the Special Electoral College will contest the flagbearer position. In other words, it is one thing making a declaration, as it is the Special Electoral College that will determine who qualifies to contest the presidential primary. With this, only time will tell who becomes the Election 2024 flag bearer of the NPP. Hystar AS, a Norway-based electrolyzer company, announced a Series B funding round of US$26 million to support the scale-up to full commercial operations with an automated GW-capacity production line by 2025. The injection of capital, raised through equity, will also be used to fuel Hystars growth, expansion into new markets, and ability to deliver on larger (100 MW and beyond) projects. The round was co-led by AP Ventures and Mitsubishi Corporation. Additional investors in the round included Finindus, Nippon Steel Trading, Hillhouse Investment and Trustbridge Partners, alongside existing investors SINTEF Ventures and Firda. The ultra-efficient electrolyzer design, which is patented and unique to Hystar, boasts a 90% thinner membrane than conventional electrolysers, enabling the production of up to 150% more green hydrogen, the company says. Hystars patented technology is targeting hard-to-abate sectors at scale, such as steel, ammonia, and heavy-duty transportation. The global steel industry alone, for example, will require 52 million tonnes of green hydrogen annually to decarbonize by 2050 according to Wood Mackenzie. Located in Hvik, Norway, Hystar is building an Innovation Centre to support its R&D and manufacturing capabilities. By 2025, Hystar will install its first automated GW manufacturing facility. As a spin-off from SINTEF, one of Europes leading research organizations, Hystar has 15 years history of research into PEM technology. With more than 5,000 hours of in-house testing, Hystars technology has been shown to use significantly less energy than conventional PEM electrolyzers, enabling a substantial increase in hydrogen production output. In June 2021, Hystar raised more than NOK 50 million (US$5 million) to develop and commercialize their proprietary PEM electrolysis technology. AP Ventures, a significant investor in breakthrough hydrogen technologies, led the fundraising, alongside SINTEF Ventures, the investment fund of the SINTEF research institute, and Firda, a pioneering early-stage investor in Norway. Prosecutors on Monday demanded the death penalty and life imprisonment, respectively, for two bank robbery and murder suspects who were arrested last August about 21 years after their alleged crimes. Lee Seung-man, 53, and Lee Jung-hak, 52, were apprehended on Aug. 27 last year for allegedly shooting a bank employee to death and stealing 300 million won ($243,000) at a Kookmin Bank branch in Daejeon, about 150 km south of Seoul, in December 2001. The case had remained unsolved for over two decades, but the arrests of the two suspects came after police matched DNA samples from masks and handkerchiefs found at the crime scene, and those recently found from an illegal game room in adjacent North Chungcheong Province. Prosecutors requested the death penalty for Lee Seung-man and life imprisonment for Lee Jung-hak in their court hearing at the Daejeon District Court, identifying the former as the suspected shooter. (Yonhap) Analysts at JP Morgan are keeping track of shipping estimates of iPhone 14 models around the world to gauge the disparity between demand and supply. According to the latest note published by the analysts, this disparity has effectively disappeared. Chinas struggles to contain a new COVID outbreak tanked iPhone 14 Pro production capacity and before the holidays Apple was facing an estimated shortage of 15-20 million units. But now the holidays are over and China has shifted its policy, which allowed factories to reopen at normal capacity. Lead times for the four iPhone 14 models (source: JP Morgan) Delivery dates for the two iPhone 14 Pro models around the world are under a week now, which the JP Morgan analysts see as a clear sign that supply has caught up with demand for the first time since launch. All four iPhone 14 models have short wait times, around 4 days on average. In the US, for example, shipping takes 5 days or so. In China and Europe the wait times are even shorter, around 3 days, also most SKUs are available for in-store pickup as well. Thats good news for Apple, but the company is still heavily reliant on the facilities at Zhengzhou the so-called iPhone City is currently the only place on Earth making iPhone Pros. Apples partners are already producing vanilla iPhone 14s in India and Cupertino has plans to expand that capacity (India-made iPhones account for only 5% of the total right now, the plan is to make that 25% by 2025). Source The latest generation Red Magic phone launched in China just before the end of 2022, now a couple of weeks later the 8-series is ready to go international. The company tweaked the branding a bit so there is no Pro+ model, instead there is the Void. Red Magic 8 Pro goes international: Matte version Void version The base Red Magic 8 Pro is called Matte due to its textured, opaque, back panel. This one is equipped with 12GB of RAM and 256GB storage, just like the Pro phone that launched in China. The other option is called Void and is similar to the Pro+ with 16GB of RAM and 512GB storage. The Void isnt just a new name for the Pro+, however, there are some differences for the international release. The major change is that both models have a 6,000mAh battery and both charge at 65W. For comparison, the Red Magic 8 Pro sold in China has the same battery capacity but is equipped with 80W charging this means a 0-100% charge time of 35 minutes for the Chinese model and 43 minutes for the international one. The Pro+ in the Chinese market has a 5,000mAh battery with faster 165W charging, but that isnt coming to the global market. Red Magic 8 Pro goes global The Red Magic 8 Pro will be available from February 2, three weeks from now. You will be able to pick up a unit from the Red Magic website. Here are the prices for the Matte and for the Void versions: Red Magic 8 Pro (global) Matte (12/256GB) Void (16/512GB) USD $650 $800 EUR 650 750 GBP 580 710 SGD $907 $1,120 The Red Magic 8 Pro is coming to the following countries and regions: North America : Canada and the United States : Canada and the United States Europe : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Croatia, Luxembourg, the Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, The United Kingdom, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Estonia, Portugal, Finland, Romania, France, Slovakia, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Ireland, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Croatia, Luxembourg, the Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, The United Kingdom, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Estonia, Portugal, Finland, Romania, France, Slovakia, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Ireland, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta Asia Pacific : Hong Kong (China SAR), Indonesia, Macau (China SAR), Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia : Hong Kong (China SAR), Indonesia, Macau (China SAR), Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia Middle East : Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt : Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt Latin America: Mexico, Peru, and Chile You can learn more about the Red Magic 8 Pro from our detailed review. Long story short, it has a 6.8 1,116 x 2,480px display, an AMOLED panel with 120Hz refresh and 960Hz touch sampling rate. The 16MP front-facing camera is hidden under the display (2nd generation UDC tech). In addition to the touch screen, there are two touch-based shoulder triggers that run at 520Hz sampling rate. The phone is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, of course, paired with LPDDR5X RAM and UFS 4.0 storage. The chipset is cooled by the ICE 11 system that combines new materials for increased heat transfer and an upgraded 20,000 RPM fan that has been redesigned to increase airflow and reduce noise. The Cube Performance Optimizer ensures stable frame rates during gaming and low power consumption when not. The phone packs stereo speakers and dual X-axis linear motors, plus it has a 3.5mm headphone jack. The wireless system is ready for Wi-Fi 7 (4x4 MIMO) and there are a 9 antennas for 5G connectivity. The main camera on the rear has been upgraded with a 50MP Samsung GN5 sensor, next to it is an 8MP ultra wide. Finally, a word on how to recognize the two models apart the Void has a transparent back like the Pro+. This look was the inspired by the colors of galaxies in the void of space, colors that will be rendered by the active cooling fan with RGB lighting. The Matte version also has RGB LEDs, but they are on a strip instead (since you can't see the fan). PS. Did you notice the new Red Magic Logo? The company changed up the font to express nubia's ultimate goal of becoming much more than a gaming smartphone, but rather the right gear for every age and lifestyle. New Red Magic logo above, old one below Back in September, a J.P. Morgan report claimed Apple could shift up to 25% of its iPhone production to India by 2025 and now a new South China Morning Post article suggests the share may rise to 50% by 2027. Apple has reportedly decreased iPhone component orders from its Chinese suppliers, which has in turn negatively impacted their earnings estimates and stock prices. India currently accounts for a mere 5% of all iPhone production, though there has been a push to assemble newer models including the iPhone 14 just a few weeks after production in China began. Rumors suggest Apple will begin simultaneous production in China and India for the iPhone 15 series. The push from Apple to diversify its iPhone production away from China has also carried over to the rest of its portfolio with an increasing amount of AirPods and MacBooks manufactured in Vietnam instead of China. Source (Editors note: This is a series of stories from a Jan. 11-15 Guam media familiarization tour of Kansais Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and Wakayama prefectures, hosted by United Airlines and the Kansai Tourism Bureau. United has a direct 4-hour flight between Guam and Kansai.) A visit to Tokyo from Guam is nice, but a trip to Kansais Kyoto, Osaka, Nara and Wakayama takes you much deeper into Japans heart and soul, stunning natural beauty and powerful cultural heritage. Kansai has perfected the preservation of Japanese traditions, customs and cultural heritage, from Buddhist temples to castles, palaces and Shinto shrines built and rebuilt hundreds and thousands of years ago; down to traditional cuisines, houses and trees that have stood the test of time. They are well-maintained. Theyre old, but certainly not forgotten and not abandoned. UNESCO Kyoto and Nara have among the worlds largest concentrations of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and for good reason. That coveted designation means a places cultural or natural sites show outstanding universal value. But Kansai also offers a modern metropolitan vibe in places like Osaka, arguably Japans street food capital while also being home to the historic Osaka Castle. For those living in Guam, it takes nearly four hours of a direct United Airlines flight to Kansai, the region of Japan that encompasses the prefectures of Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and Wakayama, among others. From the Kansai International Airport, an engineering feat in itself having been built on sand laid on the floor of the sea, you can take trains to reach the economic hub Osaka or the cultural capital Kyoto. Kansais public transportation is efficient, reliable and well-maintained. Nara used to be the capital of Japan, before it was moved to Kyoto and later, to Tokyo. Way of life For residents of Kansai, its a way of life and a source of pride to keep their surroundings clean and their cultural heritage alive for future generations. This sense of pride and discipline rooted in spirituality and worship of nature makes it hard to find any trash in public spaces, even in major tourist spots or commercial areas. There are no piles of garbage in vacant spaces or in front of businesses. To say that Kansai is clean and pristine is an understatement. This cleanliness is noticeable. Public toilets are also nice and tidy, with good running water and bidets. Most of all, the toilets are open to anyone at all times. They are well-kept and well-equipped. We were there during winter, and its a relief to know that even public toilets come with heated toilet seats. In the Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara, tourists can see the affectionate care given to a Japanese cedar tree thats allowed to grow from the ground through the roof of a building. And at the sprawling Nara Park, hundreds of deer roam the streets freely, just like humans. They have been well protected and are regarded as helpers of gods and therefore, sacred. Spiritual journey From storied ancient structures to enchanting forests and revered sushi and sashimi, Kansai delights and calms the senses at the same time. Its got several spots, even outside the confines of Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, that awaken your spirituality, connecting you to something higher than yourself. Another UNESCO World Heritage Site called Koyasan, up in the mountains of the Wakayama prefecture, takes you on a spiritual journey while walking beneath giant Japanese cedar trees, visiting temples, burial grounds or praying with monks. Snow covered a great portion of the grounds. With all this in mind, its no wonder that cultural tourism is back to life in these areas, just a few months after Japan reopened its borders to international travelers after a nearly three-year halt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But just like Guam and many parts of the world, Kansai arrivals are still not back to pre-pandemic levels. Kansai tourism officials expect that the upcoming season of cherry blossoms will help boost tourism, given the pent-up demand for travel during the pandemic. Wearing masks remains mandatory in Japan as of this writing. See it, feel it Many of Kansais thousand-year-old treasures, from temples to palaces, welcome residents and tourists. For visitors, the ability to see, hear, smell, feel and even touch real pieces of history and not just replicas or representations all the time is an experience youll remember your whole life. At the Nijo-jo Castle in Kyoto, visitors are allowed to walk portions of the same halls that shoguns and samurai warriors of the olden days walked on. Visitors can hear the chirping sound of the floors when walked upon. Theyve become known as nightingale floors and legend has it that the squeaking was an ancient security device to detect anyone sneaking through the corridors of the storied castle. In Guam, the Guam Visitors Bureau announced last year its plans to build an estimated $50 million interactive cultural park at Ypao Beach in the tourist district of Tumon as part of the islands push for cultural tourism. The project has so far drawn strong reactions, but moving forward at the location hinges on the results of an archaeological study and whether it will disturb any archaeological finds. A focus on cultural tourism is seen as a means to diversify what Guam has to offer visitors besides picturesque sandy beaches. Back in Kansai, while taking photos and videos in certain areas of temples and castles are prohibited, that does not make the experience any less. At the Sanjusangen-do Temple in Kyoto, for example, there are 1,001 statues of a Buddhist deity made in the 12th and 13th centuries. Theyre a sight to behold for visitors to the temple, but taking pictures is strictly prohibited. If anything, it heightens the senses more as you soak in the images of history, traditions and cultural heritage that some of us are lucky enough to feel, without the distraction of cameras. Stay connected with guampdn.com for reporter Haidee Eugenio Gilberts next installment in this series on cultural tourism in Japan. gettyimagesbank By Lee Yeon-woo Amid what they say are financial struggles, local universities are relying on international students in their decision to raise international student tuition. This year's hikes for international students are in sharp contrast to tuition for domestic students, which has been frozen for the last 15 years. Major universities in Seoul, including Chung-Ang University, Hanyang University, Sogang University, Sungkyunkwan University, the University of Seoul and Yonsei University, will raise tuition for international students by up to five percent this year, according to those in the education circle. The main reason for the tuition hikes for international students is government restrictions on raising tuition for domestic students, they say. According to Korea's Higher Education Act, tuition increases cannot be more than 1.5 times the average increase in consumer prices during the three preceding years, meaning that tuition for domestic students can only rise by up to 4.05 percent this year. However, given that the Ministry of Education offers government grants to schools that freeze or lower tuition for domestic students, universities only raise tuition for international students. Universities that raise their tuition fees for domestic studies face disadvantages when applying for support from the Ministry of Education or other government institutions. Tuition for international students is not covered under this act. Universities can freely set tuition for them without any limits. However, international students complain that the new tuition hikes are unfair. "It's quite unfair if they want to solve the deficit by only raising international students' fees. Some international students come from countries with lower economic status than Korea," Carolina Fritzie, an Indonesian student majoring in medical physics at the University of Science and Technology in Daejeon, told The Korea Times. "It would be fair if they increased tuition one or two percent for all students, or if there is no choice, they should offer many more scholarship opportunities for international students," she said. Another student, who asked to be addressed only by his surname of Young, said the news will definitely affect his choices in making his future study plans. "I was actually considering applying to some of the universities that raised tuition this time. Now that I got the news, I think I have to reconsider my options. There's no guarantee that they won't raise tuition again next year My best option is to receive a scholarship, but again, I have no guarantee whether I can get that," he said. In the meantime, universities claim that raising more financial revenue is essential to ensuring quality education. According to the Korean Council for University Education, a domestic student who attends a four-year college paid 6.79 million won ($5,466) on average in 2022, which is a one-percent increase compared to in 2008. To reduce what they say are deficits amid the combination of rising prices and the tuition freeze for domestic students, as well as reliance on government support, universities are also raising fees for graduate students, both domestic and international. Sogang University and the University of Seoul will raise fees for graduate students from two percent to 4.05 percent in the upcoming semester. The 2023 Martin Luther King Day of Service event was in full swing, attracting a large crowd to the Micronesia Mall on Monday. The three-day holiday weekend is celebrated nationally in honor of the birthday of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. The well-known activist was later assassinated in 1968. This is the only federal holiday designated as a National Day of Service to encourage people to volunteer their time to improve their communities. Everybody can serve Were here to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr., the legacy that he put out there not only equality for all, but also giving back to the community. So were here to celebrate that and bring students together to celebrate that unity, said Charlene Masiwemai, director of the Americorps UOG Volunteer Center. One of Martin Luther Kings greatest quotes, and we use it all the time in our social media with AmeriCorp is everybody can be great because everybody can serve. Masiwemai explained that whether its joining the AmeriCorps program to give back to the community, students and all people in general can help in many different ways. You can help your neighbor, whether its cutting the grass, washing their car or helping your mayor at the mayors office. Students, service learning Among the events many attendees were high school students who gathered at the various AmeriCorps Program Service booths with their Passport for Service Learning sheets in hand to learn more about programs and to get started on their service learning requirements. Theyve (public high schools) been requiring us every single year to at least reach a certain amount. So we dont have to rush everything our senior year, said George Washington High School freshman Larilyn Miranda. Thats why were doing it. Right now Im hoping to get like a job at my age or an internship to learn more about Guam or anything around Guam. For her service learning experience, fellow GW freshman Jestine Dela Cruz wants to volunteer at a program that will help support local businesses, particularly those focused on sustainability and growing natural resources on the island. According to Guam Department of Education Deputy Superintendent Joe Sanchez, this is the first group of public high school students since the COVID-19 pandemic who must now earn their service learning credits. I think theyre just happy to get out. Its not just getting out socially, but its allowing them to get out and actually provide a service to the island, and in doing that, it kind of instills that desire in them to continue doing so, Sanchez said, explaining that the service learning requirement gives students opportunities to learn new skills while engaging in ways that help them become active, contributing members of the community. Former Gov. Carl T.C. Gutierrez is the president and CEO of Guam Visitors Bureau, permit czar and chairman of the Governors Economic Strategy Council. Send comments or questions to GVB at communityrelations@visitguam.org. This column has been edited for length. Read the full column at guampdn.com. SK Group Chey Tae-won, left, poses for a photo with Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, CEO of Mubadala Investment Company, after signing a memorandum of understanding on reducing carbon emissions, at the United Arab Emirates presidential palace in Abu Dhabi, Jan. 15. Yonhap Korea's SK Group said Monday it has signed a partnership deal with the sovereign wealth fund of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to establish a carbon credit market in Asia, as part of efforts to tackle climate change in the private sector. SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won signed the memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, CEO of Mubadala Investment Company, in Abu Dhabi on Sunday (local time), while accompanying President Yoon Suk Yeol on his four-day state visit to the Middle Eastern country, SK said. Chey is traveling as part of the business delegation representing some 100 Korean companies. Under the MOU, SK and Mubadala will work together to create a voluntary carbon market, where companies can trade carbon credits certified by private entities, SK said. The two sides will seek to form a working group to materialize the partnership and work out details for the cooperation, especially on how to establish the methodologies to certify the carbon reduction and build transparency and credibility of such a market. In 2021, SK launched an in-house "carbon reduction certification center" as the first private enterprise in Asia to evaluate the greenhouse gas emissions by its affiliates and certify their performance in carbon reduction efforts. Mubadala, with $284 billion in assets, has a wide range of investment portfolios in eco-friendly areas, including an equity investment in AirCarbon Exchange, a Singapore-headquartered carbon credit exchange platform. (Yonhap) Mika Maliranta , the managing director of Labore Institute for Economic Research, on Wednesday stated to the newspaper that reinstating the tax deduction would be detrimental for the national economy and impossible to target precisely at households facing the most hardship. ECONOMISTS have questioned the need to reinstate the newly abolished tax deduction for housing loan interests, reports Helsingin Sanomat. The back-and-forth changes would also confuse the tax system, he said. The tax deduction for housing loan interests was abolished altogether at the beginning of this year after years of gradual phasing out. Finnish households were last year allowed to deduct up to five per cent of their interest payments in their taxation. Minister of Finance Annika Saarikko (Centre) floated the possibility of reinstating the tax deduction during an election debate held by Ilta-Sanomat on Tuesday. Juha Majanen, the permanent secretary at the Ministry of Finance, told Helsingin Sanomat on Wednesday that he received a request to explore the possibility of both reinstating the tax deduction and introducing a maximum limit on household debt before 11am on Tuesday from Timo Reina, the state secretary of Saarikko. The request to look into the debt ceiling can be regarded as particularly surprising given that the preparatory work on such a mechanism was suspended by Saarikko in mid-2021. Essi Eerola, the head of domestic economic policy at the Bank of Finland, on Wednesday stated to Helsingin Sanomat that reinstating the deduction for interest costs is not a particularly rational way to rein in the debt servicing costs of mortgage borrowers. Studies show that the right to deduct interest costs typically increases indebtedness, raises house prices and mostly benefits high-income earners, she argued. Finland is one of several countries with a tax system that is more advantageous for people living in an owner-occupied house than a rental house. As scrapping the deduction for interest costs was an attempt to harmonise the tax treatment of people regardless of their form of occupancy, the deduction should be examined as part of the wider tax system from this perspective, said Eerola. One-third of Finns have an outstanding housing loan. Also Aki Kangasharju, the managing director of Etla Economic Research, rejected the idea of reinstating the deduction similarly on grounds of what he said is a long-standing desire to stop favouring owner-occupied housing in taxation. Its difficult to understand why we should use public funds to support owner-occupied housing when rental options are available. Reinstating the deduction for interest costs would put a strain on the public economy, and itd benefit the well-off in society who can afford to buy a house, he said to Helsingin Sanomat. Aleksi Teivainen HT These statements have been racist. Theyve been genuinely hostile toward certain minorities. Theres no denying this. This is a fact, she was quoted saying at an election debate in Helsinki on Friday by Helsingin Sanomat. THE FINNS PARTY is an openly racist party based on the statements of some of its lawmakers, according to Prime Minister Sanna Marin (SDP). The premier referred to, for example, the populist right-wing opposition partys desire to exclude some nationalities from social security benefits, adding that she hopes that the party does not regard some population groups as more valuable than others. She also elaborated on her earlier remark about there being no possibility of a ruling coalition that includes both the Social Democrats and Finns Party. The reason, she told, extends beyond the divide in the parties values and concept of humanity, to differences of view on economic policy, labour markets, the climate and the environment. These views are so far apart that it is hard to fathom how the parties could find common ground on these issues, according to Marin. I see no value in us pretending that its certainly possible that we could get a government that includes the Social Democrats and Finns Party. There wont be one. I think its honest to tell voters that were far apart from each other, she said at the debate organised by the Finnish Association of Political Journalists. Chairperson of the National Coalition Petteri Orpo, who has estimated that there are no insurmountable obstacles to forming a ruling coalition with the Finns Party, underscored the importance of seeing how the votes fall before making decisions about the coalition composition. I dont think its smart to rule out a particular party in advance, he commented at the debate. While the National Coalition and Finns Party see eye to eye on economic policy, both having criticised the current government for excess borrowing, they differ on climate policy. Orpo on Friday reiterated that the National Coalition is not prepared to compromise on the carbon-neutrality goals of Finland. Riikka Purra, the chairperson of the Finns Party, commented on the public debate kindled by the debate on social media. We have nothing to hide, be ashamed of or shady about our values. Were a nationalist and patriotic party; we represent Finland and Finnishness, she stated on Twitter. Im very proud of the Finns Partys concept of humanity and values. Those who distort it may have regrets of their own. The parliamentary elections will take place on 2 April. Aleksi Teivainen HT Renowned barbecue joint appeals for help to survive Two years ago a Durham restaurant, Backyard Barbecue, gained national attention for being featured in Black Smoke: African Americans and the United States of Barbecue by Adrian Miller. Miller believes that the story of the American tradition of barbecue cannot be told without attention to Back-owned barbecue establishments. He thinks African American barbecuers are not getting the recognition they deserve. On his short list of favorite African American barbecue restaurants, two are in North Carolina: Backyard BBQ Pit in Durham and Gradys Bar-B-Q in Dudley near Goldsboro. When you see Backyards rustic building about a mile from the intersection of N.C. 54 and N.C. 55, not far from I-40 Exit 278, it may remind you of the unpretentious location in Netflixs still popular House of Cards where Freddie Hayes served up racks of ribs to the fictional South Carolina congressman and soon-to-be-president Francis Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey. On my first trip to Backyard, I ordered a working mans special barbecue sandwich with hushpuppies and baked beans. I paid $4.99 plus $1.29 for a small glass of iced tea. A delicious bargain. The restaurant is not slick. It is just the opposite, deliberately, like an old roadside cafe from 75 years ago. The walls are covered with magic-marker comments from prior customers attesting to the good food. We are a barbecue restaurant, but we serve lots of other foods that our customers enjoy. Though the decor is far from fancy, there is something hanging on the wall that many popular barbecue places lack: a certificate from the Campaign for Real Barbecue attesting that Backyard meets the standards of the very few barbecue restaurants that cook their barbecue slowly over wood coals. I learned last week that Backyard is in trouble. A family member explained in a Go Fund Me (https://gofund.me/bd667d3b) appeal: My name is Fabianne Simmons, one of the proud owners of Backyard BBQ Pit. We are proud to say that annually for 16 years we have fed our community free of pride and with dedication for our once-a-year customer appreciation day. Our notoriety stretches from East coast to West and in a couple of cases internationally! We have been featured on Yahoo, Yahoo Travel as the #1 BBQ in North Carolina, Southern Living as the best Eastern style BBQ, Man v. Food and much more! But with all the sweetness we've come to a rough patch. Currently, we are in a very distressed situation. On top of rising food costs and striving to recover from the pandemic, Durham's hole in the wall is starting to cave in. Our equipment is outdated and as a result, we have been struggling to keep the doors open. We were not fortunate to receive any of the grant assistance many restaurants were gifted so we turn to you our family. With your help, we can come back strong and keep Backyard here in Durham where it belongs. Your prayers and donations will be much appreciated. Our goal is 50k to aid us in purchasing new equipment and necessary renovations. Please Help us to keep Backyard alive! When I first checked the GoFundMe web page, there were only a few reported donationsnowhere near the $50,000 goal. It was a sad day, and I gave up hope that Backyard could survive. But when I checked the next day, donations had grown to well over $20,000, and new donations were flowing in. A successful fundraiser does not guarantee a successful future, but with so many fans who care enough to donate, I am betting that Backyard survives and thrives. Raleigh lawyer Hugh Stevens agrees. He wrote me, Over New Years we fed our children and grandchildren on their ribs, barbecue (pork and turkey), collards, and mac&cheese and sent them home happy. Next time you are close by, stop at Backyard and help them celebrate. * * * * * D.G. Martin, a retired lawyer, served as UNC-Systems vice president for public affairs and hosted PBS-NCs North Carolina Bookwatch. Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo, 4th from right, and distribution industry officials pose at Daegu City Hall after signing an agreement on changing the mandatory super supermarket closing day, in this Dec. 19, 2022 file photo. Yonhap The mandatory closing day for large supermarkets will be changed from Sundays to Mondays in the southeastern city of Daegu, beginning next month, the municipal government said Monday, as part of a deregulatory move for the retail industry. The Distribution Industry Development Act introduced in 2012 obliges super supermarkets (SSM), such as E-mart, Lotte Mart and Homeplus, to close their stores on the second and fourth Sundays of every month to support traditional markets and mom-and-pop stores. The change of the mandatory closing day to weekdays can be made possible by amending each municipal ordinance, and Daegu, about 300 km southeast from Seoul, will become the first metropolitan city to do so. As many as 51 low-level local governments across the country have so far included weekdays in compulsory SSM closing days. The Daegu city government said the change of its compulsory SSM closing day is scheduled to take effect on Feb. 13 after a period of administrative notice until Feb. 2. Thereafter, all SSMs in the city will be closed on the second and fourth Mondays of every month, it noted. "It's meaningful that Daegu has become the first metropolitan city to convert the mandatory SSM closing day to a weekday," said Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo. Hong said he hopes the planned change would improve the development of the retail industry and people's shopping convenience on holidays. (Yonhap) OSCAR-winner Cate Blanchett takes up the baton of a new challenge by playing the conductor of a symphony orchestra in Tar, opening this week at the Henley Regal Picturehouse. She has already been tipped to add to the statuettes she won for The Aviator and Blue Jasmine by taking the title role of Lydia Tar in a film which director Todd Field wrote especially for her. Blanchett plays the first female chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic who faces devastating challenges in the days leading up to her career-topping recording of Mahlers 5th symphony. The psychological drama charts her downfall from the heights of her ground-breaking achievements through a combination of outside events and her own character flaws. A womanising lesbian, her life spirals down around her as she comes into conflict with her wife and first violinist, Sharon, played by Nina Hoss, and the series of women with whom she has conducted affairs. Blanchett, who learned to play the piano, conduct an orchestra and even speak German for the part, is supported by British actors Julian Glover and Mark Strong. The film has a running time of two hours, 37 minutes. Continuing are the Whitney Houston biopic I Wanna Dance With Somebody, Empire of Light and A Man Called Otto. ABOUT now as the New Year gets under way your thoughts might be turning to a motoring holiday in Europe. But the burning question is if you are contemplating such a trip and are the owner of an EV (electric car), would you dare go on a motoring holiday abroad in 2023? I ask the question because EVs are coming on stream at a gallop now and new owners who enjoy motoring on the continent must be wondering if it is possible to go there in 2023, given the well-documented issues with electric cars and their range? Well, Nissan not only thinks it is perfectly feasible to roam around Europe in an EV but made available a guide on how this might be achieved. In fact, Nissan is actually expanding its Electric Travel Guide, to help travellers add new destinations to their sustainable journeys. The upcoming edition of the guide pinpoints cross-country trips that feature EV driving in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. Nissan tested the itinerary across the four countries with the Nissan Ariya and says their new 100 per cent EV proved itself with its remarkable consumption efficiency that achieved a range of up to 533km (approximately 331 miles). The Nissan Electric Travel Guide curates a mix of culture, cuisine and nature, while connecting must-see spots along picturesque routes. Putting together a range of dining options, hotel recommendations, local attractions, and importantly EV charging points along the journey, the Japanese carmaker claims the guide is an ideal solution for those planning the ultimate sustainable getaway. According to Nissans research, global travellers are increasingly prioritising impact and purpose while planning their trips. Eight out of 10 say they want to travel to destinations where they can immerse themselves into the local culture while six out of 10 say they want to be more thoughtful about where and how they travel. Sustainability drives our efforts to accelerate the shift to an electrified future, said Friederike Kienitz, a senior vice-president at Nissan. The Nissan Electric Travel Guide bridges the gap between electric vehicles and the lifestyle considerations that are key to achieving sustainability. It connects the dots between the car you drive and the best local destinations, restaurants, and experiences, helping you plan a unique, authentic, and sustainable holiday, said Mr Kienitz. Following the launch of the guides first edition in Stockholm in 2022, the new guide takes users on a journey across Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. Using the guide, EV drivers can also choose to discover individual capital cities and plan their own road trips. From repurposed buildings and locally sourced meals to eco-responsible hotels, Nissan takes EV drivers on a sustainable adventure. They can explore the State Opera House in Vienna, take in the Prague, the City of a Hundred Spires and discover Budapest Castle. Or they can take a stroll through Central Europes oldest public park in Bratislava. Travellers can also plan a trip to Stockholm, the first city covered by Nissans ongoing digital content series, with new locations to be added in the future. The following are, says Nissan, eight must-see destinations in the guide: Devin (Bratislava): Head to the banks of the Danube to explore one of the oldest castles in Slovakia and enjoy great views even seeing as far as Vienna and the Austrian Alps. Zochova Chata (Bratislava): You can relax at the Hotel Zochova Chata all while enjoying great food and local wines. Budapest City Park (Budapest): A 200-year-old haven from the city that has its own castle, multiple museums, beautiful lakes and even a selection of restaurants. Pannonhalma Archabbey (Budapest): One of Hungarys oldest historical monuments, from which you can take in the views from the tower, and explore the vast library at this UNESCO Heritage Site. Kasarny Karlin (Prague): Also known as the Karlin Barracks, this volunteer-led cultural meeting spot (featuring a coffee shop, cinema, gallery, bar and more) is a lively place to visit for anyone looking for a local experience. Kutna Hora (Prague): Visit this medieval town not far from Prague to discover some unique places from the Bone Church to the UNESCO-listed Old Town. Palmenhaus (Vienna): You can enjoy a variety of dishes in opulent surroundings at this cafe, bar and lounge set in a former greenhouse built for Austrias emperors. Donau-Auen National Park (Vienna): Take a tour to explore the stunning 9,600-hectare national park set on the banks of the River Danube, home to many endangered plants and animals. For the latest edition of the Nissan Electric Travel Guide visit nissantravelguide.com THE new music director of Henley Symphony Orchestra is a musician known around the world. South Africa-born Leon Bosch, 61, has taken on the tenure of principal conductor and artistic director of the orchestra, which has had only three conductors since it was formed in 1970. He announced his arrival over the airwaves on Friday while speaking to Katie Derham on her BBC Radio 3 show, In Tune, the day after his first rehearsal with the orchestra. Leon said: Theyre very nice people and a very good orchestra. Its quite an extraordinary thing because the orchestra has only had a handful of music directors in its time. Ian Brown, the pianist in the Nash Ensemble, was the last music director and he was there for about 30 years. To step into his shoes is quite an honour. His inaugural concert with the orchestra will be at the Hexagon in Reading on Sunday, March 26. The programme comprises Smetanas Vltava, Beethovens Piano Concerto No 5 in Eb Major Op 73, also known as the Emperor Concerto, and Rachmaninovs Symphony No. 2. Leon will be accompanied by 21-year-old Chinese-American pianist Eric Lu, who debuted at the BBC Proms in September 2019 and is becoming a name on the global stage. Leon had a long career as a double bass player and came to Henley four years ago to give a solo recital at the Kenton Theatre. The evening was organised jointly by Laura Reineke of Henley Music School and then mayor Glen Lambert to raise funds for the Mayors charities. Leon was principal bass for the Academy of St Martin in the Fields for 20 years until 2014, when he was encouraged by its founder, the late Sir Neville Marriner, to try his hand at conducting. He began studying with Sian Edwards in London and Alexander Polishchuk in St Petersburg. He also formed chamber music ensemble I Musicanti. For the last decade, Leon has been a helper and adviser to the Thomas de Hartmann Project, based in Ukraine. De Hartmann (1885-1956) was a famous Russian composer who was born in Ukraine and whose music fell into obscurity after his death. A festival of three orchestral concerts celebrating his classical pieces took place in Lviv in September 2021. Working with the Lviv National Harmonic Orchestra of Ukraine and Ukrainian-American conductor Theodore Kuchar, Leon has recorded the first two of three new CDs of de Hartmanns music. For more information, visit henleysymphony orchestra.co.uk/concerts The Korean government held an interagency meeting Monday to discuss response measures on the crash of a passenger aircraft that had carried two Korean nationals in Nepal a day earlier, Seoul's foreign ministry said. Two Koreans were confirmed to have been aboard the Yeti Airlines flight that crashed near Pokhara International Airport in Nepal on Sunday after flying from the country's capital city of Kathmandu. At the meeting chaired by Second Vice Foreign Minister Lee Do-hoon, the ministry shared the latest status of the Nepalese government's search and rescue operation. Other attending officials from the defense, transportation and interior ministries pledged to provide necessary assistance. "In coordination with our embassy in Nepal and the local authorities, we will continue our efforts to confirm additional damage and to come up with measures to provide assistance to the families of the victims," the ministry said. (Yonhap) The night view of Lotte Chemical lab / Courtesy of Lotte Chemical Lotte Chemical Corp. said Monday it is selling its subsidiary in Pakistan to a local chemical company for 192.4 billion won ($156 million) as part of efforts to streamline its business with a focus on advanced materials and eco-friendly products. Lucky Core Industries, a Pakistani chemical company, will take over the entire 75.01 percent stake in Lotte Chemical Pakistan, a unit that mainly engages in the production of purified terephthalic acid (PTA), the Seoul-based company said. PTA is widely used to make PET bottles and other polymer products, such as fibers, resins and thin films. Lotte Chemical said it will use the funds from the sale to bolster its advanced materials segment and make further inroads into sustainable chemical products, while upgrading the existing petrochemical products used as feedstock for plastics. The sale of the Pakistani unit means that Lotte Chemical will no longer engage in the PTA production. It shut down the domestic PTA production line in Ulsan, 307 kilometers southeast, in 2020. Lotte Chemical, the chemical unit of South Korean retail giant Lotte Group, aims to achieve 50 trillion won in sales in 2030, with about 30 trillion won to be generated from high value-added specialty products and eco-friendly materials. (Yonhap) French post office issues Chinese New Year stamps Xinhua) 11:18, January 16, 2023 Chinese artist Chen Jianghong signs on the Year of the Rabbit commemorative stamps designed by him during a launching ceremony in Paris, France, Jan. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Gao Jing) PARIS, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- French post office, La Poste, on Saturday issued two stamps to celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rabbit, which starts on Jan. 22. Speaking at the launching ceremony, Chinese ambassador to France Lu Shaye said that 2023 is the year of the Rabbit, and the rabbit is an animal of incredible cuteness, well-behaved, gentle and quick-witted. The rabbit represents the positive energy of the Chinese people who can overcome difficulties and improve themselves, Lu noted, adding that the Sino-French relations will surely write a new chapter and make rapid progress in the new year. It has been 19 years since La Poste issued its first Chinese zodiac stamps, Philippe Wahl, president and chief executive officer of La Poste said. Wahl said that by issuing Chinese zodiac stamps to celebrate the Chinese New Year, La Poste was paying sincere tribute to the Chinese culture. Featuring a crouching rabbit on a pink background, one stamp applies to the domestic mail service in France with a face value of 1.16 euro (1.26 U.S. dollar). The other, a rabbit looking up on the background of the moon, applies to the international mail service with a denomination of 1.8 euro. The stamps, designed by Chinese artist Chen Jianghong, are marked with "The Year of The Rabbit" characters in both Chinese and French. Since 2005, the French post office has been celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year each year by issuing stamps featuring the year's zodiac animal. The twelve animals, representing the Chinese Zodiac to record the years and reflect people's attributes, are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. (1 euro = 1.08 U.S. dollar) Chinese artist Chen Jianghong displays the Year of the Rabbit commemorative stamps designed by him during a launching ceremony in Paris, France, Jan. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Gao Jing) The Year of the Rabbit commemorative stamps, designed by Chinese artist Chen Jianghong, are seen during a launching ceremony in Paris, France, Jan. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Gao Jing) Chinese artist Chen Jianghong signs on the Year of the Rabbit commemorative stamps designed by him during a launching ceremony in Paris, France, Jan. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Gao Jing) A customer poses for a photo with Chinese artist Chen Jianghong (R), designer of the Year of the Rabbit commemorative stamps, during a launching ceremony in Paris, France, Jan. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Gao Jing) Chinese artist Chen Jianghong signs on the Year of the Rabbit commemorative stamps designed by him during a launching ceremony in Paris, France, Jan. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Gao Jing) Chinese artist Chen Jianghong displays the Year of the Rabbit commemorative stamps designed by him during a launching ceremony in Paris, France, Jan. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Gao Jing) Chinese artist Chen Jianghong signs on the Year of the Rabbit commemorative stamps designed by him during a launching ceremony in Paris, France, Jan. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Gao Jing) Chinese artist Chen Jianghong signs on the Year of the Rabbit commemorative stamps designed by him during a launching ceremony in Paris, France, Jan. 14, 2023. (Xinhua/Gao Jing) (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) Rep. Jang Hye-yeong, front row second from right, of the minor progressive Justice Party speaks during a press conference at the National Assembly in Seoul, Monday. Newsis By Lee Hae-rin Lawmakers and activists urged the government to support the deinstitutionalization the gradual relocation to regular, community-based housing of people with disabilities so that ultimately all people with disabilities can freely choose how, where and with whom they live. Rep. Jang Hye-yeong of the minor progressive Justice Party, Rep. Kang Min-jung of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) and activists from 13 civic groups held a press conference on Monday where they announced that they will request the U.N. Committee on the Rights of People with Disabilities to conduct an ex officio investigation of Korea's policies concerning the institutionalization of people with disabilities in residential facilities. The activists and lawmakers believe Korea's policies on residential policies violate the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), which the country ratified last year. They said they will request the U.N. committee to issue policy recommendations to the Korean government through the ex officio investigation. Previously, Hungary received a policy recommendation from the committee via an ex officio investigation. In response, the European country announced a policy improvement plan for its residential facilities for people with disabilities in 2020. According to the latest government statistics, Korea has 1,539 residential facilities housing 29,086 individuals with disabilities. An average of 4.7 people live together in the same room for about 18.9 years, according to a comprehensive study of these facilities conducted in 2020 by Solidarity Against Disability Discrimination (SADD). One employee looks after 13 to 15 residents at these facilities at night on average, according to the study. In response, the Ministry of Health and Welfare presented the country's 2021 roadmap for deinstitutionalization and self-support assistance for people with disabilities. However, the roadmap has been criticized by activists and lawmakers for covering only 18.5 percent of the population with disabilities. Also, the government's national budget for deinstitutionalization is only 4.8 billion won ($3,890), which is only 0.76 percent of the total 629 billion won budgeted for residential facilities. Shin Yu-da, a disability activist who has a disability and lived at a residential facility for seven years between 2012 and 2019, shared his experience of deinstitutionalization with the help of advocacy groups. He said he earned the freedom to pursue his own life since moving into "independent living housing," a type of housing for those with disabilities who are transitioning from institutionalized residential facilities to living independently in the community. Shin underscored the need for policy improvements to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. The coalition also voiced support for the passing of the deinstitutionalization support bill, which was introduced by Rep. Choi Hye-young of the DPK in December 2020. ~ With the addition of over 80 new rooms and recreational facilities, hotel more than doubles inventory. Devi Ratn, an IHCL SeleQtions hotel located in the bustling city of Jaipur, is now ready to welcome even more guests with the addition of 82 new rooms and recreational facilities including a lobby bar, restaurant, spa and meeting spaces. With these additions, the hotel more than doubles its existing inventory to a total of 145 rooms and suites offering views of the surrounding Aravalli hills. Located a short distance from the city centre, Devi Ratn - IHCL SeleQtions takes its name from the Nav Ratn - the nine gems symbolizing cosmic energy. The resort is inspired by the Jantar Mantar astronomical observatory, while the hotel's innovative architecture weaves in Rajasthan's vibrant tradition and culture. Located within a new block, the 82 additional rooms will include premium luxury accommodation while Oriental Pavilion, the new restaurant, will offer guests an expansive range of Asian cuisine; thereby complimenting the hotels existing all-day dining restaurant, Vyom; Mandala, an eclectic bar; and Jal, the poolside cafe. Guests can also indulge in an evening of cocktails at the new lobby bar or rejuvenate themselves with classic Jiva Spa treatments at the brand-new spa block. The added meeting and conferencing facilities will provide guests further opportunities to host events and fairy-tale weddings in the midst of 20 acres of lush green landscapes. Hotel website Luca Cerretani is the new Head of Italy at PKF hospitality group. He succeeds Giorgio Bianchi, who will continue to be active as a consultant for PKF hospitality group in the area of business development and at the 196+ forum Milan. Cerretani joined PKF hospitality group in 2022 and is based in Milan, Italy. In his present capacity as a Director - Head of Italy, his consulting activities include feasibility studies, valuations and asset management primarily in countries throughout Europe. Prior to joining PKF hospitality group, Cerretani worked for 13 years in revenue management for independent and branded luxury hotels where he gained knowledge in forecasting, market analysis and operations. Cerretani was also involved in numerous rebranding projects throughout Italy with different hotel brands. He has a bachelor degree from the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration in Ithaca, NY and is an active member of the Cornell Hotel Society alumni network in the AlpAdria and Eastern Europe Chapter. Cerretani teaches Revenue Management courses at the University of Bari. Dillinger joins the team as Area Director of Sales, bringing a combined 30 years of experience in hotel sales, meeting planning, and travel planning. In 2018, Dillinger was hired as the Director of Sales for Fairfield by Marriott and during her tenure with Shaner Hotels she has supported several properties as Task Force Area Director of Sales, during which Dillinger was designated the 2021 Salesperson of The Year by the Ohio Hotel and Lodging Association. Most recently, Dillinger was appointed Area Director of Sales for the AC Hotel and Fairfield by Marriott Dayton in December. Deutsche Hospitality is proud to welcome Norman Mark back in their hotelier's family as General Manager of the legendary Steigenberger Icon Wiltcher's in Brussels, one of the most outstanding hotels on the European continent. The General Manager, who was in his previous position in charge of the 5-star superior hotel "Hommage Luxury Hotels Collection" in Baden Baden, is a well-known colleague at Steigenberger. Steigenberger Hotels in Berlin, Bayreuth and Potsdam were important past assignments for Normann Mark. From 2015 to 2016 he was even the Interims General Manager at the Steigenberger Icon Wiltcher's. By Bernhard J. Seliger "Si vis pacem, para bellum" (If you want peace, prepare for war), goes a famous saying by a Roman war strategist, Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus, in the 4th century. This is one of the most sobering, pessimistic views of peace and war, and indeed, of the nature of mankind but unfortunately, it is only too true. Nothing can illustrate this better than the current war in Europe. For 30 years after 1989, European states and the European Union lived under the illusion that the Cold War threat, which had hung for so many decades over the fate of Europe, was removed once and for all. While the idea of the "End of History" as proclaimed by Francis Fukuyama in 1992 (which was Western liberal democracy as the final stage of all world history) might have been refuted only a few years after its publishing, with independence civil wars in southeastern Europe and continued war in the Middle East and unresolved tensions around the globe, at least European politicians often lived in the illusion that for those parts of Europe being part of the European Union or those aspiring to become members this paradisiac end state was indeed achieved. "For the first time in history, Germany is surrounded by friends, not enemies," was a frequent mantra of German politicians. And it was indeed right and a miraculous change from only a few generations before, when those friends still had been "arch"-enemies, like in the case of Germany and France. And this new fact of a peaceful surrounding also meant that finally a "peace dividend" could be reaped, about which so many theoretical thinkers on the left had dreamt for decades: The German army was radically downsized, to around a third of the Cold War size of East and West German military together, conscription was given up to the applause of young men, and instead of an army able to defend against an attacking enemy, the new concept was that of a few well-armed and well-trained special troops for intervention "at the Hindukush," far from the German homeland. Clearly, this came with a massive downsizing of the German defense budget. However, like many good things, the perennial peace did not last. For once, the U.S. was tired of granting military protection to Europe, which on a whole seemed to be much richer and very much able to defend itself. U.S. President Donald Trump in his boisterous way demanded a rise of European defense budgets to 2 percent of the GDP, which was a NATO goal, but conveniently missed by many countries, in particular the largest European country, Germany. German politicians reacted with horror, outrage and derision to Trump's demand. But though the messenger was unpopular, it would have been better to have heard him earlier which would also have been better regarding his warnings of a too-large energy dependence on Russia. Indeed, in particular, Germany throughout the last 15 years missed the slow but recognizable geopolitical build-up of tensions leading to the Russian attack on Ukraine. When Russia invaded Crimea in 2014, many Germans still were unsure about the correct interpretation after all, Crimea had not been too long Ukrainian territory, and it succumbed fast and seemingly almost without resistance to the Russian invasion. The Russian wars in the Caucasus, then, were too far away to be understood and appreciated by Western European powers. In the end, for the Kremlin the situation was not so different from that of Germany under Adolf Hitler in the run-up to World War II: one success after the other, one invasion after the other, and the feeling that the West ultimately was too weak for a powerful reaction. The German preoccupation with energy transition brought an ever-growing energy dependence on Russian gas and oil after deciding to abandon nuclear power and coal power and resisting calls for gas fracking, or allowing LNG terminals to be built on the instigation of environmentalists, who now with the Green Party were a governing member in many German states and sometimes in the federal government. When the big bang came with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, first it seemed that the German government finally woke up: "Zeitenwende" (change of an era) Chancellor Olaf Scholz called the time in which we live and promised an extra 100 billion euros for the German Bundeswehr (army). This, however, was immediately watered down and currently, the German defense contribution stands at around 1.4 percent of GDP, far from NATOs target 2 percent goal. And news from the ground is also frustrating: a recent test of German Puma tanks brought all of them to a standstill in a few hours, due to technical failure. At the same time, there is a veritable leadership vacuum at the political top. And this really shows the deep insight of the above-cited Roman adage: had Germany prepared better for war, many painful steps now, when cutting Russian oil and gas imports already create economic difficulties, would not have been necessary. Even more, a stronger and more coordinated answer to Russia's previous provocations may completely have deterred Russia from war; in this sense, there would have been a war-preparation dividend. South Korea is in a very different position, never having really experienced the end of the Cold War due to its often-hostile neighbor. But also here, dreams of the peace dividend are very much alive. Young men do not like to go to the army, and the duration of conscription saw a promised reduction. And while South Korea is clever and technologically able enough to see the conflict in Europe as an opportunity, with major weapons deliveries to EU states, it also has its own flaws in defense, as shown by the recent incursion of North Korean drones up to the presidential residence area. The answers to North Korean provocations in the form of tit-for-tat missile launches, live-fire exercises shooting into neutral waters and drone hunting shows, have something of a helpless air to them, from a country not really interested in ratcheting up tensions, but not knowing what else to do with a naughty neighbor. One area, where probably room for improvement is large, is cooperation not only with the U.S., but with the other democratic states here in the region, in particular Japan. Unfortunately, in large parts of society and politics, this seems to be an impossible choice. But it really has a strong parallel to the European situation: as the U.S. is reluctant to defend Europe alone, it also needs a sizable contribution to defense in East Asia, and this can only be effective in a coordinated approach among East Asian states, foremost Japan and South Korea. To dismiss this means not preparing well for war to defend peace. And North Korea, as well as China, is happy to deal piecemeal with neighbors who fail to unite against the threat. This does not and should not mean reckless or provocative behavior from the South. It is more a question of firm signaling of an emerging new alliance in East Asia. And indeed, it could be accompanied by a renewed civilian conciliatory policy, which was originally outlined in the "bold plan" of the administration of President Yoon Suk Yeol. This would be very important to make it very clear that preparation for defense is not a preparation for war, but for peace. 2023 will probably see an end to the war in Ukraine. If European countries stay together like in 2022, only one outcome, namely Ukrainian victory, is feasible. It would need, however, much stronger engagement from central European powers like Germany. If this would come true, the geopolitical situation in East Asia might also change considerably. Korea should be prepared for that. Dr. Bernhard J. Seliger is a resident representative of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) in Korea, based in Seoul. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, he traveled frequently to North Korea, where he implemented projects on forestry, environment and renewable energy as well as medical cooperation. He is an honorary citizen of Seoul and Gangwon Province. Palladium Hotel Group has taken a step forward in the deployment of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy with the appointment of Gloria Juste as Corporate Senior Director of Social Responsibility. Juste will work on pre-existing projects, in addition to important new initiatives which will focus on the people working for the group and local communities with which the company operates. The hotel group's CSR committee, backed by the Chairman's Office and the Management Committee, is dedicated to affecting change in all areas of the company. Through this committee, Palladium Hotel Group will consolidate measures focused on environmental protection and circular economy principles, while at the same time placing a special focus on people. A priority for the area, led by Juste and her team, will be the implementation of comprehensive support measures for Palladium Hotel Group's 13,000 valued employees, their families, and the local communities in which the group operates across six countries in Europe and the Americas. Gloria Juste holds a law degree from Comillas Pontifical University and a Master's degree in Tax Law from the Centro de Estudios Garrigues. She was able to combine her academic training with various voluntary roles in Spain and abroad, which led her to launch the Mano Amiga Foundation to support vulnerable children and families. Since then, she has started social initiatives such as Mashumano, Wolters Kluwer Formacion, SAVIA and BYG, among others. In 2016 she took over the Project Management of the Endesa Foundation, where she has remained until now. In this role, she designed and created new areas of the Foundation, such as Education, Employment, Environment, Social Assistance and Corporate Volunteering. Over 50 years, Palladium Hotel Group has developed various Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives to address three key focuses: the circular economy, the environment and the social sphere. Now, the hotel group is taking another step forward in this commitment by focusing on offering training and education opportunities to improve access to the labour market, under the premise that the best social aid is employment. WASHINGTON - U.S. Travel Association congratulates the 32 travel industry leaders appointed Thursday to serve on the U.S. Department of Commerces Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (TTAB), a coalition that provides expert recommendations, insight and guidance on travel priorities to benefit the travelers and the national travel economy. This outstanding and diverse group of leaders will provide invaluable expertise to Secretary Raimondo and the Commerce Department as the U.S. addresses pressing issues to grow the travel industry. Having cooperation between industry and government is critical to establishing travel as an essential component of economic activity and job growth. U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Geoff Freeman The appointees, announced by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, will advise the secretary on how government policies affect the travel and tourism industry and offer counsel on current and emerging issues to support the industrys growth. Key policies that require significant focus include lowering the excessive visitor visa interview wait times, modernizing and investing in the antiquated air travel system, deploying infrastructure dollars to improve the travel ecosystem, and fostering the return of Chinese and other critical source markets of international visitors, among other priorities. The TTABs efforts will support the Commerce Departments goal of welcoming 90 million annual international visitors by 2027, as outlined in the agencys National Travel and Tourism Strategy, released last June. Secretary Raimondo is a remarkable partner in government, and we remain grateful for her leadership to ensure travel reaches its full potential, added Freeman. Please click here to see the full list of TTAB appointees. About U.S. Travel Association U.S. Travel Association is the national, non-profit organization representing all components of the travel industry. Travelers in the United States are estimated to spend $1.1 trillion in 2022 (still 10% below 2019 levels). U.S. Travel advocates for policies to accelerate an even recovery across the travel industry and restore economic and job growth for this essential contributor to our nation's success. Visit ustravel.org for information and recovery-related data. Regeneration is going to be one of the main keywords of 2023. Within the rise of the regenerative economy, Regenerative Hospitality is predicted to have a dramatic impact on the industry. Thanks to a fruitful collaboration between EHL- Hospitality Business School, the institute of tourism of HES-SO Valais/Wallis and Regenerative Travel we conducted an in-depth research on this new phenomenon. From our point of view, we are witnessing the rise of regenerative hospitality and we are predicting its possible expansion from luxury boutique hotels to mainstream properties. This article distils the information collected in several iterations with different stakeholders from several touch points and pieces together some of the most important findings of our research paving the way for the future of Regenerative Hospitality on a wide scale. What Is Regenerative Hospitality The concept of regenerative hospitality is a relatively new trend in the hospitality field and it can be understood as an aspirational business approach that focuses on creating net-positive impact on the environment, the community and the wider society. Regenerative hospitality focuses on sustainability and environmental responsibility, prioritizing not only the protection and preservation of the natural environment and the local ecosystem but also an active contribution to the regeneration of it. This must be done in collaboration with local communities where regenerative hotels try to build mutually beneficial relationships focusing for example on sourcing local food and manpower, supporting local businesses and local causes and so on. In addition, regenerative hotels take a holistic approach to wellness, meaning that they strive to co-create relevant, and possibly transformative, experiences for the guests, orchestrating elements of the natural ecosystem and the wider society towards socio-cultural-psychological wellbeing. Even if regenerative hospitality is committed to transparency and accountability, regenerative hoteliers are driven by the aspiration of doing good to the place and the people around themselves. These impactful organizations foster a local and qualitative approach to the specific ecosystem they are placed in and constantly work on maximizing their positive-net impact at all levels. Regenerate Inward-Outward One of the main aspects that stand out in Regenerative Hospitality is the inward-outward nature of the phenomenon that is also often reflected in the hotels business model and positioning. Outward: Regenerative properties do feel entrusted to positively contribute to the environment and the wider society around them; they are on an ecosystem regeneration mission where a true concern for nature and society drives all the decisions. Consultation with local community and local stakeholders are constantly conducted to fine tune the operations of the business in the community for the ecosystems; for example a relatively long community consultation was put in place to design and realize the Fogo Inn in Canada; the size of the property, the adaptation to the natural landscape up to the carpentry and furnishing works were agreed with the community that had the opportunity to flourish around the hotel. These often lead to the creation of side business units that contributes to local entrepreneurship and socio-economic development as in the case of the Rock House in Jamaica: the funders were able to support the birth and rise of local businesses such as water bottling companies and hydroponic farms; these side businesses facilitated by the hotel supported the local community and de-facto shortened the hotel supply chain. Inward: Regenerative hospitality properties tend to have special care not only towards the external environment and community; they also provide special care for their guests by allowing hosts and staff at the hotel to co-create relevant experiences with them; it is the orchestration of natural, social and cultural elements which are flourishing around the properties that support meaningful interpersonal and nature-based relationships. Regenerative hotels aims at creating mindful experiences to guide their customers towards transformative moments; this is the case, for example, of the Bliss and Star s in South Africa which takes customer into an inner journey of meditation and relaxation supported by wild nature and expert star gazing. Central in this process is the role of local employees and community small businesses who facilitate the creation and co-creation of value for the final stakeholders. Most of the managing directors we met during our research stressed the importance of hiring and growing local passionate people who care about the nature and the community to drive the model forward and to engage guests at a different level. Why Regenerative Hospitality Then? What became apparent in our research journey was the interest and the passion of each professional we met with respect to their regenerative hospitality practices. The reasons for their enthusiasm could be drilled down to four main elements: Local vs global : Regenerative Hospitality stresses local impact; it is less about generic sustainability guidelines to comply with and to justify towards a given body or certification authority; it is more about a genuine involvement with the local ecosystem . It is not about doing less harm to the environment and the community and it is more about local systemic net-positive impact . Results are visible. Impact is understandable. : Regenerative Hospitality stresses local impact; it is less about generic sustainability guidelines to comply with and to justify towards a given body or certification authority; it is more about a . It is not about doing less harm to the environment and the community and it is more about . Results are visible. Impact is understandable. The harmonic systemic approach : outward (i.e. ecosystem and community) and inward (i.e. host and guest) world collaborate in facilitating net-positive impact for all. The hospitality business is not conceived in isolation but opens up and impacts inward and outward spheres . Nature and its complexity along with the multifaced community forces are embraced to strengthen the acceptance and support of the hospitality operations towards the supply chain but also towards guests experiential journey. : outward (i.e. ecosystem and community) and inward (i.e. host and guest) world collaborate in facilitating net-positive impact for all. The hospitality . Nature and its complexity along with the multifaced community forces are embraced to strengthen the acceptance and support of the hospitality operations towards the supply chain but also towards guests experiential journey. Employee retention : local hired employees are part of this impactful picture and can support both the outward and inward nature of the ecosystem. Additionally, having a mission for the wider community will support the retention of the employees/community member who search for purposeful jobs. : local hired employees are part of this impactful picture and can support both the outward and inward nature of the ecosystem. Additionally, of the employees/community member who search for purposeful jobs. Engages Guests: guests looking for sustainable related experience can easily relate to the concept of regenerative hospitality. But there is more than the marketing side to this approach: mindful experience can trigger transformation and regeneration also at guests level; these experiences are often co-created with and orchestrated by local employees and local bodies. Thus, fostering the possibility of bilateral engagement. All in all, the Regenerative Hospitality approach requires a mind-shift for hoteliers to really focus on their local; this will foster creativity at all levels thanks to commitment and engagement with nature, community and visitors. Who is Regenerative Hospitality For? In our study we came across to relatively small and privately owned properties which are driving the change in the hospitality field. However, we believe there is space for all hospitality establishments to embrace the regenerative mindshift. One has just to start, so here below some tips on how to start and move on. Develop a regenerative proposition and draft a suitability/regenerative plan: what is regeneration for you? How can your business have a positive impact on the wider community? What is that you and your colleagues can do to make a difference locally? Refine your idea with stakeholders in the community: once you found your regenerative proposition, refine it with key community stakeholders. Engage in consultations; bring relevant stakeholders on board and start the regenerative journey. Engage your staff and create ambassadors to establish meaningful relationships within the company and outside the company. Be always crystal clear with your plan and give a purpose to your employees to serve their local community. Involve your guests and orchestrate experiential elements coming from the community, the natural environment and the staff. Harvest the richness of the world around you to promote change in your customers. Track, Report and Communicate: do not be shy of your achievement. Do not brag about them. Report them in a clear and neat way. Leading the local conversation and communicating your achievement will foster your national and international exposure towards a target audience who will tune-in in the conversation. Want to know more about Regenerative Hospitality: get in touch [email protected]. Further interesting readings and resources: Polman, P., & Winston, A. S. (2022). Net positive . Profit Editorial. . Profit Editorial. Dredge, D. (2022). Regenerative tourism: transforming mindsets, systems and practices. Journal of Tourism Futures . . Bellato, L., Frantzeskaki, N., & Nygaard, C. A. (2022). Regenerative tourism: a conceptual framework leveraging theory and practice. Tourism Geographies, 1-21. Alessandro INVERSINI Associate Professor EHL As the hospitality industry continues to evolve and adapt to changes in technology, staff behavior, and the macro environment, it's crucial for hotels to stay ahead of the curve in order to boost revenue and stay competitive. From high employee turnover to the impact of COVID-19 on bookings and guest expectations, there are a variety of challenges facing hotels today. However, by identifying and implementing the right solutions, general managers can ensure their hotels succeed while others struggle. Challenges that Hotels Face in 2023 As a Hotel General Manager, the year 2023 presents a number of challenges that threaten the stability and profitability of your hotel. The ongoing economic recession, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the changing landscape of the hospitality industry have all contributed to these challenges. Despite these difficulties, with the right strategies and solutions in place, you can navigate these challenges and come out on top. Below are some of the specific challenges you may be facing in 2023 and examples of how they might affect your hotel operations: Decrease in demand for lodging : The ongoing recession has led to a decrease in the number of people traveling, resulting in fewer bookings for hotels. This can lead to a decrease in revenue and make it more difficult to maintain profitability. : The ongoing recession has led to a decrease in the number of people traveling, resulting in fewer bookings for hotels. This can lead to a decrease in revenue and make it more difficult to maintain profitability. Increased competition from alternative forms of accommodation : With the rise of platforms like Airbnb, hotels are facing increased competition from alternative forms of accommodation. This can make it more difficult to attract guests, and can lead to a decrease in revenue. : With the rise of platforms like Airbnb, hotels are facing increased competition from alternative forms of accommodation. This can make it more difficult to attract guests, and can lead to a decrease in revenue. High employee turnover rates : High employee turnover rates can make it difficult to consistently deliver on guest expectations and can lead to a lack of trained and experienced staff. This can result in poor guest service, lower guest satisfaction, and negative reviews. : High employee turnover rates can make it difficult to consistently deliver on guest expectations and can lead to a lack of trained and experienced staff. This can result in poor guest service, lower guest satisfaction, and negative reviews. Changing guest expectations : The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to changes in guest expectations, with a greater focus on safety and cleanliness. Hotels must now invest in new technologies and protocols to meet these expectations, such as touchless check-ins and increased cleaning and sanitation measures. : The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to changes in guest expectations, with a greater focus on safety and cleanliness. Hotels must now invest in new technologies and protocols to meet these expectations, such as touchless check-ins and increased cleaning and sanitation measures. Adapting to technology : As technology continues to advance, guests are now expecting more seamless and personalized experiences, from booking to check-out. Hotels must adapt to these changes by implementing new technologies, such as mobile check-in, keyless room entry, and self-service kiosks. However, the implementation of new protocols and technologies can be costly for hotels, and this can be a challenge for some hotels to implement. : As technology continues to advance, guests are now expecting more seamless and personalized experiences, from booking to check-out. Hotels must adapt to these changes by implementing new technologies, such as mobile check-in, keyless room entry, and self-service kiosks. However, the implementation of new protocols and technologies can be costly for hotels, and this can be a challenge for some hotels to implement. Balancing guest and employee safety: With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, hotels must balance the safety of guests and employees. This can include implementing new protocols and technologies, such as touchless check-ins and increased cleaning and sanitation measures, but also can be difficult to implement and maintain. Digitizing the Guest Experience to Delight and Impress The guest experience is a critical component of any hotel's success. With the rise of technology and the shift in guest expectations, hotels are facing new challenges in providing a seamless, personalized experience. By digitizing key processes such as booking, check-in and check-out, and guest interactions, hotels can improve efficiency, enhance the guest experience, and ultimately drive revenue. Check-in and Check-out: Digitizing check-in and check-out processes can greatly enhance the guest experience and provide a more efficient and streamlined process. By implementing options such as using a kiosk to check in and out or using smartphones as a key to the room, hotels can allow guests to bypass the traditional front desk check-in process and go straight to their rooms. This not only improves the guest experience, but also provides an added level of safety and hygiene in the wake of COVID-19. These technologies also enable guests to check-in and check-out on their own time and convenience, which can be a great value add. Digitizing check-in and check-out processes can greatly enhance the guest experience and provide a more efficient and streamlined process. By implementing options such as using a kiosk to check in and out or using smartphones as a key to the room, hotels can allow guests to bypass the traditional front desk check-in process and go straight to their rooms. This not only improves the guest experience, but also provides an added level of safety and hygiene in the wake of COVID-19. These technologies also enable guests to check-in and check-out on their own time and convenience, which can be a great value add. Guest Requests: By digitizing guest request processes, hotels can improve their ability to efficiently and effectively respond to guests' needs. This can be done by implementing technologies such as using QR codes placed in the guest room that lead to digital forms for guests to submit requests, and providing staff with digital operations software to quickly respond to these requests. This allows for a more personalized experience for guests and improves their satisfaction. Additionally, chatbots can be used to provide immediate assistance, and voice-enabled assistants can be placed in rooms for guests to make requests and receive information. These technologies not only improve guest satisfaction but also increase the efficiency of the hotel's operations. By digitizing guest request processes, hotels can improve their ability to efficiently and effectively respond to guests' needs. This can be done by implementing technologies such as using QR codes placed in the guest room that lead to digital forms for guests to submit requests, and providing staff with digital operations software to quickly respond to these requests. This allows for a more personalized experience for guests and improves their satisfaction. Additionally, chatbots can be used to provide immediate assistance, and voice-enabled assistants can be placed in rooms for guests to make requests and receive information. These technologies not only improve guest satisfaction but also increase the efficiency of the hotel's operations. Room Service: By digitizing room service processes, hotels can provide guests with an efficient, convenient, and personalized experience. This can include implementing features such as live updating menus, digital ordering, and mobile payments. Additionally, hotels can create room service promotions like happy hours with discounts and connecting to local vendors to outsource kitchen and expand options. This not only improves the guest experience but also increases revenue by making it easier for guests to order and pay for room service. By digitizing room service, hotels can also track and analyze real-time data on orders which can inform decisions on menu offerings, pricing, and staffing. This can ultimately help hotels optimize their room service operations and increase revenue By digitizing room service processes, hotels can provide guests with an efficient, convenient, and personalized experience. This can include implementing features such as live updating menus, digital ordering, and mobile payments. Additionally, hotels can create room service promotions like happy hours with discounts and connecting to local vendors to outsource kitchen and expand options. This not only improves the guest experience but also increases revenue by making it easier for guests to order and pay for room service. By digitizing room service, hotels can also track and analyze real-time data on orders which can inform decisions on menu offerings, pricing, and staffing. This can ultimately help hotels optimize their room service operations and increase revenue In-room Technology: Digitizing in-room technology can also enhance the guest experience. This can include smart room controls, voice-enabled assistants, and even virtual reality experiences. These technologies can provide guests with a more personalized and interactive experience, improving overall satisfaction and creating a memorable stay. By digitizing key processes such as check-in and check-out, guest requests, room service, and in-room technology, hotels can improve the guest experience, increase efficiency, and ultimately drive revenue. These optimizations can lead to improved reviews, increased bookings, and an overall enhancement of the hotel's brand reputation, making it a win-win situation for both the hotel and its guests. Digitizing Frontline and Maintenance Improves Operational Efficiency The success of a hotel depends largely on the ability to optimize operations and provide a seamless experience for guests. With the rapid changes in technology, staff behavior, and the macro environment, it can be difficult to consistently deliver on guest expectations. The implementation of digital solutions such as maintenance management, deskless team operations, housekeeping software and more can help streamline the guest experience, improve efficiency, and ultimately drive revenue. With the right solutions in place, you'll be able to identify problems in your operations, and take informed action to improve your bottom line. Digitized Preventive Maintenance Reduces Equipment Downtime Preventive maintenance is a critical aspect of hotel operations, as it ensures that equipment is functioning correctly, and reduces the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns. By implementing software that can handle task and work order management, hotels can quickly assign tasks to teams or individuals, and track progress in real-time. This can include creating recurring tasks, work orders, PPMs, meetings and more in minutes, and assigning tasks to teams or individuals. Attaching templates and details such as category, location, priority, and requiring images for accountability, it's possible to ensure that tasks are completed on time, and that equipment is functioning correctly. With real-time tracking, hotels can quickly identify and address any issues that may arise, reducing downtime and improving overall efficiency. Efficient Reactive Work Order Management Drives Happy Guests Reactive work order management is an important aspect of hotel operations. With software that can handle task and work order management, hotels can quickly assign tasks to teams or individuals, and track progress in real-time. This can include creating work orders, assigning tasks to teams or individuals, attaching templates and details such as category, location, priority, and requiring images for accountability. With real-time tracking, hotels can quickly identify and address any issues that may arise, improving overall efficiency and guest satisfaction. Streamlined Housekeeping Management Ensures Consistent Brand Standards Housekeeping Management is a critical aspect of hotel operations, as it ensures that guest rooms are clean, and that guests are satisfied with their stay. By implementing software that can handle task and work order management, hotels can quickly assign tasks to teams or individuals, and track progress in real-time. This can include creating recurring tasks, work orders, PPMs, meetings and more in minutes, and assigning tasks to teams or individuals. Attaching templates and details such as category, location, priority, and requiring images for accountability, hotels can ensure that tasks are completed on time, and that guest rooms are clean and well-maintained. With real-time tracking, hotels can quickly identify and address any issues that may arise, improving overall efficiency and guest satisfaction. Digital Logs and Standardized Processes Provide Crucial Data For Decisioning Digital logs and standardized processes are an important aspect of hotel operations, as they ensure that tasks are completed correctly, and that guests are satisfied with their stay. By implementing software that can handle task and work order management, hotels can quickly assign tasks to teams or individuals, and track progress in real-time. This can include creating recurring tasks, work orders, PPMs, meetings and more in minutes, and assigning tasks to teams or individuals. Attaching templates and details such as category, location, priority, and requiring images for accountability, hotels can ensure that tasks are completed on time, and that guest requests are addressed quickly and efficiently. With real-time tracking, hotels can quickly identify and address any issues that may arise, improving overall efficiency and guest satisfaction. Guest-centric Digital Requests Management Greatly Increases Speed to Resolution Guest requests are an important aspect of hotel operations, as they ensure that guests are satisfied with their stay. By implementing software that can handle guest requests, hotels can quickly address guest needs, and track progress in real-time. This can include creating digital forms or QR codes for guests to make requests, chatbots to provide immediate assistance, and even voice-enabled assistants in rooms. These technologies allow hotels to provide a more personalized experience and improve guest satisfaction. By digitizing guest requests, hotels can increase efficiency, improve the guest experience, and ultimately drive revenue. Hotel Technology Companies to Check Out in 2023 Cloud Based PMS Systems Offer More Integrations and Better Pricing than Legacy Systems Opera Cloud PMS: Opera Cloud PMS is a cloud-based hotel property management system that helps hotels manage reservations, guest profiles, and room assignments. It also includes features such as rate management, inventory control, and revenue management. Opera Cloud PMS is designed to integrate with a wide range of other systems, including CRM, sales and catering, and business intelligence tools, making it a great option for hotels looking to optimize their bookings. Cloudbeds: Cloudbeds is a cloud-based property management system designed for hotels, hostels, vacation rentals, and other types of properties. It offers a range of features to help hotels manage bookings, guest profiles, and reservations. These features include rate management, inventory control, and revenue management. Cloudbeds integrates with a wide range of other systems, including booking engines, channel managers, and payment gateways, making it a great option for hotels looking to improve their bookings. Hotelogix PMS: Hotelogix PMS is a cloud-based property management system designed specifically for hotels. It offers a range of features to help hotels manage bookings, guest profiles, and reservations. These features include rate management, inventory control, and revenue management. Hotelogix PMS is designed to integrate with a wide range of other systems, including booking engines, channel managers, and payment gateways, making it a great option for hotels looking to optimize their booking channels. Mews PMS: Mews PMS is a cloud-based property management system designed specifically for hotels and hostels. It offers a range of features to help hotels manage bookings, guest profiles, and reservations. These features include rate management, inventory control, and revenue management. Additionally, Mews PMS has features such as the ability to manage housekeeping and maintenance, and it is designed to integrate with a wide range of other systems, including booking engines, channel managers, and payment gateways, making it a great option for hotels looking to optimize their bookings, and also manage their operations in an efficient way. Cloud Based Hotel Operations Software Eliminates Pen and Paper and Streamlines Teams A recent Hospitality Net World Panel viewpoint discussed the feasibility of a pass for unlimited stays would work for hotels. The viewpoint discusses the idea of hotels offering a pass for unlimited stays, similar to the "all you can fly" promotion recently announced by Frontier Airlines. Experts in the hospitality industry were interviewed, and opinions are mixed. Some believe that the idea could work for large hotel chains with multiple locations, but with limitations such as no more than one or two nights stay at any property per quarter. Others believe that the idea is more of a publicity stunt and would ultimately lead to customer dissatisfaction due to the restrictions and availability challenges that would be required to make it work. Some suggest that a subscription model with a fixed number of nights for a monthly fee would offer more potential for innovation in pricing structure. The article mentions that Frontier Airlines, a budget airline based out of Denver, Colorado, recently announced an "all you can fly" promotion that offers pass holders unlimited domestic flights, including to Puerto Rico. This led to the question of whether any hotel brand - big or small - or independent hotel would follow suit and introduce a hotel pass with unlimited stays. Eleven experts in the hospitality industry were interviewed, and their opinions are mixed. Some believe that the idea of a hotel pass with unlimited stays could work, but with certain limitations and restrictions. For example, Larry Mogelonsky, Partner at Hotel Mogel Consulting Ltd. suggests that the pass could be limited to no more than one or two nights stay at any property per quarter, and that it would be more of a publicity stunt than a money maker. Others believe that the idea of an unlimited hotel pass would ultimately lead to customer dissatisfaction. Peter OConnor, Professor of Strategy at University of South Australia Business School, mentions that the types of restrictions needed to make it work, such as blackout dates, limits on the number of consecutive nights, and availability challenges would make the reality very different from the promise, leading to disappointment and frustration. Charlie Osmond, Co-Founder & Chief Tease at Triptease, suggests that an unlimited stay hotel pass would require hotels to ramp up revenue from ancillaries and attributes to make it work, similar to how airlines charge additional fees for every tiny thing/service. Mark Fancourt, Co-Founder at TRAVHOTECH, mentions that some hotels have already applied the "unlimited stay" model during COVID. Anantara launched such an initiative, where "unlimited" being relevant to the amount of money to offset a realistic number of room nights or stays. Linchi Kwok, Professor at The Collins College of Hospitality Management, Cal Poly Pomona, believes that "all you can stay" may not work well for hotels as the pricing structure of hotels is different from airlines, and people do not need to travel far for a staycation, and people can live in a hotel comfortably rather than in an apartment with "all you can stay." In addition to the opinions of the experts mentioned in the article, it also mentions that some hotels have already applied the "unlimited stay" model during COVID. For example, Anantara launched such an initiative, where the customer pays a fixed amount of money and in return they get a certain number of room nights or stays. This can be seen as a way for hotels to offer a flexible and attractive pricing structure, without the need for the customer to pay for each individual stay. However, it is also mentioned that this type of model comes with its own set of challenges and limitations. For example, there may be restrictions on the number of consecutive nights a customer can stay, or blackout dates when the pass is not valid. Additionally, there may be issues with availability, as a limited number of passes may be sold, making it difficult for customers to find available rooms during peak times. Another factor that may impact the feasibility of an unlimited hotel pass is the difference in pricing structure between hotels and airlines. Hotels generally charge limited or no itemized fees for a stay, while airlines charge additional fees for every tiny thing/service. This means that hotels would need to find other ways to generate revenue, such as increasing prices for ancillaries and attributes, in order to make an unlimited stay pass viable. It's also mentioned that an unlimited hotel pass could be more of a publicity stunt than a money maker, as it would be a great way to generate buzz and attract new customers, but it may not be profitable in the long run. In conclusion, while the idea of an unlimited hotel pass has its appeal, it also comes with a number of challenges and limitations that need to be considered and addressed. Hotels would need to find ways to generate revenue, and overcome issues such as restrictions and availability, in order to make the pass viable. Additionally, hotels would need to think about how to offer a flexible and attractive pricing structure, without compromising on the customer experience. Read the full World Panel Viewpoint Article generated with OpenAI - ChatGBT Wait! Before you go Please sign up for our Evening Digest and Breaking Newsletters Success! An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Error! There was an error processing your request. * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Click here for a Print Subscription with Online Digital included. 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The basic rationale and core flashpoint in the legal case seen above are who should be held accountable for the rising costs of data fueled by the global streaming boom. Net neutrality is a principle that internet service providers must treat equally all data-driven content flowing through their cable networks and cell towers. In the U.S., for example, net neutrality advocates were saying keeping the internet a wide open playing field is vital for innovation and this nature has resulted in the rise of Netflix, Spotify, Facebook or YouTube. But the point of concern is that because traffic on telecom networks will continue to grow at an exponential rate as the sixth-generation (6G) network is being developed, policymakers in the EU, Southeast Asia, South America and developed Asian economies including Korea are all-set to further push big technology companies to possibly pay them for the traffic they send over their network. 6G offers speeds up 100 times faster than the industry's current mainstream of 5G, making it ideal for bandwidth-heavy applications such as streaming games and content. The logic behind the moves is based on judgements and consensus that rules which stop telecom operators from passing on some of the cost to the biggest drivers of the data growth are plainly outdated in the so-called streaming era. "Telecom operators have invested to ensure that their networks can support this exponential growth in traffic. While the resulting market is 'two-sided,' telecom operators have effectively only been able to recover network costs from end users," Frontier Economics, a London-based economics consultancy, said in a report to leading European telecom operators. The logos of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google in a combination photo / Yonhap "How to redefine network neutrality will be the foremost subject of talks at February's Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain. Senior executives of major European telecom companies are set to develop and explore the best possible ways on how to establish a price signal that allows telecom operators to boost their investments in high-capacity networks and help over-the-top (OTT) providers to benefit depending on the level of optimization of their traffic volumes," an executive at SK Telecom, the country's top mobile carrier, said. From the industry's standpoint, this issue is comparable to energy companies trying to collect commissions from set makers for the energy use of various appliances, while end users (consumers) are already being charged for the actual amount of energy used by their machines, according to company executives and lobby groups. This rapprochement is based on observations that a high share of data traffic is concentrated in the hands of a small number of OTT players including Facebook, Netflix and Blizzard, which also means that this characteristic is consistent with the "beneficiary pays" model that is largely followed in most infrastructure markets. "Squid Game," for example, topped the charts in all 83 countries where Netflix streams with the company reporting that more than 100 million viewers have watched the Korean drama. "It is interesting to note that even Netflix accepts contributing directly to the cost of its service delivery to consumers: we understand that in the U.S. areas with insufficient broadband coverage, which cannot support streaming services, Netflix delivers its content on DVDs. In those cases, customers pay Netflix for the DVDs, but Netflix pays the U.S. Mail for the DVDs' delivery to its customers," Axon Research, a market research firm, told its key European telecom clients. A Seoul court ruled against Netflix in June 2021, accepting SK Broadband's (SKB) claim that network use is essentially a cost and that it could be possible for SKB to ask Netflix for payment, even if the telecom service provider has not done so in the past. The ruling said Netflix must pay SKB at least $22 million for the single calendar year of 2020. But unsurprisingly, Netflix Korea is appealing the ruling. "SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus the country's three leading telecom operators will remain supportive of the EU's efforts to advance the work on the Connectivity Infrastructure Act (CIA), a legislative proposal to reduce the cost of expanding high-capacity networks. Policymakers in Korea are also set to meet EU officials and key stakeholders involved in the CIA legislative proposal process during the MWC fair for detailed talks regarding the EU's efforts on this issue," an official at the Korea Communications Commission (KCC), said in a separate call, adding there are some similarities between SKB's position and that of telecom network operators in Europe and elsewhere. A matter of consumer protection? But in the United States, policymakers are still not siding with the EU and other countries about the idea of forcing big technology companies to pay for their use of data. Android's Nearby Share technology is demonstrated at Alphabet's Google Android plaza booth during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada on January 5, 2023. AFP-Yonhap Subscribers to Register-Star or The Daily Mail are eligible to receive full access to HudsonValley360. If you have an existing print subscription, please make sure your email address on file matches your HudsonValley360 account email. Williamstown Fire District to Seek $25M for Station Project WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. The committee that oversees the town's fire district Thursday approved warrant article language seeking authority to borrow up to $25 million to build a new station on Main Street. That is the number officials will seek on Feb. 28 at a special district meeting at Williamstown Elementary School. Three members of the five-person Prudential Committee attended Thursday's special meeting to sign off on the language. Chair David Moresi was joined by Joe Beverly and Alex Steel for a brief hybrid meeting at the current fire station on Water Street. The $25 million will be sought to cover the cost of "the design, engineering, construction and equipping of a new fire station to be located at 562-580 Main Street," according to the article's language. The draft warrant article language the Prudential Committee members received referenced $25 million. At the suggestion of Jim Kolesar, a member of the district's Building Committee, the panel added the words "up to" to emphasize the district's continued pursuit of cost savings and alternative funding sources, like grants and gifts. All registered voters who live in Williamstown will be eligible to participate in the meeting on Feb. 28 in the elementary school gymnasium, which has a capacity of 800. Two-thirds of voters at the meeting would need to vote in favor of the bond authorization Proposition 2 1/2 override in order for the project to proceed. If the project were approved at the $25 million level, that would be larger than Williamstown's share of the $64.7 million addition/renovation project at Mount Greylock Regional School. The town's share of that project (after contributions from the Massachusetts School Building Authority) came to about $22 million. As a school building project, the Mount Greylock rebuild needed a simple majority for the debt override, but it passed in Williamstown by a margin of 2,226 to 351, with about 84 percent of voters saying yes. On Thursday, Moresi said the Williamstown Fire District still is working on an analysis of how its building project would affect local property tax rates. He said the tax impact numbers would be available well before the Feb. 28 meeting. Adams Annual Town Census ADAMS, Mass. The 2023 annual town census is underway in Adams. The census is mandated by the Massachusetts General Law. This year census forms have been mailed to all residents. Residents are asked to review the form, make any necessary changes, sign and return it to the Town Clerk's Office in the envelope provided, even if there are no changes. There is a drop box in front of Town Hall for your convenience. Households with dependent children who are not listed on the census form should add their children and complete the information that pertains to each child. Information regarding the children is not public record and is used only by the schools for enrollment purposes. Residents cannot register to vote or change party enrollment on the annual town census. Any resident who is not registered to vote may register by mailing a voter registration form or visiting the Secretary of the Commonwealth's website. Failure to respond may result in removal from the active voters list. Anyone who does not receive their census form or wishes to provide the information on the phone should call the Town Clerk's Office at (413) 743-8300, Ext. 176, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Wednesday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Peacemaker awardee Mary Lou Accetta stands with Alex Daugherty of the Martin Luther King Day Committee and State Rep. John Barrett III. Around 200 volunteers participated in a dozen projects throughout the Northern Berkshires and returned to Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts for lunch in the Venable Gym. PreviousNext Mary Lou Accetta Honored for Advocacy In North Berkshires with Peacemaker Award While the coalition has celebrated MLK day for almost 30 years, it has marked the holiday with a day of service since 2013. Due to the pandemic, activities were suspended for the last two years. NORTHADAMS, Mass. Brooklyn Street Neighbors President Mary Lou Accetta was recognized for her decades of advocacy with the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition's Peacemaker award on Monday. "Mary Lou Accetta has been a tireless advocate for all residents of Berkshire County since her first days as a volunteer at the Mary Jezyk Sunshine Park in North Adams at the age of 13," Alex Daugherty of the Martin Luther King Day Committee said. "Throughout the years, Mary Lou has been a voice of the underserved and underprivileged, the abused and rejected and neglected. She has always stood up for what was right and just, using her voice to represent those who have no voiceand those voices who fear to speak for themselves." Accetta humbly stated that her work is a group effort and thanked everyone who has been a part of her journey. "Everybody in this room deserves this award," she said. The award concluded NBCC's contribution to the national day of service that celebrates the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on his birthday. Around 200 volunteers participated in a dozen projects throughout the Northern Berkshires and returned to Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts for lunch in the Venable Gym. The Brooklyn Street Neighbors developed by Accetta is an intentional, inclusive community that encourages people of diverse ages, abilities, incomes, and backgrounds to prosper in the area. It is aided by Habitat for Humanity, who adopted this street, and Nonotuck Resource Associates. Accetta's nearly lifelong tenure of community service is robust and ranges from serving on city panels to being a foster parent. She has fostered over a dozen children over the years, served on commissions including the North Adams School Committee, and is a special advocate in the Berkshire County court system. "I've just been really fortunate in my life to have many, many good role models, both professionally and personally," Accetta explained. "And that's where it all really started." When she began volunteering in her early teens she simply wanted something to do but wound up finding lifelong friendships. "And what I learned was that it doesn't really matter if you're young, you're old, or if you spend your days at Williams College or BFAIR or McCann technical school, or what [your] ethnic background is, we're all in this thing together," Accetta said. "And if we can get past our prejudice and our fears, there's chances for real friendships. There's chances to learn and grow together, and we can all make a difference in this crazy world of ours." The awardee's grandmother was one of her first role models, as she would make sure that nobody would leave the house hungry or lonely. Accetta said this contributed to her charitable values. "She was Italian and one of my first memories was her being at the stove every day, stirring that endless pot of sauce, Pasta Fagioli, and she knew how to stretch it. We didn't have a whole lot of money but she could feed 12 extra people a wonderful meal," she explained. "She would shake her wooden spoon at me and say in Italian every day 'nobody ever leaves our house feeling hungry or lonely.' Every day she'd say that in Italian and she'd say 'it's your job, don't let anybody leave our house hungry or lonely.'" About 70 years later, the essence of Accetta's goal with Brooklyn Street Neighbors is to make sure that no one leaves hungry or lonely. State Rep. John Barrett III said that he has nothing but the greatest admiration for people that are in public service for the right reason, adding that "so many" people get into politics for the wrong reason. "In this particular case, you tried elected politics, you got elected to the school committee. She saw that side of it," he pointed out. "She's also seen so much other in the need that exists not only in the North Adams community but also the Northern Berkshire community, a need that was overlooked for so long, had to be addressed, and she decided to take it on with her multitude of other duties. Volunteer, every one of them." Though Accetta is not breaking the bank with her countless hours of volunteering, Barrett said that she is wealthy in her contributions to better the lives of people who will never know her. "That to me is a true volunteer, a true citizen who commits to a community, and you can touch the lives of people that you will never meet," he added. "And that's what you've done, young lady." Barrett read a list of feedback from community members that detailed Accetta's positive impact. They could not think of a better person to honor with the award and said that she makes the world a better place. "Our family has no idea that when we bought our home and moved to Brooklyn Street, we were becoming part of a true neighborhood and a legacy that you built for your son and so many others," one person wrote. The state rep said that Accetta is in the top five of individuals who have given so much and receive little recognition. "What you've done is right here in your heart," he concluded. "And you've trapped a lot of others in your heart along the way." While the coalition has celebrated MLK day for almost 30 years, it has marked the holiday with a day of service since 2013. Due to the pandemic, activities were suspended for the last two years. Projects included: Louison House, NB Habitat for Humanity, Goodwill Industries of the Berkshires, weatherization for homes, food collection sites, and projects onsite at the MCLA Venable Gym. During the luncheon, the Williams College Gospel Choir performed while volunteers ate. "We weren't really sure how this would go after a couple years of not having a day of service and it was wonderful," Executive Director of the Louison House Kathy Keeser said, observing that there was a lot of youth, school-aged, and college volunteers as well as many others. She reminded attendees that volunteering isn't just for this day but is for any day that yields a chance to help others. Kyochon F&B Chairman Kwon Won-kang, left, poses with La Kaffa Chairman Henry Wang after signing an MOU for a master franchise contract of Kyochon Chicken in Taiwan at Kyochon F&B's headquarters in Osan, Gyeonggi Province, on Jan. 12. Courtesy of Kyochon F&B By Kim Jae-heun Kyochon F&B, the owner of Korea's leading fried chicken franchise Kyochon Chicken, said Sunday that it signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with La Kaffa International Group (La Kaffa) for a master franchise contract to enter the Taiwanese market. La Kaffa is one of Taiwan's top three food and beverage companies that leads the restaurant business there with its solid infrastructure. It operates a global beverage company that has 2,500 stores around the world along with several more dessert and tea cafes in and outside of Taiwan. Interest in Korean food has been steadily increasing in Taiwan thanks to the growing popularity of Korean series, movies and music. Kyochon Chicken has been leading the local fried chicken franchise market for the past 32 years with its popular menu items of Honey, Red and Kyochon Series fried chicken. Starting with the MOU with La Kaffa, Kyochon F&B plans to offer Taiwanese customers the chance to experience various Korean-style fried chicken dishes. "Our MOU with La Kaffa is the first step to promote Korean fried chicken in Taiwan, the country of gastronomy. With our unique menu items and food strategies, we will do its best to focus on the Taiwanese market and further expand the business to the global stage," Kyochon F&B Chairman Kwon Won-gang said. The company also plans to cooperate with La Kaffa to promote new growth engines, such as K-sauce, meal kits and private brand craft beer in Taiwan. By Kim Hyun-bin Lee Suk-yi, sales general manager of Hyundai Motor's Cheonan West Branch, was selected as the company's latest sales master after achieving the sales of over 5,000 vehicles, the company announced Monday. Sales master is an honor given to employees who have exceeded 5,000 cumulative sales, and only 17 people, including Lee, have been honored with the title. Hyundai Motor has various reward systems, such as the Sales Honor Award for 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 and 50,000 vehicles sold. "We will continue to operate various reward systems to motivate the sales field and induce healthy competition," a Hyundai Motor official said. "I think that pouring my heart into customers with the mindset of buying my own car has led to good results," Lee said. "I will do my best to achieve sales of more than 6,000 vehicles." Lee joined Hyundai Motor in 1993 and achieved the sales master record after 29 years there. Alibaba Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, recently announced new initiatives to support businesses in their digitalization and growth journey. These new initiatives, unveiled during the cloud leaders annual summits in Singapore and Indonesia, focus on working more closely with businesses and partners to facilitate easier access to new innovations and further growing the developer community through continuous training and learning opportunities. Foremost among these new initiatives are the Alibaba Cloud Product Innovation Center and Overseas Partner Management Center, the companys first such centers in its Singapore headquarters unveiled during the Alibaba Cloud Singapore Summit 2023. The Alibaba Cloud Product Innovation Center will speed up the development of more market-specific Alibaba Cloud products and oversee the management of product upgrades based on ongoing global customer demands. The Overseas Partner Management Center, meanwhile, will help in deepening technology and domain expertise sharing among local collaborators to better serve local customers. Dr. Wang Jian, Member of Chinese Engineering Academy and founder of Alibaba Cloud, speaks at the Alibaba Cloud Singapore Summit 2023 Today we are in a very early stage of digitalization, said Dr. Wang Jian, Member of Chinese Engineering Academy and founder of Alibaba Cloud. In the next five to ten years, the economy is going to be driven and measured by computing consumption. Digital economy is the economy of computing, and cloud computing will play the same role in the era of digitalization as electricity played in the era of electrification. The cloud is becoming a methodology not just for cloud computing, but a methodology for most people doing their work. Selina Yuan, Vice President of Alibaba Group and President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Business Unit, speaks at Alibaba Cloud Singapore Summit 2023 With the setup of our first International Product Innovation Center and Partner Management Center, we reaffirm our commitment to support global businesses in their digital transformation journey. More importantly, we will also strengthen the platform for enabling our global customers to boost their innovation capabilities and grow their business, while delivering their sustainability goals, said Selina Yuan, vice president of Alibaba Group and president of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Business Unit. Nurturing the global developer community Reflecting its strong commitment to developers across the globe, Alibaba Cloud has created a new hub to support its continuous growth, at the same time advance digital economy across markets. Alibaba Clouds Apsara Developer Community, unveiled at the companys recent Global Developer Summit at Jakarta, will provide global developers with a more diverse range of tools and resources on technology trends from Web3, AI to digital intelligence. The hub will also enable developers access to the latest projects, training materials and tutorials, forums and blogs, community events and competitions, and other upskilling and networking opportunities. Still in line with equipping developers with innovative technologies, Alibaba Cloud has introduced a new solution that leverages the companys Enterprise Mobile Application Studio (EMAS) to help developers build superapps, apps that include a range of independently developed miniapps to meet different user requirements, cost-effectively and efficiently. To spur developers to explore cloud-native database innovations, Alibaba Cloud launched its latest competition, the PolarDB Global Hackathon 2023. Beginning this January through February 28, participants can submit their projects for a chance to win a total of US$30,000 in cash prizes. Alibaba Cloud is dedicated to contributing to the developer ecosystem, including the open-source community. It has contributed to more than 2,700 open-source projects on Github. The leading cloud provider is also a key member of various open-source communities such as Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), The Linux Foundation and RISC-V International. This publication is designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing in the Indian market and includes a gu... Eminent Bangladeshi journalist and author Syed Badrul Ahsan, currently on a trip to India, said that Sheikh Hasina has provided a strong government that has restored secularism and democracy in the country. Ahsan was in conversation with former minister and author MJ Akbar in Kolkata, where he had an interaction with local journalists and the intelligentsia. The two discussed relations between India, Bangladesh, Pakistan as well as historical eventsPartition of India and the Bangladesh war of liberation. Talking about India-Bangladesh relations, Ahsan said that when the BJP came to power, many believed that ties between the two countries would take a downturn. However, he said relations between the Awami League and the Modi government have been excellent. Our relations with India are on an upward swing. Indias exports are $14 billion to us but ours are lesser, Ahsan pointed out. He said that the projects between Bangladesh and India are beneficial for the whole region and also bode well for other countries in the region. He emphasised upon encouraging people-to-people cooperation between Indians and Bangladeshis. The Bangladeshi journalist said that his country is following an excellent foreign policy. Giving an example, he said that relations with Russia and China have been appreciable. We have not tried to play off powers against each other. We cannot afford to do it as we are a small State. We have successfully staved off pressure from China. We do not have a Hambantota nor a Gwadar port. This shows that we make our own decisions. Akbar concurred with Ahsan about the warmth in Indo-Bangladesh relations. He said: The two countries have good relations. A border problem which was frozen has been sorted out. Today, electricity is being supplied from our country to Bangladesh. The two countries are redefining the meaning of neighbours I am not romanticising politics between the two. Akbar said the concept of neighbours should be defined by reach and connectivity. We have a civilised border. It is not a frozen or a semi-frozen border. When you go to the border you see people crossing over. But when you go to the border at Attari you only feel silence. Ahsan dwelt on the frosty Bangladesh-Pakistan relations as well. He said that it has been the inability of successive Pakistan governments to come up with an apology for the 1971 genocide that has kept their relations in a deep freeze. He said that Pakistani leaders have not condemned its armys genocidal actions in Bangladesh in 1971. Giving an example, Ahsan said that the Pakistani Army museum in Rawalpindi has posters which sayMukti Bahini committed genocide and The first terrorist organisation was established by India. Its name is Mukti Bahini. Holding a comparison between Bangladesh and Pakistan, Akbar said: while Bangladesh is coming up on the horizon, the people of Pakistan are not happy. Akbar also felt that Bangladesh is becoming a modern society. He explained it through the endearing slogan of Liberty, equality and fraternity. Akbar added the word modernity to it and said: Modernity is the fourth element that has to be added now. To me modernity means democracy, gender emancipation, elimination of poverty, religion freedom. In all these parameters, Bangladesh is moving towards modernity. But I cannot say the same for Pakistan. Talking about the Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Ahsan said Hasinas contribution to Bangladesh has been in restoring secularism while battling Islamist militancy supported by Pakistan. He highlighted two challenges before the Hasina regimecurbing Islamist militancy completely and nixing the idea that Islam should be made the State religion of Bangladesh. The Bangladeshi journalist said that many people in his country feel that the Partition of India was a mistake and the Bengalis have suffered due to that. Talking about Jinnah, he said that Pakistans founder was asked to take a flight on the border areas and see the consequences of Partition for himself. Jinnah took a flight and saw thousands of people streaming into Pakistan and also out of Pakistan. Then he whispered to no one in particular, what have I done This was reported to his wife along with the message that this incident should not be mentioned to anyone till Jinnahs death. That was Jinnahs realisation, Ahsan said about the mistake of Partition. Moderator of the session, SV Raman, former director, Goethe-Institute, Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata agreed that the idea of Partition was not agreeable to all. He highlighted how the then Congress president, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad had opposed Partition and even pronounced that Pakistan would be a failed State. The maulana had said that the two sides (East Pakistan and West Pakistan) do not have similarity in their language, culture and food habits. His stand was vindicated in 1971 when Bangladesh was created, Raman said. Also read: Bangladeshi journalist and author Syed Badrul Ahsans India tour begins in Kolkata today The co-pilot of the Nepalese plane crash that killed at least 68 of the 72 passengers was Anju Khatiwada, who had lost her pilot husband in a similar plane tragedy in 2006. According to a report by Reuters, Anju Khatiwada, the copilot of the Yeti Airlines flight that crashed on Sunday, was married to a pilot who worked for the same airline and died in another plane tragedy 16 years ago. Anju Khatiwada's husband was a pilot for a small Nepali airline; when he was killed in an aircraft crash in 2006, she pledged to carry on his legacy. Twitter She had to raise her kid with the support of her parents while she trained as a pilot in the United States, despite strong opposition from her family. After moving back to Nepal in 2010, she resumed her career in aviation with Yeti Airlines, ultimately becoming a captain after logging thousands of flight hours. The accident that occurred on Sunday was the deadliest in the country in the last 30 years, with at least 68 people losing their lives. AP The report states that the plane went down close to the Pokhara airport as it was carrying 72 people. Yeti Airlines spokesperson Sudarshan Bartaula told Reuters that Khatiwada's remains had not been identified, even though it is believed that she had sadly died. Twitter According to Bartaula, Khatiwada is an experienced pilot who has logged more than 6,400 hours in the cockpit. AP In the past, she flew the popular tourist route that connects Kathmandu, the nation's capital, to Pokhara, the country's second-largest city. The news agency says that the body of the flight's captain, Kamal K.C., has been found and named. The spokeswoman told Reuters that Dipak Pokhrel, Khatiwada's husband, died in 2006 when a Yeti Airlines passenger plane crashed in Jumla. "She got her pilot training with the money she got from the insurance after her husband's death," Bartaula told Reuters. According to Reuters, Khatiwada started working for the airline in 2010, four years after her husband was killed in an airplane crash soon before landing. According to a report by Reuters, before the incident that occurred on Sunday, there had already been 273 people killed in plane crashes across the country since 2000. A representative from the Pokhara airport revealed that minutes before the Sunday crash, the captain of the Yeti Airlines jet asked to switch runways. ANI Anup Joshi said that the weather was good enough for a safe landing and that the pilot didn't say anything wrong when he asked to switch from runway 3 to runway 1. A total of 72 individuals4 crew members and 68 passengerswere aboard the twin-engine ATR 72 aircraft that crashed near the airport in the popular tourist destination of Pokhara. The bodies of 68 people have been found, while the fates of four others are still unknown. A person who knows the area well has said there is a "zero" chance of finding survivors. The search for the plane is still going on, but the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder have been found in the wreckage. An official at the Kathmandu airport told us both boxes were complete and ready to be looked at. (For the latest trending stories, keep reading Indiatimes) Online dating has been around for a while. However, following the pandemic, this area is booming faster than expected. One undoubtedly desires a partner to experience new things. These dating apps help you meet a partner, regardless of gender or orientation. Dating has changed in recent times. Relationships have evolved from a lifelong commitment to casual. Reuters More people are discovering love on their phones thanks to dating apps. But who would have thought that an extramarital dating app would also succeed in a country like India? Unsplash The extramarital dating app Gleeden, located in France, announced on Monday that it had surpassed 10 million users worldwide. Of those 10 million users, 2 million come from India, where the number of users has grown by 11 percent since September 2022. According to the data provided by the company, the vast majority of new customers are from Tier 1 cities (66 percent). In comparison, the remaining new subscribers come from Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities (44 percent). "India is a country that, while worshipping marriage and monogamy, keeps growing as far as subscribers on the app. 2022 alone brought us +18 percent new users, increasing from 1.7 million in December 2021 to the current +2 million," said Sybil Shiddell, Country Manager India for Gleeden. Even though Gleeden was made for married people, more and more Indian people are using it, which shows that traditional ideas of monogamy are slowly changing in the country. According to the company, relationships in which both parties consent to them may also significantly contribute to many of these changes. Gleeden The company stated that most of Gleeden's Indian customers come from wealthy families. Many homemakers are also engineers, business owners, consultants, managers, executives, or doctors, all of which require a lot of education and skill. As for age, men are mostly 30+ while women are 26+. The company also mentioned that the app is designed to be extra safe for women; thus, in 2023, it will have 40 percent female users compared to 60 percent male users. (With agency inputs) (For the latest trending stories, keep reading Indiatimes) Replacing Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' ex-wife MacKenzie Scott, European Commissions President Ursula von der Leyen has topped Forbes' annual list of the world's most powerful women, with European Central Bank's President Christine Lagarde in second place. Also Features In Time's 100 Most Influential People Of 2022 64-year-old Von der Leyen was also included in Time's list of 100 Most Influential People of 2020 and again in 2022. reuters Todays most powerful women are leading on the world stage across every industry and sphere of influence, said Moira Forbes, Executive Vice President, Forbes. In a year marked by uncertainty and volatility, womens power is being leveraged beyond economic and political might to transform industries and solve society's most urgent issues. Forbes revealed its annual list of the 100 most powerful women last month. Both European leaders rose in the annual rankings due to their critical role in galvanizing EU member states to support Ukraine following the Russian invasion. Also Read: Forbes' 2022 List Of 100 Richest Indians Is Here Her Leadership During Ukraine War & Covid Protecting our liberty comes at a price, von der Leyen said. This is our principle: freedom is priceless. For her leadership during the Ukraine war, as well as her handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, von der Leyen sits atop the 19th annual Forbes list of the Worlds 100 Most Powerful Women. AP photo 64-year-old Von der Leyen said that supporting Ukraine comes at a high cost but freedom was "priceless". From last year's top rank, philanthropist and author MacKenzie Scott slipped to the 11th position in this years list. The 19th annual list from Forbes sees a higher number of women in banking, with Kristalina Georgieva at the International Monetary Fund(IMF)to Janet Yellen at the U.S. Treasury both on the list. Also Read: IMF Says India Doing Better Than Most Other Countries More About Ursula von der Leyen Born on 8 October 1958 in Belgium, Ursula von der Leyen was appointed president of the European Commission in July 2019. She is the first woman to serve in the role, which is responsible for legislation affecting more than 450 million Europeans. As per Forbes, from 2005 until 2019, von der Leyen served in Angela Merkel's cabinet--the longest tenure of any cabinet member. For the last six years of her time in the cabinet, she was Germany's Defense Minister. She also spearheaded a 750 million Euro Covid relief bill in 2020 and, in 2022, became one of the West's staunchest supporters of Ukraine amid Russia's unprovoked invasion. Career Timeline Of Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission 2019 - present Federal Minister of Defence, Germany 2013-2019 Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs 2009-2013 Member of the German Bundestag 2009-2019 Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Germany 2005-2009 Minister for Social Affairs, Women, Family Affairs and Health in Lower Saxony, Germany 2003-2005 Member of the CDU in the State Assembly of Lower Saxony 2003-2005 Member of the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) Since 1990 Member of the academic staff, Department of Epidemiology, Social Medicine and Health System Research, Hanover Medical School (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, MHH) 1998-2002 Her Role In European Commission As the head of the European Commission, President Ursula von der Leyen decides on the organization of the Commission and allocates portfolios to individual Commissioners. The President also sets the Commission's policy agenda. She represents the Commission in European Council meetings, G7 and G20 summits, summits with non-EU countries and major debates in the European Parliament and the Council. For the uninitiated, the European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union, and helps to shape the EU's overall strategy, proposes new EU laws and policies, monitors their implementation and manages the EU budget. It also plays a significant role in supporting international development and delivering aid. Visit To India European Commission's Ursula von der Leyen visited India In April 2022. During her visit, the European Union and India agreed to launch a shared trade and technology council when President Ursula met with India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi. EPA Forbes Top 10 Most Powerful Women 1.Ursula von der Leyen President, European Commission 2.Christine Lagarde President, European Central Bank 3.Kamala Harris Vice President, United States 4.Mary Barra CEO, General Motors 5.Abigail Johnson CEO, Fidelity Investments 6.Melinda French Gates Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 7.Giorgia Meloni Prime Minister, Italy 8.Karen Lynch CEO, CVS Health 9.Julie Sweet Chair & CEO, Accenture 10. Jane Fraser CEO, Citigroup Also Read: Forbes 2022 List Of The Highest-Paid Dead Celebrities Most Powerful Indian Women In The List 6 Indian women featured in Forbes' 2022 list of most powerful women. PTI Indias Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Biocon Executive Chairperson Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Nykaa Founder Falguni Nayar, HCLTech Chairperson Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Securities And Exchange Board Of India (SEBI) Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch and Steel Authority Of India Chairperson Soma Mondal are the six Indians who have made it to Forbes' annual list of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women. Also Read: 4 Indian-Americans Feature In Forbes 400 Rich List 2022 For the latest and interesting financial news, keep reading Indiatimes Worth. Click here. If youre an enterprise looking for ways to come through a recession stronger while beating out competitors in the process, open source isnt the answer. Neither is cloud. Its true that both can be helpful. Both are ingredients in how enterprises should rethink their traditional approaches to IT. But neither will do much to distinguish you. Why? Because everyone else is already using open source and cloud, too. There was a time when being first to embrace the economics of open source projects like Linux or MySQL could set a company apart, but not anymore. Enterprise adoption of cloud is still nascent (roughly 10% of all IT spending in 2022, per Gartner estimates), but adoption is moving at such a pace that youre probably not going to distinguish your customer experience through cloud alone. What will set you apart? Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). But maybe not how you think. Thinking incrementally about AI This is not one of those articles touting AI/ML as some ill-defined panacea. Yes, AI and ML have been instrumental in developing potent medicines to combat COVID-19, and they could even someday help find a cure for cancer. But theres no magical AI/ML fertilizer that you pour onto moribund IT projects and they magically blossom. Companies like Google or Uber have been on the vanguard of AI/ML, but lets face it: You dont have their engineering talent. Even these companies are using the downturn to spend less time on moon shots and more time on incremental advances, as a recent article in The Wall Street Journal (Big Tech Stops Doing Stupid Stuff) calls out: The tech sector that has long worked to disrupt is now focusing on enhancing what already exists. Instead of reinventing wheels, the article notes, The best tech investments of 2023 might be companies content to spend their coin greasing [the wheel]. One big way enterprises are doing this is with AI/ML, but not with gee-whiz flying cars. AI/ML is being used in far more pedestrian (and useful) ways. Zillow spent years trying to use AI/ML models to go big on flipping houses. In late 2021, however, the company exited that business, citing an inability to forecast prices despite sophisticated models. Instead, Zillow has turned pragmatic and is using AI/ML to help would-be renters see listings as they walk a city and enabling landlords to construct floorplans from photos of those apartments. Much less sexy than a billion-dollar house-flipping business, and much more useful for customers. Google, for its part, has started offering retailers the ability to track store inventory by analyzing video data. Google trained its models on a data set of more than one billion product images. It can recognize the image data whether it comes from a mobile phone or an in-store camera. If it works as advertised, it would be a significant boon for retailers that traditionally have struggled to get a handle on inventory. Not a sexy use of AI/ML, but useful for retail customers. Microsoft, a leader in AI/ML, just made a huge investment in OpenAI, with the reported intention of bringing GPT-esque functionality to its productivity apps, such as Word or Outlook. Microsoft has the resources to bet big on a moon shot makeover of Office, perhaps making it entirely voice driven. Instead, its likely going to give Office a serious Clippy upgrade with a GitHub Copilot sort of approach. That is, GPT might take over some of the undifferentiated heavy lifting of writing docs or building spreadsheets. Less sexy, more useful. Choosing not to fail with AI The incremental approach turns out to be the smartest way to build with AI/ML. As AWS Serverless Hero Ben Kehoe argues, When people imagine integrating AI into software development (or any other process), they tend to be overly optimistic. A key failing, he stresses, is belief in AI/MLs potential to think without a commensurate ability to fully trust its results: A lot of the AI takes I see assert that AI will be able to assume the entire responsibility for a given task for a person, and implicitly assume that the persons accountability for the task will just sort of evaporate? In the real world, developers (or others) have to take responsibility for outcomes. If youre using GitHub Copilot, for example, youre still responsible for the code, no matter how it was written. If the code ends up buggy, it wont work to blame the AI. The person with the paystub will bear the blame, and if they cant verify how they arrived at a result, well, theyre likely to scrap the AI model before theyll give up their job. This is not to say that AI and ML dont have a place in software development or other areas of the enterprise. Just look at the examples from Zillow, Google, and Microsoft. The trick is to use AI/ML to complement human intelligence and allow that same human intelligence to fact-check results. As Kehoe suggests, When looking at claims AI is going to automate some process, look for what the really hard, inherent complexity of that process is, and whether the process would be successful if a large degree of (new) uncertainty [through black-box AI] was injected into that complexity. Adding uncertainty and making accountability harder is a non-starter. Instead, enterprises will look for areas that allow machines to take on more responsibility while still leaving the people involved accountable for the results. This will be the next big thing in enterprise IT, precisely because it will be lots of small, incremental things. Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong By Lee Kyung-min Korea's chaebol leaders are expected to advance "business diplomacy," the chief objective of President Yoon Suk Yeol during his eight-day trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Switzerland, according to market watchers, Monday. Anchoring their rosy outlook is the reiterated commitment of Yoon and his UAE counterpart to the bilateral cooperation encompassing trade, defense, energy, manufacturing, construction and smart city planning areas where strong respective local market players have excelled at building a foundation in the Middle Eastern country over the past few years. SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won Chief among the over 100 members of the delegation are Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong, SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won, Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Euisun, HD Hyundai CEO Chung Ki-sun and Hyosung Group Chairman Cho Hyun-joon. Joining them at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, will be LG Group Chairman Koo Kwang-mo and Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin. Otherwise known as the Davos Forum, this year's international event is being held from Monday to Friday (local time), under the theme "Cooperation in a fragmented world." Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Euisun Lee is expected to go on a guided visit to the nuclear power plant in Barakah, the first commercial nuclear power station in the Arab world built jointly by the construction affiliates of Samsung and Hyundai. Samsung C&T and Hyundai E&C oversaw the construction of four Korea-developed APR1400 nuclear reactors, which each have a capacity of 1,400 megawatts. Two are operating, and the remaining two will begin commercial operations this year and next, respectively. This week's visit will be Lee's second UAE trip since he was promoted to group chairman last year. HD Hyundai CEO Chung Ki-sun Also at the top of his agenda will be fostering high-speed 5G and 6G telecommunications business to be utilized to build Masdar City, a smart sustainable city project in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The low-carbon development will comprise clean-tech clusters, business free zones and residential districts housing restaurants, shops and public green spaces. Choi will bolster energy sector cooperation, as outlined in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between SK Group and Mubadala, the sovereign wealth fund of UAE, in the voluntary carbon market (VCM) business. The decentralized market is where private actors voluntarily buy and sell carbon credits that represent certified removals or reductions of greenhouse gases. Hyosung Group Chairman Cho Hyun-joon Lee and Choi, leaders of the top two local semiconductor powerhouses, will further their cooperation in high-tech manufacturing as well as bio and health in the European country. Basel, Switzerland, is a global pharmaceutical and bio hub with headquarters or regional offices of global bio titans including Roche, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer and Lonza Group. Chung will expand cooperation in future eco-friendly mobility services, whereas HD Hyundai's head will strengthen defense businesses. Cho will seek growth opportunities in construction and the maintenance of power generation facilities With Phoenix 3 being the latest and largest supported issuance of the three Phoenix offerings from MS Amlin Asia Pacific, who again are leading the way in terms of developing investment offerings focused on emerging Asia growth, said Tim Yip, executive director of ILS Advisers. We are very pleased to see the continued increasing comfort level that investors are gaining with this diverse region and perils, and the value that diversifying investment opportunities can add to ILS portfolios if structured and compensated correctly. This is a transaction that has been issued and arranged out of Asia, supported by Asia based service providers, sponsored by an Asia based underwriting team and directly provide capacity specifically for emerging Asia, which shows that Singapore can be a hub to attract alternative capital as a source of valuable capacity to support the significant insurance protection gap facing the largest growing and most natural catastrophe exposed region in the world. She was arrested by El Paso County sheriffs detectives who were assigned to the FBI West Texas Border Corruption Task Force. El Paso Times reported that while the alleged fraud happened before Reyes was elected mayor, the FBI task force was involved in the investigation as she is currently serving as a public official. Is this location in a flood or fire zone? Will there be enough water supply in the future? If you invest in a headquarters in Las Vegas, when the future of the Colorado River as that citys main water source is horrific, it could pose a real problem. Theres going to have to be kinds of investment to pipe water in, which makes it more expensive. So, I would simple say add that as part of your criteria. Burma Israeli Defense Ministry, Company Accused of Helping Myanmar Military Spy on Opponents Myanmar regime forces on parade on Armed Forces Day in Naypyitaw in March 2022 A group led by an Israeli human rights lawyer has asked the countrys attorney general to investigate allegations that the Israeli Ministry of Defense and a spyware firm from the country helped the Myanmar military commit crimes against humanity. Eitay Mack filed the application for a criminal probe into the activities of the ministry and Cognyte Software Ltd. on Jan. 2 on behalf of more than 60 Israeli citizens including a former speaker of the countrys legislature, academics and human rights activists. The application concerns a tender Cognyte won in 2020 from state-owned telecom Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) to supply a fixed data lawful interception gateway, knowing that it would provide the Myanmar military with capabilities to tap the calls of activists, journalists and politicians, according to Justice for Myanmar (JFM), a group of covert activists exposing the regimes crimes. MPTs joint operators are Japans KDDI and Sumitomo Corporation. Since 2021 the Southeast Asian country has been ruled by a brutal military regime, which has killed more than 2,700 people amid a nationwide uprising. Since the coup, the junta has tried to crush the resistance by all means, including using an array of surveillance equipment to intercept its opponents communications. In its 2021 country report on human rights in Myanmar, the US State Department found that the regime regularly monitored private electronic communications through online surveillance. Norwegian telecom operator Telenor Myanmar in 2021 announced its departure from the country as its presence in Myanmar required it to help the military regime conduct surveillance of its clients. It sold its operation in Myanmar last year. At the same time, the junta has been launching air strikes against civilian areas it claims are resistance strongholds. The UN and other international bodies have condemned the aerial attacks as crimes against humanity. Furthermore, the application alleges that Israels Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs have failed to uphold a 2018 vow to stop all Israeli military exports to Myanmar and for all Israeli defense companies to end their activities there. Mack said Israels Defense and Foreign ministries lied, and Cognytes interception system could help the Myanmar military hunt down democracy activists and journalists. The advocate explained that Cognyte cant operate in Myanmar on its own, and needs an export license and a marketing license from the two Israeli ministries to transfer the companys system to Myanmar. This is why Cognyte and all the Israeli officials who allowed its operation in Myanmar must be brought to justice, Mack said. Spyware used in manhunts A leaked memo from a meeting of the regimes counterterrorism bureau held in December shows how the junta relies on the intercept software. During the meeting a Criminal Investigation Department (CID) chief said his department had reported to the juntas Transportation and Communications Ministry that it needed to buy high-end technological gadgets. Another meeting participant, Deputy Security and Border Affairs Minister Lieutenant General Khun Thnat Zaw Htoo, suggested intercepting phone calls and hacking social media accounts to get resistance information. If CID and military intelligence could form a team to hack them, we could get more information, he discussed. In his response, Deputy Transport and Communications Minister U Aung Kyaw Tun said he could not discuss all the details as some technology was still in the acquisition process but we will collaborate. Cognyte, formerly Verint Systems, has a history of selling surveillance technology to notorious regimes, including South Sudan. Norways sovereign wealth fund decided to exclude the spyware firm over human rights concerns. JFM said the Israeli firm has partnered with Myanmar company Khine Thitsar, including its website on its partner and vendor list. The rights group also claimed that the company received a payment from Cognyte in October 2021, more than eight months after the military coup. The activist group called on Israels attorney general to take urgent action following the application for a criminal investigation into Cognytes business in Myanmar. JFM spokesperson Yadana Maung said: Israeli officials and those in Cognyte who have enabled the supply of arms and dual use goods to the Myanmar military, aiding and abetting international crimes, must be held accountable. Israel has a long history of providing arms to the Myanmar military. The application for a criminal investigation against Cognyte and the Defense and Foreign Affairs ministries follows a similar 2018 submission by Mack seeking a probe into the aiding and abetting of atrocities by Israelis who exported arms to Myanmar; and a 2022 application requesting a criminal investigation into corruption over Israeli arms companies dealings with the Myanmar broker Dr. Tun Min Latt and his conglomerate, Star Sapphire Group, for importing reconnaissance drones and aircraft parts for the Myanmar Air Force. Star Sapphire Group is partnered with two military-owned business conglomerates Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd (MEHL) and Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC) in numerous ventures, sources said. Tun Min Latt was indicted on Dec. 13 on drug trafficking, money laundering and transnational organized crime charges in Thailand after a police raid in Bangkok last year. Among the documents seized during the raid were bankbooks and the title document of a luxury condominium owned by the adult children of Myanmar junta chief Min Aung Hlaing. Burma Myanmar Junta Census Collection Sparks Deadly Resistance Attacks Soldiers, police and immigration officers collect the population list in Naypyitaw on January 13 to update the voter lists. / Naypyitaw Council Myanmars regime has been conducting a census to update voter lists this month as it prepares for an election, which might take place in August. Five people, including two police officers, have been killed and an administration office and immigration offices attacked in the last week, according to resistance groups. A ward administrator was gunned down outside his house in Maha Aung Myay Township, Mandalay, on Sunday. On January 9, a police sublieutenant was gunned down while providing security for census takers in Launglon Township, Tanintharyi Region. In Mandalay on January 12 junta troops providing security were attacked with a bomb and a ward administration office was hit by remote-controlled bombs. Last Thursday Thaton Peoples Defense Force in Mon State said an administrator, a clerk and police lance corporal providing security were shot dead by the resistance. Yangon resistance groups have threatened to kill administrators involved in the census. Junta newspapers reported on Saturday that terrorist groups attacked administrators seven times across the country. Two policemen were killed and two immigration offices in Sagaing and Magwe were torched, destroying documents. Resistance groups said they detained three women and a man collecting census data in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region. The Immigration and Population Department of the civilian National Unity Government said on Sunday that the four would be prosecuted under the Counterterrorism Law. Last week the shadow government threatened harsh legal action against administrative and immigration officials working on the regimes census. Ethnic armed organizations, including the Taang National Liberation Army, Karen National Union and Kachin Independence Army, rejected the junta election and warned administrators not to take part. Genesis EVs driving around with stickers promoting the World Expo 2030 in Busan in Davos, Switzerland. Courtesy of Hyundai Motor Group Burma Myanmar Junta Soldiers Torch Century-Old Church in Sagaing The ruins of Chan Thar church smolder after the arson attack by junta troops on Sunday. / CJ Junta troops torched a century-old Catholic church in the predominantly Christian village of Chan Thar in Ye-U township, Sagaing Region on Sunday, according to residents. Junta soldiers entered the village and began torching houses on Saturday. They then stayed in the 129-year-old Assumption Church overnight before setting fire to it early on Sunday morning, the day of worship for Christians, a Christian resident of Chan Thar told The Irrawaddy. They arrived around 8 am on Saturday. They torched houses the whole day. They then stayed in the church compound, and left this morning after torching the church, the resident said on Sunday. Most of the 800 households in Chan Thar, which is located in western Ye-U township, are Christians while the rest are Buddhist. The village has been repeatedly raided by junta forces since last year. Junta soldiers also stayed in the church compound during previous raids, looting and drinking alcohol in the house of worship, said residents. A spokesperson for Ye-U township Peoples Defense Force said junta troops came from Depayin (Tabayin) on January 13 and raided Char Thar as well as neighboring Kone Thar village. This was the regimes second raid in a month, after two columns of junta troops torched 17 villages in Ye-U and surrounding areas from December 10-19. They torched houses that were not burnt in previous raids, said residents of the latest attack. Troops that raided Kone Thar and Chan Thar belong to the juntas Light Infantry Battalion 364 based in Mawleik, Sagaing, and a Light Infantry Battalion based in Yangons Hmawbi, according to the Ye-U township PDF. Junta troops torched the villages without provocation as there was no ongoing fighting in the area. Chan Thar villagers managed to flee before the latest raid. However, when junta troops attacked the village in June last year, they beheaded two men in their 40s, said Ye-U township PDF. This time they torched three religious buildings including a convent, leaving some gutted, according to local reports. We feel deeply sorry. This is a sacred site for Christians, and the venue where Christian events are celebrated annually, said another village. Chan Thar residents are the descendants of Portuguese traders and adventurers who began arriving in Myanmar in the 16th century to seek their fortunes. The village was reportedly built more than 370 years ago. The church was consecrated on February 18, 1894 and celebrated its centenary in 1994. The Irrawaddys call to Cardinal Charles Maung Bo to ask about the juntas arson attack on the historic church went unanswered. The cardinal, who was awarded the title of Thiri Pyan Chi by junta chief Min Aung Hlaing last year, has been silent about the juntas atrocities against Christian followers and holy sites. He did not speak a word even after junta troops torched houses in his native Mone Hla Village in Khin-U Township, Sagaing in November last year, the same month he was awarded his title. Last month, the cardinal hosted the junta boss at a Christmas Mass in Yangons Holy Trinity Cathedral, where he preached peace amid Min Aung Hlaings ongoing bombing campaign of civilian targets. In his sermon, he called on people to build the essence of Christmas with love and kindness and quoted the Gospel of Luke in praying for peace on Earth and goodwill toward men. The juntas bombing campaign has so far killed at least 460 civilians, according to the parallel civilian National Unity Government. Burma Myanmar Militarys Proxy Party Woos Votes in Shan State Union Solidarity and Development Party chairman Khin Ye, right, greets local representatives in southern Shan State. The chairman of the military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) travelled to Taunggyi in southern Shan State over the weekend to woo ethnic support for the juntas planned election. Khin Yi was making his first visit to an ethnic state following trips to meet USDP members in Bamar-majority regions including Yangon, Mandalay, Ayeyarwady, Bago and Sagaing. The militarys proxy party performed well in Shan State in the 2020 general election, losing only narrowly to the National League for Democracy (NLD) despite its otherwise humiliating defeat on the national scale. A henchman for successive military regimes, Khin Yi was installed as USDP chairman last October after junta boss Min Aung Hlaing deemed him the right vehicle to fulfill his dream of becoming president. Khin Yi met with 40 representatives from eight ethnic culture associations on Sunday and warned them of people who live in the same land and drink water from the same river but want to sow discord between ethnic groups. Junta troops in Shan State are facing an onslaught from two ethnic armed organizations the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and Taang National Liberation Army as well as Peoples Defense Forces. The USDP chairman also urged local collaboration in efforts to hold the election, his first such call since embarking on the campaign trail in November last year. In previous meetings with party members, he focused on slamming the NLD, justifying the coup, and criticizing Peoples Defense Forces. Preparations are underway after Min Aung Hlaing said earlier this month that his regime will seek to hold an election nationwide. The junta-appointed election body is currently conducting a census to update voter lists. Khin Yi recently met officials of 37 pro-military political parties in Naypyitaw. The majority of the parties represented had indirectly encouraged Min Aung Hlaing to stage a coup during a meeting ahead of the November 2020 election. The USDP chief has sought more support for the juntas poll from 29 so-called social organizations in Yangon. He has also met with Insein Ywama Sayadaw, former chairman of the ultranationalist Association for Protection of Race and Religion, better known as Ma Ba Tha, and former Union ministers and chief ministers of Thein Seins quasi-civilian government. Others consulted on his campaign trail include retired police officers, as well as prominent Karen figure Padoh Mahn Nyein Maung, who now sits on the juntas administrative body, the State Administration Council. With major parties like the NLD and the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy boycotting the juntas proposed election slated for August, the USDP is bound to be the winner. The military regime is also introducing a proportional representation system to ensure the USDP wins more seats than in 2020. But if it fails to get enough votes, the USDP can count on the junta-appointed election body to help rig the poll. The so-called election has been dismissed by the shadow civilian National Unity government and democracies around the world as a sham and a bid to legitimize military rule. Khin Yi masterminded pro-military rallies in Yangon before and after the February coup in 2021, when he was still vice chair of the USDP. War Against the Junta One Dead After Myanmar Rebels Attack Kayah State Celebration: Junta A picture of the blast site issued by the junta BANGKOKOne person was killed and eight others wounded when rebels opposed to the ruling junta attacked a state celebration in eastern Myanmar on Sunday, the military said. The nation has been in turmoil since Daw Aung San Suu Kyis civilian government was toppled in an army coup almost two years ago. Long-established ethnic rebel groups, as well as dozens of Peoples Defense Force (PDF) groups, have emerged in opposition. The junta said one man was killed when a rebel group and a PDF grouped shelled an event in eastern Kayah States capital Loikaw early Sunday as people gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the states recognition. The artillery fell at the celebration area near city hall and at the ward where people were staying, a junta statement said. Among those wounded were six students, as well as a man and a woman, the military said, adding that some security services personnel were also hurt. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. More than 2,700 civilians have been killed since the military grabbed power in February 2021, according to a local monitoring group. The junta blames anti-coup fighters for a civilian death toll it has put at almost 3,900. War Against the Junta Over 60 Myanmar Junta Forces Killed in Three Days of Resistance Attacks A recent graduation and arming ceremony for military trainees of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army / The Kokang At least 64 Myanmar junta forces including pro-regime militia members were killed in the last three days as Peoples Defense Force groups (PDFs) and an ethnic armed organization (EAO) escalated their attacks on regime targets across the country. In one case, four staff from a junta-run township General Administration Department office were arrested and charged under anti-terrorism acts by a civilian administration group in Sagaing Region. Incidents were reported in Sagaing, Magwe and Bago regions and Shan, Kayah and Chin states. The Irrawaddy has collected the following reports of significant attacks from PDFs and EAOs. Some military casualty figures could not be independently verified. Military regional command bombed in Kayah PDF-Loikaw said on Friday that it and resistance drone team Falcon Wings used drones to bomb the headquarters of the militarys Kayah regional command in Kayah States capital Loikaw last November. A junta regional military command is bombed in the Kayah State capital Loikaw. / PDF-Loikaw In the attack, there were some military casualties. An aerial video shot by the PDF group shows the military command being bombed by a drone. Thirty junta troops killed in clashes in northern Shan Thirty regime forces were killed in a fierce clash with the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) in Hseni Township, northern Shan State last Friday, claimed The Kokang, the media wing of the resistance group. However, The Irrawaddy was unable to independently verify the military casualties. Clashes continued to occur in the area until Saturday, the media reported. Four junta administration staff arrested in Sagaing Four servants of the junta-run township General Administration Department office in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region have been arrested by the township PDF group Myaung Revolution Army on Saturday, said the Home Affairs and Immigration Ministry of Myanmars Parallel National Unity Government (NUG). The four junta staff including three women were detained by the resistance group while they were collecting household lists for the juntas sham election. Sagaing District People Administration Group plans to sue the four detainees under counter terrorism acts for collaborating with the military terrorists, the NUGs Home Affairs Ministry said. Military checkpoint bombed in Sagaing Two regime forces were killed and three injured in the town of Ayadaw in Sagaing Region last Friday when PDF group Danger Force used a drone to drop bombs on regime forces at a military checkpoint, claimed the PDF group. A drone drops bombs on regime targets in Ayadaw town last Friday. / Danger Force LPDF An aerial video shot by the PDF group shows a drone dropping a bomb on regime targets. After being bombed, regime forces stopped vehicles and detained commuters nearby, the PDF group said. Regime forces shelled in Sagaing Some regime forces are believed to have been killed or injured in Myinmu Township, Sagaing Region on Saturday when nine PDF groups used improvised mortar shells to attack regime forces stationed at a road junction, said the Peoples Army to Fight Dictatorship, which joined the attack. A drone drops bombs on regime targets in Ayadaw town last Friday. / Danger Force LPDF After being shelled, the regime forces responded indiscriminately with heavy explosives and firearms. However, there were no resistance casualties. Ten regime forces killed in PDF raid in Sagaing At least 10 regime forces and pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia members were killed and 10 others injured in Sagaing Township, Sagaing Region last Friday when seven PDF groups from Sagaing and Mandalay regions jointly attacked forces from the pro-regime village of Kywe Pon, claimed Sagaing District PDF Battalion 1, which took part in the attack. Forces from the pro-regime village have become notorious for looting and burning down nearby villages and killing civilians including Buddhist monks, the PDF group said. On Jan. 6, junta soldiers and militia members from the pro-regime village burned houses and killed four civilians including a monk in adjacent Depayin Kwal Village. Resistance forces blocked, attacked in Sagaing Local resistance force Thaymintaman Group said it and two other PDF groups lost three vehicles and improvised weapons after being blocked and attacked by regime forces in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region last Thursday. The resistance forces were blocked and attacked by forces from two military detachments while planning to ambush regime forces burning houses in two Salingyi villages. In the junta ambush, a PDF fighter was injured in the leg, but all resistance members escaped without being arrested. Three vehicles, a motorbike and improvised weapons belonging to resistance groups were burned by the junta troops, the PDF group said. In the shootout, a junta soldier was also killed, the PDF group claimed. Junta personnel collecting voter lists attacked in Sagaing Resistance group Daung Nat claimed to have attacked regime forces and junta staff collecting voter lists for the juntas sham election in Pale Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday. Resistance fighters retreated from the site when junta reinforcements arrived in the area. However, military casualties were unknown. Junta officers instructed their subordinates to search for PDF forces at every house while compiling the household lists. PDFs and EAOs across the country have warned that they will take action against regime forces and staff who collaborate on the juntas sham election. Junta police outpost attacked in Sagaing At least 10 regime forces are believed to have been killed or injured in Pale Township, Sagaing Region on Saturday when eight PDF groups jointly attacked regime forces at the Kan Daunk police outpost, said Black Leopard Army, which coordinated the attack. In the clash, PDF groups used a hundred 80mm improvised mortar rounds and 30 rocket-propelled explosives to attack the police outpost. Two resistance fighters were also injured in the shootout, the PDF group said. Junta-run immigration offices bombed in Magwe Resistance group Eagle Force claimed to have bombed two junta-run immigration offices in the towns of Thayat and Mintone in Magwe Region on Friday and Saturday in a strike against the militarys plan to hold a sham election. The group urged people to boycott the election, saying it will be held by a military junta that seized power from the elected government and murders people. Ten junta troops killed in PDF attacks in Bago Ten regime forces including two pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia members were killed in a series of attacks in Kyaukgyi Township, Bago Region in the last three days, said Bago Region PDF. On Sunday morning, Bago Region PDF Battalion 3207 used a drone to bomb regime forces stationed at Naung Kone Village in the township, in which two junta soldiers were killed. On that afternoon, the PDF group continued to conduct drone strikes against regime forces in Lal Wine Gyi Village. Military casualties were unknown. Six regime forces including two militia members were also killed in the township last Friday when the PDF group used drones to bomb regime forces at the Bonthataw Bridge. On Saturday, two more soldiers were killed and four injured when the PDF groups continued to bomb regime forces repairing the damaged bridge. The PDF group also claimed to have destroyed a bridge mainly used by the regime in the township. Regime forces attacked in Chin A junta soldier was killed in Matupi Township, Chin State on Sunday when a clash erupted between the Chinland Defense Force-Matupi and 100 regime soldiers in the Nga Lai Village, said the Chin resistance group. The shootout started as CDF-Matupi attacked regime forces raiding the village. In the clash, a resistance fighter went missing. Regime forces stationed in the village randomly shelled nearby areas. AWS has launched its first AWS Local Zones in Australia, based in Perth. The AWS Local Zone is an infrastructure that places AWS compute, storage, database, and other services closer to key customers allowing them to deploy apps that require single-digit millisecond latency. This is different from an AWS Availability Zone; the Availability Zone - such as AP-SOUTHEAST-2 (i.e., Sydney) - provides access to the full array of AWS services while a Local Zone brings core services needed for latency-sensitive portions of your workload closer to end users. The new AWS Local Zone is designed for critical Western Australian industries such as mining, resources, healthcare, and the public sector, and will ensure single-digit millisecond latency to end-users in the Perth metro area. This will achieve low latency requirements for virtual workstations, remote healthcare, video analytics, augmented and virtual reality, and online gaming. The AWS Local Zone in Perth is in line with the recently announced WA Innovation Strategy and provides a way for West Australian customers to improve the performance of digital applications, process large amounts of data faster, and drive productivity gains. AWS now has 29 AWS Local Zones around the world, with announced plans to launch 23 more AWS Local Zones globally, including a location in Brisbane. AWS manages and supports AWS Local Zones, meaning customers do not incur the expense and effort of procuring, operating, and maintaining infrastructure in various cities to support low-latency applications. AWS Local Zones can also help organizations migrate additional workloads to AWS, supporting a hybrid cloud migration strategy and simplifying IT operations. AWSs investment to launch its first Australian AWS Local Zones location in Perth is a big win for Western Australian organizations and the economy, said the Hon. Stephen Dawson, Western Australian minister for Innovation and the Digital Economy. An AWS Local Zones location in Perth opens up more opportunities for Western Australian businesses to innovate and develop new services enabling better experiences for their customers and our citizens. Having world-class cloud infrastructure here in Perth will drive our states innovation agenda and strengthen the diversification of our economy. Were pleased that AWSs continued investment in our state supports the next generation of innovators. We are pleased to deepen our investments in Western Australia by bringing the first Australian AWS Local Zones location to Perth, said AWS Australia head of Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland Enterprise Sarah Bassett (pictured). Speed matters in business, and weve designed AWS Local Zones to deliver low latency capabilities for organizations to improve the performance of their digital applications, process large amounts of data faster, and drive productivity gains. The launch of AWS Local Zones location in Perth is a continuation of our investment to support organizations running all types of workloads by bringing secure, extensive, and reliable cloud infrastructure closer to our customers. The launch of AWS Local Zones location in Perth is the newest addition to AWS infrastructure in Australia, including the AWS Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region, seven Amazon CloudFront edge locations, six AWS Direct Connect locations, and the announced AWS Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region. Customers and partners alike welcome the new AWS Local Zone in Perth. Curtin University is an Australian public research university, based in Perth, that supports more than 50,000 students. Curtin University is on a journey to build a cloud-based digital platform, powered by AWS, which will enable us to move out of our on-campus data centres to ensure we can take full advantage of digital services, said Curtin University CIO Jason Cowie. "Flexibility is key in delivering the services and experiences that our staff and students require. An AWS Local Zones location in Perth gives us more choice in where we host our workloads whether to bring the cloud closer to our students using AWS Local Zones or support large-scale IT migrations across our global campuses using the AWS Region in Sydney. Todays announcement brings us one step closer to operating 100% on AWS while enhancing our security and operational resiliency. HBF is Australia's second-largest not-for-profit health insurer, providing hospital and ancillary insurance to approximately 1.1 million members nationwide. We have selected AWS as our cloud provider in our cloud-first strategy, said HBF chief information and transformation officer Sanjeev Gupta. AWS enables us to innovate at pace, process data faster, and enhance our service capabilities to benefit our large customer base in Western Australia and across Australia. The launch of the Perth AWS Local Zones location will help HBF to deliver future applications that require ultra-low latency Mechanical Rock is a Perth-based IT consultancy and AWS Advanced Consulting Partner that specializes in product development, modern data platforms, and enterprise DevOps-focused transformation. Todays launch of AWS Local Zones location in Perth is a game-changer for us and the services well be able to offer local organizations, said Mechanical Rock founder and CEO Hamish Tedeschi. AWS Local Zones will enable us to help more customers run latency-sensitive applications closer to their offices and sites while addressing data residency preferences for our healthcare, financial services, and government customers. Nearmap is a Perth-founded location intelligence company providing organizations with easy access to high-resolution aerial imagery, city-scale 3D content, artificial intelligence data sets, and geospatial tools. We have compute-heavy artificial intelligence and machine learning workloads that would be challenging to run without the scalability of AWS, said Nearmap CEO and MD Dr. Rob Newman. AWS helps us provide our customers with real-time access to petabytes of Nearmap location data instantly via the web and APIs. The AWS Local Zones location in Perth gives us more options to reduce latency to drive better user experiences for our customers in Western Australia accessing high-resolution aerial imagery and location data. Woodside Energy is a global energy company founded in Australia. Our digital twin solution, Fuse, allows us to create a virtual replica of our operations, pulling data from sensors, cameras, and robots to help us make more informed business decisions, said Woodside Energy chief digital officer Ben Wilkinson. An AWS Local Zones location in Perth will give us the low latency capabilities we need for future Fuse use cases and help us continue re-imagining how our business can be operated more efficiently through automation and digital twins. To understand more about AWS Local Zones, here is an AWS explainer video: GUEST RESEARCH: Delinea, a leading provider of Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions for seamless security, today published its 2022 State of Ransomware Report which finds that things may be looking up in the fight against ransomware. Cyber-attacks using the popular compromising tactic have declined significantly over the past 12 months compared to the previous year, and fewer companies are paying ransoms. Still, there are red flags in the annual report related to spending, planning and using cybersecurity tools available to combat ransomware. The survey of 300 U.S.-based IT decision makers, conducted on Delineas behalf by Censuswide, found that only 25% of organisations were victims of ransomware attacks over the past 12 months, a stunning 61% decline from the previous 12-month period when 64% of organisations reported being victims. Furthermore, the number of victimised companies who paid the ransom declined from 82% to 68%, which could be a sign that warnings and recommendations to not pay ransoms are being heeded. Larger companies are much more likely to be victims of ransomware, as 56% of companies with 100 or more employees said they were victims of ransomware attacks. Along with these positive results, the survey also raised concerns that a potentially reduced threat could lead to complacency. Budget allocations for ransomware are in decline, as only 68% of those surveyed said they are currently allocated budget to protect against ransomware versus 93% during the prior year. The number of companies with Incident Response Plans also declined from 94% to 71%, and only half are taking proactive, proven steps to prevent ransomware attacks such as enforcing password best practices (51%) and using Multi-Factor Authentication (50%). The reduction of ransomware attacks is an encouraging sign, but organisations need to make sure they keep their guard up against this constant, evolving threat, said Art Gilliland, CEO of Delinea. Staying vigilant by maintaining a strong least privilege approach backed by stronger password protection, authentication enforcement, and access controls can help continue this downward trend. While the headline results of the 2022 State of Ransomware Report are positive, Asia Pacific organisations should heed its warning against complacency, said Wahab Yusoff, Vice President, Asia Pacific & Japan. The report not only provides insights into what lies behind the good and bad numbers but also offers foresights into possible pitfalls to avoid. Local organisations should consider the findings of the ransomware report as they review their cybersecurity strategies for 2023. The survey also revealed that the consequences of ransomware attacks are now more tangible, as more respondents specified that their companies lost revenue (56%) and customers (50%) compared to the previous year. Fewer organisations (43%) reported reputational damage as a result of being victims of a ransomware attack. Satnam Narang: "[ChatGPT] can, however, provide the basic foundation for a low-skilled cyber-criminal to kickstart their efforts and put them on the path towards success." A senior IT security practitioner has played down the chances of AI tool ChatGPT being used to develop professional ransomware right now, even though there have been reports that the tool has been used to build basic malware. Satnam Narang, senior staff research engineer at security firm Tenable, told iTWire that ChatGPT had been reportedly used by low-skilled cyber criminals to develop basic malware. "[It] may be used by scammers to develop phishing scripts to be used as part of both phishing emails and dating and romance scams," he said. ChatGPT, a new model for conversational AI, which was launched recently by the AI research and development firm OpenAI, provides a dialogue interface whereby it can "answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests". Narang said it was not "entirely impossible, but a lot less likely that ChatGPT will develop a professionalised piece of ransomware or other malicious software". "It can, however, provide the basic foundation for a low-skilled cyber criminal to kickstart their efforts and put them on the path towards success," he added. Poorly constructed sentences or grammatical errors are one of the few tell-tale signs of phishing emails and dating app profiles. "With the prevalence of Pig Butchering scams across social networks and messaging apps, ChatGPT could help fill the gap when it comes to writing more convincing profile bios for fake profiles, as its easy to spot some fake profiles due to poorly constructed bios. "It could also be used to help facilitate scripts used by dating and romance scammers when trying to convince their potential victims to part ways with their money or cryptocurrency. ChatGPT does have some guardrails that might dissuade or prevent scammers with exactly what they need, but they may still find ways around it through how they frame their requests." Narang said it was early days for gauging ChatGPTs impact on a broader level. "But its clear that, as with any new technology, cyber criminals will seek to find a way to abuse it for their own financial gain, he said. ChatGPT can be tested out by anyone after creating an account at OpenAI. iTWire has tested out the tool, using two basic questions: How did life evolve? Life on Earth is thought to have evolved through a process called abiogenesis, which refers to the emergence of living organisms from non-living matter. The most widely accepted theory for the origin of life is that it emerged from simple organic compounds, such as amino acids and nucleotides, through a series of chemical reactions that eventually gave rise to self-replicating molecules, such as RNA. These self-replicating molecules then evolved into more complex life forms through a process of natural selection. The exact details of how this process occurred are still being studied and debated by scientists. Is Microsoft software good? Microsoft is a well-established software company that produces a wide variety of products. Many of their software products, such as Windows operating system, Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), and Visual Studio, are considered to be high-quality and widely used by individuals and organizations. They are known for their reliability and user-friendly interface. However, it depends on the specific need, for example, some users may prefer other options for certain tasks or specific industries. Additionally, It is also worth noting that like any other software, Microsoft's products may have bugs or vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. A woman enters the Chinese Visa Application Service Center in Seoul, Jan. 11. Newsis Daesang's plan to buy Chinese food group hits snag By Park Jae-hyuk Korean companies have begun to suffer setbacks in their businesses in China as a result of Beijing's refusal to issue short-term visas for Korean travelers, according to industry officials, Monday. Small- and medium-sized exporters here are feared to face further declines in their sales in China due to difficulties sending their employees there to talk to clients. And some Korean firms have been unable to complete major deals with their Chinese counterparts. When the Chinese government took the retaliatory measure last Tuesday after the Korean government's decision to tighten quarantine measures against travelers from China, industry officials had initially expected the visa issuance ban to have a limited impact on Korean firms. The Korea Federation of SMEs said last week that most companies have been using social media and teleconferencing to contact their clients during the pandemic. However, nearly half of 30 small- and medium-sized enterprises in Korea, which had planned to attend the Dental South China International Expo in Guangzhou next month, cancelled their trips, because the abrupt visa ban prevents companies without subsidiaries or offices in China from participating in the event. "If the Chinese government continues refusing to issue short-term visas for Koreans, it could be difficult for Korean manufacturers to maintain their facilities there and exporters to sign contracts with Chinese buyers in person," said Chang Sang-sik, head of industrial analysis at the Korea International Trade Association (KITA). In response, the Korean government took emergency measures to minimize damage to exporters. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy convened a meeting of export promotion agencies and business associations last Friday to listen to difficulties facing companies and discuss possible solutions. The ministry said both KITA and the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) will utilize each of their networks to support domestic companies hit by China's travel restriction. "Given that China is Korea's largest trading partner, the government will make every effort for Korean firms to engage in business without difficulties," Deputy Minister for Trade and Investment Moon Dong-min said. Korean companies that were supposed to finalize deals in China also fell victim to Beijing's abrupt measure. Daesang said in a regulatory filing last Friday that it remains uncertain whether it would be able to complete the acquisition of a 32.87-percent stake in Heilongjiang Chengfu Food Group for 26.5 billion won ($21 million). The Korean firm signed the contract in August 2021 to produce amino acids for feed additives in China, but the acquisition was delayed several times due to China's lockdown measures. Last month, Daesang postponed the deadline for the acquisition once again to Jan. 13, reportedly asking the seller to improve Chengfu's manufacturing facilities and financial structure. However, the visa issuance ban made it difficult for Daesang to conduct an on-site due diligence to check whether the seller had fulfilled the request. "As of Jan. 13, it is difficult for us to check whether the seller has fulfilled our requests," Daesang said in its regulatory filing. Australia's national deep tech incubator Cicada Innovations has announced that it has acquired custodianship of Australias longest-running annual deep technology conference Tech23 as the capital raised by their deep tech companies eclipses $5.7 billion. The move also follows Cicada being chosen by CSL as the operator for its new Melbourne-based biotech incubator, and as CEO Sally-Ann Williams was appointed as chairwoman of the Federal Governments Pathway to Diversity in STEM review panel. Tech23 and Cicada Innovations note that they have always been united by a shared mission to celebrate and support Australian deep tech innovators, with both organisations boasting a lengthy track record of nurturing some of Australias most successful companies: Combined capital raised by Cicada Innovations and Tech23 companies amounts to at least $5.7 billion Notable companies include: Culture Amp (Tech23 2009), Morse Micro (Tech23 2018), Regrow (Tech23 2017), and Inventia (Tech23 2018) Notable 2022 milestones for Cicada Innovations include: Residents and alumni collectively raised $310 million, including large raises by Morse Micro ($170 million) & Regrow ($54 million) Resident SpeeDx won the 2022 Prime Ministers Prize for Science Innovation Resident LLEAF attracted international investors in its $3.5M seed funding round Resident Invertigro won the InnovationAus Award for Agri Food Innovation Resident Gelion opened a local manufacturing facility attended by Ed Husic MP and Chris Bowen MP Cicada Innovations was chosen by CSL, WEHI and The University of Melbourne as the operator for its new Melbourne-based biotech incubator to drive translation of world-class medical research CEO Sally-Ann williams was appointed as the chairwoman of the Federal Governments Pathway to Diversity in STEM review panel Cicada says that for 13 years, Tech23 has showcased and championed over 300 of Australias most promising high-growth deep tech companies, while providing a mechanism for venture capital, other investors, media, advisors, policy makers, and potential local and global customers to learn about and connect with these companies. The event, planned for May 2023, will ask big questions about how we build the future - from sustainable cities to game-changing climate solutions and completely new paradigms of human health -and creating a space to connect and spark meaningful conversations about the ideas, technology, and innovators that can propel humanity into a better tomorrow. Cicada says it will take a proactive approach to finding the next 23 startups, setting out on a national road show in early 2023 to engage with local ecosystems and unearth emerging deep tech voices and give them national platform and vital exposure and support. Cicada also says it will implement a strategic shift from focussing on sectors like agtech or spacetech to looking at systemic solutions to broader problems, such as reimagining the built environment or putting an end to waste, to ensure a holistic approach to problems and solution design. Sally-Ann Williams, CEO of Cicada Innovations, said: Complex challenges require complex solutions that come from the intersection of technology and industry. If we wish to take a systematic approach to driving change, we need to start by asking the big questions around the problems we want to solve. We then need to gather the willing and the able around these problems in order to solve them. We are so excited to be extending the work of Rachel Slattery over the past 13 years, and taking over the reins of such an important event in the rapidly growing deep technology ecosystem. Nurturing powerful deep technology connections is something we do all day, every day at Cicada Innovations. So we are looking forward to building on Rachels excellent work to ensure the conversation continues throughout the year. Rachel Slattery, owner of Slatterys, said: I am delighted that Tech23 will now be steered and revitalised by the impressive team at Cicada Innovations, who was one of our foundation supporters. Having Cicada take the helm in driving Tech23's role in amplifying Australia's deep tech capabilities is a perfect fit. Tech23 has evolved steadily over the last 13 years, as deep tech has increased in prominence. The pandemic alone shone a long-awaited spotlight on deep tech innovation, providing us with a great example of how these innovations must be agile, solutions-focussed, and human centred at their heart. The magic of Tech23 is the serendipitous connections and cross-fertilisation of clever, passionate people who are helping to build us all a better tomorrow. I am so delighted with Cicadas plans to supercharge this goal of a better tomorrow in Tech23 2023, and in years beyond. My hat goes off to Cicada Innovations and the role it plays in championing Australia's deep tech ecosystem, passionately amplifying game-changing technology, nurturing entrepreneurs, and connecting the ecosystem in a bid to build us all a better future. Tech23 could not be in better hands. Michael de Nil, CEO of Morse Micro, said: Morse Micro was one of the 'Tech23' in 2017, and the recognition and platform it provided meant we gained exposure and connections to investors and industry leaders in those early days. Deep tech is often hidden and requires a different level of support to scale, so the fact that Cicada is going to be driving Tech23 forward is great news for early stage deep tech startups and the Australian ecosystem." Jens Amail is an internationally experienced manager in the software and services industry with extensive transformation expertise in Europe, the USA, and Asia. Former CEO, Michael Eberhardt, will support Amail in assuming the role of CEO and will remain with the company until the end of March 2023 for this purpose. Prior to joining SNP, Amail was responsible for the Greater China region as executive vice president and chief operating officer at SAP SE. He has held various management positions with SAP since, including: managing director for the UK and Ireland region; senior vice president of cloud solutions Europe in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; and senior vice president of services industries. Born in Mannheim, Germany, Amail has an MBA in computer science and business administration and a PhD in economics. He worked for the Siemens Group for over 10 years before joining SAP, which included many years in various management positions in the USA. SNP chairman of the board of directors Richard Roy said, Jens Amail combines all the necessary elements that we need to massively expand SNPs presence in Europe, the USA, and Asia in the coming years. In addition to a strong entrepreneurial spirit, the combination of international networking, excellent industry knowledge, and many years of top management experience in various industries makes Jens Amail the ideal choice for the position of CEO. The structured process for succession planning at the top of the company has therefore been completed successfully. Amail said, SNP is extremely well positioned within a very robust and growing market. The innovative software-based transformation approach enables companies to gain competitive advantages significantly faster and more efficiently. This is a fantastic opportunity both for our customers and for all of us at SNP. I look forward to continuing to consistently develop this potential together with SNPs employees as we embark on the next chapter in the development of SNP together. This Week in Review A weekly review of the best and most popular stories published in the Imperial Valley Press. Also, featured upcoming events, new movies at local theaters, the week in photos and much more. Today A mix of clouds and sun with gusty winds. High 78F. Winds W at 25 to 35 mph. Higher wind gusts possible. Tonight Clear skies. Low 53F. Winds W at 15 to 25 mph. Higher wind gusts possible. Tomorrow Sunny skies. High 81F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won, front center left, poses with Mubadala CEO Khaldoon Al Mubarak after signing a memorandum of understanding on overcoming the climate change crisis at the Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Sunday (local time), overseen by President Yoon Suk-yeol, back row third from left and UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, back row fourth from left, along with other Korean and UAE business officials. Courtesy of the presidential office By Kim Hyun-bin SK Group will enhance cooperation with Mubadala Investment, a sovereign wealth fund of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), to overcome the climate change crisis, according to the company Monday. The company announced that it had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Mubadala on the establishment of the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) Asia Partnership at the Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Sunday (local time). SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won, who concurrently serves as chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), signed the MOU with Mubadala CEO Khaldoon Al Mubarak. The MOU reflects the will of the Korean government which has emphasized various means to prepare for carbon neutrality not only at the government level but also in the private sector. The VCM is a privately led market where carbon credits certified by private organizations are traded. When activated, it is expected that companies with existing carbon reduction obligations and companies and institutions that do not have obligations will voluntarily participate in social responsibility and environmental protection as carbon credits cost money to purchase. The two companies decided to form a consultative body to discuss detailed cooperation plans. In order to activate the voluntary carbon market, it has been important to establish measures for increasing the reliability and transparency of carbon reduction certification. The two companies agreed on the need for a carbon market tailored to the characteristics of Asian companies in order to attract their active participation. Accordingly, the direction for future cooperation is to go beyond cooperation at the level of SK and Mubadala, and instead create common interests to enable participation of more countries and private companies in the Asian region. Trade Minister Ahn Duk-geun speaks with reporters at the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Washington, D.C., Dec. 4. Yonhap By Baek Byung-yeul Korea should diversify its export destinations for more sustainable economic growth, Trade Minister Ahn Duk-geun said Monday, adding that the country is heavily dependent on exports at a time when large economic regions such as the United States, China and Europe are using on-shoring strategies to add value their own economies. "The problem is that the biggest topical question so far is the answer to what Korea will do when the world becomes more protectionist, for example, the U.S., the EU and China separate their respective supply chains. What will Korea do? What is Korea's strategy?" Ahn said during a meeting with reporters in Sejong City. Arguing that Korea's economic structure is not able to take steps similar to those of economic powerhouses, Ahn said, "The key point of Korea's trade policy is to eventually diversify its supply chain around the world so that Korean companies can use the global platform well and make good use of the diversified ecosystem." He also stressed that Korea will play bigger roles in economy-related international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the OECD so as to expand Korea's presence in the global trade scene. "There is a part where we have to go and play a role in commerce. Korea plays a big role in the first round of IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework) negotiations. The second round of negotiations in February will create a significant structure, and Korea will play the largest role as much as possible. We will also play a role in the WTO and the OECD. The message will create a platform that allows global innovative companies to gather in Korea," he said. When asked about a solution to the fact that many economic institutions see Korea's economic growth rate at around 1 percent in 2023, the trade minister said that policy support would be provided in the direction of increasing exports in the service sector. "The government is preparing support measures for export in the service sector. Korea is excessively focused on manufacturing. Except for China, there is no country with a low role or low competitiveness in trade and production structure in the service sector in an economy of the size of Korea. We have to expand this sector," he said. He also diagnosed that the biggest reason for Korea's gloomy economic outlook is not that Korea's competitiveness is deteriorating, but that the global economy is not doing well, adding that this is why the country is trying to advance more into the Middle East market. Chinese, Greek musicians build communication bridge at Athens concert Xinhua) 11:24, January 16, 2023 ATHENS, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- The "China-Hellas Young Musicians Concert", brought together by Greek and Chinese young musicians performing classical and contemporary music on Saturday evening, featured an impressive convergence of Sino-Greek melodies. The event, held at the Athens Conservatoire, was co-organized by the Athens Conservatoire, the Athens State Orchestra, the Chinese embassy in Athens, the China Cultural Center in Athens, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Beijing Overseas Cultural Exchange Center and the Sino-Hellenic Investors' Confederation. The concert, which helped build a cultural bridge between the two countries, was staged to strengthen bilateral communication through culture and celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year, organizers said. Chinese Ambassador to Greece Xiao Junzheng said this was the first time Chinese young musicians in Greece collaborated with Greek high-level institutions and professionals, and expressed hope for more exchanges to deepen bilateral understanding. In 2023, the two countries will continue to celebrate the China-Greece Year of Culture and Tourism, Xiao said. "Music is a language without borders ... it is universal. I think it is a very good way to use music to combine the emotions and cultures of the two peoples," Jie Jiao, organist and a Chinese lived in Greece, told Xinhua. "We should celebrate (the) difference. With a zither we can hear so different music pieces ... We are different and it is marvelous," said pianist Ruijun Ma, who lived in Greece for seven years. "Today's experience is enthralling," Mimis Armoutis, student of the Athens Conservatoire, told Xinhua, describing the cooperation on stage with Chinese artists for the first time. Music encourages exchanges and bonding, Giorgos Gionakis said, A Chinese may get inspiration from Greek composers' music pieces and adapt them to his or her own music. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) President Yoon Suk Yeol delivers a keynote speech at the Korea-UAE Business Forum held at the Rixos Marina Abu Dhabi hotel, Monday. Yonhap By Baek Byung-yeul Korea and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed a total of 24 agreements worth $6.1 billion in traditional industries, such as energy and defense, as well as emerging businesses, including hydrogen, mobility, bio and digital transformation, according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Monday. The ministry said about 320 officials from business lobby groups, Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motor Group and other Korean companies, who accompanied President Yoon Suk Yeol's state visit to the Middle Eastern country, held the Korea-UAE Business Forum at the Rixos Marina Abu Dhabi hotel. "Since the COVID-19 pandemic, this is Korea's first large-scale economic event that has been accompanied by a large private economic delegation on the occasion of a summit tour," the ministry said. "In order to respond to recent changes in the global environment, companies in Korea and the UAE discovered new cooperative projects and created the conditions to promote full-fledged economic partnerships," it added. Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong, second from right, attends the Korea-UAE Business Forum at the Rixos Marina Abu Dhabi hotel, Monday. Yonhap In the energy sector, Korea National Oil Corporation signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with a UAE company to jointly produce hydrogen and ammonia. In addition, Samsung C&T also inked MOUs in the fields of hydrogen, renewable energy, electric power transmission and gas power generation, while Daehan E&C agreed to cooperate with a UAE company in renewable energy. In the defense industry, three MOUs and one contract were signed with Korean companies including Hyundai Heavy Industries and LIG Nex1, confirming the solid cooperation in the sector between the two countries. A total of eight MOUs were signed with UAE companies in the fields of biotechnology with Medytox, digital services with Megazone Cloud, digital conversion with Yanolja, and also in the areas of metaverse and data collection solutions with other Korean businesses. Chey Tae-won, left, chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) as well as SK Group, speaks with HD Hyundai President Chung Ki-sun, center, and Hyosung Group Chairman Cho Hyun-joon, ahead of the Korea-UAE Business Forum at the Rixos Marina Abu Dhabi hotel, Monday. Yonhap A combination picture shows U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden speaking during the first 2020 presidential campaign debate, held on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S., Sept. 29, 2020. Reuters-Yonhap The Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee on Sunday demanded visitor logs for President Joe Biden's house in Wilmington, Delaware, after classified documents were found in his office and garage. "Without a list of individuals who have visited his residence, the American people will never know who had access to these highly sensitive documents," Representative James Comer said in a letter to White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain dated Sunday. Republicans have sought to compare the Biden documents case, which involves material from his time as vice president, with that of former President Donald Trump, who faces a federal criminal probe of how he handled classified documents after he left the White House in 2021. But legal experts say there are stark contrasts between the two cases. Comer said he would not seek visitor logs for Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence, where more than 100 classified documents - some of them labeled top secret - were found in an FBI search. "I don't feel like we need to spend a whole lot of time because the Democrats have done that for the past six years," he said in an interview Sunday with CNN. Trump has announced he would seek the presidency again in 2024, with Biden as his expected Democratic rival. The Biden disclosures emerged last week after his legal team said it had found classified documents relating to his time as vice president in the Obama administration at his Delaware home. His lawyers on Saturday reported finding five additional pages at his home. Top secret material was included in some of the 10 or so documents found at the Penn Biden Center think tank, CBS reported on Sunday, citing an unidentified law enforcement source. The White House had no comment on the report. A representative for Biden's personal lawyer, Bob Bauer, did not return a request for comment. There is no legal requirement that U.S. presidents disclose visitors at their home or at the White House. The Biden administration reinstated disclosures of official guests to the White House and released its first batch of records in May 2021. Former President Donald Trump had suspended the practice shortly after he took office in 2017. The letter from House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., to Debra Steidel Wall, archivist of the United States, is photographed, Jan. 10. AP-Yonhap remaining of Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. 01/13/2023 Jax State will be closed for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 16. Offices will be closed and classes will not meet. Dining: Jack Hopper Dining Hall will be open for breakfast, 8-9:30 a.m.; lunch, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and dinner 5-7 p.m. WOW will be open 4 p.m. to 12 a.m. All other dining locations will be closed and Dex the Kiwibot will be off duty. Bookstore: The campus bookstore will be open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rec Center: UREC will be open normal hours, 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. Library: Houston Cole Library will be closed. Campus Police: The University Police Department is open 365 days per year, 24/7. Call 256-782-5050 for assistance. Counseling Center: Students experiencing a mental health emergency after-hours should contact campus police at 256-782-5050 to be connected with an on-call counselor from the JSU Counseling Center. 01/13/2023 by Buffy Lockette After serving on an interim basis for the past year, Dr. Brent J. Cunningham has been named the official dean of JSU's College of Business and Industry, effective Jan. 3. Dr. Cunningham has been a part of the JSU fabric for over 22 years, said Dr. Christie Shelton, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs. He has a passion to serve others, to support faculty and to see students succeed. We are fortunate to have Dean Cunningham at the helm of the CBI. I am eager to work with him as he operationalizes his vision for the college in the years to come. Cunningham first joined the JSU faculty in 1999 as an assistant professor of marketing. He served as Faculty Senate president in 2009-2010 and was promoted to full professor in 2012. In 2017, Cunningham was named interim head of the Lyons & Company, Inc. Department of Management and Marketing, then official head of the department in 2018 a role he served in for four years, until becoming interim dean of the college on Jan. 3, 2022. A JSU alumnus, Cunningham received a BS in marketing from the university in 1987. He went on to earn an MA in marketing from the University of Alabama in 1990 and a Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Mississippi in 1999. Before arriving on campus, he began his academic career as a member of the marketing faculty at Union University in Jackson, Tenn., from 1990 to 1998. Jacksonville State University is a remarkable institution and I am honored to serve as the dean of the College of Business and Industry at such a special place," Cunningham said. "I am grateful to President Killingsworth and Provost Shelton for entrusting me with such an important role. Kyiv can expect more deliveries of heavy weapons from Western countries soon, NATO said Sunday, as President Vladimir Putin praised his forces after their claimed capture of a Ukraine town. Washington meanwhile condemned the missile on a tower block in the eastern city of Dnipro, as the death toll rose to 30 as rescue teams kept up the search for survivors. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Ukraine could expect more heavy weapons following Kyiv's requests to its allies for the vehicles, artillery and missiles it says are key to defending itself. "The recent pledges for heavy warfare equipment are important -- and I expect more in the near future," Stoltenberg told Germany's Handelsblatt daily, ahead of a meeting this week of a group that coordinates arms supplies to Kyiv. Days after Russia claimed to have taken Soledar in eastern Ukraine, a salt-mining outpost home to 10,000 before the conflict, Putin hailed it as a major success. "There is a positive dynamic, everything is developing according to plans," Putin said, in an interview broadcast Sunday. "I hope that our fighters will please us more than once again." Russia's defence ministry announced this week that it had "completed the liberation" of Soledar. This could be a key gain as Russian forces push towards what has been their main target since October -- the nearby transport crossroads of Bakhmut. - Rivalries in Soledar - Ukraine has denied the Russian claims, insisting that heavy fighting continues in Soledar. But on Sunday, the US-based Institute for the Study of War said that "Ukrainian forces are highly unlikely to still hold positions within the settlement of Soledar itself". Russia's victory there, if that is what it proves to be, follows months of humiliating setbacks. Both sides have conceded heavy losses in the battle for the town. Rescue workers in Dnipro meanwhile continued their search for survivors of the Saturday's missile strike on a tower block that has so far claimed 30 lives. Dozens of people were also wounded in the attack, said regional adviser Natalia Babachenko in televised comments. A 15-year-old girl was among the dead, officials said, after dozens of people were pulled from the rubble, including a woman brought out by rescuers on Sunday. Babachenko said that "between 30 an 40 people are still under the rubble." The Ukrainian army said the block was hit by an X-22 Russian missile that it lacked the capacity to shoot down. "Only anti-aircraft missile systems, which in the future may be provided to Ukraine by Western partners... are capable of intercepting these air targets," it said. The United States joined a growing chorus of condemnation for the attack. "Yesterday's strikes are another example of the brutal and barbaric war Russia is waging against the Ukrainian people," said a US National Security Council spokesperson. "The United States will continue to provide Ukraine with what it needs to defend itself... and we will continue our work to hold Russian forces accountable for their war crimes and atrocities." - Weapons promised - On Saturday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky pleaded for more Western military weapons, saying that Russian "terror" could be stopped only on the battlefield. "What is needed for this? Those weapons that are in the warehouses of our partners," Zelensky said. Earlier this month, France, Germany and the United States respectively promised French AMX-10 RC light tanks, 40 German Marder infantry vehicles, and 50 Bradley fighting vehicles. However, pressure is growing on the allies to go further and agree to the delivery of battle tanks. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Saturday pledged to provide 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine, making it the first Western country to supply the heavy tanks Kyiv has been calling for. Russia's embassy in Britain warned that "bringing tanks to the conflict zone... will only serve to intensify combat operations, generating more casualties, including among the civilian population". - Power cuts - Ukraine was still reeling Sunday from Saturday's barrage, the 12th wave of large-scale missile attacks. Energy operator Ukrenergo said the infrastructure was "being restored" but that the attacks had meant that power cuts might increase. The head of the military administration in the southern Kherson region, Yaroslav Yanushevych, said it was again under "massive attack". Russian strikes had hit civilian and critical infrastructure, including Red Cross premises and a centre for disabled children, he said. Russia's army said it targeted "the military command and related energy facilities... all targets were reached". "What does it mean to fight against impunity? It means that we want to use this court to replace Kalashnikovs, rockets and shells with articles of the Treaty of Rome, so that from now on these articles will be our shells and rockets against people who have done harm to the people. If we have decisions three or four years later that no longer have any relation to the acts committed and do not seem to relieve the victims, thats not good enough." So spoke Joseph Bindoumi, president of the Central African League for Human Rights, on May 23, 2015, during a debate on Radio Ndeke Luka, the main private radio station in the Central African Republic. The creation of the Special Criminal Court (SCC) had just been voted amidst the enthusiasm of the Bangui National Forum, organized to promote peace and turn the page on years of chaos and violence perpetrated, in particular, by the so-called "anti-Balaka" militias and those of the Seleka, the rebel movement that overthrew President Francois Bozize in March 2013 before being ousted a ten months later. But already some civil society actors, very active in the Bangui Forum and witness to the slowness of the International Criminal Court (ICC) since it opened Central African Republic investigations in 2007, were questioning the model of this new UN-backed "hybrid" court, composed of Central Africans and international staff. Seven years and a few months later, the SCC handed down its first judgment on October 31, 2022, against three members of an armed group (Issa Sallet Adoum, Yaouba Ousman and Mahamat Tahir), who were found guilty of crimes against humanity and war crimes. They were convicted for events that occurred in 2019, years after the creation of the court, and caused the death of at least 32 civilians in villages in the northwest of the country not far from Paoua. The convicts are ex-rebels of the powerful "3R" group of Sidiki Abass, originally founded to protect the Peulh minority from anti-Balaka abuses. Their leader will not be tried. Appointed military adviser to the Prime Minister's Office after his participation in the peace agreement signed in February 2019 in Khartoum, Abass later joined in 2020 a new rebel coalition that tried to take the capital Bangui. Wounded in combat, his death was officially announced in early 2021. Improving the quality of judgments This first trial, which had been announced for April 19, 2022, got off to a false start itself, due to a boycott by defence lawyers dissatisfied with their remuneration. Having partially won their case (with a fixed fee that they still want to renegotiate), the trial was finally able to start on May 16. While Central Africans were able to follow the trial on local radio stations, it was not very visible internationally due to streaming difficulties. In private, legal experts close to the court confide that the trial chamber did not particularly shine during its debates or for the legal quality of its decisions. The lack of experience in international crime trials and the absence of assistants for judges and lawyers are among the reasons cited. At the SCC, the lawyer is alone, without an assistant," confirms Celestin Nzala, head of the special corps of lawyers appointed to act before the SCC. In the trial, there were three defence lawyers, one for each defendant, and two lawyers for the civil parties. The second one for 51 civil parties arrived late. Donors were pressing for a trial. Things were rushed and they didn't manage to get enough of the civil parties together", he adds. Since then, legal advisors to the chambers have been recruited by the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) and UNDP, two UN bodies that support the SCC, to "ensure quality decisions (including improving drafting of decisions) and "to ensure a fair trial (including bringing international lawyers to support national lawyers)", according to an external note to partners dated November 10. This should serve two priority issues in particular: the appeal filed by the defence, and the civil parties' claim for reparations - for which a hearing is expected at the end of January. Defendant apologies a strong message Critics say this first trial in the form of a test was aimed mainly at obtaining renewal of the SCC's mandate, which expires in October 2023. "They rushed to organize a trial, to renew the mandate. They are there to drag it out. It's like all these UN projects, you can't expect much from them," says Maurice Dibert-Dollet, a former Bangui public prosecutor and advisor to the Court of Cassation. "In five years, a single case tried is nothing" with a yearly budget "equivalent to that of the entire Ministry of Justice, prisons, courts, everything included, says another senior magistrate, a former Minister of Justice, who wishes to remain anonymous. For others, this trial had the merit of existing and can give hope to victims. "This is the very first trial, there may be difficulties, but for me it went well. Victims are waiting for the Court to start judging those who committed the most serious crimes in the country. According to what we hear, the population are satisfied. Those who have killed have found themselves in court. Some have even apologized. It is a strong message, it is educational," said SCC president Michel Landry Luanga. The trial was edifying," he adds. The defendants explained how they carried out their crimes. This is very significant compared with our [ICC] colleagues who tried Bemba [Jean-Pierre Bemba, Congolese politician and warlord, prosecuted for crimes committed in the Central African Republic in 2002-2003 and acquitted by the ICC in 2018] and failed. If they had gone for people against whom there is sufficient evidence, they would have had results. The population follows these trials where the perpetrators confess to the victims." "We could have six trials" in two years On December 28, the SCC had its mandate renewed for five years. After so many delays, the Court is ready this time to leave the starting block behind and get down to trials, according to the judges, investigators and prosecutors, providing figures to back this up. According to information communicated to Justice Info, the SCC has 15 defendants in custody as of December, plus the three convicted by the trial court. In addition to those imprisoned, three others are under court supervision, three are on provisional release, and one has "escaped. Out of a total 19 cases under investigation, two could be close to completion, they say. And, according to prosecutor Muntazini, if each of the three investigating offices could bring two cases this year, "we could have six trials" in the next two years. The "Alchemy of Souls" fever lingers even after a week since its conclusion as its lead stars Lee Jae Wook and Go Yoon Jung continue to make everyone's hearts flutter with their adorable interactions. Are they dating? Here's what we know! Lee Jae Wook & Go Yoon Jung Rumored To Be Dating Even after a week since its conclusion, the fiery excitement of fans about "Alchemy of Souls" keeps on burning! Fans just can't let go of Lee Jae Wook and Go Yoon Jung, the two stars who headlined "Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow," as they keep on making everyone's hearts flutter with their offscreen chemistry. On January 14, Lee Jae Wook held his first ever fan-meet since his debut, titled "First," which was also the first stop of his Asia tour. He spent time with his beloved fans who supported him from the beginning to the height of his career. From singing songs and playing fun games, Lee Jae Wook made his fans' time worthwhile. What made the event even more special was Go Yoon Jung attended the fan meet! This aroused discussion that the two are seeing one another. While their co-stars Shin Seung Ho, Yoo In Soo and Seo Hye Won also attended the show, fans noticed that Lee Jae Wook gave more attention to Go Yoon Jung. Q. What confession made your heart flutter the most? At first Jaewook chose number 3 (lol) and changed his answer to number 4. and then he said I knew the moment i first saw you, my bride. this line #LeeJaeWook #LeeJaeWookFirstinSeoul #AlchemyOfSouls #AlchemyOfSouls2 pic.twitter.com/qBekouTe0J mego (@Mego_lxve) January 15, 2023 When asked about his favorite scene from "Alchemy of Souls," Lee Jae Wook chose the one where he confesses his love for Go Yoon Jung, further intensifying the speculations. The actor even sang Oh Hyuk's "A Little Girl" from the "Reply 1988" official soundtrack, which fans widely know as Go Yoon Jung's favorite song. However, nothing has been confirmed nor addressed yet. Dating or not, fans are just happy to see Lee Jae Wook and Go Yoon Jung's, as well as their "Alchemy of Souls," beautiful relationship outside the set. At the end of the fan meet, Lee Jae Wook expressed his gratitude to his friends. He wrote, "This is happiness. Thank you, "Alchemy of Souls" family. I love you." Meanwhile, Lee Jae Wook will soon fly to Tokyo, Japan for his next fan meet stop, followed by Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia and the Philippines. Lee Jae Wook & Go Yoon Jung Top Most Buzzworthy Rankings The global scene is dominated by "Alchemy of Souls" stars Lee Jae Wook and Go Yoon Jung even after the series had already closed its curtains! The two actors topped the most buzzworthy rankings list in the first week of 2023, according to Good Data Corporation, a company that determines rankings through news and social media posts. Lee Jae Wook and Go Yoon Jung placed No. 1 and No. 2, respectively, proving their immense success and popularity. In addition to that, the drama, "Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow," itself ranked No. 1 in the drama category; a solid proof of its phenomena. "Alchemy of Souls" tells the story of powerful mages whose fates are tested due to a sorcery that shifts people's souls with one another. Catch all 30 episodes on Netflix now! KDramaStars owns this article. Written by Elijah Mully. Ukrainian servicemen fire an anti-aircraft gun towards Russian positions on a frontline near the town of Bakhmut, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in Donetsk region, Ukraine, Jan. 15. Reuters-Yonhap Russia and Belarus will begin joint air force drills on Monday, which have triggered fears in Kyiv and the West that Moscow could use its ally to launch a new ground offensive in Ukraine. Minsk says the drills are defensive, and since Moscow used its neighbor as a springboard for its invasion of Ukraine last February Belarus has conducted numerous military exercises, both on its own and jointly with Russia. Together with Moscow, Minsk has also been bolstering the drills with weaponry and military equipment. Unofficial Telegram military monitoring channels have been reporting a series of fighters, helicopters and military transport planes coming to Belarus since the start of the year - eight fighters and four cargo planes on Sunday alone. Reuters was not able to verify the reports. The Belarusian defense ministry said only that "units" of Russia's air forces have been arriving in Belarus. "During the tactical flight exercise, all airfields and training grounds of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Belarus will be involved," the ministry said in a statement. The situation on Belarus's southern border - the border with Ukraine was "not very calm," and Ukraine has been "provoking" Belarus, said Pavel Muraveyko, first deputy state secretary of Belarusian Security Council, according to a post on the Belarusian defense ministry's Telegram app on Sunday. "We're maintaining restraint and patience, keeping our gunpowder dry," Muraveyko said. "We have the necessary set of forces and means that will respond to any manifestations of aggression or a terrorist threat on our territory." Ukraine has continuously warned of possible attacks from Belarus and President Volodymyr Zelenskiyy said last week that the country must be ready at its border with Belarus. The Kremlin has denied that it has been pressuring Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko to take a more active role in the conflict in Ukraine. Minsk has said it will not enter the war. The bloodied bulletproof of a Ukrainian serviceman is seen, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, on a frontline near the town of Soledar in Donetsk region, Ukraine, Jan. 14. Reuters-Yonhap Little hope of more survivors Ukraine saw little hope of pulling any more survivors from the rubble of an apartment block in the city of Dnipro on Sunday, a day after the building was hit during a major Russian missile attack, with dozens of people expected to have died. The regional governor's adviser, Natalia Babachenko, said 30 people were confirmed dead so far and more than 30 were in hospital, including 12 in a serious condition. Between 30 and 40 people could still be trapped under debris, she said. Emergency workers said they had heard people screaming for help from underneath piles of debris from the nine-story apartment block in the east-central city and were using moments of silence to help direct their efforts. Freezing temperatures added to rescuers' concerns. "The chances of saving people now are minimal," Dnipro's Mayor Borys Filatov told Reuters. I think the number of dead will be in the dozens." Ukraine's Air Force said the apartment block was struck by a Russian Kh-22 missile, which is known to be inaccurate and that Ukraine lacks the air defenses to shoot down. The Soviet-era missile was developed during the Cold War to destroy warships. Russia fired two waves of missiles at Ukraine on Saturday, striking targets across the country as fighting raged on the battlefield in the eastern towns of Soledar and Bakhmut. Moscow, which invaded last February, has been pounding Ukraine's energy infrastructure with missiles and drones since October, causing sweeping blackouts and disruptions to central heating and running water. Ukrainian servicemen prepare an anti-aircraft gun to fire towards Russian positions on a frontline near the town of Bakhmut, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in Donetsk region, Ukraine, Jan. 15. Reuters-Yonhap The group that regulates the practice of medicine in Ontario says it is limiting public access to its buildings due to safety concerns. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario says it has been receiving up to 200 emails a month consisting of serious threats against staff and council members. A woman types on a keyboard, in North Vancouver, B.C., Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin and Metropolitan Chicago will host a 2023 Community Day event and service activity to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday. Goodwill, in partnership with Northwestern Mutual, will engage attendees in a special Clips and Conversations panel discussion around the documentary, The Loyola Projects Northwestern Mutual 63 for 63 Screening Series which has been selected as a Grand Winner by the NYX Awards in the Strategic Campaign-Corporate Social Responsibility category. More than 200 Goodwill employees and community partners will be in attendance at the event Monday, at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside Student Center in Somers, 930 Wood Road. Sessions will be held throughout the day, starting at 9:30 a.m. The event showcases employee and community partner contributions to transforming lives and communities through the power of work by reducing barriers and helping people build skills and find employment in their local community. In honor of Dr. King, attendees will participate in a volunteer activity by packing wellness and flu-fighting kits to help community members in need combat influenza during peak flu season. Special guests are scheduled to include: Donald Driver, a Green Bay Packers Hall of Famer; Patrick Creadon, director of The Loyola Project Documentary; Dr. Robert Smith, director of the Center for Urban Research, Teaching & Outreach at Marquette University. Pike River Cleanup volunteers collect trash and plenty of goodwill PIKE RIVER CLEAN UP PIKE RIVER CLEAN UP PIKE RIVER CLEAN UP-photo of the day PIKE RIVER CLEAN UP PIKE RIVER CLEAN UP PIKE RIVER CLEAN UP PIKE RIVER CLEAN UP How people of faith can respond to our broken health system [PODCAST] 1 Shares Share Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! In this episode, we speak with G. Scott Morris, a physician and ordained minister who has dedicated his career to treating patients with chronic conditions at Church Health. He shares his experiences working with individuals to improve their health through better nutrition and physical activity, and discusses the potential for these lifestyle changes to prevent and manage chronic conditions. Join us as we explore how people of faith can take an active role in addressing the challenges of our broken health system and improving health outcomes for all. G. Scott Morris is a physician and ordained minister. He shares his story and discusses his book, Care: How People of Faith Can Respond to Our Broken Health System. The Podcast by KevinMD is brought to you by the Nuance Dragon Ambient eXperience. With so many demands on their time, physicians today report record levels of burnout. Burnout is caused by many factors, one of which is clinical documentation. Studies indicate physicians spend two hours documenting care for every hour spent with patients. At Nuance, we are committed to helping physicians do what you love care for patients and spend less time on clinical documentation. The Nuance Dragon Ambient eXperience, or DAX for short, is an AI-powered, ambient clinical intelligence solution that automatically captures patient encounters securely and accurately at the point of care. Physicians who use DAX have reported a 50 percent decrease in documentation time and a 70 percent reduction in feelings of burnout, and 83 percent of patients say their physician is more personable and conversational. Rediscover the joy of medicine with clinical documentation that writes itself, all within the EHR. VISIT SPONSOR https://nuance.com/daxinaction SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST https://www.kevinmd.com/podcast RATE AND REVIEW https://www.kevinmd.com/rate FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kevinphomd FOLLOW ON TIKTOK https://www.tiktok.com/@kevinphomd GET CME FOR THIS EPISODE https://earnc.me/RBrJl6 Powered by CMEfy. Physicians receiving a new employment contract need to be aware of issues that can arise related to their compensation and benefits. These are some of the things that should be carefully reviewed before signing the agreement. Compensation The agreement should clearly provide what productivity is expected. You can frequently gauge expected productivity by the salary level. If one employer is paying significantly more than another, it is a safe bet that the higher-paying employer expects more productivity. The employer should not have the right to unilaterally adjust compensation, and the compensation offered should be appropriate when compared to benchmarks, such as the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA). If you are starting with an employer, the bulk of compensation should be a base salary because the risk of insufficient demand should rest on the employer, not the physician. If there is productivity compensation, you should carefully review the language to ensure that it is understandable and internally consistent. You should have the right to confirm calculations of productivity by the employer. If productivity is based on wRVU production, your productivity should not be adjusted by compensation modifiers. A wRVU should be earned at the date of service, not when it is billed. The timing of payment of any productivity bonus should be specified. Every agreement should provide a signing bonus if you are starting at the employer or a retention bonus if you are renewing the agreement. MGMA has benchmarks for signing bonuses, which should be consulted. The employer should offer a separate relocation allowance if you are moving to the area. Here again, MGMA has benchmarks to consult. If the agreement provides that you must repay the signing bonus or the relocation allowance if the agreement is terminated, repayments should be forgiven on a monthly basis. The time over which the bonus or relocation allowance is forgiven should not exceed the length of the guaranteed base salary. You should not have to repay the bonus or relocation allowance if the employer terminates the agreement without cause or because of a change in law, if you terminate the agreement because of a breach by the employer, or if the agreement is terminated because of your death or disability. Benefits The agreement should provide compensation for some period of time while you are disabled. A disability should be determined by a physician mutually agreeable to you and the employer. If the employer offers disability insurance, you should confirm that the policy defines a disability as an inability to work in your own occupation. Vacation should be consistent with MGMA benchmarks. Most employers provide an allowance for CME (which can be checked against MGMA benchmarks) and pay medical staff dues for maintaining privileges. The agreement should also provide that medical licensure and DEA and state equivalent fees will be paid by the employer. Most employers provide a cell phone and usage plan and a laptop computer. Some employers provide mileage allowances for trips between offices and hospitals and pay the dues for the AMA or AOA and state and local medical societies. Some employers also pay the dues for one or more specialty societies. It is sometimes possible to negotiate medical school debt assistance and to receive a fellowship or residency stipend while in training. Board certification and recertification expenses should be separately reimbursed rather than included in the CME allowance. The employers discretion to change benefits should only apply to benefit plans the employer is purchasing from a third party or is offering as a tax-qualified plan. Although an employer cannot guarantee deductibles for your health insurance plan, for example, the employer should not be permitted to unilaterally amend schedules regarding vacation, CME allowances, or other benefits that the employer is not relying on a third party to provide. You should be aware if benefits are charged against you in the calculation of compensation. Finally, you should be aware of compensation that is related directly or indirectly to the value or volume of referrals, as these are likely to run afoul of the fraud and abuse laws. Dennis Hursh is a veteran attorney with over 40 years of experience in health law. He is founder, Physician Agreements Health Law, which offers a fixed fee review of physician employment agreements to protect physicians in one of the biggest transactions of their careers. He can also be reached on Facebook and LinkedIn. Rescue workers carry the body of a man who was killed in a Russian missile strike on an apartment building in the southeastern city of Dnipro, Ukraine, Jan. 16. AP-Yonhap The death toll from a weekend Russian missile strike on an apartment building in the southeastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro has risen to 40, authorities said Monday, as Western analysts pointed to indications the Kremlin was preparing for a drawn-out war in Ukraine after almost 11 months of fighting. About 1,700 people lived in the multi-story building, and search and rescue crews have worked nonstop since Saturday's strike to locate victims and survivors in the wreckage. The regional administration said 39 people have been rescued so far and 30 more remained missing. Authorities said at least 75 were wounded. The reported death toll made it the deadliest single attack on Ukrainian civilians since before the summer, according to The Associated Press-Frontline War Crimes Watch project. Residents said the apartment tower did not house any military facilities. The European Union's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, called the strike, and others like it, "inhumane aggression" because it directly targeted civilians. ''There will be no impunity for these crimes,'' he said in a tweet Sunday. Asked about the strike Monday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Russian military doesn't target residential buildings and suggested the Dnipro building was hit as a result of Ukrainian air defense actions. The strike on the building came amid a wider barrage of Russian cruise missiles across Ukraine. The Ukrainian military said Sunday that it did not have the means to intercept the type of Russian missile that hit the residential building in Dnipro. Fierce fighting continued to rage Monday in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk province, where military analysts have said both sides are likely suffering heavy troop casualties. No independent verification of developments was possible. Donetsk and neighboring Luhansk province make up the Donbas, an expansive industrial region bordering Russia that Russian President Vladimir Putin identified as a focus from the war's outset. Moscow-backed separatists have been fighting Kyiv's forces there since 2014. The Russian and Belarusian air forces began a joint exercise Monday in Belarus, which borders Ukraine and served as a staging ground for Russia's Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine. The drills are set to run through Feb. 1, the Belarusian Defense Ministry said. Russia has sent its warplanes to Belarus for the drills. The Institute for the Study of War, a Washington think tank, reported signs of the Kremlin taking steps to turn its Ukraine invasion into ''a major conventional war'' after months of embarrassing military reversals. What Moscow calls "a special military operation" aimed to capture the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, within weeks and to install a Kremlin-friendly regime there, but Russian forces ultimately withdrew from around Kyiv, the think tank said. Then came a successful Ukrainian counteroffensive in recent months before the onset of winter slowed military advances. "The Kremlin is likely preparing to conduct a decisive strategic action in the next six months intended to regain the initiative and end Ukraine's current string of operational successes," the Institute for the Study of War said in a report late Sunday. It noted reports indicating the Russian military command was in ''serious preparations'' for an expanded mobilization effort, conserving mobilized personnel for future use, while seeking to boost military industrial production and reshuffling its command structure. That means Ukraine's Western allies "will need to continue supporting Ukraine in the long run," the think tank said. NATO member nations have sought in recent days to reassure Ukraine that they will stay the course. The United Kingdom has pledged tanks and the U.S. military's new, expanded combat training of Ukrainian forces began in Germany on Sunday. (AP) Students from Kilkenny have taken home a prize from the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition 2023. A group of Transition Year students from Presentation Kilkenny, aided by their science teachers, won first place in the Social and Behavioural Sciences Intermediate group category. Their project, titled A Look into Our Minds: When Are We At Our Most Dangerous?, was highly commended by judges. Breaking News! Congratulations to Transition Year students, Morette Aylward & Roisin McElwee on scooping 1st place in the Social & Behavioural Intermediate Age Group Category at the prestigious @BTYSTE competition tonight in Dublin!!! @CRKC1 @KKPeopleNews @kclr96fm @ceist1 pic.twitter.com/m7RYuBbQXf Presentation Secondary, Kilkenny (@PresKilkenny) January 13, 2023 Shane OConnor and Liam Carew, aged 19 and in sixth year in the Abbey School, Tipperary won the overall prize with their project assessing the impact of second-level education on key aspects of adolescents life and development. The coveted was presented to the winners this evening in the RDS in Dublin by Minister for Education Norma Foley TD, and Managing Director of BT Ireland, Shay Walsh. Chair of the Social and Behavioural Sciences Group Judging Panel, Professor Joe Barry said: "What we are looking at here is a very impressive survey conducted in three waves over 24 months with more than 2,000 responses examining how secondary school students perceived school to impact on their social, physical and mental wellbeing. "One of the key findings coming out of the research was that whilst inequality is prevalent in DEIS[1] schools, exponential improvements in areas of pastoral care and physical health are quickly closing this gap. To quote directly from the students research, Secondary school is a vital social outlet for students and this can be seen across our interviews, focus groups and in particular in our survey." The 2023 BT Young Scientist & Technology winners received the BTYSTE perpetual trophy and the top prize of 7,500. The winners will also represent Ireland at the European Union Contest for Young Scientists, which takes place in Brussels, Belgium in September 2023. Theyll also get to attend the 64th Annual London International Youth Science Forum this summer. Ayush Tambde, aged 18 and in sixth year in Stratford College in Dublin won the prize for Best Individual, with his project, Analysis of single-cell proteomic data to understand the mechanisms of oncogenic transformation and how to control them. Dr John Monahan, Biological and Ecological Sciences Group Judge said, This project studied the problems of breast cancer. As many know there are two major groups of breast cancer, one of which can be targeted by drugs for treatment (Luminal cell types; Receptor positive) and one of which is more difficult to treat (Basal cell types; Receptor negative). The project has taken new protein biology approaches to relook at an important existing data set and come up with novel insights into potential treatments for these difficult to treat basal cell breast cancers. Adrian Drogomir, aged 19 and in sixth year in Adamstown Community College in Dublin won the prize for Runner-up Individual, with his project, AL-energy. Prof Orla Feely, Chair of Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences Individual Judging Panel said, Aluminium-based batteries could play a role in the provision of sustainable energy. This project demonstrates through very detailed experiments how the design of the electrode impacts the battery performance and points the way to future design. The judges were very impressed by Adrians passion for the subject and his detailed implementation of the scientific method. Olivia OShea, Erica OBrien Murray and Abigail OBrien Murray, aged 17 and in fifth year in Loreto College, Balbriggan won the prize for Runners-up Group, with their project, Can we save the common ash? Dr Richard OHanlon, Biological and Ecological Sciences Group Judge said, Ash dieback is the most serious tree disease to arrive in Ireland in over 50 years. These young scientists have provided robust data to highlight potential treatments which could, in combination with other actions, protect our native ash trees. Shenandoah, IA (51601) Today Sunny and windy. High around 85F. Winds S at 20 to 30 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.. Tonight Clear. Gusty winds diminishing after midnight. Low 57F. Winds SSE at 20 to 30 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. Yoon faces daunting diplomatic challenges President Yoon Suk Yeol, now on a state visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), appears elated by the UAE's pledge to invest $30 billion in Korea. The two countries also agreed to boost bilateral ties in the areas of energy, construction and health. Yoon also plans to focus on economic issues during his planned visit to Switzerland for the annual World Economic Forum (WTF), often referred to as the Davos Forum. Despite the significant economic issues at play, Yoon is also burdened with a growing and toughened security environment surrounding the Korean Peninsula. For starters, North Korea is bent on building up its nuclear capabilities while showing no intention to return to dialogue. The United States, fresh from the end of the midterm elections, and China, now under the fortified grip of President Xi Jinping, are flexing their muscles in order to maintain the upper hand against each other. In response, South Korea has been eager to beef up its prowess as a global middle power state. With this aim in mind, it has been focusing on strengthening its alliance with the U.S. and Japan in a bid to effectively counter the numerous threats from North Korea. The security situation in East Asia and on the peninsula is vital, but hasn't always been favorable to the Republic of Korea. For one thing, Japan has been desperate to solidify ties with the U.S. after declaring its plans to be equipped with "counteroffensive capabilities" by discarding the principle of pacifism which it had kept since its defeat in World War II. The two nations held a series of meetings among top security-related officials, including a summit between U.S. President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida between Jan. 11 and 13 in Washington D.C. The two sides agreed to realign the U.S. forces stationed in Japan in preparation for a possible invasion of Taiwan by China and expand the scope of the military alliance into space. Ahead of the summit, Kishida managed to expand the range of military cooperation through his visit to G-7 member states. Tokyo, for instance, signed a contract for mutual dispatches of troops with the United Kingdom. Rather worrisome, however, is the possibility that Japan's move toward rearmament, due to increasing threats from North Korea and China, might prompt the neighboring country to engage in possible conflicts on the peninsula. Or additionally, it could nudge South Korea into getting involved in potential military confrontations in Taiwan. Despite this, South Korea and the United States have shown signs of a crack developing, regarding Yoon's recent statement indicating the need for Seoul to possess nuclear weapons as a deterrence against the North's nuclear threats. The Defense Department's Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder expressed opposition to any move toward possible nuclear armament. "Our policy continues to remain focused on the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula," he said during a press briefing Thursday. Worse still, Beijing irritated Seoul and Tokyo due to its suspension of short-term visas for their respective nationals, from among the 20 countries which have recently fortified quarantine measures for travelers arriving from China. Yet, it has offered favorable policies to the U.S., normalizing flights between the two countries. For Australia, China has lifted the import embargo on coal. Against this backdrop, experts say that China was cynically attempting to drive a wedge between countries on the opposite side. Such situations explain well the complexity of the reality faced by South Korea. This means the three allies South Korea, the U.S. and Japan do not exactly share the same interests when it comes to sensitive security issues such as North Korea's nuclear threats, relations with China and historical issues. It is time for foreign affairs and security authorities to extract the utmost amount of wisdom so that the Yoon administration can cope well with the ever-toughening situation on and around the peninsula. (The Center Square) Hamilton County is set to receive more than $7 million in the $26 billion nationwide settlement with an opioid manufacturer and distributors as fentanyl deaths increase. A bipartisan coalition of attorneys general announced final agreements with Johnson & Johnson, a manufacturer of prescription opioids, and the three major pharmaceutical distributors, AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, and McKesson, on July 21, 2021. The companies paid $26 billion for actions contributing to the opioid crisis and committed to change their businesses to improve the safety of opioid prescriptions. The millions allocated to Indiana are part of the states $509 million cut of the larger settlement. The funds will be paid over the course of 18 years. The majority will be dedicated to fighting drug abuse. Almost 30 residents died of opioid overdoses through October 2022, 19 of them from fentanyl, according to Hamilton County Coroner John Chalfin. The county has averaged 29 opioid deaths a year since 2014, and county records reveal fentanyl is the leading culprit. The Indiana Department of Health reported 2,554 residents died of drug overdoses in 2021, with more than 70% of the deaths caused by fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. More than 2,500 Indianans died from opioids as of Aug. 1, 2022. "We started seeing fentanyl emerge around 2014," Chalfin told the Indy Star. "It was replaced by meth for a period, but then it came roaring back. The victims are all over the place age-wise. I had a 61-year-old, people in their 50s, very young people." Indiana also received funding from pharmaceutical retailers which will be distributed next year. The Hoosier state received $219 million in a settlement with CVS and Walgreens and $53 million as part of a $3.1 billion nationwide settlement with Walmart. Hamilton County may use its funds for a drug and behavioral assessment center and on programs for addiction patients, according to Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt. The center, which will be set up at a Riverview Hospital location, would improve the referral and treatment process of overdose victims. "We'd like to improve follow-ups, outreach, to help patients stay on course, stay clean, Heirbrandt told the Indy Star. The county will receive more than $1 million in its first payment and about $194,000 each year up to 2038. Success! An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. New Delhi [India], January 16 (ANI): Paytm Payments Bank Limited (PPBL) received final approval from the Reserve Bank of India to operate as Bharat Bill Payment System services under the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007, said a press release on Monday. As an entity under Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS), PPBL has got the final authorization to conduct bill payment and aggregation business as a BBPOU. PPBL had been undertaking this activity so far under in-principle authorisation from RBI. Also Read | Italys Eni, Esso Offices Raided in Antitrust Probe over Fuel Price Breaches Latest Tweet by Reuters. Being an authorized operational unit, PPBL works in adherence to the standards set by Bharat Bill Payment Central Unit (BBPCU) i.e., NPCI Bharat Billpay Limited (NBBL). Under RBI's guidance, PPBL will display all Agent institutions onboarded on its website and make concerted efforts to onboard more billers in the approved categories on the BBPS platform. Also Read | PM Narendra Modi Shares Snippets Titled 'Your Exam, Your Methods-Choose Your Own Style' From Exam Warriors Book, Urges Students To Share How They Prepare for Exams (See Tweet). This approval enables the Bank to become the single point of access to all billers on all payment channels - digital and physical. Paytm Payments Bank Spokesperson said, "Our vision is to drive financial inclusion by offering users greater access to digital services. With this approval, we will further increase the adoption of digital payments by merchant billers and enable them with secure, fast and convenient transactions. Through the Paytm app, users can make convenient payments for their bills and benefit from automatic payment and reminder services." Conceptualised by RBI, BBPS is a one-stop ecosystem driven by NPCI that provides an interoperable and accessible bill payments service including electricity, phone, DTH, water, gas insurance, loan repayments, FASTag recharge, education fees, credit card bill and municipal taxes. With Paytm, users can pay for services in a seamless, secure and superfast manner. PPBL remained the largest UPI beneficiary bank for 19 months in a row with over 1,727 million transactions in December 2022, ahead of all major banks in the country. With 386.5 million registered transactions, the Bank is one of the top 10 remitter banks for UPI transactions according to NPCI's latest report. PPBL is one of the leading issuer and acquirer bank for National Electronics Toll Collection (NETC) FASTag. As an Issuer Bank, PPBL registered 57.13 million transactions and as an acquirer, it registered 47.9 million transactions in November 2022. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Kolkata, Jan 16 (PTI) Days after Nobel laureate Amartya Sen asserted that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee "has the ability" to be the next prime minister of the country, the TMC supremo responded saying "his advice was an order" for her. Speaking to a news channel here on Sunday, Banerjee said that the economist is a "world-famous intellectual" and his "insight shows us the path". Also Read | Punjab Should Be Run from Punjab and Not from Delhi. I Would Like to Say to CM Bhagwant Latest Tweet by ANI. "His advice is an order for me. His insight and evaluation of the of the country's current situation should be taken seriously by all," Banerjee said. In an exclusive interview with PTI last week, the 90-year-old economist had said, "It's not that she does not have the ability to do it. She clearly has the ability (to be the PM). On the other hand, it has not yet been established that Mamata can pull the forces of public dismay against the BJP in an integrated way to make it possible for her to have the leadership to put an end to the fractionalisation in India." Also Read | Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Iconic Events Week to Be Held From January 17 to 23; Check Details. Sen has also asserted that it "would be a mistake" to think that the polls would be a one-horse race in favour of the BJP, underscoring the significance of parties such as the DMK, TMC and Samajwadi Party. "If the BJP looks strong and powerful, it has a good deal of weaknesses too. I think other political parties will be able to come to a debate if they really try. I do not know enough to be able to dismiss the anti-BJP parties together," he said. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Sagardighi (WB), Jan 16 (PTI) West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday alleged that the BJP-led Union government was discriminating against the state when it comes to disbursement of MGNREGA funds. She claimed that the Centre owes West Bengal Rs 6,000 crore for the scheme. Also Read | India, UK To Launch Young Professionals Scheme on February 28. "The central government is not releasing MGNREGA funds for West Bengal. It owes us Rs 6,000 crore. BJP-ruled states, however, are getting funds for the 100 days' work scheme. "Why is West Bengal facing such discrimination despite being number one in MGNREGA implementation? We are running the scheme without any central assistance," Banerjee said at an administrative review meeting at Sagardighi in Murshidabad district. Also Read | Kanjhawala Hit-and-Drag Case: Delhi Court Reserves Order on Bail Plea of Ashutosh Bhardwaj. The chief minister alleged that funds for rural roads, too, are yet to be released. "They are, however, collecting tax from here. Anyone who thinks the BJP can have its way is wrong. Duping people, killing their livelihood cannot continue. Ram, Bam (Left Front), Shyam (Congress) have become one. "In a bid to defeat me, you are attempting to kill the livelihoods of workers and farmers. Are you trying to exhibit your power? Today, you are a hero, but tomorrow, when you are not in power, you will be a big zero. I'm not here to take any revenge but I'll bring about a change," she said. Banerjee rued the lack of central funds for the Gangasagar Mela, despite the heavy footfall at the annual congregation. Banerjee, who had been demanding the status of national fair' for Gangasagar Mela, noted that 70 lakh pilgrims have taken holy dip at the congregation this year. "Whatever we could, we did for the Gangasagar Mela. There's nothing to be worried about; we will generate funds as per our capability... I will not impose tax on pilgrims, but I will definitely try to get funds for the fair. You (Centre) cannot just decide on not giving funds and then disallow us, too, from sourcing it from elsewhere," she said. The TMC supremo, during the day, urged her party workers to be honest and humble. "Don't be greedy. Apologise to people (for mistakes), and if you taken something from someone, give it back to them," she told her partymen. On visits by central teams to West Bengal to oversee the implementation of various schemes, Banerjee alleged that they were being sent to "harass" the state government. "A central team is sent to West Bengal even if a firefly enters a BJP leader's house. Why are such teams not sent to Uttar Pradesh, Delhi or Gujarat over any incident? The Union government is harassing West Bengal by sending central teams over trivial matters," she added. Referring to the seizure of a large amount of money from properties linked to party MLA Jakir Hossain by Income Tax officials, Banerjee said the leader was targeted because he is from the TMC. She also claimed that Hossain, the MLA of Jangipur in Murshidabad district, has been framed. Cash amounting to around Rs 11 crore was seized from at least 20 properties linked to Hossain in Kolkata, New Delhi and Murshidabad during the I-T raids on January 11 and 12. "Jakir is a 'bidi' industrialist. Around 20,000 people work for him. Will he be paying them through bank transactions? How many bidi workers have bank accounts? Central agencies are selectively targeting TMC leaders. There were attempts to kill Jakir. A conspiracy is being hatched against him," Banerjee said. Hossain had earlier claimed that the seized money was meant for paying salaries of his employees. In an apparent reference to BJP MLA Suvendu Adhikari, who, earlier as a TMC member, had looked after party affairs in Murshidabad, she said, "It's my ill fate that someone who was entrusted with the responsibility of this district is now directing central agencies to the homes of TMC leaders." The TMC supremo also criticised the "illegal" arrest of party spokesperson Saket Gokhale by Gujarat Police from Banga Bhavan in New Delhi last week. Claiming that a team of the Gujarat Police, along with their Delhi counterparts, entered Banga Bhavan sans permission and seized the CCTV footage of the incident, Banerjee said she will ask Chief Secretary H K Dwivedi to be on guard and take legal action against anyone seen entering a state government-owned property without approval of authorities. "You (cops) have seized the CCTV footage from Banga Bhavan, where governors, judges and journalists, too, put up. Even I stay there sometimes when I visit Delhi. Who gave you the right to seize the footage? Where did you get the audacity to do it?" Banerjee said. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Shimla, Jan 16 (PTI) Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has urged the Union government to enhance the disaster fund for Himachal Pradesh as the State is prone to various types of natural disasters due to difficult topographical and climatic conditions. He was speaking at the inauguration function after setting up of Doppler Weather Radars at Jot in Chamba district and Murari Devi in Mandi district by the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge), Ministry of Earth Sciences, Jitendra Singh through virtual mode on Sunday. Also Read | Maharashtra: Tribunal Awards Rs 12.96 Lakh Compensation to Woman for Sons Death in Road Accident in 2019. A Doppler Weather Radar was installed at Kufri near Shimla on January 15, 2021 and with the commissioning of these additional two radars, about 70 per cent area of the State will be covered for weather forecast, a statement released here said. Stating that about 30 per cent area of the tribal Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti districts will not be covered under these Radars, he urged the Union Minister of State to provide additional Radar for these districts. Also Read | Punjab State Dear Lohri Makar Sankranti Bumper Lottery 2023 Result: Know Prize Money and Other Details; Check Punjab Lottery Live Draw Winners List Here. He said that cloud bursts have caused heavy damages in Kinnaur district in the recent years, thus it was vital that a proper weather forecast mechanism be evolved to take preventive measures in advance. He said these incidents of cloud bursts have caused heavy damage to the area particularly the power projects. The Chief Minister said that these radars will be able to forecast heavy rain, thunderstorm and hailstorm within 100 kilometer radius in all directions, especially for short-range forecasting and will be helpful to improve area specific forecast and warning for the State. They will also enhance weather monitoring capabilities and generate accurate data that will help the administration in making pre-arrangements to reduce damages caused due to weather borne disasters, he added. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Guwahati, Jan 16 (PTI) Assam has reported a decline in cybercrime cases as 1,781 were reported in the year 2022, Director General of Police Bhaskar Jyoti Mahanta said on Monday. The DGP told a press conference here that in 2021 the state had reported 4,846 cybercrime cases which had come down to 1,781 last year. Also Read | Mumbai Reports Three COVID-19 Cases, Zero Death in Past 24 Hours; Active Tally Reaches 48 As Four Recover. He said the 24x7 Cyber Fraud Call Centre in the state was also successful in tracing and freezing Rs 6.41 crore of cyber fraud amounts pertaining to 2,177 cases with a success rate of more than 18 per cent. ''This has been possible due to the prompt action of deactivating of SIM and WhatApp accounts of people involved in cyber frauds, monitoring of the social media platforms 24x7 for unlawful posts and those against women and children. Also Read | Nepal Plane Crash: Kin of Four UP Residents Killed in Yeti Airlines Flight Tragedy Leave for Kathmandu to Receive Bodies. The DGP claimed that crime against women has also drastically come down to 12,034 cases in 2022 as against 29,046 cases in 2021 and also against an annual average of 27,240 cases during the period 2017-2021. "This is due to the setting up of Special Cells for Women in collaboration with TATA Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), and coordinated approach by all stakeholders like the police, social welfare department, NGOs, labour department, health and education department and due to capacity building and sensitization programmes for the police'", he said. Crimes against children have come down to 4,306 as against 5,282 in the previous year. The number of human trafficking cases have also come down to 96 cases as against 203 in the previous year. Moreover, the crime rate in the state has now come down to 200 cases per lakh of population as against the previous 366 cases per lakh population while the number of cases reported have come down to 69,439 at the end of 2022 as against 1,33,239 at the end of 2021. A total of 2,878 cases were registered under NDPS Act cases in 2022 as against 2,271 cases the previous year, he said. Police arrested 4,691 drug traffickers, seized 112 kg of heroin, 49,000 kg of ganja, 52 lakh tablets, more than 21 lakh cough syrup bottles, 215 kg of opium, among others in 2022. A total of 1,181 cases have been registered against cattle smuggling, 633 vehicles seized, 1,356 smugglers arrested and 12,402 cattle rescued. The case pendency has also drastically come down to 58,908 cases at the end of 2022 as against 95,994 cases in 2021 and more than a lakh cases at the end of 2020. The DGP said that the state police is increasingly using technology and forensics while several steps are being taken to use scientific aids in investigation and to set up new Regional and Mobile Forensic Science Laboratories in various parts of the state along with upgradation of State Forensic Laboratory here. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi [India], January 16 (ANI): Days after the face-off between the Aam Aadmi Party and Bharatiya Janata Party in the Mayoral election of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, both the rival parties are going to meet on Monday at the first day of the winter session of the Delhi Legislative Assembly. The First Day of the Delhi Assembly winter session will commence at 11 am today. The sitting of the Legislative Assembly has been tentatively fixed for January 16, 17 and 18. Subject to the exigencies of business, the sitting of the House may be extended. Today, first of all, members will raise issues under rule 280. Also Read | Noida Shocker: Wife Kills Husband With Lover's Help, Dumps Body in Septic Tank, Arrested. In view of the tussle between the elected government and the Lieutenant Governor in the past days regarding the powers of the government in Delhi, it is believed that the MLAs of the ruling party may come up with a proposal to discuss this issue in the assembly today. There is a possibility of discussion on the issue that the elected government should retain the right to give orders to the officials for development works in Delhi. It is worth mentioning that several times in the past, the Privilege Committee of the Delhi Assembly, has summoned officers on various issues and reprimanded them. The Privilege Committee has also questioned the officials, especially on the issues of the Delhi Jal Board fund and the non-supply of medicines to Mohalla Clinics and hospitals. Also Read | Nepal Plane Crash: Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath Instructs Officials to Bring Mortal Remains of Deceased to State. It is to be noted that even before the commencement of the session, the BJP is besieging the government on this issue. On Friday itself, Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly Rambir Singh Bidhuri raised questions about the government by holding a press conference. He said that the government is evading accountability. Bidhuri has alleged that the Question Hour is not kept in the current session, he also demanded that instead of three days, the session should be of at least ten days. Keeping in view of all these, it can be assumed that due to allegations and counter-allegations between BJP and AAP, the current session could be stormy. Although, according to the list of businesses, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia is to lay copies of the following on the Table of the House are, 7 Annual Report of Delhi Technological University for the year 2020-2023; CAG Audit Report on Annual Accounts of the Netaji Subhas University of Technology for the year 2009-10 to 2017-18 alongwith Action Taken Report; 19' Annual Report of Indraprastha Power Generation Company Limited for the Financial Year 2019 -20 (Hindi and English Version); 19th Annual Report of Pragati Power Corporation Limited for the Financial Year 2019 -20; Annual Report of Delhi Transco Limited for the Financial Year 2019-20. As per the list of businesses, Deputy CM Manish Sisodia will also introduce 'The Delhi Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2023'. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi [India], January 16 (ANI): The Delhi High Court on Monday dismissed a review plea moved against an order dismissing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) challenging the appointment of Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud. The Division Bench of Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva and Justice Vikas Mahajan while dismissing the review plea said, the petitioner is unable to show any error apparent on the face of the record. The petition is accordingly dismissed. Also Read | Cold Wave Sweeps Delhi with Minimum Temperature Plunging to 1.4 Degrees Celsius on Monday Latest Tweet by PTI News. The court while dismissing the plea noted that this review petition is an appeal disguised as a review since the same does not fall within four corners of review. Last week the Division Bench led by the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court recused from hearing a review plea and said, we had passed the order dismissing this PIL, it would be appropriate if the review plea is heard by some other bench. Also Read | Assam Road Accident: Three Dead, 14 Critically Injured as Vehicle with Pilgrims Collides with Truck On National Highway-37 in Morigaon. Earlier Delhi High Court had termed the petition publicity interest litigation and imposed a cost of Rs. One lakh on the petitioner Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari. Petitioner is said to be a president of an organisation named Gram Uday Foundation. "Present petition has only been filed only to gain publicity without there being any material," the bench had said. The petitioner argued that the appointment of CJI Chandrachud was made in violation of the constitutional provisions. He had prayed for an immediate stay on the appointment. He also sought an inquiry by security agencies to ascertain that the new CJI doesn't have any relations with Naxalite Christian terrorists and anti-nationals. On November 9, 2022, Justice DY Chanderchud was sworn in as Chief Justice of India after Justice Uday Umesh Lalit demitted office. The senior judge of the Supreme Court of India Justice D Y Chandrachud has become the 50th head of the Judiciary of the country. He will have a tenure till November 10, 2024. Justice Chandrachud's father Justice YV Chandrachud was the 16th Chief Justice of India serving from February 2, 1978, to July 11, 1985. This has become the first time in the history of the judiciary that both father and son have become CJI.(ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Shimla, Jan 16 (PTI) Six men were arrested and several vehicles engaged in illegal sand mining were impounded from the river beds in Himachal Pradesh's Una district, police said on Monday. During the district-wide operation, which was carried on the intervening night of January 15 and 16, the police impounded four tipper trucks, nine tractors and one excavator and JCB each engaged in illegal sand mining. Also Read | Chandigarh Hit-and-Run Case: Woman Hit by Speeding SUV While Feeding Stray Dog in Sector 53, CCTV Video of Incident Goes Viral. Seven additional Police platoons (150 police personnel) were provided by the Director General of Police for the operations against illegal mining. These police personnel and the officers of Una District conducted raids at five stretch along the Punjab-Himachal border, including Bathu-Bathri-Santoshgarh, Khanpur-Nangal-Khurd- Fatehpur, Ghaluwal, Basal and Jankaur. Also Read | Odisha Shocker: Woman Kills Two-Year-Old Stepson, Hangs Self in Cuttack; Police Suspect Family Dispute. The accused namely Harpal Singh (28), Parvinder Singh (25), Amanjot Singh (20), Mandeep Singh (35), Jarnail Singh (42) and Gurmukh Singh (27), all hailing from Ropar district of Punjab, have been booked under sections 379, 34 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 21 of Mines and Minerals Act, a spokesperson of the police headquarters said here in a statement. During this operation, the officials of Mining, Revenue and IPH departments were also involved and services of surveyors were taken to assess the damage caused by illegal miners to river bed and public property in these areas. The criminals engaged in illegal mining take advantage of the jurisdictional boundary between Punjab and Himachal and carry out their operation during late night hours in inaccessible areas using a network of informers, who keep an eye on movement of police, the spokesperson added. Police teams conducted raids by keeping this entire operation secret and cordoned and plugged the entry/exit points of these hotspots as a result the above accused were caught red handed. Congratulating SP Una and the entire Police team for this success, the DGP Sanjay Kundu said that State Police is committed to ensure zero tolerance policy against the mining mafia and stringent action is being taken against the persons involved in the illegal mining. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Thiruvananthapuram, Jan 16 (PTI) In a pioneering decision, the Kerala government on Monday said it would grant menstrual leave for female students studying in all state universities coming under the Department of Higher Education. Taking a cue from the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) in providing menstrual leave to its students, Higher Education Minister R Bindu said the government has decided to implement the same in all state universities under the purview of the department. Also Read | COVID-19 Restrictions in Kerala: Masks, Sanitisers, Social Distancing Back With Immediate Effect for One Month To Curb Spread. "Taking into consideration the mental and physical difficulties faced by female students during menstruation, necessary steps will be taken to implement menstrual leave in all universities," she said in a Facebook post. Hailing the decision taken by the Cochin University recently, she said it was for the first time in Kerala that an educational centre has given menstrual leave to students. Also Read | Government Notifies Incentives for Promoting PoS, E-Commerce Transactions Using Rupay, BHIM. CUSAT had taken the decision following a representation made by the SFI-led students' union of the university. Considering the long-pending demand of the students, the varsity, on January 11, had sanctioned an additional two per cent condonation of shortage of attendance to female students, in each semester. She also praised the students' union for taking up such an initiative and said "the menstrual leave model will be rolled out in universities across state". "It is most gratifying to see the success of the student leadership and the university leadership working together to create a befitting continuation of the ongoing women empowerment activities initiated by the Department of Higher Education," the minister said. Bindu added that menstrual periods are days of emotional roller coaster for many. "Let the girls relax during the difficult days of their menstrual cycle," she said. An autonomous university, CUSAT has over 8,000 students in various streams and more than half of them are girls. "Having considered the requests for menstruation benefits to female students, the Vice-Chancellor has ordered to sanction an additional 2 per cent of condonation of shortage of attendance to female students, in each semester, subject to reporting to the Academic Council," a recent order issued by the joint registrar of CUSAT had said. The order would be applicable to female students of all streams, including those pursuing PhD, in the university and is expected to be implemented with immediate effect. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Patna (Bihar) [India], January 16 (ANI): An escort vehicle in the convoy of Union Minister of State (MoS) Ashwini Choubey on Sunday met with an accident, wherein several cops were injured. The accident happened while the Union Minister was on his way from Buxar to Patna. Also Read | Noida Shocker: Wife Kills Husband With Lover's Help, Dumps Body in Septic Tank, Arrested. The Minister shared the video on Twitter in which he could be seen inspecting the escort vehicle that was overturned in the accident. Taking to Twitter, the minister said, "During the way from Buxar to Patna, the car of Koransarai police station, in the carcade has met with an accident in the canal of the road bridge of Dumrao's Mathila-Narayanpur road. Everyone is well by the grace of Lord Shriram. Going to Dumrao Sadar Hospital with the injured policemen and driver." Also Read | Nepal Plane Crash: Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath Instructs Officials to Bring Mortal Remains of Deceased to State. The police personnel and the driver, with minor injuries, were rushed to Dumrao Sadar Hospital, where they are undergoing treatment. However, two cops with more injuries were shifted to the All India Medical Sciences, Patna. Further information is awaited. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Chhindwara, Jan 16 (PTI) A 30-year-old man who allegedly deserted the Indian Army with a "machine gun-like" weapon shot at and injured a jeweller in his shop in Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh on Monday in a robbery bid but was nabbed while trying to flee, a police official said. Also Read | Congress Infighting: Sachin Pilot Attacks Own Government in Rajasthan, Says Catch the Mastermind Instead of Paper Leak Agents. The incident took place in the busy Choti Bazare area here, the official said. Also Read | India, UK To Launch Young Professionals Scheme on February 28. "After firing at and injuring the jeweller, the accused's robbery attempt failed due to the resistance of the former's kin, who live in rooms above the shop. When he tried to flee on a motorcycle, it failed to start and he was nabbed by passersby, who also assaulted him," the official said. "Injured jeweller Sohan Tamarkar was rushed to the district hospital from where he has been moved to Nagpur for advanced health care. One bullet pierced his abdomen and another hit his left knee. We have recovered three empty cartridges from the spot," Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Sanjeev Uikey told PTI over phone. The Army had declared him a proclaimed absconder for not resuming work after he took leave early last year from Meerut in Uttar Pradesh where he was posted, the Additional SP said. Speaking about the firearm he used in the robbery attempt, Uikey said, "It does look like a machine gun. We have sent it to forensic experts to ascertain its type. Their report is awaited. The accused is not in a condition to speak at present due to the beating he received from the crowd." Details about the regiment from which he fled will be had once he is interrogated, though an Army ID has been recovered from the accused, the official added. According to police sources, the accused is a resident of Chargaon village under Dharam Tekdi police station limits here. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi, January 16: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday paid tributes to Tamil poet and philosopher Thiruvalluvar on the occasion of his birth anniversary, which is observed as Thiruvalluvar Day. "On Thiruvalluvar Day, I pay homage to the wise Thiruvalluvar and recall his noble thoughts. Diverse in nature, they are a source of great motivation for people from all walks of life. I would also urge the youth to read the Kural," he tweeted. Delhi Traffic Update Today: Traffic Advisory Issued for PM Narendra Modi's Roadshow, Check List of Roads Closed or Affected and Diversions. On Thiruvalluvar Day, I pay homage to the wise Thiruvalluvar and recall his noble thoughts. Diverse in nature, they are a source of great motivation for people from all walks of life. I would also urge the youth to read the Kural. Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 16, 2023 Thiruvalluvar's book, the Kural, is a collection of poems that offer aphoristic wisdom on a variety of issues. The 133 feet tall stone sculpture of the famous Tamil poet-saint, right next to the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanniyakumari, was dedicated to the people of Tamil Nadu on January 1, 2000. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Jaipur, January 16: Ahead of the state assembly elections, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok-Gehlot on Monday chaired the first session of Chintan Shivir in Jaipur. The two-day Shivir will have eight sessions wherein state ministers will give presentations of their respective depts. The budget and implementation of various public schemes will be discussed Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot will hold rallies in the state's Nagaur, Hanumangardh, Jhunjhunu, and Pali starting today. Earlier on December 22, as the Bharat Jodo Yatra completed its Rajasthan leg and despite a presumed reconciliatory meeting between chief minister Ashok Gehlot and Sachin Pilot with Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, there seems to be no sign of a "full stop" to the feud between Chief Minister and his former deputy. Mayawati Says BSP to Go It Alone in Assembly, 2024 Lok Sabha Elections; Calls for Return to Ballot Paper. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday lauded the Himachal Pradesh government for reinstating Old Pension Scheme and fulfilling the poll promise and said that "Congress means trust". On Friday, the Himachal Pradesh government decided to restore the Old Pension Scheme (OPS) for government employees, covered under National Pension System (NPS). The decision was taken in the first Cabinet meeting presided over by Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu in Shimla. Taking to Twitter, he said, "Rajasthan- OPS Chhattisgarh- OPS Himachal Pradesh- OPS The Congress government of Himachal fulfilled the promise without delay. Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot Sanctions Rs 1,377 Crore for to Build Animal Shelters in 1,500 Gram Panchayats. A committee was also set up to implement the scheme 'Har Ghar Laxmi' - which would provide Rs 1,500 per month to women in 30 days. Congress means trust." (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi [India], January 16 (ANI): The Patiala House Court of Delhi on Monday issued notice to Enforcement Directorate on Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez's plea seeking Court permission to travel abroad. The Additional Sessions Judge Shailender Malik on Monday sought a response from ED on Fernandez's application to travel to Dubai in the last week of January for a professional commitment. Also Read | Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Iconic Events Week to Be Held From January 17 to 23; Check Details. The court is to hear arguements on the application on January 25, 2023. On Monday, Jacqueline appeared physically in court during the proceedings. She is on regular bail in the matter. Also Read | Chandigarh Hit-and-Run Case: Woman Hit by Speeding SUV While Feeding Stray Dog in Sector 53, CCTV Video of Incident Goes Viral. The court also heard the submissions of Pinki Irani, (Co-accused in the case) on the points of 'arguements on framing of charges in which she, through her Lawyer denied all the allegations made in the ED Chargesheet. The ED is investigating Jacqueline Fernandez in an Rs-200 crore money laundering case involving conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. Jacqueline Fernandez earlier had appeared before the probe agency for questioning in a money laundering investigation against alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar and others. "Jacqueline Fernandez is a Sri Lankan National living in India since 2009 and belongs to a Bollywood Fraternity and holds a good name in the Bollywood industry," the application stated. Earlier, she stated that being a renowned film the actress has been invited to Events, press conferences, Rehearsals and participation in the event. The Applicant has always joined the investigation before the Enforcement Directorate and remains present in all court proceedings, following law of the land. She earlier stated that she is ready and willing to abide by any such conditions that this Court may deem fit to impose if the prayer sought is granted, in accordance with the law. The Economic Offence Wing (EOW) of Delhi Police on Monday also filed a supplementary chargesheet against Pinki in connection investigation in the Rs 200-crore extortion case involving conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. According to Delhi police Mumbai-based Pinky Irani is said to be a close aide of Chandrashekhar and introduced him to bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez. The fresh supplementary also mentioned the progress taken place through the recording of various statements including Jacqueline Fernandez, Nora Fatehi etc This ED case is based on an FIR filed by Delhi Police's Economic Offences Wing (EOW) against Sukesh Chandrasekhar who is accused of cheating and extorting Aditi Singh, wife of the former promoter of Religare Enterprises Shivinder Mohan Singh, who was arrested in October 2019 in a case related to alleged misappropriation of funds at Religare Finvest Ltd. Chandrasekhar and his associates reportedly took money from Aditi after posing as government officials and promising to get bail for her husband. Chandrasekhar reportedly persuaded Aditi to transfer money by impersonating a central government official over a spoof call while he was lodged in Rohini jail and promised to manage bail for her husband. Both Chandrasekhar and his actor wife Leena Maria Paul were arrested by the Delhi Police in September last year for their alleged role in the duping case. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi [India], January 16 (ANI): The Supreme Court on Monday asked Telangana High Court to consider afresh on merit, CBI's plea seeking cancellation of bail to Gangi Reddy in connection with the murder case of former Andhra Pradesh Minister YS Vivekananda Reddy. A bench of justices MR Shah and CT Ravikumar observed that in a case where an accused is released on default and thereafter on the filing of the chargesheet, a strong case is made out from the chargesheet, his bail can be cancelled on merits. Also Read | Rajasthan Shocker: Two Killed, Three Injured as Groups Open Fire over Old Dispute in Dausa. "The issue involved in the present appeal is answered in the affirmative and it is observed and held that in a case where an accused is released on default bail under Section 167(2) Cr.P.C., and thereafter on the filing of the chargesheet, a strong case is made out and on special reasons being made out from the chargesheet that the accused has committed a non-bailable crime and considering the grounds set out in Sections 437(5) and Section 439(2), his bail can be cancelled on merits and the Courts are not precluded from considering the application for cancellation of the bail on merits. However, the mere filing of the chargesheet is not enough, but as observed and held hereinabove, on the basis of the chargesheet, a strong case is to be made out that the accused has committed a non-bailable crime and he deserves to be in custody," the court said. The court also said, "As the High Court has not at all considered on merits the application for cancellation of the bail, the matter is to be remitted to the High Court for considering the said application afresh in accordance with law and on merits and in light of the observations made hereinabove." Also Read | Delhi Weather Update: National Capital Close to Freezing Point, Mercury Plunges to 1.4 Degrees Celsius. "As pursuant to the earlier judgment and order passed by this Court dated November 29, 2022, in Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 169 of 2022, the trial of the FIR in the present case has been ordered to be transferred to the C.B.I. Special Court, Hyderabad, the proceedings of the cancellation of the bail application, which was earlier filed before the High Court of Andhra Pradesh at Amravati are ordered to be transferred to the High Court of Telangana at Hyderabad and now the High Court of Telangana to consider, decide and dispose of the application for cancellation of the bail on merits and in light of the observations made hereinabove," the court said. The top court was hearing the CBI plea challenging the judgment and order dated March 16, 2022, passed by the High Court of Andhra Pradesh at Amravati. The High Court of Andhra Pradesh at Amravati has dismissed the petition preferred by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) seeking to cancel the bail that was granted to respondent T Gangi Reddy alias Yerra Gangi Reddy. The case pertains to the deceased YS Vivekananda Reddy, a former MLA, former Member of Lok Sabha; former Member of AP Legislative Council, who was found dead in his house on March 15, 2019. Initially, a case was registered by the local police in Pulivendula. Subsequently, a case under Section 302 read with Section 120-B of the Indian Penal Code was registered. A special Investigation Team was constituted by the State. The SIT took over the investigation. During the course of the investigation, the concerned State Police Agency arrested the respondent accused on March 28, 2019. The statutory period of 90 days lapsed on June 26, 2019. On the very next day of lapsing of 90 days, the respondent accused filed a bail application for default bail, which was allowed by a local court in Pulivendula on June 27, 2019. The accused was released on bail as per the order. Subsequently and pursuant to the order passed by the High Court dated March 11, 2020, an investigation in the case was given to CBI, which alleged that the investigation revealed that a conspiracy was hatched between four accused along with some other persons to kill the deceased and there were some influenced persons behind the said conspiracy. CBI filed the initial chargesheet on October 26, 2021, and named the accused. Thereafter the CBI filed an application before the Special Court for cancellation of the bail granted to the respondents, which came to be dismissed by the learned Trial Court vide order dated November 30, 2021. Thereafter, CBI moved to the High Court which also rejected the agency's plea. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi, Jan 16 (PTI) The Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a PIL seeking a direction to the Uttar Pradesh government to amend the law to bring the office of the chief minister under the purview of state ombudsman Lokayukta. A bench of Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud and justices P S Narasimha and J B Pardiwala posed a question to the petitioner as to whom the directions were to be issued for amending the state Act. Also Read | Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti 2023: Government To Celebrate Iconic Events Week From January 17 to 23 To Commemorate 75 Years of India's Independence and Netaji's 126th Birth Anniversary. Dismissing the petition, it said the writ of mandamus (direction to government) cannot be issued to the legislature to enact a law. The PIL, filed by advocate Shiv Kumar Tripathi, had sought a direction for amending the 43-year-old state law to bring the chief minister under the Lokayukta's purview to check any corrupt activities. Also Read | Chandigarh Hit-and-Run Case: Woman Hit by Speeding SUV While Feeding Stray Dog in Sector 53, CCTV Video of Incident Goes Viral. "The Lokayukta of Uttar Pradesh is not competent to proceed against the chief minister for any corrupt action in which he has been found guilty of favouritism, nepotism or lack of integrity, it had said. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Merck Foundation frica Health Media Training was conducted during the 9th Edition of Merck Foundation Africa Asia Luminary, a Hybrid Annual Conference held in Dubai, UAE on 15th and 16th November 2022; Merck Foundation Health Media Training session was attended by over 200 journalists from 35 African Countries in presence of 13 African First Ladies as Guests of honor; Merck Foundation CEO announced the Call for Applications for the Merck Foundation Media, Fashion, Film and Song Awards 2023 for talents from the Media, Fashion, Film and Music fields. Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany, conducted their annual conference, the 9th Edition of Merck Foundation Africa Asia Luminary on 15th & 16th November 2022 in presence of 13 African First Ladies as Guests of Honor as a hybrid model, attended in person and online. Merck Foundation Health Media Training session was conducted on 16th November for journalists, to emphasize on the important role the media plays to influence our society to create a cultural shift with the aim to Break Infertility Stigma, Support Girl Education, Stop Gender Based Violence, End Child Marriage, End FGM, and Women Empowerment at all levels and raise awareness about early detection & prevention of Diabetes & Hypertension. The training session was attended by over 200 journalists from 35 African countries. Watch the Africa Health Media Training session here: https://bit.ly/3W2IA5S The Merck Foundation Health Media Training is a part of Merck Foundation More than a Mother Community Awareness Program. This year, the Health Media Training also focused on the importance of leading a Healthy Lifestyle and early detection & prevention of Diabetes and Hypertension. The Merck Foundation Health Media Training is a part of Merck Foundation More than a Mother Community Awareness Program. This year, the Health Media Training also focused on the importance of leading a Healthy Lifestyle and early detection & prevention of Diabetes. Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation, Chairperson of Merck Foundation Africa Asia Luminary and President of More Than a Mother campaign said, This is the first time that we have conducted our annual conference the 9th Edition of Merck Foundation Africa Asia Luminary since the coronavirus pandemic, it is also the first time it was conducted in a hybrid model (in-person and online). I feel proud that over 200 journalists attended the Merck Foundation Health Media Training, I have always believed that the media plays a significant role in shaping our society. Through the Merck Foundation Health Media Training programs, I would like to urge all media representatives from over 35 countries to create a culture shift by raising awareness about social and health issues like Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Ending Child Marriage, Stopping GBV and raising awareness about early detection and prevention of Diabetes & Hypertension. Media has the capacity and ability to bring about a desired culture shift in the mindset of populations in a cost-effective manner. Merck Foundation Health Media Training conducted during the 9th Edition of Merck Foundation Africa Asia Luminary 2022 was addressed by 13 African First Ladies and Senator Dr Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and top experts from the fields of Fertility, Psychiatry, Diabetes, and media stalwarts from countries like Ghana, Rwanda, Zambia, Mozambique, Angola, Malawi, Zambia Niger, DRC, and Mauritius. During the 9th Edition of Merck Foundation Africa Asia Luminary, the First Ladies of 13 African Countries, also the Ambassadors of Merck Foundation More Than a Mother, celebrated the 5th Anniversary of Merck Foundation and marked the 10-year journey of Merck Foundation development programs that started in 2012. Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej also announced the Call for Applications for 8 important awards in partnership with African First Ladies for talents from the Media, Fashion, Film and Music fields during the Merck Foundation Health Media Training. These awards are in partnership with my dear sisters the African First Ladies who are also the Ambassadors of Merck Foundation More Than a Mother. I am looking forward to all the entries from African countries for these important awards. I firmly believe that media, art, and fashion play an important role in raising awareness about sensitive social and health issues such as Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Stopping Gender Based Violence and raising awareness about early detection & prevention of Diabetes & Hypertension, Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej said. Partager et informez vous aussi...... 0 shares Share Tweet LinkedIn Articles similaires Gurugram, Jan 16 (PTI) A six-year-old boy was allegedly sodomised by his teenage neighbour in Badshahpur area here, police said on Monday. The 13-year-old accused allegedly took the Class 1 student to a secluded place and sodomised him around two days ago, the victim's father alleged. Also Read | India, UK To Launch Young Professionals Scheme on February 28. The accused, a Class 6 student, also threatened the victim with dire consequences if he told anyone about the incident. However, the victim narrated his ordeal to his father on Sunday and he lodged a complaint, the police said. An FIR has been registered under Section 6 of the POCSO Act at Badshahpur police station. Also Read | Kanjhawala Hit-and-Drag Case: Delhi Court Reserves Order on Bail Plea of Ashutosh Bhardwaj. "After counselling of the victim by the Child Welfare Committee, he was produced in a city court to record his statement under Section 164 of the CrPC on Monday. We are verifying the facts and action will be taken as per law," Badshahpur police station SHO Madan Lal said. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Meerut (UP), Jan 16 (PTI) Three students were injured in a scuffle between two groups at Meerut College during which shots were allegedly fired, police said on Monday. The two groups clashed during the afternoon and the three students were injured, Senior Superintendent of Police Rohit Singh Sajwan told PTI. Also Read | Nepal Plane Crash: Can You Go Live on Facebook in Airplane While Landing Sans Wi-Fi, Mobile Data? Here's Everything You Need To Know. The trio is undergoing treatment at the district hospital, where their condition is said to be stable. Asked about shots being allegedly fired, Sajwan said the police had received information about the firing. Also Read | Joshimath Land Subsidence: 44 More Buildings Develop Cracks in Past 24 Hours, Including PWD's Rest House. Sajwan added that the FIR was being written on the police's behalf since the college administration had not lodged a complaint. Lalkurti police station in-charge Naresh Kumar said the three injured students were in police custody. One of the injured students said some outsiders had allegedly entered the campus. "They started fighting without any reason. One of them had a pistol. The police were informed about the incident. As soon as they arrived, the outsiders fled," he added. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi, Jan 16 (PTI) Ahead of the budget, the Indian Biogas Association has requested the government to set a Rs 1,000-crore fund to promote the use of fermented organic manure (FOM) in agriculture. Biogas plants convert organic wastes such as crop waste, animal manure, municipal waste, vegetable waste, etc into clean biogas through anaerobic digestion to produce clean energy. In this process FOM is generated as a waste. Also Read | Global Recession Likely in 2023; India May Benefit From Diversification of Supply Chains, Says World Economic Forum Survey. As per the association, around 2,000 tonnes of FOM is generated in the country which can be used in agriculture. In its Budget recommendations, the industry body has said it recommends a Rs 1,000-crore fund to promote fermented organic manure. Most of the government incentives are focusing on the gas part of the biogas plant, but equally important is the organic fertilizer that comes out as a byproduct. Also Read | Budget 2023: From Hike in Income Tax Exemption Limit to Lower Tax Rates and Raise in Standard Deduction, List of Changes Taxpayers Wish in Tax Slabs. "Rs 1,000 crore fund needs to be put in place to streamline the end-to-end process, especially to form and channelise the whole process through a committee of government representatives, industry associations, and individuals working in the field of biogas. A part of the fund may go to incentivise and acknowledge producers of bio-fertilizers to promote production, and try out different business models, including contract farming," it said. The government is already discussing making the purchase of biofertilizer mandatory for every bag of urea purchased by a farmer in order to promote organic nutrients and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. Biogas plant-based fertilizer or FOM can be an addition to it, it added. It is important to promote balanced and sustainable use of chemical fertilisers by bundling biogas plant-based fertilizer with urea. Under the fund, the organic fertilizer is sold to farmers at subsidised/unsubsidised prices to encourage them to opt for sustainable agricultural practices. This will ensure that the bio-fertilizers are available in bulk for agriculture. "The government may also implement policies to procure the bio-fertilizer through Public Sector Undertaking (PSUs) at a predetermined price based on the nutrient components in the slurry. The FOM can then be linked to enrichment units such as Phosphate Rich Organic Manure units, and other organic enrichment plants for value addition," the association said. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi, Jan 16 (PTI) The ongoing negotiations of India for the proposed comprehensive free trade agreements with the UK and European Union (EU) are on track and the next round of talks with both the regions will happen soon, a top government official said on Monday. India has recently concluded the sixth round of talks with the UK and third round with the EU. Also Read | India's Overall Exports Fall 5.25% in December 2022; Overall Exports in April-December Grow 16.11%. "The seventh round with the UK and the fourth round with the EU will be held very soon. Both the trade agreements are on track," the official said. The official added that both the agreements are comprehensive in nature and includes goods, services, investments, labour, environment and sustainability. Also Read | Global Recession Likely in 2023; India May Benefit From Diversification of Supply Chains, Says World Economic Forum Survey. All these issues require a lot of unanimity among the negotiating countries and these talks are complex exercises. "Last time when the UK negotiating team was here, we had a a good understanding. Now there is a much better understanding. Both the teams are negotiating at a convenient speed and pace and a lot of issues are being settled between the two teams," the official said. Negotiations with the UK started on January 13 last year. The bilateral trade between the two countries increased to USD 17.5 billion in 2021-22 compared to USD 13.2 billion in 2020-21. India's exports stood at USD 10.5 billion in 2021-22, while imports were USD 7 billion. After a gap of over eight years, India and the EU formally resumed negotiations on the proposed agreement on June 17, 2022. India's bilateral trade with the European Union rose by 43.5 per cent to USD 116.36 billion in 2021-22. When asked about India's demand for resumption of exports benefits by the US under Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), the official said India would welcome if it would be resumed by America. "We had requested the US during the meeting of trade policy forum...The US has to take the call. It would help enhance competitiveness of our exporters," the official added. The GSP is the largest and oldest US trade preference programme and is designed to promote economic development by allowing duty-free entry for thousands of products from designated beneficiary countries. Under the programme, nearly 2,000 products including auto components and textile materials can enter the US duty-free if the beneficiary developing countries meet the eligibility criteria established by Congress. In 2019, the US withdrew these benefits. When asked about the issue of Iran stopping imports of tea and rice from India, another senior official said that it was a temporary measure. "I believe that some rice exports have started," the official said. On the issue of under-invoicing of Chinese imports in India, the department of commerce has flagged the matter with its finance counterpart. "We have received feedback that the finance ministry is taking actions. On some consignments from China, risk profiling to identify those consignments which are under invoicing. Some seizures are happening. We are waiting for some feedback from the finance ministry," the official said. On India-Russia trade, the official said India has taken up issues of domestic exporters with regard to market access and standards with Russia. "We will be pushing exports of electronic items in Russia. India is also pushing rupee trade with Russia," the official added. Countries including Russia, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka are keen to have rupee trade with India. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New Delhi, Jan 16 (PTI) State-owned NHAI has no information about faulty FASTags and the penalties collected from motorists in case their FASTags are non-functional at highway toll plazas. In case a motorist does not have a FASTag or it is non-functional, then the person has to pay double the toll charges at toll plazas. Also Read | Punjab State Dear Lohri Makar Sankranti Bumper Lottery 2023 Result: Know Prize Money and Other Details; Check Punjab Lottery Live Draw Winners List Here. According to the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), more than 6 crore FASTags have been issued as on October 31, 2022. However, it has no information about the number of faulty FASTag cases and the total amount of penalty collected from users despite having their vehicles fitted with the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag. Also Read | Income Tax Slabs: Know Current Tax Rates for Individuals Under New and Old Tax Regimes Ahead of Budget 2023. In response to RTI queries about the number of faulty FASTag cases and the amount of penalties collected from the users for non-functional FASTags, NHAI said, "no such data is available". "Total no. of 60,277,364 FASTags have been issued till 31.10.2022," it said in response to an application filed by PTI under the Right to Information Act. A FASTag allows a user to pay the highway fee electronically without having to stop at the toll collection booths set up by the highway operators. Since February 16, 2021, the government has made FASTag mandatory for all private as well as commercial vehicles. As per rules, vehicles that do not have a valid or functional FASTag must pay double the toll charge as penalty. On whether any penal action has been taken against any FASTag issuing agency for faulty FASTag, NHAI said, "no such data is available". "Total toll collection through FASTag since 16.02.2021 to 16.04.2022 as per NPCI data for NHAI fee plaza is Rs 39,118.15 crore," said the RTI reply. The total toll collection for NHAI fee plaza during FY22 stood at Rs 34,535 crore, the RTI reply said, citing data from the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). Currently, a FASTag is issued by 24 banks. There are complaints from users that FASTags sometime do not function properly at toll plazas as a result of which they have to pay double the toll charges. NHAI has set up helpline no. 1033 to address queries and complaints at national highway fee plazas. "Most of the complaints are resolved instantly by the customer care executive. Other complaints are forwarded to concerned NHAI regional offices and banks for necessary resolution," it said. However, in most cases of complaints related to non-functional tags, a user cancels the FASTag and buys another one or the issuer bank provides a fresh tag later. But the user never gets a refund of the excess fee that is already paid due to non-readable RFID tag. The Indian Highway Management Company Limited (IHMCL), incorporated with equity participations from NHAI, concessionaire and financial institutions, has been entrusted with the task of implementing the electronic toll collection on the national highways. However, IHMCL, incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, "does not fall within the definition of 'Public Authority' under Section 2 (h) of Right to Information Act, 2005", NHAI said. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Davos, Jan 16 (PTI) Global leaders will come together for the biggest gathering in this snow-laden Swiss ski resort town on Monday, with thousands of people, including around a hundred participants from India, set to discuss 'cooperation in a fragmented world'. This year's World Economic Forum (WEF) summit will kickstart with the crystal awards ceremony. Also Read | Nepal Plane Crash: Search, Rescue Operations Resume in Pokhara, 68 Bodies Recovered So Far. Last year, the annual meeting was hosted in May as it could not take place in the usual month of January due to the COVID pandemic-related restrictions. Before that, the 2021 meeting was held online. Though the pandemic is yet to be declared totally over, restrictions are far and few, and the war in Ukraine and the economic fallout of geopolitical as well as health crises have made the Davos meeting, often described as the biggest congregation of the global elite, very interesting. Also Read | US: Watch Gay, Lesbian Porn to Learn How You All Might Be Bisexual, Penn State University Professor Tells Straight Students in Sociology Class. More than 50 heads of governments or states are expected over the next five days for the meeting beginning Monday, while four Union ministers -- Mansukh Mandaviya, Ashwini Vaishnaw, Smriti Irani and R K Singh -- as also Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, along with a number of officials and business leaders would be present from India. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Karnataka's B S Bommai were also earlier listed but they are unlikely to attend the summit. AAP leader Raghav Chaddha is also here, so are Telangana minister K T Rama Rao and Tamil Nadu minister Thangam Thennarasu. Among business leaders, Gautam Adani, Sanjiv Bajaj, Kumar Mangalam Birla, N Chandrasekaran, Nadir Godrej, Ajit Gulabchand, Sajjan Jindal, Sunil Mittal, Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Nandan Nilekani, Adar Poonawalla, Rishad Premji and Sumant Sinha are likely to be present. The meeting will call on leaders from across the globe to address immediate economic, energy and food crises while laying the groundwork for a more sustainable and resilient world. The organisers expect significant participation from Asia, including from China and Japan. The theme of the 53rd Annual Meeting would be 'Cooperation in a Fragmented World' and it will convene more than 2,700 leaders from 130 countries, including 52 heads of state/government. Top political leaders taking part include German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, South Africa President Cyril M Ramaphosa, Spain Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Swiss President Alain Berset and Finland Prime Minister Sanna Marin. Other top leaders include John F Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate of the United States of America; Avril Haines, US Director of National Intelligence; Martin J Walsh, Secretary of Labor of the United States; Katherine Tai, United States Trade Representative; and Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank. Heads of international organisations taking part include UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, WTO Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The WEF said the annual meeting comes as multiple crises deepen divisions and fragment the geopolitical landscape and leaders must address people's immediate, critical needs while also laying the groundwork for a more sustainable, resilient world by the end of the decade. "We see the manifold political, economic and social forces creating increased fragmentation on a global and national level. To address the root causes of this erosion of trust, we need to reinforce cooperation between the government and business sectors, creating the conditions for a strong and durable recovery," WEF Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab said. "At the same time there must be the recognition that economic development needs to be made more resilient, more sustainable and nobody should be left behind," he added. The programme of the 53rd Annual Meeting focuses on solutions and public-private cooperation to tackle the world's most pressing challenges. "It encourages world leaders to work together on the interconnected issues of energy, climate and nature; investment, trade and infrastructure; frontier technologies and industry resilience; jobs, skills, social mobility and health; and geopolitical cooperation in a multipolar world," said the WEF, which describes itself as an international organisation for public-private cooperation. Special emphasis is on gender and geographical diversity across all sessions, it added. This year will bring about the highest-ever business participation at Davos, with over 1,500 leaders registered across 700 organisations, including over 600 of the world's top CEOs with top-level representation from sectors, such as financial services, energy, materials and infrastructure, and information and communication technologies. As IFAD Goodwill Ambassadors, they focus on issues related to food security, climate change and environmental conservation. Leaders from civil society taking part in the meeting include Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance CEO Seth F Berkley, International Transport Workers' Federation General-Secretary Stephen Cotton, Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad's President Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Religions for Peace Secretary-General Azza Karam, and Art of Living Foundation Founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. More than 125 experts and heads of the world's leading universities, research institutions, and think tanks will also join the meeting. Artist Maya Lin, acclaimed soprano Renee Fleming and actors Idris Elba and Sabrina Dhowre Elba will receive the Annual Crystal Award for 2023 on Monday. These awards celebrate the achievements of leading artists who are bridge-builders and role models for all leaders of society. Lin will get the award for "her extraordinary creative talent in combining science, art and architecture and her exemplary leadership in the promotion of nature and environment". Fleming will receive the award for "her leadership in championing the power of music and its relation to health, community and culture," according to WEF. Idris Elba and Sabrina Dhowre Elba will receive the award for their leadership in addressing food security, climate change and environmental conservation, the WEF said. Actor, filmmaker and humanitarian, Idris Elba, and his wife, the model, actress and humanitarian, Sabrina Dhowre Elba, were appointed UN Goodwill Ambassadors for IFAD in April 2020. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Brussels, Jan 16 (AP) The US military's new, expanded combat training of Ukrainian forces began in Germany on Sunday, with a goal of getting a battalion of about 500 troops back on the battlefield to fight the Russians in the next five to eight weeks, said Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Milley, who plans to visit the Grafenwoehr training area on Monday to get a first-hand look at the programme, said the troops being trained left Ukraine a few days ago. In Germany is a full set of weapons and equipment for them to use. Also Read | Uzbekistan Stops Power Supply to Afghanistan, Negotiations Continue Regarding Restoration. Until now the Pentagon had declined to say exactly when the training would start. The so-called combined arms training is aimed at honing the skills of the Ukrainian forces so they will be better prepared to launch an offensive or counter any surge in Russian attacks. They will learn how to better move and coordinate their company- and battalion-size units in battle, using combined artillery, armour and ground forces. Also Read | Nepal Plane Crash: Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath Instructs Officials to Bring Mortal Remains of Deceased to State. Speaking to two reporters travelling with him to Europe on Sunday, Milley said the complex training combined with an array of new weapons, artillery, tanks and other vehicles heading to Ukraine will be key to helping the country's forces take back territory that has been captured by Russia in the nearly 11-month-old war. This support is really important for Ukraine to be able to defend itself, Milley said. And we're hoping to be able to pull this together here in short order. The goal, he said, is for all the incoming weapons and equipment to be delivered to Ukraine so that the newly trained forces will be able to use it sometime before the spring rains show up. That would be ideal. (AP) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Kabul, January 16: A sudden fall in temperature has severely affected people, already hit hard by poverty, lack of food and fuel, in the trouble torn country, TOLO news reported on Monday. At least 20 people have been killed. In Badghis and other provinces, the cold has also killed at least 4,000 cattle. Husain, a Herat resident, said he was hospitalised after being exposed to freezing temperatures on his way to an illegal migration to Iran. Uzbekistan Stops Power Supply to Afghanistan, Negotiations Continue Regarding Restoration. "We were on the way for four hours that snowfall started and we could move forward anymore," he said, as per TOLOnews. According to statistics from Herat Regional Hospital, at least 70 people were hospitalised for hypothermia, and four drug addicts were killed. According to local officials, at least five people died in Badghis due to hypothermia, and all of them were shepherds. "One shepherd and four children were killed due to hypothermia," said the spokesman for Badghis governor. Ahmad Hanzala. According to local officials, cold weather killed five people in Khost province, two in Faryab, and two more in Jawzjan. In addition, one person was killed in Sar-e-Pul, and five drug addicts were killed in Baghlan province, TOLOnews reported. Since the Taliban seized power in Kabul last year, 18 packages of USD 40 million and more than 30 packages of USD 32 million, worth of funds, have been given to Afghanistan, Khaama Press reported citing DAB records. Afghanistan: Displaced Families Face Tough Situation Due to Cold Weather in Nimroz. Despite the assistance, Afghanistan's poverty, malnutrition, and unemployment rates are still at their peak. Natural catastrophes have made the situation even worse for Afghans as they grapple with one of the greatest humanitarian crisis in the country's history. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Islamabad [Pakistan], January 16 (ANI): Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that "establishment is a reality" and "above the law." Speaking on the existence of the establishment in the country's politics, Imran Khan said that the situation in Pakistan will improve when the establishment starts working for the rule of law, Daily Times reported. "The establishment is a reality and it is above the law. The situation [of the country] will improve when it starts working for the rule of law," Daily Times quoted Imran Khan as saying. Also Read | Yeti Airlines Plane Crash: Death Toll Climbs to 70 After Rescuers Recover Two More Bodies. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman said political engineering continues to exist and stressed that his party will resist if attempts to reduce the mandate are made in Punjab, Daily Times reported. He said that the members of his party were provoked against him and were asked to become part of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N). "Political engineering is still underway, which is why the [different factions] of the MQM-P [Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan] has been merged," Daily Times quoted Imran Khan as saying. Also Read | Nepal Plane Crash: Kin of Four UP Residents Killed in Yeti Airlines Flight Tragedy Leave for Kathmandu to Receive Bodies. Calling for free and fair elections in Pakistan, the PTI chairman urged Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir to ensure transparent polling, as per the news report. He said that the power possessed by the military is not possessed by any military institution. According to Daily Times, Khan, while speaking with journalists in Lahore, said, "I hope the serving army chief would ensure transparent [general] elections. The amount of power that the military has is not possessed by any other institution." He said that no one could stop the progress of Pakistan if the armed forces "plays a positive role." On January 8, Khan accused the establishment of being involved in "political engineering" to weaken his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to have a 'weak' government in the country and added that "political engineering" is still undergoing in the country, The Express Tribune reported. "Unfortunately, we have not learnt any lesson from the past as political engineering is still undergoing. MQM is being merged, BAP is being pushed into PPP, and efforts are being made to strengthen PPP in South Punjab," The Express Tribune quoted Khan as saying. In his virtual address to the party's women convention in Karachi, Khan had said, "PTI is the only party that can pull the country out of the current economic quagmire", as he called for free and fair elections. According to The Express Tribune report, he blamed former Pakistan army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa for pushing the country into chaos. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Paris, Jan 16 (AP) Activists gathered Monday near the EU parliament in the French city of Strasbourg in support of Iran's anti-government protesters as Paris prepared an Eiffel Tower tribute to Mahsa Amini, whose death in September prompted the demonstrations. The Strasbourg march comes after over 100 MEPs signed a letter last week calling on the European Union to take a firmer stance against Iran. Also Read | Congo Church Blast: Islamic State Claims Responsibility After 14 People Killed in Church Bombing in East Congo. The European parliament's plenary session is to debate the EU's response this week to the protests and executions in the Islamic Republic. A non-binding resolution is to be voted on Thursday. Also Read | Abdul Latif Afridi Shot Dead: Prominent Pakistani Lawyer Murdered in Peshawar High Court Bar Room Firing. The MEPs' letter to Josep Borrell, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, called on the bloc to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in its entirety as a terrorist organisation. The IRGC was designated a foreign terrorist organisation by the U.S. in 2019. Paris City Hall said in a statement that the words Woman. Life. Freedom." #StopExecutionsInIran will be displayed on the Eiffel Tower on Monday and Tuesday evening to mark four months from the death of Mahsa Amini, in a homage to those who are bravely fighting for their freedom as the (Iranian) regime is continuing executions of protesters." Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo and some deputy mayors are expected to go to the Eiffel Tower Monday in a show of support. Paris posthumously declared Amani an honourary citizen in October. Iran has been rocked by protests since the Sept. 16 death of the 22-year-old, who died after being detained by the morality police. The protests have since become one of the most serious challenges to the theocracy installed by the 1979 Islamic Revolution. (AP) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Investigation reveals officials conceal civilian deaths in U.S. drone strike in Kabul Xinhua) 13:03, January 16, 2023 WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- A military investigation recently disclosed by U.S. media revealed that U.S. officials knew shortly after a U.S.-launched drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan in August 2021 in which civilians were killed, but top military officers tried to conceal the facts by making misleading statements in the ensuing weeks. INTENTIONAL LIES According to part of a partially redacted investigation report, which the New York Times said in a Jan. 6 report it gained through a lawsuit against the U.S. Central Command, top U.S. commanders in Afghanistan were notified within hours after the Aug. 29, 2021 drone strike near the Kabul International Airport that at least three children were killed. Possible civilian casualties were reported within 20 minutes following the strike by U.S. military analysts, who assessed that at least three children were killed about two to three hours after the attack, the Times reported, citing the investigation. In their sworn statements for the probe, six of the nine witnesses said they learned immediately after the strike that the missile hit an area where there were civilians who might have been killed as a result. In the ensuing weeks, however, top military officials repeatedly refused to confirm the civilian deaths, with the commander of the Central Command, Kenneth McKenzie, saying on the day of the attack that while the "possibilities" of civilian casualties were being assessed, there were "no indications at this time." Three days after, Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, defended the operation as "righteous." It was not until Sept. 17 that McKenzie finally acknowledged that 10 civilians, including seven children, were killed in that botched strike the United States carried out under extreme pressure. CONCEALED TRUTH The ill-advised operation was a preemptive move foiling what intelligence personnel claimed to be a plan by the Islamic State's Afghan branch, ISIS-K, to bomb U.S. troops conducting a hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan at the time. Since the attack, multiple outside investigations have found out that the target, Zemari Ahmadi, was not an ISIS member. Quite on the contrary, he was a longtime Afghan contractor working for a California-based aid group. Others killed in the incident were Ahmadi's family members. On that day, Ahmadi was driving his white Toyota Carolla, which U.S. intelligence officers mistakenly believed were loaded with explosives to be used to bomb U.S. troops, to take colleagues to and from work. What were perceived as explosives in the trunk turned out to be jugs of water Ahmadi brought home for the family to drink. "We now assess that it is unlikely that the vehicle and those who died were associated with ISIS-K or were a direct threat to U.S. forces," McKenzie said at the Sept. 17, 2021, press briefing at the Pentagon. "It was a mistake." A subsequent review led by the Air Force inspector general, Sami Said, remains classified, the New York Times reported. But Said acknowledged that confirmation bias was an important factor in how Ahmadi became a target, which is a tendency to look for, analyze or remember information in a way that supports an existing belief. DIFFICULT JUSTICE CLAIM "When confirmation bias was so deadly in this case, you have to ask how many other people targeted by the military over the years were also unjustly killed," Hina Shamsi, an American Civil Liberties Union lawyer representing families of victims, was quoted by the Times as saying. She said the investigation gained by the Times "makes clear that military personnel saw what they wanted to see and not reality, which was an Afghan aid worker going about his daily life." Emal Ahmadi, Zemari's brother whose toddler Malika was also killed in the strike, told Xinhua in an interview days after the tragedy that the United States launching airstrikes that killed innocent civilians, including children, was heinous war crimes, and that those responsible must be held to account. The Defense Department has said it would not punish those carrying out the strike. It has promised to compensate Zemari's surviving relatives with condolence payments, but none of them have received the monetary assistance so far. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) Aleya Hall wanted to learn more about abstract art Sunday, but she was especially interested in the message of the particular piece of art she was looking at. The Bethlehem resident studied How Long? Not Long by artist Alteronce Gumby at the Allentown Art Museum. The work features six panels of darker colors made of oil, acrylic, glass and quartz on canvas. Its definitely abstract art and that is usually not my main interest that I am drawn to, Hall said, but I was interested in hearing more about it, especially since when we got here I found out there was a speech made about it. It was a great time to learn a little bit more about the local artists. This particular piece from Gumby, a Harrisburg native, is one of his works being featured through April 9 in Allentown in the Dark Matter exhibit. It was inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.s speech from March 25, 1965, in Montgomery, Alabama: Our God is Marching On (How Long? Not Long). For those who may not have heard of this speech from King, it was certainly an appropriate time to learn its meaning as the museum hosted a Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration, drawing a diverse crowd to a program that featured various forms of art commemorating the civil rights icon and his work. For some attending Sunday, keeping Kings legacy alive for future generations is very important, especially as the U.S. becomes more diverse. I believe it is still relevant, Hall said. The Black community, we cant forget. I was raised with the idea that history is important, and that I should never forget it. It gets easier as time goes on to forget some of the struggles because we dont experience them. But some of them, my mother, my grandmother, they still remember some of that, she said. And I think its important that we keep it refreshed, understanding that this is where it came from. But the future is still much wider. Two teachers from New Jersey, Kimberly Price and Ixhon Allen, were also taking in Gumbys work, but were also intrigued by a display of photographs from 1960s Harlem taken by Larry Fink that featured various street scenes and Malcolm X giving a speech. Its important to still have history and show the significance it holds, and what he accomplished, Price said of King. Were educators and were still having conversations. We have a long way to go, but its important to have them. Allen said the exhibit and the celebration keep the history alive. This shows why its important, Allen said. Progress has been made, but know the history and then make decisions in the current times. Its important for educators who are not of color to keep having a conversation. The program was coordinated by Devyn Briggs, the museums academic and adult program manager. She said people should remember King when dealing with todays struggles. Its still relevant today, Briggs said. Were still having challenges with poverty and racism, so we need to connect the history and legacy and lay the foundations to continue building on them. The program In the gallery featuring Gumbys exhibit, a stage was set up featuring music, dance and readings of Kings speeches. Children were able to take part in activist-inspired poster-making or creating art based on African American quilting traditions. Museum President and CEO Max Weintraub introduced Gumbys Dark Matter work, explaining its metaphoric symbols, such as blackness and social justice. How Long? Not Long is about economic empowerment and how that goes hand-in-hand with civil rights. Gumby was directed to the speech by his mother, a minister, who thought it was a better fit for her sons school project than the often-quoted I Have a Dream address, said Weintraub, who taught the young artist in college. He was going to do the I Have a Dream speech, which most of us know, Weintraub said. His mother actually steered him because she always used Martin Luther King speeches in her own sermons. She was very familiar with so many of his speeches, and much lesser known speeches, the How Long? Not Long. When he was producing this particular work, Gumby talked to his mother about it, Weintraub explained. When Gumby said it would measure 24 feet, she asked how long? and it reminded him of that speech from the school project. Not only was that sort of this nice, serendipitous moment, but that speech is all about economic empowerment, Weintraub said. Civil rights has to be hand in hand with economic empowerment, freedom and rights. And theres still a long way to go for that right. And so that work in particular on this day when were celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. King is particularly relevant. Morning Call reporter Evan Jones can be reached at ejones@mcall.com. Lahore, Jan 16 (PTI) For the first time, opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan on Monday hinted at returning to the National Assembly to be part of the consultative process of a caretaker setup for general elections later this year. Following Khan's ouster as prime minister through a no-confidence motion in April last year, the 131 PTI members of the National Assembly had resigned. However, the NA speaker has yet to accept their resignations and called in all the PTI lawmakers to verify if their resignations are "genuine and voluntary". Also Read | Vietnam Lawmakers to Hold Rare Extraordinary Meeting Sources Latest Tweet by Reuters. Talking to journalists at his residence here on Monday, Khan said: "If we don't return to the National Assembly then the PML-N led coalition government will form the caretaker setup (after completion of its tenure in this August) in consultation with handpicked opposition leader Raja Riaz. We don't let this happen." This is the first time Khan spoke his mind about going back to the National Assembly since his ouster as premier. Also Read | Republic Day 2023: Egypt President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to Be Chief Guest at R-Day Celebrations. Khan has also said that President Arif Alvi will soon ask Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to secure a vote of confidence from the National Assembly. "We are going to test Shehbaz Sharif. He is going to have sleepless nights as we are in contact with PML-N MNAs. He will struggle to prove majority in the house," he said. On the other hand, Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said the federal coalition has required numbers in the lower house if the President asks Shehbaz to take a vote of confidence. Pakistan's Punjab Assembly has already been dissolved by Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi of PTI-PMLQ on Khan's insistence. Khan said the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly will be dissolved this week as well to push the federal coalition to announce the snap polls. "If the federal government does not agree on snap polls, elections will be held in Punjab and KP provinces after 90 days," he said. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Kathmandu, Jan 16 (PTI) Grieving for her husband who was killed while flying a small Yeti Airlines' passenger plane in 2006, Anju Khatiwada decided to become a pilot and went to the US for an aviation course. Sixteen years later, in a tragic twist of fate, Anju died in a crash when her aircraft of the same airline fell into a deep gorge near Pokhara's new airport on Sunday, with 72 people on board. Also Read | Congo Church Blast: Islamic State Claims Responsibility After 14 People Killed in Church Bombing in East Congo. Anju was married to Deepak Pokharel, who used to fly helicopters of the Nepal Army. After a few years of their marriage, Deepak, who became a pilot of Yeti Airlines, died in a Twin-Otter crash in Jumla district in 2006. After the death of his son-in-law, Anju's father wanted to send her to India to study. But she did not agree. Mourning the sudden death of her husband, she opted instead to go to the US to study to become a pilot. Also Read | Abdul Latif Afridi Shot Dead: Prominent Pakistani Lawyer Murdered in Peshawar High Court Bar Room Firing. She used the money she received as an insurance claim after her husband's death for the aviation course, according to Sudarsan Bartaula, a spokesperson of Yeti Airlines. She joined Yeti Airlines in 2010 and became a captain fulfilling her dream. But 16 years after Deepak's death, Anju died when her 9N-ANC ATR-72 aircraft crashed on the bank of the Seti River between the old airport and the new airport in Pokhara. No survivors have been found so far after Sunday's crash. According to the airlines' sources, Anju, who completed her school at St. Joseph's School in Biratnagar, had flown 6,396 hours in Kathmandu, Bhadrapur, Biratnagar, Dhangadhi and other airports. In 2006, nine persons were killed after the Yeti Airlines plane crashed in a remote mountainous district of Western Nepal. All nine people on board, including six passengers, two pilots and a flight attendant were killed when the Twin-Otter crash in Jumla district. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Davos, January 16: The richest one per cent in India now own more than 40 per cent of the country's total wealth, while the bottom half of the population together share just 3 per cent of wealth, a new study showed on Monday. Releasing the India supplement of its annual inequality report on the first day of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting here, rights group Oxfam International said that taxing India's ten-richest at 5 per cent can fetch entire money to bring children back to school. "A one-off tax on unrealized gains from 20172021 on just one billionaire, Gautam Adani, could have raised Rs 1.79 lakh crore, enough to employ more than five million Indian primary school teachers for a year," it added. Networth of Richest-1% Double of Rest of World: Oxfam. The report titled 'Survival of the Richest' further said that if India's billionaires are taxed once at 2 per cent on their entire wealth, it would support the requirement of Rs 40,423 crore for the nutrition of malnourished in the country for the next three years. "A one-time tax of 5 per cent on the 10 richest billionaires in the country (Rs 1.37 lakh crore) is more than 1.5 times the funds estimated by the Health and Family Welfare Ministry (Rs 86,200 crore) and the Ministry of Ayush (Rs 3,050 crore) for the year 2022-23," it added. On gender inequality, the report said that female workers earned only 63 paise for every 1 rupee a male worker earned. For Scheduled Castes and rural workers, the difference is even starker -- the former earned 55 per cent of what the advantaged social groups earned, and the latter earned only half of the urban earnings between 2018 and 2019. "Taxing the top 100 Indian billionaires at 2.5 per cent, or taxing the top 10 Indian billionaires at 5 per cent would nearly cover the entire amount required to bring the children back into school," it added. Oxfam said the report is a mix of qualitative and quantitative information to explore the impact of inequality in India. Secondary sources like Forbes and Credit Suisse have been used to look at the wealth inequality and billionaire wealth in the country, while government sources like NSS, Union budget documents, parliamentary questions, etc have been used to corroborate arguments made through out the report. Since the pandemic begun to Nov 2022, billionaires in India have seen their wealth surge by 121 per cent or Rs 3,608 crore per day in real terms, Oxfam said. On the other hand, approximately 64 per cent of the total Rs 14.83 lakh crore in Goods and Services Tax (GST) came from bottom 50 per cent of the population in 2021-22, with only 3 per cent of GST coming from the top 10 per cent. Oxfam said the total number of billionaires in India increased from 102 in 2020 to 166 in 2022. The combined wealth of India's 100 richest has touched USD 660 billion (Rs 54.12 lakh crore) - an amount that could fund the entire Union Budget for more than 18 months, it added. Oxfam India CEO Amitabh Behar said, "The country's marginalised Dalits, Adivasis, Muslims, Women and informal sector workers are continuing to suffer in a system which ensures the survival of the richest. Household Wealth Optimism Collapses, Global Survey Shows. "The poor are paying disproportionately higher taxes, spending more on essentials items and services when compared to the rich. The time has come to tax the rich and ensure they pay their fair share." Behar urged the Union finance minister to implement progressive tax measures such as wealth tax and inheritance tax, which he said have been historically proven to be effective in tackling inequality. Citing a nationwide survey by Fight Inequality Alliance India (FIA India) in 2021, Oxfam said it found that more than 80 per cent of people in India support tax on the rich and corporations who earned record profits during the Covid-19 pandemic. "More than 90 per cent participants demanded budget measures to combat inequality such as universal social security, right to health and expansion of budget to prevent gender-based violence," it added. "It's time we demolish the convenient myth that tax cuts for the richest result in their wealth somehow 'trickling down' to everyone else. Taxing the super-rich is the strategic precondition to reducing inequality and resuscitating democracy. "We need to do this for innovation. For stronger public services and for happier and healthier societies," said Gabriela Bucher, Executive Director of Oxfam International. Oxfam India urged the Union finance minister to introduce one-off solidarity wealth taxes and windfall taxes to end crisis profiteering. It also demanded a permanent increase in taxes on the richest 1 per cent and especially raise taxes on capital gains, which are subject to lower tax rates than other forms of income. Oxfam also called for inheritance, property, and land taxes, as well as net wealth taxes, while enhancing the budgetary allocation of the health sector to 2.5 per cent of GDP by 2025, as envisaged in the National Health Policy. Oxfam said it also wants public health systems to be strengthened and budgetary allocation for education to be enhanced to the global benchmark of 6 per cent of GDP. "Ensure workers in formal and informal sector are paid basic minimum wages. The minimum wages should be at par with living wages which is essential for living a life with dignity," it added. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Kathmandu, Jan 16 (PTI) All 72 people, including five Indian passengers, on board the crashed Yeti Airlines aircraft are believed to be dead as rescue workers made little progress in finding any survivors even as they recovered one more body and the black box from the accident site, officials said on Monday. Officials said 41 bodies out of 69 recovered so far have been identified as Nepal observed a national day of mourning on Monday. Also Read | Congo Church Blast: Islamic State Claims Responsibility After 14 People Killed in Church Bombing in East Congo. Both the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder have been recovered as search and rescue teams rappelled down a 300-metre gorge to continue their efforts, which were suspended overnight. The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) records radio transmissions and other sounds in the cockpit, such as conversations between the pilots, and engine noises. The flight data recorder (FDR) records more than 80 different types of information such as speed, altitude and direction, as well as pilot actions and performance of important systems. Also Read | Abdul Latif Afridi Shot Dead: Prominent Pakistani Lawyer Murdered in Peshawar High Court Bar Room Firing. According to Kathmandu airport officials, the boxes were recovered from the site of the accident, a day after Yeti Airlines' 9N-ANC ATR-72 aircraft crashed on the bank of the Seti River between the old airport and the new airport minutes before landing. The boxes were handed over to the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), said Sudarshan Bartaula, a spokesperson of the Yeti Airlines. The boxes could offer vital clues about Sunday's crash - Nepal's deadliest aviation accident in over 30 years. Rescue workers recovered one more body on Monday. So far, 69 bodies have been recovered. Rescuers struggled to recover the remaining three bodies from the crash site due to the difficult terrain. "It's very difficult to recover the bodies from the 300 metres deep gorge which is very narrow as well. We have been using all available equipment to make the mission successful, Tek Bahadur KC, chief district officer of Kaski, was quoted as saying by the Kathmandu Post. The operation will resume on Tuesday to recover the bodies, he said. Nepal's civil aviation body said that 41 of the 69 bodies have been identified so far. The five Indians, all reportedly from Uttar Pradesh, have been identified as Abhisekh Kushwaha, 25, Bishal Sharma, 22, Anil Kumar Rajbhar, 27, Sonu Jaiswal, 35, and Sanjaya Jaiswal. Of the five Indians, four were planning to participate in paragliding activities in the tourist hub of Pokhara, said a local resident, who travelled with them to Nepal. A medical team has been airlifted from the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital in Kathmandu. In a statement, the Yeti Airlines said that a Nepali Army helicopter has been in Pokhara to airlift bodies of the foreign nationals, crew members and of those whose identity has not been established to Kathmandu for forensic examination to establish their identities. As the accident site lies in a deep gorge of Seti river, it was very difficult for search operations, the Army sources said. The plane commanded by Captain Kamal KC, an instructor pilot, made the first contact with the Pokhara control tower from nearly 110 kilometres away. "The weather was clear. We allocated Runway 30 which is the eastern end. Everything was fine, Anup Joshi, spokesperson for Pokhara International Airport, was quoted as saying by the Kathmandu Post newspaper. He added that no problems had been reported. The flight captain later asked for permission to switch to Runway 12 which is the western end. "We were not sure why. Permission was granted, and accordingly, the aircraft started its descent, said Joshi, who is also a senior air traffic controller. "At 10:32 am, the plane took off from Kathmandu. It was scheduled to land at Pokhara at 10:58 am. Was in continuous contact with Pokhara Tower. The landing clearance of that plane had also been obtained. The weather was also fine. Everything was fine then how the accident happened is a matter of investigation," said Premnath Thakur, General Manager, Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu. "A high-level investigation team has been formed. Any conclusion can be drawn by checking its voice recorder and other circumstances," Thakur said. The team will submit its report within 45 days. Pokhara, the tourist hot-spot lies between two rivers - the Bijayapur and the Seti - which makes it a perfect habitat for birds. Excellent for sightseers, of course, but a terror for pilots. Flight tracking website FlightRadar24 claimed that the crashed aircraft was 15 years old and equipped with an 'old transponder with unreliable data'. According to Nepal's civil aviation body, 914 people have died in air crashes in the country since the first disaster was recorded in August 1955. The tragedy in Pokhara on Sunday is the 104th crash in Nepali skies and the third biggest in terms of casualties. The only incidents in which more people were killed took place in July and September 1992. Those crashes involved aircraft of Thai Airways and Pakistan International Airlines and left 113 and 167 people dead, respectively. The last major air accident in Nepal happened on May 29 when all 22 people onboard, including four members of an Indian family, were killed as a Tara Air plane crashed in Nepal's mountainous Mustang district. Nepal has had a fraught record of aviation accidents, partly due to its sudden weather changes and airstrips located in hard-to-access rocky terrains. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Kathmandu, Jan 16 (PTI) Anju Khatiwada, the co-pilot of the crashed Yeti Airlines' aircraft, joined Nepal's aviation sector after the death of her husband who was killed while flying a small passenger plane of the same domestic airline in 2006. Nearly 16 years later, the 9N-ANC ATR-72 aircraft - co-piloted by Anju - crashed on the bank of the Seti River near Pokhara's new airport on Sunday, with 72 people on board. Sixty-nine people were confirmed dead in Sunday's crash while three others are still missing. Anju is believed to be among the victims. Also Read | Global Recession Likely in 2023; India May Benefit From Diversification of Supply Chains, Says World Economic Forum Survey. Anju was married to co-pilot Deepak Pokharel, who used to fly helicopters of the Nepal Army. After a few years of their marriage, Deepak, who became a pilot of Yeti Airlines, died in a Twin-Otter crash in Jumla district in 2006. She used the money she received as an insurance claim after her husband's death to undertake an aviation course, according to Sudarsan Bartaula, a spokesperson of Yeti Airlines. Also Read | Nepal Plane Crash: Crashed Yeti Airlines Aircraft Was Previously Owned by Vijay Mallyas Kingfisher Airlines. Anju studied a pilot course in the US and joined the aviation industry. She joined Yeti Airlines in 2010 and became a captain fulfilling her dream. But nearly 16 years after Deepak's death, Anju seems to have lost her life as no survivors have been found so far after Sunday's crash. According to the airlines' sources, Anju, who completed her school at St. Joseph's School in Biratnagar, had flown 6,396 hours in Kathmandu, Bhadrapur, Biratnagar, Dhangadhi and other airports. After the death of her son-in-law, Anju's father wanted to send her to India to study, but she did not agree. Grieving the loss of her husband, she went to study a pilot course in the US. In 2006, nine persons were killed after the Yeti Airlines plane crashed in a remote mountainous district of Western Nepal. All nine people on board, including six passengers, two pilots and a flight attendant were killed when the Twin-Otter crash in Jumla district. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Islamabad [Pakistan], January 16 (ANI): The Pakistani lawyers boycotted courts in Balochistan province on Saturday to protest against the arrest of Gwadar movement leader Maulana Hidayatur Rehman, Business Recorder newspaper reported. The boycott of lawyers came a day after the 'Haq Do Tehreek' (HDT) leader was arrested when he showed up on Friday at the court premises in Gwadar over the charges of killing a policeman, the Pakistani newspaper said. Also Read | Uzbekistan Stops Power Supply to Afghanistan, Negotiations Continue Regarding Restoration. Tensions continued to simmer in the Pakistan port city with protests continuing after clashes with supporters of the HDT. The clashes occurred in the last two months between locals and security forces in Gwadar as protests against illegal fishing turned violent after some people were arrested. The Balochistan Bar Council condemned Maulana's arrest, saying that DPO Gwadar detained the HDT leader forcibly. The court urged Balochistan's chief secretary and inspector-general of police to take immediate notice of the incident. Also Read | Nepal Plane Crash: Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath Instructs Officials to Bring Mortal Remains of Deceased to State. The Pakistani newspaper said that the HDT leader was in court with his lawyers to seek interim bail. The Bar said the Gwadar police have completely failed to protect the lives and properties of the citizens, Business Recorder reported. So far, more than 100 people have been arrested in Gwadar as the provincial government struck with an iron fist at protesters and imposed an emergency law that prohibits gathering five or more people. Last month, a London-based rights group has expressed alarm over reports of mass arrests and the imposition of emergency law in Gwadar following large-scale protests against "illegal fishing through trawlers". "Amnesty International is alarmed by reports of mass arrests and the imposition of emergency law following protests in Gwadar. People have the right to express discontent peacefully and the state has an obligation to facilitate this right," Amnesty International said in a statement posted on its Twitter handle. The group said putting a "blanket ban on all forms of public gatherings amounts to repression of the right to protest and sends a chilling message that there is no room for dissent." "It is imperative that the Government of Pakistan upholds the human rights of everyone, including their rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly in the country," the statement added. (ANI) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Islamabad, Jan 16 (AP) Tributes poured in on Monday for a former Afghan female lawmaker who was shot and killed by gunmen in her home in the capital of Kabul the previous day. The slaying was the first time a lawmaker from the previous administration was killed in the city since the Taliban takeover. Also Read | Congo Church Blast: Islamic State Claims Responsibility After 14 People Killed in Church Bombing in East Congo. Mursal Nabizada was among the few female parliamentarians who stayed in Kabul after the Taliban seized power in August 2021. Police say one of her bodyguards was also killed in the attack on Sunday. Also Read | Abdul Latif Afridi Shot Dead: Prominent Pakistani Lawyer Murdered in Peshawar High Court Bar Room Firing. Karen Decker, the US charge d'affaires for Afghanistan, tweeted: Hold the perpetrators accountable! Angered, heartbroken by murder of Mursal Nabizada a tragic loss. I offer Mursal's family my condolences and hope to see them receive justice for this senseless act," Decker also said in her tweet. Nabizada's brother was also wounded in the attack, according to Khalid Zadran, spokesman for the Kabul police chief in the Taliban administration. A police investigation was underway, he added. Hannah Neumann, a member of European parliament, also tweeted her condolences. I am sad and angry and want the world to know! She was killed in darkness, but the Taliban build their system of Gender Apartheid in full daylight, Neumann said. Earlier, local police chief Hamidullah Khalid said another security guard had fled the scene with money and jewellery. Abdullah Abdullah, a top official in Afghanistan's former Western-backed government, said he was saddened by Nabizada's death and hoped the perpetrators would be punished. He described her as a representative and servant of the people. Nabizada was elected in 2019 to represent Kabul and stayed in office until the Taliban takeover. She was originally from eastern Nangarhar province. She also worked at a private non-governmental group, the Institute for Human Resources Development and Research. After their takeover, the Taliban initially said they would not impose the same harsh rules over society as they did during their first rule of Afghanistan in the late 1990s. But they have progressively imposed more restrictions, particularly on women. They have banned women and girls from schooling beyond the sixth grade, barred them from most jobs and demanded they cover their faces when outside. (AP) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) New York, Jan 17 (AP) A man made off with $300,000 cash in a bizarre Brink's truck robbery outside a Brooklyn bank last week, police say. According to police, the thief swiped an unattended money bag from the armoured truck's bumper while two other men distracted the Brink's employee by asking him for directions. Also Read | Yeti Airlines Plane Crash: Death Toll Climbs to 70 After Rescuers Recover Two More Bodies. The incident happened around 1 pm on January 6 during a bank money drop at a Chase Bank branch in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. On Saturday, police released photos of the men and asked for the public's help finding them. In images taken from a surveillance camera outside the bank, a man can be seen crossing the street with what appears to be a bag of cash in his hands. Also Read | Nepal Plane Crash: Kin of Four UP Residents Killed in Yeti Airlines Flight Tragedy Leave for Kathmandu to Receive Bodies. All three men remained at large as of Monday. A Brink's spokesperson said the company is working with law enforcement. (AP) (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body) Swazi actor Richard E. Grant is set to host the 2023 BAFTA Film Awards ceremony, the awards body announced Monday morning. The actor joins a panel of newly announced hosts around the event, which includes presenters Alison Hammond and Vick Hope, as well as film critic Ali Plumb. Hammond will host a new BAFTA Studio, offering viewers an extra experience during the event featuring interviews and insights. Plumb and Hope will take the reins on the red carpet, reports Variety. Critics Choice Awards 2023: Michelle Yeohs Everything Everywhere All At Once Shines With Five Wins. "I feel hugely privileged to be hosting the EE BAFTAs for the first time and the opportunity to celebrate the very best of the extraordinary range of this year's films," Grant said in a statement accompanying the announcement. "We are blessed to have a fantastic line-up of hosts for our 2023 EE BAFTA Film Awards, all of whom exude wit, charm and warmth," Jane Millichip, chief executive of BAFTA, said in a statement. Critics Choice Awards 2023: Brendan Fraser Wins Best Actor for The Whale; Watch Video of Actor Reacting to His Win. "I can't wait to see Richard E. Grant take to the stage. Much-loved by our audience at home, Richard also commands huge respect from his industry peers. And I can't think of anyone better to complement Richard's razor-sharp wit, and to helm our brand new BAFTA Studio, than Alison Hammond, with her brilliantly entertaining and candid interview style. On the red carpet, Ali Plumb and Vick Hope are masters at capturing the excitement and anticipation in the build-up to the ceremony." The BAFTA Film Awards will be broadcast from the Southbank Centre's Royal Festival Hall in London on the evening of Feb. 19. This year's nomination will be announced on Thursday. "I'm so excited to be hosting at this year's EE BAFTA Film Awards with THE Richard E. Grant," Hammond said in a statement. "We're going to have a lot of fun bringing the glitz and glam of backstage to everyone watching at home around the world. From hanging out with the stars to celebrating the biggest night for cinema, and joining the discussions with film fans, get ready for good vibes only!" (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 16, 2023 01:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com). Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is an initiative of the Government of India to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of independence and the glorious history of Indias people, culture and achievements. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech on the occasion of the 75th Independence Day, had called upon all Indians to take pride in their heritage and legacy. India has a rich and glorious history, which is replete with stories of unprecedented bravery, valour, sacrifice, penance, wars and victories of our heroes. One of such great son of Mother India was Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose whose contributions to the independence movement has inspired generations of Indians and inculcates a sense of pride amongst the countrymen. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: PM Narendra Modi to Chair Meeting of National Committee at Rashtrapati Bhavan Today. The Ministry of Home Affairs under the guidance of Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation Amit Shah is celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Iconic Events Week from 17th to 23rd January, 2023, to celebrate 75 years of Indias Independence. The events will be organized on the theme of Netaji Subhas Chandra Boses life and his contribution to the freedom struggle. Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation Amit Shah will be the Chief Guest at a grand culmination event to be held in Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands on the 23rd of January, 2023. Independence Day 2022: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Rally Taken Out With 1-KM-Long National Flag in Odishas Bhubaneswar (Watch Video). The events will be organized in collaboration with the Central Armed Police Forces and Central Police Organisations, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands Administration, and the State Governments of Manipur, Nagaland, Gujarat, Odisha and West Bengal at locations which are related to Netajis life and work. In Manipur the events will be held at Mantripukhri, Keithalmanbi, Kangvai, Moirang and Nambol on 17th January, in Nagaland at Ruzazho and Chesezu Villages, Kohima on 18th January, in Gujarat at Haripura, Bardoli, and Surat on 19th January, in Odisha at Cuttack on 20th January and in West Bengal event will be organized in Kolkata on 21st January, 2023. An array of activities celebrating Netajis immense contribution to Indias freedom struggle have been planned to be held throughout the week at these locations, In the spirit of Jan Bhagidari, the programmes have been designed to promote large scale public involvement in all the events, so that the citizens can take inspiration from our national heroes and carry forward the great ideals that they stood for. A grand mega event will be organized at Port Blair in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, where Netaji hoisted the Tri-colour on 31.12.1943 for the first time on the Indian soil, much before India attained Independence. The Ministry of Home Affairs Iconic Events Week is an ode to the life and contributions of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose in the Indias struggle for freedom. It is a remembrance of his high ideals and a moment for all the country to draw inspiration from lives of our freedom fighters. (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 16, 2023 07:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com). Pennsylvania is a hugely important political battleground, but it hasnt traditionally mattered much in presidential primaries. Thats because the state votes so late. It holds its presidential primary on the fourth Tuesday in April, long after many states have voted. Despite being one of the biggest swing states in the nation, the nomination for the countrys biggest political office is largely decided before Pennsylvania voters go to the ballot box. State lawmakers have tried to bump Pennsylvania up in line before and now theyre trying again, in time for what could be a heated 2024 open Republican primary. Legislation introduced last week in the state House and Senate would move Pennsylvanias primary up a month to the third Tuesday in March from the fourth Tuesday in April. It would make the states primary date the same as Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Ohio. Currently, Pennsylvania votes the same day as Delaware, Maryland and Rhode Island. If passed, Pennsylvanians in 2024 would vote March 19 instead of April 23. The primary would revert to the third Tuesday in May every year without a presidential election. The plan also calls for a coordinated effort with Pennsylvanias neighboring states to create a primary cluster that would make it easier for candidates to campaign in one region and likely draw more attention from candidates. In 2019, lawmakers tried to move the primary date up just a week. The legislation passed in the Senate but didnt clear the House. This time theyre aiming for a more sizable move-up. The bill was introduced by Democrats Malcolm Kenyatta and Jared Solomon in the House and by Sen. Sharif Street, D-Philadelphia, and David Argall, R-Schuylkill, in the Senate. Pennsylvania will be a pivotal battleground state in 2024 and having the primary election well after many other states already have theirs makes our commonwealth one of the last states in the nation to weigh in, despite being a crucial swing state, Kenyatta said. With an earlier primary, Pennsylvania voters will represent the keystone needed for each candidate to win their partys nomination in 2024 and beyond. The idea received bipartisan support in years past, but its unclear if it will pass this time in a narrowly divided statehouse, which has had a frenzied start to its session this month. We certainly got it through the Senate last time, Argall said. The House, who knows? Calling it a very chaotic place is probably being charitable, and I say that as someone who served there. Argall said one of the concerns among objectors in the past was that moving the primary up meant candidates and incumbents running for reelection might have to circulate petitions over the holidays. No one wants to be knocking on doors on Christmas Eve, Argall said. But he thinks the benefits to voters outweigh that worry. Were the fifth-largest state in the country. We ought to matter when it comes to presidential primaries, and too often, were ignored, he said. The bill will not change the date of primary elections in nonpresidential years. It does not run afoul of any party calendar restrictions or rules. Chris Borick, political science professor and pollster at Muhlenberg College, said the legislation could be an opportunity for a divided House to show constituents it can pass a bipartisan bill. Pennsylvanias primary has mattered only once in recent years: between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in 2008, when national press flooded the state in the weeks leading up to the primary. Even then, though, Obama had a firm grasp on the nomination. Pennsylvania will be so crucial in the general election that how Republican candidates perform in the state in an open primary will be closely watched. Eyeballs will be looking to see what passes here, Borick said. How are these candidates playing here, given theyre eventually going to have to appear on a general election ballot? I think the amount of attention would be extraordinary. There will be other big states, Ohio, Florida, but what makes us special is the general election stakes eight months down the road. The Democratic National Committee is in the midst of a big shakeup in how the earliest Democratic primaries will run. A revised proposal would give South Carolina the first 2024 presidential primary, on Feb. 3, a Saturday, followed three days later by New Hampshire and Nevada. Georgia would hold an early primary Feb. 13, and then Michigan on Feb. 27. The full committee still needs to vote on the proposal. The changes stem from a desire in the Democratic Party to give more influence to voters of color. The party voted last spring to reopen the nominating process, taking away the first two caucus and primary spots long held by Iowa and New Hampshire. The Republican National Committee voted last year to stick with the early lineup of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada. Swazi actor Richard E. Grant is set to host the 2023 BAFTA Film Awards ceremony, the awards body announced Monday morning at the Southbank Centre's Royal Festival Hall in London on the evening of February 19. The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has shared snippets titled 'Your Exam, Your Methods-Choose Your Own Style' from Exam Warriors book and urges students to share how they prepare for exams. Targeting the Congress government in Rajasthan, former deputy chief minister Sachin Pilot on Monday said that the paper leak mastermind should be arrested and not the petty brokers. Pilot was speaking at the Kisan Sammelan at Parbatsar in Nagaur on Monday. A delivery agent with food delivery platform Swiggy passed away at a hospital in Hyderabad, after he fell from the first floor of a building escaping an attack by a customers pet dog. The deceased, Rizwan, was attacked by a pet dog when he went to deliver a package and fell from the building while trying to escape, reported News Agency ANI. The Banjara Hills Police have registered a case against the dog's owner, Shobana. Hyderabad: Scared of Dog, Swiggy Delivery Boy Jumps Off Third Floor of Building in Hyderabad, Sustains Critical Injuries. Check Tweet: Telangana | A Swiggy delivery boy,Rizwan died at a hospital in Banjara Hills PS limits.He was attacked by a pet dog while he went for delivery&fell down the first floor of the building while trying to escape. Banjara Hills Police registered a case against Shobana, the dog's owner ANI (@ANI) January 16, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. The above post is embeded directly from the user's social media account and LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body. The views and facts appearing in the social media post do not reflect the opinions of LatestLY, also LatestLY does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.) China's Didi Global said domestic regulators would allow the ride-hailing giant to resume new user registration, a move signaling its 1-1/2-year long regulatory-driven revamp is ending https://t.co/RN1h4ef90W pic.twitter.com/icsojEDnYy Reuters (@Reuters) January 16, 2023 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. The above post is embeded directly from the user's social media account and LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body. The views and facts appearing in the social media post do not reflect the opinions of LatestLY, also LatestLY does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.) Pokhara, January 16: In a tragic incident that took place in Nepal on Sunday, a Yeti Airlines aircraft crashed in Pokhara region, killing 68 people. The aircraft took off from Kathmandu's Tribhuvan International Airport at 10:33 am and crashed on the banks of the Seti River between the old & the new airport. Eyewitnesses who reside near the site of the deadly incident, recounted the chain of events to Kathmandu Post following the disaster. The publication quoted Kalpana Sunar as saying that the aircraft was tilted in an unusual angle and moments later, I heard a bomb-like explosion. She continued then I saw a plume of black smoke billowing from the Seti gorge. Kalpana had come to Pokhara just three days ago to celebrate Maghe Sankranti and was washing clothes in the front yard of the house when the incident happened. Nepal Plane Crash: Ghazipur Passengers on Yeti Airlines Plane Were Live on Facebook When It Crashed (Watch Video). Another woman Geeta had a miraculous escape as one of the planes wings hit the ground about 12 metres from her house. She said there was so much damage at the incident site, but since it happened away from the settlement, there were no casualties or any damage to the settlements. Geeta went out of her house after hearing the explosion and saw fire on both sides of the Seti gorge. The bodies were scattered everywhere, said Geeta adding parts of the aircraft and small bags of the passengers were strewn all over the place where the plane first hit the ground. Nepal Plane Crash: Search, Rescue Operations Resume in Pokhara, 68 Bodies Recovered So Far. Some children were playing outside their houses when the tragic incident happened and narrated that they could hear passengers screaming from inside the aircraft as the plane had a fatal crash to the ground. 11-year-old kids Samir and Prajwal Pariyar were playing outside when they saw the aircraft falling down. Initially assuming it to be a toy the kids ran away when the plane came close. Narrating the incident, Samir said Suddenly, there was darkness all around due to the smoke. It looked like the aircrafts tyre would touch us as it fell. The government of Nepal has declared a one-day national mourning on Monday in wake of one of the country's deadliest air crash in nearly 30 years. The plane had 72 people on board, including five Indians. (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 16, 2023 11:55 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com). Pennsylvania, January 16: A sociologist professor from the coveted Penn State University in US sparked controversy after he suggested his students, who identify as straight to watch gay or lesbian porn so that they will be able to discover a new side of their sexuality. Professor Sam Richards said If youre straight, watch gay or lesbian porn and see how quickly you feel aroused. Fox News reported that on his lecture about A Conversation on Trans Issues, [Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists], and The Binary on December 6, the professor went on to add that we are all at some level non binary. Were all, very much, easily bisexual. Gay Husband Ordered To Pay Rs 1 Lakh Damages to Wife; Mumbai Court Says Domestic Violence Could Include Sexual, Verbal, Emotional and Economic Abuse. The class was mostly silent in response to professor Richardss proposition. He also addressed the straight and male students specifically about watching porn. Gay Marriage 'Inevitable' and Soon It'll Be Law, Says US President Joe Biden. Watch gay porn. See if you feel that feeling. If you feel that feeling, look in a mirror, and say huh, maybe Im just feeling some things that Im just afraid to release, he reportedly said. And maybe you release that and maybe youd be surprised that maybe you actually are fine being more bisexual. The lecture which was reportedly uploaded on the Youtube channel of the class has been removed. Penn State University however, defended the professors comment saying that academic freedom was important for promoting critical thinking and discussion. Sam Richards works as a professor and sociologist at Penn State University. As per the university website, the professor has about 30 years of teaching experience and teaches 800 students every year. (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 16, 2023 08:55 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com). Several states have announced that they will end the emergency allotments for SNAP benefits payments, which means recipients will return to receiving their normal SNAP benefits amount. Yahoo Finance reported that the emergency allotments' end was announced after Congress failed to include the budget in the $1.7 trillion Consolidated Appropriations Act that President Joe Biden signed in late December. Starting in March, the U.S. Department of Agriculture will no longer send emergency allotments to SNAP beneficiaries. The minimum amount that will be lost to SNAP beneficiaries is $95. The Food Research & Action Center warned that halting the emergency allotments will lead to a "hunger cliff for millions of people." Other assistance programs could deem you eligible to receive financial benefits, such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition for Women, Infants, and Children, which is available to help low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women. The women should have children up to five years old. One of the ways to help you stretch your SNAP benefits payments is through the Double Up program. READ NEXT: Extra SNAP Benefits in Oregon Ends in March: Here's What It Means Double Up Program The Double Up program has the same principle of turning one apple into two apples a day. The program is mostly practiced at the farmers market, but certain participating locations impose the program. There are more than 250 participating locations in Michigan, while Nebraska only has 12. The Double Up program was created in 2009 and did not operate in every state across the United States. However, other states do have similar projects. In California, the program match spending of CalFresh Electronic Benefits Transfer payments for up to $10 per day. SNAP benefits recipients can spend their Double Up rewards on any fresh fruits or vegetables in the same store on any future shopping trip. The state of Colorado can match the spending on SNAP recipients' cards for up to $20 a day. In Hawaii, SNAP recipients can get 50% discounts on local fruits and vegetables through the Double Up program. It is limited to one transaction per day per SNAP card. Oregon matches SNAP benefits recipients' expenses for up to $20 a day, while the state of Texas matches Lone Star SNAP card payments for up to $30 per day. Some states that do not offer the Double Up program have some form of program that works in a similar way, such as SNAP Market Match in Washington. SNAP Benefits Update According to Feeding Texas Director of Policy and Advocacy Jamie Olson, the state has recently announced that they will be ending the emergency allotments, with participants to see their benefits decreased to the original benefit amount. Olson noted that they feel concerned and know that a lot of folks might feel anxious about the benefits decreasing. He said the state's food bank is there to help if anyone needs any emergency food assistance. South Carolina was the state that announced earliest about the monthly emergency allotments ending on February 1. Starting February 1, all South Carolina SNAP benefits recipients will return to receiving regular SNAP allotment, which is $250 per month. READ MORE: Disaster SNAP Benefits Update: Are You Eligible for New Florida Payments? This article is owned by Latin Post. Written by: Mary Webber WATCH: Greater Good Grocery extends SNAP Double Up Program - From NewsChannel 34 More information regarding President Joe Biden's classified documents scandal has been released. The White House said more new materials were found at the president's Delaware home. In a statement released on Saturday, White House special counsel, Richard Sauber, noted that six pages of documents marked as classified were found at Biden's Wilmington residence. The White House earlier said that only one page was found there. Sauber said the additional five documents were discovered earlier this week, and Justice Department officials immediately took the materials, CNBC News reported. The second batch of the classified documents was found in Biden's Delaware residence garage on December 20. The president's lawyers have conducted another search of the home and found additional records in a room next to the garage. Biden's personal attorney, Bob Bauer, said they are working to balance public transparency to protect the "investigation's integrity." Government records must be handed over to the National Archives at the end of every administration under the law. To oversee the classified documents found in Biden's possession, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed former federal prosecutor Robert Hur as special counsel to investigate the materials. READ NEXT: Joe Biden Under Scrutiny as Another Batch of Classified Documents Found at New Location Joe Biden Classified Documents Scandal Probe Sources noted that all the documents, including those found in Biden's think tank office, are being looked for damage assessment, ABC News reported. However, the records found at Biden's house in Delaware will be the focus of the investigation as it aims to see if the president may have been able to use those for personal or financial gain. Sources familiar with the matter told ABC News that the classified documents found in November at Biden's old office at the University of Pennsylvania in Washington D.C. could be explained more quickly. But materials found at his residence would create much more concern as it raises the question of whether there was a personal involvement or interest in the matter. Sources noted that the documents' presence there meant there would need to be a more intensive investigation. Justice Department officials have highlighted that they have not determined whether Biden planned to break any law. Sauber noted that the White House would cooperate with the Justice Department's probe of the materials. The Biden attorney said they were "confident" that the review will show the classified documents were "inadvertently misplaced." He added in a statement that the president and his lawyers "acted promptly" on the discovery of the documents. Timeline of the Classified Documents The discovery of the first batch of the classified documents happened in November last year. Joe Biden earlier said he was surprised to learn about the materials found in his previous office. However, the president did not disclose that more documents had been found. It was only recently, on January 12, that the White House publicly acknowledged that the documents were found in Biden's garage. Meanwhile, Rep. Adam Schiff noted that there might be a possibility that national security may have been jeopardized by the president's mishandling of the materials. Schiff added that he thinks an assessment of the documents found in Biden's possession must be done, the same as the intelligence assessment applied to the Mar-a-Lago documents. The Democratic representative said he would "reserve judgment" on whether the Biden administration should have revealed the discovery of the documents earlier. READ MORE: Classified Documents Found in Joe Biden's Former Office as U.S. Vice President Being Reviewed by DOJ This article is owned by Latin Post. Written by: Mary Webber WATCH: New Classified Documents Discovered in President Biden's Home - From TODAY A former security chief in Brazil during Jair Bolsonaro's administration, Anderson Torres, was arrested during his return to Brazil. He was known to be in charge of security for the capital city when rioters stormed Congress, the presidential palace, and Supreme Court in Brazil riots on January 8. Brazil's Supreme Court released a warrant last week on Torres, accusing him of collusion with rioters in Brazil riots, which attacked official government buildings. The ex-security chief denies the accusations, as reported by BBC News. Brazil's Federal Police noted in its statement that Torres was arrested as he was disembarking the capital's airport at 7:15 local time. Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes said that Torres' omission was "amply proven by the predictability of the conduct of criminal groups." De Moraes also cited the "lack of security," which allowed the invasion of public buildings. The newly seated Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has also accused allies of Bolsonaro of aiding the Brazil riots attack the presidential palace. Lula said that the presidential palace people were "complicit" in enabling the rioters to enter the government buildings. The Brazilian president also promised to screen employees as part of efforts to ramp up the palace security. READ NEXT: Brazil Is Losing Amazon Rainforest to Organized Crime, Traffickers Using the Region to Smuggle Drugs, Judge Says Probe on Jair Bolsonaro The country's Supreme Court has allowed to include Bolsonaro in its investigation of the Brazil riots. Bolsonaro earlier posted a video questioning the legitimacy of Brazil's presidential election in Brazil. Prosecutors noted that the former president could have committed a crime by making such statements, prompting them to ask the Supreme Court to include Bolsonaro in the investigation. In the said video of Bolsonaro, the former president claimed that Lila was "not voted into office," but was chosen by the Supreme Court and Brazil's electoral authority. The video was posted after the Brazil riots and was later on deleted. The prosecutor general's office argued that the content of the video was enough to justify the probe on Bolsonaro. De Moraes said that public figures who continue to "cowardly inspire" against democracy will be held accountable. Bolsonaro's supporters were calling for a military coup after Lula has been seated as the president of Brazil. Meanwhile, Bolsonaro flew to the United States after he refused to be part of the handover of power to Lula. Brazil Riots The January 8 riot in Brazil has sparked comparison with the January 6 Capitol riot, which took place during the certification of votes for U.S. President Joe Biden. More than 1,150 rioters were arrested in Brazil after Lula and judicial authorities reasserted control. Officials cleared encampments and gave refuge to the rioters while finding the funders and organizers of the mob. It was reported that law enforcement officers did not only fail to take action against rioters but also seemed to be "sympathetic" and took photos of the mob as it breached Congress. One man claimed that he was looking to see what was going on and the police "waved him on toward the riot," according to The New York Times. Calls for protests were issued across social media platforms such as TikTok videos, Telegram channels, and WhatsApp groups. One person reportedly sent a message in a Telegram group saying that the plan "is to surround Brasilia." The second official at Brazil's justice ministry, Ricardo Cappelli, said that it did not seem "serious," adding that it was "not big enough to be serious." READ MORE: Parts of Amazon Rainforest in Brazil Are Being Illegally Offered for Sale on Facebook Marketplace This article is owned by Latin Post. Written by: Mary Webber WATCH: How did the violence in Brazil unfold? - from Sky News The Chapel of St. Vincent de Paul in Portland will close due to a shortage of priests, the Diocese of Allentown announced Sunday. St. Vincent de Paul is one of two churches operated by Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Bangor. Our Lady of Good Counsel is merging with Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Roseto. Parishioners of Our Lady of Good Counsel and Our Lady of Mount Carmel learned of the changes at this weekends Masses. The changes are effective Jan. 31. Both the Bangor and the Roseto churches will remain open after the merger, and will retain their names. The changes are being made because there are fewer priests available in the diocese, according to the news release. The diocese had two priests in the Slate Belt region, making it possible to have Masses at three locations each weekend. Now, only one priest is available in the region. Young men are entering the seminary and being ordained priests, said Monsignor David James, vicar general, but because of retirements and other normal attrition, there are fewer priests available than previously. With only one priest, it is just not possible for him to cover all of the required duties, including weekly Masses, confessions, and other sacraments, at three different locations. The priest who was pastor of the Bangor and Roseto parishes decided to return home to Fiji, the diocese said. His religious order, which had assigned him and one other priest to the region, will no longer staff the two parishes. U.S. federal agents engaged several drug traffickers off the northeastern coast of Puerto Rico early Sunday morning. This resulted in a shootout that led to the deaths of at least two people. The shootout transpired shortly after midnight when authorities detected a suspicious boat at sea, U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman Jeffrey Quinones told the Associated Press. Federal agents quickly scrambled and chased the boat, but the suspected drug traffickers opened fire at the federal agents. The ensuing firefight resulted in the deaths of two suspected drug traffickers, as well as the arrest of four others. No federal agent was reportedly injured in the incident. There were six suspects in total, including the two people killed. Authorities have not yet revealed their nationalities. FBI Investigating Deadly Shootout in Puerto Rico Those in the suspicious boat were reportedly transporting drugs when they were discovered off Puerto Rico, as Quinones stated that federal agents were able to find illegal drugs in the boat, as well as in the water. However, the CBP spokesperson did not provide any further details. This has led the FBI to investigate the incident, but a spokeswoman for the Bureau did not immediately return a message for comment, according to ABC News. Federal authorities have been intercepting more and more drug shipments in Puerto Rico, including over $5 million worth of cocaine intercepted by the U.S. Coast Guard in July, as well as $26 million worth of cocaine being seized by federal agents in October of last year. U.S. authorities also captured a cargo load full of illegal drugs worth $9 million back in December. The boat was under routine inspection in San Juan, the capital of the U.S. territory, when it was discovered that it was carrying cocaine. READ MORE: U.S. Coast Guard Offloads $5 Million Worth of Cocaine in Puerto Rico Intercepting Drug Smugglers Off Puerto Rico Becoming More Violent This latest shootout between U.S. authorities and suspected drug traffickers happened just two months after another deadly shootout. However, unlike this one, where no federal agent was injured, the November shootout resulted in the death of one Customs and Border Protection agent. In that engagement, one CBP operative was killed while two other government agents were wounded, according to Homeland Security Today. Meanwhile, one of the suspected smugglers was also killed. The suspected vessel was spotted 14 miles off the coast of Cabo Rojo when the CBP's Air and Marine Operations unit approached it. However, the two people aboard the suspected drug smuggling vessel opened fire, resulting in a gun battle between the two sides. After the shootout, CBP agents once again intercepted a different vehicle, this time nabbing two more suspects. They also managed to find a cache of weapons in this other boat. A CBP report released last October revealed that overall cocaine seizures have risen to around 104 percent. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has already admitted during a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing that it is already a "dangerous time," and added that incidents such as these are "an unfortunate example of that." READ MORE: CBP Agent Dies After Shootout in Puerto Rico This article is owned by Latin Post. Written by: Rick Martin WATCH: U.S. Customs Officer Killed In Shootout With Suspected Drug Smugglers In Puerto Rico - CBS MIAMI Despite weeks of anti-government rallies that have rocked the severely divided country, Peru President Dina Boluarte refused to resign from her position. "I will not resign. My commitment is with Peru," she said in a live televised address on Friday night. Dozens of people have been killed and hundreds more injured due to violent clashes in recent weeks. Boluarte expressed sorrow at the loss of life amid conflicts with security personnel but claimed she would remain in power. Having failed in his attempt to suspend Congress following his impeachment, former president Pedro Castillo was arrested in December, setting off the violence. Many of Castillo's followers have been vocal lately about wanting new elections and for Boluarte to step down. The president said that the protesters' demand for an immediate constitutional assembly was unrealistic and claimed that radical groups had brought the country to a halt through their brand of anarchy and destruction, according to BBC. Several members of Boluarte's cabinet, including the interior minister, resigned Friday. It was also the eighth day in a row that fighting broke out in the country after a brief respite over the New Year's holiday. The public prosecutor in Peru has begun looking into claims that Boluarte committed genocide in connection with the deaths of protesters during the turmoil, which were first reported earlier this week. READ NEXT: Peru: Policeman Burned to Death Thousands of Demonstrators Marched, Demanding President to Resign After weeks of brutal violence sparked by the removal of former President Pedro Castillo, which resulted in at least 42 deaths, thousands took to the streets of Peru's capital Lima Thursday in a peaceful demonstration against the new administration. "Why are you turning your back on the people, there are so many deaths, for God's sake, stop this massacre," said protester Olga Espejo, calling on Peru President Dina Boluarte, previously Castillo's vice president, to resign. "Ms. Boluarte, they are using you," she said. In the first major Peru protest in Lima since the New Year, protesters marched across the city carrying cardboard coffins, images of the dead, and anti-government slogans while chanting "Dina asesina!" (Dina is a murderer). There were no major incidents at the march, which was organized by labor unions and other leftist organizations, NBC News noted. It has been over 20 years since Peru last experienced an outbreak of violence on the scale of those that broke out in early December. Eduardo Garcia, the labor minister, announced his resignation on Twitter as the demonstration on Thursday was going on. He stated that the nation needed an explanation for the murders and encouraged the government to acknowledge that "mistakes have been made that must be corrected." Elections have been suggested for April 2024, two years earlier than necessary, but Garcia said the problem could not wait until then. Peru Declares State of Emergency After weeks of protests that have claimed the lives of at least 42 people, the Peruvian government has proclaimed a state of emergency in the country's capital, Lima, and three other areas. Several constitutional rights, including freedom of movement and assembly, have been suspended for the 30-day measure, which was announced late on a Saturday and will remain in effect until further notice. Since deposed Leftist Peru former President Pedro Castillo was arrested in December and ousted from office for illegally dissolving Congress, protests against Peru President Dina Boluarte have swept the South American country. Castillo supporters have marched and barricaded streets across the country for weeks, demanding new elections and Boluarte's resignation. As protests erupted on Thursday, resulting in fights between police and protestors, officials cut down all access to the popular tourist destination of Machu Picchu in Peru. While Peru President Dina Boluarte has apologized for the violence, the 60-year-old said on Friday that she would not step down in the midst of it and rejected the idea of convening a constitutional assembly as demanded by protesters - pointing to the challenges Chile, Peru's neighbor, faced in formulating and passing a new constitution, per Al Jazeera. Castillo has been in custody for 18 months on charges of rebellion after being investigated in many fraud cases during his term in office. Political unrest has plagued Peru in the past years, and six people have held the presidency in the past five years, with Boluarte being the most recent. READ MORE: Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro Supporters Wreck Artistic Treasures at Riot This article is owned by Latin Post. Written by: Bert Hoover WATCH: Peru's government declares state of emergency amid brutal protests - From Sky News After Prince Harry's released his memoir "Spare," there are reports that the royal family and the Duke of Sussex are intending to hold peace talks before King Charles' coronation. The news of peace talks came after Harry slammed Queen consort Camilla in his memoir, claiming that Camilla leaked stories to the tabloids. Harry also said that Camilla turned his room into her wardrobe in his father's home. Royal sources believe that peace talks could be scheduled in the coming months, with Harry traveling from the United States to meet with his father and brother, as reported by The NZ Herald. The duke also said that his brother, Prince William, physically attacked him and pushed him to the floor. One source said that Harry's relationship with the royal family is "fixable," but it will take "flexibility on all sides" to reach a solution. Another source said that the royal family has to invite the Sussexes in before the coronation, or "it will become such as circus and distraction." Another source told The Sunday Times that the royal family needs Harry in the room with the King and Prince of Wales and other family members. The same source said both parties would have to admit they were at fault. READ NEXT: Taliban Accuses Prince Harry of 'War Crimes,' Killing Innocent People After Revealing He Killed 25 Fighters in Afghanistan Prince Harry on Royal Family Reconciliation Harry said that the "door is always open" to his family members when it comes to reconciliation. However, the "ball is in their court," as shown during the latest ITV clip. The same clip showed that the duke was asked whether he would be attending his father's coronation in May, wherein he answered that "a lot can happen between now and then." Harry added that there is a lot to be talked about, but he was hoping that all will be willing "to sit down and talk about it." The prince admitted that he still believes in the monarchy but that he is not sure whether he will play a role in its future. In one ITV clip, Harry said that he wanted a family, "not an institution." He added that the royal family has shown no willingness to reconcile. Aside from his controversial "Spare" memoir, he and his wife, Meghan Markle, recently released a Netflix docuseries containing allegations against the royal family and how they were treated by the British media. Prince Harry 'Spare' Memoir A former head of protection for the royal family, Dai Davies, has spoken out about Harry's decision to include details of royal residences in "Spare" memoir. Davies said that "only a fool" would divulge the kind of detail "about the royals' inner sanctums." He added that there was a reason why Buckingham Palace never revealed details about its security operations. Harry shared in his memoir what it was like to grow up in royal homes, including wine cellars at Highgrove House, where he spent most of his childhood with William. Harry also noted that it was where Camilla would keep expensive bottles of wine and "absurd gifts" from foreign governments and monarchs. He also detailed the layout of the Queen's favorite residence, Balmoral Castle. Davies criticized the detailing and said the information could be "very useful" for those trying to access parts of royal palaces. READ MORE: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Royal Titles Could Be 'In Danger' With New Monarch as King Charles - Royal Expert This article is owned by Latin Post. Written by: Mary Webber WATCH: Prince Harry says he had enough content for two books - from Sky News Australia Hunter Biden, U.S. President Joe Biden's son, is currently facing another court dispute after he was reported to be requesting a judge to block his estranged four-year-daughter from taking his surname. The four-year-old daughter was the one he fathered with a former stripper, Lunden Roberts, in 2018, as reported by Business Insider. Hunter made the request on January 6 to an Arkansas court, arguing that the "Biden" surname would rob the child of a "peaceful existence." On December 27, Roberts had asked Circuit Court Judge Holly Meyer to allow the four-year-old, Navy Joan Roberts, to take Hunter's surname. Roberts argued that the child would benefit from it as the name is now put into a likeness of "being well-educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful." Hunter's lawyer issued a motion the following week to ask the judge to deny Roberts' request. The motion stated that the daughter should decide for herself once "the disparagement of the Biden name is not at its height." Hunter claimed that Roberts' motivation for the request is now "political warfare" against the Bidens. He added that she reversed her previous efforts to remove their daughter's name, including any other identifying information about her, from the public court record. READ NEXT: Joe Biden Under Scrutiny as Another Batch of Classified Documents Found at New Location Hunter Biden's Estranged Daughter In her filing, Roberts stated that it would make things right as her daughter remains "estranged" from the first family. She claimed that it was "misconduct or neglect" to an extent and could be corrected by changing the four-year-old's last name to Biden so that she "may undeniably be known" as the child of the "prestigious Biden family." The filing also included 13 bullet points that emphasized the name change request, which included Hunter being a "wildly successful businessman." The president's late son, Beau Biden, was also mentioned and described as a "man of high moral character and the former Attorney General of the State of Delaware." Biden's attorney, Brent Langdon, has yet to comment on the matter of the recent legal dispute. Meanwhile, Roberts refused to comment on the matter. Clinton Lancaster, her attorney, did not respond to requests to comment. Hunter and Roberts had a previous court dispute when the first son denied having sex with the former stripper. Hunter Biden DNA Test In 2019, a DNA test "established with scientific certainty" that Hunter is the father of Roberts' baby. The filing noted that Hunter was not seen to challenge the DNA test results or the testing process. He earlier denied in a previous court filing that he had fathered a child. He then agreed to be subjected to a paternity test in October 2019. Hunter Biden is currently facing an investigation regarding his foreign business dealings and the contents of his controversial laptop. Roberts also filed a lawsuit in May 2019 seeking child support and health care for their daughter, who was born in August 2018. Her attorney also noted in the filing that members of Biden's family are eligible for Secret Service protection. READ MORE: Classified Documents Found in Joe Biden's Former Office as U.S. Vice President Being Reviewed by DOJ This article is owned by Latin Post. Written by: Mary Webber WATCH: Ex-stripper mom of Hunter Bidens child wants kid to have powerful last name | New York Post - from New York Post Police in Bloomington, Indiana, say they detained a 56-year-old white woman after she allegedly admitted to stabbing an Asian Indiana University Student multiple times in the head in a hate crime. Police officers say they were able to track down and apprehend Bloomington resident Billy R. Davis, 56, after a witness to the assault followed the victim as she escaped from the Bloomington Transit bus. In a criminal complaint acquired by ABC affiliate WRTV in Indianapolis, Davis is said to have admitted to stabbing the 18-year-old victim with a folding knife, telling investigators that she did so because she wanted "one less person to blow up our country." Mayor of Bloomington, John Hamilton, released a statement condemning the incident, adding, "We stand with the Asian community and all who feel threatened by this event." READ NEXT: Miss Bolivia 'Racist and Discriminatory' Remarks What Happened During the Attack? According to Bloomington Police Department, the racially-motivated attack occurred around 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday on the bus. The Indiana University student, whose identity has not been revealed, told police that she was attacked when she got off the bus on Fourth Street in downtown Bloomington, not far from the Indiana University campus, according to NBC News. The police claimed that the footage showed no prior contact between Davis and the victim before the incident. According to court filings, Davis stabbed the student "approximately seven times" before leaving the bus. According to authorities, the Asian Indiana University student had many stab wounds to the head, was bleeding heavily, and needed to be taken to the hospital. According to online court documents, Davis has been charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, and assault with a deadly weapon. Meanwhile, it was unclear whether the accused woman had legal representation. The Monroe County, Indiana public defender's office did not immediately reply to a request for comment. Threats to Asian American Lives Are Not New The recent incident shook the Asian American community in Indiana in a way that was all too familiar. A guy who planned to start "an ethnic cleansing" in Nashville, Indiana, attacked Yue Zhang, then 18 years old, with a hatchet in 2016. Won Joon Yoon, a graduate student, was murdered by a self-professed white supremacist outside of a church in 1999. Reported hate crimes against people of Asian heritage in the United States have been rising since 2020, so this racially motivated attack is no surprise. State officials in Indiana have been hesitant to recognize the severity of anti-Asian violence, according to Melissa Borja, president of the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum in Indiana. "Our initial reaction is just frustration that we have to do the things we've done over and over again, which is issue statements, respond to a grieving community and continue to state what we said for a long time," Borja told NPR. It has been a year since the fatal spa accident in Atlanta, and the Asian American communities there have grown closer. Hamilton called the attack a "racially-motivated incident" and said his city's administration is doing what it can to help the victim and the local Asian population. "I want to state categorically that here in the city of Bloomington, we deplore any form of racism and discrimination, especially hate-based violence," he said in a statement released on Saturday. James Wimbush, vice president for diversity, equality, and multicultural affairs at Indiana University, echoed this sentiment, saying that the attack "sadly reminded that anti-Asian hate is real and can have painful impacts on individuals and our community." READ MORE: Critics' Choice Awards 2023 This article is owned by Latin Post. Written by: Bert Hoover WATCH: IU community responds to attack on student, 'hate-based violence' - From WTHR Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. If you want further access to Ireland's best local journalism, consider contributing and/or subscribing to our free daily Newsletter . Support our mission and join our community now. The Dooley Insurance Group has moved to a bigger premises in Millennium Park in Naas to accommodate additional staff. The company now has 12 staff based in Naas and an additional 2 staff based at its Edenderry, Co. Offaly office which it opened in the summer of 2022. Established in 1957 by the late Ned Dooley, the Dooley Insurance Group is now one of Irelands largest independent insurance brokers with over 20,000 clients throughout the country. The company is now led by Ned's son Tim, who said: The growth in our business over the last 18 months in particular has been exceptional and while most businesses have downsized and, in some cases, even halved their office accommodation we have bucked that trend and are expanding. Our new office space is in fact twice the size of what we had previously, and we chose it in order to house our ever-growing number of staff. In the next five years we expect our staff number to double again. All of these projections are based on business on the books and new clients. Speaking about the effect that the pandemic has had on the insurance industry Tim said, The pandemic has reminded customers how important it is to have adequate cover and to protect the things and people that matter most to you. Health insurance, business insurance and cyber security insurance are particularly important now, and we offer all of these services to our ever-growing client base. Ultimately, though our growth is due to our strong relationships with our customers. They want to be able to pick up the phone and speak to a real person and get bespoke and unbiased advice, and that is what we offer. We can offer people solutions and products from over 50 different providers so we will always offer the best fit solution for our clients The new Dooley Insurance Group office is located at 6B and 6C Millennium Park in Naas and stretches over two floors. We are excited for the future, said Mary Dooley who handles the PR and marketing for the Dooley Insurance Group, every time we put a target in front of us, we have not just met that number but exceeded it. Its not easy of course being an independent firm, for some people that can be a lonely road, but not for us. Thats because we have built our team with people that have the same can-do attitude that we have, and we dont stress the small stuff! Tim agreed and said, Life is short, you have to be good to your customers and to your staff and to always, try and do the right thing. That was what my father believed when he set this business up all those years ago and its a belief that I still hold dear today and its at the heart of everything we do. A building is demolished in the village of Luetzerath, western Germany, to make way for an open-air coal mine extension on January 16, 2023. INA FASSBENDER / AFP The last two climate activists occupying a western German village to stop it making way for a coal mine extension left their underground hideout on Monday, January 16, marking the end of the police operation to evict them. Already abandoned by its original residents, Lutzerath has become a symbol for resistance against fossil fuels. Around 300 activists occupied the village, staking out emptied building and building positions in the trees, to try to prevent the expansion of the adjacent Garzweiler open-cast coal mine. Police launched an operation on Wednesday to clear the protest camp, making quicker progress than expected. By Sunday, authorities had succeeded in removing all but the last two, holed up in a self-built tunnel under the settlement. The end of the operation came despite a huge demonstration held on Saturday, attended by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg. Police estimated that 15,000 people participated in the rally, but organizers put the turnout closer to 35,000. Protest planners accused authorities of "violence" after clashes between police and participants, which resulted in injuries on both sides. 'Necessary' Energy giant RWE has permission for the expansion of the mine under a compromise agreement signed with the government, led by Social Democrat Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Under the deal agreed in October, Lutzerath will be demolished, while five neighboring villages are spared. At the same time, RWE also agreed to stop producing electricity with coal in western Germany by 2030 eight years earlier than previously planned. Read more Article reserve a nos abonnes Germany's Lutzerath: The village standing in the way of the last open-cast coal mine With Russia's gas supply cut in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine, Germany has had recourse to coal, firing up mothballed power plants. The extension to the mine, one of Europe's largest, is deemed necessary to secure Germany's future energy supply. "It was necessary and of course it is a sin in terms of climate policy and of course we should work towards keeping this sin as short as possible and not constantly prolonging it," said Economy Minister Robert Habeck. But activists, who feel betrayed by Green politicians like Mr. Habeck, argue extracting the coal will mean Germany misses targets under the Paris climate agreements. Le Monde with AFP The image provided comfort and reassurance to many Brazilians. On January 11, in Brasilia, the head of state, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, took part in the inauguration of two of his ministers. Long planned, the ceremony was held as scheduled at the Planalto the presidential palace that had been ransacked by a mob of right-wing extremist rioters three days earlier. Some of the windows were still broken, reflecting the violence of the attack. At around 5 pm, they made their entrance: Sonia Guajajara, the first indigenous minister in Brazilian history, and Anielle Franco, a black racial equality activist and sister of Carioca city councilwoman Marielle Franco, who was assassinated in 2018. Dressed respectively in a white feathered headdress and a dress with African motifs, the two women walked hand in hand down the spiral ramp leading to the Planalto's grand hall. Amid the cheers of hundreds of people, the whole scene was, at times, moving to the point of tears. Read more Article reserve a nos abonnes In Brazil, an 'unprecedented' attack on democracy Lula has lived up to his reputation as a genius stage director. On January 11, he offered the cameras a new image of irresistible power, on the same scale as that of his January 1 investiture, when he posed at the entrance to this same Planalto, on the arm of the cacique [tribal chieftain] Raoni Metuktire. At 77, the leader of the Brazilian left remains the undisputed master of political symbolism. The spirit of 'Gege' But behind this engaging facade, Lula has inherited a Republic in a thousand pieces. The ransacking of the Planalto, Congress and the Federal Supreme Court represents an unprecedented attack on Brazilian institutions. Beyond its intractable problems (inequality, deforestation, racism, violence), the Latin American giant is now faced with a major new challenge: preserving its democracy. Back in power for a third term Lula was elected in 2002 and re-elected in 2006 the former metallurgist accomplished a rare feat in a democracy... but not a unique achievement. There are a few precedents. In Europe, General de Gaulle returned to office in 1958 after a long period in the wilderness, and there's also Winston Churchill, who was re-elected to 10 Downing Street in 1951; in Latin America, Argentine President Juan Domingo Peron returned to the Casa Rosada in 1973. Brazil, too, already had its legendary political "comeback." Seventy-two years before Lula, it was Getulio Vargas who took the keys to power in 1951. This gaucho ["cowboy," a term also used to denote citizens of Mr. Vargas' native state of Rio Grande do Sul] from the southern pampas had already governed the country for 15 years, as constitutional president (1930-1937) and then as dictator of the "New State" regime (1937-1945). Overthrown by the army, he returned to power via the ballot box. You have 52.89% of this article left to read. The rest is for subscribers only. AN INTERATIONAL aeronautical company have announced a new facility and the creation of 25 jobs in Shannon. Lufthansa Technik Turbine Shannon (LTTS) has announced the further expansion of its business in Ireland with the opening of a new 2,000 metre squared facility. It is expected that the new facility, commissioned by The Shannon Airport Group, will be fully operational by March 2023. The company have also created 25 new jobs with more to be announced later in the year. LTTS, a subsidiary of Germanys Lufthansa Technik AG, is experiencing a significant increase in market demand for its worldwide maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services for aircraft engines and components, particularly following the recovery of the aviation sector after the covid-19 pandemic. LTTS has been operating in Ireland since 1992 and employs more than 300 people in Shannon, Kildare and Dublin. The current expansion plans mean that the company urgently needs 25 highly skilled aircraft mechanics who will be based at its new facility in the mid-west, working on state-of-the-art aviation technology and equipment. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD said: "This is fantastic news for Lufthansa Technik Turbine Shannon who are celebrating 30 years in operation in Shannon. "The new state-of-the-art facility will create highly skilled jobs in the Shannon Aviation Services Cluster. Congratulations to the whole Lufthansa Technik team on this milestone achievement. I wish you the very best with this new chapter." Eileen Sharpe, Global Head of Engineering & Green Economy and Growth Markets, IDA Ireland, said: "Todays announcement that LTTS is expanding operations in Shannon where it has had a presence for the past three decades is very good news. "This expansion will increase capacity at the facility and lead to the creation of highly skilled roles. IDA Ireland remains committed to winning jobs and invetment in regional locations. I wish LTTS every success with this investment." A BIG day is on the way for Limerick Youth Service as it celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Mayor of the city and county of Limerick, Cllr Francis Foley, will launch the celebrations, discussing the future for the vital organisation which has connected young people for generations. At an event this Wednesday, Mayor Foley will also highlight some of the Limerick Youth Service's exciting plans including the launch of its new strategic plan and an app for youth club volunteers which is set to get going in March. Limerick Youth Service is keen to hear from its alumni on the day, with people who were members of its youth clubs, Community Training Centre or youth cafes asked to share their experiences of their time with the youth organisation. Established in 1973, when the late Sr. Joan Bowles and a group of visionaries opened a youth space in Rutland Street, Limerick, the service, now located on Lower Glentworth Street in the city centre. Over the past half century, it has supported young people in reaching their full potential. Since its inauguration, over 1.2 million young people have been a part of Limerick Youth Service through youth clubs, training courses, advocacy campaigns, just to start. Another strong week for the U.S. bond market is giving investors increasing hope that they can turn the page on a brutal 2022. The Centre has called for the inclusion of government representatives in the Supreme Court, sparking outrage in the Opposition ranks. Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju wrote to Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud voicing dissatisfaction with the Collegium system of appointing judges, and backed the reintroduction of the National Judicial Appointments Commission. Rijiju said that the inclusion would ensure transparency and accountability to the public in the court's decision-making process. The contents of the letter, he had tweeted earlier in the day, were exactly in conformity with the observations and directions of the Supreme Court Constitution Bench". Convenient politics is not advisable, especially in the name of Judiciary. Constitution of India is supreme and nobody is above it," he asserted. It is just a follow-up action of the letters written earlier to CJI following the direction of the Supreme Court Constitution Bench while striking down the National Judicial Appointment Commission Act. The SC Constitution Bench had directed to restructure the MoP of the collegium system," he told news agency ANI. What is the current system? Under the existing Collegium system, the the CJI along with the four senior-most SC judges recommend the appointments and transfers of judges. The Supreme Court Constitution Bench had directed the restructuring of the Memorandum of Procedure (which sets out the procedure for the appointment of HC and SC judges) of the collegium system. What do Opposition leaders have to say? Following the missive, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that the Centre's move was "extremely dangerous". This is extremely dangerous. There should be absolutely no government interference in judicial appointments," he asserted, prompting a response from Rijiju. The contents in the letter to hon'ble CJI are exactly in conformity with the observations and directions of the Supreme Court Constitution Bench. Convenient politics is not advisable, especially in the name of Judiciary. Constitution of India is supreme and nobody is above it. Kiren Rijiju (@KirenRijiju) January 16, 2023 Meanwhile, the Congress claimed that the government was "intimidating" the judiciary in a bid to "capture" it. "The VP's assaults. The Law Minister's attacks. All this is orchestrated confrontation with the judiciary to intimidate and thereafter capture it totally," tweeted AICC general secretary Jairam Ramesh. Earlier on Sunday, Rajya Sabha MP and former law minister Kapil Sibal had accused the government of attempting to "capture" the judiciary". "They are trying their best to create a situation in which the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) in yet another avatar may be tested in the Supreme Court once again," Sibal told news agency PTI in an interview. (With inputs from agencies) Eminent personalities from across the globe will join a two day-long Think-20 meeting ,held under G20, to discuss various topics, including 'Global Governance with LiFE, Values, and Wellbeing' , Bhopal on Monday. The Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan reviewed preparations for the meeting on Saturday. The meeting will be attended by 94 representatives from different countries, reported PTI. MP CM will attend the inaugural session to be held at Kushabhau Thackeray International Convention Centre in the city. The main speaker at the inaugural session will be Tetsushi Sonobe, Dean and CEO of the Assian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo. It is worth noting that several meetings and events will be held across the country during India's G20 leadership. The meeting will also be joined by Indonesia's Deputy Minister for Political Affairs, Law, Defence and Security Slamet Soedarsono, Chief Coordinator for India's G20 Presidency Harsh Vardhan Shringla and NITI Aayog Vice Chairperson Suman Bery, the release said. The Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) Director General Sachin Chaturvedi and Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses Director General Sujan Chinoy, will also join the inaugural session. Next day, two plenary sessions, a round table meeting and a valedictory session are scheduled. The meeting will be concluded by the Governor's speech, Mangubhai Patel. On the first day, 10 programs will be conducted in tandem with the inaugural session of the event. Experts will discuss on various issues including investing in children as an investment in future, financing resilient cities and societies, economic systems transformation and one health wellness and traditional medicine. Talking to reporters on Sunday evening, Chief Coordinator for India's G20 Presidency Harsh Vardhan Shringla said the world has faced its worst crisis of COVID pandemic after World War II. Surely, many have recovered from it. "We are very well placed to provide solutions that the world wants to see the G-20 address as well as take bold, inclusive and result-oriented steps under our presidency," Shringla said. The event will come to an end with a Bhopal Declaration. In addition to meetings and discussion sessions, delegates will visit places like Tribal Museum, Sanchi Stupa and other locations. They would also be able to enjoy cultural programs organised for them at the museum. (With agency inputs) The two-day G20 Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) will begin in Pune on Monday with the participants deliberating on various aspects of infrastructure investments. The first G20 Infrastructure Working Group meeting will be held on 16-17 January in Pune, the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement. On day one on Monday, the IWG delegates will undertake a series of official meetings, and discuss the 2023 Infrastructure Agenda. After lunch, they would be visiting Pune University for tree plantation, followed by a high-level workshop on 'Financing for the cities of Tomorrow', with the day concluding with a networking dinner. As per the official release, the meeting will be joined by 65 delegates from IWG member countries, guest nations, and international organizations invited by India to discuss the 2023 Infrastructure Agenda under the Indian G20 Presidency. Announcement of 1st #G20 Infrastructure Working Group Meeting Pune, Maharashtra January 16-17, 2023 Primary agenda Financing Cities of Tomorrow: Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable Details: https://t.co/wa290FjhVX For #G20India updates: https://t.co/84cOGInpj4 pic.twitter.com/InmmF1HN56 G20 India (@g20org) January 15, 2023 The Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, and Government of India will host the two-day IWG meetings, with Australia and Brazil as the co-chairs, said the release. The G20 Infrastructure Working Group deliberates on various aspects of infrastructure investments, including developing infrastructure as an asset class; promoting quality infrastructure investment; and identifying innovative instruments for mobilising financial resources for infrastructure investment. The outcomes of the Infrastructure Working Group feed into the G20 Finance Track priorities and promote infrastructure development, it added. In the Pune meeting, discussions will focus on the agenda for the Infrastructure Working Group under the Indian presidency. The flagship priority to be discussed in this meeting is Financing Cities of Tomorrow: Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable". Over the years, the Infrastructure Working Group has been stressing on key themes of infrastructure development such as building infrastructure as an asset class, promoting quality infrastructure investment (QII) indicators, infratech agenda, among others. The Indian G20 Presidency's theme of 'One Earth, One Family, One Future' sets the tone for the 2023 Infrastructure Agenda as it underlines the message of equitable growth and aptly ties up with the central agenda of the discussions, which is building resilient, inclusive, and sustainable urban infrastructure, the release said. The theme will focus on various facets of making cities economic centres of growth, financing and building future-ready urban infrastructure, directing fiscal investments for unlocking private financing for energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable infrastructure, and mitigating social imbalances, the release said. On day 2 i.e. on 17 January, the IWG will deliberate on four sessions, followed by the 'vote of thanks' to the delegates, after which there will be a farewell dinner, the release said. "Apart from the formal discussions, the delegates will be able to experience the rich culture and beautiful landscapes of the city, with optional excursions such as Pune Heritage Walk, city tour, and a trip to Mahabaleshwar," the release informed. Air India is set to order around 500 planes as an airline industry recovery takes hold following the pandemic, one of the world's leading aircraft lessors said on Monday. "As a result of this recovery, there is now more momentum for large orders from airlines who have sort of sat back and watched the movie, and now they're seeing there's going to be a positive trend," Steven Udvar-Hazy, executive chairman of AirLease Corp, told the Airline Economics conference. "We have this 500-aircraft order coming out of India, which is going to be about 400 narrow-body aircraft, probably a mix of (Airbus) A320neos, A321neos and (Boeing) 737 MAXs, and 100 wide-bodies which will include (Boeing) 787s, 777X, potentially some 777 freighters and (Airbus) A350s." The comments are the first public indication of the scale of the planned order after Reuters reported in December that Air India was close to ordering as many as 500 jets as it carves out a renaissance under the Tata Group conglomerate. Industry sources say finalising the proposed deal depends on ongoing negotiations with engine makers. Air India did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Airbus and Boeing had no immediate comment. United Airlines recently ordered 200 large and small aircraft. China last year placed a block order for Airbus jets. "We do expect a number of airlines will place large orders and again most of these orders will be for replacement," Udvar-Hazy said. He predicted airlines would increasingly turn back towards medium-sized wide-body jets after significant delays in the development of Boeing's largest new model, the 400-seat 777X - currently running at five years and potentially rising further. "We expect that both OEMs will be under pressure in the next couple of years to increase production rates, not necessarily back to the levels they were in 2018, but certainly well above current production." This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. NEW DELHI : The Supreme Court on Monday declined to stay the Competition Commission of Indias (CCI) order against Google wherein the former had asked the US giant to bring in changes to the Android ecosystem by 19 January. A bench led by Chief Justice of India D.Y. Chandrachud on Wednesday said it will consider sending the matter back to the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) and said it will ask the tribunal to freshly consider the stay application filed by Google in the matter. The top court will now hear the matter on Wednesday. On 4 January, NCLAT refused to grant any interim relief to Google in a case against CCI. The competition watch dog had imposed a penalty of 1,338 crore on the Alphabet-owned US giant for indulging in alleged unfair business practices and using its dominant market position in certain markets. Aggrieved by the CCI order, Google moved the NCLAT and pleaded seeking a stay on the CCI order. Apart from imposing the penalty, the CCI had also directed to cease and desist from participating in anti-competitive practices and to modify its conduct within a defined timeline. Additional solicitor general R. Venkatraman informed the top court that the European Union has held the US giant in abuse of having a dominant position, adding that India was being treated differently by Google. Essentially, Google before the NCLAT had alleged that the CCI had copied parts of a European order against the company for abusing market dominance of its Android operating system while seeking the CCI order be quashed by the tribunal. It also sought a stay on the penalty imposed by CCI. Earlier in January, NCLAT had said: We will fix the matter in February on the point of interim stay. At the moment we are not passing any interim orders in the matter", while also adding that the matter required detailed hearing. The appellate tribunal has sought response from the competition watchdog on the penalty imposed on Google and issued it a notice in the matter. The court has posted the matter for detailed hearing on 13 February. It had also asked Google to deposit 10% of the penalty as an interim measure. Ukraine saw little hope of pulling any more survivors from the rubble of an apartment block in the city of Dnipro on Sunday, a day after the building was hit during a major Russian missile attack, with dozens of people expected to have died. The regional governor's adviser, Natalia Babachenko, said 30 people were confirmed dead so far and more than 30 were in hospital, including 12 in a serious condition. Between 30 to 40 people could still be trapped under debris, she said. Emergency workers said they had heard people screaming for help from underneath piles of debris from the nine-storey apartment block in the east-central city and were using moments of silence to help direct their efforts. Freezing temperatures added to rescuers' concerns. A group of firefighters found a lightly-dressed woman still alive more than 18 hours after the attack. They carried her to safety in their arms. Dozens of grim-faced residents, both young and old, watched in horror from the street. A body was retrieved by firefighters and lifted from the ruins on a stretcher using a crane. "The chances of saving people now are minimal," Dnipro's Mayor Borys Filatov told Reuters. I think the number of dead will be in the dozens." The attack on Dnipro was one of the deadliest strikes of the war against civilians, and was noted for the use of a Soviet-era Kh-22 missile, which is known to be inaccurate and against which Ukraine lacks the air defences to shoot down. Filatov said two stairwells including dozens of flats were destroyed. Russia fired two waves of missiles at Ukraine on Saturday, striking targets across the country as fighting raged on the battlefield in the eastern towns of Soledar and Bakhmut. Moscow, which invaded last February, has been pounding Ukraine's energy infrastructure with missiles and drones since October, causing sweeping blackouts and disruptions to central heating and running water. In a statement on Sunday about its previous day of strikes, the Russian defence ministry did not mention Dnipro as a specific target. "All assigned objects were hit. The targets of the strike have been achieved," it said. Rescuers toiled through the night searching for survivors. On Sunday morning, they could be seen punching and kicking through heaped mounds of smashed concrete and twisted metal. "Two rooms on the second floor remain practically intact but buried," Oleh Kushniruk, a deputy director of the regional branch of Ukraine's State Emergency Service, said on television. A spokesperson for Ukraine's southern command said Russia had fired only half of the cruise missiles it had deployed to the Black Sea during Saturday's attacks. "This indicates that they still have certain plans," said the spokesperson, Natalia Humeniuk. "We must understand that they can still be used." APPEAL FOR MORE WEAPONS Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, in his nightly address on Sunday, vowed to press ahead with the rescue mission. "We are fighting for every person. The rescue operation will be conducted as long as there is even the slightest chance to save their lives," Zelenskiy said, adding that dozens of people were rescued from under the rubble, including six children. Saturday's attack came as Western powers consider sending battle tanks to Kyiv and ahead of a meeting of Ukraine's allies in Ramstein in Germany next Friday, where governments will announce their latest pledges of military support. On Saturday, Britain followed France and Poland with promises of further weapons, saying it would send 14 of its Challenger 2 main battle tanks as well as other advanced artillery support in the coming weeks. The first despatch of Western-made tanks to Ukraine is likely to be viewed by Moscow as escalation of the conflict. The Russian Embassy in London said the tanks would drag out the confrontation. Russia's invasion has already killed thousands, displaced millions and turned many cities into rubble. SOLEDAR In Ukraine's eastern Donbas region - the focal point of Russia's drive to capture more territory - Ukraine's forces were battling around the small salt-mining town of Soledar. Serhiy Cherevatyi, spokesperson for Ukraine's eastern command, told Ukrainian television that Russian forces had shelled the area around Soledar and Bakhmut 234 times in the past 24 hours. Russia said on Friday that its forces had taken control of Soledar, which had a pre-war population of 10,000, in what would be a minor advance but one that would have psychological importance for Russian forces, who have seen months of battlefield setbacks. Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar maintained Kyiv's position that the fight for Soledar was not over. In remarks on her Telegram channel Sunday, she noted the Ukrainian armed forces' general staff had reported repelling Russian attacks in a string of locations including Soledar and nearby Bakhmut, but also being fired upon in those same two locations and elsewhere. "Put simply, THE BATTLE CONTINUES," she said. "Everything else is unverified information, unauthorized and without knowledge of the general picture of the front," she said. The Washington-based Institute for the Study of War said it was highly unlikely that Ukrainian forces still held positions within Soledar itself. Reuters could not immediately verify the situation in the town. Putin said what he calls the special military operation was showing a positive trend and that he hoped Russian soldiers would deliver further gains after Soledar. "The dynamic is positive," he told Rossiya 1 state television. "Everything is developing within the framework of the plan of the Ministry of Defence and the General Staff." This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. The weekend Russian missile strike on the apartment building in the southeastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro has claimed at least 35 lives so far, an official said on Monday. However, rescue operation is still underway. Regional Governor Valentyn Reznichenko said that rescuers continued searching through the rubble for more victims. At least 75 people were wounded and 35 others were still missing after Saturday's strike," he told The Associated Press. About 1,700 people lived in the multi-story building, with residents saying there were no military facilities at the site. The reported death toll made it the deadliest attack in one place since a September 30 strike in Ukraines Zaporizhzhia region, as per AP reports. The weekend strike on the building came amid a major barrage of Russian cruise missiles across Ukraine. Emergency workers on Sunday said they had heard people screaming for help from underneath piles of debris from the nine-storey apartment block in the east-central city and were using moments of silence to help direct their efforts. Freezing temperatures added to rescuers' concerns. Russia fired two waves of missiles at Ukraine on Saturday, striking targets across the country as fighting raged on the battlefield in the eastern towns of Soledar and Bakhmut. Moscow, which invaded last February, has been pounding Ukraine's energy infrastructure with missiles and drones since October, causing sweeping blackouts and disruptions to central heating and running water. Saturday's attack came as Western powers consider sending battle tanks to Kyiv and ahead of a meeting of Ukraine's allies in Ramstein in Germany next Friday, where governments will announce their latest pledges of military support. Russia said on Friday that its forces had taken control of Soledar, which had a pre-war population of 10,000, in what would be a minor advance but one that would have psychological importance for Russian forces, who have seen months of battlefield setbacks. (With inputs from agencies) U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will meet Chinese Vice Premier Liu He in Switzerland on Wednesday to exchange views on economic developments and deepen communication between the world's two largest economies, a Treasury official said. Yellen's first in-person meeting with Liu is part of a pledge by both countries to work to ease tensions following President Joe Biden's talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Indonesia in November. Yellen will meet Liu in Zurich on the eve of her three-country visit to Africa, where she will focus on strengthening U.S. ties with a continent that has long been the focus of Chinese trade and investment, and issues such as food security. China's foreign minister, Qin Gang, is just wrapping up five-country tour of Africa, the 33rd consecutive year that Africa has been the destination of the Chinese foreign minister's first overseas tour of the calendar year. In an interview aired Saturday on National Public Radio, Yellen acknowledged that China had played "a leading role" in lending to and trading with African nations, but said African leaders had made clear at a conference last month in Washington that they were seeking more U.S. engagement. "It's clear that they want to expand trade and investment with many parts of the world and see the United States as a critical partner in that growth. And that's something that's important to us as well," Yellen said. Chinese trade with Africa is about four times that of the United States, and Beijing has become an important creditor by offering cheaper loans - often with opaque terms and collateral requirements - than Western lenders. But some African countries, including Zambia, have soured on Chinese lending and are looking for alternatives, economic analysts said. Yellen's meeting with Liu is expected to touch on the debt issue and other significant differences between the two nations. Yellen has repeatedly criticized Beijing - now the world's largest creditor - for not moving more quickly to restructure the debt of poor countries in Africa, and often raises concerns about forced labor used in China's Xinjiang province. In July, when she spoke with Liu by phone, Treasury said she also spoke "frankly" about the impact of Russia's war against Ukraine on the global economy, and China's "unfair, non-market" economic practices. Liu is in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum meetings in Davos, which Yellen does not plan to attend. Other senior U.S. officials will represents Washington there, including U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai and climate envoy John Kerry. Yellen has met virtually three times with Liu since taking office, and met in Bali with Chinese central bank governor Yi Gang. Liu will step down this year as part of an overhaul of China's economic leadership disclosed in September. In December, the former Federal Reserve chair told reporters she was also open to visiting China and looked forward to more "intense interactions" with Chinese officials than in the first two years of Biden's four-year term. This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. More than half of all US states have partially or fully banned TikTok from government devices, according to a CNN analysis. The bail hearing for Zimbabwean businessman Frank Buyanga Sadiqi (43), who was rearrested in November on a separate charge of contravening South Africas immigration laws, has been set for February 7, 2023. Buyanga was arrested in South Africa in November on allegations of kidnapping his son in Harare in 2020 and on charges of contempt of court, before he was later granted R150 000 bail at the Randburg Magistrates Court in Johannesburg. After his arrest in November, Buyanga appeared before the Randburg Magistrates Court where he was remanded in custody to allow South African authorities to also verify his identity documents. This was after it was found that Buyangas South African identity documents showed he was born in Zimbabwe yet his Zimbabwean passport indicated he was born in the United Kingdom. Although he was granted bail, Buyanga is still in custody pending finalisation of the fresh charges of fraud, contravention of the Immigration Act and defeating the ends of justice. Buyanga was arrested on November 10, 2022 and since then, has been in custody and at one time, was reportedly attacked in a Johannesburg remand prison by other inmates before he sought a transfer to another prison. However, a few days later, Buyanga had his warrant of arrest cancelled at the Harare Magistrates Court after magistrate Mrs Judith Taruvinga said that she had issued the warrant erroneously. But the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) then applied to the High Court challenging the cancellation of the warrant of arrest. Last month, the Supreme Court also ruled that the appeal against a decision by a High Court judge not to recuse himself from the application by the National Prosecuting Authority for a review of cancellation of Buyangas Zimbabwean warrant of arrest must be heard urgently. The ruling came after Buyanga approached the Supreme Court challenging Justice Pisirayi Kwendas decision not to step down from the review and he asked for the appeal to be treated as urgent. Supreme Court Judge Justice Susan Mavangira recently heard the chamber application for the appeal to be treated as a matter of urgency, and granted the application by Buyanga that this appeal relating to the decision by High Court Judge Justice Kwenda be heard urgently by three appeal judges. The legal arguments presented also dealt with the actual main decision by the High Court that the warrant was wrongly cancelled. If that appeal succeeded, it meant the High Court judgment reinstating the warrant of arrest against Buyanga Sadiqi becomes void. If the Supreme Court confirms the High Court decision then the warrant remains live. Justice Kwenda, who delivered his ruling, reinstated the warrant of arrest for Buyanga. This was after the court initiated an automatic review process after Harare Magistrate Judith Taruvinga cancelled the Interpol warrant of arrest issued on Buyanga, in November. Buyanga, who was not happy with the reinstatement of his warrant of arrest, wanted the Supreme Court to quash the High Court decision on the grounds that the High Court misdirected itself when it dismissed the application for the recusal of Justice Kwenda without dealing with any of the grounds upon which the judges recusal was sought. Buyanga argued that then proceeding to deal with the matter in circumstances showed valid grounds for the judges recusal. Herald Check out our latest E-Edition Accessible anytime and anywhere on your desktop, tablet and smart phone devices. The Lodi News e-Edition is enhanced with the latest digital tools, including RSS feeds, social networking and much more. Check out our latest E-edition! An innovative Longford student, who developed a tool for licensing and securing patents, was honoured at the national awards ceremony for TECS (Technologists, Engineers, Creators, Scientists) at the University of Limerick. TECS, which awards self-driven secondary school students for working on innovative projects, is an initiative of the Immersive Software Engineering (ISE) course at UL, Patch, the summer programme for young entrepreneurs and the Irish Computer Society. St Mel's College student Kishi Akinyemi won second place for his project IPBOX which is a tool for licensing and securing patents. Kishi accepted his award from Professor Tiziana Margaria Course Director and Co-Director of ISE and Professor Kirsten Mey, President of UL. The ceremony saw 5,000 awarded to the winners and their schools. Caption: Professor Tiziana Margaria Course Director and Co-Director of ISE and Professor Kirsten Mey, President of UL pictured with Surabhi Sathish (Loreto College, Kilkenny) won third place for her project which used AI to automatically identify and sort rubbish, Samir Bioud (Rice College, Ennis) won first place for developing a compiler for his own programming language, called Quinoa and Kishi Akinyemi (St Mells College, Longford), won second place for IPBOX, a tool for licensing and securing patents. Picture: Don Moloney Samir Bioud (Rice College, Ennis) won first place for developing a compiler for his own programming language, called Quinoa. Kishi was second and Surabhi Sathish (Loreto College, Kilkenny) won third place for her project which used AI to automatically identify and sort rubbish. TECS is in its second year running https://software-engineering.ie/ Everyone knows how strong the bond is between people and their dogs. This bond can be powerful for deployed military who rescues a dog while serving overseas. To see the emotional first moments when a soldier kneels to reach out to a puppy deserted on the side of the road and take him into his arms is genuinely amazing. With over 2.7 million views on TikTok, its obvious people connect with this moment. U.S. Army Specialist Hicks was out on patrol when his buddy told him that a puppy was eating trash on the side of the road. He stepped out of his truck, and the puppy ran toward him. The rest, as they say, is history. Ive been telling my boys that Im going to rescue at least one of these dogs out here, and I say it every day, says Spc. Hicks. When I got out, and he ran towards me, I knew he chose me as much as I chose him. We have been inseparable ever since. Hes going on patrols with us, part of our family, and I hope thats forever. If I can save at least one of these dogs, I will talk about it daily for the rest of my life. Spc. Hicks joined the Army following the footsteps of his father. He is also an animal lover and is especially fond of dogs. Knowing that he would be relocated and deployed elsewhere, he reached out to Paws of War for help. The organization has stepped in to help so that the two can be reunited when he is done with his deployment. We fell in love with this rescue story just as everyone else did when they saw the video of it, says Derek Cartwright, a veteran and the coordinator for Paws of War. These two saved each other, and now we will do all we can to save their relationship, by relocating the pup back to the states. He named the puppy Soap because he loves to run and play with empty soap bottles. The two were attached at the hip. Unfortunately, Soap could not stay with the soldier and felt desperate not to let the dog go back out on the streets to suffer and most likely die. With time and options running out, a fellow soldier told him about Paws of War, who dispatched one of its rescue teams to get soap and start getting the pup to the soldier's home in Indiana. For him to know that this pup is going to have a better life and be taken care of has lifted his spirit so much, says Spc. Hicks mother, Tina. To see my son have a smile on his face after finding this pup and to know he will be here waiting on him when he comes home is a feeling I can't put into words, so again thank you to all who are involved in this organization and for bringing hope and a smile to my son's beautiful face. Paws of War routinely helps soldiers save the pets they have rescued and bonded with during deployment. It is a costly endeavor that includes paying for healthcare and relocation expenses. They can only do these missions with the support of the community. Check out the YouTube clip of Soap: https://youtu.be/rwt1m1ddMg8. To donate to support the rescue of Soap, visit the site at: https://pawsofwar. networkforgood.com/projects/ 176922-help-save-soap Paws of War has been operating worldwide since 2014, helping the military save the animals they rescue while deployed overseas. They have helped veterans with numerous issues, including suicide prevention, service and support dogs, companion cats and dogs, food insecurity, veterinary care, etc. Paws of War has a large loyal following of supporters and looks forward to working with new corporate sponsors to support these life-saving programs. To donate, visit its site at: http://pawsofwar.org. Crime By Chris Boyle Published: January 16 2023 Defendant Raquan Howard, 23, is being charged with two counts of Assault in the 2nd Degree and Resisting arrest. The Fourth Squad reports the arrest of an Inwood man for an Assault that occurred on Friday, January 13, 2023 at 7:33 am in North Lawrence. According to detectives, defendant Raquan Howard, 23, of 355 Bayview Avenue, who is wanted for attempted murder in Nassau County was inside a Target located at 345 Rockaway Turnpike. When officers recognized the defendant by the self-checkout register and attempted to place the defendant under arrest. Defendant Howard became physically combative and an off-duty Nassau County Police Officer assisted in apprehending the defendant. One officer and the off-duty officer sustained injuries during the course of the arrest as the defendant was violent and combative while resisting arrest. The officers and the defendant were transported to local hospitals for treatment. (Alliance News) - MP Evans Group PLC on Monday said 2022 crop and production tonnes were up again, while it predicted further growth is still to come. The sustainable Indonesian palm oil producer said production of its own crop of fresh fruit brunches were up 12% to 905,400 tonnes in 2022 from 809,700 tonnes in 2021, scheme-smallholder crops were up 16% to 265,700 tonnes from 229,300 tonnes, while independent crops purchases were up 4% to 340,600 tonnes from 327, 200. This lead to a 2022 total of over 1.5 million tonnes in crop of fresh fruit bunches, up 11% from under 1.4 million tonnes in 2021. Production of crude palm oil was also up 9% to 341,700 tonnes from 312,900 tonnes, while palm kernels were up 10% to 73,800 tonnes from 67,100 tonnes. MP Evans said the improved production performance was due to its oil-palm estates continuing to mature and yields rising, alongside management in Indonesia "striv[ing] for operational excellence" in both estate and milling operations. It expects further product growth still to come, even after another year of increase. During 2022, MP Evans achieved an average mill-gate price for its crude palm oil of USD854 per tonne, up 5% from USD810 a year earlier, while prices for palm kernels averaged up 15% to USD611 per tonne from USD533. It said crude palm out pricing "moderated somewhat" in the second half of 2022 from the very high levels earlier in the year. Moving into early 2023, it forecasts recently achieved mill-gate prices falling to around USD750 per tonne, "which remained strong compared to historic levels", it claimed. MP Evans is close to completing its sixth palm-oil mill at its Musi Rawas project in South Sumatra, Indonesia, which will process the increasing amount of crop being harvested from that estate. It reported it received total sustainability premiums of around USD7.5 million related to the sale of its certified sustainable output, up 74% than the USD4.3 million received in 2021. This reflected a strong increase in premiums available for sustainably-produced palm kernels, it explained. "The group has achieved another significant increase in crop processed which, in conjunction with the high price environment in the year, will form the basis for an excellent result," said Executive Chair Peter Hadsley-Chaplin. "We anticipate further crop increases from the group's first-class estates and, with the Musi Rawas mill soon to be commissioned, we look forward to another productive and successful year in 2023." MP Evans said the board remains committed to its policy of holding or increasing its dividend, considering its reported crow growth, strong crude palm oil pricing environment and ongoing cash generation. It eliminated the remaining net debt of USD5.4 million at the end of 2022 from the start of the year. Net cash finished for the year at over USD30 million. Shares in MP Evans were up 4.9% to 860.00 pence each in London on Monday afternoon. By Greg Rosenvinge, Alliance News reporter Comments and questions to newsroom@alliancenews.com Copyright 2023 Alliance News Ltd. All Rights Reserved. (Alliance News) - Tertiary Minerals PLC on Monday said its local partner Mwashia Resources Ltd received approval from the Zambian Environmental Management Agency for its Mushima North copper projects. The mineral exploration and development company focused on Zambia and the US state of Nevada said Mwashia received approval of the environmental project brief from the Zambian government for the copper projects, in which Tertiary Minerals is earning up to a 90% interest. It follows ZEMA also approving the Konkola West and Lubuila projects on November 24. Tertiary Minerals said the Mushima North project and the Mukai project benefit from a data sharing and technical agreement with copper producer First Quantum Minerals Ltd, as announced in September. Tertiary added that the Mukai copper project is its final outstanding EPB, with the approval process now at "an advanced stage". EPB approval is a key approval required before field exploration programmes can proceed. "I am delighted to report that we have received EPB approval for the Mushima North copper project where we are currently working through the shared First Quantum Minerals data in preparation for the coming field exploration season," said Executive Chair Patrick Cheetham. "On a recent visit to Zambia in December our exploration manager recovered sulphide mineralised drill core from a drill hole completed in the 1960s at Mushima North which reportedly tested an extensive copper-in-soil anomaly and intersected wide zones of low-grade copper mineralisation. "We will be assaying this core shortly to validate this early target." Shares in Tertiary Minerals were up 11% to 0.17 pence each in London on Monday morning. By Greg Rosenvinge, Alliance News reporter Comments and questions to newsroom@alliancenews.com Copyright 2023 Alliance News Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, has assured that "not too long from now" a decision will be made to eliminate the obligatory use of masks on public transport, although she commented that it will be when the epidemiological situation and the experts "advise it". "We hope that if the situation continues like this we can make a decision not too long from now, but, as always, we will go hand in hand with the experts," said Darias in an interview on Cadena Ser, picked up by Europa Press, to the question of how long masks will be used in public transport. That said, the minister acknowledged that the epidemiological situation in Spain is "very stable" and stressed the important role vaccination has played against the coronavirus. For this reason, she reiterated the request that the population be vaccinated with the second booster dose in order to continue protecting and "saving lives". Finally, and regarding the rebound of the coronavirus in China, Darias has reported that so far only two positive cases have been detected in all flights that have arrived in Spain from China and, once sequenced, it has been seen that they are known variants. "We continue with a planned roadmap in which the Government has acted in advance and with coordination, both with the European Union communicating all the measures and with the autonomous communities. If we have learned anything, it is that we need to act with these two vectors: coordination and anticipation", concluded the Minister of Health. New aid package of 40 mln USD in cash reaches Afghanistan Xinhua) 13:13, January 16, 2023 KABUL, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- A new package of 40 million U.S. dollars in cash as humanitarian aid has been delivered to Afghanistan and deposited in one of the commercial banks in Kabul, said a statement from Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB), the country's central bank, released here Sunday. The cash aid arrived on Saturday and DAB, appreciating the assistance, would welcome any support that strengthens the banking sector in Afghanistan, the statement said. Last month, two aid packages, each with 40 million U.S. dollars in cash, arrived in Afghanistan and had been deposited to one of the country's commercial banks. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) BRUSSELS (AP) The U.S. military's new, expanded combat training of Ukrainian forces began in Germany on Sunday, with a goal of getting a battalion of about 500 troops back on the battlefield to fight the Russians in the next five to eight weeks, said Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Milley, who plans to visit the Grafenwoehr training area on Monday to get a first-hand look at the program, said the troops being trained left Ukraine a few days ago. In Germany is a full set of weapons and equipment for them to use. Until now the Pentagon had declined to say exactly when the training would start. The so-called combined arms training is aimed at honing the skills of the Ukrainian forces so they will be better prepared to launch an offensive or counter any surge in Russian attacks. They will learn how to better move and coordinate their company- and battalion-size units in battle, using combined artillery, armor and ground forces. Speaking to two reporters traveling with him to Europe on Sunday, Milley said the complex training combined with an array of new weapons, artillery, tanks and other vehicles heading to Ukraine will be key to helping the country's forces take back territory that has been captured by Russia in the nearly 11-month-old war. This support is really important for Ukraine to be able to defend itself, Milley said. And were hoping to be able to pull this together here in short order. The goal, he said, is for all the incoming weapons and equipment to be delivered to Ukraine so that the newly trained forces will be able to use it sometime before the spring rains show up. That would be ideal. The new instruction comes as Ukrainian forces face fierce fighting in the eastern Donetsk province, where the Russian military has claimed it has control of the small salt-mining town of Soledar. Ukraine asserts that its troops are still fighting, but if Moscows troops take control of Soledar it would allow them to inch closer to the bigger city of Bakhmut, where fighting has raged for months. Russia also launched a widespread barrage of missile strikes, including in Kyiv, the northeastern city of Kharkiv and the southeastern city of Dnipro, where the death toll in one apartment building rose to 30. Milley said he wants to make sure the training is on track and whether anything else is needed, and also ensure that it will line up well with the equipment deliveries. The program will include classroom instruction and field work that will begin with small squads and gradually grow to involve larger units. It would culminate with a more complex combat exercise bringing an entire battalion and a headquarters unit together. Until now, the U.S. focus has been on providing Ukrainian forces with more immediate battlefield needs, particularly on how to use the wide array of Western weapons systems pouring into the country. The U.S. has already trained more than 3,100 Ukrainian troops on how to use and maintain certain weapons and other equipment, including howitzers, armored vehicles and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, known as HIMARS. Other nations are also conducting training on the weapons they provide. In announcing the new program last month, Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, Pentagon press secretary, said the idea is to be able to give them this advanced level of collective training that enables them to conduct effective combined arms operations and maneuver on the battlefield. Milley said the U.S. was doing this type of training prior to the Russian invasion last February. But once the war began, U.S. National Guard and special operations forces that were doing training inside Ukraine all left the country. This new effort, which is being done by U.S. Army Europe Africas 7th Army Training Command, will be a continuation of what they had been doing prior to the invasion. Other European allies are also providing training. Ana Belen Montes, the most effective and damaging Cuban spy known to have penetrated U.S. intelligence, was a major warrior in the long nasty war between the United States and its communist neighbor. On Jan. 6, after serving just over 21 years of a 25 year sentence for espionage, she was released from a maximum security prison, perhaps drawing the curtain on the deadly clandestine conflict involving efforts by Cuban exiles and their U.S. allies to reverse the revolution led by Fidel Castro. By the time of her arrest in 2001, Montes had been a mole inside the Defense Intelligence Agency for 17 years, feeding U.S. secrets to Cuba during the civil wars in Central America, where Cuba and the U.S. military backed opposite sides in conflicts in Nicaragua and El Salvador. Even as the Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and its lifeline of economic and military support for Castros regime, Montes rose in rank and importance in the DIA. She became the agencys chief analyst in charge of processing U.S. intelligence about the island, earning the sobriquet, Queen of Cuba, both for her unrivaled expertise and her imperious manner. There have been worse breaches of U.S. national security, notably Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen, whose spying for the Soviets inside the CIA and FBI led to the deaths and imprisonment of a good number of the CIAs Russian sources. But Montes spying unquestionably dealt devastating blows to U.S. human intelligence and surveillance operations inside Cuba, especially during the 1990s, when Cuban exiles based in Miami were launching what may have been their last concerted effort to overthrow Castro. Information provided by Montes blew the cover of at least four U.S. agents operating inside Cuba, according to damage assessments conducted after her arrest. Jim Popkin, an investigative journalist and former senior producer for NBC News, tells the story of Ana Montes and the counterintelligence agents at the National Security Agency, DIA and FBI who finally caught her in his engaging and solidly reported book, Code Name Blue Wren, released only a few days before Montes was freed this month. Spy cases are notoriously difficult to write about, especially those involving the spies working for U.S. adversaries. The existence of a mole inside a major intelligence agency is by definition an egregious failure, and such institutions rarely are eager to share the details of a debacle on the scale of Montess penetration of the DIA. As a lead Cuba analyst in her everyday work at the agency, Montes drafted reports arguing for a softer U.S. policy toward the regime. Popkin, citing his sources, calls her recommendations disinformation, butperhaps ironicallyher analysis of Cubas deteriorated military capability and conclusion that Cuba no longer posed a significant threat to U.S. national security in the 1990s put her in respectable company. Similar conclusions would become mainstream in policy circles and lead to the eventual rapprochement with Cuba and resumption of diplomatic relations by the Obama administration in 2015. Popkin seems to have interviewed all the major actors involved in the multiyear counterintelligence operation that finallyled to her arrest in the days following the 9/11 terrorist attack. (The decision to move against her was accelerated when FBI investigators learned Montes had been promoted and given a major role in the DIA team planning and selecting targets for the U.S. war against Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan.) Montes was a true believer, to borrow the term used by one of the counterintelligence agents who caught herwhich differentiates her from better known U.S.moles who turned coat mostly for money. Her parents were from modest families in Puerto Rico, and Ana began the process of radicalization in 1977 during a trip to Spain where her boyfriend was a young leftist who had experienced the worst years of the dirty war in Argentina, Popkin writes. A gifted academic studying at the prestigious School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University School in Washington, she opposed the Reagan administrations sponsorship of the Contra fighters seeking to overthrow the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. A Puerto Rican classmatewho also happened to be a Cuban agentencouraged her outrage on Nicaragua and took her to meet a friend in Cubas U.N. mission in New York. There her recruitment to work with the regimes intelligence service was formalized, originally with the sole idea of supporting the Nicaraguan cause. Soon Montes arranged a trip to Cuba for training in her new craft. Popkin mentions that, according to evidence gathered after her arrest, Cuba helped Montes pay off student loans and buy a laptop, but otherwise did not pay her to spy. FILE - A classic American convertible car passes beside the United States embassy as Cuban flags fly at the Anti-Imperialist Tribune, a massive stage on the Malecon seaside promenade in Havana, Cuba, July 26, 2015. The United States Embassy in Cuba is opening visa and consular services on Wednesday, Jan 4, 2023. It was the first time since a spate of unexplained health incidents among diplomatic staff in 2017 slashed American presence in Havana(AP Photo/Desmond Boylan, File) One of the most fascinating stories in the book is that of a Cuban-American woman at the secretive National Security Agency who gathered details about the unidentified mole (who turned out to be Montes) by decrypting Cuban radio messages. For example, the messages revealed that the suspected spy had visited the U.S. Guantanamo military base at a certain date, had bought a Toshiba laptop computer, and that Cuba had paid off the agents college loan. The NSA official, given the pseudonym Elena Valdez, doggedly pursued the spy chase for three years, leading to the identification of the DIA as the penetrated agency and the arrest of Montes on Sept. 21, 2001. She first briefed the FBI, which is the primary U.S. agency in charge of counterintelligence. After two years, convinced the FBI was getting nowhere, Elena stepped outside established procedure and, in essence, went behind the FBIs back. She wrangled an invitation to visit DIA headquarters, and there presented her packet of decrypted messages to a secure meeting with DIA counterintelligence official Chris Simmons, who showed the kind of investigative enthusiasm she felt was missing at the FBI. Simmons quickly spotted a clue that would upend the investigation. One of the messages said the unidentified spy had access to something called safe as part of his or her work in the unidentified U.S. agency. Holy shit, Simmons said. SAFE was the acronym for the DIAs classified database of analyst reports and other investigative materials shared with the CIA and other agencies. The clue meant the spy had to be working at the DIA itself. Youve been looking in the wrong place, he exclaimed. That person has got to be in this building. The breakthrough reinvigorated the official FBI investigation. The search now narrowed to the DIA staff, Ana Montes was identified from the other clues, put under surveillance, and taken into custody. Inexplicably, Popkin omits a key player in this spy vs spy drama. While Montes was spying inside the DIA for Cuba, the CIA also had a mole inside Cubas own intelligence apparatus. Rolando Sarraff Trujillo was a cryptology specialist in Cubas DGI, the intelligence directorate, and he knew the codes Cuba used to communicate with its spies in the United States. He had been recruited to work for the CIA sometime in the 1990s and remained in place, providing the encryption information that allowed the CIA and NSA to crack the code on intercepted shortwave messages. It was his codes that allowed Elena at NSA to read Ana Montes communications with her Cuban handlers. Sarraff was caught by Cubas DGI counterspies and imprisoned in 1995. The omission in Popkins book is curious, because it points to the larger context of how the decades of hostility between Cuba and the United States gave way finally in 2014 to what amounted to a ceasefire. The Obama administration negotiated a renewal of diplomatic relations, allowed Cuban exiles to send money to relatives on the island and relaxed travel restrictions. The truce after a half century of hostility left in place the economic embargo, but introduced an interlude (albeit brief) of almost friendly relations, during which hundreds of thousands of American academics and curious tourists flocked to Cuba, before Donald Trump canceled the detente. The Federal Correctional Institution is shown early Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014 in Safford, Arizona. Fernando Gonzalez, 50, known to U.S. authorities as "Ruben Campa," a member of the "Cuban Five" spy ring, was released from the facility early Thursday where he completed his sentence. (AP Photo/Matt York) As part of the warming of relations, President Obama negotiated a spy swap. A U.S. government contractor, Alan Gross, who had been arrested in Cuba in 2009 for smuggling military-grade communications equipment into the country, was languishing in prison in poor health. Washington had always denied Cubas charges that Gross was a spy, but saw an opening to spring Sarraff. The United States was holding three men who had been arrested in 1998 as part of the so-called Wasp network, a group of Cubans spying on militant anti-Castro groups in Florida. To break the impasse, Cuba agreed to release Gross on humanitarian grounds and to exchange Sarraff for the three Wasp spies held by the United States. In announcing the swap, President Obama, referring obliquely to Sarraff, said the unnamed spy was one of the most important intelligence agents that the United States has ever had in Cuba. More relevant to the odd lapse in Popkins story, U.S. intelligence officials issued a statement saying the exchanged spys information had led to the detection and conviction of Cuban spies working in the United States, not just the members of the Wasp network but also Ana Montes. Spytalk editor Jeff Stein, writing for Newsweek at the time, was one of several reporters to confirm Sarraffs identity and the link between his cryptography work for the CIA and Ana Montes arrest. Other than that, Popkin has produced a fine piece of reporting and writing on an intricate, and largely overlooked, spy-vs-spy case. My only other quibble is that he gives barely a nod to the sordid history of the conflict between the United States and Cuba, marked by the U.S. sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961, the Soviet Unions secret deployment of nuclear missiles in 1962, which brought the world to the brink of war, and dozens of U.S. plots to assassinate Castro in the 1960s. Perhaps reflecting the attitudes of his hardline sources, Popkin expresses disgust not only for Montess betrayal of her country but also for her leftist friends, notably a prominent SAIS professor whom he ungraciously dismisses as an apologist for Cuba. Neglecting that history, he is unable to do justice to the remarkable evolution of U.S. relations with Cuba, during and after the time Ana Montes was active, culminating in Obamas peacemaking with the post-Fidel Castro regime. (He turned over power to his brother Raul in 2006.) Popkins portrayal remains stuck in the anticommunist tropes of many decades ago, when Cuba and its Soviet ally did indeed present a clear and present danger, certainly from the point of view of the United States. I admit: Mine is perhaps the complaint of a Latin Americanist, grasping for the wider framework of the spy story, rather than the book Popkin actually wrote. That said, Popkins Code Name Blue Wren is unquestionably the most complete telling of this fascinating spy saga and the story of a occasionally brilliant and always morally complicated woman who decided to spy against her country. Montes has said her spying activities were morally wrong but that she obeyed [her] conscience rather than the law. After her release, Montes returned to Puerto Rico where she said she intended to live a quiet life and try to earn a living again. Saying she would make no further public statements, she aimed an unrepentant final shot at U.S. Cuba policy, asking Who in the past 60 years has ever asked the Cuban people if they wanted the United States to impose a suffocating embargo to make them suffer? How to use the mindat.org media viewer Click/touch this help panel to close it. Welcome to the mindat.org media viewer. Here is a quick guide to some of the options available to you. Different controls are available depending on the type of media being shown (photo, video, animation, 3d image) Controls - all media types Zoom in and out of media using your mousewheel or with a two-finger 'resize' action on a touch device. Use the mouse or your finger to drag the image or the view area of the image around the screen. < and > at the left and right hand side of the screen move forwards and backwards for the other images associated with the media you selected. Usually this is used for previous/next photo in a gallery, in an article or in search results. Keyboard shortcuts: use shift + the left and right arrow keys. < and > in the bottom center are used for switching between the photos of the same specimen. Keyboard shortcuts: use the left and right arrow keys. > in the bottom center, raises the information box giving details and further options for the media, < at the top of this box then hides it. Keyboard shortcuts: use the up and down arrow keys. ? opens this help window. Keyboard shortcuts: use the H key or the ? key. Other keyboard shortcuts: 1 Fit image to screen 2 Fill screen with image 5 Display at full resolution < Make background darker > Make background lighter space Hide/dim titles and buttons Scalebar If the field of view (FOV) is specified for the photo, the scalebar appears in the left bottom corner of the viewer. The scalebar is draggable and resizeable. Drag the right edge to resize it. Double click will reset the scalebar to it's default size and position. If the scalebar is in default position, double click will make it circular. Controls - Video Video files have a standard set of video controls: - Reset to start, - Skip back, - Play, - Pause, - Skip forwards. Keyboard shortcuts: You can stop/start video play with the P key. Controls - Animation (Spin Rotation) Animation (usually 360 degree spin rotations) have their own controls: - enable spin mode. Note that while images are loading this option will not be available but will be automatically activated when the animation has loaded. Once active you can spin the image/change the animation by moving your mouse or finger on the image left/right or by pressing the [ or ] keys. The button switches to move mode so that you can use your mouse/fingers to move the image around the screen as with other media types. The button, or the P key will start playing the animation directly, you can interrupt this by using the mouse or finger on the image to regain manual movement control. Controls - 3D Stereoscopic images If a stereoscopic 3D image is opened in the viewer, the 3D button appears in the bottom right corner giving access to "3D settings" menu. The 3D images can be viewed in several ways: - without any special equipment using cross-eyed or parallel-eyed method - with stereoscope - with anaglyph glasses. - on a suitable 3D TV or monitor (passive 3D system) For details about 3D refer to: Mindat manuals: Mindat Media Viewer: 3D To enable/disable 3D stereo display of a compatible stereo pair image press the 3 key. If the left/right images are reversed on your display (this often happens in full-screen mode) press the 4 key to reverse them. Controls - photo comparison mode If a photo with activated comparison mode is opened in the viewer, the button appears in the bottom right corner giving access to "Comparison mode settings" menu. Several layouts are supported: slider and side by-side comparison with up to 6 photos shown synchronously on the screen. On each of the compared photos a view selector is placed, e.g.: Longwave UV . It shows the name of currently selected view and allows to select a view for each placeholder. Summary of all keyboard shortcuts The White Sox have signed right-hander Keynan Middleton to a minor league deal, according to his transactions tracker at MLB.com. Hell presumably receive an invitation to major league Spring Training. Middleton, 29, was drafted by the Angels and spent the first few seasons of his career there. He seemed to be establishing himself as a quality relief option in 2017 and 2018, making 80 appearances over those two seasons with a 3.43 ERA. Unfortunately, he required Tommy John surgery midway through the latter campaign, putting him out of action for over a year. The righty returned to the mound late in 2019 but has struggled over the past few years. He made 13 appearances in the shortened 2020 season but with a 5.25 ERA. The Angels non-tendered him after that but he secured a major league deal from the Mariners for 2021. The change of scenery didnt help much, with the righty posting a 4.94 ERA over 32 appearances that season. After a couple of rough seasons, Middleton had to settle for a minor league deal with the Diamondbacks for 2022. He pitched well enough in the minors to get back into the big leagues, but his 18 appearances for Arizona resulted in a 5.29 ERA. He did reduce his walk rate to 4.3% after being much higher in the preceding campaigns, but his strikeout and ground ball rates were both subpar. He also allowed five home runs in that brief time, matching his total from the four previous seasons combined. He was cut from the roster in November and became a free agent again. Middleton will now look to get back on track after a rough few years. Despite some poor results, he does average over 95 mph on his fastball, placing him in the 74th percentile of qualified pitchers, according to Statcast. If he can claw his way back onto the clubs roster, he wont be able to be optioned to the minors without his consent since he has over five years of MLB service time. 16.01.2023 LISTEN Welcome to a new year! Charterhouse Productions Limited, organizers of the Annual Vodafone Ghana Music Awards, would like to officially inform all artistes, artiste managements, record labels, producers, instrumentalists, music composers, music industry stakeholders and the general public, that submissions of entries for the 24th Annual Vodafone Ghana Music Awards are open. Only published works in the year 2022 are eligible for submission. Thus, all works from January 1st to December 315, 2022 should be submitted via our online portal at www.entry.ghanamusicawards.com. There shall be no manual submissions. Deadline for submissions is Sunday, February 12th 2023. Kindly take note of the new field- Performance Sheet. The purpose is to offer applicants the opportunity to share any relevant information, such as streaming numbers, performances, or an Electronic Press Kit (EPK), that might be useful to the cause. For assistance, kindly call 050 139 5176, or send a mail to [email protected] On-the-go-updates are available on social media at Ghana Music Awards on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and online at www.GhanaMusicAwards.com. The 24th Annual Vodafone Ghana Music Awards is proudly brought to you by Vodafone, and powered by Charterhouse. A Saudi film fund has announced that it is investing in Johnny Depp's new movie, a French period drama in which he plays King Louis XV. The Red Sea Film Foundation said in a statement that it was backing the new film, Jeanne du Barry, which is directed by French filmmaker Maiwenn. The actor and director, who goes by her first name only, also stars in the title role as the famous 18th century courtesan. "We hope this collaboration will strengthen the ties between Saudi and French cinema and be the first of many international films that we can support that advocate for women filmmakers," said Mohammed Al Turki, CEO of the Red Sea International Film Festival, which is linked to the foundation. It is the first major role for Depp since his high-profile defamation trial with ex-wife Amber Heard over her claims that he was physically abusive. Accused of 'culture-washing' The Saudi foundation, formed in 2019, has already funded some 170 African and Arab movies, it said, but this is its first foray into European cinema. It runs the annual festival in Jeddah, which had its first edition in 2021, part of a spate of reforms in a country that had banned cinemas until 2017. Critics including Human Rights Watch have claimed the festival is part of the Saudi monarchy's efforts to whitewash its image. According to the international rights watchdog, which has called for boycotts, "Saudi Arabia has a history of using celebrities and major international events to deflect scrutiny from its pervasive abuses". Jeanne du Barry, which has a distribution deal with Netflix, is the sixth film directed by Maiwenn. It was not immediately clear how much Saudi money was being invested in the film, which has already been shot on location in France and is currently in post-production. (with wires) What I've observed so far is that many people hate Ken Agyapong so much that they choose to ignore him and show no response when he exposes the corruption that has devastated our nation by the NPP government. Since exposures have an impact on the ruling party, keeping silent about Ken Agyapong's accusations has been the best course of action. He recently acknowledged that the Special Prosecutor has hired lawyers from his own firm to fight corruption in Ghana, yet the news is already dead. This is a very serious allegation that any intelligent Ghanaian should have recognized what the impact of such an appointment can create in terms of corruption, but no one spoke out because the NPP is the party in power and they wouldn't want to do anything about it since that would further expose how corrupt this government is and also expose Akufo Addo's lies as a leader whose fight against corruption in the country surpasses previous leaders. Agyapong's claim demonstrates how corrupt President Akufo Addo and Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng are. Agyebeng came out to criticize the NPP, claiming that "Akufo Addo's government lacked the political will to fight corruption in the country," even though he is fully aware that he is not fighting corruption. He was continuously misleading Ghanaians by leveraging the president's appointment as well as the hiring of lawyers from his own legal business. Kissi Agyebeng, the special prosecutor, has acted cunningly and dishonestly, just like Nana Akufo Addo, the president who appointed him. Thus, Ken Agyapong's statement that "the Special Prosecutor must come first if we are to jail someone for corruption" makes sense. Since the vast number of crimes is perpetrated with impunity, Ghana is a worthless and doomed nation whose future seems to be like a ticking bomb. Everything is disintegrating because politicians commit murder with impunity and are not held accountable for their crimes. However, the president will humbly ask for prayers from the Ghanaians. The nation's resources are being wasted by inept ministers who don't contribute anything to the nation's needs, while corruption keeps adding to the nation's debt without any consequences. Within the next five years, if things stay that way, Ghana would come to a complete standstill, leading to significant economic difficulties, a severe unemployment problem, and an increase in crime, particularly armed robbery. Ken Agyapong has already spoken out against illegal activity carried out by the NPP government. Akufo Addo's involvement in corruption at the Ghana Harbor and Ports Authority, which negatively impacted investments even today, was one of the significant claims of corruption made by the Assin Central Member of Parliament, who represents the New Patriotic Party. The article "The Lamentation Of Ken Agyapong Reveals Akufo Addo Is Behind The Corruption At The Ports," published on December 6, 2021, was inspired by the corruption scandal involving the president. Even while corruption happens in every government that takes office in Ghana, there is a reason it has drastically expanded under the NPP administration. Everything is political, especially when a writer publicly denounces the NPP's wrongdoing, then is accused of receiving payment from the NDC. You should read the comments if you want to know whether or not particular parents give birth to animals in Ghana. The first response I received when I wrote about Akufo Addo's corruption at the ports, which was revealed by Ken Agyapong, is from one who identified herself as Catherine. "J. Savage, you better shut up, since you don't have any money to send any valuable item from your hideout in Belgium to Ghana." Agree that such folks have contributed to the awful situation we are in today. Do Ghanaians recognize the stupid among the fools? Do they fully understand me when I say that the battle against NPP's corruption in Ghana has been extremely difficult because of the way idiots attack those trying frantically to improve conditions for the country's common people? The entire legal system, as well as the police, army, and customs officials in the nation, all need to be revamped since Akufo Addo controls each one of them. The law enforcement officers, customs, and the judiciary have all been bought off by the president; as a result, they are unable to criticize him. They aid and abet all of the government's immoral activities. The worst is the perilous NPP-sponsored media, which perfects the president's immoral deeds to appear as though they are perfectly normal and permitted by the nation's constitution. How much longer can this go on in a nation that has access to all resources but still appears to be the poorest? I've mentioned it before, Ken Agyapong is one of the NPP MPs who is intelligent, and he might even be the only one. Unfortunately, I am unable to give him any support because of the murder cases in which he has been implicated. As for Kissi Agyebeng, I recently suggested that he step down, but since corruption is as sweet as honey, he refused to heed my advice. Nevertheless, things will change, and he will never be able to evade a prison sentence in Ghana. Time will tell. An Egyptian military court on Sunday sentenced in absentia a Spain-based critic of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to life in prison over calls for anti-government protests, state media reported. Mohamed Ali, a construction contractor and fledgeling actor, burst onto Egypt's political scene in 2019 when videos he posted on social media accusing Sisi and the military elite of corruption went viral. His posts, filmed from Spain where he has lived for several years, racked up millions of views and briefly sparked a wave of small-scale but boisterous demonstrations by hundreds of people in the North African nation. In the wake of the protests, Egyptian authorities arrested some 4,000 people, including well-known academics, activists and lawyers, rights groups said. The court sentenced Ali to life in prison together with 37 co-accused, while several dozen others were handed prison terms of between five and 15 years, state media reported. Such courts often deal with "terrorism" offences, and their sentences cannot be appealed. Local media said Ali, 48, was placed on Egypt's "terrorist" blacklist, which would ban him from travel and freezes his assets. Rights activists have accused Cairo of using travel bans to prevent opposition figures from leaving the country. Egypt later this month marks 12 years since the 2011 revolt that toppled long-time autocrat Hosni Mubarak during the Arab Spring uprisings. In 2013, mass protests against Islamist president Mohamed Morsi led to his ouster by then-army chief Sisi. Later that year, a law was passed that effectively banned all protests except those authorised by police. Sisi assumed power as president the following year, as an ensuing crackdown first targeted Islamists, before widening to curtail all public space for dissent. Rights groups estimate Egypt now holds more than 65,000 political prisoners. In Africa, every year, at least 1.16 million newborns die, yet two thirds of these babies could be saved with 90% coverage of feasible and evidence-based interventions. There is a growing loss of belief in fatality in the face of maternal and neonatal mortality. In Senegal, this translates into demonstrations of indignation following maternal deaths. Demonstrating impartiality on these "medical failures", the Ministry of Health and Social Action initiated audits to identify the causes of these deaths that occurred in hospital. Despite this, these disappointments ended up in the legal field. The gynecologists, anesthetists and midwives respectively implicated were systematically placed in police custody, for reasons of protection against possible invectives coming from the victim families, pending the end of the investigation of the police investigations. If this legal action satisfies, more or less, the expectations of the populations, it contributes at the same time to weakening the self-confidence of health professionals. Thus, health professionals are frequently mobilized to provide their assistance to justice, but there are also situations in which they are implicated before the courts all over the world. How is the judicialization of care a double-edged sword? What are the professional repercussions and the effects on the supply of care? We identify here the risks related to the judicialization of care and mark the way for constructive dialogue between the stakeholders of the Senegalese hospital. Relations between populations and health structures Following the observation that indigenous populations did not have recourse to biomedical medicine in the 1970s and 1980s, the living forces of the population were invited to sit on the bodies of health structures to inform the populations, strengthen the offer care and meet the demand through the implementation of the Bamako Initiative (BI). The 2018 decree gives birth to Health Development Committees (CDS), formerly called Health Committees, without substantially changing their composition. But these actors teachers, local leaders, etc. appointed by the mayors of the municipalities tend to fit into the organization chart of the health structures. They are thus perceived by the populations as being a segment of the nursing staff, more under the dome of the health professionals than a vector for increasing the power to act of the users. This organizational positioning delegitimizes them as spokespersons for the populations within health structures. In the collective conscience of the populations, the members of the CDS only modestly defend their interests within these bodies. Their positions in the event of incidents between caregivers/patients are considered arbitrary, materializing a blindness to social inequalities in access to health. The same goes for community actors who, invested in the desire to be inserted into the profession through mobilizations to be recruited, leave a void in social mediation within health structures. Orientation stricto sensufrom community actors (CDS and local relays) to the hospital ultimately has only a modest contribution in improving the use of care by the populations. Late use of care The health pyramid that goes from the health hut to the hospital via the post and the health center does not always trace the course of many patients. This journey often begins with the community healer, continues and ends with him despite some incursions into health facilities. Such a course, based on the personalization of care relationships, poses at least two major difficulties for health professionals. The first refers to the time taken in the stage of the healer as well as the related medication (vaginal delivery to recover her femininity) which can further complicate the patient's situation, a complication very often attributed to the next stage which is the structure health. The second refers to a negative assessment of the health system and its actors based on a grid that puts the world of the healer at the center of the system. To the friendliness of the healer and his humanism, we oppose the insensitivity and indifference of the caregiver who seems to confine the patient in a discourtesy often linked to the anonymous character of the patient. The hospital and its employees are therefore sometimes confronted with the management of obstetric emergencies which they are not always prepared to deal with, in a context of a lack of medical resources made available to them. At the same time, the demand for neonatal and obstetrical health is growing, while reception capacities are threatened by a feeling of insecurity among health professionals. Caregivers in a state of psychological distress The incarcerations of health professionals - following the errors attributed to them - have aroused a feeling of psychological distress among their colleagues who feel neglected and unprotected, as evidenced by this 46-year-old female doctor with 14 years of experience: We are distraught. Some of our colleagues are afraid of touching the sick. You know: an operation can go well and suddenly the patient dies as a result of a heart attack. It could happen. But even in these cases, we are not protected. Now, we are systematically trying to blame ourselves. This is not encouraging! The different variations of fear among caregivers: job loss, prison, family fracture suggest a defensive medicine. The impression of being scapegoats to satisfy the expectations of victims' families and civil society associations pushes some practitioners to seek professional alternatives to escape this judicial sword of Damocles. Skills drain as an alternative African countries face enormous difficulties in deploying medical personnel to remote areas. Added to these difficulties are the intentions of skills drain, especially by gynecologists, as a response to a care situation strewn with legal risks. This is the case of this 39-year-old gynecologist with 6 years of experience: I did all my studies in Senegal. My only passion was to serve my country, to save lives. But right now, there is a breach of trust. I have a family that depends on me. I can't risk losing my job and being in prison for the performance of my duties. I prefer to monetize my skills elsewhere. For now, I'm looking. I resign as soon as I find an offer, even abroad. However, cascading resignations would inevitably plunge access to obstetric care into troubled waters: the achievements emanating from policies to improve care for the mother/child couple, implemented for several decades, would inevitably experience a regression, which would be counterproductive for people, especially those in rural areas. What perspective for emerging from the crisis? Ultimately, the legalization of medical practice certainly satisfies grieving families, but at the same time creates malaise in the health system, opening a breach to the cancellation of medical interventions due to the "professional unavailability" of health personnel. . To get out of this defensive medicine, it seems important to set up an intra-professional compensation and arbitration mechanism in order to reconcile health professionals with the populations. It will be a question of depersonalizing care relationships by improving the offer through the strengthening of training, the provision of infrastructure and equipment, respect for human life, the avoidance of various negligence, etc. It is above all necessary to de-legalize care. By dejudicializing we do not mean asking for a total absence of recourse to justice in case of necessity, but rather the non-use of justice to calm popular anger when users of health services feel wronged. It is more a question of dispassionating the debate so that justice is a guarantee for the latter as regards the protection of their right to health and to quality care, but also for health professionals a recourse which is not engaged and above all effective only when faults are first and foremost established by authorized authorities such as orders (of doctors, etc.). At that time, the principles of autonomy and self-regulation would be guaranteed for practitioners, but also the standards of offers of care would be ensured for users of health services. We could also consider facilitating victims' access to compensation, as is done in other countries. The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. By Abdoulaye Moussa Diallo, Sociologist, University of Lille And Djiby Diakhate, Sociologist, teacher-researcher, Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar And Tidiane Ndoye, anthropologist, teacher-researcher, department of sociology, Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar; Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar The Member of Parliament for North Tongu Constituency Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has presented what he describes as unimpeachable and incontrovertible evidence against the Secretary to the Board of Trustees of the National Cathedral of Ghana, Reverend Victor Kusi Boateng. According to the lawmaker, who promised delivering this expose on TV3s The Keypoints over the weekend, Rev Kusi Boateng is the third mystery director of JNS Talent Cantre Limited, a firm he had earlier accused of receiving GH2.6 million illegal cash transfer from the Secretariat. Unimpeachable and incontrovertible evidence confirms that Mr. Kwabena Adu Gyamfi is the famous Rev. Victor Kusi Boateng who still serves on the National Cathedral Board as an Executive Council Member/Director, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) MP disclosed. For the avoidance of doubt, there is no distinct Kwabena Adu Gyamfi. Kwabena Adu Gyamfi is a criminal creation of Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng. The two are therefore one and the same. Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng AKA Kwabena Adu Gyamfi thought he had outwitted every Ghanaian, particularly our authorities whom he dribbled for many years; but the day of reckoning is finally here. The lawmaker is, therefore, demanding the immediate resignation of Rev. Kusi Boateng from the Board of the National Cathedral, for starters. Mr Okudzeto Ablakwa also wants the state to compel the Secretary to the Board of Trustees of the National Cathedral to refund all taxpayer funds said to have been diverted to JNS. Rev. Victor Adu Gyamfi AKA Kwabena Adu Gyamfi must be subjected to thorough credible investigations and prosecution for his many other offenses which have now come to light, he added, asking President Nana Addo Dankwa to dissolve the Board outright. -3news.com The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament is expected to commence sittings today, Monday, January 16, 2023. This is to examine the Auditor Generals report on public accounts of government for the year 2020. The committee will also scrutinize the Auditor Generals report on public accounts of various Ministries, Departments and Agencies during the sittings. The accounts of public boards, corporations and other statutory institutions for the year 2020 will also be considered. The committee which will be sitting at 9 am each day is expected to conclude proceedings on Friday, February 10, 2023. The Association of Road Contractors Ghana has accused the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) and the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) of callapsing business in the road construction sector. The Association says though government owes them in excess of GH5 billion, both SSNIT and the GRA fail to consider the debts owed them and use same as credit to ease business for contractors. The comments come on the back of the disappointment of the association following government's promise to pay them a chunk of debts owed before December 2022. National Chairman of the Association of Road Contractors Ghana John Afful Jnr. has been speaking to Citi News. These two institutions, SSNIT and GRA are liking the roads sector. When we go and tell them that the government is owing us this amount of money, the five percent will definitely be deducted before they pay us. They should even use it as credit for us, they will say no to the extent that officers will tell you to go and borrow money. Meanwhile, Public Relations Officer of the Ministry of Roads and Highways, Ahmad Nasir Yartey tells Citi News, the government continues to do its best, to settle contractors debts owed them. The assurance is that, for every quarter, the ministry releases money from the road fund so as and when we receive some releases, payments will be made. Government is committed to pay road contractors for the job they have done for this country, so we will continue to make the effort to ensure that they receive their payments. -citinewsroom Manasseh Azure Awuni 16.01.2023 LISTEN The Editor-in-Chief of the Fourth Estate, Manasseh Azure Awuni has shared that he believes government has run out of ideas on the Ghanaian economy. In his view, the indecisions of government have created uncertainty that can plunge the country deeper into an economic crisis. According to him, it is likely that the woes of the country could get to the point without redemption under the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government. Dear Government, Youve run out of ideas on the economy. Your indecision has created uncertainty and lack of trust that can plunge us deeper beyond redemption before you clinch an IMF deal, Manasseh Azure Awuni posted on Twitter on Sunday. The award-winning investigative journalist is proposing that government engage experts to solicit ideas on how to turn around the crisis facing the country. Let your team meet with experts, academics, and stakeholders in the financial sector. Meet and put the figures honestly before them. Let them bring their views on what you can cut and starve so that the country can move on, Manasseh Azure Awuni shared in his post on Twitter. He added, Nobody knows what will happen next. Many heads, at this point, will be better than that of the government alone. Hold an emergency Senchi-like meeting with those who matter and listen to alternatives. Do it before it gets too late. It keeps getting worse so act now. Thank you. The Member of Parliament (MP) for North Tongu Constituency, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has made a damning allegation against National Cathedral board member Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng. In a long post on social media, Okudzeto Ablakwa has revealed that the man of God used multiple identifications and has engaged in illegality. Unimpeachable and incontrovertible evidence confirms that Mr. Kwabena Adu Gyamfi is the famous Rev. Victor Kusi Boateng who still serves on the National Cathedral Board as an Executive Council Member/Director. For the avoidance of doubt, there is no distinct Kwabena Adu Gyamfi. Kwabena Adu Gyamfi is a criminal creation of Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng. The two are therefore one and the same. From unassailable and irreproachable documents in my possession, Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng AKA Kwabena Adu Gyamfi uses multiple passports and multiple identification cards with different names and different dates of birth as his special modus operandi, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa indicated in a post on Facebook. He further reveals, Its been very puzzling to further discover that the acclaimed man of God and confidant of President Akufo-Addo illegally has two Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs)P0002502682 and P000627241X. The Ghana Revenue Authority has made clear that each Ghanaian can only have one unique TIN and proceeds to prohibit individuals from having multiple TINs. With this argument, the North Tongu MP is demanding the immediate resignation of Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng AKA Kwabena Adu Gyamfi from the Board of the National Cathedral of Ghana. According to him, Rev. Victor Adu Gyamfi must be compelled to refund all taxpayer funds diverted into his company, JNS. Meanwhile, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa says he will be petitioning CHRAJ at 1pm today invoking its mandate under Article 218 of the 1992 Constitution to investigate the odious conflict of interest. In addition, the MP says he intends to file an urgent question when Parliament resumes for the Honourable Minister for Foreign Affairs to inform Ghanaians why Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng qualified for a diplomatic passport and the nature of due diligence, if any her ministry may have carried out. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa 16.01.2023 LISTEN Member of Parliament (MP) for North Tongu Constituency, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has confirmed that he will drag National Cathedral board member Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng before the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHARJ) for engaging in an illegality. In a long post on Facebook, the MP has revealed that he has uncovered that the man of God has multiple Taxpayer Identification Numbers contrary to the regulation of the Ghana Revenue Authority that prohibits same. Its been very puzzling to further discover that the acclaimed man of God and confidant of President Akufo-Addo illegally has two Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs)P0002502682 and P000627241X. The Ghana Revenue Authority has made clear that each Ghanaian can only have one unique TIN and proceeds to prohibit individuals from having multiple TINs, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa noted. Adding that Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng also moves around with multiple identifications, the North Tongu notes that he will file a petition against the National Cathedral board member later today at 1pm. I shall be petitioning CHRAJ at 1pm today invoking its mandate under Article 218 of the 1992 Constitution to investigate the odious conflict of interest, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa shared. Meanwhile, the MP says he intends to file an urgent question when Parliament resumes for the Honourable Minister for Foreign Affairs to inform Ghanaians why Rev. Victor Kusi-Boateng qualified for a diplomatic passport and the nature of due diligence, if any her ministry may have carried out. A leading member of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Gabby Otchere-Darko has reacted to the agitations by individual bondholders in the country with regard to the governments Domestic Debt Exchange programme. In a series of posts on social media, Mr. Otchere-Darko has shared that the mobilisation of agitation over individual bondholders poses a real and serious risk worse than what the country witnessed when the E-Levy was opposed. Ghana is in a very difficult place. What we are seeing with the mobilisation of agitation on individual bondholders poses a real and serious risk worse than what we witnessed when opposition to E-Levy succeeded in derailing an already shaky macroeconomic situation from 2021, Gabby Otchere-Darko shared on Twitter. According to him, the Domestic Debt Exchange programme is a necessary evil that must be accepted for the sake of the economy. He is of the view that it will be suicidal for the country and its economy for it to be rejected by individual bondholders. The debt exchange programme is voluntary for individual bondholders but a very necessary evil for our economy. Its success is critical to restoring macroeconomic stability, securing an IMF prog. It hits those of us holding bonds very hard. A straight no to it is no solution, Mr. Gabby Otchere-Darko noted. While arguing that refusal to conform to the programme may lead to national debt default, he further makes the case that if participation is low, Ghana jeopardize resolving the economic crisis and hardships it is facing. Im sorry but we have to face the hard/painful truths. We aint sitting pretty. Our focus must be on how the burden to individual bondholders may be possibly eased, but not to take the hardline position of simply saying no to participation. It will come back to hit us harder, Mr. Otchere-Darko added. These comments come after a group of individual bondholders came together last week to form the Individual Bondholders Forum. The Forum has already petitioned President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to exclude Individual Bondholders from the Domestic Exchange programme. Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu 16.01.2023 LISTEN The Minority in Parliament is demanding that government suspend its Domestic Debt Exchange programme amid agitations from Ghanaians. In the past week, individual bondholders have mounted strong opposition to the programme led by a new group called Individual Bondholders Forum (IBF). They argue that the Debt Exchange programme mocks hard work and robs individual bondholders of legally acquired property. Today, the Minority has joined in to fight on behalf of affected Ghanaians. Addressing a press conference on Monday, January 16, Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu stressed that government needs to immediately suspend the programme and resort to consultation with stakeholders. It is on this score, that we the NDC Minority Group calls on the Nana Addo /Bawumia Government to immediately suspend the ongoing Debt Exchange Programme. There should be deeper consultation and greater transparency about Ghanas total debt and its management, Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu told the media. The Minority is of the view that the future sustainability of the countrys insurance companies cannot be guaranteed under the poorly crafted Debt Exchange Programme. At the press conference, Haruna Iddrisu said the Debt Exchange Programme as proposed and implemented now cannot be in the interest of Ghanas financial institutions and insurance companies. It certainly is not in the best interest of Ghanaians, Haruna Iddrisu stressed. Meanwhile, the government has for the third time extended the deadline for the programme. The Minority in Parliament has expressed displeasure about the failure of the government to engage stakeholders on its Domestic Debt Exchange Programme. Addressing a press conference on Ghanas Domestic Debt Exchange Programme on Monday, January 16, Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu said his outfit demands that government immediately suspends the programme. According to him, governments failure to consult stakeholders on the programme shows how President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia have been running the countrys economy as though it is their private property. The Nana Addo /Bawumia Government cannot continue to manage Ghanas economy like a private entity. Ghanaians deserve to know how much is involved and how long the debt exchange will take. It is not just about peoples investment, but it is much more about peoples lives and livelihood. The Nana Addo /Bawumia Government should suspend the Debt Exchange Programme now, Haruna Iddrisu told the media at the press conference. The Minority is of the view that the failure of the Government to fully engage the relevant stakeholders in the Debt Exchange Programme has led to this confused state and implementation challenges. The Minority insists that the Debt Exchange Programme is a risk to financial institutions and insurance companies. The future sustainability of our insurance companies cannot be guaranteed under this poorly crafted Debt Exchange Programme. Indeed, the Debt Exchange Programme as proposed and implemented now cannot be in the interest of our financial institutions and insurance companies. It certainly is not in the best interest of Ghanaians, the Minority Leader added. At the press conference, Haruna Iddrisu emphasised that Individual Bondholders must be excluded from the Debt Exchange Programme of government. Two Chinese and four Ghanaians have been apprehended at Asemkrom in the Aowin Municipality of the Western North Region by Anti-Galamsey Watchdogs following their involvement in illegal mining activities in some cocoa farms near the community. Currently, the two Chinese together with their four Ghanaian accomplices have been handed over to the Aowin Municipal Police Command for further investigation and prosecution. Speaking to the public relations officer of the Anti-Galamsey Watchdogs, Ali Morro narrated how they got the illegal miners arrested. To be honest, the youth of Asemkrom has resolved that we will prevent any form of galamsey, and we will prevent it at all costs. We know the community more than anybody, we know the forest more than anybody, these are places that we were brought up. We will arrest anyone who attempts to indulge in any galamsey activities. The media in Ghana declared war against illegal mining activities popularly known as galamsey in 2017 to attempt to halt the consequences of the activity which continues to pollute water bodies and degrade the land. The General Secretary of the Great Consolidated Peoples Party (GCPP), Ato Dadzie, is alleging that President Nana Akufo-Addo is having sleepless nights in his attempt to find capable hands to replace two of his cabinet ministers who have resigned to pursue their ambitions of becoming flagbearers for the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP). It is believed that the resignation of the two ministers has triggered the call for the president to reshuffle his appointees. The replacement of the two ministers, namely Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen formerly of Trade and Industry and Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto, formerly of Food and Agriculture, according to the GCPP General Secretary, has become a nightmare for the president. Mr Dadzie who is a lawyer by profession made this allegation while speaking as a panellist on the Ghana Yensom morning show hosted by Odehyeeba Kofi Essuman on Accra 100.5 FM, Thursday, January 12, 2023. He said many of the NPP stalwarts are shying away from the appointments being offered them by the president because of the abysmal performance of the government in the last couple of years. He explained that many of the would-be appointees are not comfortable being a part of the government. The would-be appointees are rejecting the positions because they don't want to be seen as last-minute substitutes in the eyes of the public, he said. He further alleged that some of the capable hands who have been approached by the president have refused to be part of the Nana Akufo-Addo-led administration. He was of the opinion that the government in the last couple of years has not been attractive to Ghanaians hence the decision by the would-be appointees. He also said that popular party supporters are refusing to be a part of the government at this last hour. He stressed that many of the party stalwarts contacted by the president are refusing to take up the appointments because the government has underperformed to the disappointment of Ghanaians, particularly in the past year. According to him, he is on the side of the party stalwarts who are refusing to take up appointments at the last minute, adding that many of them want to see a dollar-pegged at GHS 4.20 pesewas. Which is it not the case as we speak? he quizzed. They also want to see Diesel being sold at GHS 5 per litre which is also not the case under the current administration, he concluded. Source: Classfmonline.com 16.01.2023 LISTEN Yaw Dabie Appiah Mensah, a leading member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Bono Region has implored delegates preparing for the NPP's presidential elections to re-think and vote for the Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia to lead the party in the Election 2024. As the head of the government's economic management team, he said the Vice President had proven critics wrong, brought the economy on track and restored the confidence and hopes of many Ghanaians in the midst of the global economic crisis. Mr Mensah, a former organiser of the NPP in the then Brong-Ahafo Region made the appeal in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Odomase in the Sunyani West Municipality on Monday. He explained that the Election 2024 remained crucial, and it would not be easy for the NPP to break the nation's eight-year political circle between the NPP and the National Democratic Congress (NDC). Mr Mensah said the Veep was not only a suitable flagbearer to lead the NPP in the next general election, but also the right President Ghana needs in the midst of the terrible economic situation across the globe. The Veep has stood the test of time and he knows and well understands the current national economic situation. If we do not want to run the country's economic development back and forth, then we must all accept and allow Alhaji Dr Bawumia to lead us to election victory in 2024, he said. Mr Mensah said although all the personalities who had shown interest to contest for the NPP's flagbearership slot so far, were all 'good presidential materials' and had proven track records in the country political space, and it would be in the supreme interest of the party if the delegates endorse the vice president. This is because, Dr Bawumia has not only marketed himself, but has also proven to Ghanaians that he holds the key to national economic reconstruction. Ghana's economy is now gaining momentum because of Dr Bawumia's abled economic management team, he stated. We must also be reminded that we need a presidential candidate who can lead the party to equally share or maintain or add more votes to the NPP votes in the Northern region. We should not try to overlook some issues because we all know the voting pattern in the North. Elections are numbers and we have to choose a candidate who can bridge the voting gap in the North, Mr Mensah added. The Former NPP Organiser said he hoped that the party's presidential elections would not divide the NPP's rank and file, saying the Election 2024 was very close and we must all try and avoid all tendencies that can narrow our political fortunes. GNA Former Deputy General Secretary of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Obiri Boahen has scolded Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe for questioning the contribution of Assin Central MP Kennedy Agyapong to the party. In an interview with Accra-based Joy News, the partys guru intimated that unlike Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Alan Kyeremateng, Kwabena Agyei Agyapong, and other names aspiring for the partys flagbearership slot, Mr. Kennedy Agyapong has done nothing to run for such a position except making noise. He further dared the legislator to come out and point out his contributions toward the party. "I don't know Kennedy Agyapong in the party. I know someone who makes noise at the party, but I don't know Kennedy Agyapong. We also keep praising people, but what has he done for the party? He should come out with it. I know those I've mentioned and the work they've done for the party," the formal diplomat and Ghanaian statesman said. Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe added, "He might have done something for the party, then he should come forward. I don't know what he has done for the party. "All the names I mentioned, including Bawumia, have definitely done something for the party." Reacting to it in an interview, Naa Obiri Boahen disputed Dr. Tamakloes claim, saying the Assin Central legislator has done more than enough. According to him, a dismissed party member like Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe should not be worrying about who leads the party because he is no longer a delegate. "I said what!" What is Nyaho-Tamakloe trying to say? In 2016 alone, Kennedy Agypong and Kutin bought almost a hundred pickups. He paid a debt of $3 million for the NPP, and that was even in the 90s," Obiri Boahen said. "Tell me which of the 275 constituencies in Ghana have not felt the impact of Kennedy Agyapong? I am with Bawumia; I am campaigning for Bawumia, but it doesn't mean I should sit aloof if someone says something about Bawumia's competitor, and I have details about it," he added. He stressed, "On what basis? Nyaho Tamakloe, just like Wereko Brobbey, has been dismissed. If Kennedy Agyapong is contesting, he needs the vote of NPP persons, so where do you come in?" According to Nana Obiri Boahen, Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe is not a founding father of the NPP because the party has dismissed him and Dr. Charles Wireko Brobbey, so journalists must stop referring to him as such. "Some journalists keep referring to him (Nyaho Tamakloe) as a founding member. At what point in time? If he is, we have dismissed him from NPP, so please have them stop that," he stated. The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr. George Akuffo Dampare has headed to Kumasi in the Ashanti Region following the death of a police officer and his family in a fire incident. The police officer with the anti-robbery unit of the Ashanti Regional Police Command has been burnt to death in a fire that gutted the Apromase Police Barracks in the Ejisu Municipality where he lived with his family. The officer died together with his wife, and child in the fire disaster on Monday, January 16, 2023 dawn. The bodies of the family have been deposited at the morgue. Assembly Member for the Apromase/Asawase Electoral area, Ernest Kwarteng, told this reporter that they are awaiting the experts to reveal the cause of the fire. According to eyewitnesses, the fire swept through one of the rooms and as we speak, a married man, the wife and daughter are no more. They have been burnt and the body deposited at the morgue. The police came in but we are waiting for the experts to come in to tell us exactly what happened, he said. Ghana has taken delivery of the first consignment of the gold for oil deal reached with the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The 40,000 metric tons of oil arrived at the Tema port on Sunday, January 15, 2023, according to the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources. The Energy Ministry, the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation and Oil Marketing Companies are to formulate plans for its distribution and sale. This according to the Lands Ministry will help reduce fuel prices in the country. Deputy sector minister, George Mireku Duker last week told Citi News the first consignment will arrive this week. The Vice President, last year announced plans by government to purchase oil from the UEA with gold to keep the country's forex. Though many have kicked against the move and questioned its sustainability, the Lands and Natural Resources Ministry says measures have been put in place to sustain it. ---Citinewsroom Nana Appiah Mensah (NAM1), founder of Menzgold 16.01.2023 LISTEN The founder of the defunct gold collectible firm, MenzGold, Nana Appiah Mensah known widely as MAM1 has asked aggrieved customers of the company to remain calm. The real customers whose investments are stuck in the firm due to the financial sector clean-up, he said, will be paid soon. The customers have held countless demonstrations, calling on the government to come to their aid and see to the payment of their money. A customer took to the comment section of NAM1s post that announced the coming back of Zylophone Media and humbly asked him when his money would be paid. "Nana hope youre fine please kindly pay me wai why you have pay some and leave some?I need my money," read a customer, Dr. Odaani ventures tweet. Nana Appiah Mensah wrote, "Dont worry, big man. Just a couple of months more. Obiaa )y3 real biaa b3 gy3 cash." Menzgold Ghana Limited which promised customers an average of 710 percent monthly returns on investments was subsequently shut down by the government of Ghana. Founded by Nana Appiah Mensah, the firm is reported to have initially traded as Menzbank, then changed to Menzbanc, and finally to Menzgold, due to warnings from the Bank of Ghana about the use of "bank" as a company name for a non-banking entity. Its operations were shut down in September 2018 by the Ghana Securities and Exchange Commission. The company's operating license, which had initially been granted in 2014 and was revoked by the Minerals Commission of Ghana, had primarily been for gold trading and export not to be taking deposits. Avoid risky sexual behaviour, Dr. Stephen Ayisi Addo, Programme Manager, National AIDS/STI Control Programme (NACP) has cautioned the public, especially the youth against engaging in risky sexual behaviour that may likely expose them to contracting HIV. As much as possible shun risky sexual behaviour, Dr. Ayisi Addo stated and urged the public to be bold in knowing their HIV status noting that, being aware of ones status is key to decision-making for positive living with or without HIV. Dr. Ayisi Addo gave the caution at the pre-launch event of a pragmatic national campaign focusing on HIV Self-Test (HIVST) kits at the Ghana News Agency Tema Industrial News Hub Boardroom Dialogue Platform. He expressed concern that about 1,422 children in Ghana tested positive for HIV by the third quarter of last year -January to September 2022 out of which a total of 693 were boys while 729 were girls. The regional data breakdown indicates that 279 were recorded in Ashanti Region; 237 cases in Greater Accra Region; 232 in Eastern Region; 118 in Bono Region; 96 cases in the Volta Region; 93 cases were recorded in Central Region; and 68 cases in Bono East Region. The other statistics were 62 cases in Western North; 47 positive cases were recorded in Ahafo Region; 42 cases in Upper West Region; and 41 cases recorded in the Northern Region. The rest were; 33 cases recorded in Oti Region; 30 in Western Region; and 20 cases in Upper East Region; 13 cases in Savannah Region; and eleven in the North East Region. On the HIV Self-Test Kits, Dr Ayisi Addo explained that a pack contains an instruction manual for use written in both English and Twi, a test device, a preservative, a developer vial, and a test stand. He said the instruction manual also has simple eleven steps to follow with graphic pictures to guide the individual to self-administer without the help of any other person. He added that the HIV self-test kits had been made available in some designated hospitals and pharmacies and would be scaled up to ensure easy accessibility, convenience, and confidential use by the general public. He said it would significantly improve HIV testing services towards universal health coverage. Dr. Ayisi Addo, demonstrated the use of the HIVST kits to the Ghana News Agency Tema Regional Team and invited them to champion the Advocacy for its use ahead of the national launch and campaign in the year ahead-2023. Mr. Francis Ameyibor, Ghana News Agency Tema Regional Manager noted that knowledge about your HIV status would ensure a healthy lives style whether positive or negative, one must live with a sense of responsibility. Persons whose test results are negative should receive counseling to enable them to remain free of HIV, while those who tested positive must be encouraged to seek treatment as the Ghana Health Service provides treatment to persons living with HIV by offering them free Anti-Retroviral (ARV) drugs. He said there is an urgent need to invoke an attitudinal change crusade through the encouragement and challenging people to know their status. Mr. Ameyibor lauded the efforts by NACP and other stakeholders for the initiative and called on the media to join the advocacy to achieve maximum impact through demystifying the myth surrounding HIV testing. -CDA Consult II Contributor I first met Frene Ginwala, first Speaker of the Parliament of a democratic South Africa, in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanganyika, in June 1962. I'd just attended the first Conference of African Writers held at Makerere University, Kampala, from June 11-17 of that year. I was 25 years old, and filled with that urge and zest characteristic of my age group that welcomed every possibility of adventure as if it was heaven-sent. So, having taken up the editorship of the Ghana edition of DrumMagazine for just over a year (Drum was founded in South Africa in March 1951 but soon sprouted editions in Ghana and Nigeria, as well as East and Central Africa;by 1962, it was the the most famous magazine in Africa) I was gogogogo! Now, I had developed, largely as a result of Dr Kwame Nkrumah's dynamic Pan-African policy after Ghana had obtained her independence in 1957 a very keen interest in the political situation in the rest of Africa during my years as a news editor at the Ghana Broadcasting System. But, of course, there was no money at the GBS to travel to the places in Africa that we broadcast about! But now, (june 962) there in my hands had come a ticket that would take me to Kampala, Uganda, and back. I sought out a very competent Travel Agent, and with his help, converted my ticket into a very complex but inexpensive one that would enable me to go from Uganda to Kenya, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, (as colonial Zambia and Zimbabwe were called at the time), as well as to Nyasaland (now Malawi.) I had a whale of a time in Kampala, but the place that I was dying to go to was Kenya. For out there lived Africa's greatest hero of the time, Jomo Kenyatta. Mr Kenyatta, a leader of the Kenya African Union, had been been imprisoned for almost ten years in 1952 by the British colonialists for allegedly leading an armed struggle by Kenyan African nationalists called (by the British) the "Mau Mau" rebellion. The Africans only wanted to take back their lands forcibly seized by armed white settlers, with the connivance of the British Government. The British used their superior arms to repress the rebellion mercilessly. But in 1961, the British caved in and released Mr Kenyatta. An Honourable Member of the Kenya Parliament by the time I was iin Nairobi, he was waiting in the wings to become Prime Minister! And, of course, I wanted an exclusive interview with him! I had arranged from Accra to see Mr Tom Mboya, a lieutenant of Mr Kenyatta's, about obtaining one. (Mr Mboya was receptive to the idea, because he had received a great deal of publicity, not least from GBS News, where I worked, when he was elected chairman of the famous All-African People's Conference that took place in Accra in December 1958. It was generally agreed that he presided over the conference brilliantly and we made no bones about telling the world so!.) In Nairobi, I had a nice interview with Mr Kenyatta, whom I came to admire even more, because when he ordered coffee for us in Parliaent Huse, he wouldn't tlucnh it until the waikter had wiped te able. "I hate dust" he opined. I enjoyed life greatly in Kenya for a bit, and then flew to Dar-Es-Salaam. I found the place bustling with intense activity, all aimed at liberating Africa. The Mozambican African leader of the time and founder of FRELIMO, the late Edouardo Mondlane, was based there, and I interviewed him. I was heart-broken when he was assassinated by the Portuguese secret police not too long afterwards. The assasination brught home to me, the true nature of brutal colonialism. Also in Dar, were many South Africans who had had to flee into exile, following the Sharpeville massacre of 21March 1960. What I thought were my discreet enquiries about who could arrange for me to visit South Africa clandestinely, led me to the doors of an Indian lady called Frene Ginwala. I went to see her in a nice little house she had in Dar-Es Salaam. I didn't know it then but she had done enormously heroic work on behalf of the African National Congress (ANC) after the struggle against apartheid was intensified, following the Sharpeville killings. As a lawyer and a journalist, she was so committed to the ANC that ignoring personal danger, she used her cover to chauffeur several of the organisation's leaders around the country, to raise funds for those who needed to be secretly housed while in hiding from the police, or to be helped to flee into exile. Specifically, it was Frene's valiant efforts that enabled the deputy president of the ANC, Mr Oliver Tambo, to escape to Tanganyika, by way of Bechuanaland (now Botswana). Mr Tambo became the be-all of the ANC in exile. Another ANC leader who was grateful for her efforts at helping him escape from the police was Dr Yusuf Dadoo, leader of the Defiance campaign in South Africa and a defendant in the South African Treason Trial of 1956. For all her heroic actions, Frene was as cool as a cucumber. When I told her that a colleague at Radio Ghana's Swahili section had promised to get me an interview with the Tanganyika leader, Mr Julius Nyerere, but that no-one in Mr Nyerere's office seemed to have heard of me when I went there to enquire abut the nterview, she calmly picked up the phone and spoke to Julius -- gently but directly -- about my problem. Julius asked her how long I would be in the country for, and when he was told that I would be there for only about a week, expressed his regret that he could not see me within such a short period, as his diary was full. He apparently expressed displeasure that the man to whom I had entrusted my request for an interview with Julius, had not carried out his task. I must say I was very impressed with Frene's gravitas! What about my proposed secret visit to South Africa? I told her I had written to the office of Prime Minister Verwoerd from Nairobi but had been told that my visit could not be permitted! However, I wanted the ANC to elp me to go and see apartheid for myself. Frene laughed and said she would see what she could do. Apparently, one of the apartheid regime's many spies among the exile community got wind of my plan and reported it to his bosses in Pretoria, for when I returned to Ghana, one journalist colleague who had contacts with all manner of dubious people told me that the South African secret police were waiting for you to go there. They would have tried you as a spy sent by Kwame Nkrumah and executed you! It would have made a very god story for them, showing them to be very alert in terms of security. I thanked my God that my plan hadn't worked out. What I learnt about the spies in the South African community in Dar-Es Salaam increased my respect for Frene Ginwala enormously. For it showed that she was in real danger of being killed, or kidnapped, by people she probably trusted, but who were double agents working for the apartheid regime. Frene Noshir Ginwala, who was of Indian descent, was born on 25 April 1932 in Johannesburg (in the province now known as Gauteng but formerly known as Transvaal, in South Africa.) She has just died -- on 12 January 2023 (aged 90). I regret to report. As already mentioned, she was the first Speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa, serving from 1994 to 2004. She was influential in the writing of the Constitution of South Africa and an important figure in establishing democracy in the cuntrhy. She was Chancellor of the University of KwaZulu-Natal; her Alma mater was the University of Oxford, England; after retiring as Speaker, she continued serving in a number of international organisations including UN subsidiaries, sering also as a Trustee of the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Frene was honoured with the North-South Prize[ 2003]; Order of Luthuli, [2005] and Order of the Rising Sun, 2008. A presidential candidate hopeful of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Mr. Ernest Kwaku Kobeah has said he is satisfied with the decision of the Party to peg the presidential forms for candidates at GHC500,000. According to Ernest Kwaku Kobeah, such an amount of money will help the party to raise some funds to support its activities ahead of 2024 elections. He said he is ready to pick the forms when the time is due. "NDC Party has been in opposition for almost eight years and as a Political party much money will be needed to file and run its activities as much as the amount seems to be high I am ready to pick the forms on 22nd February 2023, he stated. He is likely to join the race with Former President John Dramani Mahama and former Finance Minister Dr. Kwabena Duffour to battle for the 2024 NDC flagbearership position. Ernest Kwaku Kobeah is a businessman in the United Kingdom(U.K) and an astute NDC member who has contributed immensely towards party activities. He has the vision to build a new Ghana should the delegate give him the Presidential candidate position to run the party to victory in 2024. Mr Kwaku Kobeah Born in 1978 has spread his business tentacle across the borders of the United Kingdom, a modern sewage system expert and doubles as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of City Experts Limited Group in the U.K. He hails from Asante Mampong in the Ashanti Region and is a staunch member and a financer of the NDC. 16.01.2023 LISTEN It is trite knowledge that I'm an avid fan of President John Mahama. He is one of those few politicians whose conduct hardly betrays the trust of his supporters. It has just occurred to me that, maybe, John Mahama is too fine for our kind of politics. His philosophies, his deeds, his demeanour, in fact, his sheer presence ooz diplomacy. Simply put, President Mahama exemplifies humanity. His sterling qualities of diplomacy and love for peace and unity enabled him to navigate with admirable ease a situation that could otherwise turn acrimonious. During the campaign leading up to the just-ended national executives' elections of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), President Mahama remained faithful to the cherished democratic principle of the neutrality expected of him. Reports were rife of some candidates making frantic attempts at associating the Mahama brand to their campaigns. It cannot be said that President Mahama may not have had some preferred candidates, but he prioritized the party's interest over his private wishes; he levelled the grounds by openly dissociating himself from any camp and pledging to work with any candidate the delegates voted for. And, magically, such machinations ceased forthwith. The elections were clean and the NDC is standing strong. Matters however came to a head following the fallouts from the National Youth Organiser elections held in Cape Coast a week earlier. It saw one of the losing contenders, Ernest Yaw Brogya Genfi, flatly rejecting the results of the election then proceeding with a court action. One more time, President Mahama, as affable as he is firm, was the bridge that extended the olive branch to both parties. They smoked the peace pipe and reaffirmed their fidelity to the party. This simple but complex act ended the bantering, threats and bitterness, and with a united front the NDC is marching into the battle ahead in 2024. Back in the day when President Mahama was Vice to President John Atta Mills, his official residence was in Dzorwulu and so I happened to be one of his numerous neighbours. In fact, my house was barely a stone throw from his. Just in front of his house, church service was held every Sunday under a makeshift structure. It was utterly shocking to us in the neighborhood when the then Vice President allowed them despite the power at his disposal to ban such "noise making activities". It is, therefore, not surprising to me that President Mahama never fails to patch the differences of disputing parties. He is as peaceful as a dove. And, Ghana, having sunk so deep into a seemingly irredeemable economic crisis, is in urgent need of a John Mahama. Ghana needs a leader that listens to her people. We are yearning for a leader who is compassionate. A humble leader. Altruistic. We can do a lot more now with a leader who is frugal; Mahama had done it before. He is all this and more. He takes all the insults and still does the right things, a dead goat, right? He just won't bend so low to break Ghana's back just so he can stand tall. Ghana needs President John Dramani Mahama the second time. Waterz Yidana 16.01.2023 LISTEN Damilare Kuku, the author of "Nearly all the Men in Lagos are Mad," said that there are few coincidences in life. To her, only a few things on earth happen by chance. That is, there are just a few random events in life. To put it candidly, things happen for reasons; they do not just happen haphazardly. Everyone will attest to the fact that the Nanton constituency has been in the news for a number of days today. Yes, if you have not heard the news, I am breaking it to you that, in their MPs Performance League 2022, one virtually incognito research organisation ranked Nanton Constituency, and for that matter, the Member of Parliament for Nanton Constituency, in the 239th position out of the 275 MPs in the Parliament House of Ghana. On a regional basis, that is, the northern region in perspective, the Nanton Constituency and, for that matter, its legislator was ranked first from the bottom. That is to say, out of the eighteen parliamentary seats in the north, Nanton managed to be positioned at 18th. Yes, 18 out of 18, and, as a friend humorously put it, "the higher the rank, the poorer the performance," of course, according to the proponents of the research. Certainly, the methodology used by that nameless research institution might be disputable based on the criteria used. However, it is still so perplexing because of the kind of publicity that publication has gotten. Within the twinkle of an eye, it had already spread like wildfire, aided by gasoline; on social media, television, radio, and in the court of public opinion. Some see it as confirmation of their pre-existing beliefs about the MP, while others dismiss the source and call the research outlet's authenticity and veracity into question. Now, let us deal with the substantive issue. I do not think the furor surrounding the MPs' Performance League calls for the crucifixion of the Nanton constituents. Does it call for the hanging of the MP? Given that the publication is a factual reflection on the grounds, should the Nanton NPP throw up their hands in despair? Should the seat be given to the NDC on a silver platter? I personally think a collective retort to the above interrogations is a vehement "NO!" If the above questions are unanswered, the next line of inquiry might be: Is there optimism for Nanton NPP in retaining the seat come 2024? How are they going to retain the seat? Among the candidates who are eying the seat, who has the greatest possibility of saving the seat for the NPP? If you have reasons to choose, why do you go with your choice? In a candid response to the above questions, devoid of opacities, Alhaji Kamal-Deen Abdulai, the Deputy National Communications Director of the NPP, stands tall to safeguard the Nanton seat for the NPP. You may ask why, and in the words of Hon. A.B.A. Fuseini, when the barber is shaving your hair, you have to avoid touching your head; otherwise, the blade will cut you. Lol. In order to be laconic, I will present to you just three reasons why it ought to be Kamal-Deen for Nanton. First and foremost, do you think it is for no reason why Lawyer Haruna Iddrisu, the current minority leader, has had the honorary rank as the 3rd best performing MP in Ghana and the overall best in Northern Ghana? I guess you got it right. Simplicita, his vocality, and his connectivity. Whether you agree or disagree, regardless of which political party is in power, the minority leader is vocal and well-connected. And that is a unique similarity Kamal-Deen has with him. Come on! Once again, take a second glimpse at Kamal-Deen; cant you see the Haruna in him? The vocality and network of the NPP Deputy National Communications Director make him the perfect replacement to redeem the unfortunate incognito tag that Nanton carries at this moment. We can all agree that the political genre brand "Kamal-Deen" has not been in Ghanaian political hegemony for the time being, and one should not underestimate this humble yet assertive political gemstone's capability and get-the-job-done posture. To get the job done in an orthodox constituency like Nanton, an unwaveringly courageous persona like Kamal-Deen's, who understands himself and his occupation (politics), is required. Secondly, the Nanton Constituency ought to count itself among the blessed ones in this NPP administration. You should not believe I am committing heresy or mocking Nanton constituents. Nanton is revered and dignified, far from being ridiculed. Consider why Nanton Constituency is sanctified in this regime: it has a sitting MP, Alhaji Mohammed Hardi Tuferu, who doubles as a Deputy Agriculture Minister, Hon. Napaga Tia Sulemana, hitherto a Presidential Staffer, promoted to the coordinator of a state agency, thus, Coordinator of Special Development Initiatives, and of course, Alhaji Kamal-Deen Abdulai, a Deputy National Communications Director of the NPP and a Board Member of Tema Oil Refinery. Two capable gentlemen and a greatly capable lady are excellent. Yes, they are all capable, but among all the better, there is always the best. When it is said to be the best, it is the best; there is no other best than the best. And Kamal-Deen is the best among the rest. Why is he the best? I get your question. He is more a party comrade, well grounded in the party, and works for and with the party bigwigs and grassroots. Such a personality is said to be part of both the bullied and the bullies, and it is said that the most resiliently experienced man is one who has worked with the bullies yet suffers with the bullied. Such a man can survive in any climate or on any It is possible to argue that, of the three, Kamal-Deen is the most outstanding party member, serving the party day in and day out and thus existing as long as the party does. He could be thought of among the three as an indestructible commodity, valid in all circumstances. As already made known to you, there are innumerable reasons why Kamal-Deen stands tall among the three, and two have been presented thus far. Lets go with the ultimate one. That has to do with his superb organisational strength and his zeal to empower others. When it comes to the ability to organise a party to jerk to work, he is second to none. This he demonstrated unequivocally when he was appointed to lead the NPP's National Office of the Zongo Coccus. He performed that job better than Napoleon could. He left an unprecedented record of electrifying the Zongo communities to vote massively for the NPP in the 2016 general elections. Among his thrilling accomplishments at the Nasara Wing was organising the first ever National Nasara Conference of the NPP. Establishment of a Nasara Communication Team to communicate the goodwill of the NPP to the Zongo communities. Indeed, Kamal-Deen's tenure as the NPP's commander-in-chief of the Zongo communities was a watershed moment for the Zongos. Yes, his organisational skills are unmatched. It is exciting to reveal that, despite never having the knot to lead the NPP in the Nanton Constituency in the 2020 election, he wholeheartedly empowered nineteen Electoral Area Coordinators with royal motorbikes. No electoral area coordinator was left. Youth empowerment with jobs? From October 2022 to January 2023 alone, Kamal-Deen has secured and delivered two substantive appointment letters by hand to two youthful indigents of Nanton Constituency, and secured over 20 YEA engagement letters for Nanton! If you despise this, what else do you need? No wonderthe Kamal factor has now twisted the Nanton constituency totally blue for the NPP. To this effect, the constituents have nicknamed Kamal-Deen "Malizali Naa," to wit, the Chief of Good Deeds. May God bless the proponent of this nick name. I will be wholly dishonest and inept if I do not share an uninduced Facebook post from one of the prodigious NPP social media communicators in the constituency, who is identified on Facebook by the name "Topper Class." The Ultimate is here, to canvas, to bring back lost hopes and ignite the dying constituency from poor leadership!!! K4Nthe journey has begun . I leave you with my iconic remark; this is not my hand! Indeed, the NANTON Constituency has seen what it wants, and that is KAMAL-DEEN. KAMAL-DEEN has seen where he fits, and that is the Nanton Constituency. May Kamal-DEEN have a long reign in Nanton. By Alhassan Abdul-Latif [email protected] A. Latif Zoonaayili [email protected] The founder of the defunct gold collectible firm Menzgold is planning a come back. However, the 'new dawn' he spoke about has got many Ghanaians, especially aggrieved customers of Menzgold incensed as they believe their locked-up funds do not bother the business mogul. In a post shared on his Twitter handle on Sunday, January 15, the owner of the once-popular Zolophon Media said his outfit will be back stronger and exceptional in no time. "A new dawn for Creative Arts, Mass Media, Sports, Science & Information Technology. A brand new organization. A giant leap into everlasting glory. Anticipate the NEW ZYLOFONCreativity, Innovation and technology," read his tweet. Having seen the post, which had no connection with Menzgold customers, a customer, identified as Dr. Odaani Venture, asked, "Nana, hope you're fine. Please kindly pay me wai. Why you have pay some and leave some? l need my money." Nana Appiah Mensah responded by telling the customer and his colleagues to exercise a little patience, as their money will hit their accounts in a couple of months. "Don't worry, big man. Just a couple of months more. Obiaa )y3 real biaa b3 gy3 cash, NAM1 calmed the customer. Members of African Faith Terbenacle Church (Odifo Nkansah Asore) are accusing the District Chief Executive for Atiwa East in the Eastern Region, Hon Kwabena Panin Nkansah who is the chairman of Atiwa East District Security Council (DISEC) of using security personnel to intimidate church members any time they want to have a program at Anyinam, their own National/International headquarters' mission house. According to them, after the death of the Spiritual Head and Leader of the Church, the late Superior Prophet David Nkansah II, about a year ago, the family of the late leader are litigating with the Church and its current leaders over the selection of the next leader. They are also accusing the abusuapanin of the late Prophet's family, Opanin Ampadu and the DCE, Hon Kwabena Panin Nkansah, who is a relative of the late leader of always using the policemen and other security officers to intimidate the church members in their own premises. Briefing Newsmen on the current situation of the church, the National Public Relations Officer of the Church, Chief Pastor Jacob Kwesi Rockson noted that members of the church have been denied the opportunity to hold their first National General Meeting at their own headquarters. He added that the members of the Church were peace loving people, "so they will continue to remain calm, but when pushed, force could be applied." He, therefore, appeals to the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, the Interior Minister Hon. Ambrose Derry and other authorities to intervene to avert any unfortunate incident. The National Youth President of the Church, Chief Pastor Ebenezer Nkansah Twum Barima stated that the leadership of the Church has chosen a leader in the person of Chief Pastor Stephen Frimpong Nkansah, who must be respected. He noted that the family has no right to choose a leader for the church since the leadership position of the church is not an inheritance. "The indigenous Spiritual Church, which was founded in the year 1919 and is more than 100 years old, cannot be headed by a person who is not even a member of the Church," The National Youth President noted. Meanwhile, the Anyinam District Police Commander, DSP Raymond Mahama Iddrisu has denied the allegation of intimidation noting that the Police and DISEC only want to maintain peace and stability in the area which reason they prevented the Church members from holding their meeting on that premises. All attempts to contact the DCE for his comments on the issue proved futile. Richard Asamoah, 39, a carpenter standing trial for unlawful possession of Indian hemp has been remanded into Police custody by a Hohoe Circuit Court. Asamoah's plea of not guilty was not taken, and he will reappear before the court, presided over by Mr Michael Johnson Abbey, on January 24. Chief Inspector Charles Aziati, prosecuting, told the court that on January 6, this year, at about 1500 hours, personnel of the Volta North Regional Police Command, Hohoe acted on intelligence to the effect that some people were compressing dried leaves suspected to be Indian hemp into sacks at Gbefi near Golokwati. He said the Police proceeded to the community and succeeded in arresting the accused person in a room in one of the houses, adding that a search conducted in the room revealed a quantity of dried leaves in a sack with some tied in pieces of rubber bags. Chief Inspector Aziati said the accused person was arrested and sent to the Regional Police Headquarters with the exhibits for investigations. He said when the accused person was questioned, he stated that he visited the community from Accra to attend a friends funeral and a friend called Cherobin, at large, gave him a room to lodge. Chief Inspector Aziati said Asamoah said whilst lodging, he visited the bathroom to take his bath. Upon his return to dress up, the Police entered the room and arrested him. GNA A 52-year-old trader, who allegedly took GHS28,000.00 from a driver under the pretext of obtaining a Mexican Visa for him but failed has been granted bail by an Accra Circuit Court. He is said to have travelled to Kumasi to attend to his sick mother and used the money to settle her mothers medical bills. Mr Michael Adjei Gyasi, charged with defrauding by false pretense pleaded not guilty. The Court presided over by Mrs Susana Eduful admitted the accused person to GHS 80,000.00 bail with two sureties to be justified with a title document in their name. The case has been adjourned to March 8, 2023. The fact as presented by Police Inspector Okuffo Teye was that the complainant, Mr Sampson Dzelu, was a driver and a resident of Amasaman, while the accused person resided at Taifa. The prosecution said on June 20, 2022, the complainant together with a witness in the case, brought his boss to Kotoka International Airport to travel. It said both the complainant and the witness met the accused person, who told the complainant that he also brought his passengers. The prosecution said the accused person further stated that he worked at Mexico Embassy in Accra. It said the accused person asked the complainant if he had a dream of travelling and the complainant said, his boss was at the States and that when he got the opportunity, he would love to join him outside. The prosecution said the accused person assured and convinced the complainant that if he gave him GHS28,000.00, he could easily acquire Mexican Visa for him without any difficulty or stress. It said the complainant became convinced and both exchange contact numbers. The prosecution said on June 25, 2022, the complainant received a phone call from the accused person, which indicated that he had a slot from his workplace but he decided to give the said opportunity to the complainant to travel. It said the complainant told the accused person that he was not having money, but he would inform him when he got some money. The prosecution said on June 30, 2022, the accused person contacted the complainant again and told him that that was his chance and that he did not want him to lose the opportunity. The prosecution said the complainant became convinced and decided to give it a try. It said the complainant went and sold his car at a cheaper price and gave the GHS 28,000.00 to the accused person to secure the said visa for him. The prosecution said the accused person after succeeding in taking the money gave a month to the complainant to come for his visa. It said the complainant contacted the accused person after the expiration of the one month, adding that the accused person picked the call and assured the complainant to start his preparation toward the travelling and that everything was ready. The prosecution said a few days later, the complainant called the accused person again, but his mobile phone was switched off and every effort made by the complainant to get the accused person proved futile. It said the complainant, who became unemployed after disposing off his car kept on searching for the accused person at both embassies in Ghana and Airport but to no avail. The prosecution said the complainant met a Senior Immigration Officer who worked at Airport (KIA) and gave the description of the accused as well as his picture to assist him get the accused person. It said on January 6, 2023, the accused person was arrested at Kotoka International Airport by the Immigration Officer. The prosecution said the Officer called the complainant and identified him as the one who allegedly duped him. It said the accused person was subsequently brought to Nima Police Station where an official case was lodged. The prosecution said during investigation, the accused person admitted the offence in his investigation caution statement and told the Police that after he collected the money from the complainant, he travelled to Kumasi to attend to his sick mother and that he had used the money to settle her mothers medical bills. GNA Some continuing students of the University of Ghana (UG), have been left stranded on campus following the recent universitys new residential policy. On Monday, January 16, 2023, some affected students of Commonwealth hall numbering about 40 were turned away by security personnel of the school from accessing their hall. The new directive to reassign continuing students of Commonwealth and Mensah Sarbah halls to other halls comes on the back of numerous clashes recorded between the respective halls in times past. Speaking to Citi News, some of the stranded students called on the UG management to listen to their plea, as the other arranged accommodation is way too high for them to afford. A level 300 student, Fred Oppong said, I dont have any relatives in Accra, so if Im not being permitted to enter the hall, the best I can do is to loiter around till daybreak. I assumed the management will go by the courts injunction, but the situation is different looking at the situation. As we speak, school is in session and I have to forfeit my classes today, just because I dont have a place to sleep. I dont have anywhere to sleep, my things are up there. I dont have a place to lay my head. I believe management is supposed to listen to us, we are appealing to them to give us our hall back. At least they should give us a place to sleep. We dont have any place to sleep. They should come to our aid, A final-year student, Divine Kwaku Kyere appealed. Background Per the new residential policy, continuing students are supposed to occupy other halls apart from the Commonwealth and Mensah Sarbah halls to make way for level 100 and graduate students. In the case of Mensah Sarbah hall, only the male continuing students will exit. There was heavy security presence on campus on January 12, 2023, as the students returned to campus. Some continuing students of the Commonwealth hall were stranded over the policy. Some students of the Commonwealth hall secured an interlocutory injunction on January 6, 2023, restraining the management of UG from implementing the residential policy decision but some of the students accused the management of the university of turning a blind eye to the court order. Asked by host of Eyewitness News, Umaru Sanda, on January 12, 2023, if the UG disregarded the interlocutory injunction, the Senior Assistant Registrar at UG, Madam Pascaline Songsore pointed out, no, we have said time and again in the notice released on January 11, 2023, that those residents in the halls were assigned to the halls before the injunction came. We made it clear in the notice that, we are not going against the injunction. The issuance of halls to level 100 students has ceased till we have the injunction time run out. Our lawyers are working on that, so there is no flouting of anything [injunction] at this stage. The rooms were occupied before the injunction came. By Citi Newsroom 16.01.2023 LISTEN One person has been shot in Buipe after the youth in the area massed up at the Damongo Police station demanding the immediate release of eight people arrested for allegedly burning houses belonging to some Fulanis. The arrest came after a call by Buipewura Abdulai Jinapor II to the police to arrest the perpetrators. The youth of Buipe led by the Gonja Land Youth Association have been protesting the enskinment of a Fulani chief for Mande, a suburb of Buipe. The Buipe youth got agitated over the enskinment of Fuseini Musah Buri as the Fulani leader in Mande. The overlord of Buipe has since reversed the enskinment. Some eight people were arrested by the police after they allegedly demolished some houses and sent them to the Damongo Police station. However, irate youth in Buipe besieged the police station demanding the release of their colleagues. In a bid to disperse the youth, the police fired warning shots hitting one of the youth in the process. The injured person has been sent to the hospital for treatment. -citinewsroom January 16, 2023 Ukraine Open Thread 2023-16 Only for news & views directly related to the Ukraine conflict. The current open thread for other issues is here. Please stick to the topic. Contribute facts. Do not attack other commentators. Posted by b on January 16, 2023 at 16:28 UTC | Permalink Comments next page In her winning essay for the Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET) Dream Big! Competition, Wallingford resident and Mercy High School junior Maya DelGreco shared ways the school system can better support students mental health. I wrote about mental health in schools, specifically, DelGreco said. The prompt was what are some issues that students face in school and you can pose a solution in the essay. I said that mental health facilities and people are not available for a lot of kids at school. CHET is Connecticuts 529 college savings plan, said Tony Durkan, vice president, head of 529 and CHET relationship manager at Fidelity Investments. The program is a great way for families to save for rising education costs, and family and friends can contribute to your childs account easily online, Durkan said. The best part there are no fees and no minimums to open a CHET account, and there are several tax advantage offers on contributions and earnings growth. The CHET Dream Big! Competition started in 2013. Since then it has awarded over $4.5 million to Connecticut students, helping them pay for future educational expenses, Durkan said. This years competition was open on Sept. 7 and closed on Oct. 21 to Connecticut students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. Students could submit drawings, short essays or videos answering a question posed to their grade level group. DelGreco, 16, wrote about mental health since it was the first thing that popped into her mind after reading her prompt. She wrote the essay when she was a student at Lyman Hall High School. Recently, DelGreco transferred to Mercy. Its personal for me and I know it affects a lot of kids at my school and everyone that I know pretty much, DelGreco said. I know that it is an issue for a lot of kids and when I saw the prompt, I was like, Oh, I am going to write about that. For grades 9-12, DelGreco was the grand prize winner, winning $25,000. Durkan said winners were selected by a panel of judges. The winners were selected by a panel of judges who evaluated each grade level group (K-4, 5-8, 9-12) based on a set of pre-determined criteria including creativity, ability to express inspiration, relevance to the entry theme and more, Durkan said. Through her essay, DelGreco said that some of the ways she would advocate for better mental health support in the school system is by writing a letter to the Board of Education to try to get them to take action. Theres a need there and it really needs to be addressed and its probably state-wide, said Michael DelGreco, her father. Sofia Valentina Ruiz, an eighth grader at Middle School of Plainville, was the grand prize winner for grades five through eight. She won $25,000 that she said would go toward her college education. Ruiz, 13, wrote about improving her community by getting Hispanic voices heard through having an assembly or speech on racism and equality. While Ruiz said her mother encouraged her to enter this contest, she said she thought this is also a good way to get my voice heard, to get people that look like me, that share my language and culture out there and to realize that anything can happen at any moment without any witnesses. I am extremely lucky to have this opportunity and that people like me from different backgrounds can do the same, Ruiz added. Ruizs parents Areen Torres Ruiz and Orlando Ruiz said that this contest helped their daughter develop her voice, as she is learning how to advocate for herself and for others. jsimms@record-journal.com203-317-2279Twitter: @jessica_simms99 Yves here. On the one hand, retired Erich Vad, German general/former military adviser to Angela Merkel, speaking out against how the West is going about the Ukraine war is a break in narrative conformity. Or is it? His remarks appeared in Emma, Germanys answer to Ms, and hence a small circulation outlet, unlike, say, Merkels interviews about her Minsk accords duplicity in Zeit and Der Spiegel. So one has to assume no outlet more establishment will let Vad-type criticisms see the light of day. This is in contrast to rising unhappiness among the business community and ordinary citizens over the costs of the conflict, both to the budget and the economy. Helmer says that Vad has been attacked in the German press for his remarks. If so, that would be a promising development, since it would mean the Emma article is getting traction. By John Helmer, the longest continuously serving foreign correspondent in Russia, and the only western journalist to direct his own bureau independent of single national or commercial ties. Helmer has also been a professor of political science, and an advisor to government heads in Greece, the United States, and Asia. He is the first and only member of a US presidential administration (Jimmy Carter) to establish himself in Russia. Originally published at Dances with Bears The German generals are trying it again. Thats the Wolfs Lair plot of July 20, 1944. To save themselves, they are begging their counterparts in Washington, DC, to find a way to lose the war in the Ukraine as quickly as possible without losing the US empire in Germany. This means overruling or replacing, not only Vladimir Zelenskys regime in Kiev but also the Green Party ministers in power in Berlin, Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock, and maybe Chancellor Olaf Scholz to boot. The Wehrmacht plotter this time is a retired brigadier general named Erich Vad (lead image, right). As German military officers go, hes unusual. He was trained by a German-born Israeli infantry general turned academic. Vad then reached generals rank, according to a senior German politician, but never led a battalion, never led a brigade, and was never deployed in active operations; he is a desk general. Vads self-advertisements mention no active service or combat command. Instead, he has filled advisor posts at the Bundestag (2000-2006) and the Chancellery (2006-2013) when Angela Merkel was chancellor. Since 2014 he has been selling his advice either through Vads own consulting firm in Munich or a Swiss intermediary company in Zurich. Merkel appointed Vad for the German military and the armaments industry to have a voice inside her office. Because they didnt regard Vad as one of their own, Merkel promoted him to generals rank. The bomb Vad has just placed under Zelenskys table and under the Green ministers desks in Berlin can be spotted in an interview he published last week in Cologne. In his new press statement, as in every one of them since he left the Chancellery in Berlin, Vad is a supporter of war with Russia and its allies. It was and is right to support Ukraine, he declares at the beginning, and of course Putins attack is not in accordance with international law. In July 2014, in his German press debut, Vad supported Germanys role, alongside the US, in bombing Serbia. As is well known, the situation for thousands of innocent people only changed when NATO soldiers set foot on Balkan soil. As Vad wrote this, Merkel had participated in the US overthrow of the Yanukovich government in Kiev; she had also begun her secret plan to rearm the Ukraine, and deceive Moscow of the German intention. A few days after Vads interview, after the Kiev regime arranged the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, Merkel vetoed a Dutch scheme for a NATO intervention in the Donbass. Vad had been warning Merkel to rearm Germany and the Ukraine before committing forces Merkel had adopted Vads buy-time line. In 2014 Vad didnt mention the word Ukraine, but he expressly supported Merkels notion of rearming Ukraine to fight Russia, particularly if it was profitable for German business: A responsible security policy, he said in mid-July 2014, also means supporting our partners [Ukraine] in the world across the entire spectrum of our capabilities, from development aid and good governance to equipment assistance and arms exports. As a global economic and financial power, we must not shirk our international responsibility. It is hardly comprehensible that pacifism in this country can go so far that we must not enable countries that act or want to act politically in our interest with the necessary means e.g. with armaments without the usual cries of horror. If we Germans ourselves do not want to or should not become militarily active worldwide, then we must at least be allowed to help those who are important for our national security interests in the hot spots of this world. In 2016, when asked to describe in detail what he had advised and agreed with Merkel in the earlier years, Vad said next to nothing. In his latest press statement, dated January 13, 2023, Vad has warned that the Scholz governments decision to supply the German-made Marder infantry fighting vehicle, in a joint rearmament plan with the US and France, is a military escalation, also in the perception of the Russians, even if the 40-year old Marder is not a miracle weapon. We go on a slide. This could develop a momentum of its own that we can no longer control. Vad means the war in the Ukraine has already passed the point at which the US and German military believe they can control the outcome. Now the consequences must be finally be considered this is Vads acknowledgement the war against Russia is being lost in the Ukraine. Asked what consequences he means,Vad has replied with rhetorical questions: Do they want to reconquer Donbass or Crimea? Or do they even want to defeat Russia completely? Vad was identifying the goals of the civilian leaders in Berlin and in the State Department. We have a military operational stalemate, but we cannot resolve it militarily, he noted, adding this is also the opinion of the American Chief of Staff Mark Milley. What Vad was implying was not stalemate but defeat defeat by the Russian Army of the war allies in the Ukraine, including all the NATO reinforcements and operational plans. Those, Vad has dismissed: There is no realistic end-state definition. He has then attacked the Green Party ministers in the German ruling coalition explicitly Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, and implicitly Economy Minister and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck. I am glad that we finally have a foreign minister in Germany, but it is not enough to just engage in war rhetoric and walk around Kiev or the Donbass with helmets and flak vests I do not understand the Greens mutation from a pacifist to a war party. I myself dont know of any Green who has even done military serviceThe fact that a single party has so much political influence that it can manoeuvre us into a war is worrying.. February 8, 2022 Annalena Baerbock (right) with Ukrainian military escort in the Donbass. Vad also attacked Scholz. Asked if he were his military adviser, what advice would he have given in February 2022. I would have advised him to support Ukraine militarily, but in a measured and prudent manner in order to avoid the effect of sliding into a war party. And I would have advised him to influence our most important politically ally. Because the key to a solution to the war lies in Washington and Moscow. Vad repeated this message. The key to resolving the conflict does not lie in Kiev, nor does it lie in Berlin, Brussels or Paris. Vads interviewer didnt notice the German general had not included London, and was ignoring the British in NATO and in their special relationship with the US. Vad was also attempting to appeal to the Pentagon to save the situation. General Milley, Vad said, has spoken an inconvenient truth. A truth that, by the way, was hardly published in the German media. What is being waged in Ukraine is a war of attrition This strategy did not work militarily then [1914-18] and will not do so today. To his German audience, Vad was also reminding them of the threats to German economic survival and political independence which followed the armistice of November 1918 and terms of the Versailles peace treaty of June 1919, and then led into World War II. General Mark Milley, November 17, 2022. He then attacked the Scholz coalition for propagandizing the older German war aim without the military capacity to implement it against the Russian forces. Military experts [and those] who know what is going on among the secret services, what it looks like on the ground and what war really means are largely excluded from the [German public] debate. They do not fit in with the formation of media opinion. We are largely experiencing a coordination of the media, the likes of which I have never experienced before in the Federal Republic. Vad was implying there had been a stronger resistance to the war policies of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, but not now against Baerbock, Habeck, or Scholz. [From the German press] this is pure propaganda. And not on behalf of the state, as is known from totalitarian regimes but out of pure self-empowerment. The Greens, FDP [Free Democratic Party] and the bourgeois opposition flanked by largely unanimous media are exerting such pressure that the chancellor can hardly resist it. Their war against Russia, Vad is warning, is not only lost in the Ukraine. It is threatening to destroy Germany in a Third World War. And thats exactly what doesnt get into the minds of politicians and journalists here in Germany! Germany is and remains an endangered nation, Vad declared, adding that only the Americans can save the Germans from themselves now. I myself am a convinced transatlanticist. I tell you honestly, when in doubt, I would rather live under American hegemony than under Russian or Chinese hegemony. He then revealed what he, his allies in the German General Staff and in German business circles want the Pentagon to negotiate with the Kremlin before the Russian Army advances to the further destruction of Ukraine. What is left of this country? It is razed to the ground. It is true that we must signal to the Russians: this far and no further! How far across Ukrainian territory is that Vad wasnt asked and didnt say. Nor did he disclose the terms which he and his German and US associates think can be negotiated in an agreement with Moscow against the resumption of the war against Russia in future. In fact, he doesnt abandon the US-German war against Russian hegemony at all. According to Vad, if the Pentagon concedes Russias very specific geopolitical interests in the Black Sea region, if the Donbass and Crimea remain Russian, the territorial integrity of Ukraine would have to be restored, with certain Western guarantees. And the Russians also need such a security guarantee. Exactly what guarantee can be negotiated after Merkel and ex-French President Francois Hollande have admitted their deception planning, Vad hasnt advised, at least not in public. The West can send 100 Marders and 100 Leopards they do not change the overall military situation. And the all-important question is how to deal with such a conflict with a belligerent nuclear power mind you, the strongest nuclear power in the world! without going into a Third World War. And thats exactly what doesnt get into the minds of politicians and journalists here in Germany! Left the Schutzenpanzer Marder 1, produced by Rheinmetall Landsysteme Maschinenbau in Kiel, between 1969 and 1975. Right, the Leopard main battle tank by Rheimetall and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Maschinenbau of Kiel. Kiel voters think war against Russia is good for their incomes and have voted Green to achieve that result. In the last federal election of 2021, the Kiel vote saw the Greens gain almost 14% to score 28% of the total, while the Social Democratic Party lost ground but held on to the seat with 29.5%. Just over two thousand votes separated them. The anti-war Left and AfD candidates lost ground in Kiel, ending up with 5% and just over 7,000 votes each. How does Vad and the Germans he is speaking for distinguish themselves now from the Wolfs Lair plotters who believed with secret US encouragement between 1943 and 1945 that if the Wehrmacht could get rid of Hitler, they would make their deal with President Franklin Roosevelt to preserve Germany and continue the fight against the Kremlin? On one point, Vad is conceding the Russian Army is now more powerful by several magnitudes than it was in 1945, and Germany weaker by even greater magnitudes. And the US too, in Europe. This is the meaning of Vads phrase describing Russia mind you, the strongest nuclear power in the world! In such a balance of forces, Vad has calculated that Germany cannot survive as it has until now if the US protectorate is defeated in the Ukraine. He is also implying that the US protectorate which has now replaced Russian-made or locally made arms in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Greece, and Cyprus in exchange for expensive US rearmament, will also collapse into a rout. Excellent! A veteran German banker with longstanding ties to the Chancellery in Berlin comments. For once a moderating voice! From the German media Vad has been attacked for publishing the opposite reasoning of the US State Department and other military experts, and for whitewashing the war crimes of the Wehrmacht. According to Volksverpetzer, which claims to be a crowd-funded fact-checker, under the guise of expert status, [Vad] can then circulate narratives that almost coincide with Russian propaganda and are celebrated by those who spread pro-Russian narratives and disinformation. In his role as an expert, he first announces the defeat of Ukraine, then downplays attacks by Russia, talks about a nuclear war if heavy weapons are supplied, and denies, contrary to the assessment of many other experts, that Ukraine can win the war. There are other military experts who deserve this status without fear that there might be a politically tinged agenda behind their argument (source). All in all, the favourite general of the New Right seems more like a mouthpiece of Putin than a voice that can seriously assess the current situation. Yves here. Across the American economy, we are seeing the high cost of American rentierism, reflected among other things in a profit share to GDP that for year has been roughly twice the level Warren Buffett deemed unsustainably high in the early 2000s. We have an overpriced, underperforming military, an overpriced, underperforming higher education complex, and an overpriced, underperforming health care system, on the what appears to be unrealistic assumption that real world results matter. And a particularly disgraceful aspect our shoddy health care performance is the ruination of Medicare. Its isnt just that the the Federal government has failed to use its ginormous buying power via Medicare, Medicaid, the VA and other programs, to rein in drug prices. Nor has it sought merely to set prices or limit price increases on drugs that use intellectual property funded by the Federal government. It is also that Medicare is being crapified directly. The first way is via the standard of care being eroded even under traditional Medicare, for instance with wellness exams replacing annual physicals.1 But even worse is the Medicare Advantage scam, which pretends to be Medicare but offers a lower level o service (narrow networks, gotcha terms for surgeries and hospitalizations). Readers who advise the Medicare-eligible find that most people who can afford to pay the premiums opt for Medicare B and perhaps a supplemental program too, while the lower income choose Medicare Advantage. So Medicare Advantage is a vehicle for creating a two-tier program. By Wendell Potter, the former vice president for corporate communications at Cigna. He is now president of Business for Medicare for All and author of bestselling books Deadly Spin and Nation on the Take. Originally published to Common Dreams Right now, well-funded lobbyists from big health insurance companies are leading a campaign on Capitol Hill to get Members of Congress and Senators of both parties to sign on to a letter designed to put them on the record expressing strong support for the scam that is Medicare Advantage. But here is the truth: Medicare Advantage is neither Medicare nor an advantage. And I should know. I am a former health-care executive who helped develop PR and marketing schemes to sell these private insurance plans. During my two decades in the industry, I was part of an annual collaborative effort to persuade lawmakers that Medicare Advantage was far superior to traditional Medicarereal Medicare. We knew that having Congressional support for Medicare Advantage was essential to ensuring ever-growing profitsat the expense of seniors and taxpayers. We even organized what we insiders derisively called granny fly-ins. We brought seniors enrolled in our Medicare replacement plans to Washington, equipped them with talking points, and had them fan out across Capitol Hill. Instead of joining with the corporate lobbyists in extolling the benefits of Medicare Advantage while obscuring the programs numerous problems Congress should work to lower the cost of health care. I regret my participation in those efforts. Over the 20 years since Congress passed the Medicare Modernization Act, the Medicare Advantage program has become an enormous cash cow for insurers, in large part because of the way they have rigged the risk-scoring system to maximize profits. As Kaiser Health News reported last month, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimated net overpayments to Medicare Advantage plans by unconfirmed medical diagnoses at $11.4 billion for 2022. That was for just one year. Imagine what the cumulative historical total would be. The Medicare and Medicaid programs have become so lucrative and profitable for insurers that UnitedHealth Group, the nations largest health insurer and the biggest in terms of Medicare Advantage enrollment, got 72% of its health plan revenues in 2021 from taxpayers and seniors. In fact, all of UnitedHealths enrollment growth since 2012 has been in government programs. Enrollment in the companys employer and individual health plans shrank by 370,000 between September 30, 2012, and September 30, 2022. Much of the $81 billion UnitedHealth collected in revenues in the third quarter of last year was subsidized by American tax dollars. Members of Congress on both sides of the political aisleand both sides of the Capitolare at long last calling for more scrutiny of the Medicare Advantage program. Sen. Chuck Grassley has called for aggressive oversight of Medicare Advantage plans to recoup overcharges and was quoted in the Kaiser Health News story. As was Sen. Sherrod Brown, who said that fixing Medicare Advantage is not a partisan issue. And as Rep. Katie Porter commented, When big insurance bills taxpayers for care it never intends to deliver, it is stealing our tax dollars. I know that Democrats and Republicans alike care about the financial stability of the Medicare program. Instead of joining with the corporate lobbyists in extolling the benefits of Medicare Advantage while obscuring the programs numerous problems, and in the process helping Big Insurance make massive profits, Congress should work to lower the cost of health care. Medicare Advantage is a money-making scam. I should know. I helped to sell it. And Im going to continue working alongside patients, caregivers, and elected officials to address the problems. _______ 1 Yes, there is an argument that annual physicals arent really necessary (erm, then why does insurance for younger people pay for them?). But IMHO an annual blood workup is a good idea. (Natural News) The so-called deep state massively overplayed its hand with covid. Much of the globalist playbook has unraveled as a result, with 2023 quickly shaping up to be the year of the conspiracy theory being proven as conspiracy fact. In the years since this psychological operation and test run for global tyranny was first launched, millions have awakened to the fact that we are all being lied to and have been getting lied to for many decades. Now, the house of cards that held up the charade is starting to fall. The following 10 conspiracy theories will likely be proven true as conspiracy facts in 2023: 1) The January 6 insurrection was staged by the FBI, the DoJ, and other intelligence agencies We will likely never know the full story as many so-called Republicans are in on it, too, but there is growing evidence to suggest that the Capitol melee from early 2021 as well as many other false flag events in recent years was anything but organic or grassroots. 2) Covid vaccines are a death sentence It is already becoming undeniable, even to the most diehard vaccine zealots, that covid shots are deadly. No matter how the deep state tries to spin it, the shots are responsible for a massive uptick in sudden deaths that have no other possible cause besides these experimental medicines. 3) Communist China controls the U.S. government The Biden regime, along with other political dinosaur dynasties like Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell, are on the dole, and thus heavily controlled, by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP is also in charge of large finance operations like BlackRock. 4) David DePape has a much darker relationship with Paul Pelosi than we are all being told Try as they might to shroud the truth, the establishment cannot contain what will be revealed about David DePapes relationship with Nancys husband there is much more to this story than meets the eye. 5) We will soon know what Trumps Mar-a-Lago files really contain The establishment is trying really hard to keep it under wraps, but the truth about the Mar-a-Lago raid will come to light. Chances are the FBI is behind it all, and that the goal was to prevent Donald Trump from exposing the Russia-hoax documents. (Related: Youth transplants are another conspiracy-theory-turned-fact that was blown wide open in the past year.) 6) The Democrats will replace Joe Biden Bidens days in the White House are numbered. Chances are he will be replaced by a Democrat superstar like Michelle Obama. 7) Ukraine is a hotbed of bioweapons development for the deep state The Ukrainian biolaboratories are real, and we will soon learn why billions of American tax dollars continue to flow straight into Volodymyr Zelenskys coffers. 8) The Left wants to normalize and mainstream pedophilia All the LGBT propaganda, including drag queen story hour and the sexualization of children, is about normalizing and mainstreaming pedophilia, which is the next phase of the Lefts perversion agenda. 9) The World Economic Forum wants to turn humans into transhuman Matrix-style robots Globalist bodies are working hard via artificial intelligence (AI), vaccines, and other tools to transform humanity into glorified Matrix-style batteries that function within a fake reality known as the metaverse. Transgenderism is the warm-up for turning all living humans into trans-humans. 10) Your smartphone is a spy device for tracking your every move These things are not intended for convenience: they are tools of oppression and totalitarianism that are designed to allow entities like the FBI and CIA to manipulate you and track your every move. The latest news about what comes next can be found at Collapse.news. Sources for this article include: HeadlineUSA.com NaturalNews.com (Natural News) A growing group of sheriffs in Illinois are vowing not to enforce provisions of a new gun control law passed by the Democrat-controlled General Assembly and signed by Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker this week. The statute, which is being heavily criticized as anti-Second Amendment and potentially unconstitutional, not only calls for banning new sales of so-called assault weapons, but while it allows current owners to keep the weapons they have, they must register them with the Illinois State Police, and that is where the sheriffs have drawn a line. According to The Epoch Times: The Democrat-controlled state legislature imposed a ban on a variety of semiautomatic guns, magazines, and devices that allow a weapon to fire more quickly on Monday. The Protecting Illinois Communities Act passed the Illinois Senate on Monday night by a vote margin of 3420. The bill makes it illegal for Illinois residents to purchase, transfer, or manufacture assault weapons and extended magazines. According to the bills language, an assault weapon is a semiautomatic rifle that can accept a detachable magazine and has a pistol grip or thumbhole stock, a flash suppressor, a grenade launcher, a barrel shroud, or other characteristics. Im signing this legislation tonight so it can take immediate effect, Pritzker said in a press conference, local media reported on Tuesday. In a letter posted to Facebook, Greene County Sheriff Rob McMillen wrote that he plans to follow his morals, beliefs, and obligations concerning protecting the rights of the citizens of his county. These types of laws put law enforcement officers and prosecutors in a very precarious box, with us having to decide to not enforce laws that were passed by government bodies, McMillen wrote. But, as your Greene County Sheriff, I cannot sit back and let laws strip Greene County citizens of their constitutional rights, and not take a stance supporting the citizens against a government that wants to trample on their rights. Meanwhile, Iroquois County Sheriff Clinton J. Perzee noted in a letter of his own, The right to keep and bear arms for defense of life, liberty and property is regarded as an inalienable right by the people. I, among many others, believe that HB 5471 is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. His letter followed a Dec. 13 vote by the Iroquois County Board implementing a measure that forbids the use of county funds, appropriation, personnel, or property to enforce the law, The Epoch Times noted further. Perzee said that neither he nor his office will be checking to ensure that lawful gun owners register their weapons with the State, nor will we be arresting or housing law abiding individuals that have been arrested solely with non-compliance of this Act. Clinton County Sheriff Dan Travous, Macoupin County Sheriff Shawn Kahl, and Monroe County Sheriff Neal Rohlfing all made similar statements and commitments to their residents. Also, Madison County Sheriff Jeff Connor, in conjunction with the countys States Attorney Tom Haine, noted in a joint statement that they expect the law will face legal challenges and trust that this legislative overreach will not stand. In the meantime, we remain focused on reducing violent crime, their letter reads. Therefore, pending further direction by the courts, the Madison County Sheriffs Office will not expend its limited resources to check whether otherwise law-abiding gun owners have registered their weapons with the State, nor will the Madison County Sheriffs Office be arresting or housing otherwise law-abiding individuals solely due to non-compliance with [the law]. Edwards County Sheriff Darby Boewe also took to social media with an almost identical vow not to enforce the law. Part of my duties that I accepted upon being sworn into office was to protect the rights provided to all of us, in the Constitution, Boewe wrote on Facebook. One of those rights enumerated is the right of the people to KEEP and BEAR ARMS provided under the 2nd Amendment. The right to keep and bear arms for defense of life, liberty and property is regarded as an inalienable right by the people. Logan County, Kankakee County, Piatt County, LaSalle County, Knox County, Pike County, Putnam County, St. Clair County, Union County, Wabash County, Woodford County, Williamson County, Wayne County, Shelby County, Ogle County, Jo Daviess County, and more posted similar letters. Sources include: TheEpochTimes.com CharlieKirk.com (Natural News) Brazil is collapsing further into chaos following what appears to be a sham election to install a left-wing ideologue and convicted criminal in power over a conservative-leaning president whose crime was to put his own country above all others, like Donald Trump did with America during his term. But according to several videos that have been posted to social media, there are other similarities as well: Those videos appear to show a stunning parallel between the deep-state-induced riot at the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021 which Trump opponents used to go after his supporters and his Republican Party and similar protests taking place in Brazil, as reported by Revolver News. When you disenfranchise people enough, they will eventually rise up and fight back. And thats whats happening right now in Brazil; as thousands of angry Bolsonaro supporters stormed Congress, the outlet reported this week. According to the UKs Daily Mail, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, playing the deep state globalist card, reacted similarly to Democrats in the U.S. after the Capitol incident. He branded them vandals and fascists with scenes being similar to that of Trump supporters January 6 take-over. The outlet continued: The supporters of far-right ex-President Jair Bolsonaro invaded the Congress building, the Supreme Court, presidential palace and are calling for the military to overthrow current President Luiz Inacio. Left-wing veteran Inacio has only been in power for a week, after being inaugurated a week ago as supporters of the former president claim the election was stolen. And now, of course, Brazilian government officials are now vowing to hunt down anyone involved in the protest at the Congress, like Democrats did in the U.S., even going so far as to imprison dozens of Trump supporters for more than a year without allowing them to bail themselves out or scheduling a trial. The new communist government will probably take a page out of the Biden regimes playbook and turn their own citizens into political prisoners, Revolver News reported. The Daily Wire made the connection as well: According to President da Silva, all of the rioters will be identified and punished for their actions as well as pledging to find those who have paid for the movement. United States President Joe Bidens administration condemned the attacks, with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken calling the protests attacks on Brazils Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court in a Tweet Sunday afternoon. Using violence to attack democratic institutions is always unacceptable. We join @lulaoficial in urging an immediate end to these actions, he added. URGENTE: Invasores quebram vidracas da chapelaria do Congresso e invadem a Camara dos Deputados. Extremistas ja estao no Salao Verde e nos anexos do predio. Tambem houve invasao ao Palacio do Planalto. Presidente Lula nao esta no local. pic.twitter.com/lP91pLqTuf Renato Souza (@reporterenato) January 8, 2023 President Joe Biden, right on cue from his handlers, also chimed in, claiming its outrageous when he was asked about the Brazilian situation during his sanitized first trip to the U.S.-Mexico border he made chaotic. Its likely that Brazilians were coaxed into entering the Congress building by government agitators like Trump supporters were, as noted by J. Michael Walling, an expert in spotting false flag events. He noted in a first-hand account of the Capitol riot on Jan. 6 in a column for The Federalist just a week after the incident that he was certain cadres of deep state agitators were responsible for whipping the crowd into action: Plainclothes militants . Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform; . Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform; Agents-provocateurs . Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving; . Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving; Fake Trump protesters . A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and . A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches. The globalist left operates from the same play book, as we have seen in the U.S. and Brazil in just the past couple of years. Thats how counterrevolution is launched. Sources include: NaturalNews.com Revolver.news (Natural News) Chairman of Childrens Health Defense (CHD) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other plaintiffs have filed a lawsuit against the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) alleging antitrust and First Amendment violations. (Article by Dan Frieth republished from ReclaimTheNet.org) TNI, launched in March 2020, is a coalition of some of the worlds largest news organizations, including the Associated Press, the BBC, the Washington Post, and Reuters, who partnered with Big Tech with the aim of stopping the spread of misinformation. Kennedy, CHD, and several other organizations, journalists, and individuals filed a lawsuit in the District Court for the Northern District of Texas-Amarillo Division alleging that these legacy news organizations partnered with Big Tech to collectively censor online news about COVID-19 and the 2020 presidential election that did not align with the official narratives. We obtained a copy of the complaint for you here. All the plaintiffs claim they were penalized by Big Tech platforms through censorship, shadow-banning, de-platforming, and de-monetization because of content they published that TNI deemed misinformation or disinformation. The result was a significant loss in visibility and revenue. My uncle, President Kennedy, and my father, the attorney general, sought to prosecute antitrust laws that are still on the nations books, with vigor, Kennedy told The Defender. As private enforcers of those laws, we are confident that the federal court in Texas will vindicate our bedrock freedom to compete with legacy media in the marketplace of ideas. CHD president Mary Holland said: Im glad that CHD is bringing this case. We are hopeful we will get a fair hearing, and Im glad that we are together with other organizations that have also been harmed by these corporate and governmental censorship policies. To have a free society, you have to have free speech, you have to have a diversity of views. We dont have the same views as all of the other plaintiffs by far but we want to protect the marketplace of ideas. If in fact the government and the corporations they collaborate with can engage in censorship and propaganda nonstop, and there are no alternative voices, democracy is dead. The lawsuit notes that there are two categories of TNI members: legacy news organizations and Big Tech platforms. The TNI exists to, in its own words, choke off and stamp out online news reporting that the TNI or any of its members peremptorily deems misinformation, the lawsuit states. TNI members have targeted and suppressed completely accurate online reporting by non-mainstream news publishers concerning both COVID-19 (on matters including treatments, immunity, lab leak, vax injury, and lockdowns/mandates) and U.S. elections (such as the Hunter Biden laptop story). It adds: By their own admission, members of the [TNI] have agreed to work together, and have in fact worked together, to exclude from the worlds dominant Internet platforms rival news publishers who engage in reporting that challenges and competes with TNI members reporting on certain issues relating to COVID-19 and U.S. politics. While the Trusted News Initiative publicly purports to be a self-appointed truth police extirpating online misinformation, in fact it has suppressed wholly accurate and legitimate reporting in furtherance of the economic self-interest of its members. The lawsuit claims this is an antitrust action and notes, Federal antitrust law has its own name for this kind of industry partnership: its called a group boycott and is a per se violation of the Sherman Act. Group boycott is a concerted attempt by a group of competitors to disadvantage [other] competitors by cut[ting] off access to a facility or market necessary to enable the boycotted firm[s] to compete. To support the allegation, the lawsuit cites several public statements made by TNI members. In March 2020 then-senior news controller at BBC News Jamie Angus explained TNIs strategy to beat disinformation: Because actually the real rivalry now is not between for example the BBC and CNN globally, its actually between all trusted news providers and a tidal wave of unchecked [reporting] thats being piped out mainly through digital platforms. Thats the real competition now in the digital media world. Of course, organizations will always compete against one another for audiences. But the existential threat I think is that overall breakdown in trust, so that trusted news organizations lose in the long term if audiences just abandon the idea of a relationship of trust with news organizations. So actually weve got a lot more to hold us together than we have to work in competition with one another. The lawsuit explains: Plaintiffs are among the many victims of the TNIs agreement and its group boycott. Plaintiffs are online news publishers who, as a result of the TNIs group boycott, have been censored, de-monetized, demoted, throttled, shadow-banned, and/or excluded entirely from platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. The plaintiffs said that the lawsuit has legal precedence, a 1945 ruling by the Supreme Court involving the Associated Press. The AP, a news industry partnership, prevented non-members from publishing certain stories. Non-members sued under the Sherman Act, but the AP argued that its actions were legal under the First Amendment. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs. Writing for the majority opinion, Justice Felix Frankfurter said that the First Amendment rests on the assumption that the widest possible dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources is essential to the welfare of the public, that a free press is a condition of a free society. Surely a command that the government itself shall not impede the free flow of ideas does not afford nongovernmental combinations a refuge if they impose restraints upon that constitutionally guaranteed freedom. Freedom to publish means freedom for all, and not for some. Freedom to publish is guaranteed by the Constitution, but freedom to combine to keep others from publishing is not. Freedom of the press from governmental interference under the First Amendment does not sanction repression of that freedom by private interests. Holland explained that the lawsuit only targets TNIs legacy news organizations because Big Tech firms have very serious, very binding arbitration provisions that require legal challenges against them to be filed in the courts of northern California. Northern California is Silicon Valley. Its their turf, said Holland. And so, we decided, in order to be able to file in a jurisdiction that we believe will be more neutral on these issues we elected to file in Texas just against the legacy media. However, he added, they could still be liable because the conspiracy between legacy media and Big Tech will incorporate all of them. If there is a conspiracy, theyre all liable, not just those who were named as defendants. Explaining how TNI acts as a global media monopoly, Holland said: They couch what theyre doing, their conspiracy to suppress independent media, i.e. the voices of dissent about election information and COVID information, as a need to preserve the trust of the people and upgrade the trust. By censoring independent voices, what theyre doing is economic suppression. Antitrust is against trusts, its against monopolies, and what the TNI has done is essentially create a global media monopoly in the English language. Read more at: ReclaimTheNet.org (Natural News) As medical systems continue to facilitate harmful protocols that injure and maim, as pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines fail to prevent and treat basic infections, governments will inevitably be used to restrict harmless natural medicines that the people use to stay well in their own homes. New Zealands Labour Party introduced a new Therapeutic Products Bill that restricts the use of herbal products that people use to treat infections and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some of the targeted substances are basic foods and spices. Others are great treatments for coronavirus and flu infections. New Zealand looking to deploy medical cartel, restricting natural products More than half of people in New Zealand now use natural products and herbal medicines to support a healthy immune system. As more people figure out how to self-medicate and treat infections from home, the medical cartel must intervene and restrict their availability. This will be the job of a newly appointed regulator who will be given fraudulent new powers to control the availability of herbal medicines and natural products. This new regulator will be able to make unilateral decisions about specific herbal products. The government has already compiled a list of 300 natural products that they hope to restrict and eliminate from the country. These include effective treatments for covid-19. Quinine, the base compound behind hydroxychloroquine, is targeted. Sweet wormwood, which is also an effective treatment for covid-19, is on the list for removal. Hibiscus, a potent antiviral, will also face restrictions. Basic plant-based medicines like aloe vera and cinnamon are also on the chopping block. These regulations will affect the products manufacture, prescription, importation, advertisement, supply, and export. The new regulatory framework for natural substances will force natural product manufacturers to pay more, resulting in higher prices for the consumer. The new regulations will be funded with new levies on the industry, forcing small scale manufacturers out of the market. WHOs cartel arm trying to gain authority over herbal medicines The Labour Partys new bill allows the newly-appointed regulator to use law enforcement tools, including criminal offenses, liability offenses, infringement notices. The natural products will be subject to licensing-controlled activities market authorizations, post market surveillance, and regulatory compliance. In 2017, the Labour Party tried to prohibit these common herbal medicines and natural supplements, but they failed, due to vocal public opposition. Now the Labour Party is appealing to the false authorities granted through the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA). The ICMRA is nothing more than a cartel arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), which lists itself as an observer of the ICMRA. Founded in 2012 under the 65th World Health Assembly conference, the ICMRA was created to address current and emerging human medicine regulator and safety challenges globally. The ICMRA is working behind the scenes to disrupt the availability of traditional remedies. With drug regulatory bodies from 22 countries and the European Union, the ICMRA is most concerned with the publics growing interest in natural products around the world. If the global authority was doing its job as stated, then the covid-19 vaccine, the flu vaccine, remdesivir and other harmful drugs and protocols would be recalled, eliminated, and shut down around the world. Instead, the international body is looking to fight natural substances like aloe vera. Health Minister Andrew Little said the bill will enable New Zealand to take advantage of advances in medicine, such as cell and tissue therapies, emerging gene therapies, and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning software. By targeting traditional medicines and restricting their availability, New Zealand will be able to leverage risk-proportionate approval systems that according to the Health Minister, will improve access to necessary and life-saving medicines, such as vaccines in a pandemic. The New Zealand parliament is taking public comments on the matter until February 15. Sources include: Expose-News.com NaturalNews.com NaturalNews.com Naturalpedia.com Parliament.nz (Natural News) If you dont believe 2+2 equals 5, then you are a racist and a homophobe, says Rapper Hi-Rez in his new song and video posted on YouTube and Instagram, that calls out how twisted and warped the whole Leftist push is in America to turn everyone into perverted, distracted, confused, and communist-led sheeple. The 30-year-old Rapper Hi-Rez was born Jesse Friedman in the Bronx, New York. He describes himself as a free-thinking, God-fearing Jew. His video parody on everything thats wrong with CRT (critical race theory) and transgender-everything influencing in schools starts off with a special guest, who comes into the classroom as a new student the one and only Dr. Robert Malone, who invented mRNA vaccines (and has lately exposed their deadly dangers). Are your kids confused about CRT, transgender teachers, and common sense thinking? Watch this hip-hop educational video Did you know that in America, simple math has changed, and now 2 plus 2 equals 5? If you argue with that, then you are a racist and a homophobe. Did you know there are litter boxes in public school bathrooms (in Michigan) for the furries (kids who identify as cats)? Were you aware that male teachers at liberal-run schools can dress like female strippers and read stories to elementary grade students, even at daycare centers? Did you know that being patriotic now makes you a domestic terrorist? According to the Far Left freaks in Washington DC, if you protest anything corrupt that the current administration is guilty of, you can serve indefinite prison time while being abused and starved to death in your jail cell. It seems as if the whole world has gone mad teaching kids that basic math is racist, and that biological men can give birth to babies. The liberal teachers across America are teaching the students that if you are born white, you are automatically a racist and a bigot, no matter what you say or do. Did you know that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, but if you dont give them all your support and money, you are a Russian-sympathizer who hates all innocent foreigners and is anti-immigration? If you dont want a nuclear war with Russia, then you are a domestic terrorist and a threat to this nation, according to the Biden Regime and the crazed Leftists, as we learn more in this parody video by the highly-talented rapper Hi-Rez. If your neighbors dont comply with the insane Biden Regime mandates, you are supposed to report them to the authorities Did you know that America is run by communists right now? Most Americans are so brainwashed by the system and the media that they dont realize it. Communist sheeple are highly influenced by propaganda to hate each other for all kinds of reasons, and this keeps them confused, distracted, and unable to focus on anything that really matters, like family, values, ethics, morals, financial stability, independent thinking, and more. By influencing citizens to be paranoid of each other, thinking were all out to ruin each other and our country, the leaders in Washington DC can continue engaging in nefarious activities that make them richer, more powerful, and all while reducing the population through toxic medications, toxic food, and deadly vaccines. Thats the communist playbook and its unfolding under our very noses, especially in the liberal-led school systems. Thats why this parody video is so genius, well-written and perfectly performed. It gets the message across very clearly, while teaching its viewers and listeners how ABSURD these reverse-racist CRT curriculum trends and trans-everything themes really are. Tune your internet frequency to gender.news for updates on Leftists trying to turn everyone into perverted, distracted, zombie-like morons who worship corrupt leaders and beg for more police-state tyranny. Help end the woke indoctrination in our schools! Sources for this article include: NaturalNews.com Gender.news (Natural News) Former U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who later became a member of the board at Pfizer there is that revolving door again bullied Twitter into censoring New York Times reporter and author Alex Berenson for questioning the safety and effectiveness of covid mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines. This is one of the latest revelations to emerge from the so-called Twitter Files, an ongoing trove of truth bombshells that is quickly unraveling the covid scamdemic piece by piece. In essence, we now know that government-industry insiders pressured social media platforms like Twitter to censor and ban accounts that in any way defied the official covid story Berensons being one of them. It was none other than Berenson himself who tweeted on January 9 that Gottlieb used the exact same Twitter lobbyist that the White House did to suppress debate on Covid vaccines. Berenson went on in the same tweet to thank billionaire electric vehicle (EV) guru Elon Musk, Twitters new owner, for opening these files. (Related: Covid was never about public health it was all about propping up the corrupt financial system for just a little bit longer.) In August 2021, Berenson added in another tweet, Gottlieb told Todd OBoyle a senior manager in Twitters public policy department that a tweet from Dr. Brett Giroir claiming CORRECTLY that natural immunity was superior to vaccine immunity was corrosive and might go viral.' That tweet was given a misleading tag to prevent it from being shared, after which Gottlieb shifted his sights to a tweet from Justin Hart explaining that children almost never contract covid. That tweet was likewise slapped with a misleading label to stifle its visibility. Pfizer paid Gottlieb $365,000 (that we know of) in 2021 for stifling free speech on social media All of this was happening around the time when Pfizer was desperately seeking authorization and approval for children to get jabbed with its covid injections. Gottliebs interference helped Pfizer to get that much needed authorization-approval, adding billions of dollars more to its profit streams. This past October, Gottlieb tried to play coverup by claiming on Twitter and on the financial fake news empire CNBC that he was never trying to suppress debate on mRNA injections. He just so happens to sit on the board of a company, Pfizer, that made $70 billion in profits on these shots. It is just a coincidence, Gottlieb wants us to believe, that he was actively working to suppress the spread of information that might hurt his companys jab sales. Gottlieb was just trying to protect public health, he expects us all to now believe, and never had any vested interest in suppressing the truth. Gottlieb received $365,000 from Pfizer in 2021 for his work in suppressing free speech on Twitter but this is not why he did it, Gottlieb now claims. No, Gottlieb is just a do-gooder who values human health and hates misinformation, he now expects us all to believe. So many people need to swing for all the lies, wrote a commenter about these latest Twitter Files revelations. Meanwhile, Moderna joins Pfizer in raising the price of the death jab to $130 per dose, added another. They couldnt pay me enough to get these pointless shots. Pfizer is the most disgusting and untrusted of all the drug companies, not that Moderna or J&J give a hoot either, wrote someone else. They will poison the American people for a buck. They have their dirty hands in everything. Justice has some billionaires getting fair trials and then fair hangings, suggested another. You will find the latest Twitter Files drops at Censorship.news. Sources for this article include: TheGatewayPundit.com NaturalNews.com Shark sightings reaching almost 90 incidents have been reported in Western Australia over the past week, according to local sources. The growing threat poses the risk of increased shark attacks to swimmers, surfers, and beachgoers in the state, where local officials had imposed several measures such as beach closures and shark monitoring efforts. Western Australia Shark Sightings In the past week, at least 88 sharks have been observed between Jurien Bay and Esperance, which includes a 4-meter great white shark seen 500 meters offshore near Michaelmas Reef in Albany last Thursday, January 12, as reported by PerthNow, Perth and Western Australia's leading news outlet. The sightings include the tiger shark sighting near swimmers at Whifords beach in Hillarys last Friday, January 13, which led to the closure of the nearby Mullaloo beach. In separate incidents, Mullaloo and Bunker Bay in the South West region were also closed earlier last week before Friday due to multiple shark sightings. Experts believe that sharks are getting closer to the shoreline and to beachgoers due to changing environment along the food web. In particular, both natural and human-induced factors like rising temperatures and overfishing are causing the predators' prey to migrate. In addition, research has shown that ocean warming caused by the climate crisis is causing sharks move away from the depths. Dr. Leonardo Guida, a shark scientist at the Australian Marine Conservation Society, told "Millsy and Karl on 6PR Breakfast" that around 1 in 7 sharks in Australia currently facing extinction, as cited by Australia's 6PR news. Also Read: Weird Shark with Rough Skin, Exposed Teeth, Swollen Eyes Caught in Australia: Internet Debates Species 2022 Sydney Shark Attack In 2022, there have been 15 shark bites recorded in Australia, including zero provoked attacks and 1 fatality, according to the shark monitoring site Tracking Sharks. The victim of the fatal shark attack was identified as a British man, in an incident which will be known as the Sydney shark attack, which also went viral on social media due to a video that surfaced showing that man's floating half-eaten body. It was February 2022 when British expat and diving instructor Simon Nellist, 35, went into Little Bay when he was killed by a 3-meter great white shark during afternoon hours. Global Related Incidents Australia is one of the shark hotspots in the world where a number of both shark sightings and encounters have been reported in its coastline in recent years. There have also been incidents of fatal incidents involving unsuspecting human victims and different shark species during what is believed by many to be unprovoked shark attacks, leading to beach closures, search operations, and other measures. In Australia, there is a total of 12 unprovoked shark incidents recorded across the country in 2021, according to the International Shark Attack File of the Florida Museum. Includes in this figure, six shark bites occurred in New South Wales, two of which were fetal. Four bites occurred in Western Australia, where one is fatal. Lastly, single related incidents each occurred in Queensland and Victoria. Furthermore, related incidents have been recorded worldwide, according to the said shark incident database. The US has recorded the highest number of most unprovoked shark bites in 2021, with 47 confirmed cases with one fatality. The North American country is followed by Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, and New Caledonia on the list. Related Article: Great White Shark Attacks Australian Teenager by Blasting a Hole Below His Kayak The birth of a new West African Chimpanzees at the Chester Zoo in the United Kingdom helped to bring hope for conservation and protection efforts for critically endangered animals. The Chimpanzee at Chester Zoo is also called one of the rarest chimpanzees. Experts and scientists called for urgent efforts to save the species from extinction. Western Chimpanzee at Chester Zoo According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, western chimpanzees are classified as critically endangered, suffering from habitat loss, hunting and climate change threats. The Guardian reported that the population of the rare western chimpanzees has declined, reaching about 18,000 chimpanzees. Commonly, the habitat of western chimpanzees can be found in parts of west Africa in the jungles and forests. However, their rare species have ways to adapt to their environment for survival. As a result, the birth of a male chimpanzee at the Chester Zoon is a sign of hope for the animal's species. The Guardian reported that the baby chimpanzee was in good shape and health and happily bonding with his mother. The report explained that the chimpanzees would be named after a pop or rock star, adding that some of the names in the Chester Zoo are related to rock stars. The birth of the male western Chimpanzee helps add more population as the said animal suffers greatly. As a result, the zoo has been working hard to conserve the animal. According to the New England Primate Conservancy, western chimpanzees are considered extinct in some countries. In addition, the report said that the rare chimpanzees are smaller than the Central Chimpanzees. However, they could live up to 50 years in captivity and 15 to 25 years in the jungle or wild. Meanwhile, conservation zoo director Mark Jordan explained that the western Chimpanzee lost about 80% of its population in the last 25 years. The arrival of the new western chimpanzees at the Western Zoo also marks hope that the animal would be saved from possible extinction. In addition, the CBC report said that the western Chimpanzees in captivity help to protect the critically endangered animal from the threat of extinction due to population decline. Know more about the Chimpanzee The New England Primate Conservancy said that female western Chimpanzee appears smaller than male ones. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) added that the chimpanzees or chimps are social animals, enjoying their time on tree tops. WWF explained that chimpanzees are also considered one of humans' closes cousins due to their unique behavior and genes. The report added that chimps suffer from pervasive threats. It is because the disease also infects Chimpanzees. Also Read: Fascinating Study Finds First Evidence of Lasting Social Relationships of Chimpanzees and Gorillas in Wild However, the report emphasized that poaching is a top threat to chimps. They can become victims of hunting and bushmeat rampant in West and Central Africa. The infant or younger chimpanzees are taken away to be sold in black markets or cities. Due to rapid decline, the conservation and protection of chimpanzees are important for the environment and the animal's rare species. Related Article: Whale Sighted Off North Carolina's Coast Suffers from Fishing Gear Entanglement, Serious Injury; Experts Raise Concerns For more similar, don't forget to follow Nature World News. Chinese Proficiency Test held first time in Iraq to boost Chinese language learning Xinhua) 13:21, January 16, 2023 BAGHDAD, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- The Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), or the Chinese Proficiency Test, was held in Baghdad on Saturday for the first time, allowing Iraqi Chinese language learners to take the exam in the country without traveling outside. The test was held at the Iraqi-Chinese Friendship Association in cooperation with the Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd, with the participation of 12 students, including three women. The participants included merchants, engineers, doctors, and students who intend to obtain a master's degree from China, and who wish to improve their work or living in China and learn more about Chinese culture. "Today, we have finished the Chinese language test in the Iraqi-Chinese Friendship Association. The move will open the door (to taking HSK exams) for all students who study Chinese or who intend to study the Chinese language, whether inside Iraq or students from neighboring countries where there is no (Chinese) examination center," Haider al-Rubaie, head of the Iraqi-Chinese Friendship Association, told Xinhua. Holding the HSK test in Iraq will save the money and effort of those who study the Chinese language, and will help increase the number of students who want to learn Chinese, he said. Conducting the HSK test in Iraq will also increase cultural exchanges and enable people to learn more about Chinese culture and China's ancient civilization, he added. Dr. Sajjad al-Qazzaz, a teacher of the Chinese language and director of public relations at the Iraqi-Chinese Friendship Association, was filled with happiness, pride, and joy about the arrival of the Chinese language to Iraq and holding the HSK test in his country. "In the past, we did not have a Chinese test center, which is (used for holding) the official HSK test, and now Iraqis can take the test in the Iraqi-Chinese Friendship Association, and by passing this test, Iraqis can apply for the opportunity to study in Chinese universities," he said. "In the beginning, a few students came to the association to learn Chinese, but now more and more, learning Chinese is becoming more and more popular among Iraqis," al-Qazzaz said. He hoped that Iraqis can better understand Chinese culture by learning the Chinese language and they can apply to study in China by taking the HSK test. One of the students, Alaa Mohammed, an engineer and owner of an advertising company, told Xinhua that the Chinese language is very important in his field as "we import machines from China." Learning the Chinese language has greatly facilitated his work, enabling him to communicate his thoughts and ideas with his Chinese partners directly instead of using another foreign language, said Mohammed, who has spent more than one year on Chinese learning. He said he received a lot of help from his Chinese friends in learning Chinese. When he writes to them via Wechat, they help him correct his mistakes and encourage him to make more efforts. Zahraa Hadi, a female student, travelled some 100 km from the city of Karbala to Baghdad to learn the Chinese language. "I learned Chinese because I love it. I love China, and I love Chinese culture," she said, adding that she is planning to get a master's degree in China "because I like to live there to know many Chinese people and meet more people and acquire new cultures, customs, and other traditions." Shams Haider, another female student who has been studying Chinese for about a year, said she wants to improve her Chinese skills and help enhance relations between China and Iraq. "As I am a political science student specializing in international relations, I am very interested in working in the future on relations between China and Iraq, developing cultural relations," she said. "These relationships are important to me and I study them. The Chinese language will do me a lot of good and make this thing (interrelations) easier in the future," she added. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) LeConte Nix: We have to normalize that going to therapy is great and is needed just like going to a movie or your regular doctors appointment. We all have stuff that we hide mentally or avoid. Now, think about a young adult who only knows how to deal with anger by violence of some sort, because he or she has never been taught how to handle certain situations." The leading cause of blindness in American adults is diabetic retinopathy, progressive damage to blood vessels in the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Yet the source of this damage appears to lie in the belly -; mainly a leaky small intestine that weakens the barrier between gut bacteria and the blood system, according to a study published in the journal Circulation Research. The research blood from human subjects with Type 1 diabetes and a mouse model of Type 1 diabetes were used to explore mechanisms underlying diabetic retinopathy. The results show a way to possibly prevent, or even reverse, the eye damage. To our knowledge, this study represents the first time that gut barrier disruption has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy and also directly links gut leakage with retinopathy severity in human subjects with Type 1 diabetes." Maria Grant, M.D., leader of the research team and a professor in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Some background is useful to understand Grant's research. First, it is known that Type 1 diabetes dysregulates the systemic renin-angiotensin system, or RAS. RAS is a system of hormones and enzymes that regulates blood pressure and other metabolic changes. Besides systemic RAS, there are also local RAS networks that act in diverse tissues. One key RAS enzyme is ACE2, or angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. The loss of ACE2 in diabetes activates the vasodeleterious RAS axis and lessens the vasoprotective RAS axis. Intriguingly, in a mouse model of Type 1 diabetes, feeding mice with a modified gut bacterial strain of Lactobacillus paracasei, which was engineered to produce human ACE2, protects the mice against diabetic retinopathy progression. Finally, lack of ACE2 in the gut was known to increase gut permeability and systemic inflammation. The human studies, published in Prasad, Floyd et al., Circulation Research, compared people with Type 1 diabetes versus controls. The subjects with Type 1 diabetes were further stratified into three groups: no diabetic retinopathy, non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and the more serious disease called proliferative diabetic retinopathy. By measuring levels of certain immune cells and biomarkers in the blood, including gut microbial antigens, the researchers found that human subjects with retinopathy had a dysregulated systemic RAS and profound gut permeability defects that activated components of both the adaptive and innate immune response. Furthermore, increases in the severity of diabetic retinopathy were found to correlate with increased levels of gut permeability biomarkers and a gut microbial antigen. This included increased levels of angiotensin II, the RAS hormone that activates the vasodeleterious RAS axis. Using the Akita mouse-Type 1 diabetes model, researchers first gave the ACE2-producing Lactobacillus paracasei, developed by Qiuhong Li, Ph.D., from the University of Florida, to the mice orally beginning at the onset of diabetes. This probiotic treatment prevented the loss of gut epithelial ACE2 typically seen in Akita mice, and importantly, it prevented intestinal epithelial and endothelial barrier damage. It also reduced the high blood sugar levels known as hyperglycemia. When the oral ACE2-producing Lactobacillus paracasei treatment was withheld until six months after diabetes was established, that delayed treatment reversed the gut barrier dysfunction and diabetic retinopathy that had already formed in the mice, including reducing the number of damaged capillaries in the retina. Grant and colleagues also found evidence for several mechanisms that contributed to the ACE2-reduced gut barrier damage and ACE2-lowering of blood sugar. To validate results from the Akita/ACE2-producing Lactobacillus paracasei model, they created a second model -; a genetically modified Akita strain that overexpresses human ACE2 in small intestine epithelial cells. "The significance of the work is we demonstrated that dysregulated intestinal RAS results in translocation of gut microbial antigens into the plasma," Grant said. "These bacterial peptides activate the endothelium via toll-like receptors, creating an inflammatory endothelium that has been strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of vascular diseases, including diabetic retinopathy. "We demonstrated loss of intestinal barrier function in human subjects with Type 1 diabetes using gut barrier biomarkers, and this increase in permeability was associated with gut-derived immune cell activation." Hearing loss cases are climbing globally -; 1 in 5 adults are affected -; along with a growing number of older workers who are more likely to experience hearing loss. A new study from researchers at Portland State, Oregon State and York universities sheds light on how the severity of an employee's hearing loss can impact their experience at work -; and the steps managers and employers can take to create a more inclusive environment for deaf or hard-of-hearing employees. The study builds on prior research that says employees with hearing loss experience isolation at work, which can be detrimental to their career outcomes, and finds that tailored support can counter those experiences. The results suggest that the severity of an employee's hearing loss influences the degree to which they rely on professional connections for their sense of self, which then has downstream consequences for career outcomes. This is especially true among employees who have an unsupportive supervisor. The study found that employees with more severe hearing loss tend to fare better, in large part because they tend to disengage from relationships with others at work. The researchers suggest that employees with more severe hearing loss are more likely to experience awkward, anxious and frustrating interactions with co-workers and have a harder time building and maintaining professional connections. Those workers often protect themselves by putting less importance on professional connections. When they care less and are less sensitive to fewer professional connections, their sense of isolation is not as high. We are not recommending that managers and supervisors stop worrying about supporting employees with more severe hearing loss; we're suggesting they offer tailored support." Liu-Qin Yang, professor of industrial-organizational psychology at PSU She said that even if self-isolation is an effective coping mechanism, those employees ultimately have worse career outcomes in the areas of attitudes, commitment, satisfaction and salary levels. Yang's co-authors Brent Lyons of York University and David Baldridge of Oregon State, who are both hard of hearing, offered insights into what that tailored support could look like. Lyons, whose hearing loss fluctuates from severe to profound to moderate, says his needs vary and it's helpful when supervisors create a sense of openness for him to request certain accommodations. In one meeting, he might need to be seated next to the speaker; in another, he might need closed captions on the screen. "That might not always be the case for me and my needs may change," Lyons said. "But I really appreciate when supervisors are open and touch base on a regular basis: 'How are things going? What can we do to make sure that you can fully participate?'" Baldridge, who has experienced full hearing, deafness and now restored hearing with cochlear implants, said flexibility -; focusing on the results and not how the work is done -; is also important. When it comes to facilitating professional connections, Baldridge said that organizing a one-on-one meeting or lunch in a quiet location would be more effective for an employee with hearing loss than trying to introduce them to people at a cocktail party. Supervisors can also connect them with employee resource groups or organizations such as the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) and the Association of Late Deafened Adults (ALDA). Lyons also said that it's important for supervisors to create a culture of respect and understanding among all of their employees. "They can advocate on my behalf so co-workers don't start to think negatively about me if I don't attend a loud, busy event," he said. "That could lead to fewer opportunities, which would negatively affect my career." The researchers are clear that, regardless of the severity of an employee's hearing loss, managers can play a critical role in making them feel included by working to understand their abilities, perceptions and limitations and helping them build professional connections that will be helpful throughout their careers. The study was published in the Journal of Management. Camellia Bryan, a Ph.D. student at York University, is also a co-author. For people with paralysis caused by neurologic injury or disease-;such as ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease), stroke, or spinal cord injury-;brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have the potential to restore communication, mobility, and independence by transmitting information directly from the brain to a computer or other assistive technology. Although implanted brain sensors, the core component of many brain-computer interfaces, have been used in neuroscientific studies with animals for decades and have been approved for short term use (<30 days) in humans, the long-term safety of this technology in humans is unknown. New results from the prospective, open-label, non-randomized BrainGate feasibility study, the largest and longest-running clinical trial of an implanted BCI, suggests that these sensors' safety is similar to other chronically implanted neurologic devices. The BrainGate clinical trial is run by a collaborative consortium of investigators at multiple institutions, including Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), who are working to develop BCIs for people affected by paralysis caused by neurologic disease or injury. This new report, which is published in Neurology by an MGH-led team, examined data from 14 adults with quadriparesis (weakness in all four limbs) from spinal cord injury, brainstem stroke, or ALS who were enrolled in the BrainGate trial from 2004 to 2021 through seven clinical sites in the United States. Participants underwent surgical implantation of one or two microelectrode arrays in a part of the brain responsible for generating the electrical signals that control limb movement. With these "Utah" microelectrode arrays, the brain signals associated with the intent to move a limb can then be sent to a nearby computer that decodes the signal in real-time and allows the user to control an external device simply by thinking about moving a part of their body. The authors of the study report that across the 14 enrolled research participants, the average duration of device implantation was 872 days, yielding a total of 12,203 days for safety analyses. There were 68 device-related adverse events, including 6 device-related serious adverse events. The most common device-related adverse event was skin irritation around the portion of the device that connects the implanted sensor to the external computer system. Importantly, they report that there were no safety events that required removal of the device, no infections of the brain or nervous system, and no adverse events resulting in permanently increased disability related to the investigational device. "This interim report demonstrates that the investigational BrainGate Neural Interface system, which is still in ongoing clinical trials, thus far has a safety profile comparable to that of many approved implanted neurologic devices, such as deep brain stimulators and responsive neurostimulators," says lead author Daniel Rubin, MD, PhD, a physician investigator in the Center for Neurotechnology and Neurorecovery (CTNR) in the Department of Neurology at MGH and an instructor in Neurology at Harvard Medical School. "Given the rapid recent advances in this technology and continued performance gains, these data suggest a favorable risk/benefit ratio in appropriately selected individuals to support ongoing research and development." Daniel Rubin, MD, PhD Leigh Hochberg, MD, PhD, director of the BrainGate consortium and clinical trials and the article's senior author emphasized the importance of ongoing safety analyses as surgically placed brain-computer interfaces advance through clinical studies. "While our consortium has published more than 60 articles detailing the ever-advancing ability to harness neural signals for the intuitive control of devices for communication and mobility, safety is the sine qua non of any potentially useful medical technology," says Hochberg, who also co-directs CNTR, and is the L. Herbert Ballou University Professor of Engineering at Brown University, director of the VA RR&D Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology at VA Providence Healthcare System, and senior lecturer on Neurology at Harvard Medical School. The extraordinary people who enroll in our ongoing BrainGate clinical trials, and in early trials of any neurotechnology, deserve tremendous credit. They are enrolling not to gain personal benefit, but because they want to help." Lee Hochberg, MD, PhD Merit Cudkowicz, MD, MSc, chief of MGH's Department of Neurology, director of the Sean M. Healey & AMD Center for ALS, and Julianne Dorn Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School applauded the BrainGate study. "Clinical trials of innovative neurotechnologies and BCIs are incredibly exciting, especially with respect to diseases like ALS or spinal cord injury, where there is still no cure," she says. "Alongside platform trials of novel medications, our Center for Neurotechnology and Neurorecovery continues to lead in directing, performing, and growing the clinical trials that are providing promising new methods to improve the quality of life for people with neurologic disease." During the corona epidemic many of us became amateur mathematicians. How quickly would the number of hospitalized patients rise, and when would herd immunity be achieved? Professional mathematicians were challenged as well, and a researcher at University of Copenhagen became inspired to solve a 30-year-old problem in computer science. The breakthrough has just been published by the prestigious Journal of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). Like many others, I was out to calculate how the epidemic would develop. I wanted to investigate certain ideas from theoretical computer science in this context. However, I realized that the lack of solution to the old problem was a showstopper." Joachim Kock, Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Copenhagen His solution to the problem can be of use in epidemiology and computer science, and potentially in other fields as well. A common feature for these fields is the presence of systems where the various components exhibit mutual influence. For instance, when a healthy person meets a person infected with COVID, the result can be two people infected. Smart method invented by German teenager To understand the breakthrough, one needs to know that such complex systems can be described mathematically through so-called Petri nets. The method was invented in 1939 by German Carl Adam Petri (by the way at the age of only 13) for chemistry applications. Just like a healthy person meeting a person infected with COVID can trigger a change, the same may happen when two chemical substances mix and react. In a Petri net the various components are drawn as circles while events such as a chemical reaction or an infection are drawn as squares. Next, circles and squares are connected by arrows which show the interdependencies in the system. A simple version of a Petri net for COVID infection. The starting point is a non-infected person. "S" denotes "susceptible". Contact with an infected person ("I") is an event which leads to two persons being infected. Later another event will happen, removing a person from the group of infected. Here, "R" denotes "recovered" which in this context could be either cured or dead. Either outcome would remove the person from the infected group. Computer scientists regarded the problem as unsolvable In chemistry, Petri nets are applied for calculating how the concentrations of various chemical substances in a mixture will evolve. This manner of thinking has influenced the use of Petri nets in other fields such as epidemiology: we are starting out with a high "concentration" of un-infected people, whereafter the "concentration" of infected starts to rise. In computer science, the use of Petri nets is somewhat different: the focus is on individuals rather than concentrations, and the development happens in steps rather than continuously. What Joachim Kock had in mind was to apply the more individual-oriented Petri nets from computer science for COVID calculations. This was when he encountered the old problem: "Basically, the processes in a Petri net can be described through two separate approaches. The first approach regards a process as a series of events, while the second approach sees the net as a graphical expression of the interdependencies between components and events," says Joachim Kock, adding: "The serial approach is well suited for performing calculations. However, it has a downside since it describes causalities less accurately than the graphical approach. Further, the serial approach tends to fall short when dealing with events that take place simultaneously." "The problem was that nobody had been able to unify the two approaches. The computer scientists had more or less resigned, regarding the problem as unsolvable. This was because no-one had realized that you need to go all the way back and revise the very definition of a Petri net," says Joachim Kock. Small modification with large impact The Danish mathematician realized that a minor modification to the definition of a Petri net would enable a solution to the problem: "By allowing parallel arrows rather than just counting them and writing a number, additional information is made available. Things work out and the two approaches can be unified." The exact mathematical reason why this additional information matters is complex, but can be illustrated by an analogy: "Assigning numbers to objects has helped humanity greatly. For instance, it is highly practical that I can arrange the right number of chairs in advance for a dinner party instead of having to experiment with different combinations of chairs and guests after they have arrived. However, the number of chairs and guests does not reveal who will be sitting where. Some information is lost when we consider numbers instead of the real objects." Similarly, information is lost when the individual arrows of the Petri net are replaced by a number. "It takes a bit more effort to treat the parallel arrows individually, but one is amply rewarded as it becomes possible to combine the two approaches so that the advantages of both can be obtained simultaneously." The circle to COVID has been closed The solution helps our mathematical understanding of how to describe complex systems with many interdependencies, but will not have much practical effect on the daily work of computer scientists using Petri nets, according to Joachim Kock: "This is because the necessary modifications are mostly back-compatible and can be applied without need for revision of the entire Petri net theory." "Somewhat surprisingly, some epidemiologists have started using the revised Petri nets. So, one might say the circle has been closed!" Joachim Kock does see a further point to the story: "I wasn't out to find a solution to the old problem in computer science at all. I just wanted to do COVID calculations. This was a bit like looking for your pen but realizing that you must find your glasses first. So, I would like to take the opportunity to advocate the importance of research which does not have a predefined goal. Sometimes research driven by curiosity will lead to breakthroughs." RUDN University chemists, biologists and physicians have found a simple way to predict the properties of compounds of drugs with metals. This can be done using topological indices - numbers that describe the structure of the molecule. The results will help finding new metal complexes that will improve the activity of existing drugs. The results are published in Pharmaceuticals. Biologically active substances, when combined with metals, change their properties. The formation of such complexes can change the course of chemical reactions, affect the absorption process and other stages of drug action. Often changes occur in the direction of increasing biological activity. Therefore, scientists are looking for such complexes - chelates , which would improve the effect of known drugs. A team of biologists, chemists and physicians from RUDN University has proposed a method that allows you to predict the properties and structure of chelates . The objectivity of the method was tested in a series of experiments. The creation of complexes of biogenic molecules with metals is a widespread strategy for the search for new, stronger drugs. To use various chelate complexes in medicine, it is necessary to study many aspects - stability, toxicity, and formation conditions. This is the only way to understand how they will act in biological processes." Maria Morozova, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, RUDN University RUDN scientists studied complexes with zinc. The authors showed that their properties can be predicted using the so-called topological indices. This is a set of numbers that characterize the structure of a molecule. The researchers looked at 10 amino acids in conjunction with zinc and found an association between topological indices and lipophilicity . This is a property of substances that shows their affinity with fats. The authors tested the approach experimentally. For this, RUDN University scientists studied the effect of zinc complexes on the infusoria Spirostomum ambiguum, which is often used in toxicological and pharmacological research. The lifetime of ciliates in metal complexes of amino acids as it turned out depends on lipophilicity and accordingly is illustrated by topological indices. Thus, a direct relationship can be established between the structure of a molecule and its biological properties. For example, the zinc chelate complex and the amino acids methionine are more active than others in destroying bacteria in a biofilm - a conglomerate of microorganisms "glued" to each other. "The diversity of biological activity of chelate complexes poses a challenge for scientists. It is necessary to develop approaches to studying the properties and mechanisms of action of these structures. Our results are the next piece in this vast puzzle. We have shown that it is possible to describe the structures of chelates using simple topological indices. The success of the result obtained is confirmed in the experiment with S. ambiguum," Anton Syroeshkin, Doctor of Science in Biology, professor, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, RUDN University. Neurodegenerative diseases affect millions of people worldwide and as our life expectancy increases, more individuals are expected to be affected in the coming decades. Tauopathies such as Alzheimer's disease are a class of neurodegenerative disorders involving a pathological accumulation of tau proteins which eventually results in massive loss of brain cells. There is little consensus about the underlying pathogenesis and no effective treatments are available currently for these disorders. A recent study by researchers at Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine has now identified new tau regulators that can serve as viable and effective therapeutic targets for Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies. This exciting study, published in Neuron, was led by Dr. Huda Zoghbi, professor at Baylor College of Medicine and founding director of the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute (Duncan NRI) at Texas Children's Hospital and involved multi-disciplinary collaborations with other Duncan NRI faculty, Drs. Juan Botas and Zhandong Liu. A cross-species screen reveals three new tau regulators The researchers' goal was to undertake an unbiased screen to find genes whose inhibition can reduce the levels of tau protein. First, the Liu lab performed computational modeling and prediction analysis of the known ~17,000 human genes and generated a compendium of 6600 genes that were deemed to be 'druggable' which they defined as those proteins whose functional domains can be modified by chemical compounds. Next, we used a cross-species approach involving mammalian cells and fruit flies to 'comb' through this large collection to find genes that impact tau levels." Dr. Ji-Yoen Kim, assistant professor in the Zoghbi lab and lead author of the study In both screens, the genes were down-regulated using RNA interference technology, with a small subset of genes targeted by CRISPR technology in the cell-based screen. "Our strategy of performing parallel loss-of-function genetic screens in mammalian cells and fruit flies allowed us to select targets that showed up as top hits in both species," Dr. Ismael Al-Ramahi, assistant professor at Baylor and co-author of the study, said. This approach led them to 11 new in vivo validated tau regulators. Of these, three targets ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (USP 7), RING-Type E3 Ubiquitin Transferase (RNF130), and RING-Type E3 Ubiquitin Transferase (RN149) converged on the ubiquitin protein degradation pathway. "The cross-species approach led us to reliable tau regulators whose functions are critical enough to be evolutionarily conserved from fruit flies to humans," added Al-Ramahi. The team further investigated these targets with the premise that understanding how these proteins regulate the ubiquitin pathway will likely reveal mechanistic insights into tau degradation. USP7, RNF130 and RNF149 regulate tau levels via the CHIP/Hsp70 chaperone system The majority of intracellular proteins within all tissues are degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasomal pathway. This is a complex, tightly regulated process involving several discrete and successive steps. Ubiquitin molecules are first activated and transferred to carrier proteins. Multiple ubiquitin molecules are attached to the protein substrate via a group of enzymes called the E3 ubiquitin ligases. Finally, the ubiquitinated substrate is degraded. Previous studies have implicated the ubiquitin ligase, CHIP (C-terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein), as an important regulator of tau turnover and a critical player in the selective elimination of abnormal tau species. Interestingly, in this study, the Duncan NRI team discovered that USP7 stabilizes tau by protecting it from CHIP-mediated degradation. They also found that RNF130 and RNF149 decrease the levels of the tau degrader (CHIP) and that their inhibition increases CHIP which in turn decreases tau levels. To test if these target genes can regulate CHIP and tau levels in the brain, the team turned off their expression in adult mice that overexpress mutant tau. "Turning off the expression of USP7, RNF130, or RNF149 in adult mice with tauopathy using a doxycycline-inducible system increased CHIP level, and reduced total and phosphorylated-tau proteins," Dr. Kim said. "We also saw a decrease in other tell-tale signs of tau pathology and neuro-inflammation. Most excitingly, these mice performed as well as age-matched normal mice in tasks that require learning and memory a strong indicator that increasing CHIP levels in addition to a concomitant reduction in tau levels can improve neuronal and overall brain function in these mice." Although these three proteins have never been linked with each other before, it is notable that their functions converged on CHIP, which highlights the central role CHIP plays in maintaining tau levels in check. "While previous studies have used antisense oligonucleotides to target human tau mRNA, we rationalized that identifying tau regulators that can be inhibited by small-molecule drugs will be worthwhile given the likelihood that treatments to prevent dementia are best initiated in the pre-symptomatic phase and are likely to go on for decades." Dr. Zoghbi said. "We are excited to have found three targets that reduce tau level and show marked improvements in pathology and learning and memory. This discovery opens the exciting possibility of leveraging small-molecule inhibitors to lower tau levels and hopefully, prevent memory deficits in those at risk for Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies." Others involved in the study include Maria de Haro, Lorena Laura Garaicoechea, Hyun-Hwan Jeong, Jun Young Sonn, and Bakhos Tadros. They are affiliated with one or more of the following institutions: Texas Children's Hospital, Center for Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Diseases, and Baylor College of Medicine. This research was supported by the JPB Foundation, The Robert A. and Renee E. Belfer Family Foundation, The Ting Tsung and Wei Fong Chao Foundation, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. We have used your information to see if you have a subscription with us, but did not find one. Please use the button below to verify an existing account or to purchase a new subscription. TDT | Manama The Daily Tribune www.newsofbahrain.com His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa affirmed Bahrains commitment to continue strengthening strategic relations at all levels with the US, as friends and allies. HM the King expressed pride in the strategic relations and strong partnership between the Kingdom and the US, noting that they have been characterised by mutual trust and respect, cooperation and close coordination in all fields. His Majesty was speaking as he received at Al Safriya Palace yesterday a delegation from the US Congress, led by Senators Jacklyn Rosen and James Lankford, who are currently on a visit to the kingdom. HM the King welcomed the members of the visiting delegation, and reviewed with them the long-standing solid relations between the two friendly countries. He said that such visit contributes to strengthening the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, as well as to providing opportunities to exchange opinions vis-a-vis various challenges facing the region. TDT | Manama The Daily Tribune www.newsofbahrain.com Sustainable Development Minister Noor bint Ali Alkhulaif will head Bahrains delegation to the annual World Economic Forum titled Cooperation in a Fragmented World, which will be held from today until 20 January in Davos. The delegation, which is arriving in the Swiss city today, will introduce Bahrains unique investment opportunities to global decision-makers in various business sectors. They will aim to attract more investments to the Kingdom to create more jobs and boost the economy. The delegation includes Industry and Commerce Minister Abdullah bin Adel Fakhro, Batelco Chairman Abdullah bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) Chief Executive Khalid Humaidan, EDB Board Advisor of Bahrain Iain Lindsay, BFG International Group President Samer Al Jishi and Hala Al Moayyed, Vice Chairman of the Board at AlMoayyed International Group. We look forward to participating in the World Economic Forum which provides a platform to connect with key global economic decision-makers and promote investment opportunities in the Kingdom, said Alkhulaif. It is also an opportunity to discuss the global trends in sustainability and investments practices in the midst of economic and geopolitical challenges. The Minister will be speaking in a panel titled Formulating the Future: How Women Are Shaping Sustainability Across Sectors. She will also participate alongside the Minister of Industry and Commerce in a dinner dialogue about climate change in the Middle East. Meanwhile, Humaidan will participate in multiple discussion panels titled Developing New Realities: Redirected Focus in a Changing World, Bricks or Clicks: What Kind of Investment do Economies Need?, Sustainable and Digital FDI, and Busting Business Barriers. The delegation members will have multiple strategic meetings and networking events on the sidelines of the forum to promote investment opportunities in Bahrain. TDT | Manama The Daily Tribune www.newsofbahrain.com The Ministry of Information is keen to enhance cooperation with the legislative branch to promote Bahrains development and prosperity. This was affirmed by Information Minister Dr Ramzan bin Abdullah Al Noaimi as he received member of the Council of Representatives Abdullah Khalifa Al Romaihi and discussed with him issues of common interest. Dr Al Noaimi commended the efforts of the legislative branch to boost the comprehensive development march witnessed by the Kingdom of Bahrain under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, with the support of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister. MP Al Romaihi expressed most sincere thanks and appreciation to the Information Minister for the gracious welcome and for his keenness to further develop the national media in the Kingdom. Netflix is further boosting its Japanese live-action content slate with a multi-picture deal with Tokyo-based studio Babel Label. The partnership gives Netflix exclusive access to multiple titles produced and created by Babel Label for the next five years. The studio, a subsidiary launched in 2013 by Japanese media company CyberAgent, is home to creators such as writer-director Michihito Fujii, winner of best director and best film at the 2020 Japan Academy Awards for The Journalist. The film was later adapted by Netflix as a series in 2022. Netflix has grown increasingly bullish on Japanese live-action content over the past few years. The second season of the streamers Japanese sci-fi thriller series Alice in the Borderlands set a new record as the companys most-watched Japanese show ever, taking the top spot on Netflixs global non-English TV list with 61.2 million viewing hours over its premiere weekend in late December 2022. Last week, the company kicked off its 2023 Japanese releases with the launch of The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko Housethe first streaming series from acclaimed Japanese auteur Hirokazu Kore-eda (Shoplifters, Broker). ...continue reading , Jan 17 ( news18.com ) - The world is full of cultures and traditions that fascinate us. While some of them make sense to us, others dont and as much as they seem bizarre, people following them continue to do so with complete faith. One such fascinating ritual is Japans Shinto ritual where people dressed in white robes clap and chant before going into an ice water bath. The new years ritual in Japan saw a group of men bathe in ice water on January 14 to purify their souls and wish for good fortune this year. The Daily Mail reported that the believers gathered at the Kanda Myojin shrine in Tokyo to participate in the annual cold water endurance ceremony. Photographs captured the moment men poured wooden pots full of ice-cold water over their bodies. The photographs show the men dressed in white loincloths and headbands. ... continue reading WOLFVILLE, NS, Jan. 16, 2023 /CNW/ - Today, Kody Blois, Member of Parliament for KingsHants, Melissa Sheehy-Richard, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Hants West, Her Worship Wendy Donovan, Mayor of the Town of Wolfville, His Worship Peter Muttart, Mayor of the Municipality of Kings County, Michael Howell, Executive Director of Devour! Studios and Lia Rinaldo, Managing Director of Devour! Studios, announced joint funding of more than $5.86 million for the Slow Motion Food Film Society's new creative hub -Devour! Studios in Wolfville. The project will renovate and convert a historic former apple warehouse into a 24,000-square-foot media production centre and creative industries incubator. The Society, which organizes the world-renowned Devour! Food Film Fest each year, aims for Devour! Studios to meet the needs of performing and visual artists while providing an energy-efficient space for cultural organizations to establish offices and host events. Upgrades will include the installation of new accessible washrooms and entryways, more efficient electrical and water systems, and improvements to the building to increase energy efficiency. The investment announced today will enhance the building's energy efficiency by lowering energy consumption by an estimated 47.2%, and greenhouse gas emissions by 52.3 tonnes each year. This investment will not only improve accessibility for visitors, but it will also support the improvement of local cultural spaces that welcome all Canadians to participate in the arts, heritage, music, and cultural sectors. By investing in infrastructure, the Government of Canada is growing our country's economy, increasing the resiliency of our communities, and improving the lives of Canadians. Quotes "These retrofits will transform an old warehouse into an accessible multi-purpose community facility residents can enjoy throughout the year. This revitalized building will also help reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions and provide a space for community, social and cultural services." Kody Blois, Member of Parliament for KingsHants, on behalf of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities "For the past 12 years, Devour! The Food Film Fest has offered Canadians one of the best food and film experiences in the world. With the help of the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund, I'm confident that Devour! Studios will be a state-of-the-art facility to host the film festival, serve as a creative hub for artists and performers, and be a partner with Indigenous communities locally and across the country." The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage "Devour! Studios is a transformative project, creating a place that will directly support the arts, event tourism, and culinary industries. The new building will provide a strategic boost to our province's economy, where visitors will enjoy performances, art exhibits, watch films, and taste local cuisine. As a government, we know that Devour! is a driver for the local tourism industry, and our investment will increase the festival's capacity to foster creative and sustainable economic development right here in Nova Scotia." Melissa Sheehy-Richard, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Hants West "The Town of Wolfville is thrilled that the home of Devour! is located in the heart of our town. Wolfville's contribution to this iconic new home supports physical accessibility in the Devour! building and general public enjoyment through the patio link to the town's waterfront. Wolfville's contribution recognizes the important economic and social impact Devour! brings to our town. We anticipate spin-off benefits to food, beverage and accommodation businesses and opportunity for emerging entrepreneurs connected to food and film. Devour! is an exciting opportunity for our town and our entire region." Her Worship Wendy Donovan, Mayor of the Town of Wolfville "The Municipality of the County of Kings has, among its strategic priorities, the building and support of strong communities. A strong arts and culture community is important to our region. The unique approach of the Slow Motion Food Film Fest Society provides cultural and food experiences across a wide spectrum. We are delighted to support the Society in this endeavour." His Worship Peter Muttart, Mayor of the Municipality of Kings County "Devour! Studios represents the next period of significant growth for the festival. This multi-tenanted space will also act as a home for a number of other regional organizations. Devour! Studios will be a pre-eminent cultural facility for performance as well as a place to explore the vibrancy of Nova Scotia's history and agriculture. This is the culmination of several years of workwith the support and mentorship of our festival patrons and many, many other individuals. We are proud to have reached this milestone, thanks to the esteemed government partners here today." Michael Howell, Executive Director & Lia Rinaldo, Managing Director of Devour! Studios Quick facts The Government of Canada is investing more than $3.48 million , with more than $2.28 million provided through the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program, and $1.2 million in funding through the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. is investing more than , with more than provided through the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program, and in funding through the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. The Province of Nova Scotia is providing $1.2 million from the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage, as well as $1 million from the Invest Nova Scotia Fund. is providing from the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage, as well as from the Invest Nova Scotia Fund. The Town of Wolfville is contributing $100,000 and the Municipality of the County of Kings is providing $78,700 . is contributing and the Municipality of the County of Kings is providing . The Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program is an integral part of Canada's Strengthened Climate Plan, providing $1.5 billion over five years towards green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades of existing public community buildings and the construction of new publicly-accessible community buildings that serve high-needs, underserved communities across Canada . Strengthened Climate Plan, providing over five years towards green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades of existing public community buildings and the construction of new publicly-accessible community buildings that serve high-needs, underserved communities across . At least 10 percent of funding is allocated to projects serving First Nations, Inuit, and Metis communities, including Indigenous populations in urban centres. Provincial/territorial governments, municipal or regional governments, public sector bodies, not-for-profit, and Indigenous organizations interested in the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program are invited to apply on the Infrastructure Canada website. website. The Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program launched its second scheduled intake in December 2022 . Applications are being accepted for large retrofit projects to existing community buildings or new community building projects with total eligible costs ranging from $3 million to $25 million until February 28, 2023 at 15:00 Eastern Time . The program continues to accept applications for small and medium retrofit projects to existing community buildings ranging in total eligible cost from $100,000 to $2,999,999 until February 28, 2023 at 15:00 Eastern Time . Announced in December 2020 , Canada's Strengthened Climate Plan includes 64 new measures and $15 billion in investments towards a healthy environment and economy. . Applications are being accepted for large retrofit projects to existing community buildings or new community building projects with total eligible costs ranging from to until at . The program continues to accept applications for small and medium retrofit projects to existing community buildings ranging in total eligible cost from to until at . Announced in , Strengthened Climate Plan includes 64 new measures and in investments towards a healthy environment and economy. The funding announced today builds on the Government of Canada's work through the Atlantic Growth Strategy to create well-paying middle-class jobs, strengthen local economies, and build inclusive communities. Associated Links Green and Inclusive Community Buildings: https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/gicb-bcvi/index-eng.html Investing in Canada Plan Project Map: https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/gmap-gcarte/index-eng.html Strengthened Climate Plan: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/environment/weather/climatechange/climate-plan/climate-plan-overview.html Infrastructure in Nova Scotia: https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/plan/prog-proj-ns-eng.html Canada Cultural Spaces Fund: https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/funding/cultural-spaces-fund.html Slow Motion Film Fest Society: http://www.devourfest.com/ Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn Web: Infrastructure Canada SOURCE Infrastructure Canada For further information: Contacts: For more information (media only), please contact: Jean-Sebastien Comeau, Press Secretary and Senior Communications Advisor, Office of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities, 343-574-8116, [email protected]; Media Relations, Infrastructure Canada, 613-960-9251, Toll free: 1-877-250-7154, Email: [email protected]; Laura Scaffidi, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage, [email protected]; Media Relations, Canadian Heritage, 819-994-9101, 1-866-569-6155, [email protected]; Marissa Steiner, Communications Advisor, Nova Scotia's Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage, 902-266-6215, [email protected]; Robyn McIsaac, Devour! Studios, 902-440-1551, [email protected] CAMBRIDGE, ON, Jan. 16, 2023 /CNW/ - Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Government of Canada has helped millions of Canadians, including seniors, by providing them with supports and benefits related to COVID-19. As Canada emerges from the pandemic, the Government of Canada will continue to support community organizations that make a difference and create opportunities for seniors to stay active and involved in their communities. Today, Canada's Minister of Seniors, Kamal Khera, and Bryan May, Member of Parliament for Cambridge, announced an investment of $73,795 to fund four community-based projects to support seniors in Cambridge, Ontario. This funding was awarded through the 202122 New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) call for proposals for community-based projects. The Minister made the announcement while visiting the Ontario Muslim Academy, whose project entitled "Senior Wellness Initiative" will help seniors improve their physical and mental health and learn about key issues affecting seniors. Amid global uncertainty, the Government of Canada introduced targeted measures in the Fall Economic Statement to help Canadians who need it the most, including seniors. Recent measures include doubling the GST credit for six months, putting on average an additional $225 back in the pockets of Canadian seniors, and delivering a $500 one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit to support low-income renters. Last summer, the Government of Canada also increased the Old Age Security Pension by 10% for seniors 75 and older who are among the most vulnerable, representing $800 for full pensioners. These measures have a positive impact on a lot of seniors and aim to build an economy that works for everyone. Under the 202122 NHSP community-based call for proposals, over $61 million was invested in more than 3,000 community-based projects across Canada. In Ontario, 1,036 projects were funded for a total of over $21.94 million. Program funding creates opportunities for seniors to be more connected, supported and active members of their communities. This year's national priorities aim to do just that by focusing on projects that: support healthy aging; prevent elder abuse; celebrate diversity and promote inclusion; and help seniors age in place. Through a simplified application process, organizations submitted project proposals to help seniors move beyond the pandemic and continue to play important roles in their communities. Quotes "This important announcement will allow seniors in Cambridge to participate in meaningful activities that nurture their personal growth and foster community prosperity. Through the New Horizons for Seniors Program, our government not only encourages seniors to stay active and engaged in their communities, but also increases social participation and inclusion. This is key to ensuring they have the quality of life they so truly deserve." Kamal Khera, Minister of Seniors "Organizations like the Ontario Muslim Academy continue to make a significant and positive impact for seniors in our community. They support healthy aging and combat social isolation, which are key efforts in ensuring that older adults are able to age with dignity. Our government is committed to supporting organizations through the New Horizons for Seniors program so they can connect with more seniors in new and engaging ways." Bryan May, Member of Parliament for Cambridge "The Senior Wellness Initiative at the Ontario Muslim Academy is more than just an initiative to improve the physical and mental health of seniors and promote mentorship. It is an opportunity to celebrate and foster diversity and inclusion within our community. We are honoured to have the support of the Government of Canada through the 202122 New Horizons for Seniors Program in making this initiative a reality. We are excited to see the positive impact it will have on the lives of our seniors, and how it will strengthen our community as a whole." Imran Chhapra, Director of the Ontario Muslim Academy Quick Facts Seniors are the fastest-growing age group in Canada . By 2030, the number of seniors is expected to reach 9.4 million, representing close to one quarter of Canada's population. . By 2030, the number of seniors is expected to reach 9.4 million, representing close to one quarter of population. The New Horizons for Seniors Program is a federal grants and contributions program whose goal is to support projects that help seniors stay active and engaged in the community. Community-based projects are eligible to receive up to $25,000 in grant funding. in grant funding. Since its inception, NHSP has funded more than 33,500 projects in hundreds of communities across Canada , with the Government of Canada having invested a total of more than $720 million. , with the Government of having invested a total of more than $720 million. Program funding supports projects that engage seniors in their communities and address one or more of the program's five objectives: social participation, volunteering, mentoring, expanding awareness of elder abuse and providing capital assistance. Every year, organizations are invited to apply for NHSP community-based funding through a call for proposals. The projects announced today were approved as part of a call for proposals that was launched on November 23, 2021, and closed on December 21, 2021. Budget 2022 proposed an additional $20 million over two years, beginning in 202223, to support more projects that improve the quality of life of seniors and help them continue to participate fully in their communities. Related Documents Backgrounder Canada announces New Horizons for Seniors Program funding for projects in Cambridge Backgrounder: New Horizons for Seniors Program Associated Links Applicant guide: Community-based projects (up to $25,000 ) Programs and services for seniors New Horizons for Seniors Program Engaging seniors, strengthening communities Backgrounder Canada announces New Horizons for Seniors Program funding for projects in Cambridge, Ontario The New Horizons for Seniors Program is a federal grants and contributions program that funds projects that empower seniors in their communities and contributes to improving seniors' health and well-being. Canada has announced an investment of $73,795 to fund four community-based projects to support seniors in the Cambridge area in Ontario. This funding was awarded through the 202122 New Horizons for Seniors Program call for proposals for community-based projects. Cambridge Enabling Black, Visible Minority and Immigrant Seniors to Combat Social Isolation $20,370 Community Capacity Building Network Seniors involved with the organization will engage in workshops that will provide emotional and wellness support and that will create pandemic vaccine awareness for seniors in the community. Socially Connected Living $24,200 Fairview Seniors Community The organization will renovate kitchens and floors, as well as buy electronic gadgets so that seniors can have access to digital services and improve their digital literacy. Senior Wellness Initiative $25,000 Ontario Muslim Academy Seniors involved with the organization will help seniors improve their physical and mental health and learn about key issues affecting seniors. This project will also promote mentorship. Portable Short Mat Bowls Program $4,225 Preston Lawn Bowling Club Seniors involved with the organization will conduct lawn bowling sessions for seniors to increase wellness and encourage seniors' participation. For more information, visit About the New Horizons for Seniors Program. Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Facebook SOURCE Employment and Social Development Canada For further information: For media enquiries, please contact: Alisson Levesque, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Seniors, Kamal Khera, [email protected]; Media Relations Office, Employment and Social Development Canada, 819-994-5559, [email protected] VANCOUVER, BC, Jan. 16, 2023 /CNW/ - Young people from all nations and backgrounds play important leadership roles in marine protected areas and ocean conservation. From the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress in Marseilles to the more recent United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in Montreal, young professionals are leaning into the conversation and taking action to protect the world ocean. At the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5), young people will make up approximately one third of all participants. Their perspectives will help shape the thematic discussions that will take place at the Congress in Vancouver from 3-9 February 2023. Today, the Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard has announced a new partnership with Ocean Wise and over $430,000 in funding to help amplify the voices of young professionals at IMPAC5. Through this partnership, Ocean Wise is working closely with the IMPAC5 Young Professional Committee to deliver the Coastal Connections Programa series of virtual and in-person knowledge sharing, mentoring and networking opportunities before and during IMPAC5 for Indigenous, non-Indigenous Canadian, and international young people preparing for, or in the early stages of, careers as ocean professionals. A major cross-cutting thematic stream of IMPAC5 is the Voice of Young Professionals. Thanks to this partnership with Ocean Wise, youth voices will be connected and empowered at IMPAC5. Participants 18 35 will participate and contribute to discussions and outcomes at the Congress in Vancouver. They will join ocean conservation professionals, leaders and decision-makers to learn, share and chart a course towards protecting 30% of the global ocean by 2030. IMPAC5 will be jointly hosted by the Host First Nationsxmkym (Musqueam Indian Band), Skwxwu7mesh (Squamish Nation), and s lilwta (Tsleil-waututh Nation)together with the Government of Canada, the Province of British Columbia, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) and the IUCN. Quotes "From Marseilles to Mexico City, Suva to St. John's, young ocean professionals are calling for increased funding for biodiversity, pushing for innovation in the blue economy and advocating for community involvement in all aspects of managing Marine Protected Areas. In the last year alone, we've witnessed the power of youth voices at international environmental conferences in Lisbon, Marseilles and Montreal. Thanks to this partnership with Ocean Wise, youth from around the world will gather at IMPAC5 to share knowledge and advise leaders on how to create a sustainable, blue future." The Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard "We know that youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow but are leading the charge today to save our ocean and our planet. The Coastal Connections program led by Ocean Wise will bring 100 young professionals together from Canada and around the world to amplify youth voices at IMPAC5 to inform, inspire and act on marine protected areas. We are thrilled that the Honourable Minister Joyce Murray, Minister for Fisheries and Oceans Canada, has joined us in announcing this exciting partnership that will place young ocean changemakers at the centre of this global congress to protect blue nature." Lasse Gustavsson, CEO and President of Ocean Wise "Our livelihoods and well-being our oceans are under threat. We are all dependent on healthy oceans to survive and thrive. As global citizens, we must come together, nation-to-nation and generation-to-generation, to protect the ocean at gatherings such as IMPAC5. A part of this is building relations and sharing knowledge between and within generations. As older generations move on and their wisdom with them, younger generations are losing out on valuable knowledge whilst inheriting a world of unprecedented environmental, social, and economical challenges. Intergenerational solidarity is a necessity." Magena Warrior, member, IMPAC5 Young Professionals Committee Quick Facts International Marine Protected Area Congresses (IMPACs) are a collaborative effort between the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the chosen host country. Canada was awarded the honour of hosting IMPAC5 during the closing ceremonies of IMPAC4 in La Serena-Coquimbo, Chile , in 2017. was awarded the honour of hosting IMPAC5 during the closing ceremonies of IMPAC4 in La Serena-Coquimbo, , in 2017. IMPAC5 will be a hybrid event offering in-person and virtual programming. The Congress will span seven days, culminating in a Leadership Forum on February 9, 2023 . . IMPAC5 will be informed by five themes and three cross-cutting streams: Indigenous Peoples Leadership, The Voice of Young Professionals, and Innovation and Transformational Change. As of January 6, 2023 , more than 600 people aged 18-35 from 83 countries have registered to attend IMPAC5. , more than 600 people aged 18-35 from 83 countries have registered to attend IMPAC5. The IMPAC5 program will feature 236 presentations related to the IMPAC5 cross-cutting stream "The Voices of Young Professionals". Funding for the integration of Young Professionals at IMPAC5 was provided by Fisheries and Oceans Canada through the Oceans Management Contribution Program. The IMPAC5 Young Professionals Committee is comprised of 15 exceptional young professionals from around the world. This group is joining the leadership of IMPAC5 to: Ensure that all aspects of IMPAC5 incorporate youth perspectives; Help shape and participate in the Congress program; and, Build the legacy of the Congress by engaging young people beyond IMPAC5. Associated Links IMPAC5 Young Professionals Committee The IMPAC5 Young Professionals Committee is comprised of 15 exceptional young professionals from around the world. This dynamic group was chosen through a worldwide competitive selection process. They bring leadership experience, passion for ocean conservation, expertise in marine protection and a desire to help change the world for the better. Since August 2021, the Young Professionals Committee has met regularly to advise IMPAC5 leadership to: Ensure that all aspects of IMPAC5 incorporate youth perspectives Help shape and participate in the Congress program Build the legacy of the Congress by engaging young people beyond IMPAC5 Seven of the 15 Young Professionals Committee members are from Canada, including five Indigenous members from across the country. The remaining eight members come from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North and South America. Between committee members, they speak eight languages. In November 2022, Ocean Wise and IMPAC5 opened a call for applications to form a cohort of global youth, including Indigenous young people, to participate in the Coastal Connections program. The Coastal Connections youth enrichment program features three connections for 100 youth around the world focused on congress networking and intergenerational knowledge exchange including: Connection #1 : A series of three virtual sessions leading up to IMPAC5 that will introduce participants to their peers and provide an overview of IMPAC5's history, goals and agenda. Connection #2: A two-day, in-person, team-building and networking event to be held 31 January 1 February at Camp Elphinstone near Gibsons, B.C. Connection #3: An intergenerational knowledge exchange/mentoring program during IMPAC5 that includes a networking breakfast and an evening event. Ocean Wise received $430,000 in funding from Fisheries and Oceans Canada to coordinate important Coastal Connections youth enrichment program. These activities will ensure the Voices of Young Professionals are included and amplified through the global seven day event. Stay Connected Follow Fisheries and Oceans Canada on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. Follow the Canadian Coast Guard on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. SOURCE Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Canada For further information: Matthew Dillon, Director of Communications, Office of the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, 613-992-3474, [email protected]; Media Relations: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 613-990-7537, [email protected] STELLARTON, NS, Jan. 16, 2023 /CNW/ - Today, the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship and Member of Parliament for Central Nova, the Honourable Pat Dunn, Minister of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Member of the Legislative Assembly for Pictou Centre, Her Worship Nancy Dicks, Mayor of the Town of New Glasgow, and Danny MacGillivray, Executive Director of Central Highlands Association of the Disabled, announced joint funding of up to $869,650 to enable the Central Highlands Association of the Disabled (CHAD), a non-profit organization in Pictou County, to purchase five new vehicles. These new vehicles will enable CHAD to offer increased transit service coverage across Pictou County. The additional vehicles will extend CHAD's door-to-door, scheduled runs and charter transportation services across six municipalities within Pictou County. These vehicles will increase the route coverage and accessibility for vulnerable populations, notably Canadians living with disabilities and seniors, and will allow CHAD to serve more people with fewer trips. This will enhance the quality of life of local residents by making it easier for them to do their day-to-day activities, such as going to work, attending medical appointments, as well as social activities. These transit options will help low and fixed-income Pictou County residents get around their communities and access programs and services more comfortably and affordably. This investment will make the region more inclusive and accessible for all. By investing in infrastructure, the Government of Canada is growing our country's economy, increasing the resiliency of our communities, and improving the lives of Canadians. Quotes "Public transit options should be available to all Canadians, no matter where they live. The Government of Canada's support for Central Highlands Association of the Disabled's purchase of new vehicles will help improve the quality of life for residents in Pictou County. Thanks to this project and others like it across the country, we are helping residents in rural and remote communities gain mobility options, access jobs and essential services, and reduce their need to own a private vehicle." The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship and Member of Parliament for Central Nova, on behalf of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities "The Chad Transit has created a valuable service for residents that otherwise would not have the means to travel within our community. Appointments for medical reasons and grocery shopping are things the majority of us take for granted and simply hop in our vehicles and be on our way. CHAD Transit being available to our constituents is greatly appreciated and widely utilized allowing all of our residents the ability to accommodate daily responsibilities." The Honourable Pat Dunn, Minister of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Member of the Legislative Assembly for Pictou Centre "CHAD Transit is thrilled with the recent announcement from the federal government regarding the Rural Transit Solutions Fund. We received funding for 80% of the cost of four new buses and one ten passenger vehicle. The Province of Nova Scotia covers the other 20%. This project, costing $840,171, is the largest one-time transit investment in the history of Pictou County. It could not come at a better time; CHAD Transit needs this investment in order to continue properly serving our community." Danny MacGillivray, Executive Director, CHAD Transit Quick Facts The Government of Canada is investing up to $695,720 in this project, while the Government of Nova Scotia is investing $173,930 . is investing up to in this project, while the Government of is investing . The Government of Canada's funding comes from the Rural Transit Solutions Fund. funding comes from the Rural Transit Solutions Fund. The Rural Transit Solutions Fund, which is part of the Permanent Public Transit Fund, will provide $250 million over 5 years to help Canadians living in rural and remote areas get around their communities more easily. It supports the development of rural transit solutions, including new transit service models that could be replicated or scaled up. over 5 years to help Canadians living in rural and remote areas get around their communities more easily. It supports the development of rural transit solutions, including new transit service models that could be replicated or scaled up. One in five Canadians live in rural communities. Rural communities in Canada account for nearly 30% of the nation's gross domestic product. account for nearly 30% of the nation's gross domestic product. In February 2021 , the Prime Minister announced nearly $15 billion in available funding for new public transit infrastructure projects over the next eight years, with a permanent $3 billion annually to begin in 2026-27. , the Prime Minister announced nearly in available funding for new public transit infrastructure projects over the next eight years, with a permanent annually to begin in 2026-27. The Rural Transit Solutions Fund complements Canada's strengthened climate plan: A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy. The plan commits the federal government to provide permanent federal funding for public transit in support of making clean and affordable transportation available in every community. strengthened climate plan: A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy. The plan commits the federal government to provide permanent federal funding for public transit in support of making clean and affordable transportation available in every community. Infrastructure Canada helps address complex challenges that Canadians face every dayranging from the rapid growth of our cities to climate change and environmental threats to our water and land. helps address complex challenges that Canadians face every dayranging from the rapid growth of our cities to climate change and environmental threats to our water and land. The funding announced today builds on the Government of Canada's work through the Atlantic Growth Strategy to create well-paying middle-class jobs, strengthen local economies, and build inclusive communities. Associated links Federal infrastructure investments in Nova Scotia https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/plan/prog-proj-ns-eng.htmlh Investing in Canada Plan Project Map http://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/gmap-gcarte/index-eng.html Rural Transit Solutions Fund https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/rural-trans-rural/index-eng.html Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn Web: Infrastructure Canada SOURCE Infrastructure Canada For further information: (media only), please contact: Jean-Sebastien Comeau, Press Secretary and Senior Communications Advisor, Office of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities, [email protected], 343-574-8116; Media Relations: Infrastructure Canada, 613-960-9251, Toll free: 1-877-250-7154, Email: [email protected]; Toby Koffman, Communications Director, Province of Nova Scotia, [email protected], 902-483-5847; Danny MacGillivray, Executive Director, Central Highlands Association of the Disabled, [email protected], 902-928-1234 President Muhammadu Buhari is expected to arrive in Mauritania to attend a peace forum for African leaders. Femi Adesina, presidential spokesperson, announced the development on Sunday. He also said the president will be honoured on Tuesday in Mauritania with the African Award for Strengthening Peace. President Muhammadu Buhari will on Tuesday, January 18, 2023, receive African Award for Strengthening Peace in Nouakchott, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, for his leadership role in promoting peace on the continent, through regular inventions, counsels and conciliatory position, the statement reads. The award will be presented to President Buhari by the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum, which is an assembly of leaders established in 2014 to pursue new ways to embrace inclusive citizenship, promote lasting peace, and work towards a safer and more sustainable world for everyone. Before the international recognition for serving Nigeria, and the larger interest of peace in Africa, the President will participate in the Programme of the Third Forum of the African Conference for Peace, where he will deliver a speech on milestones and gains in the African peace process. President Buhari will depart for Nouakchott on Monday and return Wednesday, accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama; Minister of Defence, Maj. Gen. Bashir Salihi Magashi; National Security Adviser, Maj. Gen. Mohammed B. Monguno; and Director General of the National Intelligence Agency, Amb. Ahmed Rufai Abubakar. Roma boss, Jose Mourinho, has aimed a dig at Chelseas 100 million (88.5m) deal for Mykhailo Mudryk. The Blues struck a deal with Shakhtar Donetsk to pay 62m upfront and a further 26.5m in add-ons, hijacking Arsenals bid to sign Mudryk. Chelsea has now spent about 400m under new co-owner Todd Boehly. After using Marash Kumbulla as cover for the suspended Roger Ibanez during their 2-0 win over Fiorentina, Mourinho said: We need to find a solution, we cant just buy Mudryk for 100m! I worked at clubs with those sorts of practically limitless funds. There are more and more clubs nowadays that fit that profile, but its not our profile. We work, we give our all, we work with the characteristics weve got. Mourinho managed Chelsea across two spells, working under former owner Roman Abramovich, who was quick to pay huge transfer fees for players. Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), says Nigerians need to unite so that the country can experience true development. In a statement marking the 53rd anniversary of the end of the civil war, Obi said a working nation will not give room for extremist groups. He described the deaths recorded during the civil war which ended in 1970 as regrettable, adding that with the right leadership in place, Nigeria has what it takes to excel. It is also worth calling a spade a spade. There are youths all over Nigeria who are frustrated because of injustice, poverty, lack of opportunities, unemployment, and apparent exclusion, he said. Such youths could seize upon and use anything issue or tool to express their frustration and anger. I believe that some of those who are agitating, are doing so partly due to our failures in creating an inclusive and progressive Nigeria. A working Nigeria with equity, justice and fairness will also definitely and effectively checkmate such extreme groups like Boko Haram and ISWAP. Obi also said with the challenges faced by the country, there is a need to ensure justice, equity, and peace as part of efforts to move the country forward. Today, 133 million Nigerians live in multi-dimensional poverty, 20 million children are out of school, we have near 40% unemployment, with about 60%unemployed youths who do not know where the next meal will come from; our young people in their productive years are doing nothing, our primary healthcare system has collapsed; we have overtaken India in infant mortality despite their being seven times our population, he said. Our youths drug abuse prevalence is the highest in the world. We are now globally treated like second class citizens; with Nigerians being refused entry into countries we were far better than a few years ago. These are things that should concern us today; these are things I want us to come together as a family and as a great nation to commence reversing, irrespective of our tribe and religion. That is the Nigeria for which I wish to be the Team Leader, where everybody will be included, no matter where he or she comes from or what his or her beliefs are. There are critical junctures and times in which every nation must seize the moment to define or redefine its history. For Nigeria that moment is now! Today marks fifty-three years of Nigerias re-unification after the civil war. A new Nigeria is possible; a nation bound in freedom, peace, unity, justice and prosperity is realisable! Let us all join hands in love and brotherhood to build, with God of our creation guiding our noble cause! The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) says it has seized millions of illicit drugs worth N5 billion at a warehouse in the Amuwo Odofin area of Lagos state. Femi Babafemi, the agencys spokesperson, said this in a statement on Sunday. He said the agency arrested a suspect over the development, adding that more tramadol pills and other illicit drugs linked to the warehouse were seized in separate raids. Operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, at the weekend busted another Tramadol cartel in Lagos with the seizure of millions of opioids pills and bottles worth over Five Billion Naira (N5 billion) from their warehouse in Amuwo Odofin area of the state and arrest of two of the kingpins, the statement reads. The drug cartels took the first heat on Tuesday, 10th January, from determined officers of the agency who intercepted an imported consignment of Loud, a strong variant of cannabis, weighing 4,878.72 kilograms along Awolowo road, Ikoyi, Lagos. This was followed by the seizure of 121,630 pills of pharmaceutical opioids and some quantity of Molly from a dealer, Charles Okeke, on Wednesday, 11th January, at Idumota area of Lagos Island. Another effort by the agency to bring the drug cartels to their knees paid off on Friday, 13th January, when operatives tracked and located a major warehouse for pharmaceutical opioids at 17, Sir Ben Onyeka Street, off Ago palace way, in the Amuwo Odofin area of the state, while the owner of the store, Aloysius Okeke was arrested. Illicit drugs recovered from the warehouse include 3,264,630 pills of tramadol; 3,490 bottles of codeine and 915,000 capsules of pregabalin 300mg. This came on the heels of the arrest of a suspect, Olarenwaju Lawal Wahab, who distributes for the cartel, the same day. Recovered from his white Mercedes distribution bus include: 14,690 bottles of codeine-based syrup; 402,500 tablets of Tramadol 250mg; 50,000 tablets of Tramadol 225mg, and 210,000 capsules of pregabalin 300mg. Babafemi added that the anti-narcotics officers of the agency also uncovered and dismantled a clandestine skuchies laboratory in a remote part of Sagamu, Ogun state, where several equipment and various quantities of illicit substances used to mass produce the dangerous new psychoactive substance were recovered on Saturday, 14th January, 2023. In another raid in Akure, the Ondo capital, the agency said three suspects Sunday Make, Nwele Friday, and Egbe Nnaemaka were found with cannabis sativa. Also in Edo, Katsina, and Borno, the agency said its operatives recovered cannabis sativa and arrested suspects, including Abiodun Emaria and Murtala Isiyaat. Buba Marwa, NDLEA chairperson, encouraged officers across the country to sustain the efforts to effectively tackle drug abuse and trafficking in the country. Six-day (Tuesday through Sunday) print subscribers of the Watertown Daily Times are eligible for full access to NNY360, the NNY360 mobile app, and the Watertown Daily Times e-edition, all at no additional cost. If you have an existing six-day print subscription to the Watertown Daily Times, please make sure your email address on file matches your NNY360 account email. You can sign up or manage your print subscription using the options below. Jenna L. Stiles of Massena took part in the inaugural St. Lawrence County Youth Bureau Valentines Day card drive in 2021. Here, she poses with some of the 300 Valentines Day cards she and her mom made for senior citizens in the area. Courtesy of Joanne Stiles A New Orleans police officer uses a window tint meter to check the percentage of VLT or visible light transmission, which is the percentage of light a window film allows to pass through a car window. In Louisiana, the legal VLT percentage is 40%. Tracy Kennan is curator of education at the New Orleans Museum of Art HAMMOND On the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the federal holiday for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., its time to reignite the village values that King endorsed, the Rev. Regan Robinson said. Borrowing from the song Nobodys Supposed to Be Here, he asked, What caused village values to be extinguished? The pastor at St. John Baptist Church in Gary, Robinson keynoted the annual King march and celebration Monday at the Hammond Civic Center. Why, in 2023, Robinson questioned, is this country still dealing with such issues as voting rights, fair wages, equal pay for equal work, gun control and access to health care and education? Village values, the celebration theme, Robinson said, were extinguished by elements of racism, classism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia. People have lost their focus, the pastor charged. Quoting from the prophet Micah, Robinson said people must do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God. He continued, We must start doing what God has held us to do. Weve forgotten what it means to be humble. Robinson encouraged his audience to do justice with mercy on your mind. Hammond and Northwest Indiana must hasten to understand, we are all important. In the spirit of Martin Luther King, continue to fight on, anyway. You have a role to play if were going to reignite village values, he went on. If we begin in our house, our block, our community, well see soon ... that we can bring about a new world. The program began with a candlelight vigil from Freedom Plaza in Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park. Dedicated in 2020, the park near City Hall features Freedom Plaza, with images from and information about Kings life. Participants then marched to the Hammond Civic Center for the community commemoration. The Ministerial Alliance of Hammond & Vicinity and the citys Department of Planning and Development sponsored the morning program. The Rev. Orville Sanders, president of the clergy group, said Kings message of nonviolence is as important today as it was in his lifetime. We still have a significant racial divide in this country. Indeed, theres still much work to be done. Mayor Thomas M. McDermott Jr. told the crowd that included youth that Kings accomplishments came as a young man. He called King one of the greatest Americans of all time. Young people carrying signs led the march to the Civic Center. Nevaeh Lamar, 11, a fifth-grader at Irving Elementary, was holding a photo of the civil rights leader. King, she said, made sure a lot of people came together. Jayda Lamar, her twin sister, added, We respect King because he was Black and he changed the laws. Siblings Elijah, 10, and Endia Chapman, 11, students at Jefferson Elementary, also carried signs. Endia said she learned about King at school and from her mother. King, the girl learned, equalized the rights for Black people. He earned the Nobel Peace Prize and he had an I Have A Dream speech. The King holiday is traditionally observed on the third Monday in January as a time to reflect on Kings life and the work that remains to be done for racial equality. In the civil rights movement, King, who was assassinated in 1968, was seen as a chief spokesman for nonviolent activism and for protesting racial discrimination at federal and state levels. President Ronald Reagans administration had originally opposed the MLK holiday, citing cost concerns. But on Nov. 2, 1983, Reagan signed a bill proposed by U.S. Rep. Katie Hall, D-Gary, to create a federal holiday honoring King. The bill had passed the Senate by a 78-22 vote and the House by 338-90. The holiday was first observed Jan. 20, 1986. Some states initially resisted MLK Day or combined it with other holidays. The holiday was officially observed in all 50 states in 2000. Current Rep. Frank J. Mrvan, D-Highland, encouraged people to put aside their differences. Diversity is our strength, but our power is unity, the congressman said. Hammond Central High School sophomore Jennifer Tamayo, 15, who led the Hammond Central Color Guard, noted, I like how the community comes together and walks and stands with each other. Haley Jones, 13, an eighth-grader at Eggers Middle School, added, Its important to do the march because King helped African Americans get their rights. Jones sign had this MLK quote: I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. That message means a lot, Jones said. People have to get the right things done. Jones is a member of E-Girls, a leadership program for female students at Eggers. Linda Watson, a seventh-grade math teacher at Eggers, said it was important for children to participate in the MLK service because of what Dr. King did for civil rights and that his legacy is not lost with the younger generation. PHOTOS: Hammond hosts annual MLK Day commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration Hammond's annual Martin Luther King commemoration HOBART Carol Heikema hopes she never has to call 911 for emergency services to her home. But if she does, she now feels a sense of comfort. Last fall, the Hobart Fire Department installed a lockbox containing a spare house key on her front door. The department has a universal key to unlock the box if she calls 911 but is unable to open the door. I thought it was the right thing to do, Heikema, 83, said. She has since walked around her neighborhood to encourage other residents to have one installed. I wanted to set an example for my neighbors who are skeptical of firemen coming into their home," she said. "I believed if I did it, my neighbors would feel better. Fire officials introduced the lockbox program to residents in October after receiving donations from civic organizations, Assistant Chief John Reitz said. Instead of keeping the money, the department wanted to return it to the community. This program gives us secured access to a residents home if theyre unable to come to the door after theyve contacted 911, he said. It can make our response time to a victim a lot faster since we dont have to get tools to force entry. Residents interested in having a lockbox installed are charged a one-time rental fee of $37. However if the resident no longer wants it, they will be reimbursed. Accommodations can be made if a resident cannot afford the fee, Reitz said. In addition to the lockbox, residents are given a File for Life envelope. Inside is a form listing their medical information and emergency contacts. After residents fill out the form, theyre asked to place it in an envelope and stick it to their refrigerator using the provided magnet. This way if residents are unable to communicate, the on-duty firefighter can read over the file for any medical problems. Reitz has installed almost 50 lockboxes. The department has also partnered with the Red Cross to give free smoke alarms to Hobart residents. At first we received an abundance of requests. I was installing these almost every day, said Reitz, whos been with the department for 26 years. Carol helped us quite a bit by going around her neighborhood. Heikemas goal is to get all of her neighbors on board, especially regarding File for Life. If someone calls 911, their name comes up in the Fire Departments system, she said. They know what to do before arriving to the house. Its a program thats saving lives. Maria Guillen has lived in Hobart since 1976 and was grateful to have a lockbox installed. Guillen was eager to get one after her husband, Louie, had a stroke in November. Guillen also lives with her daughter and her daughters husband, but someone isnt constantly home to be with her husband. This is really a great program, the 73-year-old said. My family lives close by, so I told them about it and they got one too. A third program to assist residents, Narcan Leave-Behind designed to reverse opioid overdoses was introduced last week. Generally, men who are 45 and older in Hobart overdose inside a home, Reitz said. For this program, the department has teamed up with Geminus Corp. in Merrillville, which provides social services in Northwest Indiana. This is about substance use and prevention. Its discrete and private, Reitz said. We can leave behind a dose of Narcan and literature to people. We leave our number as well. LAPORTE COUNTY A Chicago man was arrested Sunday for driving more than 100 mph in LaPorte County. Johnathan D. Lesure, 25, was arrested for driving 125 mph on the Indiana Toll Road. The LaPorte County sheriff's office said Deputy Austin Wells was parked around midnight in the median of the toll road near the LaPorte exit when he observed a westbound vehicle "pass by him at an incredibly high rate of speed." Wells pursued the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop near the Michigan City exit. Lesure was taken to LaPorte County Jail. He was arrested for a number of offenses, including operating while intoxicated, reckless driving and possession of marijuana. On Jan. 7, a LaPorte County Sheriff's Deputy arrested Joseph Smolen of Westville for driving 110 mph in a posted 45-mph zone. Smolen, 24, was traveling west on U.S. 6 near U.S. 421; the deputy issued a summons for reckless driving. WINFIELD Town officials are hoping to address Winfield's growth by gathering input for a new comprehensive plan. "It will provide us with a roadmap for the future," Town Councilman David Anderson said. The initial presentation on the comprehensive plan is scheduled to be given Jan. 26 during a joint meeting of the Plan Commission and Town Council. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at Winfield Town Hall, 10645 Randolph. The public kickoff to the planning process will start at 6 p.m Feb. 15 at Town Hall. The public workshop will allow residents to engage with the planning team, provide input on key focus areas and learn more about the process to establish Winfield's new comprehensive plan, Town Administrator Nick Bellar said. Additional opportunities for public input will be provided. "The comprehensive plan serves as a blueprint for the town's future and is used to outline priorities for growth and development, and guide decisions that support residents and local businesses," Bellar said. The town's comprehensive plan, adopted in 1993, was last amended in 2007. "It is vital that the new plan align with existing and future growth trends so the town can adapt to changing conditions," Bellar said. Most importantly, the comprehensive plan is a document based on input from the community and can adapt to changing conditions, he said. To help direct the planning process, the town partnered with the Veridus Group, an Indianapolis-based firm focused on equipping municipalities with relevant data to empower the decision-making process and helping leverage unique amenities, manage growth and align with national trends and best practices in economic development. The council approved hiring Veridus Group last year for $50,000. Alaina Shonkwiler, director of community and economic development for Veridus, said the work will take six to eight months and include several public meetings. Shonkwiler said the last time the town had any type of master plan in place was 2007, and so, given the growth in the community, a comprehensive plan is very much needed. Veridus's report will consider possibilities of the next 10 to 20 years, Shonkwiler said. China has done a lot in fight against climate change, says Swiss explorer Bertrand Piccard Xinhua) 13:28, January 16, 2023 GENEVA, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- China has made a great contribution to tackling climate change, Swiss explorer and chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation Bertrand Piccard has said. "China has already done a lot for the world, and I thank China for that, especially in the production of cheap solar cells," Piccard, also a solar flight pioneer and founder of the foundation, told Xinhua in a virtual interview recently. "We should put all the climate solutions on the table, all the solutions in every field that can protect the environment in an economically profitable way," he said. Based in the city of Lausanne in Switzerland, Piccard's Solar Impulse Foundation has received 1,500 clean and profitable solutions from around the world and organized them in a search-engine for climate action, the Solutions Explorer, in a bid to support their implementation at scale. The solutions include technologies, products, processes or services coming from start-ups and big companies covering the sectors of water, energy, construction, mobility, industry and agriculture, Piccard said. On Sept. 21, 2020, China announced at the 75th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that it aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Piccard said he would like to welcome more candidates and innovators from China to participate in the program. "I invite all the Chinese innovators to submit their solutions to the Solar Impulse Foundation," he said. The explorer completed the first nonstop circumnavigation of the globe by balloon in 1999 together with Brian Jones. In 2012, the United Nations Environment Programme designated Piccard as a Champion of the Earth. In 2016, Piccard and co-pilot Andre Borschberg completed their first ever solar-powered flight around the world with the airplane Solar Impulse. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) As the brewmaster at Virginia Beer Company in Williamsburg, Va., Jonathan Newman has created about 400 different beers, from smoked porters to a sour ale that mimics lemon meringue pie. This summer, he tackled his toughest brewing challenge yet: malt liquor, a budget beer thats normally mass-produced and known for its alcohol content, not its memorable taste. I couldnt call an old brewing friend and be like, how do you make a malt liquor? Mr. Newman said. Instead, he conducted research with rigor befitting a college undergrad, drinking several malt liquors and finding himself shocked at how much I liked Colt 45. But how to make a version that would impress craft-beer fans? Malt liquor, a lager, with an alcohol level from 5.5 percent to 8 percent or higher, can be boozy and bland. (A standard lager has about 5 percent alcohol by volume, or A.B.V.) So Mr. Newman developed a brew that was crisp and aromatic, with a 7.5 percent A.B.V. In August, when the brewery released its malt liquor, 39 Words, Mr. Newman joined a growing number of craft brewers determined to mend the styles reputation by creating malt liquors worth contemplating, not chugging. Some mothers are met with great consternation when they offer observations about their daughters personal lives. Not so for Rhonda Powell. Mrs. Powell of Charlotte, N.C. has what her daughter, Dr. Jenay Alexis Powell, calls cheerleader energy. When the two women met Marque Delvon Macon in August 2018, everything with her went all the way to the max, Dr. Powell said, referring to her mothers enthusiasm. Mother and daughter were introduced to Mr. Macon in Charlotte, at a party hosted by Mr. Macons fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha. Dr. Powell and Mrs. Powell are members of Alpha Kappa Alpha, a sister sorority. Mr. Macon, now 34, grew up in Gadsden, S.C., but lived in Charlotte at the time. Dr. Powell, 31, grew up in Charlotte, and was home from medical school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for a friends wedding. When a family friend asked Dr. Powell if there was anyone she would like to meet at the event, her response lacked her mothers zeal: You know, Im really not here for that, she said. At the beginning of Daina Ashbees Jai Pleure Avec les Chiens (Time, Creation, Destruction), we hear the placid voice of the New Age author Louise Hay, who published the popular self-help book You Can Heal Your Life in 1984. This tape is about healing, Hay says. How healthy are you? In the low light of a studio-theater at Gibneys Agnes Varis Performing Arts Center, where the audacious Jai Pleure had its New York premiere over the weekend, five dancers were crawling, naked, across the floor. Isolated for a while, they eventually made contact as one climbed atop another: two bodies stacked on all fours, a precarious arrangement that would reconfigure itself many times over the works volatile, often gripping 80 minutes. Ashbee, an Indigenous artist from British Columbia (of Cree, Metis and Dutch heritage), has garnered much attention internationally for dances that often push the body to unsettling extremes. In her early 30s, she has already presented a retrospective of works created in her 20s. Jai Pleure, her first group piece solos and duets have been her focus demonstrates both the uncertainty of moving in a new choreographic direction and a fierce clarity of vision. In the works opening moments, tension simmers. Initially, Hays accompanying musings sound reasonable, even wise: The body is always talking to us, if we will only take the time to listen. But they become increasingly questionable, as she posits that all illness is self-created and we choose our parents; we choose our sex, our color, our country. The piercing whimper of a dog an alarming interruption drowns out her voice. (The title translates to I cried with the dogs.) In 1965, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led a rally from Roxbury, a predominantly Black neighborhood in Boston, to the Boston Common. With the crowd of 20,000 singing and chanting freedom songs, that rally marked one of the first civil rights marches in the Northeast. On Friday, more than 50 years later, a 20-foot-tall monument was unveiled at the countrys oldest public park honoring Dr. King and Coretta Scott Kings legacy. Titled The Embrace, the sculpture symbolizes the hug the couple shared after Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. The artist Hank Willis Thomas, who was chosen in 2019 along with MASS Design Group out of 126 submissions, said that with so many monuments dedicated to war, he crafted a sculpture that spreads a message of love and reiterates the Kings message of nonviolence and solidarity. You never wake up and think youd be able to contribute meaningfully to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King, Thomas said. And that alone, the fact that I was able to be a part of that, is just humbling and dumbfounding. A close call at Kennedy International Airport Friday night in which an American Airlines plane crossed a runway in front of an oncoming Delta Air Lines plane appeared to have occurred when the American Airlines pilots misconstrued directions from air traffic controllers, radar records and recordings of those conversations show. Deltas Flight 1943, which was headed for the Dominican Republic, had to abort its takeoff. None of its 145 passengers were injured. The American Airlines plane, Flight 106, bound for London with 137 passengers aboard, was proceeding along a taxiway about 8:45 p.m. when it came near a spot where two runways cross perpendicularly, according to Ross Feinstein, a former spokesman for both the Transportation Security Administration and American Airlines who said he had reviewed publicly available radar and recordings. The Delta plane was waiting to take off on Runway 4 Left, which is intersected by Runway 31 Left. An air traffic controller can be heard telling the American plane, a Boeing 777, to cross Runway 31 Left, which would require it to turn right before coming around to line up for departure on Runway 4 Left behind the Delta plane. Two Springfield, Ill., paramedics have been charged with murder after the death last month of a man who was suffering from alcohol withdrawal, the authorities said. Early on the morning of Dec. 18, three police officers responded to a report of several armed people inside a residence, the Springfield Police Department said in a news release on Tuesday. The officers quickly realized that the man who made the emergency call needed medical help, the police said. Another person in the house indicated that the man, who was not publicly identified, was suffering from hallucinations related to alcohol withdrawal, the police said. Emergency medical personnel who arrived about 15 minutes later acted indifferently to the patients condition, the police said. The fixation with the Now (as Sothebys calls its most of-the-moment auction category) could be viewed as just a byproduct of fashionable 21st-century life. But for sociologists, changes in the art market are one of the many elements that reflect how the pace and preoccupations of our culture have altered over more than 100 years. In 1899, Thorstein Veblens landmark socio-economic study, The Theory of the Leisure Class, showed how free time and superfluity what we now call luxury conferred status, or reputability, on the wealthiest individuals in late 19th-century America. Giana M. Eckhardt, professor of marketing at Kings College London, is co-author of a 2020 paper called New Dynamics of Social Status and Distinction that summarizes 21st-century academias attempts to update Veblen. For Eckhardt, technology has contributed to a speeding up of the tempo of contemporary existence a phenomenon called social acceleration which profoundly changes human perceptions of the passage of time. If you look back at human development, there were tens of thousands of years in which things didnt change that much, Eckhardt said in an interview. Humans have not developed enough to be able to react to social change that is this quick. This leads to people putting a value on the new in different ways from the past. So where does that leave the art of the past? Chinas zero Covid workers revolt Mass testing was a cornerstone of Chinas pandemic strategy. But now that the country has abandoned its strict zero Covid controls, its no longer in high demand. Companies that amassed fortunes making the test kits and analyzing results have begun instituting layoffs or pay cuts. Former employees are caught in the middle. This month, frustrated by their sudden loss of wages, people who once worked in pandemic-control industries started to revolt. Hundreds of protesters in Chongqing, a southwestern city, chanted pay me back as they forced police officers in riot gear to retreat, and spilled thousands of tests on the ground. In Hangzhou, an eastern city, witnesses said angry workers climbed up on the roof of a test kit factory and threatened to jump to protest unpaid furloughs. The disputes could portend more unrest. Factories, owed money by governments, are strapped for cash amid the broader slowdown. One expert said that workers have next to no recourse to resolve their grievances other than to lash out. On Nov. 2, the cryptocurrency exchange FTX was worth tens of billions of dollars. Its chief executive, Sam Bankman-Fried, was a billionaire and one of the most prominent people in the crypto world. But that morning, CoinDesk, an online publication that covers cryptocurrencies, published a scoop suggesting that FTXs sister company, Alameda Research, was on a shaky financial foundation. A cascade of problems for FTX and Mr. Bankman-Fried followed: A little over a week after the scoop, FTX and Alameda filed for bankruptcy. Mr. Bankman-Fried now faces federal fraud charges. The article, by Ian Allison, raised the profile and readership for CoinDesk, one in a sea of publications that started up over the past decade to cover cryptocurrencies. Many of the publications have been accused of fawning over the industry, particularly as it shot to new heights in 2020. Some, including CoinDesk, are in the unusual position of covering an industry that helps fund their operations, setting off debates about their independence. But now, the complications for CoinDesk are even greater. One of the businesses owned by its parent company, Digital Currency Group, a venture capital firm with stakes in numerous crypto projects, faces its own financial troubles and questions about its operations. It is part of the broader fallout in the crypto industry since FTXs collapse. Yesterday, Jan. 15, was the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s birthday, which the United States celebrates today. Had he not been assassinated in 1968 at the age of 39, he might have celebrated his 94th birthday this year. To commemorate his lifes work, today is a national day of service, the only federal holiday that encourages people to volunteer to help improve their communities. As Dr. King wrote in a letter from a Birmingham, Ala., jail on April 16, 1963, Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. These words still deeply resonate. For those who have the day off and the oven on, it could be a good time to bake something sweet to share with a local food pantry or a community fridge. Dr. King was partial to pecan pie, but Samantha Seneviratnes pecan squares are easier to parcel out and have a similar caramelized nuttiness. For the best kind of baking mash-up, try my pecan pie brownies with gooey, bittersweet undersides. If youd rather bake a cake, you could try the chef Joshua Pinskys truly magnificent pistachio Bundt cake (above), adapted by Priya Krishna, that he serves at the New York restaurant Claud. The cakes secret ingredient took me straight to my childhood birthday parties in the 1970s, which always ended with Martian green layer cakes made from boxes of pistachio pudding mix. Mr. Pinskys recipe satisfied a craving so deep that I forgot I even had it. As a responsible adult, I suppose I should recommend you make something for dinner before all that dessert. I have a new recipe for a simple one-pot green curry salmon and coconut rice with sophisticated flavors, thanks to an electrifying dollop of Thai curry paste. Vegetarians might opt for an umami-rich dish of tofu with mixed grains hearty rice bowls dotted with crunchy quinoa. Or perhaps a comforting plateful of homemade pierogi with potatoes and cheese. News and commentary on organized crime, street crime, white collar crime, cyber crime, sex crime, crime fiction, crime prevention, espionage and terrorism. I think its a very dangerous mix-up, especially if you have a mental illness, she said. I would log on and get in, and at some point in the day my two worlds would collide, and it would be hard to differentiate between book world and the real world. It was like they would sandwich together. Image A text message from Ms. Meachen to Samantha A. Cole, another romance writer in her Facebook group. Credit... via Facebook When she was first introduced to the book world, as she calls it, she was alone at home for long stretches while her husband, a long-haul truck driver, traversed the country. She read romance novels, sometimes plowing through more than one a day. She had always been a reader, despite dropping out of school in the ninth grade to marry. The online romance community was a revelation to her, like an escape, a timeout, a break from everyday reality, she said. Over time, though, it began to feel more like quicksand. Over the next three years, she self-published 14 novels and maintained a near-constant social media presence. She was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a disease characterized by periods of manic activity that can alternate with deep depression. The book world made her disorder worse, she said. Writing often sent her into a manic state, and conflicts on the fan pages left her seething. She knew she should walk away, and she tried. But she said it was an addiction; every time she tried to log off for good, her phone would ping. When the French director Alice Diop attended the trial of Fabienne Kabou, a woman who left her 15-month-old daughter on a beach to drown, she wasnt intending to make a movie. She felt an unusual identification with the person at the center of the 2016 case, she said in a recent interview, who like her was a Black woman of Senegalese descent with a mixed race child. She believed there was a nearly mythological dimension to the tragedy. As the proceedings unfolded, however, Diop realized she wasnt the only woman who had been drawn to the town of Saint-Omer in the north of France to observe Kabou. Looking around her during the defenses closing arguments, Diop saw others in tears. The story was bringing everybody back to profound and very personal issues, Diop said through an interpreter during an interview in New York last week. She continued, The conviction that I was going to do a film about it came from that very moment. Her experiences sitting in that courtroom have morphed into Saint Omer, the documentarians first venture into narrative features. Upon premiering at the Venice Film Festival last year, it was awarded the distinction of best debut film and the Silver Lion Grand Jury Prize, essentially second place at the prestigious event. It is now shortlisted for the Academy Award for international feature. Diop is the first Black woman to direct a film France has submitted for Oscar consideration. Saint Omer adds a fictional superstructure to Kabous case, with the novelist Rama (Kayije Kagame) providing the audiences window into the trial of Laurence Coly (Guslagie Malanda). The details of the case remain the same: Like Kabou, Coly does not deny killing her daughter, born in secret and the result of a relationship with an older white man, but describes a descent into madness brought on by sorcery. For more than a decade, Genaro Garcia Luna was the square-jawed public face of Mexicos war against its biggest criminal mafia: the Sinaloa drug cartel. While leading the countrys version of the F.B.I., from 2001 to 2005, he personally took down top narco-traffickers like Arturo Guzman Loera, the brother of Joaquin Guzman Loera, the infamous drug lord known as El Chapo. Over the next six years, as Mexicos public security secretary, he used technology and gloves-off might to capture other cartel figures. And in that cabinet-level role, Mr. Garcia Luna helped the president at the time, Felipe Calderon, launch an aggressive battle against drug cartels that spawned a new wave of violence across the country. But all the while, amid the headlines and acclaim from partners in Washington, Mr. Garcia Luna was leading a double life, American prosecutors say. Despite his public image as a lawman, they maintain, he was secretly taking bribes from the same drug gang he had a reputation for pursuing. Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn have moved to dismiss a case against a New York City police officer charged with providing Chinese consular officials with intelligence about Tibetans living in the United States, according to court documents. The move to drop the charges against the officer, Baimadajie Angwang, came about two years after he was accused of acting as an illegal agent of the Chinese government and several other federal crimes, court documents show. A trial had been scheduled for July, but in a filing on Friday, prosecutors asked that the indictment against Officer Angwang be dismissed in the interests of justice because of the emergence of additional information bearing on the charges. The filing does not provide details about that information, and a spokesman for the U.S. attorneys office in Brooklyn, which brought the charges, declined to comment. The judge overseeing the case had not responded to the prosecutors request as of Monday. Two New York City investigators responsible for rooting out sick-leave fraud and other corruption at the Rikers Island jail complex are now themselves under investigation over whether they abused sick time, officials with the Department of Investigation said. They and several other investigators, according to a New York Times review of personnel records it obtained, have taken so many sick days that they could have been classified by the city as chronic sick a designation that can bring increased scrutiny. One of the investigators repeatedly called in sick while traveling out of state, according to the records and a person familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak publicly. Among the others, records show that three took more than 15 sick days last year most on Mondays or Fridays or around holidays. None of the investigators, who worked for a unit that conducted surveillance and home visits of jail officers suspected of lying about being ill, have been disciplined for sick-leave abuse. After being presented with The Timess review, the Department of Investigation placed one under investigation for potential sick-leave abuse and disclosed that a second was already under investigation. The department said that its review so far showed that the others had medical documentation for their sick days, but that the review had not been completed. Gina Lollobrigida, the Italian movie actress who became one of the post-World War II eras first major European sex symbols, died on Monday in Rome. She was 95. The death was confirmed by her agent, Paola Comin. Ms. Lollobrigida had already appeared in more than two dozen European films when she made her first English-language movie: John Hustons 1953 camp drama, Beat the Devil, in which she played Humphrey Bogarts wife and partner in crime. That film, and the attention she garnered in Fanfan la Tulipe, an Italian-French period comedy released in the United States the same year, were enough to put her on the cover of Time magazine in 1954. She went on to unqualified American movie stardom, exuding a wholesome lustiness in a handful of high-profile films. She starred in Trapeze (1956) with Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis; The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1956), as Esmeralda, Quasimodos beloved beauty (Anthony Quinn played Quasimodo); Solomon and Sheba (1959), a biblical epic with Yul Brynner; Come September (1961), a romantic comedy with Rock Hudson; and Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell (1968), a comedy about an unwed mother. Throughout her career, however, she continued to make many more European films than American ones. She starred with the continents leading men, including Jean-Paul Belmondo, Marcello Mastroianni, Jean-Louis Trintignant and Yves Montand. Then companies in Asia, particularly in Taiwan, entered the industry, and America began to lose to cheaper labor, strong local governmental support and better corporate management. Worse, today the United States does not manufacture any of the highest-performing chips; 92 percent of those are produced by the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, 100 miles from mainland China. (The rest are manufactured in South Korea.) This presents enormous economic and national security risks for the United States and the rest of the world. If China took control of Taiwan and cut off our chip supply, that would be economically devastating, akin to (or worse than) the loss of oil exports from a major Middle Eastern producer. In that context, we should be heartened that Congress passed the CHIPS and Science Act, which, among other things, will provide $52 billion for investment in facilities, as well as for more research and development. In part as a result, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the worlds biggest maker of advanced computer chips, has broken ground on a major plant in Phoenix and announced that it will increase its investment there to $40 billion; Intel has announced plans for a $20 billion facility outside Columbus, Ohio; Micron is building a fab (as chip factories are known) complex in Syracuse, N.Y.; GlobalFoundries is expanding in New York and Vermont; and Samsung is considering the construction of 11 facilities in Texas. Thats all great, but lets not be blind to the challenges. For one thing, these new facilities are just a tiny first step. The output of the Phoenix facility will amount to only a single-digit percentage of TSMCs total output. For another, TSMC has historically insisted on producing its most cutting-edge chips in Taiwan, at least partly to ensure that the United States, whose official policy toward Taiwan is one of strategic ambiguity, will nonetheless protect the island against any mainland aggression. The South used to be the land of the yellow dog Democrat someone who would vote a straight Democratic ticket even if the Democratic candidates were yellow dogs but those days are long gone. There are still legions of Democrats down here, as well as a growing number of voters who are left of the mainstream Democratic Party, but they are clustered in college towns and growing cities like Nashville, where they live and work shoulder to shoulder with old-school conservatives and rabid Donald Trump supporters alike. Joe Biden won Nashville with almost 65 percent of the vote. But thanks to a brutally gerrymandered election map, we didnt send a moderate Democrat, one who could reasonably represent the interests of both Nashville liberals and Nashville conservatives, to Washington this year. Instead, the newly mutilated Nashville is represented by three of the most militant right-wingers the state has ever elected. This particular injustice likely seems irrelevant to anybody who doesnt live here. Occurring as it does among so many other political injustices in a nation moving rapidly toward minority rule, even the utter disenfranchisement of an entire American city is hard to get very worked up about. But you ought to be worked up about it. You ought to be protesting in the streets about it because what is happening in Tennessee, and in so many other states governed by Republican supermajorities, goes a long way toward explaining what is happening in the U.S. Congress. Andy Ogles, for example, is the newly elected congressman from Tennessees redrawn Fifth District, a seat held for two decades by Jim Cooper back when the seat still included all of Nashville. In Washington, Mr. Ogles immediately allied himself with the nihilist wing of the Republican Party, voting 11 times against Kevin McCarthy in the speakership contest. In Nashville, then, we have gone from being represented by a member of the Blue Dog Coalition of fiscally conservative Democrats to being represented by a founding member of what might well be called the Dead Dog Caucus. What else should we call legislators who have no interest in legislating? Julian Abeleda was tired of feeling scared. It was the summer of 2021, everything had gone wrong and it was time to take a risk. He had quit his job after discovering the person he was training made more money than he did, and a fight with a roommate prompted him to move back in with his parents. I was very depressed, he said. I didnt know where I was going with my life and I pretty much hit rock bottom. He was in Sacramento, living in the same area where hed been all his life. But he had another place in mind. I always dreamed of going to New York, he said. I storyboarded it on a whiteboard but never really made that push because I was scared of taking risks until it couldnt get any worse. I was already depressed and broke. So why not? He bought a one-way plane ticket and arrived in New York on Oct. 1, 2021. He didnt have a job lined up and came with only $7,000 in savings, $3,000 of which immediately went to a short-term Airbnb rental. In ecology, as in comedy, timing is everything. Hours, minutes or even seconds can make the difference for an animal between stumbling upon a predator and avoiding one, between finding a bush loaded with berries and discovering branches that have already been gnawed bare. Mere moments can determine whether a raccoon comes face-to-face with a bobcat at night, whether a flock of cocky turkeys finds its field already occupied by cranes, whether a deer disappears into the trees before a coyote appears on the scene. An animals fortunes, and the health of entire ecosystems, can hinge on these ephemeral encounters or lucky non-encounters. An animal must be at the right place, at the right time, to avoid predators, find food, reproduce successfully, said Neil Gilbert, a postdoctoral researcher at Michigan State University. In that way, the interactions between the animals in a given ecosystem are like a theatrical production, he said, adding, For the production to be a success, each actor has to be onstage, in the right place, and they must act and deliver their lines at the right time. Now, a new study reveals how humans might unwittingly rewrite these ecological scripts, altering how the characters interact and fueling more interspecies encounters. YUDO is specialized in Hot Runner Systems that is provides total solutions with world class technologies. YUDO was established in 1980 by Francis Yu (Chairman) to manufacture Hot Runner System. Lobby A/V Center Research Institute YUDO manufactures all component parts within the company (Heaters, Controllers and all machined parts). Total Quality Assurance is accomplished over design, development, production, installation and after sales service of the Hot Runner System. Overseas Subsidiaries & Agencies Yudo established 15 subsidiaries around the world and has a further 13 sales agencies in Germany, Singapore, Thailand, etc. Yudo provides total solutions systems based on the world's best technologies and offers the blue card warranty around the world. YUDO in the World YUDO continuously dashed forward to expand its market shares throughout overseas exhibitions participations in Europe, Asia, and America regions. Hot Runner Controller Model: CGF770T Series - Up to date new development - Dual circuit protections against over current (break in circuit) and over current detection function. - Wall pendent type enabling workspace efficient - Remote control Hot Runner Plate Assemblies System - Yudo provides plate assemblies (Modu system) which are fully assembled, wired and thermally tested before shipment. - This option provides a faster and more convenient method of installing the Yudo Hot Runner Systems. - The plate assemblies system eliminates any problems associated with wiring and hot runner assembly. It can also help to reduce mold manufacturing line. - An ID card is attached to every modu system. This enables the customer to search for detailed data of their plate assemblies system on the Yudo website, at anytime, anywhere in the world. Eco-Modu System: Eco-Modu system is assembled system by only essential parts of Hot runner system which is composed of nozzle, manifold, connecting system, however it is very easy to assemble eco-modu system to the mold. Ez-Modu System: - Ez-Modu system is a simplified modu system. - Fully assembled, wired and thermally tested. - Wires are fully protected by steel cover. - An id card. Hot Runner Manifold System - Yudo does not ask customer to select for numerous parts related to manifold. - Customer just provides basic information, then Yudo will manufacture and supply the entire parts of manifold. Features: - Depending upon the specification of the plastic material, Yudo uses 3 different types of steel in order to comply with any chemical or mechanical requirements of the manifold. - Yudo design and manufacture manifolds to reflect the customer's exact requirements, hence manufacturing will not proceed, until the customer has approved the design. - Yudo has three standard manifold thicknesses. Bala- Hot Runner Thermally Balanced Nozzle System Bala hot runner system is designed to meet the demands of general applications, including engineering materials. The design provides the best thermally balanced nozzle. Typical applications: - TV black panel - Window frame (PVC) - 2 color tail lamp Features: - 4 different flow channels. - Nozzle length can be adjusted by order. - Inter changeable gate bushes. - Open gate & valve gate. Advantages: - The Yudo Bala system is designed to keep the melt channel of the nozzle at a uniform operating temperature. - A wide variety of gate designs (11 standards plus options) makes the Bala system suitable for most applications. - The Bala system is designed to offer +/- 3 percent variation of the melt temperature along the whole length of the hot runner system melt channel. This guarantee is given when the hot runner system is operating under normal conditions. - The Bala system can be used with a wide range of materials including PBT and PVC, and eliminates the problems associated with heat witness marks around the gate area. Fast Cycle Time - Hot Runner System The Yudo Mass System is designed for mass production and fast cycle time molding. - Precision mechanical design: The pin guide bush is installed in the head of the nozzle which ensures that the valve pin is always maintained concentric with the gate. - Excellent with various engineering plastics. Typical applications: - Engineering parts (CD-Rom, Main frame etc.) Features: - Precisely manufactured nozzle body. - Available only for valve gate. - Only standard specification. - Nozzle and tip in one body. - 4 different flow channel sizes. - Ultra precision required when machining. - Special surface treated nozzle for uniform and fast heat transfer. - One piece heat treated stainless body guarantees extra high pressure molding. Advantages: - Manifold is allowed to slide freely on heat expansion. - Durable and smooth response Glyd rings in the valve pin cylinder. - Straight gate + guided valve pin extends mold operating life. - Easy maintenance. - Excellent gate vestige. - Long life for mass production and fast cycle molding. - Minimum maintenance requirements. - Excellent with all kinds of engineering plastics [PC+GF, PPC, PBT+ GF , PA +GF, etc.] through applying core heat transfer technology. Hot Runner Valve System - Single Valve III is a product of originality, innovation and simple design, which provides a durable and high performances Single valve gate nozzle. - The smart flow channel offers excellent molding performance with glass filled materials, even PBT +50 percent GF, PET +45 percent GF , PA +45 percent GF etc. Typical Applications: - 7 color charge monitor cover. - Wheel cover - Core injection notebook cover (PC + ABS) Features: - Valve gate system use only. - Excellent gate vestige. - Simple operation of a valve pin. - Application for a wide range of applications with both general purpose and engineering materials. - Compact design with 3 optional channel diameters. - Helps simplify stack mold structure and operation. Advantages: - The valve pin moves vertically inside of nozzle body by a position without any use of ratchet or rotating cam mechanisms. - The creative single valve series nozzle offers 3 standard flow channels with gate diameters from 15 mm to 8 mm, and an optional size up to a maximum of 10 mm diameter gate. - The length of the nozzle can be up to 1000 mm, and provides the best solution for feeding the component through the fixed half core. - The smart flow channel offers excellent color change, in less than 10 shots, and a large injection volume with lower injection pressures. Hot Runner Valve and Nozzle system - Yuri system is a patented technology featuring the valve mechanism and nozzle constructed as one unit. - The smart flow channel minimizes the pressure drop in the nozzle and facilitates quick and easy color change. - Yuri system offers a true Back to Back valve stack mold. Typical applications: - Pallet - TV cover - Instrument panel. Features: - 4 different flow channels - Pneumatic and hydraulic valve pin operation. - Valve gate only. - Smart flow channel. - Height of nozzle can be adjustable by order. Advantages: - The valve assembly is located under the manifold, with the valve pin free from thermal expansion of the manifold. - The Yuri design eliminates the need for a pin guide bush which is the main cause of material leakage from the valve pin/guide pin bush area. - The thickness of mold can be reduced by 70 mm, compared with conventional valve gate systems. - The Yuri nozzle assembly is easily maintained without removal from the injection molding machine, and repairable without disassembly of the mold. Hot Runners for Small Dimensional and Balance Tol. Yuma system, with a unique design concept, offers the ideal solution for producing components, which have to be produced to small dimensional and balance tolerances, typical products include fan blades, blower fans, gears, and pump blades etc. Typical applications: - Fan - Small gear - Blower - Ring (Acetal, 3 gate) Features: - Only order made - Yudo has many satisfied customers applying a variety of field proven designs. - Only valve gate systems available. - Minimum gate pitch circle diameter is 10 mm for 3 gates. Advantages: - A single high performance heater and single valve pin control cylinder offers a perfect filling balance of the multi gates. - Eliminates the possibility of over packing at one gate and under packing at another gate. - Reduces mold height and operation stroke, and the unique design offers the ideal solution for multi cavity molds to produce balanced components with close tolerances dimensional requirements. Hot Runner for Glass Talc Reinforced Parts Walliserops trifurcatus wasnt like the other trilobites. Sure, it had a body like a cross between a pillbug and a horseshoe crab. But it also wielded an immense, flat-bladed trident, projecting from its front like an oversize hood ornament and conjuring the three-tipped tool of the Greek god Poseidon (known to the Romans as Neptune). In research published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, two scientists argue that the three-inch-long creatures trident served as a weapon for jousting with rival males some 400 million years ago, in perhaps the earliest known example of specialized sexual combat. When we see something like the fork on Walliserops, it suggests sexual selection because its really extreme, said Alan Gishlick, a paleontologist at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and an author on the study. Its just a question of how you test it. Sexual selection anatomical traits that emerge through millenniums of accumulation of a species romantic whims produces some of the strangest features in animals today, Dr. Gishlick said. Sometimes, theyre decorations to attract a females eye, like a peacocks tail feathers or the vibrant colors on a lizards belly. Occasionally theyre for dueling, as males battle one another for access to females, as in deer antlers. To hear more audio stories from publications like The New York Times, download Audm for iPhone or Android. I stopped drinking six years ago. There are many things I dont miss: hangovers, empty checking accounts, throwing up on the subway. Then there are things I do miss: the seedy splendor of a dive, the shallow glamour of a cocktail lounge, and the relative ease with which I could meet new people and make new friends. I also miss the serendipity, spontaneity and eccentric characters that a night spent crawling from bar to bar sometimes offered. Luckily for me, a new crop of alcohol-free bars, dance parties and sober curious events have sprung up in recent years. They cater to the millennials and zoomers who are reportedly drinking less, and are seeking an alternative nightlife that is not centered around alcohol. While grading essays for his world religions course last month, Antony Aumann, a professor of philosophy at Northern Michigan University, read what he said was easily the best paper in the class. It explored the morality of burqa bans with clean paragraphs, fitting examples and rigorous arguments. A red flag instantly went up. Mr. Aumann confronted his student over whether he had written the essay himself. The student confessed to using ChatGPT, a chatbot that delivers information, explains concepts and generates ideas in simple sentences and, in this case, had written the paper. Alarmed by his discovery, Mr. Aumann decided to transform essay writing for his courses this semester. He plans to require students to write first drafts in the classroom, using browsers that monitor and restrict computer activity. In later drafts, students have to explain each revision. Mr. Aumann, who may forgo essays in subsequent semesters, also plans to weave ChatGPT into lessons by asking students to evaluate the chatbots responses. Whats happening in class is no longer going to be, Here are some questions lets talk about it between us human beings, he said, but instead its like, What also does this alien robot think? Like every president across decades of modern history, his personal residence is personal, said the spokesman, Ian Sams. But upon taking office, President Biden restored the norm and tradition of keeping White House visitors logs, including publishing them regularly, after the previous administration ended them. Free Trade: Under President Biden, the United States has declined to pursue new free-trade agreements with other countries. That approach Under President Biden, the United States has declined to pursue new free-trade agreements with other countries. That approach has now become a major headache for the administration. Preparing for 2024: President Biden is President Biden is sharpening his message ahead of an expected re-election bid, warning that a strong economy could be weakened under Republican leadership. Defending Democracy: The Biden administrations The Biden administrations defense of global democracies is being tested by a political crisis in Israel and setbacks to democracy in other countries closely allied with the United States. Anthony Guglielmi, the chief of communications for the Secret Service, said his agency does not track people who visit a presidents personal home, either. The Secret Service doesnt maintain visitor logs at the private residences of protectees, Mr. Guglielmi said. The visitor logs that are kept at government buildings are part of the National Archives and Records Administration, and while we have access to those, we are not the custodian of those records and logs. The demands by Republicans for transparency in the case of Mr. Bidens classified documents highlight the political danger for the president, who criticized former President Donald J. Trump when boxes of classified records were found at his Florida residence. Last week, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate the documents found in Mr. Bidens home and office. In November, Mr. Garland appointed a different special counsel to investigate Mr. Trumps handling of sensitive documents and his failure to return all of them, even after being subpoenaed. FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. Seagull Alternative High School sits behind locked gates and a chain-link fence, a complex of low-slung buildings that provides an academic home for pregnant teenagers and students at risk of dropping out. On a Tuesday in early October, it was a target of the kind of threat that every school official dreads. I just might come to yo school and kill everybody, a 17-year-old who had previously attended the school wrote in an Instagram message to a student, according to police records. He singled out the principal and a behavioral specialist and sent a chilling photograph: a handgun and an assault rifle, splayed out on a bed, with Seagull Alternative High School written across the top of the image. Informed of the threat, law enforcement officials in Fort Lauderdale moved quickly. Making use of Floridas so-called red flag law, the police obtained an order from a judge allowing them to remove any guns in the young mans possession. Gun safety activists and public health experts say that such orders often known as extreme risk protection orders, or ERPOs are a way to prevent mass shootings in a country that has been plagued by them. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia now have red flag laws, up from just two states a decade ago. Armed assailants kidnapped about 50 women in northern Burkina Faso last week, the government said on Monday, the latest security incident in the landlocked West African country, which has been battling a jihadist insurgency since 2015. The women were abducted on Jan. 12 and Jan. 13 as they were foraging for fruit outside two villages near the city of Arbinda, the regional governor, Lt. Col. Rodolphe Sorgho, said in a statement. No group had claimed responsibility as of Monday, but extremist groups linked to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State have for years carried out attacks and kidnappings in Burkina Faso, killing tens of thousands and displacing nearly two million people 10 percent of the countrys population. Until recently, however, women could move more easily in rural areas than men, often walking for days from displacement camps back to the villages they fled to check on their crops and houses. The disputes in Chongqing and Hangzhou could portend more unrest to come. Many among Chinas armies of big whites, low-level government workers charged with enforcing Covid restrictions and named after their signature white hazmat suits, have been let go, muddying an already volatile labor market. Sodium Batteries: China is positioning itself to command the next big innovation in rechargeable batteries: China is positioning itself to command the next big innovation in rechargeable batteries: replacing lithium with sodium , a far cheaper and more abundant material. Ditching Prestige Jobs: Young people in the country are increasingly trading high-pressure, white-collar jobs for manual labor. They say Young people in the country are increasingly trading high-pressure, white-collar jobs for manual labor. They say its worth the financial sacrifice Tourism: Despite loosened Covid restrictions and visa rules, the number of flights into China is still a small fraction of what it was before the pandemic. This Despite loosened Covid restrictions and visa rules, the number of flights into China is still a small fraction of what it was before the pandemic. This is partly fueled by geopolitical tensions Lengthy Sentences: Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi, two human rights activists, were detained after organizing a small gathering to discuss human rights. The length of their sentences 14 and 12 years in prison respectively Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi, two human rights activists, were detained after organizing a small gathering to discuss human rights. The length of their sentences 14 and 12 years in prison respectively point to Beijings intolerance of dissent Factories across China are still strapped for cash amid the broader slowdown. Workers have next to no recourse to resolve their grievances other than to lash out, said Li Qiang, founder and executive director of China Labor Watch, a New York-based Chinese labor rights group. These protests have been very violent because the channels to defend workers rights are very limited, while the trust toward the government and laws is low, Mr. Li said. It demonstrates that if a company ignores workers rights, especially the most vulnerable temporary workers, it will face serious consequences. In Chongqing, protesters at a test kit manufacturer chanted Pay me back as they faced off with lines of police on Jan. 7. It was not immediately clear what sparked the dispute between workers and the test kit manufacturer, Zybio. Videos posted on social media leading up to the protests warned of labor agencies in the area exploiting job seekers by inflating how much work Covid test manufacturers were offering and how much they would pay. The Times verified the location of the Zybio protest videos by matching buildings in videos with online photos and satellite images of the industrial park. One clip showed protesters throwing plastic containers, stools and a traffic cone at police equipped with riot gear. The company did not respond to requests for comment, and several protesters contacted by The Times declined to be interviewed. When her husband, a pilot for a small Nepali airline, died in a 2006 plane crash, Anju Khatiwada made a vow: She would continue his dream. In the face of family opposition, she gave up her nursing career and pursued years of pilot training in the United States, raising her daughter with the help of her parents. Upon her return to Nepal, she took up flying for the same company, Yeti Airlines, in 2010, rising to the rank of captain after racking up thousands of hours in the air. On Sunday, she met the same fate as her husband. The twin-engine propeller plane she was co-piloting crashed about a mile from the landing strip at a newly built airport in Pokhara, a Himalayan vacation destination. Of the 72 people on board, the bodies of 69 had been recovered by Monday, making it the countrys deadliest air disaster in decades. Anjus father had asked her not to choose the pilot profession, said Gopal Regmi, a relative and close friend of her fathers. After her husbands tragic death, she was determined to become a pilot. In pledging to send a squadron of tanks to Ukraine, Britain is leading a push for Western allies to accelerate the delivery of modern weapons for Kyivs war effort as fears rise that Russia will soon begin a new offensive. This week, Britains foreign secretary, James Cleverly, will visit the United States and Canada to discuss how the three nations can coordinate even more closely on sanctions against Russia and military aid for Kyiv. The defense secretary, Ben Wallace, will head to Estonia and Germany to meet with NATO members and other allies. The meetings come on the heels of Britains announcement on Saturday that it would send a squadron of 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine. Only months ago, such aid was considered taboo, for fear that it would prompt Russia to escalate the war. But as Ukraine has persisted with its demands for weapons and made advances on the battlefield, its allies have fulfilled more and more of its requests. They have finally accepted that this going to be a long war unless they intervene with even more resources to speed up a Ukrainian victory, said Mick Ryan, a military strategist and retired Australian army major general who is a fellow at the Lowy Institute, a research institute. The Federal Ministry of Defense, the military, and everyone, everyone who is concerned about defense in our country deserves to have this clarified quickly, he said. Today is not the day to report on what will happen next. But I will tell you this: I have a clear idea. Finding a successor could pose another challenge for Mr. Scholz. The defense ministry is often very difficult to fill in Germany, particularly from the ranks of the Social Democrats, a party still struggling internally to relinquish a pacifist foreign policy stance in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Another option he has is to reshuffle the cabinet. Ms. Lambrecht had faced growing public scorn since the war in Ukraine erupted. As European nations debated sending weapons to Kyiv in the early days of the invasion, Ms. Lambrecht was trumpeting a delivery of 5,000 helmets. She was the face of the governments repeated foot-dragging over sending weapons, despite the fact she was carrying out a policy largely driven by Mr. Scholz. She wasnt the right person for the job at such a critical moment, when everyone was looking toward Europes biggest power to do more, said Ulrike Franke, a German defense expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations. Criticism ramped up last summer when it emerged that Ms. Lambrecht had used a government helicopter to take her son on a family vacation. More recently, opposition parties in Germany have argued that Ms. Lambrecht is responsible for the slow rollout of a defense fund worth 100 billion euros, about $108 billion, as part of a plan by the government to dramatically bolster its military in response to the war in Ukraine. Germany has limited stores of basic ammunition, enough for only hours or days of combat. Ms. Franke said that while the outgoing defense minister had often come under attack over decisions actually led by the chancellery, Ms. Lambrechts main failing was her inability or reluctance to take up the chancellors proclaimed project of a Zeitenwende, or turning point, in Germanys foreign and military policy. If you were looking for the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee website and ended up here, try this Got news tips, gossip, suggestions, complaints?E-mail us: progressivecharlestown@gmail.com We strive to avoid errors in our articles. Our correction policy can be found here ROME Even by mafia standards, his crimes curdled the blood. Authorities linked him to dozens of murders in the 1990s, including the kidnapping and strangling of a mafia turncoats 12-year-old son, whose body was dissolved in acid. He played a role in the murders of Italys two leading anti-mafia prosecutors, in deadly bombings in Milan, Rome and Florence, and in the strangulation of a pregnant woman. But on Monday, after 30 years on the lam and achieving infamy as Italys most wanted fugitive, Matteo Messina Denaro, 60, the last Italian mobster linked to a savage period in which Sicilys black hand declared war on the Italian state, was quietly arrested outside a clinic in Palermo after he showed up under an alias for a medical appointment. Until this morning, said Palermos chief Prosecutor, Maurizio De Lucia, we didnt even know what face he had. Italian officials, including the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, who flew to Sicily to congratulate local law enforcement, immediately heralded the arrest as proof that justice, even if slow, would ultimately catch up with the countrys mobsters. KHERSON, Ukraine One morning in late October, Russian forces blocked off a street in downtown Kherson and surrounded a graceful, old building with dozens of soldiers. Five large trucks pulled up. So did a line of military vehicles, ferrying Russian agents who filed in through several doors. It was a carefully planned, highly organized, military-style assault on an art museum. Over the next four days, the Kherson Regional Art Museum was cleaned out, witnesses said, with Russian forces bustling about like insects, porters wheeling out thousands of paintings, soldiers hastily wrapping them in sheets, art experts barking out orders and packing material flying everywhere. They were loading such masterpieces, which there are no more in the world, as if they were garbage, said the museums longtime director, Alina Dotsenko, who recently returned from exile, recounting what employees and witnesses told her. Britains government moved on Monday to block new Scottish legislation on gender change recognition, opening a constitutional rift between London and Edinburgh and stoking a highly charged debate over transgender rights. It is the first time the government in London has overruled Scotlands Parliament using the authority of a 25-year-old statute, and seems likely to ratchet up tensions between the London and the government in Edinburgh, which is campaigning for Scottish independence. Members of the Scottish Parliament voted last month to allow transgender people to have the gender with which they identify legally recognized, and to be issued a new birth certificate without a medical diagnosis. The legislation is intended to make it easier for people in Scotland to legally change their gender. Under the legislation, people age 16 and older could apply for a gender recognition certificate by making a legally binding declaration that they are already living in their acquired gender, according to the measure, and intend to do so permanently. A London police officer has pleaded guilty to charges of abuse, including rape and sexual assault, against 12 women over nearly two decades, in a harrowing case that intensified scrutiny over misogyny and sexism in the British capitals police force. The officer, David Carrick, 48, whose job had included parliamentary and diplomatic protection duties, admitted to 49 charges covering more than 70 instances of serious sexual offending, according to prosecutors and the police. He had already admitted most of the charges at an earlier hearing, but he pleaded guilty in a London court to several more charges on Monday, involving rape and assault. Given the number of the crimes and the time they spanned a 17-year period beginning in 2003 prosecutors called it one of the most significant such cases ever brought, describing the seriousness of the offenses as a relentless campaign of sexually and mentally abusing women. Image Mr. Carrick, pictured in an undated police handout. He was arrested in October 2021. Credit... Hertfordshire Police, via Associated Press Some of Mr. Carricks victims, prosecutors said, had been in relationships with him and had been systematically isolated by him from friends and family before he attacked them; others were women he had met socially but did not know so well, and he used his job as a police officer to charm them and gain their trust. LONDON Britains defense secretary, Ben Wallace, on Monday confirmed plans to send Challenger 2 tanks and a package of other sophisticated military equipment to Ukraine, as part of wider efforts to persuade other Western nations to offer similar support. Fourteen tanks are to be sent in coming weeks, and Britain is also planning to send around 30 large self-propelled guns known as AS90s, plus armored vehicles, drones, missiles and artillery rounds, Mr. Wallace said in a statement in Parliament. If we are to continue helping Ukraine to seize the upper hand in the next phase of the conflict, we must accelerate our collective effort diplomatically, economically and militarily, Mr. Wallace told lawmakers, describing his move as Britains most significant package of combat power to date. It was hoped that Britains example will allow those countries holding Leopard tanks to donate as well, Mr. Wallace added, appealing to the government in Germany, which has been reluctant to commit weaponry that could be used for offensive military action, or to approve transfers of such German-made weapons from countries that have bought them. GENEVA As rescue workers continued to bring out bodies from the rubble of an apartment block struck by a Russian missile in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro on Saturday, the United Nations said on Monday that it had confirmed the deaths of more than 7,000 Ukrainian civilians in the 11 months since Russia invaded. United Nations monitors in Ukraine said those killed included 2,784 men, 1,875 women and another 1,939 adults whose gender was unknown. Those known to have died included 398 children, the monitors reported. The numbers include only those the United Nations has been able to corroborate, and the U.N. acknowledges that the full civilian toll is much higher. While U.N. monitors reported that 104 Ukrainian civilians had been killed in the first half of January, the U.N. human rights office in Geneva said those deaths would not have included victims of Saturdays missile strike on Dnipro, which destroyed a nine-story apartment building. By Monday, Ukrainian officials said 40 people had died in that attack and more than 30 people remained unaccounted for. The rate of civilian deaths confirmed by the United Nations had edged lower in the fall of 2022 but looks set to rise this month under Russias bombardment targeting critical infrastructure in urban centers across Ukraine, including the western city of Lviv, the capital, Kyiv, and the eastern city of Kharkiv. All of these, on some level, are fronts in the war of industrial attrition. This, too, parallels other such wars, for instance the Korean War, in which U.S.-led air attacks devastated North Korean cities in a manner not unlike, and often exceeding, Russias strike campaign in Ukraine. One lesson of those conflicts is that, as each side grows desperate to keep pace with the other, it goes to ever-greater lengths to win international support. That can prolong the war when it favors the aggressor, as did American and Saudi support for Iraqs attempted invasion of Iran. It can help decide the wars outcome, as happened in some conflicts amid the breakup of Yugoslavia, where Western support for one side ultimately exceeded Russian support for the other. It can also reshape global politics more broadly. The geopolitical lines set by the Korean War, in which the North won Soviet and Chinese support against the U.S.-backed South, are still largely in place 70 years later. Many-Decade Wars The Yom Kippur War comes to mind, Dr. Radchenko, the historian, said of Russias invasion of Ukraine, referring to the Arab-Israeli war of 1973. The coalition of Arab states that attacked Israel sought to eject it from territory it had seized in prior rounds of fighting and re-establish their regional dominance, much as Moscow is seeking to reimpose Ukraine within its orbit and, more broadly, reconstitute some of its Soviet-era power within Europe. JERUSALEM Hamas, the Islamic militant group that controls Gaza, released a video on Monday with footage of a man who identified himself as Avera Mengistu, an Israeli civilian held captive by the Palestinian group since 2014, issuing a direct challenge to Israels incoming military chief of staff and its new hard-line government. If verified as authentic, the footage would provide the first public proof that Mr. Mengistu is alive after years of silence. The Israeli authorities were examining the video on Monday and did not immediately confirm its veracity. Yallo Mengistu, a brother of the captive, told the Israeli news site Ynet that while he could not be 100 percent sure, the man in the video looked like Avera Mengistu. There was no indication when the footage was taken, but the military wing of Hamas, which released the video on its Telegram account and website, accompanied the clip with text slides written in Arabic and Hebrew stating that the departing army chief, Aviv Kochavi, had failed. They also warned that his successor, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, who was sworn in on Monday, must prepare himself to bear the burden of that failure and its consequences. Jamie Kelter Davis for The New York Times Arguably the most important election in America in 2023 is the April 4 contest for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The winner will determine whether conservatives or liberals hold a 4-to-3 majority in a critical presidential battleground state. Heres whats at stake in the election Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read what you share. A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. The Taliban-led Government of Afghanistan recently unveiled the countrys first-ever indigenously built supercar, named Mada 9. On the list of things you were expecting from the Taliban, unveiling a supercar prototype probably ranked pretty low, but here we are. Reportedly developed by a team of at least 30 engineers from a company called ENTOP and Kabuls Afghanistan Technical Vocational Institute (ATVI) over a period of 5 years, the Mada 9 definitely has the looks of a supercar, but is currently powered by a modified 2000 Toyota Corolla engine. It is apparently capable of moving at higher speeds, but the end goal is to fit it with a more powerful electrical engine. Photo: ENTOP/Instagram Zabihullah Mujahid, the Talibans official spokesperson, shared a video on Twitter of the Mada 9 doing donuts in the snow, and photos of the supercar have been doing the rounds on social media, but no technical specifications have been made available at this time. We dont even know if it is a front, rear or mid-engine car, and there are also no photos of the interior. View this post on Instagram A post shared by ENTOP (@entopco) Mohammad Riza Ahmadi, the CEO of ENTOP and designer of the Mada 9, told Afghan news channel TOLO News that he hoped Afghanistans first supercar would be an international beacon for the war-torn country. View this post on Instagram A post shared by ENTOP (@entopco) This car will be an ambassador and will drive across Afghanistan and convey the value of knowledge to the people, Ahmadi said. It will start its journey in Afghanistan and will one day maybe go international. View this post on Instagram A post shared by ENTOP (@entopco) Ahmadi added that his company has already received inquiries from people looking to buy the Mada 9, but the vehicle is not currently for sale. Which makes sense, considering its probably not a finished product yet pic.twitter.com/duPsGhI3AH Zabihullah (.. ) (@Zabehulah_M33) January 15, 2023 So, why did Afghanistan build the Mada 9 supercar? Well, I think the name of the YouTube video ENTOP recently posted to promote the unveiling is the best answer wereever going to get BECAUSE WE F*UCKING CAN. A 41-year-old man has reportedly been making a killing selling womens high heel shoes and boots by modeling them himself. The unnamed man who reportedly hails from Chinas Sichuan province recently made news headlines after it was revealed that he had been using a very unusual technique to boost up his online sales. Live stream commerce is big business in China, but the competition is so stiff that entrepreneurs constantly have to come up with gimmicks to set themselves apart and gain potential customers. In this particular case, the guy films himself walking and even running in the high-heel womens footwear he sells, and people seem to love it. According to a Star Video report that recently went viral in China, the 41-year-old online salesmans unique marketing has attracted over 1.2 million subscribers on TikTok alone, and it has been generating about 6 million yuan ($900,000) in monthly sales. Thats not too bad for a small business, especially considering that this is apparently the entrepreneurs third foray into online sales, but only the first successful one. He had previously tried selling cakes and curtains, but without a way of one-upping the competition, he failed both times. Weve seen men posing and walking in high heels before, but this is probably the first one to use the skill as a marketing strategy. Interestingly, just last week, we posted about Chinese live stream sellers using male models to showcase womens lingerie and avoid having their channels permanently banned, and now we have this little gem. We knew Chinas online commerce industry was different, but this This year's rankings of the top PR firms by net fee income will feature a new restaurants category, bringing the total number of PR specialties tracked to 20. Deadline to submit is Mon., Mar. 13. View Rankings Instructions (PDF). Show your expertise in areas such as healthcare, technology, finance, greentech, professional services and purpose/CSR, to name a few of the 20 specialties we track. Only ODwyers does such rankings, which are usually at or near the top in Google searches for those specialties. Rankings are also tabulated by 15 cities and regions, including New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Washington., D.C. Regional rankings showcase firms in the west, southeast and midwest. A total of 144 firms took part in last year's rankings. PR firms looking to reach out to prospects who visit ODwyers website every day to research outside PR counsel should consider joining this years rankings. Ranking Rules PR firms have distinctive financialsat least half of income is used for staff pay. Therefore, ODwyers requires the top page of the latest corporate income tax return and W-3 to verify legitimate PR firms rather than ad agencies or other types of businesses. The ranking measures counseling and media contact services, not advertising or production expenses. "Even if the tax return is on a cash basis and financials on accrual, we like to see the return as an added check that a CPA has been used," publisher John O'Dwyer stressed. Net fee income by location and specialties should have been accumulated all year, by month and presented to a CPA. "The CPA firm should have minimal work to do, just a topside review. Our ranking instructions disclaim responsibility for the numbers by the CPA firm," O'Dwyer said. Participating firms are instructed to consider PPP funds as a loan until they are forgiven and not factor the amount into retainer income. Please contact John ODwyer at [email protected] if you have questions about the ranking requirements. Hit dating show Love Island is returning to South Africa for the first time since the pandemic began. The winter series which is being hosted by radio DJ Maya Jama for the first time will see 10 islanders entering a villa looking for love. If the show inspires you to have a look at everything South Africa has to offer, you may want to try some of the countrys most popular dishes Cape Malay curry This warming curry is well-placed for a winter dinner usually made with chicken on the bone, it is often served with rice, roti and some kind of fruit chutney. It has its roots in dishes brought to South Africa by Indian and Indonesian slaves in the 17th century, and is gently spiced with a mix of coriander, cumin, turmeric, cardamom, and cinnamon. Malva pudding This traditional South African dessert is seriously delicious almost like a British sticky toffee pudding. It has a sponge-like texture and apricot jam in the batter. The pud is drenched with syrup, and is often paired with cream or custard. Braai A braai is a traditional South African BBQ, where meat is grilled on wood or charcoal to give a smokey flavour. Braai-style cooking is becoming increasingly popular in the UK Boris and Carrie Johnson are said to have had one at their belated wedding celebrations in 2022. Chakalaka This bean and tomato relish is equal measures spicy and fresh, and makes an excellent side dish often served at braais. Its roots lie in gold mining, when workers would combine the vegetables they had with canned beans to eat with pap (a type of porridge made from maize). Bobotie Often described as South Africas national dish, bobotie is another recipe with Indonesian roots. Curried minced beef is topped with a savoury egg custard, and baked until golden. Bunny chow There is a huge community of Indian people in South Africa, and their influence is felt in bunny chow. This popular street food dish is a bread bowl filled with curry typically made up of meat with chickpeas, potatoes and various spices. Melktert Many countries have their own take on a custard tart, and South Africas is the melktert. Made with eggs, milk, cinnamon and sugar and popped in a pastry case, it can be eaten hot or cold. Love Island returns at 9pm on Monday January 16 on ITV2 and ITVX. Jay McGuiness has helped his fellow The Wanted bandmate Siva Kaneswaran with his dancing during the show Dancing On Ice. McGuiness, who won Strictly Come Dancing in 2015, taught Kaneswaran some dance moves before the Irish pop star took to the ice for the first time on celebrity show on Sunday. In the rehearsal video before the performances, McGuiness, 32, said during the programme: I dont think on stage (Siva) was known for his dancing. I think the boys got rhythm, but he needs a rehearsal. His name is Siva, and he dances on the ice! @SivaKaneswaran & Klabera slide off the ice with a score of 24 from the judges #DancingOnIce pic.twitter.com/TD5mF8Ge4Y Dancing on Ice (@dancingonice) January 15, 2023 During his performance, Kaneswaran, 34, and his professional partner Klabera Komini were given credit for their technical skating moves like the twizzle and the hoover and scored a total of 24 points from the judges. Diversity dance troupe founder Ashley Banjo said: For someone who doesnt classify themselves as a natural dancer, your natural hold and positioning and presentation is just really graceful, Its really aesthetically pleasing to watch. So now you just need to break out of that shell a little bit (and) build the confidence. Olympian skaters Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean both praised the technicality of Kaneswarans performance. Before the show aired, Kaneswaran revealed he was scared after hitting his head while practising. The 34-year-old said: I banged the back of my head. Ive got a mild concussion as we speak so Im seeing double a bit. Kaneswaran said his doctor had advised him to not look at bright lights and avoid screens for a while. I literally felt the back of my head, thinking, Im like, Im broken, but then once the medics came over and checked on me, they said Youre all good, it was a minor bump. I scared myself on the day but overall, Im very positive now. Asked how he is feeling ahead of the first performance, Kaneswaran said he is really confident and focused. Im going to do my best, and, when I look back at this, I want to know that I gave 120% and I made my family and friends and everyone proud and myself proud. I think thats what Im nervous about I dont want to half-ass it, I want to do it. It's time to reveal the Celebrities who will be skating in our first episode of 2023 and what track will be the soundtrack to their first-ever dance! Brand new Dancing on Ice starts Sunday at 6:30pm on ITV1 and ITVX #DancingOnIce pic.twitter.com/LcpOkgGmVp Dancing on Ice (@dancingonice) January 12, 2023 Kaneswaran said he decided to do the show after witnessing the courage of his bandmate Tom Parker, who died last year aged 33 after being diagnosed with a brain tumour, and to raise awareness of the illness. He also said during the programme: I guess Im still grieving (Toms) courage when he was fighting with his illness and it was just so inspiring, I thought Id bring that into my life and face my fears. I have no skating experience, I wanted to challenge myself. He said he has also spoken to radio DJ Sonny Jay, who won Dancing On Ice in 2021, and The Wanted bandmate Jay McGuiness, who won Strictly Come Dancing in 2015. (Jays) giving me some tips on, like, my form and how to put my posture, which I found really helpful. Honestly, its a team effort. Dancing On Ice airs on Sundays on ITV and ITVX. Gaps still remain between London and Brussels over the Northern Ireland Protocol, Downing Street said, as the Foreign Secretary resumes talks with the European Commission vice-president. James Cleverly will speak to Maros Sefcovic on Monday over a proposal to iron out issues with post-Brexit trade arrangements affecting Northern Ireland and Great Britain. Speculation had mounted in recent days that the two sides could be edging towards a breakthrough on the Northern Ireland Protocol, amid suggestions that cross-Channel relations have improved since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister. Downing Street on Monday appeared to play down hopes of an imminent breakthrough, saying issues remain outstanding in the negotiations. They will continue to look at any progress thats being made, the Prime Ministers official spokesman said of the meeting. But as weve said on a number of occasions, there are still gaps in our position that need to be resolved in order to address the full range of problems created by the protocol. The announcement last week that a deal had been reached on sharing real-time data on goods travelling from Great Britain to Northern Ireland was seen as a step towards an overall resolution. A UK Government source said the negotiations were proving complex and difficult but there was a desire to work together to reach an agreement. Labour said signs of progress were promising and urged Mr Sunak to ignore the right wing of his party to secure a protocol pact with Brussels. Talk of pushing through the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, heavily criticised by the EU for the way it would unilaterally override parts of the treaty signed by former prime minister Boris Johnson, has grown quieter in recent months. There has also been a flurry of activity in Northern Ireland, with Mr Cleverly and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmers Belfast appearances last week adding to speculation that a protocol announcement is moving nearer. Irish MEP Barry Andrews told Times Radio on Sunday that there was an expectation that a political declaration could emerge out of the Cleverly-Sefcovic talks on Monday. Not an internationally binding agreement, but a political declaration and framework for the way forward, said the Fianna Fail politician. We had some positive announcements last week and generally I think theres been a build-up of trust between the parties. Speaking to the PA news agency about Mondays talks, a UK Government source said: Wed all prefer a negotiated solution but significant gaps remain. It is the conversations with the commission that will either bring that about or not. Nobody should be under any illusions that this is complex and difficult but the desire to work together on a solution seems to be there. Alongside the UK-EU talks, Labour will send a delegation to Derry to meet business leaders and learn about how the protocol has affected Northern Ireland trade. Shadow foreign secretary David Lammy, shadow Northern Ireland secretary Peter Kyle and shadow Cabinet Office minister Baroness Chapman will visit Foyle Port, a gateway that handles two million tonnes of cargo a year. Party officials said they were going to see first-hand how red tape from the Conservatives deal and ongoing uncertainty are affecting trade. The protocol was agreed to in 2019 by Mr Johnson as a way of breaking the Brexit deadlock. In order to avoid a hard border in Ireland, it moved customs and food safety checks and processes to the Irish Sea, creating economic and administrative barriers on the movement of goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The protocol is vehemently opposed by many unionists and the DUP is blocking the functioning of a devolved government in Stormont in protest at the arrangements. Mr Lammy said: Recent signs of progress on the protocol are promising Rishi Sunak must press on and stand up to the ERG hardliners before this window of opportunity closes. With a UK Government showing determination, diplomatic skill and hard work, and flexibility on both sides, the problems with the protocol are resolvable. If the Government can reach a deal that delivers for our national interest and the people of Northern Ireland, the Labour Party stands ready to do what it takes to get it over the line. Dominic Perrottet has launched an extraordinary attack on former NSW premier Bob Carr, blaming him for the proliferation of poker machines across Sydney. A body has been found in the search for a man who went missing at a section of the Yarra River in Melbournes east. ATHENS, Greece (AP) Thousands of people lined up since before dawn on Monday outside Athens cathedral to pay their final respects to Greeces former and last king, Constantine, who died last week at the age of 82. Greeces monarchy was definitively abolished in a referendum in 1974, and Constantine spent decades in exile, living mainly in London, before returning to settle in his home country once more in his waning years. The government announced after his death that Constantine would be buried as a private citizen, without honors reserved for former heads of state, in Tatoi, the former royal estate north of Athens, next to where his parents and ancestors are buried. Royals from across Europe, including the Spanish and Danish royal families who were closely related to Constantine, were in Athens to attend the service and burial, while hundreds of police were deployed in the Greek capital. Constantines wife, Anne-Marie, is the sister of Denmarks Queen Margrethe II, while his sister Sophia is the wife of Spains former King Juan Carlos, and mother of Spains current monarch, King Felipe VI. A limited lying in state was allowed in a chapel next to the capitals metropolitan cathedral, where the funeral service was to be held, with members of the public allowed to visit Constantines coffin from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. NEW YORK (AP) When some of the worlds wealthiest and most influential figures gathered at the World Economic Forums annual meeting last year, sessions on climate change drew high-level discussions on topics such as carbon financing and sustainable food systems. But an entirely different narrative played out on the internet, where social media users claimed leaders wanted to force the population to eat insects instead of meat in the name of saving the environment. The annual event in the Swiss ski resort town of Davos, which opens Monday, has increasingly become a target of bizarre claims from a growing chorus of commentators who believe the forum involves a group of elites manipulating global events for their own benefit. Experts say what was once a conspiracy theory found in the internets underbelly has now hit the mainstream. This isnt a conspiracy that is playing out on the extreme fringes, said Alex Friedfeld, a researcher with the Anti-Defamation League who studies anti-government extremism. Were seeing it on mainstream social media platforms being shared by regular Americans. We were seeing it being spread by mainstream media figures right on their prime time news, on their nightly networks. The meeting draws heads of state, business executives, cultural trendsetters and representatives from international organizations to the luxe mountain town. Though it's always unclear how much concrete action will emerge, the meeting is slated to take on pressing global issues from climate change and economic uncertainty to geopolitical instability and public health. Hundreds of public sessions are planned, but the four-day conference is also known for secretive backroom meetings and deal-making by business leaders. This gap between whats shown to the public and... Firefighters and police responded at the scene of the world-famous landmark. Apart from the driver, nobody else has been confirmed dead or injured. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called for a special international tribunal to prosecute Russian war crimes in Ukraine while visiting the International Criminal Court. But, like the ICC, its reach may be limited. Hollywood stepped out Sunday in red carpet finery to celebrate the best in movies and TV, this time at the 2023 Critics Choice Awards in Los Angeles. British police arrest man in his 60s after traces of Uranium were found in a package at Heathrow airport last month. Siamak Namazi, who is detained in Iran on spying charges, has started a seven-day hunger strike. In an open letter, he appealed to US President Joe Biden to do more for detainees. Sky News 19 Jan 2023 The arrest of a murderous mob boss who had been on the run for decades has prompted relief around Italy - while raising a pressing.. The High Court has granted an appeal against its own ruling last month that the government's scheme to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda is lawful. Christine Lambrecht was a frequent target of criticism, including over German caution on military aid to Ukraine. Chancellor Olaf Scholz had backed her strongly, and may find her hard to replace. The police have succeeded in clearing demonstrators from the site of a coal mine expansion in western Germany. Climate protesters have vowed to carry on the fight despite the setback. In the face of Russias war in Ukraine, some NATO members are calling for more defense spending. Lithuania says the current benchmark of 2% of GDP should be the bare minimum. Is NATO facing a new test of unity? Police say Stephen Lee Green, 34, of Sykesville, was found fatally shot in his SUV after delivering groceries Friday night in Temple Hills Americans paid tribute to civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr. The holiday is marked each year on the Monday following King's birthday on Jan. 15. King would have turned 94 on Sunday. The latest developments at the north of Kosovo are reminiscent of the events from the nineties of the past century and threaten to.. Eurasia Review 06 Jan 2023 2008-2023 One News Page Ltd. All rights reserved. One News is a registered trademark of One News Page Ltd. Former Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi is set to resign as a lawmaker soon, sources close to the matter said, likely setting up a by-election in April at the New York City Mayor Eric Adams toured El Paso this weekend, where he surveyed the border crisis for himself and called on the federal government to play a bigger role. LONDON (AP) The British government is considering blocking a new law that makes it easier for people in Scotland to legally.. SeattlePI.com 16 Jan 2023 Democratic House and Senate leadership remained silent on Rep. Adam Schiff's call for an intelligence assessment into the classified documents mishandled by President Biden. Labour has called for Irans revolutionary guard to be formally branded a terror group as part of a UK retaliation to Alireza Akbaris execution. A young Bangladeshi man in the US was gunned down by the police in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Bangladesh Association of New.. Eurasia Review 11 Jan 2023 The Metropolitan Police failed to throw out an officer who has pleaded guilty to a string of sexual offences despite nine incidents.. Sky News 16 Jan 2023 Gaps still remain between London and Brussels over the Northern Ireland Protocol, Downing Street said, as the Foreign Secretary resumes talks with the European Commission vice-president. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. tap here to see other videos from our team. Try refreshing your browser, or Two things to watch ahead of the Bank of Canada's next rate decision We apologize, but this video has failed to load. tap here to see other videos from our team. Try #bankofcanada #derekholt #bankofcanadas #rbc #scotiabank Oxfam has called for immediate action to tackle a post-Covid widening in global inequality after revealing that almost two-thirds of the new wealth amassed since the start of the pandemic has gone to the richest 1%. In report to coincide with the annual gathering of the global elite at the World #oxfam #worldeconomicforum #nonefood #joseantonioocampo #davos #colombia #dannysriskandarajah By Jeffrey Mankoff* (FPRI) The scope of the Biden administrations response to the invasion of Ukraine has already.. Eurasia Review 27 Jan 2023 The Bank of Canada says more businesses than usual expect their sales to decline as most firms and consumers expect a recession in.. Upworthy 16 Jan 2023 Papua New Guinea's National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop has been reported to have been discharged from the Gold Coast University Hospital, Australia, and is doing well. According to a brief from the office of the NCD Governor on Sunday, he's soon returning for duties after a few more reviews are completed. On December 21, 2022, Governor Parkop was rushed to the Port Moresby General Hospital Emergency Department with stomach complications after a cardiac procedure was performed. He was treated before being transferred to the Port Moresby General Hospital Intensive Care Unit for further treatment. Governor Parkop was further moved to the Pacific International Hospital for specialist treatment, however,, upon recommendations, he was medivac to Australia on Friday 23rd December. NBC News/One PNG News Next:Australian PM Albanese visits late Sir Michael Somare's tomb Director of Content and Operations Spencer McKee is OutThere Colorado's Director of Content and Operations. In his spare time, Spencer loves to hike, rock climb, and trail run. He's on a mission to summit all 58 of Colorado's fourteeners and has already climbed more than half. WELD COUNTY, CO - JULY 21: Members of the Colorado General Assembly join Weld County officials on an historic tour of the Dearfield townsite located about 24 miles miles east of Greeley on July 21, 2021 in Weld County, Colorado. The group learned about the Deerfield Dream Project that emphasizes, archeological, historical, and environmental studies as well as protection of historic buildings and preservation of the early 20th Century African American colony of Dearfield. (Photo By Kathryn Scott) Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Libyan coalitions and civil society organizations held a demonstration in front of the headquarters of the Libyan Presidential Council in Tripoli on Monday, during which demonstrators called for the fall of the House of Representatives (Parliament) and the High State Council Photo: (Photo : Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images) Kanye West is now a married man again! West, who is now legally known as Ye, recently chose to tie the knot with a new partner named Bianca Censori. Ye is said to have gotten married in a private ceremony. This remarriage has since stirred controversy, and people are saying that Ye's new wife is a Kim Kardasian lookalike. A lot of people are also saying that this relationship might not be as serious as it seems and that this might just be one of his crazy outbursts to deal with the end of his marriage to Kim Kardashian. Kanye West Remarries According to Geo News, a psychologist, Jo Hemmings, says Kim Kardashian could be in a lot of pain after discovering Ye's secret nuptials to her lookalike, Bianca Censori. The psychologist said that it is possible for Kim to feel fear when she wakes up and hears this news, just like any other ex-wife would in a similar situation. It appears as though Ye has another surprise up his sleeve for her every week. At this point, she might have the tendency to feel numb. This very sudden partnership appears to be another insane, daring, and rebellious act by Ye, the likes of which we have seen quite a lot of in recent times. Hemmings went on to say that if he does not receive any kind of intervention, whether therapeutic or otherwise, he is headed straight toward a crisis or an implosion of some kind. The psychologist also shares the same sentiments with other people, saying that this does not seem like any kind of meaningful relationship. According to Cosmopolitan, Censori met Ye while working with him on designing Yeezys in November 2020. Bianca Censori went to the University of Melbourne and got both a Bachelor of Architecture and a Master of Architecture degree. This might suggest that Censori is an Australian native. It has been stated that the architect divides her time between the cities of Melbourne and Los Angeles. She said that she usually works on her art in Melbourne and then puts it to use in LA. Read Also: Selena Gomez Rocks Red Carpet With Younger Sister Gracie Teefey How Long Should You Wait to Remarry After a Divorce? After a divorce is finalized, some people may have the feeling that they need to pick up the pieces of their life and move on. While most individuals feel ready to start dating again within a year of getting divorced, there is a significant gap between going out on a few casual dates and deciding to remarry after a previous marriage has ended in divorce. Others believe that it is best to wait at least two to three years after the end of a marriage, whether via divorce or the passing of a partner. According to Hello Divorce, studies reveal that the likelihood of a couple divorcing in the future is reduced by twenty percent if the pair dated for at least a year before deciding to be married. However, when getting married, some states in the country have a mandatory waiting period that needs to be followed. Here are how many days partners need to wait in some states: In Alabama, couples need to wait for 60 days. In Kansas, couples need to wait for 30 days In Massachusetts, couples need to wait for 90 days In Nebraska, couples need to wait for 6 months. In Oklahoma,couples need to wait for 6 months. In Rhode Island, couples need to wait for 3 months. In Texas, couples need to wait for 30 days. In Washington, D.C., couples need to wait for 30 days. In Wisconsin, couples need to wait for 6 months. Related Article: Parents Use Respectful Parenting as Approach to Produce Highly Successful Kids Photo: (Photo : Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images) Jared Dicus finally admits to being responsible for his wife's murder. Jared James Dicus, 21, was arrested by the police in connection with an incident that occurred in his household on January 11. Waller County Sheriff Troy Guidry stated that detectives discovered Diaz's death on Wednesday afternoon inside a residence the couple shared in a rural region near Magnolia, which is 44 miles northwest of Houston. Dicus was arrested and charged with first-degree murder for the slaying and decapitation of his wife, Anggy Diaz, who was also 21 years old. Jared Dicus Admits To Murder According to NBC News, in a press conference, Guidry stated that Dicus was questioned away from the scene at the sheriff's office in order to give his witness testimony. He provided a comprehensive confession and acknowledged having committed the crime. It all started when the deputies received a call from the Waller County Sheriff's Office at approximately 4:35 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 11. A suspected fatality had been reported at a residence located on Oak Hollow Boulevard in Waller County, according to the call. Following the arrival of investigators at the property, the police found the body of a girl in a tiny residential building that was situated behind the main residence. The officials have determined that the woman's body was also disfigured in some way. The murder weapon that was used, according to investigators, appears to have been a kitchen knife. After the sheriff's deputies came, he was taken into custody at the site. It was said that Dicus was the husband of the woman lying on the site, and he was suspected to have had something to do with the crime. Read Also: 9-Year-Old Maryland Girl Finds Tooth Remains of Extinct Shark Anggy Diaz's Murder According to TODAY, Diaz and Dicus moved into a tiny cabin that was located behind Dicus' parents' house. This cabin is thought to be the location where the murder took place. Following the parents' search of the residence and discovery of the deceased, Dicus's father contacted the authorities. The crime scene was drenched in blood, and the corpse of Diaz was found to have been mutilated when the deputies arrived. Dicus was brought into custody, and he is now charged with murder in the first degree. His bond has been set at $500,000 while he is being held in custody at this time. According to CBS, Anggy Diaz is an immigrant from Nicaragua who has been keeping two jobs in order to contribute financially toward the cancer treatment of her mother. On the day that Diaz's body was discovered, a surveillance video from the shop where she worked appeared to show his husband arriving at the parking lot at around 11:40 a.m. on that day. It seems as though the camera captures him entering the store, picking up a beer, having a quick drink, and then leaving in his car. JUST IN: New surveillance video is believed to show 21-year-old murder suspect James Diccus stealing a beer, only minutes after allegedly decapitating his wife with a kitchen knife in Waller County, TX. This is also where she worked. #texas #news pic.twitter.com/UgRkb6zW5z Matthew Seedorff (@MattSeedorff) January 13, 2023 On Facebook, Waller County Judge Trey Duhon is sending condolences to the family and friends of Diaz. The judge said he remembers marrying the couple in October 2022. He also recalls his short time with them, saying they were a very nice young couple. Duhon continued by saying that the news of this awful tragedy has left him in a state of profound disbelief and sadness. There is also a fundraiser arranged for Diaz to help her bereaved family. Support from the community has been pouring in, and it has now raised $20,000. Related Article: Oklahoma Authorities Arrest Caretaker of 2 Kids, Search for 4-Year-Old Athena Brownfield Continues Photo: (Photo : Getty Images/Alberto E. Rodriguez) The mother of five just got another health scare when her daughter was rushed to the hospital last week. Tori Spelling took to Instagram Wednesday and expressed that the "hits just keep coming," announcing that her daughter is currently in the hospital after an illness plagued her son last month. She posted on her Instagram story a photo of her 14-year-old daughter Stella wearing a face mask and a gown, lying on a hospital bed hooked up to wires. The designer and producer recently took to social media again to update everyone that Stella has already gotten home and is "feeling much better." She then shared that Stella was diagnosed with a Hemiplegic Migraine, which affects only one side of the body. A Hemiplegic Migraine attack is similar to a stroke, which includes sudden severe headaches on one side of the brain and numbness on one half of the body. According to WebMD, hemiplegic migraine is a rare and serious kind of migraine. Extreme muscle weakness causes temporary paralysis on one side of the body, which physicians call hemiplegia. Before her daughter, it was her son "It can be terrifying if you don't know what's happening or about this type of migraine. As a migraine sufferer my entire life, I had no idea about this. Grateful to everyone at the ER. They were amazing and took great loving care of her," Spelling expressed in the caption of her post, which was a photo of Stella resting on their couch with her dog and her hospital wristband still on her. The Beverly Hills, 90210 alumni share Stella and four other siblings - Hattie, 11; Beau, 5; Finn, 10; and Liam, 15, with 55-year-old husband Dean McDermott, 55. The "Love at First Lie" host has been transparent about the tough few months that her family was experiencing different illnesses. Last month, she expressed frustration at the "back-to-back illnesses" that plague her son Beau, People reported. She shared how Beau was not able to go to school for three weeks due to his sickness. He returned to school but got sick immediately, experiencing high fevers and vomits. The producer then asked parents if her experience is also true for them - having kiddos who get sick over and over when they return to school. Read Also: Celebrity Moms: Tori Spelling Praised By Fans For Being A 'Wonderful' Mother She got sick too Days before the holidays, Spelling also had her own health scare, posting an Instagram story announcing she was hospitalized after having "crazy dizziness" and difficulty breathing. However, more than the physical distress, according to US Weekly, what hurt her were the haters who were saying that she was faking her illness. She then slammed them and declared that they should show someone sick "kindness instead of doubtfulness." She further stated that not working is a nightmare for people like her. She's a hustler and a workaholic; haters should remember that. Related Article: How to Parent Multiple Children, According to Celebrities Elder Russell M. Nelson was set apart as the seventeenth president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 14 January 2018 which means that this past Saturday marked his fifth anniversary as the leader of the Church. Here are some interesting retrospectives on his tenure in office: In honor of the focus of this years Come, Follow Me lessons on the New Testament, Ive pulled down a book that Ive had on my shelf for several years but havent yet read: Craig S. Keener, The Historical Jesus of the Gospels (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2009). Its quite large xxxiii + 831 pages and I guess Ive been intimidated by its sheer bulk. But Im going to read it through over the next weeks, a little bit each day. Here, in fact, are some passages from the Introduction that I marked earlier today. Professor Keener is a believing Evangelical (with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies from Duke), but he doesnt appear to be an inerrantist. Not, anyway, in the rigid sense that Ive sometimes encountered. Here, for example, hes talking about differences between the Gospels: To take one graphic example, whereas Mark (reflecting his Palestinian tradition) reports supplicants digging through a roof to reach Jesus, in Luke they tear off the roof tiles an image more understandable to Lukes northern Mediterranean audience. I think it is fair to surmise that those who protest the theological impossibility of such differences have never taken time to honestly and closely compare parallel texts in the Gospels. For the sake of space, I will not seek to demonstrate such points that are self-evident in the Gospels themselves and barely ever in dispute among biblical scholars. Rather, I will argue instead that such adaptations appear within the acceptable bounds of ancient biography, historiography, and oral tradition. Yet I also wish to emphasize that the Gospels, like comparable ancient works, contain such adaptations in contrast to a novelistic, wholesale creation of events. Because works with historical interest and focused on recent events were expected to report genuine events, but had some flexibility in how they reported them, my focus is largely on events and patterns of teaching rather than on details. The clear evidence for historical tradition in the Gospels (not least being the conspicuous dependence of Luke and Matthew on sources) rules out assigning them to genre category of novel, and thus invites us to explore the ways they used historical tradition where we can test this use. (xxxii-xxxiii) The assumption, I guess, is that Luke, who was not only a physician but a Gentile who was not an eyewitness of the ministry of Jesus, was unfamiliar with Palestinian (and specifically Galilean) architecture. So, hearing the story of the lowering of the paralytic through the roof of a small dwelling, he pictured what he personally knew, assuming that the house in the story would have looked like the houses with which he was familiar. Moving on, I might or might not concur with his comment about the passages in Mark and John below, but I myself have never really seen the point of scriptural inerrancy. I do, though, care about essential historical accuracy, which is not exactly the same thing: One need not argue that the entire text of the Gospels as we have them is accurate; most scholars, in fact (including most conservative ones), will agree with most of [Bart] Ehrmans major textual decisions (e.g., the inauthenticity of Mk 16:9-20 or Jn 7:53-8:11). Observing that most scholars have not been driven to agnosticism by these textual issues, one scholar suggests that Ehrmans agnostic response to them reflects his rigidly conservative background; if the text is either completely right or completely wrong, Ehrmans skepticism is a logical conclusion. Most biblical scholars do not insist on such a forced choice, just as most historians would not. (xxxiii) Finally, Professor Keener says something about his own background, which I think is helpful for readers to know: Like all scholars (though I think not more than most scholars), I write with my own presuppositions. For those who are interested in the question, I began my interest in questions about religion and, to a much lesser extent, biblical perspectives from a position of extreme (though not totally closed-minded) skepticism, as an atheist. As one who is now a Christian I approach the subject with a special interest I previously lacked, but an interest that I believe makes me more rather than less committed to investigating genuine historical information about Jesus. When I was an atheist I never imagined that my life would take this turn, but I harbor no regrets that it has. Even when I was an atheist I valued pursuing truth, regardless of where it might lead. (xxxv) I was pleased to read about this gathering: The case for faith-based college education and what other universities can learn: Notre Dame, BYU, Yeshiva University and a host of others come together in Washington to share innovative ideas. I like the mutually supportive interfaith character of it. I like the fact that Brigham Young University and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were well represented. But and I dont see this as in any way contradictory I also really like Eboo Patels declaration that There is no diversity without particularity. That seems to me a really, really important principle. My sense is that many of todays most vociferous advocates of diversity dont actually value diversity at all not, at least, diversity of thought or ideas. axelbeingcivil is a cordial atheist who is a biologist. Ive enjoyed many good dialogues with him. This one occurred in a combox of my blog. His words will be in blue. Citations of older words of mine will be in green. ***** This dialogue is a continuation of the discussion, Dialogue w Atheist on the Borders of Science & Theology [1-16-23]. Alrighty! Here I go. This will probably end up being a long post so I beg your patience but Im going to do my best to simplify a big topic into a Disqus post. This one will be about mutation, the next about the RNA World model for the origin of life on Earth. The notion that mutations, which are considered mistakes are the mechanism of natural selection and by extension every morphological change involved in evolution (which is massive and comprehensive) makes no sense to me. It never has. I dont think this has been adequately explained at all. It seems to be a post-genetics ad hoc [supposed] explanation for lack of anything better, or adequate and sufficient. When I asked for a summary of your issues with evolution, this was a part of your answer, the above was a part of your answer and what Im going to try and address. So, first, lets review some very basic cell biology. This is a very simple overview that you might remember from any high school biology class. In every cell of every organism on the planet, youll find DNA, RNA, and proteins. The (lamentably named) Central Dogma of biology is that DNA acts as a kind of information storage, which RNA copies from, which is then translated into protein by ribosomes. This is a vast simplification but it is still generally true and its whats necessary to understand for this discussion. Normally, when we talk about mutations, what most people think of are SNPs; single nucleotide polymorphisms. This is a fancy way of talking about a single nucleic acid in the genetic code being changed from one residue to another. Youre probably familiar with the canonical bases, A, T, C, and G. An SNP is when one of those is replaced with another residue; an A with a T or a C, etc. These kinds of mutations do happen and theyre a contributor to evolutionary change, but theyre only a small part of a larger picture. Im going to introduce that larger picture but first I want to spend a little time on SNPs and how they impact an organism, and some of the complexity there. So, lets say you have a gene. This gene codes for an enzyme localized in a certain part of the cell, catalyzing a given reaction. If we take any random nucleotide in the gene and replace it with another, we can run our imaginary simulation to see what happens: The DNA is used as a template for an mRNA strand, which is translated into protein by a ribosome. Almost all substitution mutations we make to the DNA still mean that a protein gets made. Now, what might surprise here is also that most such mutations also have absolutely no effect at all on the resulting protein. You might also remember from high school biology the codon system: Each amino acid that makes up a protein is coded for by three nucleotides. However, the last base in a codon is wiggly; its often redundant. As a result, mutations in the third base in a codon tend to code for the same amino acid. But even mutations in the second base pair in a codon can often have very little impact! Amino acids with similar structural functions often have similar codons. Those with non-polar sidechains (amino acids that dont like water, in other words, and which cause that section of the protein to curl inwards on itself) are similar to other amino acids with non-polar sidechains, for example. Replacing one of these with another of the same functional type tends to result in very little difference to the overall protein. It might have an impact on its function to some extent, but it rarely halts it entirely. Mutations to the first nucleotide in the codon can, of course, cause more significant changes. But even then, the overall structure of the protein might be resilient enough to withstand this change and continue to function normally. All of which is a long way of saying that SNPs dont tend to result in a non-functional protein. However, they can alter its function; making an enzyme react faster or slower, or bind more or less readily to a substrate. These effects can be small very small, in fact individually but have enormous impacts in aggregate. Consider, for example, myoglobin. This is a protein which is used to provide oxygen storage in muscle cells, to allow for more intense activity. All mammals have this protein, but deep-diving mammals like cetaceans show considerable differences in the functions of theirs to their land-based relatives, thanks to adaptations for deep ocean dives. These changes are often smaller than youd think, however. Two amino acid changes in whale hemoglobin is all it takes to greatly shift the ability of the protein to take up and hold onto oxygen. Mutations that produce vast differences in an organisms traits do not actually need to be that grand or large. Small changes in the reactivity of a single protein or adjustments in the timing of its expression are sufficient to produce enormous differences in the organisms suitability for a wide range of activities. It would take, for example, a relatively small number of mutations in the regulation of the thyroid and the production of growth hormones for humans to grow to be seven or eight feet tall, or four feet tall, and stay those heights their entire lives. Now, this is all just down to SNPs but, as I mentioned, those are not the entire picture. Other kinds of mutations can and do happen. I would be writing a portion of a textbook if I tried to give them all thorough detail here but I want to draw particular attention to gene duplication and gene fusion events. Gene duplication events are exactly what they sound like. It would be a long and detailed explanation to get into how these occur, so I will save that unless youre specifically curious about gene crossover events. Suffice it to say, sometimes a portion of a genome containing one or more genes is duplicated in whole or in part and integrated into the same genome. Because of how genes are regulated, additional copies of the same gene may or may not mean more resultant protein. Gene fusion events occur when two genes end up cut-and-pasted onto each other, in whole or in part. Again, the mechanisms are complicated but theyre usually caused by the same kinds of crossover events that cause duplications. The reason I want to draw your attention to this is to introduce another concept: Protein domains. A protein domain is a portion of a protein that performs a given function. A good example might be the binding pocket and catalytic region of an enzyme; the pit into which the enzymes target fits, and the portion of it which aids in triggering the reaction that it serves to accelerate. The thing about protein domains is that they dont rightly care which protein theyre a part of. An enzyme might be coded to travel into a given organelle within the cell, refold there, and catalyze a process in that region, but if you cut off the region that directs it to that part of the cell and replace it with one that comes from another protein translocated to the exterior face of the cell and anchoring it there, you will find the cell surface studded with these enzymes. The actual functionally necessary parts of a domain can also be quite redundant, so not *that* much conservation is necessary, nor that much change for new functional domains to arise spontaneously. When you get a gene duplication event, you get an interesting evolutionary opportunity: The organism now has one gene suitable for performing the important function and a spare, which can mutate without immediate consequence to the organism. This allows for the development of new but similar functions; allowing it to be localized elsewhere or to specialize in providing a different function. The obvious example of this is hemoglobin and myoglobin; each providing very similar functions (oxygen storage) but in very different ways, specialized for different tasks. Meanwhile, gene fusion events can produce entirely novel functions. My own work actually centres on this kind of protein; one produced as a product of a fusion of two bacterial proteins, which plays a role neither of them is traditionally involved in. Now, Ive been going on for quite some time now, so I will have to draw this to a close shortly, but I want to close by saying that while, as you mightve guessed, most of my examples focus on the cellular and subcellular, larger traits arise from smaller features. It does not take terribly much to produce a large change. The length of a limb, the number of colours seen by an eye, the depth of a nasal cavity and the number of sensory ampulae therein, etc., are all controlled by relatively few genes and their regulatory regions. It doesnt take much to produce a big change within a species, as dogs exemplify. Mutations, I would say from study and experience, are more than capable of producing every organism on Earth today. If you made it through all that, thank you for your patience and I hope it was useful! Alright, round two! This one will hopefully be shorter. Abiogenesis is still a fairly new field of study. While the first real studies of it date back to the 1950s, most of the tools and information to begin studying it havent been available until recently (a thing I am sure every generation of scientists says). Earlier studies focused more on proteins and protein production in a prebiotic environment, but our understanding has shifted considerably since then. Previous models of early Earth tried to look for the evolution of simple proteins. While this did reveal some very interesting, very simple proteins, its very much putting the cart before the horse. However, at the time, the researchers working on it could see no way around it: DNA does not spontaneously self-assemble. But it begs the question: How do you have any relation between the proteins assembling the DNA and the DNA itself? Its nonsense as a model. The RNA World model is fairly recent, only coming about in the last thirty years or so, with the prediction and discovery of ribozymes (more on that in a moment). RNA is a molecule made of ribonucleotides. Its very similar to DNA but much more energetically active, which means it can spontaneously assemble into chains and then disassemble itself again due to instability. Its capable of being generated prebiotically and, while a large number of non-canonical ribonucleotides (that is, those that arent the A, U, G, or C used by modern cells) can be generated, the canonical four are the ones that can best stabilize lipids in their monomeric state. One of RNAs other great capacities is to act as an enzyme this is the ribozymes I mentioned earlier. Ribozymes can actually be very short a five nucleotide oligomer is all it takes to facilitate protein formation, for example and we rely on them for some of the most primordial functions of our biology. While most biological functions are protein-driven, protein assembly itself is RNA driven, with rRNA (ribosomal RNA) comprising the majority of a ribosome. As I said earlier, though, the RNA World model is in its infancy. It was proposed in the early 90s and experiments on it have relied heavily on the decreasing cost of gene printing and sequencing. As such, there remain a lot of unsolved details. However, researchers have thus far managed to show that RNA is capable of self-assembly, that it is capable of acting as a template for the making of copies of itself without the aid of proteins, and that it can engage in enzymatic activity. The current best road map from RNA to cells still currently envisions RNA assembling proteins, but we just dont really know the full scope of what ribozymes are capable of yet, so we dont really yet know when or why proteins overtook them for importance. Likewise, we also dont know enough about primordial proteins; the simplest forms and their capacity in a proto-cell. We dont know yet whether protein assembly preceded or followed DNA, since the conversion of RNA to DNA creates a more stable storage molecule. There is, in short, a lot we dont know yet. But I think that the RNA World models been convincing enough thus far, and made enough predictions that have been borne out, that these questions seem likely to be solved, rather than remaining mysteries. There are plausible proposed mechanisms for all of these things, and it is going to take time to perform experiments to test them all. Thanks again for your two replies. Much of it is over my head (I freely confess), so Ill reply with a further challenge, from biologist and advocate of irreducible complexity, Michael Behe: whom I mentioned previously. This is from an article entitled, Fearfully and wonderfully made (World, 10-8-22): At a recent conference, I watched a computer simulation of the most important machine in the world: ATP synthase. Without it, no life can exist. In the cells of every organism on Earth, from bluebird to blue whale, from amoeba to alfalfa to Aunt Millie, this molecular machine packages energy for cells to use, like AA batteries for so many game systems. No batteries, no game. I sat halfway back in the room on the center aisle, amid the hundred-odd scientists and casually dressed grad students watching the colorful animated machine, the center of which was turning like a mechanical egg beater. Narrating was 81-year-old John Walker, a British scientist who has studied ATP synthase for over 40 yearsfully one-quarter of the time since his countryman, the naturalist Charles Darwin, first proposed his theory of evolution in 1859. Evolutionary mechanisms such as random mutation and natural selection have been assumed by most scientists and public intellectuals to account for how life arose and developed over eons without any guidance or directionor more pointedly, with no help from God. But Darwin proposed his theory long before scientists discovered such elegant machinery as ATP synthase humming at the molecular foundation of life. Now, as ATP synthase whirred on-screen, John Walker revealed the latest science on this marvel, which in 1997 earned him the Nobel Prize in chemistry after he used state-of-the-art techniques to glimpse the outlines of its form. His audience of scientists (including me) was meeting in semi-secrecy for a conference whose theme was a specific controversial question: Did Darwinian evolution have any limitations? Maybe, as Darwin thought, his idea really could help explain curious facts such as why modified species of animals on islands resemble ones on the closest mainland. But can it explain ATP synthase? John Walker thought so, and the assembled scientists leaned forward in their seats to hear why. ATP synthase is not simple. Comprising thousands of amino acid building blocks in about 10 kinds of protein chains, its intricate structure carefully directs a flow of acid particles, beginning from outside the cell, through deep channels in the machines organization, into the cells interior. Somehow, like the cascade of water over a hydroelectric dam that turns a turbine, the flow of acid through the channels rotates a central camshaft. The cams push against multiple discrete areas of a stationary region of the synthase, distorting their shapes. The distortion forces together two bound feed-chemicals, ADP and phosphate, provoking them to react to yield the energy-rich-yet-stable molecule ATP. As the camshaft completes a turn, the ATP is released into the cell, and the machine begins another cycle. Incredibly, the many copies of the machine in each person produce about 150 pounds of ATP molecules every day, but each is used rapidly as energyin effect, recharging each cell like a reusable battery. And Walkers more recent studiesusing the newest, most powerful iteration of microscopy, called cryo-electron microscopywould reveal its mechanism in unprecedented detail. . . . EM [the electron microscope] detected many intricate features of the cell that common light microscopy had missed. The same nucleus that had appeared to be a featureless black blob was now seen to have window-like portals. (Later work would show them to be elaborate, tightly regulated tollgates, where only substances that carry the right molecular ticket are permitted to pass.) In a classic EM photo, a single molecule of DNA was caught spilling out of a punctured virusone long gossamer thread of information. It would take another half century, until the early 2000sthe dawn of cryo-EMwhen improved optical equipment and massive computer power allowed scientists for the first time to visualize some molecular machines in exquisite detail. One of those machines was ATP synthase. By now, the scientists assembled before Dr. John Walker had run out of patience. The man had just held forth for nearly an hour on this miracle of biological architecture. Elegant and complex, precision-engineered, multiplied daily in the billions across the biosphere and on which the entirety of life depends. Finally, during the Q&A period, a questioner asked him directly: How could a mindless Darwinian process produce such a stunning piece of work? Walkers entire reply (paraphrasing): Slowly, through some sort of intermediate or other. Far out of earshot I muttered two simple words: Game over. If a Nobel laureate who has worked on one of lifes most fundamental systems for four decades cant give an account of how it supposedly arose through a series of lucky mutations and natural selectiondespite knowing its innermost workings in spectacular detailthen its reasonable to conclude no such account exists, and the effort to find one is a snipe hunt. And yet, almost all evolutionary speculation proceeds in the teeth of that hunt. If its any consolation, Galens theory of blood did ultimately collapse. It only took 1,400 years. While we wait, how do we account for molecular machines? If not Darwin, who or what? Whether it sits well with our modern clerisy or not, David had the basic answer three millennia ago: He, his eyes, and his ATP synthase all were purposely made, planned by an intelligent being. Dr. Walkers contentless, essentially worthless reply to a central question related to what he had been lecturing about is precisely the problem I have with materialistic evolutionary analyses of the processes that we are told brought about all the life that exists in the world. When it comes right down to it, the actual process (which is what evolution is about, right?) is never explained in a way that, say, a mechanic can explain the workings of an internal combustion engine, or a nuclear physicist can explain, step-by-step, nuclear fusion or nuclear fission. Instead we get, Slowly, through some sort of intermediate or other. No content; no further (crucial) explanation. He can describe the thing itself (ATP synthase) in fantastic, fabulous, and fascinating detail, yet hes completely clueless as to how it came about (which is, again, the basic thrust of evolution: changes arising that bring about new life forms, species, etc.). Now how can that be? If a man like that has no explanation for how this came about, how is it that scientists believe that evolution caused all that we see, without any intervention from God whatsoever? His (in effect) admitted ignorance and his being stumped by a simple, ultra-relevant question is why I remain agnostic as to materialistic evolutions amazing claimed capabilities. It hasnt been explained sufficiently enough, and it hasnt sufficiently explained what it needs to explain to be credible. Materialists simply dont know, and they should admit this and be honest with themselves and those they teach. Atheists en masse (perhaps including yourself) reason in a very similar epistemological fashion, as what I am doing right now. They say, ad nauseam, that Christianity cant sufficiently explain a host of things, and barring that, they reserve the right to disbelieve in it. Until I see an explanation of the step-by-step evolution of a mechanism like ATP synthase, and many other equally amazing biological things, then I believe that I am justified in being skeptical of materialistic evolution as the explanation for all of life. Do you think Im justified in having that opinion? If not, why? And can you explain the process that Dr. Walker couldnt explain? Do you know of anyone who can? If so, please produce such a person. I would be extremely interested in seeing what they have to say. It seems to me that materialistic evolutionists have been saying for, now, 164 years that the step-by-step, in-depth explanation is always around the corner. We dont know all the details now, but certainly in the not-too-distant-future we will, as science advances. Its the dangling carrot routine. But then decades more pass, and the revelation of this confidently anticipated knowledge never seems to come. Theists get accused of god of the gaps all the time. But I say that materialist evolutionists simply replace that with future science will close the gaps in our knowledge. Yet that never seems to happen. Its the pat answer that is shown to be false (or at least woefully inadequate), as time goes on. With all due respect, you did a version of the dangling carrot and future science will close the gaps yourself, in stating, There is, in short, a lot we dont know yet. But . . . these questions seem likely to be solved, . . . it is going to take time . . . I would bet the farm that in fifty years, when I am long dead (maybe youll still be here), the explanations for the origins of things like ATP synthase and the evolution of DNA and of life will remain as mysterious and nonexistent as they always have been up till now, and the same thing will be said: just give us more time and [the god of] science will explain all of this adequately. Or, these marvels came about Slowly, through some sort of intermediate or other. Atheists are the ones who are always demanding evidence and explanations. Thats all Im doing in this instance. Happy to share! And I hope the wedding was pleasant. Indeed it was. Thanks! I love weddings: the people-watching, families, goofy and special dances, great food, pretty dresses, the happy couple . . . Im sorry I wasnt able to completely render it accessible but if you have any questions, Id be happy to try and clarify. Regarding Behe, Im afraid that hes actually wrong right out of the gate. While most organisms on Earth do have ATP synthase, this isnt actually universally true: Amitochondriate eukaryotes, for example, do not, and there are plenty of organisms (like sulfur-reducing bacteria and other fermenters) that produce sufficient energy to survive without the use of ATP synthase. ATP synthases universality is not a prerequisite for life. Its just one of those adaptations that is so incredibly useful that the situations and circumstances where life exists without it are very rare usually those where theres very little oxygen available. In those circumstances, ATP synthase isnt very effective. This is, incidentally, the nature of circumstances regarding early Earth: An environment without much oxygen. This process is much less efficient but it works in these low-energy circumstances, and life does not require something be efficient; merely that it functions. Scientists must disagree amongst themselves, then, because Behe is not the only one making the claim to universality of ATP synthase for life. I dont know anything about it, myself. Im just citing scientific experts here and supporting what Behe stated. Biology Dictionary (ATP Synthase: 1-28-20) asserts: ATP synthase is found in all lifeforms and powers all cellular activities. The function of ATP synthase is to produce ATP. ATP is necessary to power all cellular processes, so it is constantly being used by cells and constantly needs to be produced. Each ATP synthase can produce about 100 molecules of ATP every second. Eukaryotes, such as plants, animals, and fungi, have organelles called mitochondria that mainly function as ATP producers. Plants also have chloroplasts that contain ATP synthase and can produce ATP from sunlight and carbon dioxide. Bacteria and archaea, which make up the prokaryotes, do not have mitochondria but produce ATP through similar cellular respiration processes in their plasma membrane. Across all forms of life, ATP synthase has basically the same structure and function. Therefore, it is thought to have evolved early on in the evolution of life, and would have been found in the last common ancestor of all life on Earth. Likewise, Jasmine A. Nirody et al, ATP synthase: Evolution, energetics, and membrane interactions (J Gen Physiol (2020) 152 (11), state: The synthesis of ATP, lifes universal energy currency, is the most prevalent chemical reaction in biological systems and is responsible for fueling nearly all cellular processes, from nerve impulse propagation to DNA synthesis. ATP synthases, the family of enzymes that carry out this endless task, are nearly as ubiquitous as the energy-laden molecule they are responsible for making. The F-type ATP synthase (F-ATPase) is found in every domain of life and has facilitated the survival of organisms in a wide range of habitats, ranging from the deep-sea thermal vents to the human intestine. . . . The use of ATP as a source of chemical energy to drive metabolic activity is ubiquitous and shared among all known cellular life-forms. Thirdly, Prashant Neupane et al, ATP Synthase: Structure, Function and Inhibition (Biomolecular Concepts, 3-7-19) concur: Often referred as molecular currency for intracellular energy transfer, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) functions as a chemical fuel by powering many organic processes of life. ATP generation is the principle energy generating procedure found in all forms of life. ATP is the fuel for the operation of almost all metabolic pathways of the cell. If there are exceptions, as you note (again, beats me!), then all these folks dont seem to be aware of it. In any event, Behes statement seems to be quite supportable, so that this cant be seen as a weakness in his argument. Now, as regards the complexity of ATP synthase, I will grant you it is a truly marvelously complex bit of molecular machinery. However, Behes argument boils down ultimately to Give me a complete and detailed breakdown of its evolution this second or I will assume no explanation can ever be provided. Thats a ridiculous demand at the best of times but even more so for a field that has undergone as much (pardon the expression) evolution as biology has in the last twenty years, most notably in the development of bioinformatics. Even a person with 40 years of experience, especially one who spends most of their time on structural modeling, isnt necessarily going to keep the complete linear sequence in their head. I mean, heck, I work on an even more complex system (I think anyway) in the bacterial flagellum, and while I can tell you that the various flagellar proteins have evolved in what appears to be a fairly linear fashion, I couldnt tell you the order off the top of my head. Hes simply asking, explain to us how this could / did evolve. I dont think thats unreasonable at all. And its not just this. It seems that every time we get to fundamental questions of how the building-blocks of life came about, we get this diversionary response: the appeal (as I noted before) to, Oh, science will surely explain that in 10, 20, 30, 70 years. Were on our way! Its a running game that never ends and is never resolved: like the dog chasing its tail. Or there are vague insinuations that Dr. So-and-So somewhere out there has explained, or will, or might explain it; but we never seem to see any such explanation. Its referred to but not demonstrated. Its like the extremely frustrating experience of being put on hold on the phone when inquiring about something, and switched from department to department for 45 minutes till ultimately no answer is given by anyone. If theres someone out there who has explained it, by all means, direct me to him or her. Few things would interest me more than seeing that. But if there is no one out there who can explain it in laymens terms that make any sense, then those of us who believe in irreducible complexity are epistemologically justified in our position as to the inadequacy of a purely materialistic evolutionary mechanism. You object to what you call a ridiculous demand from Behe and sum up his objection as: Give me a complete and detailed breakdown of its evolution this second or I will assume no explanation can ever be provided. I think thats a caricature in order to dismiss his concerns out of hand. I would sum up his position (and my own), rather, as, Show me any sort of explanatory evolutionary process for these marvelously complex structures; failing that, Im epistemologically justified in being skeptical about its existence, and believing that God is somehow necessary in the overall equation. Thats not ridiculous. Its being tough-minded and rigorously scientific, and applying a healthy dose of skepticism, while not excluding theology and philosophy: from which science itself evolved in the first place. The origins of ATP synthase have actually been investigated and, like any complex protein structure, its clearly stuck together from pieces of other proteins. For example, the stationary region of the synthase Behe describes is actually related to hexameric DNA helicases. Helicases are proteins used to unwind DNA as a part of replication, but they are also NTP hydrolases, which means they take in molecules like ATP and use the energy from breaking down that molecule to power their function. The thing is, any reaction performed one way by an enzyme is also able to be catalyzed in the other direction. It just requires input of energy. The same goes for the ion channels in the transmembrane portion of the protein. These are similar to the structures of ion pumps, which push ions in the opposite direction. As mentioned, any process that is catalyzed one way can run the other. All of which is, to say, that the parts are all there. We can propose a series of events, beginning with an organism that performs something like sulfur reduction or fermentation or even photosynthesis, in a slowly oxygenating atmosphere. This organism has a DNA helicase, sodium or hydrogen ion channels, and membrane anchor proteins. A gene fusion event occurs wherein a helicase is expressed with an anchor that sees it attach to the membrane near an ion channel with an inducer. The inducer is held in place by the helicase, causing it to rotate, inducing deformations of the helicase that cause a low level of ATP synthesis. Subsequent evolution of these proteins refines their development and specialization away from their original purpose to utilizing proton gradients as an energy source. This is just one possible pathway. Others can exist. Okay. Can you give me something about this that is in even more layman-like terms; preferably a video demonstration, as my friend Jim requested, if possible? Behe does that from his perspective. Is there a materialistic counter-attempt along those lines? This is, of course, information that is far beyond the layman, which I suspect Behe is well aware of. The truth is out there but its relatively inaccessible without a technical education on the matter. It is not easy to explain, whereas appeals to incredulity are exceptionally easy, especially when the full details are difficult to appreciate. Anything can and ought to be simplified for the masses. This is how we learn. I once read a book in which Einstein explained relativity in simple terms. I had no problem understanding it. This is where Ill pause for now. I think its clear I do not have very kind feelings towards Michael Behe but hes not here and not the one I wish to talk to, so Ill pick up my next post trying to speak to your complaints directly. Cool. I look forward to it. Thanks again. Photo credit: ATP Synthase. 3dprint.nih.gov / Credit: Eduardo Beltrame, NIH 3D Print Exchange, National Institutes of Health [Flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0 license] Summary: Friendly, fun dialogue with an atheist biologist on the question of mutations as the materialistic evolutionary mechanism and alleged originator of all variations of life. axelbeingcivil is a cordial atheist who is a biologist. Ive enjoyed many good dialogues with him. This one occurred in a combox of my blog. His words will be in blue. Citations of older words of mine will be in green. ***** Think of, for example, the missing links in evolution. That didnt stop people from believing in it. Folks believed in gradual Darwinian evolution even though prominent paleontologist and philosopher of science Stephen Jay Gould famously noted that gradualism was never read from the rocks. Even Einsteins theories werent totally confirmed by scientific experiment at first (later they were). That a book like the Bible would have difficulties to work through should be perfectly obvious and unsurprising to all. Just chipping in with what I hope is some constructive criticism here from a biologist. Its correct to say that gradualism was never read from the rocks. Darwin actually read gradualism from observations of animals being domesticated. If you read On the Origin of Species, youll see that very little of Darwins evidences come from fossils (if any at all, really), but principally from studying living creatures and their adaptations to specific environments. Very little of the actual evidence for evolutionary history actually comes from fossils, especially nowadays. Fossils are tiny snapshots and its a miracle we have as many as we do, and they provide a very strong evidence, but if you got rid of every single one, comparative anatomy and genetics, artificial selection, and ecogeography would all still be entirely sufficient to demonstrate the reality of evolution. This was true even in Darwins day, though his arguments were definitely supported by Buckland and Cuvier (and Anning, though, as a woman, she is rarely credited there). Missing links, meanwhile, are something of an artifact of misunderstanding by those critical of evolution. You will not ever have a complete and perfect series of fossils representing every single ancestor between two species. You might get a handful, if youre lucky, which demonstrate the gradual changes from one to the next, but youll never get all of them. Theres the old joke that, upon a scientist finding a missing link, a creationist will say Aha! Now your theory is even weaker, because there are now two missing links between the three species!. I know all of this is criticism of the comparison, rather than the point youre trying to make, but there are perhaps better analogies to make? Thanks for your insightful and constructive comment, as always. I think my comparison remains perfectly valid. In context, my comment that you cite came after the following: All grand theories have components (anomalies / difficulties) that need to be worked out and explained. For example, scientific theories do not purport to perfectly explain everything. They often have large mysterious areas that have to be resolved. And so I offered the missing links in the fossil record as one such particular anomaly in the theory of evolution. Then I cited the renowned (and great writer!) Gould to back up my contentions, to show that they are not simply my own. Whether there is other evidence to sufficiently establish evolution is really beside the point that I was making, because the lack of a complete or adequate fossil record remains an anomaly in and of itself, and its beyond dispute that evolutionists widely and publicly affirmed that the fossil record itself was sufficient to prove the theory, even though it clearly wasnt. Gould merely pointed out the obvious: that the emperor (surprise!) had been naked all along. Now, Goulds theory of punctuated equilibrium, of course, attempted to explain the fossil gaps. But this doesnt affect my logical point, either, which was that science, like the Bible, believes in things it cant (and usually cant) totally explain. So it is with Christians and the Bible. Its not that different from what atheists do with regard to science, which for many of them functions as a sort of religion or Ultimate Allegiance, so to speak. By the way, I am a theistic evolutionist. But I think that science continues to be unable to and perhaps never will be able to adequately explain all the fine points of evolution based on a materialistic scientific perspective alone and that a God is required in some sense for it to be able to work at all. In other words, it was His method of creation and couldnt (based on present knowledge) have come about without Him. Always happy to chat with you, Mr. Armstrong. And, to be clear, I think most people will understand your meaning perfectly. People like me probably dont constitute much of the target audience. I think a better example, though, might be something like dark matter; a piece of the puzzle in physics whereby large quantities of the universes mass appear to be missing. A great deal of effort has gone into exploring and explaining this problem; trying to identify where this missing mass is. By comparison, missing links arent really much of an anomaly or point of contention amongst biologists. No-one expects there to ever be a complete fossil record; the world would be up to the stratosphere in fossils. The conditions for creating fossils are rare and uncommon; requiring large quantities of water, sudden burial, and the imposition of anoxic conditions that prevent decay but also sufficient mineralization to allow for fossil formation. All this then followed by millions of years sometimes hundreds of millions! during which geological processes do not destroy the fossil remains. Goulds explanation of punctuated equilibrium is not about evolution as a theory itself, but more about the assumption as to how organisms evolve; whether the shift in populations to see changes in traits or the development of new ones that then achieve fixation in the gene pool is more often a sudden thing or something that occurs very gradually over time at a more consistent rate. Nowadays, the idea of variable rates of evolution are much more accepted, in no small part thanks to increased availability to genetic evidence that Gould and his contemporaries did not have. Its not gradualism vs. punctuated equilibrium so much as it is variable rates due to circumstances. For the kind of analogy you seem to be wanting to make, dark matter an anomaly that is not currently explained by current cosmological models might be a better choice. Setting aside critique of the comparison for the moment, I do want to ask you how you view theology as a discipline. Youre making a comparison here to how, as scientists explore the cosmos through careful study and routinely find their own ideas to be wrong in some way, religious believers ultimately do something at least similar enough to merit comparison. In the sciences, though, we operate from model investigation; generating models and testing hypotheses from those models. If an inconsistency exists, it means the model is wrong and must either be modified or scrapped. Do you see that as a role that theologians like yourself play? Do you see yourself as trying to explore and test and seek out knowledge? It feels like theres a fascinating world of experimental theology and philosophy out there, waiting to be explored; testing models of divinity against observations, but Ive yet to encounter someone who sees their role as a kind of natural theologian. And, while this is a rabbit hole that will probably consume more of both of our times than would be warranted, I am curious as to what barriers you see that would require divine intervention in evolution. Another great comment! Actually, I have already made an extended turn the tables argument from dark energy and dark matter: Seidensticker Folly #71: Spirit-God Magic; 68% Dark Energy Isnt? [2-2-21] Here is a good chunk of that: Bob had a field day mocking Christians for believing that God is a spirit, immaterial, composed of spirit, which isnt a physical thing (with atoms, etc.). Once again, Christians are made out to be anti-scientific ignoramuses, dummies, and imbeciles. . . . Please keep the above in mind as I make my argument now (as my entire argument is an analogy). Scientists are currently quite excited about new phenomena called dark energy and dark matter. The very notions have only made their appearance over the last 25-30 years or so. . . . [I then document what scientists are saying about both] So its considered to be 68% of the universe, yet it is almost a complete mystery and scientists are clueless about its origin. And everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter adds up to less than 5% of the universe. So if this is true, it turns out that science in all its glory (the atheists epistemological god and religion) has been dealing with a mere 1/20th of all that there is in the universe. Likewise, dark matter (thought to make up 27% of the universe) is completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments (National Geographic). . . . Some think dark energy is a property of space. Others think space is full of temporary (virtual) particles that continually form and then disappear. Some appeal to Greek philosophy and call the mystery quintessence. How interesting. So we have this phenomenon, and it is serious science (which I am not doubting at all; sure, bring it on!). The admitted ignorance is extraordinary. Yet all that is fine and dandy, while Christians are mocked and derided and considered simpletons simply because we have believed all along that God is an eternal spirit, Who created the world? What is the difference? . . . Lastly: if there is any reply at all [from Bob Seidensticker], well almost certainly be told that dark energy is just now being investigated by science. Give it time; science always discovers and explains things in due course. I dont disagree all that much. Science does do that: though not as completely as the average atheist would make out (it being his or her religion and idol and [usually] sole epistemological guide). But even if dark energy and dark matter are adequately, plausibly explained and much better understood by science in the near future, it makes no difference at all as to my present argument. The fact remains that conventionally understood matter makes up only 5% of the universe: so they tell us. Science has had up till very recently, literally nothing to tell us about 95% of the universe: all of which is other (spirit? energy?) than what we have known up till now as matter: with protons and neutrons and the whole nine yards. And yet Christians (along with many reputable philosophers through the centuries, and virtually all religious views) are faulted for having believed that there is such a thing as a non-material Spirit-Creator, for 2000 years: following the ancient Israelites, who believed it for some 18 or more centuries before we did? Obviously, non-material entities or whatever we call them, have been a far more important aspect of the universe than we (least of all materialist atheists) had ever imagined. And so God fits into this new schema very well, just as He fit into Big Bang cosmology, and even quantum mechanics, examined more closely, as well as something like irreducible complexity. Present-day scientific consensus is perfectly consistent with the biblical teaching of creation out of nothing too. I think the Bible and Christianity are doing pretty darn good, in terms of being consistent with science, as the latter advances. It seems that Christianity understood things (derived from revelation, communicated by God) for 2000 years that science has only recently come to figure out. Albert Einstein and most scientists in the 1940s believed in an eternal universe (steady state). Einstein initially opposed the findings of the originator of the Big Bang theory: a Catholic priest. Now virtually no scientist denies that the present universe had a beginning (although some posit prior universes, with no hard evidence). Christians had said that the universe came into existence (by God) from nothing all along. And now science seems to be confirming that non-material spirit or energy is awfully important in the scheme of the universe as well: to the tune of 68% of all that exists. Better late than never. In closing, Ill mention another debate that was going on long before dark energy was posited: the nature of light: is it a particle or a wave? This has to do with the question of possible non-physical entities as well (the very thing that Bob mercilessly mocked above). . . . Why then is Bob prattling on as if matter (good old-fashioned matter before we get to dark matter and dark energy) is all there is? He needs to crack open any scientific textbook written since Einstein and get up to speed before embarrassing himself . . . further. Do you see yourself as trying to explore and test and seek out knowledge? It feels like theres a fascinating world of experimental theology and philosophy out there, waiting to be explored; testing models of divinity against observations, but Ive yet to encounter someone who sees their role as a kind of natural theologian. Great question! I think the way I would answer it is to note that the thinking Christian is highly interested in the latest developments of science and how faith can be harmonized with it. When relativity came in, we at length saw that it has nothing in it to threaten Christianity, and we could accept it like everyone else. That was true even with evolution (though less so). Right near us, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, botanist Asa Gray lived and worked. He was a big ally of Darwin who was a prominent theistic evolutionist. The same happened with quantum mechanics, which was used against us. But Christians thought about it, and realized that Gods providence can easily incorporate the chance and unpredictable, random aspects of it. Nothing is unpredictable to Him, because Hes omniscient and created the laws that govern quantum mechanics in the first place (and there will be laws, whether we have discovered them yet or not). Christian thinkers adopted the old earth from geology in the 18th-19th centuries, and the local Flood. Analyses of Adam and Eve are made, with regard to population genetics and evolution. I have linked to them. We have shown a great willingness to follow science where it leads, but atheists are reluctant to give us any credit for that. Hence, my analysis of dark energy and dark matter and question to atheists: how is this very different (if at all) from what we theists have called spirit and soul for 4,000 years? Im following it with interest, and I think it poses far more problems for conventional, big-majority materialist atheism than it does for us (which is no problem at all, as far as I can see). So were moving with the times and modifying views where it is necessary. So far, it just hasnt overthrown anything essential that we believe. The age of the earth is not essential to Christianity. How God created life and the earth and universe isnt any kind of dogma: only the notion that He did create everything. Even a discovery of life elsewhere doesnt affect Christianity one whit. Nothing in the Bible rules out that possibility. C. S. Lewis wrote books about it 80 years ago. Its atheists who might be accused of being closed-minded, by ruling out that God can exist, and forbidding in their heads any possibility of any supernatural occurrence ever or anywhere. I am curious as to what barriers you see that would require divine intervention in evolution. Thats more easily answered. The notion that mutations, which are considered mistakes are the mechanism of natural selection and by extension every morphological change involved in evolution (which is massive and comprehensive) makes no sense to me. It never has. I dont think this has been adequately explained at all. It seems to be a post-genetics ad hoc [supposed] explanation for lack of anything better, or adequate and sufficient. I think it explains relatively little: maybe some or most of microevolution, but little else. I dont believe scientists have adequately explained or understood in any detailed, truly scientific, empirical way, the origin of life or even the origin of its building blocks, like DNA. They just havent (at least as far as I can tell). I agree with microbiologist Michael Behe, who calls a spade a spade and suggests that science simply hasnt explained even the incredible complexity of a cell: not even close. I conclude as a result that God must have done something at some point (or in an ongoing sense) to allow evolution to proceed at all, because we dont seem to understand how and why it could do so with our present knowledge. I dont claim to have worked all of that out. I believe His input is necessary (but not in a creationist sense). Mutations are not sufficient to explain every change. I think they function merely as a sort of slogan that is repeated so often that everyone accepts it without any protest, even though there is little or nothing there of explanatory value. Yes, Im not a scientist. Im merely saying that the evidence Ive seen for a materialist explanation of evolutionary change (and I have read quite a bit at different times) hasnt convinced me. So Behe says perhaps a higher intelligence was involved, which is, of course, anathema to present materialistic science (even though science came out of an entirely Christian and theistic framework and from those minds). I think the cosmological argument and especially the teleological theistic proof are stronger than ever: the more we know and learn. Well, if youre ever interested, I can offer what insight I can on the matter of mutations. I cant speak to abiogenesis because its more organic chemistry than biology and thus outside my specialist area, but my particular work (novel protein function characterization) relies heavily on an understanding of how mutations produce novel functions, so its something I can actually talk about with confidence. Thank you very much for your answers, as always! Sure, Id be interested in hearing more about that: especially if you could simplify the technical stuff a bit so that I could understand it. You seem to have the credentials to be able to explain what I am looking for. Youre actually a scientist and a professor? Heh. Scientist, yes, and I have taught at the university level (introductory bioinformatics, molecular genetics) but I am not a professor. Sadly, there arent many tenure-track professorships these days. But I do have published research papers in a handful of journals and am on a chapter in the Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes. I can try and explain mutations in general and their relation to the evolutionary process but, if you have any specific questions, it might make it easier. What I wrote already is the best way I can describe what I find unconvincing. But maybe you could take a shot at responding to Michael Behes many challenges to explain how even what we find in a cell could come about by mutation or whatever else is posited as its origin? Are you saying that someone has made a step-by-step explanation of such things? Some (at least in my perception) simply pour on the technical language, knowing that laymen wouldnt grasp what they are saying. All the big words look mighty impressive. Id like to see such an explanation that a layman can understand; that makes sense and actually explains the process of the thing. But everyone in every field has to be able to explain things to those less educated. I do it in theology to some extent (even though Im not a scholar) in my capacity as an apologist and teacher of sorts. [Go to Part II: Dialogue w Atheist on Mutations & Evolutionary Change, for the continuation of the discussion] *** Practical Matters: Perhaps some of my 4,000+ free online articles (the most comprehensive one-stop Catholic apologetics site) or fifty books have helped you (by Gods grace) to decide to become Catholic or to return to the Church, or better understand some doctrines and why we believe them. Or you may believe my work is worthy to support for the purpose of apologetics and evangelism in general. If so, please seriously consider a much-needed financial contribution. Im always in need of more funds: especially monthly support. The laborer is worthy of his wages (1 Tim 5:18, NKJV). 1 December 2021 was my 20th anniversary as a full-time Catholic apologist, and February 2022 marked the 25th anniversary of my blog. PayPal donations are the easiest: just send to my email address: apologistdave@gmail.com. Youll see the term Catholic Used Book Service, which is my old side-business. To learn about the different methods of contributing, including 100% tax deduction, etc., see my page: About Catholic Apologist Dave Armstrong / Donation Information. Thanks a million from the bottom of my heart! *** Photo credit: Fr. Georges Lemaitre: father of Big Bang cosmology, around the mid 1930s [public domain / Wikimedia Commons] *** Summary: Friendly, fun dialogue with an atheist biologist on the borders of science and Christian theology and philosophy: where they intersect with and influence each other. The President of the Association of Customs House Agents, Ghana (ACHAG), Yaw Kyei, has revealed that currently, importers are unhappy with the complete reversal of discount policy on import duties at the ports. According to him, many importers hurried to pay their duties ahead of the January 1 deadline in order to avoid paying more later. He explained that they are upset more so because of the exchange rate volatility negatively affecting trade. Mr. Yaw Kyei made his thoughts known during an Eye on Port panel discussion on the impact of the complete reversal of the discount policy on doing business in the country. It will be recalled that the Government of Ghana, through the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority, in 2019 applied a 50 percent discount on duties payable on all general goods, and 30 percent discount on vehicles to encourage more importation and tax compliance as well as alleviate the economic burden on the trading and consuming public. This discount was further reduced to 30 percent and 10 percent respectively in 2021. However, beginning January 1, 2023, the discount policy has been scrapped. Touching on the subject, a Supervisor at the Vehicle Valuation Unit at the Customs Technical Services Bureau (CTSB), Justice Yadjayime, explained that the reversal is in line with governments economic policy which seeks to improve revenue collection in the year 2023. The President of ACHAG opined that he would have preferred to see these discounts applied on only a selected group of products of which government hopes to encourage importation. We thought it would have been selected items but we realised that the 30 percent was applied on ammunitions, cigarettes, tooth pick, cotton bud, hair products, as other items we have competitive advantage in as a country. Mr. Yaw Kyei has anticipated that the complete reversal of the discount policy placed on imported values of general goods and vehicles at the port will increase cost of doing business, and inevitably affect the cost of consumer products on the market. Some of these wholesalers and retailers have the 30 percent discount absorbed within their profit base; now the reversal will cause a reduction in the profit margins and they will consider increasing the prices to recover the profits, Mr. Kyei expressed. He also explained that this decision also came as a result of findings indicating that though discounts were applied on duties, this did not have a positive effect on the prices of goods on the market. The Customs official also hinted that government also has some commitment to those who are assembling vehicles that some of these things are done so that the market will be fair. He added, however, that the discount policy did improve tax compliance at the ports. President of ACHAG indicated that smuggling and under invoicing had reduced, and importers had become more willing to clear goods legitimately. Source: B&FT Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video China's Hunan eyes about 6.5 pct GDP growth in 2023 Xinhua) 13:45, January 16, 2023 A staff member assembles equipment in a workshop of Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd. at the Changde National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone in Changde City, central China's Hunan Province, Jan. 13, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Sihan) CHANGSHA, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- Central China's Hunan Province has set a GDP growth target of about 6.5 percent for 2023, Mao Weiming, governor of the province, said Saturday. The province has set a 2023 industrial output growth target of 7.5 percent, and fixed asset investment is expected to grow by over 7 percent, Mao said when delivering a government work report at the annual session of the provincial people's congress. Hunan's GDP is estimated to have neared 5 trillion yuan (about 743 billion U.S. dollars) in 2022, and its total volume of imports and exports is expected to have increased by 20 percent to exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars. (Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun) The Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC) informs all Company Officials, Business Owners and the general public that there have been changes in the Fees and Charges on all transactions, including the Incorporation and Registration of Businesses, Amendments and the filing of Annual Returns effective 1st January, 2023. In a statement signed by Jemima Mamaa Oware, Rigistrar of Companies, this is in accordance with the Fees and Charges (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2022 Act 1080 as passed by Parliament. The changes in Fees and Charges would apply to the registration and amendment of Business Names, Subsidiary Business Names, Partnerships, External Companies, Professional Bodies as well as the Incorporation of Companies Limited/ Unlimited by Shares and Companies Limited by Guarantee. "From the 1st of June, 2023, the ORC would, for the very first time be fully implementing section 126(7) of the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) which states that where a Company defaults in complying with the filing of Annual Returns and Financial Statements, the Company and every officer of the company that is in default is liable to pay to the Registrar an Administrative Penalty of Twenty-Five penalty units for each day during which the default continues," she further stated. The ORC from June 2023 is also going to fully enforce the penalty for failure to comply with the statutory provision on Annual Renewal of Partnerships registration. From this year, failure to renew a Business Name (Sole Proprietorship)/Subsidiary Business Name for a period of 3 months after the year has ended would lead to the Lapse of the Business Name/Subsidiary Business Name. To avoid such Business Names falling into the public domain and for anyone of interest to use it after it has been struck off the Business Names Register, Business Name owners can electronically renew their Businesses by dialing the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Code *222# and follow the prompt to make payment with their Mobile Money wallet on the Ghana.Gov payment platform. The ORC would also be introducing expedited/express services this year. This is to ensure that patrons of the services get their documents within forty-eight (48) hours. The expedited/express services would be available at the Head Office in Accra and some Regional Offices when it commences after the first half of this year. The ORC wishes to remind its cherished clients that payments on transactions are only to be made at its in-house Fidelity Bank or any other Fidelity Bank Branch. The Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC) does not operate a Mobile Money Account or authorize same on its behalf. Under no circumstance should ORC clients transfer money to any Mobile Money Number in the name of the Office, Staff or a Lawyer. CHANGE IN FEES AND CHARGES The Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC) informs all Company Officials, Business Owners and the general public that there have been changes in the Fees and Charges on all transactions, including the Incorporation and Registration of Businesses, Amendments and the filing of Annual Returns effective 1st January, 2023. This is in accordance with the Fees and Charges (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2022 Act 1080 as passed by Parliament and earlier indicated in our Press Release dated 14th November, 2022. The changes in Fees and Charges would apply to the registration and amendment of Business Names, Subsidiary Business Names, Partnerships, External Companies, Professional Bodies as well as the Incorporation of Companies Limited/ Unlimited by Shares and Companies Limited by Guarantee. Please visit www.orc.gov.gh/www.rgd.gov.gh or our Front Offices in Accra and The Regional Offices for further details on these new Fees. From the 1st of June, 2023, the ORC would, for the very first time be fully implementing section 126(7) of the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) which states that where a Company defaults in complying with the filing of Annual Returns and Financial Statements, the Company and every officer of the company that is in default is liable to pay to the Registrar an Administrative Penalty of Twenty-Five penalty units for each day during which the default continues. A penalty unit is established by the Fines (Penalty Units) Act 2000 (Act 572) and the current monetary value per penalty unit is GHC12.00. This means that effective 1st June, 2023, an administrative charge of GHc300.00 would be charged for each day the default continues against the Company and EVERY OFFICER of the Company until section 126 (7) is complied with. The full implementation of the Companies Act, 2019 Act 992 by this section is being proposed now by Management and the Board to ensure Companies take the compliance of this requirement in the Act more seriously than they have done previously. Company Secretaries and Auditors should therefore kickstart the processes in getting these mandatory documents ready and on time to avoid paying this very punitive Administrative Penalty and sanction and push their Companies into a state of inactivity. The ORC from June 2023 is also going to fully enforce the penalty for failure to comply with the statutory provision on Annual Renewal of Partnerships registration. The Incorporated Private Partnerships Act,1962 (Act 152) section 8 (1) states that: Once in every year, the Partners of a Partnership SHALL deliver to the Registrar for registration a Statement in the Prescribed Form renewing the registration. Section 9(1), in the event of default in complying with sections 4,5,7 or 8 of Act 152, (a) Every Partner SHALL be liable to a fine not exceeding five (5) pounds for each day during which the default continues; The cost of five (5) British Pounds in Ghana Cedis per the current Bank of Ghana Foreign Exchange rate is Ghc60.00. Partnerships, especially Auditing Firms on the Register, are to note accordingly and put their Books in order to renew the Partnership Registration and avoid paying this punitive penalty. Additionally, the ORC is going to enforce section 5A (2) of the Registration of Business Names Act, 1962 (Act 151) on Annual Renewals. This states that without prejudice to any other liability prescribed by this Act, a registration which is not renewed in accordance with this section shall LAPSE and the Registrar may remove from the Register the Business Name of the person whose Registration has lapsed after the expiration of the period prescribed for the renewal. From this year, failure to renew a Business Name (Sole Proprietorship)/Subsidiary Business Name for a period of 3 months after the year has ended would lead to the Lapse of the Business Name/Subsidiary Business Name. To avoid such Business Names falling into the public domain and for anyone of interest to use it after it has been struck off the Business Names Register, Business Name owners can electronically renew their Businesses by dialing the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) Code *222# and follow the prompt to make payment with their Mobile Money wallet on the Ghana.Gov payment platform. The ORC would also be introducing expedited/express services this year. This is to ensure that patrons of the services get their documents within forty-eight (48) hours. The expedited/express services would be available at the Head Office in Accra and some Regional Offices when it commences after the first half of this year. All Company Secretaries who are yet to comply with the directives issued by the ORC on the Name Changes in the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) are to submit a Special Resolution for a change of their Company Name by adding the appropriate suffix to the end of their Company Name. Companies who have not as yet adopted a Registered Constitution reflecting the changed name in place of their Companys Regulations are also being reminded to do so by the end of June, 2023. The ORC wishes to remind its cherished clients that payments on transactions are ONLY to be made at its in-house Fidelity Bank or any other Fidelity Bank Branch. The Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC) does not operate a Mobile Money Account or authorize same on its behalf. Under no circumstance should ORC clients transfer money to any Mobile Money Number in the name of the Office, Staff or a Lawyer. Please be vigilant against fraudsters calling Company officials and Business Owners to make transfers to certain mobile numbers. We urge the General Public to ignore such calls or messages and cross check its validity with us through our official numbers. Please contact us on 055-765-3130 (Telegram/WhatsApp) or 030-266-6081/030-266-4692. Follow us on our social media handles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram @ORC Ghana. SIGNED. JEMIMA MAMAA OWARE (MRS) (REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES) Source: Peacefmonline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Nana Akomea, the Chief Executive Officer of the Intercity State Transport Corporation (STC), has admonished students of the University of Ghana to cease fighting and engaging in violence on campus. Nana Akomea bemoaned the clashes between the students, particularly the residents of the Mensah Sarbah and Commonwealth Halls, as he stressed that the inter-hall fights leave a dent on the image of the University. He also feared these clashes might some day result in serious injuries and worst cases as deaths. The STC Boss recommended that these male halls like Mensah Sarbah hall and Commonwealth hall should be turned into mixed halls to help check the excesses in the behavior of the residents. Nana Akomea further charged the University authorities to take immediate steps to nip this situation in the bud. "The hall people themselves should understand that, as we move forward, some of these things have to be modified. We say we want to make you mixed but you have refused to accept it. The University has condoned it but as you keep fighting...Do you want someone to die before? Is the University waiting for a student to die before?", he said during "Kokrokoo" on Peace FM on Tuesday, January 10, 2023. His call comes on the heels of recent violent confrontation between the residents of the Commonwealth Hall who call themselves 'Vandals' and the Mensah Sarbah (Vikings).Following the incident, the management of the University revoked the residential status of continuing students of these halls but the students have vehemently protested this decision.All continuing students of Commonwealth Hall and continuing male students of Mensah Sarbah Hall will not return to these halls or any of the traditional galleries. They are to be randomly assigned to available rooms in any of the UGEL and private hostels.Beginning from the 2022/2023 academic year, only Level 100 and graduate students (Masters and Ph.D. level) will be assigned to Mensah Sarbah and Commonwealth Halls. Subsequently, undergraduate students will vacate the halls at the end of Level 100 and may secure accommodation in the private hostels from Level 200 until completion, UG management said.But students of the Commonwealth Hall of the University on Friday, January 6, 2023, filed a lawsuit against the University.An Accra High court has placed an interlocutory injunction on the residential policy decision by the University of Ghana (UG).IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Defendant herein is hereby restrained either by itself or its officers, assigns, privies, agents, workmen, or anybody working under the Defendants instructions from going ahead to implement the decision of the Defendant, dated 26th October 2022 in respect of the residential policy decision affecting continuing students of Commonwealth Hall, University of Ghana. The status quo must be maintained, as it used to be before the 26th October 2022 decision. Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video A Ghanaian-American family in the US is mourning the passing of their son who died at a military base in Alabama. The news has left the family and close friends of the deceased soldier in trauma and shock. According to the military, the 21-year-old soldier, Pvt. Abdul-Nafsu Latifu was killed in an altercation with another soldier at the Alabama Army post, Fort Rucker, where he was training to become an Army air traffic control operator. A source revealed that news about his demise was published on local websites in Alabama as early as 11:30 am CST, even though his next-of-kin was officially called four hours later to report that he had been hospitalised and in critical condition. Pvt. Abdul N. Latifu, until joining the US Army, lived in New York. He is described as very smart and respectful by all who have encountered him. As relatives, friends and neighbours visit his New York home to mourn with the family, eulogies and questions continue to pour in. He was full of life and one of the smartest lads Ive come across, a neighbour said. I cannot seem to comprehend this news because Latifu will not fight anyone for any reason, at best he walks away. So, Im dumbfounded, to say the least, another maintained. Something is not right about this; someone needs to start saying what really happened, not what theyre feeding us, what are they covering up? a teary friend of the deceased lamented in disbelief. Preliminary comments from Jimmie Cummings, a Fort Rucker Public Information Officer, only speak to events surrounding the hospitalisation of the deceased following injuries sustained during the supposed altercation. The communication also suggested the detention of another soldier involved in the incident but falls short of identifying him or her. The alleged attacker is said to have used an Army-issued steel folding shovel in the assault that caused Pvt. Latifu his life. A follow-up statement issued by the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Rucker said no formal charges have been filed, but Army Criminal Investigation Division agents are probing the incident. Maj. Gen. Michael McCurry, the commander of Fort Rucker stated, On behalf of the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Rucker, I extend our deepest condolences to Pvt. Latifu's family, friends and community, McCurry said in a statement. Together we mourn the loss of a promising young soldier. Pvt. Latifu was a trainee in the Armys Advanced Individual Training programme at Fort Rucker where he was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 13th Aviation Regiment, 1st Aviation Brigade. Loved ones and close friends of the murdered soldier say the communication from the military smacks of a seeming cover-up. It is unclear how far investigations have gone in the murder of the 21-year-old son, brother, uncle and promising soldier, but the army maintains it is conclusively probing the matter. Source: Ghanaweb.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Thousands of Tunisians have demonstrated against President Kais Saied as the country faces a deepening political and economic crisis. A crowd gathered in the capital Tunis to demand the end of his government. Tunisians who supported Mr Saied since he came to power in 2021 have grown increasingly frustrated with the state of the economy. The protests come 12 years to the day since former dictator Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali was forced into exile. Tunisia's uprising is often held up as the sole success of the Arab Spring revolts across the region - but it has not led to stability, either economically or politically. With debts piling up, the country has struggled to import basic goods, including staples such as coffee, milk and sugar. The government has so far been unable to secure an international bailout leading one protester to tell the AFP news agency "the coup has brought us famine and poverty". In Tunis' central Habib Bourguiba Avenue, a traditional site for demonstrations, Said Anouar Ali, 34, said: "Tunisia is going through the most dangerous time in its history. "Saied took control of all authority and struck at democracy. The economy is collapsing. We will not be silent," he added. The protests in the capital were organised by two different opposition groups with a heavy police presence outside the Interior Ministry to prevent scuffles. Separately, protesters also marched against Mr Saied's seizure of near total power. In 2021, the president sacked the prime minister, suspended parliament and pushed through a constitution enshrining his one-man rule. The new constitution replaced one drafted soon after the Arab Spring in 2011, which saw Tunisia overthrow late dictator Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. It gave the head of state full executive control and supreme command of the army. Mr Saied has justified his actions by saying he needed new powers to break a cycle of political paralysis and economic decay. Source: BBC Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video President Akufo-Addo left Ghana on Saturday, January 14, 2023, to lead Ghanas delegation to the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) is a global initiative championed by the UAE and its clean energy powerhouse Masdar to accelerate sustainable development and advance economic, social and environmental progress. Established in 2008, ADSW brings together heads of state, policymakers, industry leaders, investors, entrepreneurs and youth who all have a stake in the future of our planet to discuss and engage on bold climate action and innovations that will ensure a more sustainable world for future generations. President Akufo-Addo will then depart Abu Dhabi on Thursday, 19th January, to London for a six-day private visit. The President was accompanied by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Shirley Ayorkor Botchway, MP; Minister for Energy, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh; Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel Abu Jinapor; Minister for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr. Kwaku Afriyie, officials from the Presidency and Foreign Ministry. President Akufo-Addo will return to Ghana on Wednesday, 25th January 2023, and, in his absence, the Vice President, Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, shall, in accordance with Article 60(8) of the Constitution, act in his stead. Source: Peacefmonline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Gunmen burned a Catholic priest to death and shot and injured his colleague in northwest Nigeria on Sunday, police said, the latest violence raising concerns about security ahead of an election next month. Nigerians will vote for a new president on Feb. 25 but kidnappings for ransom and killings by armed gangs in the north have lead to fears that polls may not be held in some areas. The motive for the latest attack was not immediately clear but gunmen have previously targeted priests in the largely Muslim north. Wasiu Abiodun, police spokesperson for Niger state, said in a statement that armed men torched the residence of Father Isaac Achi, of Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, in Paikoro local government area, after failing to gain entry around 3:00 a.m. Father Achi was burned to death while another priest identified as Father Collins, who was at the house, was shot and injured as he tried to escape. He is recovering at a local hospital, Adiodun said. "This is a sad moment. For a priest to be killed in such a manner means that we are not all safe. These terrorists have lost it, and drastic action is needed to end this ongoing carnage," said Niger state governor Sani Bello. Source: Reuters Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video A 65-year-old farmer at Tumfokro in the Assin South District of the Central Region, Daniel Nsowah, is battling for his life at Abura-Dunkwa District Hospital following machete wounds inflicted on him by his son who is mentally ill. The victim received multiple slashes in his head, neck, shoulder, and elbow which resulted in cutting off his left hand, left foot, and left ear. The neighbors upon hearing him shouting for help rushed to the scene to rescue him and was later sent to the hospital for treatment. The suspect, 32-year-old Kwaku Nyankomago who is currently in police custody at Nyankumase Ahenkro is said to have been tormenting the lives of residents with objects on different occasions. Police intelligence operation led to the arrest of the suspect who absconded from the community and hid in the bush immediately after the incident. Information gathered by GH One News Yaw Boagyan revealed that the victim returned from the farm around 3:30 pm on Saturday 14th January 2022 and met the suspect roasting yam on their compound. The victim then greeted the suspect but he refused to respond, and after waiting for some time, the victim entered his room to change his farming clothes. The suspect unprovoked pulled up a well-sharpened machete proceeded to his fathers room, and inflicted multiple wounds on him and took to his heels but was later arrested and detained by the police. Police have commenced investigation into the matter. Source: kasapaonline Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Madam Marjorie Grant Fuller, Jamaicas Ambassador and Special Envoy to Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, and South Africa, has paid a courtesy call on Madam Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration in Accra. A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration said Madam Ayorkor Botchwey lauded the long-standing cordial relations that exist between the two countries and welcomed Jamaicas interest in the aforementioned areas of possible cooperation. She further encouraged Jamaican investors and businesses to explore opportunities under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in furtherance of mutual economic cooperation. The Minister added that Ghana had launched the Beyond the Return initiative which is a sequel to the Year of Return initiative and extended an invitation to the people of Jamaica to attend the planned activities and connect with their brethren in Ghana. On her part, Madam Grant Fuller expressed her countrys readiness to revamp the already existing good relations between Jamaica and Ghana, particularly, in areas of mutual interest such as Trade and Investments, Bilateral Air Service, Maritime, Culture, and other potential areas of future cooperation. Madam Grant Fuller was accompanied by Mr Isaac Emil Osei-Bonsu, the Honorary Consul of Jamaica to Ghana, and other officials from the Consulate of Jamaica in Ghana. Source: GNA Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video NIGERIA: A man identified as Akugbe Ogbidi has been shot dead in Benin City, Edo State, by gunmen suspected to be hired killers. The victim, an indigene of Obazagbon near Benin city, was at a party in Benin on Saturday, January 14, 2023, when he received a telephone call. He left the party and went to the person who is believed to be known to him. According to the Standard Gazette, the deceased told his friends at the party about the telephone call before he left to meet the person. He was expected to return to the party, but it was the last time he was seen alive, and calls to his phone were unanswered. The situation forced his friends to be suspicious and retraced his steps. His remains were found in a bush path around Sapele Road in Benin. Source: LIB Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Regarded as a third-world continent, Africa remains one of the most underdeveloped out of the seven blocks of global divisions. However over the past few decades, several African countries have strived to achieve accelerated growth through various policy pursuits. But for its recent economic downturn, Ghana was regarded as the poster boy of development on the continent. Despite the recent economic challenge which has threatened to erode the many headways made by Ghana in terms of development and growth, there still remain several achievements chalked by the West African country which makes the country an envy of other countries even beyond the continent. Democracy Having gone through three different republics after its independence in 1957, Ghana has enjoyed political stability under its fourth and current democratic dispensation. Under the 1992 constitution of Ghana, the country has successfully conducted 8 elections. Ghanas multi-party democracy albeit dominated by two main political parties puts the country ahead of several African countries. As a fundamental framework for Ghanas government, the constitution shares power between the three arms of state: the executive; the judiciary; and the legislature. With oversight responsibility amongst themselves, the three arms of government contribute to the democratic growth of the state of Ghana. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Democracy Index for 2021, Ghana ranked 6th in Africa and 56th globally. Only Mauritius, Botswana, Cape Varde, South Africa and Namibia rank ahead of Ghana in terms of democratic practice on the continent. Security There have been several activities and incidents within the African continent posing threats to the security of countries. The continent has not been spared from the activities of extremism and other issues that has the potential to destabilise development. However, with a vibrant police service and strong military intelligence to fight off external threats, the sense of being free from danger or threat is very high in Ghana. The judicial system of Ghana has always been instrumental in delivering justice that inures to the security of the country. The 2022 Global Peace Index placed Ghana as the second most peaceful country in Africa and 38 globally. Peace With the advantage of safety comes peace, and Ghana over the years has benefited from having a safe environment for its citizens and foreigners visiting the country. Ghana over the last two decades has been ranked as one of the most peaceful countries globally. The country on a larger scale has a minimal crime rate and has been spared of the activities of bandits and extremists suffered by some African countries. Compared to common crimes such as pickpocketing and petty theft witnessed in Ghana, other African countries ranking low on the GPI suffer crimes such as terrorism and armed robbery. Tourism Ranked as the 11th most friendly country in the world by Forbes Magazine in 2011, Ghana has capitalised on its peace, stability and abundant tourist attractions to become one of the biggest tourism destinations on the continent. Ghana boasts of waterfalls such as Kintampo Waterfalls and the largest waterfall in West Africa, the Tagbo Falls, Ghana's palm-lined sandy beaches, caves, mountains, rivers, and meteorite impact crater. Other attractions include reservoirs and lakes such as Lake Bosomtwi or Bosomtwi meteorite crater and the largest man-made lake in the world by surface area, Lake Volta. Ghana also has dozens of castles and forts, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, nature reserves and national parks. In recent times, the government of Ghana through its Year of Return and Beyond the Return policy has made the country the ultimate destination for foreign revellers during Christmas. With an estimated 4.3 million annual tourist arrivals, Ghana is expected to make annual revenues of about US$8.3 billion from the tourism sector per year by the year 2027. Stable power supply Between 2015 and 2016, Ghana went through a period of erratic power supply which affected industrial and domestic activities. Through various policy pursuits by various governments, Ghana has enjoyed a stable power supply over the period. With about 85.9% access to power supply, Ghana ranks 6th across the continent with an electricity mix dominated by hydropower energy, thermal energy and gas. Beyond the high rate of access, Ghana holds the enviable position of the country with the most stable power supply on the continent of Africa. This puts Ghana in an advantaged position ahead of countries like South Africa which despite its high access to power supply have to deal with issues of stability in terms of supply. Source: ghanaweb.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The National Democratic Congress (NDC), has begun in earnest the reorganization of its rank and file to convincingly win the Assin South Parliamentary seat in the 2024 general election, Mr Thomas Cobbina, the Constituency Chairman has assured. According to him, the party was determined to end the decades of political dominance by the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) that had derailed the development of the area and impoverished the people. Mr Cobbina told Ghana News Agency: Election 2024 will be the end to the apparent political dominance of the NPP in the area due to the abysmal performance of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo led government. Reassuring the people, he said, the NDC remained the only hope to rescue the people from the economic hardship, despondency that had retarded the development of the area. The NDC is propelled by its resolve to take over the ruins of government, to restore economic hope, peace, and stability, knowing that we are focused on innovative strategies to recapture power in 2024, Mr Cobbina noted. To him, the NDC will not forgive itself if it failed to win the seat in the 2024 polls, having lost narrowly to the NPP in the 2020 polls due to some internal party mix-ups. Nevertheless, he was elated that the party had buried its differences and prepared to take the seat, but then, it demanded hard work, focus, unity and unalloyed commitment from the rank and file. Instead of nurturing bickering, backbiting and internal wrangling, he appealed to the grassroots to cultivate the traits of serving the people in humility and forgive at all times. Mr Cobbina the remarked: The strength of the party depends largely on the branches and remained steadfast to building solid branches to convincingly win the 2024 polls. While eulogizing the founding fathers and mothers of the party for their pioneering role in the establishment and building of the NDC, particularly in the constituency, he charged the party supporters not to sit on the political fringes but extol the NDCs outstanding political feat in the area to attract the electorate to their fold. The NPP knows their achievement over the last 23 years 9n the constituency is nothing good to emulate. Almost every monumental infrastructure here was done by the NDC. "From health, education, roads and human resource empowerment, the NPP cannot be compared to NDC, we stand tall, Mr Cobbina stated. Source: ghanaweb.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video A former Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Joe Ghartey, has assured ex-President John Agyekum Kufuor, and by extension, the entire 'elephant family', that he will not work to divide the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) during his campaign for the party's flagbearer job. He gave the assurance when he visited the former president at his Aburi residence in the Eastern Region on Thursday, January 12, 2023. Announcing to Mr. Kufuor his intention to contest the upcoming presidential primaries of the NPP, Joe Ghartey said he will not disparage any of the other candidates for the race. Ghartey pledged to promote unity in the NPP before, during, and after the presidential primaries. President John Agyekum Kufuor was visibly delighted that Joe Ghartey had come to inform him about his presidential ambition. Ghartey served as Deputy Attorney General and Minister of Justice and subsequently substantive Minister of Justice under former President Kufour. Mr. Kufuor, who ruled Ghana from 2001 to 2009, seized the opportunity during the visit to express how happy he was with the performance and professionalism of Joe Ghartey as Attorney-General and Minister of Justice. He recounted how, before becoming Attorney-General in 2006, Ghartey was a lawyer to his mother, Obapanyin Ama Dapaah, and subsequently lawyer for his elder sister, Nana Druwaa. Commenting on the conduct of the upcoming primaries, Mr. Kufuor cautioned that all the candidates should show sportsmanship and that at the end of the race, whoever wins should be supported by all. He reminded Joe Ghartey that the NPP as a party did not belong to any single individual and that no one is bigger than the party. He also urged that it was important at all times to protect the integrity of the party. According to John Agyekum Kufuor, he was still confident that the NPP was a better option when it came to the governance of Ghana. He expressed the hope that the party will work hard and win the 2024 general elections. Source: Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Former President John Mahama has waded into discussions surrounding the resignation of Alan Kyerematen, Trade and Industry Minister and Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto, Agric Minister. In a tweet, he opined the resignation of the two was "pointless and late". Some members of the Akufo-Addo government have realized their boat is heading for disaster. It must be a relief for those deserting the ship, but its so late. Its almost pointless. Theyll try hard not to be part of the mess we are in, but lets not forget the parts they all played, he posted. Some members of the Akufo-Addo gov't have realized their boat is heading for disaster. It must be a relief for those deserting the ship, but it's so late. It's almost pointless. Theyll try hard not to be part of the mess we are in, but lets not forget the parts they all played. John Dramani Mahama (@JDMahama) January 13, 2023 Two Resign On Friday, January 6, 2023, former Trade and Industry Minister, Alan Kyerematen tendered in his resignation to President Akufo-Addo, which was accepted. Addressing Ghanaians at a press conference, he said, I wish to use this platform to formally announce my decision to contest the flagbearership of the New Patriotic Party when the Party officially opens nominations for that purpose. Subsequently former Agric Minister, Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto followed suit. He has also declared his intention to contest for the NPPs flagbearership position. Source: Peacefmonline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has replaced Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta as caretaker minister of Trade Ministry with the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources Samuel Abu Jinapor. Mr. Jinapor is to assume responsibility for the Ministry of Trade and Industry with effect from Monday January 16, 2023 pending the appointment of a substantive replacement for the outgoing Minister Alan Kyerematen. Alan is expected to leave office on Monday to pursue his political ambitions. This was announced by the Director of Communications at the Presidency, Eugene Arhin in a statement on Friday January 13. President Akufo-Addo earlier tasked the Minister for Finance, to act as caretaker Minister at that particular Ministry until a substantive appointment was made. It is unclear why he has been removed as caretaker Minister but some suspect the Finance minister has joined resignation team. Alan Kyerematen resigned from the Ministry to pave the way for him to focus on his quest to lead the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the 2024 general elections as the partys Flagbearer. Alan Kyeremanten has been one of the longest-serving Ministers in the Akufo-Addo-led government, heading the Ministry since 2017 until his resignation. He had also served in the same position under President John Agyekum Kufuor between 2003 and 2007. An earlier statement issued by Eugene Arhin said The President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, on Friday, 6th January 2023, accepted the resignation from office of Mr Alan Kyerematen as Minister for Trade and Industry. This was after Mr Kyerematen, on Thursday, 5th January, informed the President personally of his decision to resign, and subsequently submitted his letter of resignation to him. President Akufo-Addo thanked Mr Kyerematen for his services to his government and to the country, and wished him well in his future endeavours. The President has asked the Minister for Finance, Mr Ken Ofori-Atta, to act as caretaker Minister at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, until a substantive appointment is made. Source: Daily Guide Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video A statement from the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces says they've confirmed remains recovered in Vendin-le-Vieil, in northern France are those of Corporal Percy Howarth, who is believed to have died in the Battle of Hill 70 in 1917. The facade of the headquarters of the Department of National Defence is pictured in Ottawa, on April 3, 2013. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld Ontario Premier Doug Ford attends a news conference at the Michener Institute of Education in Toronto, Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022. Ford is set to hold a press conference today, where he is expected to announce that the province will perform thousands more surgeries in private facilities in an effort to tackle the growing backlog. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young Bangladesh government continued to articulate and implement a zero-tolerance policy towards Islamist terrorism and the use of its territory as a terrorist safe haven. by Sanchita Bhattacharya On January 8, 2023, Mohammad Salim, deputy leader of Block B, Rohingya Camp-8 West, in the Ukhiya Sub-District of Coxs Bazar District, was killed by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA). On January 7, Mohammad Rashid, the leader of Block A, Rohingya Camp-15, in Teknaf Sub-District of Coxs Bazar District, was killed by masked assailants. On January 6, 2023, an insurgent, identified as Nurunnabi, was injured in a shootout that took place between two terrorist groups at Block B-39, Rohingya Camp-8 East, in Ukhiya. The members of the Armed Police Battalion (APBn) and law enforcement agencies recovered a grenade from the house of the injured insurgent. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina films Padma Bridge from a helicopter on her way to Dhaka from Tungipara in Gopalganj on Friday, January 24, 2020 ( Photo: Dhaka Tribune ) Three terrorism-linked incidents of violence in quick succession, resulting in two fatalities, reported from Rohingya camps in Coxs Bazar District. According to partial data compiled by the South Asia Terrorism Portal (SATP), there were 18 fatal terrorism-linked incidents which had resulted in 22 fatalities in 2022. In 2021, there were five incidents which had resulted in 17 fatalities. The prominent incidents in 2022 included: December 26: A group of 12 armed militants of ARSA shot dead a Rohingya leader in Block 16, Rohingya Camp-8 West in Ukhiya. The dead person was identified as Mohammad Hossain alias Shafique who was the leader of Block B. November 29: Unidentified assailants shot at and stabbed to death a Rohingya community leader, Shahab Uddin. Uddin was a deputy leader in H-14 Block Rohingya Camp-12 in Ukhiya. October 18: Unidentified men killed a Rohingya youth, Syed Hossain, at Rohingya Camp-19 in Ukhiya. ARSA, a lethal insurgent group based in Myanmar, is escalating activities in Bangladesh. Investigations against ARSA commander-in-chief Ataullah abu Ammar Jununi and 65 others were launched on November 23, 2022, in the case of the killing of a Directorate General of Forces Intelligence officer, Rizwan Rushdee, and the injuring of a Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) trooper, during an anti-smuggling operation in the Bandarban District on November 14, 2022.In October 2022, ARSA was responsible for multiple incidents of killing, attacks and threats in Rohingya camps in Coxs Bazar. In 30 attacks just between August and October 2022, ARSA killed or injured Rohingyas by shooting, hacking and separating organs, to create a reign of terror among the refugees. According to partial data compiled by the Institute for Conflict Management (ICM), in the year 2022, nine ARSA-linked incidents of violence have been reported in Bangladesh, in which five persons (three civilians and two militants) were killed and another six (all civilians) were injured. Moreover, there has been a marked increase in unlawful activities in the Rohingya refugee camps, through 2022, due to the growing and active presence of organized gangs. According to an August 11, 2022, report, Rohingyas had formed at least 20 organised armed gangs, presently active in the refugee camps, prominently including the Salman Shah Group, Putia Group, Munna Group, Hakim Group, and Jokir Group. The gangs were involved in serious crimes such as arms, drugs and human trafficking, gold smuggling, kidnapping, extortion and killing. They were also involved in robberies, burglaries, cybercrime, sexual violence and harassment, as well as illegal SIM card and the hundi (money laundering) trade. They have also been involved in grabbing land from Bangladeshi citizens and also run juvenile gangs. As reported on August 11, 2022, some 101 Rohingyas have been killed in the last five years in internal conflicts among these gangs. In October, 2021, a report indicated that shoot-outs and clashes between these gangs in the Rohingya camp areas were motivated by efforts to establish supremacy and taking control of the illegal Yaba (a cocktail of methamphetamine and caffeine) and gold smuggling, money laundering, and extortion rackets that have proliferated there. As reported on October 3, 2021, the Officer-in-charge (OC) of Teknaf model Police Station in Coxs Bazar District, Hafizur Rahman disclosed that a total of 27 cases have been filed against just one such group the Hakim Group. Moreover, some 100 armed groups, prominently including ARSA, the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO), the Arakan Rohingya Army (ARA), and Jamaat-e-Arakan, are engaged in a turf war to control the camps. The conflict is most violent between ARSA and RSO. ARSA and ARA, led by Nabi Hossain, who was part of ARSA, but left the groups in 2020, are also violently engaged in their efforts to dominate the region. Though no authoritative data is available about the losses faced by these groups, Fawz-ul-Kabir alias Moulavi Abu Anas, ARSA second-in-command, who reportedly resigned from the outfit in June 2022, has publicly criticized the ARSA leadership for recent casualties suffered by the group at the hands of RSO. Meanwhile, ARSA has targeted members of the Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights (ARSPHR), a group that represents parts of the refugee community. Chairman of the ARSPHR and a prominent Rohingya leader, Master Mohibullah, was shot dead by suspected ARSA militants at his office in Kutupalong, Coxs Bazar District, on September 29, 2021. Subsequently, several ARSPHR members have been killed by ARSA. In the most prominent incident, on October 22, 2021, at least six Rohingya refugees, who were followers of Master Mohibullah, were killed and eight were injured, inside a refugee camp in Ukhiya. On September 19, 2022, reacting to the rising waves of crime and violence Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal declared that no more Rohingya would be allowed to enter the country. Those who had come earlier, fleeing persecution in Myanmar, have created many problems, he added. On October 27, 2022, three battalions of APBn arrested at least 41 Rohingyas, including six murder accused, in a special operation, Operation Root Out, in the refugee camps in Coxs Bazar. In addition, the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) region, consisting of three hilly, forested southeastern Districts of Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagracchari, is experiencing increasing ethnic violence even after 25 years of the signing of the CHT Accord of 1997. According to partial data collated by SATP, in 2022 incidents of violence have risen, with 15 fatalities recorded in 2022, as compared to 10 through 2021. The reasons for the increase are, the emergence of ethnicity based armed group, the Kuki-Chin National Front (KCNF) and the Marma National Party in CHT, which has challenged existing groups such as the Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) and the United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF). The KCNF, an armed organization led by erstwhile PCJSS member Nathan Loncheu Bawm, appeared in 2021. Although it was first announced as the Kuki-Chin National Development Organization (KNDO), its latest incarnation as KCNF was declared after KNDOs head, Nathan Loncheu Bawm, failed to contest the 2018 elections. KCNFs main demand is the formation of an autonomous state for the greater Kuki-Chin race, within the CHT. Moreover, as reported on January 4, 2023, there are concerns in the CHT that a vested quarter has been providing backing and shelter to armed terrorist groups, while meting out suppressive measures and imposing the responsibility for terrorist activities upon the Jumma people engaged in the movement demanding implementation of the CHT Accord. One such terrorist group is the KCNF, which is reportedly providing shelter and military training to an Islamist militant group, the Jamatul Ansar Fil Hind al Sharqiya (JAFHS), in their hideouts in the remote Ruma township in the southern part of CHT. On January 12, 2023, RAB disclosed that 12 operatives of JAFHS and 14 operatives of KCNF had been arrested, to that date, in the ongoing anti-militancy drive that started on October 10, 2022. On October 20, 2022, RAB arrested seven JAFHS operatives. The arrestees confessed that they had an agreement with KCNF to provide them shelter and training in exchange for money. Meanwhile, the Bangladesh government continued to articulate and implement a zero-tolerance policy towards Islamist terrorism and the use of its territory as a terrorist safe haven. Through 2022, there was not a single case of a fatality related to proscribed Islamist terrorist groups reported in the country, continuing with the trend established in the previous year, 2021. 2022 witnessed a total of 263 arrests of Islamist terrorists/radicals belonging to various outfits, including 200 Jamaat-e-Islami-Islami Chhatra Shibir (JeI-ICS), 12 JAFHS, 10 Jamaatul Muslimeen, eight Ansar al-Islam, seven Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HuT), among others. Also, as reported on June 30, 2022, the Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) unit of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) started a process of deradicalizing militants inside prisons under the Construction of the Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime Prevention Centre of Bangladesh Police. Under this process, social, clinical, and educational psychologists; religious clerics, and counterterrorism experts were expected to start deradicalizing jailed militants and also those on bail from June 2022 onwards, CTTC chief Mohammad Asaduzzaman disclosed. While reiterating the zero tolerance policy on November 17, 2022, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stated, Let us all hold peace, the message of Islam in our hearts and eradicate darkness, illiteracy, discord, violence, terrorism and militancy from the society; resist the evil forces which are making misinterpretation of Islam. Weve adopted zero tolerance towards militancy to uphold the peaceful glory of holy Islam by keeping the country free from militancy. Meanwhile, the last quarter of 2022 recorded some violent incidents and clashes involving members of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Awami League (AL), including: November 28: Multiple cocktail bomb explosions occurred in the AL office in the Chanda area of the Kaliakoir Sub-District in Gazipur District. Two cases have been filed against 27 leaders and activists of BNP and more than 200 others for their alleged involvement in the explosions. On the same day, two bombs exploded at a fish farm on the Trimoni intersection in Gangni city in Meherpur District. Police later recovered another three bombs from the site of the explosion. However, no casualty was reported. A case was registered against 11 leaders and activists of BNP and its allied organizations in connection with the blasts. November 29: Two AL members were injured as a crude bomb exploded in the AL party office in the Dhangora Junction area in Raiganj Sub-District, Sirajganj District. Later, BNP activists and two party leaders were charged. Raiganj BNP municipality unit convener Ainul Haque, its secretary Khairul Islam, and 20 named and 150 unnamed BNP men were accused in the case. Apart from direct violence, BNP and its allies are also working at the international level with various lobbies, to target the AL Government. Meanwhile, on December 7, 2022, Sheikh Hasina declared that Bangladeshs next general elections will be held during the first week of January 2024. With elections in the coming year, and the increased activities of BNP and its cohorts, the situation in Bangladesh is likely to become precarious. Security Forces successes against the Islamists are, certainly, a signal achievement, but Islamist radicalization remains widespread, and the disruptive efforts of terrorist formations some old and some new persist. Moreover, the troubles in the Rohingya refugee camps have created new and serious threats to the internal peace and security of Bangladesh in general, and the Coxs Bazar District and Bhashan Char, in particular. The escalating violence in CHT, is another flashpoint of concern. A relatively peaceful for Bangladesh could find itself abruptly destabilized as the General Elections approach. Accused Poker Cheater Mike Postle Deep in Biloxi Tournament Playing for $200K January 16, 2023 Jon Sofen Senior Editor U.S. With only his first and middle name ("Michael Lawrence") listed on a tournament report, Mike Postle has reached the final table in a $500,000 guaranteed poker tournament at Beau Rivage Casino in Biloxi, and his picture has surfaced on social media. Angela Jordison shared a photo on Twitter, one originally from GulfCoastPoker.net, that was taken by Max Young. Postle was accused of cheating in 2019 during Stones Live streams. He was alleged to have used an electronic device, perhaps in conjunction with a member of the show's production team, to gain access to his opponent's hole cards. As word began to circulate that Postle was playing at the $1,200 buy-in tournament, discontent emerged from some on social media. "Dude robbed TONS of people and gets to just live like it never happened," wrote @propunter89 on Twitter. "A true human scumbag if there ever was one." Top Stories of 2020: Mike Postle Saga Winds Down Postle Chasing Huge Poker Score Mike Postle Back in 2019, Postle immediately denied the allegations brought forward by Veronica Brill, a Stones Live commentator and player, and a former friend of the accused cheater. He was never convicted, or even charged, of any crime and has taken a low-profile since 2019, but he's back in the spotlight. On Monday, he will take a seat at the final table of the $1,200 buy-in Million Dollar Heater series Main Event at Beau Rivage, and is one of 10 players still in the hunt for a $200,000 score. Postle will begin play with 4,325,000 chips and the blinds will resume at 100,000/150,000 with a 150,000 big blind ante. He sits in sixth place, well within striking distance. Brock Gary from Lafayette, Louisiana leads the way at 8,050,000. Postle apparently registered for the tournament under the name "Michael Lawrence," his legal first and middle name. At least that's what was reported on the official chip count report. The 46-year-old poker pro's last name and hometown remained anonymous but once Young discovered who he was, the cat was out of the bag. In addition, Rounder Life, the notoriously pro-Postle Twitter account, posted video from the tournament in which Postle played a hand against well-known poker player Kyle Cartwright: Friendly banter among a couple of old school Mississippi Rounders RounderLife (@RounderLife) Postle, who is from Northern California, has a long history of playing cards in the Southeast, including Biloxi and Tunica, the top two spots for poker in Mississippi. Over the past few years, the former Stones Live regular has either played poker online or been able to keep a low-profile in live games. According to Hendon Mob, his last recorded live tournament cash came in August 2019, just weeks before the accusations came about. Much of the allegations against Postle were due to his seemingly uncanny knack for making the right decisions in tough spots, often pulling off insane bluffs, rarely when his opponent had a monster. But he also had a reputation for years as being a competent and tough poker player, especially in Mississippi cash games during the poker boom era. As a tournament player, he's racked up over $500,000 in cashes, none more than $118,000. That said, following lengthy investigations by Joey Ingram and others, there aren't many who have come forward publicly in support of Postle outside of some internet trolls and Justin Kuraitis, the combative Stones Casino tournament director who was accused by many, including Brill, of being Postle's co-conspirator. Mike Postle Gives Up on $330M Lawsuit Sharelines Find out what accused poker cheater Mike Postle is up to these days. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Print Senate Republicans have been complaining about problems with the nations air travel system, but they have been blocking Bidens nominee to run the FAA since March of 2022. The FAA has been without permanent leadership since last March because Senate Republicans have been blocking Bidens nominee to run the FAA. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that he will move to end the obstruction, There is no doubt about it: its time to clear the runway for President Bidens choice for FAA Administrator, Phil Washington. With recent events, including airline troubles and last weeks tech problem, this agency needs a leader confirmed by the Senate immediately. I intend to break this logjam, work to hold a hearing for Mr. Washington, where he can detail his experience and answer questions and then work towards a speedy Senate confirmation. The logical thing for Senate Republicans who might be concerned about Biden nominee Phil Washingtons experience level would be to hold a confirmation hearing to ask him about his qualifications, and then vote against him if they feel that Washington is not qualified. Get More Stories By Subscribing To Our Newsletter: The illogical choice that Senate Republicans have made is to block Washingtons confirmation hearing. It is hypocritical for Senate Republicans to complain about air transportation problems while denying the FAA proper leadership. The next time a Senate Republican complains in the press about the FAA and air travel, the first question that they should be asked is why are they blocking Bidens nominee to run for FAA. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Print Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) wrecked the GOP argument on Biden and classified documents by pointing out that President Biden isnt an insurrectionist who tried to overthrow the government. Video of Rep. Raskin: Transcript via CNNs State Of The Union: TAPPER: Now, we learned the President Biden had roughly 20 classified documents, including some marked top secret in three different locations. By Bidens own standard, wasnt Biden totally irresponsible with classified information? And arent we right to wonder, to use Bidens words quote what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods? RASKIN: Well, and I think we will get to the bottom of all of that. I mean, thats why a special counsel has been appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland. He did the right thing there to look into it. Im hoping that we will keep a sense of symmetry about our analysis of these situations and a sense of proportion about the underlying offenses. There are some people who are trying to compare having a government document that should no longer be in your possession to inciting a violent insurrection against the government of the United States. And those are obviously completely different things. Thats apples and oranges. So, we should keep a sense of proportion and measure about what were talking about. For More Stories Subscribe To Our Newsletter: As much as Republicans want the two situations to be the same, they are night and day different. Joe Biden isnt an insurrectionist who attempted to overthrow the government while on the take from dozens of foreign governments, many of which are hostile to the United States. President Biden isnt a threat to national security. Donald Trump has proven that he is a danger to the country and was showing off classified documents at his private club. The appointment of a special counsel to investigate the Biden situation has already paid off for the President and his party because the Republican argument has chanced from asking for a special counsel to demanding fairness. Democrats also want fairness in the process because they are confident that there is a strong possibility that Joe Biden didnt break the law and Donald Trump did. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Print A new report connects Rep. George Santos to a Russian oligarch who gave the congressman at least hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Washington Post reported: George Santos, the freshman Republican congressman from New York who lied about his biography, has deeper ties than previously known to a businessman who cultivated close links with a onetime Trump confidant and who is the cousin of a sanctioned Russian oligarch, according to video footage and court documents. Andrew Intrater and his wife each gave the maximum $5,800 to Santos main campaign committee and tens of thousands more since 2020 to committees linked to him, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission. Intraters cousin is Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg, who has been sanctioned by the U.S. government for his role in the Russian energy industry. For More Stories Like This Subscribe To Our Newsletter: Santos had a business and political relationship with a man whose cousin is a sanctioned Russian billionaire oligarch. Intrater is a US citizen, but his business interests are interlocked with his Russian cousin. Foreign money laundering into US elections can be difficult to trace in some cases, but George Santos has made this one very easy. Russians have gotten money into American politics by using a US citizen front to launder the cash before it gets to the candidate or organization. In the case of Santos, it appears that the Russian oligarchs money was washed through his cousin, so it looked like a legal US contribution, but in reality, it could be foreign cash that was illegally given to a US candidate. George Santos wont say where his sudden wealth came from, but as investigations continue it is looking very possible that a Putin ally bought himself a congressman. As more facts emerge, Santoss constituents who want him gone may soon get their wish. The U.S. Army has developed a new use for its M120A1 towed 120mm mortar. Rather than towing this Israeli-designed M120A1 lightweight mortar, the new version (called Sling system) will be carried in the back of a hummer, a light military truck. This is a variation of the many 155mm artillery systems that are mounted on the back of a heavy truck. The first of these was developed in the 1990s as the French truck-mounted 155mm Caesar. Entering service in 2003, France sent some Caesar howitzers to Afghanistan. The roads in Afghanistan are pretty bad and wheeled combat vehicles have a hard time of it, but Caesar was built to handle cross-country operations. When a Caesar vehicle halts, the four-man crew can extend the metal braces in the rear, raise the barrel, and be firing within minutes. After firing, the vehicle can be moving in less than a minute. The Sling does not carry or fire the mortar from the vehicle, but it is quicker to unhook and emplace on the ground than the several minutes to ready the Caesar vehicle to fire. Sling can fire its first 16 13.7 kg (20 pound) shells one minute after its towing vehicle halts, and at ranges up to 7.8 kilometers. The Sling mortar is based on the Israeli Elbit K6 lightweight low-recoil mortar that weighs 146 kg (320 pounds). The Sling was designed mainly for use by army Special Forces but can be useful for any infantry unit operating off-road and in need of mortar support for light infantry fighting at remote locations. That makes GPS guided shells more useful than unguided ones. Guided 120mm Sling shells weigh 17.3 kg (38 pounds) and have a range of 7.5 kilometers. They land within 10 meters (30 feet) of the aiming point. One guided shell will do the work faster and with one shell while unguided shells take longer and require more shells. Normally the first shot from an unguided 120mm mortar shell will land anywhere within a 136-meter circle. The shells that do not come that close, and some of those that do, often hurt nearby civilians, or even friendly troops. The GPS guided shell gets it right the first time. A guided mortar round is very useful in urban warfare, where a miss will often kill civilians. The 120mm mortar round has about 2.2 kg (five pounds) of explosives, compared to 6.6 kg (15) pounds in a 155mm shell. The smaller explosive charges limit collateral damage to civilians. The GPS mortar round is deemed the most useful, especially since the troops are satisfied with that degree of accuracy in GPS-guided 155mm artillery shells, 227mm GMLRS rockets and JDAM bombs. These guided shells dramatically reduce the logistical problems that artillery and mortars encounter when they are in areas where getting supplies is difficult and dangerous. Opponents dread the use of guided shells because these hit targets without the normal use of several unguided shells fired to adjust the accuracy of the shells. A first-round hit means the troops in the target area have no opportunity to seek cover. Surprise is the key to success in combat be it with sniper fire or guided shells. Aiken, SC (29801) Today A mix of clouds and sun this morning followed by increasing clouds with showers developing this afternoon. High 76F. Winds ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Thunderstorms likely this evening. Then a chance of scattered thunderstorms overnight. Low 61F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Leisure travel is becoming less defined by vacation time or personal time off, as employees gain more flexibility to maximize and control their schedules. Data is tracked by earmarking stays as travel or leisure, but remote work is blurring the lines between the categories. Its a national trend that has been coined many names, but it is being closely watched by visitor industry experts in Charleston. Remote or hybrid work models have become the norm for many in the aftermath of the pandemic, allowing workers to save both time and money and live or work from just about anywhere with a reliable broadband connection. Remote workers can capitalize on that new freedom by extending vacations or visits home by offsetting PTO with remote days. The idea: work by day, vacation by night. Chris Campbell of Explore Charleston said that trend is something the marketing organization is monitoring but noted it is difficult to quantify and track. This is one of the newer national trends impacting the industry, and it goes beyond pent-up demand, Campbell said. While there is still more to understand about this type of travel, the flexibility of remote work changing leisure demand for more people is something we believe can help our industry sustain the strong performance we saw in 2022. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is also eyeing the trend, noting in a 2023 outlook that it expects hotels to respond with ramped up work spaces and Wi-Fi speeds. Kevin Murawinski of Mount Pleasant is one example. Hes worked remotely as a copywriter during visits to see family out of state be able to spend more time away. Otherwise, Im burning through vacation, Murawinski said. Or, it's a really quick weekend trip where I'm scrambling on Sunday to get back because I have to get up and travel to an office the next day. With a remote situation I'm not stressing it and can stay there Monday or into Tuesday and find a much more affordable flight back. Historically airfares are more expensive on the weekends due to demand, so flying on a weekday makes a trip more affordable and feasible. For airlines, the demand is more spread out instead of being concentrated on weekend travel. According to data from the travel booking app Hopper, the industry is taking notice. The Associated Press reported the cost of domestic flights on Sundays and Mondays has risen 5.9 percent and 2.97 percent in 2022 compared to 2019. The cost of flying on Friday and Saturday has dropped by 3 percent and 1.6 percent. Mount Pleasant resident Matt Parker said that remote work is what allowed him and his family to relocate to the Charleston area. We packed our bags and are here for the long haul, all thanks to remote work, Parker said. Remote work has made traveling far easier for me and my family." Around town If youre looking to expand your palate and try new local dining options, Charleston Restaurant Week is the time to sample what the Holy City has to offer. The annual promotion kicked off Jan. 12 and runs through Jan. 22. It offers diners the opportunity to try some of the citys most well-known cuisine from Charleston-area chefs. More than 50 participating restaurants offer specially selected lunch and dinner menus. To view a complete list of participating restaurants, view menus or make reservations, visit www.charlestonrestaurantweek.com. Firefly Distillery will be hosting monthly Bring Your Own Shuckers oyster roast on Jan. 22 on its four-acre field alongside the Noisette Creek . The ticketed event will offer all-you-can-eat oysters from Lowcountry Oyster Co along with live music, beer, and cocktails for purchase. will be hosting monthly Bring Your Own Shuckers oyster roast on Jan. 22 on its four-acre field alongside the . The ticketed event will offer all-you-can-eat oysters from along with live music, beer, and cocktails for purchase. On Jan. 26, The Charleston Museum is offering a tour by director Carl Borick of the its oldest collections in the "Early Days" gallery, which reflects the museums long history from its founding before the American Revolution to the late 20th century. Kingstree, SC (29556) Today A mix of clouds and sun early followed by cloudy skies this afternoon. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 78F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Thunderstorms. Low 61F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Locally heavy rainfall possible. Mount Pleasant, SC (29464) Today Partly cloudy this morning. Increasing clouds with periods of showers this afternoon. High 73F. Winds ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%.. Tonight Thunderstorms. Low 64F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Locally heavy rainfall possible. Martin Luther King Jr. understood well the resistance he would encounter as he pushed, first, for an end to legal segregation and, second, for racial equality. The status quo can be hard to move. "There has never been a single solid, determined commitment of large segments of White America on the whole question of racial equality," King said during a 1967 interview with NBC. "I think we have to say that vacillation has always existed, ambivalence has always existed, and this to me is the so-called White backlash," he added. "Its merely a new name for an old phenomenon. I see the White backlash as a continuation of the same ambivalence and vacillation of White America on the whole question of racial justice that has existed since the founding of our nation. The backlash could be fierce, he knew, because what he was asking for what was required was a wholesale restructuring of American society. I think were in a new era, a new phase of the struggle where we have moved from a struggle for decency, which characterized our struggle for 10 or 12 years, to a struggle for genuine equality," he said. "And this is where we are getting the resistance, because there was never any intention to go this far." That resistance persists today. Neutral terms and concepts, such as critical race theory, social democracy and the colloquial wokeness have been co-opted and transformed into pejoratives. Legal decisions, policies and practices continue to stand in the way. Institutional bias still hinders the effort to achieve true equality. Now were in a period when the words King uttered in a 1967 speech titled Where Do We Go From Here? an admonishment directed toward reformers seem particularly appropriate, Citadel history professor Damon Fordham said. King called for the urgent transformation of society through a reassertion of nonviolent direct action. What is needed is a strategy for change, a tactical program that will bring the Negro into the mainstream of American life as quickly as possible, King told his Atlanta audience. So far, this has only been offered by the nonviolent movement. Without recognizing this we will end up with solutions that don't solve, answers that don't answer, and explanations that don't explain. Todays political rhetoric, Fordham observed, has little to do with the persistent and pressing issues of inequality and suffering. So how can advocates of social justice make headway against this strengthened current? The backlash AJ Davis, a 46-year-old community public education advocate, works closely with other activists and lobbies regularly for reform. Hes president of the Chicora-Cherokee Neighborhood Association. Davis said he was bracing for an intensification of the backlash soon after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in 2020. Sure enough, he said, it came: Resistance from law enforcement to consider reforms, a presidential election replete with codes and signals meant to reassure the far right, noise on social media designed to sow discord and confusion, and the demonization and criminalization of protesters. Then came the failed insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021 another manifestation of political divisions fueled by misinformation. Davis took note of a double standard: The way law enforcement responded to insurrectionists was different from the way it responded to people demonstrating for justice and accountability. Then, suddenly, critical race theory was weaponized, he said. It had emerged in the 1970s as a lens through which law students and academics could view institutional racism. Recently some on the right were using the phrase as shorthand for any discussion of history or race that might cause discomfort. No one should be instructed to feel as if they are not equal or shamed because of their race, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said in reference to what he called the far-left woke agenda. In April, he signed into law a bill that bans instruction at schools and companies suggesting that an individual, by virtue of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin, bears personal responsibility for and must feel guilt, anguish, or other forms of psychological distress because of actions, in which the individual played no part, committed in the past by other members of the same race, color, sex, or national origin. In South Carolina, the recently formed Statehouse Freedom Caucus of conservative lawmakers is suing Lexington 1 and Charleston County school districts to prevent the teaching of critical race theory. A newly elected Berkeley County School District board voted in November to forbid the teaching of the theory and to form a book banning committee. The group Moms for Liberty is advocating for bans on critical race theory and discussions of LGBTQ issues in the classroom. It became very daunting and intimidating because it seemed as though we were up against a well-oiled machine that was morphing into a monster, Davis said. Kerry Taylor, a history professor at The Citadel, drew a parallel between the politics of the late 1960s and the politics of today. Back then, American society had been shaken by a series of assassinations and the left, which had been somewhat unified around civil rights, had become fragmented, Taylor said. Huge progress had been made with the passage of civil rights and voting rights legislation, and some including President Lyndon Johnson were talking about a war on poverty. At the same time, the reactionary politics of George Wallace, Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater had gained currency, Taylor said. Very complicated, and sometimes contradictory, forces are at play, he said of that period. In a similar way, Taylor added, Donald Trump became the reactionary response to the politics of inclusion spearheaded by his predecessor, Barack Obama. In other words, Taylor said, politics in the U.S. can be viewed as an unceasing tug of war between liberalizing and conservative forces: progress then rollback, progress then rollback. Cycles of history Brandon Fish, a longtime public advocate for social justice, noted how the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement in the middle 2010s helped pressure police departments including Charlestons and North Charlestons to adopt more body cameras and conduct racial bias audits. A couple years earlier, the resistance to such scrutiny was intense, he said. But its difficult for activists to maintain the energy and devote the time needed to push for progress, he said. Participation waxes and wanes according to various factors, including employment, family obligations, the political climate, traumatic experiences and funding. Harnessing outrage in the moment is what an organizer does, Fish said. Without outrage, its hard to organize direct action demonstrations. Fish now is director of community relations for the Charleston Jewish Federation, and hes worried that policies restricting access to the lessons of history, such as anti-critical race theory imperatives, will have a chilling effect on teachers. How can you discuss, say, the history of racial segregation or the causes of the Holocaust without considering race? How can teachers ensure that what they present in class wont make some students uncomfortable? People nowadays are scared to engage in anything thats seen as divisive, Fish said. It gets to a point where you cant talk about anything. Fordham, who criticized the self-righteousness of the left and the dishonesty of the right, said historical cycles repeatedly show how both sides can become radicalized, how periods of productive cooperation and reform engender hope, and how disillusionment follows the inevitable backpedaling. People think this is something new, he observed. They only know what they know. ... This is why not studying history is so dangerous, and why listening to one narrative is so dangerous. It makes you completely unprepared for when these cycles happen. Davis said its hard to combat concerted efforts to stifle productive debate and negotiation. Unfortunately, theres this window of disbelief when you start trying to signal to people that something is starting to happen, but people dismiss it as hyperbolic or exaggeration, he said. It isnt until the thing actually happens that people will take what you are saying seriously. In the meantime, the damage is being done. On the other hand, he said, book bans, anti-critical race theory sentiment and efforts to rescind civil rights gains among the LGBTQ community can have the effect of mobilizing people determined to make headway against the current. But no matter what happens, only people of good faith can be engaged, Davis said. Theres a contingent thats just never going to come around to the middle ground, he said. No amount of evidence will convince them otherwise. So instead of trying to convince them, we engage and empower those who are not entrenched in ideological quagmires. 'Steer the course' For some, the best way forward is to ignore the noise and focus on the work. I dont care about the people who are anti-progress, said Tamara Butler, director of the Avery Research Center, which includes among its programming a Race and Social Justice Initiative. That doesnt keep me awake at night. I just do my job. Academia is one of the hot spots of the current political crisis, and Butler surely is not immune to the influences of anti-woke and anti-critical race theory activists. They are forcing colleges and universities to think twice about certain course offerings, guest speakers on campus, article topics and more. But Butler chooses to stay in her lane, she said. As a person who guides an organization, all I try to do is steer the course. She said its not really her responsibility to convince people to come to the table to hash out their political differences. Such an effort would redirect energy she needs to advance her work and engage with those interested in productive dialogue and learning. Youre either reactive or proactive, Butler said. I have no interest in being reactive. CORRECTION: Moms for Liberty activists have contradicted a MSNBC news report that stated they advocate segregating LGBTQ students within their schools. They said they are opposed to discussions of LGBTQ issues in the classroom. Martin Perlmutter, the longtime director of the College of Charlestons Jewish Studies Program whose contributions helped transform the school from a small, provincial college into a nationally recognized institution, died early Jan. 16. He was 79. The cause of death was cancer, according to his family. Perlmutter, a philosophy professor, and wife Jeri, a public school teacher, came to the Charleston area in 1979. He joined a small philosophy department, became chairman in 1983, and quickly bolstered its offerings. In 1991 he was asked to retake the reins of Jewish Studies, a fledgling program that got its start thanks to efforts by, and funding from, Henry and Silvia Yaschik, Norman and Gerry Sue Arnold, Sam Shapiro and Jerry and Anita Zucker. Henry would say, You should run this program, Perlmutter recalled recently. Its not my field, hed answer. But Yaschik pestered him about it until Perlmutter relented, adding new responsibilities to his job without compensation. He continued to teach philosophy courses. Over the years, his philosophy workload diminished as his attention to Jewish Studies increased. He felt guilty about drawing his wages from the philosophy department budget line when he was contributing so little. He soon made the switch, becoming full-time director of Jewish Studies. In the early 1990s, he launched the African American-Jewish Connection, an initiative created to teach young people about historic ties between the two groups, and to foster an appreciation for civil rights. It morphed into Operation Understanding, which persisted for a few years before cost burdens became untenable. In 1994, he helped start the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina. The following year, he started the Three Rabbi Panel series and the Sunday Morning Brunch series, opening Jewish Studies to the wider community. Over time, he hosted many guest speakers and fostered conversations about religion, politics, tradition, Zionism, Jewish identity and more. He was astute at remaining essentially neutral, preferring to encourage productive dialogue over contentious argument. In the 1980s, the College of Charleston had about 5,000 students. Perhaps a couple dozen were Jewish. Today it has more than 10,000 students and hundreds of them are Jewish. Some enrolled specifically because of the vibrant Jewish offerings on campus. Those offerings always have been designed to appeal not only to Jews but to anyone seeking to gain a better understanding of history, World War II and the Holocaust, religious traditions and cultural influences, Perlmutter has said repeatedly. Jewish should resonate, Perlmutter once told The Post and Courier. There should be things that are Jewish that are attractive to a wider audience. If you serve bagels, all the better. Anita Zucker, a passionate supporter of Jewish Studies, said her friend was the key to everything that happened. He was the common denominator, the central figure who brought everyone together. He knew how to get things done, she said. In large measure, this was because of the trust he engendered, Zucker said. Normally, as the philanthropist holding the purse strings, it is Zucker who helps determine an agenda. That wasnt the case with Perlmutter. Shed say, Tell me what you want me to do, then simply follow his lead. I didnt have to be the one figuring out the next step, she said. Marty had very high expectations, so I had to live up to those. ... Together, we made a lot happen. When it came time to expand Jewish Studies and secure a new building to house the program, Perlmutter formed a nonprofit corporation and set about raising the money. The Sylvia Vlosky Yaschik Jewish Studies Center opened at Wentworth and Glebe streets in 2002. Before long, the college purchased the building, but guaranteed its perpetual use as a center for Jewish life and learning. In 2016, the building received an addition that included Martys Place, a kosher vegan cafeteria funded by Zucker. Its kitchen is named for her late husband. Perlmutter joked recently about how others in academia get a chair named for them. Im a vegan restaurant, he said. In fact, he was a unique presence at the school, well known to many, accommodating, always ready to help even those not connected to Jewish Studies. He retired in 2019. College of Charleston President Andrew Hsu called Perlmutter an iconic figure, and a gifted teacher, scholar and leader. He did a remarkable job connecting the Jewish community to our campus, and we are proud that the Colleges kosher/vegetarian/vegan dining facility bears his name," Hsu said. "He will be sorely missed, but his legacy lives on. Perlmutters parents fled Berlin in 1938. He grew up in New York City, where he attended Yeshiva University High School and City College. A good student, he enrolled at the University of Illinois as a philosophy major. He got his first job teaching philosophy in 1971 at the University of Texas in Austin, then spent a year at the former University of Tennessee in Nashville before landing in Charleston some 44 years ago. He always preferred the classroom to the quietude of scholarly research, and he thrived as an administrator in charge of a significant program with an outsized reach. But thats not what impressed his good friend and colleague David Cohen most. Cohen, a former dean of the College of Charleston who helped get Jewish Studies off the ground, said he was amazed by Perlmutters unusually humane approach to relationships. Perlmutter was on the ethics committee at the Medical University dealing with issues of life and death. In that capacity he forged relationships with people who were terminally ill. It wasn't 'support' exactly, he wasnt there to hold their hand or something, Cohen said. He managed to become part of the persons life at a time when most people would shy away from that, not knowing what to say, not knowing what to do. He had a selfless way of enmeshing himself in the lives of others, Cohen said. On campus, Perlmutter relied on Cohen, bouncing ideas off his friend and gaining a better understanding of how he might navigate difficult challenges. Weve got to have students! he told Cohen early on. Youre not going to get Jewish students to come to the College of Charleston, a less optimistic Cohen replied. Ive got a printout here, Perlmutter would retort. It shows how many students identify as Jewish. Maybe it was 20 or so. But that soon changed. Later, another meeting: I have to have a building! Theres no space, came the pragmatic reply from Cohen. But that didnt stop Perlmutter. He built a much stronger college, Cohen said. The quality and quantity of students increased, adding to the overall campus experience. Today, more than half of the students taking Jewish Studies courses are not Jewish, Cohen said. In recent years, even as he underwent treatment for his cancer, Perlmutter worked with Rabbi Yossi Refson on an ambitious effort to create a Jewish retirement facility. He continued to make his mark until the very end. Perlmutter is survived by his sister Ruth Warren, wife Jeri, and four children: Jake, a public school administrator; Aaron, a clinical trial manager; Daniel, a financial planner; and Estee, a nurse practitioner. The funeral is set for 2 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17, at Beth Elohim Cemetery on Huguenin Avenue in Charleston. It is open to the public. Charleston, SC (29403) Today Partly cloudy early then becoming cloudy with periods of rain this afternoon. High around 75F. Winds ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70%.. Tonight Thunderstorms. Low 64F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Locally heavy rainfall possible. The Centre for the Promotion of Private Enterprise (CPPE) has said that the proposed plan to remove petroleum subsidy would improve Nigerian governments revenue by at least N6 trillion annually. Muda Yusuf, director of CPPE, disclosed this on Sunday in a statement titled Tweaking the 2023 Finance Bill and Options for Unlocking revenues in 2023. Mr Yusuf noted that the Nigerian economy is heavily burdened and encumbered by two major subsidy regimes: the fuel subsidy regime and the foreign exchange subsidy regime. The CPPE boss added that huge sums of revenue put at a minimum of N6 trillion annually can be realised from these subsidy programmes if appropriate reforms are implemented. There is a plan to discontinue petroleum subsidy, which is a positive development. This action would unlock a minimum of N6 trillion in revenue into the federation account annually. Additionally, there would be an end to the several years of plundering of the nations resources through the subsidy regime, the CPPE statement said. According to the think tank, the next administration would need to demonstrate the political will to put an end to the predatory practice. The CPPE also appealed to the labour unions and civil society organisations to give the oil and gas sector reforms a chance to prevent the Nigerian economy from tumbling into a deeper crisis. Forex regime Mr Yusuf said the second major subsidy regime from which huge revenues can be unlocked in the short term is the foreign exchange policy regime. He explained that over the years, the exchange rate assumptions in the appropriation acts were grossly and deliberately understated, leading to the loss of trillions of naira for the economy. In 2021, for instance, the Central Bank sold an estimated $18 billion US dollars as an intervention in the foreign exchange market at a hugely subsidized average rate of N400 per dollar. The effective exchange rate in the economy at the time was N560/$. This meant an estimated subsidy of N160/$ which translated to a conservative estimated revenue loss of N2.9 trillion, he added. Similarly in 2022, Mr Yusuf said an estimated $18 billion was sold as an intervention in the forex market at an average rate of N447/$. The average effective exchange rate for the period was conservatively about N650. Again, this meant a subsidy of N203/$. This translates to an estimated revenue loss of about N3.64 trillion. These are huge losses of revenue to foreign exchange subsidy which are as damaging to the economy as the fuel subsidy. But curiously, the National Assembly and the CBN had serially, grossly and inexplicably underestimated the exchange rate benchmark in the appropriation bills of the past few years. For an economy that is burdened by a huge fiscal deficit and unsustainable debt obligations, this should not be allowed to continue in 2023. The reality is that forex end users are paying well over N700/$ for their business transactions. Selling government forex at less than N500/$ is inexcusable, the statement said. Mr Yusuf noted that the exchange rate assumption in the budget should be immediately reviewed to reflect exchange rate realities and boost revenue to the federation account. According to him, this could be done within the framework of the Finance Act which is being reviewed. A realistic exchange rate benchmark would boost the federation account revenues by about N4 trillion in 2023, he added, noting that this will not only benefit the federal government but the state and local governments as well. A realistic exchange rate would also improve forex inflows into the economy, enhance the countrys foreign reserves, strengthen the naira and elevate investors confidence. Currency brokers, middlemen and some operatives in the financial system are the major beneficiaries of the huge arbitrage opportunities, massive rent economy and the vast round-tripping enterprise that the forex subsidy regime has created, he added. He added that unlocking revenues from the forex subsidy would be a significant major step towards the realization of the fiscal consolidation objective of the government. This would also reduce the current tendencies to impose an additional burden of taxation on businesses and moderate macroeconomic headwinds. It should be stressed that this is not a devaluation proposition. It is a strategy meant to correct distortions in the forex ecosystem, boost government revenues, curb corruption in forex transactions and enhance liquidity in the forex market. It will also improve efficiency in forex allocation, promote transparency in the forex environment and raise investors confidence in the Nigerian economy, he said. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Centre for the Promotion of Private Enterprise (CPPE) has said that the imposition of excise duty on all services will make the business community vulnerable. Muda Yusuf, director of CPPE, disclosed this on Sunday in a statement titled Tweaking the 2023 Finance Bill and Options for Unlocking revenues in 2023. Mr Yusuf noted that the provision of the bill is too broad, inexact and wide-ranging, adding that there is no jurisdiction around the world where all services are liable to excise duty. According to the CPPE boss, excise duties are typically specific and selective, and often imposed to disincentivize the consumption or production of particular product groups. The current open-ended provision is inimical to investment. It makes the imposition of excise duties arbitrary, indiscriminate and unpredictable. The bill should contain specifics of services to be taxed for better stakeholder engagement, the CPPE statement said. It is important to take into account the fact that practically all services are currently liable to Value Added Tax, the statement added. The service sector is a very strategic sector in the Nigerian economy, contributing 54 per cent to GDP and currently the largest contributor to government tax revenue. It also accounts for an estimated 53 per cent of employment. We are concerned that companies in the service sector are already paying huge taxes in the form of company tax which is currently at 30 per cent, tertiary education tax at 2.5 per cent, NITDA levy at 1 per cent, NASENI levy at 0.25 per cent, Police Trust Fund Levy at 0.005 per cent and withholding tax on profit distribution at 10 per cent. Mr Yusuf noted that all the taxes are percentages of company profit and there are numerous taxes and levies imposed by state governments. He added that investors in the sector pay various sums as fees and levies to regulatory agencies. High tax burden on businesses is detrimental to investment and job creation and could ultimately undermine revenue generation prospects of the government. Revenue drive should rather focus on efficiency, effectiveness and equity as major policy objectives of taxation, he added. Other Taxes Commenting on the company income tax hike on gas flaring, Mr Yusuf noted that, at more than 190 trillion cubic feet, Nigeria has one of the largest gas reserves in the world. According to him, the prospects for investment in gas have never been this auspicious, driven largely by the Russian Ukraine conflict. He added that this is a great opportunity for Nigeria to attract investors into its gas sector and take advantage of the current global high demand for gas. This is not a good time to impose a punitive tax on gas companies. Besides, the 50 per cent tax introduced is not consistent with the essence of the recently enacted Petroleum Industry Act (PIA). The government should explore other gas flaring mitigation measures, which must be proportional to the volume of gas flared, he said. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print A Nigerian man, Ahmed Ponle, has pleaded guilty to opening and using 470 fake bank accounts to defraud American banks. The 42-year-old prolific fraudster pleaded guilty to a bank fraud charge at the US District Court, District of New Jersey, in April last year, according to court documents seen by PREMIUM TIMES. He faces as much as 30 years jail time for an offence involving defrauding at least 10 American banks with nearly $6 million exposure. The district court judge, Noel Hillman, has now scheduled Mr Ponles sentencing for 20 January, after series of adjournments since the defendants guilty plea last year. US investigators revealed in court documents that Mr Ponle used suspected fraudulent foreign passports bearing fake American visas to open approximately 470 bank accounts at various American banks branches in various states. The fraudulent passports bearing his image but with fake names were said to include West African, Kenyan, and Senegalese passports. He used from a pool of tens of fake names to open the different accounts which also bore his photograph. According to US investigators, the acounts had a total exposure of almost $5.7 million, implying the amount the victim banks could have lost to the scam that went on for nearly four years. I want to plead guilty pursuant to this plea agreement, Mr Ponle stated in a letter he signed on 15 August 2021 after reviewing the plea agreement he entered into with the US government with his lawyer Caroline Cinquanto. On 7 April 2022, he and his lawyer signed an application for the courts permission to plead guilty. My lawyer has also explained to me, and I understand, that if I plead guilty, I waive my right not to incriminate myself and I will have to acknowledge my guilt as charged by setting forth my actions so that the judge is satisfied that I am, indeed, guilty, he stated. The US government confirmed in the plea agreement filed in court on 7 August 2022, that Mr Ponle cooperated with authorities in investigating his case. Faces up to 30 years in jail But Mr Ponle faces up to 30 years in jail with a $1 million fine and restitution, the maximum penalty for the bank fraud charge preferred against him. Although he and the prosecution have recommended a reduction in jail time in the plea agreement, the suggestion is not binding on the judge. The plea agreement between the defendant and the US government stated that the sentence to be imposed upon Ahmed Bamidele Ponle is within the sole discretion of the sentencing judge, subject to the provisions of the Sentencing Reform Act and the sentencing judges consideration of the United States Sentencing Guidelines. The court document, seen by PREMIUM TIMES, added that the Sentencing Guidelines are advisory, not mandatory and the judge may impose any reasonable sentence up to and including the statutory maximum term of imprisonment and the maximum statutory fine. Mr Ponle as part of the guilty plea agreed to forfeit specific property derived directly and indirectly from proceeds traceable to the commission of the offense. The forfeiture includes $99,700 in Western Union money orders seized by federal agents on June 25, 2020 from Snapbox Self Storage Unit 4100, 2240 Island Avenue, Philadelphia. Not being a US citizen, he will be deported or removed from the US after serving out his jail time. How 470 bank accounts were opened American investigators said Mr Ponle opened at least 470 sham bank accounts in various states in the US between June 2016 and June 2020, a period of three months and nine months, to defraud at least 10 American banks. The prosecution said Mr Ponle, in Camden County, in the District of New Jersey, and elsewhere, knowingly and intentionally conspired and agreed with co-conspirators to defraud a financial institution, namely TD Bank and other victim banks. Mr Ponle of Darby, Pennsylvania, is part of a prolific criminal organisation engaged in a massive bank fraud in several states, including New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Rhode Island, between June 2016 and March 2020. He perpetrated the fraud by opening bank accounts using suspected fraudulent foreign passports and visas at banks branches located in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Mr Ponle, along with other conspirators, whose identities have not been revealed, stole numerous business cheques from the United States mail, altered the names of the payees on the cheques to fraudulent names. On or about 16 August, 2017, an investigator in one of the Victim Banks affected by the fraudulent activities of Mr Ponle contacted the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) concerning several bank accounts that were closed by the bank due to suspected fraudulent activity. A representative told USPIS that the accounts were opened using suspected fraudulent foreign passports and visas at branches located in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The accounts had minimal activities in the first two months of its opening which consisted of Western Union, MoneyGram, US Postal money orders, or cash deposits. After the two-month period, individuals deposited large business cheques into the account and quickly withdrew the funds either by ATM withdrawals or by purchasing money orders at various money order vendors such as grocery and discount stores. Shortly after the cheques were deposited, the banks started receiving claims stating the cheques were stolen and the payee section was altered to show someone that was not intended to receive the cheque. Although the payee on the cheque was altered, the amount was not changed. By October 2017, over 30 fraudulent accounts with a total exposure of approximately $800,000 to several financial institutions were identified. To date, the total loss to the victim banks is approximately $6 million, US Department of Justice said. The accounts were opened at numerous financial institutions in the state of New Jersey under the assumed names of Wunmi Akrana, Emanuel Kuti, Olawale Johnson, Steven Akpan, Olawole Adefarasin, and Anthony Tunde Camara. Mr Ponle deposited the cheques into bank accounts that had been opened with forged foreign passport documents (Kenya and Senegal) and fraudulent U.S. visas that matched the names on the stolen cheques. Different names Mentioning other accounts opened by Mr Ponle to defraud banks, the court document noted, from 23 November, 2016 through 29 March, 2019, bank records revealed that Ponle opened approximately nine accounts under the assumed name Stephen Snow, eight accounts under the assumed name Macheal Kurum, six accounts under the assumed name Moussa Traore, eight accounts under the assumed name Boubou Niakate, four accounts under the assumed name Michael Houle, six accounts under the assumed name Jasper Darrell, one account under the assumed name Emeka Ayanyinka. Three accounts under the assumed name Olaribigbe Niakate, seven accounts under the assumed name Kuponu Suszy, six accounts under the assumed name Ebele Johnson, seven accounts under the assumed name Alassane Mbaye, three accounts under the assumed name Chuks Godwin, three accounts under the assumed name of Olajimi Moyo, one account under the assumed name of David Akinyi, one account under the assumed name of Luis Thompson, and one account under the assumed name of Owoola Agada for an estimated intended loss of $1,113,061.66, the court documents revealed. To date, the investigation has revealed that the full extent of the criminal activity identified thus far involves approximately 470 fraudulent bank accounts with an estimated exposure of $5.7 million, it said. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Nigerias ruling party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), has asked the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to arrest the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, over corruption allegations. The campaign also issued a 72-hour ultimatum to the EFCC, the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related Offences Commission (ICPC), and the Conduct of Conduct Bureau (CCB), to arrest the opposition leader. The spokesperson of the APC presidential campaign council, Festus Keyamo, in a petition dated 16 January, asked the anti-graft agencies to arrest the former vice president on offences of money laundering, breach of the Code of Conduct Act, conspiracy, and criminal breach of trust and misappropriation. According to Mr Keyamo, the campaign is acting on the allegations made by Michael Achimugu, who claimed to be a former aide to the PDP candidate. Mr Achimugu, in a series of social media posts, accused Atiku of using Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) to commit financial fraud. Mr Keyamo, who is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria and serving minister of state for Labour and Employment, stated that Mr Achimugu provided substantial evidence to corroborate his allegations against the PDP candidate and former President Olusegun Obasanjo. The minister said the accuser provided emails, documents, audio clips, sworn affidavit and his direct oral evidence as to how Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, who happens to be the Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), during his tenure as Vice-President of Nigeria between 1999 and 2007, colluded with his then boss, President Olusegun Obasanjo, to fleece the country and steal public funds using what he termed as Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs). At a press conference of the joint media directorate of the APC campaign on Monday, the party demanded Atikus withdrawal from the race. Mr Keyamo, who addressed the conference on behalf of other members of the directorate, said Atiku violates sections 5, 10, 13 & 17 of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act. Sections 5, 10, 13 & 17 of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act state as follows: Section 5 says, A public officer shall not put himself in a position where his personal interest conflicts with his duties and responsibilities. Section 10 (1) says A public officer shall not ask for or accept property or benefits of any kind for himself or any other person on account of anything done or omitted to be done by him in the discharge of his duties. READ ALSO: (2) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section, the receipt by a public officer of any gifts or benefits from commercial firms, business enterprises or persons who have contracts with the government shall be presumed to have been received in contravention of the said subsection (1) of this section, unless the contrary is proved. Section 13 says A public officer shall not do or direct to be done, in abuse of his office, any act prejudicial to the rights of any other person, knowing that such act is unlawful or contrary to any government policy. Section 17 says A public officer who does any act prohibited by this Act through a nominee, trustee or other agent shall be deemed ipso facto to have committed a breach of this Act. In addition, he stated that there is section 18 (2) of The Money Laundering (Prevention and Prohibition Act), 2022 and section 311 of the Penal Code Law Mr Keyamo added that Atiku must return all the money in the SPVs to the federal government and present himself for investigation and prosecution. In this circumstance, since the nation now knows that the Marine Float Account and other similar accounts were SPV accounts, it follows that all payments made into that account were monies stolen from the public coffers. Therefore, we call on all security agencies to recover all monies withdrawn from that account by anyone for that matter, he said. The text of the conference was co-signed by Mr Keyamo, Dele Alake, Bayo Onanuga, Femi Fani-Kayode and Idris Mohammed, all members of the media directorate of the APC. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, has revealed his plan for tackling the Biafra agitation, including that by the outlawed secessionist group, IPOB. He made the disclosure while speaking at Chatham House in London on Monday. I will talk and discuss with all agitators. There is nothing wrong in that; people agitate even in my house and I have talked with them, he said responding to a question. According to Mr Obi, the agitations are a cumulative effect of leadership failure over the years which he promised would be solved by good governance. When people start seeing justice, fairness, an inclusive government and doing the right thing, all those things will start reversing itself and that is what Datti and I are discussing, the presidential hopeful said. He condemned all agitators but insisted that attention must be paid to the reasons for the agitations all over the place. Not just the IPOB, we have the Yoruba nation and all sorts. When you have created this level of massive poverty where 63 per cent of your population is poor, you will create all sorts of problems, Mr Obi said. IPOB has been accused by the Nigerian government of being responsible for the attacks in the south-east region of Nigeria that have led to the killings and kidnappings of hundreds of people in the region. The leader of the group, Nnamdi Kanu, is in detention and is being prosecuted by the government for treason. The group wants an independent country for the Igbos to be carved from the south-east and some parts of south-south Nigeria. Insecurity and Ethnic tension Fielding a similar question on how he plans to tackle the security challenge and ethnic tension in Nigeria, Mr Obi said the ethnic tensions in Nigeria today are a result of injustice, unfairness, exclusion, and marginalisation. As long as we start doing the right thing, as long as we start building an inclusive society; where peoples talent and hard work match their opportunities, you start seeing those things go down, Mr Obi said. He said Nigeria has an existential threat which leaves no room for the usual transactional leadership. It is either you are a Nigerian or you look for another country. READ ALSO: Mr Obi noted that security is the first commitment of his administration if elected. Securing Nigeria is not impossible. I secured Anambra State as governor and it will not be different, he said. His government, he said, will apply the carrot and stick method. They will dialogue with those who are available for dialogue and will deal with those who are not interested. Nigeria must be secured. We will not shy away; we will deal with it, Mr Obi said. He added that it was time to resonate the spirit of the Nigerian military: the same spirit they used in securing Africa in the past during peace missions, he said. Mr Obi is the second Nigerian presidential candidate in this electoral cycle to speak at Chatham House, a London-based think tank, following his All Progressives Congress (APC) counterpart, Bola Tinubus session there in December. Two other candidates, Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Rabiu Kwankwaso of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), are also expected to speak there. A total of 18 candidates are scheduled to take part in next months election but only four of them are believed to have a chance of victory. The four are Messrs Obi, Tinubu, Kwakwanso and Abubakar. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Nigerias electoral commission, INEC, has reported another attack on one of its facilities in Enugu South Local Government Area, Enugu State. The commission said one of the policemen deployed to the location was also killed and another injured. The attackers, who could not gain entry to the main building, razed the security gate house around 9 p.m last night (Sunday), said INEC National Commissioner and Chairman Information and Voter Education, Festus Okoye. He said, in a statement, that the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) for Enugu State, Chukuwuemeka Chukwu reported that the attackers could not get entry into the main building as a result of the rapid response from the police and army personnel from 82 Division. Of the two policemen deployed to protect the facility, one of them lost his life while the other sustained injuries and is receiving treatment, he said. The commission prays for the repose of the soul of the deceased policeman and the speedy recovery of the injured. He said a meeting of the Inter-Agency Consultative Committee on Election Security (ICCES) in Enugu State co-chaired by the REC and the commissioner of police in the state has been convened to discuss the latest incident and design additional strategies for fortifying the offices and protecting the personnel and materials. Attacks on INEC offices Although INEC facilities have been targets of attacks across the country in the past few years, attacks in the South East and South-south accounts for over 70 per cent of the total attacks. The commissions analysis of the incidents showed that between 2019 and 2022, it recorded 26 attacks in the South-east (Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo), ten in the South-south (Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, and Cross River). INEC also revealed that it recorded ten attacks in the South-west (Ogun, Lagos and Ondo), three attacks in the North-east (Taraba and Borno), one in the North-west (Kaduna), within the period. According to the commission, 20 of the total of 50 incidents were by unknown gunmen and hoodlums, 18 during the EndSARS protest, six by political thugs during elections, four as a result of post-election violence and one each as a result of a bandit and Boko Haram attacks. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Osun State Chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has accused the police and the state government led by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of plotting to suppress the opposition during the general elections in the state. The acting chairman of the party in the state, Tajudeen Lawal, made the allegation in a statement he issued in Osogbo on Sunday. He said the police want to carry out a massive transfer of divisional police officers across the state so as to put in position officers loyal to the state government for the purpose of manipulating the elections. Our intelligence indicates that the idea behind the concluded plan to orchestrate the massive transfer of the DPOs is to give room for some pliable and compromised police officers who could accede to any illegal order of arrest of any member of the opposition, he claimed. The party chairman also said the transfer of the DPOs will begin on Monday. Barring any change of plans, it was learnt that the massive transfer of the DPOs would be kick-started tomorrow (Monday) while the new compromised ones have pledged their loyalty for readiness to act according to any directive from either the governor or the leadership of the PDP in the state, he added. We have the privileged information that the DPOs are to be transferred massively in order to give way to compromised ones who would always be ready to carry out any illegal orders of Governor Ademola and the PDP. He, therefore, appealed to the Inspector General of Police, Usman Alkali, to summon the Osun State Commissioner of Police, Patrick Longe, over the allegations. We are appealing to the IGP to call the Osun CP to order. We are equally appealing to the other sister security agencies in the state to discharge their statutory duties with neutrality and desist from any assignment capable of impugning the image of their outfits. However, the caretaker chairman of the PDP in Osun, Adekunle Akindele, has dismissed the allegations as baseless. Ever since the APC lost the July election, the party has grown paranoid and regularly engages in the manufacturing and distribution of fake news, he said. The opposition sinks deeper into despair and confusion, leading it to churning out illogical lies and confusing postulations. What has PDP got to do with police redeployment? Or is APC afraid its secret rigging machines are about to be dismantled?, the chairman asked. Our message to APC and its fake news manufacturing operatives is that Osun people are wiser. The APC was voted out of power in Osun state because it lost any element of credibility due to its elevation of propaganda as the main tool of state governance. Stop blackmail as defeat awaits your candidates in forthcoming elections. Yemisi Opalola, the police spokesperson in the state, also told our reporter that the allegation is false. It is not true, there is nothing like that, there is nothing like that, Mrs Opalola stated. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Ekiti State High Court in Ado-Ekiti has sentenced a clergyman, Adereti Ebenezer, and a community leader, Akinyede Joseph, to three years imprisonment each after convicting them of forgery, conspiracy and other offences. The defendants were arraigned before a judge, Lekan Ogunmoye, on 18 October 2021 on four counts of conspiracy, forgery, false sworn declaration and making a document without authority. According to the charges, Akinyede Joseph (68) and Adereti Ebenezer (63) on 10 January 2016 at Ilado Street, Iwore, Ifaki Ekiti, conspired to forge the minutes of the meeting of the Registered Trustees of a church. They were said to have falsely declared that they were appointed as members of the Registered Trustees of the United Church of Cherubim and Seraphim Organization, and amended the constitution of the Registered Trustees of the church without lawful authority. According to the prosecutor, the offences contravene sections 516, 467, 191 and 473 of the Criminal Code Cap C16, Vol.1, Laws of Ekiti State Nigeria, 2012. In his statement to the police, one of the trustees, Faseyi Albert, said, I was appointed alongside others as the Board of Trustees of the Church in 2001, the appointment was sent to the Corporate Affairs Commission for ratification. After the demise of Primates and Archbishop of the Church, Most Rev. S.A. Fadeyi, the Bishop in-council consequently ratified the appointment of Rt. Rev. Tunde Ogunseemi as the new Primate/Archbishop of the organisation in 2015. During the manual search conducted by Corporate Affairs Commission, it was discovered that Rt. Rev. Adereti Ebenezer, who was Archbishop 3 of the church, and Chief Akinyede Joseph had manipulated some documents which indicated that the trustees had a meeting and a decision was taken to remove Most Rev. Tunde Ogunseemis name. Minutes of the same meeting were forged among others and presented to the Corporate Affairs Commission and I was also alleged to have been present at the meeting. The matter was later reported to the police for investigation and action. The prosecutor, Gbemiga Adaramola, called five witnesses and tendered a petition made to the Corporate Affairs Commission. Other documents tendered were a relief of appointment letter, extracts from the meeting, a letter from the Conference of General Secretaries to the Archbishops, and the statements of the defendants among others. The defendants, who called four witnesses, spoke in their own defence through their counsel, Ayotunde Ibitoye, who pleaded to the court to temper justice with mercy. Delivering his judgement on Friday, Mr Ogunmoye said there was overwhelming evidence before the court that the defendants conspired to forge the signatures of the Board of Trustees members and minutes of the meeting of the Registered Trustees of the United Church of Cherubim and Seraphim Organisation. He said the offence of conspiracy had been proved beyond reasonable doubt against the defendants. In all, the sole issue for determination is resolved partly in favour of the prosecutor, he said. Consequently, the defendants are sentenced to one-year imprisonment each in counts one, two and four with an option of N20, 000 fine, in each of the counts. They are discharged and acquitted in count three (Make false Declaration). The sentences are to run concurrently, the judge ruled. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Congress of Nigerian University Academics (CONUA) has confirmed moves by the Nigerian government to pay its members withheld salaries. The Nigerian government had insisted it would implement the No Work, No Pay policy against public university workers who stayed away from duty posts during the prolonged strike embarked upon in 2022. The strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) lasted eight months while other unions including the Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and other Associated Institutions (NASU), Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) and National Association of Academic Technologists (NAAT) also lasted months. But CONUA, a newly registered faction of ASUU, has continued to insist it was not party to the strike by its rival union, and that it could only not continue teaching because the universities were shut by the management. Both ASUU and CONUA are academic unions in Nigerian universities. Hope for relief However, following a November 2022 letter to the government on the payment of CONUA members withheld salaries, the government has replied to CONUA requesting the details of its members for the payment of their salaries, CONUAs National Coordinator, Niyi Sunmonu, told our reporter on Monday. He said the union is following through with the process, but payments are yet to be effected. But Mr Sunmonu, a lecturer at the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), did not provide our reporter with the number of CONUA members to be paid by the government, saying at the right time, the public will know. I can confirm that CONUA received a letter asking to submit a list of its members, he said in a reply to our reporter. Payment has not been effected. Its a process and we are walking through it, he added. CONUA has always insisted, since the inception of the eight months strike embarked upon by ASUU, that its members were not party to the strike. Consequently when the Nigerian government formally recognised CONUA in October 2022, it appealed to the Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige, to facilitate the payment of CONUA members salaries, saying the No Work, No Pay policy should not affect them. At the meeting, Mr Ngige directed CONUA to write to the government, noting that if found that the lecturers worked within the duration of the strike, they would be paid. CONUA, therefore, wrote to the government in November and by December when the government failed to respond to CONUA, the union threatened it would take legal steps. The spokespersons for the Ministries of Education, and Labour and Employment, Ben Goong, and Olajide Oshundun respectively, said their ministries were not aware of the plan to pay CONUA. Qosim Suleiman is a reporter at Premium Times in partnership with Report for the World, which matches local newsrooms with talented emerging journalists to report on under-covered issues around the globe. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has postponed its presidential campaign rally in Kwara State initially scheduled for Tuesday. The Local Organising Committee, in a statement by Saadu Salahu on Monday, said the rally was postponed because it clashed with President Muhammadu Buharis trip to Mauritania. Mr Buhari was scheduled to appear at the rally in Kwara State on Tuesday, however, he will be in the Mauritanian capital for an award ceremony. In the reviewed timetable issued by the Presidential Campaign Council (PCC), Mr Buhari is to attend presidential campaign rallies in 10 states. He has already attended rallies in Adamawa and Yobe States. READ ALSO: Mr Salahu said the president has indicated interest to lead the rally in Kwara State, hence the decision to postpone the event. We regret to announce the postponement of the Bola Ahmed Tinubu/ Shettima APC presidential campaign rally scheduled to hold in Ilorin tomorrow Tuesday 17th January, 2023. This is in order to allow President Muhammadu Buhari to lead the campaign. The President is scheduled for an international engagement outside the country this week, beginning from tomorrow but insists he would like to personally lead the APC Presidential rally in Kwara State. We deeply regret any inconveniences the postponement might have caused our guests and all APC stakeholders, he said. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The police in Katsina State have released the personal details of the five women who were abducted by terrorists in Katsina Sunday morning. PREMIUM TIMES reported the women were abducted in Mai Tsauni, Gidan Haruna in Kankara Local Government while they were on their way to church. In a statement by the command spokesperson, Gambo Isa, they attacked the community with AK 47 rifles and started shooting sporadically. Mr Isa said the terrorists wounded the pastor of the church, New Life for All, simply identified as Haruna. He said the pastor is being treated at a medical facility in Kankara town. The kidnapped victims are (1) Rabi Isyaku, F, aged 15yrs, (2) Rabi Saidu, F, aged 36yrs, (3) Rabi Babba, F, aged 49yrs, (4) Saratu Hadi, aged 27yrs, and (5) Nusaiba Shuaibu, aged 13yrs, all of Maitsauni village, Kankara LGA of Katsina state, he said. Mr Isa added the Divisional Police Officer in Kankara was alerted but the terrorists had escaped with their victims when the policemen reached the community. ALSO READ: Terrorists abduct residents going to church in Katsina DPO Kankara led a team of Policemen to the village but before his arrival, the terrorists had already escaped with the victims. The injured Pastor was evacuated to General Hospital, Kankara for treatment. Efforts are on with a view of arresting the hoodlums, please, Mr Isa added. Katsina, like many North-western states and a part of the North-central region, has been witnessing a series of terrorist attacks leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of people and the displacement of millions of others. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Governor of Niger State, Abubakar Bello, has imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew in Lambata, a community in Gurara local Government over the killing of a District Head, Mohammed Abdulsafur. In a statement signed by the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Ahmed Matane, the governor announced a restriction of movement in the town between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. from Sunday 15 January, till further notice is given. The governor said the curfew was necessary to assist security agencies bring the tension in the area following the killing of Mr Abdulsafur, under control, safeguarding lives and properties, as well restore law and order. Niger state government condemns in strong terms the violent clash and acts of lawlessness that erupted in Lambata town which led to the murder of the village head, the statement signed by the Information Officer, Lawal Tanko further indicated. While calling on the residents to remain calm and to cooperate with the security agencies in the urgent task of ensuring that peace and normalcy return to Lambata and its environs, the statement enjoined security agencies to ensure enforcement of the dusk-to-dawn curfew. Mr Abdulsafur was attacked by some irate youth at his residence on 14 January. He was later confirmed dead after he was taken to the Federal Medical Centre, Gawu-Babangida for treatment. Meanwhile, when the Commissioner of Police of the state, Ayodeji Ogundele, visited the family of the deceased district head, he promised that the perpetrators of the act will be apprehended and shall be made to face the consequences of their actions. He admonished the family not to take laws into their hands and allow the criminal justice system to take its course. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Federal High Court has announced nine vacancies to be filled on its bench, although it has a shortfall of 24 judges. The court has a full complement of 100 judges but currently has 76 across its divisions nationwide. A statement by the Federal High Courts Assistant Director of Information, Catherine Christopher, said on Saturday, that the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Olukayode Ariwoola, recently approved the appointment of nine judges for the court. The Federal High Court of Nigeria wishes to notify all stakeholders and the general public of its further appointment of Nine (9) judges, the statement read in part. The planned appointment of new nine judges, the statement said, is different from the pending exercise for the appointment of 15 judges earlier approved by the CJN. The statement quoted the Chief Judge of the court, John Tsoho, as inviting judges of superior courts, the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), to kindly nominate suitably qualified persons from the aforementioned States for appointment to the Federal High Court Bench. It added that all recommendations are to reach the Chambers of the Hon. Chief Judge of the Federal High Court on or before the 28 February 2023. READ ALSO: Recently, the Federal High Court has been overburdened by an influx of pre-election suits occasioned by the conferment of exclusive jurisdiction on it by the new Electoral Act. With its limited number of judges, the court struggles to clear its docket of nearly 2000 pre-election cases that are timebound. A total of 24 judges could be added to the court to make its full complement of 100 at the end of the courts ongoing recruitment processes. What determines number of judges The Chief Judge of the court, Mr Tsoho, had said in an exclusive interview with PREMIUM TIMES, tied the proposed number of judges to be appointed to the availability of funds. In the interview in July 2021, Mr Tsoho informed this newspaper that due to paucity of funds, the court was able to plan for the recruitment of only six judges, despite that there were 28 vacancies on the courts bench. The appointment of judges is a very tough process; it is so tedious because it is intricately tied to funding. If you must appoint a judge, you provide courtroom, support staff (registrars, clerks), and security personnel among others. You have to provide a befitting car and accommodation. But considering what the economy is now, those are not things you can easily put in place. Mind you, all these things have to be catered for from the courts budget; no other authority has responsibility for it. The NJC insists that every requirement for the appointment of judges must be on ground the facilities and everything for their inspection before you go ahead with the recruitment, Mr Tsoho said. Below is Federal High Courts full statement: PRESS RELEASE APPOINTMENT OF FURTHER NINE (9) JUDGES FOR THE FEDERAL HIGH COURT BENCH The Federal High Court of Nigeria wishes to notify all stakeholders and the general public of its further appointment of Nine (9) Judges. The Chief Judge of the Federal High Court of Nigeria, Honorable Justice John Terhemba Tsoho OFR, in exercise of his constitutional powers and consequent upon the approval by the Hon. Chief Justice of Nigeria and Chairman National Judicial Council Hon. Dr. Justice Olukayode Ariwoola GCON for the appointment of further Nine (9) Judges, separate from the pending exercise for the appointment of the fifteen (15) Judges earlier approved, that the exercise for the consideration of Candidates for possible appointment to the Bench of the Federal High Court with regards to some states will commence soon. The States include: Bayelsa, Ebonyi, Gombe, Ogun and Oyo. In line with the NJC Guidelines and Procedural Rules for Appointment of Judicial Officers of Superior Courts, the Honourable Chief Judge, therefore invites Your Lordships, the Hon. Attorney General of the *Federation* and Minister of Justice and the President Nigerian Bar Association to kindly nominate suitably qualified persons from the aforementioned States for appointment to the Federal High Court Bench. All recommendations are to reach the Chambers of the Hon. Chief Judge of the Federal High Court on or before the 28 February, 2023. Signed Catherine Oby Christopher PhD Assistant Director Information Federal High Court of Nigeria Abuja 13th January 2023. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Compare the achievements and track records of Nigeria to those of the great nations of the world today when they were 60 years or even when they were 100 years old as independent and sovereign countries, in particular countries like England and USA. You can only objectively assess a situation when there is something to compare it to. Nigerians Are Not Being Fair to Nigeria Im sure that Im not the only person who is tired and fed up of all the stories of woes about Nigeria. In this article Im going to be mainly writing in snippets and points to make it easier for my readers. I have already written seven books on Nigeria and her greatness, now Im majorly giving out some bullet points for easier digestion. Whenever Nigerians speak about their country, its usually in a derogatory manner. Criticism and, at times, even hatred is what we see; If the hatred and anger is not directed at the nation itll be directed at its leadership. Most Nigerians believe weve had bad leaders since independence and thats our problem. I believe this is debatable, again in comparison with other countries; I personally think the reason we behave like this is because we are overzealous about our desires for our country, which is not a bad thing; Our expectations are too high, we are impatient and unrealistic in our desires, which is a form of greed; When it comes to leadership, I personally think Nigeria hasnt had it as bad: Tafawa Balewa, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Yakubu Gowon, Murtala Mohammed, General Obasanjo, Shehu Shagari, Muhammadu Buhari, Chief Shonekan, Umaru Yar adua, were not perfect but some of the best compared to the historical leaders of other nations; When it comes to development, Nigerians are not being fair to their country. Nigeria is number 24 of 200 countries in the world; More so, its the youngest most successful country. No country is younger than Nigeria and richer than it. We are the richest of all the young countries in the world; Countries that are richer and greater than us have had a longer history and civilisation than we have; We often compare ourselves to todays USA, Germany and England; are we being realistic, really? We consider how life is in America at 150 years old more than twice our age, not when it was 60 like we currently are; Things were much worse in America then than it is presently in Nigeria. The truth is that it takes time to build a nation; Nations are not built overnight. Poverty was worse in England a hundred years ago, than it is In Nigeria today. China was nothing to write about back in the day; Just a hundred years ago, the average life expectancy in America was 47 years, almost 150 years after independence. We have a life expectancy of between 54 and 60 years, but we are not 150 years old, only 60; 100 years ago, only 14% of American homes had toilets or bathrooms, almost the same as Nigeria today. What did Americans do, they worked hard and continued to build their nation; When America was 150 years old, only 8% of Americans had a telephone. In Nigeria at 60 years, it is almost 70% of the people; The average income per person in America was $2,000. In Nigeria at 60 years, it is close to $3,000, and not after 150 years like USA; The hospital situation was so bad that 95% of all births were at home in America, after 150 years of independence; At 150 years old, only 6% of Americans finished high school. In Nigeria it is 60% literacy rate at 60 years; After 150 years, 20% of Americans who were considered as rich people had slaves, servants and maids in their homes, while close to half of the population were subservient to the 20%; Talk about Canada, they actually passed a law prohibiting poor people from entering into their country for any reason whatsoever; Every nation grows and evolves into greatness according to how much dedication and hard work they put into it. Rome was not built in a day; Lets talk about Nigerians today in todays America. Although Nigerians make up a tiny portion of the US population, a whopping 17% of all Nigerians in this country hold Masters degrees, while 4% have doctorates. In addition, 37% have Bachelors degrees. To put those numbers in perspective, only 8% of the White population in the US have Masters degrees, according to the Census survey. And 1% hold doctorates. About 19% of White residents have Bachelors degrees. Asians come closer to the Nigerians with 12% holding Masters degrees and 3% having doctorates; Stephen Kleinberg, a sociologist at Rice University, who conducts the annual Houston Area Survey, suspects the percentage of Nigerian immigrants with post-graduate degrees is higher than Census data shows; Of all the Nigerian immigrants he reached in his random phone surveys from 1994 through 2007 45 households in total Kleinberg said 40% of the Nigerians said they had post-graduate degrees. These are higher levels of educational attainment than were found in any other community, Kleinberg said. Nigerias Unregulated Population Growth Is Our Albatross To those who say we have nothing to show for 60 years of independence: STOP SPEAKING DOWN ON YOUR COUNTRY, DO YOUR RESEARCH, PRESENT YOUR EMPIRICAL EVIDENCES. Compare the achievements and track records of Nigeria to those of the great nations of the world today when they were 60 years or even when they were 100 years old as independent and sovereign countries, in particular countries like England and USA. You can only objectively assess a situation when there is something to compare it to. If not for our unregulated population growth, Nigeria would have been assessed more highly than the tiger nations of Korea, Singapore or Taiwan, as youll see below; If we had regulated our population to grow at the same rate as, for example, England, we would have been living better than some countries in Europe; Despite all our numerous failures, our results in economic growth can only be compared to those of the Middle Belt nations of Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, and Japan. Im presenting the facts to you here so please put aside your emotions and consider them. In 1960 our GDP was $4 billion to approximately a population of 45 million, which meant the per capita was $88 dollars per citizen. Sunday Adelaja is a Nigeria born leader, transformation strategist, pastor and innovator. He was based in Kiev, Ukraine. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print For all his outstanding service in the arts and culture community, Jahman deserves national recognition. But I know he is not craving for one, neither is he looking forward to such honour because he will reject it. On the occasion of his 60thbirthday, it gives me great pleasure to nickname him as Nigerias culture ambassador. When you clock 60 years just like Jahman Oladejo Anikulapo actor, art connoisseur, culture activist, journalist and man-of-the-people it calls for celebration and thanksgiving. Its Jahmans Diamond Jubilee and you know what, 60 years looks so good on him and he is wearing it graciously like his trademark adire outfits, reminding one of his stage production costumes. COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc, claiming over six million lives globally since 2020. Clocking 60 years is therefore a rare gift and every day that we live is a bonus. Nigerias current life expectancy is 55.75 years, up from 53 years in 2020, according to World Bank sources. Under the mentorship of late Professor Dapo Adelugba (1939 2014), a theatre critic and playwright at the University of Ibadan where he was director of the universitys theatre troupe, Jahman was encouraged to write reviews of plays and films regularly, which clearly influenced his career as a journalist. Jahman always knew what he wanted to be right from his undergraduate days at the University of Ibadan: an advocate for the art and culture community and defender of the public interest. It was his own way of expressing himself and achieving a higher purpose in life. The intersection of art and society fascinates Jahman during panel discussions. It is why he uses his prodigious intellect to explore diverse art and culture themes for robust enagements. For example, music and visual arts have enabled a thriving cultural diplomacy across borders for the creative industry, with bountiful harvests. But on the flip side of the same coin, Jahman wants practitioners in the art and culture sector to be the voices of oppressed people, fighting for their rights and insisting on a better society where government is held accountable. Is Jahman a rebel with a cause? Through writing, television appearances, seminars, conferences and festivals, our birthday boy continues to communicate the values of a decent society in the midst of contrived chaos around us. Going into the general election season, Jahman is clearly not impressed with our political leaders and their shenanigans. He believes strongly that nothing will change because politicians are selfish people who have only one goal in mind: the primitive accumulation of wealth. In speaking truth to power, Jahman is always fearless in much the same way as his mentor, Professor Wole Soyinka. Jahman has shared an enduring relationship with the Nobel Laureate over many seasons. Like Professor Soyinka, he cannot stand people who are not true to their convictions. Jahman also expresses himself fully in directing, dramatic theories and literary criticisms. Having bagged a degree in Theatre Arts, this should not come as a surprise. He has performed in several plays and acted in Tade Ogidans film, Hostages. He could easily have continued on that path as an actor but he opted to be a journalist after his encounter with another mentor, Ben Tomoloju, who had moved from The PUNCH to The Guardian and established the only Art Desk of any newspaper in Nigeria at the time. That was how our birthday boy joined The Guardian as a news reporter, rising through the ranks to become Art Editor, Deputy Editor and Editor of The Guardian on Sunday at Rutam House. Jahman spent close to 29 years at The Guardian before retiring in January 2013 when he was 50 years old. His birthday is today, 16 January. Since then, Jahman has been promoting and directing art and culture events, with a busy schedule. If he is not directing a shoot or screening a film, you can be sure he is at a panel discussion or anchoring a programme. Whether it is the Culture Advocates Caucus, where he has been programme director since 2009 or the Committee for Relevant Art (CORA), which he chairs or the Lagos Book and Art Festival (LABAF), which he founded in 1999, Jahman is permanently in work mode. He also finds time to teach young European students media arts and culture. His combined roles in culture advocacy groups cut across literature, film, theatre, visual arts and music, and he uses every opportunity to promote cultural diversity. Over the years, Jahman drew artistic inspiration from a distinguished list of academics, scholars and theatre practitioners who are fond of him. They include Professor Femi Osofisan, Professor Toyin Falola, Professor Duro Oni, Professor Tunde Babawale, Benson Idonije, Odia Ofeimun, Taiwo Ajayi-Lycett and Newton Jibunoh. Jahmans role as a mentor is widely acknowledged and his mentees are forever grateful to him. Jahman Anikulapo is a great man who sees greatness in people, and then goes out of his way to ensure that his mentees achieve their goals, says Armsfree Ajanaku, Programmes and Communications Manager, Resource Centre for Human Rights and Civic Education and journalist, who also worked at The Guardian with Jahman. He is an energetic mentor, Armsfree adds. Jahman gave Armsfree the opportunity to cut his teeth in journalism as an undergraduate. Award-winning investigative reporter, Fisayo Soyombo, tells the same story, praising Jahman for his excellent mentorship. Andrew Okungbowa who also worked at The Guardian says Jahman is highly regarded because of his immense contribution to art and culture journalism. He is well connected, yet he is humble and shy from claiming the podium, Okungbowa, Culture and Tourism Editor of the New Telegraph, says in admiration of the birthday celebrant. In Jahmans art and culture corner, you will also find contemporaries such as Toyin Akinosho, his long-time friend, who is a geologist, journalist and publisher of Africa Oil & Gas Report; Femi Odugbemi, writer, film maker and television producer; Dr Shaibu Husseini, journalist, culture administrator and film curator. We also have Dr Yinka Oyegbile, journalist, academic and author; Dr Wale Okediran, medical doctor, author and secretary general, Pan African Writers Association (PAWA); Awam Amkpa, Global Professor of Arts, Tisch School, New York University, New York, and Dean of Arts and Humanities at NYU, Abu Dhabi; Olu Ajayi, visual artist, Toni Kan, author, journalist and PR consultant and so on. I have known Jahman for close to three decades and we relate as brothers. He is reliable and dependable. When I wanted to float Naija Times, our online newspaper in 2020, I contacted Jahman and dragged him out of his self-imposed retirement from journalism. Once Jahman agrees to work on a project, his commitment is total. I can attest to his humility, hard work and resourcefulness. Although lashing out at sloppy reporters is a way of life for Jahman, he also cares for their well-being because he believes in the humanity that spreads success and happiness. Jahman was the one who took on the responsibility of recruiting the team and creating the different sections of Naija Times in line with the strategic positioning of the newspaper: Journalism in the service of society. When I contacted Professor Darren Kew, an American and Director of the Centre of Peace, Democracy and Development of the University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA, to reflect on his relationship with Jahman, he told me Jahman is the elder brother he always wanted to have. Jahman is larger than life, says Professor Darren, a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Naija Times, in a glowing tribute. He is like one of the archetypical characters he plays on stage except that he is real: full of energy and enthusiasm, charismatic, and a powerful intellect that is only surpassed by the his love for people around him, he continues. Like a director, he works behind the scenes, helping people left and right, opening doors when they need them, applauding when they do well, and taking them out for pounded yam, palm wine and good music when their spirits are down. He holds great influence, but you will never know it if you see him, since he wont talk about his efforts unless you ask him, and he will always downplay his own role. He is always in his car working, so you are lucky to catch him when you do. But when you do meet him, he will smile and make you feel like an Oba (King), make you laugh and share good ideas to help you solve your problems. He will call you brother and even tell this oyinbo that he is Omowale, and remind you that all of our efforts to do some good in this world are not in vain. I can never repay his many kindnesses and friendship, but if someone will teach me the talking drum, I will sing his praises. Family and friends continuously sing Jahmans praises because he is a great mind and good man. For all his outstanding service in the arts and culture community, Jahman deserves national recognition. But I know he is not craving for one, neither is he looking forward to such honour because he will reject it. On the occasion of his 60thbirthday, it gives me great pleasure to nickname him as Nigerias culture ambassador. Jahmans son, Oluwaseunrere who was also born in January, told me his father treats everyone around him with respect, care and love. My dad is a great man and he cares for his family in a special way, Seun says. He does not give up easily on any assignment, no matter how challenging. Seun is a graduate of computer science but he wants to become a cyber-security expert. His sister, Toluwalase, is based in Germany and they are excited to see their father move up to the sixth floor of his life. Congratulations Jahman on your Diamond Jubilee. May your days be long! Ehi Braimah is a public relations strategist and publisher/editor-in-chief of Naija Times. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The one constant in the domestic export equation over the last century a poorly run local economy ought to offer some clue to the error in an economic development strategy that is so focused on the economys external dimensions. Evidently, something about the local economy makes it difficult for us to profitably use export earnings (whether it is crude oil exports and the famous process by which it supposedly accretes to the gross external reserves), or personal home remittances Over the weekend, on one of the very few WhatsApp forums that I subscribe to, a friend elatedly announced the presence of lithium deposits in commercial quantities in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, and in Niger, Nasarawa, Kwara, Oyo, Kaduna, Jos, Bauchi, Kebbi, Zamfara, and Taraba States. Certainly, along with other fancy metals like cobalt, lithium is a key component of a diverse range of batteries. And as economies across the world accelerate the energy transition that they must go through if humankind is not to turn the world into one large furnace, lithium will remain (for those countries able to profitably mine it) a key source of export revenue. Predictably, most responses to the original post on the WhatsApp platform agreed that this discovery is a game changer for the domestic economy. Which is not saying much given the current state of the economy. Nigerias ever more despairing need for a Deus ex machina is more so, when crude oil export our current main source of export earnings is beset by frightening levels of incompetence at home (that has resulted in a severe cut in installed production capacity), and by the implication of hydrocarbons in the warming of the globe (a fact which now threatens to turn much of our national endowment of fossil fuels into a stranded asset). Nonetheless, a pivot from crude oil export into lithium export (or the export of any other item for that matter) as a solution to our domestic economic woes, is as wrong as it is ahistorical. Since independence (and arguably, even before then) Nigeria has continued to export, with no noticeable improvement to its economy. Indeed, our export mix has come full cycle. In pre-colonial times, human labour (slavery) was our main export earner. Then we went through a commodity cycle (palm oil, cocoa, groundnut, etc.). Followed by a cycle based on the extraction of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas). Now we are back to shipping human labour abroad (the Japa phenomenon as end of the cycle) as our primary source of export revenue. it is not just that the public sector over-regulates domestic businesses. As with the Central Banks handling of the ongoing banknotes, the public sectors over-reach has become a leprous hand hurting industry in very strange, and to be fair, often unintendedways. The one constant in the domestic export equation over the last century a poorly run local economy ought to offer some clue to the error in an economic development strategy that is so focused on the economys external dimensions. Evidently, something about the local economy makes it difficult for us to profitably use export earnings (whether it is crude oil exports and the famous process by which it supposedly accretes to the gross external reserves), or personal home remittances (and the covert processes by which it bypasses official channels to reach its intended recipients). With a little under 200 million people (depending on who is sitting across the table from you), the domestic economy is a value proposition with very strong potentials. On the internet last week, someone put up a video of the number of authorisations one needs to obtain if one is to remain in business in the domestic agriculture space. Money spent paying to obtain those receipts erodes profit. Time spent visiting the different agencies of the state, waiting on the inevitable queues that poor organisation in those places naturally generate, or paying baksheesh to be rid of the ancillary bother, is the very definition of ineptitude. Watching that video, my sense was that it takes a tinge of Sadomasochism to remain in private business in this country. Now, it is not just that the public sector over-regulates domestic businesses. As with the Central Banks handling of the ongoing banknotes, the public sectors over-reach has become a leprous hand hurting industry in very strange, and to be fair, often unintended (because little thinking attends either policy formulation or implementation in these parts) ways. our central task over the next ten years is to re-organise the domestic economy as a growth engine. The only way to do this is to remove most restrictions (some of them erected on pre-colonial era statutes) on the activities of domestic economic entities and it ought not to matter whether these entities are organised as businesses or as discrete actors. The Nigeria Police Force, in this broad sense, is shorthand for governments dead hand. Rather than facilitate trade and commerce within the country, our governments and their innumerable agencies distort enterprise the same way the Mafia does in Italys south. While the protection monies we pay may oil a less than salutary form of enterprise, as in Italys south, it has exorcised the animal spirits that the economy needs to survive and thrive. Put this way, our central task over the next ten years is to re-organise the domestic economy as a growth engine. The only way to do this is to remove most restrictions (some of them erected on pre-colonial era statutes) on the activities of domestic economic entities and it ought not to matter whether these entities are organised as businesses or as discrete actors. In addition, we must soften the incidence of whatever burdens remain. Only this way may we also profitably use whatever we earn from exports. Uddin Ifeanyi, journalist manque and retired civil servant, can be reached @IfeanyiUddin. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print for anyone thinking about their children, the long-term is palpable every single time you look into your childs eyes. For it is not about ourselves that we are creating these scenarios, which we hope will provoke and inspire; it is for them. But the foundation has to be laid by us. What we do today, what we already did yesterday, and what we will do tomorrow will all combine to shape the Nigeria of 2060. An independent Nigeria hobbles into another year, turning 63. With elections around the corner, a rare opportunity has come for citizens to make their voice heard, casting a ballot for someone who will, in their eyes, lead Nigeria on a path of improvement. It is no longer news that Nigeria is facing a number of existential challenges, including unprecedented security threats, declining oil revenue, separatist agitations, large scale youth unemployment, growing crime rates, a wave of migration and brain drain, and severely underfunded health and education systems. What the future may unfold for Nigeria when it reaches 100 years of independence in 2060 and how will our action, and inaction, today shape the future we get? Scenarios for the Citizens Which Land Do We Want? In Which Way Nigeria Citizen Scenarios to 2060 (CS60), a cohort of 40+ Nigerian CSOs and international experts banded together to create four scenarios for the country Greenland, Land of Hustle, Land of Lost Hope and Bloodland. Scenarios are not predictions, but are plausibly created memories of the future. These sketches provoke thought and inspire hope. We start with some fundamental questions: What will a population of 400 million look like in 2050 and how would that strain social services and infrastructure? What will Nigeria, post-oil, look like? Are education and health arguably the countrys two greatest public goods seeing enough investment? Would the role of women change? Will women do better than just a 4% representation in political office? will the exodus of talent continue, leaving Nigerias brain drained? The Finnish company, Capful, used its proprietary tool to map all of the inputs received from the experts to create the most plausible options for the country. A very brief overview of each scenario follows: How can we right this ship and move it in the right direction? It starts every morning in the mirror and requires the persistence and perseverance that comes from within. One thing that the scenarios make clear is that the quality and integrity of the 2023 elections will go a long way in shaping the trajectory and future of the country. Land of Hustle (On the Way) Growth is high but unequal. Government stresses free enterprise and neoliberal economic policies. Nigerias knowledge economy is based on deep and extensive partnership between universities and businesses. Primary and secondary education are free and accessible. Energy generation is gradually getting close to addressing national demand. Nigerian identity and cohesion are strong, especially within the growing middle class. The legislature supports the engagement of citizens, and the people trust public institutions. Governance is accountable and transparent. Population rise is controlled. Cities are inclusive, resilient and professionally planned. Neoliberal policies result in a focus on the middle class, with many poor and uneducated people left on the fringes of society. Greenland (Turning a Corner) Nigerias economic model promotes inclusive growth, a circular economy, and sustainable development. Nigeria succeeds in transitioning to green energy. Growth is driven by enterprise, community and industrialisation. Equal access to primary and secondary education exists, but access to higher education remains unequal. Internet penetration is high. Energy access is universal and reliable with strong private sector involvement. Rushing laws and regulations create resistance when different interest groups and powerful individuals worry about losing their power or privileges. People trust the institutions, and no-one is above the law. High growth contributes to rapid urbanisation, emphasising infrastructure, services and highlighting insufficient housing. Land of Lost Hope (the Slow Descent) There is industrial activity, but it is not diverse or advanced. Poverty remains high and there are no livelihoods for everyone. Primary school is free and compulsory, but a significant number of children are not in school. Internet penetration remains unequal. The energy sector is characterised by poor service and low availability and reliability. Electrification remains at 60% of the population. Governance is democratic, but the law is not respected, while favouritism and corruption are widespread. There is no real engagement with citizens and discontent is common. Politics are divisive and people have lost their belief in Nigeria. The is a high increase in the population, whilst enormous brain drain breaks down services. There is total chaos, sprawls without end, pollution, confrontation, privatisation and division. In this scenario, the slide towards neglect and ruin continues. The population increases unabated. There is no thought of curbing the growth of the cities. Education is abandoned: teachers remain largely on strike, and when when working, they have little option but to dole out good grades to the highest bidders. Bloodland (Into the Abyss) There is relatively high but unequal growth based on lax regulation, extraction (partly due to the lack of sustainability regulations) and investments from authoritarian countries. Development only occurs in sectors funding the central government in preferred regions. Large China-style infrastructure projects are undertaken with supporting Chinese investments. Mild improvements are implemented in education, with no significant impact on the quality and access to schooling. Private institutions provide for the rich. Irregularities in elections and worsening divides result in a civil war and later an authoritarian military dictatorship. Global ideological shifts support this, as democracy is no longer considered as attractive as before. Separatism and insurgency are widespread. There is rapid urbanisation and stress on services, insufficient housing and services. Many megacities arise. Slums and insecurity become common. Most cant afford apartments. Any hope, lost or otherwise, is gone and the country just descends into civil war. What Role Do Each of Us Play In This? There is no shortage of talent, good will and perseverance in Nigeria. The challenges are immense though, with the vast majority of citizens fighting fires on a daily basis. Thinking of the long-term seems luxurious it partially is. However, for anyone thinking about their children, the long-term is palpable every single time you look into your childs eyes. For it is not about ourselves that we are creating these scenarios, which we hope will provoke and inspire; it is for them. But the foundation has to be laid by us. What we do today, what we already did yesterday, and what we will do tomorrow will all combine to shape the Nigeria of 2060. How can we right this ship and move it in the right direction? It starts every morning in the mirror and requires the persistence and perseverance that comes from within. One thing that the scenarios make clear is that the quality and integrity of the 2023 elections will go a long way in shaping the trajectory and future of the country. Chukwumerije Okereke is the Director of the Centre for Climate Change and Development at AE-Funai University and a co-initiator with Richard Dion of Which Way Nigeria Citizen Scenarios to 2060. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The Bauchi State government has stepped in to resolve a brewing crisis between the Christian and Muslim communities in Yola Bayara, a suburb in the Bauchi metropolis, over the ownership of a graveyard. The community leader of Yolan Bayara, Sani Yakubu, had accused the state government of taking away their 50 hectares of farmland and giving it out to the Christian community to be used as a graveyard without compensation. Mr Yakubu said for fairness and justice to the Muslim community residing in the area, the state government should compensate the Muslim community of the area appropriately for the land. However, Muktar Gidado, the spokesperson to the Governor of the state, Bala Mohammed, told journalists on Monday that the government has decided to look into the complaint of the Muslim community and resolve the matter amicably. During the press conference, which was attended by the States Commissioner for Land and Survey, Adamu Gabarin, the government said the land was allocated to the Christian community by a previous administration. Mr Gidado added that since the issue is still bringing problems among members of the community, the present government will investigate the matter with a view to resolving it for good. Mr Gidado said the government has constituted a committee under the chairmanship of the states Deputy Governor, Baba Tella, which is already in contact with both parties with the aim of settling the disagreement. He said every indigene of Bauchi has the right to obtain land from the Ministry of Land and Survey pointing out that though land belongs to the government anybody whose land is taken away from him should be compensated. He said the government is looking into the complaints of both parties and will reach a decision that will please all sides. Mr Gidado said very soon the state government will announce to the public its finding and position on the issue. He urged both parties to remain calm and peaceful. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print A journalist in Bayelsa State, South-south Nigeria, Nengi Owei-Ilagha, was on Monday arraigned at the Federal High Court Yenagoa for allegedly making defamatory posts on Facebook against a member of the Police Community Relations Committee in the state. The member of the police relations committee has been identified as Emmanuel Chiefson. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the Commissioner of Police, Ben Okolo filed a three-count charge against the journalist before a judge, Emmanuel Gakko. The defendant Mr Owei-Ilagha, however, pleaded not guilty to the charge. His counsel, Godfrey Otiotio, moved an application for bail. He said the defendant was earlier granted administrative bail by the police and was ready to present himself for trial. READ ALSO: Gov Diri inaugurates electronic filing court system in Bayelsa Speaking on the application, the prosecution counsel, M.Y. Benabo, said he was not opposed to the bail. But he, however, asked the court to urge the defendant not to make comments on social media that could prejudice the outcome of the case. The defence counsel, Mr Otiotio, pledged that his client would not make any comment related to the case on social media. Ruling on the bail application, the judge admitted the journalist to N1 million bail and one surety. Mr Gakko said the media has played and continue to play positive roles in society but harped that it is unlawful for the media to preempt the outcome of cases before the judiciary. (NAN) Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Deputy Senate President and Delta All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate, Ovie Omo-Agege, has challenged the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP,) governorship candidate and Speaker of Delta State House of Assembly, Sheriff Oborevwori, to a public debate on their stewardship to the Urhobo people of Delta Central Senatorial District. Mr Omo-Agege threw the challenge, Monday in Orerokpe, headquarters of Okpe Local Government Area where the ongoing ward to ward campaign of the APC started for the new week. Mr Oborevwori hails from the local government area. I hereby use this opportunity to challenge Sheriff Oborevwori, Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly and governorship candidate of the PDP to a debate on national television to give account of our stewardship so far to the people we represent. Mr Omo-Agege said the 2023 governorship election in Delta State is basically between APC and PDP and therefore, expected Mr Oborevwori and himself, both Urhobos, to submit the report cards of their stewardship to their Constituents, in the full view of Deltans and Nigerians in general. He said it would be interesting for Mr Oborevwori, as Speaker and number three citizen of Delta State, with all the development projects sited by Governor Ifeanyi Okowa in his own Owa-Alero village, to say what he brought to his own constituents, even with all the loans he approved for the governor. Also, he demanded an explanation on how N20 billion approved and expended on the abandoned PTI/Orerokpe/Eku/Abraka Road by the Okowa administration in which Speaker Oborevwori is a key member, was spent. He also demanded to know why the Orerokpe Stadium was abandoned. Painfully, Governor Ifeanyi Okowa brought Speaker Oborevwori as candidate of the PDP to cover his tracks but all ethnic groups in Delta State are opposed to the bad choice of Okowa for a successor. He committed to completing the PTI/Orerokpe/Eku/Abraka Road, construct the bridge that links Agbarho and Orerokpe, and ensure that the abandoned Sapele Technical College is revived when elected governor of Delta State. READ ALSO: Supreme Court affirms Sheriff Oborevwori as Delta PDP governorship candidate Earlier, Mr Omo-Ageges running mate, Friday Osanebi, noted that the appropriation of all funds in the state is by Mr Oborevwori, but lamented that the speaker, an Okpe son, could not use his office to attract anything significant to his constituency. The APC Candidate for the seat of the Okpe LGA in the Delta State House of Assembly, Hero Omwirhven, a lawyer, said the House of Assembly is not a place you send touts to, and promised to be dedicated if elected member of the house. I will carefully read through all documents that come my way before signing, I will not sign away the fortunes of my constituents he said. Ede Dafinone, senatorial candidate for Delta Central, posited that all candidates of the APC are credible and it was time for Deltans and Nigerians at large, to enjoy good governance. At Aghalokpe, Mr Omo-Agege paid a visit to his maternal family compound where prayers for his victory at the 2023 governorship election were offered by the head of the Onokpayunu family, Akika Adota. The APC also visited Adeje. Ima Niboro Director, Communications and Media Strategy, Delta APC Campaign Council. Member, APC Presidential Campaign Council. 16th January, 2022 Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print The police in Enugu State, South-east Nigeria, said they have launched a manhunt for gunmen who attacked the office of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Enugu and killed a police officer deployed in the commissions office. The police spokesperson in the state, Daniel Ndukwe, who disclosed this in a statement on Monday, said the Commissioner of Police in the state, Ahmed Ammani, gave the directive to the operatives. PREMIUM TIMES reported how the gunmen attacked the INEC office in Enugu South Local Government Area, Enugu State, on Sunday, killing the police officer deployed in the area and razing a security house of the office. Mr Ndukwe, a deputy superintendent of police, said the attack happened at the INEC office located in Amechi-Awkunanaw, a community in the Enugu South Local Government Area of the state. The police spokesperson said the gunmen suspected to be members of the outlawed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) used a petrol bomb to set the security house ablaze. He said the hoodlums attempted to raze the entire facility but were resisted and repelled by police operatives on duty at the facility. In the ensuing gun duel, however, one of the resilient operatives sustained a fatal gunshot injury and was taken to the hospital, where he was confirmed dead, and his corpse deposited in the mortuary for preservation; while many of the hoodlums, escaped with varying degrees of gunshot wounds, he said. Mr Ammani expressed the commitment of the police in the state to ensure that the slain police officer did not die in vain, Mr Ndukwe said. The police shall remain focused and intensify existing interagency collaboration towards the protection of INECs facilities and ensure the conduct of peaceful and credible general elections in the state, he said. The police commissioner enjoined residents of the state, particularly owners of medical facilities, to quickly report to the police anyone seen with gunshot injury around their areas. He urged the residents to remain vigilant and law-abiding, and assist the police with necessary information and intelligence that will aid the arrest of the fleeing suspects. Increased attacks Security in Nigerias South-east has deteriorated lately with frequent attacks by armed persons across the region. The attacks on INEC facilities and security agencies around the South-east and the South-south regions have been attributed to the IPOB, a group leading the agitation for an independent state of Biafra, which it wants to be carved out from the two regions. But the group has repeatedly denied their involvement in the attacks. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print There is anxiety in Ebonyi State over the delisting of the names of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidates from among other contestants for the 2023 general elections. A check by our correspondent on INEC website shows that the name of the PDP governorship candidates, Ifeanyi Odii and that of his running mate, Igwe Nwagu, were conspicuously missing from the updated list. Also, the names of the three senatorial candidates of the party, Sam Egwu (Ebonyi North), Lizy Ogbe (Ebonyi Central) and Ama Nnachi (Ebonyi South) were missing. The names of five out of the six House of Representatives candidates of the PDP were also not included in the list. Those whose names were missing are Idu Igariwey (Afikpo North/South), Jerry Obasi (Ohaozara/Onicha/Ivo), Ogbonnia Nwanne (Ikwo/Ezza South), Chukwuma Ofoke (Abakaliki/Izzi), and Victor Aleke (Ebonyi/Ohaukwu). In the list, INEC listed Emmanuel Nwoke as the PDP candidate for the Ishielu/Ezza North constituency in place of Obinna Nwachukwu who was listed as the candidate in the earlier list released in September 2022. Also, the Commission listed Henry Udeh as a senatorial candidate of the Labour Party (LP) for Ebonyi South District instead of Linus Okorie, who emerged as the winner in a run-off primary election conducted late last year. INEC reacts The amended list of candidates was signed by the Secretary of INEC, Rose Oriaran-Anthony. INEC said the updated list was pursuant to various court orders which the commission was bound to abide with. The Commission published the final list of candidates for Presidential, Senatorial and House of Representatives elections on 20th September 2022 and Governorship and State House of Assembly elections on 4th October 2022 in accordance with the provisions of Section 32 of the Electoral Act, 2022 and the Timetable and Schedule of Activities for the 2023 General Elections, said a statement that accompanied the new list. The statement said, After the said publication, the Commission was served Orders of Court in respect of the nomination of candidates for Governorship, Senatorial, House of Representatives and State House of Assembly elections. It is worthy of note that the list of candidates was amended in Amendment No. 1 published on the Commissions website on 3rd November 2022 pursuant to Court Orders and Death. READ ALSO: By virtue of the provision of Section 287 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), the Commission is bound to enforce the Orders of Court on the Nomination of candidates by political parties in the affected Constituencies. Consequently, the lists of candidates in respect of the attached Senatorial Districts and Federal Constituencies, Governorship and State House of Assembly elections are amended pursuant to the Orders of Court served on the Commission as at 21s December, 2022 for upload on the Commissions website, the statement added. PDP candidates decline comment The State Legal Adviser of the PDP, Mudi Irhenede, said he was not aware of the updated list and, therefore, would not comment on the issue. Abia Onyike, the spokesperson to Mr Odii, the PDP governorship candidate, also declined comment. He said he was not aware of the new list. Nnachi who represents Ebonyi South District also declined comment for the same reason that he was not aware of the development. Also, the PDP Chairperson in Ebonyi State, Tochukwu Okorie, declined comment when contacted. He claimed he was not aware of the development. Background The PDP in Ebonyi has been embroiled in crisis following its primaries of last year. Two parallel primaries had produced two different governorship candidates of the party in the state Mr Odii and Obinna Ogba. Similar situations occurred in the party primaries for the National Assembly and State House of Assembly elections. The crises in the party resulted in various court cases. There was also the battle for the state chairman of the PDP between Silas Onu and Tochukwu Okorie. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print A police inspector attached to the Ajah division in Lagos State, Matthew Ahmed, has testified before a court in the murder trial of Drambi Vandi, the suspended police officer accused of the murder of Raheem Bolanle, a Lagos-based lawyer. Mr Ahmed appeared before Ibironke Harrison, a judge, at the Lagos high court, Tafawa Balewa Square (TBS) annexe, on Monday, as the first prosecution witness in the trial. The suspended officer fatally shot Mrs Raheem, an expectant mother, on Christmas day. The police officer is attached to the Ajiwe police division in the Ajah area of the state. Trial Mr Ahmed told the court that he was one of the three police officers from the division deployed to the Ajah underbridge, on 25 December. Before his testimony, the defendant had pleaded not guilty to the one-count charge of murder filed against him by the Lagos State government. Shortly after his plea, his colleague, Mr Ahmed, a police inspector, testified before the court as the first prosecution witness in the trial. Narrating what happened, Mr Ahmed said he and two other police officers were deployed to Ajah underbridge on Christmas Day. The police inspector mentioned the names of the two other police officers as Mr Ebieme and Mr Vandi, who is the defendant. The witness said they were conducting a stop-and-search exercise when the incident happened at Ajah underbridge, adding that he was the only one unarmed in the three-man patrol team. He said Mr Ebieme, a police inspector, stood at the front of the patrol team, while he was standing in the middle and the defendant was at the back. Inspector Ebieme flagged down a car (referring to the deceased husbands car), the car did not stop, I also flagged down the car, the car did not stop for me, he said. After that, the next thing I heard was a gunshot. I looked back to see what was happening, I saw a car in which the front window was falling down. The next thing I saw was that one black woman jumped down from the vehicle. She held SUPOL Vandi and she said oga, you have killed my sister. The woman held him. The next thing, they entered the car and they all zoomed off. Mr Ahmed added that he and Mr Ebieme left the scene after the deceaseds husband drove away from the scene. He disclosed that the defendant was later brought into the Ajah police station and the three of them were asked to write statements on what transpired during the incident. What was the type of the car flagged down on the day of the incident, Moyosore Onigbanjo, the attorney-general of Lagos State who is leading the prosecution team, asked. The car was a Toyota vehicle and it had no plate number, Mr Ahmed responded. Toyota produced so many vehicles. What type of Toyota vehicle? the attorney-general asked. I dont know, the police officer said. How many people were in the car when it was flagged down? Mr Onigbanjo asked. I saw people in the car. I dont know how many people were in the car because it did not stop, Mr Ahmed said. Please clarify, the car does not have number plate or you did not see the number plate, It had no number plate, the police officer insisted. The police inspector was also cross-examined by Odutola Adetokunbo, the lawyer of the defendant. During the cross-examination, Mr Adetokunbo asked the witness to differentiate between a gunshot and a noise. Mr Adetokunbo said the police inspector wrote in a statement that he heard a noise after he flagged down the deceaseds husbands car. The police inspector responded that he heard a gunshot from his back, where the defendant was standing during the patrol. The judge granted the request of both parties to accelerate the hearing and adjourned the case to 25 and 26 January. Share this: Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Telegram LinkedIn Email Print Thanks to NIVEA's specially developed cosmetic sunscreen, "Shadow Jumper" Charlotte enjoys short trips in the sun. Four-year-old Charlotte suffers from a condition known as EPP erythropoietic protoporphyria. People affected by this disease are often nicknamed "Shadow Jumpers," as they cannot be exposed to sunlight. This unique R&D project is a strong proof point of how NIVEA delivers on the Beiersdorf purpose CARE BEYOND SKIN. HAMBURG, Germany , Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The research and development department of Beiersdorf, the skin care company behind the NIVEA brand, has used its profound knowledge of the skin and research expertise to tailor a unique cosmetic sun protection product, specially made for a girl named Charlotte with a rare light disease called EPP. Research results on visible, high-energy light showed that special light-scattering pigments need to be added to the cosmetic sunscreen for Charlotte. This can prevent the light from penetrating the skin, allowing the girl to be exposed to sunlight for a short period of time allowing her to enjoy a better quality of life. NIVEA develops unique cosmetic sunscreen for a young girl Charlotte, a four-year-old girl living near Munster, Germany, was born with the very rare genetic light disorder EPP. When her skin comes into direct contact with the visible, colored components of sunlight, a genetic defect causes neuropathic pain and triggers burns on the skin. Even as a baby, Charlotte suffered and cried out when the sunlight touched her skin, which is why her parents did everything they could to find help. When they reached out to NIVEA and Dr. Ludger Kolbe, a research project was launched for an innovative cosmetic sunscreen to help Charlotte. The research was led by Dr. Ludger Kolbe, Chief Scientist for Photobiology at Beiersdorf and his team. Thanks to their expertise, they were able to develop a unique cosmetic sunscreen exclusively tailored to Charlotte. Dr. Kolbe explains: "With the high standards of skin protection that we at NIVEA pursue, we are delighted that we were able to find a special solution for Charlotte. With her personal sunscreen, she still has to be careful in the sun, but can spend a little longer playing outside with her friends." The cosmetic sunscreen has changed the family's life. Applied thickly, the protective function allows the child to stay in direct sunlight for a short while which was previously unthinkable. For Charlotte's parents, this means an immense relief in everyday life: "The NIVEA brand and the Beiersdorf Research and Development did everything possible to find a solution for Charlotte. When we saw Charlotte laughing in the sun after applying the cream for the first time, we were overwhelmed," says Johannes Hesseling, Charlotte's father. The biological effects in sensitive and EPP skin are different which leads to the need of different care. This cosmetic sunscreen was especially developed for Charlotte and her individual skin needs, and thus is not part of our product portfolio or for sale. The product cannot cure EPP and Charlotte still needs to be very careful when in the sun, but it does give her a little more freedom when she steps outside. In the summer of 2021, the product was ready to be used by Charlotte for the first time. When the sun becomes a challenge For EPP patients, UV (the blue light from sunlight) causes severe pain, so they consistently seek shade whenever they are outside. This is exactly why the disease was unofficially coined as "shadow jumping" by the psychologist Elisabeth Anna Rufener[1]. Shadow jumping disease is caused by a rare genetic defect: When exposed to sunlight, a precursor of the red blood pigment, protoporphyrin, is deposited in the blood vessels. This ensures that energy from visible light is absorbed and triggers a chemical reaction a burn in the vessels, which the affected patient perceives as severe pain and appears as burns on the skin[2]. More information about Charlotte's Cream: http://www.nivea.com/shadowjumper. Additional information can also be found at https://www.beiersdorf.com/newsroom/press-releases/all-press-releases/2023/01/16-nivea-develops-unique-cosmetic-sunscreen-for-a-young-girl. 1. Source: EPP-Deutschland, Selbsthilfe EPP e.V. (2022/13/04) "Wenn Sonne weh tut" [online available on: http://www.epp-deutschland.de]. 2. Source: vfa: Die forschenden Pharma-Unternehmen (2022/10/10) "Selbsthilfe EPP e.V. - Patienten mit erythropoetische Protoporphyrie" [online available on: https://www.vfa.de/de/patienten/patientenselbsthilfegruppen/psg-vorstellung-169.html]. Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983211/NIVEA_Cosmetic_Sunscreen.jpg Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983212/NIVEA_Logo.jpg SOURCE Beiersdorf AG The Group is operating 45 eco-friendly World Expo 2030 logo-wrapped vehicles in Davos, Switzerland as delegate transportation as delegate transportation The electrified fleet includes Hyundai Santa Fe PHEV as well as Genesis GV60, Electrified GV70 and Electrified G80 and is supported by Hyundai IONIQ 5's V2L feature The Group also is displaying the Genesis X concept at the Davos venue hosting 'Korea Night' SEOUL, South Korea and DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Hyundai Motor Group (the Group) is promoting the South Korean city of Busan's bid to host World EXPO 2030 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, an event that engages the world's top political, business and cultural leaders. During the forum held from Jan. 16 to 20, the Group is operating a fleet of 58 vehicles wrapped with Busan's World Expo 2030 logo to promote the city to the forum-attending world political and business leaders, Swiss citizens and other visitors. Hyundai Motor Group Promotes Busan, South Koreas Bid to Host World Expo 2030 at World Economic Forum Hyundai Motor Group Promotes Busan, South Koreas Bid to Host World Expo 2030 at World Economic Forum In line with Busan's World Expo vision for a sustainable future ('Transforming Our World, Navigating Towards a Better Future'), the fleet includes 45 eco-friendly models, including 18 Genesis Electrified G80, eight GV60, four Electrified GV70 and 15 Hyundai Santa Fe plug-in hybrid vehicles. In addition, dedicated electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are set up near event venues along with IONIQ 5 units to provide emergency charging using the model's Vehicle to Load (V2L) feature. Not only will the fleet being used as official transportation for the forum's Korean delegates, but the wrapped vehicles will also function as moving billboards to promote Busan as the host city for the World Expo 2030. To support the fleet, the Group arranged safety measures in case of any sudden changes in winter weather or other emergencies. The fleet is being equipped with AWD and winter tires and a dedicated technical team is on site to ensure safety. The Group is also displaying the Genesis X concept car in a transparent container at the entrance of the event hall that is hosting 'Korea Night' during the WEF. The EV-based concept car presents Genesis' new perspective on sustainable luxury car design. Prior to WEF, the Group also promoted Busan's bid at the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) General Assembly in Paris in June and November last year, with fleet vehicles wrapped with the Busan World Expo logo. Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983760/Photo_1.jpg Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983761/Photo_3.jpg SOURCE Hyundai Motor Group Pre-clinical data of Avacc 11 demonstrated protection against gonorrhea infection demonstrated protection against gonorrhea infection Global incidence rate of this sexual transmitted disease is at 87 million infections per year OMV technology is a powerful tool to induce protective systemic and mucosal immunity Data published in the peer reviewed journal MSphere of the American Society of Microbiology BILTHOVEN, The Netherlands, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Intravacc, a world leader in translational research and development of preventive and therapeutic vaccines, today announced favorable pre-clinical data for Avacc 11, the prophylactic intranasal gonorrhea candidate vaccine Intravacc develops in partnership with Therapyx inc.. The results of the candidate, a proprietary outer membrane vesicle (OMV) platform-based gonorrhea vaccine combined with encapsulated IL-12, showed protection against subsequent infection with Neisseria gonorrhea (NG). Results were published in the peer reviewed journal MSphere of the American Society of Microbiology. In October 2022, Intravacc was awarded a $14.6 Million NIH/NIAID contract to further develop this intranasal candidate gonorrhea vaccine. In a previous pre-clinical study, the candidate gonococcal vaccine consisting of OMVs and microsphere (ms)-encapsulated interleukin-12 (IL-12 ms) (Therapyx Inc.) was administrated intravaginal, inducing systemic, mucosal and T-cell (TH1) driven immune responses. After a vaginal challenge with NG, the animals were resistant to infection. However, the intravaginal vaccination route may be impractical for human vaccine development as it is inapplicable for males and may not be acceptable to women. In this study, mice were vaccinated via the intranasal route and the results of this intranasal study were similar to the intravaginal vaccination route. Intranasal immunization resulted in high serum IgG, salivary IgA, and vaginal IgG and IgA anti-gonococcal antibodies when OMVs were administered with IL-12 ms. The serum IgG and salivary IgA anti-bodies induced in male mice was similar to the response induced in female mice. Gamma interferon (IFN-g) production by CD4 T cells from iliac lymph nodes was elevated after vaccination intranasally or intravaginally. Female mice immunized with OMVs plus IL-12 ms by either route resisted challenge with NG to an equal extent, and resistance generated by intranasal immunization extended to heterologous strains of NG. Dr. Jan Groen, Intravacc's CEO, says: "Together with our partner Therapyx, we are very pleased with the preclinical data of the intranasal candidate vaccine Avacc 11. This intranasal gonococcal vaccine is more suitable to fight gonorrhea infections, which are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotic treatments. Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the Neisseria gonorrhea bacteria with a global annual estimated incidence rate of 87 million infections per year. Due to underreporting and asymptomatic disease, the true incidence is believed to be more than double as the reported incidence. NG, a Gram-negative aerobic 0.61.0 m bacteria, is the cause of this STD. The symptoms of gonorrhea include a pus-like discharge from the vagina or penis, pain when peeing and, in women, bleeding between periods. Around 1 in 10 infected men and almost half of infected women do not experience any symptoms. Currently there is no effective gonorrhea vaccine available, and the disease is known to be contracted repeatedly without apparently developing protective immunity. In addition, antibiotic resistance is increasingly common for this bacterium. Gonorrhea is on the WHO high-priority list of antimicrobial resistant bacteria. About Intravacc's OMV platform technology For the development of vaccines, Intravacc has designed and developed a platform based on outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) - spherical particles with intrinsic immune-stimulating properties. The OMVs can be designed with immunogenic peptides and/or proteins that stimulate effective adaptive immunity. The OMV carrier has been optimized to induce a more effective immune response against these newly introduced antigens. Intravacc has also developed genetic tools to increase the yield of the OMVs, reduce the toxicity and achieve the desired antigenic composition. Intravacc's OMV platform is scalable and allows rapid and efficient modification of the antigen composition, either through genetic modification of the bacterial host or by associating antigens with stored OMVs. About Intravacc Intravacc, located at Utrecht Science Park Bilthoven in the Netherlands, is a leading global contract development and manufacturing organization for infectious diseases and therapeutic vaccines. As an established independent CDMO with many years of experience in the development and optimization of vaccines and vaccine technologies, Intravacc has transferred its technology world-wide for many vaccines including polio, measles, DPT, Hib and influenza. Around 40% of childhood disease vaccines are based on Intravacc's know-how and proprietary technology. Intravacc offers a wide range of expertise for independent vaccine development, from concept to Phase I/II clinical studies for partners around the world, including universities, public health organizations (WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), biotech and pharmaceutical companies. For more information, please visit www.intravacc.nl. About Therapyx Therapyx is a privately held pharmaceutical company headquartered in Buffalo New York. The Company is developing a proprietary drug delivery system based on the encapsulation of highly potent protein therapeutics into micro-particles that engineer slow, controlled, local release of drug substances while preserving bioactivity, reduced toxicity and long-term shelf-stability. For more information see the company's website www.Therapyxinc.com. Contact info Intravacc Dr. Jan Groen, CEO P: +31 30 7920 454 Media relations P: +31 6 115 969 94 E: press.office@intravacc.nl LifeSpring Life Sciences Communication, Amsterdam Leon Melens P: +31 6 538 16427 E: lmelens@lifespring.nl Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1334670/Intravacc_Logo.jpg SOURCE Intravacc New Naturalle paint by PT Mowilex Indonesia features an innovative, bio-based technology that replaces petroleum-based resins with natural plants. In homes and commercial spaces, Naturalle permanently removes formaldehyde that's emitted by building materials and other sources. The zero-VOC Naturalle line is available in modern colours with a luxurious, easy-to-clean, and high-performing matte finish. As the first company in Indonesia to launch a bio-based paint, Mowilex continues to be a leader in environmental sustainability. JAKARTA, Indonesia, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The new Naturalle paint from PT Mowilex Indonesia (Mowilex) features a groundbreaking, bio-based formula that contains 28% renewable raw materials and removes formaldehyde from indoor air. Producing Naturalle with plant elements reduces its overall carbon footprint while creating a durable, high-performing matte paint that is low in odour and free of organic compounds (VOCs). With its new Naturalle paint, Mowilex becomes the first manufacturer in Indonesia to formulate a sustainable, bio-based paint that replaces petroleum-based resins with natural plants. Mowilex is the first manufacturer in Indonesia to formulate a sustainable, bio-based paint. The water-based acrylic binder is made of 28% natural ingredients sourced from existing seeds, stalks and grasses. Using plant-based sources eases pollution by reducing the need for petroleum-derived polymers, and that lowers the product's overall carbon footprint. By trading petroleum resins for plant-based alternatives, Mowilex has created an extra-low odour, low-emission, zero-VOC paint. The innovative, bio-based technology behind Naturalle also actively improves air quality in homes and offices. Building materials, cleaning products, lacquers and other items release formaldehyde, a pollutant that can irritate the eyes and nose, trigger asthma attacks, and increase cancer risk. Naturalle absorbs formaldehyde and turns it into water vapour, permanently eliminating the contaminant from indoor air. Mowilex is applying to certify Naturalle through the USDA's BioPreferred Program. The voluntary series of independent, third-party program tests confirms that products meet or exceed minimum bio-based content requirements. "Our Naturalle paint derives a significant portion of its resins from sustainable, plant-based materials. Using these renewable elements, rather than petroleum-sourced raw materials, lowers the product's carbon footprint. This paint also improves indoor air quality by removing formaldehyde from indoor air, offering a sustainable solution to a common challenge," says Novina Tjahjadi, Mowilex Head of Research and Development. "PRIMAL RN Biobased Acrylic Emulsion and FORMASHIELD Technology from Dow Inc. are incorporated in Mowilex Naturalle paint, offering a sustainable solution and healthier environment to meet asthma and allergy standards," says Yena Margono, Southeast Asia Marketing Manager for Dow Coating Materials. "As one of the world's leading materials science companies, Dow Inc. is passionate about discovering innovative, sustainable solutions through joint efforts with our partners." "Naturalle is a renewable, high-performing paint with excellent formaldehyde-abatement properties. We are excited to offer Naturalle and further strengthen our position as the environmental and sustainability leader in our market," says Niko Safavi, CEO of PT Mowilex Indonesia. With the Naturalle launch, Mowilex underscores its commitment to both sustainability and premium product quality. Naturalle paint applies easily, spreads smoothly, and hides small surface imperfections. The luxurious matte finish is easy to clean, and the modern paint colours will not fade over time. The anti-fungal, anti-bacterial formula also contains no lead, mercury or other heavy metals. Visit Mowilex.com for more product and sustainability information. About PT Mowilex Indonesia PT Mowilex Indonesia (Mowilex), a subsidiary of Asia Coatings Enterprises, Pte. Ltd., is a leading producer of premium paints and coatings. Since launching the first Indonesian-made, water-based paints in 1970, the company has expanded its commitment to environmental ethics, equality, community and innovation. PT Mowilex is Indonesia's only certified carbon neutral manufacturer, producing zero and low VOC paints in modern colours, and the company regularly wins awards for its corporate social responsibility and sustainability efforts. Media Contact: media@mowilex.com Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983163/Image_Press_Release_Bio_Based_Paints.jpg SOURCE PT Mowilex Indonesia Zerenia Clinics UK, wholly owned by Khiron, succeeds at having the NHS reimbursing both the cost of cannabis-based treatment and clinic fees to its first patient Khiron trains doctors and nurses at an NHS- funded hospital on how to integrate CBMPs (cannabis-based products for medicinal use in humans) to treatment options Khiron will be presenting its new real-world clinical evidence at the upcoming International Congress on Clinical Trials on Cannabis in London ( February 15 th-16th). TORONTO, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Khiron Life Sciences Corp. ("Khiron" or the "Company") (TSXV: KHRN) (OTCQX: KHRNF) (Frankfurt: A2JMZC), continues to spearhead the medical cannabis market in the United Kingdom by successfully attaining, for the first time, full reimbursement by the NHS of costs associated to cannabis-based medication and clinic fees for a patient enrolled in Zerenia Clinics UK. The patient was referred to the team at Zerenia Clinics UK for assistance with evaluation and advice on cannabis-based treatment options. Khiron Life Sciences Corp logo Zerenia Clinics UK logo This ground-breaking step validates Khiron's scientific and data-driven approach to demonstrate the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of CBMPs on the management of chronic conditions such as pain and anxiety. The Company, who continues to train doctors on the prescription of CBMPs, will be presenting its real-world evidence (RWE) at the upcoming International Congress on Clinical Trials on Cannabis to an international audience of medical doctors in London's Canary Wharf on mid-February. Franziska Katterbach, President of Khiron Europe, comments: "There is huge demand for medicinal cannabis in the UK. More than 1.4 million British self-medicate illegally with cannabis, half of whom medicate every day, with a total spend on illicit cannabis is an estimated 2.6 billion every year. On top of that, the estimated wait times for NHS specialist consultations range drastically, but in certain areas can be up to nine months. We are prepared to work with the NHS and provide our outstanding clinical resources, medical cannabis products and certified training tools to decrease wait times for patients and ensure access to life changing medication. Having a route for patient reimbursement for cannabis-based medicinal products is an important pillar of our global strategy which we just finally achieved with mandatory reimbursement in Colombia." About Khiron Life Sciences Corp. Khiron is a leading global medical cannabis company with core operations in Latin America and Europe. Leveraging wholly owned medical health clinics and proprietary telemedicine platforms, Khiron combines a patient-oriented approach, physician education programs, scientific expertise, product innovation, and focus on creating access to drive prescriptions and brand loyalty with patients worldwide. The Company has a sales presence in Colombia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Peru, and Brazil. The Company is led by its co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Alvaro Torres, together with an experienced and diverse executive team and board of directors. Visit Khiron online at https://investors.khiron.ca . Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/khiron-life-sciences-corp/ Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information This press release may contain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. All information contained herein that is not historical in nature constitutes forward-looking information. Forward-looking information contained in this news release may include statements pertaining to the expected synergies and benefits to the Company from the acquisition of the Target as well as statements as to business strategy. Forward-looking information and statements contained in this news release reflect management's current beliefs and is based on information currently available and on assumptions that management believes to be reasonable. These assumptions include, but are not limited to, the expected benefits to be realized by Khiron's business as a result of the acquisition of the Target, and assumptions regarding market opportunities in the jurisdictions in which the Company operates and where it seeks to operate. Although management believes that its expectations and assumptions to be reasonable, forward-looking information is always subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of management, that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking information. Such risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to the following: general economic conditions, adverse conditions in capital markets, political uncertainties, counterparty risk, failing to obtain required regulatory requirements and approvals, failure to maintain required permits and licences, business integration risks, as well as those other risk factors discussed in Khiron's most recent annual information form which is available on Khiron's SEDAR profile at www.sedar.com . As a result of the foregoing and other risks and uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information contained in this press release. Readers are further cautioned that the foregoing risks and uncertainties is not exhaustive, and there may be other risks and uncertainties, presently unknown to management of the Company, that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in forward-looking statements contained in this press release. The forward-looking information contained in this press release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. Khiron disclaims any intention to update or revise any forward-looking information disclosed herein, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. NEITHER THE TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE, NOR ITS REGULATION SERVICES PROVIDER (AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED IN THE POLICIES OF THE TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE), ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS PRESS RELEASE Investor Contact: E: investors@khiron.ca; Media Contact: Peter Leis, Europe Communications, E: pleis@khiron.ca Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983874/Khiron_Life_Sciences_Corp__NHS_reimburses_the_cost_of_cannabis_t.jpg Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983875/Khiron_Life_Sciences_Corp__NHS_reimburses_the_cost_of_cannabis_t.jpg SOURCE Khiron Life Sciences Corp. MANAMA, Bahrain, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Citi Bahrain has celebrated the first anniversary of its Global Technology Hub, which is on track to employ 1000 Bahraini coders over ten years. Currently, the hub comprises of 110 Bahraini employees, out of which 91 Bahrainis have started at the Citi Seef premises, with 19 additional hires set to join soon. Female participants at the Hub make up 22% of the total Bahrainis, outperforming the average of females in other Citi tech hubs around the world. First Anniversary Citi Global Tech Hub in Bahrain When selecting a country for its Global Technology Hub, Citi conducted a rigorous technical coding test and interview process, with Bahraini talent showing the highest pass rate when compared to other regions. Even more encouraging was the level of female talent in Bahrain's candidate pool, as Bahrain ranks first globally in multiple subindices according to Meta's Inclusive Internet Index (2022), including female digital skills training and STEM education, open data policies, and privacy regulations. Commenting on the anniversary and the contribution of female participants in the hub, HH Shaikha Hessa bint Khalifa Al-Khalifa, Member of the Supreme Council for Women and Chairwoman of the Bahrain Women in Fintech Committee, said: "We are pleased to see Citi's achievements a year after the Hub's launch. Such initiatives contribute positively to achieving the goals of the Women in Fintech Committee working under the National Plan for the Advancement of Bahraini Women, and the National Gender Balance in Future Sciences Initiative, in line with the directions of Bahrain's Economic Vision 2030 as well as the Kingdom's digital transformation initiatives. It makes us proud to see Bahraini women directly contributing to the operations and growth of Citi's Global Tech Hub." Furthermore, commenting on the occasion, HE the Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain, Mr. Rasheed Mohammed Al Maraj, said: "The Financial services sector has progressed over the last decade, and we expect more changes in the coming years as the pace of digitisation increases. We are proud to see Bahraini talents and competencies benefiting and contributing in developing global centres affiliated with reputable financial institutions in order to promote digital solutions in the financial sector". According to Citi Bahrain's CEO, Michel Sawaya, Citi has witnessed great results since the launch. "The coders had a big impact on developing our digital platforms, such as Citi Velocity and CitiFX Pulse. Their positive contribution helped implement important features, and subsequently take part of bigger projects that have helped us serve Citi clients globally" he said. Citi launched its Global Tech Hub last year as part of a strategic partnership between Tamkeen, Bahrain's labour fund, and the Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB), the Kingdom's investment promotion agency. A first in the region, the Hub aims to develop and improve digital solutions for Citi's regional and global clients while creating 1000 tech jobs for Bahrainis over ten years. Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1981419/CITI_Tech_Hub_Group.jpg SOURCE Bahrain EDB STAMFORD, Conn., Jan. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Aircastle Limited ("Aircastle") announced today the appointment of Paul O'Callaghan as Chief Operations Officer effective March 1, 2023. Mr. O'Callaghan is currently Aircastle's EVP of Portfolio Management, a role he has held since May 2014. He joined Aircastle in September 2005 as VP, Technical. Prior to joining Aircastle, Mr. O'Callaghan held several aircraft maintenance management positions with several different airlines in Ireland and the U.S. He received a B.E. in Electronics from University College Dublin in 1994. As Chief Operations Officer, Paul will be responsible for portfolio operations, asset management and technical functions. Mike Inglese, Aircastle's CEO, commented, "We are pleased to promote and appoint Paul as our Chief Operations Officer to complement our deep and talented leadership team. With more than 26 years of relevant experience in portfolio management, aircraft trading and aircraft maintenance management, Paul brings considerable skills and expertise to lead this new function and support Aircastle's continued growth as a leading investor in commercial aircraft." About Aircastle Limited Aircastle Limited acquires, leases and sells commercial jet aircraft to airlines throughout the world. As of November 30, 2022, Aircastle owned and managed on behalf of its joint ventures 250 aircraft leased to 76 customers located in 46 countries. Contact: Aircastle Advisor LLC Jim Connelly, SVP ESG & Corporate Communications Tel: +1-203-504-1871 [email protected] SOURCE Aircastle Advisor LLC SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The global fiber optics market size is expected to reach USD 14.93 billion by 2030, and exhibit a CAGR of 6.9% from 2023 to 2030, according to Grand View Research Inc. The growth is attributed to the rising government funding in developing secure infrastructures to avoid massacres. Rising terrorism is also appealing to government authorities and defense services of different countries to take initiatives and stringent steps and curb such occurrences. This has led to the evolution and adoption of several technological methods such as body cams, wearables, and other responders that keep the security personnel connected, irrespective of the user's location and user fiber optics for communications. Key Industry Insights & Findings from the report: Governments of developed countries such as the U.S., U.K., Germany , China , Japan , and others are heavily investing in enhancing their security infrastructures on individual levels and country levels. This is eventually necessitating increasing funding for technologies, prominently across the fiber optics that would improve the telecommunication sector infrastructure with better security measures. Therefore, government funding for infrastructure is driving the market. , , , and others are heavily investing in enhancing their security infrastructures on individual levels and country levels. This is eventually necessitating increasing funding for technologies, prominently across the fiber optics that would improve the telecommunication sector infrastructure with better security measures. Therefore, government funding for infrastructure is driving the market. The Plastic Optical Fiber segment is projected to attain a CAGR of 9.1% over the forecast period. POF differs from its single and multimode counterparts based on the core materials used in POF cable construction. While single and multimode fiber optics have a glass core, POF cables have a polymer core. This offers a dynamic application portfolio along with cost savings. Market participants are diversifying their product portfolio through their innovative offerings. For instance, in March 2022 , W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc., a manufacturer of waterproof, breathable Gore-Tex fabrics, released GORE Fiber Optic Cables with high impact resistance to aggressive chemicals abrasion, scrapes, and undesirable fluids that aircraft typically experience during maintenance activities and complex installation. Read 100-page market research report, "Fiber Optics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Type(Single Mode, Multimode), By Application (Telecom, Military & Aerospace, Medical), Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 - 2030", published by Grand View Research. Fiber Optics Market Growth & Trends The concept of IoE (Internet of Everything) is attracting the security sector, worldwide, owing to the increasing awareness of the effectiveness and efficiency of the technology that aids in curbing national issues such as riots, massacres, killings, and other criminal offenses. The need for high-speed internet, capable of efficiently transmitting data is anticipated to grow with the increasing demand for IoE. The growing demand for high-bandwidth communication is fueling the fiber optic market growth. For instance, In March 2020, CommScope, an U.S-based Communication device company, installed 1.5 million feet of copper and 227 miles of fiber cabling in Allegiant Stadium, in Las Vegas. This fiber optic cabling provides high bandwidth connectivity to hundreds of thousands of smartphones and tablets and supports 4K video streaming. The technological advancements in communication and data transmission services are projected to fuel the market for fiber optic technology in the coming years. It serves as a medium to cope with the increasing bandwidth requirements associated with network operators, broadband services, and broadband connection providers. The rising implementation of fiber optic components in trunk cable forms, distribution cables, standard patch cords, and high-density interconnect cables is expected to enhance the demand for fiber optics in the telecom sector. Moreover, the growing demand for 5G and data centers is projected to provide new opportunities to the fiber optic market over the forecast period. Various companies are increasing fiber cable production to foster greater connectivity, stronger access, and superior speed, which leads to company growth. For instance, in December 2022, Deutsche Telekom, a German telecommunications company, announced a plan to significantly accelerate its fiber deployment by adding between 2.5 and 3 million connections by 2023. The company also intends to increase the number of fiber optic installers in the fiber production plant by 50%. Furthermore, the high initial acquisition & installation costs are hindering the growth of this market. An optical fiber system is comprised of a variety of components such as optical cables, transmitters, receivers, and others. Installation of the entire system is a labor-intensive process, especially, the installation of the network, for underground and undersea connections, which is one of the costliest and most tedious procedures. Fiber optics, with its advancements, has overtaken copper-cable transmission. However, the installation process to deploy the optical networks, being an extremely high-cost part, is expected to hamper the market growth. Fiber Optics Market Segmentation Grand View Research has segmented the global fiber optics market based on type, application, and region Fiber Optics Market - Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030) Single-mode Multi-mode Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) Fiber Optics Market - Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030) Telecom Oil & Gas Military & Aerospace BFSI Medical Railway Others Fiber Optics Market - Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030) North America U.S. Canada Mexico Europe Germany U.K. France Asia Pacific China Japan India South America Brazil Middle East and Africa List of Key Players in the Fiber Optics Market AFL Birla Furukawa Fiber Optics Limited Corning Incorporated Finolex Cables Limited Molex, LLC OFS Fitel, LLC Optical Cable Corporation (OCC) Prysmian Group Sterlite Technologies Limited Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Joint Stock Limited Company (YOFC) Check out more related studies published by Grand View Research: Distributed Temperature Sensing Market - The global distributed temperature sensing market size is anticipated to reach USD 849.0 million by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. It is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 10.7% from 2019 to 2025. The global distributed temperature sensing market size is anticipated to reach by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. It is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 10.7% from 2019 to 2025. Fiber Optic Preform Market - The global fiber optic preform market size is expected to reach USD 8.66 billion in 2025, registering a CAGR of 19.6% from 2019 to 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Benefits associated with optical communication have encouraged intensive R&D into the fiber optics technology, which in turn has resulted in several innovations enabling the application of optical fibers in a myriad of industries other than telecommunications. These industries include healthcare, railway, defense and aerospace, and oil and gas. This factor is anticipated to bode well for the overall market growth in near future. - The global fiber optic preform market size is expected to reach in 2025, registering a CAGR of 19.6% from 2019 to 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Benefits associated with optical communication have encouraged intensive R&D into the fiber optics technology, which in turn has resulted in several innovations enabling the application of optical fibers in a myriad of industries other than telecommunications. These industries include healthcare, railway, defense and aerospace, and oil and gas. This factor is anticipated to bode well for the overall market growth in near future. Telecom EMS Market - The global telecom electronic manufacturing services (EMS) market size is likely to reach USD 230.1 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc., expanding at a CAGR of 7.0% during the forecast period. IoT is the next key trend and is estimated to support the telecom industry in terms of revenue generation and infrastructure expansion, which is subsequently estimated to drive the market over the forecast years. Furthermore, mobile connectivity has improved tremendously over the past few years and penetration of wireless devices has witnessed healthy growth over the years. This trend is poised to continue over the next few years and positively impact the telecom EMS market growth. Browse through Grand View Research's Semiconductors Industry Research Reports. About Grand View Research Grand View Research, U.S.-based market research and consulting company, provides syndicated as well as customized research reports and consulting services. Registered in California and headquartered in San Francisco, the company comprises over 425 analysts and consultants, adding more than 1200 market research reports to its vast database each year. These reports offer in-depth analysis on 46 industries across 25 major countries worldwide. With the help of an interactive market intelligence platform, Grand View Research Helps Fortune 500 companies and renowned academic institutes understand the global and regional business environment and gauge the opportunities that lie ahead. Contact: Sherry James Corporate Sales Specialist, USA Grand View Research, Inc. Phone: 1-415-349-0058 Toll Free: 1-888-202-9519 Email: [email protected] Web: https://www.grandviewresearch.com Grand View Compass | Astra ESG Solutions Follow Us: LinkedIn | Twitter Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/661327/Grand_View_Research_Logo.jpg SOURCE Grand View Research, Inc. RIVER FALLS, Wis., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Fiberstar, Inc., the leader of innovative citrus fibers launched a line of new organic citrus fibers Citri-Fi 400 series. These new citrus fibers are in response to the increasing demand for natural, sustainable and organic food ingredients. Market drivers fueling the uptick in demand include a growth in consumer health and wellness initiatives, limited availability of hydrocolloids due to supply chain challenges and increased visibility of sustainable business practices. "We are thrilled to add these new organic citrus fibers to our portfolio," says President and CEO of Fiberstar, Inc. John Haen. "This organic product line extension taps into a new market which will garner additional sales growth for Fiberstar." This organic product line extension taps into a new market which will garner additional sales growth for Fiberstar Tweet this Like the flagship Citri-Fi 100 series, this new Citri-Fi 400 organic series is byproduct of the citrus juicing process. The fibrous composition of insoluble and soluble fiber, in the form of intact native pectin, provides water holding and emulsification properties with a pleasant mouthfeel. Because of the dual functionality, at less than 1% usage rate, Citri-Fi 400 improves the texture, stability and nutrition of a variety of food and beverages. These foods include bakery, dairy, processed meats, dressings, sauces and frozen foods in addition to plant-based foods like meat substitutes and dairy alternatives. Citri-Fi 400 is USDA certified organic and certified as an organic source by the European Union. This upcycled organic citrus fiber series is non-GMO, non-allergenic, gluten-free and has no E-number. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour. Learn more by watching the following USDA Certified Organic Citrus Fiber video. About Fiberstar, Inc.: Fiberstar, Inc. www.FiberstarIngredients.com is a privately held innovative biotechnology Company focused on enhancing food performance by manufacturing and marketing value-added, plant-based food ingredients. Its largest brand, Citri-Fi, is a natural, high performing citrus fiber sustainably produced from citrus fruit. The physical process, which is free from chemical modifications, creates high water holding and clean emulsification properties which benefit meat, dairy, bakery, dressings, sauces, frozen food, beverages, pet food, dairy alternatives and meat substitutes. Citri-Fi is GRAS, non-allergenic, non-GMO Project certified and has no E-number. Headquartered in River Falls, Wisconsin with manufacturing in Florida and Wisconsin, Fiberstar sells products globally in over 65 countries. Contact: Jennifer Stephens [email protected] SOURCE Fiberstar, Inc. PITTSBURGH, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- "I wanted to help soldiers keep all their limbs during war," said an inventor from Rock Hill, S.C., "so I invented the SECURITY GLOVE." The invention protects the wearer from stabs and related types of injuries when attempting to restrain a suspect, prisoner, etc. and helps limit injuries associated with bullet impacts in this area. It helps improve dexterity and flexibility while providing protection. The gloves give a sense of security and are convenient, efficient and effective. The original design was submitted to the Charlotte sales office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, write Dept. 21-CNC-341, InventHelp, 217 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, or call (412) 288-1300 ext. 1368. Learn more about InventHelp's Invention Submission Services at http://www.InventHelp.com. SOURCE InventHelp AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- LP First Capital (Austin, TX) and Trive Capital (Dallas, TX) announced today the formation of Cascade Services, a family of leading brands within the home services industry. The announcement comes in combination with the acquisitions of four established residential HVAC and electrical contractors in Florida, including Mid-Florida Heating and Air, Aztil Air Conditioning, Extreme Air and Electric, and Air Boca . Cascade Services strives to be the preferred acquirer for family-owned HVAC, plumbing, and electrical business operators Tweet this Cascade strives to be the preferred acquirer for family-owned business operators, the ideal employer to its team members, and to provide world-class service to its residential customers. "Cascade Services is quickly becoming the acquirer of choice for residential HVAC, plumbing, and electrical contractors seeking a transition of ownership. We are well positioned to support business owners who desire a capital partner to accelerate growth, as well as those owners who desire a full exit," said Thomas Ince, Managing Director of LP First Capital. "Cascade Services is fully committed to achieving growth at our underlying family of residential services brands," added Ty Johnson, CEO of Cascade Services. "Accordingly, we are equipped to support contractors with operations, recruiting, marketing, accounting, and procurement, among other mission critical operational tasks." "At Cascade Services, we appreciate the legacy and reputation that business owners have built over the years at their business, and we desire to preserve that legacy. As such, in most cases Cascade will retain the business name and brand post-transaction, providing continuity for employees, customers and business partners alike," added Logan Lowery, Managing Director of LP First Capital. Cascade is actively seeking add-on opportunities in the residential HVAC, plumbing and electrical space. If you are interested in learning more or joining the Cascade family of brands, reach out at [email protected] or visit www.cascadeservices.com. About Cascade Services Cascade Services is a premier residential tri-trade services platform. Cascade was founded to partner with market-leading HVAC, plumbing, and electrical contractors with best-in-class residential service technicians across the Southern United States. Cascade strives to be the preferred acquirer for family-owned business operators, the ideal employer to its team members, and to provide world-class service to its residential customers. About LP First Capital LP First Capital is a private investment firm with experience creating super-regional and national platforms by leveraging its expertise in mergers and acquisitions, profit center integration, and team building to drive performance. Headquartered in Austin, TX, LP First Capital maintains an active presence in much of the Southwest, Southeast, and Midwest markets as it continues to take interest in building best-in-class businesses within traditionally fragmented industries. About Trive Capital Trive Capital is a Dallas, Texas based private equity firm with more than $4 billion of regulatory assets under management. Trive focuses on investing equity and debt in what it sees as strategically viable middle-market companies with the potential for transformational upside through operational improvement. We seek to maximize returns through a hands-on partnership that calls for identifying and implementing value creation ideas. The Trive team is comprised of seasoned investment professionals who have been involved in over 100 middle-market transactions representing in excess of $6 billion in revenue across Trive's targeted industry sectors and situations. SOURCE LP First Capital Contact: [email protected] SOURCE LP First Capital Gov. Kay Ivey Issues Proclamation Recognizing Jan. 22-28 as Alabama School Choice Week MONTGOMERY, Ala., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 316 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Alabama have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But the specifics of these options vary from state to state. For instance, Alabama does not offer open enrollment in traditional public schools on a universal basis, but children who are assigned to failing schools may be able to choose another school within their district, and sometimes outside of their district. When considering private schools, parents should know that students below a certain income level or transferring from underperforming schools are eligible for state-run scholarship programs. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Alabama will be an indoor celebration in Montgomery, organized by Alabama Opportunity Scholarship Fund, on January 26; a spirit week, with events including t-shirt and door decorating organized by Princeton Alternative Elementary School, a magnet school in Birmingham, and the Mobile RSA Tower will light up from dusk on Jan. 26. with the colors of school choice. "Alabama parents care deeply about their children and should be empowered to find learning environments that inspire and work for them," said Andrew Campanella President and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "School Choice Week is an effort to share information and support parents to find the best school for every Alabama child. Every family is welcome to join this celebration." To download a guide to Alabama school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/alabama. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Arkansas celebrates educational options and quality education during the annual School Choice Week LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Arkansas schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 303 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Arkansas have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But the specifics of these options vary from state to state. In Arkansas, there are some limits on open enrollment, like seat capacity and desegregation orders, but families may be able to transfer to a public school of choice outside their neighborhood. The state offers several free, full-time online learning options for students, like Arkansas Connections Academy and Arkansas Virtual Academy. Lastly, Arkansas offers state-run scholarship programs for students in foster care, students with disabilities, dependents of U.S. military, and students from low-income families. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Arkansas will be an indoor rally in Little Rock. Little Rock Union Plaza will light up on Jan. 22 with the colors of school choice. "We look forward to Arkansas families using School Choice Week to forge partnerships and foster authentic conversations about what it looks like to put kids first in education", said Andrew Campanella, president and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "School choice is about helping students to find learning opportunities where they discover their talents and grow academically." To download a guide to Arkansas school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/arkansas. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Hawaii celebrates educational options and quality education during the annual School Choice Week HONOLULU, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 80 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Hawaii have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Hawaii, with its singular school district, open enrollment is possible in a different traditional public school through specific circumstances, but not broadly. The state has dozens of public charter schools, but no freestanding public magnet schools. Hawaii does not offer full-time online public schools or a private school choice program, which are available in the majority of U.S. states. "Hawaii is a beautiful state with a unique spirit. Hawaiian families deserve ample learning opportunities and support in choosing the school type that each kid needs," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "Hawaiian families will find an ally in School Choice Week, when they'll be able to find the information they need about their options." To download a guide to Hawaii school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/hawaii. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Iowa celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week DES MOINES, Iowa, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Iowa schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 200 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Iowa have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic, which translates into a learning loss. That's why more than ever parents are exploring and considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. Iowa offers newly expanded and flexible open enrollment laws enabling parents to choose traditional public schools other than the one to which they have been assigned. The state has some public charter and public magnet schools, and several free, full-time online public schools. Iowa families can take tax deductions for nonpublic school expenses, and families under a certain income level can qualify for state-run scholarship opportunities. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Iowa will be a school fair in Des Moines organized by Iowa Alliance for Choice in Education on January 28. "There is a learning environment that fits each child and their unique giftings and needs," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "School choice enables families to find that right fit and that's what is being celebrated this month in Iowa and across the country." To download a guide to Iowa school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/iowa. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Kansas celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Kansas schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 237 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Kansas have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic, which translates into a learning loss. That's why more than ever parents are exploring and considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Kansas students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Kansas, some school districts allow open enrollment, enabling parents to choose a traditional school other than the one to which they are assigned. There are also public charter, public magnet, and public online schools available to students in the state. Kansas students receiving free or reduced-price lunches at any K-8 school are eligible for the state-run scholarship program launched in 2015. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Kansas will be a capitol rally in Topeka organized by Kansas Policy Institute on January 25 and a microschool celebration in Wichita organized by AIM Educational Collaborative and WISE on January 26. To download a guide to Kansas school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/kansas. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Minnesota celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Minnesota schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 376 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Minnesota have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Minnesota had greater learning losses than the nation as a whole. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. Minnesota offers open enrollment in traditional public schools, which is widely used by families. The state also offers many public charter and public magnet schools, as well as full-time online public schools. Minnesota parents are eligible for tax deductions on educational expenses, including tuition payments and homeschooling expenses. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Minnesota will be an indoor children's museum celebration in St. Paul on January 23 and a carnival planned by King of Kings Lutheran School in Roseville. "Supporting school choice and generating awareness about education options is particularly important this month," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This is a key time of year for parents to begin the school search process for the fall, and the information and activities available this week will help kickstart that journey." To download a guide to Minnesota school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/minnesota. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Governor Tate Reeves issued a proclamation recognizing January 22-28, 2023 as Mississippi School Choice Week JACKSON, Miss., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 267 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Alabama have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Mississippi students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Mississippi, parents have some open enrollment opportunities to select a traditional public school other than the one to which they are assigned. The state has some public charter and public magnet school options, but does not offer a full-time statewide online public school. Mississippi offers several state-run scholarship programs helping families with special needs afford private schooling. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Mississippi will be a capitol rally in Jackson on January 25. "Mississippi families have much to be proud of when it comes to their state's school options in all types of schools, including scholarship opportunities for children with special needs," said Andrew Campanella, President and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation."We hope this Week features positive celebrations and fruitful conversations that change the lives of Mississippi kids for the better." To download a guide to Mississippi school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/mississippi. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Gov. Doug Burgum Issues Proclamation Recognizing Jan. 22-28 as North Dakota School Choice Week BISMARCK, N.D., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 54 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in North Dakota have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policy varies from state to state. In North Dakota, districts set their own open enrollment policies, so availability varies for families. North Dakota is one of just a handful of states in the country that does not offer public charter schools, and no public magnet schools are open at this time. The state does not have a full-time online public school or any private school choice programs for families. To download a guide to North Dakota school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/north-dakota. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Oklahoma celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week OKLAHOMA CITY, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 248 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Oklahoma have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Oklahoma students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Oklahoma, families can request a transfer to a traditional public school in any district through flexible open enrollment laws. There are also many public charter and public magnet schools throughout the state, alongside six full-time online public schools. In addition, Oklahoma students in certain underperforming schools or who meet certain income guidelines can qualify for state-run scholarship programs. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Oklahoma will be school choice expos in Oklahoma City and in Tulsa organized by ChoiceMatters. "Supporting school choice and offering options that allow parents to find a school that fits perfectly the needs of their kids is common sense," said Andrew Campanella, president and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This Week Oklahoma will celebrate how school choice allows families to find a great educational fit where their children are inspired, successful, and happy." To download a guide to Oklahoma school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/oklahoma. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Rhode Island celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week PROVIDENCE, R.I., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 98 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Rhode Island have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Rhode Island, the state allows each district to set its own open enrollment policies, so the ability to choose a traditional public school varies for families. Parents can also choose public charter and public magnet schools, as well as a relatively new full-time online public school. Students from low-income families are eligible for private school scholarships through a state program. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Rhode Island will be a school fair in Warwick on January 22. "Rhode Island students deserve the best education they can get and that hinges on their parents being enabled to choose the right educational fit for them," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "During the Week parents can explore the options that already exist in their state and raise awareness about the importance of school choice to their families." To download a guide to Rhode Island school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/rhode-island. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Illinois celebrates educational options and quality education during annual School Choice Week SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 987 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Illinois have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. Illinois has fairly flexible open enrollment laws for families wishing to choose another traditional public school in their district. The state also has many public charter and public magnet schools. Illinois offers tax deductions for most students in private or home schools, and state-run scholarships for students under a certain income level. The state does not, however, offer a full-time, statewide online public school option, unlike a majority of U.S. states. "Illinois parents have educational options and we want to make sure every parent has the information and opportunity to explore them this January," said Krissia Campos Spivey, project director of Conoce tus Opciones Escolares at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. To download a guide to Illinois school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/illinois. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Indiana celebrates educational options and quality education during annual School Choice Week INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 617 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Indiana have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. Indiana families have relatively restricted options to choose traditional public schools through open enrollment options, but there are many public charter and public magnet schools available. The state also offers many free, full-time online public schools, and nearly 80 percent of Indiana students are eligible for a voucher or tax-credit scholarship to help families afford a private school. Within the past year, Indiana created a new education savings account program for students with special needs. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Indiana will be a community celebration organized by EdChoice on January 25 in Indianapolis and a fair and community potluck organized by KH Christian Academy in Mishawaka. The AES Indiana in Indianapolis will light up on Jan. 25 with the colors of school choice. "School Choice Week seeks to help parents and kids navigate and celebrate learning," said Andrew Campanella, president and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "In Indiana, we look forward to a week of positive celebrations, fruitful conversations, and practical opportunities for families and educators across the state." To download a guide to Indiana school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/indiana. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. For more information, contact our team at [email protected]. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Governor Mike Parson issues a proclamation recognizing January 22-28 as Missouri School Choice Week JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 376 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Missouri have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Missouri students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Missouri, public school districts can set their own open enrollment policies, so availability varies for families. Public charter schools are available, alongside public magnet schools, and full-time online public school access, which the state streamlined the process of choosing in 2022. The first private school choice program in the state, MOScholars, provides families with flexible scholarship funds (up to $6,375) that they can put toward attending the eligible public, charter, virtual, private, or homeschool of their choice. Students with an IEP or from low-income families are eligible. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Missouri will be a capitol rally in Jefferson City organized by the Children's Education Alliance of Missouri, a charter school fair in St. Louis, and a citywide open house in Kansas City on January 28. "Missouri continues to improve the school choice options it provides for families, reflecting the belief that different children thrive in different learning environments," said Andrew Campanella, president and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This Week we celebrate how school choice helps all students in Missouri and across the nation achieve their full potential." To download a guide to Missouri school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/missouri. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Gov. Kristi Noem Issues Proclamation Recognizing Jan. 22-28 as North Dakota School Choice Week. PIERRE, S.D., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 69 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in South Dakota have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In South Dakota, parents have unrestricted open enrollment, meaning they can choose any traditional public school in the state. The state is one of just a handful of states in the country that does not offer public charter schools, and no public magnet schools are open at this time. Families have some access to free online public school purses if their local school district participates. Lastly, South Dakota families with income below certain thresholds may qualify for a state-run scholarship program. "Education starts with families; let's support all parents in finding learning environments where their child is challenged, inspired, and successful," said Andrew Campanella, President and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "During the Week, South Dakota families will join the nation in celebrating their schools and the positive ways that education shapes kids' lives." To download a guide to South Dakota school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/south-dakota. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Tennessee celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 348 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Tennessee have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Tennessee students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Tennessee, there are a variety of educational options to attend including traditional public schools. In 2021, a bill requiring all school districts to offer an open enrollment period by fall 2022 was approved. This expansion of open enrollment means that parents may be able to transfer their child to any public school. Tennesseeans also have the options of public charter schools, public magnet schools, and online public schools run by school districts around the state. Homeschooling remains a popular choice for many families. In addition, Tennessee students with special needs may be eligible for a publicly funded Individualized Education Account, and students in Shelby County, Metro Nashville public school, or a school in an Achievement School District may be eligible for an Education Savings Account as of 2022. "Tenneseeans will explore all their education options during School Choice Week, some of which are newly accessible to families thanks to updates to the state's public school open enrollment policy and a new private school choice program passed in recent years," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "We look forward to families exploring and choosing amongst their ever-growing list of education options." To download a guide to Tennessee school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/tennessee. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week China's BRI 'circle of friends' expanding 13:49, January 16, 2023 By He Yin ( People's Daily This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping. At the beginning of 2023, China signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the joint construction of the BRI with Turkmenistan and signed an updated MoU on the BRI with the Philippines. This fully demonstrated that the BRI meets the needs of world development, conforms to the expectations of the international community, and always enjoys strong resilience and vitality. The Belt and Road cooperation embraces the historical trend of economic globalization, responds to the call for improving the global governance system and meets people's longing for a better life, which is the fundamental reason why it always has strong resilience and vitality. Featured products from countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative are popular among visitors at the 19th China-ASEAN Expo held in Nanning, south China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, Sept. 16, 2022. (People's Daily Online/Yu Xiangquan) So far, China has signed more than 200 BRI cooperation agreements with 151 countries and 32 international organizations. In its latest Global Economic Prospects report released on Jan. 10, the World Bank slashed its 2023 global economic growth forecast to 1.7 percent, 1.3 percentage points lower than what it projected last June. As economic globalization is encountering headwinds and global economic recovery is in the doldrums, the joint construction of the BRI has shown a more important role in boosting the economic growth of relevant countries and regions and promoting the common development of all countries. A research report released by the World Bank in 2019 showed that transportation infrastructure projects under the BRI, if fully implemented, would generate $1.6 trillion in benefits annually in global revenue by 2030 accounting for 1.3 percent of global GDP. More countries will carry out high-quality cooperation under the framework of the BRI, which will be the prevailing trend. The BRI was proposed by China, yet it generates opportunities and benefits for the entire world. Aerial photo taken on Jan. 6, 2023 shows containers being loaded into a China-Europe freight train at a platform of the Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe cargo line in Jinhua city, east China's Zhejiang province. (People's Daily Online/Hu Xiaofei) The initiative has provided new platforms for international trade and investment. Data showed that the cumulative value of trade in goods between China and countries along the BRI routes reached nearly $11 trillion from 2013 to 2021, while the two-way investment hit more than $230 billion. The initiative has also promoted infrastructure connectivity and made new contributions to the well-being of the people in various countries. High-quality BRI cooperation conforms to the trend of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The cooperation has injected new vitality into the ancient Silk Road by seizing opportunities of digital, Internet-based and intelligent development, fostering new growth drivers, exploring new development pathways, and building the digital Silk Road and the Silk Road of innovation. Martin Albrow, a British sociologist noted for his works on globalization, pointed out that the BRI has connected China's peaceful development with the prosperity and happiness of the whole world. As an important international public good China has provided for the world to help improve global governance, high-quality BRI cooperation draws on past experience, values innovation, takes the initiative, emphasizes seeking common ground while reserving differences, and promotes incremental reform of the existing international order and rules. Employees of Chinese car maker FAW Haima Automobile Co., Ltd. are busy producing cars to be exported to the Philippines at the company's production base in south China's Hainan province, Sept. 5, 2022. (People's Daily Online/Shi Zhonghua) The BRI and its guiding principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits have been included in relevant documents of the United Nations, the Group of 20 (G20), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and other organizations, becoming an important consensus on global governance. The establishment of multilateral development institutions and cooperation platforms, such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Silk Road Fund, will contribute to the building of a fairer and more reasonable global governance system. From visionary blueprints to intensive implementation, the BRI has taken a journey from taking roots to achieving sustainable progress. China's "circle of friends" for joint construction of the BRI has expanded continuously, while the BRI's quality of cooperation has kept improving and its development prospects have grown more promising. China will consider holding the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation this year to provide fresh impetus for the development and prosperity of the world. At a new starting point, China is ready to work together with various parties to continue promoting high-quality construction of the road for peace, prosperity, opening up, green development, innovation, and connected civilizations, so that the initiative, a project of the century, will better benefit people across the world. (Web editor: Chang Sha, Du Mingming) Texas celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 2172 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Texas have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Texas, the state allows each district to set its own open enrollment policies, so the ability to choose a traditional public school varies for families. There are many public charter and public magnet schools around the state, as well as full-time online public schools. Texas is in the minority of U.S. states that does not offer a private school choice program. Homeschooling remains easy for parents to choose and popular throughout the state. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Texas will be a school discovery day in San Antonio organized by San Antonio Charter Moms and school fairs in Fort Worth and Houston organized by Families Empowered. "Hispanic parents this year will be able to find more bilingual information and events than ever as they learn about their educational options in Texas during School Choice Week," said Krissia Campos Spivey, Project Director of Conoce tus Opciones Escolares at National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "We're inviting every parent in Texas to take the opportunity to consider what learning environment will best unlock their child's potential during this month's celebrations." To download a guide to Texas school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/texas. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Wisconsin celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week MADISON, Wis., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 510 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Wisconsin have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policy varies from state to state. Wisconsin has restricted open enrollment for public school, meaning parents may be able to choose a traditional public school in another district or within their district. The state has hundreds of public charter schools to choose from, as well as public magnet schools and several full-time online public schools. Private schools and homeschooling are common in the state, and any Wisconsin taxpayer can deduct the cost of private school tuition. Wisconsin students who meet certain income limits, or students with special needs, may qualify for state-run scholarship programs. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Wisconsin will be a rally in Milwaukee organized by School Choice Wisconsin. "Supporting school choice and generating awareness about education options is particularly important this month," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This is a key time of year for parents to begin the school search process for the fall, and the information and activities available this week will help kickstart that journey." To download a guide to Wisconsin school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/wisconsin. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week PetDx analyses demonstrate the potential of OncoK9 for detection of residual disease following excisional surgery and detection of cancer recurrence following therapy. SAN DIEGO, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- PetDx The Liquid Biopsy Company for Pets has released a white paper demonstrating that OncoK9, its pioneering multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test for dogs, can enhance cancer monitoring in canine patients with a simple blood draw. The CANcer Detection in Dogs (CANDiD) study previously established the performance characteristics of the OncoK9 test for detection of 30 different types of canine cancer using next-generation sequencing (NGS) of blood-derived DNA. Initially recommended for cancer screening and as an aid-in-diagnosis, OncoK9 The Liquid Biopsy Test for Dogs is now also recommended for detection of residual disease and detection of recurrence in dogs previously diagnosed with cancer. "It is an exciting development for the field to have a non-invasive cancer detection test that can alert the veterinarian to the presence of residual disease following surgery, or to disease recurrence following therapy," said Angela McCleary-Wheeler, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (Oncology), Director of Translational Research and Collaboration at PetDx. "It is important to note that this test is intended to be used as an adjunct tool for cancer monitoring in dogs; it does not replace standard-of-care clinical assessment methods." Following therapeutic intervention for cancer, veterinarians typically perform physical examinations and imaging tests to evaluate the clinical disease status at follow-up visits. Unfortunately, these tools may not be sensitive enough to detect residual disease after surgery or early evidence of cancer recurrence following therapy. Further, access to some imaging methods may be limited, pose risks to patients, or both. As part of the clinical research program that supported the CANDiD study, longitudinal blood samples were collected from over 200 cancer-diagnosed canine patients across more than 500 follow-up visits to evaluate the performance of the OncoK9 test for cancer monitoring in the post-diagnosis setting. The OncoK9 result, and the presence or absence of disease, were documented at every longitudinal visit. Key findings included: High concordance between OncoK9 test results and clinical disease status: Over 95% of samples with a Cancer Signal Detected (positive) OncoK9 result were found to have clinical disease present at the same visit or at a future visit. Over 95% of samples with a (positive) OncoK9 result were found to have clinical disease present at the same visit or at a future visit. Detection of molecular residual disease following excisional surgery: In dogs with absence of clinical disease at their first post-operative visit, those with a Cancer Signal Detected OncoK9 result at that visit were approximately twice as likely to develop clinical recurrence within six months compared to dogs with a Cancer Signal Not Detected result. In dogs with absence of clinical disease at their first post-operative visit, those with a OncoK9 result at that visit were approximately twice as likely to develop clinical recurrence within six months compared to dogs with a result. Detection of disease recurrence: In dogs with initial complete response to therapy but with subsequent cancer recurrence over a 12-month observation period, 70% had cancer signal detected by the OncoK9 test prior to or concomitant with clinical recurrence; molecular recurrence was detected prior to clinical recurrence in 37% of those cases, with a median lead time of more than two months. "In human oncology, blood-based detection of cancer signal after therapeutic intervention has been shown to be an effective prognostic marker and recurrence predictor and has been deployed in routine clinical care for multiple cancer types. For the first time, we present analogous results in the veterinary medicine setting, based on the largest canine cancer cohort with longitudinal monitoring by liquid biopsy reported to date," said Dana Tsui, PhD, PetDx Chief Scientific Officer. "We are excited to take OncoK9 one step further to not only help detect cancer earlier in dogs but to also help veterinarians monitor the disease more effectively after it has been diagnosed, with the convenience of a simple blood draw." Veterinarians can order the OncoK9 test for detection of residual disease and detection of cancer recurrence in dogs starting in February 2023. About PetDx PetDx The Liquid Biopsy Company for Pets is a San Diego-based molecular diagnostics company dedicated to unleashing the power of genomics to improve pet health. The company's flagship product, OncoK9, enables veterinarians to detect cancer in dogs with a simple blood draw. As a first-in-class multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test, OncoK9 employs cutting-edge genomic analysis that leverages next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology and proprietary bioinformatics algorithms, empowering veterinarians to provide superior care to canine patients. OncoK9 is available at most veterinary clinics in the United States and Canada through PetDx, IDEXX Reference Laboratories, and Antech Diagnostics. To learn more, visit petdx.com and connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. SOURCE PetDx Example compliance process for PFAS reporting and restriction OTTAWA, ON, Jan. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ - On 18 January 2023, Claigan Environmental Inc. (www.claigan.com) will present a webinar on how companies are meeting their PFAS compliance obligations. Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are very diverse with simple and complicated uses. Claigan's webinar will go over how an example company complies with PFAS reporting requirements and restrictions. Some PFAS substances (such as fluoropolymers) are used intentionally in products for their specialized properties. However, some PFAS substances (such as PFOA) are unintentional contaminants or byproducts of fluoropolymer manufacturing. A range of PFAS substances are used for specialized applications in water proofing of fabrics and medical devices. This diversity makes it very difficult for companies to comply with the emerging PFAS regulations. Claigan's webinar will use an example company and show how it complies with the PFAS reporting requirements and restrictions. The compliance processes for PFAS reporting will focus on PFAS reporting in Maine, and the compliance processes for PFAS restriction will focus on the EU POP and REACH Restrictions. However, similar global regulations such as expected US Federal PFAS reporting requirements, and Prop 65 and Canadian PFOA restriction will discussed. Claigan will show the processes used for legacy products and for new designs. The processes will be explained in detail with a backdrop of their related regulatory outputs and due diligence requirements. The main topics to be covered in this webinar are - Reporting vs restriction The situation of an example company Process for legacy products Process for new designs Reporting outputs Restriction outcomes Due to the interest in these topics, two (2) webinars will be held on January 18 to accommodate a larger audience. Webinars - PFAS Compliance for an Example Company Date: 18 January 2023 Time: 10am and 2pm EST Duration: 1 hour plus Q&A To Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/5984536665161378652 or on Claigan Website at www.claigan.com/webinars Register now or send an e-mail to [email protected]. For more information on Claigan Environmental's restricted materials services - see Claigan's services at www.claigan.com About Claigan Environmental (www.claigan.com) Claigan is the leading provider in restricted materials compliance for PFAS. Claigan has tested thousands of products for PFAS, REACH Restriction, SVHCs, RoHS, and related global compliance and being the technical support for numerous Prop 65 notice defences. Claigan is an ISO 17025 certified laboratory and is dedicated to providing practical solutions for supply chain due diligence and social responsibility. At Claigan, we believe in 'More Results. Less Journey.' SOURCE Claigan Environmental Inc. DUBLIN, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Global Business Email Compromise (BEC) Market Size, Share & Industry Trends Analysis Report By Offering (Solutions and Services), By Deployment Mode, By Organization Size (Large Enterprises and SMEs), By Vertical, By Regional Outlook and Forecast, 2022 - 2028" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The Global Business Email Compromise (BEC) Market size is expected to reach $3.3 billion by 2028, rising at a market growth of 19.0% CAGR during the forecast period. A sort of scam known as business email compromise (BEC) targets businesses that use wire transfers and have foreign suppliers. Keyloggers or phishing attacks are used to impersonate or hack corporate or publicly accessible email accounts of executives or high-level workers engaged in finance or wire transfer payments in order to conduct fraudulent transfers, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. BEC scams frequently start with an attacker taking control of a business executive's email account or any other email that is publicly accessible. This is typically accomplished through the use of keylogger software, phishing techniques, or forged emails that deceive the victim into divulging account information. Phishing attacks use a domain that closely resembles the firm being targeted. The fraudster is expected to attempt to ascertain who requests wire transfers and who conducts them after observing the hacked email account. The offenders frequently do a good lot of investigation, seeking for a company where the C-suite of the finance section has changed, businesses where executives are on business trips, or by hosting an investor conference call. They take advantage of these as chances to carry out their plan. Following the pandemic, there has been an increase in BEC and spear-phishing attacks. It is anticipated that rising internet usage, mobile device adoption, and cloud deployment patterns is expected to enhance email platform usage and help expand the adoption of BEC solutions & services. The expansion in the utilization of BEC solutions is also being fueled by the growing regulatory compliances regarding the use of emails. COVID-19 Impact Analysis The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted various aspects of the business domain. Due to the boosted adoption of the BYOD as well as WFH trends brought on by COVID-19, there have been more spear phishing & BEC attacks on the BFSI infrastructure. Owing to the sensitive & private information they handle, BFSI organizations are subject to strict data security regulations. As a result, there is a growing need for BEC solutions in the BFSI sector. Market Growth Factors Massive Financial Losses Owing to the BEC Crimes Phishing attacks, spam emails, virus attacks, identity thefts, APTs, zero-day attacks, and many more sophisticated attacks are increasingly targeting emails. It is extremely vulnerable to target data breaches since every day, more than billions of emails are sent and received. Organizations are being urged by these financial repercussions to implement email encryption solutions in order to effectively secure their email infrastructures. Each company needs to have a strong security posture that guards against ransomware. Effective access management, data encryption, heightened security, anomaly detection, and comprehensive user access controls are necessary for an effective defence against cybercriminals. As a result, it is estimated that throughout the forecast period, increasing phishing assaults will drive the market. Rise in the Usage of Ml/Ai-Powered BEC Solutions In a BEC scam, attackers assume the identity of a reliable source to coerce their victims into sending false payment information. Gift card theft, payment redirection, and fraudulent supplier invoices are all examples of BEC scams. In order to stop BEC frauds, vendors in the industry use AI/ML capabilities to examine every email message. To prevent any significant financial losses, ML/AI-powered BEC detection tools assist in more efficiently identifying and halting email fraud attacks. Many companies are developing advanced solutions integrated with ML/ AI powered BEC solutions, which is expected to escalate the growth of the market during the forecast period. Marketing Restraining Factor: Usage of Open Source, Free and Pirated Email Security Software BEC solutions assist individuals and businesses in lowering the risk of data loss. There are many different types of open-source email security programmes on the market. Email encryption programmes like VeraCrypt, DiskCryptor, FileVault, and AxCrypt give nearly all of the functionality offered by the leading market manufacturers. The availability of such software on the market negatively impacts big vendors who offer solutions to stop BEC frauds, which has a direct impact on their bottom lines. Therefore, it is anticipated that the accessibility of these free solutions will limit market growth throughout the forecast period. Key Topics Covered: Chapter 1. Market Scope & Methodology Chapter 2. Market Overview 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Overview Market Composition and Scenario 2.2 Key Factors Impacting the Market 2.2.1 Market Drivers 2.2.2 Market Restraints Chapter 3. Strategies deployed in Business Email Compromise (BEC) Market Chapter 4. Global Business Email Compromise (BEC) Market by Offering 4.1 Global Solutions Market by Region 4.2 Global Services Market by Region Chapter 5. Global Business Email Compromise (BEC) Market by Deployment Mode 5.1 Global Cloud Market by Region 5.2 Global On-premises Market by Region Chapter 6. Global Business Email Compromise (BEC) Market by Organization Size 6.1 Global Large Enterprises Market by Region 6.2 Global SMEs Market by Region Chapter 7. Global Business Email Compromise (BEC) Market by Vertical 7.1 Global BFSI Market by Region 7.2 Global IT & ITeS Market by Region 7.3 Global Retail & eCommerce Market by Region 7.4 Global Manufacturing Market by Region 7.5 Global Government Market by Region 7.6 Global Energy & Utilities Market by Region 7.7 Global Healthcare Market by Region 7.8 Global Others Market by Region Chapter 8. Global Business Email Compromise (BEC) Market by Region Chapter 9. Company Profiles 9.1 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. 9.1.1 Company Overview 9.1.2 Financial Analysis 9.1.3 Regional Analysis 9.1.4 Research & Development Expense 9.2 Broadcom, Inc. 9.2.1 Company Overview 9.2.2 Financial Analysis 9.2.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis 9.2.4 Research & Development Expense 9.2.5 Recent strategies and developments: Acquisition and Mergers: 9.2.6 SWOT Analysis 9.3 Fortinet, Inc. 9.3.1 Company Overview 9.3.2 Financial Analysis 9.3.3 Regional Analysis 9.3.4 Research & Development Expenses 9.4 Cisco Systems, Inc. 9.4.1 Company Overview 9.4.2 Financial Analysis 9.4.3 Regional Analysis 9.4.4 Research & Development Expense 9.4.5 Recent strategies and developments: Product Launches and Product Expansions: 9.4.1 SWOT Analysis 9.5 Trend Micro, Inc. 9.5.1 Company Overview 9.5.2 Financial Analysis 9.5.3 Regional Analysis 9.5.4 Research & Development Expense 9.6 Proofpoint, Inc. 9.6.1 Company Overview 9.6.2 Financial Analysis 9.6.3 Regional Analysis 9.6.4 Research & Development Expense 9.6.5 Recent strategies and developments: Partnerships, Collaborations, and Agreements: Product Launches and Product Expansions: 9.7 Mimecast Limited 9.7.1 Company Overview 9.7.2 Financial Analysis 9.7.3 Regional Analysis 9.7.4 Research & Development Expense 9.8 Barracuda Networks, Inc. (Thoma Bravo) 9.8.1 Company Overview 9.8.2 Recent strategies and developments: Product Launches and Product Expansions: 9.9 Agari (HelpSystems, LLC) 9.9.1 Company Overview 9.10. Zix Corporation 9.10.1 Company Overview For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/udbp2o Media Contact: Research and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager [email protected] For E.S.T Office Hours Call +1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call +1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900 U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/539438/Research_and_Markets_Logo.jpg SOURCE Research and Markets HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- As schools across Pennsylvania prepare to celebrate their success during National School Choice Week (January 22-28, 2023), students, parents, and educators will shine a positive spotlight on public charter schools at a press conference and celebration at the State Capitol next week. The event will be held on Monday, January 23, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon in the Rotunda of the Pennsylvania Capitol (501 North 3rd Street in Harrisburg). More than 500 participants are expected to attend. Hosted by Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools, the event will include remarks and musical performances by students representing more than 25 public charter schools in Allentown, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and York. Senator John Martin is also scheduled to speak. The celebration is open to the press and the public. Organizers hope that as a result of the event, additional parents from across the Keystone State will discover and explore the education options available for their children. "Pennsylvania's public charter schools are making a positive difference for students, educators, and the communities they serve. That's why Pennsylvania moms and dads value school choice. Now, we want even more families to know about the options available for their children's learning," said Dr. Anne Clark, CEO of Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools. "This event will give parents across the Keystone State the opportunity to discover how charter schools can benefit their children, while raising broad public awareness about the importance of ensuring that families in our state have access to effective education options." The Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools is a 501c3 nonprofit organization focused on representing both brick-and-mortar and cyber schools throughout the Keystone State. The January 23 event is timed to coincide with National School Choice Week (NSCW), which will feature more than 26,000 school choice events across all 50 states to raise equal and positive awareness of the traditional public, public charter, public magnet, private, online, and home education options available for families. In addition to this event, 870 public and private schools in Pennsylvania will host independent events and activities during NSCW. These schools enroll an estimated 356,996 students across all grade levels. For more information, visit pacharters.org or schoolchoiceweek.com . National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and home schooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week AED 10 billion investment could return more than 12x by 2030 DUBAI, UAE, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Standard Chartered announced today the launch of its latest research report titled 'The Adaptation Economy' which investigates the need for climate adaptation. The report revealed that a AED 10 billion adaptation investment to withstand projected climate damage could contribute more than AED 100 billion to the country's gross domestic product by 2030. Adaptation Investment in the UAE would contribute more than AED 100 billion to GDP The research features 10 markets, including the UAE, India, China, and Pakistan, and highlights that the lack of action could cost billions in climate damages and lost GDP growth this decade. Across the entire study, without a minimum investment of AED 110 billion, the markets included in the study face projected damages and lost GDP growth of over AED 1 trillion. The projection assumes that the world succeeds in limiting temperature rises to 1.5C, in line with the Paris Agreement. In a 3.5C scenario the estimated minimum investment required more than doubles to AED 225 billion and potential losses escalate dramatically if the investment is not made. Examples of climate adaptation projects include the creation of coastal barrier protection solutions for areas vulnerable to flooding, the development of drought-resistant crops and early-warning systems against pending natural disasters. India to benefit the most from adaptation investment Among the 10 markets in the study, India is projected to benefit the most from adaptation investment. The market would require an estimated AED 40 billion to prevent climate damages and lost growth of AED 500 billion in a 1.5C warming scenario equal to a thirteen-to-one return for the Indian economy of investment in climate adaptation. Meanwhile, China could avoid an estimated cost of AED 410 billion by investing just AED 30 billion. And Kenya, which requires the least investment, could avoid costs of an estimated AED 8 billion by investing AED 730 million in adaptation. Market Minimum investment required (1.5C) (USD) Economic benefit (USD) India 10.6 billion 135.5 billion China 8.1 billion 111.9 billion Indonesia 4 billion 39 billion UAE 2.7 billion 31.5 billion Nigeria 1.5 billion 19.9 billion Bangladesh 1.2 billion 11.6 billion Egypt 900 million 8.6 billion Vietnam 600 million 8.9 billion Pakistan 600 million 7.6 billion Kenya 200 million 2.2 billion The case for adaptation Even if the world's nations manage to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, measures to adapt to climate change must be pursued alongside the global decarbonisation agenda, with the banking sector having a critical role to play in unlocking finance. The AED 110 billion investment required for adaptation represents only slightly more than 0.1 per cent of combined annual GDP of the 10 markets in the study and much less than the estimated AED 347 trillion emerging markets require to transition to net zero using mitigation measures, as outlined in Standard Chartered's Just in Time report. The Adaptation Economy also surveyed 150 bankers, investors and asset managers and found that, currently, just 0.4% of the capital held by respondents is allocated to adaptation in emerging markets where investment is needed most. However, 59% of respondents plan to increase their adaptation investments over the next 12 months. And on average, adaptation financing is expected to rise from 0.8% of global assets in 2022 to 1.4% by 2030. Rola Abu Manneh, Chief Executive Officer, Standard Chartered Bank UAE, said: "The UAE is at the forefront of fighting climate change with a solid commitment to achieve its Net Zero target by 2050; therefore, setting an example not only on a regional level, but on the international level as well. Adaptation is a shared necessity, and as our research highlights, a lack of action would probably create a shared societal burden of exponentially increasing costs." She added: "The financial sector has a crucial role to play in directing capital towards adaptation and creating the proof points to demonstrate that investing in adaptation can be a commercially viable attractive proposition for the private sector and would reflect positively on the overall economic growth." www.sc.com/adaptation-economy Notes to editors The investment required is calculated by estimating future climate damages, consulting a range of external sources, and then considering the costs to abate those damages. The economic benefit figures are calculated using a combination of the future damages avoided by the adaptation measures and the indirect economic impact of the investment of the activity on GDP. Read the full methodology. Standard Chartered We are a leading international banking group, with a presence in 59 of the world's most dynamic markets and serving clients in a further 85. Our purpose is to drive commerce and prosperity through our unique diversity, and our heritage and values are expressed in our brand promise, here for good. Standard Chartered PLC is listed on the London and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges. For more stories and expert opinions please visit Insights at sc.com. Follow Standard Chartered on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Media Contact: Khaled Abdulla, CFA Director, Head of Communications Corporate Affairs, Brand & Marketing Standard Chartered United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 52 5546 475 E-mail: [email protected] Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1983788/Standard_Chartered_Bank.jpg SOURCE Standard Chartered Bank NEW YORK, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The global alternative finance market size is estimated to increase by USD 176.15 billion from 2020 to 2025. The market's growth momentum will be progressing at a CAGR of 10% during the forecast period. Discover some insights on market size before buying the full report - Request a sample report Alternative finance market - Customer Landscape Technavio has announced its latest market research report titled Global Alternative Finance Market To help companies evaluate and develop growth strategies, the report outlines Key purchase criteria Adoption rates Adoption lifecycle Drivers of price sensitivity Get detailed insights into the market study. Buy the report! Alternative finance market Vendor Analysis Vendor Landscape - The global alternative finance market is fragmented, with the presence of several global as well as regional vendors. The market is witnessing a significant level of competition among global and regional vendors that provide solutions as well as services for alternative finance. Global players have established themselves in the market and are offering innovative solutions as well as services to clients worldwide. These players are also focusing on expanding their customer base across the world. Hence, regional players are finding it difficult to establish themselves in the market and compete with established vendors in terms of brand and reliability. A few prominent vendors that offer alternative finance in the market are CircleUp Network Inc., Crowdfunder Ltd., Fundable LLC, Funding Circle Holdings Plc, Fundrise LLC, GoFundMe Inc., Indiegogo Inc., Kickstarter PBC, LendingClub Corp., and Patreon Inc. and others. Vendor Offerings - CircleUp Network Inc. - The company offers credit loans to businesses. - The company offers credit loans to businesses. Crowdfunder Ltd. - The company offers crowdfunding solutions to individuals and institutional investors. - The company offers crowdfunding solutions to individuals and institutional investors. Fundable LLC - The company offers a crowdfunding platform to its customers. - The company offers a crowdfunding platform to its customers. Funding Circle Holdings Plc - The company offers a line of solutions for alternative finance including P2P lending and crowdfunding. Alternative finance market - Segmentation Assessment Segment Overview Technavio has segmented the market based on type (P2P lending, crowdfunding, and invoice trading) and geography (APAC, North America, Europe, South America, and MEA). The alternative finance market share growth by the P2P lending segment will be significant during the forecast period. In this model, investors provide loans to businesses, SMEs, and startups to set up or run their operations. Many SMEs have started using P2P lending platforms over recent five years as securing loans from banks has become difficult, and overdraft limits have been reduced in several countries. In addition, the rise in the number of online consumer lending platforms and the increasing use of technology in financial transactions are driving the growth of the segment. Geography Overview By geography, the global alternative finance market is segmented into APAC, North America, Europe, South America, and MEA. The report provides actionable insights and estimates the contribution of all regions to the growth of the global alternative finance market. APAC will account for 73% of the market growth during the forecast period. Factors such as the increasing penetration of the Internet and smartphones, the rapid growth of social media, and the increasing number of SMEs and startups are driving the growth of the alternative finance market in APAC. Also, the rising adoption of online platforms for lending and the presence of global and regional vendors are contributing to the growth of the regional market. Download a Sample Report Alternative finance market Market Dynamics Leading Drivers The market is driven by better returns offered by alternative finance. Compared to fixed deposits and bonds offered by financial institutions, alternative finance provides better returns. This is due to the lower operating cost of alternative finance compared with banks and other financial institutions. Alternative finance platforms have almost no physical assets such as offices and have low human resource and operating costs, low cost of capital acquisition, and low collection and billing costs. Also, since all transactions in alternative finance take place online, investors gain better returns. Such high returns offered by alternative finance platforms are driving the growth of the market in focus. Key Trends The rapid growth of alternative finance in APAC is identified as the key trend in the market. The demand for alternative financing is increasing in APAC due to a rise in the number of startups and SMEs in the region. For instance, by the end of 2018, the number of SMEs in China was approximately 18.07 million. Similarly, as of March 2020, there were 63.3 million SMEs present across India. This rise in the number of SMEs is creating significant opportunities for vendors operating in the region. Alternative finance solutions and service providers are helping SMEs by strengthening their access to credit and equity. In addition, rising internet penetration and the increasing use of smartphones are driving the growth of the global alternative finance market. Major challenges The high risk of credit default is one of the key challenges hindering the growth of the market. Many borrowers do not qualify for loans from traditional financial institutions as the chance of defaulting is high. This discourages many financers from investing in alternative finance, which may force alternative finance providers to decline borrowers or charge a higher rate of interest. These factors are reducing the growth potential in the market. Driver, Trend, and Challenges are the factors of market dynamics that state about consequences & sustainability of the businesses, find some insights from a sample report! What are the key data covered in this alternative finance market report? CAGR of the market during the forecast period Detailed information on factors that will drive the growth of the alternative finance market between 2021 and 2025 Precise estimation of the size of the alternative finance market size and its contribution to the market in focus on the parent market Accurate predictions about upcoming trends and changes in consumer behavior Growth of the alternative finance market industry across APAC, North America , Europe , South America , and MEA , , , and MEA A thorough analysis of the market's competitive landscape and detailed information about vendors Comprehensive analysis of factors that will challenge the growth of alternative finance market vendors Gain instant access to 17,000+ market research reports. Technavio's SUBSCRIPTION platform Related Reports: The trade finance market size is expected to increase by USD 12.20 billion from 2021 to 2026, and the market's growth momentum will accelerate at a CAGR of 4.38%. The growing number of exports is notably driving the trade finance market growth, although factors such as the impact due to trade war may impede the market growth. size is expected to increase by from 2021 to 2026, and the market's growth momentum will accelerate at a CAGR of 4.38%. The growing number of exports is notably driving the trade finance market growth, although factors such as the impact due to trade war may impede the market growth. The home equity lending market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 3.81% between 2022 and 2027. The size of the market is forecast to increase by USD 35,535.04 million . The massive increase in home prices is notably driving the market growth, although factors such as the fear of losing property may impede the market growth. Alternative Finance Market Scope Report Coverage Details Page number 117 Base year 2020 Forecast period 2021-2025 Growth momentum & CAGR Accelerate at a CAGR of 10% Market growth 2021-2025 USD 176.15 billion Market structure Fragmented YoY growth 2022-2023 (%) 7.95 Regional analysis APAC, North America, Europe, South America, and MEA Performing market contribution APAC at 73% Key countries China, US, UK, Germany, and Indonesia Competitive landscape Leading Vendors, Market Positioning of Vendors, Competitive Strategies, and Industry Risks Key companies profiled CircleUp Network Inc., Crowdfunder Ltd., Fundable LLC, Funding Circle Holdings Plc, Fundrise LLC, GoFundMe Inc., Indiegogo Inc., Kickstarter PBC, LendingClub Corp., and Patreon Inc. Market dynamics Parent market analysis, market growth inducers and obstacles, fast-growing and slow-growing segment analysis, COVID-19 impact and recovery analysis and future consumer dynamics, and market condition analysis for the forecast period. Customization purview If our report has not included the data that you are looking for, you can reach out to our analysts and get segments customized. Customization purview If our report has not included the data that you are looking for, you can reach out to our analysts and get segments customized. Table of contents: 1 Executive Summary 2 Market Landscape 2.1 Market ecosystem Exhibit 01: Parent market 2.2 Market characteristics Exhibit 02: Market characteristics 2.3 Value chain analysis Exhibit 03: Value chain analysis: Specialized consumer services 3 Market Sizing 3.1 Market definition Exhibit 04: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition 3.2 Market segment analysis Exhibit 05: Market segments 3.3 Market size 2020 3.4 Market outlook: Forecast for 2020 - 2025 Exhibit 06: Global - Market size and forecast 2020 - 2025 ($ billion) Exhibit 07: Global market: Year-over-year growth 2020 - 2025 (%) 3.5 Type of financial models in alternative finance 4 Five Forces Analysis 4.1 Five forces analysis Exhibit 08: Five forces analysis 2020 & 2025 4.2 Bargaining power of buyers Exhibit 09: Bargaining power of buyers 4.3 Bargaining power of suppliers Exhibit 10: Bargaining power of suppliers 4.4 Threat of new entrants Exhibit 11: Threat of new entrants 4.5 Threat of substitutes Exhibit 12: Threat of substitutes 4.6 Threat of rivalry Exhibit 13: Threat of rivalry 4.7 Market condition Exhibit 14: Market condition - Five forces 2020 5 Market Segmentation by Type 5.1 Market segments 5.2 Comparison by Type 5.3 P2P lending - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 Exhibit 17: P2P lending - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ billion) Exhibit 18: P2P lending - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%) 5.4 Crowdfunding - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 Exhibit 19: Crowdfunding - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ billion) Exhibit 20: Crowdfunding - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%) 5.5 Invoice trading - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 Exhibit 21: Invoice trading - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ billion) Exhibit 22: Invoice trading - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%) 5.6 Market opportunity by Type Exhibit 23: Market opportunity by Type 6 Customer landscape 7 Geographic Landscape 7.1 Geographic segmentation 7.2 Geographic comparison 7.3 APAC - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 7.4 North America - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 7.5 Europe - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 7.6 South America - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 7.7 MEA - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 7.8 Key leading countries 7.9 Market opportunity by geography 8 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends 8.1 Market drivers 8.2 Market challenges 8.3 Market trends 9 Vendor Landscape 9.1 Vendor landscape 9.2 Landscape disruption 9.3 Competitive scenario 10 Vendor Analysis 10.1 Vendors covered 10.2 Market positioning of vendors 10.3 CircleUp Network Inc. 10.4 Crowdfunder Ltd. 10.5 Fundable LLC 10.6 Funding Circle Holdings Plc 10.7 Fundrise LLC 10.8 GoFundMe Inc. 10.9 Indiegogo Inc. 10.10 Kickstarter PBC 10.11 LendingClub Corp. 10.12 Patreon Inc. 11 Appendix 11.1 Scope of the report 11.2 Currency conversion rates for US$ 11.3 Research methodology 11.4 List of abbreviations About Us Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavio's report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavio's comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios. Contact Technavio Research Jesse Maida Media & Marketing Executive US: +1 844 364 1100 UK: +44 203 893 3200 Email: [email protected] Website: www.technavio.com/ SOURCE Technavio ePayPolicy Earns #31 on Built In's Best Places to Work List AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Built In announced that ePayPolicy was honored in its 2023 Best Places To Work Awards. The annual awards program includes companies of all sizes, from startups to those in the enterprise, and honors both remote-first employers as well as companies in large tech markets across the U.S. "It's always an honor to receive recognition like this, especially in a city like Austin with so many great companies," said CEO Mark Engels. "Our culture, benefits and smart, motivated people help us keep and attract the talent that makes ePay such a rewarding place to work." ePayPolicy celebrated the award of four Comparably awards just last month, and was an Inc. 5000 winner in 2022. The company now serves more than 6,000 customers in the insurance industry. Built In determines the winners of Best Places to Work based on an algorithm, using company data about compensation and benefits. To reflect the benefits candidates are searching for more frequently on Built In, the program also weighs criteria like remote and flexible work opportunities, programs for DEI and other people-first cultural offerings. "It's my honor to congratulate this year's Best Places to Work winners," says Sheridan Orr, Chief Marketing Officer, Built In. "These exemplary companies understand their people are their most valuable asset, and they've stepped up to meet the modern professional's new expectations, including the desire to work for companies that deliver purpose, growth and inclusion. These winners set the stage for a human-centered future of work, and we can't wait to see that future unfold." ABOUT BUILT IN'S BEST PLACES TO WORK Built In's esteemed Best Places to Work Awards, now in its fifth year, honor companies across numerous categories: 100 Best Places to Work, 50 Best Startup Places to Work, 100 Best Midsize Places to Work, 100 Best Large Places to Work and Editor's Choice: 100 Best Hybrid Places to Work. The program honors companies remote, hybrid and in-office with the best total rewards packages across the U.S. and in the following tech hubs: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Colorado, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington DC. About ePayPolicy Built by insurance professionals for the insurance industry, ePayPolicy is the fastest, easiest and most secure way to move money for insurance. ePayPolicy's products bring insurance payments up to speed for agencies, carriers, MGAs and PFCs, with secure online payment pages and automated check processing, with CheckMate. 6,000+ insurance companies trust ePayPolicy to handle their payments every day. Learn more: ePayPolicy.com Media Contact: Justin Jaksha [email protected] 512-968-4655 SOURCE ePayPolicy BEIJING, Jan. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Chinese people are embracing a bustling winter after the country downgraded its COVID-19 management policies. It's a breakthrough in the country's three-year fight against the pandemic, but challenges still lie ahead. Along the journey, China went all out to protect its people and shared its valuable experience with the world. Lives protected China has seen declining numbers of fever patients, emergency visits and critical COVID-19 cases across the country, according to statements at a press conference held by the State Council joint COVID-19 prevention and control mechanism on Saturday. The number of critical cases in hospitals peaked on January 5 at 128,000, and dropped to 105,000 on January 12, said Jiao Yahui, head of the Bureau of Medical Administration under the National Health Commission (NHC). To strike a balance between saving lives and ensuring economic activity, China's COVID-19 policies have bought time in which greater protections have been developed and the virus has become less deadly. As of January 13, over 661 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and over 6.7 million related deaths had been reported globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). China's death rate per 100,000 people stood at 2.29 as of January 13, according to the WHO, which is 1/37 of the global average and 1/143 of the United States. The case fatality rate in China was 0.31 percent, far below the 1.01 percent global average and the 1.09 percent of the U.S. as of January 13, data from the WHO showed. Putting "people first, life first" at the core of COVID-19 policymaking, China owes its low death rate to its strict prevention and control measures in the past three years. "Based on the global average infection rate, China has prevented about 47.84 million infections and 950,000 deaths," said Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, at a public meeting in November of 2021. At that time, Wu presented the figures to explain why China had to stick to its dynamic zero policy even though the U.S. and some European countries had relaxed their prevention and control strategies. If projected using the death rate in the U.S., China has prevented over 3 million deaths, Wu added. Experience shared When the outbreak first occurred in 2020, China took strong measures to prevent the virus' further transmission by shutting exit channels, which created valuable space for the international community to make preparations. China has been consistently sharing its information on the epidemic. It promptly reported the outbreak to the WHO, shared the genome sequencing results with the world and published its control and treatment protocols. All these moves facilitated COVID-19 prevention and control in the international community, and the research and development of vaccines and testing tools. In order to share its experience, the country organized over 300 exchange events on epidemic control and medical treatment with over 180 countries and regions and more than 10 international organizations, according to the NHC. In addition, 37 medical teams were sent to 34 countries to help out at the front line. During the past three years, China has updated 10 pilot editions of COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment protocols. As traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of the disease, China has held over 100 video exchange and live-streaming events to introduce TCM diagnosis and treatment methods to more than 150 countries and regions. Medical tools developed During the precious low-infection window its policies created, China worked against time to develop COVID-19 drugs while promoting vaccination. Both domestically developed and imported drugs have been approved for emergency use by China's medical products regulator. More than 10 oral drugs for COVID-19 treatment are being researched and developed in China. So far, 13 COVID-19 vaccines have been approved by the National Medical Products Administration for conditional marketing or emergency use in China. They can be inhaled or given to people through injection and nasal spray. To build an immunity barrier against the virus, the Chinese government provided free vaccines for all and continued to improve the vaccination rate. The number of people in China fully vaccinated accounted for over 90 percent of the total population as of mid-December 2022. Meanwhile, over 4.6 million Chinese citizens living and working in 180 countries have benefited from the "Spring Sprout" vaccine campaign, China's global campaign to inoculate its nationals living and working abroad, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. China was the first country to announce it would make its COVID-19 vaccine a global public good. It also took the lead in waiving intellectual property rights for COVID-19 vaccines and conducting joint production with developing countries. The country has offered more than 2.2 billion doses of vaccines to over 120 countries and international organizations. It also provided hundreds of billions of epidemic control materials to 153 countries and 15 international organizations. https://news.cgtn.com/news/2023-01-15/China-protects-lives-shares-experience-in-global-COVID-19-fight--1gBV8M2PGGA/index.html SOURCE CGTN NEW YORK, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The global digital education content market size is estimated to increase by USD 47.10 billion. The market's growth momentum will progress at a CAGR of 11.94%. Discover some insights on market size before buying the full report -Request a sample report Technavio has announced its latest market research report titled Global Digital Education Content Market Global digital education content market- Customer landscape To help companies evaluate and develop growth strategies, the report outlines Key purchase criteria Adoption rates Adoption lifecycle Drivers of price sensitivity Global digital education content market Vendor analysis Vendor Landscape - The global digital education content market is fragmented, with the presence of several global as well as regional vendors. A few prominent vendors that offer digital education content in the market are Adobe Inc., Ambow Education Holding Ltd., Apollo Global Management Inc., Articulate Global Inc., Cambridge University Press, Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc., Coursera Inc., D2L Corp., Echo360 Inc., Edutech, MPS Ltd., New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc., NIIT Ltd., Oxford University Press, Pearson Plc, Providence Equity Partners LLC, Purdue University, TAL Education Group, Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd., Totara Learning Solutions Ltd., and Vedantu Innovations Pvt. Ltd. and others. The global digital education content market is at its growing stage. This implies that the market in focus is characterized by the rapid penetration of internet-enabled devices, growing emphasis on personalized learning, and growing government initiatives to support digital education. Vendor offerings - Adobe Inc: The company offers the digital education content authoring tool Adobe Captivate which enables educational institutions to create and design a range of digital education content. The company offers the digital education content authoring tool Adobe Captivate which enables educational institutions to create and design a range of digital education content. Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc: The company offers digital educational content for higher education, test preparation, English language, and e-journals for library reference in the downloadable digital format. The company offers digital educational content for higher education, test preparation, English language, and e-journals for library reference in the downloadable digital format. MPS Ltd : The company offers digital educational content through platforms such as DigiCore and MPSTrak. : The company offers digital educational content through platforms such as DigiCore and MPSTrak. For Details on vendor and its offerings Buy the report! Global digital education content market - Segmentation assessment Segment overview Technavio has segmented the market based on end-user (K-12 and higher education) and geography (North America, APAC, Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa). The market share growth of the K-12 segment will be higher than the other segments during the forecast period. As a part of providing digital education technology, schools are distributing digital textbooks to students. Due to the high cost and limited accessibility of traditional printed textbooks, educational institutions are keeping more emphasis on creating digital content libraries and online resources. Additionally, online testing and evaluation are rapidly gaining popularity in the K12 digital education content market due to their flexibility and other advantages. Geography overview By geography, the global digital education content market is segmented into North America, APAC, Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa. The report provides actionable insights and estimates the contribution of all regions to the growth of the global digital education content market. North America will account for 47% of the market's growth during the forecast period. The US and Canada are the key markets for the digital education content market in North America . Market growth in this region will be faster than the growth of the market in Europe . The market for digital education content in North America will increase due to the increasing acceptance of online degrees during the forecast period. Download a Sample Report Global digital education content market Market dynamics Leading Drivers - The rapid penetration of internet-enabled devices is one of the key drivers supporting the digital education content market growth. Through cloud computing, many vendors are helping educational institutions to create and improve digital library systems. The education system in emerging economies like India and China is rapidly adopting digital education in an effort to emulate Western economies like the US and the UK. This is due to the rapid growth of high-speed internet infrastructure in these nations. . These factors will drive the digital education content market growth during the forecast period. Key Trends - The rising influence of data analytics in digital education is one of the key digital education content market trends fueling market growth. Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in the adoption of data analytics software and technologies, including Big Data. As a result, many companies are combining data analytics with educational content offerings to allow students to monitor their engagement in learning activities. On the other hand, the need for personalized learning in the education industry is rising. This will accelerate the use of data analytics, driving the growth of the global market for digital educational materials Major challenges - Increased availability of open educational resources is one of the factors hampering the digital education content market growth. A major threat to the global market for digital education content has been the wide availability of educational resources online that have been authorized by educators and academic institutions. Open educational resources are created through content partnerships between internet platforms and numerous colleges and universities. Additionally, by paying a little price, students can benefit from advanced-level course certification. Therefore, the expansion of the digital education content market will be hampered during the projected period due to the easy accessibility of educational resources. Driver, Trend & Challenges are the factor of market dynamics which states about consequences & sustainability of the businesses, find some insights from a sample report ! What are the key data covered in this digital education content market report? CAGR of the market during the forecast period Detailed information on factors that will drive the growth of the digital education content market between 2022 and 2026 Precise estimation of the size of the digital education content market and its contribution to the parent market Accurate predictions about upcoming trends and changes in consumer behavior Growth of the digital education content market across North America , APAC, Europe , South America , Middle East and Africa , APAC, , , and A thorough analysis of the market's competitive landscape and detailed information about vendors Comprehensive analysis of factors that will challenge the growth of digital education content market vendors Gain instant access to 17,000+ market research reports. Technavio's SUBSCRIPTION platform Related Reports: K-12 Testing and Assessment Market by Product, Method, and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027: The k-12 testing and assessment market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 10.21% between 2022 and 2027. The size of the market is forecast to increase by USD 9,895.67 million. The increasing use of analytics is notably driving market growth, although factors such as credibility issues may impede market growth. Global Alternative Credentials Market for Higher Education by Product, Delivery mode, and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027: The alternative credentials market for the higher education market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 17.8% between 2022 and 2027. The widening skills gap is notably driving the market growth, although factors such as threats from the traditional degree program providers may impede the market growth. Digital Education Content Market Scope Report Coverage Details Page number 120 Base year 2021 Historic period 2017-2021 Forecast period 2022-2026 Growth momentum & CAGR Accelerate at a CAGR of 11.94% Market growth 2022-2026 USD 47.10 billion Market structure Fragmented YoY growth 2022-2023 (%) 10.34 Regional analysis North America, APAC, Europe, South America, Middle East and Africa Performing market contribution North America at 47% Key countries US, Canada, China, UK, and Germany Competitive landscape Leading Vendors, Market Positioning of Vendors, Competitive Strategies, and Industry Risks Key companies profiled Adobe Inc., Ambow Education Holding Ltd., Apollo Global Management Inc., Articulate Global Inc., Cambridge University Press, Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc., Coursera Inc., D2L Corp., Echo360 Inc., Edutech, MPS Ltd., New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc., NIIT Ltd., Oxford University Press, Pearson Plc, Providence Equity Partners LLC, Purdue University, TAL Education Group, Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd., Totara Learning Solutions Ltd., and Vedantu Innovations Pvt. Ltd. Market dynamics Parent Market Analysis; Market growth inducers and obstacles; Fast-growing and slow-growing segment analysis for the forecast period Customization purview If our report has not included the data that you are looking for, you can reach out to our analysts and get segments customized. Customization purview If our report has not included the data that you are looking for, you can reach out to our analysts and get segments customized. Browse for Technavio "Consumer Discretionary" Research Reports Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 1.1 Market overview Exhibit 01: Executive Summary Chart on Market Overview Exhibit 02: Executive Summary Data Table on Market Overview Exhibit 03: Executive Summary Chart on Global Market Characteristics Exhibit 04: Executive Summary Chart on Market by Geography Exhibit 05: Executive Summary Chart on Market Segmentation by End-user Exhibit 06: Executive Summary Chart on Incremental Growth Exhibit 07: Executive Summary Data Table on Incremental Growth Exhibit 08: Executive Summary Chart on Vendor Market Positioning 2 Market Landscape 2.1 Market ecosystem Exhibit 09: Parent market Exhibit 10: Market Characteristics 3 Market Sizing 3.1 Market definition Exhibit 11: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition 3.2 Market segment analysis Exhibit 12: Market segments 3.3 Market size 2021 3.4 Market outlook: Forecast for 2021-2026 Exhibit 13: Chart on Global - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 14: Data Table on Global - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 15: Chart on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 16: Data Table on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 4 Five Forces Analysis 4.1 Five forces summary Exhibit 17: Five forces analysis - Comparison between2021 and 2026 4.2 Bargaining power of buyers Exhibit 18: Chart on Bargaining power of buyers Impact of key factors 2021 and 2026 4.3 Bargaining power of suppliers Exhibit 19: Bargaining power of suppliers Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 4.4 Threat of new entrants Exhibit 20: Threat of new entrants Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 4.5 Threat of substitutes Exhibit 21: Threat of substitutes Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 4.6 Threat of rivalry Exhibit 22: Threat of rivalry Impact of key factors in 2021 and 2026 4.7 Market condition Exhibit 23: Chart on Market condition - Five forces 2021 and 2026 5 Market Segmentation by End-user 5.1 Market segments Exhibit 24: Chart on End-user - Market share 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 25: Data Table on End-user - Market share 2021-2026 (%) 5.2 Comparison by End-user Exhibit 26: Chart on Comparison by End-user Exhibit 27: Data Table on Comparison by End-user 5.3 K -12 - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 -12 - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 28: Chart on K-12 - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 29: Data Table on K-12 - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 30: Chart on K-12 - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 31: Data Table on K-12 - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 5.4 Higher Education - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 32: Chart on Higher Education - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 33: Data Table on Higher Education - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 34: Chart on Higher Education - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 35: Data Table on Higher Education - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 5.5 Market opportunity by End-user Exhibit 36: Market opportunity by End-user ($ million) 6 Customer Landscape 6.1 Customer landscape overview Exhibit 37: Analysis of price sensitivity, lifecycle, customer purchase basket, adoption rates, and purchase criteria 7 Geographic Landscape 7.1 Geographic segmentation Exhibit 38: Chart on Market share by geography 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 39: Data Table on Market share by geography 2021-2026 (%) 7.2 Geographic comparison Exhibit 40: Chart on Geographic comparison Exhibit 41: Data Table on Geographic comparison 7.3 North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 42: Chart on North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 43: Data Table on North America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 44: Chart on North America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 45: Data Table on North America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 7.4 APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 46: Chart on APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 47: Data Table on APAC - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 48: Chart on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 49: Data Table on APAC - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 7.5 Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 50: Chart on Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 51: Data Table on Europe - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 52: Chart on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 53: Data Table on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 7.6 South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 54: Chart on South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 55: Data Table on South America - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 56: Chart on South America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 57: Data Table on South America - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 7.7 Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 and - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 58: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) and - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 59: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) and - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 60: Chart on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) and - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 61: Data Table on Middle East and Africa - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 7.8 China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 62: Chart on China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 63: Data Table on China - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 64: Chart on China - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 65: Data Table on China - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 7.9 US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 66: Chart on US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 67: Data Table on US - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 68: Chart on US - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 69: Data Table on US - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 7.10 Canada - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 70: Chart on Canada - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 71: Data Table on Canada - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 72: Chart on Canada - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 73: Data Table on Canada - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 7.11 Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 74: Chart on Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 75: Data Table on Germany - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 76: Chart on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 77: Data Table on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 7.12 UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 Exhibit 78: Chart on UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 79: Data Table on UK - Market size and forecast 2021-2026 ($ million) Exhibit 80: Chart on UK - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) Exhibit 81: Data Table on UK - Year-over-year growth 2021-2026 (%) 7.13 Market opportunity by geography Exhibit 82: Market opportunity by geography ($ million) 8 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends 8.1 Market drivers 8.2 Market challenges 8.3 Impact of drivers and challenges Exhibit 83: Impact of drivers and challenges in 2021 and 2026 8.4 Market trends 9 Vendor Landscape 9.1 Overview 9.2 Vendor landscape Exhibit 84: Overview on Criticality of inputs and Factors of differentiation 9.3 Landscape disruption Exhibit 85: Overview on factors of disruption 9.4 Industry risks Exhibit 86: Impact of key risks on business 10 Vendor Analysis 10.1 Vendors covered Exhibit 87: Vendors covered 10.2 Market positioning of vendors Exhibit 88: Matrix on vendor position and classification 10.3 Adobe Inc. Exhibit 89: Adobe Inc. - Overview Exhibit 90: Adobe Inc. - Business segments Exhibit 91: Adobe Inc. - Key news Exhibit 92: Adobe Inc. - Key offerings Exhibit 93: Adobe Inc. - Segment focus 10.4 Apollo Global Management Inc. Exhibit 94: Apollo Global Management Inc. - Overview Exhibit 95: Apollo Global Management Inc. - Business segments Exhibit 96: Apollo Global Management Inc. - Key offerings Exhibit 97: Apollo Global Management Inc. - Segment focus 10.5 Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc. Exhibit 98: Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc. - Overview Exhibit 99: Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc. - Business segments Exhibit 100: Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc. - Key offerings Exhibit 101: Cengage Learning Holdings II Inc. - Segment focus 10.6 MPS Ltd. Exhibit 102: MPS Ltd. - Overview Exhibit 103: MPS Ltd. - Business segments Exhibit 104: MPS Ltd. - Key offerings Exhibit 105: MPS Ltd. - Segment focus 10.7 New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc. Exhibit 106: New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc. - Overview Exhibit 107: New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc. - Business segments Exhibit 108: New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc. - Key offerings Exhibit 109: New Oriental Education and Technology Group Inc. - Segment focus 10.8 NIIT Ltd. Exhibit 110: NIIT Ltd. - Overview Exhibit 111: NIIT Ltd. - Business segments Exhibit 112: NIIT Ltd. - Key news Exhibit 113: NIIT Ltd. - Key offerings Exhibit 114: NIIT Ltd. - Segment focus 10.9 Pearson Plc Exhibit 115: Pearson Plc - Overview Exhibit 116: Pearson Plc - Business segments Exhibit 117: Pearson Plc - Key offerings Exhibit 118: Pearson Plc - Segment focus 10.10 Providence Equity Partners LLC Exhibit 119: Providence Equity Partners LLC - Overview Exhibit 120: Providence Equity Partners LLC - Business segments Exhibit 121: Providence Equity Partners LLC - Key offerings Exhibit 122: Providence Equity Partners LLC - Segment focus 10.11 TAL Education Group Exhibit 123: TAL Education Group - Overview Exhibit 124: TAL Education Group - Business segments Exhibit 125: TAL Education Group - Key offerings Exhibit 126: TAL Education Group - Segment focus 10.12 Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. Exhibit 127: Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. - Overview Exhibit 128: Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. - Product / Service Exhibit 129: Think and Learn Pvt. Ltd. - Key offerings 11 Appendix 11.1 Scope of the report 11.2 Inclusions and exclusions checklist Exhibit 130: Inclusions checklist Exhibit 131: Exclusions checklist 11.3 Currency conversion rates for US$ Exhibit 132: Currency conversion rates for US$ 11.4 Research methodology Exhibit 133: Research methodology Exhibit 134: Validation techniques employed for market sizing Exhibit 135: Information sources 11.5 List of abbreviations Exhibit 136: List of abbreviations About Us Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavio's report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavio's comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios. Contact Technavio Research Jesse Maida Media & Marketing Executive US: +1 844 364 1100 UK: +44 203 893 3200 Email: [email protected] Website: www.technavio.com/ SOURCE Technavio NEW YORK, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The global e-book market size is estimated to increase by USD 6.93 billion. The market's growth momentum will progress at a CAGR of 7.25%. Discover some insights on market size before buying the full report -Request a sample report Technavio has announced its latest market research report titled Global E-Book Market Global e-book market - Customer landscape To help companies evaluate and develop growth strategies, the report outlines Key purchase criteria Adoption rates Adoption lifecycle Drivers of price sensitivity Global e-book market Vendor analysis Vendor Landscape - The global e-book market is fragmented, with the presence of several global as well as regional vendors. A few prominent vendors that offer e-books in the market are Amazon.com Inc., Apple Inc., Bertelsmann SE and Co. KGaA, Cengage Learning Inc., Hachette Livre, HarperCollins Publishers, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Kensington publishing corp., Macmillan publishers, McGraw Hill and others. The global e-book market is at its growing stage. This implies that the market in focus is characterized by benefits and reader engagement of eBooks, rising adoption of online local language translation modules in eBooks, and proliferation of smart devices and applications. Vendor landscape The global eBook market is highly competitive due to the presence of established vendors and emerging startups that offer innovative solutions to consumers willing to subscribe to eBooks for a limited duration at a definite cost. Vendors across the globe are also proliferating different methods of payment, such as the pay-as-you-go and subscription models, to reach out to every segment and the different needs of different consumers. A few eBook companies are also collaborating with schools and educational institutions to establish their presence in the academic segment. This, in turn, is leading to the growth of the market during the forecast period. For details on the vendor and its offerings Buy the report! Global e-book market - Segmentation assessment Segment overview Technavio has segmented the market based on the product (consumer eBook, professional eBook, and educational eBook) and geography (North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and MEA). The market share growth of the consumer e-book segment will be higher than the other segments during the forecast period. The demand for fiction books is growing due to the evolving reading habits of individuals. Geography overview By geography, the global e-book market is segmented into North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and MEA. The report provides actionable insights and estimates the contribution of all regions to the growth of the global e-book market. North America will account for 45% of the market's growth during the forecast period. US and Canada are the key markets for the e-book market in North America . Market growth in this region will be faster than the growth of the market in the MEA. eBooks provide various advantages such as increased accessibility, lower prices, and increased student engagement through interactive content. All these factors will help the North American e-book market to grow over the forecast period. Download a Sample Report Global e-Book market Market dynamics Leading Drivers - The benefits and reader engagement of e-books are notably driving the electronic book market growth. As E-books generally offer many attractive features compared to print books, the popularity of e-books has increased significantly. For instance, many e-books offer multiple features like augmented reality, gaming, and several applications that improve reader engagement. By using verbal interactions, readers can enable a read-aloud option with additional sounds and modifications to make stories more interesting. Key trends - The rising adoption of online local language translation modules in eBooks is the key market trend driving the electronic book market growth. The localization of content and online local language translations are becoming more significant in the worldwide eBook market due to the variety of native languages spoken in different nations. Customers favor purchasing eBooks that are relatable and easy to understand. Furthermore, the publishers are considering the availability of eBooks in various local languages online as an advantage to their business. Thus, the localization of eBooks will drive the growth of the market during the forecast period. Major challenges - The growing number of privacy breaches is the major challenge impeding the electronic book market growth. The growing surge of copyright infringements has threatened the vendors and publishers operating in the global eBook market. Piracy and illegal file-sharing have also become a threat to the expansion of the worldwide eBook market due to the increasing use of the internet. The growing risk of eBook piracy concerns publishers' interests as well as the financial health of businesses. Thus, it is expected that illegal copying of intellectual content will restrain the growth of the worldwide eBook market throughout the projected period. Driver, Trend & Challenges are the factor of market dynamics that states about consequences & sustainability of the businesses, find some insights from a sample report! What are the key data covered in this E-book market report? CAGR of the market during the forecast period Detailed information on factors that will drive the growth of the e-book market between 2022 and 2026 Precise estimation of the size of the e-book market and its contribution to the parent market Accurate predictions about upcoming trends and changes in consumer behavior Growth of the e-book market across North America , Europe , APAC, South America , and MEA , , APAC, , and MEA A thorough analysis of the market's competitive landscape and detailed information about vendors Comprehensive analysis of factors that will challenge the growth of e-book market vendors Gain instant access to 17,000+ market research reports. Technavio's SUBSCRIPTION platform Related Reports: Global Alternative Credentials Market for Higher Education by Product, Delivery mode, and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027: The alternative credentials market for the higher education market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 17.8% between 2022 and 2027. The widening skills gap is notably driving the market growth, although factors such as threats from the traditional degree program providers may impede the market growth. Higher Education Market by Product, End-user and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027: The higher education market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 14.49% between 2022 and 2027. The size of the market is forecast to increase by USD 63,368.82 million. The advent of changes in educational content delivery methods is notably driving the market growth, although factors such as the rising cost of higher education may impede the market growth. E-Book Market Scope Report Coverage Details Page number 118 Base year 2021 Historic period 2017-2021 Forecast period 2022-2026 Growth momentum & CAGR Accelerate at a CAGR of 7.25% Market growth 2022-2026 USD 6.93 billion Market structure Fragmented YoY growth 2022-2023 (%) 6.04 Regional analysis North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and MEA Performing market contribution North America at 45% Key countries US, Canada, UK, Germany, China, and Italy Competitive landscape Leading Vendors, Market Positioning of Vendors, Competitive Strategies, and Industry Risks Key companies profiled Amazon.com Inc., Apple Inc., Bertelsmann SE and Co. KGaA, Cengage Learning Inc., Hachette Livre, HarperCollins Publishers, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Kensington publishing corp., Macmillan publishers, and McGraw Hill Market dynamics Parent Market Analysis; Market growth inducers and obstacles; Fast-growing and slow-growing segment analysis for the forecast period Customization purview If our report has not included the data that you are looking for, you can reach out to our analysts and get segments customized. Customization purview If our report has not included the data that you are looking for, you can reach out to our analysts and get segments customized. Browse for Technavio "Consumer Discretionary" Research Reports Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 2 Market Landscape 2.1 Market ecosystem Exhibit 01: Parent market Exhibit 02: Market characteristics 2.2 Value chain analysis Exhibit 03: Value Chain Analysis: Education Services 3 Market Sizing 3.1 Market definition Exhibit 04: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition 3.2 Market segment analysis Exhibit 05: Market segments 3.3 Market size 2020 3.4 Market outlook: Forecast for 2020 - 2025 Exhibit 06: Global - Market size and forecast 2020 - 2025 ($ million) Exhibit 07: Global market: Year-over-year growth 2020 - 2025 (%) 4 Five Forces Analysis 4.1 Five Forces Summary Exhibit 08: Five forces analysis 2020 & 2025 4.2 Bargaining power of buyers Exhibit 09: Bargaining power of buyers 4.3 Bargaining power of suppliers Exhibit 10: Bargaining power of suppliers 4.4 Threat of new entrants Exhibit 11: Threat of new entrants 4.5 Threat of substitutes Exhibit 12: Threat of substitutes 4.6 Threat of rivalry Exhibit 13: Threat of rivalry 4.7 Market condition Exhibit 14: Market condition - Five forces 2020 5 Market Segmentation by Product 5.1 Market segments Exhibit 15: Product - Market share 2020-2025 (%) 5.2 Comparison by Product Exhibit 16: Comparison by Product 5.3 Consumer eBook - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 Exhibit 17: Consumer eBook - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ million) Exhibit 18: Consumer eBook - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%) 5.4 Professional eBook - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 Exhibit 19: Professional eBook - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ million) Exhibit 20: Professional eBook - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%) 5.5 Educational eBook - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 Exhibit 21: Educational eBook - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 ($ million) Exhibit 22: Educational eBook - Year-over-year growth 2020-2025 (%) 5.6 Market opportunity by Product Exhibit 23: Market opportunity by Product 6 Customer landscape 7 Segment by Platform Usage 7.1 Smartphones 7.2 Tablets 7.3 Others 8 Geographic Landscape 8.1 Geographic segmentation 8.2 Geographic comparison 8.3 North America - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 8.4 Europe - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 8.5 APAC - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 8.6 South America - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 8.7 MEA - Market size and forecast 2020-2025 8.8 Key leading countries 8.9 Market opportunity by geography 9 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends 9.1 Market drivers 9.2 Market challenges 9.3 Market trends 10 Vendor Landscape 10.1 Overview 10.2 Vendor landscape 10.3 Landscape disruption 11 Vendor Analysis 11.1 Vendors covered 11.2 Market positioning of vendors 11.3 Amazon.com Inc. 11.4 Apple Inc. 11.5 Bertelsmann SE and Co. KGaA 11.6 Cengage Learning Inc. 11.7 Hachette Livre 11.8 HarperCollins Publishers 11.9 John Wiley and Sons Inc. 11.10 Kensington publishing corp. 11.11 Macmillan publishers 11.12 McGraw Hill 12 Appendix 12.1 Scope of the report 12.2 Currency conversion rates for US$ 12.3 Research methodology 12.4 List of abbreviations About Us Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavio's report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavio's comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios. Contact Technavio Research Jesse Maida Media & Marketing Executive US: +1 844 364 1100 UK: +44 203 893 3200 Email: [email protected] Website: www.technavio.com/ SOURCE Technavio NEW YORK, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A latest research report [115+] pages with 360-Degree visibility, titled "Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report, By Substrate (Nonwoven, Vinyl, Paper, and Others); By Printing Technology; By End-Use Sector; By Region; Segment Forecast, 2023 - 2032" published by Polaris Market Research in its research repository. According to the research study, the global digitally printed wallpaper market size & share was valued at USD 3.63 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow USD .33 Billion by 2032, at a CAGR of 19.4% during the forecast period. What is Digitally Printed Wallpaper? How Big is Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market? Report Overview Often used for murals, digitally printed wallpaper is one of the varied non-impact technologies where the image or pattern is created, manipulated, and finalized by electronic systems and printed by computer-controlled printers. The rapid rise in the demand for the digitally printed wallpaper market can be attributed to the fact that digital wallpaper manufacturers don't have to sit on the stock, and they can easily print custom wallpaper on demand. The primary factor contributing to the high market growth is the organic growth of the construction industry with the growing demand for aesthetically pleasing and customized interiors. Further progression in digital printing technologies with contemporary developments in industrial digital printing and printing systems and never-ending designs provided by the technology with high quality and finishing are boosting the demand for digitally printed wallpapers globally. Request Sample Copy of Research Report @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/digitally-printed-wallpaper-market/request-for-sample (The sample of this report is readily available on request. The report sample contains a brief introduction to the research report, Table of Contents, Graphical introduction of regional analysis, Top players in the market with their revenue analysis and our research methodology.) Our Sample Report May Includes: 2030 Updated Report Introduction, Overview, and In-depth industry analysis 115+ Pages Research Report (Inclusion of Updated Research) Provide Chapter-wise guidance on Request 2022 Updated Regional Analysis with Graphical Representation of Size, Share & Trends Includes Updated List of table & figures Updated Report Includes Top Market Players with their Business Strategy, Sales Volume, and Revenue Analysis. Some of the Top Market Players Are: 4Walls.Inc. A.S. Creation Tapeten AG Flavor Paper Limited Great Wall Custom Coverings Corporation Hollywood Monster Company Identity Holdings Ltd Moonavoor Seinakattestuudio Muraspec Group ltd MX Display Corporation Peggy-Betty Designs Ltd Surface Print Ltd Tapetenfabrik Gebr. Rasch GmbH & Co. KG The Printed Wallpaper Company Vision Sign To know an additional revised list of top market players, request a sample report, 2023 - 2032: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/digitally-printed-wallpaper-market/request-for-sample Key Highlights of the Report Market structure involving overview, industry life cycle analysis, supply chain analysis Market environmental analysis involving growth drivers and constraints, porter's five forces analysis, and SWOT analysis Market trend and forecast analysis Market segment trend and forecast Competitive landscape and dynamics, including market share, product portfolio, and product launches Growth Driving Factors The affordability of digital wallpapers to push the market Digitally printed wallpapers are most affordable than interior paint and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the walls. Further, better aesthetics are in high demand, especially in residential development. Additionally, digitally displayed wallpapers improvise the aesthetic appeal of wall space while also preserving it from damage. For instance, some wallpapers, such as grass cloth printed on a fabric backing, can be installed on rough surfaces assisting in safeguarding structures from the elements while sustaining their visual appeal. The digitally printed wallpaper market size is expanding because they have a remarkably long lifespan than conventional painting. Digital wallpapers are highly demanded in the commercial sector, including gyms, malls, spas, hospitals, showrooms, and other locations. Further several companies have embraced customized wallpapers to make business interiors that symbolize the brands due to the recent advancements in digital printing. Digitally printed wallpaper market sales are soaring as colorful rooms, and office designs have been shown to boost productivity and efficiency. The graphics can be used for marketing in workplaces and commercial settings. Directly Purchase a copy of report with TOC @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/checkouts/19511 Recent developments In March 2022 , the British heritage company Laura Ashley and Graham Brown formed an alliance. Due to their collaboration, the two businesses produced a line of wallpaper with prints by Laura Ashley . Segmental Analysis The non-woven segment is anticipated to witness the fastest growth Based on substrate, the non-woven segment is anticipated to witness the fastest growth. Non-woven wallpapers are contemporary compared to vinyl and paper-based as they have only been accessible for a little over ten years. The digitally printed wallpaper market demand is rising as the core materials of wallpapers are cellulose and polyester fibers. Wall imperfections and cracks can also be hidden with non-woven wallpapers. The non-residential segment accounted for the highest market share Based on end use, the non-residential segment accounted for the highest market share. This results from the growth of busy places such as bars, clubs, and eateries. Digitally printed wallpaper market trends include an increase in the coming years due to commercial projects presently being built. Inquire more about this report before purchase @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/digitally-printed-wallpaper-market/inquire-before-buying (Inquire a report quote OR available discount offers to the sales team before purchase.) Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market Report Scope Report Attribute Details Revenue forecast in 2032 USD 21.33 Billion Market size value in 2023 USD 4.33 Billion Expected CAGR Growth 19.4% from 2023 - 2032 Base Year 2021 Forecast Year 2023 2032 Top Market Players 4Walls.Inc., A.S. Creation Tapeten AG, Flavor Paper Limited, Great Wall Custom, Coverings Corporation, Hollywood Monster Company, Identity Holdings Ltd, Moonavoor Seinakattestuudio, Muraspec Group ltd, MX Display Corporation, Peggy-Betty Designs Ltd, Surface Print Ltd, Tapetenfabrik Gebr. Rasch GmbH & Co. KG, The Printed Wallpaper Company, and Vision Sign Segments Covered By Substrate, By printing technology, By end-use sector, By Region Customization Options Customized purchase options are available to meet any research needs. Explore customized purchase options Geographic Overview Increasing investments made by the government to drive the North American market North America held the largest digitally printed wallpaper market share with increasing investments made by the government in regions such as US and Canada to enhance their infrastructure. North America is anticipated to overtake other regions as the foremost market for digitally printed wallpapers. A sizeable portion of the Asia Pacific market is contributed by China. The market demand in this region is driven by the rising requirement for low-cost decoration, the growth of new housing units, population growth, and soaring infrastructure investments. Low manufacturing costs and advantageous policies and plans such as China's national new type urbanization plan fuel market expansion in the area. Browse the Detail Report "Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report, By Substrate (Nonwoven, Vinyl, Paper, and Others); By Printing Technology; By End-Use Sector; By Region; Segment Forecast, 2023 - 2032" with in-depth TOC: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/digitally-printed-wallpaper-market For Additional Information OR Media Enquiry, Please Mail At: [email protected] Polaris Market Research has segmented the Digitally Printed Wallpaper Market report based on substrate, printing technology, end-use sector, and region: By Substrate Outlook Nonwoven Vinyl Paper Other Glass Fiber Canvas Grass Cloth By printing Technology Outlook Inkjet Electrophotography By End Use Sector Outlook Non Residential Residential Automotive & Transportation By Region Outlook North America (U.S., Canada ) (U.S., ) Europe ( France , Germany , UK, Italy , Netherlands , Spain , Russia ) ( , , UK, , , , ) Asia Pacific ( Japan , China , India , Malaysia , Indonesia . South Korea ) ( , , , , . ) Latin America ( Brazil , Mexico , Argentina ) ( , , ) Middle East & Africa ( Saudi Arabia , UAE, Israel , South Africa ) About Polaris Market Research Polaris Market Research is a global market research and consulting company. The company specializes in providing exceptional market intelligence and in-depth business research services for PMR's clientele spread across different enterprises. We at Polaris are obliged to serve PMR's diverse customer base present across the industries of healthcare, technology, semi-conductors and chemicals among various other industries present around the world. We strive to provide PMR's customers with updated information on innovative technologies, high growth markets, emerging business environments and latest business-centric applications, thereby helping them always to make informed decisions and leverage new opportunities. Adept with a highly competent, experienced and extremely qualified team of experts comprising SMEs, analysts and consultants, we at Polaris endeavor to deliver value-added business solutions to PMR's customers. Contact: Likhil G 30 Wall Street 8th Floor, New York City, NY 10005, United States Phone: +1-929 297-9727 Email: [email protected] Web: https://www.polarismarketresearch.com Follow US: LinkedIn | twitter Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1316207/Polaris_Market_Research_Logo.jpg SOURCE Polaris Market Research DUBLIN, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Smart Port Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report, By Technology; By Port Type; By Throughput Capacity; By Element; By Region; Segment Forecast, 2022 - 2030" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The global smart port market size is expected to reach USD 11.15 billion by 2030, according to a new study. The report gives a detailed insight into current market dynamics and provides analysis on future market growth. Growing technology advancement and the eventual results of ease of technology adoption are driving the adoption of smart technologies in all forms of ports. National and international trade via marine transportation has risen significantly in recent years. International trade relies heavily on maritime transport. Ocean shipment is the primary mode of global trade. According to UNCTAD, approximately 80% of the capacity of international trade in goods is managed to carry by sea, with the percentage being even greater in most developing countries. This mode of transportation is less expensive and more practical for international trade than a street, rail, and air transport. Maritime transportation trade increased by 4.1% in the fiscal year 2021, according to UNCTAD, and is predicted to grow at a modest annual rate of much more than 2.4% from 2022 to 2026. The international shipping fleet expanded by 3.0% in 2021, following similar trends. The enhanced global trade activity has increased the strain on shipyards and decks. The increased activities have compelled harbor authorities to adopt smart solutions and techniques for automating various harbor operations. The market is expected to grow due to a growing emphasis on reducing operational expenses. With exhibited enhanced size, port traffic, and cargo amounts, global trade is expanding at a rapid pace. This has enhanced the workload on dockyards and ports. According to the United Nations Comtrade (UN Comtrade), the United States reported annual trade of over USD 949 billion in 2018, the highest in the world. Such increased trade necessitates operational efficiency and a standardized workflow. To improve the operational efficiency of regular port activities, smart ports implement novel and cutting-edge technologies such as AI and IoT. It lowers logistics costs while also increasing efficiency. As a consequence, the market is expected to grow during the projected timeline. Additionally, large market players are entering contracts with government agencies to establish advanced AI-based alternatives for dockyards and port construction infrastructure. In June 2022, the Port of Rotterdam in Germany and the Port of Baie Comeau in Canada also agreed to cooperate in investigating the Port of Baie-future Comeau's expansion and development. The ports have committed to carrying out a Master Plan Study, which will include cargo flow analyses as well as technological port infrastructure evaluations. Such technological products and collaborative partnerships between organizations and government bodies are expected to drive the market throughout the forecast period. Smart Port Market Report Highlights Moderately Busy segment is anticipated to grow at a maximum CAGR over the study period. The significant investment potential, combined with fewer operations and thus fewer complexities in the technology adoption, is anticipated to increase the product demand. Seaport segment accounted for a major revenue share. The amount of automation at ports varies depending on various factors, such as the average amount of operations, capabilities, and size. Seaports handle an enormous amount of cargo as well as passenger numbers. As a result, these ports have high demands for smart technologies to ensure effective dock operations. Europe is expected to grow at a high CAGR over the projected period. Ports in Europe are relatively small, but they manage a large volume of cargo. Furthermore, European ports can no longer compete solely on port size, as ports of relatively smaller size/capacity manage as much tra?c as large-sized ports. is expected to grow at a high CAGR over the projected period. Ports in are relatively small, but they manage a large volume of cargo. Furthermore, European ports can no longer compete solely on port size, as ports of relatively smaller size/capacity manage as much tra?c as large-sized ports. The global market players include Abu Dhabi Ports, IBM Corporation, Ikusi Redes de Telecomunicaciones, S.L., Navis LLC, Ramboll Group A/S, Royal Haskoning, Trelleborg AB, The Port of Rotterdam , Wipro Limited, and WISTA The Netherlands. Companies Mentioned Abu Dhabi Ports Awake.Ai Accenture Inc. ABB Limited Cisco Corporation General Electric Limited IBM Corporation Ikusi Redes de Telecomunicaciones S.L. Navis LLC Ramboll Group A/S Royal Haskoning Siemens AG Trelleborg AB The Port of Rotterdam Wipro Limited WISTA The Netherlands Key Topics Covered: 1. Introduction 2. Executive Summary 3. Research Methodology 4. Global Smart Port Market Insights 4.1. Smart Port - Industry Snapshot 4.2. Smart Port Market Dynamics 4.2.1. Drivers and Opportunities Increasing international maritime trade activities Adoption of advanced technology 4.2.2. Restraints and Challenges Technological complexities and interaction of numerous systems 4.3. Porter's Five Forces Analysis 4.3.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers (Moderate) 4.3.2. Threats of New Entrants: (Low) 4.3.3. Bargaining Power of Buyers (Moderate) 4.3.4. Threat of Substitute (Moderate) 4.3.5. Rivalry among existing firms (High) 4.4. PESTLE Analysis 4.5. Smart Port Industry Trends 4.6. Value Chain Analysis 4.7. COVID-19 Impact Analysis 5. Global Smart Port Market, by Technology 5.1. Key Findings 5.2. Introduction 5.2.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Technology, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.3. Process Automation 5.3.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Process Automation, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4. Blockchain 5.4.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Blockchain, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5. Internet of Things (IoT) 5.5.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Internet of Things (IoT), by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.6. Artificial Intelligence (AI) 5.6.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Artificial Intelligence (AI), by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6. Global Smart Port Market, by Element 6.1. Key Findings 6.2. Introduction 6.2.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Element, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.3. Terminal Automation & Cargo Handling 6.3.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Terminal Automation & Cargo Handling, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.4. Port Community Systems (PCS) 6.4.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Port Community Systems (PCS), by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.5. Smart Safety & Security 6.5.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Smart Safety & Security, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.6. Traffic Management Systems (TMS) 6.6.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Traffic Management Systems (TMS), by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.6.2. Automated Information System (AIS) Global Smart Port Market, by Automated Information System (AIS), by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.6.3. Real-Time Location System (RTLS) Global Smart Port Market, by Real-Time Location System (RTLS), by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.6.4. Others Global Smart Port Market, by Others, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.7. Smart Port Infrastructure 6.7.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Smart Port Infrastructure, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.7.2. Automated Moring System Global Smart Port Market, by Automated Moring System, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.7.3. Gate Automation Global Smart Port Market, by Gate Automation, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.7.4. Shore Power Global Smart Port Market, by Shore Power, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 6.7.5. Smart Energy & Environment Solution Global Smart Port Market, by Smart Energy & Environment Solution, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 7. Global Smart Port Market, by Port Type 7.1. Key Findings 7.2. Introduction 7.2.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Port Type, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 7.3. Seaport 7.3.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Seaport, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 7.4. Inland Port 7.4.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Inland Port, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 8. Global Smart Port Market, by Throughput Capacity 8.1. Key Findings 8.2. Introduction 8.2.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Throughput Capacity, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 8.3. Extensively Busy 8.3.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Extensively Busy, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 8.4. Moderately Busy 8.4.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Moderately Busy, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 8.5. Scarcely Busy 8.5.1. Global Smart Port Market, by Scarcely Busy, by Region, 2018 - 2030 (USD Billion) 9. Global Smart Port Market, by Geography 10. Competitive Landscape 10.1. Expansion and Acquisition Analysis 10.1.1. Expansion 10.1.2. Acquisitions 10.2. Partnerships/Collaborations/Agreements/Exhibitions 11. Company Profiles For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/neqmsa Media Contact: Research and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager [email protected] For E.S.T Office Hours Call +1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call +1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900 U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/539438/Research_and_Markets_Logo.jpg SOURCE Research and Markets By utilizing biometrics, developing countries can effectively work with their citizens for wide-scale enrollment and expanded public service delivery SAN ANTONIO, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The United Nations (UN) expressed its aim to "provide legal identity to all, including birth registration" by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A key motivator for achieving this goal is the reduction of mortality among children younger than 5 years old. Vaccine-preventable diseases and malnutrition are among the major dangers plaguing young children in underdeveloped countries, where newborns are vulnerable because they are at their most crucial developmental stage. Significant challenges hinder the effective and timely delivery of vaccines. The lack of reliable identity registration makes it exponentially harder to identify children who have not obtained their first vaccine dose or those that require essential follow-up vaccinations. Vaccine delivery to communities in need often does not occur because local health authorities cannot accurately track who already had the vaccine, when vaccination occurred, or what vaccines they need. Moreover, developing countries face many challenges (regulatory gaps, lack of funding and resources, and low accessibility and coverage) in effectively implementing robust ID framework systems to ensure accessible legal IDs for all. "Developing countries require thoughtful planning and the right blend of technical, financial, and political resources to establish a successful digital identity system with immense social benefits. Biometrics can play a pivotal role in contributing to this effort," noted Niihara Tetsuya, GC Director at Frost & Sullivan. "The use of multimodal biometrics is the ideal approach because it provides increased flexibility for enrollment and authentication and improved accuracy and efficiency for biometric de-duplication." NEC aims to expand the target coverage of biometric solutions to children, including newborns. NEC's purpose, principles, and achievements create a foundation for a future-ready, security-first, and biometrics-powered digital society. Every individual will be able to rely on their unique, convenient, and accessible personal identity to access the essential public services they need to live a safe and healthy life. The core benefits of biometric identification technologies include: Permanence, convenience, and increased geographic coverage. Better and faster accessibility despite literacy and communication barriers. Better security by reducing the possibility of losing documents. Higher accuracy by minimizing human authentication errors. About Frost & Sullivan For six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success. Contact us: Start the discussion. About NEC NEC Corporation has established itself as a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies while promoting the brand statement of "Orchestrating a brighter world." NEC enables businesses and communities to adapt to rapid changes taking place in both society and the market as it provides for the social values of safety, security, fairness and efficiency to promote a more sustainable world where everyone has the chance to reach their full potential. For more information, visit NEC at https://www.nec.com. Contact: Maria Celeste Bailo Corporate Communications E: [email protected] https://www.frost.com/ SOURCE Frost & Sullivan Industry Veteran John Caladim Joins San Jose-based KeyPoint SAN JOSE, Calif., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- KeyPoint Credit Union, one of the largest Credit Unions in California, named John Caladim as its new Chief Financial Officer. Most recently, Caladim was Vice President of Finance at Travis Credit Union, a $4.7 billion-asset credit union. Brad Canfield, President and CEO of KeyPoint, said, "After an extensive recruitment effort that included top candidates across the nation, we found that John possessed a unique combination of strategic experience and insight, financial expertise, and a commitment to excellence that aligns with our organizational culture. We are very pleased to have John join our executive team and look forward to his contributions toward our continued success." John Caladim Caladim has more than 25 years of financial experience, much of it related to the Credit Union industry. He has a strong background in portfolio management and Asset Liability Management (ALM) strategies. In addition to Travis Credit Union, Caladim served in leadership roles at CU Capital Market Solutions, Brean Capital, First Empire Securities and CU Investment Solutions. About KeyPoint Credit Union Inspired by Silicon Valley innovation and built to serve a diverse membership, KeyPoint is a full-service, not-for-profit credit union dedicated to providing financial solutions to help members achieve their goals in life. KeyPoint helps members make the most of their moneyearning more on savings while paying less for credit. And KeyPoint is active in the community providing free financial education programs, as well as fostering financial literacy, sponsoring reading programs and mentoring the next generation of business professionals at local educational institutions. Learn more about Next Generation Neighborhood Banking from KeyPoint Credit Union at kpcu.com. SOURCE KeyPoint Credit Union TORONTO, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ - Mandalay Resources Corporation ("Mandalay" or "the Company") (TSX: MND) (OTCQB: MNDJF) announced today that the Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSX") has approved its notice of intention to make a normal course issuer bid ("NCIB") for a portion of its common shares ("Common Shares"). The NCIB will be made in accordance with the requirements of the TSX. Mandalay may begin to purchase Common Shares on or about January 18, 2023. As of January 13, 2023, Mandalay had 92,456,701 Common Shares issued and outstanding. Pursuant to the NCIB, Mandalay is permitted to acquire up to 4,622,835 Common Shares in the 12-month period commencing January 18, 2023, and ending on January 17, 2024, which represents 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares as of January 13, 2023. Purchases under the NCIB will be made by Mandalay through the facilities of the TSX and alternative Canadian trading systems. The price that Mandalay will pay for any Common Shares will be the market price of such Common Shares at the time of acquisition. Pursuant to the TSX rules, the maximum number of Common Shares that may be purchased during the same trading day is 6,723 Common Shares, subject to Mandalay's ability to make a one-block purchase of the Common Shares per calendar week that exceed such limit. Mandalay has entered into an engagement letter and automatic securities purchase plan with BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. to execute and facilitate purchases of Common Shares under the NCIB in a systematic manner based upon predetermined criteria on an automatic basis regardless of whether the Company may, subsequent to adopting the NCIB, be in possession of material non-public information. Any Common Shares that are purchased under the NCIB will be cancelled upon their purchase by Mandalay. The Company will fund purchases of Common Shares through surplus cash available from its operations. About Mandalay Resources Corporation: Mandalay Resources is a Canadian-based natural resource company with producing assets in Australia (Costerfield gold-antimony mine) and Sweden (Bjorkdal gold mine). The Company is focused on growing its production and reducing costs to generate significant positive cashflow. Mandalay is committed to operating safely and in an environmentally responsible manner, while developing a high level of community and employee engagement. Mandalay's mission is to create shareholder value through the profitable operation and continuing the regional exploration program, at both its Costerfield and Bjorkdal mines. Currently, the Company's main objectives are to continue mining the high-grade Youle vein at Costerfield, bring online the deeper Shepherd veins, both of which will continue to supply high-grade ore to the processing plant, and to extend Youle Mineral Reserves. At Bjorkdal, the Company will aim to increase production from the Aurora zone and other higher-grade areas in the coming years, in order to maximize profit margins from the mine. Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including statements regarding the proposed normal course issuer bid. There is no assurance that the proposed normal course issuer bid will be completed on the terms set out in this press release or at all. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those contemplated by these statements depending on, among other things, changes in commodity prices and general market and economic conditions. The factors identified above are not intended to represent a complete list of the factors that could affect Mandalay. A description of additional risks that could result in actual results and developments differing from those contemplated by forward-looking statements in this news release can be found under the heading "Risk Factors" in Mandalay's annual information form dated March 31, 2022, a copy of which is available under Mandalay's profile at www.sedar.com. In addition, there can be no assurance that any inferred resources that are discovered as a result of additional drilling will ever be upgraded to proven or probable reserves. Although Mandalay has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. SOURCE Mandalay Resources Corporation SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- More than 800 charter school students from across Utah are traveling to the Utah Capitol in Salt Lake City to host a rally that will send an important message: that school choice is making a positive difference in their lives and is preparing them for bright futures. The event, which will feature remarks from Gov. Spencer Cox, will be held on Monday, January 23, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Rotunda of the Utah Capitol (350 State Street in Salt Lake City). Hosted by Utah Association of Public Charter Schools, the event will include remarks and musical and artistic performances by students attending public charter schools from across the state. The celebration is open to the press and the public. Organizers hope that as a result of the event, additional parents from across the Beehive State will discover and explore the education options available for their children. "Every single day, public charter schools in Utah provide students with new opportunities to learn, excel, and pursue their dreams," said Royce Van Tassell, executive director of Utah Association of Public Charter Schools. "At this rally, these successes will be on full display, so that everyone across our great state can learn more about the education our schools provide, and so that parents can explore the school choice options available for their children." The Utah Association of Public Charter Schools is a 501c3 nonprofit organization focused on promoting excellence in public charter schools throughout the state through advocacy, training, and technical support. The January 23 event is timed to coincide with National School Choice Week (NSCW), which will feature more than 26,000 school choice events across all 50 states to raise equal and positive awareness of the traditional public, public charter, public magnet, private, online, and home education options available for families. In addition to this event, 202 public and private schools in Utah will host independent events and activities during NSCW. These schools enroll an estimated 97,965 students across all grade levels. To help raise awareness of the education options available for Utah families, Gov. Spencer Cox recently issued a ceremonial proclamation recognizing January 22-28, 2023, as "Utah School Choice Week." For more information, visit utahcharters.org or schoolchoiceweek.com . National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and home schooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week It Is All Too Easy to Get Chapped Lips in the Winter. Natralus's Range of Lip Butters Provide Safe, Effective Relief FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Winter weather is known to have a negative effect on the skin. Cold outdoor wind and dry indoor heat conspire to dry out the epidermis, leaving it cracked, irritated, and at times even bleeding. While most areas of the body are susceptible to bouts of winter dryness, the lips are often at the top of the list of body parts impacted by the cold. Speaking to Cleveland Clinic, dermatologist Melissa Piliang, MD, points out that the lips are often the last part of the body that an individual will cover when going outside. She adds that "Lips are a special type of skin that is very thin and delicate which means they really do require some extra TLC. Our lips dry out 10 times faster than the rest of the skin on our face, so it's really important to use extra protection." Natralus Australia has developed a solution for damaged and dried-out lips in the form of its range of natural lip butters. "Each lip balm adheres to our company motto of creating natural skin health solutions that are crafted with a purpose," says the brand's managing director John Rowe, "We always are careful to select nature's finest ingredients and then combine them in unique blends that maximize their effectiveness for specific skin care issues and in the case of our lip butters, they're designed to soothe and restore dried and damaged lips." The brand's popular Natralus Natural Paw Paw Lip Butter Strawberry is a good example of the brand's innovative approach to natural lip-related skin care. The formula utilizes ingredients like shea butter for its ability to nourish and help with elasticity. Paw Paw (Australian for papaya) is included for its antioxidants and to moisturize, rejuvenate, and replenish the skin. Even strawberry extract is present not just for a flavor profile but due to the fact that it has, among other things, Vitamins C, A, and K. These ingredients are also sourced from organic farming and are vegetable-derived or equivalent. Natralus has additional lip care options , including Paw Paw, Coconut, and Honey & Vanilla. While the flavors change, each formula is created with the same care and attention to detail that has enabled Natralus to become a premier skin health brand in the Land Down Under and, in recent months, in the United States, as well. About Natralus Australia: Natural skin health brand Natralus Australia was established in 2010 and operates out of Adelaide, Australia. The company focuses on empowering women and families to use a more natural approach for both themselves and their loved ones throughout their skincare and wellness activities. Learn more about Natralus at natralus.com . Media Contact: Brittany Rowe T: +61 8 8382 3000 F: 1300 838 293 E: [email protected] SOURCE Natralus MBABANE - Community police members have disowned well-known Private Investigator Hunter Shongwe as their proposed national commissioner. The disowning of Shongwe was confirmed by the interim National Chairman of Community Police Members, Jabulani Dlamini, in an interview yesterday. Dlamini was interviewed for clarity after he disowned Shongwe on People in Places, a programme aired on Channel Yemaswati. Dlamini disputed having nominated Shongwe for the position of national commissioner of community police in the country. Instead, he claimed that Shongwe was only invited to a meeting after he had registered his desire to meet the community police members concerning the prevailing situation in the country, in particular Matsapha. The Matsapha corridor has been a hot spot for the shooting of members of State security personnel by unknown people. Issues I think you know that security issues are governed by ethics and they cannot be discussed in public. I was shocked when I was called by journalists enquiring about the meeting and the venue shortly after I had spoken to Shongwe. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss logistics, not to nominate anyone as our national commissioner. National commissioners are appointed by the King, not us. As community police members of Mbhuleni, we have no authority to nominate, elect or appoint a national commissioner because that would mean we are now deciding for the whole country, Dlamini said. He added that community police members were elected at chiefdom level, which meant any process leading to the appointment of the national commissioner should start at the chiefdom level. Dlamini also mentioned that as far as his office was concerned; there was a Bill that sought to address issues of community police members in Parliament. He stated that community police members could not, therefore, bypass Parliament and work with Shongwe. Shongwe should stop poking his nose in community police affairs before the issue gets out of hand. He must know that some community police might personalise the issue and deal with him outside the perimeters of the law if provoked. He must stop confusing community police by exalting himself as a messiah. We know Shongwe as an independent private investigator, who rents in Matsapha. I wonder what his private investigation has to do with community policing, said Dlamini. Option He added that as community police members, they had an option to take legal action against Shongwe if he kept provoking them and further spreading false information about their work. Other community police members who attended the meeting also denied having nominated Shongwe as their national commissioner. They shared that Shongwe was invited to the secret meeting concerning security issues as they felt unsafe following the shooting of the police officers. This comes after Shongwe claimed to have been nominated as the first national commissioner of community police members in the country. He claimed that his nomination took place at a certain church situated at Mbhuleni in Matsapha, a fortnight ago. He stated that present during his nomination were 17 heads of community police members from various places across the cocuntry. He also mentioned that he was expected to officially take over as the national commissioner of community police members on January 21, 2023. In an interview yesterday, Shongwe registered his displeasure over the latest development. He said to the best of his knowledge, he never nominated himself as the national commissioner of community police in the country. Shongwe claimed that he showed his commitment to lead the community police members after they requested to have him as their national commissioner. He stated that the community police members had confidence in him after he had sold his ideas concerning their welfare. I think Dlamini has been influenced by certain people to disown and speak vile about me. Nomination He has been so good and cooperative but I do not know what has become of him. I wonder how Dlamini arrived at disputing my nomination, which took place at a meeting that was convened by him. I had dedicated myself to lead the community police members and make sure their welfare is considered by government. I was committed to using my own money and sacrifice my time to ensure that the welfare of community police was realised, he said. Shongwe said he was expecting a communique from the whole executive as opposed to Dlamini taking his own decision about his nomination. He said the fact that he was nominated in a meeting; he was also expecting any development to take place in a meeting. As far as I know, there has never been a community police head quarters at Mbhuleni and I do not recall Dlamini appointed nation chairman of community police. This means that he has no authority to dictate on what should be done, he said. Asked what the latest development meant to his proposed official takeover, which was scheduled for January 21, 2023, Shongwe said he was no longer interested in the position. It was just a commitment after seeing the hardships that community police members are going through in the country. I wanted to make sure they are recognised and well catered for. However, having said that, I am still available if community police still have confidence in me at chiefdom level. I can only work with them as they cannot be allowed to be dictated by Dlamini, who is busy pulling them by their nose. The problem is Dlamini and his faceless allies, he alleged. It should be noted that community police members submit to the Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS), which is currently headed by William Tsitsibala Dlamini as the National Commissioner. When sought for comment regarding the ongoing squabble between Shongwe and the community police members, the national commissioner of police said to the best of his knowledge, community police members were elected at community level before the names of the elected candidates were taken to chiefs for approval. Commanders He said the chiefs then liaised with station commanders to have the elected community police members on their lists. This, he said, was done to ensure that community police members benefitted from the police service. He made an example that community police received handcuffs, torches among other items, from the police service. We know Shongwe as a private investigator, whom we work well with. We will request him to come forth and explain about his aspirations before causing confusion. We will request him this week, the police chief said. Interviewed Memebrs of parliament (MPs) said there was a Bill that sought to address the welfare of the police officers. The legislators stated that it was common cause that community police members would not be left out in the Bill as they worked hand-in-hand with the police service. They said by extension, the national commissioner of police was also national commissioner of community police members across the country. President Ryan Ross announces new leadership roles in strategic changes to Revolutionize Luxury Experiences DALLAS, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Neiman Marcus Group (NMG) announces Nabil Aliffi joining the company as Chief Brand Officer and Stefanie Tsen Ward's promotion to Chief Retail Officer. Both are newly created roles that report to Ryan Ross, President of Neiman Marcus Brand, who joined the company in August. The roles accelerate NMG's growth strategy to Revolutionize Luxury Experiences. They join the Neiman Marcus brand leadership team responsible for guiding the expression of the brand and transforming the customer experience. Nabil Aliffi Stefanie Tsen Ward "Neiman Marcus is the leading integrated luxury retailer in the U.S., recently achieving tremendous transformation," said Ryan Ross. "These strategic roles will further define the magic of the iconic brand by driving areas that directly impact our customer and fuel our growth." Nabil will ignite the unique expression of the retailer and its 2,000+ brand partners through extraordinary omni-channel experiences found only at Neiman Marcus. As the creative force for the brand, he will elevate its customer touchpoints and bring a cohesive voice. This team will draw inspiration from Neiman Marcus' rich history while driving innovation, strengthening the legacy retailer's positioning. Previously Global Chief Creative Officer of Soho House & Co, Nabil was responsible for leading the creative vision, services and digital membership offering. He also held leadership positions at Selfridges and Urban Outfitters after co-founding Vulture Magazine. "Nabil is a creative visionary who brings a unique perspective in making Neiman Marcus a luxury lifestyle destination," Ryan Ross continued. "He knows our customer and how to create a platform for loyal engagement across channels." Stefanie Tsen Ward, Chief Retail Officer, is responsible for activating the extraordinary across the brand's 36 stores, partnering closely with Nabil to bring our brand vision and experience to life. She will continue to accelerate the company's integrated retail strategy, enabling 3,500+ selling associates to offer the unparalleled customer service the brand is known for. She has meaningfully innovated the customer experience throughout her tenure at Neiman Marcus, which began in 2018 following successful omni-channel leadership at various retailers. Her leadership contributed to 70 percent of NMG stores in FY22 reaching their highest revenue in over a decade. "Stefanie was instrumental in leading the development of our remote selling capabilities, powered by our proprietary CONNECT technology," Ryan Ross explained. "She creates unequivocal, customer-centric retail experiences and inspires our selling associates to engage in new and innovative ways." These appointments are made as the company continues to make strategic investments across key areas of the business including technology, stores and supply chain to drive the integrated retail model. The luxury retailer has committed to making a $200 million strategic investment in stores over three years. The retail transformation will create unique brand experiences throughout stores, add new spaces for style advisors to inspire customers and provide entertaining food and beverage concepts that make Neiman Marcus a lifestyle destination for the true luxury customer. The retailer is also elevating its digital experience, including significant updates made recently to the Neiman Marcus app. Today's announcement marks the next step in Ryan's goal of driving profitable and sustainable financial performance while Making Life Extraordinary for Neiman Marcus' luxury customers, brand partners and associates. ABOUT NEIMAN MARCUS: Neiman Marcus is a Dallas-based luxury retailer, providing customers access to exclusive and emerging brands, anticipatory service, and unique experiences since 1907. Each day, Neiman Marcus connects with customers worldwide while delighting them with exceptional experiences across a 37-store presence in the U.S., the largest U.S. e-commerce luxury platform, and industry-leading remote selling and personalization technology. From delectable dining and indulgent beauty services to bespoke experiences and exclusive products, there is something for everyone. To keep up with the latest news and events at Neiman Marcus, visit neimanmarcus.com or follow the brand on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Neiman Marcus Group is a relationship business that leads with love in everything we do for our customers, associates, brand partners, and communities. Our legacy of innovating and our culture of Belonging guide our roadmap for Revolutionizing Luxury Experiences. As one of the largest multi-brand luxury retailers in the U.S., with the world's most desirable brand partners, we're delivering exceptional products and intelligent services, enabled by our investments in data and technology. Through the expertise of our 10,000+ associates, we deliver and scale a personalized luxury experience across our three channels of in-store, eCommerce, and remote selling. Our NMG|Way culture, powered by our people, combines individual talents into a collective strength to make life extraordinary. Our flagship brands include Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman. For more information, visit neimanmarcusgroup.com. SOURCE Neiman Marcus Group Colorado celebrates educational options and quality education during the annual School Choice Week DENVER, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Colorado schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 433 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Colorado have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Colorado had greater learning losses than the nation as a whole, and the economic impacts on affected youth and on the state become very large. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policy varies from state to state. Colorado parents may be able to choose any traditional public school within their district, or in another district, based on the state's flexible open enrollment laws. Colorado also offers several free, full-time online learning options for students statewide. On the other hand, the state does not offer a private school choice program, in contrast to the majority of U.S. states. Across Colorado, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations will be a school fair in Colorado Springs, organized by Parents Challenge, on January 21; a spirit week, with events including a yellow day and door decorating contest organized by Franklin Middle School, a traditional public school in Greeley; and the McNichols Civic Center in Denver lighting up with the colors of school choice on Jan. 22. "Colorado has particularly robust options when it comes to choice within the public school system, and families have a great opportunity this month to evaluate which they may want to choose for the upcoming academic year," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "In a state like Colorado, it is vital for families to know their options." To download a guide to Colorado school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/colorado. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Connecticut celebrates educational options and quality education during the annual School Choice Week HARTFORD, Conn. , Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Connecticut schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 225 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Connecticut have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Connecticut students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. Connecticut has restricted open enrollment in public schools, meaning that parents in some Connecticut cities may be able to choose traditional public schools outside of or within their districts. The state also has a robust public magnet school system. On the other hand, Connecticut does not offer a statewide full-time online public school or any private school choice programs, both of which are available in a majority of U.S. states. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Connecticut will be a student showcase in New Haven, organized by Proud Academy, on January 26 and a magnet school expo and showcase in New Haven, organized by Choose a School & New Haven Public Schools from January 23-28. To download a guide to Connecticut school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/connecticut. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Kentucky celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week FRANKFORT, Ky., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Kentucky schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 242 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public magnet schools, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Kentucky have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Kentucky students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Kentucky, parents have more open enrollment options in traditional public schools within and beyond their school district due to updates made during the 2022 legislative session. Public charter schools are also forthcoming in the state now that a funding mechanism has been created by the state, and some may open as soon as next fall. Kentucky does not offer a full-time online public school, unlike a majority of U.S. states, nor does it offer a private school choice program after its tax-credit education savings account was ruled unconstitutional by the Kentucky Supreme Court in late 2022. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Kentucky will be a press conference in Frankfort organized by EdChoice KY on January 24 and a spirit week at Wheatley Elementary School, a public magnet school in Louisville. "Kentucky families have been voicing their support for school choice with greater intensity over the past few years, and have been successful in bringing the state up to speed with its peers in adding public charter schools to the options that families have," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "We look forward to parents choosing excellent schools this January, and the ever-increasing awareness among Kentucky families that more options - not fewer - are the future of education in their state." To download a guide to Kentucky school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/kentucky. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Michigan celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week LANSING, Mich., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 765 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Michigan have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Michigan had learning losses on par with the national average, but the economic impacts on affected youth and on the state remain sizable. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policy varies from state to state. Michigan has restricted open enrollment policies for traditional public schools, many public charter schools, public magnet schools throughout the state, and many full-time, free online public schools. On the other hand, Michigan does not offer any private school choice programs, which are available in a majority of U.S. states. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Michigan will be a capitol rally in Lansing on January 26 and an open house with performances at Dwight Rich School of The Arts in Lansing. "Supporting school choice and generating awareness about education options is particularly important this month," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This is a key time of year for parents to begin the school search process for the fall, and the information and activities available this week will help kickstart that journey." To download a guide to Michigan school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/michigan. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Nevada celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week CARSON CITY, Nev., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 221 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Nevada have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Nevada, parents can choose traditional public schools through open enrollment at the discretion of each district, public charter schools, public magnet schools, or multiple free, full-time online schools. Since 2015, Nevada has also offered a private school choice program that enables families at or below 300 percent of the federal poverty line to apply for scholarships for private education. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Nevada will be a microschool fair on January 28 and a large school fair in Las Vegas, organized by Nevada School Choice Coalition, on January 21. "Supporting school choice and generating awareness about education options is particularly important this month," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This is a key time of year for parents to begin the school search process for the fall, and the information and activities available this week will help kickstart that journey." To download a guide to Nevada school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/nevada. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week New Hampshire celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week CONCORD, N.H., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 88 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in New Hampshire have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. New Hampshire students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In New Hampshire, the state allows each district to set its own open enrollment policies, and in 2021, defined a clearer process for students experiencing "manifest educational hardship." The state also has public charter, public magnet, and online public schools that parents can select for their children. Students in certain New Hampshire towns are eligible for the state's town tuition program, allowing them to attend schools in other communities. The state also offers tax-credit scholarships and Education Freedom Accounts to families to offset the cost of private schooling. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in New Hampshire will be a school fair in Manchester organized by Children's Scholarship Fund on January 21. "Supporting school choice and generating awareness about education options is particularly important this month," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This is a key time of year for parents to begin the school search process for the fall, and the information and activities available this week will help kickstart that journey." To download a guide to New Hampshire school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/new-hampshire. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week New Jersey celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week TRENTON, N.J., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 691 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in New Jersey have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. New Jersey students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In New Jersey, the state allows each district to set its own open enrollment policies, meaning choice among traditional public schools varies for families. Parents can also choose public charter schools and public magnet schools throughout the state. On the other hand, New Jersey does not offer a statewide full-time online public school or any private school choice programs, both of which are available in a majority of U.S. states. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in New Jersey will be a school fair in Edison on January 21. "There are around 2 million Hispanics in New Jersey, and families throughout the state have much to gain from exploring their K-12 education options this School Choice Week," said Krissia Campos Spivey, Project Director of Conoce tus Opciones Escolares at National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "Whether it's a large school fair, or a local school's open house, or our online tools in English or in Spanish, we encourage every parent to look into and explore their school choice options." To download a guide to New Jersey school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/new-jersey. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Ohio celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Ohio schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 975 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Ohio have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Ohio students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. Ohio has restricted open enrollment for public school, public charter schools or community schools, public magnet schools, and several full-time online public schools. Ohio also offers state-run scholarship programs for students with autism spectrum disorders, students assigned to underperforming schools, and students from low or middle-income families. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Ohio will be a school fair in Toledo organized by Northwest Ohio Scholarship Fund and the illumination of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. "Ohio families are more interested than ever in high-quality school choices that suit their kids' needs," said Andrew Campanella, President and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This School Choice Week is a time to celebrate great schools where they exist, and to create new opportunities where they're needed in Ohio communities." To download a guide to Ohio school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/ohio. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Pennsylvania celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 870 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Pennsylvania have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Pennsylvania students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Pennsylvania, the state allows each district to set its own open enrollment policies for parents wanting to choose a traditional public school. The state has many public charter and public magnet schools, as well as full-time online public schools. Pennsylvania families in low-achieving school zones or who fall below a certain income level may be eligible for state-run scholarship programs. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Pennsylvania will be a capitol press conference in Harrisburg on January 23 and a school fair in Pittsburgh on January 28. "Supporting school choice and generating awareness about education options is particularly important this month," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This is a key time of year for parents to begin the school search process for the fall, and the information and activities available this week will help kickstart that journey." To download a guide to Pennsylvania school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/pennsylvania. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week MBABANE Standard Bank Eswatini has repossessed four vehicles and four forklifts from Hosea MP Mduduzi Bacede Mabuzas company, Baceth Investments (Proprietary) Limited. This was after the company allegedly fell into arrears in the amount of E416 081.76 on payments for the motor vehicles and forklifts. The motor vehicles are two BMW X4 DRIVE20D Sport 2017 model, two Hino trucks and four Doosan forklifts. On Thursday, the High Court granted Standard Bank an order empowering and authorising the Manzini deputy sheriff to seize and attach from Baceth Investments, or whosoever may be in possession of the vehicles and equipment. The order was granted by Judge Bonginkhosi Magagula. The bank wants to keep the vehicles in its possession while instituting court proceedings for the arrears totalling E416 081.76. The arrear amounts, according to the bank, vary from E27 083 to E94 301.44 per vehicle. Standard Bank wants to be granted an order entitling it to dispose of the vehicles either by public auction or private treaty. Orders Baceth Investments was ordered to hand over the motor vehicles and forklifts to the deputy sheriff of the Manzini Region. The orders operate on an interim basis and are yet to be confirmed by the court. Other respondents in the matter are the Central Motor Registry and attorney general. According to Standard Bank, Baceth Investments failed to make due monthly instalments and the bank had genuine fear that the motor vehicles and/or equipment may be disposed of. The motor vehicles and equipment, submitted the bank, were presently being devalued by Baceth Investments who, despite having its benefits, could not pay for them. If the motor vehicles and or equipment are not recovered soon from the first respondent (Baceth Investments) and the first respondent either disposes of them or continues using them while it has not paid for them, the applicant (bank) will continue to suffer irreparable harm, reads the banks papers. The Head of Credit at Standard Bank Eswatini, Bafana Mhlabane, informed the court, in the banks application, that in June 2017, October 2017, November 2017 and March 2018, pursuant to Baceth Investments requests, the bank agreed to purchase and hire to the company the motor vehicles and forklifts. According to Mhlabane, the bank was represented by its authorised representatives when the agreement was concluded. MP Mabuza - the Hosea Member of Parliament who is currently on trial on terrorism-related and murder charges and other duly authorised officials, represented Baceth Investments during the conclusion of the agreement. The terms of the agreement included that Standard Bank Eswatini would hire to Baceth Investments the four motor vehicles and four forklifts. Another term of the agreement was that Baceth Investments would select the vehicles and/or equipment from its suppliers and transport them at its own cost once the bank had paid them. Payments It was also agreed between the parties, according to Mhlabane, that should Baceth Investments, at anytime of the hire of the motor vehicles and/or equipment, default in due and punctual payments or fail to observe and perform any of the terms of the agreement, the bank would be entitled to terminate the hire and take possession of the vehicles and/or equipment. Mhlabane informed the court that Baceth Investments took delivery of the various motor vehicles and/or equipment on different dates, commenced using them and made due monthly payments. According to Mhlabane, Baceth Investments was in breach of the agreements as it allegedly failed to pay its due monthly instalments for the vehicles and/or equipment. Arrears He submitted that the arrears on the two BMW X4s were E94 301.44 and E87 341.62 respectively. The head of credit alleged that the arrears on the Hino 500 amounted to E84 959.75 and E40 719.60 in respect of Hino 300 814 LWB. With regard to each of the four forklifts, the arrear amounts, according to Mhlabane, were E27 083.25, E27 083, E27 080.60 and E27 512.50. The head of credit informed the court that the bank had no knowledge as to the state of repair of the vehicles and/or equipment. He said the bank intended to institute legal action against Baceth Investments for the payment of the arrears and damages. He submitted that the bank had real fear that the vehicles could be damaged or it could be compromised in obtaining return of the vehicles to assess the value thereof in terms of the hire agreements. As stated before, the applicant (bank) is instituting legal action against the first respondent (Baceth Investments) for the payment of arrear instalments and damages in regard to the agreements for hire of the vehicles and /or equipment and it is imperative that it be able to assess the values. From the aforesaid, it is clear that the first respondent is in breach of the agreements for the hire of the vehicles and/or equipment and that in terms of Clause 12 of the said agreements, the applicant is entitled to cancel the agreements and apply to the court for an order for the return of the vehicles and/or equipment at first respondents own cost pending the outcome of the action against the first respondent with regard to the outstanding instalments payment or damages, said Mhlabane. He informed the court that despite demand, Baceth Investments had failed to rectify the breach, hence the arrears still remained. In light of the above, Standard Bank prayed that the deputy sheriff be empowered to attach the vehicles wherever he might find them and place them in the possession of the bank, pending the outcome of the demand for payment of the arrear amounts. Standard Bank is represented by attorneys from Robinson Bertram. The matter is pending at the High Court. Idaho celebrates educational options and quality education during annual School Choice Week BOISE, Idaho, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 186 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Idaho have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. Idaho has unrestricted open enrollment for public school, many public charter and magnet schools, and free, full-time online public school options. On the other hand, the state does not offer a private school choice program unlike the majority of U.S. states. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Idaho will be a capitol rally in Boise on January 24 and a school spirit week at Eliza Hart Spalding STEM Academy, a traditional public school in Boise. The Eighth & Main Office Tower in Boise will light up on Jan. 22 with red and yellow in honor of the Week. "Idaho has one of the most rapidly expanding populations, and school choice can play a key role in meeting the needs of Idaho's current and future families," said Andrew Campanella, President and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "Celebrations will highlight those who have benefited from school choice, and we hope their stories are a source of hope to all families navigating the school search process during School Choice Week." To download a guide to Idaho school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/idaho. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Maine celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week AUGUSTA, Maine, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 107 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Maine have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Maine students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Maine, the state allows districts to set their own open enrollment policies which allow students to transfer to a different traditional public school. The state does have public charter schools, but these options are capped at 10 by state law. There are two public magnet schools and two full-time online public schools currently available for families. As most know, students in certain Maine towns are eligible for the state's town tuitioning program, allowing them to attend private schools in lieu of public, and as of June 2022's Carson v. Makin ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, religious private schools can now participate in this program. To download a guide to Maine school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/maine. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. For more information, contact our team at [email protected]. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Massachusetts celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week BOSTON, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 291 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Massachusetts have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Massachusetts students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Massachusetts, each school district decides whether it will participate in open enrollment, allowing families to choose a traditional public school other than the one to which they are assigned. Parents can also select from more than 70 charter schools, a handful of magnet schools, and two free, full-time online public schools. On the other hand, Massachusetts is in the minority of U.S. states that do not offer a private school choice program for families. "Supporting school choice and encouraging parental involvement in education is common sense," said Andrew Campanella, President and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This Week we celebrate how education options allow families to find a great fit where their children are inspired, successful, and happy." To download a guide to Massachusetts school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/massachussetts. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Montana celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week HELENA, Mont., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 58 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Montana have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Montana, districts set their own open enrollment policies, so availability varies for families. Montana is one of just a handful of states in the country that does not offer public charter schools, and no public magnet schools are open at this time. The state does not have a full-time online public school available to all students, but some districts offer an online option. Montana does offer a tax credit scholarship program for private school expenses with universal eligibility for students. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Montana will be a capitol event in Helena on January 27. "Supporting school choice and generating awareness about education options is particularly important this month," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This is a key time of year for parents to begin the school search process for the fall, and the information and activities available this week will help kickstart that journey." To download a guide to Montana school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/montana. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. For more information, contact our team at [email protected]. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Utah celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 202 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Utah have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Utah, parents have unrestricted open enrollment in any traditional public schools and many public charter schools to choose from around the state. There are also a handful of magnet schools as well as full-time and part-time online public school options. Lastly, students with special needs may be eligible for one of two private school choice programs: The Carson Smith Special Needs Scholarship and the Special Needs Opportunity Scholarship. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Utah will be a school fair in Lehi and a capitol rally in Salt Lake City. "Supporting school choice and raising awareness about education options is a shared mission for Utah schools, families, and community leaders this month," said Andrew Campanella, president and CEO of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This is a key time of year for parents to begin the school search process for the fall, and the information and activities available this week will help kickstart that journey." To download a guide to Utah school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/utah. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Virginia celebrates educational options and quality schools during annual School Choice Week RICHMOND, Va., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Virginia schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 388 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Virginia have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. The Nation's Report Card (NAEP) released in 2022 underlined the need to invest in quality education options. Virginia students experienced greater learning losses than the national average. The Week will bring helpful and handy information that parents need in order to support their kids. The Week is the best time of the year for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Virginia, the state allows each district to set its own open enrollment policies, so choice among traditional public schools varies for families. There are a handful of public charter and public magnet schools throughout the state. Parents can choose full-time online public schools, homeschooling, and private schools as well, with a state-run scholarship program for low-income families and students with special needs. "Supporting school choice and raising awareness about education options is particularly important this month," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "This is a key time of year for parents to begin the school search process for the fall, and the information and activities available this week will help kickstart that journey." To download a guide to Virginia school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/virginia. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Governor Mark Gordon issued a proclamation recognizing January 22-28, 2023 as Wyoming School Choice Week CHEYENNE, Wyo., Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools, organizations, and individuals are planning 42 celebrations of educational opportunity this month as traditional public schools, public charter schools, online learning options, private schools, and home educators highlight their unique choices. During the last two years, families and educators in Wyoming have faced the academic consequences of the pandemic. A survey this month by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation showed that 53.7 percent of parents have recently explored or are currently considering new options for their child's education. During School Choice Week 2023, parents can learn about school choice and attend local events as they consider their K-12 options for the next school year. Across the country, parents can choose between traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschooling, and newer options like learning pods or microschooling. But education policies vary from state to state. In Wyoming, the state allows each district to set its own open enrollment policies, so the ability to choose different traditional public schools varies for families. There are five public charter schools in the state from which parents can choose, as well as full-time online public schools. The state does not offer public magnet schools or any private school choice programs, unlike a majority of U.S. states. Across the state, events that are positive, supportive of a wide variety of school options, and family-friendly are planned, from in-school activities to large celebrations. Among the notable celebrations in Wyoming will be a game day and field trip to the Capitol organized by Tech Prep Academy Wyoming. "There is a learning environment that fits every unique child, and every parent wants the opportunity to find that perfect match," said Shelby Doyle, vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. "We look forward to celebrating educational opportunities alongside Wyoming families and educators during School Choice Week." To download a guide to Wyoming school choice, use the school finder tool to search schools in your area or see celebration photos visit schoolchoiceweek.com/wyoming. Local celebrants are available to discuss their plans with reporters upon request. National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, public charter, public magnet, online, private, and homeschooling. Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities. The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation. SOURCE National School Choice Week Expansion of the pharmaceutical sector is projected to propel the North America Pipette Tips Market growth Rise in investment in laboratory automation is expected to augment industry growth Increase in demand for disposable pipette tips in clinical and diagnostic laboratories is likely to aid in market expansion of the North America pipette tips industry during the forecast period from 2022 to 2031 WILMINGTOM, Del., Jan. 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The North America Pipette Tips Market is likely to grow at a CAGR of 13.0% from 2022 to 2031. Pipette tips are autoclavable and disposable attachments for the dispensing and uptake of liquids with the help of a pipette. They are used in a majority of clinical setups and laboratories for dispensing liquids into well plates for conducting PCR assays. The presence of major research and development laboratories and the need for pipettes for clinical studies are projected to serve as key factors boosting the North America Pipette Tips Market size during the forecast period. Manufacturers operating in the North America Pipette Tips Market are indulging in the launch of next-generation pipette tips in different volumes and sizes to generate significant revenues. Increase in investments in research and development activities and rapid expansion of the pharmaceutical sector are further expected to drive North America Pipette Tips Market development during the forecast period. According to TMR report, the North America Pipette Tips Market was valued at US$ 348.6 Mn in 2021 and is anticipated to reach US$ 1.2 Bn by the end of 2031. Increase in investments in laboratory automation in the developed nations of Canada and the U.S. is projected to help create new business opportunities for this market in the long run. Request to Sample PDF of this Strategic Report (Use Corporate Mail ID for Top Priority) - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=85314 Key Drivers: Rise in need for diagnosis of infectious diseases is expected to boost the North America pipette tips market during the forecast period pipette tips market during the forecast period Increase in prevalence of chronic diseases such as heart disorders, cancer, diabetes, and others is likely to augment the need for pipette tips, thereby driving the North American market Key Findings of Study: Rapid Expansion of Pharmaceutical Sector to Boost Market Growth : One of the most frequently used portable instruments in research facilities is the pipette tip. Liquid handling systems are extensively utilized by diagnostic labs, pharmaceutical companies, and academic institutions. Micropipette tips are also utilized for the dispensing of multiple testing products in laboratories that examine industrial products. As a result, the rise in demand for injecting products in the medical industry is expected to drive the North America pipette tips market during the forecast period. : One of the most frequently used portable instruments in research facilities is the pipette tip. Liquid handling systems are extensively utilized by diagnostic labs, pharmaceutical companies, and academic institutions. Micropipette tips are also utilized for the dispensing of multiple testing products in laboratories that examine industrial products. As a result, the rise in demand for injecting products in the medical industry is expected to drive the pipette tips market during the forecast period. Rise in Need for Timely Disease Diagnostics: Need for lab tests to detect infectious diseases increased rapidly during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the prevalence of chronic disorders such as cancer, diabetes, lung disease, and cardiovascular diseases is on the rise as a result of the rise in geriatric population and the change in people's lifestyles. These factors are expected to augment the need for timely diagnosis of disease, thereby promoting the growth of the North American pipette tips market. Buy this Premium Research Report | Immediate Delivery Available - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=85314