DocIndex Position Left Middle Right 317 74037 Not my president," and "Love trumps hate," are protesting Trump's plans to deport undocumented immigrants, his lack of belief in climate change , his comments about Muslims and vow to appoint Supreme Court justices who oppose abortion rights. In an interview that aired 317 75540 and trade partners the U.S. has there, he believes it will remain a priority. The outgoing U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change says China and other countries are expected to stay committed to the Paris Agreement, regardless of what the next U.S 317 75573 the Paris Agreement, regardless of what the next U.S. administration decides. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has said he believes climate change is a hoax, and he pledged during his election campaign to "cancel" U.S. participation in last year's agreement, in which 317 75834 Mexico, and from Canada, and from smaller nations like Costa Rica and from Colombia," he added. The Paris Agreement on climate change legally took effect November 4. The landmark agreement signed last April in Paris is aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions 317 76391 Brussels after Trumps stunning victory Tuesday on stated policies that include questioning Washington's commitment to Europe, the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Iran nuclear deal. Mogherini said, however, the EU would stand strong in its support for the Paris Agreement 317 76499 First of all, the need to work on the multilateral system, for us it's extremely important to work on the climate change agreement implementation, she said. Mogherini said the Iran nuclear deal is a multi-lateral agreement that is also in the 317 169884 India wants a broad outline or roadmap for the implementation of the Paris agreement to be finalised at the crucial climate change conference. The CoP22 started on November 7 and will go on till November 18 as nations continue their work on 317 169914 will go on till November 18 as nations continue their work on strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change , with the central focus on enhancing ambition, promoting implementation and providing support. Jammu: The 548th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak 317 191288 overshadowed by several ongoing crises such as the complicated struggle against the Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq, immigration, climate change , and Washingtons relations with Russia, China, and other major powers. Going by his campaign rhetoric, Trump has cast himself as 317 234214 of Iowa. While Hansens research has already suggested that humans have pumped too much carbon into the atmosphere to prevent climate change , he testified to the Iowa Utilities Board that much of the damage can still be stopped: Restoration of our climate 317 241616 emissions will by itself more than meet the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change for all the participating countries combined. Pioneering innovation Dr. Wachs' research focuses on the catalysis science of mixed metal oxides 317 244575 broad spectrum of the physical sciences, including seismology, hydrology, geochemistry, meteorology, environmental science, and the study of modern and ancient climate change . Students also have the opportunity to work directly with faculty on their research and pursue internships through a growing network 317 246420 help inform policymakers in California and elsewhere about which technology pathway is likely to be more cost-effective in combating climate change ," Pellow said. ### Kigali, Rwanda - Chinese materials scientist Zhao Dongyuan was named winner of the 2016 TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize today 317 247788 website at and follow TWAS on Facebook or Twitter (@TWASnews). The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change is being launched today (Monday 14th Nov) at the COP22 climate talks taking place in Morocco. An international, multi-disciplinary 317 247824 in Morocco. An international, multi-disciplinary research initiative, it brings together leading experts to track and analyse the impacts of climate change on public health. The Lancet Countdown will report annually in The Lancet. With input from 48 leading experts from across 317 247920 and ensure strong engagement with Ministries of Health. With the aim of ensuring the case for action on health and climate change is more widely evidenced and understood, the Lancet Countdown will inform decision-making and drive an accelerated policy response to 317 247942 is more widely evidenced and understood, the Lancet Countdown will inform decision-making and drive an accelerated policy response to climate change . It will complement other initiatives, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its achievements for climate science. Patricia 317 247955 and drive an accelerated policy response to climate change. It will complement other initiatives, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its achievements for climate science. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said: "The health impacts 317 247971 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its achievements for climate science. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , said: "The health impacts of climate change are already being felt and effecting some of the most vulnerable on our 317 247978 its achievements for climate science. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said: "The health impacts of climate change are already being felt and effecting some of the most vulnerable on our planet. No one is immune or out 317 248047 quality of life in its own right and as a key pillar of the Sustainable Development Goals." The interrelation of climate change and public health is becoming increasingly clear. The Lancet Countdown builds on the findings of the 2015 Lancet Commission on 317 248071 health is becoming increasingly clear. The Lancet Countdown builds on the findings of the 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change , which concluded that climate change posed both a "potentially catastrophic risk to human health", while conversely being "the greatest global 317 248076 The Lancet Countdown builds on the findings of the 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change, which concluded that climate change posed both a "potentially catastrophic risk to human health", while conversely being "the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st 317 248145 to convey the urgency of our collective predicament and the need for decisive action. The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change is being launched today to amass the evidence needed to hold policy makers accountable for their promises and commitments. The 317 248197 awareness and accelerating progress to a healthier, low-carbon world. These are the goals of our Countdown on Health and Climate Change ." A broader evidence base on interrelated health and climate change trends will notably help demonstrate clear co-benefits of action 317 248207 These are the goals of our Countdown on Health and Climate Change." A broader evidence base on interrelated health and climate change trends will notably help demonstrate clear co-benefits of action. An estimated 18000 people die every day due to air 317 248294 fuel energy generation responsible for the bulk of air pollution in the first place, are also a leading cause of climate change . Health and economic co-benefits from addressing climate change - be it mitigation or adaptation - only add to the impetus for 317 248303 pollution in the first place, are also a leading cause of climate change. Health and economic co-benefits from addressing climate change - be it mitigation or adaptation - only add to the impetus for action, given that changes to climate take longer to 317 248345 be felt. The Lancet Countdown is partnering with the Wellcome Trust, which is committed to stimulating research on health and climate change . Dr Sarah Molton, lead for 'Our Planet, Our Health' at Wellcome, said: "The Paris Agreement is a step in the 317 248430 humans and the planet." The Lancet Countdown [5] comes at a crucial time for international cooperation and national action on climate change , following ratification of the Paris Agreement and the announcement of the 2030 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of 317 248467 Goals (SDGs). As part of this transition, healthcare professionals, governments and countries will have to shift from an understanding of climate change solely as a threat, to one which embraces the response to climate change as an opportunity for human health and 317 248480 have to shift from an understanding of climate change solely as a threat, to one which embraces the response to climate change as an opportunity for human health and wellbeing. The Lancet Countdown is aligned with the SGD process in working to 317 248508 and wellbeing. The Lancet Countdown is aligned with the SGD process in working to ensure the health challenge posed by climate change is resolved by 2030. Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Head of the Health and Climate Change team at the World Health 317 248523 the health challenge posed by climate change is resolved by 2030. Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Head of the Health and Climate Change team at the World Health Organization, said: "The Paris Agreement was a landmark achievement - the challenge now is to meet 317 248622 working with The Lancet Countdown to track progress, and to mobilize support for more ambitious action. When it comes to climate change , when the world drags its feet, the health of our patients all around the globe suffer." The relationship between health 317 248645 the world drags its feet, the health of our patients all around the globe suffer." The relationship between health and climate change , will be addressed by The Lancet Countdown through in-depth analysis across relevant themes in the context of global, regional 317 248717 The Lancet. This provides more detail on the principle themes the Lancet Countdown will cover, namely: the health impacts of climate change ; health resilience and adaptation; the health co-benefits of mitigation; finance and economics; and political and broader engagement. Academics and 317 248911 work in special collaboration with the World Health Organization and the World Meteorological Organisation [2] 2015 Lancet Commission: Health and climate change : policy responses to protect public health [3] In 2014, WHO estimated an additional 250000 317 248922 World Meteorological Organisation [2] 2015 Lancet Commission: Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health climate-change -2015 [3] In 2014, WHO estimated an additional 250000 potential deaths annually between 2030 and 2050 for well understood impacts 317 248945 3] In 2014, WHO estimated an additional 250000 potential deaths annually between 2030 and 2050 for well understood impacts of climate change [4] Air Pollution Deaths Cost Global Economy US$225 Billion, World Bank 317 248990 news/press-release/2016/09/08/air-pollution-deaths-cost-global-economy-225-billion [5] Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Climate Change and Health, live once the embargo lifts: For more information on the Lancet Countdown, or for interviews with 317 249027 Countdown, or for interviews with the authors, please contact Jack Fisher, Communications Officer, Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change E) M) +447432742880 NOTE: THE ABOVE LINK IS FOR JOURNALISTS ONLY; IF YOU WISH TO PROVIDE A LINK 317 250239 forest fires through managing the fuel buildup and other land management practices -- even in the face of rising temperatures from climate change , she said. The team's paper, "Socio-Ecological Transitions Trigger Fire Regime Shifts and Modulate Fire-Climate Interactions in the Sierra 317 254119 A re-examination of the projected subtropical precipitation decline," was published in the Nov. 14 issue of the journal Nature Climate Change . He is currently at the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, New Jersey. Funding was provided by NASA. About 317 255989 of people every year. That threat may be growing -- a recent study projected that lightning will become more frequent with climate change . "The jury's still out on any long-term changes until we have more data," Holzworth said. "But there is anecdotal 317 278781 control of the executive and legislative branches of government in the United States (with the judicial almost certain to follow), climate-change denialists will soon be in charge of environmental policy in the country. As a candidate, Donald Trump promised to withdraw 317 278810 environmental policy in the country. As a candidate, Donald Trump promised to withdraw the U.S. from December's Paris Agreement on climate change and dismantle Obama-era environmental regulations, including the administration's Clean Power Plan. To get some perspective on what a President 317 278839 the administration's Clean Power Plan. To get some perspective on what a President Trump will mean for efforts to combat climate change and the potential repercussions for New York City, Gothamist talked to professor Philip Orton, an oceanography researcher at the Stevens 317 279123 as the long-term effects on New York City? If we abandon those commitments and we don't do anything about climate change , then by 2100 we are going to have three to six feet of sea level rise and there will be 317 279468 will require a lot of federal moneyare there steps state and city government can take to mitigate the impact of climate change ? For mitigating climate change, definitely the states can do things. If Trump gets his way, the states will be in 317 279472 of federal moneyare there steps state and city government can take to mitigate the impact of climate change? For mitigating climate change , definitely the states can do things. If Trump gets his way, the states will be in charge. A lot of 317 279774 including a place like South Street Seaport. They would need levees. Storms get more attention than they should in the climate change story. If a neighborhood starts getting flooded by nuisance flooding 10 times a year, just from the tides, that's the 317 279963 100-degree days at high-end estimates. The heat waves will get dramatically worse. And then if you do mitigate climate change aggressively, maybe we might say you'll get to the 25th percentile of the number of 100-degree days, which is 317 280184 are often headlines in the newspaper that say things like, "Global warming is happening faster than we thought." With extant climate-change models, how much is unknown? The science is very strong. But there's big uncertainty stillfor example, with sea level rise 317 292932 With recent news that developed countries are on track to provide developing nations with $100 billion a year to tackle climate change by 2020, climate finance will be a crucial component of COP22. The Sustainable Innovation Forum, will convene many of the 317 293008 entire financial system. Of the expectations of COP22 and Sustainable Innovation Forum this year, Climate Action CEO, Nick Henry commented: Climate change is not just the single largest threat to this planet; it also presents a new $3 trillion green economy which 317 293285 org Marrakech, November 14, 2016 Today, during the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP22) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Marrakech, local leaders from 7,100 cities announced the collective impact of their actions to accelerate world progress on 317 293685 for city action in areas such as sustainable infrastructure. Michael R. Bloomberg, UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change : "COP21 gave cities a voice in international climate talks for the first time, and that was a big reason for 317 293799 climate action around the world, we can only draw one conclusion: cities are crucial partners in the world's fight against climate change . Cities of the Covenant of Mayors have already achieved an overall reduction of 23% in emissions and, more than ever 317 294130 of Mayors in January 2017 will form the largest and first-of-its-kind coalition of cities committed to fighting climate change , and will also transform what is possible from the ground up. The Global Covenant of Mayors will increase the tools 317 294192 advance investments in local sustainability efforts in all sectors, and scale up local action to meet the global challenge of climate change . Cities that set carbon reduction targets and implement changes are the necessary forces propelling the world towards reaching the goals 317 294380 to a low-carbon economy, and demonstrate their global impact. Led by UN Secretary-Generals Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change , Michael R. Bloomberg, and European Commission Vice President, Maros Sefcovic, the coalition comprises more than 7,100 cities across 6 continents 317 294444 Mayors is a global coalition of mayors and city officials pledging to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions, enhance resilience to climate change , and to track their progress transparently. The Compact was launched in September of 2014 by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki 317 294474 was launched in September of 2014 by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change , Michael R. Bloomberg. The Compact was activated under the leadership of the global city networks C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group 317 294584 over 110 billion. In 2015, Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete has launched the integrated Covenant of Mayors incorporating also adaptation to climate change and extending it to the 2030 timeframe. Covenant signatories voluntarily pledge action to support implementation of the European Union 40 317 294625 40% greenhouse gas-reduction target by 2030 and the adoption of a joint approach to tackling mitigation and adaptation to climate change . The EU Covenant of Mayors is funded by the European Commission and currently operated by the Council of European Municipalities 317 297356 the harm is worse. The 22nd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) kick-started Monday, 7 November in Marrakesh (Morocco). A collaborative partnership between the Africa Development Bank (AfDB), the African 317 297452 embodies the united front of an Africa speaking with one voice in articulating its interests given the high stakes of climate change negotiations Over the next two weeks of COP22, the Africa Pavilion will feature a dynamic program of round-tables, conferences 317 297628 opportunity to place special emphasis on the continents needs and proposals. Africa is among the worlds regions most vulnerable to climate change and its key priorities include ensuring that global ambitions and historic responsibilities regarding means of implementation, particularly predictable financing, to 317 299634 the form of technical and financial assistance, is to mobilise 500-900 million US dollars and implement programmes linked to climate change adaptation and mitigation over the period of 2017-2020. The initiative is to support ocean economies in Africa and build 317 299662 of 2017-2020. The initiative is to support ocean economies in Africa and build greater resilience of coastal areas to climate change based on the countries' specific priorities and objectives. This was made known at a special Oceans Action Event which brought 317 299696 at a special Oceans Action Event which brought together high-level participants from around the world to advance oceans and climate change issues and to pledge concrete actions in support of the objectives of Sustainable Development Goal 14, which is to conserve 317 299750 Helena Semedo, the FAO Deputy Director-General for Natural Resources; 'African coastal communities are some of the most affected by climate change '. She said the FAO was fully engaged and ready to be at the heart of those significant developments to work 317 299788 significant developments to work alongside countries and communities to reduce their vulnerabilities, build their resilience, and maximise opportunities emerging from climate change . Laura Tuck, the World Bank Group Vice President for Sustainable Development, said the World Bank was pleased to be a 317 308392 22, discussed how to advance Sustainable Tourism in a Changing Climate. The Symposium aimed at increasing awareness on tourism and climate change -related issues and encourage the sector to engage in actions that reinforce national commitments to the Paris Agreement and the 317 308429 the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. The tourism sector is both a vector and a victim of climate change and we are fully committed to contribute to reach the objectives set by the Paris Agreement. This event was essential 317 308513 low emissions and more efficient and less polluting operations. We must make tourism and every other industry contributor to our climate change action and a sustainable future", said Patricia Espinosa, UNFCCC Executive Secretary, in her video address to the event. The event 317 308559 the need for partnerships with the private sector and the role of sustainable transportation to accelerate climate action in tourism. Climate change can only be addressed if actors from all parts of society - governments, businesses, NGOs and consumers - make a global and 317 349114 Ray, a professor of carbon management at the University of Edinburgh, who was not involved with the study. To tackle climate change those bonds must be broken and here we have the first signs that they are at least starting to loosen 317 349491 the Paris Agreement are not sufficient to achieve this, said climate scientist Chris Rapley of University College London. RELATED: More climate change coverage on SHARE: LONDONProsecutors were finally able to question WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange Monday about a possible sex crime 317 358831 increasing threats to child rights. Over 50 million children have been uprooted from their homes due to conflict, poverty and climate change and millions more are facing unspeakable violence in their communities. Around 263 million children are out of school and last 317 384390 may be gone by the time they grow up. The government will soon be controlled by people who think that climate change is a hoax, and that theyre smarter than all the climate scientists who say differently. And even if it isnt 317 385122 that even the New York Times said was stretching the intent of a law decades old and not written with climate change in mind. He took executive actions on everything from gun control and financial regulation to health care and transgender bathrooms 317 385226 the stroke of his pen, reverse Obamas orders to close Guantanamo Bay. He can also scrap the Paris Agreement on climate change that Obama signed in September, which is completely non-binding, by simply announcing that the United States will not fulfill 317 396650 warming of ocean water and unpredictable weather, temperatures have remained high throughout the year. Taalas also stated that because of climate change , the occurrence and impact of extreme events has risen. Once in a generation heatwaves and flooding are becoming more regular 317 402690 Report From Cosmopolitan Unfortunately for all of us who enjoy life on this planet, NASA warns that scientific evidence for climate change is unequivocal. Even more unfortunately, the person who President-elect Donald Trump tapped to transition the Environmental Protection Agency for 317 402739 insider who doesn't believe in scientific facts. Here's what you need to know about him: 1. Myron Ebell doesn't think climate change is real. Although there is scientific consensus on global warming, Ebell revels in not believing it. (Or, at least lying 317 402796 not part of the #DrainTheSwamp effort Trump promised, and so quickly rescinded on.) 2. Myron Ebell thinks that even if climate change is real, it's a good thing! He wrote an op-ed in 2006 called Love Global Warming." In it, he 317 402826 an op-ed in 2006 called Love Global Warming." In it, he urged readers to think about the "benefits" of climate change : less severe winter storms and warmer weather means more beach time! 3. Myron Ebell loves to be in the spotlight 317 402882 ready to see his mug even more often: 4. Myron Ebell is proud to be hated by experts who know climate change is a real thing. As Scientific American points out: In a biography submitted when he testified before Congress, he listed 317 403101 Ebell to obliterate them. 8. Myron Ebell will be working for a man who believes very dangerous, untrue things about climate change . So, this is basically a dream team, if your dream is to completely destroy the planet. The concept of global 317 420310 separated. Ive seen too much of that. Were going to fight against sexism, racism and xenophobia. Sanders also brought up climate change , an issue that Trump has called a hoax. Story continues He better start listening to the scientific communities and not 317 430297 around the globe have developed and implemented policies to slow emissions of carbon dioxide, the primary gas behind man-made climate change . The new research credits Chinas efforts to decrease coal consumption as the primary cause of the emissions slowdown. The United 317 430342 to move away from coal power as natural gas and renewable generation comes online. Opponents on strong measures to address climate change have long-argued that emissions reductions would hurt the economy, but the slowdown reported in the new study comes despite 317 430393 as diplomats from around the globe gather in Morocco for negotiations on how to implement last years Paris Agreement on climate change . The slowdown represents a step in the right direction, but it also suggests that the world is not on track 317 430465 steadyand humans may need to take some carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. This is a great help for tackling climate change but it is not enough, says study researcher Corinne Le Quere of the University of East Anglias Global Carbon Project 317 430509 negotiators in Marrakesh can build momentum for further cuts in emissions, we could be making a serious start to addressing climate change . Across India, patience is rapidly wearing thin. Last week, the government of Indias Prime Minster Narendra Modi triggered a nationwide 317 436419 will make "concerted efforts" to expand cooperation with the Trump administration. Asked about Trump's vow to withdraw from the Paris climate change pact to cut greenhouse gas emissions -- which China and the US both ratified in September -- Geng stressed that the agreement 317 440721 the Paris climate agreements and its own goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2021 -- a goal reaffirmed at the U.N. climate change conference underway in Morocco -- Costa Rica is desperate to reduce its carbon footprint. Coming up short on these very public 317 440903 long streaks using only renewable electricity have repeatedly been used as fodder for the internet's click-bait content mills. [READ: Climate change , and the draining of Lesotho.] There are many reasons Costa Rica deserves this environmental praise -- its extensive national parks system 317 441137 a new public transportation system or to encourage the import of electric cars. "Obviously public transportation is very important, but climate change crosses so many different sectors," says Patricia Campos, the sub-director of climate change within the country's Environment Ministry. "Because 317 441151 public transportation is very important, but climate change crosses so many different sectors," says Patricia Campos, the sub-director of climate change within the country's Environment Ministry. "Because of the movements in politics, we are waiting on other parts of the government 317 441451 country's ability to reduce its emissions, there is overwhelming support for stepping up efforts to try. According to a 2015 climate change opinions survey by World Wide Views, 81 percent of Costa Ricans said that not enough was being done to address 317 441473 opinions survey by World Wide Views, 81 percent of Costa Ricans said that not enough was being done to address climate change . While the majority respondents from the rest of the world emphasized the importance of global initiatives, most Costa Ricans wanted 317 459251 Gabriela Baczynska and Robert-Jan Bartunek BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union must spend more on defense and uphold accords on climate change and Iran's nuclear program, the bloc's foreign ministers said after mulling future ties with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who 317 459372 would make U.S. security guarantees for its European allies conditional and has criticized both the international Paris agreement to fight climate change and the deal curbing Iran's nuclear program. The EU's top diplomat, Federica Mogherini, said the bloc's foreign and defense ministers 317 459635 matters of security and defense," said Belgium's Didier Reynders. "That may also be true for matters of commerce, migration and climate change ." (Reporting by Gabriela Baczynska; Editing by Alan Crosby) Brussels (AFP) - The European Union on Monday placed 17 Syrian ministers plus 317 461397 from 196 countries met in Paris and pledged to tackle reduce global carbon emissions in an historic international agreement on climate change . Representatives from around the world have been meeting for a week in Marrakech, Morocco, to iron out the details of 317 461429 week in Marrakech, Morocco, to iron out the details of how to enact the Paris agreement. But Trump, a longtime climate change skeptic and vocal critic of the deal, cast a large shadow over the confab in Morocco, as Foreign Policy reported 317 468304 praise from conservative activists and Republicans in the U.S. Senate, who will be eager to help him in that area. CLIMATE CHANGE Trump has called global warming a hoax and said he wants to cancel the 2015 Paris Agreement among almost 200 317 480111 vote. Some more facts about Campbell: He favors working on the Affordable Care Act rather than repealing it; he believes climate change is real; he supports federal funding for renewable energy; he supports campaign finance regulation; he names equal pay for women 317 493997 held below 1 percent in 2015 despite global economic growth of 3 percent. This is a great help for tackling climate change but it is not enough," said Corinne Le Quere, the director of the Tyndall Center at the University of East 317 514304 credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change . Visit KELOWNA, BC / ACCESSWIRE / November 14, 2016 / Laguna Blends Inc. (CSE: LAG ) (OTC: LAGBF ) (Frankfurt: LB6A.F ) (the "Company" or 317 523632 he hoped the president-elect would change course upon entering office and recognize that "the world is more complex, that climate change is real and that NATO is not superfluous." Merkel said Steinmeier was excellently suited to be head of state. "At 317 526702 credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change . Visit Millie Bobby Brown wants to be on The Walking Dead, and someone make her a zombie already 317 535510 cause for concern. He has questioned the relevance of some of America's paramount alliances, starting with NATO; put the Paris climate-change accord in doubt by calling global warming "a hoax," and sharply criticized the strenuously negotiated pact that Washington and five 317 590484 Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is seeking quick ways to withdraw the United States from a global accord to combat climate change , a source on his transition team said, defying broad global backing for the plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Since 317 590780 presidential order simply deleting the U.S. signature from the Paris accord. Story continues Withdrawing from the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) would be controversial, partly because it was signed by former Republican President George H.W. Bush in 1992 and approved 317 590984 briefing that China would like to continue working with all countries, including the United States, in the global fight against climate change . The agreement was reached by almost 200 nations in December and, as of Saturday, has been formally ratified by 109 317 645300 has been intense speculation over the impact of Trump's win on issues facing the two countries, from global trade and climate change to the security balance in the Asia-Pacific. advertisement Trump lambasted China throughout the US election campaign, drumming up headlines 317 645808 GLOBAL ACCORD Trump appears to be seeking quick ways to withdraw the United States from a global accord to combat climate change , which has been billed by China and US President Barack Obama as a key area for cooperation. --- ENDS --- People across 317 689176 in London. The study said limits on the increase in the worlds temperature called for in the Paris Agreement on climate change are not enough for the Arctic summer sea ice to survive. The Paris Agreement calls for keeping the global rise 317 715853 future forest fires through managing the fuel buildup and other land management practiceseven in the face of rising temperatures from climate change , she said. The team's paper, "Socio-Ecological Transitions Trigger Fire Regime Shifts and Modulate Fire-Climate Interactions in the Sierra 317 718017 of ICARDAs Genetic Resources Unit. The crucial role of seed banks in protecting biodiversity is receiving increasing attention because of climate change , which threatens to wipe out crops as dry areas of the world get even hotter and drier. The impact on 317 718308 and a warming climate. Last year, Morocco faced an unprecedented drought that scientists and the government and have linked to climate change , with drier and warmer winters in Morocco and neighboring countries. Domestic grain production dropped, forcing the government to drop tariffs 317 718499 farmers cooperative in Marchouch, believes the feedback loop has helped him and fellow farmers to improve their own methods as climate change continues to impact harvests. We hope that this years harvest will be better, God willing, Slimani says. Bruce Campbell of 317 718543 of International Agricultural Research Centers says the climate conference in Marrakech offers a unique opportunity to address the impact of climate change on African agriculture. Considering all African countries have included agriculture in their climate adaption strategies, (the conference) will be the 317 724927 the sidelines of COP22 to discuss the prospects for cooperation in the field of earth observation in the context of climate change . The event, held in the Moroccan pavilion on the side lines of COP22, was an opportunity for the heads of 317 725000 COP22, highlighted the importance of the meeting, saying that data sharing between space agencies is key to understanding and countering climate change . He urged data sharing and adequate funding to developing states to support their endeavor to adapt to climate change, and 317 725019 countering climate change. He urged data sharing and adequate funding to developing states to support their endeavor to adapt to climate change , and said satellite agencies can help small island states develop an efficient early warning system for environmental risks. For her 317 725695 of COVID-19 threaten to disrupt the sector, according to Rabobank. As delegates and negotiators continues talks at the ongoing climate change summit in the Moroccan city of Marrakech, there is concern about further US involvement in the fight against global warming 317 725741 weekend, Moroccos Environment Minister Hakima el Haite though worried, is equally confident the Americans will continue to contribute to the climate change agenda. I think that even if the Americans revise their position, I think that the competition worldwide will push them 317 725832 the Paris climate agreement and withdraw any funding for United Nations programs related to global warming. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a hoax in the past, bucking the overwhelming international scientific consensus that man-made emissions are spurring a dangerous increase 317 731459 for future generations. But instead, they backed continued mining, burning, and exporting coal while ignoring the vast scientific evidence of climate change . Nor did they uphold the Montana Constitutions mandate that the state and each person shall maintain and improve a clean 317 769780 resolve and determination in this regard, highlighting the initiatives and measures undertaken by the government in tackling the menaces of climate change , according to the statement. She is expected to return to Dhaka on Nov. 16. . Photo taken on Nov. 14, 2016 317 774930 the mainland to the Diamond Island. MARRAKECH, Morocco, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to play an active role in climate change with much stronger actions, while enhancing cooperation with related parties. The 22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations 317 774955 actions, while enhancing cooperation with related parties. The 22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) is being held in the Moroccan city of Marrakech. Participants in the meeting are expected to identify ways for 317 774989 the meeting are expected to identify ways for a potential future coalition and adopt a declaration on health, environment and climate change . MUCH STRONGER ACTIONS China has set up an ambitious target to reach the peaking of CO2 emissions around 2030, Xie 317 775112 sharing. He said that China would act positively and forcefully in maintaining the international mechanism, promoting international cooperation and combating climate change . CHINA-U.S. COOPERATION CONTINUES China's policies will not be affected by any external changes, Chen Zhihua, a member of the 317 775156 said Friday. "No matter what happens in the new U.S. government, China will continue to constructively participate in the international climate change process," Chen said. Chen was referring to concerns that the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate 317 775177 change process," Chen said. Chen was referring to concerns that the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change after U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who vowed to cancel the agreement during his campaign, takes office in January. "We 317 775556 96 countries and the EU, and entered info force on Nov. 4. Under the agreement, nations have agreed to combat climate change and to unleash actions and investment toward a low-carbon, resilient and sustainable future. "In Marrakech, we will have to 317 778489 to renewable energy during the 22nd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) in Marrakech, Morocco, on Nov. 14, 2016. Africa presents united front and calls for action at the COP22 scheduled 317 778552 calls for action at the 22nd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) scheduled from Nov. 7 to 18 in Marrakesh, Morocco. Africa is among the world's regions most vulnerable to climate 317 778573 Change (COP22) scheduled from Nov. 7 to 18 in Marrakesh, Morocco. Africa is among the world's regions most vulnerable to climate change , reiterated a statement from the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Monday. Africa's key priorities include ensuring that 317 778707 embodies the united front of an Africa "speaking with one voice" in articulating its interests given the high stakes of climate change negotiations The Africa Pavilion features a dynamic program of round-tables, conferences and bilateral meetings, where key issues of adaptation 317 779077 rules and should not be politicized," Geng said. Responding to concerns that Trump vowed to "cancel" the Paris Agreement on climate change , which was inked last December and came into force last week, Geng said the deal was a result of concerted 317 779123 including China and the United States. China is willing to strengthen cooperation with the United States and other countries on climate change and promote green, low-carbon and sustainable development around the globe, the spokesperson added. BEIJING, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President 317 781544 not continue," another analyst Sayed ali Rezas Mohamadi said, according to local media reports. Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative on climate change affairs, addresses the opening ceremony of high-level forum on "South-South Cooperation on Climate Change" during COP22 in Marrakech 317 781560 China's special representative on climate change affairs, addresses the opening ceremony of high-level forum on "South-South Cooperation on Climate Change " during COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco, Nov. 14, 2016. (Xinhua/Meng Tao) MARRAKECH, Morocco, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- China stands ready to 317 781589 2016. (Xinhua/Meng Tao) MARRAKECH, Morocco, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- China stands ready to continue contributing to global efforts in addressing climate change through South-South cooperation, Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative on climate change affairs, said here Monday. "Both South-North cooperation 317 781601 to continue contributing to global efforts in addressing climate change through South-South cooperation, Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative on climate change affairs, said here Monday. "Both South-North cooperation and the South-South cooperation among developing countries are essential for international 317 781626 Monday. "Both South-North cooperation and the South-South cooperation among developing countries are essential for international cooperation in countering climate change ," said Xie at a high-level event on the sidelines of a United Nations climate conference. China is coping with 317 781648 said Xie at a high-level event on the sidelines of a United Nations climate conference. China is coping with climate change with a highly responsible attitude and is willing to share its best practices in this regard, including capacity-building, with 317 781726 various mechanisms. He underscored that China has donated a considerable amount of materials to developing countries to help them address climate change issues according to their own requirements, such as energy-saving lamps and clean cook stoves. He noted that China has 317 781764 noted that China has signed some 27 Memorandums of Understandings on donating materials to developing countries to help them address climate change and has carried out numerous regional dialogues and exchanges with Southern countries. Xie reaffirmed China's plan to set up a 317 781885 and ministers from more than a dozen countries. The participants will discuss the role of South-South cooperation in addressing climate change and building the capacity of developing countries and explore ways of financing for climate efforts and sustainable development. by Xinhua 317 787278 Trump) can meet whoever he wants to meet," commented Rajoy. The Spanish prime minister also highlighted the importance to combat climate change , stressing that his new government had "remitted the Paris Climate Change agreement to Parliament," something that the lack of government 317 787289 Spanish prime minister also highlighted the importance to combat climate change, stressing that his new government had "remitted the Paris Climate Change agreement to Parliament," something that the lack of government in Spain had not permitted for the past 10 months. Screenshot 317 788841 writer Zhang Xu MARRAKECH, Morocco, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- Braving the chills in Marrakech, delegates attending a United Nations conference on climate change crossed through low-carbon fabricated pavilions, pondering pragmatic prescriptions to curb the fever gripping mother Earth. As has been always 317 788951 it, "whatever other countries may do or may not do, China will continue to make genuine efforts to respond to climate change to seek to realize green and sustainable development." SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS STRATEGY Since 1997, when sustainable development was set as 317 789129 South-South partnership," said Salaheddine Mezouar, president of the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22), on Saturday. Cooperation among developing countries, with its great potential in managing climate change, is a main area of 317 789144 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22), on Saturday. Cooperation among developing countries, with its great potential in managing climate change , is a main area of discussion at COP22, to help developing economies come up with common responses to their pressing 317 789173 COP22, to help developing economies come up with common responses to their pressing needs. Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative on climate change affairs, said here Monday that China stands ready to continue contributing to global efforts in addressing climate change through South 317 789191 representative on climate change affairs, said here Monday that China stands ready to continue contributing to global efforts in addressing climate change through South-South cooperation. China is willing to share its best practices, including in capacity-building, with other developing countries 317 789248 signed and many regional dialogues and exchanges, China has made considerable donations to other developing countries to help them address climate change issues according to their own requirements, Xie said. CHINA'S CONTRIBUTION Standing as an active contributor in the global climate campaign 317 789340 energies across the world," said Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency. "It shows the Chinese commitment towards climate change and tackling air pollution." Earlier November, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Erik Solheim, hailed China's contribution 317 789451 unit of GDP by 60-65 percent from the 2005 levels by 2030. On Monday in Marrakech, Xie, China's top climate change envoy, reaffirmed the country's plan to set up a 20 billion yuan (2.93 billion U.S. dollars) fund for South-South 317 790291 Mevlut Cavusoglu. China's vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin delivers a speech at a forum on South-South cooperation in countering climate change on the sidelines of a UN climate conference, in Marrakech, Morocco, on Nov. 14, 2016. China will continue strengthening its 317 790320 conference, in Marrakech, Morocco, on Nov. 14, 2016. China will continue strengthening its cooperation with other developing countries in addressing climate change , Liu Zhenmin said here Monday.(Zhao Dingzhe) MARRAKECH, Morocco, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- China will continue strengthening its cooperation with other 317 790346 Monday.(Zhao Dingzhe) MARRAKECH, Morocco, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- China will continue strengthening its cooperation with other developing countries in addressing climate change , Liu Zhenmin, China's vice foreign minister, said here Monday. China will incorporate its development with the common development of other 317 790397 find a low-carbon development path, said Liu in a speech concluding a forum on South-South cooperation in countering climate change . The high-level forum, co-organized by China, Morocco and the United Nations, brought together ministers from 14 countries, senior 317 790470 a week ago. Liu said that speakers at the forum made a common call for governments to work together against climate change in line with the principle of common but shared responsibility and achieve sustainable development. As a developing country, China knows 317 790586 strengthening its connection and economic ties with other developing countries and create a community of common interests, Liu said. Addressing climate change is a major area of South-South cooperation being carried out by China, he noted, adding that China will do 317 790618 out by China, he noted, adding that China will do everything it can to help other developing countries cope with climate change , while calling on developed countries to fulfill their obligations. In 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the establishment of the 317 790721 promote South-South cooperation in meeting the challenge of climate challenge. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's special advisor on climate change , David Nabarro, said that China is playing a critical leadership role in pushing forward South-South cooperation in addressing climate 317 790742 change, David Nabarro, said that China is playing a critical leadership role in pushing forward South-South cooperation in addressing climate change . "I would like to again thank China for its leadership and the generous support it provided to advance South-South 317 802112 COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco unveiled its new initiative, dubbed Blue Belt, to boost sustainable fisheries and bolster coastal resilience to climate change . On the occasion of this COP, Morocco will confirm its support for the initiatives relating to the oceans, which have 317 802343 leaders from around the world, international agencies, NGOs, experts, and private sector representatives to showcase how the world is tackling climate change impacts on oceans, seas, and coastal and island populations. Morocco and Senegal are two old friend countries boasting an enduring 317 802927 The Moroccan government seeks to mobilise $30bn of investment for the sector that is under the most significant threat from climate change , in the region that is the least equipped to deal with it. According to current estimates, the negative effects of 317 802949 in the region that is the least equipped to deal with it. According to current estimates, the negative effects of climate change are already reducing Africas GDP by about 1.4 per cent, and the costs arising from adaptation to climate change are 317 802968 of climate change are already reducing Africas GDP by about 1.4 per cent, and the costs arising from adaptation to climate change are set to reach an annual three per cent of GDP by 2030. A principal victim of this is the 317 803601 Asia and Latin America came together, on Monday in the Moroccan COP22 pavilion, to launch a network dubbed The International Climate Change Centre of Excellence and Think Tanks for Capacity Building (INCCCETT 4CB). The network aims at catalysing cooperation and coordination between 317 803634 The network aims at catalysing cooperation and coordination between the centres of excellence in the field of capacity building for climate change mitigation and adaptation in order to boost efforts towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Speaking on this occasion, Nizar 317 803724 along with adaptation, funding, NDCs, technology transfer and innovation, said Baraka. Speaking on the same occasion, Argentinas Under-Secretary for Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Carlos Gorissen, welcomed the initiative, saying that the network is well placed to act as a bridge 317 803761 to act as a bridge between policy makers and the scientific community. Each with extensive and substantial expertise in elaborating climate change plans, research and development, and capacity building, the 13 founding excellence centres and think tanks of the network are: Centre 317 803800 network are: Centre de Competences Changement Climatique (4C Maroc); Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI); Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3); Institut du Developpement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI); RedeClima Brazil; Centre for Climate and Resilience Research, Chile ; International 317 803837 and Resilience Research, Chile ; International Research Institute for Climate and Society of Columbia University (IRI); German Development Institute (DIE); National Climate Change Strategy Research and International Cooperation Center (NCSC), China; Consortium of Finnish Universities; Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI); International Institute for Sustainable 317 803884 Center for Technology Studies (ACTS). The Network founding members agreed to establish a permanent secretariat at the Competency Centre of Climate Change (4C Maroc) in Morocco. When he took office in 2001, George W. Bush inherited a healthy Republican Party roughly at 317 840249 cause for concern. He has questioned the relevance of some of America's paramount alliances, starting with NATO; put the Paris climate-change accord in doubt by calling global warming "a hoax," and sharply criticized the strenuously negotiated pact that Washington and five 317 870500 countries and which came into effect earlier this month, just in advance of his election. The deal aims to hold climate change to "well below" 2 degrees Celsius of warming by moving the world economy away from fossil fuels. The agreement provides 317 870546 year in international funding from 2020 to help poorer countries develop cleanly and adapt to the already inevitable impacts of climate change . Robinson, who now runs a foundation focused on seeking justice for people hit hard by climate impacts despite having contributed 317 870820 be felt by poor communities and poor countries all over the world." As a U.N. envoy for El Nino and climate change , she said she had been in dry regions of Honduras where women told her they no longer had water as 317 904047 Central Committee. The sect is also expected to make remarkable contributions to the countrys socio-economic development, environmental protection, and climate change response as well as social welfare activities and protection of national sovereignty and territorial integrity, he added. Founded in 1926 317 910164 including: high speed of change in technology, knowledge and economics; fluctuating financial markets; a sharp reduction of natural resources and climate change . To cope with the situation, HCM City authorities must create a policy that can mobilise all economic sectors to contribute 317 971107 mutual respect. Intense speculation has swirled over the impact of Trumps win on China-US issues from global trade and climate change to the security balance in the Asia-Pacific. Trump lambasted China throughout the US election campaign, drumming up headlines with 317 981148 yellow markers before crossing his face out with one black line. Chalkowski said she fears Trump undoing policies to combat climate change . She cited his appointing Myron Ebell, a climate-change skeptic, to lead the Environmental Protection Agency transition team. I just 317 981157 black line. Chalkowski said she fears Trump undoing policies to combat climate change. She cited his appointing Myron Ebell, a climate-change skeptic, to lead the Environmental Protection Agency transition team. I just really dont want to see us take a step 317 1011770 is weakening Roman Catholic rules on moral issues such as homosexuality and divorce, while focusing on social problems such as climate change and economic inequality. At issue are some of the teachings in a 260-page treatise called Amoris Laetitia (The Joy 317 1016756 news agency, President-elect Donald Trump is looking for a quick way to walk out of the agreement, and believes climate change is a hoax. The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S 317 1069288 razorback sucker and plant species such as the parachute beardtongue and the BLMs failure to consider the auctions impact on climate change . This lease sale carries the potential to produce more than 3.1 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions. Its irresponsible for 317 1069441 River. The Bureau also failed to consider the lifecycle impact that opening these new leases to development will have on climate change . Recent studies have shown that there is already more oil, gas and coal in production to takes us beyond 2 317 1069796 sky. Download the September Keep It in the Ground letter to President Obama. Download Grounded: The Presidents Power to Fight Climate Change , Protect Public Lands by Keeping Publicly Owned Fossil Fuels in the Ground (this report details the legal authorities with which 317 1101969 Chief Neelabh Mishra said on the eve of the birth anniversary of the newspaper founder Jawaharlal Nehru. A week of climate change negotiations at threatened the future of the Adaptation Fund as developed countries blocked talks on housing it in the post 317 1102008 in the post-2020 regime under Paris Agreement. The fund, set up in 2001 under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is meant to provide developing and poor countries monies to adjust to inevitable climate changes. The Pakistani military said on 317 1117568 gsh/mr (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Climate change and water rights are deeply inter-connected, globally. Seasons seem to be inverting in the Himalayas where you see snow 317 1117644 Drukpa -- the spiritual head of the 800-year-old Drukpa Order based in the Himalayas with around 1,000 monastic centres. " Climate change deeply affects water patterns, water quality and water rights. Changes in water quality, patterns and access to water are symptoms 317 1117667 affects water patterns, water quality and water rights. Changes in water quality, patterns and access to water are symptoms of climate change and are the first things to affect entire communities," he told IANS in an interview. On the ongoing high-level 317 1117691 the first things to affect entire communities," he told IANS in an interview. On the ongoing high-level United Nations Climate Change Conference in Marrakech in Morocco, he candidly admitted he didn't know the scientific answer to studies that strongly indicate the 317 1117740 of the Himalayas, would be warmer. The spiritual leader said: "The community that I represent has extensive anecdotal evidence on climate change ." "For example, in Ladakh, we are seeing unprecedented weather phenomenon like cloudbursts. Seasons seem to be inverting -- where you see 317 1117943 admitted the ongoing climate talks are of particular importance for both the developing and developed countries. "I often think that climate change is an opportunity for countries to build bridges and to collaborate," said the 54-year-old Gyalwang Drukpa, who heads 317 1118073 associated with the Earth Awards Selection Committee that recognises viable innovations that improve the quality of life, said the Paris Climate Change Agreement that entered into force on November 4 is important to every country. Just two months after the flash floods 317 1134344 Saving Lake Urmia will require both national action to improve water management, and international cooperation to address the issue of climate change ," said Somayeh Shadkam, researcher at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in the US and Wageningen University in the 317 1134419 lake, but has declined over 80 per cent in recent decades. Previous work by Shadkam and colleagues had shown that climate change threatens the lake's existence, using future scenarios of climate change to project water inflow into the lake. The new study 317 1134429 decades. Previous work by Shadkam and colleagues had shown that climate change threatens the lake's existence, using future scenarios of climate change to project water inflow into the lake. The new study aims to better understand the causes of the lake's decline 317 1134578 studies have indicated the dominate role of water usage in changes in the lake surface area. The study indicates that climate change and variability has contributed to the lake desiccation. That means that reduced water use without taking change in the climate 317 1134612 water use without taking change in the climate into account might be insufficient in saving the lake. "Water resources and climate change are inextricably interlinked. This is just one area where an integrated systems viewpoint is vital for providing sound advice to 317 1134705 warming will continue regardless of who heads the US administration, Washington's top climate envoy said today on the election of climate change denier Donald Trump. "Heads of state can and will change, but I am confident that we can and we will 317 1134734 and will change, but I am confident that we can and we will sustain a durable international effort to counter climate change ," US special envoy for climate change Jonathan Pershing told journalists on the sidelines of a UN climate conference in Marrakesh 317 1134740 confident that we can and we will sustain a durable international effort to counter climate change," US special envoy for climate change Jonathan Pershing told journalists on the sidelines of a UN climate conference in Marrakesh. Before he was elected president last 317 1134765 journalists on the sidelines of a UN climate conference in Marrakesh. Before he was elected president last week, Trump called climate change a "hoax" and threatened to "cancel" the hard-fought Paris Agreement concluded in the French capital last December to limit 317 1135031 stressed today that tackling climate was a "common and shared responsibility". "International cooperation is a must for us to address climate change ," he said in Marrakesh. Observers say Trump would have three options for pulling out of the process. He could withdraw 317 1147448 India wants a broad outline or roadmap for the implementation of the Paris agreement to be finalised at the crucial climate change conference here, Environment Minister Anil Madhav Dave said today. The Environment Minister, who arrived here to attend the high-level 317 1147683 will go on till November 18 as nations continue their work on strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change , with the central focus on enhancing ambition, promoting implementation and providing support. Before the start of the conference, the Environment 317 1147738 global climate conference apart from focussing on the issue of mobilising finances, which has been its "overriding" concern, to tackle climate change . Dave said India will push the issue of following a low carbon lifestyle during the summit which all nations including 317 1148059 and then take a decision," he said. Asked how India will work on the issue of water in terms of climate change adaptation measures, Dave said India will coming out with a full agenda "exclusively" on water in 2017. An Indian national 317 1157819 alone, according to a World Bank report released today. Those numbers will be driven up in the coming decades as climate change amplifies the destructive power of cyclones, flooding and drought, said the report, released on the margins of high-level UN 317 1210418 a long list of challenges, said Jim Slama, president of nonprofit advocacy organization FamilyFarmed. Those include increasingly resistant super-weeds, climate change and a national food waste problem. Slama, another keynote speaker, said those challenges present opportunities for startups. To encourage innovation 317 1242997 miles per gallon of gasoline by 2025. Myron Ebell, a director at the Washington-based Competitive Enterprise Institute and a climate-change skeptic, is leading the agency's transition into the Trump administration. "We believe it is unlikely that new fuel-economy rules 317 1245328 average by 1.68 millimeters per year from 1961 to 2014. However, Chen warned that the long-term influence of the climate change needs further monitoring and research. For example, if an inland salt lake, which gets bigger, starts to flow into the 317 1251891 ever wondering why it seems so difficult to get anything done in the Legislature. Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative of climate change , speaks at the High-Level Forum on South-South Cooperation on Climate Change on the sidelines of the United Nations 317 1251904 Legislature. Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative of climate change, speaks at the High-Level Forum on South-South Cooperation on Climate Change on the sidelines of the United Nations Climate Conference on Monday. [Photo by Wang Yanfei/] China plans to enhance 317 1251934 Conference on Monday. [Photo by Wang Yanfei/] China plans to enhance financial support to developing countries to adapt to climate change through a south to south cooperation scheme, a senior official of the Chinese delegation said during UN climate talks on 317 1251968 Chinese delegation said during UN climate talks on Monday. Speaking at the High-Level Forum on South-South Cooperation on Climate Change on the sidelines of the United Nation Climate Conference, Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative of climate change, said that China 317 1251985 South Cooperation on Climate Change on the sidelines of the United Nation Climate Conference, Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative of climate change , said that China would facilitate south-south cooperation on climate change by providing more financial support to developing countries through 317 1251996 Nation Climate Conference, Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative of climate change, said that China would facilitate south-south cooperation on climate change by providing more financial support to developing countries through the 20 billion yuan ($2.9 billion) South-South Cooperation Fund. The 317 1252040 independent contribution on global climate finance, "represents part of China's best efforts" to actively participate in global efforts to tackle climate change challenges, said Xie. The fund was announced by Chinese president Xi Jinping during the Climate Change Conference held in December 317 1252056 global efforts to tackle climate change challenges, said Xie. The fund was announced by Chinese president Xi Jinping during the Climate Change Conference held in December in Paris. Xie said China will use the fund to help developing countries build low carbon 317 1252110 as well as promote climate-friendly technologies. "China would ensure money meets the needs of developing countries in adapting [to] climate change ," said Xie. Since 2011, China has provided 580 million yuan to help other developing countries cope with climate change, through 317 1252129 to] climate change," said Xie. Since 2011, China has provided 580 million yuan to help other developing countries cope with climate change , through construction projects that improve capacity building activities. Xie urged developed countries to "keep pledges" on providing support to developing 317 1252173 climate adaptation through Green Climate Fund, a fund within the framework of the UNFCCC founded to assist developing countries in climate change . Working together 'only correct choice', Chinese leader tells president-elect President Xi Jinping said on Monday that "there are a 317 1263113 defuse tensions, support peaceful protests, and maintain public safety." MARRAKECH, Morocco - China will continue to play an active role in climate change with much stronger actions, while enhancing cooperation with related parties. The 22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations 317 1263138 actions, while enhancing cooperation with related parties. The 22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) is being held in the Moroccan city of Marrakech. Participants in the meeting are expected to identify ways for 317 1263172 the meeting are expected to identify ways for a potential future coalition and adopt a declaration on health, environment and climate change . MUCH STRONGER ACTIONS China has set up an ambitious target to reach the peaking of CO2 emissions around 2030, Xie 317 1263295 sharing. He said that China would act positively and forcefully in maintaining the international mechanism, promoting international cooperation and combating climate change . CHINA-US COOPERATION CONTINUES China's policies will not be affected by any external changes, Chen Zhihua, a member of the 317 1263339 said Friday. "No matter what happens in the new US government, China will continue to constructively participate in the international climate change process," Chen said. Chen was referring to concerns that the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate 317 1263360 change process," Chen said. Chen was referring to concerns that the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change after US President-elect Donald Trump, who vowed to cancel the agreement during his campaign, takes office in January. "We 317 1263554 by a 12-strong European Parliament delegation before it left for Marrakech, Morocco, for the second week of the UN climate change conference. Parties that have approved the global pact will start their first talks at the conference, and President Xi Jinping 317 1263775 by developed nations in Cancun, Mexico, to raise $100 billion a year by 2020 to help developing countries cope with climate change . However, "major divergences persist" on the funding plan after a weeklong negotiation, said Gu Zihua, a representative with the Chinese 317 1263859 president Al Gore, warned that Trump's election could overshadow climate talks and is a disaster for international efforts to tackle climate change . "If Trump follows through with his plan to withdraw, other developed nations will need to fill the place of the 317 1277579 that there was no indication there was any correlation between the fires and the suspected attack on the ancient tombs. ' Climate Change Is Not A Hoax': Christian Scientist Pens Open Letter To Donald Trump A prominent Christian climate change scientist has called 317 1277596 the ancient tombs. 'Climate Change Is Not A Hoax': Christian Scientist Pens Open Letter To Donald Trump A prominent Christian climate change scientist has called on the President-elect to work with other countries in support of the Paris agreement. In an 317 1277634 Paris agreement. In an open letter to Donald Trump, atmospheric scientist Dr Katharine Hayhoe pleads with him to accept that climate change is "real" and not a hoax. Hayhoe, associate professor of political science at Texas Tech University, where she is director 317 1277765 climate is changing, we're responsible, and the impacts are serious. "I've helped write US national climate assessments that document how climate change is affecting the country's water, its energy, ecosystems, infrastructure, and even people's health. "This thing is not a hoax; it's 317 1277791 water, its energy, ecosystems, infrastructure, and even people's health. "This thing is not a hoax; it's real." The issue of climate change has divided evangelicals among themselves and also from the rest of the population in the United States. Overall, seven in 317 1277838 warming is man-made, but among evangelicals, four-fifths do not think humans have caused it. Donald Trump is a climate change denier. His advisers during his campaign included Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, a prominent oil and gas man and a 317 1277860 denier. His advisers during his campaign included Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, a prominent oil and gas man and a climate change sceptic. Reuters reported this week that Donald Trump believes climate change is a hoax and is looking for a fast 317 1277871 Dakota, a prominent oil and gas man and a climate change sceptic. Reuters reported this week that Donald Trump believes climate change is a hoax and is looking for a fast way to exit the accord so he does not have to 317 1277940 as an evangelical Christian. Seven years ago, Hayhoe wrote a chapter of a book by Trump advisor Newt Gingrich about climate change . The chapter was first accepted, and subsequently dropped on the request of Gingrich himself. Hayhoe writes in her letter to 317 1278006 shocked us, and you've even scared us. Why? Because your words and your actions will affect us all." She says climate change isn't fair, and disproportionately affects the poor and the weak, the vulnerable and the disadvantaged. These are the very people 317 1278076 her latest Global Weirding video, posted the day after the election, she says research shows that a person's view on climate change can be predicted by which party they belong to. The physics used to determine global warming is the same physics 317 1288118 Trump exhibit. I don't want people to think that I'm part of the merry clan who supported a misogynistic, xenophobic, climate change denier into power. Those values are not my values, they are not what I read when I look in the 317 1325818 It is difficult to predict how the relationship between the U.S. and the EU will unfold, including on trade and climate change . The first European politician President-elect Trump met was Nigel Farage, interim leader of the U.K. Independence Party, the driving 317 1445848 promised world leaders that Trump would not win the White House as he pushed them to make commitments to combat climate change , accept his Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP, that will govern trade in the region and sign on to a nuclear deal 317 1472562 to raise their contributions, fearing that withdrawing U.S. funds could have a domino effect. Advertisement The deal aims to hold climate change to 'well below' 2 degrees Celsius of warming by moving the world economy away from fossil fuels. The agreement provides 317 1472608 year in international funding from 2020 to help poorer countries develop cleanly and adapt to the already inevitable impacts of climate change . Robinson, who now runs a foundation focused on seeking justice for people hit hard by climate impacts despite having contributed 317 1472893 be felt by poor communities and poor countries all over the world.' As a U.N. envoy for El Nino and climate change , she said she had been in dry regions of Honduras where women told her they no longer had water as 317 1472937 of worsening drought. WHITE HOUSE 'COMMITTED' TO PARIS DEAL The Obama administration remains committed to implementing the Paris agreement on climate change and the Iran nuclear deal through its final months, the White House said on Wednesday after the presidential election victory 317 1473143 past three years. The latest figures raise hopes that the world is nearing a turning point in the fight against climate change . Researchers say the slowdown in carbon dioxide emissions is mainly caused by declining coal use in China. But they have 317 1473213 out in the past three years raising hopes that the world is nearing a turning point in the fight against climate change 'It is far too early to proclaim we have reached a peak,' said co-author Glen Peters, a senior researcher 317 1473348 Ray, a professor of carbon management at the University of Edinburgh, who was not involved with the study. 'To tackle climate change those bonds must be broken and here we have the first signs that they are at least starting to loosen 317 1473625 he said. A girl carries a sign saying 'Climate justice for all' as she takes part in a protest against climate change coinciding with the Climate Conference taking place in Marrakech WILL DONALD TRUMP IMPACT CO2 EMISSIONS? The election of Donald Trump 317 1480512 Meteorological Orgnaization (WMO) global warming has stoked more floods, fires and rising sea levels. It made the claims today at climate change talks in Marrakesh, overshadowed by Donald Trump's election win. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has said that 2016 will be 317 1480571 pre-industrial times, driven by a strong El Nino and man-made carbon emissions President-elect Donald Trump has called climate change a hoax and a source in his transition team says he is seeking quick ways to pull the US out 317 1480676 Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said in a statement in Marrakesh, Morocco, where almost 200 nations are discussing ways to slow climate change . The heat, with impacts such as melting Greenland ice and damage to Australia's Great Barrier Reef, was stoked by an 317 1480966 from wealthy nations and the world's biggest polluters to fund protective measures in regions expected to be worst hit by climate change , including island nations and areas of the developing world. Advertisement The Geneva-based WMO said it was 'very likely' that 317 1481087 would fall by 1.7 per cent in 2016, driven by declines in coal consumption. President Barack Obama has made fighting climate change a key policy and the US was the driving force behind the design of the Paris Agreement. 'Because of climate 317 1481108 change a key policy and the US was the driving force behind the design of the Paris Agreement. 'Because of climate change , the occurrence and impact of extreme events has risen,' said Taalas. 'Once in a generation' heat waves and flooding are 317 1536351 warming will continue regardless of who heads the US administration, Washington's top climate envoy said Monday on the election of climate change denier Donald Trump. "Heads of state can and will change, but I am confident that we can and we will 317 1536380 and will change, but I am confident that we can and we will sustain a durable international effort to counter climate change ," US special envoy for climate change Jonathan Pershing told journalists on the sidelines of a UN climate conference in Marrakesh 317 1536386 confident that we can and we will sustain a durable international effort to counter climate change," US special envoy for climate change Jonathan Pershing told journalists on the sidelines of a UN climate conference in Marrakesh. Before he was elected president last 317 1536411 journalists on the sidelines of a UN climate conference in Marrakesh. Before he was elected president last week, Trump called climate change a "hoax" and threatened to "cancel" the hard-fought Paris Agreement concluded in the French capital last December to limit 317 1536439 the hard-fought Paris Agreement concluded in the French capital last December to limit global warming. US special envoy for climate change Jonathan Pershing speaks at the UN World Climate Change Conference 2016 in Marrakesh, on November 14, 2016 Fadel Senna (AFP 317 1536448 capital last December to limit global warming. US special envoy for climate change Jonathan Pershing speaks at the UN World Climate Change Conference 2016 in Marrakesh, on November 14, 2016 Fadel Senna (AFP) Pershing said the "shape and thrust" of the new 317 1536704 stressed Monday that tackling climate was a "common and shared responsibility". "International cooperation is a must for us to address climate change ," he said in Marrakesh. Observers say Trump would have three options for pulling out of the process. He could withdraw 317 1557006 at a time when UNICEF says 50 million children have been uprooted from their homes due to conflict, poverty and climate change and 263 million children are out of school. "It is shocking to see that the lives of many children are 317 1557634 inequality never really achieved a proper organization, Young said. Jamie Henn of the group 350, which organizes protests to fight climate change , said liberal activist groups are still scrambling to figure out how they will push back against a Trump presidency. "There 317 1557821 said his group, Portland's Resistance, aims to make sure city and state governments are working on issues such as limiting climate change , pushing for better health care and dealing with racial disparities in policing. Trump's election has made activists out of people 317 1619613 of the Virgin Group told Fortune that perhaps the most worrying aspect of a Trump victory is his attitude towards climate change , but if he chooses to surround himself with "decent people", then he can be a success during his four-year 317 1619712 that it now becomes the responsibility of business leaders to ensure that investment in clean energy and the fight against climate change continues, despite Trump's apathy towards the issue. "When you have a new government that doesnt believe in global warming, it's 317 1625262 Cathy is also a member of the Build Niche Links writing team. At COP22 event, Nicholas Stern says agriculture and climate change inextricably linked The private sector must play a key role in addressing climate challenges in the agricultural sector and in 317 1625324 talks in Marrakesh heard today. At the event staged by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Food and Climate Change : The Role of the Private Sector leading climate specialist Nicholas Stern said agricuture and climate change were inextricably linked. He 317 1625340 Development (EBRD) Food and Climate Change: The Role of the Private Sector leading climate specialist Nicholas Stern said agricuture and climate change were inextricably linked. He noted that food production methods were already changing as a result of the risks posed by 317 1625362 were inextricably linked. He noted that food production methods were already changing as a result of the risks posed by climate change . The private sector was aware that continued profitability of the food and agricultural sector depended on the preservation of environmental 317 1625392 of the food and agricultural sector depended on the preservation of environmental resources that were vulnerable to the effects of climate change . The momentum generated by last years Paris climate agreement and the new Sustainable Development Goals agreed in 2015 presented a 317 1625514 priorities in Egypt. More videos The EBRD had observed changes in the way agribusiness companies addressed the global challenge of climate change and environmental issues in general. Clients were seeking to increase competitiveness by being more efficient with water and energy, developing 317 1625616 so are public policies aimed at making sustainable use of resources, protecting vulnerable resources, creating infrastructure that facilitates adaptation to climate change , and developing appropriate financial mechanisms, Dr Romani said. The EBRD has been supporting the development of market economies since its 317 1625700 robust and resilient economies, the EBRD has placed a high priority on ensuring food security and energy efficiency and combating climate change . It has financed close to 600 transactions in the agribusiness sector, exceeding 10 billion of cumulative investment. At the same 317 1628547 hes the one thats received more than a million dollars for his work finding potential non-fossil-fuel excuses for climate change . Theres also Richard Lindzen, who was part of Peabodys failed social cost of carbon lawsuit (which is probably what the 317 1628778 to transition into the profitable renewable business, Peabody funded groups to tell the public what it wanted to hear: that climate change is no big deal or even good for us, so we can keep burning coal forever. Ignoring science for sycophants 317 1628837 Fracking Noam Chomsky: The Doomsday Clock Is Nearing Midnight New Website Helps Connect the Dots Between Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change The Climate Costs of Offshore Oil Drilling Denmark produced 42 percent of its electricity from wind power in 2015, even 317 1629041 told The Guardian. Denmark sets wind power record, aims at 50% #renewables by 2020 UN Climate Change (@UNFCCC) January 19, 2016 According to Energinet, 2015 was a particularly windy year, which helped Denmark set the new record 317 1629591 some significance in itself. On Nov. 8, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) delivered a report at the international conference on climate change in Morocco (COP22) which was called in order to carry forward the Paris agreement of COP21. The WMO reported that 317 1629998 to dismantle the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by placing in charge of the EPA transition a notorious (and proud) climate change denier, Myron Ebell. Trumps top adviser on energy, billionaire oil executive Harold Hamm, announced his expectations, which were predictable: dismantling 317 1632846 the streets during king tides. Roads get washed out. During a campaign debate in October, Sen. Marco Rubio denied that climate change has anything to do with sea level rise or Floridas regular flooding events. Now re-elected for another six-year 317 1632888 term, he has refused to meet with 15 Florida mayors who asked in January for a meeting to discuss the climate change risks they are facing. expand=1] Scientists expect the supermoon to make things even worse 317 1633028 of the transition team told Reuters. The options include withdrawing from the parent treaty, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change , entirely or issuing a presidential order to delete the U.S. signature from the climate deal. Before leaving for Marrakech on 317 1633280 Wall Street Journal, Mashable, VOA News Commentary: Guardian editorial Myron Ebell: Washington Post, New York Times, Undark, Cosmopolitan For more climate change and clean energy news, you can follow Climate Nexus on Twitter and Facebook, and sign up for daily Hot News 317 1637148 held in Marrakesh, Morocco. Governments around the world have limited public budgets and unlocking private investment is essential to address climate change . Luxembourg is pleased to work with the European Investment Bank, the worlds largest lender for climate related investment, to support 317 1637228 the European Investment Bank, the worlds largest financier for climate related investment. Mobilising new investment for projects that help tackle climate change is a global challenge. Here at COP 22 in Marrakech the global community is starting to implement the historic Paris 317 1637436 impact of the European Investment Banks own climate financing. Simply speaking if private investment is not mobilised, efforts to tackle climate change will fail. confirmed Jonathan Taylor, European Investment Bank Vice President. Luxembourgs environment minister Carole Dieschbourg and Finance Minister Pierre Gramegna 317 1637508 investment require innovative financing. This new initiative will help unlock new climate focused equity investment in regions most vulnerable to climate change Monique Barbu, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to combat desertification. Over the last five years the European Investment 317 1644601 capital, delegates from nearly 200 countries finalized the Paris Agreement, the worlds first global climate pact. During the present 22nd climate change summit or COP22 in Marrakesh, representatives from the signatory countries are working behind the scenes to come up with the 317 1644692 have had over the past 30 years. And, increasingly, the world will have to wake up to the challenge of climate change because it is happening around us everywhere, whether in tiny Europe or in big Asia. So, we will have to 317 1644863 was in Marrakech where the wait was particularly poignant. What can we expect now that the Republican nominee, who called climate change a hoax and reiterated that he would cancel last years Paris Agreement, prevailed over rival Hillary Clinton, a strong supporter 317 1645004 even in the US, the atmosphere will not be the same because I bet the US will realize that the climate change affects its agriculture, affects its way of life. So, therefore, I am pretty optimistic even though even within Europe, and 317 1645057 and labour on the one hand and the people who are convinced that we have to do something about the climate change . This is what I would say on the present stage of climate change and the related policy. EUBULLETIN: The European 317 1645070 we have to do something about the climate change. This is what I would say on the present stage of climate change and the related policy. EUBULLETIN: The European Unions contribution to the fight against climate change consists of a range of 317 1645085 on the present stage of climate change and the related policy. EUBULLETIN: The European Unions contribution to the fight against climate change consists of a range of measures adopted by the EU members it is called Europe 2020 Strategy. Has this package 317 1645630 leaders at the election of Mr Trump who had claimed, among other things, that there was no such thing as climate change , praised Russian President Putin and questioned the principle of collective defense in NATO. Mr Trumps commitment to Western security is 317 1695507 credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change . Visit This story has not been edited by Firstpost staff and is generated by auto-feed. ISLAMABAD/SRINAGAR, India 317 1707876 credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change . Visit This story has not been edited by Firstpost staff and is generated by auto-feed. By Paul Sandle 317 1736558 likely to put pressure on the administration for not going along with the business-sapping deals such as the Paris climate change agreement. It would be a wise and savvy move for the president-elect to jump to the aid of the 317 1737140 piece by D.D. Guttenplan in The Nation argued even while they develop the power to pressure him on immigration and climate change . Democrats need a revived party with a strong leader, as well as a clear message that allows them to stand 317 1794781 in trade wars; reintroducing stop and frisk police practices that unconstitutionally target black and Latino males; abandoning efforts to curb climate change ; banning Muslim immigration and creating a registry to track Muslim Americans; attacking organs of the press he deems antagonistic; and 317 1797948 unilateral actions are more prevalent. Three, to divest the US of its international obligations under the Paris agreement and other climate change deals. On the other hand, he has already begun watering down his earlier opposition to the healthcare programmes of US 317 1798156 blown hot and cold. The new administration is on more touchy ground, and not allied with public opinion, in declaring climate change to be a falsehood. It remains to be seen whether Mr Trump will put his policy where his mouth was 317 1829372 President-elect Trump looking at fast ways to quit Paris climate deal: Report This is a great help for tackling climate change but it is not enough, said Le Quere. For the worlds nations to make true on the global pact to 317 1829560 adding 40 GtCO2 in 2016 alone. We have already used more than two thirds of the emissions quota to keep climate change well below two degrees, it warned. The remaining quota would be used up in less than 30 years at the 317 1829604 level. A girl carries a sign that read climate justice for all as she takes part in a protest against climate change coinciding with the Climate Conference, known as COP22, taking place in Marrakech, Morocco. (AP) Under the so-called Paris Agreements 317 1829846 off worst-case-scenario global warming. It is an international march for all the people who suffer the results of climate change , yet had no role in causing it, said Mohamed Leghtas of a Moroccan climate coalition of environment, human rights and 317 1829870 no role in causing it, said Mohamed Leghtas of a Moroccan climate coalition of environment, human rights and labour groups. Climate change is a triple injustice: committed by the north against the south, by current generations against future ones, and by a 317 1830030 greenhouse gases, blamed for warming the planet, added Antolin Huascar of Perus agricultural confederation. People participate in a protest against climate change , in a march coinciding with the Climate Conference, known as COP22, taking place in Marrakech, Morocco. (AP) The protest took 317 1830156 told AFP at the march. There can be no climate justice without respect for human rights. Also Read | Historic Paris climate change agreement becomes international law Myanmars government said Monday that 34 people were killed after they attacked government troops in Rakhine 317 1830867 cause for concern. He has questioned the relevance of some of Americas paramount alliances, starting with NATO; put the Paris climate-change accord in doubt by calling global warming a hoax, and sharply criticized the strenuously negotiated pact that Washington and five 317 1832942 has been intense speculation over the impact of Trumps win on issues facing the two countries, from global trade and climate change to the security balance in the Asia-Pacific. Trump lambasted China throughout the US election campaign, drumming up headlines with 317 1833410 North Korea. Trump appears to be seeking quick ways to withdraw the United States from a global accord to combat climate change , which has been billed by China and US President Barack Obama as a key area for cooperation. In March, after 317 1858982 that he does not see the election of Trump as cause to pivot away from his governments plans to fight climate change . He unveiled last month that Liberals will impose a national floor price on carbon emissions in 2018, rising to $50 317 1859140 committed to the Paris agreement and will work with the provinces and territories on a pan-Canadian strategy to fight climate change . The Liberal carbon tax will create good-paying, blue collar, American jobs, Poilievre said. U.S. competitors will have a yuge 317 1859192 MP Sheila Malcolmson expressed concerns about what recent changes will mean for those gathering this week at the United Nations climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco. The election of Donald Trump threatens to dismantle the entire Paris agreement, she said. Malcolmson wanted 317 1861623 when striving for equitable and efficient health systems, particularly when facing the diverse scope of global health actors today. Advertisement Climate change is often at the periphery of global health discussions, yet it is undoubtedly one of the most pressing issues facing 317 1861654 yet it is undoubtedly one of the most pressing issues facing not only youth, but the global community at large. Climate change has severe impacts on health systems by exacerbating inequities. The urgency of this issue is reflected in the significant attention 317 1861694 significant attention it is receiving in the SDG agenda and at Conference of Parties (COP) meetings. The universal nature of climate change offers the opportunity for collaborative partnerships between youth of all nations and global community stakeholders. Canada's recent ratification of the 317 1871366 what are the implications for the rest of the world of his victory? First and foremost attempts to prevent catastrophic climate change are facing a huge setback. Trump has been explicit on this. He has played to the deniers and conspiracy theorists 317 1871389 facing a huge setback. Trump has been explicit on this. He has played to the deniers and conspiracy theorists saying climate change is a Chinese hoax aimed at undermining the US economy and, whether he really believes this or not, he's committed 317 1874436 the issue of singular importance for the rest of the world when it comes to a Trump foreign policy, is climate change . A UN environment report released just prior to the election stressed the need to cut carbon emissions by roughly a 317 1874471 to cut carbon emissions by roughly a quarter of current outputs by 2030 to have any chance of avoiding dangerous climate change . Even Barack Obama's much vaunted Clean Power Plan is suspected yield reductions well short of this target, with as little 317 1874572 promises to speed up major energy infrastructure projects like Keystone XL. And he promises to end America's participation in UN climate change programs. That this comes as grim reading for policy makers attempting to make progress on global climate policy is quite 317 1889452 peace, dignity, and kindness. But please, don't abandon me in this Handmaid's Tale nightmare. Donald Trump is all wrong about climate change . Not only does he risk becoming the only world leader who fails to understand that dangerous climate change is the 317 1889470 wrong about climate change. Not only does he risk becoming the only world leader who fails to understand that dangerous climate change is the central environmental challenge of our time. He also risks negating U.S. leadership on climate change at a time 317 1889487 understand that dangerous climate change is the central environmental challenge of our time. He also risks negating U.S. leadership on climate change at a time when the global community has reached consensus on the need to address this crisis. Trump is also 317 1889535 action to protect the climate is done for the benefit of China, because China does not do anything to help climate change . He is wrong to think that being part of an international climate agreement would give China an unfair advantage over 317 1890227 in new industries like renewables, EVs and efficiency, combat its relentless pollution, and protect China from the devastating impacts of climate change on its food security, human health, cities and infrastructure. And rather than denying the reality of climate change and continuing 317 1890245 impacts of climate change on its food security, human health, cities and infrastructure. And rather than denying the reality of climate change and continuing to expand fossil fuel use, as Trump and the Republicans seek to do, China has pledged to set 317 1890438 only gift that Trump would give to China if he abandons the Paris Agreement. Relinquishing Americas international leadership role on climate change would open the door for China to become the worlds de facto climate leader, diminishing U.S. influence and enhancing Chinas 317 1890473 leader, diminishing U.S. influence and enhancing Chinas across multiple issues. As Zou Ji, deputy director of the National Centre for Climate Change Strategy and a senior Chinese climate negotiator, told Reuters: If Trump abandons efforts to implement the Paris agreement, "China's influence 317 1895785 celebrities (Leonardo DiCaprio comes in here) about the damage to the climate forever if we don't face the facts of climate change ? How could people have ignored the fact that he said he would bring back torture methods, now banned and do 317 1897814 stewardship can be calamitous. Thus, I'm truly troubled when we pack the electoral college with voters who will choose a climate-change denier for president. He's already named a skeptic to head his EPA transition team. Bromides and platitudes easily transform into 317 1898898 to what will happen in the future unless more effective action is taken. In addition to conflict, violence, and poverty, climate change will be an important instigator for mass migration, in the future. Mr. Moller's view is that the crisis has been 317 1905101 direction of the new administration. However, the promise of greater deregulation, less EPA control, and the overall skeptical attitude towards climate change will move environmental issues connected to agriculture, fishing, and animal husbandry front and center. The new administration's favorable attitude towards 317 1909517 victory in the US presidential election, on November 9, 2016.Stunned participants at UN climate talks in Marrakesh insisted that climate change denier Donald Trump cannot derail the global shift to clean energy, although some called his victory in US presidential elections 317 1909665 to national climate action as we know it has been slammed shut. Trump is the only world leader who denies climate change . He has no interest in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. He's shown little support for clean energy. There's zero chance he'd 317 1910062 going. The American people still love the environment. They overwhelmingly support clean energy. Democrats and Republicans alike want action on climate change . People want clean air to breath and clean water to drink. This election had nothing to do with dismantling our 317 1910086 clean air to breath and clean water to drink. This election had nothing to do with dismantling our environmental laws ( climate change wasn't even mentioned in the debates) and Trump has zero mandate for a radical assault on the planet. He's going 317 1915196 students of today will be the tomorrow's leaders. And today's research will provide the solutions to tomorrow's challenges - such as climate change , migration issues and the consequences of an aging population. That is why we keep building these ever-stronger bonds. On 317 1920745 of their most difficult challenges ever. Many depend on fishing for their survival, but their fish stocks are declining and climate change accelerates that decline. The warming, rising, more acidic seas affect habitats and reproduction. This is an important environmental question, of 317 1921389 corner of our planet can impact a continent somewhere else. Africa's fishing communities have done so little to contribute to climate change and yet they face the harshest consequences. The least we can do is to help them build resilience, including by 317 1922247 ecological perspective, it is an unimaginable disaster. The United States had recently committed to the Paris agreement to begin addressing climate change , and President Obama recently signed the important agreement on the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) with President Xi of China. But 317 1922474 get them done: We must redouble our efforts to communicate the planet's actual situation to voters in the United States. Climate change is a bigger threat to jobs, prosperity, and a secure future than any other threat humanity faces. We must show 317 1935240 a clear popular vote lead before California's votes came in. With the world's fifth largest economy, beacon of the anti- climate change fight Trump has ludicrously claimed is a Chinese hoax, going against Trump by nearly 2 to 1, Trump is now 317 1936354 campaign just past, seems up in the air. Yet a couple of other things are already clear. Trump's denial of climate change , which is surprising in that he is obviously a bright guy, an Ivy Leaguer from New York who once backed 317 1936419 likely future conflicts. As the DoD noted when it released a very enlightening report on the global security threat of climate change : "Rising global temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, climbing sea levels, and more extreme weather events will intensify the challenges of global 317 1936458 challenges of global instability, hunger, poverty, and conflict." One of the very first people to turn me on to the climate change issue, back in the '70s, was a close associate and friend of my original faculty advisor, dean of naval historians 317 1936509 Cross-winner, who went on to become CINCPAC and the director of the National Security Agency, saw nuclear weapons and climate change as the greatest across-the-board threats to world peace and the habitability of the planet. Any consideration of geography 317 1936538 to world peace and the habitability of the planet. Any consideration of geography and resources makes the security challenge of climate change all too clear. Too bad the fighter ace admiral, a favorite of Nimitz and Halsey, is no longer around to 317 1943490 fitting that this very important climate summit is being held in Morocco, which has done so much to further the climate change agenda. The IEA looks forward to a closer cooperation with Morocco, which has been a close partner country for many 317 1958734 pictures 16 October 2022 A protester holds a placard during a march into central London at a demonstration by the climate change protest group Extinction Rebellion AFP/Getty UK news in pictures 15 October 2022 A member of the public drags an 317 1959537 the King George VI Memorial Chapel, St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle PA UK news in pictures 23 September 2022 A climate change activist protests against UK private jets while lighting his right arm on fire during the Laver Cup tennis tournament at 317 1979935 just haven't been competitive in the United States, we've had very high taxes, we've had strangling regulations, we've got crazy climate change policies. "All of that is going to change in America. We're going to start producing things again in America and 317 1985661 threat that snow leopards face from humans. According to a new study, which was published in the journal Biological Conservation, climate change could reduce them to unsustainable numbers in many populations. Rising temperatures, especially in the Himalayas, are expected to leave snow 317 1991220 he is accused of". The Paris Agreement commits countries to cutting greenhouse gas emissions to net zero to stop dangerous climate change Minister for Climate Change Denis Naughten will this week highlight the success of Ireland's plastic bag levy during climate change 317 1991224 The Paris Agreement commits countries to cutting greenhouse gas emissions to net zero to stop dangerous climate change Minister for Climate Change Denis Naughten will this week highlight the success of Ireland's plastic bag levy during climate change talks in Morocco. It 317 1991240 climate change Minister for Climate Change Denis Naughten will this week highlight the success of Ireland's plastic bag levy during climate change talks in Morocco. It is expected that European environment and marine ministers will sign a 'Declaration of Intent' aimed at 317 1991327 UN talks on the Paris Agreement. He will lead the Irish delegation for the political phase of COP22 the global Climate Change summit. Discussions will focus on how best to implement the agreement, including how to measure and report emissions so that 317 1991505 discuss the range of actions being taken around the world to reduce emissions and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change . Ireland's team here at COP22 includes representatives of our key sectors as we coordinate both our engagement on the international 317 1991813 In the departmental re-jig done last May, Heather Humphreys has taken on community affairs; Denis Naughten is responsible for climate change ; and Simon Coveney retains housing and local government. The 41-year-old Tipperary TD is still less than a decade 317 2051103 of a pin; there are important issues at stake here. As a result of the error, she thinks, even our climate change models could be giving questionable results. Mitra wants to introduce a new model for life in our oceans. There is 317 2051378 take account of the presence of mixotrophs, that we now realise comprise more than half of all microscopic plankton. Our climate-change models will be unsound until we do so. We ignore these little triffids at our peril. If Noam Chomsky was 317 2108800 herself as a Republican, she deviates from the party line on a number of issues including same-sex marriage and climate change . In 2011, she co-wrote a book called America, You Sexy Bitch. ALSO Silicon Valley is trying to figure out 317 2130128 individuals to positions of power who have endorsed racism, misogyny and religious bigotry, and denied the widespread scientific consensus on climate change . Regardless of our political views, these endorsements violate principles at the core of MITs mission. At this time, it is 317 2133864 extra sharing options Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Copy Link URL Copied! Print Trump seems ready to fight the world on climate change but hes likely to meet resistance By Evan Halper Coal trucks leave a power plant operated by PacifiCorp outside Huntington 317 2133931 climate pariah. The president-elect is unabashed in his disdain for Americas global warming policy. He has placed a staunch climate-change doubter and antagonist of mainstream science in charge of reshaping or as Trump has suggested, dismantling the Environmental Protection Agency 317 2134004 eliminated. Environmentalists take little comfort in Trumps recent comments that he accepts there is some connectivity between human activity and climate change and that he has an open mind about it, as what hes said elsewhere and done so far suggests otherwise 317 2138166 options Share Close extra sharing options Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Copy Link URL Copied! Print Trump veers off script on climate change , his potential conflicts of interest and even whether to prosecute Clinton By Evan Halper President-elect Donald Trump strayed far 317 2138231 necessarily need to sever ties to his businesses while president. He said he has an open mind to acting on climate change . And he even offered some praise for the Clinton Foundation. On the business ties, Trump was vague about when he 317 2138360 November 22, 2016 Trump, who once declared global warming a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, backed off his skepticism of climate change . He said he believed there is a connection to human activity and warming but he is still undecided about how 317 2138426 in negotiating, which Trump has been vowing for months to withdraw from. Tom Friedman asks if Trump will withdraw from climate change accords. Trump: Im looking at it very closely. I have an open mind to it." Michael M. Grynbaum (@grynbaum) November 317 2143950 Democrat can get through Congress. At the same time I urge him to take another look at the evidence for climate change . He should also look at how American workers would be better protected if the government went after employers who pay 317 2152633 aides and says deportations will begin immediately Oregon protester shot during a fourth night of election protests across the nation Climate change is real: Just ask the Pentagon Donations of food, tents and blankets have always been a staple of international aid 317 2212209 senator, said she's concerned about what policies might be coming under a Trump administration, including when it comes to addressing climate change . "We're in a terrible, terrible place," said Pollack, who was president of the Michigan Environmental Council from 1996 to 2008 317 2212273 boundary waters between the U.S. and Canada. "Every week or every month or every year that's lost on responding to climate change is just lost," said Pollack, who expects to lose her position in January. Pollack said she wants to get rid 317 2224981 energy, environment and maritime technology, thus enabling technology transfer and dealing with issues related to the environment, green growth and climate change . Speaking at a ceremony on November 12th to mark the universitys 60th anniversary, he asked the university to further improve 317 2240412 machines to physical machines. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 54: 82-94 (2016). Anglophone political populism and the cultural rejection of climate change (Nanowerk News) Donald Trumps US election victory follows hard on the back of the UKs Brexit vote in June. The 317 2240490 these different referenda in two of the worlds oldest democracies open a different window into understanding the cultural politics of climate change . At one level, a political analysis would conclude that both results are a setback for national climate policies and international 317 2240512 At one level, a political analysis would conclude that both results are a setback for national climate policies and international climate change agreements. A UK withdrawing from the EU, and its embedded environmental legislation is a UK that would seem more climate 317 2240558 progressives would wish for. And in the US, Trump has made fairly clear his own personal beliefs about human-induced climate change . With a Republican senate and house, it is not impossible to think of the USs withdrawal from the Paris Agreement 317 2240599 Agreement. But Im interested in a deeper cultural reading of what these two popular votes signify in the context of climate change . In their light it is perhaps ironic that it was largely US and UK science which, from the 1970s through 317 2240683 2016, have clear electoral majorities in these two nations voted for political movements and parties which are predominantly sceptical of climate change ? It is more than just a result of nefarious fossil-fuel corporations or well-funded libertarian think-tanks. Climate commentators 317 2240716 corporations or well-funded libertarian think-tanks. Climate commentators and analysts need to look beyond these narrow explanations of resistance. Climate change has become ideological The connecting factor, I suggest, is a popular antipathy towards the shadowy ideology of globalism, the unexamined 317 2240804 against; yet in the minds of many, this is the ideology that lies behind the science, discourse and policies of climate change . The rise of an anti-globalist populism in recent years, and its clear expression this year in these two electoral 317 2240835 years, and its clear expression this year in these two electoral moments, should help us to read the phenomenon of climate change differently. We cannot understand it simply in terms of science and the environment or even in terms of economics and 317 2240859 cannot understand it simply in terms of science and the environment or even in terms of economics and politics. How climate change is believed in or denied, how it is acted upon or resisted, can only be understood at the level of 317 2240924 the different types of climate agreements that have been sought-for over three decades. The idea of human-induced global climate change first emerged in public in a very particular era: in the 1980s and early 1990s when globalism and the new 317 2240994 Agarwal and Sunita Narain observed astutely, in different ways, back in 1991. Since then we have seen the idea of climate change and how it should be dealt with continue to evolve, from the centralised targets and timetables of Kyoto in 1997 317 2241072 political rhetoric and national climate policy continue to get wider and wider in the years ahead. A populist approach to climate change ? With the rise in populism and nationalism some new and nifty policy entrepreneurialism is needed, and it will have to 317 2241098 populism and nationalism some new and nifty policy entrepreneurialism is needed, and it will have to tackle the risks of climate change obliquely. This is the strategy a group of colleagues and I called for in the Hartwell Paper back in 2010 317 2247309 emissions, further raising temperatures to more than 7 degrees Celsius within a lifetime. The United Nations' (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently estimated that the "business as usual" approach to using large amounts of fossil fuels would put the Earth 317 2248107 monitoring and observing. Good news for the environment! Germany's coalition government has decided to take a big step in fighting climate change by cutting its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 95 percent in just by the year 2050. According to a 317 2248275 will only follow in the footsteps of our very ambitious climate policy if we manage to combine the fight against climate change with the protection of industrial jobs even in energy-intensive sectors," said Social Democrat leader and deputy chancellor Sigmar Gabriel 317 2248378 Scotland Provides Electricity to All Its Houses Via Wind Power for a Month #PutAPriceOnIt: Is Expensive Carbon the Answer to Climate Change ? Good News: Costa Rica Now Fossil Fuel-Free, Running on Renewable Energy for 2 Months Chicago is paving a way 317 2249027 Global Warming, Produce More Greenhouse Gases than Canada US President-elect Donald Trump has been open with his view on climate change being a hoax, and now, Trump has tapped one of the most popular climate skeptics, Myron Ebell, to lead the 317 2249242 for natural variability, and whether its caused by human beings or not, its nothing to worry about," said Ebell about climate change in a 2007 Vanity Fair interview. Ebell is yet to comment on his newly appointed position in leading the EPA 317 2255293 need leaders who can articulate their grievances, he said. Jamie Henn of the group 350, which organizes protests to fight climate change , said liberal activist groups are still scrambling to figure out how they will push back against a Trump presidency. "There 317 2255480 said his group, Portland's Resistance, aims to make sure city and state governments are working on issues such as limiting climate change , pushing for better health care and dealing with racial disparities in policing. Trump's election has made activists out of people 317 2312761 is, and you can follow him on Twitter (@mitchell6). The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change is being launched today (Monday 14th Nov) at the COP22 climate talks taking place in Morocco. An international, multi-disciplinary 317 2312797 in Morocco. An international, multi-disciplinary research initiative, it brings together leading experts to track and analyse the impacts of climate change on public health. The Lancet Countdown will report annually in The Lancet. With input from 48 leading experts from across 317 2312892 and ensure strong engagement with Ministries of Health. With the aim of ensuring the case for action on health and climate change is more widely evidenced and understood, the Lancet Countdown will inform decision-making and drive an accelerated policy response to 317 2312914 is more widely evidenced and understood, the Lancet Countdown will inform decision-making and drive an accelerated policy response to climate change . It will complement other initiatives, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its achievements for climate science. The 317 2312927 and drive an accelerated policy response to climate change. It will complement other initiatives, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its achievements for climate science. The health impacts of climate change are already being felt and effecting some of 317 2312939 other initiatives, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and its achievements for climate science. The health impacts of climate change are already being felt and effecting some of the most vulnerable on our planet. No one is immune or out 317 2313013 own right and as a key pillar of the Sustainable Development Goals." Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change . The interrelation of climate change and public health is becoming increasingly clear. The Lancet Countdown builds on the findings of 317 2313018 key pillar of the Sustainable Development Goals." Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The interrelation of climate change and public health is becoming increasingly clear. The Lancet Countdown builds on the findings of the 2015 Lancet Commission on 317 2313042 health is becoming increasingly clear. The Lancet Countdown builds on the findings of the 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change , which concluded that climate change posed both a "potentially catastrophic risk to human health", while conversely being "the greatest global 317 2313047 The Lancet Countdown builds on the findings of the 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change, which concluded that climate change posed both a "potentially catastrophic risk to human health", while conversely being "the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st 317 2313115 to convey the urgency of our collective predicament and the need for decisive action. The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change is being launched today to amass the evidence needed to hold policy makers accountable for their promises and commitments. The 317 2313167 awareness and accelerating progress to a healthier, low-carbon world. These are the goals of our Countdown on Health and Climate Change ." A broader evidence base on interrelated health and climate change trends will notably help demonstrate clear co-benefits of action 317 2313177 These are the goals of our Countdown on Health and Climate Change." A broader evidence base on interrelated health and climate change trends will notably help demonstrate clear co-benefits of action. An estimated 18000 people die every day due to air 317 2313263 fuel energy generation responsible for the bulk of air pollution in the first place, are also a leading cause of climate change . Health and economic co-benefits from addressing climate change - be it mitigation or adaptation - only add to the impetus for 317 2313272 pollution in the first place, are also a leading cause of climate change. Health and economic co-benefits from addressing climate change - be it mitigation or adaptation - only add to the impetus for action, given that changes to climate take longer to 317 2313314 be felt. The Lancet Countdown is partnering with the Wellcome Trust, which is committed to stimulating research on health and climate change . The Paris Agreement is a step in the right direction, but we must build on this momentum. The Lancet Countdown 317 2313397 Planet, Our Health' at Wellcome. The Lancet Countdown comes at a crucial time for international cooperation and national action on climate change , following ratification of the Paris Agreement and the announcement of the 2030 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As part of 317 2313434 Goals (SDGs). As part of this transition, healthcare professionals, governments and countries will have to shift from an understanding of climate change solely as a threat, to one which embraces the response to climate change as an opportunity for human health and 317 2313447 have to shift from an understanding of climate change solely as a threat, to one which embraces the response to climate change as an opportunity for human health and wellbeing. The Lancet Countdown is aligned with the SGD process in working to 317 2313475 and wellbeing. The Lancet Countdown is aligned with the SGD process in working to ensure the health challenge posed by climate change is resolved by 2030. Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Head of the Health and Climate Change team at the World Health 317 2313490 the health challenge posed by climate change is resolved by 2030. Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Head of the Health and Climate Change team at the World Health Organization, said: "The Paris Agreement was a landmark achievement - the challenge now is to meet 317 2313589 working with The Lancet Countdown to track progress, and to mobilize support for more ambitious action. When it comes to climate change , when the world drags its feet, the health of our patients all around the globe suffer." The relationship between health 317 2313612 the world drags its feet, the health of our patients all around the globe suffer." The relationship between health and climate change , will be addressed by The Lancet Countdown through in-depth analysis across relevant themes in the context of global, regional 317 2313684 The Lancet. This provides more detail on the principle themes the Lancet Countdown will cover, namely: the health impacts of climate change ; health resilience and adaptation; the health co-benefits of mitigation; finance and economics; and political and broader engagement. Academics and 317 2347873 9329 5088, [email protected]; NATIONAL Equicom: Mr. Keith Richards, (416) 848-1599, [email protected] MARRAKECH, Morocco, Nov. 14, 2016 /CNW/ - Climate change is a global problem that requires a global solution. Canada is committed to reducing climate-harming pollutants at home and 317 2347904 Canada is committed to reducing climate-harming pollutants at home and around the world. Today, Canada's Minister of Environment and Climate Change , Catherine McKenna, announced that Canada will contribute $14 million to reduce short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), like methane, through partnerships 317 2348005 operations, which is the burning of natural gas that cannot be processed. Gas flaring is responsible for harmful emissions causing climate change and air pollution. In Chile, we will capture methane that escapes decomposing garbage at landfill sites and divert organic matter 317 2348066 greenhouse gases, but they are much more powerful and very harmful to the climate. Reducing SLCPs is essential to address climate change in the short term. These pollutants also cause respiratory problems and other negative health effects so, by reducing them, we 317 2348100 negative health effects so, by reducing them, we are protecting the health of families and communities everywhere. Canada's action on climate change helps communities in Canada and around the world in tangible and meaningful ways, like improving air quality and providing more 317 2348127 around the world in tangible and meaningful ways, like improving air quality and providing more access to economic opportunities. Addressing climate change is making the world a better place. This investment is part of Canada's commitment of $2.65 billion over the next 317 2348169 five years to help countries and communities around the world pollute less, be better equipped to resist the effects of climate change , and make a positive contribution to a global clean economy. Quotes "Climate change is the challenge of our time, and 317 2348182 better equipped to resist the effects of climate change, and make a positive contribution to a global clean economy. Quotes " Climate change is the challenge of our time, and we need to work in collaboration with other countries to rise to this 317 2348289 slow warming on the planet we all share and for which we all care." Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change "For Mexico, mitigation of SLCP is fundamental for reaching climate-change goals as well as the SDGs. In that endeavor 317 2348300 we all care." Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change "For Mexico, mitigation of SLCP is fundamental for reaching climate-change goals as well as the SDGs. In that endeavor, the collaboration with Canada to reduce methane emissions from the oil 317 2348375 and environment, while protecting the planet's climate." Maria Amparo Martinez Arroyo, Director General of the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change of Mexico "The Paris Agreement is official and in force since November 4, much earlier than expected. It is certainly 317 2348402 is official and in force since November 4, much earlier than expected. It is certainly great news for the international climate-change agenda. It is the responsibility of the countries to now move forward towards its implementation, taking the necessary measures to 317 2348624 the third largest source of global methane emissions attributable to human activity. Related products Prime Minister announces investment in global climate change action Canada pledges $35 million to combat short-lived climate pollutants Environment and Climate Change Canada's Twitter page Environment and 317 2348639 Minister announces investment in global climate change action Canada pledges $35 million to combat short-lived climate pollutants Environment and Climate Change Canada's Twitter page Environment and Natural Resources in Canada's Facebook page SOURCE Environment and Climate Change Canada For further information 317 2348655 climate pollutants Environment and Climate Change Canada's Twitter page Environment and Natural Resources in Canada's Facebook page SOURCE Environment and Climate Change Canada For further information: Contacts : Caitlin Workman, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 819-938 317 2348673 Environment and Climate Change Canada For further information: Contacts : Caitlin Workman, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change , 819-938-9436; Media Relations, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 819-938-3338 or 1-844-836-7799 (toll free 317 2348682 Caitlin Workman, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 819-938-9436; Media Relations, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 819-938-3338 or 1-844-836-7799 (toll free), TORONTO, Nov. 14, 2016 /CNW/ - Insurance Bureau of Canada 317 2349407 ext. 295 OTTAWA, Nov. 14, 2016 /CNW/ - Five international aid experts will discuss how women's empowerment is critically linked with climate change adaptation and good development policies. Experts from Oxfam Quebec, CARE Canada, Farm Radio International, the University of Saskatchewan and World 317 2349548 Protection, (647) 641-8165, [email protected] MARRAKECH, MOROCCO, Nov. 14, 2016 /CNW/ - Canada is moving to take serious action on climate change , and Canadians will benefit from new opportunities in the emerging clean-growth economy. The Minister of Environment and Climate Change 317 2349568 climate change, and Canadians will benefit from new opportunities in the emerging clean-growth economy. The Minister of Environment and Climate Change , Catherine McKenna, co-chaired the Climate and Clean Air Coalition's (CCAC's) High-Level Assembly and issued the following quotes and 317 2349747 will also foster innovation and create good jobs in a modern, clean, global economy." Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change "I am proud to announce investments with Chile and Mexico to help reduce short-lived climate pollutants. In Canada and 317 2349789 around the world, we are adding up wins for the climate and cleaner air." Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Quick facts Scientists agree that short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) such as black carbon, methane, ozone, and some hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs 317 2349928 Associated links October 15, 2016 Canada and the World agree to phase down HFCs Canada's participation at COP22 Environment and Climate Change Canada's Twitter page Environment and Natural Resources in Canada's Facebook page SOURCE Environment and Climate Change Canada Image with caption 317 2349944 at COP22 Environment and Climate Change Canada's Twitter page Environment and Natural Resources in Canada's Facebook page SOURCE Environment and Climate Change Canada Image with caption: "From left to right: Helena Molin Valdes (Head, CCAC Secretariat), Dr. Jonathan Pershing (U.S. Special Envoy 317 2349967 Image with caption: "From left to right: Helena Molin Valdes (Head, CCAC Secretariat), Dr. Jonathan Pershing (U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change ), Rita Cerutti (Canadian Co-chair of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition), the Honourable Catherine McKenna (Canadas Minister of Environment 317 2349990 Cerutti (Canadian Co-chair of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition), the Honourable Catherine McKenna (Canadas Minister of Environment and Climate Change ), and Mr. Pablo Badenier (Minister of Environment from Chile). (CNW Group/Environment and Climate Change Canada)". Image available at: http 317 2350005 Canadas Minister of Environment and Climate Change), and Mr. Pablo Badenier (Minister of Environment from Chile). (CNW Group/Environment and Climate Change Canada)". Image available at: For further information: Caitlin Workman, Press Secretary, Office of the 317 2350031 For further information: Caitlin Workman, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change , 819-938-9436; Media Relations, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 819-938-3338 or 1-844-836-7799 (toll free 317 2350040 Caitlin Workman, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, 819-938-9436; Media Relations, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 819-938-3338 or 1-844-836-7799 (toll free) On Nov. 12, an exhibition of Chinas opera figures 317 2350907 and Science Museum Day (ISCSMD) in true Canadian fashion by putting a spot light on the weather, more specifically on climate change . Recently, the Centre announced the results of its first science literacy survey. "Our findings indicated that we as a country 317 2350972 survey also informed us that there is a 'climate of confusion' with 40 % of Canadians believing that the science behind climate change was unclear. We invite all Canadians into a dialogue about climate change and its impacts with our Wild Weather exhibition 317 2350984 40 % of Canadians believing that the science behind climate change was unclear. We invite all Canadians into a dialogue about climate change and its impacts with our Wild Weather exhibition that explores the power and unpredictability of extreme weather allowing visitors to 317 2351020 of extreme weather allowing visitors to gain a better understanding of the science behind severe weather and its connection to climate change ." Today, with the help of David Phillips, Senior Climatologist, Environment and Climate Change Canada the Ontario Science Centre shined a 317 2351033 behind severe weather and its connection to climate change." Today, with the help of David Phillips, Senior Climatologist, Environment and Climate Change Canada the Ontario Science Centre shined a spotlight on climate change during his 45-minute presentation to Centre visitors. Climate 317 2351044 the help of David Phillips, Senior Climatologist, Environment and Climate Change Canada the Ontario Science Centre shined a spotlight on climate change during his 45-minute presentation to Centre visitors. Climate change is a global issue and to help address it the 317 2351054 Change Canada the Ontario Science Centre shined a spotlight on climate change during his 45-minute presentation to Centre visitors. Climate change is a global issue and to help address it the Ontario Science Centre participated in a global citizen science project 317 2359866 rules and should not be politicized," Geng said. Responding to concerns that Trump vowed to "cancel" the Paris Agreement on climate change , which was inked last December and came into force last week, Geng said the deal was a result of concerted 317 2359912 including China and the United States. China is willing to strengthen cooperation with the United States and other countries on climate change and promote green, low-carbon and sustainable development around the globe, the spokesperson added. MOONACHIE - Police have arrested a Maywood 317 2393587 a currency manipulator, threatened to impose stiff tariffs on Chinese imports and accused the country of inventing the idea of climate change to hurt American businesses. But in his first telephone conversation with President Xi Jinping of China, Mr. Trump, now the 317 2396245 about 5,300 of the richest families. 10 Gun-free zones At military bases and at schools. International Obligations 11 Paris Climate Change Agreement Commits more than 190 countries to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. 12 North American Free Trade Agreement Trade deal 317 2399440 years, a new study showed Monday, raising hopes that the world is nearing a turning point in the fight against climate change . However, the authors of the study cautioned its unclear whether the slowdown in CO2 emissions, mainly caused by declining coal 317 2399604 Ray, a professor of carbon management at the University of Edinburgh, who was not involved with the study. To tackle climate change those bonds must be broken and here we have the first signs that they are at least starting to loosen 317 2399711 Trump as U.S. president, underlining the uncertainty for Americas closest allies over issues as wide-ranging as Iran, Russia and climate change . The emergency dinner gathering was a measure of how suddenly the U.S.-Europe relationship has been cast into disarray by 317 2429766 State," Mogherini told reporters following the meeting. She said that the main issues in the EU-US agenda would be climate change , nuclear non-proliferation, Iran nuclear deal, trade and "all the crises we have around us." "We had a very fruitful 317 2469614 Oregon. -05e1b70b87c48fc3.jpg Donald Trump speaks during an August campaign rally in Erie, Pennsylvania. (Evan Vucci/Associated Press) TRUMP AND CLIMATE CHANGE : If the Republican Party and their president-elect persist in denying overwhelming scientific evidence and still insist that climate change 317 2469634 CLIMATE CHANGE: If the Republican Party and their president-elect persist in denying overwhelming scientific evidence and still insist that climate change is a hoax, the planet is in for some very dark days indeed. The world's plan for controlling greenhouse gases 317 2508879 wrong direction according to Trump supporters. More Americans are reaping the benefits of cheaper energy due to efforts to combat climate change with clean and renewable energy, but that is the country going in the wrong direction. And President Obama has been 317 2568174 We have a tremendous opportunity in our region to build a new green economy and find innovative solutions to address climate change for our health and future generations, as this project highlights." Alaska Airlines flew two other flights in June using a 317 2590647 14, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- COP22 -- Over 70% of private investors surveyed see both risk and investment opportunity from the impact of climate change , according to a new study released today by the Global Adaptation & Resilience Investment Working Group (GARI). According to GARI, 78 317 2590682 Working Group (GARI). According to GARI, 78% of 101 surveyed investors and other stakeholders thought evaluating the physical risk from climate change was "very important," while 70% would consider making investments that supported adaptation to climate change or climate change resilience now 317 2590697 evaluating the physical risk from climate change was "very important," while 70% would consider making investments that supported adaptation to climate change or climate change resilience now. These investor reactions were reported in "Bridging the Adaptation Gap," a discussion paper released by 317 2590700 risk from climate change was "very important," while 70% would consider making investments that supported adaptation to climate change or climate change resilience now. These investor reactions were reported in "Bridging the Adaptation Gap," a discussion paper released by GARI at the 317 2590823 physical climate risk. The paper also catalogs existing infrastructure, corporate, and fixed asset investments that support adaptation and resilience to climate change . Over 60% of respondent investors are considering investments today in resilient infrastructure and in companies whose products address the impact 317 2590846 60% of respondent investors are considering investments today in resilient infrastructure and in companies whose products address the impact of climate change on water, agriculture, healthcare, energy, and financial services. "GARI demonstrates that private investors see both the risk to their portfolios 317 2590873 and financial services. "GARI demonstrates that private investors see both the risk to their portfolios from the physical impact of climate change and the opportunity to invest in addressing that risk today," said lead author Jay Koh, founder and chair of GARI 317 2591240 Francisco Bay Area, Four Twenty Seven helps Fortune 500 companies, investors and government institutions understand how to quantify and monetize climate change impacts on operations as well as social factors that affect their value chain. About Climate Finance Advisors Climate Finance Advisors 317 2616601 the third place. "Another year. Another record," said WMO Secretary General Petteri Taalas while releasing the report at the Marrakech climate change negotiations at COP22. He said the extra heat from powerful El Nino phenomenon has disappeared. The heat from global warming 317 2616719 100-year cycle. The WMO report came as a major challenge ahead of the major goal of the landmark Paris Climate Change Agreement (COP21), that aims at keeping the global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial 317 2616813 over 400 million people were affected by the strongest ever 'El Nino' weather event, causing droughts around the world," ActionAid climate change policy expert Teresa Anderson said in response to the report. Anderson said the impacts of El Nino confirm the need 317 2616843 the report. Anderson said the impacts of El Nino confirm the need for the world to take urgent action on climate change , which affects women and children the worst. ActionAid said inspite of the huge drought, the world has remained largely silent 317 2617672 some of the world's leading polluters have pledged to lower climate-changing carbon pollution within their borders under the Paris Climate Change Agreement, while on the other, these countries are facilitating a massive boom in that carbon pollution by financing coal development 317 2617785 renewable energy, and energy efficiency. That will create jobs and protect the planet from climate catastrophe." The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states the burning of fossil fuels is contributing to the rise in global temperatures. Unfortunately, key governments continue to invest 317 2617817 rise in global temperatures. Unfortunately, key governments continue to invest in projects that further the world's dependence on coal, making climate change worse. An official statement quoting Belantara Foundation CEO Agus Sari said: "In Indonesia, companies are already divesting from coal investments 317 2619463 Marrakech, Nov 14 : Civil society groups from across the globe on Monday demanded from the world leaders at the 22nd Climate Change Conference (COP22) a halt to all fossil fuel extraction and making an urgent transition to clean energy. A coalition of 317 2619550 at COP22, government leaders must commit to take more action and ramp up finance for poorer countries," said Sven Harmeling, Climate Change Advocacy Coordinator of CARE International. According to experts, the going back on the agreement's pollution-cutting pledges leaves the planet 317 2660782 place from November 7-18 where nations will continue their work on strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change . The report said that record or near-record temperatures occurred in parts of the Middle East and north Africa on 317 2661081 fractions of a degree, and so this is different, said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. He said that because of climate change , the occurrence and impact of extreme events has risen and once in a generation heatwaves and flooding are becoming more 317 2661238 the disaster early warning and climate service capabilities of especially developing countries. This is a powerful way to adapt to climate change , said Taalas. Photographs: Reuters, Getty Images Protests against Donald Trump, since his historic victory in the presidential polls, have been 317 2719976 it would mean for the federal government and for America. But the implications for California are also far-reaching. On climate change , Gov. Jerry Brown has already made clear that he and other state leaders wont be dissuaded from pursuing their aggressive 317 2720013 dissuaded from pursuing their aggressive agenda regardless of what the Trump administration wants. Trump has called climate rules draconian and climate change a hoax. On immigration, its unclear whether Trump believes some of the extreme things he said on the campaign trail 317 2722648 the region would be very useful because we have a very sparse network of meteorological measurements that help us describe climate change , says Holland. Having a more formalised network would also be useful because it would help collect the data in a 317 2731312 Goals (SDGs) of ending poverty and hunger, improving health and education, making cities more sustainable, combating the adverse effects of climate change , promoting peace and justice for all, and protecting the environment and biodiversity. It also provides funds needed for the integration 317 2737706 how to be the loyal progressive opposition to Clinton. How to hold her accountable to do the right thing on climate change , the Trans-Pacific Partnership and criminal justice reform. Then something happened that made lot of people roll into a weepy 317 2740987 Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate At a time when a new administration seems poised to challenge the countrys climate-change consensus, PG&E Corp. tapped an executive, Geisha Williams, who has led its clean-energy push as its new chief 317 2741570 clean-energy standards put in place by President Obama and removing the United States from the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change . While that has raised questions of how energy distributors might be affected, his power to regulate utilities at the state 317 2754779 Exit polls show that the country is sharply divided on Trump along the same lines as its sharp divisions on climate change . Political ideology was the single strongest determining factor in the election. 90% of Republicans voted for Trump, while 89% of 317 2754868 percentage points; Clinton won minorities by 53 points. Minorities are also far more likely to accept and be concerned about climate change than white Americans. As Samantha Bee explained, white Americans bear responsibility for electing Donald Trump: The urban/rural divide was 317 2754974 30 voted for Clinton by an 18-point margin. Similarly, young Americans are far more likely to be concerned about climate change than older Americans. Finally, there is a gender gap, though its smaller than many expected. Despite accusations from 15 women 317 2755104 margin of about 20 points more than men. Thats also the margin by which American women are more concerned about climate change than men. How did America elect Barack Obama and then Donald Trump? Its important to remember that as with Al 317 2755526 the Earths climate? As John Abraham wrote last week, now that the Republican Party controls the US government, they own climate change . For years, America was the country most to blame for obstructing international efforts to curb climate change. Our senate refused 317 2755543 government, they own climate change. For years, America was the country most to blame for obstructing international efforts to curb climate change . Our senate refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. President George W Bush refused to take any action to cut US 317 2755599 of Representatives in 2009. Finally, over the past four years, the US has taken action and shown leadership in tackling climate change . As a result, humans had a slim chance of keeping global warming below the dangerous 2C limit. Trump and congressional 317 2756599 victory does not presage a populist lurch to our political right. It does not even invalidate the established science of climate change . What it may indicate is reaction to a public policy shortfall in providing for the benefits of globalisation, liberalisation and 317 2756836 the opposition benches. The messages about humane treatment of refugees, freedom to marry, support for the environment, action to reverse climate change , fair support for those who need it, support for education according to need, and fair taxation of the rich are 317 2759564 When I got the tape measure out and measured them this year's XL was absolutely identical to last year's XXL. Climate change , clever marketing, a shrinking universe - or what?" Paul Duncan's mention of religious proselytisers, [C8] reminds me of the Seventh Day 317 2768123 Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee (COMSTAC) included plans to "redirect NASA budgets towards deep space achievements rather than Earth-centric climate change spending." "NASA should be focused primarily on deep space activities rather than Earth-centric work that is better handled by 317 2836544 prioritize debt reduction. A new international study revealed on Monday good news for the planet amid looming uncertainty on the climate change policies of President-elect Donald Trump. Worldwide carbon emission levels did not increase in 2015 and remained flat for the 317 2836723 Professor David Reay from the University of Edinburgh, who was not involved in the study, said that to fight against climate change , the bonds between carbon emissions growth and economic gains must be broken. "[H]ere we have the first signs that 317 2836817 So far the slowdown has been driven by China," said Glen Peters, co-author of the study. Peters said China's climate change policies would become the dominant force in the future because the country accounts for almost 30 percent of global emissions 317 2836951 elect Donald Trump could put the climate action course set by his predecessor Barack Obama into danger. Trump has called climate change a "hoax" and has mentioned pulling out the United States out of the Paris climate change accord. He has also 317 2836967 danger. Trump has called climate change a "hoax" and has mentioned pulling out the United States out of the Paris climate change accord. He has also pledged to scrap Obama's Clean Power Plan, which was designed to lessen carbon pollution in the 317 2865981 its commitments unscathed. On Friday in Marrakesh the Chinese representatives were very clear that they remained committed to action on climate change and expected America to do so too. China, as well as being the largest foreign owner of US debt, not 317 2866132 Trump, and his children advisors, Ivanka, Donald Jr and Eric, are on record urging President Obama to deliver action on climate change in 2009 as part of a letter from business leaders in the New York Times. As a businessman Trump has 317 2866183 in office, business trumps political partisanship. It would be ironic if having called for Obama to show global leadership on climate change it was Trump who squandered it. Hold Trump to account - but don't paint him into a corner! It's also worth 317 2866215 but don't paint him into a corner! It's also worth remembering that during the first Presidential debate, Trump denied calling climate change a Chinese hoax. That concession was drowned out by his opponents pointing to his self-contradicting tweet saying otherwise. But 317 2866246 his opponents pointing to his self-contradicting tweet saying otherwise. But if he is no longer claiming to be a climate change denier, let's note that and hold him to account not paint him into a corner. Although Obama deserves much credit 317 2866276 account not paint him into a corner. Although Obama deserves much credit for his leadership unlocking the international efforts on climate change in the face of Republican opposition, it's worth noting that Democratic administrations have been far from perfect domestically. The Dakota 317 2866391 No longer can countries, businesses and the public sleepwalk into complacent oblivion, assuming catastrophe will be averted just because a climate change believing Democrat is in the White House. Not only will this light a fire under nation states, those of us 317 2866485 money in fossil fuel companies and instead shift it to renewables. You can join civil society organisations that campaign on climate change and help countries suffering its consequences. And (in the UK) you can engage your MP. Already the language from BEIS 317 2866546 to become one of the most powerful people in the world. But even he cannot alter the laws of nature. Climate change will continue under his watch and he'll be held responsible for his actions to deal with it. The world is 317 2866681 trade agreement, which stopped it. It included all sorts of activists who work on human rights, worker rights, the environment, climate change , Internet freedom, health care, food safety and more. People told us stopping the TPP was impossible. Even after the election 317 2878467 it is only a first step. The real challenge lies in ensuring that Paris agreement is able to avert catastrophic climate change and enhance climate resilience, especially among the poor and most vulnerable. The agreements entry into force comes a few days 317 2878506 a few days before the climate meeting the 22nd Conference of Parties (COP22) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Marrakech, Morocco. The COP22 is being pitched as a conference of action and implementation as its main task