DocIndex Position Left Middle Right 174 18854 containing a dozen of compressed dried leaves suspected to be Indian Hemp. The suspected drugs, which were bound for the United Kingdom was packaged in boxes labelled as Fresh Yams Made in Ghana. Two suspects, Malik Ofori and Richmond Otieku were arrested 174 23648 arguments the fine nation of Australia can muster, its preeetty hard to deny the cultural attachment we have to the United Kingdom . While we may very well be living in the so-called Asian Century, the first sixteen years of it havent 174 34211 do the same here, according to his Facebook response: Statement Regarding British Referendum on E.U. Membership The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have 174 49072 egos of certain personalities. But for our lawmakers and... The British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC, is reporting that voters in the United Kingdom on Thursday have chosen to leave the European Union, a hotly-contested referendum result that has left stock markets in 174 53667 and we maintain significant financial flexibility." About Great-West Lifeco in Europe We have a long-established presence in the United Kingdom through Canada Life since 1903 and we are committed to maintaining and building our businesses in the U.K. through Canada 174 106711 Council of Holland is responsible for the promotion of flowers and plants to consumers in various European countries. In the United Kingdom , we do this using the brands and, amongst others. About the National Gallery The National Gallery houses one 174 134925 and Healthcare Group Bayer "This is a heavy blow for Europe and the beginning of an uncertain time for the United Kingdom . Automotive BMW Group "We know that many of the relevant conditions for supplying the European market will have to be 174 136804 Photographs: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters, Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Counting is underway in a historic referendum that will decide whether the United Kingdom remains a member of the European Union. Voting closed on Thursday, with a prominent Leave campaigner saying he expected to 174 138270 SCO meeting in Astana, as equal partners. The Islamic State has expressed its delight over the economic impact on the United Kingdom and the European Union following the British referendum and called for attacks in Berlin and Brussels to "paralyse" Europe, according 174 140758 on India's membership on merit while seeking Beijing's support but China persistently opposed India's bid. The votes are in and United Kingdom has opted to exit the European Union. That means that in the coming months, British and European leaders will begin 174 141069 UK and be deported. Image: A poster is seen in a window in Chelsea, Britain. Photograph: Reuters 3) Will the United Kingdom break up? Brexit could also change the United Kingdom in a more fundamental way. The UK is made up of 174 141078 in a window in Chelsea, Britain. Photograph: Reuters 3) Will the United Kingdom break up? Brexit could also change the United Kingdom in a more fundamental way. The UK is made up of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Now that UK 174 161843 shock this morning: an EU capital that is fighting for its very survival. Following the "leave" campaign's victory in the United Kingdom , it's now up to leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande to ensure that the remaining 174 165319 the Right Cause party, floated the common view in Moscow that France, Germany, and Russia should unite Europe against the United Kingdom and United States. "In my opinion, the most important long-term result of all this is that their exit will 174 165431 Igor Korotchenko, a nationalist journalist who appears regularly on state television, joked about the mayhem Brexit could cause inside the United Kingdom itself, possibly renewing Scottish independence calls, considering that voters in Scotland cast ballots to remain in the EU. He wrote 174 170839 and feedback contact: Business News Canadian stocks are set to join the global rout Friday morning after the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union. European stocks plummeted more than 6 percent overnight, and the European Central Bank said 174 173905 As Britain has voted in the historic referendum to leave the European Union(EU), the reform deal reached between the United Kingdom and the EU in February will not take effect and ceases to exist, top officials announced on Friday. The leaders 174 174095 suggesting the UK to leave the union in an "orderly way." "We stand ready to launch negotiations swiftly with the United Kingdom regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union," the statement said. They added that the deal 174 174201 remain a member of the EU until the process of exit negotiations is over. "According to the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no 174 174217 the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a member," the statement said. As for the future relationship between the UK and the 174 174259 EU, the leaders said they hope the two to be "close partners." "Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third country, will have to reflect the interests of both sides and be balanced in terms of rights 174 174584 Britons voting to withdraw from the European Union(EU) on Thursday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Friday said the United Kingdom would retain its position in NATO despite the change in the EU's political landscape. "The British people have decided to 174 175392 of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of 174 207657 earlier this month clinched the delegates required to carry the Democrats banner against Trump. Hours after Britons voted for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, they started Googling "What is the EU?" according to Google Trends. In a tweet, the 174 231307 pro-European faction boils over. The result has also considerably shortened the odds of Scotland renewing efforts to leave the United Kingdom to join the EU, when the matter had seemed settled less than three years ago. Britain is now in uncharted 174 232612 peering over the channel, I would want to get out too. After all, the mostly Sydney College of the Arts. United Kingdom has not been part of Europe since the last Ice Age. The Europeans have been at war with each other 174 239118 Corbyn told Sputnik earlier that he projected the victory of the Leave camp in the Brexit referendum, held across the United Kingdom on Thursday. The final result is expected on Friday morning. That Paul Dempsey is drier, funnier than what might be 174 246504 4am, before an official or media call of the result, he claimed victory. "The dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom ," he said. "This will be a victory for real people, a victory for ordinary people, a victory for decent people 174 247018 to account for themselves. For a while results from Scotland and London - two of the 12 regions into which the United Kingdom was divided for the vote - put Remain's nose in front. But the lines on the map were becoming a chasm 174 248036 this, but this is a decision of the British people and it must be respected. We feel sad for the United Kingdom and Europe. But we must overcome this, which means preserving Europes unity, continue fulfilling priorities and projects while being even 174 249321 nationalist party, Sinn Fein, said the result intensified the case for a vote on whether Northern Ireland should leave the United Kingdom . But in nodding to Orwell this week, the University of Houston's Professor Robert Zaretsky, who specialises in intellectual and cultural 174 257750 radiates a wave," the study's lead author Chris Hughes, a researcher at the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool, in the United Kingdom , told Live Science. "In this case, the water is pulsing in and out of the Caribbean Sea. As the mass 174 260951 people of Britain a new sovereignty. "If we vote leave, we can take back control of our borders," pledged the United Kingdom Independence Party's Nigel Farage and former London mayor Boris Johnson, the conservative head of the Leave campaign. This is a 174 260992 a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate Shares of major Connecticut stocks slumped in early trading Friday after United Kingdom citizens voted to leave the European Union, triggering the resignation of U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron and a statement from 174 273111 has achieved "so much" to foster democratic values and ideals. In a statement, President Obama said: "The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. UK votes to leave EU and Cameron resigns "The special relationship between the 174 273137 respect their decision. UK votes to leave EU and Cameron resigns "The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom's membership in Nato remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security and economic policy 174 273194 promote stability, stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond. "The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 275794 Alex Salmond to state it was "almost certain" that the country would be asked to reconsider its place in the United Kingdom . Voters rejected a breakaway in 2014 but in the manifesto on which it won a fresh term in power at 174 276891 Cox, 41, Labour MP for Batley and Spen, who was shot and stabbed yesterday at her constituency surgery in Birstall, United Kingdom Christopher Furlong/Getty Images JUNE 2016: British Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha Cameron leave after voting in 174 288370 independence referendum after she said Scots had made an unequivocal call to stay in Europe. JK Rowling predicted that the United Kingdom would be ripped apart after England and Scotland voted in opposite directions, tweeting: Scotland will seek independence now. Camerons legacy 174 288731 minister David Lidington said: I know many will be concerned about the future. I want to be absolutely clear. The United Kingdom will continue to stand beside Gibraltar. "We will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass 174 300075 Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu U Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Uzbekistan V Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Y Yemen Z Zambia Zimbabwe The head of Lebanon's Hezbollah movement said Friday that 174 301019 the EU's history, a culmination of decades of suspicion over Europe. The shock vote also threatened the unity of the United Kingdom , with Scotland unwilling to follow the rest of the country out of the EU. Voters decided 52 percent to 48 174 301478 island nation a decade to secure new trade accords worldwide. "It looks like a sad day for Europe and the United Kingdom ," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Twitter. In a worst-case scenario, the International Monetary Fund has warned 174 301658 the pavement a week ahead of the vote. Two years after Scotland voted in a referendum to remain in the United Kingdom , its political leader First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said a new independence vote is "definitely on the table" after Britain 174 301711 future as part of the EU," Sturgeon told television news after the vote. Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom , is now faced with the prospect of customs barriers for trade with EU-member the Republic of Ireland. Irish republicans 174 304544 After 56 percent of Northern Irish voters sought to remain in the EU compared to the 52 percent of the United Kingdom as a whole who voted leave, Sinn Fein's McGuinness said it was imperative that London called a referendum on a 174 305007 Controls Of most concern to Dublin is the impact on Northern Ireland, which has the only land frontier between the United Kingdom and the rest of the EU. It was marked by military checkpoints until a 1998 peace deal ended three decades 174 310935 an independence referendum like the one held in Scotland in 2014, which resulted in a vote to remain in the United Kingdom . Earlier on Friday, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said a second independence vote was "on the table" after Britain voted 174 313639 Denys Shortt OBE, founder and chief executive of Stratford-based DCS Group, said: "This is a new dawn for the United Kingdom . We have just joined the world. We can take back control of our sovereignty and our laws without the EU 174 316910 A second Scottish independence referendum is "highly likely", First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Friday, raising the prospect that the United Kingdom could tear itself apart after voting to leave the European Union. Scotland, a nation of five million people, voted decisively 174 316953 stay in the EU by 62 to 38 percent in a referendum on Thursday, putting it at odds with the United Kingdom as a whole, which voted 52-48 in favour of an exit from the EU, or Brexit. "As things stand 174 317037 the 300-year-old union between Scotland and England, its far bigger southern neighbour, dealing a body blow to the United Kingdom at a time when it is likely to still be dealing with the complex fallout from Brexit. It would also 174 317068 be dealing with the complex fallout from Brexit. It would also transform the political landscape in the rump of the United Kingdom by making it much harder for Labour, the main opposition to the ruling Conservatives, to win power in London, as 174 317146 powerful. EU membership was one of the key issues in 2014, with those campaigning for Scotland to stick with the United Kingdom arguing that an independent Scotland would not be able to remain a member of the bloc. Sturgeon said many Scots 174 317573 anyone had thought possible before the vote for Brexit. As well as bringing further turmoil to the rest of the United Kingdom , Scottish independence would also be likely to cause political headaches for the 27 remaining EU members. Some European politicians were 174 319877 campaign gained momentum in 2014 from an independence referendum in Scotland, where voters eventually opted to remain part of the United Kingdom . Puigdemont sent a message of support to Scotland, whose first minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Friday a second Scottish independence 174 321577 requires a great responsibility on the part of all of us to guarantee the good of the people of the United Kingdom , as well as the good and co-existence of the European continent." - EU Parliament President Martin Schulz hoped the vote 174 321703 to tell me -- 'What does not kill you make you stronger," Tusk said. - US President Barack Obama said that, "the United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 321746 ensure continued stability, security, and prosperity for Europe, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the world." "The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision," Obama added, in a statement from his White House office. - UN Secretary General 174 321861 overconfident" and "superficial" in the EU referendum, and denied taking a position on Brexit. "It will have consequences for the United Kingdom , for all of Europe and for us, of course," he added. Search Keywords: Short link: The Ministry for Culture and 174 327876 part of the British leadership," Putin said,in comments broadcast on Russian state television. "It will have consequences for the United Kingdom , for all of Europe and for us, of course," he added. Many observers have said that Brexit would play into 174 331484 up almost 21% of the total income from foreign tourism, and which gives some idea of the importance of the United Kingdom . There will be a similar effect on investment in the Costa del Sol, where many real estate developments are funded 174 331545 also a risk for the economy overall. Spain has a positive trade balance, in terms of its exports, with the United Kingdom , which means the pound's devaluation is a new and less favourable scenario to cope with. Financial markets could also be 174 331671 The main one is economic, as the majority of people with British state pensions could see their income reduced. The United Kingdom keeps the value of retirement payments to its overseas nationals in the EU in line with the UK, but this 174 367317 A second Scottish independence referendum is "highly likely", First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Friday, raising the prospect that the United Kingdom could tear itself apart after voting to leave the European Union. Scotland, a nation of five million people, voted decisively 174 367360 stay in the EU by 62 to 38 percent in a referendum on Thursday, putting it at odds with the United Kingdom as a whole, which voted 52-48 in favor of an exit from the EU, or Brexit. "As things stand 174 367444 the 300-year-old union between Scotland and England, its far bigger southern neighbor, dealing a body blow to the United Kingdom at a time when it is likely to still be dealing with the complex fallout from Brexit. It would also 174 367475 be dealing with the complex fallout from Brexit. It would also transform the political landscape in the rump of the United Kingdom by making it much harder for Labour, the main opposition to the ruling Conservatives, to win power in London, as 174 367553 powerful. EU membership was one of the key issues in 2014, with those campaigning for Scotland to stick with the United Kingdom arguing that an independent Scotland would not be able to remain a member of the bloc. Sturgeon said many Scots 174 367980 anyone had thought possible before the vote for Brexit. As well as bringing further turmoil to the rest of the United Kingdom , Scottish independence would also be likely to cause political headaches for the 27 remaining EU members. Some European politicians were 174 370048 After 56 percent of Northern Irish voters sought to remain in the EU compared to the 52 percent of the United Kingdom as a whole who voted to leave, Sinn Fein's McGuinness demanded that London call a referendum on a united Ireland 174 402035 to prevent World War III. The decision launches a yearslong process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what will become a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete. "The dawn is 174 402061 a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete. "The dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom ," said Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party. "Let June 23 go down in our history as our independence 174 404385 that Britain should expect no free ride as it negotiates its departure. "There cannot be any special treatment for the United Kingdom . The British people have expressed their wish to leave the EU. Leave means leave. The times of cherry-picking are 174 413453 of EU law in the UK will be gone as parliament decides which parts of EU law to keep. The United Kingdom (Jane Barlow/PA) With Scotland more firmly pro-EU than their English neighbours, there will be fear that the Scottish 174 416405 of the child, he was not happy, and he has abandoned us, she says. Britain votes to break with EU UNITED KINGDOM : Britain has voted to break out of the European Union, striking a thunderous blow against the bloc and spreading alarm 174 434391 executive order would have provided. He also commented briefly on a vote across the pond that could result in the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. "It just reaffirms that the president cannot rewrite law on his own," he said. "That is 174 434568 what he wants, and I'm glad the Rule of Law was affirmed." Thornberry also commented on the situation in the United Kingdom where citizens headed to the polls on Thursday to decide whether or not it should remain in the European Union 174 457714 trade deficit with the bloc. The EUs main service export to Britain, tourism, is unlikely to be affected. INVESTMENT The United Kingdom is consistently the largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the European Union, according to UNCTAD data, with an average 174 458113 A second Scottish independence referendum is "highly likely", First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Friday, raising the prospect that the United Kingdom could tear itself apart after voting to leave the European Union. Scotland, a nation of five million people, voted decisively 174 458157 in the EU by 62 to 38 per cent in a referendum on Thursday, putting it at odds with the United Kingdom as a whole, which voted 52-48 in favour of an exit from the EU, or Brexit. "As things stand 174 458241 the 300-year-old union between Scotland and England, its far bigger southern neighbour, dealing a body blow to the United Kingdom at a time when it is likely to still be dealing with the complex fallout from Brexit. It would also 174 458272 be dealing with the complex fallout from Brexit. It would also transform the political landscape in the rump of the United Kingdom by making it much harder for Labour, the main opposition to the ruling Conservatives, to win power in London, as 174 458351 powerful. EU membership was one of the key issues in 2014, with those campaigning for Scotland to stick with the United Kingdom arguing that an independent Scotland would not be able to remain a member of the bloc. Sturgeon said many Scots 174 458778 anyone had thought possible before the vote for Brexit. As well as bringing further turmoil to the rest of the United Kingdom , Scottish independence would also be likely to cause political headaches for the 27 remaining EU members. Some European politicians were 174 459329 rest of Britain voted to leave, raising the spectre of a new independence vote and the possible dissolution of the United Kingdom . Scotland voted by a margin of 62 percent to 38 percent to remain in the European in a referendum on 174 459360 38 percent to remain in the European in a referendum on Thursday, putting it at sharply at odds with the United Kingdom as a whole, which voted 52 percent to 48 percent to leave. Most voters in Northern Ireland also voted to 174 459395 voters in Northern Ireland also voted to remain and Irish nationalist leaders there called for a poll on leaving the United Kingdom and uniting with Ireland. Scotland has delivered a strong, unequivocal vote to remain in the EU, and I welcome that 174 460203 like a sad day for Europe and Britain. FRENCH FOREIGN MINISTER JEAN-MARC AYRAULT: ... said he was sad for the United Kingdom . Europe will continue but it must react and rediscover the confidence of its peoples. Its urgent. GERMAN FINANCE MINISTER WOLFGANG 174 460562 major damage to both sides, but in first line to the UK ... There cannot be any special treatment for the United Kingdom ... Leave means leave. The times of cherry-picking are over. GIANNI PITTELLA, LEADER OF THE SOCIALISTS AND DEMOCRATS IN THE 174 474667 to flooding and one was being run on a generator due to a power outage. The referendum asks: "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?" Commentators suggest Brexit could trigger a constitutional crisis 174 477214 said Satchu. "We export a lot of fresh vegetables, if you ever take a walk around a supermarket in the United Kingdom , youll find a lot of Kenyan wares up for sale. So, a strong relationship thats been there, for eternity. Currency 174 478982 is cast into doubt. Scotland, Ireland Despite British Leave campaigner Nigel Farage greeting the result as dawnbreaking on an independent United Kingdom , Scottish nationalists warned they are likely now to seek another referendum one to break with the English. Scotland massively backed 174 483829 Jean-Marc Ayrault similarly took to Twitter to air his displeasure with the vote, saying he was sad for the United Kingdom . Europe will continue but it must react and rediscover the confidence of its peoples. Its urgent, Ayrault said. More than 174 484531 Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault took to Twitter to air his displeasure with the vote, saying he was sad for the United Kingdom . Europe will continue but it must react and rediscover the confidence of its peoples. Its urgent, Ayrault said. A spokesman 174 484580 said he expected that the EU would continue to be "a solid partner" for the United Nations, and that the United Kingdom would "continue to exercise its leadership in many areas." International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde called on British and 174 493325 After 56 percent of Northern Irish voters sought to remain in the EU compared to the 52 percent of the United Kingdom as a whole who voted to leave, Sinn Fein's McGuinness demanded that London call a referendum on a united Ireland 174 497002 home the reuslts of the referendum has solicited mixed feelings. Studio Sevens Chris Gande reached a Zimbabwean living in the United Kingdom , Ezra Sibanda who says he is happy with the results of the referendum. Said Sibanda: "I voted for Britain to 174 511335 for covid-19. The company serves primary care and specialty care physicians through distributors and local representative offices in the United Kingdom , rest of Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Australasia. It has a collaboration agreement with Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to research 174 511447 its name to AstraZeneca PLC in April 1999. AstraZeneca PLC was incorporated in 1992 and is headquartered in Cambridge, the United Kingdom . Coles: not so much down, down but up, up? The no. 2 supermarket chain is speaking to suppliers about raising 174 522134 Commonwealth citizens living in the UK were. Like most other residents of London, Berger cast her ballot to keep the United Kingdom in the European Union. Now she isnt certain she wants to stay somewhere she may not be wanted. Anti-immigrant 174 547671 and geostrategic interests against its former post-war allies if necessary. In a recent long article on the referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union, Der Spiegel warned that the EUs disintegration could lead to the breakup of its alliance 174 559570 and Conservative MP Michael Gove (6/1). The pair flanked Johnson on the Leave campaign trail. Having unwillingly led the United Kingdom out of the European Union, Cameron used his speech to remind people about other parts of his legacy. "I'm very 174 563423 stay in the EU by 62 to 38 percent in a referendum on Thursday, putting it at odds with the United Kingdom as a whole, which voted 52-48 in favor of leaving. "It is a statement of the obvious that the 174 563508 unacceptable," she added. "I think an independence referendum is now highly likely." Scots rejected independence from the rest of the United Kingdom by 55 to 45 percent in a 2014 referendum, but since then Sturgeon's pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) has 174 563553 elections. EU membership was one of the key issues in 2014, with those campaigning for Scotland to stick with the United Kingdom arguing that an independent Scotland would not be able to remain a member of the bloc. Sturgeon said many Scots 174 575621 pulled out of the EU against its will, that would be grounds for a second referendum on seceding from the United Kingdom . The UK as a whole voted by 52 percent to 48 percent to leave the EU. However, Scotland voted strongly 174 578738 referendum on Thursday, widely seen as reflecting an increasingly nationalistic and inward-looking public, also risks the splintering of the United Kingdom itself, which could further reduce its role and stature in world affairs. Britain`s departure -- which is not immediate and 174 579639 Martin McGuinness called for a vote to unite the two sides of the Irish border. The break-up of the United Kingdom would raise questions whether it should retain its veto in the United Nations Security Council, where it has been a 174 589793 pulled out of the EU against its will, that would be grounds for a second referendum on seceding from the United Kingdom . The UK as a whole voted by 52 percent to 48 percent to leave the EU. However, Scotland voted strongly 174 592606 Drug Abuse has more about opioids. A man stands in a Remain campaign office during the referendum on whether the United Kingdom should stay in or leave the European Union, in Gibraltar on June 23, 2016 (AFP Photo/Jorge Guerrero) Madrid (AFP 174 592773 the 33,000-strong territory, which awoke to news of Brexit with quiet shock. "I want to be absolutely clear. The United Kingdom will continue to stand beside Gibraltar," he said in a statement. "We will never enter into arrangements under which the 174 593002 to leave the bloc in Thursday's referendum. "It is now a bilateral issue that will be negotiated exclusively between the United Kingdom and Spain," he said. The idea of joint-sovereignty is not new, and such a proposal was etched out between 174 600845 Britain remaining part of the EU, said its priority was to continue supplying energy to customers in Europe and the United Kingdom . "We will work with the UK government and European institutions on any implications for us," a spokesman said. (Reporting by 174 607075 seven reasons how Brexit will affect Nigeria. Read below: Gross Domestic Product 1. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United Kingdom would shrink over time and a weaker and smaller UK economy would scale back its investment in development projects in 174 607151 will be very strict on visa applications especially from countries like Nigeria which has a large visa applicants to the United Kingdom . Investment potential 3. Investment in Britain by Nigerian businessmen would be less attractive since the country would no longer offer 174 607275 fuel secessionist sentiments 6. It will have a strong influence on secessionist sentiments in Nigeria as the unification of the United Kingdom will be affected, as some regional agitators in Nigeria would find the example worth emulating. Nigeria internal politics 7. The 174 632573 from new EU members in eastern Europe. More on U.K. votes to leave the EU in historic referendum Barely United Kingdom awakens to Brexit hangover: Potter Photos: Britain votes to leave European Union What happens now that Britains voted to leave 174 633398 What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. More on U.K. votes to leave the EU in historic referendum Barely United Kingdom awakens to Brexit hangover: Potter Photos: Britain votes to leave European Union Scottish leader says new referendum on split from 174 634621 hands: DiManno Backlash over the outcome also touched Northern Ireland and Wales, pointing to possible internal pressures tearing at the United Kingdom even as it looks toward the difficult process to break with its European partners. The vote here makes clear that 174 634813 right to hold another referendum. Decisions have consequences, Fiona Hyslop, Scotlands external affairs minister, told reporters Friday morning. If the United Kingdom has made a decision against the interests of the Scottish people that will have consequences. Likewise, in Northern Ireland, 11 174 634968 In a statement, Jones said that the referendum was grounds for an entire re-working of the relationships within the United Kingdom , putting the country into entirely different footing. J.K. Rowling, the Scottish author of the bestselling Harry Potter books, tweeted on 174 635056 British Prime Minister. Neither needed to happen. More on U.K. votes to leave the EU in historic referendum Barely United Kingdom awakens to Brexit hangover: Potter What happens now that Britains voted to leave the EU? David Camerons resignation will set 174 636736 a third oneand potentially Europes only pro-EU referendum in a long time. Scotland voted to remain part of the United Kingdom in 2014, but the country is mostly pro-EU. Considerations to join the EU were being conducted in a surprisingly 174 636808 Britains vote to leave the European Union. More on U.K. votes to leave the EU in historic referendum Barely United Kingdom awakens to Brexit hangover: Potter Photos: Britain votes to leave European Union Pro-Remain Obama weighs in cautiously on Brexit 174 636930 Europe must decide how best to respond to an EU member state wishing to leave. The result demonstrates that the United Kingdom is anything but united. An overall margin of 51.9 per cent to 48.1 per cent is hardly a resounding mandate 174 637087 and Sinn Fein viewing the result as an impetus for a referendum on a united Ireland. Attempting to maintain their United Kingdom will be an important order of business for British leaders. British leaders must also decide how to approach the negotiations 174 638525 plain old xenophobia. Those leading the leave campaign were hardly Churchillian. They included Nigel Farage, the odious leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party as well as former London mayor Boris Johnson, a buffoonish toff who may well end up being the 174 638619 to quit the EU were saying: We dont like whats going on. How will the experiment work out? First, the United Kingdom in some form will survive. I say in some form because boundaries may change. Scottish separatists will demand, and this 174 645932 turned out at the polls, and 52 percent voted to leave the E.U. The dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom , said Nigel Farage, leader of the U.K. Independence Party. Let June 23 go down in our history as our independence 174 645970 history as our independence day! The decision begins a long process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what would become a 27-nation bloc. The process could take years to complete. Prime Minister David Cameron, who 174 646165 as a noble idea which was no longer right for Britain. He said the result in no way means the United Kingdom will be less united or less European. [Quiz: How well do you know Europe?] The result of the vote shocked 174 662048 Eurovision. The last time we Brits won, back in 1997, Sir Terry was disappointed, as was the rest of the United Kingdom : Thats the whole point of it, of course, to sneer at the foreigners. To win was to have cared, and 174 666572 they are to build. Scotland and Northern Ireland, where majorities voted to stay in Europe, may decide to leave the United Kingdom . Other restive provinces in Europe (such as Catalonia) will seek to break up other nations. Meanwhile, France, the Netherlands and 174 676229 28-nation bloc. Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish National Party, said a second referendum on Scotlands membership in the United Kingdom was a possibility in the immediate future. We will begin to prepare the legislation that would be required to enable 174 676609 not want to leave the European Union. Decisions have consequences, Fiona Hyslop, Scotlands external-affairs minister, told reporters. If the United Kingdom has made a decision against the interests of the Scottish people, that will have consequences. [Crisis mode for E.U. leaders 174 676832 that flow between the two countries every year. For many, the vote has already struck at the heart of the United Kingdom , politically integrated since 1707. J.K. Rowling, the Scottish author of the best-selling Harry Potter books, tweeted Friday that Scotland 174 676890 the British prime minister. Neither needed to happen. Read more: A British vote to leave the E.U. could shatter the United Kingdom Three big ways Brexit could affect Americans personally What Brexit means for the future of Europe Todays coverage from Post 174 681169 falls in both the British pound and the euro, many Europeans acknowledged that the path ahead would be hard. The United Kingdom . . . will go its own way, Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament, told German public broadcaster ZDF. I think the 174 686268 Brexit as he was the one who first introduced the referendum a delivery on a campaign promise. EU Referendum in United Kingdom 3. This has big financial implications. In the immediate aftermath of the decision, the pound dropped to its lowest level 174 686485 when all the countries in the EU are working together. Story continues 6. Heres what Obama has to say. The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States @POTUS The White House (@WhiteHouse) June 174 686555 No games! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 24, 2016 8. And Clinton. "We respect the choice the people of the United Kingdom have made." Hillary #BrexitVote Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 24, 2016 9. And Bernie. What worries me very much 174 702489 immediately, directly, from a legal point of view, will be very limited because it will take some years for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, to negotiate an exit," he told reporters. "However, we've seen already large falls on stock 174 707621 would no longer meet its annual profit target and car manufacturers including Ford, which employs around 14,000 people in the United Kingdom , indicated that it could ultimately lead to job cuts. "Ford will take whatever action is needed to ensure that our 174 708031 leaders in Scotland, which voted strongly to stay in Europe, said they would consider holding a referendum to leave the United Kingdom . Makers of Scotch whisky, who export more than 90 percent of what they produce, fear market access could be jeopardised 174 709494 told C-SPAN. Here's video from Sanders' "Morning Joe" appearance: More From Business Insider Donald Trump Delivers Campaign Speech The United Kingdom was not supposed to leave the European Union. For weeks, despite volatile poll swings, the conventional wisdom held that once 174 713242 he said. "And to those who may be anxious both at home and abroad, this does not mean that the United Kingdom will be in any way less united, it does not mean it will be any less European." Johnson, with his 174 722419 That is an issue that remains to be decided. Top Reads from The Fiscal Times: Following the news that the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union in a narrow result the first country to leave the EU since it 174 722808 long and turbulent journey to this moment. When he first stood as a candidate for Parliament for the newly formed United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), in the Eastleigh by-election in 1994, he came in a dismal fourth, barely edging out Screaming 174 725402 the global landscape", he said. "So is it really bad for China if the UK withdraws from the EU?" The United Kingdom appears to be closing in on an unprecedented moment. After a tight race, the "Leave" camp has won the landmark 174 726975 the 33,000-strong territory, which awoke to news of Brexit with quiet shock. "I want to be absolutely clear. The United Kingdom will continue to stand beside Gibraltar," he said in a statement. "We will never enter into arrangements under which the 174 727204 to leave the bloc in Thursday's referendum. "It is now a bilateral issue that will be negotiated exclusively between the United Kingdom and Spain," he said. The idea of joint-sovereignty is not new, and such a proposal was etched out between 174 727665 Cameron said to reporters outside 10 Downing Street. Eurosceptics celebrated the moment as an Independence Day of sorts for the United Kingdom , while Britons who believe they are stronger within the EU lamented the largest blow to European unity since World War 174 729111 referendum on Thursday, widely seen as reflecting an increasingly nationalistic and inward-looking public, also risks the splintering of the United Kingdom itself, which could further reduce its role and stature in world affairs. Britain's departure -- which is not immediate and must 174 730005 Martin McGuinness called for a vote to unite the two sides of the Irish border. The break-up of the United Kingdom would raise questions whether it should retain its veto in the United Nations Security Council, where it has been a 174 733984 of London and ex-Brussels journalist, sought to heal the divide over Britain's identity. "This does not mean that the United Kingdom will be in any way less united nor indeed does it mean it will be any less European," he said 174 735489 where the majority of people voted to remain in the EU - have raised the prospect of breaking away from the United Kingdom , leaving just England and Wales. Northern Ireland could be reunited with Ireland, which is already a U.N. member, while Scotland 174 735720 at the world body, particularly on development issues. "At the U.N., we look forward to continuing our work with the United Kingdom and the European Union, both important partners," Ban's spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, said in a statement. "When we work together, we 174 735898 and we need to manage the economic fallout." Together with England and Wales, Scotland and northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom . (Reporting by Elizabeth Piper, editing by Mark John) By Stephanie Kelly NEW YORK (Reuters) - British tourists Britain visiting New York 174 742659 radiates a wave," the study's lead author Chris Hughes, a researcher at the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool, in the United Kingdom , told Live Science. "In this case, the water is pulsing in and out of the Caribbean Sea. As the mass 174 746394 projects on Friday. Three of the four projects are co-financed with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the United Kingdom Department for International Development and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The projects, announced previously, are power grid upgrades 174 748134 leaders must be to ensure the fallout does not economically harm Americans. "We respect the choice the people of the United Kingdom have made," the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said. Clinton continued: "Our first task has to be to make sure that 174 748317 country, not tear each other down." President Barack Obama shared a similar sentiment, saying Friday that "the people of the United Kingdom have spoken" and "we respect their decision." Trump, however, took a starkly different position. The New York businessman cheered the 174 756852 Meyer's Successor? Game of Thrones Finale: Relive Cersei and Lyanna Mormont's Best Moments In a shocking and historic decision, the United Kingdom voted in a referendum on Thursday (June 23) to leave the European Union by a vote of 52 percent to 174 757721 campaign billboard vowing to "Make American White Again." (Rick Tyler for Congress/HO) In a shocking and historic decision, the United Kingdom voted in a referendum on Thursday (June 23) to leave the European Union by a vote of 52 percent to 174 768706 and secure environment for our citizens. The institutions will play their full role in this endeavour. We now expect the United Kingdom government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may 174 768780 followed if a Member State decides to leave the European Union. We stand ready to launch negotiations swiftly with the United Kingdom regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union. Until this process of negotiations is over, the 174 768802 regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union. Until this process of negotiations is over, the United Kingdom remains a member of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this. According to the 174 768827 of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this. According to the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no 174 768843 the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a Member. As agreed, the "New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union 174 768859 to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a Member. As agreed, the "New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union", reached at the European Council on 18-19 February 2016, will now not take effect and 174 768892 19 February 2016, will now not take effect and ceases to exist. There will be no renegotiation. As regards the United Kingdom , we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union in the future. We expect the United 174 768913 Kingdom, we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union in the future. We expect the United Kingdom to formulate its proposals in this respect. Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third 174 768930 We expect the United Kingdom to formulate its proposals in this respect. Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third country, will have to reflect the interests of both sides and be balanced in terms of rights 174 769418 departure from the European Union to begin quickly, he said on Friday after Britain's vote to leave the bloc. "The United Kingdom has decided to go its own way. I think the economic data show this morning that it will be a 174 773499 challenge to generate growth, increase prosperity and ensure a safe and secure environment for our citizens ... "We now expect the United Kingdom government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may 174 773531 people as soon as possible, however painful that process may be. Any delay would necessarily prolong uncertainty ... "As regards the United Kingdom , we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union also in the future ... Any agreement, which 174 773558 as a close partner of the European Union also in the future ... Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third country, will have to reflect the interests of both sides and be balanced in terms of rights 174 774088 major damage to both sides, but in first line to the UK ... There cannot be any special treatment for the United Kingdom ... 'Leave' means 'leave'. The times of cherry-picking are over." GIANNI PITTELLA, LEADER OF THE SOCIALISTS AND DEMOCRATS IN THE 174 774303 a bit. -- OUTSIDE THE EU -- U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, WHO HAD URGED A VOTE TO REMAIN "The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the 174 774313 HAD URGED A VOTE TO REMAIN "The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 774548 requires a great responsibility on the part of all of us to guarantee the good of the people of the United Kingdom , as well as the good and co-existence of the European continent." -- NEXIT? FREXIT? -- MARINE LE PEN, HEAD OF FRENCH 174 774700 the Dutch need to get the opportunity to have their say about Dutch membership of the European Union." -- FUTURE OF UNITED KINGDOM -- NICOLA STURGEON, FIRST MINISTER OF SCOTLAND, WHERE A LARGE MAJORITY VOTED "REMAIN" "I think an independence referendum is now highly 174 775057 France's turn to vote to leave the EU. "The liberty of peoples always wins in the end! Bravo to the United Kingdom ," he wrote on Twitter. "Our turn now #Brexit #Frexit." Since taking over from her father as FN leader, Jean-Marie 174 781379 continue in some form. "We have one main partner in Europe when it comes to defense and that is the United Kingdom ," one said. "That's the country best-placed to deploy forces abroad when necessary, and with whom we can do high 174 781436 said the source, "We want to be sure that after this vote there won't be a strategic withdrawal by the United Kingdom , that it will continue to be a player on the international scene." President Francois Hollande said on Friday that France's 174 787146 morning when he announced his resignation from his Prime Minster post in order to allow fresh leadership to guide the United Kingdom in this new direction. Speaking of the United Kingdom, last nights vote to leave all but ensures yet another Scottish 174 787155 Minster post in order to allow fresh leadership to guide the United Kingdom in this new direction. Speaking of the United Kingdom , last nights vote to leave all but ensures yet another Scottish Referendum for independence, as Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon 174 788890 if Britain decided to quit the EU. "Out is out," he said firmly. Investors are fleeing to safety as the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. As of 9:15 a.m. ET, gold has soared 5.21% to roughly $1,329 174 789166 a 'danger triangle' on your face that could kill you if you're not careful More From Business Insider After the United Kingdom voted Thursday to exit the European Union, Google Search traffic showed that some voters may not have been entirely sure 174 810494 of the Council of the EU, and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, on the outcome of the United Kingdom referendum "President Tusk, President Schulz and Prime Minister Rutte met this morning in Brussels upon the invitation of European Commission 174 810524 Rutte met this morning in Brussels upon the invitation of European Commission President Juncker. They discussed the outcome of the United Kingdom referendum and made the following joint statement: "In a free and democratic process, the British people have expressed their wish 174 810662 and secure environment for our citizens. The institutions will play their full role in this endeavor. We now expect the United Kingdom government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may 174 810736 followed if a Member State decides to leave the European Union. We stand ready to launch negotiations swiftly with the United Kingdom regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union. Until this process of negotiations is over, the 174 810758 regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union. Until this process of negotiations is over, the United Kingdom remains a member of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this. According to the 174 810783 of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this. According to the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no 174 810799 the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a Member. As agreed, the New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union 174 810815 to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a Member. As agreed, the New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union, reached at the European Council on 18-19 February 2016, will now not take effect and 174 810848 19 February 2016, will now not take effect and ceases to exist. There will be no renegotiation. As regards the United Kingdom , we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union also in the future. We expect the 174 810870 we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union also in the future. We expect the United Kingdom to formulate its proposals in this respect. Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third 174 810887 We expect the United Kingdom to formulate its proposals in this respect. Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third country, will have to reflect the interests of both sides and be balanced in terms of rights 174 814463 which has an office in London, said there may be bright spots for some lawyers. She said the newly separated United Kingdom will need to negotiate new trade deals with EU nations. That will invariably increase regulatory red tape and complicate disputes 174 814825 a 52-48 percent victory for the campaign to leave a bloc Britain joined more than 40 years ago. The United Kingdom itself could now break apart, with the leader of Scotland - where nearly two-thirds of voters wanted to stay in 174 815924 democratically unacceptable" for Scotland to be dragged out of the EU, two years after voting to stay part of the United Kingdom . "I think an independence referendum is now highly likely," she said. The financial turmoil comes at a time when interest 174 821062 in Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party, demanded the German government work to ensure the combined company's seat be outside the United Kingdom . "Out is out," Fuchs told Reuters. "There cannot be a London base for the merged company after the Brexit." Hesse 174 823712 by the attention. He never sought fame or glory. David Cameron has announced his resignation as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after the shock victory for the campaign to leave the European Union. Cameron said in a statement Friday that he 174 835336 two years," he added in a statement. "From our point of view, there cannot be any special treatment for the United Kingdom . The British people have expressed their wish to leave the EU. "Leave means leave. The times of cherry-picking are 174 836076 Friday that the British government has a "democratic imperative" to call a vote on whether Northern Ireland should leave the United Kingdom after Britain voted to leave the European Union. "There is no way even if there was a border poll that 174 837345 founded a local political party to defend the interests of expatriates, was also pessimistic. "We'll pay the consequences in the United Kingdom but also the British community living here," he said. "The great majority are in favour of staying... Here they are 174 838934 vote, saying in a statement that he respected the people's choice to leave the European Union. "The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision," Obama said. He continued: "The special relationship between the United States and the 174 838956 have spoken, and we respect their decision," Obama said. He continued: "The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom's membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security, and economic policy 174 839036 growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond," he said. Obama added: "The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 839685 would encourage support for a second referendum on independence for Scotland, which voted for Remain by a large majority. The United Kingdom has made a decision against the interests of the Scottish people and that will have consequences, SNP lawmaker Fiona Hyslop 174 841133 remain "indispensable partners" of the United States and that the "special relationship" with London would endure. "The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision," Obama said, in a statement from his White House office echoed by presumptive 174 841201 cornerstone of Western power, Obama also paid tribute to the EU. "The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom's membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security, and economic policy 174 841262 stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond," he said. "The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 845654 palin Sarah Palin said she hoped the shackles of the United Nations would be removed from the US after the United Kingdom voted to exit from the European Union. It is time to dissolve political bands that connect us to agendas not 174 848214 requires a great responsibility on the part of all of us to guarantee the good of the people of the United Kingdom , as well as the good and co-existence of the European continent," he said. "This is what I expect," he 174 851471 to London in which he urged the U.S. strongest European ally to remain in the EU. The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring 174 851489 of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdoms membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of U.S. foreign, security, and economic policy 174 851546 promote stability, stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond. The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 851812 Wall Street Wonders: How Will Media Companies Respond? President Obama said on Friday that the recent Brexit vote in the United Kingdom to leave the European Union wont change the special relationship between the two nations. During remarks that the 2016 Global 174 851888 the wake of the Brexit vote. Obama called Cameron an outstanding friend and partner and said he is confident the United Kingdom is committed to an orderly transition out of the European Union. President Obama said the vote on Thursday was an 174 852069 House earlier on Friday, Obama said the vote did not impact the U.S.s relationship with the European Union either. The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 854743 on click here. Zacks Investment Research The Queen will have to keep calm and carry on now that the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. A spokesperson for Buckingham Palace said to that the Palace will not 174 862338 A second Scottish independence referendum is "highly likely", First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Friday, raising the prospect that the United Kingdom could tear itself apart after voting to leave the European Union. Scotland, a nation of five million people, voted decisively 174 862381 stay in the EU by 62 to 38 percent in a referendum on Thursday, putting it at odds with the United Kingdom as a whole, which voted 52-48 in favor of an exit from the EU, or Brexit. "As things stand 174 862465 the 300-year-old union between Scotland and England, its far bigger southern neighbor, dealing a body blow to the United Kingdom at a time when it is likely to still be dealing with the complex fallout from Brexit. It would also 174 862496 be dealing with the complex fallout from Brexit. It would also transform the political landscape in the rump of the United Kingdom by making it much harder for Labour, the main opposition to the ruling Conservatives, to win power in London, as 174 862574 powerful. EU membership was one of the key issues in 2014, with those campaigning for Scotland to stick with the United Kingdom arguing that an independent Scotland would not be able to remain a member of the bloc. Sturgeon said many Scots 174 863001 anyone had thought possible before the vote for Brexit. As well as bringing further turmoil to the rest of the United Kingdom , Scottish independence would also be likely to cause political headaches for the 27 remaining EU members. Some European politicians were 174 868623 Britain remaining part of the EU, said its priority was to continue supplying energy to customers in Europe and the United Kingdom . "We will work with the UK government and European institutions on any implications for us," a spokesman said. (Reporting by 174 869112 challenge to generate growth, increase prosperity and ensure a safe and secure environment for our citizens ... "We now expect the United Kingdom government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may 174 869144 people as soon as possible, however painful that process may be. Any delay would necessarily prolong uncertainty ... "As regards the United Kingdom , we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union also in the future ... Any agreement, which 174 869171 as a close partner of the European Union also in the future ... Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third country, will have to reflect the interests of both sides and be balanced in terms of rights 174 869679 major damage to both sides, but in first line to the UK ... There cannot be any special treatment for the United Kingdom ... 'Leave' means 'leave'. The times of cherry-picking are over." GIANNI PITTELLA, LEADER OF THE SOCIALISTS AND DEMOCRATS IN THE 174 870047 requires a great responsibility on the part of all of us to guarantee the good of the people of the United Kingdom , as well as the good and co-existence of the European continent." -- EUROSCEPTIC PARTIES -- MARINE LE PEN, HEAD OF FRENCH 174 870199 the Dutch need to get the opportunity to have their say about Dutch membership of the European Union." -- FUTURE OF UNITED KINGDOM -- NICOLA STURGEON, FIRST MINISTER OF SCOTLAND, WHERE A LARGE MAJORITY VOTED "REMAIN" "I think an independence referendum is now highly 174 872292 AP) Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Friday (24 June) that Singapore will continue to cultivate ties with the United Kingdom and make the best of the new reality after the British people voted to leave the European Union. Lee, in 174 887071 anymore." Kovarsky works in international relations and most of her London colleagues are foreign citizens. So the Brexit, or the United Kingdom citizens' recent decision for Britain to leave the European Union, will have a huge impact on her social circle. According 174 890190 of the Council of the EU, and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, on the outcome of the United Kingdom referendum "President Tusk, President Schulz and Prime Minister Rutte met this morning in Brussels upon the invitation of European Commission 174 890220 Rutte met this morning in Brussels upon the invitation of European Commission President Juncker. They discussed the outcome of the United Kingdom referendum and made the following joint statement: "In a free and democratic process, the British people have expressed their wish 174 890358 and secure environment for our citizens. The institutions will play their full role in this endeavour. We now expect the United Kingdom government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may 174 890432 followed if a Member State decides to leave the European Union. We stand ready to launch negotiations swiftly with the United Kingdom regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union. Until this process of negotiations is over, the 174 890454 regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union. Until this process of negotiations is over, the United Kingdom remains a member of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this. According to the 174 890479 of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this. According to the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no 174 890495 the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a Member. As agreed, the "New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union 174 890511 to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a Member. As agreed, the "New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union", reached at the European Council on 18-19 February 2016, will now not take effect and 174 890544 19 February 2016, will now not take effect and ceases to exist. There will be no renegotiation. As regards the United Kingdom , we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union also in the future. We expect the 174 890566 we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union also in the future. We expect the United Kingdom to formulate its proposals in this respect. Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third 174 890583 We expect the United Kingdom to formulate its proposals in this respect. Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third country, will have to reflect the interests of both sides and be balanced in terms of rights 174 894497 trade deficit with the bloc. The EU's main service export to Britain, tourism, is unlikely to be affected. INVESTMENT The United Kingdom is consistently the largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the European Union, according to UNCTAD data, with an average 174 897121 Hillary Clinton took a more toned-down approach in a pair of separate statements. Obama said "the people of the United Kingdom have spoken" and "we respect their decision." Clinton shared a similar sentiment, adding that the "first task" for US leaders 174 899708 France's turn to vote to leave the EU. "The liberty of peoples always wins in the end! Bravo to the United Kingdom ," he wrote on Twitter. "Our turn now #Brexit #Frexit." Since taking over from her father as FN leader, Jean-Marie 174 900025 Smith) LONDON You might have heard that the United Kingdom has just voted to leave the European Union. The generation defining result is one that will significantly impact Brits' daily 174 904797 full engagement of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments to ensure that the interests of all parts of our United Kingdom are protected and advanced. But above all this will require strong, determined and committed leadership. I am very proud and 174 906248 full engagement of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments to ensure that the interests of all parts of our United Kingdom are protected and advanced. But above all this will require strong, determined and committed leadership. I am very proud and 174 910178 UK counterparts. "The importance of trade and investment is indisputable in our relationships with both the European Union and the United Kingdom ," Froman said. "The economic and strategic rationale for T-TIP remains strong." TTIP negotiators are still expected to meet in 174 911568 now faced with is not only the economic consequences of a break with the EU, but a fracturing of the United Kingdom ," said Rodney Barker, emeritus professor of government at the London School of Economics. "The government has avoided, once again, taking 174 920190 certainly, insiders say, be fearful of the looming specter of another referendum on pro-Europe Scotland splitting away from the United Kingdom . As there was across much of Britain, there may have been a generational divide even within the royal family. The 174 923449 from across the globe. This piece will be updated throughout the day. - U.S. President Barack Obama: "The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring 174 923467 of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom's membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of U.S. foreign, security, and economic policy 174 923524 promote stability, stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond. The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 923672 forge a new relationship." - International Monetary Fund's Christine Lagarde: "We take note of the decision by the people of the United Kingdom . We urge the authorities in the U.K. and Europe to work collaboratively to ensure a smooth transition to a new 174 923745 and the U.K.) ministers: "We, G-7 Ministers and Governors, respect the intention expressed today by the people of the United Kingdom to exit from the European Union. We are monitoring market developments following the outcome of the referendum." - U.S. Speaker of 174 923783 referendum." - U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan: "I respect the decision made by the people of the United Kingdom . The UK is an indispensable ally of the United States, and that special relationship is unaffected by this vote." - German 174 924156 immediately, directly, from a legal point of view, will be very limited because it will take some years for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, to negotiate an exit. However, we've seen already large falls on stock markets and there 174 924408 48.1% margin. England and Wales voted leave, while Northern Ireland and Scotland showed a majority to remain, thus dividing the United Kingdom . Indeed, we have already seen comments from political parties in Scotland to stay in the EU, as Scotland's First Minister 174 938610 on the United Kingdoms vote to withdraw from the European Union: Ross Webber, CEO, Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA): The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union, and the question now becomes how the actual process of that exit will 174 939352 market. Grainne Richmond, President, Bermuda Insurance Management Association (BIMA): As an economic bloc, the European Union is stronger with the United Kingdom in it, yet respect has to be given to the decision of the British people in yesterdays referendum. It will 174 966183 process," International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said. advertisement The IMF has taken note of the decision of the United Kingdom , she said in a statement. "We strongly support commitments of the Bank of England and the ECB to supply liquidity 174 966259 G7 countries and governors of their central banks said they respect the intention expressed today by the people of the United Kingdom to exit from the European Union. "We are monitoring market developments following the outcome of the referendum on the UKs 174 969324 a referendum on full statehood of Delhi. In a democracy the will of the ppl is supreme," he tweeted. The United Kingdom has voted to quit the European Union in a referendum which is being termed as Brexit. In July last year 174 977666 said that the US respects the decision of British people to exit from the European Union and hoped that the United Kingdom and EU will remain "indispensable partners" of America. "The people of the UK have spoken, and we respect their decision 174 977714 his first reaction to the result of the historic referendum. advertisement "The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom?s membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security, and economic 174 977720 of the historic referendum. advertisement "The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom ?s membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security, and economic policy," he said. So too is 174 1005487 electorate have searched in their hearts and answered as honestly as they can. He added: This does not mean the United Kingdom will be any way less united (or) any less European. We cannot turn our backs on Europe, we are part 174 1022146 the European Union or not. UK-wide turnout was 72 percent. BBC forecasts Leave has won the referendum and the United Kingdom will quit the European Union. Around 70 percent of votes have been counted. The UK's departure from the European Union 174 1026104 presidency. They added that under the bloc's treaties "EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a member." Tusk told reporters that Britain's 27 partners were "determined to keep our unity 174 1026332 that Britain should expect no free ride as it negotiates its departure. "There cannot be any special treatment for the United Kingdom . The British people have expressed their wish to leave the EU. Leave means leave. The times of cherry-picking are 174 1028567 Ireland generally feel safer in a more multi-ethnic grouping like the EU than an English-dominated entity like the United Kingdom . That second pattern is easy enough to understand. The nub of the issue was a search for security a sense 174 1069510 he is likely to face calls to resign.Johnson is the bookmakers' favourite to replace him.A Brexit could also cause the United Kingdom to break up because Scotland, where sentiment towards the EU is much more positive than in England, could hold an 174 1093427 more than 1,000 Japanese companies have a presence in Britain and of those companies around 140,000 people working in the United Kingdom are employed by them. "There will be an immeasurable impact on their businesses," Sakakibara was quoted as saying ahead of 174 1094867 shop in Dubai's Ibn Battuta Mall. "I was hoping for a Bremain vote, that the voters would opt for the United Kingdom not leaving, because I believe that Britain should be strong with the European Union and that our government can have 174 1094997 52 percent of the Brexit camp. Asked if he expects Scotland to go for another referendum to split from the United Kingdom as 67 percent of the Scots opted to remain in the Union, Dan answered "absolutely! I would be surprised if 174 1097622 that Germany must now accept the decision of the majority of British population who wish to end membership of the United Kingdom in the EU," said Merkel. However, she warned of "quick and easy conclusions." Meanwhile, Merkel also announced a European crisis 174 1108428 announcement of the results of the British referendum on EU membership. "It is now clear that the people of the United Kingdom have voted to leave the European Union. We respect their decision, but it is a serious one -- primarily for the 174 1111408 new momentum to the interparliamentary dialogue in Europe, and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in which the United Kingdom remains a major player, will need to intensify its efforts to achieve European ideals and affirm our shared European heritage 174 1113874 the effects of the so-called Brexit on the EU integration process. With the results of the referendum in the United Kingdom , Macedonia is losing an important ally within the EU and a supporter of its membership, the Macedonian Foreign Affairs Minister 174 1114047 adding the UK's choice caused "a deep disappointment." In Slovenia, speaker of the Slovenian National Assembly Milan Brglez said the United Kingdom had set off on a path that will be "very hard and thorny." He added the EU was the only 174 1114203 that are being viewed negatively," said Fico. Latvia's top officials voiced regret over the vote but expressed hope that the United Kingdom will remain an ally and partner of their country. President of Latvia Raimonds Vejonis said: "The bloc's member states should 174 1115305 the effects of the so-called Brexit on the EU integration process. With the results of the referendum in the United Kingdom , Macedonia is losing an important ally within the EU and a supporter of its membership, the Macedonian Foreign Affairs Minister 174 1115478 adding the UK's choice caused "a deep disappointment." In Slovenia, speaker of the Slovenian National Assembly Milan Brglez said the United Kingdom had set off on a path that will be "very hard and thorny." He added the EU was the only 174 1115634 that are being viewed negatively," said Fico. Latvia's top officials voiced regret over the vote but expressed hope that the United Kingdom will remain an ally and partner of their country. President of Latvia Raimonds Vejonis said: "The bloc's member states should 174 1128596 projects on Friday. Three of the four projects are co-financed with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the United Kingdom Department for International Development and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The projects, announced previously, are power grid upgrades 174 1131410 experts have said Brexit will have a negative effect on the Irish motor trade. "Following the result of the United Kingdom referendum Ireland must be absolutely clear about our position", read Martin's statement. Working class voters were mostly in favour of 174 1131581 negative impact, there is a risk that economic uncertainty and a weaker Sterling could impact on visitor numbers from the United Kingdom , which is our largest source of inbound tourists". These will be a particular priority for the Irish Government. They fled 174 1133876 response to Brexit, thats a grim prophecy indeed. Britons at a leave party celebrate. Photo: Jack Taylor/Getty Images The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union after 43 years, surprising analysts who predicted a close race but ultimately a 174 1134844 Britains willingness to abandon the EU. I now dare to dream that the dawn is coming up on an independent United Kingdom , he tweeted, adding at a press conference: If the predictions now are right, this will be a victory for real 174 1142597 definite tumble in a reversal of previous gains after a day of the market watching the Brexit voting in the United Kingdom . On the NYMEX, benchmark light sweet crude fell 6.8 percent to $46.70/bbl. during the Asian trade; this after settling 174 1151275 process, which could cause a decrease in trade volumes between the U.K. and Africa. Indeed, a Brexit would prompt the United Kingdom to renegotiate over 100 trade agreements." On Thursday, Britain voted to leave the European Union. The Leave supporters won by 174 1189673 adding that at such a point the United States will have to leave Puerto Rico. MOSCOW (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1189720 17.4 million people, decided to support Brexit, while about 16.1 million opposed it. "The results of the referendum in the United Kingdom will deal a major blow to the position of European bureaucracy in Brussels and will accelerate similar referendums in a 174 1190557 figures reveal a graphic disconnect between the elected and the electors. Scotland appears to be the only nation of the United Kingdom where the elected reflect and abide by the wishes of the electorate. In the other three nations the picture is 174 1191708 Twitter. He added that following the referendum the European Union will come to senses, though both the bloc and the United Kingdom will get weaker in terms of economy. Amid the current economic difficulties provoked by Western sanctions and low oil prices 174 1191912 exchange operations in Russia in order to make it easier to place temporarily free yuans. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1192030 the creation of a free trade zone. Donohue added that the Chamber of Commerce is committed to working with the United Kingdom to make sure that the priorities of US stakeholders are taken into account. The US Chamber of Commerce is committed 174 1192056 the priorities of US stakeholders are taken into account. The US Chamber of Commerce is committed to working with the United Kingdom to ensure US companies' investments in Britain are taken into account following the decision by UK voters to exit the 174 1192100 US Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas Donohue said in a statement on Friday. US companies investments in the United Kingdom are worth more than half a trillion dollars, and Donohue explained that many of the investments were made with the 174 1192197 citing a RBS spokesperson, who said the sales were expected to return to the norm on Monday. On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1193583 bigger issue: Scotland voted to remain in the EU, just two years after its own referendum on remaining in the United Kingdom . With England and Wales voting to leave the EU, there are now calls for a second Scottish independence referendum, splitting 174 1193688 will have their work cut out to keep the whole European project from falling apart. MOSCOW (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1193777 EAW is a warrant that is valid through all members of the European Union. MOSCOW (Sputnik) The decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union raises the necessity to hold a referendum on EU membership in France, Jean-Luc Schaffhauser 174 1193841 necessity to make also a referendum in France," Schaffhauser said in the wake of the Brexit vote. On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum on its EU membership, with Prime Minister David Cameron calling on the UK nationals to vote to 174 1194973 Ahlblad told Finnish national broadcaster Yle, explaining why she first chose to stick to the website address After the United Kingdom voted for Brexit, the European Union should prove its capability to carry out reforms, Gehrcke said. The EU now has 174 1195444 October," Cameron said. Political analysts believe former London mayor Boris Johnson, who was one of the key campaigners of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, could benefit from the results of the referendum and even replace Cameron as the leader of 174 1196933 has started. Great Britain is the first to leave the ship," Cankili wrote on his Twitter account. On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum on UK's EU membership. According to the final results, 51.9 percent of voters, or 17.4 million people 174 1197285 move back toward protectionism, or is this just an isolated incident where there were unique set of factors in the United Kingdom that led to this point," Curbelo said. Following the referendum, French politician Djordje Kuzmanovic noted that people said no not 174 1199275 Cold War body, according to media reports. MOSCOW (Sputnik) UK voted in a referendum to determine whether or not the United Kingdom should leave the European Union. Pro-Brexit campaigners have used migration as a key issue in their campaigns. "The immigration 174 1199339 a live broadcast on the Brexit Club website. This is due to the fact that the agreement, to which the United Kingdom would be a party, provides for the free movement of labor, he stressed. Northern Ireland has finished its referendum result 174 1199421 and Scotland having voted in favor of staying within the European Union. Three Rivers has voted in favor of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union with 51.5 percent backing Brexit, according to the recent results. Birmingham has voted to Leave EU 174 1199524 leaving. The turnout was 67.2 percent. I now dare to dream that the dawn is coming up on an independent United Kingdom . Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) June 24, 2016 The key region of Wirral has voted in favor of remaining in the European 174 1199708 Corbyn told Sputnik earlier that he projected the victory of the Leave camp in the Brexit referendum, held across the United Kingdom on Thursday. The final result is expected on Friday morning. LONDON (Sputnik), Anastasia Levchenko The Leave camp is currently ahead 174 1199942 had forfeited its mandate to represent Northern Ireland in relation to the 28-nation bloc. TOKYO (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum on its membership of the European Union. Earlier on Friday, it was announced that most people voted 174 1200037 the Japanese exporting companies, but also about the future of 1,000 Japanese companies that have factories and offices in the United Kingdom . "I think it is very difficult for [Cameron] to stay on as prime minister given that he involved himself so 174 1200599 future for Europe," Michel said as quoted by The Telegraph newspaper. His comments come as earlier in the day the United Kingdom voted for the country's exit from the European Union, with 51.9 percent supporting the move. TASHKENT (Sputnik) Tehran has no 174 1200715 meeting of SCO presidents. MOSCOW (Sputnik) Earlier in the day, it was announced that 51.9 percent of voters supported the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. "The President of the European Commission must first consider the vote as repudiation against him," Ferrand 174 1200821 line of the European Parliament is quite clear, we are very sad about the decision of the voters in the United Kingdom , but it is a sovereign expression of the will of British voters to leave the European Union," Schulz told reporters 174 1200846 a sovereign expression of the will of British voters to leave the European Union," Schulz told reporters. On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum on its membership in the European Union, with Prime Minister David Cameron calling on the UK nationals 174 1200972 week in New York. On Thursday, de Mistura said July was a priority date for the talks to resume. "The United Kingdom will no longer be a part of the European Union and the procedures, provided by the treaty, will be implemented 174 1201493 travel to Ukraine and Russia to discuss the crisis in Ukraines east with the two countries authorities. On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1201661 assembly from contributing to the creation of a "unifying agenda" for Europe, the bureau said. MOSCOW (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum in which 51.9 percent of voters opted for the country to quit the bloc. Following the final 174 1201843 Juncker, collectively stressed they "regret" but respect the outcome of the Brexit referendum. "As agreed, the New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union, reached at the European Council on 18-19 February 2016, will now not take effect and 174 1201892 renegotiation," the leaders said. MOSCOW (Sputnik) Earlier in the day, it was announced that 51.9 percent of voters supported the United Kingdom leaving the European Union in a national referendum held Thursday. "We will have a new prime minister who will take 174 1201937 As we do we will be looking for new friends outside the European Union," Cordle said. Cordle added that the United Kingdom would have to go through a period of uncertainty after Brexit. The Pentagon prides itself on being capable to maintain 174 1202223 11 percent to 300 million kroner (roughly 37 million dollars), news outlet Fria Tider reported. MOSCOW (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1202397 of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate," the official said. On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum on its membership in the European Union. Earlier Friday, it was announced that 51.9 percent of voters 174 1202451 very interested in developing relations with Britain, especially in the economic sphere. "First of all, relations between Switzerland and the United Kingdom must be reshaped. However, that will happen not today in the morning, but only after the leaving treaty will enter 174 1202649 airport [the T-3 Military Airport] that was just reopened by the Syrian Air Force." MOSCOW (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1203008 rivaling oil in value: political order in a region engulfed in conflict," the analyst noted. EDINBURGH (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum, in which a majority of Northern Irish voters supported retaining membership of the 28-nation bloc. Despite 174 1203480 is interested in Britain's exit from the European Union "show low level of political culture." MOSCOW (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum in which 51.9 percent of voters opted for the country to leave the bloc. Most of the 174 1203562 influence in the exclave. "I know many will be concerned about the future. I want to be absolutely clear. The United Kingdom will continue to stand beside Gibraltar. We will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass 174 1203625 with which Gibraltar is not content," Lidington said as quoted by the Evening Standard newspaper. KIEV (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1203731 consultations with Brussels soon on the consequences of the UK's EU referendum for bilateral relations. ROME (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1204200 contributed to the outcome. The Russian president "just benefited from it," he suggested. MOSCOW (Sputnik), Svetlana Alexandrova On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1204370 discuss the consequences of the Brexit vote during the next session in July, Kanerva added. MOSCOW (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1204725 overwhelming number of those took the floor supported Indias membership and appraised Indias application positively. BRUSSELS (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1204971 5, which would "give time to investigate the alternative cooperation possibilities with the European Union." WASHINGTON (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether the country would remain the 27-member EU bloc. According to the official results 174 1206377 Minister Cameron, and then separately with the 27 Heads of State or Government," the invitation letter said. On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1206525 during the referendum campaign. They each expressed their continued strong support for the UK," Cameron's Office said. On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1206574 people, decided to support Britain leaving the European Union, while about 16.1 million opposed it. BRUSSELS (Sputnik) On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether or not the country should leave the European Union. According to the final results 174 1209639 stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond," he said. "The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 1209681 to ensure continued stability, security, and prosperity for Europe, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the world." On Thursday, the United Kingdom held a referendum to determine whether the country would remain a part of the EU bloc. The results of the 174 1210466 is null and void, after the decision of the British voters. Both sides should respect mutually different views. Now the United Kingdom decided to leave and therefore the member states who remain in the European Union must discuss how to improve the 174 1210566 leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Nigel Farage "Dare to dream that the dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom . This, if the predictions now are right, this will be a victory for real people, a victory for ordinary people 174 1210609 victory for decent people," he said. I now dare to dream that the dawn is coming up on an independent United Kingdom . Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) 24 2016 . "We have fought against the multinationals, we have fought against the big merchant banks, we 174 1211224 of Defense spokesperson Peter Cook said in a briefing on Friday. "Secretary Carter emphasized that the United States and the United Kingdom will always enjoy a special relationship," Cook stated. "Secretary Carter welcomed Minister Fallons commitment to continuing the United Kingdoms active 174 1211276 work within NATO and efforts to accelerate the lasting defeat of ISIL [Islamic State]." Carter has no doubt that the United Kingdom will remain a reliable NATO ally following Brexit. The second legs of the North American Amateur Drivers Association (NAADA) and 174 1225308 Agency a la heckuva job, Brownie. According to RadarOnline: Pre-purchase property inspection is a relatively new thing in the United Kingdom . Its not something that most people have heard about, but it has become increasingly popular over the last few years 174 1270197 will train Ukrainian soldiers 00:41 Up to 70 troops from the Australian Defence Force will be deployed to the United Kingdom in January to train Ukrainian soldiers. Germany theater gunman shot dead BERLIN (AP) A masked man was shot dead Thursday 174 1291237 mind, heres our top picks Betway: Betway is a relatively new UK casino offering online gambling to residents of the United Kingdom and European Union. They offer hundreds of games across both land based and digital platforms, with plenty of top software 174 1318726 course, the second class boasts more enrollees, including a civilian employee, a U.S. Naval officer and an officer from the United Kingdom . Our country has a nuclear arms agreement with the U.K., Lowther said. Theyre the only country that we have such 174 1340693 Eleni Peck and her British husband, Paul Peck, both 46, chose to raise their children in Greece rather than the United Kingdom . The idea of Brexit wasnt strange to them. Both of their countries potential EU departures have been in the news 174 1342078 and was a commissioned officer in the United States army. Defying the pollsters and the chattering classes, voters in the United Kingdom have chosen to leave the European Union, commonly referred to as Brexit. Excuses are already flying not only in the 174 1344855 victory in a speech in London as a Brexit victory looked increasingly likely. The dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom , he said to loud cheers at a Leave campaign party. I hope this victory brings down this failed project and 174 1345592 stay in the EU by 62 to 38 percent in a referendum on Thursday, putting it at odds with the United Kingdom as a whole, which voted 52-48 in favour of leaving. It is a statement of the obvious that the 174 1345684 an independence referendum is now highly likely. BREXIT: What will happen next? Scots rejected independence from the rest of the United Kingdom by 55 to 45 percent in a 2014 referendum, but since then Sturgeons pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) has 174 1345729 elections. EU membership was one of the key issues in 2014, with those campaigning for Scotland to stick with the United Kingdom arguing that an independent Scotland would not be able to remain a member of the bloc. Sturgeon said many Scots 174 1345932 border poll In a separate development, Irish nationalist leaders in Northern Ireland also called for a poll on leaving the United Kingdom and uniting with Ireland. Most voters in Northern Ireland also voted to remain in Thursdays referendum. Declan Kearney, Sinn Feins 174 1352926 said Britain should expect no free ride as it negotiates its departure. There cannot be any special treatment for the United Kingdom . The British people have expressed their wish to leave the EU. Leave means leave. The times of cherry-picking are 174 1353086 shock requiring quick action to avert the disintegration of the bloc. It looks like a sad day for #Europe the United Kingdom , he wrote on Twitter on Friday. European Parliament President Martin Schulz said he expects negotiations over Britains departure from the 174 1353114 European Parliament President Martin Schulz said he expects negotiations over Britains departure from the European Union to begin quickly. The United Kingdom has decided to go its own way. I think the economic data show this morning that it will be a 174 1365378 Rutte met this morning in Brussels upon the invitation of European Commission President Juncker. They discussed the outcome of the United Kingdom referendum and made the following joint statement: In a free and democratic process, the British people have expressed their wish 174 1365516 and secure environment for our citizens. The institutions will play their full role in this endeavour. We now expect the United Kingdom government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may 174 1365590 followed if a Member State decides to leave the European Union. We stand ready to launch negotiations swiftly with the United Kingdom regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union. Until this process of negotiations is over, the 174 1365612 regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union. Until this process of negotiations is over, the United Kingdom remains a member of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this. According to the 174 1365637 of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this. According to the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no 174 1365653 the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a Member. As agreed, the New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union 174 1365669 to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a Member. As agreed, the New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union, reached at the European Council on 18-19 February 2016, will now not take effect and 174 1365702 19 February 2016, will now not take effect and ceases to exist. There will be no renegotiation. As regards the United Kingdom , we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union in the future. We expect the United 174 1365723 Kingdom, we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union in the future. We expect the United Kingdom to formulate its proposals in this respect. Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third 174 1365740 We expect the United Kingdom to formulate its proposals in this respect. Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third country, will have to reflect the interests of both sides and be balanced in terms of rights 174 1366585 Let us continue to be tolerant of the views of others without boisterousness and rancor. British citizens living in the United Kingdom for the most part have decided that their longstanding and leadership participation in the European Community/Union should now come 174 1367512 the administering power therefore promises to be very interesting. Let me take this opportunity to wish the people of the United Kingdom all the best in the days ahead. This has been described as a historic decision given Britains role in the 174 1373113 next three months BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) June 24, 2016 So, what does this all mean? For the United Kingdom , it's going to mean a whole of of shakeups. With Cameron gone, it's unclear who'll take over. Will it be 174 1373464 Why Is This Important? Because they just wrote a gigantic page of modern history, thats why. Long Story Short The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. Why? As it turns out, no one seems to know. Long Story How 174 1373691 has tanked and in the short term the economy is likely to go into recession. In the longer term the United Kingdom itself may be under threat, the Scottish in favour of remaining in the union and already agitating for another referendum 174 1373889 extent or another. Fasten your seatbelts. Own The Conversation Ask The Big Question What happens to the Commonwealth without the United Kingdom at its centre? Disrupt Your Feed At least you wont have to deal with those smug Canadians, Americans and Australians 174 1404612 next with Drishyam fame director Jeethu Joseph titled as Oozham will have its first look released on July 1st. The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union - sending shockwaves and uncertainty throughout the financial and political worlds leaving the Remain 174 1405913 on June 24, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. The result from the historic EU referendum has now been declared and the United Kingdom has voted to LEAVE the European Union. (Photo by Takashi Aoyama/Getty Images) Getty Images TOKYO, JAPAN - JUNE 24: Pedestrians 174 1406633 on June 24, 2016 in London, England. The results from the historic EU referendum has now been declared and the United Kingdom has voted to LEAVE the European Union. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images) Getty Images Prime Minister David Cameron speaks 174 1407021 Jeremy Corbyn MP, leader of the Labour Party, walks towards the Houses of Parliament on June 24, 2016 in London, United Kingdom . The result from the historic EU referendum has now been declared and the United Kingdom has voted to LEAVE the 174 1407036 June 24, 2016 in London, United Kingdom. The result from the historic EU referendum has now been declared and the United Kingdom has voted to LEAVE the European Union. (Photo by Rob Stothard/Getty Images) Getty Images Ukip leader Nigel Farage greets 174 1407427 at 11.20am today speaking with Prime Minister David Cameron in her office at Stormont Castle, Belfast this morning after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Photo by Press Eye Alan Lewis- 24-6-2016 Northern Ireland First Minister 174 1407947 Giving his reaction to the Leave camp's victory, Mr Johnson insisted that the Brexit vote "does not mean that the United Kingdom will be in any way less united" or "less European". In a speech at Vote Leave's headquarters in London, he 174 1408389 referendum at a results party at the Royal Festival Hall in London on June 23, 2016. AFP/Getty Images SUNDERLAND, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 24: Leave campaigners celebrate as they win the vote in Sunderland during the North East region European Union referendum 174 1408418 win the vote in Sunderland during the North East region European Union referendum count on June 24, 2016 in Sunderland, United Kingdom . Getty Images The first box of votes is opened at Titanic Belfast The first Ballot Boxes are opened in the 174 1408592 for its owner to cast their vote on the EU Referendum on June 23, 2016 in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, United Kingdom . The United Kingdom has gone to the polls to decide whether or not the country wishes to remain within the 174 1408595 to cast their vote on the EU Referendum on June 23, 2016 in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has gone to the polls to decide whether or not the country wishes to remain within the European Union. After 174 1408652 call. A result on the referendum is expected on Friday morning. (Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images) Getty Images REDCAR, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 23: A man walks his dog from a polling station in a Youth Community Centre as voters head to 174 1408690 as voters head to the polls to cast their vote on the EU Referendum on June 23, 2016 in Redcar, United Kingdom . The United Kingdom is going to the polls to decide whether or not the country wishes to remain within the 174 1408693 to the polls to cast their vote on the EU Referendum on June 23, 2016 in Redcar, United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is going to the polls to decide whether or not the country wishes to remain within the European Union. After 174 1408750 call. A result on the referendum is expected on Friday morning. Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images) Getty Images REDCAR, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 23: A dog plays on the grass next to a polling station sign attached to railings in Redcar as 174 1408791 as voters head to the polls to cast their vote on the EU Referendum on June 23, 2016 in Redcar, United Kingdom . (Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images) Getty Images SALTBURN-BY-THE-SEA, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 23: A dog is tied 174 1408805 on June 23, 2016 in Redcar, United Kingdom. (Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images) Getty Images SALTBURN-BY-THE-SEA, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 23: A dog is tied to railings outside a polling station waiting for its owner to cast their vote 174 1408840 for its owner to cast their vote on the EU Referendum on June 23, 2016 in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, United Kingdom . The United Kingdom has gone to the polls to decide whether or not the country wishes to remain within the 174 1408843 to cast their vote on the EU Referendum on June 23, 2016 in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has gone to the polls to decide whether or not the country wishes to remain within the European Union. After 174 1408961 greatest emergency of the bloc's 60-year history. / AFP PHOTO / ADRIAN DENNISADRIAN DENNIS/AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images GLASGOW, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 23: Duke, an eight week old Labrador Collie sits in a basket with his owner's EU referendum polling card 174 1408998 owner's EU referendum polling card outside Notre Dame Primary School polling station on June 23, 2016 in Glasgow, Scotland. The United Kingdom has gone to the polls to decide whether or not the country wishes to remain within the European Union. After 174 1409132 First Minister Arlene Foster pictured at the polling station at Brookeborough Primary School Picture by Andrew Paton/Press WESTERHAM, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 23: Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP and Vote Leave campaigner, poses for photographs after registering his vote in the 174 1409176 referendum, at his local polling station Cudham Church of England Primary School on June 23, 2016 in Westerham, England. The United Kingdom has gone to the polls to decide whether or not the country wishes to remain within the European Union. After 174 1409233 call. A result on the referendum is expected on Friday morning. (Photo by Mary Turner/Getty Images) Getty Images WESTERHAM, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 23: Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP and Vote Leave campaigner, talks to the media outside his local polling station 174 1409277 of England Primary School, after registering his vote in the EU referendum on June 23, 2016 in Westerham, England. The United Kingdom has gone to the polls to decide whether or not the country wishes to remain within the European Union. After 174 1410236 his wife Justine vote in the EU Referendum at a polling station on June 23, 2016 in Gibraltar, Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls today to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will 174 1410255 The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls today to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union. After a hard fought campaign from both REMAIN and LEAVE the vote is expected 174 1410330 Justine depart after voting in the EU Referendum at a polling station on June 23, 2016 in Gibraltar, Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls today to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will 174 1410349 The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls today to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union. After a hard fought campaign from both REMAIN and LEAVE the vote is expected 174 1414059 been "very close" but turnout was "good in areas where we need it to be". Joe and Jake of the United Kingdom perform during the first dress rehearsal for the Eurovision Song Contest final in Stockholm, Sweden, Friday, May 13, 2016. (AP 174 1414489 motion calling for an urgent meeting of the Northern Ireland Assembly to discuss the impact of leaving the EU. The United Kingdom took part in an historic vote to leave the EU on Thursday, with a tight result where 52% voted leave 174 1415259 she will work to put Northern Ireland front and centre of negotiations for a British exit from the EU. The United Kingdom voted to leave the EU, however, in Northern Ireland the majority voted Remain. The DUP was the only major party 174 1415309 Read More Speaking on BBC Radio Ulster, the First Minister said: "I think this is a good result for the United Kingdom . Our nation is safe. "Our nation has made a clear definition as to where they want to go. They backed 174 1415342 as to where they want to go. They backed hope, they backed aspiration, they backed the future potential of the United Kingdom and I am very pleased with the result. "We always knew that it was going to be difficult to get 174 1415471 place." Following the announcement on Friday morning, Sinn Fein called for a referendum on whether Northern Ireland should leave the United Kingdom and unite the Irish Republic as they believe "the north is going to be dragged out on the tails of 174 1415606 years have moved to a position where they are quite content with the constitutional position of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom ." There had been uncertainty surrounding the relationship between Northern Ireland and the Republic but the First Minister said that they 174 1415655 vote to leave. "I think if you look at the destination of exports from Ireland, it is overwhelmingly to the United Kingdom and to Great Britain in particular so they will want to have a strong relationship with their nearest neighbour, as 174 1415740 said she was not concerned for the future of the UK following a Brexit: "I think in terms of the United Kingdom , the four constituent parts are stronger together and I think you will find in Scotland that there are a lot 174 1415927 released on Friday afternoon, the First Minister said: "The result of the referendum is both welcome and momentous for the United Kingdom as a whole and Northern Ireland in particular. We look forward to working together for the best interests of Northern 174 1415952 and Northern Ireland in particular. We look forward to working together for the best interests of Northern Ireland within our United Kingdom . "Democratic Unionists campaigned to leave the European Union. The democratic decision of the people of the United Kingdom marks a 174 1415970 within our United Kingdom. "Democratic Unionists campaigned to leave the European Union. The democratic decision of the people of the United Kingdom marks a new and fresh beginning for our country and I believe offers us the opportunity to build a new 174 1416090 close our eyes to the fact that this is a UK-wide decision and every vote is equal in the United Kingdom . "This has been the biggest exercise of democratic participation for many years and follows a long and at time passionate 174 1416254 from the Prime Minister this morning that he and his colleagues will work with all the devolved regions of the United Kingdom to implement the will of the people and to work together on the forthcoming negotiations. "The negotiated exit from the 174 1418669 it will happen." The DUP leader added: "I think we are now entering a new era of an even stronger United Kingdom . "I am very much looking forward to working with our colleagues in our national government to build a very strong 174 1457848 effects which will, in turn, negatively affect Ireland as well. "Finally, the labour migration of workers between Ireland and the United Kingdom is at risk. Given previous EU immigration laws, this had never been a problem, but now, it is possible that 174 1457935 in high skilled positions experiencing a 5% wage decrease. "Once again, I am very disappointed in the actions of the United Kingdom . They have not only abandoned their closest neighbours, but also the entire European Community." Earlier Former Taoiseach John Bruton has 174 1458034 a major shock to the Irish economy, because the fall in Sterling is going to make Irish exports to the United Kingdom , much more difficult to sell because of the price increase. So we are going to have to become much more 174 1458558 it will happen." The DUP leader added: "I think we are now entering a new era of an even stronger United Kingdom . "I am very much looking forward to working with our colleagues in our national government to build a very strong 174 1459888 PVV party in the Netherlands, said Dutch voters should be given a say on membership as soon as possible. "The United Kingdom is leading the way to the future and liberation," he said. "The time is now for a new start, trusting 174 1460772 revised their odds on Brexit betting after unexpectedly strong early polling for the leave campaign upended their confidence that the United Kingdom would vote to stay in the European Union. Markets have followed the same dramatic route, with the pound hitting six 174 1464606 rest of Britain voted to leave, raising the spectre of a new independence vote and the possible dissolution of the United Kingdom . Scotland voted by a margin of 62 per cent to 38 per cent to remain in the European Union in 174 1464637 to 38 per cent to remain in the European Union in Thursday's referendum, putting it sharply at odds with the United Kingdom as a whole, which voted 52 per cent to 48 per cent to leave. Most voters in Northern Ireland also 174 1464674 voters in Northern Ireland also voted to remain and Irish nationalist leaders there called for a poll on leaving the United Kingdom and uniting with Ireland. Banking regulator APRA Is dialling up the scrutiny on banks commercial real estate lending after double 174 1469991 a call on Sanjiv Chaturvedis transfer to Arvind Kejriwals office. The committee rejected Delhi government and Chaturvedis request. With the United Kingdom voting to be 'out', with respect to the education sector, there would be a mixed impact for students travelling to 174 1475726 their trading operations as trading relationships will change. India now will have to think about the trading arrangements with the United Kingdom and Europe Union. Lastly, Sinha also made a pitch of passage of the GST, Bill stating that the Goods and 174 1527390 part of the British leadership," Putin said,in comments broadcast on Russian state television. "It will have consequences for the United Kingdom , for all of Europe and for us, of course," he added. Many observers have said that Brexit would play into 174 1533904 Union in the last fiscal was close to 42 million kg, out of which about 20 million kg was to United Kingdom only. The EU accounts for more than 15 per cent of the country's total tea exports which was more than 174 1535915 Britain's vote to leave the 28-nation bloc. "At the UN, we look forward to continuing our work with the United Kingdom and the European Union - both important partners," a statement issued by Ban's spokesperson said. "The Secretary-General expects the European 174 1540446 vote to leave. That result could be justification for another independence vote, the Scottish government argues. Scottish independence from the United Kingdom was rejected by 55-45 per cent in 2014. Tsipras blames on austerity Meanwhile, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, whose 174 1540611 Nicola Sturgeon said on Friday, raising the spectre of a new Scottish independence vote and the possible dissolution of the United Kingdom . Scotland voted by a margin of 62 percent to 38 percent to remain in the EU in a referendum on 174 1540815 voters in Northern Ireland also voted to remain and Irish nationalist leaders there called for a poll on leaving the United Kingdom and uniting with Ireland. Calling a new Scottish vote would not be quick or simple and the SNP, marked by 174 1543547 nationalist party, Sinn Fein, said the result intensified the case for a vote on whether Northern Ireland should leave the United Kingdom . "The downside is definite and the upside is speculative," Noonan told parliament as the United Kingdom voted on Thursday, referring 174 1543563 Ireland should leave the United Kingdom. "The downside is definite and the upside is speculative," Noonan told parliament as the United Kingdom voted on Thursday, referring to the potential upside that some companies keen to stay in the EU might move from 174 1543794 Chamber. Of most concern to Dublin is the impact on Northern Ireland, which has the only land frontier between the United Kingdom and the rest of the EU. It was marked by military checkpoints until a 1998 peace deal ended three decades 174 1543975 Brexit would not endanger a common travel area that predates both countries' entry into the EU in 1973. While the United Kingdom as a whole voted by 52% to 48% in favor of leaving the EU, 56% of those in Northern Ireland 174 1544300 Northern Ireland. After 56% of Northern Irish voters sought to remain in the EU compared to the 52% of the United Kingdom as a whole who voted leave, Sinn Fein's McGuinness said it was imperative that London called a referendum on a 174 1544748 Ireland. Of most concern to Dublin is the impact on Northern Ireland, which has the only land frontier between the United Kingdom and the rest of the EU. It was marked by military checkpoints until a 1998 peace deal ended three decades 174 1548299 Brexit, may now want to split from the predominantly anti-EU English, the Financial Times fears: "The nations of the United Kingdom divided; and England split between its metropolitan cities and post-industrial provinces. A vote against the EU could well turn 174 1548329 and post-industrial provinces. A vote against the EU could well turn out also to be a vote against the United Kingdom . The Brexiters were English nationalists. Scotland and Northern Ireland wanted to remain. So did London, the pre-eminent global city 174 1549986 The atmosphere is one of dread a death knell has rung out for our country and we won't be the United Kingdom for much longer. This is an incredibly sad, depressing thing to say the country I know and identify with has 174 1562096 we respect the British decision to leave the European Union. Today's referendum will not change our special relationship with the United Kingdom . That close partnership will endure, and we will continue to work together to strengthen a robust trade relationship and to 174 1574206 allows the first lady to stress the importance of lifting up women and girls. Obama earlier visited Japan, Cambodia, the United Kingdom , Qatar, Cuba and Argentina for the initiative. Advertisement She'll be sharing trip highlights on Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat and 174 1613971 As Britain has voted in the historic referendum to leave the European Union (EU), the reform deal reached between the United Kingdom and the EU in February will not take effect and ceases to exist, top officials announced on Friday. The leaders 174 1614161 suggesting the UK to leave the union in an "orderly way." "We stand ready to launch negotiations swiftly with the United Kingdom regarding the terms and conditions of its withdrawal from the European Union," the statement said. They added that the deal 174 1614267 remain a member of the EU until the process of exit negotiations is over. "According to the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no 174 1614283 the Treaties which the United Kingdom has ratified, EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a member," the statement said. As for the future relationship between the UK and the 174 1614325 EU, the leaders said they hope the two to be "close partners." "Any agreement, which will be concluded with the United Kingdom as a third country, will have to reflect the interests of both sides and be balanced in terms of rights 174 1615498 December. He Jingtong, a professor of economic policy at Nankai University in Tianjin, said that even though people in the United Kingdom are edging closer to voting in favor of remaining in the EU on Thursday, the bloc still faces multiple political 174 1630815 EU campaigner, proclaimed June 23 as Independence Day for the UK, others were shocked. Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) reacts at a party, as votes are counted for the EU referendum, in London, Britain June 174 1630942 SNP party may seek a fresh referendum on Scottish independence; the SNP narrowly lost a national vote on quitting the United Kingdom in 2014. JK Rowling, multi-millionaire author of the Harry Potter series of books, was a prominent backer of the 174 1632061 a prominent Remain campaigner, described the decision as a "seismic event for our country." Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) reacts at a party, as votes are counted for the EU referendum, in London, Britain June 174 1632126 SNP party may seek a fresh referendum on Scottish independence; the SNP narrowly lost a national vote on quitting the United Kingdom in 2014. JK Rowling, multi-millionaire author of the Harry Potter series of books, was a prominent backer of the 174 1648708 the world in light of the change. "Let us pray especially that we may go forward to build a good United Kingdom that, though relating to the rest of Europe in a new way will play its part amongst the nations in 174 1652725 two senior leaders in the Anglican church. "Let us pray especially that we may go forward to build a good United Kingdom that, though relating to the rest of Europe in a new way will play its part amongst the nations in 174 1656055 ad himself, which Baron has since (very clearly) denied. Secessionists are pushing for an independent Texas after voters in the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union Thursday. The hashtag #Texit is making the rounds on Twitter, with some people calling 174 1679592 in particular, were undervalued and could provide value to long-term investors. The sector will undoubtedly be disrupted if the United Kingdom (U.K.) votes to leave the European Union (EU) but significant damage wasn't likely, he explained. "Fundamentally, the U.K. does not 174 1684755 and bringing a community together." Britain's vote to leave the European Union will lead to the political end of the United Kingdom , the president of the Council on Foreign Relations told CNBC on Friday. There will "no longer be Great Britain, at 174 1685694 Financial Markets Association. Britain's vote to leave the European Union will not divide the "indispensable" partnership America has with the United Kingdom and the EU, U.S. President Barack Obama told an audience at Stanford University on Friday. Obama said he had spoken 174 1687367 abroad pledged not to return. "I'll be staying in Spain now. Maybe elsewhere in Europe beyond that. But not the United Kingdom ," Joey Vaughan, a bar manager from Kent working in Spain, told CNBC via email. Stunned reaction to 'Brexit,' as well 174 1687438 complete turmoil to the U.K 's decision to leave the European Union. - U.S. President Barack Obama: "The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring 174 1687456 of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom's membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of U.S. foreign, security, and economic policy 174 1687513 promote stability, stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond. The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 1687661 forge a new relationship." - International Monetary Fund's Christine Lagarde: "We take note of the decision by the people of the United Kingdom . We urge the authorities in the U.K. and Europe to work collaboratively to ensure a smooth transition to a new 174 1687732 and the U.K.) ministers: "We, G-7 Ministers and Governors, respect the intention expressed today by the people of the United Kingdom to exit from the European Union. We are monitoring market developments following the outcome of the referendum." - U.S. Speaker of 174 1687770 referendum." - U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan: "I respect the decision made by the people of the United Kingdom . The UK is an indispensable ally of the United States, and that special relationship is unaffected by this vote." - German 174 1688143 immediately, directly, from a legal point of view, will be very limited because it will take some years for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, to negotiate an exit. However, we've seen already large falls on stock markets and there 174 1707435 the weekly recap of news and other interesting items. Today's Rehashed is somewhat overshadowed by the Brexit meltdown in the United Kingdom . There were plenty of things happening in the security world this week, but the fallout from EU referendum is sure 174 1735905 have chosen. 'As we have said before, whatever the outcome of the referendum Rolls-Royce will remain committed to the United Kingdom where we have been headquartered for more than a century, where we have a talented and committed workforce and where 174 1736860 too much. In a statement, G7 finance leaders said: We respect the intention expressed today by the people of the United Kingdom to exit from the European Union. Job fears across the economy hit the shares of recruitment firms as foreign banks 174 1759908 Farage told a jubilant Leave.EU rally in central London: 'Dare to dream that the dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom . 'This, if the predictions now are right, this will be a victory for real people, a victory for ordinary people 174 1760999 a satisfactory departure from the European Union. 'This could take several years, and in the meantime, our relations with the United Kingdom , which are as close as any two nations' relations could be, will continue as positively and intimately as ever,' he 174 1764779 immediately, directly, from a legal point of view, will be very limited because it will take some years for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, to negotiate an exit. Oliver Curtis' family will 'always look after him', judge acknowledges The 174 1770244 led to Brexit with the meteoric rise of the Donald Trump TRUMP'S STATEMENT ON EU REFERENDUM The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have 174 1772345 EU law 'will continue to apply to and within the UK' until Britain has formally left the bloc. 'Until the United Kingdom formally leaves the European Union, EU law will continue to apply to and within the UK. By this , I mean 174 1773066 holding Union flags saying 'Britain opts to leave' French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said he was 'sad for the United Kingdom ' and that 'Europe will continue but it must react and rediscover the confidence of its peoples. It's urgent.' Italian Prime 174 1773577 the decision places 'a great responsibility on all of us to guarantee the well-being of the people of the United Kingdom .' Pope Francis has said the British decision to leave the European Union reflects the will of its people and that 174 1773769 sobering' news. Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that 'it looks like a sad day for Europe and for the United Kingdom .' German officials have repeatedly said that they wanted Britain to remain in the EU. Denmark: Politiken also opted for a 174 1779019 full engagement of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland Governments, to ensure that the interests of all parts of our United Kingdom are protected and advanced. But above all this will require strong, determined and committed leadership. I am very proud and 174 1791125 spoke to British Prime Minister David Cameron on the phone today, and he is 'confident' after their discussion that the United Kingdom 'is committed to an orderly transition' out of the European Union. Obama said that the United States will remain in 174 1791322 spoke to British Prime Minister David Cameron on the phone today, and he is 'confident' after their discussion that the United Kingdom 'is committed to an orderly transition' out of the European Union As a result of the vote, Britain's relationship with 174 1791410 former's involvement in NATO as an example of Western stability in face of tumbling worldwide markets. 'The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision,' he said in a statement. On the West Coast for a summit and 174 1791740 the White House issued a statement on Obama's behalf that asserted, 'The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdoms membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of U.S. foreign, security, and economic policy 174 1791856 Ireland, and the world.' Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) following news that the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. The Dow Jones industrial average quickly fell nearly 500 points on the news 174 1791923 financial markets WHITE HOUSE ON CAMERON CALL President Obama spoke by phone today with Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom to discuss the outcome of yesterdays referendum on membership in the European Union, in which a majority of British voters 174 1791973 President assured Prime Minister Cameron that, in spite of the outcome, the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom , along with the United Kingdoms membership in NATO, remain vital cornerstones of U.S. foreign, security, and economic policy. The President 174 1792095 remain an indispensable partner of the United States. The President and Prime Minister concurred that they are confident that the United Kingdom and the EU will negotiate a productive way forward to ensure financial stability, continued trade and investment, and the mutual 174 1792192 preferred a different outcome,' he said in his speech, 'but the United States has a long-standing friendship with the United Kingdom and that very special bond will endure.' Biden added, 'We fully respect the decision they have made.' Obama warned at 174 1792443 a statement - released after the White House had finally spoken - that said, 'We respect the choice the people of the United Kingdom have made' Obama warned at at a joint news conference with Cameron in April that the UK would be sent 174 1792828 statement today - released after the White House had finally spoken - that said, 'We respect the choice the people of the United Kingdom have made.' 'Our first task has to be to make sure that the economic uncertainty created by these events does 174 1792956 our challenges as a country, not tear each other down.' FULL WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT ON BREXIT The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring 174 1792974 of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdoms membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of U.S. foreign, security, and economic policy 174 1793031 promote stability, stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond. The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 1793152 that transatlantic cooperation is essential, and that cooperation is strongest when Europe is united. She has always valued a strong United Kingdom in a strong EU. And she values a strong British voice in the EU,' he told the Observer in April 174 1836027 possible unintended consequences of a vote to leave the European Union,' he said. 'One is the break-up of the United Kingdom , I think we are looking at that.' He told ITV News: 'We saw what happened in Scotland and I think 174 1836092 into view.' Former spin doctor Alistair Campbell warned of the unintended consequences of Brexit, including the break up of the United Kingdom POLLY TOYNBEE The Guardian columnist said: 'What dark place does Britain for the British take us to? Catastrophe. Britain has 174 1885762 remain "indispensable partners" of the United States and that the "special relationship" with London would endure. "The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision," Obama said, in a statement from his White House office echoed by presumptive 174 1885846 cornerstone of Western power, Obama also paid tribute to the EU. "The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom's membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security, and economic policy 174 1885907 stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond," he said. "The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 1887003 by coalition warplanes hours earlier. "The will of the Syrian people will break the shackles of terrorism," it said. The United Kingdom shocked everyone and made the decision to leave the European Union. With 72.2 percent voter turnout, 51.9 percent chose to 174 1894304 and EU will remain 'indispensable partners' of the United States following the Brexit vote. Obama said: 'The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring 174 1894322 of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom's membership in Nato remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security and economic policy 174 1894379 promote stability, stimulate economic growth, and foster the spread of democratic values and ideals across the continent and beyond. 'The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 1894554 and mutual defense.' Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton said in a statement: 'We respect the choice the people of the United Kingdom have made. Our first task has to be to make sure that the economic uncertainty created by these events does 174 1894695 and a focus on his own businesses rather than the economic impact on American families. Trump 'actively rooted' for the United Kingdom to leave the EU and is 'rooting for the economic turmoil in its wake', Clinton adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters 174 1895486 vote to leave 'dangerous and frightening' Hillary Clinton said in a statement: 'We respect the choice the people of the United Kingdom have made... This time of uncertainty only underscored the need for calm, steady, experienced leadership in the White House' POPE 174 1895580 the decision places 'a great responsibility on all of us to guarantee the well-being of the people of the United Kingdom '. He said it also will require all to 'take responsibility for the well-being and coexistence of the entire European 174 1897404 June 23 to be a national bank holiday called 'Independence Day' TRUMP'S STATEMENT ON EU REFERENDUM The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have 174 1900357 around the world Friday, rocking financial markets, toppling Prime Minister David Cameron and even threatening the ties that bind the United Kingdom . Britons absorbed the overwhelming realization that their anti-establishment vote has pushed the British economy into treacherous and uncertain territory 174 1900526 Europe," while Nigel Farage, leader of the hard-right U.K. Independence Party, said "the dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom ." But for the 48 percent of British voters who wanted to remain and for the 2 million EU nationals who 174 1901262 challenges that are raised by globalization." The divisions exposed by the referendum threaten to unstitch the complex fabric of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said "Scotland has voted to stay in the 174 1901293 Minister Nicola Sturgeon said "Scotland has voted to stay in the EU," and a new referendum on independence from the United Kingdom is now "highly likely." Scotland voted in 2014 to remain a part of the U.K., but that decision was seen 174 1902189 European Union after a bitterly divisive referendum campaign, according to tallies of official results Friday. (Lauren Hurley/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT, NO SALES, NO ARCHIVE Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, celebrates and poses for photographers as 174 1902341 On Thursday Britain votes in a national referendum on whether to stay inside the EU.(Liam McBurney / PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVES A teller counts ballot papers at the Titanic Exhibition Centre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, after 174 1902408 Friday, with increasingly mixed signals challenging earlier indications that "remain" had won a narrow victory. (Liam McBurney/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT A worker on a lift adjusts the EU flags in front of EU headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday, June 174 1902435 lift adjusts the EU flags in front of EU headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Voters in the United Kingdom are taking part in a referendum that will decide whether Britain remains part of the European Union or leaves the 174 1902490 newspaper reporting on the EU referendum on a news stand in Westminster, London, Thursday, June 23, 2016.Voters in the United Kingdom are taking part in a referendum that will decide whether Britain remains part of the European Union or leaves the 174 1902547 brow before speaking during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Voters in the United Kingdom are taking part in a referendum on Thursday that will decide whether Britain remains part of the European Union or 174 1905559 to an RBC Capital Markets analyst. David Palmer noted that the U.S. restaurant companies with the most exposure to the United Kingdom and Europe are McDonald's Corp., and to a lesser degree Yum Brands Inc. and Starbucks Corp. The pound plunged to 174 1907176 fell to a 31-year low on Friday. ___ 5:40 p.m. Britain's ambassador to the United Nations says the United Kingdom will remain "a world power" and "a diplomatic power" despite the vote to leave the European Union. Matthew Rycroft told 174 1908114 leave the European Union, Lew said he has been consulting for weeks with finance officials and investment firms in the United Kingdom , Europe and around the world. He said: "The U.K. and other policymakers have the tools necessary to support financial stability 174 1909657 the decision places "a great responsibility on all of us to guarantee the well-being of the people of the United Kingdom ." He said it also will require all to "take responsibility for the well-being and coexistence of the entire European 174 1911776 two years longer. The leaders of the EU's institutions said Friday that "until this process of negotiations is over, the United Kingdom remains a member of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this." They said in 174 1911817 in a statement that under the bloc's treaties "EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a member." The statement was signed by European Council President Donald Tusk, European Commission President 174 1912935 European Union after a bitterly divisive referendum campaign, according to tallies of official results Friday. (Anthony Devlin/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT, NO SALES, NO ARCHIVE Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron speaks outside 10 Downing Street, London as his wife Samantha 174 1913003 European Union after a bitterly divisive referendum campaign, according to tallies of official results Friday. (Lauren Hurley/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT, NO SALES, NO ARCHIVE Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha smiles as they leave after voting 174 1913167 referendum to leave the European Union, according to a projection by all main U.K. broadcasters. (Anthony Devlin/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT, NO SALES, NO ARCHIVE A teller counts ballot papers at the Titanic Exhibition Centre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, after 174 1913234 Friday, with increasingly mixed signals challenging earlier indications that "remain" had won a narrow victory. (Liam McBurney/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, casts her vote in Glasgow, Scotland, Thursday June 23, 2016, as voters head to 174 1913260 Nicola Sturgeon, casts her vote in Glasgow, Scotland, Thursday June 23, 2016, as voters head to the polls across the United Kingdom in a historic referendum on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union or leave. (Jane Barlow 174 1913285 referendum on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union or leave. (Jane Barlow/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT Countera begin to tally ballot papers at the Titanic Exhibition Centre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, as counting gets underway 174 1913343 On Thursday Britain votes in a national referendum on whether to stay inside the EU.(Liam McBurney / PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVES Ballots from the City of Westminster and City of London are counted at the Royal 174 1913408 On Thursday Britain votes in a national referendum on whether to stay inside the EU.(Anthony Devlin / PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVES Ballot boxes arrive for the City of Westminster count at the Royal Horticultural Halls in 174 1913470 On Thursday Britain votes in a national referendum on whether to stay inside the EU. (Anthony Devlin / PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVES Ballot papers are poured out of ballot boxes at Manchester Central count, as counting gets 174 1913532 On Thursday Britain votes in a national referendum on whether to stay inside the EU. (Danny Lawson / PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVES A ballot box is carried into the Royal Horticultural Halls in London as counting gets 174 1913590 On Thursday Britain votes in a national referendum on whether to stay inside the EU. (Anthony Devlin / PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVES A woman on a bicycle leaves a polling station near to the Royal Chelsea Hospital 174 1913638 in Britain are deciding Thursday whether the country should remain in the European Union. (Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVE Chelsea pensioners arrive at a polling station near to the Royal Chelsea Hospital, London, to 174 1913711 the experiment in continental unity that began in the aftermath of World War II. (Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT People make their way along a flooded path as they arrive to vote at the polling station in East 174 1913796 Union a referendum that has exposed deep divisions over issues of sovereignty and national identity. (Nick Ansell/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT United Kingdom Independence Party leader, Nigel Farage, arrives to cast his vote in Biggin Hill, south eastern England, Thursday 174 1913799 that has exposed deep divisions over issues of sovereignty and national identity. (Nick Ansell/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT United Kingdom Independence Party leader, Nigel Farage, arrives to cast his vote in Biggin Hill, south eastern England, Thursday, June 23, 2016 174 1913868 Union a referendum that has exposed deep divisions over issues of sovereignty and national identity. (Gareth Fuller/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT British Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha leave after casting their votes in the EU referendum at 174 1913950 in Britain are deciding Thursday whether the country should remain in the European Union. (Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVE European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker wipes his brow before speaking during a media conference 174 1913985 brow before speaking during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Voters in the United Kingdom are taking part in a referendum on Thursday that will decide whether Britain remains part of the European Union or 174 1914084 Nicola Sturgeon, casts her vote in Glasgow, Scotland, Thursday June 23, 2016, as voters head to the polls across the United Kingdom in a historic referendum on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union or leave. (Jane Barlow 174 1914109 referendum on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union or leave. (Jane Barlow/PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT Crude spews from California pipeline, but none reaches beach VENTURA, Calif. (AP) Tens of thousands of gallons of crude 174 1915971 a no entry street sign in front of EU headquarters in Brussels on Friday, June 24, 2016. Voters in the United Kingdom voted in a referendum on Thursday to decide whether Britain remains part of the European Union or leaves the 28 174 1916241 presidency. They added that under the bloc's treaties "EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a member." Tusk told reporters that Britain's 27 partners were "determined to keep our unity 174 1916469 that Britain should expect no free ride as it negotiates its departure. "There cannot be any special treatment for the United Kingdom . The British people have expressed their wish to leave the EU. Leave means leave. The times of cherry-picking are 174 1916729 in front of the UK representation to the EU office in Brussels on Friday, June 24, 2016. Voters in the United Kingdom voted in a referendum on Thursday to decide whether Britain remains part of the European Union or leaves the 28 174 1916851 brow before speaking during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Voters in the United Kingdom are taking part in a referendum on Thursday that will decide whether Britain remains part of the European Union or 174 1920481 front of an EU flag in front of EU headquarters in Brussels on Friday, June 24, 2016. Voters in the United Kingdom voted in a referendum on Thursday to decide whether Britain remains part of the European Union or leaves the 28 174 1925260 brow before speaking during a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Voters in the United Kingdom are taking part in a referendum on Thursday that will decide whether Britain remains part of the European Union or 174 1925871 effective breakup of Britain, and Scottish leader Nicola Sturgeon spoke Friday of a possible second referendum on independence from the United Kingdom after a 2014 vote ended with the union intact. The economic turmoil that may occur in an increasingly isolated Britain 174 1946419 markets plummeting, the economy is already feeling the heat from this Brexit decision. "Brexit is risking the future of the United Kingdom , too, with the SNP hungry for another referendum on independence. "The Conservatives can no longer claim to be a party 174 1953618 France's turn to vote to leave the EU. "The liberty of peoples always wins in the end! Bravo to the United Kingdom ," he wrote on Twitter. "Our turn now #Brexit #Frexit." Since taking over from her father as FN leader, Jean-Marie 174 1955251 market share at a time when world trade was slowing. "NOT A LEHMAN MOMENT" Ratings agency Standard & Poor's said the United Kingdom was likely to lose its AAA credit rating, the Financial Times reported, and economists said if the transition - including negotiating 174 1956589 British EU exit vote LONDON, June 24 (Reuters) - Oil major BP said on Friday its headquarters would remain in the United Kingdom , despite Britain voting to leave the European Union. "It is far too early to understand the detailed implications of this 174 1958908 After 56 percent of Northern Irish voters sought to remain in the EU compared to the 52 percent of the United Kingdom as a whole who voted to leave, Sinn Fein's McGuinness demanded that London call a referendum on a united Ireland 174 1967011 continue in some form. "We have one main partner in Europe when it comes to defence and that is the United Kingdom ," one said. "That's the country best-placed to deploy forces abroad when necessary, and with whom we can do high 174 1967068 said the source, "We want to be sure that after this vote there won't be a strategic withdrawal by the United Kingdom , that it will continue to be a player on the international scene." President Francois Hollande said on Friday that France's 174 1993939 British pound plummeted as financial markets absorbed the news. "Dare to dream that the dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom ," U.K. Independence Party leader Nigel Farage told cheering supporters just after 4 a.m. today London time. The markets are plunging 174 2001116 to the bloated, meddling Brussels bureaucrats and their failing European superstate project, and hello to a new dawn for the United Kingdom , the Leave campaign crowed on Friday. Yet for a referendum called to resolve Britains most fundamental identity crisis, the surprising 174 2001292 home secretary Theresa May, will be weighing up bids and should not be discounted. We do not even know what United Kingdom there will be left to negotiate on behalf of, with pro-Remain Scotland and Northern Ireland who both voted starkly 174 2001806 already begun its own trade talks with India. The one assured outcome of the vote for Brexit is that the United Kingdom is now a deeply Divided Kingdom. Scotland and Northern Ireland aside, the electoral map exposes dramatic regional differences in voting 174 2004293 said that the US respects the decision of British people to exit from the European Union and hoped that the United Kingdom and EU will remain "indispensable partners" of America. "The people of the UK have spoken, and we respect their decision 174 2004351 Read: British people have taken back their independence, Donald Trump(ets) "The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdoms membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security, and economic policy 174 2010228 two years longer. The leaders of the EU's institutions said Friday that "until this process of negotiations is over, the United Kingdom remains a member of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations that derive from this." They said in 174 2010269 in a statement that under the bloc's treaties "EU law continues to apply to the full to and in the United Kingdom until it is no longer a member." The statement was signed by European Council President Donald Tusk, European Commission President 174 2010717 of suspicion over European aims of creating an ever-closer political union. The vote also threatens the unity of the United Kingdom , with Scotland unwilling to follow the rest of the country out of the EU. "Let June 23 go down in 174 2011095 island nation a decade to secure new trade accords worldwide. "It looks like a sad day for Europe and the United Kingdom ," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Twitter. Read: Britain votes to leave EU in historic divorce unleashing global 174 2011262 the pavement a week ahead of the vote. Two years after Scotland voted in a referendum to remain in the United Kingdom , its political leader First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said a new independence vote is "definitely on the table" after Britain 174 2011315 future as part of the EU," Sturgeon told television news after the vote. Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom , is now faced with the prospect of customs barriers for trade with EU-member the Republic of Ireland. Irish republicans 174 2011808 who had urged Britain to stay in the bloc. "Dare to dream that the dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom ," said Nigel Farage, leader of the eurosceptic UK Independence Party, calling the EU a "doomed project". "This will be a 174 2011902 in 2013 and campaigned to stay in the bloc, should resign if Britain voted for Brexit, Farage said: "Immediately." The United Kingdom itself now faces a threat to its survival, as Scotland voted 62 percent in favour of staying in the EU 174 2011993 largest Irish nationalist party, Sinn Fein, said the result intensified the case for a vote on whether to quit the United Kingdom . European politicians reacted with shock. "Please tell me I'm still sleeping and this is all just a bad nightmare!" former 174 2014170 France's turn to vote to leave the EU. "The liberty of peoples always wins in the end! Bravo to the United Kingdom ," he wrote on Twitter. "Our turn now #Brexit #Frexit." Since taking over from her father as FN leader, Jean-Marie 174 2017883 full engagement of the Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Ireland governments to ensure that the interests of all parts of our United Kingdom are protected and advanced," he said. London, Scotland and Northern Ireland voted strongly to stay in the EU but Brexit 174 2032665 Thursday to leave the European bloc after a tough and close-fought battle that has divided the public in the United Kingdom . She also called on the other 27 EU states to be "willing and capable" to analyse the situation and come 174 2033000 stay in EU Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond have both called for a second referendum on Scottish independence after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union on Thursday. First minister Sturgeon has promised she will push for the second referendum 174 2044951 requires a great responsibility on the part of all of us to guarantee the good of the people of the United Kingdom , as well as the good and co-existence of the European continent" he said. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby 174 2045082 Minister David Cameron who led the stay in Europe campaign announced his resignation on June 24. "As citizens of the United Kingdom , whatever our views during the referendum campaign, we must now unite in a common task to build a generous and 174 2045126 country, contributing to human flourishing around the world," said Welby and Sentamu in a joint statement. "As citizens of the United Kingdom , whatever our views during the referendum campaign, we must now unite in a common task to build a generous and 174 2062655 and subsidy policies. Paterson said money could be better used in a targeted and efficient manner. "I believe that the United Kingdom has a great future beyond the political arrangements of the European Union," Paterson said at the Oxford Farming Conference. "Agriculture 174 2074521 United States. This document is only being distributed to and is only directed at (i) persons who are outside the United Kingdom or (ii) to investment professionals falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion 174 2076331 fluctuations and changes in the markets and tactical strategy has led to an overall increase in occupancy rate in the United Kingdom and stable performance in Mainland China, Malaysia, and Singapore. As at 31 March 2016, the Group operated 20 owned hotels 174 2077096 adopts diversified regional strategy and the "Chinese Wallet" strategy with business covering Hong Kong, Mainland China, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. FEC official website: FEC WeChat and Weibo: / For further information, please contact 174 2084928 United States. This document is only being distributed to and is only directed at (i) persons who are outside the United Kingdom or (ii) to investment professionals falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion 174 2086231 Chief Donald Tusk, EU Council President Mark Rutte, and European Commission Head Jean-Claude Juncker said. 'We now expect the United Kingdom government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may 174 2089098 lowest to third- highest among the seven countries to which Canada compares itself under the Patented Medicines Regulations (France, the United Kingdom , Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, the United States, and Italy). -- Canadians pay, on average, 35% more than consumers in other OECD countries 174 2097432 statements on the United Kingdom's vote to withdraw from the European Union:Ross Webber, CEO, Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA): "The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union, and the question now becomes how the actual process of that exit will 174 2098174 market."Grainne Richmond, President, Bermuda Insurance Management Association (BIMA): "As an economic bloc, the European Union is stronger with the United Kingdom in it, yet respect has to be given to the decision of the British people in yesterday's referendum. It will 174 2108586 Greece and Ukraine respectively. The other big winner is the leader of the anti-immigrant and anti-European Union The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) led by Nigel Farage. In the last Parliamentary elections, his party, even though it was able to 174 2108621 party, even though it was able to win only one seat, managed to capture 12.6% of the vote. While the United Kingdom , because of its electoral system, was a first choice in a constituency, succeeded in keeping Farage and the UKIP out 174 2111057 how two pending catalysts for its stock will turn out. The first major catalyst is the unfolding referendum in the United Kingdom over whether to secede from the European Union. It's a shortsighted, irrational measure fueled by anti-immigration sentiment. Known as 174 2113516 demand, this decision is not likely to have any real, long-term impact on the oil market. In 2016, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. And while the UK won't officially leave the EU until 2019, the decision has 174 2125885 The Motley Fool, LLC. All rights reserved. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. During the historic referendum where the United Kingdom voted on whether or not it should leave the European Union, many in the U.K. took to Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) seeking 174 2133069 is narrowing her vice presidential short-list in the run-up to the Democratic convention next month. On Thursday the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. The British people have rejected the globalist project of the European elites. Prime Minister 174 2133688 Tuesday. PoliZette On major issues, the man the Establishment loves to hate has changed America's dialogue "The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union and have 174 2159681 world. Participating nations included Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, the United Kingdom and the U.S. During the ceremony, leaders spoke about the efforts put forth by all who participated and thanked one 174 2161742 that have conducted strikes in Iraq include the United States, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom . Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Syria include the United States, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, the Netherlands, Saudi 174 2161772 include the United States, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom . NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Deputy Secretary General addresses NATO's Warsaw Summit objectives in 174 2173787 referendum, unveiling what she said was a refreshed case for the country to break away from the rest of the United Kingdom . Sturgeon is a scathing critic of Johnson and the UKs departure from the European Union a move opposed by a 174 2174443 poll published 18 June 2019 of ordinary Conservative members suggested they were ready to see the break up of the United Kingdom with Scotland and Northern Ireland peeling off as a result of a no-deal BREXIT departure. According to the survey 174 2174573 the Brexit Party, established only weeks earlier by the ardent anti-European Union Nigel Farage, the former head of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), swept the board in England and Wales, the pro-EU Scottish National Party (SNP) topped the poll 174 2175182 to remain in the EU by 62 percent. A majority in Scotlands devolved parliament at Holyrood backs breaking up the United Kingdom . Scotlands government on July 11, 2016 demanded a second referendum on independence following Britains vote to leave the European Union 174 2175336 before Britain leaves the European Union, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said. Scots rejected independence from the rest of the United Kingdom by 55 to 45 percent in a 2014 referendum, but since then Sturgeon's pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) surged 174 2175371 pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) surged, winning several elections. Scotland voted 18 September 2014 against breaking away from the United Kingdom and becoming independent. Tallies from all 32 Scottish councils show that 55.3 percent of voters were in favor of remaining 174 2175602 in Edinburgh that finalizes details for a vote on whether Scotland should become an independent country or stay within the United Kingdom . The vote would come in September of 2014, ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for 2016. Cameron's meeting with Salmond in 174 2175675 Prime Minister David Cameron said February 16th, 2012 he was strongly opposed to the idea of Scotland's separation from the United Kingdom during a visit to Edinburgh. Cameron told the Scottish parliament Thursday that he will fight to keep the United Kingdom 174 2175695 United Kingdom during a visit to Edinburgh. Cameron told the Scottish parliament Thursday that he will fight to keep the United Kingdom together. My argument is simple. Of course Scotland could govern itself. So could England. My point is that we do 174 2176899 make a lot of sense to have a blue background when the national flags of the remaining parts of the United Kingdom , if Scotland becomes independent have no blue in them then they probably would want a new flag. Thats not to 174 2176941 say that the Union flag itself would actually disappear because the Union Flag came into existence before we had a United Kingdom . It came into existence in 1606 and we didnt have any form of a United Kingdom until 1707; so, the 174 2176957 before we had a United Kingdom. It came into existence in 1606 and we didnt have any form of a United Kingdom until 1707; so, the flag itself might actually still exist, maybe for use on royal warships, which is what it 174 2177293 and-neck. If the majority of Scots vote for independence, then on March 24, 2016 Scotland will secede from the United Kingdom . England and Scotland shared the same monarch since 1603 the Union of the Crowns in one person. The 1707 Acts 174 2177320 same monarch since 1603 the Union of the Crowns in one person. The 1707 Acts of Union formed one new United Kingdom . The Scottish governments prospectus for independence states that On independence, Scotland will be a constitutional monarchy, continuing the Union of 174 2184846 and illegal annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula and Moscow's support for pro-Russia separatist fighters in eastern Ukraine. Both the United Kingdom and France agreed to the extension, but only with a so-called parliamentary reserve. That means the ambassadors must first 174 2186051 active measures designed to sow division and discord in Europe. These include efforts to manipulate the Brexit campaign in the United Kingdom , providing covert -- and sometimes overt -- support to the far right and extreme left, and financing "alternative" online media outlets across 174 2190590 Party leader Nigel Farage, who had campaigned for the "leave" vote, said that "the dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom !" Farage also called for British Prime Minister David Cameron to step down. Cameron had sought strenuously to persuade voters to 174 2190662 stability. Hammond said the results will also reopen the question for some about whether Scotland should seek independence from the United Kingdom . Scotland and Northern Ireland voted overwhelmingly to remain within the EU. Most cities in northeastern England returned large majorities for 174 2190781 it was "urgent" for Europe to "react and regain the trust of the people." Ayrault also expressed "sadness for the United Kingdom ." In Berlin, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier responded to the news on June 24 by saying Britain's vote to 174 2191929 Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault took to Twitter to air his displeasure with the vote, saying he was "sad for the United Kingdom ." "Europe will continue but it must react and rediscover the confidence of its peoples. It's urgent," Ayrault said. A spokesman 174 2191978 said he expected that the EU would continue to be "a solid partner" for the United Nations, and that the United Kingdom would "continue to exercise its leadership in many areas." International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde called on U.K. and 174 2207119 After selling 70,000 bottles of their 11.5 percent ABV game-changer in Spain, Giks product is now available in the United Kingdom , Ireland, Germany, France, Portugal, and Switzerland, and there are plans to sneak-attack an unsuspecting United States. The producers dont 174 2222617 he gave me. My heart breaks for his family. Baruch Dayan Emes. Once controlling an empire spanning every continent, the United Kingdom has been undergoing an identity crisis in recent years. In 2014, Scotland, which has been part of the United Kingdom 174 2222637 United Kingdom has been undergoing an identity crisis in recent years. In 2014, Scotland, which has been part of the United Kingdom for over 300 years, held a referendum on whether to remain part of the country. Now in 2016, after years 174 2227385 further assistance. If you need help identifying your provider, visit What seemed improbable is now a fact. The United Kingdom has voted to move out of the European Union (EU) in a divorce that is bound to have far reaching 174 2230548 rides on a $30 billion (Rs 2 lakh crore) export to the European Union, half of which is in the United Kingdom , is bracing itself for short term increases in costs and a decline in value of British Pound even as it 174 2254012 must not return to business as usual. Gabriel, also Germanys Economy Minister, told Bild newspaper that the exit of the United Kingdom is a shrill wakeup call for European politics. Whoever doesnt listen or takes refuge in the usual rituals drives Europe 174 2256036 11:10am European Parliament President Martin Schulz expects negotiations over Britains departure from the European Union to begin quickly. The United Kingdom has decided to go its own way. I think the economic data show this morning that it will be a 174 2256469 8.1 percent. 9:25am Counting from 304 of 382 areas showed a 51.5/48.5 split for leaving. Paul Nuttall (R), United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), MEP for the north west of England and Nigel Evans Conservative MP for Ribble Valley celebrate the 174 2256705 leads, Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage tweets- I now dare to dream that the dawn is coming up on an independent United Kingdom I now dare to dream that the dawn is coming up on an independent United Kingdom. Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) June 174 2256721 up on an independent United Kingdom I now dare to dream that the dawn is coming up on an independent United Kingdom . Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) June 24, 2016 8:25am Machester votes to Remain 8:10am Remain on 48.45 pct, Leave on 174 2291932 percent of exports through the Port of Houston, about $16 billion in 2015. That includes about $1.7 billion to the United Kingdom . Smaller manufactures may have to focus on domestic markets and accept lower profits in Europe - if they want to hold 174 2309383 Rona Ambrose's statement on the EU referendum: Regardless of the outcome of yesterdays referendum, Canadians will continue to support the United Kingdom as a steadfast ally, trading partner and friend. There is no substitute for the direct democratic voice of a country's 174 2316764 those who wanted Brexit are struggling to work out just what it will look like. The very existence of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is now in question. Scots may well use their own Remain result to 174 2323238 bitter irony will be that by making Europe the scapegoat for our woes we have unwound the cords tying the United Kingdom together. Scotland will seek independence in order to remain part of Europe. In Ireland the case for integration will become 174 2323542 and are based on a commitment to justice. But we seem blinded by our ignorance of some basic realities. The United Kingdom is the most unequal country in Europe. What is more this inequality has been very bad for us. We are 174 2327757 the Germans will be leading a European Union that may start to disintegrate and the English will watch their own United Kingdom become disunited. It's a sad day and doesn't look much like "taking back control" to me. Perhaps the only silver 174 2327865 nation, treading an uncertain path towards an unsure future. I am saddened, heartbroken and disappointed by the news that the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. This is the most consequential decision our nation has made in modern times 174 2337078 Voice of the Paramedic Ameenah A. Sawwan talks to Odai Mohammad, a law student who becomes a paramedic. Advertisement KNUTSFORD, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 24: A European Union flag, with a hole cut in the middle, flies at half-mast outside a home 174 2337113 flies at half-mast outside a home in Knutsford Cheshire after today's historic referendum on June 24, 2016 in Knutsford, United Kingdom . The results from the historic EU referendum has now been declared and the United Kingdom has voted to LEAVE the 174 2337128 June 24, 2016 in Knutsford, United Kingdom. The results from the historic EU referendum has now been declared and the United Kingdom has voted to LEAVE the European Union. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images) PARIS -- Is this the end of the 174 2341732 Brits had voted to remain in the European Union only to wake up on Friday morning to find that the United Kingdom instead chose to leave the EU. To be completely honest, I had not expected a Brexit. Not at the beginning 174 2342355 In different ways, both surrendered their cause to the right. Advertisement Brexit has re-ignited the inner divisions of the ' United' Kingdom As so often after a high-profile referendum, the UK comes out of the EU referendum more divided than before 174 2342414 Londoners, and Scots voted for Remain. Consequently, the referendum re-ignited long-standing regional divisions in the less and less United Kingdom , between Catholic and Protestants in Northern Ireland, between urban and rural parts of England, and between Scotland and England. Nicola 174 2348299 the "special relationship" that has characterized ties between the two countries. "The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdom's membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of U.S. foreign, security, and economic policy 174 2348654 pound is at its lowest rate in more than three decades. Advertisement Scotland, which barely opted to remain in the United Kingdom after its last ballot referendum for independence, voted decisively to remain in the EU. Now, a second Scottish independence referendum 174 2348715 far behind. In the aftermath of Brexit, Sinn Fein is calling for a referendum in Northern Ireland to leave the United Kingdom and reunite with the Republic of Ireland - something the IRA was unable to accomplish with bombs and bullets for decades 174 2348760 EU member nations are calling for similar referendums in their home countries. We could potentially witness the disintegration of the United Kingdom as we know it within five years. For what? UK Independence Party's Nigel Farage sheepishly admitted on national television that 174 2348871 count. British voters are Googling the European Union less than 12 hours after having voted to leave it. If the United Kingdom goes into a recession, in whole or in part due to the fallout of the Brexit vote, expect to hear 174 2349785 Hartley wants to show the life-long devastation the theft sets in motion. Two people hold an European Union and United Kingdom at the castle of Hardelot, the cultural center of the Entente Cordiale (the colonial-era promise of cross-channel friendship 174 2349891 be devastating for British businesses and families. What will be the consequences for farmers, traders, industries, and immigrants in the United Kingdom ? The Eurozone should take Brexit as a chance to address the madness within its own financial systems. London will will 174 2350127 to the challenge. The initial remarks from European governments and political parties have been encouraging. What is happening in the United Kingdom will therefore be useful in silencing the voices of those who believe that they would be able to survive better 174 2365486 Bush b. Brent Scowcroft c. Newt Gingrich d. John McCain 8. What's the next likely referendum that could shock the United Kingdom ? a. Following the Brexit vote, Scotland is considering holding another referendum on leaving the UK b. David Cameron promised to 174 2371402 older generations voted in favor of leaving. The younger the voters, the more likely they voted in favor of the United Kingdom remaining in the EU. Despite all the warranted criticism -- Europe is still fascinating, especially for younger people. It can be 174 2371457 in the sand. Instead they must live up to their responsibility -- one that must consider the young generation in the United Kingdom , the majority of whom wish to remain part of the EU. Advertisement Inequality is not a new injustice. It is 174 2373948 revealed her poor character. Advertisement Put simply, if it truly is interested in protecting the national self-interest of the United Kingdom , the British government should not seriously consider Ms. Malcorra's candidacy. Days before the California Senate Judiciary Committee votes on AB2844 174 2385486 for the Tamils, Nagaland for the Nagas, and Mizoram for the Mizos. My two beloved homes - the United States and United Kingdom - are enflamed with pain and rage, resulting in shocking murders in Orlando, US and Yorkshire, UK that betray a deep 174 2387252 world markets plunging. / AFP / LEON NEAL (Photo credit should read LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images) After the EU referendum, the United Kingdom is less united than ever, the idea of a united Europe is more wounded than ever, and the global economy 174 2395804 of his campaign's actual strength, it is clear that the political dynamics that led to the stunning vote in the United Kingdom to exit the European Union are also at play in the United States, to the benefit of the real estate 174 2400833 done in partnership with very strong institutions elsewhere. As global equities markets tumble and gold soars, the world outside the United Kingdom tries to make sense of just what our British cousins did last night. There are many narratives. UKIP Leader Nigel 174 2426769 and 17 per cent in mid-morning trading. Statement from Bank of England governor Mark Carney The people of the United Kingdom have voted to leave the European Union. Inevitably, there will be a period of uncertainty and adjustment following this result 174 2426827 our goods can move or the way our services can be sold. And it will take some time for the United Kingdom to establish new relationships with Europe and the rest of the world. Some market and economic volatility can be expected 174 2426886 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2427284 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2427302 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2427330 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2427898 events. In the future we will not hesitate to take any additional measures required to meet our responsibilities as the United Kingdom moves forward. Sign up to our free Brexit and beyond email for the latest headlines on what Brexit is meaning 174 2431809 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2432207 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2432225 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2432253 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2434198 went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} David Cameron has announced his intention to resign as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom , following the countrys historic decision to leave the European Union. Mr Cameron led the Conservatives to their first parliamentary majority 174 2434986 looked back at this as a career highlight. 2014: People in Scotland voted in a referendum to stay in the United Kingdom . Mr Cameron had campaigned for this outcome and welcomed the decision. It would have broken my heart to see our 174 2435008 Mr Cameron had campaigned for this outcome and welcomed the decision. It would have broken my heart to see our United Kingdom come to an end, he said after the result. 2015: David Camerons Conservatives win the general election with a majority 174 2441141 player in our team whose move to Britain was made possible thanks to the EU. Getty "I know that the United Kingdom is sometimes seen as an argumentative and rather strong-minded member of the family of European nations. "And its true 174 2451294 Nicky Morgan, and Theresa May. Others could make a surprise appearance Conservative leadership contests are rarely a predictable affair. The United Kingdom could be gone soon The Scottish accent has proven to be the most resilient in the UK (Getty) The Scottish 174 2451980 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2452378 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2452396 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2452424 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2453009 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2453407 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2453425 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2453453 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2455551 had fled from the war in Syria going to Slovakia, first of all it had nothing to do with the United Kingdom . "Secondly I think it was wrong because it gave ammunition to the other side who wanted to cast asperions on 174 2455740 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2456138 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2456156 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2456184 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2456664 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2457062 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2457080 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2457108 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2457206 PA Nigel Farage has declared a decisive victory for the Leave campaign, saying "a dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom ." Follow the latest live updates on the EU referendum Sign up to our free Brexit and beyond email for the 174 2457689 the UK out of the EU, as the shockwaves from the Brexit vote threatened to bring an end to the United Kingdom . Scottish voters backed Remain by 62 per cent to 38 per cent, and the First Minister said it would be 174 2458956 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2459354 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2459372 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2459400 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2461365 who head up the European People's Party the parliament's largest group said: "There cannot be any special treatment for the United Kingdom . The British people have expressed their wish to leave the EU. Leave means leave. The times of cherry-picking are 174 2464544 Here's his speech at the Leave.EU rally in full: "Dare to dream that the dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom . "This, if the predictions now are right, this will be a victory for real people, a victory for ordinary people 174 2464700 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2465098 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2465116 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2465144 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2465882 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2466280 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2466298 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2466326 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2466868 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2467266 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2467284 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2467312 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2469492 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2469890 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2469908 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2469936 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2485804 decisive victory for the Leave campaign has been declared, with Nigel Farage announcing that "dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom ." At home, politicians and pundits are reacting to the historic vote, with David Cameron's premiership now in question, as well 174 2485998 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2486396 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2486414 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2486442 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2487131 Wilders called for a Nexit vote as soon as possible, as the Dutch population deserves a referendum as well. The United Kingdom is leading the way to the future and liberation, said Mr Wilders, leader of the populist Party for Freedom (PVV 174 2487329 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2487727 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2487745 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2487773 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2488109 has announced his resignation, markets are in free fall and Nigel Farage has proclaimed "dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom ." Now, politicians in other EU countries are calling for referendums of their own. French right-wing leader Marion Le Pen 174 2490752 set up in case the Leave campaign won. The Irish Independent reinforced the logical conclusion that the country outside the United Kingdom most affected by Brexit will be Ireland and its economy. In an Irish Times column, Fintan O'Toole described Brexit simply 174 2491427 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2491825 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2491843 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2491871 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2492960 co-sovereignty. In a statement, David Lidington, the UK Minister for Europe, said: I want to be absolutely clear. The United Kingdom will continue to stand beside Gibraltar. We will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass 174 2495275 verifyErrors }} Figures within the higher education sector will have awoken with a bitter taste on Friday with the news the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. On Monday, the heads of 103 universities had issued an impassioned open letter 174 2497219 to the Brexit and beyond email {{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} As the United Kingdom files for divorce from the European Union after more than 40 years together, all eyes have fallen on Scotland where 174 2503909 strong possibility that the referendum outcome will pull Britain apart, assuming Scotland, strongly Remain, seeks again to quit leave the United Kingdom . Conceivably the vote will also have repercussions for Irish stability. If Britain leaves the EU, the border between the Republic 174 2505577 EU referendum - in pictures A woman in a wheelchair with British and European Union flags shows her support for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar Getty Images EU referendum - in 174 2505975 in London EPA EU referendum - in pictures People arrive to cast their ballots in the EU Referendum in Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain 174 2505993 Gibraltar. The United Kingdom and its dependant territories are going to the polls to decide whether or not the the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers 174 2506021 Getty Images EU referendum - in pictures A man driving a van covered in stickers urging people to vote for the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union drives outside a polling station on the day of the EU Referendum in Gibraltar 174 2506190 of the Conservative and Unionist Party, who this week said he is not by nature reckless, almost certainly terminated our United Kingdom , as he likes to call it, with an act of indescribably selfish recklessness. You will remember how, when the Scottish 174 2506694 tell. For now he must content himself with a starring role in tomorrows history books as the assassin of the United Kingdom he loved so much that the tears welled when he spoke of it. Each man kills the thing he loves 174 2506745 Gaol. But even if Camerons feelings for the UK were genuine, patently he loved something else more. He placed our United Kingdom on death row by calling this referendum for one reason, and one alone. In an irony that speaks for itself 174 2512670 Liam McBurney/PA Wire He added: "The future for Northern Ireland will be as bright as the future of the United Kingdom is going to be." Read more here: Britain's decision to quit the European Union could send damaging shockwaves through the 174 2512785 referendum on Thursday, widely seen as reflecting an increasingly nationalistic and inward-looking public, also risks the splintering of the United Kingdom itself, which could further reduce its role and stature in world affairs. Britain's departure -- which is not immediate and must 174 2513682 Martin McGuinness called for a vote to unite the two sides of the Irish border. The break-up of the United Kingdom would raise questions whether it should retain its veto in the United Nations Security Council, where it has been a 174 2513716 Nations Security Council, where it has been a mostly reliable supporter of U.S. initiatives. Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), addresses supporters at a A party after polling stations closed in the Referendum on the European 174 2513794 Cameron "immediately" if he loses the EU referendum. Surrounded by cheering supporters, Farage said: "Dawn is breaking for an independent United Kingdom ". "This will be a victory for real people, a victory for ordinary people, a victory for decent people. Expand Close 174 2513939 Let this day go down in our history as our independence day." Expand Close Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), has a coffee in The Old Jail pub, after voting in the EU referendum, at a polling 174 2513982 in Biggin Hill, Britain June 23, 2016. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), has a coffee in The Old Jail pub, after voting in the EU referendum, at a polling 174 2514353 yesterday a majority of the British people voted to leave the European Union, and as long-standing friends of the United Kingdom , the United States respects their decision," he said. "[It is] not how we would have preferred it to be. But 174 2516307 reality and the history of this most explosive topic means the result cannot be ignored. But how and when the United Kingdom exit happens will take quite some time to unfold. The Brexit terms and any new relationship with the EU will 174 2529733 was a heavy police presence outside the venue, providing a stark reminder that this city - like many others across the United Kingdom - is on constant guard against the possibility of a terrorist attack. The building's 280-metre clock tower rose above the 174 2543859 should be an independent country or not. The referendum also meant that Scotland would no longer be a part of United Kingdom and will have an identity as an independent nation. cityam The move fell as the idea of Scotland to remain 174 2543965 voted in favour of status quo. The 1973 referendum in Northern Ireland asking whether it should remain a part of United Kingdom or join the Republic of Ireland. Irish Times The people of Northern Ireland resoundingly voted in favour of remaining a 174 2551201 was expelled from secondary school for drug use. Kemi graduated St Teresas college Ibadan with honors and left for the United Kingdom at 14 right after. A staff at the New World psychiatric center in Ibadan said they have plead with her 174 2570030 in the U.K. over many years. In fact, American corporations have derived 9% of global foreign affiliate profit from the United Kingdom since 2000. In 2014 alone, U.S. companies invested a total of $588 billion into Britain. The U.S. also hires a 174 2570073 of Brits, making U.S. companies one of the U.K.'s largest job markets. The output of U.S. affiliates in the United Kingdom was $153 billion in 2013. The United Kingdom plays a vital role in corporate America's global infrastructure from assets under 174 2570081 U.K.'s largest job markets. The output of U.S. affiliates in the United Kingdom was $153 billion in 2013. The United Kingdom plays a vital role in corporate America's global infrastructure from assets under management (AUM), international sales, and research and development 174 2570138 in the European Union. Brexit will jeopardize the affiliate earnings and stock prices of many companies strategically aligned with the United Kingdom , which may see them reconsider their operations with U.K. and European Union members. American companies and investors that have exposure 174 2570784 the Maastricht Treaty. The original members included Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom . Fifteen other countries would gain membership in the union. Rising nationalist sentiment, coupled with concerns over the economy and British 174 2571638 a projected rate of over two percent in that same time. "Brexit" and the European Crisis In June 2016, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in a referendum. This vote fueled Eurosceptics across the continent, and speculation soared that 174 2573991 being occupied by the Japanese between 1941 and 1945. It became a sovereign nation when it gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1984. Brunei's economy is driven by its energy resources and heavy foreign investment. The government is keen on diversifying 174 2574225 balance was estimated at -$480.225 billion in 2019. The United States was followed by Israel, Japan, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom . The Bottom Line Deficits occur when a nation's government's expenses exceed its revenue while a surplus means it spends less 174 2577729 us, and while we look the other way we are always going to be. Vote them out this November The United Kingdom may well be no more after the vote of the English and Welsh to leave the European Union; the direct 174 2578011 strongly for staying it seems certain that the Scottish Nationalists will plan a new vote on their membership of the United Kingdom . Scottish Nationalist Nicola Sturgeon stated after the result Scotland voted 62 percent to 38 percent to remain in the EU 174 2583100 of EU law in the UK will be gone as parliament decides which parts of EU law to keep. The United Kingdom With Scotland more firmly pro-EU than their English neighbours, there will be fear that the Scottish National Party will 174 2605999 Friday, June 24th, 2016 (11:24 am) - Score 2,540 Its impossible to escape todays big news, which is that the United Kingdom has voted by a tiny margin to leave the European Union. The immediate impact upon UK Internet and broadband policy 174 2607800 it outside China. LOS ANGELESNorth Americans woke up Friday to the news that a majority of British voters decided the United Kingdom should leave the European Union, and immediately started asking what Brexitas the referendum has come to be knownmeans for the 174 2619569 But it's going to take a lot more (than) putting tubes down my nose ... to break me." SHARE By , The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union for "Brexit." "It's a leap into the unknown," according to a report by the 174 2636820 he had the huge triumph of winning a majority between all expectations. It may also be the end of the United Kingdom as Scotland is quite likely to secede and Northern Ireland less likely. And possibly the beginning of the end of 174 2647644 callous comments about women, his fondness for Vladimir Putin, his plans to deport millions of people, his insults toward the United Kingdom and Prime Minister David Cameron, and many of his other comic lines. Trump's use of the term may explain much 174 2649580 recommit tocollective defense, crisis management and cooperative security [within NATO]. - Senator Bob Corker U.S. Senator Bob Corker. WASHINGTON Before the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on 174 2649916 the British decision to leave the European Union, said Corker. Todays referendum will not change our special relationship with the United Kingdom . That close partnership will endure, and we will continue to work together to strengthen a robust trade relationship and to 174 2667367 European Union will make it cheaper for Americans to visit their British cousins across the pond. The exit of the United Kingdom from the 28-nation union has pushed the value of the British pound down relative to the U.S. dollar, making 174 2667748 rose by 11% and jumped 4% from Europe, according to the Office of National Statistics in the U.K. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom has been a huge source of tourism for the U.S. The U.K. was the third largest source of international visitors 174 2692256 conference call with reporters Friday, top campaign officials also rejected the idea that voter sentiments driving the outcome in the United Kingdom , such as anxiety about the economy and immigration, bore familiarity to ones in the American electorate. It is really important 174 2692286 bore familiarity to ones in the American electorate. It is really important to recognize that a vote on whether the United Kingdom stays in or leaves the European Union is profoundly different than a vote for who should be president and commander 174 2708468 Britain itself. Political leaders in Scotland and Northern Ireland, where voters opposed the Brexit, said they want to leave the United Kingdom so that they can remain in the EU. Advertisement In Brussels and Berlin, Paris and Prague, presidents, chancellors and prime 174 2709548 outcome as a triumph of British democracy over an oppressive Brussels bureaucracy. Advertisement The dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom , UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage said to a cheering crowd at what turned into a leave victory party. This 174 2709902 stable. Scotland, meanwhile, was threatening to launch a second referendum on independence, creating new uncertainty over the future of the United Kingdom itself. I intend to take all possible steps and explore all possible options to give effect to how people in 174 2710540 most extreme, the whole of the EU could unravel. European officials appeared determined to move quickly. We now expect the United Kingdom government to give effect to this decision of the British people as soon as possible, however painful that process may 174 2710608 Martin Schulz and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. President Obama pledged that the special relationship between the U.S. and the United Kingdom would endure, whatever the outcome, as would Americas links to the European Union. The United Kingdom and the European Union 174 2710624 the U.S. and the United Kingdom would endure, whatever the outcome, as would Americas links to the European Union. The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship 174 2711336 leaving in much of the rest of the country. Dare to dream that the dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom , UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage said to a cheering crowd at what turned into a leave victory party. This 174 2717028 to launch a new referendum on independence, creating new uncertainty over the future not only of Europe but of the United Kingdom itself. Former London Mayor Boris Johnson, a strong proponent of leaving Europe who has been one of those favored as 174 2732790 he told the Limerick Leader this Friday. The larger part of our trade, in European terms, is with the non- United Kingdom European Union, which takes about 40% of our trade. But the UK takes about 15% of our trade. In that 174 2792926 would have to renegotiate trading and bilateral agreements with the UK. Recent statistics shown that, trade between Ghana and the United Kingdom has reached 1.3 billion. Ghana is currently the UK's fifth largest trade partner in Sub-Saharan Africa. Even though Britain 174 2793339 tell its supporters. Well, a conservative government will lead them out over 40 years after. The rising profile of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) looks like the country may soon be facing the "Nationalistic" challenges. I won't be surprised to see 174 2797683 by history. In 2014, he initiated the referendum that asked citizens of Scotland if they wanted to remain within the United Kingdom ? This followed consistent complaints of marginalization of Scottish nation from Westminster administration. The referendum experienced vigorous debates and ultimately those 174 2809644 news release, said she's concerned how these events may influence American families. We respect the choice the people of the United Kingdom have made. Our first task has to be to make sure that the economic uncertainty created by these events does 174 2809757 under a Trump Administration, Trump stated in his news release. Clinton echoed similar sentiments about Americas steadfast commitment to the United Kingdom and the European Union. But she also said with the uncertainty of what is happening across the pond, it is 174 2810786 to prevent World War III. The decision launches a yearslong process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what will become a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete. "The dawn is 174 2810812 a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete. "The dawn is breaking on an independent United Kingdom ," said Nigel Farage, leader of the U.K. Independence Party. "Let June 23 go down in our history as our independence 174 2811136 as a noble idea which was no longer right for Britain. He said the result in no way means the United Kingdom will be "less united" or "less European." Even as he spoke, however, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said a second 174 2811164 European." Even as he spoke, however, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said a second Scottish referendum on independence from the United Kingdom is now "highly likely." Scotland voted in 2014 to remain a part of the U.K. but that decision was seen 174 2811815 U.S. sentiment that has propelled him to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, saying people in the United States and the United Kingdom are angry about similar things. "People are angry all over the world," he said. After winning a majority in Parliament 174 2852235 wait to see if their predictions come to pass. Still, the most direct economic pain will be felt by the United Kingdom . Moody's Analytics estimated that global economic output would be 0.25 percent smaller after five years than it otherwise would have 174 2852547 on the EU there, too. And Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said a second Scottish referendum on independence from the United Kingdom is now "highly likely." In contrast to England and Wales, a majority of voters in Scotland and Northern Ireland voted 174 2893235 whole". In 2016, David Cameron his fellow-Conservative and Prime Minister, unfolded a convoluted political game which resulted in the United Kingdom voting to leave European Union. There were other milestones in between which helped polarize both entities. To name a few 174 2893311 more political integration". From Great Britain versus Continental Europe, things have evolved or reduced as the case may be to United Kingdom versus European Union. Now that the die is cast on the latter, two more relationships remain. To crumble. One, United 174 2893332 Kingdom versus European Union. Now that the die is cast on the latter, two more relationships remain. To crumble. One, United Kingdom versus United Kingdom it all depends on how long it takes for Northern Ireland and Scotland to seek referendums to 174 2893335 Union. Now that the die is cast on the latter, two more relationships remain. To crumble. One, United Kingdom versus United Kingdom it all depends on how long it takes for Northern Ireland and Scotland to seek referendums to leave the UK 174 2893370 to seek referendums to leave the UK. Both Sinn Kein and Scottish National Party have voiced such sentiments already. Two, United Kingdom versus the Commonwealth of Nations. The latter is a grouping of mostly former colonies of the UK aka Great Britain 174 2893700 as London. Whither the UK then? There is no Britannica. There is no European Union. There may not be a United Kingdom . There may not be a Commonwealth. There may be England and Wales alone. Prime Minister David Cameron may be thinking 174 2906627 said that the US respects the decision of British people to exit from the European Union and hoped that the United Kingdom and EU will remain indispensable partners of America. The people of the UK have spoken, and we respect their decision 174 2906674 in his first reaction to the result of the historic referendum. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring, and the United Kingdoms membership in NATO remains a vital cornerstone of US foreign, security, and economic policy 174 2910576 of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu US Virgin Islands Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland United States Minor Outlying Islands United States of America Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu 174 2914360 Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the results of the referendum on the membership of the United Kingdom (UK) in the European Union (EU): "The people of the UK have chosen to leave the EU. "The UK and 174 2918278 tell its supporters. Well, a conservative government will lead them out over 40 years after. The rising profile of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) looks like the country may soon be facing the "Nationalistic" challenges. I won't be surprised to see 174 2919336 outstanding among other contentious issues. Former Premier League winger Jermaine Pennant shared his though on Twitter this morning after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union.The 33-year-old, now plying his trade for Tampines Rovers in Singapore, was roundly 174 2926389 said Britain should expect no free ride as it negotiates its departure."There cannot be any special treatment for the United Kingdom . The British people have expressed their wish to leave the EU. Leave means leave. The times of cherry-picking are 174 2935929 commissioner to always agree?" de Blasio said. The NYPD has 90 days to officially respond to the report in writing. United Kingdom residents have voted to leave the European Union, a sweeping decision that was expected to rattle Wall Street with the 174 2944090 Estrangement Day would be more apt. The English were also prepared to risk something else: the break-up of the United Kingdom . Scotland voted to remain in the European Union by a margin of 62 percent to 38 percent. Northern Ireland voted 174 2947965 together? With Scotland deeply pro-Europe, pressure will increase for another independence referendum that could bring an end to the United Kingdom . He said that with the coming presidential election in the United States, the vote in Britain was raising an uncomfortable 174 2948400 and Hong Kong. The financial damage was more severe on the Continent than in Britain and the United States. The United Kingdom lost its last remaining AAA credit rating on June 27, when the credit rating agency Standard & Poors downgraded the nation 174 2956127 67 shares touching the floor, including Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAG), Vietinbank (CTG) and Bamboo Capital (BCG). The announcement the United Kingdom is leaving the E.U. this morning (Vietnam time GMT+6) triggered panic among Vietnamese and international investors. Following the downturn 174 2981450 days to spare Timeline: From UK's entry into EEC to exiting EU International oi-Shubham Ghosh London, June 24: The United Kingdom (UK) in a historic referendum on Friday (June 23) decided to quit the European Union (EU). The decision left the 174 3000035 vehicle battery market includes countries such as the United States and Canada in North America; Germany, France, Sweden and the United Kingdom in Europe. The government incentives on usage of battery powered vehicles are one of the main reasons behind the growth