DocIndex Position Left Middle Right 312 1361 petty." Hundreds of protesters poured onto Bay Area streets minutes after Donald Trump was declared the 45th president of the United States early Wednesday morning, blocking freeways, lighting fires and chanting, "Not our president" and "F--- Trump." Protesters, who predominantly appeared to 312 1537 linked. Hundreds of protesters poured onto Bay Area streets minutes after Donald Trump was declared the 45th president of the United States early Wednesday morning, blocking freeways, lighting fires and chanting, Not our president. Police stopped protesters at Broadway and 8th Street 312 1677 said. Hundreds of protesters poured onto Bay Area streets minutes after Donald Trump was declared the 45th president of the United States early Wednesday morning, blocking freeways, lighting fires and chanting, Not our president and F Trump. Pete Suratos reports. California Highway 312 4359 undocumented immigrants, to deport the 11 million undocumented immigrants already in the country and to ban Muslims from entering the United States . But as with many of his positions, the details changed repeatedly and the exact provisions are unclear. Vector will conduct 312 4408 Atlantic regional spaceport. He claimed that the economy was in collapse, and promised to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States . He said that the country's military was in shambles and pledged to beat ISIS in the Middle East. He promised 312 4832 after Trump announced he was running for president, when he said Mexico was sending rapists and other criminals to the United States . Trump's personal finances were the subject of repeated controversy during the campaign. The real estate businessman and reality show star 312 4957 B. Anthony. He long questioned where President Obama was born, finally conceding in September that he was born in the United States but immediately falsely claiming that Clinton had started the conspiracy talk. Toward the end of the race, with polls showing 312 5549 of his life. Donald Trump, speaking from New York City, addressed his supporters after he was elected president of the United States . Its been what they call a historic event, Trump said. But to be really historic we have to do a 312 5765 a potentially awkward meeting with the man who pushed false rumors that the president might have been born outside the United States . Democrats, as well as some Republicans, expected Trump's unconventional candidacy would damage down-ballot races and even flip some reliably 312 6071 details. Mexico's President Pena Nieto said he was ready to work with Trump to strengthen existing bonds. "Mexico and the United States are friends, partners and allies and we should keep collaborating for the competitiveness and development of North America," Pena Nieto 312 6224 that "This American election ushers in a period of uncertainty. I have to address it with lucidity and clarity. The United States constitutes a partner of the first order for France. And what is at stake here is peace, the fight against 312 6488 terrorism," Stoltenberg said in a statement. "U.S. leadership is as important as ever. ... A strong NATO is good for the United States , and good for Europe." In July, Trump said the United States might abandon its NATO military commitments, including the obligation 312 6499 as ever. ... A strong NATO is good for the United States, and good for Europe." In July, Trump said the United States might abandon its NATO military commitments, including the obligation to defend members against attacks. After that, Vice President Joe Biden 312 7150 from visiting relatives and friends who live in America or traveling there as tourists. About 100,000 Indonesians live in the United States . President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said on national television that his government will work with whoever becomes president. Trump has also 312 7419 world." He earlier offered his congratulations in a statement and said Canada has no closer ally and partner than the United States . Rep. Tammy Duckworth defeated incumbent Republican Mark Kirk Tuesday in one of the nations most pivotal Senate races, NBC News 312 8571 prior to the protest for extra security purposes, authorities said. Other similar demonstrations took place in various cities throughout the United States Wednesday, with high school and college students from coast to coast staging walkouts. Trump, who entered politics after a career 312 12303 percent to 42 percent, over Trump. Ethel Walker School is a middle and high school for girls from throughout the United States and abroad and a senior organized the sit-in. "Our goal today is to convey the message that the result 312 13713 presidency. Hundreds of protesters poured onto Bay Area streets minutes after Donald Trump was declared the 45th president of the United States early Wednesday morning, blocking freeways, lighting fires and chanting, "Not our president" and "F--- Trump." Protesters also burned Trump effigies 312 17207 quite different. Social Media Erupts As avid Twitter user Trump sealed the deal to become the 45th president of the United States , the #TrumpTrain celebrated on Twitter. But plenty of other people took to social media to express their dismay. As results 312 22251 Diego, the nation's eighth-largest city, has received 626 Syrian refugees since Oct. 1, more than any other in the United States . On Wednesday, CAIR called on people of all faith, racial and political backgrounds to commit to working with each other 312 26067 His supporters cheered after hearing Clinton had conceded. As Trump sealed the deal to become the 45th president of the United States after surpassing 270 electoral votes, the #TrumpTrain celebrated on Twitter. Supporters used #MAGA (Make America Great Again) and #DrainTheSwamp to 312 26333 arrest history, according to police. Rohena was on supervised parole for a serious assault with a firearm in 2014. The United States Coast Guard said Tuesday that they are searching for three men who went missing off the coast of Cape Cod 312 43738 rising power, India is increasingly a global leader of consequence in the 21st century, analysts say. The relationship with the United States is a key part of the still-evolving story. Consider the perspective of former ambassador Teresita Schaffer, a non-resident 312 44258 that stems from Indias pride in its ancient civilization. Some of those goals will result in closer relations with the United States . For example, if India does pursue a bigger international leadership role during Trumps presidency, its policies will likely become more 312 44285 pursue a bigger international leadership role during Trumps presidency, its policies will likely become more interdependent with those of the United States and other countries. Its also important to take into consideration how Indias own actions will shape the relationship, including the 312 44320 actions will shape the relationship, including the vigorous pursuit of closer ties by Modi, analysts say. He has visited the United States four times, and invested far more effort in Indo-U.S. relations than most Indians would have imagined. At the same 312 44626 rising power, India is increasingly a global leader of consequence in the 21st century, analysts say. The relationship with the United States is a key part of the still-evolving story. Consider the perspective of former ambassador Teresita Schaffer, a non-resident 312 45146 that stems from Indias pride in its ancient civilization. Some of those goals will result in closer relations with the United States . For example, if India does pursue a bigger international leadership role during Trumps presidency, its policies will likely become more 312 45173 pursue a bigger international leadership role during Trumps presidency, its policies will likely become more interdependent with those of the United States and other countries. Its also important to take into consideration how Indias own actions will shape the relationship, including the 312 45208 actions will shape the relationship, including the vigorous pursuit of closer ties by Modi, analysts say. He has visited the United States four times, and invested far more effort in Indo-U.S. relations than most Indians would have imagined. At the same 312 57907 a spokeswoman for Trudeau, said staff worked throughout the night to resolve the issue. Farwa Imam Ali By Somehow, the United States of America does not look or feel united this day November 9, 2016. Picture this, an election that went down 312 58745 the good fight. Like Hillary Clinton who put the crack in the glass ceiling? asked the little girl. Somehow, the United States of America does not look or feel united this day November 9, 2016. Picture this, an election that went down 312 61038 CITY: A lawyer for Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman filed an appeal to block his extradition to the United States , where he faces drug and murder charges. The lawyer, Andres Granados, dropped off the documents at a court in Mexico 312 61242 enough guarantees that the death penalty will not be applied." Guzman's extradition would set up a major trial in the United States for the head of a cartel accused of providing tons of drugs to addicts in the United States while fueling 312 61260 in the United States for the head of a cartel accused of providing tons of drugs to addicts in the United States while fueling violence in Mexico. Guzman was captured in February 2014 after 13 years on the lam, but he escaped 312 61341 CITY: A lawyer for Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman filed an appeal to block his extradition to the United States , where he faces drug and murder charges. The lawyer, Andres Granados, dropped off the documents at a court in Mexico 312 61545 enough guarantees that the death penalty will not be applied." Guzman's extradition would set up a major trial in the United States for the head of a cartel accused of providing tons of drugs to addicts in the United States while fueling 312 61563 in the United States for the head of a cartel accused of providing tons of drugs to addicts in the United States while fueling violence in Mexico. Guzman was captured in February 2014 after 13 years on the lam, but he escaped 312 63671 US support following Donald Trump's presidential election win. "We look forward to the continued support of the world and the United States in standing with Iraq in its confrontation with terrorism," Abadi said in a statement congratulating Trump. Officials are warning of 312 64435 US support following Donald Trump's presidential election win. "We look forward to the continued support of the world and the United States in standing with Iraq in its confrontation with terrorism," Abadi said in a statement congratulating Trump. Officials are warning of 312 65285 year's end By AFP GUATEMALA CITY: Guatemala on Wednesday asked Donald Trump to ensure the "protection" of migrants in the United States , fearing his campaign promise to deport undocumented foreigners. "Guatemala hopes that the actions his administration will take will allow recognition 312 65315 Guatemala hopes that the actions his administration will take will allow recognition of the precious contribution migrants make to the United States , and that his policies promote and ensure the respect, well-being and protection of the migrant population," the country's foreign 312 65397 to return. He also repeatedly promised to build a wall across the US-Mexican border to prevent such immigration. The United States has an estimated 11 million undocumented migrants, the overwhelming majority from Latin America, especially Mexico and Central America. Guatemalan authorities 312 65427 overwhelming majority from Latin America, especially Mexico and Central America. Guatemalan authorities say around 1.5 million Guatemalans live in the United States , of whom less than a third are legal residents. Much of Guatemala's economy depends on remittances US-based Guatemalans send 312 65495 Trump "a successful term." GUATEMALA CITY: Guatemala on Wednesday asked Donald Trump to ensure the "protection" of migrants in the United States , fearing his campaign promise to deport undocumented foreigners. "Guatemala hopes that the actions his administration will take will allow recognition 312 65525 Guatemala hopes that the actions his administration will take will allow recognition of the precious contribution migrants make to the United States , and that his policies promote and ensure the respect, well-being and protection of the migrant population," the country's foreign 312 65607 to return. He also repeatedly promised to build a wall across the US-Mexican border to prevent such immigration. The United States has an estimated 11 million undocumented migrants, the overwhelming majority from Latin America, especially Mexico and Central America. Guatemalan authorities 312 65637 overwhelming majority from Latin America, especially Mexico and Central America. Guatemalan authorities say around 1.5 million Guatemalans live in the United States , of whom less than a third are legal residents. Much of Guatemala's economy depends on remittances US-based Guatemalans send 312 65718 US Presidential Election has gone down in history. For one, it failed to break the glass ceiling and give the United States its first Woman President. Two, in a stunning verdict Republicans, upset the Democrats 288: 215, making business mogul and now 312 65869 surge in voting from the white male voters. There are many ways to parse the 2016 presidential election in the United States , but perhaps the best window into the unorthodox race is the pattern of support for Trump among White male voters 312 66220 US Presidential Election has gone down in history. For one, it failed to break the glass ceiling and give the United States its first Woman President. Two, in a stunning verdict Republicans, upset the Democrats 288: 215, making business mogul and now 312 66371 surge in voting from the white male voters. There are many ways to parse the 2016 presidential election in the United States , but perhaps the best window into the unorthodox race is the pattern of support for Trump among White male voters 312 69252 instructed to visit Washington as early as next week. 1:00 PM: Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States . The Republican nominee won Wednesday after capturing Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes, putting him over the 270 threshold. Voters eager to 312 69456 News of Trump's widening lead hit hard in Cuba, which has spent the last two years negotiating normalization with the United States after more than 50 years of Cold War hostility. Normalization has set off a tourism boom in Cuba and visits 312 73903 a lot of the grassroots people, there's record people out there," he said. "If Trump loses tonight it's not the United States of America anymore. Unfortunately." Supporters were enthusiastic and from different walks of life. There were first-time voters, a man 312 74600 a lot of the grassroots people, there's record people out there," he said. "If Trump loses tonight it's not the United States of America anymore. Unfortunately." Supporters were enthusiastic and from different walks of life. There were first-time voters, a man 312 85687 heavily favored Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path.Trump elucidated on his 15-point agenda in the run-up to the elections. If he 312 88870 heavily favored Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path.A wealthy real-estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of anger 312 89112 promise to be the "greatest jobs president that God ever created."His win raises a host of questions for the United States at home and abroad. He campaigned on a pledge to take the country on a more isolationist, protectionist "America First 312 89149 more isolationist, protectionist "America First" path. He has vowed to impose a 35 percent tariff on goods exported to the United States by U.S. companies that went abroad.Both candidates, albeit Trump more than Clinton, had historically low popularity ratings in an election 312 89404 America great again through the force of his personality, negotiating skill and business acumen. He proposed refusing entry to the United States of people from war-torn Middle Eastern countries, a modified version of an earlier proposed ban on Muslims.His volatile nature 312 90966 up Washington and as president the brash real estate mogul will be in a position to dramatically change how the United States handles immigration, trade and a range of other policies.Yet many of his more ambitious proposals will require cooperation from Congress 312 92420 extreme. He has often said that the international trade system is rigged against the US. Former Indian ambassador to the United States Meera Shankar said if Trump comes true on his election rhetoric, then there will be implications for India as well 312 92909 That was a national crisis. And at the end was the worst possible catastrophe: Donald Trump is president of the United States . The unimaginable has become reality." (Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Germany)# "Trumpocalypse... Shock. A thunder bolt. And dizziness at the thought that Donald 312 93045 American democracy, which has the ability to transform itself continuously, but the victory also produces both inside and outside the United States a deluge of uncertainty due to the winner's unpredictability. Trump has to explain what he wants to do. In the 312 93307 a vacant seat on the bench, deciding the balance of the body. Donald Trump elected the 45th president of the United States of America #PresidentTrump News18 (@CNNnews18) November 9, 2016 Donald Trump has stunned America and the world, riding a 312 93649 develop their own nuclear weapons.Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reacted to Trump's election by insisting that his country and the United States are "unshakeable allies."One ally took heart from Trump's win. Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett said it guaranteed that his 312 94133 books as the first woman to become president in America's 240-year existence.Americans repudiated her call for unity amid the United States ' wide cultural and racial diversity, opting instead for a leader who insisted the country is broken and that he "alone 312 94263 incumbent, Obama, who for eight years has repeated the credo that there is no black or white America, only the United States of America.On the eve of the election, he told tens of thousands of people in Philadelphia that he was betting 312 94953 Prime Minister, US envoy Richard Verma on Wednesday said after Republican Donald Trump's election as the 45th President of the United States . Verma, who has Indian roots, stressed that the ties that bind the two countries are built on shared democratic values 312 96110 already costs the country $6 billion annually, according to the Council of Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW). A non-cooperative United States will hamper inter-governmental efforts on cleaner energy, increasing the likelihood of the 4Celsius rise for India, leading to conditions 312 96190 skeptical of the deal, hasnt ratified it yet. An American citizen has the power consumption of 34 Indians, putting the United States far ahead per capita emissions. In Leonardo DiCaprio's documentary on climate change Before the Flood, CSE head Sunita Narain said 312 96456 the economy grows, they are not yet close to the per capita emissions of countries such as China and the United States , the top two emitters. The Paris deal eliminated that historic responsibility, the concept that countries that have contributed most to 312 100036 a hotel room sofa in Times Square waiting to find out whether you are the next vice president of the United States . Outside of campaigns for class president in high school, Kaine has never lost an election. But in running for vice 312 103300 of the Bonners Ferry Port of Entry (POE) more than two decades ago, there has always been something missing the United States flag, the Idaho State flag and the POW/MIA flag. Thanks to the request of POE Inspector Tom Chaney, the 312 106640 European Union. Anti-racism protest has been planned outside the U.S. Embassy in London. Spanish newspaper "El Pais" headlined "The United States fears total paralysis." British publication "The Economist" considered Tuesday evening as "Fright night." "Rise of the Tomb Raider" is included 312 107738 Donald Trump is projected to win in Indiana and Kentucky. Hillary Clinton has taken Vermont. Earlier, polling was opened in United States on Tuesday night as eight ballots were cast in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire as part of town's tradition of being 312 108632 in a pitched race to the White House. Trump is slated to be elected as the 45th President of the United States of America. He shall assume the US Presidential office on January 20, 2017. The 50 states and Washington DC voted 312 108706 his way to the much revered 270 seat mark, which is the halfway mark to the total seats in the United States House of Representatives and the Senate. Read | As it happened: Trump and Hillary go through neck to neck race to 312 108929 will be left alone: President-elect Trump # I pledge that I will be President of each and every citizen of United States : President-elect Trump President Elect Donald Trump arrives at the HQ in New York, to deliver his speech soon 312 109634 Melania Trump is a Slovene American former model who is married to US president-elect and American businessman of the United States , Donald Trump. She is set to assume the role of First Lady of the United States on January 20, 2017 312 109650 American businessman of the United States, Donald Trump. She is set to assume the role of First Lady of the United States on January 20, 2017. Early Life and Education Born in Yugoslavia in the erstwhile Socialist Republic of Slovenia (now independent 312 109682 Yugoslavia in the erstwhile Socialist Republic of Slovenia (now independent country of Slovenia), Melania became a permanent resident of the United States in 2001 and a citizen in 2006. She will assume the role of First Lady of the United States on 312 109701 the United States in 2001 and a citizen in 2006. She will assume the role of First Lady of the United States on January 20, 2017. Melania Trump was born in Novo Mesto in Southeastern Slovenia (then part of Yugoslavia) on April 312 109790 at the University of Ljubljana for one year before dropping out. Also read: Know about Donald Trump: President-elect of United States Modelling Career Melania Trump began her modeling career at age 16 and at age 17 posed for Slovenian fashion photographer 312 110995 News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: With great anticipation and a close fight, Presidential elections in the United States has finally concluded. Republican candidate and property mogul Donald Trump has been elected as the 45th President of the country 312 111271 Congress was Dalip Singh Saund, who won from California in 1956. Also read: Know about Donald Trump: President-elect of United States Raja Krishnamoorthi Indian-origin Raja Krishnamoorthi has won a seat in the House of Representatives from Ilinois, becoming the fourth 312 111459 by profession. They have two sons and a daughter. Also read: Know all about Melania Trump, the first lady of United States Pramila Jayapal An India-born Pramila Jayapal, who made a mark with her progressive agenda in the Washington State Senate 312 115877 by millions of consumers and businesses in North America and around the world. The Company has offices in Canada, the United States and China. For more information, please visit us at or call 1 877 677-9088. In addition to providing 312 119214 Abuja Division of the Federal High Court. Nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, Wednesday, stated that he will not destroy his United States residency permit just yet; while he... Nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, Wednesday, stated that he will not destroy his United 312 119235 States residency permit just yet; while he... Nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, Wednesday, stated that he will not destroy his United States residency permit just yet; while he warned that the victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential race could jeopardize 312 120598 the stunning victory of Republican candidate, Donald Trump over media-favourite, Hillary Clinton, early on Wednesday, in the just-concluded United States Presidential election, cross section of Nigerians have taken to the social media, calling on Nobel Laureate, Playwright and Poet, Professor 312 128132 on his agenda. Tusk sent the invitation shortly after Trump won Tuesday's election to be the 45th President of the United States of America. "Today, it is more important than ever to strengthen transatlantic relations. Only by cooperating closely can the EU 312 132020 Australians are encouraged to purchase a poppy for Remembrance Day and support the Defence Care Poppy Appeal at Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba 312 132027 for Remembrance Day and support the Defence Care Poppy Appeal at Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of 312 140031 a potentially awkward meeting with the man who pushed false rumors that the president might have been born outside the United States . Democrats, as well as some Republicans, expected Trump's unconventional candidacy would damage down-ballot races and even flip some reliably 312 141319 triumphs in upset. The American voters have spoken and have elected Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States . Mr. Trumps victory defied late polls showing Hillary Clinton with a modest edge. The forgotten men and women of our 312 141860 17-year-old makeup artist James Charles its first cover boy, CoverGirl, one of the largest cosmetics companies in the United States , has announced another first: its debut CoverGirl in a hijab. Nura Afia, 24, a Colorado native, first started watching online 312 142019 interview this week. I just felt there was a real void especially in videos produced by Muslims living in the United States , and because the dramatic looks many women who wear hijab choose to wear can take real practice. So I decided 312 144906 We dont know whats going to happen to them, he said. Californians also sent the first black woman to the United States Senate since Carol Moseley Braun in 1999. Attorney General Kamala Harris easily defeated Representative Loretta Sanchez in the states first 312 146106 light bulb go off as Arpaio watched the positive reaction from the public, recalled Paul K. Charlton, who served as United States attorney for Arizona from 2001 to 2007. From that point on, we lost him. In 2005, an Arizona law made 312 149256 to disenfranchise and intimidate her. The granddaughter of a slave, Ms. Eaton was forced to recite the preamble of the United States Constitution as part of a literacy test to gain the right to vote. Someone planted a burning cross in her 312 149300 she joined the N.A.A.C.P. and registered black voters. In 2013, her right to vote was once again challenged after the United States Supreme Court effectively struck down the heart of the Voting Rights Act. The name on her birth certificate and voter 312 150781 House. Arriving in Malaysia on Wednesday evening, Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, who has lashed out at the United States and at Mr. Obama in often profane comments, mentioned Mr. Trump in a speech to overseas Filipino workers. Congratulations, he 312 150960 Kripalani worked for Steve Forbess 1996 presidential campaign.) As far as any change in the relationship between India and the United States is concerned, she predicted, You will find the Trump administration being realistic about Pakistan, being realistic about India and realistic 312 151869 a swear word to show he could do it on cable television and announced Marco Rubios re-election to the United States Senate, with the help of a nearly nude male model who had the news written on an index card taped 312 155730 an abscess of a day. While millions of my fellow citizens gazed like frustrated fortunetellers into onscreen maps of the United States turning shades of red and blue, certain New York theatergoers chose to hunker down with the Gabriels for election night 312 157166 Kamala Harris, 52, the Attorney General of California, became the first black woman elected to represent the state in the United States Senate on Tuesday night. She defeated Representative Loretta Sanchez in Californias first Democrat-only race for that office, the result 312 157586 trade-deal-canceling views would take America back to an era of isolationism, arguing that he was simply freeing the United States from the binds of international rules that are not in the nations interests. WASHINGTON The stunning election of Donald J 312 157650 policy course that will most likely amount to a repudiation of much of President Obamas legacy and will reorient the United States position on the world stage. Some changes, on immigration and climate change, for example, can be done by the Trump 312 157960 The fallout included toxic paroxysms of racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and sexism. Misogyny, it appears, thrives in corners of the United States . Donald J. Trumps hyper-masculinity the sexual swagger, the belittling of his opponents, his need to dominate appealed to some 312 158187 J. Trump looked increasingly likely to win Florida: Election Night Starter Kit, read a post on Instagram, above photos of United States passports and an Air Canada plane. Another post depicted a machine-gun-toting man riding a moose, with the words 312 158319 back in operation by midmorning but responded slowly and erratically. Such a desire to flee an election result in the United States is often expressed, but rarely borne out. On the other side of the border, Canadians reacted to Mr. Trumps election 312 158529 American Universitys School of International Service. MEXICO CITY For Mexico, the nightmare came true. Perhaps no country aside from the United States itself had as much at stake in the American presidential election as Mexico did. Then, early on Wednesday, it watched 312 158719 least in part, by the dramatic rise of a new kind of white populism. It has fueled turmoil in the United States and Europe, including not just Mr. Trumps election to the presidency, but Britains vote in June to leave the European 312 158877 authoritarianism in American politics, explained to me earlier this year that its important to remember that recent decades in the United States and Europe have been tumultuous. KABUL, Afghanistan Sharbat Gula, the green-eyed Afghan woman whose photograph as a young refugee 312 159692 election victory, the Philippine leader had already named Mr. Trumps business partner in Manila as a special envoy to the United States . Mr. Duterte, whose colorful and unpredictable comments have drawn comparisons to Mr. Trump, late last month named the chairman of 312 159883 began his campaign for the presidency, Mr. Trump was known as a critic of policies that opened markets in the United States to lower-cost Asian goods and helped fuel the dizzying growth that transformed Japan, gave rise to the dynamic economies 312 159956 currency manipulation and threatening a 45 percent tax on Chinese imports. He also added a geopolitical dimension by suggesting the United States might withdraw its security guarantees to Japan and South Korea unless they agreed to pay more of the cost of 312 160280 Donald J. Trump declared early on Wednesday was an unexpected bonus for the Kremlin, which had used the long, tortured United States election campaign to prove the global reach of its disruptive disinformation operations and to cast doubt on the entire Western 312 160581 Service, said in a statement. THE BOAT ROCKER By Ha Jin 222 pp. Pantheon Books. $25.95. The China-born but United States -based author Xuefei Jin, who publishes under the nom de plume Ha Jin, is a writer of simple yet powerful 312 161796 issues, with Mr. Murphy supporting abortion rights, a minimum-wage increase, the Affordable Care Act and an end to the United States economic embargo on Cuba. Donald J. Trump won the election by consolidating support from white voters and making unexpected gains 312 166783 limit of heavy water. The amount was greater in that case and some of the excess was exported to the United States under an arrangement criticized by U.S. congressional opponents as facilitating Iranian violations of the deal. Wednesdays report did not specify 312 167896 records. LA 2024 congratulates President-elect Donald J. Trump and appreciates his longstanding support of the Olympic movement in the United States , LA 2024, the local bid committee said in a statement Wednesday. We strongly believe the Olympics and LA 2024 transcend 312 186834 What does Trump mean for India - The good and the bad] Donald Trump's election as the 45th president of the United States will make things in American foreign policy quite exceptional from here on. A country which made an emphatic entry into 312 186911 the Cold War and also after it against diverse opponents. But 75 years since joining the Second World War, the United States now might be seen covering a different journey altogether under a president who has been a complete outsider. But the 312 189263 Several persons over the past couple of months have openly offered prayers for Trump to become the President of the United States of America. [Also Read: What does Trump mean for India - The good and the bad] Two days back, at Meerut 312 189665 chief Donald Tusk told reporters in Brussels, referring to Trump's campaign slogan of "Make America Great Again". "Europe and the United States simply have no option but to cooperate as closely as possible." Tusk and European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker said 312 190005 Oneindia Staff Writer Washington, Nov 9: Within few hours we will know who will be the next President of the United States of America. However, the final outcome will be announced only in January 2017, after the counting of the electoral votes 312 191340 Endorsing Harris, Obama had said "Kamala Harris fights for us. Thats why I am so proud to endorse her for United States Senator. And if you send her to the Senate, she'll be a fearless fighter for the people of California, all 312 194388 the release, go to: Donald John Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States last night in a stunning culmination of an explosive, populist and polarizing campaign that took relentless aim at the institutions 312 194559 a largely overlooked coalition of mostly blue-collar white and working-class voters who felt that the promise of the United States had slipped their grasp amid decades of globalization and multiculturalism.Meanwhile, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter ONeill , has extended his 312 194595 Minister Peter ONeill , has extended his congratulations to Donald Trump following his success in the vote count yesterday in the United States Presidential Election."I send Papua New Guineas best wishes following the election of Donald Trump, and congratulate him on his 312 194625 wishes following the election of Donald Trump, and congratulate him on his election to become the 45th President of the United States ," the Prime Minister said."Papua New Guinea looks forward to working with the incoming Administration when it is sworn into 312 194690 through the electoral college vote."This has been one of the most controversial Presidential campaigns in the history of the United States and now there is an outcome."The result of the election is a decision of the American people and Papua 312 194771 our two countries."Mr Trump is a successful businessman and now has the opportunity to develop his vision for the United States and its engagement with its international partners."The Prime Minister also congratulated Hillary Clinton for her hard-fought campaign and 312 197190 and caucuses and handed Sanders a whopping 22 states -- 22 states who voted for a SOCIALIST for President of the United States ! THAT blew everyone's mind. Hillary Clinton saw the power you held -- and what did she do? She moved as fast 312 199038 deserved disgust with the corporate media? Can we actually break up that cartel and allow opportunities for media entrepreneurs? Dear United States , Donald Trump admitted we had a broken election system and for a while pretended that he would operate outside of 312 199371 Image by ThisCantBeHappening!) Details DMCA Let's look on the bright side. Donald J. Trump is the next president of the United States . His stunning victory over Hillary Clinton came after he had first crushed the Republican Party establishment, steamrollering all the candidates 312 199862 don't know very much about war even if Washington has been fighting on multiple fronts since 9/11. The continental United States has not experienced the presence of a hostile military force for more than 100 years and war for the current 312 200514 must be removed as the first priority... It is a foolish policy as al-Assad in no way threatens the United States while his enemy ISIS does and regime change would create a power vacuum that will benefit the latter. She has 312 201092 bumper-sticker claims about Russia and Putin that are either partially true, unproven or even ridiculous, Gershman concluded that "the United States has the power to contain and defeat this danger. The issue is whether we can summon the will to do 312 202471 they want to deregulate Wall Street and other powerful industries -- all policies that helped create the current mess that the United States and much of the world are now in. Further, Trump's personality is problematic to say the least. He lacks the 312 206595 analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States ,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: Hot Melt Adhesives Market to Record an Impressive Growth Rate During 312 207132 customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States ,USA - Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: Air Canada Boeing 767 300Er As Donald Trump completed his quest 312 207978 customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States ,USA - Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: Global Radio Frequency Components Market: Impact of Existing and Emerging Market 312 208399 analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact Us:Persistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States ,USA - Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Global Automotive Roof System Market: Recent Industry Trends and Projected 312 208928 analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact Us:Persistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States ,USA - Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Global Standard Based Communication Servers Market: Opportunities, Demand and Forecasts 312 209622 analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact Us:Persistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States ,USA - Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Global Beauty Device Market is Expected To Reach $54,186.9 Million 312 210143 regarding permissions, contact:Persistence Market Research305 Broadway,7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United StatesTel: +1 800-961-0353Email: United States Kiosk Market Report 2016 United States Kiosk Market Report 312 210160 United States Kiosk Market Report 2016 United States Kiosk Market Report 2016 is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the United States Kiosk 312 210179 732920 United States Kiosk Market Report 2016 is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the United States Kiosk industry.View Sample Copy of Report@The report provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions, classifications, applications and 312 210224 processes and cost structures are also analyzed. This report also states sales, price, revenue in United States.The report focuses on United States major leading industry players providing information such as company profiles, product picture and specification, price, revenue and contact information.Enquire about 312 210316 Kiosk 21.2.1 Indoor Kiosk 31.2.2 Outdoor Kiosk 41.3 Applications of Kiosk 51.3.1 Hospitals 71.3.2 Banks 81.3.3 Airports 91.3.4 Others 101.4 United States Market Size Sales (Volume) and Revenue (Value) of Kiosk (2011-2021) 111.4.1 United States Kiosk Sales and Growth Rate (2011 312 210330 Banks 81.3.3 Airports 91.3.4 Others 101.4 United States Market Size Sales (Volume) and Revenue (Value) of Kiosk (2011-2021) 111.4.1 United States Kiosk Sales and Growth Rate (2011-2021) 111.4.2 United States Kiosk Revenue and Growth Rate (2011-2021) 122 United States 312 210340 Sales (Volume) and Revenue (Value) of Kiosk (2011-2021) 111.4.1 United States Kiosk Sales and Growth Rate (2011-2021) 111.4.2 United States Kiosk Revenue and Growth Rate (2011-2021) 122 United States Kiosk Competition by Manufacturers 132.1 United States Kiosk Sales and 312 210350 United States Kiosk Sales and Growth Rate (2011-2021) 111.4.2 United States Kiosk Revenue and Growth Rate (2011-2021) 122 United States Kiosk Competition by Manufacturers 132.1 United States Kiosk Sales and Market Share of Key Manufacturers (2015 and 2016) 132.2 United 312 210357 2011-2021) 111.4.2 United States Kiosk Revenue and Growth Rate (2011-2021) 122 United States Kiosk Competition by Manufacturers 132.1 United States Kiosk Sales and Market Share of Key Manufacturers (2015 and 2016) 132.2 United States Kiosk Revenue and Share by Manufacturers 312 210371 States Kiosk Competition by Manufacturers 132.1 United States Kiosk Sales and Market Share of Key Manufacturers (2015 and 2016) 132.2 United States Kiosk Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016) 162.3 United States Kiosk Average Price by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016 312 210383 Share of Key Manufacturers (2015 and 2016) 132.2 United States Kiosk Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016) 162.3 United States Kiosk Average Price by Manufacturers (2015 and 2016) 192.4 Kiosk Market Competitive Situation and Trends 212.4.1 Kiosk Market 212.4.2 Kiosk 312 210426 Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers 212.4.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 22Purchase a copy of report & Get Discount on United States Kiosk Market Report 2016 @ at USD 3800 (Single User License):Contact us:Dhananjay Potle5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,#205, Portland, OR 312 214771 compromising on its deep-seated research values.Contact UsPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States ,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Global Eye Contour Brush Industry 2016 Consumer Reviews, Market Sales 312 225197 Russia is hoping that improved relations could yield an elusive prize: the lifting or easing of sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union to punish Moscow for its 2014 annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine 312 230007 of 2016 is the result of a number of factors, most of which have been brewing for some time. The United States of America and its governmental system can only survive with an active, educated citizenry. When the electorate only tunes in 312 230530 and Congress a parliament of whores in the words of the conservative writer P.J. ORourke (2003). Free speech in the United States is one of the most important characteristics of our nation. We confuse free speech with money. Why is it impossible 312 233775 Program Board sponsored the watch party, which was attended by about 150 people. No matter how it turns out, the United States is still the greatest country in the world, said student body President Kyle Walsh, a senior from Bloomington majoring in 312 233929 Danville supported. The junior in special education wore a T-shirt that said POTUS an acronym for president of the United States and the O was the symbol for women. I'm definitely for the feminist movement, Snook said. We need to change 312 236717 have contact with any other patients." From Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, 2016, 89 people in 33 states across the United States have been diagnosed with AFM, according to CDC. AFM, however, is still considered as an extremely rare disease that only 312 236882 10 million bond. Two years ago, Zavala-Garcia was busted regarding immigration. He was found to have illegally entered the United States after being convicted of attacking another family member. After the attack on a family member, Zavala-Garcia was taken into 312 238173 federal tax rates allow free-college initiatives to bear fruit. If the same results are to be attained in the United States on a practical level, the federal government will have to raise its taxation from 31.5 to 50 percent, just like 312 239180 say ECJ judges are influenced by political considerations and that if the Commission's rulings prompt a major spat with the United States and member states don't support the Commission, the court may hesitate to enforce a tax demand of up to 13 312 240843 fairly certain that at least the threat of a potential U.S. military strike has now disappeared. Also, even if the United States were to re-impose sanctions, in addition to those non-nuclear related sanctions already in existence, the Iranian leadership is 312 240976 President Barack Obama's outlook on world affairs, his preference for diplomacy for resolving disputes, and his commitment to free the United States from unnecessary military entanglements were largely responsible for the success of the nuclear negotiations. The same has been true of 312 241036 reached much earlier. The situation will change on January 20, 2017, when a new administration comes to power in the United States -regardless of who wins the presidential election today. Hillary Clinton and Iran Under President Hillary Clinton, the United States would 312 241055 the United States-regardless of who wins the presidential election today. Hillary Clinton and Iran Under President Hillary Clinton, the United States would adopt a more hardline approach towards Iran. As secretary of state, she advocated a tough attitude vis-a-vis 312 241286 the IRGC's naval vessels in the Persian Gulf. The Clinton administration may also pressure Iran on its missile program. The United States could always argue that the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 has prohibited Iran from developing missiles potentially capable of delivering 312 241662 policy if it wants to prosper and be secure. Iran must also realize that, despite all of its setbacks, the United States is still a formidable power. Should it decide to bring the full weight of its military might against Iran, the 312 241895 affect Iran policies: President Rouhani 11/09/16 Source: Press TV Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says the results of the United States presidential election will have no impact on the Islamic Republic's policies. Trump had threatened he would "tear up" the Iran 312 241957 than 270 electoral votes in the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday, enough to make him the 45th president of the United States even as vote counting continued in a number of states. "The position of the United States has been weakened within 312 241973 45th president of the United States even as vote counting continued in a number of states. "The position of the United States has been weakened within the international community and in the world's public opinion as a result of wrongful policies, and 312 242274 he said, referring to the nuclear deal. "We are certain the international community would expect the same thing from the United States of America," Iran's top diplomat said. Ever since the deal was struck, its opponents in the US Congress have been 312 242884 Iranian Parliament's Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, said the results of the presidential election in the United States showed that the American people do not favor warmongering and violent policies, which have claimed the lives of many US 312 243473 face deportation under a Trump administration. (AP Photo/Pat Eaton-Robb) The election of Donald Trump to President of the United States of America on early morning Wednesday has spurred protests at colleges and high schools around the country. Many students have 312 244888 Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump has the qualifications, the track record or the personal character to be president of the United States . Most of us could probably think of a number of people who would be better in the White House. But 312 245359 Nor is this just a question of what will happen in the next four years. Whoever becomes president of the United States can appoint Supreme Court justices able to destroy the Constitution by interpreting its protections of freedom out of existence not 312 246144 44-year-old Thousand Palms resident. After his capture late last month in Cuyotenango, Guatemala, LeBlanc was extradited to the United States and held in Miami before his arrival at the Robert Presley Detention Center in Riverside on Sunday. He has been 312 247928 again. 'Let me say, it's my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the President-Elect of the United States of America - Donald Trump.' The bizarre ending to Clinton's political career came after Trump confounded pollsters at every turn, capturing 312 248208 and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Ghanaians who have overstayed their visas in the United States of America must be concerned because the new Trump administration will ask them to depart, U.S. Ambassador to Ghana, Robert 312 248748 to come down with the handcuffs on and so they said we should come down. They handcuffed us in the United States . My waist, hands and my legs were all cuffed. Both legs [were cuffed], so you cannot even walk, you cannot 312 248964 Featured Video VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwired - November 09, 2016) - NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES Resource Capital Gold Corp., (TSX VENTURE: RCG) ("RCG" or the "Company") is pleased to provide this update on its operations 312 250571 to urge President Jammeh to release Ceesay. On March 31, 2016, two US senate members, Richard Joseph Durbin, a senior United States Senator for Illinois and Patrick Joseph Leahy, Senator for Vermont, also wrote to President Jammeh to release Ceesay who had 312 252488 not getting any easier or any less ridiculous: Donald Trump is going to be president. The actual president. Of the United States of America. Hes going to be added to Disneys Hall Of Presidents. Warships will be named after him. Kids will 312 254882 promoting sexual assault to be funny. 7 News reported that the Manning Bar election party was being thrown by the United States Study Centre. Update: The University of Sydney says some participants were removed by security. Good. Some participants removed by security 312 255446 promises Trumps made? The Muslim ban? The big fucking wall? Impossible to tell at this point. I dont think the United States federal government has the institutional capability to pull together the labour effort to contribute to a wall like that. I 312 256839 election. The New York real estate mogul and self-proclaimed billionaire was elected Tuesday as the 45th president of the United States , becoming the first political outsider to hold the nation's highest office. Trump acknowledged his "very, very historic victory" early Wednesday 312 258000 Makefield Twp. in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. LOWER MAKEFIELD TWP. - Bucks County is one of the most contested areas in the United States presidential election. A Philadelphia suburb, it's one of the must-wins for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton -- and it's decidedly 312 263067 one hour left before Pennsylvania's polls close. CAMP HILL -Brock Warner hopes Donald Trump builds a wall that separates the United States from Mexico to curb illegal immigration if elected president. The 29-year-old Silver Spring Township resident believes Trump, who 312 273481 more recent arrivals from voting, even though they are American citizens, with all the rights and privileges granted by the United States Constitution that the rest of us enjoy. The sly dig here by George Takei is brilliant, mocking the evangelicals choice 312 273702 2016 In case I wasn't clear enough from my previous tweets: Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States . #ElectionNight Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) November 8, 2016 Luntzs bad news for the Republicans didnt just stop at the presidential race 312 281067 criticism in electioneering communications. In the ancien regime they called it lese-majeste. Its about as at home in the United States as titles of nobility. Trumps election is unprecedented. Watching the returns come in last night, however, I felt the reverberations 312 282673 worst nightmares of the American left appear to have come true. And he doubles down in The Nation: [T]he United States has embarked on a course so deeply reactionary, so negative and mean-spirited, so chauvinistic and self-deceptive that our 312 285334 which also includes the establishment of Client Solutions Division, a new business unit within Toshiba America Information Systems, in the United States , and Toshiba Client Solutions Canada, a wholly owned Canadian subsidiary of Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. We are confident the 312 285395 Chief Executive Officer, Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. The addition of Australia and New Zealand to our footprint in the United States , Latin America and Canada, creates functional synergies, which streamline and strengthen our mobile computing business across all of these regions 312 285522 development, data analytics and IT services. TAIS provides sales, marketing and services for its wide range of products in the United States and Latin America. TAIS is an independent operating company owned by Toshiba America, Inc., a subsidiary of Toshiba Corporation. For 312 287550 defence. During the election campaign, Ms. May had criticized Mr. Trumps call for a ban on Muslims from entering the United States , saying it was divisive, unhelpful and wrong. Egypts president congratulated Donald Trump, saying Cairo wants to see more cooperation and 312 287759 fight against Islamic State. In a statement on his website, Mr. al-Abadi said he hopes the world and the United States will continue to support Iraq in fighting terrorism. Israels Benjamin Netanyahu said he hoped to reach new heights in bilateral 312 294668 further investigation. Your Excellency, I would like to congratulate you on winning the race for the 45th President of the United States , and wish you a very successful term. The relationship between the Republic of Poland and the United States is the 312 294686 of the United States, and wish you a very successful term. The relationship between the Republic of Poland and the United States is the shining example of a strategic partnership based on shared ideas, the core of which is the value of 312 294872 words about my country as well as the role that Americans of Polish descent played in the history of the United States . I would like again to congratulate and wish you a fruitful presidency. I look forward to the numerous discussions we 312 296581 Trump is absolutely frightening." Hirsch said the rhetoric in the presidential campaign has "been disgusting and so unrepresentative of the United States and of the office of the president, and I lay that at the feet of Donald Trump." In Hamilton, Teresa 312 301728 control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation. View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union. Never before has a documentary assembled all the pieces of the globalists 312 304796 and Instructure, Canvas and the Bridge logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Instructure, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others. Source: Canvas Rachel Matthews 312 304882 Wednesday the result of the U.S. presidential election this year will be "consequential" and have a great impact on the United States and the whole world. BEIJING, Nov. 9, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- China unveiled Monday a big data zone being built in Inner 312 308950 Asia (Malaysia) COLUMBUS, Ga., Nov. 9, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Aflac, the leader in voluntary insurance sales at the worksite in the United States , announced today that the readers have spoken, and Aflac comes out on top. In its annual Readers Choice Survey, the 312 309284 For six decades, Aflac insurance policies have given policyholders the opportunity to focus on recovery, not financial stress. In the United States , Aflac is the leader in voluntary insurance sales at the worksite. Through its trailblazing One Day PaySM initiative, Aflac U.S 312 309926 of transmission specialists and a leader in total car care services. AAMCO has nearly 700 franchised automotive centers throughout the United States and Canada. Established in 1962, AAMCO-branded centers are proud to have served more than 45 million drivers. For more 312 312012 PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- AJC, the global Jewish advocacy organization, congratulates Donald Trump on his election as the 45th President of the United States . "American democracy has spoken after a long and bitterly-fought campaign," said AJC CEO David Harris. "We wish President-elect 312 312112 that the election is over, a first priority should be to address the wounds of an extraordinarily divisive contest. The United States is one country with one destiny, and any expression of bigotry and exclusion, as we've regrettably seen during the extended 312 312229 be defended against any further attempts to demonize or stigmatize on the basis of ethnicity, race, gender or faith; -- The United States needs to assert strong global leadership, which only our country is capable of, especially in support of allies and treaty 312 312422 Harris. AJC, founded 110 years ago this week, is the premier global Jewish advocacy organization, with 22 offices across the United States , 10 posts around the world, and 33 international partnerships. It is a strictly, non-partisan 501(c)(3) agency. SOURCE 312 313197 next president, and those who guessed correctly were entered into a "Lucky Draw" for round-trip air tickets to the United States courtesy of Hainan Airlines. Besides the election party, AmCham South China has hosted hundreds of events of various types for 312 313412 in South China (AmCham South China) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating bilateral trade between the United States and the People's Republic of China. Certified in 1995 by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C., AmCham South 312 314229 distribution event is part of a larger initiative between the two organizations to help feed communities in cities throughout the United States . Half of today's recipients are unable to leave their homes due to medical conditions, immobility, or other challenging circumstances, and 312 316556 and Instructure, Canvas and the Bridge logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Instructure, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others. Source: Canvas Rachel Matthews 312 317055 Cup has become an extreme sport and millions of viewers are following this very high-profile event. Europe and the United States hosted races in 2015 and 2016 and AC35 will culminate with the Challenger Playoffs and Finals in Bermuda in 2017 312 318583 regarding last night's election of Donald Trump as President-Elect. Full statement follows. Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops WASHINGTON, November 9, 2016 The American people have made their decision on the next President of 312 318606 of Catholic Bishops WASHINGTON, November 9, 2016 The American people have made their decision on the next President of the United States , members of Congress as well as state and local officials. I congratulate Mr. Trump and everyone elected yesterday. Now is 312 318706 as citizens and our elected representatives, would do well to remember the words of Pope Francis when he addressed the United States Congress last year, "all political activity must serve and promote the good of the human person and be based on 312 321999 Department of Justice announced, "The settlement resolved a civil investigation of companies for submitting false claims for payment to the United States Department of Transportation's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise ("DBE") Program." DBE is another way of saying a minority owned business-as the 312 322417 law firms to assist in advancing your information." The Corporate Whistleblower Center is the premier advocate for whistleblowers in the United States . Unlike any group in the US, they assist potential whistleblowers with packaging their information and providing the whistleblower with access 312 328599 to the presidential election results: "The American people have spoken and elected Donald Trump as the next president of the United States . As public servants, federal employees work for the American people and will continue to carry out the missions of their 312 331442 business insight with our huge market intelligence repository. Contact: Mr. Rohan MarketsandMarkets 701 Pike Street, Suite 2175, Seattle, WA 98101, United States Tel: +1-888-600-6441 Email: [email protected] Visit MarketsandMarkets Blog @ Connect with us on 312 331725 is segmented into aforementioned five major regions. The regional markets further analyzed for 14 independent countries across North America - The United States and Canada; Europe - France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom; Asia-Pacific - Australia, China, India, Japan and South Korea; Latin 312 332730 the country. Birdwatching has become an international pastime, totaling around 240 million birdwatchers worldwide. This tour includes participants from the United States , the United Kingdom, and South Africa, among other countries. These avitourists will be able to experience the best Honduras has 312 334327 word mark and the Square O Design, together or apart, are trademarks or registered trademarks of OpenStack Foundation in the United States and other countries, and are used with the OpenStack Foundation's permission. About IneoQuest IneoQuest provides the world's leading media companies 312 337043 to Arcview Research; analysts from financial services firm Cowen and Co. project a $50 billion legal cannabis market in the United States by 2026, with such progression based on federal legislation. DISCLAIMER: (MNU) is a third party publisher and news dissemination 312 337601 than 15 years representing natural gas distribution and transmission companies in civil litigation in state and federal courts throughout the United States , including lawsuits involving fires and explosions, natural gas leaks, wrongful death and personal injury claims, real and personal property damages 312 344446 scholarships to families of military men and women who have fallen or been disabled while on active duty in the United States armed forces. Our educational scholarships support private education tuition and tutoring for children in grades K-12, as well as 312 345338 Dover, N.H., Planet Fitness is one of the largest and fastest-growing franchisors and operators of fitness centers in the United States by number of members and locations. As of September 30, 2016, Planet Fitness had more than 8.6 million members and 312 350548 for leading the growth of brands such as Sleep Inn, Cambria Hotels & Suites and The Ascend Collection in the Western United States . "Glenn's many accomplishments in a variety of franchise and real estate ventures will help Smashburger continue to grow and thrive 312 354753 food products. As of June 30, 2016, TIM HORTONS had more than 4,400 system wide restaurants located in Canada, the United States and the Middle East. More information about the Company is available at About Restaurant Brands International Restaurant Brands International 312 360152 across the world reacted differently to the election victory of Donald Trump, set to become the 45th President of the United States . Some congratulated him, while others voiced shock. Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Trump on the victory and expressed hope that 312 360414 is impregnable," he stated in the message to Trump. Abe will be sending his special adviser, Katsuyuki Kawai, to the United States shortly "to build confidence" with the new White House administration, Kyodo news agency reported. Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte offered "warm 312 360878 Clinton to win for a number of reasons. However, Sweden will do everything possible to retain good relations with the United States , no matter who is the president," he told SVT channel, noting also his concern at the "prevailing political climate of 312 369661 headquartered in Jacksonville, FL. Gate Precast has become one of the largest and most diversified precast concrete producers in the United States , with eight manufacturing facilities, and is known for its design-assist collaboration with design teams. Annually, the company is recognized 312 370323 patent remains in force through July 31, 2033. Further patent applications for the backstroke start device are pending in the United States , China, Brazil, and Singapore. The backstroke start device is approved for use in swimming competitions throughout the world and is 312 371201 The Academys locations have also grown from its original location in Saint Petersburg, Fla. to three additional locations in the United States and six internationally: China, India, Japan, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. With this growth, the Dawson Academy now reaches 312 372112 of age. This technologically advanced implant uses a high gel fill ratio and the most cohesive gel available in the United States . The Natrelle Inspira implant is designed to stay in place, while providing optimal upper pole fullness. Natrelle Inspira can be 312 374938 towards helping dealers and distributors grow their businesses The Hardscape North America Installer Championships with 24 teams competing from the United States and Canada The 2016 HNA Hardscape Awards, which honor projects by contractors building residential walkways, patios, driveways, commercial plazas, parking 312 375120 Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute ICPI is the trade association representing the growing industry of segmental concrete pavement systems in the United States and Canada. The associations membership includes producers, contractors, suppliers, design professionals, and distributors. ICPI is the authority for concrete pavers 312 375173 The association delivers education and technical guidance leading to awareness, acceptance and use of segmental concrete pavement systems in the United States and Canada. For more information, visit Minnesota Recruiters, one of the nations largest and most active regional recruiting 312 377778 pneumococcal pneumonia including cough and fatigue, may last for weeks, or longer.1 Every year, thousands of adults in the United States still suffer serious illness, are hospitalized or even die from diseases for which vaccines are available. Rates of vaccination among 312 378226 Accessed October 7, 2014 7 Williams WW, Lu PJ, O'Halloran A, et al. Vaccination coverage among adults, excluding influenza vaccination United States , 2013. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;64(4):95-102. Dipp Metzger Family Photo by Jorge Salgado/El Paso Inc 312 381931 accepted our invitation. Snowden became world famous after he handed journalists classified documents detailing the global espionage activities of the United States National Security Agency (NSA). His exposure of covert government surveillance put privacy firmly on the map, but also put him 312 383957 skill set and who is willing to make a commitment, Portis said. Lions Clubs International Centennial Silver Dollar Obverse The United States Mint (Mint) today hosted a ceremonial strike event at its Philadelphia facility for the 2017 Lions Clubs International Centennial Silver 312 383981 today hosted a ceremonial strike event at its Philadelphia facility for the 2017 Lions Clubs International Centennial Silver Dollar. The United States Mint is proud to honor one of the most well-known and highly regarded service organizations, said Mint Principal Deputy 312 384030 of the Mint, and the Lions Clubs is one of the best examples of service not only here in the United States , but across the world. Jeppson was joined by James Franklin Moore, III, chairperson of the Lions Clubs International Centennial Committee 312 384082 the ceremony, remarked: Lions Clubs International is honored to be among a relatively few organizations to be included in the United States Mint Commemorative Coin program. This is a wonderful way to mark our 100 years of global humanitarian service. Public Law 312 384163 Clubs International logo. Inscriptions are LIBERTY, IN GOD WE TRUST, MELVIN JONES, FOUNDER, and 2017. The obverse was designed by United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program (AIP) Designer Joel Iskowitz and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Joseph Menna. The reverse 312 384176 and 2017. The obverse was designed by United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program (AIP) Designer Joel Iskowitz and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Joseph Menna. The reverse (tails) depicts a male and female lion with a lion cub superimposed over 312 384202 Menna. The reverse (tails) depicts a male and female lion with a lion cub superimposed over a globe. Inscriptions are UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, $1, E PLURIBUS UNUM, and CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SERVICE. The reverse was designed by AIP Designer Patricia 312 384229 UNUM, and CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SERVICE. The reverse was designed by AIP Designer Patricia Lucas-Morris and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Don Everhart. The price of each Lions Clubs International Centennial Silver Dollar will include a $10 surcharge 312 384275 be paid to the Lions Clubs International Foundation to further its programs for the blind and visually impaired in the United States and abroad; invest in adaptive technologies for the disabled; and invest in youth and those affected by a major disaster 312 384298 abroad; invest in adaptive technologies for the disabled; and invest in youth and those affected by a major disaster. The United States Mint will announce the coins release date and additional pricing information in 2017. On June 7, 2017, Lions Clubs International 312 384366 its kind. Its 1.4 million members in more than 47,000 clubs provide humanitarian services in more than 200 countries. The United States Mint was created by Congress in 1792 and became part of the Department of the Treasury in 1873. It is 312 384413 legal tender coinage and is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the nation to conduct its trade and commerce. The United States Mint also produces numismatic products, including proof, uncirculated, and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold, and platinum bullion 312 384437 produces numismatic products, including proof, uncirculated, and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold, and platinum bullion coins. The United States Mint's numismatic programs are self-sustaining and operate at no cost to taxpayers. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Line art of the Lions 312 384473 RESOURCES: Line art of the Lions Clubs Commemorative Coin is available at Information about the United States Mint is available at # # # United States Mint Connecting America through Coins Max Spiker The availability of hydropower 312 384482 is available at Information about the United States Mint is available at # # # United States Mint Connecting America through Coins Max Spiker The availability of hydropower from Reclamation facilities is key to the stability of 312 384511 The availability of hydropower from Reclamation facilities is key to the stability of the electric transmission system in the Western United States and supports the development of renewable energy throughout the West. Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Estevan Lopez announced today the selection 312 384600 The availability of hydropower from Reclamation facilities is key to the stability of the electric transmission system in the Western United States and supports the development of renewable energy throughout the West," Commissioner Lopez said. "Maxs extensive experience from all levels of 312 385772 minute, more than three people will be diagnosed with diabetes, a disease that has reached near epidemic proportions in the United States and we need to act now to change the future of diabetes for our youth and our loved ones. Past 312 385899 minute, more than three people will be diagnosed with diabetes, a disease that has reached near epidemic proportions in the United States and we need to act now to change the future of diabetes for our youth and our loved ones. Keiser 312 387881 Constellation is also the worlds leader in premium wine and the largest multi-category supplier of beverage alcohol in the United States . As president of the Beer Division, Paul is responsible for leading the sales, marketing and operations functions and guiding the 312 417093 in New York. Photograph: Carlos Barria/Reuters Breaking all expectations, Donald Trump has been elected as 45th president of the United States . While Trump supporters celebrated the win with late night parties, deafening silence prevailed in Hillary Clinton camp. Here are the 312 417372 Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images A right-wing outfit on Wednesday celebrated the victory of Republican Donald Trump in the United States polls, saying his Presidency would "further boost" the Indo-American ties. "We are very happy on the election results and 312 417556 Hindu Sena celebrate Trump's victory in New Delhi. Photograph: Subhav Shukla/PTI Photo In an unusual break from custom, former United States president George W Bush and his wife Laura did not vote for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Bush and 312 418274 Meenakshi Temple in Houston, Texas, told Whether a Hillary Clinton supporter or a Donald Trump supporter, voters across the United States were almost unanimous in the consensus that never had they witnessed an election with such unprecedented tension. They also agreed 312 418544 she said. Hillary is too tainted by her obligation to various special interest groups. She let an Ambassador of the United States die under her watch and constantly displays her bad judgement with her handling of classified material. She added, As a 312 419081 historic, he noted. Indian-American Kamala Harris has scripted history when she emerged victorious in the key election for the United States Senate seat from California, becoming the first black and Asian Senator from the state. Harris, 52, California's Attorney General, is 312 419887 edge over the Presidential election, the Indian-American community chalked up a win with Raja Krishnamoorthis successful race to the United States Congress. Thank you! Im honored and humbled to be the next Congressman of Illinois 8th District, the Democrat from Schaumburg 312 420857 had added, You may know this already, but there are only three non-stop direct flights to India from the United States . One is from Newark, New Jersey, and others are from JFK (Airport in New York) and Chicago. Ive spoken with 312 420932 of the plane-loads are people of other ethnicities and thats a good thing because the more people of the United States and the people of India get to know each other, get to do business with each other, the better off 312 421100 Silicon Valley companies. Photograph: Ritu Jha Just like the last time Fremont-based attorney Ro Khanna, 40, a Democrat, challenged United States Congressman Mike Honda, also a Democrat, in District 17 of California theirs was one of the most heated Congressional races 312 423447 orientation or political belief. "On the basis of these values, I offer close cooperation to the future president of the United States of America, Donald Trump," she said. US' close ally and British Prime Minister Theresa May lauded Trump's victory, saying the 312 423509 like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next US president following a hard-fought campaign. Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on values of freedom, democracy and enterprise," May said in a statement issued 312 423889 Justin Trudeau pledged to work "very closely" with Trump, saying "Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States ". "We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in 312 423907 than the United States". "We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment and international peace and security," Trudeau said in 312 424098 House has indeed been truly remarkable," Wickremesinghe said. Park Geun-hye, the president of South Korea, said she hopes the United States continues to cooperate with her country after the election of Donald Trump "to address pending issues, including the North Korea 312 426431 Consensus and would also make the reconciliation almost impossible," Mr. Mladenov warned. Further reiterating the joint position of Russia, the United States , the European Union (EU) and the UN Secretary-General, as stated in the recent report issued by the diplomatic Quartet 312 437999 ceasefire. They have been meeting separately since early this year on a way forward in the crisis. Russia and the United States are the co-chairs of the taskforces and the ISSG, which also comprises the UN, the Arab League, the European 312 441641 24 October 2016 - Members of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention completed a two-week visit to the United States today and called upon the Government to abolish its mandatory detention of migrants, particularly asylum-seekers, after it found serious 312 456990 ceasefire. They have been meeting separately since early this year on a way forward in the crisis. Russia and the United States are the co-chairs of the taskforces and the ISSG, which also comprises the UN, the Arab League, the European 312 457189 He also reiterated the Special Envoy's message of unanimous support from all countries at the meeting, including from Russia, the United States to try humanitarian again, on all fronts. Eastern Aleppo has not received humanitarian supplies in large quantities since the end 312 468791 data and traded tips included Cardplanet and Direct Connection. A Russian man, Aleksei Burkov, was extradited from Israel to the United States and later pleaded guilty in 2020 to U.S. charges related to his oversight of those forums. He was deported to 312 468921 believed to still be in Russia. Drinkman was arrested in the Netherlands in June 2012 at the request of the United States , along with Smilyanets. While Smilyanets cooperated with U.S. authorities and arrived in the United States a few months after his 312 468936 at the request of the United States, along with Smilyanets. While Smilyanets cooperated with U.S. authorities and arrived in the United States a few months after his arrest, Drinkman fought his extradition for more than a year. Ultimately, Drinkman pleaded guilty in 312 469036 of their sentence. Smilyanets was sentenced to just time served, or less than six years, and currently resides in the United States , where he works as a cyberthreat intelligence analyst. He declined to comment when contacted by RFE/RL. MOSCOW -- As the 312 469163 her defeat in the U.S. presidential election, and a second ago Trump began his speech as president-elect of the United States ." Trump won a race that had more focus on Russia than any since the Cold War and was very closely 312 469190 had more focus on Russia than any since the Cold War and was very closely watched in Moscow, with the United States accusing Putin's government of stealing and releasing e-mails "to interfere with the U.S. election process" and the Russian state 312 469376 Ready To 'Restore' Ties With U.S. 'A New Page' Prominent pro-Kremlin lawmaker Aleksei Pushkov, a vocal critic of the United States , tweeted that a "reset" of Russia-U.S. relations was "unavoidable." "Relations with Russia and Putin were a key issue in 312 469594 new page" in ties with Washington has been turned, and that the Kremlin has traditionally had better relations with the United States when a Republican is in office. The ruling United Russia party tweeted a press release quoting a senior lawmaker, Sergei 312 469699 Party leader Gennady Zyuganov said Trump's election was no watershed, and made clear his party would continue to portray the United States as a global aggressor. "I assure you that nothing serious will change: the times have changed, the technology, the weather 312 469873 lawmaker Vitaly Milonov, who campaigned for antigay laws that U.S. President Barack Obama's administration has criticized, as saying that the United States will no longer be a "global thug." "Of course, the prospects of an improvement in ties under Trump are much 312 470336 elections -- in its own country, the System didn't deal with the new nonstandard challenges. In exactly the same way thatthe United States of America is not dealing with the new, nonstandard challenges on a global scale," he wrote. "It's not a fact 312 470570 would do if he were president. That year he began a public campaign questioning whether Obama was born in the United States . BRUSSELS -- The EU's enlargement commissioner, Johannes Hahn, says that a Western Balkans single market can be possible within two or 312 472048 the positions Trump has staked out: Russia And NATO Trump has said he would rather "have Russia friendly" to the United States than "the way they are right now," contending that warmer ties would mean the two countries "can go and knock 312 472168 They also question whether Trump would be willing and able to stand up to aggressive moves by Russia against the United States and its allies. Trump has shown admiration for Putin, calling him a better leader than Obama. And in March, he 312 472213 saying he would withhold U.S. support from alliance members unless they increased military spending and "fulfilled their obligations" to the United States . WATCH: NATO Chief Says Alliance Important To Europe, United States Henning Riecke, head of the U.S.-Transatlantic Relations program at 312 472223 they increased military spending and "fulfilled their obligations" to the United States. WATCH: NATO Chief Says Alliance Important To Europe, United States Henning Riecke, head of the U.S.-Transatlantic Relations program at the German Council on Foreign Relations, says that if the 312 472245 Henning Riecke, head of the U.S.-Transatlantic Relations program at the German Council on Foreign Relations, says that if the United States "leans more to the Russian side" during Trump's presidency, it could have "direct and very dangerous repercussions for European security 312 472306 of the most important bases of American superpower status -- that they promise to protect their allies," he said of the United States , adding that Russia would be likely to exploit any gaps in Western defenses and deterrence. Moscow is likely to "do 312 472665 by Obama. Immigration Trump has promised to round up and deport all of the 11.3 million undocumented immigrants in the United States within two years and has vowed to create a "deportation task force" to implement the plan. The funding for such 312 472749 require an unprecedented expansion in U.S. immigration enforcement personnel and infrastructure." It also said removing all undocumented immigrants from the United States would lower the country's real gross domestic product by $1.6 trillion -- and that doing so in two years could result 312 472794 and deep recession." There also are doubts about Trump's plan to build a wall along the southern border of the United States and make Mexico pay for it. Mexico says it won't pay for the project, which The Washington Post has estimated 312 474319 militant group, of attacking the police station. The group is recognized as a terrorist organization by both Iran and the United States and has previously claimed deadly attacks in Sistan-Baluchistan targeting Iranian security forces. But local and independent sources have rejected 312 474770 gain a free hand in the former Soviet space, and weaken -- if not dismantle -- the NATO alliance. And with the United States electing the first president since World War II who could reverse the internationalism that has been at the heart of 312 474973 Possible, noted in a recent article, Putin has turned himself into the Che Guevara of the xenophobic right in the United States and Europe. "Imagine, for a moment, you are the leader of an 'antiestablishment' political movement. You thrill your followers by 312 475077 T-shirt has long meant for the left." Putin didn't create the insurgency making its way across Europe and the United States , but he sure is skillfully exploiting it. And now, as a result, the Kremlin leader will be dealing with a 312 476042 and Interfax BRUSSELS -- In the months leading up to Donald Trump's victory in the November 8 presidential election in the United States , not a single European diplomat, civil servant, or politician from the EU or NATO that I spoke to welcomed the 312 476513 and NATO architectures. Trump has criticized the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), negotiated and signed between the EU and United States but not yet ratified, and EU Commission officials said postelection that it is likely dead. A Nordic diplomat worried aloud 312 477089 AP) Reaction is coming in from around the globe to news that Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States , with the European Union reacting with caution and the Kremlin welcoming the outcome. The Republican candidate defeated his Democratic rival 312 477120 Kremlin welcoming the outcome. The Republican candidate defeated his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States in an outcome few pundits or polls had predicted. The result is raising questions about how Trump, a businessman who 312 477175 country and what Washington's role in the world will be. In Brussels, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said the United States and European Union will continue to work together. "EU-U.S. ties are deeper than any change in politics. We'll continue 312 477251 from international commitments. In London, British Prime Minister Theresa May said the "enduring and special relationship" between Britain and the United States would remain intact. German Chancellor Angela Merkel offered Trump "close cooperation" on the basis of shared transatlantic values. "Germany and 312 477370 a "huge shock," and asked whether the Pax Americana -- the peace among great powers that has been guided by the United States since World War II -- was in jeopardy. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said, "U.S. leadership is as important as ever 312 477399 NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said, "U.S. leadership is as important as ever... A strong NATO is good for the United States , and good for Europe." WATCH: Stoltenberg Says NATO Important To Europe And U.S. French Foreign Minister Ayrault said France remains 312 477425 WATCH: Stoltenberg Says NATO Important To Europe And U.S. French Foreign Minister Ayrault said France remains an ally of the United States , adding that Paris will have to see what Trump's new policies are. In Germany, Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen 312 477471 a "huge shock," and asked whether the Pax Americana -- the peace among great powers that has been guided by the United States since World War II -- was in jeopardy. Putin Telegram In Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Trump on his victory 312 477601 intervention in Syria. WATCH: Putin Says Ready To 'Restore' Ties With U.S. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he hoped the United States would continue to support Ukraine in its standoff with Russia. "The President looks forward to a continuation of U.S support 312 477923 4. Elsewhere, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Trump should stay committed to the international nuclear deal with Iran. "The United States should fulfil its commitments in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [the nuclear deal] as a multilateral international agreement," Zarif 312 478019 based cleric Turkey blames for orchestrating a failed coup there on July 15. The Iraqi government said relations with the United States have a "solid base" and this is not expected to change after Trump's victory. That message was echoed by Afghan 312 478469 a tweet by Prime Minister Volodymyr Hroysman that did not name the president-elect. "Congratulations to the president of the United States with a victory in the election. I hope that the new administration will continue to support the course of Ukraine 312 478566 in our fight against Russian aggression, in our fight for freedom and democracy, and sovereignty and territorial integrity, where the United States remains our reliable partner." At least one Ukrainian politician appeared to seize on the opportunity to promote his closeness to 312 478723 on. Everything will be fine." The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe deployed more than 300 observers across the United States to monitor the country's elections. At a Washington D.C. polling station on November 8, the observer mission's chief said that 312 479263 possible to ensure a smooth and successful transition of power when Trump is inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States on January 20. "The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy and over the next 312 483456 based cocaine trafficking organization ... and was responsible for the importation of at least dozens of kilograms of cocaine into the United States . However, an Oct. 5 document from the Colombian Supreme Court posted online indicates that federal prosecutors in Richmond are seeking 312 489575 a hotel room sofa in Times Square waiting to find out whether you are the next vice president of the United States . Outside of campaigns for class president in high school, Kaine has never lost an election. But in running for vice 312 491675 middle, although the GOP base has strayed further than the Democratic. Forget the rhetoric. The economic system will survive. The United States will continue to grow more diverse. The campaign and foreign trends prove troubling nevertheless. The post-war consensus gave the 312 496987 extension, planning the Community Celebration and preparing for bus integration after Evergreen opens. Juan Ocampo/LACMTA Public transportation across the United States came out a winner of the Nov. 8 election as 33 of the 48 local and statewide public transit measures 312 498345 presidency after the most divisive campaign in the U.S. history. He is set to become the 45th President of the United States on January 20, next year. Clinton called Trump to concede defeat, while outgoing President Barack Obama congratulated his would-be 312 503091 trouble for Samoa in terms of foreign aid, immigration and climate change. It wont affect it (aid), she said. The United States is an old country and weve been supporters of aid overseas to many countries for many years. Big thing to 312 503460 that it is a difficult path, in view of the unfortunate degradation of relations between the Russian Federation and the United States ," the Russian leader said, adding: "It is not our fault that Russian-American relations are in such a state." Russia 312 503990 state of Israel." Iraq's leader, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, also congratulated Trump and expressed hope the "world and the United States will continue to support Iraq in fighting terrorism." MASON CITY Cerro Gordo County voters elected two new supervisors Tuesday night 312 508982 people are infected around the world. To Raygoza, the question becomes: What are we doing to end it? In the United States , I feel we have a responsibility in being a world leader to find ways to stave it off and maybe 312 512354 a demonstration in Washington Square Park as New Yorkers react to the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States . (Spencer Platt / Getty Images) 54 / 68 Hundreds of anti-Donald Trump protesters hold a demonstration in Washington Square Park as 312 512389 a demonstration in Washington Square Park as New Yorkers react to the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States . (Spencer Platt / Getty Images) 55 / 68 Demonstrators block traffic on the 580 Freeway during a march through the streets in 312 529615 actually work in California (if it could, which it can't) A group trying to get California to secede from the United States said the results of the presidential election give their cause new momentum. There were even scattered protests across the state 312 531896 Depositary Shares between February 10, 2015 and November 3, 2016, inclusive (the Class Period). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Central District of California. What You May Do If you purchased shares of Teva and would 312 532701 ourselves to the American public. No matter what handicaps we have to face, our place is primarily here in the United States and we must prove to America that we are good citizens. We shall simply bide our time and live down 312 534387 Subscribe Reports from Healthcare Domain @ Contact: Mr. Rohan MarketsandMarkets 701 Pike Street Suite 2175, Seattle, WA 98101, United States Telephone No : 888-600-6441 The origins of human have been debated by many. Scientists today investigates on how the 312 535964 Companys securities between February 19, 2016 and October 27, 2016, inclusive (the Class Period). This action is pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. What You May Do If you purchased shares of Exxon and would 312 536439 Fair this year, and the artists also took home some cash prizes. WASHINGTON Donald Trump is elected president of the United States , as voters eager to shake up the nation's political establishment pick the businessman to lead the country. An unexpected Republican 312 536540 The Latest on Election Day 2016 (all times EST): 2:29 a.m. Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States . The Republican nominee won Wednesday after capturing Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes, putting him over the 270 threshold. Voters eager to 312 536651 stance at his campaign's heart. Trump rose to political fame after questioning whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States . He will now follow Obama into the White House. ___ 2:22 a.m. Donald Trump has arrived at his election 312 539482 Companys securities between February 25, 2014 and November 3, 2016, inclusive (the Class Period). This action is pending in the United States District Courts for the Central District of California and Southern District of New York. What You May Do If you 312 541592 to the start of the webcast. To listen to the call, investors may dial 1-844-348-2805 within the United States and international callers may dial 1-213-785-7185. A replay of the webcast will be available and can be 312 541649 Through November 23, 2016, the recording will also be available by dialing 1-855-859-2056 passcode: 8672496 within the United States or 1-404-537-3406 passcode: 8672496 for international callers. Explanation and Reconciliation of the Companys Use of Non-GAAP 312 547709 products containing over one tenth of one percent of the chemical including imported products that make their way into the United States On September 14, 2016 BASF Corporation, Bayer Material Science LLC, Dow Chemical Company and Huntsman International LLC were named in 312 548461 Disclaimer This news release may include forward-looking statements within the meaning of section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and section 21E of the United States Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as 312 548474 the meaning of section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and section 21E of the United States Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, with respect to achieving corporate objectives, developing additional project interests, the company's 312 548523 development of various project interests and certain other matters. These statements are made under the "Safe Harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially 312 549824 the 196-nation deal. RELATED: Donald Trump Wins US Presidency Royal noted that under the terms of the agreement, the United States must wait at least three years before seeking to withdraw. UN climate chief Patricia Espinosa congratulated Trump on his victory 312 549900 in moving the global economy from fossil fuels to renewables hope the gathering momentum of that transition will carry the United States with it, regardless of Trump's views. "President-elect Donald Trump has been the source of a lot of bluster on 312 550064 13 percent of emissions. RELATED: Move to Canada? It's Not That Easy Trump's threats, if carried out, would recast the United States as a climate villain, which is how it was widely perceived after George W. Bush refused to ratify the Kyoto 312 550285 he sought to unwind the US role in the UN climate process. With one year's notice, he could withdraw the United States from the bedrock 1992 climate convention, and in so doing sever the US tie to the Paris pact. Secondly, the 312 551358 on, according to David Lublin, professor of government at American University who has written extensively on electoral systems in the United States . Lublin said polling is as much an art as it is a science. Pollsters have to make decisions about how 312 551846 upcoming overhaul ushered in by the Republican's victory over heavily favored Hillary Clinton to serve as chief executive of the United States . "Trump understands, as Reagan did before him, that without a strong economy, there can be no strong space program," campaign 312 553145 years, Associa is the leader in community management with over 10,000 employees operating more than 180 branch offices in the United States , Mexico, and Canada. Based in Dallas, Texas, our industry expertise, financial strength, and innovation meet the unique needs of clients 312 557319 English NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION TO ANY U.S. PERSON OR IN OR INTO CANADA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA OR THE UNITED STATES (EACH AS DEFINED IN REGULATION S UNDER THE U.S. SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED) OR IN ANY OTHER JURISDICTION 312 557572 positively to IHS long-term value creation. Disclaimer This press release does not constitute an offer of securities in the United States of America. These securities may not be offered or sold in the United States of America unless they are registered 312 557586 an offer of securities in the United States of America. These securities may not be offered or sold in the United States of America unless they are registered or exempt from registration under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended. This 312 558031 Mecatherm in France, Nippon Oil Pump in Japan, Saham Group and SGI Africa in Africa and CSP Technologies in the United States . Wendel is listed on Eurolist by Euronext Paris. Standard & Poor's ratings: Long-term: BBB-, stable outlook - Short-term: A-3 312 558156 the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 1918, representatives of France, Britain, the United States , Canada and Germany gathered in Compiegne, France, to sign the armistice to end the conflict that had been called the 312 560069 thing at press time. Kennedy early today had the electoral votes necessary for election as the 35th president of the United States , but all was not absolutely certain, the story read. At 2 a.m. (PST), the 43-year-old Massachusetts senator had 312 561167 even as nationwide opinion polls indicated the lowest level of support for capital punishment in 40 years. Executions in the United States are on a pace to total 20 this year, the lowest number since 1991. California has nations largest Death Row 312 561889 This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. The United States had its Brexit moment on Tuesday. The pollsters didnt see it coming. Most pundits did not see it coming. Democrats 312 561937 brink of a solid Hillary Clinton victory certainly did not see it coming. Donald Trump was elected president of the United States . Let that notion sink in, Americans. President-elect Donald J. Trump. It did not matter to his voters that he 312 562354 his tone to something he never showed during the campaign. In a word: presidential. Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images The United States had its Brexit moment on Tuesday. The pollsters didnt see it coming. Most pundits did not see it coming. Democrats 312 564030 schools in the country. Australia is the third most popular destination in the world for international education behind only the United States and the United Kingdom. According to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training, over 507,000 international students were enrolled 312 565254 of a disabled New York Times reporter. They didnt care that he called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States . They liked that he talked like real people talked and not in Washington code. Trump was brutally blunt, and said 312 568488 even as nationwide opinion polls indicated the lowest level of support for capital punishment in 40 years. Executions in the United States are on a pace to total 20 this year, the lowest number since 1991. California has nations largest Death Row 312 569334 rapists when speaking about illegal immigration. Trump later floated the idea of banning all Muslim immigrants from coming into the United States before walking the statement back to suggest the more ambiguous strategy of extreme vetting. Trump softened his rhetoric during his 312 595641 monitors across Midtown gave way to tears and loud cheering as Republican nominee Donald Trump secured the presidency of the United States early this morning, defeating Hillary Clinton. "I'm feeling fucking amazing," Murray Hill resident Jerry Paul Pio, 26, said, as the 312 595879 run a divisive country." Trump, the first man without any governmental or military experience to be elected president in the United States , won 276 electoral votes to Clinton's 218. But the race was too close to call for hours after the polls 312 596321 is unwinding and unraveling, and I think a lot of people's jaws are dropping," he said. "I'm here for the United States , and everything it was born from, which was a revolution against the establishment." "Right now we need good leadership, tough 312 598179 said. *** For the past 25 years, one of the most important places for monitoring migrating golden eagles in the western United States has been the Bridger Mountains, northeast of Bozeman and 60 miles south-southeast of the Big Belts. The most significant 312 598324 spine of the Rocky Mountains is a general migration corridor for raptors traveling from Alaska and Canada to the southwestern United States and even Mexico, Hoffman said. Orographic lift occurs along the Rockies. That's when air is forced from a low elevation 312 600162 mayor assailed then-candidate Trump for calling for a "total and complete shutdown" of Muslims who want to enter the United States . "It's against everything this country is based on, it's as simple as that," de Blasio said last December. After predicting 312 603149 Donald Trump on his historic upset. Putin says that Moscow is ready to try to restore good relations with the United States (Alexei Druzhinin/Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- World leaders are reacting with cautious congratulations to the 312 603238 trade, security and defence (sic)" Read the PM's statement congratulating @realDonaldTrump on his election as the next President of the United States . UK Prime Minister (@10DowningStreet) November 9, 2016 French president Francois Hollande said Trump's win "opens up a 312 603939 cases. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. - Donald Trump has done what many said was impossible: He has been elected president of the United States , beating Democrat Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night. Many Americans laughed when he got into the race more than a year 312 604462 should take notice. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. - America has had its Brexit: Donald J. Trump is the president-elect of the United States . The Associated Press made the call shortly after 2:30 a.m. Video by Amanda Steen It was an outcome that 312 606852 the US on November 8. Carlo Allegri/Reuters Paris was designed to be a universal agreement that appeals to the United States , trading away strong substance in favour of quick approval and universal participation. A rogue superpower could mark the end of 312 611580 hit with excessive regulation. Trump should be able to fix that, too." America has Brexited. It's an imperfect comparison. The United States can't leave itself. But on Wednesday, with the election of Donald Trump, it withdrew from a number of agreements it 312 611776 Barack Obama years have involved a long unwinding of the neoconservative adventures of the George W Bush years, but the United States has remained a significant force on the world stage, intervening haphazardly in the Middle East, entering trade deals, shoring up 312 613631 result may be in but the main question remains to be answered. Just how does the new president unite the United States ? Bob Harris Sawtell Speed cameras not the only way to curb road deaths Everybody is upset that the road toll 312 615152 check-out time" would turn off intelligent voters, male and female. Donald Trump's election as the 45th president of the United States may have been unthinkable for many, but the reality has already started to sink in for foreign policy and defence 312 616436 and started chanting "grab them by the pussy, that's how we do it". A few hundred people packed into the United States Studies Centre-hosted event at the university's Manning Bar on Wednesday, as polling stations closed and the shocking results poured 312 626249 asteroid-mining industry and other near-future space activities, such as private space stations and commercial moon outposts? Should the United States be in charge of cleaning up space junk, or should an international coalition lead this effort? Then there's the national 312 626276 up space junk, or should an international coalition lead this effort? Then there's the national-security realm. Much of the United States ' military might is based on the nation's dominance in space; for example, sharp-eyed spy satellites often give American warfighters 312 628164 long been providing surveillance missions to guard Baltic air space. These deterrents will only work with the help of the United States -- within the NATO alliance. Other remarks have also raised eyebrows around the world. Earlier in the year, he was even 312 628492 Is Free Trade Dead? Controversy surrounding TTIP, the free trade agreement currently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States , exists in both the US and Germany, at the right and the left of the political spectrum. Merkel is pushing 312 635102 the world for that matter, can feel justified in its fear now that Donald Trump is the President of the United States . It may have been a close call but it seems inexplicable to think this man is leader of the free 312 635189 for Brexit. How wrong I was. Tom Currington Provocative rhetoric never leads to peace, and under Donald Trumps leadership the United States faces becoming something of a rogue state. I am now genuinely fearful that his election could trigger a nuclear apocalypse 312 641088 the news that Donald Trump had achieved a shock defeat of rival Clinton to become the next President of the United States . The billionaire property tycoon and former reality TV star stunned pollsters and analysts by claiming the keys to the White 312 649436 It comes after Donald Trump beat all the odds to defeat Hillary Clinton and become the next President of the United States . Just months after the Brexit vote stunned Britain, the billionaire property tycoon and former reality TV star turned every political 312 649895 poll had Hillary Clinton as a shoe-in to be voted the next Commander-in-Chief. The people of the United States turned out to vote in their millions in one of the most divisive and closely-fought election campaigns in history 312 650385 John Locher/AP She said: "I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next President of the United States , following a hard-fought campaign. "Britain and the United States have and enduring and special relationship based on the values 312 650395 Donald Trump on being elected the next President of the United States, following a hard-fought campaign. "Britain and the United States have and enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. "We are, and will remain 312 651129 the outspoken outsider passed the finishing line of 270 electoral college votes needed to become the 45th President of the United States . Round-up of Trump's most infamous comments in the run-up to his presidency A Trump win in Pennsylvania gave 312 652865 Florida away from the Democrats. It is a crucial victory in the race for him to be President of the United States . He also scored wins in North Carolina and Ohio. The Ohio win brought him 18 extra electoral college votes, and 312 654909 have not been able to verify the existence of such problems. D onald Trump has won the presidency of the United States of America in a dramatic upset which has shocked the world. Almost every major poll had Hillary Clinton as a 312 654957 next President of the USA, but Trump defied the odds to storm to a sensational victory. The people of the United States turned out to vote in their millions in one of the most divisive and closely-fought election campaigns in history 312 657046 Republican candidate pulled off a stunning upset over favourite Hillary Clinton on Tuesday to become the 45th President of the United States . Some world leaders were quick to congratulate Mr Trump on his win - but others suggested his presidency would create uncertainty 312 657116 the coming years. May vows UK and US will remain 'close partners' after congratulating Trump She said: Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who 312 657555 taken by Donald Trump during the American campaign must be confronted with the values and interests we share with the United States . "What is at stake is peace, the fight against terrorism, the situation in the Middle East. It is economic relations 312 657754 their crisis state". Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the election marks the beginning of a new era in the United States . He said: I hope that the American peoples decision will facilitate audacious steps being taken regarding fundamental rights and liberties 312 658464 year a woman becomes US President for the first time. Donald Trump has been named the next President of the United States in a dramatic shock that pollsters and commentators failed to predict. I n this overwhelmingly Democratic city, many of the 312 659507 later, Donald Trump has stormed to presidential victory on a promise to build a 1,000 mile-long wall separating the United States from Mexico. The President-elect defied expectation and stole victory from Hillary Clinton following one of the most bitterly-fought 312 660237 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States Getty Images U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at his election night rally in Manhattan, New York Reuters US Democratic 312 660881 Election Party in London Michael Clark Guests watch the results come in at a U.S. election night party at the United States Embassy in London Jack Taylor/Getty Images Partygoers at Dinerama in Shoreditch upporters of Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton 312 661458 7am Shortly before 7.30am, AP called Wisconsin for Mr Trump and named him as having been elected president of the United States . Around ten minutes later, Mrs Clinton is reported to have phoned him to concede and shortly afterwards he emerged on 312 661814 unite. D onald Trump has beaten all the odds to defeat Hillary Clinton and become the next President of the United States . Coming just months after the Brexit vote stunned Britain, the billionaire property tycoon and former reality TV star turned every 312 664287 the UK and makes us look intolerant and totalitarian. I feel we should almost apologise to the people of the United States . It is for them to decide on Mr Trump's views, not us." S he is on the verge of becoming 312 664330 of the most influential women in the world when, come January, her husband is sworn in as President of the United States . From Slovenian model to First Lady, she is know as a woman who favours traditional gender roles and whose hobbies 312 666845 York Times, however, said the US was now on a precipice. D onald Trump has claimed the presidency of the United States of America in one of the most closely-fought election contests in history. In a shock result, the mogul trounced 312 667483 America Trump will attend a series of inaugural balls before finally settling into his new role as President of the United States . D onald Trump nominated Republican veteran Mike Pence as his vice-president back in July, in an apparent attempt to 312 668408 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States Getty Images U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at his election night rally in Manhattan, New York Reuters US Democratic 312 669052 Election Party in London Michael Clark Guests watch the results come in at a U.S. election night party at the United States Embassy in London Jack Taylor/Getty Images Partygoers at Dinerama in Shoreditch upporters of Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton 312 670743 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States Getty Images U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at his election night rally in Manhattan, New York Reuters US Democratic 312 671387 Election Party in London Michael Clark Guests watch the results come in at a U.S. election night party at the United States Embassy in London Jack Taylor/Getty Images Partygoers at Dinerama in Shoreditch upporters of Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton 312 672187 but only as a warning to Americans. In an episode which aired back in 2000, Lisa becomes President of the United States , talking over from President Trump. Weve inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump, she says while sitting in the 312 672395 had in fact become reality as Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the US elections to become President of the United States . As reported by, the Joint Finance Committee approved redirecting more than $21 million in bonding to offset rising costs 312 673607 rising worldwide, with 80 percent of them expected to occur in developing country populations by 2030. "Most people in the United States think tobacco is over and done with, but it's still the largest preventable cause of disease on the planet" killing 312 674765 emergency service workers with evacuation efforts. agerpres. President Klaus Iohannis addressed a congratulation letter to the elected President of the United States of America Donald Trump, in which he voiced the entire availability of cooperating with him in promoting the common goals 312 674807 and a strong and dynamic transatlantic relation. "The Romanian head of state highlighted the solid relation between Romania and the United States of America, under the Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century, a key-element in developing the strategic profile of Romania 312 675805 Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon called on employees, business leaders and government officials to work together on solutions to the United States ' problems on Wednesday, in response to the surprise presidential election results. In a memo to employees, Dimon cited a "deep 312 675884 sectors to come together. Bayer Chief Executive Werner Baumann on Wednesday called for strengthening the partnership between Europe and the United States in the wake of Donald Trump's presidential election victory. Baumann, who is leading the $66 billion takeover of Creve Coeur 312 676397 could hand Moscow an elusive prize the lifting or easing of Western sanctions. Rolling back those sanctions, imposed by the United States and the European Union to punish Moscow for its 2014 annexation of Ukraine's Crimea and support for separatists in eastern 312 677189 no-fly zones. One possibility is a quid pro quo, with Russia making concessions on Syria in exchange for the United States ceding ground on Ukraine and sanctions. "For Russia the key point is Ukraine. If Trump says that America does not 312 678831 are also meant to start writing a "rule book" to oversee the pact that might be less stringent without the United States . There are no sanctions for non-compliance. Many nations vowed to push ahead despite Trump with the sweeping plan to 312 679112 global economy with more heatwaves, floods and droughts. In Marrakesh, some youth campaigners wept at a demonstration against Trump. The United States is the No. 2 greenhouse gas emitter behind China. "This is a dark, dark day," said Jesse Bragg, of Corporate 312 690048 undocumented immigrants, of course, remains to be seen. More than a quarter of the 2,000 miles separating Mexico and the United States already has a fence, which cost American taxpayers $7 billion. A wall of concrete covering 1,000 miles, as Trump has 312 693215 criticism of the automaker's investments in Mexico. Ford noted the automaker has hired 26,000 and invested $12 billion in the United States since 2011. Bill Ford was in India on Wednesday after the company announced it will invest 13 billion rupees ($195 312 693706 immigration officials said the New Zealand Now website, which deals with residency and student visas, had received 1,593 registrations from United States citizens since Nov. 1 more than 50 percent of a typical month's registrations in just seven days. Rod Drury, the 312 699553 defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading Assad to step down, and warned that Clinton could drag the United States into a new world war over the Syria conflict. In one of his debates with Clinton, Trump said he did 312 699644 Iran have provided direct military support to Assad while countries that want to see him gone from power, including the United States , Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey, have provided rebels with backing including military support. Russia's intervention in support of Assad last 312 700959 everything but wetness. It was practically odorless, colorless, flavorless liquid. But somehow it kept arriving by the shipload in the United States , and people kept buying it until better options were available. Its a different story today, qualitywise. Its not as if 312 705445 out there and govern, and govern correctly," Thompson said. "If you do, you could become the majority party in the United States for a long time." Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, R-Kaukauna, an early anti-Trump Republican in the state, credited 312 716925 over oceans to better understand tropical cyclones. 2022 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Voters across the United States are practicing direct democracy as they head to the polls and tackle important issues, such as legalizing marijuana, implementing the 312 718301 question how the company will properly implement that integration. Lenovo has visibly struggled to corner a significant market in the United States with its self-branded smartphones; however, the Moto line may help propel it forward in bigger shores, the same one 312 718458 forthcoming Galaxy Beta program has surfaced. Beginning Nov. 9, owners of either the Galaxy S7 or S7 edge in the United States , UK, South Korea and China will be allowed to enroll in the beta program. The beta program will allow owners 312 722152 for this financial year is almost equivalent to the federal education budget, but what do we get? We're giving the United States $17billion for 72 F35s while Canada has cancelled its order, no doubt because of all the question marks over the 312 729441 In response to a mean tweet from Trump about Obama being perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States , the president replied, Really? Well, @realDonaldTrump, at least I will go down as a president. See what I mean? Not 312 730320 painful moment in Hillary Clinton s political life. After the most shocking presidential campaign upset in the history of the United States , Clinton took the stage at the New Yorker Hotel and conceded the unthinkable: Donald Trumpa man who has called for 312 732310 not question his legitimacy or hope he fails. Instead, we will count ourselves members of the loyal oppositionloyal to the United States of America and opposed to the policies proposed by the president-elect during his campaign. And we will reflect on 312 734584 television network, was The End Is Near. How right he was. Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States . Vladimir Putin became one of the first world leaders to congratulate Trump but bizarrely, the one network that ought to 312 736573 psychically abused his son as a loser, prompting Donald to redeem his self-esteem by running for president of the United States . One shudders at Trumps reaction when, as and if, he ever sees it; with any luck, he wont have time 312 737883 would even continue those initiatives, one participant said. Trump has promised to ban Muslims from certain countries from entering the United States and has claimed he knows better how to combat terrorists than military generals and intelligence officials. But before he can 312 740294 won. A guy who had been recorded bragging about grabbing womens genitals had been elected the next president of the United States . The shouts erupted again when word came that Hillary Clinton was not yet prepared to concede. Lock her up! Lock 312 740944 a man who is both the most unpopular guy in New York and the candidate just elected president of the United States , appeared on the balcony wearing his usual red tie. He silently mouthed the words Thank you. USA! USA! USA! the 312 741698 knowing that the epithet that mean kids use to taunt themTrumpnow is the name of the next president of the United States ? That they will have to learn his name alongside that of our first black president, Barack Obama? What does that 312 750563 candidacy to what she described as her compassion for people and her community. Born in Haiti, Perpignan came to the United States at age 12 with her mother and sister. The Norwalk Republican spent much of her day outside Marvin Elementary School 312 761138 networks by Edison Research with 23,583 voters as they left their polling places at 350 randomly selected sites throughout the United States supplemented by 4,404 telephone interviews with mail, early and absentee voters. The results among all those voting have a margin 312 761233 on the icons to get to the download page. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin (Associated Press) Mexico City, United States Wed, November 9, 2016 Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says at this stage, it would appear that Donald Trump is 312 761349 Pacific, and Australia wants to work constructively with the new administration to ensure the continued presence and leadership of the United States in the region. She calls the U.S. "our major security ally" and the largest foreign direct investor and the second 312 761377 U.S. "our major security ally" and the largest foreign direct investor and the second-largest trading partner. She says: "The United States is also the guarantor and defender of the rules-based international order that has underpinned so much of our economic 312 761994 Cuba has held what it calls the Bastion Strategic Exercise, often in response to points of high tension with the United States . The first exercise was launched in 1980 after the election of Ronald Reagan as US president, according to an official 312 762264 victory could please some hard-liners in the Cuban leadership who worried that Cuba was moving too close to the United States too quickly. "There's been a lot of rejection of what's been done with Obama," Alzugaray said. "Many Cubans think that 312 763157 read 3 premium articles for free Already subscribed? login Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin (Associated Press) Azusa, Calif., United States Wed, November 9, 2016 A gunman with an assault rifle killed a man and critically wounded two women Tuesday in 312 770184 spark retaliatory policies from other countries. (fac/ebf) Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Joseph Ciolli (Bloomberg) New York, United States Wed, November 9, 2016 US stock futures plunged as investors rushed to price in a potential victory by Donald Trump 312 772002 already projected to rise by the Congressional Budget Office. The increase in debt risks making it more expensive for the United States to borrow. Trump has insisted that the US economy can grow nearly 4 percent a year roughly double its current 312 772283 Otherwise, the lack of clarity about the future course will lead to significant negative effects for the world economy." The United States is a major market for German companies like BMW and Daimler. By one estimate, 1.5 million jobs depend on exports 312 772307 major market for German companies like BMW and Daimler. By one estimate, 1.5 million jobs depend on exports to the United States , the country's biggest trading partner. US. import barriers could especially hurt economies such as China and South Korea as they 312 772492 Annabelle Liang in Singapore also contributed to this report. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin (Associated Press) Mexico City, United States Wed, November 9, 2016 Cambodia's long-serving authoritarian prime minister Hun Sen has congratulated Donald Trump on his US presidential 312 772845 The Star) Petaling Jaya, Malaysia Wed, November 9, 2016 Donald Trump's presidency will not result in a complete departure in United States foreign policy towards Malaysia, an expert says. Malaysian Association for American Studies (MAAS) president K.S. Nathan told The Star Online 312 772891 Trump might pay more attention to domestic priorities as previously outlined in his campaign, it does not mean that the United States will neglect foreign policy. "I think America cannot afford to be isolationist. "Internationally, America will be engaged and has to 312 772930 and has to be engaged. There is no choice. He [Trump] cannot pull back from all the commitments that the United States has made and as a world power, it will remain engaged," said Nathan. Nathan added that although Trump himself might 312 773053 American foreign policy do not change as they are heavily institutionalized. "The president only implements the national interest of the United States which is not formulated entirely by him but also by the political institutions of the United States," said Nathan. He 312 773070 interest of the United States which is not formulated entirely by him but also by the political institutions of the United States ," said Nathan. He warned against expecting a complete departure from previous US foreign policy, adding that "American foreign policy is 312 773189 designated Philippine military camps, along with their warships and planes. Duterte had previously threatened to end military exercises with the United States . Lorenzana said he and other security officials explained to the president at a Cabinet meeting on Monday how the Philippines 312 774346 list. Following the election of Mr. Donald Trump and Governor Mike Pence to the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the United States , Rabbi David Zwiebel, Agudath Israels executive vice president, issued the following statement of congratulations: Agudath Israel of America congratulates Mr 312 777631 week, but it was not anywhere near as bad as yesterdays incident. Donald Trump wins US presidency in stunning upset UNITED STATES : Donald Trump has stunned America and the world, riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 312 777661 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States . politicsreligion By AFP Wednesday 9 November 2016, 03:34PM Republican president-elect Donald Trump acknowledges the crowd during his election 312 778115 the first woman to become president in America's 240-year existence. Americans have repudiated her call for unity amid the United States wide cultural and racial diversity, opting instead for a leader who insisted the country is broken and that I alone 312 778324 incumbent, Obama, who for eight years has repeated the credo that there is no black or white America, only the United States of America. On the eve of the election, he told tens of thousands of people in Philadelphia that he was 312 781105 support. "Trump is a bit of a wild card," said Sherry Rehman, a Pakistani senator and former ambassador to the United States . "Pakistan obviously cannot rule out engaging with whomever America elects, but his anti-Muslim rhetoric may cast a shadow on 312 781264 a think-tank close to Modi's government, called Trump's election "a very positive development", but added that India and the United States would have continued to grow closer under a Hillary Clinton presidency as well. "My sense is that India-US relations 312 781396 change the scope of the mission, 15 years after a US-led campaign toppled the hardline Islamist Taliban government. The United States has spent some $115 billion in aid for Afghanistan since 2002, but the country is still caught in conflict, with 312 782534 headed to Knesset for a session during which MK (Machane Tzioni) Nachman Shai said Today is Election Day in the United States . The first to come to Israels assistance towards building the bridge with the new administration will be the Jews of 312 783047 Desk, Jerusalem) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on the phone with President-elect Donald Trump, who invited Netanyahu to the United States for a meeting at the first opportunity available. Prime Minister Netanyahu congratulated Trump and reiterated that the United States has 312 783066 the United States for a meeting at the first opportunity available. Prime Minister Netanyahu congratulated Trump and reiterated that the United States has no better ally than Israel. Following the election of Mr. Donald Trump and Governor Mike Pence to the Presidency 312 783093 Israel. Following the election of Mr. Donald Trump and Governor Mike Pence to the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the United States , Rabbi David Zwiebel, Agudath Israels executive vice president, issued the following statement of congratulations: Agudath Israel of America congratulates Mr 312 793802 Though she worked steadily over the last decade, 2016 is the year of Negga's breakout as a lead in the United States . That she is making that leap in such a personal and timely film suits the actress wholly. "We're living in 312 807940 are registered trademarks. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks of Oracle (News - Alert) Corporation and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. View source version on 312 811129 a leading, fully integrated provider of residential and commercial high-speed data, video and telephony services to customers in the United States , announced preliminary summary financial results and subscriber information for the third quarter ended September 30, 2016, as part of a 312 811365 from the information contained in the Company's Form 10-Q quarterly report when such report is ultimately furnished to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC (News - Alert)"). (3) NuLink was acquired on September 9, 2016, therefore, financial results for the 312 812190 in our credit facilities. Adjusted EBITDA is not a presentation made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America ("GAAP") and our use of the term Adjusted EBITDA varies from others in our industry. Adjusted EBITDA should 312 812756 from the information contained in the Company's Form 10-Q quarterly report when such report is ultimately furnished to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). View source version on [ Back To's Homepage 312 826665 Web Desk: Donald Trump today beat the odds to overcome Hillary Clinton to be named the President elect of the United States of America. Trump, who was largely written off by most pollsters, completed a stunning come from behind victory to leave 312 827488 Donald the Trump. He has inflicted a comprehensive defeat on the Democratic Partys candidate, Hillary Clinton. The presidency of the United States is the very first political office he will hold. Never before have the American voters put their faith and trust 312 827560 the Americans and the world come to terms with the sound and consonance of the words, President Trump of the United States , but this often disagreeable man has legitimately crowbarred his way into the White House, upending the familiar assumptions and attitudes 312 833505 Huffington Post will drop the editor's note they carried for months now that called the newly elected President of the United States Donald Trump racist, misogynist, and a serial liar. By India Today Web Desk: "Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and 312 834169 sent conciliatory signals after his upset of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, pledging to seek common ground, not conflict, with the United States allies. During his election campaign, Trump expressed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, questioned central tenets of the NATO military 312 834267 We heard the campaign statements of the future US presidential candidate about the restoration of relations between Russia and the United States , Putin said. It is not an easy path, but we are ready to do our part and do everything to 312 834475 for Palestinian aspirations. And despite Trumps negative rhetoric about Muslims during his campaign, including threats to ban them from the United States , Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said he hoped the business magnates election would breathe new life into US-Egyptian 312 834906 Trump clinched the election, urged him to send a message as soon as possible to reassure the world of the United States commitment to its allies. We are certainly concerned about the comments (Trump) has made to date about the alliance and 312 834952 the Pacific, particularly Japan, the Japanese official said. Reuters Quotes I look forward to working with him Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. We are, and will remain 312 835959 US consul, according to the White House. Till date, Louisa was the only First Lady to be born outside the United States . Melania, a Slovenian former model, was born in 1970 in communist Yugoslavia. She is the daughter of Viktor Knavs, a 312 836567 Endorsing Harris, Obama had said "Kamala Harris fights for us. Thats why I am so proud to endorse her for United States Senator. And if you send her to the Senate, she'll be a fearless fighter for the people of California, all 312 838077 project to rebuild American infrastructure and would double US economic growth. His win raises a host of questions for the United States at home and abroad. He campaigned on a pledge to take the country on a more isolationist, protectionist America First 312 838115 isolationist, protectionist America First path. He has vowed to impose a 35 per cent tariff on goods exported to the United States by US companies that went abroad. Trump, who at 70 will be the oldest first-term US president, came out 312 838465 America great again through the force of his personality, negotiating skill and business acumen. He proposed refusing entry to the United States of people from war-torn Middle Eastern countries, a modified version of an earlier proposed ban on Muslims. His volatile 312 838594 The election was unprecedented in the way it turned Americans against each other, according to dozens of interviews in rural United States and across some of the most politically charged battleground states. Throughout his campaign--and especially in his acceptance speech at 312 839202 by Washington that has governed international relations since World War II. Reuters When Trump takes oath as the President of United States of America in the new year, he will have a Republican Senate and a Republican House that will support him 312 839261 its 45th president, he could be the most powerful one in years. When Trump takes oath as the President of United States of America in the new year, he will have a Republican Senate and a Republican House that will support him 312 840695 parts of the world. The largest populations of Jews can be found in Israel (the worlds only Jewish state), the United States of America and all throughout Europe. However, there are lesser-known communities all over the world Ashkenazim and Sephardim The 312 841068 groups not belonging to Ashkenazi descent. It was these two groups of Jewish people that travelled and prospered in the United States of America where they have strong communities, keeping the Judaic religion alive and well, despite millennia of persecution. Kaifeng Jews 312 845950 this video interview we meet 18 year old Dendu, who was born in Tibet and went to live in the United States when he was 11. Dendu and his family continue to face discrimination and violence due to the fact they practice 312 845979 family continue to face discrimination and violence due to the fact they practice Dorje Shugden, despite the fact that the United States constitution guarantees religious freedom, worship and practice. In this interview, he bravely speaks up about the persecution that he and 312 847751 in cash, what would you do? Would you return it? Wel Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States . Here's a look at what Trump's opinion on India has been so far. By India Today Web Desk: Minutes after 312 850676 Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Ukraine Marie L. Yovanovitch said this to journalists on the occasion of the presidential elections in the United States , which took place at the American House in Kyiv on Wednesday morning, an Ukrinform correspondent reports. "The US policy towards 312 851003 agricultural producers in Kherson region. ish President Petro Poroshenko has congratulated Donald Trump on winning the presidential elections in the United States that took place on November 8. This has been reported by the press service of the Head of State. My 312 851036 the press service of the Head of State. My sincere congratulations to Donald Trump on being elected President of the United States and to the friendly American nation on democratic expression of will. This is a symbol of true democracy when nobody 312 851100 to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch. Petro Poroshenko emphasized that winning the highest office in the state, the new President of the United States also assumed responsibility for the global leadership of the United States in the democratic world. The President is hopeful that 312 851111 office in the state, the new President of the United States also assumed responsibility for the global leadership of the United States in the democratic world. The President is hopeful that the U.S. would continue to provide that support in two important 312 851192 amendments on justice, reformation of public procurement system, security and defense etc. The President invited newly elected President of the United States Donald Trump to visit Ukraine. ish PM Narendra Modi said he looked forward to working with newly elected US President 312 852336 planned the educational sessions for the entire conference. Here's what Hollywood celebrities are saying about the new President of the United States . By India Today Web Desk: In an unexpected win, Donald Trump crushed opponent Hillary Clinton in the presidential election, against 312 852843 FN), tweeted. Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the party and father of its leader Marine, said: "Today the United States , tomorrow France!" Also read: Beijing welcomes Trump rise despite tough trade talk Beatrix von Storch, deputy leader of the anti 312 853321 some of his tweets targeting Pakistan. Trump has been critical of Pakistan ever since Osama Bin Laden was killed by United States Navy Seal in Pakistan. In a tweet from 2012, the real estate-mogul-turned-politician expressed his displeasure with Pakistan 312 853394 July 5, 2012 In an earlier tweet from January 2012, Trump stated that Pakistan was not a friend of the United States . Get it straight: Pakistan is not our friend. Weve given them billions and billions of dollars, and what (cont) http 312 853592 and people of Pakistan, and on my own behalf, I wish to extend to you and the people of the United States , our most sincere felicitations on your election as the 45th President of the United States," Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said 312 853607 and the people of the United States, our most sincere felicitations on your election as the 45th President of the United States ," Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said. Also read: 2 sides of same coin? Here's what Donald Trump and PM Modi have 312 853648 have in common advertisement "Most importantly, your momentous success is a testimony to the confidence that the people of the United States have reposed in your leadership, vision and commitment to serve your great country," Sharif added. Political figures like Parvez Musharraf 312 853693 to tweeted to congratulate Trump. I congratulate President-Elect Donald Trump on his historic election as the President of the United States . I... Pervez Musharraf (@P_Musharraf) November 9, 2016 Also read: Congrats President elect Donald Trump: Barack Obama makes 312 855772 Republican bet Donald Trump. Several media outlets have shared their predictions on who will become the next president of the United States . ABC News predicted that Hillary Clinton may actually win the elections if she is able to carry North Carolina, which 312 862833 the first woman to become president in America's 240-year existence. Americans have repudiated her call for unity amid the United States ' wide cultural and racial diversity, opting instead for a leader who insisted the country is broken and that "I alone 312 863042 incumbent, Obama, who for eight years has repeated the credo that there is no black or white America, only the United States of America. On the eve of the election, he told tens of thousands of people in Philadelphia that he was 312 866382 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said: "We believe that Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president of the United States ." At 10:44 pm, the Times gave Trump a 93 percent chance of winning. Team Clinton vanished, avoiding reporters like 312 867817 jobs president that God ever created." He has vowed to impose a 35 percent tariff on goods exported to the United States by U.S. companies that went abroad. His volatile nature and unorthodox proposals led to campaign feuds with a long list 312 869879 of president. I am a little disappointed, because I supported Hillary Clinton, but I see that the people of the United States have chosen their president, said Moussa Traore. Donald Trump is not bad. The essential is that the people are a 312 870180 rights issues. Although criticizing Trumps poisonous rhetoric, the organization said Wednesday the president-elect must reaffirm and abide by the United States obligations on human rights, at home and abroad." President-elect Trump must publicly commit to upholding the human rights of 312 870283 southern border with Mexico and attempt to make Mexico City pay for it to thwart more illegal immigration into the United States , and has called for a ban on Muslim immigrants coming into the county. This rhetoric cannot and must not become 312 870355 U.S. commander in chief who has never before been elected to public office. The election of Donald Trump as the United States ' next president not only raises huge questions about Americas relations with the worlds second largest economy, China, but traditional allies 312 870426 his first day in office and levy punishing import tariffs on Chinese goods. Trump was also very critical of the United States military allies in the region. WATCH: Trump's Win Sends Shockwaves Around the World Good, bad news Trumps election is both 312 870757 analysts on state media, however, were less certain about where the direction of the relationship was heading. They say the United States ' withdrawal from the TPP would be an opportunity for Chinas One Belt, One Road project, which seeks to grow sea 312 871474 accused of attempting to influence the election in favor of the winner, Donald Trump, and were formally blamed by the United States for a political hacking attack. President Vladimir Putin recently denied both accusations. In a morning-after telegram to Trump, the 312 871807 to relax sanctions and doesnt reassure Americas European allies, Putin may get all the things hes always hoped for from United States which is a United States thats less of a leader in Europe and leaves Russia more free to dominate its 312 871812 reassure Americas European allies, Putin may get all the things hes always hoped for from United States which is a United States thats less of a leader in Europe and leaves Russia more free to dominate its immediate neighborhood, added Goldgeier, a 312 871931 gone so far that some wonder if it could prepare the ground for a major confrontation between Russia and the United States ." During Clintons term as Secretary of State relations with Moscow vastly improved for a brief period (the much-touted 2009 312 871988 year hiatus. Russia watchers note historically there have been quick and dramatic shifts in Washington-Moscow relations. Repulsion in the United States during the early 20th century about brutal Soviet dictator Josef Stalin quickly softened after World War Two began and the 312 872154 have their say at the polls, Clinton lost in her bid to become the first woman elected president of the United States . Clinton's campaign chief John Podesta told supporters at her rally in New York City to go home at 2 a.m 312 872807 is I think still a large percentage of our population that won't vote for a woman for president of the United States . Exactly what it is, I don't know. I don't think the polls are reflecting that either," he said. In Photos 312 872907 the world's most powerful alliance. VOA Europe Correspondent Luis Ramirez reports. Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States . The billionaire businessman, who was widely underestimated and even mocked by the political and media class throughout his campaign, pulled 312 873697 powerful alliance. Trump stunned NATO and defense analysts when he told The New York Times during his campaign that the United States would defend NATO members against Russian aggression only if they paid their bills and made fair contributions to the alliance 312 873928 more of a European than Theresa May is, I think she's going to regard Mr. Trump as a kind of United States phenomenon, in a way which just says this country, this extraordinarily rich and vital country, produces all kinds of ideas 312 874037 On the basis of these values," Merkel said, "I am offering to work closely with the future president of the United States , Donald Trump." The futuristic city-state of Dubai announced a deal Tuesday with Los Angeles-based Hyperloop One to study 312 875578 the Mideast, which reacted angrily when he first proposed last year to impose a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States and declared Islam hates us. In Irbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, politicians say they could get no access to 312 876525 girls in the Dadab refugee camp where I lived before coming to the U.S.," she said. Omar's family came to United States when she was 12, after four years living in Dadab, the world's largest refugee camp in Kenya. She now lives 312 876590 win the seat in the heavily Democratic district after winning the primary earlier this year. Minnesota is home to the United States ' largest concentration of Somali refugees and immigrants. Most of the Somalis who spoke to VOA's Somali service ahead of the 312 877498 19th-century Scottish-American steel magnate and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, one of 3,000 public libraries he funded in Britain, the United States , Canada and other English-speaking countries. Like Carnegie at the turn of the 20th century, philanthropists around the world are 312 877828 Cheung told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. The number of philanthropic foundations is growing around the world, most notably in the United States , home to more than 86,000 foundations with $715 billion in assets, compared with 4,000 in 1960, according to Foundation Center 312 877879 2012, but there are no exact data on how much philanthropic money has been spent on cities, either in the United States or elsewhere. Experts said that because of a lack of data and the small number of networks that link philanthropic 312 879913 with officials, analysts, and ordinary citizens cautiously hoping it could turn a new page in relations between Russia and the United States . Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Trump on his win, saying he hoped to work together with the next American president 312 880164 in Ukraine and Syria. We are still in dangerous waters. I dont think that a change of president in the United States would mean a fundamental change of interests, clearly not. Change of policies or a correction of policies, probably yes. Which 312 881022 states Spain, Cyprus, Romania, Greece and Slovakia still do not recognize it. Throngs of demonstrators marched in cities across the United States on Wednesday to protest Republican Donald Trump's surprise victory in the U.S. presidential election, blasting his controversial campaign rhetoric about 312 881448 and "Immigrants Make America Great." Many of those students were members of the "Dreamers" generation, children whose parents entered the United States with them illegally, school officials said, and who fear deportation under a Trump administration. "A child should not live in 312 881581 campus. Turkey has cautiously welcomed Donald Trumps presidential victory. The election marks the beginning of a new era in the United States , declared President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a meeting of businessmen in Istanbul. Personally and on behalf of the nation, I 312 881648 to Erdogan describing Trump as an Islamophobe, in response to Trumps call to ban Muslims visiting or immigrating to the United States . Members of Erdogans ruling AK Party had even called for Istanbuls Trump Tower to be renamed. The Turkish president, a 312 882559 spokesman singled out a journalist reporting allegations and said the claims were concocted by people with links to insurgents. The United States has set up a panel at the World Trade Organization to settle a dispute with China over Chinese tariffs on 312 884103 Merkel said. "On the basis of these values, I am offering to work closely with the future president of the United States , Donald Trump," she said. At the United Nations, Secretary General Ban Ki Moon congratulated Trump while stressing the importance of 312 884150 U.N. "As a founding member of the United Nations and security council members permanent members of the security council, the United States is an essential actor across the international agenda," he said. Where now? A leap into the unknown is how leaders 312 896417 Also read: Hillary Clinton delivers a presidential speech, says Trump will be our president Q.When did she move to the United States ? A.She was 16 when she went to America to study and she was there and got married there. Now she 312 897213 unlearn things over the years. And then when you see people go and elect Donald Trump for the President of United States of America, you wonder at the futility of it all. advertisement Also read: Hello President Trump, here's what Twitter feels 312 897683 mass shooting in December 2015. "Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," the Trump campaign said in a press release. Later 312 897931 views? Or are they expecting him to rise above and be a better man as the next President of the United States ? --- ENDS --- 10 hours ago Its Still Not Too Late To Get Into Energy Stocks If you are wondering if it's 312 898510 farming assistance through extension (education) services, veterinary services for animal husbandry, and fisheries assistance. If we compare ourselves to the United States and Europe we fail miserably. These countries place a real value on agricultural production and its importance to their national 312 906093 state with a video release saying he is voting for Hillary Clinton. Gordon Humphrey, who represented New Hampshire in the United States Senate as a Republican between 1979 and 1990, filmed a video released by the Clinton campaign Monday. On Tuesday, millions 312 907835 felt throughout the world, she said. This has really brought to light a lot of issues and divides in the United States right now. Its such an historic election. But if many of Manitobas Democrats were nervous when the night began, their 312 908933 ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Gary Doer Former Manitoba premier, former Canadian ambassador to the United States JOHN WOODS / THE CANADIAN PRESS Former Canadian ambassador to the United States, Gary Doer There will be more hard hats 312 908945 Former Manitoba premier, former Canadian ambassador to the United States JOHN WOODS / THE CANADIAN PRESS Former Canadian ambassador to the United States , Gary Doer There will be more hard hats and less Hollywood in the White House now that Donald Trump has 312 909112 of politics that I saw and we have seen over the years not exclusively from Mr. Trump, either in many United States election campaigns senatorial, congressional and presidential, he said. But this one takes the cake. I didnt particularly like it. I 312 909470 WINNIPEG FREE PRESS FILES Natural Resources minister Jim Carr This is a day to congratulate the president-elect of the United States . This is our closest relationship. We will work to ensure that Canada and the United States continue to enjoy the 312 909486 president-elect of the United States. This is our closest relationship. We will work to ensure that Canada and the United States continue to enjoy the warmth of a relationship that really is a model to the world. So this is a 312 909597 concerns for the local business community is the uncertainty Trumps victory has created with respect to future trade with the United States and how the Canadian economy could be negatively impacted by the change in government. He said the U.S. market accounts 312 909715 disadvantage if Canada and Manitoba go ahead with plans to introduce carbon taxes and other climate-change measures and the United States does not, he said. That doesnt seem to be the path that Trump is on, so that could put us 312 911178 safety were an inspiration to his fellows and a marked credit to his unit. Prince was also honoured by the United States government with the Silver Star medal and was one of only three soldiers in the Second World War to receive 312 911270 no longer be current. There were moments Tuesday night, as results from the most divisive and controversial presidential election in United States history were flowing in, when I couldnt stop thinking about the animated movie, Antz. A family favourite, it is a 312 912901 resonated enough to get the voters support, regardless of how they felt about his other stances. In the end, the United States got themselves a president who could make the Daisy commercial a reality. (The commercial painted presidential candidate Barry Goldwater as 312 913065 what your local MP spent in the 2015 federal election. There are many I have talked to while visiting the United States these last 10 days who say the first step to fixing the problem is putting a limit on campaign spending 312 913138 correctness, tired of people who are different and tired of seeing an erosion of the quality of life in the United States . Its been fuelled by the relative anonymity of the social media. It is not likely to go away soon unless 312 913237 made Tuesday night, the cleanup now begins. Shannon Sampert is the Free Press perspectives and politics editor. She toured the United States during the past 10 days as part of the State Departments international visitor leadership program. shannon.sampert@freepress.mb.caTwitter: @paulysigh By PTI 312 914564 a few hours before dawn. The sprawling highway outside my window is empty, Donald Trump is president-elect of the United States , and all I want is to come home. To be home. To rejoin the place that I know. Instead, I 312 916301 nation. If the polls had been correct, which they werent, this would have been a story about the moment the United States elected its first female president, and how that was overshadowed by a race that lurched between surreal and traumatic. That 312 929125 for SunTrust Bank that provides various financial services for consumers, businesses, corporations, institutions, and not-for-profit entities in the United States . It operates in two segments, Consumer and Wholesale. The Consumer segment provides deposits and payments; home equity and personal credit 312 931297 Justin Trudeau pledged to work "very closely" with Trump, saying "Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States ". "We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in 312 931315 than the United States". "We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment and international peace and security," Trudeau said in 312 931548 a diversified portfolio. One way to accomplish this is to diversify within an asset class. For equity investors in the United States this can mean investing in both growth and value stocks. It can also mean investing in international stocks. And when 312 931939 a brief overview of each sector and some of the top names for investors to consider. Financial Similar to the United States , Canada has a strong banking industry. Many Canadian banks have a track record of solid performance that can provide long 312 932152 of the top Canadian energy stocks include: Technology As mentioned earlier, technology stocks have largely been the domain of the United States . As evidence of this, information technology stocks make up only about 5.5% of the TSX. However, there are a few 312 932596 the top Canadian stocks that trade on the TSX. This is Canadas version of the NYSE or NASDAQ in the United States and includes many of the same stocks. Thats one advantage of investing in Canadian stocks is that many have a 312 932772 sources include wind, solar, photovoltaic, geothermal, wave, hydroelectric, municipal waste, and other biofuels. This segment serves suburban communities, resorts, the United States armed forces installations, and agricultural operations. The Bank segment operates a community bank that offers banking and other financial services 312 934778 Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides used vehicle auctions and related vehicle remarketing services for the automotive industry in the United States , Europe, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. The company operates through two segments, ADESA Auctions and AFC. The ADESA Auctions 312 935032 like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next US president following a hard-fought campaign. Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on values of freedom, democracy and enterprise," May said in a statement issued 312 935487 Indian Prime Minister, US envoy Richard Verma today said after Republican Donald Trumps election as the 45th President of the United States . Verma, who has Indian roots, stressed that the ties that bind the two countries are built on shared democratic values 312 942506 to join the police force instead of protesting police violence. Emanuel and the Democratic Party in Chicago and across the United States are ramping up the forces of the state, while promising cosmetic reform that does little to stop the ongoing reign 312 944099 15 years of the war on terror in the Middle East and Central Asia. Damon reviewed the moves by the United States to militarily encircle Russia and China and the discussions taking place behind closed doors on the need to prepare for 312 944230 and European foreign policy that is ready, whatever the election result to pursue economic and geopolitical aims independently of the United States and, if necessary, against Washington. Just before the election, a column on Spiegel Online provided a taste of what this 312 944471 military alliance had agreed in 2002. Britain spends twice as much on arms and soldiers in relation to GDP, the United States three times as much. The scenario outlined by Muller recalls the German armaments madness on the eve of the First 312 944603 Military instability and economic inefficiency would be the consequences. For Europe, it would be much better and cheaper if the United States remained involved. But, Given the isolationist mood across the Atlantic, one must be mentally prepared for such a scenario. Another 312 946922 Ortega adopts reforms that promote democracy. On Monday, US State Department spokesperson Mark Toner reacted to the elections, declaring: The United States is deeply concerned by the flawed presidential and legislative electoral process in Nicaragua, which precluded the possibility of a free 312 949583 They all ignored the fact that the election became a referendum on the devastating social crisis and decay in the United States , which Trump was able to channel and direct to the right. Who and what is responsible for the victory of 312 951455 about the war in Syria he replied, Russia is backing [Syrian President] Assad to fight the rebels funded by the United States . We are creating another bogeyman, like in Iraq, that we will have to get rid of later. David said he 312 952805 get to and from another department. The workers have vowed to continue their protests until the conditions are rectified. The United States Ohio amusement park workers strike Over 100 workers at the Cedar Point and Cedar Fair amusement parks in Sandusky, Ohio 312 954166 where special drop boxes accepted ballots from joggers and motorists. Some celebrated their votes, confident of the outcome. "We're the United States of America. We can overcome anything," said Melanie Draheim of Houston, after casting her vote for Trump. Others described the 312 955859 again by the prime minister himself. Netanyahu, who takes pride in the aid agreement, the greatest military aid package the United States has ever given any country, is the same Netanyahu who on other occasions doesnt miss an opportunity to attack that 312 955988 different people, a country which invests huge sums in sustaining isolated settlements in the heart of a Palestinian population. The United States has a clear stance that the settlements represent an obstacle to peace and that Israel and the Palestinians must pursue 312 956106 its position, which can outline a moral and ethical path. Our job, as the Jewish and Zionist public in the United States , is to strengthen those who want to help Israel and the Palestinians make progress towards a diplomatic solution, to strengthen 312 956246 prosperity, even if the way it believes in is not the Netanyahu governments way. The entire public, both in the United States and in Israel, should be able to read beyond the simplistic slogans with which it is fed, and realize that 312 957418 systems for vulnerabilities after hackers attempted to access systems in two states over the summer. The presidential election in the United States has reached its climax and the Arab worlda central topic in both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's campaignsis closely watching 312 957507 no hope. "Uncle Sam or Aunt Sam?" Trump launched his campaign with a call to ban Muslims from entering the United States and then dropped another bombshell when he suggested registering Muslims in the US as part of the war on terror 312 959231 raising fears they could clash with minority voters. Numerous studies have found that voter fraud is exceedingly rare in the United States . Voter intimidation Absent on Tuesday were reports of the kind of hostile political displays, vandalism and violence that have cropped 312 960244 US presidential vote that New Zealand Now website, which deals with residency and student visas, had received 1,593 registrations from United States citizens since Nov. 1 - more than 50 percent of a typical month's registrations in just seven days. Visits to New 312 960270 more than 50 percent of a typical month's registrations in just seven days. Visits to New Zealand Now from the United States were up almost 80 percent to 41,000 from 7 Oct to 7 November, compared to the same period last year 312 961636 position by saying after North Korea's nuclear test that such provocation by the North is a direct threat to the United States ," Yun said. He made the comments in a meeting with members of parliament scheduled to discuss the results of the 312 961686 and fifth nuclear tests in January and September, drawing widespread international condemnation. PARIS - France would need to clarify with the United States key issues such as the conflict in Syria, Iran's nuclear deal and climate change, if Donald Trump became the US 312 961766 certainly provoked reactions." Ayrault said it looked likely Trump had won power, adding, "and France is an ally of the United States . We are therefore a key partner, and we need to work together for stability and peace in the world, and 312 962720 Warning the president-elect that many domestic and global challenges stand at your doorstep, Rivlin assured him that "Israel, the United States ' strongest ally, stands by our friend and partner in any challenge that may come our way, and I have no 312 963006 that he hoped that his inauguration would bring with it a new climate in the relations between Egypt and the United States and lead to greater cooperation and coordination in accordance with the interests of the Egyptian and the American nation. The 312 963094 fought campaign saying that she wanted the special relationship between the two countries to endure and that Britain and the United States would remain "strong and close partners on trade, security and defence". The statement was more conciliatory than those previously made 312 963135 made by May who before being appointed prime minister, criticised Trump's call for a ban on Muslims from entering the United States , saying it was divisive, unhelpful and wrong. She also called his suggestion that parts of London were so radicalised that 312 963323 Throughout his campaign, Trump consistently attacked the deal signed by President Obama and essentially pledged to cast it aside. "The United States should fulfil its commitments in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the nuclear deal) as a multilateral international agreement," Zarif 312 963804 IDF responded to several instances spillover from the Syrian side with airstrikes. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he hoped the United States would continue to support Ukraine in its stand-off with Russia following the victory of Donald Trump in the US 312 964037 that it is a difficult path, in view of the unfortunate degradation of relations between the Russian Federation and the United States ," he said, adding that "it is not our fault that Russian-American relations are in such a state." Russia was 312 964431 Haider al-Abadi congratulated Trump. In a statement on his website, al-Abadi said he hopes the "world and the United States will continue to support Iraq in fighting terrorism." The Taliban called for the withdrawal of all US forces from Afghanistan 312 964676 into the country. "It was high time that people disenfranchised by the political establishment get their voices back in the United States of America too," party co-leader Frauke Petry said. The French populist, anti-immigrant politician Marine Le Pen congratulated Trump 312 964914 wrote. News of Trump's victory hit hard in Cuba, which has spent the last two years negotiating normalization with the United States after more than 50 years of Cold War hostility. Trump has promised to roll back Obama's opening with Cuba unless 312 965135 Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Calling Trump a "true friend of the State of Israel," Netanyahu told Trump that the United States has no better ally than Israel, while the newly elected American president invited the Israeli leader to Washington for a 312 965273 Hillary Clinton Netanyahu congratulates President-elect Trump () X "President-elect Trump, my friend, congratulations on being elected president of the United States of America," Netanyahu began. "You are a great friend of Israel. Over the years, you've expressed your support consistently, and 312 965797 an anti-Muslim "disgrace", openly disdainful of Arab security partnerships, who believes Saudi Arabia would cease to exist without the United States . Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Donald Trump's presidential election victory means he is the man Washington's Arab allies must 312 966497 war for the world," he said. Others are more sanguine. A senior Turkish official predicted continued strong relations with the United States and argued that "Comments in an election period always have a harder and more hawkish tone than is necessary. But 312 966544 election period." Saudis 'ready to take a risk' Trump's remarks have been combative, and eye-catching. He has said the United States should be reimbursed by the countries it provides protection for. Without America, "Saudi Arabia wouldn't exist for very long," Trump 312 966697 only delighted Western right-wingers but also jihadists who told supporters the election had revealed the true position of the United States towards Muslims. "The masks have slipped," one supporter said on Islamic State websites. "(Trump's) moronic declarations alone serve us even 312 966794 world." He earlier offered his congratulations in a statement and said Canada has no closer ally and partner than the United States . Trudeau told the students he sees a message in the election. Trump awakened a movement of angry working-class voters 312 970699 good chance for both China and America to build a new relationship," she said. Under Barack Obama, China and the United States have been at loggerheads over a wide range of issues including the South China Sea, cybersecurity and the Asian giant 312 971697 Donald Trump stunned America and the world on Tuesday by winning the race to become the 45th president of the United States , sweeping a series of key battleground states and rattling world markets that had expected Democrat Hillary Clinton to defeat the 312 971943 stints as a first lady, US senator and secretary of state. His win raises a host of questions for the United States at home and abroad. He campaigned on a pledge to take the country on a more isolationist, protectionist "America First 312 972140 jobs president that God ever created. He has vowed to impose a 35 percent tariff on goods exported to the United States by US companies that went abroad. His unpredictable nature, frequent insults and unorthodox proposals led to campaign feuds with a 312 973032 Pence is a conservative defender of family values, against abortion and gay marriage, and opposed to the idea of the United States taking in Syrian refugees. He has described himself as "a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order." Before 312 973991 Indian-Americans have expressed their delight on the election of Republican candidate Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States ."Satisfied and happy that outcome of all the efforts was good," said Shalab Kumar, Indian-American industrialist. Talking about the 312 974018 of all the efforts was good," said Shalab Kumar, Indian-American industrialist. Talking about the relationship between India and the United States post Trump`s victory, Kumar said the first effort should be to remove trade barriers so that both nations benefit.Former 312 974071 our efforts have finally paid off, we cannot be happier. Trump was today elected as the 45th president of the United States . Trump`s surprising performance at the polls ended Hillary Clinton`s quest to make history as the first female president 312 974095 surprising performance at the polls ended Hillary Clinton`s quest to make history as the first female president of the United States . Trump, a 70-year-old celebrity businessman who had never before run for office, is poised to become the oldest 312 974797 political outsider. Moscow: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said Moscow is ready to contribute to rebuilding relations with the United States with Donald Trump as president. "We have heard the pre-election statements by then-candidate (Trump), which were directed at 312 978362 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said: "We believe that Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president of the United States ." At 10:44 pm, the Times gave Trump a 93 percent chance of winning. Team Clinton vanished, avoiding reporters like 312 986099 Russia is hoping that improved relations could yield an elusive prize: the lifting or easing of sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union to punish Moscow for its 2014 annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine 312 986438 on Wednesday announced a week of pre-scheduled nationwide military exercises to prepare for "enemy actions," the day after the United States elected Donald Trump, who has threatened to unravel the U.S.-Cuban detente, as president. The Communist-ruled island did not 312 986715 our lives go from bad to worse," she said. Cubans are weary of what some describe as relations with the United States taking two steps forward and one step back. U.S.-Cuban relations deteriorated sharply during the Bush administration, which tightened the 312 988484 by saying after North Korea`s nuclear test that such provocation by the North is a direct threat to the United States ," Yun said. He made the comments in a meeting with members of parliament scheduled to discuss the results of the 312 988904 out in eight provinces but centered in Konya, NTV said. Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in the United States since 1999, has denied the charges and condemned the coup. The extent of the purges has worried rights groups and 312 990168 chief Donald Tusk told reporters in Brussels, referring to Trump's campaign slogan of "Make America Great Again". "Europe and the United States simply have no option but to cooperate as closely as possible." Tusk and European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker said 312 990399 liberal democracy." Juncker later said in a speech in Berlin that the EU should not "upend its relations with the United States " out of "annoyance" with the shock outcome of the presidential election. "We remain partners because the world needs the United 312 990420 States" out of "annoyance" with the shock outcome of the presidential election. "We remain partners because the world needs the United States and the European continent working side-by-side. That is why I strongly urge us to seek common ground," he 312 992459 Ki-moon said Wednesday. Ban congratulated the US president-elect on his victory and said people everywhere look to the United States to work for the common good. Trump has made no secret of his disregard for the United Nations, which he 312 992503 as ineffective and a waste of taxpayer money, and has pledged to withdraw from the Paris climate deal. Describing the United States as an "essential actor across the international agenda", Ban made a plea for continued US engagement in the world. "The 312 992565 uphold shared ideals, combat climate change, advance human rights," Ban told reporters at UN headquarters. "People everywhere look to the United States to use its remarkable power to help lift humanity up and to work for the common good." Ban championed the 312 992591 power to help lift humanity up and to work for the common good." Ban championed the climate deal cafter the United States , China and other big polluters joined the international agreement. "Today's global challenges demand concerted global action and joint solutions," he 312 992678 It's just like a political game. The United Nations ? I mean the money we spend on the United Nations." The United States is the biggest contributor to UN peacekeeping operations, providing some 29 percent of the nearly $ 8 billion budget for UN 312 992999 close partners with the US. I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next president of the United States , following a hard-fought campaign, she said. Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on 312 993011 on being elected the next president of the United States, following a hard-fought campaign, she said. Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. We are, and will remain 312 993364 Mexican analyst Alejandro Hope described Trumps election as DEFCON 2, the second highest level on a scale used by the United States Armed Forced to gauge the severity of a national crisis. Probably something as close to a national emergency as Mexico 312 993691 could please hard-liners in the Cuban leadership who became worried that the country was moving too close to the United States too quickly. putin Rising tensions with Russia mean that up to 300,000 Nato troops will be put on high alert 312 999189 Armenia. YEREVAN. An apparent development in Armenia-US relations is not expected after Donald Trumps election as President of the United States . Giro Manoyan, head of the Political Affairs Bureau and the Armenian Cause Office of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Dashnaktsutyun 312 999451 the U.S. presidential elections, NATO website reported. I congratulate Donald Trump on his election as the next President of the United States . And I look forward to working with President-elect Trump, he noted. Stoltenberg also said that the U.S. leadership is 312 999680 YEREVAN. The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, on Wednesday sent a congratulatory message to President-Elect Donald Trump of the United States of America. Honorable Mr. Trump, Please accept my warmest congratulations on your election as the President of the United States 312 999700 United States of America. Honorable Mr. Trump, Please accept my warmest congratulations on your election as the President of the United States . The American people has enthusiastically voted in support of your outstanding leadership qualities, your experience and vision, thus entrusting you 312 999740 entrusting you with the honorable responsibility to lead the nation. I have no doubt, that under your able leadership the United States will achieve further progress and advancement in the years to come. As the United States and Armenia prepare to celebrate 312 999755 under your able leadership the United States will achieve further progress and advancement in the years to come. As the United States and Armenia prepare to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. I seize this opportunity to express 312 999786 the establishment of diplomatic relations. I seize this opportunity to express my gratitude for the substantial support extended by the United States , over the last quarter of a century, to help Armenia build democratic institutions and strengthen its economy. In Armenia, we 312 999816 help Armenia build democratic institutions and strengthen its economy. In Armenia, we highly value the important role played by the United States , in its capacity as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk group, in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem 312 999905 our nations. As you embark upon your new responsibilities, I would like to assure you and the people of the United States of our continued friendship and sympathy and wish you utmost success in leading your country and the American people to 312 1001117 Duterte congratulated Donald Trump on his election win and said on Wednesday he now wishes to stop quarrelling with the United States , recalling his anger at the Obama administration for criticising him. The maverick leader, dubbed "Trump of the East" for his 312 1001285 he called a broken country. But the biggest surprise of Duterte's presidency so far has been his hostility toward the United States , shown during near-daily eruptions of anger over its concerns about human rights abuses during his deadly war on drugs 312 1009576 Mexico. Trump has threatened to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement and vows to build a wall along the United States southern border and force Mexico to pay for it. ___ 10:30 p.m. Caroline Kennedy, the U.S. ambassador to Japan 312 1010325 Soleil Business, said shed vote for Clinton. Never did we think a black man would become the head of the United States , and now, we have the same hopes for a woman. And if a woman becomes the head of the United 312 1010346 States, and now, we have the same hopes for a woman. And if a woman becomes the head of the United States , its a beautiful lesson for women all over, she said. ___ 5:05 p.m. A senior Australian government minister says 312 1010440 I think that would be the best outcome for Australia because she does support free trade, she does support the United States being deeply engaged in our Asian region which is critical to us, Pyne told Ten Network television late Tuesday. Australian 312 1020687 it represents the opinion of the newspaper rather than the writers. An increase in the numbers of people entering the United States illegally through our border with Mexico, but who arent from that country raises serious concerns about national security and, again 312 1020748 Security, more than 8,000 illegal border-crossers from India, China, Romania, Bangladesh and Nepal were arrested attempting to enter the United States from Mexico between October 2015 and the end of August. A recent Associated Press story suggests the trend may be 312 1020814 often by entering South American countries and crossing through Central America. Then its a hop, skip and jump into the United States through our own porous border. India and China are among the top 10 countries of origin for people caught trying 312 1021046 and war. While many of the illegal crossers likely are taking a dangerous and uncertain route to living in the United States simply to achieve the kind of income and status that would be unreachable in their own countries, there is ample 312 1021080 unreachable in their own countries, there is ample reason to be concerned that included among those people sneaking into the United States are some with evil intentions against American citizens. Congress in the past few years has stubbornly refused to address the 312 1021521 Sympathizers will swell the sound and join the celebration which at that minute will be going on all over the United States , read an article on the suffrage celebration that she found in the Journal archives. Flags will be hung down town 312 1022967 results Republican Donald Trump pulled off a shocking upset of Democrat Hillary Clinton in the race for president of the United States , although the Clinton campaign didnt publicly concede the election early Wednesday morning. However, the former first lady, secretary of state 312 1028985 murder under the current tax code. He once called JPMorgan Chase Chief Executive Jamie Dimon the worst banker in the United States and often said his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton was too cozy with the financial industry. But his surprise victory could 312 1034986 had hoped. Earlier this spring, researchers discovered that parts of Floridas coral reef tract the largest reef in the continental United States and the third-largest barrier reef ecosystem in the world are actually dissolving into the water, likely because of the 312 1035287 doing something that forces the Iranians to walk away. Though it has been applauded by allies that negotiated alongside the United States Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia and the European Union the agreement has been heavily criticized in Congress. Republican lawmakers in 312 1035401 Trump may do that senior officials on Wednesday urged a Trump administration to live up to commitments made by the United States . President Hassan Rouhani, a relative pragmatist who pushed for the deal hoping to open Iranians reclusive society to the international 312 1035495 on Iran state television Wednesday. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who negotiated the agreement on behalf of Iran, said the United States must stick to the agreed-upon details. Every U.S. president has to understand the realities of todays world, he said 312 1035632 provisions that gradually begin to lift some limitations after seven to 15 years. Dubowitz added: Theres always the risk the United States ends up isolated, as the Europeans, Chinese and Russians scramble to cut side deals with the Iranians. But one should 312 1037226 victory of a candidate like Trump, who has suggested potentially unconstitutional blocks on Muslim immigration and advocated torture, undermines the United States moral standing in the world. Social-media sites associated with both the Islamic State and al-Qaeda also hailed Trumps 312 1037257 with both the Islamic State and al-Qaeda also hailed Trumps success as the beginning of dark times for the United States , marked by domestic unrest and new foreign military campaigns would sap the strength of the American superpower. Rejoice with support 312 1037706 the millions for Trump! The reaction of these extremists is the reverse of some of the consternation aired in the United States by Trumps critics, who see in his demagogic rise the unraveling of the American republic and the collapse of the 312 1040007 opposite, leaving defense experts scrambling after his surprise election victory over Hillary Clinton to evaluate how Trump would shape the United States military posture. Brian Katulis, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a left-leaning think tank, said that 312 1040080 said. Some of the statements that have created the most consternation among current and former officials included suggestions that the United States could withdraw from NATO, statements of support for allowing new nuclear nations, and a proposal to take out families of 312 1043117 we have lived the last eight years under the president whos deported the most people in the history of the United States and that there are undocumented people who have shown a lot of strength and the power of organizing and what 312 1045493 farmers' concerns werent unfounded. Dr. Erwin Klaas, an ecology professor at Iowa State University who used to work for the United States Department of Interior and then served on his countys soil conversation district, told the Iowa Utilities Board that pipeline construction 312 1046318 federal laws. The pipeline company has not been granted the easement that is required before any horizontal drilling beneath USACE [ United States Army Corps of Engineers]-managed federal lands at Lake Oahe can begin, Corps spokesperson Moira Kelley tells ConsumerAffairs via email 312 1047046 a violation of international law. Schmitt, however, called the DNC hack a "prohibited intervention into the internal affairs of the United States ," affairs that include running elections, and that means it is a violation of international law. It may also be a 312 1051777 of Energy. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States , and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit 312 1051819 Despite steady progress in detection and treatment in recent decades, cancer remains the second leading cause of death in the United States , cutting short the lives of approximately 500,000 people each year. To better understand and combat this disease, medical researchers rely 312 1051869 organizations that systematically collect demographic and clinical information related to the diagnosis, treatment, and history of cancer incidence in the United States . The surveillance effort, coordinated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, enables researchers 312 1052023 We need to develop new tools that can automate the information-extraction process and truly modernize cancer surveillance in the United States ." Since 2014 Tourassi has led a team focused on creating software that can quickly identify valuable information in cancer reports 312 1052993 US Department of Energy's Office of Science. The single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States , the Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information 312 1061070 University of Miami's Rosenstiel School The University of Miami is one of the largest private research institutions in the southeastern United States . The University's mission is to provide quality education, attract and retain outstanding students, support the faculty and their research, and 312 1073941 he takes office in January. There is an important role for international peacekeepers, but they aren't playing it well. The United States pays $2.4 billion, 28 percent of the cost of the U.N.'s peacekeeping function. This editorial appeared on the Pittsburgh 312 1074937 a potentially awkward meeting with the man who pushed false rumors that the president might have been born outside the United States . LifeStyle The best LifeStyle shows are right here, from Australia and around the world. Catch up with the experts on 312 1075382 Marrakesh said Wednesday that climate change denier Donald Trump can't derail the global shift to clean energy, and that the United States would get left behind if he tried. The US president-elect "cannot prevent the implementation" of the landmark Paris pact 312 1075503 196-nation deal. UN chief Ban Ki-moon congratulated Trump on his victory and said people everywhere looked to the United States to work for the common good. "Today's global challenges demand concerted global action and joint solutions," he told journalists at 312 1075557 the global economy predicted the gathering momentum of that transition -- and the rising danger of global warming -- would carry the United States with it, regardless of Trump's views. Record high for global greenhouse gas emissions "The election campaign has passed," said Hilda 312 1075804 is a disaster," says a group pushing for divestment from fossil fuels Trump's threats, if carried out, would recast the United States as a climate villain, which is how it was widely perceived after George W. Bush refused to ratify the Kyoto 312 1086702 alternative power supply. By: Pius Amihere Eduku/ Ghana's President John Dramani Mahama has congratulated President-elect of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump. He posted on facebook soon after the news broke that Mr Trump had beaten Hilary 312 1087346 because he felt it was important for them to watch their dad vote for the first female president of the United States , he said. Vrbas said he doesnt understand the allure in voting for Trump, who has drawn scorn for his comments 312 1090254 a conversation with some friends on November 7, 2016, I argued that Donald Trump will win the presidency of the United States of America and that should not be surprising at all. To the majority of people, Hilarys win was largely written 312 1090326 prediction which also shed light on what appears to be one big deception in the recent political history of the United States : 1. Trump's rejection by key movers and shakers within the Republican establishment is only hypocritical facade' just to save their 312 1090460 different from President George W. Bush, however, Trump is more interested in the economy than projecting military superiority of the United States . In any case US military superiority is given. These factors partly explain why Mr. Trump had more votes in the 312 1090723 example, the re-emergence of Russia in Eastern Europe (Ukraine) and Middle East (Syria) requires a balancing act from the United States and its Allies. Trump appears to understand this security challenge, as well as non-conventional threats such as international terrorism 312 1090985 To be sure, Donald Trumps presidency would mark the beginning of a new world order that would be defined by United States global economic dominance. That is why President Trump cannot afford to act erratically if he is to succeed in reordering 312 1093778 our Homeland Ghana. Mensah Dekportor (Hamburg - Germany) Email: [email protected] President John Mahama has congratulated the President-elect of the United States of America, Donald Trump. Mr Trump of the Republican Party beat his main contender Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party 312 1093920 many political watchers have described as shocking. Mr Trump described the momentum leading to his victory as a movement. Ghana United States relations Ghana and the United States have had a peaceful and generally friendly relationship over the past five (5) decades 312 1093926 shocking. Mr Trump described the momentum leading to his victory as a movement. Ghana United States relations Ghana and the United States have had a peaceful and generally friendly relationship over the past five (5) decades. Both countries have established close ties 312 1096287 and people of the Republic of Seychelles, President Danny Faure has sent a congratulatory message to President-elect of the United States of America, Mr Donald J. Trump following his win in the country's general election. In his message, President Faure wished 312 1096326 President Faure wished Mr Trump every success as he prepares to discharge the important duties which lay ahead as the United States of America's 45th President. "Our two countries enjoy a long history of deep rooted ties and friendly relations. Over the 312 1096395 from which we draw our common perspectives," said President Faure. In addition, President Faure also said that Seychelles and the United States of America have realised an excellent and steady progression in cooperation, which has diversified from prominence in the military sector 312 1096457 for President-elect Donald J Trump, for continued good health and for the well being of the people of the United States of America. Social media can either make or mar businesses, individuals and even celebrities. This is why these individuals and 312 1097756 she stated. -Starrfmonline I join many across the world in extending my warmest congratulations to the President-Elect of the United States of America, Donald Trump, on his victory in the November 8 election. His competitor, Secretary Hillary Clinton, is also to 312 1097814 change in government after 8-years of the Obama-led Democratic government, has strengthened even further the status of the United States of America as a bastion of democracy in the modern world. I commend the Republican Party, the sister party of 312 1097957 of freedom, development, progress and prosperity. Warm congratulations once again to President-Elect Donald Trump and the people of the United States of America. God bless him and the American people, and best wishes for his and the country's continued success. signed 312 1098000 Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo 2016 NPP Presidential Candidate, Ghana. Ghanas President John Dramani Mahama has congratulated President-elect of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump. He posted on facebook soon after the news broke that Mr Trump had beaten Hilary 312 1098865 filing on October 29, 2016 to contest the impending presidential elections. More soon By: Godwin A. Allotey/ The United States Ambassador to Ghana says the current relationship between his country and Ghana would not be altered because of a change 312 1098984 much as they are, he said. Donald Trump on Wednesday defied the odds to become the 45th President of the United States , despite expert predictions to the contrary. Mr Trump contested former First Lady, Hillary Clinton who garnered the support of more 312 1099529 four conservatives led in districts currently represented by more moderate Republicans. "Right now, it looks like the people of the United States are wanting a government that listens to the people," said Suzanne Geist, who claimed victory in District 25, which includes 312 1104604 OF THE SUPREME COURT COUNSEL Accra, November 9, 2016 Officials of the Economic Office and the Commercial Service of the United States Embassy in Ghana have paid a familiarization visit to West Africas only solar manufacturing plant, owned by Strategic Power Solutions 312 1104938 the launch and gradual implementation of a Power Africa Initiative and the passing of the Electrifying Africa Act by the United States Congress. With Ghanas national access to electricity currently estimated at 80%, the United States Embassy lists the power and electrical 312 1104952 the Electrifying Africa Act by the United States Congress. With Ghanas national access to electricity currently estimated at 80%, the United States Embassy lists the power and electrical supply sector as a viable sector for investment by US companies. It is believed 312 1108699 the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has congratulated Donald Trump for his impressive win in the just ended elections in the United States of America. In a statement, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo Trumps win has strengthened even further the status of the 312 1108721 of America. In a statement, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo Trumps win has strengthened even further the status of the United States of America as a bastion of democracy in the modern world. Below is a copy of the full statement I 312 1108759 the full statement I join many across the world in extending my warmest congratulations to the President-Elect of the United States of America, Donald Trump, on his victory in the November 8 election. His competitor, Secretary Hillary Clinton, is also to 312 1108817 change in government after 8-years of the Obama-led Democratic government, has strengthened even further the status of the United States of America as a bastion of democracy in the modern world. I commend the Republican Party, the sister party of 312 1108960 of freedom, development, progress and prosperity. Warm congratulations once again to President-Elect Donald Trump and the people of the United States of America. God bless him and the American people, and best wishes for his and the countrys continued success. Signed 312 1110654 Ghanas first lady, Lordina Mahama has said President Mahama is already implementing promises made by President-elect of the United States , Donald Trump in Ghana. Donald Trump had assured Americans of building infrastructure including roads, schools, hospitals, airports, highways, bridges, and 312 1119699 sensationalism and partisan activities to matriculate Ghana into a higher level of democracy, peace and stability. GNA Voters in the United States of America have voted in the much anticipated presidential election between the Democratic Party candidate and former Secretary of State 312 1119825 very, very hard-fought campaign". Donald Trump will win the White House, making him the 45th US president of the United States of America. READ ALSO: US election: TB Joshua under attack over FAILED prediction Donald Trump will win Arizona, according to 312 1120199 takes commanding lead over Clinton, Trump's supporters have gathered outside the white house. Source: At the start of the United States election when it was clear that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump had secured their parties nomination. It was clear from 312 1120292 American President. It was thus a disappointment for many when Donald Trump was announced as the 45th president of the United States of America on Tuesday November 9, 2016. Now that Trump has won, what are the implications for Nigerians especially those 312 1120396 deport immigrants from the US. A majority of Nigerians are also Muslims, a group Trump wants to bar from the United States . Again in his speech as the president elect he said "I am the president of all Americans. Regardless of who 312 1120699 There were about 266,000 US residents claiming Nigerian heritage. Nigerians are the single largest contemporary African immigrant group in the United States . They feared that a Trump win would mean mass deportation. 6. He believes America First (Favouritism) Trump confirmed in his 312 1121257 retirement accounts up to $250,000. The Share Insurance Fund has the backing of the full faith and credit of the United States . The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services placed Valley State Credit Union into conservatorship on Aug. 17, 2016 because 312 1130780 times.###("CSH") , headquartered in Dallas, Texas, is a premier investment banking firm serving and investing in financial institutions across the United States since 2007. CSH is comprised of the following entities:, (Member FINRA/SIPC) is a broker-dealer whose services include: Mergers 312 1130899 End -- SOLitude Lake Management, an industry leader in lake and pond management, fisheries management and related environmental services for the United States , was named to Inside Business' 2016 Roaring 20 list for the fourth consecutive year. The company was honored on November 312 1135512 and physical disabilities called fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) that can affect children's development with long-lasting consequences. In the United States and Western Europe, it's estimated that 2 to 5 percent of school-age children are affected by FASD. In some 312 1135591 behavioral issues. Despite widespread prevention guidelines, drinking during pregnancy still occurs, in part because roughly half of pregnancies in the United States are unplanned and many women may not realize that they need to stop consuming alcohol before harm occurs. "It's a 312 1137017 website and in an interview with Trump's eldest daughter, Ivanka. National Perspective on Paid Leave As it stands globally, the United States is dead last when it comes to supporting new parents in the workforce. Out of 41 developed countries, the United 312 1137038 States is dead last when it comes to supporting new parents in the workforce. Out of 41 developed countries, the United States is the only nation without some form of national paid parental leave for employees with newborns. That's according to a 312 1139176 for farm animals is coming to an end," Paul Shapiro, vice president of policy for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), told The Dodo. Dodo Shows Faith = Restored Couple Meets A Beach Dog In Mexico Who Changes Their Life Pigs 312 1143030 victims against harmful and inappropriate sexual behaviour in the military. Read more about: SHARE: Toronto Mayor John Tory says the United States will adjust to president-elect Donald Trump and he expects Trump will adjust his brash style to fit the job 312 1143110 Torontos economy and welcomes any Americans who want to move to Canadas biggest city. I would never bet against the United States and I think they will adjust to this different kind of leadership and so too I think will Mr. Trump 312 1143249 of skin, every nationality, and that's what we'll continue to do in Toronto and I trust as president of the United States he'll realize that that's really what the United States has a history of doing as well. Tory said he does 312 1143258 to do in Toronto and I trust as president of the United States he'll realize that that's really what the United States has a history of doing as well. Tory said he does not fear for Torontos economy, although Trump vowed during 312 1143481 Clinton represents a better opportunity to heal the wounds of a polarized America because a strong, united, prosperous positive-looking United States is very important to the well-being of Toronto. Councillor Norm Kelly posted to his 361,000 Twitter followers a photo 312 1148022 NAFTA) that is so vital to Ontarios economy. My biggest fear is the trade relationship, the premier said, mindful the United States is far and away the provinces most important trading partner accounting for 80.5 per cent of Ontario exports. The degree 312 1148266 Couillard said while it is easier for Trump to say he will withdraw from it than actually do so. The United States is clearly a major partner. It is an unavoidable player. But I see things like China making a move toward 312 1148304 making a move toward setting up a national carbon market. It will be difficult for a great country like the United States to ignore that, the Quebec premier said. Wynne, for her part, emphasized there are lessons for leaders around the globe 312 1148456 are being left behind by globalization. We know were stronger if we have a fair society. Whats happened in the United States really emphasizes that. Still, Wynne said she had no regrets about being so publicly critical of Trump. In a June 312 1148563 had hoped to see a woman elected president. It would be such an important message to young women in the United States and in the world, said Wynne. So, this is the reverse of that message and we have to understand why 312 1149381 expats and Canadian politics enthusiasts gathered at various election parties, eager to find out who would emerge president of the United States and lead our nations biggest trading partner. Life-sized candidate cutouts, electoral-map bingo and locker-room-talk cocktails were 312 1149699 said, and that time is important to remember as we conclude what has been a bitter election campaign in the United States . Elections, voting of the free people, have given our leaders direction on how to address (current) challenges . . . . And thats what 312 1149789 women understand quite how important it is to have a woman in . . . the highest office in the land in the United States , Wynne told reporters. I think it will make a huge difference to women all over the world if Hillary Clinton 312 1149842 Not that a Trump presidency would be unworkable. The reality is, we work with whoever is the president of the United States , Wynne said. My hope is that whoever is there will understand how important Canada, and Ontario, are to that partnership 312 1150076 corruption and Trump is the best candidate for that, Pasos said. I believe that if he is successful, then the United States , and, hopefully, by extension, Canada will become less corrupt. Aubree Peardon said she was unbothered by some of Trumps rhetoric 312 1154446 Tuesday, this time with colossal global consequences. The Republican businessman and former reality television star was elected president of the United States , completing an astonishing rise from political laughingstock to leader of the free world. Trumps victory, perhaps the most staggering election 312 1166101 money from the U.S. to Mexico in order to fund the barrier. Around 80% of Mexican exports go to the United States , leaving the Mexican economy heavily reliant on the U.S. for stability and growth. The election result now leaves Mexico hanging 312 1166250 has threatened to leave the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that was entered into by Canada, Mexico and the United States in 1994. Instead of Kansas City Southern stock, "I would reach for Norfolk Southern (NSC) right now," Cramer said. The 312 1168023 Inc., together with its subsidiaries, develops, produces, and markets crude oil, natural gas liquids, and natural gas in Canada, the United States , and the Asia Pacific region. The company operates through Oil Sands, Conventional, Offshore, Canadian Manufacturing, U.S. Manufacturing, and Retail segments 312 1168253 Plains GP Holdings, L.P., through its subsidiary, Plains All American Pipeline, L.P., owns and operates midstream energy infrastructure in the United States and Canada. The company operates in two segments, Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs). The company engages in the 312 1170490 provider that offers physical delivery and related services for electricity, natural gas, crude oil, and natural gas liquids in the United States . The company generates, transmits, distributes, and sells electric energy. It provides retail electric service to approximately 879,000 customers, which covers 312 1178722 press handled it like a bunch of connivers. Humayun Khan was a Muslim American Army captain who died serving the United States in 2004. His father, Khizr Khan, spoke at the Democratic National Convention and offered a strong rebuke of Donald Trump 312 1178750 spoke at the Democratic National Convention and offered a strong rebuke of Donald Trump, saying, Have you even read the United States Constitution? (Video: Victoria Walker/The Washington Post;Photo: Michael Robinson Chavez/The Washington Post) Joel Benenson: The place erupted. It 312 1188655 at an election night event at a New York hotel November 8. He was elected the 45th president of the United States . (Ricky Carioti /The Washington Post) Donald Trump, a New York real estate developer and former reality television star, was elected 312 1188680 Washington Post) Donald Trump, a New York real estate developer and former reality television star, was elected president of the United States on Tuesday, stunning many political observers and pollsters who expected a victory from his rival, Hillary Clinton. Trump, the Republican 312 1189088 to keep others from illegally crossing the Southern border. In December, he called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States , citing concerns over Islamic terrorism. Politicians from both parties condemned the proposed ban, saying that it was discriminatory and probably 312 1189125 it was discriminatory and probably unconstitutional. Trump has expressed doubts about climate change and said that he would withdraw the United States from the Paris agreement, which officially went into effect Friday and aims to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. The majority 312 1190793 Americans anxiously await the results of the 2016 election. Caption Donald Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States . The real-estate developer and former reality-TV star is the first person to win the presidency without having previously 312 1194305 what information I could. But what a website! This is a big corporation, making a lot of stuff. In the United States , the Resolve name remains on carpet-cleaning products. It looks like the stain-removing laundry potion is still called Resolve 312 1194361 Lets find a mutually agreeable resolution that encourages them to leave. If we were naming that product today in the United States , wed call it Drone Strike. The U.S.-Canada divide is apparent in Reckitt Benckisers Air Wick line of air fresheners 312 1194438 Air Wick Freshmatic that you can get in Canada is one called Moms Baking. Meanwhile, a similar scent in the United States is called Moms Apple Pie. Murica. I dont mean that in a political way. Reckitt Benckiser makes both Easy-Off 312 1198044 crowd outside the White House was there to cheer on Hillary Clinton, to celebrate the first female president of the United States . But as the results rolled in from across the country, and Clinton kept losing in key states, her supporters grew 312 1201441 also chose Clinton after growing fed up with Trumps criticism of Latinos and promise to build a wall separating the United States from Mexico. Its time for a change and I dont think separating people is what we need right now, Gomez 312 1201542 white Trump-supporters voting groups. (Astrid Riecken/For The Washington Post) Polash Chowdhurry, 60, a Muslim who immigrated to the United States from Bangladesh in 1985, said he was voting for Trump because he would break up what he described as Washingtons 312 1201574 because he would break up what he described as Washingtons cartel. Referring to Trumps promise to ban Muslims from the United States , Chowdhurry said, Hes not against Muslim people. Hes against Muslim terrorists. Voting proceeded smoothly in most places, though there were 312 1202121 the more conventional candidates missed. Northern Virginias growing immigrant population, however, gave Clinton an edge. After 31 years in the United States as legal permanent residents, Marco and Susana Tanchez finally became citizens earlier this year so they could vote for the 312 1208642 Democratic ticket and look forward to the many ways Virginians and Americans will benefit from his continued leadership in the United States Senate. Although in the minority party, he could follow a path forged by Rep. Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), who 312 1213308 limit of heavy water. The amount was greater in that case, and some of the excess was exported to the United States under an arrangement criticized by U.S. congressional opponents. Associated Press ESTONIA Prime minister loses vote of confidence Estonias government collapsed 312 1214125 reconsider. In willfully alienating them, the regime has traded a sullen short-term peace for long-term instability. For the United States and for Europe, the moment of reckoning has now arrived: The West as we know it is nearing the end 312 1214151 moment of reckoning has now arrived: The West as we know it is nearing the end of its life. The United States of America has just elected as president a man who not only brags about groping women and swindles his business 312 1214494 Israel we ask people what they think of the election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States . Well update this video as more voices come in. (Jason Aldag/The Washington Post) Trump has also surrounded himself, from 312 1215358 al-Assad to defeat the Islamic State. Trump proposed this shared campaign during that same debate. If Russia and the United States got along well and went after ISIS, that would be good, he said. He offered positive comments about Assad, saying 312 1215574 Close Skip Ad What Election Night looked like View Photos Donald Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States . The real-estate developer and former reality-TV star is the first person to win the presidency without having previously 312 1215616 held public office or served in the U.S. military. Caption Donald Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States . The real-estate developer and former reality-TV star is the first person to win the presidency without having previously 312 1216552 West, where countries that have significant cyber capacity start engaging in competition unhealthy competition or conflict through these means. The United States was clearer in an Oct. 7 public statement by Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. and Secretary of 312 1216599 stated that Russias senior-most officials had authorized cyberattacks that were intended to interfere with the U.S. election process. The United States has not yet taken any covert action to respond to Russian cyberattacks, contrary to some news reports. Thats because Obama 312 1216826 expedient decision: Roughly 25,000 SDF fighters are ready, while a Free Syrian Army force supported by both Turkey and the United States is said to need more months of training. The Turks dont like the SDF coalition because its built around a 312 1223985 Americans anxiously await the results of the 2016 election. Caption Donald Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States . The real-estate developer and former reality-TV star is the first person to win the presidency without having previously 312 1225704 the U.S. election View Photos People around the globe watched as Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States . Caption People around the globe watched as Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States. Nov. 12 312 1225722 of the United States. Caption People around the globe watched as Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States . Nov. 12, 2016 Activists take part in an anti-Donald Trump demonstration at the Angel de la Independencia monument in 312 1233474 Close Skip Ad What Election Night looks like View Photos Donald Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States . The real-estate developer and former reality-TV star is the first person to win the presidency without having previously 312 1233516 held public office or served in the U.S. military. Caption Donald Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States . The real-estate developer and former reality-TV star is the first person to win the presidency without having previously 312 1234480 telling her that Trump wants to deport immigrants like her and that he doesnt respect women. Rincon immigrated to the United States from Colombia two decades ago and has been a citizen for many years. I tell her: Im not illegal. Thats 312 1236631 Close Skip Ad What Election Night looks like View Photos Donald Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States . The real-estate developer and former reality-TV star is the first person to win the presidency without having previously 312 1236673 held public office or served in the U.S. military. Caption Donald Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States . The real-estate developer and former reality-TV star is the first person to win the presidency without having previously 312 1237260 exit poll data. A majority also opposed Trumps signature proposal to build a wall on the southern border of the United States . Emily Guskin and Claudia Deane contributed to this report. Demonstrators around the country hit the streets on Nov. 9 to 312 1242320 to lead Britain out of the European Union, hit the campaign trail with Trump and plans to fly to the United States on Thursday. And Dutch politicians say they were inspired by Trumps improvised election effort. He has such a small campaign 312 1242460 immigrant Freedom Party is poised to seize the Austrian presidency Dec. 4 and it just sent a delegation to the United States to study the Trump campaign, one official said. But in a hint at some limits on Trumps effect on European 312 1242613 for many Euroskeptic leaders the Trump victory was a delightful glimpse into future electoral possibilities. When it rains in the United States of America, you feel the drops here in Europe, said Filip Dewinter, a leader of Belgiums far-right Flemish Interest 312 1242856 moments in the long history of U.S.-Iran tensions] Though it has been applauded by allies that negotiated alongside the United States Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia and the European Union the agreement has been heavily criticized in Congress. Republican lawmakers in 312 1242970 Trump may do that senior officials on Wednesday urged a Trump administration to live up to commitments made by the United States . [Irans supreme leader calls both Trump and Clinton catastrophic] President Hassan Rouhani, a relative pragmatist who pushed for the deal 312 1243073 on Iran state television Wednesday. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who negotiated the agreement on behalf of Iran, said the United States must stick to the agreed-upon details. An Iranian woman walks past a mural on the wall of the former 312 1243233 provisions that gradually begin to lift some limitations after seven to 15 years. Dubowitz added: Theres always the risk the United States ends up isolated, as the Europeans, Chinese and Russians scramble to cut side deals with the Iranians. But one should 312 1244882 ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. Zavala-Garcia was living in the United States illegally, Parsons says. He had previously pleaded guilty to misdemeanor family violence from a 2014 incident and served 30 days 312 1246170 SPCAwake) November 8, 2016 Watch: 3-Year-Old Girl Celebrates Election Day By Dressing Up As Candidates Related Articles: The United States wakes up Wednesday morning to a scenario that until very late Tuesday night, had seemed all but impossible: Republican Donald 312 1246402 president. The victory hands Trump, the real estate mogul and former reality television star, an extraordinary opportunity to reshape the United States , both domestically and internationally. He has vowed massive changes to policy on trade, immigration, health care, national security, and a 312 1246691 a deportation force that would be in charge of rounding up and deporting some 12 million people who entered the United States illegally, including people brought to the country as small children. What will happen to NATO? The future of the North 312 1246743 since the years after World War II, is now in doubt. Trump has expressed doubt about the need for the United States to continue honoring some or all of the mutual defense treaty. How will minority groups react? Trumps victory will be 312 1246815 the growing alt-right movement, which demonizes racial minorities, Jews, and others. He has proposed banning Muslims from entering the United States . His supporters have, time and again, been associated with anti-Semitic and racist language. How will women react? Many women 312 1246849 racist language. How will women react? Many women expected to see Hillary Clinton become the first female president of the United States . Instead, they are facing the prospect of watching a man who has bragged about committing sexual assault -- and has been 312 1247380 to vote, they got to witness the political process firsthand as their parents helped determine the next president of the United States . hit the streets to speak with mothers, fathers, and kids about why they came to the polls together today 312 1251604 killed. Who would have thought a year and a half ago that Donald Trump would be president-elect of the United States ? Before he announced his candidacy in June 2015 -- at an event in which he called Mexicans rapists -- his was generally 312 1253603 worked as an assistant county manager for Clark County, Nevada. She also served as a federal criminal prosecutor for the United States Attorneys Office in Washington, D.C. and was chief of staff to governor Bob Miller, according to her website. WATCH: Donald 312 1258241 small" and "large" states, and it was solved by the odious three-fifths compromise, whereby black residents of the new United States of America would be counted as three-fifths of a human being, an arrangement that guaranteed the states in which 312 1258408 33,000 people of different races and genders between it and the podium where the first African-American President of the United States explained why he wanted to hand the job to the first woman President of the United States. If it's possible 312 1258425 President of the United States explained why he wanted to hand the job to the first woman President of the United States . If it's possible to be rueful and powerful at the same time, the president managed to do it. "I'm betting 312 1259254 Los Angeles company to avoid tens of millions of dollars in liabilities, including leases for around 140 stores in the United States and Canada. The company is discussing a bankruptcy sale to brand licensor Sequential Brands Group Inc and financial services company 312 1259377 on Tuesday it was winding down its operations in the U.K. Any potential deal to sell its business in the United States must ensure that American Apparel continues to manufacture in that country, despite cheaper alternatives overseas, the people said. Talks with 312 1259912 16,877 km, a minor bureaucratic snafu and a short queue later, Eric Smith finally got to vote in the 2016 United States presidential election on Tuesday (8 November) local time, having flown all the way home from Singapore specially to vote. I 312 1260583 some 700 guests present at an election watch party at the Conrad Centennial on Wednesday (9 November), hosted by the United States Embassy and the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore. They laid on a generous spread of American treats like steak 312 1261093 candidate's election victory. Trump has "raised serious concerns about the strength of commitment we can expect to see from the United States towards human rights in the future," said Salil Shetty, secretary general of the London-based group. "He must now put 312 1261125 general of the London-based group. "He must now put this behind him and both reaffirm and abide by the United States obligations on human rights, at home and abroad," Shetty said. Margaret Huang, executive director of Amnesty International USA, criticised "disturbing 312 1261203 camps to the use of torture, we have seen disastrous results when those we elect to represent us flout the United States ' obligations to uphold human rights," she said. Trump "must publicly commit to upholding the human rights of all without discrimination 312 1261253 at America's democratic fabric, the 70-year-old tycoon pledged to deport illegal immigrants and ban Muslims from entering the United States . OAKLAND, Calif. (Reuters) - Protests against Donald Trump broke out in California's Bay Area late on Tuesday after the Republican candidate 312 1262074 this morning after Donald Trump clinched his victory, Azealia Banks reveled at the sight of the new president of the United States . The overzealous "212" rapper jumped on Instagram and voiced her excitement in a post strictly dedicated to The Donald. "First 312 1262494 Donald Trump, praising the Republican presidential nominee. With the announcement that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States , Banks has taken to social media to congratulate Trump on his win. "First off, I would like to apologize to 312 1262937 Lakshmi, actress and host of the hit reality show Top Chef. Read more: Donald Trump Named President-Elect of the United States Defying the polls, Trump began winning state after state, while a number of battleground states were too close to call 312 1267899 Careful not to critique Obama, Rubin said Clintons suggestion of a no-fly zone reflects a recognition that if the United States is going to play a diplomatic role, to be able to deliver a successful outcome in Syria, that it needs 312 1269759 Burberry as its Christmas campaign, reported adjusted pretax profit of 146 million pounds, reflecting tougher trading in stores in the United States and Hong Kong. The company had already announced a 4 percent drop in half-year sales to 1.16 billion pounds 312 1269852 to uncertainty over prospects for the global economy, analysts said. Burberry makes about 20 percent of its sales in the United States . Citi analysts said they expected no change to forecasts for Burberry to make full-year adjusted pretax profit of 447 312 1273779 after seven years of planning. The suit is based on Chapter 11 of NAFTA -- the 1994 trade pact between the United States , Canada and Mexico -- which aims to protect foreign investors from potential losses. * Canadian dollar at C$1.3443, or 74.39 U.S 312 1274247 tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) under which Canada sends 75 percent of its exports to the United States . David MacNaughton, the Canadian ambassador to Washington, told reporters that he interpreted the Trump camp's comments on NAFTA as a 312 1274433 all levels of the U.S. political system," he said. A November study by Export Development Canada said exports to the United States could drop between 1.2 percent to 4.5 percent, depending on what approach Trump took. The two nations are locked in 312 1274628 congratulating him on his surprise victory in the US elections. "Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States ," Trudeau said in a statement. "We look forward to working very closely with president-elect Trump, his administration, and with 312 1274651 said in a statement. "We look forward to working very closely with president-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment and international peace and security." Speaking later to 312 1274785 former secretary of state, senator and first lady who was seeking to become America's first woman president. Canada and the United States share the world's longest international border and are its biggest trade partners with about $2 billion in bilateral exchanges each 312 1274830 North American Free Trade Agreement, which Trump has vowed to renegotiate. The 1994 accord, which binds Canada, Mexico and the United States , unites 530 million consumers and represents more than one-quarter of global GDP. "The relationship between our two countries serves 312 1276313 risk factors and uncertainties, some of which are described in the Company's Quarterly, Annual and Current Reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should any of 312 1277994 by Beijing to justify its own myriad oppressions. That leads to the third victory, on human rights. Every year, the United States puts out a report on Chinas human rights calamities and every year China responds with its own report, a mixture 312 1278461 Although China regularly trashes the US, the countrys growth has been dependent, ironically enough, on a strong, stable and prosperous United States willing to trade with the world. Globalization, as Chinese authors have repeatedly argued in the last few months, is vital 312 1278531 by 2020. If Trump actually follows through on his protectionist plans, and his decisions have the same effect on the United States as they have on his many failed businesses, Chinas own economy, already quivering, will start to shake. Beijings ambitious plans 312 1278586 may be able to compensate for that or may prove just as unstable in a rudderless world. China and the United States have often been compared to the two wings of the global economy; if one goes, they spiral down together. BEIJING 312 1278850 following an protracted campaign rife with personal attacks, Donald J. Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to become President-elect of the United States . Despite its potential momentous impact on relations between Washington and Beijing, the elections unexpected outcome generated little heat in Chinese 312 1279350 China Central Television commenter He Fan opined that the greatest danger Trumps election poses is not domestic, but outside the United States . The essay describes Trump as raving on matters of state and totally inexperienced. Such a neophyte would normally rely on 312 1279835 Marrakesh said Wednesday that climate change denier Donald Trump can't derail the global shift to clean energy, and that the United States would get left behind if he tried. The US president-elect "cannot prevent the implementation" of the landmark Paris pact 312 1279956 196-nation deal. UN chief Ban Ki-moon congratulated Trump on his victory and said people everywhere looked to the United States to work for the common good. "Today's global challenges demand concerted global action and joint solutions," he told journalists at 312 1280010 the global economy predicted the gathering momentum of that transition -- and the rising danger of global warming -- would carry the United States with it, regardless of Trump's views. "The election campaign has passed," said Hilda Heine, president of the Marshall Islands, whose 312 1280238 largest greenhouse gas polluter after China, representing some 13 percent of emissions. Trump's threats, if carried out, would recast the United States as a climate villain, which is how it was widely perceived after George W. Bush refused to ratify the Kyoto 312 1280758 the irony is that US Constitution does not provide for the right to directly vote for the presidency of the United States . Each of the 50 states and the capital Washington has a number of electors based on its congressional representation. Story 312 1285858 believe there could be several players in Mexico and Latin America more broadly that rely on heavy exports to the United States that could be negatively affected by new administration policies--including heavily amended or outright repeals of current trade agreements or 312 1296044 led to a loosening of bank regulations. The election of Donald Trump to the office of the President of the United States of America has me afraid, too. Except this time, we all have a good idea what's coming. For us, and 312 1296215 Mexico, and his plan to curb assistance for refugees all speak to a culture of fear of cultures within the United States and outside of it. Story continues While President Obama wasn't quite the super-progressive his biggest supporters wanted him to 312 1296496 unity in her concession speech More From Business Insider Donald Trump shocked the pundit class, the media, Washington, D.C., the United States , the world, and yours truly tonight. We were wrong about Trumps electoral prospects, thinking he had little to no chance 312 1297093 greatly concerned about what a Trump presidency would mean and they will have a great incentive to hedge against the United States , protecting themselves from their worst-case fears of what Trump might do. He would be wise to reach out to 312 1297492 it wouldnt happen this way. But on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016, Americans elected Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States . Sure, there was always a chance. The British voted to leave the European Union when so few expected them to 312 1298309 riding the wave of an unprecedented populist movement to put himself in line to be the 45th president of the United States . The Republican presidential nominee secured the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House. In doing so, he completed 312 1299728 New York Hilton, Donald Trump delivered a gracious acceptance speech last night after winning the election for president of the United States . "Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business. "Ive just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us, its about 312 1302018 state Clinton was expected to carry. At age 70, Trump is the oldest person to be elected President of the United States . Trump was expected to win Nevada, where he filed a lawsuit early in the day claiming that an election official 312 1302161 state Clinton was expected to carry. At age 70, Trump is the oldest person to be elected President of the United States . Trump was expected to win Nevada, where he filed a lawsuit early in the day claiming an election official kept 312 1302274 outside and bumped into a stream of flying pigs, because Donald Trump has been named the new President of the United States despite having no political experience. In fact, the businessman has proven to be highly controversial during his presidential campaign, vowing 312 1302629 9, 2016 I'm so excited for @KanyeWest to kick @realDonaldTrump out of the White House and be president of the United States !! ANYTHING is possible! Perez (@ThePerezHilton) November 9, 2016 Kanye West For President 2020 ???????? Ramel Forde (@RamelForde) November 9 312 1303360 daughter of a Thai-Chinese mother and a U.S. Marine father. Her father and his family had been in the United States for centuries a point Duckworth brought up in her campaign to illustrate her familys legacy of service and her decision 312 1305420 take ownership of this situation." See some of the reactions below. Read more: Donald Trump Named President-Elect of the United States I guess Brexit doesn't seem so bad now. - Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) November 9, 2016 Canada has just started building a 312 1310712 She listens. She thinks. She cares. She will listen to the American people. She will think about us. U.S. These United States . She will listen and think and care for people who opposed her too. She is an amazing woman who deserves 312 1311315 will become the president-elect, some Californians are taking to social media to renew calls for a break from the United States . Late in the evening on Tuesday, Nov. 8, the term #Calexit was trending locally on Twitter. Another popular hashtag was 312 1311378 that Trump is on the verge of a stunning upset of Hillary Clinton. Calls for California to secede from the United States have been around for some time, but the British vote to leave the European Union, known as Brexit, reignited such 312 1312100 their thoughts on Twitter as the candidate led the presidential race. Read more: Donald Trump Named President-Elect of the United States See some of their reactions below. Great faith in God works. Mr @realDonaldTrump I'm proud to call you President of 312 1312123 some of their reactions below. Great faith in God works. Mr @realDonaldTrump I'm proud to call you President of the United States of America. And First Lady @MELANIATRUMP - Scott Baio (@ScottBaio) November 9, 2016 God bless America !! & our 45th President of the 312 1316260 an attorney or entered a plea, Aikens says. Brussels (AFP) - The European Union will continue to work together with the United States following the election of Republican Donald Trump as president, EU foreign affairs head Federica Mogherini said Wednesday. "EU-US ties 312 1316871 regard to France and Europe, which he "appears to know pretty badly". "It forces us to reorganise ourselves because the United States will defend its interests so we will need to defend ours, those of France and Europe, so in a way 312 1316925 Kar-Gupta, Jean-Baptiste Vey and Simon Carraud; Editing by Mark Heinrich) Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States , with a surprise win in Wisconsin leading him to victory in Wednesday's early hours. According to the Associated Press, Trump 312 1318489 case. EU investigators seeking to pinpoint dumping compare Chinese export prices to those of a third country, such as the United States , rather than to domestic prices in China. The United States has warned China it has not done enough to qualify 312 1318499 prices to those of a third country, such as the United States, rather than to domestic prices in China. The United States has warned China it has not done enough to qualify for market economy status. Beijing has insisted it be treated 312 1319450 dubbed "the pioneer of a new authoritarian and chauvinist international movement" by Germany's deputy chancellor could take power in the United States . The day before, one of the EU's leaders had confided a contingency plan of "crossing ourselves and praying". The day 312 1320782 stocks were the standout sector performers, up 2.7 percent in early trade as potential risks to pricing practices in the United States were seen as significantly reduced with a Trump win. Gold miners were poised for a strong day as the precious 312 1320981 at 1.59 percent lower at 443,02 points. Republican Trump defeated his Democratic rival to become the 45th president of the United States , sending shockwaves across global stock markets. "This is another black swan for European stocks -- despite Brexit, markets were still not 312 1324279 Chief Alex Marlow said in an interview with Reuters last week that he plans to hire more journalists in the United States and increase Breitbart's multimedia production here, with more podcasts and videos. "Theres going to be more hiring that goes on 312 1324685 to leave the EU was Breitbart's most heavily trafficked day up to that point--(overall) both in London and the United States . Alexandra Preate, a spokeswoman for Breitbart, declined to disclose how much revenue it generates and the identities of its main 312 1334728 the pile will be Russia. Only Russia retains a sufficiently powerful nuclear arsenal to destroy a significant portion of the United States with a single attack. Additionally, under Putin, Russia will continue to push the United States in Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, and 312 1334743 a significant portion of the United States with a single attack. Additionally, under Putin, Russia will continue to push the United States in Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, and in the cyber sphere, despite the Russian Presidents stated affinity for Trump. Cooperation will be 312 1335748 polls and the collective media establishment had Hillary Clinton as the overwhelming favorite to become the 45th president of the United States . At the start of the night, about 50 bystanders had gathered behind metal barriers outside of Fox News on Avenue 312 1337918 campaign spokespersons, said of his strong ratings. But she added: "It's not quite the same in France and in the United States ." Unlike in the United States for the Trump vote, pollsters in France have recently tended to overestimate support for the 312 1337923 strong ratings. But she added: "It's not quite the same in France and in the United States." Unlike in the United States for the Trump vote, pollsters in France have recently tended to overestimate support for the anti-immigration National Front (FN 312 1338716 regard to France and Europe, which he "appears to know pretty badly". "It forces us to reorganize ourselves because the United States will defend its interests so we will need to defend ours, those of France and Europe, so in a way 312 1340153 she hoped the same kind of upset would happen in France next year. "Congratulations to the new president of the United States Donald Trump and to the free American people!" Le Pen, who will compete in France's presidential election six months from 312 1340276 Marie Le Pen, the party founder who reached the second round of French presidential elections in 2002, tweeted: "Today the United States , tomorrow France." France's National Front has been building support for its anti-immigration, anti-European Union stance in recent years 312 1340903 him on the trail. On Tuesday night she joined his supporters as he was elected the 45th President of the United States : The last time I saw Donald Trump, it was in March and he had invited me on the campaign trail 312 1341752 HIK.L), Shire (SHP.L), Astrazeneca (AZN.L) and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK.L) gained 2.7 to 8.3 percent. Some companies with significant exposure to the United States also rose. CRH (CRH.L) a construction firm which had been touted as a potential beneficiary from any increase in U.S 312 1342049 Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush congratulated Donald Trump Wednesday on being elected the 45th president of the United States . "Barbara and I congratulate @realDonaldTrump, wish him well as he guides America forward as our next President," George H.W. Bush 312 1342122 his spokesperson. "This morning I called President-elect Donald Trump and congratulated him on his election as President of the United States of America," he said. "Laura and I wish the President-elect, Melania, and the entire Trump family all our very 312 1342513 9 (Reuters) - Germany's auto industry association VDA on Wednesday said it was concerned that the election of Donald Trump as United States President could hamper trade and the flow of goods. The association which represents BMW, Volkswagen and Daimler said the election 312 1342553 the election campaign had shown that competition between industrial nations was becoming tougher. "It is to be feared that the United States under a new President, just like China, will mainly focus on their own economies, at the expense of international trade 312 1342593 international trade flows and relationships," VDA said in a statement on Wednesday. More protectionism or additional tariffs would damage the United States as well as its trading partners, VDA said. (Reporting by Edward Taylor; Editing by Maria Sheahan) By Edward Taylor and 312 1342653 Trump's election as U.S. president may damage trade, and with it their business. "It is to be feared that the United States under a new president, just like China, will mainly focus on their own economy at the expense of international trade 312 1343023 in Mexico. By 2020, Mexico will have the plant capacity to supply a quarter of all vehicles sold in the United States , according to consulting firm IHS Automotive, up from one in six in 2012. Daimler also plans to begin assembling Mercedes 312 1343065 Benz vehicles in 2018 from a $1 billion facility shared with Renault-Nissan. The company employs 22,000 workers in the United States and aims to "build a constructive dialogue with the new administration", a Daimler spokesman said. European carmakers and other businesses 312 1343888 oriental, religion, or political attitudes, Merkel said. On the basis of these values I offer the future president of the United States , Donald Trump, close cooperation. In contrast to Merkels diplomatic comments, her vice-chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, called Trumps victory a warning 312 1344553 U.S. has elected its most dangerous leader. We all have plenty to fear. The weekly columnist began: We thought the United States would step back from the abyss. We believed, and the polls led us to feel sure, that Americans would not 312 1344789 has increasingly gained a footing over the past few years. Le Pen tweeted: Congratulations to the new president of the United States Donald Trump and to the free American people! Story continues Felicitations au nouveau president des Etats-Unis Donald Trump et 312 1344850 Downing Street issued a statement from May congratulating Trump on the result following a hard-fought campaign. Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. We are, and will remain 312 1347339 by George Georgiopoulos) Guatemala City (AFP) - Guatemala on Wednesday asked Donald Trump to ensure the "protection" of migrants in the United States , fearing his campaign promise to deport undocumented foreigners. "Guatemala hopes that the actions his administration will take will allow recognition 312 1347369 Guatemala hopes that the actions his administration will take will allow recognition of the precious contribution migrants make to the United States , and that his policies promote and ensure the respect, well-being and protection of the migrant population," the country's foreign 312 1347451 to return. He also repeatedly promised to build a wall across the US-Mexican border to prevent such immigration. The United States has an estimated 11 million undocumented migrants, the overwhelming majority from Latin America, especially Mexico and Central America. Guatemalan authorities 312 1347481 overwhelming majority from Latin America, especially Mexico and Central America. Guatemalan authorities say around 1.5 million Guatemalans live in the United States , of whom less than a third are legal residents. Much of Guatemala's economy depends on remittances US-based Guatemalans send 312 1348700 sister Jean as they discussed Donald Trump's flaws a few days before he was elected the new president of the United States . Well, I am with him, their brother Paul, 60, interjected, raising his voice over snacks of cheese, muffins and crackers 312 1348760 U.S. election was unprecedented in the way it turned Americans against each other, according to dozens of interviews in rural United States and across some of the most politically charged battleground states. It divided families like the Fosters in rural Ellsworth, Maine 312 1353245 from Setback to Success. Follow him on Twitter: @rickjnewman. Trump Education 4x3 Donald Trump was elected 45th President of the United States of America early Wednesday morning, in what is being called one of the most stunning upsets in political history. Education 312 1354173 Insider Trump Women's Health 4x3 In a stunning upset, Americans elected Republican Donald Trump as the next president of the United States in the wee hours of the morning November 9. With control of the presidency, House, Senate, and at least one 312 1357124 set at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York's Midtown. She had constructed a stage shaped as the United States beneath the venue's symbolic glass ceiling, as all polls ahead of Election Day indicated that she would, indeed, be celebrating 312 1357156 of Election Day indicated that she would, indeed, be celebrating a historic moment as the first female president of the United States . Instead, Trump, an outsider with zero political or military experience, stunned Clinton and the nation by winning the electoral votes 312 1357472 American politics even though Hillary Clinton did not succeed in her campaign to become the first woman president of the United States . On Tuesday, the nation elected its first Latina senator, along with its first female Thai American senator, South Asian American 312 1362183 this chance to represent all of you in this consequential election. May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America." On Wednesday morning, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered her concession speech. In front of some of 312 1362720 the U.S. Senate. If voters go her way on Tuesday, she will be the first woman elected president of the United States . Her journey has been long, and often rough. She was born on October 26, 1947 in Chicago to Hugh and 312 1366043 other components that go into goods manufactured there. China imports a lot of natural gas from countries other than the United States . Since thats something the US produces in abundance, the Trump administration could insist that China buys more American gas in 312 1367514 election night. While many are understandably upset that Hillary Clinton didnt make history as the first woman President of the United States of America, there are some amazing women senators who have broken barriers and thats something to celebrate. While the Senate 312 1367767 Washington State, Pramila Jaypal became the first South Asian woman to be elected to Congress. Story continues Emigrating to the United States at the age of 16, Jaypal became a civil rights activist and founded the OneAmerica advocacy group. She has also 312 1368939 polls and the collective media establishment had Hillary Clinton as the overwhelming favorite to become the 45th president of the United States . At the start of the night, about 50 bystanders had gathered behind metal barriers outside Fox News on Avenue of 312 1371772 in power, they threatened us and showed their hostility... and when the Democrats were in power, the policies of the United States were the same," Salami told the Fars news agency. Iran says the United States has not stuck to the spirit 312 1371786 in power, the policies of the United States were the same," Salami told the Fars news agency. Iran says the United States has not stuck to the spirit of the nuclear deal since it came into force in January, because a raft 312 1372097 Noonan said he would "wait and see" whether the plans come to pass. "I spent all my life listening to United States election campaigns where there was a commitment to reform corporate tax. I've yet to see tangible measures and I was 312 1372510 of Israel. So said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday, hours after Donald Trump was elected president of the United States . And many of Trumps comments over the course of this presidential election cycle indeed suggested he would be a friend 312 1372921 jihadist groups. Others were apprehensive that the president-elect will implement campaign pledges to clamp down on Muslims entering the United States . "Trump has espoused highly inflammatory rhetoric against Muslims. Voters there will expect him to fulfill his promises. That makes me 312 1373235 Nigerian capital Lagos. Some Muslims, including Wahid, said they feared his election as president might encourage a view that the United States held enmity for Muslims and that this would hinder efforts in Islam to counter radicalization. "Trump's victory will be an 312 1373333 dry," he added. In jihadist social media forums, militants said Trump's election had merely revealed the true position of the United States toward Muslims. "The masks have slipped," one wrote. But some other Muslims were more hopeful, including Umer Daudzai, former Afghan 312 1373451 Muslim nation, an official from the faith's top clerical body there said Trump's election could create new tension between the United States and the Islamic world. Trump had made "negative, cynical" comments about Muslims in the past, Din Syamsuddin, a senior official 312 1373849 jihadist groups. Others were apprehensive that the president-elect would implement campaign pledges to clamp down on Muslims entering the United States . "Trump has espoused highly inflammatory rhetoric against Muslims. Voters there will expect him to fulfil his promises. That makes me 312 1374229 Trump on his victory. RADICALISATION Some Muslims said they feared Trump's election as president might encourage a view that the United States was hostile to Muslims and that this would hinder efforts in Islam to counter radicalisation. "Trump's victory will be an 312 1374327 dry," he added. In jihadist social media forums, militants said Trump's election had merely revealed the true position of the United States towards Muslims. "The masks have slipped," one wrote. But some other Muslims were more hopeful, including Umer Daudzai, a former 312 1374443 Muslim nation, an official from the faith's top clerical body there said Trump's election could create new tension between the United States and the Islamic world. Trump had made negative and cynical comments about Muslims in the past, Din Syamsuddin, a senior 312 1374580 Sherry Rehman, a senator and former ambassador to Washington, said Trump's proposal last year to bar Muslims from entering the United States had disturbed many. "Pakistan obviously cannot rule out engaging with whomever America elects, but his anti-Muslim rhetoric may cast 312 1375275 who are local, this is definitely a show worth attending. Or, for those looking for a brief break from the United States , perhaps booking a plane ticket would be a fun little escape. No matter what, were loving the fact that the 312 1375971 a major blow to an argument Airbnb has come to rely on to fight regulatory crackdowns in cities across the United States , and could have implications for other online companies such as The San Francisco ordinance, enacted in August, makes it 312 1380089 path to victory, and polls indicated Clinton had a wide one. But after votes began to come in across the United States Tuesday night and Trump built a lead in key battleground states, it became increasingly clear that once again, the polls 312 1380176 night event became a curse, rather than merely a tortured metaphor for the would-be first woman president of the United States . We have seen that this nation is more deeply divided than we thought, she said hours later in her concession 312 1380212 said hours later in her concession speech, but I still believe in America. As Esben Dahl, who traveled to the United States as part of a Danish delegation observing the election, put it: The establishment not only here in the States but 312 1380287 office, will now scramble to safeguard the basic tenets of U.S. foreign policy that Trump has vowed to scrap. The United States , and the rest of the world, will then be left to hope that Trump will somehow not be the president 312 1380567 Speaks In a move that surprised pollsters and pundits worldwide alike, Republican Donald Trump is the president-elect of the United States . In Addition to White House, Republicans Kept the Other House and the Senate America went red. Surprise: Canadas Immigration Site 312 1384272 support Hillary Clinton, and she made history as the most pro-equality candidate to ever run for president of the United States . Story continues GLAAD echoed the HRC statements, calling for the President-elect to rise above the divisive politics. Donald Trump 312 1387613 U.S. president-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday, saying the Republican victor had appealed to Americans who wanted to see the United States less embroiled in intervention abroad. "His appeal to Americans who have been left behind those who want to see their 312 1387679 Trump the White House," Najib said in a statement. Najib said he looked forward to continuing a partnership with the United States under Trump's presidency. (Reporting by Praveen Menon; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore) A New Hampshire man has been arrested after 312 1389435 his left arm, the injuries were ultimately too severe, and it was amputated below the elbow. Flown home to the United States , it was left to Pecks mother, Lisa Peck, a former Army nurse, to deliver the bad news to her only 312 1391177 victory on Election Day, Slovenia-born Melania Trump moves into line to be the second-ever First Lady of the United States to be born outside of the United States. London-born Louisa Adams, wife of sixth U.S. president John Quincy Adams 312 1391185 moves into line to be the second-ever First Lady of the United States to be born outside of the United States . London-born Louisa Adams, wife of sixth U.S. president John Quincy Adams, was the first. Adams was born Louisa Catherine 312 1391390 Ladies: John Adams objected to his son John Quincy marrying someone born in another country, especially one with whom the United States had recently been at war, while Abigail would refer to Louisa disparagingly as The English Bride. Related: For more news 312 1392475 of an American businessman, Joshua Johnson, and an Englishwoman, Katherine Nuth Johnson. Her father worked as consul general of the United States and lived in London, where he met and married Louisas British mother. First Lady Melania, a former model, met Donald 312 1392773 1825 appeared first on HelloGiggles. In the shocking results of Tuesday nights election, Donald Drumpf won the presidency of the United States . Take as long as you need for that to sink in, but were switching gears to focus on the future 312 1397853 extremist views all over our country and all over the world." Nearly a third of Somali refugees resettled in the United States live in Minnesota. They number around 25,000 according to 2010 data, the latest available. Some of the community's young men 312 1401584 of course, is the internet's specialty. What we do know is that Swift voted for the next president of the United States of America bright and early this morning. Today is the day. Go out and VOTE A photo posted by Taylor 312 1402094 be the case," Stoltenberg said, noting that two world wars had shown the importance of stability in Europe to the United States . Trump's suggestion of making the United States' defence of its Western allies conditional was the first time a leading presidential 312 1402101 two world wars had shown the importance of stability in Europe to the United States. Trump's suggestion of making the United States ' defence of its Western allies conditional was the first time a leading presidential candidate had raised the idea, putting him 312 1402474 the Soviet Union a quarter of a century ago, NATO's European allies cut defence spending to historic lows, leaving the United States to make up around three quarters of the alliance's military expenditure. A newly assertive Russia under Putin has begun to 312 1402676 more for its security. A first sign of Trump's tough stance could come as early as next year, when the United States is due to deploy troops and heavy combat equipment to eastern Europe under a $3.4 billion U.S. spending plan for 312 1402827 U.S. ambassador to NATO Douglas Lute sought to reassure allies, saying: "NATO has always been a bipartisan venture for the United States ." Trump has said NATO could become obsolete if it does not focus more on Isla mist militant groups hostile to 312 1405179 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, known as "Abenomics." Oaktree was "very active" in buying oil and gas distressed debt in the United States at the beginning of 2016 and sold part of the assets after a rally in the market, Shourie added. Story 312 1405762 Big Bang Theory star Kunal Nayyar, who was born in London, grew up in India and attended college in the United States , summed up his mid-election night feelings in a succinct and terrifying tweet. Never in 15 years of living In 312 1405828 an extensive and fraught context. During his campaign, Trump called to end birthright citizenship, referred to Mexican immigrants to the United States as "rapists" and advocated for a full ban on Muslims entering the United States. BONUS: Donald Trump was caught peeking 312 1405842 referred to Mexican immigrants to the United States as "rapists" and advocated for a full ban on Muslims entering the United States . BONUS: Donald Trump was caught peeking at his wife's election ballot Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton It's been repeated endlessly 312 1411504 engaged in the acquisition and development of strategic, high growth energy projects, including shale oil and gas assets, in the United States . The Company's principal asset is its D-J Basin Asset located in the D-J Basin in Colorado. Pacific Energy 312 1413098 base in the disputed Kashmir region. To many Pakistanis, Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric - he once proposed banning Muslims entering the United States - and business ties to India are signs that his administration could shift further toward New Delhi. "America will not abandon 312 1413351 support. "Trump is a bit of a wild card," said Sherry Rehman, a Pakistani senator and former ambassador to the United States . "Pakistan obviously cannot rule out engaging with whomever America elects, but his anti-Muslim rhetoric may cast a shadow on 312 1413510 a think-tank close to Modi's government, called Trump's election "a very positive development", but added that India and the United States would have continued to grow closer under a Hillary Clinton presidency as well. "My sense is that India-U.S. relations 312 1413643 change the scope of the mission, 15 years after a U.S.-led campaign toppled the hardline Islamist Taliban government. The United States has spent some $115 billion in aid for Afghanistan since 2002, but the country is still caught in conflict, with 312 1415146 Ricard (PERP.PA) said on Wednesday Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. election will not change its investment plans in the United States , its biggest market. Pernod, which makes Havana Club rum though a joint venture with the Cuban government, told Reuters it 312 1415210 investment plans (in the U.S.)," a group spokesman told Reuters. Pernod Ricard makes 17 percent of its sales in the United States , where it benefits from a growing taste for higher-priced spirits at a time of more sluggish growth in China 312 1415250 in China. The group has been waiting for decades to be allowed to sell its Cuban-made rum in the United States and will be able to do so only when Washington's economic embargo is lifted. In March, Barack Obama made the 312 1415591 sense of identity, and somehow to change the status quo. Lee added that Singapore will continue to work with the United States to strengthen their bilateral ties. Warsaw (AFP) - Poland's president urged US president-elect Donald Trump to keep Washington's promise to 312 1418202 that was reached in Paris. The agreement, which officially entered into force just five days ago, currently calls on the United States to reduce carbon emissions by at least 26 percent from its 2005 levels over the next nine years. This week 312 1419926 Articles: Moscow (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said Moscow is ready to contribute to rebuilding relations with the United States with Donald Trump as president. "We have heard the pre-election statements by then-candidate (Trump), which were directed at 312 1426665 Muslim "disgrace", openly disdainful of Arab security partnerships, who believes Saudi Arabia would cease to exist for long without the United States . Donald Trump's presidential election victory means he is the man Washington's Arab allies must deal with after his January inauguration 312 1427348 war for the world," he said. Others are more sanguine. A senior Turkish official predicted continued strong relations with the United States and argued that "comments in an election period always have a harder and more hawkish tone than is necessary. But 312 1427460 difficult to pinpoint what his policy actually is." Trump's remarks have been combative, and eye-catching. He has said the United States should be reimbursed by the countries it provides protection for. Without America, "Saudi Arabia wouldn't exist for very long," Trump 312 1427610 only delighted Western right-wingers but also jihadists who told supporters the election had revealed the true position of the United States towards Muslims. "The masks have slipped," one supporter said on Islamic State websites. "(Trump's) moronic declarations alone serve us even 312 1428598 which it touted as one of the world's most valuable iron ore deposits. It even sued rival Vale in the United States , alleging the Brazilian giant had conspired with Israeli billionaire Beny Steinmetz and BSG Resources to misappropriate its rights over half 312 1428717 Dan Grebler and Richard Pullin) From Esquire PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA-If the Democratic Party blows this chance to take over the United States Senate, there is going to be an awful temptation to blame James Comey's stumbling entrance into electoral politics for letting 312 1429199 belief." NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: "US leadership is as important as ever... A strong NATO is good for the United States , and good for Europe." European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker: "Today, it is more 312 1429236 Juncker: "Today, it is more important than ever to strengthen transatlantic relations." British Prime Minister Theresa May: "Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise... I look forward to working 312 1429306 of uncertainty" and called for Europe to remain "united". Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim: "We hope our alliance with the United States will continue and that our partnership and relationships will develop." Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin: "May the Lord 312 1429393 still alive." - AMERICAS - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his country has "no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States ." He looked forward to working with Trump on "trade, investment and international peace and security." Despite his country's strained relations 312 1429481 his victory would mean an "adjustment" of the countries' relations. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos hoped his country and the United States would remain "strategic allies." Bolivia's leftist President Evo Morales pointedly said he wanted to work with Trump "against racism, sexism 312 1429580 to mutual respect and non-conflict, non-confrontation." Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe offered "heartfelt congratulations" adding: "Japan and the United States are unshakeable allies connected by common values such as freedom, democracy, basic human rights and rule of law." South Korean 312 1429856 could hand Moscow an elusive prize - the lifting or easing of Western sanctions. Rolling back those sanctions, imposed by the United States and the European Union to punish Moscow for its 2014 annexation of Ukraine's Crimea and support for separatists in eastern 312 1430648 no-fly zones. One possibility is a quid pro quo, with Russia making concessions on Syria in exchange for the United States ceding ground on Ukraine and sanctions. "For Russia the key point is Ukraine. If Trump says that America does not 312 1434566 in which Republican Donald Trump won the presidency, empowering the party to reshape Washington. The Republican sweep sets up the United States for two years of "unified" government, which would normally mean significant policy change, although Trump's election was anything but normal 312 1435305 violated the federal securities laws. [Click here to join a class action] On November 3, 2016, media outlets reported that United States prosecutors may file criminal charges by the end of 2016 against Impax and several other pharmaceutical companies for unlawfully colluding 312 1436471 Clinton was something worse a symbol of the status quo. For the 64 percent of the country who believed the United States was headed in the wrong direction, she had nothing to offer. Clinton promised four more years of Obamas presidency but 312 1437652 in mid-July near Manbij, Syria, which groups say killed dozens of civilians, but that it was near completion. The United States has conducted 12,354 air strikes against Islamic State as of Nov. 2, with 6,992 in Iraq and 5,362 in Syria 312 1449518 recently completed settlement and license agreement with Dr. Reddys Laboratories and certain of its affiliates resolves patent litigation in the United States related to Sucampos Amitiza (lubiprostone) soft gelatin capsules. The agreement provides for an entry date more than six years from 312 1451848 in the Russian Defence Ministry as saying on Tuesday. A senior U.S. official reacted harshly to that possibility, saying the United States had repeatedly sought to de-escalate the violence, only to see Moscow flex its military muscle in support of Assad 312 1452399 the largest number of Syrian refugees over the past two years, and enjoyed good relations with both Russia and the United States . "They can bring some new sanity into this discussion," al-Abdah said. "The monopoly between the U.S. and Russia has 312 1453234 a pathway for citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in the country illegally. Trump, for his part, has advocated that the United States build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. He also wants to prohibit children born in the United States to 312 1453253 the United States build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. He also wants to prohibit children born in the United States to foreign parents from automatically gaining U.S. citizenship. Against this backdrop, Clintons campaign and her supporters have aggressively courted Latino 312 1457556 gave him permission?" Henry McKenna (@McKennAnalysis) November 9, 2016 Before Trump was named the 45th President of the United States on Tuesday in a stunning upset over Clinton, Bundchen took to Instagram denying that she and her husband were supporting 312 1462812 defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading Assad to step down, and warned that Clinton could drag the United States into a new world war over the Syria conflict. In one of his debates with Clinton, Trump said he did 312 1462903 Iran have provided direct military support to Assad while countries that want to see him gone from power, including the United States , Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey, have provided rebels with backing including military support. Russia's intervention in support of Assad last 312 1464148 Americas democracy. Iranians who fled their countrys 1979 Islamist revolution have become the second-most successful immigrant group in the United States , based on income and education. One Iranian friend whose family escaped execution in Iran for belonging to the Bahai faith 312 1464777 in Europe and the Netherlands as well." French National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen was similarly ebullient. "Today the United States , tomorrow France," Le Pen, the father of the party's leader Marine Le Pen, tweeted. Daniela Schwarzer, director of research at 312 1466906 has long backed Trump. I dont think a lot of people understood that. In a year when voters in the United States and abroad showed their antipathy toward the political establishment, the globalized economy, and corporate welfare, Trump guessed correctly he could 312 1468402 Anthony Lin; Editing by Leslie Adler) By Yeganeh Torbati WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump's election as president raises the prospect the United States will pull out of the nuclear pact it signed last year with Iran, alienating Washington from its allies and potentially 312 1468971 for proxy groups fueling regional conflicts. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, whose power supersedes that of Rouhani, regularly criticizes the United States and says it should not be trusted, but ultimately assented to the terms of the deal, known by its acronym 312 1469108 powers Russia and China. European and Asian firms have been returning to Iran and making major investments there, meaning the United States would likely be alone in pulling out of the deal, possibly isolating it from its partners. On Wednesday, the head 312 1469842 Also Like Donald Trump has won the majority needed in the Electoral College to become the next President of the United States , based on projections of the electoral college vote in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. trumpaccepts456 Trump needed at least 270 votes in 312 1470082 December 19 to formally cast their votes, as indicated in Tuesdays state-by-state popular vote. In voting for the United States Senate, the Republicans retained control of the chamber that will work with a new President to confirm at least one 312 1470272 were discussed, the office said, adding: "The Prime Minister congratulated Trump on his electoral win and told him that the United States has no better ally than Israel." (Writing by Ori Lewis; editing by John Stonestreet) One of the biggest controversies of 312 1471035 in May, Trump told crowds, Were going to cancel the Paris climate agreement unbelievable and stop all payments of the United States tax dollars to U.N. global warming programs. Trump appeared confused as to what the Paris accord entails and how it 312 1471087 the agreement, the first international climate accord that includes developed and developing countries alike. Trump could simply declare that the United States is withdrawing from the pact. Or he could withdraw from the 1992 U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change itself, under 312 1472633 should as soon as possible issue a statement reassuring the rest of the world that the strong commitment of the United States to its allies ... remains strong and reliable," said the official, who declined to be identified. "We are certainly concerned about 312 1472877 more ships for the U.S. Navy. The "mere initiation of the Trump naval program will reassure our allies that the United States remains committed in the long term to its traditional role as guarantor of the liberal order in Asia", the authors 312 1473055 creating a new regional rule-based architecture to counter China. "TPP was not just a trade deal, it was the United States and Japan, together ... these countries with shared values would create an advanced regional order with not just economic, but diplomatic 312 1473453 world leaders to congratulate Trump on his electoral win -- said Moscow was ready to contribute to rebuilding relations with the United States with Trump as president. Moscow and Washington have been at loggerheads following Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 312 1475871 Russia is hoping that improved relations could yield an elusive prize: the lifting or easing of sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union to punish Moscow for its 2014 annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine 312 1476368 presidential sources described as a "sincere" conversation, Erdogan congratulated Trump on his unexpected election win and said Turkey and the United States were allies brought together by mutual respect, common interests and values. Earlier on Wednesday, Erdogan said he hoped Trump's victory 312 1478637 based on turning a blind eye to many international issues with the idea of building a metaphorical wall around the United States and diverting attention to national security in a way that defines national security from a rather narrow perspective, says Lina 312 1478806 as well as Russias international standing, says Khatib. You could say this amounts to a division of labor between the United States and Russia, which means that the Middle East, through this particular approach, be regarded as an area of the world 312 1480068 Air China's Hong Kong-listed shares tumbled to their lowest level since June, and automakers like Toyota , for whom the United States is a top market, fell 6.5 percent. Many executives remain unsure what Trump's protectionist rhetoric will mean in practise. Shares 312 1480538 not on ideas but on anger and frustration." Tighter rules could impact Indian IT services firms supporting companies in the United States . Shares in companies like Infosys (INFY.NS) and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS.NS) were sharply down as Trump closed in on the 312 1480906 of the world Wednesday after Donald Trumps stunning upset victory over Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States . Many international media outlets and pundits had taken their cues from American polls and predicted a Clinton win. But they 312 1481380 pledged to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and force the Mexican government to pay for it. The United States voted for the wall and Donald Trumps lies, proclaimed Mexican website El Economista, while the peso tumbled to a record 312 1482867 overrule its decisions based on the ideological leanings of justices. Abortion rights are still a deeply divisive issue in the United States . Supreme Court appointments were a more important factor for voters in Tuesday's election than they were in the 2008 ballots 312 1483271 of the countrys state entities that have spread their tendrils throughout the national economy are still under sanction. And the United States has kept severe sanctions on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, which is heavily involved in Irans energy sector. Though the 312 1483930 gun laws. He has also referred to "vicious" no-go zones in Paris and said French people arriving in the United States could face security vetting because of fears about extremists. Havana (AFP) - Just when Cuba was starting to warm up to 312 1483953 face security vetting because of fears about extremists. Havana (AFP) - Just when Cuba was starting to warm up to the United States , Americans elected Donald Trump president, throwing the countries' rapprochement into doubt and causing stunned reactions in Havana. The brash Republican 312 1484098 Obama did a lot" for US-Cuban relations, he added, and now Trump "can come in as president of the United States and put up a wall, an obstacle to make sure it never becomes reality." Creach counts himself among those Cubans 312 1484179 Cubans descended on the capital's few Wi-Fi hotspots from the early hours Wednesday, trying to contact relatives in the United States to help make sense of the shock result. Alison Taylor, an 18-year-old epidemiology student, worried Trump's proposed anti 312 1484242 the Florida Straits that started with the Cuban Revolution in 1959. "All Cubans dream of meeting their families (in the United States ) someday," she said. "For many, it's been so long since they've seen them. Story continues "I'm chatting with my boyfriend 312 1484374 16 to 18. The nationwide exercises would prepare to confront "the enemy," it said, employing its longstanding term for the United States . Although Cuba has periodically held such exercises since 1980, the timing was conspicuous. - Miami Cubans for Trump - It is unclear 312 1485119 revive the U.S. coal sector. His victory caused dismay at a climate policy conference in Morocco on Wednesday. In the United States , the prospect of a sharp turn in U.S. environmental policy helped boost Caterpillar shares by more than 7 percent on 312 1485576 wind turbine maker, were down 6.2 percent in mid-morning, while German peer Nordex traded 6.6 percent lower. In the United States , Silicon Valley electric car maker Tesla Motors Inc sank 3.4 percent to its lowest price since February. Tesla benefits from 312 1485727 by Joseph White and Andrew Hay) Hillary, youre fired: Donald Trump is projected to become the 45th President of the United States . The Associated Press made the call at 2:31 am ET early Wednesday morning after projecting Trump as the winner 312 1485777 10 electoral votes, giving him the 270 needed to clinch the presidency. BREAKING: Donald Trump is elected president of the United States . The Associated Press (@AP) November 9, 2016 (Trumps opponent, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, trailed with 218 electoral votes 312 1487033 the party now face the future with dread, knowing that their party has just elected a man president of the United States who has no interest in small-government conservatism and whose candidacy demonstrated no interest in constitutional restrictions on executive power 312 1488276 be deprived of their human rights," he warned. - Francois Hollande - "His excesses make you want to retch, even in the United States , especially when -- as was Donald Trump's case -- he speaks ill of a soldier, of the memory of a soldier," French 312 1488415 return from a visit to Mexico. The pontiff had celebrated Mass near the border fence that separates Mexico from the United States , and had delivered a sermon heard on both sides. Trump has promised to build a wall to prevent illegal Mexican 312 1488817 was chief minister. Most of the victims were Muslims. Trump has called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States and Gupta said his message had wide resonance. "We predicted that he would win five days ago -- there is a 312 1491092 Pence is a conservative defender of family values, against abortion and gay marriage, and opposed to the idea of the United States taking in Syrian refugees. He has described himself as "a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order." Before 312 1491292 out in eight provinces but centered in Konya, NTV said. Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in the United States since 1999, has denied the charges and condemned the coup. The extent of the purges has worried rights groups and 312 1491564 the tycoon of espousing. Trump caused consternation in December 2015 by mooting a ban on all Muslims travelling to the United States . But Erdogan had said in a speech in Ankara earlier that "a new era is beginning" in the United States 312 1491584 United States. But Erdogan had said in a speech in Ankara earlier that "a new era is beginning" in the United States with Trump's victory after two terms of Democrat-held presidency. He expressed hope the election of Trump "will help the 312 1492815 variety of statistics that highlight just how much of this election took place on the social media site. In the United States alone, people sent 1 billion tweets about the election since the primary debates began last August. Clinton claimed the most 312 1494416 raising fears they could clash with minority voters. Numerous studies have found that voter fraud is exceedingly rare in the United States . VOTER INTIMIDATION Absent on Tuesday were reports of the kind of hostile political displays, vandalism and violence that have cropped 312 1495217 a gathering of European diplomats at the U.S. embassy in Brussels. "NATO has always been a bipartisan venture for the United States ." During his campaign, the Republican Trump questioned U.S. spending on European defense through NATO and European leaders, especially those closest 312 1496075 U.S.-Japanese ties are a cornerstone of the U.S. presence in Asia and a core foreign policy interest to the United States . "My message would be one of reassurance to the Japanese people that relationship is of ... core foreign policy interest to 312 1496098 message would be one of reassurance to the Japanese people that relationship is of ... core foreign policy interest to the United States ," department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters when asked how Donald Trump's election might affect ties. "That relationship is going to 312 1496129 Donald Trump's election might affect ties. "That relationship is going to remain, regardless of the administration, a cornerstone for the United States ." (Reporting By Arshad Mohammed) (Adds results in Maine, Nevada, Washington and California) By Joseph Ax NEW YORK, Nov 8 (Reuters 312 1496933 2016 UCLA PROTESTING TRUMP - Anxhela (@angiladasauce) November 9, 2016 Read more: Donald Trump Named President-Elect of the United States London (AFP) - Britain's Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage said Wednesday he would "hand over the mantle" to Donald Trump as he 312 1497321 Kiev after he moves to the White House. "I sincerely congratulate Donald Trump on his election as president of the United States ," Poroshenko told US Ambassador to Kiev Marie Yovanovitch, also inviting Trump for a visit, according to a statement from the 312 1498023 Al-Watan, said Trump's win came as a "nice surprise" in Damascus. "It is time for the policies of the United States to change and stop being hostage to the catastrophic wishes of the Gulf countries, which have destroyed several countries in 312 1498295 there is no possibility that it can be changed by a single government," Rouhani said, according to state television. "The United States no longer has the capacity to create Iranophobia and to create a consensus against Iran," Rouhani said. Foreign Minister Mohammad 312 1498404 their regional rival Iran. Congratulating Trump on the win, Saudi Arabia's King Salman praised "historic and tight" ties with the United States and wished him success "in your mission to achieve security and stability in the Middle East and worldwide." United Arab 312 1498458 was eager to strengthen "strategic relations" with Washington. By Timothy Aeppel and Daniel Wiessner NEW YORK (Reuters) - Unions in the United States face sweeping changes to labor law and regulations under a new Republican administration that is expected to tilt policy toward 312 1499231 York; Editing by Joseph White and Jonathan Oatis) By Timothy Aeppel and Daniel Wiessner NEW YORK (Reuters) - Unions in the United States face sweeping changes to labor law and regulations under a new Republican administration that is expected to tilt policy toward 312 1508841 Carmel Crimmins and Leslie Adler) By Karl Plume and Michael Hirtzer CHICAGO, Nov 8 (Reuters) - Unseasonably mild weather around the United States is keeping pastures green and slowing feed consumption rates by livestock, exacerbating an animal feed glut that has dragged grain 312 1509064 a byproduct of corn-based ethanol, to China after the top buyer imposed anti-dumping duties on imports from the United States also left more available for the domestic market. The feed options are a welcome reprieve for livestock producers struggling with 312 1509943 next to the long-term risk of facing a highly antagonistic U.S. government for the first time in generations. The United States became a superpower after the Second World War and since then we have never had to face it being openly 312 1510083 or scrap NAFTA to try and bring manufacturing jobs back north. There are also 11 million Mexicans living in the United States , about half without papers, and they sent back almost $25 billion in remittances last year. But Trump promised to step 312 1510298 Meanwhile, President Enrique Pena Nieto tweeted that he was open to working with Trump. I trust that Mexico and the United States will go on strengthening their links of cooperation and mutual respect, he wrote. In August, Trump went to Pena Nietos 312 1510470 went on the run last month following embezzlement allegations, and is alleged to have more than 100 houses in the United States . Read More: Donald Trumps Brexit-Plus Victory Leaves Some U.K. Lawmakers Cold Others believe that Trumps bark may be worse 312 1510524 says that Trump will be constrained by both the courts and U.S. businesses. He will be the president of the United States but not the owner of it and not the king of a small country in Africa who can do whatever 312 1512803 Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you to Mike Pence. Read more: Donald Trump Named President-Elect of the United States It was just after 11 in the morning on Wednesday in Hong Kong when Donald Trump was predicted to win 312 1513722 may bolster Trumps push to make it harder for any undocumented immigrant to live in this country. This June, in United States v. Texas, the Supreme Court left intact a lower courts decision to block DAPA, which would have exempted from deportation 312 1513886 said. Our message to the world will be this: You cannot obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country. So what will happen to high-skilled immigrants? Though Trump has been criticized for using 312 1519477 Photo: Getty Images) With Donald Trump elected as the next president, his proposed policy to ban Muslims from entering the United States until our countrys representatives can figure out what is going on could become a reality. With this, many American women 312 1520236 World War II. The world as we know it is crumbling before our eyes, Gerard Araud, Frances ambassador to the United States , wrote Tuesday night on Twitter, citing the double whammy of Britains exit from the European Union and Americas sharp turn 312 1520753 congratulatory note to Trump and to the free American people. Her father, Jean-Marie, the partys founder, boasted: Today the United States , tomorrow France. The Americans are taking back their country, Geert Wilders, a right-wing Dutch leader of the anti-immigrant 312 1521349 May and German PM Angela Merkel reacted with a spattering of congratulations and diplomatic promises of cooperation. ""Britain and the United States have an enduring special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise," May said in a statement. One 312 1521823 fearful now. This is new." Great faith in God works. Mr @realDonaldTrump I'm proud to call you President of the United States of America. And First Lady @MELANIATRUMP Scott Baio (@ScottBaio) November 9, 2016 Other celebrities were more hopeful, such as Trump 312 1521868 in Charge actor Scott Baio. "Great faith in God works. Mr @realDonaldTrump I'm proud to call you President of the United States of America. And First Lady @MELANIATRUMP," Baio wrote. Watch: Identity of Woman With Donald Trump in 1964 Finally Revealed Related 312 1522043 political or military experience, said after defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton that he would seek common ground, not conflict, with the United States ' allies. In the election campaign, he voiced admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, questioned central tenets of the NATO military 312 1522327 Merkel said. "On the basis of these values, I am offering to work closely with the future President of the United States Donald Trump." In Britain, where Trump's victory had echoes of June's referendum in which voters showed dissatisfaction with the political 312 1522392 remain intact. But Scotland's first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, who has often expressed distaste for Trump, said many people in the United States and across the world would feel "a real sense of anxiety." Nigel Farage, a leader of the Brexit campaign who 312 1522690 receiving Trump in Mexico during the campaign, said he was ready to work with the president-elect. "Mexico and the United States are friends, partners and allies and we should keep collaborating for the competitiveness and development of North America," Pena Nieto 312 1522880 Trump clinched the election, urged him to send a message as soon as possible to reassure the world of the United States ' commitment to its allies. "We are certainly concerned about the comments (Trump) has made to date about the alliance and 312 1522995 for Palestinian aspirations. And despite Trump's negative rhetoric about Muslims during his campaign, including threats to ban them from the United States , Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said he hoped the business magnate's election would breathe new life into U.S.-Egyptian 312 1523132 sent conciliatory signals after his upset of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, pledging to seek common ground, not conflict, with the United States ' allies. During his election campaign, Trump expressed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, questioned central tenets of the NATO military 312 1523230 We heard the campaign statements of the future U.S. presidential candidate about the restoration of relations between Russia and the United States ," Putin said. "It is not an easy path, but we are ready to do our part and do everything to 312 1523438 for Palestinian aspirations. And despite Trump's negative rhetoric about Muslims during his campaign, including threats to ban them from the United States , Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said he hoped the business magnate's election would breathe new life into U.S.-Egyptian 312 1523966 Trump clinched the election, urged him to send a message as soon as possible to reassure the world of the United States ' commitment to its allies. "We are certainly concerned about the comments (Trump) has made to date about the alliance and 312 1524194 into the desert or have gone into hiding, but continue to launch occasional attacks on state officials and institutions. The United States , which regards al Qaeda in Yemen as one of the deadliest branches of the network founded by Osama bin Laden 312 1533782 that he received the same unsettling news rippling throughout the county: That the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor and the United States was about to enter World War II. It wasnt until two years later in December 1943 that Poff was drafted 312 1534067 lot different for a country boy, Poff said. It was a lot different for me. He returned home to the United States and spent a 30-day furlough in his home county before being sent to North Carolina and eventually Japan to 312 1544294 out there and govern, and govern correctly," Thompson said. "If you do, you could become the majority party in the United States for a long time." Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, R-Kaukauna, an early anti-Trump Republican in the state, credited 312 1546794 told his supporters that Clinton should be thanked for working very hard over a long period of time for the United States . Hillary Clinton is ahead now in the popular vote in other words, more voters overall chose her. But Trump earned 312 1546994 problems. He also promised to stop illegal immigration. Trump said many Mexican immigrants are bringing crime and drugs to the United States . Reaction on Twitter and Facebook Reactions on Twitter and Facebook showed the different ways Americans reacted to Trumps victory. MJR 312 1547040 Elect Trump. Godspeed to you. May you find the words to heal a divided nation and may God Bless the United States . But Cindy wrote: My heart breaks for this divided nation and the future of our democracy. Some were disappointed the 312 1547062 But Cindy wrote: My heart breaks for this divided nation and the future of our democracy. Some were disappointed the United States did not elect its first woman president. Wrote Zoe on Facebook: To those who will tell me this isn't personal 312 1547387 It may be an uneasy meeting. Trump argued for several years that Obama was not a legal citizen of the United States and therefore was not eligible for the presidency. During the campaign, Obama said Trump is not qualified to be president 312 1547652 n. a change from one government to another Americans have elected Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States . The Republican Party candidate defeated the Democratic Party nominee, Hillary Clinton. The result is a shock to most political experts 312 1548139 Read election updates from the evening below: 07:50 UTC: Donald Trump has been elected the 45th president of the United States of America. He is now speaking at his election headquarters in New York City. "Working together, we will begin the 312 1548373 and the number of votes for Clinton are very close. These states will ultimately decide the 45th president of the United States of America. The last state, Alaska, has closed its polls for the night. Now, America and the world waits. 05 312 1550352 Anthony. Anthony was an important civil rights activist. She led the way for legal recognition of womens rights in the United States . She campaigned for womens voting rights in the late 1800s. Anthony became famous after she was arrested for voting in 312 1550708 on its back that is used to attach it to a surface The Republican Party will keep control of the United States Congress after nationwide elections Tuesday. The partys candidates captured at least 51 of the U.S. Senates 100 seats, while the 312 1556841 crematoria and burial grounds. , , , . On a mellow Tuesday evening when the world was getting ready for the endgame in the United States presidential election, Prime Minister Narendra Modi came up unannounced on our TV screens and dropped a nuke on black money 312 1567671 world in which the West is at war with Islam. Second, IS hopes that Trump will radicalise Muslims in the United States and Europe and inspire them to commit lone-wolf attacks in their home countries. Third, IS supporters believe that Trump 312 1567707 Third, IS supporters believe that Trump would be an unstable and irrational leader whose impulsive decision-making would weaken the United States . And fourth, IS subscribes to the prophecy of a "Final Battle," to take place in the northern Syrian town of 312 1567749 Dabiq, in which the caliphate will decisively triumph over its enemies. Some IS supporters believe that Trump would lead the United States and its Western allies into the apocalyptic clash they have been waiting for. In the above-mentioned seven-page essay 312 1569300 not recognized Israel's annexation of parts of the city. Turkey Turkey's justice minister says a change of presidents in the United States won't make a big difference to the "deep-rooted" relations between the two countries. Bekiz Bozdag told the state-run 312 1581972 government, in 2005, filed a $100-million class suit against the mining company at the Nevada district court in the United States . But after 10 years of court proceedings, the Nevada State Supreme Court threw out the case for forum non conveniens 312 1590369 dumpsite was closed. Plans are in the works to develop a recreational forest there. The efforts were part of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)s program on Waste Management Technology in Regions (WMTR) which brings integrated waste management systems 312 1590976 Integration, as Davit Bakradze - who served as the state minister since 2014 - was appointed as Georgias new ambassador to the United States . According to media reports, MP Victor Dolidze, former member of opposition Free Democrats party, is supposed to replace him. Dolidze 312 1595966 Royan believes that's the case across the country, too, not just locally. Politics have always been "very vicious" in the United States , he said. "(But) the founding fathers structured the system so it could withstand the acrimony," he said. Voters waited to 312 1599658 on extraction in Montana. We know that reliance on traditional fuel sources, such as coal, to produce electricity in the United States contributes to both air pollution and climate change, but we legitimately fear widespread industrial shift. I lived through the economic 312 1620768 Thompson is a Democrat from St. Helena and won reelection to the House of Representatives on Tuesday. Twelve new local United States citizens were honored Tuesday by the Napa County Board of Supervisors. What a special day, to recognize new citizens on 312 1622633 and Trump voters differ widely on these immigration policy issues. Also, 9 percent of voters were not born in the United States a group to watch in later results. The Obama Factor Fifty-four percent of voters approve of the job Obama 312 1626989 had known Garcia was from Mexico, but she hadnt realized how much hed gone through to establish himself in the United States . He was trying to support his parents and his siblings in Mexico, and he was the first one to actually 312 1627338 Syrian civil war. We realized that many of these refugees may ultimately be coming to the United Kingdom or the United States , said Wolf-Hainemann. So we wondered how the children would be able to learn English, and we came up with 312 1629663 Editor David Stoneberg contributed to this article. I congratulate Donald Trump on his election as the next President of the United States . And I look forward to working with President-elect Trump. We face a challenging new security environment, including hybrid warfare 312 1629724 closest friends in times of peace and of conflict for almost 70 years. A strong NATO is good for the United States , and good for Europe. NATO has responded with determination to the new security situation. But we have more work to 312 1635322 region of the Kotgarh Valley in 1916. Samuel Evans Stokes popularly known as Satyanand Stokes brought apple seeds from the United States and planted them in various parts of Himachal Pradesh. After that Kotgarh and other regions of Shimla district emerged as 312 1637714 on Wednesday celebrated the victory of Republican candidate Donald Trump who has been elected as the 45th president of the United States . "We are celebrating the victory of Donald Trump. We welcome Trump on behalf of our party. We believe that his 312 1637989 Trump's surprising performance at the polls ended Hillary Clinton's quest to make history as the first female president of the United States . The 70-year-old celebrity businessman who had never before run for office, is poised to become the oldest president 312 1643266 Government and for the economy of the country. We are in the middle of a peace process and we need United States ' support and Hillary is there for us," she said. Expressing similar sentiments, another Colombian scribe Edwin Giraldo, who works for 312 1643380 the referendum that was going to ratify such an agreement. In that regard, it is important to say that the United States Government, with President Barack Obama, has been very supportive of such an agreement. And if Hillary Clinton wins this election 312 1643487 still a big question for us what would happen to our country if Donald Trump becomes the President of the United States ," he added. Romanian Journalist Claudiu Lucaci, who works for Romanian Public TV, said the people in his country consider Hillary 312 1643578 NATO), the military and political alliance. So, it's very important who is going to be the next President of the United States . Could be Donald Trump, that is not a very fashionable thing for us," Lucaci said. "The people are not so 312 1645992 into the desert or have gone into hiding, but continue to launch occasional attacks on state officials and institutions. The United States , which regards al Qaeda in Yemen as one of the deadliest branches of the network founded by Osama bin Laden 312 1646109 jihadist groups. Others were apprehensive that the president-elect will implement campaign pledges to clamp down on Muslims entering the United States ."Trump has espoused highly inflammatory rhetoric against Muslims. Voters there will expect him to fulfill his promises. That makes me 312 1646415 the Nigerian capital Lagos.Some Muslims, including Wahid, said they feared his election as president might encourage a view that the United States held enmity for Muslims and that this would hinder efforts in Islam to counter radicalisation."Trump's victory will be an 312 1646512 win dry," he added.In jihadist social media forums, militants said Trump's election had merely revealed the true position of the United States towards Muslims. "The masks have slipped," one wrote.But some other Muslims were more hopeful, including Umer Daudzai, former Afghan minister 312 1646627 Muslim nation, an official from the faith's top clerical body there said Trump's election could create new tension between the United States and the Islamic world.Trump had made "negative, cynical" comments about Muslims in the past, Din Syamsuddin, a senior official at 312 1646923 of all the efforts was good," said Shalab Kumar, Indian-American industrialist. Talking about the relationship between India and the United States post Trump's victory, Kumar said the first effort should be to remove trade barriers so that both nations benefit. Former 312 1646976 our efforts have finally paid off, we cannot be happier.' Trump was today elected as the 45th president of the United States . Trump's surprising performance at the polls ended Hillary Clinton's quest to make history as the first female president of the 312 1646998 Trump's surprising performance at the polls ended Hillary Clinton's quest to make history as the first female president of the United States . Trump, a 70-year-old celebrity businessman who had never before run for office, is poised to become the oldest 312 1647603 IANS gb/rn ( 562 Words) 2016-11-09-19:28:04 (IANS) Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he hoped the United States would continue to support Ukraine in its stand-off with Russia following the victory of Donald Trump in the US 312 1647911 Noonan said he would "wait and see" whether the plans come to pass."I spent all my life listening to United States election campaigns where there was a commitment to reform corporate tax. I've yet to see tangible measures and I was 312 1654184 and Trump voters differ widely on these immigration policy issues. Also, 9 percent of voters were not born in the United States a group to watch in later results. The Obama Factor Fifty-four percent of voters approve of the job Obama 312 1654585 NEW YORK/WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO/LOS ANGELES/CHICAGO, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Voters headed to the polling stations all over the United States on Tuesday, but many still felt disappointed by the presidential candidates and found it a hard choice to decide who 312 1656374 they are today," Valero concluded. A voter fills in his ballot at a polling station in Brooklyn, New York, the United States , on Nov. 8, 2016. The U.S. presidential elections kicked off on Tuesday. (Xinhua/Wang Ying) NEW YORK/WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO 312 1656411 NEW YORK/WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO/LOS ANGELES/CHICAGO, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Voters headed to the polling stations all over the United States on Tuesday, but many still felt disappointed by the presidential candidates and found it a hard choice to decide who 312 1657901 humor. A police car is seen near the site of a shooting near a polling station in Asuza, California, the United States , on Nov. 8, 2016. One people was killed and two others were critically injured in a shooting outside a polling 312 1657999 more details are available now. A voter fills in his ballot at a polling station in Brooklyn, New York, the United States , on Nov. 8, 2016. The U.S. presidential elections kicked off on Tuesday. (Xinhua/Wang Ying) NEW YORK/WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO 312 1658037 YORK/WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO/LOS ANGELES/CHICAGO/HOUSTON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Voters flocked to the polling stations all over the United States on Tuesday, with many casting their ballots for the next president in doubts and reluctance. After voting at a local 312 1658186 Houston, many voters told Xinhua that this election was very important and critical in terms of deciding the direction the United States would go in the next few years. But they had no choice but to choose from the two unpopular nominees 312 1659129 Milner and famous British physicist Stephen Hawking. Milner said that the Parkes telescope, which will be the first outside the United States to participate in Breakthrough Listen, was a significant addition. "These major instruments are the ears of the planet and now 312 1660884 Trudeau's funeral in 2000, a sign of his respect for the Canadian family. Canada also hosted secret talks between the United States and Cuba for 18 months that led to both governments deciding to normalize relations in December of 2014. Ottawa has 312 1665914 conducted in the island annually. Bintan Island is located near neighboring country of Singapore. Spartan Race was initiated in the United States , so far had been conducted in 25 countries across the world. MANILA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte left 312 1667994 China's manufacturing center Shenzhen with Beijing from November 11 to 20. Donald Trump, who was just elected president of the United States , said in his victory speech early Wednesday it was time for America to bind the wounds of division and come 312 1668411 Donald Trump delivers a speech during a luncheon meeting of the Economic Club of New York in New York, the United States . Republican candidate Donald Trump was projected by U.S. media early on Nov. 9, 2016 to have won the 270 electoral 312 1669351 ministry is pondering more details on supervising overseas NGO activities. Officials from consulates of 11 countries in Shanghai, including the United States , Britain, Germany and Japan, attended the briefing. CAIRO, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi congratulated on Wednesday 312 1669500 scandalous campaign cycle. MANILA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte wishes to extend his warm congratulations to newly-elected United States President Donald Trump, his senior government official said Wednesday. Presidential Communications Office Secretary Martin Andanar said Duterte looks forward to 312 1669529 said Wednesday. Presidential Communications Office Secretary Martin Andanar said Duterte looks forward to enhancing relations between the Philippines and the United States under the Trump presidency. "President Duterte wishes President-elect Trump success in the next four years as Chief Executive and 312 1670486 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States . (Xinhua/AFP Photo) RAMALLAH, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian presidency announced Wednesday that it will deal with any elected U.S. president 312 1672735 due to Indian unprovoked firing. by Xinhua writer Wang Haiqing BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The relationship between China and the United States has by and large moved forward over the past eight years, and as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump prepares to 312 1672894 occasions were evident of growing China-U.S. ties. In the past three years since the Sunnylands summit, China and the United States have achieved new highs in bilateral trade, two-way investment, and personnel exchanges. They have also scored progress in establishing 312 1673100 and dimming the prospect of a peaceful solution to the region's maritime disputes. China has repeatedly said it welcomes the United States to play a constructive role in the Asia-Pacific, and stressed that the Pacific is vast enough to accommodate both 312 1674386 shows Indiana Governor and Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence speaking at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, the United States . Indiana Governor Mike Pence, the running mate of Donald Trump, became the U.S. vice president-elect on Nov. 8, 2016 312 1674665 said in his first reaction following the reports about Donlad Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election. "Iran and the United States have no political relations, but the United States must carry out what it has undertaken as an international multilateral commitment 312 1674673 about Donlad Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election. "Iran and the United States have no political relations, but the United States must carry out what it has undertaken as an international multilateral commitment in the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action 312 1674719 saying by Tasnim news agency. JCPOA is the nuclear agreement sealed between Iran and the world major powers, including the United States , in July 2015 and implemented in January this year. On Wednesday, Donald Trump, a Republican, defeated Hillary Clinton, a Democrat 312 1675250 duty, abuse of power, and accepting bribes. JERUSALEM, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday congratulated the United States elected president, Donald Trump, saying he believe the alliance between the two countries will grow stronger. In a statement released 312 1675901 research fellow at the Faculty of World Studies in Tehran University, touched upon the idiom of "buying politicians" in the United States , saying that, for the first time in the history of the U.S. presidential elections, Trump drew upon the fact that 312 1675957 In the recent U.S. presidential election, American supporters of Donald Trump's campaign simply reflected the genuine political image of the United States to its people and the world, Iranian experts said on Thursday. "This is the American people's election, and we respect 312 1676001 said in his first reaction following the reports about Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election. "Iran and the United States have no political relations, but the United States must carry out what it has undertaken as an international multilateral commitment 312 1676009 about Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election. "Iran and the United States have no political relations, but the United States must carry out what it has undertaken as an international multilateral commitment in the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action 312 1676055 saying by Tasnim news agency. JCPOA is the nuclear agreement sealed between Iran and the world's major powers, including the United States , in July 2015 and implemented in January 2017. The reason why Trump gained the support of the majority of Americans 312 1676120 expert. As for domestic policy, Trump believes that beside other unfavourable situations in the country, "the political system of the United States is corrupt, and the rich decide on who enters the White House," he said, adding that this was the discourse 312 1676214 was critical of the U.S. involvement in the Middle East wars over the past years which were costly for the United States and wasted the peoples' financial resources, the Iranian expert said. "Trump overtly declares that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq 312 1676239 peoples' financial resources, the Iranian expert said. "Trump overtly declares that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, led by the United States , have inflicted six trillion U.S. dollars in expenses on the American people, and that those who were behind these wars 312 1676276 who were behind these wars should be accountable," Abedini mentioned this as another drawback of the policy makers in the United States . Trump's slogan to amend the "corruption in political structure" of the United States was a key factor taken seriously by 312 1676289 drawback of the policy makers in the United States. Trump's slogan to amend the "corruption in political structure" of the United States was a key factor taken seriously by the American people in the recent elections, he pointed out. The Iranian professor 312 1676815 research fellow at the Faculty of World Studies in Tehran University, touched upon the idiom of "buying politicians" in the United States , saying that, for the first time in the history of the U.S. presidential elections, Trump drew upon the fact that 312 1676871 In the recent U.S. presidential election, American supporters of Donald Trump's campaign simply reflected the genuine political image of the United States to its people and the world, Iranian experts said on Thursday. "This is the American people's election, and we respect 312 1676915 said in his first reaction following the reports about Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election. "Iran and the United States have no political relations, but the United States must carry out what it has undertaken as an international multilateral commitment 312 1676923 about Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election. "Iran and the United States have no political relations, but the United States must carry out what it has undertaken as an international multilateral commitment in the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action 312 1676969 saying by Tasnim news agency. JCPOA is the nuclear agreement sealed between Iran and the world's major powers, including the United States , in July 2015 and implemented in January 2017. The reason why Trump gained the support of the majority of Americans 312 1677034 expert. As for domestic policy, Trump believes that beside other unfavourable situations in the country, "the political system of the United States is corrupt, and the rich decide on who enters the White House," he said, adding that this was the discourse 312 1677128 was critical of the U.S. involvement in the Middle East wars over the past years which were costly for the United States and wasted the peoples' financial resources, the Iranian expert said. "Trump overtly declares that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq 312 1677153 peoples' financial resources, the Iranian expert said. "Trump overtly declares that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, led by the United States , have inflicted six trillion U.S. dollars in expenses on the American people, and that those who were behind these wars 312 1677190 who were behind these wars should be accountable," Abedini mentioned this as another drawback of the policy makers in the United States . Trump's slogan to amend the "corruption in political structure" of the United States was a key factor taken seriously by 312 1677203 drawback of the policy makers in the United States. Trump's slogan to amend the "corruption in political structure" of the United States was a key factor taken seriously by the American people in the recent elections, he pointed out. The Iranian professor 312 1677312 in the third and final presidential debate at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) in Las Vegas, Nevada, the United States . (Xinhua/Yin Bogu) NEW YORK, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Republican Donald Trump defeated his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's 312 1677965 crushing blow to the Democratic Party. Enditem BRUSSELS, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said he hoped the United States and Belgium would continue to defend their common values of freedom and tolerance, after Republican candidate Donald Trump won the 312 1680941 Heads of international organizations and world leaders have congratulated Donald Trump on being elected U.S. president, eyeing cooperation with the United States . Republican presidential nominee Trump, 70, won Tuesday's presidential election in the United States and is set to succeed Democratic Barack 312 1680954 elected U.S. president, eyeing cooperation with the United States. Republican presidential nominee Trump, 70, won Tuesday's presidential election in the United States and is set to succeed Democratic Barack Obama as the next U.S. president. "We extend our sincere congratulations on your 312 1680983 Obama as the next U.S. president. "We extend our sincere congratulations on your election as the 45th President of the United States of America," said European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in a joint letter released 312 1681171 around the world. In his congratulatory message, Xi said that while China is the world's largest developing country and the United States the largest developed power, both, as the world's top economies, bear the special responsibility of maintaining world peace and stability 312 1681249 well as the general expectations of the global community, Xi said. "I highly value the relations between China and the United States , and I am looking forward to working together with you to expand China-U.S. cooperation in every field, at the 312 1681342 and other countries," Xi said. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia is ready to restore full-fledged relations with the United States after Trump's victory in the presidential election. In a telegram to Trump, Putin "expressed his hope for joint work aimed 312 1681512 Minister Theresa May, in a statement issued by Downing Street, congratulated Trump on being elected the next president of the United States . "Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise 312 1681517 statement issued by Downing Street, congratulated Trump on being elected the next president of the United States. "Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. We are, and will remain 312 1681649 told reporters in Berlin on Wednesday. "On the basis of these values, I am offering the future president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, close cooperation," Merkel said, adding that the partnership with the United States "is a foundation stone 312 1681665 future president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, close cooperation," Merkel said, adding that the partnership with the United States "is a foundation stone of German foreign policy." Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen 312 1681699 Solberg and Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen also congratulated Trump and expressed their hopes for close ties with the United States . Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has sent his "heartfelt congratulations" to Trump for his election as the next U.S. president 312 1681756 its peace and stability are "a driving force of the global economy" that also brings peace and prosperity to the United States . Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said his country will work "as closely as ever" with the United States under Trump's 312 1681774 to the United States. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said his country will work "as closely as ever" with the United States under Trump's new administration. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Trump in a message posted on Twitter, saying "we look 312 1681909 taken on July 16, 2016 shows U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attends a campaign event in New York, the United States . (Xinhua/Li Muzi) CARACAS, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The two American presidential candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, do 312 1682106 Clinton speaks on the last day of the 2016 U.S. Democratic National Convention at Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the United States . Donald Trump won U.S. presidential election as Hillary Clinton conceded defeat on Nov. 9, 2016. (Xinhua/Li Muzi) The ambassador 312 1684399 taken on July 16, 2016 shows U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attends a campaign event in New York, the United States . Donald Trump was projected by U.S. media on Nov. 9, 2016 to have won 270 electoral votes needed for presidency 312 1684455 the U.S. presidential election results on Wednesday were mixed, but nonetheless echoed the will to maintain strong ties with the United States and uphold European interests. Donald Trump, the presidential nominee from the Republican Party, emerged as the winner of the U.S 312 1684498 election on Wednesday, beating his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said his country's relationship with the United States would remain "solid and strong" in the wake of the election results. The center-left Italian leader had openly endorsed 312 1684866 settled, it is my hope that the next administration would continue the open and constructive cooperation that has characterized the United States for many years," Rasmussen said after Clinton conceded defeat on Wednesday morning. Of concern for Danish foreign minister Kristian Jensen 312 1684899 morning. Of concern for Danish foreign minister Kristian Jensen is how Trump would cope with the climate policy, as the United States has a major role to play in global climate and energy policies. During his campaign, Trump had said he would 312 1684956 CO2 emissions and stopping the rise in global temperatures," he said. The foreign minister noted there was a risk the United States would move away from renewable energy and towards coal and oil in an attempt to restore some of the jobs 312 1685245 It also reflects the uncertainty caused by globalization, he said. Regarding Finland's primary issues of importance vis-a-vis the United States , Sipila said he hoped Europe and the Baltic region would receive consistent attention. "It is crucial to us Finns that 312 1685268 said he hoped Europe and the Baltic region would receive consistent attention. "It is crucial to us Finns that the United States remains committed to Europe and the security and stability of the Baltic Sea region," said Niinisto. Eager to build a 312 1685406 on in the world today is very different than what is presented by the media. Regarding its relationship with the United States , what matters most for Slovakia will be foreign policy decisions with regard to NATO and the EU. "Only the future 312 1685468 election campaign and whether he manages to handle, in his new office, a burden of real responsibility for how the United States , but also the whole world, will look in four years," stated Vice Chairman of the Slovak parliament Bela Bugar. The 312 1685545 by the two countries. Vejonis also noted Latvia's desire to continue to develop political, security and economic cooperation with the United States . "The U.S. has always been and will remain Latvia's strategic partner and a major NATO ally," President Vejonis said. Latvian 312 1685581 NATO ally," President Vejonis said. Latvian Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis also emphasized his country's readiness for active cooperation with the United States under the future Trump presidency. "The Latvian government is ready to work with the new (U.S.) administration to strengthen transatlantic 312 1685621 strengthen transatlantic ties for Europe's security," the Latvian prime minister said, adding that he expected no major changes in the United States ' security and foreign policy. Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Roivas' response to the victory of president-elect Trump on social media 312 1685648 Prime Minister Taavi Roivas' response to the victory of president-elect Trump on social media was: "The world needs the United States and Europe, united and strong. NATO, respect for liberty and democracy are fundamentals." NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's address to 312 1685709 attacks, and the threat of terrorism. U.S. leadership is as important as ever. A strong NATO is good for the United States , and good for Europe." He said he looked forward to meeting Trump soon, and welcoming him to Brussels for the 312 1685766 in the third and final presidential debate at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) in Las Vegas, Nevada, the United States , Oct. 19, 2016. (Xinhua/Yin Bogu) GENEVA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Roberto Azevedo on Wednesday 312 1685878 campaign which pitched the 70-year-old business tycoon against Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. Trump had threatened to pull the United States out of the WTO if his proposal on penalizing U.S. companies which relocate overseas was blocked. The U.S. billionaire also 312 1686539 president. He said that Trump was "very conciliatory" in his acceptance speech on Wednesday, voicing hope to work with the United States as partners rather than adversaries. According to Li Shuo, Greenpeace's senior climate policy adviser, the U.S. economy is "decarbonizing," and 312 1686658 COP21. Its 180 signatories committed themselves to maintaining global warming to under 2 degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels. The United States remains outside a previous major climate agreement, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, since George W. Bush withdrew from the treaty in 312 1687581 period while getting rid of the IS." MINSK, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Belarus respects the will expressed by citizens of the United States of America and congratulates all the Americans on the accomplished presidential election. The Belarusian side is ready to continue working 312 1688046 government and people, I send the warmest and sincerest congratulations on the occasion of your election as President of the United States ," said al-Bashir in a message to Trump. "I wish you all success and for the U.S. people progress and 312 1688087 and prosperity. I'm looking forward to working with you to upgrade the ties between our friendly countries," he added. The United States has been imposing sanctions on Sudan since 1997 and putting it on its list of countries sponsoring terrorism. Since then 312 1688814 Trump's team to find areas of common interest. iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) -- Donald Trump's ascendance as president-elect of the United States has caused many environmentalists and world leaders to raise concerns over the future president's stance on climate change -- a global 312 1688873 Dakota last May to cut off funding to United Nations climate change programs. He added that he would nix the United States ' involvement in the Paris climate agreement, an accord that entered into force last week. Trump said the international agreement to 312 1689126 climate agreement," Nicholas said. "Our leaders in the military recognize this as one of the most urgent threats facing the United States ," Nichols said of climate change. "So, I think that President Trump would be forced to listen to the experts in 312 1689407 of the most recent advancements in sustainable energy have been led by businesses and developing nations. "We call upon the United States to be part of that leadership." Copyright 2016, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. MARRAKECH, Morocco, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- President of 312 1690043 changing rapidly, and the Chinese eating habits begin more and more to resemble the food culture in Europe and the United States . Meanwhile, the e-commerce is developing fast in China, enabling groceries being bought and delivered at home, he added. "It 312 1690810 HELSINKI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Finnish President Sauli Niinisto said on Wednesday that the election of a new president in the United States does not necessarily impact NATO's decision in accepting Finland as its member if it applies. "NATO and its memberships are 312 1690936 and to the security and stability of the Baltic area would continue. Niinisto said the tie between Finland and the United States has been the closest ever and it provides the ground for the future. Both Niinisto and NATO Secretary General Jens 312 1691922 Russia means something good for us." However, Maher Ihsan, another Syrian journalist, said that he doesn't expect much from the United States , no matter who is the president. "I think that countries such as the United States have plans for 50 or 312 1691937 doesn't expect much from the United States, no matter who is the president. "I think that countries such as the United States have plans for 50 or more years ahead, and even though they change presidents every four or eight years, but 312 1692065 these people could do." "A lot of Syrians don't even know the difference between the Democrat and Republican parties in United States , and the few remarks made on TVs by either one of the nominees don't reflect the reality of what they 312 1692390 frowning Trump over the headline "Trumpocalypse." Elsewhere in France, Le Monde kept it simple with "Donald Trump, president of the United States ." However the conservative-leaning paper posted a unique - and scathing - front-page editorial on the results and damning the reactionary 312 1697377 the construction sector would re-absorb some of these workers. Donald J. Trump will be the next President of the United States . The evil, demonic, mass murdering Hillary Clinton has been defeated.This is VICTORY for all Americans, even the uninformed, ignorant morons 312 1698622 industry has already moved towards transparency in its operations. --IANS ag/rn Redmayne auditioned for 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' United States ,Cinema/Showbiz,Hollywood, Wed, 09 Nov 2016 IANS Los Angeles, Nov 9 (IANS) Actor Eddie Redmayne has revealed that he 312 1701788 did not know how to swim either. --IANS dc/nn/vt Shock, anger to congratulations flood Twitter on Trump win United States ,Politics,Technology, US Elections, Wed, 09 Nov 2016 IANS New York, Nov 9 (IANS) As Republican Donald Trump won the 312 1703109 of it. (Rupesh Dutta can be contacted at --IANS rup/sm/rn Ami Bera re-elected to Congress United States ,Politics,Diaspora, Wed, 09 Nov 2016 IANS New York, Nov 9 (IANS) Ami Bera, the only Indian American in Congress 312 1703375 and fellow Californian Ro Khanna. --IANS al/vd Jayapal becomes first Indian American woman elected to US House of Representatives United States ,Politics,Diaspora, Wed, 09 Nov 2016 IANS New York, Nov 9 (IANS) Pramila Jayapal became the first Indian American woman 312 1703705 benefit people of the two countries and the world. --IANS gsh/vd/dg Sonam Kapoor meets Stan Lee in Hollywood United States ,Cinema/Showbiz,Bollywood, Wed, 09 Nov 2016 IANS Los Angeles, Nov 9 (IANS) Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor, who had a 312 1703891 Donald Trump won on Wednesday. --IANS sug/rb/vt It will take a miracle for us to win: Trump's adviser United States ,Politics, US Elections, Wed, 09 Nov 2016 IANS Washington, Nov 9 (IANS) A senior adviser from Donald Trump's inner circle 312 1705138 Action (JCPOA), is the nuclear agreement sealed between Iran and the major world powers including China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States and Germany in July 2015 and was implemented on January 16, 2016. Rouhani stressed that the result of the US 312 1711568 National Committee chairman Reince Priebus. Urged to address the crowd, Priebus said: Ladies and gentleman, the next president of the United States : Donald Trump. I look very much forward to being your president, and hopefully at the end of two years or 312 1714124 as it became more and more apparent that Donald Trump was going to be elected the next president of the United States , you may have seen one message (well, besides total despair) appearing on your social-media feeds over and over: Get 312 1715087 founded the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) the first nonprofit dedicated to decriminalizing cannabis across the United States in 1970, and last nights unprecedented ballot victories for pot put him that much closer to realizing a 46-year 312 1718153 this orange asshole has openly mocked people with disabilities. so now my son will see that the president of the united states makes fun of disabled people(among all of the other shit he's done). it makes me angry, sad, and frustrated 312 1723933 More Top Reads From On Tuesday November 8, millions of voters will head to the polls in the United States to choose who will be the next president. That figure, either business magnate Donald Trump or former Secretary of State 312 1726686 fired, disbarred and prosecuted for the damage she'd done , Reno was appointed to the position of Attorney General of the United States by president Bill Clinton in 1993. She became the first woman to serve in the position. She promptly established her 312 1727817 to "renegotiate" the Paris agreement and completely dismantle the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will be the next President of the United States ! My email inbox is stuffed full with reactions from the environmental community and Twitter is on fire. Here are some 312 1727881 to accept the fact that the man who ridiculed and threatened them for months is the President-elect of the United States ," Greenpeace USA's Executive Director Annie Leonard shared. "Fear may have won this election, but bravery, hope and perseverance will overcome 312 1728143 the Center for Biological Diversity said, "The Paris agreement was signed and ratified not by a president, but by the United States itself. One man alone, especially in the twenty-first century, should not strip the globe of the climate progress that 312 1728197 international law, and as a matter of human survival, the nations of the world can, must and will hold the United States to its climate commitments. And it's incumbent upon U.S. communities to unite and push forth progressive climate policies on a 312 1735236 Dixon said after voting. Argyle voter Richard Entwistle went for Trump in hopes of helping businesses stay afloat in the United States . Theres been this tremendous loss with economic opportunity, he said. To make a profit, they have to manufacture elsewhere. I 312 1737906 and contentious campaign. Americans went to the polls, they voted and Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States . As we recognise his victory, we must also acknowledge the importance of Secretary Clinton's concession and her congratulating the president 312 1737950 Jackson said through the election he has been asked what each candidate's election would mean to Ghana and Africa. The United States and Ghana has a long and productive relationship. We are allies and will continue to work together on important issues 312 1738680 businesses here, particularly if someone was exporting due to this agreement. The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is a United States Trade Act enacted in 2000, and has since been renewed until 2025. The legislation significantly enhances market access to the 312 1739400 labouring citizens." Read more:Mahama congratulates Trump Martin Amidu in a statement noted that, "I also congratulate the People of the United States of America for asserting their silent power of sovereignty by voting for the non-establishment candidate, President Elect Donald Trump 312 1739459 their greedy allies." Below is Martin Amidu's statement: I write to congratulate Donald Trump as the President Elect of the United States of America after defying the political elite, the political establishment including media, big businesses and banks to prove that the 312 1739542 democratic vote to seek personal enrichment to the detriment of their labouring citizens. I also congratulate the People of the United States of America for asserting their silent power of sovereignty by voting for the non-establishment candidate, President Elect Donald Trump 312 1740125 heavily favored Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path. Adekunle, according to Punch, committed the offense in the Dopemu area of the state and 312 1743488 people of the federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari congratulates President-elect Donald Trump on his victory in the United States presidential election, the statement read. President Buhari also congratulates American citizens on the outcome of the election, which was keenly 312 1743584 security, economic growth, democracy and good governance. As Mr Trump prepares to assume the position of the President of the United States , President Buhari extends his good wishes to him on the onerous task of leading the worlds strongest economy. According to 312 1746264 fact." Fowler-Amba also expressed her excitement over the strategic ICT partnership that the school established with New Horizons, a United States -based IT, skills, certification and training organisation with presence in 80 countries worldwide. ALSO READ: Nigerian students build tech that 312 1747619 country's two-round electoral system makes it harder to pull off an upset. "Congratulations to the new president of the United States Donald Trump and to the free American people," she tweeted over an hour before the election was called for the 312 1747681 arrogant elite" and noted that the result coincided with the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. "Today, the United States , tomorrow France. Bravo America!" Le Pen's father, FN founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, cheered. In April, the French will begin 312 1748362 other, this is absolute and unconditioned." "These security guarantees are important for Europe but they are also important for the United States ," he said. He recalled that the only time NATO's "all for one, one for all" defence guarantee has been invoked 312 1748393 all for one, one for all" defence guarantee has been invoked was after the 9/11 terror attacks on the United States . European Council chief Tusk and European Commission boss Juncker said they wanted to discuss issues including terrorism and Ukraine with 312 1748863 in power, they threatened us and showed their hostility... and when the Democrats were in power, the policies of the United States were the same," Salami told the Fars news agency. Iran says the United States has not stuck to the spirit 312 1748877 in power, the policies of the United States were the same," Salami told the Fars news agency. Iran says the United States has not stuck to the spirit of the nuclear deal since it came into force in January, because a raft 312 1755627 is so awesome," Lear said. "Its the most wonderful thing. Its free and its our right as citizens of the United States . No one should not vote. Lear said she has been praying through this whole election, but especially these past nine 312 1756056 who I vote for, Lettington said. If Lettington had the chance to talk with the newly elected president of the United States , he said he would tell them to leave us alone as much as possible. "Help those who need it, but 312 1757218 al-Assad to defeat the Islamic State. Trump proposed this shared campaign during that same debate. "If Russia and the United States got along well and went after ISIS, that would be good," he said. He offered positive comments about Assad, saying 312 1764270 She actually told Sioux Falls' KSOO radio that if a tax reform package that she favors were enacted in the United States we'd see an economic growth rate of "around 9.1 percent." This is so stunningly outlandish that you have to wonder 312 1765383 wheat breeding and genetics at the University of Minnesota, said there are frequent epidemics of the disease reported in the United States , Canada, Europe, Asia and South America.The fungus is also a menace to the barley industry. Gill noted that since the 312 1775858 by: Dean Strang | Sep 16, 2009 4:28:29 PM Hey (anti-)federalist: This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of 312 1775881 shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States , shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing 312 1786579 Ako Abdul-Samad of Des Moines said Tuesday night. What we see tonight is that we have voices in the United States and in Iowa that we have to begin listening to. Individuals that didnt have a voice for decades have come 312 1789604 a night! They just called Ohio for Donald Trump," Harris shouted. "He's going to be the next president of the United States ." He praised the achievement of Del. Kathy Szeliga, his former aide and campaign manager, losing to Democrat Chris Van Hollen 312 1789930 got 34% of the vote, promised the Republican crowd. "I'm coming back." "Next time, the most popular governor in the United States is going to be at the top of the ticket," Plaster said. "We're going to win the 3rd District. You 312 1790568 in the run-up to the November 8 election and dramatically altered the political landscape for LGBT rights in the United States . Although Trump was to some the most pro-gay Republican presidential nominee ever, he has promised to name an Antonin 312 1802005 admonished Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to take lessons from the US presidential election. "Democrats are still in power in the United States of America, but the Republicans triumph in Presidential election. There was no muscle power but reflection of the public opinion 312 1802240 added. Ties with US to grow: AL Staff Reporter : Ruling Awami League thinks that friendship relation between Bangladesh and the United States will grow stronger with the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election. According to the leaders of the 312 1802263 grow stronger with the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election. According to the leaders of the party, United States determines their foreign and trade policies with reality. That is why there is no reason for any party to think 312 1802313 Member and Health Minister Mohammad Nasim said, 'We have no reason to cheer up at the presidential election of the United States . The US determines their policies with reality. They don't do anything against the national interest. However, we think, relation between 312 1802338 their policies with reality. They don't do anything against the national interest. However, we think, relation between Bangladesh and the United States will be boosted with the victory of Donald Trump. We hope, he (Trump) will send back the killer of Bangabandhu 312 1802509 World leaders have begun congratulating US President-elect Donald Trump on his historic win highlighting their strong ties with the United States of America. They are sending congratulations and messages to Donald Trump after news of his winning the presidency broke on 312 1802874 partners on trade, security and defence". Ms May had criticised Trump's call for a ban on Muslims from entering the United States , saying it was divisive, unhealthy and wrong. But since Britain's surprise vote to leave the European Union in June prompted 312 1803091 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said. "I express my heartfelt congratulations on your election as the next president of the United States ," Abe said in a statement. "The stability of the Asia-Pacific region, which is the driving force of the global 312 1803120 of the Asia-Pacific region, which is the driving force of the global economy, brings peace and prosperity to the United States ," Abe said. He also called for Tokyo to pay more to support the two countries' security alliance. German Chancellor Angela 312 1803586 President Rodrigo Roa Duterte wishes to extend his warm congratulations to Donald Trump on his victory as President of the United States of America," Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said in a statement. Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi has congratulated Donald 312 1808067 decided to ban Russian oil imports, toughening the toll on Russia's economy in retaliation for its invasion of Ukraine. The United States generally imports about 100,000 barrels a day from Russia, only about 5% of Russia's crude oil exports, according to Rystad 312 1810929 and economic environment, the soil that breeds terrorism and extremism cannot be cleansed. This is something some Western countries, the United States in particular, have never bothered to ponder. The US-led "war on terror" in the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan 312 1812422 but many citizens simply do not have them. And these eligible voters should not be denied their fundamental rights. The United States needs to keep our voting system free, fair and accessible by restoring the Voting Rights Act. There is a bipartisan 312 1812517 the next Congress is sworn in come January, it is essential that it take action to right this wrong. The United States can be proud of an election system that works remarkably well. But it does have flaws that must be addressed 312 1815971 ceremony at 1:30 p.m. in the Glenrock Middle School auditorium to honor Glenrock residents who have served in the United States military. The Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter and the American Legion and Auxiliary members of Jesse 312 1818341 left coast is going to give that up? he said. It will be decided by the Supreme Court of the United States . Its likely to be challenged by one of our neighboring states. Hicks, a Republican from Baggs, said the amendment was 312 1820659 society. So far, 100 countries have formally joined the agreement adopted last year in Paris, including top polluters China, the United States , the European Union and India. However, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said he would cancel the deal if 312 1828682 well-known Kenyan journalist. He currently hosts Jeff Koinange Live on KTN. Koinange has served as a journalist in the United States and has also worked for a few U.S. broadcasters. He was born in Kenya but attended college in the United 312 1828703 States and has also worked for a few U.S. broadcasters. He was born in Kenya but attended college in the United States , which may explain his accent. There are several interesting ... Caroline Mutoko Biography Age, Daughter & House Caroline Mutoko is a Kenyan 312 1832068 different awards and ranked on the Billboard Charts. Sivan, who was born in South Africa but now resides in the United States , is ... Did iDubbbz Have Cancer, Is He Gay and Who Is His Girlfriend Now? iDubbbz is one YouTuber who has 312 1839411 there is no shortage of ways for men and women who desire fame to pursue and earn it in the United States of America. Another tested medium ... Unearthing New Details About The YouTube Success And Personal Life of Alex Burriss of Wassabi 312 1839681 of men and women who listen to them for insight and direction for various political and social issues in the United States . For Conservatives, the story is ... Following Charissa Thompsons Rise Through The Ranks Of Sports Casting and All About Her Boyfriend 312 1844314 as a TV weatherman before being tapped to host Wheel of Fortune, the longest-running syndicated game show in the United States . Sajak has hosted the popular game show from 1983 ... Nayyera Haqs Bio What To Know About Her Husband, Parents And 312 1853018 of the century, Donald Trump has become the next president-elect. Election 2016 is now in the books, and the United States is at a standstill. Trump questions Heading into the 2016 presidential election, the idea of a Trump presidency was met 312 1853195 University of Utah. Peterson argued that it would be "proper" for Congress to impeach Trump, citing Article II of the United States Constitution which gives the right to impeach due to "high crimes and misdemeanors." Peterson's argument is based on the upcoming 312 1853297 rules via @WSJ Ron Watson JD MEd (@superior701) October 31, 2016 Peterson also makes note that the United States Constitution does give Congress the right to impeach a president due to actions that took place before they were elected 312 1854791 CS Kids frolicked with Pandora when the captured panda stayed temporarily at West China Union University before heading to the United States in May 1938. In March 1938, the university had received a request from the New York Zoological Society, which wanted 312 1854877 it like a pet and named it Pandora. Until Dickinson's colleague Roy Spooner, a chemistry professor, took Pandora to the United States in May 1938, many of the CS Kids played with it after school. "When it was sunny, we would take 312 1854957 Chengdu to Chongqing, where they boarded a ship to Hong Kong via Shanghai and changed to a ship to the United States . Pandora died on May 13, 1941. YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 9, ARMENPRESS. Hillary Clinton said she's willing to bury the hatchet with 312 1860442 as it is doing at the moment, according to Google statistics. Searches for the word emigrate also jumped in the United States as the Republican steamed ahead in Tuesdays election, the Telegraph reported. Even ahead of election day, many celebrities expressed their 312 1861934 the meeting. YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 9, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan addressed a congratulatory telegram to President-elect of the United States of America Donald Trump on November 9. The telegram reads: Dear Mr. Trump, I cordially congratulate you on being elected 312 1861960 on November 9. The telegram reads: Dear Mr. Trump, I cordially congratulate you on being elected as President of the United States of America. The American people highly appreciated both your knowledge and experience, and your vision and approaches, trusting you the 312 1862027 for the USA. Today, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties between Armenia and the United States , I express gratitude for the significant assistance which your country has provided during the last quarter century, aimed at establishment 312 1862063 last quarter century, aimed at establishment of Armenias democracy and economic growth. We highly appreciate the important role of the United States , as a co-chairing country of the OSCE Minsk Group, in the peaceful settlement process of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict 312 1862151 elected to the post of President of the USA and I wish you productive work for the glory of the United States of America and prosperity of the American people. Please accept, your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 312 1863345 taken by Donald Trump during the American campaign must be confronted with the values and interests we share with the United States , he said. What is at stake is peace, the fight against terrorism, the situation in the Middle East. It is 312 1878926 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States . The Republican mogul defeated his Democratic rival, plunging global markets into turmoil and casting the long-standing global political order 312 1879342 the first woman to become president in Americas 240-year existence. Americans have repudiated her call for unity amid the United States wide cultural and racial diversity, opting instead for a leader who insisted the country is broken and that "I alone 312 1879551 incumbent, Obama, who for eight years has repeated the credo that there is no black or white America, only the United States of America. On the eve of the election, he told tens of thousands of people in Philadelphia that he was 312 1881151 excited about the news of a potential, and likely, victory for Republicans across the board, including for president of the United States . This could turn out to be an amazing night for America, couldnt it? Blum said as one of the first 312 1885906 despite them. This election comes at a time when we need decisive government action to address climate change. If the United States continues to exploit our last remaining fossil fuels instead of aggressively pursuing clean energy and protecting our air and water 312 1886017 him. This is a dark day for us, and especially for our grandchildren, who will wonder what madness caused the United States to elect a leader so obviously intent on . . . abusing the powers of the presidency. Yet, looking at history, our ancestors 312 1887384 of material they could proving their opponent was a rapey, racist misogynist. He didnt deny it. And he won. The United States is a nation of barbarians, a warlike people full of gun-toting madmen high on meth and college intelligentsia that 312 1887478 to deny that the US created Daesh. They broke the con-mans only rule: never believe your own bullshit. The United States will be ruled by the Republicans for the next four years and liberals of all stripes will be forced to 312 1887578 linings here: we can now freely admit a revolution cannot depend on someones gender alone, we have seen that the United States is still a gleefully racist country that has no problem backing killer cops, we have learned the lesser of two 312 1904727 NOVEMBER 9, ARTSAKHPRESS: The telegram reads: Dear Mr. Trump, I cordially congratulate you on being elected as President of the United States of America. The American people highly appreciated both your knowledge and experience, and your vision and approaches, trusting you the 312 1904794 for the USA. Today, on the eve of the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties between Armenia and the United States , I express gratitude for the significant assistance which your country has provided during the last quarter century, aimed at establishment 312 1904830 last quarter century, aimed at establishment of Armenias democracy and economic growth. We highly appreciate the important role of the United States , as a co-chairing country of the OSCE Minsk Group, in the peaceful settlement process of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict 312 1904918 elected to the post of President of the USA and I wish you productive work for the glory of the United States of America and prosperity of the American people. Please accept, your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration." Fall is 312 1907540 The hearing focused on the proposed transfer of detainees from Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba to sites in the United States , including the Naval Consolidated Brig in Charleston. At the hearing, Katko asked Haley questions about the potential impact of housing 312 1909114 349-0054, Toll Free: 1-888-202-9519 Address:28 2nd Street, Suite 3036 City: San Francisco State: California Country: United States Website: Inspur International (HKG:0596) is a leading IT and Outsource 312 1914036 by Marriott, Guangzhou, attracting over 1,000 people. The grand celebration, scheduled to coincide with the closing of polls in the United States , enabled the audience to watch history as it was made. Similar to an event held for the 2012 U.S. Presidential 312 1914140 next president, and those who guessed correctly were entered into a "Lucky Draw" for round-trip air tickets to the United States courtesy of Hainan Airlines. Besides the election party, AmCham South China has hosted hundreds of events of various types for 312 1914355 in South China (AmCham South China) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating bilateral trade between the United States and the People's Republic of China. Certified in 1995 by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C., AmCham South 312 1915430 The King Mohammed VI has sent a message of congratulations to Donald Trump following his election as President of the United States of America. In this message, the Sovereign expressed to Trump His best wishes for success in this new mission and 312 1915469 new mission and endeavors to lead the American people towards further progress and prosperity. Your election as President of the United States of America attests to the American peoples trust in you and the high esteem in which they hold you, thanks 312 1915589 determination to work with Trump to achieve optimal implementation of the strategic partnership between the Kingdom of Morocco and the United States of America. I am also keen to enhance dialogue, coordination and consultation between our two countries on all issues of 312 1915761 Dwight L. Bush has released a statement on Tuesday, November 8 to express the importance of the bond between the United States and Morocco ahead of the U.S. presidential election. Morocco and the United States are strong partners and will continue to 312 1915774 the importance of the bond between the United States and Morocco ahead of the U.S. presidential election. Morocco and the United States are strong partners and will continue to be because we have a long history and a deep, enduring friendship, Bush 312 1923304 Kanaan Makiya, a major contributor to rallying the military alliance that toppled the Baathist regime in 2003, headed by the United States . Makiya told Al-Monitor that although the "Historic Settlement" initiative giving the UN a role in Iraq is a positive 312 1923525 the new darling of the AKP for echoing its claims that the Pennsylvania-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen and the United States were behind the botched coup attempt on July 15. He was invited to testify before a parliamentary committee that is 312 1923637 Dugin also claimed that Ahmet Davutoglu, the former prime minister who was shoved out last year, had plotted with the United States to overthrow Erdogan. The duly chastened Turkish president, he said, would now be pivoting toward Russia. The next logical step 312 1923910 may well find some of Dugins views attractive too. They make no secret of the fact that they see the United States ' hand in the coup. Washingtons failure to unequivocally condemn the putschists in the early hours of the attempted takeover, which 312 1926231 to the anti-Muslim sentiments he expressed during his presidential campaign. Elbayoumi called on president-elect Trump to respect the United States constitution and the values upon which it is built. If the new president failed to live up to his duties 312 1927402 question. Regarding foreign policy in general and the Middle East in particular, Donald Trump, as the new president of the United States , would stand out as the most unpredictable man to have occupied this position ever since his country started deploying an 312 1927502 affect the Middle East: The Syrian people will be the first to suffer from his election. The doors of the United States will be slammed shut in the face of would-be Syrian refugees, with maybe an exception made for Christians as 312 1927665 Syria as positive and supporting Bashar al-Assads regime as the lesser evil. It would logically involve demanding from the United States traditional allies in the region that they cease supporting the Syrian armed opposition. Washington would then co-sponsor with Moscow 312 1929246 American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear. Islamophobia won resoundingly tonight. Instead of the first female president, the United States got its first Islamophobia president. From start to finish, the 2016 presidential election vividly revealed that Islamophobia is alive, and 312 1932133 criticised for receiving Trump in Mexico during the campaign, after the Republican candidate called Mexican immigrants rapists. Mexico and the United States are friends, partners and allies and we should keep collaborating for the competitiveness and development of North America, Nieto said 312 1932180 has said that he would rescind the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which has increased commerce between Mexico, the United States and Canada, saying that it has killed US jobs. READ MORE: Trump for dummies Its about the economy, stupid Having 312 1935821 of the first world leaders to congratulate Republican leader Donald Trump on his election as the 45th president of the United States . The Kremlin said Putin sent Trump a telegram of congratulation, expressing his hope to work together for removing Russian-American 312 1935872 a hard-fought and often divisive campaign, it is worth recalling and reaffirming that the unity in diversity of the United States is one of the country's greatest strengths. I encourage all Americans to stay true to that spirit by Ban Ki 312 1936146 a hard-fought and often divisive campaign, it is worth recalling and reaffirming that the unity in diversity of the United States is one of the countrys greatest strengths. I encourage all Americans to stay true to that spirit. The new president 312 1936491 taken by Donald Trump during the American campaign must be confronted with the values and interests we share with the United States . The French leader had openly endorsed Hillary Clinton. What is at stake is peace, the fight against terrorism, the situation 312 1936630 face them realistically. Canada We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said. The Taliban The Taliban armed group called on Trump 312 1936956 working with you to expand cooperation in all fields, including in bilateral, regional and global aspects. Britain Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise, British Prime Minister Theresa May 312 1937071 to Trump, saying: The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly. The ties that bind Kenya and the United States of America are close and strong. They are old, and based in the values that we hold dear: in democracy 312 1937159 the growth of the US economy, but now as a strong leader, you have demonstrated your determination to lead the United States . IN PICTURES: Shock and euphoria as Trump wins White House Philippines Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who has lashed out at 312 1937355 an Egyptian presidency statement said. On Wednesday morning, New Yorkers woke up to a stunning victory as voters in the United States elected Donald Trump as the 45th president. As women and men rush to work, children are on their way to 312 1938334 searching to do. After a year-and-a-half-long battle, Donald Trump will become the next president of the United States . Thanks in part to surprise victories, including Florida, the Associated Press called the election for Trump based on a projected 312 1943736 and lack of opportunities facing voters across the country. "We have heard through democratic processes in both Europe and the United States the frustration that so many people have with the lack of economic opportunity and the challenges they face," Dimon said 312 1948166 platitudes and soothing sentiments of congratulations. Fox News: "Russia is ready and wants to restore full-format relations with the United States . Let me repeat. We proceed from the fact that this will be an uneasy way but we're ready both to 312 1948216 everything to return the Russian-U.S. relations to the steady development trajectory." Russian President Vladimir Putin ___ "Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. We are, and will remain 312 1948289 the growth of the U.S. economy, but now as a strong leader, you have demonstrated your determination to lead the United States ." Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ___ "Congratulations to the new president of the United States Donald Trump and the American 312 1948304 your determination to lead the United States." Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ___ "Congratulations to the new president of the United States Donald Trump and the American people, free!" France's populist, anti-immigrant politician Marine Le Pen ___ "Germany and America are 312 1948368 gender, sexual orientation or political views. On the basis of these values, I am offering the future president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, close cooperation." German Chancellor Angela Merkel Merkel's qualified congratulations will probably be echoed by other Euro 312 1948434 predictable reaction of our enemies: "This is the American people's choice. But a person who is the president of the United States should have a correct understanding of the realities of the world and our region and face it realistically. America has 312 1948734 send a shiver along the spine." Ralph Jonck, Berlin resident. ___ "Today there is war on this planet and the United States is not innocent in these wars. Maybe in the end Trump will bring more solutions than problems, I don't know 312 1954251 moral failing thats supposed to disqualify a candidate from higher office, has apparently been elected the next president of the United States . The markets are collapsing, the globe is reeling, and nobody can quite explain what the hell happened. But heres what 312 1954678 TrackBack | Permalink (ANSA) - Rome, November 9 - Italy on Wednesday tried to absorbe Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton in the United States Presidential election. Premier Matteo Renzi on Wednesday congratulated Trump. "The world is saluting Trump's election," said Renzi, who had said 312 1954774 a new season". Matteo Salvini, the leader of the right-wing Northern League, on Wednesday hailed Donald Trump's election as United States president as the "revenge of the people". "It's a blow to globalization," Salvini told the League's Radio Padania. "It's a 312 1954916 Twitter. Italian Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Benedetto Della Vedova said Wednesday that Trump's win meant Europe was now more alone. "The United States will survive Trump," Della Vedova said. "My concern is what will happen in our home. As of tonight, Europe is 312 1955022 Tusk and Commissione President Jean-Claude Juncker sent a joint letter on Wednesday to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected United States president. "The strategic partnership between the European Union and the United States is rooted in our shared values of freedom 312 1955034 Wednesday to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected United States president. "The strategic partnership between the European Union and the United States is rooted in our shared values of freedom, human rights, democracy and a belief in the market economy," the letter 312 1955065 rights, democracy and a belief in the market economy," the letter read. "Over the years, the European Union and the United States have worked together to ensure peace and prosperity for our citizens and for people around the world. Today, it is 312 1955596 a new era in relations between the two countries with stronger cooperation relations on all levels between Egypt and the United States '' as well as ''peace and stability in the southern region give the great challenges it is confronting''. (ANSAmed). Era of 312 1958500 Embassy, the Embassy told Armenpress. As the results of the U.S. presidential and congressional elections were broadcast live from the United States , both American staff and our Armenian guests experienced the excitement of the democratic process in action as polls closed and 312 1958624 Richard M. Mills, Jr. emphasized that today is a special day, one that comes along every four years, when the United States reaffirms and celebrates its democratic tradition, 240 years strong, of calling upon the people to elect their next president. As 312 1958788 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year, will stay strong regardless of who is elected the next president of the United States . The U.S. remains committed to our shared goal of an independent and prosperous Armenia at peace with its neighbors, and 312 1959769 generous audit exemptions for small-and-medium sized enterprises. The Trans-Pacific Partnership and its Impact on Asian Markets The United States backed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) includes six Asian economies Australia, Brunei, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam, while Indonesia has 312 1960753 Respect for all life extends to the body of deceased persons." Mumbai (AsiaNews) Just before the presidential elections in the United States , a New York Catholic priest placed an aborted foetus on an altar and asked voters to cast their ballot for 312 1974057 Nissan Group retains top spot for the third consecutive year as the most fuel efficient full-line automaker in the United States , according to the recently released 2016 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) "CO2 and Fuel Economy Trends" in the EPA annual fuel 312 1974126 is the authoritative reference on new light-duty vehicle carbon dioxide emissions, fuel economy and powertrain technology trends in the United States . Every year the EPA releases its findings on fuel efficiency for automobiles sold in the United States. The EPA report 312 1974143 trends in the United States. Every year the EPA releases its findings on fuel efficiency for automobiles sold in the United States . The EPA report included progress made by automakers since 1975 and also revised figures if EPA efficiency ratings are not 312 1976685 Sarkisian said in a telegram made public by his office. I have no doubt that under your able leadership the United States will achieve further progress and advancement in the years to come. I am confident that during your presidency the close 312 1976735 expanding and reaching new heights in different areas, he wrote. Throughout his rule, Sarkisian has sought closer ties with the United States despite Armenias political and military alliance with Russia. He has repeatedly said in recent years that U.S.-Armenian relations have 312 1978504 children's and youth competition. Along with Azerbaijan, the festival was attended by filmmakers from Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, France and the United States . "The Lesson" was shot upon the order of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism by the Azerbaijanfilm studio named after 312 1982298 Orpheum Tuesday evening. McCarthy said, I dont think Donald Trump even meets the minimum qualifications to be president of the United States , and said he voted for Clinton. McCarthy said he believes Clinton will be a better president than what people think 312 1982377 views on Trump, saying, Trump is a racist and a bigot. Evans said, [Trump] doesnt reflect the majority of the United States , because we are a country of immigrants. 9 November 2016 12:33 (UTC+04:00) By Nigar Abbasova The Southern 312 1983629 here Reince. Reince gets over there. Trump gives him the microphone. Priebus: Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States , Donald Trump! --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 9 November 2016 14:53 (UTC+04:00) By Nigar Abbasova The Islamic 312 1985100 an exacting representation of what you're looking at. By 1924 she was one of the most famous artists in the United States , and that would sort of ebb and flow for the rest of her life. But she was never really far 312 1985130 for the rest of her life. But she was never really far from the cutting edge of art in the United States , Kastner summed up. Yet, eventually she sought new inspiration, and found it in the environment of New Mexico. By locating 312 1990505 lot of interest in these archives and learning more about industry in the late 1800s and early 1900s in the United States and how that developed, said Mark Engler, Homestead park superintendent. It also gives a glimpse into the relationships between industry 312 1992369 judge race by more than 10 percent. Wortham received 47,770 votes (55.54 percent), and Timaeus received 38,240 votes. In the United States presidential race, Donald Trump recieved 424 more votes than Hillary Clinton. Gary Johnson received 1,711 votes. ---- 9:18 p.m. With 312 1994856 for Mylan's actions and does not send the right message to other pharmaceutical companies operating in the Medicaid market. The United States will soon face a physician shortage and health experts may have to revamp the healthcare system to combat this gap 312 1994936 a shortage between 12,500 primary care physicians and 31,000 PCPs by this time. 2. Compared to some other nations, the United States currently has more physicians per individual, with the nation currently having 2.56 physicians per 1,000 people. This figure is more 312 1994972 1,000 people. This figure is more than Canada (2.46), Poland (2.24), South Korea and Mexico (both 2.17). 3. However, the United States trails behind other countries including Austria (4.99), Norway (4.31), Sweden (4.12), Germany and Switzerland (both 4.04). 4. Many medical students 312 1997223 they're replaceable and may lead them to find work elsewhere. Republican nominee Donald Trump was officially elected president of the United States Tuesday. The presidential election results were met with mixed reactions in the healthcare industry. Here we highlight six initial responses 312 2011105 campaign rally on November 8, 2016 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. With less than 24 hours until Election Day in the United States , Trump and his opponent, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, are campaigning in key battleground states that each must win to 312 2011170 campaign rally on November 8, 2016 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. With less than 24 hours until Election Day in the United States , Trump and his opponent, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, are campaigning in key battleground states that each must win to 312 2011236 campaign rally on November 8, 2016 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. With less than 24 hours until Election Day in the United States , Trump and his opponent, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, are campaigning in key battleground states that each must win to 312 2012437 November 8, 2016 in Alexandria, Virginia. Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images) People wait in line to vote at a poll station inside of a fire 312 2012560 People vote at a polling site at Public School 261, November 8, 2016 in New York City. Citizens of the United States will choose between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images 312 2012611 to vote at a polling site at Public School 261, November 8, 2016 in New York City. Citizens of the United States will choose between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images 312 2012735 2016 in New York City. Today Americans will head to the polls and vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton (L) greets supporters after casting her vote in Chappaqua 312 2013251 2016 in New York City. Today Americans will head to the polls and vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) KANSAS CITY, MO - NOVEMBER 08: Voters wait in line to cast their ballots on 312 2013304 presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton today as they vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Whitney Curtis/Getty Images) KANSAS CITY, MO - NOVEMBER 08: A voter looks at a sample ballot as he 312 2013365 presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton today as they vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Whitney Curtis/Getty Images) Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (L) and her husband former 312 2013712 York City. . After a contentious campaign season, Americans go to the polls today to choose the next president of the United States . (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 8: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump departs after voting 312 2013762 York City. After a contentious campaign season, Americans go to the polls today to choose the next president of the United States . (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images) Voters wait in line in front of a polling station to cast their 312 2013956 at the Sarasota Fairgrounds November 7, 2016 in Sarasota, Florida. With less than 24 hours until Election Day in the United States , Trump and his opponent, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, are campaigning in key battleground states that each must win to 312 2014027 J.S. Dorton Arena November 7, 2016 in Raleigh, North Carolina. With less than 24 hours until Election Day in the United States , Trump and his opponent, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, are campaigning in key battleground states that each must win to 312 2014317 York City. After a contentious campaign season, Americans go to the polls today to choose the next president of the United States . (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images) Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign 312 2014363 State University on November 8, 2016 in Raleigh North Carolina. With less than 24 hours until Election Day in the United States , Hillary Clinton is campaigning in Pennsylvania, Michigan and North Carolina. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) A voter fills his 312 2014750 FL - NOVEMBER 08: Florida voters mark their ballots at the Leon County Courthouse on November 8, 2016 in Tallahassee, Florida, United States . Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States. (Photo by Mark Wallheiser 312 2014766 2016 in Tallahassee, Florida, United States. Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images) Voters cast their ballots at the Sutton town hall in the US presidential election 312 2014917 York City. After a contentious campaign season, Americans go to the polls today to choose the next president of the United States . (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images) A woman looks at the ballot at a polling place at a high 312 2014990 and Hillary Clinton mask while holding a makeshift doll of Donald Trump after voting on November 8, 2016 in Phoenix, United States . Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States. (Photo by Ralph Freso 312 2015006 8, 2016 in Phoenix, United States. Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Ralph Freso/Getty Images) Tom Davis reaches for a flag from Judy Lehman as they ride in a 312 2015397 November 8, 2016 in Fort Worth, Texas. Americans across the nation make their choice for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Ron Jenkins/Getty Images) Ranelle Taylor points to her "I Voted" sticker after voting in the US presidential 312 2015566 FL - NOVEMBER 08: A voter marks her ballot at the Leon County Courthouse on November 8, 2016 in Tallahassee, Florida, United States . Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States. (Photo by Mark Wallheiser 312 2015582 2016 in Tallahassee, Florida, United States. Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images) A multi-language"Vote Here sign" leads to the voting room as a man 312 2015680 of Elections office, hand a voter his ballot at the Lafayette Park precinct on November 8, 2016 in Tallahassee, Florida, United States . Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States. (Photo by Mark Wallheiser 312 2015696 2016 in Tallahassee, Florida, United States. Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images) CRAWFORDVILLE, FL - NOVEMBER 08: Voters arrive at the Wakulla County Polling House on November 312 2015737 November 8, 2016 in Crawfordville, Florida. Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images) A woman, dressed in colours of the US national flag, is pictured outside the 312 2015798 dressed as Hillary Clinton, speaks during the President's Night in Amsterdam, where participants can follow the presidential elections in the United States , on November 8, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ANP / Olaf Kraak / Netherlands OUTOLAF KRAAK/AFP/Getty Images A man, dressed in colours 312 2015960 8, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images) NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV - NOVEMBER 08: Voters cast their ballots at voting machines at 312 2016011 2016 in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Americans across the nation are picking their choice for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 08: Counterterrorism police patrol near Trump Tower on Election Day 312 2016066 Americans are casting their votes today for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Dump trucks filled with sand sit outside of Trump Tower as security is increased 312 2016490 an election eve rally on November 7, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As the historic race for the presidency of the United States comes to a conclusion, both Clinton and her rival Donald Trump are making their last appearances before voting begins tomorrow 312 2016628 and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images) Voters line up to cast their ballots in the US presidential election at a 312 2016719 on November 8, 2016 in Provo, Utah. Americans across the nation make their choice for the next president of the United States today. (Photo by George Frey/Getty Images) Guest passes and information guides on a table at the US presidential election 312 2016820 AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEBSAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 08: The American flag is projected on to the United States Embassy during an election night party on November 8, 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today 312 2016851 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 45th President of the United States . Hillary Clinton represents the Democrats and, if successful, would be the first woman president in American history. Donald Trump represents 312 2016926 Jack Taylor/Getty Images) LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 08: Information leaflets on display at a US election night party at the United States Embassy on November 8, 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 312 2016952 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 45th President of the United States . Hillary Clinton represents the Democrats and, if successful, would be the first woman president in American history. Donald Trump represents 312 2017470 and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images) NASHUA, NH - NOVEMBER 8: New Hampshire citizens stand in line to cast their vote 312 2017535 and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images) PENACOOK, NH - NOVEMBER 8: Bev Heath, 82, receives a sticker after casting her vote 312 2017600 and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images) A man wearing a shirt adorned with skulls gives thumbs up during the US 312 2017729 and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images) NASHUA, NH - NOVEMBER 8: New Hampshire citizens stand in line to cast their vote 312 2017794 and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images) NASHUA, NH - NOVEMBER 8: New Hampshire citizens cast their vote at Amherst Street Elementary 312 2017855 and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images) PENACOOK, NH - NOVEMBER 8: Hayley Bruneau receives a sticker after casting her vote with 312 2017924 and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images) People attend a gathering at the Maison de la Radio, the French public service 312 2018813 of Los Angeles, California. In addition to choosing between Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton for President of the United States , Californians are deciding on 17 ballot propositions. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images) A woman, supporter of the Democrat candidate 312 2019148 Americans are casting their votes today for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Ralph Freso/Getty Images) The White House is seen during the US presidential election night on November 8 312 2019374 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) Workers vacuum the stage at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York on 312 2019608 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 08: People wait for results at Democratic presidential nominee former 312 2019668 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) A screen displaying the election results is seen over the stage that Democratic presidential nominee 312 2019782 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Jake Krupa colors in an electoral map as states are projected for Republican presidential 312 2019972 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) Guests take a selfie at a US election party organised by the US Consulate 312 2020282 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) A person photographs the 30 Rockefeller building illuminated in patriotic lights during an Election 312 2020415 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 45th President of the United States . Clinton is running against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. (Photo by Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images) People watch elections returns 312 2020529 and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Steve Pope/Getty Images) LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 08: A Democrat at the Democrats Abroad US election night party 312 2020580 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 45th President of the United States . Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, if elected, would be the first woman president in American history. Clinton is running against 312 2020661 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 45th President of the United States . Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, if elected, would be the first woman president in American history. Clinton is running against 312 2020742 and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Steve Pope/Getty Images) A supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton raises her arms with boxing gloves 312 2020841 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 45th President of the United States . Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, if elected, would be the first woman president in American history. Clinton is running against 312 2020962 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 45th President of the United States . Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, if elected, would be the first woman president in American history. Clinton is running against 312 2021088 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 45th President of the United States . Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, if elected, would be the first woman president in American history. Clinton is running against 312 2021143 ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 08: A guest is pictured wearing a 'Trump / Pence' sticker during a US election night party at the United States Embassy on November 8, 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 312 2021169 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 45th President of the United States . Hillary Clinton represents the Democrats and, if successful, would be the first woman president in American history. Donald Trump represents 312 2021309 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 08: A Donald Trump supporter wearing a 'Vote Republican' t-shirt 312 2021340 08: A Donald Trump supporter wearing a 'Vote Republican' t-shirt gestures during an US election night party at the United States Embassy on November 8, 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 312 2021366 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls today, November 8, to elect the 45th President of the United States . Hillary Clinton represents the Democrats and, if successful, would be the first woman president in American history. Donald Trump represents 312 2021534 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) A Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's supporter watches result unfold on a screen during 312 2022011 of Los Angeles, California. In addition to choosing between Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton for President of the United States , Californians are deciding on 17 ballot propositions. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images) A man, supporter of the Democrat candidate 312 2022366 Americans are casting their votes today for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Ralph Freso/Getty Images) The White House is seen during the US presidential election night on November 8 312 2022606 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) A man speaks into a microphone as he prepare the podium for Democratic presidential nominee 312 2022971 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 08: People wait for voting results at Democratic presidential nominee former 312 2023031 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) 'Uncle Sam' poses with cardboard cut-outs of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at 312 2023244 NOVEMBER 09: Texan musician Josh T. Pearson watches the results come in at a US election night party at the United States Embassy in the early morning hours on November 9, 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls on 312 2023275 2016 in London, England. Americans have gone to the polls on November 8 to elect the 45th President of the United States . Hillary Clinton represents the Democrats and, if successful, would be the first woman president in American history. Donald Trump represents 312 2023497 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - NOVEMBER 09: People watch an election broadcasting on November 9, 2016 312 2023637 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 08: Two women hold their faces as they watch 312 2023704 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) People watch voting results at Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's 312 2023814 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 08: People watch voting results at Democratic presidential nominee former 312 2023874 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) A "Naked Cowboy" performer sings about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump outside Trump Tower in 312 2023927 and Donald Trump were running neck and neck in early results November 8th as polling stations closed in the eastern United States , with the world waiting anxiously to see who will win the historic White House clash. / AFP PHOTO / DOMINICK REUTERDOMINICK REUTER 312 2024029 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images) Girls wear jackets with the image of Hillary Clinton during Democratic presidential nominee's 312 2024146 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 09: Democrat supporters cheer an early poll result at a 'Democrats 312 2024338 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) Supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump react to Fox News calling Ohio for Trump 312 2024695 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 08: An attendee holds up a sign in support of 312 2024776 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 09: People attend an election event at the United States Studies 312 2024795 the United States. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 09: People attend an election event at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney on November 9, 2016 in Sydney, Australia. Americans go to the polls today 312 2024845 Hillary Clinton for president. (Photo by Daniel Munoz/Getty Images) SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 09: A man sleeps during at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney on November 9, 2016 in Sydney, Australia. Americans go to the polls today 312 2025058 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 08: An attendee holds up signs in support of 312 2025134 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Trump campaign co-chair for Seminole County, Fla., L.A. Key, listens to incumbent Rep 312 2025368 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images) New York governor Andrew Cuomo speaks in support of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary 312 2025483 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Two Vietnamese students take a selfie with a paper model of the US Republican 312 2025641 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 08: People cheer as voting results for Florida come in 312 2025716 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) People cheer as voting results come in at Republican presidential nominee Donald Trumps election 312 2025784 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 08: People cheer as voting results for Florida come in 312 2025859 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump watch the results during election night at 312 2025975 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) Supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump cheer during election night at the New 312 2026075 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 08: Tattoo artist Gene Coffey attends MTV News Election Night 312 2026180 and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Brent Peterson of Las Vegas, watches results during an election night watch party hosted 312 2026327 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump react as they watch the election results 312 2026456 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Supporters react to election results during Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's election night rally 312 2026707 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images) SALT LAKE CITY, UT - NOVEMBER 08: Supporters of U.S. Independent presidential candidate Evan 312 2027184 win today." Millions of voters turned out to have their say on who would become the 45th President of the United States of America - but while Mrs Clinton had been leading in the polls, with one leading statistics site giving her a 312 2027962 voters go to the polls to decide whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States . Edward Snowden will discuss the future of privacy under US President Donald Trump. will host the exclusive post-election 312 2028058 from Moscow. Edward Snowden became world famous after he handed journalists classified documents detailing the global espionage activities of the United States National Security Agency (NSA). Read more Read More Snowdens exposure of covert government surveillance put privacy firmly on the map 312 2029259 we honor our nations current and past members of the military during annual Veterans Day observances across Nebraska and the United States . In the past year, weve seen terrible acts of terrorism at home and abroad, and now more than ever we 312 2032574 has resulted in the development of glyphosate tolerant superweeds, which now infest nearly 100 million acres of farmland in the United States . We cant spray our way out of this problem. We need to get off the pesticide treadmill, said Donley. Pesticide 312 2033034 potential to bring a JSE listed company to its knees as witnessed in the African Bank (ABIL) case in 2014. United States president elect, Donald Trump has always been viewed as an unlikely candidate as a result of his persona which was 312 2043283 be the next president of the United States.Donald J. Trump will not only be elected the 45th president of the United States , but he will have a Republican House and a Republican Senate at the ready to what is prudent and right 312 2051738 including Islamic State, also known as Daesh. The two leaders said: "The strategic partnership between the European Union and the United States is rooted in our shared values of freedom, human rights, democracy and a belief in the market economy. Over the 312 2051766 of freedom, human rights, democracy and a belief in the market economy. Over the years, the European Union and the United States have worked together to ensure peace and prosperity for our citizens and for people around the world. "Today, it is 312 2052241 the world reeling in shock and despair. One American publication with a strong political message for the citizen's of the United States , has released a cartoon which articulates so much by saying very little. The Taoiseach Enda Kenny has congratulated Donald Trump 312 2052270 much by saying very little. The Taoiseach Enda Kenny has congratulated Donald Trump on his election as President of the United States . In a statement, he said: On behalf of the Government and the people of Ireland, I am pleased to offer 312 2052308 am pleased to offer our sincere congratulations to Donald J. Trump on his election as the 45th President of the United States . Ireland and the United States have enjoyed a very close and warm relationship for many generations and I am confident 312 2052313 sincere congratulations to Donald J. Trump on his election as the 45th President of the United States. Ireland and the United States have enjoyed a very close and warm relationship for many generations and I am confident that under his leadership our 312 2052383 relations and specifically to immigration reform, the Taoiseach said: We are all acutely conscious of the particular responsibility of the United States for leadership and engagement across the globe in our endeavours to address shared challenges. I look forward to working with 312 2052433 the cause of international peace and security. I also intend to work closely with the new Administration and newly elected United States Congress to pursue comprehensive immigration reform, an issue that is so important to tens of thousands of Irish people who 312 2052699 Trump's time at the White House. "I congratulate Donald Trump on his historic election as the 45th President of the United States of America," said Democratic Unionist leader Mrs Foster. "We are a small region but we are fortunate to have strong 312 2052728 Foster. "We are a small region but we are fortunate to have strong historical, economic and political ties to the United States . "Northern Ireland has developed a mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and I look forward to working with Donald 312 2052740 strong historical, economic and political ties to the United States. "Northern Ireland has developed a mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and I look forward to working with Donald Trump's administration to continue this. "As our largest inward investor the United 312 2052761 States and I look forward to working with Donald Trump's administration to continue this. "As our largest inward investor the United States plays a massive role in our economic progress." Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness said: "I congratulate Donald Trump on his election 312 2052804 I will work constructively with President Trump to maintain and strengthen our well established and deeply valued relationship with the United States . "Over many years successive US administrations have made a major contribution to both our peace process and economic development and 312 2057771 scepticism over his views on topics such as trade. So, you've decided to watch the results creep in for the United States election because, presumably, you think that your life has been too laid back and blissful to this point and that 312 2058399 the region to impress upon the new administration the importance of US leadership in our region, the importance of the United States continuing to maintain a strong presence in the region," she said. "The new administration will have a number of challenges 312 2058444 region, and we want to work constructively with the new administration to ensure the continued presence and leadership of the United States in our region." Ms Bishop denied that the government had been caught out by American voters, while issuing a none 312 2058544 ready to work constructively with either administration. "It will be incumbent upon all countries that have deep interests with the United States to ensure that they press upon the administration their concerns, their interests, but that's my expectation over the transition period 312 2058702 shortly after Mr Trump declared victory. "But let me reassure all Australians that the ties that bind Australia and the United States are profound, they are strong, they are based on our enduring national interests. We've just witnessed the second American Revolution 312 2060764 the welcome mat. Fish and chips for two, perhaps? Yeah, yeah, there was something rather large taking place in the United States today. But what about the bloke who was too lazy to find a carpark at Bunnings, and sent his drone 312 2061572 was a backflip - before becoming prime minister, May had criticised Trump's call for a ban on Muslims from entering the United States , saying it was divisive, unhelpful and wrong. But since Britain's surprise vote to leave the European Union in June led 312 2061623 She said Trump had won a "hard-fought campaign" and that she wanted the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States to endure. "I look forward to working with President-elect Donald Trump, building on these ties to ensure the security 312 2061819 position by saying after North Korea's nuclear test that such provocation by the North is a direct threat to the United States ." However a government spokesperson also expressed concern he may make an unpredictable proposal to North Korea on their on nuclear 312 2061928 responsibility for their own defense. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said he looked forward to continuing a partnership with the United States under Trump's presidency. "Those who want to see their government more focused on their interests and welfare, and less embroiled 312 2061991 statement. Japan pledged unity with the US Chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga said: "Japan will keep working closely with the United States for peace and prosperity, for Asia-Pacific and the world." Firebrand Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte offered "warm congratulations" to U.S 312 2062347 Kushner is third from right. Credit:AP Yes, that Donald Trump is going to be the most powerful person in the United States and maybe the world for the next four years. What Donald Trump has done is nothing short of cataclysmic. He 312 2063131 the midwestern swing state turned Trump red, the conversation at a Canberra event hosted by the US embassy and the United States Studies Centre became muted. The largely Australian crowd at the party, held at the National Press Club, turned to the 312 2063274 National Front leader Marion Marechal Le Pen - the rise of the far right in Europe mirrors Trump's rise in the United States . Credit:AP "Tomorrow doesn't look 'cool' in terms of economic and social opportunity," he said. "And that's what we reflect, that's 312 2064740 White House. Is former designated survivor and now-President Kirkman (Keifer Sutherland) the target of the latest attack on the United States government? In episode 6, The Interrogation, President Kirkmans plans for electing a new Congress will be thrown into turmoil. How 312 2064780 turmoil. How will he handle feeling powerless in a job where he should be the most powerful person in the United States ? Also in The Interrogation, FBI Agent Hannah Wells (Maggie Q) continues investigating the Capitol bombing and makes one of her 312 2064959 make difficult decisions that will define his presidency and the legacy he will leave behind as the leader of the United States . After feeling secure in thinking he had captured Majid Nassar, the leader of a terrorist group called Al-Sakar, Kirkman 312 2064987 had captured Majid Nassar, the leader of a terrorist group called Al-Sakar, Kirkman is relieved he has moved the United States away from any further terrorist threats. In episode 5, he seemed to finally relax in his ability to tackle the 312 2069558 outgoing US President Barack Obama could take a major hit with Republican, Donald Trump, becoming the 45th President of the United States of America. In a report by S&P Global compiling the campaign statements of Trump indicate that fossil fuel would 312 2072614 the political veterans who scoffed at his slapdash campaign. It's official now - has been elected the 45th President of the United States of America after pulling off a stunning victory. This is indeed a historic moment for the US. Despite the groundswell 312 2073320 regard to France and Europe, which he "appears to know pretty badly". "It forces us to reorganise ourselves because the United States will defend its interests so we will need to defend ours, those of France and Europe, so in a way 312 2074501 in disguise. Bucking media opposition, popular perception and Hillary Clintons vicious campaign, has emerged as the 45th president of the United States of America. Trump elucidated on his 15-point agenda in the run-up to the elections. If he decides to 312 2074577 recovery after Donald Trump was announced as the winner in the US elections to become the 45th president of the United States . Further, the surprising move by the government on banning high denomination currencies also dampened investor sentiment. The Registration Authority of 312 2077567 region of the Kotgarh Valley in 1916. Samuel Evans Stokes popularly known as Satyanand Stokes brought apple seeds from the United States and planted them in various parts of Himachal Pradesh. After that Kotgarh and other regions of Shimla district emerged as 312 2078664 Indian-Americans have expressed their delight on the election of Republican candidate Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States . "Satisfied and happy that outcome of all the efforts was good," said Shalab Kumar, Indian-American industrialist. Talking about the 312 2078691 of all the efforts was good," said Shalab Kumar, Indian-American industrialist. Talking about the relationship between India and the United States post Trump's victory, Kumar said the first effort should be to remove trade barriers so that both nations benefit. Former 312 2078744 our efforts have finally paid off, we cannot be happier.' Trump was today elected as the 45th president of the United States . Trump's surprising performance at the polls ended Hillary Clinton's quest to make history as the first female president of the 312 2078766 Trump's surprising performance at the polls ended Hillary Clinton's quest to make history as the first female president of the United States . Trump, a 70-year-old celebrity businessman who had never before run for office, is poised to become the oldest 312 2079524 on Wednesday celebrated the victory of Republican candidate Donald Trump who has been elected as the 45th president of the United States . "We are celebrating the victory of Donald Trump. We welcome Trump on behalf of our party. We believe that his 312 2079799 Trump's surprising performance at the polls ended Hillary Clinton's quest to make history as the first female president of the United States . The 70-year-old celebrity businessman who had never before run for office, is poised to become the oldest president 312 2083471 Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Dubbing the election of Donald Trump as the 45th United States President as 'surprising', the Congress on Wednesday said it reflected the rejection of politics by the people of America. "It's 312 2084052 Trump's surprising performance at the polls ended Hillary Clinton's quest to make history as the first female president of the United States . The 70-year-old celebrity businessman who had never before run for office, is poised to become the oldest president 312 2092126 Action (JCPOA), is the nuclear agreement sealed between Iran and the major world powers including China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States and Germany in July 2015 and was implemented on January 16, 2016. Rouhani stressed that the result of the US 312 2096348 POTUS is the shorthand the Secret Service employs to describe its chief client. Its the acronym for President of the United States . With Donald Trumps against-all-odds victory, the 151-year-old organisation could well change that abbreviation to LOUTUS, short 312 2096374 all-odds victory, the 151-year-old organisation could well change that abbreviation to LOUTUS, short for Lout of the United States . That, in effect, describes the nature of the man the majority of the American people have chosen to govern them 312 2097926 Endorsing Harris, Obama had said "Kamala Harris fights for us. Thats why I am so proud to endorse her for United States Senator. And if you send her to the Senate, she'll be a fearless fighter for the people of California, all 312 2117801 long, often ugly campaign, saying she fought very hard. "We saw a different Trump who as President-elect of the United States of America sounded so conciliatory and sober promising a fair deal with the rest of the world," Assocham President Sunil 312 2122710 US consul, according to the White House. Till date, Louisa was the only First Lady to be born outside the United States . Melania, a Slovenian former model, was born in 1970 in communist Yugoslavia. She is the daughter of Viktor Knavs, a 312 2132542 Endorsing Harris, Obama had said "Kamala Harris fights for us. Thats why I am so proud to endorse her for United States Senator. And if you send her to the Senate, she'll be a fearless fighter for the people of California, all 312 2139606 orientation or political belief. "On the basis of these values, I offer close cooperation to the future president of the United States of America, Donald Trump," she said. Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also congratulated Trump on his "historic victory", saying his 312 2139675 Justin Trudeau pledged to work "very closely" with Trump, saying "Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States . "We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in 312 2139693 than the United States. "We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment and international peace and security," Trudeau said in 312 2142953 like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next US president following a hard-fought campaign. Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on values of freedom, democracy and enterprise," May said in a statement issued 312 2144155 the tycoon of espousing. Trump caused consternation in December 2015 by mooting a ban on all Muslims travelling to the United States . But Erdogan had said in a speech in Ankara earlier that "a new era is beginning" in the United States 312 2144175 United States. But Erdogan had said in a speech in Ankara earlier that "a new era is beginning" in the United States with Trump's victory after two terms of Democrat-held presidency. He expressed hope the election of Trump "will help the 312 2145021 strengthen the bonds of international cooperation. "I congratulate Mr Donald Trump on his election as forty-fifth President of the United States of America," the UN Secretary-General said in a statement. Ban said given the hard-fought and "often divisive campaign 312 2145062 campaign" to elect the new US President, it is "worth recalling and reaffirming that the unity in diversity of the United States is one of the country's greatest strengths. I encourage all Americans to stay true to that spirit." The UN chief 312 2148115 well as the general expectations of the global community, Xi said. "I highly value the relations between China and the United States , and I am looking forward to working together with you to expand China-US cooperation in every field, at the 312 2148680 the prospect of a peaceful solution to the region's maritime disputes, it said. China has repeatedly said it welcomes the United States to play a constructive role in the Asia-Pacific, and stressed that the Pacific is vast enough to accommodate both 312 2149623 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, known as "Abenomics." Oaktree was "very active" in buying oil and gas distressed debt in the United States at the beginning of 2016 and sold part of the assets after a rally in the market, Shourie added. He 312 2150737 world by defeating heavily favored Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's presidential election, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path. A wealthy real-estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of 312 2151154 project to rebuild American infrastructure and would double U.S. economic growth. His win raises a host of questions for the United States at home and abroad. He campaigned on a pledge to take the country on a more isolationist, protectionist "America First 312 2151191 more isolationist, protectionist "America First" path. He has vowed to impose a 35 percent tariff on goods exported to the United States by U.S. companies that went abroad. Trump, who at 70 will be the oldest first-term U.S. president, came out 312 2151538 America great again" through the force of his personality, negotiating skill and business acumen. He proposed refusing entry to the United States of people from war-torn Middle Eastern countries, a modified version of an earlier proposed ban on Muslims. His volatile 312 2151666 The election was unprecedented in the way it turned Americans against each other, according to dozens of interviews in rural United States and across some of the most politically charged battleground states. Throughout his campaign - and especially in his acceptance speech at 312 2152363 by defeating heavily favored rival Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's presidential election, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path. A wealthy real estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of 312 2153323 Russia is hoping that improved relations could yield an elusive prize: the lifting or easing of sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union to punish Moscow for its 2014 annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine 312 2153565 Trump threatened to rip up a free trade agreement with Mexico. Trump's win raises a host of questions for the United States at home and abroad. He campaigned on a pledge to take the country on a more isolationist, protectionist "America First 312 2153602 more isolationist, protectionist "America First" path. He has vowed to impose a 35 percent tariff on goods exported to the United States by U.S. companies that went abroad. CLINTON'S WEAKNESSES Trump survived a series of seemingly crippling blows on the campaign, many 312 2153793 America great again" through the force of his personality, negotiating skill and business acumen. He proposed refusing entry to the United States of people from war-torn Middle Eastern countries, a modified version of an earlier proposed ban on Muslims. His volatile 312 2153938 The election was unprecedented in the way it turned Americans against each other, according to dozens of interviews in rural United States and across some of the most politically charged battleground states. Throughout his campaign, and especially in his acceptance speech at 312 2155382 Russia is hoping that improved relations could yield an elusive prize: the lifting or easing of sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union to punish Moscow for its 2014 annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine 312 2155786 America great again" through the force of his personality, negotiating skill and business acumen. He proposed refusing entry to the United States of people from war-torn Middle Eastern countries, a modified version of an earlier proposed ban on Muslims. His volatile 312 2161997 Commission decision has also angered Washington, which accuses it of trying to grab tax revenue that should go to the United States . "The government fundamentally disagrees with the European Commission's analysis and the decision left no choice but to take an appeal 312 2162606 Noonan said he would "wait and see" whether the plans come to pass. "I spent all my life listening to United States election campaigns where there was a commitment to reform corporate tax. I've yet to see tangible measures and I was 312 2166059 accurate and inexpensive diagnostic test like ours could help save lives, in both advanced countries like New Zealand and the United States by making current breast cancer screening methods more efficient, and in the developing world where it can democratise breast cancer 312 2170982 which operates a 730 mile fiber network with 75 on-net locations located across four states in the south-eastern United States . The vast majority of Clarity's operations and fiber mileage is in the state of North Carolina." [PR} This is a 312 2172096 said Volkswagen is committed to reaching a fair and efficient resolution of remaining federal and state diesel claims in the United States . [We] will review Illinois complaint and respond appropriately, she said. PHOTO GALLERY Massachusetts voters appear to have been headed toward 312 2182623 News of Trump's widening lead hit hard in Cuba, which has spent the last two years negotiating normalization with the United States after more than 50 years of Cold War hostility. Normalization has set off a tourism boom in Cuba and visits 312 2182892 Pacific, and Australia wants to work constructively with the new administration to ensure the continued presence and leadership of the United States in the region. She calls the U.S. "our major security ally" and the largest foreign direct investor and the second 312 2182920 U.S. "our major security ally" and the largest foreign direct investor and the second-largest trading partner. She says: "The United States is also the guarantor and defender of the rules-based international order that has underpinned so much of our economic 312 2184658 administration and with the U.S. Congress in the coming years. "Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States ," Trudeau said in a statement issued Wednesday morning. The prime minister appeared later at a WE Day rally at Ottawa's 312 2184738 the crowd. He tried to wave off the booing and offered some encouraging words: "The relationship between Canada and the United States is based on shared values and shared hopes and dreams and we will always work well together," he said. "We 312 2198935 richer. Power has shifted to Wall Street and business. Globalization has caused the loss of millions of jobs in the United States . Some white Americans have also been terrified at the changing complexion and values of the country. Trump very smartly played 312 2199174 driver in the driver's seat. According to the American Trucking Associations, approximately 3 million truck drivers were employed in the United States in 2010, and 6.8 million others were employed in other jobs relating to trucking activity, including manufacturing trucks, servicing trucks 312 2201038 minds from racing. One employee, an immigrant, was visibly shaken and hurt, questioning her safety and comfort living in the United States , said Sales-Griffin, CEO of CodeNow, a Chicago-based nonprofit that teaches computer science and coding to high school students 312 2205179 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States . (SAUL LOEB / AFP/Getty Images) It is the day after the election. When we look in the mirror, what do 312 2206029 your all. Thank you for giving us hope that one day, if not this day, a woman will run the United States of America. Advertisement Thank you for getting up day after day and girding for battle, in your pantsuits of many 312 2206837 wake up to a happy surprise." There was no happy surprise, just the news that the next president of the United States will be a man, a man who denigrates women. And yet progress comes anyway. You have been part of our 312 2207915 anxiety, realizing that what they thought was impossible was reality. Advertisement Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States , a shocking loss for women confident that at last, after 240 years, they would elect the country's first female president 312 2208487 and pretty much every other adjective you could say. I don't understand it," said Parnell, 47. She immigrated to the United States from Colombia 17 years ago and said she's grappling to explain Trump's victory to her children. Advertisement "They're asking me 312 2209755 polling place together Tuesday to vote for Clinton. Azra Colpa, a 30-year-old Bosnian refugee who came to the United States in 1999, brought her mom and two young daughters with her. Advertisement "This is going down in history. I brought 312 2220230 his railing against President Barack Obama. Even after President-elect Donald Trump conceded that President Obama was born in the United States , Arpaio clung to the birther myth. But of all the mantles he took up, Arpaio's cause celebre was tackling illegal 312 2221995 wrong. Besides, Life magazine had just carried a big photo of Dewey with the caption The next President of the United States . The ink was hardly dry on 150,000 copies of the paper when radio bulletins reported that the race was surprisingly 312 2225705 an election night event at a New York hotel on Nov. 8. He was elected the 45th president of the United States . (Ricky Carioti, The Washington Post) You have to feel bad for the Republican Party. Since 1992, only one of its 312 2226213 ruled out Muslims serving in their administration; called sharia law "a mortal threat to the survival of freedom in the United States "; described Muslim immigration as "colonization" warning that Muslim immigrants "want to come and conquer us"; said there were only a 312 2226283 new levels when he famously proclaimed that we needed to implement "a total and complete shutdown" of Muslims entering the United States . After the emotional speech from Khizr Khan at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, instead of praising the Muslim Gold Star 312 2226760 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States . (SAUL LOEB / AFP/Getty Images) Midway through the 2016 presidential campaign, when it became clear Donald Trump would claim the 312 2227029 has pulled off the greatest marketing feat of all time: the creation of Donald J. Trump, president-elect of the United States of America. Shudder if you will, but recognize Trump's talents as a communicator. With his defeat of Clinton, his vision 312 2227322 America to more of the same. Donald Trump has defeated Hillary Clinton to be elected the 45th president of the United States . And Scott Stantis has ordered his ticket to Estonia. (Chicago Tribune) (Chicago Tribune) None of Trump's grandstanding would have worked 312 2227540 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States . (SAUL LOEB / AFP/Getty Images) President-elect Donald Trump? Well, whaddaya know. There really was a "hidden Trump vote" after 312 2231144 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States . (SAUL LOEB / AFP/Getty Images) An Aurora area Latino activist is calling for unity in the wake of the election 312 2231177 calling for unity in the wake of the election of Donald Trump Tuesday to be the next president of the United States . Trump's call to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico and to crack down on immigration has some Latino 312 2242560 ministry is pondering more details on supervising overseas NGO activities. Officials from consulates of 11 countries in Shanghai, including the United States , Britain, Germany and Japan, attended the briefing. Flash U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is in good shape as American 312 2245015 Houston, many voters told Xinhua that this election was very important and critical in terms of deciding the direction the United States would go in the next few years. And they had no choice but to choose from the two unpopular nominees 312 2246101 Flash A police car is seen near the site of a shooting near a polling station in Asuza, California, the United States , on Nov. 8, 2016. One people was killed and two others were critically injured in a shooting outside a polling 312 2246451 Trudeau's funeral in 2000, a sign of his respect for the Canadian family. Canada also hosted secret talks between the United States and Cuba for 18 months that led to both governments deciding to normalize relations in December of 2014. Ottawa has 312 2246757 Building. Flash Donald Trump takes the stage on the last day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, the United States , July 21, 2016. [Xinhua] U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump defeated his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, in a close race 312 2247943 though - the hukou, or household registration, system. Unlike people's personal ID cards - similar to a social security number in the United States - which can be used on most occasions to determine a person's identity, the hukou system can affect life at a 312 2250279 Union grew 1 percent and to Japan by 0.5 percent from the same period last year, while export to the United States fell 2 percent, and export to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations declined 1.8 percent. Eager to restore their earning 312 2254947 CS Kids frolicked with Pandora when the captured panda stayed temporarily at West China Union University before heading to the United States in May 1938. In March 1938, the university had received a request from the New York Zoological Society, which wanted 312 2255033 it like a pet and named it Pandora. Until Dickinson's colleague Roy Spooner, a chemistry professor, took Pandora to the United States in May 1938, many of the CS Kids played with it after school. "When it was sunny, we would take 312 2255113 Chengdu to Chongqing, where they boarded a ship to Hong Kong via Shanghai and changed to a ship to the United States . Pandora died on May 13, 1941. Anti-graft watchdogs named the first two high-level provincial officials to be investigated 312 2260335 ministry is pondering more details on supervising overseas NGO activities. Officials from consulates of 11 countries in Shanghai, including the United States , Britain, Germany and Japan, attended the briefing. Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text 312 2263533 bilateral ties have encountered huge difficulties on many occasions. Although the possibility of a military conflict between China and the United States is slim, whether the China-US relationship will focus on strategic competition with only minimal essential cooperation, like the one 312 2265517 by much of the public. Voters cast their ballots in the 2016 Presidential Elections at a polling station in Chicago, United States on November 8, 2016. [Photo/VCG] Voters headed to the polling stations all over the United States on Tuesday, but 312 2265534 station in Chicago, United States on November 8, 2016. [Photo/VCG] Voters headed to the polling stations all over the United States on Tuesday, but many still felt disappointed by the presidential candidates and found it a hard choice to decide who 312 2266122 Houston, many voters told Xinhua that this election was very important and critical in terms of deciding the direction the United States would go in the next few years. And they had no choice but to choose from the two unpopular nominees 312 2268335 on his agenda. Tusk sent the invitation shortly after Trump won Tuesday's election to be the 45th President of the United States of America. "Today, it is more important than ever to strengthen transatlantic relations. Only by cooperating closely can the EU 312 2274827 China Sea Dispute, Philippines, china, Scarborough Shoal (Photo : Saudi Arabian Army) Saudi M1 Abrams. Advertisement Foreign weapon sales by the United States to its allies plunged to $33.6 billion in fiscal year 2016, down from the record-setting FY 2015 sales of 312 2275191 emerging defense markets in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America continues to increase. Advertisement TagsDefense Security Cooperation Agency, DSCA, United States , department of defense, Vice Adm. Joseph Rixey (Photo : Getty Images) China has warned the international community not to support Hong 312 2277073 in California, the state which is home to about half of all electric and plug-in hybrid cars in the United States . There are reports claiming that the Chevy Bolt will be rolled out in Oregon at the same time as California 312 2277382 Forces. Like Us on Facebook Advertisement This Shia fighting force, however, battles exclusively against Syrian rebel forces allied with the United States and not against ISIS, said Avi Dichter, chairman of Israel's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and former head of Shin 312 2278798 punishment," said Holcomb. Donald Trump won the general elections 2016 and is set to be the next President of the United States of America. "I have just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us on our victory and I congratulated 312 2279567 by defeating heavily favored rival Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's presidential election, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path. A wealthy real estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of 312 2280102 project to rebuild American infrastructure and would double U.S. economic growth. His win raises a host of questions for the United States at home and abroad. He campaigned on a pledge to take the country on a more isolationist, protectionist "America First 312 2280139 more isolationist, protectionist "America First" path. He has vowed to impose a 35 percent tariff on goods exported to the United States by U.S. companies that went abroad. Trump, who at 70 will be the oldest first-term U.S. president, came out 312 2280734 America great again" through the force of his personality, negotiating skill and business acumen. He proposed refusing entry to the United States of people from war-torn Middle Eastern countries, a modified version of an earlier proposed ban on Muslims. His volatile 312 2280881 The election was unprecedented in the way it turned Americans against each other, according to dozens of interviews in rural United States and across some of the most politically charged battleground states. Throughout his campaign - and especially in his acceptance speech at 312 2284474 Christian leaders around the world have pledged to work with and support Donald Trump as the new President of the United States . Evangelical Christians were credited by prominent religious leaders as being key to his victory. Tony Campolo, former spiritual adviser to 312 2285188 than any previous administration. The clearest indication of this commitment would be the immediate transfer of the Embassy of the United States to Jerusalem." Dr Ronnie Floyd, senior pastor of Cross Church and immediate past president of the Southern Baptist Convention, congratulated 312 2285531 these that international cooperation for the sake of peace and justice is imperative. But we also need America's kindness. The United States , though relatively young historically, has long been a source of hope to all those who desire their countries and indeed 312 2285991 all of eternity." Evangelicals Hand Victory To Donald Trump Donald Trump is set to be the next President of the United States of America. The shock result unravelled over a dramatic night where the Republican candidate dominated across key swing states including 312 2286867 to conservatism of the Republican Party's previous nominees. He lacks substance, and we sorely need leaders of substance in the United States today." Evangelical Christians turned out in large numbers to vote for Trump and were pivotal as he swept to power 312 2288547 the US and Britain have voiced their fears after the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States . Harun Khan, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said there is "justifiable concern" about the election. "It is 312 2288845 ElBayoumi, of the Kansas branch of the Council on American Islamic Relations, called on President-elect Trump to respect the United States constitution and the values it is built on. If the new president failed to live up to his duties to 312 2289445 regime was still continuing. What Do We Know About Trump's Faith? Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States . After defeating Democrat hopeful Hillary Clinton in a shock win overnight, the New York billionaire will in January be inaugurated 312 2290678 World Leaders Congratulate Donald Trump, Archbishop Of Canterbury Prays For Reconciliation The Archbishop of Canterbury called for "reconciliation" in the United States after the most bitter election campaign in modern history. Justin Welby pledged to "pray for all the people of the 312 2290700 after the most bitter election campaign in modern history. Justin Welby pledged to "pray for all the people of the United States " in the wake of Donald Trump's victory. Following the result, Archbishop Welby said: "As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to 312 2290730 the result, Archbishop Welby said: "As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office, my continuing prayers are that the United States of America may find reconciliation after a bitter campaign, and that Mr Trump may be given wisdom, insight and grace 312 2290833 the new president. She said: "I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next President of the United States , following a hard-fought campaign. "Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values 312 2290843 Donald Trump on being elected the next President of the United States, following a hard-fought campaign. "Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. "We are, and will remain 312 2291313 in the already good Polish-US relationship. He added that Trump had stressed Poland was a close ally of the United States and "that the US never abandons its allies". Jiri Ovcacek, spokesman for Milos Zeman, the Czech president, said "normal Americans 312 2293581 also negatively impact Houston's port, which drives a large chunk of the local economy. Will manufacturing move back to the United States , as Trump has predicted? Maybe, some. But factory investments are necessarily long-term. It's unclear how long the Trump regime 312 2294110 on those who had committed crimes immigrants could well decide to go back themselves. If living and working in the United States becomes more difficult, the promise of taking advantages of the opportunities America offers may not be enough to keep them 312 2294440 The Hillary Clinton supporters are now being called on their bluff with Donald Trump being the president-elect of the United States of America. AMERICA SHOCKED: Interesting firsts that come with a Donald Trump presidency With the flood of social media reactions 312 2295736 169 votes and Green Party nominees Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka received 52 votes. There are 53 write-in votes. United States District 8 Representative Kevin Brady ran unopposed for reelection. He received 8,210 votes from San Jacinto County. The election for 312 2298609 host a reception and grand opening for "Day of the Lilacs: A Celebration of the Liberation of Pilsen by the United States Army, May 6, 1945." The photography exhibit will remain open through January 2017 and features the photographs Hancock took at 312 2305123 to be difficult, but hopefully God put some goodness in his heart," said Maria Angiano, 62, who came to the United States from Mexico. "People are scared about what he'll do," she continued in Spanish. In September Trump outlined a 10-point 312 2305999 Corps weve compiled a list of celebrities and notable names who have served in the Marine Corps. On Thursday the United States Marine Corps celebrates its 241st birthday. Every Nov. 10 is a holiday for Marines, even years after being discharged or 312 2306251 burned down in 1781. That first collection of Marines disbanded in 1783 and was later resurrected in 1798 as the United States Marine Corps. The rest is leatherneck history. Lisa Lindstrom, 47, a nurse practitioner and registered Democrat in D.C., picked out 312 2310385 narrow reelection bid to Bill Clinton. The tallies seemed likely to continue Texas' ongoing lag in voting civic engagement. The United States Election Project, the effort of University of Florida political scientist Michael McDonald, tracks turnout back to the founding of the 312 2314935 at least 15 months ago. The first issue was immigration. The presence of uncounted millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States has long been a sore spot for many Americans. While the dogma of open borders has been received wisdom among 312 2319031 someday. York is a former founding partner at Cleveland law firm Tucker Ellis LLP. But he's turned himself into a United States -Cuba relations expert and co-founder of To Cuba Now, an organization that helps U.S. businesses build relationships with potential 312 2319127 director of international relations at the Cleveland Foundation, also hopes to play a role in rebuilding business ties between the United States and Cuba. "I think what people have been looking at is that Cuba has been a closed off market for 312 2320256 percent. His proposal calls for a one-time, 10 percent tax on overseas earnings that firms bring back to the United States , though he would close loopholes that companies use to avoid paying taxes on money stashed offshore. Ohio companies also will 312 2320823 century pub. Investigators found jewels and gold coins hidden in a passage behind a wall, authorities said. He left the United States in 2000 after the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission seized his property. He lived in Lima, Peru for most of 312 2325733 most likely scenario here is that they'd cast a vote for Donald Trump and he would become president of the United States . It'd be contentious as hell, but it would be perfectly constitutional: it worked for Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams 312 2327144 to compromise, he noted. President Rodrigo Duterte has decided to retain the Philippines' security alliance with former colonial power the United States , according to the country's defense minister, but joint military activities will be scaled back and less combat-focused. Duterte has 312 2327215 has claimed more than 2,300 lives in four months. But Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said the security alliance with the United States would not be scrapped, including a 2014 agreement that allows prolonged deployment of American forces in the country. "It will 312 2331955 Faber said nowadays, Asia is "China-centric" in other words, more dependent on the Chinese economy than that of the United States . Trump's stance on China has been largely negative over the course of his campaign. His seven-point trade plan promises 312 2332066 on Wednesday as investors grapple with the implications of a Donald Trump victory in the U.S. presidential election. Shares of United States Steel gained 17 percent on Wednesday. The steelmaker's stock was upgraded to "buy" from "hold" at Jefferies. The firm said 312 2334115 cautioned. Venture capitalist and Hyperloop One co-founder Shervin Pishevar said he wants to help California to secede from the United States and a Donald Trump presidency. Pishevar tweeted Tuesday night as the election was unfolding that he will be "announcing and 312 2334831 Box in EMEA. Follow CNBC International on Twitter and Facebook. Donald Trump is going to be the president of the United States . The big question on everyone's mind is, "What happens next?" In a typical election, we could look at past statements 312 2335338 Syria without papers shouldn't be allowed in. Current position: Against closing the borders entirely. Against accepting Syrian refugees in the United States . THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL 1. Keep the current deal with Iran, police it. Trump was one of the few Republicans 312 2339438 of quick food options like pastries, eggwiches, subs, soup, deli dogs, chili, salads, and pizza. Contact Rombel at United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EX REL., CHESTER SALDIVAR, Petitioner-Appellant, v. FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE HOLDINGS 312 2339445 subs, soup, deli dogs, chili, salads, and pizza. Contact Rombel at United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EX REL., CHESTER SALDIVAR, Petitioner-Appellant, v. FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE HOLDINGS, INC., d/b/a FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE 312 2339695 Med. Care Holdings, Inc., 972 F. Supp. 2d 1339, 1348 (N.D. Ga. 2013) (Saldivar I). Saldivar filed suit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia in 2010. In March 2011, the Government declined to intervene in this 312 2343491 merely for the purpose of correcting the error of the lower court in entertaining the suit.) (internal quotation marks omitted). United States Supreme Court decisions clearly indicat[e] that statutes that affect substantive, vested rightseven when framed in jurisdictional termsare still presumed 312 2343557 the scope of the public disclosure defense available to Fresenius under the prior version of the False Claims Act. See United States ex rel. May v. Purdue Pharma L.P., 737 F.3d 908, 91419 (4th Cir. 2013). For that reason, we conclude 312 2343815 billing for overfill between 2000 and 2010. We need not reach the question of whether that alone is sufficient, see United States v. Chattanooga-Hamilton Cty. Hosp. Auth., 782 F.3d 260 (6th Cir. 2015), given that there were a number of 312 2343869 Case Saldivar wrote: In this False Claims Act (FCA) case, the Relator Chester Saldivar, standing in the shoes of the United States , alleged that Fresenius violated the FCA by billing the government for the overfill of injectable drugs it received from manufacturers 312 2343911 at no cost. Saldivar's brief does not argue that the use of overfill was fraudulent. ROYCE C. LAMBERTH, District Judge: United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit. SHARON T. THOMAS, Plaintiff - Appellant, v. THE SALVATION ARMY SOUTHERN TERRITORY; F. BRADFORD BAILEY; THE 312 2343983 HUBBARD, Defendants - Appellees. No. 14-2214 Decided: November 08, 2016 Before WILKINSON and FLOYD, Circuit Judges, and Irene M. KEELEY, United States District Judge for the Northern District of West Virginia, sitting by designation. ARGUED: Gregory Dolin, UNIVERSITY OF BALTIMORE SCHOOL OF 312 2345225 1983, a plaintiff must allege that he was deprived of a right secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States , and that the alleged deprivation was committed under color of state law. Am. Mfrs. Mut. Ins. Co. v. Sullivan, 526 312 2350751 come to understand the deep significance of the democratic process, said Head of School O.J. Morgan. As citizens of the United States , they will soon be given the opportunity to exercise their most precious rightthe freedom to choose their countrys leadersa right 312 2353190 Riolo said. "The level of intrusion is incredibly burdensome," Riolo said. "It is a problem for businesses dealing with the United States government," he said. Major contractors often add the cost of the reporting back to the contract, Riolo said. But for 312 2363745 Health Care: Calling it a tour-de-force would be an understatement. There she was, the First Lady of the United States with the media and the entire Congressional leadership eating out of her hand. Flanked by Senators George Mitchell and Ted 312 2386947 Duckworth (IL-8th) Current, two-term U.S. Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth (IL-8) has defeated incumbent Sen. Mark Kirk for the United States Senate, according to media reports. Along with Sen. Ron Johnsons seat in Wisconsin, the Illinois seat was considered the most 312 2396163 gave his signature thumbs up as he returned home to Trump Tower this morning as the president-elect of the United States of America. Alongside his wife and First-Lady-to-be Melania, the businessman and reality TV mogul was met by 312 2397845 together as never before' Change: This is the banner on Trump's Twitter page, which now has 'President-elect of the United States ' as his bio CLINTON'S BIZARRE ENDING Clinton has yet to concede the race publicly. Her campaign chairman John Podesta made 312 2398068 said, is 'a superstar.' The two men embraced, and then the RNC chief pronounced Trump 'the next President of the United States .' At 3:08 a.m., with Clintonworld in ruins, Trump descended to the stage into a hotel ballroom and mingled with 312 2399619 voice blasting from a TV tuned to the Fox News Channel. When Michigan made him the President-Elect of the United States , sternum-rattling bedlam ensued. Projections making the rounds online and republished by the Drudge Report news website suggested that 140 312 2400107 human chattel while defending the border from an unchecked flood of immigrants with no legal right to be in the United States . Hillary Clinton supporters react as election results roll in on Tuesday night Hillary Clinton supporters hold their hands to their 312 2402304 One day later, however, the Associated Press reported that the former model was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States before she had legal authorization to work in the country. She has declined to publicly release her immigration records, but 312 2403663 did this right. My god. Nah, come here. Say something. [Reince Priebus: Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united States , Donald Trump! Thank you. It's been an honor. God bless. Thank God.] Amazing guy. Our partnership with the RNC was 312 2411805 election coverage panel with Karl Stefanovic U.S. citizens Gabby Adams, Lauren Harris and Julie Weitz take a selfie at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney on Wednesday Rarely seen without his trademark bowtie, the 25-year-old, originally 312 2411939 political journalist Laurie Oakes (right) A woman kisses a life-sized likeness of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney on Wednesday His entry in to politics came at the ripe age of 312 2415426 Hillary Clinton's Manhattan event as he covers the result of the US election. Aly, who was sent over to the United States to cover the election campaign for Channel Ten, said he had a hunch Clinton would become the first female president 312 2415504 Nova. Waleed Aly will cover the US election results from Hillary Clinton's Manhattan event The Project host is in the United States to cover the presidential election for Channel Ten 'Unfortunately (I) didnt get access to the Donald Trump event dont know 312 2423511 up filing a complaint in Leon County Circuit Court contesting the recount, and it made its way up to the United States Supreme Court. But on December 12, 2000, the Supreme Court reversed the manual recount and Bush ended up winning the 312 2425021 leading by less than one per cent, announced she had won and was 'proud to stand here as the next United States senator from New Hampshire.' Ayotte, who had held her Senate seat since 2011, initially refused to concede until she had 312 2425214 leading by less than one per cent, announced she had won and was 'proud to stand here as the next United States senator from New Hampshire' In Pennsylvania, GOP Sen. Pat Toomey won a narrow victory for his second term over Democratic 312 2429368 Hillary Clinton merchandise, Americans put their best foot forward as they gathered in anticipation of the new president. At the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, people were seen posing up with life-sized cutouts of the candidates, with 312 2429481 of voting appears to have resulted in an unwelcome outcome. Scroll down for video Donald Trump fans cheer at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney after the Republican won the Presidential election Donald Trump supporters celebrating at a 312 2429629 Melbourne after Donald Trump became America's 45th President Two concerned-looking women await the result of the election at the United States Studies Centre More Trump supporters are seen here celebrating, cleared excited about the early results One Democrat comforts another at 312 2429782 was among about 100 diehard Republican supporters glued to a live feed of election coverage from Fox News in the United States . The Rugby Club bar is a far cry from the billionaire's glamorous Trump Tower in New York, but each time 312 2429972 Donald Trump has become the U.S. President Trump supporters at the University of Sydney watch the US Election at The United States Studies Centre election party at the Manning Bar A man in Melbourne shows off his Donald Trump socks - which appear 312 2430016 a red cross through the Republican candidate's face A woman kisses a life-sized cardboard cutout of Trump at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney Hillary Clinton t-shirts are seen during a 'Democrats Abroad' function at the 312 2430118 crowd around lunchtime, says America is in for a 'shake up' if Mr Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States . She has fond memories of meeting him in Washington when George H Bush was being inaugurated as president in 1989 312 2433553 did this right. My god. Nah, come here. Say something. [Reince Priebus: Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united States , Donald Trump! Thank you. It's been an honor. God bless. Thank God.] Amazing guy. Our partnership with the RNC was 312 2434454 now the subject of a critical incident investigation Just 18 months ago, her attacker Lambert was kicked out of the United States for stalking a TV news reporter who he had a brief relationship with. Then going by his birth name Paul 312 2436301 election results came in Those on Twitter blamed the outage on Americans trying to work out how to flee the United States as Donald Trump secured a White house victory Twitter users were quick to say the issues with the website were 312 2436335 to say the issues with the website were being caused by Americans looking for options on how to flee the United States given Trump's win. ARE YOU ELIGIBLE TO MOVE TO CANADA? Make sure you are 18 If you have a special 312 2436839 Republican Congress, Republican Senate and the president have an obligation to work with a city and with cities across the United States ," Emanuel said. But, "This America has a future too. The values of who we are still hold true and they 312 2436901 Emanuel spoke to reporters about how this election's results might affect immigrantsparticularly the children of immigrants granted asylum in the United States under the Dream Act. At a news conference after Wednesdays City Council meeting, Emanuel was asked about the deep-seated 312 2437176 lead in several major states and his prospects for winning the U.S. presidency turned markedly higher. Some users in the United States , Canada and Asia saw an internal serve error message when trying to access the website. Scroll down for video 312 2443711 Union grew 1 percent and to Japan by 0.5 percent from the same period last year, while export to the United States fell 2 percent, and export to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations declined 1.8 percent. Eager to restore their earning 312 2444439 the special relationship to continue. 'I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next President of the United States , following a hard-fought campaign,' she said in a statement. 'Britain and the United States have an enduring and special 312 2444454 the next President of the United States, following a hard-fought campaign,' she said in a statement. 'Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. 'We are, and will remain 312 2446092 elect Donald Trump (pictured) 'close cooperation' 'On the basis of these values, I am offering the future president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, close cooperation.' Meanwhile European Union leaders have invited US President-elect Donald Trump to come visit 312 2449954 of relative peace overseen by Washington since the end of World War Two. And the current French ambassador to the United States wrote that the 'world is collapsing before our eyes' in an astonishing attack on the newly-elected President. In a 312 2450447 to believe that more meaningful dialogue between Russia and the USA will be possible with the new president of the United States .' The result was also hailed by Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the upper house of the 312 2450812 after Trump's victory she said: 'I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next president of the United States , following a hard-fought campaign. 'Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values 312 2450822 Donald Trump on being elected the next president of the United States, following a hard-fought campaign. 'Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. 'We are, and will remain 312 2450963 think we must expect that American foreign policy will become less predictable for us and we must expect that the United States will be more inclined to make decisions on its own. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier She tweeted: 'Congratulations to 312 2450990 make decisions on its own. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier She tweeted: 'Congratulations to the new President of the United States Donald Trump and the American people, free!' German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, an ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel 312 2451148 political views. 'On the basis of these values, I am offering to work closely with the future President of the United States Donald Trump.' During the presidential campaign, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier branded Trump a 'hate preacher'. He has warned 312 2451221 think we must expect that American foreign policy will become less predictable for us and we must expect that the United States will be more inclined to make decisions on its own. 'In other words, and I will not dress it up 312 2451949 Russia and the European Union. But the Dutch minister says it is important for the Netherlands' close relationship with the United States to continue since 'we are facing global challenges such as climate change and the fight against terrorism'. Russian State Duma 312 2452195 a hard-fought and often divisive campaign, it is worth recalling and reaffirming that the unity in diversity of the United States is one of the country's greatest strengths'. Ban also praised Hillary Clinton 'for a lifetime commitment to peace, the advancement 312 2452309 Asians. We have no stronger relationship, whether it is on the battlefield or in commerce, than we have with the United States . Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull Im so excited that Donald Trump looks like he is over the line and Im 312 2452408 conflict. 'We have no stronger relationship, whether it is on the battlefield or in commerce, than we have with the United States . 'They are a great and powerful nation. They are a great and powerful friend,' Turnbull told a news conference. News 312 2452477 supported Hillary Clinton, congratulated Donald Trump on his victory in the US presidential elections and said Italy's ties with the United States remained strong. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was one of the few world leaders to endorse Clinton, but has today 312 2453024 of European and trans-Atlantic stability. 'We are particularly pleased that that during this year's NATO summit in Warsaw the United States decided to increase its military presence in Poland.' The result was also welcomed by controversial far-right Dutch politician Geert 312 2453108 settled, it is my hope that the next administration would continue the open and constructive cooperation that has characterized the United States for many years. 'Europe needs a strong United States, which is leading the free world and is based on democracy 312 2453117 would continue the open and constructive cooperation that has characterized the United States for many years. 'Europe needs a strong United States , which is leading the free world and is based on democracy and dialogue.' TRUMP'S POPULISM CONQUERS THE WHITE HOUSE: EUROPE 312 2453223 Irene Velasco wrote: Lets say it loud and clear. 'Hillary Clinton is a woman who an important part of the United States dont like. 'And its been like that for a while. They dont like her arrogance, they dont like the fact 312 2453497 of America politics is Trump. 'Its the spreading of lies that has led this man to the presidency of the United States .' Alfonso Dastis, Spains newly-elected Foreign Minister, said: 'I think things will go well. We at least are going to 312 2453847 Middle East and worldwide' Congratulating Trump on the win, Saudi Arabia's King Salman praised 'historic and tight' ties with the United States and wished him success 'in your mission to achieve security and stability in the Middle East and worldwide'. United Arab 312 2453984 of the UN Security Council and there is no possibility that it can be changed by a single government. 'The United States no longer has the capacity to create Iranophobia and to create a consensus against Iran.' Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif 312 2454405 of his presidency a 'break with the tradition that the West stands for liberal values,' and he warned that the United States could turn its back on the rest of the world. Left party chairman Bernd Riexinger said: 'He won't be able 312 2454676 said: 'We are a small region but we are fortunate to have strong historical, economic and political ties to the United States . 'Northern Ireland has developed a mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and I look forward to working with Donald 312 2454688 strong historical, economic and political ties to the United States. 'Northern Ireland has developed a mutually beneficial relationship with the United States and I look forward to working with Donald Trump's administration to continue this. 'As our largest inward investor the United 312 2454709 States and I look forward to working with Donald Trump's administration to continue this. 'As our largest inward investor the United States plays a massive role in our economic progress.' Sinn Fein's Mr McGuinness said: 'Over many years successive US administrations have 312 2456143 win, congratulated Trump on his election victory, tweeting: 'Congratulations Donald Trump on being elected as the new president of the United States . 'The north American people have spoken at the polls. 'Congratulations to democracy and its institutions.' But she added in a 312 2456715 stating: 'The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly'. Kenyatta said 'the ties that bind Kenya and the United States of America are close and strong'. Trump was congratulated by Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari - with experts believing the uncertainty caused 312 2456847 can't wait for my friend to be in the White House.' Advertisement Donald Trump is the next President of the United States - but 12 hours before becoming the world's most powerful man pollsters and pundits had already written him off. As voting 312 2457783 these votes counted and let's bring this home.' 2.30am - Trump wins Wisconsin and effectively becomes the next president of the United States . 2.35am - Hillary Clinton calls Donald Trump to concede defeat. 2.50am - Mr Trump tells jubilant supporters in New York: 'I've just 312 2458900 generate misogyny and hate and rejection of a lot of the values that are important to the history of the United States . 'We are a country of immigrants. My grandparents are all from other countries, and this new wave of immigrants he 312 2459251 be banned from entering the country and proposed building a wall to keep Mexicans from crossing the border into the United States . He also pledged to forcibly evict any and all immigrants who were in the country illegally, regardless of whether they 312 2460440 In a statement she said: 'I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next President of the United States , following a hard-fought campaign. Britain's politicians were divided as they reacted to Donald Trump's shock election victory. Pictured, the 312 2460546 Twitter and said he was 'looking forward to working with his administration on global stability and prosperity' 'Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. 'We are, and will remain 312 2460815 Street today, said she looks forward to working with Donald Trump after he was elected the 45th President of the United States He added: 'But some of Trump's answers to the big questions facing America, and the divisive rhetoric around them, are 312 2461032 and we must respect it. I congratulate president-elect Trump on winning the election. 'We value our relationship with the United States and its people. The ties that bind Scotland and the US - of family, culture and business - are deep and longstanding 312 2465635 dozen protesters gathered in downtown Oakland on Wednesday to protest the election of Donald Trump as the next President of United States A video posted on social media purportedly shows students in Portland burning the US flag as they march and shout 312 2466472 last night before counting begun Jubilant Trump supporters cheered after it was announced he would become 45th President of the United States But Democrats consoled each other on Pennsylvania Avenue shortly after Trump took to the stage in New York A 10 312 2467978 to the knowledge and practices of the times. Television personality Waleed Aly says he is concerned for Muslims in the United States after Donald Trump declared victory in the presidential election. Reporting live from New York on Wednesday night, The Project host 312 2468247 on those of Islamic faith. Throughout his campaign, Mr Trump has been a vocal opponent of Muslim immigration in the United States . Flash Chinese Premier Li Keqiang meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin Palace in Moscow, capital of Russia 312 2469645 in a statement on Twitter with the headline: 'An extraordinary day in US politics'. 'Every time the people of the United States choose a new president, it has consequences for the world - and for Australia,' he said. 'The American people have spoken 312 2469682 The American people have spoken and always, Australia will respect their decision. Australians should also know our alliance with the United States has grown and thrived for seven decades - no matter who's in charge.' 'I will always call it as I see 312 2469883 Nation forum. 'By his own words and his own actions, he has confirmed the worst fears of millions in the United States and beyond its borders that he is entirely unsuitable to be leader of the free world,' he said in October 312 2470014 I think that will be the best outcome for Australia because she does support free trade, she does support the United States being deeply engaged in our Asian region which is critical to us,' Mr Pyne told Channel 10 the night before 312 2474124 were discussed. His spokesman added that 'The Prime Minister congratulated Trump on his electoral win and told him that the United States has no better ally that Israel.' Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Donald Trump is a 'true friend' of Israel Jack 312 2474179 and peace in our region,' Israeli leader Netanyahu said in a statement. He went on: 'The ironclad bond between the United States and Israel is rooted in shared values, buttressed by shared interests and driven by a shared destiny. 'I am confident 312 2475500 the presidency in June 2015, calling for tighter borders and accusing Mexico of sending rapists and drug dealers into the United States . Trump held on to roughly the same share of Hispanic voters as Romney had claimed four years ago, exit polls 312 2475547 force Mexico to pay for a multi-billion dollar wall along the border to keep unwanted foreigners out of the United States , and vowed to round up and deport the 11 million of undocumented immigrants already in the country. Those positions, which 312 2479221 Wednesday morning, after a long night of Election Day returns ended in him being named the 45th president of the United States . Mr Trump, 70, knew he had the election in the bag around 2:30am, when Wisconsin turned red and all 312 2480258 of Election Day. Mr Trump also took the time to change his Twitter biography to read: 'President-elect of the United States '. A mother has shared a heartbreaking photo of her son in his hospital bed after he was hit by a 312 2486988 security issues, and that he would seek to protect the rights of Mexicans throughout the world. Just hours after the United States elected Trump, Mexico began carefully laying the groundwork for a relationship with the new leader who campaigned against its citizens 312 2487088 the American electorate. He said he was ready to work with Trump to advance the countries' relationship. 'Mexico and the United States are friends, partners and allies that must continue collaborating for the competitiveness and development of North America,' Pena Nieto wrote 312 2487261 State, Trump campaigned against Mexico's citizens and threatened to wreak havoc with its economy But the threat is real. The United States is Mexico's largest trading partner and the North American Free Trade Agreement, which Trump has said he wants to re 312 2488736 and 'barking mad', announced Australia will respect America's decision in a statement on Twitter. 'Every time the people of the United States choose a new president, it has consequences for the world - and for Australia,' Mr Shorten said. Ben Bamford, 18, (pictured 312 2491063 the other end Conway shepherded Trump to victory Tuesday night as the Republican will become the 45th President of the United States Huma Abedin (left) is one of Hillary Clinton's closest advisers but had disappeared from the campaign trail following her estranged 312 2494407 Sproul Hall on the UC Berkeley campus in protest to the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States in Berkeley, California Teen rage: More than 1,000 angry California high school students participated in a walk-out this morning 312 2494502 shirt wipes away tears during a protest in response to the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States in Berkeley, California, U.S. November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Elijah Nouvelage Burress said classes were still going on for students who 312 2495042 of California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis, California, following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States The demonstrations followed a night of protests around the San Francisco Bay Area and elsewhere in the country in response 312 2501913 of 'Let's Make America Great Again', Europe's top brass Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk told reporters Europe and the United States 'simply have no option but to cooperate as closely as possible'. Scroll down for video Referring to Trump's slogan of 312 2501955 Let's Make America Great Again', European Council top brass Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk told reporters Europe and the United States 'simply have no option but to cooperate as closely as possible' Panicked EU chiefs have scurried to invite Donald Trump 312 2506027 party's candidate. 'This morning I called President-elect Donald Trump and congratulated him on his election as President of the United States of America,' he said. 'Laura and I wish the President-elect, Melania, and the entire Trump family all our very 312 2509257 gave birth to a second child, a son named Aidan, in June. Chelsea's father Bill Clinton was president of the United States from 1993 to 2001. She lived in the White House for nearly all of his two terms, leaving in the 312 2509892 thoughts and prayers are with his family following this tragic incident,' Show Low police said in a news release. The United States military is investigating a fire that erupted during a mid-air training flight of one of its latest generation fighter 312 2512499 believe it,' she said. Stefanovic then asked Senator Hanson if she had a 'crush' on the new president of the United States and accused her voice of 'going to a high pitch' when she denied it. Scroll down for video Senator Pauline 312 2512737 voices to be heard. Stefanovic then asked Senator Hanson if she had a 'crush' on the new president of the United States and accused her voice of 'going to a high pitch' when she denied it Senator Hanson said he victory was 312 2514019 leader of the free world' and 'barking mad', announced Australia will respect America's decision. 'Every time the people of the United States choose a new president, it has consequences for the world - and for Australia,' Mr Shorten said. 'The American people have 312 2514057 The American people have spoken and always, Australia will respect their decision. Australians should also know our alliance with the United States has grown and thrived for seven decades - no matter who's in charge.' Conservative South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi on Thursday 312 2517639 Amaya Guardado's mother spoke of the bitter irony of the whole affair saying she had brought her son to the United States nine years ago to escape the violence rampant in their native El Salvador. 'I brought my son from there because 312 2517734 students run by the U.S. Department of Labor Lucia Guardado, the teen's mother, said that their family moved to the United States to escape the violence in El Salvador Amaya Guardado's father, Santos Amaya, said his son was a quiet boy who 312 2519285 it was down to the second lowest ever, 1.6 million square miles. That's a loss about the size of the United States east of the Mississippi River. Advertisement In a paper published to the journal Polar Geography, Harry Stern of the University 312 2521943 email. About 21 percent of the accord's expected reductions in heat-trapping gases through 2030 were to come from the United States , according to Drew Jones, co-director of Climate Interactive , a group of researchers who model climate emissions and temperatures. Trump 312 2522101 it's unlikely that Trump's actions would reopen coal mines or coal-fired power plants. What really killed coal in the United States is much cheaper natural gas from hydraulic fracturing or fracking, said former astronaut Jay Apt, now co-director of the 312 2528992 autonomous weapons will become the Kalashnikovs of tomorrow.' According to the London-based organization Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, the United States , China, Israel, South Korea, Russia, and Britain are moving toward systems that would give machines greater combat autonomy. Advertisement 'The 312 2532635 service module for EM-1 is now being built in Europe. This unit is expected to be shipped to the United States in 2017. EM-1 is targeted to launch from Kennedy Space Center in Florida in late 2018. Orion will take 312 2534661 it is larger shines 30 percent more moonlight onto the Earth. The biggest and brightest moon for observers in the United States will be on Monday morning just before dawn. HOW TO PHOTOGRAPH A SUPERMOON PERFECTLY Bill Ingalls, NASA's senior photographer Bill 312 2546360 Pakenham called Windana. Daily Mail Australia has contacted a representative for Rebecca for comment. Donald Trump becoming president of the United States could be bad news for Geoffrey Edelsten. The eccentric millionaire's ex-wife Gabi Grecko hinted she might be forced to 312 2547057 hardworking family of modest means who discover their home sits on the fourth largest deposit of natural gas in the United States Her body was found here in the parking lot of a Louisiana McDonald's He said Valerie had pulled up to 312 2547240 hardworking family of modest means who discover their home sits on the fourth largest deposit of natural gas in the United States . The show first aired in 2012. Valerie is survived by her three children. Her parents Kitten and Gerald Dowden, wrote 312 2548750 again,' 'Let me say, it's my high honor and distinct privilege to introduce to you the President-Elect of the United States of America - Donald Trump. Hours earlier, Trump confounded pollsters at every turn, capturing one 'swing' state after another. She's set 312 2552438 election. 'LETS ALL GRAB EACH OTHERS P****** AS WE "CONGRATULATE" THIS ABSOLUTE MONGREL FOR BECOMING THE 45TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ,' she wrote. 'I know you can't fight hate with hate, and I know me name calling is just as bad 312 2559647 two nephews of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro face allegations that they conspired to smuggle 800 kilograms of cocaine to the United States Bryan R. Smith (AFP/File) The men have denied charges that they plotted to smuggle 800 kilos (1,764 pounds) of 312 2559672 AFP/File) The men have denied charges that they plotted to smuggle 800 kilos (1,764 pounds) of cocaine into the United States . Prosecutor Emil Bove argued that the men believed they were powerful because they are close to Maduro. Their attorneys suggested 312 2559749 Haiti case, the two men are accused of taking part in meetings to plan a shipment of cocaine to the United States via Honduras. If convicted they face up to life in prison. The speaker of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Diosdado Cabello 312 2564512 Marrakesh said Wednesday that climate change denier Donald Trump can't derail the global shift to clean energy, and that the United States would get left behind if he tried. The US president-elect "cannot prevent the implementation" of the landmark Paris pact 312 2564641 196-nation deal. UN chief Ban Ki-moon congratulated Trump on his victory and said people everywhere looked to the United States to work for the common good. "Today's global challenges demand concerted global action and joint solutions," he told journalists at 312 2564695 the global economy predicted the gathering momentum of that transition -- and the rising danger of global warming -- would carry the United States with it, regardless of Trump's views. "The election campaign has passed," said Hilda Heine, president of the Marshall Islands, whose 312 2564921 largest greenhouse gas polluter after China, representing some 13 percent of emissions. Trump's threats, if carried out, would recast the United States as a climate villain, which is how it was widely perceived after George W. Bush refused to ratify the Kyoto 312 2565330 nuclear weapons capability. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, a moderate who has pushed for closer ties with the West, said the United States ' standing in the world had been weakened due to its "wrong policies" STRINGER (afp/AFP/File) During the election campaign 312 2565384 number one priority" to dismantle it. Rouhani, a moderate who has pushed for closer ties with the West, said the United States ' standing in the world had been weakened due to its "wrong policies". "The United States no longer has the capacity 312 2565399 with the West, said the United States' standing in the world had been weakened due to its "wrong policies". "The United States no longer has the capacity to create Iranophobia and to create a consensus against Iran," he said. "The constructive engagement 312 2565858 in 1863. In his first days Trump promised to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). He vowed to lift restrictions on producing fossil fuels, relaunch the Keystone XL oil 312 2566873 Al-Watan, said Trump's win came as a "nice surprise" in Damascus. "It is time for the policies of the United States to change and stop being hostage to the catastrophic wishes of the Gulf countries, which have destroyed several countries in 312 2567145 there is no possibility that it can be changed by a single government," Rouhani said, according to state television. "The United States no longer has the capacity to create Iranophobia and to create a consensus against Iran," Rouhani said. Foreign Minister Mohammad 312 2567254 their regional rival Iran. Congratulating Trump on the win, Saudi Arabia's King Salman praised "historic and tight" ties with the United States and wished him success "in your mission to achieve security and stability in the Middle East and worldwide." United Arab 312 2567518 in the region. The premier's office later said the two men held a telephone conversation in which Netanyahu said "the United States has no better ally than Israel", and Trump invited him to visit Washington. Members of Netanyahu's government, considered the most 312 2567913 Israel in some ways gets off the hook". - 'Ironclad bond' - Netanyahu said in his statement: "The ironclad bond between the United States and Israel is rooted in shared values, buttressed by shared interests and driven by a shared destiny. "I am confident 312 2574565 limit of heavy water. The amount was greater in that case and some of the excess was exported to the United States under an arrangement criticized by U.S. congressional opponents as facilitating Iranian violations of the deal. German Lutheran church rejects efforts 312 2575466 same old, same old. French far-right leader Marine le Pen makes a statement on the presidential election in the United States of America, Wednesday Nov. 9, 2016 in Nanterre, outside Paris. A French outsider with an anti-system agenda, far-right 312 2575850 their voices, said University of Kent political scientist Matthew Goodwin, an expert on the populist right. "Many commentators in the United States dismissed the Brexit comparison, arguing that Hillary Clinton was in a far stronger position," he said. But they underestimated the 312 2576030 a candidate for president, said the U.S. result "buries the old order," as did Brexit. "What happened overnight in the United States is not the end of the world but the end of a world," Le Pen said. In the Netherlands, which 312 2576198 Ganley in Paris contributed. French far-right leader Marine le Pen makes a statement on the presidential election in the United States of America, Wednesday Nov. 9, 2016 in Nanterre, outside Paris. A French outsider with an anti-system agenda, far-right 312 2576252 AP Photo/Christophe Ena) French far-right leader Marine le Pen makes a statement on the presidential election in the United States of America, Wednesday Nov. 9, 2016 in Nanterre, outside Paris. A French outsider with an anti-system agenda, far-right 312 2576733 its marijuana regulations without federal interference. "This is the beginning of the end of the war on marijuana in the United States ," said Newsom, who is running for governor. Todd Mitchem, a Denver-based marijuana industry consultant and lobbyist, said the pot 312 2577726 more acceptable. The tycoon says he could scrap the North American Free Trade Agreement that took effect in Mexico, the United States and Canada in 1994, and he has threatened to impose tariffs of up to 35 percent on Mexican-made goods 312 2577799 Hinojosa, president in the border city of Tijuana of industry group Canacintra. "But this has been analyzed by both the United States and by Mexico and it's suicide for both countries." Mexican business leaders say about 40 percent of the average Mexican 312 2577869 the other. Trump, who polls show trailing Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in a tight race, says Mexico is "killing" the United States on trade. However, commerce between the two has grown much faster than their respective economies since NAFTA, World Bank and 312 2577905 economies since NAFTA, World Bank and U.S. data show. Mexico sends more than 80 percent of its exports to the United States , and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says roughly 6 million American jobs depend on trade with Mexico. Trump has also 312 2577958 dollars worth of manufacturing plants, especially around Mexico's northern border. Trump blames the Mexican factories for jobs losses in the United States . If protectionist policies gain ground, prices for products and services would go up, and jobs would eventually be lost in 312 2578209 Kuri, who now lives in San Diego. Trump's threats to deport more than 11 million undocumented migrants living in the United States , roughly half of whom are Mexican, could also put Mexican authorities under strain, said Cuauhtemoc Galindo, the mayor of Nogales 312 2578261 someone govern who feeds racism, hate, this sort of thing ... will also make a lot of Mexicans stop visiting (the United States ) out of fear, out of a sense of pride, which will also hurt the U.S. economy," Galindo said. Crossing into 312 2578284 of fear, out of a sense of pride, which will also hurt the U.S. economy," Galindo said. Crossing into the United States from Tijuana, one of the busiest thoroughfares in the hemisphere, construction worker Alejandro Ortiz said "every aspect" of his life 312 2582343 he looked forward to meeting the president (again) soon." Unperturbed by Trump's call for Muslims to be banned from the United States , many Egyptians welcomed his victory, saying his opponent Hillary Clinton's record in office had won her few friends in the 312 2582565 first free elections following the revolt. Sisi ousted the Brotherhood in 2013 following protests. Egypt has close ties to the United States from which it receives military aid to cement its 1979 peace deal with Israel. But ties have not been as 312 2582592 aid to cement its 1979 peace deal with Israel. But ties have not been as warm under Sisi, with the United States initially uncomfortable with his overthrow of the Brotherhood. In a mock election at the private American University of Cairo, Trump 312 2584066 consequences and take responsibility for his bad choices." Renzi himself offered Trump his congratulations and said Italy's relations with the United States , its NATO ally, were "solid". Ukraine says hopes for continued support against Russia from U.S. under Trump KIEV, Nov 9 312 2584097 continued support against Russia from U.S. under Trump KIEV, Nov 9 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he hoped the United States would continue to support Ukraine in its stand-off with Russia following the victory of Donald Trump in the U.S 312 2584522 administration will face formidable institutional constraints to its freedom of action and difficult policy trade-offs. CONTINUITY AND CHANGE The United States is not an elective monarchy, for all the exaggerated attention paid to the occupants of the White House. The U.S 312 2584910 where he can draw on the inherent powers of his role as commander-in-chief and chief representative of the United States . But even here, the president's power is not unlimited, and it depends crucially on his ability to build alliances with 312 2584985 U.S. policy. U.S. foreign policy has always been successful and powerful when it can rally allies, and weakest when the United States is isolated. President-elect Trump may want to reverse all of the Obama administration's domestic and international energy-related policies 312 2585528 in Europe and the Netherlands as well." French National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen was similarly ebullient. "Today the United States , tomorrow France," Le Pen, the father of the party's leader Marine Le Pen, tweeted. Daniela Schwarzer, director of research at 312 2586585 the Republican candidate called Mexican immigrants rapists and vowed to build a wall between the two countries. "Mexico and the United States are friends, partners and allies and we should keep collaborating for the competitiveness and development of North America," Pena Nieto 312 2587277 risks under Trump By Dave Graham MEXICO CITY, Nov 9 (Reuters) - Having hitched its fortunes to free trade with the United States for over two decades, Mexico faces a hard road to find new markets if U.S. president-elect Donald Trump carries 312 2587395 Latin America, as well as seek to work alongside Canada to defend NAFTA. From 1994, NAFTA united Mexico with the United States and Canada in a single free trade area, modernizing its economy. Backers argue it made the whole continent more competitive 312 2587874 U.S. manufacturing firm Jabil Circuit in Mexico. "We should have done it a while ago." Trade between Mexico and the United States is worth about half a trillion dollars a year, giving Mexico a large surplus. But the country runs large deficits 312 2587999 with the matter. First and foremost, however, Mexican officials aim to preserve as much existing trade as possible with the United States , pointing to evidence of the shared benefits of increasing U.S. and Mexican economic integration. From Jakarta to Lagos, many Muslims 312 2588115 jihadist groups. Others were apprehensive that the president-elect would implement campaign pledges to clamp down on Muslims entering the United States . "Trump has espoused highly inflammatory rhetoric against Muslims. Voters there will expect him to fulfil his promises. That makes me 312 2588495 Trump on his victory. RADICALISATION Some Muslims said they feared Trump's election as president might encourage a view that the United States was hostile to Muslims and that this would hinder efforts in Islam to counter radicalisation. "Trump's victory will be an 312 2588593 dry," he added. In jihadist social media forums, militants said Trump's election had merely revealed the true position of the United States towards Muslims. "The masks have slipped," one wrote. But some other Muslims were more hopeful, including Umer Daudzai, a former 312 2588709 Muslim nation, an official from the faith's top clerical body there said Trump's election could create new tension between the United States and the Islamic world. Trump had made negative and cynical comments about Muslims in the past, Din Syamsuddin, a senior 312 2588846 Sherry Rehman, a senator and former ambassador to Washington, said Trump's proposal last year to bar Muslims from entering the United States had disturbed many. "Pakistan obviously cannot rule out engaging with whomever America elects, but his anti-Muslim rhetoric may cast 312 2588983 Muslim "disgrace", openly disdainful of Arab security partnerships, who believes Saudi Arabia would cease to exist for long without the United States . Donald Trump's presidential election victory means he is the man Washington's Arab allies must deal with after his January inauguration 312 2589666 war for the world," he said. Others are more sanguine. A senior Turkish official predicted continued strong relations with the United States and argued that "comments in an election period always have a harder and more hawkish tone than is necessary. But 312 2589778 difficult to pinpoint what his policy actually is." Trump's remarks have been combative, and eye-catching. He has said the United States should be reimbursed by the countries it provides protection for. Without America, "Saudi Arabia wouldn't exist for very long," Trump 312 2589928 only delighted Western right-wingers but also jihadists who told supporters the election had revealed the true position of the United States towards Muslims. WIDER IMAGE-Russia's old wooden houses under threat as villages decline By Maxim Shemetov CHEREVKOVO, Russia, Nov 9 312 2590484 they could work together to expand cooperation between their nations. "I wish you much success in the government of the United States ," he added. Temer sees boosting trade with the United States and drawing U.S. investment as key to lifting Brazil out 312 2590494 I wish you much success in the government of the United States," he added. Temer sees boosting trade with the United States and drawing U.S. investment as key to lifting Brazil out of its worst recession since the 1930's Great Depression 312 2591508 are also meant to start writing a "rule book" to oversee the pact that might be less stringent without the United States . There are no sanctions for non-compliance. Many nations vowed to push ahead despite Trump with the sweeping plan to 312 2591789 global economy with more heatwaves, floods and droughts. In Marrakesh, some youth campaigners wept at a demonstration against Trump. The United States is the number two greenhouse gas emitter behind China. "This is a dark, dark day," said Jesse Bragg, of Corporate 312 2592050 on Wednesday announced a week of pre-scheduled nationwide military exercises to prepare for "enemy actions," the day after the United States elected Donald Trump, who has threatened to unravel the U.S.-Cuban detente, as president. The Communist-ruled island did not 312 2592320 our lives go from bad to worse," she said. Cubans are weary of what some describe as relations with the United States taking two steps forward and one step back. U.S.-Cuban relations deteriorated sharply during the Bush administration, which tightened the 312 2592583 towards Africa would be. "We are extremely saddened by this missed opportunity on the part of the people of the United States to join smaller democracies in ending the marginalisation of women," Johnson Sirleaf, the first woman to be elected a head 312 2592748 Nations is not a friend of democracy, it's not a friend to freedom, it's not a friend even to the United States of America," Trump said during a speech in March to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The United States is 312 2592767 the United States of America," Trump said during a speech in March to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The United States is a veto-wielding member of the 15-member U.N. Security Council and the largest financial contributor to the United 312 2592837 on Wednesday he hoped that the Trump administration would "strengthen the bonds of international cooperation." "People everywhere look to the United States to use its remarkable power to help lift humanity up and to work for the common good," Ban told reporters 312 2593267 Duterte congratulated Donald Trump on his election win and said on Wednesday he now wishes to stop quarrelling with the United States , recalling his anger at the Obama administration for criticising him. The maverick leader, dubbed "Trump of the East" for his 312 2593435 he called a broken country. But the biggest surprise of Duterte's presidency so far has been his hostility toward the United States , shown during near-daily eruptions of anger over its concerns about human rights abuses during his deadly war on drugs 312 2593705 revive the U.S. coal sector. His victory caused dismay at a climate policy conference in Morocco on Wednesday. In the United States , the prospect of a sharp turn in U.S. environmental policy helped boost Caterpillar shares by more than 7 percent on 312 2594162 wind turbine maker, were down 6.2 percent in mid-morning, while German peer Nordex traded 6.6 percent lower. In the United States , Silicon Valley electric car maker Tesla Motors Inc sank 3.4 percent to its lowest price since February. Tesla benefits from 312 2607375 and supplies identification solutions (IDS) and workplace safety (WPS) products to identify and protect premises, products, and people in the United States and internationally. It operates through two segments, IDS and WPS. The IDS segment offers materials, printing systems, RFID, and bar 312 2607756 Capital One Bank (USA), National Association; and Capital One, National Association, which provides various financial products and services in the United States , Canada, and the United Kingdom. Capital One Financial Corporation operates in three segments: Credit Card, Consumer Banking, and Commercial Banking 312 2610125 an independent energy company, engages in the exploration, development, production, and acquisition of oil and natural gas resources in the United States . It operates through two segments, Exploration and Production; and Midstream. The company primarily holds interests in the Wolfcamp and Bone 312 2610305 Company was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. AmerisourceBergen Corporation sources and distributes pharmaceutical products in the United States and internationally. Its Pharmaceutical Distribution segment distributes brand-name and generic pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter healthcare products, home healthcare supplies 312 2612245 in Calgary, Canada. Zayo Group Holdings, Inc., through its subsidiaries, provides bandwidth infrastructure solutions for the communications industry in the United States , Canada, and Europe. The company operates in six segments: Fiber Solutions, Transport, Enterprise Networks, Zayo Colocation (zColo), Allstream, and Other 312 2612991 In Virginia Beach, Joe Hudson, 49, an engineer and registered Republican, said he's voting for Trump because he thinks the United States is giving too much money to foreign governments while failing to focus on its own citizens and infrastructure. "...king of 312 2616650 man will spend more than a decade in prison after attempting to buy a 10-year-old girl for sex. United States District Court Judge Laurie Smith Camp sentenced William Rich to 14 years in prison on Monday in connection with the 312 2621778 Clinton, was photographed protesting outside Trump Tower, after Republican candidate Donald Trump got elected as the 45th president of the United States of America. The star held a placard that read Love trumps hate. There were also reports of Lady Gaga having 312 2623937 of the state. Most of the victims were Muslims. Trump has called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States and Gupta said his message had wide resonance. "We predicted that he would win five days ago there is a 312 2631396 businessman Donald Trump on Wednesday beat seasoned politician Hillary Clinton in the election, defying all odds to become the 45th United States President after starting off as a rank political outsider. It was a heart-break for Democratic nominee Clinton, who was 312 2632242 US consul, according to the White House. Till date, Louisa was the only First Lady to be born outside the United States . Melania, a Slovenian former model, was born in 1970 in communist Yugoslavia. Melania married Trump in 2005. (Photo: YouTube screenshot 312 2632616 studied design and architecture before leaving for Milan and Paris to launch her modelling career. That brought her to the United States in 1996, where two years later she met Donald Trump. She later became his third wife. On Monday night, she 312 2632898 crowded field of 17 Republican contenders. * December 7 - Trump calls for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representative can figure out what is going on." The call followed deadly attacks in Paris, for which 312 2635964 countries will maintain their close relationship. "I express my heartfelt congratulations on your election as the next president of the United States ," Abe said in a statement. " Japan and the United States are unshakeable allies connected by common values such as freedom 312 2635974 congratulations on your election as the next president of the United States ," Abe said in a statement. " Japan and the United States are unshakeable allies connected by common values such as freedom, democracy, basic human rights and rule of law," Abe added 312 2636268 service to the country. Russian President Vladimir Putin says Moscow is ready to try to restore good relations with the United States in the wake of the election of Donald Trump. Putin said Wednesday at a ceremony accepting the credentials of new 312 2636314 that it is a difficult path, in view of the unfortunate degradation of relations between the Russian Federation and the United States ." Putin says "it is not our fault that Russian-American relations are in such a state." Earlier, the Kremlin said 312 2636419 endorsements of Hillary Clinton. Premier Matteo Renzi says Wednesday "in the name of Italy, I congratulate the president of the United States and wish him well in his work, convinced that the Italian-American friendship remains strong and solid." Renzi faces his 312 2636512 Obama. ********** Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he hopes Donald Trump's election as president marks a new era in the United States that he hopes will lead to "beneficial" steps for fundamental rights, liberties and democracy in the world. Addressing a business 312 2636829 seas with the U.S." ********** Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says his country will work "as closely as ever" with the United States under Donald Trump's new administration. He says "politicians and governments, congressmen, senators, prime ministers, presidents come and go according to 312 2636860 governments, congressmen, senators, prime ministers, presidents come and go according to the will of the people of Australia and the United States , but the bond between our two nations, our shared common interests, our shared national interests are so strong, are so 312 2636894 shared national interests are so strong, are so committed that we will continue to work with our friends in the United States ." ********** French President Francois Hollande says the election of Donald Trump "opens a period of uncertainty. It must be faced with 312 2636980 taken by Donald Trump during the American campaign must be confronted with the values and interests we share with the United States ." He says "what is at stake is peace, the fight against terrorism, the situation in the Middle East. It is 312 2637306 American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly." Kenyatta says Wednesday that "the ties that bind Kenya and the United States of America are close and strong. They are old, and based in the values that we hold dear: in democracy 312 2638208 Endorsing Harris, Obama had said "Kamala Harris fights for us. Thats why I am so proud to endorse her for United States Senator. And if you send her to the Senate, she'll be a fearless fighter for the people of California, all 312 2639850 YORK: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump locked up their first state wins Tuesday as polling stations closed in the eastern United States , with the world waiting anxiously to see who will head to the White House. Some 200 million Americans were asked 312 2640251 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States , congratulatory messages have poured in from different parts of the world. Here is the world reaction to the US election 312 2640301 victory is "great news" and shows "democracy is still alive." Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been often criticised by the United States , including by Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, for weakening the democratic system of checks and balances. Orban 312 2641288 from visiting relatives and friends who live in America or traveling there as tourists. About 100,000 Indonesians live in the United States . President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo says on national television that his government will work with whoever becomes president. Cuba News of 312 2641328 News of Trump's widening lead hit hard in Cuba, which has spent the last two years negotiating normalisation with the United States after more than 50 years of Cold War hostility. Normalisation has set off a tourism boom in Cuba and visits 312 2641462 could, however, please some hard-liners in the Cuban leadership who worried that Cuba was moving too close to the United States too quickly. While many Cubans were unaware of the state of the race early Wednesday morning, those watching state-run 312 2641663 Pacific, and Australia wants to work constructively with the new administration to ensure the continued presence and leadership of the United States in the region. She calls the US "our major security ally" and the largest foreign direct investor and the second 312 2641691 US "our major security ally" and the largest foreign direct investor and the second-largest trading partner. She says, "The United States is also the guarantor and defender of the rules-based international order that has underpinned so much of our economic 312 2641855 countries will maintain their close relationship. "I express my heartfelt congratulations on your election as the next president of the United States ," Abe said in a statement. "The stability of the Asia-Pacific region, which is the driving force of the global 312 2641884 of the Asia-Pacific region, which is the driving force of the global economy, brings peace and prosperity to the United States . Japan and the United States are unshakeable allies connected by common values such as freedom, democracy, basic human rights and 312 2641889 which is the driving force of the global economy, brings peace and prosperity to the United States. Japan and the United States are unshakeable allies connected by common values such as freedom, democracy, basic human rights and rule of law," Abe said 312 2642130 and the entire world". European Union The European Union's foreign policy chief says that the trans-Atlantic ties with the United States go beyond the election of Donald Trump. Federica Mogherini said Wednesday in a Twitter message that "EU-US ties are 312 2642516 and that if it had looser gun laws then the attacks would not have happened, have upset French officials. "The United States is our ally and we have to continue working with it in clarity," Ayrault said. "Perhaps Trump will not keep 312 2642840 two-car tram lying on its side next to an underpass. Riyadh: Saudi King Salman expressed hope on Wednesday that United States ' president-elect Donald Trump would bring stability to the Middle East. "We wish your excellency success in your mission to 312 2642909 relations which are "historic and tight between the two friendly countries, that all parties aspire to develop and reinforce". The United States and Saudi Arabia have a decades-old relationship based on the exchange of American security for Saudi oil. But ties 312 2643240 defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading Assad to step down, and warned that Clinton could drag the United States into a new world war over the Syria conflict. In one of his debates with Clinton, Trump said he did 312 2643331 Iran have provided direct military support to Assad while countries that want to see him gone from power, including the United States , Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey, have provided rebels with backing including military support. Russia's intervention in support of Assad last 312 2646300 Endorsing Harris, Obama had said "Kamala Harris fights for us. Thats why I am so proud to endorse her for United States Senator. And if you send her to the Senate, she'll be a fearless fighter for the people of California, all 312 2648854 US consul, according to the White House. Till date, Louisa was the only First Lady to be born outside the United States . Melania, a Slovenian former model, was born in 1970 in communist Yugoslavia. She is the daughter of Viktor Knavs, a 312 2650145 orientation or political belief. "On the basis of these values, I offer close cooperation to the future president of the United States of America, Donald Trump," she said. Turkey also joined other countries in sending congratulatory message to Trump, expressing hopes for 312 2652003 America First. He promised to build a wall along the Mexican border and temporarily bar Muslim immigrants from entering the United States . He questioned Washingtons long-standing commitment to Nato allies, called for cutting foreign aid, praised President Vladimir Putin of Russia 312 2652112 Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. If you stop doing that, then all the European, Middle Eastern and Asian allies to the United States will reconsider how they secure themselves. In Germany, where US troops have been stationed for more than seven decades, the 312 2652478 farther. Izumi Kobayashi, vice chairman of Keizai Doyukai, a Japanese business group, predicted a drop in foreign investment in the United States as executives skeptical of Trump wait to see what he does. Ecstatic Russia One of the few places where Trumps 312 2655535 800, a man involved in the business told DH. As counting of votes to determine the 45th president of the United States of America began, Americans in Bengaluru gathered in restaurants across the city to spend the anxious wait together. The day 312 2660842 summit next year, adding that "US leadership is as important as ever and a strong Nato is good for the United States ". Martin Schulz, the European Parliament's president, said that working with Trump will be harder for the EU, telling Europe 1 312 2660889 harder than with previous administrations, but he is the freely elected president. We must respect the future president of the United States ... I hope we will find a slot to co-operate." Francois Hollande, the French president, said France will remain an 312 2666739 to renegotiate the Paris agreement and completely dismantle the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will be the next President of the United States ! My email inbox is stuffed full with reactions from the environmental community and Twitter is on fire. Here are some 312 2666803 to accept the fact that the man who ridiculed and threatened them for months is the President-elect of the United States , Greenpeace USAs Executive Director Annie Leonard shared. Fear may have won this election, but bravery, hope and perseverance will overcome 312 2667131 the Center for Biological Diversity said, The Paris agreement was signed and ratified not by a president, but by the United States itself. One man alone, especially in the twenty-first century, should not strip the globe of the climate progress that 312 2667185 international law, and as a matter of human survival, the nations of the world can, must and will hold the United States to its climate commitments. And its incumbent upon U.S. communities to unite and push forth progressive climate policies on a 312 2667984 such as elephants, whales and sea turtles, said Scott Beckstead, senior Oregon state director for The Humane Society of the United States . France, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the U.K., Germany and Mexico are among the more than two dozen countries that have 312 2672685 themselves will be thrilled. With the legislative and (likely) the judicial branch as trump cards, the 45th President of the United States stands to sully much of President Obamas environmental legacy, especially Obamas landmark Clean Power Plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions 312 2675679 House included strong support for school choice and sharp denunciations of current education policy, has been elected president of the United States , the Associated Press reported early Wednesday. Trumps victory in the presidential race leaves widespread uncertainty about whats in store for 312 2686166 216million a year ago. Wednesday, November 9, 2016 November 8, 2016 was an historic day for public transportation in the United States as voters approved 33 of 48 local and statewide public transit measures for a current Election Day passage rate of 312 2687276 the right direction with our turnover. In practice since 1980, we have served a wide variety of clients throughout the United States and in other countries. Our global affiliates assist us in sharing our expertise and advice with clients internationally. Our team 312 2688229 event, he said he would approve TransCanada Corp.s proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline, in return for the people of the United States being given a piece, a significant piece of the profits. Trump has also pledged to renegotiate or terminate the North 312 2699338 lab which recently began taste testing coffee. It is one of three university centers dedicated to coffee research in the United States . The University of California, Davis and Vanderbilt University operate the other two. Leo Lombardini, the centers new executive director, said 312 2700738 noting the WikiLeaks disclosures on Clinton and apparent involvement of Russia. Its the ascendancy of the alternative right in the United States , but it has global implications, part of a global pattern right now, he said. Not in recent history have Americans 312 2701133 policies raise questions about the future of Chinas investments in Texas. And Trumps election also makes it unlikely that the United States will follow through any time soon with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the 12-state trade pact between the U.S. and 312 2701641 idea once expressed by a disaffected progressive: Gore Vidal. Back in the early 1980s, Vidal liked to say that the United States , contrary to appearances, did not have two major political parties, but rather one party with two factions. All the talk 312 2705933 Flammini Assistant Editor, North American Content Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States is on the minds of everyone this morning, farmers included. Especially in Michigan, a state considered up for grabs by 312 2711269 Newswire) - Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited (AsiaSat - SEHK: 1135), Asia's leading satellite operator, has been granted a patent from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, titled, 'Methods and Systems for Providing High-speed Connectivity to Aircraft.' (US Patent No. 9,425,888)The 312 2714243 limited partnership formed under the Limited Partnerships Act (Ontario) to invest in hotel real estate properties located substantially in the United States and engaged primarily in the rail crew accommodation, transportation, and branded, select service lodging sectors. AHIP's long-term objectives are 312 2722571 bridge is a mix of eastern and western cultures. The design won the International Design Award (IDA) 2015 in the United States .- Korean brand MUZIK (Booth: GH-E06) is releasing its latest IMAGINE collection, paying homage to the legendary musician John Lennon 312 2729477 CEO SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION This news release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. When used in this news release, the words 312 2731530 organizations of all sizes. Contact Persistence Market Research U.S. Sales Office: 305 Broadway, 7th Floor New York City, NY 10007 United States USA - Canada Toll-Free: 800-961-0353 Email: Web: VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwired) -- 11/09/16 312 2742387 Agritek Holdings, Inc. does not directly grow, harvest, or distribute or sell cannabis or any substances that violate or contravene United States law or the Controlled Substances Act, nor does it intend to do so in the future. FORWARD-LOOKING DISCLAIMER: This 312 2743896 apt business insight with our huge market intelligence repository. Contact: Mr.Rohan MarketsandMarkets 701 Pike Street Suite 2175, Seattle, WA 98101, United States Tel: +1-888-600-6441Email: Visit MarketsandMarkets Blog @ Connect with us on LinkedIn 312 2747217 Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Xiamen of the PRC and through its Global Alliance Partners network in Japan, Thailand, UAE, the United States , the UK, Indonesia, Jordan and Australia. For more information on Quam, please visit its website at further enquiries, please 312 2749854 of the ballot measure, which led in recent polls, would essentially create the largest market for marijuana products in the United States . "We are very excited that citizens of California voted to end the failed policy of marijuana prohibition," said Nate Bradley 312 2750184 Agritek Holdings, Inc. does not directly grow, harvest, or distribute or sell cannabis or any substances that violate or contravene United States law or the Controlled Substances Act, nor does it intend to do so in the future. FORWARD-LOOKING DISCLAIMER: This 312 2751310 repository. Subscribe Reports from Healthcare Domain @ Contact: Mr.Rohan MarketsandMarkets 701 Pike Street, Suite 2175, Seattle, WA 98101, United States Telephone No: 1-888-600-6441. 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Rallye does not intend to register all or any portion of the offering in the United States of America or to conduct a public offering of the Securities in the United States of America View source version 312 2762222 of the offering in the United States of America or to conduct a public offering of the Securities in the United States of America View source version on Contacts: Rallye WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - House Speaker 312 2763859 Deaf community in its program. The award is open to all two- and four-year, degree-granting IEPs in the United States , Puerto Rico and Canada. Award winners are showcased among their peers at the Innovator Showcase, typically held in Salt Lake 312 2771636 alarm monitoring, personal emergency response monitoring, video surveillance and related services to residential and commercial subscribers throughout Canada and the United States . More information about AlarmForce's products and services can be found at Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements contained in this 312 2773711 designing, installing and providing pro-active remote video monitoring solutions to multi-family residential, commercial and industrial businesses across the United States . It will now work in partnership with Auxos portfolio company UCIT Online Security, a Toronto-based video monitoring company focused 312 2778014 said.Russia is hoping that improved relations could yield an elusive prize: the lifting or easing of sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union to punish Moscow for its 2014 annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine 312 2779656 army base in the disputed Kashmir region.To many Pakistanis, Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric - he once proposed banning Muslims entering the United States - and business ties to India are signs that his administration could shift further toward New Delhi."America will not abandon 312 2779906 support."Trump is a bit of a wild card," said Sherry Rehman, a Pakistani senator and former ambassador to the United States ."Pakistan obviously cannot rule out engaging with whomever America elects, but his anti-Muslim rhetoric may cast a shadow on 312 2780061 a think-tank close to Modi's government, called Trump's election "a very positive development", but added that India and the United States would have continued to grow closer under a Hillary Clinton presidency as well."My sense is that India-U.S. relations 312 2780192 or change the scope of the mission, 15 years after a U.S.-led campaign toppled the hardline Islamist Taliban government.The United States has spent some $115 billion in aid for Afghanistan since 2002, but the country is still caught in conflict, with 312 2787229 sent conciliatory signals after his upset of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, pledging to seek common ground, not conflict, with the United States ' allies.During his election campaign, Trump expressed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, questioned central tenets of the NATO military alliance 312 2787324 We heard the campaign statements of the future U.S. presidential candidate about the restoration of relations between Russia and the United States ," Putin said."It is not an easy path, but we are ready to do our part and do everything to 312 2787528 for Palestinian aspirations. And despite Trump's negative rhetoric about Muslims during his campaign, including threats to ban them from the United States , Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said he hoped the business magnate's election would breathe new life into U.S.-Egyptian 312 2788050 Trump clinched the election, urged him to send a message as soon as possible to reassure the world of the United States ' commitment to its allies."We are certainly concerned about the comments (Trump) has made to date about the alliance and 312 2788584 a day when the worst nightmare of liberal internationalists came true with the election of the 45th President of the United States : Donald John Trump. The road from here to a global free-for-all is not far. All that would take 312 2789079 and respected) scholar-practitioner of counterterrorism and intelligence. Confidantes like Flynn will definitely alert Trump to the possibility should the United States embark on a vigorous campaign to annihilate the Islamic State and other assorted Sunni extremists, then the country ought to 312 2789232 must remember, as Niall Fergusson has written umpteen number of times, we are in the year of the unthinkable the United States under Trump could decide to collaborate with the Russians in going after the Islamic State. This would mean Assad stays 312 2789740 his supporters to come out and vote. Irrespective of who becomes the President, Raghavan explained that the next President of United States has to address the fact that a huge section of American population are feeling left behind and in what ways 312 2790715 he added. Defying all expectations and most pre-poll forecasts, Donald Trump is set to become the President of the United States . The Republican candidate for the top job stunned veteran Democrat Hillary Clinton after months of intense campaigning which often turned 312 2790790 270 by winning 276 electoral votes. Clinton was at 218 electoral vpotes. Trump will be the 45th President of the United States . Governor Mike Pence is set to become the vice-president. The billionaire real estate mogul, who was acutely criticised for 312 2791369 state in Africa, said: "We are extremely saddened by this missed opportunity on the part of the people of the United States to join smaller democracies in ending the marginalisation of women."In an interview with BBC television, she said that Liberia 312 2791410 Liberia, a nation founded in the 19th century by freed American slaves, had a long and historical relationship with the United States and she expected that to continue. "We are concerned as to whether President-elect Trump will have an African agenda 312 2792362 in mid-July near Manbij, Syria, which groups say killed dozens of civilians, but that it was near completion. The United States has conducted 12,354 air strikes against Islamic State as of Nov. 2, with 6,992 in Iraq and 5,362 in Syria 312 2794542 Endorsing Harris, Obama had said "Kamala Harris fights for us. Thats why I am so proud to endorse her for United States Senator. And if you send her to the Senate, she'll be a fearless fighter for the people of California, all 312 2794760 more than 50 percent of a typical month's registrations in just seven days. Visits to New Zealand Now from the United States were up almost 80 percent to 41,000 from 7 October to 7 November, compared to the same period last year 312 2795577 in the election, argued Conway tellingly. Its because its become socially desirable, if youre a college-educated person in the United States of America, to say that youre against Donald Trump. Pence Worked like a Charm Critical rust belt states broke Trump's 312 2803263 Hong Kong-listed shares tumbled to their lowest level since June, and automakers like Toyota <7203.T>, for whom the United States is a top market, fell 6.5 percent. 7203.T>0753.HK>003490.KS> Many executives remain unsure what Trump's protectionist 312 2803738 not on ideas but on anger and frustration." Tighter rules could impact Indian IT services firms supporting companies in the United States . Shares in companies like Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services were sharply down as Trump closed in on the White House 312 2813448 I told him I too am beyond shocked by the election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States . This has truly been the most painful, depressing, divisive election of my lifetime. That is why for me the healing 312 2813632 dismissed as a right-wing B-list Hollywood actor who had been divorced before he was elected president of the United States . Similarly, Trump is dismissed as a celebrity from his reality television show and a man on his third marriage known 312 2814001 cherish the values of respect, inclusion and common sacrifice that we celebrate as hallmarks of Americas exceptionalism and greatness. The United States has endured worse and we will endure under a President Trump. Keep the faith. Our long national nightmare is over 312 2814217 stood on foreign soil and apologized for our nation. And to this day it remains unclear whether he believes the United States is the most exceptional nation on Earth. Hillary Clinton called us deplorable irredeemable. "To just be grossly generalistic, you can 312 2816316 age 70. With her defeat, Clinton falls short in her second bid to become the first female president of the United States . Though Clinton called Trump, her campaign initially did not concede defeat. Earlier, her campaign chairman John Podesta addressed supporters nearby 312 2823649 vote. These voters broke for Trump, 56-41 percent. Seven-in-ten voters think illegal immigrants currently working in the United States should be offered a chance to apply for citizenship (70 percent), rather than being deported (25 percent). In 2012, 65 312 2826971 say they'd welcome a Trump presidency, while another says he thinks the Republican candidate projects a flawed image of the United States . Speaking of Cuba's leaders, Communist Party member and noted economist and political scientist Esteban Morales told the Telesur network that 312 2827038 could, however, please some hard-liners in the Cuban leadership who worried that Cuba was moving too close to the United States too quickly. Many people joked threatening to leave the U.S. in the event of a Trump win, however Canada and 312 2827239 soon as he is sworn in. Binali Yildirim also said Wednesday that he hoped that the new leadership in the United States would take into consideration Turkey's "sensitivities concerning the fight against terrorism," give priority to policies that would bring peace and 312 2827287 traditional friendship between the two countries. Ties between the two allies have been strained over perceptions in Turkey that the United States is reluctant to arrest and extradite Gulen. A $100 million search for intelligent alien life just added a big arrow 312 2832138 most conservative college in America, according to Niche's ranking of the most conservative four-year higher education institutions in the United States . Niche, a website that analyzes dozens of public data sets and millions of reviews to formulate rankings of the best 312 2833003 east of Cincinnati. Protests erupted in Northern California early Wednesday after Donald Trump was declared the next president of the United States . According to KTVU, about 100 protesters gathered in Oakland and sought to block freeways and create a commotion. The protesters 312 2835363 comments from Trump and Hillary Clinton in the presidential debates "are sufficient for the annihilation of the reputation of the United States ." Zarif also was quoted as saying that any U.S. president "should have a correct understanding of realities of the world 312 2835750 taken by Donald Trump during the American campaign must be confronted with the values and interests we share with the United States ." German Chancellor Angela Merkel offered Trump "close cooperation" on the basis of shared trans-Atlantic values. Merkel told reporters in 312 2835833 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau offered his own well-wishes, saying, "Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States . We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in 312 2835851 than the United States. We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment, and international peace and security." Fox News' Jon 312 2836277 Russia's president Vladimir Putin congratulated Donald Trump Wednesday on his election win and pledged to restore full relations with the United States . But in a sign of how strained ties remain between Russia and the West, the U.S. Army reports it delivered 312 2836726 has used his speech at the U.N. to call on Turkey to immediately release Akay, who remains in custody. The United States , in an attempt to reassure its allies in Europe, last month sent its largest shipment of ammunition to the continent 312 2836861 have the ammunition for them, they would not have any deterrent effect. Its another example of the commitment of the United States to security and stability in Europe, Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, commanding general of U.S. Army Europe, said. RUSSIA CLAIMS ITS 312 2836916 its another way that Germany contributed to deterrence by enabling the movement of ammunition and equipment inside Germany for the United States Army, Hodges said. Faced with an ever-more unpredictable Russia, NATO allies are advancing with plans to deploy thousands of 312 2839623 to the zone. Its been a lengthy journey for Cleber. Berenthal, who was born in Havana and came to the United States in 1960, and Clemmons set up the company shortly after the rapprochement was announced. It took about 8 1/2 312 2839868 and parts to the Cuban government. It was showing catalogs of some of its new offerings at the fair. The United States recently clarified that while food exports to Cuba cant currently be financed, exports of agricultural equipment can be. That would 312 2841717 with his wife, Terri, said he thinks Trump is probably the one that most likely supports the Constitution of the United States . Honestly, my opinion is I dont think she has much respect for the document at all, and would like to 312 2845878 remaining Democratic-held chamber in the South. ORIGINAL POST: 2:29 a.m.: Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States . The Republican nominee won Wednesday after capturing Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes, putting him over the 270 threshold. Voters eager to 312 2845989 stance at his campaign's heart. Trump rose to political fame after questioning whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States . He will now follow Obama into the White House. ___ 2:22 a.m. Donald Trump has arrived at his election 312 2847311 Caicos Islands Tuvalu US Virgin Islands Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland United States Minor Outlying Islands United States of America Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist 312 2847316 Islands Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland United States Minor Outlying Islands United States of America Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna 312 2850284 companys global distribution, in line with its 2016 goals. Currently, Thermalabs sells its products in most western markets, including the United States , Canada, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and other European nations. But the new development means that the companys extensive range 312 2850330 be available in Japan, China, and more Asian markets. Thermalabs is an innovative firm thats headquartered in New York City, United States . The company set up tent some three years ago, starting out with a self-tanner that captured the market by 312 2867407 group's ability to project terror and conduct operations, officials said. Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Iraq include the United States , Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Syria 312 2867431 Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Syria include the United States , Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. NEWS LETTER 312 2868234 square miles, nearly half the Earth's surface, from Antarctica to the Arctic circle and from the West Coast of the United States into the Indian Ocean. The U.S. Pacific Fleet consists of approximately 200 ships/submarines, nearly 1,100 aircraft, and more than 312 2871616 naval capacity, which was almost totally destroyed by Russian bombing during the August 2008 war. He pointed out that the United States had helped finance the repair and modernization of Georgia's three remaining naval vessels for use by the Georgian coast guard 312 2872690 US-led invasion to defeat the Taliban and al-Qaeda in the wake of the 9/11 attacks in the United States . Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address At Least Four People Killed, Five Injured in 312 2873582 will still probably avoid any military enforcement of its claims near Malaysia at the risk of nudging it toward the United States , analysts say. U.S.-Malaysia security cooperation includes "numerous" military exercises, ship visits and educational exchanges, according to a 2015 Congressional 312 2875509 were dealt with properly and were a "genuine donation" from Saudi Arabia. But international investigations have followed, including by the United States Department of Justice and authorities in Singapore, of funds being used inappropriately. Other challenges include the recent formation of a 312 2876071 group's ability to project terror and conduct operations, officials said. Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Iraq include the United States , Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Syria 312 2876095 Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Syria include the United States , Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. NEWS LETTER 312 2876497 2016 Reaction is coming in from around the globe to news that Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States , with the European Union reacting with caution and the Kremlin welcoming the outcome. The Republican candidate defeated his Democratic rival 312 2876528 Kremlin welcoming the outcome. The Republican candidate defeated his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States in an outcome few pundits or polls had predicted. The result is raising questions about how Trump, a businessman who 312 2876583 country and what Washington's role in the world will be. In Brussels, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said the United States and European Union will continue to work together. "EU-U.S. ties are deeper than any change in politics. We'll continue 312 2876659 from international commitments. In London, British Prime Minister Theresa May said the "enduring and special relationship" between Britain and the United States would remain intact. German Chancellor Angela Merkel offered Trump "close cooperation" on the basis of shared transatlantic values. "Germany and 312 2876778 a "huge shock," and asked whether the Pax Americana -- the peace among great powers that has been guided by the United States since World War II -- was in jeopardy. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said, "U.S. leadership is as important as ever 312 2876807 NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said, "U.S. leadership is as important as ever... A strong NATO is good for the United States , and good for Europe." French Foreign Minister Ayrault said France remains an ally of the United States, adding that Paris 312 2876824 good for the United States, and good for Europe." French Foreign Minister Ayrault said France remains an ally of the United States , adding that Paris will have to see what Trump's new policies are. In Germany, Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen 312 2876870 a "huge shock," and asked whether the Pax Americana -- the peace among great powers that has been guided by the United States since World War II -- was in jeopardy. Putin Telegram In Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Trump on his victory 312 2876991 including the seizure of the Crimean Peninsula -- and military intervention in Syria. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he hoped the United States would continue to support Ukraine in its standoff with Russia. "The President looks forward to a continuation of U.S support 312 2877304 4. Elsewhere, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Trump should stay committed to the international nuclear deal with Iran. "The United States should fulfil its commitments in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [the nuclear deal] as a multilateral international agreement," Zarif 312 2877400 based cleric Turkey blames for orchestrating a failed coup there on July 15. The Iraqi government said relations with the United States have a "solid base" and this is not expected to change after Trump's victory. That message was echoed by Afghan 312 2877533 09, 2016 BRUSSELS -- In the months leading up to Donald Trump's victory in the November 8 presidential election in the United States , not a single European diplomat, civil servant, or politician from the EU or NATO that I spoke to welcomed the 312 2878004 and NATO architectures. Trump has criticized the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), negotiated and signed between the EU and United States but not yet ratified, and EU Commission officials said postelection that it is likely dead. A Nordic diplomat worried aloud 312 2878516 the positions Trump has staked out: Russia And NATO Trump has said he would rather "have Russia friendly" to the United States than "the way they are right now," contending that warmer ties would mean the two countries "can go and knock 312 2878636 They also question whether Trump would be willing and able to stand up to aggressive moves by Russia against the United States and its allies. Trump has shown admiration for Putin, calling him a better leader than Obama. And in March, he 312 2878681 saying he would withhold U.S. support from alliance members unless they increased military spending and "fulfilled their obligations" to the United States . Henning Riecke, head of the U.S.-Transatlantic Relations program at the German Council on Foreign Relations, says that if the 312 2878703 Henning Riecke, head of the U.S.-Transatlantic Relations program at the German Council on Foreign Relations, says that if the United States "leans more to the Russian side" during Trump's presidency, it could have "direct and very dangerous repercussions for European security 312 2878764 of the most important bases of American superpower status -- that they promise to protect their allies," he said of the United States , adding that Russia would be likely to exploit any gaps in Western defenses and deterrence. Moscow is likely to "do 312 2879123 by Obama. Immigration Trump has promised to round up and deport all of the 11.3 million undocumented immigrants in the United States within two years and has vowed to create a "deportation task force" to implement the plan. The funding for such 312 2879207 require an unprecedented expansion in U.S. immigration enforcement personnel and infrastructure." It also said removing all undocumented immigrants from the United States would lower the country's real gross domestic product by $1.6 trillion -- and that doing so in two years could result 312 2879252 and deep recession." There also are doubts about Trump's plan to build a wall along the southern border of the United States and make Mexico pay for it. Mexico says it won't pay for the project, which The Washington Post has estimated 312 2879630 he has threatened to do, and impose tariffs on specific categories of imports. Trump also has threatened to pull the United States out of the 164-country World Trade Organization (WTO), which acts as an arbitrator in disputes over tariff agreements and 312 2880653 Merkel said. "On the basis of these values, I am offering to work closely with the future president of the United States , Donald Trump," she said. At the United Nations, Secretary General Ban Ki Moon congratulated Trump while stressing the importance of 312 2880700 U.N. "As a founding member of the United Nations and security council members permanent members of the security council, the United States is an essential actor across the international agenda," he said. Where now? A leap into the unknown is how leaders 312 2881257 Analysts: Trump Presidency Brings Uncertainties for Asia By William Ide November 09, 2016 The election of Donald Trump as the United States ' next president not only raises huge questions about America's relations with the world's second largest economy, China, but traditional allies 312 2881328 his first day in office and levy punishing import tariffs on Chinese goods. Trump was also very critical of the United States ' military allies in the region. Good, bad news Trump's election is both good news and bad news for China, said 312 2881651 analysts on state media, however, were less certain about where the direction of the relationship was heading. They say the United States ' withdrawal from the TPP would be an opportunity for China's "One Belt, One Road" project, which seeks to grow sea 312 2882409 the Mideast, which reacted angrily when he first proposed last year to impose a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States and declared "Islam hates us." In Irbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, politicians say they could get no access to 312 2883433 to you. We go into Iraq. We have spent thus far, $1.5 trillion. We could have rebuilt half of the United States . $1.5 trillion. And we're going to then leave. So, in the old days, you know when you had a war 312 2883720 not only talking about in the Middle East. I'm talking about all over the world. Wealthy countries cannot expect the United States to pay for a vast majority of their military. They can pay us. They can reimburse us." Remarks by President 312 2883951 aides on his trip to France, "Who were the good guys in this war?" and could not understand why the United States had come to the aid of the Allies. After a year in office, the essense of the Trump Doctrine emerged 312 2884081 time of insecurity, where nobody knows what will happen next and this mainly depends on the unpredictable actions of the United States . Internationally, gathering storm clouds set nerves on edge, with some questioning Trump's leadership on the world stage. Former chairman of 312 2884404 peer competitor for the American people and their leaders to realize that in order to make better foreign policy, the United States needs the wisdom and restraint offered by a Congress and a bureaucracy that have real power and serious expertise, as 312 2884950 Foreign Relations, to describe Trump's foreign policy as "the Withdrawal Doctrine." While there was a legitimate debate over whether the United States overplayed its hand after the unipolar moment following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Washington was damaging its core interests 312 2885067 of the diplomatic service and the intelligence community in the country, hinting at the possibility that the divide between the United States and the rest of the world can only get wider. It goes without saying that the void in international politics 312 2885584 been able to win election to President because of his ability to talk... But when you are President of the United States , and when you are Commander-in-Chief, this is not reality TV. This is a situation where you can't just 312 2885654 They worry about their countries, they worry about what is going to happen. And they take the President of the United States literally." Another evident element of the Trump Doctrine is that America is simply the most powerful state among some 200 312 2887674 stayed true to himself and who he is." Rules of Engagement (ROE) In the fight against ISIS in Mosul, the United States adjusted its rules of engagement (ROE). Under the December 2016 Obama directive there had been some "relatively minor adjustments" that 312 2895164 Address Turkey Raises Concerns Over Role Of Syrian Kurds In Operation To Retake Raqqa November 08, 2016 Turkey says the United States has promised Ankara that U.S.-backed Syrian Kurdish forces will only be involved in a siege of Raqqa, the de 312 2895279 8, SDF forces were battling IS militants in villages and small towns to the south and north of Raqqa. The United States considers the YPG militias the most effective force against IS militants in Syria. But Turkey is dismayed at the prominent 312 2896156 08.11.2016) Ankara accused Washington of arming Kurdish People's Protection Units in Syria despite assurances to the contrary. ANKARA (Sputnik) The United States continues to supply weapons to Kurdish forces in Syria despite assurances to the contrary, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said 312 2896317 Kurdish militias as allied to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). In late September, reports emerged in media that the United States was supplying the Syrian Kurds with light arms. Turkey's President Erdogan condemned the move and referred to previous cases when 312 2899685 Berlin, though, "the mutual respect" is needed for this. PKK is designated as a terrorist group in Turkey and the United States . The European Union also lists the organization as terrorist, with the European Parliament voting against removing the PKK from the 312 2900333 placebo. In parallel to the already ongoing MAA reviews in Europe, Santhera continues to prepare for further discussions with the United States ' Food and Drug Administration on the most appropriate regulatory pathway to approval in the US. About Raxone (Idebenone) in Duchenne 312 2901188 period last year. Alstom was awarded several major projects during the semester. The Group signed contracts with Amtrak in the United States for new generation of Avelia high-speed train and services. The Alstom-led consortium Expolink won a contract with RTA 312 2907488 SERVICES OR FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION OR DISSEMINATION, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES . Rise Resources Inc. (CSE:UPP)(OTC PINK:RYES) ("Rise" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the due diligence work on 312 2907511 Resources Inc. (CSE:UPP)(OTC PINK:RYES) ("Rise" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the due diligence work on the United States property acquisition announced on October 6, 2016 is underway. The Company has hired U.S. legal and professional land services firms 312 2907580 October 6, 2016 news release, the Company has arranged the purchase of a substantial area of private land in the United States which hosts a significant historic gold mine, and plans to release further details regarding the project upon closing of the 312 2908007 subscription amount. Rise expects to use US$2,000,000 of the proceeds for the purchase of the private land in the United States as described above, $350,000 to complete an NI 43-101-compliant technical report on the property, and the balance of 312 2908111 connection with the Private Placement, including any finder's warrants, will be subject to statutory hold periods in accordance with applicable United States and Canadian securities laws for a minimum of six months. There is no material fact or material change about the 312 2908161 press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities in the United States . The securities referenced herein have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 312 2908177 buy securities in the United States. The securities referenced herein have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or any state securities laws and may not be offered 312 2908203 as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold in the United States except in compliance with one or more exemptions from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state 312 2927768 all of them, but with government leaders and the ruling class allied with the international bourgeoisie, in particular in the United States and its farmers. Looking for markets, they identified Haiti as an ideal place to sell U.S. products. To do this 312 2928347 wrong decision in trying to solve Haitis problem of hunger by filling the Haitian market with rice imported from the United States . He admits that this decision hurt small Haitian farmers and producers by abruptly reducing domestic production. Even today, it is 312 2928584 by buying directly from Haitian farmers who could in turn reinvest, products are imported from the Dominican Republic and the United States , which destroys national production. The original version of this article was first published by Spains El Diario and is the 312 2928809 US President, Jean Henry Ceant, presidential candidate under the banner "Remen Haiti" declared "Congratulations to the new President of the United States Donald J. Trump and to the American people free !" Last flooding Balance Sheet Following heavy rains this weekend, having touched 312 2940180 matters. Founded in 1879, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP has more than 800 lawyers on four continents, with four offices in the United States , including its headquarters in New York, three offices in Europe, two in Australia and three in Asia. CONTACTING SULLIVAN & CROMWELL 312 2942208 stops 10 provinces from exporting laborers to South Korea He defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . The Republican mogul defeated his Democratic rival, plunging global markets into turmoil and casting the long-standing global political order 312 2942801 was expected to become the next president. Photo by Reuters/File Photo Americans repudiated her call for unity amid the United States ' wide cultural and racial diversity, opting instead for a leader who insisted the country is broken and that he "alone 312 2942975 incumbent, Obama, who for eight years has repeated the credo that there is no black or white America, only the United States of America. On the eve of the election, he told tens of thousands of people in Philadelphia that he was 312 2943222 French far-right's Le Pen congratulated Trump on his performance on her Twitter: "Congratulations to the new president of the United States Donald Trump and to the free American people." Felicitations au nouveau president des Etats-Unis Donald Trump et au peuple 312 2946162 the world community fully recognizes what is at stake, he said. That is why the some 70 countries, including the United States , have pledge a total of $15.2 billion to support Afghanistan through the year 2020. This international support, said President Ghani 312 2946207 help the Afghan government defeat the Taliban insurgency, but also expand its economy, fight corruption and support human rights. The United States , said Secretary of State Kerry, pledges to deepen our strategic partnership with Afghanistan and to work with Congress to provide 312 2946304 to North Carolina last night as voters not only decided on who would serve as the next President of the United States , but also who they wanted to lead the state as Governor. Incumbent Governor Pat McCrory (R) ran against NC Attorney 312 2960574 it came to individual source countries for Canada in 2013-2014, the top five were China (34.1%), France (7.6%), the United States (6.2%), India (5.7%), and Saudi Arabia (4.5%). Popular fields of study In 2013 (from the latest available data from Statistics 312 2966988 Muslims has found favour in some quarters in India. Trump has called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States and Gupta said his message had wide resonance. We predicted that he would win five days ago -- there is a 312 2973827 American President and the Indian Prime Minister. The envoy was addressing a gathering assembled on the embassy campus as the United States elected Donald Trump as its 45th president. The US-India relationship is vitally important, it is bipartisan and it is 312 2981736 FN), tweeted. Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the party and father of its leader Marine, said: Today the United States , tomorrow France! A screen displays the popular vote favouring Donald Trump on election night. (AFP Photo) Beatrix von Storch, deputy 312 2981797 of the western world want a clear change in policy. As it happened | Donald Trump becomes 45th President of the United States of America During the US election campaign, Trump expressed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, questioned central tenets of the 312 2983770 Nations is not a friend of democracy, its not a friend to freedom, its not a friend even to the United States of America, Trump said during a speech in March to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Ban said on Wednesday 312 2983810 on Wednesday he hoped that the Trump administration would strengthen the bonds of international cooperation. People everywhere look to the United States to use its remarkable power to help lift humanity up and to work for the common good, Ban told reporters 312 2984812 and impressed people as diligent and well prepared. But her unpopularity returned. In 2002, Clinton voted in favour of the United States invading Iraq. A young Senate colleague named Barack Obama saw his chance, running in the Democratic primaries of 2008 with 312 2988208 by defeating heavily favored rival Hillary Clinton in Tuesdays presidential election, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path. A wealthy real estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of 312 2988768 project to rebuild American infrastructure and would double US economic growth. His win raises a host of questions for the United States at home and abroad. He campaigned on a pledge to take the country on a more isolationist, protectionist America First 312 2988805 more isolationist, protectionist America First path. He has vowed to impose a 35 percent tariff on goods exported to the United States by US companies that went abroad. Trump, who at 70 will be the oldest first-term US president, came out 312 2989410 America great again through the force of his personality, negotiating skill and business acumen. He proposed refusing entry to the United States of people from war-torn Middle Eastern countries, a modified version of an earlier proposed ban on Muslims. Read | In 312 2989569 The election was unprecedented in the way it turned Americans against each other, according to dozens of interviews in rural United States and across some of the most politically charged battleground states. Throughout his campaign - and especially in his acceptance speech at 312 2990828 Just over five years later, Obama is getting ready to give up the White House to his former foil. The United States presidency under Donald Trump, a confessed fan of India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is likely to boost the Indo 312 2991196 said. A guest reads an information board during ballot counting of the US presidential election, at the Embassy of the United States of America in New Delhi. (AFP Photo) Your great Prime Minister has been a pro-growth leader for India. He 312 2993358 hearing the results. During a meeting in New York in September, Trump told Sisi that under a Trump administration, the United States of America will be a loyal friend, not simply an ally, that Egypt can count on in the days and 312 2994745 sister Jean as they discussed Donald Trumps flaws a few days before he was elected the new president of the United States . Well, I am with him, their brother Paul, 60, interjected, raising his voice over snacks of cheese, muffins and crackers 312 2994805 US election was unprecedented in the way it turned Americans against each other, according to dozens of interviews in rural United States and across some of the most politically charged battleground states. It divided families like the Fosters in rural Ellsworth, Maine 312 2998187 in the Russian Defence Ministry as saying on Tuesday. A senior U.S. official reacted harshly to that possibility, saying the United States had repeatedly sought to de-escalate the violence, only to see Moscow flex its military muscle in support of Assad 312 2998417 be deprived of their human rights, he warned. - Francois Hollande - His excesses make you want to retch, even in the United States , especially when -- as was Donald Trumps case -- he speaks ill of a soldier, of the memory of a soldier, French 312 2998556 return from a visit to Mexico. The pontiff had celebrated Mass near the border fence that separates Mexico from the United States , and had delivered a sermon heard on both sides. Trump has promised to build a wall to prevent illegal Mexican 312 3000531 the Republican nomination. Yet he did all of that and more. Now Donald Trump is the elected President of the United States . But how did he pulled off the unbelievable election victory? Here are four possible reasons: First, Midwest Math During his 312 3001768 Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States The question is whether Congress may abdicate that power, as it did with the Antiquities Act of 1906, granting presidents 312 3002195 state would get 5 percent of proceeds when public lands lying within said state, which shall be sold by the United States subsequent to the admission of said state into the Union It is 152 years subsequent to admission. Is that within 312 3007299 climate change commitments. Close to 200 counties have signed onto the Paris agreement, and leaving now would potentially push the United States to the sidelines as other countries move forward in developing clean technology and regulatory structures for reducing carbon emissions, said 312 3008454 cheered and yelled as they marched in Austin Wednesday in opposition to Donald Trump's election as 45th president of the United States . Footage posted by The Daily Texan, the student newspaper, shows dozens of people walking around the city. At least one 312 3009569 intact in America, and my daughters and I are heartbroken. Hillary Clinton lost her bid for the presidency of this United States . Americans rejected a vastly qualified candidate with a lifetime of preparation for this job. I think I know why. When 312 3009690 This election was about a very wise woman, and if we'd voted to make her the 45th president of these United States , we'd have made our mothers and grandmothers proud and assured our daughters and granddaughters, "Women can do anything." Instead, the 312 3011249 a metal canister and send sharp pieces into drivers and passengers. There have been at least 11 deaths in the United States - the latest in a Sept. 30 crash, according to NHTSA. The Hanif lawsuit's defendants were TK Holdings, the U.S. arm 312 3011613 to be difficult, but hopefully God put some goodness in his heart," said Maria Angiano, 62, who came to the United States from Mexico. "People are scared about what he'll do," she continued in Spanish. In September Trump outlined a 10-point 312 3014371 citing the WikiLeaks disclosures on Clinton and apparent involvement of Russia. "It's the ascendancy of the alternative right in the United States , but it has global implications, part of a global pattern right now," he said. Not in recent history have Americans 312 3014767 trade policies raise questions about the future of China's investments in Texas. Trump's election also makes it unlikely that the United States will follow through any time soon with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the 12-nation trade pact between the United States 312 3014787 United States will follow through any time soon with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the 12-nation trade pact between the United States and other Pacific Rim countries that economists say also would offer a boost to the Texas economy. Trump has promised 312 3018350 There were also significant state and national seats at stake, highlighted by the next Missouri governor and president of the United States . Republicans swept the local contested races as newcomers Laura Crowley and Marie Lasater joined incumbent John Casey as winners. Crowley 312 3024279 Canadian interests regardless of who Americans chose. One of the things that is normal that whenever the presidency of the United States goes from one individual to another, there are going to be changes and theres going to be a need for 312 3024641 A Trump presidency will be very difficult for Canada as it would be for any neighbour or ally of the United States , said Laura Dawson, the director of the Canada Institute at the Wilson Center in Washington. Trump himself has just been 312 3024741 towards trade diversification and engage more east and west with Europe and Asia, Dawson said. The comfortable relationship with the United States may come to an end. When there are presidents in office that Canadians dont like or relate to, there tends 312 3025072 administration and Congress. The prime minister is our greatest asset, he said. [Trudeau] enjoys a platform and visibility in the United States that no Canadian leader in history has enjoyed including his own father and we dont know how long that will 312 3025485 Canada relationship will continue to thrive and be very strong, he said. Canada is an incredibly important relationship for the United States and I know that we will continue to be the best friends, trading partners and allies as we face this 312 3025900 brief statement Wednesday morning. "We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment, and international peace and security," Trudeau said. Advertisement 312 3026026 He said he wouldnt interfere in the election of another country. He proclaimed that the relationship between Canada and the United States is bigger than the one between those who hold its highest elected offices. He promised to work with whoever would 312 3026223 said, repeatedly refusing to take the bait. He offered, instead, the questions he might ask if he lived in the United States . I think if I were American Id be asking questions right now about why is it that so many people 312 3026414 challenge, and whatever the result of your electoral process, I look forward to having a strong, continuing relationship with the United States . The work will soon begin with President Trump to address the uncertain future of North American free trade, defence alliances 312 3026529 Government of Canada, I would like to congratulate Donald J. Trump on his election as the next President of the United States . Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States. We look forward to working very closely with 312 3026541 his election as the next President of the United States. Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States . We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in 312 3026559 than the United States. We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment, and international peace and security. The relationship between 312 3026638 Canadian Press Also on HuffPost A Conservative leadership contender has suggested the same movement that made Donald Trump the next United States president should be replicated in Canada. Ontario MP Kellie Leitch, best known for her controversial proposal to screen immigrants for 312 3027459 Trump on winning the U.S. presidential election. The PM said Canada has "no closer friend, ally, and partner than the United States ." "We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in 312 3027477 than the United States." "We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment, and international peace and security." Advertisement He said 312 3027666 here in Canada," he said. Federal Conservatives are pushing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to take immediate action now that the United States has elected a president in favour of the Keystone XL pipeline. Its a sentiment echoed by former prime minister Stephen 312 3030035 31, 2016. REUTERS/Chris Wattie When Justin Trudeau said that "Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States ," in his statement responding to the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President, he was right. But while Trudeau 312 3030119 a couple things on climate change; most notably that he wants to resurrect the Keystone XL pipeline and pull the United States out of Paris Climate Agreement. But that's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg because, well, Donald Trump doesn't believe 312 3030246 Canada, that same nation that buys most of the fossil fuels we're pulling out of the ground. In 2015, the United States imported over 3 million barrels of oil from Canada each day. Given his position that climate change is a Chinese 312 3030302 he wants pipelines like Kinder Morgan and Keystone XL that would deliver tar sands from Canada to refineries across the United States . But we already know that we can't expand the tar sands and meet the Paris climate targets. In fact, according 312 3030636 York City on Nov. 9, 2016. Republican Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton to be elected the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe via Getty Images) Today is a difficult defeat for many people. A man 312 3030724 fear that his actions in the Oval Office will follow suit. The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America demands that we take a hard look at our judgments about women in power. Advertisement Gender equality continues 312 3031587 for pre-flight places to do their business had few options once past the security checkpoint. A federal regulation on United States now requires airports that serve more than 10,000 passengers a year to have in-terminal pet relief areas for service 312 3031736 for your furry friends. Vancouver International Airport, Vancouver, BC Vancouver International Airport's Pet Relief Area near Gate 76 in the United States Departures area offers pooches a place to go potty on artificial grass in a large enclosed area. This is the 312 3031807 in June of this year - but airport officials hope other airports might follow their lead. Miami International Airport, Miami, Florida, United States Miami International Airport recently opened an indoor, post-security pet restroom called SARA (Service Animal Relief Area) in Concourse D 312 3031946 and one in Concourse G in Terminal 4 in 2018, according to the "Sun-Sentinel"). Logan International Airport, Boston, Massachusetts, United States Advertisement Petports offer pooches a place to go when nature calls. (Image: Frank Hebbert, petport via Flickr CC BY 2.0 312 3032025 to leave the terminal and go through security a second time. John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York, New York, United States There are several purr-fect places for pets to relax and relieve themselves at New York's John F. Kennedy International 312 3032178 flat screen TVs and pet massage therapy among other services -- later this year. Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles, California, United States Los Angeles International Airport leads all U.S. airports with the most pet relief areas of any U.S. airport. The airport 312 3032286 waste. Note: pets cannot be unleashed at the Terminal 7-8 location. Advertisement San Diego International Airport, San Diego, California, United States Not only does San Diego International Airport offer the Ready, Pet, Go. program, a travel ambassador program with 13 dogs 312 3034800 town hall, Senator McCain said Obama was "a person you don't have to be scared of as president of the United States " and "I admire Senator Obama and his accomplishments, and I will respect him." Each time, the crowd booed and called 312 3035733 freedom will light up again. Advertisement Follow HuffPost Canada Blogs on Facebook Also on HuffPost: Flying the flag for the United States in Bogota on Tuesday night. Leonardo Munoz (EFE) More information La victoria de Trump llena de incertidumbre el apoyo de 312 3035810 the South American country is now having to come to terms with another unlikely electoral outcome, this time in the United States . Donald Trumps victory in the US elections adds further uncertainty to Colombias peace process, in which President Barrack Obama has 312 3035914 highest praise for them. I do not know Trump, but my opinion is that we wouldnt support his policies. The United States has been a key ally in successive Colombian governments fight against drug traffickers and the FARC through Plan Colombia, set 312 3036171 half of the FARC delegation remains in Havana, where talks continue with Colombian government representatives. Venezuela presents another problem. The United States has supported talks between the government of President Nicolas Maduro and the opposition. A Clinton administration would have pressed forward 312 3036252 wears mom jeans with pride. Dear Barack Obama, I miss you already. I know that being the president of the United States has been hard for you. The job you've been given is the equivalent of someone handing you an entire ant 312 3036832 pride in our neighbours. I miss having pride in our neighbours. I miss feeling like I was welcome in the United States . Not just me, but everyone. I miss the idea that America was just one big party, and if you had 312 3043567 policies will be moderated by legislators and the markets. I don't actually think the way he will act in the United States will be far outside the mainstream, although what he says will sometimes feel very extreme. Fingers crossed. Advertisement In foreign 312 3043941 the day that racism and sexism beat gender equality and human rights. Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States and I am literally in a state of shock, I spent much of the morning crying in disbelief. First BREXIT 312 3044953 of role they want their country to play in the world and it has nothing to do with what the United States has achieved and represented in the last 100 years. Washington must keep supporting the normalization of relations with Cuba Millions 312 3055051 Electoral College is made up of 538 electors who cast votes to decide the President and Vice-President of the United States . When voters go to the polls on Tuesday, they will be choosing which candidate receives their state's electors. The candidate 312 3055530 on January 6th. Why does the Electoral College matter? The Electoral College determines the President and Vice-President of the United States . The Electoral College system also distinguishes the United States from other systems where the highest vote-getter automatically wins. This 312 3055539 The Electoral College determines the President and Vice-President of the United States. The Electoral College system also distinguishes the United States from other systems where the highest vote-getter automatically wins. This so-called "indirect election" process has been the subject 312 3057746 suicide. The idea of America, about which I wrote last week, is dead. Peering into the abyss, citizens of the United States chose fascism over a democratic republic. The following is a very slightly modified version of the column I had prepared 312 3060209 human rights abuses in Syria and transactions, allowing ISIS to gain massive amounts of funds and terrorist to enter the United States . Due to this, ISIS was able to gain nuclear materials from Pakistan after President Trump abandoned the fight and have 312 3060858 them. Advertisement That's when he built the illegal camps, which he named "Freedom Camps". Several of them, all throughout the United States . It costs an average of $23,876 a year to house a single prisoner- the total of the camps for prisoners 312 3061163 have been arrested. Protests are met with extreme force, and they also find themselves in the Freedom Camps. Before the United States began mass deportations, the Private Prisons in the United States housed around 22,000 federal inmates. Obviously the government couldn't hold 312 3061173 they also find themselves in the Freedom Camps. Before the United States began mass deportations, the Private Prisons in the United States housed around 22,000 federal inmates. Obviously the government couldn't hold these new prisoners, so they went back to using private 312 3061350 forcefully back which caused many deaths. All of this lead to the total bankruptcy of Mexico, the UN slamming the United States for human rights violations and sanctions, and more migrants than ever pouring into the United States, whom were then caught 312 3061366 the UN slamming the United States for human rights violations and sanctions, and more migrants than ever pouring into the United States , whom were then caught and placed in the camps. I believe President Trump thought force alone could fix the immigration 312 3061520 wall ever built, all for having the audacity to hope for a better life. Muslims have been banned from the United States , those living here already were also sent to the camps "until we can figure this terrorism issue out". They never 312 3061688 year, however, President Trump has said that there doesn't need to be an election. What once would have thrown the United States into a constitutional crisis, was now met with celebration. All opposition is either underground, or gone. Taxes were raised across 312 3061732 on all income brackets, while massive spending wrecked the budget. He quickly racked up $10 trillion in debt. After the United States left NAFTA and TPP, the stock market collapsed in 2018. It was devastating, and it has never recovered. Many countries 312 3061758 the stock market collapsed in 2018. It was devastating, and it has never recovered. Many countries stopped trading with the United States completely, including China. Families are starving, people are dying. I guess all the signs were there of what he was 312 3061826 last an eternity -- only to realize that the nightmare continues. Last night, Americans elected as the 45th president of the United States a man whose campaign "took relentless aim at the institutions and long-held ideals of American democracy." Yesterday, Americans elected 312 3065570 non-negotiable to me. I voted for someone I'd want representing me as an American, the next President of the United States . When a tree grows, its branches extend and widen, the tree becomes taller and its trunk thicker. When our children 312 3069862 and mosquitoes can now survive as far north as New York. Advertisement Despite the rapid spread of this virus, the United States Senate repeatedly failed to pass a bill to provide USD$1.1 billion in funding to combat the Zika virus, throughout 312 3070082 groups, such as, children, the elderly, the poor and broadly, people in developing countries. Large developed countries, such as, the United States as well as, Small Island Developing States have lessons to learn from the handling of this international health emergency. These 312 3071159 rights groups say could allow harsh techniques bordering on torture, such as sleep deprivation and induced hypothermia. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque ( UNITED STATES ) President-elect Donald Trump, during his campaign, refreshingly criticized Republican George W. Bush's war in Iraq and Democrat Barack Obama's 312 3073300 the preaching of Gospel in word, deed and power, fellowship and genuine community. Because the Kingdom of God and the United States of America are NOT the same thing; and if we don't bear witness to that with our lives, they will 312 3073352 last night the Republicans find themselves in the historic position of being poised to fundamentally alter the trajectory of the United States . With control of both chambers of Congress and Trump as President-elect, the Republicans will be in the position to 312 3075773 face on global climate politics. Trump promising to pull out of Paris is certainly a bad political signal from the United States , particularly now coming from a President-elect and Republican party leader. Advertisement On the other hand, there will be fewer 312 3075924 the timeline. More than just a step backwards, reneging on Kyoto may have killed the last opportunity to include the United States in a climate regime with a compliance mechanism. But President Bush himself is no longer an outspoken climate denier, and 312 3078944 Party at the U.S. Embassy. As the results of the U.S. presidential and congressional elections were broadcast live from the United States , both American staff and our Armenian guests experienced the excitement of the democratic process in action as polls closed and 312 3079068 Richard M. Mills, Jr. emphasized that today is a special day, one that comes along every four years, when the United States reaffirms and celebrates its democratic tradition, 240 years strong, of calling upon the people to elect their next president. As 312 3079232 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year, will stay strong regardless of who is elected the next president of the United States . The U.S. remains committed to our shared goal of an independent and prosperous Armenia at peace with its neighbors, and 312 3080812 creating an environment of sharing, learning and discovering. In these times, where so much negativity is going around in the United States and especially in European suburbs, people like Marian and Hannah must be really thanked for their work, ingenuity and talent 312 3081887 to their TV sets watching what, for many of them, was impossible. Donald Trump was elected the president of the United States . (I had, by the way, predicted this here in The Huffington Post in August... But don't let us dwell on 312 3085251 our great democracy by running for elected office. The historic election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States brings some uncertainty in terms of federal support for the arts. President-Elect Trump, in answering questions co-developed by 312 3086165 know that someone can insult and degrade every category of people except white men and be elected President of the United States . Winners and losers in the 2016 United States Election: Winners: 1.Vladimir Putin 2.Right-wing conspiracy theorists 3.White 312 3086173 category of people except white men and be elected President of the United States. Winners and losers in the 2016 United States Election: Winners: 1.Vladimir Putin 2.Right-wing conspiracy theorists 3.White Supremacists 4.Misogynists 5.Women who believe that 312 3086319 1941, November 22, 1963, and September 11, 2001 as the dates of major national shocks--dates of attacks on the United States . The difference is that this attack was carried out by millions of Americans. Serzh Sargsyan congratulates Donald Trump on election 312 3086354 Serzh Sargsyan congratulates Donald Trump on election victory Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory message to the President Elect of the United States of America Donald Trump which reads, Honorable Mr. Trump, Please accept my warmest congratulations on your election as the President 312 3086378 Donald Trump which reads, Honorable Mr. Trump, Please accept my warmest congratulations on your election as the President of the United States . The American people has enthusiastically voted in support of your outstanding leadership qualities, your experience and vision, thus entrusting you 312 3086418 entrusting you with the honorable responsibility to lead the nation. I have no doubt, that under your able leadership the United States will achieve further progress and advancement in the years to come. As the United States and Armenia prepare to celebrate 312 3086433 under your able leadership the United States will achieve further progress and advancement in the years to come. As the United States and Armenia prepare to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, I seize this opportunity to express 312 3086464 the establishment of diplomatic relations, I seize this opportunity to express my gratitude for the substantial support extended by the United States over the last quarter of a century to help Armenia build democratic institutions and strengthen its economy. In Armenia we 312 3086494 help Armenia build democratic institutions and strengthen its economy. In Armenia we highly value the important role played by the United States , in its capacity as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk group, in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem 312 3086583 our nations. As you embark upon your new responsibilities, I would like to assure you and the people of the United States of our continued friendship and sympathy and wish you utmost success in leading your country and the American people to 312 3086655 for 51Talk. He is connecting teachers and students across the globe through his engaging work and initiatives here in the United States . 1. James, can you tell me about the founding of 51Talk and how it began in China? 51Talk began five 312 3088231 8. Let's talk about culture. How has this opportunity brought the American and Chinese cultures together? Oftentimes China and the United States find themselves at odds geopolitically, and it can condition people to automatically assume that there is some type of animosity 312 3088904 to me anytime. Early this morning, Donald J. Trump defied polls and predications, becoming the first President elect of the United States with no political or military experience. With both the House and the Senate remaining under Republican control, it is very 312 3089072 an aggressive effort to keep and create jobs domestically, Trump will impose a 35% tariff on goods imported into the United States by U.S. companies that have moved overseas. This makes it almost impossible for companies to be competitive using foreign manufacturing 312 3089173 U.S. taxes, which means we will likely see a big hit on highly globalized companies that ship jobs outside the United States , while seeing an increase in domestic employment. The other concern is that keeping jobs domestically will increase costs dramatically for 312 3089380 2.2 million more full time jobs. Advertisement A Trump Presidency will favor higher household incomes and keep business in the United States . His policies are good for most domestic businesses, and most households financially across the board. If you are sitting on 312 3089572 day to day fluctuations. It makes sense to have a portfolio that is diversified both in and outside of the United States to avoid any dramatic movements that will be caused by Trump's plan, or additional outside factors. Russ Koesterich, Head of 312 3090574 1989 history was made when the Berlin Wall fell. Twenty seven years later we start November 9th learning that the United States has elected a president who spoke of building a new wall. The 'experts' said it couldn't happen. But it did 312 3090864 from Europe In a stunning electoral upset, Donald Trump has defeated Hillary Clinton to become the 45th President of the United States . Virtually every pre-election forecast suggested a comfortable or even decisive Clinton victory. Instead, Trump - a man that many European 312 3090962 British vote in June 2016 to exit the European Union was "a great thing". Hannah McKay/Reuters Unlike in the United States , the European public was solidly against the idea of a Trump presidency. In a poll published by the Economist on 312 3091049 Advertisement Now European leaders must anticipate how a Trump administration will affect transatlantic relations and the many common challenges the United States and Europe face, from an increasingly assertive Russia, a relentless migration crisis that threatens to tear Europe apart, and Britain's 312 3091094 EU. More broadly, Trump's election questions the future of US global leadership. Since the end of World War II, the United States , along with key European partners, built and then sustained an open, rules-based international order defined by free trade, military 312 3094249 it is over. Now it is over, and the preposterous but ever potent Donald Trump is President-elect of the United States . Frankly, had Trump not been so dysfunctional as a candidate -- a week spent nastily arguing with an ex-Miss Universe 312 3095384 office. With Hillary Clinton refusing to make a public concession speech and Donald Trump becoming the 45th President of the United States , we're left reeling in disbelief. We figured he'd deliver a speech targeting those who didn't vote for him but instead 312 3095488 we're kidding, he looked like a robot straight out of Westworld) about his new position of Vice President of the United States . He didn't really say much other than, "Let's make America great again." Then, the orange incarnate, AKA the 45th President 312 3095512 really say much other than, "Let's make America great again." Then, the orange incarnate, AKA the 45th President of the United States , shuffled his way to the podium like some sort of sloth-like sexual predator. At 11:50 PST Trump took 312 3104971 Donald Trump talks with host Larry King. Trump told King that he was moving toward a possible bid for the United States presidency with the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Reuters President Donald Trump life in pictures Donald Trump answers questions 312 3105720 hold a sign as people march by while protesting the election of Republican Donald Trump as the president of the United States in downtown Los Angeles, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators rally following the election of Republican Donald Trump as President 312 3105744 Los Angeles, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators rally following the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States , in Oakland, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators march following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United 312 3105765 States, in Oakland, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators march following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests Thousands of protesters rallied across the United States expressing shock and anger over Donald Trump's election 312 3105777 election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests Thousands of protesters rallied across the United States expressing shock and anger over Donald Trump's election, vowing to oppose divisive views they say helped the Republican billionaire win 312 3105889 just north of Los Angeles City Hall in protest against the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests A woman holds up a sign reading 'Trump you are an Idiot' as demonstrators gather during 312 3105962 in Oakland, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators protest against the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States , near the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Las Vegas, Nevada Reuters President Trump protests Musician Lagy Gaga stages a protest 312 3106101 California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests An Oakland police officer checks out damage after a window was broken by protesters at a 312 3107547 modern history. The principal leader of the Church of England also pledged to pray for all the people of the United States . US Election night in pictures Show all 24 1 /24 US Election night in pictures US Election night in pictures 312 3107725 in pictures AFP/Getty Images As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office, my continuing prayers are that the United States of America may find reconciliation after a bitter campaign and that Mr Trump may be given wisdom, insight, and grace 312 3108825 message, and righteous anger, justifiable anger. Well, thats you set. Goodnight America. Youve just elected the last president of the United States ." For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign 312 3109275 supposed to dislike them?... I love China. The biggest bank in the world is from China. You know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower." Getty Images Donald Trump's most controversial quotes On work: "If you're 312 3109710 think we can all feel safe in saying Melania and I voted for Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States . Trump appears to check who Melania votes for Thats very funny actually. It shows you the similarities that Eric and 312 3110323 hold a sign as people march by while protesting the election of Republican Donald Trump as the president of the United States in downtown Los Angeles, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators rally following the election of Republican Donald Trump as President 312 3110347 Los Angeles, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators rally following the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States , in Oakland, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators march following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United 312 3110368 States, in Oakland, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators march following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests Thousands of protesters rallied across the United States expressing shock and anger over Donald Trump's election 312 3110380 election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests Thousands of protesters rallied across the United States expressing shock and anger over Donald Trump's election, vowing to oppose divisive views they say helped the Republican billionaire win 312 3110492 just north of Los Angeles City Hall in protest against the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests A woman holds up a sign reading 'Trump you are an Idiot' as demonstrators gather during 312 3110565 in Oakland, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators protest against the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States , near the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Las Vegas, Nevada Reuters President Trump protests Musician Lagy Gaga stages a protest 312 3110704 California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests An Oakland police officer checks out damage after a window was broken by protesters at a 312 3110973 creator said she will be on her merry way to Canada if Mr Trump becomes the 45th President of the United States . "I know a lot of people have been threatening to [move], but I really will. I know a lovely place 312 3111425 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3111535 director announced that there would be no charges for Hillary Clinton amid email scandal Getty Ms Omar arrived in the United States aged 12 after fleeing the civil war which ravaged her home country of Somalia. After initially arriving in Somalia, she 312 3111795 went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Donald Trump has just sent his first tweet as President-elect of the United States of America. The Republican has achieved one of the most unlikely presidential victories in US history and thus shattered the 312 3111886 forgotten" man or women would ever be "forgotten again". He also changed his Twitter bio to: "President-elect of the United States ". In spite of a series of controversies and allegations which would have been likely to wreck other presidential candidates, Mr 312 3112995 husband Barack Obama are already pouring in in the hours since Mr Trump was declared the 45th President of the United States . Those dreaming of seeing a woman elected had their hopes crushed after Hillary Clintons shock defeat. The pressure is now 312 3113513 supposed to dislike them?... I love China. The biggest bank in the world is from China. You know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower." Getty Images Donald Trump's most controversial quotes On work: "If you're 312 3114118 made in the United Kingdom, when they misjudged the mood before Brexit, and so many similarly made here in the United States , when Mr Trump first burst onto the political scene one year ago in June. This is what his supporters so 312 3114202 is a stunning sledgehammer blow to the status quo with deep implications for the political order not just in the United States . This eruption will ripple across the Atlantic at supersonic speed. France has elections soon. So does Germany. If Brexit didnt 312 3119701 MPs hailed Donald Trumps shock victory as a big boost to hopes of a post-Brexit trade deal with the United States . They pointed out that the Republican had rejected President Obamas famous warning that Britain would be at the back of 312 3120136 closest possible trading relationship with our allies on the continent. Liam Fox, the International Trade Secretary, has made wooing the United States a key part of his post-Brexit trading strategy, touring the country in July. He announced that his department would 312 3120572 email {{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Ukips Nigel Farage is heading to the United States this weekend where he will probably become the first British politician to meet Donald Trump since his shock election victory 312 3121403 victor in the American election over Hillary Clinton, Ms May also congratulated the new leader and insisted Britain and the United States will remain strong and close partners. I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next president of 312 3121426 remain strong and close partners. I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next president of the United States , following a hard-fought campaign, the Prime Minister said. Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship 312 3121440 elected the next president of the United States, following a hard-fought campaign, the Prime Minister said. Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. Ms May is not only 312 3121490 foreign policy its relationship with the European Union lies in tatters, but now the so-called special relationship with the United States is under threat from a President-elect who is a frequent admirer of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Although it was 312 3122539 Donald Trump talks with host Larry King. Trump told King that he was moving toward a possible bid for the United States presidency with the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Reuters President Donald Trump life in pictures Donald Trump answers questions 312 3123205 terrifying choice Ms May said: I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next President of the United States , following a hard-fought campaign. Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values 312 3123215 Donald Trump on being elected the next President of the United States, following a hard-fought campaign. Britain and the United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise. We are, and will remain 312 3125000 verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Donald Trump has been elected the 45th president of the United States following a controversial campaign. During his race with Hillary Clinton for the White House, Mr Trump made several contentious remarks 312 3125316 Donald Trump talks with host Larry King. Trump told King that he was moving toward a possible bid for the United States presidency with the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Reuters President Donald Trump life in pictures Donald Trump answers questions 312 3125938 the undocumented immigrant population in 2012, when it was at 11.4 million. Donald Trump is the President-elect of the United States (Getty) Clinton would let in 650 million people in one week Similarly, Mr Trump claimed Ms Clinton would "have 650 312 3126009 to Mr Trump's claim, every single person from South America, Central America and Canada would have to move to the United States , according to the Washington Post. Barack Obama was not born in the US Mr Trump spent five years questioning Mr 312 3126757 US Early on in his campaign, Mr Trump called for a a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our countrys representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. The Republican later stated in an interview 312 3128327 again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Donald Trump has won the US election and is set to become the 45th president of the United States . Mr Trump out-performed all the polls, confounded media expectations and will now control his country's nuclear arsenal. For many 312 3128368 many, now is looking like a good time to flee the Land of the Free. Here's how to leave the United States . Canada immigration website crashes as Donald Trump election victory looks imminent Go to Canada One poll found 28 per cent 312 3129303 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3129902 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3131253 Haitian nationals will only exacerbate the difficulties of rebuilding Haiti and deny families access to remittances from relatives in the United States ." Haitians mostly came to the US via the Mexican border. Any immigrant who has not received the Temporary Protected Status 312 3132137 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3132980 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3135016 it is natural to do between two heads of democratic states, Mr Hollande said in an unsmiling televised address. The United States is a partner of the first order for France. World reaction to President Trump: In pictures Show all 29 1 312 3135424 and frankness. Some positions taken by Donald Trump during the US campaign contradict values and interests we share with the United States , he added. This context calls for a united Europe, capable of making itself heard and of promoting policies wherever its 312 3135583 gender, sexual orientation or political views. On the basis of these values, I am offering the future President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, close cooperation. Her remarks came after Mr Trump took aim at the German governments policy of 312 3137509 father, Front National (FN) founder Jean-Marie Le Pen called Mr Trump the President of the People, adding: Today, the United States , tomorrow, France. Bravo! US Election: Donald Trump supporters celebrate victories in key swing states Florian Philippot, the partys vice president 312 3138461 Donald Trump talks with host Larry King. Trump told King that he was moving toward a possible bid for the United States presidency with the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Reuters President Donald Trump life in pictures Donald Trump answers questions 312 3139920 supposed to dislike them?... I love China. The biggest bank in the world is from China. You know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower." Getty Images Donald Trump's most controversial quotes On work: "If you're 312 3141100 known to most of the world as the host of The Apprentice. I am officially running for President of the United States . During the 30 minutes he spoke, insulting Mexicans and calling many of them rapists and murderers, Mr Trump gave a 312 3141546 Donald Trump talks with host Larry King. Trump told King that he was moving toward a possible bid for the United States presidency with the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Reuters President Donald Trump life in pictures Donald Trump answers questions 312 3142849 supposed to dislike them?... I love China. The biggest bank in the world is from China. You know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower." Getty Images Donald Trump's most controversial quotes On work: "If you're 312 3143760 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3143910 be kept on track despite his victory. In remarks on Iranian state TV, Rouhani said the international position of the United States has been weakened "due to its recent wrong policies." He says the U.S. election results show that America's "sickness and 312 3144008 state of Israel." Iraq's leader, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, also congratulated Trump and expressed hope the "world and the United States will continue to support Iraq in fighting terrorism." Additional reporting by agencies Sign up for the daily Inside Washington email 312 3144374 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3146681 supposed to dislike them?... I love China. The biggest bank in the world is from China. You know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower." Getty Images Donald Trump's most controversial quotes On work: "If you're 312 3147072 French far-right National Front, also took to Twitter to praise Mr Trump. Congratulations to the new president of the United States Donald Trump and to the free American people she said on Wednesday. Sign up for the daily Inside Washington email 312 3150472 Mr Trump's victory is "great news" and shows "democracy is still alive." Mr Orban has been often criticised by the United States , including by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State, for weakening the democratic system of checks and balances. But 312 3153120 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3157540 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3159924 Donald Trump talks with host Larry King. Trump told King that he was moving toward a possible bid for the United States presidency with the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Reuters President Donald Trump life in pictures Donald Trump answers questions 312 3161686 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3161933 Marrakech will now go into crisis mode at the news that Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States . Many attendees stayed up through the night to find out whether a man who has previously described the concept of 312 3162616 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3163596 supposed to dislike them?... I love China. The biggest bank in the world is from China. You know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower." Getty Images Donald Trump's most controversial quotes On work: "If you're 312 3165909 Donald Trump talks with host Larry King. Trump told King that he was moving toward a possible bid for the United States presidency with the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Reuters President Donald Trump life in pictures Donald Trump answers questions 312 3166287 the growth of the US economy, but now as a strong leader, you have demonstrated your determination to lead the United States . Egypt President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi previously said the ex-TV personality would without a doubt make a strong leader 312 3171956 verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} The Republican party is set to retain control of the United States Senate as Donald Trump has won the US election. Following their victory in Pennsylvania it became almost certain the GOP 312 3172221 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3172502 the result of the 2016 US presidential election. Here is when we will know who the 45th president of the United States is. When the exit polls be released? Exit polls will be released through the night, though votes in swing states 312 3172795 Mr Trump said that judge Gonzalo Curiel would not be able to rule fairly, as he was of Mexican heritage United States Federal Court/AP US Presidential election: key moments in pictures Donald Trump anxious over securing black vote Reuters US Presidential 312 3173551 supposed to dislike them?... I love China. The biggest bank in the world is from China. You know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower." Getty Images Donald Trump's most controversial quotes On work: "If you're 312 3173935 actions in Ukraine and the future of the troubled TTIP trade deal Over the years, the European Union and the United States have worked together to ensure peace and prosperity for our citizens and for people around the world, the statement said 312 3179542 Donald Trump talks with host Larry King. Trump told King that he was moving toward a possible bid for the United States presidency with the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Reuters President Donald Trump life in pictures Donald Trump answers questions 312 3180752 authoritarian world leaders who have welcomed the news that Donald Trump has been elected as the 45th president of the United States . Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke was also delighted that Mr Trump had managed to snatch victory from the pollsters 312 3182259 Donald Trump talks with host Larry King. Trump told King that he was moving toward a possible bid for the United States presidency with the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Reuters President Donald Trump life in pictures Donald Trump answers questions 312 3187796 Donald Trump talks with host Larry King. Trump told King that he was moving toward a possible bid for the United States presidency with the formation of a presidential exploratory committee Reuters President Donald Trump life in pictures Donald Trump answers questions 312 3188406 is still nothing in his appearance or demeanour to suggest a president-in-waiting at least not a president the United States has elected in recent times. His shortcomings as President-elect appear particularly glaring on foreign policy, where so it would 312 3188543 first relates to Mr Trumps view of the world, insofar as he has divulged it; the second to how the United States actually works. On Mr Trump himself: it is quite simply wrong to argue that he has no coherent world view 312 3188610 choose to highlight the apparent contradictions but it fits into a strand of foreign policy that has existed in the United States for a very long time. It is isolationist, in wanting no part in foreign wars that have no direct impact 312 3189055 supposed to dislike them?... I love China. The biggest bank in the world is from China. You know where their United States headquarters is located? In this building, in Trump Tower." Getty Images Donald Trump's most controversial quotes On work: "If you're 312 3193059 Norbert Hofer, Marine Le Pen and Alternative for Germany poised further to disrupt the established order. The result of the United States presidential election was not the one The Independent wanted. The new politics is unpredictable. Just as in the referendum in 312 3193301 man, independent of origin, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political views. I offer the next President of the United States close cooperation on the basis of these values. That is more like it. At least Ms Merkel shows some fight 312 3194099 hold a sign as people march by while protesting the election of Republican Donald Trump as the president of the United States in downtown Los Angeles, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators rally following the election of Republican Donald Trump as President 312 3194123 Los Angeles, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators rally following the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States , in Oakland, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators march following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United 312 3194144 States, in Oakland, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators march following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests Thousands of protesters rallied across the United States expressing shock and anger over Donald Trump's election 312 3194156 election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests Thousands of protesters rallied across the United States expressing shock and anger over Donald Trump's election, vowing to oppose divisive views they say helped the Republican billionaire win 312 3194268 just north of Los Angeles City Hall in protest against the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests A woman holds up a sign reading 'Trump you are an Idiot' as demonstrators gather during 312 3194341 in Oakland, California Reuters President Trump protests Demonstrators protest against the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States , near the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Las Vegas, Nevada Reuters President Trump protests Musician Lagy Gaga stages a protest 312 3194480 California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States Reuters President Trump protests An Oakland police officer checks out damage after a window was broken by protesters at a 312 3195261 am pleased to offer our sincere congratulations to Donald J Trump on his election as the 45th president of the United States ," he said. "Ireland and the United States have enjoyed a very close and warm relationship for many generations and I 312 3195268 to Donald J Trump on his election as the 45th president of the United States," he said. "Ireland and the United States have enjoyed a very close and warm relationship for many generations and I am confident that under his leadership our 312 3195331 Ireland who fought such a tough campaign". He added: "We are all acutely conscious of the particular responsibility of the United States for leadership and engagement across the globe in our endeavours to address shared challenges. "I look forward to working with 312 3195381 the cause of international peace and security. "I also intend to work closely with the new administration and newly elected United States Congress to pursue comprehensive immigration reform, an issue that is so important to tens of thousands of Irish people who 312 3201786 AP Photo/Ted S. Warren) How do you make sense of election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States and leader of the Free World? Maybe you just can't make sense of it all, and maybe you just fall 312 3202809 since Donald Trumps surprise victory, given his promise to deport undocumented workers. There are 50,000 Irish people living in the United States without visas, who were left in limbo earlier this year when the Supreme Court split down the middle on President 312 3209167 seen on a television screen on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. (AP) Hillary Clinton has said the United States proved to be "more divided than we thought" but urged supporters to give Donald Trump "a chance to lead". Standing 312 3212768 heavily favoured Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, ending eight years of Democratic rule and sending the United States on a new, uncertain path. A wealthy real-estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of 312 3212932 Expand Previous Next Close Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump watch the results of the U.S. elections at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney on November 9, 2016 in Sydney, Australia (Photo by Daniel Munoz/Getty Images 312 3213004 Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump watch the results of the U.S. elections at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney on November 9, 2016 in Sydney, Australia (Photo by Daniel Munoz/Getty Images 312 3213224 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Republican president-elect Donald Trump delivers his acceptance speech 312 3213285 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Republican president-elect Donald Trump delivers his acceptance speech 312 3213518 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Republican president-elect Donald Trump embraces his wife Melania Trump during his election night 312 3213629 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, delivers a speech as Republican president 312 3213695 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) Republican presidential elect Donald Trump (L) arrives with his family on stage to speak 312 3213760 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States . / AFP PHOTO / MANDEL NGANMANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Republican president-elect Donald Trump gives greets 312 3213825 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Campaign chairman John Podesta speaks on stage at Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of 312 3213883 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Hillary Clinton tweeted "Whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything."/ Pic via @HillaryClinton A 312 3214045 MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images Ivanka Trump tweets: "Such a surreal moment to vote for my father for President of the United States ! Make your voice heard and vote! #Election2016" Pic via Twitter/ @IvankaTrump People watch voting results at Democratic presidential nominee former 312 3214646 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) Worried a Trump victory could cause economic and global uncertainty, investors were in full 312 3214856 promise to be the "greatest jobs president that God ever created." His win raises a host of questions for the United States at home and abroad. He campaigned on a pledge to take the country on a more isolationist, protectionist "America First 312 3214893 more isolationist, protectionist "America First" path. He has vowed to impose a 35 percent tariff on goods exported to the United States by U.S. companies that went abroad. Both candidates, albeit Trump more than Clinton, had historically low popularity ratings in an 312 3215155 America great again through the force of his personality, negotiating skill and business acumen. He proposed refusing entry to the United States of people from war-torn Middle Eastern countries, a modified version of an earlier proposed ban on Muslims. His volatile 312 3216010 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Republican president-elect Donald Trump delivers his acceptance speech 312 3216071 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Republican president-elect Donald Trump delivers his acceptance speech 312 3216304 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Republican president-elect Donald Trump embraces his wife Melania Trump during his election night 312 3216415 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, delivers a speech as Republican president 312 3216481 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) Republican presidential elect Donald Trump (L) arrives with his family on stage to speak 312 3216546 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States . / AFP PHOTO / MANDEL NGANMANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Republican president-elect Donald Trump gives greets 312 3216611 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Campaign chairman John Podesta speaks on stage at Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of 312 3216669 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Hillary Clinton tweeted "Whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything."/ Pic via @HillaryClinton A 312 3216831 MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images Ivanka Trump tweets: "Such a surreal moment to vote for my father for President of the United States ! Make your voice heard and vote! #Election2016" Pic via Twitter/ @IvankaTrump People watch voting results at Democratic presidential nominee former 312 3217450 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) U.S. stock futures dived 5 percent at one point, worse than the carnage caused 312 3218423 told the financial agency Bloomberg last November. "Now because of the way the world is so different, you leave the United States and you go to Ireland, and different places in Asia and you go to Europe. It is a different world 312 3219014 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Republican president-elect Donald Trump delivers his acceptance speech 312 3219075 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Republican president-elect Donald Trump delivers his acceptance speech 312 3219308 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Republican president-elect Donald Trump embraces his wife Melania Trump during his election night 312 3219419 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, delivers a speech as Republican president 312 3219485 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) Republican presidential elect Donald Trump (L) arrives with his family on stage to speak 312 3219550 riding a wave of populist resentment to defeat Hillary Clinton in the race to become the 45th president of the United States . / AFP PHOTO / MANDEL NGANMANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Republican president-elect Donald Trump gives greets 312 3219615 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Campaign chairman John Podesta speaks on stage at Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of 312 3219673 in New York City. Clinton is running against Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States . (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Hillary Clinton tweeted "Whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything."/ Pic via @HillaryClinton A 312 3219835 MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images Ivanka Trump tweets: "Such a surreal moment to vote for my father for President of the United States ! Make your voice heard and vote! #Election2016" Pic via Twitter/ @IvankaTrump People watch voting results at Democratic presidential nominee former 312 3220436 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) Democrats defeated two Florida Republican incumbents, but those results seemed due to local circumstances 312 3221152 continued. "That wont change after tonight, and it shouldnt. These arguments we have are a mark of our liberty. The United States is a country founded on the principle of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people 312 3221193 people -- in Abraham Lincolns famous words. This democratic process as exhausting as it can be is what makes us the United States of America. Guests were encouraged to vote for their preferred candidate and pose next to balloon versions of either candidate 312 3222812 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) President-elect Donald Trump talks to his supporters after giving his acceptance speech during 312 3223328 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, delivers a 312 3223398 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) Their aim? No one knew exactly, it was just a purposeless, reckless action by 312 3223507 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Republican president-elect Donald Trump 312 3223574 2016 in New York City. Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States . (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) The discourse has changed overnight literally. This morning the CEO of my wifes company 312 3224646 California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Max Whittaker A woman yells as she takes part in a protest against President-elect Donald 312 3224854 California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Max Whittaker/File Photo A man holds placards at an anti-racism protest against U.S. President 312 3225289 up a sign reading "nasty women unite" in protest to the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States in Berkeley, California, U.S. November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Elijah Nouvelage Alice Bynum (C) stands with other Berkeley High School staff 312 3225331 members and holds a sign while attending a protest about the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States in Berkeley, California, U.S. November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Elijah Nouvelage Berkeley High School students begin to march after assembling in 312 3225375 Sproul Hall on the UC Berkeley campus in protest to the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States in Berkeley, California, U.S. November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Elijah Nouvelage A young man wearing a Berkeley High Class of 2016 312 3225417 shirt wipes away ters during a protest in response to the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States in Berkeley, California, U.S. November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Elijah Nouvelage Berkeley High School students assemble on the UC Berkeley campus 312 3225452 students assemble on the UC Berkeley campus in protest to the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States in Berkeley, California, U.S. November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Elijah Nouvelage TEMPLATE OUT Protesters walk in the middle of traffic lanes 312 3225633 Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham) The election of Donald Trump to the presidency sparked protests in the United States . Demonstrators smashed windows and set bins on fire early Wednesday in Oakland, California. And in Oregon, dozens of people blocked 312 3225894 California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Max Whittaker / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp University of California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis 312 3225928 California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Max Whittaker A woman was struck by a car and badly injured when protesters got on 312 3226402 California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Max Whittaker/File Photo / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp University of California, Davis students protest on campus 312 3226438 California, Davis students protest on campus in Davis, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Max Whittaker/File Photo A representative of the Trump campaign could not be reached immediately for 312 3226484 of the students from Miguel Contreras are members of the so-called "Dreamers" generation, children whose undocumented parents entered the United States with them illegally, school officials said, and fear of deportation under a Trump administration is a major concern. One of 312 3226691 a Mexican flag as others gather to protest to the election of Republican Donald Trump as the president of the United States outside City Hall in Los Angeles, California U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni TEMPLATE OUT / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp 312 3226840 Liberty during a protest in San Francisco, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Stephen Lam / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp A demonstrator wears a headpiece depicting the crown of the 312 3226884 Liberty during a protest in San Francisco, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Stephen Lam They held signs that read "Trump Makes America Hate" and chanted "hey, hey, ho 312 3226985 on Thursday. Expand Close Demonstrators carry placards in protest against the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States , near the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. November 9, 2016. REUTERS/David Becker / Facebook Twitter Email 312 3227024 Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Demonstrators carry placards in protest against the election of Republican Donald Trump as President of the United States , near the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. November 9, 2016. REUTERS/David Becker "We are now 312 3227505 ballroom. Expand Close People march through traffic while protesting the election of Republican Donald Trump as the president of the United States in downtown Los Angeles, California, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp People march through traffic 312 3227540 Twitter Email Whatsapp People march through traffic while protesting the election of Republican Donald Trump as the president of the United States in downtown Los Angeles, California, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni She said the crushing loss was "painful and 312 3232495 federal court nominees and led to a North American Free Trade Agreement dispute that was resolved in favor of the United States . But the federal government also took steps to protect the sacred area again after President Obama entered the White House 312 3233229 within his first 100 days in office. The Canadian-based backers of the project have filed a claim against the United States that could be resolved in their favor if the new president makes good on his promise. We must strengthen our 312 3235046 to rest this afternoon when Trump won the election and became the world's most powerful leader. But this left the United States Of America asking for a lady president, and that's how Michelle came into the picture. The lady doesn't need any 312 3236032 especially after repeated terrorists attacks. Her father and founder of National Front added to her tweet and said, Today the United States , tomorrow France. Bravo! And the partys vice president tweeted a photo of Marine with the caption, Their world is collapsing 312 3237078 policy, industrial policy and entrepreneurship. Home Sign up for our FREE Daily Email Newsletter The announcement last week by the United States of the largest military aid package in its history to Israel was a win for both sides. Israeli prime minister 312 3238279 by the Fort Laramie Treaty (or Horse Creek Treaty) of 1851, which exchanged Sioux recognition of the right of the United States Government to establish roads, military and other posts, within their respective territories on their territory for a U.S. commitment to 312 3238318 U.S. commitment to protect the aforesaid Indian nations against the commission of all depredations by the people of the said United States , after the ratification of this treaty. They are confirmed by another treaty signed in 1868. Back to the Dakota Access 312 3240697 Trump to formally concede the election. Donald Trump, who now becomes President-elect will become the 45th President of the United States . The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) hopes to cut cash from 14.3% in 2015 to 9.5% of GDP in 2020 312 3242350 received its capital releases adequately. Sen. Hunkuyi described the development as a misnomer. President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday congratulated the United States President-elect, Donald Trump, on his electoral victory in the countrys presidential election. In a four-paragraph statement by his 312 3242428 people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari congratulates President-elect, Donald Trump, on his victory in the United States presidential election. President Buhari also congratulates American citizens on the outcome of the election, which was keenly observed by all 312 3242521 security, economic growth, democracy and good governance. As Mr. Trump prepares to assume the position of the President of the United States , President Buhari extends his good wishes to him on the onerous task of leading the worlds strongest economy. Source: Punch 312 3243898 bonds, certificates, foreign currency) receive loans automatically. Nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, Wednesday, stated that he will not destroy his United States residency permit just yet; while he warned that the victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential race could jeopardize 312 3245227 Renzi, who had openly supported Trumps rival, Hillary Clinton, congratulated Trump on his victory and said Italys ties with the United States remained strong. I wish him well. The Italo-American friendship is solid, Renzi said at the start of a speech 312 3245476 Japan Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he looks forward to co-operating closely with the next president in the United States . Abe said in a statement that he looks forward to further strengthening the Japan-US relations and the two countries 312 3247486 no matter who the next U.S. president will be, both during the transition period and under the new administration, the United States will remain a strong partner of Ukraine. She said that both teams in the U.S. presidential election demonstrated support for 312 3251647 in U.S.-Russian and U.S.-Soviet relations if they took a broader look. The ambassador said that Russia and the United States had substantial disagreements over Ukraine, Syria and other matters, but he believed that the new administration would try to foster 312 3262514 humanitarian needs and to resume pre-existing humanitarian activities, the OCHA said. The high-level diplomatic mission from the UN, United States and Britain visited the area last week and told reporters officials had agreed to allow the resumption of pre-existing 312 3263951 FN), tweeted. Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the party and father of its leader Marine, said: Today the United States , tomorrow France! Beatrix von Storch, deputy leader of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, said: Donald Trumps victory 312 3270342 election, here comes a new winner. Florida becomes the latest entry among the list of medical cannabis states in the United States . This overrules the narrow defeat medical marijuana suffered in the southeasternmost US state two years back. Amendment 2 got 71 312 3270755 by apologizing for the company's misstep. Samsung paid for full-page ads on three of the leading publications in the United States -- the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and New York Times. The company also posted the open letter on its 312 3281004 U.S. brand of the 10 in the manufacturers top global portfolio category. Winston is a top-10 brand in the United States with a 2 percent market share. Alison Cooper, Imperials chief executive, said in a statement that ITG Brands continued to 312 3281538 2 global traditional cigarette brand under the management of Japan Tobacco, it was relegated to second-tier status in the United states by Reynolds in favor of Camel and Pall Mall. A rejuvenated pack design and new consumer marketing is further enhancing 312 3285784 of the Forsyth County Democratic Party, felt after learning that Republican Donald Trump would be the next president of the United States . Ellison said Wednesday that local Democrats had worked hard for more than a year to make Hillary Clinton the first 312 3287265 humble and reach out to those that he offended or who felt alienated by his message. The Philippines and the United States now both have presidents who have "joked" about sexually harassing or assaulting women - a striking sign of the times. On 312 3287636 has told Obama to "go to hell" for criticizing extrajudicial killings and has said he wants a "separation" from the United States . Duterte on Thursday congratulated President-elect Trump, according to a statement from Duterte's spokesman, Martin Andanar. Duterte, he said, "looks 312 3290379 a certain tweet. By aggregating and analyzing their digital footprints, we discovered that bots are not uniformly distributed across the United States : They are significantly overrepresented in some states, in particular southern states like Georgia and Mississippi. This suggests that some bot 312 3291950 the West Bank. In late July, the Black Lives Matter movement which denounces police violence against African-Americans in the United States came out in support of BDS, stating that it was committed to global struggle, solidarity, and support of the Boycott 312 3295532 related cases. BEIJING, Nov. 9 -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday congratulated Donald Trump on becoming president-elect of the United States , and said he hoped they could work together to boost China-U.S. relations so as to better benefit peoples around 312 3295569 to better benefit peoples around the world. Republican presidential nominee Trump, 70, won the Nov. 8 presidential election in the United States and is set to succeed Democratic Barack Obama as the next U.S. president. In his congratulatory message, Xi said that 312 3295601 next U.S. president. In his congratulatory message, Xi said that while China is the world's largest developing country and the United States the largest developed power, both, as the world's top economies, bear the special responsibility of maintaining world peace and stability 312 3295679 well as the general expectations of the global community, Xi said. "I highly value the relations between China and the United States , and I am looking forward to working together with you to expand China-U.S. cooperation in every field, at the 312 3297344 GlobalData Enter your details here to receive your free Whitepaper. Please enter a work/business email address Country United Kingdom United States Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan 312 3297711 leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States Minor Outlying Islands Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Viet Nam Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara 312 3298095 most comprehensive news and information delivered every quarter. JERUSALEM, Nov. 9 -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday congratulated the United States elected president, Donald Trump, saying he believe the alliance between the two countries will grow stronger. In a statement released 312 3299433 letter to Donald Trump, the newly elected US president. "I cordially congratulate you on your election as President of the United States of America. Your victory in the election testifies to the friendly American people`s confidence in and support for you 312 3300245 removes a significant hurdle to securing the first tranche of jets, following uncertainty over financing and political opposition in the United States and Iran, though the sources caution months of talking have thrown up new potential hurdles. Iranian officials declined to name 312 3305114 of the most divisive campaigns in decades into the reality of governing. When Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States on Jan. 20, 2017, Republicans will hold power in the House and have narrow control of the Senate. In normal 312 3310123 stunning come-from-behind victories across a swath of contested states. Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States . A real-estate developer and former reality-TV star, Trump is the first person to win the presidency without having 312 3311984 member states, Czech Defense Minister Martin Stropnicky said Wednesday, Sputnik reported. Stropnicky recalled that Trump had repeatedly stressed that the United States had been burdened by financing NATO's budget with only five member states fulfilling their obligations to spend 2 percent of 312 3314497 Chinese economy also means that Korea's biggest export market will be diminished. As other countries will also retaliate against the United States , Trump is likely to trigger a protectionist trade war. This means the Korean economy, which has been heavily relying on 312 3314586 2.7 percent in 2016 to 0.3 percent in 2017, and to minus 0.1 percent in 2019. A recession in the United States in itself is also negative for Korean exporters. However, some businesses may find bigger opportunities to advance into the U.S 312 3317773 meeting to discuss possible impact on alliance By Yi Whan-woo South Korea is bracing for possible pressure from the United States to overhaul mutual security and foreign policies after Donald Trump was elected as the next U.S. president, Wednesday. Cheong Wa 312 3318436 By Kang Seung-woo President Park Geun-hye congratulated Donald Trump on being elected as the 45th president of the United States , Wednesday. "Park sent a congratulatory message to President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence on winning the election 312 3319084 film in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise will continue to be subtitled "Dead Men Tell No Tales" in the United States , the film will be known as "Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge" in the United Kingdom. In France, Italy and 312 3319467 the Eighth U.S. Army By Chung Hyun-chae Despite increasing threats from North Korea and the political situation in the United States , the Korea-U.S. alliance will continue to strengthen and deter threats from North Korea, the commander of the Eighth U.S 312 3321727 will get access to intelligence collected by Japan's surveillance satellites and Aegis-equipped destroyers. In December 2014, South Korea, the United States and Japan signed a preliminary deal that calls for voluntary sharing of military secrets on North Korea's nuclear and missile 312 3332841 artistic director of the San Diego Summer Choral Festival & Conducting Workshop. He has led Honors Choruses and workshops throughout the United States . His international conducting experience includes teaching and guest conducting in Austria, England, Germany and the Czech Republic. He holds a 312 3333733 Qian, head of AVIC's large aircraft development office. He said this figure was calculated based on the experience of the United States and Russia since these countries have used heavy-lift transport aircraft for many years. A small-scale model of the 312 3333902 first Y-20s, nicknamed Chubby Girl, were delivered to the PLAAF last July. China is the third nation after the United States and Russia to design and develop its own heavy military transport aircraft. The Y-20 is the largest military transport 312 3336485 Rockefeller Centers studio appeared dazed over the unexpected results that tilted toward Donald Trump becoming the 45th president of the United States . The stun is palpable, said the conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt after appearing with NBC News political director Chuck Todd 312 3338885 a record of bankruptcies and a reality TV star with a flair for demagoguery, become the next president of the United States . The answer isnt likely to be found on cable news or in a newspaper. The medias coverage of the campaign 312 3339827 this community may feel abandoned and culturally isolated, it isnt all that disconnected from the multicultural patchwork that is the United States . The economically disenfranchised of all races and ethnicities, it turns out, have a good deal in common, which is the 312 3342106 Republican nominee Donald Trump scored an upset victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton to be declared the 45th president of the United States on Nov. 9, Wednesday. Trump, a real estate magnate and former reality television series host, will be the first U.S 312 3343642 large turnout when the polls opened at 7 a.m. as residents cast their ballots for the next President of the United States , as well as a myriad of local and state measures and Congressional races. Polls close tonight at 8 pm. As 312 3351009 affairs at Tufts University. I hope the new administration will give NATO a chance to prove its value to the United States but it will certainly be a skeptical appraisal. During the campaign, Trump vowed to dismantle the NAFTA and CAFTA free 312 3351497 Syrian government forces. The only thing holding up the moderate rebels in Syria after six years of war is the United States , said Christopher Harmer, a military analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, a public policy group. If the 312 3354118 says Trump win helps their calls for California to secede A group trying to get California to secede from the United States said the results of the presidential election gave their cause new momentum. As they held a protest outside the state 312 3361613 needed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists following a series of mass shootings in the United States . Tuesdays vote came nearly a year after two terrorists killed 14 people in San Bernardino. The Proposition 63 campaign ads 312 3371669 compared African American and Latino neighborhoods to war zones. He promised a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States . While some prominent Republicans bravely refused to endorse him, others cynically backed Trump on the pretense that Clinton was worse 312 3372364 than 40 million American jobs and those jobs have grown faster than total employment over the past decade. Although the United States has some of the lowest barriers for foreign imports, in other countries American goods and services face steep tariffs and 312 3372591 high standards that our exporters need to compete. The challenges of globalization, of course, extend beyond tariffs and taxes. The United States needs to reinvent our educational system to give younger people a strong start in this new economy and to provide 312 3372663 on its own. It is estimated that the TPP will increase economic growth, create jobs and raise incomes in the United States while also creating opportunities for American innovators, small businesses and technology companies to sell their products and services abroad. The 312 3372781 joining the TPP once it is ratified. Their interest is a testament to the impact of American leadership. If the United States walks away from the TPP, however, we will not be left with the status quo. Instead well find ourselves in 312 3372840 Partnership, strengthen. Furthermore, New Zealand recently said that the other signatories to TPP will go ahead, with or without the United States . Such a scenario would leave America outside of the two major deals that will shape the 21st-century trade agenda 312 3373209 white Americans privately sanction massive entitlement and emotional, race-based beliefs about who should be calling the shots in the United States . It isnt just Trump and his most-dedicated followers who expect to see themselves on top. Many others who dont 312 3374774 How did that happen? Why did Trump win? The economy, stupid Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States . Get used to it. Los Angeles voters sent a clear message Tuesday with the passage of three tax increases: They 312 3375537 the undocumented immigrant who graduated alongside your daughter To the editor: Donald Trump will become the 45th president of the United States because the people rejected the mainstream medias characterization of him. He called out illegal immigrants, not people who come to 312 3382722 Alaska have previously legalized pot. I think its the beginning of the end of the war on marijuana in the United States , said Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was the leading voice of the campaign. I think it will have repercussions internationally 312 3384760 possessed an air of history in the making. California had never before elected a black or Latino politician to the United States Senate, and Harris will become only the second black woman in the nations history to serve in Congress upper chamber 312 3389270 dismissals of so many officials reputedly linked to Fethullah Gulen, the Muslim cleric living in self-imposed exile in the United States whom Erdogan blames for the putsch. Erdogan has demanded that the U.S. extradite Gulen to face trial, but the EU 312 3390001 carry that responsibility. On the basis of these values, Id like to extend the offer of close cooperation to the United States , she said. In Mexico, where the U.S. elections were likely more closely watched than in any foreign country, word of 312 3390091 The sense of astonishment was evident on the street and in cafes. Poor Mexico, and the poor Mexicans in the United States , I cant imagine how worried they are, said Ariel Zamora, 29, one of a number of stunned patrons at a 312 3390167 bitter confirmation that often-stated U.S. ideals were little more than empty words. Trump is the true face of the United States without makeup, Mahmoud Bitar, a Syrian pro-opposition aid worker who lives in Turkey, wrote on Facebook. We have a 312 3390260 and poverty, reacted with expressions of satisfaction, raising the prospect that Trumps triumph will embolden homegrown nationalists elsewhere. Today the United States , tomorrow France! Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of Frances far-right National Front Today the United States, tomorrow France! tweeted 312 3390277 elsewhere. Today the United States, tomorrow France! Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of Frances far-right National Front Today the United States , tomorrow France! tweeted Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of Frances far-right National Front and the father of its 312 3391534 popular location for Bollywood song-and-dance montages. No pictures survive of that trip. My parents soon moved to the United States , where my father was doing postgraduate studies, and although they visit India every year or two, they have not been 312 3394102 statement issued on Wednesday by the Egyptian presidency, El-Sisi expressed his hope for more cooperation between Egypt and the United States in all fields. On his part, the newly-elected 45th president of the United States thanked El-Sisi, saying he 312 3394117 cooperation between Egypt and the United States in all fields. On his part, the newly-elected 45th president of the United States thanked El-Sisi, saying he appreciated the call and hinting that it was the first telephone call he had received 312 3394260 He was the first Arab president to meet the Republican nominee. Republican Donald Trump won the Presidential election in the United States defeating Democratic Hillary Clinton early Wednesday. Search Keywords: Short link: An online fundraiser has been launched to help raise funds 312 3396292 said Azer. Azer said that she hopes Trump will move quickly to restore old strategic relations between Egypt and the United States . "This strategic relationship is necessary for America to win the fight against terrorism in the Middle East," said Azer. Parliament's 312 3397781 elected office of any kind; crystallised this sentiment brilliantly. The Republican Donald Trump will become the 45th president of the United States and move into the White House on January 20th. The country that elected Barack Obama in 2008 and in 2012 312 3399581 the number of Indians allowed into Britain to study has led to a surge of young people travelling to the United States , Canada and Australia instead, denying our universities valuable revenue, and all because an unknown number overstay their visas. A concession 312 3402132 U.S. president-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday, saying the Republican victor had appealed to Americans who wanted to see the United States less embroiled in intervention abroad. "His appeal to Americans who have been left behind - those who want to see their 312 3402198 Trump the White House," Najib said in a statement. Najib said he looked forward to continuing a partnership with the United States under Trump's presidency. Search Keywords: Short link: Related Trump admits error in claiming he saw film of Iran cash transfer 312 3402491 in power, they threatened us and showed their hostility... and when the Democrats were in power, the policies of the United States were the same," Salami told the Fars news agency. Iran says the United States has not stuck to the spirit 312 3402505 in power, the policies of the United States were the same," Salami told the Fars news agency. Iran says the United States has not stuck to the spirit of the nuclear deal since it came into force in January, because a raft 312 3404740 presidential election. Le Pen, who heads the anti-immigration National Front (FN), tweeted: "Congratulations to the new president of the United States Donald Trump and to the free American people". Search Keywords: Short link: Building work on the much anticipated Center Parcs 312 3407779 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said: "We believe that Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president of the United States ." At 10:44 pm, the Times gave Trump a 93 percent chance of winning. Team Clinton vanished, avoiding reporters like 312 3407984 key US states were still undecided. Search Keywords: Short link: The European Union will continue to work together with the United States following the election of Republican Donald Trump as president, EU foreign affairs head Federica Mogherini said Wednesday. "EU-US ties 312 3408159 at 1.59 percent lower at 443,02 points. Republican Trump defeated his Democratic rival to become the 45th president of the United States , sending shockwaves across global stock markets. "This is another black swan for European stocks -- despite Brexit, markets were still not 312 3409628 continental Europe's populist parties, who hailed Trump's victory on Wednesday as a body blow for the political mainstream. "Today the United States , tomorrow France," French National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, the father of the party's leader Marine Le Pen, tweeted 312 3411557 on vessels helped cut attacks to just two in 2014 and zero last year. Besides the EU naval force, the United States , South Korea, Iran and other nations all deployed ships in the wake of the surge in piracy to halt a 312 3415356 election. Whatever happens after the US 2016 election, America is about to move into a new era. Internationally, the new United States will virtually ensure greater economic uncertainty and market volatility, political division and fragmentation, and growing strategic risks. Dr. Dan Steinbock 312 3418109 of these candidates. I think neither has the depth to govern. They are each shallow in different ways. But the United States will survive either one. I respect anyone who deeply believes in either candidate. I have no interest in persuading anyone 312 3426503 happen every day, we know the big decision or event days when they come. Tomorrow is Election Day in the United States of America, and it is a big day. More than Election Day itself is the coming day after. Tomorrow sets 312 3426672 things play out: First, the gravity of this election and the importance of the office of the President of the United States of America stirs a sudden and radical shift in his personality and brings about a level of statesmanship in him 312 3426896 tearing others down, to work hard, and to be good, thoughtful, and intellectually curious human beings. The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the United States, but is still a very small part of the power of 312 3426905 good, thoughtful, and intellectually curious human beings. The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the United States , but is still a very small part of the power of the United States. America is far greater than any 312 3426919 the most powerful person in the United States, but is still a very small part of the power of the United States . America is far greater than any one person or any one elected official. We may well have elected the least 312 3433191 a medical doctor please remember to consult your healthcare provider as this information is not a substitute for professional advice. United States of America has decided. Donald Trump is the 45th American president now. Racism, sexism, and white male supremacy have won 312 3433304 going to be a disaster for the planet Vox 2. *Canadian immigration website crashes* The Independent How to leave the United States and move to another country now Donald Trump is president The Independent 3. Calling a spade a spade The New 312 3435161 you. JOURNALIST: What is the Greek governments reaction to the election of Donald Trump as the new President of the United States ? N. KOTZIAS: We would like to congratulate the new President of the United States of America, Mr. Trump. As the 312 3435175 as the new President of the United States? N. KOTZIAS: We would like to congratulate the new President of the United States of America, Mr. Trump. As the Greek government, we have systematically developed relations with both the Democratic and Republican parties 312 3438233 sells its products to retail customers through a network of independent dealers, as well as e-commerce channels in the United States , Canada, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific. The Financial Services segment provides wholesale financing services 312 3439086 bank holding company for Provident Bank that provides various banking products and services to individuals, families, and businesses in the United States . The company's deposit products include savings, checking, interest-bearing checking, money market deposit, and certificate of deposit accounts, as well 312 3439326 is headquartered in Jersey City, New Jersey. Fortis Inc. operates as an electric and gas utility company in Canada, the United States , and the Caribbean countries. It generates, transmits, and distributes electricity to approximately 438,000 retail customers in southeastern Arizona; and 100,000 312 3439389 solar capacity and 252 MV of wind capacity. The company also sells wholesale electricity to other entities in the western United States ; owns gas-fired and hydroelectric generating capacity totaling 65 MW; and distributes natural gas to approximately 1,065,000 residential, commercial, and 312 3439776 Goldwell, Joico, and Olaplex. As of September 30, 2021, the company operated 4,777 stores, including 134 franchised units in the United States , Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and Germany. It also distributes 312 3440552 have the ammunition for them they would not have any deterrent effect. It's another example of the commitment of the United States to security and stability in Europe." The shipment by itself is significant because it equates to more than 620 containers 312 3440690 another way that Germany contributes to deterrence, is by enabling the movement of ammunition and equipment inside Germany for the United States Army." The ammo shipment arrived just before the U.S. Army's 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, stationed at 312 3444746 Indiana, has said, "if Russia chooses to continue to be involved in this barbaric attack on civilians in Aleppo, the United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike military targets of the Assad regime." When asked about 312 3450978 Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Walberg said he also wants to work with Trump to get the United States military "back in line" and properly funded. "We've seen our military, to a great degree, emasculated in its ability to 312 3459319 is likely good for Europe including for Russia. It is bad for economic equality and other important issues in the United States and elsewhere. But would Clinton have been really better on these? I for one feel mightily eased (with a not 312 3461221 because they have worked hard since they were 18. They have pushed me to do the same thing in the United States and to live as an American and I want the same thing for other individuals for other families, so I 312 3469856 heated debates concerning immigration by showing the great worth of these spirited people who have crossed the border into the United States . The free screening will be at 6 p.m. Nov. 16 in the Aula Canaria Auditorium on the University of Texas 312 3470241 the course of Tatas life and changed the course of history. I knew they fled across the border into the United States but why did they have to leave Mexico? he adds. What were their plans and what happened to them? Helping 312 3471552 and Muslims and their allies were struck with fear Wednesday after Donald Trumps election as the next president of the United States . During his campaign, Trump denounced Mexican immigrants as criminals and vowed to build a wall along the border with Mexico 312 3471937 they give up and just go back? Wurst said. But Abu Helalul Karim, a Danbury Muslim who immigrated to the United States from Bangladesh 33 years ago, said his relatives in Bangladesh are more concerned about the election results than he is 312 3472503 as we are recognizing here today. His remarks, coming just hours after Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States , concluded with a weighted tone. We need you, and we need you desperately, he said. We need to make sure 312 3476759 recreational marijuana, respectively, which experts anticipate will gemerate millions of dollars in cannabis sales and influence more legalization across the United States and the globe. "This represents a monumental victory for the marijuana reform movement," Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug 312 3480695 Parliament in January debated banning Trump from even visiting the country - Prime Minister Theresa May said her nation and the United States had "an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy and enterprise." That, she insisted, would carry 312 3480778 referenced Trump's call for warmer ties and said "Russia is ready and willing to restore full-fledged relations with the United States ." Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, whose record of imprisoning opponents and restricting speech has earned him condemnation from human 312 3480891 the victory of all Americans." Democracy activists and human rights campaigners, meanwhile, were despairing. In Brazil, analysts noted that the United States now has the kind of leader more commonly associated with Latin America - a "caudilho," an authoritarian and charismatic figure often 312 3480975 Folha de S.Paulo newspaper." Therefore all of the demons that the politically correct had buried or at least eased in United States society are loose." In the Middle East, Trump's win was seen as a decisive victory for Syrian President Bashar Assad 312 3481097 toward Muslims, said that the Republican's victory was a "positive sign" and the "beginning of a new era in the United States ." There was no such optimism among the United States' closest democratic allies. In Europe, there was never any secret about 312 3481106 positive sign" and the "beginning of a new era in the United States." There was no such optimism among the United States ' closest democratic allies. In Europe, there was never any secret about the continent's overwhelming preference for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton 312 3481387 we were expecting," said David McAllister, a German lawmaker who is the head of the European Parliament's delegation to the United States . "We Europeans need the Americans to guarantee our security, and we have a huge interest in transatlantic relations." The quiet 312 3481948 somber at the U.S. Embassy's election party, with a crowd of Filipino Americans and students eager to study in the United States expressing fear, shock and disappointment. "The U.S. is known as a country for immigrants, as the land of the free 312 3490506 Now back home, many of them are struggling. We can help. We must. More than 1.5 million veterans in the United States live in poverty. An estimated 12 percent of the homeless have served in the U.S. military. According to the Department 312 3494148 New Hampshire. Clinton needed to draw a political inside straight to keep Trump from becoming the 45th president of the United States , overcoming the businessmans late leads in those states. She didnt. The former secretary of state didnt take the stage at 312 3495490 victory of a candidate like Trump, who has suggested potentially unconstitutional blocks on Muslim immigration and advocated torture, undermines the United States ' moral standing in the world. "Trump's victory is a powerful slap to those promoting the benefits of democratic mechanisms," tweeted 312 3495705 the millions for Trump!" The reaction of these extremists is the reverse of some of the consternation aired in the United States by Trump's critics, who see in his demagogic rise the unraveling of the American republic and the collapse of the 312 3499689 droplets of fine mist which are inhaled and then settle in the lungs. Roughly 5,000 cases are reported in the United States every year, while 2013 saw 5,851 cases reported by 28 EU Member States and Norway, according to the European Centre 312 3507185 guarantees. And Im confident because a strong NATO is important for Europe, but its also of great importance for the United States . Two World Wars have taught us that stability in Europe is also important for the United States and we have 312 3507202 importance for the United States. Two World Wars have taught us that stability in Europe is also important for the United States and we have to remember that the only time NATO has invoked our collective defense clause, Article 5, was after 312 3507228 remember that the only time NATO has invoked our collective defense clause, Article 5, was after an attack on the United States 9/11. And thousands of European soldiers also from Finland, partner countries of NATO has participated in NATOS presence in 312 3507257 also from Finland, partner countries of NATO has participated in NATOS presence in Afghanistan as a direct response on the United States . So I really believe that that the strength of NATO is so important for United States and Europe, so we 312 3507273 direct response on the United States. So I really believe that that the strength of NATO is so important for United States and Europe, so we will continue to respond together to a more challenging security environment. MODERATOR: Question in the middle 312 3507983 a few words about the US elections. I congratulate Donald Trump on his election as the next President of the United States . And I look forward to working with him. And it is important that the transatlantic bond remains strong and we 312 3508052 closest friends in times of peace and of conflict for almost 70 years. A strong NATO is good for the United States and it is good for Europe. NATO has responded with determination to the new security situation. But we have more 312 3508214 is absolute and its unconditioned. The NATO security guarantees are important for Europe, but they are also important for the United States , so a strong NATO is important for Europe, but its also important for the United States and we have to 312 3508230 also important for the United States, so a strong NATO is important for Europe, but its also important for the United States and we have to remember that the only time that we have invoked Article 5, our Collective Defense clause, is 312 3508257 that the only time that we have invoked Article 5, our Collective Defense clause, is after an attack on the United States , after 9/11 and thousands of NATO soldiers also from Europe, Canada and also partner nations, have been deployed and 312 3511862 its own right: GOP nominee Donald J. Trump's victor has proven once more thatare the real power brokers in the United States of America, not the corrupt, rigged system that was built by shady, crooked career politicians like Hillary Clinton and the 312 3512226 hundreds of billions. They are tired of America making other countries rich while we get poorer.-- They don't want the United States to be the world's police force.-- They are tired of being discounted by career politicians who beg them for votes 312 3517013 may result to permanent nerve damage. Health News Florida reported that until 2011, only a couple of hospitals in the United States offered nitrous oxide to women on its menu of pain relief options for labor. Today, it's in hundreds, including a