DocIndex Position Left Middle Right 94 4387 Caller reports. Hillary will make new investments to ensure law enforcement officials are properly trained on issues like implicit bias, conflict resolution, and use of force so theyre equipped to protect their own safety and the safety of others, it says 94 11931 up. The center is weakening, the far right is gaining power. The Mediterranean and the Russian marches are zones of conflict again, and ancient habits French military adventurism, Little Englander separatism, a tense relationship with Islam are resurfacing. The European elite 94 13687 wife for $1 a day before a new law that would have required him to declare his ownership as a conflict of interest was passed. #PanamaPapers: Mr. Gunnlaugsson argued that there was nothing revealing in the leak as he and his 94 13776 minister since 2013 was involved in the deal with the bank and his action is now being seen as a conflict of interest. PREMIUM TIMES is the only Nigerian publication involved in investigations of the leaked documents, which lasted a year 94 55739 after the financial crisis in 2008, Gunnlaugsson is faced with allegations from opponents that he has hidden a major financial conflict of interest from voters ever since he was elected a parliament member seven years ago. The prime minister's office said 94 66840 the island nation where the linguistic divide first led to militancy by Tamils, eventually leading to three decades of armed conflict that claimed thousands of lives. The new party was formerly known as the Pathmanabha-Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF 94 67034 to end their agony." The party also urged India and Sri Lanka to find a speedy solution to the recurring conflict between the fishermen of the two countries. It called for an impartial investigation into human rights violations during the final 94 67138 died along with fighters on both sides. The new party demanded "a permanent and durable political solution" to the ethnic conflict in the form of a federal formation. It urged Colombo to engage with the almost one million Sri Lankans who 94 109786 statewide called on Gov. Rauner to "work constructively through the established bargaining process to reach a resolution, rather than intensifying conflict ." In January, when contract talks broke down, Gov. Rauner referred the dispute to the Illinois Labor Relations Board. In March 94 110004 Quad-Cities, said her union tried to negotiate in good faith with the governor, but he wanted to provoke a conflict and force unions to go on strike. Catherine Kelly, a spokeswoman for Gov. Rauner, on Monday said he has worked 94 139888 international law, countries are obligated to recognize the special situation of children who have been recruited or used in armed conflict . Former child soldiers should be rehabilitated and reintegrated into society. "Congolese authorities should immediately release the children and adults held 94 141891 requires governments to take "all feasible measures to ensure protection and care of children who are affected by an armed conflict ," and to take "all appropriate measures" to promote the physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of children who have 94 141925 and social reintegration of children who have been victims of armed conflicts. The Convention's Optional Protocol on children in armed conflict , which Congo ratified in 2001, provides that governments "shall take all feasible measures to ensure that persons within their jurisdiction 94 145539 2004 count) found themselves among Syria's estimated 6.6 million internally displaced people (IDPs), often forgotten in the country's ongoing civil conflict . Return to what? Now that the city has been freed, Ahmed longs to return but is anxious about what might 94 148872 which have aggressively targeted IS supporters. Libya, however, stands out as one of the group's few successes. The Libyan civil conflict has created a political and security vacuum that IS has exploited, carving out strongholds in weakly governed areas such as 94 152465 see Yle Uutiset, October 13, 2014; Iltalehti, November 17, 2015). [2] This increased flow of individuals to-and-from the conflict zones means jihadist groups abroad, particularly IS, increasingly have better knowledge of Finland's domestic Islamist networks. Those who join IS 94 152487 means jihadist groups abroad, particularly IS, increasingly have better knowledge of Finland's domestic Islamist networks. Those who join IS in conflict zones are able to pass on their contacts with extremist individuals and support networks operating within their home country's borders 94 152890 in attempting to identify potentially dangerous individuals, as there is very little reliable information available on their activities in various conflict zones, and cooperation with government authorities in Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan is fraught even at the best of times. Thus 94 164893 that, in 2008, more than half of the 20,000-strong Nagorno-Karabakh force comprised citizens of Armenia. The IISS's Armed Conflict Database currently states that "Armenia continues to occupy Nagorno-Karabakh and seven areas around it, all internationally recognized as part 94 165534 increasingly strident international calls for restraint between forces loyal to regional archenemies Azerbaijan and Armenia, which have been locked in conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh since the waning years of the Soviet Union. A spokesman for the Armenian-backed Nagorno-Karabakh separatist 94 165673 and involved tanks, helicopters, and artillery. In a statement, representatives of the so-called Minsk Group of mediators in the conflict -- France, Russia, and the United States -- urged the sides to stop fighting, saying there is no military solution to the 94 165694 France, Russia, and the United States -- urged the sides to stop fighting, saying there is no military solution to the conflict . They also called for "an immediate negotiation" on a comprehensive settlement. "The negotiations have brought no results, but we are 94 165820 to strictly adhere to the cease-fire," Toner added. He said it was "most urgent" for both sides of the conflict to get back to the negotiating table. In Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly called on the presidents of Azerbaijan 94 165924 statement said. Moscow "will continue making all necessary intermediary steps to normalize the situation in connection with the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ," it added. WATCH: A Revived Frozen Conflict In Nagorno-Karabakh Earlier in Paris, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said 94 165931 necessary intermediary steps to normalize the situation in connection with the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict," it added. WATCH: A Revived Frozen Conflict In Nagorno-Karabakh Earlier in Paris, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said the co-chairs of the Minsk Group 94 165984 bid to resolve the crisis. The announcement came with representatives of the so-called Minsk Group of mediators in the conflict -- France, Russia, and the United States -- expected to meet in Vienna on April 5 for crisis talks. Ayrault was speaking 94 169513 reporting by Reuters and AP This week's Nagorno-Karabakh crisis might strike most people as nothing more than another minor conflict in a remote, faraway place. But the role of the Caucasus in the global energy trade and the potential for 94 169589 oil and gas from Azerbaijan westward through the Caucasus, and both pass near the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. Any widening conflict could endanger both them and Europe's hopes of tapping the Caspian region to reduce its dependence upon Russian energy sources 94 169616 hopes of tapping the Caspian region to reduce its dependence upon Russian energy sources. At the same time, any escalating conflict could draw in neighboring powers, thanks to Armenia's military pact with Russia and Azerbaijan's pact with Turkey. That could lead 94 169823 why it hopes to see more such pipelines in the future. But those hopes are limited so long as the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh remains unsettled. "A potential conflagration over Nagorno Karabakh is quite likely to affect both of these pipelines 94 169890 Turkey and, to a lesser extent, Europe and the global economy." He notes that, in the case of a sustained conflict , Azerbaijan would likely shut down the pipelines for safety reasons to avoid oil spills and gas leaks if they were 94 170157 years could seriously open up the Caspian Sea generally for future supplies," says Tsakiris. But so long as there is conflict in the Caucasus, any new pipeline projects remain risky financial propositions. Military Pacts The other threat a growing Nagorno-Karabakh 94 170178 in the Caucasus, any new pipeline projects remain risky financial propositions. Military Pacts The other threat a growing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict presents is the possibility of drawing in neighboring states. Azerbaijan and NATO member Turkey signed an Agreement on Strategic Partnership 94 170267 last year in Azerbaijan's exclave of Naxcivan, along Armenia's southeastern border. That raised the possibility that, in any major military conflict , Yerevan could face a two-front war with Baku in which Turkey might intervene. Equally dangerous is the possibility that 94 171816 late 2013 that prompted the Euromaidan protests, which led to his ouster, Russia's annexation of Crimea, and a drawn-out conflict with Moscow-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. It would be celebrated by the Kremlin, which has long opposed the agreement 94 203560 under federal or state laws, Bryant said. It does not attempt to challenge federal laws, even those which are in conflict with the Mississippi Constitution, as the Legislature recognizes the prominence of federal law in such limited circumstances. Other states have 94 207521 by human rights activists over civilian deaths. Air strikes account for 60 percent of the 3,200 civilians killed in the conflict , according to the United Nations, which has criticized coalition strikes that have hit markets, clinics and hospitals. Yet arms deals 94 213763 employment. Essentially, by having these smaller weapons, the threshold for their use is lowered and the risk that a conventional conflict between Pakistan and India, could escalate to include the use of nuclear weapons (by Pakistan)," he said. Mr Earnest said 94 236817 United States, France and Russia planned trips to the region later this week to mediate between the sides of the conflict . At least 50 people have died since heavy fighting resumed last Saturday on the front lines of one of the 94 236995 the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe have failed to yield a long-term political solution to the conflict . Sporadic fighting has continued along the "line of contact" between the two sides, though never with the ferocity seen this 94 237498 protest in Reykjavik on Tuesday amid outrage over revelations Prime Minister Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson used a shell company to conceal a conflict of interest. Credit:AP "It's been a really long day this whole day was totally bizarre in so many different ways 94 268634 McCullochs office. It rejected both a defense request for dismissal of charges and a proposal by prosecutors to remedy the conflict by excluding some evidence. The appellate court opinion says, in part, Given that the entire prosecuting attorneys office has had 94 273389 called Wintris in the British Virgin Islands with the help of the Panamanian law firm. Gunnlaugsson is accused of a conflict of interest for failing to disclose his involvement in the company, which held interests in failed Icelandic banks that his 94 282470 migration will grow worse in rich and poor nations without greater global cooperation to tackle the causes of poverty and conflict , leaders of an international forum on peace building said on Tuesday. The Swedish co-chair of the International Dialogue on 94 282496 on peace building said on Tuesday. The Swedish co-chair of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS) said conflict and violent extremism - such as the attacks in Paris and Brussels - coupled with rising migration had changed the global landscape 94 282539 International Development Cooperation Isabella Lovin called for all nations to speed and scale up efforts to tackle the causes of conflict and meet global goals agreed last year to end poverty and inequality by 2030. Studies show the number of conflicts 94 282590 now on the rise and 2014 was the most lethal year since the end of the Cold War, she said. Conflict , poverty and climate change have forced 60 million people from their homes - the highest level since World War Two - with 94 282634 billion people living in fragile states. Lovin called for a "coalition of the willing" to commit to supporting fragile and conflict -hit states, saying failure to tackle root causes of conflict and poverty would exacerbate world volatility and increase the risk 94 282644 coalition of the willing" to commit to supporting fragile and conflict-hit states, saying failure to tackle root causes of conflict and poverty would exacerbate world volatility and increase the risk of violence. "This is maybe the opportunity to see the 94 282916 more relevant role. Launched in 2008, its mission is to find ways through political dialogue to support countries move from conflict to peace and resilience. The IDPS includes more than 40 countries, nine multilateral organizations including the World Bank and the 94 319670 Gunnlaugsson's opponents say he should have been open about the overseas assets and the company, and that he had a conflict of interest because the government is involved in striking deals with claimants against the bankrupt banks. 'Abuse must stop' With 94 330585 to MSF: but the problem identified above recurs (i.e. medical assistance is useful, but is not a substitute for safety, conflict -resolution etc). It may be that as a crisis it is considered by EA-advocates an emergency situation, and not 94 350975 perfected the art of suicide-bombing, forcible recruitment of child soldiers and frequent employment of civilians as human shields in conflict zones. Would India agree to pull out the Indian Army from Jammu and Kashmir after hard-won successes at curtailing 94 388919 stop immediately. As the U.S. continues to support UN-led negotiations towards a political transition that can end the Syrian conflict , "we reiterate," said Spokesperson Kirby, "the need for all parties to the cessation of hostilities to comply with the terms 94 406158 wild imagination. The Nagorno-Karabakh military in turn claimed that more than 300 Azerbaijani soldiers had been killed since the conflict flared up on Saturday. The outbreak of hostilities is the worst since a war that ended in 1994, leaving Nagorno 94 406206 Armenian forces and the Armenian military. Armenian forces also occupy several areas outside Karabakh proper. International efforts to settle the conflict , fueled by long-simmering tensions between Christian Armenians and mostly Muslim Azeris, have brought no results. Anxiety over the new 94 406277 to stop fighting, a Russian foreign ministry statement said. They also condemned outside players for trying to heat up the conflict , the statement said without specifying. The Karabakh military said Monday 20 of its servicemen have been killed since Saturday, another 94 407811 before a new Icelandic law took effect that would have required him to declare the ownership of Wintris as a conflict of interest. Wintris lost money as a result of the 2008 financial crash that crippled Iceland, and is claiming a 94 407860 from the three failed Icelandic banks: Landsbanki, Glitnir, and Kaupthing. Gunnlaugsson now stands accused by opposition leaders of a serious conflict of interest because as prime minister he was involved in reaching a deal for the banks claimants. The office of 94 414880 of the centralized management. ol The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry states it is deeply concerned about the escalation of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , and it expresses condolences to family members of those killed and wounded as a result of combat actions. This is 94 414925 released by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. The Ukrainian side calls on the long-lasting political settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by observing sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Azerbaijan Republic within the limits of its internationally recognized borders, the Ukrainian 94 418582 and building entities, about its flying mission, inform them of the potential safety and noise concerns, and work to de- conflict any developments that may pose adverse impact on the community. The support of the City of Colorado Springs and surrounding 94 471453 serve our students. LCPS Superintendent Stan Rounds predictably disavowed any responsibility on the part of the school district for the conflict or for its resolution. First and foremost, remember that the bus drivers are not employees of the Las Cruces Public 94 472073 Havana. Speaking after the meetings, the State Department said Kerry told both sides he was encouraged that the end of conflict issues are now front and center in the negotiations, including a formal bilateral ceasefire monitored by the UN security council 94 472102 negotiations, including a formal bilateral ceasefire monitored by the UN security council, a timetable for disarmament, and security guarantees post- conflict for all lawful political actors. Kerry said that the peace process was a sign of a profound transformation underway in 94 489599 such as his saying the administration was open to discussing renewal of the Iran Sanctions Act if it does not conflict with the international nuclear agreement announced in July. Reservist from the 300th Airlift Squadron flying a Joint Base Charleston C 94 498045 of some 200,000 people. Despite adopting a peace and reconciliation charter in 2005 aimed at turning the page on the conflict , armed groups remain active in the centre and east of Algeria. Dhaka: A court in Bangladesh granted bail to opposition 94 500580 include another prosecutor and three security officers, the Italian agency ANSA said. An Egyptian security official said there was a conflict between the security and judicial agencies on who would lead the team and what to present to the Italians. The 94 505406 control of local ethnic Armenian forces and the Armenian military. Armenian forces also occupy several areas outside Karabakh proper. The conflict is between Christian Armenians and mainly Muslim Azeris and, despite the long-simmering tensions, international attempts to settle the dispute 94 505448 not succeeded. Russia and the US have called for a ceasefire and criticised "outside players" for trying to fuel the conflict . Armenia belongs to a number of Moscow-dominated economic and security alliances and has a Russian military base on its 94 509592 State to the north and southeast of al-Qaryatain. The Britain-based Observatory, which monitors the five-year-old Syrian conflict through a network of sources on the ground, said more than 40 air strikes by Russian and Syrian planes hit 94 509699 A fragile "cessation of hostilities" truce has held in Syria for over a month as the various parties to the conflict try to negotiate an end to Syria's civil war. But the truce excludes Islamic State and the al Qaeda-affiliated 94 518176 A 'serious threat' - Earlier Saturday, Japan's Kishida denounced Moscow's comments regarding the possible use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine conflict . "Russia's act of threatening the use of nuclear weapons is a serious threat to the peace and security of the 94 518777 presidents separately by telephone. On a visit to a hospital to meet wounded soldiers Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev said the conflict could still be resolved peacefully if Armenia's leadership "behaves sincerely at the negotiating table". The "Minsk Group" of the US 94 518962 coming days. Russia's foreign ministry also said that the top diplomats from Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan will focus on the conflict when they meet for planned talks in Baku on Thursday, RIA Novosti reported. - Changing the frontline - On the ground, an 94 519123 ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan told AFP. Azerbaijan's ambassador to the United States, Elin Suleymanov, told AFP Armenia had provoked the conflict to overshadow Baku's successful diplomacy. Last week Aliyev received a warm welcome to Washington at President Barack Obama's Nuclear Security 94 519264 killed. - Regional fears - Both sides accused each other of starting the latest outbreak which has sparked concern of a wider conflict that could drag in Russia and Turkey. While Moscow has sold arms to both sides, it has a military alliance 94 519480 breakaway region by force. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has expressed its deep concern over the escalation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and offered condolences to the families and friends of those killed and injured in the fighting, and called for a 94 519517 and called for a political solution to the problem. "Ukraine favors a long-term political solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the basis of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized 94 519552 of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders," the ministry said in a Tuesday statement over the escalation of the Karabakh conflict . The conflicting parties and international community, primarily the co-chairs of the OSCE [Organization for Security and Co-operation in 94 519597 do their utmost to ensure an immediate ceasefire, de-escalate the situation and continue looking for ways to settle the conflict peacefully, on the basis of the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, the ministry said. These efforts will 94 522178 Gunnlaugsson's opponents say he should have been open about the overseas assets and the company, and that he had a conflict of interest because the government is involved in striking deals with claimants against the bankrupt banks. Iceland's main commercial banks 94 525089 taking office. "I believe I might be the first top official in Ukraine who treats declaring of assets, paying taxes, conflict of interest issues seriously," he tweeted. The law firm tasked with managing the sale of Roshen said the offshore firm 94 525168 allegations of tax evasion are groundless." Poroshenko's financial adviser, Makar Paseniuk, said the offshore firm was created to avoid a conflict of interests by allowing his assets to be controlled by third parties while he remained president. A senior official in 94 527122 Houthis have been battling forces loyal to Yemen's Saudi-backed President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi since March 2015 in a conflict that has cost more than 6,200 lives. (Reporting by Mohammed Mukhashaf; writing by Reem Shamseddine; editing by William Maclean and 94 528349 Armenian population that lies inside the territory of Azerbaijan. The violence was a re-awakening of a long-festering ethnic conflict between the mainly Muslim Azeris and their Christian Armenian neighbors. Envoys from Russia, France and the United States - who make 94 528381 from Russia, France and the United States - who make up a body called the Minsk Group that mediates in the conflict - are planning to head to the region, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said in Paris. "We can see that 94 528403 planning to head to the region, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said in Paris. "We can see that military conflict cannot be the solution," Ayrault told reporters after talks with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Russian President Vladimir Putin 94 531774 death toll among Iranian fighters since October last year indicates Tehran's forces are taking a more active role in the conflict . (Reporting by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin; Editing by William Maclean; Editing by Tom Heneghan) By Firas Makdesi PALMYRA, Syria (Reuters) - Islamic State 94 542674 its part. Armenia and Azerbaijan have been locked in a bitter dispute over the mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Their conflict over the region first broke out in 1988, when the region claimed independence from Azerbaijan to join Armenia. Peace talks 94 579396 Democratic voters. Even some Van Hollen voters say they recognize the pull of Edwardss campaign. I have some serious inner conflict in voting for a white man instead of a black woman, said Sarah Wolf, a white 24-year-old Maryland 94 599385 the United States, France and Russia planned trips to the region this week to mediate between the sides in the conflict . [The crisis over Nagorno-Karabakh, explained] Backed by Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh declared independence from Azerbaijan as the Soviet Union collapsed 94 599455 the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have failed to yield a long-term political solution to the conflict . Sporadic fighting has continued along the line of contact between the two sides, though never with the ferocity seen this 94 599908 travel to Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, on Thursday, while Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will travel to Azerbaijan. A wider conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh is seen as having the potential to drag in Russia, which shares a defense alliance with Armenia 94 600019 goods and travel to Turkish resorts. On Tuesday, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict that maintains Azerbaijans territorial integrity. Both sides have claimed to have killed hundreds of opposing soldiers, while reporting losses of 94 601580 Turkey shot down a Russian warplane over Syria, an incident that escalated tensions in what has become a volatile proxy conflict involving world powers with the West and its allies backing the rebels, while Russia and Iran support Syrian President Bashar 94 602232 shot down a Russian warplane over Syria, an incident that dramatically escalated tensions in what has become a volatile proxy conflict for world powers with the West and allies backing rebels, while Russia and Iran support the forces of Syrian President 94 602542 has received firm backing from both Russia and the United States even as the powers support opposing sides in the conflict . But while violence has been reduced, a task force to monitor violations, jointly chaired by Moscow and Washington, lacks an 94 611298 of some 200,000 people. Despite adopting a peace and reconciliation charter in 2005 aimed at turning the page on the conflict , armed groups remain active in the centre and east of Algeria. Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Archaeologists have called for 94 619194 Alex Whiting LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The first British university to adopt a policy aimed at cutting the use of conflict minerals in the products it buys, said on Tuesday it hopes to form a network of like-minded universities that 94 619498 have that kind of leadership, and it's especially great that it's an academic institution," said Michael Gibb, campaign leader on conflict resources at Global Witness. But he added that such moves by institutions alone are not enough and European legislation was 94 619677 impact on both U.S. companies and on European companies supplying products to the United States, said Gibb. "This is about conflict financing and very serious human rights abuses, it's not the kind of thing that European companies or their investors or 94 626529 is based, the army said. It also said 15 PKK militants had been killed in southeast Turkey on Monday. The conflict , at its most intense for two decades, is a major challenge for Davutoglu, who has been promoting a redevelopment plan 94 626810 and Diyarbakir's Sur district, surrounded by UNESCO-listed Roman-era walls. More than 40,000 people have been killed since the conflict began in 1984. The PKK, which says it is fighting for autonomy for Kurds, is designated a terrorist organisation by 94 632356 under the direct rule of the government in the Azeri capital, Baku. The ethnic Armenians did not accept that. Sectarian conflict broke out, escalating into all-out war between Azerbaijan's troops on one side and, on the other, Nagorno-Karabakh's ethnic 94 632579 shift. The fighting that broke out on April 2 was the most intense in years, and prompted warnings that the conflict could spiral once again into all-out war. (Writing by Moscow bureau; Editing by Kevin Liffey) (Reuters) - Global health officials 94 646618 cultural and language rights. Jailed PKK founder Abdullah Ocalan called a truce in March 2013, but tensions over the Syrian conflict kickstarted the violence last year. Turkish forces launched an all-out offensive to eradicate the rebels from urban centres with 94 646677 had been killed in fighting as well as over 5,000 PKK members -- although this could not be independently verified. The conflict has also struck the heart of the country, with two attacks that killed dozens in the capital Ankara claimed by 94 649778 in March to seal off a route used in the past year by hundreds of thousands of migrants, many fleeing conflict zones. In return, the EU will take in thousands of Syrian refugees directly from Turkey and reward it with financial 94 650010 gather Russia, the United States and France in the so-called Minsk Group, spearheading attempts to end a low-key conflict that revived bloodily and dangerously last Friday. Analysts say the crisis could set a spark to the Caucasus, a tinder 94 651515 maintains a base, but supplies both sides with weapons. Russian President Vladimir Putin did not take a side in the conflict between the two ex-Soviet countries, instead urging an "immediate ceasefire" over the weekend. Below is an outline of Russian 94 651658 in 1994, but its reputation as peacemaker has been eroded by its seizure of Crimea and role in a bloody conflict in east Ukraine, said Alexander Malashenko of Carnegie Moscow Center. Story continues The Kremlin would have the most to lose 94 651715 partner in the region if it comes to Armenia's aid. "Russia is at a dead end," he said. A protracted conflict would "reinforce Turkey's influence in Azerbaijan," which may also reverberate in Russia's volatile North Caucasus region, Russia's independent daily Vedomosti 94 652022 sparking another round of bloodshed. "Forcing acceptance of a flawed constitution could end the political transition and trigger unmanageable new conflict ," it said. The ICG said all stakeholders needed to redouble efforts to resolve outstanding issues as a matter of urgency 94 652253 and the major political parties continues, the country is collapsing, the economy is in ruins, and we are inviting more conflict ," said Laxman Lal Karna, vice chair of the Sadbhawana Party that represents the Madhesis. Madhesi demonstrators blocked a major trade 94 655087 coordination of efforts to deescalate the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh region and urged an immediate cessation of hostilities in the conflict zone, the Russian Foreign Ministry said, according to Sputnik. "The ministers expressed serious concern over the sharp escalation of tensions 94 655139 to numerous casualties, including among the civilian population," the ministry said in a statement. "Lavrov and Steinmeier agreed that the conflict in the region has no military solution, and called on both sides to exercise restraint, to immediately cease all hostilities 94 655177 cease all hostilities and to return to the negotiating table under the OSCE Minsk Group aegis," the statement said. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 659382 On Apr. 4, Azerbaijani armed forces destroyed three tanks and eliminated around 30 servicemen of the Armenian armed forces. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 659771 places, even if evading taxes is not. Icelandic opposition leaders have called on the prime minister to resign, citing a conflict of interest, but his allies are defending him. When asked about the scandal, Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson, the minister for foreign 94 660437 is the fact that, well, my wife has always paid her taxes. We've also seen that she has avoided any conflict of interest by investing in Icelandic companies at the same time that I'm in politics," he told Reuters TV. "And 94 660488 interests of the people of Iceland first even when it's at a disadvantage to my own family." Opponents allege a conflict of interest and say he should have been open about the overseas assets and the company. His center-right government 94 660842 Editing by Niklas Pollard and Andrew Roche) Baku, Azerbaijan, April 5 Trend: The US urges parties of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for de-escalation and return to the negotiating process, Deputy Speaker of the US State Department Mark Toner said during 94 661100 On Apr. 4, Azerbaijani armed forces destroyed three tanks and eliminated around 30 servicemen of the Armenian armed forces. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 663352 of Georgia, France and Lithuania, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's press service told Trend April 4. Mammadyarov, informing about events in the conflict zone, said that the Armenian units took target the population closely residing in frontline areas and civilian objects. He also 94 663472 stress and achieve progress, Armenian troops should be withdrawn from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, and also said that the conflict can be resolved only on the basis of the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. On the night 94 663646 On Apr. 4, Azerbaijani armed forces destroyed three tanks and eliminated around 30 servicemen of the Armenian armed forces. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 663765 support the efforts of U.N. mediator Staffan de Mistura to promote direct and inclusive talks between the sides in Syria's conflict , Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told de Mistura on Tuesday. "As in any conflict, it is of course key that 94 663779 talks between the sides in Syria's conflict, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told de Mistura on Tuesday. "As in any conflict , it is of course key that we ensure the inclusive character of the negotiations and that they are focused on 94 667025 for what is happening," said Khalafov, adding that this country is not interested in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and ignores the international law. The deputy foreign minister expressed concern over the latest developments on the line of contact 94 667067 Azerbaijani and Armenian armies. He said Azerbaijan urges the international community to force Armenia into the peaceful settlement of the conflict . Khalafov noted that Armenian troops should withdraw from Azerbaijani territories. "The conflict should be resolved within Azerbaijan's territorial integrity," the 94 667079 force Armenia into the peaceful settlement of the conflict. Khalafov noted that Armenian troops should withdraw from Azerbaijani territories. "The conflict should be resolved within Azerbaijan's territorial integrity," the deputy minister added. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began 94 667092 troops should withdraw from Azerbaijani territories. "The conflict should be resolved within Azerbaijan's territorial integrity," the deputy minister added. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 667772 Tehran, Iran, Apr.5 By Mehdi Sepahvand, Elena Kosolapova - Trend: Iran invites the parties of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to restraint, Mohammad Bagher Nobakht, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's adviser for supervision and strategic affairs and spokesperson of the government 94 667817 As a calm country in the restive region, Iran should help spread peace, he said. "We should prevent any further conflict in the region that is already burning in flames of war." The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began 94 667830 he said. "We should prevent any further conflict in the region that is already burning in flames of war." The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 670593 Vice President Joe Biden," he said. The fact that the US is trying to give high level attention to the conflict and the fact that both presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia visited Washington DC and had high level meetings with the 94 670630 level meetings with the vice president is a sign that Azerbaijan's neighbor to the north continues to want the frozen conflict to remain frozen, said the expert. He added that it is also a sign that instead of a frozen conflict 94 670650 conflict to remain frozen, said the expert. He added that it is also a sign that instead of a frozen conflict , Karabakh, like Eastern Ukraine, has fallen victim to becoming a "bleeding conflict" designed to remind Armenia and Azerbaijan that the 94 670662 also a sign that instead of a frozen conflict, Karabakh, like Eastern Ukraine, has fallen victim to becoming a "bleeding conflict " designed to remind Armenia and Azerbaijan that the conflict cannot involve the western powers like the US in a peaceful 94 670671 Karabakh, like Eastern Ukraine, has fallen victim to becoming a "bleeding conflict" designed to remind Armenia and Azerbaijan that the conflict cannot involve the western powers like the US in a peaceful resolution. "Russia cannot be an independent peace negotiator while 94 670699 US in a peaceful resolution. "Russia cannot be an independent peace negotiator while it is arming both sides of the conflict - by this I mean selling arms to both Azerbaijan and Armenia; it is creating the conditions for conflict between the 94 670717 of the conflict - by this I mean selling arms to both Azerbaijan and Armenia; it is creating the conditions for conflict between the two countries which is not helping the peace process," added Howard. The expert noted that this conflict cannot 94 670736 for conflict between the two countries which is not helping the peace process," added Howard. The expert noted that this conflict cannot be resolved unless the US takes the hands-on approach to the conflict. It is not helpful when the 94 670750 Howard. The expert noted that this conflict cannot be resolved unless the US takes the hands-on approach to the conflict . It is not helpful when the US's chief negotiator for Karabakh, James Warlick attends events sponsored by the so called 94 670807 the Bush Administration, said Howard. This reflects how far the US has gone from being a neutral negotiator in the conflict , he added. It demonstrates the lack of attention by the US Secretary of State John Kerry to find a peaceful 94 670831 demonstrates the lack of attention by the US Secretary of State John Kerry to find a peaceful solution to the conflict , according to the expert. "This, in my opinion, set the stage for the events last weekend in Karabakh," noted Howard 94 670853 to the expert. "This, in my opinion, set the stage for the events last weekend in Karabakh," noted Howard. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 671199 a single administrative unit. But the announcement was heavily criticised by Syria's opposition, including Manna, who called it "counterproductive". Syria's conflict erupted in March 2011 with anti-government protests but has since morphed into a multi-front war drawing in regional 94 671474 the YPG, which gained territory from the group further east. The YPG and rebels are however locked in their own conflict , notably near the city of Aleppo. Turkey, a major sponsor of groups fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad, has 94 676090 has good relations with the US, Russia and France, and can urge them to bring Armenia to negotiations on the conflict . The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a 94 676092 relations with the US, Russia and France, and can urge them to bring Armenia to negotiations on the conflict. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 679891 high alert due to a series of attacks blamed both on IS and Kurdish militants amid the resumption of a conflict with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The attack in Istanbul came less than a week after a car bomb exploded 94 681520 were Armenian attacks in Azerbaijan's breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region and said Turkey would continue to stand by Azerbaijan in the conflict . Azerbaijan said 16 Azeri servicemen had been killed in fighting around the Armenian-backed region in two days, as a 94 681547 been killed in fighting around the Armenian-backed region in two days, as a flare-up of the decades-old conflict showed no sign of abating. Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a war over the mountainous territory, whose population are mostly ethnic 94 681589 in the early 1990s in which thousands were killed on both sides, and hundreds of thousands displaced A return to conflict could drag in Russia, which has a defense alliance with Armenia, and NATO member Turkey, which backs its ethnic kin 94 681830 east as a particularly menacing threat and has expanded its military partnership with Turkic Azerbaijan in response." He said direct conflict was unlikely, however. (Additional reporting by Ayla Jean Yackley; Writing by Nick Tattersall; Editing by Kevin Liffey) MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Two 94 683060 and grenade launchers. Azerbaijan responded with a counter-attack, which led to liberation of several strategic heights and settlements. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 683161 France and Russia are to send envoys to Azerbaijan, Armenia and to Nagorno-Karabakh in a bid to resolve the conflict that has flared up in the border region, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said on Tuesday. "We can see 94 683184 flared up in the border region, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said on Tuesday. "We can see that military conflict cannot be the solution, nor is the status quo," he told reporters after talks with his German counterpart Frank-Walter 94 683260 been killed in fighting around the Armenian-backed region in two days, as a flare-up of the decades-old conflict showed no sign of abating. In the early 1990s, Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a war over the mountainous territory, whose 94 683306 in the early 1990s in which thousands were killed on both sides, and hundreds of thousands displaced. A return to conflict could drag in Russia, which has a defense alliance with Armenia, and NATO member Turkey, which backs its ethnic kin 94 684428 UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations sanctions monitors confirmed in their latest report the recent presence of cluster munitions in Sudan's conflict -torn Darfur region in violation of a U.N. arms embargo while rebel groups earned cash from illicit gold mining. The 94 684780 into Darfur. The experts said the Juba government clearly knew about JEM's presence and therefore violated the sanctions. The Darfur conflict began in 2003 when mainly non-Arab tribes took up arms against the Arab-led government in Khartoum, accusing it 94 686464 Williams) Baku, Azerbaijan, April 5 By Elmira Tariverdiyeva - Trend: The situation emerging in the Russian media over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is admittedly difficult for Baku, says Alexander Karavayev, leading expert of the Political Science Center 'North-South'. Karavayev commented on 94 686577 created by the Armenian diaspora in Russia." "This was directly implemented and used at the beginning of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict ," he said. "Without going into details, the individuals having the liberal-minded public opinion in Russia perceived the Armenian version 94 686600 Without going into details, the individuals having the liberal-minded public opinion in Russia perceived the Armenian version of the conflict as the only true variant." The expert said that the Armenian diaspora's positions in various spheres of Russia's social and 94 686635 various spheres of Russia's social and economic life, are strong enough, adding that this was also a factor influencing the conflict before its aggravating. The expert said that Baku was not ready for such a situation. "If Baku had been an 94 686734 Armenian armed forces," the expert said. The expert added that it is not late to take such actions now. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 689047 5 in the morning, he said. Hasanova, who was inside the house hit by artillery fire, died of injuries. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 691488 and gathered data from local wildlife rangers to estimate resident gorilla populations. RELATED: Is There Even Such a Thing as Conflict -Free Minerals? Plumptre said the findings confirmed earlier fears from a 2008 estimate, which was based on less data. To 94 691901 to ensure that source minerals from this region are purchased from mining sites that do not hunt bushmeat and are conflict free. Take the Pledge: Help Protect Endangered Species Around the World Related stories on TakePart: Watch the First-Ever Video 94 692065 agrees to compromise. "We don't need any compromises, Armenia must withdraw from the occupied Azerbaijani lands," said the speaker. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 692299 worldwide. He noted that tens of thousands of foreign fighters, coming from more than 100 different countries, have flooded into conflict zones like Syria and Iraq, while home-grown extremists have wreaked havoc in Europe with deadly attacks like the ones 94 693022 by the coalition on January 2. - Qaeda pushed back - There has been mounting international pressure for an end to the conflict as the civilian death toll has mounted and the humanitarian situation deteriorated. Story continues The seizure of several key southern 94 694540 Azerbaijan, Apr.5 Trend: President of French Senate Gerard Larcher and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , RIA Novosti reported. Gerard Larcher, who is on a visit to Russia, told reporters that Moscow and Paris urge both 94 694564 Gerard Larcher, who is on a visit to Russia, told reporters that Moscow and Paris urge both parties of the conflict to immediately stop the military operations. He recalled that France is one of the co-chairing countries of the OSCE 94 694594 France is one of the co-chairing countries of the OSCE Minsk Group for resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a 94 694596 one of the co-chairing countries of the OSCE Minsk Group for resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 694832 The international community, meaning the OSCE Minsk Group, seeks to facilitate a just and lasting settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ," Bryza told Trend by phone. The expert said that two decades ago, the international community passed four United Nations Security 94 694908 helped the parties negotiate a set of basic principles that define the framework for a settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ," Bryza said. "These basic principles derive from three core concepts of the Helsinki Final Act, namely, the territorial integrity of 94 694943 Act, namely, the territorial integrity of states, self-determination of peoples, and non-use of force," the expert added. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 695213 Group chairmanship, together with Russia and the US, to make efforts for finding a peaceful and sustainable solution to this conflict ," said Nadal. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan 94 695217 Russia and the US, to make efforts for finding a peaceful and sustainable solution to this conflict," said Nadal. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 695401 Union is in constant contact with the foreign ministries of Azerbaijan and Armenia regarding the situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, TASS news agency quoted Maja Kocijancic, spokesperson for the EU high representative Federica Mogherini, as saying Apr. 5. The 94 695422 zone, TASS news agency quoted Maja Kocijancic, spokesperson for the EU high representative Federica Mogherini, as saying Apr. 5. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 695700 Group chairmanship, together with Russia and the US, to make efforts for finding a peaceful and sustainable solution to this conflict ," said Nadal. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan 94 695704 Russia and the US, to make efforts for finding a peaceful and sustainable solution to this conflict," said Nadal. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 695876 from April 2 until today. Tehran, Iran, April 5 By Dalga Khatinoglu - Trend: Iranian experts believe that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should be resolved with respect to the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. "Conflict in essence does not benefit any side, therefore 94 695888 Trend: Iranian experts believe that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should be resolved with respect to the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. " Conflict in essence does not benefit any side, therefore, the issue should be resolved within the framework of the territorial integrity 94 696154 provide for the repatriation of the refugees and meet the satisfaction of all the residents of the occupied area. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 696254 posted on 15:46) All the sides are making efforts for the non-resumption of fire in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, RIA Novosti reported. Everybody is making efforts for the lasting ceasefire, Lavrov told 94 696277 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, RIA Novosti reported. Everybody is making efforts for the lasting ceasefire, Lavrov told reporters. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 696738 Azerbaijan, Apr.5 Trend: It is necessary to start a serious political process for solving the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , said Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov. He made the remarks Apr. 5 during a phone conversation with the EU High 94 696871 also stressed the necessity of withdrawing the Armenian armed forces from Azerbaijan's occupied lands in the shortest possible time. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 697217 of the district's executive power Mustagim Mammadov told Trend earlier. Meanwhile, Ahmadi told Trend that whatever the reasons for the conflict , there are certain things that must not be neglected. On Iran's role as a neighbor country, Ahmadi said the Islamic 94 697258 Republic is able and willing to act as a stabilizing power to settle the dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 697398 is being discussed there. "Perhaps, OSCE Minsk Group is trying to work out some common approaches," the source added. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 697627 is being discussed there. "Perhaps, OSCE Minsk Group is trying to work out some common approaches," the source added. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 697800 April 2 until today. Baku, Azerbaijan, Apr.5 Trend: OSCE Minsk Group has urged the parties of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to cease using force immediately. "We, the representatives of the OSCE Minsk Group countries (Russian Federation, the United States of 94 697888 to all affected families. We urge the sides to cease using force immediately. There is no military solution to the conflict ," said the statement. The deterioration of the situation on the ground demonstrates the need for an immediate negotiation, under the 94 697965 efforts and welcome their plans to undertake direct consultations with the sides as soon as possible," said the statement. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 698206 Elmar Mammadyarov, Mohammad Javad Zarif and Mevlut Cavusoglu expressed the need for speedy settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , read a declaration adopted by the FMs on Apr. 5 The declaration was adopted following a trilateral meeting in the 94 698320 or groups against each other. The parties also agreed to develop and strengthen cooperation in economic and humanitarian areas. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 698421 Farhad Daneshvar - Trend: Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Asia-Pacific Affairs Ebrahim Rahimpour has called for resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through negotiations. In an exclusive interview with Trend on Apr. 5, Rahimpour emphasized the need for a peaceful settlement of 94 698496 for a truce in Nagorno-Karabakh, Rahimpour said that Iran backs restoring calm to the region within international law. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 698755 table and find a comprehensive settlement, under the auspices of the Co-chairs. There is no military solution to the conflict , Jens Stoltenberg said . The peaceful resolution of conflicts is one of the core commitments to which all NATO's partner countries 94 698786 of the core commitments to which all NATO's partner countries commit when joining the Partnership for Peace, he added. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian armed forces have 94 699135 supporting all kinds of efforts to find a fair and permanent solution respecting Azerbaijan's integrity and unity," it added. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian armed forces have 94 699302 Security Council is efficient and doesn't require adjustments", he added. Lukashevich said that Russia will continue mediation to resolve the conflict . "As a member of Minsk Group co-chairs, we are in close cooperation with the United States and France and 94 699344 will continue mediation efforts to assist the parties to find a mutually consensual basis for resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ," Russia's permanent representative to the OSCE said. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia 94 699353 find a mutually consensual basis for resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict," Russia's permanent representative to the OSCE said. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian armed forces have 94 700630 author on Twitter: @Asebaa Baku, Azerbaijan, Apr. 5 By Elmira Tariverdiyeva, Aygun Badalova - Trend: Azerbaijan's position in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , which requires that the situation be corrected, especially given the UN resolutions in connection with this, is logical and fair 94 700707 when Armenia was stronger," said Markov, adding that since then, the allocation of forces has changed significantly. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is in a unique state in comparison with other local conflicts, he said. "Firstly, there are no peacekeepers in the 94 700751 so the outbreak of hostilities may occur at any time," Markov said. "Secondly, we see the frozen talks on the conflict ," said Markov adding that first of all, the OSCE Minsk Group is responsible for this freezing of talks. "There is 94 700975 pro-Azerbaijani and neutral positions have been reflected in the Russian media, Azerbaijan's position has not been fully presented. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 701267 Armenian soldiers, 12 tanks, 12 armored vehicles and 15 artillery guns have been destroyed from April 2 until today. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 701553 of loan debts of the Azerbaijani servicemen killed in the fighting on the frontline, as well as their families. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 701780 exacerbating the situation and trying to divert attention from the main issues that form the basis of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict settlement, as well as to maintain the status quo, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said. He made the remarks Apr 94 701819 remarks Apr. 5 at a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif in Iran's northern city of Ramsar. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 702467 Azerbaijan, Apr. 5 By Aygun Badalova - Trend: Pakistan expects Armenia to refrain from violating ceasefire and resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by implementing the UN Security Council resolutions on the issue, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry said in a message Apr. 5. "We 94 702538 in civilian and military casualties," said the message. "Pakistan will continue to promote a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ." The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a 94 702540 and military casualties," said the message. "Pakistan will continue to promote a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict." The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 702764 work in the retaken areas. Baku, Azerbaijan, Apr. 5 By Aygun Badalova - Trend: Escalation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is largely due to inactivity of the international community, Georgian expert Gia Khukhashvili told Trend Apr. 5. "What is happening 94 702920 Apr. 5 at 12:00 (UTC/GMT + 4 hours) with the consent of the sides, said Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 703062 remain in such a position," Khukhashvili said. "The international community must intensify its efforts for the peaceful resolution of the conflict ," he said, adding that it is like a time bomb for the region. He went on to add that Azerbaijan's 94 703219 Apr. 5 By Elena Kosolapova - Trend: It is clear that there cannot be a status quo in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict any more, Amanda Paul, analyst at the European Policy Centre (EPC), told Trend in email Apr. 5. Something needs to 94 703296 added Paul. The expert also said the situation is very serious in the zone of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . "This is the worst outbreak of fighting since the ceasefire came into force in 1994," Paul said. She believes there 94 703324 since the ceasefire came into force in 1994," Paul said. She believes there is a very real risk that the conflict will escalate further still, as Armenia battles to take the positions that Azerbaijan has retaken and Baku pushes back against 94 703467 work together. Other regional players which have some influence - Turkey and Iran - may also take on a role." "If the conflict explodes the price will be paid by the entire region, hence a unified approach is important," she added. Paul noted 94 703502 is important," she added. Paul noted that so far the Russians "have been the most-active in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ." "While Russia uses the conflict for its own purposes, which is not helpful in terms of helping to bring about 94 703507 noted that so far the Russians "have been the most-active in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict." "While Russia uses the conflict for its own purposes, which is not helpful in terms of helping to bring about a solution or shoring up 94 703556 do not want a fully blown war in the region," Paul added. "Rather Russia has been more comfortable with simmering conflict situations, which allow Moscow to project its power and influence in the region." Paul believes there can be little doubt 94 703661 continued objection against this." "What is very clear is that the current system of a tiny OSCE mission visiting the conflict area now and then and only after giving prior warning - even requesting permission from Azerbaijan and Armenia - is totally ineffective 94 703691 warning - even requesting permission from Azerbaijan and Armenia - is totally ineffective," said Paul. The analyst said that unfortunately the renewed conflict seems to have left the EU paralyzed, unable to go beyond words of concern, which are simply not adequate for 94 703795 the sidelines continuing to hide behind the OSCE fig leaf," she noted. "However, the OSCE has become more of a conflict manager than a resolver, and its role and influence has weakened over the years as the peace process has become 94 703934 website reported Apr. 5. During the phone talks, the sides discussed in details the latest developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. Expressing serious concern over the large-scale armed clashes, which have led to numerous casualties, Putin called on the 94 704030 assistance of the OSCE Minsk Group in order to seek the ways for a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . The presidents agreed to continue contacts in different formats. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 94 704041 ways for a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The presidents agreed to continue contacts in different formats. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 704393 and Russia once again emphasized the successful development of bilateral relations between the two countries in all the areas. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 705187 Iran has expressed readiness to act as a mediator between Yerevan and Baku in the recent Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran is ready to play role in the peaceful settling of the 94 705208 Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran is ready to play role in the peaceful settling of the conflict , in case if the involved parties are interested, Iran's Fars news agency reported April 5. He made the remarks in 94 705322 clashes between the sides. He further called for return of peace to the region and peaceful settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict . The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a 94 705324 the sides. He further called for return of peace to the region and peaceful settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 705479 By Umid Niayesh - Trend: Iran has called for urgent end of armed clashes in the recent Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . Iran's Minister of ICT Mahmoud Vaezi, who is co-chairman of Iran-Azerbaijan joint economic commission, made the remarks in 94 705536 to use all its capacities to remove the tension and establish ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan and settling of the conflict within the framework of bilateral and international negotiations, Vaezi said. He further said that the continuation of the clashes would 94 705581 region. Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif earlier expressed readiness to act as a mediator between Yerevan and Baku. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 705745 regional developments at a meeting in Iran's northern city of Ramsar. Speaking of the recent developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , Zarif called for truce, voicing Iran's readiness to act as a mediator between Yerevan and Baku to resolve the existing 94 705807 region," ILNA quoted Zarif as saying. He further pointed to his phone conversation with Armenian counterpart, Edward Nalbandian, regarding Karabakh conflict and called for establishing peace in the region. On the night of April 2, 2016, all the frontier positions of 94 705872 attack, which led to liberation of several strategic heights and settlements. The situation on the contact line remains tense. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 706082 and peace in the region, he added that proper talks were held on fighting terrorism and also on the Karabakh conflict . Zarif also said that Azerbaijan will host the next round of trilateral talks. Previous meetings of the three countries' foreign 94 706289 Armenian soldiers, 12 tanks, 12 armored vehicles and 15 artillery guns have been destroyed from April 2 until today. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 706433 minister's participation in the trilateral meeting has not been canceled," ministry's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, adding that the escalation of conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh will be on agenda of talks. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 94 706444 spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, adding that the escalation of conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh will be on agenda of talks. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 706977 that 355 Turkish servicemen were killed during these operations, which will continue until the complete destruction of the PKK. The conflict between Turkey and the PKK, which demands the creation of an independent Kurdish state, has continued for over 25 years 94 707091 further added that Turkey is closely following the current events on the contact line of Azerbaijani and Armenian troops. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 707576 find a need to flee so a multi pronged approach is needed, which includes stepped up efforts to end the conflict in Syria. Speaking about deportation of illegal migrants to Turkey the expert said that recent allegations by international human rights 94 711385 developments in Libya, where he stressed on the importance of having a unified international vision in resolving the country's civil conflict , adding that military action was not enough and stressing the need for a political settlement. He also said that NATO 94 712470 parliament to endorse the unity government. The German diplomat, appointed last year to spearhead international efforts to resolve the Libya conflict , posted photographs of himself descending from a UN turboprop plane and then meeting with officials including Sarraj. He was later 94 714253 was closed without criminal charges and the judge, Army Col. James Pohl, ultimately decided that it did not create a conflict of interest that required Harrington to step down. Pohl had directed a special review team of Justice Department lawyers to 94 714282 Pohl had directed a special review team of Justice Department lawyers to look into the FBI investigation and any potential conflict . He also told them to notify him of any new investigations. That may have happened Friday, when the judge received 94 714378 FBI investigation in April 2014 stalled proceedings in the case for 18 months. Though the judge ruled there was no conflict , Harrington said he is still receiving court-ordered information into what he called a "gross violation of the attorney-client 94 724634 and Financial Crime, Corruption and Environmental Crime. Radicalization and the willingness of young Europeans to join terrorist organizations fighting in conflict areas has become one of the most pressing challenges for EU security in recent years and especially following the recent 94 745569 maintains a base, but supplies both sides with weapons. Russian President Vladimir Putin did not take a side in the conflict between the two ex-Soviet countries, instead urging an "immediate ceasefire" over the weekend. Below is an outline of Russian 94 745712 in 1994, but its reputation as peacemaker has been eroded by its seizure of Crimea and role in a bloody conflict in east Ukraine, said Alexander Malashenko of Carnegie Moscow Center. Story continues The Kremlin would have the most to lose 94 745769 partner in the region if it comes to Armenia's aid. "Russia is at a dead end," he said. A protracted conflict would "reinforce Turkey's influence in Azerbaijan," which may also reverberate in Russia's volatile North Caucasus region, Russia's independent daily Vedomosti 94 752397 parliament to endorse the unity government. The German diplomat, appointed last year to spearhead international efforts to resolve the Libya conflict , posted photographs of himself descending from a UN turboprop plane and then meeting with officials including Sarraj. He was later 94 755231 and devotion to duty".Her award will bring the total number of PDSA Dickin Medals awarded to animals in military conflict to 67. Since its introduction it has been awarded to 31 dogs, including Lucca, 32 World War Two messenger pigeons 94 777858 is a message of kindness and hope. By India Today Web Desk: It has been five years since the Syrian conflict started and the situation has only worsened. Millions of civilians of the country are displaced and have been taking asylum 94 783210 culture, terming it a relevant forum. The petitioner had said he exhibition/promotion of Indian films in Pakistan is in conflict with articles 2, 28, 31 and 37 of the Constitution. Therefore, the court should put a permanent ban on the 94 783417 culture, terming it a relevant forum. The petitioner had said the exhibition/promotion of Indian films in Pakistan is in conflict with articles 2, 28, 31 and 37 of the Constitution. Therefore, the court should put a permanent ban on their 94 788092 the main challenges for Mehbooba. At a time when the PDP is struggling to keep its ranks intact due internal conflict within the party, Mehbooba Mufti has her task cut out. advertisement Tackling rebellions has thrown fresh challenges at Mehbooba as 94 789253 from a consumer-electronics company to a technology solutions company. --- ENDS --- This is the latest indication of a deepening economic conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia as the former works to regain market share lost during the era of economic sanctions 94 789418 possible level. The Iranian-Saudi discord over this issue presumably has its roots in the longstanding and much more general conflict between the two leading Middle Eastern powers. Consequently, the deteriorating prospects for economic cooperation may point the way to similarly 94 789778 non-ISIL combatants in the Syrian Civil War, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps is scaling back its presence in the conflict , thereby putting pressure on the Assad regime to decrease his dependence on foreign patrons. But the AP emphasizes that a 94 796178 each. From each site we had the view of the terrain as the soldiers would have had during the bloody conflict . We read aloud the words of President Lincolns Gettysburg Address and they yielded stronger meaning than when we had read 94 810237 A fragile "cessation of hostilities" truce has held in Syria for over a month as the various parties to the conflict try to negotiate an end to Syria's civil war. But the truce excludes Islamic State and the al Qaeda-affiliated 94 818150 Gunnlaugsson resign over reported offshore financial dealings by him and his wife that opposition lawmakers say amount to a major conflict of interest with his job. Germany ministers proposes a national transparency register Germanys justice minister is proposing setting up a 94 826805 of the Cayman Islands. Grayson said all his investors were "friends and family, later describing it as only family. But conflict of interest questions remain given Graysons position as a lawmaker. Background on the case here. Grayson, a hard-charging liberal 94 838168 that is humane and thoughtful, even as we're also working together to try to bring an end to the Syrian conflict . We had an excellent conversation about Afghanistan, in which NATO obviously has been an extraordinary partner with the United States 94 838240 their own country and, hopefully, being able to arrive at some sort of political settlement that would end decades of conflict and violence there. And we are grateful for the sacrifices that NATO countries have made -- their men and women fought 94 839869 after the financial crisis in 2008, Gunnlaugsson is faced with allegations from opponents that he has hidden a major financial conflict of interest from voters ever since he was elected a parliament member seven years ago. The prime minister's office said 94 850136 injured.A fragile "cessation of hostilities" truce has held in Syria for over a month as the various parties to the conflict try to negotiate an end to Syria's civil war.But the truce excludes Islamic State and the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra 94 855340 presidents separately by telephone. On a visit to a hospital to meet wounded soldiers Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev said the conflict could still be resolved peacefully if Armenia's leadership "behaves sincerely at the negotiating table". The "Minsk Group" of the US 94 855527 Story continues Russia's foreign ministry also said that the top diplomats from Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan will focus on the conflict when they meet for planned talks in Baku on Thursday, RIA Novosti reported. - Changing the frontline - On the ground, an 94 855688 ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan told AFP. Azerbaijan's ambassador to the United States, Elin Suleymanov, told AFP Armenia had provoked the conflict to overshadow Baku's successful diplomacy. Last week Aliyev received a warm welcome to Washington at President Barack Obama's Nuclear Security 94 855829 killed. - Regional fears - Both sides accused each other of starting the latest outbreak which has sparked concern of a wider conflict that could drag in Russia and Turkey. While Moscow has sold arms to both sides, it has a military alliance 94 857481 migration will grow worse in rich and poor nations without greater global cooperation to tackle the causes of poverty and conflict , leaders of an international forum on peace building said on Tuesday. The Swedish co-chair of the International Dialogue on 94 857507 on peace building said on Tuesday. The Swedish co-chair of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS) said conflict and violent extremism - such as the attacks in Paris and Brussels - coupled with rising migration had changed the global landscape 94 857550 International Development Cooperation Isabella Lovin called for all nations to speed and scale up efforts to tackle the causes of conflict and meet global goals agreed last year to end poverty and inequality by 2030. Studies show the number of conflicts 94 857601 now on the rise and 2014 was the most lethal year since the end of the Cold War, she said. Conflict , poverty and climate change have forced 60 million people from their homes - the highest level since World War Two - with 94 857645 billion people living in fragile states. Lovin called for a "coalition of the willing" to commit to supporting fragile and conflict -hit states, saying failure to tackle root causes of conflict and poverty would exacerbate world volatility and increase the risk 94 857655 coalition of the willing" to commit to supporting fragile and conflict-hit states, saying failure to tackle root causes of conflict and poverty would exacerbate world volatility and increase the risk of violence. "This is maybe the opportunity to see the 94 857927 more relevant role. Launched in 2008, its mission is to find ways through political dialogue to support countries move from conflict to peace and resilience. The IDPS includes more than 40 countries, nine multilateral organizations including the World Bank and the 94 862313 a minefield in the Croatian town of Lovas in October 1991 -- one of the first crimes of the long, bloody conflict . In its judgement made on March 24 but only released Tuesday after being redacted, the court said reports from UN 94 901426 completed in Nigerias North-East geopolitical zone have revealed the quantum of damage and the requirements to address the post- conflict recovery. For instance, while the extent of damage was put at about $9bn, the assessment revealed that over $6bn would 94 922688 than 200 injured as a result of the violence escalation. "This [escalation] threatens with the outbreak of a very big conflict in the Caucasus region that's why the leaders, first of all of Azerbaijan, should understand it," Nikolay Bordyuzha said. He 94 922720 of Azerbaijan, should understand it," Nikolay Bordyuzha said. He added that the CSTO was participating in the settlement of the conflict by political means. Mikael Johansson, who initiated the Soldiers of Odin patrols in Sweden and currently is the group's spokesman 94 935710 than to start a new fight. Today the key word is cooperation. History has demonstrated that dialogue and cooperation, not conflict , are able to overcome misundertandings and reduce distances. Europe must not to be afraid of China. Fear is a bad 94 941634 U.S. imports of oil and petroleum products came from Russia. Gas prices have been rising for weeks due to the conflict and in anticipation of potential sanctions on the Russian energy sector. The U.S. national average for a gallon of gasoline 94 946604 are a relative of a good worker. The family connection may now be a deterrent as employers must consider potential conflict of interest issues within the facility. Gone are the interviews with one person within the facility who understood if your 94 947540 the night of April 4. Pakistan, Belarus and Georgia have openly expressed readiness to support the fair settlement of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, said Ali Ahmadov, deputy prime minister, deputy chairman and executive secretary of the ruling New Azerbaijan 94 947600 no longer want to tolerate the injustice against Azerbaijan. "That, in turn, shows that Azerbaijan is not alone in this conflict ," added Ahmadov. "All this is the result of the successful foreign policy pursued by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and the 94 947820 On Apr. 4, Azerbaijani armed forces destroyed three tanks and eliminated around 30 servicemen of the Armenian armed forces. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 948172 On Apr. 4, Azerbaijani armed forces destroyed three tanks and eliminated around 30 servicemen of the Armenian armed forces. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 948323 side also lost seven tanks. The Armenian Defense Ministry in its turn reported the death of seven volunteers in the conflict zone as a result of strikes of Azerbaijani Armed Forces' drone, according to RIA Novosti. Earlier, Defense Ministry reported the 94 948514 On Apr. 4, Azerbaijani armed forces destroyed three tanks and eliminated around 30 servicemen of the Armenian armed forces. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 948629 Iran has expressed readiness to act as a mediator between Yerevan and Baku in the recent Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran is ready to play role in the peaceful settling of the 94 948650 Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran is ready to play role in the peaceful settling of the conflict , in case if the involved parties are interested, Iran's Fars news agency reported April 5. He made the remarks in 94 948764 clashes between the sides. He further called for return of peace to the region and peaceful settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict . The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a 94 948766 the sides. He further called for return of peace to the region and peaceful settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 949671 videos on alleged losses of the Azerbaijani side. Azerbaijans Defense Ministry announced that Armenians used the photos taken in the conflict zone in Ukraines Donbas as the evidence of the mass murder of the Azerbaijani Special Forces. Moreover, Ministrys Spokesperson Vagif 94 949974 Being in a deadlocked situation due to its aggressive and non-constructive position in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , Armenia reports about the destruction of five tanks and three drones of Azerbaijani in the conflict zone. Azerbaijan' Defense Ministry 94 949990 of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Armenia reports about the destruction of five tanks and three drones of Azerbaijani in the conflict zone. Azerbaijan' Defense Ministry has immediately answered the reports and informed that these reports are regular misinformation spread by the 94 951181 The international community, meaning the OSCE Minsk Group, seeks to facilitate a just and lasting settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ," Bryza told Trend by phone. The expert said that two decades ago, the international community passed four United Nations Security 94 951257 helped the parties negotiate a set of basic principles that define the framework for a settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ," Bryza said. "These basic principles derive from three core concepts of the Helsinki Final Act, namely, the territorial integrity of 94 951292 Act, namely, the territorial integrity of states, self-determination of peoples, and non-use of force," the expert added. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 952230 of the Armenians` provocation, their targeting civilians and houses. For over two decades, Azerbaijan and Armenia have been locked in conflict which emerged over Armenia's territorial claims against its South Caucasus neighbor. Since a war in the early 1990s, Armenian armed 94 952287 the entire period of its existence, the OSCE Minsk Group, which acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict , failed to move forward in resolving the long lasting conflict, although the interested parties had pinned great hopes on it 94 952297 which acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict, failed to move forward in resolving the long lasting conflict , although the interested parties had pinned great hopes on it. The situation on the frontline aggravated on April 2 after 94 952489 exacerbating the situation and trying to divert attention from the main issues that form the basis of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict settlement, as well as to maintain the status quo, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said. He made the remarks Apr 94 952528 remarks Apr. 5 at a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif in Iran's northern city of Ramsar. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 952809 format were held in Urmia (Iran) and Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan). OSCE Minsk Group has urged the parties of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to cease using force immediately. "We, the representatives of the OSCE Minsk Group countries (Russian Federation, the United States of 94 952897 to all affected families. We urge the sides to cease using force immediately. There is no military solution to the conflict ," said the statement. The deterioration of the situation on the ground demonstrates the need for an immediate negotiation, under the 94 952974 efforts and welcome their plans to undertake direct consultations with the sides as soon as possible," said the statement. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 953426 this, Azerbaijan will reclaim its lands in its own way, and it will." Escalation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is largely due to inactivity of the international community, Georgian expert Gia Khukhashvili told Trend Apr. 5. "What is happening 94 953582 Apr. 5 at 12:00 (UTC/GMT + 4 hours) with the consent of the sides, said Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 953724 remain in such a position," Khukhashvili said. "The international community must intensify its efforts for the peaceful resolution of the conflict ," he said, adding that it is like a time bomb for the region. He went on to add that Azerbaijan's 94 953873 be with Azerbaijan for many reasons. It is clear that there cannot be a status quo in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict any more, Amanda Paul, analyst at the European Policy Centre (EPC), told Trend in email Apr. 5. Something needs to 94 953950 added Paul. The expert also said the situation is very serious in the zone of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . "This is the worst outbreak of fighting since the ceasefire came into force in 1994," Paul said. She believes there 94 953978 since the ceasefire came into force in 1994," Paul said. She believes there is a very real risk that the conflict will escalate further still, as Armenia battles to take the positions that Azerbaijan has retaken and Baku pushes back against 94 954121 work together. Other regional players which have some influence - Turkey and Iran - may also take on a role." "If the conflict explodes the price will be paid by the entire region, hence a unified approach is important," she added. Paul noted 94 954156 is important," she added. Paul noted that so far the Russians "have been the most-active in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ." "While Russia uses the conflict for its own purposes, which is not helpful in terms of helping to bring about 94 954161 noted that so far the Russians "have been the most-active in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict." "While Russia uses the conflict for its own purposes, which is not helpful in terms of helping to bring about a solution or shoring up 94 954210 do not want a fully blown war in the region," Paul added. "Rather Russia has been more comfortable with simmering conflict situations, which allow Moscow to project its power and influence in the region." Paul believes there can be little doubt 94 954315 continued objection against this." "What is very clear is that the current system of a tiny OSCE mission visiting the conflict area now and then and only after giving prior warning - even requesting permission from Azerbaijan and Armenia - is totally ineffective 94 954345 warning - even requesting permission from Azerbaijan and Armenia - is totally ineffective," said Paul. The analyst said that unfortunately the renewed conflict seems to have left the EU paralyzed, unable to go beyond words of concern, which are simply not adequate for 94 954449 the sidelines continuing to hide behind the OSCE fig leaf," she noted. "However, the OSCE has become more of a conflict manager than a resolver, and its role and influence has weakened over the years as the peace process has become 94 954546 Armenians," she added. Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Asia-Pacific Affairs Ebrahim Rahimpour has called for resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through negotiations. In an exclusive interview with Trend on Apr. 5, Rahimpour emphasized the need for a peaceful settlement of 94 954621 for a truce in Nagorno-Karabakh, Rahimpour said that Iran backs restoring calm to the region within international law. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 970871 work for the revocation of draconian laws like AFSPA and PSA because she has closely followed the effects of Kashmir conflict . There should be an end to nonstop killings of unarmed people, a Journalist, Bilal Bhat said. Echoing similar sentiments, Ghulam 94 1017891 Ethiopian state. Nevertheless, this issue remains a focus of constant tension in Egyptian-Ethiopian ties, in addition to the historic conflict over Nile water management. April 4, 2016 Tensions between regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran are not new, but recent 94 1020153 potential threat and not somebody who needs assistance? Jordan has accepted 638,000 Syrian refugees since the beginning of the 2011 conflict , according to the United Nations. An international aid worker noted that the United States has the biggest leverage over the 94 1020222 limited given that President Barack Obama's administration has absorbed only 2,647 Syrian refugees during the first five years of the conflict , according to a thorough New York Times investigation. The Hashemite Kingdom has accepted approximately 200 times more Syrian refugees than 94 1020581 were dismissed by the movements leader Mahmoud Abbas, because they refused its policies, as well as other active leaders. The conflict within the movement started to fully surface after former leader Mohammed Dahlan was dismissed from Fatahs Central Committee on corruption 94 1022240 foreign decision-making. It does not want to be a dependent state or to be involved in a Gulf-Iranian conflict ," he said. "[Iraq] prefers to not interfere in other Arab countries affairs. He added, Despite the factors that have pushed 94 1024903 ends, have proven convenient for PKK militants to hide, escape police raids and organize. At the height of the Kurdish conflict in the 1990s, many impoverished people from villages emptied or burned down by the army settled in Sur, which offered 94 1027209 not reflect a change in the Obama administrations policy of supporting a peaceful, sustainable and mutually agreed solution to the conflict . "This program will address the legitimate needs of the people of the Western Sahara, Frifield wrote in a Dec. 23 94 1027668 United States excluded the Western Sahara. This sort of program is very welcome once we find a solution to the conflict . But this is not the right moment, Said told Al-Monitor in a phone interview. Its not a good idea 94 1040354 Armenia cease the illegal occupation of Azerbaijan's territories, withdraw its troops from all seized lands and engage constructively in the conflict settlement process in the spirit and language of the adopted resolutions and norms and principles of international law. by Armenia 94 1040455 the de facto annexation irreversible. This proves that Yerevan is not genuinely interested in seeking political settlement of the armed conflict . Azerbaijan has repeatedly brought to the attention of the international community that the illegal presence of Armenian armed forces in 94 1040567 the use of force by Armenia against Azerbaijan and the occupation of the Azerbaijani territories. The fundamental basis for the conflict settlement is outlined in the United Nations Security Council resolutions 822 (1993), 853 (1993), 874 (1993) and 884 (1993) and 94 1040692 military occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan is not tolerable. The sooner Armenia reconciles with this reality, the sooner the conflict will be resolved and the countries and peoples in the region will benefit from the prospects of cooperation and economic 94 1040750 Armenia cease the illegal occupation of Azerbaijans territories, withdraw its troops from all seized lands and engage constructively in the conflict settlement process in the spirit and language of the adopted resolutions and norms and principles of international law. Vugar Seidov 94 1041192 and Armenia said they were halting hostilities after four days of intense fighting between them that had prompted warnings the conflict could spiral into all-out war. In a statement on the ceasefire, Azerbaijans defence ministry said: On April 5 at 94 1041355 Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh has been in dispute since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. WATCH: What triggered the conflict ? Separatists backed by Yerevan announced allegiance to Armenia and then declared an independent republic, a move that has not been 94 1041723 one must commit treachery against the state and the nation behind our backs. Erdogan also vowed to stamp out the conflict in Turkeys mainly Kurdish southeast, at its deadliest in two decades, once and for all. PKK tensions continue Two members 94 1041773 in the southeast on Monday, officials said. The autonomy-seeking PKK abandoned its two-year ceasefire in July, reigniting a conflict that has claimed more than 40,000 lives, mainly Kurdish, since 1984. The violence wrecked a peace process, spearheaded by Erdogan 94 1045278 the US-backed opposition more than it did ISIL. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the conflict through a network of activists on the ground, said in March that Russian air strikes had killed at least 5,081 94 1046505 northern Iraq and seperately killed 24 PKK fighters in southeastern Turkey. More than 40,000 people have been killed in the conflict since the PKK launched its insurgency in 1984. The PKK, which says it is fighting for Kurdish autonomy, is designated 94 1046990 past seven years. She said that if she were to win the post, a top priority would be dealing with conflict caused by civil wars and violent extremists. She said she thought she could bring a modernising touch to the organisation 94 1056058 former senior counsel and special adviser at the CFPB who now runs his own law firm. "There is an inherent conflict between the statute that created the CFPB, which allows its director to removed only "for cause," and Article II of 94 1073595 minister, a former head of the youth chapter of employers' lobby Confindustria, resigned after widespread calls for her resignation over conflict of interest. Potenza prosecutors on Monday travelled to Rome to quiz Reforms and Relations with Parliament Minister Maria Elena Boschi 94 1076784 the Gulf monarchies for the movements alleged interference in Yemen and Iraq. Meanwhile, a new front has opened in the conflict between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, over a satirical cartoon published last week by the Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat, likening 94 1084144 Gadimova It seems that Armenia, whose aggressive policy against its neighbor resulted in emergence of the long-lasting Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , has finally recognized that it can no more resist the just stance of Azerbaijan. Serzh Sargsyan, the head of the 94 1084193 remark on April 4 saying that Yerevan is ready for compromises in the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . This statement can be regarded a step backwards of the invaders in their occupation policy. However, should we believe the 94 1084232 believe the statement? Armenia is the very country that resorts to provocations every time when the peace talks on the conflict resolution is close to breakthrough. Armenia is the country which invaded its neighbors historical territories and pursued the policy of 94 1085490 The U.S., being a member of the OSCE Minsk Group mediating to find a peaceful solution to the Nagorno- Karabakh conflict , encouraged Armenia and Azerbaijan to immediately restore ceasefire. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden stressed the importance of resolving the situation 94 1085641 into an immediate negotiation under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs on a comprehensive settlement of the conflict . Kerry believes that there is no military solution to the conflict. As a co-chair country, the United States is 94 1085652 Group Co-Chairs on a comprehensive settlement of the conflict. Kerry believes that there is no military solution to the conflict . As a co-chair country, the United States is firmly committed to working with the sides to reach a lasting 94 1086193 of the Armenians` provocation, their targeting civilians and houses. For over two decades, Azerbaijan and Armenia have been locked in conflict which emerged over Armenia's territorial claims against its South Caucasus neighbor. Since a war in the early 1990s, Armenian armed 94 1086250 the entire period of its existence, the OSCE Minsk Group, which acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict , failed to move forward in resolving the long lasting conflict, although the interested parties had pinned great hopes on it 94 1086260 which acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict, failed to move forward in resolving the long lasting conflict , although the interested parties had pinned great hopes on it. The situation on the frontline aggravated on April 2 after 94 1087591 of Georgia, France and Lithuania, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry's press service told Trend April 4. Mammadyarov, informing about events in the conflict zone, said that the Armenian units took target the population closely residing in frontline areas and civilian objects. He also 94 1087711 stress and achieve progress, Armenian troops should be withdrawn from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, and also said that the conflict can be resolved only on the basis of the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. On the night 94 1087885 On Apr. 4, Azerbaijani armed forces destroyed three tanks and eliminated around 30 servicemen of the Armenian armed forces. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1088013 Iran has expressed readiness to act as a mediator between Yerevan and Baku in the recent Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran is ready to play role in the peaceful settling of the 94 1088034 Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran is ready to play role in the peaceful settling of the conflict , in case if the involved parties are interested, Iran's Fars news agency reported April 5. He made the remarks in 94 1088148 clashes between the sides. He further called for return of peace to the region and peaceful settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict . The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a 94 1088150 the sides. He further called for return of peace to the region and peaceful settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1088854 has good relations with the US, Russia and France, and can urge them to bring Armenia to negotiations on the conflict . The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a 94 1088856 relations with the US, Russia and France, and can urge them to bring Armenia to negotiations on the conflict. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1089487 solidarity with the fair position of Azerbaijan, the statement. For over two decades, Azerbaijan and Armenia have been locked in conflict which emerged over Armenia's territorial claims against its South Caucasus neighbor. Since a war in the early 1990s, Armenian armed 94 1089544 the entire period of its existence, the OSCE Minsk Group, which acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict , failed to move forward in resolving the long lasting conflict, although the interested parties had pinned great hopes on it 94 1089554 which acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict, failed to move forward in resolving the long lasting conflict , although the interested parties had pinned great hopes on it. The situation on the frontline aggravated on April 2 after 94 1089808 Vice President Joe Biden," he said. The fact that the US is trying to give high level attention to the conflict and the fact that both presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia visited Washington DC and had high level meetings with the 94 1089845 level meetings with the vice president is a sign that Azerbaijan's neighbor to the north continues to want the frozen conflict to remain frozen, said the expert. He added that it is also a sign that instead of a frozen conflict 94 1089865 conflict to remain frozen, said the expert. He added that it is also a sign that instead of a frozen conflict , Karabakh, like Eastern Ukraine, has fallen victim to becoming a "bleeding conflict" designed to remind Armenia and Azerbaijan that the 94 1089877 also a sign that instead of a frozen conflict, Karabakh, like Eastern Ukraine, has fallen victim to becoming a "bleeding conflict " designed to remind Armenia and Azerbaijan that the conflict cannot involve the western powers like the US in a peaceful 94 1089886 Karabakh, like Eastern Ukraine, has fallen victim to becoming a "bleeding conflict" designed to remind Armenia and Azerbaijan that the conflict cannot involve the western powers like the US in a peaceful resolution. "Russia cannot be an independent peace negotiator while 94 1089914 US in a peaceful resolution. "Russia cannot be an independent peace negotiator while it is arming both sides of the conflict - by this I mean selling arms to both Azerbaijan and Armenia; it is creating the conditions for conflict between the 94 1089932 of the conflict - by this I mean selling arms to both Azerbaijan and Armenia; it is creating the conditions for conflict between the two countries which is not helping the peace process," added Howard. The expert noted that this conflict cannot 94 1089951 for conflict between the two countries which is not helping the peace process," added Howard. The expert noted that this conflict cannot be resolved unless the US takes the hands-on approach to the conflict. It is not helpful when the 94 1089965 Howard. The expert noted that this conflict cannot be resolved unless the US takes the hands-on approach to the conflict . It is not helpful when the US's chief negotiator for Karabakh, James Warlick attends events sponsored by the so called 94 1090022 the Bush Administration, said Howard. This reflects how far the US has gone from being a neutral negotiator in the conflict , he added. It demonstrates the lack of attention by the US Secretary of State John Kerry to find a peaceful 94 1090046 demonstrates the lack of attention by the US Secretary of State John Kerry to find a peaceful solution to the conflict , according to the expert. "This, in my opinion, set the stage for the events last weekend in Karabakh," noted Howard 94 1090068 to the expert. "This, in my opinion, set the stage for the events last weekend in Karabakh," noted Howard. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1090808 State of Georgia expressed gratitude to the Azerbaijani side for the provision of information on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and noted that after the issue's careful consideration, as well as learning about the strategic partnership between the US and 94 1091012 Assembly of America (AAA) stand behind this kind of provocations, which are sharply against the US's official position on the conflict , according to the message. It should be noted that by efforts of these organizations two more resolutions were presented at 94 1091087 particular the head of the Azerbaijan Center in Houston city Irada Akhundova, both resolutions were withdrawn by their authors. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1091251 further added that Turkey is closely following the current events on the contact line of Azerbaijani and Armenian troops. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1091420 regional developments at a meeting in Iran's northern city of Ramsar. Speaking about the recent developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , Zarif called for truce, voicing Iran's readiness to act as a mediator between Yerevan and Baku to resolve the existing 94 1091482 region," ILNA quoted Zarif as saying. He further pointed to his phone conversation with Armenian counterpart, Edward Nalbandian, regarding Karabakh conflict and called for establishing peace in the region. On the night of April 2, 2016, all the frontier positions of 94 1091547 attack, which led to liberation of several strategic heights and settlements. The situation on the contact line remains tense. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1091642 districts. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 5 April 2016 15:48 (UTC+04:00) Azerbaijan's position in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , which requires that the situation be corrected, especially given the UN resolutions in connection with this, is logical and fair 94 1091719 when Armenia was stronger," said Markov, adding that since then, the allocation of forces has changed significantly. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is in a unique state in comparison with other local conflicts, he said. "Firstly, there are no peacekeepers in the 94 1091763 so the outbreak of hostilities may occur at any time," Markov said. "Secondly, we see the frozen talks on the conflict ," said Markov adding that first of all, the OSCE Minsk Group is responsible for this freezing of talks. "There is 94 1091987 pro-Azerbaijani and neutral positions have been reflected in the Russian media, Azerbaijan's position has not been fully presented. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1092568 process, he said, adding that now Azerbaijan made a conclusion that the international law is no longer valid in this conflict . In this case, Azerbaijan has demonstrated its strength. Until today, we have demonstrated commitment to the principles of international law 94 1092747 ranks of the Armed Forces, he said. The MP noted that the international organizations have already realized that the frozen conflict does not mean peace and the conflict can flare up with renewed vigor at any time, leading to very serious 94 1092754 The MP noted that the international organizations have already realized that the frozen conflict does not mean peace and the conflict can flare up with renewed vigor at any time, leading to very serious consequences. The international organizations once again saw 94 1092789 The international organizations once again saw that due to ineffective activity of the OSCE Minsk Group, the settlement of this conflict is deliberately delayed. Armenia believed that a new generation in Azerbaijan would forget about Nagorno-Karabakh and other occupied lands 94 1093352 infrastructure of Azerbaijan's frontier regions. 5 April 2016 16:01 (UTC+04:00) Iranian experts believe that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should be resolved with respect to the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. "Conflict in essence does not benefit any side, therefore 94 1093364 00) Iranian experts believe that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should be resolved with respect to the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. " Conflict in essence does not benefit any side, therefore, the issue should be resolved within the framework of the territorial integrity 94 1093630 provide for the repatriation of the refugees and meet the satisfaction of all the residents of the occupied area. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1093785 The international community, meaning the OSCE Minsk Group, seeks to facilitate a just and lasting settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ," Bryza told Trend by phone. The expert said that two decades ago, the international community passed four United Nations Security 94 1093861 helped the parties negotiate a set of basic principles that define the framework for a settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ," Bryza said. "These basic principles derive from three core concepts of the Helsinki Final Act, namely, the territorial integrity of 94 1093896 Act, namely, the territorial integrity of states, self-determination of peoples, and non-use of force," the expert added. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1094298 Nagorno-Karabakh region has demanded an immediate reaction from the OSCE Minsk Group, which has not managed to resolve the conflict over the entire period of its existence. The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs have decided to hold a meeting in 94 1094332 have decided to hold a meeting in Vienna on April 5 following the news on escalation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict . The co-chairs, after the Vienna talks, urged the parties to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to stop the use of 94 1094347 escalation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. The co-chairs, after the Vienna talks, urged the parties to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to stop the use of force immediately. We strongly condemn the outbreak of unprecedented violence along the line of contact 94 1094401 cease using force immediately, the statement read, once again emphasizing that the co-chairs see no military solution to the conflict . The member states believe that the deterioration of the situation demonstrates the need for an immediate negotiation under the auspices 94 1094517 MG co-chairs have not made any new statement that could play a decisive role in the settlement of the conflict . The OSCE Minsk Group acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict, proceeding talks based on the renewed 94 1094531 role in the settlement of the conflict. The OSCE Minsk Group acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict , proceeding talks based on the renewed Madrid principles. The statements promising a sincere contribution to the peaceful resolution of the 94 1094552 proceeding talks based on the renewed Madrid principles. The statements promising a sincere contribution to the peaceful resolution of the conflict have become frequent, but declarative in essence. The very attitude, unfortunately, ruined confidence in success of the mediators representing the 94 1094601 subjected to criticism many times and Azerbaijans ministers have numerously stated the government's dissatisfaction with the work for pushing the conflict from the dead point. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has also blamed the "inability" of an international mediation group to find 94 1094629 Erdogan has also blamed the "inability" of an international mediation group to find a peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict for recent deadly clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia. "If the Minsk Group had taken fair and decisive steps over this 94 1094679 Erdogan said commenting on the clashes. The Minsk Group could not arrange for a meaningful pathway forward to end the conflict and start moving toward the end of the occupation. Armenia and Azerbaijan fought a lengthy war that ended with the 94 1094784 April 2016 20:22 (UTC+04:00) Pakistan expects Armenia to refrain from violating ceasefire and resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by implementing the UN Security Council resolutions on the issue, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry said in a message on April 5 94 1094856 in civilian and military casualties," said the message. "Pakistan will continue to promote a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ." The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a 94 1094858 and military casualties," said the message. "Pakistan will continue to promote a peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict." The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1095126 website on April 5. During the phone talks, the sides discussed in details the latest developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. Expressing serious concern over the large-scale armed clashes, which have led to numerous casualties, Putin called on the 94 1095220 with the assistance of the OSCE Minsk Group to find the ways for a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . The presidents agreed to continue contacts in different formats. For over two decades, Azerbaijan and Armenia have been locked in 94 1095241 The presidents agreed to continue contacts in different formats. For over two decades, Azerbaijan and Armenia have been locked in conflict which emerged over Armenia's territorial claims against its South Caucasus neighbor. Since a war in the early 1990s, Armenian armed 94 1095298 the entire period of its existence, the OSCE Minsk Group, which acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict , failed to move forward in resolving the long lasting conflict, although the interested parties had pinned great hopes on it 94 1095308 which acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict, failed to move forward in resolving the long lasting conflict , although the interested parties had pinned great hopes on it. The situation on the frontline aggravated on April 2 after 94 1095627 withdrawn from all occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Mammadyarov added that serious political process should start in the settlement of the conflict . For over two decades, Azerbaijan and Armenia have been locked in conflict which emerged over Armenia's territorial claims against its 94 1095639 process should start in the settlement of the conflict. For over two decades, Azerbaijan and Armenia have been locked in conflict which emerged over Armenia's territorial claims against its South Caucasus neighbor. Since a war in the early 1990s, Armenian armed 94 1095696 the entire period of its existence, the OSCE Minsk Group, which acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict , failed to move forward in resolving the long lasting conflict, although the interested parties had pinned great hopes on it 94 1095706 which acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict, failed to move forward in resolving the long lasting conflict , although the interested parties had pinned great hopes on it. The situation on the frontline aggravated on April 2 after 94 1096416 and Russia once again emphasized the successful development of bilateral relations between the two countries in all the areas. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of 94 1139772 civilians under further stress. The BP report said the number of IDPs [Indigenous Displaced Persons] as a result of armed conflict reportedly increased up to 662,000 in 2015, due to 70,000 fleeing war. A national ceasefire agreement that ends all fighting 94 1192975 the island nation where the linguistic divide first led to militancy by Tamils, eventually leading to three decades of armed conflict that claimed thousands of lives. The new party was formerly known as the Pathmanabha-Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF 94 1193169 to end their agony." The party also urged India and Sri Lanka to find a speedy solution to the recurring conflict between the fishermen of the two countries. It called for an impartial investigation into human rights violations during the final 94 1193273 died along with fighters on both sides. The new party demanded "a permanent and durable political solution" to the ethnic conflict in the form of a federal formation. It urged Colombo to engage with the almost one million Sri Lankans who 94 1205890 regional and intra-regional trade remains a key impediment to not only economic development and social progress but also explains conflict within the region. These cannot be corrected immediately. All this will take time, but the direction should be positive. Trade 94 1214419 their own country and, hopefully, being able to arrive at some sort of political settlement that would end decades of conflict and violence there," Obama said. "We are grateful for the sacrifices that NATO countries have made -- their men and women 94 1215573 of some 200,000 people. Despite adopting a peace and reconciliation charter in 2005 aimed at turning the page on the conflict , armed groups remain active in the centre and east of Algeria. Hitting out at Congress president Sonia Gandhi for "asking 94 1216765 presidents separately by telephone. On a visit to a hospital to meet wounded soldiers, Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev said the conflict could still be resolved peacefully if Armenia's leadership "behaves sincerely at the negotiating table". The so-called Minsk Group of 94 1216903 coming days. Russia's foreign ministry also said that the top diplomats from Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan will focus on the conflict when they meet for planned talks in Baku on Wednesday, RIA Novosti reported. On the ground, an AFP photographer in 94 1217078 killed in the past two days of fighting against separatists in Nagorno-Karabakh. Fighting in what had been a dormant conflict erupted over the weekend with each side blaming the other for the escalation and using heavy weaponry. The outbreak of 94 1217141 control of local ethnic Armenian forces and the Armenian military. Armenian forces also occupy several areas outside Karabakh proper. The conflict is fueled by long-simmering tensions between Christian Armenians and mostly Muslim Azeris. Armenia, although supporting the separatists, insists that 94 1226046 mutilated and showing signs of torture. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today suggested that supporters of Kurdish rebels locked in conflict with government troops should be stripped of their Turkish citizenship. "To prevent them from doing harm we must take all 94 1235144 include another prosecutor and three security officers, the Italian agency ANSA said. An Egyptian security official said there was a conflict between the security and judicial agencies on who would lead the team and what to present to the Italians. The 94 1243542 main demand on internal borders. "Forcing acceptance of a flawed Constitution could end the political transition and trigger unmanageable new conflict ," the report prepared by the Brussels-based NGO warned. "If implementation begins before these issues are addressed, the mainstream parties 94 1251214 culture, terming it a relevant forum. The petitioner had said the exhibition/promotion of Indian films in Pakistan is in conflict with articles 2, 28, 31 and 37 of the Constitution. Therefore, the court should put a permanent ban on their 94 1261307 high alert due to a series of attacks blamed both on IS and Kurdish militants amid the resumption of a conflict with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The attack in Istanbul came less than a week after a car bomb exploded 94 1263655 employment. Essentially, by having these smaller weapons, the threshold for their use is lowered and the risk that a conventional conflict between India and Pakistan, could escalate to include the use of nuclear weapons," he said. Earnest said the goal of 94 1286609 by human rights activists over civilian deaths. Airstrikes account for 60 per cent of the 3,200 civilians killed in the conflict , according to the United Nations, which has criticized coalition strikes that have hit markets, clinics and hospitals. Yet arms deals 94 1311016 The deal was agreed on March 18 in a summit between Turkish and European leaders to regulate migration flow from conflict and poverty areas to Europe via Turkey. The goal is to stop or at least reduce irregular migrants who arrived 94 1311844 came after Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said that Armenia is ready for compromises in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . Earlier the Azerbaijani media reported that Armenian armed forces on Monday shelled and destroyed the mosque in Agdam, killing one 94 1311918 12 Azerbaijani soldiers have been killed in the fighting while the Armenian side confirmed that 18 soldiers died in the conflict . Armenia and Azerbaijan have been locked in a bitter dispute over the mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The conflict between 94 1311937 the conflict. Armenia and Azerbaijan have been locked in a bitter dispute over the mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh first broke out in 1988, when the region claimed independence from Azerbaijan to 94 1329282 and security relations. The essence of Sino-US diplomatic and military standoff over the South China Sea issue is the conflict between the goals of a rising China committed to protecting its sovereign rights to security and development and the US 94 1332835 both Israel and Palestine, a trip that experts said will boost cooperation and help attract more global attention to the conflict and tension there. Liu arrived in Israel as part of a three-stop visit that began on Friday and ends 94 1332965 a balance between the two countries. The situation there has drastically worsened since the second half of last year, with conflict increasing amid frequent suicide attacks. The visits by the vice-premier also will show that China pays close attention to 94 1332996 premier also will show that China pays close attention to the plight of the people living in the shadow of conflict and "its unchanged commitment and efforts in pushing forward the peace process", Li said. Yin Gang, a senior research fellow 94 1337558 about the recent deteriorating situation on the ground, Liu stressed that peace talk is the only way to resolve the conflict . She called on Israelis and Palestinians to rebuild trust and strive for an early resumption of peace talks. Extending heartfelt 94 1357755 on an alliance with Moscow and, despite a recent spurt in economic growth, remains poor. Analysts warn a still-unresolved conflict with neighbouring Azerbaijan over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh could flare up again into violence. Stalled efforts to reach 94 1362516 added that the film's focus on religious liberty is an important issue that has placed the "radicalised" Democratic Party in conflict . "It is unfortunate to see the modern Democratic Party has gotten so extreme, so radicalised that religious liberty is now 94 1362539 unfortunate to see the modern Democratic Party has gotten so extreme, so radicalised that religious liberty is now viewed in conflict with the partisan political agenda of the Democratic Party," he said. "Every one of us has the right to live 94 1387682 activists. Should what they say be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as other actors in the Israel-Palestinian conflict , or not? SHARE By Ted Evanoff of The Commercial Appeal Pinnacle Financial Partners Inc. said $1 million was placed in 94 1401498 US military authorities that the actions of the soldiers and pilots involved were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own Rules of Engagement. The radio transmission audio catches the line of ruthless weaponry when voices of the 94 1406151 to change, but only recently. With the refugees (mostlyfamilies escaping from battles and from the extreme hardship caused by the conflict ), came a substantial number of jihadi cadres - fighters from the ISIS, Al Nusrah and other pro-Saudi and pro-Turkish 94 1407892 under federal or state laws," Bryant said. "It does not attempt to challenge federal laws, even those which are in conflict with the Mississippi Constitution, as the Legislature recognizes the prominence of federal law in such limited circumstances." Other states have 94 1415468 strain of Islam that Himes described as xenophobic and medieval. Lebanon is more up-to-date, but is consumed by conflict in neighboring states, particularly Syria. In addition, Lebanon hosts 1.6 million refugees in a nation about the same size as 94 1444755 in the bush, often separated from their families in South Sudan, the world's youngest nation which is now riven with conflict For nearly two years there was nothing but then thanks to the UK-based charitys meticulous work, a match was 94 1455244 of the First World War. Like the fictional character of the same name, Dr Blackadders father, John, served in that conflict . A lawyer by profession, he was a staff officer for three years, rising to lieutenant junior to Edmund Blackadders rank 94 1459369 Dame's morals and identity as a Catholic university, the resolution states. 'Mr Cosby's association with these behaviors is in direct conflict with the University's stance, as stated in du Lac [the student handbook], that "sexual assault is inconsistent with the University's 94 1480741 the Wellington Barracks, with the medal the highest award any animal in the world can achieve while serving in military conflict . Lucca is now the first Marine Corps dog to receive the esteemed honor. Gunnery Sergeant Willingham, said: 'Lucca is very 94 1480990 67th animal to be honoured with the Dickin medal, which is awarded to those who show exceptional service in military conflict . It was named after the founder of the PDSA Maria Dickin, and it acknowledges outstanding acts of bravery or devotion 94 1502675 a company in the British Virgin Islands with the help of a Panamanian law firm. He is accused of a conflict of interest for failing to disclose his involvement in the company, which held interests in failed Icelandic banks that his 94 1508680 than usual and included a special operation to 'decapitate' the North Korean leadership in the event of a full-scale conflict . Pyongyang took that as a direct threat to leader Kim Jong-Un, and the Korean People's Army (KPA) recently issued 94 1521570 of 35 members in Raqqa at the weekend, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the Syrian conflict through a network of sources on the ground. The members were killed in connection with the assassination of senior Islamic 94 1560192 parliament to endorse the unity government. The German diplomat, appointed last year to spearhead international efforts to resolve the Libya conflict , posted photographs of himself descending from a UN turboprop plane and then meeting with officials including Sarraj. He was later 94 1562667 cultural and language rights. Jailed PKK founder Abdullah Ocalan called a truce in March 2013, but tensions over the Syrian conflict kickstarted the violence last year. Turkish forces launched an all-out offensive to eradicate the rebels from urban centres with 94 1562726 had been killed in fighting as well as over 5,000 PKK members -- although this could not be independently verified. The conflict has also struck the heart of the country, with two attacks that killed dozens in the capital Ankara claimed by 94 1575657 criticized by human rights activists over civilian deaths. Airstrikes account for 60 percent of the 3,200 civilians killed in the conflict , according to the United Nations, which has criticized coalition strikes that have hit markets, clinics and hospitals. Yet arms deals 94 1577421 criticized by human rights activists over civilian deaths. Airstrikes account for 60 percent of the 3,200 civilians killed in the conflict , according to the United Nations, which has criticized coalition strikes that hit markets, clinics and hospitals. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed 94 1580512 Jessica Kershaw defended the administration policy that allows for continued land use and development "where it makes sense and doesn't conflict with high priority areas of the bird's habitat. " Italy warns Egypt it expects truth about death of student ROME (AP 94 1581019 quoted el-Sissi as telling a visiting delegation from NATO's parliamentary assembly. An Egyptian security official said there was a conflict between the security and judicial agencies on who would lead the team and what to present to the Italians. The 94 1582883 called Wintris in the British Virgin Islands with the help of the Panamanian law firm. Gunnlaugsson is accused of a conflict of interest for failing to disclose his involvement in the company, which held interests in failed Icelandic banks that his 94 1583575 resign after documents leaked in a media investigation allegedly link him to an offshore company that could represent a serious conflict of interest, according to information leaked from a Panamanian law firm at the center of an international tax evasion scheme 94 1588399 parliament building. The prime minister and his wife have been linked to an offshore company that may represent a severe conflict of interest with his official role. A wide array of opposition groups are planning protests Tuesday evening seeking new elections 94 1595720 sniffed out explosives and protected thousands of troops has been honored with a prize for animals serving bravely in military conflict . Lucca, a 12-year-old German Shepherd, won the Dickin Medal, the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross, a decoration 94 1595939 UK's leading veterinary charity, PDSA, with the highest award any animal in the world can achieve while serving in military conflict . (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) Her owner, Gunnery Sergeant Christopher Willingham of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, was by her side Tuesday in London 94 1596096 UK's leading veterinary charity, PDSA, with the highest award any animal in the world can achieve while serving in military conflict . (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) Heroic US Marine dog Lucca after receiving the PDSA Dickin Medal, awarded for animal bravery, equivalent 94 1596223 UK's leading veterinary charity, PDSA, with the highest award any animal in the world can achieve while serving in military conflict . (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) Heroic US Marine dog Lucca after receiving the PDSA Dickin Medal, awarded for animal bravery, equivalent 94 1596350 UK's leading veterinary charity, PDSA, with the highest award any animal in the world can achieve while serving in military conflict . (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) Heroic US Marine dog Lucca rests for photographers after receiving the PDSA Dickin Medal, awarded for 94 1596480 UK's leading veterinary charity, PDSA, with the highest award any animal in the world can achieve while serving in military conflict . (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) The Latest: Court hears appeal from convicted serial killer COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) The Latest on the 94 1602559 the brigade has an unprecedented mandate to launch offensive military operations against rebel groups to help end Congo's long-running conflict by neutralizing and disarming the fighters. However, since the allegations surfaced, the unit has been confined to its base camp 94 1607058 cautious Obama administration. McCain drew a parallel between the campaign against the Islamic State and the war in Vietnam, a conflict he served in as a Navy pilot. He was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for more than five 94 1613266 creating room for radical positions. "Forcing acceptance of a flawed constitution could end the political transition and trigger unmanageable new conflict ," the ICG, an independent non-governmental organisation, said. Information and Communication Minister Sherdhan Rai was critical of the report, which 94 1615861 the YPG, which gained territory from the group further east. The YPG and rebels are however locked in their own conflict , notably near the city of Aleppo. Turkey, a major sponsor of groups fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad, has 94 1618733 on Tuesday, getting a first-hand look at the front line of Europe's migrant crisis and thousands of refugees fleeing conflict . The Holy Synod, the ruling body of the Greek Orthodox Church, said in a statement it wanted the pontiff to 94 1618850 official said. The Greek Church said the pope had expressed a wish to make a visit to draw attention to conflict in the wider Mediterranean area "which has a detrimental effect on Christian communities, but also to highlight the humanitarian problem 94 1618925 no definitive decision had been made about the timing or venue of the trip. Hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing conflict have crossed into Greece by sea from Turkey in the past year, triggering the biggest humanitarian crisis in generations. Alarmed 94 1621855 brazen tax avoidance by the world's super-rich, but also sponsoring international war crimes and manmade disasters in the most conflict -ridden parts of the world. In the above explainer video, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) underlines how law 94 1649541 type is very valuable to have in a hypercompetitive industry. Retailers who go with PayPal wont have to fear any conflict of interest now and in the foreseeable future, Scherer said. Thats the biggest hurdle for Amazon to clear. Amazons huge 94 1655230 on January 24. The Church representatives called for substantial action to be taken at the talks to end the armed conflict and achieve peace. "To achieve this peace, we are committed to working hand-in-hand with Muslim sisters and brothers 94 1655358 family has an urgent ecumenical and humanitarian responsibility to civilians who continue to suffer the greatest impact of the ongoing conflict in Syria. "The number of displaced people is staggering: from 500,000 Syrian refugees in January 2013 to the 2.3 million 94 1656484 to the sacked chairman. Graham Cregeen was removed from his position last week after being accused of being in "fundamental conflict " with the policy of the board. He says he's not the only one who thinks there will be a problem 94 1668231 problems, such as shrinking forests, disappearing lakes and rivers, empty seas, and overgrazed pastures, together with their aftermath of poverty, conflict and hostilities." The study was published in the journal Ecological Applications. ### The results of an early-stage (phase 1b) clinical 94 1677866 and property from creditors and spouses, avoid paying taxes, and launder money is a crime. And it can be a conflict of interest and breach of their oath of office for national leaders and politicians to use anonymous offshore companies to 94 1678103 minister, Gunnlaugsson also had a hand in helping the banks settle their debts. No imagination is needed to see the conflict of interest. People Power Protesters Outside parliament in Icelands capital, Reykjavik, up to 10,000 protesters demanded Gunnlaugssons removal. It worked 94 1708452 U.S. citizens,' the press secretary said, adding that the United States continues to work with the international community to mitigate conflict in Somalia and to provide a safe and secure environment for the people of Somalia. Cook also confirmed the death 94 1742152 Development Cooperation Isabella Lovin called for all nations to speed up and scale up efforts to tackle the causes of conflict and achieve a global goal to end extreme poverty by 2030. Studies show the number of conflicts globally has been 94 1742202 37 but 2014 was the most lethal year since the end of the Cold War, according to the Sweden's Uppsala Conflict Data Program. That spike was largely due to Syria and Iraq, it said. Conflict, poverty and climate change have forced 94 1742216 War, according to the Sweden's Uppsala Conflict Data Program. That spike was largely due to Syria and Iraq, it said. Conflict , poverty and climate change have forced 60 million people from their homes - the highest level since World War II - with 94 1742261 people living in fragile states, defined as poor nations with weak state structure. Lovin said failing to tackle causes of conflict or extreme poverty would exacerbate world volatility and called for a renewed commitment to support fragile and conflict-hit states 94 1742279 causes of conflict or extreme poverty would exacerbate world volatility and called for a renewed commitment to support fragile and conflict -hit states. "Increasing refugee flows, violent extremism, a rise in wars and conflicts as well as climate-related disasters have 94 1742406 IDPS. Launched in 2008, its mission is to find ways through political dialogue to support countries to move away from conflict and fragility to become peaceful and resilient. The IDPS includes more than 40 countries, nine multilateral organisations including the World 94 1742516 security, justice, economic foundations, revenues and services. "It is now more important than ever to tackle the root causes of conflict , to fight against extreme poverty and to work on resilience," said Lovin. (Reporting by Belinda Goldsmith, Editing by Ellen Wulfhorst 94 1743299 for humanitarian resettlement. The United States has ruled out repatriating detainees to countries like Libya, which is locked in civil conflict and where militant Islamist groups are active. Both had been accused of links to al Qaeda and were suspected members 94 1744012 Armenian population that lies inside the territory of Azerbaijan. The violence was a re-awakening of a long-festering ethnic conflict between the mainly Muslim Azeris and their Christian Armenian neighbours. Envoys from Russia, France and the United States - who make 94 1744044 from Russia, France and the United States - who make up a body called the Minsk Group that mediates in the conflict - are planning to head to the region, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said in Paris. "We can see that 94 1744066 planning to head to the region, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said in Paris. "We can see that military conflict cannot be the solution," Ayrault told reporters after talks with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Russian President Vladimir Putin 94 1754528 percent of youths reported poverty as the main reason they were homeless, according to the report in JAMA Pediatrics. Family conflict and abuse were also among the most commonly reported reasons for living on the streets. The findings should make policymakers 94 1754660 older than 24. Thirty-nine percent of participants cited poverty as their reason for homelessness. About 32 percent reported family conflict as their reason for being on the streets, and about 26 percent cited abuse. When the researchers examined countries by 94 1754696 the researchers examined countries by economic status, poverty was the main reason for youth homelessness in developing countries and family conflict was the main reason in developed countries. While delinquency is often blamed for youth homelessness, only 10 percent of participants 94 1769156 and said he paid all taxes. Opponents argue his company, set up in the British Virgin Islands, represents a severe conflict of interest because it held investments in failed Icelandic banks that his government was responsible for overseeing. Agriculture Minister Sigurdur 94 1788844 extent the 30-year-old man was involved in the attack. Officials cannot yet shed light on what caused the conflict but according to police spokesperson Robert Scholten, The two have already clashed once. The 26-year-old Kosovar was known 94 1788912 for some time and then returned to Germany, going back again to the same shelter. As reported, there was a conflict involving several persons at the shelter and it escalated. The 26-year-old man is alleged to have pulled out 94 1789719 U.S. citizens," the press secretary said, adding that the United States continues to work with the international community to mitigate conflict in Somalia and to provide a safe and secure environment for the people of Somalia. DoD's assessment of al-Shabab 94 1791193 Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Karabakh region killed at least 30 in one of the bloodiest days in the smouldering conflict since a 1994 ceasefire in the region. Dehqan stressed importance of solving the conflict through peaceful solutions. He also urged 94 1791207 the bloodiest days in the smouldering conflict since a 1994 ceasefire in the region. Dehqan stressed importance of solving the conflict through peaceful solutions. He also urged Baku and Yerevan to exercise self-restraint. Tehran will spare no efforts to help 94 1791248 ease the tension, Dehqan stressed. Touching upon the escalation of tensions between Baku and Yerevan over Karabakh region and military conflict in their border lines on Sunday that led to exchange of fire and killing of a number of Azeri and 94 1791291 Dehqan has made separate phone calls with his counterparts in both countries urging them to make a halt to the conflict and solve the crisis through dialogue. Meanwhile, the Iranian minister had made separate phone calls on Sunday to his Azeri 94 1791320 Iranian minister had made separate phone calls on Sunday to his Azeri and Armenian counterparts calling them to stop military conflict as soon as possible and exercise self-restraint. On April 3, Azerbaijan has declared a unilateral ceasefire with Armenia in 94 1792840 D.C. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Azerbaijan appeals to international community on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict People's Daily Online (Xinhua) 09:38, April 04, 2016 BAKU, April 3 -- Azerbaijan has appealed to the international community to 94 1792896 said in a statement on Sunday. Azerbaijan has also urged the international community to engage constructively in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement process in accordance with the requirements of relevant resolutions of the UNSC and the norms and principles of international 94 1793115 12 Azerbaijani soldiers have been killed in the fighting while the Armenian side confirmed that 18 soldiers died in the conflict . Armenia and Azerbaijan have been locked in a bitter dispute over the mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The conflict between 94 1793134 the conflict. Armenia and Azerbaijan have been locked in a bitter dispute over the mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh first broke out in 1988, when the region claimed independence from Azerbaijan to 94 1793208 the Karabakh area. The clashes obviously escalated last month. On Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin urged the parties in the conflict to "observe an immediate ceasefire and exercise restraint in order to prevent further casualties," according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov 94 1797238 and other associated equipment were intercepted on February 27 and March 20, respectively. Yemen has been engulfed in a military conflict between the government of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and Shiite Houthi rebels, who have been backed by army units loyal 94 1797429 a result, some 170 [Armenian] servicemen have been killed, and 12 armored vehicles destroyed," ministry's spokesman Vagif Dyargahly said. The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh began in 1988, when the Armenian-dominated autonomous region sought to secede from the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist 94 1797465 from the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, before proclaiming independence after the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991. In September 2015, the conflict escalated, with the sides blaming each other for violating the truce. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter 94 1798239 Affairs (OCHA), at least 33 people were killed and more than 200 injured as a result of violence escalation. The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh began in 1988, when the Armenian-dominated autonomous region sought to secede from the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist 94 1798285 the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991. The rival sides agreed on cessation of hostilities in 1994. In September 2015, the conflict escalated, with the sides blaming each other for violating the truce. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter 94 1798457 service quoted him as saying. He said that Armenia was ready to compromise on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict . "Speaking of a so-called new unilateral ceasefire is futile since the 1994 agreement signed by Azerbaijan on the ceasefire 94 1798538 Karabakh region. The sides accused each other of violating the ceasefire agreement which had been in place since 1994. The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh began in 1988, when the Armenian-dominated autonomous region sought to secede from the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist 94 1798574 from the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, before proclaiming independence after the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991. In September 2015, the conflict escalated, with the sides blaming each other for breaching the truce. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter 94 1799919 their own country and hopefully being able to arrive at some sort of political settlement that will end decades of conflict and violence there," Obama said. Afghanistan will be one of the focal points of the July NATO summit in Warsaw 94 1799964 expect to be able to follow through on the pledges we made to continue to support the Afghan people." Ukraine conflict Monday's talks also centered on the Ukrainian conflict. President Obama said the United States stands by its commitment to NATO 94 1799972 the pledges we made to continue to support the Afghan people." Ukraine conflict Monday's talks also centered on the Ukrainian conflict . President Obama said the United States stands by its commitment to NATO allies. "We continue to be united in supporting 94 1800056 NATO allies that "Article 5 means something," while working with Russia to try to find a resolution to the Ukrainian conflict and "reduce tensions and the dangers of potential escalation." On the 67th anniversary of the creation of NATO, the American 94 1801082 their own country and, hopefully, being able to arrive at some sort of political settlement that would end decades of conflict and violence there," the president said. Russia's continued aggression on NATO's eastern flank also was a topic. Russia must stop 94 1801586 increasingly strident international calls for restraint between forces loyal to regional archenemies Azerbaijan and Armenia, which have been locked in conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh since the waning years of the Soviet Union. A spokesman for the Armenian-backed Nagorno-Karabakh separatist 94 1801725 and involved tanks, helicopters, and artillery. In a statement, representatives of the so-called Minsk Group of mediators in the conflict -- France, Russia, and the United States -- urged the sides to stop fighting, saying there is no military solution to the 94 1801746 France, Russia, and the United States -- urged the sides to stop fighting, saying there is no military solution to the conflict . They also called for "an immediate negotiation" on a comprehensive settlement. "The negotiations have brought no results, but we are 94 1801874 statement said. Moscow "will continue making all necessary intermediary steps to normalize the situation in connection with the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict ," it added. Earlier in Paris, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said the co-chairs of the Minsk Group would 94 1801926 bid to resolve the crisis. The announcement came with representatives of the so-called Minsk Group of mediators in the conflict -- France, Russia, and the United States -- expected to meet in Vienna on April 5 for crisis talks. Ayrault was speaking 94 1802571 05, 2016 by Charles Recknagel This week's Nagorno-Karabakh crisis might strike most people as nothing more than another minor conflict in a remote, faraway place. But the role of the Caucasus in the global energy trade and the potential for 94 1802647 oil and gas from Azerbaijan westward through the Caucasus, and both pass near the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. Any widening conflict could endanger both them and Europe's hopes of tapping the Caspian region to reduce its dependence upon Russian energy sources 94 1802674 hopes of tapping the Caspian region to reduce its dependence upon Russian energy sources. At the same time, any escalating conflict could draw in neighboring powers, thanks to Armenia's military pact with Russia and Azerbaijan's pact with Turkey. That could lead 94 1802881 why it hopes to see more such pipelines in the future. But those hopes are limited so long as the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh remains unsettled. "A potential conflagration over Nagorno Karabakh is quite likely to affect both of these pipelines 94 1802948 Turkey and, to a lesser extent, Europe and the global economy." He notes that, in the case of a sustained conflict , Azerbaijan would likely shut down the pipelines for safety reasons to avoid oil spills and gas leaks if they were 94 1803215 years could seriously open up the Caspian Sea generally for future supplies," says Tsakiris. But so long as there is conflict in the Caucasus, any new pipeline projects remain risky financial propositions. Military Pacts The other threat a growing Nagorno-Karabakh 94 1803236 in the Caucasus, any new pipeline projects remain risky financial propositions. Military Pacts The other threat a growing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict presents is the possibility of drawing in neighboring states. Azerbaijan and NATO member Turkey signed an Agreement on Strategic Partnership 94 1803325 last year in Azerbaijan's exclave of Naxcivan, along Armenia's southwestern border. That raised the possibility that, in any major military conflict , Yerevan could face a two-front war with Baku in which Turkey might intervene. Equally dangerous is the possibility that 94 1806111 Iraq says a total of 1,119 Iraqis were killed and another 1,561 wounded in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in March. According to the UN mission, the number of civilian fatalities stood at 575. Violence also claimed the lives 94 1807504 as high as 470,000. The United Nations (UN) has appointed several special envoys for Syria over the course of the conflict in the country. Italian-Swedish diplomat Staffan de Mistura is the latest person to serve in the post. Amid the 94 1810070 a ceasefire with Ankara in July 2015, about two years after it was clinched between both sides to end a conflict that has killed 40,000 people since 1984. Turkey has been involved in a large-scale campaign against the PKK since 94 1826653 detention remained above 70% of the prison population. This situation is particularly serious in the rehabilitation center for minors in conflict with the law (CERMICOL), with a rate of 90%, in the civil prison of women in Petion-ville, with 88 94 1853195 THIS ARTICLE ON Deputy commissioner (DC) Basant Garg constituted a seven-member special committee on Monday to resolve the ongoing conflict between private schools and parents of schoolchildren. Parents have been protesting against the alleged violation of rules in levying fee 94 1861035 step down because of reported offshore financial dealings by him and his wife that opposition lawmakers say show a massive conflict of interest with his job. Thousands of Icelanders protested outside parliament on Monday, demanding that Gunlaugsson resign, and a similar 94 1861206 a company in the British Virgin Islands with the help of a Panamanian law firm. Gunlaugsson is accused of a conflict of interest for failing to disclose his involvement in the company, which held interests in failed Icelandic banks that his 94 1861848 taking office. I believe I might be the first top official in Ukraine who treats declaring of assets, paying taxes, conflict of interest issues seriously, he tweeted. The law firm tasked with managing the sale of Roshen said the offshore firm 94 1861956 Roshen assets. (Efrem Lukatsky/AP Photo) Poroshenkos financial adviser, Makar Paseniuk, said the offshore firm was created to avoid a conflict of interests by allowing his assets to be controlled by third parties while he remained president. A senior official in 94 1864294 the last 20 years alone. Formerly known as the eastern lowland gorilla, these iconic primates are found only in the conflict -plagued Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). They are closely related to the mountain gorilla, G. beringei beringei, a native 94 1864674 and the ecosystems that sustain them," said Andrew J. Plumptre, lead author of the study. "The outcomes of regional armed conflict have global impact on our survival. The activity of armed militias controlling mining camps in the Grauer's gorilla heartland is 94 1869316 of illicit arms to the Houthis in Yemen. "These weapons only serve to exacerbate the situation there and prolong the conflict ," Stephens said. A U.S. Navy officer, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the interdiction missions, said 94 1903287 the government in the UK don't care whether I live or whether I die." Advertisement It is evident that the conflict in Afghanistan has escalated over the past year - fuelled by a myriad of factors, including the rise of Islamic State 94 1903625 to be at a high or extreme threat level from the Taliban and other insurgents. A huge number are fleeing conflict and insecurity. Whether it's safe for someone to return depends on their individual circumstances, but there really is not such 94 1911386 transformed the post-9/11 AUMF into what has now become, in effect, a writ of permanent and limitless armed conflict . In Iraq and Syria, for instance, what began as a limited but open-ended campaign of air strikes authorized by 94 1911923 their own country and, hopefully, being able to arrive at some sort of political settlement that would end decades of conflict and violence there. And we are grateful for the sacrifices that NATO countries have made -- their men and women fought 94 1931150 out. They are enthusiastic and unrepentant about insulting everyone not like them. And this is not good for business. This conflict for business keeps coming up in different battles. The fights we have seen in Indiana, North Carolina, and Georgia over 94 1940884 of January of this year only 2647 had made it out of an estimated 4.5 million created by the Syrian conflict . We do not know if they are all Muslims or not, but this number does not imply a flood. Maybe 94 1944146 respectively. This trilogy was inspired by Khazaal's upbringing in a refugee camp, and stories he had collected from trips to conflict zones. Khazaal also writes articles in the Huffington Post, mainly about refugees and world events. Arabian Business Magazine states that 94 1953712 the majority of the population of its rightful say. Neither side has demonstrated a willingness to compromise. Looming over this conflict is Thailand's revered but ailing King Bhumibol, who has played the role of peacemaker in the past, famously summoning the 94 1959232 War II has been defined by a firm belief in the virtue of international rule of law, multilateralism and peaceful conflict resolution. For a small state, with just over 5.5 million inhabitants, Denmark always considered strong international institutions in its own 94 1959341 Danish aid amounted to more than 1 percent of its GNP. Denmark also touted the importance of diplomacy and peaceful conflict resolution and generally preferred to send hospital ships and humanitarian aid rather than soldiers to conflict zones around the world 94 1959357 of diplomacy and peaceful conflict resolution and generally preferred to send hospital ships and humanitarian aid rather than soldiers to conflict zones around the world. And when Denmark adopted its famously liberal asylum and immigration act in 1983, it was repeatedly 94 1998544 is a scandal," she added. The repeated delays have also drawn criticism from the families of soldiers killed in the conflict . The Inquiry is not legally binding and cannot identify criminal failures on behalf of the British government. However, the Iraq 94 2000022 UK for allowing the sale of British-made arms to Saudi Arabia which have then been used in the Yemen conflict . United Nations officials have said Saudi air strikes could be targeting civilians at hospitals, markets, schools and even at weddings 94 2000069 violation of international law. Britain has been critcised for selling its arms which Saudi Arabia is using in the Yemen conflict (MOHAMMED HUWAIS/AFP/Getty Images) The Foreign Affairs committee criticised Middle East Minister Tobias Ellwood in particular for telling Parliament 94 2000392 like Palestine, to comply with a UN call to conduct credible investigations into war crimes committed during the 2014 Gaza conflict . Getty Images Human rights attacks around the world Kenya Extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances and discrimination against refugees in its counter 94 2000593 led in Yemen (pictured) while obstructing the establishment of a UN-led inquiry into violations by all sides in the conflict . Getty Images Human rights attacks around the world Syria Killing thousands of civilians in direct and indiscriminate attacks with barrel 94 2008526 in line with the joint communique of the Government and the United Nations on the prevention of and response to conflict -related sexual violence signed in December 2012. I further encourage the authorities to make the rapid response unit to combat 94 2008600 date and its collaboration with the United Nations, including through the visit of my Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict in March 2015. I encourage the authorities to implement Law 1719 and continue to prosecute cases of sexual violence committed 94 2008623 2015. I encourage the authorities to implement Law 1719 and continue to prosecute cases of sexual violence committed during the conflict to ensure that survivors receive justice and receive reparations. Conflict-related sexual violence should continue to be addressed in the 94 2008633 continue to prosecute cases of sexual violence committed during the conflict to ensure that survivors receive justice and receive reparations. Conflict -related sexual violence should continue to be addressed in the Havana peace talks, as well as in the resulting accords 94 2008713 of armed groups. I encourage the Government to scale up its protection measures and share its good practices with other conflict -affected countries Countries where sexual violence has become a way of life Congo Recommendation: I urge the Government of the 94 2008935 Decree No. 119 and Resolution 904 of 2014 to ensure redress for all victims, including those affected by the current conflict , through the establishment of multisectoral services and the adoption of legislation to categorically prohibit sexual violence Countries where sexual violence 94 2008980 of life Mali Recommendation: I urge the Government of Mali, with support from United Nations Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict , to develop a comprehensive national strategy to combat sexual and gender-based violence and to ensure the safety of humanitarian 94 2009018 safety of humanitarian workers so that services can reach remote areas. I further call on all parties to ensure that conflict -related sexual violence is addressed in the inter-Malian dialogue and that perpetrators of sexual violence do not benefit from 94 2009082 continue with its reform agenda and, in the process, take practical and timely actions to protect and support survivors of conflict -related sexual violence and to ensure that security personnel accused of such crimes are prosecuted. Sexual violence should be an 94 2009183 commitments made under the joint communique of 7 May 2013 and its national action plan to combat sexual violence in conflict , including specific plans for the army and the police. I encourage the adoption of a sexual offences bill as a 94 2009226 priority Countries where sexual violence has become a way of life South Sudan Recommendation: I urge the parties to the conflict in South Sudan to adopt action plans to implement the commitments made under their respective communiques. I call upon the 94 2009370 Darfur for more than a decade, I encourage the Government to engage with my Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict to develop a framework of cooperation to address the issue comprehensively Countries where sexual violence has become a way of 94 2009586 urge the relevant authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to harmonize legislation and policies so that the rights of survivors of conflict -related sexual violence to reparations are consistently recognized and to allocate a specific budget for this purpose. I further call 94 2009836 where sexual violence has become a way of life Nepal Recommendation: I encourage the Government to ensure that survivors of conflict -related sexual violence are recognized under the law as conflict victims, which will enable them to access services, judicial remedies 94 2009846 Recommendation: I encourage the Government to ensure that survivors of conflict-related sexual violence are recognized under the law as conflict victims, which will enable them to access services, judicial remedies and reparations. I further call on all parties involved in 94 2010053 Rehman, the chief of one of Pakistan's largest religious parties, the Jamiat-i-Ulema Islam, said the law was in conflict with both Islam and the constitution of Pakistan. This law makes a man insecure, he told journalists. This law is 94 2013401 that he has acted illegally by his involvement in the scheme. However, critics have suggested that it amounts to a conflict of interest. The documents suggest that while Mr Gunnlaugsson was overseeing negotiations with the creditors of Icelandic banks, his company 94 2014150 is the fact that, well, my wife has always paid her taxes. We've also seen that she has avoided any conflict of interest by investing in Icelandic companies at the same time that I'm in politics. "And finally, we've seen that 94 2017464 join, denouncing it as a conspiracy. Bombings targeting Shia areas, killing more than 500 people, spark fears of new sectarian conflict . Sunni Muslims stage protests across country against what they see as increasingly marginalisation by Shia-led government. AP Timeline: The 94 2019131 A fragile cessation of hostilities truce has held in Syria for over a month as the various parties to the conflict try to negotiate an end to the countrys five-year long civil war. But the truce excludes Isis, the al 94 2019333 a US diplomatic cable as the poster boy for corruption in the country. Worth an estimated $5bn before the Syrian conflict , his business empire included the countrys largest mobile phone network along with interests in banking, retail and duty free outlets 94 2019634 show that the British bank HSBC was reluctant to end its relationship with the businessman before the eruption of the conflict in Syria. An email from the Geneva office of Mossack Fonseca said that the bank was comfortable with having him 94 2052074 wild donkeys. The animals, originally abandoned by Greek farmers fleeing the Turkish invasion, act as an unlikely legacy of the conflict and a magnet for Instagramming road-trippers. On the remote Karpass Peninsula, over 2,000 donkeys boldly block roadways and pillage 94 2068789 before a new Icelandic law took effect that would have required him to declare the ownership of Wintris as a conflict of interest. Wintris lost money as a result of the 2008 financial crash that crippled Iceland, and is claiming a 94 2068838 from the three failed Icelandic banks: Landsbanki, Glitnir, and Kaupthing. Mr Gunnlaugsson stands accused by opposition leaders of a serious conflict of interest, because as prime minister he was involved in reaching a deal for the banks' claimants. He told the 94 2069511 taking office. "I believe I might be the first top official in Ukraine who treats declaring of assets, paying taxes, conflict of interest issues seriously," he tweeted. Iceland's prime minister is also facing calls for his resignation after documents linked him 94 2119046 Syrian people whose loved ones and compatriots have fallen victim to similar attacks over the past five years of the conflict in Syria. Indeed, as perhaps many in Europe dont realise, it is this same violence that has been driving and 94 2119166 fleeing the initial explosion. It was a tactic that is all too familiar to those with any knowledge of the conflict in Syria. There was a hospital in a town called Maarrat an-Numan in the Idleb countryside of northern Syria 94 2119413 not is simply unacceptable. Instead, not only has the EU failed to put forward any worthwhile solutions for ending the conflict in Syria, they have signed off on a deal that sees them abdicate their responsibilities for people who have been 94 2119644 are determined to bring terrorism to the streets of Europe. We need to focus all our energies on ending the conflict in Syria, not on solving whats happening in Greece, or on the Hungarian border. The parties to the conflict, or 94 2119663 the conflict in Syria, not on solving whats happening in Greece, or on the Hungarian border. The parties to the conflict , or most of them, are finally gathering around a peace table in Geneva, with the talks set to resume this 94 2157250 months later, the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. All that carnage came in the context of a morally unambiguous conflict often described as "the good war." But the hell that fell on Tokyo is a reminder that, while it is 94 2161711 U.S. citizens, the press secretary said, adding that the United States continues to work with the international community to mitigate conflict in Somalia and to provide a safe and secure environment for the people of Somalia. DoDs assessment of al-Shabab 94 2200472 militants and be used against Western targets. The rebels need intensified after last September, when Russian war planes entered the conflict and became instrumental in helping pro-government forces take back territory. Russia recently announced it was scaling back its air 94 2202676 said the work that the agency does increases the chances of survival for people as well as aid workers in conflict zones all over the world. Craig has been appointed as the Global Advocate for the Elimination of Mines and Explosive 94 2254577 be done to avoid war. If war happens, everything possible must be done to end the armed part of a conflict - such as Russia did in Syria by sponsoring a peace conference between the Syrian government and opposition. "NATO's aggressive stance 94 2263060 before a new Icelandic law took effect that would have required him to declare the ownership of Wintris as a conflict of interest. Wintris lost money as a result of the 2008 financial crash that crippled Iceland, and is claiming a 94 2263108 million) from the three failed Icelandic banks: Landsbanki, Glitnir, and Kaupthing. Gunnlaugsson stands accused by opposition leaders of a serious conflict of interest because as prime minister he was involved in reaching a deal for the banks' claimants. But he told 94 2293868 an investment and trade destination of choice. Jobs, growth, and poverty reduction are all instrumental in addressing the drivers of conflict and therefore key parts of the 'Golden Thread', a term that our Prime Minister coined, and which we have now 94 2300021 to treason. -Myjoyonline Rome, ACCRA, APRIL 5 - (dpa/GNA) - More and more people are at risk of hunger in the conflict -stricken African nation of South Sudan as civil war has crippled food production, two United Nations agencies reported Tuesday. South 94 2300082 have been killed and more than 2.3 million displaced, and a peace deal signed in August has not ended the conflict . The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) said the country had a cereal deficit of 94 2300186 a joint statement. According to the WFP's top official for South Sudan, the country "is facing a deadly blend of conflict , economic hardship and poor rains. Together, they are worsening a hunger gap that we fear will force more people to 94 2308238 for the UK's development partnership with Asia, Overseas Territories and Western Asia (including Eastern Europe), Middle East and North Africa Conflict , humanitarian, security, governance and anti-corruption Economic development (Private Sector, Trade and International Financial Institutions) Scotland engagement. He was appointed 94 2352607 former senior counsel and special adviser at the CFPB who now runs his own law firm. "There is an inherent conflict between the statute that created the CFPB, which allows its director to remove only 'for cause,' and Article II of 94 2355058 Supreme Court's decision last week not to review a mortgage-backed securities lawsuit renewed interest in a long-brewing legal conflict over the mandate of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. used the 1989 94 2383352 of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Minsk Group, to assist in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict , the ministry said in an online statement. They also condemned attempts of some "external players" to fuel up the confrontation 94 2385314 Shaw remembered the letter in his diary, now for sale from Fraser's Autographs. "We all know what happened in the conflict , but it is not something we really talk about," says a rep. "That is why this piece is so poignant 94 2414140 criticized by human rights activists over civilian deaths. Airstrikes account for 60 percent of the 3,200 civilians killed in the conflict , according to the United Nations, which has criticized coalition strikes that have hit markets, clinics and hospitals. Yet arms deals 94 2421476 northern half of the worlds top cocoa grower for nearly a decade and backed Mr. Ouattara during the 2011 postelection conflict . The investigators said they had documented the acquisition of relevant quantities of weapons and ammunition, estimated at 300 tons. Mr 94 2421522 Constitution would assume the presidency were Mr. Ouattara to die or become incapacitated, denied the accusations. The two-year-old conflict in eastern Ukraine has left about 1.5 million people hungry, including nearly 300,000 in need of immediate help, the World 94 2421560 help, the World Food Program, the main anti-hunger humanitarian agency of the United Nations, said on Monday. As the conflict continues, we need to reach these people urgently, the agencys representative in Ukraine, Giancarlo Stopponi, said in a statement. The 94 2421602 of hungry Ukrainians have multiplied since the agency first intervened late in 2014 to help feed people upended in the conflict , distributing emergency rations and cash. Ukraine was historically known as Europes breadbasket for its rich soil and agricultural output. As 94 2424832 logic of totalitarianism originated partly in the massive displacement of populations after World War I. The refugees created by that conflict were not only stateless but rightsless, regarded by the nations of Europe not as citizens in need of protection but 94 2426358 and the people of what was then called East Pakistan waged a war of independence against the Pakistani Army. The conflict culminated in the birth of a new nation, Bangladesh. The war, which lasted nine months, was a brutal one: Depending 94 2428605 For the most part, the 2016 campaign spectacle has benefited President Obama. The Democratic incumbent, no longer the center of conflict , has seen his approval ratings edge up toward 50 percent and beyond. The unruly Republican brawl flatters Mr. Obamas temperate 94 2431240 new law took effect that would have required him as a member of Parliament to declare his ownership as a conflict of interest. Mr. Gunnlaugsson had said that the leak contained no news, adding that he and his wife, Anna Sigurlaug 94 2431327 since 2013, Mr. Gunnlaugsson was involved in reaching a deal for the banks claimants, so he was accused of a conflict of interest. RIYADH, Saudi Arabia Islamist rebels in Syria shot down a government fighter jet and captured its pilot in 94 2434887 during the one-month run of the festival. Contact the writer: MOSCOW More than two decades after a conflict killed about 30,000 people and displaced 1 million others, tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh 94 2435077 with the status quo, energy-rich Azerbaijan, which has lost control of about one-seventh of its territory in the conflict , has been desperate to change the situation. Both countries blamed each other for the latest hostilities, but many observers believe 94 2435418 region, which has been a key conduit for energy resources from the Caspian Sea to the West. If the Karabakh conflict escalates, it could disrupt oil and gas shipments from the region. Amid the fighting, Karabakhs military command already has threatened 94 2439477 called Wintris in the British Virgin Islands with the help of the Panamanian law firm. Gunnlaugsson is accused of a conflict of interest for failing to disclose his involvement in the company, which held interests in failed Icelandic banks that his 94 2456611 employment. Essentially, by having these smaller weapons, the threshold for their use is lowered and the risk that a conventional conflict between India and Pakistan, could escalate to include the use of nuclear weapons," he said. Earnest said the goal of 94 2498794 to us but immediately referred to Attorney Generals Office for filing review and any appropriate prosecution, due to the obvious conflict , Hall said in a written statement. Mr. Degonia accepted responsibility at the earliest possible opportunity to quickly settle the matter