DocIndex Position Left Middle Right 90 1375 sovereignty and damages its security interests." Obama and Xi also discussed pressure on North Korea, which in January detonated a nuclear device and launched a long- range rocket a month later, prompting UN sanctions backed by bothBeijing and Washington. "Of great 90 1406 prompting UN sanctions backed by bothBeijing and Washington. "Of great importance to both of us is North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the security and stability of the region," said Obama. "President Xi and I are both committed to 90 1451 Korean peninsula and the full implementation of UN sanctions." "We are going to discuss how we can discourage actions like nuclear missile tests that escalate tensions and violate international obligations. Read Also: Trump Launches Outreach For House Support Trump Meets With 90 2229 passion that you cant live without! The passion that gives you sleepless nights! Read Also: Modi Arrives in U.S. for Nuclear Summit Modi Asks Belgian CEOs To Expand Ties With India Beyond Diamonds WASHINGTON: The White House announced Thursday that it 90 2473 its tattered economy. Read Also: Padma Shri Haldhar Nag: The barely-literate Indian Word-Smith! Modi Arrives in U.S. for Nuclear Summit STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- For richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, Alice Austen and her lifelong partner 90 14872 Hebrew, demonstrate Iran's real focus. Zarif denied the missile tests had breached UN Resolution 2231, which gives effect to the nuclear deal, in part because the resolution only bans the testing of missiles "designed to be capable not capable of carrying 90 14893 deal, in part because the resolution only bans the testing of missiles "designed to be capable not capable of carrying nuclear warheads." He argued that as Iran has no nuclear warheads and does not design missiles to carry what it doesn't 90 14902 testing of missiles "designed to be capable not capable of carrying nuclear warheads." He argued that as Iran has no nuclear warheads and does not design missiles to carry what it doesn't have, 2231 does not apply. This is pure misdirection 90 14941 pure misdirection. He is interpreting 2231 to bluntly assert that it permits Iran to test fire missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads until Iran actually has nuclear warheads. If so, not only is the nuclear deal even weaker than thought, 2231 90 14947 to bluntly assert that it permits Iran to test fire missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads until Iran actually has nuclear warheads. If so, not only is the nuclear deal even weaker than thought, 2231 actually strengthens Iran's ability to build 90 14955 test fire missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads until Iran actually has nuclear warheads. If so, not only is the nuclear deal even weaker than thought, 2231 actually strengthens Iran's ability to build nuclear weapons delivery systems, rather than restricting it 90 14968 warheads. If so, not only is the nuclear deal even weaker than thought, 2231 actually strengthens Iran's ability to build nuclear weapons delivery systems, rather than restricting it as intended by the drafters. Most immigrants experience a yearning for their homeland 90 20483 on guard against heightened suspicions that "madmen" in terrorist groups like the so-called Islamic State wanted to acquire a nuclear weapon or to devise their own 'dirty bombs'. Speaking on Friday at a nuclear security summit in Washington, Mr Obama 90 20497 Islamic State wanted to acquire a nuclear weapon or to devise their own 'dirty bombs'. Speaking on Friday at a nuclear security summit in Washington, Mr Obama warned of a persistent and evolving threat of nuclear terrorism "We cannot be complacent 90 20512 Speaking on Friday at a nuclear security summit in Washington, Mr Obama warned of a persistent and evolving threat of nuclear terrorism "We cannot be complacent," he told more than 50 national delegations. Acknowledging that al-Qaeda had long sought to 90 20534 We cannot be complacent," he told more than 50 national delegations. Acknowledging that al-Qaeda had long sought to acquire nuclear weapons and that there were suspicions that IS attackers in France and Belgium were similarly bent, Mr Obama said: "There 90 20568 were similarly bent, Mr Obama said: "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many innocent people as possible it would change 90 20571 Mr Obama said: "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many innocent people as possible it would change our world." Ankara 90 20716 of asylum, which Amnesty said in its report on Friday was clearly not the case. North Korea conducted a fourth nuclear test in January and launched a long-range rocket in February. The South Korean military said on Friday that North 90 20800 the supreme leadership of the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)" and conquering Pyongyang. Geneva: North Korea will pursue its nuclear and ballistic missile programme in defiance of the United States and its allies, a top Pyongyang envoy said on Friday 90 20861 we have to make the counter-measures also. So we have to develop, and we have to make more deterrence, nuclear deterrence," Mr So, who is also North Korea's envoy to the UN-sponsored Conference on Disarmament, said in an interview 90 20922 on April 1. Credit:Woohae Cho/Getty Images "Simultaneous policy is the policy of my country, and my party also, meaning nuclear production and economic development," he said, referring to the twin aims of the policy course of North Korean leader Kim 90 60867 by Jonathan Stempel in New York; Editing by Dan Grebler) Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s (TEPCO) tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is illuminated for decommissioning operation in the dusk in Okuma town, Fukushima prefecture, Japan, in this aerial view 90 60912 March 10, 2016, a day b By Aaron Sheldrick and Osamu Tsukimori TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's utilities are reserving capacity for nuclear power on their grids even though all but two of the nation's reactors remain closed with little prospect of many 90 60999 has the technological capacity to handle the surge in renewable supplies like solar, which have been added since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 led to the closure of Japan's reactors. Utilities argue renewable supplies are unreliable but experts say their 90 61025 the closure of Japan's reactors. Utilities argue renewable supplies are unreliable but experts say their transmission grids can accommodate both nuclear and increases in so-called green energy and both are needed to cut greenhouse emissions. Nuclear units, along with hydroelectric 90 61041 grids can accommodate both nuclear and increases in so-called green energy and both are needed to cut greenhouse emissions. Nuclear units, along with hydroelectric dams and geothermal generation, has the highest ranking on the grid under what is known as 90 61102 fluctuates throughout the day. Hydroelectric accounts for less than 10 percent of Japan's electricity supply and geothermal almost nothing, while nuclear contributed nearly a third before Fukushima but a tiny proportion now. Tokyo Electric Power <9501.T>, the operator of the 90 61126 third before Fukushima but a tiny proportion now. Tokyo Electric Power <9501.T>, the operator of the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, for example, is reserving grid capacity for its Fukushima Daini plant nearby. It sits close to the exclusion zone 90 61193 Fukushima Daini plant," said Tepco spokesman Kohji Sakakibara. Capacity is held in reserve for all of the utilities' power plants, nuclear or otherwise, in case needed in periods of high demand, the companies said. Utilities also argue that new capacity must 90 61332 also a former Director General of the Swedish Energy Agency. The earthquake and tsunami of 2011 ended plans to make nuclear account for 50 percent of electricity supply. Five years later, only two reactors out of 42 technically operable units are 90 112101 than 48 hours, but as more than 50 world leaders dropped in to the US capital on Thursday to discuss nuclear safety, more pressing issues stole the limelight. And their interlocking complexities allowed a real-time demonstration of diplomacy at work 90 112199 a climate change accord later this month and stressed that they understood each other on the need to confront the nuclear threat posed by North Korea. Hazard reduction burns will continue over the weekend in Namadgi National Park and Tidbinbilla Nature 90 137874 delegates on the second or third round of balloting. And if that fails, a group of Republicans are readying a nuclear option: running a third-party alternative in just a handful of critical swing states in order to block both Trump 90 146288 is 4.80 kWh / m2 / day, geothermal energy is 28 GW, wind is 3-6 m / s, with 3 GW for nuclear energy, and biofuel making up the rest of potentially available energy. The oil price today makes it impossible to rely 90 155435 Josh Lederman (The Jakarta Post) Washington Fri, April 1, 2016 Associated Press Dozens of world leaders assembling Friday for a nuclear security summit will confront a disparate array of modern-day threats, ranging from government actors like North Korea to murkier 90 155468 from government actors like North Korea to murkier groups like the Islamic State. Frustration over the slow pace of reducing nuclear stockpiles shadowed the final day of the summit, President Barack Obama's last major push on denuclearization. Though Obama planned to 90 155492 final day of the summit, President Barack Obama's last major push on denuclearization. Though Obama planned to tout the Iran nuclear deal as evidence of progress, the absence of key players especially Russia underscored the lack of unanimity still confronting global 90 155516 of progress, the absence of key players especially Russia underscored the lack of unanimity still confronting global efforts to deter nuclear attacks. After six years of prodding by Obama and others before him, the global stockpile of fissile material that could 90 155540 years of prodding by Obama and others before him, the global stockpile of fissile material that could be used in nuclear bombs remains in the thousands of metric tons. What's more, security officials warn that the radioactive ingredients for a "dirty 90 155579 a "dirty bomb" are alarmingly insecure in many parts of the globe. "We have not only great urgency around the nuclear issue, but eliminating generally the scourge of terrorism," Obama said during a meeting Thursday with French President Francois Hollande, as 90 155709 cobalt getting in the wrong hands have escalated sharply following deadly attacks by IS, raising the disturbing prospect of a nuclear attack on a Western city. In a twist on previous years, organizers scheduled a special session Friday to hone in 90 155751 the threat posed to major urban areas by extremist groups that the US has said are on the hunt for nuclear materials. The White House said Obama and the other leaders would discuss a hypothetical scenario about a chain of events 90 155776 said Obama and the other leaders would discuss a hypothetical scenario about a chain of events that could lead to nuclear terrorism. Yet Obama planned to start off on an optimistic note, reviewing progress toward implementing the Iran deal along with 90 155821 members that negotiated the agreement with the US The White House hoped that session would illustrate constructive ways to stop nuclear weapons from spreading to countries that shouldn't be trusted to possess them. Critics of the deal have blasted Obama for 90 155881 Despite Iran's worrisome ballistic missile work, the US has said Iran is meeting all its commitments to scale back its nuclear program under the deal. As the summit opened Thursday, leaders trained their focus on North Korea, whose continued provocations have 90 155953 and South Korea, he called for vigorous implementation of stepped-up UN sanctions. President Vladimir Putin of Russia, whose massive nuclear weapons stockpile is rivaled only by the US, refused to attend this year's summit. Moscow scoffed at what it deemed 90 155994 US efforts to control the process and take power away from international agencies. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistani, another nuclear -armed country, canceled his trip following a bombing that killed 72. Decades after the Cold War, the threat of a 90 156015 armed country, canceled his trip following a bombing that killed 72. Decades after the Cold War, the threat of a nuclear war between superpowers has faded, replaced in part by concerns about IS and al-Qaeda offshoots operating in North Africa 90 156086 authorities searching the apartment of two brothers linked to the attacks found video of a senior official at a Belgian nuclear waste facility. The brothers were part of the Islamic State cell that went on to strike Brussels on March 22 90 157267 turn out." Mr Lee is in the US for a week-long visit. On Friday, he will attend the 4th Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. Share this article Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Linkedin Annisa Ihsani (The Jakarta Post) Malta Fri, April 1 90 164616 What are the wider implications? Its hard to say. In the mass media era, the dominant social institution was the nuclear family: a fairly recent, primitive, often stifling institution (IMHO). Emotionally its almost indescribably intense. Its highly resistant to change in 90 172864 Cruz and losing to him. Kasich also has stepped up his criticism of Trump and recent comments about potentially using nuclear weapons and punishing women who receive abortions, saying the billionaire real estate mogul is unfit to be president. Hes also 90 177242 151] Therefore, the gabbai should remind everybody after Maariv.[152] U.S. commando units have been trained to seize and disable nuclear or radioactive bombs, providing a crucial last line of defense if terrorists get their hands on such weapons, according to 90 177319 General Raymond Thomas has told lawmakers. The Pentagon rarely discusses publicly its plans to use commandos if terrorists obtain a nuclear weapon or build a dirty bomb from radioactive material. While U.S. officials say theres no sign yet that Islamic State 90 177352 say theres no sign yet that Islamic State has such a capability, the prospect was on Fridays agenda for the Nuclear Security Summit of world leaders being hosted by President Barack Obama in Washington. Thomas described the role U.S. commandos might 90 184664 p.m. at Hampton Vaughan Funeral Home, 1917 Archer City Highway. Online condolences may be made at SHARE Our global nuclear nightmare is back in the news, Page 1 and prime time. And here's what is most frightening: America's leading experts 90 184707 Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar, the bipartisan partners who led the world's quarter-century battle to keep loose nukes and nuclear fuel out of terrorist hands and repeatedly warned us to do more or we'd someday regret it! have never looked 90 184742 someday regret it! have never looked more prophetic. This week, as the world's leaders convened in Washington for the final Nuclear Security Summit of Barack Obama's presidency, they spent days pouring over a literally terrifying choice of news articles and expert 90 184781 and expert reports: NEWSBREAK: The New York Times reported that "tons of materials that terrorists could use to make small nuclear devices or dirty bombs remain deeply vulnerable to theft" despite U.S.-led efforts to safeguard them. EXPERT REPORT: "Preventing Dirty 90 184812 U.S.-led efforts to safeguard them. EXPERT REPORT: "Preventing Dirty Bombs, Fighting Weapons of Mass Disruption." A report by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a group founded by Nunn and philanthropist Ted Turner in early 2001 to monitor security of the world's 90 184858 that the probability of terrorists exploding a dirty bomb with those materials was "much higher than that of an improvised nuclear device." (A dirty bomb is an ordinary explosive, packed with radioactive material that scatters when detonated and contaminates large areas 90 184888 with radioactive material that scatters when detonated and contaminates large areas.) NEWSBREAK: Many news organizations reported Belgian officials' fears their nuclear plants are vulnerable after terrorists attacked their airport and subway. Worse yet: For years, Belgians knew they had security lapses 90 184913 terrorists attacked their airport and subway. Worse yet: For years, Belgians knew they had security lapses; yet they guarded their nuclear plants only with private rent-a-cops until this year. In 2014, a saboteur turned a valve in Belgium's Doel 90 184934 plants only with private rent-a-cops until this year. In 2014, a saboteur turned a valve in Belgium's Doel nuclear plant, draining 65,000 liters of oil; the turbines overheated and shut down for five months. It gets worse: Two years 90 184991 State brigade alongside dozens from Belgium, including Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who led the Paris attacks. There were a number of other nuclear facility security lapses: This year, the computer system of the Belgian nuclear agency was hacked and had to briefly shut 90 185003 Paris attacks. There were a number of other nuclear facility security lapses: This year, the computer system of the Belgian nuclear agency was hacked and had to briefly shut down. In 2015, Belgians raided the apartment of a suspect tied to 90 185037 the apartment of a suspect tied to the Paris terrorists and discovered videos of a senior official of a Belgian nuclear facility. In 2013, at the Belgian research reactor in the city of Mol, two people climbed over facility's fence, broke 90 185080 lab and stole equipment. It was back in 1991 when Nunn, a Georgia Democrat, discovered the Soviet breakup meant Russia's nuclear arsenal could be poorly secured, he teamed up with Lugar, the Indiana Republican. Their Comprehensive Threat Reduction Act (best known 90 185130 Soviet nukes and other arsenals around the world so terrorists could not get them. When Nunn and Turner formed their Nuclear Threat Initiative, I called Nunn and said I wanted to write a book and work on a TV documentary about 90 185215 series (I was managing editor; someone named Walter Cronkite was the narrator) recounted global security tales, beginning with a Russian nuclear thief who got away with stealing nuclear material until he tried to sell it. It also detailed nuclear facility security 90 185222 Walter Cronkite was the narrator) recounted global security tales, beginning with a Russian nuclear thief who got away with stealing nuclear material until he tried to sell it. It also detailed nuclear facility security problems and how to fix them. I 90 185233 a Russian nuclear thief who got away with stealing nuclear material until he tried to sell it. It also detailed nuclear facility security problems and how to fix them. I never expected I'd be writing about identical security failures in 2016 90 185352 we have a problem: Nunn and Lugar have never been properly thanked by the world they helped rescue from potential nuclear catastrophe. But this October, at award time, the Nobel Peace Prize committee can finally make things right. CHRISTOPHER WALKER/TIMES 90 189783 has gotten him in trouble. He raised eyebrows during a debate when he appeared unfamiliar with the concept of the nuclear triad, an oversight his opponents happily pointed out. At a town hall on CNN earlier this week, Trump appeared to 90 197255 detect gravitational waves. The MoU was signed in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. Key facts The agreement was signed between the USs National Science Foundation (NSF) and Indias Department 90 203399 Washington, April 1 The United States, Republic of Korea and Japan have vowed to deter and defend against North Korean nuclear threats and stand united in fighting global terrorism and Islamic State. US President Barack Obama hosted a trilateral summit meeting 90 203438 summit meeting with South Korean President Park Geun-Hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC. Asserting that the three countries share common values and a common vision for the future 90 203467 three countries share common values and a common vision for the future of the Asia Pacific, President Obama highlighted Pyongyangs nuclear activity. Trilateral security cooperation is essential to maintaining peace and stability in north-east Asia. We are united in our 90 203782 gladly use nukes More cooperation is needed to prevent the Islamic State groups madmen and other extremists from getting a nuclear weapon, Barack Obama warned. The threat of terrorists of using nuclear material in a dirty bomb has loomed large over 90 203793 State groups madmen and other extremists from getting a nuclear weapon, Barack Obama warned. The threat of terrorists of using nuclear material in a dirty bomb has loomed large over the summit Trojan Day is held twice a year to allow 90 213232 Poroshenko and U.S. President Barack Obama have held a meeting in Washington, the Ukrainian presidents press service reports. During the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko held a meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama. The heads of states 90 216808 The high-level engagements between our two countries since May of 2014 include six at the leader-level including the Nuclear Security Summit this week and we could well see more before the end of the administration." India and China are 90 229989 made the request during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on the sidelines of a two-day nuclear security summit in Washington. "President Buhari sought and received an assurance from Mr. Kerry that the United States government will 90 230310 views those exercises as a rehearsal for invasion. Meanwhile, in Washington, U.S. President Barack Obama is presiding over an international nuclear summit where the U.S., South Korea, China and Japan have made North Korea's activities a focus of discussion. North Korea 90 230719 South Korean exercises, and in retaliation for tough new sanctions the U.N. imposed on North Korea after its most recent nuclear test. GPS jamming details The South Korean Defense Ministry said it has detected disruptive radio waves being transmitted from North 90 230819 world U.S. President Barack Obama, South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on Thursday to underscore their united commitment to exert increasing pressure on North Korea to abandon 90 230841 Summit in Washington on Thursday to underscore their united commitment to exert increasing pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear program. The tough new U.N. sanctions imposed in March are meant to cut funding to Pyongyangs nuclear arms program and 90 230858 to abandon its nuclear program. The tough new U.N. sanctions imposed in March are meant to cut funding to Pyongyangs nuclear arms program and to further isolate the Kim Jong Un leadership. Chinese President Xi Jinping, who met separately with Obama 90 230903 said North Korea should resolve this "predicament," as he called it, by returning to international talks and giving up its nuclear weapons in return for security assurances and economic assistance. The Kim Jong Un government has so far responded to all 90 230939 so far responded to all sides with defiance, launching numerous short and medium range missiles into the sea, ordering further nuclear tests, and threatening nuclear strikes against South Korea and the United States. Arduous march This week the Rodong Sinmun, the 90 230943 all sides with defiance, launching numerous short and medium range missiles into the sea, ordering further nuclear tests, and threatening nuclear strikes against South Korea and the United States. Arduous march This week the Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the 90 231288 more food aid to North Korea would undermine the sanctions by allowing the leadership to direct more funding to develop nuclear weapons. But there is also concern that the vast majority of North Koreans already living in poverty conditions will suffer 90 235576 Gulen, an opponent of Erdogan. U.S. President Barack Obama met Thursday with Erdogan in Washington on the sidelines of Obama's Nuclear Security Summit. Obama assured the Turkish leader of a continued U.S. commitment to Turkish security. Separately Thursday, chaos erupted between 90 236703 lives might be in danger. President Barack Obama said Friday that global efforts to stop terrorists and others from using nuclear weapons were "by no means finished." Obama wrapped up the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington by saying world leaders had 90 236714 global efforts to stop terrorists and others from using nuclear weapons were "by no means finished." Obama wrapped up the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington by saying world leaders had made "significant and meaningful" progress over the last six years in 90 236738 Washington by saying world leaders had made "significant and meaningful" progress over the last six years in securing stockpiles of nuclear material. He said enough material to build 150 weapons was now safe from terrorists. But he said nuclear arsenals in 90 236756 stockpiles of nuclear material. He said enough material to build 150 weapons was now safe from terrorists. But he said nuclear arsenals in some countries were expanding and stocks of plutonium were growing. Obama said he and the more than 50 90 236786 plutonium were growing. Obama said he and the more than 50 other world leaders in Washington agreed to further strengthen nuclear facilities from cyberattacks and improve intelligence sharing to continue to make sure dangerous materials stay out of the hands of 90 236840 dozen nations had disposed of their entire supplies of highly enriched uranium and plutonium the radioactive elements necessary to build nuclear bombs. During six years of international meetings on nuclear security including four summits, which he initiated the U.S. president said 90 236849 highly enriched uranium and plutonium the radioactive elements necessary to build nuclear bombs. During six years of international meetings on nuclear security including four summits, which he initiated the U.S. president said, "Weve embraced a new type of thinking and a 90 236940 weve made significant progress. Obama also met with a smaller gathering of the nations most closely involved in last year's nuclear agreement with Iran. He told the so-called P5+1 group the deal with Iran had "achieved a substantial success 90 236967 so-called P5+1 group the deal with Iran had "achieved a substantial success and focused on the dangers of nuclear proliferation in a real way." He stressed, however, that "full and continued implementation" of the Iran agreement would "take the 90 237005 would "take the same level of cooperation" from the international community. WATCH: Obama Meets with P5 +1 Leaders This year's nuclear security summit has come at a time of heightened concern about the possibility that Islamic State militants could acquire nuclear 90 237025 nuclear security summit has come at a time of heightened concern about the possibility that Islamic State militants could acquire nuclear materials to build "dirty bombs" that could spread deadly radioactive fallout over wide areas. North Korea's nuclear-weapons development program 90 237042 militants could acquire nuclear materials to build "dirty bombs" that could spread deadly radioactive fallout over wide areas. North Korea's nuclear -weapons development program also has been closely studied. Obama said the scores of nations working together on nuclear security have 90 237060 North Korea's nuclear-weapons development program also has been closely studied. Obama said the scores of nations working together on nuclear security have made "260 specific commitments to improve nuclear security," both at this year's summit and their previous sessions. "And 90 237069 closely studied. Obama said the scores of nations working together on nuclear security have made "260 specific commitments to improve nuclear security," both at this year's summit and their previous sessions. "And so far," the president reported, "three-quarters of these 90 237140 do our part," Obama added. "Today were releasing a detailed description of the measures that our military takes to protect nuclear materials, so that other nations can improve their security and transparency as well. "For the first time in a decade 90 237292 a network of satellites. In Geneva, moreover, a top North Korean envoy told Reuters that Pyongyang intends to pursue its nuclear and ballistic missile program in the face of repeated warnings from the United States and other nations. During the U.S 90 237334 meeting with Xi, U.S. officials reported the Chinese leader said: "We want to enhance communication and coordination on the Korean nuclear issue and other regional and global issues." Washington views Beijing, Pyongyang's ally, as key in enforcing U.N. sanctions against North 90 237362 Washington views Beijing, Pyongyang's ally, as key in enforcing U.N. sanctions against North Korea for its weapons development. While some nuclear proliferation experts expressed optimism over China's verbal commitments to keeping the regime of Kim Jong Un in check, they also 90 237391 to keeping the regime of Kim Jong Un in check, they also said China needs to safeguard its own growing nuclear capabilities. "The United States is very grateful that China is participating," said Debra Decker of the Washington-based Stimson Center 90 237441 international world market for power reactors, and they may be, probably in the next 10 years, the largest possessor of nuclear power reactors. "If China wants to go forward and say they have the best power plants and [wishes] to export 90 237473 have the best power plants and [wishes] to export them," they need to prove that they can adhere to baseline nuclear safety protocols, she added. Robert Gallucci, the State Department's former North Korean nuclear envoy, said both nuclear and non-nuclear 90 237486 prove that they can adhere to baseline nuclear safety protocols, she added. Robert Gallucci, the State Department's former North Korean nuclear envoy, said both nuclear and non-nuclear states in China's neighborhood have the potential to increase development capacity, and that 90 237490 adhere to baseline nuclear safety protocols, she added. Robert Gallucci, the State Department's former North Korean nuclear envoy, said both nuclear and non-nuclear states in China's neighborhood have the potential to increase development capacity, and that summit attendees should pay 90 237493 nuclear safety protocols, she added. Robert Gallucci, the State Department's former North Korean nuclear envoy, said both nuclear and non- nuclear states in China's neighborhood have the potential to increase development capacity, and that summit attendees should pay particularly close attention 90 237590 Chinese colleagues have been less than I would say enthusiastic about engaging in those types of discussions." The possibility of nuclear terrorism was also a key focus on Thursday, the first day of the summit. President Obama said that in the 90 237626 Obama said that in the wake of attacks in places including Brussels, there is not only great urgency around the nuclear issue but eliminating generally the scourge of terrorism. Some of the world leaders who attended a White House summit dinner 90 237679 Slow progress At a State Department ministerial level dinner, Secretary of State John Kerry said there have been times when nuclear security progress has been slow, and there remains an enormous amount more to do. But every step forward that we 90 237723 step away from danger." The U.S. and other world powers may be experiencing a heightened sense of urgency in securing nuclear material and sites from terrorists following the March 22 attacks in Brussels. News reports say two brothers linked to the 90 237756 News reports say two brothers linked to the attacks were part of a plot to gain information about a Belgian nuclear facility. "We know that terrorist organizations have the desire to get access to these raw materials and their desire to 90 237779 know that terrorist organizations have the desire to get access to these raw materials and their desire to have a nuclear device," said White House foreign policy aide Ben Rhodes. Weakest links One U.S. lawmaker, Congressman Ed Royce, chairman of the 90 237818 of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, "We should assume terrorists will continue to seek out the weakest links at nuclear facilities around the globe." World leaders also are concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such 90 237832 seek out the weakest links at nuclear facilities around the globe." World leaders also are concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such as nuclear armed Pakistan, where a terrorist attack in Lahore on Easter Sunday killed 90 237840 around the globe." World leaders also are concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such as nuclear armed Pakistan, where a terrorist attack in Lahore on Easter Sunday killed more than 70 people. While progress has been 90 237876 people. While progress has been made since the first summit in 2010, "the overall objective of securing the most vulnerable nuclear materials in four years I don't think has been achieved," said Sharon Squassoni with the Center for Strategic and International 90 237933 enriched uranium," she said. Experts say security gaps remain for several reasons: there still is no international framework to monitor nuclear materials; some countries are unwilling to open up supplies intended for commercial use, and some militaries have been unable to 90 237961 up supplies intended for commercial use, and some militaries have been unable to agree on how to deal with their nuclear material. "If you wanted to cause a nuclear incident, you might look for the country with the most vulnerable reactors 90 237969 militaries have been unable to agree on how to deal with their nuclear material. "If you wanted to cause a nuclear incident, you might look for the country with the most vulnerable reactors," said James Andrew Lewis, head of the Strategic 90 238146 of the inventory on September 30, 2013, 499.4 metric tons was for national security and non-national security programs like nuclear weapons and naval propulsion. The remaining amount, 41.6 metric tons was available for potential down-blend to low enriched uranium 90 238198 metric tons was in spent reactor fuel. In 2010, President Obama said that when the United States improves our own nuclear security and transparency, it encourages others to do the same. The White House says the United States will provide Ukraine 90 253829 told Fairfax Media that "no one should be penalised for providing safe, reliable rides in their city". Tokyo: The Fukushima nuclear plant has activated an underground "wall of ice" built around the reactors, to help contain spills of contaminated water into 90 253929 was estimated at $US307 million ($400 million), has taken two years and while TEPCO presented the project in 2013, Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority, or NRA, had not approved it till now as it was analysing the safety of the project. On 90 258083 items were discovered Friday morning and it unnerved her partner, Jane Rounthwaite, the premier said. The polices chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive unit was called in because it was not immediately known what substance was in the bottle. The premier 90 271935 CEA) have launched a tripartite consultative body to "best confront the profound changes currently under way in the highly-competitive nuclear sector". In separate statements, the three said they had decided to create the French Nuclear Platform (Plateforme France Nucleaire, PFN 90 271950 way in the highly-competitive nuclear sector". In separate statements, the three said they had decided to create the French Nuclear Platform (Plateforme France Nucleaire, PFN) "in order to developed aligned positions to meet the major challenges facing the French nuclear 90 271970 Nuclear Platform (Plateforme France Nucleaire, PFN) "in order to developed aligned positions to meet the major challenges facing the French nuclear sector and to prepare the appropriate decisions". They said the new body would "discuss the major transversal topics for the 90 271991 sector and to prepare the appropriate decisions". They said the new body would "discuss the major transversal topics for the nuclear sector in France and abroad". The objective of the PFN is "to improve the joint effectiveness of the three entities 90 272047 term goals for the sector, which will contribute to the preparation and implementation of decisions taken by the French Presidential Nuclear Policy Council (Conseil de Politique Nucleaire)". Six representatives of Areva, CEA and EDF - including their respective chairmen - will meet four 90 272127 establish a working agenda that will cover current priority topics. These, the organizations said, will include the impacts on France's nuclear industry of the country's energy transition law and the industry's international strategy, which is to be drawn up with government 90 272193 PFN will also consider the "consolidation of relations" with small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in coordination with the French Nuclear Industry Strategic Committee (Comite Strategique de Filiere Nucleaire) and the coordination of positions on regulatory changes, particularly regarding nuclear safety 90 272212 French Nuclear Industry Strategic Committee (Comite Strategique de Filiere Nucleaire) and the coordination of positions on regulatory changes, particularly regarding nuclear safety requirements and objectives. Through the PFN, the three will also work together on the future of the closed nuclear 90 272232 nuclear safety requirements and objectives. Through the PFN, the three will also work together on the future of the closed nuclear fuel cycle both in France and abroad as well as optimizing the Cigeo national repository for the disposal of intermediate 90 272282 the development of decommissioning technologies and the research and development program for fourth-generation reactors. Researched and written by World Nuclear News Related topics Australia agrees to supply uranium to Ukraine 01 April 2016 Share Julie Bishop, the Australian foreign minister 90 272373 DC during a ceremony attended by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Bishop and Poroshenko are in the USA for the global Nuclear Security Summit being held this week in the US capital. The Minerals Council of Australia welcomed Bishop's announcement that she 90 272525 exclusively for peaceful pruposes such as electricity generation," the Council said. "Ukraine has been and continues to be an important nuclear power generating country," it said. It noted that Ukraine has 15 reactors generating about half of its electricity and the 90 272566 government plans to maintain nuclear's share in electricity production at least to 2030. Citing the Joint Report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the IAEA, the Council said that Ukraine will go from 13.1 GWe nuclear generating capacity in 2013 90 272582 Report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the IAEA, the Council said that Ukraine will go from 13.1 GWe nuclear generating capacity in 2013, to between 24.7-29.0 GWe nuclear generating capacity in 2035. This will see Ukraine's uranium requirements 90 272592 the Council said that Ukraine will go from 13.1 GWe nuclear generating capacity in 2013, to between 24.7-29.0 GWe nuclear generating capacity in 2035. This will see Ukraine's uranium requirements rise from 2480 tonnes in 2013, to between 4800-5300 90 272715 said. The Ukrainian energy ministry said that the two countries had "confirmed their willingness to cooperate" in the field of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and their "commitment to promoting non-proliferation of nuclear weapons". Areas of cooperation include, the ministry 90 272728 willingness to cooperate" in the field of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and their "commitment to promoting non-proliferation of nuclear weapons". Areas of cooperation include, the ministry said: the transfer of nuclear materials; basic and applied research, and development, design 90 272740 and their "commitment to promoting non-proliferation of nuclear weapons". Areas of cooperation include, the ministry said: the transfer of nuclear materials; basic and applied research, and development, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of research reactors, nuclear power plants and other 90 272756 said: the transfer of nuclear materials; basic and applied research, and development, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of research reactors, nuclear power plants and other aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle; used nuclear fuel and radioactive waste; nuclear safety, radiation protection 90 272764 applied research, and development, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of research reactors, nuclear power plants and other aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle; used nuclear fuel and radioactive waste; nuclear safety, radiation protection and environmental protection; geological and geophysical exploration, and 90 272768 design, construction, operation and decommissioning of research reactors, nuclear power plants and other aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle; used nuclear fuel and radioactive waste; nuclear safety, radiation protection and environmental protection; geological and geophysical exploration, and development, production, further processing 90 272773 of research reactors, nuclear power plants and other aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle; used nuclear fuel and radioactive waste; nuclear safety, radiation protection and environmental protection; geological and geophysical exploration, and development, production, further processing and use of uranium resources 90 272807 further processing and use of uranium resources. The newly signed document follows a "preliminary agreement" with Australia on cooperation in nuclear energy that was signed during Poroshenko's official visit to Australia in 2014, the ministry said. Researched and written by World 90 272828 energy that was signed during Poroshenko's official visit to Australia in 2014, the ministry said. Researched and written by World Nuclear News Related topics A young man wanted to make a point about racism in the United States, but his plan 90 274703 he called in Tagesspiegel for the atomic arming of the Bundeswehr so as to be able to respond to a nuclear threat by a terrorist state proportionately, meaning in an emergency situation with our own nuclear weapons. The CDU politician taught 90 274718 able to respond to a nuclear threat by a terrorist state proportionately, meaning in an emergency situation with our own nuclear weapons. The CDU politician taught constitutional law at different universities, and was also active in Berlin state politics and in 90 277986 and many other important figures in revolutionary history. SB: In Germany there are movement activists who protest, for example, against nuclear power plants and the use of coal. They organize actions like chaining themselves to trees or railroad tracks to give 90 278875 co-founder and former president of the Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), Helen Caldicott, who has campaigned for decades for nuclear disarmament, said that Sanderseven if he losthas released a revolutionary potential among American youth. After the election the United States 90 285726 president [Obama] and Najib that is likely to persist. Najib was not included among the 50 world leaders attending the nuclear security summit currently taking place in Washington. Pakistans military has seized on last Sundays terrorist atrocity in Lahore to implement 90 286170 party, the PML (N). Prime Minister Sharif had been due to fly to Washington this week to attend the international Nuclear Security Summit, but canceled the trip, citing the need to respond to the Easter Sunday terror attack. At the conclusion 90 288270 Carlos Quintela. Combining archival footage and a drama shot in black and white, the work tells the story of a nuclear power plant begun in Juragua, Cuba, in 1976 and finally abandoned some 20 years later, in the mid-1990s, after 90 288410 coconuts, shown in a clip from the 1990s. There was no economy to speak of after the project of developing nuclear powerthe industry the whole community was built forcame to a halt. Although La obra del siglo is intelligently acted and 90 290585 on the whole of our economy. The dispute over the steel industry, like that over the renewal of the Trident nuclear missile system, has nothing to do with defending jobs but is rather a conflict over how best to safeguard British 90 296718 Brussels, US President Barack Obama said Thursday during a meeting with French President Francois Hollande on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit Obama said the US and its coalition partners have seen progress in rolling back the Islamic State group's 90 296832 the first in many years. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter The meeting was held on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in the American capital and lasted an hour. The two senior ministers discussed different regional issues, including the 90 302902 in Iraq and Syria, it will "lash out" elsewhere in the world. Obama was speaking at the close of a nuclear security summit in Washington. He said that ISIS is losing territory and its oil infrastructure and says morale among its 90 304913 sources of gravitational waves and analyse the signals. Modi, who is currently in the US to attend the two-day Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) met scientists of LIGO who recently proved gravitational waves theory. He also interacted with the Indian student 90 308540 their needs," they concluded. Washington: Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned global leaders from over 50 nations gathered here to discuss nuclear terrorism that state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk. "Terrorism is globally networked. But, we 90 308547 Narendra Modi warned global leaders from over 50 nations gathered here to discuss nuclear terrorism that state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk. "Terrorism is globally networked. But, we still act only nationally to counter this 90 308589 he said at a working dinner hosted by President Barack Obama on Thursday night to kick off the two-day Nuclear Security Summit. Obama, who is hosting his fourth and last such summit to discuss how to prevent terrorists and other 90 308617 fourth and last such summit to discuss how to prevent terrorists and other non-state actors from gaining access to nuclear materials, was flanked by Modi on the right and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the left. Modi, who has come 90 308667 and Lahore terror attacks, from the Belgian capital said, "Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. "Terror has evolved. Terrorists are using 21st century technology. But our responses are rooted in the past 90 308744 hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. "And third, State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk." In what was seen as an unmistakable reference to Pakistan, Modi also gave 90 308785 a call to drop the notion that terrorism is someone else's problem and that "his" terrorist is not "my" terrorist. " Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority," Modi told the world leaders. "All states must completely abide by their international 90 308820 must completely abide by their international obligations." "Without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism," he said. "But the reach and supply chains of terrorism are global, genuine cooperation between nation states is not 90 308951 leader, of being responsible," told him "India has a very important role to play with respect to responsible stewardship of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials". "And it is particularly important right now at a time when we see in the region 90 308954 responsible," told him "India has a very important role to play with respect to responsible stewardship of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials". "And it is particularly important right now at a time when we see in the region some choices being 90 309010 said in another reference to Pakistan. The US has time and again expressed concern at Pakistan's deployment of weapon-grade nuclear weapons. "Our concerns regarding the continuing deployment of battlefield nuclear weapons by Pakistan relate to a reality of the situation 90 309020 and again expressed concern at Pakistan's deployment of weapon-grade nuclear weapons. "Our concerns regarding the continuing deployment of battlefield nuclear weapons by Pakistan relate to a reality of the situation," Rose Gottemoeller, under secretary of state for arms control and 90 309053 under secretary of state for arms control and international security, told reporters on the eve of the summit. "When battlefield nuclear weapons are deployed forward, they can represent an enhanced nuclear security threat," she said. However, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary 90 309063 told reporters on the eve of the summit. "When battlefield nuclear weapons are deployed forward, they can represent an enhanced nuclear security threat," she said. However, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary on Thursday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was "essentially 90 309080 represent an enhanced nuclear security threat," she said. However, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary on Thursday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was "essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone". "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the 90 309093 Chaudhary on Thursday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was "essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone". "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he told reporters at the Pakistan embassy 90 309123 acknowledges that they are," he told reporters at the Pakistan embassy here. "India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme." Lucknow: Claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was getting support of the entire country, Union Minister Kalraj Misra today 90 310094 met his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau for the first time during which they reviewed bilateral ties including the progress on nuclear cooperation. Prime Minister Modi and Trudeau met here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. This was their first 90 310108 bilateral ties including the progress on nuclear cooperation. Prime Minister Modi and Trudeau met here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. This was their first meeting after Trudeau came to power last year, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup 90 310150 while briefing reporters on the bilateral meeting. During today's meeting, the two leaders reviewed bilateral cooperation including progress in the nuclear energy sector. Last year, Modi had held extensive talks with then Canadian Premier Stephen Harper after which Canada had agreed 90 310207 five-year deal to power Indian reactors. During the meeting today, Prime Minister Modi noted that the cooperation in the nuclear energy sector was "progressing very well", Swarup said. Last year's agreement for uranium supply came two years after protracted negotiations 90 310232 very well", Swarup said. Last year's agreement for uranium supply came two years after protracted negotiations following the 2013 civil nuclear deal between India and Canada. The two leaders also recalled their meeting when Modi visited Canada last year when Harper 90 310362 human resource," Swarup said. Trudeau also complemented Prime Minister Modi on his intervention last evening at the opening of the Nuclear Security Summit. The Prime Minister said India has a fruitful partnership with Canada and it is progressing well. "India is 90 311291 hard stand on terrorism in the international arena, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted that there could be no deterrence against nuclear terrorism without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism. Intervening on nuclear terrorism threat at the Nuclear Security Summit dinner 90 311303 asserted that there could be no deterrence against nuclear terrorism without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism. Intervening on nuclear terrorism threat at the Nuclear Security Summit dinner at the White House hosted by US President Barack Obama, the Prime 90 311308 no deterrence against nuclear terrorism without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism. Intervening on nuclear terrorism threat at the Nuclear Security Summit dinner at the White House hosted by US President Barack Obama, the Prime Minister called to focus on 90 311376 are hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. Third, State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk," Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) official spokesperson Vikas Swarup quoted the Prime Minister 90 311407 Affairs (MEA) official spokesperson Vikas Swarup quoted the Prime Minister as saying. Lauding President Obama for putting the spotlight on Nuclear Security and for his service to the global community, Prime Minister Modi said that the deadly Brussels attack was the 90 311439 Modi said that the deadly Brussels attack was the prime example of how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. "Terror has evolved. Terrorists are using 21st century technology. But our responses are rooted in the past 90 311477 in the past. Drop the notion that terrorism is someone else's problem and that "his" terrorist is not "my" terrorist. Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority," he said. The Prime Minister added that the reach and supply chains of 90 311549 by international obligations to counter this threat. The Prime Minister, who is in Washington to take part in the fourth Nuclear Security Summit, earlier held bilateral talks with his New Zealand counterpart John Key. Both leaders discussed ways and means to 90 313849 with top world leaders including from Canada, Britain, Japan in a series of bilaterals here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit, where he would outline India's roadmap and measures taken to ensure nuclear security. He is expected to start 90 313863 here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit, where he would outline India's roadmap and measures taken to ensure nuclear security. He is expected to start the day with a bilateral meeting with Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau, which would be 90 313964 sell its loss-making UK businesses. After the three bilaterals, Modi would participate in the three separate sessions of the Nuclear Security Summit, which kicked off with a White House dinner last night. The sessions are on national actions to enhance 90 313985 Security Summit, which kicked off with a White House dinner last night. The sessions are on national actions to enhance nuclear security, international and institutional actions to strengthen nuclear security and scenario-based policy discussion. "The Prime Minister will be outlining 90 313993 House dinner last night. The sessions are on national actions to enhance nuclear security, international and institutional actions to strengthen nuclear security and scenario-based policy discussion. "The Prime Minister will be outlining India's roadmap, India's vision and the measures India 90 314018 policy discussion. "The Prime Minister will be outlining India's roadmap, India's vision and the measures India has taken to ensure nuclear safety and security," External Affairs Ministry spokesman Vikas Swarup told reporters. Later, Modi is scheduled to meet Switzerland President Johann 90 314071 by meeting his close friend and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Modi arrived in the US yesterday morning for the Nuclear Security Summit being convened by US President Barack Obama and attended by leaders from more than 50 countries, with heads 90 314143 leaders, Modi in an intervention said that without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism, there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism. "Interacted with world leaders at the NSS dinner at the White House. Shared my thoughts on the threat of 90 314164 terrorism. "Interacted with world leaders at the NSS dinner at the White House. Shared my thoughts on the threat of nuclear terrorism," Modi tweeted late in the night on his return from dinner. Soon after his meeting with Abe, Modi would 90 314234 meeting after the latter swept to power last year. Modi and Trudeau met in Washington on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. "Engagements on Day 2 begin with a bilateral with PM Justin Trudeau," External Affairs Minister Vikas Swarup tweeted 90 314340 to power Indian reactors. The agreement for uranium supply, which came two years after protracted negotiations following the 2013 civil nuclear deal between India and Canada, was signed after comprehensive talks Modi had with Harper in April last year. 44-year 90 314987 visit to Saudi Arabia, where he is expected to firm up security cooperation, Hindustan Times reported. Earlier, speaking at the Nuclear Security Summit being held in Washington, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, Terrorism is globally networked. But, we still act only 90 318356 Bush during nominating conventions. Washington: Boosting Europe`s shaky ability to thwart jihadist attacks will be the focus at a nuclear security summit hosted by President Barack Obama in Washington on Friday, amid concerns the Islamic State group is trying to 90 318439 Atlantic cooperation aimed at "rooting out foreign fighters, identifying potential attacks, cutting off financing." Fears of attack were given a nuclear edge with the discovery of 10 hours of surveillance footage recorded by Islamic State operatives of a senior Belgian nuclear 90 318459 nuclear edge with the discovery of 10 hours of surveillance footage recorded by Islamic State operatives of a senior Belgian nuclear scientist. "We have had good progress in ramping up airstrikes and pressure on ISIL in Iraq and Syria," Obama foreign 90 318623 opened Thursday with Obama trying to forge consensus among East Asian leaders on how to respond to Pyongyang`s recent nuclear and missile tests, which he said "escalate tensions" in the region. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device and 90 318641 s recent nuclear and missile tests, which he said "escalate tensions" in the region. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device and a month later launched a long-range rocket, the latest in a series of banned tests. Obama met 90 318819 the United States and China," insisted Dan Kritenbrink, Obama`s top Asia adviser.This is the fourth in a series of nuclear security summits convened at Obama`s behest. With Obama leaving office next year, it may well be the last. But 90 318900 which is held by the militaries of Russia and the United States -- or make leaps on safeguards almost impossible. "This nuclear security summit is supposed to address all of the (fissile) stocks, but truth is that all they address really is 90 318993 lack of Russian participation as "counterproductive," adding that "nobody benefits from a lack or downgrading of collaboration on issues of nuclear security." America`s presidential election also took center stage, with questions about Trump`s suggestion that Asian allies should develop 90 319014 security." America`s presidential election also took center stage, with questions about Trump`s suggestion that Asian allies should develop nuclear weapons. Following the Republican frontrunner`s declaration that as president he would withdraw troops from South Korea and Japan and 90 319058 countries to develop nukes, Rhodes offered a scathing rebuke. "The entire premise of American foreign policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons," he said. "It would 90 319073 policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons," he said. "It would be catastrophic for the United States to shift its position and indicate that we somehow 90 319098 would be catastrophic for the United States to shift its position and indicate that we somehow support the proliferation of nuclear weapons." Another cloud over the summit was the controversy caused by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan`s appearance at a 90 319272 such abuse." Washington: More cooperation is needed to prevent the Islamic State group's "madmen" and other extremists from getting a nuclear weapon, US President Barack Obama warned today as global leaders met in Washington. The threat of terrorists of using nuclear 90 319292 nuclear weapon, US President Barack Obama warned today as global leaders met in Washington. The threat of terrorists of using nuclear material in a "dirty bomb" -- or even obtaining an atomic weapon -- has loomed large over the summit, punctuated by revelations 90 319319 even obtaining an atomic weapon -- has loomed large over the summit, punctuated by revelations that IS members tracked a Belgian nuclear scientist on video. "ISIL has already used chemical weapons, including mustard gas, in Syria and Iraq," Obama said, using an 90 319359 an acronym for the IS group. "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they most certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible 90 319362 the IS group. "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they most certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible." The summit -- attended 90 319397 people as possible." The summit -- attended by dozens of world leaders and delegates -- is focused on securing global stockpiles of nuclear materials, much of it used in the medical and power industries. Obama said about 2,000 tons of nuclear materials are 90 319415 stockpiles of nuclear materials, much of it used in the medical and power industries. Obama said about 2,000 tons of nuclear materials are stored around the world at civilian and military facilities, some of them not properly secured. "Just the smallest 90 319473 innocent people," he said. "It would be a humanitarian, political, economic and environmental catastrophe with global ramifications for decades." The nuclear security summit comes in the wake of attacks in Paris and Brussels that have killed dozens and exposed Europe's inability 90 319523 returning from Iraq and Syria. Evidence that individuals linked to those two atrocities videotaped a senior scientist at a Belgian nuclear facility has given the threat added nuclear weight. Though the summit is focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably 90 319530 individuals linked to those two atrocities videotaped a senior scientist at a Belgian nuclear facility has given the threat added nuclear weight. Though the summit is focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably have drawn broad attention, including North Korea 90 319541 a Belgian nuclear facility has given the threat added nuclear weight. Though the summit is focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably have drawn broad attention, including North Korea and its continued testing of nuclear devices and ballistic missiles. The 90 319556 focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably have drawn broad attention, including North Korea and its continued testing of nuclear devices and ballistic missiles. The reclusive nation fired another short-range missile off its east coast today, the latest in 90 319604 during what has been an extended period of military tension on the Korean peninsula. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device -- its fourth such test -- and a month later launched a long-range rocket. The summit opened yesterday with Obama 90 319834 artificial islands in the area in recent months, including some with airstrips. This is the fourth in a series of nuclear security summits convened at Obama's behest and with the president leaving office next year, it may well be the last 90 319913 in fissile material -- the vast majority of which is held by the militaries of Russia and the United States. "This nuclear security summit is supposed to address all of the stocks, but truth is that all they address really is a 90 320012 participation as "counterproductive." America's presidential election also took center stage, with questions about Trump's suggestion that Asian allies should develop nuclear weapons. "It would be catastrophic for the United States to shift its position and indicate that we somehow support the 90 320035 would be catastrophic for the United States to shift its position and indicate that we somehow support the proliferation of nuclear weapons," Rhodes said. Honolulu: An airliner flying from Hawaii to Japan was forced to turn back and land in Honolulu 90 320493 win the hearts of Islamabad`s friends," said Ram Madhav, national general secretary of Modi`s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. Nuclear -armed rivals India and Pakistan have fought three wars since independence in 1947, two of them over Kashmir. New Delhi 90 320683 militant group blamed for the 2008 attacks in Mumbai. In Washington on Friday, where Modi was attending a summit on nuclear security, Indian government spokesman Vikas Swarup welcomed the move. "Countries working against terror entities - particularly entities that have targeted India 90 322097 turning a blind eye to Kurdish violence. As the Turkish leader flew in to the US capital ahead of a nuclear safety summit, news broke of another deadly bomb attack targeting police in his country's southeast, where his forces are battling 90 322613 Shinzo Abe vowing to add pressure on the North for its recent activities. Meeting on the sidelines of a global nuclear security summit in Washington, the three leaders recommitted their countries to each others` defense and warned they could take further 90 322741 Leader Kim Jong Un has supervised some of the launches in defiance of UN sanctions. North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test on Jan. 6, leading to new Security Council sanctions in early March. South Korea and the United States have 90 322859 a snub by Washington -- the White House said the two men had in fact met on the margins of a nuclear security summit. They discussed "US-Turkey cooperation on regional security, counterterrorism, and migration," it said. The absence of a presidential 90 323111 Press Club accused Erdogan of trying to export oppression. As the Turkish leader flew in to Washington ahead of the nuclear safety summit, news broke of another deadly bomb attack targeting police in his country`s southeast, where his forces are 90 323193 s security and our mutual struggle against terrorism." Washington: Pakistan has sought to allay concerns about the safety of its nuclear programme maintaining that the country had never suffered a nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing here 90 323203 has sought to allay concerns about the safety of its nuclear programme maintaining that the country had never suffered a nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing here on Thursday, Pakistan's foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression 90 323227 of security. At a news briefing here on Thursday, Pakistan's foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad`s nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world 90 323239 Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad`s nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," Pakistan's foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said. Chaudhary 90 323269 acknowledges that they are," Pakistan's foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said. Chaudhary said the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide, including five in India, but "not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 90 323428 more monitors at all 72 exit and entry points in the country. "India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme, and an equally ambitious conventional weapons programme," he added. "We have a modest programme because we feel we have 90 327270 create fake credit cards. (Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan) By Matt Spetalnick and David Brunnstrom WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Just as fears of nuclear terrorism are rising, U.S. President Barack Obama's drive to lock down vulnerable atomic materials worldwide seems to have lost momentum 90 327332 policy initiatives, Obama will convene leaders from more than 50 countries in Washington this week for his fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit, a high-level diplomatic process that started and will end on his watch. A boycott by Russian President 90 327400 will yield major results. The recent deadly militant attacks in Brussels have fueled concern that Islamic State could eventually target nuclear plants and develop radioactive dirty bombs, a topic that may well be uppermost in leaders minds as they meet. Despite 90 327491 decisions reached in Washington this week. Obama, in an opinion piece in The Washington Post, said, "Our massive Cold War nuclear arsenal is poorly suited to todays threats. The United States and Russia - which together hold more than 90 percent of 90 327514 poorly suited to todays threats. The United States and Russia - which together hold more than 90 percent of the worlds nuclear weapons - should negotiate to reduce our stockpiles further." Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday Russia was skipping the summit 90 327556 of a shortage of mutual cooperation in working out the agenda. While noting that Moscow had continued joint work on nuclear security, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Russia was going to miss out on an opportunity and that its no 90 327610 U.S.-led sanctions over the Ukraine conflict. Efforts to make the world safer have also been complicated by North Koreas nuclear weapons advance and Pakistans move toward smaller, tactical nuclear weapons, which Washington fears may further destabilize an already volatile region 90 327619 make the world safer have also been complicated by North Koreas nuclear weapons advance and Pakistans move toward smaller, tactical nuclear weapons, which Washington fears may further destabilize an already volatile region. All of this weighs on Obamas agenda as he 90 327676 ago, after using a landmark speech in Prague in 2009 to lay out the goal of ridding the world of nuclear weapons as a central theme of his presidency. There is no guarantee that once Obama, the driving force behind the 90 327784 last summit in 2014 and countries such as Japan, India and Pakistan are preparing activities that could increase stockpiles of nuclear materials. The Nuclear Security Summits have had a positive effect, but the strategic goal of developing an effective global nuclear 90 327787 2014 and countries such as Japan, India and Pakistan are preparing activities that could increase stockpiles of nuclear materials. The Nuclear Security Summits have had a positive effect, but the strategic goal of developing an effective global nuclear security system remains 90 327804 nuclear materials. The Nuclear Security Summits have had a positive effect, but the strategic goal of developing an effective global nuclear security system remains unachieved, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, an anti-proliferation watchdog, said in a report this month. According to 90 327810 have had a positive effect, but the strategic goal of developing an effective global nuclear security system remains unachieved, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, an anti-proliferation watchdog, said in a report this month. According to the group's Nuclear Security Index, which 90 327827 remains unachieved, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, an anti-proliferation watchdog, said in a report this month. According to the group's Nuclear Security Index, which tracks the safety of weapons-usable nuclear materials, the past two years have brought no improvement in 90 327837 said in a report this month. According to the group's Nuclear Security Index, which tracks the safety of weapons-usable nuclear materials, the past two years have brought no improvement in a range of measures, including on-site physical protection, security 90 327874 site physical protection, security during transport and the ability to recover lost radioactive materials. The report also said many countries' nuclear reactors were vulnerable to online attacks. Seven of 24 countries with weapons-grade material, including China and Belgium, received the 90 327918 for their facilities' cyber security. Other critics point to a lack of an agreed-upon set of international standards for nuclear security or a mechanism for keeping tabs on common sources of radioactive material often found in hospitals and medical labs 90 327977 summit to secure their most dangerous material. "The international community has made it harder than ever for terrorists to acquire nuclear weapons, and that has made us all more secure," she told reporters before the summit. "DIRTY BOMB" FEARS Two of 90 328012 summit. "DIRTY BOMB" FEARS Two of the Brussels suicide bombers secretly filmed the daily routine of the head of Belgiums nuclear research and development program and considered an attack on a nuclear site in the country, according to Belgian media. U.S 90 328023 filmed the daily routine of the head of Belgiums nuclear research and development program and considered an attack on a nuclear site in the country, according to Belgian media. U.S. experts are less concerned about militants obtaining nuclear weapon components than 90 328040 attack on a nuclear site in the country, according to Belgian media. U.S. experts are less concerned about militants obtaining nuclear weapon components than about thefts of ingredients for a low-tech dirty bomb that would use conventional explosives to disperse 90 328113 authorities had no explicit indications that the group had tried to do so. More commitments from world leaders to enhance nuclear security are expected at the summit but anti-proliferation groups worry that without further meetings at the highest levels, interest 90 328614 Wise and Roberta Rampton; Editing by James Dalgleish) U.S. President Barack Obama will open the second day of his final nuclear security summit in Washington, D.C. with an address to the summit's plenary session. Terrorists will find it harder to obtain 90 328635 security summit in Washington, D.C. with an address to the summit's plenary session. Terrorists will find it harder to obtain nuclear material thanks to a "key treaty" ratified by 102 nations, he said, adding that he expected the treaty to be 90 328673 treaty to be effective soon. "Working together, our nations have made it harder for terrorists to get their hands on nuclear material," he said. Obama kicked off the two-day summit Thursday by meeting with the leaders of Japan and South 90 328696 said. Obama kicked off the two-day summit Thursday by meeting with the leaders of Japan and South Korea, with nuclear -defiant North Korea the focus of the talks. Obama said he is hoping the two Asian allies will help to 90 328724 talks. Obama said he is hoping the two Asian allies will help to ensure the Korean Peninsula is free of nuclear weapons. "We are united in our efforts to deter and defend against North Korean provocations," Obama said at a press 90 328781 recognized that our security is linked, and that we have to meet together to meet this challenge." The two-day Nuclear Security Summit in the U.S. capital, a signature event in Obama's presidency, is focused this time on how to secure 90 328802 Security Summit in the U.S. capital, a signature event in Obama's presidency, is focused this time on how to secure nuclear and radiological material from would-be terrorists. Among the representatives for the more than 50 countries at the summit is 90 328857 lunch on Thursday. The heads of the international delegations attended a working dinner at the White House in the evening. Nuclear terrorism is a shared concern that has been put into sharp relief following deadly attacks by the Islamic State, or 90 328894 the Islamic State, or ISIS, in the Middle East, Africa and Europe. Fears about what ISIS could do with a nuclear weapon or a "dirty bomb" that combines radioactive dispersion with conventional explosives top the agenda at the summit. Obama described 90 328932 summit. Obama described Park and Abe as stalwart allies on combating the militant group. Story continues But North Korea's recent nuclear sabre-rattling has also lent more urgency to the discussions this week. 'Shared, urgent challenge' North Korea fired another long 90 328965 Shared, urgent challenge' North Korea fired another long-range missile in February, and the isolated state also conducted its fourth nuclear test the month before. "The additional sanctions recently imposed on Pyongyang by the United Nations Security Council show that violations 90 329070 has been, the rise of ISIS is another development that has loomed over the talks. In 2010, when the first nuclear summit opened in Washington, the group was not the international network it is today. Cesar Jaramillo, executive director of the 90 329106 Jaramillo, executive director of the Ontario-based security research organization Project Ploughshares, said any terrorist organization aspires to obtain a nuclear or radiological weapon. Last year, Belgian police seized video surveillance of a top nuclear official in Belgium from the home 90 329120 terrorist organization aspires to obtain a nuclear or radiological weapon. Last year, Belgian police seized video surveillance of a top nuclear official in Belgium from the home of a suspected ISIS conspirator with links to the killers in the November Paris 90 329150 ISIS conspirator with links to the killers in the November Paris attack. "There's been intelligence about terrorists trying to acquire nuclear material, and every effort must be made by Canada and the international community to prevent that scenario," Jaramillo said. The 90 329176 be made by Canada and the international community to prevent that scenario," Jaramillo said. The gravity of the prospect of nuclear terrorism is beyond dispute. "Even if [a nuclear attack] is not considered to be imminent, the worst mistake the international 90 329184 to prevent that scenario," Jaramillo said. The gravity of the prospect of nuclear terrorism is beyond dispute. "Even if [a nuclear attack] is not considered to be imminent, the worst mistake the international community should make is to underestimate the threat 90 329217 community should make is to underestimate the threat because the stakes are so high," he said. Canada to report on nuclear security efforts Canada's prime minister has attended each of the nuclear summits since the first one in 2010. Canada, a 90 329228 are so high," he said. Canada to report on nuclear security efforts Canada's prime minister has attended each of the nuclear summits since the first one in 2010. Canada, a non-nuclear weapons state, has traditionally held a strong non-proliferation 90 329239 efforts Canada's prime minister has attended each of the nuclear summits since the first one in 2010. Canada, a non- nuclear weapons state, has traditionally held a strong non-proliferation and disarmament stance, and is expected to release a progress report 90 329280 on Friday outlining how it has spent some of the $28 million it pledged during the 2014 summit towards boosting nuclear security abroad. Watch: Former U.S. Secretary of Defense William J. Perry imagines a nuclear scenario Critics of the Nuclear Security 90 329294 during the 2014 summit towards boosting nuclear security abroad. Watch: Former U.S. Secretary of Defense William J. Perry imagines a nuclear scenario Critics of the Nuclear Security Summit have said the discussions around preventing smuggling, disposing of enriched uranium and plutonium 90 329299 boosting nuclear security abroad. Watch: Former U.S. Secretary of Defense William J. Perry imagines a nuclear scenario Critics of the Nuclear Security Summit have said the discussions around preventing smuggling, disposing of enriched uranium and plutonium and tracking of nuclear material 90 329318 the Nuclear Security Summit have said the discussions around preventing smuggling, disposing of enriched uranium and plutonium and tracking of nuclear material don't go far enough if they ignore serious consideration of complete elimination of nuclear weapons. "The point that gets 90 329333 and plutonium and tracking of nuclear material don't go far enough if they ignore serious consideration of complete elimination of nuclear weapons. "The point that gets lost is it's virtually impossible to fully prevent the spread of nuclear technology in the 90 329350 complete elimination of nuclear weapons. "The point that gets lost is it's virtually impossible to fully prevent the spread of nuclear technology in the absence of credible effort towards abolition," Jaramillo said. "There are no 'right hands' for 'wrong weapons.'" Trudeau 90 329425 He is expected to attend a Thursday night working dinner hosted by Obama at the White House. More than 15,000 nuclear warheads are estimated to be in the possession of nine countries around the world, according to the Washington-based Center 90 329463 Washington-based Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. The Fissile Materials Working Group, a policy centre dedicated to combating nuclear terrorism, says that more than 1,500 kilograms of highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium have either been recovered or eliminated 90 329487 more than 1,500 kilograms of highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium have either been recovered or eliminated since the first Nuclear Security Summit in 2010. This is the second attachment against Sagar by ED as it earlier issued similar orders on 90 343835 a snub by Washington -- the White House said the two men had in fact met on the margins of a nuclear security summit. They discussed "US-Turkey cooperation on regional security, counterterrorism, and migration," it said. The absence of a presidential 90 344083 Press Club accused Erdogan of trying to export oppression. As the Turkish leader flew in to Washington ahead of the nuclear safety summit, news broke of another deadly bomb attack targeting police in his country's southeast, where his forces are battling 90 344173 hard stand on terrorism in the international arena, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that there could be no deterrence against nuclear terrorism without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism. Intervening on nuclear terrorism threat at the Nuclear Security Summit dinner 90 344185 said that there could be no deterrence against nuclear terrorism without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism. Intervening on nuclear terrorism threat at the Nuclear Security Summit dinner at the White House hosted by US President Barack Obama, the Prime 90 344190 no deterrence against nuclear terrorism without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism. Intervening on nuclear terrorism threat at the Nuclear Security Summit dinner at the White House hosted by US President Barack Obama, the Prime Minister called to focus on 90 344270 are hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. Third, State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk," Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) official spokesperson Vikas Swarup quoted the Prime Minister 90 344301 Affairs (MEA) official spokesperson Vikas Swarup quoted the Prime Minister as saying. Lauding President Obama for putting the spotlight on Nuclear Security and for his service to the global community, Prime Minister Modi said that the deadly Brussels attack was the 90 344333 Modi said that the deadly Brussels attack was the prime example of how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. Read: Nuclear materials must never fall into wrong hands: Pakistan "Terror has evolved. Terrorists are using 21st 90 344338 Brussels attack was the prime example of how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. Read: Nuclear materials must never fall into wrong hands: Pakistan "Terror has evolved. Terrorists are using 21st century technology. But our responses 90 344381 in the past. Drop the notion that terrorism is someone else's problem and that his terrorist is not my terrorist. Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority," he said. The Prime Minister added that the reach and supply chains of 90 344465 by international obligations to counter this threat. The Prime Minister, who is in Washington to take part in the fourth Nuclear Security Summit, earlier held bilateral talks with his New Zealand counterpart John Key. Both leaders discussed ways and means to 90 346227 meeting after the latter swept to power last year. Modi and Trudeau met in Washington on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. "Engagements on Day 2 begin with a bilateral with PM Justin Trudeau," External Affairs Minister Vikas Swarup tweeted 90 346260 Justin Trudeau," External Affairs Minister Vikas Swarup tweeted. Read: Drop notion that his terrorist is not my terrorist: Modi at Nuclear Summit "Canadian's meetings commence with an interaction with Canada's PM Justin Trudeau. Both PMs discuss India-Canada relations 90 346359 to rejoin global economy The agreement for uranium supply, which came two years after protracted negotiations following the 2013 civil nuclear deal between India and Canada, was signed after comprehensive talks Modi had with Harper in April last year. 44-year 90 348769 country. And Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida became the latest world leader to reproach Moscow for its talk of using nuclear weapons. Kyiv's forces have been advancing along the west bank of the Dnipro river, towards the Kherson region's eponymous main 90 348983 them of looting local civilians. - A 'serious threat' - Earlier Saturday, Japan's Kishida denounced Moscow's comments regarding the possible use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine conflict. "Russia's act of threatening the use of nuclear weapons is a serious threat to the 90 348996 Moscow's comments regarding the possible use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine conflict. "Russia's act of threatening the use of nuclear weapons is a serious threat to the peace and security of the international community and absolutely unacceptable," he said. The 90 349022 to the peace and security of the international community and absolutely unacceptable," he said. The 77-year period of no nuclear weapons use "must not be ended", said Kishida, speaking in Australia. Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, Putin has made 90 349053 Australia. Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, Putin has made several thinly veiled threats about his willingness to deploy tactical nuclear weapons. Earlier this month, the European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell warned that the Russian army would be "annihilated 90 349104 Moscow of "catastrophic" consequences should they use such weapons. Japan is the only country ever to have been hit with nuclear weapons: the US atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, which killed 140,000 people, and the second US 90 350098 said the international community must remain united in the face of North Korea's continued provocations. (Photo: AFP) including its recent nuclear test and missile launches. Washington: Proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons pose the most dangerous threat to global security 90 350109 North Korea's continued provocations. (Photo: AFP) including its recent nuclear test and missile launches. Washington: Proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons pose the most dangerous threat to global security and peace, US President Barack Obama said today as leaders from 90 350140 peace, US President Barack Obama said today as leaders from over 50 countries started arriving in Washington to attend the Nuclear Security Summit with the sole objective of preventing terrorists from obtaining and using atomic weapons. "Of all the threats to 90 350175 weapons. "Of all the threats to global security and peace, the most dangerous is the proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons," Mr Obama said in an op-ed in The Washington Post on the eve of the fourth Nuclear Security 90 350194 of nuclear weapons," Mr Obama said in an op-ed in The Washington Post on the eve of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit, which among others is being attended by leaders from countries like India, Japan, China, South Korea and Brazil 90 350239 being led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. "Thursday in Washington, I'll welcome more than 50 world leaders to our fourth Nuclear Security Summit to advance a central pillar of our Prague Agenda: preventing terrorists from obtaining and using a nuclear weapon 90 350258 fourth Nuclear Security Summit to advance a central pillar of our Prague Agenda: preventing terrorists from obtaining and using a nuclear weapon," Mr Obama wrote. "We'll review our progress, such as successfully ridding more than a dozen countries of highly enriched 90 350300 and plutonium. Nations, including the US will make new commitments and we'll continue strengthening international treaties and institutions that underpin nuclear security," he said. Given the continued threat posed by organisations such as the terrorist group IS, Mr Obama wrote, world 90 350367 Mr Obama said the international community must remain united in the face of North Korea's continued provocations, including its recent nuclear test and missile launches. The additional sanctions recently imposed on Pyongyang by the UN Security Council show that violations have 90 350449 States - ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and conclude a new treaty to end the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons once and for all," Mr Obama said. Mr Obama said as the only nation ever to have used nuclear 90 350469 nuclear weapons once and for all," Mr Obama said. Mr Obama said as the only nation ever to have used nuclear weapons, the US has a moral obligation to continue to lead the way in eliminating them. "Still, no one nation 90 350768 Rozanna Latiff; Editing by Tom Heneghan) Extremist "madmen" from the Islamic State group would not hesitate to launch a catastrophic nuclear attack, US President Barack Obama warned at a global summit in Washington. Hoping to galvanize global action to prevent jihadists 90 350793 Obama warned at a global summit in Washington. Hoping to galvanize global action to prevent jihadists from getting hold of nuclear weapons or material for a "dirty bomb," Obama painted an apocalyptic picture of the impact of a nuclear terror attack 90 350811 hold of nuclear weapons or material for a "dirty bomb," Obama painted an apocalyptic picture of the impact of a nuclear terror attack. Obama, who is leaves office next January, was hosting a fourth and likely final leaders' summit aimed at 90 350837 leaves office next January, was hosting a fourth and likely final leaders' summit aimed at reducing the risk of a nuclear holocaust. The first summit was held in Washington six years ago at Obama's behest, when the young president, fresh from 90 350871 behest, when the young president, fresh from winning the Nobel Peace Prize sketched out a vision of a world without nuclear weapons. Today he stands as a president on his way out, trying to complete as much of his agenda as 90 350911 as possible while Republican front runner Donald Trump garners attention with unorthodox calls for South Korea and Japan to be nuclear armed. Such utterances, Obama said, "tell us the person who made the statements doesn't know much about foreign policy or 90 350932 armed. Such utterances, Obama said, "tell us the person who made the statements doesn't know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean peninsula or the world generally." But Obama nodded at his own failures too, saying poor relations 90 350969 too, saying poor relations with Russia -- the world's other major hoarder of nukes -- had hobbled his hopes to reduce conventional nuclear stockpiles. In a characteristic power play, Russian President Vladimir Putin had pointedly boycotted the summit. "My preference would be to 90 350994 power play, Russian President Vladimir Putin had pointedly boycotted the summit. "My preference would be to bring down further our nuclear arsenal," said Obama, adding that he had approached Putin in the hopes of negotiating another arms reduction treaty. "Because of 90 351086 the civilian use of the most dangerous uranium and plutonium. He also shifted the focus on to North Korea's provocative nuclear tests, the recently agreed nuclear deal on Iran and above all the threat from the Islamic State group. That threat 90 351091 most dangerous uranium and plutonium. He also shifted the focus on to North Korea's provocative nuclear tests, the recently agreed nuclear deal on Iran and above all the threat from the Islamic State group. That threat has loomed large over the 90 351130 over the two-day summit, amid revelations that the Islamic State group carried out video surveillance on a top Belgian nuclear scientist. "ISIL has already used chemical weapons, including mustard gas, in Syria and Iraq," Obama said, using an acronym for 90 351169 acronym for the Islamic State group. "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they most certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible 90 351172 Islamic State group. "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they most certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible." Obama said about 90 351196 certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible." Obama said about 2,000 tons of nuclear materials are stored around the world at civilian and military facilities, but some of them are not properly secured. "Just 90 351263 a humanitarian, political, economic and environmental catastrophe with global ramifications for decades," he added. "It would change our world." The nuclear security summit comes in the wake of attacks in Paris and Brussels that have killed dozens and exposed Europe's inability 90 351357 the latest in a series of missile launches during the summit, drew yet more attention to its continued testing of nuclear devices and ballistic missiles. The summit opened Thursday with Obama trying to forge consensus among East Asian leaders on how 90 352959 among its chief allies in Asia and increased cooperation with strategic rival China to discourage Pyongyang from further advances in nuclear weapons. As world leaders gathered for a nuclear security summit, Obama first met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and 90 352967 cooperation with strategic rival China to discourage Pyongyang from further advances in nuclear weapons. As world leaders gathered for a nuclear security summit, Obama first met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Park Geun-hye. Together, they 90 353003 Park Geun-hye. Together, they warned North Korea would face even tougher sanctions and more isolation if provokes again with nuclear and missile tests. Then Obama met Chinese President Xi Jinping and both called for North Korea to give up its 90 353024 and missile tests. Then Obama met Chinese President Xi Jinping and both called for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. China agreed to implement in full the latest economic restrictions imposed by the UN Security Council against Pyongyang. More 90 353059 UN Security Council against Pyongyang. More than 50 governments and international organisations are attending the two-day summit on preventing nuclear terrorism - the last in a series of global meetings Obama has championed on the issue. The risk posed by the 90 353108 concerns about North Korea are also commanding focus. "Of great importance to both of us is North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the security and stability of the region. President Xi and I are both committed to the denuclearisation 90 353188 and disagreements," the Chinese leader said the two sides could "seek active solutions through dialogue and consultation." North Korea's fourth nuclear test in January, followed by a space a launch in February, have heralded more convergence among often-fractious powers in 90 353297 its military's use of sex slaves during World War II. But those tensions have eased some. Abe said North Korea nuclear and missile capability is a "direct and grave threat" to them all. The US and China also released joint statements 90 353323 direct and grave threat" to them all. The US and China also released joint statements vowing robust collaboration to improve nuclear security and to implement a global climate change deal, and reported progress on the issue of cyber security. But they 90 353432 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday, vowing to ramp up pressure on North Korea in response to its recent nuclear and missile tests. Meeting on the sidelines of a global nuclear security summit in Washington, the three leaders recommitted their 90 353443 pressure on North Korea in response to its recent nuclear and missile tests. Meeting on the sidelines of a global nuclear security summit in Washington, the three leaders recommitted their countries to each others' defense and warned they could take further 90 353592 but the two have been brought together in recent months by shared concerns about North Korea, which conducted a fourth nuclear bomb test on Jan. 6 and launched a long-range rocket in February. The United States has sought to encourage 90 353652 Korea but also an increasingly assertive China. The expanded U.N. sanctions aimed at starving North Korea of funds for its nuclear and ballistic missile programs were approved in a unanimous Security Council vote on a resolution drafted by the United States 90 353784 dispute. Six-party talks among the two Koreas, China, the United States, Japan and Russia aimed at curbing the North's nuclear ambitions collapsed in 2008. Xi called for dialogue to denuclearize the Korean peninsula, but also said all parties should avoid 90 353883 50 countries gathered for a two-day summit hosted by Obama and focused on securing vulnerable atomic materials to prevent nuclear terrorism. North Korea's nuclear defiance was high on the agenda. Notably absent is Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding to doubts 90 353887 a two-day summit hosted by Obama and focused on securing vulnerable atomic materials to prevent nuclear terrorism. North Korea's nuclear defiance was high on the agenda. Notably absent is Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding to doubts that a meeting without 90 353913 agenda. Notably absent is Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding to doubts that a meeting without one of the world's top nuclear powers can yield major results. Despite that, a joint U.S.-China statement showed the two countries, while rivals on trade 90 353950 while rivals on trade and at odds over the South China Sea, agreeing to work together to investigate and curb nuclear smuggling and to hold annual talks on the issue. 'MISGUIDED CALCULUS' Obama said he, Park and Abe had directed their 90 354044 frontrunner Donald Trump caused an uproar by suggesting that Japan and South Korea should be allowed to build their own nuclear arsenals, putting him at odds with decades of U.S. policy. Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy national security adviser, said Trump's comments 90 354098 would be catastrophic were the United States to shift its position and indicate that we support somehow the proliferation of nuclear weapons to additional countries." Obama has less than 10 months left in office to follow through on one of his 90 354130 in office to follow through on one of his signature foreign policy initiatives locking down as much of the world's nuclear materials as possible - and this week's meeting is his fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit. While progress has been made 90 354143 locking down as much of the world's nuclear materials as possible - and this week's meeting is his fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit. While progress has been made, some arms-control advocates say the process seems to have lost momentum and 90 354224 made at the summit. The militant attacks in Brussels on March 22 have fueled concern that Islamic State could target nuclear plants, steal material and develop radioactive "dirty bombs". Xi raised his concern about such attacks at a banquet. "As international 90 354258 such attacks at a banquet. "As international terrorist activities have entered a new phase of increasing activity, the threat of nuclear terrorism particularly cannot be ignored," China's foreign ministry cited him as saying. (Additional reporting by Susan Heavey, Roberta Rampton, David 90 356256 Reporting by Padraic Halpin Writing by Conor Humphries; Editing by Mark Heinrich) Washington: Amidst global concerns over safety of its nuclear weapons, Pakistan Friday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was accident-free, unlike that of India. Foreign Secretary of Pakistan 90 356264 Editing by Mark Heinrich) Washington: Amidst global concerns over safety of its nuclear weapons, Pakistan Friday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was accident-free, unlike that of India. Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, Aizaz Chaudhary, who is here to attend the 90 356285 programme was accident-free, unlike that of India. Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, Aizaz Chaudhary, who is here to attend the Nuclear Security Summit hosted by US President Barack Obama, said that the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents 90 356304 the Nuclear Security Summit hosted by US President Barack Obama, said that the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide, including five in India, but "not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 90 356332 not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 40 years old". Pakistan has a modest nuclear programme with "full ownership of its people, essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone," he told reporters at 90 356358 its people, essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone," he told reporters at the Pakistan embassy here. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he said. "Pakistan has worked very hard 90 356391 are," he said. "Pakistan has worked very hard to ensure their security." "India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme, and an equally ambitious conventional weapons programme," he said. "We have a modest programme because we feel we have 90 356451 to deter aggression," he said. He said Pakistan was working with the international community to ensure the security of its nuclear installations, which were always in safe hands. "The National Command Authority, headed by the Prime Minister, is fully in charge 90 356486 Prime Minister, is fully in charge." He said the perception created in the media that Pakistan had the fastest-growing nuclear programme was wrong, and pointed that several studies showed that India had a bigger nuclear programme. He said Pakistan's preparedness 90 356501 Pakistan had the fastest-growing nuclear programme was wrong, and pointed that several studies showed that India had a bigger nuclear programme. He said Pakistan's preparedness was tied to the threat posed by India and the deterrence varied accordingly. "If the 90 356534 India and the deterrence varied accordingly. "If the threat level increases we have to meet that and their conventional and nuclear levels are increasing too," he said. The US had in February expressed concern over the security of Pakistan's tactical nuclear 90 356554 nuclear levels are increasing too," he said. The US had in February expressed concern over the security of Pakistan's tactical nuclear weapons. State Department Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner had said that the US was "concerned both about the security of those 90 356575 weapons. State Department Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner had said that the US was "concerned both about the security of those nuclear weapons, and that has been a common refrain in our discussions with Pakistan." The issue also figured in the US 90 356608 Pakistan." The issue also figured in the US presidential debates. Two days ago, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump said that a nuclear -armed Pakistan is a "very, very vital problem" and that the country needs to "get a hold of" its situation 90 356680 apart on the South China Sea and U.S. missile defence plans for South Korea. Meeting on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in Washington, Xi and Obama agreed to step up cooperation to ensure nuclear security worldwide and to do 90 356695 on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in Washington, Xi and Obama agreed to step up cooperation to ensure nuclear security worldwide and to do more on cyber security. They also agreed to continue to work on a bilateral investment 90 356765 Sea, where Beijing's broad territorial claims have riled its neighbours, and over U.S. missile defence plans following North Korea's recent nuclear and rocket tests. Xi told Obama that he hoped Washington would "strictly" abide by its commitment not to take a 90 357107 to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence, or THAAD, missile defence system in South Korea after North Korea's fourth nuclear test in January and a rocket launch into space in February. "Such deployment will undermine China's security interests and will 90 357159 South Korea began talks last month on possible THAAD deployment. China backed tough new sanctions on North Korea following its nuclear and rocket tests but complains that THAAD has a range that would extend far beyond the Korean peninsula and into 90 357253 ballistic missile tests defied Obama administration assurances that a ban on such tests would remain in place after the Iran nuclear deal. "As many of us feared, now it appears Iran can defy those restrictions with impunity fearing no pushback from 90 357318 violate provisions of Security Council Resolution 2231. Corker authored legislation giving the U.S. Congress the right to review the international nuclear deal announced in July and joined other members of his party in opposing it. Many U.S. lawmakers have demanded more 90 357390 of a council statement condemning the missile program, the diplomats said. Iran's recent ballistic tests involved missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons and were "inconsistent with" and "in defiance of" council resolution 2231, adopted in July, the United States, Britain, France 90 357458 coordinating council discussions on resolution 2231. The letter said missiles used in the recent launches were "inherently capable of delivering nuclear weapons." It also asked that the Security Council discuss "appropriate responses" to Tehran's failure to comply with its obligations and 90 357530 refrain for up to eight years from activity, including launches, related to ballistic missiles designed with the capability of delivering nuclear weapons. Security Council diplomats have said the case for new U.N. sanctions was weak, hinging on interpretation of ambiguous language 90 357560 new U.N. sanctions was weak, hinging on interpretation of ambiguous language in a resolution adopted as part of a July nuclear deal to drastically restrict Iran's nuclear work. Russia, a veto-wielding permanent member, has made clear it considers compliance with 90 357566 on interpretation of ambiguous language in a resolution adopted as part of a July nuclear deal to drastically restrict Iran's nuclear work. Russia, a veto-wielding permanent member, has made clear it considers compliance with the appeal in resolution 2231 to 90 359245 east coast on Friday, South Korean officials said, as global leaders met in Washington to discuss the threat of Pyongyang's nuclear weapons programme. It was the latest in a series of North Korean missile launches during what has been an extended 90 359278 missile launches during what has been an extended period of military tension on the Korean peninsula, triggered by Pyongyang's fourth nuclear test on January 6. The launch came in the middle of the two-day nuclear security summit being hosted by 90 359293 peninsula, triggered by Pyongyang's fourth nuclear test on January 6. The launch came in the middle of the two-day nuclear security summit being hosted by President Barack Obama in Washington, at which North Korea has been the focus of the 90 359347 summit opened Thursday with Obama trying to forge consensus among East Asian leaders on how to respond to Pyongyang's recent nuclear and missile tests, which have seen an escalation of tensions in the region. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear 90 359367 nuclear and missile tests, which have seen an escalation of tensions in the region. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device and a month later launched a long-range rocket, the latest in a series of banned tests. "We are 90 359522 China," insisted Dan Kritenbrink, Obama's top Asia adviser. Shadows of Putin, Trump This is the fourth in a series of nuclear security summits convened at Obama's behest and with the president leaving office next year, it may well be the last 90 359598 material -- the vast majority of which is held by the militaries of Russia and the United States -- almost impossible. "This nuclear security summit is supposed to address all of the (fissile) stocks, but truth is that all they address really is 90 359694 lack of Russian participation as "counterproductive," adding that "nobody benefits from a lack or downgrading of collaboration on issues of nuclear security." America's presidential election also took center stage, with questions about Trump's suggestion that Asian allies should develop nuclear weapons 90 359713 of nuclear security." America's presidential election also took center stage, with questions about Trump's suggestion that Asian allies should develop nuclear weapons. Following the Republican frontrunner's declaration that as president he would withdraw troops from South Korea and Japan and allow 90 359756 countries to develop nukes, Rhodes offered a scathing rebuke. "The entire premise of American foreign policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons," he said. "It would 90 359771 policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons," he said. "It would be catastrophic for the United States to shift its position and indicate that we somehow 90 359796 would be catastrophic for the United States to shift its position and indicate that we somehow support the proliferation of nuclear weapons." By Andy Bruce and Kate Holton PORT TALBOT, Wales/LONDON (Reuters) - Britain battled to save its steel industry on 90 360717 Assembly research project that is due to be sent to South Carolina, the countries said on Friday. Announced alongside the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the transfer makes good on a 2014 agreement at a previous non-proliferation summit to move 90 360773 said. In a joint statement, the countries said the removal furthers a mutual goal of reducing the amount of these nuclear materials held worldwide. "This is the largest single nuclear material removal in the history of this summit process, U.S. Energy 90 360782 removal furthers a mutual goal of reducing the amount of these nuclear materials held worldwide. "This is the largest single nuclear material removal in the history of this summit process, U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz told reporters. "This process will permanently 90 360886 have balked at receiving the weapons-grade plutonium. Such shipments are highly sensitive because the material can be used in nuclear weapons or to make a so-called dirty bomb. Last month, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley asked the U.S. Department 90 380307 financial health of coal companies, she said. Washington, United States - The United States turned up the heat on North Korea's nuclear program Thursday as world leaders gathered in Washington to reduce radioactive stockpiles and protect remaining inventories from terrorists. The threat 90 380334 in Washington to reduce radioactive stockpiles and protect remaining inventories from terrorists. The threat of militants getting their hands on nuclear material has gained fresh urgency since last week's attacks in Brussels, where it later emerged that two bombers had links 90 380365 Brussels, where it later emerged that two bombers had links to surveillance tape of a top official from a Belgian nuclear facility. The latest Nuclear Security Summit saw President Barack Obama invite about 50 world leaders to Washington for the fourth 90 380369 emerged that two bombers had links to surveillance tape of a top official from a Belgian nuclear facility. The latest Nuclear Security Summit saw President Barack Obama invite about 50 world leaders to Washington for the fourth and final meeting of 90 380399 world leaders to Washington for the fourth and final meeting of its kind under his presidency. Journalists attend the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC on March 31, 2016 (AFP Photo/Saul Loeb) Aside from 90 380423 the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC on March 31, 2016 (AFP Photo/Saul Loeb) Aside from pushing for better nuclear material safeguards, Obama wants to pressure nuclear-armed North Korea. After meeting with South Korean and Japanese allies, Obama said 90 380430 on March 31, 2016 (AFP Photo/Saul Loeb) Aside from pushing for better nuclear material safeguards, Obama wants to pressure nuclear -armed North Korea. After meeting with South Korean and Japanese allies, Obama said there is a need to "vigilantly enforce 90 380464 there is a need to "vigilantly enforce the strong UN security measures" against Pyongyang. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device and a month later launched a long-range rocket, the latest in a series of banned tests. The White 90 380533 to vigilantly enforce the strong UN security measures that were passed in light of some of the ballistic missile and nuclear activity that Pyongyang has been engaging in," Obama said. The United States and South Korea have begun discussions on deployment 90 380851 El Bakraoui -- have been linked to 10 hours of video surveillance detailing the comings and goings of a senior Belgian nuclear official. Few believe the IS group could develop a nuclear weapon, but many fear it could acquire uranium or plutonium 90 380861 surveillance detailing the comings and goings of a senior Belgian nuclear official. Few believe the IS group could develop a nuclear weapon, but many fear it could acquire uranium or plutonium and construct a "dirty bomb." Such a device would not 90 380884 many fear it could acquire uranium or plutonium and construct a "dirty bomb." Such a device would not trigger a nuclear explosion but would scatter radioactive material -- with potentially devastating physiological, medical and economic effects. Nuclear material can be found in 90 380899 device would not trigger a nuclear explosion but would scatter radioactive material -- with potentially devastating physiological, medical and economic effects. Nuclear material can be found in small quantities at universities, hospitals and other facilities the world over, often not well secured 90 380935 over, often not well secured. Since the mid-1990s, almost 2,800 incidents of illicit trafficking, "unauthorized possession" or loss of nuclear materials have been recorded in an International Atomic Energy Agency database. More than 50 heads of state were invited to 90 381034 this is an area where we share an interest," he said. "We want Russia at the table on issues of nuclear security." - Trump draws criticism -Though he was not at the summit, Donald Trump also drew attention after the Republican presidential 90 381105 scathing rebuke from Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes. "The entire premise of American foreign policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons," said Rhodes, one of 90 381120 policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons," said Rhodes, one of Obama's closest aides. Attention was also diverted by Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was 90 403143 other fundamental freedoms and violating peoples right to truth and decency. Aliyev is in Washington this week to attend the Nuclear Security Summit that began Thursday. To get an invitation to this event from President Obama, he had to pardon several 90 404170 the families of terrorists. He calls Syrian refugees fleeing violence the ultimate Trojan horse. He entertains the possibility of using nuclear weapons against the Islamic State which would, of course, also kill everyone the Islamic State oppresses. This stereotype of strength 90 409472 U.S. military launches airstrike on al-Shabab leader in Somalia] Obamas remarks came at the end of a two-day Nuclear Security Summit that brought 50 world leaders to Washington to discuss ways to prevent the spread of nuclear-weapons technology 90 409490 two-day Nuclear Security Summit that brought 50 world leaders to Washington to discuss ways to prevent the spread of nuclear -weapons technology and ensure that dangerous nuclear material does not fall into the hands of terrorist groups or criminal networks 90 409497 50 world leaders to Washington to discuss ways to prevent the spread of nuclear-weapons technology and ensure that dangerous nuclear material does not fall into the hands of terrorist groups or criminal networks. The White House added a session on 90 409563 infused other aspects of the summit, as well, as the world leaders discussed ways to prevent militant groups from obtaining nuclear materials that could be used to make a dirty bomb that would cause far higher levels of mass casualties. There 90 409597 far higher levels of mass casualties. There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many innocent people as possible, Obama said earlier 90 409600 of mass casualties. There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many innocent people as possible, Obama said earlier in the day 90 409676 highly enriched uranium and plutonium from 50 facilities in more than 30 countries. The material was enough to build 150 nuclear weapons, Obama said. I know that the very technical nature of nuclear security doesnt make for flashy headlines, he conceded 90 409688 countries. The material was enough to build 150 nuclear weapons, Obama said. I know that the very technical nature of nuclear security doesnt make for flashy headlines, he conceded. Obama was asked to respond to comments in which Republican presidential front 90 409720 to respond to comments in which Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump suggested that Japan and South Korea should acquire nuclear weapons to defend themselves. The president admitted that Trumps remarks had been the subject of discussion on the sidelines of 90 409778 they build nukes] They tell us that person who made the statements does not know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean Peninsula or the world generally, Obama said. I have said that people pay attention to American 90 410139 they have taken towards the press is one that could take Turkey down a path that is very troubling. The nuclear summit was the fourth of its kind in a series launched by Obama in 2010 and aimed at ensuring the 90 410162 the fourth of its kind in a series launched by Obama in 2010 and aimed at ensuring the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and reducing and securing the global stockpile of nuclear material. The White House announced a flurry of new commitments 90 410172 Obama in 2010 and aimed at ensuring the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and reducing and securing the global stockpile of nuclear material. The White House announced a flurry of new commitments from participating nations to increase safeguards and reduce the amount 90 415303 said. The Polish president is set to discuss a range of joint security projects with US leaders while attending the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington this week. Dudas rhetoric aside, the military preparations of the US and its allies are anything 90 442740 by the end of the week, her chief of staff Jaques Wagner told reporters. Rousseff canceled a trip to a nuclear security summit in Washington because of the deepening political crisis, two government officials told Reuters on Tuesday. She requires the 90 462723 against and a stain upon human rights", as President Xi Jinping visited Washington. Xi, who was in Washington for the Nuclear Security Summit, met his US counterpart Barack Obama on Thursday amid tensions between the world's two biggest economies over the 90 463121 been jailed or detained on terror-related offences. By David Brunnstrom WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China remains committed to its plans for nuclear reprocessing, its top nuclear industry official said on Thursday, despite concerns this could lead to a competitive buildup of plutonium 90 463125 on terror-related offences. By David Brunnstrom WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China remains committed to its plans for nuclear reprocessing, its top nuclear industry official said on Thursday, despite concerns this could lead to a competitive buildup of plutonium stockpiles in Asia. "China 90 463154 could lead to a competitive buildup of plutonium stockpiles in Asia. "China is dedicated to the establishment of a complete nuclear fuel-cycle system," Xu Daxhe, chairman of the China Atomic Energy Authority, told reporters on the sidelines of the Nuclear 90 463174 nuclear fuel-cycle system," Xu Daxhe, chairman of the China Atomic Energy Authority, told reporters on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. "When we are constructing a number of nuclear power plants in China we are also taking 90 463186 Authority, told reporters on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. "When we are constructing a number of nuclear power plants in China we are also taking into consideration the development of a reprocessing capability," he added. Xu noted 90 463342 and its real need for development," Xu said. Japan has an estimated 50 tonnes of plutonium, enough to produce 2,000 nuclear weapons, and is building a large plant at Rokkasho in northern Japan to reprocess spent fuel from power plants, although 90 463399 to extract plutonium from spent uranium fuel rods, but with nearly all of its reactors shut down after the Fukushima nuclear disaster five years ago and no schedule for further restarts there is little use for the material. Japan remains an 90 463422 years ago and no schedule for further restarts there is little use for the material. Japan remains an avowedly anti- nuclear -weapons state as the only country ever to have suffered a nuclear attack. However, anti-proliferation advocates worry that if 90 463434 for the material. Japan remains an avowedly anti-nuclear-weapons state as the only country ever to have suffered a nuclear attack. However, anti-proliferation advocates worry that if it goes ahead with plans to open Rokkasho, this will raise fears 90 463483 also encouraging South Korea to pursue reprocessing capability. U.S. concerns had been rising about the prospect of growing stockpiles of nuclear raw materials in East Asia and in mid-March, Thomas Countryman, an assistant U.S. secretary of state in charge of 90 463579 Reuters) - China and the United States have agreed to work together to investigate and try to stop efforts to smuggle nuclear material and on other evolving nuclear security issues, the two countries said in a joint statement at the start of 90 463585 have agreed to work together to investigate and try to stop efforts to smuggle nuclear material and on other evolving nuclear security issues, the two countries said in a joint statement at the start of a global summit. China also agreed 90 467687 to establish a direct air route to the US. Deputy PM Minh is in the US to attend the fourth Nuclear Security Summit./. By Jon Herskovitz AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A former gun industry lobbyist and budget-hawk Republicans are leading what 90 468627 the truth, and to reject any impunity," the French presidency said in a statement. Speaking on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in Washington, Hollande said that, if true, the allegations would be a "stain on France's honor." "We cannot 90 471551 disturbance has been North Korean propaganda broadcasts, turned on in response to South Korean speakers after Pyongyang tested its fourth nuclear device in January in defiance of U.N. resolutions. "It's an irritation," Engman said. "It's not on the level that we 90 483028 east coast on Friday, South Korean officials said, as global leaders met in Washington to discuss the threat of Pyongyang's nuclear weapons programme. It was the latest in a series of North Korean missile launches during what has been an extended 90 483061 missile launches during what has been an extended period of military tension on the Korean peninsula, triggered by Pyongyang's fourth nuclear test on January 6. The launch came in the middle of the two-day nuclear security summit being hosted by 90 483076 peninsula, triggered by Pyongyang's fourth nuclear test on January 6. The launch came in the middle of the two-day nuclear security summit being hosted by President Barack Obama in Washington, at which North Korea has been the focus of the 90 483130 summit opened Thursday with Obama trying to forge consensus among East Asian leaders on how to respond to Pyongyang's recent nuclear and missile tests, which have seen an escalation of tensions in the region. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear 90 483150 nuclear and missile tests, which have seen an escalation of tensions in the region. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device and a month later launched a long-range rocket, the latest in a series of banned tests. "We are 90 483305 China," insisted Dan Kritenbrink, Obama's top Asia adviser. - Shadows of Putin, Trump - This is the fourth in a series of nuclear security summits convened at Obama's behest and with the president leaving office next year, it may well be the last 90 483383 material -- the vast majority of which is held by the militaries of Russia and the United States -- almost impossible. "This nuclear security summit is supposed to address all of the (fissile) stocks, but truth is that all they address really is 90 483479 lack of Russian participation as "counterproductive," adding that "nobody benefits from a lack or downgrading of collaboration on issues of nuclear security." America's presidential election also took center stage, with questions about Trump's suggestion that Asian allies should develop nuclear weapons 90 483498 of nuclear security." America's presidential election also took center stage, with questions about Trump's suggestion that Asian allies should develop nuclear weapons. Following the Republican frontrunner's declaration that as president he would withdraw troops from South Korea and Japan and allow 90 483541 countries to develop nukes, Rhodes offered a scathing rebuke. "The entire premise of American foreign policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons," he said. "It would 90 483556 policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons," he said. "It would be catastrophic for the United States to shift its position and indicate that we somehow 90 483581 would be catastrophic for the United States to shift its position and indicate that we somehow support the proliferation of nuclear weapons." When Google in early 2014 generously opened up its wallet and forked over $3.2 billion in cash for Nest 90 486763 Matthew Miller; Writing by Denny Thomas; Editing by Edwina Gibbs) By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA (Reuters) - North Korea will pursue its nuclear and ballistic missile program in defiance of the United States and its allies, a top Pyongyang envoy said on Friday 90 486848 of the supreme leadership of the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)" and conquering Pyongyang. North Korea conducted a fourth nuclear test in January and launched a long-range rocket in February. The South Korean military said on Friday that North 90 486907 we have to make the counter-measures also. So we have to develop, and we have to make more deterrence, nuclear deterrence," So, who is also North Korea's envoy to the U.N.-sponsored Conference on Disarmament, said in an interview with 90 486945 an interview with Reuters conducted in English. "Simultaneous policy is the policy of my country, and my party also, meaning nuclear production and economic development," he said, referring to the twin aims of the policy course of North Korean leader Kim 90 487070 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday in vowing to ramp up pressure on North Korea in response to its nuclear and missile tests. The three leaders recommitted their countries to each others' defense and warned they could take further steps 90 487118 summit, we call it ... a kind of propaganda," So said, dismissing the talks on securing vulnerable atomic materials to prevent nuclear terrorism. "WE ARE GOING ON OUR OWN WAY" Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday also called for dialogue to resolve 90 487222 Council unanimously passed a resolution in early March expanding U.N. sanctions aimed at starving North Korea of funds for its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. "We are going against that resolution also because that is not fair and (not just). At 90 487318 the decapitation of the supreme leadership of DPRK." Asked about prospects for resuming stalled six-party talks on his country's nuclear program, So replied that denuclearisation of the peninsula was no longer on the table. "If the United States stops their 90 513245 international community needs to display to decisively defeat the menace of terrorism," he told reporters on the sidelines of a nuclear summit in the U.S. capital. It was not immediately clear why China requested that a hold be placed on the 90 513433 e-Mohammad militants are blamed for a 2001 attack on India's parliament that nearly led to a war between the nuclear -armed rivals. (Additional reporting by David Brunnstrom in Washington; Editing by Tom Brown) By Aditya Kalra NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Indian 90 515689 has postponed for security reasons a planned visit to Austria this week, only his second to Europe since last year's nuclear deal, Austria's presidency said Tuesday. "The visit for March 30-31 by President Hassan Rouhani and his delegation has been 90 515843 led to something of a rapprochement with the West which in turn helped Iran and major powers reach the mammoth nuclear deal in Vienna last July. Entering into force in January, Iran substantially scaled down its nuclear programme in order to 90 515859 powers reach the mammoth nuclear deal in Vienna last July. Entering into force in January, Iran substantially scaled down its nuclear programme in order to put an atomic bomb out of reach. In return nuclear-related sanctions -- but not others -- were 90 515873 January, Iran substantially scaled down its nuclear programme in order to put an atomic bomb out of reach. In return nuclear -related sanctions -- but not others -- were lifted. Ructions with the West remain, however, including over Tehran's support for Syrian President 90 515955 particular on its banks. Austria, like other European countries, and having hosted numerous rounds of talks that led to the nuclear deal, is keen to see its firms profit from the opening up of the Iranian economy. VIENNA (Reuters) - Iranian President 90 516105 be Rouhani's second to the European Union since international sanctions against his country were lifted in January under a landmark nuclear deal with major powers that was negotiated in Vienna last year. The Austrian Chamber of Commerce had said 1 billion 90 516166 visits in January to Italy and France but still significant for much smaller Austria. Rouhani, the chief architect of the nuclear deal and keen to open Iran's economy to the world, had been due to meet Fischer and other officials on 90 520418 marketing division and the editorial division. I'm dealing with a fashion designer in the piece, OK? I'm not writing about nuclear weaponry. It's fashion. So I have to make it funny, because these people are funny to me. New Yorker editor 90 524429 year-old. She said The only problem is hes a 5-year-old maybe with his little hands on the nuclear button. On the Democratic side, she told Couric, I think [Hillary Clinton] has the math, so right now, as we 90 540994 ties to win the hearts of Islamabad's friends," said Ram Madhav, national general secretary of Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. Nuclear -armed rivals India and Pakistan have fought three wars since independence in 1947, two of them over Kashmir. New Delhi 90 541183 militant group blamed for the 2008 attacks in Mumbai. In Washington on Friday, where Modi was attending a summit on nuclear security, Indian government spokesman Vikas Swarup welcomed the move. "Countries working against terror entities - particularly entities that have targeted India 90 541661 ties to win the hearts of Islamabad's friends," said Ram Madhav, national general secretary of Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. Nuclear -armed rivals India and Pakistan have fought three wars since independence in 1947, two of them over Kashmir. New Delhi 90 541850 militant group blamed for the 2008 attacks in Mumbai. In Washington on Friday, where Modi was attending a summit on nuclear security, Indian government spokesman Vikas Swarup welcomed the move. "Countries working against terror entities - particularly entities that have targeted India 90 542299 Reporting by Alexander Tanas; Writing by Alessandra Prentice; editing by John Stonestreet) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Dozens of world leaders at a nuclear summit hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama reaffirmed their commitment to fight proliferation of nuclear weapons and materials, a communique 90 542314 of world leaders at a nuclear summit hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama reaffirmed their commitment to fight proliferation of nuclear weapons and materials, a communique issued Friday by the leaders said. More needs to be done to prevent non-state 90 542338 a communique issued Friday by the leaders said. More needs to be done to prevent non-state actors from obtaining nuclear and other radioactive materials, the communique said. "The threat of nuclear and radiological terrorism remains one of the greatest challenges 90 542349 be done to prevent non-state actors from obtaining nuclear and other radioactive materials, the communique said. "The threat of nuclear and radiological terrorism remains one of the greatest challenges to international security, and the threat is constantly evolving," it said 90 542383 the threat is constantly evolving," it said. The summit occurred amid fears that Islamic State militants are trying to gather nuclear materials to create a dirty bomb. (Reporting by Jeff Mason and Timothy Gardner; Editing by James Dalgleish) By Rina Chandran 90 546970 made the request during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on the sidelines of a two-day nuclear security summit in Washington. "President Buhari sought and received an assurance from Mr. Kerry that the United States Government will 90 547645 Shinzo Abe vowing to add pressure on the North for its recent activities. Meeting on the sidelines of a global nuclear security summit in Washington, the three leaders recommitted their countries to each others' defense and warned they could take further 90 547773 Leader Kim Jong Un has supervised some of the launches in defiance of U.N. sanctions. North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test on Jan. 6, leading to new Security Council sanctions in early March. South Korea and the United States have 90 547976 Shinzo Abe vowing to add pressure on the North for its recent activities. Meeting on the sidelines of a global nuclear security summit in Washington, the three leaders recommitted their countries to each others' defense and warned they could take further 90 548104 Leader Kim Jong Un has supervised some of the launches in defiance of U.N. sanctions. North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test on Jan. 6, leading to new Security Council sanctions in early March. South Korea and the United States have 90 548234 a nation it has helped avoid mass starvation for years, and which is now threatening its much larger neighbor with nuclear destruction. Having been North Koreas protector on the international stage for generations, China has recently looked increasingly reluctant to defend 90 548271 increasingly reluctant to defend the excesses of the Kim family dynasty particularly with regard to its continued expansion of a nuclear weapons program that has resulted in international sanctions. Related: US Urges North Korea to Refrain from Provocations Beijing went along 90 548301 US Urges North Korea to Refrain from Provocations Beijing went along with United Nations sanctions related to the North Korean nuclear program earlier this year, and according to documents obtained by the website Daily NK, a Seoul-based organization dedicated to 90 548550 party that All Party members and workers must join in soundly crushing Chinas pressuring schemes with the force of a nuclear storm for its betrayal of socialism. Top Reads from The Fiscal Times: Washington (AFP) - World leaders reaffirmed their commitment to 90 548572 for its betrayal of socialism. Top Reads from The Fiscal Times: Washington (AFP) - World leaders reaffirmed their commitment to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of extremists on Friday but warned that the threat is "constantly evolving." "More work remains 90 548603 warned that the threat is "constantly evolving." "More work remains to be done to prevent non-state actors from obtaining nuclear and other radioactive materials, which could be used for malicious purposes," the leaders said, in a joint statement at the 90 548624 and other radioactive materials, which could be used for malicious purposes," the leaders said, in a joint statement at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. US President Barack Obama invited dozens of world leaders to Washington for the summit, where they 90 548650 President Barack Obama invited dozens of world leaders to Washington for the summit, where they discussed action plans to secure nuclear fuel stockpiles and radioactive material that could be used in a nuclear device or a dirty bomb. "We reaffirm our 90 548662 summit, where they discussed action plans to secure nuclear fuel stockpiles and radioactive material that could be used in a nuclear device or a dirty bomb. "We reaffirm our commitment to our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and 90 548677 could be used in a nuclear device or a dirty bomb. "We reaffirm our commitment to our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy," the statement said. "We commit to fostering a peaceful and 90 548679 used in a nuclear device or a dirty bomb. "We reaffirm our commitment to our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy," the statement said. "We commit to fostering a peaceful and stable international 90 548686 dirty bomb. "We reaffirm our commitment to our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy," the statement said. "We commit to fostering a peaceful and stable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear 90 548706 nuclear energy," the statement said. "We commit to fostering a peaceful and stable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and strengthening nuclear security. "Sustaining security improvements requires constant vigilance at all levels, and we pledge that our countries 90 548710 said. "We commit to fostering a peaceful and stable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and strengthening nuclear security. "Sustaining security improvements requires constant vigilance at all levels, and we pledge that our countries will continue to make 90 548731 security. "Sustaining security improvements requires constant vigilance at all levels, and we pledge that our countries will continue to make nuclear security an enduring priority." Annexed to the statement were five "action plans" designed to improve the coordination of member states 90 549875 is enough to cover imports for 3.6 months. Washington (AFP) - The United States turned up the heat on North Korea's nuclear program Thursday as world leaders gathered in Washington to reduce radioactive stockpiles and protect remaining inventories from terrorists. The threat 90 549902 in Washington to reduce radioactive stockpiles and protect remaining inventories from terrorists. The threat of militants getting their hands on nuclear material has gained fresh urgency since last week's attacks in Brussels, where it later emerged that two bombers had links 90 549933 Brussels, where it later emerged that two bombers had links to surveillance tape of a top official from a Belgian nuclear facility. The latest Nuclear Security Summit saw President Barack Obama invite about 50 world leaders to Washington for the fourth 90 549937 emerged that two bombers had links to surveillance tape of a top official from a Belgian nuclear facility. The latest Nuclear Security Summit saw President Barack Obama invite about 50 world leaders to Washington for the fourth and final meeting of 90 549968 leaders to Washington for the fourth and final meeting of its kind under his presidency. Aside from pushing for better nuclear material safeguards, Obama wants to pressure nuclear-armed North Korea. After meeting with South Korean and Japanese allies, Obama said 90 549975 final meeting of its kind under his presidency. Aside from pushing for better nuclear material safeguards, Obama wants to pressure nuclear -armed North Korea. After meeting with South Korean and Japanese allies, Obama said there is a need to "vigilantly enforce 90 550009 there is a need to "vigilantly enforce the strong UN security measures" against Pyongyang. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device and a month later launched a long-range rocket, the latest in a series of banned tests. The White 90 550078 to vigilantly enforce the strong UN security measures that were passed in light of some of the ballistic missile and nuclear activity that Pyongyang has been engaging in," Obama said. The United States and South Korea have begun discussions on deployment 90 550398 El Bakraoui -- have been linked to 10 hours of video surveillance detailing the comings and goings of a senior Belgian nuclear official. Few believe the IS group could develop a nuclear weapon, but many fear it could acquire uranium or plutonium 90 550408 surveillance detailing the comings and goings of a senior Belgian nuclear official. Few believe the IS group could develop a nuclear weapon, but many fear it could acquire uranium or plutonium and construct a "dirty bomb." Such a device would not 90 550431 many fear it could acquire uranium or plutonium and construct a "dirty bomb." Such a device would not trigger a nuclear explosion but would scatter radioactive material -- with potentially devastating physiological, medical and economic effects. Nuclear material can be found in 90 550446 device would not trigger a nuclear explosion but would scatter radioactive material -- with potentially devastating physiological, medical and economic effects. Nuclear material can be found in small quantities at universities, hospitals and other facilities the world over, often not well secured 90 550482 over, often not well secured. Since the mid-1990s, almost 2,800 incidents of illicit trafficking, "unauthorized possession" or loss of nuclear materials have been recorded in an International Atomic Energy Agency database. More than 50 heads of state were invited to 90 550581 this is an area where we share an interest," he said. "We want Russia at the table on issues of nuclear security." - Trump draws criticism - Though he was not at the summit, Donald Trump also drew attention after the Republican presidential 90 550652 scathing rebuke from Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes. "The entire premise of American foreign policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons," said Rhodes, one of 90 550667 policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons," said Rhodes, one of Obama's closest aides. Attention was also diverted by Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was 90 551002 interests." - Keeping up pressure on Pyongyang - Obama and Xi also discussed pressure on North Korea, which in January detonated a nuclear device and launched a long-range rocket a month later, prompting UN sanctions backed by both Beijing and Washington. Story 90 551036 backed by both Beijing and Washington. Story continues "Of great importance to both of us is North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the security and stability of the region," said Obama. "President Xi and I are both committed to 90 551081 Korean peninsula and the full implementation of UN sanctions." "We are going to discuss how we can discourage actions like nuclear missile tests that escalate tensions and violate international obligations." The White House wants to keep up pressure on the North 90 551301 China." After the meeting the White House released a joint statement promising a series of technical measures to help boost nuclear security, including actions against nuclear smuggling and securing "radioactive sources." By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on 90 551306 White House released a joint statement promising a series of technical measures to help boost nuclear security, including actions against nuclear smuggling and securing "radioactive sources." By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Friday the Iran nuclear deal 90 551325 against nuclear smuggling and securing "radioactive sources." By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Friday the Iran nuclear deal has been successful so far but that more work needs to be done to implement the pact and it 90 551411 either. "Full and continued implementation is going to take the same kind of cooperation and consultation," Obama said at the Nuclear Security Summit. "This deal does remind us that when the international community stands as one we can advance our common 90 551436 does remind us that when the international community stands as one we can advance our common security." Obama said the nuclear agreement, in which world powers eased economic sanctions on Iran, has produced real progress in terms of Tehran taking steps 90 551460 world powers eased economic sanctions on Iran, has produced real progress in terms of Tehran taking steps to dismantle its nuclear centrifuges and ship uranium out of the country. "It will take time for Iran to reintegrate into the global economy 90 551705 deeply concerning, to say the least," he said in a statement. "As Iran continues to undermine the spirit of its nuclear agreement with illicit ballistic missile tests, the Obama administration is going out of its way to help Tehran reopen for 90 551739 its way to help Tehran reopen for business. The president should abandon this idea." In his remarks, Obama said the nuclear agreement did not resolve all of Washington's differences with Iran, including over its support for terrorism, human rights abuses and 90 551878 already beginning to see the benefit of this deal," Obama said at a meeting of allied countries that brokered a nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic. The international community lifted a raft of sanctions on Iran early this year in exchange 90 551905 international community lifted a raft of sanctions on Iran early this year in exchange for the country curbing its controversial nuclear program. But months on, much of Tehran's holdings abroad remain frozen, and US and European businesses are reluctant to do 90 551944 to do business with Iran for fear of getting tangled in a thicket of US regulations. A host of non- nuclear sanctions related to terrorism sponsorship, ballistic missile programs and political crackdowns remain in place and are unlikely to be removed 90 551985 any time soon. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei recently accused Washington of failing to respect the terms of the nuclear agreement. The United States has lifted sanctions "on paper," he said, "but they are using roundabout paths to prevent the 90 552212 to so-called U-turn transactions -- thanks to fierce Congressional opposition. "As Iran continues to undermine the spirit of its nuclear agreement with illicit ballistic missile tests, the Obama administration is going out of its way to help Tehran reopen for 90 552337 US financial system directly." Washington (AFP) - Extremist "madmen" from the Islamic State group would not hesitate to launch a catastrophic nuclear attack, US President Barack Obama warned at a global summit in Washington. Hoping to galvanize global action to prevent jihadists 90 552362 Obama warned at a global summit in Washington. Hoping to galvanize global action to prevent jihadists from getting hold of nuclear weapons or material for a "dirty bomb," Obama painted an apocalyptic picture of the impact of a nuclear terror attack 90 552380 hold of nuclear weapons or material for a "dirty bomb," Obama painted an apocalyptic picture of the impact of a nuclear terror attack. Obama, who is leaves office next January, was hosting a fourth and likely final leaders' summit aimed at 90 552406 leaves office next January, was hosting a fourth and likely final leaders' summit aimed at reducing the risk of a nuclear holocaust. The first summit was held in Washington six years ago at Obama's behest, when the young president, fresh from 90 552440 behest, when the young president, fresh from winning the Nobel Peace Prize sketched out a vision of a world without nuclear weapons. Today he stands as a president on his way out, trying to complete as much of his agenda as 90 552480 as possible while Republican front runner Donald Trump garners attention with unorthodox calls for South Korea and Japan to be nuclear armed. Such utterances, Obama said, "tell us the person who made the statements doesn't know much about foreign policy or 90 552501 armed. Such utterances, Obama said, "tell us the person who made the statements doesn't know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean peninsula or the world generally." But Obama nodded at his own failures too, saying poor relations 90 552538 too, saying poor relations with Russia -- the world's other major hoarder of nukes -- had hobbled his hopes to reduce conventional nuclear stockpiles. In a characteristic power play, Russian President Vladimir Putin had pointedly boycotted the summit. "My preference would be to 90 552563 power play, Russian President Vladimir Putin had pointedly boycotted the summit. "My preference would be to bring down further our nuclear arsenal," said Obama, adding that he had approached Putin in the hopes of negotiating another arms reduction treaty. "Because of 90 552657 use of the most dangerous uranium and plutonium. Story continues He also shifted the focus on to North Korea's provocative nuclear tests, the recently agreed nuclear deal on Iran and above all the threat from the Islamic State group. That threat 90 552662 uranium and plutonium. Story continues He also shifted the focus on to North Korea's provocative nuclear tests, the recently agreed nuclear deal on Iran and above all the threat from the Islamic State group. That threat has loomed large over the 90 552701 over the two-day summit, amid revelations that the Islamic State group carried out video surveillance on a top Belgian nuclear scientist. "ISIL has already used chemical weapons, including mustard gas, in Syria and Iraq," Obama said, using an acronym for 90 552740 acronym for the Islamic State group. "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they most certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible 90 552743 Islamic State group. "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they most certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible." Obama said about 90 552767 certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible." Obama said about 2,000 tons of nuclear materials are stored around the world at civilian and military facilities, but some of them are not properly secured. "Just 90 552834 a humanitarian, political, economic and environmental catastrophe with global ramifications for decades," he added. "It would change our world." The nuclear security summit comes in the wake of attacks in Paris and Brussels that have killed dozens and exposed Europe's inability 90 552928 the latest in a series of missile launches during the summit, drew yet more attention to its continued testing of nuclear devices and ballistic missiles. The summit opened Thursday with Obama trying to forge consensus among East Asian leaders on how 90 553095 Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday that Donald Trump's recent comments that South Korea and Japan should acquire nuclear weapons show the leading Republican presidential candidate is not well informed on international relations. Trump told The New York Times 90 553132 The New York Times in an interview published on Sunday that he would consider letting the countries build their own nuclear weapons, rather than having them count on U.S. protection against North Korea and China. Obama has made no secret of 90 553190 What do the statements you mentioned tell us?" Obama told reporters at a news conference at the conclusion of a nuclear security summit. "They tell us that the person who made the statements doesn't know much about foreign policy or nuclear 90 553210 nuclear security summit. "They tell us that the person who made the statements doesn't know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean peninsula, or the world generally." Obama said Trump's candidacy had come up as a topic with 90 553345 and prosperity there, he said. The relationship had been a boon to U.S. commerce and influence in addition to preventing nuclear escalation and conflict, he added. "You don't mess with that. It is an investment that rests on the sacrifices that 90 553626 the day before. "Both leaders committed... to strengthen coordination in addressing the shared threat presented by North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile systems," the White House said. "Both leaders affirmed their commitment to achieving the denuclearization of the 90 553665 of the Korean Peninsula and the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2270." In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device and a month later launched a long-range rocket, prompting the United States, China and other UN partners to 90 553729 state an economic lifeline. The White House believes that China could do more to press North Korea into abandoning its nuclear and missile programs. China fears that too much pressure would topple the regime, prompting instability and regional upheaval. As if 90 553823 not immediately be confirmed, a ministry official said. - Forge consensus - The launch came in the middle of the two-day nuclear security summit being hosted by Obama in Washington, at which North Korea has been the focus of the US president's 90 553875 summit opened Thursday with Obama trying to forge consensus among East Asian leaders on how to respond to Pyongyang's recent nuclear and missile tests, which have seen an escalation of tensions in the region. Story continues "We are united in our 90 562954 Dan Grebler and James Dalgleish) Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., gave special attention to the need to establish Ukraine's reform-oriented coalition and government. "President 90 563972 the future of the European Union and internal political clashes," Poroshenko told a news conference at the end of a nuclear security summit in Washington. "I think this is very dangerous for a country ... to become the victim of this discussion 90 564083 EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in the end. Poroshenko met with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on the sidelines of the nuclear summit in Washington where the issues was discussed. At the State Department, spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau urged Dutch voters to support 90 567768 subway station in Brussels this week, killing at least 31 and injuring hundreds more, had spied on a senior Belgian nuclear official in the Islamic States quest to get radioactive materials for a dirty bomb, NBC News reported Thursday. Last month 90 567799 for a dirty bomb, NBC News reported Thursday. Last month, in a story pointing out the historic vulnerabilities of Belgiums nuclear facilities, The Center for Public Integrity reported on two men caught on camera secretly recording the Belgian nuclear official. NBC 90 567817 of Belgiums nuclear facilities, The Center for Public Integrity reported on two men caught on camera secretly recording the Belgian nuclear official. NBC News reported that the two brothers who exploded the bombs Khalid el-Bakraoui and Ibrahim el-Bakraoui were 90 567862 taping. Their source was Claude Moniquet, a former intelligence official from France who was hired to investigate terrorist threats to nuclear targets in Europe. The brothers saw the nuclear official as a way to gain the materials necessary to carry out 90 567870 intelligence official from France who was hired to investigate terrorist threats to nuclear targets in Europe. The brothers saw the nuclear official as a way to gain the materials necessary to carry out an unprecedented act of terror. Instead, they carried 90 567935 hour later Khalid el-Bakraoui, 27, set off the lone bomb at a subway station. This story is part of Nuclear Waste. A look at the worlds faltering efforts to control dangerous nuclear explosives. Click here to read more stories in 90 567947 a subway station. This story is part of Nuclear Waste. A look at the worlds faltering efforts to control dangerous nuclear explosives. Click here to read more stories in this investigation. Don't miss another National Security investigation: Sign up for the 90 568020 on Paris that killed 130 people and wounded hundreds more. The hours of clandestine video footage focused on a Belgian nuclear officials home in Flanders. As the investigation progressed, surveillance cameras in the nuclear officials neighborhood showed two shadowy figures in 90 568033 clandestine video footage focused on a Belgian nuclear officials home in Flanders. As the investigation progressed, surveillance cameras in the nuclear officials neighborhood showed two shadowy figures in the night retrieving a video camera hidden in a bush near the nuclear 90 568053 nuclear officials neighborhood showed two shadowy figures in the night retrieving a video camera hidden in a bush near the nuclear officials home before driving away in a car with its headlights off. Moniquets remarks suggest that the men shown fetching 90 568092 shown fetching the camera were the el-Bakraoui brothers. Story continues The terrorist cell naively believed they could use [the nuclear official] to penetrate a lab to obtain nuclear material to make a dirty bomb, Moniquet, chief executive officer of the 90 568100 brothers. Story continues The terrorist cell naively believed they could use [the nuclear official] to penetrate a lab to obtain nuclear material to make a dirty bomb, Moniquet, chief executive officer of the consulting firm European Strategic Intelligence and Security, told 90 568163 wrote, This information can not [sic] be confirmed. The official featured on the cells secret video works at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, known as SCK-CEN, in Mol, about an hours drive northeast of Brussels. He held clearance that gave 90 568188 SCK-CEN, in Mol, about an hours drive northeast of Brussels. He held clearance that gave him extensive access to nuclear materials and radioisotopes for medical and industrial purposes which readily lend themselves for use in a dirty bomb. That raised 90 568214 and industrial purposes which readily lend themselves for use in a dirty bomb. That raised concern among leaders of Belgiums nuclear program that terrorists might have seen the official they targeted as possible leverage to obtain nuclear or radiological materials. We 90 568230 among leaders of Belgiums nuclear program that terrorists might have seen the official they targeted as possible leverage to obtain nuclear or radiological materials. We can imagine that the terrorists might want to kidnap someone or kidnap his family, Nele Scheerlinck 90 568255 can imagine that the terrorists might want to kidnap someone or kidnap his family, Nele Scheerlinck, a spokeswoman for Belgiums nuclear regulatory body, told The Center for Public Integrity in February. On April 4, the Belgian government for the first time 90 568281 for Public Integrity in February. On April 4, the Belgian government for the first time deployed armed soldiers to guard nuclear reactors and power stations. The unarmed contract security force that historically had guarded the seven nuclear reactors and two power 90 568297 armed soldiers to guard nuclear reactors and power stations. The unarmed contract security force that historically had guarded the seven nuclear reactors and two power plants in Belgium had worried President George W. Bushs administration in 2004, diplomatic cables released by 90 568332 in 2004, diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks showed. The U.S. supplies Belgium with highly-enriched uranium, a vital element for nuclear weapons that Belgian plants use to make radioisotopes. Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell privately warned his Belgian counterpart in 90 568365 Colin Powell privately warned his Belgian counterpart in 2004 that U.S. leaders were uneasy about the weak security at Belgiums nuclear sites. Besides physical security, there has been cause for alarm about insider threats at Belgiums nuclear sites. In 2014, an 90 568381 weak security at Belgiums nuclear sites. Besides physical security, there has been cause for alarm about insider threats at Belgiums nuclear sites. In 2014, an act of sabotage caused millions of dollars of damage to a nuclear reactor in Doel, 56 90 568397 insider threats at Belgiums nuclear sites. In 2014, an act of sabotage caused millions of dollars of damage to a nuclear reactor in Doel, 56 miles west of the research center in Mol. The saboteur has not been caught, and terrorism 90 568515 the materials necessary to create a dirty bomb failed. A bomb containing radiological materials, though far less deadly than a nuclear weapon, could trigger panic and cause billions of dollars in damage to a major city. We know that the threat 90 568537 could trigger panic and cause billions of dollars in damage to a major city. We know that the threat of nuclear radiological terrorism is not a theoretical risk, Miles Pomper, a senior fellow at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation said 90 568581 part of an expert panel from the Fissile Materials Working Group, a consortium of 80 nongovernmental organizations working to secure nuclear materials globally, that held a briefing for reporters at the National Press Club ahead of next weeks Nuclear Security Summit 90 568599 to secure nuclear materials globally, that held a briefing for reporters at the National Press Club ahead of next weeks Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C. More than 50 heads of state are expected to attend, but Russia will not be 90 568639 be represented. It will be the fourth and presumably final meeting between world leaders with the express purpose of keeping nuclear and radiological materials safe from terrorists. The reality is, every country has an interest in making sure the countries that 90 568706 Bunn, a professor at Harvard University whos written more than 20 books and more than 100 articles on topics including nuclear security and terrorism. Insecure nuclear material anywhere is a threat to everyone everywhere. The panelists were in consensus that the 90 568711 University whos written more than 20 books and more than 100 articles on topics including nuclear security and terrorism. Insecure nuclear material anywhere is a threat to everyone everywhere. The panelists were in consensus that the summits initiated by President Barack 90 568739 everywhere. The panelists were in consensus that the summits initiated by President Barack Obama have led to improved security of nuclear and radiological material around the world. But much work remains to be done, and they worry that with the end 90 568808 when. It is nothing short of a miracle that we havent yet seen a dirty bomb in a terrorist attack, nuclear terrorism expert Andrew Bieniawski, vice president for material security and minimization at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, said. And so what 90 568822 dirty bomb in a terrorist attack, nuclear terrorism expert Andrew Bieniawski, vice president for material security and minimization at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, said. And so what happened recently in Brussels is really a warning and a wakeup call. This story 90 568846 And so what happened recently in Brussels is really a warning and a wakeup call. This story is part of Nuclear Waste. A look at the worlds faltering efforts to control dangerous nuclear explosives. Click here to read more stories in 90 568858 a wakeup call. This story is part of Nuclear Waste. A look at the worlds faltering efforts to control dangerous nuclear explosives. Click here to read more stories in this investigation. Related stories Copyright 2016 The Center for Public Integrity. This 90 585571 fishing boats to return to port and vowed to take action if it continued amid heightened tension over the North's nuclear and rocket tests. The South said that it had traced signals that disrupted Global Positioning Satellite reception in the South 90 585868 into a subway control system that was foiled. South Korea has previously blamed the North for cyber attacks against its nuclear power operator. The United States accused the North of a cyber attack against Sony Pictures in 2014, forcing the studio 90 599358 adding that civilians were also among the wounded. President Tayyip Erdogan, who is on a visit to Washington for a nuclear security summit, denounced the attack, saying it showed the "ugly face" of militants "as they are cornered". "This shows terrorism's 90 603710 Arabia as too dependent on the United States and said Japan and South Korea may need to develop their own nuclear programs because the U.S. security umbrella is too costly to maintain. In an MSNBC town hall on Wednesday night, Trump 90 603739 costly to maintain. In an MSNBC town hall on Wednesday night, Trump did not rule out the potential use of nuclear weapons in Europe or the Middle East to combat Islamic State militants. "I would never take any of my cards 90 604327 have missed his chance. Top Reads from The Fiscal Times: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The prospect of Japan and South Korea obtaining nuclear weapons would be incredibly destabilizing, the White House said on Wednesday, a day after leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump 90 604375 such weapons to deter enemies. "Mr. Trump's suggestion that somehow we should encourage our allies in South Korea to develop nuclear weapons is directly contrary to a policy that the United States has long pursued and that the international community has 90 607413 end" to terrorism, Erdogan said in a speech to the Brookings Institute. He is in the United States for a nuclear security summit. (Reporting by Idrees Ali in Washington and additional reporting by Ayla Jean Yackley in Istanbul; Writing by David 90 607538 me, my lawyers will go and file a lawsuit," said Erdogan, speaking at an event on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. A Turkish court on Friday resumes hearings in the trial of the two journalists for publishing footage that 90 608056 Thursday ahead of a speech there by Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan was in Washington to attend a major nuclear security summit hosted by President Barack Obama, and was giving a speech at the Brookings Institution. Scuffles erupted as Turkish 90 608371 address some Iranian concerns that it has not been able to take full advantage of sanctions relief under last year's nuclear deal but Iran must also reassure businesses, U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday. "Some of the concerns that Iran 90 609661 Assembly research project that is due to be sent to South Carolina, the countries said on Friday. Announced alongside the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the transfer makes good on a 2014 agreement at a previous non-proliferation summit to move 90 609717 said. In a joint statement, the countries said the removal furthers a mutual goal of reducing the amount of these nuclear materials held worldwide. "This is the largest single nuclear material removal in the history of this summit process, U.S. Energy 90 609726 removal furthers a mutual goal of reducing the amount of these nuclear materials held worldwide. "This is the largest single nuclear material removal in the history of this summit process, U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz told reporters. "This process will permanently 90 609830 have balked at receiving the weapons-grade plutonium. Such shipments are highly sensitive because the material can be used in nuclear weapons or to make a so-called dirty bomb. Last month, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley asked the U.S. Department 90 611407 within a month finalizing goals. Kerry meets Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday on the sidelines of a two-day nuclear security summit in Washington involving leaders from more than 50 countries. The meetings on Wednesday were launched by Kerry and 90 611789 and the U.S. waved to the crowd at White House on September 25, 2015. As the US hosts the fourth Nuclear Security Summit on Thursday and Friday, the meeting between President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the 90 612448 John Kerry met Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Monday, and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan is due to attend a Nuclear Security Summit with other world leaders later in the week. Kirby said Kerry had discussed the security announcement with Cavusoglu 90 612513 coordination," Kirby told a daily briefing at the State Department. "The timing of it was completely considered independently of the Nuclear Security Summit and the visit here to Washington by Turkish officials," he added. The U.S. military's European Command said it 90 613922 Abe on Thursday to present a united front over what he called "provocations" committed by North Korea in its recent nuclear and missile tests. Meeting on the sidelines of a global nuclear security summit in Washington, the three leaders recommitted their 90 613933 called "provocations" committed by North Korea in its recent nuclear and missile tests. Meeting on the sidelines of a global nuclear security summit in Washington, the three leaders recommitted their countries to each others defense and warned they could take further 90 614082 but the two have been brought together in recent months by shared concerns about North Korea, which conducted a fourth nuclear bomb test on Jan. 6 and launched a long-range rocket into space in February. The United States has sought 90 614143 Korea but also an increasingly assertive China. The expanded U.N. sanctions aimed at starving North Korea of funds for its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs were approved in a unanimous Security Council vote on a resolution drafted by the United 90 614282 Pyongyang. Six-party talks between the two Koreas, China, the United States, Japan and Russia aimed at curbing the North's nuclear ambitions collapsed after the last round in 2008. Thursday's meetings took place as leaders from more than 50 countries gathered 90 614322 gathered in Washington for a two-day summit hosted by Obama and focused on securing vulnerable atomic materials to prevent nuclear terrorism. North Koreas nuclear defiance was also high on the agenda. Notably absent is Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding to 90 614326 a two-day summit hosted by Obama and focused on securing vulnerable atomic materials to prevent nuclear terrorism. North Koreas nuclear defiance was also high on the agenda. Notably absent is Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding to doubts that a meeting 90 614353 agenda. Notably absent is Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding to doubts that a meeting without one of the worlds top nuclear powers present can yield major results. Despite that, a joint U.S.-China statement showed the two countries, while rivals on 90 614391 while rivals on trade and at odds over the South China Sea, agreeing to work together to investigate and curb nuclear smuggling and to hold annual bilateral talks on the issue. 'MISGUIDED CALCULUS' Obama said he, Park and Abe had directed 90 614485 frontrunner Donald Trump caused an uproar by suggesting that Japan and South Korea should be allowed to build their own nuclear arsenals, putting him at odds with decades of U.S. policy. Ben Rhodes, Obamas deputy national security adviser, said Trumps comments 90 614539 would be catastrophic were the United States to shift its position and indicate that we support somehow the proliferation of nuclear weapons to additional countries. Obama has less than 10 months left in office to follow through on one of his 90 614572 office to follow through on one of his signature foreign policy initiatives locking down as much of the worlds dangerous nuclear materials as possible - and this week's meeting is his fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit. While progress has been made 90 614585 down as much of the worlds dangerous nuclear materials as possible - and this week's meeting is his fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit. While progress has been made, some arms-control advocates say the diplomatic process seems to have lost momentum 90 614672 the summit. The deadly militant bomb attacks in Brussels this month have fueled concern that Islamic State could eventually target nuclear plants, steal material and develop radioactive dirty bombs, a topic that may well be uppermost in leaders minds as they 90 616260 President Xi Jinping is scheduled to meet with his US counterpart Barack Obama Thursday on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. In September 2015, the two leaders laid out a common vision for the Paris outcome during 90 616759 trade deals worth 40 billion, including China taking a one-third stake in the troubled project to build Britain's first nuclear plant in decades at Hinkley Point in southwest England. Osborne says he wants Britain to be China's "best partner in 90 619517 WASHINGTON -- Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen Thursday on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit, calling for bigger progress in the development of bilateral ties. "The sustained and in-depth development of the 90 620607 highlight areas of cooperation amid disputes over the South China Sea and how hard to push back on North Korea's nuclear program, the White House said both countries would take part in a signing ceremony on April 22. The two nations 90 620894 world leaders to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki to see the horrors of the atomic bombings and join efforts to eradicate nuclear arms. But the most senior US official to have visited Hiroshima -- which was consumed in the world's first nuclear attack 90 620913 eradicate nuclear arms. But the most senior US official to have visited Hiroshima -- which was consumed in the world's first nuclear attack on August 6, 1945 -- has been House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Last month, Japanese government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said: "The 90 620971 themselves the reality of atomic bombings. "We believe (visits) are important to boost international momentum toward achieving a world without nuclear arms." The world's first atomic bomb killed about 140,000 people in Hiroshima, including those who survived the explosion itself but 90 623152 the path towards eventual EU membership, after a grassroots eurosceptic campaign. Poroshenko met Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on Friday, and afterwards stressed the friendship between their countries. He accused the campaigners who demanded 90 624778 Xi Jinping returns to the US in late March to gather with leaders of 50 other nations at the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit. That's good news. In these difficult and dangerous times, it's important for the US and China to work 90 624837 the two nations already cooperate in key areas. China played an important role in the negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program. Washington and Beijing worked together in the landmark Paris Climate Summit. China also recently supported a US-led UN 90 626651 Lisa Girion) Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama hosts an international summit in Washington Thursday and Friday aimed at ensuring that nuclear material in the world's roughly 1,000 atomic facilities is secured. Here is a breakdown of what's at stake: - Large stockpiles 90 626676 roughly 1,000 atomic facilities is secured. Here is a breakdown of what's at stake: - Large stockpiles - Obama convened the first Nuclear Security Summit in 2010, followed by similar gatherings in Seoul in 2012 and The Hague in 2014. The meetings focus 90 626734 the detection of smuggling, and cybersecurity. Considerable progress has been made, with several countries reducing or eliminating their stockpiles of nuclear material. For example, Japan this month is returning to the United States enough plutonium to make 50 nuclear bombs. But 90 626752 stockpiles of nuclear material. For example, Japan this month is returning to the United States enough plutonium to make 50 nuclear bombs. But despite these advances, a January report by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a leading US nonproliferation watchdog, found 90 626763 to the United States enough plutonium to make 50 nuclear bombs. But despite these advances, a January report by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a leading US nonproliferation watchdog, found basic weaknesses persist in securing the world's fissile materials. And according 90 626830 of the magnitude that leveled Hiroshima in 1945. - Narrow scope? - The fissile materials in question do not include state-owned nuclear weapons, leading critics to say the summits are not broad enough in scope. "This is an important mission, but it's 90 626877 50 or 60 heads of state that are going to convene in Washington," said Bruce Blair, co-founder of anti- nuclear group Global Zero. "We should have an agenda ... that would cover all fissile materials, civilian and military." - New dangers - Since 90 626930 other countries have stepped up efforts to secure theirs. But at the same time, other nations are ramping up their nuclear capabilities. Story continues Countries like Pakistan, India and North Korea have built new bombs, and experts warn these fall behind 90 627025 the November 13 Paris terror attacks found 10 hours of video of the comings and goings of a senior Belgian nuclear official. One agenda item at the summit will see leaders discussing a hypothetical nuclear security crisis. - Next steps, possible outcomes 90 627039 and goings of a senior Belgian nuclear official. One agenda item at the summit will see leaders discussing a hypothetical nuclear security crisis. - Next steps, possible outcomes - Sharon Squassoni, director and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies 90 635390 the successful example of the collaboration between his company and Chinas mobile phone manufacturers. In addition, a strategic agreement on nuclear cooperation was also inked by Chinas CEFC Energy and China General Nuclear Power Group as well as Skoda Praha, the 90 635402 phone manufacturers. In addition, a strategic agreement on nuclear cooperation was also inked by Chinas CEFC Energy and China General Nuclear Power Group as well as Skoda Praha, the Czech Republic's largest power plant developer and theCzechElectrical and Electronic Association at 90 635438 theCzechElectrical and Electronic Association at the economic roundtable. The cooperation, covering both technology and investment, marks the entrance of Chinese nuclear power to Europe. Chinese President Xi Jinping (2nd R) meets with his Republic of Korea (ROK) counterpart Park Geun-hye 90 635467 R) meets with his Republic of Korea (ROK) counterpart Park Geun-hye (3rd L) on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington D.C., the United States, March 31, 2016. (Xinhua/Zhang Duo) WASHINGTON, March 31 -- Chinese President Xi 90 635504 31 -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday met South Korean President Park Geun-hye on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), exchanging views on bilateral relationship as well as the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Hailing the development 90 635789 China and will advance the S. Korea-China strategic partnership of cooperation in a sustained manner. Although the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue is not on the NSS agenda, the recent flare-up of tensions in Northeast Asia in the wake of 90 635811 is not on the NSS agenda, the recent flare-up of tensions in Northeast Asia in the wake of the nuclear test and satellite launch by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has caused widespread concern. During the meeting prior 90 635897 and strictly carry out relevant UN resolutions. The UN Security Council adopted a resolution last month to curb the DPRK's nuclear and missile program following its nuclear test in January and satellite launch in February. In his meeting with Park, Xi 90 635903 resolutions. The UN Security Council adopted a resolution last month to curb the DPRK's nuclear and missile program following its nuclear test in January and satellite launch in February. In his meeting with Park, Xi also stressed that dialogue and consultations 90 636052 exchanges. China and South Korea established a joint committee for cultural exchanges, after Park visited China in 2013. China's top nuclear official has introduced China's efforts in nuclear safety cooperation at the nuclear security summit in Washington. And the US Secretary 90 636059 joint committee for cultural exchanges, after Park visited China in 2013. China's top nuclear official has introduced China's efforts in nuclear safety cooperation at the nuclear security summit in Washington. And the US Secretary of Energy expressed the willingness to and 90 636064 after Park visited China in 2013. China's top nuclear official has introduced China's efforts in nuclear safety cooperation at the nuclear security summit in Washington. And the US Secretary of Energy expressed the willingness to and confidence in working with China 90 636086 summit in Washington. And the US Secretary of Energy expressed the willingness to and confidence in working with China on nuclear issues. "During the last nuclear security summit in The Hague, President Xi Jinping proposed a 'rational, coordinated and balanced' nuclear 90 636091 US Secretary of Energy expressed the willingness to and confidence in working with China on nuclear issues. "During the last nuclear security summit in The Hague, President Xi Jinping proposed a 'rational, coordinated and balanced' nuclear security approach. That was a 90 636106 nuclear issues. "During the last nuclear security summit in The Hague, President Xi Jinping proposed a 'rational, coordinated and balanced' nuclear security approach. That was a major contribution of China on world's nuclear security. The China Institute of Atomic Energy completed 90 636118 Xi Jinping proposed a 'rational, coordinated and balanced' nuclear security approach. That was a major contribution of China on world's nuclear security. The China Institute of Atomic Energy completed the conversion of the highly enriched uranium research reactor to using low 90 636165 on producing low enriched uranium fuel for the Ghana reactor. We have been working with the IAEA to organize many nuclear safety seminars in more than a dozen countries in the Asia-Pacific region. More than 200 nuclear professionals were trained 90 636182 to organize many nuclear safety seminars in more than a dozen countries in the Asia-Pacific region. More than 200 nuclear professionals were trained by us," said Xu Dazhe, chairman of China Atomic Energy Authority. Humps of trash are seen unattended 90 636273 environment online, complaining the negligence of the school that affects students lives and health. The unit 1 of the first nuclear power plant in western China is put into operation in Fangchenggang, southwest China's Guangxi on October 25, 2015. China General 90 636294 power plant in western China is put into operation in Fangchenggang, southwest China's Guangxi on October 25, 2015. China General Nuclear Power Corporation announced Wednesday that it had sealed a Memorandum of Understanding in Prague on the development of nuclear and 90 636313 General Nuclear Power Corporation announced Wednesday that it had sealed a Memorandum of Understanding in Prague on the development of nuclear and renewable energy with Czech Energy Group. Taking the advantage of its technology and good reputation, nuclear industry has become 90 636330 the development of nuclear and renewable energy with Czech Energy Group. Taking the advantage of its technology and good reputation, nuclear industry has become another name card of China despite of the cut-throat competition in the world. However, as more 90 636352 has become another name card of China despite of the cut-throat competition in the world. However, as more Chinese nuclear enterprises going global, complaints began to appear. Some foreign media questioned the safety of Chinas nuclear technology while others claiming 90 636368 However, as more Chinese nuclear enterprises going global, complaints began to appear. Some foreign media questioned the safety of Chinas nuclear technology while others claiming that Chinas nuclear projects in certain countries polluted local environment. Some even criticized that the Chinese 90 636375 global, complaints began to appear. Some foreign media questioned the safety of Chinas nuclear technology while others claiming that Chinas nuclear projects in certain countries polluted local environment. Some even criticized that the Chinese nuclear companies are posing threats to the 90 636389 technology while others claiming that Chinas nuclear projects in certain countries polluted local environment. Some even criticized that the Chinese nuclear companies are posing threats to the national security in countries they have invested. Therefore, facts speak louder than words. Chinese 90 636410 companies are posing threats to the national security in countries they have invested. Therefore, facts speak louder than words. Chinese nuclear companies have given top priority to safety when expanding their business overseas, which in return has sharpened their competitiveness edge 90 636448 their competitiveness edge in global market. For example, the designing of the Hualong One reactor, which is Chinas indigenous brand nuclear technology, has met the most stringent international standard because it is installed with sophisticated incident prevention and mitigation systems. Some 90 636480 installed with sophisticated incident prevention and mitigation systems. Some of its safety standards even surpass the requirement of Generation-III nuclear technology. Environmental protection is strictly upheld by Chinese companies. Take the China-France nuclear cooperation project as an example. Last 90 636494 surpass the requirement of Generation-III nuclear technology. Environmental protection is strictly upheld by Chinese companies. Take the China-France nuclear cooperation project as an example. Last July, both countries signed a joint statement to strengthen civil nuclear energy cooperation, vowing 90 636511 the China-France nuclear cooperation project as an example. Last July, both countries signed a joint statement to strengthen civil nuclear energy cooperation, vowing to share experiences on disposal of high-radiation wastes, especially the design and construction of deep geological 90 636540 of high-radiation wastes, especially the design and construction of deep geological repositories. Moreover, the CAP 1400, the Generation-III nuclear technology system independently developed by China, is expected to land in South Africa and Turkey this year. The unit adopts 90 636578 The unit adopts the latest domestic and international standards, and meets the strictest requirement in environmental protection. In addition, Chinese nuclear enterprises have enjoyed advantage in economic competitiveness. From a global level, Chinas nuclear power units, supported by strong manufacturing capability 90 636591 requirement in environmental protection. In addition, Chinese nuclear enterprises have enjoyed advantage in economic competitiveness. From a global level, Chinas nuclear power units, supported by strong manufacturing capability, prove to be the most cost-effective industry compared with their counterparts in 90 636635 countries choose to cooperate with China because they see the opportunities to promote their economic development. For instance, the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant jointly built by China and Pakistan will help address the severe power shortage in Pakistan. Officials and scholars 90 636677 African countries like South Africa and Kenya have expressed on many occasions that it is the right time for Chinese nuclear technology to enter the African market as it will increase power supply in the continent and stimulate local economy as 90 636707 increase power supply in the continent and stimulate local economy as well. Market rules play an important role when Chinese nuclear companies go global based on their own concrete conditions and development strategy. It is a groundless accusation that some Western 90 636739 strategy. It is a groundless accusation that some Western media criticized some Chinese companies resort to digital loopholes in their nuclear technology for future diplomatic blackmail. When attending the opening ceremony of the 1st World Nuclear Exhibition one year ago, former 90 636754 to digital loopholes in their nuclear technology for future diplomatic blackmail. When attending the opening ceremony of the 1st World Nuclear Exhibition one year ago, former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing noted that China's nuclear power industry should have a place 90 636768 opening ceremony of the 1st World Nuclear Exhibition one year ago, former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing noted that China's nuclear power industry should have a place in the world nuclear market. Nowadays more and more countries choose to cooperate with 90 636778 ago, former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing noted that China's nuclear power industry should have a place in the world nuclear market. Nowadays more and more countries choose to cooperate with China in the development of nuclear energy. Technical guarantee, safety 90 636794 place in the world nuclear market. Nowadays more and more countries choose to cooperate with China in the development of nuclear energy. Technical guarantee, safety advantage and economic competitiveness, these are the reasons why Chinas nuclear industry go global smoothly. All 90 636809 China in the development of nuclear energy. Technical guarantee, safety advantage and economic competitiveness, these are the reasons why Chinas nuclear industry go global smoothly. All in all, Chinas nuclear energy industry will help create opportunities for the development of clean 90 636818 safety advantage and economic competitiveness, these are the reasons why Chinas nuclear industry go global smoothly. All in all, Chinas nuclear energy industry will help create opportunities for the development of clean energy globally, and cooperation with other countries will inject 90 638079 from the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding districts. Baku, Azerbaijan, Apr.1 By Elmira Tariverdiyeva - Trend: Azerbaijan's participation in the Nuclear Security Summit in the US is very important in terms of counteracting the current threats for the whole South Caucasus 90 638113 current threats for the whole South Caucasus region. During the summit, Azerbaijan raised a very serious issue related to the nuclear security of several countries in the region. Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met with the Director General of the International 90 638152 the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano and discussed the threats caused by the operation of the outdated 'Metsamor' nuclear power plant located in Armenia. Baku, for many years, has been saying at all international platforms that the operation of 90 638194 plant poses a serious threat, since it was constructed with old technology and its service life has expired. Additionally, this nuclear power plant is located in the earthquake-prone region of South Caucasus and this makes its operation even more dangerous 90 638220 the earthquake-prone region of South Caucasus and this makes its operation even more dangerous. The accident at Japan's newest nuclear power plant in Fukushima, caused by an earthquake in 2011, led to a huge environmental disaster. It is scary to 90 638295 Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Armenia Yervand Zakharyan said that serious work on the construction of a new nuclear power plant in the country won't be held in the coming years. It's obvious why Yerevan cannot reconstruct the old 90 638316 power plant in the country won't be held in the coming years. It's obvious why Yerevan cannot reconstruct the old nuclear power plant - permanent financial problems and conflicts with neighbors. The desire of the authorities to use the Metsamor nuclear power 90 638335 old nuclear power plant - permanent financial problems and conflicts with neighbors. The desire of the authorities to use the Metsamor nuclear power plant for many years is quite clear, considering the fact that Armenia hasn't spent a dime on its construction 90 638395 over a long period of time. However, frankly speaking, one must admit that even the reconstruction wouldn't help the Armenian nuclear power plant. The plant's exploitation period has ended. Today, all the countries in the region, including Iran, Turkey, Georgia, Russia 90 638431 including Iran, Turkey, Georgia, Russia and Azerbaijan are exposed to the threat of suffering the same fate of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant and the Japanese Fukushima nuclear power plant. Rather than shut down an old Metsamor 90 638442 threat of suffering the same fate of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant and the Japanese Fukushima nuclear power plant. Rather than shut down an old Metsamor nuclear power plant, which is located in a seismic zone, the 90 638452 power plant, Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant and the Japanese Fukushima nuclear power plant. Rather than shut down an old Metsamor nuclear power plant, which is located in a seismic zone, the Armenian government decided to extend its service life for a 90 638489 service life for a few more years. The government's decision was made despite the fact that, according to experts, the nuclear power plant could operate only until 2016 in the worst-case scenario, although the EU has been insisting on its 90 638547 Armenia, which has recently faced multi-day protests due to an increase in energy tariffs, understands that a new expensive nuclear power plant will not cover its cost for many years to come. According to various estimates, a new unit will 90 638606 two of four neighboring countries. Yerevan even took a loan worth $300 million from Russia for the reconstruction of the nuclear power plant by the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation (Rosatom). Armenia is unlikely to find an investor willing to put 90 638702 As a result of these accidents, the region can be subjected to radioactive contamination. Perhaps, President Sargsyan's participation in the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington will serve as a starting point for solving the problem of the Metsamor nuclear power plant 90 638720 in the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington will serve as a starting point for solving the problem of the Metsamor nuclear power plant as there are no other reasons for his presence at the summit. --- Elmira Tariverdiyeva is the head of 90 641863 Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak of Russia about the IAEA's verification and monitoring of Iran's nuclear -related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. I noted that Iran is now subject to the strongest nuclear 90 641883 nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. I noted that Iran is now subject to the strongest nuclear verification regime in the world. It is implementing not just its safeguards agreement with the Agency, but also its Additional 90 641931 obligations under its formal agreements with the IAEA have also been agreed. The IAEA has considerable experience and expertise in nuclear verification. We can effectively fulfill our responsibilities as the eyes and ears of the world in Iran and give the 90 642006 that the necessary funding is made available for the IAEA's JCPOA-related activities. The JCPOA is a clear gain for nuclear verification in Iran. Considerable effort was required in order to reach this agreement. A similar and sustained effort will be 90 642305 on the early diagnosis of diseases by using molecular imaging. The Bushehr Medical Science University team has started to use nuclear medicine and molecular imaging in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, according to the team leader Dr. Majid Assadi, ISNA news 90 642370 that the team has on agenda to test the method on other diseases, such as MS and thyroid cancer. Iran's nuclear science and technology has been affected by years of negative outlook by Western powers, which led to the imposition of 90 645635 which can also avoid the abuse of big data." Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Washington to attend the 4th Nuclear Security Summit. Xi will also meet with U.S. President Barack Obama to discuss China-U.S. ties. (Photo : Reuters) China has 90 645685 around the world with the arrival of President Xi Jinping in Washington on Wednesday, March 30, to attend the fourth Nuclear Security Summit, the Xinhua News Agency reported. Advertisement On Friday, April 1, Xi is scheduled to address the opening plenary 90 645713 Advertisement On Friday, April 1, Xi is scheduled to address the opening plenary to discuss new measures and achievements in nuclear security, as well as present the country's nuclear security policy, which also includes China's proposal to strengthen global nuclear security 90 645721 to address the opening plenary to discuss new measures and achievements in nuclear security, as well as present the country's nuclear security policy, which also includes China's proposal to strengthen global nuclear security. But before that, Xi is set to meet 90 645732 in nuclear security, as well as present the country's nuclear security policy, which also includes China's proposal to strengthen global nuclear security. But before that, Xi is set to meet with U.S. President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the summit 90 645813 interest. According to the official website of the 2016 NSS, this year's summit will focus on advancing concrete improvements in nuclear security and strengthening the framework for global nuclear security. This year, leaders and envoys from 52 countries and four international 90 645821 2016 NSS, this year's summit will focus on advancing concrete improvements in nuclear security and strengthening the framework for global nuclear security. This year, leaders and envoys from 52 countries and four international organizations are expected to join the biennial event 90 645856 expected to join the biennial event initiated by Obama. Beijing hopes the summit would continue to consolidate international consensus on nuclear security, promote national capacity-building, enhance international cooperation and maintain a global nuclear security culture, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Li 90 645869 would continue to consolidate international consensus on nuclear security, promote national capacity-building, enhance international cooperation and maintain a global nuclear security culture, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong said at a press briefing last week. Li added that China will 90 645910 cooperate and work with all parties to ensure the success of the Washington summit for the establishment of an international nuclear security system based on equality, cooperation and win-win results. Xi visited Prague before coming to Washington as part of 90 646397 Together to Keep the World Safe from Nukes; What It Means for North Korea World leaders gather for the 4th Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington, D.C. from March 31 to April 1, 2016. (Photo : Getty Images) China and the United 90 646431 Photo : Getty Images) China and the United States of America pledged to a joint commitment to ensure peace via global nuclear security, revealing plans of annual dialogues involving the worlds biggest developed and developing countries. A report from the Xinhua News 90 646495 together" to keep international peace. Advertisement According to the outlet, the two leaders met on the sidelines of this year's Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). The statement revealed that the commitment entails "reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a 90 646510 the sidelines of this year's Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). The statement revealed that the commitment entails "reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and 90 646523 the commitment entails "reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and security of all." Apparently, this includes teaming up to keep North Korea from 90 646549 benefit and security of all." Apparently, this includes teaming up to keep North Korea from doing anything unforgivable with their nuclear weapons. The Joint Commitment While history puts the two nations in different sides, China and the U.S. are presently nurturing 90 646609 will between the two intact. Proof of this is the recent declaration of their commitment towards removing the threat of nuclear weapons. According to a joint statement signed by the Obama and Xi, China and the U.S. "will continue to coordinate 90 646634 joint statement signed by the Obama and Xi, China and the U.S. "will continue to coordinate efforts to strengthen counter nuclear smuggling capabilities and share best practices with the international community, taking full advantage of the training programs sponsored by the 90 646712 security of said resources. Furthermore, the two countries sought to continue "strong communication and cooperation" in order to achieve total nuclear security. North Korea This might mean that China will be working with the U.S. to help denuclearize the Korean Peninsula 90 646744 with the U.S. to help denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. According to The Wall Street Journal, the issue on North Korea's nuclear power was highlighted during the NSS. BBC News believes that this was due to NorKor's test firing of a missile 90 648279 for political affairs. Sameh Shoukry is currently on a visit to the United States where Egypt is participating in the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. The former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton is competing against Senator Bernie Sanders in the on 90 648394 Sameh Shoukry held talks with his US counterpart John Kerry early Thursday on the sidelines of a global two-day nuclear security summit in Washington. "Kerry stressed that Washington is keen to assist Egypt in the economic woes it faces," Shoukry 90 651443 specifying which opposition groups should take part. Search Keywords: Short link: The United States moved Thursday to keep pressure on nuclear -armed North Korea and reassure China over the proposed deployment of a sophisticated anti-missile system to South Korea. After 90 651476 sophisticated anti-missile system to South Korea. After meeting with South Korean and Japanese allies at the start of a nuclear summit in Washington, President Barack Obama said there is a need to "vigilantly enforce the strong UN security measures" against 90 651500 President Barack Obama said there is a need to "vigilantly enforce the strong UN security measures" against Pyongyang, following provocative nuclear and missile tests that violated several UN resolutions. North Korea in January detonated a nuclear device and launched a long 90 651515 measures" against Pyongyang, following provocative nuclear and missile tests that violated several UN resolutions. North Korea in January detonated a nuclear device and launched a long-range rocket a month later, the latest in a series of tests that have alarmed 90 651613 sanctions recently imposed on Pyongyang by the United Nations Security Council show that violations have consequences." Obama kicked off the nuclear security summit by holding discussions with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Park Geun-Hye, followed by 90 652940 the day before. "Both leaders committed... to strengthen coordination in addressing the shared threat presented by North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile systems," the White House said. "Both leaders affirmed their commitment to achieving the denuclearization of the 90 652979 of the Korean Peninsula and the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2270." In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device and a month later launched a long-range rocket, prompting the United States, China and other UN partners to 90 653043 state an economic lifeline. The White House believes that China could do more to press North Korea into abandoning its nuclear and missile programs. China fears that too much pressure would topple the regime, prompting instability and regional upheaval. As if 90 653135 trajectory could not immediately be confirmed, a ministry official said. The launch came in the middle of the two-day nuclear security summit being hosted by Obama in Washington, at which North Korea has been the focus of the US president's 90 653187 summit opened Thursday with Obama trying to forge consensus among East Asian leaders on how to respond to Pyongyang's recent nuclear and missile tests, which have seen an escalation of tensions in the region. "We are united in our efforts to 90 653643 Assembly research project that is due to be sent to South Carolina, the countries said on Friday. Announced alongside the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the transfer makes good on a 2014 agreement at a previous non-proliferation summit to move 90 653699 said. In a joint statement, the countries said the removal furthers a mutual goal of reducing the amount of these nuclear materials held worldwide. "This is the largest single nuclear material removal in the history of this summit process," U.S. Energy 90 653708 removal furthers a mutual goal of reducing the amount of these nuclear materials held worldwide. "This is the largest single nuclear material removal in the history of this summit process," U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz told reporters. "This process will permanently 90 653812 have balked at receiving the weapons-grade plutonium. Such shipments are highly sensitive because the material can be used in nuclear weapons or to make a so-called dirty bomb. Last month, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley asked the U.S. Department 90 657957 when Obama sat down later with Chinese President Xi Jinping. "We want to enhance communication and coordination on the Korean nuclear issue and other regional and global issues," Xi said at the top of the talks. "We are united in our 90 658027 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the White House to discuss the North Korean threat in the wake of Pyongyang's January nuclear test and a long-range missile launch in February. President Barack Obama opened his fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit 90 658045 Pyongyang's January nuclear test and a long-range missile launch in February. President Barack Obama opened his fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on Thursday, acknowledging that the world remains imperiled by North Korea's nuclear weapons development and the 90 658061 his fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on Thursday, acknowledging that the world remains imperiled by North Korea's nuclear weapons development and the possibility that the Islamic State militant group could set off radioactive bombs. Brussels Attacks The U.S 90 658096 radioactive bombs. Brussels Attacks The U.S. and other world powers may be experiencing a heightened sense of urgency in securing nuclear material and sites from terrorists, following the March 22 attacks in Brussels. News reports have said two brothers linked to 90 658130 reports have said two brothers linked to the attacks were part of a plot to gain information about a Belgian nuclear facility. "We know that terrorist organizations have the desire to get access to these raw materials and their desire to 90 658153 know that terrorist organizations have the desire to get access to these raw materials and their desire to have a nuclear device," said White House foreign policy aide Ben Rhodes. One U.S. lawmaker, Representative Ed Royce, a California Republican who is 90 658195 of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, "We should assume terrorists will continue to seek out the weakest links at nuclear facilities around the globe." World leaders are also concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such 90 658209 seek out the weakest links at nuclear facilities around the globe." World leaders are also concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such as nuclear-armed Pakistan, where a terrorist attack in Lahore on Easter Sunday killed 90 658217 around the globe." World leaders are also concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such as nuclear -armed Pakistan, where a terrorist attack in Lahore on Easter Sunday killed more than 70 people. Heads of state and 90 658326 of mutual cooperation" in setting the agenda. But Obama said that Moscow and Washington, with 90 percent of the world's nuclear weapons, "should negotiate to reduce our stockpiles further." He said the two countries' "massive Cold War nuclear arsenal is poorly 90 658343 of the world's nuclear weapons, "should negotiate to reduce our stockpiles further." He said the two countries' "massive Cold War nuclear arsenal is poorly suited to today's threats." While progress has been made since the first summit in 2010, "the overall 90 658370 threats." While progress has been made since the first summit in 2010, "the overall objective of securing the most vulnerable nuclear materials in four years I don't think has been achieved," said Sharon Squassoni with the Center for Strategic and International 90 658429 she said. International Framework Experts say security gaps remain for several reasons: There still is no international framework to monitor nuclear materials; some countries are unwilling to open up supplies intended for commercial use; and some militaries have been unable to 90 658457 up supplies intended for commercial use; and some militaries have been unable to agree on how to deal with their nuclear material. "If you wanted to cause a nuclear incident, you might look for the country with the most vulnerable reactors 90 658465 militaries have been unable to agree on how to deal with their nuclear material. "If you wanted to cause a nuclear incident, you might look for the country with the most vulnerable reactors," said James Andrew Lewis, head of the Strategic 90 658517 is expected to announce at the summit that it will team up with the U.S. and European partners to exchange nuclear waste for material to be used to fight cancer. The plan calls for London to send waste from its nuclear 90 658537 nuclear waste for material to be used to fight cancer. The plan calls for London to send waste from its nuclear facilities in Scotland for processing in U.S. reactors, while the U.S. will send uranium for use in reactors controlled by 90 658593 positioning satellite signals as the leaders of the South, the U.S. and Japan met in Washington to discuss the North's nuclear program. The disruptions could cause mobile communication devices to malfunction and affect airplanes and ships that depend on GPS. The 90 666714 the three-day Czech visit of President Xi Jinping, who flew to Washington on March 30 to attend the World Nuclear Security Summit. The forum was organized by the Czech National Bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission. Banking industry leaders 90 670796 China's president. Apart from visiting four Western European countries and the European Union headquarters in Brussels, Xi also attended the Nuclear Security Summit at The Hague in the Netherlands. And thanks to his state visit to the United Kingdom in October 90 670887 to a Central or Eastern European country, from March 28 to 30 before flying to Washington to attend the fourth Nuclear Security Summit. Other Chinese leaders, too, have visited European Union countries several times over the past three years, with their 90 671365 has just started unfolding. The author is deputy editor of China Daily European Edition. Contact the writer at Nuclear security always a priority for Beijing Updated: 2016-04-01 08:29 By Li Baodong(China Daily Europe) China not 90 671415 also taken and will take necessary actions for the purpose Many state leaders are scheduled to attend at the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on March 31 and April 1 to discuss international nuclear security issues. President Xi Jinping put 90 671429 scheduled to attend at the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on March 31 and April 1 to discuss international nuclear security issues. President Xi Jinping put forward China's outlook on nuclear security for the first time at The Hague Nuclear 90 671440 on March 31 and April 1 to discuss international nuclear security issues. President Xi Jinping put forward China's outlook on nuclear security for the first time at The Hague Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands in 2014, which has become an 90 671449 nuclear security issues. President Xi Jinping put forward China's outlook on nuclear security for the first time at The Hague Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands in 2014, which has become an important concept guiding the country's efforts to strengthen nuclear 90 671469 Nuclear Security Summit in the Netherlands in 2014, which has become an important concept guiding the country's efforts to strengthen nuclear security. That Xi is also attending this year's summit in Washington demonstrates China's willingness to implement the new outlook on 90 671490 security. That Xi is also attending this year's summit in Washington demonstrates China's willingness to implement the new outlook on nuclear security and its sense of responsibility when it comes to global nuclear security. The spread of terrorism has aggravated the 90 671502 China's willingness to implement the new outlook on nuclear security and its sense of responsibility when it comes to global nuclear security. The spread of terrorism has aggravated the risks of international nuclear terrorism. So the international community has to strengthen 90 671514 sense of responsibility when it comes to global nuclear security. The spread of terrorism has aggravated the risks of international nuclear terrorism. So the international community has to strengthen coordination and global governance in the nuclear field. A key factor in 90 671529 aggravated the risks of international nuclear terrorism. So the international community has to strengthen coordination and global governance in the nuclear field. A key factor in this regard is strengthening state nuclear security, and the fulfillment of countries' responsibilities and international 90 671540 has to strengthen coordination and global governance in the nuclear field. A key factor in this regard is strengthening state nuclear security, and the fulfillment of countries' responsibilities and international obligations. States should have laws and supervisory mechanisms to ensure effective 90 671563 the fulfillment of countries' responsibilities and international obligations. States should have laws and supervisory mechanisms to ensure effective protection of nuclear materials and facilities, and provide all-weather institutional, technical and personnel guarantees to enhance nuclear security. To prevent nuclear terrorism 90 671578 to ensure effective protection of nuclear materials and facilities, and provide all-weather institutional, technical and personnel guarantees to enhance nuclear security. To prevent nuclear terrorism, countries must abide by the principles of the United Nations Charter, support and strengthen the 90 671582 of nuclear materials and facilities, and provide all-weather institutional, technical and personnel guarantees to enhance nuclear security. To prevent nuclear terrorism, countries must abide by the principles of the United Nations Charter, support and strengthen the common, comprehensive, cooperative and 90 671604 countries must abide by the principles of the United Nations Charter, support and strengthen the common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable nuclear security outlook, strive to establish a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, adhere to global governance in 90 671626 outlook, strive to establish a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, adhere to global governance in the nuclear field, and eliminate nuclear terrorism. Beijing not only supports the maintenance of global nuclear security; it has also taken and 90 671630 a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, adhere to global governance in the nuclear field, and eliminate nuclear terrorism. Beijing not only supports the maintenance of global nuclear security; it has also taken and will take necessary actions 90 671640 adhere to global governance in the nuclear field, and eliminate nuclear terrorism. Beijing not only supports the maintenance of global nuclear security; it has also taken and will take necessary actions for the purpose. It has always sought security for development 90 671666 and will take necessary actions for the purpose. It has always sought security for development and promoted development through security. Nuclear security is vital for China to prevent nuclear proliferation. Chinese leaders have taken part in every nuclear security summit and 90 671674 It has always sought security for development and promoted development through security. Nuclear security is vital for China to prevent nuclear proliferation. Chinese leaders have taken part in every nuclear security summit and China's voice, outlook and plans have been projected 90 671683 development through security. Nuclear security is vital for China to prevent nuclear proliferation. Chinese leaders have taken part in every nuclear security summit and China's voice, outlook and plans have been projected to the world through the summits and welcomed by 90 671746 to facilitate national security and development. China welcomes all constructive global cooperation. It has approved all international legal instruments concerning nuclear security, supports the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the UN, and is fulfilling its international obligations. The 90 671767 security, supports the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the UN, and is fulfilling its international obligations. The nuclear security center co-founded by China and the United States, which started work on March 18 in Beijing, will help 90 671790 co-founded by China and the United States, which started work on March 18 in Beijing, will help improve the nuclear security level in not only the Asia-Pacific region, but also the rest of the world. And China hopes the 90 671815 only the Asia-Pacific region, but also the rest of the world. And China hopes the countries participating in the Nuclear Security Summit will reach a new consensus on nuclear security and make efforts to build a fairer, more cooperative and 90 671824 of the world. And China hopes the countries participating in the Nuclear Security Summit will reach a new consensus on nuclear security and make efforts to build a fairer, more cooperative and universally beneficial nuclear security system, so as to promote 90 671838 will reach a new consensus on nuclear security and make efforts to build a fairer, more cooperative and universally beneficial nuclear security system, so as to promote the healthy development of nuclear energy in the world and make further contributions to 90 671849 to build a fairer, more cooperative and universally beneficial nuclear security system, so as to promote the healthy development of nuclear energy in the world and make further contributions to international nuclear governance field. The author is vice-foreign minister of 90 671860 system, so as to promote the healthy development of nuclear energy in the world and make further contributions to international nuclear governance field. The author is vice-foreign minister of China. Flower power Updated: 2016-04-01 08:30 By Yang 90 679904 Xu Dazhe, instead of Xu Daxhe) By David Brunnstrom WASHINGTON, March 31 (Reuters) - China remains committed to its plans for nuclear reprocessing, its top nuclear industry official said on Thursday, despite concerns this could lead to a competitive buildup of plutonium 90 679908 Xu Daxhe) By David Brunnstrom WASHINGTON, March 31 (Reuters) - China remains committed to its plans for nuclear reprocessing, its top nuclear industry official said on Thursday, despite concerns this could lead to a competitive buildup of plutonium stockpiles in Asia. "China 90 679937 could lead to a competitive buildup of plutonium stockpiles in Asia. "China is dedicated to the establishment of a complete nuclear fuel-cycle system," Xu Dazhe, chairman of the China Atomic Energy Authority, told reporters on the sidelines of the Nuclear 90 679957 nuclear fuel-cycle system," Xu Dazhe, chairman of the China Atomic Energy Authority, told reporters on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. "When we are constructing a number of nuclear power plants in China we are also taking 90 679969 Authority, told reporters on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. "When we are constructing a number of nuclear power plants in China we are also taking into consideration the development of a reprocessing capability," he added. Xu noted 90 680125 and its real need for development," Xu said. Japan has an estimated 50 tonnes of plutonium, enough to produce 2,000 nuclear weapons, and is building a large plant at Rokkasho in northern Japan to reprocess spent fuel from power plants, although 90 680182 to extract plutonium from spent uranium fuel rods, but with nearly all of its reactors shut down after the Fukushima nuclear disaster five years ago and no schedule for further restarts there is little use for the material. Story continues Japan 90 680207 and no schedule for further restarts there is little use for the material. Story continues Japan remains an avowedly anti- nuclear -weapons state as the only country ever to have suffered a nuclear attack. However, anti-proliferation advocates worry that if 90 680219 material. Story continues Japan remains an avowedly anti-nuclear-weapons state as the only country ever to have suffered a nuclear attack. However, anti-proliferation advocates worry that if it goes ahead with plans to open Rokkasho, this will raise fears 90 680268 also encouraging South Korea to pursue reprocessing capability. U.S. concerns had been rising about the prospect of growing stockpiles of nuclear raw materials in East Asia and in mid-March, Thomas Countryman, an assistant U.S. secretary of state in charge of 90 684376 will make a contribution to the sustainable growth of the world economy," he said, speaking on the sidelines of the nuclear security summit in Washington. He said the G7 summit should also take up "in a strategic way" issues such as 90 684409 up "in a strategic way" issues such as global terrorism, Russia, Ukraine's conflict and the threat posed by North Korea's nuclear ambitions. The group, which includes the United States, Italy, Germany, Japan, Britain, France, Canada and France cut Russia from the 90 694159 there is no doubt that civilians were killed that should not have been," Obama said at the end of a nuclear security summit in Washington. "What I can say with great confidence is that our operating procedures are as rigorous as 90 698158 and even a feature-length film to come. Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives on his official plane to attend the Nuclear Security Summit meetings in Washington, on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland March 30, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua] WASHINGTON - China 90 698191 Maryland March 30, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua] WASHINGTON - China and the United States on Thursday reaffirmed their joint commitment to global nuclear security and pledged to continue cooperation in this area beyond the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process. In a joint statement 90 698203 on Thursday reaffirmed their joint commitment to global nuclear security and pledged to continue cooperation in this area beyond the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process. In a joint statement released as Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama met 90 698253 countries declared their "commitment to working together to foster a peaceful and stable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and 90 698266 international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and security of all." Nuclear security cooperation has become a bright spot in the 90 698277 for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and security of all." Nuclear security cooperation has become a bright spot in the building of a new type of major-country relations between the 90 698318 world's largest developing and developed countries. In February, the two sides carried out the inaugural round of bilateral discussions on nuclear security in Stockholm, Sweden. "We plan to continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation 90 698341 Stockholm, Sweden. "We plan to continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals," said the joint statement. In a more recent example, a nuclear security 90 698346 continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals," said the joint statement. In a more recent example, a nuclear security center of excellence (COE) jointly 90 698360 prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals," said the joint statement. In a more recent example, a nuclear security center of excellence (COE) jointly financed and built by the Chinese and US governments was inaugurated in suburban Beijing 90 698416 kind in the Asia-Pacific region. The COE, said the statement, "is a world-class venue to meet China's domestic nuclear security training requirements, as well as a forum for bilateral and regional best practice exchanges, and a venue for demonstrating 90 698441 well as a forum for bilateral and regional best practice exchanges, and a venue for demonstrating advanced technologies related to nuclear security." The two countries pledged continued engagement on nuclear security training and best practices so as to maximize the use 90 698450 practice exchanges, and a venue for demonstrating advanced technologies related to nuclear security." The two countries pledged continued engagement on nuclear security training and best practices so as to maximize the use and effectiveness of the COE, and China vowed to 90 698488 China vowed to sponsor training programs at the site for regional partners and other international participants to further promote global nuclear security awareness and engagement. Meanwhile, the two sides agreed to push forward cooperation on conversion of miniature neutron source reactors 90 698576 of respective countries, to convert all remaining Chinese-origin MNSRs worldwide." Recognizing the need for strengthened international cooperation to counter nuclear smuggling, China and the United States reiterated their "enduring commitment to prevent terrorists, criminals or other unauthorized actors from acquiring 90 698597 smuggling, China and the United States reiterated their "enduring commitment to prevent terrorists, criminals or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear or other radioactive materials." The two sides "will continue to coordinate efforts to strengthen counter nuclear smuggling capabilities and share 90 698613 unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear or other radioactive materials." The two sides "will continue to coordinate efforts to strengthen counter nuclear smuggling capabilities and share best practices with the international community, taking full advantage of the training programs sponsored by the 90 698708 facilitate the sharing of experiences and best practices with other countries. Stressing that "strong communication and cooperation are essential to nuclear security," the two countries committed themselves to continuing strong support for the work of relevant international agencies on nuclear security 90 698727 to nuclear security," the two countries committed themselves to continuing strong support for the work of relevant international agencies on nuclear security in accordance with their respective mandates. The NSS process, initiated by Obama and headlined by a biennial leaders' meeting 90 698764 a biennial leaders' meeting since 2010, will come to an end in its current format after the fourth summit, though nuclear security is faced with increasingly grave and complicated challenges. Under such circumstances, China and the United States expressed their "strong 90 698790 grave and complicated challenges. Under such circumstances, China and the United States expressed their "strong commitment" to addressing the evolving nuclear security challenges through sustained efforts after the current NSS process concludes, said the joint statement. MASON CITY Opponents of the 90 724716 fairly in China," the White House said today, a day after Obama and Xi met on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit here. advertisement The two largest economies are at loggerheads over several issues, including preventing the theft of trade 90 726870 Assembly elections in the state beginning Monday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is currently in the United States for the Nuclear Security Summit, dialed Mamata Banerjee to assure all possible support to her government following the flyover collapse. advertisement Earlier, Home 90 728184 for the time being. Also read: Modi in Brussels: India will never bow to terrorism India has important role in nuclear weapon stewardship: US --- ENDS --- MA XUEJING/CHINA DAILY It is not unusual for senior US officials to throw jabs at 90 733869 militant group blamed for the 2008 attacks in Mumbai. In Washington on Friday, where Modi was attending a summit on nuclear security, Indian government representative Vikas Swarup welcomed the move. "Countries working against terror entities - particularly entities that have targeted India 90 734177 newspaper editor in Pakistan. "But certainly this is part of Modi's diplomatic offensive in the region." Also Read: PM at Nuclear Security Summit: Drop notion that 'his' terrorist is not 'my' terrorist --- ENDS --- advertisement What makes the city a hot favourite 90 735854 ENDS --- By PTI: From Lalit K Jha Washington, Apr 1 (PTI) Pakistan has said it fully shares global concerns that nuclear materials must never fall into "wrong hands" and underlined that renewed interest in nuclear energy worldwide necessitates more preparedness. "Nuclear 90 735868 it fully shares global concerns that nuclear materials must never fall into "wrong hands" and underlined that renewed interest in nuclear energy worldwide necessitates more preparedness. "Nuclear materials must never fall into the wrong hands. This is a global concern which 90 735874 nuclear materials must never fall into "wrong hands" and underlined that renewed interest in nuclear energy worldwide necessitates more preparedness. " Nuclear materials must never fall into the wrong hands. This is a global concern which Pakistan fully shares," Special Assistant to 90 735929 dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama at the White House yesterday. advertisement The dinner kicked off the two-day Nuclear Security Summit here, which is being attended by leaders from more than 50 countries, including the Prime Minister Narendra Modi 90 735990 attack in Lahore that claimed over 70 lives. Representing Pakistan in the absence of Sharif, Fatemi said renewed interest in nuclear energy worldwide implies more nuclear materials and facilities necessitating more preparedness. "It is equally important to remain alive to the 90 735995 over 70 lives. Representing Pakistan in the absence of Sharif, Fatemi said renewed interest in nuclear energy worldwide implies more nuclear materials and facilities necessitating more preparedness. "It is equally important to remain alive to the potential threat of radiological dispersal 90 736026 to remain alive to the potential threat of radiological dispersal devices. This threat is not limited to states with significant nuclear programmes. Radioactive sources are being employed everywhere in the private sector, hospitals, industry and research," he said. "Facilities hosting such 90 736082 all places. Emergency preparedness and response constitutes effective deterrence against malicious acts. This requires significant training efforts, including those by nuclear security centres developed by states," Fatemi said. PTI LKJ ASK AKJ ASK --- ENDS --- CM Mamata Banerjee said stringent action would 90 752633 a day after U.S. President Barack Obama met with leaders of South Korea, Japan and China to discuss North Korean nuclear threat and its sanctions. Jamming GPS signals in South Korea The South Korean Defense Ministry said it has detected radio 90 752874 March, the Kim Jong Un government responded to the U.N. sanctions by launching several missiles into the sea and threatening nuclear strikes against South Korea and the United States. I'm Dorothy Gundy. Brian Padden, Youmi Kim and the AP reported this 90 765574 the Jamnagar jail in Gujarat Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a stirring speech on the first day of the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit being held in Washington, DC, urging nations to pay more attention to the threats posed by terrorism, especially 90 765639 but we are hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smartphone. State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk, he told delegates at the nuclear summit, which he is attending for the 90 765652 or a smartphone. State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk, he told delegates at the nuclear summit, which he is attending for the first time. Noting that terror has evolved, Modi said terrorists are using 21st 90 765738 is globally networked. But we still act only nationally to counter this threat, the PM told the international community. The Nuclear Security Summit is a flagship event of US President Barack Obamas tenure, and the second time the US has hosted 90 765839 official bilateral meeting has been announced by either side. The summit would deliberate on the crucial issue of threat to nuclear security caused by nuclear terrorism. Leaders would discuss ways and measures through which to strengthen the global nuclear security architecture 90 765843 been announced by either side. The summit would deliberate on the crucial issue of threat to nuclear security caused by nuclear terrorism. Leaders would discuss ways and measures through which to strengthen the global nuclear security architecture, especially to ensure that 90 765857 threat to nuclear security caused by nuclear terrorism. Leaders would discuss ways and measures through which to strengthen the global nuclear security architecture, especially to ensure that non-state actors do not get access to nuclear material, Modi had said before 90 765872 which to strengthen the global nuclear security architecture, especially to ensure that non-state actors do not get access to nuclear material, Modi had said before embarking on the tour. However, he did meet with New Zealand Premier John Key and 90 765925 to the delegates is the question of how to stop an increasingly belligerent North Korea. Pyongyang has been flexing its nuclear muscle in recent weeks, posturing aggressively, conducting missile tests and threatening to attack neighbours Japan and South Korea, and also 90 765980 year Presidency, he would be able to get help from Seoul and Tokyo in ensuring North Korea is free of nuclear weapons. We are united in our efforts to deter and defend against North Korean provocations, Obama said at a press 90 766041 together to meet this challenge. Islamic threats Following the Brussels attacks, there emerged news about the Islamic State terrorists acquiring nuclear armed material. The possibility of nuclear weapons in the hands of IS terrorists also came up at the summit. But 90 766047 threats Following the Brussels attacks, there emerged news about the Islamic State terrorists acquiring nuclear armed material. The possibility of nuclear weapons in the hands of IS terrorists also came up at the summit. But the US has said that the 90 766087 the possibility is quite remote. "We don't have any indications that it was part of a broader plan to acquire nuclear materials, and we don't have any information that a broader plot exists," said Laura Holgate, special assistant to the president 90 766126 the president and senior director for WMD terrorism and threat reduction. According to deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes, the nuclear security summit provides an opportunity both to look at securing nuclear materials so that terrorists are not able to acquire 90 766137 According to deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes, the nuclear security summit provides an opportunity both to look at securing nuclear materials so that terrorists are not able to acquire them because of security arrangements. "And also how we are also 90 766197 and going on offense against IS broadly. We've seen over the years different terrorist organisations have ambitions related to acquiring nuclear materials. We've seen that in their public statements. We've seen that in different cases in terms of their monitoring of 90 766218 materials. We've seen that in their public statements. We've seen that in different cases in terms of their monitoring of nuclear facilities," he said. The no-shows However, the event was also marked by the conspicuous absence of Russia, which chose 90 766249 also marked by the conspicuous absence of Russia, which chose to give the summit a miss. This made breakthroughs on nuclear security unlikely, given Moscows vast nuclear stockpile. The snub was not completely unexpected, given the long-running rift between Russia 90 766255 of Russia, which chose to give the summit a miss. This made breakthroughs on nuclear security unlikely, given Moscows vast nuclear stockpile. The snub was not completely unexpected, given the long-running rift between Russia and the US. But the White 90 766285 long-running rift between Russia and the US. But the White House pointed out that Russia has nevertheless cooperated on nuclear issues, not least its role in the talks with Iran over curbing its nuclear programme. "You want Russia at the 90 766299 that Russia has nevertheless cooperated on nuclear issues, not least its role in the talks with Iran over curbing its nuclear programme. "You want Russia at the table on issues of nuclear security," Rhodes said. "They only isolate themselves by not 90 766310 role in the talks with Iran over curbing its nuclear programme. "You want Russia at the table on issues of nuclear security," Rhodes said. "They only isolate themselves by not attending summits like this." Moreover, Iran wasn't invited to the event 90 766342 like this." Moreover, Iran wasn't invited to the event. A country once thought to be pursuing a controversial and illegitimate nuclear programme, has since been brought in line with international norms through last year's historic nuclear deal, but Tehran was missing 90 766357 pursuing a controversial and illegitimate nuclear programme, has since been brought in line with international norms through last year's historic nuclear deal, but Tehran was missing from the guest list, though many felt, having them attend could have strengthened international nuclear 90 766377 nuclear deal, but Tehran was missing from the guest list, though many felt, having them attend could have strengthened international nuclear security. Diyarbakir: Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Friday made a rare visit to the Kurdish-dominated city of Diyarbakir 90 769362 Saudi-owned Middle East Broadcasting Center (MBC). Senior U.S. officials say it is unfortunate Russia chose not to attend the Nuclear Security Summit, but that Washington will continue bilateral and multilateral discussions with Moscow on fighting nuclear terrorism and the effort 90 769378 not to attend the Nuclear Security Summit, but that Washington will continue bilateral and multilateral discussions with Moscow on fighting nuclear terrorism and the effort to remove international stocks of highly enriched uranium. Separately, Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Countryman told 90 769420 in an interview Friday that the U.S. and other world powers hoped to adopt concrete measures that would help ensure nuclear safety. "It is not just adding urgency, it is also specific concrete improvements in the protection of nuclear material around 90 769438 help ensure nuclear safety. "It is not just adding urgency, it is also specific concrete improvements in the protection of nuclear material around the world so that terrorists can not steal that dangerous material," he said. On the matter of Russian 90 769472 he said. On the matter of Russian-U.S. cooperation, Countryman said both countries were faithfully implementing their agreement to reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles to as close to zero as possible. By 2018, the two countries will reduce their nuclear arsenals by 90 769490 to reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles to as close to zero as possible. By 2018, the two countries will reduce their nuclear arsenals by 80 percent from the levels that had been reached "at the height of the Cold War," Countryman told 90 769524 height of the Cold War," Countryman told reporters during a briefing at the summit. WATCH: Two U.S. officials talk about nuclear security Countryman said the risk that nuclear material could fall into terrorists' hands, and possibly be used in "dirty bombs 90 769531 reporters during a briefing at the summit. WATCH: Two U.S. officials talk about nuclear security Countryman said the risk that nuclear material could fall into terrorists' hands, and possibly be used in "dirty bombs," was a main topic at Friday's final 90 769582 need for "concrete, practical results" that can be achieved through international cooperation on the issue, he added. This round of nuclear security talks included, for the first time, a special session on preventing nuclear materials from falling into the hands of 90 769595 the issue, he added. This round of nuclear security talks included, for the first time, a special session on preventing nuclear materials from falling into the hands of terrorists such as the Islamic State group. Not overshadowed U.S. Secretary of State 90 769646 summit was overshadowed by concerns about IS terrorism, although he noted the United States remained concerned about any extremists acquiring nuclear materials for possible conversion into weapons. Kerry discussed the nuclear terrorism issue during a meeting with the European Union's top 90 769656 noted the United States remained concerned about any extremists acquiring nuclear materials for possible conversion into weapons. Kerry discussed the nuclear terrorism issue during a meeting with the European Union's top foreign policy official, Federica Mogherini, on the sidelines of the 90 769686 top foreign policy official, Federica Mogherini, on the sidelines of the summit. Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins, who coordinates U.S. participation in nuclear threat reduction programs, said the United States was continuing to work with China on preventing North Korea from developing its 90 769707 threat reduction programs, said the United States was continuing to work with China on preventing North Korea from developing its nuclear program any further. Jenkins said regional centers have been established in Asia to train professionals in various aspects of nuclear 90 769727 nuclear program any further. Jenkins said regional centers have been established in Asia to train professionals in various aspects of nuclear security. There is one in China, one in South Korea and one in Japan, and the three countries have established 90 769833 can take on a plane, and so it is a lot more of a challenge," she said. Since the last nuclear security summit in 2014, Russia, Uzbekistan and Switzerland have closed several of their nuclear reactors that produced highly enriched uranium 90 769847 challenge," she said. Since the last nuclear security summit in 2014, Russia, Uzbekistan and Switzerland have closed several of their nuclear reactors that produced highly enriched uranium. In addition, Obama administration officials said, Indonesia, Germany and other countries have begun reducing 90 769871 highly enriched uranium. In addition, Obama administration officials said, Indonesia, Germany and other countries have begun reducing their stockpiles of nuclear material, with a goal of eliminating them. New Macau Association (ANM) president Scott Chiang and vice-president Jason Chao called 90 773483 Asian countries will seek Thursday [today, Macau time] to put more pressure on North Korea as world leaders open a nuclear security summit in Washington. President Barack Obama, the summits host, will also seek to smooth over tensions with China over 90 773533 Jinping meet on the sidelines. The summit also offers Obama his last major chance to focus global attention on disparate nuclear security threats before his term ends early next year. Though nuclear terrorism and the Islamic State group top this years 90 773544 last major chance to focus global attention on disparate nuclear security threats before his term ends early next year. Though nuclear terrorism and the Islamic State group top this years agenda, concerns about North Koreas nuclear weapons program are also commanding 90 773559 ends early next year. Though nuclear terrorism and the Islamic State group top this years agenda, concerns about North Koreas nuclear weapons program are also commanding focus as the two-day summit gets under way. Those long-simmering concerns have escalated 90 773586 as the two-day summit gets under way. Those long-simmering concerns have escalated of late following the Norths recent nuclear test and rocket launch. Obama is planning to have a joint meeting today with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and 90 773638 concerned about North Korea. Its a reprise of a similar meeting the three countries held in 2014 during the last nuclear security summit in The Hague. Chinas influence over the North will be front and center later in the day when 90 773747 those sanctions dutifully. The international community must remain united in the face of North Koreas continued provocations, including its recent nuclear test and missile launches, Obama wrote in an op-ed appearing yesterday in The Washington Post. He added that the 90 774027 and Brussels. The summit continues on Friday with a special session focused on preventing IS and other extremists from obtaining nuclear materials and attacking urban areas. Some of the 2,000 metric tons of highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium being used 90 774059 of highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium being used in civilian or military programs worldwide could be turned into a nuclear bomb if stolen or diverted, the White House warned. Fewer than half of the countries participating in the summit have 90 774857 key Asian countries will seek today [Macau time] to put more pressure on North Korea as world leaders open a nuclear security summit in Washington. U.S. president Barack Obama also has plans to meet with the leaders of China, India, Japan 90 774889 to meet with the leaders of China, India, Japan and South Korea to discuss means of countering the threat of nuclear terrorism. FRANCE Security forces clashed with demonstrators in the cities of Nantes and Rennes while police say around 10 people 90 775458 supporting in Syria in the fight against the Islamic State group. President Erdogan who is participating in Washington in the Nuclear Security Summit, hosted by President Obama, made the remarks after the Thursday bombing in Kurdish-dominated city of Diyarbakir which 90 789402 and call the war what it is: unwinnable, reckless, and terrifying. John LaForge, syndicated by PeaceVoice, works for Nukewatch, a nuclear watchdog group in Wisconsin and edits its Quarterly newsletter. Les emplois a Rennes sont abondants et varies. Il y a 90 792992 will see me in new position Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds pick name for their fourth child already? Netanyahu: Iran nuclear deal could bring Russia 'hundreds of billions' Russia and Turkey begin to develop gas hub project PM Pashinyan discusses agenda 90 793090 off coast of Costa Rica Benzema will not help Real Madrid in match against Sevilla Times of India: India tests nuclear -capable Agni Prime missile Spiegel: German Foreign Minister and Defense Minister ask to allocate 2.2 billion for military aid to 90 795422 features on the seafloor." Pakistan's Foreign Office spokesman Aizaz Chaudhary has said there was no cause of concern about Islamabad's nuclear programme since the country never had a nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing on Thursday, the 90 795430 Aizaz Chaudhary has said there was no cause of concern about Islamabad's nuclear programme since the country never had a nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing on Thursday, the foreign secretary said the impression that Pakistans nuclear 90 795450 nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing on Thursday, the foreign secretary said the impression that Pakistans nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. Pakistans nuclear installations are not only secure but the world 90 795462 the foreign secretary said the impression that Pakistans nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. Pakistans nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are, he said. Chaudhary said that the International 90 795489 the world also acknowledges that they are, he said. Chaudhary said that the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide, including five in India, but not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 90 795647 more monitors at all 72 exit and entry points in the country. India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme, and an equally ambitious conventional weapons programme, he added. We have a modest programme because we feel we have 90 802643 terminal and other buildings near the blast site. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is in Washington to attend the Nuclear Security Summit, condemned the attack and said this shows the ugly face of terrorism. "The determination of our security forces 90 803498 of Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) in India. (ANI) China and the US reaffirmed their joint commitment to global nuclear security and pledged to continue cooperation in this area beyond the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process. In a joint statement 90 803510 the US reaffirmed their joint commitment to global nuclear security and pledged to continue cooperation in this area beyond the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process. In a joint statement released as Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama met 90 803563 countries declared their "commitment to working together to foster a peaceful and stable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and 90 803576 international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and security of all," Xinhua news agency reported. "We plan to continue this dialogue 90 803609 agency reported. "We plan to continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals," said the joint statement. Meanwhile, the two sides also agreed to push 90 803614 continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals," said the joint statement. Meanwhile, the two sides also agreed to push forward cooperation on conversion of 90 803781 a biennial leaders' meeting since 2010, will come to an end in its current format after the fourth summit, though nuclear security is faced with increasingly grave and complicated challenges. --Indo-Asian News Service ksk ( 316 Words) 2016-04-01-08 90 804025 in security assistance, the White House said in a statement.Biden, who met with Poroshenko yesterday on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit, also told the Ukrainian leader that efforts by Kiev to form a reform-oriented government were critical to 90 805063 stalled since late 2008. China has been urging a possible dialogue ever since tensions in the peninsula skyrocketed over Pyongyang's nuclear test in January -- its fourth -- and subsequent ballistic tests, the latest of which was conducted on Friday, April 1, Efe 90 805099 on Friday, April 1, Efe news agency reported. While China backed the UN-imposed sanctions against North Korea for its nuclear and missile tests, it has maintained it is not an end in itself and should be accompanied by dialogue with 90 805246 on Thursday, in his bilateral meetings with his Chinese, Japanese and South Korean counterparts, on the sidelines of the ongoing Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. --Indo-Asian News Service py/vt ( 288 Words) 2016-04-01-18:01:30 (IANS) "On 90 805336 meetings with Argentinean President Mauricio Macri, Japnese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Switzerland President Schneider-Ammann. The second day of Nuclear Security Summit will have three plenary sessions. At the first plenary session, there will be a focus on national actions 90 805359 will have three plenary sessions. At the first plenary session, there will be a focus on national actions to enhance nuclear security. This first plenary will be followed by a working lunch, where the focus of discussions will be on international 90 805384 will be followed by a working lunch, where the focus of discussions will be on international institutional actions to strengthen nuclear security. The focus will be on international follow-up through institutions such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United 90 805413 up through institutions such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations, the Interpol, the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and the G8 Global Partnership. The third and final plenary discussion at the summit will be a policy discussion 90 805435 and the G8 Global Partnership. The third and final plenary discussion at the summit will be a policy discussion on nuclear terrorism based on a hypothetical scenario. This scenario will allow the leaders to have a realistic and a thoughtful conversation 90 805470 a realistic and a thoughtful conversation on and around the challenges posed by international terrorism in particular the threat of nuclear and radiological terrorism. The summit will then conclude with the adoption of a brief communique and the five action plans 90 808770 apart on the South China Sea and U.S. missile defense plans for South Korea. Meeting on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in Washington, Xi and Obama agreed to step up cooperation to ensure nuclear security worldwide and to do 90 808785 on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in Washington, Xi and Obama agreed to step up cooperation to ensure nuclear security worldwide and to do more on cyber security. They also agreed to continue to work on a bilateral investment 90 808855 Sea, where Beijing's broad territorial claims have riled its neighbors, and over U.S. missile defense plans following North Korea's recent nuclear and rocket tests. Xi told Obama that he hoped Washington would "strictly" abide by its commitment not to take a 90 809197 to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, missile defense system in South Korea after North Korea's fourth nuclear test in January and a rocket launch into space in February. "Such deployment will undermine China's security interests and will 90 809249 South Korea began talks last month on possible THAAD deployment. China backed tough new sanctions on North Korea following its nuclear and rocket tests but complains that THAAD has a range that would extend far beyond the Korean peninsula and into 90 811252 Reuters) - French gas and power group Engie is looking for other partners to invest in the Nugen project to build nuclear reactors in Britain, Engie director Philippe Pradel said. Japan's Toshiba Corp and Engie are in the 60-40 percent Nugen 90 811294 venture to build three AP1000 reactors - designed by Toshiba unit Westinghouse in Britain - for the Moorside project, near the Sellafield nuclear site in west Cumbria. "Before taking the final investment decision on Nugen around the end of 2018 we hope to 90 811329 end of 2018 we hope to find a larger pool of investors," Pradel said at a seminar about the French nuclear industry. He said that for financial and industrial reasons it is important to build balanced partnerships for large nuclear projects 90 811348 French nuclear industry. He said that for financial and industrial reasons it is important to build balanced partnerships for large nuclear projects. In December, sources told Reuters that Toshiba had asked Japanese financial institutions to help fund the Nugen project. (Reporting 90 812620 impunity," the French presidency said in a statement. Hollande, who met with Ban in Washington on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit, later said that if true, the allegations would "stain France's honor." French authorities this week received a UN 90 813264 of my children, your children, all of our grandchildren through their irresponsible fiscal ways. Thats what the voters care about. Nuclear policy and all that stuff is a good news sound bite for a day, but it wouldnt even list in 90 815186 on its face, faced a grilling after netizens linked its name to the bumbling failure of managers to prevent the nuclear meltdown at the unrelated Fukushima power plant. Japanese, which has far fewer sounds than many European languages, abounds with vaguely 90 816352 China Sea, the White House said in a statement on Friday. In talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping alongside the Nuclear Security Summit on Thursday, Obama discussed U.S. support for human rights in China and called for the ability of companies 90 816560 owing to the return of Iranian crude to markets after crippling economic sanctions on Tehran were lifted following last year's nuclear deal between Iran and world powers. King Salman's powerful son who heads Saudi Arabia's main economic coordinating council, told Bloomberg 90 823084 and controlling satellites. Many of the most critical navigation, communications and intelligence satellites were created during the Cold War for nuclear war purposes. There are a myriad of inspection satellites currently in orbit, which may be pending orders to disable and 90 826021 terror attacks in Brussels, the Prime Minister said that Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. Modi called for focus on three contemporary features of terrorism: First, today's terrorism uses extreme violence as 90 826148 all need to stand against terrorism honestly The Ploughshares Fund, a global security foundation, estimates there are more than 15,000 nuclear weapons around the world; the U.S. and Russia possess 93 percent of them. The exact number of nuclear weapons in 90 826166 than 15,000 nuclear weapons around the world; the U.S. and Russia possess 93 percent of them. The exact number of nuclear weapons in each countrys arsenal is often a closely guarded secret Israel about 80 but capable of promptly making 100 90 826200 80 but capable of promptly making 100-200 more Although the Israeli government neither confirms nor denies that it possesses nuclear weapons, it is generally accepted by friend and foe alike that Israel is a nuclear-armed stateNand has been so 90 826215 nor denies that it possesses nuclear weapons, it is generally accepted by friend and foe alike that Israel is a nuclear -armed stateNand has been so for nearly half a century. The basis for this conclusion has been strengthened significantly since 90 826279 available sources. Bulletin of the American Scientists conclude that many of the public claims about the size of the Israeli nuclear arsenal are exaggerated. We estimate that Israel has a stockpile of approximately 80 nuclear warheads for delivery by two dozen 90 826293 about the size of the Israeli nuclear arsenal are exaggerated. We estimate that Israel has a stockpile of approximately 80 nuclear warheads for delivery by two dozen missiles, a couple of squadrons of aircraft, and perhaps a small number of sea 90 826358 intelligence community suggest that the stockpile might include approximately 80 warheads. Lower estimate of 120 operational nukes for China Chinas nuclear weapons total: 260 The number of warheads on each submarine has been lowered from 48 to 40. This has lowered 90 826412 2020s, the stockpile will be reduced to not more than 180. US has 4717 warheads, 2500 retired warheads and 20,000 nuclear cores and 5000 assemblies The U.S. government declared in April 2015 that its stockpile included 4,717 warheads as of September 90 826545 be awaiting dismantlement. Details are scarce, but we estimate that Russia is dismantling approximately 500 retired warheads per year. Total nuclear weapons: 7,300, according to the Federation of American Scientists. Number that are operational: 1,790 Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 4,490 Total 90 826566 weapons: 7,300, according to the Federation of American Scientists. Number that are operational: 1,790 Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 4,490 Total nuclear tests, approximately: 715, according to the Arms Control Association. North Korea Total nuclear weapons: Unknown. The U.S. said in February 90 826579 1,790 Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 4,490 Total nuclear tests, approximately: 715, according to the Arms Control Association. North Korea Total nuclear weapons: Unknown. The U.S. said in February it had intelligence indicating the secretive nation could soon have enough plutonium for 90 826600 weapons: Unknown. The U.S. said in February it had intelligence indicating the secretive nation could soon have enough plutonium for nuclear weapons and was taking steps toward a long-range missile system, but experts do not believe North Korea currently has 90 826627 a long-range missile system, but experts do not believe North Korea currently has the technology to deliver weapons. Total nuclear tests, approximately: 4 India Total nuclear weapons: 110 to 120 Number that are operational: 0, according to the Federation of 90 826633 experts do not believe North Korea currently has the technology to deliver weapons. Total nuclear tests, approximately: 4 India Total nuclear weapons: 110 to 120 Number that are operational: 0, according to the Federation of American Scientists. All are in stockpile 90 826663 according to the Federation of American Scientists. All are in stockpile. Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 110 to 120 France Total nuclear weapons: About 300 Number that are operational: 280 Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 10 Pakistan Total nuclear weapons: 110 to 130 90 826679 to 120 France Total nuclear weapons: About 300 Number that are operational: 280 Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 10 Pakistan Total nuclear weapons: 110 to 130 Number that are operational: 0 Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: all 110 to 130 United Kingdom Total 90 826700 weapons: 110 to 130 Number that are operational: 0 Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: all 110 to 130 United Kingdom Total nuclear weapons: 215 Number that are operational: 120 Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 95 Sources: Nuclear Threat Initiative; Federation of American Scientists 90 826714 110 to 130 United Kingdom Total nuclear weapons: 215 Number that are operational: 120 Number retired/awaiting dismantlement: 95 Sources: Nuclear Threat Initiative; Federation of American Scientists; Arms Control Association, Ploughshare Not Found The requested URL was not found on this 90 832176 Mr. Trump. China, U.S. Sign Pledge Too Late to Do Any Good, Expect Praise At a side meeting during yesterdays nuclear summit in Washington President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jingping both agreed that they would sign the Paris Accord on 90 851052 is truly a puzzle. Life cycle A star is a fusion bomb, burning light elements like hydrogen and helium through nuclear fusion to form heavier elements like carbon and oxygen. The bigger the star, the brighter it burns and the faster 90 851095 up this fuel. Stars no more than ten times the mass of our Sun will tend to throw out their nuclear "ash" of heavy elements into space, forming planetary nebulaes, which will eventually condense to form new stars, rocky planets and 90 851350 by examining what's left over. In your camp you might wood ash or melted plastic perhaps but with the tremendous nuclear fires in stars we are left with individual elements. The bigger the initial star, the hotter it burns, and the 90 866420 the Fulani herdsmen has become. Fayose says Buhari's trip to the United States on Wednesday, March 30, for the 4th Nuclear Security Summit at a time Nigerians are groaning in pain is laughable. The Governor who spoke through his spokesman, Lere 90 866488 at 6,000MW and could not manage it such that power generation crumbled to Zero Megawatt yesterday, will contribute to the Nuclear Energy Summit in America. It is shameful that while President Buhari was far away in the United States of America 90 866568 foreign trips, adding that Nigerians should ask President Buhari whether his trip to the United States of America to attend Nuclear Energy Summit will bring the lingering fuel scarcity being experienced in the country to an end. He said: Nigerians are 90 867938 made the request during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on the sidelines of a two-day nuclear security summit in Washington. "President Buhari sought and received an assurance from Mr. Kerry that the United States Government will 90 870988 and Related Agencies FY 2017 appropriations bill to fund the Affected Units of Local Government (AUGL), as defined in the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. The Act designated 10 counties as AULGs because of their proximity to the proposed repository 90 900724 fighters from Ukraine. WASHINGTON (Sputnik)- On Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russian President Vladimir Putin's non-participation in the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC is because of the lack of mutual action during the preliminary preparation. "There will be 90 900746 Summit in Washington, DC is because of the lack of mutual action during the preliminary preparation. "There will be the Nuclear Security Conference in December 2016. I hope that our delegation will engage with Russian delegation in dialogue, and that the 90 900780 Russian delegation in dialogue, and that the outcome will be positive," the source said on the margins of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC on Thursday. Russia has decided not to attend the Nuclear Security Summit, which is hosted 90 900795 the margins of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC on Thursday. Russia has decided not to attend the Nuclear Security Summit, which is hosted by the United States. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) On Wednesday, White House spokesperson Josh Earnest said Obama 90 900845 added it would be nearly impossible for Obama to have sit-down meetings with all 50 world leaders attending the nuclear security summit. "President Obama this evening met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey on the margins of the Nuclear 90 900865 nuclear security summit. "President Obama this evening met with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey on the margins of the Nuclear Security Summit to discuss US-Turkey cooperation on regional security, counterterrorism, and migration," the White House said in a Thursday 90 901866 after Mr. Obama backtracked on his initial pledges to cut nukes and Pentagon unveiled its new plans to build-up nuclear triad. In an article entitled Power players set to miss DC nuclear summit, written by Lucas Tomlinson and carried by 90 901878 Pentagon unveiled its new plans to build-up nuclear triad. In an article entitled Power players set to miss DC nuclear summit, written by Lucas Tomlinson and carried by Fox News, the author quoted Russias Foreign Ministry as saying that the 90 901935 other groups. He also wrote that: The absence of the Russian government and the prime minister of Pakistan both important nuclear powers could hinder the talks. "Cesar Chavez was a farm worker born and raised in Yuma, Arizona, in 1927," said 90 902085 families." How did Chavez organize the farmworkers? WASHINGTON (Sputnik) Delegates from the P5+1 group of countries say the Iran nuclear agreement has been a real success in effectivelly addressing nuclear proliferation, President Barack Obama told reporters at a meeting on 90 902095 from the P5+1 group of countries say the Iran nuclear agreement has been a real success in effectivelly addressing nuclear proliferation, President Barack Obama told reporters at a meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC 90 902110 real success in effectivelly addressing nuclear proliferation, President Barack Obama told reporters at a meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC on Friday. "Thanks to this deal we have seen real progress," Obama stated. In July 90 902164 China, France and the United Kingdom plus Germany, reached an agreement with Iran to ensure the peaceful nature of Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. Her name comes from the way she was acting right after she came into 90 929370 speed trains continues to grow worldwide, it is steadily gaining a reputation for its expertise in another high-technology field, nuclear energy. The past year's big-ticket developments demonstrated the country's global ambitions for its proprietary technology, important deals being signed 90 929402 ambitions for its proprietary technology, important deals being signed with Argentina, Britain, Kenya and Thailand. In November the country's main nuclear company, China National Nuclear Corp., signed a deal worth $6 billion with Argentina to build a nuclear plant, that country's 90 929406 technology, important deals being signed with Argentina, Britain, Kenya and Thailand. In November the country's main nuclear company, China National Nuclear Corp., signed a deal worth $6 billion with Argentina to build a nuclear plant, that country's fourth. Technicians of the 90 929419 the country's main nuclear company, China National Nuclear Corp., signed a deal worth $6 billion with Argentina to build a nuclear plant, that country's fourth. Technicians of the China National Nuclear Group present Hualong One, the company's flagship nuclear design, at 90 929429 a deal worth $6 billion with Argentina to build a nuclear plant, that country's fourth. Technicians of the China National Nuclear Group present Hualong One, the company's flagship nuclear design, at a promotional event held last year in Fuqing, Fujian province 90 929437 build a nuclear plant, that country's fourth. Technicians of the China National Nuclear Group present Hualong One, the company's flagship nuclear design, at a promotional event held last year in Fuqing, Fujian province. Wei Peiquan / Xinhua China recently signed an agreement 90 929466 in Fuqing, Fujian province. Wei Peiquan / Xinhua China recently signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia to develop Chinese fourth-generation nuclear technology in that country. Another nuclear giant, China General Nuclear Corp. (CGN) signed an agreement with Kenya on Sept. 7 90 929472 Xinhua China recently signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia to develop Chinese fourth-generation nuclear technology in that country. Another nuclear giant, China General Nuclear Corp. (CGN) signed an agreement with Kenya on Sept. 7 on developing nuclear projects in that 90 929476 an agreement with Saudi Arabia to develop Chinese fourth-generation nuclear technology in that country. Another nuclear giant, China General Nuclear Corp. (CGN) signed an agreement with Kenya on Sept. 7 on developing nuclear projects in that country. In Britain it 90 929489 that country. Another nuclear giant, China General Nuclear Corp. (CGN) signed an agreement with Kenya on Sept. 7 on developing nuclear projects in that country. In Britain it is possible that one of the three nuclear power plants to be built 90 929504 on Sept. 7 on developing nuclear projects in that country. In Britain it is possible that one of the three nuclear power plants to be built will adopt Chinese nuclear technologies. However, in the coming years top targets for Chinese nuclear 90 929513 country. In Britain it is possible that one of the three nuclear power plants to be built will adopt Chinese nuclear technologies. However, in the coming years top targets for Chinese nuclear exports will be Turkey and South Africa, experts said 90 929524 nuclear power plants to be built will adopt Chinese nuclear technologies. However, in the coming years top targets for Chinese nuclear exports will be Turkey and South Africa, experts said, because both countries face severe electricity shortages and plan nuclear power 90 929543 Chinese nuclear exports will be Turkey and South Africa, experts said, because both countries face severe electricity shortages and plan nuclear power plants to help overcome these. South Africa, the most developed country in Africa, which operates the continent's only nuclear 90 929563 nuclear power plants to help overcome these. South Africa, the most developed country in Africa, which operates the continent's only nuclear power plant, near Cape Town, invited tenders for a contract estimated to be worth $80 billion to build four nuclear 90 929583 nuclear power plant, near Cape Town, invited tenders for a contract estimated to be worth $80 billion to build four nuclear reactors, the largest contract in the country's history. The deal has attracted interest from nearly all major nuclear companies in 90 929601 build four nuclear reactors, the largest contract in the country's history. The deal has attracted interest from nearly all major nuclear companies in the world, including China General Nuclear Power Group, State Nuclear Power Technology Corp., Russia's state atomic agency Rosatom 90 929609 the country's history. The deal has attracted interest from nearly all major nuclear companies in the world, including China General Nuclear Power Group, State Nuclear Power Technology Corp., Russia's state atomic agency Rosatom and French nuclear firms, which all put forward 90 929613 deal has attracted interest from nearly all major nuclear companies in the world, including China General Nuclear Power Group, State Nuclear Power Technology Corp., Russia's state atomic agency Rosatom and French nuclear firms, which all put forward proposals for the project 90 929624 the world, including China General Nuclear Power Group, State Nuclear Power Technology Corp., Russia's state atomic agency Rosatom and French nuclear firms, which all put forward proposals for the project. CGN even set up an office in Johannesburg in 2010. SNPTC 90 929651 for the project. CGN even set up an office in Johannesburg in 2010. SNPTC signed a series of agreements with Nuclear Energy Corp. of South Africa last year when President Xi Jinping visited the country. Turkey will become another battlefield for 90 929674 of South Africa last year when President Xi Jinping visited the country. Turkey will become another battlefield for the world's nuclear companies as the country opens bidding on building its third nuclear power plant next year, a contract that could be 90 929685 country. Turkey will become another battlefield for the world's nuclear companies as the country opens bidding on building its third nuclear power plant next year, a contract that could be worth between $22 billion and $25 billion. State Nuclear Power Technology 90 929703 its third nuclear power plant next year, a contract that could be worth between $22 billion and $25 billion. State Nuclear Power Technology Corp., one of China's three nuclear giants and the U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric Corp. are potential bidders, said 90 929711 contract that could be worth between $22 billion and $25 billion. State Nuclear Power Technology Corp., one of China's three nuclear giants and the U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric Corp. are potential bidders, said Murat Mercan, a former deputy energy minister of 90 929736 based Westinghouse Electric Corp. are potential bidders, said Murat Mercan, a former deputy energy minister of Turkey. "China is building nuclear power plants using its own third-generation nuclear reactor, and I don't see why we can't use it," he told 90 929744 Murat Mercan, a former deputy energy minister of Turkey. "China is building nuclear power plants using its own third-generation nuclear reactor, and I don't see why we can't use it," he told China Daily. What makes the country competitive in 90 929774 it," he told China Daily. What makes the country competitive in the international bidding is its rich experience in domestic nuclear power construction, project management capability in building nuclear power plants, stability, abundant financial support and its indigenous nuclear technologies, experts 90 929782 country competitive in the international bidding is its rich experience in domestic nuclear power construction, project management capability in building nuclear power plants, stability, abundant financial support and its indigenous nuclear technologies, experts said. A nuclear industry expert Zhang Luqing said 90 929792 in domestic nuclear power construction, project management capability in building nuclear power plants, stability, abundant financial support and its indigenous nuclear technologies, experts said. A nuclear industry expert Zhang Luqing said: "Competition will be intense for China's nuclear players, as they 90 929797 project management capability in building nuclear power plants, stability, abundant financial support and its indigenous nuclear technologies, experts said. A nuclear industry expert Zhang Luqing said: "Competition will be intense for China's nuclear players, as they have to compete with the 90 929809 and its indigenous nuclear technologies, experts said. A nuclear industry expert Zhang Luqing said: "Competition will be intense for China's nuclear players, as they have to compete with the sophisticated world-class nuclear players, but I think, with their great domestic 90 929821 Luqing said: "Competition will be intense for China's nuclear players, as they have to compete with the sophisticated world-class nuclear players, but I think, with their great domestic experience, they have a good chance of winning the contracts." Chinese nuclear 90 929841 nuclear players, but I think, with their great domestic experience, they have a good chance of winning the contracts." Chinese nuclear companies are highly competitive on safety, technology and price, he said. As the country builds more nuclear power plants, demonstrating 90 929858 the contracts." Chinese nuclear companies are highly competitive on safety, technology and price, he said. As the country builds more nuclear power plants, demonstrating its ability to foreign counterparts, Chinese participation in foreign nuclear power projects will extend beyond project financing 90 929871 he said. As the country builds more nuclear power plants, demonstrating its ability to foreign counterparts, Chinese participation in foreign nuclear power projects will extend beyond project financing to include nuclear design, engineering and operation, he said. Zhang cited nuclear projects 90 929881 demonstrating its ability to foreign counterparts, Chinese participation in foreign nuclear power projects will extend beyond project financing to include nuclear design, engineering and operation, he said. Zhang cited nuclear projects in Britain as an example of whereit takes time for 90 929890 foreign nuclear power projects will extend beyond project financing to include nuclear design, engineering and operation, he said. Zhang cited nuclear projects in Britain as an example of whereit takes time for China to make huge inroads and get local clients 90 929916 example of whereit takes time for China to make huge inroads and get local clients to gain confidence in Chinese nuclear technologies. Hinkley Point C, Britain's first new nuclear plant for a decade, is being financed 66.5 percent by the French 90 929924 make huge inroads and get local clients to gain confidence in Chinese nuclear technologies. Hinkley Point C, Britain's first new nuclear plant for a decade, is being financed 66.5 percent by the French utility company Electricite de France, with a Chinese 90 930022 more third-party markets to develop medium- and high-level reactors, experts said. Industry needs to deal with nuclear waste Updated: 2016-03-31 11:46 By Lyu Chang in Beijing(China Daily USA) The amount of spent fuel 90 930068 likely to increase 20-fold in China by 2025 as the country embarks on a massive plan of building new nuclear power plants, senior officials say. Zhu Ji, general manager of Lanzhou Nuclear Enrichment Co., a unit of China National Nuclear 90 930080 embarks on a massive plan of building new nuclear power plants, senior officials say. Zhu Ji, general manager of Lanzhou Nuclear Enrichment Co., a unit of China National Nuclear Corp., said a transport system of nuclear waste should be built in 90 930088 nuclear power plants, senior officials say. Zhu Ji, general manager of Lanzhou Nuclear Enrichment Co., a unit of China National Nuclear Corp., said a transport system of nuclear waste should be built in China, because there will be 1,000 tons of 90 930095 Ji, general manager of Lanzhou Nuclear Enrichment Co., a unit of China National Nuclear Corp., said a transport system of nuclear waste should be built in China, because there will be 1,000 tons of heavy metal, the product of spent nuclear 90 930115 nuclear waste should be built in China, because there will be 1,000 tons of heavy metal, the product of spent nuclear fuel, within the next decade. "China depends solely on roads to transport spent nuclear fuel for now, but that needs 90 930129 heavy metal, the product of spent nuclear fuel, within the next decade. "China depends solely on roads to transport spent nuclear fuel for now, but that needs to be upgraded to a model that includes shipping and rail transport," he said 90 930159 to a model that includes shipping and rail transport," he said, hoping such system can be built by 2022. Most nuclear power plants in China are located near the coast, but the used fuel storage site is near Gansu province, about 90 930184 are located near the coast, but the used fuel storage site is near Gansu province, about 1,864 miles inland. "Used nuclear fuel may be shipped only along specified highway routes, putting huge pressure on road transport and safe management of spent 90 930232 need to remain in cooling pools for five to 10 years under at least 20 feet of actively circulating water. Nuclear waste is the material that nuclear fuel becomes after it is used in a reactor. It looks similar to the 90 930238 for five to 10 years under at least 20 feet of actively circulating water. Nuclear waste is the material that nuclear fuel becomes after it is used in a reactor. It looks similar to the fuel that was loaded into the 90 930605 two countries consult each other every year on handing over remains found in South Korea. China, US vow to boost nuclear security cooperation Updated: 2016-04-01 06:58 (Xinhua) Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives on his official plane to attend 90 930627 cooperation Updated: 2016-04-01 06:58 (Xinhua) Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives on his official plane to attend the Nuclear Security Summit meetings in Washington, on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland March 30, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua] WASHINGTON - China 90 930660 Maryland March 30, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua] WASHINGTON - China and the United States on Thursday reaffirmed their joint commitment to global nuclear security and pledged to continue cooperation in this area beyond the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process. In a joint statement 90 930672 on Thursday reaffirmed their joint commitment to global nuclear security and pledged to continue cooperation in this area beyond the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) process. In a joint statement released as Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama met 90 930722 countries declared their "commitment to working together to foster a peaceful and stable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and 90 930735 international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and security of all." Nuclear security cooperation has become a bright spot in the 90 930746 for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and security of all." Nuclear security cooperation has become a bright spot in the building of a new type of major-country relations between the 90 930787 world's largest developing and developed countries. In February, the two sides carried out the inaugural round of bilateral discussions on nuclear security in Stockholm, Sweden. "We plan to continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation 90 930810 Stockholm, Sweden. "We plan to continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals," said the joint statement. In a more recent example, a nuclear security 90 930815 continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals," said the joint statement. In a more recent example, a nuclear security center of excellence (COE) jointly 90 930829 prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals," said the joint statement. In a more recent example, a nuclear security center of excellence (COE) jointly financed and built by the Chinese and US governments was inaugurated in suburban Beijing 90 930885 kind in the Asia-Pacific region. The COE, said the statement, "is a world-class venue to meet China's domestic nuclear security training requirements, as well as a forum for bilateral and regional best practice exchanges, and a venue for demonstrating 90 930910 well as a forum for bilateral and regional best practice exchanges, and a venue for demonstrating advanced technologies related to nuclear security." The two countries pledged continued engagement on nuclear security training and best practices so as to maximize the use 90 930919 practice exchanges, and a venue for demonstrating advanced technologies related to nuclear security." The two countries pledged continued engagement on nuclear security training and best practices so as to maximize the use and effectiveness of the COE, and China vowed to 90 930957 China vowed to sponsor training programs at the site for regional partners and other international participants to further promote global nuclear security awareness and engagement. Meanwhile, the two sides agreed to push forward cooperation on conversion of miniature neutron source reactors 90 931045 of respective countries, to convert all remaining Chinese-origin MNSRs worldwide." Recognizing the need for strengthened international cooperation to counter nuclear smuggling, China and the United States reiterated their "enduring commitment to prevent terrorists, criminals or other unauthorized actors from acquiring 90 931066 smuggling, China and the United States reiterated their "enduring commitment to prevent terrorists, criminals or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear or other radioactive materials." The two sides "will continue to coordinate efforts to strengthen counter nuclear smuggling capabilities and share 90 931082 unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear or other radioactive materials." The two sides "will continue to coordinate efforts to strengthen counter nuclear smuggling capabilities and share best practices with the international community, taking full advantage of the training programs sponsored by the 90 931177 facilitate the sharing of experiences and best practices with other countries. Stressing that "strong communication and cooperation are essential to nuclear security," the two countries committed themselves to continuing strong support for the work of relevant international agencies on nuclear security 90 931196 to nuclear security," the two countries committed themselves to continuing strong support for the work of relevant international agencies on nuclear security in accordance with their respective mandates. The NSS process, initiated by Obama and headlined by a biennial leaders' meeting 90 931233 a biennial leaders' meeting since 2010, will come to an end in its current format after the fourth summit, though nuclear security is faced with increasingly grave and complicated challenges. Under such circumstances, China and the United States expressed their "strong 90 931259 grave and complicated challenges. Under such circumstances, China and the United States expressed their "strong commitment" to addressing the evolving nuclear security challenges through sustained efforts after the current NSS process concludes, said the joint statement. Chairwoman named for Inner Mongolia 90 933502 Studies Center at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. (China Daily USA 04/01/2016 page17) Clear commitment to global nuclear security Updated: 2016-04-01 08:04 (China Daily) Nuclear reactors under construction in Sanmen, Zhejiang province.[Photo/Xinhua] No 90 933512 Daily USA 04/01/2016 page17) Clear commitment to global nuclear security Updated: 2016-04-01 08:04 (China Daily) Nuclear reactors under construction in Sanmen, Zhejiang province.[Photo/Xinhua] No international initiative on nuclear security can produce a meaningful global 90 933526 04-01 08:04 (China Daily) Nuclear reactors under construction in Sanmen, Zhejiang province.[Photo/Xinhua] No international initiative on nuclear security can produce a meaningful global solution without full Russian participation. That is why few anticipate substantial progress at the 90 933548 can produce a meaningful global solution without full Russian participation. That is why few anticipate substantial progress at the ongoing Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. Expectations are also running low because someone else will be leading the United States at future 90 933635 and why President Xi Jinping's decision to attend makes good sense. The next US president may or may not prioritize nuclear security. But increasing nuclear risks are a truth the international community cannot afford to underestimate. The Democratic People's Republic of 90 933639 Jinping's decision to attend makes good sense. The next US president may or may not prioritize nuclear security. But increasing nuclear risks are a truth the international community cannot afford to underestimate. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea worried about its 90 933668 afford to underestimate. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea worried about its survival has responded by threatening other countries with nuclear strikes. Pyongyang's nuclear threats have prompted calls in the Republic of Korea and Japan for the two countries to develop 90 933671 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea worried about its survival has responded by threatening other countries with nuclear strikes. Pyongyang's nuclear threats have prompted calls in the Republic of Korea and Japan for the two countries to develop nuclear capacities. Donald 90 933689 strikes. Pyongyang's nuclear threats have prompted calls in the Republic of Korea and Japan for the two countries to develop nuclear capacities. Donald Trump, the front-runner to be the Republican candidate to succeed Obama, has also suggested Washington consider allowing 90 933716 to be the Republican candidate to succeed Obama, has also suggested Washington consider allowing the two allies to obtain US nuclear weapons. Equally if not more unsettling is the specter of terrorist groups getting their hands on nuclear material that would 90 933733 to obtain US nuclear weapons. Equally if not more unsettling is the specter of terrorist groups getting their hands on nuclear material that would enable them to make a "dirty bomb". Investigations surrounding the Brussels attacks have raised reasonable suspicion that 90 933766 the Brussels attacks have raised reasonable suspicion that the Islamic State group, which has already used chemical weapons, is eyeing nuclear facilities and materials. Worryingly, security watchdogs have reported pervasive "basic weaknesses" in the way fissile materials are being preserved across 90 933816 fronts. The nuclearization of Northeast Asia would be a substantial security threat to China. And a recent report by the Nuclear Threat Initiative just put our name on a list of countries whose nuclear reactors are vulnerable to cyberattacks. China would 90 933829 China. And a recent report by the Nuclear Threat Initiative just put our name on a list of countries whose nuclear reactors are vulnerable to cyberattacks. China would benefit tremendously from international cooperation on nuclear security. At the same time, it 90 933843 on a list of countries whose nuclear reactors are vulnerable to cyberattacks. China would benefit tremendously from international cooperation on nuclear security. At the same time, it has a critical role to play in reducing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. So 90 933897 meeting during the summit. Beyond that, Xi should convey the key message that China is seriously committed to broader international nuclear security cooperation, and he should work closely with the leaders of other countries to make sure the summits continue, even 90 933933 sure the summits continue, even if the next US president refuses to take up the mantle. Because an operational global nuclear security regime is yet to be achievedand the world urgently needs one. Xi tells Obama disputes should avoid misunderstandings Updated 90 933986 USA) US President Barack Obama and President Xi Jinping take part in a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit on Thursday in Washington. MANDEL NGAN / AFP China and the United States should handle unresolved disputes in a 90 934129 said. The Chinese president made the remarks while meeting with Obama on Thursday afternoon on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). The 90-minute meeting was the only bilateral meeting that Obama has arranged during the summit. Xi 90 934233 direction," he said. China would like to enhance communications with the US on regional and global issues such as the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula, Xi said. As the world's biggest developing country and developed nation, China and the US 90 934316 the highest level during the past few years. The two countries have carried out effective communications on issues including Iranian nuclear , Syria, Afghanistan, peacekeeping, development and health, showing that there is great potential for the establishment of a new-type big 90 934660 in the last few years, such as in military-to-military exchanges, non-proliferation leading to the P5+1 Iran nuclear deal and in Afghanistan in the training of young diplomats. Chen Weihua in Washington contributed to this story. Xi to 90 934719 Washington(China Daily USA) US President Barack Obama and President Xi Jinping take part in a bilateral meeting during the Nuclear Security Summit on Thursday in Washington. Photos by Andel Ngan / AFP China and the United States should handle unresolved disputes 90 934864 said. The Chinese president made the remarks while meeting with Obama on Thursday afternoon on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in Washington on Thursday and Friday. The 90-minute meeting was the only bilateral meeting that Obama 90 935007 direction," he said. China would like to enhance communications with the US on regional and global issues such as the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula, said Xi, who arrived in Washington on Wednesday evening after a three-day visit to 90 935106 the highest level during the past few years. The two countries have carried out effective communications on issues including Iran's nuclear program, Syria, Afghanistan, peacekeeping, development and health, showing that there is great potential for the establishment of a new-type 90 935287 and prosperous China, working with the US to address global challenges. He praised the cooperation between the two countries in nuclear security, citing the example of China's new Nuclear Security Center of Excellence, a joint program between the two nations. "I 90 935295 address global challenges. He praised the cooperation between the two countries in nuclear security, citing the example of China's new Nuclear Security Center of Excellence, a joint program between the two nations. "I believe we can deepen our cooperation, including against 90 935316 Security Center of Excellence, a joint program between the two nations. "I believe we can deepen our cooperation, including against nuclear smuggling," he said. Sanzuo (left) and Dahuang, known as "The Zhou Brothers", with their painting in their studio in Chicago 90 937688 Jinping (second from right) meets with his Republic of Korea counterpart Park Geun-hye (third from left) during the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on Thursday. Xinhua President Xi Jinping called for more dialogue to resolve issues regarding the Korean 90 937724 resolve issues regarding the Korean Peninsula during a meeting with Republic of Korea President Park Geun-hye during the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on Thursday. "Dialogue is the only correct way to resolve issues," Xi told Park. "The Chinese 90 941331 through to July 2. -- VNS WASHINGTON Boosting Europes shaky ability to thwart jihadist attacks will be the focus at a nuclear security summit hosted by President Barack Obama in Washington Friday, amid concerns the Islamic State group is trying to get 90 941414 co-operation aimed at "rooting out foreign fighters, identifying potential attacks, cutting off financing." Fears of attack were given a nuclear edge with the discovery of 10 hours of surveillance footage recorded by Islamic State operatives of a senior Belgian nuclear 90 941434 nuclear edge with the discovery of 10 hours of surveillance footage recorded by Islamic State operatives of a senior Belgian nuclear scientist. "We have had good progress in ramping up airstrikes and pressure on ISIL in Iraq and Syria," Obama foreign 90 941589 opened on Thursday with Obama trying to forge consensus among East Asian leaders on how to respond to Pyongyangs recent nuclear and missile tests, which he said "escalate tensions" in the region. This is the fourth in a series of nuclear 90 941609 nuclear and missile tests, which he said "escalate tensions" in the region. This is the fourth in a series of nuclear security summits convened at Obamas behest. With Obama leaving office next year, it may well be the last. But it 90 941688 which is held by the militaries of Russia and the United States -- or make leaps on safeguards almost impossible. "This nuclear security summit is supposed to address all of the (fissile) stocks, but truth is that all they address really is 90 942892 the country to establish a direct air route to the US. Minh is in the US to attend the fourth Nuclear Security Summit. VNS Authorities of Quang Ngai Province have asked the Government to suspend operations of a hydropower plant worth 90 944968 intolerance to the U.S. capital. President Erdogan is one of 50 world leaders in Washington, DC this week, attending the nuclear energy summit. Despite a marginal recovery in late trades benchmark share indices ended the first trading day of fiscal 2017 90 961734 other fundamental freedoms and violating peoples right to truth and decency. Aliyev is in Washington this week to attend the Nuclear Security Summit that began Thursday. To get an invitation to this event from President Obama, he had to pardon several 90 965814 missile systems that can hit enemies long before theyve had a chance to react. They could hit a North Korean nuclear missile ready for launch before it lifts off, for example. Even complex anti-missile batteries wouldnt be able to lock 90 977095 Later, the two partners added flights to Chennai. Share this story YEREVAN, APRIL 1, ARMENPRESS. On April 1 l the Nuclear Security Summit launched In the US capital, in which Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan participates, at the invitation of US President 90 977171 will discuss the implementation works, developed during the previous World Summit, on the high level of joint steps to combat nuclear terrorism which presents a big threat for international security, in accordance with the Communique and Work Plan, as well as 90 977202 accordance with the Communique and Work Plan, as well as effective mechanisms to jointly confront new challenges, the elimination of nuclear terrorism threats and their effective prevention. March 31, 2016 Egypt's politicians are preparing to do battle against its army. A 90 984005 an existing reality: Iran attempted and continues to attempt (this is a prevailing opinion within the Israeli government) to obtain nuclear weapons. Netanyahu does not balance the rhetoric of fear with words of hope. With impressive speed Netanyahu took the rhetoric 90 1002420 music lessons and therapy to every child that needs it, Azzeh said. World ports detect only a fraction of all nuclear material that is being transported illegally, leading scientist says. In 2009, US President Barack Obama described the possibility of nuclear 90 1002440 nuclear material that is being transported illegally, leading scientist says. In 2009, US President Barack Obama described the possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists as the most immediate and extreme threat to global security. Since then, the 90 1002473 extreme threat to global security. Since then, the US has been leading global efforts to secure, consolidate and dispose of nuclear material, culminating in this weeks United Nations Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. Diplomacy has been a large part of these 90 1002481 US has been leading global efforts to secure, consolidate and dispose of nuclear material, culminating in this weeks United Nations Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. Diplomacy has been a large part of these efforts, but they have also been accompanied by 90 1002545 cargo pass through Rotterdam each year, making it a frontline in the effort to stop the transportation of potentially dangerous nuclear materials. These are sources coming from all over the world, Rene de Goede, from Dutch Customs, told Al Jazeera. They 90 1002640 port. Both systems send out an alert if the material is found to have suspicious or unusual levels of radiation. Nuclear security summit to focus on dirty bomb scenario Each year, about 150 shipments from this port are isolated and passed 90 1002666 dirty bomb scenario Each year, about 150 shipments from this port are isolated and passed over to government scientists. Suspicious nuclear material is then taken to a government laboratory in the Dutch city of Bilthoven, where samples are taken and analysed 90 1002725 to enable us to go back to the facility where it has most likely gone loose, Klaus Mayer, a leading nuclear scientist with the European Commission, told Al Jazeera. We help them improve their handling procedures and make sure they take 90 1002761 and make sure they take better control of contaminated conventional waste. Recent finds have included depleted uranium cylinders from Pakistan, nuclear testing material from Russia and even an unused nuclear fuel pellet from Germany. Although all these pose a threat to 90 1002770 conventional waste. Recent finds have included depleted uranium cylinders from Pakistan, nuclear testing material from Russia and even an unused nuclear fuel pellet from Germany. Although all these pose a threat to health and could potentially be used in a so 90 1002797 these pose a threat to health and could potentially be used in a so-called dirty bomb most of the nuclear material found in Rotterdam shows only low levels of radioactivity. Frequent importers are unaware that their cargo is contaminated and 90 1002839 suppliers for not checking the safety of their materials. Mayer says detection efforts are catching only a fraction of the nuclear material being transported illegally, and some of it could be much more dangerous. The material which is discovered out of 90 1002898 we see is the tip of the iceberg, but we dont know how big the iceberg is. Securing high-grade nuclear materials While low-level nuclear materials pose only a small threat to public health, of much greater concern are those 90 1002903 of the iceberg, but we dont know how big the iceberg is. Securing high-grade nuclear materials While low-level nuclear materials pose only a small threat to public health, of much greater concern are those which are more radioactive, such 90 1002925 pose only a small threat to public health, of much greater concern are those which are more radioactive, such as nuclear fuel or weapons-grade material. Terrorist organisations are also acting upon opportunities that they have, said Brecht Volders, a nuclear 90 1002945 nuclear fuel or weapons-grade material. Terrorist organisations are also acting upon opportunities that they have, said Brecht Volders, a nuclear weapons researcher at the University of Antwerp. Thats why the nuclear security summit is so important. You secure the fissile 90 1002956 upon opportunities that they have, said Brecht Volders, a nuclear weapons researcher at the University of Antwerp. Thats why the nuclear security summit is so important. You secure the fissile material so they dont have an easy opportunity to obtain the 90 1006259 to the UN in Geneva says a state of semi-war is now ongoing. North Korea pledged to pursue its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes in defiance of the United States and its allies with a top envoy saying there is 90 1006362 we have to make the counter-measures also. So we have to develop and we have to make more deterrence nuclear deterrence, So said in an interview with Reuters news agency. READ MORE: North Korea ups tensions with new Sea of 90 1006440 firing took place just hours after US, South Korean and Japanese leaders agreed to work together to counter North Koreas nuclear threat. US President Barack Obama joined South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday 90 1006475 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday in vowing to ramp up pressure on North Korea in response to its recent nuclear and missile tests. The three leaders warned they could take further steps to counter threats from Pyongyang. Slap in Xi 90 1006505 take further steps to counter threats from Pyongyang. Slap in Xi Jinpings face In January, North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test and in February launched a long-range rocket, angering even its closest ally, China, and prompting the UN Security 90 1006602 a slap to the face of Xi Jinping, a tremendous loss of face as he is meeting with Obama about nuclear issues. Meanwhile, So declared that North Korea is going on our own way. [We are] not having dialogue and discussions 90 1006657 de-nuclearisation of the peninsula has gone, when asked about the resumption of stalled six-party talks on his countrys nuclear programme. US president tells world leaders at nuclear summit that there would be deadly consequences if ISIL got atomic weapons 90 1006665 asked about the resumption of stalled six-party talks on his countrys nuclear programme. US president tells world leaders at nuclear summit that there would be deadly consequences if ISIL got atomic weapons. US President Barack Obama urged world leaders on 90 1006709 up efforts to prevent madmen from groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) from obtaining nuclear weapons, as he announced that 102 nations have ratified a treaty on the protection of nuclear materials. Speaking at a 90 1006725 Levant (ISIL) from obtaining nuclear weapons, as he announced that 102 nations have ratified a treaty on the protection of nuclear materials. Speaking at a nuclear security summit in Washington DC, Obama said there was a persistent and evolving threat of 90 1006730 weapons, as he announced that 102 nations have ratified a treaty on the protection of nuclear materials. Speaking at a nuclear security summit in Washington DC, Obama said there was a persistent and evolving threat of nuclear attacks despite progress in 90 1006746 materials. Speaking at a nuclear security summit in Washington DC, Obama said there was a persistent and evolving threat of nuclear attacks despite progress in reducing such risks. We cannot be complacent, Obama said, adding that no group had succeeded in 90 1006771 reducing such risks. We cannot be complacent, Obama said, adding that no group had succeeded in getting their hands on nuclear weapons. He pointed out, however, that al-Qaeda had long sought them and ISIL (also known as ISIS) had already 90 1006816 mustard gas, in Syria and Iraq. There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many innocent people as possible, Obama added. It 90 1006819 Syria and Iraq. There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many innocent people as possible, Obama added. It would change our 90 1006866 poor mans nuke The US president was hosting more than 50 world leaders for his fourth and final summit on nuclear security focused on efforts to lock down vulnerable atomic materials to prevent nuclear attacks. During the summit, Obama announced that 90 1006879 for his fourth and final summit on nuclear security focused on efforts to lock down vulnerable atomic materials to prevent nuclear attacks. During the summit, Obama announced that the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material would take effect soon 90 1006894 vulnerable atomic materials to prevent nuclear attacks. During the summit, Obama announced that the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material would take effect soon. The agreement had been in existence for decades. But it was only in the past 90 1006950 countries, the number required for it to take effect. The deal requires countries to implement more stringent methods to protect nuclear materials. As a result, we expect that the treaty will enter into force in the coming weeks, giving us more 90 1006984 in the coming weeks, giving us more tools that we need to work together in the event of theft of nuclear material or an attack on a nuclear facility, Obama said. North Koreas nuclear defiance was also high on the agenda 90 1006991 tools that we need to work together in the event of theft of nuclear material or an attack on a nuclear facility, Obama said. North Koreas nuclear defiance was also high on the agenda. Obama, who is pushing for a significant 90 1006997 together in the event of theft of nuclear material or an attack on a nuclear facility, Obama said. North Koreas nuclear defiance was also high on the agenda. Obama, who is pushing for a significant reduction of nuclear weapon stockpiles, has 90 1007014 said. North Koreas nuclear defiance was also high on the agenda. Obama, who is pushing for a significant reduction of nuclear weapon stockpiles, has less than 10 months left in office to follow through on one of his signature policy initiatives 90 1007078 increased tensions with the US in recent months. The US and Russia hold more than 90 percent of the worlds nuclear arsenal, left over from the Cold War. Dirty bombs The deadly bomb attacks in Brussels last month have increased concerns 90 1007104 Cold War. Dirty bombs The deadly bomb attacks in Brussels last month have increased concerns that ISIL could eventually target nuclear plants, steal material and develop radioactive dirty bombs. Obama said suspected members of the armed group were reportedly found to 90 1007138 the armed group were reportedly found to have secretly videotaped the daily routine of a senior manager of a Belgian nuclear plant. He added that with roughly 2,000 tonnes of nuclear material stored around the word, not all of this is 90 1007148 the daily routine of a senior manager of a Belgian nuclear plant. He added that with roughly 2,000 tonnes of nuclear material stored around the word, not all of this is properly secured. Al Jazeeras Rosiland Jordan, reporting from Washington DC 90 1007180 secured. Al Jazeeras Rosiland Jordan, reporting from Washington DC, said experts have raised concerns that even a small amount of nuclear raw materials in the hands of armed groups would be enough to scare a lot of people. At the Washington 90 1007235 of removing all highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium fuels from a Japanese research project. Japan is an avowedly anti- nuclear -weapons state as the only country ever to have suffered a nuclear attack. Earlier on Friday, Obama convened a separate 90 1007247 Japanese research project. Japan is an avowedly anti-nuclear-weapons state as the only country ever to have suffered a nuclear attack. Earlier on Friday, Obama convened a separate meeting of the world powers that negotiated a landmark nuclear pact with 90 1007265 suffered a nuclear attack. Earlier on Friday, Obama convened a separate meeting of the world powers that negotiated a landmark nuclear pact with Iran last July, a critical component of his nuclear disarmament agenda and a major piece of his foreign 90 1007276 meeting of the world powers that negotiated a landmark nuclear pact with Iran last July, a critical component of his nuclear disarmament agenda and a major piece of his foreign policy legacy. He said efforts to implement the deal, which required 90 1007301 major piece of his foreign policy legacy. He said efforts to implement the deal, which required Tehran to curb its nuclear programme in return for sanctions relief, had shown real progress but it would take time for Iran to reintegrate into 90 1008528 person arrived in Greece from Turkey or not as they are undocumented refugees, he said. There are concerns about fissile nuclear material getting into the wrong hands that could have a devastating effect. The Brussels attacks have highlighted the urgent need 90 1008576 material secure. Two of the bombers appeared to have previously been monitoring a senior researcher who worked at a Belgian nuclear centre. The White House reckons that around 2,000 metric tonnes of highly dangerous nuclear material is out there, in both 90 1008590 researcher who worked at a Belgian nuclear centre. The White House reckons that around 2,000 metric tonnes of highly dangerous nuclear material is out there, in both civilian and military programmes around the world. It is not just used in weapons 90 1008643 power, and they are also widely used in medicine. Early on in his presidency Barack Obama highlighted the risk of nuclear attacks, describing them as the most immediate and extreme threat to global security. So he launched a series of Nuclear 90 1008663 nuclear attacks, describing them as the most immediate and extreme threat to global security. So he launched a series of Nuclear Security Summits, and the gathering of world leaders in Washington DC this week was the fourth such summit. On this 90 1008735 Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School Hamish de Bretton-Gordon Chemical weapons specialist, adviser to NGOs in Syria & Iraq Togzhan Kassenova Associate, Nuclear Policy Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace We talk to ex-CIA and NSA Director Michael Hayden, and ask Bangladeshs 90 1024799 they want, they will use any means to get it. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who's in D.C. for the Nuclear Security Summit, gave a speech at the Brookings Institution yesterday that was the scene of violent clashes between protesters and 90 1032937 together the effort of (Libya Premier Designate Fayez) al-Sarraj, finally in Tripoli". Renzi, who is in Washington for a nuclear summit, posted a photo of his meeting in Rome with Sarraj in December. (ANSAmed). These aircraft will operate in Saudi 90 1047955 the United States of America Barack Obama in the White House for the heads of state and government attending the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on March 31. President Aliyev attended the reception. During the day, President Aliyev met with vice 90 1049062 09:30 (UTC+04:00) Azerbaijans President Ilham Aliyev, who is on a visit to Washington to attend the 4th Nuclear Summit, met with Vice President of the United States Joe Biden on March 31, Azertac reported. Joe Biden said they 90 1049451 in a meeting with President Ilham Aliyev, who is in Washington on a working visit to participate at the 4th Nuclear Security Summit, said that the steps taken to define opportunities for defense cooperation between the two countries are of importance 90 1050143 was hosted on behalf of President Obama in the White House for the heads of state and government attending the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. President Aliyev attended the reception. -- Aynur Karimova is AzerNews staff journalist, follow her on Twitter: @Aynur_Karimova 90 1051102 National Agency for Mine Action. -- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz 1 April 2016 22:42 (UTC+04:00) The fourth Nuclear Security Summit has started in Washington, the United States. Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev is attending the summit. The Nuclear Security 90 1051121 fourth Nuclear Security Summit has started in Washington, the United States. Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev is attending the summit. The Nuclear Security Summit 2016 continues to provide a forum for leaders to engage with each other and reinforce commitment at the 90 1051146 to provide a forum for leaders to engage with each other and reinforce commitment at the highest levels to securing nuclear materials. The Nuclear Security Summit is a world summit, aimed at preventing nuclear terrorism around the globe. Leaders of more 90 1051149 forum for leaders to engage with each other and reinforce commitment at the highest levels to securing nuclear materials. The Nuclear Security Summit is a world summit, aimed at preventing nuclear terrorism around the globe. Leaders of more than 50 nations 90 1051159 commitment at the highest levels to securing nuclear materials. The Nuclear Security Summit is a world summit, aimed at preventing nuclear terrorism around the globe. Leaders of more than 50 nations gathered in Washington for the fourth summit. President of the 90 1068563 something the current system of compensation payments will struggle to do to the same degree." David Cameron, attending an international nuclear security summit in Washington, raised the problems facing the steel industry with Chinese president Xi Jinping. A Government source said 90 1084532 and with the local authorities." President Xi Jinping of China and Barack Obama gather for a working dinner at the Nuclear Security Summit in the White House (AP) North Korea has fired a short-range missile into the sea and tried 90 1084588 hours after US, South Korean and Japanese leaders pledged to work closer together to prevent North Korea from advancing its nuclear and missile programmes. Officials said the attempt to jam GPS signals, which began on Thursday, did not cause any major 90 1084795 US military drills last month, which it views as a rehearsal for an invasion. It has also repeated threats of nuclear strikes on Seoul and Washington and warned it will test a nuclear warhead and the ballistic missiles capable of carrying 90 1084807 an invasion. It has also repeated threats of nuclear strikes on Seoul and Washington and warned it will test a nuclear warhead and the ballistic missiles capable of carrying it. This year's drills, set to run until late this month, are 90 1084838 year's drills, set to run until late this month, are the biggest ever and come after North Korea conducted a nuclear test and long-range rocket launch earlier this year. In Washington, US president Barack Obama met the leaders of South 90 1084869 Washington, US president Barack Obama met the leaders of South Korea and Japan to discuss ways of countering North Korea's nuclear threat. Mr Obama also met Chinese president Xi Jinping, with both calling for North Korea to give up its nuclear 90 1084889 nuclear threat. Mr Obama also met Chinese president Xi Jinping, with both calling for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. China also agreed to fully implement recent economic restrictions imposed by the UN Security Council against North Korea. The 90 1084919 restrictions imposed by the UN Security Council against North Korea. The Asian leaders are in Washington for a two-day nuclear summit. South African President Jacob Zuma has apologised for a scandal over millions of dollars in state spending on his 90 1099940 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. WASHINGTON World leaders watched a video of a hypothetical nuclear terrorist plot Friday as they closed out a two-day summit dedicated to ensuring such a calamity never comes to 90 1099970 day summit dedicated to ensuring such a calamity never comes to pass. More than 50 countries made commitments to the nuclear -safety cause including Canada, which promised $42 million for global efforts to protect fissile materials. The summit was the last 90 1100018 Barack Obama. Hed made the issue a priority amid signs that al-Qaida and other terrorist groups were actively seeking nuclear weapons. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said its now incumbent on the international community to make sure those efforts continue after 90 1100051 community to make sure those efforts continue after Obama leaves office. Risks associated with terrorist groups getting their hands on nuclear material are not restricted to any one country, Trudeau said. The challenge is certainly going to be in the coming 90 1100119 video and discuss the mock terrorism scenario. The money will go to different places. It will help individual countries store nuclear materials, providing training and equipment in Mexico, Peru, Jordan and Colombia; will help protect sites in Ukraine, Thailand and Egypt 90 1100188 of activity over the years. But even their organizers acknowledge they didnt complete the job. The worlds largest holder of nuclear weapons, Russia, didnt even bother participating in this final meeting amid ongoing tensions with the U.S. Obama began the meeting 90 1100305 procedures. No terrorist group has yet succeeded at obtaining such materials. But they have tried. Al-Qaida has actively pursued nuclear material, Obama said. There are also indications that sympathizers of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have been 90 1100329 There are also indications that sympathizers of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have been interested in Belgiums nuclear sites: some former employees have gone to fight in Syria, and one man linked to the Nov. 13 Paris attackers 90 1100370 had been surveilling a plant employee. There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material they most certainly would use it to kill as many innocent people as possible, Obama said 90 1100373 a plant employee. There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material they most certainly would use it to kill as many innocent people as possible, Obama said. Just the smallest 90 1100444 global ramifications for decades. It would change our world. So we cannot be complacent. He said roughly 2,000 tonnes of nuclear material remains around the world, not all of it properly secured. The U.S. would release a detailed description of its 90 1100499 public inventory of its highly enriched uranium stockpiles, he said. Canada has generally received high marks for its protection of nuclear materials. It finishes No. 3 safest on a list of 24 countries produced by the non-profit Nuclear Threat Initiative 90 1100517 protection of nuclear materials. It finishes No. 3 safest on a list of 24 countries produced by the non-profit Nuclear Threat Initiative. It only scores average marks, however, when it comes to how widely dispersed its materials are across multiple 90 1100549 to how widely dispersed its materials are across multiple sites. One expert said the likeliest threat is not an actual nuclear bomb, but a so-called dirty bomb consisting of radioactive material stored in many thousands of hospitals, medical centres and 90 1100591 around the world that arent all secure. Its a scary thought, said Samantha Pitts-Kiefer, director of the NTIs global nuclear policy program. If a terrorist group got their hands on this material it could explode a dirty bomb in a 90 1100641 potentially uninhabitable. Imagine that happening on Wall Street There could be devastating consequences, even without the deaths and injuries a nuclear bomb would cause. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 01/04/2016 (2396 days ago), so information in 90 1108744 Service Medal, Maj. Heather Hall said. Ditty entered the Army in 2013 and serves as a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear specialist, said Hall, an Army spokeswoman. Hall said the Army could not comment further due to the ongoing police investigation 90 1124822 bid, sources add.China is now the only country that has stood up for Masood Azhar more than once.Ahead of the Nuclear Summit 2016, India had expressed its desire to ensure that Azhar was proscribed by the UN.As regards the attack by 90 1127742 first meeting after the latter swept to power last year. Modi and Trudeau met here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. Engagements on Day 2 begin with a bilateral with PM Justin Trudeau, External Affairs Ministry Spokesman Vikas Swarup 90 1127847 to power Indian reactors. The agreement for uranium supply, which came two years after protracted negotiations following the 2013 civil nuclear deal between India and Canada, was signed after comprehensive talks Modi had with Harper in April last year. 44-year 90 1130504 in-C, Training Command will preside over these events. . . PM at dinner hosted by US President: State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today made an intervention during the dinner 90 1130535 Shri Narendra Modi, today made an intervention during the dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama, on the theme of nuclear security threat perceptions. . . Appreciating the US President for putting the spotlight on nuclear security, the Prime Minister said he had 90 1130548 President Barack Obama, on the theme of nuclear security threat perceptions. . . Appreciating the US President for putting the spotlight on nuclear security, the Prime Minister said he had, by doing so, done great service to global security. . . Referring to the recent 90 1130589 terror attacks in Brussels, the Prime Minister said that Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. Shri Narendra Modi called for focus on three contemporary features of terrorism: First, todays terrorism uses extreme 90 1130646 we are hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smartphone. Third, state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk. . . Noting that terror has evolved and terrorists are using 21st century technology, the 90 1130732 is not. . . The Prime Minister said that without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism, there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism. He urged everyone to drop the notion that terrorism is someone elses problem and that his" terrorist is not 90 1130759 the notion that terrorism is someone elses problem and that his" terrorist is not my" terrorist. . . The Prime Minister said nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority, and all States must completely abide by their international obligations. . . PM meets Canadian 90 1130815 Narendra Modi, today (April 01, 2016) met the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Justin Trudeau, on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC. . . The Prime Minister said new energy and dynamism has been imparted to relations between the 90 1134057 Masood Azhar more than once. Chinese President Xi Jinping, after meeting US President Barack Obama on the sidelines of a nuclear summit, has said that nations must stand united against terrorism, but asserted that they would continue to block India's proposal 90 1135941 child trafficking/labour in future. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is in Washington D.C. to take part in the fourth Nuclear Security Summit, is scheduled to hold bilateral talks with top leaders from Canada, United Kingdom, Argentina and Japan today. On 90 1135967 hold bilateral talks with top leaders from Canada, United Kingdom, Argentina and Japan today. On the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit here, Prime Minister Modi on Thursday held bilateral meeting with his New Zealand counterpart John Key and discussed 90 1136061 a dinner at the White House hosted by US President Barack Obama in honour of the leaders attending the fourth nuclear summit. This is Prime Minister Modi's third visit to United States in nearly two years. Leaders of 53 nations and 90 1136110 in Washington D.C. The United States, Republic of Korea and Japan have vowed to deter and defend against North Korean nuclear threats and stand united in fighting global terrorism. US President Barack Obama hosted a trilateral summit meeting with South Korean 90 1136146 summit meeting with South Korean President Park Geun-Hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC. Asserting that the three countries share common values and a common vision for the future 90 1136175 three countries share common values and a common vision for the future of the Asia Pacific, President Obama highlighted Pyongyang's nuclear activity. "We agreed during this meeting that trilateral security cooperation is essential to maintaining peace and stability in Northeast Asia 90 1136200 this meeting that trilateral security cooperation is essential to maintaining peace and stability in Northeast Asia, deterring the North Korean nuclear threat and the potential of nuclear proliferation as a consequence of North Korean activities," said President Obama. " We've directed our 90 1136206 is essential to maintaining peace and stability in Northeast Asia, deterring the North Korean nuclear threat and the potential of nuclear proliferation as a consequence of North Korean activities," said President Obama. " We've directed our teams to work diligently in the 90 1136356 to thoroughly enforce the resolution so that North Korea realizes it cannot ensure its own survivability unless it abandons its nuclear aspirations," she said. She warned North Korea for making provocations. "In relation to the recent escalation of North Korea's rhetoric 90 1136475 international community to make sure the international community effectively steps up its pressure on North Korea. Having hosted the second Nuclear Security Summit, she said that that her country intends to make leading contributions to moving the nuclear security regime further 90 1136492 hosted the second Nuclear Security Summit, she said that that her country intends to make leading contributions to moving the nuclear security regime further forward on the post-summit phase. She said that Seoul was looking forward on Washington's cancer moonshot 90 1136578 the foreign affairs and defense authorities of the three nations," said Prime Minister Abe. Prime Minister Abe said that Pyongyang's nuclear and missiles were threat to the global community. "A special concern is the progress of North Korea's nuclear and missile 90 1136596 that Pyongyang's nuclear and missiles were threat to the global community. "A special concern is the progress of North Korea's nuclear and missile capability, which is a direct and grave threat not only to the three countries but to the global 90 1140126 Bengaluru to appear before the Special Selection Board." As leaders from over 50 nations gathered in Washington to discuss the nuclear terror threat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a strong call to the world to drop the notion that terrorism is 90 1140191 threat," Modi said at a working dinner hosted by President Barack Obama Thursday night to kick off the two-day . " Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority and all states must completely abide by their obligations," Modi told the world 90 1140236 shadow of Brussels and Lahore terror attacks. . "Without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism, there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism," he warned lamenting that while "the reach and supply chains of terrorism are global, genuine cooperation between nation states 90 1140284 fourth and last such summit to discuss how to prevent terrorists and other non state actors from gaining access to nuclear materials, was flanked by Modi to the right and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the left. The "dinner table" ran 90 1140358 the India-EU summit in the Belgian capital, said: "Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. "Terror has evolved. Terrorists are using 21st century technology. But our responses are rooted in the past 90 1140435 hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. "And third, state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk." By putting spotlight on nuclear security, Obama has done great service to global 90 1140447 smart phone. "And third, state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk." By putting spotlight on nuclear security, Obama has done great service to global security, Modi said and "this legacy of President Obama must endure". Earlier 90 1140499 said: "Of all the threats to global security and peace, the most dangerous is the proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons." Outlining how to make the vision of a world without nuclear weapons a reality, he wrote: "We're clear-eyed 90 1140511 dangerous is the proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons." Outlining how to make the vision of a world without nuclear weapons a reality, he wrote: "We're clear-eyed about the high hurdles ahead, but I believe that we must never 90 1140541 the high hurdles ahead, but I believe that we must never resign ourselves to the fatalism that the spread of nuclear weapons is inevitable." "Even as we deal with the realities of the world as it is, we must continue to 90 1140629 up weapons-usable plutonium and highly-enriched uranium entirely," Kerry noted. "An additional 12 countries have decreased their stockpiles of nuclear material." Since 2009, through various lines of effort, we have removed or eliminated enough weapons-grade fissionable material to supply 90 1140652 2009, through various lines of effort, we have removed or eliminated enough weapons-grade fissionable material to supply nearly 7,000 nuclear bombs," he said. India and other participating nations will present their national progress reports on steps taken by them to 90 1140674 he said. India and other participating nations will present their national progress reports on steps taken by them to strengthen nuclear security since the last summit on Friday. The first of these biennial nuclear security summits was held in Washington in 90 1140687 on steps taken by them to strengthen nuclear security since the last summit on Friday. The first of these biennial nuclear security summits was held in Washington in April 2010 followed by the summits in Seoul in March 2012 and The 90 1140727 The Hague in March 2014. Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned global leaders from over 50 nations gathered here to discuss nuclear terrorism that state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk. "Terrorism is globally networked. But, we 90 1140734 Narendra Modi warned global leaders from over 50 nations gathered here to discuss nuclear terrorism that state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk. "Terrorism is globally networked. But, we still act only nationally to counter this 90 1140776 he said at a working dinner hosted by President Barack Obama on Thursday night to kick off the two-day Nuclear Security Summit. Obama, who is hosting his fourth and last such summit to discuss how to prevent terrorists and other 90 1140804 fourth and last such summit to discuss how to prevent terrorists and other non-state actors from gaining access to nuclear materials, was flanked by Modi on the right and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the left. Modi, who has come 90 1140854 and Lahore terror attacks, from the Belgian capital said, "Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. "Terror has evolved. Terrorists are using 21st century technology. But our responses are rooted in the past 90 1140931 hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. "And third, State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk." In what was seen as an unmistakable reference to Pakistan, Modi also gave 90 1140972 a call to drop the notion that terrorism is someone else's problem and that "his" terrorist is not "my" terrorist. " Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority," Modi told the world leaders. "All states must completely abide by their international 90 1141007 must completely abide by their international obligations." "Without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism," he said. "But the reach and supply chains of terrorism are global, genuine cooperation between nation states is not 90 1141137 leader, of being responsible," told him "India has a very important role to play with respect to responsible stewardship of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials". "And it is particularly important right now at a time when we see in the region 90 1141140 responsible," told him "India has a very important role to play with respect to responsible stewardship of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials". "And it is particularly important right now at a time when we see in the region some choices being 90 1141196 said in another reference to Pakistan. The US has time and again expressed concern at Pakistan's deployment of weapon-grade nuclear weapons. "Our concerns regarding the continuing deployment of battlefield nuclear weapons by Pakistan relate to a reality of the situation 90 1141206 and again expressed concern at Pakistan's deployment of weapon-grade nuclear weapons. "Our concerns regarding the continuing deployment of battlefield nuclear weapons by Pakistan relate to a reality of the situation," Rose Gottemoeller, under secretary of state for arms control and 90 1141239 under secretary of state for arms control and international security, told reporters on the eve of the summit. "When battlefield nuclear weapons are deployed forward, they can represent an enhanced nuclear security threat," she said. However, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary 90 1141249 told reporters on the eve of the summit. "When battlefield nuclear weapons are deployed forward, they can represent an enhanced nuclear security threat," she said. However, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary on Thursday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was "essentially 90 1141266 represent an enhanced nuclear security threat," she said. However, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary on Thursday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was "essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone". "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the 90 1141279 Chaudhary on Thursday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was "essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone". "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he told reporters at the Pakistan embassy 90 1141309 acknowledges that they are," he told reporters at the Pakistan embassy here. "India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme." (Arun Kumar can be contacted at Manipur's ministers have told Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh that all 90 1143111 get a ban slapped on the terrorist came as Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in the US, to attend a Nuclear Security Summit where he spoke out strongly against terrorism and on the need for countries to unite against the menace 90 1146279 get a ban slapped on the terrorist came as Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in the US, to attend a Nuclear Security Summit where he spoke out strongly against terrorism and on the need for countries to unite against the menace 90 1146410 Foundation on Thursday. According to the agreement, signed during the course of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit here for the Nuclear Security Summit, India will have a new Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). LIGO shot to fame earlier this year 90 1146813 a bilateral meeting with Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel. India has finally decided to join "gift baskets" at the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit here on Friday even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi held meetings with several leaders, including British Prime Minister 90 1146876 secretary (disarmament and international security affairs), said that India has decided to join some gift baskets, including those on counter nuclear smuggling and sharing best practices. Gift basket involves an approach to a crucial issue where, if consensus is not reached 90 1146942 consensus at any multilateral summit. The US had first introduced the gift basket during negotiations in 2011 for the Second Nuclear Security Summit. Fourteen such gift baskets were put up in the summit held in Seoul next year. India, which had 90 1147001 said India would join the Trilateral Initiative which is the joint statement of the previous three co-chairs of the nuclear security summit which has been circulated in the form of a document in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). "So 90 1147038 Energy Agency (IAEA). "So, this group of countries which India is joining are committed to holding the bar high on nuclear security," the joint secretary said. "We will also be joining three other gift baskets in priority areas like counter nuclear 90 1147058 nuclear security," the joint secretary said. "We will also be joining three other gift baskets in priority areas like counter nuclear smuggling, the sharing of best practices through centres of excellence such as GCNEP (Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership), and 90 1147075 areas like counter nuclear smuggling, the sharing of best practices through centres of excellence such as GCNEP (Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership), and finally NSS follow-up through contact group in Vienna," he said. In Friday's summit, Prime Minister Narendra 90 1147106 in Vienna," he said. In Friday's summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi would underline that India would continue to reflect its nuclear obligations to the international community through its national actions, Gill said. In the national progress report on the work India 90 1147132 through its national actions, Gill said. In the national progress report on the work India has done in terms of nuclear security in the two years since the last summit, Modi would underline the continued priority the country attached to nuclear 90 1147152 nuclear security in the two years since the last summit, Modi would underline the continued priority the country attached to nuclear security at home. "Second, the prime minister will underline the continued priority we attach to the technology direction of nuclear 90 1147172 nuclear security at home. "Second, the prime minister will underline the continued priority we attach to the technology direction of nuclear security," he said. As leaders of over 50 nations met for the biennial summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also held 90 1149265 also died while Yaqoob was injured. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday attended the opening plenary session of the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit here. "A careful examination of #nuclearsecurity issues on the agenda as PM arrives for Opening Plenary of #NSS2016 90 1149331 remarks, US President Barack Obama said that 102 countries have till now ratified the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM). In the opening session, Modi is expected to share India's progress report on the work it has done 90 1149386 In the second session over a working lunch, the focus of discussions will be on international institutional actions to strengthen nuclear security. The third and final session of the summit will see the leaders engaged in a policy discussion on nuclear 90 1149406 nuclear security. The third and final session of the summit will see the leaders engaged in a policy discussion on nuclear terrorism based on a hypothetical scenario. This year's summit is the fourth and final of the biennial affairs. The first 90 1149485 Narendra Modi on Friday held a bilateral meeting with his British counterpart David Cameron on the sidelines of the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit here. "Enhancing a vibrant partnership... PM @narendramodi & PM @David_Cameron talk India-UK ties," the Prime Minister's Office tweeted 90 1149676 non-ferrous metals group. Earlier on Friday, Modi held a bilateral meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In Friday's nuclear security summit, Modi is expected to share India's progress report on the work it has done since the last summit 90 1149755 in March 2012 and The Hague in March 2014. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is here to attend the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit, on Friday held a meeting with his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau during the course of which both the 90 1149825 visit to Canada in April last year, India clinched a multi-million dollar deal for uranium to power its civilian nuclear programme for five years and also inked 13 agreements on skill development. After talks with then Canadian prime minister Stephen 90 1149924 a bilateral meeting with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key here. He also attended a leaders-only thematic dinner on " Nuclear security threat perceptions" hosted by US President Barack Obama at the White House. Later on Friday, Modi will attend the 90 1149949 by US President Barack Obama at the White House. Later on Friday, Modi will attend the plenary sessions of the nuclear security summit. This year's summit is the last of the biennial affairs that started in 2010. On his way back 90 1149995 a two-day bilateral visit to Saudi Arabia starting Saturday. As leaders from over 50 nations gathered here to discuss nuclear terrorism, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a call to drop the notion that terrorism is someone else's problem and that 90 1150055 threat," he said at a working dinner hosted by President Barack Obama Thursday night to kick off the two-day Nuclear Security Summit. "Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority," Modi told the world leaders meeting in the shadow of 90 1150058 at a working dinner hosted by President Barack Obama Thursday night to kick off the two-day Nuclear Security Summit. " Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority," Modi told the world leaders meeting in the shadow of Brussels and Lahore 90 1150103 must completely abide by their international obligations." "Without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism," he warned lamenting that while "the reach and supply chains of terrorism are global, genuine cooperation between nation states 90 1150151 fourth and last such summit to discuss how to prevent terrorists and other non state actors from gaining access to nuclear materials, was flanked Modi to the right and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the left. The "dinner table" ran along 90 1150224 the India-EU summit in the Belgian capital said, "Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism." "Terror has evolved. Terrorists are using 21st century technology. But our responses are rooted in the past 90 1150301 hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. "And Third, State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk." By putting spotlight on Nuclear Security, Obama has done great service to global 90 1150313 smart phone. "And Third, State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk." By putting spotlight on Nuclear Security, Obama has done great service to global security, Modi said and "this legacy of President Obama must endure." Earlier 90 1150364 said, "of all the threats to global security and peace, the most dangerous is the proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons." Outlining how to make the vision of a world without nuclear weapons a reality, he wrote: "We're clear-eyed 90 1150376 dangerous is the proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons." Outlining how to make the vision of a world without nuclear weapons a reality, he wrote: "We're clear-eyed about the high hurdles ahead, but I believe that we must never 90 1150406 the high hurdles ahead, but I believe that we must never resign ourselves to the fatalism that the spread of nuclear weapons is inevitable." "Even as we deal with the realities of the world as it is, we must continue to 90 1150494 up weapons-usable plutonium and highly-enriched uranium entirely," Kerry noted. "An additional 12 countries have decreased their stockpiles of nuclear materials." Since 2009, through various lines of effort, we have removed or eliminated enough weapons-grade fissionable material to supply 90 1150517 2009, through various lines of effort, we have removed or eliminated enough weapons-grade fissionable material to supply nearly 7,000 nuclear bombs," he said. India and other participating nations will present their national progress reports on steps taken by them to 90 1150539 he said. India and other participating nations will present their national progress reports on steps taken by them to strengthen nuclear security since the last summit on Friday. The first of these biennial nuclear security summits was held in Washington in 90 1150552 on steps taken by them to strengthen nuclear security since the last summit on Friday. The first of these biennial nuclear security summits was held in Washington in April 2010 followed by the summits in Seoul in March 2012 and The 90 1152994 priests and 133 brothers. A defiant North Korea and global terrorism were the main focus of talks at the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in Washington. The two-day biennial summit opened here on Thursday night with a welcome dinner at 90 1153139 during the NSS working dinner to discuss how to prevent terrorists and other non-state actors from gaining access to nuclear materials. Xi and Obama found common ground on confronting the nuclear threat posed by North Korea. China supported a new 90 1153150 and other non-state actors from gaining access to nuclear materials. Xi and Obama found common ground on confronting the nuclear threat posed by North Korea. China supported a new round of UN sanctions against the Pyongyang government after it tested 90 1153172 posed by North Korea. China supported a new round of UN sanctions against the Pyongyang government after it tested a nuclear device and fired ballistic missiles, the New York Times reported. Obama also met Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and 90 1153250 discussed ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation to prevent further terrorist attacks, EFE news reported. Russia, the country with the largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world, has decided not to attend the summit citing "lack of cooperation" between partners, according to 90 1153285 of cooperation" between partners, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov. Russia's absence makes it difficult to reach major agreements on nuclear safety. Nine countries -- the US, Russia, Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea -- together possess more than 15,000 90 1153306 safety. Nine countries -- the US, Russia, Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea -- together possess more than 15,000 nuclear weapons -- but 90 percent of all nuclear weapons are in the US and Russia. Besides Hollande, Xi and Modi, British 90 1153313 France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea -- together possess more than 15,000 nuclear weapons -- but 90 percent of all nuclear weapons are in the US and Russia. Besides Hollande, Xi and Modi, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Turkish President Recep 90 1153422 Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Syed Tariq Fatemi will represent Pakistan at the Summit. The first of these biennial nuclear security summits was held in Washington in April 2010, followed by summits in Seoul in March 2012 and The Hague 90 1153635 impinging upon right to health of citizens in India," said the statement. Seeking to allay concerns about safety of its nuclear programme, Pakistan has asserted that, unlike India, it has never suffered an accident or breach of security. Amidst global concerns 90 1153661 unlike India, it has never suffered an accident or breach of security. Amidst global concerns over the safety of its nuclear weapons, Pakistan's foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad's nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported 90 1153673 Amidst global concerns over the safety of its nuclear weapons, Pakistan's foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad's nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world 90 1153685 secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad's nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he said. Chaudhary, who is here to 90 1153708 not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he said. Chaudhary, who is here to attend the Nuclear Security Summit hosted by US President Barack Obama, said the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide 90 1153726 attend the Nuclear Security Summit hosted by US President Barack Obama, said the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide, including five in India, but "not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 90 1153943 more monitors at all 72 exit and entry points in the country. "India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme, and an equally ambitious conventional weapons programme," he added. "We have a modest programme because we feel we have 90 1153980 we feel we have the right to defend ourselves." Pakistan has sought to allay concerns about the safety of its nuclear programme maintaining that the country had never suffered a nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing here 90 1153990 has sought to allay concerns about the safety of its nuclear programme maintaining that the country had never suffered a nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing here on Thursday, Pakistan's foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression 90 1154013 breach of security. At a news briefing here on Thursday, Pakistan's foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad's nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world 90 1154025 secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad's nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he said. Chaudhary said the International Atomic 90 1154051 but the world also acknowledges that they are," he said. Chaudhary said the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide, including five in India, but "not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 90 1154209 more monitors at all 72 exit and entry points in the country. "India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme, and an equally ambitious conventional weapons programme," he added. "We have a modest programme because we feel we have 90 1154397 Jamnagar jail in Gujarat. Pakistan's Foreign Office spokesman Aizaz Chaudhary has said there was no cause of concern about Islamabad's nuclear programme since the country never had a nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing on Thursday, the 90 1154405 Aizaz Chaudhary has said there was no cause of concern about Islamabad's nuclear programme since the country never had a nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing on Thursday, the foreign secretary said the impression that Pakistan's nuclear 90 1154425 nuclear accident or breach of security. At a news briefing on Thursday, the foreign secretary said the impression that Pakistan's nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world 90 1154437 the foreign secretary said the impression that Pakistan's nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he said. Chaudhary said that the International 90 1154464 the world also acknowledges that they are," he said. Chaudhary said that the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide, including five in India, but "not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 90 1154622 more monitors at all 72 exit and entry points in the country. "India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme, and an equally ambitious conventional weapons programme," he added. "We have a modest programme because we feel we have 90 1156031 exercises and newly-adopted international sanctions on Pyongyang. South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who is attending the two-day Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., reiterated her position on Thursday of focusing on sanctions, rather than dialogue, to make North 90 1156055 Washington, D.C., reiterated her position on Thursday of focusing on sanctions, rather than dialogue, to make North Korea abandon its nuclear program. This year, North Korea started off by detonating what it claimed was its hydrogen bomb on January 6, the 90 1156079 North Korea started off by detonating what it claimed was its hydrogen bomb on January 6, the fourth of its nuclear tests, followed by the launch of a long-range rocket, which was condemned as a disguised test of ballistic missile 90 1172298 also taken active part in international counter terrorism corporation". To another question about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's comments at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on Thursday that the world community should "drop the notion that terrorism is someone else's problem 90 1178102 fairly in China," the White House said today, a day after Obama and Xi met on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit here. The two largest economies are at loggerheads over several issues, including preventing the theft of trade secrets 90 1178398 a global market-based measure to address greenhouse gas emissions from international aviation. Obama commended their strengthening bilateral cooperation on nuclear security issues, including the establishment of China's nuclear security Center of Excellence and its commitment to reactor conversions, the White 90 1178406 gas emissions from international aviation. Obama commended their strengthening bilateral cooperation on nuclear security issues, including the establishment of China's nuclear security Center of Excellence and its commitment to reactor conversions, the White House said. "Both leaders committed to advance cooperation 90 1178448 development and public health initiatives, and to strengthen coordination in addressing the shared threat presented by North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile systems," it said. They affirmed their commitment to achieving the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and 90 1185013 impunity," the French presidency said in a statement. Hollande, who met with Ban in Washington on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit, later said that if true, the allegations would "stain France's honor." French authorities this week received a UN 90 1186194 US President Joe Biden has said Pakistan is one of the most dangerous nations in the world as it has nuclear weapons without ... Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today said that some IDBI officers, who met him over proposed privatization of 90 1186621 met his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau for the first time during which they reviewed bilateral ties including the progress on nuclear cooperation. Prime Minister Modi and Trudeau met here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. This was their first 90 1186635 bilateral ties including the progress on nuclear cooperation. Prime Minister Modi and Trudeau met here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. This was their first meeting after Trudeau came to power last year, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup 90 1186677 while briefing reporters on the bilateral meeting. During today's meeting, the two leaders reviewed bilateral cooperation including progress in the nuclear energy sector. Last year, Modi had held extensive talks with then Canadian Premier Stephen Harper after which Canada had agreed 90 1186734 five-year deal to power Indian reactors. During the meeting today, Prime Minister Modi noted that the cooperation in the nuclear energy sector was "progressing very well", Swarup said. Last year's agreement for uranium supply came two years after protracted negotiations 90 1186759 very well", Swarup said. Last year's agreement for uranium supply came two years after protracted negotiations following the 2013 civil nuclear deal between India and Canada. The two leaders also recalled their meeting when Modi visited Canada last year when Harper 90 1186889 human resource," Swarup said. Trudeau also complemented Prime Minister Modi on his intervention last evening at the opening of the Nuclear Security Summit. The Prime Minister said India has a fruitful partnership with Canada and it is progressing well. "India is 90 1191493 Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted along with a picture of the two leaders meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit here. "Enhancing a vibrant partnership...PM Narendra Modi & PM David Cameron talk India-UK ties," a PMO tweet 90 1191597 with Cameron. During that visit, India and the UK had signed deals worth 9-billion pounds and inked a civil nuclear pact besides deciding to collaborate in defence and cyber security. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will today engage with top world 90 1191635 with top world leaders including from Canada, Britain, Japan in a series of bilaterals here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit, where he would outline India's roadmap and measures taken to ensure nuclear security. He is expected to start 90 1191649 here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit, where he would outline India's roadmap and measures taken to ensure nuclear security. He is expected to start the day with a bilateral meeting with Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau, which would be 90 1191750 sell its loss-making UK businesses. After the three bilaterals, Modi would participate in the three separate sessions of the Nuclear Security Summit, which kicked off with a White House dinner last night. The sessions are on national actions to enhance 90 1191771 Security Summit, which kicked off with a White House dinner last night. The sessions are on national actions to enhance nuclear security, international and institutional actions to strengthen nuclear security and scenario-based policy discussion. "The Prime Minister will be outlining 90 1191779 House dinner last night. The sessions are on national actions to enhance nuclear security, international and institutional actions to strengthen nuclear security and scenario-based policy discussion. "The Prime Minister will be outlining India's roadmap, India's vision and the measures India 90 1191804 policy discussion. "The Prime Minister will be outlining India's roadmap, India's vision and the measures India has taken to ensure nuclear safety and security," External Affairs Ministry spokesman Vikas Swarup told reporters. Later, Modi is scheduled to meet Switzerland President Johann 90 1191857 by meeting his close friend and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Modi arrived in the US yesterday morning for the Nuclear Security Summit being convened by US President Barack Obama and attended by leaders from more than 50 countries, with heads 90 1191929 leaders, Modi in an intervention said that without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism, there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism. "Interacted with world leaders at the NSS dinner at the White House. Shared my thoughts on the threat of 90 1191950 terrorism. "Interacted with world leaders at the NSS dinner at the White House. Shared my thoughts on the threat of nuclear terrorism," Modi tweeted late in the night on his return from dinner. Soon after his meeting with Abe, Modi would 90 1194497 providing school buses. Searches of North Korean ships under new UN sanctions that were imposed in response to Pyongyang's latest nuclear test are inexcusable and North Korea won't tolerate them, a North Korean maritime official said in an interview with Associated 90 1194651 not accept any of the U.N. sanctions against it, including the latest round of restrictions announced in response to its nuclear test in January and subsequent rocket launch. Inside North Korea, authorities and media always describe the sanctions as if they 90 1194795 and renewed debate about whether the measures really have an effect on holding back Pyongyang's progress in the development of nuclear and ballistic missile technology. No banned goods have been found on any North Korean ships since the new sanctions took 90 1194858 Panama after an inspection found military equipment underneath bags of sugar. Pakistan has said it fully shares global concerns that nuclear materials must never fall into "wrong hands" and underlined that renewed interest in nuclear energy worldwide necessitates more preparedness. "Nuclear 90 1194872 it fully shares global concerns that nuclear materials must never fall into "wrong hands" and underlined that renewed interest in nuclear energy worldwide necessitates more preparedness. "Nuclear materials must never fall into the wrong hands. This is a global concern which 90 1194878 nuclear materials must never fall into "wrong hands" and underlined that renewed interest in nuclear energy worldwide necessitates more preparedness. " Nuclear materials must never fall into the wrong hands. This is a global concern which Pakistan fully shares," Special Assistant to 90 1194932 a dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama at the White House yesterday. The dinner kicked off the two-day Nuclear Security Summit here, which is being attended by leaders from more than 50 countries, including the Prime Minister Narendra Modi 90 1194993 attack in Lahore that claimed over 70 lives. Representing Pakistan in the absence of Sharif, Fatemi said renewed interest in nuclear energy worldwide implies more nuclear materials and facilities necessitating more preparedness. "It is equally important to remain alive to the 90 1194998 over 70 lives. Representing Pakistan in the absence of Sharif, Fatemi said renewed interest in nuclear energy worldwide implies more nuclear materials and facilities necessitating more preparedness. "It is equally important to remain alive to the potential threat of radiological dispersal 90 1195029 to remain alive to the potential threat of radiological dispersal devices. This threat is not limited to states with significant nuclear programmes. Radioactive sources are being employed everywhere in the private sector, hospitals, industry and research," he said. "Facilities hosting such 90 1195085 all places. Emergency preparedness and response constitutes effective deterrence against malicious acts. This requires significant training efforts, including those by nuclear security centres developed by states," Fatemi said. US President Barack Obama met his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Washington 90 1195158 a snub by Washington -- the White House said the two men had in fact met on the margins of a nuclear security summit. They discussed "US-Turkey cooperation on regional security, counterterrorism, and migration," it said. The absence of a presidential 90 1195407 Press Club accused Erdogan of trying to export oppression. As the Turkish leader flew in to Washington ahead of the nuclear safety summit, broke of another deadly bomb attack targeting police in his country's southeast, where his forces are battling Kurdish 90 1195763 sovereignty and damages its security interests." Obama and Xi also discussed pressure on North Korea, which in January detonated a nuclear device and launched a long- range rocket a month later, prompting UN sanctions backed by both Beijing and Washington. "Of 90 1195795 UN sanctions backed by both Beijing and Washington. "Of great importance to both of us is North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the security and stability of the region," said Obama. "President Xi and I are both committed to 90 1195840 Korean peninsula and the full implementation of UN sanctions." "We are going to discuss how we can discourage actions like nuclear missile tests that escalate tensions and violate international obligations. President Barack Obama today said that the world faces a persistent 90 1195873 today said that the world faces a persistent and evolving threat from terrorists who are eager to unleash a devastating nuclear attack. "It would change our world," he said. Hosting his last nuclear security summit, Obama said the world has measurably 90 1195885 terrorists who are eager to unleash a devastating nuclear attack. "It would change our world," he said. Hosting his last nuclear security summit, Obama said the world has measurably reduced the risk of nuclear terrorism by taking "concrete, tangible steps." He 90 1195898 our world," he said. Hosting his last nuclear security summit, Obama said the world has measurably reduced the risk of nuclear terrorism by taking "concrete, tangible steps." He said no terrorists have thus far obtained nuclear material, and he praised recent 90 1195913 measurably reduced the risk of nuclear terrorism by taking "concrete, tangible steps." He said no terrorists have thus far obtained nuclear material, and he praised recent moves by Argentina, Switzerland and Uzbekistan for getting rid of their stockpiles of highly enriched 90 1195977 to global security." He pointed out that IS had already used chemical weapons and that al-Qaida has long sought nuclear material. "There is no doubt that if these mad men ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear 90 1195994 has long sought nuclear material. "There is no doubt that if these mad men ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many people as possible," Obama said. For the 90 1195997 nuclear material. "There is no doubt that if these mad men ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many people as possible," Obama said. For the dozens of world 90 1196028 people as possible," Obama said. For the dozens of world leaders assembled in Washington this week, the harrowing risk of nuclear terrorism has been front and center, alongside concerns about North Korea's nuclear weapons programme. Yet Obama worked to open the 90 1196040 in Washington this week, the harrowing risk of nuclear terrorism has been front and center, alongside concerns about North Korea's nuclear weapons programme. Yet Obama worked to open the summit's final day on an optimistic note, hailing the nuclear agreement with 90 1196058 North Korea's nuclear weapons programme. Yet Obama worked to open the summit's final day on an optimistic note, hailing the nuclear agreement with Iran as a "substantial success" and a model for future diplomacy. Obama sought to use the controversial Iran 90 1196091 diplomacy. Obama sought to use the controversial Iran deal as an argument for his carrot-and-stick approach to deterring nuclear proliferation as he huddled with other UN Security Council members who negotiated the deal with the US. He credited Iran 90 1196165 global economy, but Iran is already beginning to see the benefits of this deal," Obama said. Obama acknowledged that the nuclear deal hasn't swept away other issues the US and other nations still have with Iran; support for terrorism and Tehran's 90 1196217 the nations that negotiated the deal could agree that it's been an effective way to address the narrower issue of nuclear proliferation in Iran. "This is a success of diplomacy that hopefully we will be able to copy in the future 90 1196247 that hopefully we will be able to copy in the future," Obama said. Frustration over the slow pace of reducing nuclear stockpiles has shadowed this year's summit, Obama's last major push on denuclearisation. The absence of key players, especially Russia, further 90 1196279 denuclearisation. The absence of key players, especially Russia, further underscored the lack of unanimity still confronting global efforts to deter nuclear attacks. After six years of prodding by Obama and others before him, the global stockpile of fissile material that could 90 1196303 years of prodding by Obama and others before him, the global stockpile of fissile material that could be used in nuclear bombs remains in the thousands of metric tons. US President Barack Obama today said it will take time for Iran 90 1196398 in Washington. The international community lifted a raft of sanctions on Iran in exchange for the country curbing its controversial nuclear programme. Earlier this month, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused Washington of failing to respect the terms of the 90 1196493 are conducted in Iran also show skepticism about the country's economic situation following decades of sanctions. A host of non- nuclear sanctions related to terrorism sponsorship, ballistic missile programmes and a crackdown on demonstrators remain in place. According to a CISSM 90 1196649 with Iran for fear of getting tangled in a thicket of US regulations. US President Barack Obama told a global nuclear security summit today that the world had made progress in preventing terror groups like Al Qaeda and Islamic state from 90 1196671 summit today that the world had made progress in preventing terror groups like Al Qaeda and Islamic state from acquiring nuclear weapons, but more needs to be done. "By working together our nations have made it harder for terrorists to get 90 1196695 needs to be done. "By working together our nations have made it harder for terrorists to get their hands on nuclear material. We have measurably reduced the risk," he told leaders gathered in Washington. But he also warned that thousands of 90 1196817 the day before. "Both leaders committed... To strengthen coordination in addressing the shared threat presented by North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile systems," the White House said. "Both leaders affirmed their commitment to achieving the denuclearization of the 90 1196856 of the Korean Peninsula and the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2270." In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device and a month later launched a long-range rocket, prompting the United States, China and other UN partners to 90 1196920 state an economic lifeline. The White House believes that China could do more to press North Korea into abandoning its nuclear and missile programs. China fears that too much pressure would topple the regime, prompting instability and regional upheaval. As if 90 1197011 trajectory could not immediately be confirmed, a ministry official said. The launch came in the middle of the two-day nuclear security summit being hosted by Obama in Washington, at which North Korea has been the focus of the US president's 90 1197063 summit opened yesterday with Obama trying to forge consensus among East Asian leaders on how to respond to Pyongyang's recent nuclear and missile tests, which have seen an escalation of tensions in the region. "We are united in our efforts to 90 1200907 east coast on Friday, South Korean officials said, as regional leaders met in Washington to discuss the threat of Pyongyang's nuclear weapons programme. It was the latest in a series of North Korean missile launches during what has been an extended 90 1200941 launches during what has been an extended period of elevated military tension on the Korean peninsula, triggered by Pyongyang's fourth nuclear test on January 6. The launch came as the South Korean coastguard reported that around 70 fishing vessels had been 90 1201045 kilometres (60 miles) into the East Sea (Sea of Japan). The launch came in the middle of a two-day nuclear security summit being hosted by Barack Obama in Washington, at which has been the focus of the US president's talks 90 1201096 spoke Thursday of the need to "vigilantly enforce the strong UN security measures" imposed on the North after its latest nuclear test and subsequent long-range rocket launch. Pyongyang's state media has labelled the summit a "nonsensical" effort to find fault 90 1201123 launch. Pyongyang's state media has labelled the summit a "nonsensical" effort to find fault with the North's "legitimate access to nuclear weapons". Existing UN sanctions ban from conducting any ballistic missile test, although short-range launches tend to go unpunished. Last 90 1202351 owing to the return of Iranian crude to markets after crippling economic sanctions on Tehran were lifted following last year's nuclear deal between Iran and world powers. King Salman's powerful son who heads Saudi Arabia's main economic coordinating council, told Bloomberg 90 1202930 issue or share transfer agent registered with Sebi," the regulator had said. Separatist Kashmiri groups protested near venue of the Nuclear Security Summit here which is being attended by leaders from more than 50 countries including Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Members 90 1202983 DC Convention Centre yesterday afternoon, seeking the world leaders' intervention to resolve the Kashmir issue. "All those leaders attending the Nuclear Summit and those who are interested in the world peace are urged to persuade both India and Pakistan to help 90 1210409 world leaders to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki to see the horrors of the atomic bombings and join efforts to eradicate nuclear arms. But the most senior US official to have visited Hiroshima -- which was consumed in the world's first nuclear attack 90 1210428 eradicate nuclear arms. But the most senior US official to have visited Hiroshima -- which was consumed in the world's first nuclear attack on August 6, 1945 -- has been House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Last month, Japanese government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said: "The 90 1210486 themselves the reality of atomic bombings. "We believe (visits) are important to boost international momentum toward achieving a world without nuclear arms." The world's first atomic bomb killed about 140,000 people in Hiroshima, including those who survived the explosion itself but 90 1226429 youre not being political. So we can exercise our hearts and be for world peace without protesting anything. Like the nuclear -armed organization NATO. Like the $15 billion arms deal with the Saudis. Like the increase in Canadian troops in the 90 1233548 hours after U.S., South Korean and Japanese leaders pledged to work closer together to prevent North Korea from advancing its nuclear and missile programs. Officials said the attempt to jam GPS signals, which began Thursday, did not cause any major disruptions 90 1233756 annual South Korea-U.S. military drills it views as a rehearsal for an invasion. It also has repeated threats of nuclear strikes on Seoul and Washington and warned it will test a nuclear warhead and ballistic missiles capable of carrying it 90 1233768 an invasion. It also has repeated threats of nuclear strikes on Seoul and Washington and warned it will test a nuclear warhead and ballistic missiles capable of carrying it. This year's drills, set to run until late this month, are the 90 1233798 year's drills, set to run until late this month, are the biggest ever and come after North Korea conducted a nuclear test and long-range rocket launch earlier this year. In Washington, President Barack Obama met Thursday with the leaders of 90 1233830 President Barack Obama met Thursday with the leaders of South Korea and Japan to discuss ways of countering North Korea's nuclear threat. Obama also met Chinese President Xi Jinping and both called for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons 90 1233849 Korea's nuclear threat. Obama also met Chinese President Xi Jinping and both called for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. China also agreed to fully implement recent economic restrictions imposed by the U.N. Security Council against North Korea. The 90 1233879 restrictions imposed by the U.N. Security Council against North Korea. The Asian leaders are in Washington for a two-day nuclear summit that opens Friday. Associated Press Richard Loeb, 18, left, and Nathan Leopold Jr., 19, were in college in 1924 90 1240698 Home Ahead of Xi Jinping's forthcoming speech this Friday in Washington, Chinese authorities have issued a national progress report on nuclear security. In it, the report details Chinese participation in international exchanges and cooperation, including exercises on nuclear security. The report 90 1240715 progress report on nuclear security. In it, the report details Chinese participation in international exchanges and cooperation, including exercises on nuclear security. The report also notes Chinese authorities have adopted a series of regulations when it comes to a nuclear emergency 90 1240734 on nuclear security. The report also notes Chinese authorities have adopted a series of regulations when it comes to a nuclear emergency. This includes the creation of a stand-alone nuclear emergency rescue force of 320 individuals. The report also says 90 1240744 adopted a series of regulations when it comes to a nuclear emergency. This includes the creation of a stand-alone nuclear emergency rescue force of 320 individuals. The report also says Chinese authorities have beefed up cyber security at its nuclear 90 1240764 nuclear emergency rescue force of 320 individuals. The report also says Chinese authorities have beefed up cyber security at its nuclear facilities, and are also working on an alert system for potential nuclear security risks. You are here: Home The minimum 90 1240776 authorities have beefed up cyber security at its nuclear facilities, and are also working on an alert system for potential nuclear security risks. You are here: Home The minimum salary for full-time employees in Shanghai is rising by 170 yuan 90 1242579 White House on Thursday slammed Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump's proposal to allow Japan and South Korea to gain nuclear weapons as "catastrophic". Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a town hall event in Appleton, Wisconsin, March 30 90 1242611 a town hall event in Appleton, Wisconsin, March 30, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua] "The entire premise of American foreign policy on nuclear weapons for the last 70 years is to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons to additional states," said White House 90 1242624 entire premise of American foreign policy on nuclear weapons for the last 70 years is to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons to additional states," said White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes here at the Nuclear Security Summit. "Frankly 90 1242641 the proliferation of nuclear weapons to additional states," said White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes here at the Nuclear Security Summit. "Frankly it would be catastrophic were the United States to shift its position and indicate that we support 90 1242666 would be catastrophic were the United States to shift its position and indicate that we support somehow the proliferation of nuclear weapons to additional countries," said Rhodes. In an interview with the New York Times last Friday on his foreign policy 90 1242707 plans, Trump suggested that if elected, he would be "open" to encourage Japan and South Korea to build their own nuclear arsenals in order to reduce pressure on the United States to offer the two the nuclear umbrella. The Times quoted 90 1242723 to build their own nuclear arsenals in order to reduce pressure on the United States to offer the two the nuclear umbrella. The Times quoted Trump as saying that with the United States becoming a diluted power, "they (Japan and South 90 1243222 Flash Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen Thursday on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit, calling for bigger progress in the development of bilateral ties. Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with Danish 90 1244174 of a closer relationship between Beijing and Washington came as the two leaders met on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), discussing an array of issues ranging from macroeconomic policies and nuclear security cooperation, to maritime issues and 90 1244188 on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), discussing an array of issues ranging from macroeconomic policies and nuclear security cooperation, to maritime issues and Korean Peninsula stability. CHINA-U.S. RELATIONS In their first meeting this year, Xi and 90 1244292 The two countries have maintained effective coordination and cooperation in addressing major regional and international issues including climate change, Iranian nuclear negotiation, peacekeeping, public health and development. "These outcomes have demonstrated the huge potential of the China-U.S. relations and highlighted 90 1244596 president also stressed that his country and the United States should enhance their cooperation in a host of areas, including nuclear security and climate change and continue to make the cyber-security issue a bright spot in the bilateral cooperation. REGIONAL 90 1244722 that might impair the security interests of other countries and the strategic balance in the region. Although the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue is not on the NSS agenda, the recent flare-up of tension in Northeast Asia in the wake of 90 1244744 is not on the NSS agenda, the recent flare-up of tension in Northeast Asia in the wake of the nuclear test and satellite launch by the DPRK has caused widespread concern. Xi told Obama that his country is adamant on 90 1245195 the Conference of the Parties (COP21) in France. The two leaders have also agreed to issue a joint statement on nuclear security cooperation and work to make the fourth NSS a success. Premier Li Keqiang greets US Senator Dick Durbin, a 90 1257529 and both Liang and Yang deserve legal and disciplinary penalties. Chinese President Xi Jinping (2nd R) arrives for the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the United States, March 30, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua] The 2016 Nuclear Security Summit takes place in 90 1257544 R) arrives for the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the United States, March 30, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua] The 2016 Nuclear Security Summit takes place in Washington D.C. on March 31 and April 1. For the past year, leaders of global 90 1257571 D.C. on March 31 and April 1. For the past year, leaders of global powers retrospect their efforts of maintaining nuclear non-proliferation. Iran had one of the most significant achievements after signing peaceful agreements with P5+1 countries and giving 90 1257594 Iran had one of the most significant achievements after signing peaceful agreements with P5+1 countries and giving up its nuclear weapon program. The peaceful solution of the Iran nuclear problem has, first of all, prevented a war. Both Israel and 90 1257603 signing peaceful agreements with P5+1 countries and giving up its nuclear weapon program. The peaceful solution of the Iran nuclear problem has, first of all, prevented a war. Both Israel and the US had made it clear that they would 90 1257626 first of all, prevented a war. Both Israel and the US had made it clear that they would eradicate Irans nuclear devices in case Iran crosses the nuclear border. That would be a nuclear-related war, which would cause greater turmoil 90 1257633 Israel and the US had made it clear that they would eradicate Irans nuclear devices in case Iran crosses the nuclear border. That would be a nuclear-related war, which would cause greater turmoil in the Middle East. The peaceful solution 90 1257639 it clear that they would eradicate Irans nuclear devices in case Iran crosses the nuclear border. That would be a nuclear -related war, which would cause greater turmoil in the Middle East. The peaceful solution of the Iran nuclear problem has 90 1257657 be a nuclear-related war, which would cause greater turmoil in the Middle East. The peaceful solution of the Iran nuclear problem has also set a precedent of peacefully defending the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). According to the NPT, only the 90 1257689 Proliferation Treaty (NPT). According to the NPT, only the US, UK, China, France, and Russia have the right to own nuclear weapons; no other nation or region is allowed to do so. However, in reality, Israel, India, and Pakistan all claim 90 1257712 other nation or region is allowed to do so. However, in reality, Israel, India, and Pakistan all claim to owning nuclear weapons, while Iraq before the invasion of US was also pursuing nuclear ability. Before the solution of the Iranian nuclear 90 1257724 Israel, India, and Pakistan all claim to owning nuclear weapons, while Iraq before the invasion of US was also pursuing nuclear ability. Before the solution of the Iranian nuclear problem, the major powers had only two choices: tolerating the illegal nuclear 90 1257732 nuclear weapons, while Iraq before the invasion of US was also pursuing nuclear ability. Before the solution of the Iranian nuclear problem, the major powers had only two choices: tolerating the illegal nuclear states or terminating the illegal nuclear states. They 90 1257744 nuclear ability. Before the solution of the Iranian nuclear problem, the major powers had only two choices: tolerating the illegal nuclear states or terminating the illegal nuclear states. They tolerated Israel, India, and Pakistan, while the US invaded Iraq overthrowing the 90 1257750 the Iranian nuclear problem, the major powers had only two choices: tolerating the illegal nuclear states or terminating the illegal nuclear states. They tolerated Israel, India, and Pakistan, while the US invaded Iraq overthrowing the Saddam Hussein regime. A third mode 90 1257789 third mode now emerges, which brings hope of better defending the NPT without challenging peace. Many people thought the Iran nuclear problem was trouble for the US only and attributed its peaceful solution to the US. This is a serious misunderstanding 90 1257822 to the US. This is a serious misunderstanding. It was in 2003 that US spy satellites found Iran was developing nuclear weapons; the P5+1 mechanism was established in 2006 and the Security Council had passed sanctions four times against Iran 90 1257848 was established in 2006 and the Security Council had passed sanctions four times against Iran. All these show the Iran nuclear program to be a challenge for the NPT and the entire international society. As a permanent member of the Security 90 1257946 the negotiation and prevented it from breaking down. Thus an interesting phenomenon appeared in the negotiation process of the Iran nuclear problem: they always failed to reach a consensus but they always promised to continue talking, until they finally reached a 90 1258027 after 18 months of efforts, they finally made it. Therefore it is unfair to call the solution of the Iran nuclear problem a victory for the US. It is a victory of for the international society, to which China is a 90 1258056 a victory of for the international society, to which China is a major member. The peaceful solution of the Iran nuclear problem also offers some food for thought for nuclear programs of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. It might involve 90 1258065 China is a major member. The peaceful solution of the Iran nuclear problem also offers some food for thought for nuclear programs of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. It might involve more difficulties because a state of war still exists 90 1258169 is an excerpt of his interview with China Dailys Zhang Zhouxiang. On August 2014 a turbine at the Doel 4 nuclear power plant was intentionally manipulated, a sabotage that contributed to half of Belgium's nuclear capacity coming to a standstill. To 90 1258183 a turbine at the Doel 4 nuclear power plant was intentionally manipulated, a sabotage that contributed to half of Belgium's nuclear capacity coming to a standstill. To this day the case is unresolved even though a jihadi was found working there 90 1258208 standstill. To this day the case is unresolved even though a jihadi was found working there. The fourth and final Nuclear Energy Summit in Washington DC aims to mitigate a low likelihood, highly catastrophic black swan event. The threat equation that 90 1258271 variables of the equation are in ascendance. For instance, in terms of motivation, terrorists of yore saw the fallout of nuclear terror as irreconcilable with their political agenda. In contrast, there are terrorist groups today that openly wield unconstrained and apocalyptical 90 1258327 developed towards a clean energy future. Exciting headlines talk about Bill Gates Terra Power, Jeff Bezos General Fusion or Rosatoms nuclear spacecraft engine enabling a return trip to Mars. The nuclear innovation boom will in parallel contribute to nuclear knowledge dissemination 90 1258337 Bill Gates Terra Power, Jeff Bezos General Fusion or Rosatoms nuclear spacecraft engine enabling a return trip to Mars. The nuclear innovation boom will in parallel contribute to nuclear knowledge dissemination and hence also increase the risk of know-how ending 90 1258345 or Rosatoms nuclear spacecraft engine enabling a return trip to Mars. The nuclear innovation boom will in parallel contribute to nuclear knowledge dissemination and hence also increase the risk of know-how ending in the wrong hands. Mitigation becomes thus more 90 1258410 bombs radiological release. A decade ago RAND's Center for Terrorism Risk Management Policy conducted strategic decision-making games for a nuclear ground-burst terror attack on the Port of Long Beach. Beyond the terrifying loss of life in America, the economic 90 1258448 America, the economic consequences would hurt nearly every human being on the planet. While the early impact of a dirty nuclear detonation was estimated at $ 1 trillion - 10 to 20 times 9/11 -these costs would only be a prelude as 90 1258508 and in this particular case credit goes to the Obama Administration. The summits have ushered a framework and culture of nuclear security and tackle complacency, a far cry from the void existing at the time of 9/11. And yet despite 90 1258539 existing at the time of 9/11. And yet despite important achievements, at the moment we have no agreement on nuclear security standards, no shared global databases on incidents, not even report formats - nuclear security excellence is still elusive. President Xi 90 1258552 the moment we have no agreement on nuclear security standards, no shared global databases on incidents, not even report formats - nuclear security excellence is still elusive. President Xi Jinping meeting President Barrack Obama in Washington signals that these challenges are at 90 1258587 signals that these challenges are at the top of the global agenda. The PRC is, after all, betting big on nuclear . As Bill Gates remarked China is the best place to pursue next-generation nuclear power. His investee TerraPower will build 90 1258601 is, after all, betting big on nuclear. As Bill Gates remarked China is the best place to pursue next-generation nuclear power. His investee TerraPower will build a reactor prototype with the China National Nuclear Corporation. China aims to become both 90 1258615 best place to pursue next-generation nuclear power. His investee TerraPower will build a reactor prototype with the China National Nuclear Corporation. China aims to become both exporter and global leader in clean-energy manufacturing. In the next four years alone 90 1258639 to become both exporter and global leader in clean-energy manufacturing. In the next four years alone two dozen new nuclear reactors will come online. At the same time the county is already leading in terms of nuclear security making great 90 1258656 two dozen new nuclear reactors will come online. At the same time the county is already leading in terms of nuclear security making great strides in areas ranging from new legislation to the physical protection, control and accounting of nuclear material 90 1258675 of nuclear security making great strides in areas ranging from new legislation to the physical protection, control and accounting of nuclear material. Russia was absent from the summit despite its cutting-edge nuclear know-how and arsenal. Sanctions broke off two 90 1258687 to the physical protection, control and accounting of nuclear material. Russia was absent from the summit despite its cutting-edge nuclear know-how and arsenal. Sanctions broke off two decades of productive US-Russia cooperation. China diplomacy is seen a positive 90 1258762 the elephant in the room. Donald Trumps statement this week that he is open to Japan and South Korea having nuclear weapons brings the issue further to the fore. When the two presidents meet, further coordination in on the matter will 90 1258819 to be developed by specialized entities such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, INTERPOL and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism. How smooth will the transition be away from the limelight format? The new era will certainly see a new 90 1258853 new era will certainly see a new kind of management, and as President Obama leaves office a torchbearer for global nuclear security safety could well be China. Chinas bridge-building leadership approach complements Americas style and shall be key to keep 90 1259870 President Xi Jinping (1st R) meets with his US counterpart Barack Obama (1st L) on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC, the United States, March 31, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua] China and the United States pledged on 90 1259898 States, March 31, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua] China and the United States pledged on Thursday to step up their cooperation in nuclear security. In a joint statement, the two countries said they will work together to foster a peaceful and stable international 90 1259925 two countries said they will work together to foster a peaceful and stable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and strive for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture. They applauded the successful completion 90 1259938 international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and strive for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture. They applauded the successful completion of the first round of bilateral discussions on nuclear security on Feb 20 90 1259954 sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture. They applauded the successful completion of the first round of bilateral discussions on nuclear security on Feb 20 in Stockholm. "We plan to continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify 90 1259979 in Stockholm. "We plan to continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals," the statement said. The statement was released after a bilateral meeting between 90 1259984 continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals," the statement said. The statement was released after a bilateral meeting between President Xi Jinping and President 90 1260013 was released after a bilateral meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit aimed at preventing nuclear materials from falling into the hands of terrorists. China and the US both played 90 1260019 between President Xi Jinping and President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit aimed at preventing nuclear materials from falling into the hands of terrorists. China and the US both played an important role in the P5 90 1260041 from falling into the hands of terrorists. China and the US both played an important role in the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran last summer and UN Security Council Resolution 2270 in early March on sanctioning the Democratic Peoples Republic 90 1260066 summer and UN Security Council Resolution 2270 in early March on sanctioning the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea for its nuclear bomb and missile tests. Xu Dazhe, chairman of China Atomic Energy Authority, said on Thursday that China will continue to 90 1260090 tests. Xu Dazhe, chairman of China Atomic Energy Authority, said on Thursday that China will continue to expand cooperation in nuclear security with the US and other nations. He mentioned multiple times the March 18 opening in Beijing of the Nuclear 90 1260110 nuclear security with the US and other nations. He mentioned multiple times the March 18 opening in Beijing of the Nuclear Security Center of Excellence, a state-of-the-art joint training project between China and the US. "We will turn 90 1260154 a platform for international exchange, a platform for technological research as well as a platform for improving Chinas capabilities in nuclear security," Xu said. China will promote cooperation with other countries, the International Atomic Energy Agency and other relevant international organizations 90 1260179 will promote cooperation with other countries, the International Atomic Energy Agency and other relevant international organizations to contribute to enhancing nuclear security in the Asia Pacific region and the world, according to Xu. Li Wei, deputy chief of the Department of 90 1260246 US, inked in 2011 under then President Hu Jintao, signaled new progress between the two countries in preventing and fighting nuclear terrorism and threats, he said. The center, located in Qinhuangdao, a coastal city in Hebei province, trains not only Chinese 90 1260353 world. WASHINGTON - Chinese President Xi Jinping said Thursday that his country stands ready to strengthen international cooperation on nuclear security under the current new circumstances. Xi, who is in Washington for the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), made the 90 1260368 to strengthen international cooperation on nuclear security under the current new circumstances. Xi, who is in Washington for the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), made the remarks at a dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama at the White House and 90 1260390 Summit (NSS), made the remarks at a dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama at the White House and themed " Nuclear Security Threat Perceptions." Speaking first after Obama's welcome speech, Xi pointed out that in order to strengthen the global nuclear 90 1260410 Nuclear Security Threat Perceptions." Speaking first after Obama's welcome speech, Xi pointed out that in order to strengthen the global nuclear security architecture, the international community should first grasp the two new characteristics of the current situation. The first is that 90 1260444 the current situation. The first is that terrorist activities around the world have entered a new active phase in which nuclear terrorism has become too serious to be ignored and the risk of nuclear material proliferation is on the rise, he 90 1260457 entered a new active phase in which nuclear terrorism has become too serious to be ignored and the risk of nuclear material proliferation is on the rise, he said. The second feature, he added, is that thanks to the six-year 90 1260487 second feature, he added, is that thanks to the six-year-old NSS process, the global line of defense for nuclear security has grown solider with broader international consensus, stronger sense of responsibility on the part of national governments, more effective 90 1260524 national governments, more effective laws and mechanisms, deeper cooperation in capacity-building and law enforcement, and wider awareness of the nuclear security culture. These efforts have helped boost the peaceful use of nuclear energy and contributed to safeguarding international peace and 90 1260536 and law enforcement, and wider awareness of the nuclear security culture. These efforts have helped boost the peaceful use of nuclear energy and contributed to safeguarding international peace and security, commented the Chinese leader. Noting that it is a global consensus 90 1260574 a global consensus to strengthen international cooperation and fight terrorism in all its forms, he said, "while the challenges to nuclear security are big, our resolve is even bigger. While the battle against nuclear terrorism faces many difficulties, we have more 90 1260587 forms, he said, "while the challenges to nuclear security are big, our resolve is even bigger. While the battle against nuclear terrorism faces many difficulties, we have more ways to deal with them." He stressed that in maintaining nuclear security there 90 1260605 battle against nuclear terrorism faces many difficulties, we have more ways to deal with them." He stressed that in maintaining nuclear security there is neither any end nor any shortcut, and that his country looks forward to conferring with other parties 90 1260633 any shortcut, and that his country looks forward to conferring with other parties on how to firm up the global nuclear security regime and further consolidate the line of defense. In his welcome speech, Obama spoke highly of the achievements that 90 1260678 the NSS framework, which was initiated by Obama and headlined by biennial summits since 2010. He emphasized that with the nuclear security realm beset with new threats, the world needs to step up cooperation and make continued efforts to better secure 90 1260699 security realm beset with new threats, the world needs to step up cooperation and make continued efforts to better secure nuclear materials and jointly guarantee nuclear security. The dinner was held for the heads of the delegations from 52 countries and 90 1260704 threats, the world needs to step up cooperation and make continued efforts to better secure nuclear materials and jointly guarantee nuclear security. The dinner was held for the heads of the delegations from 52 countries and four international organizations to the 90 1260890 foreign policy," he said. The president made the remarks during a meeting with Obama on the sidelines of the 4th Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, which concludes on Friday. The 90-minute meeting was the only bilateral meeting Obama arranged during 90 1260937 more than 50 heads of state and governments. The two countries have carried out effective communication on issues including Iranian nuclear development, Syria, Afghanistan and peacekeeping, and that shows great potential for a new-type big power relationship, Xi said. The 90 1261045 consensus on more effectively tackling the issue. President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the opening plenary of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in Washington DC, the United States, on April 1, 2016. Provided to China Daily Chinese President Xi 90 1261073 United States, on April 1, 2016. Provided to China Daily Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday called for strengthening global nuclear security and promoting worldwide governance on nuclear security. In a speech at the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Xi 90 1261080 to China Daily Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday called for strengthening global nuclear security and promoting worldwide governance on nuclear security. In a speech at the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Xi said that countries should build international consensus 90 1261088 Friday called for strengthening global nuclear security and promoting worldwide governance on nuclear security. In a speech at the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Xi said that countries should build international consensus on enhanced nuclear security, have zero-tolerance for 90 1261103 a speech at the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Xi said that countries should build international consensus on enhanced nuclear security, have zero-tolerance for nuclear terrorism with no discrimination, and give an effective response to new challenges and threats 90 1261109 Security Summit in Washington, Xi said that countries should build international consensus on enhanced nuclear security, have zero-tolerance for nuclear terrorism with no discrimination, and give an effective response to new challenges and threats. "As a Chinese saying goes, 'For 90 1261168 a solution that addresses the root cause of the problem," Xi said. He called on countries to plan and implement nuclear security strategy, formulate mid- and-longterm development plans for nuclear security, improve nuclear security legislation and monitoring mechanism, and ensure 90 1261178 Xi said. He called on countries to plan and implement nuclear security strategy, formulate mid- and-longterm development plans for nuclear security, improve nuclear security legislation and monitoring mechanism, and ensure that relevant work receives sufficient input and support, at the 90 1261181 called on countries to plan and implement nuclear security strategy, formulate mid- and-longterm development plans for nuclear security, improve nuclear security legislation and monitoring mechanism, and ensure that relevant work receives sufficient input and support, at the national level. "All 90 1261206 mechanism, and ensure that relevant work receives sufficient input and support, at the national level. "All countries should participate in nuclear security affairs, and adopt an open and inclusive spirit to forge a community of shared future on nuclear security," he 90 1261224 participate in nuclear security affairs, and adopt an open and inclusive spirit to forge a community of shared future on nuclear security," he said. The International Atomic Energy Agency can play a central role to coordinate and consolidate global resources for 90 1261245 security," he said. The International Atomic Energy Agency can play a central role to coordinate and consolidate global resources for nuclear security, and the United Nations can continue to play an important role, he added. Full text of Xi's speech at 90 1261268 the United Nations can continue to play an important role, he added. Full text of Xi's speech at the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit (Photo : Billy H.C. Kwok / Stringer) TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MARCH 28: People pray at a makeshift memorial where a girl 90 1272944 and rule of law. He is due to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping in a meeting while at the Nuclear Security Summit this week. Rubio and Smith described the situation in China regarding the suppression of human rights as "broader 90 1283257 magnitude-9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck northeastern Japan, killing more than 18,000 people. The natural catastrophe also led to nuclear meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The most heavily damaged communities have yet to be rebuilt and about 90 1283263 struck northeastern Japan, killing more than 18,000 people. The natural catastrophe also led to nuclear meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The most heavily damaged communities have yet to be rebuilt and about 180,000 people are still displaced, including 90 1330841 reliant nation, or are we content to be totally at the mercy of capricious global markets? We have already surrendered nuclear power generation, our ports, and most of our water companies and rail network. Surely Mr Cameron cant let the steel 90 1332242 our very soul. We dont own our airports, our railways, our water companies. Were even letting the Chinese build our nuclear power stations. We must be stark, staring mad. Can you imagine the Americans handing over their nuclear industry to a 90 1332259 Chinese build our nuclear power stations. We must be stark, staring mad. Can you imagine the Americans handing over their nuclear industry to a rival military power controlled by Communists? Precisely. Meanwhile, the Government stands accused of colluding in the collapse 90 1371441 Minister announced the additional 400 gun cops for Manchester, Birmingham and other cities during a trip to Washington. At a nuclear security summit with other world leaders, the rising threat from Islamic State topped the agenda. In total, 1,000 more armed 90 1372013 yesterday afternoon for the two-day summit. The PM, Barack Obama and other world leaders will plan how to stop nuclear material falling into the hands of IS and other fanatics. This comes after authorities shut down a similar site in 90 1372686 not work and would drive up prices. Mr Osborne has been instrumental in persuading China to fund the UKs first nuclear power station for a generation at Hinkley Point. Chinese president Xi Jinping was in Britain last October on a state 90 1372713 Hinkley Point. Chinese president Xi Jinping was in Britain last October on a state visit during which he signed the nuclear deal. The Chancellor and other senior ministers have made a number of trips to Beijing. Critics say Mr Osbornes eagerness 90 1378875 urged closer security ties among its Asian allies and increased cooperation with China to discourage Pyongyang from further advances in nuclear weapons. A projectile believed to be a ballistic missile flew into waters off the North's east coast on Friday at 90 1379087 in March This year's drills, set to run until late April, are the biggest ever, and come after North Korea's nuclear test and long-range rocket test earlier this year. In Washington, Obama met with the leaders of South Korea, Japan 90 1379117 In Washington, Obama met with the leaders of South Korea, Japan and China in Washington on Thursday ahead of a nuclear security summit and discussed ways to discourage Pyongyang from further pursuing nuclear weapons. Obama spoke Thursday of the need to 90 1379129 China in Washington on Thursday ahead of a nuclear security summit and discussed ways to discourage Pyongyang from further pursuing nuclear weapons. Obama spoke Thursday of the need to 'vigilantly enforce the strong UN security measures' imposed on the North after 90 1379152 spoke Thursday of the need to 'vigilantly enforce the strong UN security measures' imposed on the North after its latest nuclear test and subsequent long-range rocket launch. Pyongyang's state media has labelled the summit a 'nonsensical' effort to find fault 90 1379179 launch. Pyongyang's state media has labelled the summit a 'nonsensical' effort to find fault with the North's 'legitimate access to nuclear weapons'. Existing UN sanctions ban North Korea from conducting any ballistic missile test, although short-range launches tend to go 90 1379213 although short-range launches tend to go unpunished. 'Of great importance to both of us is North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the security and stability of the region. President Xi and I are both committed to the denuclearization 90 1379284 restrictions imposed by the UN Security Council against Pyongyang. Obama and Jinping pledged to cooperate to confront the North Korean nuclear threat while working toward narrowing the persistent differences over cybersecurity, human rights and maritime conflicts. On Tuesday, North Korea fired 90 1379383 Obama and and Jinping surprised many with a meeting in which they pledged to cooperate to confront the North Korean nuclear threat The pair also pledged to work toward narrowing persistent differences over cybersecurity, human rights and maritime conflicts Obama also 90 1379466 sea since early 2014. President Barack Obama gathered more than 50 world leaders in Washington, DC, on Thursday to discuss nuclear weapons. The display of diplomatic unity came as world leaders sought to ramp up pressure on the insular country's government 90 1379489 display of diplomatic unity came as world leaders sought to ramp up pressure on the insular country's government following worrisome nuclear provocations. 'President Xi and I are both committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,' Obama said as he and 90 1379532 down for a meeting on the sidelines of the summit. 'We're going to discuss how we can discourage actions like nuclear missile tests that escalate tensions and violate international obligations.' The United States has long urged China, the North's traditional ally 90 1379567 urged China, the North's traditional ally, to take a more forceful role in pressing North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons program. The Obama administration was encouraged by China's role in passing new stringent UN sanctions punishing the North, and 90 1379632 summit centered on the Islamic State group and other extremists who security officials warn could someday get their hands on nuclear materials. Obama said in an editorial with the Washington Post that 'the proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons' is 90 1379650 hands on nuclear materials. Obama said in an editorial with the Washington Post that 'the proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons' is one of the 'most dangerous' threats to global security. US President Barack Obama (center) was joined by more 90 1379696 a two-day conference that will address a range of issues including ongoing efforts to prevent terrorist groups from accessing nuclear material Obama talks with India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a working dinner with heads of delegations of the Nuclear 90 1379716 nuclear material Obama talks with India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a working dinner with heads of delegations of the Nuclear Security Summit in the East Room of the White House on Thursday Seated from left, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Obama 90 1379742 Room of the White House on Thursday Seated from left, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Obama and Modi, gather during the Nuclear Security Summit 'I committed the United States to stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and to seeking a world without 90 1379755 Jinping, Obama and Modi, gather during the Nuclear Security Summit 'I committed the United States to stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and to seeking a world without them,' Obama wrote, referring to a pledge he made in Prague seven years 90 1379805 of presidents before me, Democrat and Republican, including Ronald Reagan, who said 'we seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth'.' He wrote that this week's Nuclear Security Summit will advance the goals of 90 1379818 seek the total elimination one day of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth'.' He wrote that this week's Nuclear Security Summit will advance the goals of the Prague Agenda of 'preventing terrorists from obtaining and using a nuclear weapon 90 1379837 week's Nuclear Security Summit will advance the goals of the Prague Agenda of 'preventing terrorists from obtaining and using a nuclear weapon'. In a nod to deep tensions between the United States and China, Obama said on Thursday that he planned 90 1380015 dialogue and consultation.' Obama and France's President Francois Hollande take part in a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit Obama met with Hollande amid steep concerns about terrorism in Europe following Islamic State-linked attacks in Paris 90 1380145 and planes through the South China Sea on freedom of navigation maneuvers. Still, it was concerns about North Korea's recent nuclear test and rocket launch drove the agenda on the first day of the two-day summit, Obama's last major chance 90 1380172 agenda on the first day of the two-day summit, Obama's last major chance to focus global attention on disparate nuclear security threats before his presidency ends early next year. In a rare joint meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 90 1380282 could strike South Korea's presidential palace or even the US mainland, and its propaganda outlet posted a video depicting a nuclear attack on Washington. Obama and Hollonde share a moment as they greet one another during their meeting at the Nuclear 90 1380302 nuclear attack on Washington. Obama and Hollonde share a moment as they greet one another during their meeting at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington 'Should it choose to undertake yet another provocation, it is certain to find itself facing even 90 1380341 facing even tougher sanctions and isolation,' Park said of Pyongyang. As the summit opened, the United States said a strengthened nuclear security agreement among nations was finally set to take force following ratification by a critical mass of countries. The stricter 90 1380369 to take force following ratification by a critical mass of countries. The stricter rules include new criminal penalties for smuggling nuclear material and expanded requirements for securing materials and nuclear facilities worldwide, and are intended to reduce the likelihood of terrorists 90 1380378 of countries. The stricter rules include new criminal penalties for smuggling nuclear material and expanded requirements for securing materials and nuclear facilities worldwide, and are intended to reduce the likelihood of terrorists getting their hands on ingredients for a bomb. The 90 1380478 the United States had in 1996. Fissile materials like highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium can be used to make nuclear bombs. The White House says 42 metric tons in the US inventory could be blended down into safer low enriched 90 1380556 and Brussels. The summit continues on Friday with a special session focused on preventing IS and other extremists from obtaining nuclear materials and attacking urban areas. IKEA, Bunnings and Woolworths are changing shape to fit in to the boutique inner-city 90 1385977 Germany could no longer expect routine falls in unemployment. Beijing joined U.S. calls for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons Called on population to 'crush China with the force of a nuclear storm' Kim Jong-un has labelled China 90 1385990 for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons Called on population to 'crush China with the force of a nuclear storm' Kim Jong-un has labelled China a 'detested enemy', in the wake of Beijing agreeing to implement the latest 90 1386045 to a majority of the population, urges all North Koreans to 'crush China's pressuring schemes with the force of a nuclear storm'. This comes as President Barack Obama met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Washington on Thursday, and both called for 90 1386072 Obama met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Washington on Thursday, and both called for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. Scroll down for video Equally hated: China has been branded a 'detested enemy' of North Korea after agreeing to 90 1386131 friends: Kim Jong-Un's government has urged all North Koreans to 'crush China's pressuring schemes with the force of a nuclear storm' After Thursday's meeting, China also agreed to implement in full the latest economic restrictions imposed by the UN Security 90 1386202 Daily NK. 'All Party members and workers must join in soundly crushing China's pressuring schemes with the force of a nuclear storm for its betrayal of socialism.' It moves on to declare China a 'detested enemy' a title also given to 90 1386262 after the U.S., South Korean and Japanese leaders pledged to work closer together to prevent North Korea from advancing its nuclear and missile programs, Pyongyang fired a short-range missile into the sea. President Barack Obama met Chinese President Xi Jinping 90 1386286 Pyongyang fired a short-range missile into the sea. President Barack Obama met Chinese President Xi Jinping during the internaitonal nuclear summit in Washington on Thursday, and both called for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons Hours after the 90 1386302 Jinping during the internaitonal nuclear summit in Washington on Thursday, and both called for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons Hours after the U.S., South Korean and Japanese leaders pledged to work closer together to prevent North Korea from 90 1386325 after the U.S., South Korean and Japanese leaders pledged to work closer together to prevent North Korea from advancing its nuclear and missile programs, Pyongyang fired a short-range missile into the sea The surface-to-air missile fired from an 90 1386380 South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement. The launch came in the middle of the two-day nuclear security summit being hosted by President Barack Obama, at which North Korea has been the focus of the US president's 90 1386545 summit opened Thursday with Obama trying to forge consensus among East Asian leaders on how to respond to Pyongyang's recent nuclear and missile tests, which have seen an escalation of tensions in the region. Obama spoke Thursday of the need to 90 1386580 spoke Thursday of the need to 'vigilantly enforce the strong UN security measures' imposed on the North after its latest nuclear test and subsequent long-range rocket launch. Pyongyang's state media has labelled the summit a 'nonsensical' effort to find fault 90 1386607 launch. Pyongyang's state media has labelled the summit a 'nonsensical' effort to find fault with the North's 'legitimate access to nuclear weapons'. Existing UN sanctions ban North Korea from conducting any ballistic missile test, although short-range launches tend to go 90 1386641 although short-range launches tend to go unpunished. 'Of great importance to both of us is North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the security and stability of the region. 'President Xi and I are both committed to the denuclearization 90 1397362 has warned that terrorists will use 'whatever materials they can get their hands on' as he stepped up security around nuclear facilities. In a strongly-worded warning about the threat to Britain's national security, the Prime Minister said terrorists would 'like 90 1397435 patrol British cities as fears grow of a Paris or Brussels-style massacre outside London. Mr Cameron was attending a nuclear security summit with world leaders in Washington. But their efforts were undermined by the absence of Russian President Vladimir Putin 90 1397499 urged closer security ties among its Asian allies and increased cooperation with China to discourage Pyongyang from further advances in nuclear weapons. David Cameron was attending a nuclear security summit with world leaders in Washington. But their efforts were undermined by 90 1397506 allies and increased cooperation with China to discourage Pyongyang from further advances in nuclear weapons. David Cameron was attending a nuclear security summit with world leaders in Washington. But their efforts were undermined by the absence of Russian President Vladimir Putin 90 1397532 in Washington. But their efforts were undermined by the absence of Russian President Vladimir Putin David Cameron (pictured at the nuclear security summit in Washington today) warned that terrorists will use 'whatever materials they can get their hands on' as he 90 1397557 today) warned that terrorists will use 'whatever materials they can get their hands on' as he stepped up security around nuclear facilities ISIS terrorists killed 130 people in the French capital in November and 30 people were massacred in the Belgian 90 1397618 in London and other UK cities, Mr Cameron's warning today signals the shift in focus to stepping up protection of nuclear sites. Britain and the United States will take part in a joint exercise next year to prepare for any online 90 1397641 and the United States will take part in a joint exercise next year to prepare for any online attack against nuclear power plants and waste storage facilities. Mr Cameron will also offer British expertise to other countries to safeguard their own 90 1397663 plants and waste storage facilities. Mr Cameron will also offer British expertise to other countries to safeguard their own civil nuclear installations as he meets world leaders in Washington today. US President Barack Obama, who is hosting the nuclear security conference 90 1397681 own civil nuclear installations as he meets world leaders in Washington today. US President Barack Obama, who is hosting the nuclear security conference, will give a press conference later today. ISIS terrorists killed 130 people in the French capital in November 90 1397731 last month. Pictured, President Obama speaks as Secretary of State John Kerry (second left) and David Cameron listen at the nuclear summit While UK authorities have been carrying out detailed preparations for how to react to a similar attack in London 90 1397770 in London and other UK cities, Mr Cameron's warning today signals the shift in focus to stepping up protection of nuclear sites Speaking this morning, Mr Cameron warned: 'We know that the terrorists we face today would like to kill as 90 1397820 they can get their hands on' Last weeks terrorist attacks in Brussels have raised fresh concerns about the prospect of nuclear terrorism. Pictured, the nuclear power plant in Doel, Belgium. The Doel and Tihange nuclear plants (pictured) were evacuated following the 90 1397824 hands on' Last weeks terrorist attacks in Brussels have raised fresh concerns about the prospect of nuclear terrorism. Pictured, the nuclear power plant in Doel, Belgium. The Doel and Tihange nuclear plants (pictured) were evacuated following the terror attacks in Brussels 90 1397834 fresh concerns about the prospect of nuclear terrorism. Pictured, the nuclear power plant in Doel, Belgium. The Doel and Tihange nuclear plants (pictured) were evacuated following the terror attacks in Brussels David Cameron (right) met New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key 90 1397877 the British Embassy in Washington last night as he offered British expertise to other countries to safeguard their own civil nuclear installations Speaking this morning, Mr Cameron warned: 'We know that the terrorists we face today would like to kill as 90 1397918 many people as they possibly could, using whatever materials they can get their hands on. 'So obviously the security of nuclear materials, for those countries that have nuclear programmes, is incredibly important and that's why this conference like previous conferences will 90 1397925 whatever materials they can get their hands on. 'So obviously the security of nuclear materials, for those countries that have nuclear programmes, is incredibly important and that's why this conference like previous conferences will make sure that we have proper security 90 1398019 about making sure our world is safe and secure and we are not at risk from terrorists coming together with nuclear materials.' Addressing increased security fears in Britain, Mr Cameron announced an additional 400 gun cops for Manchester, Birmingham and other 90 1398644 yesterday afternoon for the two-day summit. The PM, Barack Obama and other world leaders will plan how to stop nuclear material falling into the hands of IS and other fanatics. Instead, the leaders came to an agreement to share income 90 1405912 massive overproduction and collapsing prices are not playing straight with you.' He met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. Sajid Javid told steel workers in Port Talbot this afternoon that their jobs were 'absolutely vital 90 1421578 warning came in the wake of China agreeing to new stiff sanctions against North Korea, in response to its recent nuclear test and rocket launch. However, photographs released by state media today show an impossibly slim Kim being given a tour 90 1422494 in Washington that more cooperation is needed to prevent the ISIS terror army's 'madmen' and other extremists from getting a nuclear weapon. But the fourth such meeting of Obama's presidency, likely the last before he leaves office, was overshadowed by foreign 90 1422540 front-runner Donald Trump. Trump said this week that allowing Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear programs would ease strains on U.S. budgets, given the spiraling costs of maintaining America's nuclear umbrella and foreign troop deployments 90 1422555 Japan to develop their own nuclear programs would ease strains on U.S. budgets, given the spiraling costs of maintaining America's nuclear umbrella and foreign troop deployments. 'Japan is better if it protects itself against this maniac of North Korea,' Trump said 90 1422640 world on its ears by saying The U.S. could save money by letting Japan, Saudi Arabia and South Korea have nuclear weapons instead of Americans troops 'MADMEN': President Barack Obama warned that if nations don't band together to shrink the world's 90 1422760 also? You may very well be better off if thats the case,' Trump told the paper. 'If Japan had that nuclear threat, Im not sure that would be a bad thing for us.' Aside from Russian president Vladimir Putin's refusal to 90 1422791 for us.' Aside from Russian president Vladimir Putin's refusal to attend the meeting it's nearly impossible to achieve reductions in nuclear fissile material without his nation's cooperation Trump's recent boasts drew the most attention on the meeting's sidelines. Even Obama's bold 90 1422820 boasts drew the most attention on the meeting's sidelines. Even Obama's bold words about the threat that terrorists might use nuclear material in a 'dirty bomb' or even obtaining an atomic weapon haven't attracted as much attention. Summit attendees heard, among 90 1422849 an atomic weapon haven't attracted as much attention. Summit attendees heard, among other things, that ISIS members tracked a Belgian nuclear scientist on video. 'ISIL has already used chemical weapons, including mustard gas, in Syria and Iraq,' Obama said, using his 90 1422888 using his preferred acronym for ISIS. 'There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they most certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible 90 1422891 acronym for ISIS. 'There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they most certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible.' PUSHBACK: Japan's Prime 90 1422953 NO-SHOW VLAD: Russian president Vladimir Putin (left, shown with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry) didn't come to Friday's nuclear summit in Washington, making efforts to reduce nuclear stockpiles largely moot But overseas, Trump's unscripted rhetoric has drawn mostly jeers 90 1422961 shown with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry) didn't come to Friday's nuclear summit in Washington, making efforts to reduce nuclear stockpiles largely moot But overseas, Trump's unscripted rhetoric has drawn mostly jeers in the countries that might gain their own 90 1422982 stockpiles largely moot But overseas, Trump's unscripted rhetoric has drawn mostly jeers in the countries that might gain their own nuclear defense programs during a Trump administration. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took the unusual step of responding to the billionaire 90 1423041 of Japan's diplomacy,' he said. Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida added that 'it is impossible that Japan will arm itself with nuclear weapons.' Japan is the only nation to ever suffer a nuclear bomb attack at the hands of the U.S. during 90 1423052 it is impossible that Japan will arm itself with nuclear weapons.' Japan is the only nation to ever suffer a nuclear bomb attack at the hands of the U.S. during World War II and its constitution has forbidden the accumulation of 90 1423073 bomb attack at the hands of the U.S. during World War II and its constitution has forbidden the accumulation of nuclear weapons since the war ended. Daniel Pinkston of Troy University told CNN on Friday that Trump's plan, if executde in 90 1423124 hardliners in Pyongyang would just love such an outcome because if that were to occur, it would completely justify their nuclear status ... and validate Kim Jong Un's policy line as absolutely brilliant and absolutely correct,' Pinkston said. 'Whether [Trump] wins the 90 1423211 brutal pronouncement. 'I don't know what he's talking about but clearly neither does he,' he told CNN. FEAR: North Korea's nuclear program, Trump suggested, would be less powerful if South Korea and Japan had their own nearby The summit attended by 90 1423245 their own nearby The summit attended by dozens of world leaders and delegates is focused on securing global stockpiles of nuclear materials, much of it used in the medical and power industries. Obama said about 2,000 tons of nuclear materials are 90 1423263 stockpiles of nuclear materials, much of it used in the medical and power industries. Obama said about 2,000 tons of nuclear materials are stored around the world at civilian and military facilities, some of them not properly secured. 'Just the smallest 90 1423321 innocent people,' he said. 'It would be a humanitarian, political, economic and environmental catastrophe with global ramifications for decades.' The nuclear security summit comes in the wake of attacks in Paris and Brussels that have killed dozens and exposed Europe's inability 90 1423371 returning from Iraq and Syria. Evidence that individuals linked to those two atrocities videotaped a senior scientist at a Belgian nuclear facility has given the threat added nuclear weight. BIG MEETING: Obama and other world leaders gathered in Washington on Friday 90 1423378 individuals linked to those two atrocities videotaped a senior scientist at a Belgian nuclear facility has given the threat added nuclear weight. BIG MEETING: Obama and other world leaders gathered in Washington on Friday to air concerns about global nuclear programs 90 1423397 added nuclear weight. BIG MEETING: Obama and other world leaders gathered in Washington on Friday to air concerns about global nuclear programs Though the summit is focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably have drawn broad attention, including North Korea 90 1423408 in Washington on Friday to air concerns about global nuclear programs Though the summit is focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably have drawn broad attention, including North Korea and its continued testing of nuclear devices and ballistic missiles. The 90 1423423 focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably have drawn broad attention, including North Korea and its continued testing of nuclear devices and ballistic missiles. The reclusive nation fired another short-range missile off its east coast on Friday, the latest 90 1423472 during what has been an extended period of military tension on the Korean peninsula. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device -- its fourth such test -- and a month later launched a long-range rocket. The summit opened Thursday with Obama 90 1428879 owing to the return of Iranian crude to markets after crippling economic sanctions on Tehran were lifted following last years nuclear deal between Iran and world powers It is nearly 80 years since the first oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia 90 1429054 owing to the return of Iranian crude to markets after crippling economic sanctions on Tehran were lifted following last years nuclear deal between Iran and world powers. The upcoming meeting in Doha is a follow-up to talks in February between 90 1429872 President Barack Obama appeared to give the peace sign as they gathered for a 'team photo' during a two-day nuclear summit. All eyes were on Obama as 54 other presidents and prime ministers joined him in Washington, DC, for crunch 90 1429900 54 other presidents and prime ministers joined him in Washington, DC, for crunch talks on Iran and terrorist threats involving nuclear weapons. There was one set of eyes, however, that was particularly focused on the President - those of Prime Minister David 90 1430012 Peace, man: Surrounded by world leaders, President Barack Obama appeared to give the peace sign at the end of a nuclear security summit today Special relationship in tatters? All eyes were on Obama (left) as 54 other presidents and prime ministers 90 1430335 at the end of a row alongside Algeria's prime minister Abdelmalek Sellal. Earlier today, Obama spoke of the threat of nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands, such as those of ISIS terrorists. The President said no terrorist group had succeeded 90 1430394 used chemical weapons in the Middle East. He said there was no doubt that if ISIS 'mad men' got a nuclear bomb, they would use it to kill as many people as possible. Obama gave a chilling warning that such a 90 1430435 catastrophic disaster would 'change our world'. 'We have measurably reduced the risk,' Obama said. But he added: 'The threat of nuclear terrorism persists and continues to evolve.' And he warned that as ISIS comes under greater pressure it will likely carry 90 1430514 ISIS. Despite Obama's warnings - and his hi-jinks during the photograph with other world leaders - Donald Trump's earlier comments on nuclear weapons cast a shadow over the summit. The Republican presidential candidate said this week that allowing Saudi Arabia, South Korea 90 1430541 summit. The Republican presidential candidate said this week that allowing Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear programs would ease strains on U.S. budgets, given the spiraling costs of maintaining America's nuclear umbrella and foreign troop deployments 90 1430556 Japan to develop their own nuclear programs would ease strains on U.S. budgets, given the spiraling costs of maintaining America's nuclear umbrella and foreign troop deployments. 'Japan is better if it protects itself against this maniac of North Korea,' Trump said 90 1430621 to pay us.' Obama was asked about the issue Friday night after Trump said Japan and South Korea should develop nuclear weapons as a deterrent to North Korea. The president said the United States doesn't want someone in the Oval Office 90 1430669 such a development. '[The statements] tell us that the person who made the statements doesn't know much about foreign policy, nuclear policy, the Korean peninsula or the world generally,' Obama said at the press conference. 'I said before, people pay attention 90 1430706 before, people pay attention to American elections.' Obama noted that Trump's comments came up during discussions with leaders at the nuclear summit in Washington. He said that even countries that are used to a 'carnival atmosphere' in their politics want 'sobriety 90 1430738 to a 'carnival atmosphere' in their politics want 'sobriety and clarity' in US elections. Trump has made several remarks about nuclear weapons lately, even claiming he would not rule out using nuclear bombs in Europe. Obama's comments come just a day 90 1430749 in US elections. Trump has made several remarks about nuclear weapons lately, even claiming he would not rule out using nuclear bombs in Europe. Obama's comments come just a day after White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said that 90 1430779 after White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said that Trump's proposal for Japan and South Korea to have nuclear weapons would be 'catastrophic' for US policy. 'The entire premise of American foreign policy as it relates to nuclear weapons 90 1430798 have nuclear weapons would be 'catastrophic' for US policy. 'The entire premise of American foreign policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons to additional states,' Rhodes 90 1430813 policy as it relates to nuclear weapons for the last 70 years has been focused on preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons to additional states,' Rhodes said on Thursday. 'That's been the position of bipartisan administrations, everybody who has occupied the 90 1430847 bipartisan administrations, everybody who has occupied the Oval Office. Friday's summit in Washington began with Obama hailing the much-criticized nuclear deal with Iran a 'substantial success'. Planning something? Obama had a cheeky grin on his face as he walked up 90 1430893 photograph on Friday Obama chatted with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, with most world leaders looking relaxed after the day's nuclear talks Handsome: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau maintained his trademark good looks despite a long day of high-level talks 90 1431034 Friday to pledge to remove highly enriched uranium from a Japanese research reactor to reduce the risk of theft and nuclear terrorism. Very few details were released about the agreement or when it will take place. The two governments also confirmed 90 1431073 also confirmed they have completed removal of materials from another Japanese research reactor that could have been used to make nuclear weapons if they had fallen into the wrong hands. That was part of a separate deal struck in 2014. More 90 1431190 recently visited by Obama, who was seen doing the tango with an attractive female dancer there last week - aborted a nuclear weapons program in the 1980s and has cooperated with the U.S. on uranium stockpiles. With the project finally completed, the 90 1431269 has dropped from 817 tons two decades ago to 646 tons as of 2013. On the global front, a strengthened nuclear security agreement was finally poised to take force, extending protections for nuclear materials being used, stored and transported while enacting 90 1431281 of 2013. On the global front, a strengthened nuclear security agreement was finally poised to take force, extending protections for nuclear materials being used, stored and transported while enacting new criminal penalties for nuclear smuggling. Those tweaks were approved in 2005 90 1431294 poised to take force, extending protections for nuclear materials being used, stored and transported while enacting new criminal penalties for nuclear smuggling. Those tweaks were approved in 2005, but have sat dormant awaiting ratification from a critical mass of nations, reached 90 1431329 a critical mass of nations, reached only in the past few days. Still, frustration over the slow pace of reducing nuclear stockpiles shadowed the summit, which is Obama's last major push on denuclearization. The absence of key players - especially Russia - further 90 1431360 on denuclearization. The absence of key players - especially Russia - further underscored the lack of unanimity confronting global efforts to deter nuclear attacks. After six years of prodding by Obama and others before him, the global stockpile of fissile material remains in 90 1431491 causing substances across a wide swath of a Western city, wreaking havoc and triggering evacuations. At the conclusion of a nuclear security summit, where he met with more than 50 leaders to discuss nuclear security, on Friday, Obama gave a press 90 1431504 triggering evacuations. At the conclusion of a nuclear security summit, where he met with more than 50 leaders to discuss nuclear security, on Friday, Obama gave a press conference. He told reporters that the United States and Russia are unlikely to 90 1431530 a press conference. He told reporters that the United States and Russia are unlikely to further reduce their stockpiles of nuclear weapons during the remainder of his presidency. Thumbs up: Ukraine's president Petro Poroshenko certainly looked please to have taken his 90 1431642 countries have put systems in place that will allow for more reductions in the future. At the close of a nuclear security summit, Obama said that Russian President Vladimir Putin has emphasized 'military might' instead of disarmament, but Obama believes there 90 1431683 are still possibilities for progress. In the meantime, Obama said the world must guard against the proliferation of new, deadlier nuclear weapons. The president is crediting the United States and Russia with abiding by a bilateral arms reduction treaty. He said 90 1431717 a bilateral arms reduction treaty. He said he's tried to strike the right balance between arms reduction and preserving US nuclear weapons capabilities. As for the world's work to prevent nuclear attacks, Obama said the task is 'by no means finished 90 1431727 strike the right balance between arms reduction and preserving US nuclear weapons capabilities. As for the world's work to prevent nuclear attacks, Obama said the task is 'by no means finished'. He said world leaders have made 'significant, meaningful progress' in 90 1431749 Obama said the task is 'by no means finished'. He said world leaders have made 'significant, meaningful progress' in securing nuclear materials so terrorists can't get them. But, he said, there is still a large amount of nuclear and radioactive material 90 1431766 progress' in securing nuclear materials so terrorists can't get them. But, he said, there is still a large amount of nuclear and radioactive material that must be secured, adding that in some countries, the nuclear arsenal is expanding. Obama said the 90 1431780 is still a large amount of nuclear and radioactive material that must be secured, adding that in some countries, the nuclear arsenal is expanding. Obama said the dozens of leaders attending the summit agreed to keep strengthening nuclear facilities against cyber 90 1431797 some countries, the nuclear arsenal is expanding. Obama said the dozens of leaders attending the summit agreed to keep strengthening nuclear facilities against cyber-attacks and to bolster defenses against nuclear smuggling. The work has just begun, Obama said, adding that 90 1431807 dozens of leaders attending the summit agreed to keep strengthening nuclear facilities against cyber-attacks and to bolster defenses against nuclear smuggling. The work has just begun, Obama said, adding that the vision of preventing the spread of nuclear weapons may 90 1431825 defenses against nuclear smuggling. The work has just begun, Obama said, adding that the vision of preventing the spread of nuclear weapons may not happen in his lifetime. Also at the press conference, Obama mentioned drones, Turkey and doing business in 90 1432047 freedom of the press, religion and democracy. Erdogan was among the 50-some world leaders who joined Obama at a nuclear security summit in Washington. As for Iran, Obama said the country has to convince international companies that it is safe 90 1432082 international companies that it is safe to do business there as it gains relief from sanctions by complying with the nuclear deal. Obama he said that the United States and its partners in the nuclear deal need to clarify what business 90 1432096 from sanctions by complying with the nuclear deal. Obama he said that the United States and its partners in the nuclear deal need to clarify what business transactions are allowed as the sanctions are lifted. He added that the Iranians thus 90 1432125 allowed as the sanctions are lifted. He added that the Iranians thus far have adhered to the letter of the nuclear agreement. A Virginia police officer was photographed giving a pair of boots to a homeless woman who was begging on 90 1433836 each 'bullet' being a bomb Russia has reportedly flouted its arms agreement with the U.S. by doubling their store of nuclear warheads. Pentagon officials tell the Washington Free Beacon that Moscow has doubled the number of their warheads by creating new 90 1433904 several shots. 'The Russians are doubling their warhead output,' the official told the Free Bacon. Russia has reportedly doubled its nuclear warhead arsenal by adding several MIRVs, which are weapons that include multiple warheads. Above, workers working on a MIRV in 90 1433987 number at 1,538 while Russia is over the limit by 1,648. Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon official involved in strategic nuclear forces, said the Obama Administration's claims that about the success of the program 'border on outright lies' and that the 90 1434095 reverse,' Perry said Thursday. News of Russia's renewed armament comes as Obama and world leaders meet in Washington for the Nuclear Security Summit, an event that Putin skipped. A killer whale that was spotted in the heart of Londonderry chasing salmon 90 1442302 in the same period. The sessions, 10 of which involved trade envoy Lord Maude, included two with the China General Nuclear Power Group and talks with the Bank of China. The Chancellor said yesterday: The UK has been leading the way 90 1442861 in the world that they came from. Security officials fear Islamic State is plotting to use drones to spray deadly nuclear waste over British cities. The threat is considered so real that David Cameron and Barack Obama last night held a 90 1442977 can get their hands on. Scroll down for videos Fears have been raised that ISIS could use drones to spray nuclear waste over British cities (file picture) President Obama and David Cameron discussed a response to such an attack at a 90 1442998 waste over British cities (file picture) President Obama and David Cameron discussed a response to such an attack at a nuclear summit in Washington, US, pictured At a nuclear terror summit in Washington, world leaders held a planning session, complete with 90 1443006 and David Cameron discussed a response to such an attack at a nuclear summit in Washington, US, pictured At a nuclear terror summit in Washington, world leaders held a planning session, complete with TV footage of fictitious news broadcasts, to prepare 90 1443038 with TV footage of fictitious news broadcasts, to prepare for a drone attack. In the scenario, terrorists managed to steal nuclear material from a health facility and smuggle it into Britain and other Western countries. Some was detected by the intelligence 90 1443202 are trying to prevent. Surrounded by world leaders, President Barack Obama gave the peace sign at the end of a nuclear security summit today The US President is pictured with fellow world leaders including Mr Cameron and French President Francois Hollande 90 1443228 President is pictured with fellow world leaders including Mr Cameron and French President Francois Hollande at a meeting during the nuclear summit The issue of nuclear security and the security of nuclear materials, particularly when it comes to the problems of 90 1443233 world leaders including Mr Cameron and French President Francois Hollande at a meeting during the nuclear summit The issue of nuclear security and the security of nuclear materials, particularly when it comes to the problems of international terrorism, the concept of 90 1443239 French President Francois Hollande at a meeting during the nuclear summit The issue of nuclear security and the security of nuclear materials, particularly when it comes to the problems of international terrorism, the concept of terrorists and nuclear materials coming together 90 1443256 the security of nuclear materials, particularly when it comes to the problems of international terrorism, the concept of terrorists and nuclear materials coming together which is obviously a very chilling prospect and something in the light of the Belgian attacks, we 90 1443461 But major terror plots have been uncovered in other cities. In a sign of how seriously the threat of a nuclear plot is being taken, it last night emerged that American commando units have been trained to seize and disable nuclear 90 1443481 nuclear plot is being taken, it last night emerged that American commando units have been trained to seize and disable nuclear or radioactive bombs. The Pentagon rarely discusses publicly its plans to use commandos if terrorists obtain a nuclear weapon or 90 1443499 and disable nuclear or radioactive bombs. The Pentagon rarely discusses publicly its plans to use commandos if terrorists obtain a nuclear weapon or build a dirty bomb from radioactive material. Yesterday, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon announced 40million will be spent on 90 1443545 centre to protect the Ministry of Defence. Last weeks attacks in Brussels have raised fresh concerns about the prospect of nuclear terrorism. China last night snubbed David Cameron as it dramatically escalated its steel war against Britain by slapping damaging new 90 1443934 British steel industry, claiming he was concerned only about safeguarding a deal with the country to fund the UKs first nuclear power station for a generation at Hinkley Point. The GMB union said the Tories were allowing the Chinese Communist Party 90 1477320 takes part in a demonstration protesting Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to the US, on the sidelines of the nuclear security summit, in front of the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC on March 31, 2016 Andrew Biraj (AFP) However, Washington 90 1477508 a snub from Washington -- the White House said the two men had in fact met on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit. They discussed US-Turkey cooperation on regional security, counterterrorism and migration, it said. The absence of a presidential 90 1477682 an Erdogan speech in the US capital. As the Turkish leader flew in to the US capital ahead of the nuclear safety summit, news broke of another deadly bomb attack targeting police in his country's southeast, where his forces are battling 90 1479280 against and a stain upon human rights", as President Xi Jinping visited Washington. Xi, who was in Washington for the Nuclear Security Summit, met his US counterpart Barack Obama on Thursday amid tensions between the world's two biggest economies over the 90 1480009 already beginning to see the benefit of this deal," Obama said at a meeting of allied countries that brokered a nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic. The international community lifted a raft of sanctions on Iran early this year in exchange 90 1480036 international community lifted a raft of sanctions on Iran early this year in exchange for the country curbing its controversial nuclear program. US President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande arrive for a meeting during the nuclear security summit in 90 1480053 curbing its controversial nuclear program. US President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande arrive for a meeting during the nuclear security summit in Washington on April 1, 2016 Mandel Ngan (AFP) But months on, much of Tehran's holdings abroad remain 90 1480102 to do business with Iran for fear of getting tangled in a thicket of US regulations. A host of non- nuclear sanctions related to terrorism sponsorship, ballistic missile programs and political crackdowns remain in place and are unlikely to be removed 90 1480143 any time soon. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei recently accused Washington of failing to respect the terms of the nuclear agreement. The United States has lifted sanctions "on paper," he said, "but they are using roundabout paths to prevent the 90 1480368 to so-called U-turn transactions -- thanks to fierce Congressional opposition. "As Iran continues to undermine the spirit of its nuclear agreement with illicit ballistic missile tests, the Obama administration is going out of its way to help Tehran reopen for 90 1480625 owing to the return of Iranian crude to markets after crippling economic sanctions on Tehran were lifted following last years nuclear deal between Iran and world powers Iran indicated it was "ready to participate" in the meeting and demanded an exemption 90 1480689 owing to the return of Iranian crude to markets after crippling economic sanctions on Tehran were lifted following last year's nuclear deal between Iran and world powers. King Salman's powerful son who heads Saudi Arabia's main economic coordinating council, told Bloomberg 90 1482580 sexual abuse, including bestiality, by UN peacekeepers and French troops Issouf Sanogo (AFP/File) Speaking on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in Washington, Hollande said that, if true, the allegations would be a "stain on France's honor." "We cannot 90 1483045 to prevent new abuses, peacekeepers are now confined to their barracks when not working. Speaking on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in Washington, Hollande said that, if true, the allegations in a Central African Republic sex scandal would be 90 1483660 there is no doubt that civilians were killed that should not have been," Obama said at the end of a nuclear security summit in Washington. "What I can say with great confidence is that our operating procedures are as rigorous as 90 1489864 to a sprawling corruption scandal involving Brazilian oil giant Petrobras. (AP Photo/Andre Penner) Seeing slow progress, leaders face disparate nuclear threats WASHINGTON (AP) Dozens of world leaders assembling Friday for a nuclear security summit will confront a disparate array of 90 1489876 Andre Penner) Seeing slow progress, leaders face disparate nuclear threats WASHINGTON (AP) Dozens of world leaders assembling Friday for a nuclear security summit will confront a disparate array of modern-day threats, ranging from government actors like North Korea to murkier 90 1489909 from government actors like North Korea to murkier groups like the Islamic State. Frustration over the slow pace of reducing nuclear stockpiles shadowed the final day of the summit, President Barack Obama's last major push on denuclearization. Though Obama planned to 90 1489933 final day of the summit, President Barack Obama's last major push on denuclearization. Though Obama planned to tout the Iran nuclear deal as evidence of progress, the absence of key players especially Russia underscored the lack of unanimity still confronting global 90 1489957 of progress, the absence of key players especially Russia underscored the lack of unanimity still confronting global efforts to deter nuclear attacks. After six years of prodding by Obama and others before him, the global stockpile of fissile material that could 90 1489981 years of prodding by Obama and others before him, the global stockpile of fissile material that could be used in nuclear bombs remains in the thousands of metric tons. What's more, security officials warn that the radioactive ingredients for a "dirty 90 1490027 many parts of the globe. President Barack Obama listens as French President Francois Hollande speaks during their meeting at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Thursday, March 31, 2016. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) "We have not only great urgency around the 90 1490048 Security Summit in Washington, Thursday, March 31, 2016. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) "We have not only great urgency around the nuclear issue, but eliminating generally the scourge of terrorism," Obama said during a meeting Thursday with French President Francois Hollande, as 90 1490178 cobalt getting in the wrong hands have escalated sharply following deadly attacks by IS, raising the disturbing prospect of a nuclear attack on a Western city. In a twist on previous years, organizers scheduled a special session Friday to hone in 90 1490220 the threat posed to major urban areas by extremist groups that the U.S. has said are on the hunt for nuclear materials. The White House said Obama and the other leaders would discuss a hypothetical scenario about a chain of events 90 1490245 said Obama and the other leaders would discuss a hypothetical scenario about a chain of events that could lead to nuclear terrorism. Yet Obama planned to start off on an optimistic note, reviewing progress toward implementing the Iran deal along with 90 1490290 members that negotiated the agreement with the U.S. The White House hoped that session would illustrate constructive ways to stop nuclear weapons from spreading to countries that shouldn't be trusted to possess them. Critics of the deal have blasted Obama for 90 1490350 Despite Iran's worrisome ballistic missile work, the U.S. has said Iran is meeting all its commitments to scale back its nuclear program under the deal. As the summit opened Thursday, leaders trained their focus on North Korea, whose continued provocations have 90 1490422 and South Korea, he called for vigorous implementation of stepped-up U.N. sanctions. President Vladimir Putin of Russia, whose massive nuclear weapons stockpile is rivaled only by the U.S., refused to attend this year's summit. Moscow scoffed at what it deemed 90 1490463 U.S. efforts to control the process and take power away from international agencies. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistani, another nuclear -armed country, canceled his trip following a bombing that killed 72. Decades after the Cold War, the threat of a 90 1490484 armed country, canceled his trip following a bombing that killed 72. Decades after the Cold War, the threat of a nuclear war between superpowers has faded, replaced in part by concerns about IS and al-Qaida offshoots operating in North Africa 90 1490555 authorities searching the apartment of two brothers linked to the attacks found video of a senior official at a Belgian nuclear waste facility. The brothers were part of the Islamic State cell that went on to strike Brussels on March 22 90 1490637 President Joe Biden, and National Security Adviser Susan Rice, speaks during a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Thursday, March 31, 2016. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) Indian police quiz company officials after overpass collapse 90 1511376 Mr Key, a friend of Mr Cameron's, spoke out as he met the Prime Minister on the margins of a nuclear security summit in Washington. David Cameron labelled New Zealand prime minister John Key's intervention "important" "We certainly think it's a 90 1518966 Samos and at the Athens port of Piraeus and Idomeni at the border with Macedonia were worsening. U.S., Japan finalize nuclear material transfer By David Brunnstrom and Megan Cassella WASHINGTON, April 1 (Reuters) - The United States and Japan have completed the 90 1519021 Assembly research project that is due to be sent to South Carolina, the countries said on Friday. Announced alongside the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the transfer makes good on a 2014 agreement at a previous non-proliferation summit to move 90 1519077 said. In a joint statement, the countries said the removal furthers a mutual goal of reducing the amount of these nuclear materials held worldwide. "This is the largest single nuclear material removal in the history of this summit process," U.S. Energy 90 1519086 removal furthers a mutual goal of reducing the amount of these nuclear materials held worldwide. "This is the largest single nuclear material removal in the history of this summit process," U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz told reporters. "This process will permanently 90 1519190 have balked at receiving the weapons-grade plutonium. Such shipments are highly sensitive because the material can be used in nuclear weapons or to make a so-called dirty bomb. Last month, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley asked the U.S. Department 90 1526746 terrorism mechanism to deal with increasing threat of terrorism and radicalisation. Read: Narendra Modi arrives in US to attend 4th Nuclear Security Summit Modi's visit here comes amid the current turmoil in the Middle East and the issue is likely to 90 1526835 the Gulf nation which has a huge reservoir of hydrocarbons. Its economy has been hit by low oil prices. Read: Nuclear Summit to discuss threat caused by N-terrorism: Modi The Prime Minister will arrive here from Washington on the final 90 1534508 and financial details. In a veiled attack on Pakistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk to nuclear security as he called for dropping the notion that his terrorist 90 1534517 Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk to nuclear security as he called for dropping the notion that his terrorist is not my terrorist. Referring to the recent terror 90 1534553 Referring to the recent terror attacks in Brussels, Modi said they show how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism as he pointed out that all countries must completely adhere to their international obligations in this regard 90 1534629 are hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. Third, state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk, he said, in an apparent reference to Pakistan. Dwelling at length on the 90 1534719 his intervention during a White House dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama that formally kicked off the two-day Nuclear Security Summit here. Drop the notion that terrorism is someone elses problem and that his terrorist is not my terrorist 90 1534792 attended by heads of States of more than 20 countries in the US capital for the fourth edition of the Nuclear Security Summit. PTI India, Canada made for each other: PM Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said India and Canada 90 1534840 met his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau for the first time during which they reviewed bilateral ties including the progress on nuclear cooperation, PTI reports from Washington. Prime Minister Modi and Trudeau met here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit 90 1534858 progress on nuclear cooperation, PTI reports from Washington. Prime Minister Modi and Trudeau met here on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. Amid the raging controversy over chanting of Bharat Mata ki Jai, prestigious Islamic seminary Darul Uloom has issued 90 1562162 detection of high-energy neutrinos from beyond our galaxy -- so-called cosmic neutrinos. Neutrinos are nearly massless particles created in nuclear reactions and. In nature, they are created by some of the most energetic events in the universe. Scientists believe colliding 90 1610114 ties to win the hearts of Islamabad's friends," said Ram Madhav, national general secretary of Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. Nuclear -armed rivals India and Pakistan have fought three wars since independence in 1947, two of them over Kashmir. New Delhi 90 1610303 militant group blamed for the 2008 attacks in Mumbai. In Washington on Friday, where Modi was attending a summit on nuclear security, Indian government spokesman Vikas Swarup welcomed the move. "Countries working against terror entities - particularly entities that have targeted India 90 1619944 met his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau for the first time during which they reviewed bilateral ties including the progress on nuclear cooperation. Prime Minister Modi and Trudeau met in Washington on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. This was their 90 1619959 ties including the progress on nuclear cooperation. Prime Minister Modi and Trudeau met in Washington on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit. This was their first meeting after Trudeau came to power last year, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup 90 1620001 while briefing reporters on the bilateral meeting. During Friday's meeting, the two leaders reviewed bilateral cooperation including progress in the nuclear energy sector. Last year, Modi had held extensive talks with then Canadian Premier Stephen Harper after which Canada had agreed 90 1620059 year deal to power Indian reactors. During the meeting on Friday, Prime Minister Modi noted that the cooperation in the nuclear energy sector was "progressing very well", Swarup said. Last year's agreement for uranium supply came two years after protracted negotiations 90 1620084 very well", Swarup said. Last year's agreement for uranium supply came two years after protracted negotiations following the 2013 civil nuclear deal between India and Canada. The two leaders also recalled their meeting when Modi visited Canada last year when Harper 90 1620214 human resource," Swarup said. Trudeau also complemented Prime Minister Modi on his intervention last evening at the opening of the Nuclear Security Summit. The Prime Minister said India has a fruitful partnership with Canada and it is progressing well. "India is 90 1620510 one and all by including four Sikh-Canadians in his Cabinet. Washington: Amidst global concerns over the safety of its nuclear weapons, Pakistan on Friday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was accident-free, unlike that of India. Foreign Secretary Aizaz 90 1620519 his Cabinet. Washington: Amidst global concerns over the safety of its nuclear weapons, Pakistan on Friday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was accident-free, unlike that of India. Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary, who is in Washington to attend the Nuclear 90 1620539 nuclear programme was accident-free, unlike that of India. Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary, who is in Washington to attend the Nuclear Security Summit hosted by US President Barack Obama, said that the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents 90 1620558 the Nuclear Security Summit hosted by US President Barack Obama, said that the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide, including five in India, but "not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 90 1620586 not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 40 years old". Pakistan has a modest nuclear programme with "full ownership of its people, essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone," he told reporters at 90 1620613 people, essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone," he told reporters at the Pakistan embassy in Washington. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he said. "Pakistan has worked very hard 90 1620646 are," he said. "Pakistan has worked very hard to ensure their security." "India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme, and an equally ambitious conventional weapons programme," he said. "We have a modest programme because we feel we have 90 1620706 to deter aggression," he said. He said Pakistan was working with the international community to ensure the security of its nuclear installations, which were always in safe hands. "The National Command Authority, headed by the Prime Minister, is fully in charge 90 1620741 Prime Minister, is fully in charge." He said the perception created in the media that Pakistan had the fastest-growing nuclear programme was wrong, and pointed that several studies showed that India had a bigger nuclear programme. He said Pakistan's preparedness 90 1620756 Pakistan had the fastest-growing nuclear programme was wrong, and pointed that several studies showed that India had a bigger nuclear programme. He said Pakistan's preparedness was tied to the threat posed by India and the deterrence varied accordingly. "If the 90 1620789 India and the deterrence varied accordingly. "If the threat level increases we have to meet that and their conventional and nuclear levels are increasing too," he said. The US had in February expressed concern over the security of Pakistan's tactical nuclear 90 1620809 nuclear levels are increasing too," he said. The US had in February expressed concern over the security of Pakistan's tactical nuclear weapons. State Department Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner had said that the US was "concerned both about the security of those 90 1620830 weapons. State Department Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner had said that the US was "concerned both about the security of those nuclear weapons, and that has been a common refrain in our discussions with Pakistan." The issue also figured in the US 90 1620863 Pakistan." The issue also figured in the US presidential debates. Two days ago, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump said that a nuclear -armed Pakistan is a "very, very vital problem" and that the country needs to "get a hold of" its situation 90 1630576 launch a space-launch rocket that most experts believe will be a test to develop an ICBM capable of firing nuclear warheads against Europe and the United States. Iran has the largest ballistic missile arsenal in the Middle East and is 90 1630615 and is the only nation in history to develop missiles with ranges of 2,000 km or more without having a nuclear weapons capability. Although Iran claims its missiles are not intended to carry nuclear warheads, most experts believe they are being 90 1630628 2,000 km or more without having a nuclear weapons capability. Although Iran claims its missiles are not intended to carry nuclear warheads, most experts believe they are being developed as a nuclear weapons delivery system. The United States, the United Kingdom 90 1630639 Iran claims its missiles are not intended to carry nuclear warheads, most experts believe they are being developed as a nuclear weapons delivery system. The United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany said in a joint letter sent this week 90 1630677 sent this week to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that Irans recent missile launches were inherently capable of delivering nuclear weapons. This is why most observers expected a missile test moratorium to be part of the Iran nuclear deal. At 90 1630695 of delivering nuclear weapons. This is why most observers expected a missile test moratorium to be part of the Iran nuclear deal. At first this seemed to be the case when President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry said last July 90 1630759 this was not the case since language barring Iranian missile tests is not present in the actual text of the nuclear deal -- it is buried in a July 2015 UN Security Council resolution which endorsed the deal. This means Iran can 90 1630786 July 2015 UN Security Council resolution which endorsed the deal. This means Iran can conduct missile tests without violating the nuclear deal and causing the sanctions it lifted to be reimposed. Khameneis recent comments echo earlier statements by Iranian officials who 90 1630821 earlier statements by Iranian officials who have said Iran never agreed to any restrictions on its missile program in the nuclear deal. These comments also reflect increased Iranian belligerent behavior and rhetoric since the nuclear agreement was announced last July which 90 1630835 on its missile program in the nuclear deal. These comments also reflect increased Iranian belligerent behavior and rhetoric since the nuclear agreement was announced last July which goes against claims by Obama officials that the agreement would lead to an improvement 90 1630899 of nations they want Iran to become a regional hegemon that will dominate the Middle East. They agreed to a nuclear agreement that they know is a fraud since it allows Iran to conduct nuclear activities while it is in effect 90 1630913 Middle East. They agreed to a nuclear agreement that they know is a fraud since it allows Iran to conduct nuclear activities while it is in effect, such as uranium enrichment and development of advanced enrichment centrifuges, that will actually shorten 90 1630939 effect, such as uranium enrichment and development of advanced enrichment centrifuges, that will actually shorten the timeline to an Iranian nuclear bomb. Khameneis claim that tomorrows world is a world of missiles really means he believes tomorrows world is a nuclear 90 1630959 nuclear bomb. Khameneis claim that tomorrows world is a world of missiles really means he believes tomorrows world is a nuclear -armed Iran because transporting nuclear warheads is the only purpose of Irans growing ballistic missile arsenal. Khamenei knows he will 90 1630964 tomorrows world is a world of missiles really means he believes tomorrows world is a nuclear-armed Iran because transporting nuclear warheads is the only purpose of Irans growing ballistic missile arsenal. Khamenei knows he will get away with pressing forward 90 1631000 get away with pressing forward with Irans missile because the Obama administration is so desperate to protect the presidents legacy nuclear agreement that it will not support any meaningful action against Iran in response to the missile tests. This means Irans 90 1631024 will not support any meaningful action against Iran in response to the missile tests. This means Irans ability to make nuclear fuel and develop a nuclear weapons delivery system will make great strides as a result of President Obamas nuclear diplomacy 90 1631029 action against Iran in response to the missile tests. This means Irans ability to make nuclear fuel and develop a nuclear weapons delivery system will make great strides as a result of President Obamas nuclear diplomacy. This will be Barack Obamas 90 1631043 make nuclear fuel and develop a nuclear weapons delivery system will make great strides as a result of President Obamas nuclear diplomacy. This will be Barack Obamas real foreign policy legacy. It is urgent that next American president reverse this disastrous 90 1631069 Obamas real foreign policy legacy. It is urgent that next American president reverse this disastrous legacy by tearing up the nuclear deal with Iran on his first day in office and initiate a new strategy to halt all Iranian nuclear weapons 90 1631088 the nuclear deal with Iran on his first day in office and initiate a new strategy to halt all Iranian nuclear weapons-related activities, require Iran to fully account for its past nuclear weapons work, and stop Irans ballistic missile program 90 1631100 initiate a new strategy to halt all Iranian nuclear weapons-related activities, require Iran to fully account for its past nuclear weapons work, and stop Irans ballistic missile program. Youngsters at the Volunteer States flagship university are about to engage in 90 1631907 a man armed with a pistol used a counterfeit Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) badge and credentials to enter the Naval Nuclear Training Command in South Carolina. He was arrested and indicted on a charge of impersonating a federal law enforcement agent 90 1632625 that have marred recent Trump events. The Associated Press contributed to this report. World leaders declared progress Friday in safeguarding nuclear materials sought by terrorists and wayward nations, even as President Barack Obama acknowledged the task was far from finished. Closing 90 1632648 by terrorists and wayward nations, even as President Barack Obama acknowledged the task was far from finished. Closing out a nuclear security summit, Obama warned of a persistent and harrowing threat: terrorists getting their hands on a nuclear bomb. He urged 90 1632665 Closing out a nuclear security summit, Obama warned of a persistent and harrowing threat: terrorists getting their hands on a nuclear bomb. He urged fellow leaders not to be complacent about the risk of catastrophe, saying that such an attack by 90 1632787 commanding focus, as leaders grappled with the notion that the next Paris or Brussels could involve an attack with a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb. Obama said of the terrorists, "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their 90 1632811 bomb. Obama said of the terrorists, "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material they most certainly would use it to kill as many innocent people as possible." So far 90 1632814 of the terrorists, "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material they most certainly would use it to kill as many innocent people as possible." So far, no terrorists have 90 1632837 most certainly would use it to kill as many innocent people as possible." So far, no terrorists have obtained a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb, Obama said, crediting global efforts to secure nuclear material. But he said it wasn't for 90 1632850 So far, no terrorists have obtained a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb, Obama said, crediting global efforts to secure nuclear material. But he said it wasn't for lack of the terrorists trying: Al-Qaida has sought nuclear materials, IS has 90 1632867 efforts to secure nuclear material. But he said it wasn't for lack of the terrorists trying: Al-Qaida has sought nuclear materials, IS has deployed chemical weapons and extremists linked to the Brussels and Paris attacks were found to have spied 90 1632892 chemical weapons and extremists linked to the Brussels and Paris attacks were found to have spied on a top Belgian nuclear official. Throughout the two-day summit, growing fears about nuclear terrorism tempered other, more positive signs of the world coming 90 1632902 attacks were found to have spied on a top Belgian nuclear official. Throughout the two-day summit, growing fears about nuclear terrorism tempered other, more positive signs of the world coming together to confront the broader nuclear threat. The U.N. Security 90 1632918 summit, growing fears about nuclear terrorism tempered other, more positive signs of the world coming together to confront the broader nuclear threat. The U.N. Security Council members who brokered a sweeping nuclear deal with Iran held up that agreement as a 90 1632929 of the world coming together to confront the broader nuclear threat. The U.N. Security Council members who brokered a sweeping nuclear deal with Iran held up that agreement as a model for preventing nuclear proliferation, as they gathered on the summit's 90 1632942 Security Council members who brokered a sweeping nuclear deal with Iran held up that agreement as a model for preventing nuclear proliferation, as they gathered on the summit's sidelines to review implementation of the deal. Obama also spent part of the 90 1632975 the deal. Obama also spent part of the summit huddling with the leaders of South Korea and Japan about deterring nuclear -tinged provocations from North Korea, in a powerful show of diplomatic unity with two U.S. treaty allies. Similarly, Obama's sit 90 1633075 hye had warned would trigger even tougher sanctions and more isolation. Aiming to show concrete action, leaders came to the nuclear summit with commitments in hand, known in diplomatic-speak as "gift baskets." Latin America and the Caribbean are now free 90 1633132 stockpile into a less dangerous form. Fissile materials like highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium are necessary ingredients to make nuclear bombs. The United States, in newly declassified statistics, said its own national inventory of highly enriched uranium has dropped from 90 1633201 material from a Japanese research reactor, and pledged to do the same at another. On the global front, a strengthened nuclear security agreement was finally poised to take force, extending safeguards for nuclear materials being used, stored and transported while requiring 90 1633213 at another. On the global front, a strengthened nuclear security agreement was finally poised to take force, extending safeguards for nuclear materials being used, stored and transported while requiring criminal penalties for nuclear smuggling. Those tweaks were approved in 2005, but 90 1633225 finally poised to take force, extending safeguards for nuclear materials being used, stored and transported while requiring criminal penalties for nuclear smuggling. Those tweaks were approved in 2005, but have sat dormant awaiting ratification from a critical mass of nations, reached 90 1633260 a critical mass of nations, reached only in the past few days. Still, frustration over the slow pace of reducing nuclear stockpiles shadowed the summit. The absence of key players especially Russia further underscored the lack of unanimity confronting global efforts 90 1633283 the summit. The absence of key players especially Russia further underscored the lack of unanimity confronting global efforts to deter nuclear attacks. After six years of prodding by Obama and others before him, the global stockpile of fissile material remains in 90 1633422 hopes of advancing the disarmament goals he set at the start of his presidency, when he declared in Prague that nuclear weapons were "the most dangerous legacy of the Cold War." "This summit is not the end of our quest to 90 1633448 legacy of the Cold War." "This summit is not the end of our quest to make the world safe from nuclear terrorism," Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands said. He said the assembled leaders were passing the baton to international 90 1633487 to international organizations. "Should the need arise, I know that everybody here will be ready to return." Addressing the last nuclear security summit of his administration, President Obama warned that despite measurably reducing the risk of a devastating attack, the prospect 90 1633517 despite measurably reducing the risk of a devastating attack, the prospect of a terror group like the Islamic State obtaining nuclear weapons is one of the greatest threats to global security. There is no doubt that if these mad men ever 90 1633543 greatest threats to global security. There is no doubt that if these mad men ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many people as possible, the president said, opening 90 1633546 global security. There is no doubt that if these mad men ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many people as possible, the president said, opening the last day 90 1633614 that took place Friday were focused on Islamic terrorism, which followed Thursdays conversations about the growing threat of North Koreas nuclear weapons program. Obama also used the controversial deal with Iran to promote a "carrot and stick" approach to nuclear diplomacy 90 1633633 Koreas nuclear weapons program. Obama also used the controversial deal with Iran to promote a "carrot and stick" approach to nuclear diplomacy, saying that while it has not swept away all of the other issues the U.S. and other nations still 90 1633668 the U.S. and other nations still have with Iran, its been an effective way to address the narrower issue of nuclear proliferation with Iran. This is a success of diplomacy that hopefully we will be able to copy in the future 90 1633715 Japan are pledging to remove highly enriched uranium from a Japanese research reactor to reduce the risk of theft and nuclear terrorism. Fuel from the Kyoto University Critical Assembly will be sent to the United States to be down-blended, and 90 1633880 of dirty bombs in the worlds most insecure places. It is plausible that certain (terrorist) organisations could attack transports of nuclear material or civilian installations and try to steal radioactive material, said Benjamin Hautecouverture, a senior fellow at Foundation for Strategic 90 1633923 France. There is a black market where such material is available coming from central and eastern Europe. The absence of nuclear states like Russia at the summit this week underscore the reality that not all governments are on the same page 90 1633969 House called the absence of Russian President Vladimir Putin a missed opportunity. Russias stockpile is only rivaled by the U.S. nuclear arsenal. Moscow consequently, has scoffed at the Washington summit, complaining that the U.S. wanted merely to control the process and 90 1634003 wanted merely to control the process and take power away from international agencies. Nawaz Sharif, prime minister of Pakistan, another nuclear state, canceled his trip to the event following an Easter Sunday bombing that killed 72 people in Lahore. Pakistan is 90 1634028 to the event following an Easter Sunday bombing that killed 72 people in Lahore. Pakistan is reported to have a nuclear stockpile of roughly 120 weapons, making it one of the most nuclear-equipped states in the world. Furthermore, Obama stated 90 1634040 in Lahore. Pakistan is reported to have a nuclear stockpile of roughly 120 weapons, making it one of the most nuclear -equipped states in the world. Furthermore, Obama stated that Latin America and the Caribbean are now free of highly enriched 90 1634271 South Korea, he called for vigorous implementation of stepped-up U.SN. sanctions. In January, North Korea reportedly detonated its fourth nuclear bomb. Fox News Rich Edson, Daniel Lativa and The Associated Press contributed to this report WASHINGTON -- A pro-Clinton watchdog 90 1636067 270 electoral votes, neither Trump nor Sanders can be their parties nominees without winning outright majorities. But these are still nuclear -powered talking points for candidates whose campaigns have honed in voters who blame the ills of the nation, and perhaps 90 1636903 between the woman and the actual person committing the procedure that was not legal. Watch here. Candidate stands by European nuclear threat: Europe is a big place - The Hill: Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday doubled down on his 90 1636930 The Hill: Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday doubled down on his promise to not rule out using nuclear weapons in Europe. I dont want to take cards off the table, Id never do that, Trump said during a 90 1636977 adding, the last person to press that button would be me. Guest host Eric Bolling acknowledged not ruling out using nuclear weapons against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), but pressed Trump about the possibility of using them in 90 1637771 the impressive array of stars. Except for a few blue foreground stars, the stars are part of the Milky Ways nuclear star cluster, the most massive and densest star cluster in our galaxy, explained NASA, in a statement. So packed with 90 1645013 GOP delegates. The Wall Street Journal reports the campaign is being fueled by social media. President Obama continues hosting a nuclear summit today. 1100ET -- POTUS chairs the opening plenary session of the Nuclear Security Summit: National Actions to Enhance Nuclear Security 90 1645025 by social media. President Obama continues hosting a nuclear summit today. 1100ET -- POTUS chairs the opening plenary session of the Nuclear Security Summit: National Actions to Enhance Nuclear Security - Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC (HOST LIVE / POOL) 1300ET 90 1645032 a nuclear summit today. 1100ET -- POTUS chairs the opening plenary session of the Nuclear Security Summit: National Actions to Enhance Nuclear Security - Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC (HOST LIVE / POOL) 1300ET -- POTUS takes a Nuclear Security Summit family 90 1645049 Actions to Enhance Nuclear Security - Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC (HOST LIVE / POOL) 1300ET -- POTUS takes a Nuclear Security Summit family photo - Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC (HOST LIVE / POOL LIVE) 1330ET -- POTUS The president 90 1645080 Washington, DC (HOST LIVE / POOL LIVE) 1330ET -- POTUS The president attends a working lunch: International and Institutional Actions to Strengthen Nuclear Security - Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC (CLOSED PRESS) Tornado watches in effect for parts of Georgia. Severe 90 1647850 not clear how much damage was done. A top Harvard researcher warns the terrorists could easily get their hands on nuclear bomb parts. Just last week, investigators revealed that brothers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui, two of the suicide bombers in 90 1647882 Khalid El Bakraoui, two of the suicide bombers in Belgium, apparently scoped out footage of an expert at the country's nuclear research center known as SCK-CEN. Radiological materials are available in many locations where they would be much easier to 90 1653974 a "senseless act." WASHINGTONPresident Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged Thursday to cooperate to confront the North Korean nuclear threat while working to narrow persistent differences over cybersecurity, human rights and maritime conflicts. Obama, opening a global nuclear security 90 1653993 Korean nuclear threat while working to narrow persistent differences over cybersecurity, human rights and maritime conflicts. Obama, opening a global nuclear security summit near the White House, also joined leaders of Japan and South Korea in calling for further joint steps 90 1654039 display of diplomatic unity came as world leaders sought to ramp up pressure on the insular countrys government following worrisome nuclear provocations. President Xi and I are both committed to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, Obama said as he and 90 1654082 down for a meeting on the sidelines of the summit. Were going to discuss how we can discourage actions like nuclear missile tests that escalate tensions and violate inter-national obligations. The U.S. has long urged China, the Norths traditional ally 90 1654117 urged China, the Norths traditional ally, to take a more forceful role in pressing North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons program. The Obama administration was encouraged by Chinas role in passing new stringent U.N. sanctions punishing the North, and 90 1664200 NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address North Korea May Respond to Potential US Aggression With ' Nuclear Forces' Sputnik News 17:26 31.03.2016 Pyongyang is ready to use nuclear forces against the United States, according to the 90 1664212 Korea May Respond to Potential US Aggression With 'Nuclear Forces' Sputnik News 17:26 31.03.2016 Pyongyang is ready to use nuclear forces against the United States, according to the statement of North Korea's Foreign Ministry. MOSCOW (Sputnik) Pyongyang pledged to use 90 1664234 against the United States, according to the statement of North Korea's Foreign Ministry. MOSCOW (Sputnik) Pyongyang pledged to use its " nuclear forces" as a retaliatory measure to potential US attempts to violate North Korea's supreme interests and sovereignty, North Korea's Foreign 90 1664288 our supreme interests and sovereignty even just a little, we will immediately and mercilessly strike back using all means, including nuclear forces, and thus root out completely the threat to our sovereignty, as well as peace and security in the region 90 1664367 has become Pyongyang's third missile power test, including launches of medium-range ballistic missiles. In response to North Korea's recent nuclear activity, South Korea and the United States have launched large-scale military drills in the region. The exercises, expected to 90 1664402 the region. The exercises, expected to last through April 30, include rehearsals of surgical strikes on North Korea's missile and nuclear facilities in case of war. Pyongyang labeled the drills as provocation. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter 90 1664832 South Korean exercises, and in retaliation for tough new sanctions the U.N. imposed on North Korea after its most recent nuclear test. GPS jamming details The South Korean Defense Ministry said it has detected disruptive radio waves being transmitted from North 90 1664932 world U.S. President Barack Obama, South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on Thursday to underscore their united commitment to exert increasing pressure on North Korea to abandon 90 1664954 Summit in Washington on Thursday to underscore their united commitment to exert increasing pressure on North Korea to abandon its nuclear program. The tough new U.N. sanctions imposed in March are meant to cut funding to Pyongyang's nuclear arms program and 90 1664971 to abandon its nuclear program. The tough new U.N. sanctions imposed in March are meant to cut funding to Pyongyang's nuclear arms program and to further isolate the Kim Jong Un leadership. Chinese President Xi Jinping, who met separately with Obama 90 1665016 said North Korea should resolve this "predicament," as he called it, by returning to international talks and giving up its nuclear weapons in return for security assurances and economic assistance. The Kim Jong Un government has so far responded to all 90 1665052 so far responded to all sides with defiance, launching numerous short and medium range missiles into the sea, ordering further nuclear tests, and threatening nuclear strikes against South Korea and the United States. Arduous march This week the Rodong Sinmun, the 90 1665056 all sides with defiance, launching numerous short and medium range missiles into the sea, ordering further nuclear tests, and threatening nuclear strikes against South Korea and the United States. Arduous march This week the Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the 90 1665401 more food aid to North Korea would undermine the sanctions by allowing the leadership to direct more funding to develop nuclear weapons. But there is also concern that the vast majority of North Koreans already living in poverty conditions will suffer 90 1665633 views those exercises as a rehearsal for invasion. Meanwhile, in Washington, U.S. President Barack Obama is presiding over an international nuclear summit where the U.S., South Korea, China and Japan have made North Korea's activities a focus of discussion. NEWS LETTER 90 1665850 the negotiations between Iran and the US on the issue of spies in the US embassy as well as the nuclear issue. As for the first case, dialogue is based upon interaction, while in cases relating to the second type - like 90 1666169 know best that imposing such restrictions is in essence just a populist endeavor which would have no effect on Iran's nuclear program, the diplomat added. Iran, in a firm reaction at the level of its Supreme Leader and president, declared that 90 1667906 critical ally in the fight against the Islamic State group. In a Thursday night meeting on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in Washington, Obama and Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed their strategies against IS extremists, according to the 90 1669408 not to pursue high-profile corruption cases. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Explainer: Why Nuclear Smuggling Looms Over Washington Summit March 30, 2016 by Mike Eckel WASHINGTON -- The arrest of seven members of an organized 90 1669487 uranium-238 is radioactive. The difference between the two is that uranium-235 is the central ingredient in building a nuclear weapon, a task that requires technical sophistication and specialized equipment. Uranium-238, many law enforcement and nuclear experts fear, could 90 1669504 in building a nuclear weapon, a task that requires technical sophistication and specialized equipment. Uranium-238, many law enforcement and nuclear experts fear, could be the central ingredient in building a dirty bomb, which would cause few immediate casualties but spread 90 1669556 a terrorist group could acquire some sort of radiological material and use it to wreak havoc is central to the Nuclear Security Summit that opens in Washington on March 31. Dozens of leaders and delegations around the world will be discussing 90 1669602 substances out of terrorists' hands. By all accounts, that effort is an uphill battle. Radiological substances lurk not only in nuclear power plants and military bases, but also in hospital diagnostic equipment, cancer treatments, mining machinery, household smoke detectors, and at 90 1669652 Moldova have occurred with unsettling regularity. According to data compiled by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations' nuclear watchdog, there were nearly 1,150 incidents involving theft, criminal possession, or loss of radiological material reported between 1993 and 2014 90 1669695 Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in California recorded 325 incidents alone between 2013 and 2014 in 38 different countries where nuclear or radioactive material was stolen, lost, or outside of regulatory control. Here's a look at just a few incidents involving 90 1669903 a higher level of radioactivity with enough technical know-how. Georgia has seen an alarming number of investigations into alleged nuclear smuggling in the past decade following the creation of a special police unit in 2005. Central Asian Cesium Kazakh police 90 1670031 largest producers of uranium ore, and is looking to build enrichment plants in the coming years to manufacture fuel for nuclear power plants around the world. The German Sting Two Spaniards and a Colombian man flying from Moscow were arrested in 90 1670117 the arrests, coming as Russia was still reeling from the collapse of the Soviet Union, stoked fears that the vast nuclear complex that Moscow inherited was riddled with security problems -- and that global underground markets would be flooded with dangerous materials 90 1670168 after lawmakers discovered the arrests were a sting operation organized by the lead German security agency to entrap would-be nuclear smugglers. The Drunken Sailor And The Uranium In 1993, a Russian navy officer and another man employed at a submarine 90 1670450 IAEA called the Goiania contamination the "most serious radiological incident to have ever occurred to date." Source: nuclear -smuggling-summit/27644900.html Copyright (c) 2016. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 90 1670497 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Focus on North Korea, Islamic State at Obama Nuclear Summit by Pamela Dockins March 31, 2016 U.S. President Barack Obama said Thursday that in the wake of attacks in 90 1670529 said Thursday that in the wake of attacks in places including Brussels, there is "not only great urgency around the nuclear issue, but eliminating generally the scourge of terrorism." He commented on the sidelines of the nuclear security summit in Washington 90 1670545 great urgency around the nuclear issue, but eliminating generally the scourge of terrorism." He commented on the sidelines of the nuclear security summit in Washington. Obama's fourth and final nuclear summit has come at a time of heightened concern about the 90 1670554 the scourge of terrorism." He commented on the sidelines of the nuclear security summit in Washington. Obama's fourth and final nuclear summit has come at a time of heightened concern about the possibility that Islamic State militants could set off radioactive 90 1670581 of heightened concern about the possibility that Islamic State militants could set off radioactive bombs, and also about North Korea's nuclear weapons development. Some of the world leaders who attended a White House summit dinner Thursday were from countries that have 90 1670627 attacks. At a State Department ministerial level dinner, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said there have been times when nuclear security progress has been slow, and there remains an "enormous amount more to do." "But every step forward that we 90 1670694 Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to discuss the North Korean threat in the wake of Pyongyang's January nuclear test and a long-range missile launch in February. Pyongyang was also among the focal points when Obama sat down 90 1670731 when Obama sat down later with Chinese President Xi Jinping. "We want to enhance communication and coordination on the Korean nuclear issue and other regional and global issues," Xi said at the top of the talks. Washington views Beijing, Pyongyang's ally 90 1670865 Obama said. Brussels attacks The U.S. and other world powers may be experiencing a heightened sense of urgency in securing nuclear material and sites from terrorists, following the March 22 attacks in Brussels. News reports have said two brothers linked to 90 1670899 reports have said two brothers linked to the attacks were part of a plot to gain information about a Belgian nuclear facility. "We know that terrorist organizations have the desire to get access to these raw materials and their desire to 90 1670922 know that terrorist organizations have the desire to get access to these raw materials and their desire to have a nuclear device," said White House foreign policy aide Ben Rhodes. One U.S. lawmaker, Representative Ed Royce, a California Republican who is 90 1670964 of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, "We should assume terrorists will continue to seek out the weakest links at nuclear facilities around the globe." World leaders are also concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such 90 1670978 seek out the weakest links at nuclear facilities around the globe." World leaders are also concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such as nuclear-armed Pakistan, where a terrorist attack in Lahore on Easter Sunday killed 90 1670986 around the globe." World leaders are also concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such as nuclear -armed Pakistan, where a terrorist attack in Lahore on Easter Sunday killed more than 70 people. While progress has been 90 1671022 people. While progress has been made since the first summit in 2010, "the overall objective of securing the most vulnerable nuclear materials in four years I don't think has been achieved," said Sharon Squassoni with the Center for Strategic and International 90 1671081 she said. International framework Experts say security gaps remain for several reasons: There still is no international framework to monitor nuclear materials; some countries are unwilling to open up supplies intended for commercial use; and some militaries have been unable to 90 1671109 up supplies intended for commercial use; and some militaries have been unable to agree on how to deal with their nuclear material. "If you wanted to cause a nuclear incident, you might look for the country with the most vulnerable reactors 90 1671117 militaries have been unable to agree on how to deal with their nuclear material. "If you wanted to cause a nuclear incident, you might look for the country with the most vulnerable reactors," said James Andrew Lewis, head of the Strategic 90 1671220 contributed to this report. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Obama Sees 'Significant Progress' on Nuclear Security by Pamela Dockins April 01, 2016 U.S. President Barack Obama hailed the "significant progress" the world's nations have made 90 1671242 by Pamela Dockins April 01, 2016 U.S. President Barack Obama hailed the "significant progress" the world's nations have made on nuclear security, and pledged the United States will continue to cooperate with all efforts to reduce nuclear stockpiles and keep them 90 1671258 nations have made on nuclear security, and pledged the United States will continue to cooperate with all efforts to reduce nuclear stockpiles and keep them safe. Addressing more than 50 world leaders gathered at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Obama 90 1671273 with all efforts to reduce nuclear stockpiles and keep them safe. Addressing more than 50 world leaders gathered at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Obama said more than a dozen nations have disposed of their entire supplies of highly enriched 90 1671303 dozen nations have disposed of their entire supplies of highly enriched uranium and plutonium - the radioactive elements necessary to build nuclear bombs. During six years of international meetings on nuclear security - including four summits, which he initiated - the U.S. president said 90 1671312 highly enriched uranium and plutonium - the radioactive elements necessary to build nuclear bombs. During six years of international meetings on nuclear security - including four summits, which he initiated - the U.S. president said, "We've embraced a new type of thinking and a 90 1671403 we've made significant progress." Obama also met with a smaller gathering of the nations mostly closely involved in last year's nuclear agreement with Iran. He told the so-called P5+1 group the deal with Iran "achieved a substantial success and 90 1671429 the so-called P5+1 group the deal with Iran "achieved a substantial success and focused on the dangers of nuclear proliferation in a real way." He stressed, however, that "full and continued implementation" of the Iran agreement will "take the 90 1671460 and continued implementation" of the Iran agreement will "take the same level of cooperation" from the international community. This year's nuclear security summit has come at a time of heightened concern about the possibility that Islamic State militants could acquire nuclear 90 1671480 nuclear security summit has come at a time of heightened concern about the possibility that Islamic State militants could acquire nuclear materials to build "dirty bombs" that could spread deadly radioactive fallout over wide areas. North Korea's nuclear-weapons development program 90 1671497 militants could acquire nuclear materials to build "dirty bombs" that could spread deadly radioactive fallout over wide areas. North Korea's nuclear -weapons development program also has been closely studied. Obama said the scores of nations working together on nuclear security have 90 1671515 North Korea's nuclear-weapons development program also has been closely studied. Obama said the scores of nations working together on nuclear security have made "260 specific commitments to improve nuclear security," both at this year's summit and their previous sessions. "And 90 1671524 closely studied. Obama said the scores of nations working together on nuclear security have made "260 specific commitments to improve nuclear security," both at this year's summit and their previous sessions. "And so far," the president reported, "three-quarters of these 90 1671595 do our part," Obama added. "Today we're releasing a detailed description of the measures that our military takes to protect nuclear materials, so that other nations can improve their security and transparency as well. "For the first time in a decade 90 1671747 a network of satellites. In Geneva, moreover, a top North Korean envoy told Reuters that Pyongyang intends to pursue its nuclear and ballistic missile program in the face of repeated warnings from the United States and other nations. During the U.S 90 1671789 meeting with Xi, U.S. officials reported the Chinese leader said: "We want to enhance communication and coordination on the Korean nuclear issue and other regional and global issues." Washington views Beijing, Pyongyang's ally, as key in enforcing U.N. sanctions against North 90 1671818 views Beijing, Pyongyang's ally, as key in enforcing U.N. sanctions against North Korea for its weapons development. The possibility of nuclear terrorism was also a key focus on Thursday, the first day of the summit. President Obama said that in the 90 1671854 Obama said that in the wake of attacks in places including Brussels, there is "not only great urgency around the nuclear issue but eliminating generally the scourge of terrorism." Some of the world leaders who attended a White House summit dinner 90 1671907 Slow progress At a State Department ministerial level dinner, Secretary of State John Kerry said there have been times when nuclear security progress has been slow, and there remains an "enormous amount more to do. But every step forward that we 90 1671951 step away from danger." The U.S. and other world powers may be experiencing a heightened sense of urgency in securing nuclear material and sites from terrorists following the March 22 attacks in Brussels. News reports say two brothers linked to the 90 1671984 News reports say two brothers linked to the attacks were part of a plot to gain information about a Belgian nuclear facility. "We know that terrorist organizations have the desire to get access to these raw materials and their desire to 90 1672007 know that terrorist organizations have the desire to get access to these raw materials and their desire to have a nuclear device," said White House foreign policy aide Ben Rhodes. Weakest links One U.S. lawmaker, Congressman Ed Royce, chairman of the 90 1672046 of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, "We should assume terrorists will continue to seek out the weakest links at nuclear facilities around the globe." World leaders also are concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such 90 1672060 seek out the weakest links at nuclear facilities around the globe." World leaders also are concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such as nuclear armed Pakistan, where a terrorist attack in Lahore on Easter Sunday killed 90 1672068 around the globe." World leaders also are concerned about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in countries such as nuclear armed Pakistan, where a terrorist attack in Lahore on Easter Sunday killed more than 70 people. While progress has been 90 1672104 people. While progress has been made since the first summit in 2010, "the overall objective of securing the most vulnerable nuclear materials in four years I don't think has been achieved," said Sharon Squassoni with the Center for Strategic and International 90 1672161 enriched uranium," she said. Experts say security gaps remain for several reasons: there still is no international framework to monitor nuclear materials; some countries are unwilling to open up supplies intended for commercial use, and some militaries have been unable to 90 1672189 up supplies intended for commercial use, and some militaries have been unable to agree on how to deal with their nuclear material. "If you wanted to cause a nuclear incident, you might look for the country with the most vulnerable reactors 90 1672197 militaries have been unable to agree on how to deal with their nuclear material. "If you wanted to cause a nuclear incident, you might look for the country with the most vulnerable reactors," said James Andrew Lewis, head of the Strategic 90 1695609 hours after U.S., South Korean and Japanese leaders pledged to work closer together to prevent North Korea from advancing its nuclear and missile programs. Officials said the attempt to jam GPS signals, which began Thursday, did not cause any major disruptions 90 1695815 annual South Korea-U.S. military drills it views as a rehearsal for an invasion. It also has repeated threats of nuclear strikes on Seoul and Washington and warned it will test a nuclear warhead and ballistic missiles capable of carrying it 90 1695827 an invasion. It also has repeated threats of nuclear strikes on Seoul and Washington and warned it will test a nuclear warhead and ballistic missiles capable of carrying it. This year's drills, set to run until late this month, are the 90 1695857 year's drills, set to run until late this month, are the biggest ever and come after North Korea conducted a nuclear test and long-range rocket launch earlier this year. In Washington, President Barack Obama met Thursday with the leaders of 90 1695889 President Barack Obama met Thursday with the leaders of South Korea and Japan to discuss ways of countering North Korea's nuclear threat. Obama also met Chinese President Xi Jinping and both called for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons 90 1695908 Korea's nuclear threat. Obama also met Chinese President Xi Jinping and both called for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. China also agreed to fully implement recent economic restrictions imposed by the U.N. Security Council against North Korea. The 90 1695938 restrictions imposed by the U.N. Security Council against North Korea. The Asian leaders are in Washington for a two-day nuclear summit that opens Friday. ___ Associated Press writer Kim Tong-hyung contributed to this report. Nothing goes right for Edgewood 90 1697966 the right to simply give up on Democrats in the wake of the party's almost wholesale embrace of an Iran nuclear deal that AIPAC continues to insist endangers Israel. "There are those who question our bipartisan approach to political advocacy," Kohr 90 1699919 world. Offering specific on how he would stand with Israel as president, Cruz said he would rip the catastrophic Iran nuclear deal to shreds. Here are my words, [Iranian Supreme Leader] Ayatollah Khamenei: If I am president, and Iran launches a 90 1699977 that included a missile inscribed with a threat to wipe Israel off the map. Either you will shut down your nuclear program, or we will shut it down for you, said Cruz, further addressing Iran. Cruz promised to move the American 90 1700089 Committee (AIPAC) conference on Monday, March 21, Republican presidential primary front-runner Donald Trump said that dismantling the disastrous Iran nuclear deal would be his top priority as president. Trump also unveiled a three-pronged strategy for dealing with Iran, offering 90 1700369 with Israel, which he praised as the only democracy in the Middle East. Trump said he has studied the Iranian nuclear issue greater than anybody else. Believe me. That statement earned significant laughter from the audience. The nuclear deal places limits 90 1700386 studied the Iranian nuclear issue greater than anybody else. Believe me. That statement earned significant laughter from the audience. The nuclear deal places limits on [Irans] military nuclear program for only a certain number of years, but once that period expires 90 1700393 anybody else. Believe me. That statement earned significant laughter from the audience. The nuclear deal places limits on [Irans] military nuclear program for only a certain number of years, but once that period expires, Iran will have a weaponized nuclear program 90 1700412 military nuclear program for only a certain number of years, but once that period expires, Iran will have a weaponized nuclear program ready to go, said Trump. The businessman said he would adopt a three-pronged strategy on Iran as president 90 1700457 aggressive push to destabilize and dominate the region, dismantling Irans global terror network, and vigorously enforcing the terms of the nuclear deal. If Im elected president, I know how to deal with trouble, and believe me thats why Ill be elected 90 1700530 will enforce it like youve never seen a contract enforced before folks, believe me, he said. Trump lamented that the nuclear deal is silent on the testing of ballistic missiles, a move Iran recently carried out in violation of U.N. Security 90 1701633 enemies. Clinton touted her leadership of diplomacy to impose crippling sanctions that forced Iran to the negotiating table on its nuclear program, and also noted her support of last summers Iran nuclear deal, saying the deal put a lid on the 90 1701644 that forced Iran to the negotiating table on its nuclear program, and also noted her support of last summers Iran nuclear deal, saying the deal put a lid on the Iranian nuclear program by increasing Irans potential breakout time and creating 90 1701655 and also noted her support of last summers Iran nuclear deal, saying the deal put a lid on the Iranian nuclear program by increasing Irans potential breakout time and creating new verification measures. Yet the approach to Iran, she said, should 90 1701740 talking about holding Tehran accountable and actually doing it... The United States will act to stop [Iranian violations of the nuclear deal] and we will do so with force if necessary. Regarding the Iranian-funded Hezbollah terror group, Clinton said, If 90 1701989 Clinton, the U.S.-Israel relationship reached its lowest point and she supported the United States-brokered, ill-conceived, and disastrous nuclear deal with Iran. At every turn when her actions could achieve real results and speak louder than words, Secretary of 90 1702296 million for the Iron Dome missile defense system. When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke in Congress about the Iranian nuclear threat last year, Kasich said he flew to Washington for the address to show my personal respect to the people 90 1702323 flew to Washington for the address to show my personal respect to the people of Israel. Now that the Iran nuclear deal is in place, Kasich has called for the suspension of U.S. participation in the deal due to Irans recent 90 1702357 in the deal due to Irans recent ballistic missile test, which he called a violation of the spirit of the nuclear deal and a provocation that cannot be ignored. If Iran further violates the deal, he said, we must put the 90 1707191 The wooing and groveling toward Iran has empowered the worlds leading Islamic terrorist state, enabled it to become a threshold nuclear power and exacerbated the conflict between the Shiites and Sunnis, which has led to the emergence of new Islamic barbarian 90 1707274 consequent horrendous casualties and the displacement of millions. When controlled by the despotic Moammar Gadhafi, Libya had voluntarily abrogated its nuclear ambitions and undertaken to eschew terrorism. Obamas enthusiasm to democratize the country led to the overthrow of the dictatorship, the 90 1709514 Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be in Saudi Arabia this weekend, on his way back from Washington after the nuclear summit. Every foreign visit by the PM is significant, and so is this visit to Saudi Arabia. But it is 90 1709791 States cut crude oil imports from Saudi Arabia by half. With the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) or Iran nuclear deal coming into effect the US has achieved a working equation with Iran, and for most part of its fight 90 1710514 so far it does not require aggressive sales. (The author tweets at @vijucherian) SHARE THIS ARTICLE ON At the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama on Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit the nail on the 90 1710688 the clout Azhar has in the Pakistani establishment, particularly the Inter-Services Intelligence that supported him indirectly at Kandahar. Read | Nuclear security must remain abiding national priority: PM Modi in US Cut to the Brussels bombing on March 22: One of 90 1710850 meeting with the commander was arranged thanks to Islamabads shadowy friends in Afghanistan. Read | PM Modi in US: Heres why Nuclear Security Summit is important for India These incidents show that terrorism is the same across the world but is marketed 90 1726183 Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday made an impassioned plea for genuine cooperation among nations as the only deterrence against nuclear terrorism. Drop the notion that terrorism is someone elses problem and that his terrorist is not my terrorist, he said 90 1726277 genuine cooperation between nations is not, he said, according to a string of tweets from the MEA spokesman. PM @narendramodi: Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority. All States must completely abide by their int'l obligations. Vikas Swarup (@MEAIndia) April 90 1726316 MEAIndia) April 1, 2016 The dinner attended by leaders of delegations from over 50 countries launched the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, with three plenary sessions slated for Friday. Modi, who was seated on Obamas right (Chinese president 90 1726412 upgrade the worlds basic response to terrorism. Without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism. Citing the recent terrorist attacks in Brussels, Belgium, the prime minister said they showed us how real and immediate 90 1726437 terrorist attacks in Brussels, Belgium, the prime minister said they showed us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. The two brothers who carried out the March 22 bombings in Brussels that killed over 30 people 90 1726467 the March 22 bombings in Brussels that killed over 30 people had surveilled a top scientist working at a Belgian nuclear power plant. A video of the surveillance found at the brothers apartment raised fears the Islamic State was planning to 90 1726490 A video of the surveillance found at the brothers apartment raised fears the Islamic State was planning to attack a nuclear facility, which could cause devastation of untold proportions. The prime minister said the Brussels attack and the danger of nuclear 90 1726510 nuclear facility, which could cause devastation of untold proportions. The prime minister said the Brussels attack and the danger of nuclear terrorism brought to the fore three features of contemporary terrorism, which require urgent attention. First, todays terrorism uses extreme violence 90 1726596 hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. And, third, state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk, which was an unmistakably clear reference to Pakistan without naming it. Pakistans dealings 90 1726618 and terrorists present the greatest risk, which was an unmistakably clear reference to Pakistan without naming it. Pakistans dealings with nuclear traffickers are well established, specifically the nuclear black market run by a man called the father of Pakistani nuclear bomb 90 1726625 was an unmistakably clear reference to Pakistan without naming it. Pakistans dealings with nuclear traffickers are well established, specifically the nuclear black market run by a man called the father of Pakistani nuclear bomb, Abdul Qadeer Khan. And Pakistani governments continuing 90 1726637 with nuclear traffickers are well established, specifically the nuclear black market run by a man called the father of Pakistani nuclear bomb, Abdul Qadeer Khan. And Pakistani governments continuing usage of terrorists as a foreign policy tool in India and Afghanistan 90 1727425 counterpart Justin Trudeau for the first time since he came to power last year. Meeting on the margins of the Nuclear Security Summit, they reviewed bilateral ties, including progress on nuclear cooperation and atomic energy. They also discussed cooperation in education 90 1727435 to power last year. Meeting on the margins of the Nuclear Security Summit, they reviewed bilateral ties, including progress on nuclear cooperation and atomic energy. They also discussed cooperation in education, clean energy, deep sea exploration and mining. Modi told Trudeau 90 1727544 under a $254 million five-year agreement. The agreement came after two years of protracted negotiations following the 2013 civil nuclear deal between India and Canada. Modi noted that India-Canada cooperation in nuclear energy is progressing very well, Swarup said 90 1727557 of protracted negotiations following the 2013 civil nuclear deal between India and Canada. Modi noted that India-Canada cooperation in nuclear energy is progressing very well, Swarup said. Congratulating Trudeau on his win in the November elections, Modi said there is 90 1727606 He pointed to possibilities for economic cooperation, Swarup said. Trudeau complimented Modi on his intervention at the opening of the Nuclear Security Summit on Thursday. Swarup said Trudeaus remarks about having more Sikhs in his cabinet than Modi did not come 90 1732416 affairs ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted along with a picture of the two leaders meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC. On every occasion, the opportunity to strengthen an old partnership. PM @narendramodi & PM @David_Cameron meet 90 1732545 with Cameron. During that visit, India and the UK had signed deals worth 9-billion pounds and inked a civil nuclear pact besides deciding to collaborate in defence and cyber security. Read | Terrorisms reach is global, cooperation among nations isnt: PM 90 1732568 deciding to collaborate in defence and cyber security. Read | Terrorisms reach is global, cooperation among nations isnt: PM Modi at Nuclear Security Summit Prime Minister Narendra Modi will on Friday share with a global summit on nuclear security details of steps 90 1732584 isnt: PM Modi at Nuclear Security Summit Prime Minister Narendra Modi will on Friday share with a global summit on nuclear security details of steps India has taken to secure its nuclear assets. Leaders of more than 50 countries attending the 90 1732595 will on Friday share with a global summit on nuclear security details of steps India has taken to secure its nuclear assets. Leaders of more than 50 countries attending the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit will also present their National 90 1732608 steps India has taken to secure its nuclear assets. Leaders of more than 50 countries attending the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit will also present their National Progress Reports measures taken to bolster nuclear security at the interactive plenary in 90 1732622 countries attending the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit will also present their National Progress Reports measures taken to bolster nuclear security at the interactive plenary in which speakers will not read from prepared speeches. India has been a keen participant 90 1732681 his external affairs minister Salman Khurshid in 2014 given the challenges it faces from terrorist groups based in Pakistan, whose nuclear arsenal has been a long-standing global concern. The National Security Summits were started in 2010 as an initiative by 90 1732708 global concern. The National Security Summits were started in 2010 as an initiative by Obama, with the aim of preventing nuclear materials from falling into the hands of terrorists. Fridays opening plenary will be followed by a working lunch with a 90 1732755 of international institutions such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations, the Interpol, the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and the G8 Global Partnership. Five action plans are expected from this session, according to Indian and American officials 90 1732789 session, according to Indian and American officials. These action plans contain guidance for work in the post-2016 scenario on nuclear security within all these institutions in accordance with their respective mandates and their respective procedures, an official of the ministry 90 1732840 third and final session, headlined Scenario-Based Policy Discussion and Closing Remarks, participants will discuss different situations arising out of nuclear terrorism. The assumption will be hypothetical and will allow leaders, the MEA official had said, to have a realistic and 90 1732878 a realistic and a thoughtful conversation on and around the challenges posed by international terrorism, in particular, the threat of nuclear and radiological terrorism. American officials have spoken of a special session, which is likely to be the third session or 90 1732951 discuss how global powers can confront the threat posed by ISIL, both in the context of preventing the spread of nuclear materials and also with respect to enhancing our own counterterrorism activities. The participants will issue a joint communique at the 90 1735293 cooperation among nations to counter terrorism, saying last months bombings in Brussels reflected the real and immediate threat to global nuclear security. At a dinner hosted for visiting world leaders by President Barack Obama on Thursday, Modi argued strongly for new 90 1735329 Modi argued strongly for new thinking on combating terrorism. Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism, he said, according to tweets from the external affairs ministry spokesperson. The two brothers involved in the 90 1735372 bombings in Brussels that killed more than 30 people had mounted surveillance on a top scientist working at a Belgian nuclear power plant. A video of the surveillance found at the brothers apartment raised fears the Islamic State is planning to 90 1735395 A video of the surveillance found at the brothers apartment raised fears the Islamic State is planning to attack a nuclear facility, which could cause devastation of untold proportions. Modi said there was also a need to upgrade the worlds basic 90 1735523 threat, he added. The dinner attended by leaders of delegations from more than 50 countries launched the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit, with three plenary sessions slated for Friday. The focus, Modi said, should be on three features of contemporary 90 1735615 are hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smartphone. And third, state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk, which was an unmistakably clear reference to Pakistan without naming it. Even as 90 1735641 greatest risk, which was an unmistakably clear reference to Pakistan without naming it. Even as the leaders gathered for the nuclear summit, the US and Saudi Arabia announced joint sanctions against four individuals and two organisations accused of funding and backing 90 1735685 Taiba, al Qaeda and the Taliban. The move came two days ahead of Modis visit to the kingdom. At the Nuclear Security Summit, Modi will share Indias National Progress Report, detailing steps taken to bolster nuclear security. The opening plenary will 90 1735700 to the kingdom. At the Nuclear Security Summit, Modi will share Indias National Progress Report, detailing steps taken to bolster nuclear security. The opening plenary will be followed by a discussion about the activities of global institutions such as the International 90 1735730 discussion about the activities of global institutions such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, UN, Interpol, Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and G8 Global Partnership. Five action plans are expected from this session. These action plans contain guidance for work 90 1735757 action plans are expected from this session. These action plans contain guidance for work in the post-2016 scenario on nuclear security within all these institutions in accordance with their respective mandates and their respective procedures, an external affairs ministry official 90 1735805 and final session on Scenario-Based Policy Discussion and Closing Remarks, participants will discuss different situations arising out of potential nuclear terrorism. US officials have also spoken of a special session to discuss the threat posed by the IS. The participants 90 1745586 the Chinese move came as President Xi Jinping, after meeting his US counterpart Barack Obama on the margins of a nuclear summit in Washington, said nations must stand united against terrorism. Beijings decision also brought into focus its stand on terrorism 90 1764585 HOUR This week Donald Trump said women should be "punished" for having abortions and refused to rule out dropping a nuclear weapon on Britain. Unsurprisingly, YouGov has found Europeans view a Trump presidency with a mixture of fear, disappointment, sadness and 90 1769377 at least it's less controversial than some of his other policies. (Unless of course Trump is discussing the use of nuclear weapons, something he failed to ever rule out - including in Europe) The glaring issue here is convincing NATO members to 90 1773061 tawdry. In reality, several opportunities to negotiate some kind of peace, before the tensions of American-Soviet diplomatic relations assumed nuclear proportions - were in fact notably squandered, or to be more precise - JFK deliberately and consciously ratcheted up the pressure. He 90 1773166 administration's flaccid foreign policy, though any such 'gap' was merely a fabulation on Kennedy's part, for America had an overwhelming nuclear preponderance. In 1962 and in 1960 Kennedy used the same combination of factual distortion and apocalyptic language in order to 90 1773224 even if it meant that the momentum unleashed by such calculated hysteria was in danger of pulling both countries toward nuclear annihilation. Kennedy's reckless, belligerent, quick draw 'diplomacy' was exacerbated by the fact that he was, in many ways, the era's 90 1777174 Not only could this situation become an existential threat to Pakistan itself, it is a world menace. Pakistan is a nuclear power outside of the Non Proliferation Treaty. Any kind of nuclear device in the hands of fanatics is a serious 90 1777185 itself, it is a world menace. Pakistan is a nuclear power outside of the Non Proliferation Treaty. Any kind of nuclear device in the hands of fanatics is a serious danger to the world as a whole. How did Islamic radicalization 90 1783599 race. Rand Paul has not endorsed. Radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt asked Trump what leg of the supposedly outdated nuclear triad was most crucial to update. Trump did not answer but instead talked about his opposition to the Iraq war 90 1783625 update. Trump did not answer but instead talked about his opposition to the Iraq war and the importance of limiting nuclear proliferation. He concluded: "I think for me nuclear -- the power, the devastation is very important to me." Donald Trump obviously 90 1783633 about his opposition to the Iraq war and the importance of limiting nuclear proliferation. He concluded: "I think for me nuclear -- the power, the devastation is very important to me." Donald Trump obviously did now know what the nuclear triad is 90 1783651 for me nuclear -- the power, the devastation is very important to me." Donald Trump obviously did now know what the nuclear triad is. It is the three components of the strategic nuclear arsenal of the United States. -- land-based missiles, bomber 90 1783662 me." Donald Trump obviously did now know what the nuclear triad is. It is the three components of the strategic nuclear arsenal of the United States. -- land-based missiles, bomber aircraft, and submarine launched missiles. Advertisement The intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs 90 1783799 Barry Goldwater supporter in 1964; Gen. LeMay once headed the Strategic Air Command. Finally, there was the uniquely American innovation -- nuclear missiles launched from nuclear submarines. We might think of the legendary Hyman Rickover, who fought against the Pentagon naysayers to 90 1783803 1964; Gen. LeMay once headed the Strategic Air Command. Finally, there was the uniquely American innovation --nuclear missiles launched from nuclear submarines. We might think of the legendary Hyman Rickover, who fought against the Pentagon naysayers to develop the nuclear subs 90 1783822 from nuclear submarines. We might think of the legendary Hyman Rickover, who fought against the Pentagon naysayers to develop the nuclear subs, which could remain underwater for months. Some nuclear submarines were always at sea, just as perhaps one-third of 90 1783831 Hyman Rickover, who fought against the Pentagon naysayers to develop the nuclear subs, which could remain underwater for months. Some nuclear submarines were always at sea, just as perhaps one-third of the SAC bombers might be airborne at any time 90 1783931 Advertisement I learned all this in high school when the debate topic for the National Forensics League was: "Resolved, that nuclear weapons should be controlled by an international organization." For the bulk of the Cold War, the triad was the cornerstone 90 1784028 was in that Las Vegas debate that night. He did quite well. He also explained to Donald Trump what the nuclear triad is. A tutoring lesson by the pedantic Marco Rubio no doubt did not sit well with Mr. Trump, and 90 1784112 Perhaps Donald Trump learned the wrong lesson from the exchange. Marco Rubio's campaign collapsed not because he knew about the nuclear triad, but despite his fluency in issues. And Donald Trump did not win primaries because he was unaware of the 90 1784133 triad, but despite his fluency in issues. And Donald Trump did not win primaries because he was unaware of the nuclear triad, but despite his lack of knowledge. The nuclear triad question should have been a wake-up call for Trump 90 1784142 Trump did not win primaries because he was unaware of the nuclear triad, but despite his lack of knowledge. The nuclear triad question should have been a wake-up call for Trump. Instead, he has continued to wing it on foreign 90 1784174 Instead, he has continued to wing it on foreign policy. In that Las Vegas debate he properly worried aloud about nuclear proliferation. But this week he seemed to suggest that Japan in the Far East and Saudi Arabia in the Middle 90 1784211 Arabia in the Middle East should get nukes. What does he think other countries would do? They would also get nuclear weapons. Greater instability would increase the likelihood of conflict and war, and put the U.S. at risk. Advertisement Trump makes 90 1784491 contribute more toward their defense. Then, for no reason in particular, Trump gets off message. Trump correctly opposed Obama's Iran nuclear deal, which will stimulate a regional conventional arms race, and possibly nuclear, as well. That's why it's silly for Trump 90 1784503 gets off message. Trump correctly opposed Obama's Iran nuclear deal, which will stimulate a regional conventional arms race, and possibly nuclear , as well. That's why it's silly for Trump to talk about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear weapons. And the North Korean 90 1784518 conventional arms race, and possibly nuclear, as well. That's why it's silly for Trump to talk about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear weapons. And the North Korean nuclear capability is because Bill Clinton gave away the store to North Korea, and three 90 1784524 as well. That's why it's silly for Trump to talk about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear weapons. And the North Korean nuclear capability is because Bill Clinton gave away the store to North Korea, and three administrations -- his, George W. Bush's, and 90 1784576 North Korea did another missile test. Kim is a nut. But that's what Trump doesn't get. The U.S. has opposed nuclear proliferation for many reasons, including that smaller nations are unstable, and the nuclear capability could fall into the wrong hands 90 1784589 Trump doesn't get. The U.S. has opposed nuclear proliferation for many reasons, including that smaller nations are unstable, and the nuclear capability could fall into the wrong hands, whether a change of regime or terrorist groups. And there is the problem 90 1784613 into the wrong hands, whether a change of regime or terrorist groups. And there is the problem of safety and nuclear accidents, or miscalculation and an unintended nuclear launch. Simply put, the U.S.-USSR model of MAD probably does not apply 90 1784620 of regime or terrorist groups. And there is the problem of safety and nuclear accidents, or miscalculation and an unintended nuclear launch. Simply put, the U.S.-USSR model of MAD probably does not apply. Trump is fortunate that Hillary Clinton says 90 1785432 yesterday was partly for show, a demonstration of seriousness hardly apparent in Trump's casual pronouncements on assorted trivial issues like nuclear policy. Trump says that's why he was in Washington -- to meet with his national defense advisers, actually an odd time 90 1785455 says that's why he was in Washington -- to meet with his national defense advisers, actually an odd time because a nuclear proliferation conference was in town at the same time. But more likely he was in town at the urging of 90 1794136 good his campaign pledge to attack ISIS stronghold cities with atomic weapons. With such reckless abandon on display, the other nuclear powers put their militaries on high alert. The world teeters on the brink of thermonuclear war. Church attendance soars. The 90 1823386 and noble efforts to build the foundation of human rights in Iran. A special inspection of the Indian Point 2 nuclear reactor found that more than a quarter of the stainless steel bolts needed to channel cooling water through active nuclear 90 1823406 nuclear reactor found that more than a quarter of the stainless steel bolts needed to channel cooling water through active nuclear fuel rods were broken, distorted or "missing", a finding that calls into question the effectiveness of the long term management 90 1823687 of active fuel rods, and they overheated and melted. Because of that risk Entergy, after discussions with officials at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is considering whether or not to shut Indian Point 3 and conduct a similar inspection now, rather than 90 1823874 condition. But, said Sheehan, "we always look for possible generic implications and will do so in this case." David Lochbaum, nuclear safety specialist with the Union of Concerned Scientists, said "the NRC is struggling with the question 'Do we shut down 90 1824555 statement yesterday that "For years, my office has raised serious concerns about the aging of components of the Indian Point nuclear plants, including "baffle-former assembly" bolts...Our concerns have been repeatedly dismissed by Entergy and the NRC. "After finally conducting 90 1824639 other recent problems revealed at Indian Point - underscores real and present safety issues related to continuing to operate this aging nuclear facility in close proximity to more than 17 million people." On February 27th, Hillary Clinton led Bernie Sanders among African 90 1843360 Kerry's Meeting with Federal Republic of Nigeria President Buhari Washington, DC - Secretary Kerry met today on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit with Federal Republic of Nigeria President Buhari. The Secretary expressed a firm commitment to continue working closely with 90 1843648 Andrew, Bureau of Competition, 202-326-3678) United States and Norway Sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Support Cooperation on Nuclear Material Security and Counter Nuclear Smuggling Washington, DC - Today, Assistant Secretary Thomas Countryman of the U.S. Department of State and 90 1843653 326-3678) United States and Norway Sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Support Cooperation on Nuclear Material Security and Counter Nuclear Smuggling Washington, DC - Today, Assistant Secretary Thomas Countryman of the U.S. Department of State and the Norwegian Ambassador to the 90 1843685 Department of State and the Norwegian Ambassador to the United States Kare R. Aas strengthened their countries partnership to counter nuclear terrorism by signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between their ministries. Supporting the Nuclear Security Summit held this week, the 90 1843699 strengthened their countries partnership to counter nuclear terrorism by signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between their ministries. Supporting the Nuclear Security Summit held this week, the MOU expresses the intention of the two governments to cooperate with each other to 90 1843723 this week, the MOU expresses the intention of the two governments to cooperate with each other to protect at-risk nuclear and other radioactive materials and to counter illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials in countries around the world. To 90 1843734 to cooperate with each other to protect at-risk nuclear and other radioactive materials and to counter illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials in countries around the world. To advance this goal, the MOU allows for Norway and the United 90 1843773 the United States to collaborate on specific projects such as an effort to strengthen Ukraines capabilities to respond to a nuclear smuggling incident through effective inter-ministerial coordination, criminal investigations, and prosecutions of nuclear or radioactive material smugglers. The MOU will 90 1843786 strengthen Ukraines capabilities to respond to a nuclear smuggling incident through effective inter-ministerial coordination, criminal investigations, and prosecutions of nuclear or radioactive material smugglers. The MOU will also allow for collaboration on a project supporting Ukraines ability to detect and 90 1843843 leader in global disarmament and nonproliferation efforts. In 2015, Norway hosted the second plenary meeting of the International Partnership on Nuclear Disarmament Verification and served as chair of the Missile Technology Control Regime. Through its participation in the Nuclear Security Summit 90 1843861 Partnership on Nuclear Disarmament Verification and served as chair of the Missile Technology Control Regime. Through its participation in the Nuclear Security Summit and as a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Norway continues to make valuable contributions to prevent 90 1843870 of the Missile Technology Control Regime. Through its participation in the Nuclear Security Summit and as a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Norway continues to make valuable contributions to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and further the goal 90 1843885 as a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Norway continues to make valuable contributions to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament. Todays signing reflects our common conviction that nuclear terrorism is a 90 1843893 Treaty, Norway continues to make valuable contributions to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament. Todays signing reflects our common conviction that nuclear terrorism is a critical and ongoing threat that requires a coordinated 90 1843902 the spread of nuclear weapons and further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament. Todays signing reflects our common conviction that nuclear terrorism is a critical and ongoing threat that requires a coordinated, global response. Renewed Focus on Structural Reform Critical to 90 1865613 David Cameron made the announcement as he attended a summit in Washington, where world leaders are discussing plans to protect nuclear facilities. He said: "Our police and intelligence agencies work round the clock to keep us safe and it is absolutely 90 1874483 to the denuclearisation of the region, Barack Obama has said. Speaking following a meeting on the sidelines of the global nuclear summit, the US President said both he and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, wanted to see the full implementation of 90 1874584 North Korea has lashed out against the UN sanctions - approved by the Security Council - aimed at withholding funds to its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes. In a letter which reportedly condemns Beijings part in the sanctions, the Central Committee of 90 1874621 the Central Committee of the Workers Party of North Korea has commanded its people to actively confront China with a nuclear storm. The letter was obtained by the Daily NK but could not be independently verified. And on Monday, North Koreas 90 1874658 on Monday, North Koreas foreign minister Lee Su-yong said: In response to the US frenzied hysteria for unleashing a nuclear war we state resolutely about the readiness to deliver a pre-emptive nuclear strike. Which countries have nuclear weapons? Show 90 1874671 the US frenzied hysteria for unleashing a nuclear war we state resolutely about the readiness to deliver a pre-emptive nuclear strike. Which countries have nuclear weapons? Show all 14 1 /14 Which countries have nuclear weapons? Which countries have nuclear 90 1874676 unleashing a nuclear war we state resolutely about the readiness to deliver a pre-emptive nuclear strike. Which countries have nuclear weapons? Show all 14 1 /14 Which countries have nuclear weapons? Which countries have nuclear weapons? USA Have nuclear weapons 90 1874686 to deliver a pre-emptive nuclear strike. Which countries have nuclear weapons? Show all 14 1 /14 Which countries have nuclear weapons? Which countries have nuclear weapons? USA Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Russia Have nuclear weapons 90 1874691 nuclear strike. Which countries have nuclear weapons? Show all 14 1 /14 Which countries have nuclear weapons? Which countries have nuclear weapons? USA Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Russia Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear 90 1874695 have nuclear weapons? Show all 14 1 /14 Which countries have nuclear weapons? Which countries have nuclear weapons? USA Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Russia Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? UK Have nuclear 90 1874701 1 /14 Which countries have nuclear weapons? Which countries have nuclear weapons? USA Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Russia Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? UK Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear 90 1874705 have nuclear weapons? Which countries have nuclear weapons? USA Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Russia Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? UK Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? France Have nuclear 90 1874711 nuclear weapons? USA Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Russia Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? UK Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? France Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear 90 1874715 nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Russia Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? UK Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? France Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? China Have nuclear 90 1874721 nuclear weapons? Russia Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? UK Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? France Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? China Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear 90 1874725 nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? UK Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? France Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? China Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? India Say they 90 1874731 nuclear weapons? UK Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? France Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? China Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? India Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries 90 1874735 nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? France Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? China Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? India Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Pakistan 90 1874741 nuclear weapons? France Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? China Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? India Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Pakistan Say they have nuclear weapons Getty 90 1874747 Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? China Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? India Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Pakistan Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? North 90 1874753 China Have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? India Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Pakistan Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? North Korea Say they have nuclear weapons 90 1874759 countries have nuclear weapons? India Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Pakistan Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? North Korea Say they have nuclear weapons EPA/Rodong Sinmun Which countries have 90 1874765 they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Pakistan Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? North Korea Say they have nuclear weapons EPA/Rodong Sinmun Which countries have nuclear weapons? Israel Believed to have 90 1874772 have nuclear weapons? Pakistan Say they have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? North Korea Say they have nuclear weapons EPA/Rodong Sinmun Which countries have nuclear weapons? Israel Believed to have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear 90 1874780 weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? North Korea Say they have nuclear weapons EPA/Rodong Sinmun Which countries have nuclear weapons? Israel Believed to have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Belgium Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which 90 1874786 weapons? North Korea Say they have nuclear weapons EPA/Rodong Sinmun Which countries have nuclear weapons? Israel Believed to have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Belgium Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Germany Nations 90 1874792 nuclear weapons EPA/Rodong Sinmun Which countries have nuclear weapons? Israel Believed to have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Belgium Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Germany Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries 90 1874797 Which countries have nuclear weapons? Israel Believed to have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Belgium Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Germany Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Italy Nations 90 1874803 Believed to have nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Belgium Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Germany Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Italy Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries 90 1874808 Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Belgium Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Germany Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Italy Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Netherlands Nations 90 1874814 Belgium Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Germany Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Italy Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Netherlands Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries 90 1874819 Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Germany Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Italy Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Netherlands Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Turkey Nations 90 1874825 Germany Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Italy Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Netherlands Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Turkey Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Despite the 90 1874830 Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Italy Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Netherlands Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Turkey Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Despite the threats, Mr Obama insisted both 90 1874836 Italy Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Netherlands Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Turkey Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Despite the threats, Mr Obama insisted both he and Mr Xi were committed 90 1874841 Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Netherlands Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Which countries have nuclear weapons? Turkey Nations hosting nuclear weapons Getty Despite the threats, Mr Obama insisted both he and Mr Xi were committed to the [denuclearisation] of the 90 1874867 Mr Obama insisted both he and Mr Xi were committed to the [denuclearisation] of the Korean Peninsula. At the global nuclear summit, he said: Of great importance to both of us is North Koreas pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the 90 1874883 Peninsula. At the global nuclear summit, he said: Of great importance to both of us is North Koreas pursuit of nuclear weapons, which threatens the security and stability of the region. Mr Xi said: China and the US have a responsibility 90 1874973 North Korean provocations. We have to work together to meet this challenge. North Korea violated the UN sanctions with a nuclear test in January and a satellite launch the following month. Additional reporting by agencies Sign up for the daily Inside 90 1884843 crackdown on freedom of speech with a threat to take legal action against anyone who insults him Speaking at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC, Mr Erdogan thanked those who "criticise" him but re-iterated his hard-line approach towards 90 1937606 new term in office, but regretted that he would be unable to attend due to his ongoing participation in the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC. He, however, wished President Issoufou a successful new term in office and expressed the hope 90 1937692 to Washington DC as joke of the year. Mr. Buhari is in the United States of America for the 4th Nuclear Security Summit and is expected back in the country on Sunday. Mr. Fayose said it was insensitive of the president 90 1937756 at 6,000MW and could not manage it such that power generation crumbled to Zero Megawatt yesterday, will contribute to the Nuclear Energy Summit in America, Fayose said in a statement issued by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media 90 1971499 Saudi Arabia is too dependent on the US, and said Japan and South Korea may need to develop their own nuclear plans because the US security umbrella is too costly to maintain. He has refused to rule out the potential use 90 1971521 because the US security umbrella is too costly to maintain. He has refused to rule out the potential use of nuclear weapons in Europe or the Middle East to combat Islamic State militants. I would never take any of my cards 90 1984648 in Central America would resonate so strongly in 2016? Then again, who could imagine that we'd be living through that nuclear winter of toxic recrimination known as the 2016 election season? Just days before the Wisconsin primary, a strong, well-acted 90 1999431 Shares By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | Turkish President Erdogan visited Washington DC this week to participate in the deliberations on nuclear weapons. He brought with him some bad habits and some bad actors in his security detail, according to WaPos Ishaan 90 2018847 seem inspired by the rules of the Dogme 95 manifesto, and both films feature large family gatherings that descend into nuclear level meltdowns. While these stories of searing emotional trauma derived from years of inter-family resentment are tough to watch 90 2020632 name of the U.S.S Oak Ridge, the dry dock vessel used in the Cold War for top-secret repairs to nuclear subs. (BOB FOWLER/NEWS SENTINEL) SHARE Navy veterans who served on the U.S.S. Oak Ridge and Oak Ridge Mayor Warren 90 2020788 Ridge fittingly served secret missions. Towed out to sea from its base in Rota, Spain, the ship would rendezvous with nuclear submarines. There, seawater would pour into ballasts, lowering the ship so a sub could be pulled by hand by crewmen 90 2024833 Security Council (UNSC) resolution as well as their own sanctions on North Korea to force the country to abandon its nuclear program. They reached the agreement during a trilateral summit between President Park Geun-hye, U.S. President Barack Obama and Japanese 90 2024863 between President Park Geun-hye, U.S. President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the margins of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C. The meeting was the first since the Kim Jong-un regime carried out its fourth 90 2024884 Security Summit in Washington, D.C. The meeting was the first since the Kim Jong-un regime carried out its fourth nuclear test on Jan. 6 that led to UNSC Resolution 2270. "What is essential going forward is to thoroughly enforce the 90 2024921 to thoroughly enforce the resolution so that North Korea realizes it cannot ensure its own survivability unless it abandons its nuclear aspirations," Park said after the meeting. "To this end, Korea, the U.S. and Japan have agreed to coordinate closely not 90 2024978 Korea." The talks between the three countries come at a time when Pyongyang is undergoing international pressure to drop its nuclear ambitions following its recent provocations that also included a long-range rocket launch on Feb. 7. On March 2, the 90 2025024 that contains the harshest sanctions yet on the isolated state. However, the North is showing no sign of abandoning its nuclear program, continuing to claim that it has secured the ability to miniaturize a nuclear warhead to fit on its long 90 2025038 showing no sign of abandoning its nuclear program, continuing to claim that it has secured the ability to miniaturize a nuclear warhead to fit on its long-range missiles and that the regime will soon conduct "a nuclear warhead explosion test 90 2025055 to miniaturize a nuclear warhead to fit on its long-range missiles and that the regime will soon conduct "a nuclear warhead explosion test and a test-fire of several kinds of ballistic rockets able to carry nuclear warheads" in defiance 90 2025072 soon conduct "a nuclear warhead explosion test and a test-fire of several kinds of ballistic rockets able to carry nuclear warheads" in defiance of U.N. sanctions. Park issued a strong warning against the North's threatened provocations. "I stand here together 90 2025248 their trilateral cooperation on all levels to cope with the direct and grave threat posed by the North's missile and nuclear programs. President Park Geun-hye shakes hands with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as U.S. President Barack Obama watches after 90 2025273 hye shakes hands with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as U.S. President Barack Obama watches after their meeting at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Thursday. / Yonhap Park-Xi summit Hours after the three-way meeting, Park sat down with Chinese 90 2025496 Dae said. The bilateral summit also marked the first meeting between Seoul and Beijing leaders since the North conducted the nuclear test and the long-range rocket launch. "Recent provocative actions conducted by the North showed how important South Korea and 90 2025613 and the U.S. which have both called for denuclearization first. "We want to enhance communication and coordination on the Korea nuclear issue and other regional and global issues," Xi said. Follow Jun Ji-hye on Twitter @TheKopJihye By Jun Ji-hye 90 2026060 of apparent protests against the United Nations Security Council sanctions resolution, adopted on March 2 over the North's Jan. 6 nuclear test and Feb. 7 long-range rocket launch. The launch took place hours after President Park Geun-hye met U.S 90 2026099 met U.S. President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and vowed to press the North to abandon its nuclear weapons program. The JCS said the North fired the anti-aircraft missile toward the East Sea around 12:45 p.m 90 2027062 President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Thursday. North Korea is under growing international pressure to drop its nuclear ambitions after it carried out its fourth nuclear test on Jan. 6 and a long-range rocket launch on Feb 90 2027070 Abe Thursday. North Korea is under growing international pressure to drop its nuclear ambitions after it carried out its fourth nuclear test on Jan. 6 and a long-range rocket launch on Feb. 7. The U.N. Security Council has imposed the 90 2027189 find itself facing even tougher sanctions and isolation," Park said at the trilateral summit, apparently referring to North Korea's possible nuclear test, Yonhap reported. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said his country will soon conduct "a nuclear warhead explosion 90 2027207 Korea's possible nuclear test, Yonhap reported. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said his country will soon conduct "a nuclear warhead explosion test and a test-fire of several kinds of ballistic rockets able to carry nuclear warheads" in defiance 90 2027224 soon conduct "a nuclear warhead explosion test and a test-fire of several kinds of ballistic rockets able to carry nuclear warheads" in defiance of the U.N. sanctions. South Korea believes the North could conduct a fifth nuclear test at any 90 2027241 able to carry nuclear warheads" in defiance of the U.N. sanctions. South Korea believes the North could conduct a fifth nuclear test at any time. Park called for the thorough enforcement of the resolution to make North Korea realize that it 90 2027271 enforcement of the resolution to make North Korea realize that it cannot ensure its own survivability unless it abandons its nuclear aspirations. North Korea has repeatedly vowed to develop its economy and nuclear arsenal in tandem, a policy Seoul and Washington 90 2027283 ensure its own survivability unless it abandons its nuclear aspirations. North Korea has repeatedly vowed to develop its economy and nuclear arsenal in tandem, a policy Seoul and Washington have said is a dead end for the country. Obama called for 90 2027377 the trilateral cooperation at all levels to cope with the direct and grave threat posed by North Korea's missile and nuclear programs. Park also said she agreed with Obama and Abe to strengthen efforts to help improve the dismal human rights 90 2028067 or grasp of reality. What's he mean, for instance, when he says that Japan and South Korea should both have nuclear weapons while relying far less on their American ally for defense? Does he know that Japanese, ever mindful of the 90 2028101 know that Japanese, ever mindful of the atom-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, are deeply wary of nuclear weapons even though Japanese physicists and engineers know how to make them? And did any of Trump's not-very-qualified 90 2028146 him about the long history of U.S.-Korean negotiations under which South Korea is obligated not to try and fabricate nuclear weapons? Or is he saying Japan and South Korea might as well have nukes as long as Kim Jong-un 90 2028171 saying Japan and South Korea might as well have nukes as long as Kim Jong-un boasts of North Korea's nuclear prowess? Is he concerned about a tit-for-tat nuclear war breaking out in Northeast Asia? It's possible to ask 90 2028181 as long as Kim Jong-un boasts of North Korea's nuclear prowess? Is he concerned about a tit-for-tat nuclear war breaking out in Northeast Asia? It's possible to ask questions about many of Trump's outrageous policy declarations ranging from 90 2028469 to the U.S. will be made this weekend, they said, adding the two leaders will discuss issues including the North's nuclear program and reunification of the two Koreas. South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who is visiting Washington for the 4th 90 2028490 program and reunification of the two Koreas. South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who is visiting Washington for the 4th Nuclear Security Summit, is expected to join the meeting. "It's expected that Kim (Jong-un) will declare the end of his 90 2028511 Security Summit, is expected to join the meeting. "It's expected that Kim (Jong-un) will declare the end of his nuclear program during the meeting with Obama and Park, on the condition that he remains in power after the deal," a 90 2028669 range artillery. Pyongyang's aggressive maneuvers were in response to tougher U.N. Security Council sanctions on the North for its fourth nuclear test and long-range rocket launch, as well as the ongoing joint military drills between Seoul and Washington. But in 90 2028745 from the military exercises is an indication that he will wait and see the results of the ongoing two-day Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, which is to discuss how to tackle the threats of nuclear terrorism and how to strengthen 90 2028760 of the ongoing two-day Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, which is to discuss how to tackle the threats of nuclear terrorism and how to strengthen an international regime for nuclear security. His visit to the Sinhung Machine Plant in Hamhung 90 2028770 which is to discuss how to tackle the threats of nuclear terrorism and how to strengthen an international regime for nuclear security. His visit to the Sinhung Machine Plant in Hamhung, South Hamgyong Province, took place four days after his visit 90 2031157 not been used to pave the way to peace as the international community had hoped, but rather to upgrade its nuclear weapons and long-range missiles," a statement affirmed by President Park Geun-hye. In other words Gaeseong could also be 90 2031198 a very serious breach of U.N. Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR) 1718 and 2094. International condemnation has coalesced around North Korea's nuclear tests and ballistic missile program, as well as its concentration camps, the use of starvation as a weapon, and exported 90 2033277 pivotal There are two pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that should be put into place to solve the North Korean nuclear challenge. One is President Park Geun-hye's inflexibility of policy, or the appearance of being so, on the issue. The 90 2033333 meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Thursday, Park reiterated her hard-line stance of keeping pressure on the North until it buckles 90 2033419 she has rarely backtracked from her hard-line policy after receiving one-two blows from the North over its unexpected nuclear and long-range missile tests earlier this year. With little exaggeration, she has also cajoled and coaxed her way to 90 2033602 other means than dialogue. Kim Jong-un, the 33-year-old dictator, has boasted of his nation's successes in miniaturizing nuclear warheads and threatened to turn the South and Washington into a bowl of fire by nuclear weapons. Although the North's 90 2033618 nation's successes in miniaturizing nuclear warheads and threatened to turn the South and Washington into a bowl of fire by nuclear weapons. Although the North's claims can be discounted as rhetorical exaggerations, it is undesirable to depend on pressure tactics alone 90 2033776 work cut out for the world to separate the North from its weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), especially at the nuclear summit attended by leaders of 52 states and the heads of four important global organizations. They may start to remind 90 2033810 global organizations. They may start to remind themselves that there is an uncluttered shot at the resolution of the North's nuclear brinkmanship this time, being fresh from the successful deal freezing Iran's nuclear program through the concerted efforts of key countries 90 2033822 uncluttered shot at the resolution of the North's nuclear brinkmanship this time, being fresh from the successful deal freezing Iran's nuclear program through the concerted efforts of key countries. If they work on the North's brinkmanship with the same urgency as 90 2076658 notable exceptions, much of the administrations self-proclaimed rebalance has been dominated by emergency security matters, including North Koreas defiant nuclear tests, friction with China in the South China Sea, and the growing threat of cyber-espionage and digital theft. Advertisement 90 2076690 growing threat of cyber-espionage and digital theft. Advertisement On Thursday, with about 50 world leaders in Washington for the Nuclear Security Summit, only the leaders of China, Japan and South Korea received full, formal meetings with Obama, a clear sign 90 2076792 meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Obama emphasized their commitment to denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and praised Chinas new Nuclear Security Center of Excellence, which seeks to prevent smuggling of nuclear material. As the two biggest economies, China and the 90 2076803 denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and praised Chinas new Nuclear Security Center of Excellence, which seeks to prevent smuggling of nuclear material. As the two biggest economies, China and the U.S. have a responsibility to work together, Xi said. The favored 90 2076854 White House attaches to boosting trade and security in Asia as well as the urgency of dealing with North Koreas nuclear saber rattling and other potential conflicts. The rebalance [toward Asia] the reshuffling of U.S. priorities is one of the most 90 2076943 runner, Donald Trump, has said repeatedly in recent days that South Korea and Japan may need to develop their own nuclear weapons to confront regional threats, rather than rely on the U.S. nuclear umbrella that has shielded them for decades. You 90 2076955 and Japan may need to develop their own nuclear weapons to confront regional threats, rather than rely on the U.S. nuclear umbrella that has shielded them for decades. You have so many countries right now that have them, he said Tuesday 90 2076987 countries right now that have them, he said Tuesday in a CNN town hall. Wouldnt you rather ... have Japan have nuclear weapons when North Korea has nuclear weapons? Whether a whim or a serious notion by Trump, the issue came up 90 2076993 he said Tuesday in a CNN town hall. Wouldnt you rather ... have Japan have nuclear weapons when North Korea has nuclear weapons? Whether a whim or a serious notion by Trump, the issue came up in multiple news briefings before the 90 2077014 weapons? Whether a whim or a serious notion by Trump, the issue came up in multiple news briefings before the nuclear security summit, the fourth in a series launched by Obama in 2009 as part of his stated goal of seeing 90 2077038 fourth in a series launched by Obama in 2009 as part of his stated goal of seeing a world without nuclear weapons. Ben Rhodes, the White House deputy national security advisor, said a pillar of U.S. foreign policy has been to 90 2077063 White House deputy national security advisor, said a pillar of U.S. foreign policy has been to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, not to encourage it, as Trump suggests. Thats been the position of bipartisan administrations, everybody whos occupied the Oval 90 2077150 Security Council meeting on March 2 to impose stiff sanctions on North Korea, Beijings ally, in response to its latest nuclear test. It is only because the United States and China have been able to effectively work together that the United 90 2077205 Press Secretary Josh Earnest said. That will pressure the North Korean regime and isolate the North Korean regime over their nuclear weapons program in a way that has positive benefits for our allies, South Korea and Japan. North Koreans face a 90 2077302 its own frustration with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Beijing was caught off guard by Pyongyangs most recent underground nuclear test, on Jan. 6, a few weeks before Chinese New Year. Beijing had specifically told Kims government not to conduct 90 2078341 standing policy priorities, nonproliferation, would outlast his administration, but the gathering served mostly to highlight the mixed record of Obamas nuclear agenda. At the fourth and final in a series of nuclear security summits started by his administration, Obama touted successes 90 2078352 served mostly to highlight the mixed record of Obamas nuclear agenda. At the fourth and final in a series of nuclear security summits started by his administration, Obama touted successes including a reduction in global nuclear stockpiles and the landmark nuclear 90 2078367 final in a series of nuclear security summits started by his administration, Obama touted successes including a reduction in global nuclear stockpiles and the landmark nuclear deal between Iran and six nations. Yet the absence of nuclear superpower Russia from the 90 2078372 nuclear security summits started by his administration, Obama touted successes including a reduction in global nuclear stockpiles and the landmark nuclear deal between Iran and six nations. Yet the absence of nuclear superpower Russia from the summit was notable, and Obama 90 2078383 a reduction in global nuclear stockpiles and the landmark nuclear deal between Iran and six nations. Yet the absence of nuclear superpower Russia from the summit was notable, and Obama and other leaders debated at length how to keep nuclear materials 90 2078402 of nuclear superpower Russia from the summit was notable, and Obama and other leaders debated at length how to keep nuclear materials from terrorists, a vexing question that has dogged world leaders since well before Sept. 11. The president argued that 90 2078435 well before Sept. 11. The president argued that collective action by the international community has helped stymie extremists pursuit of nuclear materials. Advertisement Over the past six years, when it comes to nuclear security, weve embraced a new type of thinking 90 2078447 international community has helped stymie extremists pursuit of nuclear materials. Advertisement Over the past six years, when it comes to nuclear security, weve embraced a new type of thinking and a new type of action, he said Friday. This is a 90 2078510 leaders were to participate in a simulation exercise at the summit to test how they might respond to a potential nuclear terrorist threat. The possibility that people associated with Islamic State were surveilling an official at a Belgian nuclear facility raised 90 2078528 a potential nuclear terrorist threat. The possibility that people associated with Islamic State were surveilling an official at a Belgian nuclear facility raised alarm after last weeks bombings in Brussels about the terrorist networks goals. Obama reiterated Friday, though, that no 90 2078554 weeks bombings in Brussels about the terrorist networks goals. Obama reiterated Friday, though, that no terrorist group has obtained a nuclear weapon. See more of our top stories on Facebook >> But counter-terrorism was not the primary goal of the summit 90 2078597 launched in 2009. Rather, he sought to gain commitments from countries to reduce or eliminate altogether stockpiles of weapons-usable nuclear materials, or build new safeguards against theft. And experts say significant progress has been made toward those goals. The White 90 2078630 has been made toward those goals. The White House also praised the creation of centers in several countries that train nuclear professionals at international standards and noted that 2005 amendments to an international agreement on protecting nuclear material are on track 90 2078646 several countries that train nuclear professionals at international standards and noted that 2005 amendments to an international agreement on protecting nuclear material are on track to come into force after ratification in additional nations. An analysis by the Nuclear Threat Initiative 90 2078664 on protecting nuclear material are on track to come into force after ratification in additional nations. An analysis by the Nuclear Threat Initiative noted that 24 countries have such supplies of highly enriched uranium or separated plutonium that could be used 90 2078686 Initiative noted that 24 countries have such supplies of highly enriched uranium or separated plutonium that could be used in nuclear weapons, down from 35 at the start of Obamas administration. But six nations are actually increasing their supplies, including isolated 90 2078727 North Korea as well as Pakistan. In addition, deteriorating U.S.-Russia relations have resulted in lapses in cooperation on reducing nuclear materials. The decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin not to attend the summit raised concerns among nuclear-energy experts. Russia 90 2078744 cooperation on reducing nuclear materials. The decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin not to attend the summit raised concerns among nuclear -energy experts. Russia possesses half the worlds nuclear weapons and half the worlds nuclear-use materials. It was also the 90 2078752 Russian President Vladimir Putin not to attend the summit raised concerns among nuclear-energy experts. Russia possesses half the worlds nuclear weapons and half the worlds nuclear-use materials. It was also the destination for the enriched uranium that Iran agreed 90 2078758 attend the summit raised concerns among nuclear-energy experts. Russia possesses half the worlds nuclear weapons and half the worlds nuclear -use materials. It was also the destination for the enriched uranium that Iran agreed to get rid of as part 90 2078782 was also the destination for the enriched uranium that Iran agreed to get rid of as part of its landmark nuclear deal last year. Putins absence creates a big hole, said William H. Tobey, senior fellow at Harvard Universitys Belfer Center 90 2078815 Tobey, senior fellow at Harvard Universitys Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. He outlined several worrisome problems with Russias nuclear -security program, including two recent 10% cuts in the Russian federal budget, aging equipment and endemic corruption and organized crime 90 2078838 including two recent 10% cuts in the Russian federal budget, aging equipment and endemic corruption and organized crime. The Russian nuclear regulatory agency recently responded to budget cuts by keeping personnel but cutting travel, meaning inspectors cannot go to the plants 90 2078911 including the Caucasus region and, more recently, the Urals, which is also home to some of the countrys most sensitive nuclear installations. Obama administration officials insisted that good progress has been made in potential hot spots where nuclear material could potentially 90 2078928 countrys most sensitive nuclear installations. Obama administration officials insisted that good progress has been made in potential hot spots where nuclear material could potentially represent a threat, including India and Pakistan. We wont stop worry about this and 100 other things 90 2078951 potentially represent a threat, including India and Pakistan. We wont stop worry about this and 100 other things in the nuclear world but there has been progress, said Thomas Countryman, assistant secretary of State for international security and nonproliferation. Obama deserves 90 2078978 said Thomas Countryman, assistant secretary of State for international security and nonproliferation. Obama deserves credit for elevating the issue of nuclear security, which itself produced tangible accomplishments, said Joseph Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund, a nonproliferation advocacy group. Ukraines removal 90 2079142 because the Republican front-runner to succeed him, Donald Trump, suggested this week that some U.S. allies might consider attaining nuclear weapons of their own, a view that White House aides slammed as a potentially catastrophic change in U.S. position. Bonnie 90 2079188 Obama administrations threat reduction programs, said it was possible that the next president, along with other countries, might continue the nuclear -security process. The lingo we are using is that this is the last summit in its current format, she said 90 2134074 of "Jihadist Threat To India - The Case For Islamic Reformation By An Indian Muslim." Endnotes Russia is boycotting the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit, March 31-April 1, 2016 in Washington D.C. The summit is discussing steps to minimize the use of 90 2134102 in Washington D.C. The summit is discussing steps to minimize the use of highly enriched uranium, secure vulnerable materials, counter nuclear smuggling, and deter, detect, and disrupt nuclear terror attacks.[1] While Russia participated in the three previous summits - in 2010 90 2134109 steps to minimize the use of highly enriched uranium, secure vulnerable materials, counter nuclear smuggling, and deter, detect, and disrupt nuclear terror attacks.[1] While Russia participated in the three previous summits - in 2010 in Washington, 2012 in Seoul, and 2014 90 2134319 Structures" In January 2016, Zakharova said that Russia would not participate in the summit, because the "central role" in coordinating nuclear security efforts should be held by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): "Obviously, these recommendations [coming out of the summit 90 2134371 attach the opinion of a limited group of states to the international organizations [the IAEA, the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism, the UN, Interpol, and the Global Partnership] and [will prompt] initiatives to circumvent [these organizations'] own mechanisms of making 90 2134564 work in all of the working groups." He also explained that the preparatory groups were working on the issue of nuclear security outside the framework of international organizations such as the UN, the IAEA, Interpol and others: "For those who were 90 2134714 in the summit "because of the lack of cooperation by partners,"[6] adding: "Moscow considers working on issues connected to nuclear security [to be something that] demands common and joint efforts, a mutual taking into account [of] interests and positions. We 90 2134768 issues and topics of the summit. That's why in this case there is no participation of the Russian side." Russian Nuclear Weapons Deployed In Crimea The pro-Kremlin media outlet reported[7] on statements by Vladimir Kozin, chief adviser at 90 2134841 boycott of the summit was based on three reasons: "First, the agenda [of the summit] itself raises doubts: Questions of nuclear security will not be discussed there in full. Second, Russia was not included in the preparation of the final documents 90 2134883 are to be adopted at the meeting. Third, the U.S. keeps evading discussion of really urgent issues, which relate to nuclear security. The Americans are the only nation in the world that deploys tactical nuclear weapons abroad, in the territories of 90 2134897 really urgent issues, which relate to nuclear security. The Americans are the only nation in the world that deploys tactical nuclear weapons abroad, in the territories of four European countries and in the Asian part of Turkey, and advance it as 90 2134952 participated in NATO's March 1-9, 2016 "Cold Response" drill in Norway, which were perceived by the Kremlin as a nuclear drill against Russia]." Kozin also argued that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's participation in the summit was aimed at questioning the 90 2134976 Kozin also argued that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's participation in the summit was aimed at questioning the deployment of Russian nuclear weapons in the Crimea. Poroshenko and "his Western colleagues," he said, should instead "scrutinize the fact that the U.S. anti 90 2135019 which are to be put into operation in Poland and Romania in the nearest future, may be equipped with offensive nuclear weapons, including cruise missiles." He added that given that the Crimea is considered by the Kremlin to be part of 90 2135050 Crimea is considered by the Kremlin to be part of Russia, and that it is Russia's sovereign right to deploy nuclear weapons "within its borders." Andrei Baklitsky, director of the Russia and Nuclear Nonproliferation Program at the Moscow-based PIR Center 90 2135062 that it is Russia's sovereign right to deploy nuclear weapons "within its borders." Andrei Baklitsky, director of the Russia and Nuclear Nonproliferation Program at the Moscow-based PIR Center, said that one of the reasons for Putin's absence at the summit 90 2135129 know, Iran is not a member and was not participating in any security summit, despite the fact that it has nuclear material that clearly needs protection and security. With this arbitrary approach, there is always this feeling that maybe [the summit 90 2261935 the naval service." And sorry, sailors, face tats are still a no-go. (Read more tattoos stories.) (Newser) At a nuclear summit attended by more than 50 world leaders Friday in Washington DC, President Obama called the possibility of ISIS getting 90 2261960 than 50 world leaders Friday in Washington DC, President Obama called the possibility of ISIS getting its hands on a nuclear weapon "one of the greatest threats to global security," the BBC reports. There is no doubt that if these madmen 90 2261987 to global security," the BBC reports. There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many innocent people as possible, Obama said, per 90 2261990 the BBC reports. There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many innocent people as possible, Obama said, per Reuters. It would 90 2262027 per Reuters. It would change our world. It was part of Obama's pitch to world leaders to better secure their nuclear materials, which he said is the most effective way of keeping them from falling into the hands of terrorists. He 90 2262055 effective way of keeping them from falling into the hands of terrorists. He also called on countries to stop stockpiling nuclear weapons. Obama said both al-Qaeda and ISIS are still seeking nuclear material for weaponizing, and the risk of nuclear 90 2262067 He also called on countries to stop stockpiling nuclear weapons. Obama said both al-Qaeda and ISIS are still seeking nuclear material for weaponizing, and the risk of nuclear terrorism remains very real. He pointed out recent news that ISIS members 90 2262075 nuclear weapons. Obama said both al-Qaeda and ISIS are still seeking nuclear material for weaponizing, and the risk of nuclear terrorism remains very real. He pointed out recent news that ISIS members had been following a Belgian nuclear plant's senior 90 2262093 risk of nuclear terrorism remains very real. He pointed out recent news that ISIS members had been following a Belgian nuclear plant's senior manager and secretly recording his daily activities. "We cannot be complacent," he said. In addition to ISIS and 90 2262124 cannot be complacent," he said. In addition to ISIS and al-Qaeda, world leaders also expressed concern with North Korea's nuclear weapons program. US officials estimate there is approximately 2,000 metric tons of material worldwide that could be used to build 90 2262146 program. US officials estimate there is approximately 2,000 metric tons of material worldwide that could be used to build a nuclear weapon, NBC News reports. The US and Russia (Putin refused to attend the summit) account for 90% of the world's 90 2262167 weapon, NBC News reports. The US and Russia (Putin refused to attend the summit) account for 90% of the world's nuclear weapons with more than 14,000 nuclear warheads between them. (Read more nuclear weapons stories.) (Newser) A woman befriended a mom 90 2262173 and Russia (Putin refused to attend the summit) account for 90% of the world's nuclear weapons with more than 14,000 nuclear warheads between them. (Read more nuclear weapons stories.) (Newser) A woman befriended a mom and kids at Pennsylvania's King of 90 2262179 the summit) account for 90% of the world's nuclear weapons with more than 14,000 nuclear warheads between them. (Read more nuclear weapons stories.) (Newser) A woman befriended a mom and kids at Pennsylvania's King of Prussia Mall on Thursday night and 90 2263057 is wrong. Drop the notion that his terrorist is not my terrorist, PM Modi said while addressing the two-day Nuclear Security Summit in the US. Terrorism is globally networked. But, we still act only nationally to counter this threat, PM 90 2263090 act only nationally to counter this threat, PM said while speaking at a US State dinner in the two-day Nuclear Security Summit in the US. Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority. All States must completely abide by their 90 2263096 threat, PM said while speaking at a US State dinner in the two-day Nuclear Security Summit in the US. Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority. All States must completely abide by their international obligations, he said adding, Brussels 90 2263127 completely abide by their international obligations, he said adding, Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. Addressing the summit that marked the presence of leaders from more that 50 countries, PM Modi said 90 2263199 by heads of States of more than 20 countries here in the US capital for the fourth edition of the Nuclear Security Summit. Praising the US President for his initiative on nuclear security, Modi said Obamas legacy must endure. By putting 90 2263210 the US capital for the fourth edition of the Nuclear Security Summit. Praising the US President for his initiative on nuclear security, Modi said Obamas legacy must endure. By putting spotlight on nuclear security, Obama has done great service to global 90 2263222 Praising the US President for his initiative on nuclear security, Modi said Obamas legacy must endure. By putting spotlight on nuclear security, Obama has done great service to global security, Modi said. Dwelling at length on the threat posed by terrorism 90 2263262 terrorism to the world, the Prime Minister said the Brussels attacks shows how real and immediate the threat is to nuclear security from terrorism. Outlining three contemporary features of terror that the world should focus on, Modi said todays terrorism uses 90 2263321 are hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. Third, state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk, he said. Noting that terror has evolved, Modi said terrorists are using 21st 90 2274970 Suraj. President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday in Washington DC reaffirmed Nigerias commitment to the global fight against the threat of nuclear t... President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday in Washington DC reaffirmed Nigerias commitment to the global fight against the threat of 90 2274991 t... President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday in Washington DC reaffirmed Nigerias commitment to the global fight against the threat of nuclear terrorism and other forms of terrorism.According to a statement by the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, Buhari 90 2275023 Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, Buhari made the remark while presenting Nigerias country statement to the 4th Nuclear Security Summit being hosted by President Barack Obama.Buhari also pledged Nigerias continued support for all multilateral efforts aimed at promoting 90 2275050 Barack Obama.Buhari also pledged Nigerias continued support for all multilateral efforts aimed at promoting a common approach and commitment to nuclear security at the highest levels.He said: Nigeria accords high priority to all global efforts towards ending the proliferation of weapons 90 2275080 priority to all global efforts towards ending the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, including nuclear weapons.Nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest threats to international security and preventing nuclear terrorism and all forms of terrorism 90 2275094 and their means of delivery, including nuclear weapons.Nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest threats to international security and preventing nuclear terrorism and all forms of terrorism around the globe is of concern to all of us.To this end, Nigeria has 90 2275157 implementation of more robust counter-terrorism measures in the country, the President said.President Buhari told the gathering that to enhance Nuclear Security, Nigeria has reinforced its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United States Department of States Partnership 90 2275179 Nigeria has reinforced its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United States Department of States Partnership for Nuclear Security and the World Institute for Nuclear Security.He added: In addition, Nigeria has signed an agreement of cooperation with the 90 2275186 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United States Department of States Partnership for Nuclear Security and the World Institute for Nuclear Security.He added: In addition, Nigeria has signed an agreement of cooperation with the United States Department of Energys Office of 90 2275211 Nigeria has signed an agreement of cooperation with the United States Department of Energys Office of Radiological Security to protect nuclear and other radiological materials from theft or sabotage.Nigeria also intends to strengthen its partnerships with relevant international organizations to promote 90 2275241 intends to strengthen its partnerships with relevant international organizations to promote capacity building, particularly in the development of the Nigerian Nuclear Security Support Centre, Physical Security Upgrades and Human Reliability Programmes Implementation, the President said.Buhari also said that Nigeria has developed 90 2275304 praised President Obamas pace setting initiative and drive, which, he said, has brought the global fight against the threat of nuclear terrorism to its present level. In a desperate move to end the recurrent fuel shortages, particularly of premium motor spirit 90 2282534 to meet its targets under the Paris accord. The two world leaders made the announcement on the sidelines of a nuclear security meeting in Washington. Berit Viktorsson frequently traveled between her home in central Sweden and Brussels to visit her daughter 90 2289744 front-runner that the United States and its allies should move away from decades of constraints on the use of nuclear weapons. We dont want somebody in the Oval Office who doesnt recognize how important that is, Mr. Obama said. Speaking 90 2289776 recognize how important that is, Mr. Obama said. Speaking to reporters at the end of a summit meeting devoted to nuclear security, the president said the comments by Mr. Trump reflected a person who doesnt know much about foreign policy or 90 2289797 security, the president said the comments by Mr. Trump reflected a person who doesnt know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean Peninsula or the world generally. Mr. Obama has not hesitated to criticize Mr. Trump for contributing 90 2289837 contributing to a coarse tone and circuslike atmosphere on the campaign trail. But his criticism of the candidates comments on nuclear proliferation was not about public language or personal style, but about one of the gravest responsibilities of an American president 90 2289921 at the summit meeting, which gathered more than 50 world leaders to discuss ways to reduce the threat of a nuclear attack, whether from the leakage of nuclear fuel or the theft of a bomb by a terrorist group. There are 90 2289928 than 50 world leaders to discuss ways to reduce the threat of a nuclear attack, whether from the leakage of nuclear fuel or the theft of a bomb by a terrorist group. There are longer-term worries as well. A recent 90 2302215 findings as unremarkable, and the coming price increases as a market correction. WASHINGTON World leaders declared progress Friday in securing nuclear materials worldwide but warned of a persistent and harrowing threat: terrorists getting their hands on a nuclear bomb. It would 90 2302232 Friday in securing nuclear materials worldwide but warned of a persistent and harrowing threat: terrorists getting their hands on a nuclear bomb. It would change our world, President Barack Obama said. Obama, addressing a nuclear security summit, said there was no 90 2302246 terrorists getting their hands on a nuclear bomb. It would change our world, President Barack Obama said. Obama, addressing a nuclear security summit, said there was no doubt that if madmen in the Islamic State group obtained nuclear material, they would 90 2302263 Obama, addressing a nuclear security summit, said there was no doubt that if madmen in the Islamic State group obtained nuclear material, they would use it to kill as many people as possible. He urged fellow leaders not to be complacent 90 2302308 catastrophe and called IS the most active extremist group currently menacing the planet. So far, no terrorists have gotten a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb, Obama said, crediting global efforts to secure nuclear material. But he said it wasnt for 90 2302321 So far, no terrorists have gotten a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb, Obama said, crediting global efforts to secure nuclear material. But he said it wasnt for lack of trying: Al-Qaida has sought nuclear materials, IS has deployed chemical 90 2302336 crediting global efforts to secure nuclear material. But he said it wasnt for lack of trying: Al-Qaida has sought nuclear materials, IS has deployed chemical weapons and extremists linked to the Brussels and Paris attacks were found to have spied 90 2302361 chemical weapons and extremists linked to the Brussels and Paris attacks were found to have spied on a top Belgian nuclear official. We have measurably reduced the risk, Obama said. Still, he added, the threat of nuclear terrorism persists and continues 90 2302377 on a top Belgian nuclear official. We have measurably reduced the risk, Obama said. Still, he added, the threat of nuclear terrorism persists and continues to evolve. At this years summit Obamas last major push on denuclearization deep concerns about nuclear 90 2302397 nuclear terrorism persists and continues to evolve. At this years summit Obamas last major push on denuclearization deep concerns about nuclear terrorism have tempered other, more positive signs of the world coming together to confront the broader nuclear threat. The U.N 90 2302414 deep concerns about nuclear terrorism have tempered other, more positive signs of the world coming together to confront the broader nuclear threat. The U.N. Security Council members who brokered a sweeping nuclear deal with Iran held up that agreement as a 90 2302425 of the world coming together to confront the broader nuclear threat. The U.N. Security Council members who brokered a sweeping nuclear deal with Iran held up that agreement as a model for preventing nuclear proliferation, as they gathered on the summits 90 2302438 Security Council members who brokered a sweeping nuclear deal with Iran held up that agreement as a model for preventing nuclear proliferation, as they gathered on the summits sidelines to review implementation of the deal. Obama also spent part of the 90 2302471 the deal. Obama also spent part of the summit huddling with the leaders of South Korea and Japan about deterring nuclear -tinged provocations from North Korea, in a powerful show of diplomatic unity with two U.S. treaty allies. Similarly, Obamas sit 90 2302570 Park Geun-hye had warned would trigger even tougher sanctions and more isolation. Aiming to show concrete action to strengthen nuclear security, leaders came to the nuclear summit with commitments in hand, known in diplomatic-speak as gift baskets. The White 90 2302576 trigger even tougher sanctions and more isolation. Aiming to show concrete action to strengthen nuclear security, leaders came to the nuclear summit with commitments in hand, known in diplomatic-speak as gift baskets. The White House spelled them out in a 90 2302645 stockpile into a less dangerous form. Fissile materials like highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium are necessary ingredients to make nuclear bombs. The United States, in newly declassified statistics, said its own national inventory of highly enriched uranium has dropped from 90 2302714 material from a Japanese research reactor, and pledged to do the same at another. On the global front, a strengthened nuclear security agreement was finally poised to take force, extending protections for nuclear materials being used, stored and transported while enacting 90 2302726 at another. On the global front, a strengthened nuclear security agreement was finally poised to take force, extending protections for nuclear materials being used, stored and transported while enacting new criminal penalties for nuclear smuggling. Those tweaks were approved in 2005 90 2302739 poised to take force, extending protections for nuclear materials being used, stored and transported while enacting new criminal penalties for nuclear smuggling. Those tweaks were approved in 2005, but have sat dormant awaiting ratification from a critical mass of nations, reached 90 2302774 a critical mass of nations, reached only in the past few days. Still, frustration over the slow pace of reducing nuclear stockpiles shadowed the summit. The absence of key players especially Russia further underscored the lack of unanimity confronting global efforts 90 2302797 the summit. The absence of key players especially Russia further underscored the lack of unanimity confronting global efforts to deter nuclear attacks. After six years of prodding by Obama and others before him, the global stockpile of fissile material remains in 90 2302936 hopes of advancing the disarmament goals he set at the start of his presidency, when he declared in Prague that nuclear weapons were the most dangerous legacy of the Cold War. There are no clear indications the meetings will continue after 90 2302978 presidency ends early next year. This summit is not the end of our quest to make the world safe from nuclear terrorism, Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands said. He said the assembled leaders were passing the baton to international 90 2303020 Should the need arise, I know that everybody here will be ready to return. President Vladimir Putin of Russia, whose nuclear weapons stockpile is rivaled only by the stockpile in the U.S., declined to attend this years summit. Prime Minister Nawaz 90 2303045 only by the stockpile in the U.S., declined to attend this years summit. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan, another nuclear -armed country, canceled his trip following an Easter bombing that killed 72 people. Europeans voters are loudly voicing their frustration 90 2315616 Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, made an intervention during the dinner hosted by US President Barack Obama, on the theme of nuclear security threat perceptions. Interacted with world leaders at the NSS dinner at the White House. Shared my thoughts on the 90 2315639 perceptions. Interacted with world leaders at the NSS dinner at the White House. Shared my thoughts on the threat of nuclear terrorism. Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 1, 2016 PM @narendramodi and @POTUS in discussion at the NSS Dinner at the White 90 2315678 the White House. PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 31, 2016 Appreciating the US President for putting the spotlight on nuclear security, the Prime Minister said he had, by doing so, done great service to global security. PM @narendramodi: By putting 90 2315701 Prime Minister said he had, by doing so, done great service to global security. PM @narendramodi: By putting spotlight on Nuclear Security, Prez Obama has done great service to global security. Vikas Swarup (@MEAIndia) March 31, 2016 Referring to 90 2315744 terror attacks in Brussels, the Prime Minister said that Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. Mr. Narendra Modi called for focus on three contemporary features of terrorism: First, today's terrorism uses extreme 90 2315801 we are hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smartphone. Third, state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk. Noting that terror has evolved and terrorists are using 21st century technology, the 90 2315908 between nation states is not. PM @narendramodi: Without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism Vikas Swarup (@MEAIndia) March 31, 2016 The Prime Minister said that without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism 90 2315934 31, 2016 The Prime Minister said that without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism, there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism. He urged everyone to drop the notion that terrorism is someone else's problem and that "his" terrorist is not 90 2315959 to drop the notion that terrorism is someone else's problem and that "his" terrorist is not "my" terrorist. PM @narendramodi: Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority. All States must completely abide by their int'l obligations. Vikas Swarup (@MEAIndia) April 90 2315986 priority. All States must completely abide by their int'l obligations. Vikas Swarup (@MEAIndia) April 1, 2016 The Prime Minister said nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority, and all States must completely abide by their international obligations. For Breaking News 90 2320903 Washington, Apr 1: More cooperation is needed to prevent the Islamic State group's "madmen" and other extremists from getting a nuclear weapon, US President Barack Obama warned today as global leaders met in Washington. The threat of terrorists of using nuclear 90 2320923 nuclear weapon, US President Barack Obama warned today as global leaders met in Washington. The threat of terrorists of using nuclear material in a "dirty bomb" -- or even obtaining an atomic weapon -- has loomed large over the summit, punctuated by revelations 90 2320950 even obtaining an atomic weapon -- has loomed large over the summit, punctuated by revelations that IS members tracked a Belgian nuclear scientist on video. "ISIL has already used chemical weapons, including mustard gas, in Syria and Iraq," Obama said, using an 90 2320990 an acronym for the IS group. "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they most certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible 90 2320993 the IS group. "There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they most certainly would use it to continue to kill as many innocent people as possible." The summit -- attended 90 2321028 people as possible." The summit -- attended by dozens of world leaders and delegates -- is focused on securing global stockpiles of nuclear materials, much of it used in the medical and power industries. Obama said about 2,000 tons of nuclear materials are 90 2321046 stockpiles of nuclear materials, much of it used in the medical and power industries. Obama said about 2,000 tons of nuclear materials are stored around the world at civilian and military facilities, some of them not properly secured. "Just the smallest 90 2321104 innocent people," he said. "It would be a humanitarian, political, economic and environmental catastrophe with global ramifications for decades." The nuclear security summit comes in the wake of attacks in Paris and Brussels that have killed dozens and exposed Europe's inability 90 2321154 returning from Iraq and Syria. Evidence that individuals linked to those two atrocities videotaped a senior scientist at a Belgian nuclear facility has given the threat added nuclear weight. Though the summit is focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably 90 2321161 individuals linked to those two atrocities videotaped a senior scientist at a Belgian nuclear facility has given the threat added nuclear weight. Though the summit is focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably have drawn broad attention, including North Korea 90 2321172 a Belgian nuclear facility has given the threat added nuclear weight. Though the summit is focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably have drawn broad attention, including North Korea and its continued testing of nuclear devices and ballistic missiles. The 90 2321187 focused on fissile stockpiles, other nuclear concerns inevitably have drawn broad attention, including North Korea and its continued testing of nuclear devices and ballistic missiles. The reclusive nation fired another short-range missile off its east coast today, the latest in 90 2321235 during what has been an extended period of military tension on the Korean peninsula. In January, North Korea detonated a nuclear device -- its fourth such test -- and a month later launched a long-range rocket. The summit opened yesterday with Obama 90 2322608 Trump tweet with just one word: "Seriously?" IANS At UNSC, US calls on world to tell Russia to stop its nuclear threats US Senator welcomes India FDI policy in e-commerce sector International oi-PTI Washington, Mar 31: A top American 90 2323317 the world to unite against terrorism. He was speaking at the working dinner hosted by US President Obama at the Nuclear Security Summit. Community Its now easier than ever to connect and chat with others in your local area. You can 90 2343409 Base, completing all training objectives required for the exercise. 1. Today in Washington, D.C., on the occasion of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), we, the United States and China, declare our commitment to working together to foster a peaceful and 90 2343438 China, declare our commitment to working together to foster a peaceful and stable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and 90 2343451 international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and striving for a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and security of all. 2. The United States and China, in this regard, are 90 2343484 United States and China, in this regard, are announcing the successful completion of the inaugural round of bilateral discussions on nuclear security that took place on February 20, 2016, in Stockholm, Sweden. We plan to continue this dialogue on an annual 90 2343514 Stockholm, Sweden. We plan to continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals. 3. We further demonstrate today our conviction that strong communication and cooperation 90 2343519 continue this dialogue on an annual basis, so as to intensify our cooperation to prevent nuclear terrorism and continue advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals. 3. We further demonstrate today our conviction that strong communication and cooperation are essential to nuclear security 90 2343538 advancing Nuclear Security Summit goals. 3. We further demonstrate today our conviction that strong communication and cooperation are essential to nuclear security by committing to continue strong support for the work of relevant international agencies on nuclear security, in accordance with 90 2343554 cooperation are essential to nuclear security by committing to continue strong support for the work of relevant international agencies on nuclear security, in accordance with their respective mandates, through engagement of our experts as well as financial and in-kind contributions 90 2343585 our experts as well as financial and in-kind contributions. 4. Together we continue to collaborate on key areas of nuclear security. In particular, we recognize significant accomplishments and ongoing engagement in the following areas: 5. On conversion of Miniature Neutron 90 2343716 China reaffirms its readiness, upon the request of respective countries, to convert all remaining Chinese-origin MNSRs worldwide. 6. On nuclear security training and best practices, the United States and China express satisfaction on the successful completion and official opening of 90 2343738 training and best practices, the United States and China express satisfaction on the successful completion and official opening of the nuclear security Center of Excellence (COE) in Beijing, China on 18 March, 2016. The COE is a world-class venue to 90 2343762 Excellence (COE) in Beijing, China on 18 March, 2016. The COE is a world-class venue to meet China's domestic nuclear security training requirements, as well as a forum for bilateral and regional best practice exchanges, and a venue for demonstrating 90 2343787 well as a forum for bilateral and regional best practice exchanges, and a venue for demonstrating advanced technologies related to nuclear security. The United States and China commit to continued engagement on nuclear security training and best practices to maximize the 90 2343799 a venue for demonstrating advanced technologies related to nuclear security. The United States and China commit to continued engagement on nuclear security training and best practices to maximize the use and effectiveness of the COE. China further commits to sponsor training 90 2343834 China further commits to sponsor training programs at the COE for regional partners and other international participants to further global nuclear security awareness and engagement. 7. On counter nuclear smuggling, the United States and China state our enduring commitment to prevent 90 2343842 the COE for regional partners and other international participants to further global nuclear security awareness and engagement. 7. On counter nuclear smuggling, the United States and China state our enduring commitment to prevent terrorists, criminals, or other unauthorized actors from acquiring 90 2343863 smuggling, the United States and China state our enduring commitment to prevent terrorists, criminals, or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear or other radioactive materials. Recognizing the need for strengthened international cooperation to counter nuclear smuggling, we will continue to seek 90 2343877 or other unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear or other radioactive materials. Recognizing the need for strengthened international cooperation to counter nuclear smuggling, we will continue to seek opportunities to deepen our joint efforts to investigate nuclear and radioactive material smuggling networks 90 2343892 strengthened international cooperation to counter nuclear smuggling, we will continue to seek opportunities to deepen our joint efforts to investigate nuclear and radioactive material smuggling networks; detect, recover and secure material out of regulatory control; and successfully arrest and prosecute the 90 2343928 successfully arrest and prosecute the criminals involved. The United States and China will continue to coordinate efforts to strengthen counter nuclear smuggling capabilities and share best practices with the international community, taking full advantage of the training programs sponsored by the 90 2343967 by the China Customs Training Center for Radiation Detection. We further commit to continuing a discussion in 2016 on counter nuclear smuggling where our two countries can exchange views on the nuclear smuggling threat, effective tools to counter this threat, and 90 2343978 commit to continuing a discussion in 2016 on counter nuclear smuggling where our two countries can exchange views on the nuclear smuggling threat, effective tools to counter this threat, and how our governments could strengthen collaboration in this area. 8. On 90 2344114 of Energy of the United States. 10. The United States and China express their strong commitment to addressing the evolving nuclear security challenge through continuing activities sustained efforts after the current Nuclear Security Summit process concludes. A young female pilot showed 90 2344125 China express their strong commitment to addressing the evolving nuclear security challenge through continuing activities sustained efforts after the current Nuclear Security Summit process concludes. A young female pilot showed her then 91-year-old guest the F-16 Fighting Falcon 90 2350348 01/16 Source: Radio Zamaneh Iran's ultraconservatives have sounded the trumpet of support for Donald Trump's promise to rescind the nuclear agreement with Iran in case he succeeds in his run for the U.S. presidency. Hossein Shariatmadari (file photo) Hossein Shariatmadari 90 2350383 Hossein Shariatmadari (file photo) Hossein Shariatmadari, the head of the Keyhan daily who has been a staunch critic of the nuclear agreement, said on Thursday March 31: "The wisest action of this mad Trump would be tearing up the Joint Plan 90 2350409 31: "The wisest action of this mad Trump would be tearing up the Joint Plan of Action." Shariatmadari described the nuclear agreement as the "most bitter" event of the past year. Hossein Shariatmadari's cartoon by Farsheed Rajabali, Ghanoon daily Donald Trump 90 2350450 has said that one of the priorities of his foreign policy as U.S. president would be the cancellation of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Last July, Iran and the 5+1 signed the Joint Plan of Action in Geneva, putting an 90 2350477 and the 5+1 signed the Joint Plan of Action in Geneva, putting an end to over a decade of nuclear disputes and ending international sanctions against Iran in exchange for a series of concessions regarding the curbing of Iran's nuclear 90 2350497 nuclear disputes and ending international sanctions against Iran in exchange for a series of concessions regarding the curbing of Iran's nuclear program. The Next American President And Iran 04/01/16 By Kambiz Zarrabi These days better than 80 percent of 90 2351358 hater, radical neocons whose Zionist affiliations, as their records show, far outweigh their national interests. Cruz would tear up the nuclear agreement reached between the P5+1 and Iran as he has repeatedly stated, even though such action would hurt America's 90 2375566 and opposite her and the current Administration's contrarian Israeli policies. She departed on two noticeable issues. First, her favorability of nuclear agreement with Iran (but was vigorous about renewed sanctions if "needed"). And, second, her intention to develop a peaceful solution 90 2390618 action. President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday in Washington DC reaffirmed Nigerias commitment to the global fight against the threat of nuclear terrorism and other forms of terrorism. The President made this known in Nigerias country statement to the 4th President Muhammadu 90 2390656 4th President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday in Washington DC reaffirmed Nigerias commitment to the global fight against the threat of nuclear terrorism and other forms of terrorism. The President made this known in Nigerias country statement to the 4th Nuclear Security 90 2390675 of nuclear terrorism and other forms of terrorism. The President made this known in Nigerias country statement to the 4th Nuclear Security Summit hosted by U.S. President, Barack Obama. A statement issued in Abuja by Buharis Special Adviser on Media and 90 2390720 that the Nigerian leader also pledged continued support for all multilateral efforts aimed at promoting common approach and commitment to nuclear security at the highest levels. He said, Nigeria accords high priority to all global efforts toward ending the proliferation of 90 2390751 priority to all global efforts toward ending the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, including nuclear weapons. Nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest threats to international security and preventing nuclear terrorism and all forms of 90 2390753 all global efforts toward ending the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, including nuclear weapons. Nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest threats to international security and preventing nuclear terrorism and all forms of terrorism around 90 2390766 their means of delivery, including nuclear weapons. Nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest threats to international security and preventing nuclear terrorism and all forms of terrorism around the globe is of concern to all of us. To this end, Nigeria 90 2390847 Nigeria had reinforced its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United States Department of States Partnership for Nuclear Security and the World Institute for Nuclear Security in order to enhance Nuclear Security. In addition, Nigeria has signed an 90 2390854 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United States Department of States Partnership for Nuclear Security and the World Institute for Nuclear Security in order to enhance Nuclear Security. In addition, Nigeria has signed an agreement of cooperation with the U.S. Department 90 2390860 United States Department of States Partnership for Nuclear Security and the World Institute for Nuclear Security in order to enhance Nuclear Security. In addition, Nigeria has signed an agreement of cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Radiological Security 90 2390883 addition, Nigeria has signed an agreement of cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Radiological Security to protect nuclear and other radiological materials from theft or sabotage, he added. According to him, Nigeria intends to strengthen its partnerships with 90 2390917 Nigeria intends to strengthen its partnerships with relevant international organisations to promote capacity building, particularly in the development of Nigerian Nuclear Security Support Centre, Physical Security Upgrades and Human Reliability Programmes Implementation. The President added that Nigeria had developed a programme 90 2390979 commended President Obamas pace setting initiative and drive, which he said had brought the global fight against the threat of nuclear terrorism to its present level. (NAN) hosted by U.S. President, Barack Obama. A statement issued in Abuja by Buharis Special 90 2391028 that the Nigerian leader also pledged continued support for all multilateral efforts aimed at promoting common approach and commitment to nuclear security at the highest levels. He said, Nigeria accords high priority to all global efforts toward ending the proliferation of 90 2391059 priority to all global efforts toward ending the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, including nuclear weapons. Nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest threats to international security and preventing nuclear terrorism and all forms of 90 2391061 all global efforts toward ending the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, including nuclear weapons. Nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest threats to international security and preventing nuclear terrorism and all forms of terrorism around 90 2391074 their means of delivery, including nuclear weapons. Nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest threats to international security and preventing nuclear terrorism and all forms of terrorism around the globe is of concern to all of us. To this end, Nigeria 90 2391155 Nigeria had reinforced its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United States Department of States Partnership for Nuclear Security and the World Institute for Nuclear Security in order to enhance Nuclear Security. In addition, Nigeria has signed an 90 2391162 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United States Department of States Partnership for Nuclear Security and the World Institute for Nuclear Security in order to enhance Nuclear Security. In addition, Nigeria has signed an agreement of cooperation with the U.S. Department 90 2391168 United States Department of States Partnership for Nuclear Security and the World Institute for Nuclear Security in order to enhance Nuclear Security. In addition, Nigeria has signed an agreement of cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Radiological Security 90 2391191 addition, Nigeria has signed an agreement of cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Radiological Security to protect nuclear and other radiological materials from theft or sabotage, he added. According to him, Nigeria intends to strengthen its partnerships with 90 2391225 Nigeria intends to strengthen its partnerships with relevant international organisations to promote capacity building, particularly in the development of Nigerian Nuclear Security Support Centre, Physical Security Upgrades and Human Reliability Programmes Implementation. The President added that Nigeria had developed a programme 90 2391287 commended President Obamas pace setting initiative and drive, which he said had brought the global fight against the threat of nuclear terrorism to its present level. (NAN) We in the Rights and Democracy Volunteers (RDV), an international NGO with interest in 90 2396657 President Barack Obama at the White House on Thursday on the sidelines of a gala dinner for participants in the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. The two heads of state spoke about the forthcoming NATO summit in Warsaw and the situation 90 2396720 attended on Thursday evening a gala dinner hosted by the U.S. president for leaders of states and organisations attending the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. Speaking to Polish reporters, Szczerski said that "during a meeting at the White House President Duda 90 2396757 White House President Duda held a bilateral, face-to-face conversation with President Barack Obama. The talks focused chiefly on nuclear issues". Minister Szczerski added that the two heads of state spoke also about preparations for the July NATO summit in 90 2396872 Tribunal in the Constitution." Krzysztof Szczerski added that President Obama thanked Poland for its achievements in the non-proliferation of nuclear arms. Minister Szczerski said that on Thursday evening he attended a gala dinner at the Department of State and spoke 90 2418091 to relocate 529 shops and work was in process to move the remaining shops. Washington, March 31 : The fear that nuclear materials may fall into the hands of Islamic State or other terrorist groups will be a major issue at this 90 2418113 may fall into the hands of Islamic State or other terrorist groups will be a major issue at this week's Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, involving more than 50 countries with the notable exception of Russia. The biennial event was launched 90 2418154 in 2010 at the initiative of US President Barack Obama, who pledged at the start of his term to make nuclear non-proliferation a priority. Last week's terror attacks in Brussels have given further impetus to efforts to safeguard stockpiles of 90 2418175 non-proliferation a priority. Last week's terror attacks in Brussels have given further impetus to efforts to safeguard stockpiles of nuclear material. The summit will begin on Thursday evening with a working dinner at the White House where Obama and the 90 2418210 White House where Obama and the heads of the respective national delegations "will share their perspectives about the threat of nuclear terrorism", Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said. Russia, the world's other great nuclear power along with the US, is 90 2418224 their perspectives about the threat of nuclear terrorism", Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said. Russia, the world's other great nuclear power along with the US, is skipping the summit to protest "a certain lack of cooperation during the preliminary stage 90 2418308 and the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. Kazakhstan co-chairs with Japan the organisation pushing for implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. When the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 left Kazakhstan in possession of the world's fourth 90 2418330 Ban Treaty. When the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 left Kazakhstan in possession of the world's fourth-largest nuclear arsenal, the government of the newly-independent nation ordered the immediate dismantlement of the stockpile. In 2006, Astana ratified the 90 2418353 government of the newly-independent nation ordered the immediate dismantlement of the stockpile. In 2006, Astana ratified the Central Asian Nuclear -Weapon-Free Zone and last year, Kazakhstan became the home of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Low Enriched Uranium Bank 90 2418385 the International Atomic Energy Agency's Low Enriched Uranium Bank, which is meant to ensure a supply of fuel for peaceful nuclear power. Sydney, March 31 : Women who receive seasonal influenza vaccine during pregnancy may have over 50 percent reduced risk of 90 2419414 science students staging demonstrations against the question paper leak. New Delhi, March 31 : India will seek that the threat of nuclear terrorism is addressed at the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit being held in Washington even as New Delhi hopes that the 90 2419421 paper leak. New Delhi, March 31 : India will seek that the threat of nuclear terrorism is addressed at the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit being held in Washington even as New Delhi hopes that the participants will uphold confidence in the safe 90 2419447 Washington even as New Delhi hopes that the participants will uphold confidence in the safe, secure and safeguarded extension on nuclear power. "The summit would deliberate on the crucial issue of threat to nuclear security caused by nuclear terrorism," Prime Minister 90 2419460 the safe, secure and safeguarded extension on nuclear power. "The summit would deliberate on the crucial issue of threat to nuclear security caused by nuclear terrorism," Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is attending the summit, said in a statement ahead of 90 2419464 safeguarded extension on nuclear power. "The summit would deliberate on the crucial issue of threat to nuclear security caused by nuclear terrorism," Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is attending the summit, said in a statement ahead of his departure from New 90 2419498 statement ahead of his departure from New Delhi. "Leaders would discuss ways and measures through which to strengthen the global nuclear security architecture, especially to ensure that non-state actors do not get access to nuclear material," he said. With US 90 2419513 which to strengthen the global nuclear security architecture, especially to ensure that non-state actors do not get access to nuclear material," he said. With US Secretary of State John Kerry saying that "India has a very important role to play 90 2419540 of State John Kerry saying that "India has a very important role to play with respect to responsible stewardship of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials", a lot of focus during the summit will be on what New Delhi has to say 90 2419543 Kerry saying that "India has a very important role to play with respect to responsible stewardship of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials", a lot of focus during the summit will be on what New Delhi has to say. After attending a 90 2419569 during the summit will be on what New Delhi has to say. After attending a leaders-only thematic dinner on " Nuclear security threat perceptions" hosted by US President Barack Obama on Thursday, leaders of 53 nations and four international organisations will 90 2419599 on Thursday, leaders of 53 nations and four international organisations will sit across three working sessions on Friday to discuss nuclear security and various aspects associated with it. "India expects that the summit would contribute further to raising high level awareness 90 2419624 associated with it. "India expects that the summit would contribute further to raising high level awareness of the threat of nuclear terrorism and the need to strengthen international cooperation against terrorists and nuclear traffickers," Amandeep Singh Gill, joint secretary (disarmament and 90 2419636 raising high level awareness of the threat of nuclear terrorism and the need to strengthen international cooperation against terrorists and nuclear traffickers," Amandeep Singh Gill, joint secretary (disarmament and international security affairs) in the ministry of external affairs, said in a 90 2419682 summit. "We also expect that the summit would help bolster legal, institutional and enforcement measures to strengthen the security of nuclear material, radioactive sources, associated facilities and technologies," he said. Gill said India would also expect the summit to uphold confidence 90 2419711 said. Gill said India would also expect the summit to uphold confidence in the safe, secure and safeguarded extension on nuclear power which would be a critical requirement of reaching national and international goals on non-fossil fuel energy. "To underline 90 2419743 international goals on non-fossil fuel energy. "To underline this point, I want to mention that in these two words, nuclear terrorism, the problem is not with the word nuclear material, facilities or technology, the problem is with the associated aspect 90 2419752 this point, I want to mention that in these two words, nuclear terrorism, the problem is not with the word nuclear material, facilities or technology, the problem is with the associated aspect of terrorism which we need to focus on," he 90 2419797 expect that those who have not done so would sign up to and implement the legally binding instruments related to nuclear security. These include the International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, the Convention on the Physical Protection 90 2419810 implement the legally binding instruments related to nuclear security. These include the International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its 2005 amendment, and obligatory reporting under the UN 90 2419819 These include the International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its 2005 amendment, and obligatory reporting under the UN Security Council Resolution 1540, which was adopted in 2004 90 2419898 adequate resources, both human and financial, to uphold international cooperation and to support as required national efforts to strengthen our nuclear security". As in past summits, participating countries may project the respective steps taken by them to strengthen nuclear security since 90 2419916 strengthen our nuclear security". As in past summits, participating countries may project the respective steps taken by them to strengthen nuclear security since the last summit, including in the form of submissions of national progress reports. India will also be submitting 90 2419993 the level of sherpas. He said Prime Minister Modi would be making some specific announcements and proposals with regard to nuclear security during his interventions at the summit. In the second session over a working lunch, the focus of discussions will 90 2420021 In the second session over a working lunch, the focus of discussions will be on international institutional actions to strengthen nuclear security. "The focus would be on international follow-up through institutions such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United 90 2420050 up through institutions such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations, the Interpol, the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism and the G8 Global Partnership," Gill explained. The third and final session of the summit will see the leaders 90 2420077 Gill explained. The third and final session of the summit will see the leaders engaged in a policy discussion on nuclear terrorism based on a hypothetical scenario. "Let me just say here that this scenario would allow the leaders to have 90 2420118 a realistic and a thoughtful conversation on and around the challenges posed by international terrorism in particular the threat of nuclear and radiological terrorism," Gill said. The summit will then end with the participants adopting a joint communique. The first of 90 2420141 terrorism," Gill said. The summit will then end with the participants adopting a joint communique. The first of these biennial nuclear security summits was held in Washington in April 2010 followed by the summits in Seoul in March 2012 and The 90 2421826 exercises and newly-adopted international sanctions on Pyongyang. South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who is attending the two-day Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., reiterated her position on Thursday of focusing on sanctions, rather than dialogue, to make North 90 2421850 Washington, D.C., reiterated her position on Thursday of focusing on sanctions, rather than dialogue, to make North Korea abandon its nuclear program. This year, North Korea started off by detonating what it claimed was its hydrogen bomb on January 6, the 90 2421874 North Korea started off by detonating what it claimed was its hydrogen bomb on January 6, the fourth of its nuclear tests, followed by the launch of a long-range rocket, which was condemned as a disguised test of ballistic missile 90 2425694 stalled since late 2008. China has been urging a possible dialogue ever since tensions in the peninsula skyrocketed over Pyongyang's nuclear test in January -- its fourth -- and subsequent ballistic tests, the latest of which was conducted on Friday, April 1, Efe 90 2425730 on Friday, April 1, Efe news agency reported. While China backed the UN-imposed sanctions against North Korea for its nuclear and missile tests, it has maintained it is not an end in itself and should be accompanied by dialogue with 90 2425877 on Thursday, in his bilateral meetings with his Chinese, Japanese and South Korean counterparts, on the sidelines of the ongoing Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. New Delhi : The West, with the US always in the vanguard, is wailing and screaming its 90 2429059 check their identities and arrival dates in the country. Washington, April 1 : Seeking to allay concerns about safety of its nuclear programme, Pakistan has asserted that, unlike India, it has never suffered an accident or breach of security. Amidst global concerns 90 2429085 unlike India, it has never suffered an accident or breach of security. Amidst global concerns over the safety of its nuclear weapons, Pakistan's foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad's nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported 90 2429097 Amidst global concerns over the safety of its nuclear weapons, Pakistan's foreign secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad's nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world 90 2429109 secretary Aizaz Chaudhary said the impression that Islamabad's nuclear installations were insecure was baseless, Dawn online reported on Friday. "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he said. Chaudhary, who is here to 90 2429132 not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he said. Chaudhary, who is here to attend the Nuclear Security Summit hosted by US President Barack Obama, said the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide 90 2429150 attend the Nuclear Security Summit hosted by US President Barack Obama, said the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide, including five in India, but "not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 90 2429367 more monitors at all 72 exit and entry points in the country. "India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme, and an equally ambitious conventional weapons programme," he added. "We have a modest programme because we feel we have 90 2430503 people injured. Washington, April 1 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned global leaders from over 50 nations gathered here to discuss nuclear terrorism that state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk. "Terrorism is globally networked. But, we 90 2430510 Narendra Modi warned global leaders from over 50 nations gathered here to discuss nuclear terrorism that state actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk. "Terrorism is globally networked. But, we still act only nationally to counter this 90 2430552 he said at a working dinner hosted by President Barack Obama on Thursday night to kick off the two-day Nuclear Security Summit. Obama, who is hosting his fourth and last such summit to discuss how to prevent terrorists and other 90 2430580 fourth and last such summit to discuss how to prevent terrorists and other non-state actors from gaining access to nuclear materials, was flanked by Modi on the right and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the left. Modi, who has come 90 2430630 and Lahore terror attacks, from the Belgian capital said, "Brussels shows us how real and immediate is the threat to nuclear security from terrorism. "Terror has evolved. Terrorists are using 21st century technology. But our responses are rooted in the past 90 2430707 hunting for a terrorist in a city with a computer or a smart phone. "And third, State actors working with nuclear traffickers and terrorists present the greatest risk." In what was seen as an unmistakable reference to Pakistan, Modi also gave 90 2430748 a call to drop the notion that terrorism is someone else's problem and that "his" terrorist is not "my" terrorist. " Nuclear security must remain an abiding national priority," Modi told the world leaders. "All states must completely abide by their international 90 2430783 must completely abide by their international obligations." "Without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism," he said. "But the reach and supply chains of terrorism are global, genuine cooperation between nation states is not 90 2430913 leader, of being responsible," told him "India has a very important role to play with respect to responsible stewardship of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials". "And it is particularly important right now at a time when we see in the region 90 2430916 responsible," told him "India has a very important role to play with respect to responsible stewardship of nuclear weapons and nuclear materials". "And it is particularly important right now at a time when we see in the region some choices being 90 2430972 said in another reference to Pakistan. The US has time and again expressed concern at Pakistan's deployment of weapon-grade nuclear weapons. "Our concerns regarding the continuing deployment of battlefield nuclear weapons by Pakistan relate to a reality of the situation 90 2430982 and again expressed concern at Pakistan's deployment of weapon-grade nuclear weapons. "Our concerns regarding the continuing deployment of battlefield nuclear weapons by Pakistan relate to a reality of the situation," Rose Gottemoeller, under secretary of state for arms control and 90 2431015 under secretary of state for arms control and international security, told reporters on the eve of the summit. "When battlefield nuclear weapons are deployed forward, they can represent an enhanced nuclear security threat," she said. However, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary 90 2431025 told reporters on the eve of the summit. "When battlefield nuclear weapons are deployed forward, they can represent an enhanced nuclear security threat," she said. However, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary on Thursday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was "essentially 90 2431042 represent an enhanced nuclear security threat," she said. However, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary on Thursday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was "essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone". "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the 90 2431055 Chaudhary on Thursday claimed that its "modest" nuclear programme was "essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone". "Pakistan's nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are," he told reporters at the Pakistan embassy 90 2431085 acknowledges that they are," he told reporters at the Pakistan embassy here. "India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme." (Arun Kumar can be contacted at Washington, April 1 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is here to 90 2431109 can be contacted at Washington, April 1 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is here to attend the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit, on Friday held a meeting with his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau during the course of which both the 90 2431179 visit to Canada in April last year, India clinched a multi-million dollar deal for uranium to power its civilian nuclear programme for five years and also inked 13 agreements on skill development. After talks with then Canadian prime minister Stephen 90 2431278 a bilateral meeting with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key here. He also attended a leaders-only thematic dinner on " Nuclear security threat perceptions" hosted by US President Barack Obama at the White House. Later on Friday, Modi will attend the 90 2431303 by US President Barack Obama at the White House. Later on Friday, Modi will attend the plenary sessions of the nuclear security summit. This year's summit is the last of the biennial affairs that started in 2010. On his way back 90 2431356 Arabia starting Saturday. Washington, April 1 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday attended the opening plenary session of the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit here. "A careful examination of #nuclearsecurity issues on the agenda as PM arrives for Opening Plenary of #NSS2016 90 2431422 remarks, US President Barack Obama said that 102 countries have till now ratified the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM). In the opening session, Modi is expected to share India's progress report on the work it has done 90 2431477 In the second session over a working lunch, the focus of discussions will be on international institutional actions to strengthen nuclear security. The third and final session of the summit will see the leaders engaged in a policy discussion on nuclear 90 2431497 nuclear security. The third and final session of the summit will see the leaders engaged in a policy discussion on nuclear terrorism based on a hypothetical scenario. This year's summit is the fourth and final of the biennial affairs. The first 90 2433608 Narendra Modi on Friday held a bilateral meeting with his British counterpart David Cameron on the sidelines of the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit here. "Enhancing a vibrant partnership... PM @narendramodi & PM @David_Cameron talk India-UK ties," the Prime Minister's Office tweeted 90 2433799 non-ferrous metals group. Earlier on Friday, Modi held a bilateral meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In Friday's nuclear security summit, Modi is expected to share India's progress report on the work it has done since the last summit 90 2435013 Minister Narendra Modi, during a bilateral meeting with his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau here on the sidelines of the Fourth Nuclear Summit here, said that Canada had a surplus of human resource capital. "He said that Canadian professors and teachers, including 90 2435827 across the state. New Delhi, April 2 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi will underline that India will continue to reflect its nuclear obligations to the international community through its national actions at the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit here on Friday. In the 90 2435840 that India will continue to reflect its nuclear obligations to the international community through its national actions at the Fourth Nuclear Security Summit here on Friday. In the national progress report on the work India has done in terms of nuclear 90 2435860 Nuclear Security Summit here on Friday. In the national progress report on the work India has done in terms of nuclear security in the two years since the last summit, Modi would underline the continued priority the country attached to nuclear 90 2435880 nuclear security in the two years since the last summit, Modi would underline the continued priority the country attached to nuclear security at home, Amandeep Singh Gill, joint secretary (disarmament and international security affairs) at the ministry of external affairs, said 90 2435935 done "by strengthening the institutional framework, by strengthening the independence of our regulator, by devoting resources for training people in nuclear security, and by continuing to reflect our international obligations in our national actions". "Second, the prime minister will underline the 90 2435965 in our national actions". "Second, the prime minister will underline the continued priority we attach to the technology direction of nuclear security," he said. "This means that we will advance the technologies to reprocess to reuse philosophy, the development proliferation-resistant 90 2436057 Apart from this, he said India would make another contribution of $1 million to the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) nuclear security fund. India had made a similar contribution in the Seoul nuclear security summit in 2012. "Significantly, we will engage 90 2436069 million to the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) nuclear security fund. India had made a similar contribution in the Seoul nuclear security summit in 2012. "Significantly, we will engage with the IAEA on its nuclear security advisory service called IPPAS," Gill 90 2436083 a similar contribution in the Seoul nuclear security summit in 2012. "Significantly, we will engage with the IAEA on its nuclear security advisory service called IPPAS," Gill said. India would also join the Trilateral Initiative which is the joint statement of 90 2436111 India would also join the Trilateral Initiative which is the joint statement of the previous three co-chairs of the nuclear security summit which has been circulated in the form of a document. "So, this group of countries which India is 90 2436141 of a document. "So, this group of countries which India is joining are committed to holding the bar high on nuclear security," the joint secretary said. "We will also be joining three other 'gift baskets' in priority areas like counter nuclear 90 2436161 nuclear security," the joint secretary said. "We will also be joining three other 'gift baskets' in priority areas like counter nuclear smuggling, the sharing of best practices through centres of excellence such as GCNEP (Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership), and 90 2436178 areas like counter nuclear smuggling, the sharing of best practices through centres of excellence such as GCNEP (Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership), and finally NSS follow-up through contact group in Vienna," he said. India also intends to hold some 90 2436217 hold some meetings in the coming days to strengthen international cooperation in this area. "One is with Interpol on counter nuclear smuggling. Another is hosting a meeting of Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism in 2017," Gill said. This year's summit 90 2436229 this area. "One is with Interpol on counter nuclear smuggling. Another is hosting a meeting of Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism in 2017," Gill said. This year's summit is the fourth and final of the biennial affairs. The first summit 90 2436956 get a ban slapped on the terrorist came as Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in the US, to attend a Nuclear Security Summit where he spoke out strongly against terrorism and on the need for countries to unite against the menace 90 2472654 use of these cookies. You can learn more about the cookies we use here. OK Russian aggression in Ukraine and nuclear saber rattling are jeopardizing the very global nonproliferation efforts that this week's Nuclear Security Summit in Washington seeks to further 90 2472667 here. OK Russian aggression in Ukraine and nuclear saber rattling are jeopardizing the very global nonproliferation efforts that this week's Nuclear Security Summit in Washington seeks to further. Moscow's actions deserve a stronger response than they have received, not least to 90 2472696 actions deserve a stronger response than they have received, not least to deter potential proliferators and reduce the risk of nuclear terrorism. In some respects, Russia has been a responsible nuclear steward. Contrary to fears, no former Soviet nuclear weapon is 90 2472706 least to deter potential proliferators and reduce the risk of nuclear terrorism. In some respects, Russia has been a responsible nuclear steward. Contrary to fears, no former Soviet nuclear weapon is known to have gone missing. During and after the Soviet 90 2472714 risk of nuclear terrorism. In some respects, Russia has been a responsible nuclear steward. Contrary to fears, no former Soviet nuclear weapon is known to have gone missing. During and after the Soviet collapse in 1991, Russia, with U.S. help, removed 90 2472735 weapon is known to have gone missing. During and after the Soviet collapse in 1991, Russia, with U.S. help, removed nuclear weapons from every former Soviet republic. The Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program and other U.S. initiatives have helped Russia 90 2472757 from every former Soviet republic. The Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program and other U.S. initiatives have helped Russia dismantle nuclear missile silos, bombers and submarines; improve the security of nuclear weapons; and install technology to detect nuclear smuggling. The scale 90 2472767 Reduction Program and other U.S. initiatives have helped Russia dismantle nuclear missile silos, bombers and submarines; improve the security of nuclear weapons; and install technology to detect nuclear smuggling. The scale of these U.S.-Russian cooperative endeavors has only one parallelU.S 90 2472774 helped Russia dismantle nuclear missile silos, bombers and submarines; improve the security of nuclear weapons; and install technology to detect nuclear smuggling. The scale of these U.S.-Russian cooperative endeavors has only one parallelU.S. aid to the Soviet Union under the 90 2472824 providing aid to foreign countries during World War II. Today, Russia and America co-lead the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism, a voluntary partnership of eighty-six nations and five international organizations, and have concluded accords to reduce strategic nuclear 90 2472844 Nuclear Terrorism, a voluntary partnership of eighty-six nations and five international organizations, and have concluded accords to reduce strategic nuclear forces. Since Vladimir Putin returned to the presidency in 2012, however, Russia's record in lessening nuclear dangers has been checkered 90 2472860 accords to reduce strategic nuclear forces. Since Vladimir Putin returned to the presidency in 2012, however, Russia's record in lessening nuclear dangers has been checkered. Moscow played a key role in the P5+1 talks held in November, which reached a 90 2472886 played a key role in the P5+1 talks held in November, which reached a historic deal to constrain Iran's nuclear weapons potential. On the negative side, Russia has flight-tested at least one missile banned by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear 90 2472906 nuclear weapons potential. On the negative side, Russia has flight-tested at least one missile banned by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Moscow's greatest nuclear transgression concerns Ukraine. To help quell serious debate in Ukraine about the risks of future 90 2472911 negative side, Russia has flight-tested at least one missile banned by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Moscow's greatest nuclear transgression concerns Ukraine. To help quell serious debate in Ukraine about the risks of future Russian aggression, Moscow, London and 90 2472993 offered similar assurances. In December 2014, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said it would be irresponsible for his country to seek nuclear weapons, but many political and diaspora leaders wish Ukraine had retained former Soviet nuclear weapons. This would have been dangerous 90 2473007 irresponsible for his country to seek nuclear weapons, but many political and diaspora leaders wish Ukraine had retained former Soviet nuclear weapons. This would have been dangerous. Ukraine lacks the capability to maintain such weapons, which is vital for preserving safety 90 2473155 platform to convey insights based on their professional expertise and often on their peer-reviewed research and analysis. The Iran nuclear deal has been the subject of strong criticism from U.S. presidential candidates, including promises to scrap the agreement in favor 90 2473341 United States decides to stop enforcing the agreement, Nader said, then Iran technically can say that it can expand the nuclear program, and when the U.S. asks countries like China to enforce new sanctions, they can say, 'Why would we penalize 90 2473496 to weapons, and agreed to very intrusive inspections, Nader said. Those actions moved Iran from being within a month of nuclear weapons capability when negotiations began, to a year away, should Iran restart the program today. Had the deal not been 90 2473530 program today. Had the deal not been reached, Nader said, the U.S. would have had to decide to accept a nuclear -weapons capable Iran, or go to war with Iran. The release of $50 billion in Iranian assetsoften described by critics 90 2473695 and foreign investment has been slow to materialize. Corruption and red tape are significant barriers to private investment, and while nuclear sanctions have been lifted, primary sanctions in place since the 1980s are still in force, limiting the ability of U.S 90 2473778 into Iran's activities, and could respond militarily or through other means, if needed. Today we know a lot about Iran's nuclear activities, Nader said. In the future we're going to know even more, and some aspects of the program last 20 90 2473981 are leaving ever-wider swaths of everyday life vulnerable to disruption. And far more troubling is the warning by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a nonprofit devoted to strengthening global security, that many civilian and military nuclear facilities are inadequately protected against 90 2473996 is the warning by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a nonprofit devoted to strengthening global security, that many civilian and military nuclear facilities are inadequately protected against cyber-attacks. Late last year, computer and network security researchers revealed, to little surprise or 90 2489691 also taken active part in international counter terrorism corporation. To another question about Prime Minister Narendra Modis comments at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on Thursday that the world community should drop the notion that terrorism is someone elses problem 90 2491248 leaders including from Canada, Britain, Japan in a series of bilateral meets in Washington, DC on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit, where he would outline Indias roadmap and measures taken to ensure nuclear security. He is expected to start 90 2491262 DC on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit, where he would outline Indias roadmap and measures taken to ensure nuclear security. He is expected to start the day with a bilateral meeting with Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau, which would be 90 2491364 its loss-making UK businesses. After the three bilateral meetings, Modi would participate in the three separate sessions of the Nuclear Security Summit, which kicked off with a White House dinner on Thursday night. The sessions are on national actions to 90 2491386 Summit, which kicked off with a White House dinner on Thursday night. The sessions are on national actions to enhance nuclear security, international and institutional actions to strengthen nuclear security and scenario-based policy discussion. The prime minister will be outlining 90 2491394 dinner on Thursday night. The sessions are on national actions to enhance nuclear security, international and institutional actions to strengthen nuclear security and scenario-based policy discussion. The prime minister will be outlining Indias roadmap, Indias vision and the measures India 90 2491419 policy discussion. The prime minister will be outlining Indias roadmap, Indias vision and the measures India has taken to ensure nuclear safety and security, External Affairs Ministry spokesman Vikas Swarup told reporters. Later, Modi is scheduled to meet Switzerland President Johann 90 2491474 his close friend and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Modi arrived in the United States on Thursday morning for the Nuclear Security Summit being convened by US President Barack Obama and attended by leaders from more than 50 countries, with heads 90 2491547 leaders, Modi in an intervention said that without prevention and prosecution of acts of terrorism, there is no deterrence against nuclear terrorism. Interacted with world leaders at the NSS dinner at the White House. Shared my thoughts on the threat of 90 2491568 terrorism. Interacted with world leaders at the NSS dinner at the White House. Shared my thoughts on the threat of nuclear terrorism, Modi tweeted late in the night on his return from the dinner. Soon after his meeting with Abe, Modi 90 2491865 for allowing the Pakistani team to visit the forward airbase in Punjab. Amidst global concerns over the safety of its nuclear weapons, Pakistan on Friday claimed that its modest nuclear programme was accident-free, unlike that of India. Foreign Secretary Aizaz 90 2491874 airbase in Punjab. Amidst global concerns over the safety of its nuclear weapons, Pakistan on Friday claimed that its modest nuclear programme was accident-free, unlike that of India. Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary, who is in Washington, DC to attend the 90 2491895 programme was accident-free, unlike that of India. Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary, who is in Washington, DC to attend the Nuclear Security Summit, hosted by United States President Barack Obama, said that the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear 90 2491915 Nuclear Security Summit, hosted by United States President Barack Obama, said that the International Atomic Energy Agency has recorded 2,734 nuclear incidents worldwide, including five in India, but not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 90 2491943 not a single accident or breach happened in Pakistan, although our programme is 40 years old. Pakistan has a modest nuclear programme with full ownership of its people, essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone, he told reporters at 90 2491971 essentially for its defence and not to threaten anyone, he told reporters at the Pakistan embassy in Washington, DC. Pakistans nuclear installations are not only secure but the world also acknowledges that they are. Pakistan has worked very hard to ensure 90 2492004 are. Pakistan has worked very hard to ensure their security. he said. India, on the other hand, has an ambitious nuclear programme and an equally ambitious conventional weapons programme, he said, adding, We have a modest programme because we feel we 90 2492065 to deter aggression, he said. He said Pakistan was working with the international community to ensure the security of its nuclear installations, which were always in safe hands. The National Command Authority, headed by the prime minister, is fully in charge 90 2492102 is fully in charge, he said. He said the perception created in the media that Pakistan had the fastest-growing nuclear programme was wrong, and pointed that several studies showed that India had a bigger nuclear programme. He said Pakistans preparedness 90 2492117 Pakistan had the fastest-growing nuclear programme was wrong, and pointed that several studies showed that India had a bigger nuclear programme. He said Pakistans preparedness was tied to the threat posed by India and the deterrence varied accordingly. If the 90 2492150 India and the deterrence varied accordingly. If the threat level increases we have to meet that and their conventional and nuclear levels are increasing too, he said. The US had in February expressed concern over the security of Pakistans tactical nuclear 90 2492170 nuclear levels are increasing too, he said. The US had in February expressed concern over the security of Pakistans tactical nuclear weapons. State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner had said that the US was concerned both about the security of those 90 2492191 weapons. State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner had said that the US was concerned both about the security of those nuclear weapons, and that has been a common refrain in our discussions with Pakistan. The issue also figured in the US 90 2492224 Pakistan. The issue also figured in the US presidential debates. Two days ago, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump said that a nuclear -armed Pakistan is a very, very vital problem and that the country needs to get a hold of its situation 90 2493791 premises temporarily to enable the safe removal of the collapsed span. More than two dozen countries in the world have nuclear power, but only a few have nuclear weapons or are suspected of pursuing nuclear weapons, a latest report by the 90 2493798 of the collapsed span. More than two dozen countries in the world have nuclear power, but only a few have nuclear weapons or are suspected of pursuing nuclear weapons, a latest report by the Federation of American Scientists has revealed. The 90 2493805 dozen countries in the world have nuclear power, but only a few have nuclear weapons or are suspected of pursuing nuclear weapons, a latest report by the Federation of American Scientists has revealed. The United States, Russia and the United Kingdom 90 2493876 North Korea are increasing their warhead inventories. We bring forth to our readers the list of nations sitting on a nuclear stockpile, based on the study findings: 1) RUSSIA IMAGE: Within the next decade, all Soviet-era nuclear weapon systems will 90 2493893 sitting on a nuclear stockpile, based on the study findings: 1) RUSSIA IMAGE: Within the next decade, all Soviet-era nuclear weapon systems will be phased out and replaced with new ones. All photographs: Reuters Estimated warheads: 7,300 Operational: 1,790 Reserve 90 2494080 that time were awaiting dismantlement. 3) France IMAGE: France is in the final phase of a comprehensive modernisation of its nuclear forces intended to extend the arsenal into the 2050s. Estimated warheads: 300 Operational: 280 First test: 1960 Most recent test 90 2494201 dismantlement, according to the report. 4) China IMAGE: China is the only member of the P5 that is increasing its nuclear arsenal, albeit slowly. Estimated warheads: 260 Operational: Unknown First test: 1964 Most recent test: 1996 Total tests: 45 China is 90 2494264 are thought to be fully deployed but kept in storage under central control. The existence of a Chinese non-strategic nuclear arsenal is uncertain. The Chinese arsenal is increasing with production of new warheads for DF-31/31A and JL-2 90 2494297 warheads for DF-31/31A and JL-2 missiles. 5) United Kingdom IMAGE: The current stockpile of approximately 225 British nuclear weapons is scheduled to decline to about 180 by the mid-2020s. Estimated Warheads: 215 Operational: 120 Reserve: 95 First 90 2494378 the stockpile will be reduced to not more than 180. This reduction is already underway. 6) Israel IMAGE: The Israeli nuclear arsenal appears to be relatively steady in size but is also rumored to be undergoing modernisation. Estimated Warheads: 80 First 90 2494425 test: No confirmed test Total tests: No confirmed test Although the Israeli government neither confirms nor denies that it possesses nuclear weapons, it is generally accepted by friend and foe alike that Israel is a nuclear-armed state and has been 90 2494440 nor denies that it possesses nuclear weapons, it is generally accepted by friend and foe alike that Israel is a nuclear -armed state and has been so for nearly half a century. Israel has produced enough plutonium for 100-200 warheads 90 2494497 the stockpile might include approximately 80 warheads. 7) Pakistan IMAGE: Pakistan has, for its size, the world's most quickly expanding nuclear arsenal. Estimated Warheads: 110-130 Operational: 0 First test: 1998 Most recent test: 1998 Total tests: 6 Pakistan has a 90 2494518 arsenal. Estimated Warheads: 110-130 Operational: 0 First test: 1998 Most recent test: 1998 Total tests: 6 Pakistan has a nuclear weapons stockpile of 110 to 130 warheads, an increase from an estimated 90 to 110 warheads in 2011. With several 90 2494578 the next 10 years, but by how much will depend on many things. Two key factors will be how many nuclear -capable launchers Islamabad plans to deploy, and how much the Indian nuclear arsenal grows. None of Pakistans warheads are thought 90 2494590 things. Two key factors will be how many nuclear-capable launchers Islamabad plans to deploy, and how much the Indian nuclear arsenal grows. None of Pakistans warheads are thought to be deployed but kept in central storage, most in the southern 90 2494632 of the country. More warheads are in production. 8) India IMAGE: India is entering an important new phase of its nuclear modernization program with development of longer-range missiles focussed on targetting China. Estimated Warheads: 100-120 Operational: 0 First test 90 2494671 First test: 1974 Most recent test: 1998 Total tests: 6 With several long-range ballistic missiles in development, the Indian nuclear posture is entering an important new phase. After nearly two decades of focusing on nuclear competition with Pakistan, New Delhi 90 2494686 missiles in development, the Indian nuclear posture is entering an important new phase. After nearly two decades of focusing on nuclear competition with Pakistan, New Delhi seems to now be paying attention to its future strategic relationship with China. India is 90 2494723 with China. India is estimated to have produced approximately 540 kilograms of weapon-grade plutonium, enough for 135 to 180 nuclear warheads, though not all of that material is being used. 9) North Korea IMAGE: Little is known about the nuclear 90 2494743 nuclear warheads, though not all of that material is being used. 9) North Korea IMAGE: Little is known about the nuclear capability of North Korea's military forces. Estimated Warheads: Unknown First test: 2006 Most recent test: January 6, 2016 (claimed) Total 90 2494770 Estimated Warheads: Unknown First test: 2006 Most recent test: January 6, 2016 (claimed) Total tests: 3 Despite three North Korean nuclear tests, there is no publicly available evidence that North Korea has miniaturised and operationalised its nuclear weapons capability. A 2013 90 2494786 Despite three North Korean nuclear tests, there is no publicly available evidence that North Korea has miniaturised and operationalised its nuclear weapons capability. A 2013 world survey by the US Air Force National Air and Space Intelligence Center did not credit 90 2494815 US Air Force National Air and Space Intelligence Center did not credit any of North Koreas ballistic missiles with any nuclear capability. Here's a chart that explains the the estimated nuclear warhead inventories It seems nobody is ready to take the 90 2494825 not credit any of North Koreas ballistic missiles with any nuclear capability. Here's a chart that explains the the estimated nuclear warhead inventories It seems nobody is ready to take the responsibility of a tragedy that killed at least 25 people 90 2501741 political prisoners to avoid Azerbaijan being hit by sanctions. "On March 31, Ilham Aliyev is to take part in the [ nuclear ] security summit, which takes place in America," Gurbanov told IWPR. "The president could not go to such an important event 90 2524877 the midst of the biggest reorganization and reform effort since the 1980s. Among the major changes announced, the country's primary nuclear deterrent, the Second Artillery Corps, was upgraded to a separate service branch called the PLA Rocket Force (PLARF). In addition 90 2550683 to rejoin the global economy after the international community lifted sanctions on Tehran in exchange for Iran curbing its controversial nuclear program. "It will take time for Iran to reintegrate into the global economy, but Iran is already beginning to see 90 2550751 have prevented it from getting the full benefit of economic relief that was supposed to come from the lifting of nuclear -related sanctions in January. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei recently accused the United States of failing to follow the 90 2550778 Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei recently accused the United States of failing to follow the terms of the July 2015 landmark nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers. Khamenei said Washington has lifted sanctions "on paper" but "in fact, they are 90 2550827 taking effect." Some opinion polls in Iran also showed skepticism about the country's economic situation following decades of sanctions. Many nuclear -related sanctions on Iran ended when the deal was implemented on January 17. Obama's administration is reportedly considering easing restrictions 90 2555258 OCCRP report. And Reuters noted that he "provided properties to multiple women who share one common theme: President Vladimir Putin." Nuclear Insecurity Vladimir Putin's absence from this week's nuclear summit in Washington is raising eyebrows. John Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to 90 2555266 properties to multiple women who share one common theme: President Vladimir Putin." Nuclear Insecurity Vladimir Putin's absence from this week's nuclear summit in Washington is raising eyebrows. John Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, has a piece in The National Interest 90 2555291 raising eyebrows. John Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, has a piece in The National Interest titled How Russia Undermines Nuclear Security. And Foreign Policy has a report on: U.S.-Russia Tensions Jeopardize Effort to Lock Down Loose Nukes. New Charges 90 2564759 People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Thursday blamed the United States for escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula, citing the U.S. nuclear threat, U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises and sanctions against Pyongyang as examples. An unnamed spokesman for the DPRK Foreign 90 2564802 the current tense situation to the United States in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency. "The U.S. nuclear threat and blackmail, joint military exercises, sanctions and other moves to stifle the DPRK are the root cause of pushing 90 2564835 the DPRK are the root cause of pushing the situation on the peninsula to the brink of a clash of nuclear weapons," the statement said. The statement condemned the United States for making the DPRK a target for "preemptive nuclear attack 90 2564854 of nuclear weapons," the statement said. The statement condemned the United States for making the DPRK a target for "preemptive nuclear attack," adding that the threat from the United States has existed for the past several decades. On March 7, the 90 2564954 an apparent show of force toward the ongoing U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises and sanctions against Pyongyang over its nuclear test and long-range rocket launch. Including the Tuesday launch, the DPRK has fired a total of 16 short- and 90 2569274 exercises and newly-adopted international sanctions on the DPRK. South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who attended the two-day nuclear security summit in Washington, reiterated her position on Thursday of focusing on sanctions, rather than dialogue, to make the DPRK 90 2569297 in Washington, reiterated her position on Thursday of focusing on sanctions, rather than dialogue, to make the DPRK abandon its nuclear program. The DPRK started off a new year by detonating what it claimed was its hydrogen bomb on Jan. 6 90 2569322 off a new year by detonating what it claimed was its hydrogen bomb on Jan. 6, the fourth of its nuclear tests, followed by the launch of a long-range rocket, which was condemned as a disguised test of ballistic missile 90 2573055 electricity, such as a new wind farm in Stutsman County, North Dakota and additional investments in the utilitys Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant near Red Wing, Minnesota. Half of the utilitys energy output will not generate carbon, and the company intends 90 2587390 vessels involved in smuggling migrants in the high seas of the Mediterranean by the EU Naval Force and the Iran nuclear deal. This format has also been used to try to resolve differences that have arisen during negotiations of draft texts 90 2594510 and MINUSCA in the CAR. DPRK On 2 March, the Council adopted resolution 2270 condemning in the strongest terms the nuclear test conducted by the DPRK on 6 January and its ballistic missile launch of 7 February, and demanded that it 90 2614667 for a fortress-like border wall, and not taking any cards off the table when asked if he would use nuclear weapons in the Middle East or Europe, among other comments. Leading the world in fighting terrorism takes cooperation. It takes 90 2617242 and leaders of more than 50 nations in Washington on Thursday for a two-day global summit aimed at stopping nuclear proliferation. Brown shares with Obama a deep concern about the threats posed by both nuclear arms and climate change, which 90 2617257 global summit aimed at stopping nuclear proliferation. Brown shares with Obama a deep concern about the threats posed by both nuclear arms and climate change, which Obama also addressed Thursday during a simultaneous bilateral summit with Chinese president Xi Jinping. The 90 2617366 a video created by a fellow panelist, former Clinton Defense Secretary William Perry, scared the hell out of him. Called Nuclear Nightmare in Washington, the video depicts a terrorist setting off a nuclear explosive on Pennsylvania Avenue, killing tens of thousands 90 2617378 Perry, scared the hell out of him. Called Nuclear Nightmare in Washington, the video depicts a terrorist setting off a nuclear explosive on Pennsylvania Avenue, killing tens of thousands of people and decapitating the government. Its goodbye America as a democracy 90 2617498 he said. Perry, who now heads the Preventive Defense Project at Stanford University, told the group that the danger from nuclear weapons is higher now than it was during the Cold War, because more countries have the weapons and terrorists are 90 2617541 get them. The event was sponsored by the Atlantic Council and Global Zero, a group pushing for the elimination of nuclear weapons. It was one of several events outside the summit where critics said Obama has not done enough to fulfill 90 2617573 critics said Obama has not done enough to fulfill his pledge seven years ago to help rid the world of nuclear weapons. Ploughshares Fund, a San Francisco anti-nuclear group, said the administration has laid the groundwork to spend $1 trillion 90 2617581 fulfill his pledge seven years ago to help rid the world of nuclear weapons. Ploughshares Fund, a San Francisco anti- nuclear group, said the administration has laid the groundwork to spend $1 trillion over the next 30 years updating the nuclear 90 2617601 nuclear group, said the administration has laid the groundwork to spend $1 trillion over the next 30 years updating the nuclear arsenal. But in an op-ed in the Washington Post published Thursday, Obama singled out the potential for nuclear catastrophe 90 2617620 the nuclear arsenal. But in an op-ed in the Washington Post published Thursday, Obama singled out the potential for nuclear catastrophe as the most dangerous immediate threat to global security. Brown, an intellectual politician who ran for president three times 90 2617652 an intellectual politician who ran for president three times, is not shy about mingling with world leaders. Asked whether attending nuclear summits in Washington is part of his job, he replied: It is my job as the highest elected executive outside 90 2617699 own weapons labs. This is a matter of democratic concern, and it isnt just for the elites. The White House Nuclear Security Summit, the fourth held by the administration, focused this year on confronting North Koreas nuclear provocations, including a recent 90 2617715 elites. The White House Nuclear Security Summit, the fourth held by the administration, focused this year on confronting North Koreas nuclear provocations, including a recent nuclear test, and on preventing the Islamic State from obtaining nuclear weapons, a rising concern following 90 2617720 Security Summit, the fourth held by the administration, focused this year on confronting North Koreas nuclear provocations, including a recent nuclear test, and on preventing the Islamic State from obtaining nuclear weapons, a rising concern following the terrorist groups deadly attacks 90 2617730 year on confronting North Koreas nuclear provocations, including a recent nuclear test, and on preventing the Islamic State from obtaining nuclear weapons, a rising concern following the terrorist groups deadly attacks on Brussels and Paris. The summit came two days after 90 2617774 runner Donald Trump suggested in a televised town hall that Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons. Carolyn Lochhead is the San Francisco Chronicles Washington correspondent. Email: WASHINGTON World leaders declared progress Friday in 90 2617796 Carolyn Lochhead is the San Francisco Chronicles Washington correspondent. Email: WASHINGTON World leaders declared progress Friday in securing nuclear materials worldwide but warned of a persistent and harrowing threat: terrorists getting their hands on a nuclear bomb. It would 90 2617813 Friday in securing nuclear materials worldwide but warned of a persistent and harrowing threat: terrorists getting their hands on a nuclear bomb. It would change our world, President Obama said. Obama, addressing a nuclear security summit, said there was no doubt 90 2617826 threat: terrorists getting their hands on a nuclear bomb. It would change our world, President Obama said. Obama, addressing a nuclear security summit, said there was no doubt that if madmen in the Islamic State group obtained nuclear material, they would 90 2617843 Obama, addressing a nuclear security summit, said there was no doubt that if madmen in the Islamic State group obtained nuclear material, they would use it to kill as many people as possible. He urged fellow leaders not to be complacent