DocIndex Position Left Middle Right 151 7469 or America. What irritates Merkel and even her opposition in the September election, apparently, is President Trumps refusal to accept climate change as fact and to assure Europe the U.S. will honor the Paris Agreement signed by President Obama. Trump has called 151 7491 as fact and to assure Europe the U.S. will honor the Paris Agreement signed by President Obama. Trump has called climate change a hoax, but during the G-7 meeting in Brussels he used less acerbic language in conversations with other leaders 151 7580 a position opposite the one he once fervently held. Last December, Politico reported that Trumps daughter, Ivanka, who believes in climate change , wants to use her position as an adviser to her father to change his mind. Europe has often been on 151 7751 gain from her statements about Trump, neither Europe nor the U.S. can afford a rupture in their Atlantic partnership. If climate change is the main cause of the tension, then a debate about it should take place with climate scientists from both 151 7783 about it should take place with climate scientists from both sides participating, something that is rarely if ever seen because climate change fanatics behave like cult members, ignoring all contrary evidence and intimidating and silencing opposing views. While Merkel probably wont carry 151 18130 for growing world pollution and resultant global warming as he announced the decision to pull out of Paris deal on climate change . But, Trump has got it all wrong. US President Donald Trump refers to amounts of temperature change as he announces 151 18185 By Prabhash K Dutta: Jury is still out whether the United States can pull out of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change immediately with an announcement by President Donald Trump. Some observers have pointed out that the climate change pact, which was 151 18202 Paris Agreement on Climate Change immediately with an announcement by President Donald Trump. Some observers have pointed out that the climate change pact, which was signed by 195 countries two years ago, does not allow the US to exit before 2020. However 151 18467 targets was as such to fix accountability of the countries in order to their contribution to global warming leading to climate change . The Eiffel tower was illuminated in green with the words 'Paris Agreement is Done' to celebrate the first anniversary of 151 18492 was illuminated in green with the words 'Paris Agreement is Done' to celebrate the first anniversary of Paris UN COP21 Climate Change agreement in November 2016. Photo: Reuters More polluting countries were tasked to do more for reducing carbon emissions. BIGGEST POLLUTERS 151 18829 estimated that the US is responsible for about one-third of the excess carbon dioxide in the earth's environment causing climate change . Interestingly, the US has only four per cent of world's population. advertisement Even China, the biggest polluter, is responsible for 151 18922 power plant in Gujarat. Photo: Reuters Still, Donald Trump thinks India was given undue advantage in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change . INDIA'S GREEN PERFORMANCE The Paris Agreement sets for India a target of reducing use of fossil fuel by 40 per 151 20034 topics USA to 'renegotiate' Paris Agreement 02 June 2017 Share The USA is to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change , with the aim of renegotiating its contribution, President Donald Trump has announced. The global reaction has been a mixture of 151 20460 pursue Paris goals. Mike Bloomberg, former mayor of New York and the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change said: "Americans are not walking away from the Paris Climate Agreement, just the opposite, we are forging ahead. Mayors, governors 151 47868 published on Friday, Xinhua suggested that no one country was now likely take up leadership of global efforts to fight climate change . China overtook the United States as the world`s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in 2007 but analysts see the 151 48097 editorial published on Thursday before Trump`s announcement that China was not interested in discussions about the leadership of fighting climate change and would focus on its own promises to reduce emissions. It called the withdrawal "reckless" and would "waste increasingly finite 151 53675 environment chief said on Friday that India and China are the two countries that are showing strong leadership to combat climate change and the decision by the US to withdraw from the Paris Agreement+ will not deter these global efforts. "The science 151 53698 the decision by the US to withdraw from the Paris Agreement+ will not deter these global efforts. "The science on climate change is perfectly clear: we need more action, not less. This a global challenge. Every nation has a responsibility to act 151 54086 withdrawal does not mean the demise of the Paris Agreement, and urged other signatories to continue to respect its provisions. " Climate change is the great existential threat of our time. The Paris Agreement was born out of effective multilateralism and a desire 151 54162 and former UN secretary general Kofi Annan said. Mary Robinson, member of the group and former UN special envoy on climate change said the US "reneging on its commitment to the Paris Agreement renders it a rogue state on the international stage 151 54212 agreement will not stop climate action in the United States. We encourage all actors in the US working to tackle climate change to stand their ground, share the benefits of their work and to keep making their voices heard," she said. Democratic 151 54266 and environment and public works committee, said with his decision, "Trump is breaking a promise to the world to combat climate change in order to keep an empty campaign promise to the coal industry. "Withdrawal from the climate agreement is a betrayal 151 66158 in the foreseeable future, he said. YEREVAN, JUNE 2, ARMENPRESS. The European Union remains committed to the Paris agreement on climate change , whereas US loses historic opportunity by withdrawing from it, European Parliament's President Antonio Tajani said, reports TASS. Climate change is 151 66177 on climate change, whereas US loses historic opportunity by withdrawing from it, European Parliament's President Antonio Tajani said, reports TASS. Climate change is not a European, but a global issue. The agreement is alive, but the US misses historic opportunity, he said 151 81815 Democrats after President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that he would pull the US out of the Paris Agreement on climate change . Cuban told Democrats to "call his bluff" and "put him on the spot" in response to Trump's comments on Thursday 151 83567 who had threatened to leave the presidents advisory council, confirmed he would in a disapproving tweet. Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 1, 2017 Musk was 151 83782 CEO Jack Welch is. Welch has not issued any statements.) Story continues Disappointed with todays decision on the Paris Agreement. Climate change is real. Industry must now lead and not depend on government. Jeff Immelt (@JeffImmelt) June 1, 2017 Google (GOOG, GOOGL 151 83850 he was deeply disappointed. Deeply disappointed by President's decision to withdraw from ParisAgreement. We will double our efforts to fight climate change . Marc Benioff (@Benioff) June 1, 2017 Microsoft (MSFT) CEO Satya Nadella tweeted, We believe climate change is an 151 83868 to fight climate change. Marc Benioff (@Benioff) June 1, 2017 Microsoft (MSFT) CEO Satya Nadella tweeted, We believe climate change is an urgent issue that demands global action. We remain committed to doing our part. Twitter (TWTR) CEO Jack Dorsey 151 85124 services company Baker Hughes showed. [RIG/U] Trump's withdrawal from the Paris agreement, the landmark 2015 global pact to fight climate change , drew condemnation from Washington's allies and many in the energy industry - and sparked fears that U.S. oil production could expand 151 102082 Armenia parliamentary opposition decides to return to legislative body Polar and brown bear hybrids may appear in Yakutia due to climate change Volkswagen releases office chair with electric motor and klaxon Israel reveals Pulcinella secret, admitting that it used drones not only 151 108309 NASA The team say they have no evidence to link the growth of this rift, and the eventual calving, to climate change . However, it is widely accepted that warming ocean and atmospheric temperatures have been a factor in earlier disintegrations of ice 151 108879 a responsible major country". "We think the Paris accord reflects the widest agreement of the international community with regards to climate change , and parties should cherish this hard-won outcome," said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying. "We also hear that our actions 151 109132 pollution that envelops its biggest cities, including Beijing. Hua said the Chinese government will take "concrete action" in response to climate change . "This is a responsibility shouldered by China as a responsible major country and what China's development calls for," she said 151 109754 the map of our solar neighborhood." Experts are concerned that the US decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change could prompt other major carbon-emitting nations to follow suit In withdrawing the United States from the Paris climate pact 151 109816 the global warming trajectory. Is this true? How will Washington quitting the 196-nation Paris club affect the fight against climate change ? Warming The Paris Agreement's stated goal is to limit the average global temperature to two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit 151 110224 be found elsewhere." The United States further contributed about a quarter of the budget of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) under whose auspices the Paris Agreement was negotiated. The US contribution was about $4 million last year, a quarter 151 110278 charitable foundation Bloomberg Philanthropies pledged to contribute $15 million to the UNFCCC secretariat. America's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change could add 0.3 degrees Celsius to global temperatures by the end of the century "Americans are not walking away from 151 110316 not walking away from the Paris Climate Agreement," said Mike Bloomberg, the UN secretary general's special envoy for cities and climate change . "Americans will honour and fulfil the Paris Agreement by leading from the bottom up - and there isn't anything Washington can 151 138216 Trump made it clear during his campaign that he wouldnt accept the well-established science around the global threat of climate change , and that he would seek to resurrect the dying and deadly coal industry, and bring back mining jobs. The presidents 151 141204 the Trump priorities, Udall said, adding that Trumps actions as president could be devastating to progress that has been made. Climate change was a topic that dominated the town hall following Trumps Thursday announcement that he is withdrawing the U.S. from the 151 141233 hall following Trumps Thursday announcement that he is withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris climate accord. While some referred to climate change as more dangerous than ISIS and huge oil companies as the biggest terrorists in the country, environmental scientist Paul McGinness 151 142016 May spoke after President Donald Trumps announcement that he would pull out of the Paris accord sent the issue of climate change and Mays attempts to bolster the trans-Atlantic special relationship to the top of the agenda in campaigning for Britains 151 144298 ocean plastic pollution, new commitments to promote sustainable fisheries, and action plans to tackle ocean acidification and other impacts of climate change . "The ocean plays a vital role in enabling life on Earth to exist, yet ocean health has been ignored for 151 144698 the nonprofit Monterey Bay Aquarium is to inspire conservation of the ocean. It works globally to advance policies that address climate change , protect vulnerable ocean species and ecosystems, reduce ocean plastic pollution, and promote sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Learn more at 151 185526 founder Mark Zuckerberg said in a post that the withdrawal from the accord "puts our childrens future at risk". "Stopping climate change is something we can only do as a global community, and we have to act together before it's too late 151 185609 two of Trumps business advisory councils if the US were to drop its commitment to Paris. "Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world," Musk said on Twitter. A spokesperson for British 151 187669 this. Notably, most of the Republican signatories of the letter do not support the belief that human activity contributes to climate change . During an appearance on MSNBC, Democratic Sen. Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts explained why he thinks his Republican colleagues do 151 187697 Sen. Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts explained why he thinks his Republican colleagues do not believe in the science of climate change . This Conservative party in the United States is funded by the Koch brothers [and] its funded by the coal industry 151 188265 it is hard to rebut. Funding for the Green Climate Fund comes from U.S. taxpayers, who overwhelmingly support action on climate change . U.S. contributions have come from a line item under the Department of Treasury and discretionary funds from the Economic Support 151 188354 By Alex Kirby President Donald Trump abandoned science with his decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris agreement on climate change , saying, I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Parisa wonderfully clear statement of his inability to recognize 151 188398 earth shares one atmosphere. Chris Rapley, professor of climate science at University College London, said in response: The essence of climate change can be captured in 10 words: Its Clear: Its Real; Its Us; Its Bad; Theres Hope. So who wins from 151 188655 assertion of American determination to go its own way. But his victory may come at a price. An independent UK climate change think tank, E3G, said, This arbitrary and inexplicable act by President Trump undermines confidence in the future of every international 151 188733 it says the U.S. move will provide China with a massive opportunity to seize global leadership from the U.S. on climate change and low carbon investment. Many developing countries are dismayed, notably low-lying island groups facing rising sea levels. The Fijian 151 188808 disappointment for millions of people living in those areas of the United States that are threatened by the effects of climate change . There is concern for the future of the Green Climate Fund, established by the UN to help developing countries to 151 188834 the future of the Green Climate Fund, established by the UN to help developing countries to reduce and adapt to climate change . The U.S. has pledged $3 billion and so far paid around $1 billion. The work of the Paris agreement will 151 189084 uncomfortable surprises ahead. Probably the biggest casualty of the decision is U.S. science: U.S. scientists were among the pioneers of climate change research, based on a now overwhelming weight of evidence. They have now been abandoned by their president. The Paris agreement 151 189521 the leakage of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, along the gas supply chain. In Virginia, picking up Trumps slack on climate change must include proactively stopping the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines, and the increased gas reliance they would enable. Dominion 151 199581 feed" The team say they have no evidence to link the growth of this rift, and the eventual calving, to climate change . However, it is widely accepted that warming ocean and atmospheric temperatures have been a factor in earlier disintegrations of ice 151 215962 CO2 than the United States annually, but high historic output from the U.S. makes it the biggest overall contributor to climate change in the world. And as a country which makes up just 4 percent of the worlds population, but which is 151 215995 4 percent of the worlds population, but which is responsible for about a third of the carbon dioxide contributing to climate change , Matt Coffay believes this country has a moral imperative to be a global leader and set an example for clean 151 226882 proposal to co-rule the world with China might have been, the Obama administration never followed up beyond agreements on climate change and bilateral investment. Ambitious and impatient, Beijing decided to strike out on its own. It has unveiled a twenty-first 151 227305 quite capable of scaling up if the opportunity arises. The contrast between Beijing and Washington has become even sharper around climate change . Trumps denial of global warming he once labeled it a Chinese hoax has whetted the Beijing leaderships appetite for global 151 227333 once labeled it a Chinese hoax has whetted the Beijing leaderships appetite for global influence. As one of its top climate change negotiators said shortly after Trump won the November election, Chinas influence and voice are likely to increase in global climate 151 229059 region is already morphing into China passing. Financial flows are also going to be affected by the rising waters of climate change , which, later in the century, will threaten major cities like Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Predicting the coming supremacy 151 230716 its major raison detre. Without such a supranational vision that could bring the region together around the twin threats of climate change and economic inequality, one thing is essentially guaranteed. The Asia to come wont look shiny and new like some Hollywood 151 236091 continue to position themselves as progressive not only appeals to Millennials, but a variety of consumers who support action around climate change . If a company has taken a pro-Paris agreement position, consumers will stick with the brand even if the company 151 258560 school to this level is at least going to be suspended and potentially considered for expulsion. Governor Brown Speaks At Climate Change Symposium View Photos Sacramento, CA During his announcement of the withdrawal on Thursday, President Trump stated, Our government rushed to 151 258733 Alliance. The coalitions goal will be to convene U.S. states committed to upholding the agreement and taking aggressive action on climate change . Washington State Governor Jay Inslee stated, I am proud to stand with other governors as we make sure that the 151 258819 remark stating, This administration is abdicating its leadership and taking a backseat to other countries in the global fight against climate change . Governor Browns office notes that together, California, New York and Washington represent approximately 68 million people nearly one-in-five 151 266793 have voluntarily pledged $10.3 billion since 2013 to help poorer nations reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the effects of climate change . The United States has pledged by far the most $3 billion, twice that of the second-largest pledger, Japan. But 151 288874 Interfax, and The Telegraph European Council President Donald Tusk said the European Union and China were increasing cooperation to fight climate change following President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate deal. We are convinced that yesterday's 151 288925 agreement is a big mistake, Tusk said on June 2 following a EU-China summit in Brussels. The fight against climate change , and all the research, innovation, and technological progress it will bring, will continue, with or without the United States," said 151 319369 on the United States and the world, pulling out of the most important global attempt to slow the impact of climate change must go down as the worst. The torpedo that Trump has launched into the Paris climate accord is a reckless 151 319471 from the Paris accord and stop paying into the green climate fund set up to help poorer nations adjust to climate change . His promise to negotiate a better deal if possible means little. Why on earth would the rest of the world 151 319704 of the world, including Canada, stick to the accord regardless of where Trump takes the United States. It will empower climate change deniers and skeptics. The president himself has called climate change a hoax dreamed up by China to sabotage the U.S 151 319714 of where Trump takes the United States. It will empower climate change deniers and skeptics. The president himself has called climate change a hoax dreamed up by China to sabotage the U.S. economy and climate deniers hold top posts in his administration 151 325293 warming less than 24 hours after U.S. President Donald Trump announced America's intention to withdraw from the Paris Accord on climate change . China's Premier, Li Keqiang, will meet with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk in 151 325358 trading bloc. However, given the timing of the President's decision to walk away from the 2015 agreement, the issue of climate change has suddenly headlined the two-day discussions. "There is no reverse gear to the energy transition. There is no backsliding 151 338323 of the Khmer empire in what is now Cambodia, until it was toppled by internal power struggles, foreign invasion and climate change . 'Unique concentration of features' A complex of temples, basins, dikes, reservoirs and canals, the site is a unique concentration of 151 339762 Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the landmark Paris climate accord, the global effort to deal with the effects of climate change . French President Emmanuel Macron said in both French and English that he believed Trump has made a historic mistake. Macron 151 340476 call with Trump. The Canadian leader, however, said he is encouraged by "the growing momentum around the world to combat climate change and transition to clean growth economies." "The Paris Agreement provides the right global framework for protecting the prosperity and security 151 343792 day after the United States announced it would withdraw from it. In a joint statement, the EU and China said climate change and clean energy "will become a main pillar" of their bilateral partnership. European Council President Donald Tusk said the fight 151 343815 clean energy "will become a main pillar" of their bilateral partnership. European Council President Donald Tusk said the fight against climate change would continue, with or without the United States: "Today, China and Europe have demonstrated solidarity with future generations and responsibilities 151 343911 will be rising uncertainty and destabilizing factors," he said. "This requires our efforts to resolve existing issues." Other issues Besides climate change , other issues discussed at the summit included trade, investment, the migration crisis, North Korea and the security partnership in Africa 151 343962 climate deal on Thursday during his meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, saying, "China will stand by its responsibilities on climate change ." European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said China agreed with the EU on the "unhappiness" about America's unilateral decision to 151 344001 unilateral decision to abandon the climate agreement. The 2015 agreement, signed by 195 countries, calls for reducing the impact of climate change by keeping the global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The EU and 151 344029 this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The EU and China committed to actions related to climate change , such as developing ways to change into zero-emissions economies, promoting zero-carbon transitions in developing countries and developing long 151 344095 climate diplomacy. "This historic partnership to push forward with the Paris Agreement is a significant advance in the fight against climate change . Through deeper cooperation on climate action, the EU and China can propel the global clean energy transition," Trio said. China 151 344193 clear from the global response to the American decision that leaders around the world were united in the fight against climate change . But Kiene urged leaders to translate their words into actions. "The EU and China are switching to clean energy production 151 344459 are to be implemented." China and the European Union wrote in their joint statement that they thought investing in tackling climate change would actually contribute to job creation, investment opportunities and economic growth. Many world leaders have condemned the U.S. withdrawal. French 151 352500 as a country," Pruitt told reporters at a White House media briefing. Pruitt said the president heard "many voices" about climate change and exercised "thoughtful deliberation" before deciding to withdraw from the landmark accord. Pruitt did not respond directly to a question 151 353226 The organizations say the scientific evidence is clear that human activity is behind the changing climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , an independent scientific assessment body, warned that without additional efforts beyond those already in place, warming by the end of 151 353273 very high risk of severe, widespread and irreversible impacts. IPCC spokesman Jonathan Lynn said the scientific body finds that limiting climate change would require substantial and sustained reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, which together with adaptation can limit climate change risks. In 151 353291 that limiting climate change would require substantial and sustained reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, which together with adaptation can limit climate change risks. In its analysis of decision-making to limit climate change and its effects, the IPCC noted that climate change 151 353302 greenhouse gas emissions, which together with adaptation can limit climate change risks. In its analysis of decision-making to limit climate change and its effects, the IPCC noted that climate change is a problem of the commons, requiring collective action at the 151 353311 climate change risks. In its analysis of decision-making to limit climate change and its effects, the IPCC noted that climate change is a problem of the commons, requiring collective action at the global scale," he said. "Effective mitigation will not be 151 354897 world adopt climate-saving techniques and technologies. "[T]he Green Fund is very important in that it would have supported climate change activities in Africa, especially adaptation activities," he told VOA in a phone interview from Cape Town. Given that many Africans 151 354958 heat waves and less rainfall. "I think that it has implications in the sense that if we cannot mitigate against climate change , that it will drive greater levels of poverty," he said. Political implications Isaac Kalua is chairman of Kenya's Water Towers 151 355081 ostracize this particular country." Kalua says he remains hopeful that "soberness" will prevail and the world will successfully deal with climate change issues. Ghana, South Africa react African governments have also voiced their displeasure with Trump's decision. Ghana's president, John Dramani Mahama 151 355145 criticized the U.S. move in a statement Friday. "The Paris agreement represents the most flexible and dynamic approach to addressing climate change , and the withdrawal of the USA is not only an abdication of global responsibility we all have to humankind, but 151 356431 that are basically coming together in somewhat of a perfect storm, with terrorism, trafficking, serious underdevelopment, but also effects of climate change , said Carl Skau, Swedens envoy on the mission. The council hopes to draw international attention to this confluence of factors 151 364912 Gov. Hogan is a strong advocate for protecting Marylands environment, including cleaner air and water, and supports efforts to combat climate change , it said. Last year, the governor signed a bill that reauthorizes and sets new targets for the Greenhouse Gas Reduction 151 371870 announcement. [Longtime Virginia power giant and political donor in the hot-seat] The vast majority of climate scientists agree that climate change is primarily caused by human activity, and the Paris climate pact brought every country except Nicaragua and Syria in agreement 151 372028 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Half of the inland counties face water shortages in the next 30 years due to climate change , McAuliffe says. As the first governor in the nation to take executive action on climate and clean energy in the 151 372262 a statement. As governor, I will not wait for the worst to happen before taking action. Northam, who hails from climate-change -threatened Norfolk, also offered condemnation shortly after Trumps announcement and expressed interest in joining the state alliance during a radio 151 372353 Virginia communities. On Friday, Perriellos campaign repeatedly touted his environmental credentials and posted on social media about the impacts of climate change on Virginia. He won praise from environmental groups this week after signing a pledge to not accept money from the 151 372462 who became a hero of environmentalists after Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) tried to investigate him on suspicion of manipulating climate change data. On the Republican side of the race, candidates spent little time responding to the withdrawal from the Paris pact 151 372566 Wagner, who recently called a legislative hearing to question the McAuliffe administration on its unilateral climate policies, said a state climate change alliance would hurt jobs. I dont want New Yorks economy, he said. These are three liberal governors and I dont 151 383718 international affairs, we embrace it. That embrace has now led the United States to withdraw from the Paris accord on climate change , signed by 194 other parties. The elemental aspect of international relations has existed for millennia. The history of the human 151 384498 be trying his best to do something that ought to be impossible: make the U.S. presidency irrelevant to world progress. Climate change offers one example. Trump tried hard to build suspense for Thursdays announcement about whether he would honor or trash the 151 390697 to a chaotic presidency] White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon walks out after President Trump speaks on the Paris climate change accord in the Rose Garden at the White House, on Thursday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post) Trump oversees a White 151 391174 Reince Priebus, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, and Vice President Pence clap as President Trump speaks about the Paris climate change accord in the Rose Garden at the White House, on Thursday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post) The decision also could 151 397732 of radical centrism, globalization and following President Trumps watershed decision to remove the United States from the Paris accord curbing climate change . By now, the willingness of the new French president at 39, the youngest anyone can remember to speak his mind 151 398127 Macrons remarks significantly irked the president, who then relished delivering the line, in his speech about withdrawing from the historic climate-change agreement, that he had been elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris. But the saga did not end 151 404070 Image: TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images Michael Oppenheimer, a climate scientist and member of the U.N.s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , said the treaty Trump described bore little resemblance to the Paris agreement which is non-binding and voluntary, and carries 151 405079 to transfer financial and technical support from wealthier countries to poorer nations that are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change . In recent years, nearly three dozen governments have formally committed a total of $10.3 billion to the fund. Of that 151 405201 stability in areas where the United States has special strategic interests. That doesnt exclusively mean terrorism. And the consequences of climate change will undoubtedly stoke economic hardship and political unrest in all parts of the world, including those where the U.S. has 151 405279 next year. In fact, Defense Secretary James Mattis has warned that the military would face a greater burden due to climate change , making the terrorism vs. climate spending comparison even more ridiculous. 8. America faces a massive future legal liability if it 151 405420 in a stable climate. A group of 21 young Americans is suing the federal government for failing to act on climate change , with their case currently pending before a judge in Oregon. Marawi (Philippines) (AFP) - Philippine troops have killed 89 Islamist militants 151 407780 axed by Trump. The money will support the operations of the Bonn-based secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Bloomberg, 75, who was mayor of New York from 2002 to 2013, is estimated by Forbes magazine to be 151 407834 been a strident critic of Trump's energy and climate policies, he is also a UN special envoy for cities and climate change . Bloomberg is also president of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, a coalition of 90 cities around the world that 151 407869 of 90 cities around the world that is pushing programmes to reduce carbon emissions and shore up urban defences against climate change . Story continues The chair of the group is Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, who was also present at Friday's talks. Macron 151 408006 mobilisation for the Paris Agreement," the presidential office said. "The two leaders agreed to exchange views on the initiatives on climate change that will be taken in the coming weeks," it said, without elaborating. Macron also invited the pope to visit France 151 408080 Francis proclaimed the scientific consensus on global warming and urged the industrialised world to slash carbon emissions to avert catastrophic climate change . Paris Hotel de Ville (city hall) is illuminated in green following the announcement by President Trump that the U.S. will 151 408117 Trump that the U.S. will withdraw from the 2015 Paris accord and try to negotiate a new global deal on climate change . (Photo: Nadine Achoui-Lesage/AP) Cities across the world protested President Trumps announcement that the U.S. will withdraw from the 151 408156 withdraw from the Paris Agreement, illuminating buildings in green in solidarity with the 194 nations that remain committed to the climate change accord. (Trump Tower, on New Yorks Fifth Avenue, was its usual color.) New York City Hall City Hall shines green 151 408458 exit the Paris climate accord >>> Read more from Yahoo News: Getty California is to seek its own international agreement on climate change with China, the states governor has suggested. Jerry Brown, who previously signalled the west coast state was ready to fight 151 408745 Trump decided to scrap the Nasa programme. He also warned his administration would fight the national one because denial of climate change was at odds with the survivability of our world. But Mr Brown also sounded a hopeful note that Mr Trumps 151 409477 the Paris climate accords Thursday, joining Syria and Nicaragua as the only nations outside of the pact meant to curb climate change . On Friday, a host of U.S. states, cities, and companies vowed to live up to the terms of the deal 151 410548 New York (AFP) - Democratic state governors from California, New York and Washington formed an immediate alliance Thursday committed to countering climate change , defying Donald Trump's announcement that the United States was leaving the 2015 Paris accord. The three states represent more than 151 410641 urged other states to join their United States Climate Alliance, saying that they were committed to taking aggressive action against climate change . They remain committed to achieving the US goal of reducing emissions by 26-28 percent from 2005 levels, and meeting 151 410846 that the United States would withdraw from the 2015 Paris agreement and try to negotiate a new global deal on climate change , provoking swift condemnation of European leaders. Some Twitter users accused Islamic State Group, also known as ISIS, for attacking a 151 412111 finger to the rest of the world, and to future generations. America is by far the largest historical contributor to climate change . Ironically, on the heels of Trumps claim that most NATO members arent paying their fair share to the organization, America 151 412145 paying their fair share to the organization, America has announced that we wont do our fair share to curb the climate change threats that we are the most responsible for. The Rotting Republican Party And the GOP has become the Party of 151 412656 luck kids, youll need it Political calculations aside, pulling America out of the Paris agreement is grossly immoral. Human-caused climate change puts the well-being of our children and grandchildren at risk. Thats especially true for poorer countries that lack the 151 412999 but the GOP has blocked all American climate policy efforts, and were now running out of time to avoid dangerous climate change . Trump, per a source, will follow the 4-yr rule to get out of Paris, meaning the US will leave 151 413100 up to the rest of the world - particularly China and the EU - to take up the mantle of leadership on climate change that America has left behind. CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian court sentenced a man to death on Thursday for raping a 151 413277 Administrator Scott Pruitt refused to answer the same question repeatedly throughout Fridays White House briefing: Does President Trump believe in climate change or does he still think its a hoax? Pruitt, who has close ties to the fossil fuel industry, was taking 151 413321 of Trumps bombshell announcement on Thursday that he had decided to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement to combat climate change . The first question came from ABC News correspondent Mary Bruce: Just hoping you can clear this up once and for 151 413352 Bruce: Just hoping you can clear this up once and for all. Yes or no, does the president believe that climate change is real and a threat to the United States? Rather than answer the question, Pruitt said that he and Trump 151 413533 rise to below 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. Scientists say that humankind can avert the worst consequences of anthropogenic climate change if global warming is limited in this way. As Pruitt called on the next reporter, Bruce reiterated her request for 151 413562 way. As Pruitt called on the next reporter, Bruce reiterated her request for an answer to her question But on climate change , yes or no? which he ignored. Shortly after, another reporter, Philip Rucker of the Washington Post, gave Pruitt another opportunity 151 413612 back to the first question which was asked that you didnt answer, Rucker said. Does the president believe today that climate change is a hoax? Thats something of course he said in the campaign. When the pool was up in the Oval 151 413764 this country? Pruitt said. Many scientific organizations and associations have released statements saying the scientific evidence clearly shows that global climate change caused by human activities is already happening and that its a serious threat. To name just one example, a portion 151 413854 beginning now. At the press briefing, Jim Acosta of CNN told Pruitt that it seems like ignoring reality to dismiss climate change activists as exaggerators while Arctic and Antarctic sea ice is melting, sea levels are rising and temperatures are setting annual 151 413914 To many critics, as Acosta pointed out, it appears as if Pruitt and Trump are simply denying the reality of climate change and its threat to the planet. Theres no evidence of that, Pruitt said. On the campaign trail, Trump said many 151 413938 threat to the planet. Theres no evidence of that, Pruitt said. On the campaign trail, Trump said many times that climate change is a hoax designed to make money. Pruitt has denied climate science in the past and even said that carbon 151 420108 LP, announced late Thursday that he will lead a group in supporting the efforts of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to help countries fulfill their commitments to the Paris climate accord. Americans are not walking away from the Paris 151 420283 Club executive director Carl Pope titled Climate of Hope about their belief that cities, businesses and citizens can win the climate change battle, with or without help from Washington. Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg (Photo: Christophe Ena/AP) Pope says 151 420371 diplomacy would be entirely and exclusively the business of sovereign nation-states nobody else got to play. This [the new climate change initiative] is a conscious attempt to reopen diplomacy to multiple stakeholders, Pope told Yahoo News on Friday. Story continues This 151 420474 will have at least 10 and maybe as many as 20 states and hundreds of cities. Trump, who has dismissed climate change as a commercial hoax cooked up by China, argued that the landmark climate agreement disadvantaged Americans. Withdrawing from the agreement 151 420518 cut the United States promised contributions to the Green Climate Fund, which is intended to help developing countries prepare for climate change and move to clean energy. The fund has raised about $10 billion from advanced economies, including $3 billion from the 151 420872 for withdrawal. Former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed Bloomberg to be his special envoy for cities and climate change in 2014. Shortly after, in an August 2015 article in Foreign Affairs, Bloomberg argued that cities would be the locus 151 420905 Affairs, Bloomberg argued that cities would be the locus for government-related problem solving in the 21st century and that climate change would be the first global problem where this becomes apparent. Bloomberg, who was mayor of New York City from 2002 151 422485 on Twitter. Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who represents south Florida, urged the US to establish a long term-strategy against climate change . She also noted that Thursday marked the the first day of hurricane season in the state. Democrats were uniformly scathing 151 422631 Pope Francis, who during the presidents recent visit to the Vatican presented Trump with a copy of his encyclical on climate change . Democrats would join efforts with states, cities and the private sector to make good on initiatives to mitigate the threat 151 422654 would join efforts with states, cities and the private sector to make good on initiatives to mitigate the threat of climate change , she added, regardless of the reckless and short-sighted actions that the White House takes. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator 151 422678 regardless of the reckless and short-sighted actions that the White House takes. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator who made climate change a pillar of his bid for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, decried Trumps action as an abdication of American leadership 151 422705 for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, decried Trumps action as an abdication of American leadership and an international disgrace. When climate change is already causing devastating harm, we dont have the moral right to turn our backs on efforts to preserve this 151 423427 Paris Agreement, including its climate finance goals and we encourage all our partners to speed up their action to combat climate change ." The joint statement is slightly unusual, but the EU forms a strong bloc under the Paris Agreement, with members often 151 423549 Ms Biniaz. Story continues "The US has the ability to change its own targets," Todd Stern, the Special Envoy on Climate Change during the Obama administration, told The Independent. The carbon emissions targets and financial contributions to the various funds set up 151 423920 vulnerable, in achieving their mitigation and adaptation goals." French President Emmanuel Macron has said there is no Plan B on climate change , declaring that there is no way that France will negotiate a less ambitious climate deal after US President Donald Trump 151 423982 saying they regretted Mr Trump's decision to pull out of the agreement, which was designed to avoid catastrophic levels of climate change fuelled by human activity. The UK reportedly declined to put its name to the statement, but the Prime Minister, Theresa 151 424111 planet great again." Calling the Presidents decision a mistake for the US as well as the planet, Mr Macron urged climate change scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs to go to France to continue their work. They will find in France a second homeland 151 424355 a swift outcry from politicians including the former US President Barack Obama whose administration negotiated the deal. The EU's top climate change official, Miguel Arias Canente, said in a statement that Mr Trump's decision to leave the Paris accord made it "a 151 424469 for places like his Pacific island nation and US coastal cities like New York and Miami that are vulnerable to climate change . He said he was deeply disappointed by Mr Trump's decision and did what he could to try to persuade Mr 151 424803 would foster competition among major industry players, job creation and free markets. Related slideshow: Droughts, floods, storms and more: what climate change looks like around the world >>> Those who oppose the accord, including senior adviser Steve Bannon, cite concerns that compliance with 151 425234 of Paris. Energy experts predict that carbon regulations will eventually be implemented, regardless of whether the U.S. adheres to the climate change deal. As such, energy companies such as Shell and General Electric are preparing for a low-carbon energy future. Tom 151 428141 to the former secretary of state. Kerry worked hand-in-hand with Mogherini on issues such as the Iran deal, climate change , and terrorism. Given the array of threats the EU and United States face, its an important relationship. On almost every 151 436310 Story continues Bernie Sanders, the Vermont Senator, called the USs withdrawal an abdication of American leadership. At this moment, when climate change is already causing devastating harm around the world, we do not have the moral right to turn our backs on 151 436563 low carbon, sustainable future. The Trump administration must not only back the agreement but be a driving force in tackling climate change . Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris and Chair of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, urged Mr Trump to reconsider 151 436603 to reconsider his short-sighted decision. The years to 2020 will be crucial in determining if the worst effects of climate change can be avoided, Ms Hidalgo wrote in an editorial for Newsweek. American leadership on this urgent challenge is needed now 151 436716 council after Trump announced that he would pull the U.S. out of a landmark climate deal. Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 1, 2017 Musk has 151 436995 a major campaign promise, announced Thursday that he is moving to withdraw the U.S. from the landmark Paris Agreement on Climate Change while he tries to miraculously strike a better deal. To young people, climate advocates and foreign leaders, this is a 151 437025 deal. To young people, climate advocates and foreign leaders, this is a terrible nightmare. To ordinary citizens generally concerned about climate change , but not convinced of the wisdom of this agreement, it may feel like an epic, bizarre case of political whiplash 151 437261 administration had the option of withdrawing from the entire U.N. climate negotiations process by leaving the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), under which the Paris Agreement was negotiated. That would've been messy, and extreme, and could've been completed in just 151 437551 Trump had said during the campaign that he would withdraw from the agreement and also played down the dangers of climate change . In fact, he has said global warming is a hoax perpetrated by China to hurt the U.S. economy, making him 151 437596 anyone trying trying to argue, incorrectly, that the agreement would be harmful to U.S. interests. In reality, the impacts of climate change and costs of delaying action will be far more expensive, both in lives and dollars, than implementing emissions cuts that 151 437857 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025 and help contribute $100 billion a year to help developing nations withstand climate change impacts by 2020. Both those goals are now off the table for the U.S., for the time being, all because 151 438016 reach by this delay. Theres a very real argument that Trump just condemned the world to an unacceptable level of climate change ," Oppenheimer said. His rationale for abandoning the Paris agreement is outdated and false. Now, America forges its own, lonely path 151 438220 renewable energy will generate power for our planet for generations to come is not rhetoric. The extent of human-caused climate change and the rapidly improving economics driving the proliferation of renewable energy sources make it fact. If the US administration isnt 151 438434 the decision? By withdrawing from this historical agreement, Trump will make more enemies than friends. Polling results from Yale Universitys Climate Change in the American Mind survey (conducted after the US election) show that 73% of Trump voters want the US to 151 438535 Syria have not signed on. When news of the potential withdrawal reached the United Nations, the organizations Twitter page read: Climate change is undeniable. Climate change is unstoppable. Climate solutions provide opportunities that are unmatchable. A Globe and Mail report showed that 151 438539 on. When news of the potential withdrawal reached the United Nations, the organizations Twitter page read: Climate change is undeniable. Climate change is unstoppable. Climate solutions provide opportunities that are unmatchable. A Globe and Mail report showed that even fossil fuel companies 151 439129 opposed to them. So is this just hopeful chatter? Or can states and cities really join the international movement on climate change when the federal government declines to do so? It turns out theres a lot state and local governments can do 151 440346 to the Paris Agreement on Thursday ahead of President Donald Trump announcing his plan to withdraw the US from the climate change pact. I repeat today what I said on 16 November when the treaty was ratified, Turnbull said in the House 151 441410 as "seriously wrong." The body's commissioner for climate action and energy Miguel Arias Canete also pledged continued "global leadership" on climate change . "The Paris Agreement will endure. The world can continue to count on Europe for global leadership in the fight against 151 441432 The Paris Agreement will endure. The world can continue to count on Europe for global leadership in the fight against climate change ," he said in a statement. "Europe will lead through ambitious climate policies and through continued support to the poor and 151 441585 nothing was negotiable" in the Paris agreement. France and the United States "would continue to work together," but not on climate change , the presidential office said. In a TV broadcast made both in French and English, Macron said he believed that Trump 151 441717 in a sign of disapproval" of Trump's announcement and to recall the determination of cities around the world to fight climate change . In London, British Prime Minister Theresa May told Trump that the climate accord was a safety net for future generations 151 441867 Friends of the Earth International said "pulling out of the Paris Agreement would make the US a rogue state on climate change . The rest of the world cannot let the US drag it down." Oxfam France branded the decision as "shameful and 151 442458 the United States would "cease all implementation" of the pact "as of today." On the campaign trail, Trump had called climate change a "hoax" perpetrated by China. As president, he quickly appointed a former CEO of oil giant ExxonMobil as his secretary 151 444698 plenty we can provide those to you. President Donald Trump gestures while speaking about the U.S. role in the Paris climate change accord, Thursday, June 1, 2017, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP 151 444938 During Fridays briefing, both Pruitt and press secretary Sean Spicer refused to answer repeated questions about whether Trump believed in climate change . The president had previously stated that climate change was a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese to hurt United States manufacturing 151 444946 Sean Spicer refused to answer repeated questions about whether Trump believed in climate change. The president had previously stated that climate change was a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese to hurt United States manufacturing. _____ Read more from Yahoo News: Joint statement 151 445135 Macron and Italian prime minister Paolo Gentiloni. The three leaders called on their allies to speed up efforts to combat climate change and promise to do more to help developing countries adapt. Merkel called Trump immediately after he delivered his announcement to 151 445529 Enrique Pena Nieto said: Mexico maintains its support and commitment to the Paris agreement to stop the effects of global climate change . The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, called Trump to express his disappointment at the decision, but said he was inspired 151 445560 express his disappointment at the decision, but said he was inspired by the growing momentum around the world to combat climate change and transition to clean growth economies. The Vatican said a US pullout represented a huge slap in the face for 151 445607 for everyone. Pope Francis only days ago met Trump and impressed on him the importance of protecting the environment from climate change . Japans foreign ministry said: Climate change requires a concerted effort by the whole of the international community. Japan believes the 151 445613 ago met Trump and impressed on him the importance of protecting the environment from climate change. Japans foreign ministry said: Climate change requires a concerted effort by the whole of the international community. Japan believes the leadership of the developed countries to 151 445746 agreed to, the 26% to 28% reduction in emissions by 2030 on 2005 levels are reasonable, are achievable. New Zealands climate change minister, Paula Bennett, said that so much of what [Trump] said is wrong, arguing that America was not paying a 151 445871 future. World leaders had already begun preparing for a US exit. Chinas premier, Li Keqiang, said on Thursday that fighting climate change was a global consensus and an international responsibility. The EU and China have forged a new alliance on climate change 151 445891 climate change was a global consensus and an international responsibility. The EU and China have forged a new alliance on climate change and are currently midway through a summit in Brussels at the end of which they will announce plans to step 151 446423 It is hugely disappointing that President Trump is making the mistake in rowing back on the Paris agreement, she said, Climate change is a very real global issue that affects the successful future of our planet. Carlos Rittl, executive secretary of the 151 446699 withdraw from the Paris Agreement, illuminating buildings in green in solidarity with the 194 nations that remain committed to the climate change accord. (Trump Tower, on New Yorks Fifth Avenue, was its usual color.) In addition to lighting buildings green, several American 151 446879 latest in a growing line of mayors controlling some of Americas largest cities who have reinstated their commitment to fight climate change locally. The President withdrawing from the Paris Agreement would be horribly destructive for the planet, the country, and this city 151 446910 be horribly destructive for the planet, the country, and this city, he wrote on Twitter. President Trump should know that climate change is a dagger aimed straight at the heart of New York City. The Paris Accord was the biggest step forward 151 447001 reports say he has told aides he will withdraw the US from the accords, following years of controversial statements on climate change including calling global warming a hoax. Eric Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angles, has urged Mr Trump to embrace the 151 447112 from the agreement, seeing nations including China and Russia restate their commitments. Li Keqiang, the Chinese Premier, said says fighting climate change is a global consensus [that is] not invented by China, in apparent reference to a 2012 tweet by Mr Trump 151 453273 hope that the Zanzibar government will stay open to the possibilities of transformation. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said yesterday fighting climate change is a global consensus and an international responsibility. Speaking in Berlin about the Paris climate change accord, he said that 151 453289 Keqiang said yesterday fighting climate change is a global consensus and an international responsibility. Speaking in Berlin about the Paris climate change accord, he said that China in recent years has stayed true to its commitment. Without mentioning the U.S. specifically, he 151 453336 promoting the Paris agreement and we were one of the first countries to ratify the Paris agreement. He added: Fighting climate change is a global consensus, its not invented by China and we realize that this is a global consensus agreement and 151 453390 Earlier, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that it will work with the European Union to uphold the international agreement on climate change even if the U.S. pulls out. President Donald Trump is expected to announce his decision on whether to abandon the 151 453435 early today [Macau time]. While not mentioning the U.S. by name, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters that climate change is a global challenge that no country can ignore. No matter whether other countries positions may change, we will continue 151 453527 aims to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial times. Trump claimed before taking office that climate change was a hoax created by China to hurt the U.S. economy, an assertion that stands in defiance of broad scientific 151 453627 EU leaders in Brussels today. We wish to work with the EU to strengthen our communication and practical cooperation in climate change , Hua said. Asked what kind of exchanges Beijings leaders have had with Trump regarding his decision, Hua said China and 151 453662 regarding his decision, Hua said China and the United States have maintained close communications at various levels on subjects including climate change . AP The USD1 billion China and Portuguese-speaking Countries Cooperation and Development Fund temporary headquarters were inaugurated yesterday The funds 151 454156 contributors to this urbanization will be Asia and emerging economies. He also touched on topics such as the importance of climate change and the growing global network of connected devices and computers. In the next three years, there will be 75 billion 151 460882 the beliefs of the uninformed? Case in point: The Legislatures apparent insistence on rewriting public school science standards dealing with climate change . Earlier this year, lawmakers used their rule-making authority to block five such standards. Since then, a panel has been 151 460927 What emerged last Friday ought to make Rep. Scott Syme, the Caldwell Republican who led the charge against the original climate change standards, ecstatic. Which, of course, is the point. When the Legislature gets the final word next winter, it will encounter 151 461138 are changing as they absorb these gases. Politicians, however, want standards that speak in terms of humanity intervening to stop climate change . And what about the all-important role of the oceans? More white space. Move on. Fortunately, the state standards merely 151 463602 Republican leaders, only one of them Senate President Joe Negron is willing to say, grudgingly, that human activity contributes to climate change . Gov. Rick Scott and House Speaker Richard Corcoran wont go there. Asked repeatedly Friday if man-made climate change is 151 463621 to climate change. Gov. Rick Scott and House Speaker Richard Corcoran wont go there. Asked repeatedly Friday if man-made climate change is real, as a broad consensus of scientists have long concluded, Corcoran refused to answer. We should do all we 151 473997 That exchange should put in perspective the real and present danger Trump poses. His undermining of NATO, European alliances and climate-change cooperation poses grave dangers, but those are somewhat abstract. But taking away Americans' food is very tangible, and a real 151 480143 be outraged about you literally have to invent a racist act out of thin air. (Related: Read Mindless Intolerance Of Climate Change Debate On Full Display As NYT Columnist Is Blasted For Suggesting People Listen To BOTH Sides Of The Argument.) Some 151 490597 nab the accused. UNI XC DH KK -- (UNI) -- C-1-1-DL0212-918564.Xml Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Dr Harshvardhan today joined the cleanliness programme of Tripura BJP at Teliamura in Khowai district of West Tripura as part 151 499442 reforms would boost growth."The OECD urges countries, companies, cities, states, and citizens to step up their efforts in combatting climate change , in defending the future generations that it threatens, through ambitious outcomes under the Paris Agreement," Gurria said in a statement 151 499716 are already the leaders in alternate non-carbon technologies, for example, in the development of electric cars. "This fight against climate change would benefit if there is some coordination but also innovation," said Aiginger. In response to the Belt and Road Initiative 151 500428 to work steadfastly to implement the commitment of the Paris climate deal and join hands with all parties to tackle climate change , Chinese Premier Li Keqiang told reporters here on Thursday. In a joint press conference with his German counterpart Angela Merkel 151 500469 Merkel, Li said that China, a large developing country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries. Combating climate change is a global consensus, said Li, adding that "with tremendous efforts, China will move 151 500475 large developing country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries. Combating climate change is a global consensus, said Li, adding that "with tremendous efforts, China will move towards the 2030 goal step-by 151 500534 adding that China was also one of the first countries to submit the file of national plan on dealing with climate change to the United Nations. The Paris Agreement was adopted by 196 parties in Paris in 2015 and it went into 151 503822 to withdraw from the pact. "The world can continue to count on Europe for global leadership in the fight against climate change ," Canete said in a statement after U.S. President Donald Trump on the same day announced decision to pull the United 151 504038 has announced that the United States withdraw from Paris climate agreement. I regret this decision," said Rutte on Facebook. "Tackling climate change is not only desperately needed, it offers worldwide economic opportunities. It's about the economic sectors of the future." "Without the 151 504203 United States, said Thursday he would quit White House advisory councils against President Donald Trump's withdrawal from Paris agreement on climate change . "Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world," said a 151 504209 quit White House advisory councils against President Donald Trump's withdrawal from Paris agreement on climate change. "Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world," said a message Musk posted on his Twitter 151 505417 Press Agency. Szyszko announced, in the presence of Patricia Espinosa, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change , that the December 2018 UN climate summit will be held in Katowice. The climate conference will be held for the 151 505491 said. The UN climate summit, the so-called COP (Conference of the Parties) is an annual global conference during which climate change policy is being negotiated. Poland has twice organised the COP -- in 2008 in Poznan, western Poland and in 2013 in 151 508501 Player Close CANBERRA, June 2 (Xinhua) -- The Australian government on Friday reaffirmed its commitment to the United Nations' historic Paris climate change agreement, despite U.S. President Donald Trump's withdrawal of the United States overnight. In response to Trump's announcement, Australia's Energy and 151 511096 D.C., the United States, on June 1, 2017 after President Donald Trump announces U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change . (Xinhua/Yan Liang) BEIJING, June 2 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. decision to quit the Paris climate deal has met with widespread 151 511140 home and around the world, being criticized as "disappointment" and "mistake" amid vows to commit to the global fight against climate change . "As of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the nonbinding Paris accord and the draconian financial and 151 511190 President Donald Trump announced Thursday at a press conference at the White House. The decision highlights the Trump label of climate change as "hoax" and honors his campaign pledges to bolster U.S. oil and coal industries and create more jobs, even if 151 511496 historic treaty signed by 194 countries and ratified by 147 of them, the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change noted in a statement while rejecting renegotiations as suggested by Trump. It also affirmed a commitment to "continue working with 151 511647 Sharon Dijksma tweeted on Thursday evening. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on Facebook he regrets the Trump's decision. "The climate change approach is not only necessary, it offers global economic opportunities." Norway's Prime Minister Erna Solberg said in a statement she 151 511777 In Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany intends to work closely with China on important global issues such as climate change while attending a business event with visiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. Merkel said there is "special responsibility for both countries 151 511832 the prevention of violent conflicts or in international trade policy." Li reassured China's continued commitment to the Paris deal. Combating climate change has reached a global consensus, Li said, adding "with tremendous efforts, China will steadfastly move towards the 2030 goal step 151 514310 overnight that he had decided to pull his country out of the Paris Agreement, a landmark global pact to fight climate change . "As the United States is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitting countries, we expect the U.S. to return to 151 515688 in various fields, such as economy and trade, new-energy vehicles, trilateral cooperation, finance and artificial intelligence. RESOLUTION TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE China once again showed the world its firm resolution to deal with climate change, as Premier Li stressed in the 151 515702 and artificial intelligence. RESOLUTION TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE China once again showed the world its firm resolution to deal with climate change , as Premier Li stressed in the press conference that China will continue to work "steadfastly" to implement the commitment of 151 515744 the Paris climate deal. China, a large developing country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries, Li said. Combating climate change is a global consensus, he said, adding that "with tremendous efforts, China 151 515752 country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries, Li said. Combating climate change is a global consensus, he said, adding that "with tremendous efforts, China will move towards the 2030 goal step-by 151 515809 In addition, it was also one of the first countries to submit the file of national plan on dealing with climate change to the United Nations. Li stressed that China will make more efforts to maintain the green, low-carbon and sustainable 151 517861 Angela Merkel pledged on Thursday that her country intends to work closely with China on important global issues such as climate change . Merkel declared her intentions while attending a business event with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Berlin. Her statements came when 151 518184 Donald Trump to withdraw the country from the Paris climate accord. "The world's biggest historic emitter walking away from its climate change commitments is gravely unjust, but we must respond by redoubling our efforts. Those on the frontlines of climate change demand 151 518203 its climate change commitments is gravely unjust, but we must respond by redoubling our efforts. Those on the frontlines of climate change demand nothing less," said Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International, a UK-based confederation of charitable organizations. Jonathan Church 151 518272 great harm to current and future generations." The Paris climate agreement represents a "best chance of avoiding severe and destabilizing climate change ," Church said, noting that now without the United States, the commitment of other leading nations is "more important than ever 151 518314 The experts believe that the absence of the U.S. will strengthen the bonds among other powers on the frontline against climate change . Wendel Trio, director of Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe said unlike the view of the sitting U.S. administration, countries all 151 518372 Union (EU) is already strengthening its alliances with countries like China and Canada, as well as those most affected by climate change ," said Trio. "The EU needs to step up its game now, to trigger more climate action and smooth the way 151 518545 she added. With such a decision, Trump administration has cast America adrift from the global community and the reality of climate change , according to Susann Scherbarth, climate campaigner for Friends of the Earth Europe. "The fossil fuel industry and climate change deniers 151 518564 of climate change, according to Susann Scherbarth, climate campaigner for Friends of the Earth Europe. "The fossil fuel industry and climate change deniers have set up shop in the White House, and they're putting the lives and livelihoods of millions of people 151 518705 of greenhouse gas emissions." The Paris Agreement was agreed by the 195 member economies that attended the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris. Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-02 18:50:30|Editor: Mu Xuequan Video Player Close Chinese Premier 151 519245 said at a daily press briefing that the deal embodies the broadest consensus of the international community on coping with climate change . Hua said that China will remain committed to upholding and promoting global governance on climate change and take an active 151 519261 community on coping with climate change. Hua said that China will remain committed to upholding and promoting global governance on climate change and take an active part in the multilateral process. "China will work with all relevant parties to enhance cooperation, press 151 519324 also said China would like to work with the international community, including the United States, to expand cooperation in handling climate change . Moreover, she said that China is willing to strengthen effective communication and practical cooperation with the EU to safeguard and 151 519353 to strengthen effective communication and practical cooperation with the EU to safeguard and advance the process of multilateral governance on climate change . Hua said developed countries should be obligated to provide funding through the Green Climate Fund to developing countries in dealing 151 519376 said developed countries should be obligated to provide funding through the Green Climate Fund to developing countries in dealing with climate change , within the framework of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris climate agreement. Hua said that developing countries 151 519386 the Green Climate Fund to developing countries in dealing with climate change, within the framework of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris climate agreement. Hua said that developing countries, particularly the least developed and small island countries, have insufficient 151 519412 agreement. Hua said that developing countries, particularly the least developed and small island countries, have insufficient capacity to deal with climate change , and need support and help from the international community. She said that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the 151 519434 and need support and help from the international community. She said that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the climate change issue and is committed to pursuing innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. Moreover, China has taken concrete moves to 151 519459 committed to pursuing innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. Moreover, China has taken concrete moves to positively deal with climate change and made obvious progress, demonstrating the international responsibility shouldered by China and conforming with China's choice of sustainable growth. U.S 151 519507 that he had decided to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement, a landmark global pact to fight climate change . Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-02 19:15:48|Editor: Xiang Bo Video Player Close BEIJING, June 2 (Xinhua) -- China will 151 523600 Paris deal is a historic response to contemporary climate challenges in a effort to secure a low-carbon, sustainable and climate change -resilient future. "Together with other signatories Slovenia will work for the full implementation of the agreement and remains committed to 151 523654 among the leading countries in addressing environmental challenges, and urging other countries to strengthen their efforts in the fight against climate change . Meanwhile, Greenpeace Slovenia urged the government to show its commitment through right energy strategy, the STA reported. Greenpeace in a 151 526541 that he has decided to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement, a landmark global pact to deal with climate change . (Xinhua/Yan Liang) LUSAKA, June 2 (Xinhua) -- The decision by the U.S. government to withdraw from the Paris Climate Change 151 526561 climate change. (Xinhua/Yan Liang) LUSAKA, June 2 (Xinhua) -- The decision by the U.S. government to withdraw from the Paris Climate Change Agreement will affect developing nations like Zambia, a senior government official said on Friday. Minister of Water Development, Sanitation and 151 526607 said the planned withdraw was a blow to developing countries who were adversely being affected by the negative effects of climate change . Developing countries, he said, needed developed nations like the U.S. to help in mitigating the side effects of climate change 151 526627 climate change. Developing countries, he said, needed developed nations like the U.S. to help in mitigating the side effects of climate change , adding that the withdraw of one major developed countries was a blow, according to HOT FM radio. "It is a 151 526663 HOT FM radio. "It is a serious tragedy because we need these super powers to mitigate the negative effects of climate change . Right now we are struggling to get financing from the Green Climate Fund and the decision by the U.S. will 151 526707 the situation," he said. On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he will withdraw his country from the Paris Climate Change Agreement. A demonstration is held to protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, outside 151 526837 pre-industrial levels. U.S. payments to the UN Green Climate Fund, which helps developing countries cope with the effects of climate change , will stop following the announcement to pull out. Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-03 00:43:54|Editor: Mu Xuequan Video 151 528728 withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, while some opposition parties condemned Trump's decision. There is a consensus in Hungary that climate change is a reality and dangerous thing, Orban said in an interview with public Kossuth Radio. Climate change is of a 151 528745 in Hungary that climate change is a reality and dangerous thing, Orban said in an interview with public Kossuth Radio. Climate change is of a global nature, so an action at a global level is required, he added. This is contrary to 151 528840 sent the worst message to the world that the world's second largest emitter of greenhouse gases was not interested in climate change and the destruction of the planet's ecosystem. Democratic Coalition deputy leader Csaba Molnar said in a statement that Trump's withdrawal 151 528894 the world." According to opposition Egyutt (Together) Party, Trump's announcement could endanger the climate agreement and the struggle against global climate change . Nevertheless, the party was confident that the the United States would soon review its current decision. The file photos taken 151 529029 It was the first time that Tillerson, who reportedly opposed the U.S. withdrawal from the landmark global pact to fight climate change , made public comments on the issue after Trump's announcement on Thursday. After almost 5-month-old frenzied speculation across the 151 529659 We cannot reject it just for (the sake of) living more comfortably now." He said the Czech Republic had experienced climate change , and people had the responsibility to do their utmost to make an improvement for the next generations. The Paris agreement 151 549581 Shareholders of ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM) passed a monumental resolution this week, calling on the company to assess its vulnerability to climate change . Shareholders passed the resolution with 62 percent support. The resolution is a milestone on the campaign by environmental activists to 151 555095 Paris to reduce U.S. carbon output 26% to 28% below 2005 levels by 2025. Trump also wants deep cuts in climate-change research, and would slash the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy by 69 percent a move that critics say 151 555323 background, yet hubristically clings to his disbelief that human activity is pressing global temperatures higher he infamously has referred to climate change as a hoax concocted by the Chinese to undercut U.S. manufacturing. The irony here is that by backing out of 151 584537 to build one of the biggest coal terminals in North America is hotly debated. Environmentalists argue the terminal would exacerbate climate change by increasing the global supply of coal and generating 2 million metric tons greenhouse gas emissions annually. They also worry 151 590007 express his disappointment at the decision, but said he was inspired by "the growing momentum around the world to combat climate change and transition to clean growth economies". Mexican ministers said the world had a "moral imperative" to live up to the 151 590166 nothing was negotiable" in the Paris agreement. France and the United States "would continue to work together," but not on climate change , it said. In a TV broadcast made both in French and English, Macron said he believed that Trump had made 151 590392 affordable and secure for our citizens and businesses," May told Trump by phone, it said in a statement. New Zealand's Climate Change Minister Paula Bennett said that "so much of what (Trump) said is wrong", arguing that America was not paying a 151 605162 the 1990s, this year would be even lower than anything we observed during that poor period of survival. Jording said climate change could cause greater frequency of the kind of drought and poor ocean conditions responsible for this years poor steelhead showing 151 605187 frequency of the kind of drought and poor ocean conditions responsible for this years poor steelhead showing. The effects of climate change give us a great cause for concern on how we can expect run size abundance to behave in the future 151 611365 but a couple of nations in the world, where they all agreed to work hard to reduce the effects of climate change (there were more specific terms than that, but this is a brief article). Obama gives a rare harsh criticism of 151 611428 country he cultivated and ruining it almost immediately, took a rare anti-Trump stance when discussing the Paris accord. Apparently, climate change is Obamas breaking point. The first black President released a lengthy statement about Trumps decision, outlining why he was wrong 151 611749 this man's decision. Sanders had harsh words, but also true. He also said that not only will Trumps ignorance of climate change cause devastating harm" across the globe; it already is, so this can only be worse. Sanders, added, poignantly, that it 151 611906 people in his own country without homes and living in a lake, or he could finally accept the science of climate change and make one single positive difference in his Presidency, which has been a long time coming. So, what did he 151 611969 has the second most carbon emissions in the world, so Trump leaving the Paris agreement puts a huge dent in climate change progress, since most of the climate change problem is his countrys fault. And, like, America first? Well, Americas seeing the 151 611976 the world, so Trump leaving the Paris agreement puts a huge dent in climate change progress, since most of the climate change problem is his countrys fault. And, like, America first? Well, Americas seeing the effects of climate change, down in Florida 151 611993 most of the climate change problem is his countrys fault. And, like, America first? Well, Americas seeing the effects of climate change , down in Florida, where Trump just so happens to own a resort. Theyre living it. Open your eyes, Donald. This 151 612046 accord came after a frustrating G7 summit that left German Chancellor Angela Merkel furious at the lack of progress in climate change discussions. See, this G7 summit was an unrefreshing change of pace for Merkel, whose buddy Obama was always on board 151 612431 know a thing about politics who got elected President of the United States. And because he refuses to believe that climate change exists, but not because of the UN treaty his country used to be committed to. Scientists have recently discovered an 151 618558 and only time will tell were she lands next. The Paris Agreement was adopted by the U.N Framework Convention on Climate Change dealing with greenhouse gas emission mitigation, adoption, and finance starting from the year 2020. The agreement was signed on April 151 618657 increase spending that encourages low greenhouse emissions and climate resilient development. Nations are also expected to increase their adoption to climate change and adopt low greenhouse emissions in a way that food production is not threatened. The targets of the Paris Agreement 151 618859 told CNN that trump is planning to withdraw the U.S from the agreement, this will isolate the U.S from global climate change initiatives. I will be announcing my decision on Paris Accord, Thursday at 3:00 P.M. The White House Rose Garden 151 618899 Rose Garden. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 1, 2017 Before becoming POTUS, Donald Trump tweeted that climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese to weaken U.S industries. It is clear that he is either ignoring the 151 622523 There is a growing overlap of common interests, in the G20 framework and beyond, whether it's promoting free trade, combating climate change , or supporting a strong EU, UN and WTO," Clauss said. Li and Merkel held the annual prime ministers' meeting between 151 622660 campaigns within the US and beyond to uphold the historical pact, while dealing a blow to international efforts to manage climate change . Less than 18 months after the climate pact was adopted in Paris, Trump confirmed that the US is ditching the 151 622909 the one planet we've got," Obama said in a statement. Premier Li Keqiang, while visiting Germany on Thursday, said combating climate change is a global consensus and China pledged to tackle climate change "steadfastly". In a joint press conference with his German 151 622920 Li Keqiang, while visiting Germany on Thursday, said combating climate change is a global consensus and China pledged to tackle climate change "steadfastly". In a joint press conference with his German counterpart Angela Merkel in Berlin, Li said China will continue to 151 622961 to work steadfastly to implement the commitment of the Paris climate deal and join hands with all parties to tackle climate change . Li, who is on a three-day official visit to Europe, said China, a large developing country, should shoulder its 151 622991 visit to Europe, said China, a large developing country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries. "With tremendous efforts, China will move towards the 2030 goal step-by-step steadfastly," Li said. Chinese 151 627616 we all are confronted with. Nonetheless, we are determined to address key global issues at the top of our agenda: climate change , economic growth, sustainable development, migration, cultural diversity preservation and promotion, rule of law, human rights, security and stability. To push 151 661121 continuous training on how to deal with the ongoing farming challenges, including rising production costs, spiraling prices of fertilizers and climate change . Farmers have been hit hardest by the governments 2014 decision to increase fertilizer prices on the retail market by 33 151 679402 if conditions stay the same as last year, said Bilak. Looking at the conflicts around the world as well as climate change issues, we dont expect the numbers to go down anytime soon in either case [conflict or natural disasters]. The only 151 679451 there is more investment on working on the underlying drivers that force people to flee poverty reduction, peace building and climate change . The report also highlighted the intensity of the humanitarian crisis in Congo and how there is a need for more 151 680710 of the landmark Paris climate accord. President Donald Trumps decision to pull the United States out of the landmark Paris climate change agreement has drawn strong criticism both at home and abroad, with world and local leaders pledging their support for the 151 681117 Paris Agreement renders it a rogue state on the international stage, Mary Robinson, Elder and former UN special envoy on climate change , said in a statement. Sunita Narain, an environmentalist with the India-based Centre for Science and Environment, told Al Jazeera 151 681219 consequences on food production and major climate events. In a statement, Japans foreign ministry called the decision regrettable, adding that climate change requires a concerted effort by the whole of the international community. Paula Bennett, New Zealand climate change minister, told local 151 681236 regrettable, adding that climate change requires a concerted effort by the whole of the international community. Paula Bennett, New Zealand climate change minister, told local media that she strongly disagreed with the US. Its disappointing that [Trump] has made that call and 151 681676 a statement. This administration is abdicating its leadership and taking a backseat to other countries in the global fight against climate change . READ MORE: China vows to commit to Paris deal, whatever Trump does The three states represent more than 20 percent 151 681857 promise to resign from his role on White House advisory councils. In a tweet, Musk wrote: Am departing presidential councils. Climate Change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. READ MORE: Leaders tell Trump climate change not 151 681876 councils. Climate Change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. READ MORE: Leaders tell Trump climate change not a fairy tale Disneys CEO Robert Iger also announced that we would quit Trumps advisory team as a matter 151 681951 Apples Tim Cook, Googles Sundar Pichai and Twitters Jack Dorsey, tweeted their disappointment and pledged their companies support for fighting climate change . Decision to withdraw from the #ParisAgreeement was wrong for our planet. Apple is committed to fight climate change and we 151 681969 for fighting climate change. Decision to withdraw from the #ParisAgreeement was wrong for our planet. Apple is committed to fight climate change and we will never waver. Tim Cook (@tim_cook) June 2, 2017 Disappointed with todays decision. Google will keep working hard 151 682046 work together. jack (@jack) June 1, 2017 A number of US Republicans, many of whom are known climate change deniers, praised Trumps decision. Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhofe, who has in the past, like Trump, called climate change a 151 682065 known climate change deniers, praised Trumps decision. Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhofe, who has in the past, like Trump, called climate change a hoax said the administration is prioritising the bottom line of hard-working Americans over the agendas of environmental extremists 151 686104 the European Council, told a news conference with Li and Jean-Claude Juncker, the EUs chief executive. The fight against climate change , and all the research, innovation and technological progress it will bring, will continue, with or without the US. In their 151 686606 came fast and furious, with nations and individuals denouncing the move as dangerously shortsighted. While ecological and human catastrophe from climate change was highlighted by critics, many also pointed out the economic fallout for the US as the world shifts to a 151 686754 the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created, Obama said in a statement. WATCH: The politics of climate change in the United States It is now up to governments of US states and cities to lead the way and 151 686792 lead the way and help protect for future generations the one planet weve got, Obama added. The European Unions top climate change official said Trumps decision to pull out of the Paris accord makes it a sad day for the global community 151 687025 low-carbon, resilient economic growth that will create quality jobs and markets for 21st-century prosperity, Dujarric said. IN PICTURES: Climate change Meanwhile, Germany, France and Italy issued a joint statement rejecting Trumps demand that the Paris climate agreement be renegotiated. We 151 687308 companies, wrote on Twitter he is departing presidential councils, something he had vowed to do if Trump took this step. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world, Musk said. General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt, another 151 687428 us jobs, and invite other countries to walk away from solving humanitys most existential crisis. OPINION: A final warning on climate change Kerry described the move as an ignorant, cynical appeal to an anti-science, special-interest faction far outside the mainstream 151 690252 questions. In December 2015, after years of negotiations, 195 countries made a new commitment to work together to address global climate change . This landmark agreement, signed in Frances capital, Paris, and seen as a turning point for global climate policy, came into 151 690291 policy, came into force on November 4, 2016. As of June 2017, 195 UNFCCC (The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ) members had signed the agreement, and 148 have ratified it. However, on Wednesday, President Donald Trump announced that the United 151 690529 Paris accord, each country must submit its own plan to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and address the impact of climate change . The agreement as a whole is not legally binding and does not penalise nations who fail to meet their commitments 151 690589 to pressure them into compliance and to increase the scope of their efforts every five years. WATCH: One minute on climate change Is the Paris climate agreement bad? Two of Trumps primary arguments against the accord is that it is disadvantageous to 151 690713 some criticised it for not going far enough. Yet many called it a turning point for the worlds fight against climate change . Then-US President Barack Obama said the agreement represented the best chance we have to save the one planet that 151 691150 major tenets of the Paris agreement was to create a fair environment for all countries in their efforts to combat climate change . Many have argued that developing countries should not have to bear the same financial burden as more developed countries, which 151 691435 worsen an already bad problem and make it far more difficult to prevent crossing a dangerous global temperature threshold. Is climate change real? There is wide consensus within the scientific community that climate change is fueled by man-made greenhouse gas emissions 151 691447 prevent crossing a dangerous global temperature threshold. Is climate change real? There is wide consensus within the scientific community that climate change is fueled by man-made greenhouse gas emissions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has said: scientific evidence for 151 691461 consensus within the scientific community that climate change is fueled by man-made greenhouse gas emissions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has said: scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal. The temperature of Earths air and the 151 691507 in its oceans continue to increase, with 2016 declared the hottest year on record. OPINION: The case for collaborating on climate change Climate change could lead to political instability, increased societal tensions and could place new burdens on economies and governments, a 151 691509 oceans continue to increase, with 2016 declared the hottest year on record. OPINION: The case for collaborating on climate change Climate change could lead to political instability, increased societal tensions and could place new burdens on economies and governments, a report by 151 698256 Ratas said. Others are ful of suspicious protestations: In their statement released Friday, former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan calls climate change "the great existentialist threat of our time" and that the U.S. withdrawal weakens the Paris accord. However, he said it 151 698558 Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX, said he would leave an advisory council for Mr. Trump. "Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. " If Musk is so worried about "climate change," why is he in a business that burns tens of 151 698568 an advisory council for Mr. Trump. "Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. " If Musk is so worried about " climate change ," why is he in a business that burns tens of thousands of gallons of petroleum fuel in just a few 151 698630 Immelt, G.E.'s chairman and chief executive, said in a Twitter message: Disappointed with today's decision on the Paris Agreement. Climate change is real. G.E. makes appliances. What do those appliances run on? Wind power? Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook 151 698905 on? And what kind of energy powers those appliances? Amazon continues to support the Paris climate agreement and action on climate change . We believe that robust clean energy and climate policies can support American competitiveness, innovation, and job growth. If Trump had 151 702498 the sleep experts should be called out to see why reporters in unison just repeat what they are told about climate change and Russia or any other Democrat talking points despite so many things being provably false. Maybe the media might wake 151 706312 track for weekly losses of more than 5 per cent. The withdrawal from the landmark 2015 global agreement to fight climate change drew condemnation from allies and sparked fears that US oil production could expand even more rapidly. I think we will 151 712861 business panels in reaction to President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord. "Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world," Musk wrote on Twitter shortly after Trump's announcement 151 713004 said in a statement. "Despite this, the tech industry's determination to innovate and problem-solve for the threats posed by climate change and generate clean energy opportunities that create jobs and grow our economy remains unchanged." Oil supermajors ExxonMobil and Chevron reiterated 151 713063 lessen its resolve on the climate. "GM will not waver from our commitment to the environment and our position on climate change has not changed," the company said in a statement. "International agreements aside, we remain committed to creating a better environment 151 713146 2015 accord was "critical" given the rising emissions from India and China. "It's the first major international accord to address climate change that includes emissions reduction pledges from both developed and developing economies," the company said. "We believe that the United States 151 713239 to swiftly implement the Paris accord and urged all the other partner countries "to spead up their action to combat climate change ." (Photo: AP) New York: Italy, France and Germany have issued a collective statement dismissing US President Donald Trump's suggestion of 151 713400 to swiftly implement the Paris accord and urged all the other partner countries "to spead up their action to combat climate change ." "We are convinced that the implementation of the Paris Agreement offers substantial economic opportunities for prosperity and growth in our 151 714246 decision will not derail this unparalleled effort. (Photo: AP) United Nations: India and China are showing strong leadership to combat climate change and the decision by the US to withdraw from the Paris Agreement will not deter these global efforts, the UN 151 714275 withdraw from the Paris Agreement will not deter these global efforts, the UN Environment chief said today. "The science on climate change is perfectly clear: we need more action, not less. This is a global challenge. Every nation has a responsibility to 151 714664 withdrawal does not mean the demise of the Paris Agreement, and urged other signatories to continue to respect its provisions. " Climate change is the great existential threat of our time. The Paris Agreement was born out of effective multilateralism and a desire 151 714740 and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said. Mary Robinson, member of the group and former UN Special Envoy on Climate Change said the US "reneging on its commitment to the Paris Agreement renders it a rogue state on the international stage 151 714790 Agreement will not stop climate action in the United States. We encourage all actors in the US working to tackle climate change to stand their ground, share the benefits of their work and to keep making their voices heard," she said. Democratic 151 714844 and Environment and Public Works Committee, said with his decision, "Trump is breaking a promise to the world to combat climate change in order to keep an empty campaign promise to the coal industry. "Withdrawal from the climate agreement is a betrayal 151 718290 saying emerging economies did not have quantified emission targets. With the US Presidents latest assault on the global fight against climate change , meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement will become an uphill task. Trump has sounded the death knell for the 151 755836 of African penguins has dropped precipitously over the last 15 years some estimates say by 90% but most agree that climate change is a major factor in the decline of this iconic African species. There may be additional forces at work, including 151 756003 tourism are critical economic pillars for communities along Africas 30,500km coastline. Many of these are grappling with the effects of climate change , including rising sea levels, warming waters and increasing ocean acidification, which has led to greater coastal erosion that has damaged 151 756062 fishing, and the protection of the shoreline. One of the biggest threats to coastal and marine systems in Africa is climate change , says Yuvan A. Beejadhur, team leader on ocean economy at the World Bank, adding, The impacts are already being detected 151 756481 often lack the data, the computing power and the analytical ability to take action, Jumeau points out. Another result of climate change is ocean acidification. As the ocean absorbs greater amounts of carbon dioxide, it becomes more acid, and its changing chemistry 151 756737 these tourists come specifically to dive, and a further 33% participate in snorkelling activities. Cognisant of the destructive impact of climate change on the oceans around Africa, affected countries came together at the African Ministerial Conference on Ocean Economies and Climate Change 151 756757 climate change on the oceans around Africa, affected countries came together at the African Ministerial Conference on Ocean Economies and Climate Change in Mauritius in September last year to assess the challenges faced by coastal and marine systems in Africa and discuss 151 756859 optimise carbon sequestration. Between 2017 and 2020, the initiative will mobilise between $500m and $900m and implement programmess linked to climate change adaptation and mitigation. World Bank experts caution that without action, fish catches are projected to drop because of climate change 151 756879 climate change adaptation and mitigation. World Bank experts caution that without action, fish catches are projected to drop because of climate change possibly by one half in Cote dIvoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Togo, according to the FAO. These ambitious 151 756920 ambitious programmes aimed at strengthening the resilience of African coastal communities are critical to meeting the challenges and opportunities of climate change , especially for vulnerable Small Island Development States, observes Maria Helena Semedo, FAOs deputy director-general for natural resources. African coastal 151 756950 Maria Helena Semedo, FAOs deputy director-general for natural resources. African coastal communities are some of the most affected by climate change , she continues. FAO is fully engaged and ready to be at the heart of these significant developments to work alongside 151 756987 significant developments to work alongside countries and communities to reduce their vulnerabilities, build their resilience, and maximize opportunities emerging from climate change . The African package for climate-resilient ocean economies is composed of five flagship programmes, and each will have its own 151 757184 marine biodiversity, reducing overfishing and addressing ocean acidification and marine pollution. The Sahel has been battered by drought due to climate change . Article published courtesy of Africa Renewal. ABIDJAN, Cote d'Ivoire - The first edition of the Design Market, an event to celebrate 151 767613 in North East Inner City Dublin. The leader of the Green Party says our efforts to adhere to the Paris Climate Change Agreement will be futile without America's involvement. Donald Trump announced last night that he is pulling the US, the world's 151 771098 matches would have to be reviewed. PA Theresa May has insisted the UK is committed to the Paris Agreement on climate change as she faced criticism over her response to US withdrawal from the deal. A decision by President Donald Trump to 151 771132 deal. A decision by President Donald Trump to pull the US out of the world's first comprehensive accord on tackling climate change and seek renegotiated terms that are "fair" to America has drawn widespread international condemnation. A statement issued by the leaders 151 771192 irreversible" accord and regard it as "a cornerstone in the co-operation between our countries, for effectively and timely tackling climate change ". In a phone call with the US president shortly after his White House announcement, Mrs May expressed her "disappointment" at 151 771371 type of leadership Britain needs either to negotiate Brexit or stand up to defend our planet in an era of climate change ." Mrs May said: "I've made the UK's position on the Paris Agreement very clear. We remain committed to the Paris 151 771400 position on the Paris Agreement very clear. We remain committed to the Paris Agreement. It's an important international agreement on climate change . "I made the UK's position clear to president Trump last week at the G7 meeting, as did the other G7 151 771545 to be cut to net zero by the second half of the century. Scientists have warned failure to curb dangerous climate change will lead to sea level rises, more intense storms and flooding, more extreme droughts, water shortages and heatwaves as well 151 771735 to cut emissions by 26-28% on 2005 levels by 2025, and end funding for poor countries to cope with climate change . Under the terms of the agreement, the US can give notice that it will withdraw three years after the deal 151 773194 CEO Frank Calabria said the Paris accord was still the most significant achievement to date on collective global action on climate change , and he was "acutely aware" of how Origin's customers, shareholders and the wider community felt. "They overwhelmingly believe climate change 151 773214 climate change, and he was "acutely aware" of how Origin's customers, shareholders and the wider community felt. "They overwhelmingly believe climate change is real and expect urgent action to address it," Mr Calabria said. Energy giant AGL said it backed the federal 151 773345 Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said the Paris deal had given business certainty on how the world would address climate change . It was disappointing the US had opted out of the agreement, Mr Pearson said, and underlined the need for certainty 151 773694 infrastructure in protest. General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt tweeted that it was now up to industry to lead action on climate change , and Microsoft president CEO Brad Smith said the software giant remained committed to its own low-emissions goals. The US 151 774060 four months before a general election. Across the nation, once-pristine waterways have become contaminated by farm effluent. One reason climate change deniers get away with rejecting science and dismissing the benefits of pro-active emissions reductions is that global warming is 151 774109 for an individual in Sydney or Pittsburgh or Paris today to put a finger on a symptom of human-induced climate change . Beyond seeing glaciers melt and suspecting that weather events are becoming more erratic and dangerous, the average person is not 151 774227 mainly on the right, find it relatively simple to compare the far-off health of the planet with the risk climate change action poses to your job. They sell a counter-intuitive narrative that says protecting the planet is too dangerous for 151 780805 of local residents". London: US President Donald Trump has announced he is pulling the US out of the 2015 Paris climate change deal. The choice, his biggest international policy decision to date, is an ill thought through move that will retard international 151 781295 a White House ceremony on Thursday, Mr Trump said the US would withdraw from the 2015 international pact to tackle climate change . The agreement negotiated under his predecessor put at risk US jobs and the US economy, he said, declaring he was 151 783087 South Mumbai building at throwaway prices. The Trump administration has announced the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change . Should we expect any substantive effect on global climate efforts or changes to other U.S. climate policies? Some suggest there 151 783338 Modi, wrapping up his Russia visit on a high, today reaffirmed India's commitment to reducing carbon emission under the Paris Climate Change accord, as he invited global businesses to invest in the world's fastest growing economy, saying "sky is the limit" for 151 783628 in Russia. Modi also sidestepped a question on which side he stood after Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Change accord. In his reply, he quoted the Vedas to say that harming the environment is a crime, and milking nature 151 784926 States from the Paris climate agreement comes as no surprise. After all, this is the man who famously claimed that climate change was a hoax created by the Chinese. While it will take around four years for the US to withdraw, the 151 785051 India will abide by its existing commitments under the despite the US President Donald Trump pulling out from the global climate change pact. Amazon I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide 151 787878 the solar industry. Addressing the gathering, he reiterated Indias resolve to take up the leadership of saving the planet from climate change while others abrogate their leadership. Shri Goyal highlighted how under Shri Modis visionary leadership, India has started the ISA which 151 788529 future generations the one planet we've got," said in a statement. India and China are showing strong leadership to combat climate change and the decision by the US to withdraw from the Paris Agreement will not deter these global efforts, the UN 151 788558 withdraw from the Paris Agreement will not deter these global efforts, the UN Environment chief said today. "The science on climate change is perfectly clear: we need more action, not less. This a global challenge. Every nation has a responsibility to act 151 788944 withdrawal does not mean the demise of the Paris Agreement, and urged other signatories to continue to respect its provisions. " Climate change is the great existential threat of our time. The Paris Agreement was born out of effective multilateralism and a desire 151 789019 and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said. Mary Robinson, member of the group and former UN Special Envoy on Climate Change said the US "reneging on its commitment to the Paris Agreement renders it a rogue state on the stage. "But 151 789068 Agreement will not stop climate action in the United States. We encourage all actors in the US working to tackle climate change to stand their ground, share the benefits of their work and to keep making their voices heard," she said. Democratic 151 789122 and Environment and Public Works Committee, said with his decision, "Trump is breaking a promise to the world to combat climate change in order to keep an empty campaign promise to the coal industry. "Withdrawal from the climate agreement is a betrayal 151 789871 Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi said that by walking away from the pact, Trump is abandoning America's leadership in the fight against climate change and sending a strong message to the rest of the world to design clean energy solutions and create jobs elsewhere 151 790097 decision "is irresponsible, hasty, and short-sighted." Senator Ed Markey said Trump broke a promise to the world to combat climate change to keep "an empty campaign promise." "Withdrawal from the climate agreement is a betrayal of scientific fact, economic opportunity, and 151 790303 on track for weekly losses of more than 5%. The US withdrawal from the landmark 2015 global agreement to fight climate change drew condemnation from Washington's allies and sparked fears that the US production could expand even more rapidly. "I think we 151 793645 to swiftly implement the Paris accord and urged all the other partner countries "to spead up their action to combat climate change ." "We are convinced that the implementation of the Paris Agreement offers substantial economic opportunities for prosperity and growth in our 151 806851 the North Country, protecting our environment goes hand in hand with strengthening our economy," Stefanik, R-Willsboro, said. "We understand climate change is a serious threat that must be addressed by our entire global community, and the United States should continue to 151 806929 of the world addresses these issues. Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement is misguided, and harms the ongoing effort to fight climate change while also isolating us from our allies." The Paris Agreement was signed by 195 countries last year. Before Thursday, the 151 807006 continuing to rise. Even nations like China and India, which have been reluctant to participate in previous attempts to address climate change , have signed the agreement. But Trump dismissed the Paris Agreement as a bad deal and said it would undermine the 151 807095 our citizens and our country," Trump said. Despite Trump's actions, Stefanik expressed her willingness to focus on ways to address climate change . She's a member of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus and is the sponsor of a GOP climate change resolution. "I 151 807113 to address climate change. She's a member of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus and is the sponsor of a GOP climate change resolution. "I am committed to working in Congress on solutions to fight climate change, and will also continue working with 151 807127 is the sponsor of a GOP climate change resolution. "I am committed to working in Congress on solutions to fight climate change , and will also continue working with local New York county and state officials on efforts here in our state to 151 809919 our planet. This administration is abdicating its leadership and taking a backseat to other countries in the global fight against climate change . New York State is committed to meeting the standards set forth in the Paris Accord regardless of Washington's irresponsible actions 151 809950 set forth in the Paris Accord regardless of Washington's irresponsible actions. We will not ignore the science and reality of climate change , which is why I am also signing an Executive Order confirming New York's leadership role in protecting our citizens, our 151 810005 to leave the Paris Accord is irresponsibly shortsighted and harmful to the United States. There is no credible doubt that climate change is real and is caused by human activity. We have irrefutable data that temperatures are rising, Arctic ice is melting 151 810089 safety and security. For the sake of our country and our future, President Trump must quickly embrace the truth that climate change is real, and act on it by supporting investments in clean energy technology that will create good-paying jobs and 151 810209 Agreement is a mistake, is bad policy and relegates the United States to the sidelines of the global response to climate change . The creation of a lower carbon future is inevitable and is already underway. Governments around the world and industries and 151 810236 carbon future is inevitable and is already underway. Governments around the world and industries and investors will continue to address climate change in innovative ways. As trustee of New York states $192 billion pension fund, I will continue to seek out sustainable 151 810496 to offshore wind, and can set a new standard for justice by investing in frontline communities bearing the brunt of climate change . Unfortunately, as bold as many of Governor Cuomos commitments have been, they are equally fragile as they can be undone 151 810787 growing in technology, engineering, sales, construction and more. New York and Connecticut are at ground zero for the impacts of climate change and sea level rise. Our President has abandoned his responsibility to protect our health and safety in favor of clinging 151 811252 States from the Paris climate agreement. In his adamant assertion that American sovereignty is more important than any concerns about climate change , the President not only stood in defiance to near-unanimous scientific agreement about human impacts on climate change and its 151 811270 concerns about climate change, the President not only stood in defiance to near-unanimous scientific agreement about human impacts on climate change and its disastrous effects, but also took a stance in opposition to consistent commitments of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) on 151 811418 ranges broadly from drinking water safety and acid rain, to protecting endangered species, to cleaning up dirty power plants, to climate change and U.S. energy policy. A masked gunman set fire to a gaming room at a casino in the Philippine capital 151 818444 band together to take more decisive action than ever to confront and successfully surmount major challenges to humanity such as climate change ," she told reporters. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated 151 821020 with newly-elected French President Emmanuel Macron on a host of key issues like terrorism, India's NSG membership bid and climate change . "Reached France for a vital visit to enhance ties with one of our most important strategic partners," Prime Minister Modi 151 821171 membership of the UN Security Council, India's membership of the various multilateral export control regimes, counter-terrorism cooperation, collaboration on climate change and International Solar Alliance," he had said. France is India's 9th largest investment partner and a key partner in its 151 825335 May spoke after President Donald Trump's announcement that he would pull out of the Paris accord sent the issue of climate change and May's attempts to bolster the trans- Atlantic "special relationship" to the top of the agenda in campaigning for Britain's 151 826791 and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) By Nina Chestney LONDON (Reuters) - Washington's withdrawal from a global pact on climate change might give U.S exports a competitive advantage but supporters of the deal will struggle to respond with any carbon tariffs 151 827102 the 28-nation bloc was not considering any tariff action against the United States. France, home of the 2015 Paris climate change accord, said its response was to redouble efforts to limit carbon emissions and pull other signatory countries along with it 151 829747 withdraw from the Paris Accord and said: "The decision by the United States to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change is a major disappointment for global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote international security." "The Secretary-General remains 151 830105 development." Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel Charles Michel termed Trump's decision as a 'brutal act'. He said: "Leadership means fighting climate change together. Not forsaking commitment." German Chancellor Angela Merkel Chancellor Merkel expressed "regret" at Trump's decision, and called for a continuation 151 831018 the largest historical emitter of greenhouse gases, but also one the major current emitters, CSE said any action to combat climate change will be "insufficient" by a huge margin without the US' active contribution. Calling Trump's decision "irresponsible and short- sighted", Greenpeace 151 831170 2 C. The Agreement was adopted on December 12, 2015 by 195 parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), replacing its predecessor Kyoto Protocol. It was finally ratified on November 4, 2016. "With the US president's latest assault 151 831197 Protocol. It was finally ratified on November 4, 2016. "With the US president's latest assault on the global fight against climate change , meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement will become an uphill task. Trump has sounded the death knell for the 151 831261 to fill in the void left by the US. It is, therefore, not sufficient to shift the burden of addressing climate change to other countries -- including China and India," added her colleague Chandra Bhushan, deputy director general, CSE. "Pulling out of the 151 831609 Agreement could delay actions to both reduce global emissions as well as to adapt to the adverse impacts of the climate change that has already occurred. "However, we believe that the positive trends in the decline of prices of renewable energy and 151 831704 out on investment, jobs and market opportunities in a lower carbon economy. R K Pachauri, former chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said the US decision was "truly unfortunate" as it completely ignores the scientific reality of climate change and the 151 831722 Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said the US decision was "truly unfortunate" as it completely ignores the scientific reality of climate change and the moral responsibility of the US for taking action. "In cumulative terms, the US has been the largest emitter 151 831753 action. "In cumulative terms, the US has been the largest emitter of greenhouse gases which are resulting in human induced climate change ," he said. Hours after the US president walked out of the Paris climate accord, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday 151 831881 crime but milking of the nature by humans is a right." Later, when the moderator asked which side of the climate change debate he stood, and whether he disagreed with Trump's stand, Modi remained diplomatically neutral. "I have in simple way stated 151 832087 than necessary from the nature," he said. Hours earlier, Trump had announced that the US was withdrawing from the Paris climate change deal, which had been agreed by more than 190 nations. The US president said the agreement unfairly benefited countries like 151 840685 Trumps advisory councils following the U.S.s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. Taking to Twitter, Musk said Am departing president councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. Musk had been a member of Trumps infrastructure 151 840734 Presidents strategic and policy forum. The Paris Agreement, agreed to in December 2015, saw 195 countries provide commitments to combat climate change . By withdrawing, the United States becomes just the third country on earth not to have signed the agreement, joining Syria 151 864699 Pennsylvania Avenue. Advertisement Nice try, making excuses for threats from Ted Nugent just because he is a conservative. Trump treated climate change as though it's a joke, teasing us with a "will he or won't he" game over whether or not we 151 890190 small handful of nations that reject the future" after Trump announced his decision to quit the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change . Flash Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrives in Brussels, Belgium, June 1, 2017. Li is scheduled to attend the 19th China 151 898651 to work steadfastly to implement the commitment of the Paris climate deal and join hands with all parties to tackle climate change , Chinese Premier Li Keqiang told reporters here on Thursday. In a joint press conference with his German counterpart Angela Merkel 151 898692 Merkel, Li said that China, a large developing country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries. Combating climate change is a global consensus, said Li, adding that "with tremendous efforts, China will move 151 898698 large developing country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries. Combating climate change is a global consensus, said Li, adding that "with tremendous efforts, China will move towards the 2030 goal step-by 151 898757 adding that China was also one of the first countries to submit the file of national plan on dealing with climate change to the United Nations. The Paris Agreement was adopted by 196 parties in Paris in 2015 and it went into 151 903069 rocket science to fathom that US President Donald Trump's decision to pull the United States out of the 2015 Paris climate change agreement makes the future of concerted global action against climate change uncertain. The signs of the times to come were 151 903080 pull the United States out of the 2015 Paris climate change agreement makes the future of concerted global action against climate change uncertain. The signs of the times to come were visible at the end of March, when Trump signed the "Energy 151 903183 were murmurs that Trump would pull the US out of the Paris pact. Announcing his decision, Trump, who has dismissed climate change as a hoax, said: "The United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord" and would seek to begin new 151 906918 the One Belt One Road Strategy and tap into its huge opportunities. Some years ago, I attended a conference on climate change in Urumqi at the Xinjiang University. On stage, a very old man with tangled air and a frail silhouette. Standing 151 925292 China will stick to its commitment made in the Paris Agreement and will join forces with other parties to combat climate change , Premier Li Keqiang said on Thursday. "China is one of the first countries to ratify the Paris pact, and we 151 925431 recent tweets suggested that the US might abandon the historic accord. Chai Qimin, an expert at the National Center for Climate Change Strategy at the National Development and Reform Commission, said Li's comments are in line with China's consistent stance on combating 151 925453 Strategy at the National Development and Reform Commission, said Li's comments are in line with China's consistent stance on combating climate change . Chai cited President Xi Jinping's words at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, earlier this year. Xi called for 151 925712 such as the European Union," she said. Leaders are expected to adopt a joint statement and a separate statement on climate change and clean energy after the 19th China-EU leaders' meeting ends on Friday, according to a news release by the 151 929577 including infrastructure, aviation, information and security. The EU leaders said the bloc's cooperation with China in fields including free trade, climate change and security will benefit global peace and prosperity. After the meeting, the leaders witnessed the signing of cooperation documents in 151 929640 said the meeting came right after the EU and the United States were in conflict on issues from trade to climate change at the NATO and G7 summits, which were held last week. "China-EU relations have become a highlight in international 151 945957 be defunct coal and oil sectors.Donald Trump has effectively said that the rest of the world can go jump.Thing is, climate change is not just doing harm to people in countries far away from him. It is doing a great deal of 151 945994 doing a great deal of harm to people in the USA as well. Many people have written today about how climate change is real and harmful. We can take that as read. The science of it dates back more than 200 years 151 946167 and adaptation activities. That leaves recovery and repair. Will Donald Trump and the GOP approve funds for repairing damage from climate change , or will he just let American people rot?The question now is how much further will Donald Trump go? Another 151 946680 the way it is today.A lot of people can foresee the day when countries that don't pull their weight with climate change (and the USA has caused the most global warming) will be sanctioned. This will probably begin with impositions on air 151 947864 her Thursday statement in support of the presidents decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement aimed at combatting climate change . (Her meeting with teachers about the new special education website was closed to the press.) Certainly the climate changes, she 151 948697 him to keep the U.S. in the agreement. But it wasn't enough," Cook wrote. He added in the email that climate change was real and that everyone had a shared responsibility to fight it. He assured employees that Thursday's decision will not 151 948791 Twitter. Tim Cook tweet: Decision to withdraw from the #ParisAgreeement was wrong for our planet. Apple is committed to fight climate change and we will never waver. Cook is not the only business leader to have expressed disappointment or disagree with Trump's 151 948951 President Trump on Tuesday and tried to persuade him to keep the U.S. in the agreement. But it wasn't enough. Climate change is real and we all share a responsibility to fight it. I want to reassure you that today's developments will 151 949413 the bank." China could reap geopolitical and economic benefits following President Donald Trump's decision to abandon an international agreement on climate change . In a heavily-teased event on Thursday, the president withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Agreement a universal deal on 151 950000 the White House's business advisory council over President Donald Trump 's decision to withdraw the U.S. from a sweeping, global climate-change agreement. Iger's move came after Tesla CEO Elon Musk followed through on his threat to leave three presidential advisory councils 151 954921 into the debate on whether carbon dioxide emissions from burning coal for power plants and industrial factories contribute to global climate change . "At some point in the cycle, coal will be competitive again," Cohn said. "We want to be in the coal 151 955182 was very courageous." Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt on Friday declined to say whether President Donald Trump believes that climate change is real. Pruitt was asked that question three times during an appearance at the daily White House press briefing and 151 955233 EPA chief spoke extensively with Trump during deliberations over leaving the Paris climate agreement, but suggested the president's stance on climate change had not come up. "All the discussions we had through the last several weeks have been focused on one singular 151 955275 issue: Is Paris good or not for this country. That's the discussions I've had with the president." Trump has called climate change a hoax created by the Chinese in the past. On Thursday, he announced he would pull the United States out 151 955642 than-expected U.S. jobs data and digested the news that President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from the Paris climate change deal. The pan-European Stoxx 600 closed up 0.23 percent with most sectors and major bourses in positive territory. The 151 956133 he was pulling the United States out of the Paris Agreement, an international treaty aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change . Trump said he was open to renegotiating the Paris Agreement or creating an entirely new accord after the United States 151 964836 most dangerous president we've ever had, Barack Obama." The Clean Power Plan was an Obama administration policy aimed at combating climate change , which Trump scrapped earlier this year. Murray said it's hard to predict how Trump's decision will affect coal but said 151 965855 Elon Musk, for example, has announced he is leaving the presidential councils he sat on as an advisor to Trump. " Climate change is real," the Tesla and SpaceX CEO said in a tweet. "Leaving Paris is not good for America or the 151 966147 announcing he would pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement, an international effort to mitigate the effects of climate change . Relying on renewable energy sources, he claimed, would leave the country with too little power to accelerate economic growth or 151 967141 the U.S. is leaving when it pulls out of these sorts of agreements," said director at the Australian National University's Climate Change Institute, Mark Howden. "I could imagine some countries are very positive seeing this as a good opportunity to start flexing 151 967285 it a campaign promise rightly kept. Trump on Thursday announced his intention to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate-change accords, and if he holds to his decision, he'll do the American people a great service. Simply put, before any 151 967386 The Left's unhinged freakout over Trump's Paris Accord withdrawal Hillary blames America first First, let's dispense with any notion that climate change is too important to be left to constitutional treaty-making process. If the consequences of climate change will be as 151 967403 any notion that climate change is too important to be left to constitutional treaty-making process. If the consequences of climate change will be as catastrophic as alarmists fear, then the constitutional process becomes more important, not less. The constitutional process creates 151 970176 there's the United Nations Green Climate Fund, which helps finance renewable energy and infrastructure to deal with the effects of climate change in the poorest and most vulnerable countries. On the other hand, there's a broad pledge to eventually raise $100 billion 151 970212 pledge to eventually raise $100 billion a year globally not just by the United States to help developing countries mitigate climate change . The United Nations Green Climate Fund counts as part of that pledge, but the overall picture is more complicated. As 151 970473 States reaps the economic benefits as well. And by helping countries that are especially vulnerable prepare for the effects of climate change , they could prevent or minimize future refugee crises that could destabilize regions and spill over into the developed world. The 151 970513 world. The other number Trump mentioned was goal of eventually mobilizing $100 billion per year to help poorer countries combat climate change , which was first announced in 2009 at the Copenhagen climate conference. J. Timmons Roberts, a researcher at the Brookings Institution 151 973775 on Twitter he said: Decision to withdraw from the #ParisAgreeement was wrong for our planet. Apple is committed to fight climate change and we will never waver. In a separate note to Apple employees, made available in full on Axios, he said 151 973797 and we will never waver. In a separate note to Apple employees, made available in full on Axios, he said: Climate change is real and we all share a responsibility to fight it. I want to reassure you that todays developments will 151 973930 effective and balanced response to reducing global [greenhouse gas] emissions. The Paris agreement gives us that flexible framework to manage climate change while providing a smooth transition for business. Former US Secretary of State John Kerry said: "I think other countries will 151 974016 been slammed by scientists, enterprise leaders, politicians, state authorities, even by former Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Smartphones are science Leading climate change body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), warns that: "Warming [...] is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of 151 974023 state authorities, even by former Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Smartphones are science Leading climate change body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), warns that: "Warming [...] is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean 151 974107 demand for a much more extensive deal, while Syria is in a state of war. What makes the actions of climate change denial remarkable is that those who engage in it seem happy to dismiss scientific evidence that proves the reality of 151 974129 denial remarkable is that those who engage in it seem happy to dismiss scientific evidence that proves the reality of climate change , even while using technologies developed by scientists who believe the threat to be real. How do you engage with that 151 974575 interfering in the economy, or the operation of private businesses, are clustered at the bottom of the scoresheet, alongside the climate change and overseas aid commitments. Ideas such as forcing companies to publish pay gap data, workers representation, and the energy price 151 975330 stop to arrest ratios do not improve. 4: 4.98 We will continue to take a lead in global action against climate change , as the government demonstrated by ratifying the Paris Agreement. 4.51 We will require companies with more than 250 employees to 151 975477 British opposition to green taxes and subsidies. Theres the rather longer-running one, which focuses on the science, arguing that climate change is variously a myth or an outright con and therefore that we dont need to do anything. And theres the 151 975689 deliberate ploy to impoverish Americans and divert their money to China and India. Hes avoiding repeating his previous claim that climate change itself is a conspiracy, but his fans know where he is coming from on the topic, and will cheer him 151 1030923 de Blasio did the same with City Hall late Thursday as a sign of support for the Paris Agreement on climate change hours after President Donald Trump announced he was pulling the US out of the accord. The antenna atop One World 151 1031185 Hall on Thursday night Earlier on Thursday, de Blasio tweeted that 'opting out of Paris Accord is a grave error. ' Climate change is real - we feel the effects now. Trump's choice ensures it will only get worse.' The Kosciuszko Bridge, which spans 151 1031287 of the Paris Agreement.' Earlier on Thursday, de Blasio tweeted that 'opting out of Paris Accord is a grave error. ' Climate change is real - we feel the effects now. Trump's choice ensures it will only get worse.' Cuomo, a Democrat, slammed Trump 151 1031360 governor said. 'This administration is abdicating its leadership and taking a backseat to other countries in the global fight against climate change . Cuomo (seen in the above May 23, 2017, file photo), a Democrat, slammed Trump for pulling out of the agreement 151 1031446 US Climate Alliance, which will 'convene US states committed to upholding the Paris Climate Agreement and taking aggressive action on climate change ' 'New York State is committed to meeting the standards set forth in the Paris Accord regardless of Washington's irresponsible actions 151 1031477 set forth in the Paris Accord regardless of Washington's irresponsible actions. 'We will not ignore the science and reality of climate change .' Cuomo also announced that he and two of his fellow governors California's Jerry Brown and Washington State's Jay Inslee formed 151 1031520 US Climate Alliance, which will 'convene US states committed to upholding the Paris Climate Agreement and taking aggressive action on climate change .' So far, 30 states announced Thursday that they would disregard Trump's order on Thursday and pursue their own policies which 151 1031556 and pursue their own policies which seek to limit greenhouse gas emissions, according to The Washington Post. Cuomo has made climate change policy a central pillar of his administration. The governor announced a $1.65billion plan to invest in renewable energy and energy 151 1031664 Both California and New York require utility companies to shift to 50 per cent renewable by 2030. Cuomo has made climate change policy a central pillar of his administration. The image above shows 363 solar panels installed on the rooftop of Rockefeller 151 1031706 Center in New York. The GE building is seen in the distance Brown, like Cuomo, struck a defiant tone on climate change Thursday. 'The California economy last year increased 40 percent faster than the rest of the country,' Brown said. 'In fact 151 1031828 de Blasio, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, tweeted a statement reaffirming their commitment to combating climate change . 'Trump maybe withdrawing the US, but 61 climate mayors are adopting the Paris Agreement,' the group tweeted. 'Cities will lead 151 1037080 revelation, joking she had 'buried the lead' and 'tried to slip that in there'. Guilfoyle revealed it was not just climate change the president had sought her advice for. They had also discussed taxes, and The Five, which she said Trump was 151 1037278 Bernie Sanders 'Today, our planet suffered. It's more important than ever to take action.' ~Leonardo DiCaprio 'Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world.' ~ Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk 'Today's decision 151 1037401 is not good for America or the world.' Trump had pulled the United States out of the Paris accord on climate change on Thursday afternoon - deriding it as bad for American jobs and bad for the environment. He dared opprobrium from foreign 151 1071294 to social media to express their outrage at President Donald Trump after he pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate change accord. Former California Governor and Hollywood star Arnold Schwarzenegger tore into Trump's decision in a video uploaded online on Thursday 151 1071472 the past, but great leaders who charge forwards towards the future.' Schwarzenegger's decrying of Trump was echoed by actor and climate change activist Leonardo DiCaprio who took to Twitter to announce his frustration. The Titanic star wrote: 'Today, our planet suffered. It's 151 1071701 Stiller labelled the move as a 'huge step backward' and said the U.S. 'should be leading the world on this ( climate change ).' Others such Michael Moore were more scathing with their opprobrium of the move, with the filmmaker exclaiming he now lived 151 1071875 was 'disappointed' in Theresa May's reaction to Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the global agreement to fight climate change . Despite a slew of criticism from across the globe, including world leaders, Trump seemed unperturbed by his decision and released 151 1077651 hope you have your chance.' Trump has said in the past that the idea of an apocalyptic threat from global climate change , of the sort promoted by green lobby groups, is a flim-flam proposition designed to extort money from the U.S 151 1093916 in Havana on March 21, 2016 Trump tells a White House audience he will withdraw the US from the Paris climate change accord Changes could see the reinstatement of caps or outright banning of imports from Cuba and reconfirming the licensing structure 151 1155764 with the world & will follow Paris Agreement," he tweeted. The pacific island of Fiji has already felt the impact of climate change through wild storms such as Cyclone Winston, which killed 44 people and wiped out a third of the economy The 151 1155889 17, with Germany inviting Fiji's PM to act as president to give a voice to those on the frontline of climate change . Bainimarama's Pacific island nation has already felt the impact of climate change through wild storms such as last year's Cyclone 151 1155901 a voice to those on the frontline of climate change. Bainimarama's Pacific island nation has already felt the impact of climate change through wild storms such as last year's Cyclone Winston, which killed 44 people and wiped out a third of the 151 1156033 am also convinced that the United States Government will eventually rejoin our struggle because the scientific evidence of man-made climate change is well understood," he said. "The issue is settled, and the impacts are obvious, and humankind ignores these facts at 151 1156060 The issue is settled, and the impacts are obvious, and humankind ignores these facts at its peril." Meanwhile, New Zealand's Climate Change Minister Paula Bennett said many of the claims made by US President Donald Trump were simply incorrect. "So much of 151 1156105 is wrong. It's not going to cost America to be in it disproportionately to others," she told Radio New Zealand. " Climate change and what we need to do there can create jobs, not take them away." Australia's Environment and Energy Minister Josh 151 1162365 US change of heart over the landmark deal," it said. Xinhua pointed to Washington's withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol on climate change in 2001, saying that the "US fiasco" has "taught us the hard way, and the world knows only too well 151 1163135 barrier reef, a World Heritage site, is already under pressure from farming run-off, development, crown-of-thorns starfish and climate change . It suffered its most severe bleaching on record last year and some scientists say the reef is now damaged beyond 151 1166859 22-month prison sentence -- overturned. Small remote island states in the Pacific are at the forefront of the battle against climate change and are already suffering the effects of unpredictable weather Pacific Islands at risk of being swallowed by rising seas accused 151 1166923 of a cluster of small remote island states in the Pacific, which are at the forefront of the battle against climate change and already suffering the effects of unpredictable weather, expressed deep disappointment at the controversial move. Tuvalu Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga 151 1167089 is a struggle that is far from over," he said. Bainimarama's Pacific island nation has already felt the impact of climate change through wild storms such as last year's Cyclone Winston, which killed 44 people and wiped out a third of the 151 1167157 and the first country to ratify the global pact. The pacific island of Fiji has already felt the impact of climate change through wild storms such as Cyclone Winston, which killed 44 people and wiped out a third of the economy President 151 1167253 17, with Germany inviting Fiji's PM to act as president to give a voice to those on the frontline of climate change . Bainimarama said the rest of the world remained committed to the Paris deal, known as COP 21, struck in 2015 151 1167344 am also convinced that the United States government will eventually rejoin our struggle because the scientific evidence of man-made climate change is well understood," he said. "The issue is settled, and the impacts are obvious, and humankind ignores these facts at 151 1167371 The issue is settled, and the impacts are obvious, and humankind ignores these facts at its peril." Meanwhile, New Zealand's Climate Change Minister Paula Bennett said many of the claims made by US President Donald Trump were simply incorrect. "So much of 151 1167414 he said is wrong. It's not going to cost America to be in it disproportionately to others," she told RNZ. " Climate change and what we need to do there can create jobs, not take them away." Australia's foreign and environment ministers said 151 1172515 provided leadership at the Paris summit and we are committed to ensure that we will address the issues related to climate change and global warming," added Vardhan. China and the US, the world's first and second biggest polluters, respectively, are together responsible 151 1173694 influence and our economy is being left behind" as a result of the pull-out. She said in a statement: Climate change is one of the gravest environmental, economic and national security threats of our time, and were already experiencing its devastating 151 1173736 effects in Illinois and across the country. Our military leaders have long understood that increased famine and drought caused by climate change is contributing to political instability across the globe - but it seems that our President does not. Instead of leading the 151 1174730 to Radiohead's past activism. The British band has played concerts to support Tibetan rights, Amnesty International and the battle against climate change . Yorke called it 'patronizing in the extreme' to presume Radiohead is unfamiliar with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, pointing out that 151 1175243 island is under threat from rapid erosion that is being accelerated by rising water scientists believe to be caused by climate change . At least a hundred feet of land have recently eroded, the fisherman says. "And it just seems like it's getting 151 1175454 damaging for the US economy, won 87 percent of the vote in Tangier, where many don't believe the evidence that climate change is man-made. "It has nothing to do with sea-level rise," a retired teacher who gave his name as 151 1177907 United States should participate in the agreement, according to a recent opinion poll carried out by Yale University's program on climate change communication. At least two Republican governors announced Friday they were partnering with Democratic-run states to combat climate change after 151 1177926 on climate change communication. At least two Republican governors announced Friday they were partnering with Democratic-run states to combat climate change after Trump's announcement sparked swift condemnation from academics, industry leaders and environmental experts. US billionaire, philanthropist and UN envoy for 151 1177948 after Trump's announcement sparked swift condemnation from academics, industry leaders and environmental experts. US billionaire, philanthropist and UN envoy for climate change Michael Bloomberg pledged $15 million to support the agreement's coordinating agency if necessary -- the sum it stands to lose should 151 1178059 reduction goals the US made in Paris in 2015," said Bloomberg. The key stages of the global agreement to limit climate change The United States -- the world's second largest greenhouse gas emitter after China -- pledged in the Paris climate deal to reduce 151 1178386 Orr, one of the architects of the Paris accord and a former special advisor to the UN secretary general on climate change , told AFP that the United States had already been on track to achieve about half its Paris reductions commitment. French 151 1185628 pump that keeps him alive. (AP Photo/Dylan Lovan) Tim Pettis, a Maine lobsterman, said he's felt the effects of climate change in the waters he works in, and wishes President Trump could feel the same. "I think most people believe that 151 1185945 it the storm of the century, but why was there a storm of the century when there are reports that climate change is affecting the planet, I think we are going to see more of it and unfortunately if we don't take 151 1186558 economic rewards, Rader said. Rader also said she was heartened that leaders of other countries "understand that Americans generally understand climate change , we want to do something about it." "Unfortunately, we have a president that doesn't get it right now," she said 151 1193720 of 3 and 6, five of them from South Korea. BEIJING (AP) - By backing off the U.S. commitment to address climate change , President Donald Trump leaves an opening for a chief economic rival, China, to expand its increasing dominance in the renewable 151 1193867 power and wind power farms in northwestern China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region. By backing off the U.S. commitment to address climate change , President Donald Trump leaves an opening for a chief economic rival, China, to expand its increasing dominance in the renewable 151 1194107 expressed very clear signals that it wants to take more leadership in terms of promoting trade and global cooperation against climate change ," said Frank Yu, a China-based renewables consultant for the firm Wood Mackenzie. "The retreat of the U.S. actually gives 151 1194264 second largest coal consumer. Largely as a result, China is also the top emitter of greenhouse gasses blamed for worsening climate change . Coal production is rebounding this year, up 2.5 percent during the first four months compared to the same period in 151 1194455 deaths annually. But converting coal to gas would also produce more of the carbon dioxide that's the main driver behind climate change , first in manufacturing the gas and again in burning it. Meanwhile, the renewables boom has proven too much for China's 151 1194542 Jiujiang steel and rolling mills in Qianan in northern China's Hebei province. By backing off the U.S. commitment to address climate change , President Donald Trump leaves an opening for a chief economic rival, China, to expand its increasing dominance in the renewable 151 1194648 shrouded with fog and pollution at the Shanghai Bund in Shanghai, China. By backing off the U.S. commitment to address climate change , President Donald Trump leaves an opening for a chief economic rival, China, to expand its increasing dominance in the renewable 151 1194746 mask before walking outdoors during a smog red alert in Beijing, China. By backing off the U.S. commitment to address climate change , President Donald Trump leaves an opening for a chief economic rival, China, to expand its increasing dominance in the renewable 151 1198686 May spoke after President Donald Trump's announcement that he would pull out of the Paris accord sent the issue of climate change - and May's attempts to bolster the trans-Atlantic "special relationship" - to the top of the agenda in campaigning for Britain's 151 1202354 had supported the Paris agreement were quick to signal that Trump's decision would not change their plans. "Our position on climate change has not changed ... we publicly advocate for climate action," said General Motors. The company said it would stand by its 151 1202658 had supported the Paris agreement were quick to signal that Trump's decision would not change their plans. "Our position on climate change has not changed ... we publicly advocate for climate action," said General Motors. The company reiterated its support for various climate 151 1202915 liquefied natural gas. Exxon also faces pressure from shareholders, who voted this week for more disclosure about the impact of climate-change regulation on Exxon's business. Jason Bordoff, an energy-policy expert at Columbia University, said withdrawing from the Paris agreement would 151 1205308 warming of the planet. Massachusetts Republican Gov. Charlie Baker said Friday he decided to partner with other states to combat climate change after speaking with Vermont Republican Gov. Phil Scott and New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo. He said Massachusetts will continue 151 1205560 a letter to Energy Secretary Rick Perry saying that maintaining the commitment to the agreement and to U.S. leadership on climate change will help protect future generations. Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo - both Democrats - also are 151 1205595 Gov. Gina Raimondo - both Democrats - also are joining the alliance. Malloy said that Connecticut is "a national leader in combatting climate change " and has no intention of slowing efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Raimondo said Friday that Trump's action will not 151 1205627 gas emissions. Raimondo said Friday that Trump's action will not deter Rhode Island from taking the steps needed to address climate change . "Republicans and Democrats alike recognize that the Paris Agreement is about so much more than climate change," Raimondo said. "It's 151 1205644 needed to address climate change. "Republicans and Democrats alike recognize that the Paris Agreement is about so much more than climate change ," Raimondo said. "It's about opportunity, stewardship and America's standing as a global leader." Trump formally announced his decision to leave 151 1207749 Embassy on central London ahead of US President Donald Trump's announcement on whether pulls out of the Paris Agreement on climate change (David Mizoeff/PA) The primary cause has been competition from cleaner-burning natural gas, which has been made cheaper and 151 1208275 negligible curbing temperature rise by less than .2 degrees Celsius in 2100. The co-founder of the MIT programme on climate change says the administration is citing an outdated report, taken out of context. Jake Jacoby said the actual global impact of 151 1218410 whether to stay in the climate accord at 3 p.m. in Washington. Trump is pulling the U.S. out of the climate-change agreement after other Group of Seven leaders failed to win him over at a summit in Italy last week. The 151 1227451 abandonment of support for the proposed Asia-Pacific trade agreement TPP, the Americans are now distancing themselves from the global climate change agreement reached in Paris in 2015 and signed by then President Barack Obama. Both these policy reversals have effectively left 151 1227498 the respective issues, and will necessitate the formation of new coalitions to ensure a common approach on global trade and climate change . The Chinese Premier did not mince words. His speech placed the Sino-German relations firmly in the context of "global 151 1227806 opening, promoting trade liberalization and the facilitation of investment. Indications are that, in the wake of the American disengagement on climate change , the EU leaders will join with China in reinforcing their commitment to the Paris agreement. This is a significant juncture 151 1229645 to work steadfastly to implement the commitment of the Paris climate deal and join hands with all parties to tackle climate change , Chinese Premier Li Keqiang told reporters on Thursday. In a joint press conference with his German counterpart Angela Merkel, Li 151 1229685 Merkel, Li said that China, a large developing country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries. Combating climate change is a global consensus, said Li, adding that "with tremendous efforts, China will move 151 1229691 large developing country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries. Combating climate change is a global consensus, said Li, adding that "with tremendous efforts, China will move towards the 2030 goal step-by 151 1229750 adding that China was also one of the first countries to submit the file of national plan on dealing with climate change to the United Nations. The Paris Agreement was adopted by 196 parties in Paris in 2015 and it went into 151 1234243 and environmentally friendly fuel that would help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help them fulfil the terms of the Paris climate change accord. The downgrade adds to warnings about China's reliance on credit to propel growth after the 2008 global crisis. Beijing 151 1250339 business panels in reaction to President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord. "Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world," Musk wrote on Twitter shortly after Trump's announcement 151 1250482 said in a statement. "Despite this, the tech industry's determination to innovate and problem-solve for the threats posed by climate change and generate clean energy opportunities that create jobs and grow our economy remains unchanged." Oil supermajors ExxonMobil and Chevron reiterated 151 1250541 lessen its resolve on the climate. "GM will not waver from our commitment to the environment and our position on climate change has not changed," the company said in a statement. "International agreements aside, we remain committed to creating a better environment 151 1250624 2015 accord was "critical" given the rising emissions from India and China. "It's the first major international accord to address climate change that includes emissions reduction pledges from both developed and developing economies," the company said. "We believe that the United States 151 1250700 decision will not derail this unparalleled effort. (Photo: AP) United Nations: India and China are showing strong leadership to combat climate change and the decision by the US to withdraw from the Paris Agreement will not deter these global efforts, the UN 151 1250729 withdraw from the Paris Agreement will not deter these global efforts, the UN Environment chief said today. "The science on climate change is perfectly clear: we need more action, not less. This is a global challenge. Every nation has a responsibility to 151 1251118 withdrawal does not mean the demise of the Paris Agreement, and urged other signatories to continue to respect its provisions. " Climate change is the great existential threat of our time. The Paris Agreement was born out of effective multilateralism and a desire 151 1251194 and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said. Mary Robinson, member of the group and former UN Special Envoy on Climate Change said the US "reneging on its commitment to the Paris Agreement renders it a rogue state on the international stage 151 1251244 Agreement will not stop climate action in the United States. We encourage all actors in the US working to tackle climate change to stand their ground, share the benefits of their work and to keep making their voices heard," she said. Democratic 151 1251298 and Environment and Public Works Committee, said with his decision, "Trump is breaking a promise to the world to combat climate change in order to keep an empty campaign promise to the coal industry. "Withdrawal from the climate agreement is a betrayal 151 1251467 to swiftly implement the Paris accord and urged all the other partner countries "to spead up their action to combat climate change ." (Photo: AP) New York: Italy, France and Germany have issued a collective statement dismissing US President Donald Trump's suggestion of 151 1251628 to swiftly implement the Paris accord and urged all the other partner countries "to spead up their action to combat climate change ." "We are convinced that the implementation of the Paris Agreement offers substantial economic opportunities for prosperity and growth in our 151 1255415 band together to take more decisive action than ever to confront and successfully surmount major challenges to humanity such as climate change ," she said. In a strongly worded statement, Merkel said US President Donald Trump's announcement to turn his back on the 151 1255994 be aware of the danger" of terrorism. France and the United States "would continue to work together," but not on climate change , the presidential office said. (Photo: File) Paris: European leaders and green groups reacted with anger and dismay after President Donald 151 1256051 the 2015 Paris Agreement. But they also pledged to defend the agreement and not to backtrack in the fight against climate change . In an exceptional step, continental Europe's three biggest economies -- Germany, France and Italy -- issued a joint statement in which they 151 1256170 as "seriously wrong." The body's commissioner for climate action and energy Miguel Arias Canete also pledged continued "global leadership" on climate change . "The EU deeply regrets the unilateral decision by the Trump administration," he said in a statement. "The Paris Agreement will 151 1256208 The Paris Agreement will endure. The world can continue to count on Europe for global leadership in the fight against climate change . "Europe will lead through ambitious climate policies and through continued support to the poor and vulnerable," he added. In Berlin 151 1256312 nothing was negotiable" in the Paris agreement. France and the United States "would continue to work together," but not on climate change , the presidential office said. Paris city hall meanwhile said it would illuminate its building in green on Thursday "in a 151 1256352 in a sign of disapproval" of Trump's announcement and to recall the determination of cities around the world to fight climate change . In Rome, Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni urged against any retreat from fighting climate. "Let's not go backwards from the 151 1256477 Friends of the Earth International said "pulling out of the Paris Agreement would make the US a rogue state on climate change . The rest of the world cannot let the US drag it down." Oxfam France branded the decision as "shameful and 151 1256849 headline: Earth to Trump: F*** you! on its front page, in response to the US president backing out of the climate change deal. The front page was published on Friday ahead of the official announcement, but was widely circulated online after Donald 151 1257938 contributing to Nato, while Merkel is peeved with Trumps insular approach to global affairs and his likely withdrawal from the climate change treaty, which Merkel has strongly supported. Germany is looking for new partners especially in Asia. While Chinas deep pockets makes 151 1259092 the largest historical emitter of greenhouse gases, but also one the major current emitters, CSE said any action to combat climate change will be "insufficient" by a huge margin without the US' active contribution. Calling Trump's decision "irresponsible and short- sighted", Greenpeace 151 1259243 below 2C. The Agreement was adopted on December 12, 2015 by 195 parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), replacing its predecessor Kyoto Protocol. It was finally ratified on November 4, 2016. "With the US president's latest assault 151 1259270 Protocol. It was finally ratified on November 4, 2016. "With the US president's latest assault on the global fight against climate change , meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement will become an uphill task. Trump has sounded the death knell for the 151 1259334 to fill in the void left by the US. It is, therefore, not sufficient to shift the burden of addressing climate change to other countries -- including China and India," added her colleague Chandra Bhushan, deputy director general, CSE. "Pulling out of the 151 1259682 Agreement could delay actions to both reduce global emissions as well as to adapt to the adverse impacts of the climate change that has already occurred. "However, we believe that the positive trends in the decline of prices of renewable energy and 151 1259777 out on investment, jobs and market opportunities in a lower carbon economy. R K Pachauri, former chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said the US decision was "truly unfortunate" as it completely ignores the scientific reality of climate change and the 151 1259795 Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said the US decision was "truly unfortunate" as it completely ignores the scientific reality of climate change and the moral responsibility of the US for taking action. "In cumulative terms, the US has been the largest emitter 151 1259826 action. "In cumulative terms, the US has been the largest emitter of greenhouse gases which are resulting in human induced climate change ," he said. Lawyer Gautam Khaitan, an accused in AgustaWestland case, and five others have been booked by the CBI in 151 1261681 the Paris summit. "We are committed to ensuring that we will do our best to address the issue related to climate change and global warming," Vardhan told reporters. President Donald Trump today declared the US would withdraw from the 2015 Paris climate 151 1261997 generations," Modi said while responding to a question about US President Donald Trump announcing withdrawal of the USA from the Climate Change deal. He said he had made the same comment in Germany three days back when "nobody's comment had come", an 151 1262049 then, I say it now," he added. Trump earlier in the day said the US was withdrawing from the Paris climate change deal, agreed by more than 190 nations. He said it unfairly benefited countries like India and China. Asked by the 151 1262084 like India and China. Asked by the moderator whether India would side with the US or others on the Paris climate change deal, Modi replied, "it is not a question of which way I go. I will go with the future generations 151 1262144 have a healthy life." Earlier, addressing the event, the prime minister said, "India is a responsible nation with regard to climate change ...We can milk the nature... Exploitation of nature is not acceptable to us," he said. He said India had been 151 1263696 June 2017 (Microsoft) Today, the White House announced its intent to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement on climate change . Over 190 countries, from China to India to the EU, have signed the agreement and committed to taking actions to 151 1263726 the EU, have signed the agreement and committed to taking actions to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Microsoft believes that climate change is an urgent issue that demands global action. We have a longstanding commitment to sustainability, which includes operating 100 percent 151 1263982 with todays decision by the White House to withdraw the United States from the landmark, globally supported Paris Agreement on climate change . We remain steadfastly committed to the sustainability, carbon and energy goals that we have set as a company and to 151 1269305 order to achieve balance he would play the entirety of her evidence and this took most of the day. As climate change denying EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and fascist puppet master Steve Bannon wipe Ivanka Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson 151 1269344 State Rex Tillerson off the bottoms of their shoes, President Trumps move to take the USA out of the Paris climate change agreement is isolating him both inside the USA and on the global stage. The agreement was non-binding so cant 151 1269540 from his business advisory council. Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Disney CEO Robert Iger both departed: Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 1, 2017 As a 151 1269630 him to keep the U.S. in the agreement. But it wasnt enough, Cook wrote. He added in the email that climate change was real and that everyone had a shared responsibility to fight it. He assured employees that Thursdays decision will not 151 1269710 doubled down on Twitter: Decision to withdraw from the #ParisAgreeement was wrong for our planet. Apple is committed to fight climate change and we will never waver. Tim Cook (@tim_cook) June 2, 2017 The only people who appear to be supporting Trump 151 1269849 policies will not sustain once hes gone. With this move, Trump has shown that he doesnt represent mainstream thought on climate change . Hes shown the world that hes little more than a petulant narcissist who acts impulsively to satisfy his shrinking base 151 1272306 have expressed dismay at U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement that the United States will withdraw from the Paris accord on climate change saying it flies in the face of Christian values. Faith groups across the spectrum said the action by Trump is 151 1272536 Trump with a gift, though, that...defines their opposition as absolute. The gift was a copy of his encyclical on climate change , 'Laudato Si.' Trump politely promised to read it. Sure," noted the magazine. "This is a tragedy, missing an opportunity to 151 1272655 US from the Paris Climate Agreement. They expressed deep dismay at this development, which goes against global commitments to address climate change . The three faith Christian bodies actively contributed the development of the Paris agreement, welcomed its outcomes and the commitments of 151 1272712 landmark Paris Climate Agreement for taking into account the immediate needs of countries most severely affected by the impacts of climate change . "The move by the President of the United States today flies in the face of ethics and Christian values," said 151 1272752 values," said Rudelmar Bueno De Faria, ACT Alliance General Secretary. Lutheran World Federation general secretary, Rev. Martin June said, "Addressing climate change equals protecting human beings, their workplaces and the economies of the world. The LWF will continue to promote climate justice 151 1272856 carbon emissions, and then by a planned decrease in climate finance to support people in adapting to the impacts of climate change and towards a transition to clean energy for poor countries. The implementation of the Paris agreement is the only way 151 1272955 issued a statement on behalf of the Reform movement saying the announcement was "an abdication of responsibility to address global climate change and is both physically dangerous and morally reprehensible. "The decision disregards vitally important environmental efforts to protect both our planet 151 1273014 Reneging on the agreement diminishes U.S. leadership and undermines longstanding alliances, placing an undue burden on other nations to address climate change ." American Jewish World Service, which advocates for people in developing nations, said such countries would bear the brunt of the 151 1273065 consensus regards as the already apparent signs of the effects of man-made global warming. "The longer the U.S. denies climate change and fails to take responsibility for its outsized contribution to global warming, the greater the risk posed to the entire 151 1278809 in Brussels. Chinese and EU leaders have been working behind the scenes on a joint position on renewable energy and climate change . The document will stress the dangers posed by rising temperatures as a national security issue and multiplying factor of social 151 1294147 routing applications. (GK) Fibre2Fashion News Desk India The decision by the Trump Administration to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change is deeply disappointing, especially for the citizens of vulnerable nations throughout the world. It is also a grave disappointment for 151 1294187 disappointment for millions of people living in those areas of the United States that are threatened by the effects of climate change , whether it is the flooding that threatens cities like New York and Miami, or the periods of drought and deluge 151 1294520 am also convinced that the United States Government will eventually rejoin our struggle because the scientific evidence of man-made climate change is well understood. The issue is settled, and the impacts are obvious, and humankind ignores these facts at its peril 151 1303937 verstehen sein kann. WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - A group of Democratic Senators who represented the United States at the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference have called on President Donald Trump to reconsider and reverse his decision to withdraw from the historic deal. The 151 1304209 to the interests of the country. However, the decision isolated the US from the international community in the fight against Climate Change . Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX Kostenloser Wertpapierhandel auf Munich (ots) - The Off-Grid Power Conference 2017 attracted over 450 151 1315766 Thursday to withdraw from the landmark Paris climate accord that seeks to reduce carbon emissions and slow the effects of climate change . In a speech from the White House, Trump said the move was made in order to fulfill his solemn duty 151 1337858 Zone), in its order passed on 18 May, said that the counsel for the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) submitted before it that Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited's (NPCIL) Mithivirdi project in Bhavnagar district in whose 151 1338492 institutions, non-governmental organisations and villagers come together for the development of their villages. New Delhi: India is committed to climate change , irrespective of the stand taken by any other country, Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan said on Friday, hours after the United 151 1338577 Paris climate summit. "We are committed to ensuring that we will do our best to address the issue related to climate change and global warming," Vardhan told reporters. President Donald Trump today declared the US would withdraw from the 2015 Paris Agreement 151 1338740 by up to 35 percent from its 2005 level. In the plans submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), India had also vowed that 40 percent of its total electricity needs would be obtained from non-fossil fuel 151 1339047 crime but milking of the nature by humans is a right." Later, when the moderator asked which side of the climate change debate he stood, and whether he disagreed with Trump's stand, Modi remained diplomatically neutral. "I have in simple way stated 151 1339253 than necessary from the nature," he said. Hours earlier, Trump had announced that the US was withdrawing from the Paris climate change deal, which had been agreed by more than 190 nations. The US president said the agreement unfairly benefited countries like 151 1349523 for irrigation. That system worked all right till the 1980s. Now of course, that thing Donald Trump doesnt believe in climate change is causing some serious heart and glacier burn. Heavy and unpredictable snowfall, less rain, hot summers and freezing winters have 151 1350685 territories in India disaster-prone, the poorest and the most marginalised will bear the brunt of extreme weather events and climate change and will find it the hardest to adapt, said VK Madhavan, chief executive, Water Aid India. There's where Suprio Das 151 1359305 year US presidency of the council, Tillerson warned delegates that Trump was already reviewing how to "approach the issue of climate change ." In Alaska and in the circle of territories around the Pole in Canada, Russia and Scandinavia climate change is not 151 1359323 issue of climate change." In Alaska and in the circle of territories around the Pole in Canada, Russia and Scandinavia climate change is not an abstract policy matter, as delegates to the council attempted to persuade their host. "We are connected to 151 1359377 from the Arctic Athabaskan Council, which represents a native Arctic people living on lands that span the Alaska-Canada border. " Climate change in the Arctic is not just an environmental issue. It is a matter of culture and our rights to exist 151 1359773 out by the former Soviet Union. Such small and medium-scale initiatives may help communities adapt to the march of climate change in frontline communities like rural Alaska, but local leaders had hoped for global help in slowing rising temperatures. The two 151 1360203 De Clercq | PARIS PARIS U.S. cities, states and businesses can fulfil commitments made by the United States under the Paris climate change agreement even though the U.S. has withdrawn from the pact, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg said in Paris. "Americans 151 1360276 Emmanuel Macron and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo on Friday.Bloomberg, who is the U.N. Secretary-General's special envoy for Cities and Climate Change , said the United States has led the world on emission reductions over the past decade. Those efforts had been led 151 1360369 remain part of the Paris agreement process," Bloomberg said. He said he would notify the U.N. Secretary General and the climate change secretariat that U.S. cities, states, businesses and others will aim to meet the United States' commitment to reducing emissions 26 151 1360456 it will help submit "nationally determined contributions" like other nations. The foundation will provide the $15 million commitment the U.N. climate change secretariat will lose from Washington to ensure there is no disruption in their work, he said. It will also help 151 1361136 published on Friday, Xinhua suggested that no one country was now likely take up leadership of global efforts to fight climate change . China overtook the United States as the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in 2007 but analysts see the U.S 151 1361362 an editorial published on Thursday before Trump's announcement that China was not interested in discussions about the leadership of fighting climate change and would focus on its own promises to reduce emissions. It called the withdrawal "reckless" and would "waste increasingly finite 151 1361837 of a cluster of small remote island states in the Pacific, which are at the forefront of the battle against climate change and already suffering the effects of unpredictable weather, expressed deep disappointment at the controversial move. Tuvalu prime minister Enele Sopoaga 151 1362004 is a struggle that is far from over," he said. Bainimarama's Pacific island nation has already felt the impact of climate change through wild storms such as last year's Cyclone Winston, which killed 44 people and wiped out a third of the 151 1362136 November, with Germany inviting Fiji's PM to act as president to give a voice to those on the frontline of climate change . Bainimarama said the rest of the world remained committed to the Paris deal, known as COP 21, struck in 2015 151 1362227 am also convinced that the United States government will eventually rejoin our struggle because the scientific evidence of man-made climate change is well understood," he said. "The issue is settled, and the impacts are obvious, and humankind ignores these facts at 151 1362254 The issue is settled, and the impacts are obvious, and humankind ignores these facts at its peril." Meanwhile, New Zealand's Climate Change Minister Paula Bennett said many of the claims made by US president Donald Trump were simply incorrect. "So much of 151 1362297 he said is wrong. It's not going to cost America to be in it disproportionately to others," she told RNZ. " Climate change and what we need to do there can create jobs, not take them away." Australia's foreign and environment ministers said 151 1362787 the big cities in the US, such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, Seattle, Phoenix and Denver. " Climate change is a fact of life that people in Los Angeles and cities around the world live with every day. It 151 1363372 the United States would "cease all implementation" of the pact "as of today." On the campaign trail, Trump had called climate change a "hoax" perpetrated by China. As president, he quickly appointed a former CEO of oil giant ExxonMobil as his secretary 151 1364073 urged other states to join their United States Climate Alliance, saying that they were committed to taking aggressive action against climate change . They remain committed to achieving the US goal of reducing emissions by 26-28 percent from 2005 levels, and meeting 151 1364278 that the United States would withdraw from the 2015 Paris agreement and try to negotiate a new global deal on climate change , provoking swift condemnation of European leaders. With inputs from agencies The earliest possible date for America's official withdrawal from the 151 1364497 previous administration. Other options? A different route would be for America to withdraw from the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , under whose auspices the pact was negotiated. This would take effect a year after notification, which can be done at 151 1364826 Climate Agreement. United States president Donald Trump is keeping the world guessing about his stand on the Paris Agreement on climate change . If he signs on the order to formally withdraw the United States from the international agreement, as widely expected, it 151 1364919 the 2015 Paris Agreement represents the collective will of all countries to save the planet from the catastrophic impacts of climate change in the decades to come. If the worlds biggest polluter, presently, and a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions of 151 1365048 be wrong to assume that American action would have no impact at all on global climate. Trump is a known climate change sceptic and has packed his administration with climate deniers and other sceptics in key positions. He has no advisor on 151 1365070 sceptic and has packed his administration with climate deniers and other sceptics in key positions. He has no advisor on climate change or science and technology. During his presidential campaign and in the weeks following his inauguration, he had made it amply 151 1365099 campaign and in the weeks following his inauguration, he had made it amply clear that he does not believe in climate change and that he would do everything at his command to roll back all climate actions initiated by his predecessor, Barack 151 1365196 already begun in March. A formal withdrawal from the deal negotiated under the umbrella of the United National Convention on Climate Change is now a mere question of legality. As it is, Paris was not a great deal. It was a weak 151 1365387 if other countries too will walk out, but certainly, it would be difficult for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to keep the flock together and march towards a global climate framework by 2020, as planned. Trump is unleashing his 151 1365482 Several other countries on similar growth trajectories are doing the same. Incidentally, America has a bilateral agreement with China on climate change . If Trump is withdrawing from Paris Agreement, he should also scrap the climate deal with China. Like the fossil fuel 151 1365636 the fossil fuel industry, which has been operating all these years through lobbyists and sponsored and fake research, to undermine climate change and the science behind it. Now, it wont have to spend money on all this. The president is on the 151 1365761 Donald Trump on Thursday. Earlier in the day, Trump withdrew the US from the landmark 2015 global agreement to fight climate change , drawing anger and condemnation from world leaders and heads of industry. He said the Paris accord would undermine the US 151 1366014 in a rare joint statement the agreement could not be renegotiated and urged their allies to hasten efforts to combat climate change and adapt. "While the US decision is disheartening, we remain inspired by the growing momentum around the world to combat 151 1366036 and adapt. "While the US decision is disheartening, we remain inspired by the growing momentum around the world to combat climate change and transition to clean growth economies," said Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau. With his 'US isolated' policy, Donald Trump is 151 1368173 Trump, frustrating Tehran's efforts to boost trade. Trump, who on Thursday announced a US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change , on 17 May renewed a waiver of nuclear-related US sanctions on Iran but he has ordered a review of 151 1368828 Modi said while responding to a question about US president Donald Trump announcing the withdrawal of the USA from the Climate Change deal. He said he had made the same comment in Germany three days back when "nobody's comment had come", an 151 1368881 then, I say it now," he added. Trump earlier in the day said the US was withdrawing from the Paris climate change deal, agreed by more than 190 nations. He said it unfairly benefited countries like India and China. Asked by the 151 1368916 like India and China. Asked by the moderator whether India would side with the US or others on the Paris climate change deal, Modi replied, "it is not a question of which way I go. I will go with the future generations 151 1368976 have a healthy life." Earlier, addressing the event, the prime minister said, "India is a responsible nation with regard to climate change ...We can milk the nature... Exploitation of nature is not acceptable to us," he said. He said India had been 151 1369797 band together to take more decisive action than ever to confront and successfully surmount major challenges to humanity such as climate change ," she told reporters. In a strongly worded statement, Merkel said US President Donald Trump's announcement to turn his back on 151 1370005 President Donald Trump said on Thursday he will withdraw the United States from the landmark 2015 global agreement to fight climate change , a move that fulfilled a major campaign pledge but drew condemnation from US allies and business leaders. Trump, tapping into 151 1373465 take comfort because you have their backs. Thank you, Mr. President. Beijing: By backing off the US commitment to address climate change , President Donald Trump leaves an opening for a chief economic rival, China, to expand its increasing dominance in the renewable 151 1373750 expressed very clear signals that it wants to take more leadership in terms of promoting trade and global cooperation against climate change ," said Frank Yu, a China-based renewables consultant for the firm Wood Mackenzie. "The retreat of the US actually gives 151 1373898 second largest coal consumer. Largely as a result, China is also the top emitter of greenhouse gasses blamed for worsening climate change . Coal production is rebounding this year, up 2.5 percent during the first four months compared to the same period in 151 1374034 deaths annually. But converting coal to gas would also produce more of the carbon dioxide that's the main driver behind climate change , first in manufacturing the gas and again in burning it. Meanwhile, the renewables boom has proven too much for China's 151 1374091 Li Keqiang and top officials from the European Union are on Friday set to reaffirm their commitment to a landmark climate change agreement, a day after President Donald Trump said he was pulling the United States out of the Paris accord. Climate 151 1374325 their "strongest commitment" to implement its measures. They also encouraged "all our partners to speed up their action to combat climate change ." While Trump said the United States would be willing to rejoin the accord if it could obtain more favourable terms 151 1374388 economics." Germany's environment minister underscored that on Friday, saying "there will be no new deal with the United States" on climate change . Barbara Hendricks told reporters in Berlin that other countries will fill the leadership vacuum left by the United States but 151 1374495 other financing mechanisms, for example through the World Bank." St Petersburg: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Friday asserted that climate change is "undeniable" as he strongly urged all governments across the world to "stay the course" and remain committed to implementing 151 1374520 he strongly urged all governments across the world to "stay the course" and remain committed to implementing the ambitious deal. "( Climate change ) is undeniable. And it is one of the biggest threats to our present world and to the future of our 151 1374795 in saying that the US withdrawal will put India and China in leadership positions in the global fight to combat climate change . The Paris Agreement's central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping the 151 1374812 fight to combat climate change. The Paris Agreement's central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping the global temperature rise in this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to 151 1374857 limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The landmark agreement, which entered into force last November, calls on countries to combat climate change and to accelerate and intensify the actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future, and to adapt to 151 1374883 intensify the actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future, and to adapt to the increasing impacts of climate change . New Delhi: The Trump administration's decision to pull out of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement on Friday drew global criticism 151 1374923 global criticism from environmental advocates who said India, China and the European Union (EU) will now lead the battle against climate change . The secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the foundational agreement under which the Paris accord was 151 1374933 the European Union (EU) will now lead the battle against climate change. The secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the foundational agreement under which the Paris accord was negotiated, clarified that the pact "cannot be re-negotiated based 151 1375037 means helping coastal communities from Louisiana to the Solomon Islands." Under the Paris Agreement, all nations have agreed to combat climate change and to unleash actions and investment towards a low carbon, resilient and sustainable future that will keep a global average 151 1375136 world rather than weaken it. "The world can continue to count on Europe for global leadership in the fight against climate change . The EU will strengthen its existing partnerships and seek new alliances from the world's largest economies to the most vulnerable 151 1375561 irrational" decision that has set the planet on a "catastrophic" course. "This decision, based on falsehoods and the denial of climate change , would be a complete disaster for our cities, Washington state, our country and the entire world. It's not a hoax 151 1375588 for our cities, Washington state, our country and the entire world. It's not a hoax - the science is clear on climate change ," said Indian-American Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. "By unilaterally pulling the US out of the Paris climate accord, President Trump is 151 1375757 abroad. As this administration retreats, I will continue to work to support California's efforts to lead the fight against global climate change ," Harris said. Indian-American Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi said abandoning the commitments US made in the Paris Climate Agreement is a 151 1375858 President Trump is ceding American leadership in the green economy and the vital effort to counter the effects of global climate change . This decision must not stand," he said. "We must continue to resist global climate change through continuing our commitment to 151 1375873 counter the effects of global climate change. This decision must not stand," he said. "We must continue to resist global climate change through continuing our commitment to clean energy and other green technology. As the former president of a clean energy company 151 1375997 the world not to participate, is short-sighted and irresponsible," she said. "Without global action to drastically curb carbon pollution, climate change threatens the safety and security of the planet, especially in places like Hawaii where we are already experiencing its' devastating 151 1376092 persevere and do our part to support efforts in the private sector and at all levels of government to combat climate change and protect our environment," Gabbard said. St Petersbrug: Russia is preparing to supply S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft missile systems 151 1378610 and is generated by auto-feed. Warsaw: The United Nations announced on Thursday that it will hold its 2018 UN climate change conference in Katowice, a Polish city in the heart of a coal-producing region that is one of the most 151 1378783 Tuczno, Poland, between Polish Environment Minister Jan Szysko and Patricia Espinosa, the executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change . Espinosa said that 2018 will be an "important year for international climate diplomacy as nations move forward to implement the 151 1378806 said that 2018 will be an "important year for international climate diplomacy as nations move forward to implement the Paris Climate Change Agreement." Poland also hosted such conferences in 2008 in Poznan and in 2013 in Warsaw, and presided over a meeting 151 1379505 countries, including India, will not stop its incredible momentum, the United Nations environment head said on Friday. "The science on climate change is perfectly clear: we need more action, not less. This is a global challenge. Every nation has a responsibility to 151 1380313 on China to secure concessions on North Korea. As Donald Trump leads the US out of the Paris Agreement on climate change , it is necessary to look at the modalities of the walkout, what it involves, the underlying reasons and the decision's 151 1380412 b) regardless of what the president of the United States thinks, more than two-thirds of Americans are worried about climate change and its biggest business leaders are moving aggressively in the right direction to control greenhouse gas emissions, supplemented by significant 151 1380718 Nations acknowledged its inability to enforce the legality of international treaties. Hence the cornerstone of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change was consensus based on self-imposed targets. Each country, in keeping with its developmental stage, pledged to either immediately cut 151 1385510 and outrage. "While reports of the end of the Western-led liberal world order may be premature, at least on climate change , Washington has just become the spoiler. And New Delhi? A multilateralist champion", writes wonk Alyssa Ayres of Council on Foreign 151 1386562 called "our Mother Earth", standing firmly against President Donald Trump's decision to take the United States out of the Paris climate change pact.Others, including India, signalled their commitment to the accord, but Russian President Vladimir Putin said that while the United States 151 1387055 from U.S. industry expressed their dismay at Trump's move. Jeff Immelt, chief executive officer of U.S. conglomerate General Electric, tweeted: " Climate change is real. Industry must now lead and not depend on government."Tesla Inc CEO Elon Musk and Walt Disney CEO 151 1402051 of Pittsburgh, he would protect their clean air & opportunity for jobs. Conversely, Casey argued, Pittsburgh residents support moves to halt climate change . Earlier this year I held a town hall in Pittsburgh & the residents in attendance called for action on climate change 151 1402071 climate change. Earlier this year I held a town hall in Pittsburgh & the residents in attendance called for action on climate change , Casey tweeted. Around 200 nations, including the U.S. under President Barack Obama's administration, agreed to voluntarily reduce their greenhouse gas 151 1408520 a Russian businessman and longtime ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin. PRUITT, SPICER DODGE QUESTIONS ON TRUMP'S PERSONAL VIEWS ON CLIMATE CHANGE A special counsel, by design, is constrained by the terms of his appointment to avoid boundless and perpetually open-ended 151 1409684 President Trumps Thursday statement officially pulling the U.S. out of the global agreement. He also touted U.S. efforts to combat climate change and said many of those gains were made outside of the Paris agreement. I think its important that everyone recognizes 151 1409810 said it was important that the U.S. maintains its seat at the table about how to address the threat of climate change , which does require a global response. In New York, it was Tillerson's role at Exxon Mobil that was the focus 151 1416679 Graham joins Americas Newsroom. 1:30 p.m. ET: Press Secretary Sean Spicer holds press briefing. FBN COVERAGE Paris agreement on climate change : Top U.S. CEOS irked by Trumps decision (Click here for more) Rhino Trading Partners Chief Strategist Michael Block and Club 151 1433234 low-carbon economies. That way it will be possible for industry and research to continue advancing in the fight against climate change , thus making Trumps decision ever more irrelevant. Xavier Labandeira is an economics professor at Vigo University and the director of 151 1443915 Paris climate accord. They saw it as rebuke and warned it would make it harder to slow the pace of climate change . Government officials in several major European capitals said the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 agreement would further strain a Western 151 1443973 and undermine the country's traditional global leadership role as it breaks with virtually every other nation on the issue of climate change . The European Union's climate change commissioner, Miguel Arias Canete, said the announcement "has galvanized us rather than weakened us, and 151 1443978 global leadership role as it breaks with virtually every other nation on the issue of climate change. The European Union's climate change commissioner, Miguel Arias Canete, said the announcement "has galvanized us rather than weakened us, and this vacuum will be filled 151 1444249 Group of Seven summit in Sicily, where a frustrated German Chancellor Angela Merkel highlighted the isolation of the U.S. in climate change discussions as a matter of 6-1. Economic argument In March, European leaders pursued a new tactic with Canadian and 151 1444338 policymakers tweeted to him, asking him not to break with the pact. And alarmed lawmakers in the European Parliament warned " climate change is not a fairy tale." Just before Trump's withdrawal announcement Thursday, a Vatican official, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, warned the 151 1444454 Francis handed Trump a signed copy of his 2015 encyclical calling for protection of the environment from the effects of climate change . The accord, agreed on by nearly 200 countries in 2015, aims to cut emissions blamed for global warming. The United 151 1444509 percent compared with 2005 levels. Scientists have said a U.S. withdrawal from the pact could speed up the effects of climate change . Chinese officials said the move would damage trust among leading powers in multilateral negotiations. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said his 151 1444537 damage trust among leading powers in multilateral negotiations. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said his country would honor its commitments on climate change . "China will continue to implement the promises made in the Paris accord," Li said. Legal response Some European policymakers are 151 1445097 Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Syria - Climage Change Syria was an international pariah when the Paris climate change accord was signed, making Damascus's involvement impractical. Members of President Bashar al-Assads government were subject to European and American 151 1445134 subject to European and American sanctions, making limiting there international travel. Ironically, Syria is also the poster-child for how climate change is a security issue, as there is an abundant literature linking recent climate trends with the recent derangement of Syria 151 1445165 literature linking recent climate trends with the recent derangement of Syria, the massive outflow of refugees, and so forth. In climate change scenarios, Syria and most of the Middle East region is expected remain very hot. Climate change may put sever stresses 151 1445181 and so forth. In climate change scenarios, Syria and most of the Middle East region is expected remain very hot. Climate change may put sever stresses on those areas. The Mesopotamia basin would suffer more desertification (since the area only receives between 151 1445955 prices, and collapse of government services present continuing challenges to resuming the cultivation of farmland and normal everyday life. In climate change scenarios, Syria and most of the Middle East region is expected remain very hot. Climate change may put sever stresses 151 1445971 normal everyday life. In climate change scenarios, Syria and most of the Middle East region is expected remain very hot. Climate change may put sever stresses on those areas. The Mesopotamia basin would suffer more desertification (since the area only receives between 151 1446208 to the degradation of green cover in Syria caused by overgrazing, desertification, soil degradation and salinization, unwise agricultural practices and climate change . Sand storms result in numerous respiratory problems, obscured visibility, extensive house cleaning and debris removal, and daily life interruption. They 151 1455502 the evacuation process by providing accurate and useful information to citizens based on their street addresses."With the effects of climate change , "storms are getting more intense," the governor said. "We had to modernize our evacuation plan."Virginia is prone to flooding 151 1473035 content with a policy of less than benevolent isolationism. The Republican side increasingly believes in protectionism, is in denial of climate change and claims that the only thing wrong with the distribution of wealth is that there are still too many restraints 151 1485409 in the past decade. The cost of food grains has increased manifolds. We must address the problem of sustainability and climate change . I am always happy to collaborate on issues that affect the environment and our well-being as the human race 151 1490470 out of the Paris climate summit deal, Musk vacated his seat at the presidents advisory table. Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 1, 2017 Rober Iger 151 1490547 is the worlds first comprehensive climate agreement, signed in November 2016 by 195 members of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , to mitigate greenhouse emissions and bring down global warming. Donald Trump has repeatedly tweeted from frozen corners of the US 151 1490595 is a total, and very expensive, hoax! and I believe in clean air. Immaculate air.... But I dont believe in climate change . But Musks views on cleaner energy and minimal emissions are a complete contrast, along with a hundred million other Americans 151 1494060 runs a small bangle shop. SHARE THIS ARTICLE ON By announcing the United States withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate change , President Donald Trump has dramatically underlined that his brand of populist politics is not merely the stuff of stand-up 151 1494261 along with China and the Group of Seven governments all publicly renewing their commitment to the Paris agreement and fighting climate change as a whole. At some point, this global response to Trump may require other countries to even consider compensating for 151 1507529 The meeting also assumes significance as it comes in the wake of a major jolt to the global fight against climate change with US President Donald Trump announcing to withdraw America from the Paris Climate Accord. Stressing multilateralism to address global challenges 151 1509467 generations, Modi said while responding to a question about US President Donald Trump announcing withdrawal of the USA from the Climate Change deal. He said he had made the same comment in Germany three days back when nobodys comment had come, an 151 1509520 then, I say it now, he added. Trump earlier in the day said the US was withdrawing from the Paris climate change deal, agreed by more than 190 nations. He said it unfairly benefited countries like India and China. Asked by the 151 1509555 like India and China. Asked by the moderator whether India would side with the US or others on the Paris climate change deal, Modi replied, it is not a question of which way I go. I will go with the future generations 151 1509615 have a healthy life. Earlier, addressing the event, the prime minister said, India is a responsible nation with regard to climate change ...We can milk the nature... Exploitation of nature is not acceptable to us, he said. He said India had been 151 1520625 cab aggregator. SHARE THIS ARTICLE ON In his 27-minute speech announcing the US withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate change , President Trump mentioned India only twice (well, thrice, but the third time was a repeat for rhetorical effect). The dumbed 151 1520667 down message was: India was a big polluter, India was not doing and was not expected to do much on climate change under the Agreement, and India was asking for lots of money in return for little action. These are, of course 151 1520784 the undecided. On the plus side, despite their differences, the two countries found common ground on three international agreements on climate change (in Paris, under the Montreal Protocol to phase out hydrofluorocarbons, and measures to curb emissions under the International Civil Aviation 151 1522608 Convention (UNFCCC), including the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The GCF has been set up to help developing countries adapt to climate change and move to low-carbon technologies. With defunding GCF and other international climate change-related initiatives, Trump had already reneged 151 1522622 to help developing countries adapt to climate change and move to low-carbon technologies. With defunding GCF and other international climate change -related initiatives, Trump had already reneged on his commitments to UNFCCC and the Paris agreement. So, todays decision was a 151 1522883 agreement cannot meet its objective of keeping the temperatures well below 2C. The US is historically the largest contributor to climate change , responsible for 21% of the carbon stock in the atmosphere. It is currently the second largest polluter in the world 151 1523039 transfer, and to provide a minimum of $100 billion from 2020 onwards. With this withdrawal, the finances available to fight climate change and protect vulnerable communities from the ravages of climate change will reduce significantly. This fundamentally changes the basis on which 151 1523049 2020 onwards. With this withdrawal, the finances available to fight climate change and protect vulnerable communities from the ravages of climate change will reduce significantly. This fundamentally changes the basis on which the developing countries agreed to sign the Paris agreement. All 151 1525203 to work steadfastly to implement the commitment of the Paris climate deal and join hands with all parties to tackle climate change , Chinese Premier Li Keqiangtold reporters here on Thursday. In a joint press conference with his German counterpart Angela Merkel, Li 151 1525243 Merkel, Li said that China, a large developing country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries. Combating climate change is a global consensus, said Li, adding that "with tremendous efforts, China will move 151 1525249 large developing country, should shoulder its international responsibilities to jointly address the challenge of climate change with other countries. Combating climate change is a global consensus, said Li, adding that "with tremendous efforts, China will move towards the 2030 goal step-by 151 1525308 adding that China was also one of the first countries to submit the file of national plan on dealing with climate change to the United Nations. The Paris Agreement was adopted by 196 parties in Paris in 2015 and it went into 151 1526117 principles of the accord. We think the Paris Accord reflects the widest agreement of the international community with regards to climate change , and parties should cherish this hard-won outcome, Hua Chunying, ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson said at the regular ministry 151 1526207 green, low-carbon and sustainable global growth, she said. Hua added that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the climate change issue and is committed to pursuing innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. Moreover, China has taken concrete moves to 151 1526232 committed to pursuing innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. Moreover, China has taken concrete moves to positively deal with climate change and made obvious progress, demonstrating the international responsibility shouldered by China and conforming with Chinas choice of sustainable growth, a 151 1526468 pollution that envelops its biggest cities, including Beijing. Hua said the Chinese government will take concrete action in response to climate change . This is a responsibility shouldered by China as a responsible major country and what Chinas development calls for, she said 151 1526527 challenge, official news agency, Xinhua wrote, quoting United Nations Environment Program executive director Erik Solheim on Thursday. The science on climate change is perfectly clear we need more action, not less. This is a global challenge. Every nation has a responsibility to 151 1529230 the Paris climate accord. Trump decided to pull the United States from the landmark 2015 global agreement designed to fight climate change despite entreaties from U.S. allies and corporate leaders in an action that fulfilled a major campaign pledge. Climate change is 151 1529249 fight climate change despite entreaties from U.S. allies and corporate leaders in an action that fulfilled a major campaign pledge. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world, Musk said in a Twitter post. He is 151 1529560 todays announcement to exit the U.S. from the Paris Agreement which I believe is a critical step forward in addressing climate change . Asked about Musks resignation, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told Fox News that anybody who read the agreement and understood it 151 1529706 constructive dialogue about key policy issues. In 2013, GM signed a declaration joining other major companies arguing that responding to climate change was good business. The automaker said on Thursday that despite the withdrawal it will not waver from our commitment to 151 1529759 executive, James Hackett, would join Trumps panel. Ford spokeswoman Christin Baker said on Thursday the No.2 U.S. automaker believes climate change is real, and remain deeply committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our vehicles and our facilities. A Muslim-American 151 1531471 previous administration. Other options? A different route would be for America to withdraw from the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , under whose auspices the pact was negotiated. This would take effect a year after notification, which can be done at 151 1532410 bad 195-nation accord brokered by his predecessor Barack Obama in 2015 in tandem with Chinese leaders. The fight against climate change is unstoppable and nations should stick to the landmark Paris accord, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said after the US 151 1532437 stick to the landmark Paris accord, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said after the US chose to exit the deal. Climate change is undeniable and it is one of the biggest threats to our present world, to the future of our planet 151 1532971 record. The agreement took nearly three years to negotiate, with countries fighting to ensure each bore the least cost of climate change while balancing tangible steps that were must. India and China were able to protect their interests by ensuring that they 151 1533035 emitters, rich nations such as the United States. The two countries also defied pressure from rich nations to pay for climate change mitigation, funds that would go to the most vulnerable countries and for technologies that will make the environment cleaner. They 151 1533473 The Paris accord took nearly three years to negotiate, with countries fighting to ensure each bore the least cost of climate change while balancing necessary measures to cut emissions. India, along with China, argued that they did not have to reduce emissions 151 1533519 by way of differentiated responsibility for historical emitters such as the United States. It further managed to not pay for climate change mitigation citing that it was among the most-affected countries. However, India did agree to have their climate mitigation targets 151 1535001 The big casualty could be the Green Climate Fund based in South Korea. The fund was set up to fight climate change by funding technology and innovations in the developing world. More than money, the GCF will miss American technical expertise that 151 1535322 be uncertainty over the next one in 2020. 7. Trumps decision would mean the firewall of differentiated responsibilities to fight climate change in the Paris agreement would fall. The US opposed the differentiated responsibilities even when the first global mechanism to fight 151 1535344 in the Paris agreement would fall. The US opposed the differentiated responsibilities even when the first global mechanism to fight climate change Kyoto Protocol was agreed upon in 1997. Walking out of the agreement means the US will be able to create 151 1545977 isn't nudging them in a cleaner direction. It also matters because you can't just move to another state to avoid climate change . The greenhouse gases that are pumped into the atmosphere in Texas contribute to droughts in California and hurricanes in Florida 151 1563670 announced he was withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement, striking a major blow to worldwide efforts to combat climate change . Thankfully, there are plenty of companies doing their part to help, as Emmanuel Macron would put it, make our planet 151 1564854 Canada's Algonquin Park, it was a sight and sound they won't soon forget. Today, as Canada's Minister of Environment and Climate Change , I'm still inspired by these moments in nature with my kids. I think everyone should experience this same wonder. Advertisement 151 1565159 scourge of acid rain. As early as the 1980s, World Environment Day began raising awareness about a new global threat, climate change . That's right: There has been global awareness of climate change since the 1980s. Yet almost 40 years later, some still 151 1565169 Environment Day began raising awareness about a new global threat, climate change. That's right: There has been global awareness of climate change since the 1980s. Yet almost 40 years later, some still doubt the need to reduce carbon pollution, or expand the 151 1571769 and economic might of the US to keep the shows like this on road? What will it mean for the climate change narrative itself? We have seen how Trumps disregard for the impact of his words has inflamed racial hatred in the 151 1572003 politics that Trump represents. Advertisement And finally, perhaps most of all, this is an issue for voters under 25. The climate change threat is not really the problem of the over 65s, nor even the problem of those of us in middle 151 1572108 Politics to shape the rest of your lives, and the lives of your children? Do you accept that decisions on climate change , the rights of women, the rights of minority groups in the West - all things that Trump has somehow assaulted - should 151 1591755 how much the President huffs and puffs, his views will go the way of some of the previous victims of climate change : the dinosaurs. Even China, whose rapid industrialisation has been built on a hunger for extractive raw materials and heavily polluting 151 1591876 face up to is that they have already become marginalised and the future of action to limit the effects of climate change will now come, not from governments, but from the private sector. With this in mind, Trumps attempts to frame the 151 1592203 the US. In theory oil and coal should have been prime beneficiaries of Trumps decision. Political impetus to act on climate change , through projects like the Paris Agreement, remains relevant. It would undoubtedly have been better if Trump had swallowed his pride 151 1592863 of the Paris climate accord. The US would have been required to contribute that amount towards efforts to prevent catastrophic climate change under the historic agreement between 195 countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Americans are not walking away from the Paris 151 1593072 General Antonio Guterres in which the businessman said other elements of US government and society should take the lead on climate change where Mr Trump had failed to do so. Mr Bloomberg is a UN special envoy for local leaders, tasked with 151 1593424 appears to have used his first ever tweet to slate Donald Trumps decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement on climate change . Lloyd Blankfein, who joined the social media platform in June 2011 but had up until now not tweeted, wrote: Today's 151 1595359 Leaders of some of the worlds biggest companies have slammed Donald Trumps decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement on climate change , underscoring their own commitment to protecting the environment. Tim Cook, the chief executive of Apple, which last month became the 151 1595409 more than $800bn (621bn), tweeted that the US Presidents decision was wrong for our planet. Apple is committed to fight climate change and we will never waver, he said. His counterpart at Google, Sundar Pichai, wrote on Twitter that he is disappointed 151 1595480 the withdrawal is bad for the environment, bad for the economy and it puts out childrens future at risk. Stopping climate change is something we can only do as a global community, and we have to act together before its too late 151 1595523 said. Amazon tweeted from its main corporate account that it continues to support the Paris climate agreement and action on climate change . We believe that robust clean energy and climate policies can support American competitiveness, innovation, and job growth. We remain committed 151 1595735 President's Council over the #ParisAgreement withdrawal. He joins Tesla chief executive Elon Musk who earlier tweeted: Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world". Technology companies have been among the most vocal 151 1597246 pictures 16 October 2022 A protester holds a placard during a march into central London at a demonstration by the climate change protest group Extinction Rebellion AFP/Getty UK news in pictures 15 October 2022 A member of the public drags an 151 1598049 the King George VI Memorial Chapel, St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle PA UK news in pictures 23 September 2022 A climate change activist protests against UK private jets while lighting his right arm on fire during the Laver Cup tennis tournament at 151 1603391 pictures 16 October 2022 A protester holds a placard during a march into central London at a demonstration by the climate change protest group Extinction Rebellion AFP/Getty UK news in pictures 15 October 2022 A member of the public drags an 151 1604194 the King George VI Memorial Chapel, St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle PA UK news in pictures 23 September 2022 A climate change activist protests against UK private jets while lighting his right arm on fire during the Laver Cup tennis tournament at 151 1609528 pictures 16 October 2022 A protester holds a placard during a march into central London at a demonstration by the climate change protest group Extinction Rebellion AFP/Getty UK news in pictures 15 October 2022 A member of the public drags an 151 1610331 the King George VI Memorial Chapel, St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle PA UK news in pictures 23 September 2022 A climate change activist protests against UK private jets while lighting his right arm on fire during the Laver Cup tennis tournament at 151 1610701 The Independent, Mr Sanders claimed there were similarities between himself and Mr Corbyn. Recommended Corbyn condemns Trump over withdrawing from climate change agreement He said: What Corbyn has tried to do with the Labour Party is not dissimilar to what some of 151 1612911 of us, if were going to deal with healthcare and create great education systems and protect the environment and combat climate change we need to have a government of what Abraham Lincoln described as of the people, by the people and for 151 1612969 for raising those issues. Mr Sanders also attacked Donald Trumps decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change . It was stupid and dangerous and a setback for the entire planet, he said. When Trump ran for president, he 151 1613004 said. When Trump ran for president, he indicated his opinion that, despite all the scientific evidence, Trump understood, uniquely, that climate change was a hoax. It is absurd and dangerous for the president of the most powerful nation on earth to reject 151 1625124 went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Jeremy Corbyn has branded Donald Trumps decision to pull out of the Paris climate change accord as reckless and dangerous The Labour leader also accused Prime Minister Theresa May of a dereliction of duty after 151 1625197 he addressed party activists in York. He added: "Donald Trump's decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate change deal is reckless and dangerous. The commitments made in Paris are vital to stop the world reaching the point of 151 1625222 and dangerous. The commitments made in Paris are vital to stop the world reaching the point of no return on climate change , and there can be no question of watering them down." It comes after Mr Trump announced on Thursday that he 151 1625252 them down." It comes after Mr Trump announced on Thursday that he is withdrawing from the landmark Paris accord on climate change , aimed at tackling global warming. It was a decision Emmanuel Macron, the newly-elected French President, derided in an unprecedented 151 1625626 Corbyn has accused Theresa May of being subservient to Donald Trump after she remained silent over the Paris Agreement on climate change and only expressed her disappointment after the US President announced his decision to quit the accord. The Labour leaders remarks 151 1625929 near-criminal behaviour from one of our closest allies. She said the UK should be leading the way on tackling climate change but the Conservatives were dragging us backwards at home, and stepping back from making an impact internationally. Tim Farron, the 151 1626948 the irreversible accord and regarded it as a cornerstone in the cooperation between our countries, for effectively and timely tackling climate change . In a statement, Downing Street said Mr Trump had called Ms May to discuss withdrawing from Paris. The Prime Minister 151 1632058 at odds with nearly 200 other nations who are working together on the worlds first major agreement aimed at combatting climate change , signed in 2015 by his predecessor Barack Obama. The agreement consists of individual greenhouse gas limits that each signatory nation 151 1632443 message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} California is to seek its own international agreement on climate change with China, the states governor has suggested. Jerry Brown, who previously signalled the west coast state was ready to fight 151 1632644 integrity and know exactly whats going on. And we cant say that today. Recommended Corbyn condemns Trump over withdrawing from climate change agreement Maybe we dont put it right in the same cap-and-trade regime, maybe some parallel regime. I am 151 1634094 Vatican, at Rome's Fiumicino international airport AP He also warned his administration would fight the national one because denial of climate change was at odds with the survivability of our world. But Mr Brown also sounded a hopeful note that Mr Trumps 151 1636928 Thats because Mr Trudeaus administration has been quietly reaching out directly to US governors to discuss cross-border collaborations on climate change . For instance, he met with Washington Governor Jay Inslee just last month to talk climate change. Washington is one of 151 1636944 cross-border collaborations on climate change. For instance, he met with Washington Governor Jay Inslee just last month to talk climate change . Washington is one of three states to have pledged to honour the carbon emission goals set forth in the Paris 151 1636999 kill the Paris climate deal Washington is joined by New York and California in vowing to continue the fight against climate change . The three states account for roughly a fifth of the US economy, and produced about 11 percent of US emissions 151 1637036 11 percent of US emissions in 2014, according to data from the Energy Information Administration. The president has already said climate change is a hoax, which is the exact opposite of virtually all scientific and worldwide opinion, California Governor Jerry Brown said 151 1637132 already some of the most progressive in policies regarding greenhouse gas emissions and aim to lead the world on fighting climate change . 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Show all 10 1 /10 10 photographs to 151 1637144 and aim to lead the world on fighting climate change. 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Show all 10 1 /10 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 10 photographs to 151 1637161 doesn't believe in climate change Show all 10 1 /10 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A group of emperor penguins face a crack 151 1637173 to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A group of emperor penguins face a crack in the sea ice, near McMurdo Station, Antarctica Kira Morris 10 photographs 151 1637203 in the sea ice, near McMurdo Station, Antarctica Kira Morris 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Floods destroyed eight bridges and ruined crops such as wheat, maize and peas in the Karimabad valley in northern Pakistan 151 1637255 the world, glaciers have been in retreat, creating dangerously large lakes that can cause devastating flooding when the banks break. Climate change can also increase rainfall in some areas, while bringing drought to others. Hira Ali 10 photographs to show to anyone 151 1637281 in some areas, while bringing drought to others. Hira Ali 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Smoke filled with the carbon that is driving climate change drifts across a field in Colombia. Sandra Rondon 10 photographs 151 1637291 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Smoke filled with the carbon that is driving climate change drifts across a field in Colombia. Sandra Rondon 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 151 1637311 climate change drifts across a field in Colombia. Sandra Rondon 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Amid a flood in Islampur, Jamalpur, Bangladesh, a woman on a raft searches for somewhere dry to take shelter. Bangladesh 151 1637372 tens of millions of people homeless by 2050. Probal Rashid 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Sindh province in Pakistan has experienced a grim mix of two consequences of climate change. Because of climate change either 151 1637387 anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Sindh province in Pakistan has experienced a grim mix of two consequences of climate change . Because of climate change either we have floods or not enough water to irrigate our crop and feed our animals 151 1637391 in climate change Sindh province in Pakistan has experienced a grim mix of two consequences of climate change. Because of climate change either we have floods or not enough water to irrigate our crop and feed our animals, says the photographer. Picture 151 1637442 in clay. Crops are very difficult to grow. Rizwan Dharejo 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Hanna Petursdottir examines a cave inside the Svinafellsjokull glacier in Iceland, which she said had been growing rapidly. Since 2000 151 1637488 on Iceland has reduced by 12 per cent. Tom Schifanella 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A river once flowed along the depression in the dry earth of this part of Bangladesh, but it has disappeared 151 1637525 Bangladesh, but it has disappeared amid rising temperatures. Abrar Hossain 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A shepherd moves his herd as he looks for green pasture near the village of Sirohi in Rajasthan, northern India 151 1637580 nervous about further predicted increases in temperature. Riddhima Singh Bhati 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A factory in China is shrouded by a haze of air pollution. The World Health Organisation has warned such pollution 151 1637612 air pollution. The World Health Organisation has warned such pollution, much of which is from the fossil fuels that cause climate change , is a public health emergency. Leung Ka Wa 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 151 1637632 climate change, is a public health emergency. Leung Ka Wa 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Water levels in reservoirs, like this one in Gers, France, have been getting perilously low in areas across the world 151 1637674 affected by drought, forcing authorities to introduce water restrictions. Mahtuf Ikhsan Other US leaders have also pledge to continue fighting climate change , too. When Mr Trump said during his withdrawal announcement that he was elected to represent Pittsburgh not Paris, the mayor 151 1637710 represent Pittsburgh not Paris, the mayor of that city, Bill Peduto, quickly vowed that Steel City would continue to fight climate change (the majority of residents there voted for Mr Trumps competition in 2016, and most adults support reducing greenhouse gas emissions 151 1637818 message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Vice President Mike Pence has called the issue of climate change "a paramount issue for the left" as he sought to defend Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the 151 1637843 for the left" as he sought to defend Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the Paris agreement on climate change . His comments came a day after Mr Trump announced he was pulling out of the global accord signed by nearly 151 1637928 involvement in the deal so he could bypass climate sceptics in Congress. Recommended Trump confirms withdrawal from Paris Agreement on climate change Mr Pence echoed the President's comments on the administration's "America First" doctrine, saying he was steadfast in his belief that 151 1637994 stands without apology ... For America first", Mr Pence said on Fox News' Fox & Friends programme, saying he didn't understand why climate change had become such a big issue for the Democrats and the left. Mr Pence called the Paris deal "a transfer 151 1638110 technology and raise funds to help poorer countries reduce emissions. 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Show all 10 1 /10 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 10 photographs to 151 1638127 doesn't believe in climate change Show all 10 1 /10 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A group of emperor penguins face a crack 151 1638139 to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A group of emperor penguins face a crack in the sea ice, near McMurdo Station, Antarctica Kira Morris 10 photographs 151 1638169 in the sea ice, near McMurdo Station, Antarctica Kira Morris 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Floods destroyed eight bridges and ruined crops such as wheat, maize and peas in the Karimabad valley in northern Pakistan 151 1638221 the world, glaciers have been in retreat, creating dangerously large lakes that can cause devastating flooding when the banks break. Climate change can also increase rainfall in some areas, while bringing drought to others. Hira Ali 10 photographs to show to anyone 151 1638247 in some areas, while bringing drought to others. Hira Ali 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Smoke filled with the carbon that is driving climate change drifts across a field in Colombia. Sandra Rondon 10 photographs 151 1638257 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Smoke filled with the carbon that is driving climate change drifts across a field in Colombia. Sandra Rondon 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 151 1638277 climate change drifts across a field in Colombia. Sandra Rondon 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Amid a flood in Islampur, Jamalpur, Bangladesh, a woman on a raft searches for somewhere dry to take shelter. Bangladesh 151 1638338 tens of millions of people homeless by 2050. Probal Rashid 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Sindh province in Pakistan has experienced a grim mix of two consequences of climate change. Because of climate change either 151 1638353 anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Sindh province in Pakistan has experienced a grim mix of two consequences of climate change . Because of climate change either we have floods or not enough water to irrigate our crop and feed our animals 151 1638357 in climate change Sindh province in Pakistan has experienced a grim mix of two consequences of climate change. Because of climate change either we have floods or not enough water to irrigate our crop and feed our animals, says the photographer. Picture 151 1638408 in clay. Crops are very difficult to grow. Rizwan Dharejo 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Hanna Petursdottir examines a cave inside the Svinafellsjokull glacier in Iceland, which she said had been growing rapidly. Since 2000 151 1638454 on Iceland has reduced by 12 per cent. Tom Schifanella 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A river once flowed along the depression in the dry earth of this part of Bangladesh, but it has disappeared 151 1638491 Bangladesh, but it has disappeared amid rising temperatures. Abrar Hossain 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A shepherd moves his herd as he looks for green pasture near the village of Sirohi in Rajasthan, northern India 151 1638546 nervous about further predicted increases in temperature. Riddhima Singh Bhati 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A factory in China is shrouded by a haze of air pollution. The World Health Organisation has warned such pollution 151 1638578 air pollution. The World Health Organisation has warned such pollution, much of which is from the fossil fuels that cause climate change , is a public health emergency. Leung Ka Wa 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 151 1638598 climate change, is a public health emergency. Leung Ka Wa 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Water levels in reservoirs, like this one in Gers, France, have been getting perilously low in areas across the world 151 1638670 Trump has isolated the United States on many issues. China said it was a responsible country that had been tackling climate change . Separately, India also pledged their commitment to the accord. Today we are stepping up our cooperation on climate change with 151 1638689 tackling climate change. Separately, India also pledged their commitment to the accord. Today we are stepping up our cooperation on climate change with China ... We are convinced that yesterday's decision by the United States to leave the Paris agreement is a big 151 1638907 slashing of Mr Pruitt's EPA budget by nearly 30 per cent and includes cuts to other agencies doing work on climate change like the ocean preservation activities of the US Coast Guard and climate diplomacy at the State Department. The Vice President 151 1639247 difficult to measure all of Trump administrations officials asked on the topic refused to say if Mr Trump believes in climate change . Mr Pruitt dodged the question when it was put to him, while Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who was appearing at 151 1639304 President about that". Ms Conway also demurred, while the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke told CNN that while he "doesn't believe climate change is a hoax" he does not speak for President Trump and hadn't asked him about the subject. Sign up for 151 1639517 to sign up to the accord, because the central American country does not believe it goes far enough to tackle climate change . During December 2015 UN in Paris, the head of the Nicaraguan delegation, Paul Oquist, denounced the agreement, calling it a 151 1639586 share of global emissions, but it is at risk from extreme storms, which experts blame on the overheating caused by climate change . Shortly after the talks, he told Climate Change News: We do not want to be accomplices to the death, damages 151 1639594 risk from extreme storms, which experts blame on the overheating caused by climate change. Shortly after the talks, he told Climate Change News: We do not want to be accomplices to the death, damages and destruction that a 3C or 4C [warmer 151 1640181 be implemented in mid-March SANDY HUFFAKER/AFP/Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and climate change US President Donald Trump sought to dismantle several of his predecessor's actions on climate change in March. His order instructed 151 1640196 has already issued Trump and climate change US President Donald Trump sought to dismantle several of his predecessor's actions on climate change in March. His order instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to reevaluate the Clean Power Plan, which would cap power plant 151 1640448 verifyErrors }} Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he does not judge Donald Trumps decision to quit the landmark Paris climate change deal, and that he thinks there is still time to reach an agreement to suit all nations Dont worry, be 151 1640683 France, Italy, and Germany said in a rare joint statement. 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Show all 10 1 /10 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 10 photographs to 151 1640700 doesn't believe in climate change Show all 10 1 /10 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A group of emperor penguins face a crack 151 1640712 to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A group of emperor penguins face a crack in the sea ice, near McMurdo Station, Antarctica Kira Morris 10 photographs 151 1640742 in the sea ice, near McMurdo Station, Antarctica Kira Morris 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Floods destroyed eight bridges and ruined crops such as wheat, maize and peas in the Karimabad valley in northern Pakistan 151 1640794 the world, glaciers have been in retreat, creating dangerously large lakes that can cause devastating flooding when the banks break. Climate change can also increase rainfall in some areas, while bringing drought to others. Hira Ali 10 photographs to show to anyone 151 1640820 in some areas, while bringing drought to others. Hira Ali 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Smoke filled with the carbon that is driving climate change drifts across a field in Colombia. Sandra Rondon 10 photographs 151 1640830 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Smoke filled with the carbon that is driving climate change drifts across a field in Colombia. Sandra Rondon 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 151 1640850 climate change drifts across a field in Colombia. Sandra Rondon 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Amid a flood in Islampur, Jamalpur, Bangladesh, a woman on a raft searches for somewhere dry to take shelter. Bangladesh 151 1640911 tens of millions of people homeless by 2050. Probal Rashid 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Sindh province in Pakistan has experienced a grim mix of two consequences of climate change. Because of climate change either 151 1640926 anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Sindh province in Pakistan has experienced a grim mix of two consequences of climate change . Because of climate change either we have floods or not enough water to irrigate our crop and feed our animals 151 1640930 in climate change Sindh province in Pakistan has experienced a grim mix of two consequences of climate change. Because of climate change either we have floods or not enough water to irrigate our crop and feed our animals, says the photographer. Picture 151 1640981 in clay. Crops are very difficult to grow. Rizwan Dharejo 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Hanna Petursdottir examines a cave inside the Svinafellsjokull glacier in Iceland, which she said had been growing rapidly. Since 2000 151 1641027 on Iceland has reduced by 12 per cent. Tom Schifanella 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A river once flowed along the depression in the dry earth of this part of Bangladesh, but it has disappeared 151 1641064 Bangladesh, but it has disappeared amid rising temperatures. Abrar Hossain 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A shepherd moves his herd as he looks for green pasture near the village of Sirohi in Rajasthan, northern India 151 1641119 nervous about further predicted increases in temperature. Riddhima Singh Bhati 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change A factory in China is shrouded by a haze of air pollution. The World Health Organisation has warned such pollution 151 1641151 air pollution. The World Health Organisation has warned such pollution, much of which is from the fossil fuels that cause climate change , is a public health emergency. Leung Ka Wa 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change 151 1641171 climate change, is a public health emergency. Leung Ka Wa 10 photographs to show to anyone who doesn't believe in climate change Water levels in reservoirs, like this one in Gers, France, have been getting perilously low in areas across the world 151 1641333 greenhouse gases the US does, didnt opt out of the deal simply because they dont believe in the dangers of climate change , either. Nicaragua refused to sign because of the voluntary nature of the agreement, with Nicaraguas climate negotiator at the time 151 1642576 was disappointed and stressed that the UK remained committed to the agreement. Recommended Trump confirms withdrawal from Paris Agreement on climate change Italy, France and Germany issued a joint statement saying they regretted Mr Trump's decision to withdraw, and dismissed his suggestion 151 1642788 the future. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont Senator, called the USs withdrawal an abdication of American leadership. At this moment, when climate change is already causing devastating harm around the world, we do not have the moral right to turn our backs on 151 1643917 low carbon, sustainable future. The Trump administration must not only back the agreement but be a driving force in tackling climate change . Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris and Chair of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, urged Mr Trump to reconsider 151 1643957 to reconsider his short-sighted decision. The years to 2020 will be crucial in determining if the worst effects of climate change can be avoided, Ms Hidalgo wrote in an editorial for Newsweek. American leadership on this urgent challenge is needed now 151 1662696 on day 132, he finally did it. The delay gave those who want to see urgent global action to minimise climate change plenty of time to prepare. By the time he uttered the words, the United States will withdraw, we should have 151 1662760 The figurehead for the second biggest producer of greenhouse gases has backed off from the first global agreement to mitigate climate change , barely a year after Barack Obama finally signed up to it. That shifts the balance of rhetorical forces behind the 151 1662896 term, in other words. He did not pull the US out of the UNFCCC, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change , which would have been a more serious step and which requires only a years notice. So the US will be 151 1662959 it has been understood that the US presidency and Congress were unlikely to help to drive forward international action on climate change . In the end, the US signature on the Paris agreement was obtained only from Barack Obama in his final year 151 1663024 real progress is being made elsewhere and will continue to be made. Recommended Trump confirms withdrawal from Paris Agreement on climate change In America, that progress was always going to happen at state level and through wider economic forces. The states have 151 1685587 was announced and I expected everyone to down tools on hearing the news. With the only world leader who denies climate change in charge of the second-largest greenhouse gas-emitting country, it seemed we were doomed to a future of climate 151 1685724 key strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and, just days after Pope Francis presented Mr Trump with the Encyclical on climate change , Mr Trump announced his intention to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. "Good riddance" was my reaction to Mr Trump's 151 1685856 competitive", but it is his decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement that will hand China both political leadership on climate change and a competitive edge in the economic opportunities of the transition to a low-carbon future. Already, China leads the 151 1685994 The United States has become the world's climate villain led by a 70-year-old man who cares nothing about climate change because it will not affect him. Nor is climate change likely to affect Mr Trump's young son because his family's 151 1686004 by a 70-year-old man who cares nothing about climate change because it will not affect him. Nor is climate change likely to affect Mr Trump's young son because his family's wealth secures him a fortified palace protected from rising seas 151 1686080 because, unlike the Trump dynasty, a majority of Americans lack the means to buy themselves out of the impacts of climate change . Fortunately, the action required to address climate change happens at the local level and will continue to be implemented by 151 1686088 Americans lack the means to buy themselves out of the impacts of climate change. Fortunately, the action required to address climate change happens at the local level and will continue to be implemented by the country's states and cities. California alone is 151 1686198 rest of the world transitions away from fossil fuels. One man cannot turn the tide. While Mr Trump's position on climate change may be frightening for those of us who are not privileged enough to protect ourselves and our children from its 151 1690302 to alter their commitments. Donald Trump has announced the US is pulling out of the worlds first comprehensive deal on climate change . Trump said the US would withdraw from the Paris Agreement, secured in the French capital in December 2015, which commits 151 1690726 for places like his Pacific island nation and US coastal cities like New York and Miami that are vulnerable to climate change . Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN We need your consent to load this Social Media content We use a 151 1690894 United States federal government has decided to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Canada is unwavering in our commitment to fight climate change and support clean economic growth. Canadians know we need to take decisive and collective action to tackle the many harsh 151 1690939 changing climate. While the US decision is disheartening, we remain inspired by the growing momentum around the world to combat climate change and transition to clean growth economies. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia A spokesman for Putin said Russia thinks highly of 151 1691079 thats just how they are. Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland Sturgeon described Trumps decision as profoundly regrettable. She said: Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. The president of the USAs decision to withdraw from the Paris 151 1691117 withdraw from the Paris Accord is profoundly regrettable. Nigel Farage has called Donald Trumps decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement remarkable and a demonstration of democracy in action. Speaking to the press while campaigning for Ukip candidate Paul Oakley 151 1691333 have signed up to the agreement, which is formed from guidelines set out by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change . The accord commits countries upholding the agreement to holding global temperature rises to well below 2C above pre-industrial levels 151 1691408 and a reduction in global crop yields. Donald Trump is pulling the US out of the Paris Accord on tackling climate change (Andrew Harnik/AP) Jeremy Corbyn has accused Theresa May of "subservience" to US president Donald Trump by failing to join 151 1691441 to US president Donald Trump by failing to join fellow European leaders in pledging to keep up the fight on climate change . A decision by Mr Trump to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement - the world's first comprehensive deal on 151 1691464 decision by Mr Trump to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement - the world's first comprehensive deal on tackling climate change - and seek renegotiated terms that were "fair" to America has drawn widespread international condemnation. A statement issued by the leaders 151 1691522 irreversible" accord and regard it as "a cornerstone in the co-operation between our countries, for effectively and timely tackling climate change ". In a phone call with the US president shortly after his White House announcement, Mrs May expressed her "disappointment" at 151 1691697 type of leadership Britain needs either to negotiate Brexit or stand up to defend our planet in an era of climate change ." Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron urged the Prime Minister to use whatever influence she has over the US president to 151 1692534 that expires in 2020, a key piece of his political legacy. He has said California's economy is proof that combating climate change is not the economic dead weight Mr Trump suggests. Washington state is also moving ahead with capping carbon emissions and 151 1697835 is highly significant for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and will assist in fulfilling the provisions of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change , as well as achieving sustainable economic growth.Cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy has emerged as one of the 151 1699994 in the sphere of Science & Technology offers great opportunities. We are committed to work together to address global challenges like Climate change , Environmental protection, Clean energy, Cyber security, Affordable health care, Marine biology etc through scientific discoveries and to explore priority areas 151 1702138 Donald Trump has decided to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement, thereby weakening the global efforts required to combat climate change . reuters Trump cited several reasons for quitting the agreement, arguing that the accord was a great threat to American economy 151 1702516 Leonardo DiCaprio (@LeoDiCaprio) June 1, 2017 The actor who starred in the 2016 documentary, Before the Flood, about climate change , urged his followers to lend support to three activist organisations - Indivisible, Stand Up America, and the National Resources Defense Council 151 1702613 For our part, we've committed that every new data center we build will be powered by 100% renewable energy. Stopping climate change is something we can only do as a global community, and we have to act together before it's too late 151 1702669 United States federal government has decided to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Canada is unwavering in our commitment to fight climate change and support clean economic growth. And while Elon Musk quit the White House after Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate 151 1702766 of the deal. AP US President Donald Trump on Thursday announced that Washington is pulling out of the widely-acclaimed climate change accord. Trump who had during his meeting with EU leaders last week gave indications of US pulling of the deal 151 1737706 analyzing tens of thousands of patient images. Source: University of Adelaide President Donald Trumps decision to isolate the U.S. on climate change triggered waves of complaints from government and business leaders around the world and handed China a golden opportunity to burnish 151 1738319 comes to policy, the goal should be to reduce emissions at the lowest cost to society. Trump, who has called climate change a hoax, campaigned on the pledge to exit the 2015 pact. White House legal advisers had warned that staying in 151 1738445 has no idea how a treaty works, Christiana Figueres, the former executive-secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change , told reporters on a conference call. She described Trumps announcement as a vacuous political melodrama. The U.S. leaders Make America 151 1738723 German foreign policy since World War II are to some extent less dependable. China has already established itself as a climate-change leader when it comes to its world-class environmental problem, an issue considered politically existential by the Chinese Communist Party 151 1738878 Hua Chunying said in a Thursday briefing in Beijing that while China communicates regularly with the U.S. on topics including climate change , its support for the Paris accord derives from its own interests. No matter how other countries positions change, we will 151 1738919 will continue to uphold green, sustainable and innovative development, Hua said. Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics USA Europe Energy Oil Gas Climate Change Pollution China Leadership Veteran espionage researcher Jon DiMaggio was hot on the trail three months ago of what on the 151 1742842 Risk Management Seventeen-year-old climate activist Delaney Reynolds has a message for the insurance industry on the topic of climate change : Its time to step up and take action against this global crisis. Your future customers understand that we have a 151 1742917 Fla. They are profoundly worried about whats happening where they live. Delaney has been passionately involved in the fight against climate change from a young age. She has turned her passion into a mission of educating young people through the Sink or 151 1742961 which she started at just 14 years old. She now speaks with kids worldwide about what is happening because of climate change and what they can do to help, and she said the message is getting through to the next generation. Todays 151 1743327 Participating in Al Gores Climate Reality Project training Hosting a TEDxYouth Talk In a state with a governor who denies climate change , Delaney has had her work cut out for her. But she said she isnt losing hope. For one, she said 151 1743727 like Maryland or the New Jersey shore. Its not only the coast that is slated to feel the pain of climate change if it continues to accelerate at the current rate farmers and growers in Americas heartland will also experience fewer crops 151 1743759 and growers in Americas heartland will also experience fewer crops from warmer temperatures and will have to relocate. She said climate change and sea rise will have a direct impact on the insurance industry. An increase of just one foot threatens $6.4 151 1744109 the college Delaney Reynolds is attending. She will be attending the University of Miami in Coral Gables. Topics Florida Flood Climate Change Market Officials asked for patience Wednesday from thousands of Memphis residents whose homes remained without power after a Memorial Day 151 1744441 This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Windstorm Tennessee Looking for allies in the fight against climate change , California Gov. Jerry Brown headed to China this week in a push to build foreign support for carbon-cutting efforts 151 1744479 for carbon-cutting efforts that have found resistance in Washington. California will work with governments around the world to combat climate change despite President Donald Trumps roll back of environmental regulations, Brown said in an interview with The Associated Press. Its important 151 1744659 part of a worldwide effort. Brown, Californias longest serving governor and a three-time candidate for president, has made combating climate change a central piece of his legacy as he nears the end of his nearly five-decade political career after the 151 1744808 Angeles and San Francisco, which has come under fire for rising costs. Its unclear whether Brown will raise issues besides climate change . Hes been a vocal advocate of nuclear nonproliferation. Intellectual property rights and business access to Chinese markets have been top 151 1745171 Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics California Legislation Climate Change China French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday ruled out an alternative to the 2015 Paris climate deal and called on 151 1745304 to live up to their climate commitments. "France always placed itself on the avant-garde of the fight against the climate change , it engaged in all the international negotiations and brought 195 states together to sign this common engagement deal We will 151 1746728 continue to step up. Governor Jay Inslee (@GovInslee) June 1, 2017 He has said California's economy is proof that combating climate change is not the economic dead weight Mr Trump suggests. Washington state is also moving ahead with capping carbon emissions and 151 1746869 Mr Hamilton said. Withdrawing from the Paris Accord is reckless. Im signing an Executive Order affirming NY's role in fighting climate change . #ActOnClimate Archive: Governor Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) June 1, 2017 AP Baku, Azerbaijan, June 2 By Rufiz Hafizoglu Trend 151 1752887 say the least. Engadget noted that a total of 25 tech companies including Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft support the climate change accord and encouraged Trump not to withdraw. These companies published an open letter to the countries head of state saying 151 1752965 publications such as the New York Post, New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. According to the tech giants, climate change can go both ways. It can be good for business or it can be a risky business opportunity. CNET also 151 1753027 through with the Paris Agreement exit. He explained via Twitter that he is leaving the presidential council because he believes climate change is real and that leaving the accord is no good for America and the whole world. With the United States 151 1753078 Nicaragua and Syria - as non-members. It must be noted though that Nicaragua refused to be a participant of the climate change deal because it thought that the provisions were not enough and should be improved. The Nicaraguan envoy stressed at the 151 1753155 meanwhile, has been at war for some time now and was, in fact, an international pariah or outsider while the climate change accord was being tackled. For Trump, staying in the Paris accord is against his America First policy. He has also 151 1755397 moving the president. Arguably, along with womens entrepreneurialism (which the princess of nepotism touts without self-awareness) and child-care, climate change ranks at the top of Ivankas issue list. So much for her sway. It turns out for those hoping for 151 1758939 agreement, which would cast doubt to the landmark treaty that many scientists have hailed as an important step in combating climate change . The Paris Agreement was reached during the twenty-first annual conference of parties, known as COP21 [official website] and achieved 151 1758984 limiting global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius, aiming for only a 1.5 degree temperature rise. According to many experts, climate change [JURIST backgrounder] is a result of global greenhouse gas emissions is one of the most pressing and controversial environmental issues 151 1759027 the international community today. In 2016 former President Obama and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff announced an agreement [text] to address climate change [JURIST report]. Both countries pledged to reduce carbon emissions by increasing the use of wind and solar power sources to 151 1760884 to Radiohead's past activism. The British band has played concerts to support Tibetan rights, Amnesty International and the battle against climate change . Yorke called it "patronizing in the extreme" to presume Radiohead is unfamiliar with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, pointing out that 151 1770082 President Donald Trump on Thursday said he would withdraw the United States from the landmark 2015 global agreement to fight climate change , a move that fulfilled a major campaign pledge but drew condemnation from U.S. allies and business leaders. * For the top 151 1782817 wants California to borrow from itself to fund employee pensions. Good idea Leaders of industries havent historically been leaders on climate change . Then why would Tim Cook, Elon Musk, Bob Iger and Jeff Immelt a veritable whos who of Fortune magazine cover 151 1783027 in the Paris agreement, according to a Yale University survey) and from a business perspective. Most corporate strategies that integrate climate change are based on market forces, said Don Reed, a managing director in PwCs U.S. Sustainable Business Solutions practice. The decline 151 1783284 Executives arent exactly straying from the mainstream when they say global warming is a problem. About 70% of Americans believe climate change is real, according to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. When Musk, the head of Tesla, counters Trump by 151 1783294 global warming is a problem. About 70% of Americans believe climate change is real, according to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. When Musk, the head of Tesla, counters Trump by quitting two of his advisory councils, he knows he has 151 1783408 given the inherent risk chief executives face choosing sides. But the stakes of todays debates, be they over immigration or climate change , are making it harder for executives to stay silent in the face of public outrage. What makes this particular period 151 1783623 decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate accord reflects these leaders future-forward thinking, he said. Responding to climate change is both economically smart and socially wise, McGerr said. The current feeling on climate change is similar to corporate executives 151 1783638 thinking, he said. Responding to climate change is both economically smart and socially wise, McGerr said. The current feeling on climate change is similar to corporate executives shift in views on same-sex marriages, he said: Theyre both a genuinely felt reading 151 1783720 on global stage A California-led alliance of cities and states vows to keep the Paris climate accord intact In climate change decision, Trump sticks with his most loyal voters and defies others City National Bank, L.A.s bank to the stars, has 151 1785723 Potter boosts Universal Studios attendance; Disneyland visits slip Teslas Elon Musk and Disneys Robert Iger quit Trump advisory councils, citing climate change More than a dozen advocacy groups are trying to block the merger of two L.A.-area banks, saying the deal 151 1803741 that invoked the charter to back U.S. troops in Afghanistan after the 2001 terrorist attacks. Advertisement But his retreat on climate change even if the commitments in the 194-nation Paris accord were voluntary and the U.S. already has cut emissions significantly 151 1804184 some European currencies were weak. And President George W. Bush refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, a United Nations-brokered climate change treaty that took effect in 2005. Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell later acknowledged that it was sobering to see 151 1804860 whats happening across California: TOP STORIES Trump, the Paris accords and Californias resistance President Trumps decision to exit the Paris climate change accord leaves California as a center of the environmental resistance in America. Gov. Jerry Brown leaves for China at a 151 1807839 expediency had several disastrous consequences. First, it left the world committed to a global climate accord that did not address climate change . Analysis at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology indicated that full compliance with all pledges would reduce temperatures in the year 151 1809319 partially filling a huge gap in leadership left by Donald Trump who, with his withdrawal from the Paris accord on climate change , has abdicated the American presidents long-established role as leader of the free world. Brown characterized Trumps move as deviant 151 1809413 Rex Tillerson, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and even Trumps daughter, Ivanka, all urged Trump not to pull out of the climate change agreement, but he did it anyway. Apparently, Trumps White House Rasputin, senior advisor Steve Bannon, and climate quacks like EPA 151 1809495 White House business advisory councils in reaction to Trumps foolish move. In a tweet, Musk wrote, Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. Advertisement 1 / 51 la-1491523602-y7ephyarj1-snap-image 151 1810693 rein to murder their citizens. Under Trump, the U.S. has quit a rational pact to address the looming threat of climate change that is endorsed by almost all other countries on the planet. There will still be American officials like Brown and 151 1810723 on the planet. There will still be American officials like Brown and other governors and mayors taking the lead on climate change . In an MSNBC interview on Thursday, Brown said he is open to convening an international meeting to forge a climate 151 1817017 Twitter LinkedIn Email Copy Link URL Copied! Print Advertisement Garcetti and Schwarzenegger urge cities and states to lead fight against climate change in Trump era By Michael Finnegan Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti on Wednesday called on 151 1817058 on cities and states to lead the nations fight against global warming as the federal government begins to reverse its climate change policies. The Republican former film star who signed a landmark 2006 law to reduce Californias carbon emissions and the Democratic 151 1826284 governor hobnobbing with Democratic loyalists, putting out a position paper on income inequality and continuing his aggressive efforts to combat climate change . Steyer says hes still considering jumping into the race. But he may have another target on his radar. Steyer has 151 1828088 2nd Amendment claim by men who lost gun rights over nonviolent crimes In deciding to pull out of the global climate change accord, President Trump seems to be calculating that he can win the White House the same way twice. His lengthy 151 1828179 yearning for the way things used to be, and seeing a future threatened by opponents domestic and foreign. The presidents climate change decision was greeted with applause in his strongholds in places such as western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, whose economies have 151 1828515 the political challenges, making Trump vulnerable particularly in states such as Florida, where residents already are feeling the effects of climate change as rising sea levels cause flooding. Trump may have been keeping a campaign promise by pulling out of the agreement 151 1828703 the sharply conservative views of his loyalists. His continued allegiance to them was evident in a closing line in his climate change speech intended as a paean to the old industrial titans of the Midwest and Northeast. It is time to put 151 1871693 a statement earlier Friday that the decision was regrettable but hoped to explore ways to cooperate with Washington to address climate change issues. African nations joined in protesting the U.S. withdrawal as the worlds poorest continent seeks financial help in combating global 151 1871767 between nations. South Africa said the U.S. has a moral obligation to support poorer countries in the global effort against climate change . The once-resplendent Temple of Bel, dedicated to the principal deity of this ancient metropolis, has been reduced to a 151 1875495 for participating in Trump's advisory panels, Tesla chief Elon Musk has now resigned from the councils to protest the decision. " Climate change is real," Musk wrote in a Twitter post. "Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world." Trump suggests 151 1901151 the Paris climate accords Thursday, joining Syria and Nicaragua as the only nations outside of the pact meant to curb climate change . On Friday, a host of U.S. states, cities, and companies vowed to live up to the terms of the deal 151 1903120 up his own mind. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, who wrote Thursday that he would double his company's efforts to fight climate change -- even retweeting retorts from California Gov. Jerry Brown and French President Emmanuel Macron -- said of Trump in an interview Thursday 151 1903389 made Wednesday to leave if Trump withdrew from the accord. "Am departing presidential councils," the Tesla and SpaceX CEO tweeted. " Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world." Scores of others issued statements of disappointment or 151 1903415 is not good for America or the world." Scores of others issued statements of disappointment or tweeted their commitment to climate change following the president's decision. In a letter obtained by The Washington Post, Apple CEO Tim Cook told employees "we will 151 1903480 now lead and not depend on government." Some believe that's exactly what will happen, as the center of gravity on climate change shifts away from the White House. An unnamed group that includes 100 businesses, as well as 30 mayors, three governors 151 1903624 been vocal in their response to President Donald Trump's apparent abandonment of U.S. leadership in alliances, trade and most recently climate change . Yet the challenge of "America First'' may go deeper in Asia. For defense ministers gathered this week for the annual 151 1903661 this week for the annual Shangri-La security conference in Singapore, Trump's decision to pull out of the 2015 Paris climate change agreement -- and before that, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal -- have raised a near-existential question: Is the U.S. still 151 1903709 cope with the rise of China? "Some have been concerned the withdrawal from the TPP and now from the Paris climate change agreement herald a U.S. withdrawal from global leadership," Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the leader of one America's most reliable 151 1904163 allies across the region are likely to grow. Japan on Friday described Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris climate change accords as "regrettable.'' Those concerns began to rise with Trump's decision to kill the TPP, a trade deal with strategic 151 1904406 territorial disputes with China, the hard power decisions Trump makes are likely to matter more than commitments on trade or climate change . The U.S. military sees China as its peer competitor in conventional military force and Trump's commitment to build a 350 151 1906988 Nature & Weather, Local News, National & World News, Health & Wellness, Politics By Long Island News & PR Published: June 02 2017 Suozzi: Climate change is a real and existential threat that must be taken seriously, and this move by the President is a strong 151 1907069 Paris Climate Agreement. Todays decision by the President to remove the U.S. from the Paris Agreement is a bad one. Climate change is a real and existential threat that must be taken seriously, and this move by the President is a strong 151 1907112 that he has little interest in protecting our planet. America has a critical role to play in the fight against climate change , and this decision will harm our standing across the globe on this issue. Im pleased to hear that some of 151 1917799 and the Kosciuszko Bridge were lit green to... Perez (@ThePerezHilton) June 2, 2017 Gov. Cuomo: " Climate change is real and won't be wished away by denial." Our gate is green for Paris Climate Accord, new NY, CA 151 1928669 The two leaders will be exchanging views on UN Security Council Reforms, Indias Permanent membership in the UNSC, counter-terrorism, climate change , and Indias membership for multilateral export control and International Solar Alliance, as per a statement by PM Modi on social 151 1930173 for America or for the world," the Tesla and Space X CEO said in a tweet. Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 1, 2017 Musk had 151 1930339 the result of more than 20 years of negotiations, and the only countries in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that have not signed on to the deal are Syria and Nicaragua. Proponents of the deal expect it will help 151 1930726 on Thursday announced that the US will exit the Paris climate agreement, jeopardizing the prospects of arguably the most sweeping climate change pact between countries. The pact, termed the COP21, has been ratified by 147 countries and respective governments have agreed to 151 1930770 to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 degree Celcius. Trump, who has often denied the existence of man-made climate change , said that the agreement was not in favour of America or the climate and assured that he will begin negotiations 151 1930812 to re-enter another accord. In his speech, Trump, like many other right-leaning American politicians challenge the fight against climate change , blamed emerging countries like India and China on the rising level of CO2 emission in the world. The US President 151 1931256 India's carbon emissions per capita are still one-tenth, and China's half, of that of the US. According to the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) released this year, India's per capita emissions are still relatively low, but emissions are rapidly increasing. For 151 1947927 limit increasing global temperatures. Other stories on were all about what could happen to the environment without policies battling climate change . Moving quickly to fill a climate leadership vacuum opened by President Trump, the governors of California, New York and Washington 151 1948476 that nation on climate and energy issues. He will then travel to Bonn, Germany, to attend the 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference. Californias climate policies are considered the nations most aggressive, and could get tougher. The state Senate, for example, approved 151 1955613 Seattle's Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal, put fire into her denunciation of Trump's global warming denial. (The President once tweeted that climate change was a "hoax" perpetrated by China.) "This decision, based on falsehoods and the denial of climate change, would be a 151 1955630 once tweeted that climate change was a "hoax" perpetrated by China.) "This decision, based on falsehoods and the denial of climate change , would be a compete disaster for our cities, Washington state, our country and the entire world," Jayapal said. "It's not 151 1955659 cities, Washington state, our country and the entire world," Jayapal said. "It's not a hoax -- the science is clear on climate change ." When Britain's June 8 snap election was announced just a few weeks ago, the outcome seemed a done deal. Prime 151 1959128 affirmed "our strongest commitment" to implement its measures and encouraged "all our partners to speed up their action to combat climate change ." While Trump said the United States would be willing to rejoin the accord if it could obtain more favorable terms 151 1959247 whoever we are, we all share the same responsibility: make our planet great again," Macron added. The European Union's top climate change official, Miguel Arias Canente, said in a statement that Trump's decision to leave the Paris accord made it "a sad 151 1959533 Musk said he would keep his promise to end his participation in two presidential councils after Trump issued his decision. " Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world," the CEO of electric car maker Tesla Inc 151 1974190 simple: The science clearly shows that the world is warming at a rapid pace. If we collectively fail to tackle climate change and reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, our children and grandchildren will face higher sea levels, more violent storms, disrupted food supplies 151 1974948 and militant rhetoric is growing louder and louder. There is a pressing need for pragmatic, moderate voices on health care, climate change , and a panoply of other issues, but Democrats seem to be unhinged by their animus toward the leader of the 151 1977448 conflict. Why dont we break Google up? Climate: The immediate industries that have the most to win and lose around climate change are solar, alternative energy, renewable energy, coal, oil and gas, and other fossil fuels. However, these industries did not translate 151 1983489 proposal to co-rule the world with China might have been, the Obama administration never followed up beyond agreements on climate change and bilateral investment. Ambitious and impatient, Beijing decided to strike out on its own. It has unveiled a twenty-first 151 1983912 quite capable of scaling up if the opportunity arises. The contrast between Beijing and Washington has become even sharper around climate change . Trumps denial of global warming he once labeled it a Chinese hoax has whetted the Beijing leaderships appetite for global 151 1983940 once labeled it a Chinese hoax has whetted the Beijing leaderships appetite for global influence. As one of its top climate change negotiators said shortly after Trump won the November election, Chinas influence and voice are likely to increase in global climate 151 1985666 region is already morphing into China passing. Financial flows are also going to be affected by the rising waters of climate change , which, later in the century, will threaten major cities like Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Predicting the coming supremacy 151 1987323 its major raison detre. Without such a supranational vision that could bring the region together around the twin threats of climate change and economic inequality, one thing is essentially guaranteed. The Asia to come wont look shiny and new like some Hollywood 151 1988835 essay on how years ago people linked global warming to distant locations such as the Amazon rainforests and Antarctica. However climate change is moving closer to home and is having a detrimental effect on our planet. He argued that even though artificial 151 1989574 climate science fanatics on the web with a recent cartoon that lampooned the selective application of computer models to support climate change . The climate change scientist in the Adams Dilbert cartoon (see below) admits that he ignores models that look wrong and 151 1989577 on the web with a recent cartoon that lampooned the selective application of computer models to support climate change. The climate change scientist in the Adams Dilbert cartoon (see below) admits that he ignores models that look wrong and then runs the 151 1989653 to know about the state of climate science and how it abuses the public trust, Breitbart London concluded. Man-made climate change advocates insist that the science behind it is settled, as if science is something that can be forever locked down 151 1989695 However, as Natural News founder Mike Adams previously revealed, the claim that 97 percent of scientists agree on man-made climate change is a bunch of hot air. (RELATED: Read more about global warming propaganda at Scott Adams, a non-scientist 151 1989728 warming propaganda at Scott Adams, a non-scientist who earned an MBA from UC-Berkeley, is not your typical climate change skeptic, however. He seems to accept climate change, but wants its supporters to use solid data. In a lengthy blog 151 1989736 scientist who earned an MBA from UC-Berkeley, is not your typical climate change skeptic, however. He seems to accept climate change , but wants its supporters to use solid data. In a lengthy blog post a few months ago that that explored 151 1989788 climate scientists cant seem to put together a sound argument for global warming, while those who argue against man-made climate change always seem to have a good point to make. Adams wrote in part: 1. Stop telling me the models (plural 151 1990276 are deeply engineered for visual impact and future confirmation bias. On a somewhat unrelated note, in yet another example of climate change hysteria, two academics hoaxed a peer-reviewed social science journal into publishing a paper purposely written with lofty, nonsensical gibberish 151 1990311 paper purposely written with lofty, nonsensical gibberish, feminist buzzwords, and citing fake sources that claimed that the conceptual penis drives climate change and that hypermasculinity is irreparably damaging the global ecosystem. They described their paper as academically worthless nonsense. Could it be 151 1990354 like this that have caused Adams to take the stand he did? Isnt it time for some real science on climate change ? Adams think so. Scott Adams, by the way, is of no known relation to Mike Adams, editor of Natural News 151 1997858 reducing U.S. emissions by 26 to 28 percent from 2005 levels. They're urging other states to join. Brown has made climate change one of his legacy issues and is calling Trump's decision to withdraw from the agreement "deviant behavior from the highest 151 2000340 What to Know Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris agreement deals a major blow to efforts to combat climate change The president's announcement came the same day that a study was released that says climate change threatens many NYC neighborhoods 151 2000356 to efforts to combat climate change The president's announcement came the same day that a study was released that says climate change threatens many NYC neighborhoods Hundreds took to the streets of NYC to protest and several buildings, including One World Trade 151 2000425 U.S. is withdrawing from the landmark Paris climate agreement. Trumps decision strikes a major blow to worldwide efforts to combat climate change and distances the U.S. from many allies. It also led to widespread condemnation, from social media to the streets of 151 2000797 President Trump withdrew from the Paris climate accord on Thursday. Critics call it a major blow to efforts to combat climate change . How could climate change affect the New York City area? Ida Siegal reports. To think that a storm like that 151 2000801 the Paris climate accord on Thursday. Critics call it a major blow to efforts to combat climate change. How could climate change affect the New York City area? Ida Siegal reports. To think that a storm like that could affect this neighborhood 151 2000913 those neighborhoods safe barriers, like those planned for Staten Island, need to be built and the world needs to combat climate change . Stop pouring carbon into the atmosphere, stop the global warming, Waterfront Alliance CEO Roland Lewis said. Annette Fisher, of the 151 2001602 article misstated the name of Galaei's executive director. California Gov. Jerry Brown is looking for allies in the fight against climate change , and he sees one in China, which he'll visit later this week. The Democratic governor hopes to build support for 151 2001654 Donald Trump. Brown told The Associated Press on Wednesday that California will work with governments around the world to combat climate change even if Trump rolls back domestic environmental regulations. Brown leaves Friday for his second trip to China as governor. He'll 151 2025834 international cooperation, without restrictions, to see the accord implemented in full," Mexico's foreign and environment ministries said in a statement. Climate change is "an incontrovertible fact based on scientific evidence," it said. "Taking action to slow climate change is a moral imperative 151 2025850 said in a statement. Climate change is "an incontrovertible fact based on scientific evidence," it said. "Taking action to slow climate change is a moral imperative." President Enrique Pena Nieto also reaffirmed his support for the deal, tweeting that "Mexico maintains its 151 2026052 international cooperation, without restrictions, to see the accord implemented in full," Mexico's foreign and environment ministries said in a statement. Climate change is "an incontrovertible fact based on scientific evidence," it said. "Taking action to slow climate change is a moral imperative 151 2026068 said in a statement. Climate change is "an incontrovertible fact based on scientific evidence," it said. "Taking action to slow climate change is a moral imperative." President Enrique Pena Nieto also reaffirmed his support for the deal, tweeting that "Mexico maintains its 151 2026267 band together to take more decisive action than ever to confront and successfully surmount major challenges to humanity such as climate change ," she told reporters. In a strongly worded statement, Merkel said US President Donald Trump's announcement to turn his back on 151 2026510 band together to take more decisive action than ever to confront and successfully surmount major challenges to humanity such as climate change ," she told reporters. In a strongly worded statement, Merkel said US President Donald Trump's announcement to turn his back on 151 2040445 US would have been expected to contribute that amount to the operating budget of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change , the accord's coordinating agency."The billionaire said that he believed "non-state actors" will be able to achieve the United 151 2047032 Coming on the back of an anyway unpredictable foreign policy, President Donald Trumps decision to pull out of the Paris climate change agreement has established his administration as a significant risk to geopolitical stability. At this juncture the world order seems to 151 2047476 that will look to tap American institutions others than the White House and administration in Washington, DC. For instance on climate change and adherence to Paris agreement benchmarks, India will find common ground with individual American state and city economies and leaderships 151 2051259 GHG) emissions United States of America pulled out of the Paris Agreement, aimed at lowering the effects of GHG and climate change , it heaped blame on India and China for skewing the Accord in their favour.That argument, a basic knowledge of facts 151 2051476 the submission does seek foreign aid to meet its goals and mitigate the costs.Arti Khosla, a Delhi based consultant on climate change and energy told News18 that India is not heavily dependent on aid from the global Green Fund, that developed countries 151 2051642 emitters since industrialization. This aid will help developing countries that are trying to fulfil their energy needs and adapt to climate change . The Fund is supposed to collect $10.13 billion. India and China had taken a stand in 2015 to make sure 151 2057861 losing any sleep over it. The conservative Republican, who represents a district in southern Michigan, says he isn't worried about climate change because if it is happening, a higher power than Trump will take care of it, USA Today reports. "I believe 151 2057885 it is happening, a higher power than Trump will take care of it, USA Today reports. "I believe there's been climate change since the beginning of time. I believe there are cycles," he told constituents at a town hall meeting in Coldwater 151 2057987 if there's a real problem, he can take care of it." Walberg also joked that it would be helpful if climate change did something about the cold in Michigan and the humidity in Washington, DC. Some religious leaders don't agree with Walberg's 151 2058011 about the cold in Michigan and the humidity in Washington, DC. Some religious leaders don't agree with Walberg's stance on climate change , including Pope Francis, who warned in 2015 that it is an urgent problem that "can no longer be left to 151 2085503 peace among the warring groups. The UN says the decision by the United States to withdraw from Paris Agreement on Climate Change is a disappointment for global efforts ... The UN says the decision by the United States to withdraw from Paris Agreement 151 2085526 a disappointment for global efforts ... The UN says the decision by the United States to withdraw from Paris Agreement on Climate Change is a disappointment for global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote global security. Stephane Dujarric, the Spokesman for 151 2085593 Agreement.The Paris Agreement was adopted by all nations in the world in 2015 because they recognise the immense harm that climate change is already causing and the enormous opportunity that climate action presents.It offers a meaningful yet flexible framework for action by 151 2085757 decision known this week on the Paris Climate Agreement, which as at May, 195 members of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change had signed and 147 had ratified. In a nationwide broadcast, Trump announced: to fulfil my solemn duty to protect America 151 2091301 BRUSSELS Top officials from China and the European Union were set Friday to reaffirm their commitment to a landmark climate change agreement, a day after President Donald Trump said he was pulling the United States out of the Paris accord. Climate 151 2091674 other financing mechanisms, for example through the World Bank." The Green Fund is designed to help poor countries adapt to climate change and bypass some of the heavily polluting technologies formerly used by rich countries. Poor countries are predicted to be among 151 2094442 city will honor the accord, adding that it is now up to local governments to shoulder the burden of addressing climate change . "This is a threat to New York City directly. What President Trump, a New Yorker of all things, what he 151 2094486 a dagger aimed at the heart of New York City because we're a coastal city. We already experienced Sandy. If climate change worsens, New York City will be hurt. So we have to take disproportionate action for our own good," The city 151 2094937 press briefing Friday, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer did not address Trump's beliefs on climate change , instead supporting his choice to leave the Paris Climate Agreement. "People have called me a climate skeptic or a climate 151 2095034 that, while they maybe wanted to stay in, also expressed concerns about the target levels," Spicer said. Trump famously called climate change a hoax that was cooked up by the Chinese to improve their trade advantage. Police say the ex-convict accused 151 2106573 and vital proposal, we might consider the new law on cattle trade and slaughter," the Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change told reporters here on Thursday night. The Minister came to Agartala on Thursday night to attend a programme in connection 151 2107903 of to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate deal. Hua referred to the statement by UN's Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) which said the Paris deal cannot be renegotiated as desired by Trump when asked about China's stand on Trump's 151 2107998 earned accord. She said the deal embodies the "broadest consensus" of the international community about how to cope with the climate change . Hua said China will remain committed to upholding and promoting global governance on climate change and take an active part 151 2108013 how to cope with the climate change. Hua said China will remain committed to upholding and promoting global governance on climate change and take an active part in the multilateral process. "China will work with all relevant parties to enhance cooperation, press 151 2108080 to strengthen effective communication and practical cooperation with the EU to safeguard and advance the process of multilateral governance on climate change . Hua said developed countries should be obligated to provide funding through the Green Climate Fund to developing countries to help 151 2108105 countries should be obligated to provide funding through the Green Climate Fund to developing countries to help them deal with climate change , within the framework of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris climate agreement. The Paris agreement's central aim 151 2108115 Climate Fund to developing countries to help them deal with climate change, within the framework of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris climate agreement. The Paris agreement's central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of 151 2108137 and the Paris climate agreement. The Paris agreement's central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping the rise in global temperature this century at well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and 151 2108184 it to 1.5 degrees Celsius thereafter. The landmark agreement, which came into force last November, calls upon countries to combat climate change , and to accelerate and intensify actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future, and to adapt to the 151 2108209 and intensify actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future, and to adapt to the increasing impact of climate change . PTI Infosys techie, child drown in the US, friends crowdfund to send bodies home International oi-Anusha Friends of an 151 2109796 emitter. However, the rest of the signatories pledged to defend the agreement and not to backtrack in the fight against climate change . Europe's three biggest economic giants-- Germany, France and Italy -- issued a joint statement in which they criticised Trump's decision and 151 2109898 the Paris Climate Agreement, the US took one more decision against the world's fight to bring some resemblance to rapid climate change . Here is a list, prepared by the Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, to outline the role US has 151 2109923 list, prepared by the Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, to outline the role US has played in global climate change : Largest contributor to climate change: The US is the largest historical contributor to climate change, responsible for 21 per cent 151 2109928 for Science and Environment, New Delhi, to outline the role US has played in global climate change: Largest contributor to climate change : The US is the largest historical contributor to climate change, responsible for 21 per cent of the current carbon stock 151 2109938 US has played in global climate change: Largest contributor to climate change: The US is the largest historical contributor to climate change , responsible for 21 per cent of the current carbon stock in the atmosphere. It is currently the second largest polluter 151 2110171 to the Green Climate Fund. This would mean that funding to the GCF, meant to help developing countries to address climate change , would suffer tremendously. US domestic measures: By adopting a slew of measures domestically which includes revoking its Clean Power Plan 151 2110350 Trump used the victimhood card to tell everyone as how other countries are fleecing the US in the name of climate change . Trump alleged that the climate accord gave a better deal to "some of the world's highly polluting countries" like India 151 2151666 are certain challenges faced by the market such as: aging of coffee trees, lack of government support, negative impact of climate change , price volatility and increase in production supports your business intelligence needs with over 100,000 market research reports, company profiles 151 2237436 fear of alienating customers. But after President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he will withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate change accord, a who's who of Fortune Magazine cover models took to social media to criticize the decision. Brad Smith, president 151 2237556 our customers and the economy." Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella added his own thoughts in a tweet, saying: "We believe climate change is an urgent issue that demands global action. We remain committed to doing our part." Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook 151 2237650 to protect the environment." "Our mission has always been to leave the world better than we found it," he wrote. " Climate change is real and we all share a responsibility to fight it." Twitter Inc. Chief Executive Jack Dorsey called Trump's decision 151 2250497 American culture. And it seems to me that the reason why the United States has rejected the Paris Accord on climate change is a cultural one. Oh, sure, you might say that the rejection is because Trump is evil and wants to 151 2251367 saying American culture is right or wrong on this point. But its different. And this has nothing to do with climate change . Image: Voice in the Wind, pp. 180-186 This weeks section is 151 2257242 A harsh assessment was delivered from PM of Belgium. I condemn this brutal act against #ParisAccord @realDonaldTrump Leadership means fighting climate change together. Not forsaking commitment. Charles Michel (@CharlesMichel) June 1, 2017 And from the PM of Sweden. .@realdonaldtrump We urge you 151 2257344 to continue the climate battle to save future generations. #ParisAgreement Lars Lkke Rasmussen (@larsloekke) June 1, 2017 And in Scotland. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. @POTUS decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord is profoundly regrettable 151 2259379 is a double-barreled blow to both Pennsylvania jobs and our environment. By pulling out of an agreement to combat climate change , President Trump has put Pennsylvania workers at a disadvantage when it comes to competing for clean energy jobs. Foreign countries 151 2259422 now take the lead in growing an industry that produces jobs with family sustaining incomes. Additionally, pulling out of this climate change agreement will undermine the clean air that every Pennsylvanian has a right to expect. Vulnerable children will be particularly impacted 151 2259456 to expect. Vulnerable children will be particularly impacted by the lack of action to protect clean air. Without action on climate change , more children will suffer from diseases like asthma and malnutrition. Climate change is a serious challenge which requires action, not 151 2259468 action to protect clean air. Without action on climate change, more children will suffer from diseases like asthma and malnutrition. Climate change is a serious challenge which requires action, not retreat." (Context alert: Casey is running for re-election in 2018) (Bonus 151 2259552 Tom Wolf: "I urge President Trump not to abdicate the United States' global leadership and seat at the table on climate change - a pressing issue for Pennsylvania's economy, especially energy, agriculture and tourism, and our resident's health," Governor Wolf said. "Pennsylvania is 151 2259637 in the Paris agreement is the right choice for America. We cannot ignore the scientific evidence and economic significance of climate change and put our economy and population at risk." (Context alert: Wolf's statement was issued before Trump's 3 p.m. announcement. Like 151 2260027 President Trump, you have no idea what you've just done. If you succeed in disrupting the world's effort to fight climate change , people will one day look back on your decision as the moment you condemned humanity to unprecedented flooding, acidic oceans 151 2273731 track for weekly losses of more than 5 percent. The U.S. withdrawal from the landmark 2015 global agreement to fight climate change drew condemnation from Washington's allies - and sparked fears that U.S. oil production could expand even more rapidly. "I think we 151 2275475 Bartunek BRUSSELS, June 1 (Reuters) - China and the European Union will seek on Friday to save a global pact against climate change from which U.S. President Donald Trump said he will withdraw. As China emerges as Europe's unlikely global partner on areas 151 2275538 address North Korea's missile tests and global steel overcapacity. Speaking in Berlin, Li underlined strong support for the 2015 Paris climate change accord from China, which overtook the United States as the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in 2007. "China will 151 2275565 the United States as the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in 2007. "China will stand by its responsibilities on climate change ," he told reporters after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel and before flying on to Brussels. In a statement backed by 151 2275689 by European Council President Donald Tusk, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Li, will say. "The increasing impacts of climate change require a decisive response," they will say. China asked that the annual summit, normally held in mid-July, be brought 151 2275768 after Trump's announcement that the European Union deeply regretted the decision but would seek new allies in the fight against climate change . "We see the Paris Agreement and the low-carbon transition for what it is, the irreversible growth engine of our 151 2275836 Union is looking to Beijing to take action against emissions blamed for increased droughts, rising seas and other affects of climate change . STEEL GLUT In a broader final communique focusing on a range of other issues, Li, Juncker and Tusk are expected 151 2279007 2015, participating countries agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and regularly increase their ambitions to do more to address manmade climate change . It sets an overall goal of limiting the increase in global average temperatures to less than 2 degrees centigrade (3.6 151 2279514 clean energy and New Jersey will next year," he said, noting that the state "will see the most consequences from climate change including sea level rise and flooding." Another thing environmentalists might cheer: PSEG is exploring the possibility with New Jersey officials 151 2285433 Trumps decision to pull from the historic deal is a serious blow to American credibility and global efforts to combat climate change , leaders from across the country are proving that one man without any grasp of reality even if hes the president 151 2285477 hijack the global effort to tackle this growing threat. Trump may continue to live in a fantasy world in which climate change is a Chinese hoax and coal jobs will come roaring back, but the rest of the country is showing that 151 2285563 Print Hours after Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the 195-nation agreement to fight global climate change , protesters swarmed the gates of the White House to voice their opposition. Activists showed up carrying posters reading, Shame and 151 2285890 left to Wall Street executives on the right, there appears to finally be a consensus building around one simple idea: Climate change is happening, its impacts are devastating, and the world needs to act before its too late. Unfortunately, the most powerful 151 2289652 celebrate mayors who have made significant strides locally. Since 2005, the Conference has been a leader on the issue of climate change by passing numerous policies, holding several summits, as well as spearheading a bipartisan effort where more than 1,000 mayors committed 151 2295699 known this week on the Paris Climate Agreement, which as at May 2017, 195 members of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change , had signed and 147 had ratified. The United State under Trump will continue to be the cleanest and the most 151 2317404 stating the decision will ultimately affect the poor and those least able to cope with climate adaptation. "Research shows that climate change is already damaging our planet and disproportionately harming the poor through weather related disasters such as flooding and hurricanes," Sr 151 2317437 weather related disasters such as flooding and hurricanes," Sr. Pat Twohill, OP, Prioress of the Dominican Sisters of Peace said. " Climate change will ultimately affect food production, create water crisis and increase mosquito borne diseases. By putting political interests before the global 151 2317554 484 members and 600 Associates serve in 24 states, Nigeria and Peru, are committed to reducing the impact of global climate change . The sisters support actions, programs, and legislation on all levels to protect Earth's climate, with particular concern for the negative 151 2317648 of the planet. The Paris Accord is necessary to bring together the nations of the world in order to combat climate change . The Dominican Sisters of Peace, members of the international Order of Preachers, are vowed Catholic Sisters who strive to live 151 2317705 make is to foster all of life and advocate for just policies and decisions to reduce the impact of global climate change . For more information visit SOURCE Dominican Sisters of Peace Related Links SANTA MONICA 151 2317713 advocate for just policies and decisions to reduce the impact of global climate change. For more information visit climate-change -2 SOURCE Dominican Sisters of Peace Related Links SANTA MONICA, Calif., June 1, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Douglas Emmett, Inc 151 2319979 pandemics, extremism, xenophobia, racial discrimination, and corruption; active defense of human rights; active participation in mitigating the catastrophic effects of climate change ; strong support for gender equality and the empowerment of women; and active participation in the execution of the UN 2030 151 2342187 strive for peace and decent life for all on a sustainable planet", combining the demands for ending poverty while combating climate change . Another priority he said would be moving along the efforts for a global agreement on migration. "Migration is not a 151 2344977 A report in Xinhua quoted Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as saying that he regrets the decision of Trump. "The climate change approach is not only necessary, it offers global economic opportunities," he said on Facebook. "It is about the economic sectors 151 2349561 hurting people's sentiments", he added. Los Angeles, June 2 : Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who has often expressed concern over climate change , has slammed US President Donald Trump for his decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. DiCaprio took to social media 151 2349664 on climate issues, this action is deeply discouraging." He added: "Now, more than ever, we must be determined to solve climate change , and to challenge those leaders who do not believe in scientific facts or empirical truths. It is time for all 151 2349743 Stand Up America, and Before the Flood. "Before the Flood" was also a 2016 documentary co-produced by him on climate change . NEW YORK, June 02, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pomerantz LLP announces that a class action lawsuit has been filed against Celadon 151 2350458 and vital proposal, we might consider the new law on cattle trade and slaughter," the Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change told reporters here on Thursday night. Vardhan, who also holds the Science and Technology and Earth Sciences portfolios, said that 151 2350749 Paris climate deal slamming China and India, Beijing said on Friday it was ready to "shoulder the responsibility" of fighting climate change . "China has closely followed the withdrawal by the US. We think the Paris Agreement reflects the widest agreement of international 151 2350773 closely followed the withdrawal by the US. We think the Paris Agreement reflects the widest agreement of international community against climate change ," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said. Hua said China will take "concrete actions" against climate change. "This is a responsibility 151 2350789 of international community against climate change," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said. Hua said China will take "concrete actions" against climate change . "This is a responsibility shouldered by China as a major country. In future, China will continue to work on anti 151 2350811 This is a responsibility shouldered by China as a major country. In future, China will continue to work on anti- climate change progress and uphold climate change process globally." China, the world's biggest greenhouse gases emitter, ratified the Paris Agreement in September 151 2350816 by China as a major country. In future, China will continue to work on anti-climate change progress and uphold climate change process globally." China, the world's biggest greenhouse gases emitter, ratified the Paris Agreement in September 2016 on the eve G20 151 2350849 Paris Agreement in September 2016 on the eve G20 Summit in Hangzhou. India followed the next month. "China's stance on climate change has been steadfast with effective measures and remarkable outcomes. "China is now emitting 2020 greenhouse gases emission target and will 151 2350884 2020 greenhouse gases emission target and will submit 2030 self-determined target. "This is China's active participation in the global climate change as a responsible major country and we are making a positive contribution." Trump on Thursday said the US was pulling 151 2352822 Friday drew global criticism from environmental advocates who said India, China and the EU will now lead the battle against climate change . The secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the foundational agreement under which the Paris accord was 151 2352832 China and the EU will now lead the battle against climate change. The secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the foundational agreement under which the Paris accord was negotiated, clarified that the pact "cannot be re-negotiated based 151 2352936 means helping coastal communities from Louisiana to the Solomon Islands." Under the Paris Agreement, all nations have agreed to combat climate change and to unleash actions and investment towards a low carbon, resilient and sustainable future that will keep a global average 151 2353035 world rather than weaken it. "The world can continue to count on Europe for global leadership in the fight against climate change . The EU will strengthen its existing partnerships and seek new alliances from the world's largest economies to the most vulnerable 151 2354100 by applicable securities legislation. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. New Delhi, June 2 : Climate change experts fear the US decision to pull out of the Paris Accord may lead to climate fund deficit and increasing 151 2354148 decision would also delay actions towards both reduction of global emissions as well as adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change . While announcing the US decision on Thursday, US President Donald Trump said the Paris Accord "disadvantages the US to the 151 2354225 year for its anti-emission initiatives, would not be affected by the US exit, feels Harjeet Singh, Global Lead on Climate Change for ActionAid. The international climate research organisations at COP22 said that the country was set to "over-achieve" its emission 151 2354312 CSE) also criticised Washington's move, saying that without the active and ambitious contribution from the US, any action to combat climate change under the Paris Agreement would be insufficient by a huge margin. "Even if other countries, including the developing countries, raise 151 2354441 Agreement could delay actions to both reduce global emissions as well as to adapt to the adverse impacts of the climate change that has already occurred," said Ajay Mathur, TERI Director General. Technically, the US cannot pull out of the Paris Climate 151 2354709 Trump represents vested interests of the world's dirtiest fossil fuel industries. His actions to undermine progress in the fight against climate change will face huge resistance in the US and around the world," said Harjeet Singh. He said that if the next 151 2355029 of the European Commission on Friday urged the European Union and China to lead the way in the fight against climate change by implementing the Paris agreement in full. In a speech during the EU-China Business Summit, Jean-Claude Juncker said 151 2358752 sanction for 56 MW. St Petersburg, June 2 : In an oblique disapproval of the US decision to quit the Paris climate change accord, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said he was not taking sides with countries on the issue as he 151 2381127 enthusiastically welcomed him as a guest on her nationally syndicated radio program The Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water, Global Climate Change and Your Health on VoiceAmerica sponsored by Natures Tears EyeMist. Noting that another of Dr. Fangs specialties is the brain 151 2389436 Kern, and Moldovan President Igor Dodon appeared on the panel alongside the Russian president. Asked about the Paris Agreement on climate change that President Donald Trump withdrew the US from on Thursday, Putin replied, "Don't worry, be happy. "It's about preventing temperature 151 2390635 signed a contract with all of our closest allies and 194 member nations of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change . I believe in keeping ones word and doing everything possible to execute on our commitments. We at Under Armour are 151 2390670 our commitments. We at Under Armour are disappointed by the Administrations decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement as climate change continues to threaten our planet, our cities and our economies. Climate change is real and must be taken seriously by 151 2390682 to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement as climate change continues to threaten our planet, our cities and our economies. Climate change is real and must be taken seriously by our business community, our customers, our neighbors and our elected officials. Sustainability 151 2407129 decision, President Trump took a step towards the Come Home, America option, at least in regards to the issue of climate change , but in such a way as to reduce its benefits and accentuate its risks. At its best, this Come Home 151 2407152 in such a way as to reduce its benefits and accentuate its risks. At its best, this Come Home, America climate change option makes sense if the impacts of climate change prove small and the world makes little progress in replacing fossil 151 2407161 and accentuate its risks. At its best, this Come Home, America climate change option makes sense if the impacts of climate change prove small and the world makes little progress in replacing fossil fuels. In addition, this decision makes sense if other 151 2407191 in replacing fossil fuels. In addition, this decision makes sense if other countries are willing to pursue bilateral deals on climate change with the U.S. None of these bets appear likely at present. The decision could cause the U.S. and its citizens 151 2407215 U.S. None of these bets appear likely at present. The decision could cause the U.S. and its citizens damage if climate change proves significant. The decision, however, could cause the U.S. and its citizens damage if climate change proves significant; if the 151 2407231 its citizens damage if climate change proves significant. The decision, however, could cause the U.S. and its citizens damage if climate change proves significant; if the green energy revolution continues to pick up steam; and if the rest of the world recommits 151 2407278 European leadership to the Paris agreement. The decision carries significant economic risks, the largest being a hugely consequential bet that climate change will not prove to be severe, at least not for the U.S. It also assumes that the U.S. will benefit 151 2407311 U.S. It also assumes that the U.S. will benefit from a bilateral approach, that it can negotiate new agreements, that climate change will be small, that fossil fuels are the energy of the future, and that the withdrawal will unravel global emission 151 2407800 announce its withdrawal, leaders from China and the European Union were announcing their intention to bolster their partnership to address climate change . No doubt, this display of leadership did not go unnoticed in the capitals of other nations. The formal withdrawal from 151 2420328 our planet. This administration is abdicating its leadership and taking a backseat to other countries in the global fight against climate change . New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Trump can turn his back on the world, but the world cannot 151 2420356 Blasio said Trump can turn his back on the world, but the world cannot ignore the very real threat of climate change . This decision is an immoral assault on the public health, safety and security of everyone on this planet, he said 151 2450212 Thursday to withdraw from the landmark Paris climate accord that seeks to reduce carbon emissions and slow the effects of climate change . In a speech from the White House, Trump said the move was made in order to fulfill his solemn duty 151 2493623 what's going on with global warming, and what might happen if the rest of the world keeps fighting man-made climate change and the U.S. stays partially or completely on the sidelines. WHAT IS THE PARIS AGREEMENT TRYING TO DO? The 2015 151 2493768 percent below 2005 levels or about 1.6 billion tons of annual emissions. A study last year in the journal Nature Climate Change said America will probably only reach four-fifths of that goal. For China, the No. 1 polluter, having overtaken the 151 2496117 the world will combine our forces more resolutely than ever to address and successfully tackle challenges for humanity such as climate change . Merkel, whose country hosts this years international climate summit, called Trumps decision extremely regrettable, and thats putting it very mildly 151 2496302 of France, Germany and Italy said in a joint statement that the agreement cannot be renegotiated. Scientists blame man-made climate change for rising seas and increasing extreme weather. In the African country of Mali, many see global warming as the reason 151 2496377 the branches of dried trees, he said on Friday. I would tell Trump that here the misery is caused by climate change , and if he doesnt pay attention, the United States will be touched one day by these problems, too. Former Mexican 151 2498476 Paolo Gentiloni, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron urged their allies to speed up efforts to combat climate change and said they would do more to help developing countries adapt, according to Reuters. New Zealand also reaffirmed its commitment 151 2498521 the US has chosen to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, but New Zealand remains absolutely committed to it," Minister for Climate Change Issues Paula Bennett said in an emailed response to questions. (BusinessDesk) Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your 151 2525225 preferred political method. His withdrawal from the climate agreement provides an example: The more the world criticizes Trump for his climate change denials, the more his supporters worship him -- as the great, courageous warrior against the political elite on both sides of 151 2528569 environment and signed executive orders that dismantle the work of the Obama administration. The international agreement in Paris to tackle climate change a deal signed by 195 nations is so critical that even now Chinese and EU leaders say it is as 151 2528649 on deaf ears. In the meantime, the UK must prepare to co-operate and move forward on the issue of climate change . Catherine West Labour candidate for Hornsey & Wood Green Renting seems the best option for now In Wednesdays Homes & Property, you 151 2532958 beaches to coral reefs to snow covered mountains, Australia has it all. However, the country has been victim to pollution, climate change , urban development and other harmful factors which are destroying much of the beautiful nature which tourists come to see. With 151 2535256 in rehoming Tumbles is invited to meet him at The Animals Charitys headquarters on Lordship Lane, Wood Green. L ondon climate change experts say Donald Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris agreement could have done their cause "a huge favour 151 2535313 the US and had been poorly negotiated by his predecessor Barack Obama. But today some of the capitals experts on climate change offered a glimmer of hope with one professor suggesting the US President had done environmental campaigners a huge favour. Leading 151 2535356 and UCL professor Chris Rapley told the Standard: My initial reaction was obviously kind of shock and horror. Paris Agreement Climate Change Explainer At first sight it looks damaging, but actually Ive been reflecting on it overnight. I think hes done a 151 2535397 a huge, huge favour. We could not have got more publicity. And the framing of that publicity is not that climate change is not real. The framing that everybody is adopting is that climate change is real. Everybody sees he is a 151 2535410 framing of that publicity is not that climate change is not real. The framing that everybody is adopting is that climate change is real. Everybody sees he is a buffoon. Greenpeace activists protest with a light-projection onto the American embassy in 151 2535653 to go ahead. Ms Heath added that agreements between cities and states rather than simply nations can help to combat climate change . Cities are a way forward in a huge way. Cities will stand up and its good that many American states 151 2535702 of London Sadiq Khan slammed President Trumps decision and said world leaders must unite now more than ever to tackle climate change . Climate Trade Accord Protest - In pictures 1 /13 Climate Trade Accord Protest - In pictures Green lights are projected at the 151 2551079 United Nations Secretary-General on Thursday said the decision by the United States to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change is a major disappointment for global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote global security. The Paris Agreement was 151 2551116 security. The Paris Agreement was adopted by all the world's nations in 2025 because they recognize the immense harm that climate change is already causing and the enormous opportunity that climate action presents, Stephane Dujarric told the media at the UN Headquarters 151 2551280 on which the future generations depend. The landmark agreement, which entered into force last November, calls on countries to combat climate change and to accelerate and intensify the actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future, and to adapt to 151 2551306 intensify the actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future, and to adapt to the increasing impacts of climate change . It also aims to strengthen the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climate change and calls for 151 2551323 increasing impacts of climate change. It also aims to strengthen the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climate change and calls for scaled up financial flows, a new technology framework and an enhanced capacity-building framework to support action 151 2551423 Indeed, 290 nations are showing strong determination to work with them to protect this and future generations. The science on climate change is perfectly clear: we need more action, not less. This a global challenge. Every nation has a responsibility to act 151 2557757 I do respect President Trump's decision but I think it's a mistake for our planet," the President tweeted. He said climate change problem is already changing the lives of people. "Climate change is already changing our daily lives. It's not the future 151 2557767 a mistake for our planet," the President tweeted. He said climate change problem is already changing the lives of people. " Climate change is already changing our daily lives. It's not the future we want for our world," he said. "To all scientists 151 2558466 Emmanuel Macron Twitter page New Delhi, Jun 2 (IBNS): With the US Presidentas latest assault on the global fight against climate change , meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement will become an uphill task, an official CSE release stated. "Trump has sounded 151 2558567 a landmark move forward, was adopted on December 12, 2015 by 195 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), replacing its predecessor Kyoto Protocol. The Agreement was finally ratified on November 4, 2016. Chandra Bhushan, deputy director general 151 2558623 but also one the major current emitters. Without the active and ambitious contribution from the US, any action to combat climate change under the Paris Agreement will be insufficient by a huge margin." Even if other countries, including the developing countries, raise 151 2558672 to fill in the void left by the US. It is, therefore, not sufficient to shift the burden of addressing climate change to other countries -- including China and India," Bhishan added. The role US has played in global climate change Largest contributor 151 2558690 of addressing climate change to other countries -- including China and India," Bhishan added. The role US has played in global climate change Largest contributor to climate change: USA is the largest historical contributor to climate change, responsible for 21 per cent of 151 2558695 other countries -- including China and India," Bhishan added. The role US has played in global climate change Largest contributor to climate change : USA is the largest historical contributor to climate change, responsible for 21 per cent of the current carbon stock in 151 2558704 role US has played in global climate change Largest contributor to climate change: USA is the largest historical contributor to climate change , responsible for 21 per cent of the current carbon stock in the atmosphere. It is currently the second largest polluter 151 2558937 the Green Climate Fund (GCF). This would mean that funding to the GCF, meant to help developing countries to address climate change , would suffer tremendously. US domestic measures: By adopting a slew of measures domestically which includes revoking its Clean Power Plan 151 2559025 emerging economies do not have quantified emission targets; now it has pulled out of the Paris Agreement calling it unfair. Climate change is a global challenge. The US cannot continue to keep the world hostage. Pulling out of the Paris Agreement would 151 2559118 in both the frequency and magnitude of climate-related impacts across the globe, calling for more concerted efforts to address climate change . The future of the climate change regime has been shackled with this announcement. We are already on the path to 151 2559124 of climate-related impacts across the globe, calling for more concerted efforts to address climate change. The future of the climate change regime has been shackled with this announcement. We are already on the path to a dangerous temperature rise of even 151 2559451 Ravi Chellam, Executive Director, Greenpeace India. India, with its agrarian economy heavily dependent on the monsoon, is highly vulnerable to climate change . Indians are already suffering from severe weather events including droughts and floods. An ill-informed and irresponsible decision by the 151 2565819 was withdrawing from the agreement. The deal, agreed to by nearly 200 countries, vowed to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change for the planet's future. The decision was met with swift opposition around the world, including European leaders who vowed not 151 2565934 executive orders to ensure the state does not abandon its efforts to boost renewable energy while reducing emissions tied to climate change . Cuomo also says he and the governors of California and Washington state will lead a new alliance of states supporting 151 2566004 Accord and demonstrate New York's leadership role in protecting our citizens, our environment, and our planet." Don't Edit Gov. Cuomo: " Climate change is real and won't be wished away by denial." Our gate is green for Paris Climate Accord, new NY, CA 151 2566236 that the United States will withdraw from the 2015 Paris accord and try to negotiate a new global deal on climate change . (AP Photo/Nadine Achoui-Lesage) Don't Edit World: the Empire State stands with you. New York shines green for our 151 2566592 New York State Fair More reactions Rep. John Katko (R-Camillus) said he agreed with Trump's decision, though he believes climate change is caused by human activity. "When the United States enters into voluntary, international agreements like the Paris Agreement, we consistently 151 2572240 Musk leaving the presidential councils. Not long after Trump finished his speech, the Tesla boss tweeted: "Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world." He was joined by Disney CEO Robert Iger 151 2572289 a matter of principle." IBM CEO Ginni Rometty, however, will remain on Trump's business advisory council. Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. --- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 1, 2017 Other leaders 151 2572356 him to remain, wrote: "Decision to withdraw from the #ParisAgreeement was wrong for our planet. Apple is committed to fight climate change and we will never waver." Decision to withdraw from the #ParisAgreeement was wrong for our planet. Apple is committed to 151 2572379 we will never waver." Decision to withdraw from the #ParisAgreeement was wrong for our planet. Apple is committed to fight climate change and we will never waver. --- Tim Cook (@tim_cook) June 2, 2017 Cook also sent an internal note to his employees 151 2572401 and we will never waver. --- Tim Cook (@tim_cook) June 2, 2017 Cook also sent an internal note to his employees. " Climate change is real and we all share a responsibility to fight it. I want to reassure you that today's developments will 151 2573934 in recent years. Scientists who study the reefs warn that the reefs will continue to decline unless the issue of climate change is addressed. The reefs were hit the hardest in 2015, but things have not gotten much better. Unless the trend 151 2576976 Peninsula," the Project MIDAS website explains. Project MIDAS is a UK-based Antarctic project focused on studying the effects of climate change on the Larsen C ice shelf in West Antarctica. Larsen C Will Become Unstable And Could Collapse Some scientists believe 151 2577100 neighbour Larsen B," Adrian Luckman, Swansea professor of glaciology and principal investigator for Project MIDAS writes. A Domino Effect Of Climate Change What makes the impending calving crucial is that the huge icy mass is set to break off at Larsen C's 151 2584863 Accord, it's easy to feel somewhat helpless if you take the view - as I do - that action is needed on climate change . That's a necessarily amorphous term, and takes in the whole gamut of 'I want returns plus'-type thinking. The various 151 2585585 there any comfort to take from Mr Trump's pledge to negotiate new terms for US participation in efforts to tackle climate change . "And if we can, that's great," he said. "And if we can't, that's fine." Such breezy dismissal of compelling scientific 151 2585803 mantra of "America First" might actually serve as the catalyst to bind other nations in collective determination to act on climate change . Mr Trump was isolated at the G7 meeting this month, leading newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron to borrow a 151 2585862 has been quick to affirm Australia will honour its commitments to the Paris deal. A schism in the Coalition on climate change has been a defining feature of Australian politics in recent times. The Deputy Prime Minister has personally intervened to settle 151 2601336 States. He was also the lone dissenter from the Group of Sevens reiteration of support for the Paris Agreement on climate change . More significantly, by refusing to reaffirm publicly the traditional U.S. commitment to the NATO article requiring each country to come 151 2604816 degrees Celsius (14.4 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter by 2100, said a recent study. Read also: Trump pulls US out of global climate change accord - Melting ice - Arctic summer sea ice shrank to 4.14 million square kilometres (1.6 million square miles) in 2016 -- the 151 2605263 a metre of lift, according to one study. - Extreme events - The WMO says there are demonstrable links between man-made climate change and some extreme events, especially heatwaves. The number of climate-related extreme events -- droughts, forest fires, floods, major storm surges 151 2605375 the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Red List, 19 percent -- 1,688 species -- have been negatively affected by climate change . Scientists warn that parts of Australia's Great Barrier Reef may never recover from an unprecedented second straight year of bleaching 151 2607193 AFP) Paris, France Fri, June 2, 2017 08:30 1987 4065a5a8898c7cc661d4adf97a36e6d5 2 World trump,DonaldTrump,Donald-Trump,ParisAgreement,Paris-Agreement, climate-change ,Climatechange Free European leaders reacted with anger and defiance after President Donald Trump on Thursday announced the United States, the 151 2607373 as "seriously wrong." The body's commissioner for climate action and energy Miguel Arias Canete also pledged continued "global leadership" on climate change . "The Paris Agreement will endure. The world can continue to count on Europe for global leadership in the fight against 151 2607395 The Paris Agreement will endure. The world can continue to count on Europe for global leadership in the fight against climate change ," he said in a statement. "Europe will lead through ambitious climate policies and through continued support to the poor and 151 2607546 nothing was negotiable" in the Paris agreement. France and the United States "would continue to work together," but not on climate change , the presidential office said. In a TV broadcast made both in French and English, Macron said he believed that Trump 151 2607678 in a sign of disapproval" of Trump's announcement and to recall the determination of cities around the world to fight climate change . In London, British Prime Minister Theresa May told Trump that the climate accord was a safety net for future generations 151 2607828 Friends of the Earth International said "pulling out of the Paris Agreement would make the US a rogue state on climate change . The rest of the world cannot let the US drag it down." Oxfam France branded the decision as "shameful and 151 2620202 had "closely followed" the withdrawal announcement. "We think the Paris agreement reflects the widest agreement of the international community against climate change and parties should cherish hard won outcomes," she said. Stressing that China would implement its strategy to peak emissions by 151 2620376 should fulfill their obligations under the UNFCCC and Paris agreement to offer financial support to developing countries through the green climate change fund and other mechanisms," Hua said. "China is also offering our utmost support to developing countries under the south-south 151 2621965 series. Signed by 195 countries, the Paris Agreements central purpose is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change , in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. Donald Trump at CPAC, February 2017 (Michael Vadon) The 151 2622397 In fact, the US had promised (under Obamas administration) to give $3billion to help poor nations address the effects of climate change . Although a third was already given under Obamas presidency, Trump is adamant he'll cancel the future payments - which could discourage 151 2622457 with the accord with or without the US. On Thursday, Chinas Premier Li Keqiang highlighted the global responsibility to fight climate change , deeming it a global consensus not invented by China. Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said at a press conference that 151 2632008 White House advisory councils, citing US President Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Paris agreement as reason. "Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world," Musk wrote on Twitter. Am departing presidential councils 151 2632030 is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world," Musk wrote on Twitter. Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world.- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 1, 2017 advertisement Musk 151 2632107 in that case- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 31, 2017 WHAT IS THE PARIS AGREEMENT? The Paris Agreement, or the Paris Climate Change Accord, is a global project that works for dealing with global warming, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, etc. All countries, except 151 2637066 Paris climate deal slamming China and India, Beijing said on Friday it was ready to "shoulder the responsibility" of fighting climate change . "China has closely followed the withdrawal by the US. We think the Paris Agreement reflects the widest agreement of international 151 2637090 closely followed the withdrawal by the US. We think the Paris Agreement reflects the widest agreement of international community against climate change ," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said. Hua said China will take "concrete actions" against climate change. "This is a responsibility 151 2637106 of international community against climate change," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said. Hua said China will take "concrete actions" against climate change . "This is a responsibility shouldered by China as a major country. In future, China will continue to work on anti 151 2637128 This is a responsibility shouldered by China as a major country. In future, China will continue to work on anti- climate change progress and uphold climate change process globally." China, the world's biggest greenhouse gases emitter, ratified the Paris Agreement in September 151 2637133 by China as a major country. In future, China will continue to work on anti-climate change progress and uphold climate change process globally." China, the world's biggest greenhouse gases emitter, ratified the Paris Agreement in September 2016 on the eve G20 151 2637166 Paris Agreement in September 2016 on the eve G20 Summit in Hangzhou. India followed the next month. "China's stance on climate change has been steadfast with effective measures and remarkable outcomes. "China is now emitting 2020 greenhouse gases emission target and will 151 2637201 2020 greenhouse gases emission target and will submit 2030 self-determined target. "This is China's active participation in the global climate change as a responsible major country and we are making a positive contribution." Trump on Thursday said the US was pulling 151 2637549 of the European Commission on Friday urged the European Union and China to lead the way in the fight against climate change by implementing the Paris agreement in full. In a speech during the EU-China Business Summit, Jean-Claude Juncker said 151 2639188 to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Climate Accord, a landmark pact signed by 195 nations to protect the planet from climate change . Its another matter that Trump is facing opposition from 60 Mayors in his own country. But America cant pull out 151 2643716 to world politics the latest manifestation of which is his decision to disown America from the imperative pact to battle climate change , signed in Paris in 2015 and Chinas vigorous attempt to influence its own Greater Eurasia, spanning South China Sea and 151 2645328 June 5. Though politically motivated, these green initiatives augur well for the state at a time when the world battles climate change . Megyn Kelly, who is currently trending on the Internet for asking Prime Minister Narendra Modi 'if he was on Twitter 151 2672228 ITVideo --- ENDS --- As criticism continued to mount around President Donald Trump's decision to abandon the Paris climate change pact, the Capital Region joined growing ranks of state and local officials vowing local support for the treaty. Gov. Andrew 151 2672309 state clean energy procurement in U.S. history," Cuomo said it comes after the Trump administration "abdicates its responsibility to address climate change ." Albany County Executive Dan McCoy issued an order Friday committing the county to comply with the international treaty's greenhouse gas 151 2672371 Kansas City to Syracuse to Providence -- vowing local support for the treaty. "It is obvious that the work to halt climate change will have to be done locally and that there will be no leadership from President Trump. We are poised to 151 2672548 the 2015 agreement, 196 nations pledged to reduce emissions of fossil fuel-created greenhouses gases that are driving man-made climate change . Reductions are aimed at keeping the average global temperature increase since the Industrial Revolution at 2 degrees Celsius. Currently, the 151 2672932 Technology study to support his decision. That study found that if treaty goals are met, it could reduce future potential climate change by 0.9 degrees Celsius -- Trump claimed the figure was 0.2 degrees C. "I watched the speech on television ... it is 151 2673051 Get the latest news and features with our afternoon newsletter. During his speech, Trump, who in the past has called climate change a Chinese hoax meant to cripple the U.S. economy, did not address the underlying science of climate change. Press attempts 151 2673069 has called climate change a Chinese hoax meant to cripple the U.S. economy, did not address the underlying science of climate change . Press attempts made Friday to get his latest view received no answers from White House spokesmen. "Sometimes I get depressed 151 2673140 without having to wait for the federal government." Efforts to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions are needed to mitigate ongoing climate change , said Amy Frappier, a geosciences professor at Skidmore College. "This is needed to help stabilize our climate." In December, Frappier 151 2699866 and the various universities in Punjab, Haryana and PU. Shyam Saran AMERICAS much-anticipated announcement to withdraw from the Paris Climate Change Agreement finally came on Thursday from President Trump himself. This will mean that the US is no longer bound to 151 2699931 to enable them undertake measures to slow down or reduce their emissions and also to adapt to the consequences of climate change which is already taking place or is likely to take place in the future. Under Obama, the US had declared 151 2700459 consumption, half of the global average, India is doing much more than most developed countries to meet the challenge of climate change . Its National Action Plan on Climate Change, announced in 2008, had stated that energy security and climate change were two 151 2700466 is doing much more than most developed countries to meet the challenge of climate change. Its National Action Plan on Climate Change , announced in 2008, had stated that energy security and climate change were two sides of the same coin, that for 151 2700477 challenge of climate change. Its National Action Plan on Climate Change, announced in 2008, had stated that energy security and climate change were two sides of the same coin, that for meeting this twin challenge, India was committed to a long term 151 2700555 this strategic shift and this is in its own interest. PM Modi has made this point regularly. What should Indias climate change strategy be in the light of Trumps decision to exit the agreement? One, India should continue its adherence to the 151 2700777 in terms of the nature of commitments and strict compliance procedures originally envisaged under the original UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). A further dilution to an already anaemic agreement would make it a complete farce. Three, India should explore opportunities 151 2700885 they had succeeded in forestalling the US and Western attempts to eviscerate the UNFCCC and shift the burden of tackling climate change on to the shoulders of the developing countries. However, subsequently China began cutting bilateral deals with the US rather than 151 2700962 agreement remains aligned with the UNFCCC and that the principle of equity remains the bedrock of international efforts to combat climate change . The writer was Foreign Secretary and PMs Special Envoy on Climate Change Tribune News Service Chandigarh, June 2 Intensifying its 151 2700974 remains the bedrock of international efforts to combat climate change. The writer was Foreign Secretary and PMs Special Envoy on Climate Change Tribune News Service Chandigarh, June 2 Intensifying its campaign against power theft, the Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN) and 151 2704340 a tweet by one Mazhar Hussain. PTI United Nations, June 2 India and China are showing strong leadership to combat climate change and the decision by the US to withdraw from the Paris Agreement will not deter these global efforts, the UN 151 2704378 global efforts, the UN Environment chief said on Friday. (Follow The Tribune on Facebook; and Twitter @thetribunechd) "The science on climate change is perfectly clear: we need more action, not less. This a global challenge. Every nation has a responsibility to act 151 2704766 withdrawal does not mean the demise of the Paris Agreement, and urged other signatories to continue to respect its provisions. " Climate change is the great existential threat of our time. The Paris Agreement was born out of effective multilateralism and a desire 151 2704842 and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said. Mary Robinson, member of the group and former UN Special Envoy on Climate Change said the US "reneging on its commitment to the Paris Agreement renders it a rogue state on the international stage 151 2704892 Agreement will not stop climate action in the United States. We encourage all actors in the US working to tackle climate change to stand their ground, share the benefits of their work and to keep making their voices heard," she said. Democratic 151 2704946 and Environment and Public Works Committee, said with his decision, "Trump is breaking a promise to the world to combat climate change in order to keep an empty campaign promise to the coal industry. "Withdrawal from the climate agreement is a betrayal 151 2705710 strong leadership on climate issues, this action is deeply discouraging. Now, more than ever, we must be determined to solve climate change , and to challenge those leaders who do not believe in scientific facts or empirical truths. It is time for all 151 2705779 the front lines of this fight" including Indivisible Guide, NRDC, Stand Up America, and Before the Flood. TRUMP'S HISTORY WITH CLIMATE CHANGE In 2012, Donald Trump had made a tweet that said, "The concept of global warming was created by and for 151 2705868 a big fat dose of global warming!" he had tweeted. While campaigning for the US presidential elections, Trump even called climate change a "hoax". In December last year, DiCaprio met Trump in a last-ditch effort to enlighten him on climate change 151 2705888 climate change a "hoax". In December last year, DiCaprio met Trump in a last-ditch effort to enlighten him on climate change , one of the environmental causes for which the Oscar-winning actor and activist has worked tirelessly. Looks like that didn't 151 2705924 worked tirelessly. Looks like that didn't help a lot. WHAT IS THE PARIS AGREEMENT? The Paris Agreement, or the Paris Climate Change Accord, is a global project that works for dealing with global warming, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, etc. All countries, except 151 2707840 crime but milking of the nature by humans is a right. Later, when the moderator asked which side of the climate change debate he stood, and whether he disagreed with Trumps stand, Modi remained diplomatically neutral. I have in simple way stated 151 2707940 generations, Modi said while responding to a question about US President Donald Trump announcing withdrawal of the USA from the Climate Change deal. He said he had made the same comment in Germany three days back when nobodys comment had come, an 151 2708100 than necessary from the nature, he said. Hours earlier, Trump had announced that the US was withdrawing from the Paris climate change deal, which had been agreed by more than 190 nations. The US President said the agreement unfairly benefited countries like 151 2708407 and Twitter @thetribunechd) Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan, meanwhile, said India would continue to ensure it did its best to address climate change and global warming. Modi, he said, was committed to the Paris deal, recalling his efforts in the landmark deal. Power 151 2708540 miners in his country. Under the agreement, developed countries were to provide financial resources to help developing nations deal with climate change and put in place adaptation measures. Ghosh said re-negotiating the Paris agreement was not feasible in any case. The 151 2709210 New Delhi, June 2 The decision of United States President Donald Trump to withdraw the US from the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement has dismayed the world. But in particular, the heartburn is being felt in India on two counts. One: Trump 151 2709456 the climate. In response to a question on whether India would side with the US or others on the Paris climate change deal, Modi said, it is not a question of which way I go. I will go with the future generations 151 2709591 two weeks to go before the PM heads off to Washington DC, for India the work is cut out as climate change moves on top of the agenda when the two leaders meet. Are you on Twitter, journalist asks Modi, gets trolled 151 2714282 take big-hitter risks on new titles. Donald Trump tried to downplay the global agreement as ineffective in combating the climate change by quoting an MIT finding, though without naming it. By Santosh Chaubey: An MIT scientist has accused US President Donald 151 2714345 of the Paris Climate Agreement, the first global climate pact with worldwide representation under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The agreement signed by 195 countries in Paris in December 2015 has been ratified by 147 countries so far 151 2714396 unfair to the US, at the same time, he tried to downplay the global agreement as ineffective in combating the climate change by quoting an MIT finding, though without naming it, "It is estimated it would only produce a two-tenths of 151 2714646 no climate policy case" and thus could slow down the global warming process. The 2016 study also emphasized that tacking climate change and global warming needed much more. Monier says, "The Paris agreement is certainly a step in the right direction, but 151 2714767 MIT program John Reilly. ALSO READ: US pulls out of Paris Agreement: Why Trump is wrong in blaming India for climate change advertisement Also read: India leading polluter, says US President Donald Trump while pulling out of Paris climate accord Also read 151 2721772 food and creative cocktails in a fun, friendly atmosphere. The pacific island of Fiji has already felt the impact of climate change through wild storms such as Cyclone Winston, which killed 44 people and wiped out a third of the economy AFP 151 2721807 out a third of the economy AFP/STEVEN SAPHORE The pacific island of Fiji has already felt the impact of climate change through wild storms such as Cyclone Winston, which killed 44 people and wiped out a third of the economy AFP 151 2721939 17, with Germany inviting Fiji's PM to act as president to give a voice to those on the frontline of climate change . Bainimarama's Pacific island nation has already felt the impact of climate change through wild storms such as last year's Cyclone 151 2721951 a voice to those on the frontline of climate change. Bainimarama's Pacific island nation has already felt the impact of climate change through wild storms such as last year's Cyclone Winston, which killed 44 people and wiped out a third of the 151 2722083 am also convinced that the United States Government will eventually rejoin our struggle because the scientific evidence of man-made climate change is well understood," he said. "The issue is settled, and the impacts are obvious, and humankind ignores these facts at 151 2722110 The issue is settled, and the impacts are obvious, and humankind ignores these facts at its peril." Meanwhile, New Zealand's Climate Change Minister Paula Bennett said many of the claims made by US President Donald Trump were simply incorrect. "So much of 151 2722155 is wrong. It's not going to cost America to be in it disproportionately to others," she told Radio New Zealand. " Climate change and what we need to do there can create jobs, not take them away." Australia's Environment and Energy Minister Josh 151 2728136 and China among other reasons, the UN Environment chief Solheim lauded both nations today for their strong leadership to combat climate change . By Press Trust of India: India and China are showing strong leadership to combat climate change and the decision by 151 2728152 strong leadership to combat climate change. By Press Trust of India: India and China are showing strong leadership to combat climate change and the decision by the US to withdraw from the Paris Agreement will not deter these global efforts, the UN 151 2728181 withdraw from the Paris Agreement will not deter these global efforts, the UN Environment chief said today. "The science on climate change is perfectly clear: we need more action, not less. This a global challenge. Every nation has a responsibility to act 151 2728580 does not mean the demise of the Paris Agreement, and urged other signatories to continue to respect its provisions. advertisement " Climate change is the great existential threat of our time. The Paris Agreement was born out of effective multilateralism and a desire 151 2728656 and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said. Mary Robinson, member of the group and former UN Special Envoy on Climate Change said the US "reneging on its commitment to the Paris Agreement renders it a rogue state on the international stage 151 2728706 Agreement will not stop climate action in the United States. We encourage all actors in the US working to tackle climate change to stand their ground, share the benefits of their work and to keep making their voices heard," she said. Democratic 151 2728760 and Environment and Public Works Committee, said with his decision, "Trump is breaking a promise to the world to combat climate change in order to keep an empty campaign promise to the coal industry. "Withdrawal from the climate agreement is a betrayal 151 2736979 Modi, wrapping up his Russia visit on a high, today reaffirmed Indias commitment to reducing carbon emission under the Paris Climate Change accord, as he invited global businesses to invest in the world?s fastest growing economy, saying ?sky is the limit 151 2737271 in Russia. Modi also sidestepped a question on which side he stood after Trumps decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Change accord. In his reply, he quoted the Vedas to say that harming the environment is a crime, and milking nature 151 2738414 with newly-elected French President Emmanuel Macron on a host of key issues like terrorism, India's NSG membership bid and climate change . Prime Minister Narendra Modi today reached France on the last leg of his four-nation tour. (Photo: Twitter | @narendramodi) By 151 2738488 discuss with the newly-elected French President key issues such as terrorism, India's NSG (Nuclear Suppliers Group) membership bid and climate change . "Reached France for a vital visit to enhance ties with one of our most important strategic partners," Prime Minister Modi 151 2738645 membership of the UN Security Council, Indias membership of the various multilateral export control regimes, counter-terrorism cooperation, collaboration on climate change and International Solar Alliance," he had said. France is India's 9th largest investment partner and a key partner in its 151 2742418 crime but milking of the nature by humans is a right." Later, when the moderator asked which side of the climate change debate he stood, and whether he disagreed with Trump's stand, Modi remained diplomatically neutral. "I have in simple way stated 151 2742624 than necessary from the nature," he said. Hours earlier, Trump had announced that the US was withdrawing from the Paris climate change deal, which had been agreed by more than 190 nations. The US president said the agreement unfairly benefited countries like