DocIndex Position Left Middle Right 285 18321 about better relations with Cuba? Our president reverses all things Obama. Who cares about nuclear proliferation? Our president leaves the Iran deal. Who cares about transgender rights? No military service for them. Who cares about Houston flooding? Paris again. Who cares 285 22599 forum in Rome in 2016 'There are politicians who are twisting and abusing religion . . . that's why you've got the Saudis, Iran , everybody, moving in, puppeteering and playing proxy wars'. If Boris is referring to Syria or Yemen then he should also 285 22960 The weapons trade brings in estimated profits of $775 million. The moral dilemma then, is how are these weapons used? Iran is attempting to boost its regional influence by supporting Houthi militias in Yemen against the recognised Yemeni Armed Forces. These 285 23224 UK wants to remain serious about fighting terrorism, it must continue this relationship. The relationship between the United States and # Iran has taken another turn, as the Trump administration designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation. On 285 23333 allies to join us in taking strong actions to curb Irans continued dangerous and destabilising behaviour. He also noted that Iran and the IRGC have played a role in spreading terrorism throughout the region and continuing to destabilise countries throughout the 285 23399 that Irans behaviour is not acceptable. Iranian resistance position Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), welcomed the new U.S. policy to condemn the IRGCs gross violations of Human Rights in Iran. She also welcomed 285 23416 of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), welcomed the new U.S. policy to condemn the IRGCs gross violations of Human Rights in Iran . She also welcomed the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist entity under Executive Order 13224 and described it as 285 23556 civilians in the region, said Trump. Saudi Arabia has continued to support efforts to rein in the growing influence of Iran , Meanwhile, there are concerns that Irans refusal to allow International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors into their military facilities indicates 285 23602 Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and continuing to pursue nuclear weapons. Prospects The result is that while it appears that Iran is in compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement, there are many questions about what they are doing behind closed doors 285 23803 through a change from a theocratic dictatorship to a truly democratic alternative. The NCRI has a 10-point plan for Iran and it involves addressing the human rights issues that are currently part of the daily life of Iranians. Halloween is 285 26548 subsidies. Realizing that this defunding of Obamacare will be catastrophic for individual states, Trump has gambled that Congress will act. Iran Deal - 'my way or the highway' says Donald Trump In the second half of Trump's 'doubleheader' he announced, as promised 285 26582 of Trump's 'doubleheader' he announced, as promised, that if Congress and our allies do not work to tighten up the Iran deal, he will simply pull out altogether. Tighten up, in his vision, as heard on CNN's coverage of his speech 285 26632 to Bill Richardson former Governor of New Mexico and U.S. ambassador to the U.N. What Trump actually said about the iran deal, was that: 1) The nuclear weapons restriction needs to be forever 2) The development of ICBM's needs to stop 285 26739 the U.S. is really the 'big Kahuna' in this deal. Art of the deal? As Richardson intimated, de-certifying the Iran deal would not only anger Iran, and allies, Germany, France, and Britain, but send a message to N.Korea, that if 285 26745 Kahuna' in this deal. Art of the deal? As Richardson intimated, de-certifying the Iran deal would not only anger Iran , and allies, Germany, France, and Britain, but send a message to N.Korea, that if they signed a nuclear agreement - the 285 26809 To the contrary, he feels that the U.S. loses leverage on almost all of the issues that we have with Iran , including nuclear weapons and terrorism funding. It is totally unclear to anyone, what these strong-arm tactics will produce. There 285 57992 was followed by a clip from an October 2015 United Nations speech: Here is my message to the rulers of Iran : Your plan to destroy Israel will fail. The message was clear: Netanyahu is an integral link in thousands of years 285 59553 the 2015 nuclear accord is in the US interest sets the stage for a high-stakes game of chicken with Iran . Rather than outright leaving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the president and his team are working with Congress 285 59580 Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the president and his team are working with Congress to automatically reimpose nuclear sanctions if Iran comes within one year of being able to produce nuclear weapons. Critics of the deal say that will fix flaws 285 59689 Others, however, worry it will have the opposite effect. This is a transactional agreement, and if Washington undercuts the benefits Iran receives under the deal, Tehran will have less incentive to continue meeting its restrictions, Kelsey Davenport, the director for nonproliferation 285 59768 on Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., to draft legislation amending the current certification requirement along with Iran hard-liner Tom Cotton, R-Ark. While Corker said he would likely introduce the legislation next week, this morning he 285 59798 he would likely introduce the legislation next week, this morning he released a broad set of principles on fixing the Iran deal. Corker identified the automatic snapback of US sanctions should Iran go under a one-year breakout period and move 285 59809 released a broad set of principles on fixing the Iran deal. Corker identified the automatic snapback of US sanctions should Iran go under a one-year breakout period and move closer to a nuclear weapon as the key provision in his 285 59917 told reporters on a press call this morning. Were going to honor the terms of the JCPOA. Kenneth Katzman, an Iran sanctions expert with the Congressional Research Service, agreed that Corkers outline, in its current iteration, does not violate the JCPOA 285 59999 in your stockpile and still have the same breakout time. So this is a whole new way of evaluating what Iran is doing in terms of its nuclear program. Further complicating matters is the fact that Corker did not specify what 285 60079 of every three months, as the current certification law currently requires him to do. And while simply reimposing sanctions on Iran would only require 51 Senate votes under current law, amending it would require the usual 60. Republicans only hold 52 285 60253 do not think that Corkers upcoming legislation goes far enough. While Corker indicated that Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., another Iran hawk, is on board, Rubio told Politico that his support is not a sure thing. Im generally skeptical of the 285 60328 he had been signaling for weeks, President Donald Trump announced Friday that he would not be certifying that the 2015 Iran nuclear deal meets congressional requirements, though he stopped short of withdrawing the United States from the arms control pact. Instead 285 60372 was urging Congress to amend legislation overseeing the deal to also target Irans ballistic missile program and threaten sanctions if Iran expands its enrichment capacity when certain provisions in the accord sunset, permitting it to do so after a decade. The 285 60408 so after a decade. The widely anticipated decision to withhold certification, over technical legislative grounds rather than any claim that Iran was not abiding by the accord, gives Congress 60 days to decide if it will reimpose US nuclear-related sanctions 285 60717 the US and its allies before taking any steps that might undermine the JCPOA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement. But Trump said his new Iran strategy would seek to target a broad range of Irans 285 60727 might undermine the JCPOA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement. But Trump said his new Iran strategy would seek to target a broad range of Irans destabilizing behavior in the region as well as its support 285 60913 to join us in taking strong actions to curb Iran's continued dangerous and destabilizing behavior, including thorough sanctions outside the Iran deal that target the regime's ballistic missile program, in support for terrorism, and all of its destructive activities, of which 285 60971 decertification decision and his over-the-top tirade against the Iranian regime, the European allies and other parties to the Iran nuclear deal expressed steely determination to preserve the accord. JCPOA is not a domestic issue, European Union foreign policy chief 285 61056 IAEA) chief Yukiya Amano said, As I have reported to the board of governors, the nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented. Iran is now provisionally implementing the Additional Protocol to its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with 285 61063 have reported to the board of governors, the nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented. Iran is now provisionally implementing the Additional Protocol to its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, a powerful verification tool which 285 61094 Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, a powerful verification tool which gives our inspectors broader access to information and locations in Iran . So far, the IAEA has had access to all locations it needed to visit, Amano said. At present, Iran is 285 61113 in Iran. So far, the IAEA has had access to all locations it needed to visit, Amano said. At present, Iran is subject to the worlds most robust nuclear verification regime. Notably, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, briefing journalists at 285 61151 briefing journalists at the White House Oct. 12, acknowledged that even if Congress amends legislation to unilaterally threaten sanctions if Iran grows its enrichment program when the JCPOA permits, the United States is unlikely to be able to persuade the five 285 61176 when the JCPOA permits, the United States is unlikely to be able to persuade the five other world powers and Iran to renegotiate the JCPOA. Reopening the JCPOA to address concerns on sunsets and Irans ballistic missile program is frankly unlikely 285 72646 in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeeras editorial policy. The US has snubbed Iran before, with dire consequences for the stability of the Middle East. US President Donald Trump just made the first step 285 72689 a deal that took more than four years to negotiate, from the first overtures made by the Obama administration to Iran in 2011 to the final signing of The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2015. Trump is seeking to 285 72721 of Action (JCPOA) in 2015. Trump is seeking to undo the diplomatic legacy of the previous administration, arguing that the Iran nuclear deal failed to prevent the development of Tehrans ballistic missile programme and end its support for terrorism. Trump ostensibly 285 72771 these issues. The irony is that in the past such a grand bargain was put on the table and rejected. Iran itself proposed it in 2003, and it was Trumps Republican predecessor, George W Bush, that failed to pursue it. That 285 72795 in 2003, and it was Trumps Republican predecessor, George W Bush, that failed to pursue it. That failure led to Iran waging a low-intensity proxy war against the US in Iraq. Just as Iran had options then to communicate its 285 72809 pursue it. That failure led to Iran waging a low-intensity proxy war against the US in Iraq. Just as Iran had options then to communicate its displeasure when the US failed to engage with it, so it has now. And 285 72856 more instability in Iraq and the region as a whole. The 2003 Iranian grand bargain By failing to recertify the Iran deal, Trump bucked the issue to Congress, and it is up to the legislative branch to decide US commitment to 285 72968 the US was on Irans border, having just successfully invaded a member of that axis. It was in then that Iran offered the US a comprehensive negotiation proposal, where the Islamic Republic was willing to open its nuclear programme for inspections 285 73009 work as a partner to stabilise Iraq, and cooperate against fighting al-Qaeda, offering Washington then what Trump asks of Iran now. {articleGUID} The response to the offer from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney allegedly was, We dont talk 285 73045 allegedly was, We dont talk to evil. When Washington refused to engage with it through diplomacy and collaboration in 2003, Iran decided to undermine US interests in the region. One tool at its disposal was the variety of Iraqi armed groups 285 73151 change and considered bombing Irans nuclear facilities. The lesson from 2003 is that when the US failed to talk to Iran through dialogue and diplomacy, Iran could talk back through its many armed proxies in the region. This is an option 285 73156 nuclear facilities. The lesson from 2003 is that when the US failed to talk to Iran through dialogue and diplomacy, Iran could talk back through its many armed proxies in the region. This is an option for Iran today, as it 285 73173 dialogue and diplomacy, Iran could talk back through its many armed proxies in the region. This is an option for Iran today, as it was in 2003. Syria and Iraq at stake The commander of Irans Revolutionary Guard Corps already made 285 73204 stake The commander of Irans Revolutionary Guard Corps already made an implicit threat in response to Trumps aggressive rhetoric against Iran . There are still US forces in both Iraq and Syria and in the Syrian context, Iran and the US are 285 73220 Trumps aggressive rhetoric against Iran. There are still US forces in both Iraq and Syria and in the Syrian context, Iran and the US are on the brink of a proxy war. Iran has at its disposal the option to escalate 285 73232 Iraq and Syria and in the Syrian context, Iran and the US are on the brink of a proxy war. Iran has at its disposal the option to escalate the Syrian conflict in response to the actions of the Trump administration 285 73260 escalate the Syrian conflict in response to the actions of the Trump administration. To undermine US interests in the region, Iran can also use diplomacy and continue to wean Iraq away from Washington. The situation in Iraq is precarious, given that 285 73351 prevent this from happening. Since 2003, the central government in Baghdad has been an institution contested by the US and Iran , each trying to place their parties at the apex of power. By 2014, Tehran and Washington realised it was in 285 73437 this consensus can easily disappear. {articleGUID} Iraq will have new parliamentary elections in 2018. In the wake of Trumps action, Iran can offer financial largesse to parties and candidates that will support its policies, and perhaps unseat Abadi as prime minister 285 73461 largesse to parties and candidates that will support its policies, and perhaps unseat Abadi as prime minister. Not only does Iran have a say in the formation of the central government in Iraq, but also has influence over Kurdish parties in 285 73514 crisis between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government, unless Tehran is involved. Whether the Trump administration likes it or not, Iran is a major player in the Middle East and its future stability depends on it. The consequences of not engaging 285 73621 A mix of anger and anguish among the Iranian public has greeted US President Donald Trumps decision to declare that Iran is not in compliance with the nuclear accord with world powers a sharp contrast to the euphoria that followed when 285 73686 and an insult to the Iranian people. Just hours earlier, Trump had disavowed the nuclear deal that lifted sanctions on Iran in exchange for Iran giving up the majority of its stockpile of nuclear fuel rods. He said he wanted to 285 73690 the Iranian people. Just hours earlier, Trump had disavowed the nuclear deal that lifted sanctions on Iran in exchange for Iran giving up the majority of its stockpile of nuclear fuel rods. He said he wanted to impose more restrictions on 285 73935 wants to turn back the boycotts and sanctions, he said. READ MORE: World leaders react to Donald Trumps speech on Iran Mehdi Mahmoudi, an Iran-based journalist, agreed, telling Al Jazeera that Iranians do not have any confidence in the US 285 73939 the boycotts and sanctions, he said. READ MORE: World leaders react to Donald Trumps speech on Iran Mehdi Mahmoudi, an Iran -based journalist, agreed, telling Al Jazeera that Iranians do not have any confidence in the US under the Trump presidency 285 73960 based journalist, agreed, telling Al Jazeera that Iranians do not have any confidence in the US under the Trump presidency. Iran has implemented all of its commitments under the nuclear deal, but the US did not keep its promise, he said 285 73989 nuclear deal, but the US did not keep its promise, he said. Under the 2015 deal signed in Vienna between Iran and six world powers the US, Russia, Germany, France, Britain and China, as well as the EU, the leadership in 285 74022 as well as the EU, the leadership in Tehran scaled back the countrys uranium enrichment programme. According to UN inspectors, Iran continues to be in compliance with that condition. In exchange, sanctions on Irans economy were lifted, and Tehran was allowed 285 74067 oil and gas in the international market. A total of $100bn in frozen Iranian assets were also released. Since then, Iran has gradually opened its country to foreign investments and welcomed more foreign visitors, injecting billions of dollars into its ailing 285 74097 welcomed more foreign visitors, injecting billions of dollars into its ailing economy. Spontaneous celebrations erupted across the country when the Iran deal was signed in 2015, and when sanctions were lifted in January 2016, with many Iranians expressing hope of a 285 74273 country could suffer another steep currency devaluation if uncertainty persists. That fear might not be unwarranted. Since Trumps speech blasting Iran at the UN in September, the Iranian rial has dropped from 39,000 to the US dollar to 40,600 in a 285 74350 the digital publication Bourse and Bazaar, wrote that business leaders are also blaming Trump for the slowing of investments in Iran . In a survey he conducted in August 2017 among 700 Iran businesses, he said that 70 percent of them believe 285 74361 also blaming Trump for the slowing of investments in Iran. In a survey he conducted in August 2017 among 700 Iran businesses, he said that 70 percent of them believe that international investors are moving slower than they could to bet 285 74432 musician and architecture graduate, said that it is the economic bottom line that worries Iranians the most, if hostilities between Iran and the US worsen. All they care about is that the sanctions might come back, and life gets harder, because 285 79164 came as heavily armed Iraqi troops and members of the Popular Mobilisation Force (PMF) paramilitary units largely made up of Iran -trained Shia militias massed around Kirkuk, already retaking a string of positions to the south of the city after Kurdish 285 82516 to endorse the-two year old agreement between Tehran and world powers. After months of bold talk and threats against Iran , the US president laid out a new strategy to challenge the leadership in Tehran. Donald Trump refused to certify the 285 82542 a new strategy to challenge the leadership in Tehran. Donald Trump refused to certify the major nuclear deal signed with Iran two years ago. The Obama administration and six world powers agreed to lift long-running sanctions in return for Iranian 285 82573 agreed to lift long-running sanctions in return for Iranian promises to limit the development of nuclear weapons. Trump said Iran is not meeting the conditions of the agreement, but he stopped short of completely withdrawing from it. Instead, he asked 285 82600 the agreement, but he stopped short of completely withdrawing from it. Instead, he asked Congress to consider new sanctions on Iran . Iran said Trumps allegations are delusional and world leaders were also quick to condemn the US president. Is the US 285 82601 agreement, but he stopped short of completely withdrawing from it. Instead, he asked Congress to consider new sanctions on Iran. Iran said Trumps allegations are delusional and world leaders were also quick to condemn the US president. Is the US risking 285 90955 be expected on a variety of issues: financial contribution to and policy changes in NATO; the Paris climate agreement; the Iran nuclear deal; and United Nations agencies. All the UN agencies -- the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Human Rights Council 285 111897 Iran's never obtains a nuclear weapon. Trump made the announcement in a speech that detailed a more confrontational approach to Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. (Photo: AFP/File 285 111929 extremist groups in the Middle East. (Photo: AFP/File) Washington: US President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defiance of other world powers, calling it 'one of worst' pacts in US history. Trump 285 111963 of worst' pacts in US history. Trump made the announcement in a speech that detailed a more confrontational approach to Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. Trump said in 285 112013 is to ensure Iran's never obtains a nuclear weapon. Read: After UK and EU, China urges Trump admin to 'preserve' Iran nuclear deal "Today I am announcing our strategy along with several major steps we're taking to confront the Iranian regime's 285 112040 our strategy along with several major steps we're taking to confront the Iranian regime's hostile actions and to ensure that Iran never -- and I mean never -- acquires a nuclear weapon," Trump said. While Trump did not pull the United States out 285 112067 a nuclear weapon," Trump said. While Trump did not pull the United States out of the agreement, aimed at preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, he gave the US Congress 60 days to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on 285 112100 to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on Tehran that were lifted under the pact. That would increase tension with Iran as well as put Washington at odds with other signatories of the accord such as Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China 285 113852 EU, Austria expert Patrick Moreau says. Trump announced the major shift in US policy detailing a more confrontational approach to Iran over its nuclear programs. Pragmatist Rouhani backed Irans elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), saying the IRGC will continue its 285 113881 elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), saying the IRGC will continue its fight against regional terrorists. (Photo: AP/File) Ankara: Iran harshly reacted to President Donald Trumps decision not to certify its nuclear deal with six major powers, President Hassan Rouhani 285 113979 continue to certify the multinational agreement and warned he might ultimately terminate it. No president can revoke an international deal Iran will continue to respect it as long as it serves our interests, Rouhani said in a live television address, adding 285 114027 and fake accusations against Iranians. While Trump did not pull the United States out of the agreement, aimed at preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, he gave the US Congress 60 days to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on 285 114059 days to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on Tehran that were lifted under the pact. That increases tension with Iran as well as putting Washington at odds with other signatories of the accord such as Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China 285 114096 France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union, who say the US cannot unilaterally cancel the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers . The Iranian nation has not and will never bow to any foreign pressure Irans deal cannot be 285 114140 Trump announced the major shift in US policy in a speech in which he detailed a more confrontational approach to Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. Pragmatist Rouhani backed 285 114199 IRGC has always protected our nation against terrorists It will continue to help oppressed nations in the region, Rouhani said. Iran accuses its regional rival Saudi Arabia of fuelling regional tension and the Sunni Muslim kingdom is at odds with Tehrans 285 114263 entity and wields control over large swathes of Irans economy as well as considerable influence within its political system. Tags: iran nuclear deal, hassan rouhani, donald trump, iran us ties Wuhan (AsiaNews / Agencies) - This week in China, a museum cancelled an 285 114270 of Irans economy as well as considerable influence within its political system. Tags: iran nuclear deal, hassan rouhani, donald trump, iran us ties Wuhan (AsiaNews / Agencies) - This week in China, a museum cancelled an exhibition featuring pictures of African-portrayed alongside 285 127638 Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran , Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Jamaica Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan 285 143210 FACTS: An imminent collapse of Iran's economy was highly unlikely, according to international economists and US officials. International penalties on Iran in response to its nuclear programme did drive its economy into crisis earlier this decade. But even before the nuclear 285 143232 response to its nuclear programme did drive its economy into crisis earlier this decade. But even before the nuclear deal, Iran had cut budget expenditures and fixed its balance of payments. It was still exporting oil and importing products from countries 285 143281 froze Iran's nuclear programme in return for an end to a variety of oil, trade and financial sanctions on Tehran. Iran also regained access to frozen assets held abroad. The deal was conceivably an economic lifeline for the state, but international 285 143381 For example, on two separate occasions, they have exceeded the limit of 130 metric tons of heavy water." THE FACTS: Iran is meeting all of its obligations under the deal, according to International Atomic Energy Agency investigators, who noted some minor 285 143412 to International Atomic Energy Agency investigators, who noted some minor violations that were quickly corrected. Mr Trump is right that Iran exceeded the limit on heavy water in its possession on two occasions. Both times, international inspectors were able to see 285 143434 the limit on heavy water in its possession on two occasions. Both times, international inspectors were able to see that Iran made arrangements to ship the excess out of the country so that it could come back into compliance. Deal supporters 285 143465 so that it could come back into compliance. Deal supporters argue this shows the agreement works. Opponents say that because Iran sells the surplus on the open market, it is therefore being rewarded for violating the deal. Mr Trump and other 285 143575 1.7bn from the United States, a large portion of which was physically loaded on to an airplane and flown into Iran ." THE FACTS: The "financial boost" was from money that was Iran's to begin with. It was not a payout from 285 143623 of Iranian assets held abroad. The $1.7bn from the US is a separate matter. That dates to the 1970s, when Iran paid the $400m for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured. The 285 143675 partners in the other, and these complex claims took decades to sort out in tribunals and arbitration. For its part, Iran paid settlements of more than $2.5bn to American people and businesses. The day after the nuclear deal was implemented, the 285 143698 of more than $2.5bn to American people and businesses. The day after the nuclear deal was implemented, the US and Iran announced they had settled the claim over the 1970s military equipment order, with the US agreeing to pay the $400m 285 152662 Shri Subhash Chandra Garg and other officials. After United States President Donald Trump threatened to decertify the nuclear deal with Iran , President Hassan Rouhani accused the former of levelling baseless accusations. Rouhani said US President's speech was full of insults and 285 152686 accused the former of levelling baseless accusations. Rouhani said US President's speech was full of insults and fake accusations against Iran . "The Iranian nation has not and will never bow to any foreign pressure...Iran and the deal are stronger than 285 152700 of insults and fake accusations against Iran. "The Iranian nation has not and will never bow to any foreign pressure... Iran and the deal are stronger than ever ... Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps will continue its fight against regional terrorists," Rouhani 285 152726 than ever ... Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps will continue its fight against regional terrorists," Rouhani said. Rouhani further asserted that Iran will stick to the nuclear deal. Vowing to strengthen the country's defences, Rouhani said the nuclear deal is much stronger 285 152806 about the deal," he added. Speaking on state television soon after Trump delivered his speech at the White House accusing Iran of violating the spirit of the 2015 nuclear deal, Rouhani said a multinational nuclear deal could not be revoked by 285 152871 will remain committed to the 2015 nuclear deal as long as it serves Iran's national interests. Earlier, President Trump accused Iran of violating the spirit of the landmark 2015 nuclear deal and threatened to rip up the agreement. Trump though did 285 152911 did not terminate the agreement completely, but called it weak and poorly constructed. "As I have said many times, the Iran deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into, " Trump while 285 153570 focused on the Iraq border area, still controlled by IS. Washington fears further advances by Syrian government forces could help Iran , which backs militias fighting alongside the Syrian military, expand its influence across the region by securing a land route extending 285 154283 near the city's main hospital, an IS fortified headquarters. The strategy that President Donald Trump has laid out to confront Iran and renegotiate a 2015 nuclear agreement requires a string of big bets to pay off in short order. The risk 285 156661 British Prime Minister Theresa May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron said they "stand committed" to the Iran nuclear deal and are" concerned by the possible implications" of Trump's decision to re-certify the deal to Congress. "The 285 156748 make it harder to resolve the growing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. President Trump has threatened to terminate the 2015 Iran nuclear deal if Congress and US allies fail to amend the agreement by fixing serious flaws in significant ways. However 285 156864 as he unveiled a tough and comprehensive new policy toward the Islamic Republic. "As I have said many times, the Iran deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into," Trump said 285 156895 transactions the United States has ever entered into," Trump said in a major speech at the White House. Trump accused Iran of committing "multiple violations of the agreement," despite the fact that the Atomic Energy Agency, America's European allies and even 285 160324 This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) As Russia, Iran and European leaders lashed out at United States President for announcing that he would not certify the Iran nuclear deal 285 160342 As Russia, Iran and European leaders lashed out at United States President for announcing that he would not certify the Iran nuclear deal, Donald Trump took to Twitter to attack them saying, "participants in the deal are making lots of money 285 160366 Trump took to Twitter to attack them saying, "participants in the deal are making lots of money on trade with Iran ". "Many people talking, with much agreement, on my Iran speech today. Participants in the deal are making lots of money 285 160375 in the deal are making lots of money on trade with Iran". "Many people talking, with much agreement, on my Iran speech today. Participants in the deal are making lots of money on trade with Iran!" President Trump tweeted. The EU 285 160390 with much agreement, on my Iran speech today. Participants in the deal are making lots of money on trade with Iran !" President Trump tweeted. The EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini was the first to criticise Trump's threat, pointing out, "it 285 160464 May of Britain, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and President Emmanuel Macron of France said they "stand committed" to the Iran nuclear deal and are"concerned by the possible implications" of Trump's decision to re-certify the deal to Congress. "The 285 160514 diplomacy and was a major step towards ensuring that Iran's nuclear program is not diverted for military purposes," they added. Iran , Russia and European leaders said that President Trump's decision will destabilise the Middle East and could make it harder to 285 160557 growing tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the New York Times reported. President Donald Trump has threatened to terminate the 2015 Iran nuclear deal if Congress and US allies fail to amend the agreement by fixing serious flaws in significant ways. Condemning 285 162264 campaign promises. Right from Trump's announcement for cutting off health-care subsidies to recently disavowing the international nuclear deal with Iran , holding out the possibility of keeping US in the pact if Congress attaches new caveats in the deal, Trump has 285 166101 and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Britain, France and Germany remain committed to the 2015 nuclear accord with Iran , the leaders of the three countries have said after US President Donald Trump threatened to abandon the deal. Under the 285 166199 Angela Merkel said in a joint statement on Friday, hours after Trump said he would withdraw from the pact if Iran and the other signatories did not agree to correct its "many serious flaws", Efe news reported. "Preserving the JCPOA is 285 166269 the US and its allies before taking any steps that might undermine the JCPOA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement," they said. In Brussels, the European Union's foreign policy chief conveyed a similar message, but in 285 166317 ago, exactly in July 2015, the entire international community welcomed the results of 12 years of intense negotiations on the Iran nuclear program," Federica Mogherini told a press conference. "It is not a bilateral agreement. It does not belong to any 285 166401 confirmed on eight separate occasions by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), whose Director, Yukiya Amano, said on Friday that Iran was "subject to the world's most robust nuclear verification regime." Mogherini said that Washington could not be the arbiter of 285 168510 Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) European Union (EU) leaders have voiced their commitment to the Iran nuclear deal and its full implementation by all sides, despite US President Donald Trump's decision to decertify Iran's compliance with 285 168596 the US and its allies "before taking any steps that might undermine the JCPoA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement", Xinhua news agency reported. The Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of 285 168606 might undermine the JCPoA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement", Xinhua news agency reported. The Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA), was the culmination of 13 years of diplomacy 285 168756 further appropriate measures to address these issues in close cooperation with the US and all relevant partners. We look to Iran to engage in constructive dialogue to stop de-stabilising actions and work towards negotiated solutions," they added in the statement 285 168808 compliance with the landmark deal, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said the EU will continue to fully implement the Iran nuclear deal. "It's not a bilateral agreement. It does not belong to any single country. It's not up to any 285 168863 to dismantle a nuclear agreement this is working and delivering," she said, stressing the IAEA has verified eight times that Iran is implementing all its nuclear-related commitments. "The US' domestic process -- and I underline domestic -- following today's announcement of President 285 168923 a United Nations Security Council Resolution," the EU Foreign Policy chief stressed. "The European Union continues to fully support the Iran nuclear deal, and the full and strict implementation of all its provisions by all parties," said Mogherini. The Iran nuclear 285 168942 the Iran nuclear deal, and the full and strict implementation of all its provisions by all parties," said Mogherini. The Iran nuclear deal, or the JCPOA, was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States 285 168953 all its provisions by all parties," said Mogherini. The Iran nuclear deal, or the JCPOA, was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany. The EU also played an important role in brokering 285 169027 that we cannot and will not make this certification," Trump said at the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of 285 169036 Trump said at the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of abandoning the nuclear deal. Instead, he said he was 285 169039 the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of abandoning the nuclear deal. Instead, he said he was directing his administration 285 169095 insufficient enforcement and near-total silence on Iran's missile programs". In case the efforts fail, Trump warned that "then the ( Iran nuclear) agreement will be terminated". The decertification would not pull the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal at 285 169112 that "then the (Iran nuclear) agreement will be terminated". The decertification would not pull the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal at the moment, but it would open a 60-day window in which US Congress could reimpose nuclear 285 169136 the moment, but it would open a 60-day window in which US Congress could reimpose nuclear-related sanctions on Iran , a step which would mean the violation of the deal on the US side. --IANS pgh/ (This story has not 285 169181 Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) European Union (EU) leaders have voiced their commitment to the Iran nuclear deal and its full implementation by all sides, despite US President Donald Trump's decision to decertify Iran's compliance with 285 169267 the US and its allies "before taking any steps that might undermine the JCPoA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement", Xinhua news agency reported. The Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of 285 169277 might undermine the JCPoA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement", Xinhua news agency reported. The Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA), was the culmination of 13 years of diplomacy 285 169427 further appropriate measures to address these issues in close cooperation with the US and all relevant partners. We look to Iran to engage in constructive dialogue to stop de-stabilising actions and work towards negotiated solutions," they added in the statement 285 169489 strictly abides by the landmark agreement. Israel has, however, welcomed Trump's decision to not certify the landmark nuclear deal with Iran and also hailed his remarks. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Trump's remarks on Friday as a "courageous decision", Xinhua 285 169522 remarks on Friday as a "courageous decision", Xinhua reported. Saudi Arabian government has also welcomed the firm new strategy towards Iran announced by Trump. Following Trump's announcement that he had decided not to certify Iran's compliance with the landmark deal, EU 285 169557 compliance with the landmark deal, EU Foreign Policy chief Federica Mogherini said the EU will continue to fully implement the Iran nuclear deal. "It's not a bilateral agreement. It does not belong to any single country. It's not up to any 285 169612 to dismantle a nuclear agreement this is working and delivering," she said, stressing the IAEA has verified eight times that Iran is implementing all its nuclear-related commitments. "The US' domestic process -- and I underline domestic -- following today's announcement of President 285 169672 a United Nations Security Council Resolution," the EU Foreign Policy chief stressed. "The European Union continues to fully support the Iran nuclear deal, and the full and strict implementation of all its provisions by all parties," said Mogherini. The Iran nuclear 285 169691 the Iran nuclear deal, and the full and strict implementation of all its provisions by all parties," said Mogherini. The Iran nuclear deal, or the JCPOA, was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States 285 169702 all its provisions by all parties," said Mogherini. The Iran nuclear deal, or the JCPOA, was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany. The EU also played an important role in brokering 285 169776 that we cannot and will not make this certification," Trump said at the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of 285 169785 Trump said at the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of abandoning the nuclear deal. Instead, he said he was 285 169788 the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of abandoning the nuclear deal. Instead, he said he was directing his administration 285 169844 insufficient enforcement and near-total silence on Iran's missile programs". In case the efforts fail, Trump warned that "then the ( Iran nuclear) agreement will be terminated". The decertification would not pull the US out of the Iran nuclear deal at the 285 169860 warned that "then the (Iran nuclear) agreement will be terminated". The decertification would not pull the US out of the Iran nuclear deal at the moment, but it would open a 60-day window in which US Congress could reimpose nuclear 285 169884 the moment, but it would open a 60-day window in which US Congress could reimpose nuclear-related sanctions on Iran , a step which would mean the violation of the deal on the US side. --IANS pgh/ (This story has not 285 171462 well as Tehran's ballistic missile programme. In a live speech that followed Trump's remarks pertaining to new US strategy towards Iran , Rouhani on Friday said President Trump cannot decertify Iran's international nuclear deal "unilaterally", Xinhua news agency reported. "Apparently Trump does 285 171493 nuclear deal "unilaterally", Xinhua news agency reported. "Apparently Trump does not know that this is not a bilateral document between Iran and the United States to treat in any way he wishes," Rouhani said. "Trump's remarks showed that the Joint Comprehensive 285 171558 other parties involved in the clinch of deal with his policy over the nuclear deal. The Iranian President stressed that Iran would respect the nuclear deal as long as its "national interests and rights are met". "We have cooperated with the 285 171659 President also said he would ask Congress to establish "trigger points," which could prompt the US to reimpose sanctions on Iran over a series of issues, including Iran's continued ballistic missile launches. In response, Rouhani said that his country is "more 285 171738 dismissed the remarks of the US President that the Islamic republic's ballistic missile programme is a threat to the world. " Iran will earnestly follow and boost its defensive and security capabilities," Qasemi said. The national security and interest will be the 285 171803 am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification," Trump said at the White House about the Iran nuclear deal. He also threatened that he might terminate the nuclear deal at any time. The JCPOA was reached in 285 171826 He also threatened that he might terminate the nuclear deal at any time. The JCPOA was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany. According to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed 285 171841 was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany. According to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed by US Congress in 2015, the US government is required to recertify to Congress Iran's 285 172002 from a syndicated feed.) Israel has welcomed US President Donald Trump's decision not to certify the landmark nuclear deal with Iran and also hailed his remarks. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Trump's remarks on Friday as a "courageous decision", Xinhua 285 172081 world powers would follow the US. Netanyahu has been a vocal opponent of the 2015 deal, which cancelled sanctions on Iran in return for concessions regarding its nuclear program. The Prime Minister has charged that the agreement fails to halt Iran's 285 172145 step towards "fixing some of the flaws in the dangerous nuclear agreement". "The deal in its current form will allow Iran to develop a nuclear capability in the not so distant future," Katz said in a statement, adding that the deal 285 172167 develop a nuclear capability in the not so distant future," Katz said in a statement, adding that the deal provides Iran with "a kind of an insurance policy until then." In a statement earlier on Friday, Trump said that he had 285 172236 and will not make this certification," Trump said at the White House. Trump also threatened that he may terminate the Iran nuclear deal at any time, which was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United 285 172248 Trump also threatened that he may terminate the Iran nuclear deal at any time, which was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany. According to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed 285 172263 was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany. According to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed by US Congress in 2015, the US government is required to recertify to Congress Iran's 285 176381 Trump to decertify Iran's compliance with a nuclear deal, arguing that Tehran strictly abides by the landmark agreement. Trump blamed Iran for committing "multiple violations" of the nuclear pact, formally known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and "not living 285 176460 methods to solve foreign policy problems affecting the fundamental security interests of other countries are doomed to failure, it said. " Iran strictly adheres to its obligations, which is regularly confirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency," the statement read. The JCPOA 285 176761 Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Saudi Arabian government has welcomed the firm new strategy towards Iran announced by US President Donald Trump. The Saudi government hailed in a statement on Friday the commitment of Trump in 285 176796 Friday the commitment of Trump in working with the US allies to face joint challenges, including the hostile policies of Iran , Xinhua reported citing Al Riyadh online news. The US President condemned Iran as a "fanatical regime" and refused to continue 285 176808 face joint challenges, including the hostile policies of Iran, Xinhua reported citing Al Riyadh online news. The US President condemned Iran as a "fanatical regime" and refused to continue certifying an international nuclear deal. He accused Iran of sponsoring terrorism and 285 176824 The US President condemned Iran as a "fanatical regime" and refused to continue certifying an international nuclear deal. He accused Iran of sponsoring terrorism and said he would deny the regime's "all paths to a nuclear weapon." Trump said on Friday 285 176865 he was referring the deal to Congress and would consult allies on how to alter it, BBC reported. He accused Iran of sponsoring terrorism and said he would deny the regime "all paths to a nuclear weapon". International observers say Iran 285 176885 Iran of sponsoring terrorism and said he would deny the regime "all paths to a nuclear weapon". International observers say Iran has been in full compliance with the 2015 deal freezing its nuclear programme. But Trump said the deal was too 285 176908 in full compliance with the 2015 deal freezing its nuclear programme. But Trump said the deal was too lenient, and Iran had "committed multiple violations of the agreement". --IANS pgh/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and 285 188985 as well as during the campaign as head of the Republican National Committee. French President Emmanuel Macron is considering visiting Iran after speaking by phone with his Iranian counterpart as US President Donald Trump said he was "decertifying" the nuclear deal 285 189046 2015 nuclear agreement which, besides the United States, was also negotiated with Britain, China, Russia and Germany. "A trip to Iran by the president, at the invitation of President Rouhani, has been considered," the Elysee said, while the Iranian presidential website 285 189111 together all the parties in France and its European partners will continue to meet their commitments." Rouhani assured Macron that Iran in turn "will continue to carry out its commitments" in the nuclear accord, the Elysee said. The French leader added 285 189142 the nuclear accord, the Elysee said. The French leader added that it was also necessary to have a dialogue with Iran on other strategic issues including Tehran's ballistic missile programme and stability in the region. Macron also spoke to Rouhani of 285 189168 Tehran's ballistic missile programme and stability in the region. Macron also spoke to Rouhani of his "wish to work with Iran for a lasting political solution to the Syrian crisis." Tehran is a supporter of President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Macron's 285 189191 lasting political solution to the Syrian crisis." Tehran is a supporter of President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Macron's visit to Iran would be the first by a French head of state or government since 1971. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le 285 194407 syndicated feed.) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has congratulated US President Trump for his decision not to re-certify the Iran nuclear deal. In a statement released today, Netanyahu praised what he called a "courageous decision." He says Trump has created 285 194465 relevant nations to do the same. Netanyahu has been a fierce critic of the 2015 deal, which lifted sanctions on Iran in exchange for concessions regarding its nuclear program. He has long warned that it failed to address Iran's support for 285 194492 nuclear program. He has long warned that it failed to address Iran's support for militant groups who act against Israel. Iran is Israel's archenemy and openly calls for its destruction. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and 285 221952 if the Amazonians arrive. Join the discussion on Twitter @Trib_Ed_Board and on Facebook. If President Donald Trump tears apart the Iran nuclear deal, he will be rejecting the advice of our European allies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and his own 285 221980 advice of our European allies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and his own national security team all of whom say Iran is abiding by the agreement. The Europeans, Iranians, Chinese and Russians say that if Trump abandons this deal, he won't 285 222080 with measured tones. Trump makes every issue about himself and takes things far too personally. Dismantling the nuclear deal with Iran would be like asking your neighbors to help you build a house, then tearing it down and demanding they build 285 250090 current international concerns. US President Donald Trump has meanwhile cast doubt on the future of the international agreement under which Iran guarantees not to develop nuclear weapons, considered by its architects to be one of the success stories of nonproliferation. The 285 252430 number of areas in the Maungtaw district, to border areas with Bangladesh. The UN nuclear watchdog on Friday confirmed that Iran has been implementing the Iran nuclear deal under the robust nuclear verification regime. International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya 285 252435 Maungtaw district, to border areas with Bangladesh. The UN nuclear watchdog on Friday confirmed that Iran has been implementing the Iran nuclear deal under the robust nuclear verification regime. International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano said Tehran was cooperating 285 252554 multiple violations" of the deal. "As I have reported to the board of governors, the nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented," Amano said. "Iran is now provisionally implementing the Additional Protocol to its Comprehensive Safeguards 285 252563 to the board of governors, the nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented," Amano said. " Iran is now provisionally implementing the Additional Protocol to its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, a powerful verification tool which 285 252594 Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, a powerful verification tool which gives our inspectors broader access to information and locations in Iran ." At present, Iran is subject to the world's most robust nuclear verification regime, he said in the statement. Earlier reports 285 252597 the IAEA, a powerful verification tool which gives our inspectors broader access to information and locations in Iran." At present, Iran is subject to the world's most robust nuclear verification regime, he said in the statement. Earlier reports said the IAEA 285 305138 meeting these requirements. Theresa May was among those whose email accounts were targeted in a massive cyber-attack on Parliament Iran was last night reported to be responsible for a massive cyber-attack on parliament. A secret intelligence assessment has identified 285 305220 was initially blamed. But, according to a report in the Times, the intelligence services now believe the attack originated in Iran . It is thought to be Tehrans first major cyber-attack on the UK and comes at a time when Mrs 285 305250 attack on the UK and comes at a time when Mrs May is urging Donald Trump not to axe the Iran nuclear deal. During a 12-hour attack in June a computer programme smashed through parliament s defences by bombarding email 285 305360 the attack on parliament but it has now been reported the British intelligence services now believe the attack originated in Iran Those affected have been told it is their legal duty to contact constituents and other individuals whose data may have 285 333455 stealth fightes and two B-1Bs flew over the area. US President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defiance of other world powers, choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the 285 333504 Trump announced the major shift in US policy in a speech in which he detailed a more aggressive approach to Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. US President Donald 285 333528 and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. US President Donald Trump speaks about Iran and the Iran nuclear deal in front of a portrait of President George Washington in the Diplomatic Room of the 285 333531 programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. US President Donald Trump speaks about Iran and the Iran nuclear deal in front of a portrait of President George Washington in the Diplomatic Room of the White House in 285 333611 of terrorism, and its continuing aggression in the Middle East and all around the world," he said He also accused Iran of not living up to the spirit of the nuclear agreement and said his goal is to ensure Tehran never 285 333697 president at any time," he warned. US President Donald Trump walks from the Diplomatic Reception Room after speaking about the Iran nuclear deal at the White House in Washington, US, October 13, 2017. /Reuters Photo Trump said he supports efforts in 285 333804 Trump of making baseless accusations. The Iranian nation has not and will never bow to any foreign pressure, he said. Iran and the deal are stronger than ever. The US's European allies have warned of a split with the United States 285 333849 and say that putting it in limbo as Trump has done undermines US credibility abroad, especially as international inspectors say Iran is in compliance with the accord. A man watches a television broadcast of US President Donald Trump's speech, in Tehran 285 333870 is in compliance with the accord. A man watches a television broadcast of US President Donald Trump's speech, in Tehran, Iran October 13, 2017. /Reuters Photo "We cannot afford as the international community to dismantle a nuclear agreement that is working 285 333976 in Europe" by saying: "I think we have a real opportunity to address all the threats that are posed by Iran ." The chief of the UN atomic watchdog reiterated that Iran was under the worlds most robust nuclear verification regime. The 285 333986 opportunity to address all the threats that are posed by Iran." The chief of the UN atomic watchdog reiterated that Iran was under the worlds most robust nuclear verification regime. The nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are 285 334002 atomic watchdog reiterated that Iran was under the worlds most robust nuclear verification regime. The nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented, Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency said, referring to the 285 378926 bid for the Christmas Number One. US President Donald Trump's speech in which he outlined an aggressive new strategy against Iran shows that he is "more than ever against the Iranian people", President Hassan Rouhani said Friday. "Today the United States 285 385336 have recaptured around 90 percent of Raqa from IS. Donald Trump has gambled with US diplomatic credibility by attacking an Iran nuclear deal that his European allies cherish as a benchmark for international cooperation. And in doing so the US president 285 385441 seems determined that no international ties will bind him. Donald Trump has gambled with US diplomatic credibility by attacking an Iran nuclear deal that his European allies cherish as a benchmark for international cooperation The United States emerged as the indispensable 285 385549 Withdrawal Doctrine',' quipped Richard Haass, influential president of the Council on Foreign Relations. Trump has not yet withdrawn from the Iran deal, although he made it clear that he is ready to do so if Congress and skeptical US allies do 285 385806 AFP. - 'Ego and ideology' - People hold up signs during a protest calling for the Trump administration to continue diplomacy with Iran Former secretary of state John Kerry, a key architect of the Iran deal, called Trump's decision a 'reckless abandonment of 285 385818 for the Trump administration to continue diplomacy with Iran Former secretary of state John Kerry, a key architect of the Iran deal, called Trump's decision a 'reckless abandonment of facts in favor of ego and ideology.' Trump, he said, 'weakens our 285 385965 to Trump, hoping he would mellow as he grew into the Oval Office role. But they were outraged by his Iran gambit, and united in their response. 'It is clearly not in the hands of any president of any country in 285 386042 to Trump despite the support of some of his top advisers, European diplomats are now lobbying Congress to save the Iran deal. And, the Iran decision at least has some strong supporters in the US capital. - American leverage - Students on a 285 386046 support of some of his top advisers, European diplomats are now lobbying Congress to save the Iran deal. And, the Iran decision at least has some strong supporters in the US capital. - American leverage - Students on a school trip watch a 285 386088 dressed as US President Donald Trump taking part in a protest calling for the Trump administration to continue diplomacy with Iran An outspoken group of foreign policy hawks, backed by influential senator Tom Cotton and Trump's UN ambassador Nikki Haley, had 285 389580 of efforts to enforce a so-called "de-escalation zone" agreed by rebel backer Ankara and regime allies Russia and Iran at talks in Astana earlier this year. But the Syrian foreign ministry source slammed the "Turkish aggression", saying it had 285 397329 and is expected to keep rising as residents brace for more evacuations, destruction and danger. 3. TRUMP TO SPEAK ON IRAN NUKE DEAL President Trump is expected to tell the nation that the landmark deal is not in America's best national 285 405646 other weapons of mass destruction, one day after United States President Donald Trump said he would not certify the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement to Congress. A foreign ministry statement said that Egypt shares Trumps concerns regarding Iranian policies that "lead to 285 405746 East and to find sustainable solutions for the crises facing the region." President Trump has been threatening to scrap the Iran nuclear deal, which was signed in 2015 between Iran, France, Germany, the UK, China, Russia and the US under the 285 405755 facing the region." President Trump has been threatening to scrap the Iran nuclear deal, which was signed in 2015 between Iran , France, Germany, the UK, China, Russia and the US under the Obama administration. The deal puts limitations on Iran's nuclear 285 405785 under the Obama administration. The deal puts limitations on Iran's nuclear energy program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions on Iran . Trump accused Iran of "not living up to the spirit" of the agreement and said that his goal is to 285 405788 administration. The deal puts limitations on Iran's nuclear energy program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions on Iran. Trump accused Iran of "not living up to the spirit" of the agreement and said that his goal is to ensure Tehran never 285 405871 including Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union, some of which have benefited economically from renewed trade with Iran , according to Reuters. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Friday on live television that Tehran was committed to the deal 285 414507 appointments next week. (Editing by Engen Tham and Richard Borsuk) BERLIN, Oct 14 (Reuters) - If the United States terminates the Iran nuclear deal or reimposes sanctions on Tehran it could result in Iran developing nuclear weapons and raise the danger of 285 414519 14 (Reuters) - If the United States terminates the Iran nuclear deal or reimposes sanctions on Tehran it could result in Iran developing nuclear weapons and raise the danger of war close to Europe, Germany's foreign minister said on Saturday. U.S. President 285 414610 U.S. administration was also dealing with the North Korea nuclear crisis. "My big concern is that what is happening in Iran or with Iran from the U.S. perspective will not remain an Iranian issue but many others in the world will 285 414613 also dealing with the North Korea nuclear crisis. "My big concern is that what is happening in Iran or with Iran from the U.S. perspective will not remain an Iranian issue but many others in the world will consider whether they 285 414765 its allies and its own people for domestic policy reasons. Hailed by Trump's predecessor Barack Obama as key to stopping Iran from building a nuclear bomb, the deal was also signed by China, France, Russia, Britain, Germany and the European Union 285 414826 undermines U.S. credibility abroad. Trump has given the U.S. Congress 60 days to decide whether to reinstate economic sanctions on Iran that were lifted in 2016. (Reporting by Michelle Martin; Editing by Janet Lawrence) Syria on Saturday demanded the "immediate and 285 414899 of efforts to enforce a so-called "de-escalation zone" agreed by rebel backer Ankara and regime allies Russia and Iran at talks in Astana earlier this year. But the Syrian foreign ministry source slammed the "Turkish aggression", saying it had 285 443670 has not and will never bow to any foreign pressure Irans deal cannot be renegotiated, Rouhani said. (Photo: AP) Ankara: Iran harshly reacted to President Donald Trumps decision not to certify its nuclear deal with six major powers, and President Hassan 285 443769 continue to certify the multinational agreement and warned he might ultimately terminate it. No president can revoke an international deal Iran will continue to respect it as long as it serves our interests, Rouhani said in a live television address, adding 285 443817 and fake accusations against Iranians. While Trump did not pull the United States out of the agreement, aimed at preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, he gave the US Congress 60 days to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on 285 443849 days to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on Tehran that were lifted under the pact. That increases tension with Iran as well as putting Washington at odds with other signatories of the accord such as Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China 285 443886 France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union, who say the US cannot unilaterally cancel the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers . The Iranian nation has not and will never bow to any foreign pressure Irans deal cannot be 285 443930 Trump announced the major shift in US policy in a speech in which he detailed a more confrontational approach to Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. Pragmatist Rouhani backed 285 443989 IRGC has always protected our nation against terrorists It will continue to help oppressed nations in the region, Rouhani said. Iran accuses its regional rival Saudi Arabia of fuelling regional tension and the Sunni Muslim kingdom is at odds with Tehrans 285 444052 security entity and wields control over large swathes of Irans economy as well as considerable influence within its political system. Iran harshly reacted to US President Donald Trump`s decision not to certify its nuclear deal with six major powers, and 285 447441 in the Middle-East and all around the world". He also threatened to "terminate" the 2015 nuclear deal signed between Iran and six world powers unless Congress passed stringent new sanctions. But as Iranians headed to their offices on today - the 285 447469 stringent new sanctions. But as Iranians headed to their offices on today - the first day of the work week in Iran - the reaction was often one of bemusement. "Trump's statements are so ridiculous that it actually works in Iran's favour. Speaking 285 447557 The other signatories to the nuclear deal - Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia - have called for its preservation, saying that Iran is clearly sticking to its commitments. Trump's efforts to reach out to ordinary Iranians, who he referred to as the 285 447699 been trailed in the weeks leading up to the speech. This was spun as a victory by some elements in Iran , with the hardline Kayhan newspaper saying: "Guards' formula worked: Trump didn't dare put the Guards on the list of terrorist 285 447838 that would lead to new sanctions. "If the Congress goes ahead with new sanctions, then the deal is dead and Iran will restart its nuclear programme and move forward full-steam ahead in all fields," Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the 285 447864 and move forward full-steam ahead in all fields," Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran, told AFP. " Iran will probably invest even more than before in order to show the Americans that they can't get away with destroying 285 458862 Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran , Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic 285 469326 more isolated than ever against the nuclear deal, isolated than any other time in its plots against [the] people of Iran ," Rouhani said. In a nationally televised speech following Trump's remarks, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on all parties to honor 285 469366 honor their commitments to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. He also hit back at Trump's characterization of Iran as a "dictatorship" and "rogue regime," calling the American president a "liar" and a "dictator." Iran's president said Friday that 285 469413 six world powers in 2015 could not be revoked, after U.S. President Donald Trump announced he would not certify that Iran was in compliance with it. Not Bilateral "It is not a bilateral agreement. It does not belong to any single 285 469513 chief noted that the International Atomic Energy Agency had verified eight times, via a "comprehensive and strict" monitoring system, that Iran was meeting all its nuclear-related commitments. "There have been no violations of any of the commitments included in the 285 469571 and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said they were concerned about the possible implications of Trump's decision not to recertify the Iran nuclear deal. "Preserving the JCPOA is in our shared national security interest. The nuclear deal was the culmination of 13 285 469634 leaders said in the statement. In Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said his country was committed to supporting the Iran nuclear deal. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying also voiced support for the Iran nuclear deal during Friday's regular news 285 469648 country was committed to supporting the Iran nuclear deal. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying also voiced support for the Iran nuclear deal during Friday's regular news briefing. "China's position on the Iranian nuclear issue has been consistent. The JCPOA has 285 469715 all relevant parties will continue to uphold and implement the JCPOA." Praise from Netanyahu Praise for Trump's tough stance on Iran came from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who released a video statement in English. "I congratulate President Trump for his 285 469778 2017 Nobel Peace Prize, strongly criticized Trump's decision. The group's executive director, Beatrice Fihn, said Trump's "attempt to disrupt" the Iran deal despite Tehran's compliance was a reminder of the "immense nuclear danger now facing the world" and the "urgent need 285 503258 and unwillingness to condemn alleged atrocities by the army. Ankara: President Donald Trump reignited the decades-old US feud with Iran on Friday, vowing to confront the "fanatical regime" and throwing a landmark international nuclear agreement into doubt. In a speech 285 503392 agreement, appearing to accuse them of placing trade profits ahead of security. Many people talking, with much agreement, on my Iran speech today. Participants in the deal are making lots of money on trade with Iran! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 285 503407 with much agreement, on my Iran speech today. Participants in the deal are making lots of money on trade with Iran ! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 14, 2017 Trump's bellicose message brought an instant rebuke from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who 285 503646 allies before taking any steps that might undermine" the deal. French president Emmanuel Macron later said he was considering visiting Iran after speaking by phone with his Iranian counterpart. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which was awarded this year's 285 503852 worst deal" and one agreed to out of "weakness." The agreement stalled Iran's nuclear program and marginally thawed relations between Iran and what Tehran dubs the "Great Satan," but opponents, and even some supporters, say it also prevented efforts to challenge 285 503917 security team, who argue the nuclear deal should remain in place. Both the US government and UN nuclear inspectors say Iran is meeting the technical requirements of its side of the bargain, dramatically curtailing its nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions 285 503985 in the president's way. The legislature must now decide whether to end the nuclear accord by "snapping back" sanctions, which Iran demanded be lifted in exchange for limiting uranium enrichment. Proposals by Republican senators Tom Cotton and Bob Corker to introduce 285 504653 from Guantanamo and transfer to Canada. Tehran: President Donald Trump's speech in which he outlined an aggressive new strategy against Iran shows the US is "more than ever isolated in its opposition to the nuclear deal", President Hassan Rouhani said on 285 504796 the landmark deal between Tehran and six world powers including Washington if Congress does not impose tough new sanctions on Iran . "He has not studied international law. Can a president annul a multilateral international treaty on his own?" Rouhani said. "Apparently 285 504830 treaty on his own?" Rouhani said. "Apparently he doesn't know that this agreement is not a bilateral agreement solely between Iran and the United States." Rouhani responded in kind to Trump's list of alleged destabilising activities in the region, with his 285 504896 in wars from Vietnam to Afghanistan and Iraq, and highlighted the shooting down by a US naval vessel of an Iran Air passenger flight in 1988, which killed 290 people. Trump called for tougher sanctions on Iran's Revolutionary Guards and ballistic 285 505027 their country?" Rouhani said in a pointed reference to Iran's regional rival, Saudi Arabia. Despite Trump's aggressive rhetoric, Rouhani said Iran remained committed to the nuclear agreement for the time being. "We respect the JCPOA... so long as it remains in 285 505292 aggression in the Middle East and all around the world." He threatened to "terminate" the 2015 nuclear deal signed between Iran and six world powers unless Congress passed stringent new sanctions. But as Iranians headed to their offices on Saturday the 285 505320 stringent new sanctions. But as Iranians headed to their offices on Saturday the first day of the work week in Iran the reaction was often one of bemusement. "Trump's statements are so ridiculous that it actually works in Iran's favour. Speaking 285 505352 ridiculous that it actually works in Iran's favour. Speaking about the 'Arabian Gulf' is taken very badly by people here ( Iran )," said Abbas, a 40-year-old banker who only gave his first name. "The reaction of the Europeans shows that 285 505409 The other signatories to the nuclear deal Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia have called for its preservation, saying that Iran is clearly sticking to its commitments. Trump's efforts to reach out to ordinary Iranians, who he referred to as the 285 505482 inundated by more than a million comments, mostly from jeering Iranians. "I was so angry last night. This person hates Iran so much that even if we don't support the ideas of the regime, we find ourselves supporting them and the 285 505795 that would trigger a US response. "If the Congress goes ahead with new sanctions, then the deal is dead and Iran will restart its nuclear programme and move forward full-steam ahead in all fields," Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the 285 505821 and move forward full-steam ahead in all fields," Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran, told AFP. " Iran will probably invest even more than before in order to show the Americans that they can't get away with destroying 285 508829 that has been blockading strategically placed Qatar since June over its alleged support for radical Islamists and its ties to Iran . Arab divisions Lebanon's candidate Vera El-Khoury, who bowed out at the fourth round of voting, told AFP that the 285 511169 hear the collective sigh of relief from America's allied capitals when President Donald Trump announced that he was kicking the Iran nuclear deal over to Congress to fix. True to his campaign pledge, President Trump refused to certify to Congress that 285 511190 nuclear deal over to Congress to fix. True to his campaign pledge, President Trump refused to certify to Congress that Iran has been complying with what he called the "worst" arms control deal the U.S. ever negotiated. He also asked Congress 285 511215 what he called the "worst" arms control deal the U.S. ever negotiated. He also asked Congress to impose sanctions on Iran for its continued ballistic missile tests, its aggressive conduct in the region, its support for Syrian president Bashar al Assad 285 511262 efforts to destabilize the Middle East, and its human rights abuses. He also added additional sanctions on members of the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Ayatollah's shock troops. Trump has bought the nuclear deal, and the pragmatists in Iran who negotiated 285 511280 of the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Ayatollah's shock troops. Trump has bought the nuclear deal, and the pragmatists in Iran who negotiated it, some time. Finally, he threatened to tear up the Iran nuclear deal if Congress and America's allies 285 511293 the nuclear deal, and the pragmatists in Iran who negotiated it, some time. Finally, he threatened to tear up the Iran nuclear deal if Congress and America's allies don't correct what he considers its unacceptable weaknesses. That's called leverage. But he 285 511464 in the nation's security interests. He accepted political reality -- that there would be no chance of a united front against Iran , as Michael Singh, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, argued, unless Mr. Trump decided to 285 511498 Policy, argued, unless Mr. Trump decided to try to strengthen the deal while remaining in it. "This puts policy towards Iran on a much more solid footing," he said in an interview. After weeks of discussions, Trump came to understand that 285 511532 of discussions, Trump came to understand that the case for unilateral withdrawal was weak. While Trump officials have argued that Iran is violating the agreement, eight reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency, which monitors nuclear programs and this pact, confirmed 285 511554 violating the agreement, eight reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency, which monitors nuclear programs and this pact, confirmed that Iran was adhering to its terms. The leaders of France, England and Germany all warned of the consequences of a unilateral 285 511629 nuclear programs for too short a time, Anthony Blinken, a former senior Obama official noted that under another treaty that Iran has signed and ratified, the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, Iran is permanently barred from developing an atomic bomb. And its 285 511639 former senior Obama official noted that under another treaty that Iran has signed and ratified, the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, Iran is permanently barred from developing an atomic bomb. And its acceptance of intrusive inspections lasts far longer than the nuclear 285 511676 longer than the nuclear deal. With his pugnacious speech Friday, Trump has bought the nuclear deal, and the pragmatists in Iran who negotiated it, some time. That's not great news, but considering the alternative, we should all breathe a bit more 285 511711 should all breathe a bit more easily. President Trump was right to sharply criticize the 2015 international nuclear agreement with Iran Friday and say that Congress and other nations must set stricter conditions for Iranian behavior in order to keep the 285 511850 to fix it even though the chances of this happening are extremely remote. I applaud the president for calling out Iran for its sponsorship of terrorism, missile program and efforts to destabilize the Middle East. He explained clearly and accurately why 285 511876 missile program and efforts to destabilize the Middle East. He explained clearly and accurately why the agreement designed to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons is in reality weak and dangerous. I would have preferred President Trump to announce a clean 285 511938 it even though the chances of this happening are extremely remote. The presidents compelling description of the growing threat from Iran explained why the Israeli and Saudi governments immediately endorsed his action. President Trumps ultimatum was the most important part of 285 512017 agreement, the deals future is grim. Congress now has 60 days to decide whether to reimpose severe economic sanctions on Iran that were lifted by the nuclear agreement. Congress also will consider legislation on how to address the agreements shortcomings and 285 512061 in response to Iranian behavior. Any legislation or renegotiation of the nuclear agreement must address its three major flaws: allowing Iran to enrich uranium; allowing Iran to operate a plutonium-producing heavy-water reactor; and the deals very weak inspection provisions 285 512066 Any legislation or renegotiation of the nuclear agreement must address its three major flaws: allowing Iran to enrich uranium; allowing Iran to operate a plutonium-producing heavy-water reactor; and the deals very weak inspection provisions. Other issues also should be 285 512153 these vital changes is likely to approved by Congress in legislation or agreed to by other nations who signed the Iran deal. Congress is very unlikely to pass legislation with any substantial fixes to the agreement because too many moderate Republican 285 512184 substantial fixes to the agreement because too many moderate Republican senators will vote with Democrats against changes that could cause Iran to withdraw. The Senate would require 60 votes to pass such legislation, meaning that even if all 52 Republicans supported 285 512329 was an absurd claim by the former president. Its also worth noting that President Trump can reimpose most sanctions on Iran himself if Congress fails to act. The president could take such action and impose additional sanctions as part of a 285 512383 show circuit this weekend discussing various schemes to fix the nuclear deal. Ignore their hot air. The nuclear deal with Iran is all but dead. In about two months, President Trump hopefully will put the Iran deal out of its misery 285 512398 air. The nuclear deal with Iran is all but dead. In about two months, President Trump hopefully will put the Iran deal out of its misery. Were more than two weeks from Halloween, yet the mainstream media is already itching to 285 514762 will lead to a situation where Trump will only have a binary choice of war or a North Korea and Iran that could threaten the United States with nuclear weapons. You cannot publicly castrate your own secretary of state without giving 285 515096 in its final form and may be updated. NEIL CAVUTO, "YOUR WORLD" HOST: You know, I'm going to link the Iran deal, the health care thing, even tax cuts back to Congress, back to the president saying, I will unilaterally, on 285 515322 did. CAVUTO: Right. JORDAN: Whether it's now on the CSR payments, these insurance bailouts, or, of course, now on the Iran agreement. CAVUTO: But, I mean, I guess what I'm asking is, will Congress do something? I know there's a very 285 515695 prove that they are honoring a deal that calls for them to avoid anything nuclear? JORDAN: Well, we don't want Iran getting nuclear weapons. I think anyone knows that this is the largest state-sponsor of terrorism. Their relationship with Assad 285 516009 other things that he's done in the last two days. CAVUTO: It has obviously prompted a lot of protests in Iran . But I do wonder whether the genie could be out of the bottle too late. By that, I mean, when 285 538792 region. Ending weeks of speculation, United States President Donald Trump laid out a major re-orientation of US policy towards Iran and the wider region. As part of this new strategy, Trump refused to certify that Iran is taking measures to 285 538808 of US policy towards Iran and the wider region. As part of this new strategy, Trump refused to certify that Iran is taking measures to terminate its illicit nuclear program. Under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act 2015, such a presidential 285 538820 this new strategy, Trump refused to certify that Iran is taking measures to terminate its illicit nuclear program. Under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act 2015, such a presidential certification is required for continued suspension of American sanctions on Iran. Trump 285 538839 the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act 2015, such a presidential certification is required for continued suspension of American sanctions on Iran . Trump has gone against the advice of his closest advisers including secretary of defence General James Mattis, secretary of state 285 538888 US Strategic Command, General John Hyten. The presidents refusal however will not translate into an immediate reimposition of sanctions on Iran . The US Congress has 60 days to debate the issue and then decide on reimposition of economic sanctions. In a 285 538928 a bid to pressurise the Congress and American allies, Trump indicated that the US could unilaterally walk out of the Iran deal in case a solution could not be found by working with the Congress and US allies. However, neither the 285 538974 to be taking Trumps bait. The European Union, Britain and France have expressed their commitment to full implementation of the Iran deal. Trump is unlikely to find any support in Moscow and Beijing. The joint comprehensive plan of action (JCPOA), which 285 539009 comprehensive plan of action (JCPOA), which was concluded in July 2015, was not a bilateral agreement between the US and Iran but a multilateral agreement reached after two years of intensive negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 (US, Russia, China 285 539022 a bilateral agreement between the US and Iran but a multilateral agreement reached after two years of intensive negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 (US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany). Further, it was incorporated into the United Nations Security 285 539123 is specifically about Iranian violations of the deal apart from two specific allegations. Without providing any details, Trump stated that Iran has exceeded the limit of 130 metric tonnes of heavy water on two occasions. On both these occasions, Iran has 285 539142 that Iran has exceeded the limit of 130 metric tonnes of heavy water on two occasions. On both these occasions, Iran has shipped the excess stock of heavy water to Oman and the same has been verified by the International Atomic 285 539172 Oman and the same has been verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Trump also alluded that until recently, Iran had failed to meet American expectations in its operation of advanced centrifuges. However, here also Iran has remained true to 285 539188 alluded that until recently, Iran had failed to meet American expectations in its operation of advanced centrifuges. However, here also Iran has remained true to the provisions of the deal and has agreed to limit its research and development efforts on 285 539218 and has agreed to limit its research and development efforts on advanced centrifuges. A large portion of Trumps tirade against Iran was restricted to Tehrans support to terrorism, human rights abuses, its expanding ballistic missile programme and allegations of collaborating with 285 539253 programme and allegations of collaborating with North Korea. It is prudent to recall that the JCPOA, popularly known as the Iran nuclear agreement, was limited to the Iranian nuclear programme and did not delve into Irans role in the various crises 285 539291 the various crises in West Asia or Tehrans ballistic missile programme. In fact, the limited scope of USs negotiations with Iran were the result of decisions taken during the Bush administration. Trump should re-look at past American decisions before terming 285 539313 the result of decisions taken during the Bush administration. Trump should re-look at past American decisions before terming the Iran deal as one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the US has ever entered into. The Iran deal 285 539332 the Iran deal as one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the US has ever entered into. The Iran deal was very successful in blocking the uranium and plutonium route available to Iran to build nuclear weapons. Prior to 285 539346 US has ever entered into. The Iran deal was very successful in blocking the uranium and plutonium route available to Iran to build nuclear weapons. Prior to the agreement, Iran was operating close to 19,500 centrifuges, had a stockpile of about 285 539355 very successful in blocking the uranium and plutonium route available to Iran to build nuclear weapons. Prior to the agreement, Iran was operating close to 19,500 centrifuges, had a stockpile of about 7,000 kg of low-enriched uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6 285 539404 up to 20%. It was also working on starting its heavy water plant at Arak. As part of the agreement, Iran gave up about two-thirds of its centrifuges, shipped abroad 95% of its stockpile, including all weapons-grade fissile material 285 539438 stockpile, including all weapons-grade fissile material, accepted to 300 kg limit on its entire uranium stockpile for 15 years. Iran also agreed to modify the Arak heavy-water reactor thereby blocking the plutonium route to producing fissile material for nuclear 285 539492 accepted by any country. The most important achievement of the agreement was increasing the break out time (time required for Iran to build nuclear weapon) from two months to 12 months. This was the result of the restrictions imposed on Iranian 285 539633 programme is blatantly unfair. The US has the sovereign right, like all nation-states, to terminate its participation in the Iran deal. It is however likely to find itself largely isolated in such a move with none of its major allies 285 539659 to find itself largely isolated in such a move with none of its major allies supporting reimposition of sanctions on Iran . In the medium to long term such a move will harm US credibility, worsen the security situation in the region 285 575516 in the Middle East and all around the world. He also threatened to terminate the 2015 nuclear deal signed between Iran and six world powers unless Congress passed stringent new sanctions. But as Iranians headed to their offices on Saturday -- the 285 575544 stringent new sanctions. But as Iranians headed to their offices on Saturday -- the first day of the work week in Iran -- the reaction was often one of bemusement. Trumps statements are so ridiculous that it actually works in Irans favour. Speaking 285 575632 The other signatories to the nuclear deal -- Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia -- have called for its preservation, saying that Iran is clearly sticking to its commitments. Trumps efforts to reach out to ordinary Iranians, who he referred to as the 285 575776 been trailed in the weeks leading up to the speech. This was spun as a victory by some elements in Iran , with the hardline Kayhan newspaper saying: Guards formula worked: Trump didnt dare put the Guards on the list of terrorist 285 575916 that would lead to new sanctions. If the Congress goes ahead with new sanctions, then the deal is dead and Iran will restart its nuclear programme and move forward full-steam ahead in all fields, Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the 285 575942 and move forward full-steam ahead in all fields, Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran, told AFP. Iran will probably invest even more than before in order to show the Americans that they cant get away with destroying 285 580651 in India at the same time around the time of Mattiss visit, according to sources. President Donald Trump sharply criticised Iran and the international agreement aimed at curbing its nuclear program Friday, refusing to certify Tehrans compliance and warning the United 285 580761 it backs al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist networks, and warning of the increasing menace posed by Iran . Multiple violations Trump lambasted the 2015 nuclear deal struck with Iran, Germany, Britain, China, France and Russia as one of 285 580772 networks, and warning of the increasing menace posed by Iran. Multiple violations Trump lambasted the 2015 nuclear deal struck with Iran , Germany, Britain, China, France and Russia as one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has 285 580798 Russia as one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into. He accused Iran of multiple violations of the agreement, but was light on specific examples. The President said Iran had on two occasions 285 580814 entered into. He accused Iran of multiple violations of the agreement, but was light on specific examples. The President said Iran had on two occasions exceeded the 130-metric-ton limit on heavy water, and that Tehran had repeatedly said it 285 580876 Atomic Energy Agency, which has been monitoring Irans compliance with the deal, said that the nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran ... are being implemented, and that it has had access to all locations it needed to visit. US President Donald Trump 285 580900 and that it has had access to all locations it needed to visit. US President Donald Trump speaks about the Iran nuclear deal in the Diplomatic Room of the White House in Washington. (Reuters Photo) Trump also cited many people who 285 580931 in Washington. (Reuters Photo) Trump also cited many people who think Tehran is dealing with North Korea, and said that Iran continues to fuel conflict, terror, and turmoil throughout the Middle East and beyond. Neither are part of the legal requirement 285 581053 Irans nuclear program in just a few years, while citing insufficient enforcement and near total silence on Irans missile programs. Iran and other parties to the agreement have said that they are not open to revising the accord. Trump threatened to 285 587015 supply roughly a third of the country's demand, with the bulk of the supply coming from the Middle East, Africa, Iran and Russia. At the same time, China has invested heavily in alternative energy, including solar, wind and battery technologies. China 285 592288 Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump on Friday officially disavowed the international nuclear deal with Iran , undermining but not terminating an agreement he called weak and poorly constructed. The administration asked Congress to attach new caveats 285 592397 withdraw presidential "certification" of the deal throws its future into doubt by tying continued U.S. participation to new requirements for Iran . But the approach also falls well short of Trump's repeated campaign vow to scrap the deal altogether, marking the latest 285 592459 Friday from U.S. allies that are part of the pact and with skepticism from many U.S. lawmakers, including some Republicans. Iran , meanwhile, responded with a threat of its own, vowing in a statement to walk away if Iranian "rights and interests 285 592494 away if Iranian "rights and interests in the deal are not respected." If the amendment is approved by Congress and Iran fails to meet the new requirements, the United States could impose new sanctions that would effectively break the deal. Or 285 592535 if Congress is unwilling, Trump said he could back away on his own. "As I have said many times, the Iran deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into," Trump said 285 592578 that Tehran is "not living up to the spirit of the deal." Prized by key allies U.S. officials acknowledge that Iran is meeting its technical obligations but accuse the Islamic republic of using the deal as a shield for an expansion 285 592742 the U.S. and its allies before taking any steps that might undermine the JCPoA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement," the statement said. The leaders said their countries would work with the Trump administration to address 285 592835 Zarif said on Twitter. "Trump will eventually discover this, as every predecessor did." The 2015 agreement among the United States, Iran , Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China set limits on Iran's nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of what had 285 592906 pact as negotiated is limited to Iranian nuclear activity, which the country claims has always been peaceful. Under the agreement, Iran was allowed to keep some uranium-enrichment capacity. The deal was not designed to address many other areas of international 285 592988 separate from the deal itself, which requires the president to endorse the deal every 90 days with a certification that Iran is meeting its obligations and that the deal remains in the U.S. national interest. Trump does not think either condition 285 593109 reporters during a briefing ahead of the president's address that the administration also wants to address "sunset clauses"that allow Iran to resume certain nuclear activities that raise proliferation concerns beginning 10 to 15 years after the accord took effect in 285 593140 10 to 15 years after the accord took effect in January 2016. Tillerson called that a "countdown clock to when Iran can have a nuclear program again." Congress now has 60 days to consider whether to reimpose sanctions. Congress could buck 285 593176 reimpose sanctions. Congress could buck the administration's request and slap the sanctions back on now, but some of the leading Iran hawks in Congress have already suggested that they are likely to be on board with the administration's approach. Have you 285 631211 former deputy director of the CIA has criticised Donald Trumps decision not to re-certify the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and six world powers. John McLaughlin said it was one of the President's "worst decisions" and would "shred" America's credibility 285 631232 and six world powers. John McLaughlin said it was one of the President's "worst decisions" and would "shred" America's credibility. Iran speech - one of Trump's worst decisions: feeds Iran hardliners, splits allies, shreds US credibility, roils congress, gift to Russia, he 285 631240 was one of the President's "worst decisions" and would "shred" America's credibility. Iran speech - one of Trump's worst decisions: feeds Iran hardliners, splits allies, shreds US credibility, roils congress, gift to Russia, he wrote on Twitter. Trump could combat Iran's testing 285 631305 President of the United States] discipline, hard work so far lacking. The Obama-era deal lifted crippling international sanctions on Iran in exchange for Irans agreement to restrict its nuclear programme for at least 10 years. In a speech on Friday 285 631337 at least 10 years. In a speech on Friday, Mr Trump said removing sanctions had given the fanatical regime in Iran a financial boost, increasing its ability to fund terrorism. He accused Iran of spreading death, destruction and chaos around the 285 631349 removing sanctions had given the fanatical regime in Iran a financial boost, increasing its ability to fund terrorism. He accused Iran of spreading death, destruction and chaos around the globe. Mr Trump said he would not re-certify Irans compliance with 285 631397 Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). He threatened to terminate the agreement unless Congress devised a deal placing tougher requirements on Iran . We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror and the very real threat 285 631424 path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror and the very real threat of Iran's nuclear breakout, he said. Iran announced in September it had successfully tested a ballistic missile and claimed its tests did not contravene JCPOA. But a 285 631448 it had successfully tested a ballistic missile and claimed its tests did not contravene JCPOA. But a UN resolution asks Iran not to develop any ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear weapons. Mr Trump's speech "hands a tool to Iran's hardliners 285 636398 Inside Washington email {{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} In his speech on the Iran nuclear agreement, known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), President Trump made a number of factual assertions 285 636424 the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), President Trump made a number of factual assertions. The deal was negotiated by Iran , the five permanent members of the United Nations (United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China), Germany and the European 285 636517 United States since the shah was overthrown in 1979, many of which would be familiar to Americans. This claim that Iran harbored al-Qaeda terror suspects might be less well-known, but it was recently documented in a 2017 book, The 285 636561 reporters Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy. The book noted that the steady flow of senior al-Qaeda figures into Iran after the 9/11 attacks was controversial among various factions. The government actually made some arrests and sent some al 285 636667 in line with the latest State Department Country Reports on terrorism, released in July, which said: Since at least 2009, Iran has allowed AQ facilitators to operate a core facilitation pipeline through the country, enabling AQ to move funds and fighters 285 636736 before what would have been the total collapse of the Iranian regime, through the deeply controversial 2015 nuclear deal with Iran . There is little evidence that the Iranian government was on the verge of total collapse, though it was certainly struggling 285 636883 1.7 billion from the United States, a large portion of which was physically loaded onto an airplane and flown into Iran . Trump often suggests the United States gave a $100 billion to Iran, but these were Iranian assets that had been 285 636895 physically loaded onto an airplane and flown into Iran. Trump often suggests the United States gave a $100 billion to Iran , but these were Iranian assets that had been frozen. The Treasury Department has estimated that once Iran fulfills other obligations 285 636912 100 billion to Iran, but these were Iranian assets that had been frozen. The Treasury Department has estimated that once Iran fulfills other obligations, it would have about $55 billion left. (Much of the funds were tied up in illiquid projects 285 636942 left. (Much of the funds were tied up in illiquid projects in China.) For its part, the Central Bank of Iran said the number was actually $32 billion, not $55 billion. Iran has also complained that it cannot actually move the 285 636953 in China.) For its part, the Central Bank of Iran said the number was actually $32 billion, not $55 billion. Iran has also complained that it cannot actually move the money back to Iran because foreign banks wont touch it for 285 636966 was actually $32 billion, not $55 billion. Iran has also complained that it cannot actually move the money back to Iran because foreign banks wont touch it for fear of U.S. sanctions and their U.S. exposure. As for the $1.7 billion 285 637104 never delivered because the two countries broke off relations after the seizure of American hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Iran . Two other payments totaling $1.3 million a negotiated agreement on the interest owed on the $400 million came some weeks 285 637129 1.3 million a negotiated agreement on the interest owed on the $400 million came some weeks later. The deal allows Iran to continue developing certain elements of its nuclear program and, importantly, in just a few years, as key restrictions disappear 285 637150 to continue developing certain elements of its nuclear program and, importantly, in just a few years, as key restrictions disappear, Iran can sprint towards a rapid nuclear weapons breakout. JCPOA has been in place for two years. Certain provisions of the 285 637192 aspects of the deal do not last indefinitely, but virtually all phase out between years 10 and 25. Its doubtful Iran would have agreed to an indefinite ban on nuclear activities, given that it has a right to have a nonnuclear 285 637250 it will cheat in any case and thus has forfeited its rights. Trump does not mention that under the agreement, Iran is permanently prohibited from acquiring nuclear weapons, and will be subject to certain restrictions and additional monitoring indefinitely. Its unclear 285 637296 few years before a potential nuclear breakout. Non-nuclear provisions having to do with arms-related transfers to and from Iran will expire in three years, or possibly sooner. In six years, U.N. Security Council restrictions end on any activity related 285 637442 the Iranian regime has also failed to meet our expectations in its operation of advanced centrifuges. Trump is right that Iran twice exceeded the deals limit on heavy water. But supporters of the deal say it shows JCPOA is working. Iran 285 637462 Iran twice exceeded the deals limit on heavy water. But supporters of the deal say it shows JCPOA is working. Iran tried to take advantage of fuzzy language in the agreement but it was immediately caught by international inspectors; the other 285 637487 of fuzzy language in the agreement but it was immediately caught by international inspectors; the other partners objected and forced Iran to come back into compliance. As for the centrifuges, the deal limits both the number and type of centrifuges Iran 285 637507 Iran to come back into compliance. As for the centrifuges, the deal limits both the number and type of centrifuges Iran is permitted to use. Again Iran tried to take advantage of ambiguous limits roughly 10 advanced centrifuges by operating slightly 285 637513 As for the centrifuges, the deal limits both the number and type of centrifuges Iran is permitted to use. Again Iran tried to take advantage of ambiguous limits roughly 10 advanced centrifuges by operating slightly more than that number. The dispute 285 637550 that number. The dispute for the moment also appears to have been resolved, though Albright in his testimony noted that Iran has also built and operated more advanced centrifuges than it is allowed, and it has misused quality assurance limitations to 285 639508 Elephant Day at the Amboseli National Park in Kenya AFP via Getty There are also many people who believe that Iran is dealing with North Korea. I am going to instruct our intelligence agencies to do a thorough analysis and report 285 639554 they have already reviewed. This was a puzzling statement. The phrasing suggests there is not enough evidence to claim that Iran has dealings with North Korea, but the intelligence agencies will keep looking. But it raises the question about why the 285 652812 verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Donald Trumps motive for refusing to certify the Iran anti-nuclear agreement was as transparent as glass. He had already certified it twice, and nothing has changed except that 285 653035 at all, until near the end of his term in the White House. EU condemns Donald Trump's decision to decertify Iran nuclear deal In the case of the Iran deal, President Trump has not ended it. Indeed, he has no authority 285 653043 term in the White House. EU condemns Donald Trump's decision to decertify Iran nuclear deal In the case of the Iran deal, President Trump has not ended it. Indeed, he has no authority to do so. He has sent it back 285 653093 whether to renew it. It has no good grounds for terminating the deal. Even President Trump could say only that Iran had violated the spirit of the agreement secured by his predecessor, Barack Obama, in 2015. He knows full well that 285 653133 that the UNs International Atomic Energy Agency, the body charged with monitoring the agreement, has found no violations. Of course, Iran continues to sponsor some of the most unsavoury forces in the Middle East and its anti-American rhetoric is a 285 653231 has done is to turbo-charge the boost he gains from his electoral base by doing so. Unfortunately, sending the Iran deal back to Congress may not be cost-free. Mr Obama never submitted the deal to Congress to be ratified 285 653270 be ratified as a treaty, knowing that the votes were not there reflecting the history of attacks on Americans by Iran or its proxies over decades. It must be hoped that some compromise will emerge, preferably one which absolves President Trump 285 653309 President Trump of the obligation to certify the agreement every 90 days. However, we should be aware that if the Iran deal falls, it is likely to be replaced by a policy of confrontation and aggressive rhetoric similar to that applied 285 663400 and financial transactions were made as husband and wife, and Mr Radseresht even presented her to the vice-president of Iran as his "wife". "All of this is inconsistent with what the husband says was their now-divorced status. "This case 285 682091 and ousting the U.S.-backed government in Kabul but they are distinct organizations with separate command structures. Donald Trump said Iran is not living up to the "spirit" of the nuclear deal that it signed in 2015 and announced a new 285 682128 and announced a new strategy (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) The head of the UN has said he " strongly hopes" the Iran nuclear deal will remain in place, after Donald Trump accused Tehran of violating the accord and said he might pull 285 682176 reacted to the President's harsh criticism of the deal as US defence secretary Jim Mattis said his first priority on Iran is to confer with allies. A spokesman for Mr Guterres said he has long praised the 2015 pact as a 285 682251 was isolating itself, "more lonely than ever," by condemning the accord. The UN agency monitoring the nuclear deal has said Iran is honouring its commitments. However the US President said on Friday that Tehran has failed to honour the spirit of 285 682368 Iranian support for extremist groups and its ballistic missile program, among others. Mr Mattis said the US intends to "dissuade" Iran from shipping arms to Yemen, where it supports Shiite rebels known as Houthis. He said this does not imply any 285 682638 of time, I'll terminate the deal." Under US law, Mr Trump faces a Sunday deadline to certify to Congress whether Iran is complying with the accord. That notification must take place every 90 days, a timetable that Mr Trump detests. Since 285 682667 take place every 90 days, a timetable that Mr Trump detests. Since taking office, he has twice reluctantly certified that Iran is fulfilling its commitments. AP CONCORD- Abu Dhabi is in for a little taste of Cabarrus and Rowan counties. WorldSkills 285 683305 enables the $1 trillion Warfare State to continue bleeding the nation's fiscal solvency. In a word, the whole notion that Iran is a national security threat and state sponsor of terrorism is just as bogus as the Russian meddling story or 285 683428 which justify the Warfare State's massive draw on the nation's broken finances. We will get to the Big Lie about Iran momentarily, but first it is useful to demonstrate just how enormously excessive the nation's defense budget actually is, and why 285 683469 the denizens of the Imperial City---especially the neocon ideologues----find it necessary to peddle such threadbare untruths. Spoiler alert: Iran has actually never attacked a single foreign nation in modern history whereas Washington has chosen to unilaterally intervene in or 285 684801 on the planet is permitted to have. Thus, as the leader of the minority Shiite schism of the Islamic world, Iran has made political and confessional allliances with various Shiite regimes in the region. These include the one that Washington actually 285 684904 governments invited Iranian help, which is also their prerogative as sovereign nations. Ironically, it was the Shiite Crescent alliance of Iran /Assad/Hezbollah that bears much of the credit for defeating ISIS on the ground in Mosul, Aleppo, Raqqa, Deir ez 285 684945 Zor and elsewhere in the now largely defunct Islamic State. In tomorrow's installment we will address the details of the Iran nuke agreement and why the Donald is making a horrible mistake in proposing to decertify it. But there should be 285 691655 experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! Essays from the Resistance . Iran President Hassan Rouhani On Trump's Decision Not To Certify Nuclear Deal Watch US presidents anti-Iran speech pile of delusional 285 691671 Essays from the Resistance . Iran President Hassan Rouhani On Trump's Decision Not To Certify Nuclear Deal Watch US presidents anti- Iran speech pile of delusional claims: Rouhani Posted October 13, 2017 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says US President Donald Trumps speech 285 691755 speech outlining US strategy on the Islamic Republic. The US president refused to certify the 2015 international nuclear agreement between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and warned he might ultimately terminate it, in defiance of 285 691820 the nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Trump also said his goal is to ensure Iran would never obtain a nuclear weapon, adding, "We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence 285 691965 comprehension of international obligations and global ethics, etiquette and conventions. Rouhani further pointed to the history of US antagonism toward Iran , saying, "He has to study history better and more closely and know what they (US officials) have done to the 285 692002 have done to the Iranian people over the past sixty-something years and how they have treated the people of Iran during the past 40 years after the victory of the Revolution [in 1979]." The Iranian president further rejected Trump's demand 285 692029 the victory of the Revolution [in 1979]." The Iranian president further rejected Trump's demand that the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany be revised, saying the agreement would remain intact and 285 692088 cannot abrogate an international deal, saying, He [Trump] apparently does not know that this is not a bilateral document between Iran and the US for him to act in any way he wishes. The Iranian nation has not yielded to any 285 692135 in the future, Rouhani said, emphasizing that many countries supported former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein during the imposed war against Iran in the 1980s but they failed to defeat the Iranians. A 15-year-old Nigerian girl, Slimzy Jay who committed 285 703790 goodwill. - AP A brute force cyber attack on the UK parliament that compromised MPs' email accounts was carried out by Iran , it has emerged. Blackmail fears were raised when hackers tried to break into the system used by MPs, peers and 285 703899 It would be inappropriate to comment further while enquiries are ongoing." The revelations come as Britain tried to keep the Iran nuclear deal on track after Donald Trump's refusal to back it. The US president accused Tehran of violating the spirit 285 704373 Boris Johnson on climate change, we can say shame on him, but now the same pair have been fooled on Iran as well, we can only say shame on them." The decision brings to an end a 19-month planning saga 285 721189 demand this week that the international agreement limiting Irans nuclear programs be revised to make it stronger. Hell claim that Iran isnt complying with the 2015 pact, which he has called the worst deal ever negotiated. His language will be Trumpian 285 721255 down slowly, awkwardly, reluctantly from a position that made no sense. In formal terms, Trump is refusing to certify that Iran is complying with the nuclear deal, which requires Tehran to reduce its holdings of enriched uranium and allow international inspectors 285 721280 nuclear deal, which requires Tehran to reduce its holdings of enriched uranium and allow international inspectors into its facilities. But Iran is, in fact, complying with the agreement, as even U.S. officials acknowledge. The main U.S. complaint is that Iran has 285 721299 But Iran is, in fact, complying with the agreement, as even U.S. officials acknowledge. The main U.S. complaint is that Iran has violated the spirit of the deal by engaging in non-nuclear activities, including missile research, which the agreement doesnt 285 721366 in the national interest to keep the agreement alive. The reason is simple: Whatever its flaws, the deal has stopped Iran from building a nuclear weapon for at least 10 years. If the United States walks away from the agreement, Irans 285 721404 the agreement, Irans supreme leader would be free to restart uranium enrichment and most other countries would blame Trump, not Iran . Trump aides have therefore quietly asked Congress not to reimpose nuclear sanctions on Iran. And instead of dismantling the deal 285 721418 other countries would blame Trump, not Iran. Trump aides have therefore quietly asked Congress not to reimpose nuclear sanctions on Iran . And instead of dismantling the deal, Mattis and other advisors have given Trump an alternative: Try to fix it. Theyve 285 721724 hes accomplished the moral equivalent of renegotiation, and declare at least partial victory. That would put the U.S. confrontation with Iran in a category with other Trump foreign policy positions that turned out to contain more bluster than action: his threats 285 721962 it. Hell continue to denounce the deal. But hes not walking away from it and that gives nuclear diplomacy with Iran another chance to survive. A parade of entrepreneurs, sharing struggles theyve encountered trying to start their businesses, have become the 285 732388 Farm Bill? I dont know, but on his principle alone, Ricardo would give it a 100. PRESS RELEASE Trumps New Iran Strategy Oct. 13, 2017 (EIRNS)President Trumps "New Iran Strategy," which was released late last night, focuses not on the 285 732397 alone, Ricardo would give it a 100. PRESS RELEASE Trumps New Iran Strategy Oct. 13, 2017 (EIRNS)President Trumps "New Iran Strategy," which was released late last night, focuses not on the nuclear deal per se, but on "neutralizing the Government 285 732563 International Atomic Energy Agency and all other signers to the agreement. Trump announced the decision today to not certify that Iran is fulfilling the terms of the agreement, despite all evidence to the contrary. This now passes the baton to the 285 732649 sanctions, which now is the perogative of the President. The legislation would institute an automatic reinstatement of U.S. sanctions if Iran comes within a year of a nuclear capability, replacing the 90-day recertification by the President. The Iranians have made 285 774983 nuclear arsenals but voluntarily gave it up after the Soviet Union collapsed. He said his country is in talks with Iran , which was the focus of a global deal that lifted some economic sanctions in exchange for Irans curbing its nuclear 285 775010 global deal that lifted some economic sanctions in exchange for Irans curbing its nuclear program. Trump has sharply criticized the Iran nuclear deal and threatened last week to pull out soon unless other countries fix what he says are terrible flaws 285 784922 protesters and pledged that the United States will support them at the appropriate time. Such respect for the people of Iran as they try to take back their corrupt government. You will see great support from the United States at the 285 785060 international law governing the civilized conduct of international relations. At least 21 people have been killed and hundreds arrested in Iran during a week of anti-government protests and unrest over economic woes and official corruption. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of 285 785098 of thousands of people took part in counter-demonstrations Wednesday backing the clerically overseen government, which has said enemies of Iran are fomenting the protests. Trump has unleashed a series of tweets in recent days backing the protesters, saying Iran is 285 785117 of Iran are fomenting the protests. Trump has unleashed a series of tweets in recent days backing the protesters, saying Iran is failing at every level and declaring that it is time for change in the Islamic Republic. Facebook Twitter Show 285 786868 that has gotten nowhere in Congress. Falsehoods: Trump said President Obama, in brokering the 2015 nuclear arms limitation deal with Iran , foolishly gave money to the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime. He didnt. The people of Iran are finally acting against 285 786884 arms limitation deal with Iran, foolishly gave money to the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime. He didnt. The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime. All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave 285 787404 continues to tweet in support of Iranian protesters By Laura King President Trump expressed renewed support Sunday for protesters in Iran , declaring that people are finally getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on 285 787474 as they have grown in size were a signal that Iranians will not take it any longer. Big protests in Iran . The people are finally getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism 285 787598 Sunday slapped a temporary ban on Instagram and the messaging app Telegram, which were widely used to fan protest fervor. Iran , the Number One State of Sponsored Terror with numerous violations of Human Rights occurring on an hourly basis, has now 285 804382 efforts. Annie Ma is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: Twitter: @anniema15 In his speech on the Iran nuclear agreement, known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), President Donald Trump made a number of factual 285 804409 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), President Donald Trump made a number of factual assertions. The deal was negotiated by Iran , the five permanent members of the United Nations (United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China), Germany and the European 285 804502 United States since the shah was overthrown in 1979, many of which would be familiar to Americans. This claim - that Iran harbored al-Qaida terror suspects - might be less well-known, but it was recently documented in a 2017 book, "The 285 804546 reporters Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy. The book noted that the steady flow of senior al-Qaida figures into Iran after the 9/11 attacks was controversial among various factions. The government actually made some arrests and sent some al 285 804652 in line with the latest State Department Country Reports on terrorism, released in July, which said: "Since at least 2009, Iran has allowed AQ facilitators to operate a core facilitation pipeline through the country, enabling AQ to move funds and fighters 285 804721 before what would have been the total collapse of the Iranian regime, through the deeply controversial 2015 nuclear deal with Iran ." There is little evidence that the Iranian government was on the verge of "total collapse," though it was certainly struggling 285 804868 1.7 billion from the United States, a large portion of which was physically loaded onto an airplane and flown into Iran ." Trump often suggests the United States gave a $100 billion to Iran, but these were Iranian assets that had been 285 804880 physically loaded onto an airplane and flown into Iran." Trump often suggests the United States gave a $100 billion to Iran , but these were Iranian assets that had been frozen. The Treasury Department has estimated that once Iran fulfills other obligations 285 804897 100 billion to Iran, but these were Iranian assets that had been frozen. The Treasury Department has estimated that once Iran fulfills other obligations, it would have about $55 billion left. (Much of the funds were tied up in illiquid projects 285 804927 left. (Much of the funds were tied up in illiquid projects in China.) For its part, the Central Bank of Iran said the number was actually $32 billion, not $55 billion. Iran has also complained that it cannot actually move the 285 804938 in China.) For its part, the Central Bank of Iran said the number was actually $32 billion, not $55 billion. Iran has also complained that it cannot actually move the money back to Iran because foreign banks won't touch it for 285 804951 was actually $32 billion, not $55 billion. Iran has also complained that it cannot actually move the money back to Iran because foreign banks won't touch it for fear of U.S. sanctions and their U.S. exposure. As for the $1.7 billion 285 805089 never delivered because the two countries broke off relations after the seizure of American hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Iran . Two other payments totaling $1.3 million - a negotiated agreement on the interest owed on the $400 million - came some weeks 285 805114 1.3 million - a negotiated agreement on the interest owed on the $400 million - came some weeks later. "The deal allows Iran to continue developing certain elements of its nuclear program and, importantly, in just a few years, as key restrictions disappear 285 805135 to continue developing certain elements of its nuclear program and, importantly, in just a few years, as key restrictions disappear, Iran can sprint towards a rapid nuclear weapons breakout." JCPOA has been in place for two years. Certain provisions of the 285 805177 aspects of the deal do not last indefinitely, but virtually all phase out between years 10 and 25. It's doubtful Iran would have agreed to an indefinite ban on nuclear activities, given that it has a right to have a nonnuclear 285 805235 it will cheat in any case and thus has forfeited its rights. Trump does not mention that under the agreement, Iran is permanently prohibited from acquiring nuclear weapons, and will be subject to certain restrictions and additional monitoring indefinitely. (Readers may 285 805315 a "few years" before a potential nuclear breakout. Nonnuclear provisions having to do with arms-related transfers to and from Iran will expire in three years, or possibly sooner. In six years, U.N. Security Council restrictions end on any activity related 285 805461 the Iranian regime has also failed to meet our expectations in its operation of advanced centrifuges." Trump is right that Iran twice exceeded the deal's limit on heavy water. But supporters of the deal say it shows JCPOA is working. Iran 285 805481 Iran twice exceeded the deal's limit on heavy water. But supporters of the deal say it shows JCPOA is working. Iran tried to take advantage of fuzzy language in the agreement but it was immediately caught by international inspectors; the other 285 805506 of fuzzy language in the agreement but it was immediately caught by international inspectors; the other partners objected and forced Iran to come back into compliance. As for the centrifuges, the deal limits both the number and type of centrifuges Iran 285 805526 Iran to come back into compliance. As for the centrifuges, the deal limits both the number and type of centrifuges Iran is permitted to use. Again Iran tried to take advantage of ambiguous limits - "roughly 10" advanced centrifuges - by operating slightly 285 805532 As for the centrifuges, the deal limits both the number and type of centrifuges Iran is permitted to use. Again Iran tried to take advantage of ambiguous limits - "roughly 10" advanced centrifuges - by operating slightly more than that number. The dispute 285 805569 that number. The dispute for the moment also appears to have been resolved, though Albright in his testimony noted that " Iran has also built and operated more advanced centrifuges than it is allowed, and it has misused quality assurance limitations to 285 805605 misused quality assurance limitations to conduct banned mechanical testing of advanced centrifuges." "There are also many people who believe that Iran is dealing with North Korea. I am going to instruct our intelligence agencies to do a thorough analysis and report 285 805651 they have already reviewed." This was a puzzling statement. The phrasing suggests there is not enough evidence to claim that Iran has dealings with North Korea, but the intelligence agencies will keep looking. But it raises the question about why the 285 807245 Greg Miller in Washington contributed to this report. President Donald Trump said Friday that he would not certify the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that is a legacy of his predecessor, and asked Congress to figure out ways to address his concerns 285 807328 countries that signed it require their heads of state to do so, as U.S. law does. When Congress passed the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA) in 2015, the idea was that the president would notify Congress if Iran was cheating 285 807346 passed the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA) in 2015, the idea was that the president would notify Congress if Iran was cheating so Congress would have a brief, 60-day window to "snap back" U.S. sanctions. Certification wasn't envisioned as 285 807391 president to undermine the deal or use it as a tool to reopen negotiations. But INARA isn't just about whether Iran is meeting its obligations. It requires the president determine whether the suspended sanctions are "appropriate and proportionate," and in the 285 807519 is not asking Congress to do that. Instead, he's asking them to amend INARA to impose new U.S. requirements on Iran . However, Iran would view that a one-sided renegotiation of the agreement's terms, and is unlikely to accept it. So 285 807521 asking Congress to do that. Instead, he's asking them to amend INARA to impose new U.S. requirements on Iran. However, Iran would view that a one-sided renegotiation of the agreement's terms, and is unlikely to accept it. So it would 285 807562 fall to a Joint Commission of the seven signatories to determine whether the United States was violating the deal. If Iran decided to resume its nuclear program in response, the United Nations Security Council would get involved to decide whether to 285 807624 to certify Iran's compliance every 90 days as is now required. That could be more palatable to Trump, who certified Iran twice before, in effect admitting that the deal he lambasted on the campaign trail is working. Q. So is the 285 807645 twice before, in effect admitting that the deal he lambasted on the campaign trail is working. Q. So is the Iran deal safe? A. Far from it. The administration wants Congress to set new conditions that address Iran's support for militias 285 807701 Congress to make it clear that the United States will snap back sanctions at various "trigger points," such as if Iran resumes nuclear activities after the various "sunset" provisions expire years in the future. Merely passing the provisions may not alter 285 807730 expire years in the future. Merely passing the provisions may not alter the deal until sanctions are actually imposed. But Iran would probably argue that the U.S. is indeed changing the deal's terms, by promising sanctions for activity that the deal 285 807803 that were partners in the deal, "then the agreement will be terminated." Q. Is the administration applying any pressure on Iran to get it to bend? A. Shortly after Trump began speaking Friday, the Treasury Department slapped sanctions on the Islamic 285 807890 an Executive Order, not a more onerous State Department designation. It telegraphs the administration's get-tough attitude. Q. What will Iran do? A. Iran has a lot to gain by doing nothing, particularly if Europeans stick to the deal and keep 285 807893 not a more onerous State Department designation. It telegraphs the administration's get-tough attitude. Q. What will Iran do? A. Iran has a lot to gain by doing nothing, particularly if Europeans stick to the deal and keep conducting business with 285 807914 has a lot to gain by doing nothing, particularly if Europeans stick to the deal and keep conducting business with Iran . To much of the world, the United States is the country that may end up reneging on its commitments, not 285 807935 To much of the world, the United States is the country that may end up reneging on its commitments, not Iran . That gives it a claim to hold the high ground, and it can just stand by watching while a wedge 285 808018 tries to reimpose sanctions, Europeans already are considering ways to protect their own businesses that want to keep investing in Iran . Volunteers began a grim and grueling search Friday, picking through the smoldering ruins of the Journeys End Mobile Home Park 285 855523 approach: wreaking havoc. Trump's back-to-back body blows against President Barack Obama's health care law and nuclear agreement with Iran demonstrated the president's embrace of turmoil as strategy. In both cases, he plunged a pair of policies with broad domestic 285 855972 when it comes to making good on his vows to overhaul some of the cornerstones of Obama's legacy, including the Iran deal and the health care law, that have long loomed as targets for Republicans. As a candidate, he promised to 285 855996 health care law, that have long loomed as targets for Republicans. As a candidate, he promised to rip up the Iran deal on his first day in office. He boasted that overhauling health care would be "easy." Health care has proven 285 856219 toot to diminish their access to affordable care." Trump also has been angered by his struggle to roll back the Iran nuclear accord Obama vigorously championed. Amid warnings from his advisers about the risks of withdrawing from the accord, he ordered 285 856366 has many powers. Not this one." For allies looking for reassurances that Trump was done threatening to withdraw from the Iran deal, he offered nothing but more uncertainty. "We'll see what happens over the next short period of time," Trump said 285 856463 bases to a 2000-kilometer radius, the range of Iranian missiles." Currently, U.S. military bases are located in countries neighboring Iran , less than 310 miles from Iran's borders. Jafari also said that if the United States designates the Guard as a 285 869056 region. Puigdemont's separatist allies pressed him to defy Madrid and declare independence. Paris: French President Emmanuel Macron is considering visiting Iran after speaking by phone with his Iranian counterpart as US President Donald Trump said he was "decertifying" the nuclear deal 285 869118 2015 nuclear agreement which, besides the United States, was also negotiated with Britain, China, Russia and Germany. "A trip to Iran by the president, at the invitation of President Rouhani, has been considered," the Elysee said, while the Iranian presidential website 285 869183 together all the parties in France and its European partners will continue to meet their commitments." Rouhani assured Macron that Iran in turn "will continue to carry out its commitments" in the nuclear accord, the Elysee said. The French leader added 285 869214 the nuclear accord, the Elysee said. The French leader added that it was also necessary to have a dialogue with Iran on other strategic issues including Tehran's ballistic missile programme and stability in the region. Macron also spoke to Rouhani of 285 869240 Tehran's ballistic missile programme and stability in the region. Macron also spoke to Rouhani of his "wish to work with Iran for a lasting political solution to the Syrian crisis." Tehran is a supporter of President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Macron's 285 869263 lasting political solution to the Syrian crisis." Tehran is a supporter of President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Macron's visit to Iran would be the first by a French head of state or government since 1971. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le 285 870194 rid of him, just by voting PH," the former prime minister said. Washington: President Donald Trump will not kill the Iran nuclear deal on Friday. But when he declares that it has not been in US interests, he will consign the 285 870312 against what he has called a "very bad deal" and an "embarrassment" to the country despite all available evidence that Iran is complying with terms which imposed limits on its nuclear program in return for a lifting of sanctions that had 285 870408 the agreement. While the administration is not expected to push Congress to go that far, since it would likely cause Iran to immediately walk away, proponents of the nuclear deal fear that Trump's decision will strike a severe blow at the 285 870437 deal fear that Trump's decision will strike a severe blow at the deal's legitimacy. A significant stiffened US policy toward Iran designed to tackle what the White House says are Tehran's destabilizing activities and support for terrorism could return the enemies 285 870539 who helped negotiate the agreement, said on CNN's "New Day." "If we went all the way and reimposed sanctions while Iran is in compliance ... this would be a slippery slope towards a bad outcome, something very much not in our national 285 870594 decision, and the fact that the International Atomic Energy Agency, US allies and even the US government have said that Iran is in compliance with the agreement, have focused attention on Trump's motivations. Critics say Trump is recklessly risking the deal 285 870714 conservative foreign policy establishment believe that his move on Friday will force America's European allies, China and Russia and eventually Iran back to the table to improve the deal. The President has also complained that the 2015 deal does not allow 285 870869 just so many stakeholders here," said Brian Fleming, an official in the Obama Justice Department who worked extensively on the Iran deal and is now at the Miller & Chevalier law firm. Punting to Congress The decertification by the President is only 285 870895 the Miller & Chevalier law firm. Punting to Congress The decertification by the President is only one aspect of the new Iran policy he will roll out on Friday. Trump is also expected to unveil a toughened approach to respond to Iran's 285 870957 like Hezbollah and Houthi rebels in Yemen, officials have said. By punting a decision on the ultimate destiny of the Iran deal to Congress, Trump can also try to personally avoid blame for the consequences that would follow if he formally 285 871011 fate will be in limbo. Should Congress go ahead and decide to reimpose sanctions, it is all but certain that Iran would walk away. It could then likely reinstall centrifuges disengaged under deal and could race toward the development of a 285 871101 to war by the US. Alternatively, lawmakers could decide to do nothing, effectively leaving the deal untouched. In that case, Iran could decide that it is in its interest to remain in the agreement since it will still be reaping the 285 871155 uncertain whether this option would preserve the deal in the long term. Should European firms, for instance, reconsider investments in Iran under the shadow of potential future US sanctions, they could decide not to invest in Iran, and thereby lower the 285 871171 instance, reconsider investments in Iran under the shadow of potential future US sanctions, they could decide not to invest in Iran , and thereby lower the dividend that Tehran won by supporting the deal. That could bolster hardline opponents of the deal 285 871193 thereby lower the dividend that Tehran won by supporting the deal. That could bolster hardline opponents of the deal inside Iran , as could the administration's desire to sanction individuals and entities in Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, which controls vast business interests 285 871246 be very humiliating and embarrassing for the Rouhani government," said Trita Parsi, author of the book "Losing an Enemy," Obama, Iran and the Triumph of Diplomacy." "They may be committed to the deal and they may not want to start messing 285 903868 five years in Afghanistan, were credible, a judge.. Jerusalem Post 14 Nov 2022 Macron said the current political situation in Iran , where protests have broken out against the government, changed the situation.. Rumble 03 Aug 2022 Your waste, the protein in 285 911988 crime, street crime, white collar crime, cyber crime, sex crime, crime fiction, crime prevention, espionage and terrorism. Trump's Speech on Iran : Warmed-Over Rejectionism 10/14/17 By Paul Pillar (source: LobeLog) Donald Trump's speech on Iran is the latest chapter 285 912004 terrorism. Trump's Speech on Iran: Warmed-Over Rejectionism 10/14/17 By Paul Pillar (source: LobeLog) Donald Trump's speech on Iran is the latest chapter in his struggle to reconcile his overriding impulse to destroy any significant achievements of his predecessor 285 912039 any significant achievements of his predecessor with the fact that the most salient of those achievements in foreign policy-the Iran nuclear agreement or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)-is working. The agreement is fulfilling its objective of keeping closed 285 912073 is fulfilling its objective of keeping closed all paths to an Iranian nuclear weapon. As international inspectors have repeatedly determined, Iran is fulfilling its obligations under the agreement. The struggle for Trump is more difficult on Iran policy than with the 285 912089 inspectors have repeatedly determined, Iran is fulfilling its obligations under the agreement. The struggle for Trump is more difficult on Iran policy than with the Affordable Care Act, where Trump has been using his own executive actions to destroy directly what 285 912206 impulse and reality, to do what the adults are advising him not to do, and to come up with an Iran strategy that is markedly different from what previous administrations have done. Neither the brief boilerplate in his speech about countering 285 912243 his speech about countering Iran's "destabilizing activity" and conventional weapons development nor the paper labeled as a "new strategy on Iran " that the White House released shortly before the speech provides such a strategy. Most of the paper could have been 285 912369 mention that in the two instances in which its supply of heavy water bumped up against the agreed-upon limits Iran promptly did exactly what it is supposed to do under the agreement, which is to sell or otherwise dispose of 285 912432 the JCPOA not to reprocess spent fuel, the heavy water does not represent a proliferation concern. Trump also asserted that Iran had "intimidated international inspectors," a line which evidently hinges on some Iranian rhetorical bravado about not giving foreigners the run 285 912471 the run of their country and which continues a theme pushed by Nikki Haley intended to foster the belief that Iran is denying inspectors access to suspect sites. Neither Trump nor Haley has provided a shred of evidence that there has 285 912617 grounds for claiming Iranian noncompliance, Trump surely would have invoked the clauses in the law that instead refer to whether Iran is meeting its obligations. Familiar Opposition Themes Trump also went to the usual wells in complaining about "flaws" in the 285 912890 This was true of Trump's efforts to encourage other misconceptions about the JCPOA, including the favorite one among opponents that Iran got its benefits "up front" before fulfilling most of its obligations. In fact, the reverse was true, with Iran having 285 912909 that Iran got its benefits "up front" before fulfilling most of its obligations. In fact, the reverse was true, with Iran having to dismantle centrifuge cascades, dilute enriched uranium, gut its reactor, and take most of the steps it was required 285 913001 The first portion of Trump's speech was a play to the emotions that consisted of a recitation of bad things Iran had done through the years, dating back to the hostage crisis of almost 40 years ago and featuring terrorist attacks 285 913055 were indeed many reprehensible Iranian deeds during those years to note the misrepresentations in the speech. Trump tried to tie Iran to al-Qaeda (evidently relying on the fact of some al-Qaeda members having been in Iran, in a status 285 913072 tried to tie Iran to al-Qaeda (evidently relying on the fact of some al-Qaeda members having been in Iran , in a status that probably was most like house arrest) and its attacks, including the attacks on U.S. embassies in 285 913175 their own perception of self-interest and partly through inducements, which is what the JCPOA is all about in keeping Iran from building nuclear weapons. Also missing was any reference to the responsibility of other players for much of the mayhem 285 913222 U.S.-supported war in Yemen). Missing as well was any genuine connection between all of the recited reasons to dislike Iran and a rationale for Trump undermining the JCPOA. Trump offered the usual assertions about unfrozen assets that Iran "could use 285 913240 to dislike Iran and a rationale for Trump undermining the JCPOA. Trump offered the usual assertions about unfrozen assets that Iran "could use to fund terrorism" while offering no reason to believe that the level of what is unfrozen has anything 285 913285 level of Iran's activity outside its borders. Trump even used the chestnut about a payment by the Obama administration to Iran in the form of pallets of cash-without mentioning, of course, that this payment was settlement of an old claim 285 913309 of pallets of cash-without mentioning, of course, that this payment was settlement of an old claim involving aircraft that Iran under the shah had ordered but the United States never delivered, and that cash was used because Iran was still 285 913327 aircraft that Iran under the shah had ordered but the United States never delivered, and that cash was used because Iran was still frozen out of Western banking systems. Empty Strategy Although Trump claimed to be offering an entirely new strategy 285 913349 still frozen out of Western banking systems. Empty Strategy Although Trump claimed to be offering an entirely new strategy on Iran and not just making a statement about the JCPOA, something else that was missing was any reason to believe that 285 913629 enriching uranium. This line in the speech points to the vacuity of what Trump is offering for a policy toward Iran : endless hostility and confrontation, and with it the risk of war, sustained by a baseless hope of regime change-a 285 913803 U.S. Foreign Policy (2001), Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy (2011), and Why America Misunderstands the World (2016). U.S. Allies Back Iran Deal Despite Trump's Tough Talk 10/14/17 Source: RFE/RL U.S. allies and other countries have weighed in on 285 913838 other countries have weighed in on U.S. President Donald Trump's threat to abandon a nuclear deal between global powers and Iran , saying they will continue to back the agreement. Source: Iran Today daily Trump, in a long-awaited Iran-policy speech 285 913848 threat to abandon a nuclear deal between global powers and Iran, saying they will continue to back the agreement. Source: Iran Today daily Trump, in a long-awaited Iran-policy speech on October 13, vowed to step up pressure on Iran 285 913856 powers and Iran, saying they will continue to back the agreement. Source: Iran Today daily Trump, in a long-awaited Iran -policy speech on October 13, vowed to step up pressure on Iran, assailing Tehran as a "rogue regime" and threatening 285 913868 Iran Today daily Trump, in a long-awaited Iran-policy speech on October 13, vowed to step up pressure on Iran , assailing Tehran as a "rogue regime" and threatening to walk away from the deal if what he called "serious flaws 285 914166 of the U.S. and its allies before taking any steps that might undermine the [accord], such as reimposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement," the leaders of France, Britain, and Germany warned in a joint statement. The statement was signed 285 914203 The statement was signed by French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and British Prime Minister Theresa May. The Iran Deal neutralises their nuclear programme Foreign Office (@foreignoffice) October 13, 2017 In a separate statement, Macron said he 285 914244 reassured Iranian President Hassan Rohani that France remained committed to the nuclear deal. Macron also said he is considering visiting Iran after speaking by phone with Rohani, the Elysee presidential office said October 13. "A trip to Iran by the president 285 914261 is considering visiting Iran after speaking by phone with Rohani, the Elysee presidential office said October 13. "A trip to Iran by the president, at the invitation of President Rohani, has been considered," the Elysee said. The Iranian presidential website said 285 914833 and said he would work to remove them from the agreement. "In just a few years, as key restrictions disappear, Iran can sprint toward a rapid nuclear weapons breakout," Trump said. "We got weak inspections in exchange for no more than 285 914915 as president, at any time," he asserted. Under U.S. law, the president is required every 90 days to certify whether Iran is complying with the terms of the nuclear deal. Trump said that, "based on the factual record, I am announcing 285 914990 To help counter Iran's actions, Trump said he will call on Congress to strengthen a U.S. law -- known as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA) -- which runs alongside the nuclear deal and was passed by Congress in response to the 285 915045 points" related to Iran's nuclear- and ballistic-missile programs, the crossing of which would immediately and automatically reimpose sanctions against Iran . The Republican-controlled Congress will have 60 days to consider any amendments to INARA. Along with amending it. Trump announced 285 915174 is responsible for certifying the multilateral nuclear deal, disputed Trump's claim that inspection processes are weak, saying that "at present, Iran is subject to the world's most robust nuclear verification regime." IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano insisted that Iran has been 285 915192 at present, Iran is subject to the world's most robust nuclear verification regime." IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano insisted that Iran has been implementing its commitments under the agreement. "The nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being 285 915207 General Yukiya Amano insisted that Iran has been implementing its commitments under the agreement. "The nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented": IAEA DG Yukiya Amano#IranDeal @iaeaorg Project Ploughshares (@ploughshares_ca) October 14, 2017 285 915334 requires a coalition of international partners, not unilateral congressional action," said the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. " Iran must never have a nuclear weapon. To ensure that, we must strictly enforce the nuclear deal, work to lengthen its 285 915457 literally been getting away with murder. Meanwhile, the United States has lacked a comprehensive strategy to meet the multifaceted threat Iran poses," McCain said. Mara Karlin, a former senior U.S. Defense Department official involved in policy, strategy, and planning for Middle 285 923139 prison, and Tejohn Cooper, 44, of Galloway Township, N.J., was sentenced to eight years. President Donald Trump speaks about the Iran deal from the Diplomatic Reception Room at the White House in Washington, Friday, Oct. 13, 2017. Read more Here's what 285 923172 Friday, Oct. 13, 2017. Read more Here's what you need to know about President Trump's new, hard-line strategy on Iran : It doesnt end the Iran nuclear deal immediately but could eventually kill it. According to U.S. law, the president has 285 923177 more Here's what you need to know about President Trump's new, hard-line strategy on Iran: It doesnt end the Iran nuclear deal immediately but could eventually kill it. According to U.S. law, the president has to certify every 90 days 285 923199 deal immediately but could eventually kill it. According to U.S. law, the president has to certify every 90 days that Iran is living up to the terms of the nuclear pact and that the deal is in the national security interest 285 923233 deal is in the national security interest of the United States. Trump "decertified." In short, that means that he said Iran was violating the terms, and claimed that the deal served no purpose because it only delayed Iran's nuclear capability for 285 923269 delayed Iran's nuclear capability for the short-term. In reality, both international inspectors and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson say Iran is basically adhering to the terms of the deal, which include dismantling the bulk of its centrifuges and sending its 285 923313 fissile material out of the country. The other parties to the pact, our European allies, Russia, and China, also say Iran is complying. But Trump's decertification doesn't mean the U.S. will withdraw in the short term. He has kicked the can 285 923371 that were lifted as part of the pact. And he has asked Congress to "fix" the deal by demanding that Iran accept new terms. If Tehran refuses, the nuclear-related sanctions would be reinstated. That would kill the deal. Many of 285 923428 going about it. Trump put forward two sets of demands: nuclear and non-nuclear. The first set seeks to force Iran to revamp the nuclear treaty without further negotiations. This would include extending its timeline indefinitely rather than allowing certain provisions 285 923636 When the deal was sealed, the Iranians were within two months of being capable of producing nuclear weapons. Even if Iran broke out of the deal, that time has been extended to a year because of the dismantling of the Iranian 285 923683 ayatollahs have no viable path to a bomb for well over a decade. To unilaterally destroy the deal would leave Iran free to pursue a bomb, while putting the onus for the crisis on Washington. It would shred hopes of global 285 923730 or its proxy wars in the Mideast. If Trump considers Iran's activities to be so dangerous, imagine the danger if Iran were freed of nuclear restraints. This is why Tillerson and Secretary of Defense James Mattis have affirmed publicly that it 285 923802 hands of Congress. Sens. Tom Cotton (R., Ark) and Bob Corker (R., Tenn.) are working on legislation to "fix" the Iran deal. If that legislation proposes new sanctions outside the Iran deal on Iran's missile program or Revolutionary Guards, that won't 285 923812 Corker (R., Tenn.) are working on legislation to "fix" the Iran deal. If that legislation proposes new sanctions outside the Iran deal on Iran's missile program or Revolutionary Guards, that won't kill the deal. Indeed, French President Emmanuel Macron has declared 285 923849 Emmanuel Macron has declared himself ready to lead a joint European push to supplement the deal with new curbs on Iran . But if Congress passes legislation demanding Iran meet new terms or else face the restoration of sanctions already dropped, that 285 923856 lead a joint European push to supplement the deal with new curbs on Iran. But if Congress passes legislation demanding Iran meet new terms or else face the restoration of sanctions already dropped, that would spell the end of the nuclear 285 923925 United States is headed down a path where we could wind up with the worst of all possible outcomes: an Iran freed of nuclear restraints at a time when it is expanding its geographical reach. And if Congress does nothing, Trump 285 940429 Alabama senator over the establishment candidate endorsed by Trump. He said he believes Trumps recent actions, such as decertifying the Iran nuclear deal and other moves that Bannon said blow up the Obamacare insurance exchanges, are a direct result of Moores 285 942802 plenary. Jerusalem, Oct 14 : Israel has welcomed US President Donald Trump's decision not to certify the landmark nuclear deal with Iran and also hailed his remarks. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Trump's remarks on Friday as a "courageous decision", Xinhua 285 942881 world powers would follow the US. Netanyahu has been a vocal opponent of the 2015 deal, which cancelled sanctions on Iran in return for concessions regarding its nuclear program. The Prime Minister has charged that the agreement fails to halt Iran's 285 942945 step towards "fixing some of the flaws in the dangerous nuclear agreement". "The deal in its current form will allow Iran to develop a nuclear capability in the not so distant future," Katz said in a statement, adding that the deal 285 942967 develop a nuclear capability in the not so distant future," Katz said in a statement, adding that the deal provides Iran with "a kind of an insurance policy until then." In a statement earlier on Friday, Trump said that he had 285 943036 and will not make this certification," Trump said at the White House. Trump also threatened that he may terminate the Iran nuclear deal at any time, which was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United 285 943048 Trump also threatened that he may terminate the Iran nuclear deal at any time, which was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany. According to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed 285 943063 was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany. According to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed by US Congress in 2015, the US government is required to recertify to Congress Iran's 285 943107 nuclear deal every 90 days. London, Oct 14 : Britain, France and Germany remain committed to the 2015 nuclear accord with Iran , the leaders of the three countries have said after US President Donald Trump threatened to abandon the deal. Under the 285 943205 Angela Merkel said in a joint statement on Friday, hours after Trump said he would withdraw from the pact if Iran and the other signatories did not agree to correct its "many serious flaws", Efe news reported. "Preserving the JCPOA is 285 943275 the US and its allies before taking any steps that might undermine the JCPOA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement," they said. In Brussels, the European Union's foreign policy chief conveyed a similar message, but in 285 943323 ago, exactly in July 2015, the entire international community welcomed the results of 12 years of intense negotiations on the Iran nuclear program," Federica Mogherini told a press conference. "It is not a bilateral agreement. It does not belong to any 285 943407 confirmed on eight separate occasions by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), whose Director, Yukiya Amano, said on Friday that Iran was "subject to the world's most robust nuclear verification regime." Mogherini said that Washington could not be the arbiter of 285 951074 install safety devices in their vehicles. After US President Donald Trump's recent address where he decided 'unilaterally' to decertify the Iran nuclear deal, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has hit out and said the deal is not a bilateral agreement where Trump 285 951145 well as Tehran's ballistic missile programme. In a live speech that followed Trump's remarks pertaining to new US strategy towards Iran , Rouhani on Friday said President Trump cannot decertify Iran's international nuclear deal "unilaterally", Xinhua news agency reported. advertisement "Apparently Trump 285 951177 deal "unilaterally", Xinhua news agency reported. advertisement "Apparently Trump does not know that this is not a bilateral document between Iran and the United States to treat in any way he wishes," Rouhani said. "Trump's remarks showed that the Joint Comprehensive 285 951242 other parties involved in the clinch of deal with his policy over the nuclear deal. The Iranian President stressed that Iran would respect the nuclear deal as long as its "national interests and rights are met". "We have cooperated with the 285 951343 President also said he would ask Congress to establish "trigger points," which could prompt the US to reimpose sanctions on Iran over a series of issues, including Iran's continued ballistic missile launches. TRUMP THREATENS TO TERMINATE NUCLEAR DEAL In response, Rouhani 285 951428 dismissed the remarks of the US President that the Islamic republic's ballistic missile programme is a threat to the world. " Iran will earnestly follow and boost its defensive and security capabilities," Qasemi said. The national security and interest will be the 285 951493 am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification," Trump said at the White House about the Iran nuclear deal. He also threatened that he might terminate the nuclear deal at any time. advertisement WHAT IS JCPOA? The 285 951520 he might terminate the nuclear deal at any time. advertisement WHAT IS JCPOA? The JCPOA was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany. According to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed 285 951535 was reached in 2015 between Iran and Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany. According to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act passed by US Congress in 2015, the US government is required to recertify to Congress Iran's 285 951956 by the President of the US would never intimidate Iranians. Donald Trump threatened on Friday to pull out of the Iran nuclear agreement and blasted Tehran for misdeeds ranging from the 1979 hostage crisis at the US embassy in Tehran to 285 962187 said that "binary choice" could force the US to choose between war or living with a nuclear North Korea or Iran in the absence of an effective secretary of state who can make inroads on those fronts. Tillerson last week attempted 285 971014 Main points The accord brings to a minimum of one year, for at least 10 years, the "breakout time" that Iran needs to produce enough fissile material to make an atom bomb. Tehran agrees to slash the number of uranium centrifuges 285 971192 Tehran is sticking to the terms of the deal. Its staff had conducted at least 400 inspections of sites in Iran and 25 snap inspections, it says. Sanctions eased The deal paves the way for a partial lifting of international sanctions 285 971214 25 snap inspections, it says. Sanctions eased The deal paves the way for a partial lifting of international sanctions on Iran , opening the door for foreign investors, with French energy giant Total and carmakers PSA and Renault quick to strike deals 285 973858 JCPOA's framework could spread quickly, perhaps even leading to the deal's collapse. Trump's approach also relies on the assumption that Iran a country with a precarious political balance to maintain within its borders won't respond aggressively to provocation. Still, the president's 285 973958 a resurgent Russia and a rising China. The solution it has settled on is to balance Middle Eastern powers including Iran against one another, forming a built-in check to prevent any one country from becoming too influential. But Iran's pursuit 285 974075 the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula has deepened. Reviving the nuclear ambitions of and the threat of conflict with Iran by abandoning the JCPOA would doubtless detract from the United States' ability to address these urgent needs in Eurasia and 285 974214 key: The United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) agree that there is no evidence to suggest that Iran is not complying with the deal. And as long as Iran upholds its end of the bargain, the European Union 285 974225 agree that there is no evidence to suggest that Iran is not complying with the deal. And as long as Iran upholds its end of the bargain, the European Union will likely push back against any U.S. attempt to reinstate broad 285 974292 to do so.) All of these factors will make it difficult for Congress to put sanctions back in place against Iran . But perhaps that's exactly what the Trump administration is counting on. After all, the president derided the nuclear deal during 285 974358 the decision and gain the political cover needed to keep the agreement in place while adopting a tougher stance toward Iran . Weighing the Cost of a Nuclear Weapon Of course, the United States is only half of the JCPOA equation. And 285 974380 the Cost of a Nuclear Weapon Of course, the United States is only half of the JCPOA equation. And though Iran is often portrayed throughout the West as an erratic and unreliable partner, the country like all nation-states in the 285 974429 reflect its constraints and imperatives. Chief among them, for the Islamic republic, is the simple need to survive. Throughout history, Iran has faced the threat of invasion from the west, first from powerful forces in Mesopotamia and then from the state 285 974528 has only heightened its vulnerability in modern times. With Saddam's removal from power, Iraq presented more opportunity than risk to Iran , and Tehran began to exert influence over its neighbor's Shiite leaders. But Iraq's fate also served as a stark warning 285 974575 were once an asset for Saddam became the liability that led to his downfall. The message was not lost on Iran , which halted most of its nuclear weapons development in 2003, even as it used the facade of the program's progress 285 974764 growing sentiment among Iranians that the pursuit of a nuclear weapons program isn't worth the steep cost of sanctions. Consequently, Iran is keen to avoid making any rash decisions about its nuclear weapons development. Rather than uniting the United States and 285 974813 will likely keep using the issue to drive the wedge between them even deeper. A Piece of a Bigger Puzzle Iran will enter into any new negotiations over its nuclear program with an eye toward the rest of the international community 285 974836 into any new negotiations over its nuclear program with an eye toward the rest of the international community as well. Iran has little incentive to remain a pariah state, given the extent to which that status has already devastated its economy 285 974948 Turkey and Russia that may be more likely to threaten Tehran's security interests, especially as Washington withdraws from the region. Iran is deeply concerned about Turkey's resurgence in the lands it previously controlled during the Ottoman Empire, including Iraq and the 285 974976 the lands it previously controlled during the Ottoman Empire, including Iraq and the Levant. And Russia a country with which Iran has fought numerous wars has similarly increased its involvement in Tehran's backyard over the past decade. Detente with an external 285 975017 powerhouse like the United States would certainly improve Iran's position against both threats. Saudi Arabia is another regional rival that Iran is sure to watch, particularly given the Sunni kingdom's close relationship with the United States. Despite that partnership, however, Washington's 285 975140 far more diversified, which suggests that it will fare better in a world where oil no longer reigns supreme. Moreover, Iran has the advantage of strategic location. As China works to build land routes through Asia to Europe, it will have 285 975167 As China works to build land routes through Asia to Europe, it will have to choose whether to pass through Iran or Russia a decision that Beijing's natural rivalry with Moscow will make easy. With a quick glance at the map 285 975237 Partnership Checked by Politics The slow-moving undercurrents of geopolitics can take years to shape domestic policy. In the meantime, Iran and the United States will continue to display their mutual animosity at home. Iran's powerful hard-line groups, including the 285 975309 discuss scaling back its conventional weapons program, as some have suggested it might, their objections will only grow louder. Until Iran takes true strides toward a more moderate foreign policy, its conservative groups will continue to disrupt any agreement with the 285 975368 militant groups and threats to the Persian Gulf have slowed Washington's attempts to pull back from the region. The reputation Iran has gained among the American public hasn't made things any easier: Many of Iran's current leaders were visible figures during 285 975442 only start to chip away when the next generation of political leaders rises to power in both countries. For now, Iran and the United States have reached a crossroads in their relationship. Many of their long-term imperatives have begun to 285 975501 problems that each state now faces. And should the nuclear deal collapse, it could push back the lasting relationship that Iran and the United States have begun to build by another decade. Property details: The Buy it Now Price is the 285 1060855 they should be learning to play music and buy his musical instruments. So when I told my knowledgeable friend about Iran reaching the economic take-off written by a second-rate economist, Walt Rostoff, that Iran had reached the stage when 285 1060870 told my knowledgeable friend about Iran reaching the economic take-off written by a second-rate economist, Walt Rostoff, that Iran had reached the stage when economic aid was no longer needed, I showed how well my knowledgeable high school teachers 285 1061051 but Ike had also given the Dulles brother permission to overthrow the Iranian democracy under Dr. Mossadegh, prime minister of Iran , because he owed Winston Churchill a favor for making him Supreme Allied Commander in WW II instead of Montgomery. When 285 1061088 instead of Montgomery. When Jack learned the Shah gave five million to Nixons campaign, he used Walts book to say Iran need no more economic aid and the Shah was fit to be tied. Because Americans wanted Iran as a buffer 285 1061105 book to say Iran need no more economic aid and the Shah was fit to be tied. Because Americans wanted Iran as a buffer to Russian penetration to oil rich Middle East, he went to Moscow and offered to sell gas 285 1081818 Linkedin Andrew Beatty (Agence France-Presse) Washington, United States Sat, October 14, 2017 09:35 1858 1f87594453bb792833e1ece3a2470d9d 2 World Nuclear, Iran ,trump,EU Free President Donald Trump reignited the decades-old US feud with Iran on Friday, vowing to confront the 285 1081832 35 1858 1f87594453bb792833e1ece3a2470d9d 2 World Nuclear,Iran,trump,EU Free President Donald Trump reignited the decades-old US feud with Iran on Friday, vowing to confront the "fanatical regime" and throwing a landmark international nuclear agreement into doubt. In a speech 285 1081966 agreement, appearing to accuse them of placing trade profits ahead of security. "Many people talking, with much agreement, on my Iran speech today. Participants in the deal are making lots of money on trade with Iran!" he wrote on Twitter. Trump's 285 1081981 with much agreement, on my Iran speech today. Participants in the deal are making lots of money on trade with Iran !" he wrote on Twitter. Trump's bellicose message brought an instant rebuke from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who -- also leaning heavily 285 1082216 to the security of the US and its allies before taking any steps that might undermine" the deal. Read also: Iran threatens to quit nuclear deal Topics : Nuclear Iran trump EU TheJakartaPost Please Update your browser Your browser is out of 285 1082224 allies before taking any steps that might undermine" the deal. Read also: Iran threatens to quit nuclear deal Topics : Nuclear Iran trump EU TheJakartaPost Please Update your browser Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with our 285 1088156 blockade by Baghdad Since the overwhelming 93 percent vote for independence in Kurdistan Sept. 25, the capitalist regimes in Iraq, Iran , Turkey and Syria all with substantial Kurdish populations have been moving to tighten a blockade against the Kurdistan Regional Government 285 1097131 2015 nuclear agreement which, besides the United States, was also negotiated with Britain, China, Russia and Germany. A trip to Iran by the president, at the invitation of President Rouhani, has been considered, the Elysee said, while the Iranian presidential website 285 1097196 together all the parties in France and its European partners will continue to meet their commitments. Rouhani assured Macron that Iran in turn will continue to carry out its commitments in the nuclear accord, the Elysee said. The French leader added 285 1097227 the nuclear accord, the Elysee said. The French leader added that it was also necessary to have a dialogue with Iran on other strategic issues including Tehrans ballistic missile programme and stability in the region. Macron also spoke to Rouhani of 285 1097253 Tehrans ballistic missile programme and stability in the region. Macron also spoke to Rouhani of his wish to work with Iran for a lasting political solution to the Syrian crisis. Tehran is a supporter of President Bashar al-Assads regime. Macrons 285 1097276 lasting political solution to the Syrian crisis. Tehran is a supporter of President Bashar al-Assads regime. Macrons visit to Iran would be the first by a French head of state or government since 1971. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le 285 1097338 Britain issued a joint statement saying they were concerned about Trumps decision while reiterating their commitment to the deal. Condemning Iran as a fanatical regime, President Donald Trump today threatened to terminate the landmark Iran nuclear deal if Congress and US 285 1097352 their commitment to the deal. Condemning Iran as a fanatical regime, President Donald Trump today threatened to terminate the landmark Iran nuclear deal if Congress and US allies fail to amend the agreement in significant ways. In his hard-hitting speech 285 1097379 allies fail to amend the agreement in significant ways. In his hard-hitting speech from the White House, Trump accused Iran of violating the spirit of the landmark 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. He said 285 1097401 violating the spirit of the landmark 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. He said that Iran has committed multiple violations of the nuclear deal which among other things allows Tehran to continue and advance its nuclear 285 1097492 in a live address to the nation. A presidential certification to the Congress is must to avoid American sanctions on Iran . Trump said if he is not able to reach a solution working with congress and our allies, then the agreement 285 1097559 are many flaws in the deal, Trump announced that he cannot and will not make certification under the JCPOA. The Iran nuclear deal was signed by Iran and 5+1 group of countries (Britain, China, France, Russia, the US and Germany 285 1097565 Trump announced that he cannot and will not make certification under the JCPOA. The Iran nuclear deal was signed by Iran and 5+1 group of countries (Britain, China, France, Russia, the US and Germany) in 2015 under which Iran agreed 285 1097584 by Iran and 5+1 group of countries (Britain, China, France, Russia, the US and Germany) in 2015 under which Iran agreed to freeze its nuclear programme for 15 years in exchange for sanctions relief. He also accused Iran of sponsoring 285 1097602 under which Iran agreed to freeze its nuclear programme for 15 years in exchange for sanctions relief. He also accused Iran of sponsoring terrorism and said he would deny the regime all paths to a nuclear weapon. History has shown that 285 1097693 the Iranian dictatorship, its sponsorship of terrorism, and its continuing aggression in the Middle East and all around the world. Iran is under the control of a fanatical regime that seized power in 1979 and forced a proud people to submit 285 1097912 join the US in taking strong actions to curb Irans continued dangerous and destabilizing behavior, including thorough sanctions outside the Iran deal that target the regimes ballistic missile program in support for terrorism and all of its destructive activities of which 285 1098107 has only escalated. At the same time, it has received massive sanctions relief while continuing to develop its missiles programme. Iran has also entered into lucrative business contracts with other parties to the agreement, he noted. Stating that when the agreement 285 1098136 other parties to the agreement, he noted. Stating that when the agreement was finalised in 2015, the Congress passed the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act to ensure that its voice would be heard on the deal, he said among other conditions 285 1098183 certify that the suspension of sanctions under the deal is appropriate and proportionate to measure and other measures taken by Iran to terminate its illicit nuclear programme. Trump said he is directing his administration to work closely with congress and its 285 1098257 ask lawmakers to come up with legislation that would automatically re-impose sanctions that were lifted under the deal should Iran cross any one of numerous nuclear and non-nuclear trigger points. Noting that Irans nuclear programme is of big concern 285 1098391 how do we address all of these other issues, Tillerson said. Earlier, the White House while announcing President Trumps new Iran strategy, said the US will revitalise its traditional alliances and regional partnerships as bulwarks against Iranian subversion and restore a 285 1098466 streamline the process of formulating annual budget. President Donald Trumps speech in which he outlined an aggressive new strategy against Iran shows the US is more than ever isolated in its opposition to the nuclear deal, President Hassan Rouhani said today 285 1098608 the landmark deal between Tehran and six world powers including Washington if Congress does not impose tough new sanctions on Iran . He has not studied international law. Can a president annul a multilateral international treaty on his own? Rouhani said. Apparently 285 1098642 treaty on his own? Rouhani said. Apparently he doesnt know that this agreement is not a bilateral agreement solely between Iran and the United States. Ruhani responded in kind to Trumps list of alleged destabilising activities in the region, with his 285 1098708 in wars from Vietnam to Afghanistan and Iraq, and highlighted the shooting down by a US naval vessel of an Iran Air passenger flight in 1988, which killed 290 people. Trump called for tougher sanctions on Irans Revolutionary Guards and ballistic 285 1098839 their country? Rouhani said in a pointed reference to Irans regional rival, Saudi Arabia. Despite Trumps aggressive rhetoric, Rouhani said Iran remained committed to the nuclear agreement for the time being. We respect the JCPOA so long as it remains in 285 1107113 Korea's erratic nuclear programme is not scary enough, the president is following up on his electoral pledge to undo the Iran nuclear accord, which he has described as 'one of the worst deals ever'. Allies including Britain are watching closely, as 285 1107139 described as 'one of the worst deals ever'. Allies including Britain are watching closely, as parties to the deal with Iran which is seen as having constrained its development of nuclear weapons. The White House says Iran has failed to keep 285 1107155 to the deal with Iran which is seen as having constrained its development of nuclear weapons. The White House says Iran has failed to keep to the deal and is using Revolutionary Guards to spread terror across the Middle East and 285 1107196 beyond. Under the terms of the plan, the US President must review the accord every 90 days and can 'decertify' Iran should it be seen to be in breach. That does not mean an immediate return to the sanctions regime which 285 1107273 biggest foreign policy achievement. Nuclear peace, obviously, is the big prize for citizens and people around the world. Planes to Iran have been packed with sales executives taking advantage of a reopened marketplace. Airbus concluded one of the biggest deals, signing 285 1115262 be UK Ambassador to Bahrain Simon Martin.-TradeArabia News Service US President Donald Trump has threatened to terminate the 2015 Iran nuclear deal if Congress and US allies fail to amend the agreement in significant ways. In a vituperative speech on 285 1115390 White House. Trump put the onus on Congress and US allies to agree to means to toughen the conditions on Iran and to make restriction on the countrys nuclear programme permanent. He made clear that if those negotiations fail to reach 285 1115640 head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UNs nuclear watchdog, issued a statement restating the agencys finding that Iran was abiding by its obligations. Within minutes of Trumps speech, Irans president, Hassan Rouhani, went live on state television. He 285 1115738 more isolated than ever against the nuclear deal, [more] isolated than any other time in its plots against people of Iran . However Trump's bold decision won a lot of backing from the region. Israels prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said he wanted 285 1115784 his courageous decision today and for boldly confront[ing] Irans terrorist regime. Netanyahu, who has always opposed the agreement with Iran , said Trumps announcement created an opportunity to fix this bad deal and was a sign of his steely determination. GCC 285 1115822 steely determination. GCC countries including Saudi Arabia and the UAE have welcomed what it called a new US strategy toward Iran . Saudi Arabia lauded Trump's aggressive approach while praising his vision in this and commitment to work with the allies of 285 1115874 Iran's aggressive policies and actions. According to the Saudi Press Agency, Saudi Arabia has previously supported the nuclear agreement between Iran and the "5 + 1" powers, in the belief that it is necessary to limit the regional and international proliferation of 285 1115912 international proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, its statement stressed, adding that it had hoped that the agreement would prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, to achieve security and peace in the region. However, Iran had exploited the economic benefits of 285 1115926 hoped that the agreement would prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, to achieve security and peace in the region. However, Iran had exploited the economic benefits of the lifting of the sanctions and used them to continue destabilising the region, especially 285 1115970 missile development programme and its support for terrorism, including Hezbollah and the Houthi militias in Yemen, stated the SPA report. Iran has not only flagrantly violated the resolution, but also transferred the benefits and its experience to its client militias, including 285 1125815 on the Iraq border area, still controlled by Islamic State. Washington fears further advances by Syrian government forces could help Iran , which backs militias fighting alongside the Syrian military, expand its influence across the region by securing a land route extending 285 1133019 of cutting the Rojava into two and wiping out this pseudo State. The Joint Operation of 12 October 2017 Turkey, Iran and Iraq had met to deaden the vague hopes of an independent pseudo Kurdistan. The Barzani family and Israel have 285 1133178 Kurdistan, once independence had been declared. The Israeli army intends to promptly station missiles there to threaten both Syria and Iran . The pipeline linking the pseudo Kurdistan to the port of Ceyhan (Turkey) will be closed by BOTAS, the Turkish public 285 1133285 civil flights. Flights from and to Erbil will necessarily have to pass through Bagdad. The border-posts between Turkey and Iran on the one side and the pseudo Kurdistan on the other, will all be closed, thereby cutting custom revenues of 285 1133709 Donald J. Trump President Donald J. Trump, in consultation with his national security team, has approved a new strategy for Iran . It is the culmination of nine months of deliberation with Congress and our allies on how to best protect American 285 1133738 deliberation with Congress and our allies on how to best protect American security. HIGHLIGHTS Core Elements of the Presidents New Iran Strategy The United States new Iran strategy focuses on neutralizing the Government of Irans destabilizing influence and constraining its aggression 285 1133744 on how to best protect American security. HIGHLIGHTS Core Elements of the Presidents New Iran Strategy The United States new Iran strategy focuses on neutralizing the Government of Irans destabilizing influence and constraining its aggression, particularly its support for terrorism and 285 1133980 point has been and continues to be the United States of America, which he calls the Great Satan. Under Khamenei, Iran exports violence, destabilizes its neighbors, and sponsors terrorism abroad. Within Iran, under Khameneis rule the Iranian government has oppressed its 285 1133991 America, which he calls the Great Satan. Under Khamenei, Iran exports violence, destabilizes its neighbors, and sponsors terrorism abroad. Within Iran , under Khameneis rule the Iranian government has oppressed its people, abusing their rights, restricting their access to the internet and 285 1134355 regime has accelerated the seeding of these networks with increasingly destructive weapons as they try to establish a bridge from Iran to Lebanon and Syria. The Trump Administration will not repeat these mistakes. The Trump Administrations Iran policy will address the 285 1134371 establish a bridge from Iran to Lebanon and Syria. The Trump Administration will not repeat these mistakes. The Trump Administrations Iran policy will address the totality of these threats from and malign activities by the Government of Iran and will seek 285 1134388 The Trump Administrations Iran policy will address the totality of these threats from and malign activities by the Government of Iran and will seek to bring about a change in the Iranians regimes behavior. The Trump Administration will accomplish these objectives 285 1134436 Iranian threats, particularly those posed by the IRGC. Countering the IRGC Supreme Leader Khameneis primary tool and weapon in remaking Iran into a rogue state has been the hardline elements of the IRGC. The IRGCs stated purpose is to subvert the 285 1142625 in 1980, after the Pentagon created Special Operations Command (SOCOM) to conduct a raid on the US embassy in Tehran, Iran to rescue American hostages. Over the years, SOCOM has vastly broadened its scope, and currently has forces stationed on every 285 1144596 hunt down the guerrilla leader. Rodriguez went on to participate in the Operation Phoenix assassination campaign in Vietnam and the Iran -Contra affair. This professional killer subsequently claimed that his intention had been to transport the guerrilla leader to Panama for 285 1152215 their own solution. Nasser, Nehru, Peron, Ben Bella, Sukharno, the Baathists and, in a later period, the Islamic fundamentalists in Iran and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, were all examples of this process. In virtually all of these cases nationalizations were also 285 1159425 continued a months-long boycott of Qatar over allegations that the government funds extremists and has overly warm ties to Iran . Egypts foreign ministry has demanded an inquiry into alleged violations during the UNESCO voting. The next leader will have to 285 1159620 for keeping Syrian dictator Bashar Assad on a UNESCO human rights committee even after his murderous crackdown on peaceful protesters. Iran , US allies in Europe and Russia on Friday criticized US President Donald Trump's threat to end the 2015 nuclear agreement 285 1159668 the deal. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Trump said in a Washington speech that he would not certify that Iran is complying with its agreement with six world powers and the European Union, despite a determination by the UN's nuclear 285 1159785 backing coming only from Israel and Gulf states Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran will remain committed to the multinational nuclear deal as long as it serves the country's national interests. Trump's decision to 285 1159890 including Britain, France and Germany who, along with Russia and China, were the major powers that negotiated the deal with Iran alongside the European Union. Trump outlines new Iran policies (: ) X In Brussels, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Washington 285 1159898 Russia and China, were the major powers that negotiated the deal with Iran alongside the European Union. Trump outlines new Iran policies (: ) X In Brussels, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Washington could not unilaterally cancel the agreement. "We cannot 285 1160245 supporters," Pushkov told Russia's state-run Rossiya-24 TV station. The head of the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran was complying with the accord, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, under the world's "most robust nuclear 285 1160274 the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, under the world's "most robust nuclear verification regime." "The nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented," Yukiya Amano, director general of the IAEA said in a statement. "What has been 285 1160410 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video statement. Saudi Arabia also welcomed what it called Trump's "decisive strategy" towards Iran and said lifting sanctions had allowed Tehran to develop its ballistic missile program, step up its support for militant groups 285 1160457 Yemen, and attack global shipping lanes. The Riyadh government said in a statement it had supported the nuclear agreement, "but Iran took advantage of the economic gain from raising sanctions and used it to continue destabilizing the region". The United Arab 285 1160488 used it to continue destabilizing the region". The United Arab Emirates said it fully supported the new US policy towards Iran and renewed its commitment to work with Washington to counter Iran's support of extremism, the state news agency WAM reported 285 1160674 US military said on Friday it was identifying new areas where it could work with allies to put pressure on Iran in support of President Donald Trump's new strategy, which promises a far more confrontational approach to Tehran. Follow Ynetnews on 285 1160705 a far more confrontational approach to Tehran. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defiance of other world powers, choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the 285 1160748 warning he might ultimately terminate it. The Pentagon said it was reviewing its options on implement President Trump's policy on Iran (Photo: EPA) He also promised to address Iran more broadly, including its support for extremist groups in the Middle East 285 1160756 said it was reviewing its options on implement President Trump's policy on Iran (Photo: EPA) He also promised to address Iran more broadly, including its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway, a Defense Department spokesman 285 1160799 Pentagon was assessing the positioning of its forces as well as planning but offered few details. President Trump announces new Iran strategy (: ) X "We are identifying new areas where we will work with allies to put pressure on the Iranian regime 285 1160929 they do with their surrogates, like Lebanese Hezbollah ," Mattis said. The US military has long been a strident critic of Iran , accusing it directly and indirectly of trying to undermine the United States and its allies, including in Iraq, Syria and 285 1160989 summer. Iran's Revolutionary Guard will be hit by sanctions levied by US (Photo: AP) Still, a more aggressive approach to Iran could trigger a backlash from Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and forces that it backs. That includes in 285 1161029 in Iraq, where US troops are fighting Islamic State and trying to keep their distance from Shiite militia aligned with Iran . "US forces in Iraq are quite exposed, and coalition forces are quite exposed to the risk of attack if Iranian 285 1163506 Labor Party. From local politics, Gabbay went on to speak about international affairs, and President Donald Trump's press conference about Iran and the nuclear deal. Speaking of Iran and Trump, Gabbay said he hoped for tougher sanctions (Photo: MCT) "Iran is 285 1163513 on to speak about international affairs, and President Donald Trump's press conference about Iran and the nuclear deal. Speaking of Iran and Trump, Gabbay said he hoped for tougher sanctions (Photo: MCT) "Iran is a real threat to the State of 285 1163525 about Iran and the nuclear deal. Speaking of Iran and Trump, Gabbay said he hoped for tougher sanctions (Photo: MCT) " Iran is a real threat to the State of Israel, but not an existential one. It was a very nice speech 285 1163557 an existential one. It was a very nice speech. But you have to remember Trump has already told Congress twice Iran is living up to its part of the deal," Gabbay said. "Obviously isn't cannot allow Iran to reach nuclear capabilities 285 1163573 already told Congress twice Iran is living up to its part of the deal," Gabbay said. "Obviously isn't cannot allow Iran to reach nuclear capabilities There is the stage of speeches, and that's followed by the stage of closed-door diplomacy 285 1163636 the diplomacy phase, we couldn't impact what was going on," Gabbay criticized. When asked about Trump's hard-line stance on Iran , which sometimes seems to eclipse even Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's own position, Gabbay said, "We're the ones who have to 285 1164555 US President Donald Trump threat to tear up the landmark nuclear deal. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Over in Iran , Trump's use of the phrase "Arabian Gulf" rather than "Persian Gulf" particularly hit a nerve, in a country with a 285 1164714 aggression in the Middle East and all around the world." He threatened to "terminate" the 2015 nuclear deal signed between Iran and six world powers unless Congress passed stringent new sanctions. Iranian reads about Trump's speech in local paper (Photo: EPA 285 1164813 he added. The other signatories to the nuclear dealBritain, France, Germany, China and Russiahave called for its preservation, saying that Iran is clearly sticking to its commitments. Trump's efforts to reach out to ordinary Iranians, who he referred to as the 285 1164889 inundated by more than a million comments, mostly from jeering Iranians. "I was so angry last night. This person hates Iran so much that even if we don't support the ideas of the regime, we find ourselves supporting them and the 285 1165202 that would trigger a US response. "If the Congress goes ahead with new sanctions, then the deal is dead and Iran will restart its nuclear programme and move forward full-steam ahead in all fields," Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the 285 1165228 and move forward full-steam ahead in all fields," Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran, told AFP. " Iran will probably invest even more than before in order to show the Americans that they can't get away with destroying 285 1165271 US Democrats go after Trump, while Republicans support him Back home, Trump's vow to strike a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defiance of other world powers will likely give US lawmakers 60 days to decide whether 285 1165297 defiance of other world powers will likely give US lawmakers 60 days to decide whether to bring back sanctions on Iran that were lifted under the deal. If Congress reimposes the sanctions, the United States would in effect be in violation 285 1165444 james Mattised) and the secretary of state (Rex Tillerson)," Pelosi said in a statement following Trump's speech. "The fact is, iran remains in compliance with the nuclear agreement." Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who opposed the deal two years ago, has 285 1165516 Engel opposed the deal two years ago but said killing it now would be a "grave mistake." Engel remains an Iran hawk on issues such as Tehrans ballistic missile program, human rights violations and its support for what Washington sees as 285 1165560 AP) Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan congratulated Trump and said that "the nuclear agreement struck by the previous administration with Iran is fatally flawed. "Not only did it codify Tehran's domestic enrichment capability, but once key restraints expire in the coming 285 1165600 coming years, the regime will be free to pursue nuclear weapons under the guise of international legitimacy. All the while, Iran has continued to test-fire ballistic missiles and finance its terrorist proxies across the globe. Simply enforcing a fatally flawed 285 1165674 who has butted heads with Trump in the past, also stated his support of re-examining the nuclear agreement with Iran . "For years, the Iranian regime has literally been getting away with murder," McCain said in a statement. "Meanwhile, the United 285 1165706 murder," McCain said in a statement. "Meanwhile, the United States has lacked the comprehensive strategy to meet the multifaceted threat Iran poses. The goals President Trump presented in his speech today are a welcomed long overdue change." Iran carried out a 285 1165723 the multifaceted threat Iran poses. The goals President Trump presented in his speech today are a welcomed long overdue change." Iran carried out a cyber attack on British lawmakers earlier this year, The Times newspaper reported on Saturday, citing an intelligence 285 1165776 came the day after Britain joined other European countries in warning the United States against harming a nuclear deal with Iran . Britain was hit by a worldwide sustained and determined cyber attack in June, designed to identify weak email passwords, just 285 1167475 Donald J. Trump President Donald J. Trump, in consultation with his national security team, has approved a new strategy for Iran . It is the culmination of nine months of deliberation with Congress and our allies on how to best protect American 285 1167504 deliberation with Congress and our allies on how to best protect American security. HIGHLIGHTS Core Elements of the Presidents New Iran Strategy The United States new Iran strategy focuses on neutralizing the Government of Irans destabilizing influence and constraining its aggression 285 1167510 on how to best protect American security. HIGHLIGHTS Core Elements of the Presidents New Iran Strategy The United States new Iran strategy focuses on neutralizing the Government of Irans destabilizing influence and constraining its aggression, particularly its support for terrorism and 285 1167746 point has been and continues to be the United States of America, which he calls the Great Satan. Under Khamenei, Iran exports violence, destabilizes its neighbors, and sponsors terrorism abroad. Within Iran, under Khameneis rule the Iranian government has oppressed its 285 1167757 America, which he calls the Great Satan. Under Khamenei, Iran exports violence, destabilizes its neighbors, and sponsors terrorism abroad. Within Iran , under Khameneis rule the Iranian government has oppressed its people, abusing their rights, restricting their access to the internet and 285 1168121 regime has accelerated the seeding of these networks with increasingly destructive weapons as they try to establish a bridge from Iran to Lebanon and Syria. The Trump Administration will not repeat these mistakes. The Trump Administrations Iran policy will address the 285 1168137 establish a bridge from Iran to Lebanon and Syria. The Trump Administration will not repeat these mistakes. The Trump Administrations Iran policy will address the totality of these threats from and malign activities by the Government of Iran and will seek 285 1168154 The Trump Administrations Iran policy will address the totality of these threats from and malign activities by the Government of Iran and will seek to bring about a change in the Iranians regimes behavior. The Trump Administration will accomplish these objectives 285 1168202 Iranian threats, particularly those posed by the IRGC. Countering the IRGC Supreme Leader Khameneis primary tool and weapon in remaking Iran into a rogue state has been the hardline elements of the IRGC. The IRGCs stated purpose is to subvert the 285 1177927 militants. Jerusalem: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has congratulated US President Trump for his decision not to re-certify the Iran nuclear deal. In a statement released today, Netanyahu praised what he called a "courageous decision." He says Trump has created 285 1177985 relevant nations to do the same. Netanyahu has been a fierce critic of the 2015 deal, which lifted sanctions on Iran in exchange for concessions regarding its nuclear program. He has long warned that it failed to address Iran's support for 285 1178012 nuclear program. He has long warned that it failed to address Iran's support for militant groups who act against Israel. Iran is Israel's archenemy and openly calls for its destruction. Mogadishu: Two car bombs in separate parts of Somalia`s capital 285 1179971 of mutual trust which is also fostered by parliamentary cooperation. The interlocutors stressed that Armenia is a reliable partner for Iran . The heads of the parliaments of the two countries highlighted the fact that the parliamentary friendship groups actively work. A 285 1186527 but by the punishments that the good have inflicted." -- Oscar Wilde By Mark Najarian WASHINGTON -- U.S. President Donald Trump blasted Iran , calling it a rogue regime run by fanatical leaders, but he stopped short of immediately pulling the United States out 285 1186563 pulling the United States out of a landmark 2015 nuclear accord signed with global powers. Trump, giving a long-awaited Iran -policy speech on October 13, also announced tough sanctions on Irans hard-line Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) for what 285 1186673 cannot eliminate the deals many serious flaws. Under U.S. law, the president is required every 90 days to certify whether Iran is complying with the terms of the nuclear deal. Trump said that, based on the factual record, I am announcing 285 1186754 deal and counter Irans activities, Trump said he will call on Congress to strengthen the U.S. law -- known as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA) -- which runs alongside the nuclear deal and was passed by Congress in response to the 285 1186809 points" related to Iran's nuclear- and ballistic-missile programs, the crossing of which would immediately and automatically reimpose sanctions against Iran . Congress will have 60 days to consider any amendments to the INARA. Iranian President Hassan Rohani said in a televised 285 1187193 said he would work to eliminate the clauses from the accord. In just a few years, as key restrictions disappear, Iran can sprint toward a rapid nuclear weapons breakout, Trump said. We got weak inspections in exchange for no more than 285 1187449 requires a coalition of international partners, not unilateral congressional action, said the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Iran must never have a nuclear weapon. To ensure that, we must strictly enforce the nuclear deal, work to lengthen its 285 1187571 literally been getting away with murder. Meanwhile, the United States has lacked a comprehensive strategy to meet the multifaceted threat Iran poses," McCain said. U.S. allies and other countries also weighed in on Trumps statement and his threats to the nuclear 285 1187691 of the U.S. and its allies before taking any steps that might undermine the [accord], such as reimposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement," it said. The statement was signed by French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and 285 1190966 littoral states seaports is being held in Turkmenbashi city, the Turkmen Dovlet Habarlary state news agency reported. Representatives of Azerbaijan, Iran , Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan will discuss the cooperation in the field of navigation, maritime freight traffic, ensuring safety of navigation 285 1191513 By Farhad Daneshvar Trend: A foreign-based Iranian expert has criticized US President Donald Trump over his decision on decertifying Iran nuclear deal, calling for establishing peace between the two countries. During a combative speech on Friday, US President Donald Trump 285 1191535 deal, calling for establishing peace between the two countries. During a combative speech on Friday, US President Donald Trump condemned Iran as a "fanatical regime" and refused to continue signing off on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA/nuclear deal 285 1191563 continue signing off on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA/nuclear deal). In the meantime, the US president accused Iran of sponsoring terrorism and proposed new sanctions. Iran is under the control of a fanatical regime that seized power in 285 1191571 of Action (JCPOA/nuclear deal). In the meantime, the US president accused Iran of sponsoring terrorism and proposed new sanctions. Iran is under the control of a fanatical regime that seized power in 1979 and forced proud people to submit to 285 1191649 and an author, believes that the world leaders should prevent any possibilities of waging wars and attempts to topple rulers. Iran and the P5+1 group of countries exercised a successful diplomacy which led to concluding the nuclear deal approved by 285 1191726 the nuclear deal to honor their commitments under the nuclear accord. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has also announced that Iran has fulfilled its commitments under the nuclear deal. Former Vice-President of the United States Joe Biden also wrote on 285 1191758 of the United States Joe Biden also wrote on Facebook that unilaterally putting the deal at risk does not isolate Iran . It isolates the US. Who will place trust at the US government in this situation? Libya during the rule of 285 1191850 Today the US contrary to its written commitments takes measures against the JCPOA and also looks for regime change in Iran Speaking about Trumps remarks on the domestic political situation of Iran, the expert questioned the credibility of the US president 285 1191861 the JCPOA and also looks for regime change in Iran Speaking about Trumps remarks on the domestic political situation of Iran , the expert questioned the credibility of the US president. Trump ignored the concerns of the Iranian nation over the historic 285 1191887 of the US president. Trump ignored the concerns of the Iranian nation over the historic name of the waterway between Iran and seven Arab nations and used the term Arab Gulf instead of the Persian Gulf. Do you think Iranians in 285 1191955 efforts to halt the nuclear program of North Korea. How North Korea can trust the US concerning the experiences of Iran and Libya? That is why Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said over the recent days that the US government is 285 1192164 to resolve all existing issues. There is no ways but only dialogue and agreement, for resolving issues and dispute between Iran and the US. The expert urged the US administration to take on its commitments, noting that improvement in ties would 285 1192191 the US administration to take on its commitments, noting that improvement in ties would serve the national interest of both, Iran and the US. For paving the way for dialogue the US government must show that the White House is capable 285 1192237 would open the path for negotiations and deals concerning the deep disputes between Tehran and Washington. Establishing friendly ties between Iran and the US is in the favor of national interests of the both nations. Tehran, Iran, October 14 By Mehdi 285 1192253 Establishing friendly ties between Iran and the US is in the favor of national interests of the both nations. Tehran, Iran , October 14 By Mehdi Sepahvand - Trend: In his Friday speech, US President Donald Trump derailed an event that was meant 285 1192326 in fact derailed the event, Hassan Lasjerdi, member of the Islamic Coalition Partys central committee told Trend October 14. Accusing Iran of sponsoring terrorism, Trump on Friday said Washington will adopt tough sanctions on the IRGC for its regional influence. In 285 1192381 affiliated with the IRGC. Trumps speech indicated that Irans nuclear deal and its implementation are not the focus of Washingtons Iran policy, Lasjerdi noted. Trumps speech addressed three non-nuclear issues in a bid to open new horizons with the world 285 1192406 speech addressed three non-nuclear issues in a bid to open new horizons with the world community to deal with Iran . The first issues was Irans regional influence. The second was allegations regarding terrorism. And the third was Irans defense capabilities 285 1229279 Excellence of Belarus is proposed for Research and Development in the skilling ecosystem. The 2015 nuclear deal was agreed between Iran , the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, China and Russia. It was put in place to curb Irans nuclear 285 1229308 China and Russia. It was put in place to curb Irans nuclear enrichment activities. In return, crippling economic sanctions on Iran were lifted. President Trump said that the United States would be employing a much more confrontational approach to Iran and 285 1229327 on Iran were lifted. President Trump said that the United States would be employing a much more confrontational approach to Iran and its destabilisation, its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist and terrorist groups in the Middle 285 1229477 the Islamic Republics proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It added that it supports Trumps commitment and vision to curb Iran and its destabilising and aggressive activities. The statement said that Iran has exploited the economic benefits it received when crippling 285 1229488 that it supports Trumps commitment and vision to curb Iran and its destabilising and aggressive activities. The statement said that Iran has exploited the economic benefits it received when crippling economic sanctions were lifted. It has continued to support terrorism in 285 1229546 Lebanese Hezbollah. Although the Treasury Department has not designated Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation, three Iran -bases entities and a China-based one have been sanctioned because of their support for it and the Iranian military 285 1229650 it was imperative to ensure that the IRGC is denied funding for its belligerence. Although Trump has not abrogated the Iran nuclear deal, he has now left its fate in the hands of Congress which now has 60 days to decide 285 1229680 the hands of Congress which now has 60 days to decide whether the pre-agreement economic sanctions with be reimposed. Iran has already threatened to pull out of the deal if the pre-agreement sanctions are reimposed and has said that 285 1242345 Assembly (NA) of Armenia, Ara Babloyan, on Saturday met with speaker Ali Larijani of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (parliament) of Iran , in Saint Petersburg, Russia. They noted that Armenian-Iranian relations are at a high level and continue to develop in 285 1242396 contributes to this, the NA informed Armenian Babloyan and Larijani stressed that Armenia is a stable partner for Iran , and highlighted that the parliamentary friendship groups of the two countries are actively working. Separately, the head of the Iranian 285 1250386 deal. "I was so angry last night," said Layla, 42, who runs an artisan shop in Tehran. "This person hates Iran so much that even if we don't support the ideas of the regime, we find ourselves supporting them and the 285 1250458 aggression in the Middle East and all around the world". He threatened to "terminate" the 2015 nuclear deal signed between Iran and six world powers unless Congress passed stringent new sanctions. But for many, Trump's biggest insult was the use of 285 1250646 The other signatories to the nuclear deal -- Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia -- have called for its preservation, saying that Iran is clearly sticking to its commitments. In an interview with the US television channel CBS News, Zarif said Trump's assault 285 1251073 that would trigger a US response. "If the Congress goes ahead with new sanctions, then the deal is dead and Iran will restart its nuclear programme and move forward full-steam ahead in all fields," Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the 285 1251099 and move forward full-steam ahead in all fields," Mohammad Marandi, a professor at the University of Tehran, told AFP. " Iran will probably invest even more than before in order to show the Americans that they can't get away with destroying 285 1251576 thousands of heavily armed troops and members of the Hashed al-Shaabi, or Popular Mobilisation forces, which are dominated by Iran -backed Shiite militias -- have massed around Kirkuk. They have already retaken a string of positions to the south of the 285 1256790 and Victoria Bryan; Editing by Elisabeth O'Leary and Adrian Croft) See Also: By Arshad Mohammed and Warren Strobel WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran , U.S. allies in Europe and Russia on Friday defended the 2015 nuclear agreement with Tehran and said they would stick 285 1256835 President Donald Trump threatened to terminate the agreement. Trump said in a Washington speech that he would not certify that Iran is complying with its agreement with six world powers and the European Union, despite a determination by the U.N.'s 285 1256929 terminated." Trump's actions appeared to leave the United States relatively isolated on the world stage. His hawkish new stance toward Iran , including steps against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, received strong backing only from Israel and Gulf states such as Saudi 285 1256956 Guard Corps, received strong backing only from Israel and Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran will remain committed to the multinational deal as long as it serves the country's national interests. Trump's decision to decertify 285 1257055 odds with key U.S. allies, including Britain, France and Germany who, along with Russia and China, negotiated the deal with Iran alongside the European Union. In Brussels, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said Washington could not unilaterally cancel the agreement 285 1257366 Pushkov told Russias state-run Rossiya-24 TV station. The head of the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran was complying with the accord, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, under the world's "most robust nuclear 285 1257395 the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, under the world's "most robust nuclear verification regime." "The nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented," Yukiya Amano, director general of the IAEA said in a statement. "What has been 285 1257541 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video statement. In their comments, the Gulf states focussed on Trump's overall Iran policy rather than the nuclear deal itself. Saudi Arabia welcomed what it called Trump's "decisive strategy" towards Iran and said 285 1257559 Trump's overall Iran policy rather than the nuclear deal itself. Saudi Arabia welcomed what it called Trump's "decisive strategy" towards Iran and said lifting sanctions had allowed Tehran to develop its ballistic missile programme, step up its support for militant groups 285 1257606 Yemen, and attack global shipping lanes. The Riyadh government said in a statement it had supported the nuclear agreement, "but Iran took advantage of the economic gain from raising sanctions and used it to continue destabilising the region". The United Arab 285 1257637 used it to continue destabilising the region". The United Arab Emirates said it fully supported the new U.S. policy towards Iran and renewed its commitment to work with Washington to counter Iran's support of extremism, the state news agency WAM reported 285 1274690 14 October 2017 13:13 (UTC+04:00) By Trend U.S. President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defiance of other world powers, choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the 285 1274735 reversal of U.S. policy, Reuters reported. Trump made the announcement in a speech that detailed a more confrontational approach to Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. Today I am 285 1274777 our strategy along with several major steps were taking to confront the Iranian regimes hostile actions and to ensure that Iran never -- and I mean never -- acquires a nuclear weapon, Trump said. While Trump did not pull the United States out 285 1274804 a nuclear weapon, Trump said. While Trump did not pull the United States out of the agreement, aimed at preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, he gave the U.S. Congress 60 days to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on 285 1274837 to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on Tehran that were lifted under the pact. That would increase tension with Iran as well as put Washington at odds with other signatories of the accord such as Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China 285 1284571 to safely make it to SDF lines within the last week, he added. The Syrian army, which is supported by Iran -backed militias and the Russian air force, declared another significant victory over Islamic State on Saturday, saying it had captured 285 1304981 Amazon) UK-Australia trade deal 'gave away far too much', Eustice admits Six Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai checkpoint attack Iran Press TV Fri Oct 13, 2017 01:25PM Suspected Takfiri militants have attacked a security checkpoint in Egypt's northern Sinai 285 1305225 NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address South Africa court upholds reinstatement of charges against Zuma Iran Press TV Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:01AM South Africa's top court of appellation has upheld a ruling on the 285 1308671 the case of Reza Zarrab, the Turkish Iranian so-called businessman, who [allegedly] has been involved in illicit trade with Iran , contravening the American embargo at the time. He is now in jail," said political scientist Cengiz Aktar. Zarrab allegedly organized 285 1308701 now in jail," said political scientist Cengiz Aktar. Zarrab allegedly organized a multibillion-dollar scheme to circumvent U.S. sanctions on Iran . U.S. prosecutors say the scheme also has implicated a senior Turkish state bank employee and a former minister. "On the 285 1321186 Shares By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | The Trump administration (actually UN Ambassador and far right Evangelical Nikki Haley) has decertified Iran from compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or Nuclear Deal of 2015. It would be interesting to know 285 1321236 were provided by Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu and Saudi crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman. The decertification means very little, since Iran is not actually in violation of the agreement and anyway it was concluded with the permanent members of the United 285 1321403 along maintained is only for the purpose of producing fuel for its nuclear power plants at Bushehr. It denied to Iran a heavy water reactor, which is far easier to use to collect fissile material than light water reactors. It limited 285 1321460 the Iranian medical reactor (which makes isotopes for treating cancer) that can be stockpiled in usable form. And it subjected Iran to the most stringent inspection regime ever imposed on any country. Iran is observing all four of these conditions. The 285 1321472 be stockpiled in usable form. And it subjected Iran to the most stringent inspection regime ever imposed on any country. Iran is observing all four of these conditions. The Trump-Haley fake news document that challenges Irans compliance does not actually 285 1321495 all four of these conditions. The Trump-Haley fake news document that challenges Irans compliance does not actually deny that Iran is complying with the JCPOA. Trump incorrectly asserts that military bases have not been inspected. The IAEA inspectors visited the 285 1321625 that the Trumpies have a leg to stand on with this critique. The list of grievances Trump/Haley present against Iran have nothing to do with the nuclear deal. They dont like Irans ballistic missile development program. Im not sure why 285 1321647 nothing to do with the nuclear deal. They dont like Irans ballistic missile development program. Im not sure why, since Iran has nothing impressive to put in the warheads except dumb bombs, which it would be brain dead to launch against 285 1321744 things in Syria and giving air support to Hizbullah and other Shiite militias? And why is it so bad for Iran to prop up Bashar al-Assad if Trump himself said that Arabs need a strongman at the helm and it 285 1321784 it is all right with him if al-Assad stays and Putin takes care of Syria? The Haley indictment of Iran has an oddly Neoconservative ring that ill fits with Trumps positions and ends up condemning Der Donald as much as 285 1321848 so because they thought it would pressure al-Assad. So who was complicit with terrorism in Syria? Not Hizbullah and Iran , the most effective fighters against ISIL. (Trump and Haley are so ignorant that they do not know that ISIL and 285 1321893 are hyper-Sunni fanatics who have a genocidal attitude toward Shiites such as Iranians, and they even try to implicate Iran in 9/11, which is Alex Jones conspiracy-theory territory). And they want to sanction the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps 285 1322001 not how I remember the Constitution. As for the likely impact, it will be to bolster the hard liners in Iran like the IRGC and to isolate the US as a rogue nation. Trumps move immensely strengthens Khamenei and the IRGC 285 1322042 in Iranian politics and flushes President Hassan Rouhani and other centrists down the toilet. If the goal were to get Iran out of Syria, this way of proceeding forestalls success. Lots of Iranians are embarrassed to be supporting a Baath regime 285 1322227 other nationalists who want the US back out will be strengthened. Outgoing German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel observed that if Iran continues to be compliant, wed now see Europe lining up with Russia and China against the US on the Iran 285 1322247 Iran continues to be compliant, wed now see Europe lining up with Russia and China against the US on the Iran issue. And sure enough, Britain, Germany and France issued a statement today standing behind the nuclear deal and declining to 285 1322288 go along with Trump. In short, this step profoundly weakens the United States internationally and strengthens the worst elements in Iran . - Related video: Iran nuclear deal: Trump vows not to sign off agreement BBC News MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - Oct. 13, 2017 285 1322291 Trump. In short, this step profoundly weakens the United States internationally and strengthens the worst elements in Iran. - Related video: Iran nuclear deal: Trump vows not to sign off agreement BBC News MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - Oct. 13, 2017) - Maya Gold & Silver 285 1333974 Enelamah led the team to the Informal WTO Ministerial Gathering in Marrakech, Morocco, where he had talks with counterparts from Iran ; host country, Morocco and other members of the KENSA Group (Kenya, Egypt and South Africa). At the ministerial meeting chaired 285 1361352 Boeing, Google, etc. while senior officials from different departments of the US government also participated in the programme. PTI US- Iran nuclear deal decertified, Trump calls it worst in history International oi-Vicky By Vicky Calling it as one of the 285 1361386 Vicky Calling it as one of the worst in history, US President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defiance of other world powers. Trump made the announcement in a speech that detailed a 285 1361411 in defiance of other world powers. Trump made the announcement in a speech that detailed a more confrontational approach to Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. Trump said in 285 1361474 our strategy along with several major steps we're taking to confront the Iranian regime's hostile actions and to ensure that Iran never -- and I mean never -- acquires a nuclear weapon," Trump said. While Trump did not pull the United States out 285 1361501 a nuclear weapon," Trump said. While Trump did not pull the United States out of the agreement, aimed at preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, he gave the US Congress 60 days to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on 285 1363926 Twitter, while White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders falsely claimed that Corker was responsible for the US nuclear agreement with Iran , which Trump appears ready to revoke as early as today. Insider accounts of seemingly uncontrolled rages and wild mood swings 285 1371652 Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversEurope (Germany, France, UK, Russia, Italy and Turkey), Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Israel, UAE and Iran ), Africa (South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt and Algeria).Market Segment by Type, coversIndustrial-Grade Helium, Grade A.Market Segment by Applications, can 285 1377898 Electronics and consumer goods are growing rapidly, driving the blister packaging industry as well. Decline in markets of Syria and Iran have been compensated by high growth in the GCC countries.Latin America is a growth engine, with Brazil positioned as the 285 1477567 Yusupov contributed to this report The views expressed in this blog post do not necessarily reflect those of RFE/RL. Iran will remain committed to the multinational nuclear deal -- the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) -- as long as it serves 285 1477629 in which he said he would not continue to certify, and might eventually cancel, the 2015 agreement aimed at preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. (Reuters) Ukraine has banned a new Russian banknote that includes images from the annexed Ukrainian region 285 1480883 Tatars opposed Russia's 2014 annexation of their historic homeland. U.S. President Donald Trump's call for legislation aimed at toughening the Iran nuclear deal faces an uncertain future in Congress even as leading Republican senators stepped forward to champion the cause. "I 285 1481004 in the 2015 accord identified by the president. According to a summary, the legislation would reimpose nuclear-related sanctions on Iran if it restarts enrichment of uranium after 2025, when the deal's restrictions on enrichment are due to expire under a 285 1481113 support for Trump's goals and said that the House will vote in coming weeks to boost non-nuclear sanctions against Iran . The Presidents announcement today rightly focuses on the full range of deadly threats from the Iranian regime. Our relationship with 285 1481134 The Presidents announcement today rightly focuses on the full range of deadly threats from the Iranian regime. Our relationship with Iran should not be defined by one flawed nuclear deal. From Yemen to Lebanon, Iran...supports terrorist groups like Hizballah, bolsters 285 1481148 the Iranian regime. Our relationship with Iran should not be defined by one flawed nuclear deal. From Yemen to Lebanon, Iran ...supports terrorist groups like Hizballah, bolsters the ruthless [dictatorship of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad], promotes instability through sectarianism in 285 1481210 McCarthy and other House Republicans. We are committed to work with the president to address [the nuclear deal's] flaws, hold Iran strictly accountable to its commitments, and support efforts to counter all the Iranian threats," they said. Republicans control Congress, but 285 1481304 matters. Trump faces opposition from within his own Republican party. Senator Marco Rubio said he has "serious doubts" about Trump's Iran strategy and would have preferred that the president just abandon the nuclear deal. "Ultimately, leaving the nuclear deal, reimposing suspended 285 1488362 It would be inappropriate to comment further while enquiries are ongoing." The revelations come as Britain tried to keep the Iran nuclear deal on track after Donald Trump's refusal to back it. The US president accused Tehran of violating the spirit 285 1488691 time for the British Government to tell him so. via @learyreports WASHINGTON -- Sen. Marco Rubio has serious doubts whether the Iran deal can be refashioned and said Friday it should be killed outright. President Donald Trump said Friday he would withdraw 285 1488747 with new provisions. President Trump made the right decision to decertify the Obama Administrations Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran (JCPOA). He is correct in finding that this deal is not in our national interest, Rubio, a member of the 285 1488792 in a statement. I know the White House has been working hard to craft a new law to fix the Iran deal, and I appreciate them and Chairman Corker seeking my input. I will reserve judgment until actual legislation is presented 285 1488885 leaves major flaws in that agreement in place. Democrats blasted the move. Florida Rep. Lois Frankel, who voted against the Iran deal in 2015, said Trumps actions Friday were reckless. Her statement: In 2015, I opposed the Iran nuclear agreement because 285 1488902 voted against the Iran deal in 2015, said Trumps actions Friday were reckless. Her statement: In 2015, I opposed the Iran nuclear agreement because I felt it would legitimize Irans nuclear program after 15 years and give Iran access to billions 285 1488919 I opposed the Iran nuclear agreement because I felt it would legitimize Irans nuclear program after 15 years and give Iran access to billions of dollars without a commitment to cease its terrorist activity. These concerns remain. Moreover, since the adoption 285 1488943 of dollars without a commitment to cease its terrorist activity. These concerns remain. Moreover, since the adoption of the agreement, Iran has increased its destabilizing activities in the region, including ballistic missile testing, sponsorship of terrorism, propping up the Assad regime 285 1488972 including ballistic missile testing, sponsorship of terrorism, propping up the Assad regime in Syria, and arming Hezbollah. With that said, Iran has already received billions of dollars in previously frozen assets as a result of the JCPOA and there is no 285 1489169 this ongoing crisis. Mr. Trumps reckless decision leaves Congress to decide whether the U.S. will reimpose JCPOA-related sanctions on Iran . If Congress were to take such action, the deal would likely collapse. Iran would walk away with the upper hand 285 1489182 U.S. will reimpose JCPOA-related sanctions on Iran. If Congress were to take such action, the deal would likely collapse. Iran would walk away with the upper hand, leaving them an unobstructed path to race toward nuclear weapons. The consequences for 285 1534169 were engaged in a boycott of Qatar over allegations that the government funds extremists and has overly warm ties to Iran . French media reported that Qatar recently invited several members of the UNESCO executive board on an all-expenses-paid trip 285 1534792 John Kerry, the former U.S. Secretary of State, had harsh criticism for President Donald Trump's decision not to certify that Iran is in compliance with the nuclear deal signed by six world powers in 2015. Kerry said the decision is a 285 1534915 honor their commitments. He called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) an outstanding achievement in international diplomacy and said Iran would continue to comply with it. The Islamic Republic of Iran will not be the first to withdraw from the 285 1534926 JCPOA) an outstanding achievement in international diplomacy and said Iran would continue to comply with it. The Islamic Republic of Iran will not be the first to withdraw from the deal. But if its rights and interests in the deal are 285 1534978 resume its peaceful nuclear program without any restrictions Rouhani said. The Iranian leader also hit back at Trumps characterization of Iran as a dictatorship and rogue regime, calling the American president a liar and a dictator. Today the U.S. is more 285 1535018 more isolated than ever against the nuclear deal, isolated than any other time in its plots against [the] people of Iran , Rouhani said. He rejected Trumps remarks listing Tehrans support for international terrorism, calling the examples baseless accusations" and adding that 285 1535109 Cabinet, including, reportedly, his secretary of defense and secretary of state." EU reaction German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said the Iran agreement "has shown for the first time that it is possible to prevent war by negotiations and, above all, to 285 1535246 Council Resolution 2231. The EU foreign policy chief noted the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has verified eight times that Iran is meeting all its nuclear-related commitments in line with the comprehensive and strict monitoring system. IAEA Director Yukiya Amano 285 1535271 nuclear-related commitments in line with the comprehensive and strict monitoring system. IAEA Director Yukiya Amano released a statement, saying Iran is already subject to the worlds most robust nuclear verification regime and is implementing the deals requirements. In a joint 285 1535322 and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said they are concerned by the possible implications of Trumps decision not to recertify the Iran nuclear deal. Preserving the JCPOA is in our shared national security interest. The nuclear deal was the culmination of 13 285 1535385 leaders said in the statement. Sees opportunity Asked if he was confident he could get the Europeans to renegotiate the Iran deal, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Friday he thinks there is a real opportunity to address all the 285 1535411 Rex Tillerson said Friday he thinks there is a real opportunity to address all the threats that are posed by Iran . I fully expect that our allies and friends in Europe and in the region are going to be very supportive 285 1535457 with Irans threats, Tillerson told reporters. In Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow is committed to supporting the Iran nuclear deal. Ahead of Trumps remarks, the Kremlin warned that if the United States abandons the Iran nuclear deal, Tehran 285 1535474 to supporting the Iran nuclear deal. Ahead of Trumps remarks, the Kremlin warned that if the United States abandons the Iran nuclear deal, Tehran would be likely to quit it as well. Russia is a signatory to the JCPOA, along with 285 1535498 would be likely to quit it as well. Russia is a signatory to the JCPOA, along with the United States, Iran , Britain, Germany and France. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying also voiced support for the Iran nuclear deal Friday. China's 285 1535514 with the United States, Iran, Britain, Germany and France. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying also voiced support for the Iran nuclear deal Friday. China's position on the Iranian nuclear issue has been consistent. The JCPOA has played a key role 285 1535574 We hope that all relevant parties will continue to uphold and implement the JCPOA. Praise for Trumps tough stance on Iran came from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who released a video statement. "I congratulate President Trump for his courageous decision 285 1535635 opponents. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain also expressed their strong support for Trumps shift in policy toward Iran . The Saudi Press Agency said Riyadh praised Trumps vision and commitment to work with U.S. allies in the region in 285 1535717 to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, strongly criticized Trumps decision. The groups executive director, Beatrice Fihn, said Trumps attempt to disrupt the Iran deal, despite Tehrans compliance, is a reminder of the immense nuclear danger now facing the world and the urgent need 285 1539240 a security threat with the jihadists based in Idlib. Turkeys maneuvers in Syria come after diplomats from Turkey, Russian and Iran , met last month in Astana and agreed to create a de-escalation zone in Idlib that would include the deployment 285 1539512 Units (PMUs), a large fighting force primarily made up of former Shiite militia groups, some of which are loyal to Iran , were massing to the south and west of the strategic city. "This movement is unusual and very provocative," Kurdistan Regional 285 1539636 clear that this an attempt to bully, to threaten and to try to force Kurdistan into submission," Rahman said, adding Iran was also pushing for Kurdish forces to retreat. "Qassem Soleimani and others have been in Kurdistan," she said, referring to 285 1542901 the U.S. Treasury Department to impose additional sanctions on Irans Revolutionary Guard as he announced a more aggressive stance toward Iran , including refusing to recertify the nuclear deal with Tehran. The White House called the Revolutionary Guard, which is separate from 285 1542933 House called the Revolutionary Guard, which is separate from Irans regular armed forces, a primary tool and weapon in remaking Iran into a rogue state. But what is the Revolutionary Guard? Beginnings The Revolutionary Guard was founded following Irans 1979 Islamic 285 1553096 geopolitical folly, President Trump has made one of the most serious national security challenges facing the United States, that of Iran , considerably worse. His announcement Friday that he would report to Congress that the Islamic republic is not meeting the terms 285 1553284 intelligence estimates, to having a fraction of the necessary materiel, and that under close international monitoring. The president's contention that Iran is guilty of "multiple violations of the agreement" is belied by eight reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency as 285 1553357 instead to send the matter to Congress, which must vote within 60 days on whether to restore U.S. sanctions on Iran . But the president set a trap by vowing to terminate the deal if Congress did not impose new requirements on 285 1553378 But the president set a trap by vowing to terminate the deal if Congress did not impose new requirements on Iran , including an end to the sunset provisions. Any U.S. attempt to unilaterally revise the accord is doomed; it will be 285 1553403 the sunset provisions. Any U.S. attempt to unilaterally revise the accord is doomed; it will be rejected not just by Iran but also by the other parties to the deal, including Russia, China and the European Union. Sen. Bob Corker (R 285 1553470 of passing a piece of legislation that violates the accord. But Democrats, including some who were critical of the original Iran deal, are understandably dubious. Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (Md.), the senior Democrat on the committee, vowed not [to] buy into 285 1553522 to problems of [Mr. Trumps] own making. Mr. Trump promised additional action to address the non-nuclear threats posed by Iran , including its interventions in Iraq and Syria. The administration is justified in imposing sanctions on Irans Revolutionary Guard Corps. But 285 1557151 U.S.-Mexico border wall that was central to his campaign. And on Friday, Trump disavowed the international nuclear deal with Iran but held out the possibility of keeping the United States in the pact if Congress attaches new conditions to a 285 1558366 to pull the United States out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Paris climate accord, as well as the Iran nuclear deal. [Trump plans to declare that Iran nuclear deal is not in the national interest] Trump boosters say those 285 1558374 Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Paris climate accord, as well as the Iran nuclear deal. [Trump plans to declare that Iran nuclear deal is not in the national interest] Trump boosters say those actions are consistent with the America First vision 285 1558462 headed, said Wendy Sherman, the former undersecretary of state for political affairs, who was particularly critical of Trumps actions on Iran . Trump on Friday asked Congress to attach new caveats that could either alter the pact or lead to its rupture 285 1562154 on Facebook and stay updated on foreign news Just before President Trump announced on Friday that he would decertify the Iran nuclear deal, French President Emmanuel Macron called his counterpart in Tehran to offer reassurance, Macrons office said in a statement 285 1562236 said: Look, Emmanuel, they just gave Renault a lot of money, Trump related, referring to a recent business deal between Iran and the French carmaker. Take their money; enjoy yourselves. But well see what happens. What has already happened is a 285 1562307 as an erratic force who must be managed as he squanders American leadership. [Fact-checking President Trumps speech on the Iran deal] Republican and Democratic lawmakers were largely split in their reactions to Trumps announcement that he would terminate the nuclear 285 1562357 to rewrite it to his liking. Many Republicans congratulated the president and agreed it was time to get tough against Iran . Many Democrats criticized Trump for what Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) said was "clearly a political decision" made to please 285 1562459 nothing to talk about. The Europeans, in a joint statement, said they were eager to discuss their shared complaints about Iran its ballistic missile program and support for terrorism but that there could be no changes in the nuclear deal, officially 285 1562546 powerful, she said, but did not have the power to do that. [Europeans say Trump has no power to cancel Iran deal] But several senior officials from the European signatory countries said privately that there was little to be gained, for 285 1562821 to, the premier international agreements of this century, from the Paris climate accord to global trade alliances and now the Iran nuclear deal, he has not had many willing followers. Among the exceptions, governments in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab 285 1562858 and the United Arab Emirates joined Israel in praising what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Trumps courageous decision on Iran . Yet even those who have proclaimed him as a leader have sometimes not felt bound by his demands. Early in 285 1566903 rise to wars. In Syria, the West is experiencing its greatest defeat. What do we have there: Russia, Turkey and Iran are active therethat is crazy. The question has to be asked, What can Europe contribute there?, because too often there 285 1568050 other structures were damaged. In a militarist speech at the White House, US President Donald Trump announced new sanctions against Iran and threatened to terminate the 2015 nuclear agreement with the country. Iran is not living up to the spirit of 285 1568062 US President Donald Trump announced new sanctions against Iran and threatened to terminate the 2015 nuclear agreement with the country. Iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal, said Trump yesterday. As a result, there will be new 285 1568122 will not re-certify the deal negotiated in 2015 and will leave it up to Congress to strengthen it. Should Iran not come to terms with the US Congress and others, Washington will terminate the agreement. The agreement is under continuous 285 1568182 in North Korea, the longer we ignore a threat, the worse that threat becomes. Trumps aggressive course of action against Iran has elicited strong reactions in Berlin. Shortly after Trumps speech, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel stepped before the cameras to 285 1568217 Gabriel stepped before the cameras to declare: That is a problematic and, in our view, dangerous sign. The deal with Iran showed for the first time that it is possible to prevent war through negotiations and, above all, to prevent a 285 1568274 warned of the far-reaching military, political and economic consequences that could follow such a step. A termination of the Iran agreement would turn the Middle East into a hotbed of crisis, Gabriel said in an interview with Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. Asked 285 1568306 Gabriel said in an interview with Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland. Asked if Trump was playing with world peace in the matter of Iran , Gabriel responded: It would be a devastating blow to nuclear disarmament. Some states could see the breakdown of the Iran 285 1568326 Iran, Gabriel responded: It would be a devastating blow to nuclear disarmament. Some states could see the breakdown of the Iran agreement as a sign that they should acquire nuclear weapons as quickly as possible. This concerns far more than Iran 285 1568346 Iran agreement as a sign that they should acquire nuclear weapons as quickly as possible. This concerns far more than Iran , added Gabriel. It would be completely futile to push North Korea toward the adoption of a security treaty if the 285 1568367 added Gabriel. It would be completely futile to push North Korea toward the adoption of a security treaty if the Iran deal falls through. The world would not be safer or more peaceful if we set the most dangerous element, the 285 1568396 safer or more peaceful if we set the most dangerous element, the nuclear weapons, on edge again. The agreement with Iran must not be abandoned, added Gabriel, because the immediate threat of a new war would return. Gabriels warnings having nothing 285 1568528 States. This self-interest also requires to some extent an emancipation from the course charted by Washington. With Trumps new Iran strategy, Gabriel and large sections of the German ruling class believe the time has come to put this aspiration into 285 1568574 Americans that their behaviour brings we Europeans to a common position with Russia and China against the US in the Iran question, says Gabriel. Like Germany, France and Great Britain, Beijing and Moscow are signatories to the 2015 Iran agreement and 285 1568592 in the Iran question, says Gabriel. Like Germany, France and Great Britain, Beijing and Moscow are signatories to the 2015 Iran agreement and oppose its termination. Even politicians and media figures who have been rather pro-American and supported US-led 285 1568769 that fundamental economic and geostrategic conflicts lie behind the breakup of the transatlantic alliance. Asked whether the answer to Trumps Iran policy was significantly more European investment in Iran, Gabriel answered, Yes. But if the United States threatens investment in Iran 285 1568777 the breakup of the transatlantic alliance. Asked whether the answer to Trumps Iran policy was significantly more European investment in Iran , Gabriel answered, Yes. But if the United States threatens investment in Iran with punitive actions against the relevant businesses, then 285 1568789 Iran policy was significantly more European investment in Iran, Gabriel answered, Yes. But if the United States threatens investment in Iran with punitive actions against the relevant businesses, then not much will be done with investment. That cannot be in our 285 1568822 done with investment. That cannot be in our interest. Berlin, like Paris and London, has arranged contracts worth billions in Iran and sees Trumps course as a threat to its efforts to develop new energy resources and markets for Germanys export 285 1568845 Trumps course as a threat to its efforts to develop new energy resources and markets for Germanys export economy in Iran . As a result, the German economy had great hopes in the Iran agreement and the related suspension of sanctions in 285 1568857 resources and markets for Germanys export economy in Iran. As a result, the German economy had great hopes in the Iran agreement and the related suspension of sanctions in January 2016. The Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK 285 1568958 economy has relied on the international agreement and with it the new conditions of lighter sanctions, Treier added. After all, Iran has the second-largest natural gas and fourth-largest oil reserves in the world and the exploitation of this potential 285 1573746 President Donald Trump vowed Friday that he will use his presidential powers to blow up the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran unless it is quickly amended to Washingtons satisfaction. In the event we are not able to reach a solution working 285 1573812 me as president at any time. The vow came at the end of a bellicose rant in which Trump denounced Iran as fanatical, a rogue state, and the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism. He accused Tehran of fomenting conflict, terror 285 1573950 change wars in Libya and Syria. Trumps diatribe was billed as an address outlining a more aggressive US strategy toward Iran , aimed at fixing the nuclear accord and rolling back Tehrans malign influence across the Middle East. It was the occasion 285 1573986 East. It was the occasion for Trump to make public his long-rumored decision to refuse to continue certifying that Iran is fulfilling its obligations under the nuclear accord (Joint Comprehensive Program of Action), and that the JCPOA serves the US 285 1574025 the US national interest. Under a 2015 law, Congress gave itself the power to quickly re-impose economic sanctions on Iran should the president fail to issue, at 90-day intervals, certification of the White Houses continued support for the nuclear 285 1574069 Hassan Rouhani quickly took to the airwaves to give a nationally televised rebuttal of Trumps speech. Mr. Trumps remarks on Iran contained nothing but expletives and a pile of delusional allegations against the Iranian nation, he said. In reply to Trumps 285 1574159 have done to the Iranian people over the past sixty-something years and how they have treated the people of Iran after the victory of the Revolution. All the other signatories of the nuclear accordGermany, France, Britain, the European Union, Russia 285 1574313 Unions foreign policy chief, Frederica Mogherini, was quick to respond to Trumps speech. She dismissed the US presidents claim that Iran has violated the JCPOA, declaring that there have been no Iranian violations of any of the commitments in the agreement 285 1574517 of the administrationSecretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary James Mattis and National Security Adviser H.R. McMasterwho oppose abrogating the Iran agreement at this juncture, believing that a head-on confrontation with Iran will cut across US military-strategic offensives against 285 1574529 National Security Adviser H.R. McMasterwho oppose abrogating the Iran agreement at this juncture, believing that a head-on confrontation with Iran will cut across US military-strategic offensives against China and Russia and dangerously fray US-European relations and the NATO 285 1574568 the NATO alliance. In his remarks on Friday, Trump did not call on Congress to immediately snap back sanctions on Iran . He did, however, praise proposed US legislation that would sanction any person or group in any way connected to Irans 285 1574658 Guards extensive role in Irans economy, this action is expected to act as a strong deterrent to foreign investment in Iran . Trumps stratagem and hope is that the double threat of Congress re-imposing sweeping sanctions on Irans energy and banking 285 1574721 into line behind Washington in demanding that Tehran correct the JCPOAs many flaws. Trump made no offer to negotiate with Iran , underscoring that he was issuing an ultimatum. He simply outlined a series of non-negotiable demands that would violate Irans 285 1574773 vassal state, while implicitly demanding that the other signatories to the JCPOA, especially Washingtons ostensible European allies, put pressure on Iran to capitulate. These demands include: eliminating the JCPOAs sunset clauses, i.e., transforming the temporary limits on Irans civil nuclear program 285 1574816 prohibitions; giving International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors unfettered access to Iranian military sites; and dismantling Irans ballistic missile program. For Iran to accept these demands would be tantamount to accepting neo-colonial status and unilateral disarmament. For decades, Washington, under Republican 285 1574912 Washington was replacing the rule of law with the law of the strongest. He warned that US termination of the Iran agreement would turn the Middle East into a region of hot crises and shut the door to diplomacy with North 285 1574950 diplomacy with North Korea. The European Union said Gabriel will have to tell the Americans that their behavior on the Iran issue will drive us Europeans into a common position with Russia and China against the USA. The European imperialist powers 285 1575003 economy for four years and are currently in the midst of major rearmament programs. Their disagreements with the US over Iran are entirely bound up with their own predatory agendas. Since the 2015 nuclear deal, they have all rushed to take 285 1575045 of Tehrans offers of huge commercial opportunities, including in the energy sector. Not only do Trumps plans to scuttle the Iran deal place these investments in jeopardy; the European powers, which are much more dependent on Mideast oil than the US 285 1575084 the US, fear the economic fallout and the socially destabilizing impact on Europe of a ratcheting up of tensions with Iran . The anti-Iran hawks in and around the Trump administration have expressed confidence that ultimately the threat of European companies 285 1575087 the economic fallout and the socially destabilizing impact on Europe of a ratcheting up of tensions with Iran. The anti- Iran hawks in and around the Trump administration have expressed confidence that ultimately the threat of European companies being sanctioned through 285 1575118 that ultimately the threat of European companies being sanctioned through the US-dominated world financial system for continued dealings with Iran will force the Europeans to accede to Washingtons demand that they join it in a new economic war against Iran 285 1575138 Iran will force the Europeans to accede to Washingtons demand that they join it in a new economic war against Iran . But there is a growing mood in Europe for a push back against Washington. David OSullivan, the European Unions ambassador 285 1575186 may have to bring forward legislation to protect European companies from the threat of US sanctions. In arguing for the Iran nuclear accord, President Obama repeatedly said the only alternative was war. What he didnt say was that such a war 285 1575266 administration. Republican Senator Tom Cotton, who has been working closely with Trump and his aides in formulating the administrations new Iran strategy, told a recent Council on Foreign Relations meeting that if renewed sanctions did not force Iran to submit, the 285 1575283 the administrations new Iran strategy, told a recent Council on Foreign Relations meeting that if renewed sanctions did not force Iran to submit, the US could launch calibrated strikes against Irans nuclear infrastructure. Les emplois a Rennes sont abondants et varies 285 1592005 Reuters) - Advocates for Americans imprisoned by Iranian authorities said on Friday they were concerned the Trump administration's hard line on Iran would close off the chance for talks to secure the prisoners' release. In a major shift in U.S. policy, President 285 1592034 secure the prisoners' release. In a major shift in U.S. policy, President Donald Trump announced he would not certify that Iran is complying with a 2015 nuclear deal and warned that he might ultimately terminate the agreement. The administration also designated 285 1592100 make the group less willing to negotiate over the prisoners. Jason Rezaian, a Washington Post reporter who was detained by Iran for 18 months, said on Twitter that Trump's Iran strategy "will only hurt American hostages being held in Iran." "I 285 1592109 prisoners. Jason Rezaian, a Washington Post reporter who was detained by Iran for 18 months, said on Twitter that Trump's Iran strategy "will only hurt American hostages being held in Iran." "I hope I'm wrong, but it looks to me as 285 1592119 by Iran for 18 months, said on Twitter that Trump's Iran strategy "will only hurt American hostages being held in Iran ." "I hope I'm wrong, but it looks to me as though Americans being held hostage in #Iran were just abandoned 285 1592136 being held in Iran." "I hope I'm wrong, but it looks to me as though Americans being held hostage in # Iran were just abandoned by @realDonaldTrump," Rezaian wrote, using Trump's Twitter handle. The White House did not respond to a request 285 1592178 comment. A State Department official said the United States calls for the "immediate release" of U.S. citizens held "unjustly" in Iran . The seven known American citizens and permanent residents who have been detained in the last two years in Iran are 285 1592197 in Iran. The seven known American citizens and permanent residents who have been detained in the last two years in Iran are businessman Siamak Namazi and his 81-year-old father Baquer Namazi; Princeton doctoral student Xiyue Wang; art gallery owner 285 1592335 on espionage charges, allegations his family and university deny. "I don't know when the U.S. government is going to engage Iran ," Qu said. "He is living in this terror everyday. He is in despair." Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran expert at the 285 1592352 going to engage Iran," Qu said. "He is living in this terror everyday. He is in despair." Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, said on a conference call with reporters that designating the 285 1592437 said Sadjadpour, a friend of Namazi. In January 2016, the Obama administration secured the release of five Americans imprisoned in Iran by agreeing to a much-criticized prisoner swap after protracted direct talks with Iran. In the months following the swap 285 1592451 release of five Americans imprisoned in Iran by agreeing to a much-criticized prisoner swap after protracted direct talks with Iran . In the months following the swap, the Iranian government arrested several more Americans. The IRGC is typically the entity that 285 1592517 sanctions could be helpful "if it gets these parties talking to each other." He criticized the Obama administration's approach to Iran as not being focused enough on "the unconditional release of hostages." "Anything that moves us to speaking clearly with one 285 1595897 order is to defend at any cost." The Kurdish authorities accused the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) -- paramilitary units dominated by Iran -trained Shiite militia -- of massing fighters in two mainly Shiite Turkmen areas south of Kirkuk in readiness for an attack 285 1596055 one of its fighters making a victory sign in front of a Kurdish flag. Hadi al-Ameri, head of the Iran -backed Badr group that is part of the PMF, called on the peshmerga to withdraw, saying it is the Iraqi 285 1596352 the vote and commit to remaining part of Iraq. New York (AFP) - Large contracts for Boeing and General Electric in Iran , while not under direct threat, face significant new uncertainties following President Donald Trump's announcement Friday, said two people familiar with 285 1596442 expected to determine the future of the agreement within 60 days, said the two people. The US could leave the Iran deal "at any time," Trump warned. If Congress doesn't act, Boeing and GE will be able to keep operating in 285 1596463 deal "at any time," Trump warned. If Congress doesn't act, Boeing and GE will be able to keep operating in Iran under a process closely regulated by the Office of Foreign Asset Control in the Treasury Department. Officials from the two 285 1596553 in close touch with US regulators for any additional guidance." "GE and our foreign subsidiaries are pursuing commercial opportunities in Iran consistent with and in compliance with US government rules and policies," said a GE spokesman. In December 2016, Boeing signed 285 1596584 policies," said a GE spokesman. In December 2016, Boeing signed a contract to sell 80 planes for $16.6 billion to Iran Air. That was followed in April by an announcement that Boeing would deliver 30 737 MAX planes to Iranian company 285 1596630 contract for delivery between 2022 and 2024. GE's non-US affiliates reached agreements to sell equipment and technologies to the Iran energy sector for $20 million in the second quarter, the company said in a July securities filing. Those contracts became 285 1596657 the second quarter, the company said in a July securities filing. Those contracts became possible under the 2015 agreement between Iran and major powers that eased some international sanctions, even as the US kept an embargo on Iranian investments by Americans 285 1601571 a phone call on Thursday to prepare for Trump's November visit to Beijing, Hua said. The agreement was signed between Iran and six world powers -- Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the US -- at talks coordinated by the European Union. While 285 1601648 the international accord outright, instead "decertifying" the agreement and leaving US lawmakers to decide its fate. UN nuclear inspectors say Iran is meeting the technical requirements of its side of the bargain, dramatically curtailing its nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions 285 1602854 seal a deal, he sometimes has to be the bad guy. If Trump has a strategy when it comes to Iran , hes certainly adhering to that playbook. On Friday, he announced that the United States would not certify Irans compliance with 285 1602935 additional concessions, he is soon going to learn that every bad cop needs a good cop. When it comes to Iran , Trump will find that Europe is his best bet to offer carrots as he wields sticks. Europes growing footprint in 285 1603015 them again. The key for the Trump administration will be persuading Europeans that its in their own interest to pressure Iran . Trump needs allies to contain Iran From Europe to Russia to China, there is virtually no appetite to kill the 285 1603021 Trump administration will be persuading Europeans that its in their own interest to pressure Iran. Trump needs allies to contain Iran From Europe to Russia to China, there is virtually no appetite to kill the nuclear deal, which is delivering on 285 1603047 China, there is virtually no appetite to kill the nuclear deal, which is delivering on its narrowly defined mission: keeping Iran from being able to weaponize its nuclear program. However, Trump may find sympathy among Americas European allies for his pressure 285 1603127 and Syria, its virulent opposition toward Israels right to exist, and Tehrans record of repressive policies at home. Put simply, Iran says it is a status quo power but often acts as an insurgent force whose actions undermine the interests of 285 1603192 is enough overlap that the two sides might be able to concoct a common to-do list vis-a-vis Iran but only if Washington doesnt void the 2015 nuclear agreement. Story continues A hasty pullout from the nuclear deal would 285 1603318 conflict. But crafting that message will require Washington to recognize that the nature and extent of the problem posed by Iran is an unsettled question. The Europeans, for instance, are more inclined than Washington to consider Irans missile program as part 285 1603522 worth banking on in this intraregime struggle. Europe has after all pursued numerous rounds of so-called critical dialogue with Iran going back to the early 1990s. In the past, Europes talks produced little in the way of tangible progress. But 285 1603562 But if Trump is serious about changing Iranian behavior, he could adapt Europes approach to fit his own purposes. Making Iran an offer it cant refuse Trump could potentially play the bad guy in the next round of these talks. In 285 1603623 to pull this off, however, it is going to have to acknowledge a basic reality of the European stance toward Iran . The Europeans want to engage Tehran, for both security and commercial reasons. Iran, a country of 80 million people, enjoys 285 1603636 basic reality of the European stance toward Iran. The Europeans want to engage Tehran, for both security and commercial reasons. Iran , a country of 80 million people, enjoys relative internal stability in a region where a number of states have collapsed 285 1603694 from the aftershocks of the Syrian and Iraqi conflicts, which forced waves of refugees to their shores. To blow up Iran and hope for the best, as one European put it, is not an option. Meanwhile, the many senior dignitaries who 285 1603762 in Europe for abrogating the nuclear agreement, European leaders still are able to modulate their level of economic engagement with Iran . They will not abandon the minimum base of cooperation required by the deal but can make clear to their counterparts 285 1603816 will be contingent on a less disruptive Iranian foreign policy. For instance, European officials could make the case that if Iran wants large global banks to move into its market and not just small- or medium-sized ones, as is the 285 1603900 Europeans will have to side with their historic ally, as has happened more than once before. The European message to Iran should be: Please dont make us have to choose. Irans military interventions in Syria and Iraq might give the impression 285 1603970 to pre-sanction levels, and trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) are trending upward. To put the increase in perspective, Iran secured roughly $40 billion in FDI in the last 20 years and of that amount, $8 billion has come after 285 1604102 earlier target of about 350,000 new jobs per year was repeatedly unfulfilled. The countrys labor minister recently put it bluntly: Iran has 3.4 million unemployed people and can create less than half of new jobs needed each year given limited domestic 285 1604210 of corruption often involving top regime members and their families are a routine affair in Iranian media. Europe cannot help Iran with its corruption problem, but it can help Tehran return to the international economic mainstream. This will in turn create 285 1604279 and avert deep economic distress. This was clear in his message to the United Nations this year, when he said Iran was happy not to engage with the United States but that the nuclear deals fate would be at risk if 285 1604318 risk if Washington looked to break Iranian-European commercial ties. Rouhani has already reaped significant benefits on this front: Europe- Iran trade is up 94 percent in the first half of 2017 compared with the same period in 2016. But his 285 1604372 Tehran particularly values for its underperforming oil and gas sectors. The Europeans also have the ability to finance projects in Iran , a trend that appears to have resumed. In September, an Austrian bank and a Danish bank became the first European 285 1604400 In September, an Austrian bank and a Danish bank became the first European firms to provide funding for projects in Iran in 15 years. These successes since the signing of the nuclear deal, however, have also heightened public expectations in Iran 285 1604420 Iran in 15 years. These successes since the signing of the nuclear deal, however, have also heightened public expectations in Iran that an economic renaissance is around the corner. A key economic advisor to Rouhani, Masoud Nili, recently pointed out that 285 1604581 buy into the idea that even as he plays the bad guy, using European economic leverage to extract concessions from Iran remains his best hope. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images Donald Trump has told a conference organised by a hard line 285 1608407 doing is throwing mud, he added. Paris (AFP) - France on Saturday urged the US Congress not to rip up the Iran nuclear deal, after President Donald Trump decertified Iran's compliance with the 2015 agreement. "We strongly hope that Congress, which is 285 1608484 a dangerous precedent," particularly in the context of negotiations with North Korea, Le Drian said, echoing other signatories of the Iran deal Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia. On Friday, Trump ignored the advice of worried allies and kicked the fate 285 1608556 Iranian curbs on its uranium enrichment. The Republican-controlled Congress will now have to decide whether to reimpose sanctions on Iran -- a step that if taken would almost certainly doom the agreement. "For us, the Vienna accord is a good accord 285 1608583 almost certainly doom the agreement. "For us, the Vienna accord is a good accord, it limits nuclear proliferation and prevents Iran from acquiring atomic weapons. It is robust and coherent," said Le Drian. However he left the door open to further 285 1608652 in perpetuity. "We can open a preliminary discussions with Tehran on what happens after 2025. If the treaty is respected, Iran can fully exercise its rights under the non-proliferation treaty. If safeguards or inspections are required on this date, we 285 1608758 that recent decisions by the US -- to withdraw from UNESCO and the Paris climate agreement, as well as jeopardising the Iran deal -- have called multilateralism into question. "The American position today is a position of strength... of rivalry between powers and 285 1612275 to redirect your anxieties elsewhere in the news cycle. Related Articles Donald Trump has struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement in defiance of other world powers by choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the deal 285 1612553 in his address that the the deal is merely a "temporary delay" on Iran's "path to nuclear weapons", declaring that Iran had committed multiple violations of the agreement despite his own officials having repeatedly said that Iran was technically abiding by 285 1612569 nuclear weapons", declaring that Iran had committed multiple violations of the agreement despite his own officials having repeatedly said that Iran was technically abiding by the deal. Story continues He singled out Iran's powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) for sanctions 285 1612740 Trump of making "baseless accusations". The Iranian nation has not and will never bow to any foreign pressure, he said. Iran and the deal are stronger than ever. Under the 2015 agreement with six nations, Iran agreed to restrict its nuclear 285 1612755 any foreign pressure, he said. Iran and the deal are stronger than ever. Under the 2015 agreement with six nations, Iran agreed to restrict its nuclear programme for at least 10 years in exchange for the loosening of economic sanctions that 285 1612811 Russia, China and the EU. Mr Trump said the removal of sanctions was giving what he called the "regime" in Iran an immediate financial boost, increasing its funds to support terrorism. By decertifying the agreement, the President has started the clock 285 1612850 the clock on a 60-day congressional review of the deal. The President is urging Congress to toughen requirements for Iran to continue receiving relief from US sanctions. He also wants lawmakers to amend legislation to highlight troubling non-nuclear Iranian 285 1612908 2015, but they have wavered since then on whether Mr Trump should enforce it. Mr Trump's more confrontational strategy toward Iran is likely to complicate relations with European allies while strengthening ties with Israel. A vocal opponent of the agreement when 285 1613014 Ms May has called the agreement "vital", while Mr Macron has said it is "essential for peace". International inspectors say Iran is in technical compliance with the accord. Meanwhile, Mr Trump says Tehran is in violation of the spirit of the 285 1613330 third time. John McLaughlin, a former acting CIA director under Republican President George W Bush, called the decertification of the Iran deal one of Mr Trump's "worst decisions". The decision "feeds Iran hardliners, splits allies, shreds US credibility, roils congress [and 285 1613341 President George W Bush, called the decertification of the Iran deal one of Mr Trump's "worst decisions". The decision "feeds Iran hardliners, splits allies, shreds US credibility, roils congress [and is a] gift to Russia," he wrote on Twitter. BEIRUT (Reuters 285 1613556 Arab militias is pressing it from the north and a rival offensive by the Syrian army, supported by allies including Iran and Russia, is attacking it from the west. On Wednesday it said it carried out an attack in the capital 285 1616536 right." (Reporting by Karin Strohecker; editing by David Clarke) Moscow (AFP) - The Kremlin warned Washington on Friday that abandoning the Iran nuclear deal would be a heavy blow to international relations and non-proliferation efforts. "This could seriously aggravate the situation 285 1616693 Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif by phone, expressed Moscow's "full commitment" to the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the foreign ministry said on Friday. The agreement was signed 285 1616715 deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the foreign ministry said on Friday. The agreement was signed between Iran and six world powers -- Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the US -- at talks coordinated by the European Union. Other 285 1616748 at talks coordinated by the European Union. Other parties to the deal have all voiced staunch support for it, saying Iran has stuck to its commitments to curb its nuclear programme. While the deal stalled Iran's nuclear programme, opponents say it 285 1617094 further north, the PUK withdrawal highlighted the complex geopolitics surrounding the aftermath of the referendum, which was bitterly opposed by Iran , Baghdad and Turkey and has since led to a blockade of the region by all three powers. Concerns remained high 285 1617127 region by all three powers. Concerns remained high in Erbil that Peshmerga units from the PUK which is supported by Iran , and whose troops are heavily deployed south of Kirkuk may make more withdrawals, allowing Iraqi forces to advance further. Such 285 1617195 fled from the Islamic State extremists who had rampaged towards them after sacking Mosul. Story continues It would, however, satisfy Iran , which is allied to the PUK. The rival Kurdish faction, the KDP, led by the regions de facto president Masoud 285 1618304 commission and two aides for violating a valid (Iraqi) court ruling banning the independence vote as against the Constitution. Neighboring Iran and Turkey, both with large Kurdish populations of their own, have backed Baghdads stance. Turkey has threatened to shut down 285 1628407 His Tax Plan Would Give Most Americans a $4,000 Pay Raise [Associated Press] He threw a fit: Trumps anger over Iran deal forced aides to scramble for a compromise [Washington Post] President Trump Will Nominate White House Aide Kirstjen Nielsen as 285 1628463 Revoked [TIME] By Steve Holland and Yara Bayoumy WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defiance of other world powers, choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the 285 1628512 Trump announced the major shift in U.S. policy in a speech in which he detailed a more aggressive approach to Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. He accused Iran 285 1628532 Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. He accused Iran of "not living up to the spirit" of the nuclear agreement and said his goal is to ensure Tehran never 285 1628685 and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks and renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico. His Iran strategy angered Tehran and put Washington at odds with other signatories of the accord - Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and 285 1628719 accord - Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union - some of which have benefited economically from renewed trade with Iran . Responding to Trump, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Friday on television that Tehran was committed to the deal and 285 1628761 Trump of making baseless accusations. "The Iranian nation has not and will never bow to any foreign pressure," he said. " Iran and the deal are stronger than ever." European allies have warned of a split with the United States over the 285 1628804 and say that putting it in limbo as Trump has done undermines U.S. credibility abroad, especially as international inspectors say Iran is in compliance with the accord. The chief of the U.N. atomic watchdog reiterated that Iran was under the world's 285 1628820 as international inspectors say Iran is in compliance with the accord. The chief of the U.N. atomic watchdog reiterated that Iran was under the world's "most robust nuclear verification regime." "The nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are 285 1628836 atomic watchdog reiterated that Iran was under the world's "most robust nuclear verification regime." "The nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented," Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency said, referring to the 285 1628990 lawmakers do nothing, the deal remains in place. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker was working on amending the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act law to include "trigger points" that if crossed by Iran would automatically reimpose U.S. sanctions. The 285 1629004 Corker was working on amending the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act law to include "trigger points" that if crossed by Iran would automatically reimpose U.S. sanctions. The trigger points would address strengthening nuclear inspections, Iran's ballistic missile program and eliminate the 285 1629049 which some of the restrictions on Iran's nuclear program expire over time. Trump directed U.S. intelligence agencies to probe whether Iran might be working with North Korea on its weapons programs. The president, who took office in January, had reluctantly certified 285 1629257 U.S. military said on Friday it was identifying new areas where it could work with allies to put pressure on Iran in support of Trump's new strategy and was reviewing the positioning of U.S. forces. But U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis 285 1629289 of U.S. forces. But U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said no changes in force posture had been made yet, and Iran had not responded to Trump's announcement with any provocative acts so far. (Reporting by Steve Holland in Washington; Additional reporting 285 1629375 Dalgleish) Its been a busy week in Washington, D.C., with President Trump taking action on everything from health care to Iran . The House of Representatives passed $36.5 billion in aid for Puerto Rico and parts of California hit by wildfires, reauthorized 285 1629448 the legacy of his predecessor, President Obama. Heres a quick look at what happened and how much it matters. The Iran nuclear deal What happened? On Friday, President Trump will announce that he is not certifying that Iran is in compliance 285 1629465 it matters. The Iran nuclear deal What happened? On Friday, President Trump will announce that he is not certifying that Iran is in compliance with the nuclear deal that President Obama negotiated. What does that mean? Though Trump promised to rip 285 1629500 mean? Though Trump promised to rip up the deal as a candidate, this isnt exactly that. The president is saying Iran is not upholding the spirit of the deal, but his Administration is not walking away from it. Whats the bottom 285 1630366 certify the government of Irans compliance with the 2015 nuclear accord. Faced with the choice of unilaterally reimposing sanctions on Iran and risk restarting its unclear program or of allowing a deal hes long derided as too weak to remain in 285 1630462 Comprehensive Plan of Action, as the Obama-era deal is known, rolled-back sanctions against the regime in exchange for Iran taking steps to unwind parts of its nuclear program. Trump Administration officials acknowledge that Iran is complying with the agreement 285 1630477 the regime in exchange for Iran taking steps to unwind parts of its nuclear program. Trump Administration officials acknowledge that Iran is complying with the agreement, but Trump argued Friday that Iran is not living up to the spirit of the 285 1630488 of its nuclear program. Trump Administration officials acknowledge that Iran is complying with the agreement, but Trump argued Friday that Iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal. Speaking from the Diplomatic Reception Room, Trump recited a list 285 1630586 White House also called on Congress to work to end the so-called sunset provisions of the agreement, under which Iran is allowed to resume some nuclear-related work after designated waiting periods. Trumps decision stops short of tearing up the 285 1630632 Hill are not expected to reimpose sanctions. But the uncertainty introduced to a barely two-year-old agreement under which Iran is in technical compliance could have far-reaching implications for U.S. foreign policy both with respect to Iran and as 285 1630650 under which Iran is in technical compliance could have far-reaching implications for U.S. foreign policy both with respect to Iran and as it seeks a diplomatic resolution to North Koreas nuclear program. Story continues I think U.S. influence abroad will 285 1630742 a plan for what comes after. I think that well have a hard (if not impossible) time recreating sanctions against Iran , and I think well find it harder to negotiate deals with others. The Trump Administration defends its approach as working 285 1630771 negotiate deals with others. The Trump Administration defends its approach as working within the construct established by Congress under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act. The White House expressed support for legislation amending that bill that would effectively end the sunset 285 1630811 sunset provisions under the JCPOA. Sens. Tom Cotton and Bob Corker are drafting legislation that would automatically reinstate sanctions on Iran if it is assessed to come within a year of nuclear capability. Critics contend it would amount to a unilateral 285 1630842 nuclear capability. Critics contend it would amount to a unilateral rewrite of the accord that could provoke non-compliance by Iran . The amendment to INARA is something that doesnt require us to negotiate anything with anyone else, Secretary of State Rex 285 1631057 announced additional terrorism-related sanctions against the Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, its primary vehicle for undermining regional security. The Iran debate comes as the Trump Administration is searching for a diplomatic off-ramp to North Koreas far more advanced nuclear 285 1632746 of efforts to enforce a so-called "de-escalation zone" agreed by rebel backer Ankara and regime allies Russia and Iran at talks in Astana earlier this year. But the Syrian foreign ministry source slammed the "Turkish aggression", saying it had 285 1635498 line, ruling out talks sought by the Kurds unless they renounce the breakaway move, is backed by neighbors Turkey and Iran - both with their own sizable Kurdish minorities, and in Turkey's case, a long-running Kurdish insurgency. Tens of thousands of 285 1635953 said on Thursday Ankara would gradually close border crossings with northern Iraq in coordination with the central Iraqi government and Iran . Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim is expected in Baghdad on Sunday for talks with Abadi. (Additional reporting by Michael Nienaber 285 1638337 This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Former U.S. officials who played pivotal roles in negotiating the 2015 nuclear treaty with Iran have spoken out against President Donald Trump's decision Friday to decertify the landmark agreement, arguing it would leave the U.S 285 1638366 Friday to decertify the landmark agreement, arguing it would leave the U.S. isolated among leading world powers. Despite warnings from Iran and pleas from China, France, Germany, Russia and the U.K., Trump announced Friday his refusal to certify the Joint Comprehensive 285 1638404 the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) negotiated by these nations under former President Barack Obama. Trump has alleged that Iran has violated the deal, but has been contradicted by other leaders, the U.N. and the State Department. Experts close to 285 1638449 a strategy significantly harms the U.S.'s standing in the international community, even among its closest allies. Related: Trump says Iran violated nuclear deal, but is the U.S. following the rules? "If the U.S. blows up the deal and seeks to 285 1638585 is required to recertify the treaty every 90 days. While the Trump administration has yet to produce any evidence that Iran has violated the treaty, which stipulated that Iran severely curb its nuclear production in exchange for the lifting of billions 285 1638593 days. While the Trump administration has yet to produce any evidence that Iran has violated the treaty, which stipulated that Iran severely curb its nuclear production in exchange for the lifting of billions of dollars worth of international sanctions, it has 285 1638667 deal, which would give the Republican-dominated Congress 60 days to decide whether or not to impose additional sanctions against Iran , seriously risks the deal's failure and, ultimately, opens a newfound path for Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon and therefore 285 1638680 or not to impose additional sanctions against Iran, seriously risks the deal's failure and, ultimately, opens a newfound path for Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon and therefore pave the road for another potential military conflict in the Middle East. The 285 1638919 at the State Department, said Trump's decision risks forcing Europe to "be wedged" between Trump's unilateral interests and those of Iran , China and Russia, which have already taken steps to overtake the U.S.'s leading role in the Middle East. While 285 1639049 coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf region, said the only way to gain further concessions from Iran would be to engage with Tehran diplomatically, rather than stepping away from existing commitments. He said he feared that Trump's 285 1639610 Kerry) The US is not pulling out of the deal entirely: Getty Donald Trump has decided not to certify that Iran in complying with the terms of a major nuclear deal, Americas top diplomat has announced. However, Secretary of State Rex 285 1639667 2015 by Mr Trumps predecessor, Barack Obama. Under the 2015 agreement with six nations including the US, UK and France Iran agreed to restrict its nuclear programme for at least 10 years in exchange for the loosening of economic sanctions that 285 1639706 sanctions that had crippled its economy. Mr Tillerson said the President on Friday would urge Congress to toughen requirements for Iran to continue to get relief from US sanctions. The administration also wants Congress also to amend legislation to highlight troubling 285 1639789 they have wavered since then on whether Mr Trump should enforce it. Up until Friday, the administration had reported that Iran was complying with its commitments in the nuclear agreement. However, Mr Tillerson continuously noted that the Middle Eastern country continued 285 1641647 and Yasmeen Abutaleb; Writing by Anthony Lin; Editing by Noeleen Walder and Peter Cooney) The Trump administrations game plan for Iran has a certain logic to it, but executing it will be the most difficult diplomatic gambit his team has attempted 285 1641695 signal to supporters of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the nuclear agreement U.S. President Barack Obama negotiated with Iran , that President Donald Trump is willing to blow up that deal because he sees it as disadvantageous to the United 285 1641743 is willing to not blow up the deal, provided that he gets his way on other elements of a counter- Iran strategy. At the same time, the administration is attempting to signal to opponents of the JCPOA that there is a 285 1641788 weaknesses in the deal without blowing it up, provided that those opponents give the president some relief by revising the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA) to remove the 90-day certification requirement. Managing all of those contrary signals requires a 285 1642059 believed that freezing the nuclear issue with the JCPOA would not prevent the United States and its allies from confronting Iran on these other issues. Both were too optimistic. In practice, Iran has pocketed the gains from the JCPOA and continued 285 1642070 prevent the United States and its allies from confronting Iran on these other issues. Both were too optimistic. In practice, Iran has pocketed the gains from the JCPOA and continued its other activities unabated. And in practice, Obama was hesitant to 285 1642092 pocketed the gains from the JCPOA and continued its other activities unabated. And in practice, Obama was hesitant to challenge Iran on those other activities lest doing so would disrupt the diplomatic gains of the JCPOA, whereas Trump has received little 285 1642124 gains of the JCPOA, whereas Trump has received little support from our allies when he showed greater willingness to confront Iran . When combined with the unwillingness of our allies to do more to push Iran on non-nuclear issues, the 90 285 1642138 he showed greater willingness to confront Iran. When combined with the unwillingness of our allies to do more to push Iran on non-nuclear issues, the 90-day requirement that the president publicly certify that Iran is abiding by the JCPOA 285 1642153 to do more to push Iran on non-nuclear issues, the 90-day requirement that the president publicly certify that Iran is abiding by the JCPOA agreement was a pill too bitter for Trump to swallow more than twice. Accordingly, the 285 1642189 more than twice. Accordingly, the president has decided he would simply not certify. Note that this is different from declaring Iran to be in material violation of the agreement. The JCPOA provides many ways the president could blow up the agreement 285 1642240 that the administration is not doing that now. They are rocking the boat, not sinking it. Refusing to certify that Iran is in compliance triggers a process whereby Congress could reimpose nuclear-related sanctions. If Congress did that, that would blow 285 1642296 not do so because, in the interval, the White House is hoping to persuade our allies to get tougher on Iran on the non-nuclear issues. In exchange for that greater allied cooperation, the administration hopes it will be able to 285 1642343 and remove the 90-day certification, thus buying more time for other lines of pressure to come to bear on Iran . The foregoing is based on the advanced reporting on what the Trump administration is planning to do, along with a 285 1642513 way ticket to what they would consider to be the worst of all possible outcomes: a violent confrontation with an Iran that can put the collapse of the JCPOA on us. This would be a heavy lift even for an administration 285 1642588 execute it. Doing so is not a guarantee of success. The enemy still gets a vote and, in this case, Iran has plenty of gambits of its own to play to frustrate the strategy. But Irans countermoves may not be the 285 1643708 Ahn and Leslie Adler) President Donald Trump has set the wheels in motion for his expected non-certification of the Iran nuclear deal in his latest attack on the Islamic Republic, accusing Tehran of backing international terrorism. In a statement released 285 1643754 the Trump administration outlined its frustration with the 2015 deal and what it perceives as aggression from Tehran. Read more: Iran Is Building Nuclear Submarines and a New Destroyer Despite Donald Trumps Warnings It is time for the entire world to 285 1643800 Irans government end its pursuit of death and destruction, the president said in a press release, which focuses on denying Iran a path to the creation of a nuclear weapon and fighting proxy wars in the Middle East. Trump is expected 285 1643880 Obama. GettyImages-860674444 Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images The Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action, more commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, was made between then-Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in October 285 1643958 economic sanctions. While the previous administration considered the nuclear deal one of its greatest diplomatic achievements, Trump officials have criticized Iran for not adhering to the spirit of the deal. Story continues According to the Guardian, which has been given the 285 1644011 which could have caused the collapse of the 2015 agreement. However, he will recommend changes to legislation so that if Iran breaks the deal sanctions would be automatically reintroduced. The president is also expected to introduce sanctions on members of Irans 285 1644122 is an embarrassment to the United States, and I don't think you've heard the last of itbelieve me," Trump said. Iran , while condemning Trump over his bellicose rhetoric, has vowed not to break the nuclear accord. If Trump decides not to 285 1644198 lawmakers to impose the sanctions in that space of time. Reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have shown Iran continues to comply with the terms of the 2015 agreement but speaking at the end of the August, Tillerson said 285 1644311 military sites. Related Articles Tehran (AFP) - US President Donald Trump's speech in which he outlined an aggressive new strategy against Iran shows that he is "more than ever against the Iranian people", President Hassan Rouhani said Friday. "Today the United States 285 1644411 multilateral international treaty on his own? Apparently he doesn't know that this agreement is not a bilateral agreement solely between Iran and the United States," he said. President Donald Trump said Friday he would no longer certify that the Iran nuclear 285 1644430 between Iran and the United States," he said. President Donald Trump said Friday he would no longer certify that the Iran nuclear deal is in Americas interest and warned he could eventually abandon the agreement if Tehran failed to meet an 285 1644474 The long-awaited move threatens to rupture relations with European allies and opens the door to a potential confrontation with Iran at a moment when thousands of U.S. troops are deployed in neighboring Iraq. Hours after the president announced his stance 285 1644512 announced his stance, European leaders warned Trumps decision could lead to the collapse of the deal, removing the strict limits Iran currently has on its nuclear-weapons program. And Asian governments worry that unilaterally backing away from the Iran pact could 285 1644530 strict limits Iran currently has on its nuclear-weapons program. And Asian governments worry that unilaterally backing away from the Iran pact could cripple hopes of a negotiated solution to the nuclear standoff with North Korea. In a speech, Trump stopped 285 1644575 immediate withdrawal from the 2015 accord, which he had promised during his presidential campaign. But in refusing to certify that Iran is complying with the deal, the administration is passing the buck to Congress, which will have to decide whether to 285 1644631 not make this certification, Trump said. He threatened to torpedo the entire deal unless U.S. lawmakers and world powers force Iran to swallow wide-ranging restrictions on everything from its missile program to its use of proxy forces in regional conflicts 285 1644836 have posed complications for U.S. troops deployed near Iranian military forces in Iraq. Trump called on Congress to strengthen the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA), the domestic law that calls for the president to decide whether to recertify the deal 285 1644910 years or more. Officials want the law revised to include trigger points that, if crossed, would automatically reintroduce sanctions on Iran . If Iran crosses any of these trigger points, the sanctions automatically go back in place, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson 285 1644912 more. Officials want the law revised to include trigger points that, if crossed, would automatically reintroduce sanctions on Iran. If Iran crosses any of these trigger points, the sanctions automatically go back in place, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters 285 1644962 refusing to extend limits on nuclear fuel production, more ballistic missile launches, or a determination by U.S. spy agencies that Iran is less than a year away from building an atomic bomb. But amending the legislation would require 60 votes in 285 1645055 be even tougher. The administration hopes the threat of action will spur the pacts other signatories to back a tougher Iran agreement. But Trumps decision runs against the assessment of every major U.S. intelligence agency as well as nearly all U.S 285 1645080 runs against the assessment of every major U.S. intelligence agency as well as nearly all U.S. allies, who maintain that Iran is abiding by the terms of the accord. After Trumps speech, the leaders of Britain, France, and Germany issued an 285 1645217 States and its allies before taking any steps that might undermine the [nuclear deal], such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement. On Friday, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said in a statement that 285 1645246 Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said in a statement that the proposed legislation would not conflict with the Iran deal and would instead halt Irans nuclear program. Corker presented it as an opportunity to establish a U.S. policy on 285 1645267 deal and would instead halt Irans nuclear program. Corker presented it as an opportunity to establish a U.S. policy on Iran that is backed by a bipartisan majority in Congress and empower a diplomatic push to unify our allies behind a 285 1645289 is backed by a bipartisan majority in Congress and empower a diplomatic push to unify our allies behind a common Iran policy. On Thursday, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel warned that decertifying the deal would isolate the United States and drive 285 1645469 future, Suzanne Maloney of the Brookings Institution told Foreign Policy. As the country most at risk from a nuclear-armed Iran , Israel will applaud Trumps decision. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who vehemently opposed the agreement in 2015, said in a 285 1645597 A career officer in Mossad, Arad visited Washington last week to appeal to lawmakers to keep the deal in place. Iran has blasted the administrations reasons for decertification and ruled out reopening negotiations. Trumps attacks on the deal have even managed 285 1646558 recent months. The deployment comes days after Turkish troops launched a reconnaissance mission as part of efforts with Russia and Iran to set up a de-escalation zone -- as agreed in May at the Astana peace talks aimed at ending the 285 1648193 continue to grow. Photo credit: JACQUES DEMARTHON/AFP/Getty Images Washington (AFP) - President Donald Trump dumped the fate of the Iran nuclear deal on US lawmakers Friday, leaving open the question of whether they can turn the screw on Tehran without 285 1648230 screw on Tehran without killing the accord. Unveiling an aggressive new strategy against what he called the "rogue regime" in Iran , Trump said he will not certify under US law that the 2015 pact remains in the US interests. He threatened 285 1648282 but, rather than doing so, he left it up to Congress to decide whether to levy new US sanctions on Iran that might capsize the agreement. Two influential Republican senators have drawn up a plan for sanctions that European diplomats fear 285 1648331 international accord, but it is unclear whether they could muster a majority. There is broader support for fresh pressure on Iran over its continued missile development and subversive activities in the region -- factors that Trump says violate the "spirit" of the 285 1648436 that the Iranian regime can never threaten the world with nuclear weapons," Trump said. With Congress the next battlefield over Iran policy, diplomats say they have observed US lawmaker reluctance at being seen as responsible for walking away from the pact 285 1648497 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) curbed Iran's nuclear program in return for sanctions relief. It was signed by Iran , Germany, and UN Security Council permanent members Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States. Story continues Trump could have 285 1648661 for years denounced the pact, which was brokered during Barack Obama's administration. When the deal was struck, Congress passed the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA) that gave US lawmakers a say in managing the accord. This includes a requirement for 285 1648702 the president to certify Iran's compliance with the accord every 90 days, and an option to slap sanctions back on Iran with a simple majority vote. - Sunset clause - Lawmakers are hesitant about re-imposing the sanctions, including restrictions on Iran's vast 285 1648807 deal, but he stressed the need to keep allies on the same page. One option unveiled Friday by Corker and Iran hawk Senator Tom Cotton is an amendment to INARA that would toughen Iran's compliance requirements and address "deficiencies" in the 285 1648841 compliance requirements and address "deficiencies" in the deal. The proposal would target the pact's "sunset" provisions that would gradually allow Iran to advance its uranium enrichment program from 2025. According to a summary, the US would reimpose its pre-deal sanctions 285 1648863 advance its uranium enrichment program from 2025. According to a summary, the US would reimpose its pre-deal sanctions on Iran if it did restart enrichment, even if this was allowed under the JCPOA. "I think that we have provided a 285 1649102 could stoke separatist aspirations among its own Kurdish minority, warns the Iraqi Kurds they will face sanctions over the vote. Iran , which has similar fears, has already announced it is stopping all flights to and from Iraqi Kurdistan. Iraqi Prime Minister 285 1649352 conduct joint military exercises with tanks and infantry reported around 250 metres (yards) from the border with the Kurdistan region. Iran has meanwhile embargoed exports and imports of fuel products to and from Iraqi Kurdistan "until further notice", media report. An 285 1657674 and quiet, but our interests are different. They want to strengthen their presence in Syria, and were refusing to let Iran enter Syria. Wheres the Iranian involvement? Iran is investing hundreds of millions in funds and in war materials in Syria 285 1657681 They want to strengthen their presence in Syria, and were refusing to let Iran enter Syria. Wheres the Iranian involvement? Iran is investing hundreds of millions in funds and in war materials in Syria and in Lebanon. Its the source of 285 1657721 of the axis of evil today. It supports our entire first circle of enemiesHamas, the Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and Syria. Iran is doing everything in its power to strengthen its presence in Syria as its front post. Its not even a 285 1657790 Syrian President Bashar) Assads weakness and Irans infiltration into Syria pose a very big threat to the State of Israel. Iran has one goalto wipe the State of Israel off the face of the earth. They have been declaring it everywherein 285 1659672 the decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to withhold certification of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iran nuclear issue. As the 2017 Nobel Peace Laureate, the Geneva-based NGO said that President Trump's rejection of the JCPOA 285 1659833 that he had decided to decertify Iran's compliance with the landmark deal reached in 2015 as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. The decertification would not pull the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal at the 285 1659849 he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. The decertification would not pull the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal at the moment, but it would open a 60-day window in which U.S. Congress could reimpose nuclear 285 1659873 the moment, but it would open a 60-day window in which U.S. Congress could reimpose nuclear-related sanctions on Iran , a step which would mean the violation of the deal on the U.S. side. During his speech on Friday, Trump 285 1659896 which would mean the violation of the deal on the U.S. side. During his speech on Friday, Trump called the Iran nuclear deal "one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into," and blamed 285 1659917 nuclear deal "one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into," and blamed Iran for committing "multiple violations of the agreement" and "not living up to the spirit of the deal." The nuclear deal 285 1659941 violations of the agreement" and "not living up to the spirit of the deal." The nuclear deal was reached between Iran and the world six powers of Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany in July 2015. Source 285 1659982 Xinhua| 2017-10-14 03:40:58|Editor: Lu Hui Video Player Close U.S. President Donald Trump speaks on new Iran strategy at the White House in Washington D.C., the United States, on Oct. 13, 2017. U.S. President Donald Trump rolled 285 1660006 White House in Washington D.C., the United States, on Oct. 13, 2017. U.S. President Donald Trump rolled out his new Iran strategy on Friday, vowing to deny Tehran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in a major shift in Washington's Iran 285 1660026 Iran strategy on Friday, vowing to deny Tehran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in a major shift in Washington's Iran policy. (Xinhua/Ting Shen) WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump's Friday decertification of Iran's compliance with the landmark 285 1660068 deal has provoked wide disturbances and fury in and outside the United States. In his speech, Trump announced his new Iran strategy, when he hammered Iran and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in an uncommonly aggressive rhetoric, accusing them of 285 1660073 and fury in and outside the United States. In his speech, Trump announced his new Iran strategy, when he hammered Iran and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in an uncommonly aggressive rhetoric, accusing them of agitating regional instability and exporting 285 1660107 them of agitating regional instability and exporting violence. He also refused to recertify and threatened to terminate the hard-won Iran nuclear accord, saying it was "one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered 285 1660153 U.S. military said it was reviewing the "entire breadth" of its security cooperation, force posture and plans to backup Trump's Iran strategy. "We are identifying new areas where we will work with allies to put pressure on the Iranian regime, neutralize 285 1660213 Tehran has rejected any renegotiation of the deal. Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi responded soon after Trump's speech that " Iran will earnestly follow and boost its defensive and security capabilities." "Any move against the Iranian armed forces, including the IRGC 285 1660268 European allies were also frustrated. Soon after Trump's U-turn announcement, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said that the Iran nuclear deal "is a robust deal that provides guarantees and a strong monitoring mechanism," hence cannot be terminated by any 285 1660457 deal, to roll back Iran's aggression and to confront its criminal support of terrorism." Related: Spotlight: Trump's decertification claim harms Iran nuclear deal WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- In his latest attempt to fulfill another campaign promise, U.S. President Donald Trump on 285 1660484 In his latest attempt to fulfill another campaign promise, U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday dealt a blow to the Iran nuclear deal without scrapping it. "I am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification (of Iran's 285 1660521 this certification (of Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal)," Trump said at the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. Full story Trump seeks to deny Iran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in major policy 285 1660532 at the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. Full story Trump seeks to deny Iran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in major policy shift WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump rolled out 285 1660555 to a nuclear weapon" in major policy shift WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump rolled out his new Iran strategy on Friday, vowing to deny Tehran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in a major shift in Washington's Iran 285 1660575 Iran strategy on Friday, vowing to deny Tehran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in a major shift in Washington's Iran policy. Source: Xinhua| 2017-10-14 04:06:06|Editor: yan Video Player Close KIEV, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- The National 285 1661407 making plans for community service. The religion was founded by Bahaullah, who was born in 1817 in what now is Iran . Teachings focus on ideas such as the oneness of humanity, eliminating all forms of prejudice, and the harmony of science 285 1663664 Xinhua| 2017-10-14 07:42:09|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close U.S. President Donald Trump speaks on new Iran strategy at the White House in Washington D.C., the United States, on Oct. 13, 2017. U.S. President Donald Trump rolled 285 1663688 White House in Washington D.C., the United States, on Oct. 13, 2017. U.S. President Donald Trump rolled out his new Iran strategy on Friday, vowing to deny Tehran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in a major shift in Washington's Iran 285 1663708 Iran strategy on Friday, vowing to deny Tehran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in a major shift in Washington's Iran policy. (Xinhua/Ting Shen) WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- In his latest attempt to fulfill another campaign promise, U.S. President Donald 285 1663737 In his latest attempt to fulfill another campaign promise, U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday dealt a blow to the Iran nuclear deal without scrapping it. "I am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification (of Iran's 285 1663774 this certification (of Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal)," Trump said at the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. The decertification would not pull the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal at the 285 1663790 he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. The decertification would not pull the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal at the moment, but it would open a 60-day window in which U.S. Congress could reimpose nuclear 285 1663814 the moment, but it would open a 60-day window in which U.S. Congress could reimpose nuclear-related sanctions on Iran , a step which would mean the violation of the deal on the U.S. side. During his speech on Friday, Trump 285 1663837 which would mean the violation of the deal on the U.S. side. During his speech on Friday, Trump called the Iran nuclear deal, formally known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), "one of the worst and most one-sided transactions 285 1663867 Action (JCPOA), "one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into," and blamed Iran for committing "multiple violations of the agreement" and "not living up to the spirit of the deal." His accusation of 285 1663919 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who had said earlier that under the JCPOA, the United States did not dispute that Iran was "under technical compliance." The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a UN watchdog tasked with monitoring Iran's nuclear activities, had 285 1663956 Iran's nuclear activities, had in the past certified eight times Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal. Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of abandoning the nuclear deal. Instead, he said he was 285 1663959 had in the past certified eight times Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal. Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of abandoning the nuclear deal. Instead, he said he was directing his administration 285 1664015 insufficient enforcement and near-total silence on Iran's missile programs." In case the efforts fail, Trump warned that "then the ( Iran nuclear) agreement will be terminated." "Our participation can be canceled by me, as president, at any time," said Trump. Together 285 1664054 Trump. Together with his announcement to decertify Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal, Trump on Friday unveiled a much tougher Iran strategy, including new sanctions on Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. "I am authorizing the Treasury Department to further sanction the 285 1664116 Trump. Other parts of the new strategy also target Iran's ballistic missile program, which was not covered by the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Trump's announcement immediately drew criticism both at home and abroad. Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said in 285 1664163 the decision to decertify Iran's compliance would "isolate" the United States. "Unilaterally putting the deal at risk does not isolate Iran ," said the statement. "It isolates us." "The decision will cost us leverage. It will weaken our unity with our allies 285 1664212 adding that Trump's decision "goes against reason and evidence." European Union (EU) leaders on Friday voiced their commitment to the Iran nuclear deal and its full implementation by all sides despite Trump's decision to decertify Iran's compliance. In a joint statement 285 1664286 United States and its allies "before taking any steps that might undermine the JCPOA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement." Meanwhile, the IAEA on Friday again confirmed that Iran had been implementing the Iran nuclear deal 285 1664299 JCPOA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement." Meanwhile, the IAEA on Friday again confirmed that Iran had been implementing the Iran nuclear deal under the robust nuclear verification regime. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said Tehran 285 1664304 sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement." Meanwhile, the IAEA on Friday again confirmed that Iran had been implementing the Iran nuclear deal under the robust nuclear verification regime. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said Tehran was co-operating with the 285 1664335 General Yukiya Amano said Tehran was co-operating with the agency to implement the commitment to be undertaken by Tehran. " Iran is now provisionally implementing the Additional Protocol to its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, a powerful verification tool which 285 1664366 Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, a powerful verification tool which gives our inspectors broader access to information and locations in Iran ," said Amano. It remains unclear the path forward for the Iran nuclear deal, but experts warned that Trump's decision could 285 1664377 our inspectors broader access to information and locations in Iran," said Amano. It remains unclear the path forward for the Iran nuclear deal, but experts warned that Trump's decision could severely backfire and would give Iran "an excuse to opt-out 285 1664392 the path forward for the Iran nuclear deal, but experts warned that Trump's decision could severely backfire and would give Iran "an excuse to opt-out of the deal." According to Darrell West, a Brookings Institution Senior Fellow, if the United 285 1664457 and create anxiety among regional countries. Though the deal isn't perfect, there are positive aspects such as imposing constraints on Iran , said West. It could be a "very short-sighted move on Trump's part" to decertify the deal. Furthermore, West pointed 285 1664511 been already facing. "If the agreement falls apart, Trump will face a crisis not just in North Korea, but in Iran ," he said, referring to the name Americans often use for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). Currently, tensions are 285 1664566 between the United States and the DPRK has escalated in recent days and weeks. The nuclear deal was reached between Iran and six countries including Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany in July 2015. So far, the 285 1664592 China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany in July 2015. So far, the deal had helped defuse the Iran nuclear crisis and bolstered the international non-proliferation regime. Trump had long criticized the Iran nuclear pact. In his speech 285 1664607 deal had helped defuse the Iran nuclear crisis and bolstered the international non-proliferation regime. Trump had long criticized the Iran nuclear pact. In his speech delivered at UN General Assembly last month, Trump called the agreement "an embarrassment" for the 285 1664633 delivered at UN General Assembly last month, Trump called the agreement "an embarrassment" for the United States. According to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INRA) passed by U.S. Congress in 2015, the Trump administration is required every 90 days to 285 1666936 the region is on edge, a French researcher on American issues said here on Friday. "The spiral of tensions with Iran is re-opened. Doubt and uncertainty are established. The European allies of the United States do not know how to 285 1666970 United States do not know how to react," Julien Zarifian told Xinhua in an interview. The French expert believed that " Iran will denounce the American executive's choice and refuse the possibility of any change in the agreement as has been done 285 1667090 motivated by political calculations." The agreement's "decertification" allows the American president "to show that he maintains the hard line on Iran and the accord...and allows him to send a strong message to his base and U.S. allies in the Middle 285 1667163 said. Not to certify the accord signed in 2015 by France, Germany, Britain, China, Russia and the United States with Iran "does nothing but send the ball into Congress camp which will be responsible for re-examining the terms of the 285 1667197 for re-examining the terms of the agreement and the conditions that allowed the lifting of certain U.S. sanctions against Iran ," Zarifian said. The U.S. Congress within 60 days "will decide whether the agreement is still valid and if the conditions 285 1667585 newIranstrategy at theWhite Housein Washington D.C., theUnited States, on Oct. 13, 2017. U.S. President Donald Trump rolled out his new Iran strategy on Friday, vowing to deny Tehran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in a major shift in Washington's Iran 285 1667605 Iran strategy on Friday, vowing to deny Tehran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in a major shift in Washington's Iran policy. (Xinhua/Ting Shen) By Matthew Rusling WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- Despite U.S. President Donald Trump's railing against the Iran 285 1667625 Iran policy. (Xinhua/Ting Shen) By Matthew Rusling WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- Despite U.S. President Donald Trump's railing against the Iran nuclear deal on Friday, it may remain in place in the long run, U.S. experts said. Trump failed to certify 285 1667647 deal on Friday, it may remain in place in the long run, U.S. experts said. Trump failed to certify that Iran was playing by the rules stipulated in the nuclear deal, and contended that the Islamic republic is in defiance of 285 1667726 kill the deal, and experts said there's a chance the international accord may remain intact. "Trump is not certifying the Iran agreement, but isn't taking the types of steps that would completely unravel it," Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Darrell West told 285 1667851 signatories to the agreement are going to pull out. So much of it is likely to stay in effect for Iran ," West said. The deal, clinched in July 2015 between Iran and the six countries of Britain, China, France, Russia and 285 1667861 much of it is likely to stay in effect for Iran," West said. The deal, clinched in July 2015 between Iran and the six countries of Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany after a decade of painstaking 285 1667885 countries of Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany after a decade of painstaking negotiations, has seen Iran scale down nuclear projects in exchange for international sanctions easing. Trump and other critics have long blasted the deal as 285 1667912 for international sanctions easing. Trump and other critics have long blasted the deal as a path to nuclear weapons for Iran , though the latter insists its nuclear program is peaceful. In a televised speech on Friday, Trump accused Iran of committing 285 1667930 weapons for Iran, though the latter insists its nuclear program is peaceful. In a televised speech on Friday, Trump accused Iran of committing "multiple violations" of the deal, although the International Atomic Energy Agency maintains that Iran is complying with the 285 1667946 on Friday, Trump accused Iran of committing "multiple violations" of the deal, although the International Atomic Energy Agency maintains that Iran is complying with the agreement. Speaking on television on the same day, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Trump's claims that 285 1668079 that the United States will leave the Paris agreement on climate change. Both were achieved during the Obama administration. The Iran nuclear deal was made possible by the fact that the United States, Russia, China, and the Europeans were unified in 285 1668133 adopted unanimously by the 15-member UN Security Council on July 20, 2015, the council will terminate its sanctions on Iran upon receiving a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that verifies Iran's implementation of its nuclear-related commitments 285 1668187 the past certified eight times Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal. Yukiya Amano, IAEA director general, confirmed on Friday that Iran had been implementing the nuclear deal under the robust nuclear verification regime. On the same day, leaders of France, Germany 285 1668274 consensus can be built on the issue. "I don't see how the same international coalition will be assembled to confront Iran in the future," Mahaffee said. Related: Spotlight: Trump's Iran decertification announcement again rattles world WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President 285 1668283 see how the same international coalition will be assembled to confront Iran in the future," Mahaffee said. Related: Spotlight: Trump's Iran decertification announcement again rattles world WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump's Friday decertification of Iran's compliance with the 285 1668326 deal has provoked wide disturbances and fury in and outside the United States. Full story Spotlight: Trump's decertification claim harms Iran nuclear deal WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- In his latest attempt to fulfill another campaign promise, U.S. President Donald Trump on 285 1668353 In his latest attempt to fulfill another campaign promise, U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday dealt a blow to the Iran nuclear deal without scrapping it. "I am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification (of Iran's 285 1668390 this certification (of Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal)," Trump said at the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. Full story Trump seeks to deny Iran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in major policy 285 1668401 at the White House as he unveiled a new Iran strategy of his administration. Full story Trump seeks to deny Iran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in major policy shift WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump rolled out 285 1668424 to a nuclear weapon" in major policy shift WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump rolled out his new Iran strategy on Friday, vowing to deny Tehran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in a major shift in Washington's Iran 285 1668444 Iran strategy on Friday, vowing to deny Tehran "all paths to a nuclear weapon" in a major shift in Washington's Iran policy. Source: Xinhua| 2017-10-14 13:58:04|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct. 14 285 1669986 no longer certify Iran's compliance with a landmark nuclear deal, dealing another blow to the already-frayed transatlantic ties. The Iran nuclear deal, formally known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was inked in 2015 by Britain, China, France, Russia 285 1670013 Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was inked in 2015 by Britain, China, France, Russia, the United States and Germany with Iran . The EU also played an important role in brokering the deal and deemed it as one of the bloc's outstanding 285 1670039 important role in brokering the deal and deemed it as one of the bloc's outstanding diplomatic achievements. Under the deal, Iran halts its nuclear weapon program in exchange for economic aid and relief of international sanctions. Trump's announcement came as no 285 1670165 following Washington's decision to drop out of the Paris climate accord, and their spat over NATO burden-sharing. "It (The Iran deal) is not a bilateral agreement. It does not belong to any single country. It's not up to any single 285 1670254 United States has many powers, (but) not this one." She reaffirmed that the EU will continue to fully implement the Iran nuclear deal. Leaders of France, Germany and Britain, by the same token, issued a joint statement, saying they were concerned 285 1670315 United States and its allies "before taking any steps that might undermine the JCPOA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement." Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of 285 1670324 that might undermine the JCPOA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement." Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of abandoning the nuclear deal. Instead, he said he was 285 1670327 the JCPOA, such as re-imposing sanctions on Iran lifted under the agreement." Despite his criticism of Iran and the Iran nuclear deal, Trump on Friday stopped short of abandoning the nuclear deal. Instead, he said he was directing his administration 285 1677651 the border crossings which are outside the control of the federal authorities, and called on the neighboring countries (Turkey and Iran ) to help the Iraq in implementing its measures. The independence of Kurdistan is opposed not only by the Iraqi central 285 1677700 it would threaten the integrity of Iraq and undermine the fight against Islamic State militants. Iraq's neighboring countries, especially Turkey, Iran and Syria, fear the Iraqi Kurdish independence move would threaten their territorial integrity, as large population of Kurds live in 285 1687329 claimed its forces would set up observation posts inside Idlib, saying its a part of an agreement with Russia and Iran , when the powers agreed to create a de-escalation zone in Idlib during the latest round of talks in Astana 285 1703961 the danger of Trump leading us into a World War III; his words/actions toward North Korea, decertification of the Iran Nuclear Deal, withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, irrational tweets and erratic behavior. That danger is echoed in The Dangerous 285 1706757 level bank officers tens of millions of Euro and U.S. dollars to facilitate Zarrab's network's transactions for the benefit of Iran " to evade U.S. sanctions against that country. Bharara's memo noted that these "conclusions are corroborated by emails obtained through the 285 1727817 Day One. The United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia have yet to demonstrate that they have the courage to attack Iran directly and it is still conventional wisdom among most observers that none of Irans self-defined adversaries will ever develop 285 1727859 appetite for a hot war on Iranian soil any time soon. One of the reasons for this reticence to attack Iran directly, especially where more moderate members of the Pentagon are concerned, is that such an operation would be suicide from 285 1727943 the US continues to construct a totally nonfactual narrative about Iranian terrorism. Because no such thing exists (on the contrary Iran both fights and is a victim of Takrifi jihadism), the US along with Israel continues to peddle the narrative that 285 1728083 bears a far more sinister explanation. Because many in the US and Israel are in fact afraid of taking on Iran directly, they are actively working to undermine Iran by attacking its smaller allies. The continual demonisation of Hezbollah is clearly 285 1728091 in the US and Israel are in fact afraid of taking on Iran directly, they are actively working to undermine Iran by attacking its smaller allies. The continual demonisation of Hezbollah is clearly defined by the US as an attempt to 285 1728141 to convince Lebanese Shia Muslims to withdraw electoral and moral support for the party, thus eliminating the power of an Iran friendly group in the heart of the Levant. This is not speculation or conjecture, but a reference to an important 285 1728513 has responded by stepping up efforts to destabilize the Hashemite Kingdom, including using infiltrations. Syria recently signaled that it and Iran might prefer a weak, but barely surviving Saddam, if only to undermine and humiliate Jordan in its efforts to remove 285 1728806 predominantly Shia population of southern Lebanon has been tied for centuries to the Shia leadership in Najf, Iraq rather than Iran . Were the Hashemites to control Iraq, they could use their influence over Najf to help Israel wean the south Lebanese 285 1728832 Iraq, they could use their influence over Najf to help Israel wean the south Lebanese Shia away from Hizballah (sic), Iran , and Syria. Shia retain strong ties to the Hashemites: the Shia venerate foremost the Prophets family, the direct descendants of 285 1729019 are in many ways weaker than ever) and where Iraq has a Shia dominated government with openly warm relations with Iran . Iraqs present geo-political position is that of the only country in the world where the two most influential countries 285 1729048 the only country in the world where the two most influential countries inside its borders are the United States and Iran . To put this in perspective, imagine a country where the two most influential powers, each with its own troops working 285 1729138 Guard Corps, train Iraqi troops and Popular Mobilization Units to fight terrorism. Whats more is that Iraq has recently approached Iran to sign a wide ranging military security pact. All the while, the US maintains multiple military bases in Iraq, in 285 1729207 Minister arrives in Tehran to sign a memorandum for future military cooperation. More If the US was intent on containing Iran at all costs or even maintain a power in the Middle East with a track record of not being afraid 285 1729229 all costs or even maintain a power in the Middle East with a track record of not being afraid of Iran , the US could have simply continued to fund and arm Saddam Hussein. In rejecting Saddam and engaging in illegal regime 285 1729527 militia. have been flowing in, albeit under the radar due to the media focusing more acutely on Donald Trumps anti- Iran speech. While most Arab sources describe the battles as being fought between Iraqi Troops and Peshmerga, Kurdish outlets speak of 285 1729583 sees that generally pro-western and clearly pro-Israel Kurdish writers are proliferating a narrative where a foreign power, meaning Iran , is backing Shia Iraqis in a fight against Kurds. The clear intention is to send the world a false message 285 1729708 Sunni. Thus, one sees the blueprint as well as the folly of the US and Israels real proxy war against Iran . Having failed in Syria and Lebanon, Iraq is the place where anti-Iranian forces will continue and likely ramp up 285 1729767 Iranian influence on Iraq, the Kurds in Iraq will likely be the next proxy force used to attempt and draw Iran into a new conflict in Iraq. In the coming weeks and months, the headlines in fake news outlets warning of 285 1729789 a new conflict in Iraq. In the coming weeks and months, the headlines in fake news outlets warning of an Iran /Hezbollah plot to take over Syria, will likely be replaced with stories of Iranian terrorists committing atrocities against Iraqi Kurds 285 1729864 scores a substantial victory against al-Qaeda and ISIS. The problem with the new plan for more proxy wars with Iran in Iraq, is that in the process, many Iraqi Arabs, as well as Iraqi Turkomen, may revive a pan-Iraqi 285 1729928 against Kurds, it could actually help to reconcile Iraqi Sunnis with Iraqi Shias. This is the real game-plan against Iran and while it is a dangerous one, it ultimately will not be an effective one. In many ways, it may 285 1729965 many ways, it may even be less effective than the attempt to use ISIS and other Takfiri groups to draw Iran into a losing war in the Arab world. Here, the opposite has happened, Iran has worked with legal state partners 285 1729979 and other Takfiri groups to draw Iran into a losing war in the Arab world. Here, the opposite has happened, Iran has worked with legal state partners to cooperate and ultimately secure victory against Takfiri jihadists. When and if the conflicts 285 1736574 eligible voters. But less than a dozen parties have a chance of getting seats. Pentagon identifying new areas to pressure Iran Reuters, Washington : The US military said on Friday it was identifying new areas where it could work with allies to 285 1736598 US military said on Friday it was identifying new areas where it could work with allies to put pressure on Iran in support of President Donald Trump's new strategy, which promises a far more confrontational approach to Tehran. President Trump struck 285 1736624 Trump's new strategy, which promises a far more confrontational approach to Tehran. President Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defiance of other world powers, choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the 285 1743647 Studies (ISAS) in Singapore. Cosmos Foundation chairman Enayetullah Khan delivered welcome speech. Trump`s senseless stand against nuke deal with Iran Editorial Desk : US President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement in defiance of other world 285 1743660 s senseless stand against nuke deal with Iran Editorial Desk : US President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement in defiance of other world powers, choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the deal and 285 1743707 Trump announced the major shift in US policy in a speech in which he detailed a more aggressive approach to Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. He accused Iran 285 1743727 Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East. He accused Iran of "not living up to the spirit" of the nuclear agreement and said his goal is to ensure Tehran never 285 1743807 led him to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks. His Iran strategy angered Tehran and put Washington at odds with other signatories of the accord such as Britain, France, Germany, Russia 285 1743843 as Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union, some of which have benefited economically on renewed trade with Iran . Responding to Trump, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on live television that Tehran was committed to the deal and accused 285 1743884 Trump of making baseless accusations. While Trump did not pull the United States out of the agreement, aimed at preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, he gave the US Congress 60 days to decide whether to reimpose economic sanctions on 285 1743967 place. Congress is more likely to take up legislation proposed by two Republican Senators that would set new restrictions on Iran , including reimposing US nuclear sanctions if Tehran were deemed to be within one year of developing a nuclear weapon. But 285 1744160 weapons would imbalance the current hegemony in the Middle East. As long as Israel has nuclear weapons it could attack Iran without any compunction as Iran knows that Israel has nuclear weapons--as it has done in the past when it 285 1744165 hegemony in the Middle East. As long as Israel has nuclear weapons it could attack Iran without any compunction as Iran knows that Israel has nuclear weapons--as it has done in the past when it attacked and destroyed the Osirak 285 1744212 the real question seems to be whether we can allow Israel to continue on its path with impunity or allow Iran to forge ahead with its own path of development ? Reneging on this deal may very well take Iran down the 285 1744230 or allow Iran to forge ahead with its own path of development ? Reneging on this deal may very well take Iran down the hard path -- as then its hardliners will say that they had no other options left. So decertifying the 285 1744259 will say that they had no other options left. So decertifying the deal may have the opposite effect and nudge Iran down the dark path. President Trump should learn 'nudge theory' and apply the principles to Iran -- which essentially are that 285 1744275 opposite effect and nudge Iran down the dark path. President Trump should learn 'nudge theory' and apply the principles to Iran -- which essentially are that that people can be nudged to do something if the nudging occurs in a soft fashion