DocIndex Position Left Middle Right 28 18 U.S. President Donald Trump waves upon his arrival at the White House from Philadelphia, in Washington D.C., the United States , on Jan. 26, 2017. (Xinhua/Yin Bogu) NEW YORK, Jan. 28 (Xinhua) -- A U.S. federal judge issued an emergency stay 28 88 first legal challenge against the executive order Trump signed Friday on slapping a 90-day ban on travel to the United States by citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries and a four-month suspension of the U.S. refugee program. U.S. District Judge 28 133 that citizens of those seven countries -- Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen -- who have already arrived in the United States , who are in transit and who hold valid visas cannot be removed from the United States, according to U.S. broadcaster 28 149 already arrived in the United States, who are in transit and who hold valid visas cannot be removed from the United States , according to U.S. broadcaster CNN. The executive order, widely described as a "Muslim ban," has triggered confusion and chaos across 28 233 refugees a day after U.S. President Donald Trump issued an executive order banning people from seven countries from entering the United States . "To those fleeing persecution, terror and war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength," Trudeau 28 3681 Africa nation. U.S. President Donald Trump waves upon his arrival at the White House from Philadelphia, in Washington D.C., the United States , on Jan. 26, 2017. (Xinhua/Yin Bogu) WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- Confusion and chaos reigned across the United States and 28 3700 the United States, on Jan. 26, 2017. (Xinhua/Yin Bogu) WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- Confusion and chaos reigned across the United States and the world as U.S. President Donald Trump's newly-imposed refugee ban met its first legal challenge on Saturday. A 28 3771 ruling presented the first legal challenge against the executive order which slapped a 90-day ban on travel to the United States by citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries and a four-month suspension of the U.S. refugee program. U.S. District Judge 28 3815 ruled that citizens of seven countries -- Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen -- who have already arrived in the United States , who are in transit and who hold valid visas cannot be removed from the United States, according to U.S. broadcaster 28 3831 already arrived in the United States, who are in transit and who hold valid visas cannot be removed from the United States , according to U.S. broadcaster CNN. The executive order, widely described as a "Muslim ban," has triggered outrage and chaos across 28 3917 airport "became a scene of anguish and desperation" on Saturday for the families of people detained after arriving in the United States from nations subject to Trump's travel ban, according to AP reports. In Chicago, more than 1,000 protesters gathered at the 28 4110 the largest airport in San Francisco Bay Area -- one of the most diversified regions in terms of ethnicity across the United States as it harbors the highest density of high-tech businesses -- SFO posted a message on its Twitter account about a 28 4197 for a sizeable percentage of its workforce. Under the ban, green card holders who are legal permanent residents of the United States will not be allowed back in until they are re-screened. Calling the travel ban "injudicious" and "discriminatory," Iran said 28 4400 refugees a day after U.S. President Donald Trump issued an executive order banning people from seven countries from entering the United States . "To those fleeing persecution, terror and war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength," Trudeau 28 6023 Jiaozi (the Chinese dumplings) and having the family reunion dinner on the new year's eve. ADEN, Yemen, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- United States Special Forces launched a pre-dawn security raid on Sunday in central Yemen, killing more than 12 civilians and eight 28 8064 Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated on Sunday that it is the Israeli government's position that the United States embassy should be relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. His remarks came a day after the co-chair of the 28 8424 Jordan, which hosts around 1.4 million Syrian refugees. TEHRAN, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- Iran on Sunday told its citizens visiting the United States to make sure that there would be no problem for them to enter the country, official IRNA news agency reported 28 8463 news agency reported. The advisory came after reports that several Iranian passengers have been barred from boarding flights to the United States . U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday to restrict immigration from countries that he said are "compromised 28 8537 to acquire authentic information that they would not face any problem on the way to or upon entry into the United States , the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. BEIJING, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- The Export-Import Bank of China (China Exim Bank 28 10622 arrival wrote. In random chats with strangers, a protester in his 30s said his grandparents moved from Italy to the United States in the late 1930s, in order to escape the rule by Benito Mussolini, the fascist Italian leader who allied with 28 10815 or BART, to reopen Sunday after 10:00 a.m. (1800 GMT). Asked whether what is going on now in the United States , such as the "Muslim ban," was what he fought for in Iraq, the young veteran answered: "No." While the protest 28 11788 January 28, 2017 in New York. (AFP/Xinhua) TEHRAN, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- Iran on Sunday told its citizens visiting the United States to make sure that there would be no problem for them to enter the country, official IRNA news agency reported 28 11827 news agency reported. The advisory came after reports that several Iranian passengers have been barred from boarding flights to the United States . U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday to restrict immigration from countries that he said are "compromised 28 11901 to acquire authentic information that they would not face any problem on the way to or upon entry into the United States , the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. A Palestinian demonstrator holds placard during a protest against a promise by U.S 28 11970 Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated on Sunday that it is the Israeli government's position that the United States embassy should be relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. His remarks came a day after the co-chair of the 28 12810 Arab Emirates (UAE) international carrier Emirates Airline said Sunday it will carry on with flight operations to and from the United States , the UAE state news agency WAM reported. WAM quoted an Emirates spokesperson as saying that "a very small number of 28 12969 on Sunday to protest a decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to restrict the entry of Sudanese citizens into the United States . "The U.S. Charge d'Affaires has been summoned where he met with Foreign Ministry's Under-Secretary Abdul-Ghani Al-Naeem regarding 28 13014 issued by U.S. President Donald Trump to restrict the entry of Sudanese citizens, among nationals of seven countries, into the United States ," said Sudan's Foreign Ministry in a statement. "The under-secretary expressed the Sudanese government's dismay over the procedures taken against 28 13132 list of countries sponsoring terrorism and reconsider the executive order which restricted the entry of the Sudanese citizens into the United States ," said the statement. On Saturday, Sudan expressed regret over a decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to restrict the access 28 13159 Sudan expressed regret over a decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to restrict the access of the Sudanese into the United States . On Jan. 13, former U.S. President Barack Obama issued a decision to cancel two executive orders imposing economic sanctions on 28 13183 13, former U.S. President Barack Obama issued a decision to cancel two executive orders imposing economic sanctions on Sudan. The United States has been imposing sanctions on Sudan since 1997 and putting it on its list of countries sponsoring terrorism since 1993 28 15911 international travel disruptions in the wake of the ban was "a small price to pay" for greater security of the United States . On contrary, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Sunday said Democrats are considering legal actions to overturn the order. A 28 16620 run government as saying in a statement late Sunday. "This crime is a form of state terrorism practised by the United States under the pretext of fighting terrorism," the spokesman said on condition of anonymity. At least nine women and six children 28 16693 the town of Qaifa. About 10 al-Qaida militants were also killed in the raid, according to local sources. The United States has increased its military operations in Yemen since the civil war erupted in late 2014 after the Houthi militias, supported 28 17029 restrictions by U.S. President Donald Trump on the entry of the nationals of seven Muslim countries, including Iraq, into the United States . Some members of the Iraqi parliament rejected the decision of the new U.S. president, saying Iraq should retaliate by barring 28 17145 a committee meeting to discuss the U.S. decision. "We ask the Iraqi government to take a similar action against the United States ' decision," she said, adding that the parliament committee demanded the Iraqi Foreign Ministry contact the U.S. government for review of 28 17306 IS militants in Mosul in northern Iraq. On Friday, Trump put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travellers from Iraq and six other Muslim countries, saying the moves would help protect Americans from terrorist 28 33883 see a downward trend throughout the remainder of the year. President Trump is pro-fracking giving economists the impression the United States will ramp up production, potentially interfering with OPECs cuts. If this occurs, investors should look for potential profits on a 28 35409 was taking effect. The List Project, which helps Iraqis whose personal safety is threatened because they have worked for the United States , expressed outraged over the move, warning it put American lives at risk too. I can't say this in blunt-enough 28 37100 to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. Since becoming president of the United States , Donald Trump has completely accidentally helped one group of people authors, both dead and alive. It seems that every time 28 42425 of the immense Adirondack Park. Since she is the federal representative for one of the great natural treasures of the United States , climate change should be her top priority, so we applaud her recent decision to join a bipartisan caucus on the 28 42663 I am concerned. We are concerned about the consequences for the worlds environment and for upstate New York if the United States fails to lead the effort to slow the pace of climate change. Big changes have already taken place, but even 28 53040 the Port of Palm Beach, which is located in Riviera Beach, and Port Tampa Bay in a swing through the United States that has already included a stop at the Port of Houston. Also on the itinerary are visits to the Port 28 53311 Europeans and others for many years. More importantly, this marks the beginning of a new era of trade between the United States and Cuba." The agreement was struck with CubaExport, a Cuban government entity that develops trade opportunities, but Scott said that 28 53417 he might roll back some of Barack Obama's executive orders on Cuba unless Cuba offers a better deal to the United States and Secretary of State-nominee Rex Tillerson has said that all Obama's executive orders on Cuba will be reviewed. Whether 28 60752 result in more massive mobilization and civil disobedience on a scale never seen of a newly seated President of the United States . Earlier start for protests Part of what makes the Keystone XL (the "XL" actually stands for "export limited") so ripe 28 60959 Along the way, the 36-inch wide Keystone XL pipeline would cross more than 1,000 bodies of water in the United States (after crossing an untold number of waterbodies in Canada) and weave between about a dozen U.S. Native American reservations within 28 61405 then-President Barack Obama announced his rejection of a presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline to cross into the United States from Canada. Antoine said the Ideal camp helped inspire the North Dakota camp, which was founded last spring and swelled 28 61652 a release Thursday when it re-applied for a presidential permit to bring the pipeline across the border into the United States . The release said, among other things, that the pipeline would be built with "enhanced standards" and "the most advanced technology 28 66435 government was enjoined and restrained from, in any manner and by any means, removing individuals who had arrived in the United States with valid visas or refugee status. The ruling does not appear to force the administration to let in people otherwise 28 66469 force the administration to let in people otherwise blocked by Mr. Trumps order who have not yet traveled to the United States . The judges one-page ruling came swiftly after lawyers for the A.C.L.U. testified in her courtroom that one of the 28 66797 actions put into motion. There were numerous reports of students attending American universities who were blocked from returning to the United States from visits abroad. One student said in a Twitter post that he would be unable to study at Yale. Another 28 66858 Stanford University was blocked for hours from entering the country. Human rights groups reported that legal permanent residents of the United States who hold green cards were being stopped in foreign airports as they sought to return from funerals, vacations or study 28 66932 nations security. Photo Homeland Security officials said on Saturday night that 109 people who were already in transit to the United States when the order was signed were denied access; 173 were stopped before boarding planes heading to America. Eighty-one people 28 66964 stopped before boarding planes heading to America. Eighty-one people who were stopped were eventually given waivers to enter the United States , officials said. Legal residents who have a green card and are currently in the United States should meet with a 28 66980 waivers to enter the United States, officials said. Legal residents who have a green card and are currently in the United States should meet with a consular officer before leaving the country, a White House official, who spoke on the condition of 28 67259 after noon on Saturday, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, an interpreter who worked for more than a decade on behalf of the United States government in Iraq, was released. After nearly 19 hours of detention, Mr. Darweesh began to cry as he spoke to 28 67432 be put in detention, pending a resolution of the case. Photo The White House said the restrictions would protect the United States from foreign nationals entering from countries compromised by terrorism and allow the administration time to put in place a more 28 67479 condemned Mr. Trump over the collateral damage on people who had no sinister intentions in trying to come to the United States . Peaceful protests began forming Saturday afternoon at Kennedy Airport, where nine travelers had been detained upon arrival at Terminal 7 28 67557 to treat people from the countries affected: Effective immediately, halt interviewing and cease issuance and printing of visas to the United States . Internationally, confusion turned to panic as travelers found themselves unable to board flights bound for the United States. In Dubai 28 67575 to the United States. Internationally, confusion turned to panic as travelers found themselves unable to board flights bound for the United States . In Dubai and Istanbul, airport and immigration officials turned passengers away at boarding gates and, in at least one case 28 69828 it provoked. When talking to some people, they said that they have relatives or acquaintances in different places in the United States and that they are worried about what they see is going to come with the deportations. Some asked for leaflets 28 70099 the foreign and Mexican big capitalists. They called on people to support the demonstrations of people in struggle in the United States against Trump and the fight in Mexico against the system, and to transform people for communist revolution. They said that 28 70233 Get out Trump! Get out Pena Nieto! Down with the whole system!" was also shouted out. The student from the United States exposed the fascist character of Trump and his goal to go back to having a more powerful United States. He 28 70252 the United States exposed the fascist character of Trump and his goal to go back to having a more powerful United States . He exposed how the U.S. became a power: it massacred the Indians and stole their lands, it enslaved Black people 28 70289 lands, it enslaved Black people for 250 years, and stole half of Mexico's territory. He also said that in the United States , the police are constantly murdering Blacks and Latinos; the jails are full of more Black and Latino youths than anywhere 28 70519 regime, in addition to demonstrations that took place in Mexico City and other cities in Mexico, important protests in the United States and around the world. In the face of the fascist Trump-Pence regime, criminals like Pena Nieto who are conciliating 28 71561 I commend the judge that granted the emergency stay today, allowing seven Muslim immigrants with valid visas to enter the United States . As the son of Chinese immigrants, I am disgusted by the Presidents Executive Order to target the Muslim community and 28 71588 immigrants, I am disgusted by the Presidents Executive Order to target the Muslim community and ban immigrants from entering the United States . Our country was built by immigrants in search of religious freedom and a life free of persecution and violence. These 28 85243 targeted also a school, mosque and a medical facility used by Al-Qaeda militants. Under Trump's predecessor Barack Obama, the United States stepped up its use of drone strikes against suspected jihadists in Yemen, as well as other countries including Afghanistan. The 28 85265 stepped up its use of drone strikes against suspected jihadists in Yemen, as well as other countries including Afghanistan. The United States considers the extremist group's Yemen-based franchise, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, to be its most dangerous. But although 28 85446 al Qaeda in another part of the country in December 2014. The captives were killed in the subsequent firefight. The United States conducted dozens of drone strikes in Yemen throughout Barack Obama's presidency to combat al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, regarded 28 85721 in a joint news conference with UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who was visiting Ankara after a trip to the United States . May said after meeting Erdogan at his palace she was "proud" Britain had stood with Turkey's democratically-elected government when 28 87500 get in the way of "strong nationalist movements [that are] really the building blocks that built Western Europe and the United States ," are anathema. (You have to wonder how much modern European history Bannon has studied.) In the entire text, he never 28 89994 stance saying that the British Premier was opposed to measures such as those adopted by Trump. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States.But we do not agree with this kind of approach and 28 90780 ban will make it virtually impossible for relatives and friends of an estimated 1 million Iranian-Americans to visit the United States . Earlier on Saturday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said it was no time to build walls between nations and criticised steps 28 90913 coincided with a wave of anger and concern abroad, including among US allies, and rallies at major airports across the United States . "Victory!!!!!!" the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which had sued the government, tweeted after US District Judge Ann Donnelly in 28 91734 seeking to strike up a friendship with Trump, said US immigration policy was "a matter for the government of the United States ... but we do not agree with this kind of approach." On Sunday Iran's foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called Trump's 28 91804 string of tweets. Meanwhile, The ban extends to green card holders who are authorized to live and work in the United States , Homeland Security spokeswoman Gillian Christensen said. It was unclear how many legal permanent residents would be affected. A senior U.S 28 91846 administration official said on Saturday that green card holders from the seven affected countries have to be cleared into the United States on a case-by-case basis. Legal residents of the United States were plunged into despair at the prospect of 28 91858 affected countries have to be cleared into the United States on a case-by-case basis. Legal residents of the United States were plunged into despair at the prospect of being unable to return to the United States or being separated from 28 91874 Legal residents of the United States were plunged into despair at the prospect of being unable to return to the United States or being separated from family members trapped abroad. "I never thought something like this would happen in America," said Mohammad 28 91903 abroad. "I never thought something like this would happen in America," said Mohammad Hossein Ziya, 33, who came to the United States in 2011 after being forced to leave Iran for his political activities. Ziya, who lives in Virginia, has a green 28 92031 York on Saturday, sources at Cairo airport said. Dutch airline KLM said on Saturday it had refused carriage to the United States to seven passengers from predominately Muslim countries. Canada's WestJet Airlines said it turned back a passenger bound for the United 28 92052 States to seven passengers from predominately Muslim countries. Canada's WestJet Airlines said it turned back a passenger bound for the United States on Saturday in order to comply with the order. A spokeswoman did not say which country the passenger had come 28 92341 immigration lawyer Yegani said officials denied travelers with dual Canadian and Iranian citizenship from boarding planes in Canada to the United States . The order seeks to prioritize refugees fleeing religious persecution. In a television interview, Trump said the measure was aimed at 28 92450 worker and the other the husband of a former U.S. security contractor. The two men had visas to enter the United States but were detained on Friday night at Kennedy airport, hours after Trump's executive order, the lawsuit said. One of the 28 93251 form the Election Commission powerful and independent as against the powerful and strong government competing to win the election. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba 28 93258 as against the powerful and strong government competing to win the election. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of 28 94872 to build across the nation in the wake of President Donald Trumps executive order that blocks refugees from entering the United States and bans all people from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. Trump and his loyalists have said the 28 94974 order was also signed while many refugee families and others targeted by the ban were already in transit to the United States , causing people to become stranded or detained at airports around the country. A man, woman and their young child who 28 104361 Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, blasted Trump's executive order and called for its end. Trumps action, signed on Friday, suspends the United States refugee program for 120 days, indefinitely prohibits Syrian refugees and imposes a 90-day entry ban on people from Iran 28 105759 signed the executive order on Holocaust Remembrance Day and one of the things were supposed to remember is that the United States actually turned back people that went to their deaths." Rep. Mike Quigley joined his Congressional colleagues in condemning Trumps executive 28 105801 action. He said in a statement: President Trump's executive order creating a Muslim ban undermines the foundational ideals of the United States , a nation founded by immigrants. I call on the administration to immediately rescind this shameful order, which will have very 28 105832 administration to immediately rescind this shameful order, which will have very real and dangerous consequences. Trumps executive action suspends the United States refugee program for 120 days, indefinitely prohibits Syrian refugees and imposes a 90-day entry ban on people from Iran 28 107679 campaign gathered steam, he said. Congressman Jim Clyburn said he has hopes for the future because change and progress in United States have never moved in a linear fashion. This country has always moved like a pendulum on a clock, he said 28 110004 before we're done." SouthernCarolina Alliance Executive Director Danny Black said, "There are very few places you can go in the United States and see an actual barrel being made in the old-style cooperage form. Now you'll be able to do that 28 110731 Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized the order of US President Donald Trump aimed at decreasing the flow of migrants into the United States , saying that security measures cannot justify the ban for people of certain origin, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said Sunday 28 110769 Steffen Seibert said Sunday, Sputnik reported. On Friday, Trump signed an executive order blocking all refugees from coming to the United States for 120 days and suspended the entry for citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 28 114552 on Saturday told the Associated Press that foreign-born US residents who could have been barred from re-entering the United States under Trump's immigration order have been allowed back into the country. The official said all green card holders from the 28 123807 between Iran, the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council -- China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States -- plus Germany) and the European Union. We've collected a few front pages from to give you a look at 28 124034 produce company called J-C Distributing in Nogales, Ariz., told me: I find myself explaining to people all over the United States how lucky and privileged we are to live near the border. Trumps positions are old news he always said he 28 124819 for boycotts of American goods in Mexico. Slim said Friday, Mexico is in a great position to negotiate with the United States and should now emphasize improving its internal economy, not international trade. All this for what? To bring a possible benefit 28 127087 seven predominantly Muslim countries for 90 days. The order also bans U.S. residents with green cards from returning to the United States . When and if Syrian refugees are allowed to find refuge in the U.S., the Trump government plans to slash the 28 127262 the thousands of German Jews in the 1930s who were turned away were considered dangerous and a menace to the United States . Today, in Trumps alternative fact-based world, so are Muslim refugees. The parallels to how the United States denied the 28 127280 to the United States. Today, in Trumps alternative fact-based world, so are Muslim refugees. The parallels to how the United States denied the entry of Jews from Europe trying to escape the Nazi regime and now the Syrians seeking refuge is 28 130428 children, should rethink their strategies and approaches. *This article was originally published here.* Carnage has ensued at airports in the United States (US) as President Donald Trump's immigration plan begins to take effect. But the questions to ask are, not only why 28 130652 reported on the First Post website, the rationale behind such action was to "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States ". Trump went on to state that "we don't want them here" and that "we want to ensure that we are 28 130789 Trump's decision "harmful and hasty", as stated on CNN. In addition to this there have been protests held throughout the United States to show their dismay to what was happening. Although Donald Trump may have his reasons, it simply is not viable 28 131523 but the one tweet that got noticed immediately was from the official Twitter account of the Russian Embassy in the United States . Shortly after Trump tweeted his kudos to Putin, the embassy retweeted the President-elect a retweet that has already been 28 132324 he was officially sworn into office as president was sign an executive order that restricted Muslim refugees from entering the United States . Backlash quickly followed, including Malala Yousafzai. Malala on Trump Malala Yousafzai was just 15-years-old when an Islamic extremist 28 132859 mapping of previously uncharted areas of the South Indian Ocean. Numerous countries sent ships to aid the search, including the United States . Some efforts to continue Sheryl Keen of Aircrash Support Group Australia, which represented Australian victims, turned over around 100 letters 28 133440 slight adjustment in the executive order. People with green cards that allow them to legally live and work in the United States will no longer be barred from entering the United States during the three-month reevaluation period. However, some may be 28 133450 that allow them to legally live and work in the United States will no longer be barred from entering the United States during the three-month reevaluation period. However, some may be subject to extra scrutiny. By making the adjustment, the Trump 28 133488 the adjustment, the Trump administration sought to stanch a self-inflicted wound that caused several long-term residents of the United States to abruptly find themselves prevented from reentering the country where they had made their home. The extra vetting makes sense 28 133520 they had made their home. The extra vetting makes sense in that some previous perpetrators of terrorist outrages in the United States , such as Syed Rizwan Farook, became radicalized after visits to Muslim countries and return to commit acts of mayhem and 28 133587 media with references to the Nazi Holocaust and demands that President Trump be impeached and that the borders of the United States should be thrown open to whoever wishes to come, Politicians in both the United States and abroad are making statements 28 133602 that the borders of the United States should be thrown open to whoever wishes to come, Politicians in both the United States and abroad are making statements of varying degrees of coherence. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer claimed that he saw the 28 134308 lights were blinking on cue! On Friday, Donald Trump signed an executive order that bans Muslim refugees from entering the United States , which was quickly met with serious backlash. One day earlier, a woman was detained at Kennedy International Airport in New 28 134378 Trump has made it clear that he will take extreme measures to prevent the spread of Islamic terrorism into the United States . Trump was often critical of the Obama administration for allowing refugees into the United States from Muslim nations, while citing 28 134393 of Islamic terrorism into the United States. Trump was often critical of the Obama administration for allowing refugees into the United States from Muslim nations, while citing the dangerous of Islamic terrorist groups infiltrating into the country. On Friday, Trump signed the 28 136596 President Donald Trumps controversial immigration order against people from seven Muslim-majority countries hit a roadblock on Sunday as a United States judge issued an emergency order, temporarily barring authorities from deporting refugees and other visa holders who have been detained. US 28 136727 non-immigrant visas, and other individuals from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen legally authorised to enter the United States . The judge ordered the government to provide lists of all those detained at US airports since the measure went into 28 137363 the impact of the executive order on our employees from the listed countries, all of whom have been in the United States lawfully, and we're actively working with them to provide legal advice and assistance, the company said in a statement. The 28 137560 religion) just makes this dystopian reality more surreal and more appalling. Trump has suspended entry of all refugees into the United States for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely, and blocked entry into this country for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries 28 138959 investment in military capabilities to ensure all allies are contributing their fair share to our collective security," it added. The United States provides significant funding to NATO, and Trump has called on other member nations to step up their contributions. Extreme vetting 28 139105 F. Kennedy International Airport, chanting "Let them in, let them in!" The new protocols specifically bar Syrian refugees from the United States indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat. Detentions underway US authorities wasted no 28 144202 an assist from a responsive DHS and a responsible judiciary. In some respects the office of the President of the United States is an apprenticeship. Many former presidents have said they didnt realize what the job entailed until they actually sat in 28 164555 imposed outcome in the Middle East is an act of prolonged and self-destructive futility. Instead Mr. Brzezinski encourages the United States to forge a cooperative relationship with Russia, China, and the EU, who can partner with more established and historically rooted 28 165307 as an oil supplier to the United Stated is diminishing. According to the International Energy Agency's World Energy Outlook, the United States will surpass Saudi Arabia as the biggest oil producer by the end of this decade, and will become self-sufficient 28 165336 oil producer by the end of this decade, and will become self-sufficient in energy production by 2035.[5] The United States ' shift away from the Middle East started during the Obama administration as it pivoted to Asia. An estimated $5 trillion 28 165386 is traded through the South China Sea shipping lanes each year, which is a vital national security interest for the United States . President Donald Trump also campaigned with the promise that the United States would disengage from the Middle East and prioritize 28 165398 is a vital national security interest for the United States. President Donald Trump also campaigned with the promise that the United States would disengage from the Middle East and prioritize fighting terrorism. The continued crises in the region however, risks sucking the 28 165420 would disengage from the Middle East and prioritize fighting terrorism. The continued crises in the region however, risks sucking the United States back into the Middle East. A stable Middle East is of vital importance to China. It is estimated that there 28 166501 new proposed bloc will maintain their military treaties with non- member countries, such as Russia's agreements with Syria and the United States ' agreements with Turkey. Creating a new bloc with deemphasized borders, regional projects, and multiculturalism should defuse most of the regional 28 169216 concluded. The Swiss envoy to Iran, who represents US interests given the absence of diplomatic relations between Iran and the United States , was summoned to the Foreign Ministry on Jan. 29 in protest of Trumps executive order. Ali Akbar Velayati, the foreign 28 169279 an imbalanced individual such as Trump. Without doubt, these kinds of measures will be detrimental to the future of the United States and what can be evaluated about the future of this country is that day by day its domestic problems are 28 169397 Hamid Aboutalebi, the deputy chief of staff of the president for political affairs, tweeted Jan. 27, Mr. President of the United States , the Iranian nation is the symbol of identity and Aryan history, Islamic humanitarianism, freedom, liberty and philanthropy. You have definitely 28 169532 chairman of Tehrans Chamber of Commerce, said Jan. 28, Iranian businessmen, like other persons, arent allowed to go to the United States following Trumps executive order, and this order puts some restrictions on the trade between the two countries. The executive order 28 169640 of the weakness of our countrys [nuclear] negotiating team, and is the fruit of trusting the false promises of the United States . If the Foreign Ministry had dealt with the first violation of the JCPOA with the Obama administrations approval of the 28 169746 has worsened after the JCPOA. Now the time has arrived for the government to change its foreign policy toward the United States , and [the government] should answer for why the outcome of its policy of approaching the United States is this new 28 169763 policy toward the United States, and [the government] should answer for why the outcome of its policy of approaching the United States is this new situation. However, Amir Abolfath, a foreign policy analyst, told the Reformist Shargh daily Jan. 29, The important 28 169821 should make decisions based on accurate studies [of the situation]. We should be cautious not to be trapped by the United States . The more serious danger [for Iran] than a violation of the JCPOA by the United States is that they shouldnt 28 169837 be trapped by the United States. The more serious danger [for Iran] than a violation of the JCPOA by the United States is that they shouldnt succeed in provoking us into violating the JCPOA. Meanwhile, under the headline The wall of Trump 28 169917 program at the University of Rhode Island, said the executive order could destroy the chances of hims studying in the United States . There is nothing I can do except wait. During this [90-day] period [outlined by the executive order for review 28 170023 The public relations team of The Salesman said Jan. 28, Mr. Farhadi faces no legal prohibition to travel to the United States , but he will state his decision about whether to attend the ceremony in the next few days. Farhadi's A Separation 28 170243 conditions forced upon some of my compatriots and the citizens of the other six countries trying to legally enter the United States of America and hope that the current situation will not give rise to further divide between nations. January 27, 2017 28 172724 multireligious country. Lavrov contrasted the Russian draft with the Iraqi Constitution, which he claimed was forced on Iraq by the United States . We have only offered our proposals to the Syrian parties without any intention of forcing them to adopt them, he 28 173892 friendship with Turkey and hostility to the PYD are beginning to dent his image here. Still, Barzani is lobbying the United States to pressure Rojavas leaders to let back in some 3,000 KDP-S fighters he helped arm and train. The aim 28 174109 was founded on the principles of religious freedom and the welcoming of the world's most vulnerable and marginalized people; the United States of America was to be a safe haven and a land of opportunity," Victoria Siciliano Zucco, communications coordinator for the 28 174834 Immigrants organizer Carlos Chaverst, Jr. said in a press release. President Donald Trump's order, signed Friday, suspends admission to the United States of all refugees for 120 days and bars for 90 days the entry of any citizen from seven predominantly Muslim 28 174887 the order, the restriction applies to countries that have already been excluded from programs allowing people to travel to the United States without a visa because of terrorism concerns. There was widespread confusion yesterday about how that order will be enforced. Officials 28 177632 Donald Trump barred citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen from entering the United States for at least the next 90 days. He also suspended the US refugee programme for 120 days, specifically banning Syrian 28 179280 nonproliferation regimes. India had, before 1991, relied upon the USSR for weapons systems. It then moved to reliance on the United States and Western Europe. With the Glenn Amendment shutting off the US spigot and with international sanctions making it hard to 28 180546 Purdue University, founder and editor of and the author of Muslim Cool: Race, Religion and Hip Hop in the United States . The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeeras editorial policy. With 28 180950 she wants America to preserve its long-standing role in managing globalisation. Trump does not. Thus, her trip to the United States , though hedged with grovelling remarks about the president, began with a carefully pitched appeal to Republican elites to hinder Trumps 28 181921 audience to have this experience in the same way that I had it. Alone and abandoned Matziaraki was in the United States when her country already struggling after years of a deepening recession was confronted with a worsening refugee crisis, the worst 28 182912 Hashmi continued. The doctor has lived in the so-called Bible Belt, one of the most conservative parts of the United States , for 40 years. The mosque was constructed in 2000, just a year before the September 11 attacks. READ MORE: US 28 183162 due to persecution of Jewish communities. Now we are watching another community become victims of baseless hatred here in the United States , with the complicity (at minimum) of a depressingly large part of our government, including our president whatever the cause of 28 183973 US visa holders coming from the seven countries covered in the ban. More than a million Iranians live in the United States . Concern and anxiety Jabbari said there was also anxiety about how the new order would affect Irans effort to open 28 184375 committee calls on Baghdad to reciprocate travel ban on Americans as Iraqis express sense of betrayal. Iraq should reciprocate the United States discriminatory travel ban on Iraqis and citizens from six other Muslim-majority countries, the parliaments foreign affairs committee told the 28 185541 President Donald Trumps ban on refugees and immigrants from several Muslim-majority countries have been held in cities across the United States , including in New York City and Washington, DC. In the US capital, thousands gathered outside the White House, while more 28 186205 the seven countries who hold green cards as lawful permanent US residents would not be blocked from returning to the United States from overseas, as some had been after the directive. Our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. Look what 28 190912 any future effort. Even such a goal encounters difficulty due to stark differences seen between Russia and Iran over the United States possibly taking part. Moscow is in favor of Washington, under the Trump administration, taking part, while Iran flatly rejects the 28 192145 Pew concluded that the possibility of fraud was enormous. Approximately 24 million -- one of every eight -- voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate. More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters. Approximately 2.75 28 194523 been feeling the EPA breathing down its neck for the past eight years. It isnt just the Waters of the United States rule, a federal power grab disguised as a technical document that defines which waterways fall under the jurisdiction of the 28 196709 immigration took effect. The media quickly looked for the most virtuous examples of foreigners who were denied entrance into the United States . An Iranian scientist studying heart disease? Check. A Ph.D. student studying at Yale? Check. (Though the student, somewhat suspiciously, had 28 197151 discoverable all over President Trumps executive order of the 27th titled, Protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States . Do you remember the leftist media outcry that responded to President Obamas ban on processing visas for Iraqi refugees in 28 197356 1980, press conference, Carter instructed his administration to "invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States , effective today, according to a transcript of the event kept by the American Presidency Project. The mainstream media are staying 28 197902 safe place to let people in from. Egypt. The ruler of Egypt, Abdel El-Sisi, is an ally of the United States . That's great. But Egypt is also ground zero for the Muslim Brotherhood. At the very least, we should intensively screen 28 209480 is a leader fighting for his countrys interests and need not be painted in lurid colours, the fashion in the United States . Indeed, during his recent hour-long telephone conversation with the Russian leader, Mr Trump touched on the themes of fighting 28 210368 travelers got caught up in Trump's crackdown, which he says is necessary to prevent "radical Islamic terrorists" from entering the United States . The ban has also triggered a political backlash. "To my colleagues: don't ever again lecture me on American moral leadership 28 220111 like to convey via this statement what I would have expressed to the press were I to travel to the United States . "Hard-liners, despite their nationalities, political arguments and wars, regard and understand the world in very much the same way 28 220180 image of 'them' and inflict fear in the people of their own countries. "This is not just limited to the United States ; in my country hardliners are the same." Farhadi said he believed "similarities among the human beings on this earth and 28 220280 conditions forced upon some of my compatriots and the citizens of the other six countries trying to legally enter the United States of America and hope that the current situation will not give rise to further divide between nations." One of the 28 222045 a few more questions from someone travelling in and out of Libya and Yemen before being let loose in the United States ," insisted Mr Trump's chief of staff Reince Priebus. "And that's all this is." The changes, said White House adviser Kellyanne 28 222183 the President to "slow down" and work with lawmakers on how best to tighten screening for foreigners who enter the United States . "In my view, we ought to all take a deep breath and come up with something that makes sense for 28 223839 observers, the observer teams from the European Union (EU) and the Commonwealth, and even Gen. Museveni's primary foreign benefactor, the United States , did conclude that the February 18, 2016 vote was not free, fair, or credible. So perhaps Gen. Museveni is acknowledging 28 226150 and laudable purpose than the one President Donald Trump signed Friday: "Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States ." But the president's directive is unlikely to significantly reduce the terrorist threat in the United States, which has been a 28 226166 Terrorist Entry Into the United States." But the president's directive is unlikely to significantly reduce the terrorist threat in the United States , which has been a minuscule part of the toll of violence since 2001. Many experts believe the order's unintended consequences 28 226384 terrorism. The larger point of experts is that jihadi attacks garner news attention that far outstrips their prevalence in the United States , and the president's order appears to be designed to address not a rational calculation of risks but the visceral fears 28 227824 Muslim-majority countries. A day after US President Donald Trump put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travellers from the seven countries, Mr Trudeau posted his retort. A second pointed tweet, also timed to 28 228701 rollout had been chaotic. Officials tried to reassure travellers and their families, pointing out that green-card holders in the United States will not be affected and noting that the Department of Homeland Security is allowed to grant waivers to those individuals 28 228763 holder, or lawful permanent resident authorised to permanently live and work in the country. "If you've been living in the United States for 15 years and you own a business and your family is here, will you be granted a waiver? I'm 28 228832 later said that waivers will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and that green-card holders in the United States will have to meet with a consular officer before leaving the country. But officials made clear that the federal officers 28 229289 also had been barred from boarding US-bound flights overseas, and they confirmed that green-card holders who left the United States have been unable to return. In Cairo, airport officials said seven US-bound migrants - six from Iraq and one from 28 230271 and continually improve the home to make a warm and welcome place. The many moves took them throughout the entire United States and twice to Taiwan. Finally settling down in Carlisle, in 1980, Joan and Anthony Jr. set up their retirement home 28 232044 message written in stark contrast to Donald Trump's order temporarily banning all refugees and many Muslims from travelling to the United States . "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada," Trudeau 28 232172 The New York Times reported. On Saturday, Canadian airline WestJet said it would reimburse passengers prevented from travelling to the United States under the new policy. "WestJet will comply with this executive order," the company said in a statement. "In the event 28 232228 will be providing them with a full refund." The airliner has already had to refuse one passenger transport to the United States , a spokeswoman said, without specifying the passenger's origin. According to the latest Canadian census, from 2011, one out of five 28 232394 to indefinitely suspend the resettlement of Syrian refugees and temporarily ban people from seven predominantly Muslim nations from entering the United States . It took just hours to begin witnessing the injury and suffering this ban inflicts on families that had every reason 28 233512 the influx has slowed in recent months. It did not take long for a diplomatic rift to open between the United States and Mexico following the election of Donald Trump. The Iraqi parliament's foreign affairs committee on Sunday called for a reciprocal 28 233566 countries including Iraq, a lawmaker said. "We clearly demanded that the Iraqi government deal reciprocally in all issues... with the United States of America," Hassan Shwairid, the deputy head of the committee, told AFP. President Donald Trump on Friday signed an executive 28 235066 for citizens from seven "terror-prone" countries. Emirates airline has changed pilot and flight attendant rosters on flights to the United States following the sudden US travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries, but it said US flights continue to operate to 28 235273 was putting Americans first, White House ... One US soldier died and three were injured in a raid in Yemen, the United States military said today, adding that 14 members of Al-Qaeda were also killed. A local Yemeni official had reported that 28 235679 countries. It can also shrink the globe in somewhat good manner," JD (U) leader Pawan Varma told ANI, adding the United States is the only country that can influence Pakistan to severe its nexus to the support and nurturing of terrorism. Meanwhile 28 235813 vetting rules are established. He said that the executive order is aimed at ensuring the security and welfare of the United States . It has also been announced that no visas will be issued for 90 days to migrants or visitors from seven 28 245842 Caicos Islands Tuvalu US Virgin Islands Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland United States Minor Outlying Islands United States of America Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist 28 245847 Islands Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland United States Minor Outlying Islands United States of America Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna 28 246818 nationality," Johnson wrote on Twitter. Johnson made his remarks after a British government spokesman said that "immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States" but that "we do not agree with this kind of 28 246828 a British government spokesman said that "immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States " but that "we do not agree with this kind of approach and it is not one we will be taking 28 251392 Arab League expressed "deep concern" today about President Donald Trump's restrictions on citizens of seven Muslim majority countries entering the United States . The new regulations "are unjustified restrictions on the entry of citizens of several Arab nations to the US, in addition 28 252209 President Donald Trump and will intervene if they affect UK nationals, Downing Street said on Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 252219 nationals, Downing Street said on Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," a spokesman said. "But we 28 252308 to condemn the order by Trump to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on 28 252314 to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on refugees," May said at a news 28 256419 the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) -- a three-country accord negotiated by the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States . "If NAFTA is abrogated, the exports will increase. However, the negotiations will have to be done carefully," he added. On 28 256818 islands in a sign of an imminent armed confrontation. They then withdrew their troops after heavy diplomatic pressure by the United States , a fellow member of NATO. Today's incident comes amid fresh tension between the two countries, after the Greek Supreme Court 28 258978 parents. Responding to the racist claims with a charity effort is an example of the love Penn sees in the United States , he said. "We are better than the hateful people who tell us we don't belong in our own country, that 28 260051 is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has a new diplomatic invitation to visit the United States after cancelling a trip to Washington in response to President Donald Trump's plans to build a border wall this time 28 261137 on travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. With more than one million Iranians living in the United States , the restrictions have already caused chaos for students, businessmen and families. "I have several clients impacted by the executive order 28 261384 US embassy in Baghdad said on Facebook that dual nationals from the seven countries would be barred from entering the United States , excluding those with American passports. "Daeshi decision," Baghdad resident Nibal Athed wrote in response to the post, using the Arabic 28 263867 injunction prohibiting the US government from removing lawful permanent residents and other visa holders who are returning home to the United States . "Any delays in implementing the injunction will have extremely harmful ramifications across the United States as families, coworkers and communities 28 263882 are returning home to the United States. "Any delays in implementing the injunction will have extremely harmful ramifications across the United States as families, coworkers and communities will be arbitrarily separated. I expect a full report from the Department of Homeland Security 28 263969 has stooped in its callousness toward immigrant families and refugees who have trusted in the laws and protections of the United States ," she said. (Reopens FGN 52) "House Democrats will continue to defend our Constitution and demand smart and strong action to 28 264855 not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Many online shoppers in the United States have for years had to pay state sales taxes whenever they buy goods from Amazon. But the Seattle giant has 28 266449 the impact of the executive order on our employees from the listed countries, all of whom have been in the United States lawfully, and we're actively working with them to provide legal advice and assistance," the company said in a statement. The 28 267543 that helped US in Iraq and Afghanistan, the interpreters, translators and so on, who were promised safe haven in the United States and now may not get it. "I spoke as recently as last night with General Petraeus and he and others 28 268196 All with valid Iranian visa will be gladly welcomed," he wrote. With more than one million Iranians living in the United States , the travel restrictions are expected to cause chaos for students, businessmen and families travelling between the two countries. Parliament speaker 28 268782 today to its decision to bar citizens of Iraq, a key partner in the war against jihadists, from entering the United States . President Donald Trump signed an executive order barring citizens of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen from entering 28 268876 a reciprocal ban on US citizens. "We clearly demanded that the Iraqi government deal reciprocally in all issues... With the United States of America," Hassan Shwairid, the deputy head of the Iraqi parliament's foreign affairs committee, told AFP. Because of its role 28 269085 banned from the country. "After the decision of the American president to prohibit the entry of Iraqi citizens to the United States of America, we demand Americans be prevented from entering Iraq, and the removal of those of them who are present 28 270464 at American airports just hours after the executive order, ludicrously titled Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States , went into effect. It must have felt like the worst trick of fate for these refugees to hit the wall 28 273932 Sources close to Fiat Chrysler Automobiles say that the company is working on opening an additional 400 dealerships in the United States . AutoNews reports that FCAs decision to expand its existing ~2,500 U.S. dealership network comes in an attempt to capture a 28 278401 the globe, we find it extremely troubling" that Farhadi, and his cast and crew, could be barred from entering the United States . Tribune critic Michael Phillips recommends Asghar Farhadi's "The Salesman" as his Chicago International Film Festival pick for Wednesday, Oct. 19 28 278674 deeper message by explaining what he would have said to the press had he been able to travel to the United States : "Hard-liners, despite their nationalities, political arguments and wars, regard and understand the world in very much the same way 28 278756 own countries." Here's the rest of the statement, per the New York Times: "This is not just limited to the United States ; in my country hardliners are the same. For years on both sides of the ocean, groups of hardliners have tried 28 278964 conditions forced upon some of my compatriots and the citizens of the other six countries trying to legally enter the United States of America and hope that the current situation will not give rise to further divide between nations. "Asghar Farhadi, Iran 28 279876 live gunfire while helping American reporters cover the war in Iraq. Seven years ago, he was granted asylum in the United States . He found a county government job and settled in Long Beach with his wife and children. Advertisement This weekend, Rawi's 28 280944 will be able to continue to visit. Her aunt and uncle, both green card holders who have children in the United States , were in the U.S. when the executive order was signed, and now both are uncertain whether it's wise to go 28 281797 they're the parents of three American-born children; and above all, he himself has dual citizenship in Iran and the United States and he has lived in the Chicago area for nearly four decades. Advertisement Despite that, when President Donald Trump signed 28 281980 He left Iran on Jan. 20, 1981 - the day Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the 40th President of the United States and what's considered the end of the Iran hostage crisis. Dr. Amir Heydari of Crystal Lake was detained at O'Hare 28 282418 speaking to his taxi driver, for example, about how freedoms are expanding in Iran but being taken away in the United States . "Things like this happened slowly there as well, little rights were taken away in the name of security. I'm worried 28 282475 happens in countries that have no human rights, like North Korea. It just surprises me that it's happened in the United States ." Heydari said he doesn't practice any religion and questioned whether the seven countries were selected simply because they are majority 28 282637 liberties are infringed upon for certain groups, it's much easier to begin siphoning off the freedoms of others. Advertisement "The United States is the greatest country in the world with regards to many things particularly our freedoms and if we have started 28 282888 disbelief," seeing what was happening at airports across the country. "I have never in my life imagined that in the United States of America that we would see this," she said, speaking of "perfectly legal'' residents of the country being questioned and 28 282927 being questioned and held at airports. Trump's executive order, signed late Friday afternoon, suspends entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, bars Syrian refugees indefinitely and blocks entry for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries 28 282977 The Department of Homeland Security said the order also bars green card holders from those countries from re-entering the United States . White House officials said Saturday that green card holders from the seven affected countries would need a case-by-case 28 283062 signed the executive order on Holocaust Remembrance Day, and one of the things we're supposed to remember is that the United States actually turned back people that went to their deaths." U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley of Chicago also sent a statement denouncing 28 283101 a statement denouncing Trump's executive order. "President Trump's executive order creating a Muslim ban undermines the foundational ideals of the United States , a nation founded by immigrants. I call on the administration to immediately rescind this shameful order, which will have very 28 283531 stunned to discover that every traveler held at O'Hare on Saturday already had some kind of legal status in the United States . The travelers were not formally detained, which prevented the attorneys from speaking with them. Instead, the lawyers gleaned as much 28 284692 to someone with a green card." Trump's executive order, signed late Friday afternoon, suspends entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, bars Syrian refugees indefinitely and blocks entry for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries 28 284742 The Department of Homeland Security said the order also bars green card holders from those countries from re-entering the United States . White House officials said Saturday that green card holders from the seven affected countries would need a case-by-case 28 284769 that green card holders from the seven affected countries would need a case-by-case waiver to return to the United States . Abdulsalam Mused, 66, at his Oak Lawn home on Jan. 29, 2017, was detained at O'Hare International Airport over the 28 285330 wedding. He said he was treated nicely, but the experience still left him shaken. "I received political asylum in the United States because I stood up to terrorists in Yemen," said Mused, who has lived in the U.S. for 18 years. "This 28 285770 Islamic terrorists." A federal judge on Saturday night issued an emergency stay that temporarily allows people who landed in the United States with a valid visa to remain. By then, the Assalis' relatives were already gone. According to Sarah Assali, Ghassan and 28 285898 the predominantly Muslim countries were turned back on arrival at U.S. airports. Others were blocked from boarding flights to the United States . U.S. Rep. Charlie Dent, R-15th District, said he called the White House on Saturday after speaking to the Assalis 28 286033 attended by more than 1,000 people. (Matt Assad/The Morning Call) The president's order bars all refugees from entering the United states for four months and indefinitely bars Syrian refugees, 12,000 of which resettled in the United States last year after fleeing 28 286049 refugees from entering the United states for four months and indefinitely bars Syrian refugees, 12,000 of which resettled in the United States last year after fleeing war, political oppression, hunger and religious prejudice. The visa process for the Assalis' relatives started in 28 286102 the families decided to spend one last Christmas in Damascus with relatives who would not be joining them in the United States . Damascus has not experienced the worst of of the ongoing war, but life has not been easy for the families 28 286310 aggressive ban, ordering that anyone from that country, including those fleeing civil war, are indefinitely blocked from coming to the United States . After signing the documents, Trump said: "It's not a Muslim ban, but we were totally prepared. It's working out very 28 288664 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Dominick Reuter/AFP/Getty Images) WASHINGTON Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Sunday cautioned that the United States does not have a religious test for entry into the country but stopped short of rejecting President Donald Trump's order 28 288706 to halt the admission of refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries. McConnell said that Muslims, both in the United States and abroad, are key allies in the fight against terrorism and urged caution in regard to Trump's plan to implement 28 289252 conclusions were not vetted." McCain said he worries that the order could bar Iraqi soldiers who are working with the United States from entering the country and that the chaos could become part of marketing efforts for ISIS and other terrorist organizations 28 291120 regret on Saturday over a decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to restrict the access of the Sudanese into the United States . "The Foreign Ministry expresses its regret over the executive order issued by President Donald Trump on Jan. 27, regarding the 28 291157 on Jan. 27, regarding the restriction of entry procedures of citizens of some countries, including the Sudanese citizens, into the United States of America," said Sudan's foreign ministry in a statement. "It is really unfortunate that the decision coincided with the two 28 291261 to Sudan's firm stance on combating terrorism and reiterated the country's commitment to the constructive engagement and cooperation with the United States , saying "Sudan calls for immediate lifting of its name from the U.S. list of countries sponsoring terrorism." On Jan. 13 28 291302 13, former U.S. President Barack Obama issued a decision to cancel two executive orders imposing economic sanctions on Sudan. The United States has been imposing sanctions on Sudan since 1997 and putting it on its list of countries sponsoring terrorism since 1993 28 291620 and peace accord in Syria. Trump signed an executive order Friday enacting a vetting process for refugees coming into the United States , in the name of guarding against terrorist threats. The White House released no details of the document. But U.S. media 28 291681 all refugees as the U.S. government assesses the level of risks in each country. Reports have also suggested that the United States would refrain from giving visas to citizens of Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Iraq. Flash Protesters took to 28 291857 in the San Francisco Bay Area, which is one of the most diversified regions in terms of ethnicity across the United States and harbors the highest density of high-tech businesses. Google and Apple, among other tech giants, have expressed serious concerns 28 292046 and he complained that various members of the bloc were not paying their dues, which was "very unfair to the United States ." At a joint press conference with Trump in Washington on Friday, British Prime Minister Theresa May said the U.S. president 28 293624 Ukrainian crisis. "The conversation took place in a positive and businesslike manner," said the Kremlin statement. Russian ties with the United States and other NATO members experienced a record low during the Obama administration, mainly due to the Crimea issue, the Ukrainian 28 293659 due to the Crimea issue, the Ukrainian crisis and the hacking accusations. In the last weeks of Obama's presidency, the United States expelled Russian diplomats and expanded economic sanctions. Putin was among the first leaders of major powers to send congratulations to 28 293716 call in mid-November, Putin and the then US president-elect agreed that the current ties between Russian and the United States "could not get worse" and vowed to help "stimulate a return to pragmatic, mutually beneficial cooperation." KUALA LUMPUR - A boat 28 293929 on Saturday. US President Donald Trump waves upon his arrival at the White House from Philadelphia, in Washington DC, the United States , on Jan 26, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua] NEW YORK - A US federal judge issued an emergency stay on Saturday that bars 28 293995 first legal challenge against the executive order Trump signed Friday on slapping a 90-day ban on travel to the United States by citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries and a four-month suspension of the US refugee program. US District Judge 28 294040 that citizens of those seven countries -- Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen -- who have already arrived in the United States , who are in transit and who hold valid visas cannot be removed from the United States, according to US broadcaster 28 294056 already arrived in the United States, who are in transit and who hold valid visas cannot be removed from the United States , according to US broadcaster CNN. The executive order, widely described as a "Muslim ban," has triggered confusion and chaos across 28 295370 January 29, 2017. [Photo/Agencies] President Donald Trump, trying to quell a backlash over his "extreme vetting" order, said the United States would resume issuing visas to all countries once secure policies are put in place over the next 90 days. Under 28 295409 90 days. Under an order he signed on Friday, immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries were barred from entering the United States . The decision has drawn large protests at many US airports, where some travelers from those countries have been stranded. "To 28 296268 Northwest National Laboratory and Peking University. Pollutants from fossil fuel burning, forest fires and biofuel consumption include PAHs. In the United States , the Environmental Protection Agency has identified several PAHs as cancer-causing agents. PAHs have been difficult to represent in past 28 297503 crossing the South Pole, from where they are least-expected and where no missile shields are being deployed by the United States . Russia says each Sarmat can deploy 15 nuclear warheads, with yields ranging from 150 kilotons to 300 kilotons. It said 28 297586 silo-based ICBM force. Russia has 521 operational ICBMs and submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) with 1,735 warheads while the United States has 741 ICBMs and SLBMs and 1,481 nuclear warheads. Advertisement TagsRussia, RS-28 Sarmat, SATAN 2, Strategic Missile Troops, R 28 297635 Getty Images) Bromance: Duterte and Trump. Advertisement The Philippines' irrational leader, Rodrigo Duterte, now seems to be warming to the United States and its equally irrational president, Donald Trump, by quietly indicating he tacitly supports a planned U.S. Navy blockade of Philippine 28 298262 Ban For Muslim Countries Begins President Donald Trump's order to restrict people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States sparked confusion and anger on Saturday after immigrants and refugees were kept off flights and left stranded in airports. In 28 298307 decision since taking office a week ago, Trump, a Republican, put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other countries. Civil rights and faith groups, activists and Democratic politicians were 28 298381 reprieve. The American Civil Liberties Union successfully argued for a temporary stay that allowed detained travelers to stay in the United States . Supporters outside the Brooklyn courtroom and at protests at airports in Dallas, Chicago, New York and elsewhere cheered the decision 28 298555 375 travelers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. The new rules blindsided people in transit and families waiting for them 28 298906 weeks ago for cooperation on combating terrorism. A Yemeni official expressed dismay at the ban. Iraq's former ambassador to the United States , Lukman Faily, told Reuters that Trump's ban was unfair to a country that itself has been a victim of terror 28 299202 Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society said she knew of roughly 2,000 who were booked to come to the United States next week. Trump's order indefinitely bans refugees from Syria. In a television interview, he said he would seek to prioritize 28 302991 2014 by the U.S. On Jan. 11 of this year, her husband was issued a visa to come to the United States . He flew from Sweden on Friday and arrived about 8:30 p.m. local time to Kennedy Airport, where he was 28 304190 U.S. by citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. Trump said the order was to protect the United States from terrorist attacks, many of which have originated or have had connections to groups who profess to carry out the 28 304508 covered legal permanent residents, or green card holders of the U.S., and those with visas who were out of the United States after Friday. Shortly after Abushamma was placed on a plane to Saudi Arabia, U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly issued an 28 306423 official told reporters that the two Iraqi men, which included Darweesh, were getting waivers allowing them to stay in the United States . The men were mentioned in a New York Times report Saturday, and it was unclear whether the remaining people detained 28 306540 visa to relocate to America last week with his family, attorneys said. Although Darweesh was detained upon arrival into the United States , his family was not showing how the executive order is being enforced so "arbitrarily," said Mark Doss, a supervising attorney 28 306679 it was receiving reports that "green card holders and other visa holders have been denied boarding and admission into the United States " at airports. NBC News was unable to immediately verify the ADC's claims, and calls requesting further information went unanswered. Mohammed 28 306909 predominantly-Muslim nations for 90 days. In signing the order, Trump pledged to "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America." The State Department and Customs and Border Patrol on Saturday were still devising the formal rules for who 28 307543 Seibert, told the magazine. U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday ordered a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily banned travelers from Syria and six other predominantly-Muslim countries. In a follow-up statement, the German government 28 307876 in opposition to President Trump's immigration order. More from The Verge: Brin's family emigrated from the Soviet Union to the United States in 1979 to escape Jewish persecution. Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai, is also an immigrant. "We're upset about the impact of 28 310949 on the subject three times. After being heckled by British journalists to answer the question, Mrs May eventually said: "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees." More from the Financial Times: May delivers message of support to 28 310955 being heckled by British journalists to answer the question, Mrs May eventually said: "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees." More from the Financial Times: May delivers message of support to Turkish president Hollande calls on Europe 28 311142 White House January 27, 2017 in Washington, DC. Getty Images China is preparing for a potential military clash with the United States , according to an article on the Chinese army's website. "The possibility of war increases" as tensions around North Korea and 28 311671 those who are helping to do the draining. No One Left Behind, a charity that seeks to bring to the United States Afghanis and Iraqis who worked with the American military, says that the ban has caused their programme to be suspended 28 319500 seen by many analysts as a reminder of the Paul Bremer constitution for Iraq following the 2003 invasion by the United States . Russian circulated a draft resolution to the Syrian delegations who were attending the Russia-Turkey sponsored negotiations in Astana, Kazakhstan 28 325484 Koichi said after the call that Abe, in Saturday's telephone talk, also explained contribution of Japan's automobile industry to the United States . The leaders think that the Japan-U.S. economic relationship is important, said Koichi. However, the two leaders didn't get into 28 325548 secretary. During the telephone talk, Trump stressed that Japan-U.S. alliance is important and Japan is important partner for the United States , said Koichi. Japan has been eager to repair relations with Trump, as the nation has largely bet its support on 28 327761 lead the outcry from business leaders. Trump signed an order on Friday banning immigrants from seven countries from entering the United States , even if they have already been approved. But the ban was temporarily overturned on Saturday after the ACLU won a 28 327891 border, and his signing of an executive order banning Syrian refugees and preventing immigrants from selected countries from entering the United States . Zuckerberg, who is married to a first generation immigrant, wrote about his own European nationality and his hope that the 28 327939 He wrote: 'My great grandparents came from Germany, Austria and Poland. Priscilla's parents were refugees from China and Vietnam. The United States is a nation of immigrants, and we should be proud of that. 'Like many of you, I'm concerned about the 28 328167 civil war broke out, according to the EU website. For 120 days, no Syrians will be permitted to enter the United States , and for 90 days, residents of the 'terror-prone' countries of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia are 28 328854 leaders in Washington and elsewhere.' One Google employee of Iranian nationality with legal U.S. residency made it back to the United States just hours before the order took effect, the executive said. Microsoft said in a statement: 'We share the concerns about 28 328896 the impact of the executive order on our employees from the listed countries, all of whom have been in the United States lawfully, and we're actively working with them to provide legal advice and assistance.' Google CEO Sundar Pichai said Trump's move 28 329922 executive order, barring a ny non-U.S. citizen from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen from entering the United States . That includes legal permanent residents - green card holders - and visa-holders from those seven countries. They cannot return to the 28 331643 will make the NSC safer and more adaptive to modern threats. Regarding Syria, military officials have long acknowledged that the United States could more quickly defeat Islamic State by using its own forces, instead of local fighters, on the battlefield. But victory 28 332060 control of the Islamic State's de facto capital of Raqqa. In his Senate confirmation hearing, Mattis said he believed the United States already had a strategy that would allow the American military to regain control of Raqqa. But he said that strategy 28 332158 groups 'from the face of the earth,' met military chiefs at the Pentagon for about an hour on Friday The United States views the Kurdish fighters as its most reliable ally in Syria but Ankara sees them as an extension of Kurdish 28 332337 stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea.' Benjamin Netanyahu supports Donald Trump's plan to build a wall along the United States border with Mexico Netanyahu tweeted his support of Trump's plan. He cited his own barrier along Israel's border with Egypt 28 332482 an opinion on U.S.-Mexican relations. Trump signed executive orders on Wednesday to start building a continuous wall along the United States border with Mexico - though who might pay for the $8bn to $20bn apparatus remains mired in controversy, Fox News reported 28 332539 border patrol agents and 10,000 immigration officers. This move would make it more difficult for people to illegally enter the United States from Central America. Though with the harsh terrain, fences along many of the heavily-trafficked sections of the border and 28 332896 and democratic character,' the BBC reported. The Port of Hamburg - Germany's biggest seaport. [File photo:] China has overtaken the United States to become Germany's top trading market in 2016 for the first time, according to data collected by the Association of 28 333500 airports and improve public transportation in New York However, facial recognition is already widely used by law enforcement in the United States . Researchers at Georgetown University published an investigation last year that shows that in at least 26 states, just having a 28 335064 concerned at the difficulties which one of our postgraduate students encountered on trying to return to the UK via the United States after holidaying in Costa Rica. 'We have been in touch with Hamaseh, who has made arrangements to get back to 28 336902 have nationality or dual nationality of one of these countries will not be permitted for 90 days to enter the United States or be issued an immigrant or non-immigrant visa,' the statement said. 'Those nationals or dual nationals holding valid immigrant 28 336935 said. 'Those nationals or dual nationals holding valid immigrant or non-immigrant visas will not be permitted to enter the United States during this period. Visa interviews will generally not be scheduled for nationals of these countries during this period.' AIRLINES TO 28 337690 Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, Theresa May repeatedly refused to criticise President Trump's executive order. She said in Ankara: 'The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on 28 337696 May repeatedly refused to criticise President Trump's executive order. She said in Ankara: 'The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on refugees. 'And our policy on refugees 28 338168 declares that U.S. policy is 'to protect its citizens from foreign nationals who intend to commit terrorist attacks in the United States ; and to prevent the admission of foreign nationals who intend to exploit United States immigration laws for malevolent purposes.' It 28 338182 to commit terrorist attacks in the United States; and to prevent the admission of foreign nationals who intend to exploit United States immigration laws for malevolent purposes.' It also gives Homeland Security 60 days to begin providing the president with the names 28 339507 Enrique Pena Nieto reiterated after Trump signed the order: 'I am dismayed by and condemn the decision made by the United States to continue building a wall that for many years, far from uniting us, has divided us.' 'Mexico does not believe 28 339825 Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is concerned the actions will kill a program allows younger illegal immigrants to remain in the United States . She said: 'We need to go back to being the legislative branch. We didnt like this when Obama was doing 28 340357 its missiles malfunctioned and veered off course in a test that was covered up by Number 10, it has emerged. United States defence department documents show more than 1.4billion has been spent repairing faults and modernising the guidance system in the missiles 28 341572 have thicker hides than domesticated pigs. A British Army officer is to face a court martial for allegedly raping a United States Air Force officer at a formal dinner. Lieutenant Colonel Benedict Tomkins, 48, who has commanded hundreds of troops in Afghanistan 28 346457 booking systems following advice from the US government regarding tighter entry conditions. 'Passengers booked on Qantas for travel to the United States who use a passport from Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya have a number of options, including a change 28 346645 partially struck down the president's plan, granting an emergency stay blocking the deportation of migrants detained at airports around the United States . The federal court for the Eastern District of New York issued the stay Saturday evening after only two of 12 28 346770 Earlier on Saturday, Donald Trump defended his new immigration measures, which prompted outrage as migrants were barred from entering the United States , including families of refugees, legal permanent residents and Ivy League students. The president denied that his executive order was a 28 349070 on Friday barring any non-U.S. citizen traveling from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days. The move, which also included legal permanent residents and visa-holders from those seven countries, sparked an 28 361533 to right-wing supporters of President Trump. 'Those countries whose citizens were found to be involved in terrorism in the United States are not on Mr Trump's list, he said.' Terror hot-spots such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are not 28 361768 a midnight statement saying Mrs May dos 'not agree' with his executive order. Her spokesperson said: 'Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 361778 his executive order. Her spokesperson said: 'Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government.' 'But we do not agree 28 366288 struggling to establish government control. Emirates airline has had to change flight attendant and pilot rosters on services to the United States following the sudden U.S. travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries, an airline spokeswoman said Sunday. 'The recent change to 28 366644 the International Air Transport Association. Airlines also stand to lose business: for instance, around 35,000 travelers from Iran visited the United States in 2015, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. On Saturday, Emirates said that a 'very small number' of 28 370350 after President Donald Trump severely restricted immigration from seven countries. The PhD graduate from Clemson University has lived in the United States for nearly seven years and shared her emotional story on Facebook which said 'everything I worked for all these years 28 370417 Saturday after President Donald Trump imposed a ban on immigrants The PhD graduate from Clemson University has lived in the United States for nearly seven years and said that 'everything I worked for all these years doesn't matter'. She shared her story 28 370620 in South Carolina She said in a Facebook post about her experience: 'After almost 7 years of living the the United States , I got deported!!!' She said in a Facebook post about her experience: 'After almost 7 years of living the the 28 370642 I got deported!!!' She said in a Facebook post about her experience: 'After almost 7 years of living the the United States , I got deported!!! 'No one warned me when I was leaving, no one cared what will happen to my dog 28 370790 U.S? Any non-U.S. citizen from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen is now barred from entering the United States . That covers legal permanent residents - green card holders - and visa-holders from those seven countries who were out of the 28 370812 That covers legal permanent residents - green card holders - and visa-holders from those seven countries who were out of the United States after Friday, when President Donald Trump signed an executive order with the temporary ban. They cannot return to the U.S 28 370988 holders. Any non-U.S. citizen from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen is now barred from entering the United States for at least 90 days. The swift order was met by public outrage on social media and people flocked to 28 371624 whose great grandparents were murdered in Auschwitz has made an emotional plea to Malcolm Turnbull to stand up to the United States Muslim ban She posted a picture under her tweet showing the refusal letter her grandparents received from the government denying 28 371768 unsurprising but fills me with despair. If they have, and I have missed it, please let me know.' On Friday United states President Donald Trump (pictured) made major changes to America's policies on refugees and immigration Trump's order bars any non-U.S 28 371803 immigration Trump's order bars any non-U.S. citizen from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen from entering the United States . That includes legal permanent residents - green card holders - and visa-holders from those seven countries. They cannot return to the 28 372023 ban Trump's order bars any non-U.S. citizen from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen from entering the United States 'The Australian embassy in Washington is engaging with US officials on the potential implications of the suspension for Australian travellers 28 372077 are being warned that rules could change at short notice. 'Travellers should contact the nearest embassy or consulate of the United States for the most current information,' the spokeswoman added. In February 2016 the US Department of Homeland Security added Libya, Somalia 28 372155 seven nations since March 2011 are not allowed to apply for a mandatory security check needed for entry to the United States . Australians who are dual citizens of Iran, Iraq, Sudan or Syria are not allowed to apply for the standard electronic 28 378343 the administration's first 'extreme vetting' dragnet. 'Yesterday, what people need to understand is that 325,000 foreign travelers came into the United States ' on Saturday, Priebus said on the CBS 'Face the Nation' program. 'About 109 of those people were detained for further 28 378866 parents who perished on 9/11.' Spicer, too, insisted that 'there's 325,000 people from foreign countries that traveled into the united states yesterday. There were 109 people that this actually addressed.' He appeared with ABC anchor Martha Raddatz on 'This Week.' 'This 28 379467 Orthodox Christian family was turned away at a Pennsylvania airport after they tried for nearly 15 years to enter the United States , following Trump's immigration ban. Six family members were traveling to be reunited with relatives when their journey was cut short 28 379528 the border after Trump signed an executive order that banned people from Syria and six other countries from entering the United States on Friday. Despite waiting nearly 15 years to move to Pennsylvania to be with family members Sarmad and Sarah Assali 28 379631 International Airport (pictured) on Saturday, due to President Trump's imagination ban that bars seven countries, including Syria, from entering the United States The Assalis of Allentown, Pennsylvania, were some of the family's relatives awaiting their arrival, CNN reported. The mother and daughter 28 380092 end. Trump said that Syrian Christians will be given priority when it comes to applying for refugee status in the United States , on Friday. Sarah told Newsworks that the family began the process of applying for a visa before the civil war 28 385053 a $355 million windfall, about 5 per cent of its $7 billion operating budget. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte asked the United States on Sunday not to store weapons in local camps under a defense pact, saying his country may get entangled if 28 385165 which faces the disputed South China Sea. Scroll down for video Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (above on Sunday) asked the United States on Sunday not to store weapons in local camps under a defense pact, saying his country may get entangled if 28 385239 Philippine camps if the Americans build weapon depots in those encampments 'I'm serving notice to the armed forces of the United States , do not do it, I will not allow it,' Duterte said in the televised news conference after meeting top military 28 385361 stop agreements that allow U.S. forces to visit. Duterte (above) said: 'I'm serving notice to the armed forces of the United States , do not do it, I will not allow it' The agreements include the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, which was signed 28 404821 their influence to fight back against the ban on refugees and on immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries entering the United States . 'Theres a lot of money and power in this room and I hope you all will use it for something 28 405525 Ankara The quote is a reference to the UN Security Council's five permanent members -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States . Bana came to international attention with her tweets giving a tragic account of the war in Syria's flashpoint city Aleppo 28 422235 defense against Putin. But in his call with Merkel, Trump agreed on NATO's "fundamental importance," the White House said. The United States provides significant funding to NATO, and Trump has urged other member nations to step up their contributions. - 'Extreme vetting' - Trump's 28 422326 at the airports, you see it all over," he told reporters. The new protocols specifically bar Syrian refugees from the United States indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat. The legal challenge, which won a 28 427708 Syrian Christians denied entry at Philadelphia: official Six Syrians including Christians were turned away from Philadelphia International Airport in the United States and sent back to Lebanon, an official at Beirut airport told AFP on Sunday. US President Donald Trump signed an 28 427738 Beirut airport told AFP on Sunday. US President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday prohibiting entry to the United States to all nationals of seven Muslim-majority states -- Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The ban also prohibits 28 427872 away at Philadelphia. Their journey had taken them via Doha in the absence of direct flights between Beirut and the United States since the 1980s, when Lebanon was in the middle of a civil war. Iranian director Asghar Farhadi said he will 28 428008 Scroll down for video Trump signed an executive order called 'Protection Of The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States ,' on Friday prohibiting entry to the United States to all nationals of seven Muslim-majority states: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia 28 428016 order called 'Protection Of The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States,' on Friday prohibiting entry to the United States to all nationals of seven Muslim-majority states: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Farhadi said he had 28 428080 Cannes for his performance in Farhadi's film 'The Salesman' Trump signed an executive order on Friday prohibiting entry to the United States to all nationals of 7 Muslim-majority states - Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen Visas will not be 28 428245 in no way acceptable to me even if exceptions were to be made for my trip.' He said hardliners in United States and Iran acted with the same mentality. He elaborated: 'For years on both sides of the ocean, groups of hardliners 28 437361 new president to "slow down" and work with lawmakers on how best to tighten screening for foreigners who enter the United States . "In my view, we ought to all take a deep breath and come up with something that makes sense for 28 437481 a few more questions from someone traveling in and out of Libya and Yemen before being let loose in the United States ," Trump's chief of staff, Reince Priebus, said. "And that's all this is." As of Sunday afternoon, one legal permanent resident 28 438241 the White House said in a statement. "The positive call was a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair," the statement said on Saturday. "Both President Trump and President Putin are 28 439358 Voigt recently announced was facing imminent sale but remains optimistic of remaining in Vermont, two years ago partnered with the United States Coast Guard and Sandals Resorts to teach new cooking techniques, another way to expand its reach. Carmel's program is also 28 440536 U.S. illegally. Schechter noted that the spat could increase the popularity of Lopez Obrador, "who espouses weakening ties with the United States . It is a troubling development for a relationship that has few parallels throughout the world." Lopez Obrador, a former Mexico 28 440609 two tries, but Mexico could be a different, angrier place in 2018 with a wall sealing it off from the United States , millions of deported migrants and a potential recession caused by scrapped trade agreement with its northern neighbor. Still, Lopez Obrador 28 440698 public could think, 'Gee, it's tough to vote for a messianic guy who's going to get into trouble with the United States .'" Priebus: No regrets Holocaust statement didn't refer to Jews WASHINGTON (AP) White House chief of staff Reince Priebus (ryns PREE 28 440840 Syrian musician in limbo after travel ban BEIRUT (AP) A Syrian musician who was allowed to legally immigrate to the United States on account of his "extraordinary" abilities, and who recently toured with famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma, is now wondering whether 28 441053 Muslim-majority nations. Azmeh, said he does not have a "plan B" if he is not allowed back into the United States on his scheduled return Wednesday. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla) He was granted a green card three years ago through an 28 441584 Muslim-majority nations. Azmeh, said he does not have a "plan B" if he is not allowed back into the United States on his scheduled return Wednesday. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla) South Carolina tech worker visiting Iran can't return to US RALEIGH 28 441822 from border state SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has a new diplomatic invitation to visit the United States after canceling a trip to Washington in response to President Donald Trump's plans to build a border wall this time 28 442937 Despair and confusion set in among citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries who suddenly found themselves unable to enter the United States a day after President Trump signed an order he said was necessary to stop radical Islamic terrorists from coming to 28 443742 Nadhim Zahawi, who was born Baghdad in Iraq, has been advised by lawyers that he will be barred from the United States under the border clampdown on travellers from seven Muslim nations and all refugees. I'm a British citizen & so proud to 28 446403 not agree with the recent developments in the US migration policy creating difficulties for Muslims and refugees arriving in the United States and would respond if the rights of Britons affected by the ban, Sputnik reported. On Friday, US President Donald Trump 28 446434 by the ban, Sputnik reported. On Friday, US President Donald Trump ordered to block all refugees from coming to the United States for 120 days and suspended the entry for citizens from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia for 90 28 446610 decision to issue an emergency stay for people from the countries mentioned in Trump's order, who have arrived in the United States with valid visas of the country. Trump, Merkel agree NATO members must pay fair share BERLIN/WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters 28 446872 The joint German-U.S. statement, by contrast, highlighted areas of common interest and stressed the importance of ties between the United States and Europe's largest economy. The language on NATO came after Trump called the alliance "obsolete", but it highlighted the need 28 447150 a statement read to Reuters by one its members, Hassan Shwerid. Trump order dashes dreams of Iraqi family bound for United States By Arwa Gaballa and Eric Knecht CAIRO, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Fuad Sharef and his family waited two years for a 28 447177 Knecht CAIRO, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Fuad Sharef and his family waited two years for a visa to settle in the United States , selling their home and quitting jobs and schools in Iraq before setting off on Saturday for a new life they 28 447359 Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days. He said this would help safeguard the United States from terrorists. The travel curbs took effect immediately, wreaking havoc and confusion for would-be travellers with passports from the 28 447463 Iraq deteriorated, with Islamic State insurgents seizing swathes of the country and carrying out brutal killings. Sharef's work with the United States made him particularly vulnerable to attack by militants who view him as a traitor. "I applied for immigration for several 28 447519 terrorist organizations. Secondly, I was interested in this (SIV) programme and my children's interest to continue their education in the United States ," he said. AFTER RISKING THEIR LIVES Sharef applied to emigrate via a programme known as Special Immigrant Visa, which was 28 447579 after the 2003 invasion. At least 7,000 Iraqis, many of them interpreters for the U.S. military, have settled in the United States under SIV auspices since 2008, while some 500 more are being processed, State Department figures show. Another 58,000 Iraqis have 28 448497 and Ahmed Rasheed BAGHDAD/MOSUL, Iraq, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Iraq plans to lobby against new restrictions on travel to the United States by Iraqis, arguing the two countries need to preserve their alliance against Islamic State (IS), two members of the Iraqi 28 448617 forces in the war against IS insurgents. Some members of parliament said Iraq should retaliate with similar measures against the United States . "Iraq is in the front line of the war on terrorism (...) and it is unfair that the Iraqis are treated 28 449665 Iran's ruling clerical establishment does not know whether or when he can rejoin his wife and two children in the United States . U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily 28 449683 in the United States. U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily banned travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries. He said the move would help protect Americans from terrorism. The 28 449751 extends on a case-by-case basis to "green card" holders who are authorised to live and work in the United States . Kadivar, once an active participant in Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution who later fell foul of its leaders, told Reuters from 28 449818 not clear. I am concerned about my future. I don't know whether I will be able to return to the United States as a green card holder Iranian national," he said. There are an estimated 1 million Iranian-Americans in the United 28 449839 States as a green card holder Iranian national," he said. There are an estimated 1 million Iranian-Americans in the United States , including those with U.S. citizenship, dual nationality and green card holders, so Trump's executive order could create myriad travel complications 28 449869 green card holders, so Trump's executive order could create myriad travel complications. "My two children and wife live in the United States ... My wife was planning to join me in Berlin, where I arrived on July 18 and was supposed to stay 28 449987 been a staunch critic of Iran's most powerful authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. In 2001, he travelled to the United States with an invitation from the Islamic Law Program of Harvard Law School for research and teaching. He was awarded the 28 450055 many emails from my colleagues, who regretted the ban ... Iranians have never been involved in any terrorist act in the United States ." 'TURNING IRANIANS HOSTILE' The United States and its allies in the Middle East accuse Iran of supporting terrorism and interfering 28 450061 regretted the ban ... Iranians have never been involved in any terrorist act in the United States." 'TURNING IRANIANS HOSTILE' The United States and its allies in the Middle East accuse Iran of supporting terrorism and interfering in the affairs of regional states 28 450111 Tehran. Hardline allies of Khamenei, worried about losing their grip on power since a nuclear deal was reached with the United States and other world powers in 2015, have continued to denounce Washington publicly. However, pragmatic President Hassan Rouhani has sought to 28 450137 in 2015, have continued to denounce Washington publicly. However, pragmatic President Hassan Rouhani has sought to reduce tensions with the United States . Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, a Rouhani ally, tweeted on Sunday that the travel ban was "a great gift 28 450244 political establishment to some extent, at least for a short while. It would also turn public opinion firmly against the United States , they added. "Besides tearing apart many families, this ban is materialising an objective that the leadership in Tehran has not 28 450293 the revolution," said Ali Vaez from the International Crisis Group conflict research group. "That is turning Iranians hostile towards the United States . The top-down enmity towards the U.S. risks becoming bottom-up." 'NOT MY AMERICAN DREAM' Iranian author Azar Nafisi, a 28 450324 bottom-up." 'NOT MY AMERICAN DREAM' Iranian author Azar Nafisi, a professor of English literature who has lived in the United States since 1997 and became a U.S. citizen nine years later, said the ban was contrary to American values. "We came 28 450348 and became a U.S. citizen nine years later, said the ban was contrary to American values. "We came to the United States because we believed it is a country of freedom, a country friendly to immigrants. People like me should raise their 28 450397 not a political issue," said Nafisi. Another Iranian-born academic, Mohammad, said he was returning to his home in the United States after attending his father's funeral in Tehran, when the ban came into effect. Turkish Airlines refused to allow him to 28 452736 all communities and thus address what is truly a national question. US President Donald Trump reaffirmed the commitment of the United States to NATO in a phone talk with his French counterpart Francois Hollande and voiced the desire to enhance US-French 28 452886 both Washington and Paris to fight against the Islamic State terrorist group, which is outlawed in many countries, including the United States and Russia. During the presidential race Trump repeatedly said that Washington should decrease the support of other NATO member states 28 452922 support of other NATO member states and protect only those members of the alliance, who "fulfill their obligations" to the United States . research conducted by Britains Trade Union Congress (TUC) reveals that more than half the women say they have been sexually 28 454636 Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized the order of US President Donald Trump aimed at decreasing the flow of migrants into the United States , saying that security measures cannot justify the ban for people of certain origin, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said Sunday 28 454674 Steffen Seibert said Sunday, Sputnik reported. On Friday, Trump signed an executive order blocking all refugees from coming to the United States for 120 days and suspended the entry for citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 28 454765 was not covered, according to the newspaper. Emirates airline has changed pilot and flight attendant rosters on flights to the United States following the sudden U.S. travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries, highlighting the challenges facing airlines to deal with the 28 454882 according to the International Air Transport Association. Fortis Inc. operates as an electric and gas utility company in Canada, the United States , and the Caribbean countries. It generates, transmits, and distributes electricity to approximately 438,000 retail customers in southeastern Arizona; and 100,000 28 454945 solar capacity and 252 MV of wind capacity. The company also sells wholesale electricity to other entities in the western United States ; owns gas-fired and hydroelectric generating capacity totaling 65 MW; and distributes natural gas to approximately 1,065,000 residential, commercial, and 28 465845 on the heels of Trumps newest executive order on Friday night that halted the admittance of all refugees to the United States . The order also temporarily froze immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Sudan 28 466335 us together as a country. With the swish of a pen Friday night, Trump halted all refugees from entering the United States , calling for extreme vetting of all new arrivals to the country. The order directs the U.S. State Department to stop 28 466503 persecution by assisting them through the application process and getting them settled into their new life once they reach the United States . Calling on people to reach out to their congressional representatives and make their voices heard, Kuhr said the majority of 28 466629 District Court in Brooklyn granted a request from the ACLU to stay deportations of those detained on entry to the United States following President Donald Trump's executive order. After a brief hearing in front of a small audience that filtered in from 28 467036 green-card holders who happened to be abroad when it was signed. Also subject to being barred entry into the United States are dual nationals, or people born in one of the seven countries who hold passports even from U.S. allies such 28 467312 does not affect the vast majority of Muslims in the world." The president's order, signed Friday, suspends admission to the United States of all refugees for 120 days and bars for 90 days the entry of any citizen from Iraq, Iran, Syria 28 467403 the order, the restriction applies to countries that have already been excluded from programs allowing people to travel to the United States without a visa because of terrorism concerns. Hewing closely to nations already named as terrorism concerns elsewhere in law might 28 467483 rollout had been chaotic. Officials tried to reassure travelers and their families, pointing out that green-card holders in the United States will not be affected and noting that the Department of Homeland Security is allowed to grant waivers to those individuals 28 467545 holder, or lawful permanent resident authorized to permanently live and work in the country. "If you've been living in the United States for 15 years and you own a business and your family is here, will you be granted a waiver? I'm 28 467614 later said that waivers will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and that green-card holders in the United States will have to meet with a consular officer before leaving the country. But officials made clear that the federal officers 28 467975 also had been barred from boarding U.S.-bound flights overseas, and they confirmed that green-card holders who left the United States have been unable to return. In Cairo, airport officials said seven U.S.-bound migrants - six from Iraq and one from 28 468372 hours later, Assali said. She said her family members were not allowed to call or contact their family in the United States before being removed. "We don't know what's going to happen next." RICHMOND At least 28 firearms belonging to people accused 28 472099 in Sunday afternoon on the executive order President Donald Trump issued Friday afternoon, suspending the admission of refugees to the United States . "When you factor out all the misinformation and media hysteria, its clear that a temporary pause on refugee resettlement is 28 472150 Americans safe, but it should accommodate those Green Card holders who pose no security threat returning from travel outside the United States ," Gillespie said in a written statement. "As governor, I will work with the federal government to protect our homeland and 28 475595 Trump signed an executive order on Jan. 27 he hopes will lead to what he called "a great rebuilding" of United States Armed Forces, apparently without regard of the cost to the economy. Advertisement The executive order calls for reviews of the 28 475751 legacy exists everywhere in the world today where people are more free, more prosperous, and more secure because of the United States of America." Trump later told media that a strong military is "more important" than a balanced budget, in effect admitting 28 487444 after an avalanche hit them near Siachen on 7 April 2012. As a sequel to leadership changes in UK and United States , these countries started implementing stringent visa regulations which will affect students and skilled workers from India whom forms major portion 28 487600 a sequel there is a decline of more than 60 percent of Indian students started evading UK for higher education. United States , Canada, Australia and Singapore are emerging as the potential destinations for Indian students. Some of the EU countries like New 28 487770 due to English language qualifications from during 2014 of which 70 percent were from India. Educational Testing Services (ETS) of United States have been conducting Test of English for International Communication since 2010 to assess the English proficiency of potential immigrants. But 28 487921 recent visa changes will affect Indian students aspiring for education and career in UK. Move to reduce H1B visa in United States US President Donald Trump suggested for an enquiry in to visa abuses that affect the opportunities of American workers. He 28 487981 to restore jobs for Americans and to bring back domestic jobs under the principle Putting America First. Visa changes in United States will affect skilled worker category and students from developing countries. There will be substantial changes in H-1B visas. Professionals 28 488017 changes in H-1B visas. Professionals from developing countries are working in US under skilled category under H1B visa. Annually United States used to issue 85000 H-1B visa under skilled worker category of which more than 70 percent were from India 28 488081 Moreover US president elect suggested for withdrawing US from Trans Pacific partnership (TPP) with 12 Pacific Rim countries except China. United States joined TPP with the initiative of Barak Obama to get the benefit of global trade. Trump suggested that he will 28 488119 suggested that he will negotiate for fair bilateral trade without TPP. Trump is also trying to withdraw green visa from United States . Green visa facilitate Indian Entrepreneurs and industrialists to establish commercial ventures in United States. The decision of President Trump to 28 488133 trying to withdraw green visa from United States. Green visa facilitate Indian Entrepreneurs and industrialists to establish commercial ventures in United States . The decision of President Trump to curtail the entry of refugees and restrictions imposed on people from seven Islamic countries 28 492031 and confusion set in Saturday among citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries who found themselves abruptly unable to enter the United States a day after Trump signed an executive order that he billed as a necessary step to stop "radical Islamic terrorists 28 492201 groups and others immediately challenged the orders in court, and said the bans scapegoated Muslims and Arabs without making the United States safer. Protests broke out at several US airports where travelers were being detained, including a gathering of several hundred people 28 493356 the impact of the executive order on our employees from the listed countries, all of whom have been in the United States lawfully, and we're actively working with them to provide legal advice and assistance," the company said in a statement. Civil 28 493394 in a statement. Civil rights activists allege that this is in effect "Muslim ban" and against the values of the United States . Trump, however, argued that this is not a Muslim ban and that these steps have been taken to protect the 28 494193 enhanced security measures were implemented. These individuals went through enhanced security screenings and are being processed for entry to the United States , consistent with our immigration laws and judicial orders." But the detention of the travelers caused a great deal of confusion 28 494700 U.S. lawmakers and officials around the globe also criticized the move. Two of the first people blocked from entering the United States were Iraqis with links to the U.S. military. Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were detained by immigration 28 495873 Search Keywords: Short link: Cairo: Fuad Sharef and his family waited two years for a visa to settle in the United States , selling their home and quitting jobs and schools in Iraq before setting off on Saturday for a new life they 28 496055 Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days. He said this would help safeguard the United States from terrorists. The travel curbs took effect immediately, wreaking havoc and confusion for would-be travellers with passports from the 28 496159 Iraq deteriorated, with Islamic State insurgents seizing swathes of the country and carrying out brutal killings. Sharefs work with the United States made him particularly vulnerable to attack by militants who view him as a traitor. I applied for immigration for several 28 496215 terrorist organisations. Secondly, I was interested in this (SIV) programme and my childrens interest to continue their education in the United States , he said. After risking their lives Sharef applied to emigrate via a programme known as Special Immigrant Visa, which was 28 496275 after the 2003 invasion. At least 7,000 Iraqis, many of them interpreters for the US military, have settled in the United States under SIV auspices since 2008, while some 500 more are being processed, State Department figures show. Another 58,000 Iraqis have 28 497548 was also killed in the attack, the official said. The military operation is the first to be attributed to the United States against jihadists in Yemen since Trump took office on January 20. Under Trumps predecessor Barack Obama, the United States stepped 28 497567 the United States against jihadists in Yemen since Trump took office on January 20. Under Trumps predecessor Barack Obama, the United States stepped up its use of drone strikes against suspected jihadists in Yemen, as well as other countries including Afghanistan. The 28 497589 stepped up its use of drone strikes against suspected jihadists in Yemen, as well as other countries including Afghanistan. The United States considers the extremist groups Yemen-based franchise, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, to be its most dangerous. But although 28 497973 All with valid Iranian visa will be gladly welcomed," he wrote. With more than one million Iranians living in the United States , the travel restrictions are expected to cause chaos for students, businessmen and families travelling between the two countries. Parliament speaker 28 498085 not being allowed to board US-bound flights. Baghdad: Iraq plans to lobby against new restrictions on travel to the United States by Iraqis, arguing the two countries need to preserve their alliance against ISIS, two members of the Iraqi parliament, who 28 498195 forces in the war on ISIS. Some members of the parliament said Iraq should retaliate with similar measures against the United States . "Iraq is in the frontline of the war on terrorism (...) and it is unfair that the Iraqis are treated in 28 501515 non-immigrant visas, and other individuals from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen legally authorised to enter the United States ." The judge ordered the government to provide lists of all those detained at US airports since the measure went into 28 508611 judge in Brooklyn came to the aid of scores of refugees and others who were trapped at airports across the United States on Saturday after an executive order signed by President Donald Trump, which sought to keep many foreigners from entering the 28 508761 order, enacted with the stroke of a pen at 4.42 pm on Friday, suspended entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely and blocked entry into the US for 90 days for citizens of seven 28 508813 Yemen. The Department of Homeland Security said the order barred green card holders from those countries from re-entering the United States . In a briefing for reporters, White House officials said green card holders from the seven affected countries who were outside 28 508836 a briefing for reporters, White House officials said green card holders from the seven affected countries who were outside the United States would need case-by-case waivers to return. Trump in office just a week found himself accused of constitutional and 28 508984 government was enjoined and restrained from, in any manner and by any means, removing individuals who had arrived in the United States with valid visas or refugee status. The ruling does not appear to force the administration to let in people otherwise 28 509017 to force the administration to let in people otherwise blocked by Trumps order who have not yet travelled to the United States . The judges one-page ruling came swiftly after lawyers for the ACLU testified in her courtroom that one of the 28 509527 was also killed in the attack, the official said. The military operation is the first to be attributed to the United States against militants in Yemen since Trump took office on January 20. Under Trump's predecessor Barack Obama, the United States stepped 28 509546 the United States against militants in Yemen since Trump took office on January 20. Under Trump's predecessor Barack Obama, the United States stepped up its use of drone strikes against suspected militants in Yemen, as well as other countries including Afghanistan. The 28 509568 stepped up its use of drone strikes against suspected militants in Yemen, as well as other countries including Afghanistan. The United States considers the extremist group's Yemen-based franchise, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, to be its most dangerous. Although it 28 513075 The migrant crackdown, which also included a 120-day suspension of the US refugee resettlement program, sparked protests across the United States on Saturday. A federal judge late Saturday blocked part of the temporary immigration ban, ordering authorities to stop deporting refugees 28 513174 the country was in the "final stages" of developing an intercontinental ballistic missile. Such an ICBM could theoretically target the United States . Search Keywords: Short link: Jordan's King Abdullah II is to begin a working visit to Washington on Monday, three days 28 514721 been pretty devastating. These climate denial spin doctors had a major impact on the pace at which countries like the United States , the United Kingdom and China moved to take action on climate change. But as superpowers like the U.S. and China 28 516302 Sunday to its decision to bar citizens of Iraq, a key partner in the war against jihadists, from entering the United States . President Donald Trump signed an executive order barring citizens of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen from entering 28 516396 a reciprocal ban on US citizens. "We clearly demanded that the Iraqi government deal reciprocally in all issues... with the United States of America," Hassan Shwairid, the deputy head of the Iraqi parliament's foreign affairs committee, told AFP. Because of its role 28 516606 banned from the country. "After the decision of the American president to prohibit the entry of Iraqi citizens to the United States of America, we demand Americans be prevented from entering Iraq, and the removal of those of them who are present 28 518173 reaffirm our abused American values. President Donald Trump signed a brazenly-bigoted executive order Friday barring all refugees from the United States for four months, barring Syrian refugees indefinitely, and barring immigrants from seven Muslim countries: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya 28 518340 the lives of people who could have become upstanding American citizens, draw justifiable scorn upon our country, and make the United States less, not more, secure. The only comfortcold comfortis the knowledge we are not alone in this prejudice, nor is it 28 518664 go to Costco. I got my cat food, and walked past them and I just said, loudly, "This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." What could I have done? I wanted to complain to the management, but by the time I got 28 518921 to you? I mean, I know they hand out that coconut shrimp, but still . . . And what does "This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" mean to you? I thought it meant that this is exactly the sort of place where a woman 28 524838 federal funds to sanctuary jurisdictions that willfully violate federal law in an attempt to shield aliens from removal from the United States . That definition most definitely does not apply to San Antonio. While SAPD officers dont engage in immigration enforcement, if they 28 527684 the U.S. refugee program, suspending the visa waiver program and barring citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States , Trump is expected to soon take similar action on H-1B and L-1 visa programs for foreign workers. This 28 529848 are in danger because they worked with the U.S. government in Iraq fear their chances of finding refuge in the United States may vanish under a new order signed on Friday by President Donald Trump.The order temporarily suspends the United States' main 28 529867 the United States may vanish under a new order signed on Friday by President Donald Trump.The order temporarily suspends the United States ' main refugee program and halts visas being issued to citizens of several predominantly Muslim countries, including Iraq. It is expected 28 529932 Iraqis who risked their lives helping Americans.Trump says the order is necessary to prevent Islamist militants from coming to the United States posing as refugees, but refugee advocacy groups say the lengthy screening of applicants by multiple U.S. agencies makes this fear 28 529958 refugee advocacy groups say the lengthy screening of applicants by multiple U.S. agencies makes this fear unfounded.Iraqis coming to the United States under the Special Immigrant Visa program for Iraqis, which stopped accepting new applications in 2014, or the ongoing Direct Access 28 530009 ever getting out. "Mr. Trump, the new president, killed our dreams," said one Baghdad man whose wife worked for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as a bookkeeper."I don't have any hope to go to the United States," he 28 530028 the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as a bookkeeper."I don't have any hope to go to the United States ," he said in a telephone interview, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution by Iraq's Sunni and Shia 28 530076 treatment by the Trump administration.More than 7,000 Iraqis, many of them interpreters for the U.S. military, have resettled in the United States under the Special Immigrant Visa program since 2008, while another 500 or so are still being processed, according to State 28 530249 5 a week traveling with troops, sometimes without weapons or armor. He helped two of the interpreters come to the United States as refugees with their families, putting them up initially in his home in Dallas, Texas. Another two were executed by 28 530361 In Baghdad, the Iraqi man waiting for a visa recalled U.S, soldiers had laughed at his concerns, telling him the United States is too big a democracy to be changed on "the decision of one person like Trump," he said. But he 28 538378 2016". By Yeganeh Torbati and Doina Chiacu | WASHINGTON WASHINGTON President Donald Trump's sweeping ban on people seeking refuge in the United States and visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries caused confusion and panic among travelers on Saturday, with some turned back from 28 538436 already been unlawfully detained. The new Republican president on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries. He said the moves would protect Americans from 28 538554 and the Iranian nation" and vowed to retaliate. Of the seven countries targeted, Iran sends the most visitors to the United States each year - around 35,000 in 2015, according to the Department of Homeland Security. The ban extends to green card holders 28 538585 Department of Homeland Security. The ban extends to green card holders who are authorized to live and work in the United States , according to Gillian Christensen, a Homeland Security spokeswoman.It was unclear how many green card holders would be affected, but exceptions 28 538622 would be affected, but exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.LEGAL RESIDENTS STUNNED Legal residents of the United States were plunged into despair at the prospect of being unable to return to the United States or being separated from 28 538638 Legal residents of the United States were plunged into despair at the prospect of being unable to return to the United States or being separated from family members trapped abroad. Immigration lawyers worked through the night to help stranded travelers and enforcement 28 538684 uneven. "I never thought something like this would happen in America," said Mohammad Hossein Ziya, 33, who came to the United States in 2011 after being forced to leave Iran for his political activities.Ziya, who lives in Virginia, has a green card 28 538824 on Saturday, sources at Cairo airport said. Dutch airline KLM [AIRF.PA] said on Saturday it had refused carriage to the United States to seven passengers from predominately Muslim countries.At least three lawyers from the International Refugee Assistance Project were at the arrivals 28 538923 lawyers worked all night fielding calls from travelers with student and worker visas who were being denied entry into the United States and ordered on flights back to the Muslim-majority countries.Enforcement of the order was spotty and disorganized.Travelers were handled differently 28 539084 worker and the other the husband of a former U.S. security contractor. The two men had visas to enter the United States but were detained on Friday night at Kennedy airport, hours after Trump's executive order, the lawsuit said.Green card holders were 28 539134 Officials also denied travelers with dual Canadian and Iranian citizenship from boarding planes in Canada that were headed to the United States , Yegani said. "These are people that are coming in legally. They have jobs here and they have vehicles here," Yegani 28 539819 was taking effect." The List Project, which helps Iraqis whose personal safety is threatened because they have worked for the United States , expressed outraged over the move, warning it put American lives at risk too. "I can't say this in blunt-enough 28 539920 our Marines, soldiers, diplomats and aid workers." He noted that of the approximately 800,000 refugees who have come to the United States since the September 11, 2001 attacks, none have been charged with domestic terror attacks. The first lawsuit against Trump's order 28 540028 message written in stark contrast to Donald Trump's order temporarily banning all refugees and many Muslims from traveling to the United States . "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada," Trudeau 28 540156 The New York Times reported. On Saturday, Canadian airline WestJet said it would reimburse passengers prevented from traveling to the United States under the new policy. "WestJet will comply with this executive order," the company said in a statement. "In the event 28 540212 will be providing them with a full refund." The airliner has already had to refuse one passenger transport to the United States , a spokeswoman said, without specifying the passenger's origin. According to the latest Canadian census, from 2011, one out of five 28 540281 figures. Silicon Valley heads have slammed US President Donald Trump's temporary ban on refugees and many Muslims from entering the United States , fearing it could prevent them from accessing a global reservoir of talent. The sweeping immigration crackdown moved many tech bosses 28 540917 President Donald Trump and will intervene if they affect UK nationals, Downing Street said on Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 540927 nationals, Downing Street said on Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," a spokesman said. "But we 28 541016 to condemn the order by Trump to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on 28 541022 to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on refugees," May said at a news 28 541310 US President Donald Trump and will intervene if they affect UK nationals, Downing Street said Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 541320 UK nationals, Downing Street said Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," a spokesman said. "But we 28 541409 to condemn the order by Trump to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on 28 541415 to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on refugees," May said at a news 28 542639 to Jakarta and Tehran spoke out against Trump's order to put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily ban travellers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries, which he said would help protect Americans from 28 543354 Iran's ruling clerical establishment does not know whether or when he can rejoin his wife and two children in the United States . U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily 28 543372 in the United States. U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily banned travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries. He said the move would help protect Americans from terrorism. The 28 543440 extends on a case-by-case basis to "green card" holders who are authorised to live and work in the United States . Kadivar, once an active participant in Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution who later fell foul of its leaders, told Reuters from 28 543507 not clear. I am concerned about my future. I don't know whether I will be able to return to the United States as a green card holder Iranian national," he said.There are an estimated 1 million Iranian-Americans in the United States 28 543527 United States as a green card holder Iranian national," he said.There are an estimated 1 million Iranian-Americans in the United States , including those with U.S. citizenship, dual nationality and green card holders, so Trump's executive order could create myriad travel complications 28 543557 green card holders, so Trump's executive order could create myriad travel complications."My two children and wife live in the United States ... My wife was planning to join me in Berlin, where I arrived on July 18 and was supposed to stay 28 543675 been a staunch critic of Iran's most powerful authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. In 2001, he travelled to the United States with an invitation from the Islamic Law Program of Harvard Law School for research and teaching. He was awarded the 28 543743 many emails from my colleagues, who regretted the ban ... Iranians have never been involved in any terrorist act in the United States ." 'TURNING IRANIANS HOSTILE' The United States and its allies in the Middle East accuse Iran of supporting terrorism and interfering 28 543749 regretted the ban ... Iranians have never been involved in any terrorist act in the United States." 'TURNING IRANIANS HOSTILE' The United States and its allies in the Middle East accuse Iran of supporting terrorism and interfering in the affairs of regional states 28 543799 Tehran. Hardline allies of Khamenei, worried about losing their grip on power since a nuclear deal was reached with the United States and other world powers in 2015, have continued to denounce Washington publicly.However, pragmatic President Hassan Rouhani has sought to reduce 28 543824 powers in 2015, have continued to denounce Washington publicly.However, pragmatic President Hassan Rouhani has sought to reduce tensions with the United States . Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, a Rouhani ally, tweeted on Sunday that the travel ban was "a great gift 28 543931 political establishment to some extent, at least for a short while. It would also turn public opinion firmly against the United States , they added."Besides tearing apart many families, this ban is materialising an objective that the leadership in Tehran has not 28 543980 the revolution," said Ali Vaez from the International Crisis Group conflict research group. "That is turning Iranians hostile towards the United States . The top-down enmity towards the U.S. risks becoming bottom-up." 'NOT MY AMERICAN DREAM' Iranian author Azar Nafisi, a 28 544011 bottom-up." 'NOT MY AMERICAN DREAM' Iranian author Azar Nafisi, a professor of English literature who has lived in the United States since 1997 and became a U.S. citizen nine years later, said the ban was contrary to American values. "We came 28 544035 and became a U.S. citizen nine years later, said the ban was contrary to American values. "We came to the United States because we believed it is a country of freedom, a country friendly to immigrants. People like me should raise their 28 544084 not a political issue," said Nafisi. Another Iranian-born academic, Mohammad, said he was returning to his home in the United States after attending his father's funeral in Tehran, when the ban came into effect. Turkish Airlines refused to allow him to 28 544241 Isabel Coles and Ahmed Rasheed | BAGHDAD/MOSUL, Iraq BAGHDAD/MOSUL, Iraq Iraq will lobby against new travel limits to the United States by Iraqis, arguing both countries need to uphold their fight against Islamic State (IS), Iraqi parliamentarians said on Sunday.The Iraqi 28 544344 forces in the war against IS insurgents. Some members of parliament said Iraq should retaliate with similar measures against the United States ."Iraq is in the front line of the war on terrorism ... and it is unfair that the Iraqis are treated 28 545821 the impact of the executive order on our employees from the listed countries, all of whom have been in the United States lawfully, and we're actively working with them to provide legal advice and assistance," the company said in a statement. The 28 545987 was asked three times to comment on Trump's move to put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and to temporarily bar travellers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries, which he said would protect Americans from 28 546018 other Muslim-majority countries, which he said would protect Americans from violent Islamists.May - who had flown to Turkey from the United States where she was the first foreign leader to meet the new U.S. president for talks she called successful - replied that 28 546084 coming under fire from within her own party, her spokesman said Britain disagreed with Trump's ban. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 546094 said Britain disagreed with Trump's ban. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," he said. "But we do 28 546255 we disagree with it and we think it's wrong," he told BBC TV on Sunday.Britain will make representations to the United States on behalf of any British nationals affected by the policy, he said. OUTCRY Trump's executive order plunged America's immigration system 28 546343 also be affected.May had been enjoying a positive response at home for revitalising the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States , which could be a vital trading partner after Britain exits the European Union.But her response while in Ankara for talks 28 546466 It's an ethos this country is proud of."Another Conservative lawmaker, Nadhim Zahawi, said he would be banned from the United States as a British citizen of Iraqi origin. "A sad sad day to feel like a second-class citizen," he tweeted 28 553543 that gripped America in the early 1900s after millions of Southern and Eastern Europeans (deemed inferior whites) immigrated to the United States , the increase in non-European immigration triggered a new wave of xenophobia. And just as the Chinese and Japanese had 28 553585 experienced in decades prior, post-1965 immigrants were collectively blamed for international crisis between their country of origin and the United States . The oil crisis with Saudi Arabia in the 1970s triggered a wave of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim discrimination. The 28 554206 relative calm has settled over parts of the country, including Mogadishu, Somalia remains fraught with a painful history for the United States . American troops were sent there in 1992 on a peacekeeping mission to help stave off a national famine. They left 28 556290 that includes a 120-day suspension of the U.S. refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the United States by citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. Durbin spoke after a hectic Saturday at New Yorks 28 556480 Meet the Press that 75 to 80 percent of Americans agree with the policy change, amid terror attacks in the United States and elsewhere around the world in which the perpetrators have been linked to such countries. We don't want people that 28 556525 and forth to one of these seven countries that harbor terrorists to be traveling freely back and forth between the United States and those countries, Priebus said. Hours after Durbin spoke, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, at a press conference, vowed to 28 557544 the country's southern and central regions are ruled by Islamist insurgents. Tens of thousands of Somalis have resettled in the United States since their country plunged into lawlessness in 1991, and the U.S. has boosted aid to the country. In August, the 28 557633 trend of recruitment efforts targeting U.S. residents to become terrorists. Officials have been working with Muslim community leaders across the United States , particularly in Somali diasporas in Minnesota, trying to combat the radicalization. The alleged plot in Portland follows a string of 28 557814 a decoy device given him by an undercover FBI agent. "I think we've been extremely lucky so far in the United States that many of the incidents have been amateur," said Bruce Hoffman, terrorism expert at Georgetown University. "But even if their 28 558009 a hearing called after President Donald Trump issued an executive order blocking people from seven Muslim-majority from entering the United States and putting a temporary halt to refugee admissions Twelve refugees were detained at JFK Airport within hours of Trump's order 28 558357 the worlds most vulnerable people in life threatening danger. ... Many refugees like our client risked their lives to help the United States government. The fact that the government has now decided to turn its back on those who served and protected us 28 558676 says any non-U.S. citizen from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen is now barred from entering the United States . That covers legal permanent residents -- green card holders -- and visa-holders from those seven countries who are out of the 28 558698 That covers legal permanent residents -- green card holders -- and visa-holders from those seven countries who are out of the United States after Friday, when President Donald Trump signed an executive order with the temporary ban. They cannot return to the U.S 28 559455 phone conversation between the two leaders lasted one hour and "was a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair." The statement focused exclusively on security-related matters. However, an earlier statement 28 560331 readout on the call between the two leaders, saying it was "a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair." The two leaders discussed "a range in topics from mutual cooperation in 28 560626 annexed Ukraine's Crimea region and backed separatists fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine, drawing widespread condemnation in Europe and the United States . In response, sanctions were implemented against sectors of Russia's economy, including financial services, energy, mining and defense. The Obama administration 28 560675 Shortly before leaving office, President Barack Obama also ordered sanctions on Russian spy agencies, closed two Russian compounds in the United States and expelled 35 diplomats that he said were really spies. These sanctions followed an assessment by U.S. intelligence that Moscow 28 570603 appointed, we will both contact him." Gabriel said offering refuge to the persecuted are western values that Europe and the United States share. "Love thy neighbor is part of this tradition, the act of helping others," he said. "This unites us, we 28 570640 said. "This unites us, we Westerners. And I think that this remains a common foundation that we share with the United States , one we aim to promote." Trump said the ban was necessary in preventing "radical Islamic terrorists" from entering the U.S 28 572270 aggressive ban, ordering that anyone from that country, including those fleeing civil war, are indefinitely blocked from coming to the United States . "We have been assured that Canadian citizens traveling on Canadian passports will be dealt with in the usual process," Purchase 28 582235 ISIL's ability to project terror and conduct operations, officials said. Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Syria include the United States , Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Coalition 28 582266 Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Iraq include the United States , Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter 28 582355 at the Pentagon's Hall of Heroes here today. Mattis once again swore "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States " just as he did as a young Marine reservist in 1969. Mattis retired as a four-star general in 2013 28 582503 the next day. Military America's Backbone Trump said the men and women in the military are the backbone of the United States . "You are the spirit of this nation in every sense," he said. "The men and women of the United States 28 582523 United States. "You are the spirit of this nation in every sense," he said. "The men and women of the United States military are the greatest force for justice and peace and good that have ever walked the face of this Earth 28 582663 dedication to peace," he said. The second action establishes new vetting measures "to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America -- we don't want them here," the president said. "We want to ensure that we are not admitting into 28 583087 one of America's closest allies, Davis said. The two leaders, he said, discussed the importance of the alliance between the United States and Germany, both bilaterally and as members of NATO. Davis said Mattis assured the German defense minister of the United 28 583108 States and Germany, both bilaterally and as members of NATO. Davis said Mattis assured the German defense minister of the United States ' enduring commitment to the NATO alliance. Mattis thanked von der Leyen for her country's leadership in NATO activities on the 28 583825 to differ materially from forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the effect of economic conditions in the United States and globally, general industry conditions as they may impact us or our customers, and our reliance on our commercial customers 28 584318 ISIL's ability to project terror and conduct operations, officials said. Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Syria include the United States , Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Coalition 28 584349 Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Coalition nations that have conducted strikes in Iraq include the United States , Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter 28 585502 Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. American officials said they hoped the Trump-Putin talks would help improve the relationship between the United States and Russia, which "is in need of repair." Neither side mentioned U.S.-imposed sanctions on Russia, or their possible relaxation 28 586443 security. Trump has said he prefers bilateral trade agreements to multinational pacts, and Abe, who is expected to visit the United States in about two weeks, said Thursday that he would consider negotiating a trade deal directly with Washington. Trump wound up 28 587090 from certain countries. According to the the executive order tilteld, "Protection of the nation from foreign terrorists entry into the United States ," the refugee program will be suspended for 120 days, while visas for the countries of concern would be suspended for 28 587345 Seven Countries RFE/RL January 28, 2017 U.S. President Donald Trump has issued orders indefinitely barring Syrian refugees from the United States and suspending visits from a wide swathe of other Muslim countries. Vowing to protect the country from "foreign terrorists," Trump 28 587448 his executive order was not a ban against Muslims, and that provisions to limit the influx of refugees to the United States were "working out very nicely." He also said that the United States should impose the "extreme vetting" process for many 28 587460 to limit the influx of refugees to the United States were "working out very nicely." He also said that the United States should impose the "extreme vetting" process for many years. A U.S. Homeland Security spokesman said on January 28 that the 28 587540 a senior U.S. administration official said green-card holders from the seven targeted countries must be cleared to enter the United States on a case-by-case basis. The order had immediate impact on civilian passenger flights to the United States, with 28 587559 the United States on a case-by-case basis. The order had immediate impact on civilian passenger flights to the United States , with the Dutch airline KLM announcing that it refused to allow onto its flights to the United States seven passengers 28 587577 to the United States, with the Dutch airline KLM announcing that it refused to allow onto its flights to the United States seven passengers who were from the targeted countries. Ali Abdi, an Iranian citizen with permanent residency in the United States 28 587597 United States seven passengers who were from the targeted countries. Ali Abdi, an Iranian citizen with permanent residency in the United States , told Britain's The Guardian newspaper that Trump's executive order had left him stuck in limbo in Dubai, United Arab Emirates 28 587627 order had left him stuck in limbo in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Abdi, a doctoral student of anthropology in the United States , said he left New York on January 22 to carry out ethnographic research in Afghanistan. But he said Trump's order 28 587693 he couldn't go to Iran because he has been outspoken about Tehran's human rights violations, he can't return to the United States , and he cannot stay longer in Dubai because his visa there will soon run out. Trump also decreed a four 28 587748 order affecting refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. And he cut in half to 50,000 the number of refugees the United States will accept from around the world during 2017. A major exception to the refugee bans was for Syrian Christians, who 28 587790 Trump said were persecuted in their homeland. "I'm establishing new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America. Don't want them here," Trump said as he unveiled the orders at the Pentagon. "We only want to 28 587866 which Trump had promised during his campaign, would strand refugees in dangerous places and backfire by feeding hatred toward the United States in the Muslim world and tarnishing its reputation as a land welcoming of immigrants and the world's "poor and huddled 28 587970 he told AFP. Immigration attorneys said the orders were having an immediate chaotic impact on people planning to visit the United States or arranging for relatives in one of the targeted countries to join them in America. Democrats condemned the move as 28 588002 to join them in America. Democrats condemned the move as un-American, saying it would damage the reputation of the United States . "Today's executive order from President Trump is more about extreme xenophobia than extreme vetting," Democratic Senator Edward Markey said in 28 588093 and the power granted by the constitution to help keep America safe and ensure we know who is entering the United States ," Goodlatte said in a statement. Even before Trump's announcement, prominent people from the targeted regions said they would boycott travel 28 588117 in a statement. Even before Trump's announcement, prominent people from the targeted regions said they would boycott travel to the United States in protest. An Iranian actress in a film nominated for an Academy Award this year said she would boycott the 28 588208 and dangerous in terms of the Middle East." Iranian-Americans point out that not a single terrorist incident in the United States has involved Iranians, while many of the hijackers involved in the September 11, 2001, attacks in New York and Washington 28 588247 York and Washington were from Saudi Arabia, which is not on the list of targeted countries. Moreover, Iran, like the United States and Iraq, has sent troops to battle Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq and Syria, the group that has inspired 28 588278 IS) militants in Iraq and Syria, the group that has inspired the most recent attacks by its followers in the United States . In Tehran, the government said it would respond to Trump's order by issuing a similar ban that prevents U.S. citizens 28 588383 uncertain world, saying that "what is at stake is populism" and that "the kind of discourse now coming from the United States encourages populism and even extremism." In Ankara, Turkey's Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said the refugee crisis was a "global issue 28 588673 after the executive order was signed, protesters began gathering at airports and attorneys said their clients were trapped outside the United States or detained at U.S. airports. The ban went into place Friday night, sparking fear and confusion as officials worked out 28 588750 vetting," Trump was referring to his plans to carefully examine Muslims and other people deemed as possible threats to the United States before allowing them to enter the country. Meanwhile, the ban faced its first lawsuit, a legal challenge brought by two 28 589382 asking people, are you waiting for someone who has been detained?" Somali refugees who have been waiting resettlement in the United States for years told VOA's Somali service that their flights to the United States were canceled by the order. "We come 28 589395 who have been waiting resettlement in the United States for years told VOA's Somali service that their flights to the United States were canceled by the order. "We come from Dadaab [refugee camp] and have been in the U.N. complex in Nairobi 28 589479 absolutely devastating loss of hope to us." Somali-American And Farhan Sulub, a Somali-American father who lived in the United States for the past 10 years, told VOA his wife was turned away from entering the United States at Washington, D.C 28 589496 lived in the United States for the past 10 years, told VOA his wife was turned away from entering the United States at Washington, D.C.'S Dulles Airport Saturday, although Sulub's children were allowed to enter the country. "The immigration officers in 28 590360 Merciful 'Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic of Iran 'The decision of the Government of the United States to impose restrictions on the travel of Muslims to the United States though temporarily for three months is a clear 28 590372 Iran 'The decision of the Government of the United States to impose restrictions on the travel of Muslims to the United States though temporarily for three months is a clear insult to the Islamic world, and especially the great nation of Iran 28 590409 the great nation of Iran; and despite claims of being made to combat terrorism and protecting the people of the United States , it will be recorded in history as a great gift to extremists and their supporters. 'While the international community needs 28 590567 of U.S. intelligence and security organs and past statements of current US officials which emphasized on the role of the United States and its regional allies in fomenting and expanding extremist groups, including Da'esh (ISIL), appear to have been conveniently forgotten. 'The 28 590595 and expanding extremist groups, including Da'esh (ISIL), appear to have been conveniently forgotten. 'The decision of the Government of the United States to target the people of Iran and clearly insult all sections of this great nation has put on clear display 28 590657 Iran. It also shows the rancor and enmity of some in the US government and influential circles both within the United States and abroad towards all Iranians around the world: The Iranian nation who, benefiting from an ancient and rich civilization and 28 590900 the rights of its citizens until the time of the removal of the insulting restrictions of the Government of the United States against Iranian nationals. 'In order to monitor the implementation of this decision and adopt appropriate measures commensurate with national interest 28 590985 the provision of consular facilities to all Iranian nationals who due to the illegal step of the Government of the United States have been prevented from returning to their places of residence, work and education. 'The decision of the Government of the 28 591007 have been prevented from returning to their places of residence, work and education. 'The decision of the Government of the United States incorporates certain requests that are illegal, illogical and contrary to international law. Considering the absence of relations between the Islamic 28 591034 illegal, illogical and contrary to international law. Considering the absence of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States , those requests are not applicable to and cannot be accommodated by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Any 28 591059 not applicable to and cannot be accommodated by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Any abuse by the United States of this situation to prolong the discriminatory measures and cause any further inconvenience for Iranian nationals is not only illegal 28 591106 Islamic Republic of Iran will carefully examine and legally pursue any negligence or violation of the international obligations of the United States under bilateral agreements and multilateral arrangements and reserves the right to respond as deemed necessary.' 1430**1420 NEWS LETTER Join 28 591259 agreement as "the worst deal ever negotiated." Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council -- the United States , France, Britain, Russia and China -- plus Germany started implementing the JCPOA on January 16, 2016. Hollande also warned Trump against 28 591353 French president also stressed that anti-Russia sanctions should only be removed after the conflict in Ukraine is ended. The United States , the European Union and some other Western countries have imposed several rounds of sanctions against Russia over accusations that Moscow 28 592496 JCPOA). On July 14, 2015, Iran and the P5+1 group of countries comprising Russia, China, the United Kingdom, the United States , France and Germany signed the JCPOA to ensure the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program. Under this agreement, Iran stated 28 593909 threatened to "tear up" in the past. Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council -- the United States , France, Britain, Russia and China -- plus Germany started implementing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on January 16, 2016 28 593964 The ties between Washington and Moscow have deteriorated over the conflict in eastern Ukraine and the crisis in Syria. The United States , the European Union and some other Western countries have imposed several rounds of sanctions against Russia over accusations that Moscow 28 594262 to be talking about that." However, Trump previously expressed willingness to remove sanctions against Russia if it cooperates with the United States in efforts such as counterterrorism, and agrees to reduce its nuclear weapons. On her part, May insisted that Western sanctions 28 594867 White House said the January 28 call was "positive" and "was a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair." "Both President Trump and President Putin are hopeful that after today's call 28 594933 the call. The Kremlin said the phone conversation showed there is "a mood for restoring and improving" cooperation between the United States and Russia. It said that "both sides showed their readiness for active, joint work to stabilize and develop Russian-American 28 595209 January 28 before his call with Putin. Germany and France on January 28 both expressed concern about reports from the United States suggesting the Trump administration was considering the possibility of lifting U.S. sanctions against Russia. Berlin and Paris both insist that 28 595379 Russia may be lifted only after implementation of Minsk agreements. French President Francois Hollande has told the President of the United States Donald Trump in a phone call that sanctions against Russia may be lifted only after implementation of Minsk agreements, Elysee 28 596791 The Turkish government claims the coup was organized by followers of Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish national currently living in the United States . In an attempt to justify their disobedience, the AWOL soldiers claim the Turkish government will seek to persecute them because 28 602825 of maquiladora plants and some go for affordable medical and dental care. Trucks cross bringing goods from Mexico into the United States every day. At a large shopping mall in El Paso many cars in the parking lot have Mexican plates. They 28 604735 replaced by Chinese pianist Sa Chen. Published on 2017/01/29 | Source A child looks at imported eggs from the United States in a store in Seoul on Sunday. /Yonhap The government will have some 22 million more eggs supplied this week 28 606065 and Crime reveals that the number of human trafficking victims and convictions has increased every year since 2010 in the United States . The number of cases has also increased in Tennessee and Virginia. Over the last couple of years, Tennessee Bureau of 28 607596 programs. We are trying to educate the public about what human trafficking is, how and why it occurs in the United States and in the state of Tennessee, what they can look out for, who to call if they see something they 28 609877 Department has been awarded the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada and the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Association of School Business Officials International. Both awards 28 639020 was also killed in the attack, the official said. The military operation is the first to be attributed to the United States against jihadists in Yemen since Trump took office on January 20. Under Trumps predecessor Barack Obama, the United States stepped 28 639039 the United States against jihadists in Yemen since Trump took office on January 20. Under Trumps predecessor Barack Obama, the United States stepped up its use of drone strikes against suspected jihadists in Yemen, as well as other countries including Afghanistan. The 28 639061 stepped up its use of drone strikes against suspected jihadists in Yemen, as well as other countries including Afghanistan. The United States considers the extremist groups Yemen-based franchise, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, to be its most dangerous. But although 28 639278 10,000 civilians may have died. President Donald Trumps order to restrict people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States sparked confusion and anger on Saturday after immigrants and refugees were kept off flights and left stranded in airports. In 28 639323 decision since taking office a week ago, Trump, a Republican, put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other countries. Civil rights and faith groups, activists and Democratic politicians were 28 639397 reprieve. The American Civil Liberties Union successfully argued for a temporary stay that allowed detained travelers to stay in the United States . Supporters outside the Brooklyn courtroom and at protests at airports in Dallas, Chicago, New York and elsewhere cheered the decision 28 639584 375 travellers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. More than 1,000 people gather at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to protest 28 639977 weeks ago for cooperation on combating terrorism. A Yemeni official expressed dismay at the ban. Iraqs former ambassador to the United States , Lukman Faily, told Reuters that Trumps ban was unfair to a country that itself has been a victim of terror 28 640321 Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society said she knew of roughly 2,000 who were booked to come to the United States next week. Trumps order indefinitely bans refugees from Syria. In a television interview, he said he would seek to prioritize 28 640484 coincided with a wave of anger and concern abroad, including among US allies, and rallies at major airports across the United States . Victory!!!!!! the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which had sued the government, tweeted after US District Judge Ann Donnelly in 28 641312 seeking to strike up a friendship with Trump, said US immigration policy was a matter for the government of the United States ... but we do not agree with this kind of approach. On Sunday Irans foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called Trumps 28 642563 issued by the Department of Homeland Security allowing a person born outside the country to reside and work in the United States , serves as proof that its holder is a permanent resident and often is a step en route to obtaining US 28 642787 Donald Trump be put on hold until he withdraws controversial orders banning refugees and people from some countries entering the United States . The demand grew as Prime Minister Theresa May finally declared that she "did not agree" with the orders, after initially 28 643078 would "make representations" to the US government if any UK nationals were affected. The spokesperson said: "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 643088 nationals were affected. The spokesperson said: "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government. But we do not agree 28 643689 2017, in Chicago. (AP Photo) Fuad Sharef and his family waited two years for a visa to settle in the United States , selling their home and quitting jobs and schools in Iraq before setting off on Saturday for a new life they 28 643907 Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days. He said this would help safeguard the United States from terrorists. The travel curbs took effect immediately, wreaking havoc and confusion for would-be travellers with passports from the 28 644011 Iraq deteriorated, with Islamic State insurgents seizing swathes of the country and carrying out brutal killings. Sharefs work with the United States made him particularly vulnerable to attack by militants who view him as a traitor. I applied for immigration for several 28 644067 terrorist organisations. Secondly, I was interested in this (SIV) programme and my childrens interest to continue their education in the United States , he said. After risking their lives Sharef applied to emigrate via a programme known as Special Immigrant Visa, which was 28 644127 after the 2003 invasion. At least 7,000 Iraqis, many of them interpreters for the US military, have settled in the United States under SIV auspices since 2008, while some 500 more are being processed, State Department figures show. Another 58,000 Iraqis have 28 645817 a few more questions from someone traveling in and out of Libya and Yemen before being let loose in the United States . And thats all this is, he said. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has pushed back against the temporary ban on 28 646289 Muslim-majority nations for 90 days. There were no estimates available of those impacted by the order here in the United States or abroad. But the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has said it believes the number of those stranded at US 28 646557 its constitutionality and get it overturned as outrage mounted against it here and abroad. Seven migrants being brought to the United States by officials of the US refugee agency were prevented from boarding an EgyptAir flight from Cairo on Friday night because 28 647295 refugee program for 120 days. Thousands of sign-waving people chanted and demanded that refugees be made welcome in the United States as lawyers and representatives of aid groups tried to assist people. An official with the Department of Homeland Security who 28 648333 readout on the call between the two leaders, saying it was a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair. The two leaders discussed a range in topics from mutual cooperation in 28 648644 annexed Ukraines Crimea region and backed separatists fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine, drawing widespread condemnation in Europe and the United States . In response, sanctions were implemented against sectors of Russias economy, including financial services, energy, mining and defense. The Obama administration 28 648693 Shortly before leaving office, President Barack Obama also ordered sanctions on Russian spy agencies, closed two Russian compounds in the United States and expelled 35 diplomats that he said were really spies. These sanctions followed an assessment by US intelligence that Moscow 28 649350 In a brief statement, the White House said the discussion was a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair. The two leaders discussed a range in topics from mutual cooperation in 28 649655 annexed Ukraines Crimea region and backed separatists fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine, drawing widespread condemnation in Europe and the United States . In response, sanctions were implemented against sectors of Russias economy, including financial services, energy, mining and defence. The Obama administration 28 649702 inner circle. Shortly before leaving office, Obama also ordered sanctions on Russian spy agencies, closed two Russian compounds in the United States and expelled 35 diplomats that he said were really spies. These sanctions followed an assessment by US intelligence that Moscow 28 649951 The migrant crackdown, which also included a 120-day suspension of the US refugee resettlement program, sparked protests across the United States on Saturday. A federal judge late Saturday blocked part of the temporary immigration ban, ordering authorities to stop deporting refugees 28 650050 the country was in the final stages of developing an intercontinental ballistic missile. Such an ICBM could theoretically target the United States . US President Donald Trump boasted Saturday that his very strict crackdown on Muslim immigration was working very nicely, amid mounting 28 650284 travellers got caught up in Trumps crackdown, which he says is necessary to prevent radical Islamic terrorists from entering the United States . The ban has also triggered a political backlash. Read | Trumps immigration ban: Muslims barred from boarding NY-bound flight in 28 656647 a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration quickly reverberated through the United States and across the globe Saturday, slamming the border shut for an Iranian scientist on his way to a lab in 28 657012 lawyers said. Trump's order, enacted with the stroke of a pen Friday afternoon, suspended entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely, and blocked entry into the United States for 90 days for citizens of 28 657026 entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely, and blocked entry into the United States for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The White 28 657055 predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The White House said the restrictions would protect "the United States from foreign nationals entering from countries compromised by terrorism" and ensure "a more rigorous vetting process." But critics condemned Trump 28 657099 immediate collateral damage imposed on people who, by all accounts, had no sinister intentions in trying to come to the United States . An official message to all U.S. diplomatic posts around the world provided instructions about how to treat people from the 28 657136 to treat people from the countries affected: "Effective immediately, halt interviewing and cease issuance and printing" of visas to the United States . Around the nation, security officers at major international gateways had new rules to follow. Humanitarian organizations scrambled to cancel long 28 657206 Confusion turned to panic at airports around the world, as travelers found themselves unable to board flights bound for the United States . In Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Istanbul, airport and immigration officials turned passengers away at boarding gates and, in at 28 657841 or three years ago. His mother is a refugee in Jordan and had hoped to see her son in the United States . "I took Donald Trump's words very literally when he said he was going to ban people from Muslim-majority countries 28 658002 posts. They took his driver's license and checked the address. "They asked him, 'Do you support the president of the United States ?' What can you say at that point when you're held in detainment and your life's on the line? Of course 28 662781 widens U.S.-Mexico rift," (Page A1, Friday), the $25 billion boondoggle proposed by the current president will go down in United States history as the biggest waste of taxpayers' dollars ever if enacted. There are a myriad of reasons why not to 28 663501 direct investment in Latin America and the Caribbean. Having China as Mexico's new commercial partner and so close to the United States certainly will produce a lot of headaches for the Trump administration. Mexico has another, and very important, bargaining chip: intelligence 28 664885 worst of contempt's effects. It is simply not possible to disregard or diminish the agency of the president of the United States . This means that contempt is not a particularly useful weapon in the battle against bigotry or misogyny. The socially vulnerable 28 665606 removal of the petitioners and others similarly situated violates the rights to Due Process and Equal Protection guaranteed by the United States Constitution, U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly of the Eastern District of New York wrote in her order. The legal action 28 665793 visas, and other individuals from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen, [who are] legally authorized to enter the United States . Because the Constitution only applies territorially, that would mean the ruling covers those travelers detained and stranded at airports and 28 665834 and other ports of entry, and possibly those who were stranded mid-travel but have authorization to be in the United States . The initial ambiguity of Saturdays ruling underscores the crazed process by which Trumps executive order was implemented and litigated all 28 667867 deserving of a global response. The UK has not done its part. Donald Trump was inaugurated as President of the United States of America on Friday 20 January, 2017. By Monday 23 January, 2017 he had already issued multiple executive orders. One 28 668407 the orders went into effect; of permanent residents, holders of green cards, from affected nations still denied reentry into the United States --offer plenty of rationale for opposing these actions. If we do look to the past, whether recent and directly relevant 28 668489 and success comprise, one of the most inspiring American communities of the last few decades, would be permitted into the United States under Trump's order. Two of the Lost Boys--now men working to better their community and our nation--visited my 28 668575 case of the St. Louis, the ship carrying German Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis that was denied entry to the United States in June 1939. As that hyperlinked Twitter account has highlighted at potent and painful length, 254 of those refugees were 28 668775 Civil War; and founding the Chinese Educational Mission, a Hartford (CT) institution devoted to bringing Chinese young men to the United States and furthering this cross-cultural community. Yung's personal life and identity were similarly pioneering and cross-cultural: he became a 28 668938 and when he traveled back to China to continue his work as a diplomat, he was denied readmission into the United States under the law's bigoted pretenses. In a painfully blunt letter relying this decision to diplomat Charles Denby, Secretary of State 28 668992 and without warrant. ... Nevertheless, ... the department does not feel that it can properly recognize him as a citizen of the United States ." This denial of Yung's citizenship, and indeed of the fundamental truths of his half-century of inspiring and influential American 28 669060 away, leaving Morrison and Bartlett to be fostered out to family friends in New England. Yung officially returned to the United States only once, for Bartlett's graduation from Yale; a brief moment of reunion and happiness after which he was required to 28 669100 required to leave the country once more. I've argued elsewhere that Yung did find a way to stay in the United States for at least some of the time before his 1912 death (the New York Times obituary noted that he died 28 669973 First Lady Michelle Obama (R) look on at inauguration ceremonies swearing in Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States on the West front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., January 20, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria Co-Authored by 28 670138 president's continued flame-throwing and open hostility towards the world, both domestically and internationally, is increasingly raising tensions inside the United States and abroad, while sowing the seeds of conflict, chaos and instability across the planet. Trump's actions are even raising questions 28 670396 in the November 2016 election. The false claim essentially undermined both the legitimacy of his election as President of the United States , as well as the entire fabric that holds our representative democracy together. These lies likely only scratch the surface of 28 676160 Egypt, Iraq and Bahrain, and threatens to destabilize Arab governments from Morocco to Saudi Arabia. What went wrong? Should the United States have moved more forcefully to support the various Arab Spring movements or did Washington fail to understand the true nature 28 679029 era, which will undergo a sea change amid untraditional modes of alliance and divergence, respectively. "One feels sorry for the United States , because it is its loss," remarked the ambassador of one key Asian state. It will be the US global influence 28 680136 a while, and it is willing to do the same at the UN by increasing its contributions to replace the United States if it chooses to stop its contributions." This week, in the wake of the Astana meetings, the Syrian issue will 28 680283 Russia and China through its passivity to disrupt the work of the Security Council. The commander in chief of the United States , the 45th President Donald Trump, has launched since his inauguration last week a flurry of executive orders to fulfill some 28 681201 take a hit as a result of the ban. The measures ordered by President Trump on undocumented immigrants in the United States , who number nearly 11 million, threatens to cause huge grudges in the American melting pot. His rush to approve the 28 682416 harmonic ideas within the confines of his own structured composition. Advertisement Wikimedia Commons The best and the worst of the United States is on display street by street, airport by airport, in our legislatures, courts and the White House itself as we 28 682552 can say, "he sold his soul" when someone chooses greed over principle. Advertisement Now, of course, the "soul" of the United States has always been at best aspirational; it is very frayed and worn from the awful conflict between freedom and slavery 28 683145 Kellyanne Conway explained that it is a completely logical change. "It will merely make the greeting to foreigners approaching the United States a more accurate depiction of President Trump's attitude towards the rest of the world, refugees, the tired and poor, and 28 683337 Willie Nelson tells Robert Scheer why, in spite of prevailing political conditions, he is optimistic about the future of the United States . Nelson also discussed his start in the music industry as a DJ and promoter and his love of Texas and 28 687214 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 687432 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 688159 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 688377 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 693637 Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has broken his pledge to travel to the United States if whistleblower Chelsea Manning was pardoned. He said would only go only if he receives assurances from the US Department 28 696678 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 696896 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 697270 and entrench the friendships and shared values between their respective countries". "A state visit from the current President of the United States could not possibly occur in the best traditions of the entreprise while a cruel and divisive policy which discriminates against 28 697474 challenged to condemn the order during a joint-press conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan she initially said that " United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees" but later attempted to backtrack by saying she did not support 28 697480 a joint-press conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan she initially said that "United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees" but later attempted to backtrack by saying she did not support the order. She has now ordered 28 697651 Getty Images In pictures: Protests, pomp and Donald Trump Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts as Melania Trump looks on during the 58th Presidential Inauguration at the U.S. Capitol in 28 697707 with Justice John Roberts after taking the oath at inauguration ceremonies swearing in Trump as the 45th president of the United States Reuters In pictures: Protests, pomp and Donald Trump President Donald Trump raises his fists after his inauguration on the West 28 697812 and Donald Trump Attendees partake in the inauguration ceremonies to swear in Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States at the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC Reuters In pictures: Protests, pomp and Donald Trump US President Donald Trump delivers 28 699207 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 699425 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 699596 Street released a statement criticising the plans in the early hours of Sunday morning. It said: Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 699606 hours of Sunday morning. It said: Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government. But we do not agree 28 700262 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 700480 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 701243 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 701461 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 708652 they join a rally in solidarity against the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States in suburban Quezon city northeast of Manila, Philippines AP In pictures: Women of the world march against Trump Sydney An 28 708907 pressure from the public, a spokesperson for Ms May released a statement opposing the ban, saying: Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 708917 a statement opposing the ban, saying: Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government. But we do not agree 28 709159 the US for citizens from seven countries in the Middle East and Africa A spokesman said: "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 709169 East and Africa A spokesman said: "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government. May refuses to condemn Muslim 28 710197 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 710415 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 710613 at a joint press conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, she repeatedly refused to criticise the policy, saying: The United States is responsible for the United States policy on refugees, the United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdoms policy on 28 710619 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, she repeatedly refused to criticise the policy, saying: The United States is responsible for the United States policy on refugees, the United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdoms policy on refugees. Several leading Labour figures, including 28 713157 like to convey via this statement what I would have expressed to the press were I to travel to the United States . Hard-liners, despite their nationalities, political arguments and wars, regard and understand the world in very much the same way 28 713228 image of them and inflict fear in the people of their own countries. This is not just limited to the United States ; in my country hardliners are the same, he continued. For years on both sides of the ocean, groups of hardliners 28 713383 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-2 Protestors rally during a protest 28 713443 City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-3 Protestors rally during 28 713505 City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-4 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 28 713738 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-7 NEW YORK, NY 28 713810 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-8 Protestors rally during 28 713877 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-9 Getty Images Protestors 28 713976 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-12 Protestors rally during 28 714038 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-13 Protestors rally during 28 714100 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-14 Protestors rally during 28 714162 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-15 Protestors rally during 28 714224 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-16 Protestors rally during 28 714286 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-17 NEW YORK, NY 28 714353 City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-18 Protestors rally during 28 714415 City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-19 Protestors rally during 28 714477 City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-20 Passengers wait in 28 714716 conditions forced upon some of my compatriots and the citizens of the other six countries trying to legally enter the United States of America and hope that the current situation will not give rise to further divide between nations. Taraneh Alidoosti, the 28 718187 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 718405 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 718815 immigrants on the basis of national origin. Mr Trumps order, titled 'Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States ', banned Syrian refugees indefinitely until significant changes are made, and put a temporary block on visitors from countries of particular 28 718888 ability to 'suspend the entry' of 'any class of aliens' that he finds are detrimental to the interest of the United States , he wrote in the New York Times. But the president ignores the fact that Congress then restricted this power in 28 720062 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 720280 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 721069 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 721287 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 721573 because of enhanced security measures. These individuals went through enhanced security screenings and are being processed for entry to the United States , consistent with our immigration laws and judicial orders, the statement said. No foreign national in a foreign land, without ties 28 721597 our immigration laws and judicial orders, the statement said. No foreign national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States , has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States 28 721608 national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security will comply with judicial orders; faithfully 28 721617 United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States . The Department of Homeland Security will comply with judicial orders; faithfully enforce our immigration laws, and implement President Trumps Executive 28 721646 with judicial orders; faithfully enforce our immigration laws, and implement President Trumps Executive Orders to ensure that those entering the United States do not pose a threat to our country or the American people. Sign up to our Evening Headlines email for 28 722346 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 722564 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 723295 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 723513 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 725479 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 725697 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 726107 a court challenge to President Donald Trump's executive order, which restricts people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States . State attorneys general in Pennsylvania, Washington, and Hawaii said they were evaluating what specific claims could be filed, and in 28 726287 the order was not a Muslim ban and said the measures were long overdue. Protesters have surrounded airports in the United States where people with valid visas or refugee status have been detained since Mr Trump signed the order. In pictures: Women 28 727236 they join a rally in solidarity against the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States in suburban Quezon city northeast of Manila, Philippines AP In pictures: Women of the world march against Trump Sydney An 28 728061 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 728279 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 732515 not mention Mr Trumps immigration policy but highlighted areas of common interest and stressed the importance of ties between the United States and Europes largest economy. The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Show all 9 1 /9 The controversial orders 28 732790 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 733008 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 734784 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 735002 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 735817 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-2 Protestors rally during a protest 28 735877 City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-3 Protestors rally during 28 735939 City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-4 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 28 736172 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-7 NEW YORK, NY 28 736244 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-8 Protestors rally during 28 736311 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-9 Getty Images Protestors 28 736410 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-12 Protestors rally during 28 736472 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-13 Protestors rally during 28 736534 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-14 Protestors rally during 28 736596 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-15 Protestors rally during 28 736658 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-16 Protestors rally during 28 736720 City. President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-17 NEW YORK, NY 28 736787 City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-18 Protestors rally during 28 736849 City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-19 Protestors rally during 28 736911 City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Protestors rally at JFK Airport against Muslim immigration ban jfk-protest-muslim-ban-20 Passengers wait in 28 738767 not been confirmed. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg also took to social media to share his concerns over the ban. The United States is a nation of immigrants, and we should be proud of that, he wrote, adding his grandparents came from Germany 28 739238 Washington on January 21, 2017 in Washington, DC. Following the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States , the Women's March has spread to be a global march calling on all concerned citizens to stand up for equality 28 739321 Washington on January 21, 2017 in Washington, DC. Following the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States , the Women's March has spread to be a global march calling on all concerned citizens to stand up for equality 28 739448 Washington on January 21, 2017 in Washington, DC. Following the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States , the Women's March has spread to be a global march calling on all concerned citizens to stand up for equality 28 743670 granted to non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling, provide abortion referrals, or advocate for abortion access outside of the United States Getty Images The controversial orders Donald Trump has already issued Trump and the Dakota Access pipeline Opponents of the Keystone 28 743888 has already issued Trump and the travel ban US President Donald Trump has attempted twice to restrict travel into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries. The first attempt, in February, was met with swift opposition from protesters who flocked to 28 744714 to flee. Since all were exhaustively vetted, only one character in this macabre tale poses a lethal threat to the United States . Thats the one hell bent on destroying the Constitution he took an oath to protect so recently that Andy Murray 28 755718 in Dublin and Shannon airports. Last Friday, Trump signed a sweeping executive order to suspend right of entry into the United States of refugees. The order imposed tough controls on travellers from seven Muslim countries. It means entry to the country is 28 758240 The young man who is suspected of shooting is also believed to also have been on the run in the United States and was detained briefly in New York but released. It is believed he has travelled back and forth to the 28 760024 has seen a surge in sales this month, rising to the top of the Amazon best-seller list in the United States and leading its publisher to print tens of thousands of new copies. Penguin USA has ordered 75,000 new copies of 28 770610 a few more questions from someone travelling in and out of Libya and Yemen before being let loose in the United States ," insisted Mr Trump's chief of staff Reince Priebus. "And that's all this is." The changes, said White House adviser Kellyanne 28 770748 the President to "slow down" and work with lawmakers on how best to tighten screening for foreigners who enter the United States . "In my view, we ought to all take a deep breath and come up with something that makes sense for 28 774145 order. But confusion persisted over details of implementation, in particular for green card holders who are legal residents of the United States . In his most sweeping action since taking office on Jan. 20, Trump, a Republican, put a 120-day hold on 28 774368 people would be subjected to extra questioning by Customs and Border Patrol agents when they tried to re-enter the United States . Our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. Look what is happening all over Europe and, indeed, the world 28 774977 order as they flew into the country, successfully argued for a temporary stay that prevented travelers denied entry to the United States from being deported. Federal judges in three states followed the one in New York in barring authorities from deporting affected 28 775047 the order, according to officials. Suspicion Condemnation of the order poured in from abroad, including from traditional allies of the United States . In Germany - which has taken in large numbers of people fleeing the Syrian civil war - Chancellor Angela Merkel said the 28 775200 375 travelers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. The department said it would comply with judicial orders but that the 28 775280 U.S. forces against Islamic State. "We shouldn't let people just re-enter the country who are not citizens of the United States because they have gone to a place we have concerns about," he told ABC. The new rules blindsided people in 28 775387 people, such as Iraqi Fuad Sharef and his family. They waited two years for a visa to settle in the United States , selling their home and quitting jobs and schools in Iraq before setting off on Saturday for a new life they 28 775483 like drug dealers, escorted by deportation officers," Sharef told Reuters by telephone from Cairo airport. Iraq's former ambassador to the United States , Lukman Faily, said Trump's ban was unfair to a country that itself has been a victim of attacks, and could 28 775677 Emirates, the world's largest long-haul airline, has had to change flight attendant and pilot rosters on services to the United States because of the ban, an airline spokeswoman said Sunday. Thousands of refugees seeking entry were thrown into limbo. Additional reporting 28 775830 bans travellers from seven Middle Eastern countries. "I'm establishing new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America," the US president said as he signed the order at the Pentagon. "Don't want them here." Even as 28 775898 being asked three times if she condemned the decision to ban families fleeing slaughter in war zones, May said: "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees." Lawyers and human rights groups took legal action yesterday, filing lawsuits 28 775904 condemned the decision to ban families fleeing slaughter in war zones, May said: "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees." Lawyers and human rights groups took legal action yesterday, filing lawsuits which argued that the orders went 28 777628 Despair and confusion set in among citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries who suddenly found themselves unable to enter the United States a day after President Trump signed an order he said was necessary to stop "radical Islamic terrorists" from coming to 28 780255 administration will relax what it sees as a policy of containment since the fall of the Soviet Union left the United States as the world's sole superpower. In the new world order outlined by Putin, Russia would have greater influence in world 28 780441 and he will agree." President Trump's executive order barring refugees and migrants from predominantly Muslim countries from entry into the United States rippled across the world on Saturday, causing widespread confusion, triggering outrage among immigrant advocates and leading to the detention at 28 780545 spoke on condition of anonymity because they said its rollout had been chaotic, said green card holders currently in the United States will not be affected. They noted that the Department of Homeland Security is allowed to grant waivers to those individuals 28 780584 to those individuals and others deemed to not pose a threat to national security. "If you've been living in the United States for 15 years and you own a business and your family is here, will you be granted a waiver? I'm 28 780696 orders, the officials said, reflect the desires of Trump's White House. The president's order, signed Friday, suspends admission to the United States of all refugees for 120 days and bars for 90 days the entry of any citizens from Iraq, Iran, Syria 28 781420 his wife and young child in Texas. His wife had worked for a U.S. government contractor and came to the United States as a refugee in 2014. Darweesh, 53, had worked as a contractor for the U.S. government in Iraq for about 28 781804 military at great personal risk to themselves - which is not only wrong, he said, but also undermines trust in the United States and endangers the lives of any future service member sent overseas. "This is going to get future Americans killed in 28 782041 approval for Drospirenone Tablets Global pharma major Lupin Limited (Lupin) has announced that it has received tentative approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its Abbreviated New Drug ... November 04, 2022 | 04-11-2022 1:26 pm Bloomberg 28 788209 the Congresspersons were talking about. "The order almost banned a man from entering the country who has worked for the United States government for 10 years, who risked his life to help us and to help our troops, and who loves our 28 788712 their lives every day. Yes, we are living in a time when a certain Donald Trump is the President of United States of America. If the twenty-first century brought the expectations of freedom and liberty to many parts of the world 28 789872 Canadas Prime Minister has weighed in on the controversial 90-day ban on the nationals of seven countries by the United States government. Justin Trudeau expressed support for those looking to flee persecution, terror and war via his Twitter while confirming that 28 790858 Somalia, Yemen and Egypt before she was even 17. Two years ago she received a visa to come to the United States . She learned English, graduated high school and is now in college studying to be a human rights lawyer. Zaynab was 28 792692 the refugees, saying the expression of "appreciation" to Turkey was "not enough." May said of Trump's announcement on refugees: "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees." May, who was paying her first visit to Turkey since becoming 28 792698 appreciation" to Turkey was "not enough." May said of Trump's announcement on refugees: "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees." May, who was paying her first visit to Turkey since becoming prime minister, arrived for talks with 28 793028 executive order on our colleagues" CEO Sundar Pichai ordered more than 100 employees currently traveling overseas to return to the United States after President Donald Trump signed an executive order limiting immigration Friday. It's painful to see the personal cost of this 28 793538 to enter the U.S. In signing the order, Trump said he pledged to "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America." In a habeus corpus petition filed Saturday in a New York federal court on behalf of two Iraqis 28 793668 the wake of Trump's executive order. Critics have blasted it as a de facto ban on many Muslims entering the United States , though Trump denied that characterization Saturday. "It's not a Muslim ban, but we were totally prepared. It's working out very 28 793965 in about 10,000 Syrian refugees. According to data from the Migration Policy Institute, some 86,000 Syrian immigrants resided in the United States as of 2014, which then accounted for 0.2 percent of America's 42.4 million immigrants. However, the majority of those Syrians 28 796799 Salisbury resident Ada Fisher met Donald Trump years ago, she said, Mr. Trump, you ought to be president of the United States . Finally seeing her wish come true, Fisher said she is encouraged by how much Trump was able to address in 28 798772 a fiscal conservative and social libertarian. I guess you can say I am a conservatarian. I believe this is the United States of America, and we are free to do what we want to do as long as it does not harm 28 805531 morning that the Presidents executive order will, in fact, stop green card holders from seven countries from returning to the United States if they travel abroad. It will bar green card holders, the spokeswoman said. When details leaked earlier this week about 28 805642 lawyers consulted by ProPublica said. Are you from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya or Somalia and live in the United States either on a visa or a green card? We want to hear from you if President Trumps travel ban is 28 805834 hold long-term temporary visas 2014 such as students or employees 2014 who have the right to live in the United States for years at a time, as well as to travel abroad and back as they please. If applied literally, this 28 805929 that he considers hostile to the U.S. Im establishing new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America. We dont want them here, Trump said this afternoon, describing the intention of the executive order. We want 28 806048 from the seven countries have received green cards in the past decade, allowing them to live and work in the United States indefinitely. . . The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment asking for clarification on the meaning of 28 806322 refugees is the act of a sadistic bully, since they are the one fairly large group of residents of the United States whose constitutional rights are disputed. The executive order Trump signed late on Friday suspending entrance to the United States for 28 806341 the United States whose constitutional rights are disputed. The executive order Trump signed late on Friday suspending entrance to the United States for citizens of seven countries and cancelling the US refugee program for four months is probably illegal. The 1965 immigration 28 807564 possessing marijuana and also provides that smoking marijuana while driving is illegal. Marijuana legalization has been gaining momentum in the United States . In December, Massachusettss governor also signed a bill delaying [JURIST Report] portions of the states marijuana legalization initiative. In addition 28 809273 to change immigration law, he must work with Congress. The president's denial of entry to lawful permanent residents of the United States (green card holders) is particularly troubling," Amash said. "Green card holders live in the United States as our neighbors and 28 809289 permanent residents of the United States (green card holders) is particularly troubling," Amash said. "Green card holders live in the United States as our neighbors and serve in our Armed Forces. They deserve better," he said. We're always interested in hearing about 28 809450 proven successful. "I would like to clarify unequivocally that our view has always been, and continues to be, that the United States ' embassy should be here in Jerusalem," Netanyahu said. "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and it is appropriate that not 28 814393 with Park on Nov. 10 (Korea time), days after his election victory. During the conversation, the Republican leader said the United States will be "steadfast and strong" in defending against a provocative North Korea. Alarmed by a series of campaign remarks by 28 814515 worldwide after U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday (local time) endorsed a sweeping ban on people seeking refuge in the United States and visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries. The immediate fallout from Trump's order meant that an untold number of foreign 28 817447 airports dealt with the impact of President Trumps order banning refugees and nationals of seven foreign nations from entering the United States , the message his communications team brought to the public on Sunday was a simple question: Whats the big deal? Despite 28 817631 their families some abroad visiting relatives, and others in possession of valid travel visas wouldnt be allowed back into the United States . Conway ridiculed the idea that there was any serious disruption taking place. This whole idea that theyre being separated, and 28 817846 open door to let people march right into our country. This is utterly false, as multiple experts have testified. The United States refugee resettlement program involves intensive scrutiny of applicants that can take several years to complete. Yet its a line the 28 818034 appear Sunday. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that he was against both a religious test for entry to the United States and against preventing people like Iraqi interpreters who had helped U.S. soldiers from entering the country. Some of our best 28 818166 NEW YORK, Jan 29 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's order to restrict people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States sparked confusion and anger on Saturday after immigrants and refugees were kept off flights and left stranded in airports. In 28 818211 decision since taking office a week ago, Trump, a Republican, put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other countries. Civil rights and faith groups, activists and Democratic politicians were 28 818285 reprieve. The American Civil Liberties Union successfully argued for a temporary stay that allowed detained travelers to stay in the United States . Supporters outside the Brooklyn courtroom and at protests at airports in Dallas, Chicago, New York and elsewhere cheered the decision 28 818461 375 travelers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. The order "affects a minor portion of international travelers," the department said 28 818670 Homeland Security said the order would stay in place. "No foreign national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States , has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States," the department statement said. Mark Krikorian, the director of 28 818681 national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States ," the department statement said. Mark Krikorian, the director of the conservative Center for Immigration Studies, called lawsuits challenging the order 28 818864 weeks ago for cooperation on combating terrorism. A Yemeni official expressed dismay at the ban. Iraq's former ambassador to the United States , Lukman Faily, told Reuters that Trump's ban was unfair to a country that itself has been a victim of terror 28 819163 Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society said she knew of roughly 2,000 who were booked to come to the United States next week. Trump's order indefinitely bans refugees from Syria. In a television interview, he said he would seek to prioritize 28 819400 Rosenberg WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's order to restrict people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States sparked confusion and anger on Saturday after immigrants and refugees were kept off flights and left stranded in airports. In 28 819445 decision since taking office a week ago, Trump, a Republican, put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travellers from Syria and six other countries. Civil rights and faith groups, activists and Democratic politicians were 28 819519 reprieve. The American Civil Liberties Union successfully argued for a temporary stay that allowed detained travellers to stay in the United States . Supporters outside the Brooklyn courtroom and at protests at airports in Dallas, Chicago, New York and elsewhere cheered the decision 28 819693 375 travellers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. The order "affects a minor portion of international travellers," the department said 28 819902 Homeland Security said the order would stay in place. "No foreign national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States , has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States," the department statement said. Mark Krikorian, the director of 28 819913 national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States ," the department statement said. Mark Krikorian, the director of the conservative Center for Immigration Studies, called lawsuits challenging the order 28 820096 weeks ago for cooperation on combating terrorism. A Yemeni official expressed dismay at the ban. Iraq's former ambassador to the United States , Lukman Faily, told Reuters that Trump's ban was unfair to a country that itself has been a victim of terror 28 820395 Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society said she knew of roughly 2,000 who were booked to come to the United States next week. Trump's order indefinitely bans refugees from Syria. In a television interview, he said he would seek to prioritize 28 821770 this months Academy Awards. Standing by Lucchesi, co-president Lori McCreary invoked the poem that has welcomed immigrants to the United States for more than a century: Now, more than ever, we need to remember the words on the Statue of Liberty 28 840865 Syria or Iran or any oppressive government? His actions, she said, erode the very ideals that attract refugees to the United States . Otherwise why come here? Trumps executive order suspended refugee arrivals and banned entry to the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority 28 841238 that removal violates the Establishment Clause, the Immigration and Nationality Act, and his rights to Equal Protection guaranteed by the United States Constitution. By the time the order came down, Vayeghan was on a plane bound for Tehran, and his family said 28 841935 We are a nation of immigrants. Marukyan, a graphic designer from Glendale, knows that personally. Her family came to the United States from Armenia when she was 3 years old. She had a green card until she was 18. When she arrived 28 844213 day after President Trump signed an executive order banning citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries, including Iran, from entering the United States . Advertisement Marzieh Moosavizadeh and her grandson Siavosh Naji-Talakar leave their hotel room in El Segundo after she was detained 28 850714 ban. I commend the judge that granted the emergency stay today, allowing Muslim immigrants with valid visas to enter the United States . As the son of Chinese immigrants, I am disgusted by the presidents executive order to target the Muslim community and 28 850741 immigrants, I am disgusted by the presidents executive order to target the Muslim community and ban immigrants from entering the United States , Lee said. The Associated Press contributed to this report. ALSO The dual personality of Trumps first week: The surprisingly normal 28 850967 U.S. for 90 days, Akalin had an update for her clients, particularly those from Muslim-majority countries: Stay inside the United States . All of my Muslim clients are scared, even those from other countries, said Akalin, who herself is Iranian American, having 28 851362 My great grandparents came from Germany, Austria and Poland. Priscillas parents were refugees from China and Vietnam, Zuckerberg wrote. The United States is a nation of immigrants, and we should be proud of that. The chief executives of Uber, Netflix, Microsoft and 28 852051 live gunfire while helping American reporters cover the war in Iraq. Seven years ago, he was granted asylum in the United States . He found a county government job and settled in Long Beach with his wife and children. This weekend, Rawis 69 28 853114 will be able to continue to visit. Her aunt and uncle, both green card holders who have children in the United States , were in the U.S. when the executive order was signed, and now both are uncertain whether its wise to go 28 854145 Brooklyn on Saturday night stayed deportations under President Trumps executive order barring citizens of some Muslim countries from entering the United States . U.S. District Judge Ann M. Donnelly ordered a halt to any removal of refugees or others who hold valid visas 28 854170 Ann M. Donnelly ordered a halt to any removal of refugees or others who hold valid visas to enter the United States meaning those who have arrived at U.S. airports from the seven predominantly Muslim countries named under the presidents executive order 28 854510 removal of the petitioner and others similarly situated violates their rights to Due Process and Equal Protection guaranteed under the United States Constitution, the court ruled. Surrounded by a throng of cheering demonstrators, who had rushed from Kennedy airport to the Brooklyn 28 854671 The New York order appears to affect the 100 to 200 people who have been detained in transit to the United States . While the order will prevent them from being sent home, it is less clear whether they will have to remain 28 854834 from the bench that the stay is nationwide. That doesnt mean they have the ability to move freely in the United States , Tumlin said of those detained, although she said her group plans to argue that they should. While Tumlin said access 28 854996 worry about the future With protesters chants echoing through arrival halls and beyond, confusion prevailed Sunday at airports across the United States amid seemingly contradictory signals from the Trump administration over a hotly contested executive order blocking U.S. entry to refugees and 28 855088 across the country with valid entry documents. About twice as many others were denied permission to board flights to the United States , according to lawyers representing a consortium of groups that won a temporary nationwide stay Saturday night against the deportation of 28 858900 of the proper interpretation of the Constitution. The oath he swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States means that just as he wouldnt sign an unconstitutional bill, he must not nominate a judge who holds views at 28 859423 way out of this By Seema Mehta (Marcus Yam / Los Angeles Times) Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Tuesday that the United States had faced trying times and political crises before, and has always persevered. Yes, were going through some difficult moments right 28 859482 this, Schwarzenegger said, speaking at an electoral reform event at the University of Southern California. He recalled immigrating to the United States and seeing the violent protests at the Democratic National Convention in 1968, Watergate and the economic troubles during President Jimmy 28 862836 our shores. They are within. The resolution states that 134 million people are temporarily barred from entering or reentering the United States , including nationals with dual citizenship. Hundreds of thousands with visas are also blocked, it says. The resolution also denounces the 28 864379 forces, this is a useful temporary measure on seven nations of concern until we can verify who is entering the United States , he said. Rep. Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) told the Washington Post that pausing the intake of refugees from terror hotspots 28 866943 get California secession on the ballot By Christine Mai-Duc Supporters of the campaign for California to secede from the United States can now begin collecting the hundreds of thousands of signatures they need to get a proposed Calexit initiative on the 28 867015 of voters, it would repeal clauses in the California Constitution stating that the state is an inseparable part of the United States and that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, according to the title and summary prepared by 28 871975 a breakaway California republic has increased, one poll has found. One-third of state residents support peacefully seceding from the United States , up from 20% since Californians were last asked the same question in 2014, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion 28 879612 that live on this planet, the vast majority of them have, all other things being equal, have access to the United States , Kelly told reporters. And a relatively small number right now are being held up for a period of time until 28 880024 this country. In fact, people from the seven banned countries Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Libya cannot enter the United States under the order. Spicer appeared to be making a renewed effort to distinguish the order from the all-out ban 28 881092 the dais. They ought to be embarrassed. Its the most pathetic treatment Ive seen in my 40 years in the United States Senate, Hatch said. I think they should stop posturing and acting like idiots, he said. At least one Democrat needs 28 882610 on July 21, 2014: By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including 40 U.S.C. 121, and in order to provide for a uniform policy for the Federal Government to 28 882929 not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States , its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. Sec. 5. Effective Date . This order 28 883102 has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States , the White House said in a statement. It is time to get serious about protecting our country. The move came 28 884784 state of Washington filed suit Monday seeking to block President Trumps executive order temporarily banning foreign refugees from entering the United States . No one is above the law, not even the president, Atty. Gen. Bob Ferguson said in announcing the federal lawsuit 28 885496 spokesman, told reporters Monday that the list will include names of individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to helping the United States . Even people that are doing seemingly benign things in support of us whether as a linguist, a driver, anything else 28 885544 personal risk, he said. So people who take these risks are really making a tangible signal of support to the United States , and thats something that will, and should be, recognized. The list would not require any changes to the presidents order 28 886504 prime time on Tuesday, he tweeted this morning. I have made my decision on who I will nominate for The United States Supreme Court. It will be announced live on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. (W.H.) Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 30 28 887377 schedule. He said the executive order has shocked others in Sudan, too. Theyre talking about human rights. Everybody knows the United States is about freedom, he said. Everybody knows America is a free country, a country of chances for everybody. Still, people 28 887409 free country, a country of chances for everybody. Still, people have hope in those protesting at airports all over the United States and attorneys who have volunteered to help immigrants and refugees, he said. He said the order is especially worrying for 28 887450 for aspiring Sudanese medical residents who have been preparing to match with a hospital in March to study in the United States . A lot of my colleagues who are preparing for exams are really, really worried about this, Fadlalla said. Im really 28 887497 these young people. They study a lot and spend a lot of money, a lot of effort to enter the United States . Im concerned about my future and my colleagues future. Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Share Close extra sharing options 28 887696 forces, this is a useful temporary measure on seven nations of concern until we can verify who is entering the United States . Rep. Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) told the Washington Post that the executive order is the right call to keep America 28 888258 that removal violates the Establishment Clause, the Immigration and Nationality Act, and his rights to Equal Protection guaranteed by the United States Constitution. But by the time the order came down, Vayeghan was on a plane bound for Tehran. Federal judge in 28 888781 issued a statement changing the policy. Statement By Secretary John Kelly On The Entry Of Lawful Permanent Residents Into The United States Homeland Security (@DHSgov) January 29, 2017 I hereby deem the entry of lawful permanent residents 28 889438 day after President Trump signed an executive order banning citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries, including Iran, from entering the United States . Read More Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Share Close extra sharing options Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Copy Link URL 28 892212 phone managed to prevent the flight from taking off. She had arrived Saturday afternoon, but was blocked from entering the United States by the executive order barring arrivals of citizens of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Around midnight, she was 28 892349 the plane not to take off. She knew that if the plane left she would never get back to the United States again, Trent said. Rasekhi spent most of Sunday in detention with other Iranians, but was released into the United States 28 892369 United States again, Trent said. Rasekhi spent most of Sunday in detention with other Iranians, but was released into the United States at around 3 p.m.. A dozen Iranian friends had been waiting inside the airports Terminal 4 amid a clutter of 28 892576 up, said Tahmineh Tabrizian, 33, another friend of Rasekhis. She said her own parents had planned to come to the United States and had spent $14,000 on tickets and visas and would now have to cancel their trip. Rasekhi, who has lived 28 892600 spent $14,000 on tickets and visas and would now have to cancel their trip. Rasekhi, who has lived in the United States for a decade, was a Fulbright scholar at UC Santa Barbara and received a masters degree at Fresno State University 28 893704 with judicial orders, faithfully enforce our immigration laws, and implement President Trumps executive orders to ensure that those entering the United States do not pose a threat to our country or the American people, according to the departments statement. All of the 28 893976 the green-card holders reflected a generalized confusion about the new order, which also bars Syrian refugees from entering the United States indefinitely. Lawyers for some of the affected immigrants said border agents seemed uncertain about the new rules and were disagreeing 28 894116 Kennedy International Airport in New York City on Saturday. (Stephanie Keith / Getty Images) Barring individuals fleeing persecution from entering the United States is simply inhumane. Adding irony to injury, Trumps executive order was issued on Holocaust Remembrance Day, which should have been 28 894161 atone for turning away refugees during the 1930ssome of whom then died in concentration camps. For example, in 1939, the United States turned away the St. Louis, a boat filled with refugees, many of them German Jews. According to the United States 28 894181 United States turned away the St. Louis, a boat filled with refugees, many of them German Jews. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 254 passengers from the St. Louis died in the Holocaust. Erwin Chemerinsky Read More Facebook Twitter Show 28 894439 its embarrassingly chaotic rollout became the major story of the weekend. As damaging as the ban might be to the United States standing in the Middle East and to Washingtons moral authority regarding the treatment of refugees, it masks the litany of 28 894948 imported from Mexico, sending the value of the countrys currency plunging. In addition to threatening a trade war with the United States third-largest trading partner, Trump repeatedly insisted that he plans to reconsider US participation in a vast array of trade 28 895123 Era Begins By Saturday, it was almost possible to forget that earlier in the week Trump had suggested that the United States might get another chance to invade Iraq and take the countrys oil, and his claim that people who point out 28 897951 to enter the U.S. The order appears to affect up to 200 people who were detained in transit to the United States .) The order notes, however, that the secretaries of State and Homeland Security may jointly decide to admit some refugees including 28 898198 accepting refugees from the Middle East are not borne out by the numbers. According to the Pew Research Center, the United States had accepted an almost equal number of Christian and Muslim refugees in the 2016 fiscal year; 37,521 Christians and 38,901 28 899493 WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump, trying to quell a backlash over his "extreme vetting" order, said the United States would resume issuing visas to all countries once secure policies are put in place over the next 90 days. Under 28 899532 90 days. Under an order he signed on Friday, immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries were barred from entering the United States . The decision has drawn large protests at many U.S. airports, where some travelers from those countries have been stranded. "To 28 901259 to U.S. forces made them targets in their home country and that the pair had valid visas to enter the United States . The lawsuit highlights some of the legal obstacles facing Trump's new administration as it tries to carry out the directive 28 901298 out the directive, which the president signed late on Friday to impose a four-month ban on refugees entering the United States and a 90-day hold on travelers from Syria, Iran and five other Muslim-majority countries. In an emergency ruling 28 901357 as well as "approved holders of valid immigrant and non-immigrant visas and other individuals ... legally authorized to enter the United States " from the countries targeted in Trump's order. The American Civil Liberties Union, which sought the temporary stay, said it would 28 901514 Department of Homeland Security in a statement hours later said only a small fraction of airline passengers arriving in the United States on Saturday were "inconvenienced while enhanced security measures were implemented." "These individuals went through enhanced security screenings and are being 28 901541 enhanced security measures were implemented." "These individuals went through enhanced security screenings and are being processed for entry to the United States , consistent with our immigration laws and judicial orders," the statement said. The department said Trump's executive order remained in place 28 902172 of that, as the Republican Lehigh Valley congressman criticized the president's executive order blocking certain foreign citizens from entering the United States for at least 90 days. Trump banned refugees from entering the U.S. for the next four months and blocked citizens 28 905895 leaders calling it immoral and un-American. Trump's order temporarily bars citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States even if they hold valid visas or permanent residence permits, a move that caught many companies off-guard. Netflix Inc 28 906037 order could be a major headache for tech companies, potentially leaving employees stranded overseas and unable to return to the United States . Alphabet Inc's Google urgently called back employees from overseas and told ones who might be affected by the ban not 28 906062 urgently called back employees from overseas and told ones who might be affected by the ban not to leave the United States . CEO Sundar Pichai said in an email to staff that more than 100 Google employees were affected by the order 28 906104 according to a Google executive. One Google employee of Iranian nationality with legal U.S. residency made it back to the United States just hours before the order took effect, the executive said. "We're concerned about the impact of this order and any 28 906337 Saturday that the company would compensate drivers from the seven countries who might not be able to return to the United States for three months or more. He said the company knew of about a dozen employees who would be affected. "This 28 907297 in the Interior of the U.S", the US Embassy said: "The Executive Order suspends visa issuance and entry into the United States of nationals of countries of particular concern (Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen), including dual nationals of these 28 907349 at its Pre-Clearance facilities, including at Dublin and Shannon airports, as well as at Ports of Entry across the United States . "Nationals of these countries, including dual nationals, who have already scheduled a visa interview at U.S. Embassy Dublin should not 28 907396 will not be able to proceed with the visa interview. "We will announce any additional changes affecting travellers to the United States as soon as that information is available." The order has been challenged by a court in the US, which has 28 909862 Trump signed an executive order suspending entry of citizens from seven countriesIran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemento the United States for at least the next 90 days. Our People Ops team has already reached out to the dozen or so 28 910575 Eagle Pass rescued seven children and one mother, all undocumented immigrants, who were stranded in the river. Crossing into the United States has always been hazardous, stated Acting Chief Patrol Agent Matthew J. Hudak in response to the incident. With the river 28 914375 to open its doors to more overseas learners in the future. The 12 middle school students have been in the United States for approximately two weeks. Since their arrival on January 15, theyve been bowling, watched the presidential inauguration, visited the Virginia 28 916070 which released a chocolate cake mix in the years following World War II. Boston federal court Moakley John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse (MassLive file photo) Two federal judges in Boston have issued a temporary restraining order against President Donald J. Trump's 28 916109 Donald J. Trump's executive order that blocked immigrants from Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Iran from entering the United States . Judge Allison Burroughs and Magistrate Judge Judith Dein signed a seven-day restraining order against the President's executive order. The 28 916227 federal court on behalf of two teachers at the University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth who had been detained after reentering the United States Saturday. Mazdak Pourabdollah Tootkaboni and Arghavan Louhghalam, who are both Muslim green card holders from Iran, landed at Logan International 28 917374 Somalia, Syria, Sudan, Libya and Yemen. Syrian refugees were suspended under the order and the admission of refugees into the United States was banned for 120 days. Since the order was signed, judges in New York and Boston have blocked Trump's order 28 918910 views on these issues known to leaders in Washington and elsewhere." Microsoft issued a statement last week in a 10K United States Securities and Exchange Commission filing cautioning investors that "changes to U.S. immigration policies that restrain the flow of technical and 28 919083 Zuckerberg shared his view on immigration in a post, writing that ancestors of his and wife Priscilla came to the United States from Germany, Austria and Poland, as well as China and Vietnam, respectively. "A few years ago, I taught a class 28 924933 all Muslim-majority nations. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle) (Craig Ruttle) WASHINGTON - The federal judge whose emergency order temporarily barred the United States from deporting people from nations subject to President Donald Trump's travel ban is a University of Michigan graduate. U.S. District 28 925196 and received commission on Oct. 21, 2015. Donnelly's order barred U.S. border agents from removing anyone who arrived in the United States with a valid visa from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. It also covered anyone with an approved 28 925298 protest President Donald Trump's recent executive order on immigration. The order, signed Friday, indefinitely barred Syrian refugees from entering the United States , and temporarily suspended refugee admissions and the entry of citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries. The measures are aimed at 28 925881 students and Ann Arbor Mayor Christopher Taylor taking to Facebook to say that Trump has polluted the honor of the United States with his recent executive orders. Photojournalist Matt Weigand contributed to this story. -7122fce8cae480ed.JPG University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel reiterated 28 929946 which was signed Friday, citizens from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen are banned from traveling to the United States for at least 90 days. The order may also impact foreign-born U.S. citizens who were traveling at the time 28 931461 the descendant of Jewish ancestors, she would not be here if they had not been allowed to immigrate to the United States . I stand here because I know Im next, she said. Im of Jewish descent, atheist, transgender. I am not going 28 932520 Priebus said Sunday that the executive order would no longer apply to those with legal standing to live in the United States although there were a handful of travelers still being held at JFK International Airport Sunday fighting for their release. The 28 934902 packed airports around the country following President Trumps executive order banning citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States . The impassioned crowd packed shoulder to shoulder in the International Terminal at SFO, chanting, singing and banging drums with signs 28 935033 resident Mustafa Abuzaid was one of those held at SFO Sunday. The local business owner, who has been in the United States for 28 years on a green card, said he was detained and questioned by federal agents for nearly five hours 28 935080 he was visiting family. That was the worst time I have been through customs since I have been in the United States , he said during an emotional reunion with his brother at the airport. I was nervous, but I am happy now 28 935405 at domestic airports, since the agency is working with airlines to prevent barred travelers from boarding international flights into the United States . Agency officials said they will continue to enforce Trumps order in a manner that ensures the safety and security of 28 936156 said the airport is easier to operate the big bomber. "The B-17 can't reside just anywhere," Kwiecien said. The United States deployed 12,731 of the bombers by the end of WWII as "the largest armada the world had ever seen," according 28 937640 recent executive order signed by President Donald Trump that temporarily bans people from several Muslim majority counties from entering the United States . The protest was publicized locally over Facebook. According to the page San Antonio Students Speak Out: A Rally for Our 28 937795 16 years ago. "I'm very proud to represent them," she said. "It means everything to me." Mzayek, 26, became a United States citizen in August of 2015. Mark Barrera, 64, learned about the protest Sunday morning from his daughter. He he was 28 940977 offered assistance to employees and drivers hailing from the seven countries who might be turned away from passage into the United States and thus left without a job. The San Francisco company is working out the kinks for a system that would 28 941006 San Francisco company is working out the kinks for a system that would pay drivers currently sitting outside of the United States pro bono over the next 90 days to help offset the costs that mount up when a flowing income has 28 942080 fact that travelers from largely Muslim countries are being stopped at airports, even if they are permanent residents of the United States . That was the case with a Sudanese graduate student from Stanford University, who was stopped at JFK Airport despite being 28 942282 immigrants, I am disgusted by the presidents executive order to target the Muslim community and ban immigrants from entering the United States ," he said in a statement. "Our country was built by immigrants in search of religious freedom and a life free 28 942459 and carrying out attacks on American soil. Unfortunately for Elamin, she missed her original connecting flight from London to the United States . The next available flight landed her at JFK at 10 p.m. EST on Friday, just a matter of hours after 28 942616 in some place. Why else would they put handcuffs on me? And I started crying." Elamin has lived in the United States for over 20 years. Never did she see the day when she would be labeled as a threat. "I've been 28 942784 to Katherine Lewis, the family's attorney. The 12-year-old girl from Yemen has an approved immigrant visa to the United States . Lewis added that Trump's stance on immigration is "extraordinarily overbroad." "It's drawing lines based on national origin and religion," she 28 942832 affecting people like a 12-year-old child who is simply trying to join her U.S. citizen family in the United States ." Trump's controversial decree, which ignited protests at airports across the country, was temporarily blocked on Saturday evening by a federal 28 943937 a temporary stay late Saturday for all detainees affected by Trump's executive orders, which barred all refugees from entering the United States for four months, and indefinitely halted any from Syria. Trump argued the ban is needed to keep out "radical Islamic 28 944429 Logan today. According to the ACLU of Massachusetts complaint, the professors "have a constitutional right to return home to the United States after a brief trip abroad, and cannot be deprived of their lawful permanent status without justification and due process protections 28 944494 about 300 non-Muslim Iranians hoping to use the country as a way station before establishing new homes in the United States , The Associated Press has learned. The action is an early ripple effect of U.S. President Donald Trump's effort to clamp 28 944567 for Iranian Jews, Christians and Baha'i, who were at risk in their home country and eligible to resettle in the United States . Iran has banned the Baha'i religion, which was founded in 1844 by a Persian nobleman considered a prophet by followers 28 944607 by followers. U.S. officials had been interviewing the candidates in Austria because they cannot do so in Iran. But the United States suspended the so-called "Iranian Lautenberg Program" in recent days, according to Austrian officials, who in turn stopped Iranians from 28 944666 executive order Trump signed Friday that orders strict new screening for refugees to keep "radical Islamic terrorists" out of the United States . But it reflects the knock-on effects already occurring from his tougher line on immigration and refugees. Similar to how 28 945137 for an "emergency rally" at OHare Airport on Saturday to protest President Trumps executive action barring refugees from entering the United States , an order that caused chaos and outrage as several travelers were detained in Chicago and at airports across the country 28 945905 the order, Mused's father is a green card holder who has lived in Chicago for seven years, and in the United States for 18. "I can't even call him, I can't do anything," Mused said as he waited in the crowd at 28 946643 sweeping executive order signed Friday that temporarily bars refugees and most citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States . As demonstrators amassed at airports across the U.S. in protest of the order and its swift implementation, the leaders of 28 946741 visit to Turkey to meet with Turkish leaders. She said in Turkey the decision was a matter solely for the United States . But after returning to Britain from a whirlwind visit to Washingtonwhere she met Trump at the White Houseand Turkey, her 28 947065 understands the security motives behind President Donald Trump's decision to ban seven predominantly Muslim nations, including Iraq, from entering the United States , but underlined that their "special relationship" should be taken into consideration. Government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi said Iraqis are hoping 28 947107 that the new orders "will not affect the efforts of strengthening and developing the bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States ." Al-Hadithi told The Associated Press on Sunday the government hopes the "measures will be temporary and for regulatory reasons 28 947584 Bradley International Airport Friday to protest President Donald Trumps executive order surrounding immigration, which barred all refugees from entering the United States for four months, indefinitely halted any from Syria, and suspended nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US 28 948321 wife and daughters who he hasnt seen in more than two years. Before they could board their flight to the United States , they were turned away part of the group not allowed entry to the country following orders from President Donald Trump 28 948529 asylum process. He hopes the president rethinks the ban. Im not against him looking for things that will protect the United States . But these are innocent kids, innocent families, Kassar said. The mother and girls are staying with neighbors in Jordan. Theyre 28 948811 calling them harmful. The more you think about it, it was a dark day for America. Welcoming refugees to the United States is our oldest, most noble tradition, George said. Refugee advocates hope the outcry will force the president to change his 28 949959 have the policy, you let people know before they get on the flight, as opposed to sending them to the United States and then going through this hell." Officials say nine people were released after they were detained overnight at Dallas-Fort 28 950533 Syria when I was briefed that we could not adequately vet that population before granting them refugee status to the United States . The job of the president is to defend and protect our nation. We must also protect our well-earned position 28 950587 Rep. Roger Williams, who represents 25th Congressional District in Texas also supported the President's actions. "The national security of the United States and its citizens is paramount to anything else. I firmly support a temporary travel ban on individuals from countries of 28 950764 to attend. Some came to support, but others are like Evelyn Vazquez and Sanjuana Cervantes who were brought to the United States from Mexico at a young age. Vazquez and Cervantes are now Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients -- allowed to remain 28 950968 I still want to continue my education regardless what's going on and I mean, I want to make here, the United States , a better place and help everybody else, said Cervantes. A federal appeals court is allowing attorneys for a 44-year 28 951548 issue. It's a human issue where families are being kept apart. People who have legal visas to get into the United States to be with their families, or to do business, are being kept from doing that," said Rawlings. Rawlings called on 28 952074 ferries that carry tourists to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, the place where 12 million people entered the United States in the golden age of immigration. U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer addressed the crowd, saying, "We are gonna win this fight 28 953250 confusion in customs checkpoints and protest at airports -- backed off significantly Sunday. Neda Naemi, a refugee who has lived in United States for 16 years with a green card said she was detained at LAX for 10 hours. The Department of Homeland 28 953315 said on the NBC broadcast "Meet The Press'' that all green card holders would not be prevented from entering the United States . "As far as green card holders, moving forward, it doesn't affect them,'' Priebus said. The LAX protests began at 11 28 955111 and would like to thank them for their professionalism," he said. Sodagari was born in Iran and moved to the United States in 2008 on a student visa. He received his doctorate from the University of Akron and moved to San Francisco 28 955609 new president to "slow down" and work with lawmakers on how best to tighten screening for foreigners who enter the United States . Portman said everyone should "take a deep breath and come up with something that makes sense for our national security 28 958150 U.S. borders to seven Muslim-majority nations for 90 days. The executive order also bans all refugees from entering the United States for four months, and indefinitely halted any from Syria. The company's co-founder, Brian Chesky, announced the move on Facebook 28 958632 aggressive ban, ordering that anyone from that country, including those fleeing civil war, are indefinitely blocked from coming to the United States . White House National Security adviser Michael Flynn told Canada's national security adviser that holders of Canadian passports, including dual citizens 28 960860 and Yemen. Trump said in signing the order that he was pledging to "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America." He did, however, declare that Christians in Syria and other restricted-status counties would be given preference. The 28 961052 is dealing with heart-related issues. They are currently working with the ACLU to help get them back to the United States . Protesters held two demonstrations at Philadelphia International Airport Saturday and Sunday. Gov. Wolf, Mayor Jim Kenney, Rep. Bob Brady and 28 961813 the military and said he aimed to achieve "peace through strength." Sunday's raid was not the first time that the United States had conducted a counterterrorism raid on the ground in Yemen, but it was not the usual approach of striking from 28 962176 Donald Trump's crackdown on refugees and citizens from seven majority-Muslim countries took effect. Airlines blocked people traveling to the United States , legal challenges were underway and doubts abounded about whether the order would make America safer. The immediate fallout from Trump's 28 962604 say that refugees were welcome in Canada, "regardless of your faith." Two of the first people blocked from entering the United States were Iraqis with links to the U.S. military. Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were detained by immigration 28 964074 the Visa Interview Waiver program, which allows citizens from European and Asian nations to obtain visas to travel to the United States without an interview. By Saturday evening, a nationwide stay was granted in a legal challenge brought by the ACLU, blocking 28 964154 Saturday morning, U.S. Representative Scott Peters (D-CA) honored 30 San Diego-area high school students on their way to United States service academies. Peters nominated nine students to West Point, 10 to the Naval Academy, eight to the Air Force Academy 28 965133 This order is in direct conflict with the most foundational principles of our country and our Commonwealth. For generations, the United States has been a beacon of hope and a safe harbor for those in need. President Trump is dimming that light 28 965433 on Saturday. The order came shortly after a judge in New York granted a temporary stay preventing refugees entering the United States from being deported. President Donald Trump on Friday signed an executive order suspending the U.S. refugee program for 120 days 28 965521 appeared on NBCs "Meet The Press" Sunday morning and said the order puts at risk people who have helped the United States in countries included in the ban. He said the order is a religious test that poses a different burden on 28 965713 to our national security, endangers the lives of Americans or our allies, and erodes further the moral reputation of the United States of America. President Trump's potentially-unlawful order sends a chilling message to anyone willing to assist United States forces overseas 28 965731 of the United States of America. President Trump's potentially-unlawful order sends a chilling message to anyone willing to assist United States forces overseas. In so doing, the president made the world more dangerous for America, Cardin said. This betrayal of our 28 966549 are now exempt from the executive order. "So if the permanent resident has documentation saying they're allowed to enter the United States , they should be let in," added Goldman. That wasn't the case yesterday as two UMass Dartmouth professors who have green 28 967091 plaintiffs in a lawsuit against President Donald Trump in regards to an immigration order barring them from re-entering the United States . Lawyers for the Massachusetts chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union were able to temporarily stop Trump's executive order barring 28 967266 were detained. According to the ACLU of Massachusetts complaint, the professors had a constitutional right to return home to the United States after a brief trip abroad, and cannot be deprived of their lawful permanent status without justification and due process protections 28 968363 prominent technology and business leaders are speaking out against the new administrations ban on Muslims from certain countries entering the United States . Mark Cuban, entrepreneur Twitter David Karp, Tumblr Twitter Mark Benioff, Twitter Jack Dorsey, Twitter Twitter Elon Musk, entrepreneur Twitter 28 988982 is available online. Speeches of liberal maulanas should also be put online to counter jihadis agenda. He said after the United States banned the Twitter handle of al Qaeda a few years ago, a number of similar accounts popped up within hours 28 990082 is available online. Speeches of liberal maulanas should also be put online to counter jihadis agenda. He said after the United States banned the Twitter handle of al Qaeda a few years ago, a number of similar accounts popped up within hours 28 992098 US President Donald Trump and will intervene if they affect UK nationals, Downing Street said Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 992108 UK nationals, Downing Street said Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," a spokesman said. "But we 28 992197 to condemn the order by Trump to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on 28 992203 to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on refugees," May said at a news 28 992492 US President Donald Trump and will intervene if they affect UK nationals, Downing Street said Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 992502 UK nationals, Downing Street said Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," a spokesman said. "But we 28 992591 to condemn the order by Trump to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on 28 992597 to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on refugees," May said at a news 28 993148 Mac (@RMac18) January 29, 2017 Thousands of sign-waving people chanted and demanded that refugees be made welcome in the United States as lawyers and representatives of aid groups tried to assist people. An official with the Department of Homeland Security who 28 994407 Mac (@RMac18) January 29, 2017 Thousands of sign-waving people chanted and demanded that refugees be made welcome in the United States as lawyers and representatives of aid groups tried to assist people. An official with the Department of Homeland Security who 28 998155 was taking effect." The List Project, which helps Iraqis whose personal safety is threatened because they have worked for the United States , expressed outraged over the move, warning it put American lives at risk too. "I can't say this in blunt-enough 28 999143 was taking effect." The List Project, which helps Iraqis whose personal safety is threatened because they have worked for the United States , expressed outraged over the move, warning it put American lives at risk too. "I can't say this in blunt-enough 28 999818 one of seven predominantly Muslim nations subject to the executive order signed by Trump that temporarily bans entry to the United States . Farah currently is training in Ethiopia. His family is based in Portland, Oregon. The 33-year-old says on his 28 1000448 that lawmakers "ought to be part" of the discussions about how best to tighten screening for foreigners who enter the United States . Portman tells CNN's "State of the Union" that he doesn't think Trump executive action was properly reviewed before he signed 28 1000722 that as far as the rules apply to refugees it would be a breach of the Geneva Conventions for the United States , a signatory, to impose a general ban on people coming from Syria. He said Switzerland would monitor the situation closely 28 1000784 U.S. President Donald Trump's executive order temporarily banning citizens from Iraq and six other Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States . Halima Khalaf, 72, has been living in Washington state with her sons, daughters and grandchildren for four years. She returned 28 1000829 this month to attend her brother's funeral and now fears she may not be able to go back to the United States . In an interview Sunday, she said "Iraqis are not terrorists, but friends to the American people." Baghdad resident Sarmad Salih 28 1000860 terrorists, but friends to the American people." Baghdad resident Sarmad Salih Ahmed, who has been trying to resettle in the United States since 2014, said he's "depressed" because of the order, which he says is against "humanity." Trump billed his sweeping executive 28 1001191 a.m. Dubai Airports, the operator the world's busiest airport for international travel, said it is "monitoring the situation" after the United States imposed a temporary travel ban on seven countries. It directed customers with questions on the new visa policies to the 28 1001514 understands the security motives behind President Donald Trump's decision to ban seven predominantly Muslim nations, including Iraq, from entering the United States , but underlined that their "special relationship" should be taken into consideration. Government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi says Iraqis are hoping 28 1001556 that the new orders "will not affect the efforts of strengthening and developing the bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States ." Al-Hadithi told The Associated Press on Sunday the government hopes the "measures will be temporary and for regulatory reasons 28 1001644 The impact of U.S. President Donald Trump's ban on refugees and citizens of seven mostly-Muslim countries from entering the United States was felt immediately in Britain. A British lawmaker who was born in the Iraqi capital Baghdad said on Sunday he 28 1001911 ___ 4 a.m. British Prime Minister Theresa May has criticized President Donald Trump's order temporarily banning refugees from entering the United States . Her official spokesman said Sunday that May does "not agree" with Trump's order and will challenge the US government if 28 1001974 visit to Turkey to meet with Turkish leaders. She said in Turkey the decision was a matter solely for the United States . After she returned to Britain from a whirlwind visit to Washington, where she met Trump at the White House, and 28 1002226 one of seven predominantly Muslim nations subject to the executive order signed by Trump that temporarily bans entry to the United States . Farah currently is training in Ethiopia. His family is based in Portland, Oregon. The 33-year-old says on his 28 1002856 that lawmakers "ought to be part" of the discussions about how best to tighten screening for foreigners who enter the United States . Portman tells CNN's "State of the Union" that he doesn't think Trump executive action was properly reviewed before he signed 28 1003130 that as far as the rules apply to refugees it would be a breach of the Geneva Conventions for the United States , a signatory, to impose a general ban on people coming from Syria. He said Switzerland would monitor the situation closely 28 1003192 U.S. President Donald Trump's executive order temporarily banning citizens from Iraq and six other Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States . Halima Khalaf, 72, has been living in Washington state with her sons, daughters and grandchildren for four years. She returned 28 1003237 this month to attend her brother's funeral and now fears she may not be able to go back to the United States . In an interview Sunday, she said "Iraqis are not terrorists, but friends to the American people." Baghdad resident Sarmad Salih 28 1003268 terrorists, but friends to the American people." Baghdad resident Sarmad Salih Ahmed, who has been trying to resettle in the United States since 2014, said he's "depressed" because of the order, which he says is against "humanity." Trump billed his sweeping executive 28 1003599 a.m. Dubai Airports, the operator the world's busiest airport for international travel, said it is "monitoring the situation" after the United States imposed a temporary travel ban on seven countries. It directed customers with questions on the new visa policies to the 28 1003922 understands the security motives behind President Donald Trump's decision to ban seven predominantly Muslim nations, including Iraq, from entering the United States , but underlined that their "special relationship" should be taken into consideration. Government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi says Iraqis are hoping 28 1003964 that the new orders "will not affect the efforts of strengthening and developing the bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States ." Al-Hadithi told The Associated Press on Sunday the government hopes the "measures will be temporary and for regulatory reasons 28 1004052 The impact of U.S. President Donald Trump's ban on refugees and citizens of seven mostly-Muslim countries from entering the United States was felt immediately in Britain. A British lawmaker who was born in the Iraqi capital Baghdad said on Sunday he 28 1004319 ___ 4 a.m. British Prime Minister Theresa May has criticized President Donald Trump's order temporarily banning refugees from entering the United States . Her official spokesman said Sunday that May does "not agree" with Trump's order and will challenge the US government if 28 1004382 visit to Turkey to meet with Turkish leaders. She said in Turkey the decision was a matter solely for the United States . After she returned to Britain from a whirlwind visit to Washington, where she met Trump at the White House, and 28 1005042 a few more questions from someone traveling in and out of Libya and Yemen before being let loose in the United States . And that's all this is," he said. WASHINGTON: There is a possibility in the future of including Pakistan in the 28 1005521 a few more questions from someone traveling in and out of Libya and Yemen before being let loose in the United States . And that's all this is," he said. By PTI MANILA: Philippine airstrikes have killed 15 Muslim militants linked to the 28 1006705 aggressive ban, ordering that anyone from that country, including those fleeing civil war, are indefinitely blocked from coming to the United States . The Syrian refugee crisis became a major issue in Canada's election in late 2015 because of the haunting image of 28 1007040 aggressive ban, ordering that anyone from that country, including those fleeing civil war, are indefinitely blocked from coming to the United States . The Syrian refugee crisis became a major issue in Canada's election in late 2015 because of the haunting image of 28 1007132 Nicholas Kristof tweeted. By Associated Press AMMAN: Syrian refugee Ammar Sawan took a first hopeful step toward moving to the United States last fall, submitting to an initial security screening. His dream of a better life was abruptly crushed when President Donald 28 1008041 province of Idlib where he found refuge. "This decision proves the militant group's theory that the West, led by the United States , is an enemy of Muslims," he wrote. "It's an unfortunate decision." AMMAN: Syrian refugee Ammar Sawan took a first hopeful 28 1008068 he wrote. "It's an unfortunate decision." AMMAN: Syrian refugee Ammar Sawan took a first hopeful step toward moving to the United States last fall, submitting to an initial security screening. His dream of a better life was abruptly crushed when President Donald 28 1008977 province of Idlib where he found refuge. "This decision proves the militant group's theory that the West, led by the United States , is an enemy of Muslims," he wrote. "It's an unfortunate decision." By PTI WASHINGTON: Donald Trump's controversial senior adviser Steve 28 1024102 general David Barno, who led coalition forces in Afghanistan from 2003 to 2005, told National Public Radio on Friday. The United States currently has 5,000 troops in Iraq and 500 in Syria as "advisers" -- but also US artillery and aircraft to help 28 1024603 a hearing called after President Donald Trump issued an executive order blocking people from seven Muslim-majority from entering the United States and putting a temporary halt to refugee admissions. A federal judge in Brooklyn, New York issued an emergency stay on 28 1024704 executive order that will limit immigration and refugees from some Muslim-majority countries and he separately said he wanted the United States to give priority to Syrian Christians fleeing the civil war there.Trump had promised the measures, called "extreme vetting," during last 28 1024737 had promised the measures, called "extreme vetting," during last year's election campaign, saying they would prevent militants from entering the United States from abroad. But civil rights groups have condemned the order as harmful and discriminatory.Republican Representative Michael McCaul, the House Homeland 28 1024851 and Yemen. Qatar Airways and Etihad Airways said on Sunday they would enforce the new rules governing entry to the United States following President Donald Trump's temporary order restricting arrivals from seven Muslim countries.A spokesperson for Qatar Airways said it would only 28 1025086 leaders calling it immoral and un-American. Trump's order temporarily bars citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States even if they hold valid visas or permanent residence permits, a move that caught many companies off-guard. Netflix Inc 28 1025258 and we must stand with those who are affected." Airbnb will provide free housing to anyone not allowed into the United States , Chesky said. Aaron Levie, the outspoken founder and CEO of online storage company Box Inc, said: "The executive order on 28 1025310 order could be a major headache for tech companies, potentially leaving employees stranded overseas and unable to return to the United States . Alphabet Inc's Google urgently called back employees from overseas and told ones who might be affected by the ban not 28 1025335 urgently called back employees from overseas and told ones who might be affected by the ban not to leave the United States . CEO Sundar Pichai said in an email to staff that more than 100 Google employees were affected by the order 28 1025377 according to a Google executive. One Google employee of Iranian nationality with legal U.S. residency made it back to the United States just hours before the order took effect, the executive said. "We're concerned about the impact of this order and any 28 1025574 statement that the company would compensate drivers from the seven countries who might not be able to return to the United States for three months or more. He said the company knew of about a dozen affected employees. "This ban will impact 28 1032117 in Sunday afternoon on the executive order President Donald Trump issued Friday afternoon, suspending the admission of refugees to the United States . "When you factor out all the misinformation and media hysteria, its clear that a temporary pause on refugee resettlement is 28 1032168 Americans safe, but it should accommodate those Green Card holders who pose no security threat returning from travel outside the United States ," Gillespie said in a written statement. "As governor, I will work with the federal government to protect our homeland and 28 1034162 v. Wade, which brought about legalized abortion in this nation. According to there have been 56,662,169 abortions in the United States since 1973 that is 56,662,169 potential tax-paying Americans, of which approximately 50 percent would have been women. JANET F 28 1045442 said on Saturday. "The Islamic Republic of Iran... has decided to respond in kind after the insulting decision of the United States concerning Iranian nationals" until the measure is lifted, the ministry said in a statement carried by state television. President Donald 28 1045532 filmmaker Asghar Farhadi from attending Oscars I am establishing new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America. We dont want them here, Trump said after signing an executive order at the Pentagon. The executive order 28 1045564 signing an executive order at the Pentagon. The executive order Protection of The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States notes that the steps taken by the US in the aftermath of 9/11 has not been able to deter 28 1045822 on travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. With more than one million Iranians living in the United States , the restrictions have already caused chaos forstudents, businessmen and families. "I have several clients impacted by the executive order-- married 28 1046063 US embassy in Baghdad said on Facebook that dual nationals from the seven countries would be barred from entering the United States , excluding those with American passports. "Daeshi decision," Baghdad resident Nibal Athed wrote inresponse to the post, using the Arabic acronym 28 1046706 Trump wants the Pentagon to come up with a new set of options for a tougher campaign against IS. The United States currently has 5,000 troops in Iraq and 500 in Syria as advisorsbut also US artillery and aircraft to help in 28 1046902 world leaders, amid growing international alarm and a legal challenge over his moves to drastically limit Muslim immigration to the United States . In a flurry of calls that started early in the morning and rounded out an already frantically paced week, Trump 28 1047024 wracked Syria. The calls also allow him to start developing ties with countries that have been close allies with the United States in recent history, as well as Russiaa perennial foe, but a country with which Trump has said he is keen 28 1047113 at the Pentagon yesterday, after signing an executive order entitled Protection of the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States . The decree suspends the entire US refugee resettlement program for at least 120 days while tough vetting rules are established 28 1047157 protocols ensure that those approved for refugee admission do not pose a threat to the security and welfare of the United States . In addition, they specifically bar Syrian refugees from the United States indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they 28 1047168 a threat to the security and welfare of the United States. In addition, they specifically bar Syrian refugees from the United States indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat. For all the Latest World News 28 1047213 Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: After the President Donald Trumpas order of extreme vetting of people entering the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries, protesters gathered at airports across the country. As per reports, over 100 people detained at 28 1049385 teams are employing a variety of technology to land first and claim the fame. They hail from Japan, India, the United States , and Israel, with launches set to happen from places as far-flung as California, USA; Sriharikota, India; and Mahia, New 28 1049498 private organization to get approval from their government to operate on the Moon (a necessary step for international space law), United States space start-up Moon Express are ready to bring the Moon back in a big way to Floridas Space Coast 28 1050157 on [ Back To's Homepage ] A proposal for California to secede from the United States was submitted to the Secretary of States Office Thursday. The proposed Calexit initiative - its name borrowed from the UK's "Brexit 28 1050310 begin attempting to collect nearly 600,000 voter signatures needed to place the plan on the ballot. "In our view, the United States of America represents so many things that conflict with Californian values, and our continued statehood means California will continue subsidizing 28 1050498 following Donald Trump's election to the highest seat in the country. The state of California wants to secede from the United States in a move that has been called 'Calexit', which if they succeed, would establish California as a separate country from 28 1052548 airport in New York City and detained indefinitely by Customs and Border Patrol. Darweesh spent a decade working for the United States military in Iraq as an interpreter and engineer and had been granted an entry visa after background checks; Alshawi had 28 1053345 officially appointed, we will both contact him.Gabriel said offering refuge to the persecuted are western values that Europe and the United States share.Love thy neighbor is part of this tradition, the act of helping others, he said. This unites us, we Westerners.I 28 1053379 others, he said. This unites us, we Westerners.I think that this remains a common foundation that we share with the United States , one we aim to promote.Trump said the ban was necessary in preventing radical Islamic terrorists from entering the U.S.Merkel and 28 1054184 controls on travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.With more than one million Iranians living in the United States , the restrictions have already caused chaos for students, businessmen and families.Borhani, himself an Iranian-American, said he had heard from 28 1055308 posting said: My great grandparents came from Germany, Austria and Poland. Priscillas parents were refugees from China and Vietnam. The United States is a nation of immigrants, and we should be proud of that.Scores of Arab travelers in the Middle East and 28 1055373 on behalf of the U.S. government in Iraq for 10 years.The other, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, was coming to the United States to join his wife, who had worked for a U.S. contractor, and young son, his lawyers said.They said both men 28 1055508 according to them, are being unlawfully detained at ports of entry.The ban order suspends entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days and has now created a legal limbo for individuals on the way to the United States and 28 1055527 the United States for 120 days and has now created a legal limbo for individuals on the way to the United States and panic for families who were awaiting their arrival.Seven countries -Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen- are specifically 28 1055788 fellow lawyers worked through the night fielding calls from travelers with student and worker visas being denied entry into the United States and ordered on flights back to Muslim-majority countries on the list.Green card holders were also being stopped and questioned 28 1055832 hours. Officials also denied travelers with dual Canadian and Iranian citizenship from boarding planes in Canada that were headed the United States , she said.These are people that are coming in legally. They have jobs here and they have vehicles here, Yegani said.At 28 1055955 Ayrault said.Germany has taken in more than one million refugees and migrants, mainly from the Middle East, since 2015.The United States is a country where Christian traditions have an important meaning. Loving your neighbor is a major Christian value, and that 28 1056136 protection and assistance, and opportunities for resettlement, regardless of their religion, nationality or race.Some 25,000 refugees were resettled in the United States between October and year-end under UNHCRs program for the most vulnerable, the agency said on Friday.Mark Zuckerberg, in his 28 1058293 Language Film Symposium in Hollywood this month. In the wake of President Trump's executive order banning all refugees from the United States for several months as well as citizens from several countries, including Iran, from entering the U.S. for 90 days, Farhadi 28 1058365 the Academy Awards after an executive order from President Donald Trump banned citizens of his country from traveling to the United States . Asghar Farhadi, whose film "A Separation" won an Oscar in 2012, is nominated this year in the foreign language film 28 1058551 like to convey via this statement what I would have expressed to the press were I to travel to the United States . Hard-liners, despite their nationalities, political arguments and wars, regard and understand the world in very much the same way 28 1058798 already coming to the country when the order was signed -- from being deported. "This is not just limited to the United States ; in my country hardliners are the same," Farhadi continued, in his statement. "For years on both sides of the ocean 28 1059268 President Donald Trump, an Iranian director whose film is nominated for an Oscar may be barred from traveling to the United States to attend the ceremony. In 2012, Asghar Farhadi's film "A Separation" won the Oscar for best foreign language film. Farhadi's 28 1059317 and directed, is nominated for best foreign language film at the 2017 Academy Awards. The movie opened Friday in the United States and is now playing in New York and opening Friday in Montclair. Also on Friday, Trump signed an executive order 28 1060904 or on Facebook. NEWARK -- Protesters gathered Saturday at Newark Liberty International Airport against President Donald , which barred entry to the United States from seven largely Muslim countries, halted the nation's refugee program and reportedly left people detained at airports. Make the Road 28 1065820 along the coast of Maine. Bald eagles were officially declared an endangered species in 1967 in all areas of the United States south of the 40th parallel, under a law that preceded the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Until 1995, the bald 28 1066055 did throw up a huge roadblock for hunters. On his last day in office, Obama issued an order to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to ban the use of traditional ammunition on USFWS controlled lands by 2022. The USFWS 28 1067595 more than 900 immigrants fleeing Nazi Germany, which Cuba rejected after letting in only 28 passengers. Also rejected by the United States , the ship was forced to go back to Europe, where 287 passengers were given asylum by Great Britain. From the 28 1072215 say that refugees were welcome in Canada, "regardless of your faith." Two of the first people blocked from entering the United States were Iraqis with links to the U.S. military. Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were detained by immigration 28 1073197 a few more questions from someone traveling in and out of Libya and Yemen before being let loose in the United States ," White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said. White House adviser Kellyanne Conway described the changes as "a small price 28 1079349 the entire country, awaits further legal review. Reports say there were at least a hundred detainees at airports across the United States as of Saturday night. Trump's executive order also bans U.S. entry of those fleeing war-torn Syria indefinitely, and bans 28 1079395 refugees for the next four months. In signing the order, Trump pledged to "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America." The marchers at JFK were joined by protesters at numerous other international airports across the country. Some New 28 1079749 learned from officials that four people have been released in the past hour. One was a permanent resident of the United States , according to Jeffries, and the other three were travelling to the U.S. About three hours later, Jeffries said two more 28 1080218 was detained at JFK Airport being released. He said he was coming from Iran and that he's been in the United States for nine years. He said he was stuck at the airport for about a full day, and that he has 28 1080266 advanced parole and is working to get a green card. "I'm so disappointed. I'm really considering not living in the United States anymore," the man said. "I was thinking, 'America is great.' Now it's not great at all." NY1 spoke with the 28 1080540 the entire country, awaits further legal review. Reports say there were at least a hundred detainees at airports across the United States as of Saturday night. Trump's executive order also bans U.S. entry of those fleeing war-torn Syria indefinitely, and bans 28 1080586 refugees for the next four months. In signing the order, Trump pledged to "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America." Earlier in the day, President Trump said the roll out of his travel ban is going well. "It's 28 1084356 opposing more legal immigration. This could prove ruinous to the countrys long-term future. Like most high-income countries, the United States fertility rate is below that needed to replace the current generation. If the U.S. cuts off its flow of immigrants 28 1086110 since 1999, the year before the 2000 Census told the world that Caucasians would lose their majority status in the United States by 2040. Hate Map data over the years have tracked the ebb and flow of these groups. The numbers spiked 28 1086145 flow of these groups. The numbers spiked, for example, after that 2000 Census. They spiked again in 2009, after the United States elected its first African-American president. By 2014, the Hate Map was at its lowest point in nearly 10 years 28 1086597 DACA, an Obama-era executive order that, as of now, protects about 750,000 undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. We enthusiastically support Donald Trump for his policies on immigration, Miller said. The label The Hate Map is 28 1091704 at Chicago OHare International Airport, waiting to greet one of the last Syrian refugee families to be accepted in the United States , to give them the warmest possible welcome to a country that no longer wanted their kind. In Washington, the presidential 28 1091968 the Syrians would be helped the way their own parents or grandparents had been aided when they arrived in the United States . Others had joined as a way of countering Trump just a few of the many Americans, of varied backgrounds, reacting 28 1092380 family members some still trapped in dangerous areas of Syria and others who had been cleared to travel to the United States but had not yet received plane tickets. After hugs and snapshots and many professions of welcome and thanks, the group 28 1092495 style semolina cake were waiting. Members of the family said they had not checked the news since landing in the United States , and no one from the volunteer group told them what was about to happen. Moments before they arrived at the 28 1095069 John, who had dated her mother, Cuong Le, and unsuccessfully tried to persuade her to return with him to the United States . The Viet Cong had taken power and begun brutally repressing South Vietnamese who had aligned themselves in any way with 28 1095292 was bringing the Vietnamese-born sons and daughters of American service members and related personnel people like Mindy to the United States . Mindy applied. Soon she found herself on a plane, first to a refugee camp to learn English, then to the 28 1095356 The flight went up in there and I felt, like, This is my life now. Its beginning. Once in the United States , Mindy lived her version of the American Dream. First a job in housekeeping at a Washington, D.C., hotel, where she 28 1102600 at U.S. airports. There are people in various stages of the process, on different legs of travel coming into the United States , said Todd Reckling of Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska, one of two agencies that assist refugees in Omaha. People are 28 1102809 New York judge Saturday night barring deportation of those under the order who have valid visas. Some refugees entered the United States just ahead of the order, including two families that arrived in Omaha on Thursday night and an Iranian family that 28 1102965 Iran, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Sudan. Trump said the measure would ensure that radical Islamic terrorists would not enter the United States . In Nebraska, more than half of all refugees who came last year were from countries subject to Trumps 90-day 28 1104689 ruled late Saturday against part of President Donald Trumps executive order barring citizens of seven Muslim nations from entering the United States . A federal court in Brooklyn granted a nationwide stay preventing the government from deporting people who arrived with valid U.S 28 1104858 decision, though they cautioned that the reprieve is temporary and affects only visa holders who already had arrived in the United States and were being held at airports. While it prevents them from being deported, the ruling stops short of ordering their 28 1104973 permanent residents, including some who have held green cards for decades, being detained at airports or barred from entering the United States , including at least 50 who were being held at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. Angry, confused and frustrated family 28 1105694 say that refugees were welcome in Canada, "regardless of your faith." Two of the first people blocked from entering the United States were Iraqis with links to the U.S. military. Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were detained by immigration 28 1114515 Jan 28: Qatar Airways and Etihad Airways said on Saturday they would enforce the new rules governing entry to the United States following President Donald Trump's temporary order restricting arrivals from seven Muslim countries. A spokesperson for Qatar Airways said it would 28 1114779 she landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Friday night following President Donald Trump's order restricting entry into the United States for people from seven Muslim-majority nations, said reports. Nisrin Elamin, who is a Stanford PhD student, has a legal 28 1116274 most recent case, Overla is due in court for his preliminary hearing on Feb. 15. Oneindia 03 Nov 2022 The United States has accused North Korea of supplying Russia with a significant number of artillery shells to be used in.. Upworthy 01 28 1120516 the Trump administration's ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying the new policy validates their claim that the United States is at war with Islam. Comments posted to pro-Islamic State social media accounts predicted that President Donald Trump's executive 28 1121033 illustration (Image by Details DMCA It is one week since the inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States , and the actions and orders of the new government make clear what the working class can expect from the next 28 1121747 which the Trump presidency arose. Many factors could be pointed to -- the extraordinary decay in the political culture of the United States , the domestic consequences of unending war and violence abroad, the extreme growth of social inequality and the rise of a 28 1121813 the product of the desperate crisis that afflicts American and world capitalism. For four decades, the ruling class in the United States has been engaged in a campaign of social counter-revolution, systematically eliminating all the gains won by workers through bitter 28 1122153 Donald Trump's crackdown on refugees and citizens from seven majority-Muslim countries took effect. Airlines blocked people traveling to the United States , legal challenges were underway and doubts abounded about whether the order would make America safer. The immediate fallout from Trump's 28 1122761 say that refugees were welcome in Canada, "regardless of your faith." Two of the first people blocked from entering the United States were Iraqis with links to the U.S. military. Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were detained by immigration 28 1123201 better off buying it. That transaction allows citizens to consume more for each dollar spent. It makes them richer. The United States could grow all its fresh fruits and vegetables rather than buy some from Mexico -- just as Mexico could grow all 28 1124625 to return to her family. Im broken, he said, crying. Aidin, 32, is a software engineer who moved to the United States 10 years ago and is now a U.S. citizen. He requested that his last name not be disclosed. He spent 28 1127142 place. The executive order was cruel and unconscionable, but particularly so for those who were already en route to the United States . It also means that no one will be deported. Broad and important nationwide stay granted! This means folks will not 28 1127640 Trump doesnt continue to get away with violating civil rights of those in the country or those coming into the United States . Dustin is the founder and co-owner of Pajiba. You may email him here, follow him on Twitter, or listen 28 1129350 Sunday, and donate to the ACLU! Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a widely prevalent medical condition in the United States and affects countless of children each year. Even though research has not been able to discover the cause of this 28 1130558 place. And the prolife movement and the reputation of the gospel will be a heap of smoking ruins in the United States . What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul. But for Trump? LOS 28 1131757 say that refugees were welcome in Canada, regardless of your faith. Two of the first people blocked from entering the United States were Iraqis with links to the U.S. military. Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were detained by immigration 28 1133726 that we would) have to wait some hours.&rdquo The experience hasnt changed his plans now that hes in the United States , however. He still plans to open a martial arts studio somewhere in L.A., he said. A large sit-in was 28 1135576 show our kids we should be standing up for everybodys rights. Ahmed was born in India and immigrated to the United States with his parent when he was 5. He said Americans are being pushed away from the characteristics of faith that 28 1140230 here, and whether any travellers have thus far been affected. Source: Newsweek. Photo: Vitaly Holovin / Stephanie Keith / Getty. The new United States border policy restricting travel from Muslim-majority countries has caused confusion at US airports, with reports of dozens of travellers 28 1141242 deportations of those accused of being illegal immigrants. Source: The Guardian. Photo: Getty Images / Pool. A federal judge in the United States has granted a request from the American Civil Liberties Union to stay the deportation of travellers detained on entry to 28 1142598 producer Mehmet Aktas gave a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, expressing deep frustration that a friend an ally of the United States now finds himself barred from entering: Hussein Hassan risked everything to present the true face of the war. Hassan is 28 1144634 glorious Tiergarten Park. It was an audience three times the size of any crowd Obama had drawn back in the United States . The election was still months away. It was like a rock concert. As Obama seemed to float towards the podium 28 1145205 Obama had travelled to Cairo to do just that. I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, Obama declared, one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the 28 1145703 Lucas writes that after 30 years of covering European security, he has never been gloomier about the future of the United States . We need to prepare for a post-American, post-NATO European security order. Our counterparts in Asia need to start 28 1149468 to the American forces made them targets in their home country and the pair had valid visas to enter the United States . The lawsuit, which seeks to block Trumps order on behalf of a class of visa-holders and asylum-seekers, highlights 28 1149738 a Republican, on Friday signed a sweeping executive order that put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Iraq and six other Muslim-majority countries. The order would help protect Americans from terrorist 28 1150280 asked her about it, they reported that she tried to dodge the question. She eventually told British reporters that, The United States is responsible for the United States policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdoms policy on 28 1150286 that she tried to dodge the question. She eventually told British reporters that, The United States is responsible for the United States policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdoms policy on refugees. Well, thats helpful. A stern 28 1152380 orders on immigration, the Republican has so far left intact an order safeguarding 750,000 people who were brought to the United States illegally as children, known as the dreamers. The issue has become a flashpoint for White House advisers divided between a 28 1153782 inflame and energize terrorist organizations such as ISIS rather than combat or weaken them, giving them grounds to paint the United States as anti-Muslim and thus fuel to recruit more members and grow their organizations. Conversely, French journalist and author Nicolas 28 1161614 control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation. View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union. Never before has a documentary assembled all the pieces of the globalists 28 1163590 a risk to the security or welfare of the US. Those travelling without a green card who landed in the United States after the order was signed would be detained and put back on a flight to their country of citizenship, an 28 1172681 nationality," Johnson wrote on Twitter. Johnson made his remarks after a British government spokesman said that "immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States" but that "we do not agree with this kind of 28 1172691 a British government spokesman said that "immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States " but that "we do not agree with this kind of approach and it is not one we will be taking 28 1175648 college students. The data was compiled from statistics on students earnings and their parents incomes for each college in the United States . About CSU Dominguez Hills -- With a student population of nearly 15,000, many who are first in their families to attend 28 1177822 local homeland security expert to assess possible problems. The local federation will host a two-part, free "Terrorism and the United States : Where do we stand" lecture led by Western Illinois University professor Dean C. Alexander, a Homeland Security Research Program director 28 1178063 new administration's assessment of these threats, and its efforts to address them, will determine the impact of terrorism on the United States and its interests in the next four years and beyond." For more details, visit or call 309-793-1300. President 28 1178125 country Saturday night and early Sunday morning. Foreign-born U.S. residents who could have been barred from re-entering the United States under the order have been allowed back into the country, according to a Department of Homeland Security official who briefed 28 1178183 to publicly discuss details of the matter. Trump's order Friday barred citizens of seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the United States for 90 days. That meant that even those with permanent residency "green cards" or other visas risked not being let 28 1178209 meant that even those with permanent residency "green cards" or other visas risked not being let back in to the United States . However, the official said all green card holders from the seven countries who sought to enter the U.S. Saturday were 28 1179448 Diego International Airport chanted "No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here." The statistics are quite startling -- since 2000, the United States has lost 5 million manufacturing jobs. Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Wisconsin account for nearly a third of the manufacturing 28 1180008 any reason to believe that his counterparts in Mexico and Canada would be willing to make concessions beneficial to the United States without getting something in return? And if not, what concessions would the United States need to make in a renegotiated 28 1180022 to make concessions beneficial to the United States without getting something in return? And if not, what concessions would the United States need to make in a renegotiated trade agreement? Moreover, would the end result of a renegotiated agreement, when all is 28 1180055 end result of a renegotiated agreement, when all is said and done, actually result in more manufacturing jobs in the United States , while diminishing the number of manufacturing jobs in Mexico? It is hard to imagine Mexicos president, Enrique Pena Nieto, agreeing 28 1183599 Kejriwal, said in a series of tweets. His tweets were retweeted by Kejriwal. Iran said on Saturday it would stop United States citizens entering the country in retaliation to Washington's visa ban against Tehran and six other majority-Muslim countries announced by 28 1184249 incident occurred within hours of President Donald Trump announcing a ban on citizens from seven Muslim majority countries entering the United States . Although Hashmi, a surgeon, said the mosque was uninsured, he took comfort in a deluge of funds donated from across 28 1186315 and is not pleading for the punishments to be lifted. Ukraine In Kyiv, Trumps election has prompted fears that the United States could sacrifice support for Ukraine for better relations with Russia. That would make the country even more vulnerable to influence 28 1186505 disappointed: There was no mention of Ukraine in the White House statement. Syria And Terrorism Putin has long accused the United States of double-standards on terrorism. The Obama administration said Moscow used the fight against the extremist group Islamic State as 28 1187415 production of the Mohajer-6 are far from homegrown. The Mohajer-6 drones contain components produced by companies from the United States and the European Union, both of which have sanctions restricting the export to Iran of such technology that can be 28 1187608 America, the EU, Japan, and Taiwan, the Schemes investigation has found. A majority of these companies are based in the United States . A Schemes reporter who personally inspected the foreign-made drone parts identified components produced by at least 15 of these 28 1187775 broad, global procurement network using front companies and other proxies in third countries to obtain dual-use technology from the United States and the EU. "Exporters will look at the request coming from the [United Arab Emirates] or another third country, and 28 1191526 Democrats who hold Virginias statewide offices on Saturday decried President Donald Trumps order suspending the admission of refugees to the United States as contrary to American values. Meanwhile, two of the four GOP candidates for governor Corey Stewart and state Sen. Frank 28 1191768 steps they can take to oppose the policy. McAuliffe urged the president to rescind the executive order and return the United States to its place as a beacon of hope for all. Lt. Gov. Ralph S. Northam, one of two candidates for 28 1192224 waivers to be granted on a case-by-case basis. This is not a complete ban on travel to the United States . The fourth GOP candidate for governor, Denver Riggleman, co-owner of Silverback Distillery in Nelson County, could not be reached 28 1193011 those of our allies and friends in the Middle East. To restore American influence and credibility in the world, the United States needs a revised policy, the former top officials and experts added. We strongly agree and echo this call. The Iranian 28 1199002 on Saturday critcised US President Donald Trump's executive order suspending the entry of people from Muslim-majority countries to the United States and stressed its negative influence on US attractiveness for foreign talent. Pichai suggested that the ban could affect at least 28 1199040 could affect at least 187 Google employees as the Internet search giant ordered its travelling staff to return to the United States . "We're upset about the impact of this order and any proposals that could impose restrictions on Googlers and their families 28 1199115 of this executive order on our colleagues," he added. On Friday, Trump signed an executive order blocking from entering the United States all Syrian refugees until the adequate changes are made to the Refugee Admission Program (USRAP) and suspending the entry for 28 1221599 the descendant of Jewish ancestors, she would not be here if they had not been allowed to immigrate to the United States . I stand here because I know Im next, she said. Im of Jewish descent, atheist, transgender. I am not going 28 1224662 of his family members, who have legal visas but have not yet been granted permanent permission to reside in the United States . I wouldnt wish that kind of stress on anybody. And even now, we have no assurance that theyre going to 28 1225002 The Internet industry is deeply concerned with the implications of President Trumps executive order limiting immigration and movement into the United States , the Internet Association, a tech-industry lobbying group, said the Internet Association, a tech industry lobbying group. While this order 28 1225337 this was going to affect everything Ive built as a company, as a person. All my stuff is in the United States ; I didnt pack my life up to go on this business trip, said Eslami in an interview from Argentina. I 28 1226983 leader Nancy Pelosi went before news cameras to tell the country, I pray for him, and I pray for the United States of America. Which did nothing to reassure a deeply rattled citizenry. By weeks end, when the Science and Security Board 28 1231484 will pay for the wall, buried deep in Trumps executive order, called Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States , is a description of which immigrants Trump wants to prioritize for deportation. The language is so broad that it could 28 1232832 refugees from any country for 120 days and forbid citizens from up to seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States for 90 days. It also would cut the number of refugees admitted from 110,000 this fiscal year to 50,000. Trump 28 1234719 under the order from getting on flights. Therefore, we do not anticipate that further individuals traveling by air to the United States will be affected, the statement read. A department official said Saturday evening that 73 people had been told not to 28 1235924 is intended to provide time to review the way refugees are vetted before they are allowed to resettle in the United States . Trumps order also cuts the number of refugees the United States plans to accept this budget year by more than 28 1235935 vetted before they are allowed to resettle in the United States. Trumps order also cuts the number of refugees the United States plans to accept this budget year by more than half, to 50,000 people from around the world. During the last 28 1236258 countries 60 days to start providing the information or citizens from those countries will be barred from traveling to the United States . The temporary ban extends to citizens of those seven countries who hold U.S. visas or green cards. Anyone who was 28 1236357 even temporarily, appears to at least partially fulfill a campaign promise Trump made to ban Muslims from coming to the United States until assurances can be made that visitors are properly vetted. Other Immigration The State Department now requires interviews for all 28 1236504 Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate President Trumps executive order on immigration indefinitely barred Syrian refugees from entering the United States , suspended all refugee admissions for 120 days and blocked citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, refugees or otherwise, from entering 28 1236527 all refugee admissions for 120 days and blocked citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, refugees or otherwise, from entering the United States for 90 days: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The order unleashed chaos on the immigration system and 28 1236553 Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The order unleashed chaos on the immigration system and in airports in the United States and overseas, and prompted protests and legal action. Here is a quick guide to what we know and what we 28 1236633 legal permanent U.S. residents from the seven countries and refugees from around the world were stopped at airports in the United States and abroad. Some were blocked from entering the United States and were sent back overseas. On Saturday night, a federal 28 1236643 from around the world were stopped at airports in the United States and abroad. Some were blocked from entering the United States and were sent back overseas. On Saturday night, a federal judge in New York blocked part of Trumps order, saying 28 1236674 federal judge in New York blocked part of Trumps order, saying refugees and others being held at airports across the United States should not be sent back to their home countries. But the judge stopped short of letting them into the country 28 1236809 staff, said Sunday that green-card holders from the seven banned countries would not be prevented from returning to the United States going forward. That appeared to be a reversal from one of the orders key components. Priebus also said border agents 28 1236900 remove any who had already done so. Airline crew members from the seven named countries were also barred from the United States , it said. An official message was sent to American diplomatic posts around the world instructing them to immediately stop visa 28 1236999 Saturday, and it was unclear what criteria were being used to decide whether a detainee should be admitted to the United States . Officials did not clarify what criteria had been used on Saturday to determine whether a green-card holder from one 28 1237112 Times writer A federal judge in New York blocked deportations nationwide late Saturday of those detained on entry to the United States after an executive order from President Donald Trump targeted citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Judge Ann Donnelly of the 28 1237350 named countries - green-card holders - who were abroad when it was signed. Also subject to being barred entry into the United States are dual nationals, or people born in one of the seven countries who hold passports even from U.S. allies, such 28 1237809 travelers arriving at U.S. airports daily had been affected. Nationwide, he said, 109 people had been denied entry into the United States . All had been in transit when Trump signed the order, and some had already departed the United States on flights 28 1237827 into the United States. All had been in transit when Trump signed the order, and some had already departed the United States on flights by late Saturday while others were still being detained awaiting flights. Also, 173 people had not been allowed 28 1237985 does not affect the vast majority of Muslims in the world." The president's order, signed Friday, suspends admission to the United States of all refugees for 120 days and bars for 90 days the entry of any citizen from Iraq, Iran, Syria 28 1238077 the order, the restriction applies to countries that have already been excluded from programs allowing people to travel to the United States without a visa because of terrorism concerns. Hewing closely to nations already named as terrorism concerns elsewhere in law might 28 1238157 rollout had been chaotic. Officials tried to reassure travelers and their families, pointing out that green-card holders in the United States will not be affected and noting that the DHS is allowed to grant waivers to those individuals and others deemed 28 1238216 holder, or lawful permanent resident authorized to permanently live and work in the country. "If you've been living in the United States for 15 years and you own a business and your family is here, will you be granted a waiver? I'm 28 1238285 later said that waivers will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and that green-card holders in the United States will have to meet with a consular officer before leaving the country. But officials made clear that the federal officers 28 1238829 hours later, Assali said. She said her family members were not allowed to call or contact their family in the United States before being removed. "We don't know what's going to happen next." - - - Philip Bump in Brooklyn, Louisa Loveluck in Beirut, and 28 1239313 Muslim-majority countries. A day after US President Donald Trump put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travellers from the seven countries, Trudeau said in a tweet: "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians 28 1239431 media platform were questioning whether Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen - a Somali-Canadian refugee - would be able to travel to the United States under the new rules. Hussen's office did not respond to a request for comment. WHAT NEXT In Canada, WestJet Airlines 28 1239462 to a request for comment. WHAT NEXT In Canada, WestJet Airlines said it turned back a passenger bound for the United States on Saturday to comply with an executive order signed by Trump on Friday. WestJet spokeswoman Lauren Stewart said the airline 28 1239731 US." advertisement A spokesman for Porter Airlines said the Toronto-based carrier will be restricting passengers from travelling to the United States from the listed countries until further notice. Porter will waive fees for changing destinations and offer refunds for cancelled trips 28 1242381 will manage the new fund. AMMAN, Jordan Syrian refugee Ammar Sawan took a first hopeful step toward moving to the United States last fall, submitting to an initial security screening. But his dream of a better life was abruptly crushed when President 28 1243765 Report FPH to announce half year results on 29 November 2022 ATM - FDA approval to supply infant milk formula to United States Steel & Tube - Adopts ESG World Platform BGP - 3rd Quarter Sales to 30 October 2022 GEO - Quarterly Operating Update By Press 28 1246167 had been violated. The impact of the ban on refugees and citizens of seven mostly-Muslim countries from entering the United States was felt immediately in Britain. A British lawmaker who was born in the Iraqi capital Baghdad said on Sunday he 28 1246384 visit to Turkey to meet with Turkish leaders. She said in Turkey the decision was a matter solely for the United States . After she returned to Britain from a whirlwind visit to Washington, where she met Trump at the White House, and 28 1246743 says it understands the security motives behind Trump's decision to ban seven predominantly Muslim nations, including Iraq, from entering the United States , but underlined that their "special relationship" should be taken into consideration. Government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi says Iraqis are hoping 28 1246785 that the new orders "will not affect the efforts of strengthening and developing the bilateral relations between Iraq and the United States ." Al-Hadithi told The Associated Press on Sunday the government hopes the "measures will be temporary and for regulatory reasons 28 1247439 U.S. lawmakers and officials around the globe also criticized the move. Two of the first people blocked from entering the United States were Iraqis with links to the U.S. military. Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were detained by immigration 28 1248040 a risk to the security or welfare of the US. Those travelling without a green card who landed in the United States after the order was signed would be detained and put back on a flight to their country of citizenship, an 28 1251057 administration." Separately, Emirates airline announced it had been forced to change flight attendant and pilot rosters on services to the United States following the travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries. "The recent change to the US entry requirements for nationals of 28 1252267 within his own borders and outside of them - his predecessors didn't care to have. Donald Trump's surprise election in the United States has given the political right around the world new affirmation and new confidence. It would be easy to dismiss this 28 1252329 a right-wing fringe. Today it is at its strongest in decades, and it is affecting mainstream politics. In the United States obviously it has gained the pinnacle of power. Here, the Trump victory has given far-right supporters an enormous boost 28 1255066 at the time). But put to the test while standing alongside her Turkish counterpart after departing Washington, May said "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees." [BBC News] Just after midnight, 10 Downing Street belatedly issued a 28 1255072 the test while standing alongside her Turkish counterpart after departing Washington, May said "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees." [BBC News] Just after midnight, 10 Downing Street belatedly issued a statement saying the PM did not 28 1255921 if they were spaghetti) are just a little... well, off. The magazine hits newsstands just as the relationship between the United States and its neighbour to the south are fraying, thanks to President Trump's plan to build a wall along the border 28 1258110 Donald Trump had decreed that citizens of Somalia and six other predominantly Muslim countries would be barred entry to the United States for 90 days. And this divisive move has taken the gloss off their special Anglesea trip. "We are shocked, it's 28 1258266 what unfolds when the 90-day period ends. Qantas is offering refunds to any passengers travelling from Australia to the United States who are affected by a new entry ban. Dozens of travellers have been detained at US airports and protests have 28 1261871 non-US citizens should believe Protesters are surrounded by police at John F. Kennedy airport in New York. Credit:AP The United States cannot, and should not, admit those who do not support the Constitution, or those who would place violent ideologies over 28 1261905 or those who would place violent ideologies over American law. "There is no statutory requirement that non-citizens entering the United States support the constitution," said Peter Spiro, a law professor at Temple University. "The executive order seems to suggest that even 28 1262047 It says: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he 28 1262057 any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States , he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or 28 1262336 immigration a dead letter." It targets seven countries ... I hereby proclaim that the immigrant and non-immigrant entry into the United States of aliens from countries referred to in section 217(a)(12) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1187(a)(12), would 28 1262365 section 217(a)(12) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1187(a)(12), would be detrimental to the interests of the United States , and I hereby suspend entry into the United States, as immigrants and non-immigrants, of such persons for 90 days 28 1262374 1187(a)(12), would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and I hereby suspend entry into the United States , as immigrants and non-immigrants, of such persons for 90 days from the date of this order ... The countries are 28 1262758 f), I hereby proclaim that the entry of nationals of Syria as refugees is detrimental to the interests of the United States and thus suspend any such entry until such time as I have determined that sufficient changes have been made to 28 1262887 of the immigration order. Credit:AP Part of the president's order gives preferential treatment to Christians who try to enter the United States from majority-Muslim countries. In a Twitter post Sunday morning, Trump deplored the killings of Christians in the Middle East 28 1263045 fleeing war and persecution. Credit:AP But some members of the parliament said Iraq should retaliate with similar measures against the United States . Iran vows to respond In Baghdad, influential Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr said American nationals should leave Iraq, in retaliation 28 1263329 375 travellers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. Fuad Sharef, his wife and three children were among the first victims 28 1263363 and three children were among the first victims. They had waited two years for a visa to settle in the United States , selling their home and quitting jobs and schools in Iraq before setting off for a new life they saw as 28 1263478 year-old Syrian man, Nail Zain, was among dozens of people at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport prevented from flying to the United States on Sunday. He told Reuters he was supposed to fly to Los Angeles, but officials said his visa was cancelled 28 1263508 to fly to Los Angeles, but officials said his visa was cancelled. "My wife and my son are in the United States . My son has American nationality. And we have been waiting for this moment for two years. Finally when I got 28 1267790 Priebus, said that people from the affected countries who hold green cards will not be prevented from returning to the United States . However, he added that border agents had the authority to detain and question suspicious travelers from certain countries. Protests of 28 1267867 issued a statement speaking out against the order, which he said conflicts with rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States , and it must be contested in our courts. As a nation of immigrants, inclusivity and compassion are the hallmarks of 28 1270035 in the attack, police said. S adiq Khan has condemned Donald Trumps ban on people from certain countries entering the United States as shameful and cruel. The Mayor of London released a statement on Sunday slamming the presidents controversial policy which blocks 28 1270570 REUTERS That includes people who helped the US army. That includes people on holiday trying to get home via the United States . That includes people trying to be reunited with their dying parents. He called Theresa Mays bid to ally herself with 28 1272057 due to begin at the US embassy next Saturday. B rits with dual citizenship will be allowed to enter the United States , the Foreign Office has confirmed. The US Presidents administration told Boris Johnson that Britons who share nationality with one of 28 1272099 the seven Muslim-majority countries are exempt from Donald Trumps controversial travel ban. But UK dual citizens travelling to the United States directly from one of the banned countries will face extra checks. Mr Johnson was ordered to initiate urgent talks with 28 1272122 from one of the banned countries will face extra checks. Mr Johnson was ordered to initiate urgent talks with his United States counterpart by Theresa May on Sunday as she faced growing anger over her failure to criticise Mr Trump over the 28 1272570 Nadhim Zahawi, who was born Baghdad in Iraq, has been advised by lawyers that he will be barred from the United States under the ban on travellers from seven Muslim nations and all refugees. The Stratford-on-Avon MP told BBC One's 28 1272948 halt stopping the US removing people with approved refugee applications, valid visas and other individuals legally authorised to enter the United States . J eremy Corbyn has joined mounting calls for Donald Trumps state visit to the UK to be called off until 28 1273658 very bad idea". He told Sky News: "You shouldn't be rushing into a headlong relationship with the President of the United States ." Mr Salmond said reports Mr Trump was reluctant to meet Prince Charles during the visit were "an indication of the 28 1273956 halt stopping the US removing people with approved refugee applications, valid visas and other individuals legally authorised to enter the United States . Protesters at airports across the US cheered at the decision, although the court action does not reverse the Presidents order 28 1274023 375 travelers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. By Press Trust of India: From M Zulqernain Lahore, Jan 29 (PTI 28 1274651 be allowed into Britain. Mr Trump signed an executive order on Friday which has banned all refugees from entering the United States for a month while entry from seven Muslim-majority has been suspended for 90 days. He said it was designed 28 1274841 S ir Mo Farah is "relieved" after he was given the green light to return to his family in the United States , his spokeswoman said. It comes after Boris Johnson revealed Brits with dual citizenship will be exempt from Donald Trumps controversial 28 1275375 keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the US. The order, titled Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States , also banned Syrian refugees indefinitely and halved the annual cap on refugees to 50,000. Demo: Protesters shout slogans during anti 28 1276099 she met with President Trump, who hailed the US-UK 'special relationship' / PA A spokesman said: "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 1276109 special relationship' / PA A spokesman said: "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government. "But we do not agree 28 1276495 questions, the Prime Minister then insisted it was up to America to devise its own policy. She told reporters: "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees. "The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on 28 1276501 it was up to America to devise its own policy. She told reporters: "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees. "The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on refugees and our policy on refugees 28 1279047 rather pessimistically-painted doom, to which it now seems to be hurtling. --- ENDS --- Protesters have gathered outside airports across the United States of America and are rallying against President Donald Trump's executive order that bans people from Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Librya 28 1279545 Singh: Images of slain militant leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale are a common sight at most gurdwaras in Europe, Canada, the United States and Australia. And so are the portraits and photos of the assassins of the then prime minister, Indira Gandhi. In 28 1280261 system of malpractices." Dilvar Singh Sekhon runs a successful transport and gas business in New Jersey. He migrated to the United States back in 1996. Sekhon (53) is pro-Khalistan. Dilvar Singh Sekhon holds a 'Sikh sovereignty' banner at a religious parade 28 1280584 eggs and causing thinning of the eagles eggshells. In the 1800s up to a half million birds lived across the United States , but by the 1950s there were only 412 nesting pairs in the 48 contiguous states. The bald eagle was declared 28 1280734 nests and represents a notable 35 percent increase from the previous year. In addition to being the symbol of the United States , the bald eagle is a sacred bird to many Native American cultures. It ranges from northern Mexico to Alaska, preying 28 1281413 wrong with that? Nothing, except Smith knows the tar-sand oil going through the KXL will not stay in the United States . According to Oil Change International the KXL is an export pipeline. The Port Arthur, Texas refiners at the end of 28 1281583 Smith knows all too well about the tax break he wont do anything about on Canadian tarsands coming into the United States . You see, piped oil has to pay 8 cents per barrel into the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund to be 28 1281755 sands and they want their oil. The problem is TransCanada has to get this tarsand to a port and the United States is in their way. Oh, did I mention TransCanada is suing the United States of America (you and me) for 28 1281769 tarsand to a port and the United States is in their way. Oh, did I mention TransCanada is suing the United States of America (you and me) for $15 billion in lost profits because the KXL was delayed? Did I mention tarsands 28 1285301 of development, protest and regulatory red tape, the first genetically modified, nonbrowning apples will soon go on sale in the United States . The fruit, sold sliced and marketed under the brand Arctic Apple, could hit a cluster of Midwestern grocery stores as 28 1285801 the Carters petitioned the U.S. Department of Agriculture to deregulate the apples, which would allow them to sell in the United States . Despite vocal opposition from anti-GMO groups which organized petition drives and sent public comments by the tens of thousands 28 1286074 large number of GMOs or GMO-derived ingredients every day. Ninety percent of all corn and soybeans grown in the United States are engineered to improve agricultural efficiency and withstand frequent pesticide applications. The resulting corn and soy are frequently fed to 28 1286588 in consumers who eat tomatoes. In Britain, researchers have developed a tomato that contains extra antioxidants. And many of the United States major agrochemical firms, including DuPont Pioneer and Monsanto, have indicated a desire to introduce GMOs with marketable consumer benefits, if 28 1287203 on Sunday to clarify confusion created by an executive order that banned citizens from seven Muslim countries from entering the United States , Yousef Abdulnabi, a Town and Country cardiologist, was trying to learn the answer to what would have been a simple 28 1287892 he said. WASHINGTON Missouris two senators have sharp differences on President Donald Trumps executive order temporarily halting travel to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Trump was 28 1287999 The man, Hameed Darweesh, was later released into the U.S. after being detained for 18 hours, and he praised the United States as the land of freedom. McCaskill is the top-ranking Democrat on the Senates Homeland Security Committee. In a statement 28 1288711 boycott Assembly election ALSO WATCH --- ENDS --- A 39-year-old Sudanese student, studying in Standford University and living in the United States since 1993, said she was detained and handcuffed. By Reuters: A 39-year-old Sudanese student with a legal US 28 1288775 people from seven Muslim-majority nations. Nisrin Elamin, 39, a Stanford PhD student in anthropology who has lived in the United States since 1993, said she landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Friday night and was detained for about five 28 1288835 ban Trump's order signed on Friday upended the travel plans of people without U.S. citizenship who were arriving in the United States from those seven countries, including Syria, Iran and Sudan, causing confusion and sparking protests at airports as immigrants and refugees 28 1289045 executive order means legal permanent residents who have passports from the seven countries have to be cleared back into the United States on a case-by-case basis, a senior U.S. administration official told reporters. The Department of Homeland Security, which overseas 28 1289101 we encounter humanely and with professionalism." The executive order also upended the plans of some people planning to leave the United States . Also read: Social media users have decided to boycott Uber for breaking strike, collaborating with Trump Shirana Navabha, 57, a 28 1289847 birth. An executive order signed by Trump on Friday bans all people from certain terrorism-prone countries from entering the United States for 90 days. The text of the order doesn't name the countries, but a White House official said they are 28 1289991 who met with the new president on Friday, refused to be drawn into criticising the policy, and merely said: The United States is responsible for the United States policy on refugees. See Thursdays Herald for our interview with Mr Zahawi and for 28 1289997 on Friday, refused to be drawn into criticising the policy, and merely said: The United States is responsible for the United States policy on refugees. See Thursdays Herald for our interview with Mr Zahawi and for more on this story. Stratford MP 28 1290366 like Syria is a mistaken policy and runs counter to the values and freedoms of a great country like the United States of America." An executive order signed by Trump on Friday bans all people from certain terrorism-prone countries from entering 28 1290389 America." An executive order signed by Trump on Friday bans all people from certain terrorism-prone countries from entering the United States for 90 days. The text of the order doesnt name the countries, but a White House official said they are 28 1292315 from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days. He said separately he wanted the United States to give priority to Syrian Christians fleeing the war there. The travel curbs began immediately, causing confusion for would-be 28 1292424 airport sources said. They flew back to Beirut later on Saturday. In Doha, Qatar Airways advised passengers bound for the United States from the seven newly banned countries that they needed to have either a U.S. green card or a diplomatic visa 28 1292666 who applied for a U.S. visa to attend a medical seminar, said Iraqi academics should visit Europe instead of the United States , where they were no longer welcome. "Trump's decision is unfortunately a humiliating insult not only for us as academics but 28 1292720 Jafar, a 43-year-old university professor in Sudan's capital Khartoum, who said he had sought to go to the United States for doctoral studies. "This decision, if implemented, will be a disaster," he said. "I have work in Sudan and have 28 1293668 has adopted strategies to make appropriate decisions based on national interests, the statement said. The recent decision [made by] the United States of America includes illegal and irrational expectations which are against international law, the ministry pointed out. It warned that any 28 1294271 in a joint news conference with UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who was visiting Ankara after a trip to the United States . May said after meeting Erdogan at his palace she was proud Britain had stood with Turkeys democratically-elected government when 28 1301853 with sharp words against US President Donald Trump's order to restrict people from seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the United States . Here's a wrap-up of who's saying what against the order: British Prime Minister Theresa May: The UK has clearly 28 1302524 death of Kayla Mueller, the executive order notes, the executive order said. In addition, ISIS has inspired attacks in the United States , including the December 2015 attack in San Bernardino, California, and the June 2016 attack in Orlando, Florida, it said. "ISIS 28 1307126 free trade after leading a 12-nation process in good faith? Demanding a Chinese retreat, from territory to which the United States makes no claim, on pain of military action? Abandoning a non-discriminatory immigration policy, and thus being seen to inflame 28 1309653 and officials as well as al-Qaeda itself said the attack at dawn on Sunday was carried out by the United States , which did not immediately acknowledge the operation. A boy with fake blood on his face and clothes to represent a 28 1310415 lost 5.7 per cent in calendar year 2016 and is down almost 4 per cent this month. Donald Trumps surprise United States election win has put shivers through global healthcare stocks. Chart 2: iShares Global Healthcare ETF over two years Source: The 28 1314264 in courage that President Trump is supposedly presenting in his decision to ban refugees and immigrants trying to enter the United States from a handful of Muslim-majority countries . But then, he went further. If George W. Bush had instituted the measures 28 1314328 would have had all these complaints from people exactly as you're complaining now, that they're being kept out of the United States and this is terrible. He continued to say, I cant tell you how much I respect Donald Trump for doing 28 1314477 to, nor can the Trump administration point to, a single terror attack carried out by a Syrian refugee in the United States ? Harlow asked Lord. When Lord replied by saying the world is a very small place and cited terror attacks in 28 1315640 the U.S. should set up safe zones in Syria where refugees could settleinstead of allowing any of them into the United States . Miller emailed reporters as Sessions spoke to highlight his argument. Now its Trumps position. At Breitbart, Julia Hahn covered Sessions 28 1315760 Donald Trump signed an insanely sweeping executive order citing 9/11 to justify a ban on all travel to the United States from citizens of seven mostly Muslim countries. Those didnt include any of the countries the hijackers came from, or any 28 1316254 ravaged nation. Donnelly pressed the government on how it could claim those already vetted and now suddenly rejected by the United States wouldnt suffer irreparable harm if they were sent back to some of the most dangerous places on earth. Thats not 28 1316757 themselves and their families. They spent years navigating a byzantine immigration process to get a visa to escape to the United States . Upon finally receiving one, many of them sold all their earthly belongings to make the journey to a new home 28 1316831 at the last second. Trumps order prohibits Iraqis and the citizens of six other predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . There are no exceptions: not for permanent residents, not for those with legitimate visasnot even for heroes. While a judge 28 1316967 house he lived in with his two-year-old daughter and his wife to pay for the flight to the United States . It had taken him close to three years to receive a visa. He was planning to fly to the U.S 28 1317027 presidential order has left him stranded in a country where he receives regular threats from those virulently opposed to the United States . "They wrote on my door, 'traitor.'" "I know for a fact SIV [Special Immigrant Visa] applicants sold their houses and 28 1317142 visa designed for those who aided the American military. It involves perhaps the most rigorous vetting for entry to the United States : applicants must receive letters of recommendations from their American supervisors; every major U.S. intelligence agency is required to approve the 28 1317271 his visa just three days ago. But then the Trump presidential order was signed, which prohibits him from enter the United States for 90 daysand by the time this period is up, his visa may no longer be valid. Dont get me 28 1317534 foreign interpreters who supported the American military but are now in personal jeopardy, and are trying to immigrate to the United States through a Special Immigrant Visa. The demand for help from No One Left Behind has gone through the roof since 28 1317846 Austria has been acting as the go-between for refugees from Iran who have a prospects of admittance to the United States (which doesnt have an embassy in Tehran). The program began originally as an endeavor by the late U.S. Senator Frank 28 1317978 local NGO, go to the U.S. embassy for interviews, and bite ones nails while waiting for official approval from the United States come summertime. It was a nerve-wrecking experiencebut worth it. No longer, though. U.S. authorities told us that the onward 28 1318420 out once the courts are done with him, and how nations that have acted as points of transit for the United States so far will reshape their own border policies accordingly. Austrias government, like several other European countries, hasnt even made a 28 1318525 for members of historically persecuted groups. Critics have argued that many other refugees would benefit from a move to the United States more than religious minorities in Iran. But for now, these discussions are finished, because US officials have simply suspended the 28 1321606 terrorists were among the first detainees under our presidents executive order Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States . But the detainees did include a 53-year-old avowed Trump fan who fled Iraq with his family after a 28 1322302 say, adding, Congress created the Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) programs to provide safety and refuge in the United States for Iraqis and Afghans who face or have faced serious threats on account of their faithful and valuable service to 28 1322325 Iraqis and Afghans who face or have faced serious threats on account of their faithful and valuable service to the United States . More than a year of paperwork and vetting ensued before he obtained the necessary certification that he had provided faithful 28 1322352 paperwork and vetting ensued before he obtained the necessary certification that he had provided faithful and valuable service to the United States and has experienced or is experiencing a serious threat. The visa was officially approved on January 26, 2015, but the 28 1322500 Darweeshs situation, the family immediately boarded a flight from Erbil to New York City, via Istanbul, and arrived in the United States on January 27, 2017, around 6:00 PM EST, the papers say. The family had tickets to fly on to 28 1326271 which might run contrary to his own views, and is inclined to pursue policies that could be damaging to the United States (as we have seen from Mexico to the refugee fiasco, from China to Russia), and you have a recipe for 28 1327338 played out. The day before, Trump signed an executive order barring people from seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States . But many people traveling to the U.S. from those countriesincluding legal permanent residents of the U.S.were already in the air 28 1332644 comments and refusal to condemn Trumps executive order on the ban had sparked controversy yesterday. advertisement "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States. But we do not agree with this kind of approach 28 1332654 ban had sparked controversy yesterday. advertisement "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States . But we do not agree with this kind of approach and it is not one we will be taking," a 28 1334707 the world with the relics since the 90s, but Tom Muscatello, a representative for the holy relics tours in the United States , said more dioceses have asked for Conte to visit with the relics in recent years. In explaining the importance of 28 1336105 file their own court challenge against President Donald Trump's order to restrict people from seven Muslim-majority countries entering the United States , officials in three states told Reuters. Democrat attorneys general are expected to be a source of fierce resistance to Trump 28 1342581 involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction. However, as Albertson points out, America has over 2.3 million people in prison 28 1344390 to the streets in protest. There is no question that Trump has exacerbated the divisions that already existed in the United States , on important issues from national security to civil rights to climate change, Wendy Schiller, a political scientist at Brown University 28 1348333 aggressive ban, ordering that anyone from that country, including those fleeing civil war, are indefinitely blocked from coming to the United States . White House National Security adviser Michael Flynn told Canada's national security adviser that holders of Canadian passports, including dual citizens 28 1348771 Donald Trump's crackdown on refugees and citizens from seven majority-Muslim countries took effect. Airlines blocked people traveling to the United States , legal challenges were underway and doubts abounded about whether the order would make America safer. The immediate fallout from Trump's 28 1349199 say that refugees were welcome in Canada, "regardless of your faith." Two of the first people blocked from entering the United States were Iraqis with links to the US military. Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were detained by immigration 28 1350031 readout on the call between the two leaders, saying it was "a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair." The two leaders discussed "a range in topics from mutual cooperation in 28 1350339 annexed Ukraine's Crimea region and backed separatists fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine, drawing widespread condemnation in Europe and the United States . In response, sanctions were implemented against sectors of Russia's economy, including financial services, energy, mining and defense. The Obama administration 28 1350388 Shortly before leaving office, President Barack Obama also ordered sanctions on Russian spy agencies, closed two Russian compounds in the United States and expelled 35 diplomats that he said were really spies. These sanctions followed an assessment by US intelligence that Moscow 28 1351099 groups and others immediately challenged the orders in court, and said the bans scapegoated Muslims and Arabs without making the United States safer. Trump's order came down as Hameed Khalid Darweesh, a translator and assistant for the US military in Iraq for 28 1351228 and reporters there, of those who had worked for his asylum and his release. Asked what he thought of the United States now, Darweesh pointed a finger in the air, and said emphatically, "America is the greatest nation, the greatest people in 28 1360523 to a country which had once denied him a visa. According to the White House statement Trump told Modi that United States considers India a true friend and partner in addressing challenges around the world. Despite Indian apprehensions about the Trump presidency 28 1360885 American business interests. On India's concerns such as cross-border terrorism, President Trump and Prime Minister Modi resolved that the United States and India stand shoulder to shoulder in the global fight against terrorism, according to the President's spokesperson. Trump has used 28 1368499 a risk to the security or welfare of the US. Those travelling without a green card who landed in the United States after the order was signed would be detained and put back on a flight to their country of citizenship, an 28 1369427 at JFK Airport, as a part of President Trumps new executive order barring people from seven countries from entering the United States . Joining the protests on Saturday was the NY Taxi Workers Alliance, who called for a work stoppage from 6 p.m 28 1369507 of the U.S. government in Iraq for 10 years. The other detainee, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, was coming to the United States to join his wife, who had worked for a U.S. contractor, and young son. Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York 28 1369699 Donald Trumps crackdown on refugees and citizens from seven majority-Muslim countries took effect. Airlines blocked people traveling to the United States , legal challenges were underway and doubts abounded about whether the order would make America safer. The immediate fallout from Trumps 28 1370127 say that refugees were welcome in Canada, regardless of your faith. Two of the first people blocked from entering the United States were Iraqis with links to the U.S. military. Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were detained by immigration 28 1370846 on Saturday along with some praise from the far-right about U.S. President Donald Trumps ban on refugees entering the United States . The French president vigorously urged European leaders to present a united front against populism while the German foreign minister noted 28 1371283 Trumps decision will not make America safer, it will make America smaller and meaner. BRITISH PRIME MINISTER THERESA MAY The United States is responsible for the United States policy on refugees. ISRAEL PRESIDENT BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Netanyahu tweeted that Israels wall along its 28 1371289 safer, it will make America smaller and meaner. BRITISH PRIME MINISTER THERESA MAY The United States is responsible for the United States policy on refugees. ISRAEL PRESIDENT BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Netanyahu tweeted that Israels wall along its border with Egypt had stemmed a 28 1371683 aggressive ban, ordering that anyone from that country, including those fleeing civil war, are indefinitely blocked from coming to the United States . The Syrian refugee crisis became a major issue in Canadas election in late 2015 because of the haunting image of 28 1371911 readout on the call between the two leaders, saying it was a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair. The two leaders discussed a range in topics from mutual cooperation in 28 1372206 annexed Ukraines Crimea region and backed separatists fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine, drawing widespread condemnation in Europe and the United States . In response, sanctions were implemented against sectors of Russias economy, including financial services, energy, mining and defense. The Obama administration 28 1372255 Shortly before leaving office, President Barack Obama also ordered sanctions on Russian spy agencies, closed two Russian compounds in the United States and expelled 35 diplomats that he said were really spies. These sanctions followed an assessment by U.S. intelligence that Moscow 28 1385630 than 1,000 demonstrators converged on Kennedy Airport Saturday after President Donald Trump banned Muslims from seven countries from entering the United States for 90 days. In less than one day, Muslim citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen were 28 1385703 have business ties with the president, Reuters reported. Trumps executive order allowed Christian minorities from those countries to enter the United States . Entry was denied to refugees from all countries for 120 days. Later in the evening a Brooklyn federal judge issued 28 1385897 around the tri-state area rushed to the airport to express their anger at the ban on people entering the United States , including those who are permanent residents holding green cards. Peter Wagoner, a Catholic from Williamsburg was disappointed by Trumps affront 28 1386026 of the most important movements and protests in my lifetime and the lifetime of anyone who has lived in the United States , said Calzadilla, a native of Miami. Trump is cracking down on the freedom of press, on free speech, and now 28 1386494 is what America is about, all of you right here coming together." Din, a Muslim woman who came to the United States from Afghanistan as a refugee when she was 3 years old, said she was compelled to join the protest at 28 1387338 executive order bars citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen) from entering the United States for the next 90 days and suspends the admission of all refugees for 120 days. Aftermath of today's gathering where 28 1394719 the legitimacy of his election in exchange for a consensus from his administration that Russia is an enemy of the United States . Moscow realises this. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Russian Duma last week, It is clear that time and serious efforts 28 1394770 US partnership caused during the Barack Obama administration we have no illusions about another reset of our relations with the United States . In such a power dynamic it is inconceivable that Moscow would engage in conversations with Trump on containing China. On 28 1400877 the university is asking students and faculty from the seven countries impacted by the ban "to defer travel outside the United States until there is more clarity on the situation." "We at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are committed to supporting all 28 1404809 inviting TransCanada to reapply for the cross-border construction permit that former President Barack Obama rejected as antithetical to the United States taking a leading role in curbing climate-warming emissions. TransCanada filed a $15 billion arbitration claim through the North American 28 1408989 local officials said. Residents and officials as well as al Qaeda itself said the attack was carried out by the United States , which did not immediately acknowledge the operation. The gunbattle in the rural Yakla district of al-Bayda province killed a 28 1409259 al Qaeda in another part of the country in December 2014. The captives were killed in the subsequent firefight. The United States conducted dozens of drone strikes in Yemen throughout Barack Obama's presidency to combat al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, regarded 28 1409376 In pointed tweets a day after US President Donald Trump put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travellers from the seven countries, Trudeau said refugees were welcome in Canada. "To those fleeing persecution, terror 28 1409544 said. He did not say when that would be. WestJet Airlines said it turned back a passenger bound for the United States on Saturday to comply with Trump's executive order but did not say which country the passenger had come from. Spokeswoman 28 1409682 travel by hours. He decided not to risk flying from Saskatchewan in case he was detained on arrival in the United States . He said an Iranian friend who has been living in the US and working at NASA for years was detained 28 1409795 denied anyone travel. A Porter Airlines spokesman said the Toronto-based carrier would be restricting passengers from travelling to the United States from the listed countries until further notice. Reuters WASHINGTON - There are several ways to understand the political cacophony emanating from 28 1410651 the voters to take them away. BAGHDAD, January 29 Iraq plans to lobby against new restrictions on travel to the United States by Iraqis, arguing the two countries need to preserve their alliance against Islamic State, two members of the Iraqi parliament 28 1410763 in the war on Islamic State. Some members of the parliament said Iraq should retaliate with similar measures against the United States . "Iraq is in the frontline of the war on terrorism (...) and it is unfair that the Iraqis are treated in 28 1411424 on travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. With more than one million Iranians living in the United States , the restrictions have already caused chaos for students, businessmen and families. I have several clients impacted by the executive ordermarried 28 1411670 US embassy in Baghdad said on Facebook that dual nationals from the seven countries would be barred from entering the United States , excluding those with American passports. Daeshi decision, Baghdad resident Nibal Athed wrote in response to the post, using the Arabic 28 1412502 a hearing called after President Donald Trump issued an executive order blocking people from seven Muslim-majority from entering the United States and putting a temporary halt to refugee admissions. Trump's order for "extreme vetting" of visitors and legal US residents from 28 1412566 stranded in US airports. The new Republican president on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travellers from Syria and six other countries. Immigration lawyers, activists and Democratic politicians reacted furiously, and many 28 1412703 but did not expect they would affect holders of green cards, which allow foreigners to live and work in the United States . "I didn't think he'd actually do it," Bardia Noohi, 32, said. "A lot of politicians just talk." Trump, who took 28 1412992 a Jewish group that works with refugees, said she knew of roughly 2,000 who were booked to come to the United States next week. The US technology industry, a major employer of foreign workers, hit back on Saturday, with some leaders calling 28 1413036 immoral and un-American. Colleges also spoke out on behalf of students from the countries, and warned students in the United States that they should avoid travel lest they not be allowed back in. Arab travelers in the Middle East and North 28 1413110 and the Iranian nation" and vowed to retaliate. Of the seven countries targeted, Iran sends the most visitors to the United States each year around 35,000 in 2015, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Sudan called the action "very unfortunate" after 28 1413204 to clamp down on immigration as a way to prevent attacks. He first proposed a ban on Muslims entering the United States , modifying that later to "extreme vetting" of immigrants from certain countries. It was unclear how many legal permanent residents would 28 1413251 administration official said on Saturday that green card holders from the seven affected countries have to be cleared into the United States on a case-by-case basis. According to State Department guidance, travellers who have dual nationality of one of these 28 1413284 travellers who have dual nationality of one of these countries will not be permitted for 90 days to enter the United States . Legal residents of the United States were plunged into despair at the prospect of being unable to return to the 28 1413290 one of these countries will not be permitted for 90 days to enter the United States. Legal residents of the United States were plunged into despair at the prospect of being unable to return to the United States or being separated from 28 1413306 Legal residents of the United States were plunged into despair at the prospect of being unable to return to the United States or being separated from family members trapped abroad. In Cairo, five Iraqi passengers and one Yemeni were barred from boarding 28 1413353 York on Saturday, sources at Cairo airport said. Dutch airline KLM said on Saturday it had refused carriage to the United States to seven passengers from predominately Muslim countries. US agencies scramble In Washington, the agencies charged with handling immigration and refugee 28 1416258 Yongbyon nuclear facility in 1995-1996. Despite Americas best efforts, North Koreas nuclear and missile programs could soon threaten the United States directly. Having crossed the nuclear threshold in the early 1990s, North Koreas leader Kim Jong Un has made clear possession 28 1423837 a 120-day ban on all other refugees entering the U.S. The president said that only people who support the United States should be allowed into the country. The executive order he signed discussed identification and verification procedures that U.S. consular officers 28 1423984 Trump's ban when she was in Ankara meeting with her Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. May said in Turkey, "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on 28 1423990 Ankara meeting with her Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. May said in Turkey, "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on refugees." Back in England, May said 28 1424203 Trump's ban, "Welcoming refugees, who flee war and oppression, is part our duty." Ayrault's German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel said, "The United States is a country where Christian traditions have an important meaning. Loving your neighbor is a major Christian value and that 28 1424256 has the world's largest Muslim population, but was not included in the nations whose citizens face restrictions for entering the United States , told Reuters in a social media message, "We have deep regrets about the policy." Iran on Saturday announced it will 28 1424521 Trump's ban. The other six countries are Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Yemen and Somalia. Trump's order suspends entry to the United States of all refugees for four months and bars Syrian refugees indefinitely. It also blocks green-card holders from the seven 28 1424646 invaded Iraq in 2003. Hameed Khalid Darweesh, who like many other U.S. contractors was eventually allowed safe haven in the United States , was detained overnight Friday along with another Iraqi national at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport. Hours later, lawyers 28 1425138 and partners in the fight against terrorism." Trump defends order The president said Friday that only people who support the United States should be allowed into the country. The executive order he signed discussed identification and verification procedures that U.S. consular officers 28 1425334 to the American forces made them targets in their home country and the pair had valid visas to enter the United States . The lawsuit, which seeks to block Trump's order on behalf of a class of visa-holders and asylum-seekers, highlights 28 1425604 a Republican, on Friday signed a sweeping executive order that put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Iraq and six other Muslim-majority countries. The order would help protect Americans from terrorist 28 1425972 faith," he said. Pakistans leading opposition politician, Imran Khan, is urging President Donald Trump to ban Pakistanis from entering the United States , after he suspended immigration from seven Muslim majority countries. The controversial U.S. ban currently applies to Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia 28 1426417 publicly on President Trump's executive order barring residents of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days. The Trump executive order places also an indefinite ban on admission of Syrian refugees and a 120 28 1426595 added to the seven states already listed in the executive order, "Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States ." Four U.S. federal judges have imposed stays on the travel ban, which applies to refugees and visa holders including U.S 28 1426759 from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen is part of an effort to stop terrorists from entering the United States . Trump and his aides say those who oppose the executive order are overreacting. "It's not a Muslim ban," the president 28 1427308 urban stronghold in Iraq, soldiers expressed anger at the ban, saying it could prevent them from visiting relatives in the United States . "It's not fair, it's not right. I should have the right to visit my family,"Assem Ayad, a 23-year 28 1427386 are fighting against militants, added Ayad. Another Iraqi soldier, Haider Hassan, told AFP he has a cousin living in the United States who he wants to visit. Referring to U.S. military personnel deployed in Iraq, Hassan asked: "Why would they ban us 28 1427443 of demonstrators gathered Sunday near the White House in Washington, launching a second day of protests in cities across the United States against President Donald Trump's ban on travelers from seven Muslim countries. Chanting "No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome here 28 1427481 refugees are welcome here," protesters took aim at Trump's executive order, which blocks the arrival of all refugees to the United States for at least 120 days. It also bars visa holders from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan and Yemen for 90 28 1427637 order "makes us less humanitarian, less safe and less American. A 25-year-old Iraqi medical student studying in the United States told VOA she was joining protests in Los Angeles to "support her brothers and sisters... stuck at the gate at 28 1427687 her family in Iraq were on hold, and that family members will not be allowed to visit her in the United States . Separately, a Somali-American father who has lived in the United States for 10 years told VOA his wife was 28 1427699 not be allowed to visit her in the United States. Separately, a Somali-American father who has lived in the United States for 10 years told VOA his wife was blocked at Dulles International Airport outside Washington Saturday. Farhan Sulub said immigration 28 1428291 The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, is not the only threat from radical Islamic terrorism that the United States faces, but it is among the most vicious and aggressive. It is also attempting to create its own state, which 28 1428387 Peter Abdul-Rahman Kassig, as well as the death of Kayla Mueller. In addition, ISIS has inspired attacks in the United States , including the December 2015 attack in San Bernardino, California, and the June 2016 attack in Orlando, Florida. ISIS is complicit 28 1428518 capability. It continues to radicalize our own citizens, and its attacks against our allies and partners continue to mount. The United States must take decisive action to defeat ISIS. Sec. 1. Policy. It is the policy of the United States that ISIS 28 1428536 mount. The United States must take decisive action to defeat ISIS. Sec. 1. Policy. It is the policy of the United States that ISIS be defeated. Sec. 2. Policy Coordination. Policy coordination, guidance, dispute resolution, and periodic in-progress reviews for the 28 1428668 The Plan shall include: (A) a comprehensive strategy and plans for the defeat of ISIS; (B) recommended changes to any United States rules of engagement and other United States policy restrictions that exceed the requirements of international law regarding the use of 28 1428675 strategy and plans for the defeat of ISIS; (B) recommended changes to any United States rules of engagement and other United States policy restrictions that exceed the requirements of international law regarding the use of force against ISIS; (C) public diplomacy, information 28 1430104 everyone is welcome here. The U.N. refugee agency says Syrian and other refugees pose no national security threat to the United States . The UNHCR, other U.N. agencies and human rights advocates are urging the United States to reconsider its ban on immigration 28 1430118 no national security threat to the United States. The UNHCR, other U.N. agencies and human rights advocates are urging the United States to reconsider its ban on immigration. The U.N. refugee agency says there is no merit to a claim by U.S 28 1430156 a claim by U.S. President Donald Trump that Syrian refugees threaten national security and should be banned from entering the United States . On Friday, President Trump signed an executive order denying entry of citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries into the United 28 1430177 States. On Friday, President Trump signed an executive order denying entry of citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries into the United States for 90 days. The new policy also calls for the suspension of all refugee resettlement to the U.S. for 120 28 1430286 they are admitted to the U.S. for resettlement. "I think it is fair to say that refugees coming into the United States to be resettled are some of the most vetted individuals entering the United States," said the spokeswoman. In a recent 28 1430300 say that refugees coming into the United States to be resettled are some of the most vetted individuals entering the United States ," said the spokeswoman. In a recent interview with U.S. media, President Trump said the U.S. has taken in "tens of 28 1430362 vetting" of immigrants coming to the U.S. Maestracci said the UNHCR carefully screens all refugees proposed for resettlement in the United States and more than 30 other countries. She said the U.S. decides which refugees it will accept; a process that can 28 1430734 people from seven nations all where a large majority of the population is Muslim judged as possible threats to the United States . WATCH: Protesters gather at New York's JFK airport At airports in New York, Washington, San Francisco and other cities, however 28 1430958 referring to his plan to carefully and intensively investigate Muslims and other people deemed to be possible threats to the United States before they are allowed to enter the country. WATCH: Trump: 'It's not a ban on Muslims' Slamming shut the doors 28 1430982 are allowed to enter the country. WATCH: Trump: 'It's not a ban on Muslims' Slamming shut the doors to the United States of America, which has rigorously vetted refugees for years, is an attack on the basic accepted notion that people should 28 1431862 someone who has been detained? he said. Somali refugees Somali refugees who have been waiting years for resettlement in the United States told VOAs Somali service their flights to the United States were canceled by the order. We come from Dadaab [refugee 28 1431872 refugees who have been waiting years for resettlement in the United States told VOAs Somali service their flights to the United States were canceled by the order. We come from Dadaab [refugee camp] and have been in the U.N. complex in Nairobi 28 1431952 order. Its an absolutely devastating loss of hope to us. Farhan Sulub, a Somali-American father who lived in the United States for 10 years, told VOA his wife was stopped at Dulles International Airport, outside the nations capital, although Sulubs children 28 1433105 said. I really appreciate it. U.S. Homeland Security chief John Kelly says he believes admitting lawful permanent residents into the United States is in the country's national interest, and does not go against the provisions of President Donald Trump's executive order on 28 1433322 green card holders, students and workers have been detained at American airports or barred from boarding international flights to the United States . A senior administration official told reporters late Sunday that the president's executive order was written by the top Republican immigration 28 1433977 like to thank Congress and the Congressional Institute for the invitation to be here today. The opportunity to visit the United States is always special. And to be invited to be the first serving Head of Government to address this important conference 28 1435161 increase spending on defence in every year of this Parliament. It is why Britain is a leading member alongside the United States of the coalition working successfully to defeat Daesh; why we have agreed to send 800 troops to Estonia and Poland 28 1437410 countries across Africa, the Pacific and Caribbean. And of course, we have ties of kinship, language and culture to these United States too. As Churchill put it, we speak the same language, kneel at the same altars and, to a very large 28 1440360 cop investigating a murder in the 2011 Egypt uprising. Im always kept in the room when I enter into the United States , Saleh told the crowd. Since 9/11 basically, Ive always sat there for an hour or so. Theyve always been 28 1442305 406 metropolitan housing markets in nine countries (Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States ). The survey, by Performance Urban Planning of New Zealand, uses third-quarter data from 2016. Of the 406 housing markets 28 1442663 of $134,300 and median income of $53,200. There are 99 accordable housing markets of all sizes including 82 in the United States , 10 in Canada, four in Australia and three in Ireland. And all 11 affordable major housing markets those with populations 28 1448023 Q How would you do this? Seeger Assimilate? Q No and actually most Mexican migration is headed out of the United States now. But given that this has been a problem in the past and could be again, what do we need 28 1448632 that. Maybe, maybe not. I dont know who in the world would even want to be a president of the United States . The job to me seems like a guy thats on a high wire riding a unicycle and blindfolded, juggling, and 28 1450605 but there was a cry back when to get out of the United Nations. It was a problem for the United States . Beaird And another big problem was parity in who paid for what [among NATO member countries]. Q Good point. Of 28 1450647 course, you do recall that, in NATOs long history, the only nation to call upon it for help was the United States . Coffman Yeah, but thats what we need. With terrorism the way it is all over the world, if you cant 28 1450700 We should be helping England, France, Spain, whatever. But weve got to get NATO together. If were not well, the United States should not send 10,000 troops to Iraq and England send five. Thats ridiculous. Either fight this fight or get out 28 1452864 immigration and border protection policies", as the leaders of Britain and Germany criticise an executive order banning entry to the United States for refugees and citizens from a range of majority Muslim countries. Speaking in Los Angeles after events promoting Australian business 28 1452911 the Turnbull government was working closely with the White House to ensure Australians would continue to have access to the United States and consular officials were assisting travellers on the ground. "I'm confident that the Australian government and the US government will 28 1452981 with the administration and the US officials and we want to ensure that Australians continue to have access to the United States , as they have in the past, and people from the United States have access to Australia." Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull 28 1452993 that Australians continue to have access to the United States, as they have in the past, and people from the United States have access to Australia." Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has received Donald Trump's personal assurance that a deal for the US 28 1454477 political correctness. He spent the first week of his presidency doing just that - beginning with an executive order triggering the United States ' withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, continuing through a midweek executive order to begin the process of building a wall 28 1455658 that lawmakers "ought to be part" of the discussions about how best to tighten screening for foreigners who enter the United States . Portman tells CNN's "State of the Union" that he doesn't think Trump executive action was properly reviewed before he signed 28 1462966 the restaurant at the time of the incident. A young man wanted to make a point about racism in the United States , but his plan backfired when he was exposed for a liar by police. 20-year-old Khalil Cavil of Texas 28 1463641 night, leading to a risk of ice, particularly on untreated surfaces. Thousands of protesters converged on major airports across the United States yesterday to demand the release of immigrants detained by US officials following an executive order by President Donald Trump. Those 28 1464028 reentry of permanent residents, who for decades have been allowed to travel with minimal restrictions into and out of the United States , throws the fate of tens of millions living in the US into question. The order banning entry from the seven 28 1464587 of protests that broke out yesterday shows that Trumps anti-immigrant policies are reviled by tens of millions across the United States , a country where one sixth of the population is foreign-born. Further protests and meetings should be organized in neighborhoods 28 1464666 both the Trump administration and the Democratic and Republican parties. It must be aimed at mobilizing the working classin the United States and internationallyto defend immigrants and to put an end to imperialist war and inequality which drive people from their homes 28 1467858 more forceful approach against ISIS, but how he will pursue that remains unclear. US military officials have long acknowledged the United States could more quickly defeat ISIS by using its own forces, instead of local fighters, on the battlefield. But victory, many 28 1468233 taking control of the ISIS's de facto capital of Raqqa. In his Senate confirmation hearing, Mattis said he believed the United States already had a strategy that would allow the American military to regain control of Raqqa. But he said that strategy 28 1468300 to Kurdish fighters in Syria as they push toward Raqqa, despite fierce objections from NATO ally Turkey. ISIS tank The United States views the Kurdish fighters as its most reliable ally in Syria but Ankara sees them as an extension of Kurdish 28 1470031 proven successful. "I would like to clarify unequivocally that our view has always been, and continues to be, that the United States ' embassy should be here in Jerusalem," Netanyahu said. "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and it is appropriate that not 28 1472536 they were told it was because they are Iranian. Trump's order imposes a 90-day ban on entry to the United States for citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen all predominantly Muslim countries. The order, which the L.A 28 1473834 He said these actions were needed "to protect the American people from terrorist attacks by foreign nationals admitted to the United States ." The order sparked a global backlash, including from U.S. allies that view the actions as discriminatory and divisive. Attorneys general 28 1473912 Sunday said it "will comply with judicial orders," while enforcing Trump's order in a manner that ensures those entering the United States "do not pose a threat to our country or the American people." SAFE, NOT SORRY Striking that balance has caused 28 1474274 some Trump critics to urge holders of green cards, which allow foreign nationals to live and work permanently in the United States , to fly into Boston, to lessen the risk of detainment. White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said several times 28 1474333 going forward." In a ruling on Sunday, U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee in Los Angeles directed the return to the United States of Ali Khoshbakhti Vayeghan, who authorities had sent back to his native Iran following Trump's order. The ruling from Brinkema 28 1478454 father, whom the boy had not seen in person for three years, was living in Stockholm while waiting for the United States to officially declare him a refugee and to allow him to reunite with his wife, son and other relatives now 28 1478575 Alshawi, 33, was on the plane, President Trump signed an executive order suspending the entry of all refugees into the United States for 120 days. Mr. Alshawi was detained at Kennedy by the authorities on Friday evening, setting off a legal battle 28 1478650 telling the president that he had moved too fast in barring people from seven predominantly Muslim nations from entering the United States . But the court orders, from judges in at least four cities, were just the initial steps in litigation that may 28 1478699 aimed at maintaining the status quo. They were limited in scope, applying only to people on their way to the United States or already here. They did not rule on the larger question of whether Mr. Trumps executive order was lawful. They 28 1483682 the establishment and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif's government, which he says was imposed on Pakistan by a "conspiracy" involving the United States . Khan and Shehbaz have for months traded bitter accusations of corruption and incompetence, raising the political temperature in a nation 28 1483743 and aides have long warned of unspecified threats made on his life. The attack drew international condemnation including from the United States , which had uneasy relations with Khan when he was in power. "Violence has no place in politics, and we call 28 1483874 would be affected, condemnation mixed with concern about families with traveling members who could be prevented from returning to the United States they call home. Olympic long-distance running champion Mo Farah born in Somalia, citizen and knight of Britain, U.S. resident 28 1490893 Migration (IOM) announced on January 20. It also informed that refugees it assists are heading via Slovakia mainly to the United States , Canada and Norway. Skryt Remove ad Article continues after video advertisement Skryt Remove ad Article continues after video advertisement On 28 1490982 has therefore increased to 1,019. Of these numbers, as many as 96 percent (978 refugees) have been resettled in the United States . Slovakia provided temporary shelter to 1,043 refugees in Humenne between 2009 and January 2017. The IOM transported them from refugee 28 1497932 far as the bloc could help reduce tax competition between member states and equip Europe for trade competition with the United States and China. Euro zone rules on budget restraint should however be suspended pending changes that would allow for increased spending 28 1498065 Maher Chmaytelli, Isabel Coles and Ahmed Rasheed BAGHDAD/MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraq will lobby against new travel limits to the United States by Iraqis, arguing both countries need to uphold their fight against Islamic State (IS), Iraqi parliamentarians said on Sunday. The 28 1498168 forces in the war against IS insurgents. Some members of parliament said Iraq should retaliate with similar measures against the United States . "Iraq is in the front line of the war on terrorism ... and it is unfair that the Iraqis are treated 28 1500604 U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington, avoided criticising his sweeping ban on people from certain countries seeking refuge in the United States . She visited both countries for the first time as prime minister, promoting trade deals that would strengthen her hand in 28 1500798 Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, May was asked more than once about Trump's sweeping ban on people seeking refuge in the United States . She said Washington was responsible for its own policies on refugees. May had previously said the nature of the "special 28 1500825 for its own policies on refugees. May had previously said the nature of the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States meant the allies could speak frankly to each other when they disagreed. In her Turkey visit, as in the United 28 1500846 States meant the allies could speak frankly to each other when they disagreed. In her Turkey visit, as in the United States , it was clear her priority was on securing trade. She said the UK and Turkey had agreed to form a 28 1501128 Bavaria's sister party to Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats called for ending sanctions imposed against Russia by Europe and the United States for its invasion of Crimea and its military actions in Ukraine. The sanctions should be lifted this year, Bavarian state 28 1501752 from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days. He said separately he wanted the United States to give priority to Syrian Christians fleeing the war there. The travel curbs began immediately, causing confusion for would-be 28 1501861 airport sources said. They flew back to Beirut later on Saturday. In Doha, Qatar Airways advised passengers bound for the United States from the seven newly banned countries that they needed to have either a U.S. green card or a diplomatic visa 28 1502103 who applied for a U.S. visa to attend a medical seminar, said Iraqi academics should visit Europe instead of the United States , where they were no longer welcome. "Trump's decision is unfortunately a humiliating insult not only for us as academics but 28 1502157 Jafar, a 43-year-old university professor in Sudan's capital Khartoum, who said he had sought to go to the United States for doctoral studies. "This decision, if implemented, will be a disaster," he said. "I have work in Sudan and have 28 1502334 Georgy CAIRO/ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Fuad Sharef and his family waited two years for a visa to settle in the United States , selling their home and quitting jobs and schools in Iraq before setting off on Saturday for a new life they 28 1502516 Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days. He said this would help safeguard the United States from terrorists. The travel curbs took effect immediately, wreaking havoc and confusion for would-be travellers with passports from the 28 1502611 leader Saddam Hussein. "I believe it is a terrible error in the U.S., terrible error in the history of the United States . I thought America is an institution and democracy," said Sharef. "I see (it is) like autocracy, someone signs and effective 28 1502726 Iraq deteriorated, with Islamic State insurgents seizing swathes of the country and carrying out mass killings. Sharef's work with the United States made him particularly vulnerable to attack by militants who view him as a traitor. "I am broken, I am totally 28 1502858 after the 2003 invasion. At least 7,000 Iraqis, many of them interpreters for the U.S. military, have settled in the United States under SIV auspices since 2008, while some 500 more are being processed, State Department figures show. Another 58,000 Iraqis have 28 1506030 like the United Nations for legitimacy and to vilify Israel. An example is the anti-Israel UN resolution that the United States would not veto on behalf of our staunchest ally in the Middle East. The Jewish settlements in the West Bank 28 1506248 to take strong action to combat car theft. Albuquerque now has the highest rate of auto theft in the entire United States , according to the most recent report by U.S. New & World Report. No. 1 for car theft in the country. Over 28 1507699 first 100 days to never getting around to crafting a remedy for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States . And he went from criticizing the George W. Bush administration for sending federal agents to arrest nursing mothers who were 28 1508123 what activists have come to refer to as baby jails, and released others into the custody of relatives in the United States only to round them up two years later. While all this was happening, the liberal media seemed not all that 28 1513438 U.S. illegally. Schechter noted that the spat could increase the popularity of Lopez Obrador, who espouses weakening ties with the United States . It is a troubling development for a relationship that has few parallels throughout the world. Lopez Obrador, a former Mexico 28 1513511 two tries, but Mexico could be a different, angrier place in 2018 with a wall sealing it off from the United States , millions of deported migrants and a potential recession caused by scrapped trade agreement with its northern neighbor. Still, Lopez Obrador 28 1513600 public could think, Gee, its tough to vote for a messianic guy whos going to get into trouble with the United States .' YEREVAN, JANUARY 28, ARMENPRESS. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Armenian Armys establishment, the top leadership of 28 1515281 implemented again today by US Customs at Dublin and Shannon airports, as well as at ports of entry across the United States . It is estimated that up to 200 people are being detained at American airports and in transist around the world 28 1515594 the America that many thousands of Irish people emigrated to." The Executive Order suspends visa issuance and entry into the United States of nationals of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, including people with dual citizenship. The note on the 28 1515810 his immigration reforms were "not a Muslim ban", and said they were "working out very nicely". * POTUS = President of the United States . Published On Jan 29, 2017 By Siddharth for Skoda Rapid Skoda has given the Rapid its first-ever comprehensive facelift 28 1522963 of Daytona Beach is the historic Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, one of the tallest of its kind in the United States . Climb its 203 steps to get a birds-eye view of the beach and stop by the Lens Museum to 28 1526850 in this gorgeous part of the state. Brookdale Senior Living Inc. owns, manages, and operates senior living communities in the United States . It operates in three segments: Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care, and Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs). The Independent 28 1529359 code 18555 for his arrest. By Melvin Tarlue By Dennis Peprah, GNA Sunyani, Jan. 28, GNA - Mrs Victoria Boakye, a United States of America-based Ghanaian Philanthropist has presented assorted items worth GH10,000.00 to some institutions in the Brong-Ahafo Region. The 28 1540831 today, information on the Johnson-CIA sponsored coup d'etat in Ghana is that it was not "officially" sanctioned by the United States to overthrow Nkrumah before the signing of the VRA Master Agreement. Still, with the sudden commissioning of the Akosombo Dam 28 1543397 you courtesy www.GhanaHero.com28 Jan 17. (Powered by: www.GhanaHero.Com). There were so many controversial statements made by Donald Trump during the United States Presidential Election, which makes many parties underestimated Trumps chance to victory towards the White House. One of Trumps controversial statements 28 1545753 an executive order banning entry to citizens of seven Muslim countries. READ ALSO: US immigration begins preventing Muslims from entering United States Daily Mail UK reports that the fire started in the early hours of Saturday, January 28 and was discovered by 28 1550967 signed his executive order restricting refugees and immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries. Instead, the Iraqi immigrant, who worked with the United States military and government for a decade at great personal risk, watched as his wife and three children disappeared into the 28 1551168 in. WASHINGTON President Trump on Friday afternoon approved a sweeping executive order that suspended entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely, and blocked entry into the United States for 90 days for citizens of 28 1551182 entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely, and blocked entry into the United States for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. It also 28 1551215 Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. It also barred green card holders from those countries from re-entering the United States , the Department of Homeland Security said, though the administration said exemptions could be granted. Here are some major excerpts from 28 1551284 The visa-issuance process plays a crucial role in detecting individuals with terrorist ties and stopping them from entering the United States . Perhaps in no instance was that more apparent than the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, when State Department policy 28 1551390 those countries are on Mr. Trumps visa ban list. Americas founders were pro-immigration In order to protect Americans, the United States must ensure that those admitted to this country do not bear hostile attitudes toward it and its founding principles. The 28 1551586 Mr. Putin and former President Barack Obama. The positive call was a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair, the Trump administration said in a statement. Both President Trump and President 28 1553315 from the Middle East and North Africa. As President Trumps executive order seeking to keep many foreigners from entering the United States sowed widespread confusion throughout the immigration system and at airports around the globe, cultural figures and institutions were calculating how 28 1553416 the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The executive order, which was signed by Mr. Trump on Friday, blocks entry into the United States for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. It also 28 1553462 refugees for 120 days and bars Syrian refugees indefinitely. Artists and citizens from the affected countries legally residing in the United States said they did not dare leave for fear of being denied re-entry. If I was a smart person, I 28 1554011 with the promise of a soda, she said, and strangled him. YONKERS Miguel Ramoss mother, Mirna, set off for the United States when he was almost 4. She was both running away from a violent domestic situation and running toward the same 28 1554121 And while he saw his mother just twice for brief visits in the 17 years after she left for the United States , he would talk to her nearly every day as he grew older. In October, Mr. Ramos finally came to the 28 1554143 he would talk to her nearly every day as he grew older. In October, Mr. Ramos finally came to the United States to be reunited with his mother. A new program aimed at Central American minors provides young people from Honduras, Guatemala 28 1554190 safe, legal alternative to the perilous journey by car, by foot and over rivers that many make to reach the United States . He settled into her simple apartment building here, about five miles north of the Bronx in Westchester County. The stairs 28 1554238 to one side. Ms. Ramos, 47, also has a 17-year-old son, Denilson Gonzalez, who was born in the United States . Her two sons share a bedroom. Some detainees at airports are released Travelers being held at airports around the country 28 1554283 released on Sunday, while some had already been sent back and others were not allowed onto their flights to the United States . The number of people still in custody at Kennedy Airport was a floating target on Sunday night. Rep. Joe Crowley 28 1554490 pro bono lawyers on Sunday. Mr. Suliman, a British citizen, had traveled to Sudan to bring his father to the United States . But while Mr. Suliman was allowed to enter the country, his father had been detained since 8 a.m. on Saturday 28 1554855 also pride. Ibrahim Qatabi, a legal assistant at a nonprofit, said that his great-grandfather came by boat to the United States from Yemen. He then worked in Buffalo for the railroad. Mr. Qatabis grandfather worked for the Ford Motor Company. During 28 1554940 community. Our relationships with local religious and tribal leaders kept us safe. Although the area was dangerous and attacks on United States troops were frequent, in that town, my unit was never touched. That was thanks to the efforts of Frank and 28 1555133 Aboods four daughters also served as interpreters. At the time, there was no way for them to immigrate to the United States , so he and his family fled to Jordan, where they waited with faint hopes that America would open its doors 28 1555786 point. We must stand with those who are affected, he wrote on Twitter. Over the past decade, Christians in the United States have grown increasingly alarmed about the persecution of other Christians overseas, especially in the Middle East. With each priest kidnapped 28 1555849 the campaign, Donald J. Trump picked up on these fears, speaking frequently of Christians who were refused entry to the United States and beheaded by terrorists of the Islamic State: If youre a Christian, you have no chance, he said in Ohio 28 1556015 the executive order barring refugees. She granted a temporary stay, ordering that refugees and others detained at airports across the United States not be sent back to their home countries. Enforcing Mr. Trumps order by sending the travelers home could cause them 28 1556071 day of protests across the country by opponents of the order, which suspended the entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely and blocked entry for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries 28 1556107 citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries. Even before President Trump issued an order on Friday banning immediate entry into the United States by people from several predominantly Muslim countries, immigration lawyers, having heard rumors of coming action from the White House, were 28 1556178 an email calling for lawyers who could volunteer immediately to go to airports where refugees were scheduled to enter the United States . It occurred to us that there were going to be people who were traveling who would land and have their 28 1556784 had on Saturday with the Russian and French presidents. WASHINGTON Travelers were stranded around the world, protests escalated in the United States and anxiety rose within President Trumps party on Sunday as his order closing the nation to refugees and people from 28 1556853 seven countries by saying that it would not apply to those with green cards granting them permanent residence in the United States . By the end of the day, the Department of Homeland Security formally issued an order declaring such legal residents exempt 28 1557038 broadest diplomatic incident, with overseas allies objecting. After the order was signed, students, visitors and green-card-holding legal permanent United States residents from the seven countries and refugees from around the world were stopped at airports in the United States and 28 1557057 permanent United States residents from the seven countries and refugees from around the world were stopped at airports in the United States and abroad, including Cairo, Dubai and Istanbul. Some were blocked from entering the United States and were sent back overseas 28 1557072 stopped at airports in the United States and abroad, including Cairo, Dubai and Istanbul. Some were blocked from entering the United States and were sent back overseas. The order quickly prompted large protests across the country. On Saturday night, a federal judge 28 1557111 a federal judge in Brooklyn blocked part of Mr. Trumps order, saying that travelers being held at airports across the United States should not be sent back to their home countries. Federal judges in three states Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington soon issued 28 1557187 said on Sunday that green-card holders from the seven targeted countries would not be prevented from returning to the United States . Demonstrations against the ban continued on Sunday and Monday, and at least 100 diplomats at the State Department signed a 28 1558344 demand that East Jerusalem be the capital of a future state. No embassies are in the city. Most, including the United States Embassy, are in the commercial hub of Tel Aviv, and most world leaders say they will make no moves unless 28 1558886 deal which should see a number of detainees currently in offshore detention on Manus Island and Nauru transferred to the United States after Trump signed yesterdays drastic executive order. Per the ABC, Trump gave confirmation to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a 28 1559663 according to media reports. Doing more vetting of more people traveling back and forth from these terrorist hotspots and the United States , while it might be inconvenient to the people doing the traveling, its certainly not as inconvenient as the terrorist attacks 28 1559691 the people doing the traveling, its certainly not as inconvenient as the terrorist attacks not just taking place in the United States but across the world, Cramer said. To me, its hysteria thats exaggerated. Its mostly political. Cramer called the religious aspect 28 1563604 Arrow 2, which can shoot down ballistic missiles fired from Iran and these are being augmented with Arrow 3s. The United States has long shared the expense of developing Arrow and this includes contributing over a hundred million dollars for work on 28 1563821 Israel began increasing the production of its Arrow missiles. Costing over three million dollars each, and partly constructed in the United States (by Boeing), the Arrow missiles are one of the few proven anti-missile systems available. Since Arrow entered service several 28 1564288 Summit Midstream Partners, LP focuses on owning, developing, and operating midstream energy infrastructure assets primarily shale formations in the continental United States . The company provides natural gas gathering, compression, treating, and processing services, as well as crude oil and produced water gathering 28 1564488 the home-sharing site, has said it will give free housing to refugees and any others not allowed into the United States , presumably as a result of U.S. President Donald Trumps executive order to temporarily ban refugees from the country. Brian Chesky 28 1564581 if urgent need for housing. Trump on Friday signed orders not only to suspend admission of all refugees into the United States for 120 days but also to implement new vetting measures to screen out radical Islamic terrorists. Refugee entry from Syria 28 1566632 approach when he used Twitter to react to Trumps order barring citizens of seven countries, including Syria, from entering the United States . To those fleeing persecution, terror (and) war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith, read Trudeaus tweet, followed by 28 1567168 But another recent report, from the C.D. Howe Institute concluded, the ultimate power to withdraw from NAFTA rests with the United States Congress, and not with the president. SHARE: Premier Kathleen Wynnes government assured Mayor John Tory that Toronto would get toll 28 1568967 at Chicago OHare International Airport, waiting to greet one of the last Syrian refugee families to be accepted in the United States , to give them the warmest possible welcome to a country that no longer wanted their kind. In Washington, the presidential 28 1569231 the Syrians would be helped the way their own parents or grandparents had been aided when they arrived in the United States . Others had joined as a way of countering Trump just a few of the many Americans, of varied backgrounds, reacting 28 1569643 family members, some still trapped in dangerous areas of Syria and others who had been cleared to travel to the United States but had not yet received plane tickets. After hugs and snapshots and many professions of welcome and thanks, the group 28 1569758 style semolina cake were waiting. Members of the family said they had not checked the news since landing in the United States , and no one from the volunteer group told them what was about to happen. Moments before they arrived at the 28 1573819 under Lebanese control. Canada is also supplying the poorly equipped army with winter gear. France, the United Kingdom and the United States are also big donors. With Iraq and Syrias future as viable states increasingly in question, theres an international effort underway 28 1574653 a long list of countries targeted by U.S. President Donald Trump will be allowed to travel to and from the United States , but what the ban means for people who have yet to complete the citizenship process is less clear. Trumps sweeping 28 1574848 for national security or public safety, the statement said. No foreign national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States , has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States 28 1574859 national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States. Early Sunday morning, Trump tweeted: Our country needs strong borders and 28 1574868 United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States . Early Sunday morning, Trump tweeted: Our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. Look what is happening all over 28 1575037 a blanket travel ban goes too far, said Gardner, in a statement. I also believe that lawful residents of the United States should be permitted to enter the country. I urge the Administration to take the appropriate steps to fix this overly 28 1575373 U.S. Department of Homeland Security noted that less than 1 per cent of international air travellers arriving Saturday in the United States were inconvenienced by the executive order though the situation described by lawyers and immigrant advocates across the country Saturday was 28 1575653 federal judges ruled for two University of Massachusetts Dartmouth associate professors Iranian nationals who are permanent legal residents in the United States who were held at Logan International Airport when they landed after travel for an academic conference. The Boston Globe reported 28 1576020 request. A senior Department of Homeland Security official said late Saturday that 109 people had been denied entry into the United States . All had been in transit when Trump signed the order, he said, and some had already departed the United States 28 1576040 United States. All had been in transit when Trump signed the order, he said, and some had already departed the United States on flights by late Saturday while others were still being detained awaiting flights. Also, 173 people had not been allowed 28 1576849 arrived at Dulles at 7 p.m. Saturday with a non-immigrant J2 visa, Seddiq said. Her husband is in the United States on a J1 visa for professional training, Seddiq said. Several lawyers would spend the night at Dulles, Seddiq said, with 28 1577589 the Holocaust prior to U.S. entry into the Second World War. Faced with the humanitarian crisis of our time, the United States cannot turn its back on children fleeing persecution, genocide and terror, Durbin said in a statement calling Trumps order a 28 1577616 children fleeing persecution, genocide and terror, Durbin said in a statement calling Trumps order a ban on Muslims in the United States . During the Holocaust we failed to fulfil our duty to humanity, he said. We cannot allow mindless fear to lead 28 1578160 refugee program for 120 days. Thousands of sign-waving people chanted and demanded that refugees be made welcome in the United States as lawyers and representatives of aid groups tried to assist people. An official with the Department of Homeland Security who 28 1579165 the orders scope. But the most immediate effect of U.S. President Donald Trumps executive order barring refugees from entering the United States and halting entry from seven predominantly Muslim countries could be quantified on a human scale: refugees and other immigrants from 28 1579196 be quantified on a human scale: refugees and other immigrants from those seven countries, some on their way to the United States on Friday when Trump signed the order, who were no longer able to enter the United States. Here are some 28 1579213 way to the United States on Friday when Trump signed the order, who were no longer able to enter the United States . Here are some of their stories. Fuad Shareefs family, Iraq Hearing of Trumps plan to slam the door on Muslim 28 1579414 ruined my life, he said. Nisrin Omer, Sudan Omer, 39, is a green card holder and has lived in the United States since 1993. She graduated from Harvard University and the prestigious Choate Rosemary Hall boarding school, which counts Ivanka Trump among 28 1579654 life-or-death situation. Ali Abdi, Iran Abdi, 30, an Iranian Ph.D. student at Yale with permanent residency in the United States , said he left America on Jan. 22 for Afghanistan, where he planned to do field research for much of the 28 1579713 he was in legal limbo as he awaited a visa from the consulate of Afghanistan, unable to return to the United States even with a green card and fearful of returning to Iran because of his activism about human rights issues there 28 1579770 United Arab Emirates to about a month. The possibility that green card holders and refugees could be barred from the United States did not occur to him when he left, he said. We didnt believe it really, that it was going to 28 1579847 who lives in Washington. The two of them, their last names not released, were granted Special Immigrant visas to the United States as part of a program created to help thousands of Iraqis with ties to the United States, according to the 28 1579864 visas to the United States as part of a program created to help thousands of Iraqis with ties to the United States , according to the New Yorker. Khalas, a former interpreter for the U.S. army, was granted his visa in April. Nadas 28 1580175 Jan. 20. When he filed for it, he said he had been directly targeted because of his work for the United States as an interpreter, engineer and contractor. Darweesh was released Saturday after lawyers filed a writ of habeas corpus in federal 28 1580226 another Iraqi detained at the airport. Speaking to reporters and some protesters who gathered outside Kennedy Airport, Darweesh called the United States the greatest nation in the world. He said he was thankful for the people who had worked on his behalf 28 1580414 Syria The family members have been living in a refugee camp in Turkey, and were scheduled to fly to the United States on Monday, according to US Together, a refugee resettlement agency quoted in The Cleveland Plain Dealer. The agency had found 28 1590399 Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, which investigated the World War II roundup of ethnic Japanese in the United States and their confinement in camps. He wrote a report on the commissions work, Personal Justice Denied, which concluded, Not a 28 1591786 for several hours at Dulles Airport after a flight from Istanbul on Saturday night. Artiman Jalali was born in the United States and has dual citizenship with Iran. He was traveling back from visiting relatives with his cousin, 25-year-old Aida 28 1592069 legally. [Despite growing dissent, Trump gives no sign of backing down from travel ban] The ban bars entry into the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Despite a federal judges ruling late Saturday and similar court decisions with varying degrees of 28 1592608 sense of anxiety in Morenos own family. The idea that her daughters friends grandparents would be barred from visiting the United States just because of who they are is unacceptable, and she wants her children to know thats not what America stands 28 1592863 oversized florescent green declaration: I, Lee Carter, do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic #nevertrump #resist. For some, the demonstrations were particularly personal. Amira Hassan, 26, remembered the 28 1593059 in Columbia but now are grappling with President Trumps executive order on immigration, which will bar them from entering the United States . Kirk-Davidoff said her church is sponsoring the family with a Baltimore refugee resettlement organization and had coordinated with five 28 1593234 true about this country. Kirk-Davidoff said the church and refugee agency had tried to get the family to the United States before Trumps inauguration but had not succeeded. She said she could not provide details about the familys refugee status but 28 1593597 arrived at 6:40 a.m. Saturday. The detainee, Hossein, was coming to reunite with his fiancee, already living in the United States , and his mother, who was granted asylum six years ago after converting to Christianity. Hossein whose family asked that he 28 1593785 on a plane back to Doha, Assali said. They were not allowed to call or contact their family in the United States before being removed, Assali said. They managed to make a brief call via in-flight wireless Internet to alert their 28 1594317 military at great personal risk to themselves which is not only wrong, he said, but also undermines trust in the United States and endangers the lives of any future service member sent overseas. This is going to get future Americans killed in 28 1594532 by consumers is growing. Last year, we crossed the threshold to consume 35 pounds of cheese per capita in the United States . This is more than double the consumption from 40 years ago. This may seem like a lot of cheese, but 28 1597098 processing disorder Five simple steps to avoid becoming a medical mystery President Trumps executive order temporarily prohibiting entry into the United States for migrants from seven mostly Muslim countries and refugees from around the world fueled confusion, angst and a wave of 28 1597289 he would quit his doctoral program to rejoin his wife in Iran after she was blocked from returning to the United States . (Alice Li/The Washington Post) And in Iraq, a man who had risked his life working on behalf of the 28 1597338 and that of his wife and three children. Visas in hand, the family was due to fly Monday to the United States . Its like someones stabbed me in the heart with a dagger, he said. [Scholars: Many more legal challenges likely for 28 1597388 statement late Sunday afternoon that offered little clarity, even as he defended his executive order as necessary to protect the United States from terrorism. To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting, Trump said in 28 1597534 the most controversial elements of the action: its impact on green-card holders, who are permanent legal residents of the United States . As far as green-card holders going forward, it doesnt affect them, Trumps chief of staff, Reince Priebus, said on 28 1597603 scene of protest at New Yorks JFK airport against Trumps executive order halting refugee admissions View Photos Entry to the United States is being refused to legal residents, including green-card holders, from seven mostly Muslim countries who were abroad when the 28 1597645 executive order was signed Friday by the president, and some travelers were detained at U.S. airports. Caption Entry to the United States is being refused to legal residents, including green-card holders, from seven mostly Muslim countries who were abroad when the 28 1597712 York. President Trump signed an executive order that halted refugees and residents from certain predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . Stephanie Keith/Getty Images Wait 1 second to continue. In a separate statement, Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly was 28 1597845 or public safety, the agency said in a statement. No foreign national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States , has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States 28 1597856 national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States. Trumps virtually unprecedented executive action applies to migrants and U.S. legal 28 1597865 United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States or to demand immigration benefits in the United States . Trumps virtually unprecedented executive action applies to migrants and U.S. legal residents from Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Libya and 28 1598387 to criticize them for improving vetting, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on ABCs This Week. He cautioned that the United States doesnt have a religious test for entry into the country, and he stopped short of saying that Trumps action amounted 28 1598449 country. The Department of Homeland Security noted that less than one percent of international air travelers arriving Saturday in the United States were inconvenienced by the executive order though the situation described by lawyers and immigrant advocates across the country was one 28 1598712 order and continue enforcing Trumps executive action. Their thinking is that the court order affects only people now in the United States , and that since the State Department is proactively canceling visas of people from seven predominantly Muslim countries, other travelers who 28 1598751 other travelers who would be affected by the court order are not expected to be able to travel to the United States in the first place. The officials pointed out that while the order affects deportations, the travelers stranded at U.S. airports 28 1598796 considered to be deported if they go back to their home countries, because they were never technically admitted to the United States . That interpretation of the law will almost certainly lead to more court battles in coming days and could keep overseas 28 1600739 a combat zone. Then the process for granting the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV), which allows them to resettle in the United States , is even more painstaking. To even apply for the SIV, one must meet ALL of the following criteria: Be a 28 1600845 written nomination; Prove he or she provided at least 12 to 24 months of honorable and valuable service to the United States war effort; Prove he or she is under immediate duress due to that service; And, lastly, pass the most extreme 28 1600871 or she is under immediate duress due to that service; And, lastly, pass the most extreme form of vetting the United States can muster a comprehensive national security background investigation completed by every single component of the U.S. national security apparatus (the 28 1600948 the application package. If even one agency dissents on a visa approval, that applicant is barred from entry to the United States and placed on the no-fly list forever. These men and women have served our country honorably in some cases 28 1601223 fabric of U.S. national security. Our credibility is forever tarnished if not eroded. Why would any potential ally trust the United States to keep its word again? It pains me to think how many U.S. service-members will die in future conflicts 28 1601276 support that is often the difference between life and death. These men and women have sacrificed so much for the United States . Fridays order means the enemy wins, and we have turned our backs on our own ideals. VICTIMS OF domestic violence 28 1601862 on U.S. soil. Not a single terrorist involved in the 9/11 attacks or other fatal terrorist attacks in the United States since then has been of Iranian origin. Instead, Trumps policy is a collective punishment of a diverse and changing nationality 28 1601982 fled to Turkey in 2013, and after years waiting, he and his family were recently approved for resettlement in the United States . He hoped to arrive sometime this year, once security vetting by U.S. agencies was complete. His hopes are shattered. He 28 1602026 family are suddenly rendered effectively stateless and homeless, with nowhere to turn. Instead of welcoming a regime opponent to the United States , we are effectively throwing Reza and his family back into the treacherous hands of Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The Iranian refugees 28 1602053 and his family back into the treacherous hands of Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The Iranian refugees who have settled in the United States over the past decade are chiefly victims of the regimes harsh crackdowns, including students, journalists, womens rights activists and lawyers 28 1602097 the Iranians who have vocally and ferociously opposed the Islamic republic. Another Iranian who was on her way to the United States but now will likely never reach here is a young womens rights activist. For years she has led a movement 28 1602248 their isolation and confront their oppressive rulers. Indeed, the people who are most likely to travel between Iran and the United States the people most affected by any ban are Iranians who hold Western values of moderation and tolerance and believe in 28 1602281 Western values of moderation and tolerance and believe in open political and economic systems. Its in the interest of the United States to strengthen these values in Iran however it can. Isolating Iran from engagement with the West is not the way 28 1602346 Reagan, who conscientiously encouraged nongovernmental and cultural interaction between citizens of the Soviet Union and its satellite countries and the United States , even at the height of the Cold War. The Iranian government thrives on isolating its population and choking off criticism 28 1602387 criticism. But Irans young population has been striving to break free of this isolation. In Iran, public opinion of the United States is much more favorable than in any other country in the Middle East and North Africa. By excluding all Iranians 28 1602939 wave of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial worldwide. In a speech on Friday in Washington, the Israeli ambassador to the United States warned against separating the history of the Holocaust from the Jewish people. For many, the Holocaust is primarily a universal 28 1603650 Hello, freedom man. Reagan couldnt get that moment out of his mind because of what it said about what the United States meant to those who live here and to the rest of the world. But history reveals that even as the 28 1603672 meant to those who live here and to the rest of the world. But history reveals that even as the United States moved from the restrictive immigration policies of a century ago to Reagans advocacy of an open door to refugees, public 28 1603706 advocacy of an open door to refugees, public opinion has oscillated. President Trumps move Friday to bar entry into the United States for residents of seven majority-Muslim countries harks back to a period when the U.S. government regularly banned immigrants and 28 1604137 The 1965 law, Johnson said, corrects a cruel and enduring wrong. . . . for over four decades, the immigration policy of the United States has been twisted and distorted by the harsh injustice of the national origins quota system. Under that system, the ability 28 1604246 national interest. However that issue plays out in the courts, the debate over how to decide who comes to the United States stretches back centuries and has been a hot issue in presidential and local elections for several decades. Although every president 28 1604412 weve done since Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower built our approach to refugees, Daniels said. Perhaps paradoxically, the gates to the United States have tended not to tighten during wartime. In the late 2000s, George W. Bush increased the flow of refugees into 28 1604808 have leaders in politics right now who are willing to say that we welcome people fleeing the enemies of the United States . Reagan began and ended his farewell speech with powerful pleas for the country to open its arms. The shining city 28 1605236 implement as president. Take, for one, the Muslim ban. Trump proposed the idea of temporarily halting Muslims from entering the United States in the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino, Calif., terrorist attacks in late 2015. He was widely pilloried for 28 1605699 surprised. Democrats spent the weekend building a full-scale opposition push against President Trumps executive order banning entry into the United States for refugees, migrants and even green-card holders from seven mostly Muslim countries. On Saturday night, elected officials and candidates 28 1606263 legislation immediately which effectively rescinds Trumps un-American and unconstitutional ban on people from seven Muslim countries from entering the United States . He also argued for slowing the nomination process. Almost without exception, Trumps Cabinet nominees are extremely controversial and way outside 28 1624048 on Facebook and stay updated on foreign news Fuad Sharef and his family, Iraqi citizens who were traveling to the United States on Saturday, were stopped by Egyptian authorities in Cairos airport after President Trumps immigration ban went into effect. They were 28 1624148 and haggard. By then, they had been taken off their plane and informed they could no longer travel to the United States . It did not matter that they had valid visas. It did not matter that they were headed to Nashville to 28 1625968 an appearance at the Pentagon and in signing an executive order Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States Trump laid out his plan to deal with what he had described as a vast and pressing threat. He closed 28 1626060 help [Islamic State] recruiting. Trump also vowed new extreme vetting measures to permanently keep radical Islamist terrorists out of the United States and promised to give Christians from the Middle East and other minority religions in the region priority over Muslim refugees 28 1626104 promised to pump new money into Americas military, what he called a great rebuilding of the armed services of the United States . Both former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama had defined the enemy in significantly narrower terms while in office 28 1626139 in significantly narrower terms while in office, eager to avoid any moves that might make it appear as if the United States was at war with Islam. For Bush, the enemy was al-Qaeda and state sponsors of terrorism to include former 28 1626295 asked for it. Trump described the order as a key cog in an effort to prevent terrorists from entering the United States , but the policy does not affect countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Egypt, whose citizens have launched terrorist attacks 28 1626319 policy does not affect countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Egypt, whose citizens have launched terrorist attacks inside the United States . Not one of the 19 hijackers who struck on 9/11 came from a country targeted by the order. The 28 1626669 In fact, right now were losing. Those sorts of analyses represent a radical departure from Obama, who believed that the United States had succumbed to a season of fear following the 9/11 attacks that produced a disastrous war in Iraq and 28 1626788 the country. Rather, he suggested that the biggest threat came from an overreaction to the attacks that would cause the United States to turn away from the world. His approach stressed Americas fearlessness in the face of attacks. Thats who the American 28 1626885 order. (Alexander Schippers/European Pressphoto Agency) In Turkey, a Syrian American woman worried that if she tried to enter the United States with her Syrian refugee husband, he could be deported back to Syria. In Moscow, a young Yemeni Russian man said 28 1626936 officials deemed he was more Yemeni than Russian. And in Kenya, a young Somali refugee scheduled to fly to the United States on Monday to launch a new life was informed that his trip was canceled. And so, on the second day 28 1627070 fallout from the decision to prevent would-be immigrants, refugees and even visitors from the affected countries from entering the United States for the next 30 days or longer. From Europe to the Middle East, politicians who condemned the travel bans said 28 1627215 ban on American citizens entering the country. The tensions threatened the diplomatic thaw that took place between Iran and the United States under former president Barack Obama. The Iranian speaker of parliament, Ali Larijani, said that the decision to ban citizens of 28 1627383 U.S. occupation of Iraq following the 2003 invasion, released a statement Sunday calling for American nationals to be expelled. The United States enters Iraq and other countries with complete freedom while closing its doors to the nationals of those countries, he said 28 1627606 into #USA, he posted. Mohammed Abdi, who fled war-torn Somalia, was supposed to be on his way to the United States on Monday. He had boarded a bus from Dadaab, the largest refugee camp in the world, to a small transit 28 1627751 him that his trip had been canceled. They told me this has been suspended by the honorable president of the United States , Donald Trump, he said. Abdi looked around at the other refugees. Some of them were crying. He tried to stay 28 1627879 husband received a U.S. visa this month that grants him an immediate green card. They wanted to live in the United States , so they quit their jobs and bought their airplane tickets to Chicago, where the wife is from. Now, if we 28 1630389 are suspended for 90 days. Trump said he is "new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America." Related: Iranian Actress Boycotting Oscars Over Trump's Visa Ban Kuala Lumpur (AFP) - Three Chinese passengers died and five 28 1632000 members in what the groups executive director calls an unprecedented response to President Trumps executive order blocking entry into the United States from citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries. Ive never seen anything like this, Anthony Romero, executive director of the civil 28 1632969 which he signed on Friday afternoon, barred people from Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Somalia from entering the United States for 90 days. It also stopped all refugees from entering the U.S. for 120 days and indefinitely suspended the entry 28 1633424 officially requested on Sunday to prevent U.S. immigration visa holders from seven Muslim-majority countries from boarding flights to the United States , Hossam Hussein, an EgyptAir official, said. Hussein, who is responsible for EgyptAir's daily flight to New York, said authorities there 28 1633519 officially requested on Sunday to prevent U.S. immigration visa holders from seven Muslim-majority countries from boarding flights to the United States , Hossam Hussein, an EgyptAir official, said. Hussein, who is responsible for EgyptAir's daily flight to New York, said authorities there 28 1634722 30 p.m. EST. Ariel Winter Photo: Reuters/Danny Moloshok By Dan Levine SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Democratic attorneys general across the United States on Sunday condemned President Donald Trump's order to restrict people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the country and 28 1636379 US President Donald Trump and will intervene if they affect UK nationals, Downing Street said Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 1636389 UK nationals, Downing Street said Sunday. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," a spokesman said. "But we 28 1636478 to condemn the order by Trump to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on 28 1636484 to suspend refugee arrivals, saying Washington was responsible for its own immigration policy. "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on refugees," May said at a news 28 1636997 Saturday Britain did not agree with "this kind of approach" on U.S. President Donald Trump's curbs on immigration into the United States . May had been criticized by lawmakers in her ruling Conservative Party for not condemning Trump's decision to put a four 28 1637026 her ruling Conservative Party for not condemning Trump's decision to put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barring travelers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries. Her spokesman said: "Immigration policy in the United 28 1637047 States and temporarily barring travelers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries. Her spokesman said: "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 1637057 Muslim-majority countries. Her spokesman said: "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government." "But we do not agree 28 1637321 He said that people from those seven countries who have a valid Canadian permanent residency card can still enter the United States . However, under the US order, the ban will apply to people from the targeted countries who are passing through Canada 28 1637636 In pointed tweets a day after U.S. President Donald Trump put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from the seven countries, Trudeau said refugees were welcome in Canada. "To those fleeing persecution, terror 28 1637804 said. He did not say when that would be. WestJet Airlines said it turned back a passenger bound for the United States on Saturday to comply with Trump's executive order but did not say which country the passenger had come from. Spokeswoman 28 1637942 travel by hours. He decided not to risk flying from Saskatchewan in case he was detained on arrival in the United States . He said an Iranian friend who has been living in the U.S. and working at NASA for years was detained 28 1638055 denied anyone travel. A Porter Airlines spokesman said the Toronto-based carrier will be restricting passengers from traveling to the United States from the listed countries until further notice. (Additional reporting by Allison Lampert in Montreal, Jim Morris in Vancouver; Writing by 28 1638155 know how many people might be eligible but said only a small number of passengers trying to fly to the United States from Canada had been denied boarding. Trump's abrupt decision on Friday, which also affects refugees, left people around the world 28 1638187 Friday, which also affects refugees, left people around the world uncertain of whether they would be allowed to enter the United States . "Let me assure those who may be stranded in Canada that I will use my authority as minister to provide 28 1638242 in the past," Hussen said. The government of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has so far refrained from criticizing the United States , which takes 75 percent of all Canadian exports, preferring instead to stress Canada is open to refugees. The Canadian Council 28 1638282 Canadian Council for Refugees called on Ottawa to pull put of its so-called Safe Third Country agreement with the United States , under which Canada returns asylum seekers crossing the U.S. border. Such a move would be diplomatically insulting and Hussen said 28 1638547 Rosenberg WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's order to restrict people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States sparked confusion and anger on Saturday after immigrants and refugees were kept off flights and left stranded in airports. In 28 1638592 decision since taking office a week ago, Trump, a Republican, put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other countries. Civil rights and faith groups, activists and Democratic politicians were 28 1638666 reprieve. The American Civil Liberties Union successfully argued for a temporary stay that allowed detained travelers to stay in the United States . Supporters outside the Brooklyn courtroom and at protests at airports in Dallas, Chicago, New York and elsewhere cheered the decision 28 1638840 375 travelers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. The order "affects a minor portion of international travelers," the department said 28 1639049 Homeland Security said the order would stay in place. "No foreign national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States , has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States," the department statement said. Mark Krikorian, the director of 28 1639060 national in a foreign land, without ties to the United States, has any unfettered right to demand entry into the United States ," the department statement said. Mark Krikorian, the director of the conservative Center for Immigration Studies, called lawsuits challenging the order 28 1639243 weeks ago for cooperation on combating terrorism. A Yemeni official expressed dismay at the ban. Iraq's former ambassador to the United States , Lukman Faily, told Reuters that Trump's ban was unfair to a country that itself has been a victim of terror 28 1639542 Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society said she knew of roughly 2,000 who were booked to come to the United States next week. Trump's order indefinitely bans refugees from Syria. In a television interview, he said he would seek to prioritize 28 1640477 to this day. There is nothing to fear in this fact; rather, patriots should embrace it. The story of the United States is, as Lincoln put it, a perpetual story of a rebirth of freedom and not just its inheritance from the 28 1641535 hours, he was on a chair, he didnt have any place to sleep, and he was terrified. He thought the United States was a great country and what are they doing? After Nadler, N.Y. congresswoman Nydia Velazquez and attorneys for Darweesh spoke 28 1641754 PEOPLE. Trumps executive order temporarily bans all citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days. It also put a temporary 120-day ban on all refugees entering the country with an indefinite 28 1643301 protests broke out around the country against President Donald Trump's executive order banning Muslims from seven countries from entering the United States , and some foreign leaders also criticized the move, there were some nations that went a step further. Canada, Scotland and 28 1644078 Voigt recently announced was facing imminent sale but remains optimistic of remaining in Vermont, two years ago partnered with the United States Coast Guard and Sandals Resorts to teach new cooking techniques, another way to expand its reach. Story continues Carmel's program 28 1646301 article on Live Science. Editor's Recommendations By Yesim Dikmen ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Dozens of people were stopped from flying to the United States from Istanbul Ataturk Airport on Sunday, Turkish airport officials said, after U.S. President Donald Trump ordered a ban on refugees 28 1646351 his most sweeping action since taking office, Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. He said the moves would protect Americans 28 1646404 Ataturk airport is a major regional hub frequently used by travelers from the Middle East heading to Europe or the United States . Officials at Ataturk, Europe's third-busiest airport, told Reuters they had stopped "dozens" of people from traveling on Sunday, due 28 1646484 Angeles, but officials prevented him from boarding, saying his visa was canceled. "My wife and my son are in the United States . My son has American nationality. And we have been waiting for this moment for two years. Finally when I got 28 1646587 375 travelers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. (Editing by David Dolan and Larry King) The Trump administrations moves to 28 1646659 President Donald Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies to issue a 90-day suspension of entry into the United States for citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The order appeared to have impacted green card holders 28 1646688 Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The order appeared to have impacted green card holders from those countries from re-entering the United States , as well as people holding valid visas. But on Sunday morning, the White House appeared to exclude green card holders 28 1646723 House appeared to exclude green card holders from the ban. The ban also doesnt apply to dual citizens who are United States citizens and also citizens of one of the seven countries targeted in the order. The order also bars entry of 28 1646749 of one of the seven countries targeted in the order. The order also bars entry of all refugees into the United States for 120 days, and it bars Syrian refugees indefinitely. By Sunday, federal judges in four courts had issued stays that 28 1646981 visas and were detained at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York on Friday night as they returned to the United States . Story continues The petitioners have a strong likelihood of success in establishing that the removal of the petitioner and others 28 1647017 removal of the petitioner and others similarly situated violates their rights to Due Process and Equal Protection guaranteed by the United States Constitution, Donnelly ruled. Two federal judges in Boston issued a temporary restraining order that barred government officials from detaining people 28 1647161 moves has been ongoing for well over a year, when candidate Trump proposed a specific ban on Muslims entering the United States . The current executive order is careful to state the temporary bans are based on the Presidents power under the Immigration 28 1647196 on the Presidents power under the Immigration and Nationality Act (or INA) to deny immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of aliens from countries referred to in [the INA] that would be detrimental to the interests of the United States 28 1647216 United States of aliens from countries referred to in [the INA] that would be detrimental to the interests of the United States . Recent Stories on Constitution Daily Podcast: Has President Trump violated the Emoluments Clause? Executive Orders 101: What are they and 28 1647321 the policy could backfire by providing more fodder for propaganda and recruiting by jihadist groups that aim to demonize the United States . In interviews, analysts and former counterterrorism officials said the proposed immigration restrictions would reinforce the jihadists binary worldview in which 28 1647831 is correct? Trumps proposed policy also does not address the problem of jihadist recruits and sympathizers who originate in the United States and Europe. The United Nations estimated in 2015 that more than 25,000 so-called foreign fighters from 100 countries had 28 1648145 result, experts say that even on its own terms, Trumps immigration proposal overlooks the record of militant plots in the United States . Sixteen of the 19 hijackers in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks came from Saudi Arabia. Weve had no one from 28 1648177 attacks came from Saudi Arabia. Weve had no one from these seven countries come and do an attack in the United States , says Watts, referring to Trumps list. If youre going to actually do this on the list that youre going to 28 1648330 terrorism analyst whose firm, Kronos Advisory, has briefed the U.S. government. If you can move tons of cocaine into the United States , you can move hundreds of terrorists into the United States in a year, he adds. Every year at this time 28 1648340 government. If you can move tons of cocaine into the United States, you can move hundreds of terrorists into the United States in a year, he adds. Every year at this time, the evening sky is dominated by the eye-catching constellation 28 1652068 I dont know how either of us can be calm right now. The executive order suspending refugee admissions to the United States and blocking entry from seven predominantly Muslim countries, including my parents home country of Somalia, means that my family will 28 1652121 parents fled to a refugee camp in Kenya, and 13 years after our family applied to be resettled in the United States , the door has finally been slammed shut. My sister lives in Richland, Washington. My parents were in the final stages 28 1652208 of learning that the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) had opened a resettlement case for my family to come to the United States . I was eight and had just started the third grade. It was my first encounter with America, a place the 28 1652350 getting to America. Story continues When my sister Maryan finally got her green card in 2005, my interest in the United States grew. I started reading American romance novels Nicholas Sparks and Danielle Steel and the occasional horrors, mostly Stephen King. All 28 1652492 of whom fled Africa for America. And it was possible for hundreds of immigrant writers who distinguished themselves in the United States : Vladimir Nabokov, Jhumpa Lahiri, Junot Diaz, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and many others. I was going to be like them. My 28 1652784 to Kenya to say that she had petitioned the U.S. government to allow our parents to join her in the United States (she wasnt allowed to include her siblings on the petition). The petition was accepted, and my parents were waiting to 28 1652833 Nairobi when news of Trumps executive order swept through the camp. Why always our family? But its not just the United States that doesnt want us. Last year, the Kenyan government announced that it would close down Dadaab, citing concerns about terrorism 28 1652934 in Dadaab, be deported back to Somalia? Kenya wont say. Many of my childhood friends have made it to the United States , Britain, or Canada, and I often meet them online. They ask if I am still in Dadaab. They ask where 28 1653032 with Maryan to America in 2005. Look at Ilhan Omar, who was recently elected the first Somali lawmaker in the United States . Or Fatah Adan, who emerged atop his class and made it to Harvard. Or Muna Khalif, who was accepted at 28 1653601 an American Muslim minority where there was none before. Of course, Christians have always been the demographic majority of the United States . Perhaps it is inevitable that a president would encourage them to act as a political majority, too. But we can 28 1653784 may have to make a lifelong choice between seeing their families in Iran, or their children and grandchildren in the United States . The question of whether America requires defending from my great-aunts allegedly Muslim values dissolves into meaninglessness. What values are 28 1653911 Islamic Republic of Iran, for example, or wherever the Islamic States ravages have reached. Injustices everywhere deserve condemnation. But the United States is the political community I belong to that my Iranian-American parents and my Iranian-American-German son belong to 28 1654148 been this summer in Germany, but it will now be called off for now. My parents, dual citizens of the United States and Iran, will be spared having to ask an immigration lawyer if they would have been able to attend. MANDEL 28 1654965 say that refugees were welcome in Canada, regardless of your faith. Two of the first people blocked from entering the United States were Iraqis with links to the U.S. military. Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi were detained by immigration 28 1655844 according to ProPublica senior reporting fellow Jessica Huseman, and does not impact those who have not yet left for the United States . CAIRO (Reuters) - Five Iraqi passengers and one Yemeni were barred from boarding an EgyptAir flight from Cairo to New York 28 1655901 majority countries, sources at Cairo airport said. Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travellers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries, saying the moves would help protect Americans from 28 1657480 spread messages on social media need to be stopped. "What we saw last year during the election campaign in the United States , the lack of decency in debates, that shocked me deeply," he told an audience in Berlin. "It opened up rifts 28 1658285 signed an executive order barring people from seven countries Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Somalia from entering the United States for 90 days. It also stopped all refugees from entering the U.S. for 120 days and indefinitely suspended the entry 28 1658327 of refugees from Syria. During his presidential bid, Trump called for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States . That proposal subsequently evolved into a vague promise of extreme vetting, with the help of Giuliani. I think its a 28 1658748 White House cybersecurity adviser, said the ban is simply an example of Trump negotiating in the best interests of the United States of America not the rest of the world. Read more from Yahoo News: By Maher Chmaytelli and Lin Noueihed BAGHDAD 28 1658826 to Jakarta and Tehran spoke out against Trump's order to put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily ban travellers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries. He said the move would help protect Americans 28 1659091 comment on the executive order. But some members of the parliament said Iraq should retaliate with similar measures against the United States . IRAN VOWS TO RESPOND In Baghdad, influential Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr said American nationals should leave Iraq, in retaliation 28 1659333 375 travellers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. Fuad Sharef, his wife and three children were among the first victims 28 1659367 and three children were among the first victims. They had waited two years for a visa to settle in the United States , selling their home and quitting jobs and schools in Iraq before setting off for a new life they saw as 28 1659482 year-old Syrian man, Nail Zain, was among dozens of people at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport prevented from flying to the United States on Sunday. He told Reuters he was supposed to fly to Los Angeles, but officials said his visa was cancelled 28 1659512 to fly to Los Angeles, but officials said his visa was cancelled. "My wife and my son are in the United States . My son has American nationality. And we have been waiting for this moment for two years. Finally when I got 28 1659832 editing by Ralph Boulton) WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. green card holders will require additional screening before they can return to the United States , the White House said on Saturday. Earlier, a Department of Homeland Security official said people holding green cards, making them 28 1659877 residents, were included in President Donald Trump's executive action temporarily barring people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States . "It will bar green card holders," Gillian Christensen, acting Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman, said in an email. A senior 28 1659916 email. A senior White House official later sought to clarify the situation, saying green card holders who had left the United States and wanted to return would have to visit a U.S. embassy or consulate to undergo additional screening. "You will be 28 1659943 have to visit a U.S. embassy or consulate to undergo additional screening. "You will be allowed to re-enter the United States pending a routine rescreening," the official said. (Reporting by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Alan Crosby and Paul Tait) Washington (AFP 28 1660099 issued by the Department of Homeland Security allowing a person born outside the country to reside and work in the United States , serves as proof that its holder is a permanent resident and often is a step en route to obtaining US 28 1662282 Iran's ruling clerical establishment does not know whether or when he can rejoin his wife and two children in the United States . U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily 28 1662300 in the United States. U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily banned travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries. He said the move would help protect Americans from terrorism. The 28 1662368 extends on a case-by-case basis to "green card" holders who are authorized to live and work in the United States . Kadivar, once an active participant in Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution who later fell foul of its leaders, told Reuters from 28 1662435 not clear. I am concerned about my future. I don't know whether I will be able to return to the United States as a green card holder Iranian national," he said. There are an estimated 1 million Iranian-Americans in the United 28 1662456 States as a green card holder Iranian national," he said. There are an estimated 1 million Iranian-Americans in the United States , including those with U.S. citizenship, dual nationality and green card holders, so Trump's executive order could create myriad travel complications 28 1662486 green card holders, so Trump's executive order could create myriad travel complications. "My two children and wife live in the United States ... My wife was planning to join me in Berlin, where I arrived on July 18 and was supposed to stay 28 1662604 been a staunch critic of Iran's most powerful authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. In 2001, he traveled to the United States with an invitation from the Islamic Law Program of Harvard Law School for research and teaching. He was awarded the 28 1662672 many emails from my colleagues, who regretted the ban ... Iranians have never been involved in any terrorist act in the United States ." 'TURNING IRANIANS HOSTILE' The United States and its allies in the Middle East accuse Iran of supporting terrorism and interfering 28 1662678 regretted the ban ... Iranians have never been involved in any terrorist act in the United States." 'TURNING IRANIANS HOSTILE' The United States and its allies in the Middle East accuse Iran of supporting terrorism and interfering in the affairs of regional states 28 1662728 Tehran. Hardline allies of Khamenei, worried about losing their grip on power since a nuclear deal was reached with the United States and other world powers in 2015, have continued to denounce Washington publicly. However, pragmatic President Hassan Rouhani has sought to 28 1662754 in 2015, have continued to denounce Washington publicly. However, pragmatic President Hassan Rouhani has sought to reduce tensions with the United States . Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, a Rouhani ally, tweeted on Sunday that the travel ban was "a great gift 28 1662861 political establishment to some extent, at least for a short while. It would also turn public opinion firmly against the United States , they added. "Besides tearing apart many families, this ban is materializing an objective that the leadership in Tehran has not 28 1662910 the revolution," said Ali Vaez from the International Crisis Group conflict research group. "That is turning Iranians hostile towards the United States . The top-down enmity towards the U.S. risks becoming bottom-up." 'NOT MY AMERICAN DREAM' Iranian author Azar Nafisi, a 28 1662941 bottom-up." 'NOT MY AMERICAN DREAM' Iranian author Azar Nafisi, a professor of English literature who has lived in the United States since 1997 and became a U.S. citizen nine years later, said the ban was contrary to American values. "We came 28 1662965 and became a U.S. citizen nine years later, said the ban was contrary to American values. "We came to the United States because we believed it is a country of freedom, a country friendly to immigrants. People like me should raise their 28 1663014 not a political issue," said Nafisi. Another Iranian-born academic, Mohammad, said he was returning to his home in the United States after attending his father's funeral in Tehran, when the ban came into effect. Turkish Airlines refused to allow him to 28 1663222 ceremony, but had been forced to change his mind. Trump signed an executive order on Friday prohibiting entry to the United States to all nationals of seven Muslim-majority states -- Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. "I neither had the 28 1663336 in no way acceptable to me even if exceptions were to be made for my trip." He said hardliners in United States and Iran acted with the same mentality. "For years on both sides of the ocean, groups of hardliners have tried 28 1663651 Maher Chmaytelli, Isabel Coles and Ahmed Rasheed BAGHDAD/MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraq will lobby against new travel limits to the United States by Iraqis, arguing both countries need to uphold their fight against Islamic State (IS), Iraqi parliamentarians said on Sunday. The 28 1663754 forces in the war against IS insurgents. Some members of parliament said Iraq should retaliate with similar measures against the United States . "Iraq is in the front line of the war on terrorism ... and it is unfair that the Iraqis are treated 28 1664373 Maher Chmaytelli, Isabel Coles and Ahmed Rasheed BAGHDAD/MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraq will lobby against new travel limits to the United States by Iraqis, arguing both countries need to uphold their fight against Islamic State (IS), Iraqi parliamentarians said on Sunday. The 28 1664477 forces in the war against IS insurgents. Some members of parliament said Iraq should retaliate with similar measures against the United States . "Iraq is in the front line of the war on terrorism ... and it is unfair that the Iraqis are treated 28 1666290 visas, lawful permanent residents, and other individuals from Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Iran and Libya, to legally enter the United States . UPDATE: 1:52 a.m. EST Federal judges in Boston passed an order late Saturday night, saying Customs officials could not 28 1666337 basis of the executive order by President Donald Trump that bans citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States . Original story: Federal Judge Ann Donnelly issued a ruling Saturday, in Brooklyn, New York, effectively blocking a part of President 28 1668522 of the vote, which is being closely watched after the Brexit referendum in Britain and Donald Trump's triumph in the United States . After five years of rule by Socialist President Francois Hollande, France is pessimistic about its economic prospects and fearful about 28 1669011 Hollande. The contest is being watched closely after Britain's vote to leave the EU and Donald Trump's victory in the United States . Polls currently suggest Fillon is most likely to win, ahead of far-right leader Marine Le Pen and independent centrist 28 1670095 yesterday's dramatic developments as responses unfolded to President Trump's Executive Order (Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States ) on Friday. Besides a nationwide stay entered by a federal court in New York, a federal court in Boston early 28 1670192 Mazdak Pourabdollah Tootkaboni and Arghavan Louhghalamboth Muslim, Iranian nationals teaching at the University of Massachusettswere unlawfully detained upon reentering the United States . The seven-day order comes on the heels of a New York Federal District Court Judges stay of removal on 28 1670349 disagreement within the administration on how to enforce the Executive Order, judicial responses, division among Republican lawmakers, protests across the United States , and a worldwide furor. Reuters has characterized the reaction to Trump's Executive Order as a "global backlash." Expect commentary from 28 1670602 right now. On Friday, Donald Trump signed a document banning more than 130 million people, including refugees, from entering the United States . And while many are against it, one of the most poignant voices should be no surprise: Malala Yousafzai is heartbroken 28 1671367 Bavaria's sister party to Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats called for ending sanctions imposed against Russia by Europe and the United States for its invasion of Crimea and its military actions in Ukraine. The sanctions should be lifted this year, Bavarian state 28 1671729 by Mary Milliken) SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has a new diplomatic invitation to visit the United States after canceling a trip to Washington in response to President Donald Trump's plans to build a border wall this time 28 1672628 U.S. illegally. Schechter noted that the spat could increase the popularity of Lopez Obrador, "who espouses weakening ties with the United States . It is a troubling development for a relationship that has few parallels throughout the world." Lopez Obrador, a former Mexico 28 1672701 two tries, but Mexico could be a different, angrier place in 2018 with a wall sealing it off from the United States , millions of deported migrants and a potential recession caused by scrapped trade agreement with its northern neighbor. Still, Lopez Obrador 28 1672790 public could think, 'Gee, it's tough to vote for a messianic guy who's going to get into trouble with the United States .'" Maputo (AFP) - Mozambique's rebel leader Afonso Dhlakama has accused government forces of violating a ceasefire his armed group Renamo had 28 1673475 depend on the progress of the negotiations." The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is seeking ways to save NATO if the United States decides to cut back on its support for the alliance. European leaders are not sure what to expect under the 28 1673714 to step up and contribute as they should. She noted that Britain is the only G20 country other than the United States to meet a target promise to spend 2 percent of Gross Domestic Product on defense. At least 20 percent of 28 1673877 no substitute for American military power. Up to 75 percent of all the military assets in NATO belong to the United States . Germany, France, Spain and Italy say they support closer military and intelligence cooperation among E.U. member countries. This idea also 28 1675546 Muslim countries was "not a Muslim ban," after it was met with confusion, global outrage and huge protests across the United States . "America is a proud nation of immigrants and we will continue to show compassion to those fleeing oppression, but we 28 1675695 week ago. "We will keep it free and keep it safe, as the media knows," he said, referring to the United States . "To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting." Trump signed the executive order 28 1676646 to Turkey, but later issued a stronger statement as it emerged British citizens had been affected. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 1676656 emerged British citizens had been affected. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," a spokesman from her office 28 1677339 aggressive ban, ordering that anyone from that country, including those fleeing civil war, are indefinitely blocked from coming to the United States . White House National Security adviser Michael Flynn told Canada's national security adviser that holders of Canadian passports, including dual citizens 28 1679654 there are differences. Executive orders are numbered and published in the Federal Register, the official record of actions of the United States government. Memoranda do not need to be published in the Federal Register. Executive orders must identify whether the order is 28 1680056 the end of World War II, President Harry Truman signed an executive order that officially ended racial barriers in the United States military. The words of the order were simple: There shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in 28 1681557 signed an executive order barring people from seven countries Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Somalia from entering the United States for 90 days. It also stopped all refugees from entering the U.S. for 120 days and indefinitely suspended the entry 28 1682747 research suggests that the policy has had a counter intuitive impact. In countries that relied heavily on funding from the United States for reproductive health services, abortion rates rose when the Reagan-era policy was in place. The research suggests that when 28 1683311 rumors about the order, which has bans citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, from entering the United States , she began to worry. Read: Donald Trump Tells Democrats Boycotting His Inauguration: Give Me Your Tickets I might be banned 28 1683442 TSA officers getting in and ask me to disembark the plane!!! Yes after almost 7 years of living the the United States , I got deported!!! She continued. Zinouri said she has no idea what will happen to her job or life in 28 1683594 that the removal of the petitioner and other similarly situated violates their due process and equal protection guaranteed by the United States Constitution," US District Judge Ann Donnelly wrote in her decision. Story continues Protests have broken out across the country, including 28 1683928 for the health problems. Former Iranian lawmaker Ali Akbar Mousavi investigated the issue of jamming. Mousavi now lives in the United States . He told VOA the Shiraz protesters were concerned about a comment reportedly made by Irans deputy health minister, Reza Malekzadeh 28 1684381 Koutsis to protest President Donald Trump's visa ban which has already prevented some of its citizens from flying to the United States . The foreign ministry "expressed its displeasure" with Trump's order to bar Sudanese and citizens from six other Muslim-majority countries 28 1684575 to Atlanta to attend a fair and sign business deals, when he was told he was not welcome in the United States . "I run a group of companies... and we are also agents for international firms, including two American companies with which 28 1686325 said. The new U.S. president called the operation a success and said intelligence gathered during the operation would help the United States fight terrorism. "Americans are saddened this morning with news that a life of a heroic service member has been taken 28 1686781 civil war rendered the country even more dangerous and offered al Qaeda leeway to expand into more lawless areas. The United States conducted dozens of drone strikes in Yemen throughout Barack Obama's presidency to combat al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, regarded 28 1687707 Mark Heinrich and Helen Popper) Beirut (AFP) - Six Syrians including Christians were turned away from Philadelphia International Airport in the United States and sent back to Lebanon, an official at Beirut airport told AFP on Sunday. US President Donald Trump signed an 28 1687737 Beirut airport told AFP on Sunday. US President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday prohibiting entry to the United States to all nationals of seven Muslim-majority states -- Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The ban also prohibits 28 1687851 away at Philadelphia. Their journey had taken them via Doha in the absence of direct flights between Beirut and the United States since the 1980s, when Lebanon was in the middle of a civil war. The US ban stipulates that at the 28 1688662 between our two countries by, for example, holding Koranic recitation competitions. He said many countries, including the Netherlands and the United States , give scholarships to Indonesian students. He said the Saudi program is just one of many that help students pay for 28 1690660 protests spread westward as the day progressed. The order, which bars admission of Syrian refugees and suspends travel to the United States from Iraq, Iran, Sudan and four other countries on national security grounds, has led to the detention or deportation of 28 1690963 message affirming his country's welcoming policy toward refugees. Trump defended the executive order in a statement on Sunday, saying the United States would resume issuing visas to all countries once secure policies were put in place over the next 90 days. "To 28 1693479 to honor that existing agreement," Turnbull told reporters. He declined to say how many refugees might be resettled in the United States . MANILA, Philippines (AP) Philippine airstrikes have killed 15 Muslim militants linked to the Islamic State group, including a suspected Indonesian 28 1694143 a wall along the southern border of the U.S. The other, titled "Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States ," sought to remove federal funding for sanctuary cities -- cities that do not seek to deport unauthorized immigrants. It also prioritized 28 1695053 on Sunday defended his move to ban entry of refugees and people from seven Muslim-majority nations and said the United States would resume issuing visas for all countries in the next 90 days as he faced rising criticism at home and 28 1695434 Reince Priebus said people from the seven countries who hold green cards would not be blocked from returning to the United States , as some had been following the directive. "As far as green card holders moving forward, it doesn't affect them," Priebus 28 1695491 would be subjected to "more questioning" by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents when they try to re-enter the United States "until a better program is put in place over the next several months." MORE NATIONS MAY BE ADDED Priebus also 28 1695621 we fear this executive order will become a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism," they said, adding the United States should not stop green card holders "from returning to the country they call home." "This executive order sends a signal 28 1695684 a Twitter statement, calling them "sadly weak on immigration." In a another Twitter message earlier on Sunday, Trump said the United States needed "strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW." "Christians in the Middle-East have been executed in large numbers. We cannot 28 1695939 no fear, refugees are welcome here." Condemnation of the order poured in from abroad, including from traditional allies of the United States . In Germany - which has taken in large numbers of people fleeing the Syrian civil war - Chancellor Angela Merkel said the 28 1696190 a British citizen, told Reuters he had traveled from Britain to Sudan, and accompanied the older man back to the United States . He said he was detained for about an hour upon arrival, but his father, Yassin Abdelrahm, 76, was held for 28 1696260 the order as they flew into the country, successfully argued for a stay that prevented travelers denied entry to the United States from being deported. Federal judges in three states followed that in orders late on Saturday or early on Sunday, barring 28 1696507 order. But confusion persisted over details of implementation, in particular for green card holders who are legal residents of the United States . In his most sweeping action since taking office on Jan. 20, Trump, a Republican, put a 120-day hold on 28 1696730 people would be subjected to extra questioning by Customs and Border Patrol agents when they tried to re-enter the United States . A senior administration official said green card holders will be subject to a rescreening but it had not been determined 28 1697087 order as they flew into the country, successfully argued for a temporary stay that prevented travelers denied entry to the United States from being deported. Federal judges in three states followed the one in New York in barring authorities from deporting affected 28 1697158 order, according to officials. 'GENERAL SUSPICION' Condemnation of the order poured in from abroad, including from traditional allies of the United States . In Germany - which has taken in large numbers of people fleeing the Syrian civil war - Chancellor Angela Merkel said the 28 1697311 375 travelers had been affected by the order, 109 of whom were in transit and were denied entry to the United States . Another 173 were stopped by airlines before boarding. The department said it would comply with judicial orders but that the 28 1697391 U.S. forces against Islamic State. "We shouldn't let people just re-enter the country who are not citizens of the United States because they have gone to a place we have concerns about," he told ABC. The new rules blindsided people in 28 1697501 people, such as Iraqi Fuad Sharef and his family. They waited two years for a visa to settle in the United States , selling their home and quitting jobs and schools in Iraq before setting off on Saturday for a new life they 28 1697597 like drug dealers, escorted by deportation officers," Sharef told Reuters by telephone from Cairo airport. Iraq's former ambassador to the United States , Lukman Faily, said Trump's ban was unfair to a country that itself has been a victim of attacks, and could 28 1697791 Emirates, the world's largest long-haul airline, has had to change flight attendant and pilot rosters on services to the United States because of the ban, an airline spokeswoman said Sunday. Thousands of refugees seeking entry were thrown into limbo. (Reporting by 28 1697917 Ernst/Reuters) President Trump on Saturday touted his executive order blocking citizens from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States . The order has led to people being turned away and detained after landing in the country. In response, a large 28 1698055 affects citizens from Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Somalia. It bars people from these nations from entering the United States for 90 days. Authorities said this includes people with current visas who may have temporarily departed, some of whom were 28 1698185 extreme vetting for immigrants. During the presidential campaign, Trump called for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States . That proposal subsequently evolved into a vague promise of extreme vetting. In addition to measures affecting immigrants from predominantly Muslim 28 1698548 The migrant crackdown, which also included a 120-day suspension of the US refugee resettlement program, sparked protests across the United States on Saturday. A federal judge late Saturday blocked part of the temporary immigration ban, ordering authorities to stop deporting refugees 28 1698647 the country was in the "final stages" of developing an intercontinental ballistic missile. Such an ICBM could theoretically target the United States . Nearly six years after Noriko Matsumoto and her children fled Japan's Fukushima area, they face a new possible hardship: cuts 28 1699403 statements about the roughly hour-long call. "The positive call was a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair," the White House said. "Both President Trump and President Putin are hopeful 28 1699505 Nov. 8 election. Trump's relationship with Russia is being closely watched by the European Union, which teamed up with the United States to punish Moscow after its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. Trump spoke to two top EU leaders, German Chancellor Angela 28 1700017 All with valid Iranian visa will be gladly welcomed," he wrote. With more than one million Iranians living in the United States , the travel restrictions are expected to cause chaos for students, businessmen and families travelling between the two countries. Parliament speaker 28 1700659 defense against Putin. But in his call with Merkel, Trump agreed on NATO's "fundamental importance," the White House said. The United States provides significant funding to NATO, and Trump has urged other member nations to step up their contributions. - 'Extreme vetting' - Trump's 28 1700750 at the airports, you see it all over," he told reporters. The new protocols specifically bar Syrian refugees from the United States indefinitely, or until the president himself decides that they no longer pose a threat. The legal challenge, which won a 28 1701188 of the largest U.S. airports. The tense exchange, witnessed by Reuters, was representative of the confusion at airports across the United States and others overseas after Trump abruptly halted immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries and temporarily put a stop to the 28 1701233 Throughout much of Saturday, government officials and security workers were left to guess who from those countries could enter the United States legally and who could not. The day ended with U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly in Brooklyn issuing an emergency stay 28 1701267 Ann Donnelly in Brooklyn issuing an emergency stay that temporarily allowed stranded travelers with valid visas to remain in the United States . The American Civil Liberties Union, which sought the stay, said it would help 100 to 200 people with visas or 28 1701558 traveler reported to AILA. A half hour later in New York City, an Iranian arrived at JFK and entered the United States on a valid visa without any problems, according to AILA. A senior administration official said Trump's order - aimed at citizens 28 1701616 Americans. "There's a very strong nexus between our immigration and visa programs and terrorist plots and extremist networks inside the United States ," the official told reporters in a briefing. "It would be reckless and irresponsible to ... broadcast to the entire world the 28 1702130 on Saturday saying that green card holders were "not included" in the ban and could continue to travel to the United States . The source said airlines were allowing travelers with green cards on flights until told otherwise. The Trump administration official later 28 1702162 on flights until told otherwise. The Trump administration official later told reporters that U.S. green card holders traveling outside the United States need to check with a U.S. consulate to see whether they can return. "It's being cleared on a case-by 28 1702256 He added that they would be subjected to extra questioning by CBP agents when they tried to re-enter the United States . A senior administration official told Reuters, however, that it had not been determined where and how those screenings would be 28 1702514 of the largest U.S. airports. The tense exchange, witnessed by Reuters, was representative of the confusion at airports across the United States and others overseas after Trump abruptly halted immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries and temporarily put a stop to the 28 1702636 Throughout much of Saturday, government officials and security workers were left to guess who from those countries could enter the United States legally and who could not. The day ended with U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly in Brooklyn issuing an emergency stay 28 1702670 Ann Donnelly in Brooklyn issuing an emergency stay that temporarily allowed stranded travelers with valid visas to remain in the United States . The American Civil Liberties Union, which sought the stay, said it would help 100 to 200 people with visas or 28 1702816 Americans. "There's a very strong nexus between our immigration and visa programs and terrorist plots and extremist networks inside the United States ," the official told reporters in a briefing. "It would be reckless and irresponsible to ... broadcast to the entire world the 28 1703195 traveler reported to AILA. A half hour later in New York City, an Iranian arrived at JFK and entered the United States on a valid visa without any problems, according to AILA. One of the Iraqis detained at JFK was Hameed Khalid 28 1703372 also allowed to enter the country. On Sunday morning, seven more detainees at JFK airport were allowed to enter the United States , said ACLU immigration attorney Andre Segura. The organization knew of at least five others that remained in the custody of 28 1703470 on Saturday saying that green card holders were "not included" in the ban and could continue to travel to the United States . The source said airlines were allowing travelers with green cards on flights until told otherwise. The Trump administration official later 28 1703502 on flights until told otherwise. The Trump administration official later told reporters that U.S. green card holders traveling outside the United States need to check with a U.S. consulate to see whether they can return. "It's being cleared on a case-by 28 1703596 He added that they would be subjected to extra questioning by CBP agents when they tried to re-enter the United States . A senior administration official told Reuters, however, that it had not been determined where and how those screenings would be 28 1703981 forceful approach against Islamic State, but how he will pursue that remains unclear. U.S. military officials have long acknowledged the United States could more quickly defeat Islamic State by using its own forces, instead of local fighters, on the battlefield. But victory 28 1704352 control of the Islamic State's de facto capital of Raqqa. In his Senate confirmation hearing, Mattis said he believed the United States already had a strategy that would allow the American military to regain control of Raqqa. But he said that strategy 28 1704417 provide weapons to Kurdish fighters in Syria as they push toward Raqqa, despite fierce objections from NATO ally Turkey. The United States views the Kurdish fighters as its most reliable ally in Syria but Ankara sees them as an extension of Kurdish 28 1704563 Editing by Yara Bayoumy and Bill Rigby) ANKARA (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's sweeping ban on people seeking refuge in the United States is no solution to problems, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Saturday, adding that Western countries should do more 28 1704607 ease Turkey's refugee burden. The new Republican president on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries, although NATO ally Turkey was not among them 28 1704719 billion on sheltering refugees. May, who met with Trump in Washington a day earlier, told the news conference that the United States was responsible for its position on refugees. She has previously said a "special relationship" between the United States and Britain 28 1704737 that the United States was responsible for its position on refugees. She has previously said a "special relationship" between the United States and Britain meant the two countries could speak frankly to each other when they disagreed on issues. [S8N1EY00D] Yildirim said 28 1706802 was asked three times to comment on Trump's move to put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and to temporarily bar travellers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries, which he said would protect Americans from 28 1706834 Muslim-majority countries, which he said would protect Americans from violent Islamists. May - who had flown to Turkey from the United States where she was the first foreign leader to meet the new U.S. president for talks she called successful - replied that 28 1706900 coming under fire from within her own party, her spokesman said Britain disagreed with Trump's ban. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 1706910 said Britain disagreed with Trump's ban. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," he said. "But we do 28 1707072 disagree with it and we think it's wrong," he told BBC TV on Sunday. Britain will make representations to the United States on behalf of any British nationals affected by the policy, he said. OUTCRY Trump's executive order plunged America's immigration system 28 1707162 be affected. May had been enjoying a positive response at home for revitalising the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States , which could be a vital trading partner after Britain exits the European Union. But her response while in Ankara for 28 1707286 It's an ethos this country is proud of." Another Conservative lawmaker, Nadhim Zahawi, said he would be banned from the United States as a British citizen of Iraqi origin. "A sad sad day to feel like a second-class citizen," he tweeted 28 1707472 was asked three times to comment on Trump's move to put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and to temporarily bar travelers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries, which he said would protect Americans from 28 1707504 Muslim-majority countries, which he said would protect Americans from violent Islamists. May - who had flown to Turkey from the United States where she was the first foreign leader to meet the new U.S. president for talks she called successful - replied that 28 1707570 coming under fire from within her own party, her spokesman said Britain disagreed with Trump's ban. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 1707580 said Britain disagreed with Trump's ban. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," he said. "But we do 28 1707742 disagree with it and we think it's wrong," he told BBC TV on Sunday. Britain will make representations to the United States on behalf of any British nationals affected by the policy, he said. OUTCRY Trump's executive order plunged America's immigration system 28 1707832 be affected. May had been enjoying a positive response at home for revitalizing the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States , which could be a vital trading partner after Britain exits the European Union. But her response while in Ankara for 28 1707956 It's an ethos this country is proud of." Another Conservative lawmaker, Nadhim Zahawi, said he would be banned from the United States as a British citizen of Iraqi origin. "A sad sad day to feel like a second-class citizen," he tweeted 28 1708142 was asked three times to comment on Trump's move to put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and to temporarily bar travellers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries, which he said would protect Americans from 28 1708174 Muslim-majority countries, which he said would protect Americans from violent Islamists. May - who had flown to Turkey from the United States where she was the first foreign leader to meet the new U.S. president for talks she called successful - replied that 28 1708240 coming under fire from within her own party, her spokesman said Britain disagreed with Trump's ban. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 1708250 said Britain disagreed with Trump's ban. "Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," he said. "But we do 28 1708412 disagree with it and we think it's wrong," he told BBC TV on Sunday. Britain will make representations to the United States on behalf of any British nationals affected by the policy, he said. OUTCRY Trump's executive order plunged America's immigration system 28 1708502 be affected. May had been enjoying a positive response at home for revitalising the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States , which could be a vital trading partner after Britain exits the European Union. But her response while in Ankara for 28 1708626 It's an ethos this country is proud of." Another Conservative lawmaker, Nadhim Zahawi, said he would be banned from the United States as a British citizen of Iraqi origin. "A sad sad day to feel like a second-class citizen," he tweeted 28 1708791 President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday that put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other countries. The order also seeks to prioritize refugees fleeing religious persecution 28 1708999 a 30-year-old IT worker at the same church who declined to give her surname, said travel to the United States was a distant and impracticable dream. "I don't know or have anyone in the U.S. If there was someone I 28 1709284 AFP) - Silicon Valley heads have slammed US President Donald Trump's temporary ban on refugees and many Muslims from entering the United States , fearing it could prevent them from accessing a global reservoir of talent. The sweeping immigration crackdown moved many tech bosses 28 1709913 Sunday to its decision to bar citizens of Iraq, a key partner in the war against jihadists, from entering the United States . President Donald Trump signed an executive order barring citizens of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen from entering 28 1710007 a reciprocal ban on US citizens. "We clearly demanded that the Iraqi government deal reciprocally in all issues... with the United States of America," Hassan Shwairid, the deputy head of the Iraqi parliament's foreign affairs committee, told AFP. Because of its role 28 1710223 the country. Story continues "After the decision of the American president to prohibit the entry of Iraqi citizens to the United States of America, we demand Americans be prevented from entering Iraq, and the removal of those of them who are present 28 1710749 new president to "slow down" and work with lawmakers on how best to tighten screening for foreigners who enter the United States . Story continues "In my view, we ought to all take a deep breath and come up with something that makes 28 1710871 a few more questions from someone traveling in and out of Libya and Yemen before being let loose in the United States ," Trump's chief of staff, Reince Priebus, said. "And that's all this is." As of Sunday afternoon, one legal permanent resident 28 1713008 an executive order barring people from seven countries including Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Somalia from entering the United States for 90 days. It also stopped all refugees from entering the U.S. for 120 days and indefinitely suspended the entry 28 1713747 for greater security. Conway said those who were detained represent just 1 percent of the 325,000 who flew into the United States on Saturday. I was stopped many times after 9/11, she added. I didnt resemble, or share a name with 28 1715108 evening, President Trump signed an executive order to temporarily bar the citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States and immediately halt to the U.S. refugee program for four months with Syrian refugees barred indefinitely. By Saturday, protests had 28 1716158 this past Friday signed off on an Executive Order which restricts refugees from 7 predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States for a period of 90 days. In turn, Trumps new immigration initiative has been widely criticized from all angles and 28 1716857 of note is that Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky promised to provide free housing for refugees unable to stay in the United States . Tesla CEO Elon Musk also chimed in on the matter. Some other statements of note include remarks from Microsoft CEO 28 1717069 Yet, as other big companies have sought to appease the new administration with promises of jobs or investments in the United States , Apple has stayed low-profile. Major Apple contractor Foxconn this month confirmed that it is considering a $7 billion investment 28 1719229 personal profile page, Zuckerberg expressed concern over the long-term ramifications that Trumps new Executive Orders will have on the United States . Don't Miss: Apples iPhone 8 might look a lot like this Noting that both he and his wife are the 28 1719458 time, Zuckerberg also expressed optimism with respect to Trumps plans to work something out for immigrants who came to the United States at a young age. You can check out Zuckerbergs full post over here. Incidentally, Facebooks relationship with Trump is rather 28 1720436 few days and despite the unjust circumstances which have risen for the immigrants and travelers of several countries to the United States , my decision had remained the same: to attend this ceremony and to express my opinions about these circumstances in the 28 1720527 and extremism which are today taking place more than ever. Just as I had stated to my distributor in the United States on the day the nominees were announced, that I would be attending this ceremony along with my cinematographer, I continued 28 1720619 like to convey via this statement what I would have expressed to the press were I to travel to the United States . Hardliners, despite their nationalities, political arguments and wars, regard and understand the world in very much the same way. In 28 1720687 image of them and inflict fear in the people of their own countries. This is not just limited to the United States ; in my country hardliners are the same. For years on both sides of the ocean, groups of hardliners have tried 28 1720895 conditions forced upon some of my compatriots and the citizens of the other six countries trying to legally enter the United States of America and hope that the current situation will not give rise to further divide between nations. -Asghar Farhadi, Iran 28 1721488 anti-Muslim immigration ban. On Friday, Trump signed an executive order that bans more than 130 million people from the United States and denies entry to all refugees. Shortly after, a number of A-list celebrities took to Twitter to express their 28 1727230 the two cities in Idaho where refugees are resettled, and while refugee resettlement has been a controversial issue throughout the United States , the controversy started earlier and burned hotter in Twin Falls than most other places. We did hear back from a 28 1728856 the brink of starvation in Lebanon. A safe option was available: We began the application process to come to the United States . The process started with a series of meetings with U.S. government representatives at least five in-person interviews with each 28 1738081 the change of presidential administrations, shes hearing that it may become harder for foreigners to get visas to visit the United States . I may not be able to bring business to Montana, Voth said. I may have to start looking at taking 28 1740093 reasons, but this year, I am mostly concerned about the state of our democracy. The Economist Intelligence Unit downgraded the United States from a full democracy to a flawed democracy in its 2016 Democracy Index. People want reassurance that our elections can 28 1741707 into believing they are disrespecting President Trump when in fact they are disrespecting the office of the president of the United States . The inauguration is about the office, not the person. Childish! Then there are the childish demonstrations the left-wing liberal 28 1741789 adult behavior. Im still waiting for all the left-wing liberal progressive Democrat celebrity clowns who promised to leave the United States if President Trump was elected, to leave. What am I thinking? More left-wing liberal progressive Democrat talk with no 28 1742082 2016 has graced our culture. But if we note anything, it must be the soaring increase in violence in the United States of America. No statistic, no statement of fact, brings home this reality better than the 56 percent rise in the 28 1748528 with Congress." In another pair of tweets, Amash wrote, "The president's denial of entry to lawful permanent residents of the United States (green card holders) is particularly troubling. ... Green card holders live in the United States as our neighbors and serve in 28 1748542 to lawful permanent residents of the United States (green card holders) is particularly troubling. ... Green card holders live in the United States as our neighbors and serve in our Armed Forces. They deserve better." His final tweet read, "While EO allows admittance 28 1749873 his first executive action to withdraw the U.S. from a sweeping Pacific Rim pact. He also effectively closed off the United States to refugees, at least temporarily, and risked angering the Arab world by halting visas for people from seven majority Muslim 28 1752299 express surprise at the strong showing by Napa Countys smaller communities. Often when you look at rural communities throughout the United States , they have two modes of travel, Vautin said. People either drive or the town is so small they can walk 28 1762817 it states that "refugee claimants are required to request refugee protection in the first safe country they arrive in". The United States is considered a "safe country" under this law. As of today, refugees from across the Middle East and North Africa 28 1762849 today, refugees from across the Middle East and North Africa who have spent months or years seeking status in the United States are at risk of arriving there only to be turned back to their country of origin. Because of the Safe 28 1763471 including Syria, Iraq and other Muslim-majority nations. When pressed for her view on Trump's executive order, May replied: "The United States is responsible for the United States' policy on refugees, the United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on 28 1763477 majority nations. When pressed for her view on Trump's executive order, May replied: "The United States is responsible for the United States ' policy on refugees, the United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom's policy on refugees." Yvette Cooper, the former shadow 28 1763660 Bavaria's sister party to Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats called for ending sanctions imposed against Russia by Europe and the United States for its invasion of Crimea and its military actions in Ukraine.The sanctions should be lifted this year, Bavarian state premier 28 1764478 group that passport-holders from states such as Iran and Iraq, including cabin crew, will be barred entry to the United States , IATA said in an email to its member airlines, seen by Reuters.The email underscores airlines' confusion about the situation as 28 1764525 may face from crew scheduling. Airlines also stand to lose business: for instance, around 35,000 travelers from Iran visited the United States in 2015, according to the US Department of Homeland Security."Much of this development has come over the weekend and 28 1764613 from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days.IATA was informed that lawful permanent residents of the United States - or green-card holders - from those countries are not included in the ban.However, a Trump administration official told reporters that 28 1764824 out the directive, which the president signed late on Friday to impose a four-month ban on refugees entering the United States and a 90-day hold on travelers from Syria, Iran and five other Muslim-majority countries.In an emergency ruling on 28 1764882 as well as "approved holders of valid immigrant and non-immigrant visas and other individuals ... legally authorized to enter the United States " from the countries targeted in Trump's order.The American Civil Liberties Union, which sought the temporary stay, said it would help 28 1765005 not immediately clear if the ruling would require the US government to allow travelers detained at airports to enter the United States or would only prevent their deportation back to the countries from where they came."This has unfolded with such speed 28 1765663 one of the largest US airports.The tense exchange, witnessed by Reuters, was representative of the confusion at airports across the United States and others overseas after Trump abruptly halted immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries and temporarily put a stop to the 28 1765707 refugees.Throughout much of Saturday, government officials and security workers were left to guess who from those countries could enter the United States legally and who could not.The day ended with a federal judge issuing an emergency stay that temporarily allowed stranded travelers 28 1765736 with a federal judge issuing an emergency stay that temporarily allowed stranded travelers with valid visas to remain in the United States . The American Civil Liberties Union, which sought the stay, said it would help 100 to 200 people with visas or 28 1765955 traveler reported to AILA. A half hour later in New York City, an Iranian arrived at JFK and entered the United States on a valid visa without any problems, according to AILA.A senior administration official said Trump's order - aimed at citizens of 28 1766012 Americans."There's a very strong nexus between our immigration and visa programs and terrorist plots and extremist networks inside the United States ," the official told reporters in a briefing. "It would be reckless and irresponsible to ... broadcast to the entire world the 28 1766508 noon yesterday saying that green card holders were "not included" in the ban and could continue to travel to the United States . The source said airlines were allowing travelers with green cards on flights until told otherwise.The Trump administration official later told 28 1766539 cards on flights until told otherwise.The Trump administration official later told reporters that US green card holders traveling outside the United States need to check with a US consulate to see whether they can return."It's being cleared on a case-by 28 1766602 Leopold, from Cleveland, Ohio, said he is erring on the side of caution, advising his clients to stay in the United States to avoid being stranded abroad.That can create some agonizing dilemmas."A Syrian doctor who has a dying mother in Europe 28 1766640 dying mother in Europe cannot go visit her not knowing that he will be able to get back into the United States ," Leopold said. REUTERS SHS NS1201 -- (Reuters) -- C-1-1-DL0432-1127251.Xml Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian during 28 1766784 were officially requested today to prevent US immigration visa holders from seven Muslim-majority countries from boarding flights to the United States , Hossam Hussein, an EgyptAir official, said.Hussein, who is responsible for EgyptAir's daily flight to New York, said authorities there had 28 1767364 was asked three times to comment on Trump's move to put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barring travellers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries, which he said would protect Americans from violent 28 1767394 other Muslim-majority countries, which he said would protect Americans from violent Islamists.May - who had flown to Turkey from the United States where she was the first foreign leader to meet the new US president - replied that Washington was responsible for its 28 1767455 fire from within her own party, her spokesman said Britain did not agree with Trump's ban."Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States, just the same as immigration policy for this country should 28 1767465 did not agree with Trump's ban."Immigration policy in the United States is a matter for the government of the United States , just the same as immigration policy for this country should be set by our government," he said."But we do 28 1767587 that we disagree with it and we think it's wrong," he told BBC TV today.Britain would make representations to the United States on behalf of any British nationals affected by the policy, he said.Trump's executive order plunged America's immigration system into chaos 28 1767673 also be affected.May had been enjoying a positive response at home for revitalising the "special relationship" between Britain and the United States , which could be a vital trading partner after Brexit.But her response while in Ankara for talks with Turkish President Tayyip 28 1767792 It's an ethos this country is proud of."Another Conservative lawmaker, Nadhim Zahawi, said he would be banned from the United States as a British citizen of Iraqi origin. "A sad sad day to feel like a second class citizen," he tweeted 28 1768176 erupted in April 2014.Kiev and NATO accuse the Kremlin of supporting the rebels with troops and weapons and the United States and the European Union have imposed sanctions on Russia over the conflict, as well as for its annexation of Crimea.The 28 1768467 the Karachi chapter of ASWJ, has often been accused of spreading religious hatred. Saeed is wanted by India and the United States for his alleged role in masterminding the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai that claimed 166 lives. He even carries a 28 1768535 LeT), but following the attack on the Indian Parliament in 2002, it re-emerged as Jamaat-ud Dawa (JuD). The United States has designated the JuD as a front for the LeT. (ANI) Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn has warned British 28 1768869 United States.The Sudanese foreign ministry said in a statement the decision sent a "negative message", coming two weeks after the United States announced it would ease economic sanctions on Sudan. It urged the United States to reconsider the decision.Trump on Friday put 28 1768882 negative message", coming two weeks after the United States announced it would ease economic sanctions on Sudan. It urged the United States to reconsider the decision.Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily 28 1768900 urged the United States to reconsider the decision.Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries including Sudan, saying the moves would help protect 28 1769111 Tuesday just days before Obama leaves office. Putin said there has been a "continued acute internal political struggle" in the United States , which is aimed at undermining the legitimacy of Trump's win in the election and preventing him from taking office. The 28 1769447 postal service company. A female protestor yells at a supporter of Donald Trump during the protest in Washington D.C., the United States , Jan. 20, 2017. More than 200 people were arrested as American protesters clashed with riot police in Washington Friday afternoon 28 1769924 Ukrainian crisis. "The conversation took place in a positive and businesslike manner," said the Kremlin statement. Russian ties with the United States and other NATO members experienced a record low during the Obama administration, mainly due to the Crimea issue, the Ukrainian 28 1769959 due to the Crimea issue, the Ukrainian crisis and the hacking accusations. In the last weeks of Obama's presidency, the United States expelled Russian diplomats and expanded economic sanctions. Putin was among the first leaders of major powers to send congratulations to 28 1770016 call in mid-November, Putin and the then U.S. president-elect agreed that the current ties between Russian and the United States "could not get worse" and vowed to help "stimulate a return to pragmatic, mutually beneficial cooperation." OTTAWA, Jan. 28 (Xinhua 28 1770068 refugees a day after U.S. President Donald Trump issued an executive order banning people from seven countries from entering the United States . "To those fleeing persecution, terror and war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength," Trudeau 28 1770129 Friday signed an executive order which prohibits citizens of Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen and Libya from entering the United States in the coming three months, and also bans refugees from Syria indefinitely. Trump said the order would help protect Americans 28 1770197 after the U.S. State Department confirmed that dual citizens of the affected countries would not be allowed to enter the United States over the next several months. Bijan Ahmadi, president of the Iranian Canadian Congress, said he's outraged by the new policy 28 1770268 birth. And the community has that same outrage." Canada's WestJet Airlines said it turned back a passenger bound for the United States Saturday in order to comply with the Trump executive order, adding that it will give full refunds to anyone affected 28 1770884 on Saturday. U.S. President Donald Trump waves upon his arrival at the White House from Philadelphia, in Washington D.C., the United States , on Jan. 26, 2017. (Xinhua/Yin Bogu) NEW YORK, Jan. 28 (Xinhua) -- A U.S. federal judge issued an emergency stay 28 1770956 executive order, signed Friday and widely described as a "Muslim ban," includes a 90-day ban on travel to the United States by citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries and a four-month suspension of the U.S. refugee program. Related: Trudeau welcomes 28 1771018 refugees a day after U.S. President Donald Trump issued an executive order banning people from seven countries from entering the United States . WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday expressed his desire to strengthen U.S.-French cooperation on a 28 1771138 and he complained that various members of the bloc were not paying their dues, which was "very unfair to the United States ." At a joint press conference with Trump in Washington on Friday, British Prime Minister Theresa May said the U.S. president 28 1771309 and he complained that various members of the bloc were not paying their dues, which was "very unfair to the United States ." At a joint press conference with Trump in Washington on Friday, British Prime Minister Theresa May said the U.S. president 28 1771519 Turnbull and the previous Obama administration - after the new president issued an executive order restricting asylum seekers from entering the United States . Following a 25-minute phone call between Trump and Turnbull on Sunday morning, the Australian government is confident the asylum 28 1771547 between Trump and Turnbull on Sunday morning, the Australian government is confident the asylum seekers will be accepted by the United States . In a brief statement issued by the White House following the phone call, it was said that the Australia-U.S 28 1771623 the statement said. Meanwhile Australia's Immigration Minister Peter Dutton refused to confirm the asylum seekers would be taken by the United States , but did say the government would continue to "work with" the United States to come up with an acceptable agreement 28 1771636 asylum seekers would be taken by the United States, but did say the government would continue to "work with" the United States to come up with an acceptable agreement. There is still speculation surrounding how many of the roughly 2,000 asylum seekers