October 2002
Latvia: Defense Minister Girts Valdis Kristovskis is named acting interior minister.
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San Marino: Giuseppe Maria Morganti (Democrat) and Mauro Chiaruzzi (Socialist) are installed as captains-regent.
Senegal: Defense Minister Youba Sambou resigns. Prime Minister Mame Madior Boye takes over the defense ministry.
Sweden: Prime Minister Göran Persson survives a no-confidence vote (174-158 with 17 abstentions).
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Russia: President Vladimir Putin names Aleksandr Khloponin acting governor of Krasnoyarsk kray until the electoral problem there is resolved. Sergey Nauman is appointed acting governor of Taymyr autonomous okrug on October 10. Khloponin is inaugurated as governor of Krasnoyarsk on October 17, the regional electoral commission having ultimately accepted his victory.
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São Tomé and Príncipe: Maria das Neves is named as new prime minister. Her government takes office October 7, with Mateus Meira Rita as foreign minister, Fernando da Trindade Danquá as defense minister, and Maria Tebus continuing as finance minister.
Thailand: In a cabinet reshuffle, Wanmuhamadnoor Matha becomes interior minister and Thammarak Isarangura defense minister.
Côte d'Ivoire: Paul Yao N'Dré becomes interior minister.
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Nepal: King Gyanendra sacks Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, abolishes the Council of Ministers, and temporarily assumes executive powers himself. On October 11 he appoints Lokendra Bahadur Chand as prime minister, who gets 13 portfolios in the new cabinet, including defense, while Narendra Bikram Shah becomes foreign minister, Badri Prasad Shrestha finance minister, and Dharma Bahadur Thapa home affairs minister.
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Bosnia and Herzegovina: In elections to the three-member presidency, Dragan Covic of the Croat Democratic Union (HDZ) is elected to the Croat seat with 61.5% of the vote against 17.4% for Mladen Ivankovic Lijanovic; Mirko Sarovic of the Serb Democratic Party (SDS) secures the Serb seat with 35.5% against 19.9% for Nebojsa Radmanovic; and Sulejman Tihic of the Party for Democratic Action (SDA) wins the Muslim seat with 37.3%, against 34.8% for Haris Silajdzic and 17.5% for Alija Behmen. In the parliamentary elections, the SDA wins 21.9% of the vote (10 of 42 seats), the SDS 14% (5), the Party for Bosnia and Herzegovina (SBiH) 11.1% (6), the Social Democrats (SDP) 10.4% (4), the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD) 9.8% (3), and the HDZ 9.5% (5). In the election to the Federation parliament, the SDA wins 32.7% of the vote (32 of 98 seats), the HDZ 15.8% (16), the SDP 15.6% (15), and the SBiH 15.3% (15). In the Republika Srpska parliament, the SDS wins 31.2% (26 of 83 seats) and the SNSD 21.8% (19). Dragan Cavic (SDS) is elected president of the Republika Srpska with 35.9% of the vote against 22.1% for Milan Jelic. Turnout is 53.9%. The new three-member presidency is sworn in on October 28, Sarovic being the first chairman.
South Korea: Parliament approves Kim Suk Soo as prime minister (210-31).
Latvia: In parliamentary elections, the New Era party wins 23.9% of the vote (26 of 100 seats), For Human Rights in a United Latvia 18.9% (25), the People's Party 16.7% (20), the Union of Farmers and Greens 9.5% (12), Latvia's First Party 9.6% (10), and For Fatherland and Freedom 5.4% (7). Turnout is 73%.
Brazil: In presidential elections, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers' Party (PT) wins 46.4% of the vote, followed by José Serra of the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB) with 23.2%, Anthony Garotinho of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) with 17.9%, and Ciro Gomes of the Popular Socialist Party (PPS) with 12%. Turnout is 82.2%. A runoff is held October 27, and Lula wins 61.3% to Serra's 38.7%; turnout is 79.5%. In parliamentary elections held on October 6, the PT wins 91 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 10 for a total of 14 in the Senate, the Liberal Front Party (PFL) 84 (14/19), the Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PMDB) 74 (9/19), and the PSDB 71 (8/11). Results of gubernatorial elections held on October 6 and 27 (PDT=Democratic Workers' Party; PPB=Brazilian Progressive Party; PRTB=Brazilian Labour Renewal Party; PTB=Brazilian Workers' Party; PTN=National Workers' Party):
- Acre: Gov. Jorge Ney Viana Macedo Neves (PT) 63.6%, Flaviano Flavio Baptista de Melo (PMDB) 33.6%.
- Alagoas: Gov. Ronaldo Augusto Lessa Santos (PSB) 52.9%, former president Fernando Collor de Mello (PRTB) 40.2%.
- Amapá: Antônio Waldez Góes da Silva (PDT) 36.8%, Gov. Maria Dalva de Souza Figueiredo (PT) 25.3%, Cláudio Pinho Santana (PSB) 22.3%, Fátima Lúcia Pelaes (PSDB) 15%. Runoff: Waldez 54.6%, Dalva 45.4%.
- Amazonas: Carlos Eduardo de Souza Braga (PPS) 52.4%, Gilberto Mestrinho de Medeiros Raposo (PMDB) 20.9%, Serafim Fernandes Corrêa (PSB) 20.8%.
- Bahia: Paulo Ganem Souto (PFL) 53.7%, Jaques Wagner (PT) 38.5%.
- Ceará: Lúcio Gonçalo de Alcântara (PSDB) 49.8%, José Airton Felix Cirilo da Silva (PT) 28.3%, José Sergio de Oliveira Machado (PMDB) 12.1%, José Welington Landim (PSB) 7.4%. Runoff: Lúcio Alcântara 50.04%, José Airton 49.96%.
- Distrito Federal: Gov. Joaquim Domingos Roriz (PMDB) 42.9%, Geraldo Magela Pereira (PT) 40.9%, Benedito Augusto Domingues (PPB) 7.2%, Rodrigo Sobral Rollemberg (PSB) 6.8%. Runoff: Roriz 50.6%, Magela 49.4%.
- Espírito Santo: Paulo César Hartung Gomes (PSB) 54%, Max Freitas Mauro (PTB) 41.5%.
- Goiás: Gov. Marconi Ferreira Perillo Júnior (PSDB) 51.2%, Luiz Alberto Maguito Vilela (PMDB) 32.8%, Marina Pignataro Sant'Anna (PT) 15.2%.
- Maranhão: Gov. José Reinaldo Carneiro Tavares (PFL) 51.1%, Jackson Kleper Lago (PDT) 42.5%, Raimundo Monteiro dos Santos (PT) 6%.
- Mato Grosso: Blairo Borges Maggi (PPS) 50.7%, Antero Paes de Barros Neto (PSDB) 29.5%, Alexandre Luis César (PT) 18.6%.
- Mato Grosso do Sul: Gov. José Orcírio Miranda dos Santos (PT) 48.3%, Marisa Joaquina Monteiro Serrano (PSDB) 42.4%. Runoff: dos Santos 53.7%, Marisa Serrano 46.3%.
- Minas Gerais: Aécio Neves da Cunha (PSDB) 57.7%, Nilmário de Miranda (PT) 30.7%, Newton Cardoso (PMDB) 6.7%.
- Pará: Simão Robison Oliveira Jatene (PSDB) 34.5%, Maria do Carmo Cardoso Martins (PT) 29%, Ademir Galvão Andrade (PSB) 25%, Hildegardo de Figueiredo Nunes (PTB) 9.7%. Runoff: Jatene 51.7%, Maria do Carmo 48.3%.
- Paraíba: Cássio Rodrigues da Cunha Lima (PSDB) 47.2%, Gov. Antônio Roberto de Sousa Paulino (PMDB) 40%, José Avenzoar Arruda das Neves (PT) 12.6%. Runoff: Cássio Cunha Lima 51.4%, Roberto Paulino 48.6%.
- Paraná: Álvaro Fernandes Dias (PDT) 31.4%, Roberto Requião de Mello e Silva (PMDB) 26.2%, Carlos Alberto Richa (PSDB) 17.3%, Roque Zimmermann (PT) 16.4%, Rubens Bueno (PPS) 7%. Runoff: Roberto Requião 55.2%, Álvaro Dias 44.8%.
- Pernambuco: Gov. Jarbas de Andrade Vasconcelos (PMDB) 60.4%, Humberto Sérgio Costa Lima (PT) 34.1%.
- Piauí: José Wellington Barroso de Araújo Dias (PT) 51%, Gov. Hugo Napoleão do Rego Neto (PFL) 44.1%.
- Rio de Janeiro: Rosinha Garotinho (PSB) 51.3%, Gov. Benedita da Silva (PT) 24.4%, Jorge Roberto Saad Silveira (PDT) 14.3%.
- Rio Grande do Norte: Wilma Maria de Faria (PSB) 37.6%, Gov. Fernando Antônio da Câmara Freire (PPB) 30.9%, Fernando Luiz Gonçalves Bezerra (PTB) 19.9%, Ruy Pereira dos Santos (PT) 11.2%. Runoff: Wilma 61%, Fernando Freire 39%.
- Rio Grande do Sul: Germano Antonio Rigotto (PMDB) 41.2%, Tarso Fernando Herz Genro (PT) 37.3%, Antônio Britto Filho (PPS) 12.3%, Celso Bernardi (PPB) 6.2%. Runoff: Rigotto 52.7%, Tarso Genro 47.3%.
- Rondônia: Ivo Narciso Cassol (PSDB) 29.6%, Gov. José de Abreu Bianco (PFL) 20.2%, Acir Marcos Gurgacz (PDT) 16.9%, Mauro Nazif Rasul (PSB) 15.6%, Ernandes Santos Amorim (PRTB) 10.5%, Natanael José da Silva (PPB) 7%. Runoff: Ivo Cassol 59.1%, Bianco 40.9%.
- Roraima: Ottomar de Sousa Pinto (PTB) 49.2%, Gov. Francisco Flamarion Portela (PSL) 48.7%. Runoff: Flamarion 53.5%, Ottomar Pinto 46.5%.
- Santa Catarina: Gov. Esperidião Amin Helou Filho (PPB) 39.9%, Luiz Henrique da Silveira (PMDB) 30.1%, José Fritsch (PT) 27.3%. Runoff: Luiz Henrique da Silveira 50.3%, Esperidião Amin 49.7%.
- São Paulo: Gov. Geraldo Alckmin Filho (PSDB) 38.3%, José Genoíno Neto (PT) 32.4%, Paulo Salim Maluf (PPB) 21.4%. Runoff: Geraldo Alckmin 58.6%, Genoíno 41.4%.
- Sergipe: João Alves Filho (PFL) 43.6%, José Eduardo de Barros Dutra (PT) 28.4%, Francisco Guimarães Rollemberg (PTN) 25.8%. Runoff: João Alves 55%, José Eduardo 45%.
- Tocantins: Marcelo de Carvalho Miranda (PFL) 60.6%, José dos Santos Freire Júnior (PMDB) 33.7%.
Brazil: Former acting governor of Acre (1990-91) Edson Simões Cadaxo dies.
Macedonia: President Boris Trajkovski names Social Democrat leader Branko Crvenkovski as prime minister-designate.
Madagascar: Finance Minister Narisoa Rajaonarivony is ousted by Prime Minister Jacques Sylla. The new finance minister is Benjamin Radavidson Andriamparany.
Trinidad and Tobago: In parliamentary elections, Prime Minister Patrick Manning's People's National Movement wins 20 of 36 seats and the United National Congress 16. Turnout is 69.8%.
India: In parliamentary elections in Jammu and Kashmir held on September 16 and 24 and October 1 and 8, the ruling National Conference party wins 28 of 87 seats, the Congress Party 20, and the People's Democratic Party (PDP) 16. Turnout is 44%. Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah resigns on October 11. The state is placed under federal rule on October 18 after lawmakers failed to agree on a coalition government. An agreement between the PDP and Congress is announced on October 26, however, and Mufti Mohammad Sayeed (PDP) is to become chief minister.
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Morocco: King Muhammad VI appoints Interior Minister Driss Jettou as prime minister.
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon: Claude Valleix replaces Jean-François Tallec as prefect.
Ukraine: Former chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian S.S.R. (1969-72) Aleksandr Lyashko dies.
India: Mohammed Fazal takes office as governor of Maharashtra. He is replaced as governor of Goa on October 26 by Kidar Nath Sahani, who was himself replaced as governor of Sikkim by V. Rama Rao on October 25.
Pakistan: In parliamentary elections, the Pakistan Muslim League (Quaid-e-Azam) (PMLQ) wins 76 seats (28% of the votes), the Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarians (PPPP) 62 (23%), and the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) 53 (19%). Results of provincial elections:
- Balochistan: MMA 14 (27%), PMLQ 8 (16%), PPPP 2 (4%).
- North-West Frontier Province: MMA 48 (48%), PPPP 8 (8%), PMLQ 8 (8%).
- Punjab: PMLQ 127 (43%), PPPP 60 (20%), Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) (PMLN) 37 (12%).
- Sindh: PPPP 50 (38%), Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) 28 (22%), MMA 13 (10%), PMLQ 10 (8%).
Azerbaijan: Ashot Gulyan is named as new foreign minister of Nagorno-Karabakh.
Bahrain: Former chief political resident of the Persian Gulf (1966-70) Sir Stewart Crawford dies.
Germany: Former first secretary of the Socialist Unity Party of Magdeburg (1983-89) Werner Eberlein dies.
China: Xi Jinping is elected acting governor of Zhejiang.
Côte d'Ivoire: Defense Minister Moïse Lida Kouassi is removed and Kadet Bertin appointed as minister attached to the presidency responsible for defense.
Guinea-Bissau: António Sedja Man becomes new interior minister.
Jersey: Former lieutenant governor (1974-79) Sir Desmond Fitzpatrick dies.
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Mauritius: The first Rodrigues Regional Assembly opens and Jean Daniel Spéville becomes chief commissioner. On October 15 Claude Wong So is appointed as chief executive; he is installed on October 24.
China: Lu Zhangong is appointed acting governor of Fujian.
Yugoslavia: In the presidential election runoff in Serbia, Vojislav Kostunica wins 66.9% of the vote and Miroljub Labus 30.9%, but the turnout (45.5%) is below the legal minimum of 50%, so that new elections have to be held.
Zimbabwe: Sir Garfield Todd, former prime minister of Southern Rhodesia (1953-58), dies.
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British Virgin Islands: Tom Macan is sworn in as governor.
China: Wang Jinshan is appointed acting governor of Anhui and Wang Hongju acting mayor of Chongqing.
Iraq: A presidential referendum extends Saddam Hussein's rule for another seven years, official results showing a 100% "yes" vote and a 100% turnout.
Jamaica: In parliamentary elections, the ruling People's National Party wins 52% of the vote (34 of 60 seats) and the Jamaica Labour Party 47.3% (26). Turnout is 56.3%.
Jersey: In parliamentary elections, only nonpartisans are elected. Turnout is 45.1%.
Mali: Bassari Touré is named as finance minister.
The Netherlands: Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende resigns.
Palestine: Hani al-Hassan is appointed interior minister. Parliament approves the new cabinet on October 29.
Paraguay: Vice President Julio César Franco resigns.
Slovakia: Prime Minister Mikulás Dzurinda's new cabinet takes office. Ivan Miklos becomes finance minister, Ivan Simko moves from the interior to the defense ministry, and Vladimír Palko becomes interior minister. Eduard Kukan stays on as foreign minister.
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Russia: The governor of Magadan oblast, Valentin Tsvetkov, is assassinated. First Deputy Governor Nikolay Dudov becomes acting governor.
Cape Verde: Fátima Veiga becomes foreign minister in a cabinet reshuffle.
Dominican Republic: Former president (1952-60) Héctor Trujillo dies.
Ecuador: In the first round of presidential elections, Col. Lucio Gutiérrez wins 20.4% of the vote, Álvaro Noboa 17.4%, León Roldós 15.4%, former president Rodrigo Borja Cevallos 14%, Xavier Neira 12.2%, and Jacobo Bucaram 11.9%. Turnout is 62.9%. A runoff between Gutiérrez and Noboa will be held November 24. In the parliamentary election, the Social Christian Party wins 24 of 100 seats, the Ecuadorian Roldosist Party 15, and the Democratic Left 13.
Russia: In presidential elections in Kalmykia, incumbent Kirsan Ilyumzhinov wins 47.3% of the vote, Baatyr Shondzhiyev 13.6%, Nikolay Ochirov 12.8%, Vitaly Daginov 8.6%, seven other candidates about 14%, and against all candidates about 3%. Turnout is 67.5%. In a runoff on October 27, Ilyumzhinov wins 57% and Shondzhiyev 38%. Turnout is 69%.
Yugoslavia: In parliamentary elections in Montenegro, President Milo Djukanovic's Democratic List for a European Montenegro (including his Democratic Party of Socialists and its Social Democrat allies) wins 44.8% of the vote (39 of 75 seats), the coalition "Together for Changes" 35.9% (30), the Liberal Alliance 5.4% (4), and the Democratic Coalition "Albanians Together" 2.3% (2). Turnout is 77.5%.
Sweden: In a cabinet reshuffle, Leni Björklund is appointed defense minister. She will take office only on November 4, Pär Nuder acting in the interim.
Germany: Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's new cabinet is sworn in. Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, Defense Minister Peter Struck, Interior Minister Otto Schily, and Finance Minister Hans Eichel keep their posts. Wolfgang Clement, hitherto minister-president of Nordrhein-Westfalen, becomes economy and labour minister. Michael Vesper becomes acting minister-president of Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Yugoslavia: Former foreign minister (1992-93) Ilija Djukic dies.
Bahrain: In parliamentary elections (the first since Dec. 7, 1973), the moderate Sunni Islamists and independents win 16 of 40 seats. Turnout is 53.2%. In a second round held on October 31, the independents win 12 seats and the Islamists 9. The secular representatives or independents secure a total of 21 of the 40 seats.
Algeria: Former president of the Committee of Public Safety (1958) Jacques Massu dies.
Austria: Herwig van Staa is elected Landeshauptmann of Tirol.
Mauritania: Mohamed Ould Tolba is appointed foreign minister.
Switzerland: Former president of the Council of State of Valais (1969-70, 1974-75) Arthur Bender dies.
Togo: In parliamentary elections, President Gnassingbé Eyadéma's Rally of the Togolese People wins 72 of 81 seats, the Rally for the Support of Democracy and Development 3, the Togolese Youth Movement 2, and the Union for Democracy and Social Progress 2. Turnout is 67.4%.
Indonesia: Thaib Armaiyn is elected as the first governor of Maluku Utara.
Israel: Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer resign.
Greece: Former president (1974-75) Michail Stasinopoulos dies.