
April 2003





China: Lu Bing is appointed acting chairman of the government of Guangxi.
Ghana: In a cabinet reshuffle, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo becomes foreign minister, replacing Hackman Owusu-Agyemang, who becomes interior minister.
San Marino: Pier Marino Menicucci (Christian Democrat) and Giovanni Giannoni (Socialist) take office as captains-regent.
Switzerland: Peter Beyeler becomes Landammann of Aargau.


Bosnia and Herzegovina: The chairman of the Presidency, Mirko Sarovic, resigns. On April 9 Borislav Paravac is elected as the new Serb member (and chairman) of the Presidency, taking office April 10.

Estonia: President Arnold Rüütel asks Juhan Parts to form a government. Parliament confirms the nomination on April 7 (60-27). On April 9 Rüütel approves the new cabinet, which retains Kristiina Ojuland as foreign minister, while Margus Hanson becomes defense minister, Margus Leivo interior minister, and Tõnis Palts finance minister. The new government takes office April 10.
Swaziland: Roy Fanourakis is sworn in as foreign minister.


China: Yang Jing is named acting chairman of the government of Nei Mongol.


American Samoa: Togiola Tulafono is sworn in as governor to fill the remaining term of the late Tauese Sunia.
Benin: Former prime minister of Dahomey (1967-68) Maurice Kouandété dies.


Ghana: Former foreign minister (1972) Nathan Apea Aferi dies.
Pakistan: Shaukat Aziz is appointed finance minister, formalizing a role he was already playing as finance adviser to the prime minister.


Iraq: U.S. forces take control of central Baghdad, marking the collapse of President Saddam Hussein's government. Gen. Tommy Franks is the supreme military commander, while on April 21 Lt.Gen. (ret.) Jay Garner arrives in Baghdad as civil administrator.


Malta: In parliamentary elections, Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami's Nationalist Party wins 51.7% of the vote (34 of 65 seats) and the Labour Party 47.6% (31). Turnout is 96.2%.


Canada: In Quebec elections, the Quebec Liberal Party led by Jean Charest wins 45.9% of the votes (76 of 125 seats), against 33.2% (45) for Premier Bernard Landry's Parti Québécois and 18.3% (4) for the Action Démocratique du Québec. Turnout is 70%. Charest is sworn in as new premier on April 29.


Somalia: The president of Somaliland, Dahir Riyale Kahin, is reelected with 42.08% of the vote against 42.07% for Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo.


Finland: A new government is named, and sworn in on April 17. Anneli Jäätteenmäki is the new prime minister, Erkki Tuomioja stays on as foreign minister, Antti Kalliomäki becomes deputy prime minister and finance minister, Matti Vanhanen defense minister, and Kari Rajamäki interior minister.

Lebanon: Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri resigns, but is appointed the next day to form a new government. In the new cabinet named on April 17 Mahmoud Hammoud becomes defense minister and is replaced as foreign minister by Jean Obeid.

Switzerland: Marco Borradori becomes president of the Council of State of Ticino.


Guinea-Bissau: Fernando Correia Landim becomes interior minister. On April 23 Filomena Mascarenhas Tipote is named defense minister.
Nigeria: In presidential elections, incumbent Olusegun Obasanjo of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) wins 61.9% of the vote, Muhammadu Buhari of the All Nigeria People's Party (ANPP) 32.2%, and Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) 3.3%. Turnout is 69.1%. Results of gubernatorial elections (AD=Alliance for Democracy, NDP=National Democratic Party, NRP=National Reformation Party, PRP=People's Redemption Party, UNPP=United Nigeria People's Party):


Uruguay: Former foreign minister (1970-71) Jorge Peirano Facio dies.


China: Beijing mayor Meng Xuenong is dismissed. Wang Qishan becomes acting mayor on April 22.
Congo (Kinshasa): President Joseph Kabila names Abdoulaye Yerodia Ndombasi as one of four vice presidents. The others are to be named by rebel groups and opposition parties. On April 29 rebel leader Jean-Pierre Bemba is named as vice president for the Congolese Liberation Movement.
India: Arunachal Pradesh Governor Arvind Dave takes up the additional charge of Assam.


Botswana: Former commissioner of Bechuanaland (1963-65) Sir Peter Fawcus dies.

Georgia: Abkhaz President Vladislav Ardzinba names Raul Khadjimba as prime minister.


Turks and Caicos Islands: In parliamentary elections, Chief Minister Derek Taylor's People's Democratic Movement wins 7 of 13 seats and the Progressive National Party 6.


Lithuania: Interior Minister Juozas Bernatonis resigns. On April 28 Prime Minister Algirdas Brazauskas nominates Virgilijus Bulovas to replace Bernatonis.
Switzerland: Former president of the Council of State of Ticino (1965-66, 1969-70, 1973-74) Arturo Lafranchi dies.
United States: Secretary of the Army Thomas E. White resigns.


Argentina: In presidential elections, Carlos Saúl Menem wins 24.4% of the vote, Néstor Kirchner 22%, Ricardo López Murphy 16.3%, Elisa Carrió 14.1%, and Adolfo Rodríguez Saá 14.1%. Turnout is 77.6%. A runoff between Menem and Kirchner is to be held on May 18. In provincial elections, Ángel Maza is reelected governor of La Rioja with 51.9% of the vote against 40.6% for Jorge Yoma, and Alberto Rodríguez Saá is elected governor of San Luis with 90.1% against 5.3% for Marcelo Shortrede.
Paraguay: In presidential elections, Nicanor Duarte Frutos wins 37.1% of the vote, Julio César Franco 24%, and Pedro Fadul 21.3%. Turnout is 64.3%. Duarte will take office August 15. In parliamentary elections, the Colorado Party (ANR-PC) wins 37 of 80 seats in the Chamber of Deputies, the Authentic Radical Liberal Party (PLRA) 21, the Dear Fatherland Movement (MPQ) 10, and the National Union of Ethical Citizens 10; in the Senate, the ANR-PC wins 16 of 45 seats, the PLRA 12, and the MPQ 7.
Yemen: In parliamentary elections, President Ali Abdullah Saleh's General People's Congress wins 238 of 301 seats, the Islah Party 46, the Yemen Socialist Party 8, the Nasserite Unionist People's Organization 3, and the Ba`th Party 2.


Burundi: Former prime minister (1961-63) André Muhirwa dies.
Singapore: In a cabinet reshuffle, Teo Chee Hean is named to replace Tony Tan as defense minister from August 1.



Palestine: The parliament confirms the cabinet of Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (51-18). Abbas also takes the interior portfolio, while Nabil Shaath becomes foreign minister and Salam Fayyad is confirmed as finance minister. The cabinet is sworn in on April 30.


Brazil: Former governor of Minas Gerais (1975-78) and acting president (1981, 1983) Aureliano Chaves dies.

Burundi: Vice President Domitien Ndayizeye is sworn in as president in accordance with a power-sharing agreement. Alphonse Marie Kadege becomes vice president.