
June 2004


Ecuador: Finance Minister Mauricio Pozo resigns and is replaced by Mauricio Yépez.


El Salvador: Antonio Saca takes office as president. Ana Vilma de Escobar becomes vice president, Francisco Laínez foreign minister, Gen. Otto Romero defense minister, and Guillermo López finance minister; René Mario Figueroa remains as interior minister.
Iraq: Ghazi al-Yawer is chosen as president, to take office June 30. Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Rowsch Shaways are named vice presidents. The Governing Council decides to dissolve immediately rather than remain in office until June 30, and a new cabinet under Iyad Allawi (who was designated prime minister on May 28) takes office. Hazem Shalan al-Khuzaei becomes defense minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi finance minister, and Falah Hassan al-Naqib interior minister; Hoshyar Zebari remains foreign minister. The handover of sovereignty planned for June 30 is later advanced and takes place on June 28.





Switzerland: Barbara Egger-Jenzer becomes president of the government of Bern, Sylvie Perrinjaquet president of the Council of State of Neuchâtel, Josef Keller president of the government of Sankt Gallen, Claudius Graf-Schelling president of the government of Thurgau, and Josef Arnold Landammann of Uri.
Switzerland: Former president of the Council of State of Valais (1989-90, 1994-95) Richard Gertschen dies.


Ethiopia: Former acting president (1991) Tesfaye Gebre Kidan dies.
Indonesia: Sjachroedin is sworn in as governor of Lampung.

Macedonia: The parliament approves (68-12) the new government of Prime Minister Hari Kostov. Siljan Avramovski replaces Kostov as interior minister; other key ministries are unchanged.
Nepal: King Gyanendra appoints Sher Bahadur Deuba as prime minister. He is sworn in on June 3. On June 10 Deuba announces a three-member cabinet; he personally takes charge of the foreign affairs, defense, finance, and home affairs portfolios among others.


India: B.L. Joshi is appointed lieutenant governor of Delhi. He is sworn in on June 9.
Netherlands Antilles: Etienne Ys is sworn in as prime minister.
United States: CIA Director George Tenet resigns, effective July 11.


Malaysia: Tan Sri Khalil Yaakob is sworn in as governor of Malacca.
United States: John Danforth is nominated as new ambassador to the United Nations. He is confirmed by the Senate on June 24.


Georgia: In a cabinet reshuffle, Giorgi Baramidze becomes defense minister and is replaced as interior minister by Irakli Okruashvili.
United States: Former governor of California (1967-75) and president (1981-89) Ronald Reagan dies.


Organization of American States: Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Echeverría, former president of Costa Rica, is elected secretary-general, to take office in September.
Pakistan: The chief minister of Sindh, Ali Mohammad Mahar, resigns. On June 9 the provincial assembly elects Arbab Ghulam Rahim chief minister.


South Korea: President Roh Moo Hyun nominates Lee Hae Chan for the post of prime minister. He is approved by the National Assembly on June 29 (200-84) and takes office June 30.


Greece: Former prime minister (1989-90) Xenophon Zolotas dies.
Mexico: Former Zacatecas governor (1956-62) Francisco E. García dies.

New Caledonia: The Congress elects Marie-Noëlle Thémereau as new president of the government. Hours later, three ministers resign from the government. Under the country's electoral system, any resignation of a minister brings down the whole government; a new session of Congress to elect a government is held on June 24, but the vote for the president fails when Thémereau and Pierre Frogier each get 4 of the 11 votes, with 3 abstentions. Thémereau is finally confirmed on June 29, winning 8 of 11 votes, with 3 abstentions.


Equatorial Guinea: The government of Prime Minister Cándido Muatetema Rivas resigns. On June 14 President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo names Miguel Abia Biteo Boricó as new prime minister. In the new cabinet announced on June 15, Gen. Antonio Mba Nguema (the president's half-brother) becomes defense minister. Foreign Minister Pastor Micha Ondo Bile, Finance Minister Marcelino Owono Edu, and Interior Minister Clemente Engonga Nguema Onguene are retained.
Poland: Marek Belka is again nominated as prime minister. On June 24 the parliament endorses his government by 236 votes to 215.
Serbia and Montenegro: Harri Holkeri, who resigned as Kosovo administrator in May, leaves his post. His deputy Charles H. Brayshaw serves as acting administrator in the interim. On June 16 Søren Jessen-Petersen of Denmark is named as new administrator.


Belgium: Regional elections are held: European Union: In elections to the European Parliament held June 10-13, the European People's Party wins 278 of 732 seats, the Party of European Socialists 199, the European Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party 67, the Greens 41, and the European United Left/Nordic Green Left 39. Turnout is 45.5%. National results: Germany: In state elections in Thüringen, the Christian Democratic Union wins 43% of the vote (45 of 88 seats), the Party of Democratic Socialism 26.1% (28), the Social Democratic Party 14.5% (15), the Greens 4.5%, and the Free Democratic Party 3.6%. Turnout is 54%.
Italy: Regional elections are held in Sardegna. The president is elected directly for the first time, and Renato Soru wins 50.1% of the vote, against 40.5% for former president Mauro Pili, 3.8% for Giacomo Sanna, 3.6% for former president Mario Floris, and 1.9% for Gavino Sale. Soru is installed on June 26. In the parliamentary elections, Forza Italia wins 15% of the vote (10 of 85 seats), the Democrats of the Left 13.2% (13), Margherita 10.8% (10), the Christian Democratic Union 10.3% (7), Progetto Sardegna (Plan Sardinia) 7.8% (7), and the National Alliance 7.3% (5).
Lithuania: In the first round of presidential elections, former president Valdas Adamkus wins 30.9% of the vote, former prime minister Kazimiera Prunskiene 21.4%, Petras Austrevicius 19.3%, Vilija Blinkeviciute 16.6%, and Ceslovas Jursenas 11.9%. Turnout is 39.4%. A runoff is held on June 27, and Adamkus wins 52.6% against 47.4% for Prunskiene. Turnout is 52.4%. Adamkus is to be inaugurated on July 12.
Luxembourg: In parliamentary elections, Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker's Christian Social People's Party wins 36.1% of the vote (24 of 60 seats), the Socialist Workers' Party 23.4% (14), the Democratic Party 16.1% (10), the Greens 11.6% (7), and the Action Committee for Democracy and Pensions Justice 10% (5). Turnout is 91.7%.
Malawi: President Bingu wa Mutharika names his cabinet (sworn in on June 16): Cassim Chilumpha becomes vice president, George Chaponda foreign minister, Mutharika himself defense minister, Uladi Mussa home affairs minister, and Goodall Gondwe finance minister.
Romania: Interior Minister Ioan Rus resigns. On June 15 Marian Florian Saniuta is sworn in as new interior minister.
Serbia and Montenegro: In the first round of presidential elections in Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic wins 30.4%, Boris Tadic 27.6%, Bogoljub Karic 18.2%, and Dragan Marsicanin 13.3%. Turnout is 47.6%. A runoff is held on June 27 and won by Tadic with 53.2%, against 45.4% for Nikolic. Turnout is 48.7%.


French Polynesia: Oscar Temaru is elected president. Émile Vanfasse becomes finance minister on June 16.


Georgia: The foreign minister of Abkhazia, Sergey Shamba, resigns.
Organization of the Islamic Conference: Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu of Turkey is elected as the new secretary-general, to take office Jan. 1, 2005.

Slovakia: Ivan Gasparovic takes office as president.
Solomon Islands: Parliament elects Nathaniel Waena governor-general, with 27 votes in the second ballot against 8 for Sir Peter Kenilorea and 6 for incumbent Sir John Lapli. Waena is to take office July 7.


India: Balram Jakhar is appointed governor of Madhya Pradesh and Raghunandan Lal Bhatia governor of Kerala. Bhatia is sworn in on June 23 and Jakhar on June 30.
Thailand: Former prime minister (1958, 1963-73) Thanom Kittikachorn dies.


Kazakhstan: Former chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh S.S.R. (1985-88) Salamat Mukashev dies.


Australia: Former premier of Tasmania (1998-2004) Jim Bacon dies.
Georgia: In regional elections in Ajaria, the Mikheil Saakashvili-Victorious Ajaria bloc wins 72.1% of the votes (28 of 30 seats) against 13.5% (2) for the Republican Party.


Brazil: Former governor of Rio Grande do Sul (1959-63) and Rio de Janeiro (1983-87, 1991-94) Leonel Brizola dies.
United States: Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland resigns, effective July 1.


Council of Europe: Terry Davis (United Kingdom) is elected secretary-general with 157 votes, against 91 for Walter Schwimmer (Austria) and 51 for Kristiina Ojuland (Estonia). Davis is to take office September 1.
Guam: Former governor (1949-53) Carlton S. Skinner dies.
Nauru: President René Harris is toppled in a no-confidence vote and Ludwig Scotty is elected president. David Adeang is named foreign minister, while Kinza Clodumar remains as finance minister.


Argentina: Former acting president (1981) Carlos Alberto Lacoste dies.
Indonesia: Ismeth Abdullah is appointed acting governor of the new province of Kepulauan Riau.
Slovenia: Prime Minister Anton Rop proposes to parliament the dismissal of his foreign minister, Dimitrij Rupel.


Suriname: Former acting president (1982-88) L.F. Ramdat Misier dies.


Czech Republic: Prime Minister Vladimír Spidla announces his resignation.
Iceland: In presidential elections, incumbent Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson wins 85.6% of the vote, Baldur Ágústsson 12.5%, and Ástthór Magnússon 1.9%. Turnout is 62.6%.

Pakistan: Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali resigns. Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain is named as new prime minister. He is elected by the National Assembly on June 29, with 190 votes against 76 for Makhdoom Amin Fahim, and is sworn in on June 30.
Saint Lucia: Sir George Charles, former chief minister (1960-64), dies.


Mongolia: In parliamentary elections, the ruling Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party wins 37 of 76 seats, the Motherland Democratic Coalition 35, the Republican Party 1, and independents 3. Turnout is 77%.


Canada: In parliamentary elections, the ruling Liberal Party wins 36.7% of the vote (135 of 308 seats), the Conservative Party 29.6% (99), the New Democratic Party 15.7% (19), the Bloc Québécois 12.4% (54), the Green Party 4.3% (0), and independents 0.4% (1). Turnout is 60.5%.
Serbia and Montenegro: Former president of the Presidium of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (1988-89) Stipe Suvar dies.
Solomon Islands: In a cabinet reshuffle, Nelson Kile becomes home affairs minister.


Bosnia and Herzegovina: High Representative Paddy Ashdown removes Zoran Djeric, interior minister of the Republika Srpska, from office.
Papua New Guinea: Sir Paulias Matane is sworn in as governor-general.


Canada: John Harvard is installed as lieutenant governor of Manitoba.
Kenya: In a cabinet reshuffle, Chirau Ali Mwakwere is named as new foreign minister.
Philippines: Noli de Castro takes office as vice president.