November 2008
 Mgaloblishvili |
Georgia: Parliament confirms Grigol Mgaloblishvili as prime minister (98-11).
The Sudan: Former chairman of the Supreme Council (1986-89) Ahmad al-Mirghani dies.
Zambia: Rupiah Banda is sworn in as president. On November 14 he unveils a new cabinet (sworn in November 17) with George Kunda as vice president, Situmbeko Musokotwane as finance minister, and Kalombo Mwansa as home affairs minister; Foreign Minister Kabinga Pande and Defense Minister George Mpombo retain their portfolios.
Zambia: Former foreign minister (1968-69, 1970-73) and prime minister (1975-77) Elijah Mudenda dies.
 Pahor |  Zbogar |
Slovenia: President Danilo Türk names Borut Pahor as prime minister-designate. The parliament approves the nomination on November 7 (59-24). On November 11 Pahor announces his cabinet with Samuel Zbogar as foreign minister, Ljubica Jelusic as defense minister, Franci Krizanic as finance minister, and Katarina Kresal as interior minister. On November 21 the lineup is endorsed by the parliament (56-30) and the new government is sworn in.
American Samoa: In gubernatorial elections, incumbent Togiola Tulafono wins 41.3% of the vote, Utu Abe Malae 31.4%, and Afoa Moega Lutu 26.8%. A runoff on November 18 is won by Tulafono with 56.5% against 43.5% for Malae.
Congo (Kinshasa): Adolphe Muzito takes office as prime minister.
Guam: In parliamentary elections, the Democrats win 10 of 15 seats and the Republicans 5.
Indonesia: In the gubernatorial runoff in Jawa Timur, Soekarwo wins 50.2% of the vote and Khofifah Indar Parawansa 49.8%.
Iran: Parliament votes (188-45) to dismiss Interior Minister Ali Kordan. On November 18, it endorses (138-112) the appointment of Sadeq Mahsouli as interior minister.
Mexico: Interior Minister Juan Camilo Mourińo Terrazo is killed in a plane crash. On November 10 Fernando Francisco Gómez-Mont Urueta is appointed and takes office as interior minister.
Palau: In presidential elections, Johnson Toribiong defeats Vice President Elias Camsek Chin, 50.8%-48.7%. Turnout is 73.3%.
Puerto Rico: In gubernatorial elections, Luis Fortuńo of the New Progressive Party (PNP) wins 52.8% of the vote, defeating incumbent Aníbal Acevedo Vilá of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) with 41.3%. Turnout is 78%. In parliamentary elections, the PNP wins 37 of 51 seats in the Chamber of Representatives and 22 of 27 in the Senate; the PPD wins the remaining 14 and 5, respectively.
Russia: Former chairman of the Presidium of the Little Khural of Tuva (1940-44) Khertek Anchimaa-Toka dies.
United States: In presidential elections, Barack Obama (Democrat) wins 52.9% of the vote, carrying 28 states and the District of Columbia, for a total of 365 electoral votes (including 1 from Nebraska), John McCain (Republican) 45.6% of the vote and 22 states worth 173 electoral votes, Ralph Nader (independent) 0.6%, and Bob Barr (Libertarian) 0.4%. Turnout is 61.6%. In elections to 35 of 100 seats in the Senate and all 435 seats of the House of Representatives, the Democrats increase their majorities and will have 59 seats in the Senate (including 2 independents caucusing with them) and 257 in the House. Results of gubernatorial elections:
- Delaware: Jack Markell (Dem.) wins over William Lee (Rep.), 68%-32%.
- Indiana: Gov. Mitch Daniels (Rep.) wins reelection over Jill Long Thompson (Dem.), 58%-40%.
- Missouri: Jay Nixon (Dem.) wins over Kenny Hulshof (Rep.), 58%-39%.
- Montana: Gov. Brian Schweitzer (Dem.) wins reelection over Roy Brown (Rep.), 65%-33%.
- New Hampshire: Gov. John Lynch (Dem.) wins reelection over Joseph Kenney (Rep.), 70%-28%.
- North Carolina: Beverly Perdue (Dem.) wins over Pat McCrory (Rep.), 50%-47%.
- North Dakota: Gov. John Hoeven (Rep.) wins reelection over Tim Mathern (Dem.), 74%-24%.
- Utah: Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr. (Rep.) wins reelection over Bob Springmeyer (Dem.), 78%-20%.
- Vermont: Gov. Jim Douglas (Rep.) wins reelection over Anthony Pollina (Ind.) and Gaye Symington (Dem.), 53%-22%-22%.
- Washington: Gov. Christine Gregoire (Dem.) wins reelection over Dino Rossi (Rep.), 53%-47%.
- West Virginia: Gov. Joe Manchin (Dem.) wins reelection over Russ Weeks (Rep.), 70%-26%.
Results of mayoral elections:
- Honolulu: Mayor Mufi Hannemann (Dem.) is reelected with 56.1% of the vote against 40.8% for Ann Kobayashi (Dem.).
- Sacramento: In a runoff election, Kevin Johnson (Dem.) defeats incumbent Heather Fargo (Dem.), 58%-42%.
Italy: Former president of Calabria (1985-87) Francesco Principe dies.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Nebojsa Radmanovic becomes chairman of the Presidency.
Pakistan: Former governor of Sindh (1990-93, 1994-95) Mahmood A. Haroon dies.
Indonesia: Alex Noerdin is sworn in as governor of Sumatera Selatan.
 Key |  McCully |
New Zealand: In parliamentary elections, the National Party wins 45.5% of the vote (59 of 122 seats), the Labour Party 33.8% (43), the Green Party 6.4% (8), New Zealand First 4.2% (0), ACT New Zealand 3.7% (5), the Maori Party 2.2% (5), Jim Anderton's Progressive 0.9% (1), and United Future 0.9% (1). Turnout is 78.7%. On November 17 the National Party leader, John Key, names his incoming cabinet with Murray McCully as foreign minister, Wayne Mapp as defense minister, and Bill English as finance minister. On November 19 Key is sworn in as prime minister with the cabinet.
Poland: Former prime minister (1988-89) Mieczyslaw Rakowski dies.
 Nasheed |
Maldives: President-elect Mohamed Nasheed announces his cabinet (submitted to the approval of parliament) with Ahmed Shaheed as foreign minister, Ameen Faisal as defense minister, Qasim Ibrahim as home minister, and Ali Hashim as finance minister. On November 11 Nasheed is sworn in as president. On November 12 parliament endorses the cabinet (21-10) and its members are sworn in.
San Marino: In parliamentary elections, the centre-right Pact for San Marino coalition wins 54.2% of the vote and 35 of 60 seats, including the Sammarinese Christian Democratic Party with 31.9% (22), the Popular Alliance with 11.5% (7), the Freedom List with 6.3% (4), and the Sammarinese Union of Moderates with 4.2% (2), while the centre-left Reforms and Freedom coalition wins 45.8% of the vote and 25 seats, including the Party of Socialists and Democrats with 32% (18), the United Left with 8.6% (5), and the Democrats of the Centre with 4.9% (2). Turnout is 68.5%. On November 24 a new government is named (to be made official in early December) including Antonella Mularoni as foreign minister, Gabriele Gatti as finance minister, and Valeria Ciavatta as interior minister.
Nigeria: The Court of Appeal nullifies the April 2007 election of Oserheimen Osunbor (People's Democratic Party) as governor of Edo and confirms a lower court judgment that Adams Oshiomhole (Action Congress) is the duly elected governor of that state. Oshiomhole is sworn in on November 12.
 Franc |  Misák |  Novotný |  Palas |  Tesarík |  Emmerová |  Behounek |  Martínek |  Hasek |  Zimola |  Rath |  Vanhová |  Eichler |
Czech Republic: The regional assembly of Královéhradecký kraj elects Lubomír Franc as new governor and that of Zlínský kraj elects Stanislav Misák. On November 13 the regional assembly of Karlovarský kraj elects Josef Novotný and that of Moravskoslezský kraj elects Jaroslav Palas. On November 14 Martin Tesarík is elected in Olomoucký kraj, Milada Emmerová in Plzenský kraj, and Jirí Behounek in Vysocina kraj; on November 15 Radko Martínek in Pardubický kraj; on November 21 Michal Hasek in Jihomoravský kraj; on November 24 Jirí Zimola in Jihoceský kraj and David Rath in Stredoceský kraj; on November 26 Jana Vanhová in Ústecký kraj; on November 28 Stanislav Eichler in Liberecký kraj.
Switzerland: Defense Minister Samuel Schmid resigns. His successor will be chosen in December.
 Gaysanov |
Russia: Rashid Gaysanov is approved by the local parliament as the new prime minister of Ingushetia.
 Aariak |
Canada: The Legislative Assembly of Nunavut elects in a secret ballot Eva Aariak as premier over incumbent Paul Okalik and Tagak Curley. She is sworn in on November 19.
The Netherlands: Former foreign minister (1971-73) Norbert Schmelzer dies.
Canada: In mayoral elections in Vancouver, Gregor Robertson (Vision Vancouver) wins 54.9% of the vote and Peter Ladner (Non-Partisan Association) 39.6%. Turnout is 30.8%. In Victoria, Dean Fortin defeats Rob Reid.
Guinea-Bissau: In parliamentary elections, the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde wins 49.8% of the votes (67 of 100 seats), the Party for Social Renewal 25.3% (28), the Republican Party for Independence and Development 7.5% (3), the New Democracy Party 2.3% (1), the Workers' Party 2.3% (0), the United Social Democratic Party 1.7% (0), the Party for Democracy, Development, and Citizenship 1.6% (0), and the Democratic Alliance 1.4% (1). Turnout is about 82%.
Panama: In a cabinet reshuffle, Dilio Arcia Torres is named interior minister (taking office November 18).
 Henderson |
Dominica: A cabinet reshuffle is announced by which Vince Henderson becomes foreign minister.
India: Former chief minister of Meghalaya (1978-79) D.D. Pugh dies.
Guadeloupe: Nicolas Desforges is named prefect.
India: In parliamentary elections in Chhattisgarh, the Bharatiya Janata Party wins 50 of 90 seats, the Indian National Congress 38, and the Bahujan Samaj Party 2. Turnout is 70.6%.
Indonesia: Rusli Zainal is sworn in as governor of Riau.
Russia: President Dmitry Medvedev nominates Igor Yesipovsky (the acting governor) as governor of Irkutsk oblast. Yesipovsky is confirmed by the local parliament on November 22 (39-8).
 McClean |
Barbados: In a cabinet reshuffle (effective November 24), Maxine McClean becomes foreign minister.
Maldives: Former prime minister (1957-68) and president (1968-78) Ibrahim Nasir dies.
Nepal: Former foreign minister (1997) Rabindra Nath Sharma dies.
Austria: Chancellor-designate Werner Faymann names his cabinet with Michael Spindelegger as foreign minister and Josef Pröll as finance minister, while Norbert Darabos is to remain defense minister and Maria Fekter interior minister.
United States: President-elect Barack Obama designates Timothy Geithner as treasury secretary.
United States: Former governor of West Virginia (1957-61, 1997-2001) Cecil H. Underwood dies.
Italy: The president of Sardegna, Renato Soru, announces his resignation.
Kuwait: Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Muhammad Al Ahmad Al Sabah and his cabinet resign.
Lithuania: President Valdas Adamkus nominates Andrius Kubilius as prime minister. Parliament approves Kubilius on November 27 (89-27 with 18 abstentions).
Nigeria: Former administrator of Imo (1978-79) Sunday Adenihun dies.
Vanuatu: Parliament rejects (26-24) a no-confidence motion against the government of Prime Minister Edward Natapei.
 Glean |
Grenada: Carlyle Glean is sworn in as governor-general, succeeding Sir Daniel Williams, who left office November 18 (there was no acting governor-general in the interim).
India: Former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh (1980-82) and prime minister (1989-90) Vishwanath Pratap Singh dies.
India: In parliamentary elections in Madhya Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Party wins 143 of 230 seats, the Indian National Congress 71, the Bahujan Samaj Party 7, and the Bharatiya Jan Shakti 5. Turnout is 69.8%.
India: In parliamentary elections in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the Indian National Congress wins 42 of 70 seats, the Bharatiya Janata Party 23, and the Bahujan Samaj Party 2. Turnout is 57.7%.
India: Former chief minister of Gujarat (1994-95) Chhabildas Mehta dies.
Argentina: Gerardo Zamora is reelected as governor of Santiago del Estero with about 85% of the votes.
India: Home Minister Shivraj Patil resigns. Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram is appointed home minister, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh taking over the finance portfolio.
Romania: In parliamentary elections, the Social Democratic Party-Conservative Party alliance wins 33.1% of the vote for the lower house (114 of 334 seats) and 34.2% (49 of 137) for the Senate, the Democratic Liberal Party 32.4% (115) and 33.6% (51), the National Liberal Party 18.6% (65) and 18.7% (28), the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania 6.2% (22) and 6.4% (9), and the Greater Romania Party 3.2% (0) and 3.6% (0). Turnout is 39.2%.