October 2022
 Kebzabo |  Annadif |
Chad: The transition that was due to end this month is extended by two years. On October 8 the National Sovereign Inclusive Dialogue forum announces that junta leader Mahamat Idriss Déby remains in office. On October 10 he is sworn in as transitional president. On October 11 Prime Minister Albert Pahimi Padacké resigns; on October 12 Saleh Kebzabo is named as prime minister (taking office October 13). On October 14 Kebzabo's cabinet is announced with Mahamat Saleh Annadif as foreign minister and Daoud Yaya Brahim as armies minister; Idriss Dokony Adiker remains public security minister and Tahir Hamid Nguilin finance minister.
India: The governor of Arunachal Pradesh, B.D. Mishra, is given additional charge of Meghalaya (sworn in October 4).
 Salim Abdullah |
Kuwait: The government of Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al Ahmad Al Sabah resigns. The emir accepts the resignation on October 2, but on October 5 reappoints Sheikh Ahmad as prime minister, with Sheikh Abdullah Ali Abdullah Al Salim Al Sabah becoming defense minister and Sheikh Talal Khaled Al Ahmad Al Sabah interior minister. A reshuffle on October 16 names Sheikh Salim Abdullah Al Jabir Al Sabah foreign minister. The new government is sworn in on October 17.
Latvia: In parliamentary elections, New Unity wins 19.2% of the vote (26 of 100 seats), the Union of Greens and Farmers 12.6% (16), the United List 11.1% (15), the National Alliance 9.4% (13), For Stability! 6.9% (11), Latvia First 6.3% (9), and the Progressives 6.2% (10). Turnout is 59.4%. On October 3 President Egils Levits asks Krisjanis Karins to begin coalition formation talks.
 Villarreal |  Ciavatta |
Mexico: Américo Villarreal Anaya takes office as governor of Tamaulipas.
San Marino: Maria Luisa Berti (We for the Republic) and Manuel Ciavatta (Christian Democrat) take office as captains-regent.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: In the election to the tripartite presidency, Zeljka Cvijanovic wins the Serb seat with 51.6% of the vote (against Mirko Sarovic with 35.4%), Denis Becirovic the Bosniak seat with 57.4% (against Bakir Izetbegovic with 37.2%), and Zeljko Komsic the Croat seat with 55.8% (against Borjana Kristo with 44.2%). In parliamentary elections, the Party of Democratic Action wins 8 of 42 seats, the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats 6, the Social Democratic Party 5, the Croat Democratic Union 4, For the Citizen State 3, and People and Justice 3. Milorad Dodik is elected president of the Republika Srpska with 47.1% of the vote, against 42.8% for Jelena Trivic.
Brazil: In the first round of presidential elections, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers' Party (PT) wins 48.4% of the vote, incumbent Jair Bolsonaro of the Liberal Party (PL) 43.2%, Simone Tebet of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB) 4.2%, and Ciro Gomes of the Democratic Labour Party (PDT) 3.0%. Turnout is 79.1%. The runoff is held on October 30, Lula winning 50.9% of the vote and Bolsonaro 49.1%. In parliamentary elections on October 2, the PL wins 16.6% of the vote and 99 of 513 seats in the Chamber of Deputies, the PT 12.0% (68), União 9.3% (59), the Progressive Party (PP) 7.9% (47), the Social Democratic Party (PSD) 7.6% (42), the MDB 7.2% (42), the Republicanos 6.9% (41), the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) 3.8% (14), the Socialism and Liberty Party 3.5% (12), the PDT 3.5% (17), Podemos 3.3% (12), and the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB) 3.0% (13); in elections to 27 of 81 seats in the Senate, the PL wins 25.4% of the vote (8 seats), the PSB 13.7% (1), the PT 12.1% (4), the PSD 11.4% (2), the PP 7.6% (3), União 5.5% (5), the Social Christian Party 4.3% (1), the Republicanos 4.3% (2), and the MDB 3.9% (1). Results of gubernatorial elections (October 2, runoffs on October 30) (PTB=Brazilian Labour Party, PV=Green Party, SD=Solidarity):
- Acre: Gov. Gladson de Lima Cameli (PP) 56.8%, Jorge Ney Viana Macedo Neves (PT) 24.2%, Cylmara Fernandes da Rocha Gripp (MDB) 11.1%.
- Alagoas: Gov. Paulo Suruagy do Amaral Dantas (MDB) 46.6%, Rodrigo Santos Cunha (União) 26.8%, Fernando Collor de Mello (PTB) 14.7%, Rui Soares Palmeira (PSD) 10.4%. Runoff: Paulo Dantas 52.3%, Rodrigo Cunha 47.7%.
- Amapá: Clécio Luís Vilhena Vieira (SD) 53.7%, Jaime Domingues Nunes (PSD) 42.6%.
- Amazonas: Gov. Wilson Miranda Lima (União) 42.8%, Carlos Eduardo de Souza Braga (MDB) 21.0%, Amazonino Armando Mendes (Cidadania) 18.6%, Luis Ricardo Saldanha Nicolau (SD) 11.4%. Runoff: Wilson Lima 56.7%, Eduardo Braga 43.3%.
- Bahia: Jerônimo Rodrigues Souza (PT) 49.5%, Antonio Carlos Peixoto de Magalhães Neto (União) 40.8%. Runoff: Jerônimo 52.8%, ACM Neto 47.2%.
- Ceará: Elmano de Freitas da Costa (PT) 54.0%, Wagner Sousa Gomes (União) 31.7%, Roberto Cláudio Rodrigues Bezerra (PDT) 14.1%.
- Distrito Federal: Gov. Ibaneis Rocha Barros Júnior (MDB) 50.3%, Leandro Antônio Grass Peixoto (PV) 26.3%.
- Espírito Santo: Gov. José Renato Casagrande (PSB) 46.9%, Carlos Humberto Mannato (PL) 38.5%. Runoff: Renato Casagrande 53.8%, Mannato 46.2%.
- Goiás: Gov. Ronaldo Ramos Caiado (União) 51.8%, Gustavo Mendanha Melo (Patriota) 25.2%, Vitor Hugo de Araujo Almeida (PL) 14.8%.
- Maranhão: Gov. Carlos Orleans Brandão Júnior (PSB) 51.3%, Lahesio Rodrigues do Bonfim (Social Christian Party) 24.9%, Weverton Rocha Marques de Sousa (PDT) 20.7%.
- Mato Grosso: Gov. Mauro Mendes Ferreira (União) 68.5%, Marcia Aparecida Kuhn Pinheiro (PV) 16.4%, Marcos Roberto Lessa Ritela (PTB) 14.3%.
- Mato Grosso do Sul: Renan Barbosa Contar (Brazilian Labour Renewal Party) 26.7%, Eduardo Correa Riedel (PSDB) 25.2%, André Puccinelli (MDB) 17.2%, Rosiane Modesto de Oliveira (União) 12.4%. Runoff: Eduardo Riedel 56.9%, Contar 43.1%.
- Minas Gerais: Gov. Romeu Zema Neto (New Party) 56.2%, Alexandre Kalil (PSD) 35.1%.
- Pará: Gov. Helder Zahluth Barbalho (MDB) 70.4%, José da Cruz Marinho (PL) 27.1%.
- Paraíba: Gov. João Azevêdo Lins Filho (PSB) 39.7%, Pedro Oliveira Cunha Lima (PSDB) 23.9%, Nilvan Ferreira do Nascimento (PL) 18.7%, Veneziano Vital do Rego Segundo Neto (MDB) 17.2%. Runoff: João 52.5%, Pedro Cunha Lima 47.5%.
- Paraná: Gov. Carlos Roberto Massa Júnior (PSD) 69.6%, Roberto Requião de Mello e Silva (PT) 26.2%.
- Pernambuco: Marília Valença Rocha Arraes de Alencar (SD) 24.0%, Raquel Teixeira Lyra Lucena (PSDB) 20.6%, Anderson Ferreira Rodrigues (PL) 18.1%, Danilo Jorge de Barros Cabral (PSB) 18.1%, Miguel de Souza Leão Coelho (União) 18.0%. Runoff: Raquel Lyra 58.7%, Marília Arraes 41.3%.
- Piauí: Rafael Tajra Fonteles (PT) 57.2%, Silvio Mendes de Oliveira Filho (União) 41.6%.
- Rio de Janeiro: Gov. Cláudio Castro (PL) 58.7%, Marcelo Ribeiro Freixo (PSB) 27.4%.
- Rio Grande do Norte: Gov. Maria de Fátima Bezerra (PT) 58.3%, Fabio Berckmans Veras Dantas (SD) 22.2%, Eann Styvenson Valentim Mendes (Podemos) 16.8%.
- Rio Grande do Sul: Onyx Dornelles Lorenzoni (PL) 37.5%, Eduardo Figueiredo Cavalheiro Leite (PSDB) 26.8%, João Edegar Pretto (PT) 26.8%. Runoff: Eduardo Leite 57.1%, Onyx Lorenzoni 42.9%.
- Rondônia: Gov. Marcos José Rocha dos Santos (União) 38.9%, Marcos Rogerio da Silva Brito (PL) 37.0%, Leonardo Barreto de Moraes (Podemos) 14.1%. Runoff: Marcos Rocha 52.5%, Marcos Rogerio 47.5%.
- Roraima: Gov. Antônio Olivério Garcia de Almeida (PP) 56.5%, Maria Teresa Saenz Surita Guimarães (MDB) 41.1%.
- Santa Catarina: Jorginho dos Santos Mello (PL) 38.6%, Décio Nery de Lima (PT) 17.4%, Gov. Carlos Moisés da Silva (Republicanos) 17.0%, Gean Marques Loureiro (União) 13.6%. Runoff: Jorginho Mello 70.7%, Décio Lima 29.3%.
- São Paulo: Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas (Republicanos) 42.3%, Fernando Haddad (PT) 35.7%, Gov. Rodrigo Garcia (PSDB) 18.4%. Runoff: Tarcísio 55.3%, Haddad 44.7%.
- Sergipe: Rogério Carvalho Santos (PT) 44.7%, Fábio Cruz Mitidieri (PSD) 38.9%, Alessandro Vieira (PSDB) 10.9%. Runoff: Fábio 51.7%, Rogério Carvalho 48.3%.
- Tocantins: Gov. Wanderlei Barbosa Castro (Republicanos) 58.1%, Ronaldo Dimas Nogueira Pereira (PL) 22.5%, Paulo Sardinha Mourão (PT) 10.6%.
Bulgaria: In parliamentary elections, the GERB-Union of Democratic Forces coalition wins 25.3% of the vote (67 of 240 seats), We Continue the Change 20.2% (53), the Movement for Rights and Freedoms 13.8% (36), Revival 10.2% (27), the Bulgarian Socialist Party 9.3% (25), Democratic Bulgaria 7.4% (20), Bulgarian Rise 4.6% (12), and There is Such a People 3.8% (0). Turnout is 39.4%.
Martinique: Former prefect (1973-75) Christian Orsetti dies.
 Tax |
Tanzania: In a cabinet reshuffle, Stergomena Lawrence Tax is appointed foreign minister and Innocent Bashungwa defense minister; they are sworn in on October 3.
Canada: In parliamentary elections in Quebec, the Coalition Avenir Québec wins 41.0% of the vote (90 of 125 seats), Québec Solidaire 15.4% (11), the Parti Québécois 14.6% (3), the Liberal Party 14.4% (21), and the Conservative Party 12.9% (0). Turnout is 66.1%.
India: The government of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann wins a confidence vote (91-0, opposition boycotting) in the Punjab state assembly.
Christmas Island/Cocos Islands: Sarah Vandenbroek becomes acting administrator.
Slovakia: Finance Minister Igor Matovic survives a no-confidence vote in parliament (73 votes for the motion; 76 were required).
South Africa: The premier of Gauteng, David Makhura, announces his resignation, effective October 6, when the provincial assembly elects Panyaza Lesufi as premier; he receives 38 votes, against 22 for Solly Msimanga.
 Kyélem |
Burkina Faso: The head of the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (Ibrahim Traoré) is formally declared head of state, pending the adoption of a new transition charter. On October 14 Traoré is named transitional president. On October 21 he is sworn in and names Apollinaire Joachim Kyélem de Tambèla as prime minister. On October 25 a government is named with Kassoum Coulibaly as defense minister, Boukaré Zoungrana as security minister, and Aboubacar Nacabo as finance minister; Olivia Rouamba remains foreign minister.
Denmark: Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen calls early parliamentary elections for November 1.
 Jeanblanc-Risler |
French Southern and Antarctic Lands: Florence Jeanblanc-Risler is appointed as administrator-superior. She takes office October 27.
Russia: Four (incompletely) occupied areas of Ukraine are annexed and admitted as federation subjects: the Donetsk People's Republic (head, Denis Pushilin), Lugansk People's Republic (Leonid Pasechnik), Kherson oblast (Vladimir Saldo), and Zaporozhye oblast (Yevgeny Balitsky). Pushilin and Pasechnik are reappointed as acting heads of the republics and Saldo and Balitsky as acting governors.
 Matekane |
Lesotho: In parliamentary elections, Revolution for Prosperity wins 38.8% of the vote (56 of 120 seats), the Democratic Congress 24.9% (29), the All Basotho Convention 7.3% (8), the Basotho Action Party 5.7% (6), and the Alliance of Democrats 4.0% (5). On October 14 Prime Minister Moeketsi Majoro resigns. On October 25 Sam Matekane is appointed prime minister (sworn in October 28).
 Kyd |
Jersey: Vice Adm. Jerry Kyd is sworn in as lieutenant governor.
Mexico: Former chief of government of the Distrito Federal (1993-94) Manuel Aguilera Gómez dies.
Austria: In presidential elections, incumbent Alexander Van der Bellen (Greens/independent) wins 56.7% of the vote, Walter Rosenkranz (Freedom Party) 17.7%, Dominik Wlazny (Beer Party) 8.3%, Tassilo Wallentin (independent) 8.1%, and Gerald Grosz (independent) 5.6%. Turnout is 65.2%.
Germany: In state elections in Niedersachsen, the Social Democratic Party wins 33.4% of the vote (57 of 146 seats), the Christian Democratic Union 28.1% (47), the Greens 14.5% (24), the Alternative for Germany 10.9% (18), the Free Democratic Party 4.7% (0), and the Left 2.7% (0). Turnout is 60.3%.
 Tessori |
Pakistan: President Arif Alvi appoints Kamran Tessori as governor of Sindh. He is sworn in on October 10.
India: Former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh (1989-91, 1993-95, 2003-07) Mulayam Singh Yadav dies.
 Tewaney |
Panama: Janaina Tewaney Mencomo is appointed foreign minister. On October 11 Roger Tejada Bryden is appointed to replace her as interior minister.
Sint Maarten: Ajamu G. Baly takes office as governor.
Brazil: The Supreme Court suspends the governor of Alagoas, Paulo Suruagy do Amaral Dantas, for 180 days. Deputy Governor José Wanderley Neto becomes acting governor.
 Smith |
Canada: Danielle Smith is sworn in as premier of Alberta.
Italy: The president of Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, announces his resignation (effective early November).
 Rashid |  Sudani |
Iraq: Parliament fails to elect a president in the first round, Abdul Latif Rashid winning 157 votes and incumbent Barham Salih 99. Rashid is then elected in a second round, with 162 votes against 99 for Salih, and sworn in. He asks Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to form a new government. On October 15 outgoing prime minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi appoints Hayam Nemat as acting finance minister after accepting the resignation of Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar Ismail. On October 27 parliament approves Sudani and his government, with Thabet Muhammad as defense minister, Abdul Amir al-Shammari as interior minister, and Taif Sami as finance minister; Fuad Hussein remains foreign minister.
Lebanon: The election of a new president is postponed after parliament failed to secure a quorum. On October 20, a third attempt is made. In a first round of voting, Michel Moawad receives 42 votes, with 55 blank and 21 invalid votes. A second round is cancelled due to a lack of quorum. A fourth session is called for October 24; Moawad then wins 39 votes and Issam Khalife 10, with 50 blank and 16 invalid votes. President Michel Aoun leaves office October 30; on October 31 the caretaker government of Prime Minister Najib Mikati assumes the presidential powers.
Vanuatu: In parliamentary elections, the Vanua'aku Pati wins 7 of 52 seats, the Union of Moderate Parties 7, the Reunification Movement for Change 5, the Leaders Party of Vanuatu 5, the Rural Development Party 4, the Land and Justice Party 4, the National United Party 4, and the Iauko Group 3.
 Schifani |
Italy: Renato Schifani takes office as president of Sicilia.
 Sunak |
United Kingdom: Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng is dismissed and Jeremy Hunt appointed in his place (taking office October 19). On October 19 Home Secretary Suella Braverman resigns and is replaced by Grant Shapps (taking office October 20). On October 20 Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns. On October 25 Rishi Sunak is appointed prime minister. He again appoints Braverman as home secretary (taking office October 27), while retaining Hunt as chancellor as well as James Cleverly as foreign secretary and Ben Wallace as defence secretary.
Brazil: Former governor of Paraíba (1986-87) Milton Bezerra Cabral dies.
Canada: In mayoral elections in Vancouver, Ken Sim wins 51.0% of the vote, incumbent Kennedy Stewart 29.5%, and Colleen Hardwick 10.0%. In Victoria, Marianne Alto wins 55.5% of the vote and Stephen Andrew 36.0%; turnout is 38.0%.
 Oyebanji |
Nigeria: Abiodun Oyebanji is sworn in as governor of Ekiti.
United States: Former attorney general (1979-81) Benjamin R. Civiletti dies.
Congo (Kinshasa): Parliament approves a 34th extension of the state of siege in Ituri and Nord-Kivu, followed by a 35th on October 28 (beginning November 2).
Indonesia: Heru Budi Hartono is sworn in as acting governor of Jakarta.
Mali: Former prime minister (1992-93) Younoussi Touré dies.
Montenegro: Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic asks parliament to dismiss Foreign Minister Ranko Krivokapic and Defense Minister Rasko Konjevic. On October 21 parliament adopts a resolution to that effect (41-0). On October 26 Abazovic becomes acting foreign minister and Interior Minister Filip Adzic acting defense minister.
 Kristersson |  Billström |
Sweden: Parliament elects Ulf Kristersson as prime minister (176-173). On October 18 he announces his cabinet with Tobias Billström as foreign minister, Pål Jonson as defense minister, and Elisabeth Svantesson as finance minister. The government is sworn in the same day.
 Rakotonirina |
Madagascar: Foreign Minister Richard Randriamandrato is dismissed. The defense minister, Gen. Léon Jean Richard Rakotonirina, is named acting foreign minister.
United States: Former energy secretary (1979-81) Charles W. Duncan, Jr., and former governor of South Dakota (1978-79) Harvey Wollman die.
Tonga: The appointment of Tiofilusi Tiueti as finance minister (officially from October 17) is announced.
Guinea: Transitional President Mamady Doumbouya announces that the transitional period before the return to civilian rule will be 2 years instead of 3, beginning on Jan. 1, 2023.
 Meloni |  Tajani |
Italy: President Sergio Mattarella asks Giorgia Meloni to form a new government. She announces her cabinet on the same date with Antonio Tajani as foreign minister, Guido Crosetto as defense minister, Matteo Piantedosi as interior minister, and Giancarlo Giorgetti as economy and finance minister. The government is sworn in on October 22 and wins confidence votes in the Chamber of Deputies (235-154) on October 25 and the Senate (115-79) on October 26.
 Symmonds |
Barbados: In a cabinet reshuffle, Kerrie Symmonds is named foreign minister (effective October 26).
China: Xi Jinping is reelected as general secretary of the Communist Party.
China: Former governor of Macau (1987-90) Carlos Melancia dies.
Serbia: Prime Minister Ana Brnabic's new cabinet is announced with Ivica Dacic as foreign minister, Milos Vucevic as defense minister, Bratislav Gasic as internal affairs minister, and Sinisa Mali to remain finance minister. On October 26 the government is approved by parliament (157-68).
Slovenia: In the first round of presidential elections, Anze Logar (Slovenian Democratic Party) wins 34.0% of the vote, Natasa Pirc Musar (independent) 26.9%, Milan Brglez (Social Democrats) 15.4%, Vladimir Prebilic (independent) 10.7%, and Sabina Sencar ( 6.0%. Turnout is 51.1%. The runoff will be held on November 13.
 Neville |
Canada: Anita Neville is sworn in as lieutenant governor of Manitoba.
Canada: Results of mayoral elections in Ontario:
- London: Josh Morgan wins 65.7% of the vote and Khalil Ramal 22.6%. Turnout is 25.5%.
- Mississauga: Incumbent Bonnie Crombie is reelected with 78.5% of the vote. Turnout is 21.8%.
- Ottawa: Mark Sutcliffe wins 51.4% of the vote and Catherine McKenney 37.9%. Turnout is 43.8%.
- Toronto: Incumbent John Tory wins 62.0% of the vote and Gil Penalosa 17.9%. Turnout is 29.2%.
- Windsor: Incumbent Drew Dilkens wins 52.5% of the vote and Chris Holt 38.7%. Turnout is 31.6%.
France: The government survives three no-confidence motions, which receive 239, 90, and 150 votes respectively (289 needed), and two more on October 31, which receive 218 and 90 votes.
Romania: Defense Minister Vasile Dîncu resigns. On October 25 Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca becomes acting defense minister. On October 31 Angel Tîlvar is appointed and sworn in as defense minister.
United States: Former defense secretary (2015-17) Ashton Carter dies.
Australia: Former foreign minister (1980-83) Anthony Street dies.
Austria: Anton Mattle is elected Landeshauptmann of Tirol (21-14).
Canada: In mayoral elections in Winnipeg, Scott Gillingham is elected with 27.5% of the vote, defeating Glen Murray (25.3%), Kevin Klein (14.8%), and Shaun Loney (14.7%). Turnout is 37.5%.
 Mudavadi |  Mutua |
Kenya: President William Ruto's cabinet nominees (including Musalia Mudavadi as prime cabinet secretary and Alfred Mutua as foreign minister; see September 13) are approved by parliament; they are sworn in on October 27.
Guinea-Bissau: Sandji Fati is named interior minister.
Russia: Former governor of Kamchatka oblast (2000-07) Mikhail Mashkovtsev dies.
Switzerland: Former president of the Council of State of Vaud (1986, 1992, 1996) Daniel Schmutz dies.
Japan: In gubernatorial elections in Fukushima, incumbent Masao Uchibori wins 88.2% of the vote and Yoshiaki Kusano 11.8%. Turnout is 42.6%.