Rulers: Chad

Traditional polities

Note: Among the many, mostly minor, traditional polities there are two that clearly stand out, and they are listed here: Baghirmi and WadaŽi.


     c.1480                Baghirmi state founded
20 Sep 1897                French protectorate
       1960                state suppressed by national government of Chad
14 Jun 1970                state reconstituted

Rulers (title Mbang, often referred to as Sultan)
       1785 -        1806  `Abd ar-Rahman Gawrang I
       1806                Malam Ngarmaba Bira (1st time)
       1806 -        1807  `Uthman Burkomanda III al-Kabir
                           (1st time)
       1807                Malam Ngarmaba Bira (2nd time)
       1807                `Uthman Burkomanda III al-Kabir
                           (2nd time)
       1807                Muhammad III
       1807 -        1846  `Uthman Burkomanda III al-Kabir
                           (3rd time)
       1846 -        1858  `Abd al-Qadir II al-Mahdi          (b. ... - d. 1858)
       1858 -        1870  Muhammad IV Abu Sekkin (1st time)
       1870 -        1871  `Abd ar-Rahman II
       1871 -        1884  Muhammad IV Abu Sekkin (2nd time)
       1884 -        1885  Burkomanda IV al-Saghir
       1885                Ngarmane Ermanala (regent)
       1885 - 24 Jan 1918  `Abd ar-Rahman Gawrang II          (b. 1858? - d. 1918)
       1918 -        1936  Muhammad Urada
       1936 -        1960  Yusuf
14 Jun 1970 -              Mahamat Yusuf


       1635                WadaŽi replaces the old Birgu state under a new dynasty
       1912                state suppressed by colonial power France
       1935                state reconstituted
       1960                state suppressed by national government of Chad
       1970                state reconstituted

Rulers (title Kolak, often referred to as Sultan)
- al-`Abbasi dynasty -
       1795 -        1803  Muhammad Salih Derret ibn Jawda
       1803 -        1813  `Abd al-Karim Sabun ibn Salih
       1813                Muhammad Busata ibn `Abd al-Karim
       1813 -        1829  Yusuf Kharifayn ibn `Abd al-Qadir
       1829                Raqib ibn Yusuf `Abd al-Qadir
       1829 -        1835  Muhammad `Abd al-`Aziz Dhawiyi
                           ibn Radama
       1835                Adham ibn Muhammad `Abd al-`Aziz
       1835 -        1858  `Izz al-Din Muhammad al-Sharif
                           ibn Salih Derret                   (b. ... - d. 1858)
       1858 -        1874  `Ali ibn Muhammad
       1874 -    Aug 1898  Yusuf ibn Muhammad                 (b. ... - d. 1898)
   Aug 1898 -    Feb 1901  Ibrahim ibn Yusuf
   Feb 1901 -        1902  Ahmad Abu al-Ghazali ibn `Ali
       1902 -  2 Jun 1909  Muhammad DaŽud Murra ibn Yusuf     (b. ... - d. 1927)
       1909 -  9 Jun 1912  `Asil                              (b. ... - d. 1917)
       1935 -        1945  Muhammad Urada ibn Ibrahim         (b. ... - d. 1945)
       1945 -        1960  `Ali Silek ibn Muhammad DaŽud
                           Murra (1st time)
       1970 -        1977  `Ali Silek ibn Muhammad DaŽud
                           Murra (2nd time)
       1977 - 11 Aug 2004  Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Urada         (b. 1929 - d. 2004)