Rulers: Denmark


Note: The five regions came into existence 1 Jan 2007. Each is headed by a chairman of the Regional Council (regionsrådsformand) and until 1 Jul 2013 a director of the state administration (direktør for statsforvaltningen).
Party abbreviations: S=Social Democracy, V=Venstre (Right Liberals)


Directors of the State Administration
 1 Jan 2007 - 31 May 2010  Bente Flindt Sørensen (f)          (b. 1943)
 1 Jun 2010 -  1 Jul 2013  Niels Preisler                     (b. 1951)

Chairmen of the Regional Council 1 Jan 2007 - 31 Dec 2013 Vibeke Storm Rasmussen (f) S (b. 1945) 1 Jan 2014 - 31 Jul 2021 Sophie Hæstorp Andersen (f) S (b. 1974) 1 Aug 2021 - Lars Gaardhøj S (b. 1974)


Director of the State Administration
 1 Jan 2007 -  1 Jul 2013  Torben Sørensen                    (b. 1960)

Chairmen of the Regional Council 1 Jan 2007 - 31 Dec 2017 Bent Hansen S (b. 1948) 1 Jan 2018 - Anders Kühnau S (b. 1981)


Directors of the State Administration
 1 Jan 2007 -        2008  Claus Rosholm                      (b. 1945)
 1 Sep 2008 -  1 Jul 2013  Leif Sondrup                       (b. 1952)

Chairmen of the Regional Council 1 Jan 2007 - 3 Dec 2007 Orla Hav S (b. 1952) 3 Dec 2007 - 31 Dec 2021 Ulla Astman (f) S (b. 1970) 1 Jan 2022 - Mads Duedahl V (b. 1984)


Directors of the State Administration
 1 Jan 2007 -  1 Oct 2010  Vibeke Larsen (f)                  (b. 1944)
15 Nov 2010 -  1 Jul 2013  Helle Haxgart (f)                  (b. 1966)

Chairmen of the Regional Council 1 Jan 2007 - 31 Dec 2009 Kristian Ebbensgaard V (b. 1943) 1 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2013 Steen Bach Nielsen S (b. 1944) 1 Jan 2014 - 31 Dec 2017 Jens Stenbæk V (b. 1959) 1 Jan 2018 - Heino Knudsen S (b. 1979)


Director of the State Administration
 1 Jan 2007 -  1 Jul 2013  Ninna Würtzen (f)                  (b. 1941)

Chairmen of the Regional Council 1 Jan 2007 - 22 Jun 2015 Carl Holst V (b. 1970) 22 Jun 2015 - Stephanie Lose (f) V (b. 1982) 9 Mar 2023 - Bo Libergren V (b. 1969) (acting for Lose)