Rulers: Germany

Ecclesiastical electorates

The Golden Bull 25 Dec 1356 codified the procedure for electing the king and specified the (then) seven princes, called electors (Kurfürsten), who would carry out the election, thus confirming then current practice. These princes nominally derived their electoral status from the high court offices (Erzämter) they held. The first-named three electors were the holders of the office of archchancellor of the Holy Roman Empire (see specifics below), i.e., the archbishops of Mayence (Mainz), Treves (Trier), and Cologne (Köln). These archbishops were of course major territorial lords, although in the period covered by this record their territorial holdings no longer included the cities from which they derived the names of their sees (Erzstifte).

Mayence (Mainz)

         80                Bishopric of Mayence (Stift Mainz) founded,
                           according to legend
        780                raised to Archbishopric of Mayence (Erzstift Mainz)
        965                archbishop is archchancellor continuously from this date
                           (intermittently from 911)
       1257                archbishop recognized continuously from this date as elector
25 Dec 1356                Golden Bull codifies archchancellor office and electoral
27 Apr 1803                Final Act (enactment of Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of
                           25 Feb 1803) abolishes the electoral principality of Mayence;
                           archbishop preserves offices of archchancellor and
                           prince-elector, with new see of Ratisbon (Regensburg)
25 Jul 1806                archbishop resigns from Reich and becomes prince-primate
                           (Fürstprimas) of the Rhine Confederation

30 Mar 1695 - 30 Jan 1729  Lothar Franz Reichsfreiherr von
                           Schönborn (from 1701, Lothar Franz
                           Graf von Schönborn)                (b. 1655 - d. 1729)
 7 Apr 1729 - 18 Apr 1732  Franz Ludwig Pfalzgraf bei Rhein,
                           Herzog von Neuburg                 (b. 1664 - d. 1732)
 9 Jun 1732 - 20 Mar 1743  Philipp Karl Freiherr von Eltz     (b. 1665 - d. 1743)
22 Apr 1743 -  4 Jun 1763  Johann Friedrich Karl Graf von
                           Ostein                             (b. 1689 - d. 1763)
 5 Jul 1763 - 11 Jun 1774  Emmerich Joseph Freiherr von
                           Breidbach zu Bürresheim            (b. 1707 - d. 1774)
18 Jul 1774 -  4 Jul 1802  Friedrich Karl Joseph Freiherr von
                           Erthal                             (b. 1719 - d. 1802)
 4 Jul 1802 - 25 Jul 1806  Carl Theodor Reichsfreiherr von
                           Dalberg                            (b. 1744 - d. 1817)
¹Full title to 27 Apr 1803: Archbishop of Mayence and archchancellor of the Holy Roman Empire for Germany and prince-elector (Erzbischof von Mainz und des Heiligen Römischen Reichs Erzkanzler für Germanien und Kurfürst); from 27 Apr 1803: Archchancellor and prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire and Archbishop of Ratisbon (Erzkanzler und Kurfürst des Heiligen Römischen Reichs und Erzbischof von Regensburg).

Treves (Trier)

         50                Bishopric of Treves (Stift Trier) founded, according to legend
      c.800                raised to Archbishopric of Treves (Erzstift Trier)
                           (314 according to some chronicles)
25 Dec 1356                Golden Bull codifies archchancellor office and electoral
27 Apr 1803                Final Act (enactment of Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of
                           25 Feb 1803) abolishes the electoral principality of Treves

13 Jul 1676 -  6 Jan 1711  Johann VIII Hugo, Freiherr von
                           Orsbeck                            (b. 1634 - d. 1711)
 6 Jan 1711 -  4 Dec 1715  Karl Joseph Ignaz Herzog von
                           Lothringen                         (b. 1680 - d. 1715)
20 Feb 1716 -  7 Apr 1729  Franz Ludwig Pfalzgraf bei Rhein,
                           Herzog von Neuburg                 (b. 1664 - d. 1732)
 2 May 1729 - 18 Jan 1756  Franz Georg Graf von Schönborn     (b. 1682 - d. 1756)
18 Feb 1756 - 12 Jan 1768  Johann Philipp Graf von
                           Walderdorff                        (b. 1701 - d. 1768)
10 Feb 1768 - 25 Apr 1802  Clemens Wenzeslaus August Hubert
                           Franz Xaver Herzog von Sachsen     (b. 1739 - d. 1812)
25 Apr 1802 - 27 Apr 1803  vacant
¹Full title: Archbishop of Treves and archchancellor of the Holy Roman Empire for Gaul and the Kingdom of Arles and prince-elector (Erzbischof von Trier und des Heiligen Römischen Reichs Erzkanzler für Gallien und das Arelatsche Königreich und Kurfürst).

Cologne (Köln)

         88                Bishopric of Cologne (Stift Köln) founded,
                           according to legend
        794                raised to Archbishopric of Cologne (Erzstift Köln)
       1031                archbishop is archchancellor for Italy continuously
                           from this date
       1257                archbishop recognized continuously from this date as elector
25 Dec 1356                Golden Bull codifies archchancellor office and electoral
27 Apr 1803                Final Act (enactment of Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of
                           25 Feb 1803) abolishes the electoral principality of Cologne

19 Jul 1688 - 12 Nov 1723  Joseph Clemens Herzog von Bayern   (b. 1671 - d. 1723)
12 Nov 1723 -  6 Feb 1761  Clemens August Herzog von Bayern   (b. 1700 - d. 1761)
 6 Apr 1761 - 15 Apr 1784  Maximilian Friedrich Graf von
                           Königsegg und Rotenfels            (b. 1708 - d. 1784)
15 Apr 1784 - 27 Jul 1801  Maximilian Franz Erzherzog von
                           Österreich                         (b. 1756 - d. 1801)
 7 Aug 1801 -  4 Dec 1801  Anton Victor Joseph Johann Raimund
                           Erzherzog von Österreich           (b. 1779 - d. 1835)
                           (merely titular)
 4 Dec 1801 - 27 Apr 1803  vacant
¹Full title: Archbishop of Cologne and archchancellor of the Holy Roman Empire for Italy and prince-elector (Erzbischof von Köln und des Heiligen Römischen Reichs Erzkanzler für Italien und Kurfürst).