Rulers: Mali

Traditional polities

Note: This account contains: (A) the Fulbe (Peul) state of Masina; (B) the Bamana states of Segu and Ka`arta; (C) the Sise Jihad state founded by Shaykhu Ahmadu, encompassing Masina and surrounding teritories, and styled Dina; (D) the Tijaniyya Jihad state founded by `Umar ibn Sa`id, encompassing parts of Segu and Ka`arta and all of Masina; (E) the Malinke states of Kenedugu and Wassulu, the latter expanding to form the "Samori Empire."


       1400                Masina state founded
       1824                incorporated into Dina, the Sise Jihad state
16 May 1862                incorporated into the Tijaniyya Jihad state
 4 May 1893                Masina state reestablished
26 Dec 1902                Masina state extinguished by French colonial government

Rulers (title Ardo)
- Dyallo (Rari) dynasty -
       1780 -        1801  Ya Gallo
       1801 -        1818  Ahmadi Dikko Gurori II
       1818 -        1824  Nguru
- Tall dynasty -
 4 May 1893 - 26 Dec 1902  Muhammadu `Ajibu ibn `Umar


       1652                Kulubali (Biton-si-u) dynasty founded
       1712                Segu state established by Kulubali dynasty
10 Mar 1861                partially incorporated into Tijaniyya Jihad state
11 Apr 1890                Segu state fully reestablished
       1893                Segu state extinguished by French colonial government

Rulers (title Fama)
- Dyara (Ngolo-si-u) dynasty -
       1787 -        1808  Manson Makoto
                           (to 1792 in Segu Sikoro only)
       1808 -        1827  Da "Tonkomo"
       1827 -        1839  Tyefolo
       1839                Nyenemba I
       1839 -        1843  vacant
       1843 -        1849  Ben Keryengole
       1849 -        1851  Kuma "Naluma"
       1851 -        1854  Masala Demba
       1854 -        1856  Turukoro Mari
       1856 - 10 Mar 1861  Bina Ali
13 Apr 1861 -        1870  Kege Mari
       1870 -        1878  Nyenemba II
       1878                Mamuru
       1878 -        1883  Masaloma
       1883 -        1887  Karamoko
       1887 - 29 May 1890  Mari
- Kulubali (Masa-si) dynasty -
       1890 -        1893  Bodyan


     c.1630                Kulubali (Masa-si) dynasty founded
       1754                Ka`arta state established by Kulubali dynasty
       1861                partially incorporated into Tijaniyya Jihad state
       1888                Ka`arta state fully reestablished
       189.                Ka`arta state extinguished by French colonial government

Rulers (title Fama)
- Kulubali (Masa-si) dynasty -
       1799 -        1808  Musakura "Fulafo"
       1808 -        1811  Ntinkoro
       1811 -        1815  Sakhaba
       1815 -        1832  Bodyan Moriba
       1832 -        1843  Nyaralen Garan
       1843 -        1854  Mamadi "Kandyan"
       1854 -        1867  Diringa Mori
       1867 -        18..  Bussei
       18.. -        18..  Dama
       18.. -        18..  Allahi
       18.. -        18..  Moriba
       18.. -        18..  Gossi

Dina (the Sise Jihad state)

       1818                Shaykhu Ahmadu founds the Jihad state
16 May 1862                conquered by the Tijaniyya Jihad state

Imams (also styled Amir al-Mu´minin)
- Bari (Sise) dynasty -
       1818 - 19 Mar 1845  Shaykhu Ahmadu ibn Muhammadu Lobbo
                           Sise al-Masini                     (b. 1773 - d. 1845)
19 Mar 1845 - 27 Feb 1853  Ahmadu Shaykhu ibn Ahmadu
       1853 - 16 May 1862  Ahmadu ibn Ahmadu                  (b. ... - d. 1862)

The Tijaniyya Jihad state

10 Mar 1861                 `Umar ibn Sa`id founds the Tijaniyya Jihad state in Segu
       1862                 Masina incorporated into Tijaniyya Jihad state
       1864                 rulership split between Segu and Masina
       1888                 Segu lost to Tijaniyya Jihad state
29 Apr 1893                 Tijaniyya Jihad state extinguished

Imams (also styled Amir al-Muslimin)
- Tall dynasty -
10 Mar 1861 - 12 Feb 1864  `Umar ibn Sa`id                    (b. c.1797 - d. 1864)
In Segu:
       1864 -        1888  Ahmad ibn `Umar                    (b. 1840? - d. 1898)
                           (styled Amir al-Mu`minin from 1869)
In Masina:
Rulers (title Amir al-Mu´minin)
       1864 -        1887  Ahmad ibn Ahmad al-Tijani
       1887 -        1888  Sa`id ibn `Umar al-Tafsir
       1888 -        1891  Muniru ibn `Umar
       1891 - 29 Apr 1893  Ahmad ibn `Umar


    bf.1650                Kenedugu state founded
 2 May 1898                Kenedugu state extinguished by French colonial government

Rulers (title Fama)
- Taraore dynasty -
      *1800*               Tapri
      *1820*               Musa Toroma
       1825 -        1835  Famorhoba
       1835 -        1845  Nyanamagha
       1845                Tyemonkonko
       1845 -        1860  Daula Ba
       1860 -        1862  Dauda
       1862 -        1877  Molokunansa
       1877 - 28 Jan 1893  Tyeba                              (b. ... - d. 1893)
28 Jan 1893 -  1 May 1898  Babemba                            (b. ... - d. 1898)


     c.1880 -        1898  Samori Ture rules over a very large area, referred to
                           by historians as the "Samori Empire"
       1898                Samori Empire extinguished by French colonial government

Rulers (title Fama)
        ... -         ...  Mahmadu
        ... -        1870  Dyanabufarina Modi
       1870 -        1884  Samori ibn Lafiya Ture             (b. c.1830 - d. 1900)
Rulers (title Almami = Amir al-Mu´minin)
       1884 - 29 Sep 1898  Samori ibn Lafiya Ture             (s.a.)