Fwd: Fw: Convoy planning - Thursday 16 July Анастасия Григорьевна sr === -------- Пересылаемое сообщение -------- От кого: Ivane Bochorishvili Кому: res.integra@mail.ru Дата: Четверг, 16 июля 2015, 15:41 +02:00 Тема: Fw: Convoy planning - Thursday 16 July -----Forwarded by Ivane Bochorishvili/OCHA/FD on 07/16/2015 04:41PM ----- To: res.integra@mail.ru From: Ivane Bochorishvili/OCHA/FD Date: 07/16/2015 04:17PM Subject: Fw: Convoy planning - Thursday 16 July FYI Mr. Ivane Bochorishvili Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Kiev, Ukraine Landline: +380 44 253 3412 ext. 442 Cell: +380 93 674 3154 l bochorishvili@un.org OCHA - Coordination Saves Lives -----Forwarded by Ivane Bochorishvili/OCHA/FD on 07/16/2015 04:16PM ----- To: "viktor.marchenko@ekol.com" , "dmytro.savchenko@ekol.com" , Kostyantyn DMYTRIYEV , Ievgen RIABOV , Baktybek BEISHENALIEV , Andrii SHAPKIN From: Andre HERMANN Date: 07/15/2015 12:18PM Cc: Andriy NECHAY , Dmytro KONONOV , Giancarlo STOPPONI , Gerd BUTA , Nadir Minbashiyev , "vladislav.khamidov@undss.org" , "Rufina KHUSNIYAROVA" , "bochorishvili@un.org" , Sergiy PETROV , Mario Trutmann , Olexandr Osinskyy , Robert Marinovic , Felix UDEMBA Subject: Convoy planning - Thursday 16 July (See attached file: Olimp Packing List - WFP, MoSP.PDF) (See attached file: 07_07_Convoy_Letter_Attorney.doc) (See attached file: 726_MoSP_DRC.DOC) (See attached file: Packing list_SRF026_DRC_ukr_150702.doc) (See attached file: Thursday Convoy Planning 16th July.docx) Dear colleagues, Please find attached the convoy plan for Thursday 16 July 2015 for further distribution (e.g. with Gov/Authorities). We would like to thank you all for your continuous and outstanding support. The truck from OLIMP (WFP Food) is going to offload in Luhansk: 3 Driver OLIMP Заяц Андрей Вячеславович SCANIA R420держ. номерАН9637IMн/п:AH9689XT Mob. 0509476063 In case you have any questions or remarks, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards Andre Andre HERMANN Logistics Cluster Coordinator (acting) On mission in Ukraine Global Logistics Cluster, Rome Email:Andre.Hermann@wfp.org Mobile UA:+380986351153 Mobile:+39 342 9701481 Skype:Andre Hermann logcluster.org | logcluster | @logcluster The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments is intended for specific individuals or entities, and may be confidential, proprietary or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, delete this message and do not disclose, distribute or copy it to any third party or otherwise use this message. The content of this message does not necessarily reflect the official position of the World Food Programme. Electronic messages are not secure or error free and may contain viruses or may be delayed, and the sender is not liable for any of these occurrences. The sender reserves the right to monitor, record and retain electronic messages. С уважением, Заместитель начальника ЦУВ ДНР по правовой работе.