SubprojeCt 11 ption Dato @,Obl-igatidns Expetiditr$os Balan" or. tt D.R(AFT 1,Aucust 1955 Lcten;3ion of for L s -i IT I-TUrT.-@,A Siabpro@p--t 112 iradz P-nl- th-zrp ar@, still - - funds ram-ainin- in th prolpat- Sabproj.,@et 11 is hArabY- Axtp ndad for -on,@ yaar.,@@@@ation. 6 hi Clipm-leal 6 on Or,.einal 0-,Ily August 22, 1955 Gentlemen,.-- Thi,s--is-tO inform you that-the-charges we have accumulated-76n@the--nal%-Iural- prod%cts-screen-----@@ ing prdgram-are as follows* Labor---* 144314 suppli-e s-- 358 overhead ---3.-)385 $ 3;174- Vety-truly yours)@ APFROVF,D: Chief 0 s ---Bate: 14ia=h 1955 C- Dt otij charnal of L'uo t,2, ci."uff,3tan,:a3 b,3yon". 00--'2LrO , co_nfpuUc?,@@ion-has b(,en changc-d. -B@,vgimt-big upon of this- -bi@@ra"cd to the le+,terg' all n w The inctruetions -li-sted b-gldW-Wot bO fOUO',I-,d implicitly U co,7,,aTLiacations-hMT-Br,,-dcub" onvolor,.3d,. envz@li@-p -BF-add @.,sed as 2, The out.,-r- kiUST ind2icat@,%d above- d P-3 f'-rSt- All such mil- IiUST-13F,--t@@ttoL' olao3 mail, -,gist-ored3, retuxn 4. T,-ue or full n,%@t- IIUST NOT appral- in awf Of tht R,@f@@@-our-persorinel m,,Ay ba made -or the ind4-vidualOs as- by f Lrat naro-- -and- I"t- init4,-d sign.,,--d rom-do plwe. 2 tiat for-preparlig 5 -1 -us-are prope-rly advis,-,d or t.-ansmitti;ig cor.,z-,Po,,idM@@to of this charige of-,-.ddrGs3-and-ALL int,,t,-,j-.t-',on3 @,,rc, ,iid@@, to- th@@ stocd. @tiould-aiiy pleaeo let, us kno-,,r DRAFT 1 Aupst 1954' U4 FM Ex+,onsion of TiMe for SIJB.IECT t- Projeo Since Subproject U has empired and there are stM-- projeoto Subproject U i.s hereby fMd3 remaining -"a th(l extendod for one year from date of W-Tiration* APFROV'FD: on 9 of origbi4 Only /it" 13 October 13, 1953 De6r Sir: For the expe--ad4-*.ure of7@ ',@,57i7OOO7Ori@@- he pro 'eat 2 'I -e which we are conduc"-Iing for youp ,re est -maav the distti'ou-vion- of expense lfill@@@-fdlloiis: Labor $-1,725 Material '2 8 z990 overhead 2 5-JiOOO Any additional-,sLiTis-cle@Tote(itto-this- -pro-,,-at s'@iould -- li-z require .Iistributioti of@expense-in-about the same proportions as Given.above. noverhea4" -eigure provides for-sxipervision,2 The and interdepartmen-'-,al servidet-stich as--L@ibrary, ana- lv-k@ical and assay ddtetfflnations:i@R@l"ical measure- ments, specialized apparatus nide in our own shop, el.-c. I hope this inform-n-tio-a is-help-L'ul to you. 7 SincerelSr--y r Date: 11,@,ve today rec,,,iv@,d Treasurer's c,^ ol ......... .. 2 MEMORANDUM-RECEIPT 16 Sept 1953-- E- Sidney, Gottlieb TO FROM: Budget Officej TSS- SUBJECT: Check .I hereby acknowledp_e receipt-of the L'Olilowing: @bl@ to as Ch2eck #125017 in the-amolint Of $5jCOO,OO Paya e rul-Subp;ojeot 11-Project YMTRK. payment for Invoic please raturn..signlbd cOPY(185) of this receipt SID= To FORM NO, 3 666 5 MAR 1949 1953 rj!. @U voice I for 11) to IN 1NO t",!a 9 ur t-, sent to C',Iief h A t t -hi n t i.-@voice udr t La lie that LI e)r tp(.,t zi I- i @-u i:@ 2 a I th t-1,, t@ata.?,J- a,,-, re WI t'c- t+.%t3 blll 't-0 jui',t t@iat be -Z. 2 rot ............ c 11 - i-i -.i s t!u-L@/, a@n(i that t':,,-- 2 6,-@rric@J ou' 'i-n iitth 'lie @-i to '13 (3) 2 here,,.y certific-d--til-.' t@.0 riCO:10 Of the pr6-:--r, I olf -ate: ri 0 Cut 13 au-L a -Oa-- r.-v Amu '--16 juv-ie !,-)53 Llate "i5,OOO l@iva,;I-i@;ation of r@@,tia-al r@,i@@ans f-@r ti-..i IjL2k-,-Sa of a,-Ilur-- fo-r-A tr,,a ;uotiva in 1954. laotiv@@@ firiisi@--d on tL'Lrv-3 -,,cc-atorious todn 'r. - at pr@i5ent 1,6u-@ Vil-I b,- raae'vi-,r-lterl r;,nortly. Septe=' or lj 1953 IE?) ti For SCrVIC03 5000 W 4 as***# -W mom jure 1953 -:.;'Oli TIM, RE.,,'ORD SUB)Yf,T: 2 Project @IKM'MO Sutproject 11 sco-oe of this reseirch progr= is the inve3tiza'iOn Of- 1. The %, the seeds of the plants A7orus precatoriina2 and Sem. Rhynchosiae phaseoloidis na for the purpose of obtaining i..n i D. C. by chetiical and biological mea -I pu@-e for,-- the ae'li,ve constil@luerits th-oreoll". 2. A prir@ary-goal in the case of-the Abi-u3 seeds is '%,he prepar-atioii of a suuply of the-exceedin- toxic-protair..,---iorin, iihic'.i falls into the %A sar,e class of siyostances as ricin and botuliqua toxin. 3. 2 11 illit h-s ag-Leei-, in -@&ttd6iOd ietr_er@b@.. -To I Agency. 4. The 'Vo-tal cost of' this pro.tect Will not exceed $11,000.00 for a 1"-riod o-L' one year eri&ing I Aug7,xat2 i954. i3 cl 50 eared th-ough TOP SECR'6@T for Agency contrac-@-s -vill take- he necessary see-Lirity pr@.-cautions to protect its interests. 2 ci APP@IOV'-QD: rRcrzR@V-1 APM. OVED ASPRO@ZI) FO',l OBLIGATIO.N AII.D Ov F 2W. I D;'z aoarch Direct r 7 D e: (91-Uo 'L53 Date: 4-,Io -nt: , _h .1 , L@c 3 Proposa'-, June This is with reference to our-recent di-scu@ssions concerning the-examination-of@@two-bbtanidF.1 materials which are of interest to--you. We would be willing to examine these materials for you in order-t-o de@uer,,aine- chemical characteristics and pharmacologic.3,1-e@tid-physiolorical effects of the active materials contained in them@@-out-u6qal practice in such cases is to charge for-such@studies-on the basis of our own accounting.9 plus 10,@*. lf77ii@Udh--k@-pro"dure is accept- 2 able to you, we vould propose 4ntering-into an agreement' which would libi-t our-accounted-expenditures to A?10,000 for a period-of one-yeari has--progressed to-the-point where a charge of $10,000 is.approached-i-we-would consider ex,;tend-',ng the agreement based2 on the facts available al@l'the -tine. You may proceed to draw up an agreement on this general basis if you feel that such a procedure is acceptable to you. So far-I-have not discussed this matter with any of our staff members pendiiig-advice from you concerning the approach which would be permissible.. 7 Sincerely yo ir VD ty 31 June 3, 1953 I have di-scussed the osslbility Of an open-end nd he ha-L af,. e-ed that we would contract with iNogM@i@ a@@ ,i - -. be willing to undertake -s-t-u-&i-e-s-up@a billing of 2$10,000 in a year.' This could, of a6utse, be mt3dified under the terms we discussed--wher.-we approach-the-l-imitation on funds. I have not discussed this-project-with any-o@ my responsible -people-in %@he---laboratory since I have been awaiting word froli y2ou-on the approach that is permissible. If we are free to-discuss-our-proble-,a@I in the terms posed in our last meeting, - 17dAii7 p"@@eed with a little more certain plan.--- I ha*e also drawn from--our file the-list which I mentioned to you. My recollection was -L'arlty, since the m@,kte-riald-were not iden2tified-in any way. Only the appli- cations were.given) and-for-:identiltly-it--wouldbe necessary to go to the original source of the-inf--orma@vi,on. The list- ing was offerdd. to ge for aft indication of our interest in the applications described.- I am today and.will ask him to 7 complete the forms for- von a return to'YOU this office. With best wishes I am- Sincerelya,ours lime - AIIV,3t 2o, 1954 -Amu. This is to lifo.=-N- to ?I!Base do not try to reacli- m3 au the-old- utzabt-,r. calls Vill l@e- November 2. 1953 Dear Sir: a ersonal--history gtatemen- I am t*ir-I o f I!! U-N m go which you requested that I obtain. I'suppo e thaJ%-,-i,,Iien and--if-clearanee is 5 grante-1-you di-11-dda!LAirectly with Encls. July 1953 1 ercl@@@he@@ersor,.r@@istory- statement on.. which you asked' r4e to Precall, was in'a,,itic@ §UPP.Ly.- tion of the possi,bl e of 4 to a,-,sist in-pharmaqo s tud wiii:16ti- phas been cleared Sin no s.