Pt).rpo,-@,09, To for--Cr,,^--Prepara-,@,lon P-nd &,,.fk@,ioterization ied 1-1:i@inin Tris -Gtv.@d.T-ia ciooaiy-,rol9ated to the vor,!A'of r eLs a &ran.100 of Co@.,t-P @P-@000.0'0 7--w w 14arch 21, 1963 t 5-tibject: Finances- one of the ones they ai-e ,,jalti,n- for* Attached is an ae of 1963 fr(,) -2-1 LO 0 -O 0 1. 2 Y,,iiiocrapl-jys s of '6 and 12 in. 2 infi)-@3-on r)UP 2 ky-frogral,)h ii 6 in dr-tirl 896.91 rlxcl-lan@' e@@pp $gv@ 0 'J.03.09 U,-@i2-iig an a-ver,-,ge rat4-, ov follwq4@ng we--ee Late-$-valxie of 1 Deep fi,eezer 32,5.00 1 Tonorieter of 21.00 120-00 1 tape r(,,Qord w-.Lt ?.@oo for il-,ttel- b,':Ith olren P'rcl $),,Lrgical iiiterial and syrilig-es 117-00 O@. 2 00 dr,,igs ,i-siolorricnl in-aterial: Leve-r,:@, c@@.nnules, u@alioitieters from 212.00 1 bqlar-l(llc-l (to o.l,,) 67.00 2 25-00 riet,j-t-e rolls 26.oo 2_3.00 57.00 Aiiir.-,als fovils, rabbits and dogs)2 32.00 r@ood fcir --Y-- L9 @0-. @ 0-0 Tl)is is k truo statei,,ie!it of o)rlendi,tkire,9 5 Its rc-,)ox,t(--d to thf,! II-id. or I L (When Filled In) Cost Accotint Object Obli-latit)ris obligatiolis Unliquid@,Ats-4 Date nemarlt-,s ard Re-,fpreneen In'curred Iiquid@itc--,d 10 SEP sEr @'7!7r k r SteiAptem'L@er 196o ATT@r-,Iir'_Toli Vlr-Ml.CE DIVISION 2 Llnier the euthority &r.-tr(te(I in tl-,,a rqf---.!lorandv.-i datc:@d 13 tll)ril 1953 froni the WI 'to the 11,DIIA, the of tttia authority in siilosequ--iit mcrior-an4a.. Subproj--ct 120 ben@,ii a-,opro%,ecl r-tr-cl $?-,Ooo,of tt-@p- project fi:,-lids IK@s been ottli@gated to coy6r tla,- slib-project's ex@,)ex,,ses. 17his obligatio2ii of i'iindz ohould b,-- chirged to Allolc,-,ant 1525-1009-1902. TSD/Illeecurch Branch APII,@,OVE@D FO',t ODT,TCYATI 6 i,c,,:@TIFY TPIAT RUNDS C@BLiGATION zlre-h Dimetor Date Diati,ibtitic@,,i: (When Filled 1.@ VOUCHER NO. (Finance use only) 2 @SUBMITTED BY 1,\f'; BY INDIVIDUAL PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING POR 'ADVANCE FROM TO 2IVOTE; F.Ilow Znstructions on Reverse 21 RECEIPTS DISBURSE@/,ENTS 2 $ 1. CAS§I ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD 3 - VNOUUMCI@ll,@@@, DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2 DESCRIPTION k, 2 TOTAL EXPENSES 3a. 4. REFUNDED HEREWITH 2 ECK S. CASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD TOTAL ACCOUNTED 2 FOR TOTAL TO ACCOUNT COR listed hereon and C---RTIFY FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE 2 AP?ROVED cet.,Ify that the expenditures I Pur- an OPY attach2atents were incurred for Officia IGNATUKE OF APPROVING OFFICER OBLIGATION REFERENCE NO. CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. DATE 2 posom of a confid-on.'Iag rkbture, that paymnt or not been received, end that 2 credit therefor has this accounting la true2 and correct AW -.@, A-= SIGNATURE OF PAYEE 2 SirNATURE OF AUTHORIZING OFFICER D FOR PAYMENT OR CREDIT DATE SJGNATUFTE OF CERTIFYING OFF:CER SPACE BELOW 2 FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF FINANCE DIVISION REVIEWED BY VOUCHER NO. 7-12 REPARED By --- 5 S. 67 68-70 71- 80' @jE$r&t,PTION, @'ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS la-33 34,34 .4 3 47 62 54-57 2 ALLOT. OF. CU$'l DUE - 4B.46 AMOUNL, 2 L @13 DATE Ll."' . 1,ENERAL ACCT. NO. /A NO. 2 U PER. (@A LEDGER N CO? D EO . IF F. NO. CLA2S$ .rZ5 E.;E. F PAY R 6 '-,)ESCR I PT I 0.% ADVANCE ACCOUNTS 13-27 @. I i : 4 : ' @ ; ' ' ." CK 2 coject N YR ACCT. NO ocalt ........... E 0 I- 2 X 33 pftojFCT N S c o TOTA2LS FORM 2v22 u*E vrcvious COITION$. .,@@:777777777777@7 INSTRUCTIONS i. T,' f,,:,nds, in the form of other than U.S. Dollars vere on hand, received, or disbursed duri-,ag the acco-ant4 -nr,. e.-@iod, all perti2nent data, i.e., rate, method of acqu4.sition, etc., must be shown. if advances have been p made to third parties, enter the tota". of such advances outstanding at the beginning of the accounting per4.o@@., on line la. 2. If more space is required to explair, receipts, p.-e-p2are receipt form, number and attach hereto. In every case, completely identify ',,he source of receipts. voucher for each expenditure and assign a number thereto in numerical- sequence. The ,roucfier mav Attach a the receipt obtained from tlie payee. Vien a receipt is 2not obtained, prepare a certificate and attaca as a voucher: 'Wnen space on form is not sufficient to list all vouchers, p-repare a i'@sting or;. a semarate s.iee-, and enter t-l-ie total 'L,.nder item '2,. If advances to parties are outstanding at the close 2of the accourt- 1-ng period, at@"ac,i an item'-zed list and enter the @.ota"@ on line 3a. Final credit wil". @-iot be given -.-or disbursements -, are advances @@-o be accounted --'Or. When list as expenditures or refund of cas,,., as appropriate. 3 for advances are obtained, 5. m@otel receipts entered on the line "Total to Account :ior" must agree the tota'l disb=sements entered on t%e line fo'-Iowing "Total Accounted For.'@ CONFIDENTIAL F'@"NDS POSTING VOUCHER DATE 2-6 VOI)CHFR NO. 7- t2 .1@. NO. 7-32 t 427 - 5 2 5 9- 6 7 li 1.1 7 11 DESCRIPTION.ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 13-33 3A- :39 STATION 40- 4z 4 5, 46 OBLI G. 54- 57 ALL07. LEDGER 'I-60 2 28-3 EXPEND PAY 3 AMOUNT CODE REF. NO. 5 GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE PER . .......... CA ...... 2 PUR ................ CODE LEDGER DESCiRIPTIOti-ADVANCE ACCOUN ORDER NO PROP. NO. ADVANCE .67 L 0 YR TS 1 3- 27 2 c@ No. @OBJECT .......... ACCT. NO. ......... c@Di -t@ x REF. NO.i 2 EMP. NO. CLASS DEBIT CREDIT 1441 1 1 1 1 1 i I I I I EKP L AN AT I 0 N0 FENTRY TO-. ALS 2 DATE IPREPARED By ATE @l.?EVIEWED BY CERT@F4ED FOR PAYTIENT-OP CPEDIT DATE FORM 2. 58 4 ust: V *CVIOUS ECIriONS. 777@ vl;k t oRfic,-@r t ll;lii i3 i,-t a livoic-# rir.@-c it is u,. c - I - TSD/FASS (WhDn Fille-d In) OMITTED BY VOUCHER NO. (Finance use only) ACCOIINING BY !NDIVIDUAL 2 FOR ADVANCE PERIOD OF ACCOUNTING FROM TO '-NO7'F: Fol,ow Znstructions on Reverse RECEIPTS 2 DISBURSEMENTS I . CASH ON HAND BEGINNING OF PERIOD DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT RECEIPT DATE DESCRIPTION 2 TOTAL EXPENSES 4. REFUNDED-HEREW --PER! 2 ASH ON HAND END OF PERIOD TOTAL TO ACCOUt4T FOR TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR I CERTIFY FUNDS ARE AVA!LABLE I APPROIIED Z certify 2that the expenditures listed hereon and rr--d for oflicial put- OeLtGATION REFERENCE NO. CHARGE ALLOTMENT NO. DATE S@GNATURE OF 2APPROVING OFFICER on any arrocnoonts were incu poses of a confidential nature, that payment or 2 credit therof*r has not been received, and that this accounting is true and correct. ATE URE OF AU, MOR I Z I NG OFF I CER CERTTFIED FOR PAYMENT OR CRELI!T SIGNATURE OF PAYEE I DATE @SIONATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER fps 2 SPACE BELOW FOR EXC @OiF LUS@.VE USE OF FI%'ANCE DtV! PREPARED By RE :EWED BY VOUCHER NO. 7-12 2 .@,-JESCR@PTION ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS ',3.33 34.39 1 40-42 A3 45-46 47-52 58.67 iS S. 70 71 - iSO 2 a. 3 3 STAT@ON PEN F PAY L)BLIG 52 57 ALLOT. OR COST DUE AMOVtd'f i CODE EX RM . N6. GENERAL ACCT. NO. DATE 2 U T/A No. 62.67 ........... ........ COD N PER. CA LEDGER ')ESCRIPTSON - ADVANCE ACCC@UNTS -.3.27 @ P-.0. No. I ;Rop. r4o. Lio, A15VANC ositry ...... D e-r. No. YR Accr. NO. 2 -- -@l ........... 0 ......... 32.3C @ DJECIF NO. C D CLASS Fiop. t42rl. T, T6TALS i 0 21q.2 U., PRE'vious EDITIONS. -A*n&MW44POMNIWAW INSTRUCTIONS 1 in -.,.e form of other t.qan U.S. Dollars irere on hand., re'ce4.ved, or disbursed during the acTc,,Lntt@-- @e all per-l@-inent data, i.e., rate, method of acqais4.tion, etc., must be showr.. If 2 advances ha,,@e DC-en Ms.-;e to t:@-' rd -oa-rties, enter the total of such advances outstanding at the beginninc,, of the eccoLLn@@l-ng or, la. 2. If more soa,-,e is recu4@red to explain receipts, prepare recei:pt form, number and. attach hereto. in every ::aze2, co=-@i-etely -' den'@:lfy the source of receipts. Attach a voucher for each expenditure and assl gn a number thereto '@n -4n-umericsl seque.-ice. The voucher M'.ay @.,rLe receimt obtained from the payee. Wl;,,,er, a receipt :Is not @Dbtained, pre-Dare a certificate a2nd attach as a ,ioucher. 'W,ien space on form is not si-iff-@cien4@, to list a:.L vouchers, prepare a on a seios@ra'we sheet and enter t-'.ie total- ,Lnder item 3. If advances to third parties are oulstanding a," the close of t.qe ac,-our-,- 4-ng2 period, at-'@"ac-i ar, itemized List and enter t',Ie tota'l. on 1-1-re 3a. Final cre-"I@;.t 4,-"I no4k" be g-i.'Ven for d'sb,,arsenents wh-@c',Ii are advances to be accounted A'or. Wnen 2 acCo@Ln@,.nE; or advances are '&otained, '-f st as ex,@)end,tures or refuna of cash, as appropr@' ate. -al to Accoizt ?or" rus@ agree wi,".i 6he @ota' disbursements entered on 5. Tota',- receip@s eitered on t.,.e line "To4w tlie line --@'o'-'@O"Wing "Tota'- .1@ccour-tet;- For." T=EIPT 'Receipt is hereby ackr@owle(Iged of tt ,@aol.loiiing 4@.heek: Tre@svrer's Check Date: . ........... 4 La t3 ol 2 49 41 rn 1 0.4 Ca CIO ------------- --------- ---------------I-------- ------ TIC-4TIO- (1) Tt tl)i@,l is lv-voica l,'O. I to Ctib- -is 2 Qii fi,'Le in 'P;Db/ tl-.Ir, bill is jdat cltfl ck,)ixt-%ct ,-tnd ili,,tt tl,,ereof liwi riot y---,t b@--cri t (2) Xt is h&@@-eby c@@rtified 2t-l-At tliin itivoteo rppues to I-TO. 3Z? of fu-yl -@h-st Vro4@@ot is b@aiii-7, cf 13 f-.Pril .1@153 fro-.,,a t 1.@ a 1)(,Il to r@,,O/A.0, cii@A i,!-Le of tiiis in 9 @Dcpwrlmr 1960 Lf@allir t-lo cz;att-,oriti,,, (I 13 April 1953 ti@@"% LVI to tLf-. t)-!)/A, tli,3 t-his o:at-rority to coi@c-r tbo of ol1qtid to Allot@-,@ii.@t '31' f%U%TIO"l 0 IDS: 9 f, FOR: TEF. PXCOV@D @zoirrflk; Subproject le2 SUBJECTI Project 1. it in requested that O-Ulwojoct 122 be appro-ved to support 2 univ- in P,-trt the reueareh proieet 0 ersity in tho- dance with the attf-tebed pro!)Osalo n accor 2. l@'eLirokint.n is almost certeittly a major mediator in the. -h-timail ,r t stress" reaction, Its nature and function Etre ri@ot voll unde a oof, ary- Purification and chendea',L' n aramo-nee as i 4;mi;o @ to explorin3 its biologictil function A,.As Until recently been associated viit researi@h prograi (lealingw 2 h-Lxm,-An atre 11 a Success b ,n -thi it stxitly couL-1 support materially -t)--YjWLTFA, Subprojec-t--61--.-- O"ee has been briefed ftillv on this 2 -.-P=ec 14- -- @@ @ll I 160"i"L 11 thlO.Llz7a th for security end cover purpozesi@----------- for funda expeh&&& tbo established procediv,,,es of tlat organization* Title to any peinat-ip-nt equipment aliall reriiain wi 5,@iveraity in lieu of o-%1,erhead chrtrges. Tht,, total coat of this project for a period of one year is cati,matea to b@-- $2,,000 as Indicated In the attached butiget. Cl-argp-o 02. sllc>ula -ra made a@qainat Allotment litnt)er 1525-1,00')-19 6. iio cleared or wit-@ing perrjqiis ara conee-rcedwitti tt,,e conduct of this project. 2 Drench F&PROIIED FOlt OBLIGIPilOil W.- FULIDS.' - Date Proposal Distributioii: origin@al only AA 0 oq A uglst 15, 1960 MEMORANDUM TO- SUBJ ipal rivestigatoro, Th' t 2 y t t s-i,bs6drch could conslit tr-g VII.Ould appear frotii ne s ific contributi know, [tas woi-kedwit 2 Yu here a and recenti or 4we 'Lrran @M-1 My only corninents are: 1) I do not feet pe'rsoiially able to judge@ the sigtiifi conce of t'he r circh except fi-om a clencral point of view aid, from that standpoint, it oppeor 2'to t; ,nd 2) my oily other reaci-ioo is the saine cis is t@a ;Otiloii ch this proposal to .ol)se quest'ions the ini(nediate relevance of the, field a if I-his observatio.1 can be ratic'nalized, then I would ctors and Adviser'@ can lead only to reconi- fbel that tti ts of the Dire roendatioti for approval to support this project. CWWOI,7 5 Program Director Enc-. 2 copie-b of Proposal 1,, 1960. Door Sirs-. I hove oncloslid ro osal for constdaation by the op p for sucport fz)r a series of stlidic.@s conce rtied with Neurokinin, 2 ubstance i'iat appears to ba of great importcinco in thopotholo'g'icol @y vihich ition's relatiinstilp to his onviroririlent influences heoitti. Sincorely yours.. PROPOSAL Author Institution: Departriient of Pharmacology, University a The central nervolis-system c,@vokos, integrates.- and modulates the body's cidaptive responses to the onvironinent. Thcso msoon@0S., necessary to sijrvival N--ihon appropriate, are- implicated in the etiology ond course of disc-oie of many categories Nv.@on incippropriote. It is well established tl)ot reactivity to noxious stimlilation can be riioi@ulated by2 the controt-noryous systm through control of the - tju@ing cind amount of -adrenal coi@tical sti nufaula I ne (--AC Tti)from the pituitary I I -loi,nio gland. Recent experii t have shown that eiiiotlier ma2jor route for central netvous systom modulation of the it)floninotoiy response exists. This latter route is through vosomotor control and through modification of The tpognitudo of local, neuron-ol rofloxf)r.. A potent voscdi lator substance is impi icoted in those 2reactions The applicant I)os boon one of t@, ho hos defined this biochotaictil sul@statice as nourokinitit NcLirokinin ap,)arcntly is a vo5odilatot polypepti(to for(tied by the splitting of a protein (globulin) present in oxtracellulo r fluid* This splitting is due to the action of a prot:oolytic onzyni@@ (ticurakirtin forining possibly an lt)tranouronol proto,ise. II-,a somv enzyme has been .,bse-tvcd -2- in the corebrospinal fluid and in perfusato of the cerebral vcntricio during Stimulation of tho brain, thus giving di source of the mciterial for study* A crude preparation of powdered neuro@@- -of:c .W 2 kinin has been prepared by incubation @ilo'jLIin- itti co@cebtos-pinal fluid collected from pa ticnts with schiz6phronio, which contd@t)ln,-ge ainounts of nourokiniii-forming- -enzyme an The o)plic, c,,,i has wo.-ked viltl in the d-ofini.tien.,-tf -this crar-t and in the preparotici nourokinin. c) ltnmediate CbiccLi-@,,@, To propore dhd chor6cterii& highly purified ticur2okiniti by cliromotogrophic clicinical mc-th@ods. f) Long !?r@g? I-- i@e-s To dofin-o- the phormcicologic properties,, and contribute to Linderstanding - of the physiological and pathological significatiro of not,,i,okin2in. ,a) Obtain neurokinin-forming enzyme from Ivumoti cerebrospinal fluid and from perfusate of mrebral ventricles of lobori:lory animals during stimviation of the brain. b) Propor ti,)n of crude nour@,)kinin by incubatioii of co 2 rebrospinal fluid with globulin, precipitation, and extraction with alcohol. c) Purificotion of the crude prc@parql-ion by p,,ipet- and colvmn chrortio- togrophic soporati6n of the components in tho crude prepa9ration. d) F[tarmacologic studies to identify the active fraction a. isolated rot uterus,rot duodenum bloossay and cissay of depressor action u,,i tl-ic blood pressure. ei of ttia properites of puiiflx. 1) Electroencei)lialogropbic changes ind,-iced by ii)traveiiti-icular and intcfcarotid injecti,,,n in ttio cot, 2 2) Bel)avioral chatibes ind'u'ced by intravl,,ntricular injections of nevrokir,in into unc@n-asthotized cats with implatit,-ld introventricvlor connuicei It is expected that these stvdics will reclu;re one year to complete. 2 I V. Budget a) Appor(itus to ougriient-equip-m-ent avc.,ilable in th 1) Stereotoxic (Horsoly Clark) opporotus for porfosion of cerebral yelitricles and for plgcoment-of @introyentrirvior cof-.2nvloq $900000 2) Perfusi,--n 1)utop 200.00 3) Small polyethyleno_Tubing 50400 -- -------- 41 R,@cording kirriogropli for srfiootli ni2usc'ic bloossay 25O.-OO 100.00 connulo'e b) Drug5 and iupplies for clect.-ophore3is cind for pliariiikiciologic2 studios 300.00 c.) Anin-tals, aniintil ioo'd, and coges '200.00 TOTAL V. Tho authc)r i is co tax exempt organization Of tho1w !ha author is ongagcd in full time research and tonching. @b has worked as a pro ssio d-6s worked spo'cifically with vasodil2otor "Iqe os polype recon.tly completed fol,lc;ivsnip wi ..orkinq with ne.-urokintn end becorfing -acquainted viith ttic point 2 rogram VI and Vil; This project has. not bee..i tindortaken proviously and no support has been o@i is being recue-sted of other fnundo 6 ons PPOPOSAL Title Author IRV The cc-ntrof nervous system evoke5,, integrates, and niodvlotos the borjy's aloptive res2ponses to the ei)viionment. These responses,, necessoty to survival when appropriate, tire imp!icetod in the etiology and course of cliscoso of many catoqdries when inol)propriW.- It Is %Wc-11-6if@blisfi-eci that reactivit to noxious 2 'Y stimulation can bo modulated by the contral,nervous systc-m ttirough control of the tirt,u'ng and arfount of ajreiicil cortical sti hormon.- (-.-,AC TMfrom the pituitary glond. Recot2itexperirfienttatthel o@.,o shown that onothtir major route for central netvous systetn niodulation of the inflammatory response exists. This latter route is through vasoi-,iotor control aiicl tlirovs)h modification of the magnitude of 2 local,nouro@of rcflext,@g. A potont vosodilator substane;e is implicoted in illose reacticns. Tho -applicant Los boon one of the inyestigo,,)rs who has definc-d this biochemical substance as nourokinin Nourokinin apparently Is a vosodi lotor potypeptido fornied by tl)o splitting of a protein (globulin) present in oxtrcicoliolo r fluid This splitting is due to tho action of a prol@o::,Iyfic onzym,@! (nour-,kifiln forming c.@nzymo)f Possibly an intrat6ieurontit proteaso. l'bo some enzyme has boon observed -2- in the cerebrosp-inal flvid and in perfusnto of the cerebral ventricle dur'ing stimulation of the brain, thus giving a source of the material for study. A ct-ulle proporation of pow4ere-d n,.,vro@ kinin has been prepa-ed by incul-cition of2-globuliti with c-or(,brospinal fluid collected from patients with schizophrk-,nio@ which contd@s@large amounts of tiourokiniii-forining enzyme. The opplic tot-i has worked wit (I n the defini-tion.--f -this n, -fr,,t and in the preparation of crule nourokinin. e)Lt@mcdiate Cbioclivizs,-, To prepare cikid choroctorizo tiighly 13urifiod nourokinin by chroniotographic f) Long Range To clefin,@- thQ phormacologle properties2, and contribute to vnderstanding of the physiological and pathological significance of nourokinin. II. Methods a) Obtuin nourokinin formir.9 onzyrtio from hvm%in corebrospinal fluid and frotil pcrfuscltc of cerebral YQIltriclcs of lobcri,,foiy vninials during stirttvlatioti of the brciln. Preparation of crude nourdkillin by incubati-,)n 'of corebrospinal fluid with globulin, precipitation, and extractioil with alcohol. c) Purification of the crude preparation by paper and column 'c@iromo- togr5cpl)ic separation of tho conipo.;ionts in the crvdo preparation. d) Pliermccologic studies to identify the active fraction a. isolated rat uterusrat duodenum bioussay and ass,3y of dopressor action on the blood pressure. el Phorniocoiogic', of th@-, properties of puiifi, 1) Electrooncep,@ologropbic cliangc,,s inrjt@ced by intfaventriculor and inti@,rcarotid injecti,,)n in the cot. 2 2) Behavioral chano(-@s induced by intravenfi-icular injections of @icurokinin into unancstliotizod cats with iniplonted int-roventricular ctjiinufae. Ill. It is exqected tl)at ttiese studies will require one year to complete. I v. 2 Budget a) Ai-)pciratL)s to ougnient equipinent avoiloble in the do@@@ -.el,, 10, 1) Sterc!,,)toxic (tf)rsely Clark) app2aratus for perfusi6n of cerebral ventricles and for piccoment of introventricular connulao $900.00 2) Perfusioti pump 200.00 3) Small nc.,Iyr.@ttiyleno Tubing 50000 -00 4) Recording kimogi@opli for sni3otli riiuscle 13ioassay 250. 51 N2iiscollanc@@t-s cqVipmentiroc;n,,)riictcrpclaii!ps, 100.00 connula@- b) Drugs and supplies for clectrophoresis and for p[toriiir-,c,ologic studios 7 300.00 c) Anii-nals, animal iood, and cages '200.00 TC)TAL !P@660-. UO- - ------------ -4- V. The author is li Is Ca tax c emot ort-tnizotion of the State a or is engaged in full tirric resoorch 2and teaching. V#,- has worked as a 1:,rofos5iona rs and.h"a's worked spo@;ific'olly with vasodilotor poly peptides wit lie has recen,@-ly completed f I I 11 1 p w i t at Tr wo IP9 N'Yit6 2he'urokiniii and becoming acquainted with the point 0 view 0 rogroni" VI and VI I This proioct hr-@s,not been undertaken F;rclv!oLsly and no support has been of.' is bc- i ng reqt.-osted ,Nf othqr fo9utida ft oiis. 26 Au@uPt 19(,O f@OR: j-HE ROCORD cUBJz-CT Dr 0 a 4 nt Eirid 2 _$aQOQ,.Oo to__providf. equipwe vras appro-v(--d. 1\1-atwokinin ir. py-le- waicir ried-i, or )i the "-stress" -reactiorti. Its nature suuied to be - I'@- 2 and fu-uction---ire riot V.Iell understood.' Purificaticin and chemical ebarac"L-lerizatio-n is cq up-ces "ry prelirkiinary to exploring its bio- logical fluictioll. This-proposal has received the strong endorr-e- 2-,lent o:e A 21 glk@- Li 'ism will b-- Title 1; rmancii c A nsi-r-e choek of -P,-Pved@rip-gativeo EC ,f.1-11 rou@.aiii vri,@titti,@ig of trlie r@.inch Distri'butio-.x: Orig 3 - Acldressee (TSD/P,B) 21:1 AILW@ust 1960 FOR TRE, EWORI) on I)iscussi' vit Propos-1- 'At I- t wit@-I I In to brief h a 0 .,Ui@V,e6.t In ti% chaiiisli partioi-fat@, I assured 3 -01.1 in the him, in enswer to his question,, th IEIP- s Coll be riade to appx@oach &.ra-atees to widertak LUIE-sio(riso l@urthe -ision needed a funding aiechwiie@ia wJ,Ui souiicl cover to if his div. y eamo@@cou.1@-I be fitted into the 2cover, ihe to hel Uto saw no- itiimed-iate' he v,@3@s erithiislas'Lle and wished to make division bra@ss aware of the pos-, sibilities. Distribittiozi: 2 Orig & 3 - Add:cessee (TqD/RB) SG f for file