CATION, AN6 -,F HEALTH, EDU NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH- 25 April 1957. "O MCPLMMIG AGORCSS T149 "A""AL flel'n?Uft Of "CRTAL NSAL?" RaggARC.M ceftyllp U.S. ftsuc mcitlrm seltvict HOSPITAL P. 0. Dow zooo Lui*ol*m. xilmracxy am enclosing copy of proposed budget forlf'scal year 1958 which has already been sent to Pir. Robert E. motley, Administrative2-Assistant for 3asic Research National institute of pAe' rtal. Health. He will submit 14 shortly c lette,- to the Office of Naval Research. Also enclos"d Is to &ir. flotley asking him to Increase item under tra2vel.,, The material-I have been using Is designaied as 1-me-thyl-. lysergic acid dlethyla,-nide. it bears the Sane-oz code number iviLD-41, Lot No. 060001 271001. Ani.,nal pharzr-acology Indicates toxicity is about equal' to that of LS-ri In mice. The material Is 3.7'tir, as active as LSD in inhibiting serotonin. it Is pyrogeric In the rabbit, but less so than LSDT in mice it is said to proditce only excitation and no mydriasis.. 'in the cat.. effects are a little different tha.,i those produced by LSDJ. but studies are not complete. EVRI.T!a2tion all&4%. 4@-A W-uviz incomo'iet-es indicates that the- material produces effects In man somet-itl@-at lilte LSDs but that hiLD Is-less potent. tt induces-mydrlasis, e'levation -D In blood pressures:facilitation of dee tendon re2flexes LSD-like sub@'ective sy-r,,pto..mS* and the usual constellation oL The dose recuired to Intl-tz--e a Grade 3 reaction i--tr prc@)a,-,@ly .on the order of Li-6 mcg./K-. as compared with 2 mcg./kg . of LSD. 0 0 '%,.her rlaterialsilaie are I-acetyl-lysercic aci%Ak bitartr,,-tz (;,LD-52) and Pyrrol.idid of d-lyser-ic acid (LPD-821L). Sincerely yot, r.s., left -losures ge to the Abramson-larvik questionnairep and assessment of the degree of the reaction by the clinical gradi-fig system previously-described. Mefhods.of han ling these data have been previously. reported* Results. The results are shown In the accompanying 2table and are suggestive of a reduction in the intensity of the..LSD reaction.' They show a reduction in every aspect of the LSD reaction measured. The differences bet*een the response seen after SOL plus LSD and those seen after SOL-placebo plus LSD reached statistical significance in the case of effects on the kneelerks and on blood pressure, but were not significant on 2 measurements of' pupillary size, number of questions., and clinical grade. The experiment actually was unsatisfactory for several reasons: (1) The number of subjects was small because Of the shortage of BOL; t2) Six of the subjectt were new, and 4 of these proved to be non-responders (had no mental symptoms with the dose of LSD used) with resufflng skewrt 2 ess in fhz statistics; t3) fhe eesull's of '@"Oinzel andMayer-Gross suggest that cross-tolerance to LSD It de ve I op I -,ig which likely 'would 'not be complete i n- 2 da Vs -only 2 ex erien ed subjec's ava i la-b le., t h e In the p9 c LSD reaction was almost totally blocked by pretreatment wlth SOL.