TH AN lyscrg,C deld. Stiu -1 I 4s 04 were lft fo cbtain dafs an reld 2 lps In tht LzD series, Th,g cro: If #IILD Induced 121 to a roug.hi@, the pate,. cy 'with LSD, azvd 124 fo 45 2ye4rs voluft. for experiments. Alt U*ro Prix 'who were $*"fcncts for YtQfaflcft Of tht us S* 4rd 411 beeft absttnent frl;m narc,_flc e 2 'ru,,: f zi 4_t I-izasf six in exp rt mtnfat health Psychotlc,. 4tA"y 411 11,4d tokien Ttic drug-. 6 Z.Ivcp. ,rdily -4 $*I ut t t t Ir, I v r the furthermore werle not 4vi-are "43 e4ge 2 given. sclutions of the druus were orepared with freshly distilled water dni i.)rgscrvei In brown bctflcs,- -c.ncentr4ti,@-,n of sfrck golutiGnS W43 100 MCGM-/CC* DOSTS fOr C&Ch tfidiVt--IUdl were me4sured with mlerc-,ilpeftes and drvgt dtlufe4 to 30 cc. with freshly distilled water aa4 ad-ml.alsf2ered while .)Ofitnfg were f4sting. t h s ;,at le-t f 0were hous ee. -10 a sifetal ward which Is reserved f%r exptrl@-nentatian psychot.minette druc-s. The Patients catercd this ward -.a the pirht bef%-Wrc facts. All W-zre occusti@=ed to.the eavircn-Aent. At.@.ourly Intervals,, two hours bqf4ra &nd eight hwrs aff4r of dru!g2si, f'iie ;iut-lllary diameter was meaturet4. unc-;Cr c,;nriltlc@ns -f controlled light and The 41%tance thr@--ugh which a cat lbratid. h4f@.@-tr must fat I to et lcif@ a 2kneejtrk was. deter. otned. Systoit%-. blo,@-d pressure was measured aiter ten minutes rest In bed. f"atlents filltd r-uf a noelfic4tlca of ihg Abrzcscro. bzuriy-.. 'anfl sh..rrt were c,.ade by th.- cn ouiplit-ary size, otqzn pressure, and tbreshold f,-.r citeit4ttcn of Lacej.crk w,-re platted .n graph pape@r and- the the2 fwQ ;:@re-Jrug cbstrvati,-.As use4 as -a bas;vliiie. C@'.Ifa t;.ft-Jer f.Se curvr T'.-@r the U-hcur pvricti @l- G-btcrvaticn w4s mcesured with a pl4ni@--letpr. thu3t re4ucing all d-ata cp these particular m@tasure-,e.,its t-- a sin-It Lo flrure. L-vestlions wore c-@unted, clinlnating any tnat werc also SC or*d- t t I ve,[V Pr I or t o tri-ses t ton of tlte drur, I I a t c 4 1 rraele was assessed accurrltno to fhe riefhoet of lsbellp at descrlbci In the ottiched reprint. Patients rectiveds In tandomizei ordert placeb LSD I mcGm.Ar,,- 10 subjects); LSI 1-5 f:s@ccm-Ag- (10 subjeefsl*- &ad LS@D 2 mcgmo/kg. (13 subjects)* and v4rlcus d,,ses of In order to ascert4ta the 4p,-)r4xtm4fe dizz*ge ranger ilkrel I-ainary runs were d@-"* with t4LD.41* lzlfh dcsts of .2S ti "ttgntl,. 0.5 mcgm.Ar,- II "ttcati; 0.7S etcGm.Ac-t I -.naflenfl of mc". P4 fterit I.I@ no 0!;Iect Iva Gf subject lve ef fccfs :wta cbserved. Hcvcvcr '&be* t3 ;>aticnts) or 2 t I Pat lcn t) wgre Given, ti*cfl.,titet but mifd#LS@'i-like ment4i sympt=s ',sere 2observejlv It W43.,, decidr-f that .-x,ieri.menf,31 4j,@z,;Ires wcule. be hlc.,her t@-an '@-I ri,-rA. i;f @AL.3-41 i:)-I?r kc,4 Six t,)41tiznfx recelvtf 3 -cc@r!t-A-go 6f 'rece;vo-I 4 ct--Cm./I 4n-A 6 racgiv4d 6 me,-d-MO/kt,-* -SIILTS sults are. Z-hi:;"Wn lft t,,,e fable. In rea@ilftq the fa@hte f rc4n f,,r the ",arfi '4-Aular the s.t4ndard errqra 'irht @4.atal uazwevtr, art. 'sufflclart f.-) fhzft -c r t.,z s 1O:i -z -c 13 --ausa-J by 1 3 Is frsi ,,ottpt thin LS'@. Ca -2: /4/ LSD* S"h a f I ru rt Is only an 4;>Pr,ximatica *Inc* true d--s Z. rtsponst curve$ carn4it be cc.-nefructed because of :--ationts at each d,;i&C @W,33 t-0- $"a I IV 6=19 di@l iMOt rCCCIV-2 411 d,@--stsm, ar.2,O,, flat 'f-,crtic!n the curve J? h4d already been reached with fhe 4.ccCm./kc4, dos* to coze of kneelcrks,,'puptiltry slzgo, and bto*d pressure. pbenwwn& reporftd affo2r ln&*Stioa of MLD-41 lnctuard oaxl*tyt feelings of unreallty,, ecofution, ho-,@itte sons*- t! r I f; :i t I I be-An rtcre sig-oly 1/92 hours as c-..mparvd f4t 3-3 mtnutet of'ter LS-D) IALD-41 Is a drug 'Whieh i-a-ltjccs r.-mptai effetil-0 similar to those of LSD, it Is rcu,-ahlv c-ne-third to *at-half as L r)) f@,c gm A c, too 2.0 3.0 4i).38 002. 2.40 0.,* ">%4 4. 0.36 ,,.39 (I. Fi4 3.04 (..15 0. 4,1@ a Ty 4 0.4 4i,42 0.34 -$.53 t O.S2 4.SV 0.47 I 1 0447 4.t:;t 0.5 4.255 4 0. ejo 4.. 4.0. 6 0, I <'o 2.4 6 4 0 3,,) 2 0 t C) Vfi 2,@,3 4 11439 8 3 -t ().,37 @."7 0.41 3.18 oi.5 1.0 3.) 36 13 5 5 .4.2. 22 3 is 19 4 22 34 t I',,' 4 9- 13 0 4 0 loo 0.3s 1 .5 tl,4 1.3 0.37 1.0 o.55 1.3 2 3 210 4. 0. 3 tt Nuriber of subjects of 4cstst L St) 14 0 frt t") 4/k t,, . I,) itubjc.,cf i I 10 MC n; 2 L 5,I) 1,5 mcgo./k 2.0 9. :ut,-ITctsj; 3-0 mcoa-A$jo I ei ub te t I I 'kIL!l 4.0 Mc E'@m./v (I. 5 UL) jcc f l@ IIL@D 6.0 6fIt: l@'ll r,@ .1(5 ;SULjccfg)o f tlitatis i tatiimr4 error*,*