Machine Devisedi El-6c-tric Sleep Transistorized Unit Is Successful in *ical Tests By STACY V. JONES SpeciiLl to The New Yoft Times ASHINGTON, APril 29- wA professor of electrical engineering has invented a i portable electric sleep-inducer. The effect has been compared with that of phenobarbital Dr. Omar Win- 2 at present on sab'-' Patents batical leave from of the Columbia Univer- Week sity, will receive a patent June 14 for the device, which is called the ElectrosonL 2 il The National Patent Devel- I opment Corporation, New York, to which the patent IN-- assigned, is arranging for clinical tests on about 100 human subjects, to supple- inent an earlier study. 2 After the tesu' -'thoi t6ni@@- pany hopes to market a hos- pital model at about $300. Eventually, with approval by the Food and Drug Adminis- tration, a simpler d esign for 2 individual use is planned, to sell under $100. National Patent holds the Amer' rights to a sleep m2LClr-lkatented in 1964 by The New York Tlmes three Ussian engineers, but Prof. Om2ar Wing with sleep-inducing apparatUS he de%ised regards the Wing instrument as znuch superior. The Russian version was torized and powered by a re- second, with brief pulses at considerably heavier and more chargeable cadmium - nickel 18 or 20 volts, which enter 2 expensive, required vacuum battery, about flashlight-size. at the nape of the neck and tubes instead of transistors, A timer will turn it off after exit through the eyelids. and had to be left plugged 20 or 30 minutes. The pulses are adjusted into the wall. Electric pulses are applied "until 4 the patient barely feels 'Me new sleep inducer fits to the head through pads- discomfort, and experiences in a light case, about the size The patent describes a WiLve of a cigar-box. It Ls transis- train of 30 or 40 cycles Continued on Page 44, Column 4 .......... @E W;,w YORK TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1966. Wide- Variety'of Ideas -.Covered B )"atents Issued During Week Continued From Page 35 alternate b2lack and white color sensatins." In the earlier study, Dr. Bernard Straus, professor of medicine at New York Medi. cal. College, employed the Wing device on 34 voluntary 2 patients . suffering from in. i6x=i& and regularly re66iv. ing medication. Both the subjects and the attending nurse reported that -there we -m-"more good -nights' sleep" when th2e instrument was employed. In Dr. Straus's opinion, the instrument had efficacy In inducing sleep, but he thought further study was needed to determine whether the nurse 2 was right In pronouncing-it- as effective as phenobarbital He said the extremely low- power source made It safe for patients. While on leave, Dr. Wing Is in "he Computer Science 2 rLt of the I.B.M. Re. searl Center, Yorktown Heights, N. Y. He is co-in- ventor of a method of coin- verting a television receiver to provide simultaneous sound in several l0anguages. The new patent will be 3,255,753. YO. -b---L-EEP TffERAP -@bl; F. B u b in res natural ?D, induced' m2ean.' of short electrical pulses, closely embles .Slei, 1 sleep d 2@a b 7@he t innocuous form of art@flcial to sleep. widely practised in Russia, and sonte 2 special clinic has opened in London this we@k Mm !is appre@ated the curative @alue tin*& The most diverse resources have mshes, increased tempemiure. broncho- or $1 p n various diseases for at least been called upon to overcome it. The en- pneumonia. nerve and liver damage. and, 000 on2e afthe earliest records of deavour to induce sleep artifically has finally, drug addiction. Thus it became de -leamrste attempt to induce sleep for received a considerable impetus over the expedient to develop a sleep therapv pool: century, with the advent of ippro- 2which would pk-.-siologically resemble. priate drugs. However, it was very soon natural sleep. ed that such pharmacologicaliv- Researchers in several countries now et seem ZOUC9:slcep is not always hannle-.s. T6 claim that this has been achieved with the kind of steep trentriient, better terined new method of elearotherapqutic sleep. widely applied in modem medicine. -prolonged narcosis-. has had adherents Furthermore, it 2in b@lit-ved that it may Insomnia has always been a medical in Europe, Russia and North America. prove useful not only for the treatment of Drawbacks include side-effocu such insomriabutalsorarmanyotherdi ' problent..@ncreasingly 2 so in modern *eases like bronchial astiima. high blood pressure, nervous dermatitis and duodenal uleem 2 Electrothempeutic sleep. which m- ceived its first practical applications&M success in Russia more tl-in a decade ago. has been invest ipted bv. a number o( o@ientists in Western 2 Europe and the -0: C. ------- United States. The results of these in- Viestigations in promising from dw 2 medical viewpoinl In practice, electric sleep has been applied some,%iint empirical2tv on thi@- Cal I ba-ii thit tiie natu c ectn 2 of the lirnin of a -.4ieeT)inLDer%Un j@-@ from electroenccplialogram patterns, to differ from that which 2 occurs whe t@e rson is &wake. By inter- knng wirthe rlzn's wawng electrical Fig2ure I top This electric sleep juipment is connected to a pati, t's .4 head by special electrodes that c@ndud 2 MWi#eCA)nd pulses with a current of Awake rsting O*ep steep about out milliamp as aj'requency of 2 between me and 130 C/S Figure 2 bottom Electroe'ncephat, Wcorded at three Pak" an the k sUe 2 lofthe had ofa,person awake but relazinj with his eyn dosed dis the ey --)71hm of-&,rv 2 pied alpha I wa@w-form with a frequeny of zu'.1lru, cls and amplitude "me 0 microvolts. Eye opening or lAw miumption ofother kindt of nervous activity inubit this 2 electrical behaviour. In deep sleep, however, the alpha-rh-s-thm is replaced 2 by the slower, irreyal@r delta-wava which have afrequene of onl 2 y one c/s or lower, though their amplitude y be reat as 200 microvolts. ElectiT 7 ,Iep duces = exacil si,,aar patternin.thesleepingpatiew A- A o ,10 Oa; 0 2 .1493X NF%% $(.'IFN"n.;T 3 FERRt'ARY 19fw. 293 activity with external electrical pulses, Moscow. Proressors M. C. 2Anan'yev, Internal medicine-4or treating gastric 6e argument runs,. it should be possible N. Cilliarovsky and S. Roitenburg were ulcers and ulcer-like conditions, high to induce the appropriate sleeping the pioneers in applyingelectrotlierapeutic blood pressure, asthma and the lung pattern. It turn-, out that this 2 procedure sleep to patients. condition, emphysema. work@, although the theoretical basis The anous types of electric slet Rus'ian and American v p- GyneacolTZI 5 2 h2 p remains uncertain. indu@ilig apparatus that are coming into sources orted excellent results Theories of exactly what happens in use in different countries generate sho2rt, in the treatment or the early forms of natural sleep fall into two categories. the "square-wave" pulses of current of low sickness in, pregnancy, particularlv per- first-largely favoured by Russian intensity and low frequency to induce a sistent voffuting. miorkers--is due to Pavlov who maintained state of deep relaxation a@d si2ce'p. At Pediatrics--a number of cams are that the normal alternation of sleeping at present th'e types of pulsed current com- reported in the literature of success in the night and waking during the day was a monly used for achieving electric sleep treatment of various nervous disorders conditioned reflex. Sleep, in this context, havefrequencies rangi2ng from I to 130 ds, following encephalitis in children. esulted from the inhibition of nervous with pulse Icngths ranging from 0.2 to Sur$ery-4n the surgical department, eactivilty over the whole of the cortex orthe 1.2 millisecs and amplitudes of from 0 to used f6r brain. Nowadays2 such cortical changes 1.5 milliam S. ward can be associated with changes in the These puysies are produced by tise main needless electrical rlivthM3 recorded by electro. component of the apparatus'which takes 2 surlrery, encephalography (EEC). Electrical sleep its current'supplies from the mains or p with a induction may be simply the result of batteries. Patients are connected to the local anaesthetic allows the d of the superposition of external pulses on the generator with special electrodes, placed latter to be g2reatly reduced, and helps the natural rhnthms, bringing about a change o@ the head, contact being established via patient to tolerate the operation itself -tical'activity. the forehead and the lower part of the skull better. in cor The alternative theory is based upon just above the neck. O2n the basis -of the electric sleep numerous investigations that have In studies conducted in Russia, Europe, inducing apparatus, and the results of pointed to the existence of specific "sleep- the United States and Japan electric- physiological investigations of electric- waking centres" in the brain-possibly in sleep treatment has been emploved either 2 ally induced sleep, a separate piece of the hv vity nor- ,pothalamus-whose acti ' on its own or in combination with other equ pment has been designed in-Russia mallv keeps the brain awake. Electrical forms of therapy in the following branches for. electronarcosis-a' new proposal- 2 sleep may be the outcome of localiz@'d of medicine. sia =M- control of these centres by currents pass- Psychiatry-in cases of depression, The ing through them. a!m,cty states, agitated paranoid condi- 2 prouns- The first electric sleep-inducing ap- tions, catatonia (schizophrenic fixity of pafratiig iWSs" designed -in Russia at the posture), alcoholi6 and narcotic with- surgery. for E, . 2 Vishnievskii Institute penmentat drawal states, and for various forms of It will greatly reduce the ch n@cal agents. Surgical apparatus and Instruments, i headache, as well as insomnia. used during operations. Each ampoule makes one 2 litre of the stated nor- mality, but othe., normali- ties can be obtained by 2 o@@ varying the dilution rates appropriately. Some recent additions to SAVE 2 TIME and TROUBLE. with the 'Volucon' range N/20 Ceric Sulphatt, N/50 Ethylenediamine-, 2 tetra-acetic acid r Fil Sall), N/10 (7 2 (Disodium Sodium Arsenite. Available in cartons con- Li u 2 t@ining I or 6 =pouks. ttrade mark volumetric concentrates %piL.ia&m2ndpoduds 'Volucon't concentrates are available in sealed Furt)W informaaon walI ampoules qmcialill designed to ensure: A.% gladly be nmtta on requal *easy handling MAY & BAKER LTD *quick preparation'. DAGF-14HAM - ESSEX *avoidance of errors Te0l: DominJon MM