SUMMARY The CIA-sponsored research project with the Texas Research Institute' for Mental Sciences (TRIMS) was conducted to improve the usefulness of. Physiological measurements as indicators-of emotional stress,. The subject's were volunteer medical students who were both witting -and consenting. Measurements were made of such things as heart and breathing ra2tes'of the students during final ex'am week when they were presumably under more ten- sion than at other times during the semester. For comparison purposes$ similar measurements.were taken during periods of non-ttress. During'one phase of the work, stimulants and depressants (barbiturates and amphet- amine) were administered to 7-8 2student volunteers to determine the effects of these drugs upon the baseline measurements being made. At no time was LSD or any other hallucinogen used. BACKGROUi'ID MATERIAL FOR INTERT;AL USE ONLY List of Facts re Contracts with Dr. Burch and Texas Research Institute for Mental Sciences (TRIM-S-) Reference: 17 July 1975 AP wire story and Mr. Thuermer notes re Washington Post reporter (Tom Curtis) conversation 1. Dr. Burch's statement concerning Agency-sponsored research is 2 true. 2. No LSD was used in any CIA-sponsored activity with TRIMS. We were not involved with LSD work for the Air Force mentioned in the AP wire story. The contractor's proposal included an experiment in which LSD might be used. That work was not done. 3. Stimulants and depressants (Amphetamine and barbiturates) were administered to witting and consenting subjects 2to investigate the effects of such drugs upon the rates of physiological measurements, such as heart rate, breathing rate, and skin moisture. Y( he studies were funded through the Air Force for the first tiiiee ars. ency association with the activities was classified, however, the-. Director of TRIMS was totally aware of the source of funds. Subsequently, research was unc,ias2sified association) directly with Dr. Burch through TRIMS(/9,,6 -6g), S. The studies had as their purpose the improvement of our under- standing of physiological measurem@nts as indicators of emotional stress (the polygraph problem). Another possible application is determination of evasiveness or deceptiveness--as indicated by observable physiological changes--aL-,.meetings between U.S. and foreign officials. 6. The presence or absence of stress was inferred, in the first study, by making measurements of medical students during final exam week and comparing the measurements with those taken at other periods during the semester. In the latter studies, stress was produced by having the volunteer students participate to varying degrees in-a mock crime situa- 2 tion in which subjects pretended to steal an object and then attempted to deceive a polygraph operator about their '.guilt." f i@, c et c It,, @d, Wed' 7.'-- Only in the last phase4,,,iere any ru gs administered and then to only about 7-8 subjects (all witting and consenting). BACKGROUT.'D I.6IATERIAL FOR It4TERtIAL USE ONLY W...! I :-I S! ":J 2 t., ri I J 14 !I 1-1 c 1-1 -1 A il /L ,I 2 I !L n,41 i :t .6 W U 2. 31 ij.& 2 Lt 2"1 r. T C= t! '=L' !I C n IL.! r i-. -Z: en T i W st.0 a W ---------- 2 .6 W A S.A. weal'i.ZU Vnnnn !Un7L! Ul% I C' -n. li I-x -1 T C J i 1% 2 '.Z 1.1 &I __X r i'l .2 T -1 U 1 f7 7 !J II 1 i7 il: I -Z 2 L S.U..r 1-n -Mf! L? I ?'If n 1-1 L; 'Z I ift I -:'k"r 1 .12 ?'U C a as.& a.: .6 '-t .6 W 'J :It: Li I I :j 2 L- n ii I V.,t '-F .6 St -I 2 W -P cum unwzizc=,Ll f!=!i"n -1 1! MTUC 1 i'@- j V 2 =S!nL Lt AW A @t:.6 2 t I a. a t 1-1 LT 1 !-.I I =t! 'Rif t .% S I 2 L, 1-2 W:Tu ts@.-a -.;W -i@ wt Zw rt -a -@ it -w w .6 t i..L a LZ:t 1 2 zi W n ? I -=LIT t i-, Z -c j:.6 L @..e sv a Z 7-s L 'i 1- Ul Lt i-i Jn j2 L! -j &.zj@ Z@ a @ttw liw T-I, @-.w it vftp. @.1p i 'J Ali 2 S ;J J e7 412 L, A is ri LI 2 Li i r.?@i T Lt n -r h az:.6 U-2..e a Z;,! in ez::ww -T 2 a 16M T! c I e@ -I t-- ?%! i. L J -t 2 t I PI W wa W Z, .1@ Li t 1! ift -1@to 2 W -e. a c yLi r- t I --I 2 @iiw r=vw-?Izz!j =Lj 1 c7 .Lwwwzz 2 n f -L, F!,-4 -% 'tij 2 et .e.2 :,.6 f@trit a IT C If LJ 2 -2 -7 -.1 ';.In n -2 @jn-z ik 7 alet.&A. '.a LI "T 'I Li T -Z LI !@f Lt j ",an I @r! e% n LI f '-24 T L- I =lj I r In nw cw uw n= A -nn A ti r T kl LI 2 W:lw C.,m ft XC 9 :.6 -;To 2 r, Lln ?'L# Z2 wa -.0 C ! !% 2 L! -Fa .P.O & r? 2 n 2t! t7 L- !J el A 7, W.1 LJ 1-1 1 T z2,@ 2 -2 !%-t, -'II nr 9:@s '-W' SUZ I t-I t.! h!.n j Lt 1! r: ? =.t n 2 -Z i. W 3 -P a -r.@ -J f, n t! 7' j7- '.1 L, t-I I u I C fi2 L, ij -.rNd ununn .6 W n n n !unT!.L -!Un T C I U j jn ? -f W @6 S 9 .F & r- -L L; n Lj I ? I T L# 2-t 2 Y-! tj L: .2 I ! -Z 3@! 7' '2 t.:. .1 LZ t- n l@!T t., M -:3 Li -1 I -1"=Lj -1 I ?t: .2 -@,l 2 ri L., I ww -1 L% %., ti 2 @.-I .6 Cl@! 7 n i's -Z L Li C, h? t, C LJ a% T ? C 1 -m i-, i6@ _In 3.-i Ju3. Thm Curtiss, Was.%i.-,gton Post (callirlg from lloust,3n) c,'ays doing story for @o=rrow on CIA secretly fur-dirir, ctudies between 1964 and 19TI into lie detector t chniques iav-jlving use of L.',D. Sou'L-e is said to be a 3)2r. Neil Burch and a acongress=n (aopears to be Denton., according to call from which also being asked questions about this in Dallas). Studies ere said to ',iave been under the title: "Psychological and ,Physiological Correlates of Human Information Processing Under P.Ite@,red States of Consciousness." Texas 'Research :ra-.n+m Institute of Yzntal Sciences involved. Ibney conduits were Air Force;' Contract numbers given as: '%G3102. 1968-69;.,xG-3o6i. 16,o8;3tak XG324,T., 1570-TI. Also involved ve=e