Security !IrsLnch 24 February 1949 Security Resatreh Section Interrogation Techniques of Unfriendly, Countries Dui,in!, t:lc week Of January 16 - 22o 194D* a Bribish Ropoan Co-tholic *Ookly called tlis "Tablet", published aa articl2e la which thay cleimed t'.,lltt the Hunc;arion Cozmuniate planued be use 'aotedron"o a will-doetroyinf; drugs oa Cardinal '%!indazouty at tile tL-,e of hli tria.1 on chqro-es of hio-h L3 2 treation. The article in the "Tablet" sai d -that it is oo=on icnowled(;e that political prisoners or Soviet-occupied countries are given the dmg after being starved and deprived of water* At first, it produces self-confidence, then a reaction which includes a strong headache and vertigo, according to the @Lrticle., The-latter effects are described an a sense of uncertainty, a blind urge to obey-tho slightest orders and iziability to say no to saythinr 'is a trade In this countr-,(, it was later discovered that "actedron" name for the drug we know as benzedrine (or amphetamine oulrate). Alt@ou@;h no trace of the use of bentodrine for interrogation purposes in the United States can be found, it has becn the contention of this office for some time that the drug has strong possibilities for the extraction of informatiozl during an interroration,, The drug, benzedrine, administered i2n surficiently large doses# acts an a stron(; stimulant and makes the subject ovor-coni'idint, undiscriminating stnd somewhat lacking in inhibitions (pro- vided the sub@-ect In allowed no physical outlet for his newly acquired anerry L o..her thnn conversition). It is during this period tjiat it is felt that a- 2 rreitt deal of inforvration could be elicited which ordinarily woulci not be obtainable. It is further felt that there is also another strong interrogation possi- bility in the use of benzedrine beside the "benzedrine acceleration period mentioried above. Following the termination of the stimulation effect of a larce done of bon2iodrine or a series of small doses, there is c, period of physical exhaustion ond mental depression* This is crused by.the P-dditionnl demand placed on the body by tlie drup, !%ad by the absence of safficient fuels in the form of food, to support the body at the tiirh peek of activity which is alwvs present when one in under the 2influence of the drug (benzedrine co,@nplatoly nullifies the person's appetite while under its Larluence). During this state of depression, it is felt that the subject,,in his despair, would break dovm and rive out much in.Cormition which would otherwise bewithheld. The above mentioned possible usoa of the drup explain o, t2ood portion of tijm nnterijRl in the 'Tablet's"'article. The lelter effects, described by the "Tablet' as ablind urge to obey the aliahtest orders and inability to seV no to anithing, cannot be explained by o?@ of the physicnl or mental effects of either the "benzodrine acceleration" period or the following "mental depressiohn 2 period. For this reaboup other techaiques must be used in conjunction with the administering of benzedrine to produce the other mentioned conditiones Chiief;.@ Sisourite" *SnAh.., @;i -2- 24 Februer-y 1949 Although it is fel+,'that these lattor effects could not be produced by- bonse&ine. it has bee2n - tbe- opinion'-of , this office that the "bonsedrine - deprestioa".'Fh"",-Pf the+ drug"'*OU.ld be utilited voi rtsdily to- produce t*t- 6fe.@"iulDoonolous@ isoiaiioe.- or @"lwpaotio state in which" there would a bli@d@'u nq +A i.,bo eobW.',tkie *Xirhtest'ordersand'an.,Lnability to2,sev ortig@le r *sat -a Car n ltlhdx S a ntv o tt-lal'.' "rt aft na''6f 'td in *@14, di' 2 t verw cowlate -it p*Oidd. of .'.dgv, a kth n a'which'w6uld indicat 2 und r@t -.-,--ftoondition *xiitid'diar -u@@'forc* iar, a few houri'@.'i4 i of ,..of'som2e, rol$ -*per ad '@60:,thiO' ban-s'edrine dep tiuzatiqu the o "O' -*I'th +.4* "xi ressioa" IPL ';"Pha#6.--*@uld be cause ',to, r6a d r- r ..*Mld f i@ '01 @u 2 ve a now 1,: tba@-doeired o,, @acce ori 4'4 tilg$IMZWr,*OUI *hioki'*6ul& to,@@pron4at.,during re Toy, add' Lou&L -i-too ni# 2int;t,6 in d' r' Ugg"-@oo i6 Lt ibn,b @;fT .02 .;@,What infomaticft-@6 tba 'fad 2 under a hi @itduied@:@i4.,:.bytoohaiques simil ation,,knom to -this t ub on0ious., a o6ul 2 al Li ioai b's di' . ada a Ou hi his.;. 'he" ibiii:ih* had made " statozonto'! t i tr 1, al. @;. 2 rig Ott 6bt-ii@i6d@ 0 IA utro 2 MA. h'SWS that Wbw t' artials '.'fto@L. th6; 2 whic .6ommon-ko6wledto,th ii@iosi Leo oviet-occupied aountries.,'.'@;6 :iaterratation dru and,fro bdr .'nbxiro4ks of inrcrmation - intadequ they, are it -is obi-I thilt- so La "9'+ iip is d countries mvp to somo'oxtints, -interrogation-of2-their Pr us ing.drurs to ztract intaiustion..du ing,the iso-aiig* rrom conolusiorA4 be @drom fr6m'-infomation availabioo there is 2 &,a 'indi6ati6ii"@ thdt.,those countries may e -b ''further o4vanced than we might o '(for the 2 be lioi@6. in .:tbe ua#':'of 'to%ich toohnique@s -as the use of bonsedrine sodi pentothal '(the' um 2 atifio,.duro's's.'ttbird.,db j@es tachniquesi and the use of t Skillfully' administered# of the' no lo:suggostiono, &Wve"mntio'ned.-toohniquos.,touldpi-ov 'to b6 idwantageous-tounfriondlyaoullr.,. trioa#,and extremely the offortji:of'the other party involved@ It 2 MP -possible use of thee* would ap'pear'that sooh tIA,? loyes exposed to the Liqueal, b,66=ae of overseas assignmouts,,,should be woll inform6d ". to 9 his'. to @the various proo*dures and an to., how he might recog' so itt *&oh. process -4 CIders, -Seaur *a=h 24 Februsa7 ;949 -'Fortmato],Y, all POr-scrw am not oqtxally susceptible to the.vsrious techniques =ntioned, T@Le use of bousedrine does not success. fu I came the de girod rO&Oti0a in all persoin. Tba uno of the truth serum, LS',guooosaful La and owes' 'whore used .(ox 2 act- statLatLqs We-not obtainablo)i':-@1W,,Usg-.0f,:@be 11,0, "detedtor@ Is d7;4 -GU 00i$rul'in okpproxU&toj@x..& DiwOo.@whoee 2 li2auced -hypti subcon@ La"-' 4rQp Li La sful ubo to ous olat 2 iOu -.@liti'lizing induced". tio; n- littil drug,*) ful -Lit iM%:; to of.. all cases,;...,i aii,sip to f off ice,, and' *3t. 2 t;h .*"'U't.ilii va'tl" persons' n such a-m cow i th, Atli that J-' -' i 2 LIZ i!L# le n,vlth, above It, la,, s@ O' 4 0 .ippliotbld'ampiwoo: 4g-to.:@h ig; tusaep+,2Lbility-, t;6,,' tN a# io iA 7to r citi U - on, 0 @'t @-Lut' 'qt, @*'i4tore' his loi. 0,6 thii: eodenitl6ri: .@r . I !,the -,ittNVtid.USOsi sa "to. i.*hat aounter.-masures ML dc ;8i of - -sue- h@'i attmVt@'@ and': desired,,", $all at., b6 sumoeptlb" 2 ly _riond hi ght be exposcit i (;O, lacti SUC902 on requi '2ht be'ths' @rodipiint. of. ill tvail;mblo,; info Z@ .II' rrosatloj2.-, arg2i do wtiAla"Use or researoh'b@ imrrion@ly':. 06untr 2 qu 6f' rice'. - a an at.loi4t. too huiqu av4 O,- :7- i! i5k