Ott In the absence of acknowledging with interest and appreciation ipt,ot 7our letter and etiolosures 19 JunR 1953,*,,rvferl@nce DU 733@@l2.@172, (MI) and iiiias 2-61-3ui-i In this acknowledf,- Aunt ve desire to point out in a prelirdnai-,f way t,hat Initial offortp eitlior have been Lmdej or are under ccnb:ld- eration in this ootuitry2.along the to3.lowing,]4necl3 1.@ Collection-of orgot the,preparation of L-JD as Well." as air otlier derivptivee of'lyseriic acid for continued toot.Ln of 4@@' 2 -ents by use of 2, Screening of other potential carebrnl a@, special tests nrul irkthodoj lnc3.udine, the use of oticel; ogra 1113 41t. ':@tu -,id, et;peciauy iitus2lirouatc, produe4ng, @l -vey of Amgi a potent cerabral agents; e.g, Clitocybe subilliwens, certain ru3tq,, used to aluy fe&r- A.n,S&telUto countriosi, pobalblv Uh$mA. Surver of ferns.,: de yet -unidentified)"' prodticitit thi@ougli their spores,, mental disturbances and even death (in Aknimals). Survey o.C 14.unsian and other literature dea.Ung with fimt@i u.-;ed Jn imdicin2f.,, in ceremoiiias and an into2icart, s n coti ar as or otherwise, exnopting food Survey tuid develoi-inent of ,lonsible antidotes and other prevontive reasures against offects of cerebral a&ents 2 Ilp-to-date extenrive bibllographles on a. l,yeergic acid and derivatives b, (,Vier alents of p.,iyahocliemic.-a lntereat c,@ Anoxia and compomds Aau4ing.,mental dicorders 5 lyl In responiia,to your,question concoming anybody doing work in Llie @,nLLe(i -States 9.itrilar Lo 5,our,s, i nt:kliry In n w I.,t@ini7 rirle to ob- taiii r%LrLher in.Cariratlin, t.@uch work it,.,i(ier wa@,@ or plamied2. @l coupcrative imdartakintt betvm-n our two couiitrifo.,; tay be f ltable such as ie; now in- O&ms pro 9 in the study or Soviot. research.,-'@ Pr on cholj-nesterase2. If you consider -such co.Ilaboratiun desirable., we il-1 bp rleaved to have your comaents and ougtentions for cou&bo ti,)n in a progrzo of studve Cordially yoiiz,v@ lfig losistant rector 2 Act 4' '@3 ------ - ------- 'A. -