It k4 4C pmject dated 3 Ju3Z 1950 20 Mie Pi-Oix:@i -S.- )4ission To a ractual arrazi,-,ement for a donation to the ------- 2 ----- ----- -be admin!Lste to -toM in 3-ieu defe@- of bolding-tbm.tirtuatod@r during that tim. "b. Discussion not bave f2@6,--ilities for the con&=t of mir,@h research cm a 'basis; coupletely divorced from overt Gawer=ent con. nection and controls' On the other bandl. Dr. NW iss at tli6 p--esaiit tim,, act:ive2.,v 2 the e:rfects for ind=ing a.ft Of such L@ This is a therefore., uniq@w opport=ity carry on a sterile research progr=,w-itbout arou--ing 2 vou3.d supervise the synthesis of the se iM the clinical tests using them. He bas on 'hfma 200'grnm 9:@ -oa2rent sub 0 0= a $lp5OO) for _:the synthesizing these drugs. With the sum z=ommended,, he c=Ad engage, two cbemi tg., ImLzt time,, to carry ou the syn. thesis of c']4n-tcaX derivatives; be bas s2uch services avai3.. there in 9L person able at the r Alw, to meike clinical tests on avatuble Dr. would2 also perfo= toxicit.Y SS iL paranel voz @--' :-F a-., eat MY not aiieceecfn producivg -mo-sin for period& of a year or 6 e 4w - jr- =,ij;t fi:.d -to for zl'Ort 'Lorm ci@zpc;s- t;c -cn-L.- cu; E a 2 --o r n fo. 2 J 4V .-i 0 -jericic ol r'-.Ile i or s. rt r i;..e Be 2 i r Teell qu ifibd for t5its Vr. o -,,11-.iion of Dr and irctc@z-:E:@>r C'Pief. itan2tiiiiqL,.Ir. r. r- r:L 0 of is ent T,800=aemdA,:-.ions 'Li:at for Ff a -ii- a -C2 -,a -via ACV, o L)r. as a do=r-' JLOVI ";o -to lnit4a@.o Lb(a cvntl- r-,n 2 c:Li 'di Z17tk,,@tis@ro conpounds; thut 4.urira Yi "LE, mact6 e-vaiin@-Dia. MI2Q worl- if. to be co 40;1 cmd pro,;resz roportr. vin 'be pra,,mrod W up= the exp='@iture of each port Oper ionai C 2 t-ris S-,ab,.@.--rojmt as set down in zaim-baiii -control over see-.ion zaa Of "utZ-jori.-rtio= @o do v.,crl-. x=Ser tI2LAr witL- .', CZuro.@tee- Oif icer, -mo w4-ll -Dr. arr=ro a basic con@.rac@w b 2 'cr to cenditi 0--in -An -other-pro-;-i'xions o@ ZL7b-Przzoct cc=- authorized iz tlia brsic 1'roject low t4 ,f7 4 UO