IDISPATCH NO. v I A: JL IN on sti% R*UCII 0 f)A T E -17'October_1952., Chief, A 'i r..: FROM Chief ol, 'SURJECT@ GCNERAI:- 2 Tei;hii:i'cal Supp6rt. - SPEC I F I C. Trarsitiktal of Lp-zro--st Trans 'm'tted 'f or- aj;propriaie @cti6n is a reque:st,for tichiiical-:. Mnelosure: As. s*,.@-te'd. 'APP)ZOVED F-OR.R7ECEWSE 'Date CLASSIF F ION 93 152 Ili Cctc-ber 10 for i73 eub,5act: Leader5o 2 Top and Target: ield Li-aders, to be held 25 Dece,.ib--r -1 J.@nuarYP19539 Conference Top oCfaS3.0n- en old jeplousia3 2 Creation of dissen5ion and rutual distrust; r--a,%-;atk and P-ntavonisms., ii-idlice new ones; for eylaoitation throu&h covert psycbol6c@,ical 't-larfare User. Civilim of hilh s2@anding in the Co.-u-imity, trusted by top@@ formerly symwhetic to the -,ovenent and sti]2 the close i3Tend@of@ Many leadersj now armious to see it disb-md., but.unwilling perso,.%- 2 to 'be the instr@m--nt for the death or capture of old friends, ally Tr--atrent of coffee or beer of one or Uo (not r,.ore) individuals at. a tim - thus allo%.dng others to observe how foolish or self-centered th--y are. Zpantity: 2 Sixteen doses* Ae C._l specifications:'l -whlte or Vrei pills (ca. 'I -x 4 =)d.,Issol%,ing in r,.anute or les-- nor.-effervescir,-, no--,-stainine, car-pstible u-itb 2 o@-e i I i-:P-ter based 2iq.2-;-dt. as coffee cr soup ar-d with alcoholic 'Pref=rably so as to pez=it crusrlr-t- in the ceverae;es. 2 s a po,.7der is -4esi.-ed. Dose: -.r finc-ers if arl,7.inistraticn a custmer, =7-.cuestion -D,--corLiri; effective as soon as possible, !Lsting for-a n3.ri.--= of Lour hours. WLsc--ssion: ljser., w.%o is also lo-ic a me,-=nal A',-iezid of of vn'-U not ca7,.ise death or capt.-.;re of '-as re the =r--%,emnt -i.-itli '.he -h-s E4-soci&ted d-aang the vzi--. Fr= C.@-ierience with it 4-5 eee,-ied -O-eu-clly that -..ould --je+rzy ar conce.-.n@ng the =adicat5.on. Poss-.bi3.i4.y of sy i-nf o 'letbp-l co-jta7.@,ne"zn '-@)e fu.- rA -nsieeratiin Lor s=6e -,az6rs riends ! -,=der c@ ireen re'ected. Unless co-ntsrination colld be dare In' .-Ii- and a u-c-Ly -.iot traceable to s-ac.h tlist wmld raver 'L--arik of it, " rae.7.ed to --;Ortn t7r.9 -loss of '41-as seiZv.2Lcez. P- -.-132 'be 'n'eld rlear -nc--@-@ern on @_'e -- e r, c ca has s@;4-.wn t'.Imt r,@=. 2-tioral acti-vit-y@4- since e>--_r@-rien d-arine. p:@riod is 2 s ir. the x,-,trti t7-A t a::- "2 a d c t c r s h old -:.! 7h ;;o s iti 0.1 & %. Ln is2 d'os'c>lv no 11:1zEp-l" pzrsons Ae-nce it -@r V.Ser vill be info=,.ed or invited te aALt@.-e-. ir 40f'z car. If @413 i: r_s +,,,%a a:.ep- act as ease -rot o2;@!rL+Ave, wi32 be cese oa'flccr, 7