re VIA AIR DISP@T@-H SrZCWr AIM OR XI(A P*4 LIC" CLASSIFIC,'kTION,t,, Ciiief TO ------------- ;:;2IIDK Sezdor P-apra--;e tivail SU&X,CTi.t are information copies Of. )%morai3dt@m' Subject: search Plans. E@ICLOSURIZ As statadj, 3 cys -1955 3.0 Febru2a7 Dist-ibution: '!I-izasseo, W/encis as stated A??AEVED FOR RELEAST DATE CLASSiFICATIO?4 pit" '2--unc'7 1955 To S-enior Pep---sentative, Plans R -=,7Zz i@i7C -M (a) Le@,ter of lustructior-si, (b) DIR 326013 Dla 365Z7 (d) M;cercise the objectivsv amidl tanks of as cutIL-,ed in the letter of :En3tractions to 3_-u,3d by Headquarters., 1,4& t n tne f2o.1- 3mr-9 0 to @@projdct3d as.-ch plans pertaini field c@,.oerations arA acti-ri-ties a.-a he---ab7 aubmitted. 2t;@ @of '.-ubstantial -2, Project outlicas, -Aor a-3ch acti-,l rr(morticm to wa.--.ant ore.) -AU be @r-apared followlmo, W the format rol@ forth in is f;2xj@y cognizant or the fact that ;,a ter B!rprovaR is re@qulred prior to field ImLo3.gzentation of any an bicipated @@ opera. -7- tioual activit7. 3. Iesoarch FL (1) General @vie2:Ld of Hy.=osixlSubmitted as u- 41L (a) continuimg survey, coll=tion, aval suion ard aralvsis of the avallable literatu---& lu the partai-In to !Vpnosig ar-d nlli--A subjects is to be Pe by (b) The -ob--;.ar7at,'-on, documentation ana evalu- ation of SU IMOWN S,' age I*n nO'13@3 and others iho conduct na@ ve languages =ust 0 bj-pnoa!Ls ttLroug7a tl-,* medi-,= of the ui -,lso be pi3rfa@-=ed by V-rol.le aci tccbniqu*3 w"t'i rarsr-,@nce I.&@f ar-.-3rt 'racial r-3--@4017 illim R@d Li-.* av3ista=ce of--Tz@n@v-ut3'- Is *@o bfv A-on* ice A7 VAI isrzo.-=al in t,:.* 1% uill b-i Z3&zed = t;@e -.z-3culiar rwui--exoat* 2 to language,, racial u.-A "!bur-al bac!2,r-"n-A arA fnil-030piq of each ethnic @n-oup. If G=ff lmw;lermcczol Is suit-able ror trainlngp @n the 2 lz z@ie a@@.3rovrA.3it-a ta tb*d3 as Zu-Ior. &-rooor and loiical cover,, the. applient@ion of the z-athads ?and 2 niq-.2sa In @@be rativo lareuals.. to unwitting in- d!S-jcouz catioula can be owdlve="rr to -18-tarmine the :igL,7z-30 of S.Cfac".,Lve"xx BY-the" motbods and tacbmi,-uaa. Ma tm=j, it -itU Par-.Jah L:Iraluabl* formation 'I-&at la riot, avallable a", tr.* rrosent tize. m3,7 l@yr-mo@ia t2ac=iauexj, witbout hi use -of --z.-uex3, and v;-thin the ecope-of accentabla i@dlcal tlernpeutia praL,@- tic-33 to tan patlecl vill bo ul.l'*ized. ;'@n" 'L,@ max4--tr- '.- "I fa-cm Lt:aso unwi@.t!-.L 11 .av,e atson res'.@ *Ltezp.lon car. ther. -@,e -4J.-se-w.A towa.-ds wittiz-3 i-abjects .7 means of 1)1*=ad opamtlocal ex-@erl-zant-a a::d as t@@e ter.-inal ::.t43l'i to iam=spr-3ti=m., (Lub- 2 AS Lro4aCt cor.W- aolat*-d 8=il an*.Ici;:ated v 'the proje@etad This is based -zr t-.0 avalin!@ilttir ;srzc=,ol r.-= IFand Vead. D=A t:::a stA c*:r@ist:ion or do=estic elament3 *f 2 in -mL-A tk@a so-curiv KrA .2 cf uutb vctlvi@@95P cr3,7 thODO daezod fapsibla within- the lot,--3 ci@e:-nv.-Ional 8 Ds--ot3 of 1wuiLl ba 8,'.tar-ot-ed. Me ba -@l c rOqUi@-O=AAI;S a3 in Z"reize dmm-v ztill- v3UI a rA sou.-A. '-7- B. ,st;bmittgi as kro 'le,--t 11) ;r- (a) 'A res-o@-me of al:L 97&ila-ble data in t!tiw 11.,aotraphii@al area rslating to Commini---t lxxloctrina@.ion ainwasbJ-=&) 2is to be pre@oar--d (b) Of great valuo is the informatiou that is obt&Lnm@als from individuals now activev unaargoing nos V. *- @o people are conti==13,.* tre 2 r-iies e3-ing in and out 0 @@r-from for various 1:3@4 @aw3 a o o ps cZ ihe'" an%l sundz7,purposes. iraividuals will be inva3.uable in contrioutini towar2ds the an-I ais and evaluntlon a.' the tacl=iques !=own as 112raimmsbings" so Lhatj in turn,. countermeamwas may be developed to re3ist its er,"orts and to sustain sotivati= in the face of s-%lcb stress arA subtle 2 (e) 7be comoligti=,, correlation Ara- uation OL, exis@lli4g '?.r. cFaL-o officami' ar,@' a.-ents' debe-@eri=gs ar-d @-42L avai:Ldble In o;!er,6tt@a:Al 0,--'/Z:7 files im the @@ p@-rtir-ent to- any specir.1 aethols us.--d 'ay fl-i-3,r-Tly or @o,-,positi3n co=tries in inrlu-- !X;& Tepoln ur.-Ior their will .-a cor-i-;ctal &f -7@ (d) In order to flnish inro-mation that uiU offer a better -.iorking u;31--i-stan%llng of *@- injividwa t,@,-@t is as an a,-,erit, a=' to furniz::@ Cas 'ottel2s whl@r.:i to cz-aste Athiz hi= 'V aa arsat.. a val--La7o!e a!@'. loz,f-lazt@oinc- ;-,otiTatiom irtpe.-vious to tl=a ar.!-/ar d4@rect pG@c@solo@ical attac:c3 t'Lrouvti subtlt: influences b,7 the a mass testini on-I psycbliatric eva3a@atior p.-oirem -will to applii-.l Vzw@uha -differeni-I zthnit groups in t7ae 2 lia)v C?roj- tc--' Fl--r ect Irb) a-.4 !Ic). It iz err..rision%l tliat@--@Uis =--jority of -,;ork- In the testir,,; !;.-o--raA uill be 5 ;erton--sl u-ilar a 10:, -izd rroper zovar t%at ..,in sxclwe an@ ir,@ terest or r-,@ler--ues. (!lb) co.1j@ncti., above testing prog.3m, ,th t'. spscific require"mt, lnj'eroabs of &lUe, acttv,2 ard/or -evaiua ti6i3 rorluir@ t ties -meb as a33e Len 9 of S_nd oillin= esi2- - 2Probl--=3 be phased into the baslm r peculiar to tbe,90 teatingpros-rams. esearch p2,. or SC-hcml (Project Ild). 2 --c'tPe and :,:-7aslon /--/E- ZBCSLde Toe and Evasicm0 00:L Zde=7r-Mtt-'b..= -M I Worducta an ector of intailig e 2 au3pic P3.ace =cOs 10cat--d t i6Z=ZiE23@@2 of the DiZ,. d an a BL-iulated specin't -Course baced on that conducted 2 Cl-a,5303 Per month six a au tboze 4C-Ilrducte4 :133 the COOD P57abometric test . eratdon of. the ticamn cam, i)"e in E@0,Plied 9-8= Csychiatric a Evasion to StLilent -U- course s n'-lez-@-POing the2 Zsce -v8luable be obt.3 il3 -e.It @-hat a it nd -Led b7 testin '@-forMatiO3M Can2 0 cour3a, louse-y-vati., the stulamt3o 'Id Dv-slustirLg ilior to 0-nLranc& into th 'g & 2 -reaction during the cour@-e ard re-testinz at Me com t-ioll Of the cota-see 7@,,e ilira-metion d - PU. erived r@6 n-ueh a -p-ro.-re-la W:LU'rurnish the basis "or dev-al Pro-4m.- tie counter= oping az:vo@ im, e8sures th.3-t wi.U enabi vidusis to be@ 2 er withstand the and to s 'stain mot-t efrects of b-. tile fee& of Su Jnfluences Such stress and JEW I.Tl A:Tarco=aaysia. (a) --&. pres to c@OPerate and render op entpo., Prepared through the use or apo arati as requirw rpr-i,,t43 dz'tk-ra arZ/or hypnosis. Or- ctn be e;@lr"cted fz'Om 8 subJeet.'701=terU7 I=v,31ult,,rily w -tth a =aximum poss,b,3 'of cempleta 2 0" tIL9 'ibO'y9 cor,- aucted to secure -vant L-nis- 1,@ou-1-i be tim3.7 aiPpl'-Fcable tO indi.,3nou3 d in is6oigiiou vidusis oresei3tly b.1 Or Custody becau3& ItY to maks a final dat6r--4na@4on as to *@%air of the inabil- yalt.T la.-Alo.- lntere-st3. Ilso' this true la uou2ld be an cdjL,-,2ct to 'he int3--roration :1--@ ca0a-,Ires r-rd. in ar@@ect. z'zacaure tl:e applicat-on of -tee!-mlqLt---s rol.? .Ilese tee=icues a=d nroceduz-=s fall t,-.& ot, I's r the ARTIC KS program., no ot)aration of t7n.- atur-e will be undertaken withou2t t;4is concurrent approval of Ch:iefl (b) llowcan ft-afil-I -the requirements of in field t@astin; se:Locted drl;es an cortrol groups under ntanda.-di--ad and fa7arable c-jz:dltiins. This -woul4 be i.-ontirZez!t upon specif@lc recmire=:-ts re@-,usated by (1) Ancillar7 Ae-@i-eties 2 Lnterriewirs. L-.tervi-OVAM6 apmww ca" officers as po.?s-l-ble :Ln tha @@ -.ith rasp!kcta to tieir &.o,3rt henlilir-S -rob"2e=;.,b= L,,io7 cope u4,L-s *ZL--3e As 'hot ar problems; If urebl to cope 61:L, .?se prdiolems@p v ts war* =a' to off5it t:C 2 to p@,-obl!5-. ; a::-d ott-,ar "-ag-3mon "a similar etier'uicn5. T.'s ultime've t@-cal ir '@Le coznilmf--I= nrd'czrre3.2ati.-.u -@f bt@-- intarrlo-,i =atorial obai.-ad into a trainq-n- zantol for cars officers i.-Tolre@d in the ha--A. lir;g of l.-iiger-oum aZar-t-, lr the (b) L,--e o;arati3nal rues and .1@r aexictlnl, acci=u- loll 1_7 be revie,.e@4, w-itn 2 5,!,Tcial nigearl ot un--ius strez-::, -uch or. rel -Ijition - bokl@, Z;roupy@t.--abla-:-s @ol a 7e.-t 2 --ura sax-a92 within o-3.,r3- cocial *--A i-.i-a I activities ar@ 4ot@:er aimilar i@- -It =st be a..-*bas"-ad that the -2,rina--7 r-roblem Jz-,tolvad 'in cordlicting a pro,--r3z as e3t fox-Va herein Is I@'aa' onl7 l' rolr--dv connatent and e=e-,-ieccsd parr,-.uc-31 cait ;:@@t2ilized. iTh., old nda7,9 "!ZLalit7 abo7o mora t,%an ev--r @lt 'iias 'been ai'aoun and e=arit3rce 'U@at 2 personne3. :-a c on - r, ,ate @.17 t.-min-A, !rat un-:,a aroratic.-allt ir -ny 2 alan it is 1!@4.; dzo=-rlaxit7 can b-3 ca.-ri out to co---pletion.- 40L@ To minimize tla needia33 expendi'.ure of effort and =may, there is a p.-essing need for coooe@-stion, coo,-di-,a- @reament bet@,ieen the d6mastic elsz@ents 2 tion arA =taal RZ and @he fisid. "-@here =st be a constant exc@,-.angs of idaas, imb-.rlailgo ai)d b@@a'3.2..c f.-amea o&' ref;3z-ence bat-.iaen the two to sti=Lute productive tbinkin@c.4, in asziocia'ued arA al.Ued scientific fia3,ls of investigallon and to provide adequate oparati-ozal .731n".724-? amd prog;.10=minL, within '.his t;-Pe of activ,4@ty.