TO: FI-LE SUII'*JECT: SI and 11 E;cperiraentation) 17 Febi-u-,i7 1953. On Tuesday ry 19 17 Februa 53, tIpIr@. coi-i(lilctede,ft- -tation and . s s @iit 2 e?@,peKimen won- e 1-ir considorable a tltl s h 3w;l owt-"$ 1'4 Al an exceptionally good b ct), the iiriter, 12..oZ- oving th 2 c of hot c onl:k@@.-ii.-tpr sol@i 'I, -.d 1-1 who had mere starte the work. f inductioii tests were run and both esdonded exce-Llcntlr. In 2-vi,--,vi of- t @ia e more adv,-.uiced worl,. ind both were tested on pening their cyes and remainiiig in a controlled state. This was carried out successfully and after discussioi-i, first testo of normal movement were carried on. 7ach ind-'Lvidual was 2 en her eyf,,o, wilk, tall-,, and movc freel- about the ex- al,le to cp f periment.-.1 area. Their activities were vci-,r close to norrial and for matter of record, it should be noted that both z3uhjects are co 2 pted noi-i approact-Ling a point where vci-,r advanceci work can be atten with them. Si-mnly run on :3everal indiict3.on tests siicce@-sf,L-illy ,.nd was iised as an observer during most of the 6 experimentation. f Or Tl tter of recot-d that bo t ad bocn aiiren a dircct Pll co,-,iman vi I ind both respoiid(,d T)recisely and exactly to the l@H as Fiven after the lapse of one week's time.