FRO 71,: Lo liave an unusual- (le-ree of k-no@rled-c i.nd interest I-) PC ar (-'Cl 1, 1, 2 for a psy@.Iiiatri@t. Ilis'mtin inL(-re@;tr, in '-lie @on'l field in c IODU' s I u under cliscus3ioii are i4iibitors of Clucose combust on @"@ acetyl choline cstorase 3.zilii:oitorr,. 5aid that tiaiaminase li@id 'o,--en surr@,,esllcd @is a f,,Iucose coinbuf-, Lion -cileviel,;: Yudki.m, Ph,-oio3-. ',Zev., 29 Ilo,,icvEr, it iiihi 2 369 (1949) is improbalile tl-iat thi.aminasc c%fuld be developed into a -ood cov-:.rt weapon. Sinc(-, it is aw%-Ar- it is ineffective if f-,iv(-.n I)y molitli; it must be injcc-bod or inhaled cl.t that2 the ant. required to effect a il-rrson ..Iith 0 adequate die rather larce for optirium -,raliic as a ccltcr" AriLi-'Uliia,-nin contpoiinds i,-cre d-'L3cusced, '-,tit they (lo not seem too pro,-,i-i -sin7, as covert ,rear,,onc, bcco.lltoe of i-,Iic c-cr@i-r)ai-,-L'ui-,,c largt@ a-Tqt3. -,Ilaicii -,@ould pro- 't)@ibly I)c roriuired to produce a noticeable ef 1'ect on @ii2 iiidivid-,.tal witi-i ali adcqiia-Ge dict. meiitioned radioactive ascorbic acid. It riay 1-1@et -iv6ll by nout , in-,ec"-',-on or inhaled, and it teilo3 to bc co,,icent.,:,atr.,c@t -',n g2landular tis ic. indicit@--d that a very spiall of t@,c iiiiterial would nro(luce deri-,ructi6i c@ Vr:, adrenal cor-Lc.@z. @,ven a slight dariare to the adrenal cortex would prodlicc,- s,,,nTir)toms char--ctcristic 2 of t@cidisons disease-- disturbances in so(lj-um ind. @o Lassii-im metaboliori -,i-id i i-i Clucose rie'u,-,tbolisii. Sefere Addisons disease, if not Droperly treq,-@td, wil.1 result in death. a-,re the names of..Averal individual@, wh2o are active in luiiis fel-L thit sod,-itives siieh as 1);lrbi'llirite3 ar,3 al-oiit as rroo(i -ir, anytl is i:3 intcrrog,-Ltl.on aids. 'le tiioiirhl- alcolio.1 ii@is ,ibclit is iing lie Ici2ioi i - u r_,ood. Ile felt oh'oline coter--so iniiibi'uors siiould !-a in,i-est. ls- antil)oly;7.ral)h aidr,. 'W Ile said varic)us 7@hOcIc trc@itinents are (-@.Cfec @zliock -is n,)t "i,ro in ,)roclitcinr,, an-nesia. 'Tel 2 i -,rc@ol 7,hoc)< is -ictital pr,,iciicc. u I)ca lu(-d SICI)T)Y metlio(I 'qiicn unr-(i in , , !,lit @tt j.,- a 2 r@liv(@n i@i onc I-lostllc uti'Ot'F',Ilt re sil i:,.Cac torlr proccf..,ur.Q. Ile :-,;@id "-,he Tapinesc usc(l or(.1 -;,nii,y 110 -,,rol"t rurrc2zit in I)sychiatrii:. .pr,iclicc ditririrr the ,r-2r a.T)parciitly sa@u.,L,@j L @actorv 'ilc said a-I' terniting cti-rru-iit prodi-iccz3 nioi,e confi@,sl-.on t'ii2in r.iocz3 r(-,ct-,ific-d al-l- '(-,r,@iatinr@ ciirront, -Liid a :;quarc rcctified cixrrcn'u nroduce@3 tli(,- lei:,-t concu:3ioll. ,7 A T2here is a discua,,,,ion.of this in a recent issue of the P@ull,3t:Lm of @,[,ath. D40ph@sics. "Pyroiii(-.n". A dose of 1 or 2m- Polysaccliaride or protein, trade name, gi-Tes a fever of less t'llian a dc@lrc,:@,, I)iit -L tcn-.L'old-inci,ciz3e -.i-n do5c would prodiice a def clcvation in body teiiipera'@-,Iire. 'Altho@icilitli(, clici@iical natiiro, of this2 niateriil woiil(i' iiidicate it would no-tbe offccti-ve.if r_,i-icn or,-LUy,, it should be effective as an aerosol. Aomw2-i ieb Kill 1 TAKEN FR