Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : ClA-R11700789ROO0700640001-4 SEC',,RET/NC)FORI\1/STD 13L)N WAI::ZNI:I\IG I\IC,)-I-1C,'1::*:: 13C:)LJIRC'I::::1,:3 AND 11F.A"I 10 1) G T INI V 0 L. V E.1) ........... ........................ ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... NUIVIBE'A"k- ..... ... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. 9 015 ... .... ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . .... ..... ..... ..... .. -- .... ..... ..... ... NUMBF:.:.F@:! .. ... ..... ..... ..... ... . ..... ..... ... . ..... ..... ... I. CH7 9 ZI. C) C? T)A*TI:.-._ Clf::' FZE_F@0IR_T' 1-2 C 0 Al 0 9 IODC31 OC-3y:: ... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. .... ..... .I... ..... ..... ...I.... ..... ..... ..... . V - - 1:: W 1::- 1::-, .1. .. ..... ..... ..... ... .. ..... . .1: 1- 1::: 1\1 -I-- F." I F H. .... ..... ..... ..... .... .... .. ... AR: ('.)25 .. .... ..... ..... ..... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 1111,::, C": C) N:i T' Z.-.1 r (:.,j c...? li; t.... 1.-1 1.) 1 abz-fl::):Le SG1A 1::)y c)+ Plai-L.J. at 1.2 C)b' 1\1 77.7, W at. 0000 110C) ciri 3 lt is@ Inelic.,,)ved i-,-.c) t(::) I"el jCIC.-@ZVC)LAiS ri d ut r) a d c) V i::J. c) I.-I 1:;@ F:, F., (..:) Vi ci c...) L. I-.) ef c) 1. 1. c) Wi r) gJ. r) -f c) I- fn c:) ri c: c) ri c e tr-0, Ig t h c,.-., Ve 'Se.l. -n-Iti-fy (::I ti A., I cl C: 4: Wh(-,-.-ff-E-.%` CA"I L) C) a I", d. tVie datc,.), time arld c)+ I,-- ri i;:; + e I,-- c) -ff . ..... *.I.c:)ac.IJ.rig lcleritify (riame ar)(A 0:0. - t J. s -,,.I -- a t..k .tricl (::)-f ci-f -L-Ane mc:)ther-.V-..: Y W 1--i a . -t --i e 1, 1: e i.. j 1) 4:rcmn 3 "T' I' all 1: Y'NIF/S .) I V1 ( 1. i ii:; 4L.. e--, cI J. nIVI 11,3 13 1: C) 1\1 a 1::) c) V c@ 1.-1 .1 i 1: i t c) f cl ut e s -L- J. c@ ri riecl J, r) IVI 1: 1, C) I"I L) c) V f I IF) CH: 1:. 1-,1 e c:)+ arid gr-icls -L-.c:)I::) arld si.cje views C,)+ V 1\1 F, "I" D CE)MME. 1\1 "I" C; Iqc-.) 1\1 D 1*:,:.VAI L) A T 1'. /I\IFVS**FD) E-:)E.:. P F', CJi 1:::'.VAI LA A 7-1 C] (S E Nh; C) 9 5 IAANDI V1 A CI I A 1\1 1\1 EK L 1.3 0 Iq IY SECRET/NOFORN/STD Referral Review by NIMA/DoD BY-@ F-I C..',! D A C) A D IR Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0700640001-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0700640001-4 S E C R-E T STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED REPORT OF REQUESTED INFORMATION Requestor Task Source # Oas-- Rcvd. by Source 3D ACSI Task C1 0 15 Returned to P.O. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED IN ORDER OF PRIORITY I .IdentifX Jname and descriptio the_prctbable narcotics smuqqlin oti@@r hip--- SG1A known@y call signL -- ---------------- RESPONSE: 2. Is the vessel ca.rrvinq contraband? RESPONSE:. 3. If so, where on the vessel is it located? RESPONSE: 4. Identify (name and description) any associated vessel or vessels. RESPONSE: PROJECT OFFICER'S COMMENTS S E C R E T STIPPLED NOFORN S REQUIRED @-QM%W40001-4 Approved For Releaw r4Wai 4JM Approved For Rekqgej0fl31R4q 81Q6-ff06N8R5000700640001-4 SPECIAL ACCESS-REQUIRED REPORT OF REQUESTED INFORMATION Requestor Task # 3'T4-00o(o-q0 . q,01 ACSI Task # 01@ Oct 3o kt5 Fr- Source Q L2 S- Rcvd. by Source O-q/w/-CLQ Returned to P.O. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED IN ORDER OF PRIORITY G-,,+tidj'.' 151. What is the route and s2eed of advance of the mothershi2 (last known location- was 12 06'N / 73 071 W between OROO-1100 hours on_Laa@_20)? RESPONSE: Uw"auu m@,Q-f &@-P-CCLOD @ed ciLounct o orr 16 - 0 J@ 73 W 6,t. Give the date and location of the transferZoff-loading 22int. RESPONSE: U(,@ C(5,\ co -S :@--s 00 RESPONSE: PROJECT OFFICER'S COMMENTS S E C R E T STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Approved For Releaqk&Q@W,4QW. %%EW?&j%-fiQffW04W40001-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0700640001-4 9( @1. w F.", V C) I C.) it i.I.-I a t I-) 'I. 1\1 W., T t R I.- k c: g r) (J J. Ii (::I -For- le C c... c) 1. 1 cl c) 1\1 6 w I.... -f J. J. 1-1 V (.:),I. V d I.- c) I J. t... :1. 1--i J. 1::) I t J. J. ti SG1A 1:::.3 t r- I J. I :3 1 C1 1"11"! 1:" LA'' f I I y BY:@ I m Approved For Release 2003/04/18 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0700640001-4 Referral Declassification by NIMA/DorD Approved For Release UNITED STATES ICPYR T IA-RDP16-00789ROO0700640001-4 saw Pt*ff* and Miqu*;on Ottawa (FR.) Great Lakes Washinqton Uft (UJQ r 1'@- - 1 7 @ \j Nassau' Guff of UGullof Mexico . @- __1 ) b* - - - - - - - - - BJ - - HAMAS - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AN MEXICO Tufks mond Cakos Islands (UJQ C4rym*n Islands - MICAH Mexico ) - K (U Tj RE Pueft Rk0 (U.K.) . . KiniLston * . vAnguffla ;' * A Ifflim ant K.) MTOPWO AM N JAM unow 5 AICA-- Prdince Do 0 islands A AND BARSUOj monts"g- (FRJ I A MAL 0 IN" I'S Guate la * . Q " Q Te ciga a Caribbean la m Sea (FR.) I I * 9S KT UC A San Salva EL SALV W Aft&a NvOL ArAfift SAWT VMENT A" -0 @ (NET".) TM GREKADMCI@j BARBADOS NICA GUA OR ADA Manag NIDAD ANO TOE n Jos6 Caracas .25po -of-Spain COSTA R4 nama A VENEZUELA Georgeto *Bogota )LOMBIA Galapagos lsfan,&V@06_ (ECUADOR) . . Approved F@r Release 2 -Quito ECUADOR 0640001-4 13 Approv c ?dForReleas b 2003/04/18: PZ 31A-ROM6-00 '89ROOF070064 3001-CPr 44001 0017' Appr For Relea e 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-0 89ROOY . 0001 -4,- Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0700640001-4 SECREI"/STD WOF@i::AJNIG F,f"'IF'EF, 02-E 1. F." VZ 0 J 90 15. -::'1. 4 9 1. 0. 3. DAC [.,:GROUND-. SG1A h o k..( A i I s 4: 1-1 L` J. c-.-k t .: 1::) J. d t j. engage in i--'A SUrface 4. REDUTREME.NTS., Target i s 1. 1. j. g I- I o g I" z-t 1---) 11 i C.- t. transfer and/or 9 APR 9() a p robzxb 1 e n a r c o -t- c s g i--i g (.)rC:"( 0 1,100 w --i af --ld a be lacated in ai b el J. c u (::) r d j. i--i ii.--.i -L e s12 0 1\1 7:':'; 11141 0 witi.-I tJ/T unload provisions. a. Determine, the rCKAt(--I and speed of advance of the mothei . ..... sh i p r "T i- om i t s k n ow-i I acat i ("in Kr , s Iz -Vg--n .q the location of contraband on board, if any. C . Determine the date, time and location of the trans@er/ off- loading point. -1. P i.--- c-.) vi d e t 1--i e n a ryi e (or phonetics) and a description of the L mother- ship. e. Identify (description and name/phonetics) of any associated vessel ai- vessels. HANDLE VIA Sk:EET CHANNELS ONLY SECRET/GTD Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0700640001-4