Approved For Release 2003/01/09 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0800120002-9 UNITEb STATES GOVERNMENT m-e-morandum DATE: REPLYTO 26 June, 1990 Reviewed by NIMA/DoD AT-rN OF.- DT-S SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Report - 9037 .-@%@ANCH CHIEF, DT-S Q--@ 1. (S/STD/NF) On 26 June, 1990, two Remote Viewers (025 and 052) conducted two sessions (025 conducted a solo WRV session and 052 conducted a monitored CRV session) to answer requireements against the susnected narcotics smuaalina vessel known as ther SG1A 2. (S/STD/NF) 025 reported 6at there was presently no contraband aboard the vessel. 3. (S/STDINF) 052 reported contraband, possibly hashish, located approximately 2/3 of the way to the front of the vessel on the right side, wrapped in aluminum foil and all lined up together near some round shapes which may be peaches or food items. 4. (S/STD/NF) PROJECT OFFICER'S COMMENTS: Project Officer acted as monitor for 052. 052 is still in training an the-very stage which was used to answer the "drugs present? Y/N" question, which is key to answering the others. While consideration Must be given to the fact that this was 052's first time to try working this stage operationally, it should be noted that other indicators, gained from lower stages, with which 052 is more familiar, did indicate the possible presence of drugs. I 9 E C R E T STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Handle Via SKEET Channels Only