Approved For Release 2003/01/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900130005-4 NOFORN SPECIAL. ACCESS-RMOTRI!" WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER: 9031 SESSION NUMBER: I DATE OF SESSION: 2A. MAY 90 DATE OF REPORT: 25 MAY 90 START: 1050 END: 1120 METHODOLOGY: SOLO VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 095 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. (S/STD) MISSION: To determine the current location of the vessel SG1A 1, whether it is carrying illegal contraband in the form of drugs, a[IU LT I*U, the point of origin and o4f-load/trans+er point of the drugs. 2. (S/STD) VIEWER TASKING: Encrypted coordinates and background SG1A inf "The target vessel is a 120' coastal freighter identified as the It has a white hull and blue superstructure. It has a histury UT MCA rig drug smuggling runs between Mexico and Naples, Florida." (NOTE: background information was placed behind other pages so 025 would not be exposed to the background information until ready to use it as mid- session confirmation of results). 3. (S/STD) COMMENTS: No Physical Inclemencies reported. 4. (S/STD) EVALUATION: 5. (S/STD) SEARCH EVALUATION: Monitor: N/A Proi Mgr: 018 CLASSIFIED BY: DIA (DT) DECLASSIFY: OADR Reviewed by NIMA/DoD T STIPPLED NOFORN nrl .. @T FEC AC-R@W*4c6&E0UIRED Handle Via SKEET Ch-aMRRWaQW@y Approved For Release 2003/01/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900130005-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900130005-4 T STIPPLED NOFORN E@ E@DN F @RN @PE T STIPP @E IRED SPEC EQUIRED QU S C REPORT OF REQUESTED EPORT OF REQUES@TED Requestor Task # JT-4-0022-90 Source Rcvd. by Source <-/Tzf/90 -7 DCSINT Task 9031 Returned to PO 57/ T/9(j SESSION DATE/TIME.- 6q& _?I los-0-11204 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED IN ORDER OF PRIORITY: SG1A 1. Determine the current location of the vessel identified as the RESPONSE: ;a 4 116 0 L riliq@ qc),) I 6C-A'TtcNn S Z& 09 &1 00 2. Determine if the vessel is carrying contraband in the form of drugs. so, how wrapped and where stored aboard? RESPONSE: VA Q-kjfV 3. Determine where the contraband in the form of drugs will be of+- loaded/trans+erred. RESPONSE: Q I A 4. The vessel's point-of-origin is BELIEVED TO BE Mexico. If indeed the vessel left from Mexico (you will need to decide), determine its point of origin (from where in Mexico?). RESPONSE: dao"Ae@ Cn fn EA I (, 0 JC,- 0 fn ,, a/0-4, n--7 J)l n-c- Tel V71 Pico 644@,@n rd Z4 COMMENTS: Full session transcripts and reports are kept on file locally. Approved For Release 2003/01/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900130005-4 Approved For Release 2003/01/09 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900130005-4 T 1% 2 4 1. 1. 1 9CO C3u(lf cTf 26@ C.)9' 1\1 9C) C)C) W, 51 t I.-I f d 24 e I--) o t... c:.. I, v.. yi Ig I V c. I.-I I: r. a hIn 1"', C) 11 wi,.*Ai::1 Mexicc:@., Nor. will IV iri tt I Z.11 V' J: Ut LA F" .. ... .... .. .. 1\11y 1. 11,7 i !%J.TD i1:::' V h, FE, I V., ...1 C.) P.,1I (D Approved For Release 2003/01/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900130005-4 @Cl. A ylv-@kW441 ( /--(01 jw-- CPYRGHT _j Abilene pprov%U106P a 20 3/01/ LPjAIBW5 00 8 0 130%j a Odes E0 SOW Wac 0 @ - 1 9 Mobile San Alexa ria Angel T AS Beaum@nt Baton B I Bead,. Austin LA. Oro 'j*ral De Rio ouston 0 orit3ft ando* can& PiLl ras Negras C@ San % , J, Ur wwipp' Ic Antonio esto/7 Delta PetC(sbufg- @@ Z?h orpus Christi W Be3c Monclova, NUe Lar 3- [are Torre6 rownsville \,@ ten.. 9 0 SaItI116' h onter e 3tarn6ros e X C 0 0 *Durango 0 G U Of Key v4st stloata ItIT qZb C U j>ir@ar del R Ag San Uls S@o c4Z 3- 3ve Tampico GUA Uascalientes *p0to I de I ."P 0 -- 'I-, - 11,11tilval f Le6n juv Mirld d iara C uer6taro, C Ay A14 exico BayAol Cam he -- \1 pe@ V ore ja I ty Jalapa briquez CAn eninBull Toluc 0 "hV racruz PU-ebla -.0riza ----/ Coa6tcoalcos IZE MOW Acapulco Tuxtla i1o;Lduras axaca 01 00 de JuSrez Guti6rrez Ceiba GracW D1 G. of HONDURAS Tehuantepec 111VC1111pa % Declassification Revie by NIMA/DoD G 2 40a S24 ICARAGU 9, Approved For Release 2003/01/09 Cl W-00789 005-4La)ce Lba Iq Ic