Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-R@P 6-00789ROO0900320001-7 WAFMENG I I C`3 1:::.: 1\1 CT. GC)L.JRCJ::*."'3 AND ME:"T'I-A(M*)1,3' INVOI VIED ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... ..... .... ... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. .. ... . ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ".2.) 17T 9 C C) 41 -3 ..,:I* ON:: 9 I'll ED" 1-1 C] D CN C.N':'3y:@ C) VT 1:.:,Wl:..- 1::;,. .111)1:::, 1\11:1 V:* I E: RC 7 1 ? ..... ..... ..... ... -.- ..... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... . ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .. . ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... .... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... SG1A SG1A IVI*I'.@3G'I*.C.)I\I. r. g e J. 1:i e W J. 't.. 1-1 c: .1 1;:;J. g II L) i V c.."? d t G ID e C: U I" V- 1") t'.]. Y irivolved iri e e r mi ri e if tl-ie vei:.'.ii:ie'I. is c:arr-yii ig C: c.) It r I---) I..) d ct..tri-erit -[-.-J'ie ves sc..@.'I. W I.-i r- i .::i -t-. 1--i e["14*111" C: C) i. c:'.::i c) I.-I t r. In ia I.-I cl 1. c) @".x e cl a L) a r- (J -I-- h e v e 1. I- c)+ 4: 2 VlEWE'"IR I.-I c.. I.--- Y 1::) t dc: a c) r c.-I J. n a t. c..@ zk m "...A 1::) IIf.::) t.A. c) I ci I.-Ii. 1::) gr.ick:i arul 'I. t 1-1 j. r) + c) r- m a ti c) ri r e cl ud. r In L..-.? Iits J. I i;t; -t-. a t e m e ri taI::)c:)ve. vi waf..;i 1::) 1--- c) v i d e d ri c) f t_t I,-- t 1-'i e I,-- C" C) IVI M 1". 1\1 N a F'T I- e c...) I-- t.. e (A I::) V 1\1 14:') 1:- V A L. LJ A 1"T 0 N:@ 1:.;E.:'AF*%'C,'1 I 1:.':VAI U A "I"l ON Ivk C)95 FIANDI E: V'I'.A C1 ONLY SE(',,'RE'T/N(3FDRI\l Referral Review by NIMA/DoD CA AE'E:)'.J::'Tf.-D "'Y--., D.1 A (D"I") DF:':"("1I A @31 1:31 1:::'Y,. Cj A D IR Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900320001-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900320001-7 S E C R E T STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS-REQUIRED REPORT OF REQUESTED INFORMATION w,,- 0 Requestor Task # JT4-004-90 Source 0 ------------- 9013 Rcvd. by Source ACSI Task # Returned to P.O. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED IN ORDER OF PRIORITY Determine if the vessel is carrying contraband. ),n) ---- \L L L 4L ---------- C-: RESPONSE: --------- ---------------- ------------------------- ---------------- 2. Determine current location of vessel. RESPONSE:. - ------------- 3. Where is contraband located aboard the vessel? 7 --------- RESPONSE: 4. Where will the off-loading/transfer of the narcotics take place? 3 7@c C@@K -,c- RESPONSE: 'S COMMENTS cl@@, /U61 V11- S C 0 AW /'j if C-'@ t) 1/0 C- C@ e -gl Q,,,42 S E C R E T STIPPLED NOFORN Approved For ReleaVAMW CW4971511RW420001-7 /k f3- Appro c ted For Releas e 20OP/05/15 CIAAML-O ) 789RFO009003 2000 ANppr d F Releal e 2003/05/15 - CIA-RDP96-0( 789ROO09 0 !0001-7 Ottawa NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN VPYRGHT Referral Declossification by NIMA/DoD ase .20@0/15: CIA-R0P96-00789B)Rjk0jj90j-7 d For Release 2003/05/15 : Cl DP,4@200789ROO0900320001-7 Saint Pl rre and Miquelon (FFO Fernl ,Q@j Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900320001-7 S EC R -S T D WORKING PAPER 4 APR 90 T AS K ER 1. PROJECT: 9013 2. ENCRYPTED COORDINATES: 752860/505993 3. BACKGROUND: Pro3ect involves a possible contraband narcotics SG1A smuz@-'ling operation involving a vessel. Name of vessel: 4. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION: A. Determine if the vessel is indeed carrying contraband narcotics. B. Determine current location of vessel. If contraband is present: C. Where is it located aboard the vessel? D. Where will the off-loading/transfer of the narcotics take place? 5. COMMENTS: If requested search locations are not within the borders indicated, please so state, then report search location(s) obtained. SECRET/STD Approved For Release 2003/05/15 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0900320001-7