Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1001450001-0 C3 FE E3 IE3 I C:) I'll _F t-A!E3 t< DE P.-I (@3 E@ " FE 1-=: _T_ Source No. Date Task Initiated Suspense Date Task/Tareeting No.: 1:223?WM Method/ Techn i qUe: Target Data Desired: 1. DESCRIBE KEY TARGET FEATURES (include forms, shapes, spatial aspects, color, motion/dynamics): - Emphasize the following; - Do the following perspectives: - Ground-level - Overview - Other: 2. IDENTIFY KEY TARGET CONTENT (include meaning, purpose, function, nature of activity, type/nature of people, if present): Emphasize the following: IF PERSONALITY9 340RUMNE- 'J@ -rwl% lot el Ir V1 104 */I Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1001450001-0 5 'j. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE: (see attached)