Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789 ROO 1401680002-0 WORkING PAPER Viewer. 018 Date : 9 -+"Ff 89 Target. Beacon Exercise "UJIMARY OF7 INFORMA"FION. (G/&--.`/NF) Beacon was in a bright, long, narrow "aisle"-type of place, which had things Up above, and things at abOUt waist level. Many of the "things" above arched downward, and gave the strong AOL of hanging plants. Ihe "things" at waist level were mostly green, and had spots of other bright. co I ors. These appeared to be somewhat unkemptly arranged (not giving the appearance of packaged items arranged in rteat rows, but more like items which were of irregular shape and non-uni4orm size). 'There was a strong AOL that these, I:oo, might be plants. 2@ (S/S[:-`/NF) Dowsing did not give any strong, definite "feel", but finally indicated a location in grid AI on the map. Redowsing indicated another place, but still in tl-ie same grid square, and dowsing again, located the beacon in a smaller area within this last dowsed location (see the circle within a circle on the map). Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789 ROO 1401680002-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 CIA-RDP96-00789 ROO 14016800,62-0 Nif'F(DRN PI-`Z0JE:.C,T SUN 91-REAK' "N" Iy1F.:.TI K*D,`1 WARN,[N(.'j N0T]J:J'::,,: '.I.'I\I-rEL L G E .. ..... .... ..... .... .. ... ..... ..... .. ...... 6().-:.;:*:::A DA"I"E"." Of 9 JUN 99 0 9 IJUN 99 V T E- T T P,; "1" :1' 1:7 TF.: IVIE"I"I IC)DOL.J313Y. 130U) P ... ..... ..... .... .. ..... .... .... ..... . ..... . . . ..... ..... . ..... .... ..... .... .1. at i%. _I a g IVI I S .1310 1\1 - A P C.5 0 P C_ F_'i Ie. d r e t site via a 2. S N K) V'T. 1-..: WEFZ T. C', 1`11 I= 1.3 K (:,TIvIIvJEN*113,- Nc) iricl .,!n- 1.3 j I tj t_ k7e Ul A . (L.j-jejj at ',"I a fn i n @ 1. r k- W.1L,Ju( t e cl i r) SQ1 f0 r.., RV d T 9 F! t d k.@@ s c t-j. I-) j UA) 0. lii c) f. a ac, t.t r a EVA! U AT' 10 1\1 5. SEARCH EVA]_A..JA-I-T k0kj.@ Z 1 I-IANDI 1:::. VH-) SKEET f.1*1I-4AI%,1.NF.-.'.'I G UiNI V ...... ... . ....... .610FQ'IRN CLASS IFJ EtP PY..- T) I A (T)"I") 31 FY DEC LASS 0A,PF:z Approved For:@FZelease 2003/04/18 CIA-RDP96-00789 001401680002-0 PYRGH :0-11 @bl /0 8 -RDP96- 789 ); Nk'@' a 4@@ L A prove:d;,,l 'b '4 v A RIVIERA HE13HTS @R @E M ELA 13-4 -0 UT v 9n X, @' q If' rt Geoi DUNROVIN TRAILER PA K 1911 RAG 175 D aw A@7 EADEDALE d 18 CIA- 0 96 810101