Approved For Release 2002/1-1/18- CIA-VDP96-00789 ROO 1800720002-2 N S20,014/DT-S88 4 November 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH SUBJECT: Sun Streak Operational Report - Project C81y',(U) 1. (SINFISK) During the period of 14 September 1988 through 26 0c-+.nht-r 1989. fifteen -,c,_c;_-,ic-)ns were conducted in an effort to SG1B 2. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 011 described "Target B" as a rounded large vehicle, narrower at the,top than a+-':the bottom, and of strong, light-weight, heat-resistant material, like titanium. While in flight, the unmanned vehicle moved in a wide horizontal --- -_ --- - W, arc (trajectory). "Target B ceased to function while in flight at a point overlooking an area described as a "sr-ake-like terrain." Viewer 011's conceptual perceptions are at TAB A in the form of sketches. 3. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 018 described Target B as a satellite with a "rounded top" appearance that followed a trajectory paralleling the surface of the earth. The satellite carne to rest in a snow- covered, mountainous area, a location that was not its intended destination. An aircraft was perceived as "searching for the target" following its return to earth. Viewer 018's conceptual impressions are at TAB B in the form of sketches. 4. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 025 perceived Target B as a big, cylindrically-shaped, @_m-ooth object with a power source perceived at the bottom of the object. At its@point of origin, the object is associated with the "sound of rushing air from a silo." Receptor,-s, switches and controls arelfound inside the object and WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-6111 HANDLE VIA SKEET CHi,NNELS SPECIAL ACCESS ONLY !EQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: DT, DIA DECLASSIFY BY: OADR Approved For Release 2002/1"Cl RI)P96-00789ROO1800720002-2 Approved For Releas@6,2002tlffl a: CIA-RDP96-00789RO01 800720002-2 1. 1-11-1J used in mission accomplishment, specifically, the collection of information "against other activities as in SIGlNT." This is accomplished by.detection, regulation, resolution, appropriation. The collected information is relayed from the object to a separate structure where it is "registered" and computerized. The target object represents a highly sophisticated piece of advanced technology. Viewer 025's conceptual representations are at TAB C Ln the form of sketches. 5. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 03-2 described the target object as a silvery, metallic, cylindrically-shaped structure with "steering or wing-like surfaces" (fins). The interior of the structure is long, hollow, and separated into cubicles/compartments. The target object is tracked, followed, watched, and controlled from a distant location. It contains some "sort of transmitters." Viewer 32s conceptual representations are at TAB D. 6. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 095 perceived the target object as a curved, circular, smooth, thick-walled, metallic object whose function and mission are intrinsically related to the concepts of "extreme height or depth." In a subsequent session, 095 added that the target object was a rounded, heavy, sealed structure. At its point of origin, the object was supported by some form of "f I at s I ah. "People associated with the object at its point of origin, were perceived as being dark-skinned individuals with accentuated high cheek bones and somewhat flat faces. The target object N -is located in the northern hemisphere with high mountains perceptible to the north and a large body of water located to the east. The target object "is a reverse radiator" in that it sucks up radiation, "perhaps (of an) electro-magnetic" nature and collects samples and other scientific evidence. "The next operational location (mission) of the structure will be in South Africa. Viewer 095's perceptions are supported by conceptual sketches at TAB E. 7. (S/NF/SK) ViewerD-Z,9 described the target object as Soviet Ministry of Defense communication satellite originally powered by a "three-booster rocket assembly." A "manufacturer's error" caused a "faulty admixture of fuel" that caused it to veer from its prescribed path (trajectory). The satellite originated from an area in Outer Mongolia. It was primarily meant to electronically transmit data collected against "third world countries." Its trajectory carried it over Algeria and Cuba; eventually it landed in an area identified as the west northwest portion of the Soviet Union. Actually, the target object was an "updated version of an old system used to electronically collect and retransmit data." S. (SINFISK) OPERATIONAL COMMENTS: a. (S/NF/SK) By way of summary and in reply to customer tasking, it is noted that the results of the overall remote viewing effort conceptually describes the presence of some sort of space vehicle, probably a Soviet satellite with a possible Approved For Release 200244 ,t, @_' P96-00789 ROO 1800720002-2 V Approved For Releasq"I-1-1118,: CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1800720002-2 SIGINT related mission. The space vehicle appears to have malfunctioned at one point in its orbit/trajectory. Conceivably, it could have originated in an area identifiable with an area such as Outer Mongolia. b. (S/NF/SK) Transcripts and viewer summaries can be made available for review via DT. ENCLOSURES TABS A thru E Approved For Release 2002/11/1 14@- 6-00789P,001800720 -PP-P )@'-,2 SG1J Approved For Release 2002/11/18 CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1800720002-2 0 V 01 Approved For Release 2002/ f/1 8 lk:@kelA-RDP96-00789 ROO 1800720002-2 APprovft For Release E002/11/18 Clk-RDP96-007AR001 80072000f4 CvT AtuAY t -zi v't r,@,& I 'a1tL5 06 t- c-- W ND Cop 0i i fdP 00789ROO1800720002-2 VC Approved For Rel -ZIA- -00789RO01 800720002-2 777 6 --57 kJ K 00 @C- tj f-) 19 Vr r7 A r)L/c/j,"/,l W t@el ;/iA5; /,/It- ,4 A ,g C- 4 Izew j L),P jj ,W, rl IV I - YC C -7- 46 Approved Fo, R"eeas~2PO02/11(/1)8:CIA-RDP96-00789 ROO 1800720002-2 /xxv pprov@ecl For Release 2 6f /1 17T-77 f779ROO180 20002-2 61 Approved For Release 2,GG 2P!r;;PA-RDP96-0@78WM0720@0 @@2Z 17 Approved For OPI 15" 789ROO1800720002-2 0/0, J, Li--Y- ,04 f-11.7-H /I f - C- Lj I,-) P 76- cz- / /-) 17-U k, ! V r -- / - / F-- f k--@ f f - - - - \ t, . 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