Approved For Release 2002/11/18 1W _-z V6W0789RO01 800780001-7 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301-6111 SG1C DT-S 28 June 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Operational Report 8803 U) @@O /3 1. (SINFISK) During the period of 16 May 1988 to 24 June 1988 inclusively, six operational sessions were conducted to determine the intelligence significance of a target structure identified in a copy of F- I(TAB A). Results of this effort follow bel-(Fw--. the objects (tanks/railroad car) previously perceived. 2. (SNFISK) Vie_H2S =.P=1_8 perceived "Area A", one of two principal areas comprising the target structure, as a passageway under construction "with Junk and things lying around." For the most part, "Area A" was practically empty. "Area B" appeared to be a work area where the presence of huge objects conceptually represented by a railroad car or tank, came under the scrutiny of the people working there. When 018 viewed the target upon its completion in future time, 018 perceived the interior of the building as a spacious area that resembled a museum. Ongoing activities appeared directly related to research and testing of 3. (SINFISK) Viewer 095 also accessed the target structure upon completion in future ti 'me. Activities related to the target structure at that time addressed such basic concepts as regulation, information, plans, and the development of prototypes. Spatial areas within the target building were clearly delineated and allotted in accordance with assigned functions. Ongoing research and development projects were military-weapon related. The presence of a strong hierarchal management system appeared to limit the scope and effectiveness of the research program. WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE AND SOURCES INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: DT, DIA DECLASSIFY BY: OADR Approved For Release 2002Jj1L18 - CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1800780001-7 or vOr'T Approved For Release 20021a IMI§J'ti)~-RqDP96-00789ROO1800780001-7 4. (SINFISK) Viewer 003 also accessed the target structure upon completion in future time. The target site was located in a somewhat isolated area. The target structure was viewed as being comprised of both underground and aboveground sections. Ongoing activity appeared related to the concepts of control, verification, and adjustments through the use of sophisticated computer equipment. The structure is currently operational even though construction has not been completed. As portions of the structure are completed, they are pressed into service. 5. (S/NF/SK) According to Viewer 079, the host country seemed to consider the target structure as a concern of secondary importance. An estimated work force of about sixty personnel were employed at the target. The target structure was comprised of two principal areas. Completion of construction work was C4. projected for about Apr@11_1989; however, the projected date of completion could well'&e d-er-ayed until October 1990. The structure served as a "sort of industrial building and warehouse" used for,the production and shipment of conventional ammunition/weaponry to Soviet surrogates throughout the world. The concept of a "plastic lamination" and refurbishment processes appeared to be functionally related to the mission and goals of the target structure. The product is crated in camouflaged containers and sometim'es shipped via ocean-going vessels to Cuba where the cargo is transferred and retransmitted to Central American and Latin American locations/groups/ and to other countries being supported by the Soviet Union. It is anticipated that as many as nine hundred personnel will be employed at the target facility by the time construction at this facility is completed. 1 Enclosure TAB A - Photo SG1J r Approved For Release 200211,11-1Prjo-UOMR001 800780001-7 M13M, Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1800780001-7 I TAB I Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1800780001-7 Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1800780001-7 SG1C Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO1800780001-7