Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500170016-0 SESSION INFORMATION A. TARGET DATA: Task/Target No. :93-202-9 Session No. :01 B. PERSONAL DATA: Source No. :025 Monitor's No. :N/A Beacon/Sender No. :N/A C. SESSION DATA: Date Task Received :1 Sept 93 session Date :2 Sept 93 Start Time :8:00 Stop Time :9:00 Method Used :WRV Aids/Distractions (PIs) :N/A Pre-session Hunches (AVs) :N/A Date Summary Returned :2 Sept 93 D. EVALUATION DATA: Viewer's Estimate :N/A Evaluator's Estimate E. SESSION SUMMARY The target personality Warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid is currently located as marked on the attached map. The political leader is wearing red and is not traveling alone. There are men traveling on land with him and he may be moving in a southern direction. He is short of some supplies. This man is furious about certain issues, is in danger, and although he is a fighter, is now feeling tired. He is uncomfortable with staying in any one location for very long and is therefore, on the move. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500170016-0 ................. ......... "" .. ...... .... ................. C2 At Icomono ..... ....... .........I......... 44/1 &Pbom . ---"'-'- .................. C3 Djambala ..................................... 84 Loudima, OTHER FEATURES %Q WOQ0OY1 OUpper Sheikh I GA I RFPr-i ...... ...... - --, 13 4 uutbbu ...... CPYRQ t$ 11 Ome ide ....... ......... . 96' ...... R002001 ftjo-@o .................................. C4 , :.. . .................... - I..... 84 i ftnte-Noi!e 41,700 ...................... 64 Sembd ........................................ 83 Sibiti .......................................... 84 SouanW ............................. ...... B3 Zanaga ......................... ..... @84 ":6 Erigabo Berbera Las Dureh SANAAG Scusciuban 0 Bu Borama Bulhar t Alima (dv.) .................................. 04 Congo (riv.) ................................ C4 Crystal (mts.) ........ ........ ..., ............ 84 Oja (riv.) .............. ........ .............. 83 Ivindo (riv.) ........... ....................... 83 Kadei (riv.) ............ ....................... C3 Kouilou (dv.) .......... . ..................... 84 Likouala (dv.) ........ .................... - C3 N'Gounid (Ov.) ....... ........... ........... 84 Niad (dv-) ............. ....................... 84 Ogooud (riv.) ......... ....................... A4 Sangha (dv.) ......... ....................... C3 Ubangi (riv.) .......... ....................... C3 EQUATORIAL GUINEA TERRITORIES Bioko 78,000 ............. ...... ........ Rlo Muni 203.000... ....... -- ...... CITIES and TOWNS Bata 27,024 .................................B Luba 19,933 .................................A Malabo (cap.) 37,237 ...................... A Mbini 14,503 ................................A OTHER FEATURES Biafra (bight) ................................ Bioko (isi.) ................................... Codsco (isl.) ................................ Elobey (isIs.) ................................ Fernando Po (Bioko) (W.) ..................... ................. GABON EDO lardera cr. ftadu BADA Isimavu- t6lia,(Et Athate): n Bur AcabaO Ua Uen l0ha&villab j) M -z oDinsor Balad OGADISCIO BAY -Mogadishu 'di h6 q .q CITIES and TOWNS Banda ..................................... ... 34 Bitam 5,936 ................................. 3 Bo 6 . . ... . .... ........... ......... ou ... .. 3 Chinchoua .................................... 4 Cocobeach ................................... 3 Fougamou .................................... 4 Ftinceville 9,345 ........................... 4 IgudIa ........................................ 4 Kango ......................................... 13 Kemboma .................................... 13 Koula-Moutou 8,032 ....................... 34 Lalara ......................................... 3'@ Lambardnd 17,770 ......................... 3@ Lastoursville ................................ Bz Lekoni ....................................... B, Libreville ( cap.) 105.080 ................. A@ Makokou 5,005 ............................ 6: Mayumba ................................... A M'Bigou ........... ...................... B Mddouneu ................................... B Mekambo ............................ B Mimongo ................... ............... B Minvoul ..................................... 8 Mitzic .......................... ............ 6 Moanda 10,709 - @ ........ ............... B Mouila 15,016 .... ....... .......... E Mounana 4,000 ..... ................ E N'Dendd ........................ ........... F N'Djold .............. ...................... @ f Nyanga ..................................... . i Okondja ................... ................ . I Omboud .................................... . 0 1 1WI02., ............................. Port-Gentil 48,1 ...................... Sette-Cama .