Approved For Releaseq?003LOl/T?9"RRft96-00789ROO2500230002-8 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: 4 Apr 95 S-23,023/PAX-TA REPLY TO ATTN OF: PAX-TA SUBJECT: PAX-TA Monthly Activity Report - March 1995 (U) TO: PAX 1. (U) Personnel: Per NMIPC (P-AS1) our authorized strength remains at 11 with six personnel assigned. SG11 Intel Tech, has been accepted for a position in J2S. Her last day is 31 Mar 95. With her departure we will be at 45% of authorized strength. 2. (U) Administration: - No change. 3. (U) Training: - None. 4. (C) Travel: - None. 5. (U) Transportation/Logistics: - Mar 95 mileage report forwarded to DAL-2 on on 4 Apr 95. - GDIP funding for PAX-TA facility and base support to include supplies closes out on 30 Sep 95. REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAX OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED LIMITED DISSEMINATION CLASSIFIED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES DECLASSIFY ON OADR =811101116§011111111110 OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 (REV. 1-80) NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.5 Approved For Release 2003/01/lgrpW,§PM6-00789ROO25002300OD48 Approved For Release 2003/01/1'7 -10"-Ql@ 00789ROO2500230002-8 6. (S/NF/WN/SG/LIMDIS) operations: - Supported CENTCOM regarding conduct in the near future provided to the DIA HUMINT evaluation feedback as yet. SG1A an exercise they will in CONUS. Two reports representative to the J2. No - Additional tasking received from JIATF-West. Requirements being tasked. - Monthly STIC7C meeting canceled due to member(s) mission requirements. SG1J - 14 Mar 95:1 briefed the STIC Information Technology Working Group regarding the status of the Technical Intelligence Collection Review (TICR) SG1C SG1J SG1 I gal J, SG1 I SG1J SG1 I SG1J SG1J SG1 I SG1J SG1 I SG1 I SG1 1 SG1J - 21 Mar 95:1 provided an overview Project STAR GATE briefing to Dr. enjamin Adams, Deputy to Mr. Lin Wells II, Deputy to the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) for Policy Support. Accompanying -J werel JORD/CI designated Project STAR GATE program-Mnayur, andl 1from the CIA Comptroller's office. Also present wasF HIGGINS note prepared as to results and forwarded to PAX, PA and PC-D. - 21-29 Mar 95: 1 CIA independent contractor, reviewed an annotated the PAX-TA phy of documents that was prepared by with the assistance of F- J uata Will be used for documents to be forwarded to the "Blue Ribbon" panel for their review and preparation of the final report. 7 reports directly to CIA designated Project STAR GATE program manager. IL --------J .s expected to return to our facility on 11 April 95. lis the Activity POC for this action. REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAX OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY LIMITED DISSEMINATION 2 Approved FoPPMeWN69R@ TaAWPM-;9o-MM9ffM30002-8 STAR GATE Approved For Release 2003/01- 6-00789ROO2500230002-8 - 31 Mar 95: Draft background paper for DR provided to Chief, PAX for his review regarding a CIA request to declassify DIA sponsorship of Project STAR GATE to include, where possible, published reports and findings. Approval of the CIA request from the Chief, ORD could facilitate the efforts of the CIA designated "Blue Ribbon" panel and the efforts of the DCI Declassification Committee. - 31 Mar 95: HIGGINS note on Project STAR GATE highlights regarding the program transfer, and the transfer of documents forwarded to PAX, PA and PC-D for information. SG1J attended Technical Intelligence Collection Review (TICR)/Community Steering Group meetings in his capacity as the "Community" S&T issue coordinator for information warfare. The purpose of the Steering Group meetings was to finalized the draft for coordination within the DoD and the Community. Also attending the meeting@ werel I SG1J as tne PC representative. my role in this final process has been to fully coordinate proposed changes with both E -__ -___ I SG1J lBottom line: TICR report shaping up ato a "comfortable" document that DoD will be able to live with. Also key has been the efforts of SG1 I Chief, CFM. In-house proficiency enhancement training will be conducted in the absence of any customer requirements. 7. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Future Highlights: - 15-16 June 95: STIC off-site at 8. (U) Other: - None. SG1J REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY SG1J SG1J SG11 SG1 H WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED FURTHER DISSEMINATION LIMITED DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAX OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY 3 0M66@RqFr= Approved FoVfgle4g&P66NPPF7?!~IPFRB]36MOftlgMI!M30002-8 STAR GATE