nr AIpproved For Release 2003/ CKTP96-00792ROO01 00140005-7 10 August 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT:: Army/INSCOM Contractual Position as Regards SRI-I, FY 82 (U) 1. (U) Reference FONECON between MG Thompson (ACSI) and LTC Watt, 10 Aug 81. 2. (SAOFORN) During reference FONECON, MG Thompson and I..agreed to the-following major points to be resolved before-any further contracts involving the development of the training/evaluation remote viewing program with SRI-I would be approved: a. SRI-I will have to provide to Army/INSCOM written notification stating what limitations, if any, were being placed on them. b. SRI-I and Mr. Ingo Swann will have to clarify the proprietary issue, in writing,, concerning who owns the right to Mr. Swann's new training program. c. Current Army/INSCOM funding level for proposed FY82 work would remain at its current level (195K). However, before Army/INSCOM would agree to supporting the funding of the training/evaluation program, it must have written assurances that when the completed, Army/INSCOM will be offered the opportunity to have selected personnel trained using the new concept. d. That the selection of INSCOM personnel to be trained will be a joint process conducted between Mr. Swann (and anyone he so desires), and INSCOM GRILL FLAME management personnel. Further, it is recognized that this highly unique program will call for frequent visits by Mr. Swann after the training is completed to see that "all systems are still functioning properly." INSCOM, not only concurs with this stipulation, but, highly encourages it and other joint activities that will enable US to get a firmer handle on this unique problem area. e. Finally, that the issue of where, when, and for how long personnel will need to undergo this new training technique can best be settled at some future time when we all know the ramifications and limitations of the training program. )r A . &-/@ MURRAR. WATT LTC, GS INSCOM GRILL FLAME Project Manager c CONCUR: CONCUR: MSG' DAMI-ISH A-1 V70 @HI TE MG THOMPSON 1 Leal. oft Approved For Releas CIA-RDP96-00792ROOPI k;b 001 10 WOUIGN NATIONALS EXTEND-if.) BY XOT RMS A ABLFw REASON