By Paul Goble Just how horrific Kremlin propaganda has become is obscured by two things. On the one hand, it is so over the top in its absurd claims that most observers in the West dont cover it; and on the other, it so often is employed to put a smiley face on truly horrific individuals and groups that most prefer not to cover it at all. That is unfortunate because it has the effect of obscuring both what the Russian population is subjected to and what the Russian powers that be intend, and so it is useful at least on occasion to wade into this swamp and call attention to just how deep and murky it has become. A new article by Anna Stroganova, a journalist for RFIs Russian Service, provides a useful correction by exploring how far Kremlin propagandists are going to romanticize the Wagner Private Military Company in order to attract more people to its ranks ( Even though mercenary groups like the Wagner PMC are illegal under Russian law, even though the group has been recruiting criminals to fight in Ukraine, and even though its units have been identified as responsible for crimes of war and crimes against humanity, Russia Today and other Kremlin outlets have been celebrating it has noble and heroic. Stroganova gives examples ranging from online posts to songs to television programs that suggest the Kremlin has ordered a full-scale propaganda campaign to boost the image of the Wagner group and obscure its illegalities both from the onset and in Ukraine. Such efforts must be challenged lest these messages dominate thinking in Russia and in some circles in the West. The assault on Ukraines Donbas region remains very difficult, with Russian forces having effectively destroyed Bakhmut, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Ukraines leader said during his nightly televised address on Friday that he had discussed the situation on the front line and winter prospects on the battlefield during a conversation with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak earlier in the day. He said areas of Donbas, which encompasses the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, had become lifeless wastelands following brutal and ongoing battles between Russia and Ukraine. The front-line situation remains very difficult in the key areas of DonbasBakhmut, Soledar, Maryinka, Kreminna Zelensky said. For a long time, there is no living place left on the land of these areas that has not been damaged by shells and fire. The occupiers actually destroyed Bakhmut, another Donbas city that the Russian army turned into burnt ruins. I thank all our heroes, all soldiers and commanders who hold the front in these directions, repulse attacks and inflict significant losses on the enemy in response to the hell that entered Ukraine under the Russian flag, he added. Russian attempts to gain ground in Donetsk and Luhansk have amplified in recent months, with the regions being two of four that Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed to have annexed in late September. Zelenskys comments came one day after the notorious Russian mercenary organization the Wagner Group successfully repelled Ukrainian counterattacks near Bakhmut, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). Russian forces continued ground attacks around Bakhmut on December 7, states an ISW report published Thursday. Russian sources widely claimed that Wagner Group fighters took control of Yakovlivka and that fierce fighting is ongoing near Bakhmut in Opytne, Klishchiivka, and Soledar. The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) claimed that Ukrainian troops unsuccessfully attempted to regain certain lost positions south of Bakhmut, it continued. Russian sources largely discussed the intensity of operations in this area and emphasized high Ukrainian losses. ISW analysts also suggest Putin is preparing the Russian public to accept that the war in Ukraine will become increasingly grinding and protracted. Former soldier and eyewitness Petro Stone said the meat grinder of Bakhmut had become the main theater of hostilities in Donbas and this war in general during a recent interview with Kyiv Post, adding that the Russians are covering Bakhmut with fire 24/7. While Newsweek was unable to independently verify casualty figures in Bakhmut, the toll is believed to be heavy on both sides of the battle lines. ISW estimated Sunday that Russian casualties averaged 100 per day, including 50 deaths and 50 injuries. Newsweek has reached out to the Russian Ministry of Defense for comment. Moskaus Streitkrafte haben ukrainischen Truppen in der Schlacht um Bakhmut in der Ostukraine schwere Verluste zugefugt, so eine Einschatzung, die kommt, als die NATO warnte, der Krieg konnte zu einem ausgewachsenen Konflikt zwischen Russland und dem Bundnis eskalieren. Das Institut fur Kriegsforschung (ISW) teilte am Freitag mit, russische Streitkrafte hatten Angriffsoperationen in Bachmut selbst sowie nordlich und sudlich der Stadt im Oblast Donezk durchgefuhrt, das das Zentrum heftiger Kampfe ist. Die ISW zitierte Berichte aus russischen Telegram-Konten, wonach die ukrainischen Streitkrafte schwere Verluste erlitten hatten und dass Moskaus Truppen ukrainische Stellungen nordostlich der Stadt angegriffen hatten. Die ISW fugte hinzu, dass russische Streitkrafte weiterhin durch ukrainische Verteidigungsanlagen in der Nahe von Spirne vordringen, einem Dorf, das etwa 20 Meilen nordostlich von Bakhmut liegt. Der Regionalgouverneur von Donezk, Pavlo Kyrylenko, sagte, dass die russischen Streitkrafte trotz schwerer Verluste taglich mit Angriffen auf Bakhmut drangten. Man kann diese Angriffe am besten als Kanonenfutter beschreiben, fugte er in Fernsehkommentaren hinzu. Sie verlassen sich hauptsachlich auf Infanterie und weniger auf Rustung, und sie konnen nicht vorrucken. Der ukrainische Prasident Wolodymyr Selenskyj sagte in seiner nachtlichen Ansprache am Freitag, dass die Besatzer Bakhmut tatsachlich zerstort haben, eine weitere Donbass-Stadt, die die russische Armee in verbrannte Ruinen verwandelt hat. Am Tag zuvor soll die russische Soldnerorganisation Wagner Group laut ISW erfolgreich ukrainische Gegenangriffe in der Nahe von Bakhmut abgewehrt haben. Der Gouverneur der benachbarten Region Luhansk, Serhij Haidai, sagte, das ukrainische Militar fuhre seine Gegenoffensive auf Kreminna und Svatove zu. Unterdessen wurde am Samstag von einem nachtlichen Beschuss aus dem sudlichen Cherson und den benachbarten Regionen Saporischschja berichtet. TheAktuelleNews hat die Verteidigungsministerien der Ukraine und Russlands um Stellungnahme gebeten. Da der Krieg jetzt in den Wintermonaten ist, sagte NATO-Generalsekretar Jens Stoltenberg, dass die Kampfe zu einem groeren Konflikt zwischen Russland und seinem Bundnis eskalieren konnten. Er sagte dem norwegischen Sender NRK, dass in dem Konflikt schrecklich schief gehen kann, was sich zu einem groen Krieg zwischen der NATO und Russland ausweiten konnte. Daran arbeiten wir jeden Tag, um das zu vermeiden. Tage nachdem Russlands Prasident Wladimir Putin gesagt hatte, der Krieg konne ein langfristiger Prozess sein, sagte er auf einer Pressekonferenz in Bischkek, der Hauptstadt Kirgisistans, uber die Moglichkeit einer Einigung zur Beendigung der Kampfe. Alle Teilnehmer an diesem Prozess mussen mit den Realitaten einverstanden sein, die vor Ort Gestalt annehmen, sagte Putin. In der Zwischenzeit haben die USA ihre Besorgnis uber Russlands umfassende Verteidigungspartnerschaft mit dem Iran zum Ausdruck gebracht, inmitten von Berichten, dass Teheran seinen Verbundeten mit Raketen und den von ihm gelieferten Drohnen versorgen wurde, die zum Angriff auf die ukrainische Infrastruktur eingesetzt werden. Russia's Wagner Group is reportedly leading the Russian charge to retake the key Ukrainian city in Donetsk Oblast. The Wagner mercenaries are reportedly making incremental gains in areas near the city of Bakhmut, as per reports. Since late May, Bakhmut a key administrative city in Donetsk has been the site of extremely heavy fighting. Experts say that capturing Bakhmut is requisite to Russia winning the wider war in the Donbas region. Meanwhile, Russian sources claimed that the Wagner mercenaries and other aligned forces intensified their offensive against Ukrainians. Zelensky: Tentara Rusia Hancurkan Bakhmut, Sulitkan Serangan Ukraina loading... Presiden Volodymyr Zelensky kesal dengan tentara Rusia yang menghancurkan kota Bakhmut sehingga menyulitkan serangan pasukan Ukraina di Donbas. Foto/REUTERS A A A - PresidenVolodymyr Zelensky mengatakan tentaramenghancurkan Bakhmut habis-habisan. Itu membuat serangan pasukan Kiev di wilayah Donbas menjadi sangat sulit.Dalam pidato malamnya yang disiarkan televisi, Zelensky mengaku telah membahas situasi di garis depan Donbas dan prospek musim dingin di medan perang selama percakapan dengan Perdana Menteri Inggris Rishi Sunak pada hari sebelumnya.Dia mengatakan wilayah Donbas, yang meliputi wilayah Donetsk dan Luhansk, telah menjadi tanah telantar tak bernyawa menyusul pertempuran brutal dan berkelanjutan antara pasukan Rusia dan Ukraina."Situasi garis depan tetap sangat sulit di wilayah utama DonbasBakhmut, Soledar, Maryinka, Kreminna..." kata Zelensky."Untuk waktu yang lama, tidak ada tempat tinggal yang tersisa di tanah daerah ini yang tidak rusak oleh peluru dan api. Para penjajah benar-benar menghancurkan Bakhmut, kota Donbas lainnya yang diubah oleh tentara Rusia menjadi reruntuhan yang terbakar," kesal Zelensky, seperti dikutip Newsweek, Sabtu (10/12/2022)."Saya berterima kasih kepada semua pahlawan kita, semua prajurit dan komandan yang memegang garis depan ke arah ini, menangkis serangan dan menimbulkan kerugian yang signifikan pada musuh sebagai tanggapan atas neraka yang memasuki Ukraina di bawah bendera Rusia," imbuh Zelensky.Upaya Rusia untuk menguasai Donetsk dan Luhansk telah meningkat dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. Keduanya bagian dari empat empat wilayah yang diklaim telah dianeksasi oleh Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin pada akhir September.Komentar Zelensky muncul satu hari setelah organisasi tentara bayaran Rusia yang terkenal, Wagner Group, berhasil memukul mundur serangan balik Ukraina di dekat Bakhmut. Situasi pertempuran itu dipaparkan kelompok Institute for the Study of War (ISW)."Pasukan Rusia melanjutkan serangan darat di sekitar Bakhmut pada 7 Desember," bunyi laporan ISW. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stanley Kakubo, said that Russia told him that Lemekhani Nyirenda joined the war in Ukraine in exchange for amnesty. Russia has pardoned a Zambian student who was in prison to join the war in Ukraine, where he was killed on the front line, according to the minister of foreign affairs of the southern African country. Cabinet Minister Stanley Kakubo said on Friday that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, told him on the phone that Mr. Lemekhani Nyirenda was exempted on August 23 to join the army, in order to pardon him. Russia previously announced that 23-year-old Nyirenda was killed in action in Ukraine in September, prompting Zambia to question how he managed to fight the war. We were informed that Russia allows prisoners to be granted amnesty for participating in a special military operation, Kakubo said. According to Zambian government officials, Nyirenda was in Russia to study nuclear power at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. He was jailed in April 2020 for nine years and six months for drug offenses and was serving his sentence in Moscow when he was drafted to fight, his father said. Minister Kakubo said Nyirendas body arrived in Moscow on Friday and is expected in Zambia on Sunday. Russia has also informed Zambia that the money returned to Nyirenda, along with all the documents related to his pardon, employment and death, will be given to the Zambian representative who will accompany the organization, the minister said. In November, the head of the Russian mercenary group Wagner, businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin who is also a close friend of President Vladimir Putin admitted that he had recruited Nyirenda to prison by saying that the Zambian had agreed to go and fight in Ukraine. Prigozhin said at the time that Nyirenda died as a hero and was one of the first to enter the enemy trenches on September 22. Before Nyirendas death, the government did not know that the student had been employed, Kakubo said. Wagners group has set up large recruitment teams in Russian prisons, looking to send more fighters to Ukraine to support the ongoing invasion of Russia that began on February 24. Africa Lusaka Demands Probe of Zambian Student Killed on Battlefield in Ukraine By Lisa Vives, Global Information Network NEW YORK | LUSAKA (IDN) Zambian officials are seeking an explanation of the death of Lemekhani Nathan Nyirenda, a former student of nuclear engineering in Moscow, who died in September fighting on the side of the Russian army. Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Russian paramilitary Wagner group, acknowledged that they recruited the Zambian student from a Russian prison but claimed he volunteered for the job. "Lemekhani Nathan Nyirenda, on September 22, was one of the first to enter the enemy trenches, showing courage and bravery," Prigozhin, Wagners head of operations, posted on his social network. Prigozhin said he remembered the young man of 23 years of age, who, he claimed, "died as a hero" in combat. Zambian Minister of Foreign Affairs Stanley Kakubo is calling on Russian authorities to provide further details regarding the recruitment of Nyirenda and how he ended up fighting in Ukraine. Nyirenda, sponsored to study nuclear engineering at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, had been working as a part-time courier when an unknown person handed him a package containing drugs, his father Edwin Nyirenda told the Reuters news agency. This led to his conviction on unspecified crimes in April 2020 and a sentence of nine years at Tyer medium security facility on the outskirts of the Russian capital. The family was not told who conscripted his son from prison and, the father added, only "received a message from a man we do not know in Russia who told us that there was a will, which our son left, and we should travel to Russia". The youth was killed on September 22 after being sent to the battlefront of the conflict, the Minister told media outlets. The ministry learned of his death on November 9. Zambia has traditionally sent students to Russia to study on scholarships, as was the case with Nyirenda. The circumstances of his release from prison are not yet known, but Russia has offered freedom to some prisoners in exchange for fighting in its war in Ukraine. Zambia has taken a neutral position on the Russia-Ukraine war, as many other African countries have, but says it condemns any form of war. [IDN-InDepthNews 10 December 2022] Photo: Lemekhani Nathan Nyirenda who co-opted into Russias conflict. Source: Mail&Guardian IDN is the flagship agency of the Non-profit International Press Syndicate. We believe in the free flow of information. Republish our articles for free, online or in print, under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, except for articles that are republished with permission. The battle for Bakhmut has descended into a hell-scape reminiscent of the First World War as Putin throws troops into a fight described as 'a meat grinder'. Russia is pounding Ukrainian trenches in the city - once home to 70,000 but now little more than a ruin - day and night with artillery before troops charge into front-on attacks against machine gun nests. The no mans land between front lines is now littered with shell holes, skeletons of trees shredded by shell-fire, and bodies of dead soldiers in eerie echoes of Passchendaele, Ypres or the Somme more than 100 years ago. 'They are just meat to Putin,' a commander named Kostyantyn told the FT on a visit to the front. 'And Bakhmut is a meat grinder. For what? A f****** metre of our land.' A Ukrainian soldier wounded on the face by a piece of artillery shrapnel is brought to a hospital near the frontline in Bakhmut The soldier is treated by medics, with reports suggesting that both Ukraine and Russia are suffering heavy losses around the city This is a battle that has been raging since May, begun when Russian forces were on the march across Donbas under orders from Putin to 'liberate' the region - which Moscow claims as its own. The city sits on an important confluence of supply routes and, when fighting started at least, was seen as a vital staging point for assaults further into Donbas - particularly the nearby cities of Slovyansk and Kramatorsk. Now, though, the battle is more symbolic than practical. Most analysts agree the blood price that Russia has paid trying to take Bakhmut - thought to be more than 100 troops per day - is not worth the value of capturing it. But Putin promised the Russian people that Donbas would be liberated. And the path to that goal - however fantastical - lies through Bakhmut. So the show must go on. Leading the charge, for the last several months at least, are thought to be Yevgeny Prigozhin's feared Wagner Group mercenaries. Having triumphed in the battle for Mariupol earlier in the war alongside Ramzan Kadyrov's Chechen mercenaries, Prigozhin appears to have taken on the mission to Bakhmut as a way to raise his personal standing with Putin. That effort, at least, appears to have been successful: Russia has officially acknowledged the existence of Wagner and allowed its leader to set up office in a swanky new skyscraper. A Ukrainian artillery gun opens fire on Russian lines near the city of Bakhmut, where the fighting has been described as 'hell' and the heaviest of the war to date Soldiers from Ukraine's Carpathian Sich Battalion, made up of volunteers from Kyiv, are pictured deploying to Bakhmut as the city sees intense fighting A Ukrainian tank crew repairs their vehicle and prepares for combat near the front line in Bakhmut, in the eastern Donbas region But the effort has cost Wagner dearly. Prigozhin has been forced to resort to recruiting murderers and rapists from jails to pour into the fight. Now, with the retreat of Russia's regular army from Kherson in the south, he appears to have reinforcements as many units charged with defending that city have been re-tasked to the Donbas front. Ukraine has likewise sent units who had fought in the battle for Kherson to defend positions around Bakhmut, which has massively escalated the battle. Troops now stationed there, some of whom will have witnessed Russia's massive artillery bombardments that devastated the likes of Mariupol and Lysychansk earlier in the war, as the most-intense they have witnessed to date. Christopher Miller, who visited the city he once called home for the FT, said there was rarely five seconds between each shell burst and the sky was hazy with smoke. While neither side is willing to publicly admit the human toll of the battle, Miller said 'both are clearly suffering heavy losses'. Despite the heavy fighting, Russian gains have been minimal. A Ukrainian soldier, wounded in conflicts within Russian-Ukrainian war, receives a treatment at Bakhmut Hospital The front line has changed by no more than a few meters in recent weeks and Ukraine says the impending winter is likely to slow them further. Temperatures in Ukraine are already routinely below freezing, meaning the ground is hard and difficult to dig into. It means that advancing Russian troops cannot dig themselves defensive positions and are left badly exposed to artillery with most natural and man-made cover already blown to bits. Lidiya Vasylenko, a Ukrainian military press officer, said even if Putin's forces do manage to take ground, they are usually forced to retreat soon after. Both Vasylenko and machine gunner Kostyantyn don't expect the city to change hands during the coming months, which means the hell troops are being subjected to shows no sign of ending any time soon. December 9 U.S. Representative Joe Wilson, RS.C., and a bipartisan group of federal lawmakers seek to designate a paramilitary organization close to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a foreign terrorist organization. Wilson, a Republican whose district includes Aiken and Barnwell counties and the Columbia suburbs; Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss.; Senator Ben Cardin, D-Md.; Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn.; Rep. Richard Hudson, RN.C.; and Rep. Marc Veasey, D-Texas; introduced the Holding Accountable Russian Mercenaries (HARM) Act that would require Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to designate the Russia-based PMC Wagner Group as a foreign terrorist organization. The Wagner Group, also known as PMC Wagner and ChVK Wagner, has been described as a private military company, mercenary network, or Putins private army. It was involved in operations in Ukraine during the 2014-2015 war and invasion of 2022, Syria, Sudan, Central African Republic, Madagascar, Libya, Venezuela, Mozambique and Mali. There are also reports of involvement in Belarus, Burkina Faso and the breakaway region of Armenia known as Nagorno-Karabakh. For too long, the Wagner Group has engaged in nefarious atrocities around the world, all at the behest of war criminal Putin and his cronies, Wilson said in a press release. I am grateful to be working with my bipartisan, bicameral colleagues to introduce legislation that will ultimately label the group as the foreign terrorist organization it is and expose them in their truest state as a murderous and criminal enterprise. The bill requires Blinken to designate the Wagner Group as a foreign terrorist organization within 90 days of passage. It also makes the designation applicable to any successors or affiliates of the group. Organizations designated as foreign terrorist organizations face three severe penalties: making it illegal for United States residents or people under United States jurisdiction to provide support, preventing nonresident members of the group from visit the United States and require financial institutions to hold the money and report it to the Treasury Department. If passed, the bill would be the last U.S. action against the group. The Department of the Treasurys Office of Foreign Assets Control approved the Wagner Group and its military leader, Dmitry Utkin. On September 20, 2018, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs added founder Yevgeniy Prigozhin and its affiliates to the list of persons identified as part of, or operating for or on behalf of, the defense or intelligence sector of the Government of the Russian Federation under section 231 of the Countering Americas Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. Airless Pulverisateur De Peinture Analyse SWOT du marche et strategies de croissance par principales entreprises 2022-2030 Nous proposons des produits pour cartographier et analyser differentes conditions de marche. Nos experts professionnels fournissent une analyse approfondie du marche Airless Pulverisateur De Peinture et une analyse de la presence sur le marche des leaders du marche. 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Achat direct Notre reportage (Edition 2022) ci-dessous: Nous contacter: 420, avenue Lexington, bureau 300 New York City, NY 10170, Etats-Unis USA / Canada Tel No:+1(857)4450045, +91 9130855334 Courriel: [email protected] Reportez-vous a notre dernier rapport: Sea Food Processing Equipment Market Capacities, Production, Consumption, Trade Statistics, Prices And Forecast 2022-2030 Water-Based Glue Market Risk And Challenges During Forecast Period 2022-2030 Charging Drill Industry Competition Analysis and Forecast Report 2022-2030|Top Players- WORKPRO, Meterk, Jwrap Down Jacket Market Depth Analysis and Forecast Report 2022-2030|Top Players- Fast Retailing Co., Ltd, Yalu Holding Dancewear Market Development Overview and Analysis 2022-2030|Top Players- Repetto, Mirella, Yumiko Russia must be regarded as a state sponsor of terrorism, the House of Representatives decided last week, following the example of the European Parliament. Minister Hoekstra (Foreign Affairs, CDA) is investigating what this qualification could mean. Andre Nollkaemper is professor of public international law at the University of Amsterdam. At first glance, the conclusion of the House of Representatives is not controversial. International law prohibits states from spreading terror among the civilian population during armed conflict. Terror is a weapon of war and Russia uses it to achieve military and political goals through repeated bombing of civilian targets in Ukraine. Russia also sows terror in Ukraine through private military groups (such as the Wagner group); the term state sponsor of terrorism seems to refer mainly to this terror. In some countries, designating a state as a state sponsor has significant legal ramifications. Since 1979, the United States has had a regime that subjects states that support acts of international terrorism (currently Cuba, Syria, Iran, and North Korea) to sanctions that go beyond those currently imposed on Russia. These states can also be sued in US courts without being able to invoke immunity. However, such a regulation does not exist in international law, nor in the law of the European Union and the Netherlands. If the Netherlands were to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, it would only be symbolic, without direct legal consequences. But that symbolism would have a greater political significance. The Soviet Union was the prototype of a terrorist state, surviving through terror against its own population and support for terrorism abroad. Philosopher Hannah Arendt said: Terror is the essence of totalitarian domination. That was true of Stalin and, increasingly, of Putins regime. Explicitly condemning Russia as a state that sows terror, not only in the war in Ukraine but also in the interior, draws a direct line from Stalin to Putin. Half hearted For the Netherlands, explicitly labeling Russias acts as terror would reopen a door that has been kept closed for decades. Although, from the French Revolution onwards, the term terrorism applied to states that instilled fear in the civilian population for political purposes (it follows that Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union have been classified as terrorist states), in recent decades we have the term terrorism is increasingly disconnected from states. Today, terrorism is mainly a term used for acts directed against states. The Netherlands regarded Indonesian freedom fighters as terrorists at the time, just as France and the United Kingdom regarded freedom movements in Algeria and Kenya as terrorists. And they talk about Hamas terrorism but not Israel terrorism. The war on terror after September 11, 2001, has defined terrorism as actions directed against states, not by states. Read also: How Russia wreaked havoc in Grozny and Aleppo does not bode well for Ukraine For many Western states, this is a deliberate strategy. Illustratively, these states insisted that the anti-terrorism treaties that were drafted should not apply to states actions during armed conflict. If military personnel cause terror among the civilian population, they are not legally designated as terrorists. Designating Russia as a state that sows terror would reopen the door to applying the term terrorism to states. The House of Representatives may have wanted to avoid this by referring only to state sponsor of terrorism. But thats half-hearted; Russias actions are as terror-inducing as those of the Wagner paramilitary group. The European Parliament therefore rightly spoke of Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state which uses means of terrorism. Political term There is much to be said for returning the term terrorism to its origins: terror by states. But we should be aware of two implications. Beyond the specific technical-legal meaning, the term terrorism is a highly political term. We have no qualms about referring to the Soviet Union as a terrorist state or to seeing Syria, Iran and North Korea as state sponsors of terrorism. But things get more complicated with the question of whether India is a state sponsor of terrorism in Pakistan, whether the United States sowed terror in Nicaragua and Guatemala in the 1980s, and whether Israel sowed terror among the people of Gaza. The political connotation, and the political use, of the concept of terrorism is a reason to be careful when assigning legal consequences, such as the lifting of immunity. Condemning states as terrorists will make it difficult to maintain normal diplomatic relations with those states Use of the term terrorism also has practical risks. Designating a group as terrorist places that group as a political opponent outside the diplomatic political process. Terrorist groups like IS and Al-Qaeda must be defeated they are not interlocutors at diplomatic ceremonies. It will be no different for states. Condemning states as terrorists will make it difficult to maintain normal diplomatic relations with those states. The European Parliament therefore explicitly calls for further isolation of Russia. Also read the Comment: Complete isolation from Russia could make the situation worse Nevertheless, diplomatic relations with Russia will remain necessary. Not only for securing humanitarian corridors and the export of grain from Ukraine, but also for multilateral diplomacy in many other areas, such as nuclear weapons, energy, climate and peace processes in Libya and Syria, among others. Russias commitment to these issues is not ours, but it is in our interest to maintain dialogue with Russia. This is also why the Biden administration, despite calls from the Senate and House of Representatives, is choosing not to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. The House of Representatives has confronted the government with a question it probably would have preferred not to have had. The challenge is to label Russias violence for what it is (aggression, war crimes and terror) and thereby increase political pressure, but at the same time not to let the label of terrorism stand in the way of the necessary political process. A version of this article also appeared in the December 10, 2022 newspaper Russia tries to make "fakes look like facts" by wrapping up lies "in numerous terms and names, technical characteristics and numbers". Source: Sergiy Kyslytsya, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, at a meeting of the UN Security Council on 9 December, quoted by Ukrinform Details: Responding to the accusations of the Russian delegation about the transit of Western weapons through Ukraine to third countries, Kyslytsya stated that Moscow, to appear convincing, wraps up its lies "in numerous terms and names, technical characteristics and figures. All these are supposed to make fakes look like facts". He reminded the audience that Russia had already voiced the same accusations in the UN Security Council at the beginning of September. But following that, Ukrainian Armed Forces launched its operation to liberate the east and south of the country. "This is the most powerful and viable evidence that all weapons in Ukraines possession serve their intended purpose to help Ukrainian soldiers liberate our people and our territories," Kyslytsya emphasised. He said that Ukraine created and ensured the effective functioning of a multi-level arms-control system to prevent the illegal use of weapons. Circulation and use of small arms and light weapons has been controlled at an interagency level that includes the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Border Service and other governmental bodies. The State Service of Ukraine for Export Control and the Inter-agency commission on military-technical cooperation and export control are responsible for implementation of the relevant state policy regarding military and dual-use goods. Kyslytsya explained that Ukraine established a three-level system for control and supervision of weapons supplied by foreign partners. The temporary special commission is providing parliamentary oversight. The President exercises his powers through the National Security and Defence Council. Story continues At the government level, the Ministry of Defence and Ukrainian Armed Forces together with foreign partners carry out direct control and monitoring of arms supplies to Ukraine, as well as the movement of international technical assistance. Kyslytsya noted that the activities of Wagner Group, the Russian private military company in the occupied territories of Ukraine and in other countries of the world represent a threat that is worth being addressed by the UN Security Council and relevant international mechanisms. Kyslytsya stated that following the defeat of Russia and the end of the war, Russias demilitarisation and de-nuclearisation should take place. "It will prevent the threat of a repetition of aggression thus laying a solid foundation for both the transformation of Russia into a peace-loving nation and for ensuring sustainable peace and security," Kyslytsya summed up. Previously: Barbara Woodward, UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said that Russia convened a meeting of the Security Council to discuss the supply of weapons to Ukraine; however, at the same time Russia itself is receiving weapons from Iran and is looking for them in other countries. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron!