Courtesy of Press Here PublicityKorn frontman Jonathan Davis has shared a new song called "Everyone," which will appear on his debut solo album, Black Labyrinth. The eerie track is now available via digital platforms. "Everyone" is also accompanied by a creepy video that follows a group of cult members who meet a grisly end. If you don't mind images of electrocution and blood splatter, you can watch the video now on YouTube. Black Labyrinth, which also features the single "What It Is," will be released May 25. Davis will kick off a solo tour in support of the album April 6 in Portland, Oregon. Copyright 2018, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Quartz india, March 19, 2018 If history is essential to nationalism as has been frequently said, so too is the claim to a national culture frequently curated from this history. The problem arises when selections have to be made as to what goes into the construction of a national culture. At the official level there is a continued use of the colonial terms: majority and minority, derived from figures of those following different religions. Instead of looking for more valid descriptive terms, the configuring of culture as majority and minority cultures, however inept, is reinforced by saying that whereas the majority culture will be prominent, the cultures of the minorities will also figure. What this means is that Indian culture more often is defined centrally by what is projected as Hindu culture, with an addition if required of items associated with those that come from minority communities. In India today Islamic and Hindu monuments dominate the landscape. Should they be juxtaposed or should there be an attempt to place each of them in the larger context where their relationship to each other and to the many more cultural items can be observed? Many today, either out of ignorance or for reasons of political ideology, propound theories that can only be called ridiculousasuch as, that the Hindus have been victimized by Muslim rule and have been slaves during the last thousand years. The degree of ignorance contained in such a statement is astonishing, because it is actually a denial of the most effective, evocative and cherished religious articulations in various facets of Hinduism that took place during the last thousand years. [a] This is not to say that there was no confrontation at the political level but this should not be confused with claiming that there was massive victimization of the Hindus bringing about Hindu resistance in the late Mughal period. Political relations should be examined in terms of the politics of the time. Conflicts of a routine kind were clearly local and more casual than has been assumed. Relations between communities in general tend to be governed by some degree of accommodation and some degree of confrontation. It makes greater sense to try and analyse the reasons for either. Political relations should be examined in terms of the politics of the time. The British conquered India but did not settle in the land. They drained its resources to enhance industrial capitalism in the home country and find markets in the colonies. Unlike the British, the Turks, Afghans, Arabs, and Mughalsacommonly bunched together as athe Muslim rulersa ainvaded India, but also settled in the country. New communities and new patterns of thought and expression came into being. To treat all Hindu and Muslim cultures as separate cultures, entirely segregated and demarcated from each other, is historically untenable, nor is it viable in cultural terms. The form taken by facets of these cultures, and from earliest times, from the architecture and ornamentation of monumental buildings to the compositions of music whether as ragas or qawwalis, derives from the interplay of more than even two cultures. The recognition of this multiplicity gives authenticity to a cultural form. [a] But to return to our times. Nationalism can determine the selection of what we project as national culture. This helps in the preservation of what otherwise might have declined, or it highlights ideas and objects that might have been neglected. This might be called a positive role even if the selection of what is to be preserved may not have unanimous support from the nation, or that citizens may feel that some cultural items were deliberately or inadvertently left out. But there is also the problem of the destruction of culture in the name of nationalism or a similar sentiment. This is generally a systematic, deliberate destruction of a prominent aspect of culture in order to make a statement and attract attention. It is essentially a political act and may actually have little to do with sentiment. There have been some rather dramatic cases of this in recent times. The Greco-Roman monuments in Palmyra and Aleppo in Syria were destroyed by Islamic extremists of the Islamic State; the massive Buddhist statues at Bamiyan in Afghanistan were destroyed again by Islamic extremists, the Taliban; and the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was destroyed, by Hindu extremists claiming, among other things, to be avenging the raid of Mahmud of Ghazni on the temple of Somanatha that took place a thousand years ago, as well as assuaging a supposed subsequent Hindu trauma. Historically there is no mention of such a trauma in the ancient texts. It is mentioned for the first time in 1842 in In some ways, it is becoming somewhat anachronistic to speak of national culture. the course of a debate in the House of Commons in Britain when a member of the British parliament suggested that the raid might have created a trauma among the Hindus. The Babri Masjid was a sixteenth-century mosque that in the name of history and culture, had been deemed a protected monument of the Indian state, but in the name of Hindu nationalism it was destroyed by those antagonistic to its presence at a site that they claimed was sacred to them marking a temple to Rama. [a] In some ways, it is becoming somewhat anachronistic to speak of national culture. In the minds and activities of those for whom religious cultures carry a political message of identity, the constituents of national culture can be changed by political diktat. National cultures are not static. They too mutate, dependent on those who create them. What was regarded as national culture by Indians a century ago is not identical with what some Indians today would describe as national culture, for the latter are busy trying to expunge what they maintain are alien elements and not part of the Indian tradition as they see it. And then there is globalisation. The rush to be globalised brings two contradictory trends: one is to be open and participate in a global economy and society, and the other is to create citadels in the name of religion that are in effect self-contained citadels. It could be said that there is an element of continuity in this. In the past, there were viharas (monasteries), mathas, and khanqahs (hospices) that had contacts with similar institutions in other parts of the known world. Donations from patrons allowed them to be independent of state interference and if they were powerful enoughaas some wereathey intervened in politics. But with this differenceathat whether they saw themselves as another kind of social institution or not, their transparency was also a source of their strength. They were not citadels. Patronage is a significant facet in the making of culture and in protecting what is defined as culture. Who is providing the patronage and for whom and what is being protected and why, are all relevant questions, and in turn raise a host of further questions in their answers. Where patronage takes the form of gift-giving it acts as a method of exchange between donor and recipient, and creates a relationship that has cultural implications. A tangible gift may be given in exchange for an intangible aura and status that is claimed by the donor. Patronage and gift-giving provide many glimpses of cultural readings of a society. When we speak of national culture today we concede that the state as patron is also involved in determining the content of this culture, as it has always been in the past to varying degrees. What we do not concede but should, is that alternative definitions of culture have also to be protected. This can only become a practice when the defining of culture ceases to go to only one source and is able to induct other sources. Excerpted with the permission of Aleph Book Company from Indian Cultures As Heritage by Romila Thapar. LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE engages in the manufacture of luxury goods. It operates through the following business segments: Wines & Spirits, Fashion & Leather Goods, Perfumes & Cosmetics, Watches & Jewelry, Selective Retailing, and Other Activities & Eliminations. The Wines & Spirits segment produces and sells high quality champagne wines and sparkling wines. It also distributes vodka and white liquor. The Fashion & Leather Goods segment engages in the manufacture of luggage items, bags, accessories, shoes and clothes. The Perfumes & Cosmetics segment engages in the production and distribution of make-up, perfume and skin care products. The Watches & Jewelry segment manufactures luxury watches and accessories form men and women. It specializes in the field of chronographs and ultimate precision. The Selective Retailing segment is organized to promote an environment that is appropriate to the image and status of the luxury brands. It engages in the sale of luxury products to international travelers and on board cruise ships. This segment also manages beauty stores that combine direct access and customer assistance to customers. The Other Activities & Eliminations segment i Read More Oklahoma teachers have reacted with disgust and anger over the pay offer and the school-funding bill signed into law by Republican Governor Mary Fallin Thursday afternoon. Teachers are preparing for a statewide strike by over 40,000 educators on Monday, April 2. While the governor praised the bipartisan deal for giving teachers the largest raise in Oklahoma history, the one-time increase of between $5,000 to $7,000, depending on years of service, will do little for teachers who are ranked 49th in the nation in pay. Teachers have not had a raise in a decade even as they have borne higher out-of-pocket costs for health care and pensions. The $474 million funding package adopts proposals by the teachers union and state Democrats to pay for the raise through a series of regressive taxes, including a one-dollar increase on cigarettes, increases in gasoline and diesel fuel taxes, plus a small tax increase on new oil and gas wells. This amount, however, will not even a put a dent in the billions of dollars both parties have cut from public education over the last decade. Between 2008 and 2018, under both Fallin and her Democratic predecessor, Brad Henry, Oklahomas per pupil funding fell by 28 percent, more than any other state in the US. Oklahoma now spends $1,000 less per child than it did 10 years ago, according to the Center of Budget and Policy Priorities. Due to these cuts, 20 percent of the states schools have been forced to adopt a four-day schedule. While claiming there were no resources for public education, let alone pay raises, the Democrats and Republicans over the last decade have handed billions of dollars in tax breaks to the states energy corporations. Inspired by the nine-day strike of West Virginia teachers, which temporarily broke free from the control of the unions, tens of thousands of teachers joined the Facebook pages Oklahoma Teachers United and Oklahoma Teacher Walkout-The Time is Now! to demand open-ended strike action until they win a $10,000 pay raise and full funding for public education. While unable to call the strike off, the Oklahoma Education Association (OEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) are opposed to an extended strike, which would reinvigorate opposition throughout the country. Like their counterparts in West Virginia, union officials are already using the threat of potential fines or disciplinary action, and claims that a prolonged strike would alienate the public, to counter the militant sentiments of teachers. At the same time, OEA and AFT officials are boosting illusions that lobbying the legislators after teachers return to school will bear fruit. After the Senate passed the bill Wednesday night, OEA President Alicia Priest called the sham a great victory, while acknowledging it might not be everything that we want. She went on to patronize teachers, saying, Because you made your voice heard and fought with such compassionate courage we how have a bipartisan deal that will give teachers an average $6,000 raise. Aware of the deep opposition among teachers, Priest added, I know you may be disappointed like me that the legislature left money on the table. She acknowledged that the funding measure would do nothing to address the shortage of textbooks, four-day weeks and overcrowded classes. Nor did it restore the 28 percent funding cut carried out over the last decade. We must ensure every student has the resources they need. Thats why we will be in the capitol on April 2. The OEA will support teachers for as long as they want to stay at the capitol. Rank-and-file teachers rejected the claims of historic victories and took to the Oklahoma Teachers United page to post their opposition. Travis Hathcote wrote: This afternoon Guymon teachers and support staff came together and by a significant majority voted to reaffirm our support of a walkout! Proud of our staff and thankful for our supportive administration and school board. This is not just about raises, it is about restoring funding! Karen Cavanaugh-Wellner, wrote, Many of the Mustang teachers are just sick! We were told by our superintendent today that we will be out Monday but he expects school as usual on Tuesday. They he sent a survey asking if we were going to be in school Tuesday. Steven Rhoden, a paraprofessional in special education at an elementary school in Tulsa, told the World Socialist Web Site that teachers are not happy with the deal, and paraprofessionals and support staff would get little if anything. Teachers are in the profession because they want to be and feel a calling to their work. They are taken advantage of because of their high level of commitment. It is the kids that make it worthwhile, but the longer teachers are in the profession, the harder it is to keep going. Steven said the number of paraprofessionals has consistently fallen, even as demand for their services grows. As a special education helper, he said he does not see how teachers can handle what theyre asked to do. Class sizes have gotten so large, even in special education classrooms, that education is often difficult to achieve. A teacher in Anadarko, in south central Oklahoma, told the WSWS that teachers feel sold out. The legislators, he said, have already cut some funding they agreed to 48 hours ago. As for the unions, he added, I dont see how they could have the best interest of education or children in mind, when weve had to wait 10 years for this. Why wait for things to get so critical? Earlier this week, thousands of teachers in Arizona marched to demand a 20 percent wage increase and full funding for education. Linda, an elementary school teacher in Phoenix, told the WSWS, Teachers here want to walk out too. Its happening worldwide. They treat us awfully here. Were number 48 for school funding and at the bottom for pay. We teach poor kids, who come from the projects and face poverty, drugs and gangs, and instead of giving us more resources they blame the teachers for the educational problems, saying were not motivated enough. Now the governor wants to bring in uncertified teachers and military veterans, so they can pay them less and systematically destroy education. Teachers want the pay they deserve and theyre willing to fight for it. From the very beginning, the struggle in Oklahoma, as in West Virginia, Kentucky, Arizona and other states, has been initiated by rank-and-file educators sick of decades of union-backed concessions and complicity in budget-cutting. In February, teachers in the West Virginia coalfields launched wildcat strikes, forcing the state affiliates of the National Education Association (NEA) and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) to call a statewide strike and then extend it. When the unions cut a deal with the states billionaire governor and ordered strikers back to work, teachers and school employees came together on the picket lines, at the state capitol and online to vote to defy the unions and continue the strike. The fatal weakness of that struggle, however, was that rank-and-file teachers did not build up the necessary organizations, free from the control of the unions, to take the struggle forward and mobilize the broadest support in the working class to fight the gang-up of the two big-business parties and the powerful corporate interests behind them. This enable the unions to reassert their control, smother opposition and impose essentially the same deal the teachers first rejected. The five percent pay raise for West Virginia teachers did nothing to address the strikers main demand to fully fund health care and end crushing out-of-pocket expenses. To make matters worse, the meager pay increase will be funded through slashing other essential services, including potential cuts to Medicaid for the low-income children the teachers serve. Oklahoma teachers must learn these lessons and decisively break with all the strikebreaking unions. Rank-and-file committees must be elected in every school and community to mobilize the entire working class behind this fight. The strike and mass protests on Monday should be used to discuss and debate a strategy to launch an industrial and political counteroffensive against the bipartisan attack on public education. The only way to guarantee the social right to quality public education and a living wage, health care and a comfortable retirement for educators is by carrying out a frontal assault on the entrenched wealth and power of the corporate and financial elite. Three weeks after the Italian parliamentary election, the protest movement Five Star (M5S) and the far-right League (Northern League) have moved closer together, and they might now form a coalition government. The leaders of the two parties, 45-year-old Matteo Salvini (League) and 31-year-old Luigi Di Maio (M5S), are in constant contact. Salvini noted a few days ago that he speaks to Di Maio on the phone more often than to his own mother. Due to this close cooperation, the leaders of the two chambers of parliament were smoothly elected over the weekend. According to press reports, Di Maio and Salvini are working on a joint government programme. The M5S and the alliance of far-right partiesthe League, Silvio Berlusconis Forza Italia and the fascistic Fratelli dItalia (Brothers of Italy)elected Roberto Fico (M5S) as president of the Chamber of Deputies and Elisabetta Alberti Casellati (Forza Italia) as speaker of the Senate. The election is remarkable because, shortly before the parliamentary elections, Di Maio had promised that M5S would never engage in intrigues and deals behind closed doors. Roberto Fico, the new president of the Chamber of Deputies, declared: I guarantee we will never ally ourselves with the League: it is genetically different. But that is exactly what has happened. The election of the two Chamber presidents was the result of secret intrigues and deals between M5S and the League. M5S, which owed its election success to its proclaimed opposition to corruption, previously presented Berlusconi and his Forza Italia as its arch-enemies. Now, M5S has elevated Casellati, a super-Berlusconian, into the countrys second highest state office. The speaker of the Senate automatically assumes the duties of president if 76-year-old Sergio Mattarella is unable to carry out his duties. The lawyer Casellati, who holds a doctorate in church law, is an opponent of abortion and gay marriage. She has sat in parliament for Forza Italia since 1994. She has supported all of Berlusconis campaigns against the judiciary, drafted laws that protected him from trials for corruption, and defended him on talk shows and on demonstrations. She is also implicated in corrupt practices after hiring her daughter as secretary of state at the Ministry of Health. Casellati, however, was not Berlusconis choice. The former head of government favoured Paolo Romani, a minister from his last cabinet. But Salvini, whose League achieved a bigger share of the vote in the election than Berlusconis Forza Italia, is now calling the shots in the far-right camp. He nevertheless chose a candidate from Forza Italia and not from his own party because he needs Berlusconis support to become head of government. Negotiations on the new government begin after Easter, when President Mattarella invites the various parties for consultations. Former Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni (PD) has submitted his resignation, as required by the constitution, and is now leading a caretaker government until a new government takes over. Theoretically, there are four options for a governing majority in the 630-seat lower house, but they all face significant problemsa coalition of M5S (227 seats) with the League alone (125 seats), a coalition of the M5S with the entire far-right alliance (265 seats), a coalition of the latter alliance with the Democrats (PD) (112 seats), or a coalition of the M5S with the Democrats. M5S and the League have a small majority, even without the participation of Forza Italia, but this immediately raises the question of who takes over as head of government. Both Di Maio and Salvini have laid claim to the post. The M5S parliamentary faction is almost twice as large as the Leagues, so Di Maio is disinclined to allow Salvini to head the government. The situation is different when the entire far-right alliance participates in the government. Together it has more deputies than M5S. For a long time, the League and M5S were considered to be politically irreconcilable. The League, which emerged from the separatist Northern League, is following a far-right-wing course. Its role model is the National Front of Marine Le Pen in France. It has its base in the prosperous north of the country and has promised to deport half a million migrants and reduce taxes to 15 percent if it comes to power. M5S poses as a protest party that stands neither right nor left, and as an opponent of the corrupt Italian political caste. It achieved its greatest electoral successes with the promise of a universal basic income in the south, where poverty, unemployment and precarious work prevail. After the close cooperation of the past few days, however, an alliance between the two parties looks increasingly possible. What unites them is their criticism of the European Union (EU) and the common European currency. Both have stated that they will not stick to the EU limit of 3 percent of GDP for the government deficit. In Brussels and Berlin, such a ruling alliance in Italy is therefore considered a horror scenario. The League and M5S also largely concur in their hostility to immigrants. The basic income promised by the M5S is far from universal. It is more like an Italian version of Germanys Hartz IV payments. According to a parliamentary proposal of M5S, it would only be paid under certain conditions. An amount of 780 per month would be given to those who are permanently registered at Job Centres and accept at least their third job offer. Above all, the basic income would be paid exclusively to Italian nationals, thereby further deepening divisions in the working class. Meanwhile, the founder of M5S, the comedian Beppe Grillo, has signalled his agreement to an alliance with the League. Salvini is one who keeps his word when he says something. Thats rare, Grillo declared. Salvini returned the compliment: The Grillini have so far proven to be trustworthy. Silvio Berlusconi has called on the president to entrust the formation of the government to League leader Salvini. The centre right received the most votes and thus has the right to appoint the prime minister, he told the Corriere della Sera. Salvini has the right and duty to try to form a government. Berlusconi, who has always been at loggerheads with the M5S, prefers an alliance with the Democrats (PD), the main losers in the parliamentary election. Such a coalition would only have a majority if the entire right-wing alliance is involved. The PD would be the strongest single party and could claim the office of prime ministera move that would be hardly in the interests of Salvini. The last option, a coalition of the M5S with the Democrats, would be dominated by M5S, which could claim the office of prime minister. So far, it is unlikely that the PD would support the 31-year-old Di Maio in this endeavour. All that is certain is that the horse-trading will continue behind the scenes in the coming weeks. Whether the pact between Di Maio and Salvini holds is hard to predict, let alone what other deals may be offered, made or rejected. Ultimately, the extreme crisis of Italian politics is the result of the deep gulf between the needs and aspirations of the broad mass of the population and all of the parties represented in parliament. None of them has an answer to the horrendous levels of youth unemployment, declining incomes and the social crisis that dominate in the country. Using populist demagogy, the M5S and the League were able to win a considerable number of votes, but a government of these two parties, like any other conceivable coalition, would pursue a far-right political agenda and rapidly come into sharp conflict with the working class. Only an independent movement of the working class, fighting for an international socialist programme, can prevent the country from drifting further to the right. In what may become a significant blow to its chances of survival, the Liberal-National government abandoned its bid to push through parliament this week its signature economic policya company tax cut for big business. Despite two years of public campaigning, an advertising blitz by the Business Council of Australia and weeks of haggling with the 11 crossbench independents and minor party Senators, the government was unable to muster the votes to pass the bill. Parliament is now in recess until it resumes for just three days for the federal budget to be delivered on May 8, when the government may try again. But there are growing doubts in ruling circles over the governments ability to ever implement one of its main promises to the corporate elitea tax cut worth at least $35 billion over the next decade. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbulls so-called enterprise plan to slash the company tax rate from 30 percent to 25 percent by 2026 was the centrepiece of the governments May 2016 budget. It was a key plank of its platform for the 2016 double dissolution election, which left it with a precarious one-seat majority in the lower house, and only 30 seats in the 76-member Senate. Since then, the demands of the capitalist class for the tax cut have only become more insistent because of the Trump administrations cut in the US rate to 21 percent, and the growing danger of a US-China trade war. Australian capitalism depends heavily on foreign investment inflows, especially from the US, which could be diverted back into America, as well as on exports of raw materials to China. There are also signs of the bursting of a property bubble, accompanied by soaring household debt levels, that has largely kept the economy afloat since the mining boom imploded in 2011. With the Labor oppositions help, the government succeeded in passing the first phase of its legislation, reducing the tax rate for smaller businesses. But Labor has baulked at extending the cut to the largest companies, those with annual turnovers of more than $50 million. At the beginning of this week, the government and the media confidently predicted that enough deals would be struck to successfully put the rest of the bill to a Senate vote. Pauline Hansons anti-immigrant One Nation, which has become the governments closest ally, had signed up, handing the government three Senate votes in return for a supposed pledge to subsidise 1,000 rural apprenticeships. In the end, however, the governments horse-trading could only bring seven crossbench Senators on board. For all the posturing by the Senate holdouts, the setback reflects intense public hostility toward the tax cuts and the government itself. Opinion polls have recorded support for the bill running at less than 20 percent, while this weeks Murdoch media Newspoll showed the governments primary support at 37 percent, behind the Labor Party on 39 percent. The government lagged behind Labor for the 29th Newspoll survey in a row, just one short of the 30 such results that Turnbull cited in September 2015 to justify the move to oust his predecessor, Tony Abbott from the prime ministers post. The tax bill setback could reignite the factional rifts that have wracked both the Liberal and National parties, especially since the governments near-defeat in 2016. Driving the hostility toward the government, and the political establishment as a whole, is the social crisis being experienced by millions of working-class households as a result of the ruthless drive for corporate profit. Average real wages have fallen for six years, permanent jobs are being eliminated in favour of casualised or contract employment, prices are soaring for essentials such as housing, utilities, healthcare and childcare, and basic services and infrastructure are deteriorating. The Business Council of Australia (BCA), representing the biggest companies operating in Australia, had sought to boost the governments efforts by issuing advertisements and an open letter to Senators last week signed by 10 CEOs, pledging to reinvest the proceeds of the tax cuts, with the ultimate aim of increasing wages. That operation backfired, however, when a leaked copy of the initial draft of the BCA letter revealed that the business chiefs had refused to sign up to any specific promises to use the tax bonanza to invest more, hire extra workers, increase wages or even pay tax. Another leakthat of a secret BCA survey of its membersshowed that more than 80 percent would use the proceeds to either boost returns to shareholders or invest in the company. Only a fifth said they would directly increase wages or employ more staff. These leaks were especially damaging because Turnbull and other government ministers had spent weeks endlessly restating the lie that a corporate tax cut would flow through to higher wages and more jobs. After the governments withdrawal of the bill, Turnbull assured a BCA dinner the government was not giving up on getting the tax cut through parliament. The BCA announced yet another expensive advertising campaign, designed to improve the public image of big business. The materials accompanying the new campaign note the business community has become an easy target and anti-business forces have a significant campaign advantage in terms of organisation, communication and data collection. In reality, the widespread anti-capitalist sentiment reflects the acceleration of social inequality since the 2008 global financial meltdown, not least because the corporate and financial elite pays little or no tax as a result of generous tax concessions. Due to numerous write-offs and deductions, the effective tax rate paid by many companies in Australia is much lower than 30 percentit has been calculated at 10.4 percent by the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation. Other foreign investors arrange their affairs to pay little or no tax in Australia. This is particularly true for Big Tech companies, such as Google, Amazon and Facebook, where intellectual property makes it easy to shift profits to low-tax jurisdictions like Ireland, Singapore and Luxembourg. An Anglicare study this week reported that eight of the largest tax concessions and exemptions cost just over $135 billion a year in foregone revenue, and all disproportionately benefit high income and wealthy households. Anglicares report, The Cost of Privilege, estimated that concessions worth $68.5 billion go to the richest 20 percent of householdsmore than the $68.1 billion annual cost of the disability support pension and assistance to families and children. Sensing the popular outrage, Labor Party leader Bill Shorten this week dared Turnbull to make the next federal election, due by May 2019, a referendum on the company tax bill, and vowed to repeal the legislation if it were passed in the meantime. The Labor Partys posturing is entirely hypocritical. It is no less a party of big business than the Liberals. As recently as 2011, Shortenthen a key minister in the Gillard Labor governmentadvocated lower company taxes. Cutting the company income tax rate increases domestic productivity and domestic investment, he told parliament, and leads to more jobs and higher wages. In a 2013 book, Labors shadow treasurer Chris Bowen advocated promoting growth through cutting company tax as a Labor thing. With Turnbulls government showing signs of imploding, the Australian and the Australian Financial Review recently promoted Bowen, citing his admiration for the Hawke and Keating governments of the 1980s and 1990s. Those Labor governments restructured the economy at the expense of the working class and slashed the company tax rate more than any other government in Australian historyfrom 49 to 33 percent. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe The Hindu, March 28, 2018 by Anuradha Raman and Vikas Pathak History and mythology both try to explain the past but while history relies on evidence, myths rely on fantasy and must be examined differently, says the scholar The role of a public intellectual is not easy, especially when it comes to interrogating the government in power and holding it accountable. What is the role of a public intellectual in India today? One of Indias foremost historians and Professor Emerita at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Romila Thapar, answers this question and speaks of the attacks on secularism. She also talks about the attempts to blur the distinction between myth and history, whether by the government which has appointed a committee to prove that Hindu scriptures are not myths, or by citizens who last year protested against the film Padmaavat, claiming that it depicted awronglya their amedieval queena. Only by gathering knowledge can we understand how both history and myth inform historians but in different ways, she says. Excerpts: A committee formed by the Ministry of Culture has suggested that efforts should be made to find a correlation between ancient Indian history and epics such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Do you find this endeavour useful or problematic? History is generally not written by committees but by individual historians. A committee may be asked to assess what the historian has written. Assigning texts such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana to particular dates is always complicated and becomes controversial as these kinds of texts, often called epics, are rarely written at a specific date since they tend to be added to at various points in time. This is why the Sanskrit scholar V.S. Sukthankar at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, who edited the critical edition of the Mahabharata, gave a span of time [of when the epic was written and added to] from 400 BC to 400 AD. A point you made in response to an essay in The Public Intellectual in India was that aa society like the one we live in needs its public intellectualsa . People who can ask the right questions at the right moments. What did you mean by aa society like the one we live ina ? I am really referring to approximately the last quarter century in a general way, but more specifically to the last four years. Specifically, the last three or four years, because that is when asking questions has been discouraged. We are increasingly told what is right and what is wrong, and we are being told this by the government and a range of organisations that claim status and authority and who, when questioned, answer by being violent. So, you have assassinations of people who question their views and you have the lynching of people who are suspected of acting against their diktat. Some people today who represent the majority are suggesting the need for a debate on secularism, which forms a part of the Preamble of the Constitution. Does it call for a debate? This is a big question. Secularism is not something external to our lives that we can do away with as and when we choose. It is an attitude towards other people. Normally it is regarded as a good attitude. So, if people are questioning secularism, you have to ask what is wrong with their attitude to other people in questioning something which is essentially a positive feature of interaction? At one level, secularism requires the coexistence of religions. It also requires the equal status of all religions. And this upsets those whose religion has supposedly superior status or has aspects that have privileges and advantages, like a majority religion. But secularism also goes beyond religions and envisages a society of citizens, all of whom have equal rights. Therefore, it cannot support a Hindu Rashtra where Hindus have a primary and privileged citizenship. Citizenship has to be based on equal rights. In a secular society, identity changes a from earlier identities of caste, religion and language to an identity as citizens of the nation. This is a major change which has not been discussed sufficiently. It often comes together with nationalism which is not limited to simply shouting slogans but involves a commitment to building a new kind of society where everyone is entitled to a minimum of human rights. In your book Talking History, you discuss how histories are written. But there are popular myths around modern movements a be it Hindutva or the Dalit movement a that invent and inspire cadres. How would you look at these popular constructions as a historian? Myths are something we have always believed in. The only difference is that as you acquire more and more knowledge, you begin to differentiate between mythology and knowledge. Mythology is also a form of knowledge in its own way but it is different from the kind of knowledge that we discuss. Myths that have to do with history have to draw some comment from the historian. The historian has to differentiate between the mythologised narrative and a historical narrative. I am not going back to the 19th century and saying that history is a reconstruction of the truth because we do not know what the truth was. The truth exists in the past. So, itas not like science. We canat set up an experiment and prove that it happened or did not happen. So, one says much more with much greater humility now that the historian is not after the truth but is trying to understand and explain what happened in the past. Mythology is also an explanation, but the historianas explanation is totally different from the mythological explanation because it is not based on fantasy and imagination. It is based on what we call reliable evidence. But the interesting thing about mythology is that it does provide you with the assumptions of a society. Therefore, there is a sense in which you get a feeling that maybe it is telling us something about how people imagined what they were and what they wanted to be. You do examine them seriously but you examine them from the point of view of what is in it for the group that is inventing that myth. What about the myth of Padmavati, as per historians? It is a mythical ancestor because this entire story of Padmavati was a fictional poem written by an erudite Muslim nobleman who wished to express his artistic feelings by writing this poem. And it was accepted as a very beautiful poem about an imagined person. In a sense it doesnat surprise me because I have worked a great deal on ancient genealogies when families came to power. And very rarely did you have ruling families from the upper echelons of society. They were usually adventurous people who made a bid for power. But when families come to power, they want an ancestry. So, they invite the people who are the keepers of the ancestry. In the early days it was the bards and later on it was the Brahmins. And they invent, they fabricate a genealogy. They invent a little history and as it comes closer to your own time it becomes more and more historical. Why at this point of time is it important to have a particular ancestor? It has to do with current politics and society. Social change is going on in which various groups that had a high position almost automatically donat have that high position now. So, there is a sense of social and political insecurity. So, one tries to rally round as many people by giving them an idiom. And I think this has become an idiom for that kind of rallying ground. Hindutva had been traditionally labelled as a Brahminical ideology. Would you see the rise of Other Backward Classes leaders such as Narendra Modi and Shivraj Singh Chouhan as the BJPas faces as a sign that Hindutva has considerably deepened its social base? In the beginning, there was a great deal of influence of what one might call original Hindutva, which was very Brahminical. That was the ideology. Now that they have become a political party a and one with an obvious future a they have to reach out to other people. And one of the easiest ways of reaching out is to go to the suppressed groups and say that we will give you a better life if you join us. And that is exactly what is happening. There is lots of Hinduisation taking place among the Scheduled Castes, as we know from places like Gujarat. It is likely that if they get a larger following among non-Brahmins and non-Hindus, as the Dalits are, they might have to make concessions in their ideology as well. About the OBCs, it is an easier outreach provided you are willing to say that Hindutva included categories of people who may not be actually observing conservative Hinduism. And by the looks of it, they are obviously willing to make that concession. There is a new discourse around a supposed Lutyensa elite and its alleged machinations. As a public intellectual, how do you see this new trend where expertise is looked down upon as elitism and exclusion? I faced this myself when I was asked to give a lecture at the Ambedkar University and there was opposition to it from various Dalit groups saying that the Ambedkar lecture should not be given by a non-Dalit. In the same way as we have had this for decades by people who said there are certain places where only Brahmins and upper caste people should be allowed entry and be allowed to be giving talks. So, it cuts both ways. Itas a reflection of the present-day political scene where you have in a sense opened up society at different levels, but you havenat opened it up to say that what matters is expertise and quality. You have opened it up by saying that what matters is your social recognition, which includes caste and religion, and money. But what worries me most about this attitude, whether it comes from the upper elite or the lower ranks, is the consistent effort that is made by such groups to destroy the content of education. The very backbone of a society is based on education. That is where you not only teach people to function but you teach them values and you teach them what their society is all about. So, your socialisation is taking place through education and your skills are being acquired through education. And finally, your employment comes through education. That is the one area that is being damaged the most by all these attacks saying your ideology is wrong, your caste is wrong, your attitudes are incorrect, and so on. But there were large classes of people who have been denied quality education. So, maybe this is a backlash. This is where teaching history comes in. Premodern societies were very elitist. The whole question of countering or questioning the elite, particularly the elite that is concerned with knowledge, is a recent phenomenon. And I think it is a very good thing that this questioning has come in. But the act of questioning should not become more important than what is being questioned. Photo credit: Getty From Esquire Adnan Syed, whose murder trial was the subject of the 2014 podcast sensation 'Serial,' is getting a new trial. The Maryland Court of Special Appeals upheld the decision of a lower court on Thursday in a 2-1 decision. The Adnan Syed v. State of Maryland case started in 2000 when Syed was convicted of murdering his high school girlfriend, Hae Min Lee, in Baltimore, Maryland. In 2016, a lower court decided to vacate Syed's conviction and ruled that he deserted a retrial because his attorney failed to cross-examine a key witness in the case. Prosecutors then appealed that decision to the appellate court, and the original decision was upheld in today's decision. One judge dissented in today's opinion hearing, which means the case can still be escalated up to Maryland's highest court before Syed's new trial. Photo credit: Serial The key witness in question is Asia Chapman, the subject of many comments under the ongoing #FreeAdnan campaign. For those who don't remember, Chapman said she saw Syed at the at he library in Woodlawn, Maryland, around the time prosecutors claim Lee was killed, and said that Syed couldn't be guilty. Currently, Syed is represented by attorney C. Justin Brown-his former attorney was the late Cristina Gutierrez. Brown claims that Gutierrez provided ineffective counsel when she did not pursue an alibi by calling Chapman as a witness and when she did not cross-examine the state's cell tower expert on the accuracy of location data that placed Syed near the victim's body. You Might Also Like Stacey Dash is withdrawing from a congressional election campaign. (Photo: Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images) Clueless star turned Fox News commentator Stacey Dash said Friday that, a month after entering the race to represent Californias 44th District in the House of Representatives, shes withdrawing. I have released this statement on my campaign. Its not an easy one. Stacey Dash (@REALStaceyDash) March 30, 2018 Dash, who was running as a Republican, said she remained committed to improving the lives of people who have been forgotten for decades by the Democratic Party but added that the overall bitterness surrounding our political process, the rigors of campaigning and holding elected office would be detrimental to the health and wellbeing of my family. At the same time, someone identified as being close to the campaign confirmed to the Hollywood Reporter that Dash was concerned about the personal safety of her loved ones. There were too many threats against her and her family, the insider said. It was overwhelming. Dash, a Trump supporter, is known for taking polarizing stances, something she addressed in her statement, saying the real controversy is how government corruption and political disempowerment have been accepted, leading to skyrocketing home prices, dirty needles in the streets, and other problems. In January 2016, Dash called for an end of Black History Month and other entities and events, such as the BET Awards, that focus on a single race. Either we want to have segregation or integration, Dash said during an appearance on Fox & Friends. And if we dont want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the Image Awards, where youre only awarded if youre black. If it were the other way around, we would be up in arms. Its a double standard. Shes also suggested that trans people go to the bathroom in the bushes, rather than in public restrooms. Her take on feminism is that its emasculating for men. Story continues Dashs latest acting role was in an upcoming thriller called The Dawn. Read more from Yahoo Entertainment: By J'na Jefferson Howard Universitys current president Wayne A.I. Frederick confirmed Wednesday that members of the university abused the students financial aid funding for their own personal needs, and were removed from their positions. Hearing about the mishandling of funds at the University can be difficult to process, wrote President Frederick in a statement on the schools website. I can also understand how upsetting it is to feel that the University has not communicated with you regarding this incident. The goal established at the onset of this investigation was to conduct it in a confidential manner that ensured a thorough examination of the issues without jeopardizing the integrity of the findings. However, that does not mitigate the sense of mistrust that many students and members of our community feel right now. We understand that and we hear you. An internal investigation into a now-deleted Medium post discovered that six employees attending classes at the historically-black educational institution received tuition benefits as well as university grants, resulting in receiving more money than the cost of tuition at the school. President Frederick noted that he is working with outside experts to assist in exploring all options to recoup the funds. Social media caught wind of senior Tyrone Hankerson, a student employee who is at the center of the controversy. It is reported that he scammed nearly half-a-million dollars from the university. President Frederick appears to address Hankerson in his address. Further, I want to make clear that students who also work at the University do so under the supervision of University employees, who are ultimately responsible for their activities, he continued. Most Howard employees are responsible citizens and serve the University well, so I want to also acknowledge their efforts. Any exceptions to this rule, however, will continue to be aggressively addressed. Story continues Please review the following statement from President Frederick regarding University Grants Howard University (@HowardU) March 28, 2018 Please refer to the latest statement from President Frederick to students. Please know that we take malfeasance, fraud, and other forms of unethical behavior on campus seriously and address them swiftly. Howard University (@HowardU) March 29, 2018 This post Howard University President Confirms Financial Aid Scandal In Address To School first appeared on Vibe. The bodies of two Utah teenagers missing since December have possibly been found in an abandoned mine outside the town where they were living, PEOPLE confirms. Foul play is suspected but a cause of death remains unclear pending further investigation. Officials with the Utah County Sheriffs Office, Juab County Sheriffs Office and Unified Fire Authority made the discovery on Wednesday afternoon in the abandoned Tintic Standard Mine near Eureka, about 75 miles south of Salt Lake City. Riley Powell, 18, and 17-year-old Brelynne Breezy Otteson were reported missing on Jan. 2 after they didnt return to the Eureka home they lived in. They were dating, according to the Gephardt Daily. It appears, preliminarily, that [the bodies] may be Riley Powell and Breezy Otteson, Utah County Sheriff Office Undersheriff Darin Durfey told reporters on Wednesday, according to local news station KUTV. However, positive identification needs to be made by the medical examiners office before we can confirm that. For us, were bringing the kids home, said Ottesons aunt, Amanda Hunt, the Deseret News reports. Thats where were at right now. Were finally getting that closure. Its gone from searching for Breezy and Riley to justice for Breezy and Riley, Hunt siad. If this is them, thats where were at. The sheriffs office says that there is a person of interest in the case but have declined to name them. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. From left: Riley Powell and Brelynne Breezy Otteson A coroner will conduct autopsies on the remains to try to determine a cause and manner of death. Police believe that the case will be classified as a homicide. Obviously at this point, it appears foul play is involved, Durfey said at the news conference. Juab County Sheriff Douglas Anderson said that details in the investigation had led them to the mineshaft where the remains were found. He declined to specify what type of information had led them to the mine, however, and authorities did not take questions. Story continues Powells mother and his mothers boyfriend had previously been identified in court documents in connection with the investigation but were not mentioned on Wednesday. PEOPLEs efforts to reach them for comment were unsuccessful. The Case So Far The dark blue 1999 Jeep Cherokee Powell and Otteson had been driving was found hidden and obscured by trees on Jan. 11, near Cherry Creek Reservoir, about 14 miles southwest of Eureka, according to authorities. Investigators discovered that two of the Jeeps tires on the passenger side had been punctured. Police also found a camouflage tie-down strap stuck in the drivers side of the vehicle, according to a search warrant affidavit previously obtained by PEOPLE. Around the time of of the teens disappearance, investigators say a witness saw a Chevy pickup truck used by the boyfriend of Powells mother pulling a Jeep described as the one Riley is always driving. It is suspected that the blue Chevy truck, the affidavit states, was used to transport, conceal, hide, and plant the victims vehicle in Cherry Creek at the location it was discovered, to give the illusion that the victims were indeed stranded. On Jan. 16, police searched the home Powells mother shared with her boyfriend. There, investigators found a tie-down strap that was identical in camouflage pattern to the one stuck in the jeep leaf spring in the bed of the truck matching the description of the truck that was described by the witness as pulling Rileys Jeep, the affidavit states. According to the search warrant, Powells mother was among those interviewed about the case. However, her boyfriend refused to cooperate. The affidavit also states that three people who were interviewed gave differing stories about where Powells mother and her boyfriend were on New Years Eve. Powells mother told investigators she was at home but two others said she was not, according to the affidavit. With CHRISTINE PELISEK Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham have hit the road. After packing up Burnhams belongings from her place in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the former Bachelor and his fiancee are currently driving across the country, headed to Scottsdale, Arizona where shell officially move in with him. The reality stars have been documenting their trip on social media, including photos and videos of the two goofing around in the car. Want to keep up on the latest from PEOPLE? Sign up for our daily newsletter to get our best stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox. On Friday, Luyendyk Jr. shared a selfie of the couple and Burnhams dog! driving through Jackson, Tennessee. Gezellig, he captioned the shot, which means cozy in Dutch, his native language. Gezellig ???? A post shared by Arie Luyendyk ???? (@ariejr) on Mar 29, 2018 at 5:19pm PDT The road trip comes just a few days after the couple returned stateside after a romantic Eurotrip exploring Barcelona and Iceland. The two had previously joked about fleeing the country following the controversial conclusion to his season of The Bachelor: Less than two months after proposing to finalist Becca Kufrin, Luyendyk Jr. realized he was still in love with his runner-up, Burnham. He ultimately decided to break things off with Kufrin, 27, to pursue a relationship with Burnham, 25 and proposed to her on live television during the two-hour After the Final Rose special on March 6. Burnham recently told PEOPLE the couple had an amazing time abroad. Although we traveled all around the world on the show, we didnt really get the experience of traveling together as a couple, she said. Its been fun trying to navigate these places and weve made a lot of new memories along the way! RELATED VIDEO: All About the Bold 3.5-Carat Engagement Ring Arie Luyendyk Jr. Gave Lauren Burnham And while the trip was incredible, both are looking forward to settling down in Scottsdale. Were both very excited about marriage and starting a family, Burnham previously told PEOPLE during the couples exclusive PEOPLE cover interview. In fact, Luyendyk Jr. says he wants two to four kids. If we get lucky, maybe wed have twins! he added. Photo credit: Getty From Esquire (Permanent Musical Accompaniment To This Post) Being our semi-regular weekly survey of whats goin down in the several states where, as we know, the real work of governmentin gets done, and where the shepherd is asleep and the willows weep. Because we are on our way to San Antone-mandatory nod to Bob Wills-we are making only two stops on our tour this week, but both of them are cherce. We begin in Wisconsin, where the desperate attempts of Scott Walker, the goggle-eyed homunculus hired by Koch Industries to manage that particular midwest subsidiary, and his pet legislature to subvert both democracy and the duties of Walkers office have reached the level of what my sainted mother used to call high-sterics. For the benefit of customers who may have come to tinhorn politicians late, the Republican majorities in the Wisconsin legislature gerrymandered the state so badly that even this Supreme Court gagged on the result. In addition, two seats in the state legislature came open and Walker was required by law to call special elections to fill them. Given the pasting Republicans have taken in similar elections around the country, this did not fill Walker and his pet legislature with either optimism or glee. So, he simply refused to call the elections. Photo credit: Getty Last week, however, a judge that Walker appointed told him to get the Koch Brothers mitts off his puppet strings and call the elections. This occasioned a week of huffing and blowing all throughout the capitol in Madison. The legislature has before it a bill that would eliminate the special elections on the grounds that the Republicans might lose them. (Im paraphrasing here.) Meanwhile, Walker appealed the previous courts decision and, on Wednesday, another court in Dane County slapped him down. From The Wisconsin State Journal: Walker hasnt argued that he cant order the elections or that Reynolds was wrong in requiring him to do so, Niess said. Rather, he said, the governor wants to be allowed to delay carrying out his mandatory, compulsory duty because there are now other reasons that he has brought to the courts attention. But these other reasons dont change the fact that his duty under the law remains the same, Niess said. No court that Im aware of is at liberty to ignore the law in order to facilitate the Legislatures consideration of bills that might become law. When and if a legislative bill becomes law it can be brought to the court, and at that time the arguments can be made as to what the effect of that law is on an already pending (order). Story continues In other words, Walker argued that his pet legislature will pass his blatant power-grab and so the judge should stay the elections until he and the legislature get their chance to destroy them entirely. This argument, while quaint, did not impress the judge. Walker then threatened to bring the whole matter before the state supreme court, but he chickened out almost instantaneously, largely because an appellate court judge did everything but knock him silly with the gavel. From the State Journal: Earlier Wednesday, 2nd District Appellate Court Judge Paul F. Reilly dismissed Walkers argument that the court should allow time for the Legislature to rewrite state law that would effectively block the special elections. Reilly issued the one-page ruling hours after DOJ appealed two Dane County judges decisions ordering Walker to call the special elections. Representative government and the election of our representatives are never unnecessary, never a waste of taxpayer resources, and the calling of the special elections are as the Governor acknowledges his obligation to follow, Reilly wrote. Walker had been thumping his tubs for weeks about how outside forces were making the good people of Wisconsin pay for special elections that Walker was obligated by law to call. (This is not dissimilar to the argument he made successfully against the campaign to recall him.) Judge Reilly had quite enough of that. Walker finally hollered uncle and scheduled the special elections for June 5. (The bill to do away with them appears to be dead as well.) There was no accounting for all the money the good taxpayers of Wisconsin had to kick into Walkers attempts to find a legal way not to do his job. They really would rather some people not get to vote. Jesus, these people. And we conclude, as is our wont, in the great state of Oklahoma, where Blog Official Derelict Gas Station Inspector Friedman of the Plains brings us an illuminating moment from a debate in that states legislature regarding education policy. From KFOR-4, Oklahomas News: On Monday, members of the Oklahoma House of Representatives debated a bill that would fund a teacher pay raise through several revenue-raising measures.Money is not the number one issue, said Rep. John Bennett. Maybe if we spanked our kids at home a little better with a paddle, made them mind and be good kids, the teachers wouldnt have it so hard in the classroom. On Tuesday, Bennett stood by his words. "Ive told all my kids' teacher that, If they get out of line, use a paddle on them,' Bennett said. If they get out of line after that, call me and Ill come up and paddle them in front of the whole class because they will not disrespect their elders or teachers in school. Bennett said bad behavior in schools is costing the state money. Oh, absolutely, Bennett said. It wastes the teachers' time, and money and effort because teachers arent supposed to be parents. Theyre a role model but not a parent. The parents need to do what theyre supposed to do as parents, put them on the learning foundation and then send them to school. And, then our teachers can do their job, which they do so well, and teach their kids. I think Representative Bennett should be at the top of the list of any PTA that classifies its students as enemy combatants. This is your democracy, America. Cherish it. Respond to this post on the Esquire Politics Facebook page. You Might Also Like Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. At least 68 people have died after a massive fire engulfed the overcrowded holding cells inside a police station in northern Venezuela on Wednesday, officials said. The country's chief prosecutor, attorney general Tarek William Saab, said on his official Twitter account that almost all the victims were male detainees. Two women who were visiting overnight were also killed, he said. Four prosecutors have been designated to investigate the inferno at the Carabobo state police headquarters in Valencia, according to Saab. The cause remains unknown. PHOTO: Police guard police headquarters after a fire engulfed holding cells in Valencia, Venezuela, March 29, 2018. (Juan Barreto/AFP/Getty Images) PHOTO: Maria Martinez, left, mother of Jose Rafman and his wife Juanita Bracho, cry after learning he died in a fire a day prior that swept through a police station where he was being detained, in Valencia, Venezuela, March 29, 2018. (Ariana Cubillos/AP) Relatives of detainees were seen gathering outside the station, anxiously waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones. Carabobo state secretary-general Jesus Santander said in a press conference Wednesday that authorities were still working to ascertain the exact number of deaths. The interior ministry, as well as other agencies, will determine the cause of the deadly blaze, he said. Santander promised that the local government will provide "comprehensive social assistance" to victim's families, including support for funeral services and psychological care. "We extend our solidarity to the families of the victims, as well as the families of the detainees who are injured and those who are presently out of risk. The government of Rafael Lacava has instructed its team to tend to the families of all victims," Santander said in the press conference. The United Nations Human Rights Office said it was "appalled at the horrific deaths," adding that it's "concerned at reports that security forces used tear gas to disperse relatives who had gathered in front of the police station in Valencia, Carabobo State, to demand information about their loved ones." "There is widespread overcrowding and dire conditions in Venezuelas prisons and also in police jails, which are often used as permanent detention centres. These conditions, which often give rise to violence and riots, are exacerbated by judicial delays and the excessive use of pre-trial detention," the statement continued. "... To this end, we urge the authorities to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, so as to enable independent prison monitoring by an international body." Story continues PHOTO: Relatives cry after learning their loved ones died in a fire that swept through a police station, in Valencia, Venezuela, March 29, 2018. (Ariana Cubillos/AP) PHOTO: Prisoners's relatives ask for information from police at a police station after a fire in Valencia, Venezuela, March 29, 2018. (Juan Barreto/AFP/Getty Images) Trump bans Americans from investing in Venezuelan cryptocurrency US announces sanctions against Venezuelan President Maduro The devastating fire is emblematic of a larger issue facing Venezuela in recent years. As Venezuela's economy teeters toward collapse, many prisoners are starving and being kept in congested cells, according to the Venezuelan Prisons Observatory. Many prisoners are also being detained at police stations for much longer than the typical holding period of a couple days due to overcrowding at larger jails, according to Caracas-based watchdog group. The International Monetary Fund projects the Venezuelan economy to decline another 15 percent this year, following a downward trend in the South American nation's oil exports due to its plummeting oil production. If the forecasts are accurate, then half of Venezuela's oil-dependent economy will have disappeared since 2014. Two pilots on different aircraft reported having close encounters with a mysterious object flying high above Arizona last month, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. The sightings occurred within minutes of each other on the afternoon of Feb. 24, some 40,000 feet above southern Arizona near the New Mexico border. ABC News obtained the audio recording of the conversation between the pilots and the Albuquerque Air Route Traffic Control Center, released by the FAA. The audio recording was first reported by The War Zone, part of Time Inc.'s The Drive. The news comes amid a series of reports of military pilots coming into contact with what they believed to be UFOs and the disclosure of a secret, but now-defunct Pentagon program to track such incidents. The pilot of a Learjet 36 belonging to Phoenix Air, with the tail number N71PG, reported the initial sighting. He asks the controller: "Was anybody above us that passed us like 30 seconds ago? "Negative," the controller responds. "OK. Something did," the Learjet pilot says. "It's a UFO," another pilot chimes in. "Yeah," the Learjet pilot laughs. 'Ghostbuster for aliens' investigates UFOs on the 'paranormal highway' Navy pilot recalls encounter with UFO: 'I think it was not from this world' PHOTO: Albuquerque Air Route Traffic Control Center in Albuquerque, N.M. (Google) A few minutes later, the controller radios to American Airlines Flight 1095, an Airbus A321. He asks the pilot, "Let me know if you see anything pass over you here in the next 15 miles." The pilot seems puzzled and responds, "If anything passes over us?" "Affirmative. We had an aircraft in front of you at 37 [thousand feet] that reported something pass over him and we didn't have any [radar] targets, so just let me know if you see anything pass over you," the controller says. "All right," the pilot says. The Learjet pilot joins the conversation, saying, "I don't know what it was, it wasn't an airplane but it was -- the path was going in the opposite direction." Story continues PHOTO: An American Airlines plane takes off from the Miami International Airport, Nov. 12, 2013 in Miami. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images) About a minute later, the American Airlines Flight 1095 pilot radios back to the controller to report a bizarre sighting in Arizona's airspace. "Yeah, something just passed over us, like a -- I don't know what it was. But it was at least two, three thousand feet above us. Yeah, it passed right over the top of us," the pilot says. "OK, American 1095, thank you," the controller responds. The controller later asks, "American 1095, can you tell if it was in motion or just hovering?" "Couldn't make it out whether it was a balloon or whatnot. But it was just really beaming light or could have had a big reflection and was several thousand feet above us going opposite direction," the pilot says. "Roger," the controller responds. The American Airlines pilot later radios to the controller again, asking if the unidentified object was a "Google balloon." "Doubtful," another pilot chimes in. The voice of another pilot adds, "UFO." PHOTO: An undated stock photo of an airplane. (STOCK/Getty Images) The controller was unable to verify that any other aircraft was in the area at the time of the reported sightings, according to a spokesperson for the FAA. "We have a close working relationship with a number of other agencies and safely handle military aircraft and civilian aircraft of all types in that area every day, including high-altitude weather balloons," the spokesperson told ABC News in an email Wednesday. Royal Canadian Navy Lt. Marco Chouinard, a spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command, told ABC News in an email Wednesday that NORAD assets were not involved in the Feb. 24 incident. Phoenix Air Group vice president Bob Tracey told ABC News he recently spoke with the captain of the Learjet after reading about the Feb. 24 sightings in a local newspaper. The captain said he was flying at about 37,000 feet when the unidentified object flew several thousand feet over his aircraft at a speed that appeared similar to what a commercial airline would travel. The captain said he often sees balloons or airships at these flight levels, but a beam of light shining off the object was so bright that he couldn't decipher whether that's what it was, according to Tracey. "He said the only thing that was different about this was that it was just so bright," Tracey said in a phone interview Wednesday. "The glare was so intense, they couldn't make it out." Tracey said the captain described the sighting as "rather uneventful," but he notified air traffic control because he was concerned the object could hit other aircraft. "He said when he landed, he didn't give it much thought," Tracey added. A spokesperson for X, the innovation lab of Google parent company Alphabet, confirmed to ABC News in an email Thursday that the object seen in Arizona's airspace on Feb. 24 was not one of its "Project Loon" balloons. American Airlines referred ABC News request for comment to the FAA. ABC News' Anthony McMahon, Rex Sakamoto and Daniel Steinberger contributed to this report. Two months ago, 92-year-old Jean Roper of Trussville, Alabama, was dying of kidney failure and doctors told her children and grandchildren that it was time for them to say their goodbyes. They said she had only two or three weeks to live, recalls Jeans great-granddaughter, Kayla Tracy, 24, and it was very hard for all of us to think that we were going to lose her. Shes always been the heart of our family. Then something remarkable happened. Kaylas 21-year-old sister, Amber Harris, was about to give birth to her first child and told Jean that the baby girl Jeans first great-great-grandaughter would be named after her. Practically overnight, Jeans condition began to improve. She was over the moon with excitement, Kayla tells PEOPLE, and she kept telling everyone, I just want to live long enough to see that baby girl. Although Jean and her husband, Edward, 94, already have three children, seven grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and 11 great-great grandchildren, almost all of them are boys. Jean with great-great-granddaughter, Magnolia Jean To know that she was going to soon have a great-great granddaughter was like medicine for her, says Kayla. It was so amazing to watch her transformation that I knew I had to document it. A photographer with her own business, Kayla Tracy Photography, the married mom of two began spending more time at her great-great-grandmothers house, less than two miles from her own, and captured Jeans elation and new outlook on life. Shed been battling depression since losing her oldest son four years ago to the same thing she had kidney failure, Kayla tells PEOPLE, but her whole attitude changed when she learned about that grandbaby. And once she was born, wow. It was an emotional time for everyone to witness her holding that new baby girl in her arms. Story continues Jean with great-great-granddaughter, Magnolia Jean Born on January 31, weighing 5 pounds and 2 ounces, Magnolia Jean absolutely helped me to survive and pull through my diagnosis, Jean, who used to run a beauty parlor in Trussville, tells PEOPLE. She helped keep my mind off how weak and terrible I felt, she says, and I thought she was the most beautiful baby girl Id ever seen. She was so tiny and every part of her was just perfect. And earlier this, says Jean, there was even more to celebrate. On March 5, she and Edward marked their 75th wedding anniversary at a Cracker Barrel luncheon with their family, then returned to their 85-acre farm to pose for pictures snapped by Kayla. Edward and Jean When she met Edward on a blind date in 1941, I thought he was mighty handsome, as well as kind and gentle, Jean tells PEOPLE. Edward and Jean a few days after their 1941 wedding And I thought enough of her to ask her on a second date, adds Edward. I mean, she was such a doll. Now that Jean is in good health with no signs of the kidney trouble that nearly ended her life a few short months ago, Kayla is hoping to soon take her great-grandmother fishing at the pond on her property and document the fun. People tell me that my great-grandparents story has touched their lives and made them realize whats important in life, she says. To me, theres really no greater compliment. Over the last few years, we've heard many experts debate the coffee-cancer correlationcoffee beans have been shown to produce a potentially harmful chemical called acrylamide during the roasting processand while many researchers say there is no solid scientific evidence to back up the association, a California judge says otherwise. This week, after an ongoing lawsuit in which the Council for Education and Research on Toxics sued Starbucks and 90 other companies for not abiding the state law regarding warnings on carcinogens, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elihu Berle made his proposed ruling. As reported on by USA Today, Berle wrote: Defendants failed to satisfy their burden of provingthat consumption of coffee confers a benefit to human health. Therefore, he has determined these companies must include a cancer warning label on their covetable cups of joe. You May Also Like: If You're Not Drinking Your Coffee Like This, You Should Start Many experts agree with the coffee industry that the chemical is present, but only at minuscule amounts that are harmless to humans, and therefore it should be exempt from the law. There's also the argument that the benefits of coffee outweigh the risks, but Judge Berle said the companies in the lawsuit have failed to prove that. An article posted by the American Cancer Society says the following about the purported link between coffee and cancer: "Coffee is brewed from beans that contain antioxidants, which are thought to have a protective effect against cancer. Researchers have conducted more than 1,000 studies looking at this question, with mixed results. Some early studies seemed to show that coffee might increase risk of some cancer types. Since then, however, larger and better designed studies have weakened those conclusions. And many of the newer studies link coffee drinking to a lowered risk of some types of cancer, including prostate cancer, liver cancer, endometrial cancer, and some cancers of the mouth and throat." It's tough to believe any hardcore coffee drinker is going to give up their precious java after hearing this verdict, especially with the abundance of research that minimizes the threat and highlights health benefits, such as improved memory and weight loss (not to mention the much-needed energy boost). So, will this have any impact on the industry as a whole? I would say no based on my own personal experienceseven my husband's favorite mug says "No Talkie Before Coffee"but of course only time will tell. At least 15 advertisers say they are pulling their ads from Laura Ingrahams primetime show on Fox News after the host mocked the Parkland, Fla., teen shooting survivor and activist David Hogg for receiving rejection letters from multiple colleges. The latest companies to pull their ads from the show are Office Depot, the Atlantis, Paradise Island resort in the Bahamas, Progressive insurance, Liberty Mutual and the global investment group Principal. In a statement to the Hill, the Atlantis said it does not support or agree with the recent comments made by Ingraham, the conservative firebrand. Although we are an organization that believes in freedom of expression, we do not condone discrimination, bullying, mockery or harmful behavior of any kind, an Atlantis spokesperson added. As a result of these events, we have decided to remove all brand advertising tied to the program. The Daily Beast reported Office Depots withdrawal on Friday afternoon. On Wednesday, Ingraham tweeted a link to a story describing how the 17-year-old had been rejected by four University of California campuses, UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara and UC Irvine, despite having 4.2 grade point average and an SAT score of 1270. David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it, Ingraham wrote. The tweet drew a swift backlash, with many criticizing Ingraham for attacking the senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School over a personal academic setback less than two months after the massacre at the school. Hogg, in turn, tweeted a list of 12 of Ingrahams top advertisers, and some of the teens 600,000-plus followers responded by contacting the companies and urging that they pull their ads from The Ingraham Angle. Several companies on Hoggs list including Nestle, Hulu, Wayfair, Nutrish, Johnson & Johnson, Expedia, Jenny Craig and TripAdvisor have done just that. Story continues Ingraham issued an apology on Thursday, saying that on reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland. But that wasnt sufficient for Hogg. An apology in an effort just to save your advertisers is not enough, he tweeted. I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight. Its time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children. Related: How an ill-advised tweet became a nightmare for a Fox News show Hogg and many of his fellow Parkland students have become the leaders of the latest effort to reform U.S. gun laws, organizing this months massive March for Our Lives rally. They have also become the targets of the National Rifle Association as well as conservative provocateurs like Ingraham, and far-right conspiracy theorists. Hogg and fellow senior Emma Gonzalez, in particular, have drawn most of the attacks. Earlier this month, Leslie Gibson, a Republican candidate for Maines House of Representatives, called Gonzalez a skinhead lesbian and Hogg a bald-face [sic] liar. Gibson later apologized. On Sunday, a message posted on Iowa GOP Rep. Steve Kings Facebook page suggested that Gonzalez is a communist because she was wearing a patch of the flag of Cuba on her jacket. Gonzalez is Cuban-American. On Friday, the Washington Times published an op-ed by Cheryl Chumley who said Hogg wouldve made a pretty decent brownshirt a reference to uniforms worn by members of the Nazi militia under Adolph Hitler before World War II. Hogg, for his part, is apparently unfazed. When you come against any one of us, whether it be me or anybody else, youre coming against all of us, he said on CNNs New Day on Friday. They cannot push us around, especially when all were trying to do here is save lives. Read more from Yahoo News: Cover photo credit: Yahoo News photo Illustration; photos: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images Kevin Mazur/Getty Images Beirut (AFP) - Two members of the US-led anti-jihadist coalition -- an American and a Briton -- were killed by an improvised explosive device in the northern Syrian city of Manbij, US and British officials said Friday. Five other coalition service personnel were wounded, the Pentagon said. The attack in Manbij happened late Thursday -- the day US President Donald Trump said he would pull forces out of Syria "very soon." "Two coalition personnel were killed and five were wounded by an improvised explosive device in Syria" at around midnight (2100 GMT), the coalition said in a statement which gave no further details about the victims. A Pentagon official, speaking later on condition of anonymity, identified one of them as being American. Britain's defence ministry confirmed the second fatality came from within its ranks. "The individual was embedded with US forces on a counter-Daesh operation when the incident occurred," the ministry said, using an Arabic acronym to refer to the Islamic State (IS) group. Since 2014, the coalition has provided weapons, training and other support to forces fighting IS jihadists in Syria and Iraq. This latest incident brings the number of US personnel killed in action during the operation to 14. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. The US-led coalition said it was withholding details on the circumstances of the attack pending further investigation. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitor, said the attack hit a convoy in the heart of Manbij, also wounding four members of the local council. Manbij used to be a hub for the jihadists when their self-styled "caliphate" was at its peak. It was retaken by Kurdish-led forces backed by the coalition. - More than 2,000 US personnel - Located between the northern city of Aleppo and the western bank of the Euphrates, less than 30 kilometres (18 miles) south of the Turkish border, Manbij lies where several international influence zones meet and risks becoming a new flashpoint. Story continues "We'll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now," Trump told industrial workers in Ohio on Thursday. The United States has more than 2,000 military personnel in eastern Syria, working with local militia groups to defeat IS while trying to keep out of Syria's broader civil war. Trump's eagerness to quit the conflict contrasts with a new US Syria strategy announced in January by then secretary of state Rex Tillerson -- who has since been sacked. Also on Thursday, French President Emmanuel Macron met a delegation from the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and Kurdish official Asya Abdullah said afterwards that France was planning to send "new French troops to Manbij." The presidency did not explicitly deny the reinforcements, but stressed it was not planning any military operation in Syria outside the US-led coalition. Turkey and its Syrian proxies launched a major offensive against the SDF in northern Syria in January that has already resulted in the capture of the Kurdish-majority region of Afrin. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to expand the operation to other areas where Kurdish forces are present, including the city of Manbij. Valencia (Venezuela) (AFP) - Authorities in Venezuela faced an onslaught of national and international outrage Thursday over a blaze in a police station's jail in which 68 people died, in one of the worst disasters to hit the country's desperately overcrowded detention facilities. The blaze engulfed cells in the police headquarters on Wednesday in Valencia, Venezuela's third-biggest city, located in northern Carabobo state near the capital Caracas. Attorney General Tarek William Saab, who gave the death toll amid mayhem early Thursday at the police building, said the fire was the likely cause of the deaths. He said it looked to have been started deliberately by the detainees. Anguished relatives of those being kept there had tried to storm the station on Wednesday, during which an officer was hurt by a stone. Police responded with tear gas to disperse them. On Thursday, the crowd was calmer but no less anxious. "I can't get past to see if he's dead of not," wailed Maria, an elderly woman whose son was being held in the station. Nearby, a female police officer read off a list of survivors. "They gave me the body of my nephew yesterday, and I've been here since 6:00 am waiting for his ID card," so he can be buried, another relative, Carmen Varela, told AFP. "He wasn't burned. He had a gunshot to his head. To me, it looks like it was a slaughter," she said, visibly angry. - Attempted jailbreak - "I want to see my brother," said one woman who gave her first name as Yelitza. The police, she said, "were the ones who caused this -- it was a massacre." The UN's human rights office in Switzerland said in a statement it was "appalled at the horrific deaths" at the station, and called for authorities to fully investigate. Although the Valencia station's cells were designed to hold arrested suspects for up to 48 hours, many of those being kept in them were thought to be convicted prisoners unable to be accommodated in the country's overflowing penitentiaries. Story continues An inmates' rights association called Una Ventana a la Libertad (A Window on Freedom) said the fire was started by detainees attempting a jailbreak. "The detainees tried to grab two police officers. When that didn't work, they started a riot and decided to set fire to mattresses, thinking that the doors would then have to be opened. (But) the bars didn't open," the group's director, Carlos Nieto, told AFP. Fire crews had to smash a hole in the wall so survivors could get out, he said, adding that around 200 people were being held inside at the time. - Dire conditions - Some prisoners "burned to death and others were asphyxiated," Nieto said. Photos taken by Nieto's group showed the body of a man with burns and firefighters trying to put out flames. Venezuela's prisons suffer from dire overcrowding and a shortage of basic supplies, struggling under the deepening economic crisis that is gripping the once-wealthy oil-producing country. Nieto's association estimates that the temporary detention cells in Venezuela's police stations are at five times their capacity. "All the police stations in Venezuela are facing similar or worse conditions of overcrowding, lack of food and disease," he said. The association said 65 people died last year in the holding cells due to violence, malnutrition or tuberculosis. Twenty-one detainees escaped Thursday from a police station in the northern city of Maracay, authorities said. One was recaptured hours later. The escapees, who were being held at the police station awaiting hearings, fled with three guns and a motorcycle belonging to the precinct, its chief Donan Conde told local radio. Two weeks ago, 58 detainees escaped holding cells on Margarita Island, a favored tourist spot, after punching a hole in their facility's wall. They were all quickly recaptured. In August 2017, a riot left 37 dead and 14 wounded in police cells in the southern state of Amazonas, while an April 2017 clash between rival gangs left 12 dead and 11 injured in the Puente Ayala prison in the eastern city of Barcelona. A month before that, the remains of 14 people were found in a mass grave in the General Penitentiary of Venezuela, in San Juan de Los Morros in the country's center. The militarys role in the royal wedding was announced in March. More than 250 members of the armed forces will have ceremonial duties during Prince Harry and bride-to-be Meghan Markles May 19 nuptials. Regiments and units that hold a special relationship with Prince Harry will provide ceremonial support at the wedding and during the carriage procession at the request of Kensington Palace, according to the Ministry of Defence. Prince Harry served in the Army for a decade and did two tours in Afghanistan rising to the rank of Captain; he also is Commodore-in-Chief, Small Ships and Diving with the Royal Navy, Captain General Royal Marines, and Honorary Air Commandant of RAF Honington. Members of the Household Cavalry will form a staircase party at St Georges Chapel, Windsor Castle as part of the wedding, read a release from the Ministry of Defence. The State Trumpeters and a Captains Escort from the Household Cavalry will also provide ceremonial support. The 3 Regiment Army Air Corps and the Royal Gurkha Rifles, with whom Prince Harry served in Afghanistan, will be two of the regiments lining the streets in the precinct of Windsor Castle. In addition, there will be members of the Royal Navy Small Ships and Diving, Windsor Castle Guard from 1st Battalion Irish Guards, Royal Marines, and the RAF Honington. The Band of the Irish Guards will be providing musical support in the streets around Windsor Castle. Prince Harry and actress and philanthropist Meghan Markle are expected to break tradition in several ways at their wedding, but like his brother Prince William, Duke of Cambridge the military will have a special role. Read more about the role of the Armed Forces at Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle's wedding: Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) March 28, 2018 Curt Mills Security, Americas People watch a TV broadcasting a news report on a meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, in Seoul, South Korea, March 28, 2018. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji Is this a good deal for Washington? 'Good Deal': South Korea, America Mend Trade Ties as Kim Jong Un Visits China As the world turned its attention to the mysterious green train arriving in Beijing, later confirmed to be carrying North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, the White House on Tuesday night announced a new trade regime with Pyongyangs neighbor to the south. As tensions heat up with China, Russia, Iran and the North Koreas, the Trump administration, the most outwardly protectionist team at 1600 Pennsylvania in decades, repeatedly emphasized their view of South Korean trade as a national-security issue. Washington and Seoul have reached an agreement in principle, a senior administration official said Tuesday night, That will significantly strengthen both the economic and the national-security relationship between the United States and South Korea. This is a good deal for both countries. The senior official later became more pointed: This agreement is visionary and innovative and it underscores a pattern of failure by previous administrations to negotiate fair and reciprocal trade deals that benefit both countries. South Korea-U.S. free trade relations were originally proposed under George W. Bush and then inked under Barack Obama late last decade. President Trump has been deeply critical of both administrationsespecially and consistently on the issue of trade. The effort at a revamp was spearheaded by the U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and his South Korean counterpart, Trade Minister Kim Hyun-chong, the White House said. This is the first successful negotiation of a trade agreement in history, the administration emphasized. And its another step in the White Houses firmly hawkish tact on trade in the early months of 2018. In February, Peter Navarro, director of the national trade council, and his ally, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, won a power struggle against National Economic Council Chair Gary Cohn, and White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter. Neither Cohn nor Porter work in the administration any longer (although Porters exodus was far more compelled by revelations of violence against his ex-wives). Story continues Tuesday night, the White House made it sound like the South Korean renegotiation was merely an opening salvo: more to come. While this agreement is small in size, relative to the horrible effects of NAFTA and Chinas entry into the WTO, the senior administration official said, it does rectify KORUS, which is one of the worst deals the U.S. ever entered into. Hes killing it, a former senior administration official told me Wednesday morning, remarking on Navarros continued rise and consolidation of power in the White House. In principle, this new agreement is a coup for American automakers. At the tip of the spear is the American auto and auto parts industry, the senior official explained. Probably 80 percent of our trade deficit in goods to Korea is auto and auto parts. Additionally negotiated, or in the process of being finalized, is a currency agreement, dealing with currency practices, another senior official explained. The U.S. Department of Treasury is, as we speak, leading discussions on currency [with the South Koreans]... And between them, an agreement is being finalized on robust provisions that will . . . prohibit competitive devaluation of currency. Steel and aluminum play prominently, as they have in all of the Trump administrations trade imperatives this year. As you all know, the president took action on steel and aluminum to protect national security, the senior official emphasized. Korea, of course, was subject to these tariffs, and sought an exemption. But no agreement was reached on aluminum. Theyre just going to be subject to the tariff, the senior official said. On steel, the official noted that Korea will be subject to a hard quota that will be a product-specific quota equivalent to 70 percent of the average annual export volume for these steel products. This is a huge win for the American people, the administration emphasized. Kim In Beijing The announcement of the new trade agreement with South Korea came as it was confirmed that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had decamped to Beijing in recent days, with tensions between the United States and North Korea reaching their most explosive point since the 1953 armistice. Kim Jong Un invited, on behalf of the party and government of the DPRK, Xi Jinping to make an official visit to the DPRK at a convenient time and the invitation was accepted with pleasure, North Korean state media said. At the same time, Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to a future trek to Pyongyang. And White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Tuesday night said a personal message from Kim was delivered to President Trump via Xi. China on Tuesday may have upgraded itself from North Korea benefactor to the essential player in any future negotiations, putting the broader U.S.-China rivalry back center stage in the North Korean matter. The solution for Korea runs thru BeijingKim acts like a vassal, the former senior administration official told me. Nobody can counter this dynamic now. For this source, this includes hawkish agitators such as John Bolton, the incoming national security advisor, who recently floated a plan to conduct a preemptive strike on North Korea. Xi has now put Beijing on the frontlines of the issue. Curt Mills is a foreign-affairs reporter at the National Interest. Follow him on Twitter: @CurtMills. Image: People watch a TV broadcasting a news report on a meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, in Seoul, South Korea, March 28, 2018. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji Read full article (ANNAPOLIS, Md.) A Maryland appeals court on Thursday upheld a ruling granting a new trial to a man whose conviction in the murder of his high school sweetheart became the subject of the popular podcast Serial. Adnan Syed was convicted in 2000 of killing Hae Min Lee and burying her body in a shallow grave in a Baltimore park. Syeds story was widely publicized in the 2014 Serial podcast, which cast doubt on his guilt. The show attracted millions of listeners and shattered podcast records. Syeds lawyer, C. Justin Brown, said he is pleased by the ruling. If the state is so confident in their case, and if theyre so confident that Syed is guilty, they should just try the case. Were ready to try the case, Brown said. A lower court judge vacated Syeds conviction in 2016, citing his attorneys failure to cross-examine a key witness. Prosecutors appealed to the Maryland Court of Special Appeals, the states intermediate appeals court. In a 2-1 ruling, the three-judge appeals court panel agreed with Syeds current lawyer that his trial lawyer was ineffective for failing to investigate a potential alibi witness who said she saw Syed at a public library at the time the state claimed Syed killed Hae. The panel said in its written decision that if testimony from Asia McClain had been presented to the jury, it would have directly contradicted the States theory of when Syed had the opportunity and did murder Hae and could have created reasonable doubt in at least one jurors mind and led to a different outcome. It was not immediately clear if prosecutors plan to appeal the ruling to the states highest court. Apple CEO Tim Cook criticized Facebook as the social media site continues to make headlines in light of data-privacy concerns raised by the Cambridge Analytica scandal. At a town hall event hosted by MSNBCs Chris Hayes and Recodes Kara Swisher, Cook had some heated words for the social media giant. Cook said Facebooks detailed personal information on its users should not exist in the first place. I think the best regulation is no regulation, is self-regulation, he said, according to NBC News. However, I think were beyond that here, and I do think that its time for a set of people to think deeply about what can be done here. Facebook is in hot water after it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica, linked to the Trump campaign, tapped personal information from up to 50 million Facebook users without the their consent. Privacy to us is a human right, Cook said. Its a civil liberty, and something that is unique to America. This is like freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Privacy is right up there with that for us. When asked at the event what he would do if he were in Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerbergs predicament, he responded, What would I do? I wouldnt be in this situation. Zuckerberg has apologized for the breach of information. In a statement posted on his personal Facebook page, he wrote, We will learn from this experience to secure our platform further and make our community safer for everyone going forward. Speaking about Apples business practices, Cook said, The truth is we could make a ton of money if we monetized our customer, if our customer was our product. Weve elected not to do that. Cooks interview is part of MSNBCs Revolution series, which will air on April 6 at 8 p.m. ET/PT. Related stories Facebook Delays Unveiling of Echo Show Competitor (Report) Playboy Deletes Facebook Pages, Citing User-Data Scandal and 'Sexually Repressive' Policies Facebook's Tamara Hrivnak and 300's Kevin Liles to Keynote at A2IM's Indie Week (EXCLUSIVE) Subscribe to Variety Newsletters and Email Alerts! Buenos Aires (AFP) - Argentina's President Mauricio Macri on Friday backed his under-fire energy minister who admitted keeping his millions outside Argentina because he lacked faith in the economy. Macri said Juan Jose Aranguren had made financial sacrifices to take on the job of minister in his center-right government in 2015. Aranguren had resigned as president of Anglo-Dutch oil company Shell in Argentina, "where he was doing very well, to take charge of the biggest mess that the Kirchnerists left behind -- that was a country without energy" and with daily power blackouts, Macri told Cadena 3 radio. The president was responding to questions about his minister's public acknowledgement on Thursday that he kept most of his $88 million fortune deposited abroad. "This has to do with the confidence we have lost in Argentina," Aranguren said on Radio con Vos. He said most of the investments and savings he held abroad came from "a bonus I received from my former employer (Shell) in shares of that company that were obviously abroad." At a time when Argentina was enforcing exchange restrictions under Cristina Kirchner's leftist government, "Why am I going to bring it in?" he asked. "We are working for an Argentina where that does not happen anymore," said the minister. When his interviewer said he kept his own money in the country, Aranguren replied: "You have more confidence in Argentina than I do, I leave you with that virtue. "I want to work so that everyone in Argentina can recover that confidence." Treasury Minister Nicolas Dujovne, the head of the Federal Intelligence Agency Gustavo Arribas and Central Bank chief Federico Sturzenegger also said they kept most of their money outside the country. Rusty Hardin, the attorney for Philadelphia Eagles defensive end Michael Bennett, told ESPN on Friday that his client will plead not guilty if Bennetts case goes to trial. Earlier this week, Bennett turned himself in to authorities in Houston, Texas, on a felony charge of injury to the elderly, allegedly stemming from Bennett injuring a security guard while rushing onto the field to celebrate with his brother, Martellus, after Super Bowl XLI. The only two possible outcomes for this case is the DAs office [saying] they dont have a case and dismissing, or a trial one or the other, Hardin said. If and whenever they ask for a plea, it will be not guilty. Defensive end Michael Bennett. (AP) Bennett is next scheduled to appear in court in Harris County, Texas, on April 23, according to court documents. Hardin said he does not expect a plea request at that hearing; the attorney believes that will primarily be an opportunity for Hardin and the district attorneys office to exchange information. The 32-year-old Bennett, who was traded from Seattle to Philadelphia earlier this month, posted $10,000 bond on Monday, after a grand jury handed down an indictment over the alleged incident at NRG Stadium on Feb. 5, 2017. According to Hardin, Bennett was not given travel restrictions at his bond hearing on Monday, meaning he is free to travel as necessary, including, obviously, to Philadelphia for offseason workouts with his new team. If there are any conflicts with the Eagles schedule, Hardin said they will request a change of date so Bennett does not miss any days with the Eagles. A release from the Harris County DAs office says that after the New England Patriots come-from-behind win over the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI, Bennett shoved his way onto the field, past security personnel that included a 66-year-old paraplegic woman. That woman suffered a sprained shoulder, according to Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo. More from Yahoo Sports: Jim Kelly undergoes 12-hour surgery to remove oral cancer 36-year-old Blackhawks emergency goalie stops every shot he sees How Shaqs impatience led to a $70K Walmart trip Toulouse (France) (AFP) - An Azerbaijani claiming to be an exiled journalist in France was seriously wounded and his wife was killed on Friday in a gun attack near the southern city of Toulouse, police said. Rahim Namazov, a father of three, fled his oil-rich homeland in the Caucasus for France in 2010 after suffering death threats and being imprisoned, he said in a YouTube video posted online at the time. The 39-year-old was fighting for his life in hospital after suffering serious back injuries, while his wife died after being hit in the head in the shooting in front of their home Friday morning in the Toulouse suburb of Colomiers. One of their children, a 15-year-old boy, was in their apartment at the time and heard the gunfire, local authorities told AFP, adding that he was being looked after by a local trauma group. The local Toulouse Journalists' Association said it had met Namazov in 2010 but was unable to confirm he was a reporter, while the mayor's office said it was unaware he was living in the area. Media freedom group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said it was checking Namazov's identity, but regional specialist Johan Bihr drew attention to comments from respected Azerbaijani journalist Khadija Ismayilova who cast doubt on his claims. Writing on Facebook, Ismayilova claimed that Namazov had pretended to be a journalist to get asylum in France and had recently got into a public argument with a mafia boss on the internet. Police said that seven bullets were fired in total in the shooting in a car park on Friday morning after the couple had dropped their youngest child at school. Azerbaijan has been ruled by the repressive family of a strongman president Ilham Aliyev since 1993. The nuclear deal with Iran hangs by a thread. The appointment of John Bolton an unapologetic proponent of war with Iran as U.S. national security advisor has prompted celebrations among Iran deal detractors. The announcement that nuclear talks with North Korea will be held around the same time that U.S. President Donald Trump must decide whether to keep or kill the Iran deal has further complicated the picture. Yet few in Washington understand how Trumps gamble with Pyongyang may impact Tehrans nuclear calculations. Conventional wisdom declares that Trump would be foolish to kill the Iran deal (formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA) if he genuinely seeks to reach an agreement with the North Koreans. If Trump shows that he does not honor Americas agreements, why would Pyongyang strike a deal with him? But Trump is anything but conventional. His logic runs in the opposite direction, and Bolton will be more than happy to enable Trumps worst instincts. By killing the JCPOA, Trump thinks hell signal to the North Koreans that they should have no doubt that he is ready to walk away from the talks if he doesnt get what he wants. After all, walking away from ongoing negotiations is much easier than killing an existing deal. Trump may know bluster, be he does not know diplomacy. Strong-arming subcontractors may work in the Manhattan real estate market, but it wont work in international diplomacy. Sovereign states dont react like jilted architects and electricians. How will Iran react if Trump pursues this path? For Tehran, the JCPOA was never just about the nuclear issue. It was a test to see if the West could come to terms with the Islamic Republic and accept Iran as a regional power. By testing this proposition, the talks became a defining showdown between the two dominant schools of thought within the Iranian elite. The first school, dominated by conservative elements in the government and military, argues that the United States pressured by Israel and Saudi Arabia is inherently hostile to Iran and will never recognize the country as a regional power or come to terms with its regime, regardless of Irans policies or the compromises it offers. The inclusion Tehran seeks can only be achieved by forcing the United States and its allies to accept the reality of Irans power. The hard-liners skepticism of diplomacy and resistance to compromise is partly rooted in their belief that no Iranian compromise can change Washingtons hostility to Tehran. Story continues Irans second, more moderate group of policy-makers recognizes both that the countrys own actions have contributed to infectious conflict and that the United States has legitimate concerns about Iranian policies. An American acceptance of Irans inclusion in the regional security architecture can be obtained, they argue, through diplomacy and a genuine give-and-take. If Iran compromises, so will the West, the logic goes. Up until the nuclear negotiations began in earnest, the debate between these two schools was theoretical. Though Tehran had made many diplomatic overtures in the past, Americas willingness to come to terms with Iran had never been tested through a mutual compromise that both sides had signed on to. Until, that is, the JCPOA. The Iran nuclear deal was the first time the United States and Iran had agreed to a significant exchange of concessions that not only eliminated Irans pathways to a bomb and lifted sanctions, but also put an end to almost four decades of American efforts to completely isolate Iran. It signaled that America, 36 years after the Iranian revolution, was coming to terms with Iran. Both sides agreed to painful concessions, both faced fierce domestic political opposition, and both recognized that the agreement signaled a major break with past policies. America was coming to terms with Iran. And the Islamic Republic was speaking of the United States not as the Great Satan, but as a negotiation partner. It was a major victory for the second school of thought in Iran at least for the moment. But increasingly, the JCPOA has become a victory for the hard-liners. Despite Irans concessions and its adherence to the deal (confirmed by 10 reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency), Trump, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have clearly rejected Irans regional integration under any circumstance. Changes in Irans policies proved insufficient, so nothing short of Irans complete capitulation can seemingly satisfy Trumps allies. This conclusion will be unavoidable in Tehran if Trump kills the JCPOA to make a deal with Pyongyang. It will strengthen the Iranian hard-line narrative that Tehrans mistake was that it only obtained enrichment capabilities but not a bomb before it agreed to seriously negotiate. Had it built a bomb like the North Koreans then the United States would have no choice but to show Iran respect, strike a deal with it and honor that deal. Trump will essentially incentivize Iran to go nuclear. Ultimately, Trumps bluster wont work. He lacks a properly staffed State Department with the capacity to negotiate, and his new national security advisor ideologically opposes diplomacy. By killing the Iran deal to impress Pyongyang, Trump will destroy one functioning arms deal without securing a new one. And in the process, he will tilt the balance in favor of those in Tehran who have argued all along that America only understands the language of force. SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria will not expel Russian diplomats in response to a nerve agent attack in England that the British government has blamed on Moscow, its prime minister said on Friday. Boyko Borissov said the Black Sea country, as a current chair of the European Union presidency, needed to keep dialogue open with Russia amid an escalating standoff between the West and Moscow over the nerve agent attack on March 4. After the first known use of a military-grade nerve agent on European soil since World War Two, most EU and NATO members, including the United States, have expelled Russian diplomats. Several EU countries, including Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Slovenia and Austria, however, have not joined the coordinated action. Bulgaria has expressed its solidarity with its EU and NATO allies by recalling its ambassador from Moscow for consultations, Borissov said, but stressed that more evidence was needed for further action. "As chair of the European Council we must keep the communication channel (open), as we have done in times of an over-tensed situation in our region at present with Turkey. We must do the same with Russia," Borissov said. "At this stage, we do not think we should expel Russian diplomats and officials," Borissov said, after a meeting of the government's security council over the nerve gas attack that included a hearing of the Bulgarian ambassador to Moscow. Borissov said the ambassador will return to Russia after the Orthodox Easter on April 8. Calls for Bulgaria to expel Russian diplomats have faced strong opposition both in the coalition government as well as in other political parties in parliament which favor pursuing good ties with Russia. Bulgaria, which was liberated from Ottoman rule by Russia, became one of the most obedient Soviet satellite states during the Cold War. Many Bulgarians feel a strong cultural affinity for Russia, with which they share the Cyrillic script and orthodox Christianity. Bulgaria is also almost fully reliant on Russian gas supplies, military equipment and tourism revenues. (Reporting by Angel Krasimirov and Tsvetelia Tsolova; Editing by Elaine Hardcastle) Alia Awadallah Security, Middle East A rainbow is seen over downtown Beirut, Lebanon Lebanon remains a rare example of pluralism and political openness, and a bulwark in a region where many societies have succumbed entirely to internal chaos and war. The Case for U.S. Support of Lebanon When Saudi Arabias Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) met with President Trump in Washington in March, the two leaders discussed regional issues ranging from the Iran nuclear deal to the ongoing wars in Yemen and Syria. But notably absent from readouts of their conversations was Lebanon and its internal stabilitypossibly because MbS is still recovering from Saudi Arabias controversial detention of Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri in November. Additionally, MbS and the Trump administration share the view that Lebanon is already lost to Iranian influence. At a time of greater Saudi regional activism, the United States should encourage Riyadhs attention on renewed investment and constructive engagement in Lebanon, instead of retreat and defeat. Hariris house arrest was widely viewed as a misstep that only resulted in a surge of nationalism from many Lebanese bristling at what they saw as Saudi Arabias political interference and violation of their sovereignty. Still, MbS and the Trump administration believe the only option that remains is to use aggressive political and economic action to defeat Hezbollah. But U.S. military officials in the region and numerous regional experts remain convinced that the only realistic way to contain Hezbollahs influence in Lebanon is a more assertive investment in its military, national institutions, and Hezbollahs political opponents. The possibility of another war between Israel and Hezbollah has become more likely, and would destroy any prospect of a strong Lebanon. Moreover, experts predict that Lebanons parliamentary elections, currently scheduled for May, will increase Hezbollahs influence in the government. Similarly, if the Trump administration withdraws from the Iran nuclear agreement in May, this could provide a boon to Iran and Hezbollahs anti-U.S. propaganda. Should the United States and Saudi Arabia have any interest in competing with Iran and maintaining a constructive relationship with Lebanon, the window for a fresh push in that direction is closing. Story continues In an ideal world, American and Saudi policy would cut Hezbollah out of the Lebanese political system entirely. This understandable but overly ambitious goal sets up Lebanonand U.S. and Saudi policyfor failure no matter the outcome of Mays elections. The United States and Saudi Arabia should instead minimize the potential damage of Mays elections and build a long-term plan to bring Lebanon back from political isolation. While Hezbollah may make significant gains in May, Lebanons internal politics are not entirely in its favor. The Hezbollah-led political coalition includes Maronite president Michel Aouns Free Patriotic Movement and Speaker of the Parliament Nabih Berris Shia political group, Amal. Yet recent incidents shook the Lebanese public and exposed underlying tension between these political allies. In January, for instance, a video leaked showing Foreign Minister (and son-in-law of President Aoun) Gebran Bassil describing Speaker Berri as a thug. Just before the incident, Hezbollah also finalized an agreement to share a number of parliament seats with Amal at the expense of the Free Patriotic Movement. Hezbollah smoothed tensions between the two parties reasonably well, but made it clear that supporting Amal leader Berri was its prioritypossibly alienating its Christian political allies. Many Christians look to Hezbollah for protection from Sunni extremists in the region, but recent events have Lebanese Christians questioning whether Hezbollah will support their long-term interests. Lebanese Christians also fear that Hezbollah could use its political power to overhaul Lebanons confessional power-sharing system and give itself greater representation at their expense. The first priority for the United States and Saudi Arabia should be to exploit existing political divisions and convince lukewarm Hezbollah allies that the two countries have more to offer Lebanon than the terror group. Washington and Riyadh should quietly reach out to Christians and others who have grown alarmed by Hezbollahs growing political influence. In past elections, both Saudi Arabia and the United States have provided support to Hariris Future Movement and its allies. Even if the impact is minimal, it may be worth resuming this support to rebuild ties to Lebanese political parties opposed to Hezbollah. Electoral support and relationship-building with the Future Movement and other parties, such as the nonsectarian Beirut Madinati coalition and the Christian Kataeb party, is an important component of this approach. Lebanons revised electoral laws, and greater weariness about Hezbollah, could provide a greater opportunity for independent parties and candidates to make gains in parliament. For its part, the United States has not allocated assistance funds to this critical issue in 2018, and only allocated paltry funds in previous years. In 2019 and beyond, the United States and Saudi Arabia should repair this shortfall and also boost funding for civil-society support grants, exchange programs, and local infrastructure projects that build ties to Lebanese society. Second, on the security front, the United States and Saudi Arabia should resume funding for the Lebanese Armed Forces. Riyadh cut off this assistance in 2016 after the Lebanese government did not condemn attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran. Though the United States cut off Foreign Military Financing for Lebanon in 2018, it resumes that financing in 2019 and currently provides funding and training to the countrys armed forces through other sources. However, U.S. military officials were not able to point to a single meaningful example of assistance, or even engagement, between Lebanons armed forces and other Arab militaries. This regional isolation remains a serious obstacle to strengthening the Lebanese state and its ability to confront Hezbollah. The United States and Saudi should also tap Jordanian training facilities and expertise to build a stronger bridge between the Lebanese military and another critical U.S. partner. Saudi will prove difficult to convince in this regard, but the Trump administration should use all tools necessary to win it over. The administration used its close relationship with MbS to generate renewed Saudi attention and involvement in Iraq. Similarly, the administration has requested $4 billion in stabilization aid from Saudi Arabia for Syriathough MbS has not publicly agreed to or rejected this request to date. Third, the United States and Saudi Arabia should work with local journalists to highlight Irans influence in Lebanon. The best way to do so is to promote media freedom in Lebanon through material and technical support to independent news outlets and journalists. Lebanon is home to the most open and robust media landscape in the Arab world, but mainstream journalists have recently faced legal charges for criticism directed at the Lebanese and Saudi governments. Outlets sympathetic to Hezbollah or operated by the terror group remain popular, but they have lost followers in Lebanon, especially among Sunnis and Christians, because they are increasingly viewed as a mouthpiece for Iran. This presents a clear opportunity to support outlets with progressive and independent views that can compete with pro-Hezbollah voices. U.S.-Saudi cooperation in Iraq and Syria could greatly enhance efforts to promote regional stability and counter Iran, but the two countries should find ways to expand this collaboration to Lebanon. For all its own imperfections and Hezbollahs influence, Lebanon remains a rare example of pluralism and political openness, and a bulwark in a region where many societies have succumbed entirely to internal chaos and war. As MbS seeks to reform Saudi Arabias own social landscape and counter extremist forces in the region, Lebanon should not be let go without a fight. Washington policymakers have long advocated for bilateral relationships that reflect a broader strategy in the Middle East. To pursue U.S. and Saudi interests in the region in earnest, any regional approach must include engaging Lebanoneven if both countries view it as a last-ditch effort. Alia Awadallah is a research associate for National Security and International Policy at the Center for American Progress. Image: Reuters Recommended: Why North Korea's Air Force is Total Junk Why Doesn't America Kill Kim Jong Un? The F-22 Is Getting a New Job: Sniper Read full article I found myself beaming with excitement back in 2010 as I tore open the envelope that contained the U.S. census and its accompanying instructions. For my roommates, all 10 of them, this was nothing but a complicated chore that the federal government had sent our community-style home on the outskirts of Florida State University. Given my overenthusiasm about the survey, I was delegated to complete and mail the form back as quickly as possible. Of course, the prospect of completing the census did not excite me out of my sheer passion for politics and government. Instead, the census provided an opportunity to satiate my eagerness to engage civically with the United States; after all, I was fully aware that my lack of immigration status would keep me from fulfilling many of the duties and responsibilities bestowed on U.S. citizens. And yet, the census gave me the feeling that for once I too could be counted as part of this country. All of that could change in a not-so-distant future. The Department of Commerce has decided to add a question about U.S. citizenship to the 2020 census, sparking a massive backlash from immigration advocates, civil rights groups and even members of Congress who fear that the question could skew results by discouraging immigrants and other minority groups from completing the form. A citizenship-related question has not appeared on all census forms since 1950. That is why many lawmakers, including Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), have taken to Twitter to decry its inclusion, stating that politics has no place in the census. Meanwhile, six past directors of the Census Bureau, whove served under both Republican and Democratic administrations, have stated they are deeply concerned that the question would considerably increase the risks to the 2020 enumeration. This question about U.S. citizenship could have damaging effects on our nation. Not only would taxpayers see their states losing millions of dollars over inaccurate data, but it could lead to President Donald Trumps already supercharged deportation force to request additional resources, should it determine that too many noncitizens are residing in the United States. Story continues This is not without precedent. In 2000, the U.S. Census Bureau admitted that it had shared data that aided military efforts to detain Japanese-Americans in prison camps during World War II. Even more troubling: the fact that the census handed the Secret Service the personal information of 79 Japanese-Americans in the Washington, D.C., area to aid investigations of potential threats against the president. After 9/11, the Census Bureau turned over data of Arab-Americans to the Department of Homeland Security, which included detailed information on how many people of Arab backgrounds live in certain ZIP codes. While this was technically legal, Hermann Habermann, deputy director of the Census Bureau at the time, expressed concern about how information given to law enforcement agencies may be used. The information was ultimately handed over to DHS, disregarding warnings from previous census directors that such cooperation with law enforcement was difficult to explain to the public and violated the principles of the agency. Furthermore, an inaccurate census could have congressional consequences. For instance, it could curtail Texas projected gain of three congressional seats in Congress, according to The Texas Tribune. If this doesnt sound like a big deal, then keep in mind that it was Latinos in Texas who led the state to gain three congressional seats after the 2010 census. Then there is the question of legality. Xavier Becerra, California attorney general and a Trump nemesis, has filed a lawsuit against the Commerce Department, arguing that the Constitution mandates that the government produce an actual enumeration of the total population, regardless of citizenship status. In short, Becerra deems the inclusion of the citizenship question as illegal. The chilling effect the citizenship question might have on immigrant communities is already being felt. The New York Times Miriam Jordan reported this week how Carmen Queveda, an undocumented immigrant in California who is also the mother of a U.S. citizen, stated that she would never answer, because [she] dont have papers . Obviously, I am afraid. Another undocumented immigrant in California, Cesar Morio, told the Times that he knows that no parent in [his] neighborhood is going to be opening the door for anyone doing a survey. As a collective, we should all be outraged about the inclusion of a U.S. citizenship question on the 2020 census. We are paying for this data to be collected and tabulated with our very own tax dollars, and now we risk it being skewed for possible political gain. So be sure to call out empty-suit politicians, like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who called the publics concern over the contents of the 2020 census an absurd freakout. The census should not be seen as a simple form in the mail or a friendly conversation with a pollster at your doorstep, but rather as a tool that enables fair representation and understanding of the composition of our country. We should not allow political agendas to take a grip on the data that is used to benefit us as a nation. If you are outraged by this development, then express your anger by writing letters to your local newspaper or websites and calling your members of Congress. This should be of concern for all of us, regardless of which side of the immigration issue you stand on. Juan Escalante is an immigrant advocate and online strategist who has been fighting for the Dream Act and pro-immigration policies at all levels of government for the past 10 years. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross with President Donald Trump in the Roosevelt Room at the White House on March 22. (Photo: Mark Wilson via Getty Images) ALSO ON HUFFPOST White Supremacist Men See White Manhood Under Siege Why The Census Asking About Citizenship Is Such A Problem 'One Day At A Time' Is The Sitcom America Needs Right Now Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Kris Osborn Security, This was a big deal for a lot of reasons. China Just Challenged America in the Pacific With a Massive Naval "Live Fire" Show of Force A U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Group has arrived in the Pacific in a show of force as U.S.-China tensions rise, China conducts a massive military exercise and U.S. warships sail within 12 miles of territory claimed by China. The arrival of the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group in the region comes shortly after the USS Mustin, a U.S. Navy destroyer, sailed within 12 miles of a Chinese-claimed artificial island chain as part of ongoing U.S. Freedom of Navigation (FONOPs) exercises. The Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group will conduct a variety of operations, including addressing shared maritime security concerns and building relationships with partners navies, Lt. Liza Dougherty, Navy spokeswoman, told Warrior Maven. Although South China Sea territorial disputes have been lingering beneath the radar amid growing tensions with North Korea, U.S. military officials confirmed to Warrior Maven that the Freedom of Navigation exercise did take place - and that the issue of Chinas excessive maritime claims has by no means gone away. Recommended: 5 Worst Guns Ever Made. Recommended: The Worlds Most Secretive Nuclear Weapons Program. Recommended: The Fatal Flaw That Could Take Down an F-22 or F-35. Navy officials were clear to describe the carrier group deployment as part of normal routine operations and not specifically tied to tensions in the region in any way. However, both the carrier group arrival and the U.S. FONOP are taking place within the broader context of continued U.S.-China disagreements over island structures and territories in the South China Sea. Navy official described U.S. operations in the area and the new carrier-strike group deployment as part of a normal variety of operations around the globe, regardless of current events. At the same time, Chinas provocative actions have not gone unnoticed and the Pentagon has consistently said the U.S. is committed to demonstrating that U.S. forces can fly, sail and operate anywhere in the world according to international law. Story continues FONOPs are not about any one country, nor are they about making political statements. The United States takes a strong position on protecting the rights, freedoms and lawful uses of the sea and airspace guaranteed to all countries and that all maritime claims must comply with international law as reflected in the Law of the Sea Convention, Lt. Cmdr. Nicole Schwegman, Navy Pacific Fleet official, told Warrior Maven in a statement. Following the FONOP, the Chinese Navy conducted a large-scale multi-ship live-fire demonstration near the disputed South China Sea shortly after the USS Mustin's sailed within the 12-mile limit of the Chinese-claimed territory. The Chinese exercise included more than 40 ships and submarines flanking the Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning in the region, according to satellite photos of the area published in the South China Morning Post. The South China Morning Post report also cited the Chinese Ministry spokesman Ren Guoqiang criticizing the U.S. FONOP patrol and calling the Chinese drills annual and routine. Its aim is to test the training capabilities of the PLA and enhance their training capabilities, Ren Guoqiang said according to the report (South China Morning Post). It is also aimed at improving the war-fighting capabilities of the whole military. Freedom of Navigation Operations are following years of escalating tensions between China and the U.S. U.S. Navy P-8 surveillance plane footage of Chinese land reclamation or artificial island building, Pentagon confirmation of Chinese missiles placed in the region and reports of Chinese fighter jets passing through contested areas are all points of tension and possible US-China conflict flashpoints which still inform the South China Sea dynamic. In fact, senior Pentagon officials have told Warrior Maven that there has been some internal discussion about whether the US military should place some of its own weapons in the region, such as land-mobile artillery. The area is question is a group of highly disputed islands south of China in the South China Sea called the Spratly Islands. The small islands in the area, some of which are claimed by China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Taiwan, are rich in resources and of strategic geographical importance in the Pacific region. Pentagon officials have widely criticized an ongoing Chinese effort to erect artificial structures nearby or on top of its claimed island territories in the Spratly Islands. Called land reclamation by the Pentagon, the activity has added more than 2,000 acres to island territories claimed by China. According to a United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, an international treaty supported by but not yet formally joined by the U.S., 12-miles off the coast of a given territory is considered to be sovereign waters owned by the respective country. The ongoing land reclamation by China in the area appears to be a rather transparent attempt by China to reinforce and bolster extended territorial claims in the South China Sea. However, the Law of the Sea Convention does not recognize artificial or man-made structures and legitimate island territories to be claimed. Therefore, the U.S and its Pacific allies do not support or agree with Chinas aggressive territorial claims. In fact, citing the definition of islands articulated in the Law of the Sea Convention, Pentagon officials do not recognize the artificial structures as islands but instead refer to the effort as land reclamation. Under the U.N. Law of the Sea convention, negotiated in the 1980s and updated in the 1990s, an island is defined as a "naturally formed area of land above the water at high tide." Also, article 60 of the U.N. Convention says "artificial islands are not entitled to territorial seas." This first appeared in Warrior Maven here. Read full article Beijing (AFP) - A serial killer dubbed China's "Jack the Ripper" for the way he mutilated several of his 11 female victims was sentenced to death on Friday, three decades after the first murder. Gao Chengyong, 53, robbed, raped and ultimately murdered 11 female victims more than a decade ago, prosecutors from Baiyin City in northwest Gansu province said. He was found guilty by the Baiyin City Intermediate People's Court and handed death sentences for both robbery and intentional homicide, and lesser sentences for rape and dishonouring corpses. Gao targeted young women wearing red and followed them home, often cutting their throats and mutilating their bodies, according to state media reports. The youngest victim was eight years old. Some victims had their reproductive organs removed, the Beijing Youth Daily said when Gao was arrested in 2016. The court found Gao guilty of those crimes. "To satisfy his perverted desire to dishonour and sully corpses, many of his female victims' corpses were damaged and violated," the court said in a post to its official Weibo social media account. "The motives of the defendant's crimes were despicable, his methods extremely cruel, the nature of the acts vile and the details of the crimes serious," the court said. Gao "poses a grave threat to society and an urgent danger to others and should be severely punished." The murders were carried out in Gansu and the neighbouring region of Inner Mongolia from 1988 to 2002. Police had been hunting Gao for years. "The suspect has a sexual perversion and hates women," police said in 2004 when they linked the crimes for the first time and offered a reward of 200,000 yuan ($30,000) for information leading to an arrest. "He's reclusive and unsociable, but patient," according to the police profiling at the time. A lead in the case came when police collected and tested the DNA of one of Gao's relatives over a separate minor crime, the China Daily said. Story continues Police concluded the killer they had been hunting for 28 years was a relation, and Gao's DNA matched the murderer's, it added. The original Jack the Ripper was a serial killer active in east London in the late Victorian era, who is widely believed to have murdered five women, mutilating several of them. Those killings have never been solved. Gao was stripped of all of his assets and would not appeal the death sentence, the court said. Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Thousands of Palestinians marched near the Gaza-Israel border on Friday in a major protest leading to clashes with Israeli forces, in which more than 50 Gazans were wounded. At least 10,000 Gazans gathered in different spots along the border, AFP journalists said, with smaller numbers entering within a few hundreds metres (yards) of the heavily fortified fence. Israeli tanks and snipers were positioned on the other side of the border, using tear gas and live fire to force back the protesters. Moe than 50 people were wounded by live fire, the Palestinian Red Crescent said. Israel's military said in a statement that "thousands of Palestinians are rioting in six locations throughout the Gaza Strip, rolling burning tyres and hurling stones at the security fence and at (Israeli) troops, who are responding with riot dispersal means and firing towards main instigators." Earlier Friday, before the main protests began, a Palestinian farmer was killed by Israeli tank fire near the border. The Israeli military said the tank fire came after "two suspects approached the security fence ... and began operating suspiciously." The march kicks off up to six weeks of protests dubbed "The Great March of Return," in the runup to the inauguration of the new US embassy in Jerusalem around May 14. Among those taking part on Friday was Ismail Haniya, the leader of the Islamist movement Hamas that controls Gaza. "There is no alternative to Palestine and no solution except to return," he said in a statement, referring to Palestinian refugees seeking to go back to land they fled or were expelled from in 1948 that is now inside Israel. Israel has accused Hamas of seeking to stir up protests to encourage violence. Last weeks ransomware attack on the city of Atlantas computer networks offers a chilling reminder that the public sector is directly in the line of fire in the war against cyber terror. With cities and states across the country increasingly relying on artificial intelligence and machine learning to deliver vital services, the risks for residents and businesses are growing exponentially. Public officials are trying to balance the need to secure infrastructure assets with the need for open government practices. Last August, for instance, in the name of transparency and accountability, a New York City Councilman named James Vacca proposed that the city of New York publicly disclose the source code of all algorithms relied upon in delivering municipal services. These algos range from how teachers are evaluated, to when garbage gets collected, to which precincts get the most police officers. The proposal was the first of its kind in any U.S. cityand some privacy advocates assert that it should serve as a model for the rest of the country. The debate over the management and disclosure of this source code is critical, because governments are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze data and make key decisions. And while these advances offer the promise of better service at a reduced cost to taxpayers, this growing reliance on AI and ML comes with two distinct and potentially conflicting risks. The first risk is that governments that become overly reliant on AI introduce the potential for bias, particularly racial bias in the criminal justice system. In 2016, a ProPublica investigation found significant racial disparities in criminal justice risk assessments produced by algorithms that seek to predict future criminal behavior. In one notable example, the software wrongly considered a black woman who took a bike from a neighbors yard (given a risk score of 8) to be more likely to commit a future crime than a white man arrested for shoplifting who had a lengthy criminal record (he scored a 3). The ProPublica analysis of 7,000 individuals arrested in Broward Country, Florida revealed that this risk assessment tool wrongly identified African-American defendants as potential recidivists at improperly high rates. The software made the inverse mistake of underestimating recidivism rates for whites. Story continues More than 45 states now rely on algorithmic tools to set bond amounts, make parole decisions, or even influence jail sentences. These kinds of automated risk formulaswhich have implications for civil liberties and racial inequalityrequire broad transparency and close scrutiny. Councilman Vaccas legislation was aimed squarely at this troubling potential for bias. The challenge, though, is that erring too far on the side of transparency increases the second risk, which is the threat of widespread physical cyberattacks. When we think about cybersecurity risk, we typically envision attacks on email, networks, websites, and other digital assets. Increasingly, however, we can expect these attacks to target physical assets, and the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning may provide new and potent vectors for widespread attacks. Automated systems are rapidly evolving from offering assessments and evaluations to actually delivering implementation. Thats the difference between Waze offering individual drivers the best driving routes and a centralized computer system giving a fleet of autonomous vehicles, or drones, direct instructions. As cities automate water supply, electricity, mass transit, and hospital services, the cyber threat to these physical assets will rise. Were already seeing evidence of this. Just before the Atlanta cyberattack, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI issued a joint bulletin indicating that Russian hackers successfully penetrated control systems at energy, nuclear, water, aviation, and manufacturing sites. Herein lies the dilemma with the Vacca bill and similar efforts that have a well-intentioned goal of maximizing transparency to minimize the threat of bias: The more source code governments disclose, the more tools cyber criminals will have at their disposal. Last month, experts from 14 organizations, including OpenAI, Oxford University, and the Center for a New American Security, catalogued the digital, physical, and political risks of AI in a sweeping report. Its core thesis was the dual-use nature of AIthe potential for both goodin the form of accelerated scientific discovery and enhanced productivityand harm from cyberattacks and political disruption. When weighing the benefits and risks of the Vacca bill, the New York City Council sensibly decided to devote more time to understanding what the city should disclose and how. This is far preferable to diving headfirst into legislating without fully understanding the risks involved. This due diligencein New York and around the countrymust happen quickly. With his landmark legislation, Councilman Vacca sparked a crucial debate about balancing transparency and security in the new world of artificial intelligence. Citizens deserve to know how their government allocates resources and makes decisions. Yet, governments have an obligation to do all that they can to keep us safe, particularly at a time where cyber hackers too often appear to be one step ahead of the rest of us. Peter J. Beshar is executive vice president and general counsel of Marsh & McLennan Companies. Kris Osborn Security, And maybe even more. Could the Navy Turn the Littoral Combat Ship into a Swarm 'Aircraft Carrier'? The Navy is broadening its strategic and technical coordination between its Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) and surface and undersea drones to better destroy mines, survey enemy waters and even launch attacks. The services growing fleet of unmanned surface vessels and mine-hunting undersea drones are making rapid technological improvements. Increasingly, they can perform longer-range surveillance of enemy activity, find and neutralize mines and also launch coordinated surface drone swarm attacks. For instance, while facing long-range enemy precision weapons, surface ships like the LCS will launch and control swarms of fast, high-tech surface drone ships to test enemy defenses or launch coordinated attacks without putting a host ship in range of enemy fire. While ocean drones are rapidly gaining advanced levels of autonomy through new computer algorithms, Navy strategy emphasizes that humans will of course still be needed to fire weapons, perform command and control and make many combat-relevant decisions. Recommended: How Israel Takes U.S. Weapons and Makes Them Better. Recommended: North Koreas Most Lethal Weapon Isnt Nukes. Recommended: 5 Worst Guns Ever Made. "As part of the expanding shipbuilding portfolio, the Navy expects to have USVs (unmanned surface vessels) play a large, critical role working in concert with manned systems. Just like UUVs [unmanned underwater vehicles] will not replace submarines, we do not envision USVs replacing manned surface combatants. But they will work in concert," Alan Baribeau, spokesman for Naval Sea Systems Command, told Warrior. The Navy plans to deploy fast, high-tech surface drones equipped with advanced wireless technology able to find, attack and ultimately destroy underwater enemy mines, all while operating at safe distances from a larger manned surface host ship such as an LCS. Story continues While unmanned surface ships are not yet operating with weapons on board, industry and Navy developers are looking at ways to integrate guns, lasers, enemy fire interceptors or even small missiles with surface drones - to of course be controlled by human operators. Current Pentagon doctrine specifies that, when it comes to the prospect of using lethal force, a human must always be "in the loop" making the decision - regardless of how quickly autonomy is progressing. Overall, this strategic shift, aimed at keeping pace with undersea and surface warfare threats, is reflected in a recent name change for the Navy's Program Executive Office, LCS. The PEO is now called Unmanned and Small Combatants (USC), a service statement said. "Littoral Combat Ships no longer capture the entirety of what we do. The shipbuilding portfolio has expanded to include four surface combatant product lines -- two variants of LCS, plus Frigate, plus MMSC [Multi-Mission Surface Combatant]," Baribeau said. The Navy also released a written statement from Rear Adm. John P. Neagley, program executive officer, PEO USC, pointing to the expanding strategy. "This name change codifies the true expanse of our responsibility," he said. Expanding the purview of the PEO is reflected in the recently submitted Navy budget proposal, which calls for an influx of $1.2 billion for mine-countermeasure technologies over the next five years. Baribeau added that the strategic expansion is due, in large measure, to ongoing efforts to build upon manned-unmanned teaming technologies. This includes coordinated unmanned and manned surface ship and drone real-time information sharing between host ships and a range of supporting assets. Find & Destroy Mines Naval Sea Systems Command is working with industry to develop, assess and analyze mine-neutralization technologies for its emerging Mine Countermeasures Unmanned Surface Vehicle (MCM USV) -- a multi-mission surface drone countermine platform slated to be operational with the LCS by 2019, Capt. Jon Rucker, program manager, Unmanned Maritime Systems, PEO LCS (former PEO name), told reporters earlier this year at the Surface Navy Association Symposium. The MCM USV takes a large technical step beyond the mine-detecting Unmanned Influence Sweep System (UISS) now going through testing and builders trials, Rucker said. Building upon these efforts, the Navy is planning for the MCM USV to incorporate an ability to "destroy" mines from USVs as well. Neutralizing mines, once they are found, is the aim of this longer-term Navy effort, service developers explained. The current exploration of mine-neutralization technology is happening alongside the ongoing integration of advanced sonar mine-hunting payloads onto the USV -- the AQS-20 and AQS-24, officials said. Surface Attack Ships Incremental steps forward with surface drone countermine technology, an emphasis woven into the PEO LCS expansion, are also unfolding within the Navy's fast-progressing "ghost fleet" project. This is an ongoing Navy strategic and technical effort to harness the latest computer algorithms to deploy groups of interconnected unmanned vessels able to perform missions in a synchronized fashion. As communications and networking technologies continue to evolve rapidly, drones will increasingly be able to function in a cross-domain capacity, meaning across air, sea, land and undersea operations. The expanded PEO reflects a measured effort to incorporate the kinds of newer networking technologies able to support these operations. A human at a control station, using a low bandwidth connection, can perform command and control functions without needing to actually drive the vessels. The Navy and ONR are already immersed in the development of a variety of USVs, including a mine-detecting Unmanned Influence Sweep System, or UISS, for the Littoral Combat Ship. The UISS is carried by a Textron-developed Common Unmanned Surface Vehicle, or CUSV. The CUSV, in development since before 2009, can travel for more than 20-hours carrying up to 4,000-pounds at speeds of up to 20-knots, Textron information states. Also, it is engineered to withstand waves up to 20-feet. Other applications include the possible use of aerial swarms, for instance, could detect an enemy surface vessel and relay information to unmanned surface vessels or undersea drones. All of this could operate in a combat circumstance while needing little or no human intervention. Algorithms governing autonomous maritime navigation have progressed to the point where USVs can more effectively perceive and respond to their surrounding environment while in transit, program managers with the Office of Navel Research have explained. Small, high-tech autonomy kits can be integrated onto unmanned surface vessels. The kits, called Control Architecture for Robotic Agent Command and Sensing, or CARACaS, are engineered to provide USVs with an ability to handle dynamic operational situations; this can include the execution of search patterns, harbor defenses, surveillance or even swarm boat attacks, Navy developers have explained. Other possibilities among a wide range of uses include using autonomous USVs for supply and weapons transport, countermine operations, electronic warfare and amphibious operations. The USVs are programmed with sensors linked to an established database of known threats such as enemy boats; they are also linked to one another with an ability to detect, track and trail unknown boats, ONR officials said. The Ghost Fleet effort involves a collaborative venture between the Office of Naval Research, the Pentagon's Strategic Capabilities Office and the Navy. The Pentagons Strategic Capabilities Office represents a specific effort to integrate cutting edge technologies with existing platforms as a way to bring near term combat advantages through advanced technology. This first appeared in Warrior Maven here. Read full article Watch news, TV and more on Yahoo View. A fundraising campaign to cover the legal bills of sacked former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe has smashed its target to hit $370,000 (260,000) in just 14 hours. The page set up by the Friends of Andrew McCabe has already received more than 8,700 donations including some as high as $3,000. The response to this effort has been remarkable and beyond our expectations, said the organisers. Mr McCabe was fired by Donald Trumps attorney general Jeff Sessions less than two days before his expected retirement after more than 20 years service. President Trump, who previously fired Mr McCabes boss James Comey, described the sacking as a great day for Democracy on Twitter. Mr McCabe was accused of making improperly authorised disclosures to a journalist about FBI investigations into Hillary Clinton and misleading investigators. He claims he was sacked because he is a witness in the ongoing Russia investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller. His dismissal put his pension and healthcare benefits in jeopardy and he still faces an investigation by the Officer of the Inspector General as well as congressional inquiries and potential lawsuits. The money raised on GoFundMe will only be used to defend the allegations against him and anything remaining will be donated to charity, according to the campaign. The support for Mr McCabe has been overwhelming, humbling, and deeply appreciated, the campaign said. He and his family continue to deal with the very public and extended humiliation that the Administration, and the President personally, have inflicted on them over the past year. Unfortunately, the need for a legal defense fund is a growing reality. The campaign described Mr McCabes sacking as completely unjustified, amidst repeated ad hominem attacks by the President of the United States. Mr McCabes legal team is being led by former Department of Justice inspector general Michael Bromwich. David Shulkin spent a scandal-free year and a half as a senior Veterans Affairs official under president Barack Obama, and flew through the Senate in a 100-0 vote for his confirmation to run the department under president Donald Trump. Just over a year later, Trump fired him yesterday following weeks of speculation and revelations that Shulkin had spent more than $122,000 of department money on a 10-day trip to the UK and Denmark in July 2017which involved only three and a half days of meetings. A government investigation (pdf) into the trip found he had committed several serious derelictions, including bringing his wife on the trip at the taxpayers expense and improperly accepting free Wimbledon tickets. Most administrations have to weather a cabinet ethics scandal or two; under Trump, they seem to be everywhere. But while there have been many high-profile firings, very few of them were due to ethics mishaps; in a New York Times op-ed today, Shulkin writes that he was fired for being an obstacle to privatization of the veterans affairs department. Most of the senior officials accused of wasting public funds remain in government: Is the White House that promised to drain the swamp seeing more moral slippage than unusual? Some of the same officials who denounced excess spending in the past have since been caught doing just that: For example, in 2009, congressman Tom Price decried members of the US congress who were using private jets as just another example of fiscal irresponsibility run amok. In September 2017, he resigned from his post as Donald Trumps health secretary, after it was reported that hed spent more than $1 million of taxpayer funds on his own travel in private jets. Story continues We havent seen anything like thisanything like this, says Norman Ornstein, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. If you lined [Trumps cabinet] all up and just took a random poke, youd be far more likely than not to hit somebody who has engaged in some corrupt practices, or practices that have violated every norm that we have about how you use taxpayer dollars. Amy Siskind, who compiles a weekly list of changing norms under Trumps presidency, says its overwhelming: Every week without fail one of these guys is in there. The big question is: how have these scandals become so pervasive? Rotten from the top Many things that can lead to a culture of corruption in an administration. You can hire people with few ethical scruples. You can fail to educate them about ethics. You can fail to punish those who violate existing codes. But rot often begins at the top. In this case, Trump refusing to divest from his business empire might set a bad example for the rest of the government, says Richard Painter, White House ethics counsel under George W. Bush. Because the president himself has such a cavalier attitude towards his own conflicts of interest, the others working for him have a cavalier attitude themselves, he said. Thats created a culture of following the letter of the lawwhich is largely based on normsrather than its spirit, says Scott Amey, general counsel at the Project on Government Oversight. Just because you can buy a $31,000 desk, it doesnt mean that you should,he says. That message has to start at the top with the Trump administration and needs to trickle down through cabinet secretaries and then to career public servants: Were here to clean up Washington, not to expose problems in the system and exploit those gaps.' Forgetting frugality may be exacerbated by Trumps tendency to hire other businesspeople, like former Goldman Sachs partner Mnuchin, who are used to a luxury executive lifestyle. Weve always had Goldman Sachs goes to Washingtonthat is not new but theres even more of it in this administration, says Painter. Businesspeople can become very good public servants, but they have to become public servants. They cant go into public service flying around on private jets and promoting their businesses. Impotent oversight Correcting that attitude requires stringent ethics oversight, but Walter Shaub is a cautionary tale for anyone hoping to put that in place. Appointed as director of the Office of Government Ethics in 2013, he lasted six months of the Trump presidency before he quit, declaring (paywall), I think we are pretty close to a laughingstock at this point. He later said he left because he reached a point where I didnt think I could actually achieve the mission effectively. Translation: the Trump administration refused to listen to ethics advice. The White House did not reply to emailed requests for comment on its ethics oversight. The case of top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway is a prime example. When Conway endorsed Ivanka Trumps business products on live TV, Shaub recommended (paywall) that the White House discipline her. Trumps internal ethics counsel disagreed, and the president did nothing. Later in the year, she twice weighed in against Democratic candidate Doug Jones in an Alabama special Senate election, and a special counsel investigation deemed that both times she had violated the Hatch Act, a law banning federal officials from using their office for partisan political influence. Painter says she would have been fired for that in the Bush White House, but its unclear whether Conway has received any punishment under Trump. The message that sends is clear, Ornstein says: If you believed that there would be no consequences for bad behavior, human nature suggests that lots of people will be very likely to engage in it. Conway is not the only one to have violated the Hatch Act: the Office of the Special Counsel, an independent oversight body set up in the wake of Watergate, also found UN ambassador Nikki Haley and White House social media director Dan Scavino had done so. Partisan Congress Absent proper oversight in the executive branch of government, its Congresss role to excoriate officials for unethical behavior. But the Republican-controlled House and Senate have made few efforts to do that, ethics watchdogs say. Shaub is ominous about the threat this lack of oversight poses. Without Congressional oversight, we have lost a critical check on the executive branchs departure from important norms, and in the absence of that check we are already witnessing early signs of a potential drift toward authoritarian tendencies, he wrote in a lengthy statement posted on Twitter last week. Many blame partisanship. Its just mind-boggling, says Ornstein. My guess is that if the House or Senate would be Democratic[officials] would know that if they did this stuff on a repeated basis, they would get hauled up in front of Congress and suffer some serious consequences. Nonetheless, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have taken the chance to stick the knife into cabinet members when they sat for budget hearings. When the top Democrat on a House Appropriations subcommittee probed Carson about his dining set, the former neurosurgeon gave various confusing explanations (paywall) for the expense. These included that the previous dining table was dangerous, that his wife had picked out the new design, and that neither he nor his wife were happy with the price. Trey Gowdy, the Republican chair of the House Oversight Committee wrote to Ryan Zinke asking him to detail the expenses in a briefing. Zinke told a House committee that the doors cost so much because of historic building preservation guidelines, while bemoaning government procurement practices. You have to follow such stringent rules, even though some of them dont make common sense, he said. Were bound by those rules. I dont even have a choice. Pruitts travel expenses were unearthed by a bipartisan effort headed by Gowdy to get him to turn over his flight records, which were then leaked to the Washington Post (paywall). The EPA says Pruitt has flown first class since Spring 2017 because of security threats, after a protester made vulgar and threatening comments to him. A Democratic congressman also has triggered an internal investigation into Pruitts installation of the secure phone booth. Previous EPA officials have made do with a secure facility on a different floor of the building, but Pruitt told the Post, Its kind of hard to tell someone thats reaching out that, to have a confidential secure conversation, Ive got to go down two floors, and over two levels, and Ill call you back. Too many scandals The media has played an crucial role in uncovering ethics violations. Politico spent months snooping Prices flight patterns, ending in his firing. Brenda Fitzgerald, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was forced to resign when Politico reported she had been trading stocks in tobacco companies while running an agency tasked with cutting cigarette use. Meanwhile, billionaire investor Carl Icahn quit just before the New Yorker published an investigation (paywall) into his conflicts of interest while acting as a special advisor to Trump. But in a normal administration, many of the other scandals mentioned in this story would have dominated the news for days. Under Trump, constant controversy means its a surprise if government misspending makes the front page. Its hard to blame anyone for that. As Shaub writes, the shocks are coming too fast to hold anyones attention for long, and it becomes hard to focus the reaction in ways that are effective. What can be done? Painter is optimistic that the federal government can still be cleaned up. We went through Watergate and prior situations where there was a lot of corruption either in the White House or Congress or both, and weve come out of it, he said, arguing that voters wont tolerate much more of this. His fellow onlookers are less bullish, worrying, instead, that corrupt behavior has become normalized, to a point that to recover would take a large backlash in the form of criminal indictments or an anti-corruption presidential candidate. Ornstein has become fond of citing former senator and all-round polymath Daniel Patrick Moynihans essay Defining Deviancy Down (pdf), to show how quickly things can go downhill. There is always a certain amount of deviancy in a society, Moynihan once said, paraphrasing his essay. But when you get too much, you begin to think that its not really that bad. Pretty soon you become accustomed to very destructive behavior. Sign up for the Quartz Daily Brief, our free daily newsletter with the worlds most important and interesting news. More stories from Quartz: A Delta flight caught fire shortly after landing at an airport in Atlanta, the airline has confirmed. The plane was on its way to Quito, Ecuador, but suffered a mechanical problem shortly after take-off from Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport and was forced to return. The Federal Aviation Authority said the brakes locked up upon landing. Footage from a passenger on another flight showed the planes landing gear on fire. Plane on fire on the runway at Atlanta Airport, Ronnie Fernando wrote on Twitter. Speculation as to what it was looked kinda significant. The plane, which had 199 people on board, was towed back to the gate where the blaze was extinguished. Passengers continued to Quito on a different flight, the airline said. A Delta spokesperson told The Independent: "Flight 673 landed safely after returning to Atlanta for a mechanical issue. Upon landing, flames were noted and quickly extinguished on one of the aircrafts landing gears." Donald Trump Jr. took aim at his fathers 2016 rival Jeb Bush in a scathing tweet after Bush reportedly jokingly implied that the presidents children dont love him. In a speech at Yale Tuesday, the former Florida governor quipped that after the 2016 Republican primary in South Carolina, he returned home to children who actually love me, according to the Yale Daily News. The student newspaper said his comment was met with laughter from the crowd and interpreted by some as a jab at President Donald Trump. Trump Jr. was clearly among those who saw it that way. The presidents eldest son tweeted a response Wednesday night, writing: Jeb! I love everything about my father. I love that hes a fighter, I love that he has guts, I love that hes President (all those things youre not). Also love that he learned enough about politics in a few weeks to dismantle you piece by piece despite it being your lifes work, he added. Jeb! I love everything about my father. I love that hes a fighter, I love that he has guts, I love that hes President (all those things youre not) Also love that he learned enough about politics in a few weeks to dismantle you piece by piece despite it being your lifes work Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 29, 2018 Trump Jr. isnt the first member of his family to ridicule the former Republican presidential hopeful. The president repeatedly mocked Bush throughout the 2016 campaign, calling him a basket case, an embarrassment to the Bush family, and Trumps personal favorite Bush barb low-energy. The president even once fell back on a popular playground insult, poking fun of Bush for his glasses or lack thereof. Jeb Bush just got contact lenses and got rid of the glasses. He wants to look cool, but its far too late, Trump tweeted in February 2016. Donald Trump speaks at Local 18 Richfield Training Facility in Richfield, Ohio: AP President Donald Trump has said that the US will withdraw its troops from Syria very soon despite repeated declarations that he would not divulge military movements. Mr Trump boasted at a rally in Ohio, the main focus of which was supposed to be US infrastructure, that his administration is winning the fight against Isis. Were knocking the hell out of Isis. Well be coming out of Syria, like, very soon, the president said. Let the other people take care of it now. We got to get back to our country where we belong, where we want to be, he added. However, when asked about Mr Trumps remarks later, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said she unaware about any plans for a troop withdrawal. The remarks also went against repeated promises from Mr Trump over the last two years that he would not talk publicly about military matters. It was something he criticised frequently on the campaign trail and in April last year, during remarks about Syria, he said: Militarily, I dont like to say where Im going and what Im doing. The Pentagon has acknowledged about 2,000 troops in Syria, many of them working closely with the Kurdish militia the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against Isis. Last year, the SDF captured the Syrian city of Raqqa, Isiss de-facto capital, and the jihadis have now lost the vast majority of the territory it once held across Syria and Iraq. But even as Isis has lost significant strongholds such as Raqqa, experts warn that the terror group remains a lethal force and Mr Trumps words put him at odds with statements from Rex Tilleron, his recently fired secretary of state. Mr Tillerson gave a speech earlier this year that advocated a lengthy mission for the US in Syria, not only to prevent the possible return of Isis but also because of the battle for influence in a conflict that involves a number of nations. Russia and Iran have backed the Syrian army of President Bashar al-Assad and the US will be loathe to leave the arena completely. Defence Secretary James Mattis has said that he believes the US should pull out of Syria at some point but has not suggested it should be done quickly. Story continues Also during his Ohio speech, Mr Trump suggested delaying the implementation of a revised trade deal with South Korea until after a deal with North Korea over ending its nuclear programme. Mr Trump suggested that holding up the deal will give him leverage in the unprecedented proposed talks with North Korea and its leader Kim Jong-un. Although making such a deal given the complexities of the situation, including the input of South Korea, China, Japan and others, will be much more difficult then Mr Trump makes it sound. The US and South Korea announced this week that they had agreed to make changes to their six-year-old trade pact, which Mr Trump had labelled a horror show. South Korea promised to lift existing limits on the number of cars US car makers can export to the country. It also restricts, by almost a third, the amount of steel that South Korea can export to America. I may hold it up until after a deal is made with North Korea, Mr Trump said. Do you know why? Because its a very strong card and I want to make sure everybody is treated fairly and were moving along very nicely with South Korea. Just before making this threat, Mr Trump called the revisions in the trade agreement a wonderful fix that would level the playing field on steel and cars and trucks coming into this country. Libreville (AFP) - Equatorial Guinea carried out a wave of arrests and torture after an attempted coup last December, activists say. Several members of the opposition Citizens for Innovation (CI) party among 38 who were held at the main police station in the capital Malabo -- which they dubbed "Guantanamo" -- told AFP of alleged abuse during their detention from December 28 to January 3. "We were tortured for a week," said party activist Ernesto Obama Ondo, 42. "I received 150 lashes every day," he said in Malabo. "My buttocks were in shreds." Mireille Buila Euka, 24, also recounted being lashed, with her hands and feet bound. "I was whipped 100 times the first night," she said. The party has said that during their trial for "rebellion" in February, around 30 of the 147 defendants could not even stand up because of the alleged torture they endured at "Guantanamo". Many were rounded up following a failed December 24 coup in the tiny West African state, it has said. The authorities say the attempted overthrow was planned internally and carried out by foreign agents -- about 30 foreign armed men were arrested just inside neighbouring Cameroon. A small state of 1.2 million people, awash with oil but mired in poverty and a reputation for corruption, Equatorial Guinea has been ruled with an iron fist by Teodoro Obiang Nguema since 1979. He seized power by ousting his own uncle, first post-independence president Francisco Macias Nguema, who was shot by firing squad. Obiang has since seen off at least half a dozen assassination or coup attempts. He won a fifth seven-year term in 2016 with nearly 94 percent of votes. Some CI activists had been arrested before the attempted coup after trying to stage a rally in Aconibe, the birthplace of party leader Gabriel Nse Obiang Obono, ahead of legislative elections last November. Clashes with police left three officers injured, with assailants seizing their service weapons from them, according to court documents. Story continues - 'Who was tortured?' - Equatorial Guinea's ambassador to France, Miguel Oyono Ndong Mifumu, dismissed the allegations of torture in an interview in Paris with AFP. "Who was tortured?" he asked. "Torture is a word that's used when you want to tarnish someone's image. "The (activists) weren't arrested because they were members of a political party (but) for sedition, disorderly conduct, defying authority and serious injuries" during the November clashes, he said. Likening CI activists to "paramilitaries", Ndong Mifumu said around 200 people "beat up" police officers. The 147 activists tried in late February faced the death penalty over the events in Aconibe. The court ordered the party dissolved and sentenced 21 members including the CI's sole MP, Jesus Mitogo, to more than 30 years in jail, according to the party. Obama Ondo said he and others were hospitalised with injuries suffered during their detention, an assertion confirmed to AFP by staff at Malabo's La Paz hospital. It was at the hospital that Susana Esono, who is around 30, said she was nearly killed. She was admitted with a broken arm and rib she said resulted from being beaten with an iron bar during her arrest on December 28. "After two days at the La Paz hospital, a man... gave me an injection and I fainted," she said, adding that while still on a drip, she was taken to "Guantanamo" where the IV was removed. - Dead detainee 'had been ill' - The CI says another opposition activist, Santiago Ebee Ela, 41, was killed while in detention in mid-January. Obiang has rejected the claim, saying Ela had been ill but promising an investigation into the death. Lawyer Fabian Nsue and human rights watchdog Amnesty International said no such probe has begun. Nsue said the victims were planning legal action but held out little hope for justice, telling AFP that the government aimed to "have done with CI". Human Rights Watch (HRW) wants the United Nations to open an investigation, Sarah Saadoun, a researcher for the New York-based rights group, told AFP by email. Amnesty researcher Marta Colmer said that since the November elections, "we have seen an increase in the number of reports of torture of members of the opposition." The authorities' "unwillingness to collaborate makes it difficult for international organisations to verify human rights violations in the country," she added. burs-cc/gd/ri/ceb Letters to the Editor: Saving lives is the point; Getting facts on immigrants; Marching for our lives; Blasting African-American pastors doesn't help Eastern Washington was 7-4 in 2017. (Photo by William Mancebo/Getty Images) An Eastern Washington player has been indefinitely suspended after he allegedly drove a truck into an apartment complex. According to police, Keenan Williams is accused of driving his truck into a first-floor apartment and causing approximately $100,000 worth of damage to the building. Hes charged with a hit-and-run. After hitting the apartment complex, he then allegedly fled. The incident happened in the evening of March 9. Williams turned himself into police the next day. The man in the apartment that got hit said he heard screeching tires just before the truck burst into his residence and Williams allegedly exclaimed that he was going to lose his scholarship after the incident happened. From the Spokesman-Review: [Cameron] Kubrock told police he heard screeching tires and turned to look just as a large, dark-colored Ford truck smashed through my window and wall a foot from where I was. Kubrock was showered with glass from the window but was not hurt. The police report does not indicate whether anyone else was in the truck while Williams was at the wheel. However, Kubrock and two other residents stated to police that several other men were gathered around the truck after it struck the building. EWU said its aware of the incident and is will help cooperate with the police investigation. Williams was fourth on the team in tackles with 55 and had four sacks in 2017 as the FCS school went 7-4. Nick Bromberg is a writer for Yahoo Sports. More from Yahoo Sports: How Shaqs impatience led to a $70K Walmart trip Stanton makes 117 mph statement in Yankees debut Jacksons curious decision sends message to NFL teams The Marlins waste no time in becoming MLBs big joke Cairo (AFP) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has won a second term with 96.9 percent of valid votes, state media reported on Friday, raising a previous tally from the preliminary count. The flagship state-owned newspaper Al-Ahram also raised its estimate of turnout in the March 26-28 election to 42.08 percent, saying 25 million of Egypt's 60 million registered voters had cast ballots. On Tuesday, the paper had reported that Sisi was reelected with 92 percent of the vote on a turnout of just over 40 percent. It gave no explanation for the upward revisions. Sisi, who as army chief ousted Egypt's first freely elected president -- Islamist Mohamed Morsi -- after mass street protests in 2013, won his first term in 2014 with 96.9 percent of the vote. The only other candidate on the ballot paper this year, Moussa Mostafa Moussa, won 3.1 percent of the vote, Al-Ahram said. Moussa, a little-known politician who is himself a supporter of the president, registered immediately before the close date for applications, saving the election from being a one-horse race. The National Election Authority is scheduled to announce the full official result on Monday. Moussa conceded defeat on Wednesday evening, saying he had hoped for 10 percent of the vote but knew all along that he was up against the "immense popularity" of the president. More heavyweight would-be challengers were all sidelined, detained or pulled out. Opposition groups had called for a boycott of this week's vote which they labelled a charade. Even at 42 percent, turnout was down on the 47 percent in the 2014 election despite appeals from Prime Minister Sherif Ismail for voters to fulfil their patriotic duty. (LAS VEGAS) Elaine Wynn, the ex-wife of embattled casino mogul Steve Wynn, said during a court hearing Wednesday that she told the companys general counsel in 2009 that she had received information alleging her ex-husband had raped an employee in 2005. The general counsel later denied receiving any information about a rape allegation. The revelation came during testimony in a special hearing in a years long civil case in state court in Las Vegas involving her, her ex-husband and the casino-operating company they founded. It was the first time she testified in open court regarding the sexual misconduct allegation against Steve Wynn. He has denied any wrongdoing. Elaine Wynn said she did not report the information to anyone else in the company other than general counsel Kimmarie Sinatra. She acknowledged under questioning from the attorneys representing Wynn Resorts that she did not share the information with the companys board of directors of which she was a member at the time. I told Ms. Sinatra that I had received information alleging that Mr. Wynn had raped an employee of the hotel in 2005, she testified. She said Sinatra later told her the accusation had been discussed by attorneys and that it was deemed not to have been an issue of concern for the company, that it had been handled personally, and therefore, it had been resolved. Elaine Wynn has argued she was not re-nominated the companys board of directors in 2015 in retaliation for her inquiries into company activities. The two-day hearing that ended Wednesday was meant for her attorneys to show that she reported to the company bad acts she has alleged against her ex-husband and others. Clark County District Court Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez ruled the jury in the trial scheduled to begin in April can hear about the settlement and the alleged illegal gambling activities of two company executives. Steve Wynn resigned last month as chairman and CEO of the casino-operating company amid sexual misconduct allegations that were first reported by the Wall Street Journal. The newspaper reported two months ago that several women said the billionaire harassed or assaulted them and that one case led to a $7.5 million settlement in 2005 with a manicurist formerly employed by the company. Other allegations and a settlement with a different employee have since surfaced. Story continues Steve Wynn, 76, has vehemently denied the allegations and attributed them to Elaine Wynn, whose attorney has denied that she instigated the news report. Wynn Resorts has established a committee to investigate the allegations and to review internal policies and procedures. Attorneys for Wynn Resorts on Tuesday formally acknowledged that an employee accused Steve Wynn of sexual misconduct in the workplace in 2005 and that the dispute was settled. On Wednesday, however, they disputed that Elaine Wynn reported the information as a corporate governance matter, but instead did it to gain leverage in her divorce. Notice that there was zero evidence presented, none, that anyone on the nominating committee (of the board of directors) knew anything about this 2009 incident, Todd Bice, an attorney for Wynn Resorts, said. We fundamentally dispute that Ms. Wynn was reporting this matter to the company as part of a governance issue as opposed to seeking information from Ms. Sinatra and sharing information with Ms. Sinatra as part of Ms. Wynns divorce case. Sinatra after the hearing issued a statement saying Elaine Wynn at no point told her that an allegation of rape had been leveled against Steve Wynn. In the relevant conversation in which she promised to destroy Steve Wynn and said she didnt care if that reduced the companys stock price to zero in the process, Elaine Wynn made an oblique reference to a settlement, and nothing more, Sinatra said. Elaine Wynn owns 9.5 million shares in Wynn Resorts, which she founded with her ex-husband in 2002. Steve Wynn last week sold all his stock in the company. A larger portion of the long-running case was settled earlier this month when Wynn Resorts agreed to pay a Tokyo-based company $2.4 billion by the end of March. By David Shepardson NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is expected to use a Virginia car dealership on Tuesday as the setting to tout its rejection of the Obama administration's landmark vehicle fuel efficiency rules, a move that could put automakers in the middle of a battle between the Trump administration and California. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt plans to sign a declaration by Sunday that the Obama administrations vehicle efficiency rules for 2022 through 2025 are "not appropriate" and must be revised, Reuters reported last week. Pruitt is expected to speak at an event at a Chevrolet dealership in suburban Washington and will joined by groups representing dealers and automakers, according to people familiar with the plans. The state of California, which has the power to effectively create its own fuel economy standards, several allied states and environmental groups are gearing up for a legal and political fight over the rules, aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions from new cars and trucks. California Air Resources Board chair Mary Nichols said in January the board does not believe the standards should be lowered. Pruitt was in California earlier this week, but did not meet with Nichols. Two administration officials and several automakers told Reuters the timing of proposing specific revisions to existing fuel economy standards and emissions limits remains in flux. EPA officials suggested a detailed proposal could come in late May or June, while the Transportation Department is pushing for a speedier proposal, automakers and officials said. The EPA declined Thursday to comment on Pruitt's plans. An EPA spokeswoman said last week "a final determination will be signed by April 1." Automakers want rule changes to address lower gasoline prices and a shift in U.S. consumer preferences to larger, less fuel-efficient vehicles. Auto industry executives have not publicly sought specific reductions in the requirements negotiated with the Obama administration in 2011. But they have urged Pruitt and U.S. President Donald Trump to revise the Obama standards to make it easier and less costly to meet complex targets, which vary depending on the size of vehicles and whether they are classified as cars or trucks. Overall, the Obama rules called for roughly doubling by 2025 to about 50 miles (80 km) per gallon the average fuel efficiency of new vehicles sold in the United States. But the Obama rules included a review by April 2018 as to whether the final years were feasible or not. By declaring the Obama rules "not appropriate, the Trump administration can reopen the process of setting vehicle targets agreed to by automakers in 2011. Pruitt is expected to declare that the existing 2022-2025 model year rules on fuel economy must be revised but he is not expected to immediately propose new requirements, people familiar with the plans said. They asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to speak to the news media. The so-called Corporate Average Fuel Economy rules sought to double the average fuel efficiency of automakers' fleets, or complete lineup of cars and light trucks, to about 50 miles (80 km) per gallon by 2025. While automakers want relief from the Obama rules, they are pressing the administration to avoid a battle with California and maintain a single, nationwide set of fuel efficiency requirements. In New York, Toyota North America <7203.T> Chief Executive Jim Lentz said at an Reuters event on Thursday that automakers would face higher costs if they had to manage fuel economy by each individual state. Lentz said individual state emissions requirements could result in Toyota getting "towards the end of the year and I no longer can sell SUVs," depending on the state's fuel economy numbers. "It would be an absolute nightmare for us to figure out." When fuel rules were written in 2011 amid high gas prices, fuel efficiency was the second highest attribute considered by Toyota buyers, Lentz said. Today it is 10th. (Reporting by David Shepardson in New York. Additional reporting by Nick Carey in New York; Editing by Tom Brown) By Tuvan Gumrukcu ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey said on Friday that a French pledge to help stabilize a region of northern Syria controlled by Kurdish-dominated forces amounted to support for terrorism and could make France a "target of Turkey". French backing for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), spearheaded by the Kurdish YPG militia, has angered Ankara at a time when it is fighting the YPG in northern Syria and considers it a terrorist organization. President Tayyip Erdogan said France had taken a "completely wrong approach" on Syria, adding that he exchanged heated words with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, last week. The split with France is the latest rift between Turkey under Erdogan and its NATO allies in the West. Turkey has long complained about U.S. support for the SDF, among a number of irritants to ties with the leading NATO power. Last year it compared the German and Dutch authorities to Nazis for restricting pro-Erdogan demonstrations during a campaign for a referendum to give him greater powers. The White House said President Donald Trump, who added fresh uncertainty on Thursday when he said that the United States would be "coming out of Syria" very soon, spoke to Erdogan on Friday "to discuss regional developments and the strategic partnership between the United States and Turkey". "The two leaders expressed support for continued efforts to increase cooperation between their two countries, to advance shared interests as NATO allies, and to work through issues that affect the bilateral relationship," a White House statement said. Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said the French stance was setting Paris on a collision course with Ankara. "Those who enter into cooperation and solidarity with terror groups against Turkey ... will, like the terrorists, become a target of Turkey," Bozdag, who is also the Turkish government spokesman, wrote on Twitter. "We hope France does not take such an irrational step." Macron met an SDF delegation on Thursday and gave assurances of French support to stabilize northern Syria. A presidential source later said France could increase its military contribution to the U.S.-led coalition which - alongside the SDF - is fighting Islamic State in Syria. The United States has 2,000 troops in SDF-held territory, and France also has some troops there as part of the coalition. Ankara considers the YPG fighters in the SDF to be an extension of Kurdish militants who have waged a decades-old insurgency in southeast Turkey. Turkish forces drove the YPG from the northwestern Syrian town of Afrin nearly two weeks ago and Erdogan says Ankara is preparing to extend operations along hundreds of miles of border, including areas where the American forces are deployed. The Afrin operation has already drawn international criticism, notably from Macron. Ankara, meanwhile, has said it expects its allies to move their troops out of the way of a Turkish advance. "We have no intention to harm soldiers of allied nations, but we cannot allow terrorists to roam freely (in northern Syria)," Erdogan said. One U.S. service member and one other member of the U.S.-led coalition were killed by a bomb in Syria overnight, the first to die in an attack this year. TRUMP SURPRISE Trump's remark on Thursday that the United States would be "coming out of Syria" appeared to take his own administration by surprise. U.S. officials have said in recent months that Washington planned to keep an open-ended presence in northern Syria, to support stability in the SDF-controlled region, prevent any Islamic State resurgence and counter Iranian influence. SDF spokesman Kino Gabriel said the force had not been informed of any U.S. withdrawal plan. "Our work and coordination (with the coalition) is continuing," Gabriel told Reuters in a written message. Asked whether U.S. forces had been informed of a decision to withdraw or were preparing to do so, a spokesman for the coalition said he would not comment on future operations. A PYD member in Paris said Macron had promised at Thursday's meeting with the SDF to send more troops to northern Syria, provide humanitarian assistance and push a diplomatic solution. The French presidency did not confirm that Macron had pledged more troops, but the presidential source said France could bolster its military intervention in Syria "within the existing framework" of the U.S.-led coalition. The presidency also said Macron was offering to mediate between Turkey and the SDF - a suggestion Erdogan dismissed. "Do not engage in things beyond you, we do not need a mediator," he said, responding to the French offer in remarks to members of his ruling AK Party in Ankara. "Who are you to speak of mediation between Turkey and a terrorist organization?" Accusing Paris of appeasing terrorism, he said Macron would be held accountable for his policy by his own people. "We hope France doesn't come to us for help when the terrorists running from Syria and Iraq fill their country after being encouraged by their policy," he said. Erdogan spoke last week with Macron about the French president's criticism of Turkey's Afrin campaign. "He was saying weird things and so, even if it was a bit high-octane, I had to tell him some things," Erdogan said. "It is not anyone's place to portray our armed forces as something we do not find acceptable." (Additional reporting by John Irish and Marine Pennetier in Paris, Tom Perry in Beirut, Maher Chmaytelli in Baghdad and David Brunnstrom in Washington; Writing by Dominic Evans; Editing by Peter Graff and Susan Thomas) Updated | Ralph Peters, who recently walked away after a long stint as a Fox News analyst, accused the network on Friday of blocking him from speaking on Russia issues because he refused to unswervingly support President Donald Trump. In an op-ed published in The Washington Post Friday, the retired lieutenant colonel claimed he was the only person on the Fox payroll who was trained in Russian studies and the language, and that had met Russian intelligence officers in person. Related: Trump's Thanksgiving Call to Troops Was 'Insulting,' Retired Lieutenant General Says Trending: Are Active Shooter Drills Good for Students? But dating back to fall 2016, when national security issues surrounded Trump, Peters said he was increasingly blocked from speaking on Russian affairs and the intelligence community, despite being an expert. I did not hide my views at Fox and, as word spread that I would not unswervingly support President Trump and, worse, that I believed an investigation into Russian interference was essential to our national security, I was excluded from segments that touched on Vladimir Putins possible influence on an American president, his campaign or his administration, Peters wrote. Peters said he was only rarely allowed to comment on whether Russian President Vladimir Putin targeted Trump. As special counsel Robert Muellers indictments hit, he could not even talk about how Russians operate. Don't miss: These States Prove Arming Teachers Protects Students Fox never tried to put words in my mouth, nor was I told explicitly that I was taboo on Trump-Putin matters, Peters wrote. I simply was no longer called on for topics central to my expertise. He also said that Foxs prime-time lineup preaches paranoia, attacking processes and institutions vital to our republic and challenging the rule of law. Fox suspended Peters for a couple of weeks in 2015 for using profanity to bash ex-President Barack Obama. Story continues Most popular: This Is How Expensive It Is to Have Children in the U.S. Peters, who did not renew his contract on March 1, said the only reason he stayed as a contributor for so long was the seductive opportunity to reach millions of Americans. I rationalized that I could make a difference by remaining at Fox and speaking honestly, Peters wrote. I was wrong. A Fox News spokesperson in an emailed statement to Newsweek Friday afternoon said: There is no truth to the notion that Ralph Peters was blocked from appearing on the network to talk about the major headlines, including discussing Russia, North Korea and even gun control recently. In fact, he appeared across both networks multiple times in just the past three weeks. This story has been updated with a comment from Fox News. This article was first written by Newsweek More from Newsweek Tad Cummins, a former high school teacher in Tennessee, has decided to plead guilty to kidnapping a then-15-year-old student for 38 days and taking her across the country last year, PEOPLE confirms. Cummins, 51, is charged with kidnapping and sex crimes in the abduction of Elizabeth Thomas, who was a freshman at Culleoka Unit School in Maury County when she vanished with Cummins in March 2017. He was fired from the school, where he taught health science, after being named a suspect in the case. Cummins was scheduled to appear in court later this year after pleading not guilty in May to federal charges. However, on Thursday, his attorney announced his intentions to reverse his earlier plea, citing personal reflection, the Tennessean reports. The Thomas family is very relieved that Tad Cummins decided to do the right thing by pleading guilty. We see this as one more step toward justice for Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, Jason Whatley, the Thomas familys attorney, said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE. Elizabeth Thomas Thomas was reported missing on March 13, 2017. Cummins, one of her teachers, disappeared the same day. The pair was the subject of an AMBER Alert, and investigators had said they were off the grid. Both authorities and Thomas family have said Cummins groomed her for months before the abduction. After 38 days on the run, Cummins and Thomas were found living in a four-walled shelter in Northern California. When she returned home to Tennessee, Thomas was taken to an undisclosed location to work with psychologists and counselors. While she was not physically harmed, she had undergone a series of traumatic events, authorities said. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. Tad Cummins Its a highly emotional issue, Thomas father, Anthony Thomas, told PEOPLE last summer after his daughters return. Story continues He declined at that time to discuss how Elizabeth was doing but he said that with the familys support and help of counselors, she was making progress. We are doing fine, he said. Its just a process you have to go through. Elizabeth returned to Columbia, in Maury County, in July and is home-schooled. Theres been so much speculation about me, she told a local paper in September, in her first public comments after returning home. There are people saying, Shes not talking for this reason. Shes not talking for that reason. Its not that. Its just the publicity is affecting people. Cummins attorney could not be reached on Thursday. Elizabeths family declined to comment on news of the plea. When the Hart family parents Jennifer and Sarah and their children, who lived in Washington plummeted in their SUV off a California cliff 100 feet into the ocean below, they left behind a possibly unsolvable mystery. I can fairly say that several of the questions that have been asked today [will] never be answered, Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman said at a news conference on Wednesday. It was un-witnessed, we dont know what happened. Key facts about the crash remain unknown, with the available information complicating instead of clarifying what might have happened. The incident was first discovered on Monday and California authorities believe it killed everyone involved: the parents and three of the children, whose bodies have been found, and three children who are still missing. Among other things yet to be determined are how and when the wreck occurred and why the family was traveling. We have no evidence and reason to believe that this was an intentional attack, Allman said. Certainly people are wondering what caused this. According to law enforcement, the family was in a 2003 GMC Yukon XL when they went over a cliff along the Pacific Coast Highway in Northern California, west of Sacramento. Jennifer and Sarah, both 38, were in the front while it is believed their six children, ranging in age from 12 to 19, were in the back. Sarah and Jennifer were married, according to their family and friends, authorities tell PEOPLE. None of their kids were wearing seat belts. Describing a very confusing scene, Allman said, There were no skid marks, there were no brake marks or there was no indication why this vehicle traversed approximately 75 feet over a dirt pull-out and went into the Pacific Ocean. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. The Hart family The site of the crash in Northern California that killed the Hart family While only five bodies have been found, Allman said, We have every indication to believe that all six children were in [the vehicle]. Story continues As the investigation continues, a previous abuse allegation against Sarah and the possibility of recent neglect in the family are drawing scrutiny even as friends describe them as open-hearted. A California Highway Patrol spokesman tells PEOPLE they cannot comment on the alleged abuse or a possible connection if any between it and the recent crash. We cant comment because we dont really know, the spokesman says. As we get info in that, [it] will come to light if there ever was any. You know how sometimes rumors fly, so we dont want to put anything out there that isnt true, he says. Three days before the crash was reported, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services received a call reporting that the six Hart children appeared to be potential victims of alleged abuse or neglect, Norah West, the departments spokeswoman, tells PEOPLE. The department sent an employee to the familys Woodland home but was unable to make contact with them, West says. Social services workers again returned to the Harts home on Monday and Tuesday. The couple had no prior history with the states child protective services, West says. The Dekalbs, a neighbor couple, have come forward to local media to say that they were the ones who reported the suspected abuse on Friday and that when state workers knocked on the Harts door, the family was allegedly home but did not answer. The next morning when we saw that the vehicle was gone, and then Sunday morning when it still wasnt there, we figured something was off, Bruce Dekalb told TV station KGW. Jennifer and Sarah first began adopting children in 2006, the Oregonian reports. All six of their kids were home-schooled, according to news station KOIN. Bruces wife, Dana Dekalb, said that one of the Hart boys would allegedly come over and ask for food because his mothers did not feed him and his siblings and wouldnt let them play outside. He was asking that we not tell his mom, to hide it [the food] and put it by the fence so he could get to it, Dana told KOIN, alleging, They were withholding food from him. I was trying to help them and protect them, Dana said, adding, Thats not how I thought it was going to end. The site of the crash in Northern California that killed the Hart family Guilty of Domestic Abuse Records obtained by PEOPLE show that before they lived in Washington, the Harts lived in Alexandria, Minnesota, where Sarah had been charged with hitting one of her daughters after a teacher found bruises on the childs body. Court records state that in 2011, 6-year-old Abigail Hart told a teacher that she had owies on her tummy and back. When the teacher asked Abigail how she got the bruises on her stomach and back, she said, Mom hit me. During police questioning, Sarah admitted to letting her anger get out of control and spanking her daughter the day before, according to the criminal complaint against her. But according to the Oregonian, it was Jennifer whom Abigail said had hit her. The defendant explained that she and her partner, Jennifer, do not ordinarily use spanking as disciplinary measure in their household. However, they have recently resorted to spanking to deal with Abigails behavior, the complaint states. Sarah admitted to taking her daughter into the bathroom, bending her over the edge of the bathtub and hitting her on the backside. Sarah was originally charged with domestic assault and malicious punishment, according to court records. She agreed to plead guilty to the domestic assault charge and the malicious punishment charge was dropped. In April 2011, she was sentenced to 90 days in jail which was stayed and one year of supervised probation, according to court documents. Still, friends of the Harts reportedly described a radically different situation at odds with the neighbors claims and the previous abuse plea. They really found the goodness in everybody and I hope they we can all really learn a beautiful lesson from that and carry that legacy on, friend Max Ribner told KOIN, while another, Zippy Lomax said: Jen and Sarah really were the kind of parents that I think the world desperately needs. KOIN reports that, friends said, they did not see any evidence of abuse. (PEOPLEs efforts to reach the Harts relatives and neighbors for comment were unsuccessful.) The family purchased property in Woodland in May 2017 and had lived in Oregon, in addition to Minnesota, according to the Oregonian. Devonte Hart (right) in 2014 Previously in the Spotlight Among the missing Hart children is 15-year-old Devonte, who was featured in a viral photograph in 2014 showing him hugging a white police officer during a rally in Portland, Oregon, calling for police reform. Devonte was in the vehicle but his body has not been recovered, Sheriff Allman told reporters on Wednesday. Aside from Devonte, also disappeared are his sisters Hannah Hart, 15, and 12-year-old Sierra Hart, according to Allman. Bodies of the other Hart children Markis, 19; Jeremiah, 14; and 14-year-old Abigail were recovered by authorities and identified by relatives. California Highway Patrol officials tell PEOPLE that investigators dont know whether Jennifer intentionally drove the SUV over the cliff. However, authorities believe she pulled into a dirt turnout off of the side of the highway by the ocean before the vehicle continued through the lengthy stretch of land and directly off the cliff into the water. I dont know if they were parked or if they continued to roll, CHP Sgt. Christopher Dalin said at Wednesdays news conference. I dont know if it rolled over the edge, if it launched over the edge. I wont have any of that information until we get all of our data back, analyze it and we see what the evidence leads us to. Anyone with information regarding the familys last known whereabouts before the crash is urged to call 707-234-2100. With reporting by KC BAKER SpaceXs two prototype Starlink satellites are seen on either side of their carrier in advance of Februarys launch. (SpaceX via YouTube) The Federal Communications Commission says it has approved SpaceXs application to provide broadband internet access via thousands of Starlink satellites a new breed of spacecraft thats currently under development at the companys Seattle-area facilities. SpaceX launched its first test prototype satellites, known as Tintin A and B, as secondary payloads last month. The California-based company plans to put 4,425 spacecraft into low Earth orbit for the first phase of whats intended to be a low-cost satellite internet service. This is the first approval of a U.S.-licensed satellite constellation to provide broadband services using a new generation of low-Earth orbit satellite technologies, the FCC said today in a statement. SpaceXs president and chief operating officer, Gwynne Shotwell, said she appreciated the FCCs thorough review and approval of SpaceXs constellation license. Although we still have much to do with this complex undertaking, this is an important step toward SpaceX building a next-generation satellite network that can link the globe with reliable and affordable broadband service, especially reaching those who are not yet connected, Shotwell said in an emailed statement. When SpaceXs billionaire founder, Elon Musk, unveiled the plan in 2015 during a Seattle visit, he said he expected to put a useful Version 1 that has global coverage into service by around 2020. He estimated itd cost $10 billion to $15 billion to build a full version of the system. Over the past three years, SpaceX has recruited hundreds of engineers to work on the satellite project at facilities in Redmond, Wash. Redmond serves as one of the sites for ground stations that are designed to link up with the prototype satellites. The satellite service is seen as a key revenue generator for Musks vision of sending thousands of settlers to the Red Planet, and eventually building a city on Mars. But Musk isnt the only one chasing the satellite internet market: Story continues OneWeb, Space Norway and Telesat are among other ventures that have received FCC approval to provide satellite broadband services. They are targeting the same general time frame that Musk has in mind, if not the same ultimate goal. In its authorization memo, the FCC rejected challenges to SpaceXs application from OneWeb, Telesat and other potential competitors. However, the commission said its approval was conditioned on SpaceX coordinating its efforts with International Telecommunications Union, which plays a lead role in global satellite operations. The FCC also said itll have to sign off on SpaceXs plan to mitigate orbital debris a concern that was raised by NASA. It set a 2024 deadline for SpaceX to get at least half of the 4,425 authorized satellites into orbit, and a 2027 deadline for completing the constellation. Heres todays FCC statement on the authorization for SpaceX: The Federal Communications Commission approved an application by Space Exploration Holdings, doing business as SpaceX, to provide broadband services using satellite technology in the United States and around the world. With this action, the Commission takes another step to increase high-speed broadband availability and competition in the United States. This is the first approval of a U.S.-licensed satellite constellation to provide broadband services using a new generation of low-Earth orbit satellite technologies. SpaceX proposed a satellite system comprised of 4,425 satellites and was granted authority to use frequencies in the Ka (20/30 GHz) and Ku (11/14 GHz) bands to provide global Internet connectivity. The Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization today outlines the conditions under which SpaceX is authorized to provide service using its proposed NGSO FSS satellite constellation. Specifically, the Order specifies the conditions to ensure compliance with Commission rules, and to protect other operations in the requested frequency bands. Over the past year, the FCC has approved requests by OneWeb, Space Norway, and Telesat to access the United States market to provide broadband services using satellite technology that holds promise to expand Internet access, particularly in remote and rural areas across the country. These approvals are the first of their kind for a new generation of large, non-geostationary satellite orbit, fixed-satellite service systems, and the Commission continues to process other, similar requests. For further reference, the FCC listed IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20161115-00118 and SAT-LOA-20170726-00110, and Call Signs S2983 and S3018 More from GeekWire: BANGKOK (Reuters) - A fire on board a bus in western Thailand killed 20 migrant workers from Myanmar early on Friday, police said. The bus was carrying 47 workers who had just crossed the border into Thailand to work legally. Three other people on the bus were injured but the rest escaped unharmed, police said. "The driver said he saw fire breaking out from the middle of the bus, which then spread quickly," Kritkanok Dan-udom, the chief of Maetor district police station, told Reuters. Pictures in Thai media showed the burnt-out shell of the bus. Thailand's roads have been ranked as the deadliest in the world after Libya's, according to the World Health Organization's most recent study. Thailand is estimated to have more than 3 million migrant workers, many of whom come from much poorer neighbor Myanmar. Work permit rules were tightened last year. (Reporting by Panarat Thepgumpanat; Writing by Patpicha Tanakasempipat; Editing by Paul Tait) David Shulkin, who also served under President Obama, said Washington had become 'toxic' in recent months. - FR159526 AP David Shulkin, the veterans affairs secretary, has taken a parting shot at Donald Trump and "toxic Washington" after he was sacked by the US president. Mr Shulkin's departure was announced by Mr Trump in a tweet on Wednesday evening, in which he revealed he was nominating his personal doctor for the role. Mr Shulkin had been embroiled in an ethics-based controversy after he was found to have taken his wife on a business trip to Europe, during which he improperly accepted tickets to Wimbledon. In a scathing op-ed in the New York Times, the 58-year-old hit out at Mr Trump writing: "As I prepare to leave government, I am struck by a recurring thought: It should not be this hard to serve your country." Mr Shulkin, who has been in the role for the last three year, the only cabinet member to stay in place from the Obama administration, claimed he was fired because he was opposed to plans within the Trump administration to privatise healthcare for veterans. I am pleased to announce that I intend to nominate highly respected Admiral Ronny L. Jackson, MD, as the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs.... Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2018 The former hospital administrator said: "In recent months...the environment in Washington has turned so toxic, chaotic, disrespectful and subversive that it became impossible for me to accomplish the important work that our veterans need and deserve." Mr Trump's decision to nominate his personal doctor, Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, 50, as a replacement has been met with scepticism over his lack of experience in government. His appointment will need to be confirmed by the Senate and there is some uncertainty over whether lawmakers will approve him overseeing the second largest government department and its vast budget. Story continues Dr Jackson has been seen as a telegenic replacement. Credit: AP Dr Jackson gave the president a glowing bill of health in a televised briefing on his annual check up in January. He said Mr Trump, 71, was overweight but in excellent physical and mental health. Ive found no reason whatsoever to think that the President has any issues whatsoever with his thought process, Dr Jackson announced. The latest role change continues a tumultuous period that has seen a string of major staff departures from the White House and the cabinet. 'You're fired': Who Donald Trump has sacked and who has resigned during his time as president In just the last month, Mr Trump has also replaced his secretary of state, national security adviser and economics adviser. John Dowd, Mr Trump's lawyer, quit last week amid reports he feared the president was no longer following his advice. Separately, it was revealed this week that a former Disney Channel actress is to join Mr Trump's press office. Caroline Sunshine, 22, starred in Shake It Up, a series about teen dancers, and will join the White House as a press assistant after completing an internship there, her spokeswoman told US media. DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters) - Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants staged an attack near a military base in southeast Turkey's Siirt province, killing six Turkish security force members and wounding seven, security sources said on Friday. They said the attack occurred in the area of a military base in the Eruh district of Siirt and that those killed were from a village guard militia which supports the Turkish military. The sources initially said five soldiers were killed. It was not clear when the attack occurred. State-run Anadolu news agency said four soldiers and three village guards were also wounded in the attack, which occurred in an area where road construction work was being carried out. The PKK is designated a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union. Conflict in mainly Kurdish southeast Turkey generally escalates as spring arrives in the mountainous region. More than 40,000 people have been killed in the conflict between the Turkish state and the PKK, which launched a separatist insurgency in 1984. The conflict intensified after a ceasefire collapsed in 2015. Earlier this month, Turkey captured the northern Syrian town of Afrin after a two-month offensive against the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, which Ankara views as an extension of the PKK. (Writing by Daren Butler; Editing by Dominic Evans) Lima (AFP) - Peru's former president Alberto Fujimori was released from hospital on Friday after his latest bout with illness, a local TV news channel reported. In contrast to the chronically-ill Fujimori's previous hospital exits, neither of his high-profile children, Kenji and Keiko, were at his side when security guards wheeled him out of Lima's Centenario clinic. His doctor, Alejandro Aguinaga, said on Thursday the 79-year-old was disturbed by the feud between his politically ambitious children, engaged in a public power struggle for his political mantle. "It's clear that a situation of this nature bothers him a lot," Aguinaga said. Fujimori was hospitalized with a stomach infection and dehydration on Wednesday. He waved at journalists but made no comment as he boarded a vehicle that took him to his home in eastern Lima. Keiko Fujimori, 42, has run twice for president, and heads the main opposition Popular Force party. But Kenji, 37, is gathering momentum with his own party and is a possible candidate for the presidency in 2021. Both Fujimori siblings have accused the other of corruption, in cases being investigated by prosecutors. Their father, president from 1990-2000, was controversially pardoned in December by then-president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski while serving a 25-year sentence for human rights abuses. In February, a court ordered him to stand trial over the 1992 killings of six farmers, ruling that the pardon did not give him immunity. PARIS (Reuters) - France could adapt its military operation as part of the U.S.-led coalition in Syria if it deems it useful to achieve its objectives in the fight against Islamic State, a French presidential source said on Friday. "If the president felt that, in order to achieve our goals against Islamic State, we needed a moment to adapt our military intervention, then we should do it, but it would be within the existing framework," the source said. (Reporting by Marine Pennetier; writing by John Irish; editing by Richard Lough) By Marine Pennetier and John Irish PARIS (Reuters) - France could increase its military presence to help a U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Syria and warned that a Turkish advance on a town controlled by Kurdish-backed militias would be "unacceptable", a presidential source said on Friday. President Emmanuel Macron has been criticised at home for his response to a Turkish operation against the YPG militia, with opponents saying he has abandoned the Kurds. The YPG militia makes up a large portion of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which have been at the forefront of the coalition's strategy to defeat the hard-line militants. After Macron's meeting on Thursday with an SDF delegation that included the YPG, its political arm the PYD, and Christian and Arab officials, a senior Kurdish official said Macron had promised to send more troops to the area as part of the coalition's efforts, provide humanitarian assistance and "mediate" between the Kurds and Ankara. That drew a furious response from NATO ally Turkey, which considers the YPG to be an extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a decades-long insurgency against the state within Turkey. Speaking to reporters to clarify the Kurdish comments, a French presidential source said Paris had seen a resurgence of Islamic State in northeast Syria and would continue its fight against the group with the SDF. "France doesn't foresee any new military operation on the ground in northern Syria outside of the international coalition," the source said. "(But) if the president felt that, in order to achieve our goals against Islamic State, we needed a moment to bolster our military intervention, then we should do it, but it would be within the existing framework," the source said, without elaborating. A senior Turkish official had said on Friday a French pledge to help stabilise a region of northern Syria controlled by Kurdish-dominated forces amounted to support for terrorism and could make France a "target of Turkey". Macron had said in December he expected the campaign against Islamic State in Syria to be completed in February. Asked about comments by U.S. President Donald Trump that he might disengage from Syria "very soon", the source said Paris had at this stage not received any official request to send reinforcements. France, like the United States, has already extended arms and training to the YPG-led militia in the fight against Islamic State, and has dozens of special forces based in the region, which has infuriated Turkey. Turkey stormed the northern Syrian town of Afrin last week, and has repeatedly threatened to push its operations further east to the SDF-controlled Manbij where U.S. troops are stationed. Macron's office on Thursday said the young leader had offered to mediate between the Turks and the SDF, which it said had distanced itself from the PKK. "We will continue the dialogue with Turkey, it is an important and essential partner to find a solution to the Syrian civil war," the source said, responding to a barrage of angry rhetoric on Friday from Ankara. However, he warned that any military advance from Turkey to Manbij would be "unacceptable". (Reporting by Marine Pennetier; Writing by Richard Lough; Editing by Luke Baker) Paris (AFP) - France said on Friday it is not planning a unilateral military operation in Syria outside the international coalition fighting the Islamic State group after senior Kurdish officials claimed Paris intended to send troops. "France is not planning any new military operation on the ground in northern Syria outside the international coalition against Daesh," President Emmanuel Macron's office said in a statement, using another term for IS. Macron met with a delegation from the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Thursday, and Kurdish official Asya Abdullah told reporters afterwards that France was planning on sending "new French troops to Manbij". "The cooperation will be reinforced," she said. Khaled Issa, the official representative in France of Syria's Kurdistan, had added: "France is going to reinforce its military presence." The comments added to heightened international tensions as Turkey wages an offensive against Kurdish fighters in Syria whom it views as an extension of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) that has waged a three-decade insurgency inside Turkey. Ankara launched an air and ground offensive in Afrin in January to oust the People's Protection Units (YPG), Kurdish fighters who make up the bulk of the SDF, viewed as terrorists by Turkey. Turkey has threatened to expand its military operation against Kurdish fighters, who ousted IS from the town of Manbij near the Turkish border, and repeated the threat on Wednesday. But the US-led coalition fighting jihadists in Syria, of which France is a member, sees the YPG as a key player in the fight against IS and has warned that Turkey's operation risks distracting from that battle. Macron had on Thursday offered to help establish a "dialogue" between the SDF and Turkey "with help from France and the international community" -- an idea angrily rejected by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday. "We are extremely saddened by France's... wrong stance on this issue," Erdogan said during a speech in Ankara. Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Palestinians in Gaza pitched tents near the volatile border with Israel on Thursday ahead of a six-week protest camp under the gaze of wary Israeli soldiers. The protest is dubbed "The Great March of Return" and has the backing of the Gaza Strip's Islamist rulers Hamas. It comes amid rising tensions as the United States prepares to move its Israel embassy to Jerusalem. Organisers said the demonstration would be peaceful but Israeli officials are wary of a fresh flare-up along the enclave's border. Five Palestinians were shot Thursday evening, the health ministry in Gaza said, after protestors approached the border in several places. Armed forces chief Lieutenant General Gadi Eisenkot has warned of escalating tensions along Israel's borders. He said reinforcements, including more than 100 special forces snipers, had been deployed near Gaza and the army was prepared for all scenarios. "We won't allow mass infiltration into Israel" or damage to the border barrier, he told the Yediot Aharonot newspaper. "The instructions are to use a lot of force." Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, labelled the protest an "organised planned provocation" and reiterated "Israel's right to defend its sovereignty and protect its citizens." The first protest will start Friday when Palestinians mark Land Day, commemorating the killing of six unarmed Arab protesters in Israel in 1976. Camping and protests in Gaza are expected to continue until mid-May, when the US is set to inaugurate its controversial new embassy in Jerusalem. Mid-May will also mark the anniversary of the Nakba, or catastrophe, which saw hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flee their homes in the 1948 war surrounding the creation of Israel. According to the United Nations, some 1.3 million of Gaza's 1.9 million residents are refugees or their descendants. Story continues -'Return home'- Khaled al-Batsh, one of the protest organisers, said tents would be pitched 500 metres (yards) from the border, just outside the buffer zone between Gaza and Israel. Water facilities were being installed and medical teams deployed to allow people to stay for long periods. Organisers said tens of thousands of people would attend Friday's protest, although it was not clear they reached their estimate. On Thursday small crowds gathered near the border as families set up tents, said an AFP correspondent at the site. A young couple were married next to a tent along the border in Jabalia in northeastern Gaza on Thursday evening. Batsh said protestors were calling for Palestinians to be allowed to return to land that is now inside Israel. "70 years ago we left and today we have decided to return to our country," he told AFP. But senior Hamas figure Salah Bardawil said protesters were not planning to breach the border. Hamas officials say they will monitor the area beyond the camp sites to prevent protesters going too close to the frontier, at least during the initial days of the protest. Five main camp sites have been set up, spanning the length of the coastal territory from near the Erez border crossing in the north to Rafah in the far south, near Egypt. Campers will be within sight of the border, frequently patrolled by Israeli soldiers. On Thursday, around 20 family tents were pitched at a site near Erez, alongside two larger community tents for performances including the traditional Palestinian "dabke" dance. At another site, young men were putting the finishing touches on dozens of wooden toilets, while large generators whirred into life. Another organiser, Tahir Sawirki, told AFP Palestinians would gather Friday in groups representing the towns they left in 1948. He said tens of thousands of meals would be prepared for more than 100,000 expected participants. The White House's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, breaking with decades of international diplomacy, infuriated much of the Arab world. Palestinians claim the city's Israeli-annexed eastern sector as the capital of their future state. The Palestinian leadership cut ties with the administration of President Donald Trump in the wake of the move. On Wednesday, Israeli tanks fired at Hamas positions in Gaza after heavy gunfire from the enclave, roadside bombs targeting border patrols and an incursion by three armed Palestinians who were later captured. Two more Palestinians armed with knifes were detained after sneaking across the border Thursday, the Israeli army said. Tunis (AFP) - Long seen as a pioneer for women's rights in the Arab world, Tunisia is pushing ahead with reforms promised after its 2011 revolution -- but campaigners say much remains to be done. The country's 2014 constitution was praised as a key achievement in the revolt that toppled longtime dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and sparked the Arab Spring uprisings. But much of it has yet to be passed into law, including provisions on gender equality. Now, moves are afoot on women's political representation, interfaith marriage and the contentious question of inheritance. A law on violence against women, passed last year, finally came into force in January. A new electoral code forces political parties to put forward female candidates for municipal elections set for May. Since September, Tunisian women have been free to marry non-Muslims. But now a commission set up by President Beji Caid Essebsi to examine "individual liberties" and equality is to tackle a particularly contentious question -- reforms to the country's inheritance laws. - 'It's time' - Current legislation, inspired by Islamic law, allocates a man twice the inheritance of a woman. Women led more than 1,500 demonstrators in Tunis earlier this month to call for equal inheritance rights. But their demands and Essebsi's moves to change the law have sparked outrage from conservatives. Muslim clerics have labelled Essebsi's proposals "a flagrant violation" of Islamic precepts. But Bochra Belhaj Hmida, head of the commission, said "there is a real political will" to change the legislation. "The president's initiative is likely to be adopted by parliament," she told AFP. "The role of the politicians is to raise the level of citizens' awareness... It's time," she added. Ennahdha Laws similar to the current Tunisian legislation apply in many Muslim-majority countries. In Morocco, 100 intellectuals signed a petition in late March demanding an end to unequal inheritance laws, but public opinion remains divided. Story continues In Tunisia, rare opinion polls suggest a majority of people are opposed to equality in inheritance. But many parents already apply the principle by giving their daughters extra money while they are still alive. - 'Not simple' - Observers say there is a window of opportunity to change the law ahead of 2019 elections, thanks to Essebsi's current hold on power and the consensus between his party, Nidaa Tounes, and the Islamists of Ennahdha. But given the subject's sensitivity, the commission has put off publishing its proposals until after municipal elections in May. Hmida said Essebsi wanted to "leave a very important trace in history", echoing that of Tunisia's first president Habib Bourguiba, who gave the country its groundbreaking personal status code. Adopted in 1956, the code granted Tunisian women rights that were unprecedented in the Arab world. "There are elements that are politically favourable towards reform," said Sana Ben Achour, a law professor and feminist campaigner. "But it's not simple. It touches on heritage that has been passed down for thousands of years." She said much needed to be done to "rally practising Muslims" who see equality as contrary to the Koran. Essebsi's commission is also set to propose changes to laws on family status and passing on nationality to children. It has plenty of work to do: it has identified some 2,500 texts as unconstitutional -- including anal testing of homosexuals and prison terms for "attacks on morality". TBILISI (Reuters) - Georgia has ordered a Russian diplomat to leave the country within a week, joining governments in the United States and across Europe in censuring Russia over a nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy in Britain. Georgia and Russia severed diplomatic ties after a brief war in August 2008 over the breakaway South Ossetia region, but Russian diplomats have a presence there, operating out of a Russian interests section in the Swiss embassy. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns the use of chemical weapons on the territory of the United Kingdom that caused grave human suffering to three individuals and posed serious threat to the life and health of others," the ministry said in a statement late on Thursday. Russia has denied any involvement in the poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. A British policeman who attended the scene of the poisoning, in the English city of Salisbury, was hospitalized. He has since been discharged. (Reporting by Margarita Antidze; Editing by Edmund Blair) TOULOUSE, France (Reuters) - A gunman shot and gravely wounded an exiled Azeri journalist and killed his wife near the southern French city of Toulouse on Friday, in an incident the local mayor said appeared to be a settling of political scores. Rahim Namazov was an outspoken critic of the Azeri political leadership and served time in prison before seeking exile in France in 2010. In a video posted on YouTube in December that year, Namazov said he was jailed after writing stories about brutality against soldiers in units of the Azeri military. He said he had spent six months in solitary confinement. "It's the journalistic profession, the father of a family and the freedom of the press that has been attacked today," Karine Michelet-Traval, the mayor of Colomiers where the shooting occurred, said in a statement. In separate comments to La Depeche newspaper, she said: "You can't help but think this was a settling of scores." Namazov's wife was killed in the shooting. A police source said she had been shot in the head, apparently at close range. Witnesses spoke of hearing multiple gunshots, local media reported. The local prosecutor is due to make a statement at 16h00 (1400 GMT). Human Rights Watch said last year the Azeri government continued its crackdown on dissenting voices and that reports of torture persisted. It also said independent media outlets faced harassment and closure and critical journalists faced threats and intimidation aimed at silencing them. (Reporting by Johanna Decorse; Writing by Richard Lough; Editing by Matthew Mpoke Bigg) Howard University's president has generally confirmed that financial aid employees misappropriated funds over a period of several years. (Photo: Jason Colston via Getty Images) WASHINGTON No authority has publicly implicated him in the embezzlement scandal enveloping his university, but by Wednesday afternoon Tyrone Hankerson Jr. had already become a meme Joanne the Scammer for the collegiate set. He was an irresistible target for his fellow students at Howard University and the rest of on the internet. Fur coats. Gucci bags. Prada slacks. On social media, the law student and onetime student employee in Howards financial aid office flaunted his love of high-end fashion on campus, where he allegedly drove a Range Rover, and his glitzy trips abroad. When a pseudonymously written Medium post mentioned Hankerson Jr. in connection with a scheme whereby university officials had allegedly embezzled $1 million in financial aid money, it was all too perfect. The story claimed that Hankerson Jr. had received thousands in ill-gotten aid. He released a statement to ABC News on Wednesday proclaiming his innocence. During a sit-down interview with journalist Roland Martin on Friday, Hankerson Jr. and his lawyer, James L. Walker Jr., maintained his innocence once again and offered more details on the situation. (You can watch the interview above.) They said Hankerson Jr. was a student worker in Howards financial aid office from 2011 to 2015. His time there ended with the completion of his undergraduate degree. The two men took credit for the removal of the Medium post, which they said defamed Hankerson Jr.s character. (The post, written under the name Veritas 1867, was suspended sometime on Wednesday.) They also said that Hankerson Jr. was not one of the six employees fired from the financial aid office. While Hankerson Jr. said he had received at least $200,000 in aid during his undergraduate career, he denied receiving $429,000 the amount claimed in the Medium story. Walker added that his client had gotten financial aid in the form of stipends, scholarships and grants over the course of seven years, not four as was suggested in the Medium post. Hankerson Jr. also denied driving a Range Rover. Story continues But even before his public defense, Hankerson Jr. had already been convicted in the high court of meme justice and sentenced to hours and hours of beclownment. In a SoundCloud audio file dug up by one Twitter user, a person the user suggests is Hankerson Jr. raps: Drop a pic on Instagram / They aint liking but they lookin Its mad niggas out here tryna dress like me. Tyrone. The Scammer. The Rapper. He literally told us where all the money went. Im aint gon stop....Im aint! (@Its_Tribblez) March 28, 2018 Someone even put a scammer-themed playlist on iTunes. On Wednesday, Howard University President Wayne Frederick confirmed that financial aid officials had indeed misappropriated funds earmarked for low-income students between 2007 and 2016. How much, exactly, he wouldnt say. Six university employees had been fired, he added, although he did not name them. In an interview with ABC 7, Frederick said the university would not be pressing charges. Hankerson Jr. did not respond to multiple HuffPost requests for comment sent to his personal email address. HuffPost also reached out to Walker, his lawyer, who on Thursday sent along the same statement given to ABC News. Please know that I have done nothing illegal or wrong, Hankerson Jr. said. When the truth comes out, it will be confirmed that I followed all rules and protocol with the approval of the, then, financial aid officers in any grants, scholarships or awards given to me as a student who attended class all year round and traveled abroad. When asked about Hankerson Jr.s alleged role in the misappropriation of aid money, a university spokesperson focused more on the students having been named in the Medium story. There has been no authorized disclosure by the University of any information related to Mr. Hankerson Jr., nonetheless we are concerned about this situation, the spokesperson told HuffPost. We are taking a close look to see if we can determine the source of information published about him. Citing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the spokesperson declined to make any comments about the protected information of Mr. Hankerson Jr. or any other Howard University student. The universitys office of financial aid and the law schools media relations contacts did not respond to requests for comment about Hankerson Jr. But students have coalesced loudly around the issue: calling for the presidents resignation, rallying at the flagpole and staging a sit-in in the administration building which includes the financial aid and presidents offices. One student, who also declined to speak to HuffPost, tweeted on Wednesday what appears to be an email exchange with Hankerson Jr. (whose name is underlined in red). Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. The student asked for continued financial aid. Hankerson Jr., in his capacity as a financial aid employee, allegedly replied saying the university had utilized its financial aid budget for the academic year and couldnt help the student. The email is dated Feb. 2, 2015. Tyrone Hankerson is that you? The same Tyrone that got $429,000 in financial aid? This you chilling on the boat??? Tyrone ran off with my financial aid (@AshGotThis) March 28, 2018 Howard, like many other historically black colleges and universities, has battled with high-stakes financial problems over the past several years. A letter written by university trustee Renee Higginbotham-Brooks in 2013 stressed her concern that the school was in genuine trouble due to a decrease in federal aid, a lack of infrastructure for fundraising and a smaller pool of potential students who could obtain financial aid, meaning more students who opted for cheaper state schools. The financial aid office meanwhile has often delayed or messed up aid packages for students. A 2013 change to the criteria for obtaining a Parent PLUS Loan caused enrollment in HBCUs nationwide to drop significantly. Howard lost about 585 students. And students have long been frustrated with the state of housing at the university, including the cost of it all. For now, the social media backlash seems to center on Hankerson Jr., the guy with the fashionista posts that now seem to taunt those who struggled for aid. Havana, oh nah nah. I spent yall refunds in Havana, oh nah nah. Afro-LightskinO. (@itsKARY_) March 28, 2018 this howard univ/tyrone hankerson story is hilarious niki (@missjournalism) March 28, 2018 This man stole $429,000 in Financial Aid at Howard yall Tyrone Hankerson, a student-employee in the Financial Aid office. Set to graduate! & Got caught This the iconic photo we found on his Facebook Mink Coat, Designer Bag, the FINESSE GOD TYRONE I am DEAD Lew Sid (@LewSidRaps) March 28, 2018 When you pass ya homeless classmates otw to brunch MDYKU (@tethegreat) March 28, 2018 Aside from the memes, Hankerson Jr.s personal website and social media presence including his YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram accounts have been scrubbed from the internet, with a few exceptions. Hankerson Jr. was featured as a model on the fashion blog Deserted In Urban in 2015. He blogged for HuffPost in 2016 and was quoted in two stories in which he discussed the burdens of student loan debt. For many of my classmates, their families simply do not have the financial resources to pay for college, he said at a 2015 Howard forum on student loan debt. What I have witnessed in my role are determined students who try their hardest to find a way through. They sometimes work nearly 40 hours a week with full course loads; their parents take on loan debt that they cannot truly afford to repay; they sometimes get denied for Parents PLUS Loans and find aunts and cousins and grandparents to co-sign, he continued. They search high and low for scholarships, they take classes over the summer at cheaper rates so they can graduate on time, they take semesters off, and they come back. And sometimes, when all has failed them, they are left with no option but to give up. This story has been updated with Hankerson Jr.s interview with Roland Martin. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. The Trump administration has abandoned a policy of generally releasing pregnant women from immigrant detention, according to a directive publicly shared by Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Thursday. Under the new policy, pregnant women will be released from immigrant detention only on a case-by-case basis. Thomas Homan (right), the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, outlined the agency's policy change in a Dec. 14 directive. (Photo: Leah Millis/Reuters) Since at least 2011, ICE had implemented a policy that generally favored releasing pregnant women from detention. But the policy also provided exemptions for women facing mandatory detention or security threats. In practice, ICE detained more than 500 pregnant women in 2016, the last full year the policy was in effect. With the change, outlined in a Dec. 14 directive signed by acting ICE Director Thomas Homan, ICE will no longer presumptively release pregnant women from detention. It supersedes a 2016 memo, also signed by Homan, that codified the policy against detaining pregnant women except under extraordinary circumstances or the requirement of mandatory detention. Under the new policy, ICE will detain only those whose detention is necessary to effectuate removal, as well as those deemed a flight risk or danger to the community, according to a fact sheet obtained by HuffPost. ICE will generally not detain pregnant women during their third trimester. Philip Miller, deputy executive associate director for ICEs Enforcement and Removal Operations, told reporters on Thursday that many pregnant women encountered by immigration enforcement are already subject to mandatory detention by law, particularly if they were apprehended at the border and are not deemed eligible to move forward with any claims for relief. Others may be subject to mandatory detention because they committed certain crimes within the U.S. Since the policy went into effect in December, ICE has detained a total of 506 pregnant women, according to ICE, though the agency did not say how many of those women were later deported or released into the U.S. He said that on March 20, the last date for which ICE has the data, there were 35 pregnant women in detention, all of them subject to mandatory detention. Story continues To miscategorize this as some wholesale change or some kind of draconian act is really just hyperbole, Miller said. Were aligning this policy, as we have with all of our policies, with the direction from the president. The changes, which will apply to pregnant women seeking asylum, bring ICE policy closer in line with an executive order signed by President Donald Trump a week after taking office last year. That order scrapped the Obama-era prosecutorial discretion policy instructing officers to deprioritize detaining and deporting certain immigrants. Several human rights organizations filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security in September on behalf of pregnant women detained by ICE. The complaint alleged that ICE was failing to abide by its own policy against detaining pregnant women and that the women were not being given adequate care. Critics maintain that ICE detention centers are ill-equipped to treat the complex medical issues pregnant women face. Two women told HuffPost they lost pregnancies at ICE detention centers last year. Immigrant women in detention are also sometimes the victims of rape, said Kathryn Shepherd of the American Immigration Council, which was one of the groups that filed a complaint last year against the detention of pregnant women. Being in detention is not an appropriate setting for not just a pregnant woman, but a pregnant woman who may or may not be pregnant as a result of a significant trauma like that, she said. Michelle Brane of the Womens Refugee Commission, which was also part of the complaint, said ICE did not notify her organization after the directive in December, even though the two groups have been in communication with each other. Still, she said she was not surprised by the policy change it is one that immigrant rights advocates feared was coming after Trumps executive order last year. She said it is impossible to know for sure whether the number of pregnant detainees will go up, but its pretty clear that the intent is to reduce the number of pregnant women who are released. Alternatives to detention, like mandatory check-ins or ankle bracelets, are both more humane and less expensive for taxpayers than detaining pregnant women, she said. The crazy thing about it is theyre claiming its because they should be treated like everyone else and that theyre going to go after everybody who has immigration status issues, but the reality is that those arent your only options, Brane said. Not detaining a pregnant woman doesnt mean she wont have to go through the immigration legal process. This story has been updated with more details of and reaction to the policy change. Also on HuffPost Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. April 2015 At an event hosted by Texas Patriots PAC: Everythings coming across the border: the illegals, the cars, the whole thing. Its like a big mess. Blah. Its like vomit. June 2015 At a speech announcing his campaign: "When Mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre not sending you. Theyre not sending you. Theyre sending people that have lots of problems, and theyre bringing those problems with us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." August 2015 On NBC's "Meet the Press": Were going to keep the families together, we have to keep the families together, but they have to go." September 2015 On CBS's "60 Minutes": Were rounding em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. And theyre going to be happy because they want to be legalized. And, by the way, I know it doesnt sound nice. But not everything is nice. November 2015 On MSNBC's "Morning Joe": You are going to have a deportation force, and you are going to do it humanely." February 2016 At a GOP primary debate: We have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally. They will go out. They will come back some will come back, the best, through a process. March 2016 At a press conference when asked if he would consider allowing undocumented immigrants to stay: "We either have a country or we dont. We either have a country or we dont. We have borders or we dont have borders. And at this moment, the answer is absolutely not. April 2016 At an event hosted by NBC's "Today Show": Theyre going to go, and were going to create a path where we can get them into this country legally, OK? But it has to be done legally. ... Theyre going to go, and then come back and come back legally. July 2016 At the Republican National Convention: "Tonight, I want every American whose demands for immigration security have been denied and every politician who has denied them to listen very closely to the words I am about to say. On January 21st of 2017, the day after I take the oath of office, Americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the United States are enforced." September 2016 At a rally: Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country. Otherwise we dont have a country. September 2016 On "The Dr. Oz Show": Well, under my plan the undocumented or, as you would say, illegal immigrant wouldnt be in the country. They only come in the country legally. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will no longer automatically release pregnant immigrants from detention, marking the latest effect of President Donald Trumps efforts to crack down on undocumented immigrants. The new policy was outlined in an internal ICE memo, and reported Thursday by The Daily Beast. It replaces a previous policy, put in place under former President Barack Obama, which said ICE would not detain pregnant women except in extraordinary circumstances. But after Trump issued an executive order in January 2017 that required immigration officers to target all undocumented immigrants, the agency decided to change the way it dealt with pregnant women. Pregnant immigrants will still be eligible for release on a case-by-case basis, according to an FAQ published on ICEs website. The agency said it will detain pregnant women whose detention is necessary to effectuate removal, as well as those deemed a flight risk or danger to the community. It also said it will not detain pregnant women during their third trimester absent extraordinary circumstances. Just like there are men who commit heinous acts violent acts, so too have we had women in custody that commit heinous acts, said Philip Miller, an ICE deputy executive associate director, according to Reuters. Immigrants rights advocates have said it is dangerous to women and their unborn children to hold them in custody. This new ICE policy memo confirms our fears that the government is continuing its barbaric policy of detaining pregnant women despite substantial evidence that detention of this particularly vulnerable population has been linked to serious health implications to the mother and unborn child and also constitutes a significant barrier to receiving a meaningful day in court, Katie Shepherd, a legal advocate at the American Immigration Council, told The Daily Beast. While the Obama administration also detained pregnant women, the new policy likely means more pregnant women will be held in custody. Since December, 506 pregnant women have been detained, Miller told CNN. And as of March 20, there were 35 pregnant women in ICEs custody. A little over a month ago, David Hogg was like any other high school senior anxiously awaiting college acceptance letters. Then, on Feb. 14, he witnessed the deaths of 17 of his classmates at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Since then, he has graced the cover of Time Magazine, organized a march attended by hundreds of thousands of individuals demanding gun reform and gained a massive following of 667,000 on Twitter. Despite becoming a household name pretty much overnight, Hogg is still a 17-year-old who plans to attend college. According to an interview with TMZ on Tuesday, Hogg received rejection letters from the four University of California campuses where he submitted applications UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine. He has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270. The following day, Laura Ingraham, host of Fox News evening program, The Ingraham Angle, retweeted a piece from the conservative news site, The Daily Wire, adding her own commentary David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA totally predictable given acceptance rates.) David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPAtotally predictable given acceptance rates.) Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) March 28, 2018 The power of Twitter Hogg, fully aware of how powerful he has become, has been encouraging his followers to tweet at brands that advertise on the show. And since Ingrahams initial tweet, at least 16 companies have pulled their ads. Rachael Rays Nutrish was the first brand to sever ties. StitchFix (SFIX), Expedia (EXPE), TripAdvisor (TRIP), Wayfair (W), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), Nestle USA (NESN), Hulu, Office Depot (ODP), The Atlantis, Paradise Resort, Honda (HMC), Liberty Mutual, Progressive insurance (PGR), Jenny Craig and the global investment group Principal followed suit. Story continues On Thursday, after advertisers had already begun to distance themselves from the show, Ingraham issued an apology, retracting her original attack on Hogg: Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA incl. @DavidHogg111. On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland. Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA incl. @DavidHogg111. On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland. For the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David(1/2) Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) March 29, 2018 Responsibility to share both sides of a story Hogg said he does not accept her apology. Shes only apologizing after a third of her advertisers pulled out, and I think its really disgusting that she basically tried promoting her show after apologizing to me. I think its wrong and if she really wants to do something, she can cover things like inner city violence and the real issues that we have in America. I know shes a talk show host, but she also has a responsibility to show both sides of a story, he said during an interview on CNNs New Day. Florida school massacre survivor David Hogg rejects Laura Ingrahams apology and has started a boycott. Atlantis does not support or agree with the recent comments made by television broadcaster Laura Ingraham. Although we are an organization that believes in freedom of expression, we do not condone discrimination, bullying, mockery or harmful behavior of any kind. As a result of these events, we have decided to remove all brand advertising tied to the program, an official Atlantis spokesperson told Yahoo Finance. Prior to the era of social media, brands would have had to release official statements on their websites and wouldnt necessarily be subject to immediate criticism. Thats no longer the case with Twitter. Now, critical decisions made by companies can be discovered via one-off responses to everyday users. StitchFix responded to a user who threatened to stop buying clothes from the monthly subscription program, saying We appreciate our clients feedback on this, and we can confirm were no longer advertising on Lauras show. Hey there! We appreciate our clients feedback on this, and we can confirm were no longer advertising on Lauras show. Stitch Fix (@stitchfix) March 30, 2018 Progressive watchdog Media Matters compiled a list of Ingrahams 100+ sponsors, including Bayer, NutriSystem, Choice Hotels, Arbys,, DirecTV, Duracell, Esurance, Honda, IBM, and Kayak, to name just a few. Are boycotts effective? It depends I think its great that corporate America is standing with me and the rest of my friends because when you come against any one of us, whether it be me or anybody else, youre coming against all of us, Hogg told CNN. I think its important that we stand together as both corporate and civic America to take action against these people and show them that they cannot push us around, especially when all were trying to do here is save lives. The issue needs to be gun violence in America, but what shes trying to do is distract from that and I hate it, he added. This is not the first time Ingraham has been in hot water. Just last month, she faced significant pushback and criticism after she publicly said that Lebron James should stay out of politics and shut up and dribble. Ingraham announced on her show Friday night that she would be taking a week off, with plans to resume on April 9. The efficacy of boycotts against Fox News has had mixed results. While this movement is akin to the demise and ultimate cancellation of The OReilly Report last April, Bill OReilly had much graver problems than a single controversy. Nearly 60 companies withdrew their advertisements following a New York Times report on five sexual harassment settlements by OReilly and Fox News. While much of the momentum was on social media, it was much harder for the company to defend his egregious behavior than stand by an anchor for an offensive tweet. Ingraham is likely hoping this movement would resemble the fleeting backlash against her colleague, Sean Hannity. Hannity endorsed Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, who reportedly made several sexual advances toward underage girls. Many advertisers, including Keurig, and Volvo deleted tweets that stated they would be pulling ads. As The Washington Post aptly pointed out, At any given time, someone is probably trying to boycott a Fox News show for something. This is an ongoing story and will be updated as sponsors continue to pull their ads from the show. Melody Hahm is a senior writer at Yahoo Finance, covering entrepreneurship, technology and real estate. Follow her on Twitter @melodyhahm. Read more: Belgrade (AFP) - Until six months ago, the Lovimi family from Iran had never heard of Serbia. But here they are, currently in Belgrade, after arriving without visas last August, waiting to continue on to Germany, where they plan to build a new and better life in the future. The family of four comes from the town of Ahvaz in the province of Khuzestan in Iran's south west, where the majority of the population is Arabic. They complain that, as Arabs, they have few rights in Iran, their children are forced to learn Farsi and not Arabic in school, and they are treated as second-class citizens, with little hope of finding a job. So, when Belgrade and Tehran abolished reciprocal tourist visas last August, the Lovimis decided to take their chance and come to Belgrade. And from there, they hoped to continue on to the EU and a better future. The Lovimis are not the only ones. According to official statistics, around 7,000 fellow Iranians have arrived in Serbia since August, intially as tourists, but some of them with no intention of returning home. Shahla Lovimi, a 40-year-old housewife, says she and her family had originally gone to Turkey with the intention of carrying on from there to Germany via Italy. "We have never had the intention to go through Belgrade. We have never heard about Belgrade. We went to Turkey and the smuggler took us here," she tells AFP. She and her car mechanic husband and their two children, aged 11 and 17, paid the smuggler 22,000 euros ($27,000). - Left on their own - For two months, they lived in various Belgrade apartments and hostels, waiting for the smuggler to pick them up and take them to the EU by car. But when the smuggler vanished four months ago, leaving them on their own, the Lovimis turned to Info Park, a local non-governmental group helping refugees. According to Info Park's communication officer Stevan Tatalovic, a number of Iranians are using the visa liberalisation agreement to come to Europe and stay there illegally as migrants. Story continues "These are often people who are persecuted for political reasons, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) people, or people whose religion was not Islam," Tatalovic told AFP. Their intention is not to seek asylum in Serbia, but to continue on, often to Britain or other EU countries, he said. Serbia argues that visa liberalisation will help develop tourism between the two countries and attract business investment in the longer term. Nevertheless, Serbian Trade Minister Rasim Ljajic said the two countries are aware of, and will clamp down on any possible abuses of the visa-free scheme. However, Info Park's Tatalovic said that with direct flights between Tehran and Belgrade resuming after 27 years, up to 600 Iranians could soon be arriving in Serbia every week. Two airlines are already offering flights and a third will follow in April and most of the flights are already fully booked until the end of summer. "The migration systems in Europe must recalibrate for this new route," Info Park warned in a recent statement. While the numbers cannot be compared with hundreds of thousands who passed through Serbia in 2015 and 2016, EU officials are nevertheless concerned. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said recently that the EU and Germany were already asking why the country had abolished the visa regime. Hundreds of thousands of migrants travelling to western and northern Europe passed through Belgrade along the so-called Balkan route until it was shut down in 2016. - Trying their luck on foot - Several thousands of them got stuck in Serbia, but every day dozens try to continue their journey. Shahla Lovimi says her family will try to reach the EU on foot. "The smuggler has disappeared and we have no money to pay another one. We will maybe try our luck walking," she says. The family was intercepted by police when they tried to enter EU member Croatia earlier this month, and they were sent back to Serbia. But Lovimi insists they will try again as going back to Iran is not an option for them. "There is no other way than to go through Croatia because all other borders are closed," she says. The president reportedly made the comments during his congratulatory call with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, left, last week. (Photo: Carlos Barria / Reuters) President Donald Trump told Russias Vladimir Putin that if the two countries wanted to have a nuclear arms race, the U.S. would win, according to a report Thursday by NBC News. Trump reportedly made the comments during his congratulatory call with Putin last week after the Russian won an unsurprising re-election as president. But Putins unveiling of a new arsenal of nuclear weapons earlier this month apparently got under the presidents skin, an unnamed official told NBC, and he brought up such frustrations. If you want to have an arms race, we can do that, but Ill win, Trump reportedly told his counterpart. Thursdays report echoes another explosive threat made by the president after he tweeted in January that his nuclear button was much bigger & more powerful than North Korean leader Kim Jong Uns. The official White House readout of the Putin call didnt mention such tensions, simply saying the pair discussed the state of bilateral relations, and Trump himself described the encounter as very good. The president reportedly ignored explicit, all-caps instructions from his aides to not congratulate Putin on his re-election, and he declined to discuss Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election or criticize the nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy in England. But the call reflects growing tensions between the two countries. The White House said Monday it would expel 60 Russian diplomats in retaliation for the poisoning of the spy, joining more than a dozen European countries that have pledged to do the same. In turn, Russia on Thursday said 60 Americans would have to leave the country and that the U.S. consulate in St. Petersburg would close. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said other countries would also be affected, and the number would mirror that of the Russians expelled in recent weeks. With its regrettable, unwarranted decision today, it is clear that Russia is not interested in dialogue about issues that matter to our two countries, Heather Nauert, the State Departments spokeswoman, said on Twitter Thursday of the expulsions. Story continues With its regrettable, unwarranted decision today, it is clear that #Russia is not interested in dialogue about issues that matter to our two countries. #Russia is further isolating itself following the brazen chemical attack in the United Kingdom. - @statedeptspox Department of State (@StateDept) March 29, 2018 Trump has long taken a soft stance on Russia, and he told reporters last week he would probably meet with Putin in the coming weeks, a move that caught advisers by surprise. Hes also told aides to minimize publicity around Russian policy moves, worried that the news might antagonize his counterpart, NBC reported. He doesnt want us to bring it up, an official told NBC. But Trump himself has also long touted American military might and said during his State of the Union address that Congress must modernize and rebuild our nuclear arsenal to keep up with Russia. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Israeli border police dropped tear gas from a drone onto Palestinian protesters in Gaza on Friday, a police spokesman told AFP, acknowledging operational deployment of new technology. An AFP correspondent saw a drone release around 10 gas canisters as protesters on the border with Israel cursed the small craft. A number of people were injured by the containers, which fell from a height of between 10 and 20 metres (30-60 feet), the correspondent said. Use of unmanned aerial vehicles to launch gas is a recent innovation, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. "It was used a few weeks ago around the Gaza Strip area and it is also being used today, in order to prevent protesters getting to the Gaza crossing or Gaza border," he said. "It's a mini-drone which has the capability of flying over certain zones and certain areas and then letting go of tear gas in areas that we want to prevent protesters from reaching." Video of the tactic in use was shown in a report earlier this month by the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV channel. Tens of thousands of Gazans took to the streets Friday in mass protests calling for Palestinians to be allowed to return to land that their ancestors fled from in the 1948 war but that is now part of Israel. The Israeli military said that they threw rocks and petrol bombs at the border fence and troops on the other side. The army has pledged to stop, by force if necessary, any attempt by protesters to cross into Israel. At least were seven Gazans were killed as Israeli troops fired live ammunition at stone-throwing protesters gathering on the border, while an eighth man died from tank fire. Israeli forces regularly use tear gas to disperse Palestinian protesters, whether thrown by soldiers or fired from specially equipped vehicles. Kellyanne Conways husband appears not to be toeing the party line when it comes to his wifes jobmaking digs at the White House from the safety of his computer. George Conway, who has been married to the White House counselor since 2001, has been critical of President Donald Trump and the administration in a number of tweets, most recently referring to a New York Times report on the president potentially pardoning Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn as flabbergasting. Conways husband also retweeted a post about Stormy Daniels on Wednesday. The original message suggested a lawsuit from the adult star was important in terms of how it could affect the president. This is why the suit by Stormy Daniels matters. It will be very hard for Trump and Cohen to avoid discovery, including depositions under oath, the tweet read. It is not the first time George Conway has appeared to criticize the president, in what appears to be an apparent disregard for his wifes rolewhich often includes explaining Trump's decisions. Don't miss: NASA: Scientists Studying Earthquakes on Mars To Learn How Planets Are Formed In one retweet that surely cut slightly too close to the bone, George Conway suggested President Trump says one thing and does another. So true. Its absurd. Which is why people are banging down the doors to be his comms director, George Conway wrote after retweeting the original message , apparently forgetting that his wife often responsible for interpreting Trumps various statements for the public. Story continues However, his Twitter followers have been quick to point out that his statements reflect on his wifewith one commenting: Its sad when @KellyannePolls husband is throwing shade at the president and his administration, and another pondering whether Georges comments would get his wife fired. And despite being a self-declared Trump supporter when he was reportedly being considered as Trumps nominee to run the Justice Departments civil division last year, CNN reported, his statements since have been less than supportive of the president. This article was first written by Newsweek More from Newsweek Public schools closed in at least 25 Kentucky counties on Friday as teachers staged a quasi-strike after legislation was passed that would overhaul the state pension system. Kentucky teachers called in sick or absent to protest the legislation, which passed mostly along party lines on Thursday night. The closures affected schools across the state, including in its two largest school districts: Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville and Fayette County Public Schools in Lexington. More than one-third of all school employees in Lexington called out of work, the Fayette County school district said. 11 A.M. UPDATE: Added Lewis and Magoffin to callouts. Henderson, Trigg pre-planned. RED = Out due to call outs, GREEN = Pre-planned (Spring Break, PD, Holiday), YELLOW = "soft close" Lots of callouts! #120Strong #HoldTheLine Kenny Colston (@Kenny_Colston) March 30, 2018 Kentuckys public pension system is among the worst funded in the nation. Gov. Matt Bevin (R) has prioritized reforming it since he was elected in 2015, and Republicans have taken up the issue since gaining control of both houses of the state legislature in 2016. Teachers and public employees have fought the proposed changes, which have included transitioning new hires into a hybrid system that more closely resembles a 401(k). They argue that such changes would lead to steep cuts to their retirement systems and could violate their contracts with the state. Educators have spent weeks protesting the proposed pension plans, and appeared to have derailed any potential reform earlier this week as Kentuckys 2018 legislative session drew to a close. Story continues But on Thursday afternoon, Republicans tucked many of their proposed changes into a piece of legislation relating to public sewage. And after mere hours of debate, both state legislative chambers approved the bill in late-night votes, with the state Senate voting around 10 p.m. to send the bill to Bevins desk. Senate gives final passage to SB 151, which started today as a sewage bill and turned into a pension bill. Teachers and Democrats are livid, but they don't run the legislature, Republicans do. The bill goes to Gov Bevin. ^JC Bluegrass Politics (@BGPolitics) March 30, 2018 The 291-page bill dropped some reform proposals that had drawn the most opposition, such as cuts to annual cost-of-living raises for teachers and a Bevin-backed provision that would have increased the amount teachers have to pay into their health insurance funds. Still, it included major changes to the system. If the bill becomes law, for example, it will take longer for new teachers to gain eligibility for retirement benefits. And the bill would end a contractual obligation that prohibits lawmakers from changing pension plans or reducing retirement benefits for any teacher already under contract, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader. Bevin is expected to sign the bill into law, and praised its passage. He tweeted that 49 members of the Kentucky House and 22 members of the Kentucky Senate voted not to keep kicking the pension problem down the road. Tonight 49 members of the Kentucky House and 22 members of the Kentucky Senate voted not to keep kicking the pension problem down the road Anyone who will receive a retirement check in the years ahead owes a deep debt of gratitude to these 71 men & women who did the right thing Matt Bevin (@MattBevin) March 30, 2018 The potential financial impact on Kentuckys pension system is unclear, as lawmakers suspended legislative rules requiring an actuarial analysis of the bill ahead of the vote. But Kentucky teachers, who have stressed throughout protests that they are not eligible for Social Security to help fund their retirement, say they are well aware of how changes to the pension system will affect them. Our pension is our only fallback, said Katy Smalley, who teaches first and second grade in Bullitt County, where schools remained open Friday. I dont get Social Security. So taking anything from that is changing the way I have to plan for retirement. Its huge. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. Educators also criticized the rushed and opaque process used to pass the bill. They had a 291-page bill that was still warm from the copier, and that they had not read. And they were given it to vote on, said Anita Davis, a retired teacher who was among those protesting at the state Capitol building in Frankfort on Thursday. Even if it was the best bill in the world, the way it came about [would make] everybody very suspicious. Put that on top of the rhetoric that has been stirred up, and it has poisoned the well for so many teachers in terms of having trust for the governor and so many representatives and senators. Students also joined the protests, even in some districts where schools didnt close. The Kentucky Education Association called the legislative process shameful. Chris Brady, a member of the Jefferson County Public Schools Board of Education, tweeted that the lawmakers who had voted in favor of the bill had voted not to be re-elected. Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear announced Friday that he planned to sue over the legislation, which he said violates the state constitution. Last night we saw government at its worst, Beshear said in a video posted on Facebook. Last night, the House and Senate ... broke their word, but I am going to keep mine. We will take this to court, Beshear said. Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (R) has made overhauling the state pension system a priority since taking office in 2015. But his proposals have drawn anger from teachers and other public employees. (Photo: Joshua Roberts / Reuters) Kentucky teachers are the latest to stage walkouts or threaten strikes over changes to their pensions and other benefits. In February and early March, West Virginia teachers went on strike after years of tax cuts left the state without money to grant them raises and caused deep cuts to state education programs. Teachers in Oklahoma, meanwhile, have said they plan to strike next week over similar problems, and Arizona teachers could soon follow. Its unclear whether the protests will lead to extended closures in Kentucky, especially since many of the districts that were shut down Friday are approaching spring break. But with a state budget proposal that includes cuts to education funding still looming, the closures are at least a hint that the pension reform bill could turn into a breaking point for Kentuckys teachers. I have never seen this type of anger and pushback from teachers, said Davis, the retired teacher. They are tired of this, of public workers being demonized. ... People think its about money and a pension, but its a bigger thing than that. Related Coverage Oklahoma Teachers May Soon Go On Strike The West Virginia Teacher Strike Was Rare, Militant And Victorious This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Growing up in Hyesan, North Korea, a small industrial city near the border with China, Hyeonseo Lee heard plenty about Americans. But never without a modifier. It was always American bastards or American aggressors,' she says. When Lee was 13, her school made the obligatory pilgrimage to the Sinchon Museum of American War Atrocities. There, Lee and her classmates were told of the 35,000 civilians North Korea says were massacred by U.S. troops at the start of the Korean War in 1950. She was shown where 100 North Korean mothers were separated from their newborns as they cried out for milk. And she was brought to the room where the heartless Americans supposedly fed the babies gasoline instead, before flinging in a match. I didnt think Americans were human beings, says Lee, who fled North Korea in 1997 and wrote The Girl With Seven Names about her experience. I thought they were animals that we had to kill off. That was the brainwashing from age 4. Hatred of the U.S. is a founding principle of the North Korean regime. The revolutionary guerrilla Kim Il Sung seized power in 1948 and built the state ideology around the nebulous concept of juche, which is loosely defined as ultranationalist self-reliance. His descendants have maintained their control in part by instilling the belief that other nations are plotting North Koreas destruction with U.S. backing. To guard against that threat, North Korea began developing a nuclear-weapons program in the early 1990s with the aid of former Soviet scientists. The regimes armament has continued in fits and starts, despite international efforts to contain it, and today includes 2,500 to 5,000 tons of chemical weapons and 200 launchers that can fire short-, medium- and long-range ballistic missiles. In late November, North Korea tested an ICBM that flew 10 times higher than the International Space Station and is theoretically capable of hitting any American city. The entire area of the U.S. mainland is within our nuclear strike range, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un said after the missiles test. Story continues In response to the escalation, U.S. President Donald Trump called Kim a madman on Twitter and derided him as Rocket Man in a speech to the U.N. The White House has repeatedly refused to rule out a military response. North Korea is the biggest threat to all of humankind as far as Im concerned today, Terry Branstad, the U.S. ambassador to China, tells TIME. This would seem an unlikely moment for rapprochement. The 34-year-old dictator has never participated in formal negotiations with any nation, let alone the hated U.S. Yet after thawing relations with South Korea for the Winter Olympics, Kim made a stunning surprise visit to Beijing in his armored train at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping on March 2528his first foreign visit since taking power in 2011and is poised to sit down with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in April. (North Korean state media reports that Xi has also agreed to visit Pyongyang.) All of that is a prelude to Kims planned summit with Trump in May. Kim and Xi shake hands at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on March 27; Kim waves from his armored train before departing Beijing following his surprise visit How could two of the worlds most bombastic leaders go, in the space of a few months, from trolling each other to displaying the mutual respect implied by a personal meeting? For Kim, the short answer is money and security. Three new rounds of U.N. sanctions since Trump took office have cut off key revenue streamschiefly exports of coal, labor and textilesfor his isolated and struggling economy. He also knows North Korea would lose any real conflict, even if its capable of exacting a horrendous toll in the process. Experts says its telling that Kim has put denuclearization on the table for the first time and pledged a moratorium on weapons tests. The U.S. and its allies have various motivations for engaging with Kim, but all would benefit from neutralizing a rogue nuclear state. South Korea could face obliteration from attack from across its border, while China and Japanthe worlds second and third largest economiesare also at imminent risk. Geography, meanwhile, no longer affords the U.S. the buffer it once did. Experts say North Korea could potentially strike the American mainland with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse that would wreak havoc on power grids, utilities, infrastructure and any industry dependent on them. Pre-emptive action, however, risks upsetting Washingtons alliances in East Asia, potentially strengthening China. The U.S. would be relegated to a regional power like Russia at the end of the Cold War, says Daniel Pinkston, an East Asia expert at Troy University in South Korea. With the stakes so high, TIME spoke with defectors from North Korea, negotiators and others from both sides of the DMZ and the bargaining table to better understand Kims motivations, Trumps aims and the potential consequences of their summitif it actually happens. Over platters of iced whitefish, kimchi and spiced mackerel at a restaurant in Seouls tony Gangnam neighborhood, the highest-ranking North Korean official to defect during Kims reign offers guarded insight into his former leaders mind-set. Clive, who is using an alias to protect his safety, says he defected because a transgression by a close relative meant he was also facing a one-way ticket to the gulag. Clive believes Kim may genuinely want to mend relations with Washington in order to improve the livelihoods of his 25 million subjects, and he suggests that Kim might agree to denuclearize in exchange for a mutual defense treaty signed by Pyongyangs four influential neighborsRussia, China, South Korea and Japanthats ratified by the U.N. and also passed by an act of Congress and signed by Trump. He says that under such a deal, Kim might not even object to the U.S.s keeping in place the 28,500 troops currently stationed in South Korea. Such a pact would require reaching across a dense thicket of historical grudges and mistrust, but Kim, at least, has a monetary incentive to try. A thaw with Tokyo in particular could lead to a much needed windfall. Pyongyang has never received compensation for Japans human-rights abuses during its occupation of the peninsula from 1910 to 1945. In 1965, South Korea received $800 million in grants and soft loans from Tokyo under a similar deal, and a 2001 congressional research report suggested the North could expect $5 billion to $10 billion. A multicountry deal of the sort Clive envisions would face steep challenges. Russia, China, South Korea and Japan would have to set aside large and competing interests for it to win U.N. backing. That, in turn, has the potential to complicate its chances in Congress, where conservatives resent following the U.N.s lead. And Trump is generally averse to complex multilateral deals. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un waves from his train as it prepares to depart from Beijing railway station Kims furtive trip to Beijing further muddies the waters. The visit, which included a great deal of pomp despite being kept under wraps until its end, suggests that Kim may need Chinas aid in negotiations with Trumpand that Xi could use that as leverage for trade concessions on recent tariffs with the U.S. in any deal. The U.S. and South Korea, meanwhile, announced an amended trade pact on March 27 that expands the market for American automakers in South Korea while limiting the countrys steel exports to the U.S. The revised deal was reportedly reached in order to avoid open disagreement between the allies during the summits. Other obstacles to a nuclear deal are more prosaic. According to Jim Walsh, a security expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has discussed nuclear issues with North Korean officials on behalf of the U.S., negotiators are typically direct, but problems arise if an approach seems to counter a regime directive. They may say, We cant talk about denuclearization,' says Walsh, and so you have to change the language and say, Lets talk about nuclear security or nuclear energy and find another way in. Personal chemistry between Kim and Trump is another wild card. Trump has been far more indulgent of authoritarian leaders than his predecessors, offering congratulations to Russian leader Vladimir Putin on his election victory and praise for Xis dismissal of Chinas presidential term limits. To Trumps defenders, the absence of condemnation reflects a dealmakers acumen. I see some common traits between Trump and Kim Jong Un, says political scientist Cheong Seong-chang of South Koreas Sejong Institute. They talk tough, but theyre pragmatists. Of course, that doesnt mean the two men will be able to broker an accord that settles more than 50 years of strife. Among the many challenges to reaching and upholding any deal is the threadbare State Department under Trump. South Korea still does not have a U.S. ambassador. Joseph Yun, the top U.S. diplomat dedicated to North Korea policy, retired in February. Summits normally follow a series of lower-level meetings, where policy specialists thrash out parameters in painstaking, coffee-soaked sessions. Trump and Kim are hanging everything on a front-loaded meeting. If you have some big blowup, where do you go? asks a former top U.S. diplomat, who asked to remain anonymous so he could speak candidly. Diplomacy is effectively eliminated. Were an agreement somehow reached, it would lead to another thorny question: how to verify it. There is no way to locate all of North Koreas nuclear weapons, and experts think the regime is likely to keep some hidden. The best hope is 80% to 90% denuclearization, says Cheong. The U.S. apparently has no intelligence sources in North Korea nor any way to illicitly access computer records in the Hermit Kingdom. Kims regime is believed to have a network of underground military facilities the knowledge of which is dispersed among different military leaders. Should negotiations falter and Kim and Trump return home empty, Clives prediction is bleak: North Korea will put more pressure on the U.S. through nuclear proliferation. In other words, Clive predicts North Korea will sell more of its nuclear and ICBM technology to rogue states or terrorist and criminal groups to boost its sagging economy and gain further bargaining power. Weapons trading has always been a key way for North Korea to acquire foreign currency. From 1987 to 2009, 40% of the 1,180 units of ballistic missiles that were traded around the world were exported by North Korea, says Kwon Yong-soo, a former professor at Korea National Defense University. Defector debriefing documents reviewed by TIME detail how dozens of North Korean Scud missiles were sold to Iran for $90 million per unit in the 1980s, and Pyongyangs military scientists were paid up to $15,000 per month for maintenance work in Syria, Iran and Czechoslovakia. When Israel bombed a suspected Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007, one former North Korean missile scientist told TIME that he recognized a colleague dead in the debris. Now is the time to halt the testing to stop the North Koreans building 50 nuclear-armed ICBMs, says Daryl G. Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association. Because then the problem becomes much more difficult. Yoon Seok-sahn, who was separated from his family in the North, poses near his home in Tongilchon. Yoon Seok-sahns vegetable patch doesnt appear to be of much geopolitical significance. Yet the small plot where the sprightly 86-year-old grows corn, beans and cabbages in South Koreas Tongilchon village lies snug against the DMZ and is just a few miles from the likely location of Kim and Trumps summit. The division of the Koreas remains a personal tragedy for Yoon too. Just five miles across the DMZ looms North Koreas Deokmul Mountain, where Yoons maternal uncle lived. My mother used to take my hand, and we would walk over to his house for dinner, says the retired army major. I dont know if I have any nephews or nieces living there today. Id be desperate to meet them. If Kim dangles the prospect of Korean reunification, as some experts predict, there is a chance Yoon will find out. I think Kim Jong Un will offer the reunification of the Koreas, says Choi, a former North Korean intelligence officer who asked to be identified by his last name. That wouldnt mean the end of North Korea as a state, but a symbolic fusing in name, with the countries ramping up cooperation. An agreement could look similar to China and Hong Kongs one country, two systems. Cooperation across the DMZ may be Kims primary goal, says Choi. Smoothing relations with South Korea will make it harder for Washington to unleash sanctions or a military strike against the North. But that would be highly divisive for South Koreans, who distrust Pyongyang while also being wary of U.S. escalation given their vulnerability. Kim Jong Un wants to drive a wedge in the South KoreaU.S. alliance, says Choi, to use South Korea as a human shield. For Yoon and his 500-odd fellow Tongilchon residents, the front line is a familiar position. Every month, the village schools 80 students practice racing down to the nearby nuclear shelter, where cupboards of foil-wrapped gas masks are stacked. But the current thaw has already brought some benefit. Less North Korean propaganda has been bellowing across the DMZ, interrupting everyones sleep. I feel good about the talks, says Yoon. They will help ease tensions and prevent war, he says, before adding, at least for a while. With reporting by STEPHEN KIM/SEOUL and PHILIP ELLIOTT/WASHINGTON BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - At least five people were killed and six wounded when a suicide bomber drove a car laden with explosives into a checkpoint in the eastern Libyan town of Ajdabiya late on Thursday, medics said. The explosion hit the eastern exit of Ajdabiya, a town south of Benghazi, a military source said. It is close to the oil export ports of Brega and Zueitina. No further details or claim of responsibility were immediately available. Some six cars were damaged by the blast, a witness said. The town is controlled, as is much of eastern Libya, by forces of Khalifa Haftar allied to a parallel government based in the east. (Reporting by Ayman al-Warfalli; Writing by Ulf Laessing; Editing by James Dalgleish) "The Excessive Fines Clause: Challenging the Modern Debtors' Prison" | Main | Texas woman sentenced to five years in prison (!?!?!) for voting illegally March 29, 2018 Some more perspective on the crime-and-punishment thinking of AG Jeff Sessions Time magazine has this new lengthy cover story on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The whole piece is an interesting read, and here are some excerpts sentencing fans are likely to find of interest: Sessions believes todays low crime rates are a direct result of proactive policing and harsh sentences, and that dialing them back is causing crime to rise. According to the FBI, the violent crime rate rose 7% between 2014 and 2016, and the murder rate rose 20%, following years of decline. Sessions has moved swiftly to unwind the Obama Justice Departments policies. He canceled the smart on crime initiative and replaced it with a directive to pursue maximal charging and sentencing. He pulled out of the consent decrees and rescinded Holders hands-off marijuana-enforcement policy. He announced the end of DACA, stepped up deportation orders and sued California over sanctuary cities. He has embraced Trumps call to impose the death penalty on some drug dealers, which some legal scholars consider unconstitutional. Emphasizing treatment for drug addicts isnt just ineffective, according to Sessions -- its dangerous. The extraordinary surge in addiction and drug death is a product of a popular misunderstanding of the dangers of drugs, he told me. Because all too often, all we get in the media is how anybody whos against drugs is goofy, and we just ought to chill out. In February, Sessions sent a letter warning the Senate that a bill to reduce federal sentences risked putting the very worst criminals back into our communities. (An outraged Chuck Grassley, the Republican Senator from Iowa, told reporters that if Sessions wanted to keep making laws, he should go back to elected office.) Sessions believes his erstwhile colleagues have been misled. This whole mentality that theres another solution other than incarceration, he told me, all I will say to you is, people today dont know that every one of these things has been tried over the last 40 years. Sessions seemed exasperated when I asked him to address the disproportionate impact of harsh policing and incarceration on black families and communities. He cited the work of Heather Mac Donald, the controversial conservative scholar who argues that racial bias in the criminal-justice system is a myth and that the real problem is a war on cops. Mac Donald popularized the concept of the Ferguson effect, an unproven theory that crime rises when police feel hamstrung by political oversight. Sessions embraces this notion. In cities like Baltimore and Chicago, he told me, politicians spend all that time attacking the police department instead of the criminals.... Sessions contends that the policies he champions help minority communities by cleaning up their neighborhoods. If you do the map of your city and youve got five times the murders in a minority neighborhood, do you just go away? he asked me, eyes narrowed. Or do you prosecute the criminals who are committing the murders? Thats the fundamental answer. And the other thing is, you think the mothers whove got children, the older people who are afraid to walk to the grocery store -- shouldnt they be free just like they are in the elite part of town? Sessions leaned over the plastic airplane table. Whose side are you on? he asked. Im on the victims side, and overwhelmingly the victims are minorities. The prosecution of certain minorities for murder, the victim is overwhelmingly another African American or Hispanic. It occurs within their own communities. (Law-enforcement statistics show white criminals also tend to target white victims.) His eyes gleamed as he sat back. We are protecting minority citizens, he concluded. The fundamental question is, Who rules the streets? The government, or the outlaws? March 29, 2018 at 06:04 PM | Permalink Comments After taking a course on marijuana, I became interested in suing Jeff Sessions. His DEA has it classified as a Schedule I substance. This means, highly addictive, no medical benefits. Only 9% of users become addicted. It has dozens of established medical benefits. It kills 50 people a year, all by impaired driving and car crashes. Doctors tested it on dogs to find proper dosing... in 1850. William Osler had a section on it in his standard medical textbook, Edition of 1913. This nation is really retro. His Schedule I classification is regulatory quackery. It places an undue burden on the care of dozens of medical conditions. Posted by: David Behar | Mar 29, 2018 9:17:25 PM Sessions' mention of victims is very advanced for a lawyer. Here he opposes the protection of vicious illegal alien gangs by the lawyer. Posted by: David Behar | Mar 30, 2018 12:08:42 AM As you can imagine, this has been very stressful for nonviolent marijuana offenders who have sentences of life without parole for marijuana. Even though they know that they will not be re sentenced to death, this is an indication to them that the public is not aware of how offenders become designated kingpins. This is true even when it is stated that there were no victims. They all were charged with conspiracy and all went to trial. Because of the charging decision of the prosecutor and the decision of the offender to exercise their 6th amendment right to trial, they are all become designated as kingpins. The amounts of marijuana they are charged with includes all the weights of all the defendants over a period of years even if they did not participate or even know about the import or distribution. I received an interesting message from a younger nonviolent marijuana only first time offender who said that if it would call attention to this sentence that does not fit the crime, he would volunteer to be the first nonviolent marijuana only offender (designated kingpin) to be executed. He felt that the reality of imposing and carrying out this sentence would educate the public about prosecutorial practices and their implications. This federal inmate has a spotless prison resume. He has a prison job, has no infractions, feels that he is preforming useful functions with rewarding relationships with other inmates and staff. Keeping him in prison till he dies is not fiscally responsible and is not just. Execution would be a grotesque perversion of justice. Posted by: beth | Mar 30, 2018 12:22:20 PM Beth. I received an email from a distressed mother to help her son, after her reading my comment on the Time article. My reply. "You should contact the ACLU, Norml, and other advocacy groups. I am only in a position to sue Jeff Sessions to reclassify Marijuana as a Schedule II drug, and not a Schedule I drug. It has a low addiction rate (9%), and dozens of accepted medical uses. Such a lawsuit may take 4 years. If I smoke 2 packs of cigarettes at age 12, I have a 50% chance of getting addicted to cigarettes. Cigarettes and alcohol kill 500,000 people a year. Marijuana kills 50 people a year, all in car crashes, none directly from marijuana. Endocannabinoid, the substance made by the body to sit on the cannabis receptor all over the body, is the most frequent neurotransmitter in the body. Should we be arrested fro having cannabis in our body already? You may also try to contact the prosecutor, to make these arguments, the misclassification of marijuana. I will gladly review the available knowledge about marijuana with the prosecutor if they are interested in a review." No one else is challenging the Schedule I classification to my knowledge on scientific and policy grounds. I want to introduce the concept of the voiding regulations that contradict evidence. I support the retrospective application of the voiding of a violation in a law that is no longer in operation. This Schedule I classification also places on an undue burden on clinical care. It violates the ADAAA. I have not decided if I should throw all violations in the fist claim. The alternative is to put in one violation. It fails, put in another claim, to keep the government in continual litigation for decades. Such litigation, even if it fails, deters the government. I may list the salient points from a marijuana course I took. I thought I was keeping up with the subject. I only knew 10% of the content. I recommend taking the course to everyone interested in a review of medical marijuana. The course for dispensary employees had the same list of content as mine. I even provided a link to a local course to Prof. Berman. It is on a Saturday morning and may interfere with his golf schedule. Posted by: David Behar | Apr 1, 2018 12:59:22 AM David, there have been literally dozens of lawsuits "challenging the Schedule I classification ... on scientific and policy grounds." A few are discussed at this Wikipedia page: The most prominent recent effort was dismissed a month ago, as reviewed here: Posted by: Doug B | Apr 1, 2018 10:46:23 AM David, I tend to think that cannabis business enterprises, with varying regulations in states that have legalized to some degree or another, will not be safe from federal prosecution unless marijuana is removed from the Controlled Substance Act's Schedule totally. A large successful cannabis business could easily pass the thresh hold of kingpin status - especially if charged with conspiracy and electing to go to trial. Falling out of regulatory compliance is not a big jump in many instances. If cannabis businesses are allowed to operate at the state level the federal government needs to get out of the way. Anything short of that makes a mockery of federal law. Posted by: beth | Apr 1, 2018 8:28:36 PM The classification violates the wording of the definition of Schedule I, addictive, no benefit. It is far less addiction than many legal activities, with a 9% rate. It has dozens of established medical uses dating from 1850. It's natural, bodily version is a ubiquitous neuromodulator, found in nature all over the body. I have to read the Washington claim. I doubt they used undue burden, the ADAAA, and regulatory quackery's violating Fifth Amendment due process. I will report back. As a hypocrite, I would be asking for judicial review, instead of the harder work of lobbying for a change in the law in Congress. Congress responds to only one thing, the votes. So, the even harder task is to persuade the public. Posted by: David Behar | Apr 2, 2018 1:31:44 PM I recommended the Washington claim to the course directors for its excellent review of history and of legal issues. Administrative appeals have been listed, and have taken up to 20 years to get a reply, denying a change. The complaint covered most of my points. The additional ones would not make a difference. Below is the more likely path to change. Sessions is likely to be fired soon. This Congressman says, he talks to Trump regularly. Posted by: David Behar | Apr 2, 2018 10:24:31 PM An additional argument not made. The Rent Seeking Theory. This judge is suggesting returning to an agency. Then, ask it to shrink, and to lose jobs for its employees. That is not humanly possible. Posted by: David Behar | Apr 3, 2018 8:32:18 AM Post a comment Mexico City (AFP) - The campaign for Mexico's July 1 presidential election officially opened Friday, with Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, a veteran leftist promising a sharp break with the past, positioned as the man to beat. "AMLO," as he is widely known, has a double-digit lead at the start of the race to succeed President Enrique Pena Nieto, whose popularity has been flayed by corruption scandals, a seemingly hopeless war on drug cartels and record-shattering crime that has left a trail of bodies in its wake. But Lopez Obrador, a sometimes fiery leftist who is making his third presidential bid, has been here before: in 2006, he led for most of the race, then narrowly lost to Felipe Calderon of the conservative National Action Party (PAN). Two rivals are meanwhile fighting a no-holds-barred battle for second place. Ricardo Anaya of the PAN is a youthful ex-lawmaker whose bid to campaign as a fresh face has been blotched by accusations of corruption and strongarming his way to his party's nomination. Jose Antonio Meade is a respected former finance minister standing for the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) -- a long-dominant force in Mexican politics whose popularity is now so low it tapped a non-party member as its candidate. Running a distant fourth is independent Margarita Zavala, ex-president Calderon's wife, who quit the PAN in a bitter dispute with Anaya and is now peeling away a potentially crucial part of his vote. Anaya and Zavala kicked off their campaigns with midnight rallies in Mexico City. Lopez Obrador and Meade are saving their first big rallies for Sunday -- Easter, a date charged with symbolism in this still very Catholic country. All hope to draw mega-crowds that day to boost their momentum. Anything remains possible in the single-round vote, but AMLO looks ever harder to beat, said Mexican political analyst Jose Antonio Crespo. "We can't rule anything out. In other elections we've seen how things can change in the final months. But it's looking difficult" to beat Lopez Obrador, he told AFP. Story continues "There's an open war between the PRI and the PAN.... They're hitting each other so hard they're both falling down, leaving Lopez Obrador a wide-open path to victory." - Own worst enemy? - Recent polls give Lopez Obrador just over 40 percent of the vote, with Anaya and Meade in the 20s and Zavala in single digits. But it is often said in Mexico that "AMLO's worst enemy is AMLO." Detractors say the former Mexico City mayor harbors a radical, intolerant and messianic side that scares most voters whenever he lets it surface. Famous for railing against Mexico's "mafia of power," Lopez Obrador, 64, has so far struck a light, humorous tone during a months-long "pre-campaign," joking that he is all "peace and love" in 2018. But he has recently ventured into more controversial territory, with talk of reversing Pena Nieto's landmark privatization of the energy sector, abandoning construction on a new $13-billion airport for Mexico City, restarting from scratch on negotiating an updated NAFTA trade deal with the United States and Canada, and an amnesty for drug traffickers. Anaya and Meade are meanwhile locked in an ugly brawl. Meade, 49, has hit out relentlessly at Anaya for an investigation into his family's $2.95-million sale of an industrial property in a suspected money-laundering scheme. Anaya, 39, who is not under investigation himself and denies any wrongdoing, says the ruling party fabricated the case to hurt him, and accuses Meade of abetting the corruption rotting the political system. - 'Disgusted with politics' - Mexico's president for the next six years will inherit a lackluster economy, the blood-stained war on drugs and touchy ties with key trading partner the United States under President Donald Trump. Voters are hungry for change, but in a country with a long history of cronyism and corruption in politics, there is no true outsider candidate, said Pamela Starr, a Mexico specialist at the University of Southern California. Even Lopez Obrador has been in politics since the 1970s, she pointed out. "Mexicans are disgusted with parties and politicians... but there are no outsiders because the political system won't permit outsiders," she said. "All four candidates have been part of the political system their entire lives." Paris (AFP) - The name chosen by the small European country of Macedonia at its independence 27 years ago has ever since been rejected by Greece, provoking an impassioned dispute. For Greece the name is part of its own cultural heritage, a source of pride as that of an ancient province that was the core of Alexander the Great's empire more than 2,000 years ago. The bitter row has stalled the efforts of the new nation to take its place in the European Union and other international institutions. As the Greek and Macedonian foreign ministers meet in Vienna on Friday amid a new push for a solution, here is some background. - Rejected from the start - Macedonia proclaims its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991 but its international recognition is immediately blocked by Greece because of the name. Besides claiming it as part of its heritage, Greece also has a province bordering the new country that has the same name and fears Skopje may be harbouring territorial ambitions. In 1992 more than a million Greeks join a rally in the northern city of Thessaloniki, once the most important city in ancient Macedonia, to proclaim "Macedonia is Greek". - A country called FYROM - It is only with the adoption of a provisional name -- the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) -- that the country is finally admitted into the United Nations in 1993. Most other nations, including Russia and the United States, later recognise its constitutional title, the Republic of Macedonia. - Greece clamps down - In 1994 Greece pushes its point by imposing an economic embargo on Macedonia, including preventing it from using the port at Thessaloniki, its main trading post. Greece also demands Macedonia drops from its flag the rayed sun of Vergina, which it claims is an ancient Greek symbol, as well as certain articles from its constitution. - A thaw - In September 1995 the neighbours sign in New York an accord opening the way for a normalisation of their trade and political ties, but leave hanging the name dispute. Story continues The following month they open liaison offices in their respective capitals and a new Macedonian flag -- with the controversial sun replaced -- is raised for the first time at the United Nations. - Greek vetoes - Macedonia becomes a candidate for membership of the European Union in 2005 but Greece blocks the start of negotiations, which must be agreed unanimously. In 2008 Macedonia presents itself as a candidate for membership of the NATO military alliance, under the provisional name, but is again met with a Greek veto. Relations sink with the erection in Skopje in 2011 of a huge statue of Alexander the Great. Athens sees this as an attempt to appropriate one of its greatest military heroes. - 'A solution is feasible' - Soon after his election in June 2017, Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev promises a new push to settle the dispute and relaunch the drive for EU and NATO membership. There is optimism after mediation talks at the UN headquarters in January. But tens of thousands of people demonstrate in Thessaloniki later that month to insist "Macedonia is Greek and this is not negotiable". Zaev announces his country will drop Alexander the Great's name from that of its main international airport and a key highway. Early February he says Macedonia will also include a geographic designation in a future name. Suggestions that circulate include Upper Macedonia, Northern Macedonia, Vardar Macedonia and Macedonia-Skopje. Vienna (AFP) - The Greek and Macedonian foreign ministers meet in Vienna on Friday for UN-mediated talks aimed at translating progress in their bitter dispute over the ex-Yugoslav republic's name into a deal. The long-running spat, which has sparked emotional protests by thousands of people in recent weeks in both countries, has raged since Macedonia became an independent country in 1991. Greece objects to its northern neighbour's name, arguing it suggests that Macedonia has claims to the territory and heritage of Greece's historic northern region of the same name. In light of the Greek objections, the country joined the United Nations in 1993 with the unwieldy name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, or FYROM for short. The spat has also hampered Macedonia's hopes of joining the European Union and the NATO military alliance. Last year, UN mediator Matthew Nimetz was able to relaunch the process, meeting both sides separately and together. Several possible names have been doing the rounds, with "Gorna Makedonija" ("Upper Macedonia") the most frequently cited. - 'Honourable compromise' - There have been signs of progress, with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and his Macedonian counterpart Nikola Dimitrov saying last week they were looking for an "honourable compromise". Macedonia in February made a concession by renaming the capital's Alexander the Great airport as Skopje International Airport. The motorway linking Macedonia with Greece has also just been renamed the Friendship Highway. The UN's Nimetz said in January that he was "very optimistic the process is going in the right direction". Athens and Skopje have a "common resolve... to solve the problem," Macedonian political scientist Nano Ruzin, a former NATO ambassador close to the government, told AFP. - Nationalists - But both countries' governments are facing the opposition of nationalists who refuse any concession over the issue. Story continues Kotzias has received threats and a survey Sunday showed that seven out of 10 Greeks would be hostile to a name including the term Macedonia or a derivative. In Skopje, the nationalist right-wing opposition VMRO-DPMNE party could use the issue to weaken the government, which relies on a thin majority, although its current leaders are more moderate now. And the devil is in the detail. Athens wants the change of name to be backed with a constitutional change, and for it be applied on the "erga omnes" ("towards all") legal principle, meaning universal use inside and outside Macedonia. Even with the support of the ethnic Albanian minority parties, the Social Democrats who lead Macedonia's government do not have a majority to pass a constitutional change in parliament. Before the meeting, Kotzias said that his desire for constitutional change should be translated into the "international agreement we will conclude at the UN, and the inter-state agreement we will sign." Ruzin sees this as the Greeks leaving the door open to a staged process, with the possibility of leaving the constitutional change for later. A man who allegedly killed his wife at home was fatally shot by police behind a Kentucky high school while it was in session Wednesday, Kentucky State Police said. Jesse Kilgus, 51, was shot in his van outside John Hardin High School in Elizabethtown, where he went to check his child out of school, Trooper Jeff Gregory said. News outlets report the shooting happened around 1 p.m. Gregory said no students or school employees were harmed. Gregory said police found the body of Ruth Marie Kilgus, 46, and learned Jesse Kilgus planned to pick up his child from school and confronted him there. Gregory did not yet have details about the circumstances that led to the shooting but said seven officers from three departments fired shots. Obviously nobody ever wants this situation to happen, and its unfortunate that it happened in a school parking lot, but because theres great cooperation between all three police departments that were involved, Gregory said. We did everything right as far as Im concerned. Hardin County Schools Superintendent Teresa Morgan said the student involved will receive trauma counseling after losing both parents Wednesday. He is safe at this time and he is a now with extended family, Morgan said. Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin praised police via Twitter on Wednesday evening. Suspect was attempting to enter a high school in Hardin County, KY, the tweet said. Area schools were temporarily locked down as a safety precaution, but the prompt response by law enforcement officers ensured that no harm came to any students or teachers. The fatal shooting near the high school comes as American communities are seeking ways to impose tougher security measures in the wake of the Feb. 14 school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 people dead. In Kentucky, a shooting in January at Marshall County High School killed two students and injured more than a dozen others. An off-duty police officer was shot and killed in Kentucky on Thursday by a man impersonating a police officer, according to local authorities. Police said the deceased, Philip Meacham, 38, was driving in his car when a man pretending to be an officer pulled him over at approximately 5:10 p.m. CT in Hopkinsville, a small city about 73 miles northwest of Nashville, Tennessee. The man, identified as James Kennith DeCoursey, 34, then shot Meacham before escaping on foot and stealing a 1997 white Chevrolet pickup truck, according to a Kentucky State Police statement. Trending: Russian Airline Threatened to Deport Americans Back to India Because of Their Skin Color Meacham, who had worked for the Hopkinsville Police Department since May 2017 and was married with two children, was taken to the Jenny Stuart Medical Center in Hopkinsville, Christian County, where he died. Police then launched a manhunt for the suspect and he was also fatally shot a few hours later by police officers in Clarksville, Tennessee, around 30 miles south of Hopkinsville, according to the Logan County Sheriffs Office. During the manhunt, the Christian County Police Department, where Meacham worked for 12 years tweeted: Pray for Hopkinsville Police. Pray the suspect is caught and brought to justice. Our community has been rocked by the unspeakable. Don't miss: Potential Discovery of 66.5 Million Year Old Baby Tyrannosaurus Rex Fossil Could Solve Puzzle of What It Looked Like Clayton Summer, Hopkinsville's chief of police, said during a press conference: I want to ask everyone for their thoughts and prayers for family and for men and women out there trying to find this criminal." He added that mental health workers had been brought in to help Meachams co-workers. Story continues 29597314_10156536342590676_4678291716623039333_n Kentucky State Police. Most popular: Pokemon Go Eggstravaganza Event End Time: When Will Egg Changes Stop? The Governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin, paid tribute to the officer tweeting: Tonight a police officer in Hopkinsville, KY, was killed in the line of duty. There is no greater sacrifice than that of a person willing to lay down their life for another." DeCoursey had a long history of arrests in Kentucky, WMSV, News 4 Nashville reported. He was charged with burglary in 2002 and fraudulent use of credit cards in 2007. He had also been arrested five times for possession of methamphetamine. Lawmakers in the Kentucky legislature stood for a moment of silence when Rep. Walker Wood Thomas of Hopkinsville announced Meachams shooting, according to the Associated Press. This article was first written by Newsweek More from Newsweek Defense Secretary James Mattis was caught jokingly referring to incoming National Security Advisor John Bolton as the devil incarnate during their first meeting Thursday. The two laughed as they entered the Pentagon for their first official meeting, setting a contrast to recent speculation that they may not work well together in the Trump Administration. Ambassador Bolton, so good to see you. Thanks for coming and its good to finally meet you. I heard that youre actually the devil incarnate and I wanted to meet you, Mattis said. A former ambassador to the United Nations known for a bombastic style, Bolton replaces H.R. McMaster, a three-star general who had increasingly clashed with Trump. Mattis, a retired Marine general who advocates for diplomacy and strengthening ties with NATO, has sought to dispel speculation that he would clash with Bolton, a hawk who has called for action against North Korea and Iran. No reservations, no concerns at all, he said at a press conference Tuesday. Last time I checked hes an American. I can work with an American, OK? So Im not the least bit concerned with that sort of thing. PARISOn April 4 of last year, a 67-year-old Jewish woman in Paris named Sarah Halimi was beaten to death and thrown off the balcony of her third-story apartment in a public housing complex by a neighbor who shouted Allahu Akbar. It took 10 months and a public outcry that began with Frances Jewish community, the largest in Europe, before prosecutors officially called the attack an anti-Semitic hate crime. Last Friday, Mireille Knoll, an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor, was stabbed 11 times and set alight by a neighbor and a homeless man. This time, authorities immediately, perhaps even prematurely, called it an anti-Semitic attack. Gerard Collomb, Frances interior minister, said this week that before killing Knoll, one of the two men arrested for the murder had told the other, She is a Jew, she must have money. A lot took place between the death of Halimi and the death of Knoll. It may seem cynical to point it out, but one of them is an election, whose winners and losers seem freer to call out anti-Semitism when theyre not trying to win the support of Muslim voters in the banlieues, or the working-class suburbs that are home to generations of Frances immigrant underclass. Another is a growing sense, one that has been compounded by every terrorist attack here in recent years, that something has gone wrong in France, and its institutions are struggling to keep pace. While there have been concerns about new strains of anti-Semitism in Sweden and Britain, to say nothing of Poland and Hungary, Frances challenges are unique. It is a nation founded on deeply held universalist republican ideals, on the notion that citizens are citizens, not members of individual ethnic or religious groupsno intersectionality, no American-style identity politics, no interest groupsand it has struggled to develop a vocabulary for religiously motivated violence, let alone a solution. The problem defies Cartesian logic and transcends traditional divisions between left and right. Story continues Recommended: The Bike-Share Oversupply in China: Huge Piles of Abandoned and Broken Bicycles The murder of a woman who had narrowly escaped deportation as a child in Nazi-occupied France at the hands of a young Muslim neighbor unlocked something here, a sense of public outrage that seemed to transcend even the horrible facts of the case. On Wednesday evening, thousands of people, including French political leaders, held in a march through eastern Paris to Knolls public housing complex. I went to see for myself. Some held signs that read, In France, we kill grandmothers because theyre Jewish. Others wore buttons with Knolls picture. It had been an intense day. That morning, President Emmanuel Macron delivered a eulogy at the state funeral of Colonel Arnaud Beltrame, a gendarme who had served in Iraq and was hailed as a national hero after he took the place of a hostage in a jihadist attack in southwest France last Friday, the same day as Knolls death. As people began gathering at the start of the march, I ran into Alain Finkielkraut, one of Frances most prominent public intellectuals, a philosophy professor who had participated in the French student uprisings in 1968 but shifted rightward over the years and whose 2013 book, LIdentite Malheureuse, or The Unhappy Identity, is about immigration and its discontents. It wasnt even a question for me to come and express my fear and my anger, Finkielkraut told me. In 2006, there had been a large demonstration after a Jewish man named Ilan Halimi (no relation to Sarah) was tortured and killed by a violent band in what French authorities were loath to call an anti-Semitic attack. Only Jews came to the demonstration in memory of Ilan Halimis barbarous assassination. They had been abandoned by the international community, Finkielkraut told me. Today, he said, things were changing. I think the denial is slowly disappearing, the denial about a new anti-Semitism, he told me. For a long time, we didnt want to stigmatize fragile youth from bad neighborhoods, so we minimized the effect. We looked for excusesin exclusion, in discrimination, in segregation, in all the -ations you can find. I think this narrative is in the process of extinction, and I think, in this sad moment were living, that thats good news. I reminded Finkielkraut that Id last met with himto discuss Michel Houellebecqs best-selling novel Submission, which imagines a Muslim president of Francein early January 2015, a few days before the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the Hyper Cacher supermarket. Those attacks, followed by the bloodbath of November 13, 2015, when jihadists killed 130 people and wounded 400 more in a series of attacks in the same area of eastern Paris where Knoll and Halimi lived, were a major turning pointfor France, but also for the Jewish community. Leaders of the organized Jewish community said they had felt a lack of national empathy after Ilan Halimis death, but also after Mohammed Merah murdered three French Arab paratroopers and, later, a rabbi and three children outside a Jewish school in Toulouse in 2012. The 2015 attacks gave a sense that all of France was in this together, whatever this was, exactly. Recommended: Mormons Weekly Family Ritual Is an Antidote to Fast-Paced Living Wednesdays rally drew thousands, not the massive outpouring that took to the streets after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, but not small, either. Were not Jewish, but were revolted by what happened, a woman in the crowd named Mariethe Bernard told me. She said she hadnt been at the march in 2006 after Ilan Halimis death, but she now regretted that. Nearby, Carolina Camacho Cruz, who is Mexican but has lived in Paris for 20 years, teared up when I asked her why she had come to the march. Its devastating to see this in 2018, she told me. The way she was killed, especially since she was Jewish. Politicians from across the spectrum attended, including the mayor of Paris. They were eager to show their solidarity. No matter where they stood on other hot issues in Franceincluding immigration, multiculturalism, or laicite, the countrys unique insistence on excluding religion from public lifein 2018, the murder of a Holocaust survivor is not something to take lightly. But their participation would prove complicated. The umbrella organization of Jews of France, the CRIF, had said that Marine Le Pen, the leader of the right-wing National Front, founded by her Holocaust-denying father, Jean-Marie, wasnt welcome, and neither was Jean-Luc Melenchon, the leftist presidential contender whose critique of Israel has offended right-leaning Jews. Then, on the day of the march, Knolls son gave a television interview saying anyone was welcome to attend. Both Le Pen and Melenchon showed up, but left early after they were booed. Recommended: Photos of the Week: Holy Week Rodeo, Volkswagen Graveyard, Soccer on an Ice Floe I spotted Laurent Wauquiez, the new leader of the Republicans, whose rhetoric on immigrants had brought that center-right party closer to that of the National Front. At one point, an association of Jewish students started a somewhat feeble rendition of La Marseillaise, and journalists with cameras and microphones ran to film it. Along the route, I struck up a conversation with a 73-year-old man named Michel Ladovitch, who had come to the rally from a suburb of Paris. He was outraged by Knolls death, but didnt like how politicians seemed to be exploiting the march. His father had voted Communist, he told me. We had the image of the Red Army freeing the camps, he said. He himself had once been a Trotskyist but now was more right-wing. The truth is, there are too many immigrants, he said. The rally was a call to decry anti-Semitism, but it also ran up against a total aversion in France to whats called communautarisme, which can loosely translate as American-style identity politics, in which members of ethnic or religious groups derive a strong part of their personal identityand political cloutfrom their backgrounds and histories. The opposite of universalism. This is also why French intellectuals have been tying themselves in knots over how to deal with anti-Semitism. How do you call it what it is without asking for special treatment? The journalist and humanitarian interventionist Raphael Glucksmann wrote on Facebook that he was attending the march not because he was heeding the call of the CRIF, but because millions of people, Jews and non-Jews, people who belong to one community or to none, feel the same anguish I do and feel in some way that they also lost their grandmother on March 23, 2018. Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur, from a liberal synagogue in Paris, tweeted: I dream of a France that knows that someone killed a grandmother, and not just mine. A nation that rises up to confront the horror and doesnt send its condolences to a community. #MyFranceHadaGrandmother. As the marchers turned down Knolls street, I struck up a conversation with Herve Timsit, a composer. I came because I think we need to act and to confront the normalization of anti-Semitism, he told me. He was Jewish, an atheist, and had come on his own. I would have come if a black woman had been killed, or if black people had been killed in the same pattern, or Arabs, but thats not the case, he said. He also came because he was distressed by larger developments in Europe. The soft autocracy in Hungary. Polands new law criminalizing mention of Polish complicity in the Holocaust. When you step back and look at whats happening its scary, he said. It is, but how scary? How worried should we be? Im not an alarmist. A few years ago, Jeffrey Goldberg, the editor of The Atlantic, published a cover story that asked, Is It Time for the Jews To Leave Europe? The story was complex, but to answer the basic question, Id say no. Yes, anti-Semitism is a problem in France. But France has strong institutions and one of the most respectable governments in Europe, one whose election has brightened the mood considerably. The sense I have living here isnt one of fear, but of watching a country slowly acknowledge and try to grapple with seemingly intractable problems. Which is better than ignoring them, as it had in the past. After the march, I walked back toward Bastille. I passed La Bonne Biere, one of the cafes where jihadists opened fire in the November 2015 attack, killing the Muslim wife of the bars Jewish owner, among others. Eastern Paris is a vibrant place, filled with public housing developments and natural wine bars. Things are bad, and yet we carry on. When the attack happened in Trebes last Friday, I followed it closely, then when the attacker had been killed, I shut off Twitter, and got on with my day. The new normal. Last week, before Knolls death, I had met with Elisabeth Badinter, one of Frances most influential intellectuals and old-school feminists, and had asked her what she thought could be done to stop anti-Semitism, radicalization, terrorist attacks, everything were seeing in France today. To be very frank with you, I dont know, and Im worried, she told me. Her blue eyes were piercing, her composure formidable. She weighs in on French public life only selectively, and had given an interview last September decrying what she saw as a media silence around Sarah Halimis death. I think that the more immigrants who arrive in Europe from Muslim countries, the more difficult it will be, Badinter continued. Integration will be difficult, and theyll be unhappy, she said. And who does one immediately point the finger at? Americans and Israelis, with this radical conflation between Israeli citizens and diaspora Jews, which they see as the same. So I have to confess that one, I have no idea how were going to fight this cancer of anti-Semitism. And two, Im worried. Shes not alone. Read more from The Atlantic: This article was originally published on The Atlantic. Melania Trump has been keeping a relatively low profile in the wake of Stormy Danielss 60 Minutes interview and the latest round of sudden White House firings. But when FLOTUS duty calls, she answers. The first lady, who has been vacationing with son Barron in Florida for his spring break, paid a visit to Palm Beachs St. Marys Medical Center to deliver Easter baskets to young patients undergoing treatment. Trump was photographed meeting with several children, whom she later praised as brave. Enjoyed my visit to @StMarysMC today. So great to spend time with some of their brave patients and hard working doctors and nurses. Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) March 29, 2018 As usual, FLOTUS dressed up for the occasion. As with her recent St. Patricks Day leopard-print sheath dress by Brandon Maxwell, she once again opted for a young emerging designer with fashion industry cache and countless celebrity fans: Adam Lippes. The former model wore Lippess asymmetric pleated striped cotton-poplin midi dress, currently available at Net-a-Porter for $1,280. She put her personal style stamp on the look by adding black heels and a black belt. Ironically, Lippes has one of her husbands biggest targets to thank for putting him on the map. Though his devotees also include the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Kelly Ripa, and Mandy Moore, it was Oprah Winfreys 2006 proclaiming of his adam + eve tees as one of her favorite things that really gave his career a boost. And in 2017, Lippes turned his fashion presentation into a statement in support of Planned Parenthood the same organization POTUS dubbed an abortion factory. Story continues Nobody tell the Donald, okay? Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle: Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. By Jonathan Stempel and Brendan Pierson NEW YORK (Reuters) - A research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology was sentenced on Friday to 15 months in prison after admitting to insider trading on a mining company merger that his wife, a corporate lawyer, had been working on. Fei Yan, 31, a native of Nanjing, China and postdoctoral associate at MIT, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest in Manhattan. He was also ordered to forfeit $119,429 of proceeds from suspicious trading. Yan's guilty plea stemmed from his purchase of stock options of Stillwater Mining Co in the three weeks before South Africa's Sibanye Gold Ltd on Dec. 9, 2016, announced a $2.2 billion takeover of the Colorado-based company. Prosecutors said Yan used a brokerage account set up in his mother's name before making his illegal trades. They said he made some trades after conducting internet searches for "how sec detect unusual trade" and "insider trading with international account," and viewing articles titled "U.S. Insider Trading Enforcement Goes Global" and "Want to Commit Insider Trading? Here's How Not to Do It." U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman in Manhattan said Yan should have not done it. "Fei Yan blatantly circumvented the securities laws that are in place to deter people from doing exactly what he did," Berman said in a statement. Lawyers for Yan had sought a sentence of time served, which probation officers had recommended, plus community service. "No one gains by Mr. Yan serving a jail sentence," his lawyer, Seth Orkand, said in an email. "Mr. Yan took full responsibility for his actions, and the sentence imposed is a regrettable ending to a regrettable incident." Prosecutors said the forfeiture included about $10,000 from trades in Mattress Firm Inc that Yan made after learning that South Africa's Steinhoff International Holdings NV planned to buy the chain, in a merger his wife also worked on. Story continues Yan did not plead guilty over those trades, but they were considered "related relevant conduct" under his plea agreement. He was arrested in Massachusetts last July. Yan's wife, who was not identified in court papers, had worked at the law firm Linklaters at the time of the trades. She has not been criminally charged. The London-based firm said in July that Yan's wife no longer worked there, and that it was cooperating with prosecutors. (Corrects paragraphs 12-13 to remove incorrect name of defendant's wife, who was not identified in court papers) (Reporting by Brendan Pierson and Jonathan Stempel in New York; editing by Jonathan Oatis) Dhaka (AFP) - A Bangladesh court has sentenced the mother of the owner of the notorious Rana Plaza factory complex, which collapsed killing more than 1,100 people, to six years in jail for graft, a prosecutor said Friday. A special court in Dhaka found Morzina Begum guilty and handed down the jail term late Thursday, anti-graft prosecutor Salauddin Eskander told AFP. Begum, who is believed to be 60, is the mother of Sohel Rana, the main accused after the April 2013 disaster. She owns 40 percent of the nine-storey building on the outskirts of Dhaka that collapsed in one of the world's worst industrial accidents and highlighted links between top global retailers and Bangladesh's cheap labour garment factories. "She was sentenced to three years in jail for submitting false and fabricated wealth statement to the anti-corruption commission and another three years for acquiring assets worth 66 million taka ($795,000) from unknown sources," Eskander said. The prosecutor said the court also ordered the confiscation of her illegally acquired properties. In August, the same court jailed her for son for three years for failing to declare his personal wealth to Bangladesh's anti-graft commission. It was one of a series of cases launched after the disaster. Rana was arrested just days after the accident at the border with India as he tried to flee Bangladesh. He became Bangladesh's public enemy number one in the aftermath of the disaster as survivors recounted being forced to enter the building to work despite complaining about cracks appearing in walls. Rana and some of his family are among defendants facing murder charges over the deaths. He and 17 others have also been charged with violating building codes when extending the original six-storey structure by three floors. Investigators have blamed the collapse on the illegal construction. The Rana Plaza disaster prompted reforms in the garment sector, including new safety inspections and higher wages in an industry that employs around four million workers, mostly women. The disaster highlighted appalling safety problems in Bangladesh's nearly $30 billion garment industry. It is the world's second largest exporter after China. Many international retailers made clothing at the complex's five factories, including Italy's Benetton, Spain's Mango and low-cost British chain Primark. Texas woman sentenced to five years in prison (!?!?!) for voting illegally | Main | Examining gender realities and disparities in modern federal sentencing March 30, 2018 US District Judge concludes Miller applies to 18-year-old murderer to find his mandatory LWOP sentence violates the Eighth Amendment I just saw this fascinating federal ruling handed down yesterday by US District Judge Janet C. Hall, the Chief Judge of the US District Court for the District of Connecticut, in Cruz v. US, No. 11-CV-787 (D. Conn. March 29, 2018) (available here). The ruling runs 50+ pages, so I will need to read it carefully before opining about it at length. But these excerpts from the start art end of the opinion should reveal why it is worth attention: Cruz turned 18 on December 25, 1993. On May 14, 1994, when Cruz was 18 years and 20 weeks old, Cruz and another member of the Latin Kings, Alexis Antuna, were given a mission by gang leader Richard Morales. See United States v. Diaz, 176 F.3d 52, 84 (2d Cir. 1999). The mission was to kill Arosmo Rara Diaz. See id. Carrying out that mission, Cruz and Antuna shot and killed Diaz and his friend, Tyler White, who happened to be with Diaz at the time. See id. Cruz testified at the hearing before this court that he now admits to committing both murders. See Cruz Tr. at 27. He further testified that Antuna informed him at the time that the leaders of the Latin Kings were debating what would happen to him as a result of his attempt to leave the gang. See id. at 19. According to his testimony, Cruz believed that, if he did not carry out the mission, he himself would be killed. See id.... [W]hen the Roper Court drew the line at age 18 in 2005, the Court did not have before it the record of scientific evidence about late adolescence that is now before this court. Thus, relying on both the scientific evidence and the societal evidence of national consensus, the court concludes that the hallmark characteristics of juveniles that make them less culpable also apply to 18-year-olds. As such, the penological rationales for imposing mandatory life imprisonment without the possibility of parole cannot be used as justification when applied to an 18-year-old. The court therefore holds that Miller applies to 18-year-olds and thus that the Eighth Amendment forbids a sentencing scheme that mandates life in prison without possibility of parole for offenders who were 18 years old at the time of their crimes. See Miller, 567 U.S. at 479. As applied to 18-year-olds as well as to juveniles, [b]y making youth (and all that accompanies it) irrelevant to imposition of that harshest prison sentence, such a scheme poses too great a risk of disproportionate punishment. See id. As with Miller, this Ruling does not foreclose a courts ability to sentence an 18-year-old to life imprisonment without parole, but requires the sentencer to take into account how adolescents, including late adolescents, are different, and how those differences counsel against irrevocably sentencing them to a lifetime in prison. See id. at 480. I think it a near certainty that the feds will appeal this consequential ruling to the Second Circuit and it will be interesting to watch how that court approaches this issue. And, in all likelihood, whatever the outcome in the Second Circuit, a cert petition would follow. So, stay tuned. March 30, 2018 at 12:06 PM | Permalink Comments This was a member of an organized crime gang. He was entrusted with a difficult task, to find, kill a target. He performed well, as well as a special ops crew, after much military training. He likely made more money than most of us here. He lived a life most of us could not sustain. He belonged to an age cohort that would outperform adults. The superior performance would include morality. Late adolescents have a lower violent crime rate than adults. I do not know how much more culpable anyone could be. Posted by: David Behar | Mar 30, 2018 12:51:05 PM Doug, why do you need to read all that drivel? It's a results-driven decision bereft of any support. These are the sorts of decisions that bring the federal judiciary into disrepute. Posted by: federalist | Apr 1, 2018 5:13:08 PM I try not to judge books by their covers, federalist. And while you seem confident you can judge the opinion by its result, I actually wanted to see what it says before reaching a judgment. You way is a lot easier, I will readily admit. Posted by: Doug B | Apr 1, 2018 10:47:02 PM Post a comment Berlin (AFP) - After a German court fined her 6,000 euros ($7,400) for spelling out on her practice's website that she performs abortions, gynaecologist Kristina Haenel vowed that "it can't go on like this". Likewise, her Kassel-based colleague Nora Szasz, who is facing a similar threat under a Nazi-era law, said she would not give in. "We are not afraid," Haenel told AFP, vowing she is ready to take the battle to Germany's highest court against a 1933 law that bans medical practitioners from advertising that they carry out terminations of pregnancies. Germany, despite being a leading voice for women's rights in the 1970s, imposes tight restrictions on abortion. The procedure is permitted but only under strictly regulated circumstances. It is left out of universities' course books for student doctors and kept unavailable in swathes of the country. Haenel and Szasz have fallen foul of the law because they stated on the website of their medical practice that they perform abortions. "That's just a mention among 12 other types of surgical procedures that I carry out as a gynaecologist," said Szasz, who was recently charged for flouting article 219a of the penal code. With the cases of Haenel and Szasz in the media spotlight, the issue has sparked a political debate, with some among the opposition calling for article 219a to be scrapped and for women to be given access to the critical information. Noting that article 219a dated back to May 1933, shortly after Adolf Hitler assumed full powers of Nazi Germany, Verena Osgyan, a local MP for the Greens in the Bavarian regional parliament, told AFP that it was an "unbelievable anachronism". More than 80 years on, abortion remains a taboo, said Berlin gynaecologist Christiane Tennhardt. "In Germany, legislation remains very complex and contradictory," said Jutta Pliefke, of Pro Familia, which counsels women on pregnancies and sexuality and receives public funding. Story continues - Doctors not taught abortions - Germany records an average of 100,000 abortions for 790,000 births, while in France, there are 210,000-220,000 terminations for 800,000 births. A woman who wants to abort within the first trimester is required to attend a consultation at a registered centre. The aim of the interview is to "incite the woman to continue the pregnancy," according to the rules, even if in the end, she has the final say. A three-day waiting period is then imposed for the woman to reconsider her options. Excluding special circumstances such as a pregnancy that threatens the life of the mother, or one arising from rape, abortion -- which can cost hundreds of euros -- is not a procedure that is reimbursable by health insurance. In some regions, including in the predominantly Catholic state of Bavaria, it may be necessary to travel 100 kilometres (about 60 miles) to find a doctor who performs the procedure. In parts of the rich southern region, no public hospital offers such terminations. "Many of the doctors who do it are long past their retirement age," said Osgyan. Some patients choose to turn to Austria. And the situation looks far from improving, as doctors are not taught the procedure in universities. Because of the penal code restriction, no research grant is provided and neither are medical congresses held on the subject, said Pro Familia. - 'Constant death threats' - Blocking any reform of the current legislation, Health Minister Jens Spahn has spoken out for the protection of "human life at birth". "When it comes to the life of animals, those who now want to promote abortions are uncompromising," charged the openly gay minister, taking aim at liberals calling for greater openness about terminations. Spahn, 37, a critic of Merkel within her Christian Democrats, has not been known to shy away from controversy. In 2012, he drew fire for opposing a bid to turn the contraceptive pill from a prescription medicine to an over-the-counter drug, as he remarked that "pills are not Smarties". For the Greens, Spahn "propagates an image of women that dates to the 1950s". But the "pro-life" lobby backs Spahn, as they charge that blood tests to detect Down's syndrome could contribute to a rise in the number of abortions. Anti-abortion activist Klaus Guenter Annen, who filed the legal claim against Szasz, has compared abortion to the Nazi-run Auschwitz death camp. Recounting the fierce opposition she faces over the procedure, Haenel said she "constantly receives death threats". For fear of flouting the law, doctors who perform the procedure prefer to keep their names off any lists provided by counsellors to women seeking the information. "That's the real scandal that no one talks about," said Haenel, noting that the irony is that the only websites carrying lists of doctors who carry out terminations are anti-abortion sites. Pro Familia's Pliefke noted that feminists have largely forgotten the battle for the right to choose. "It is urgent to reappropriate the theme" to fight "reactionary forces that are particularly powerful," she added. A ransomware cyberattack last Thursday forced the city of Atlanta to shut down substantial portions of its city government. Nearly a week later, things still arent back to normal as officials piece together the extent of the damage. Government workers began to turn on their computers and printers yesterday for the first time since the attack effectively held their systems hostage. It is expected that some computers will operate as usual and employees will return to normal use, the Atlanta mayors office said in a statement Tuesday. It is also expected that some computers may be affected or affected in some way and employees will continue using manual or alternative processes. This is part of the Citys ongoing assessment as part of the restoration and recovery process. In those instances, employees will have to continue filling out forms by hand, the citys statement added. Atlanta has yet to publicly identify the hacker, but it did say the attack was carried out remotely and not by someone with internal access to the network. The so-called ransomware attack has held the network hostage, with the hackers demanding a ransom of $51,000, paid in bitcoin, for its release. At a press conference Monday, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms wouldnt say if the city intended to pay the ransom. Everything is up for discussion, she said. Of the citys 13 departments, five were forced to operate manually or were otherwise impeded since the attack. As a result, residents have been unable to pay water bills and parking tickets online; the court system has been greatly disrupted; the city has been unable to hire anyone; and the Department of Corrections has had to process inmates by hand. Atlantas Hartsfield-Jackson Airport the worlds busiest was unaffected by the attack; nevertheless, its turned off its wifi out of an abundance of caution until the situation is fully resolved. The safety and security of our employees and customers remains our top priority, Mayor Bottoms said in an earlier statement. We are working around the clock to work through this ransomware cyberattack and we ask for your patience as we implement business continuity measures. Story continues Also on HuffPost The HuffPost bus sits in front of Ponce City Market in Atlanta on Sept. 22. HuffPost tents are set up at the Ponce City Market. People gather around the tents at Ponce City Market. Marc Janks of HuffPost (center) tries to drum up interest from a crowd of people dropped off by a tour bus. A passerby brings his dog for some watery refreshment during HuffPost's visit to Atlanta. HuffPost employees talk with visitors to the Listen to America tents. Basant Virdee puts on a temporary tattoo. An insect sits on a chair at the Listen to America event. Kind bars are laid out and iPads are set up at the HuffPost site. The tent had two sides at the HuffPost event. Basant Virdee and Christina Moniodis show off their temporary tattoos. Ja'han Jones interviews Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed on the HuffPost bus. Jones continues to talk with Reed. Roddas Workneh is interviewed during HuffPost's visit to Atlanta. Emma Reilly of HuffPost (center) talks to Jennifer Castle and Lee Hawks. Jacqueline Nash of Atlanta Ballet stops by HuffPost's tour bus location to show off her skills. Jacqueline Nash and Jacob Bush of Atlanta Ballet stop by HuffPost's tour bus location to show off their skills. Jacob Bush of Atlanta Ballet shows off his dancing skills during HuffPost's visit to Atlanta. The Ponce City Market sign in Atlanta. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. At least 10 companies announced Thursday that they were pulling the plug on advertising during Laura Ingrahams show after the Fox News host bashed a teen survivor of the Parkland school shooting. Nutrish, the pet food line owned by celebrity chef Rachael Ray, was the first to tweet that it would no longer advertise during Ingrahams show. We are in the process of removing our ads from Laura Ingrahams program, as the comments she has made are not consistent with how we feel people should be treated, a spokesman for Nutrish told HuffPost in a statement. Hours later, travel site TripAdvisor and home goods retailer Wayfair followed suit. In a statement to HuffPost, TripAdvisor said Ingrahams comments crossed the line of decency: We believe strongly in the values of our company, especially the one that says, We are better together. We also believe Americans can disagree while still being agreeable, and that the free exchange of ideas within a community, in a peaceful manner, is the cornerstone of our democracy. We do not, however, condone the inappropriate comments made by this broadcaster. In our view, these statements focused on a high school student, cross the line of decency. As such, we have made a decision to stop advertising on that program. Ingraham did not address the controversy on her Fox show, The Ingraham Angle, on Thursday evening. Several national retailers still ran ads during the commercial breaks, including Gillette and Progressive Insurance, although ThinkProgress Judd Legum noted that the Ad Council was also featured, possibly as filler material. Laura Ingraham sparked an advertiser backlash when she described David Hogg as whining over college rejections. (Photo: Getty Images) A spokeswoman for Wayfair, which pulled its ads, told HuffPost that Ingrahams comments were not consistent with our values. As a company, we support open dialogue and debate on issues, the Wayfair spokeswoman said. However, the decision of an adult to personally criticize a high school student who has lost his classmates in an unspeakable tragedy is not consistent with our values. We do not plan to continue advertising on this particular program. Story continues The announcements from those three companies and others came a day after Ingraham mocked David Hogg, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, for not getting accepted into a few of the colleges hed applied to. David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.) Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) March 28, 2018 In response, Hogg called on people to pressure a dozen companies to remove their ads from Ingrahams programs, which include The Ingraham Angle and a morning radio show on Talk 1370 AM of Austin, Texas. The companies pulling ads have focused on the Fox program. Hogg also tweeted out a list of advertisers compiled by Media Matters for America, a progressive media watchdog. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. I'm so sorry to everyone that @IngrahamAngle has ever tried to hurt we are here for you and we love you David Hogg (@davidhogg111) March 29, 2018 We are in the process of removing our ads from Laura Ingrahams program. Nutrish (@Nutrish) March 29, 2018 Ingraham apologized Thursday afternoon on Twitter for any upset or hurt my tweet caused [Hogg] or any of the brave victims of Parkland. Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA incl. @DavidHogg111. On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland. For the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David...(1/2) Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) March 29, 2018 ... immediately after that horrific shooting and even noted how "poised" he was given the tragedy. As always, hes welcome to return to the show anytime for a productive discussion. WATCH: (2/2) Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) March 29, 2018 Hogg dismissed Ingrahams apology in an interview Thursday with The New York Times. She only apologized after we went after her advertisers, Hogg said. It kind of speaks for itself. ... Im not going to stoop to her level and go after her on a personal level. Im going to go after her advertisers. I 100% agree an apology in an effort just to save your advertisers is not enough. I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight. Its time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children. David Hogg (@davidhogg111) March 29, 2018 Ingrahams apology also did not stem the tide of advertisers pulling back from her show on Thursday. Expedia and Nestle told HuffPost that they would no longer advertise on her program but did not immediately specify when this decision was made or whether her remarks about Hogg played a role in it. We have no plans to buy ads on the show in the future, the Nestle spokesman said. Johnson & Johnson told HuffPost that it will pull advertising from Ms. Ingrahams show. Stitch Fix also confirmed that it would stop purchasing ads on her program. A representative for Jenny Craig said, We have decided to take steps to discontinue advertising on this show. Hulu tweeted Thursday evening in reply to Hogg, saying it would similarly cease such advertising. Wed like to confirm that we are no longer advertising on Laura Ingrahams show and are monitoring all of our ad placements carefully. hulu (@hulu) March 29, 2018 Jos. A. Bank told The Daily Beast that it had no plans to buy ads on her program in the future. HuffPost reached out to every company on the advertiser lists from Hogg and Media Matters. A representative of Fox News declined to comment beyond Ingrahams apology on Twitter. This article has been updated as additional companies have spoken out. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. BEIRUT (Reuters) - The massive Russian-backed Syrian military offensive in suburbs east of Damascus is almost over, with rebels holed up in just a single town after abandoning the rest of the eastern Ghouta enclave, Moscow said on Thursday. Russia and the rebel faction controlling Douma, the last Ghouta town still in insurgent hands, said they were still negotiating over the fate of the town. Moscow said it saw a chance of the remaining insurgents quitting Douma. Thousands of fighters have accepted Russian-brokered deals to leave other parts of the enclave in the past week with their families on government-supplied buses, giving them safe passage to other insurgent-held areas. Tens of thousands of other civilians have stayed behind to accept state rule, and tens of thousands more have fled across the frontline. The collapse of rebel control in eastern Ghouta, after one of the fiercest campaigns of the seven year war, has delivered the insurgents their worst defeat since they were driven out of Aleppo in 2016. At a weekly briefing, Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said the "counter-terrorist operation" in eastern Ghouta had nearly finished, according to RIA state news agency. Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said there could be progress in talks with fighters from the Jaish al-Islam group, which holds Douma, RIA said. Eastern Ghouta, an early centre of the 2011 uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, was until last month the biggest and most populous remaining rebel stronghold near the capital. Its capture will cap a string of battlefield victories for the government of President Bashar al-Assad since Russia sent its air force to join his war effort against the rebellion in September 2015, making his position unassailable. A commander in the alliance supporting Assad, which besides Russia includes Iran and Shi'ite militias from Lebanon and Iraq, said on Wednesday negotiations with Jaish al-Islam had stopped. However, Jaish al-Islam official Mohammad Alloush, based outside Syria, told Reuters by text message on Thursday that talks were continuing, "despite reports of threats and provocations in order to put pressure on civilians". SHELTERS Despite some artillery fire on Douma on Wednesday, there has been no renewal of the army's withering bombardment and assault that stormed most of the rebel enclave in just a few weeks. It split eastern Ghouta into three parts, and the factions in two of the zones agreed surrender terms a week ago, including the choice of accepting Assad's rule or leaving with light weapons for opposition territory in northwestern Syria. Daily convoys of buses have since made the 320km (200 miles) journey to Idlib carrying about 7,500 fighters and their families, 30,000 people in all, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor. About 134,000 other people fled across front lines from rebel territory in eastern Ghouta into areas held by the government, the Observatory said. Some 40,000 people remained in the towns it has recaptured so far. On Thursday, the United Nations resident and humanitarian coordinator's office in Syria said in an emailed update that 75,000 civilians had been received in shelters and 47,000 civilians remained in them. It described conditions in the shelters - mostly unfinished buildings, hangars or schools - as "dire". Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu told the U.N. Syria envoy that displaced people could begin returning to eastern Ghouta in a few days, RIA said. Assad and his allies say their offensive was needed to end the rule of Islamist militants over civilians and to stop rebel mortar fire on Damascus, which state television says has killed dozens in recent weeks. The Observatory says the government assault has killed more than 1,600 people. Western countries and rights groups have accused the Syrian military of targeting civilian infrastructure and repeatedly using indiscriminate weapons including helicopter-dropped barrel bombs, chlorine gas and fire-setting incendiary munitions. The Syrian and Russian governments deny all that and have accused the rebel groups of fabricating evidence of such attacks and of killing people who tried to flee their territory, which the insurgents deny. (Reporting by Tom Perry and Angus McDowall in Beirut and Vladamir Soldatkin; Writing by Angus McDowall; Editing by Peter Graff) Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Clashes erupted as tens of thousands of Gazans marched near the Israeli border in a major protest, with 16 Palestinians killed and hundreds more wounded in the conflict's worst single day of violence since the 2014 Gaza war. Israel's military targeted three Hamas sites in the Gaza Strip with tank fire and an air strike after what it said was an attempted shooting attack against soldiers along the border that caused no injuries. Protesters, including women and children, gathered at multiple sites throughout the blockaded territory, which is flanked by Israel along its eastern and northern borders. Smaller numbers approached within a few hundred metres (yards) of the heavily fortified border fence, with Israeli troops using tear gas and live fire to force them back. Israeli security forces used a drone to fire tear gas toward those along the border, in one of the first uses of the device, a police spokesman said. The health ministry in Gaza said 16 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces. More than 1,400 were injured, including 758 by live fire, with the remainder hurt by rubber bullets and tear gas inhalation, it said. Palestinians accused Israel of using disproportionate force, as did Turkey. The UN Security Council held emergency talks Friday to discuss the risks of further escalation in Israeli-Palestinian violence in the Gaza Strip, but failed to agree a joint statement on the deadly clashes. "There is fear that the situation might deteriorate in the coming days," said assistant UN secretary general for political affairs, Taye-Brook Zerihoun, urging maximum restraint. Israel's military alleged that the main protests were being used as cover by militants to either break through the border or carry out attacks. "It is not a peaceful demonstration," an Israeli military official told journalists. The army said it estimated some 30,000 demonstrators were taking part in the protests. Story continues "Rioters are rolling burning tyres and hurling firebombs and rocks at the security fence and at (Israeli) troops, who are responding with riot dispersal means and firing towards main instigators," it said. - 'Playing with your life' - Protesters were demanding hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees who fled or were expelled during the war surrounding Israel's creation in 1948 be allowed to return. Hamas leader Ismail Haniya attended the protest, believed to be the first time he has gone so close to the border in years. Hamas and Israel have fought three wars since 2008, the most recent of which in 2014 ended with a fragile truce. The demonstration is planned to last six weeks, until the inauguration of the new US embassy in Jerusalem around May 14. The upcoming embassy move has added to tensions surrounding the march. US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December has infuriated Palestinians, who claim its annexed eastern sector as the capital of their future state. The protest also began as Jewish Israelis were to mark the Passover holiday. Israel announced a "closed military zone in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip," accusing its Islamist rulers Hamas of using the lives of civilians "for the purpose of terror". Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said in a tweet directed to Gazans in both Hebrew and Arabic that "Hamas's leadership is playing with your life". - Rare family protest - Protests along the border are common but the "March of Return" protest is different because it is intended to include families with women and children camping near the border for weeks. Protester Saeed Juniya erected a small tent a few hundred metres from the border fence east of Gaza City, where he was accompanied by his wife and children. "We are determined and not scared as we are not doing something wrong. The people are demanding their land and to return to their country," he said. Organisers say the camps will remain in place until May 15 when Palestinians commemorate the Nakba, or "catastrophe", of the 1948 creation of Israel with the exodus of more than 700,000 Palestinians. According to the United Nations, some 1.3 million of Gaza's two million residents are refugees and the protest is calling for them to be allowed to return to land that is now Israel. Washington's plans to launch its new embassy to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Israeli state, further stoking Palestinian anger. "We are deeply saddened by loss of life in #Gaza today," State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert wrote on Twitter. "Int'l community is focused on taking steps that will improve the lives of the Palestinians and is working on a plan for peace. Violence furthers neither of those goals." The launch of the protests comes as Palestinians mark Land Day, commemorating the killing of six unarmed Arab protesters in Israel in 1976. (GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip) A Palestinian farmer was killed by an Israeli tank shell in the Gaza Strip early on Friday, hours before Palestinians were to stage mass sit-ins along the border with Israel, a health official and a witness said. Ahead of the protests, called for by Gazas militant Hamas rulers, Israels military said it doubled its standard troop level along the border, deploying snipers, special forces and paramilitary border police units, which specialize in riot control. Hamas has said that Fridays activities would be peaceful and the chief Israeli military spokesman, Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis, said Israel wants to avoid violence. However, previous protests near the border fence have turned deadly, with Israeli soldiers firing live bullets at Palestinians burning tires, throwing stones or hurling firebombs. Manelis said the military will not allow the crowds to breach the fence on Friday or damage military infrastructure. The sit-ins are seen as a new attempt by Hamas to break a crippling, decade-old Gaza border blockade by Israel and Egypt that has made it increasingly difficult for the Islamic militant group to govern. Other tactics over the years, including cross-border wars with Israel and attempts to reconcile with political rival Mahmoud Abbas, the West Bank-based Palestinian president, have failed to end Gazas isolation. In the planned protest, Palestinians are setting up tent camps along the border, the first of a series of actions planned in Gaza in the coming weeks. The activities are to culminate on May 15, the 70th anniversary of Israels creation, with a march through the border fence. Palestinians commemorate the date as the anniversary of their mass displacement and uprooting during the 1948 Mideast war over Israels creation. The vast majority of Gaza residents are descendants of Palestinians who fled or were driven from communities in what is now Israel. The Palestinian killed Friday was identified as 27-year-old Amr Samour. The Palestinian Health Ministry said he was struck by an Israeli tank shell in the southeastern corner of Gaza. Story continues Yasser Samour, a relative and fellow farmer, said Amr Samour was harvesting parsley before dawn, in hopes of selling it fresh in the market later in the day. I was working on the next field, Samour said. We heard shelling landing on the field where Amr works. We ran there and found him hit directly with a shell. We were more than kilometer away from the border. Another farmer was wounded in the leg by shrapnel, Samour said. The Israeli military said troops directed tank fire toward two suspects who approached the fence along the southern Gaza Strip and acted suspiciously. It said it is aware of reports of a killed Palestinian. A ransomware attack on the City of Atlanta has hamstrung a number of city services for almost a week. The ransomware breach is thought to be the most extensive on a local government to date. Nearly a week after the attack was first discovered, some city systems remain offline, including city payment and court information portals. Some government employees were able to turn on their computers for the first time Wednesday. The city tweeted on March 28 that there is no evidence to show that customer or employee data has been compromised. However, customers and employees are encouraged to take precautionary measures to monitor and protect their personal information. Hackers gave the City of Atlanta a week to pay the 6 bitcoin (or roughly $51,000) ransom, the full amount of which would be due March 28, should the city decide to pay the ransom. According to IT security media group CSO, the Bitcoin wallet listed in the ransom note provided to the city has not received any new payments as of Tuesday. Mayor Keisha Lance-Bottoms has not commented on the citys plans for the ransom payment. Atlanta is not the first city to deal with the question of whether to give in to ransom demands, nor is it is likely to be the last. State and local governments are increasingly a target of ransomware demands. A 2016 survey of local government chief information officers noted that about 32 percent of their data breaches were ransom-related, making such attacks the type most frequently experienced by local governments.Although cybersecurity vulnerabilities are quickly becoming a headline staple for nearly every major organization, local governments are widely seen as easy targets for breach. The same survey found that less than half of local governments polled had a formal cybersecurity policy, and only 34 percent had a formal incident response plan. Jordan McQuown, chief information officer at technology consultancy LogicForce, said that while it may be tempting to think of hackers specifically targeting city governments, he thinks they are usually operating far more simply. In my opinion, ransomware in almost every form is not targeted, he said. Ransomware attackers, rather, are looking for the path of least resistance. They want to make money. Its as simple as that. They want to do it quickly, they want to do it easily, and they want to do it without consequences."To McQuown, the question of whether to pay ransom fees comes down to a fairly simple calculus. The only reason you pay is if you have no real ability to recover your data or if the time to recover would take longer than you have, he said. Some city governments have paid for the return of data in a ransomware attack. Officials in Montgomery County, Alabama, paid around $40,000 in bitcoin last year for the return of their data after finding that the countys data backups would be too difficult to retrieve. County commission chairman Elton Dean told the Montgomery Advertiser, When you are talking about losing $5 million worth of files, thats kind of like an emergency situation.Crowell and Moring partner Paul Rosen said that cost alone might be reason enough to pay a ransom. It may be the case that, from a pure cost perspective, paying a ransom can be more cost-effective for an organization, depending on the harm being caused. But there are also potential risks in doing so, including legal and reputational, some of which may not be easily calculable in economic terms, he said. Even when municipalities opt to pay for the restoration of their data, costs associated with rebuilding systems to safeguard against further attacks can be very costly. Officials in Bingham County, Idaho, also opted to pay part of a ransom demand after they were unable to restore some data from backup servers. Even after paying for the return of their data, however, Bingham County spent over $100,000 to rebuild their servers after the ransomware attack. Most city governments have refused to pay ransomware attackers for the return of their data, usually instead opting to rely on backup servers to restore data. The U.S. Department of Justice formally does not encourage paying a ransom to criminal actors. The agency suggests that affected organizations consider the possibility that ransom payments will not guarantee the safe return of data or that payment will increase the likelihood that organizations will be attacked again. I strongly recommend never negotiating with hackerstheres not a guarantee youll get your data back, said Darius Goodall, director of product marketing at computer security company Barracuda, though he acknowledged that the dictum is tough advice to follow when critical data is involved. That critical data tends to look a little different for city governments. In Atlantas case, the ransomwares takeover of city portals has prevented residents from doing business with the city in a multitude of small ways, from paying water bills online to filing event permits. However mundane these services seem, theyre far more valuable in the context of a citys mandates. A city can have different constituencies than a company. A company often exists to produce profits for its shareholders. A city has other mandates, including public safety and security for its citizens. A city has to think through a broader set of issues than a business may have to consider when it comes to addressing ransomware attacks, Rosen said. Chris Morales, head of security analytics at cybersecurity management company Vectra, said that, even when services are down, city governments like Atlanta would do better to revert back to analog systems than to pay ransoms. The current solution has been to revert to pen and paper manual processes by various city agencies, and that is actually a sustainable model, he said. It is tempting to pay the ransom demand (which is really like a hostage situation), as the value of the ransom to release files and systems is lower than the cost of responding to the situation. That, however, is a bad precedence, and as is commonly known, the U.S. federal government prefers the stance of not negotiating in these type of situations. We need to not reward attackers for their behaviors, Morales added. Opting not to pay a ransom isnt always a smooth path, however, even with appropriate backups in place. Following a similar attack last month, the Colorado Department of Transportation announced that it would not pay the ransom; the agency was hit with a second variant ransomware attack. The tools we have in place didnt work. Its ahead of our tools, Brandi Simmons, a spokeswoman for the states Office of Information Technology, told the Denver Post. Atlanta is currently looking to shore up the citys defenses against cyberattacks for the future. Bottoms told reporters Monday that, while she hadnt thought digital infrastructure security would be a central priority of her tenure as mayor, at Day 80-something, it certainly has gone to the front of the line.Rosen hopes that other organizations, governmental and otherwise, see Atlantas issues with ransomware as a warning shot. Whether its a city or a business, companies and organizations that want to operate in todays digital age need to think through and prepare for these kinds of attacks, and mitigate them by devoting sufficient resources to prevention, planning, and practicing for these kinds of incidents, Rosen said. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has spoken with U.S. President Donald Trump about the potential use of military funds for a border wall with Mexico, the Pentagon said on Thursday. Trump, who last week got a fraction of the funding he wanted from Congress to fulfill a campaign promise by building the wall, suggested over the weekend that he might turn to the military for the money. Mattis and Trump "have talked about the proposal, potentially, but, remember, securing Americans and securing the nation is of paramount importance to the secretary," Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White told reporters. White did not provide any further details, but said these were "initial" conversations. The $1.3 trillion spending bill passed approved by Congress last week contained $1.6 billion for six months of work on the wall. Trump had sought $25 billion for the project. The president had threatened to veto the legislation, partly over the wall funding, but relented and signed it last Friday, saying a big increase in military spending had convinced him it was worthwhile. Trump suggested getting funding for the wall from the military in a weekend Twitter post. "Because of the $700 & $716 Billion Dollars gotten to rebuild our Military, many jobs are created and our Military is again rich," he wrote. "Building a great Border Wall, with drugs (poison) and enemy combatants pouring into our Country, is all about National Defense. Build WALL through M!," apparently using "M" as shorthand for "military." Earlier this month, Trump toured the U.S. border with Mexico and examined eight styles of walls, prototypes for the barrier he promised to build to keep out illegal immigrants and drugs. Building the wall was a main theme of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. He said Mexico would pay for the wall, but the United States' southern neighbor has repeatedly said it would not. (Reporting by Idrees Ali; editing by Franklin Paul and Jonathan Oatis) TOKYO (Reuters) - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Friday he would explain Japan's stance on the North Korean abduction of Japanese citizens in a meeting with Donald Trump, ahead of the U.S. president's planned summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Japan's government worries the emotive matter of the abductees, which Abe has made a key issue during his political career, will take a back seat to nuclear and missile issues in the U.S.-North Korean summit. "I plan to visit the Unites States next month and have a summit meeting with President Trump and discuss the North Korean situation," Abe said. "In particular I would like to explain Japan's stance on the abduction issue," he said during a meeting with family members of those abducted by North Korea decades ago. North Korea admitted in 2002 it had kidnapped 13 Japanese in the 1970s and 1980s to train as spies, and five of them returned to Japan. Tokyo suspects that hundreds more may have been taken. North Korean leader's Kim Jong Un met President Xi Jinping in China this week, his first trip abroad since becoming North Korean leader in 2011. South Korean President Moon Jae-in is set to meet Kim Jong Un on April 27, followed by a planned summit with Trump in May, to try to resolve the crisis over Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programmes. Japan wants to make sure Trump does not make a deal with Pyongyang that protects the U.S. mainland but leaves Japan vulnerable. Japanese officials including Abe have left open the possibility that Abe may hold talks with Kim Jong Un, with a focus on the abductions, although diplomatic experts say that would likely be after seeing how the other summits play out. "The missile and nuclear issues need to be negotiated among the parties concerned, especially between the United States and North Korea," a former Japanese diplomat said on condition of anonymity. "We need to negotiate on bilateral issues and the abductions are the main thing." (Reporting by Kiyoshi Takenaka; Additional reporting by Linda Sieg; Editing by Chris Gallagher and Michael Perry) Kennebunk Post Extensive work on the steeple, the Aaron Willard Jr. clock and the weathervane of the 1824 building is complete. Warsaw (AFP) - Poland is hoping to step into the gap after Britain leaves the European Union, emulating its caution over Russia and defence of national sovereignty, Warsaw's top diplomat has told AFP. Despite heightened tensions with Brussels over a series of controversial court reforms which could see Poland facing sanctions, Warsaw is determined to drive forward its vision of the bloc's future after Britain's departure in March 2019. "What's taking shape is the possibility of us taking Britain's place (in terms of) its programme: commitment to free competition and awareness of the Russian threat, as well a defence of its own positions, of its sovereignty," Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz told AFP. Like Poland, Britain had always had a more realistic view of Russian aggression than Germany or France, he said, pointing to the nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy on British soil, with London pointing the finger at Russian President Vladimir Putin. "We've always been wary of Putin's actions, and we were right," Czaputowicz said, mentioning Russia's annexation of Crimea and its action in Syria. "And now the attempted murder of (Sergei) Skripal. We see a continuation of this policy." Following Britain's lead, Poland, France and Germany have each expelled four Russian diplomats in response to poisoning scandal in a united show of strength. "It's an important sign of our unity and a signal to Moscow that it's not possible to divide Western countries regarding their stance towards Russia," he said. - A question of sovereignty - What does give him pause in Europe, however, is French President Emmanuel Macron's vision of a "sovereign Europe". "It's impossible to have sovereignty within sovereignty. In other words, a sovereign Europe calls into question the sovereignty of member states," he said. The issue could very well come up next month when Czaputowicz, who took over as foreign minister earlier this year, pays his first visit to Paris. Story continues "I doubt the French would accept sovereignty passing over to the EU at the expense of French sovereignty," he said. "So it's necessary to continue the conversation, even as both sides want a strong Europe." Czaputowicz also zeroed in on the European Commission, which last year launched unprecedented legal action against Warsaw over the governing conservatives' reform of the Polish judiciary. The question, he said, was about the source of the EU's legitimacy, which Poland sees as stemming from national parliaments. "We defend parliamentary democracy," he said. "The question is about the reinforcement of certain supranational institutions, like the Commission. It's a question of what is their role -- if they are legitimate per se or if they are legitimate by virtue of the member states' decisions," Czaputowicz said. - 'Cosmetic' changes - In December, Brussels triggered Article 7 of the EU treaty over what it sees as "systemic threats" to the independence of the Polish judiciary -- in a move that could lead to an unprecedented round of sanctions. After turning a deaf ear to the EU's concerns for months, Poland's rightwing government said last week it would introduce a draft law to slightly modify the judiciary changes. Western diplomats welcomed the changes -- which notably concern the retirement age of judges and the dismissal procedure of chief justices -- as a bid to thaw ties with the EU. But Poland's liberal opposition believes the changes are merely "cosmetic". "There is a willingness to compromise" on Poland's side, said Czaputowicz, who will meet European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans in Warsaw on April 9. But he said that certain changes "are out of the question -- those that could destroy the system put in place." Warsaw also wants to revive the so-called "Weimar Triangle" which grouped Poland, France and Germany but was effectively put on hold by Paris after Warsaw abruptly dropped a multi-billion euro helicopter deal with a French aeronautics firm. Within the group, Poland could also represent other Central and Eastern European countries with which it has "shared interests, shared aspirations within the EU, shared history and the same geopolitical situation," he said. Poland could thus "introduce Central Europe's way of thinking and expectations into a common European vision." WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland's president Andrzej Duda, an ally of the right-wing government, on Friday vetoed a law that would demote Communist military officers who were responsible for introducing martial law in 1981. "I refuse to sign this bill and I am sending it back to parliament to discuss it again," Duda said in a televised address, describing it as unfair. The bill would have reduced to the rank of private those generals and military officers who served on the military council which ran Poland during communist times from December 1981 until July 1983, many of who are now deceased. They would have had no right of appeal. Duda's move may be seen as a bid to improve his chances for re-election in 2020. Support for the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS), his ally, fell 12 percentage points over one month in a poll published on Thursday. "One has to remember that a president who wants to win in the first or second round has to win much more votes than the ruling party in a general election," Rafal Chwedoruk, a political scientist from Warsaw University, said. "A recent poll has shown that the vast majority of Poles are against demoting generals. ... The number of PiS voters from villages and small towns accepted the decision on imposing martial law," Chwedoruk said. The PiS has made much of its efforts to erase the legacy of four decades of post-war Soviet-dominated communist rule and restore what it considers to be Poland's true identity - even though some leading PiS figures are former communists. The law would demote to the rank of private members of the Military Council of National Salvation (WRON), led by the late generals Wojciech Jaruzelski and Czeslaw Kiszczak. But it would also demote 77-year-old Miroslaw Hermaszewski, Poland's only astronaut, one of the few WRON members still alive, who was drafted onto the council in 1981 without his knowledge or consent, and discharged from it after two weeks. Hermaszewski spent almost eight days on board the Soviet Salyut space station in 1978, and is still seen as a national hero, also by PiS voters. (Reporting by Marcin Goclowski; Editing by Richard Balmforth) Rome (AFP) - Pope Francis on Friday said he was "ashamed" that younger generations would inherit a world "fractured by divisions and wars". Speaking in Rome at the end of the traditional Good Friday Stations of the Cross procession, the pontiff said the world was "devoured by egotism in which the young, the sick, the old are marginalised". Amid tight security, around 20,000 faithful, many holding candles, gathered around Rome's Colosseum for the religious ritual that evokes the path Jesus walked to his crucifixion. The Italian capital has been put under tight surveillance following a week marked by a series of anti-terror arrests. Italian Interior Minister Marco Minniti warned this week of the high risk of an attack in Italy, and some 10,000 officers have been deployed to guarantee safety in Rome, in particular during the Easter celebrations presided over by the Pope this weekend culminating with the Easter day celebrations on Sunday. A boy from Ohio wanted one thing above all others. He wanted to be kissed by "that man in white." That man happens to be Pope Francis. And 12-year-old Peter Lombardi, who has Down syndrome and has beaten cancer, hoped for a smooch from the head of the Catholic Church. On Wednesday the child from Columbus got his wish, along with a ride in the Popemobile and a balloon hat. "Oh my gosh, he spent the most time with the pope of anyone today," his mother, Brenda, told Wednesday via cellphone from Rome. "He just rode with it. That's what Pete does." She and her family came to the Vatican on a pilgrimage, she said, to thank God for Pete's recovery from leukemia. He was diagnosed in 2015, and was undergoing chemotherapy when Pope Francis came to the States. The family had tickets to see him in Philadelphia, but couldn't go because Pete was too sick. In the hospital, while he watched the papal service on TV, he was asked his fondest wish. "I want to be kissed by that man in white," he said. Two years later, he got that wish, without ever knowing it was coming. The family hired a travel guide in Italy. When they told Mountain Butorac about Peter's wish and his battle with cancer, Butorac said, "I may be able to do something about it," Brenda recounted. Turns out, Butorac has a friend named Joanna, who is married to a member of the Pontifical Swiss Guard, a small force that guards the pope and the Apostolic Palace where he resides. Joanna was able to get the Lombardis into the front row for Wednesday's weekly general audience. She told Brenda "to pick Pete up and yell and scream" so the pope would notice them. He not only noticed, he motioned for his security guards to bring Pete to him. Pope Francis kissed the boy on the forehead and rumpled his hair. Pete tried to crawl over the Popemobile's railing, and the pope told his guards to bring the boy around to the back, where he scrambled aboard and sat down. Story continues Then they took off. Brenda, her husband and Pete's three older brothers watched him drive away with the pope. "I just stood there in shock and then I started crying." Then she sat down and prayed. "Lord, you never stop surprising us," she said. Meanwhile, Pete was riding with the pope as he kissed babies, waved to the crowd, and picked up some gifts, including a balloon hat. Pete asked for the latter, and the pope plopped it on his head. In all, their tour lasted about 20 minutes. Butorac posted video and photos of the holy event and word quickly spread about Pete and the pope. "I showed him all the videos," Brenda said of her youngest son. "He was just like, 'That's me! That's me and the pope!''' The family's next stop is Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the Virgin Mary reportedly appeared in 1981 to a group of children. "We are thanking the Lord for Pete's healing," his mother said. RELATED STORIES Stolen Baby Jesus Statue Returned to Church After Nearly 90 Years The History Behind St. Patrick's Day Mother Teresa to Become Saint After Vatican Recognizes Second Miracle Related Articles: Prague (AFP) - The Czech Republic on Friday said it had extradited a Russian hacker to the United States where he is wanted for alleged cyberattacks on social networks. Yevgeniy Nikulin, who is also sought by his native Russia on fraud charges, had been in a Prague prison since he was arrested in the Czech capital in 2016 in a joint operation with the FBI. The case comes amid accusations by Washington that Russia sought to "interfere" through hacking in the 2016 US election won by Donald Trump, charges the Kremlin has dismissed. The Czech justice ministry "confirms the extradition of Russian citizen Y. Nikulin to the United States," ministry spokeswoman Tereza Schejbalova said on Twitter. The extradition "took place overnight," she added. The 30-year-old Moscow man appeared before a federal judge in San Francisco on Friday, according the US Department of Justice. "This is deeply troubling behaviour once again emanating from Russia," US attorney general Jeff Sessions said in a release. "Computer hacking is not just a crime, it is a direct threat to the security and privacy of Americans." Charges against Nikulin include computer intrusion and identity theft, and carry penalties that could result in more than a decade in prison and a million dollars in fines, according to prosecutors. Following Nikulin's arrest, Moscow accused Washington of harassing its citizens and vowed to fight Nikulin's extradition. It then issued a separate arrest warrant for him over alleged theft from the WebMoney settlement system. The US has charged Nikulin with hacking into social networks LinkedIn and Formspring and into the file hosting service Dropbox, Nikulin's lawyer Martin Sadilek told AFP at the time. He also said Nikulin alleges that FBI investigators had tried twice to persuade him to confess to cyberattacks on the US Democratic Party. Last year, a Prague court ruled that Nikulin could be extradited to either Russia or the United States, with the final say left to the Czech justice minister. Story continues In Russia, Senator Igor Morozov slammed Prague's move, telling state news agency Ria Novosti that Moscow "will demand his return to our country and it is up to the Russian judiciary to decide whether Nikulin has violated the law or to punish him." "It is time to stop this law of the American jungle," added the senator, known to comment on international affairs. Alexey Kolmakov, the spokesman of the Russian Embassy in Prague, said that the Czech Republic, an EU and NATO member, "once again preferred (to demonstrate) its notorious solidarity with its American ally." The Queen attended the annual service without Prince Philip - REUTERS The Duke of Edinburgh has missed the annual Maundy Service attended by the Queen because of a problem with his hip, it is understood. The Duke, who has effectively retired from royal duties, was hoping to join his wife at the centuries-old event being staged this year at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, where Prince Harry will marry Meghan Markle in May. But it is understood the 96-year-old duke, who has traditionally accompanied the Queen at the ceremony, took the decision not to take part because he has been experiencing some trouble with his hip. The Queen presents alms to a senior citizen Credit: AFP It is not thought to be a serious issue as the Duke, who was named as a guest in the order of service for the Maundy Thursday event, was spotted driving in Windsor Great Park on Wednesday. Buckingham Palace would not comment on the his health but said: "The order of service was printed some weeks ago when it was hoped the Duke would be able to take part. His Royal Highness has since decided not to attend." Last week, Prince Philip pulled out of an official engagement with the Queen and Duke of York because he was unwell, according to reports. He was due to attend an event at Windsor Castle to mark Andrew's new role as Colonel of the Grenadier Guards but was unable to attend because he was feeling "under the weather" the Daily Mail reported. He stepped down from his public duties last summer but on occasion does attend events with the Queen. When it was announced last year that he would be retiring from official engagements, Buckingham Palace stressed that the decision was not health-related and he had the full support of the Queen. The Queen photographed after the Royal Maundy service Credit: Reuters The Queen appeared in good spirits during the service, which is held on Maundy Thursday every year and is a firm fixture in her calendar. Q&A | Maundy Thursday The monarch marks the occasion by offering alms to senior citizens - retired pensioners recommended by clergy and ministers of all denominations - in recognition of service to the Church and to the local community. Story continues As she distributed the Maundy money to 92 men and 92 women - to mark the fact that she will be 92 this year - the Queen smiled warmly at the recipients who were given two purses - one red and one white. The Queen with the Yeoman of the Guard at Windsor Castle Credit: AFP This year, the red purse contains a 5 coin, commemorating four generations of royalty, and a 50p coin commemorating the Representation of the People Act 1918, which reformed the electoral system in Great Britain and Ireland, giving some women the right to vote for the first time. Both coins have been minted in 2018. The white purse contains uniquely minted Maundy money - silver one, two, three and four penny pieces - to the value of 92p. The Queen leaves St George's Chapel, Windsor after the service Credit: PA The Royal Maundy is an ancient ceremony which originated in the commandment Christ gave after washing the feet of his disciples the day before Good Friday. Before leaving, the Queen posed for a picture on the steps of St George's Chapel with the Yeomen of the Guard and the senior clergy who conducted the service. By Gary McWilliams HOUSTON (Reuters) - A prominent Houston megachurch pastor who counseled presidents and top executives was charged on Friday with selling investors more than $1 million in worthless Chinese bonds and using proceeds for his own benefit, federal authorities said. Kirbyjon Caldwell, 64, senior pastor at the Windsor Village United Methodist Church in Houston, one of the nation's largest Protestant churches with about 17,000 members, faces wire fraud and money laundering charges in connection with the sale of historical bonds to mostly elderly investors. The bonds were issued by the former Republic of China before 1949 - when the communists won that country's civil war and took power - are not recognized by the current Chinese government and have no investment value, said U.S. Attorney Alexander C. Van Hook in Shreveport, Louisiana. Caldwell's attorney said his client was unaware the bonds were worthless and had invested his own money. "He's 100 percent, absolutely not guilty of these charges," Caldwell's attorney, Dan Cogdell, said in a broadcast interview. "He was the biggest investor in these bonds; he completely believed these bonds were legitimate." Caldwell has been an adviser to former presidents, including George W. Bush, is a limited partner in the Houston Texans professional football team, and serves on the board of NRG Energy. Caldwell and Gregory Alan Smith, 55, operator and manager of Smith Financial Group in Shreveport, were charged by a federal grand jury in a 13-count indictment, prosecutors said. An arraignment date has not been set for either man, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office said. Smith, who worked as a financial planner, had been barred from the broker-dealer business since 2010 by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said. Calls to the Windsor Village United Methodist Church were not answered on Friday, and Smith could not be reached at his office. Caldwell has led the church since 1982, according to its website. Story continues The two men face separate charges of defrauding investors by the SEC in connection with the bond sales. The regulatory agency described the bonds as "collectible memorabilia." Caldwell and Smith in 2013 and 2014 raised at least $3.4 million from 29 mostly elderly investors by promising them high returns, and used about $1.8 million of the proceeds for personal expenses, the SEC alleged. "Caldwell took advantage of his victims, encouraging them to remain faithful even as he and Smith broke that faith, stealing from elderly investors in an outright fraud," said Eric Bustillo, director of the SEC's Miami Regional Office. (Reporting by Gary McWilliams; Editing by David Gregorio, Jonathan Oatis and Susan Thomas) By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions revealed that Utah's top federal prosecutor is investigating a variety of Republican allegations of misconduct at the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation, according to a letter to lawmakers released on Thursday. However, Sessions stopped short of appointing a second special counsel, despite repeated requests by Republican lawmakers to do so, saying he wanted to wait for the results of the review from John Huber, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah. Democrats in Congress have repeatedly criticized Republican requests for a special counsel, saying they are merely a tactic to distract from and undermine Special Counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Huber's review covers a wide range of issues that Republicans have complained about since last year, from how the FBI handled investigations related to Hillary Clinton, to claims that the FBI made missteps when it sought a warrant to conduct surveillance on a former adviser to Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign. Sessions' announcement on Huber comes just one day after the Justice Department's inspector general revealed that he too would be reviewing whether the FBI and Justice Department followed the law when they applied for the surveillance warrant on Carter Page, who briefly served as a national security adviser to Trump's campaign. A Justice Department spokesman said Huber first began investigating various claims in the fall of 2017. "Mr. Huber is conducting his work from outside the Washington, D.C. area and in cooperation with the inspector general," Sessions wrote to Senator Charles Grassley, Congressman Bob Goodlatte and Congressman Trey Gowdy, who all chair committees that are conducting probes into alleged FBI abuses. He added: "I receive regular updates from Mr. Huber and upon the conclusion of his review, will receive recommendations as to whether ... any matters merit the appointment of a Special Counsel." (Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch; editing by Grant McCool and Tom Brown) "This kid's not scared. He's not scared of the NRA. He's not intimidated and scared by Laura Ingraham ... Half the Republican party is hiding under the table, under their bed. They're so scared ... Not these kids, though" - @SteveSchmidtSES w/ @NicolleDWallace Deadline White House (@DeadlineWH) March 29, 2018 Republican strategist Steve Schmidt said it came down to one characteristic that led Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivor and gun control activist David Hogg to get an apology from Fox News host Laura Ingraham: fearlessness. Maybe thats what happens after youve been down range of an AR-15 that kills your classmates and comes close to killing you, Schmidt said Thursday on Nicolle Wallaces MSNBC show. You lose all fear. Because this kids not scared. Hes not scared of the NRA. Hes not intimidated and scared by Laura Ingraham. Schmidt said that Hogg and his classmates are not like the elected Republican officials who are scared to death of Fox News, of Laura Ingraham, of Rush Limbaugh. Schmidts comments came as several advertisers announced they would pull their commercials from Ingrahams Fox News show after she mocked Hogg on Twitter for not getting into certain colleges. Hogg and his 14-year-old sister, Lauren, responded to Ingrahams attack Wednesday night, calling out the Fox News host for cyberbullying students. Coming from a 14-year-old, please grow up, Lauren tweeted, while her brother called for an advertiser boycott. As companies announced they would move their commercials, Ingraham issued a rare apology Thursday for her comments. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Virgin Group founder Richard Branson Virgin Group founder Richard Branson contends President Donald Trumps steel and aluminum tariffs wont benefit the U.S. economy. I think the tariffs are counterproductive, Branson told Yahoo Finance during an interview this week at the Adobe Summit, held in Las Vegas. You see what happened to the stock market when he introduced them. It sent the stock market down, although the amount he did [introduce] was relatively small. But fortunately, I think hes now backtracked and it looks like sense will prevail. In early March, Trump signed orders imposing a 25% tariff on imported steel and a 10% tariff on imported aluminum, in a move he argued would protect and benefit U.S. workers and companies. Later in the month however, the president agreed to temporarily exempt the European Union (EU) and six countries Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and South Korea while the U.S. negotiates long-term plans with foreign leaders from each country. The White House has said Trump will decide by May 1 whether to extend each exemption depending on the status of those talks. Lawmakers from the presidents own party and leaders from around the world have warned Trump against imposing the tariffs, suggesting they could spark a global trade war that could hurt American exporters and ultimately raise costs for manufacturers that rely on a vast supply chain around the world. Branson, who has been critical of the Trump administration in the past, also reiterated his desire for America to transition away from coal as an energy source, which is in stark contrast to Trump, who has pledged to revitalize the struggling coal industry and create more jobs through deregulation. America could be powered by 100-square acres of solar in the desert, Branson added. Tons of jobs could be created and the increased storms, the hurricanes, the fires, all of this is stemming from more and more carbon in the air. I have an airline, and weve got a big responsibility to make sure you have lighter weight planes with carbon builds to make sure that we try to switch our fuel to clean energy. Story continues JP Mangalindan is the Chief Tech Correspondent for Yahoo Finance covering the intersection of tech and business. Email story tips and musings to Follow him on Twitter or Facebook. More from JP Dakar (AFP) - Leading Senegalese politician Khalifa Sall was jailed for five years for fraud on Friday, a sentence that will rule him out of presidential elections due next February. Sall, 62, who is mayor of Dakar, had denied the charges against him as politically motivated. He had been accused of fraudulent use of public funds, for which he was also fined five million CFA francs (7,625 euros). He was found not guilty on charges of criminal conspiracy, money laundering and misappropriating public funds. Prosecutors had sought a seven-year prison term and a fine worth nearly $10 million (more than eight million euros). And they said they would appeal the shorter sentence and the smaller fine. The ruling "doesn't surprise us," said one of the lawyers for the state of Senegal, Baboucar Cisse, who insisted that the facts were "true." "The state of Senegal will appeal," he said. Sall was tried along with his financial director, Mbaye Toure, who was given the same sentences. "In his capacity as authorising officer, Khalifa Sall has affixed his signature to the back of 110 false invoices" between 2011 and 2015, the judge, Malick Lamotte, said in his ruling. "We are going to file an appeal, obviously," one of Sall's lawyers, Cheikh Khouraissi Ba, told AFP. The trial had been avidly followed in Senegal since the start of the year, throwing a spotlight on Sall's high popularity and stirring debate over next year's elections if he were to be convicted. Sall represents a growing challenge to incumbent President Macky Sall, who shares the same name but is not a relation. Supporters of the mayor protested loudly in the packed courtroom when the verdict was announced and police were deployed around the building. - 'Kowtow' - "Senegalese justice has kowtowed today. President Macky Sall issued an order which Judge Lamotte carried out," Moussa Taya, one of the mayor's political advisers, told the press. Story continues "Today, Khalifa is in prison, but in the hearts of all Senegalese," said Makhtar Diaw, a deputy mayor in a district of Dakar. A dissident member of the Socialist Party, Khalifa Sall began his political activism at the age of 11. He later held various ministerial portfolios under then Socialist president Abdou Diouf before being elected mayor of the capital in 2009. Sall and Tour appeared in the dock with six other municipal employees who faced the same charges. Of these, four were given jail terms ranging from six months to five years and two were discharged. The specific charge of misappropriating public funds centred on 1.83 billion CFA francs ($2.85 million, 2.7 million euros) of city money which allegedly was misused between 2011 and 2015. The court heard allegations of a system of fake receipts for rice and millet, the money from which Sall was accused of using for "political purposes". Sall said the money was not diverted for personal or political use but instead used for discretionary spending on sensitive issues such as security. "Should I be robbed of my right to be a candidate because Macky Sall doesn't want Khalifa Ababacar Sall to become his opponent in 2019?" the mayor asked combatively on the trial's last day. SheKnows While much has been written about Jan. 6 and Donald Trumps reaction while it was going down, Bob Woodwards new book, Peril, is giving readers more insight into what happened behind closed doors. The day was fraught with a lot of drama, and as we know, much of the burden of getting through to the [] Dave Majumdar Security, The big concern for United States and NATO is that if Russia realizes its vision, it will have the ability to precisely strike deep inside alliance territory. Russia Just Revealed How It Will Fight the Wars of the Future (And Its Shocking) Russia is developing new long-range intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities to enable long-range precision strikes. Essentially, in the Russian view, the future of war lies in a combination of advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and space-based systems coupled with next-generation cruise missiles and other long-range weapons. But future wars will also include economic, political and information warfare components in addition to traditional military power. "The objects of the economy and the state administration of the enemy will be subject to immediate destruction, in addition to the traditional spheres of armed struggle, the information sphere and space will be actively involved," chief of the Russian General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov told an audience at a defense conference according to the TASS news agency. Recommended: We Went Aboard the Most Powerful Aircraft Carrier Ever Built. Recommended: This Is How China Would Invade Taiwan (And How to Stop It). Recommended: The Story of the F-52 Fighter. To fight a new kind of war, Russia will have to integrate ISR capabilities with long-range precision strike weaponry. In order to ensure the promptness and continuity of the fire impact on the enemy, reconnaissance, strike and reconnaissance fire contours are created, integration of reconnaissance information and information-control systems with weapons systems of types and arms of troops is carried out," Gerasimov said. "Work is underway to create an interspecific automated reconnaissance and strike system, which should result in a 2-2.5 fold reduction in the timing parameters of the solution cycle from reconnaissance to target destruction, with an accuracy of 1.5-2 times the accuracy of the defeat, will expand the capabilities to establish high-precision weapons. Story continues To accomplish its goals, Russia will have to invest in new unmanned aircraft that can survive in highly contested airspace, Gerasimov said. But along with those new systems, Russia will need new command and control systems and ways to automatically process and analyze the data that has been gathered. The development of modern means of combat command and control integrated into a single information space is being carried out, and the new system for modeling the armed forces has been developed," Gerasimov said. "The level of automation of the processes of gathering and analyzing information about the situation, planning of hostilities, is increasing due to the introduction of a unified automated command and control system at the tactical level. The takeaway for Western analysts is that Russia is focusing more on long-range ISR capabilities. The big takeaway is that Russia is finally and openly acknowledging the importance and irreplaceability of unmanned systems in future conflicts, Center for Naval Analyses researcher Sam Bendett told The National Interest. Gerasimov also acknowledges that such UAS are key to all future wars. He discusses that future wars involve not just the military, but economic, political and diplomatic components. Therefore, Russia must have high-tech weapons to wage such wars. The big concern for United States and NATO is that if Russia realizes its vision, it will have the ability to precisely strike deep inside alliance territory. That means that Russian force will be able to strike at infrastructure such as air bases deep inside alliance territory. The U.S. must plan to counter a wide variety of UASs along with space-based assets, Bendett said. Not to mention countering potential deep-strike capability by Russian technologies currently in development. Dave Majumdar is the defense editor for The National Interest. You can follow him on Twitter: @davemajumdar. Image: Creative Commons. Read full article Washington (AFP) - Russia is free to apply to accredit more diplomats to replace the alleged spies that have been expelled from the United States, a State Department official said Friday. This week, in response to an apparent attempt to assassinate a Russian double agent in Britain with a nerve agent, Washington joined a score of Western allies in expelling more than 150 suspected intelligence officers attached to Russian missions. In all, 48 alleged Russian operatives working under diplomatic cover for its US mission were on the list -- along with 12 attached to the Russian mission to the United Nations in New York. Russia's consulate in Seattle will also be closed, but the total size of its diplomatic footprint in the United States might not shrink for long, because the expelled staff could be replaced. "The United States has expelled 48 Russian intelligence officers, but it is not requiring the Russian bilateral mission to reduce its total number of personnel," a State Department official told AFP. "The Russian government remains free to request accreditation for vacant positions in its bilateral mission. Any requests for new diplomatic accreditation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis." The Russian officers, whom Moscow denies are spies, have until April 2 to leave, although US media reported that Russian planes were already at Dulles airport on Friday to begin their transport. Russia has responded to the Western moves with matching tit-for-tat expulsions. But, the US official said, it has not requested that the headcount at Washington's embassy in Moscow be reduced -- as the Kremlin had done when former US president Barack Obama expelled 35 diplomats in 2016. "We therefore understand that the United States may request new diplomatic personnel to fill the positions of diplomats who have been expelled," he said. President Donald Trump has often appeared reluctant to criticize his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and in a call last week congratulated him on his latest re-election. But this week's diplomatic expulsions were unprecedented in their scale, and the State Department insists that Washington reserves the right to respond to Moscow's "unjustified" expulsions. Both Russia and the U.S. appeared to suggest Thursday that their missions in war-torn Syria were coming to an end as the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) and other insurgents were mostly defeated. As the Moscow-backed Syrian military and its allies forced rebel and jihadi groups in the Damascus suburbs of eastern Ghouta into reconciliation agreements, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told state-run RIA Novosti that the "counter-terrorist operation" near the Syrian capital was "nearly over," according to Reuters. Related: Iraq and Syria Win Wars Against ISIS, but U.S. and Turkey Will Not Leave Meanwhile, a White House reporter for One America News said President Donald Trump had announced he was planning to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, where the government considered their presence to be illegal. "We'll be coming out of Syria like very soon," Trump said, according to OAN reporter Trey Yingst, who previously helped break the news of Trump's decision to meet North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un. Trending: What's Coming to Netflix in April 2018The Full List of Releases GettyImages-939703604 Stringer/AFP/Getty Images The U.S. and Russia have pursued separate military campaigns with the stated purpose of defeating terrorist groups, mainly ISIS, in Syria. The U.S., however, became involved in Syria's seven-year civil war before the rise of ISIS and supported various insurgent groups trying to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad since 2011. The covert CIA program to back rebels dwindled as Islamic fundamentalist influence spread throughout the opposition. Story continues ISIS, which grew out of a merger of ultraconservative Sunni Muslim groups following the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, spread to neighboring Syria in 2013 and, by 2014, had taken over half of Iraq and Syria. That same year, the U.S. formed a multinational coalition to begin bombing the militants and swapped support for the largely Arab Sunni Muslim Syrian opposition for Syrian Kurdish groups such as the People's Protection Units (YPG). The Pentagon established the mostly Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces in 2015. Around this same time, Russia entered the battle to help Assad's embattled armed forces fighting alongside a number of Syrian pro-government and Iran-backed militias. The U.S. and Russian campaigns have vastly contributed to the defeat of ISIS in major cities and, with the jihadis largely destroyed, Syria has called on the U.S. and Turkish forces to withdraw immediately. Don't miss: John Bolton Loves War and Detests DiplomacyEven More Than Trump RTX5BO6V Institute for the Study of War/Reuters Special Forces Commander Raymond Thomas said last summer that Russia may have the legal capabilities to force the U.S. out of Syria after ISIS was defeated because the Pentagon's sole mandate was to defeat ISIS. After Syria declared victory against ISIS in November and Russia announced it would scale back its own forces the following month, the U.S. has defended its presence by saying the troops were necessary to back local allies against a potential resurgence of ISIS. The U.S.-led coalition ground offensive against ISIS has recently come to a halt, however, as Syrian Kurdish fighters flee the coalition to battle Turkish and Syrian rebel forces conducting their own self-proclaimed counterterrorism operation against U.S.-backed Kurds that Ankara believes to be linked to the militant Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Pro-Syrian government forces, which have allied with Syrian Kurdish fighters battling Turkey and rebels in the northwest, clashed last month with the mostly Arab faction of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the east. Syria, Russia and Iran have accused the U.S. of shielding the remaining ISIS militants in the east, something the U.S.-led coalition has denied. Most popular: Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Says Conflict Will Break Out If Trump Doesn't Apply Renewed Economic Pressure on Iran RTX5BNGA Institute for the Study of War/Reuters RTX5F0HS Institute for the Study of War/Reuters The Syrian military has taken advantage of major ISIS losses to focus on retaking rebel bastions in Idlib and outside of Damascus. The U.S. and its Western allies have blamed Russia, Syria and Iran for mounting civilian casualties in these offensives. After reports emerged of alleged chemical weapons attacks in eastern Ghouta, the U.S. threatened to take unilateral military action, as it did last April when Trump ordered an attack on a Syrian air base following reports of a sarin gas attack conducted by the Syrian military in Idlib. Russia has denied that the Syrian military possesses or uses chemical weapons and has urged the U.S. not to conduct any further attacks in Syria. In response to the most recent U.S. warning earlier this month, Russia's top general threatened he would strike back if his forces were put in danger. This article was first written by Newsweek More from Newsweek SACRAMENTO, Calif. Hundreds of mourners gathered in Californias capital on Thursday, to honor the life of 22-year-old Stephon Clark an unarmed black man shot and killed by police. Two Sacramento police fatally shot Clark, a father of two, on March 18 outside of his grandparents home after neighbors had called police to investigate someone hiding in one of their backyards. Footage from both police body cameras and helicopter coverage showed officers opening fire on Clark; they later said they mistook his cell phone for a gun. Clark was shot 20 times. On Thursday morning, Clarks funeral in south Sacramento was held open to the public. Long before the funeral was set to begin, mourners had already lined up down the block of the Bayside of South Sacramento Church. Some of the attendees had driven hours to attend the funeral. Many of those in line were Muslim, coming to pay their respects to a fellow member of their religious community. In a funeral program, Clark was described as a young man who loved sports, had a great sense of humor and was the life of the party. Hundreds of mourners lined up at Bayside of South Sacramento Church Thursday for the funeral of 22-year-old Stephon Clark. (Photo: Jenavieve Hatch/HuffPost) As the funeral began just before noon, several religious leaders took the podium to read from Christian scripture, the Old Testament and the Quran. Only Stephon could bring together all races and religions in one room, one speaker said. At one point, a speaker was interrupted by Clarks brother Stevante, who took to the podium and in an emotional call to the crowd, yelled: I am! Stephon Clark! the mourners yelled back. As Rev. Al Sharpton took the stage to deliver his eulogy, he began by repeating Stevantes call: I am! We will never let you forget the name of Stephon Clark until we get justice, Sharpton said. Because this brother could be any one of us. Sharpton had told reporters ahead of the service that the country should think of Clarks killing as a national issue, not a local one. The community has come together to say that we cannot have unarmed people shot by the people we trust to protect and serve, Sharpton continued. Look at what weve seen all over the country. The president needs to address it. Congress needs to address it. Story continues We need to deal with this issue and deal with it nationally, he added. (Photo: PBS News Hour) De Angelo Wilson and Ken Ken, who are both from Sacramento and attended the service, said they grew up with Clark and remembered Clark fondly as an energetic kid. William, a cousin of Clarks father who declined to give his last name, told HuffPost that Clark was a good kid, but that its hard to be perfect when you come from where we come from. Clarks death, one of several high-profile killings of black Sacramento men in the last two years, sparked fierce protests across Californias state capital. Alongside local activists, Clarks family and friends have shut down Interstate 5, blocked entrance to Sacramento Kings games, disrupted city council meetings and demonstrated outside District Attorney Anne Marie Schuberts office. They didnt have to kill him like that. They didnt have to shoot him this many times, said Sequita Thompson, Clarks grandmother, on Tuesday in Sacramento. If youre that scared, you dont need to be a police officer, Tanya Faison, the founder of the Black Lives Matter Sacramento chapter, said while protesting outside the DAs office on Wednesday. BLM and members of the Sacramento community are calling for the firing of the two police officers (who are currently on paid administrative leave). They also want more power and resources given to the Sacramento Community Police Review Commission, a community-led group that reviews police policy, standards, and behavior and provides feedback to the city. Activists say Clarks shooting is indicative of excessive force used against the black community, and the continued lack of justice for victims of police violence and their families. (On Tuesday, for example, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry announced that the police officers who killed Alton Sterling in the summer of 2016 would not face charges.) The Sacramento BLM chapter is calling to change use of force laws practiced by the Sacramento Police Department that broadly allow police officers to whatever amount of force they deem necessary under the circumstances. According to Faison, they are too subjective. Other groups, like the NAACP, have also condemned the practice. Faison and other community members are also calling to re-elect a new DA in this years election, saying that Schubert is not doing enough work for the black community. The incident also inspired outcry on a national scale. Protests have sprung up in other cities across the country, including New York and Phoenix. Prominent black celebrities, activists and influencers have amplified the calls for justice for Clark. Californias Department of Justice announced Tuesday that it would join the investigation into Clarks death, and also review SPDs policies and practices. Although we will continue to coordinate with the Sacramento Police Department, we will retain our independence as we conduct this review, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said at a Tuesday press conference. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. Also on HuffPost A California Highway Patrol officer is confronted by a Black Lives Matter protester during a demonstration Thursday in Sacramento, California. Protesters chanted outside of City Hall. A young girl wears a shirt with an image of Stephon Clark. Veronica Curry, front with hoop earrings, raises her fist with other Black Lives Matter supporters. A protester holds a photo of Stephon Clark during a Black Lives Matter demonstration outside of Sacramento City Hall. A protester carries an umbrella as he marches during a protest of the police shooting of Stephon Clark. Black Lives Matter protesters stage a demonstration outside of Sacramento City Hall. A Black Lives Matter protesters run onto Interstate 5. A Black Lives Matter protester holds a sign as he marches on Interstate 5. Protesters stand on a California Highway Patrol car on Interstate 5. A young girl holds a Black Lives Matter sign in front of Sacramento police officers on horseback. Black Lives Matter protesters block Interstate 5 during a demonstration. Protesters hold signs as they march on Interstate 5. Protesters chant as they block the entrance to the Golden 1 Center. Black Live Matter protesters hold their fists in the air as they block the entrance to the Golden 1 Center. Black Live Matter protesters chant as they block the entrance to the Golden 1 Center. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Sergei and Yulia Skripal were poisoned at the front door of the former spys home (Rex) Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned by a nerve agent at the former Russian spys home, police have now confirmed. Detailed forensic testing revealed the highest concentration of the nerve agent was found on the front door of Mr Skripals home in Christie Miller Road, in Salisbury. The Metropolitan Police said traces of the nerve agent had been found at some of the other scenes detectives have been working at, but at lower concentrations. Detectives will now focus their inquiries in and around the address, and specialist teams will step back from some of the other areas investigated over the past few weeks. Detectives will now focus their inquiries in and around the address (Rex) Police said the risk to Mr Skripals neighbours remains low (Rex) Deputy assistant Commissioner Dean Haydon, senior national co-ordinator for counter-terrorism policing, said: At this point in our investigation, we believe the Skripals first came into contact with the nerve agent from their front door. We are therefore focusing much of our efforts in and around their address. Those living in the Skripals neighbourhood can expect to see officers carrying out searches as part of this, but I want to reassure them that the risk remains low and our searches are precautionary. He thanked members of the public for their understanding, adding that officers will likely be in the neighbourhood for several months. MORE: Drunk driver jailed for 13 years after killing three boys on their way to birthday party MORE: French policeman who died after replacing a hostage is honoured in national tribute Mr Skripal and his daughter Yulia remain in a critical condition in hospital following the Novichok poisoning on March 4 in Salisbury, Wiltshire. The spys niece, Viktoria Skripal said the prognosis for the pair really isnt good, telling the BBC: Out of 99% I have maybe 1% of hope. Whatever it was has given them a very small chance of survival. But theyre going to be invalids for the rest of their lives. Britain has accused Russia of being behind the poisoning allegations that have been fiercely denied by Moscow. Story continues Mr Skripal and his daughter remain in a critical condition in hospital (Rex) Britain has expelled Russian diplomats in response to the nerve agent attack (Getty) In turn, Russia has suggested that UK intelligence officers may have been involved in the poisoning, while also broadcasting multiple conspiracy theories. The Kremlin allegation came as Moscow faced increasing global isolation, with at least 26 countries expelling a total of more than 130 suspected spies. Britain insists there is no plausible alternative explanation for the attack, and has dismissed the series of suggestions emanating from Moscow as nonsense. Russian have denied involvement in the poisoning (Rex) Around 250 counter terrorism detectives continue to work around the clock on the investigation, which is expected to continue for months. Officers are examining more than 5,000 hours of CCTV footage and 1,350 exhibits that have been seized, while 500 witnesses have been identified. The London Road cemetery, where his wife and son are buried, the Maltings shopping centre where Mr Skripal and his daughter were discovered unconscious, and the Ashley Wood compound have been handed back into the control of Wiltshire Police. Because so many countries have now backed the UK in expelling Russian officials, the few who have chosen not to have now become conspicuous with their decision. So which European nations have not expelled Russian diplomats and why? There are some who say they are firmly behind the majority but cannot physically expel any diplomats for practical reasons: :: Portugal Often referred to as Britain's oldest ally, Portugal is, more accurately, England's oldest ally, with the diplomatic friendship stretching back to 1147. However, Lisbon has chosen not to expel any Russians as a response to the Salisbury attack. The Portuguese foreign ministry said this week that it "believes the coordination at the European level is the most effective means to respond to the gravity of the current situation". It is not clear how many Russians diplomats are operating in Lisbon but it is likely to be small and it may be that the Portuguese could not find a security related reason for any expulsions. :: Luxembourg There are only a very small number of Russian staff at the country's mission in Luxembourg and it is understood that not one of them has been connected to espionage. Luxembourg announced on Wednesday that it was recalling its ambassador to Russia and said it agreed with the analysis of Britain that Moscow was very likely to have been responsible for a nerve agent attack on British soil. "Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn has decided to recall the Luxembourg ambassador to Moscow for consultations," the foreign ministry said. :: Malta Government spokesman Kurt Farrugia told Sky News that Malta is "full square behind the UK and the coordinated action". He added: "Malta also supports actions by other countries to expel Russian envoys. We are not doing so ourselves because our diplomatic mission in Moscow is very small and any response by Russia would effectively terminate diplomatic relations. "This operational decision does not reduce our support for the UK and our security partners. This position was communicated to the UK Government and the EU Council, who accepted this rationale." Story continues However, Malta is known to have helped wealthy Russians obtain EU passports through a legal but shadowy and controversial scheme. :: Switzerland A traditionally and staunchly neutral country, this non-EU nation has not expelled any Russian diplomats and there were no expectations that it would. There are some countries known to have close ties to Russia. The Kremlin has fostered relations with particular EU nations (as well as political parities within EU states) in recent years in order to drive a wedge in the European Union and also to try to undermine the sanctions imposed on it after the annexation of Crimea. :: Greece Historical and religious ties between Greece and Russia are deep but the current Greek government has particularly close relations with the Kremlin which has alarmed the EU and NATO for some time. Members of Greece's ruling Syriza Party are reported to have particular business and economic relationships with powerful Russian business elites. Its coalition partner, Anel, is openly pro-Kremlin too. At the EU summit last week, the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said: "We have to express our solidarity to the UK, to the British people, but at the same time we need to investigate." The Greek government has previously said it would never sanction a member of the UN's permanent Security Council. :: Slovakia This eastern European nation has meandered in its recent relations with Russia. Currently it appears to be taking a softer line with Moscow. In a parliamentary meeting, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini described the expulsion of Russian diplomats as "theatrical gestures". He said: "I want to assure all of you that Slovakia will act responsibly. But, on the other hand, we declared clearly that we will not yield to any pressure and do unnecessary theatrical gestures... Slovakia has already prepared possible further steps. We'll wait. Because the conviction in the high plausibility of Russian responsibility to the Slovak side alone is not enough." :: Austria Speaking to Russian news agency Sputnik following the announcements by other EU and European countries, Austria's government spokesman Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal said that Vienna would "not take any measures at the national level" and would not expel diplomats. He said: "The reason for this is that we intend to keep open channels of dialogue with Russia. Austria is a neutral country and a kind of bridge between East and West. But we support the decision to recall the EU ambassador from Moscow." However, the far-right FPO Party, which is part of the country's governing coalition, is known to have close ties to the Kremlin. After the Russian annexation of the Ukrainian region of Crimea, the FPO said it was a "domestic Russian issue that does not need to concern the European Union". The FPO Party is in charge of Austria's foreign ministry. :: Slovenia The Slovenian Foreign Minister, Karl Erjavec, issued a short statement this week saying simply "we stick to the position adopted by the European Council that it must be determined what actually has happened". Mr Erjavec added that the issue would be discussed at a cabinet meeting later in the week. The government in Ljubljana prides itself on good diplomatic relations it maintains with Russia. Late last year, the Slovenia Prime Minister said he hoped his country could "become a bridge between the two superpowers". The country has been used before as host nation for talks between the US and Russia - in 2001, George W Bush met Vladimir Putin for the first time at a Slovenian summit. :: Bulgaria The current holder of the EU's rotating presidency has not expelled any diplomats but it has recalled its ambassador to Moscow for consultations. Last week, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said the EU support for the UK was "a joint decision which we support", yet at the same time, the Bulgarian government has said it must remain neutral because of its position as holder of the EU presidency. Strong business ties between Bulgaria and Russia may have played on the decision too. :: Cyprus The small Mediterranean country holds billions of euros of Russian capital in its banks. Like Greece, it has also said in the past that it did not think it appropriate to sanction a member of the UN Security Council. A district judge in New York has rejected Saudi Arabias motion to end a lawsuit that would hold the Sunni Muslim kingdom responsible for the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001. The judge determined Wednesday that the U.S. court can assume jurisdiction under the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), which Congress passed in 2016. The relatives of hundreds of people who died in the terrorist attacks have filed numerous lawsuits against the Saudi government over the past 16 years, claiming that it helped support the terrorist group al-Qaida by funding charities that supported Islamic militants. The Saudi government has long denied that it played a role in the attack that killed almost 3,000 people, and had asked that the lawsuit be dismissed because it deserves immunity as a sovereign nation. Trending: PUBG Gets Flare Gun Miramar Event Mode - Spawns, Tips & More The plaintiffs called Wednesdays decision a step forward, saying it means that the Saudi government will be obligated to provide answers about its role in the attack. The lawsuit also asks for billions of dollars in damages for the victims and their families, including the more than 20,000 people who were injured. Instead of dealing with this issue honestly and confronting the compelling evidence the 9/11 families have amassed, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has paid an army of lawyers and lobbyists a fortune to help them duck, dodge and distract," the 9/11 Families & Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism said in a statement. "We are grateful that a federal court has listened to our case, upheld the constitutionality of JASTA and allowed our efforts to move forward. The majority of the 19 attackers in the September 11 attacks were Saudi nationals. The court's decision was made as Saudi Arabias increasingly powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman tours the United States and met with President Donald Trump, among others. Last week, Trump welcomed the prince to the Oval Office and called the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia the strongest its ever been. Story continues This article was first written by Newsweek More from Newsweek Wisconsin Republicans have ended their legal fight to wait until November to conduct elections for two vacant legislative seats. The seats one in the state Assembly, the other in the state Senate have been vacant since December when the Republicans holding them resigned to take jobs in the administration of Gov. Scott Walker (R). Walker said he wouldnt call special elections, and instead allow the seats to be filled in the regularly scheduled votes in November to save the state money. Democrats sued Walker over that refusal, saying he was violating a state law requiring that special elections be called as promptly as possible for vacancies. A state circuit court judge sided with them on March 22, giving the governor until noon Thursday to schedule the special elections. Walker twice appealed that decision and asked for more time, as Republican legislative leaders called lawmakers back for a special session to try to change the state law. A judge denied Walkers request, and the governor decided Wednesday not to appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court. The judge ruled that representative government and the election of our representatives are never unnecessary, never a waste of taxpayer resources. On Thursday, Walker issued an executive order scheduling the special elections. The primaries will be on May 15 and the general election on June 12. The seats will again be on the ballot in November. Wisconsin Republicans, meanwhile, announced they would drop their attempt to change the state law on special elections. Democrats had accused Walker of refusing to call the special elections out of fear Republicans would lose the seats. In January, a Democrat won a surprising victory in a state Senate district President Donald Trump won by over 20 percentage points in 2016. Walker called the Democratic victory a wake up call for Republicans. Walker said in a Thursday radio interview that the special elections would be meaningless because whoever wins the June contest will serve for just a few months, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Story continues In a series of tweets Thursday, Walker blamed former Attorney General Eric Holder and other Democrats for forcing the issue on the special elections. Holder is the chair of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which is affiliated with the National Redistricting Foundation, the group that brought the lawsuit on the matter. Obama Attorney General Eric Holder and his Washington, D.C.-based special interest group are behind the legal push to force Wisconsin taxpayers to pay for special elections for seats that will be filled in a few months in the normal elections. Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) March 29, 2018 Eric Holder and the other liberals from Washington, D.C. are using the situation in Wisconsin to raise money for their battles in the fall. Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) March 29, 2018 Holders group wants to win elections for governor with the hopes that they can use redistricting to permanently change the makeup of the U.S. House of Representatives and put Nancy Pelosi back in charge as speaker. Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) March 29, 2018 Amy Hasenberg, a Walker spokeswoman, said in a statement Thursday that a special election would just be duplicative. A D.C.-based special interest group is forcing taxpayers to pay for special elections for seats that will be filled again in just a few short months, she said. The Legislature has indicated they are done. To illustrate how ridiculous this is, nomination papers for the fall elections are due on June 1st, which means candidates will already be on the November ballot before the special elections are held. State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) said Thursday Walker was boxed in and risked being held in contempt of court if he didnt call for the special elections, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. State Sen. Jennifer Shilling, the chambers Democratic leader, celebrated the call for elections. There is nothing more fundamental to our democracy than the right to vote. Despite Gov. Walkers best attempt to block elections and deny 200,000 voters their constitutional right to representation, justice prevailed and the courts correctly ruled that Republicans cant ignore the law, she said in a statement. This is a victory for the citizens of Wisconsin who are without representation because of Governor Walkers refusal to do his job, Holder said. This article has been updated with a statement from Hasenberg. Related Coverage Democrats Sue Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker To Force Him To Call Special Elections Wisconsin Judge Orders Scott Walker To Call Special Elections He Refused To Allow If The Law Says Scott Walker Has To Call Early Elections, The GOP Will Rewrite It Also on HuffPost Alabama State Capitol (Montgomery, Ala.) Pictured on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin) Alaska State Capitol (Juneau, Alaska) Pictured on Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Chris Miller) Arizona State Capitol (Phoenix) Pictured on Friday, April 23, 2010. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Arkansas State Capitol (Little Rock, Ark.) Pictured on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston) California State Capitol (Sacramento, Calif.) Pictured on Thursday, Jan. 5, 2006. (Photo by David Paul Morris/Getty Images) Colorado State Capitol (Denver) Pictured on Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006. (Photo by Doug Pensinger/Getty Images) Connecticut State Capitol (Hartford, Conn.) Pictured on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1999. (AP Photo/Bob Child) Delaware State Capitol (Dover, Del.) Florida State Capitol (Tallahassee, Fla.) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 3, 2011. (AP Photo/John Raoux) Georgia State Capitol (Atlanta) Pictured on Tuesday, November 13, 2007. (Photo by Jessica McGowan/Getty Images) Hawaii State Capitol (Honolulu) Idaho State Capitol (Boise, Idaho) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 14, 2008. (Ned Dishman/NBAE via Getty Images) Illinois State Capitol (Springfield, Ill.) Pictured on Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2004. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman) Indiana State Capitol (Indianapolis) Pictured on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (Photo by Jeff Gross/Getty Images) Iowa State Capitol (Des Moines, Iowa) Pictured on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Kansas State Capitol (Topeka, Kan.) Pictured on Thursday, April 15, 2010. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner) Kentucky State Capitol (Frankfort, Ky.) Pictured on Wednesday, April 12, 2006. (AP Photo/James Crisp) Louisiana State Capitol (Baton Rouge, La.) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 14, 2008. (Matthew HINTON/AFP/Getty Images) Maine State Capitol (Augusta, Me.) Pictured on Monday, Oct. 17, 2011. (AP Photo/Pat Wellenbach) Maryland State House (Annapolis, Md.) (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images) Massachusetts State House (Boston) Pictured on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) Michigan State Capitol (Lansing, Mich.) Pictured on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) Minnesota State Capitol (St. Paul, Minn.) Pictured on Friday, July 1, 2011. (Photo by Hannah Foslien/Getty Images) Mississippi State Capitol (Jackson, Miss.) Pictured on Thursday, June 10, 1999. (AP Photo/Rogelio Solis) Missouri State Capitol (Jefferson City, Mo.) Pictured on Friday, Oct. 16, 2000. (Photo credit should read ORLIN WAGNER/AFP/Getty Images) Montana State Capitol (Helena, Mont.) Nebraska State Capitol (Lincoln, Neb.) Pictured on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1998. (AP Photo/S.E. McKee) Nevada State Capitol (Carson City, Nev.) New Hampshire State House (Concord, N.H.) Pictured on Friday, Dec. 28, 2001. (Todd Warshaw//Pool/Getty Images New Jersey State House (Trenton, N.J.) Pictured on Friday, Aug. 13, 2004. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images) New Mexico State Capitol (Santa Fe, N.M.) New York State Capitol (Albany, N.Y.) Pictured on Sunday, March 16, 2008. (Photo by Daniel Barry/Getty Images) North Carolina State Capitol (Raleigh, N.C.) Pictured in 1930. (AP Photo) North Dakota State Capitol (Bismarck, N.D.) Pictured on Thursday, April 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Dale Wetzel) Ohio Statehouse (Columbus, Ohio) Pictured on Tuesday, March 8, 2011. (Photo by Mike Munden/Getty Images) Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Long before he was fired from the White House, Steve Bannon was an executive producer on Sean Penn's 1991 film, The Indian Runner. And when Penn stopped by Conan, he shared his first impressions of working with Bannon on set. When Bannon arrived on set in Iowa, he apparently brought two women with him from New York. He justified their visit by hiring them as hair and makeup assistants. This upset Penn, mainly because the budget was so small he didn't want to waste money on "cheerleader looking new makeup assistants." Penn didn't give much thought to Bannon after filming, that is until the recent presidential election. That was when Penn realized Donald Trump's right-hand man was the same Steve Bannon he had worked with. Penn said, "I didn't know it was the same Steve Bannon until I looked at him closely and imagined the Steve Bannon I knew but with the toxins of the soul so deteriorate and bloat and meld into this -- I don't think you can age like that without hating people." Seoul (AFP) - South Korea summoned Tokyo's ambassador on Friday to protest over new educational guidelines requiring high school students to be taught that disputed islands belong to Japan. Seoul has controlled the islets in the Sea of Japan (East Sea) since 1945, when Tokyo's brutal colonial rule on the peninsula ended. Tokyo also claims the islands, known in Dokdo in South Korea and Takeshima in Japan, accusing Seoul of occupying them illegally. South Korea and Japan are both market economies, democracies and US allies, and both are threatened by nuclear-armed North Korea, but their relationship is heavily strained by historical and territorial issues. Tokyo on Friday approved guidelines requiring high school textbooks and teachers to tell pupils that the islands are Japan's, mirroring measures applied last year in elementary and middle schools. The guidelines, which are available on the ministry's website, say schools should "introduce issues involving our country's territories, such as the Takeshima islands and Northern Territories, being our country's own territories". The assertion was "unjustifiable", Seoul's foreign ministry said in a statement, saying Dokdo was an "inalienable" part of South Korea's territory. "We strongly condemn it and sternly call for its immediate withdrawal," it added, saying Tokyo was trying to "instil a distorted historical perception about Dokdo into future generations". Japan is embroiled in a separate dispute with China over another set of islands, about which the guidelines said schools should "cover the Senkaku islands as our country's own territories and that there is no issue of territorial sovereignty to be resolved". Seoul and Tokyo tried to resolve a long-running feud over Japan's wartime sexual slavery of Korean women with an inter-government agreement in 2015. The controversy of the so-called comfort women -- those forced into sexual slavery for Japanese troops during World War II -- has marred relations between the two countries for decades. Earlier this month, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said Japan cannot unilaterally declare the issue "over", repeating calls for Tokyo to apologise. Japan has protested against changing the deal, which was agreed to by Moon's predecessor Park Geun-hye, saying any attempt to modify or scrap it could negatively affect relations. Kristin Kreuk attends the Emmy Awards on Nov. 20, 2017, in New York City. (Photo: FilmMagic) Smallville star Kristin Kreuk is breaking her silence on her involvement in an alleged sex cult. On Sunday, Keith Raniere, the founder of the self-help group NXIVM (pronounced nex-e-um) was arrested by the FBI in Mexico and charged with several counts of sex trafficking and forced labor conspiracy. NXIVM had several members with Hollywood ties, including Kreuk and her Smallville co-star Allison Mack. Kreuk is best known for playing Lana Lang on the hit show and currently stars on CBSs Burden of Truth. The 35-year-old actress wants to set the record straight on what she knew about NXIVM and a reported secret sorority within it called DOS, also known as Lord/Master of the Obedient Female Companions, according to the New York Times. Kreuk also retweeted a post from actress Sarah Edmondson that read: For the record, my dear friend @MsKristinKreuk was never in the inner circle of #NXIVM. She never recruited sex slaves and has been out since 2013 before s*** got weird. She is a lovely person who should not be dragged into this mess. Thank you. #Cult #DOS #freedom #TRUTH. Smallville (Photo: Getty Images) Allison Macks involvement, however, may be a bit more complicated. Mack, 35, played Chloe Sullivan on Smallville from 2001 to 2011. She has since appeared on Wilfred and American Odyssey, with her last credited appearance coming last year, voicing Evelyn in Lost in Oz. A photo circulating online depicts a blond woman at the scene of Ranieres arrest who is believed to be Mack, although that is unconfirmed. It has also been speculated that she is the actress and DOS master referred to as Co-Conspirator 1 in the federal complaint filed in New York, who allegedly directed their slaves to have sex with Raniere. Some reports say her arrest is imminent. A publicist for Mack did not offer a comment when reached by Yahoo. Story continues While Macks involvement is unverified at this time, she has made no secret of her admiration for Raniere. Listening to Keith Raniere explore thoughts on media, love and humanity. Mind is blown. I am so inspired. Allison Mack (@allisonmack) October 27, 2013 On Macks biography page on her official website, she credits Mr. Raniere for mentoring her in her study of acting and music. In her last blog post, from July 2017, she discusses the quest she has been on to find herself since 2013. The other morning I woke up and realized I have dedicated my life to this quest of self discovery. But I still feel like I am searching for something out there to get discover whats in here,' she writes. For the last 4 years I have been in an ongoing class broken up into segments of 8 day intensive workshops. So every 3 months, I spend 8 days with a group of amazing people who are all seeking to experience themselves and their lives more deeply. It feels like my lifes study. Since the last workshop I have been contemplating my quest more deeply. What is self? How do I know it? Where does it come from? My mentor, Keith, is always encouraging me to spend time with myself. Last year, she interviewed her mentor on his Keith Raniere Conversations YouTube channel in a segment called Balancing Genius and Insecurities. Mack appears to be awestruck in the 12-minute video. U.S. Attorney Richard P. Donoghue claims Raniere created a secret society of women whom he had sex with and branded with his initials, coercing them with the threat of releasing their highly personal information and taking their assets. FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney adds: As alleged, Keith Raniere displayed a disgusting abuse of power in his efforts to denigrate and manipulate women he considered his sex slaves. He allegedly participated in horrifying acts of branding and burning them, with the cooperation of other women operating within this unorthodox pyramid scheme. These serious crimes against humanity are not only shocking, but disconcerting to say the least, and we are putting an end to this torture today. Mack was last active on social media one week ago, sharing a photo of her and her mom. Her most recent post is a video of a boy asking, What do you practice? When contacted by Yahoo, the U.S. attorneys office for the Eastern District of New York had no update on whether any alleged co-conspirators will face charges. Read more from Yahoo Entertainment: A student in Japan has been reunited with a camera she lost in the ocean three years ago. (Photo: Getty Images) A college student in Tokyo lost her camera at sea nearly three years ago, expecting never to see it again. But thanks to social media, she has been reunited with both the camera and the pictures in it, after a Facebook post looking for the owner went viral. Serina Tsubakihara is a third-year student at Sophia University in Tokyo who had been on a trip in 2015 that brought her to an island about 155 miles away from northern Taiwan. When she dropped her digital camera in the water near the island, she figured it was gone forever until elementary school students took a field trip to clean their nearby beach in Taiwan and came across something unexpected. Park Lees students at Yue Ming Elementary School discovered the camera washed up on the beach, covered in marine organisms, looking as though it had barely survived. When their teacher took the waterproof case off, however, the camera itself was unharmed. In a Facebook post, Lee chronicled his students discovery and how they put together some clues to find the owner. It seems a bit unethical to peek at other peoples camera photos, Lee wrote. However, as a result of our discussion, if we could take a look at the photos, would there be any clue that we could find the owner of the camera to return to him? So we watched the photos together quickly in the whole class and got the following inferences. The class took note that the last photo was taken on Sept. 7, 2015, on Ishigaki Island in Japan, and that the people in the photos were likely Japanese. Although the camera had been lost at sea, the battery was fully charged, and Lee decided to post a few of the photos that were on it. We decided to make public photos, the post continued. The most important thing is that we hope to find the camera owner. It is best to have Japanese media friends. You can help the report and let the owner see the news to find us. Maybe we can return the camera to them. Just 12 hours later, the teachers post had been shared over 10,000 times, catching the attention of Taiwans de facto ambassador to Japan, Frank Hsieh, which brought the viral post over to the university students country and soon after, directly to Tsubakihara herself. Story continues The camera crossed the border, Tsubakihara wrote on Facebook after getting in touch with Lee. I cant still believe this is happening but the only thing I want to say is thank you so much for every single person who was involved with this! I am so lucky and happy to have such a wonderful experience to feel the kindness of people. Borderless. In addition to getting her precious memories back in the form of her recovered photos, Tsubakihara is planning a trip to Taiwan in June to visit Lee and his class. Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle: A woman is getting a kidney donation from a stranger after posting about her need on Facebook Why an accidental text has inspired the internet to donate more than $30,000 to a 6-year-old with leukemia Waitress stiffed a tip on a $735 takeout order, then fired after she complained on Facebook Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. San Salvador (AFP) - Suspected gang members in El Salvador gunned down a young priest Thursday on his way to celebrate Holy Week festivities, police said. Father Walter Osmir Vasquez, 31, was driving on a dirt road outside the town of Lolotique, 130 kilometres (80 miles) east of San Salvador when gunmen cut him off and shot him dead, police in that town said. No motive was given. The government condemned the killing and ordered an investigation. Soldiers joined police searching for the killers in the area of the attack. El Salvador has one of the world's highest homicide rates -- 60 per 100,000 inhabitants last year. The government blames powerful street gangs for much of the violence that has engulfed the poor Central American country. Douma (Syria) (AFP) - Hundreds more Syrian rebels and civilians prepared Friday to leave Eastern Ghouta under a negotiated withdrawal, as Russia unilaterally announced a similar deal to empty the final pocket of the battered enclave. The former rebel bastion on the outskirts of Damascus has been drained by a nearly six-week Syrian government assault and two evacuation deals brokered by regime ally Moscow. Under such agreements, rebels agree to hand over territory in exchange for safe passage for them and civilians to opposition-held northwest Syria. More than 36,000 people have already been bussed out of the enclave, and fresh evacuations were under way on Friday. Some 4,800 people, including fighters, were boarding buses in a pocket of Ghouta held by the Faylaq al-Rahman rebel faction, Syrian state media reported. The agreement for that withdrawal, reached last week, left the overpopulated, devastated town of Douma as the final rebel holdout in the region. Russia's defence ministry on Friday said it had brokered a deal that would see rebels abandon Douma "shortly", but the fighters there quickly denied it. "We categorically refuse leaving or being displaced," said Jaish al-Islam's spokesman Hamza Bayraqdar. "That's an essential demand of the negotiations. We have not reached an agreement yet," he told AFP, adding that talks were ongoing. - Civilians hang in balance - Civilians in Douma have become anxious over their uncertain fate. "Jaish al-Islam is here and has to resolve the issue of civilians. We hope we can be done with this whole thing," said 39-year-old resident Mohammad al-Hussein. "If they made me choose between leaving or staying, I'll stay. I didn't stay here for seven years just to leave in the end," he added. Eastern Ghouta was the armed opposition's last stronghold around Damascus, which groups regularly targeted with rockets and mortar rounds. Story continues To secure Damascus, President Bashar al-Assad launched a ferocious air and ground assault on February 18 to oust rebels from Ghouta. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor says more than 1,600 civilians have been killed in the onslaught, which has overrun more than 90 percent of Ghouta. Troops pursued a divide-and-conquer strategy, seizing most of the enclave then breaking up what was left of it into three isolated pockets. Moscow stepped in and swiftly announced two withdrawal agreements with rebels, the first of which saw more than 4,500 fighters and civilians bussed out of the town of Harasta. The second deal, reached with Faylaq al-Rahman one week ago, has seen over 31,000 people quit the towns of Arbin and Zamalka and the Jobar district. In the first two deals, rebels caved in to Russia's "leave or die" approach but negotiations for the Douma pocket, held by Jaish al-Islam, look more arduous. Douma's population has swelled to an estimated 200,000 with people displaced from other bombed-out districts. Jaish al-Islam had been in talks with Russia to reach a settlement whereby they could stay, instead of being bused out like other rebels. But negotiations faltered over the group's demands of a general amnesty and unrestricted movement for Douma residents across the country, a source with knowledge of the talks told AFP. Moscow threatened Jaish al-Islam with a renewed blitz on the town if they did not agree to withdraw, and Syrian troops have amassed around the holdout. - 'Above ground' - On Thursday, Russia's foreign minister said rebel groups had "nearly been wiped out" by the government's offensive. Syria's state news agency SANA said around 29,000 civilians had fled Douma in recent days, using a "corridor" opened up by advancing Syrian troops. SANA said a total of 143,000 people in total had streamed out of Ghouta along such corridors and as part of the evacuation deals. The state outlet did not confirm the agreement with Jaish al-Islam, but its correspondent said "preliminary information" indicated a deal was close. Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent said Friday it was bringing humanitarian assistance to devastated Ghouta districts already recaptured by the regime. Red Crescent workers distributed bread, water, and other aid to the towns of Kafr Batna, Saqba, and Ain Terma. The rebels and civilians evacuated so far have been taken northwest to Idlib, where they could finally afford basic necessities after years under siege. "The war we had was something unlike anything else in the world," said Abu Laameh, a 65-year-old evacuee who could finally afford a pack of cigarettes. "It feels like we were at the bottom of a well, and someone pulled us out above ground." But a departure to Idlib would be too "tricky" for Jaish al-Islam, said Thomas Pierret, an analyst at the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris. "The problem with Jaish al-Islam is that it's quite big, very cohesive, very organised, but it doesn't go well with anyone else," Pierret told AFP. Paul Smith Security, Asia The question of Taiwans securityand the islands long-term political statuscontinues to be an unsettled one, which means a military scenario cannot be ruled out. How the Taiwan Travel Act Could Start a U.S.-China War On March 16, 2018, President Donald Trump signed into law the Taiwan Travel Act, which encourages officials at all levels of the United States Government to visit and meet with their Taiwan counterparts and to allow high-level officials of Taiwan to enter the United States and to meet with their U.S. counterparts, among other goals. The Chinese government has criticized the new law, describing it as a mistake and a violation of the One-China Policy. Chinese President Xi Jinping declared that any actions and tricks to split China are doomed to failure and will meet with the peoples condemnation and the punishment of history. This latest controversy comes as China has begun exerting more military pressure against Taiwan. In recent weeks, China has increased air and naval operations in the vicinity of the islandincluding escorted strategic bomber encirclement flightsand deployed its aircraft carrier in waters near Taiwan, among other actions. This pressure campaign may be Beijings attempt to express its displeasure with Taiwans president, Tsai Ing-wen, or it may be a harbinger of a much more dangerous military campaign to come. Whatever the motivation, Chinese operations around Taiwan will inevitably involve the United States, which is consistent with a historical pattern that has existed since at least 1950. In that year, President Harry Truman deployed the Seventh Fleet in the Taiwan Strait. Explaining his reasoning, Truman stated that the future of Formosa [Taiwan] . . . should be settled peacefully [and] the mission of the Seventh Fleet is to keep Formosa [Taiwan] out of the [Korean] conflict. Truman emphasized that the U.S. purpose was peace, not conquest. In 1954, the pattern of U.S. protection of Taiwan would recur as mainland China began artillery assaults on one of Taiwans outer islands, which is adjacent to China. The United States stepped in and provided Taiwan with various type of military assistance. In December of that year, Washington signed a formal mutual defense treaty with Taipei. The following month Congress passed the Formosa Resolution, which authorized the U.S. president to employ the armed forces of the United States for protecting the security of Formosa, the Pescadores, and related positions and territories of that area. Story continues In 1958, China once again threatened military action against Taiwan; the United States responded with assistance for Taiwan, which helped mitigate what would later be known as the second Taiwan Strait crisis. In the more recent past, a third Taiwan Strait crisis occurred in 19951996. Once again, Beijing applied coercive military power against Taiwan and, similar to the previous crises, the United States stepped in to provide Taiwan with the safety and military protection it needed. Thus, the pattern for almost seventy years has been for China to apply military pressure against Taiwan, the United States to push back against such pressure, and, ultimately, both sides to back down, leading to a reduction in tensions and a continuation of the status quo. The formula has worked for decades, much to the benefit of Taiwan, the United States and perhaps even to China itself. However, there are growing indications that this pattern may no longer be sustainable. This is because the China of 2018 is not the same as the China of the Cold War era. With an increasingly powerful navy, air force and an array of other capabilities, Beijing now has an unprecedented ability to project force. This means that the balance of power is shifting in the Taiwan Strait, almost entirely in favor of Beijing. Moreover, Taiwan has not helped matters; by failing to adequately invest in its own defense capabilities, Taipei has exacerbated this power shift. This puts the United States in a quandary. Should it continue to maintain the defend and push back pattern of the past seventy years vis-a-vis Taiwan and potentially risk a major conflict with China? This question is crucial because there are few signs that the Taiwan issue is going to be resolved by itself or anytime soon. In fact, the persistence of Taiwans unresolved status can be attributed to at least two major factors. First, most of Taiwans population simply does not wish to be liberated by the Peoples Republic of China. One prominent poll sponsored by the Taiwan-based Global Views Research organization consistently shows that a majority of residents in Taiwan prefers the status quo or some variant of the status quo, which means de facto (but not de jure) independence. Smaller groups polled prefer reunification or de jure independence, the latter of which is a red line for Beijing. A second reason relates to the geopolitical dynamics of the key actors involved, which, in addition to Taiwan, traditionally has meant the United States and China. One way to understand this is to conceptualize a triangle that has each actor (Taiwan, China and the United States) occupying one end. The first leg of the triangle, and arguably the most important, is the one connecting the United States and China. Chinese leaders consider Taiwan to be the central challenge in their relationship with the United States. Not surprisingly, Taiwan has played a prominent role in the various communiques signed and issued by both countries, with the most prominent of these being the Shanghai Communique issued in 1972 when President Richard Nixon conducted his historic visit to China. The Shanghai Communique states that "the United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position." In the second major communique, also known as the Normalization Communique, which was issued in December 1978, Washington concluded that "the Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China." This theme of the United States acknowledging China's position on Taiwan is continued in the third major communique issued by the two countries in August 1982, which states, among other things, that "the United States Government attaches great importance to its relations with China, and reiterates that it has no intention of infringing on Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity, or interfering in China's internal affairs, or pursuing a policy of two Chinas or one China, one Taiwan. In summary, these communiques evince a largely conciliatory tone by the United States in favor of Beijing and they tend to emphasize that the U.S. acknowledges the Taiwan issue to be an internal matter for China. In contrast with this first leg of the triangle, the second legthe relationship between the United States and Taiwanfeatures a very different tone, particularly with the emphasis of U.S. security assurances directed toward Taiwan. The first and most important foundational pillar of this second leg relationship is the formal defense treaty relationship that Washington and Taipei adhered to for roughly twenty-five years, which also involved a significant U.S. military presence on Taiwan. When the United States decided to formally establish diplomatic relations with China (and thereby sever relations with Taiwan), Congress passed the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), which President Jimmy Carter signed into law on April 10, 1979. The TRA is particularly significant because it is much more than a communique, statement or understanding; it is actual U.S. federal law (Public Law 968) and carries the force and formal legitimacy associated with that status. The TRA, among other things, states that it is the policy of the United States to preserve and promote close relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan and that the peace and stability around Taiwan is in the political, security, and economic interests of the United States. And perhaps most significant is the pledge to provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character. Added to this complicated mix is the third leg of the triangle, which links Taiwan and the People's Republic of China. This leg naturally has its own unique dynamics and features both hard (coercive) and soft (attraction) approaches in furtherance of the goal of reunification. Some examples of the soft approach include Deng Xiaopings One China, Two Systems approach, Ye Jianyings Nine-Point Proposal, and Jiang Zemins Eight Points. Some of these proposals have offered Taiwan a high degree of autonomy as long as Taipei accedes to Beijings rule. However, Beijings soft approaches toward Taipei have often been overshadowed by its hard approaches, such as its March 2005 anti-secession law, which was formulated for the purpose of opposing and checking Taiwans secession from China. Article 8 of the law specifically authorizes non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to prevent Taiwans secession and to protect Chinas sovereignty and territorial integrity. The law not only authorized Chinese non-peaceful action in the event that Taiwan declared independence, it also allowed such measures to be employed in the event that the possibilities for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted. In other words, Taiwan might be subjected to Chinese military action even if it simply refused to consider proposals for reunification or to engage in negotiations. Thus, as the triangle model demonstrates, the various communiques, proposals and laws involving the three primary actors (vis-a-vis the Taiwan issue) are often semantically incoherent and rife with contradictions. All of this suggests that the chances of a negotiated settlement may be lower than many observers hope and, as a corollary, the chances of Chinese military action against Taiwan may be higher than most are anticipating. If a military scenario took place, it would create a huge dilemma for the United States, forcing the latter to determine whether Taiwan and its safety constituted a vital national interest. With the possibility of a U.S.-China military clash, some in the United States might argue that Taiwans value to the United States does not rise to the vital level, thus making the possibility of abandonment more likely. Alternatively, abandonment might occur if China mounts a blitzkrieg action and achieves a Crimea-like fait accompli before the United States has time to plan for or execute a coherent response. However, abandonment, whether through action, inaction or delayed action, would have its own costs for the United States, namely the impact on the credibility of American promises and assurance to its allies in the region. Although Taiwan is not formally a U.S. ally, it is largely vieweddue to its past treaty relationship with Washington from 1954 to 1980as a beneficiary of Americas protective sphere in East Asia. In addition, the aforementioned Taiwan Relations Act makes it clear that any effort to resolve the Taiwan issue by other than peaceful means would be a grave concern to the United States. If the United States did not honor its own law and make good on its pledges toward the maintenance of peace around Taiwan, other U.S. allies might begin to question the value of their own alliances with Washington. Among other things, this might result in undesirable hedging or bandwagoning behavior as traditional U.S. allies in the region seek out other potential partners, with which the United States may have less than congenial relations. In addition, U.S. allies, such as Japan or South Korea, which are dependent on United States extended deterrence guarantees (the so-called nuclear umbrella), may begin to doubt the credibility of such guarantees and seek to develop their own strategic capabilities, which would likely not be in the U.S. national interest over the long term. On the Chinese side, the costs of any military settlement of the Taiwan question could be equally significant. First, a military option would likely result in massive destruction of property and widespread human carnage. In addition, the economic impact would be devastating for Taiwan and would likely spread to China given the large amount of Taiwanese investment on the mainland. Second, the images of a Chinese military assault on Taiwan, which would spread via social media and other means, would be disastrous for Chinas long-term reputation. It would confirm that China cares little about international norms, rules or values. It would also cast a dark shadow over all of Beijings foreign engagements, including its expansive Belt and Road initiative. Moreover, it would put countries contemplating long-term commercial arrangements with China on notice that their engagements may be both ill-advised and even dangerous. Thus, the Taiwan issue is not simply about Taiwan. It reflects and encompasses the larger dynamics of Chinas rise, the U.S.-China relationship, and the future of American power in the Asia-Pacific region. In other words, the Taiwan issue is as much about the future as it is about the past. Moreover, as China moves gradually toward a deep authoritarianism under President Xi Jinpings leadership, Taiwans democratic system and associated values provide a bright example and potential model for alternative governance. However, the question of Taiwans securityand the islands long-term political statuscontinues to be an unsettled one, which means the military scenario cannot be totally ruled out. The recent passage of the Taiwan Travel Act may have elevated that risk to an entirely new level. Paul Smith is a professor of national-security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College. The opinions expressed in this essay are that of the author. Image: Reuters Recommended: Why North Korea's Air Force is Total Junk Why Doesn't America Kill Kim Jong Un? The F-22 Is Getting a New Job: Sniper Read full article Alyssa White, left, and Ashley Smith, who cut her hair to make her friend a wig for the prom. (Photo: Courtesy Ashley Smith) As the owner of a hair salon and a dress boutique, Dawn DeMario sees a lot of girls preparing for prom, and she understands why its a big deal. Its the first time a young girl feels like a real princess, she tells Yahoo Lifestyle. Thats why DeMario was so moved by the story of one of her longtime clients, Ashley Smith, who recently came into her salon, Spa on West Main, in Westminster, Md. Smith had come in to have 24 inches of her hair cut off so it could be made into a wig for her friend Alyssa White to wear at her prom in April. White, 16, had been diagnosed in January with Hodgkins lymphoma and had lost her hair as a result of chemotherapy treatments. White and Smith have been friends since they were camper and counselor at Pine View Farm Fun day camp. She was always so bubbly, Smith tells Yahoo. The high school junior has managed to keep that bubbly attitude as she battles cancer, but when Smith prodded her about how she was handling her baldness, White admitted she might want a wig. She said, I never thought that I would want a wig, but after sitting here today in hair thats falling out all over my body, I think I might want one. I dont know what Im going to do for prom. I dont know what Im going to do for family vacations, every day at school, and I think it might be nice to be able to switch things up,' Smith recalls. Right away, I was ready to shave my head [for her]. Custom wigs arent cheap, though, even with a donor ready to supply her healthy locks. So Smith decided to raise the funds and surprise her friend with the wig as a gift. She created a site on and has raised almost $2,500 to have the hairpiece made by Caring and Comfort. White looks at prom dresses at Lux Boutique. (Photo: Dustin Levy/Evening Sun) Smith hasnt had short hair since she was in fourth grade and always felt proud of how long it had grown. Cutting it seemed like a big deal until it actually happened, Smith tells Yahoo. I havent missed it yet. The reason behind it made everything worth it. Story continues After cutting her hair, Smith surprised White with a card signed by donors, while the local paper, the Evening Sun, documented it all on video. It surprised me very much that she did this, White tells Yahoo. She loved her hair and knowing that she gave it up for me knowing that I needed it is just heartwarming. That selfless act prompted DeMario to offer White a prom dress of her choice from the showroom of her store, Lux Boutique. Prom dresses are very expensive, and I really just wanted to be a part of her journey, to let her know that people are rooting for her, DeMario says. White tries on a prom dress at Lux Boutique. (Photo: Dustin Levy/Evening Sun) White went shopping with her mother to try on dress after dress. It was a lot of fun trying on so many dresses and so many different colors, and seeing what I would look like, imagining what I would look like with the wig, just picturing myself on prom night, she tells Yahoo. I think what made it extra special shopping for a prom dress was knowing that it was out of the kindness of somebodys heart, that it was donated to me. White eventually chose an elegant blush gown by Faviana, which retails for around $400, DeMario says. It makes me feel like a princess in it, White told the Evening Sun when she tried it on. The radiant smile she had while wearing it was accessory enough, but shes looking forward to seeing how she looks with the wig too. DeMario has offered to style her hair and makeup on prom day. As fun as going to a formal high school dance is for most teens, Smith tells Yahoo she thinks White is excited about something more. I dont know that its specifically prom that means so much to her as feeling herself again, she says. Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle: Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. A top fundraiser for President Donald Trump who surfaced in Special Counsel Robert Muellers probe helped the wife of an influential Republican congressman obtain a State Department job, according to emails reviewed by Newsweek. Elliott Broidy a fundraising machine for Trump and Republicans does not have a formal position within the Trump administration. But the new emails further illustrate Broidys power as a Washington broker, often tapped by other political insiders to reach deep into Trumps administration and use his outsize influence to get them results. Broidys connections have emerged amid a growing focus into his efforts to advance the interests of the United Arab Emirates in the White House, as revealed by Muellers investigation of meetings set up by Lebanese-American businessman George Nader. Marie Royce, the wife of Republican Representative Ed Royce of California and a longtime corporate executive, wrote several emails to Broidy last year that made clear her "number one position of interest" was assistant secretary of state for educational and cultural affairs. Trump nominated her for that role in January, and she was confirmed by the U.S. Senate last week. Trending: Good Friday Live Stream 2018: Watch Pope Francis's Service at St. Peter's Square Royces husband is a 13-term congressman who also chairs the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee. When asked about the emails, neither Broidy nor Marie Royce contested their accuracy. "Dear Elliott, Thank you for your support for a role in the Administration," Marie Royce wrote in a February 2017 email to Broidy. "I would like to be considered in the following roles. She then ranked positions she sought, with assistant secretary of state for education and cultural affairs slotted at the very top. Next up on Marie Royces list were two posts at the Commerce Department. She followed up with Broidy a week later. In March, she also told him that she talked with Vice President Mike Pence about openings in the administration after her husband spoke at a dinner for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. But Marie Royce said she could not remember the name of the administration official Pence had told her to follow up with, according to the emails, and again asked Broidy for help. Story continues "Thus, would love to see if we can follow-up with members on his team or with WH Personnel regarding the Assistant Secretary for Education and Cultural Affairs position at the US Department of State," Marie Royce told Broidy. "Thank you again for your assistance!" After Trump nominated Marie Royce, Broidy described the position as a nothing cultural affairs job to a friend, according to the emails. But, the position is quite lucrative. The last person to hold the role under former President Barack Obama made $160,300. Marie and Ed Royce. Larry Busacca/Getty Images Don't miss: Why the March for Our Lives Movement is Unlikely to Change Anything Broidy downplayed his role in Marie Royce attaining the position and said he believed she had also contacted dozens of other people. Mrs. Royce worked on her own to obtain this nomination and to my understanding, followed every appropriate protocol to apply, Broidy said in a statement to Newsweek. As a longtime friend, I was happy to serve as a reference, as Im sure dozens of other people were as well, but given her background and qualifications she didnt need our help. The conversations about the State Department job took place while the congressman was raising money for his re-election, according to the emails. Five days before she emailed Broidy, Marie Royce reached out to Robin Broidy, Elliotts wife, about a potential fundraiser in June at a private residence. Later that year, Elliott Broidy gave $5,400 to Royces re-election campaign. Broidy is a fellow Californian and a Republican contributor the chairman has known for years, Cory Fritz, a spokesperson for Congressman Royce, told Newsweek. A spokesperson for Marie Royce cited her experience in the private sector and in academia as qualifications for her new position and emphasized the rigors involved in earning confirmation from the Senate. She owns her own business consulting firm and previously worked for such major corporations as Nokia, Marriott International and Procter & Gamble. Marie Royce was also a full-time business professor at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona. Mrs. Royce reiterated her qualifications, which made her the leading candidate for the job she was hired to do. After a long vetting process that included a background check, exhaustive review of her personal finances, and in-person interviews, Mrs. Royces nomination resulted in a unanimous Senate confirmation, said spokesperson Ken Spain in a statement to Newsweek. Pences office also pushed back, claiming hes often handed resumes and follows normal procedure. The VP receives personnel recommendations regularly. When he does, he gives them to staff who pass them along to Office of Presidential Personnel for consideration, a Pence official told Newsweek. Most popular: Man Impersonating Police Officer Is Shot Dead After Killing Off-Duty Kentucky Cop The State Department said Royce spoke with many people in her professional and personal networks, and dismissed the notion that Broidy helped her earn the nomination from Trump. The President of the United States nominated Mrs. Royce, Heather Nauert, the department spokesperson, told Newsweek. The White House did not respond to requests for comment. This is the second revelation about Broidy's ties to Ed Royce this week. On Monday, Newsweek, McClatchy and other outlets reported that Broidy asked the congressman to speak with Romanian officials to help him win a defense contract. Emails shared with Newsweek showed Broidy and members of his space and defense firm, Circinus, had drafted letters in Royces name to top Romanian officials endorsing his company. Royce was in Romania in August of last year, and received Broidys campaign donation less than two weeks before the trip. GettyImages-869002268 Getty Images/Drew Angerer Royce denied sending any letters about Circinus to the Romanians. Royce announced in January that he would not be seeking another term for Californias 39th district. He stated he wanted to focus his efforts on chairing the House Foreign Relations Committee instead of on another campaign. The most recent emails, like the initial batch about Romanian contracts, were sent to Newsweek from an anonymous ProtonMail account. A source close to Broidy was able to confirm emails pertaining to Marie Royces nomination for the State Department position. Newsweek also shared the emails with Broidy, and he did not deny them. After pleading guilty in a pay-to-play scandal nine years ago, Broidy re-emerged as a major fundraiser for Trump during the 2016 election. The former top Republican National Committee finance chair was the national vice chairman to the Trump Victory campaign. The Victory campaign raised more than $108.4 million during the 2016 election cycle, of which $13.5 million went Trumps campaign. Broidy held the same position for Trumps presidential inaugural committee. Months after the inauguration, Broidy turned to the Middle East. He reportedly helped the UAE in its bitter fight against rival Qatar, alongside Nader. In April of last year, Nader transferred about $2.5 million to Broidy to help pass legislation targeting Qatar for alleged ties to terrorism, according to the Associated Press. Royce announced he would introduce legislation naming Qatar a state sponsor of terrorism at a conference hosted by Broidy after receiving Nader's money. Nader is now cooperating with Muellers investigation, which has broadened to include the Trump administrations contacts with the UAE. Broidy has said his emails and documents were hacked by Qatar in an effort to disparage him. He filed a lawsuit Monday in California for unspecified damages against Qatar. The Gulf kingdom has denied Broidys accusations of hacking. His suit pits a private U.S. citizen against a foreign government, and a lawyer for Broidy claimed to The New York Times that it was the first of its kind. This article was first written by Newsweek More from Newsweek President Donald Trump could pardon figures at the center of the Russia investigation via Twitter and the Department of Justice would have very little say in the matter other than to carry out his ordersaccording to internal department emails. The stunning emails show officials at the Office of the Pardon Attorney last July discussing news articles about Trumps pardoning powers via Twitter. The documents were obtained by CNN from the Government Accountability Project, a whistleblower nonprofit, after it received them from a Freedom of Information Act request. On Wednesday The New York Times revealed that, also in July, Trumps former top lawyer in the Russia investigation John Dowd was discussing potential pardons with lawyers for Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort. Trending: Life Term for Man Who Killed Wife Because She Didn't Want Him to Join ISIS 03_29_MichaelFlynn Mike Segar/Reuters In December Flynn, who was Trumps first national security adviser, pleaded guilty to lying to investigators in the Russia probe, which is examining Kremlin interference in the 2016 election. Flynn has agreed to help investigators. Manafort, who was chairman of the Trump campaign, was indicted on fraud and money laundering charges last October and has pleaded not guilty. If Trump was to issue a pardon in any form, Twitter or otherwise, I think we would have very little if any involvement, wrote Office of the Pardon Attorney (OPATTY) Paralegal Specialist Jennifer Mills in an email to a colleague in July 2017. Ultimately, we serve a support role to the President." Don't miss: Rex Tillerson's Exxon Mobile Involved in Corrupt Oil Deals in Liberia, Investigation Reveals Read more: Mueller tells court Paul Manafort partner Rick Gates knew they were dealing with ex-Russian intelligence agent Story continues While it is an unknown which makes it somewhat nervewracking, much like life in general, she continued, we cant try to be 2 steps ahead when we dont know which path were being led down just yet. One article by the Huffington Post shared internally and debated by OPATTY staff quoted Margaret Love, a U.S. pardon attorney who served in the 1990s. She cited President Gerald Fords unconditional pardon of his predecessor President Richard Nixon after Nixon resigned in September 1974 after facing certain impeachment as analogous to Trumps situation. Most popular: Hearthstone The Witchwood Legendary Reveals: Emeriss and Darius Crowley Love said it would be merely down to weathering the political storm that would result. Trump already weathered one political storm when he announced on Twitter last August that he had pardoned controversial former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The OPATTY is tasked with conducting an investigation and review of each executive call for clemency. Yet this isnt a requirement for a pardon and the president can sidestep the formality at any time. These documents should warn us, wrote Louis Clark, the Executive Director of the Government Accountability Project to CNN that we are clearly headed toward an unparalleled constitutional and accountability crisis. This article was first written by Newsweek More from Newsweek Megyn Kelly grilled the lawyer representing President Donald Trumps personal attorney Michael Cohen on Thursday morning over Cohens vulgar and ... arguably threatening comments as well as the threats he allegedly made against Stormy Daniels. Lawyer David Schwartz explains to Megyn Kelly that the notoriously combative Michael Cohen has "another side to the story." (Photo: Twitter) Kelly first brought up an incident from 2015 when Cohen laid into reporter Tim Mak over a Daily Beast story about Ivana Trump accusing her former husband of violating her. You write a story that has Mr. Trumps name in it, with the word rape, and Im going to mess your life up, Cohen told Mak. For as long as youre on this frickin planet. About his clients rhetoric, lawyer David Schwartz told Kelly: When your boss is being threatened like that? Everybody should want an employee like this. Who would be so loyal, so loyal to your boss that you would protect that person. When your boss is being threatened like that everybody should want an employee like this. Michael Cohen's attorney, David Schwartz, says of Cohens message to Daily Beast reporter Tim Mak in 2015 TODAY (@TODAYshow) March 29, 2018 The Today show conversation continued with Schwartz saying that Cohen had never threatened anyone, specifically former adult film star Stormy Daniels; that Cohen doesnt do that; and that if he were going to do that, he does it to someones face. Daniels, who took hush money in 2016 to hide an alleged affair with Donald Trump a decade earlier, claims that Cohen ordered a threat against her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011. Schwartz insisted, He would never do something like that. Kelly fired back that Michael Cohen does have a history of making vulgar and allegedly or arguably threatening comments. I myself have been on the receiving end of those, as you know, said Kelly. She then pointed to one instance, after a 2016 election debate, in which Cohen retweeted a series of threatening messages one of which included a call to gut Kelly. Story continues So youre not Michaels favorite person, said Schwartz. Its not a love connection, OK, so all right. Michael Cohen does have a history of making vulgar and allegedly or arguably threatening comments, and I myself have been on the receiving end of those. @megynkelly to Michael Cohen's attorney, David Schwartz TODAY (@TODAYshow) March 29, 2018 Kelly didnt like that response. You make light of it now, she said, but Im telling you, in response to that allegation that I received death threats, I had security guards following me around and that my old boss called Michael Cohen directly to say, If Megyn Kelly gets killed, its not going to help your client Donald Trump get elected. And Michael Cohen didnt care. Schwartz suggested that Cohen was actually trying to help. He was trying to help me!? said Kelly. He was trying to help me? By suggesting that I should be gutted? Schwartz then tried the two-sides-to-every-question approach. I dont accept everything that youre saying, because he has another side to the story. Maybe one day you guys can talk this out, he said. Because there are two sides to every story, he added. Its not just Megyns side of the story. There are other sides. Its not just my side, said Kelly. Read Twitter! Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. Also on HuffPost A sign seen during L.A. Pride Resist March in Los Angeles on June 11, 2017. Tens of thousands of members of the LGBTQ community and their allies gather for the annual gay pride parade, which this year was replaced with a Resist March. U.S. first lady Melania Trump, with U.S. President Donald Trump and hosts Dean Cain (L) and Kathie Lee Gifford (2nd L), reacts after she pressed the button to light the tree during the National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony near the White House in Washington, U.S. November 30, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA - MAY 21: (----EDITORIAL USE ONLY MANDATORY CREDIT - 'BANDAR ALGALOUD / SAUDI ROYAL COUNCIL / HANDOUT' - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS----)US President Donald Trump, US First lady Melania Trump (2nd R), Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud (2nd L) and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (L) put their hands on an illuminated globe during the inauguration ceremony of the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on May 21, 2017. (Photo by Bandar Algaloud / Saudi Royal Council / Handout/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images) U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks on agriculture at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, U.S. June 21, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reacts as people applaud during his visit to the newly-remodeled Pyongyang Teacher Training College, in this photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on January 17, 2018. KCNA/via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. REUTERS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS IMAGE. NO THIRD PARTY SALES. SOUTH KOREA OUT. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to police gathered at Fraternal Order of Police lodge during a campaign event in Statesville, North Carolina, U.S., August 18, 2016. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri Close up photo of a mother and son using a digital tablet Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on "Russian Federation Efforts to Interfere in the 2016 U.S. Elections" on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S. June 8, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst The president's official Twitter page as seen at 12:01 p.m. on Jan. 20, 2017. WASHINGTON, DC. - JAN. 21: Organizers put the Women's March on Washington in Washington D.C. on Saturday Jan. 21, 2017. (Photo by Alanna Vagianos, Huffington Post) *** Local Caption *** This article originally appeared on HuffPost. President Donald Trump delivers remarks on the Infrastructure Initiative at the Local 18 Richfield Training Site in Richfield, Ohio, March 29, 2018. (Photo: Yuri Gripas / Reuters) President Donald Trumps long-stalled infrastructure package is unlikely to happen until after Novembers midterm elections, he acknowledged Thursday. Well probably have to wait until after the election, Trump said in Richfield, Ohio, during what administration officials billed as a major speech on infrastructure. It was an admission rooted in political reality and the congressional calendar. Lawmakers are mostly done legislating for the year and are looking to focus on the November elections. Republican leaders, in particular, have been dubious about the prospect of passing another massive spending package. Trumps infrastructure proposal, which the White House unveiled earlier this year, seeks to leverage $200 billion in direct federal spending over the next decade into an additional $1.3 trillion for infrastructure development with the aid of state and local tax dollars as well as private investment. The administration has not proposed a way to pay for the initiative. If there is to be any compromise between Republicans and Democrats on infrastructure, itll likely only happen after the election, retiring House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) said last month. It could be a lame-duck strategy, that we do it after the election, Shuster said. In his speech on Thursday, which touched on not only infrastructure but seemingly every other subject as well, including actress Roseanne Barr and her television show, Trump touted new funding Congress had approved for highways, airports, railroads, and waterways. Those funds were included in a $1.3 trillion budget package he signed earlier this month a measure hed called ridiculous and had initially threatened to veto. Trump also suggested to Congress that his infrastructure plan doesnt necessarily have to be taken up in one piece. It can be passed in one bill, or in a series of measures, he said. What matters is that we get the job done. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Richfield (United States) (AFP) - US President Donald Trump said Thursday his major infrastructure plan may not make it through Congress until after key midterm elections in November. "I don't think you're going to get Democrat support very much. And you'll probably have to wait until after the election, which isn't so long down the road," he said in a speech in the Midwestern state of Ohio. "We probably have to wait until after the election because the Democrats say, 'don't give him anymore wins.'" Trump was in the state in the industrial heartland to tout his proposal to dedicate $200 billion in federal money as a way to attract private investment of "at least" $1.5 trillion, the White House said. "We are going to rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure," including roads, bridges, airports, and waterworks, he said. The plan "will completely transform the horrible, costly and broken permitting process," and also focus on worker training and education. Trump's predecessor, President Barack Obama, tried repeatedly to push infrastructure plans through Congress but was stymied by opposition from Republicans, who now support the measure. Americans in November will elect all 435 representatives in the lower house of Congress, and one-third of the 100 Senators, as well as 39 state governors. While Trump enjoys the unusual position of having his party control both houses of Congress, the midterm election often swings control to the opposition, a possibility given his low approval ratings and controversial policies. By Steve Holland RICHFIELD, Ohio (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he may hold up a trade agreement reached this week with South Korea until after a deal is reached with North Korea on denuclearization. "I may hold it up until after a deal is made with North Korea," Trump said in a speech. "You know why? Because it's a very strong card. And I want to make sure everyone is treated fairly," he added. Senior U.S. officials have expressed concerns privately that Seoul is the weak link in the U.S.-Japan-South Korean alliance and could be too quick to seal a deal with North Korea. Trump agreed this month to accept an invitation to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. South Korean officials have said the meeting would take place by the end of May, after a North-South summit in April."We're moving along very nicely with North Korea. We'll see what happens. Certainly the rhetoric has calmed down just a little bit," Trump told construction workers in Ohio. The United States and South Korea earlier this week agreed to revise their six-year-old free trade agreement with a side deal to deter competitive currency devaluation by Seoul and more access for U.S. automakers and drug makers to the South Korean market.The deal also lifts the threat of a 25 percent U.S. tariff on imports of steel from South Korea in exchange for quotas that will effectively cut U.S. imports of Korean steel by about 30 percent. Without the agreement in place, the tariffs would take effect May 1. A statement by U.S. Trade Minister Robert Lighthizer and South Korean Trade Minister Hyun Chong Kim described steel terms as being agreed, with the KORUS free-trade deal changes as an "agreement in principle on the general terms" while details are still being finalized. The U.S. Treasury and the South Korean Ministry of Strategy and Finance are finalizing the currency terms, they said. The trade deal changes, which preserve the U.S.-South Korean trading relationship at a critical time for Seoul, do not need congressional approval but are subject to a 60-day consultation period with Seoul. The White House said the two sides had reached a "great new KORUS agreement in principle" and it was up to Trump to decide when to finalize it. "The president, taking into account all relevant considerations - including negotiations with North Korea - will determine the best time to sign a finalized agreement on behalf of the United States," Principal Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah said. South Korea's Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Paik Un-kyu said on the sidelines of a news conference in Seoul that the ministry was trying to figure out the real intent of Trumps remarks, a trade ministry spokeswoman said. The ministry had made a request to the U.S. side, said a senior ministry official who declined to identified due to the sensitivity of the matter. "In terms of the negotiation schedule, we would have to review terms legally and finalize a draft ... Both South Korea and the United States have their own domestic procedures, so we're not at a signing stage because those procedures take time," the official said. (This story has been refiled to fix typographical error in paragraph 13) (Additional reporting by David Lawder in Washington and Jane Chung in Seoul; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and James Dalgleish) Washington (AFP) - US President Donald Trump talked with his defense secretary on Thursday to discuss how the military budget might fund the construction of a wall on the Mexican frontier. The United States is testing prototype sections of a 30-foot (nine-meter) high wall to be built along sections of the United States southern border to halt migrants and smugglers. "The wall looks good. I was always very good at building. That was always my best thing. I think better than being president. I was good at building," Trump told a crowd in Ohio. Throughout his campaign and the first year of his presidency Trump insisted the vast project would somehow be paid for by Mexico -- and idea firmly rejected by the government there. But Trump has had no success in trying to get $25 billion in funding for the wall from Congress, so he has turned to the Pentagon in the hope of poaching funds from the defense budget. "Because of the $700 & $716 Billion Dollars gotten to rebuild our Military, many jobs are created and our Military is again rich," he tweeted on Saturday. "Building a great Border Wall, with drugs (poison) and enemy combatants pouring into our Country, is all about National Defense. Build WALL through M!" On Thursday, Department of Defense spokeswoman Dana White said Secretary Jim Mattis had discussed the idea with Trump, but offered no details on what might come of it. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of the personnel killed with an improvised explosive device in Syria on Thursday was a U.S. service member, two U.S. officials told Reuters. On Friday, the coalition fighting Islamic State said in a statement that two personnel from the coalition had been killed, without giving the nationalities. Two U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity and citing initial information, said one of the personnel was American and the incident took place near the Syrian city of Manbij. They declined to say which country the other individual was from. (Reporting by Idrees Ali; Editing by Andrea Ricci) By Mark Hosenball WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Investigators probing whether Donald Trump's presidential campaign colluded with Russia have been questioning witnesses about events at the 2016 Republican National Convention, according to two sources familiar with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's inquiries. Mueller's team has been asking about a convention-related event attended by both Russia's U.S. ambassador and Jeff Sessions, the first U.S. senator to support Trump and now his attorney general, said one source, who requested anonymity due to the ongoing investigation. Another issue Mueller's team has been asking about is how and why Republican Party platform language hostile to Russia was deleted from a section of the document related to Ukraine, said another source who also requested anonymity. Mueller's interest in what happened at the Republican convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, is an indication that Trump campaign contacts and actions related to Russia remain central to the special counsel's investigation. Trump, who was nominated as the Republican Party candidate for the November 2016 election during the convention, has denied any collusion with Russia during the campaign. Moscow has denied U.S. intelligence agencies' findings that it interfered in the campaign to try to tilt the election in Trump's favour. Investigators have asked detailed questions about conversations that Sessions, then a Trump campaign adviser, had at a convention event attended by then-Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak, said the first source, who was questioned by Mueller about the event. The same source said Mueller's team also has been asking whether Sessions had private discussions with Kislyak on the sidelines of a campaign speech Trump gave at Washington's Mayflower Hotel in April 2016. Sessions' spokespersons have denied repeatedly that he had any private discussions with Kislyak at the Mayflower. Sessions told lawmakers last year he could not recall any conversations with Russian officials at the hotel but could not rule out that a "brief interaction" with Kislyak may have occurred there. Story continues Spokespersons for Mueller and Sessions declined to comment on Mueller's interest in Sessions' activities at the convention and other convention-related events. UKRAINE LANGUAGE The special counsel's investigators have also interviewed attendees of the committee meetings that drafted the Republican Party platform in Cleveland. At one committee meeting, according to people in attendance, Diana Denman, a member of the platform committee's national security subcommittee, proposed language calling for the United States to supply "lethal defensive weapons to Ukraine's armed forces and greater coordination with NATO on defence planning." But the final platform language deleted the reference to "lethal defensive weapons," a change that made the platform less hostile to Russia, whose troops had invaded the Crimean peninsula and eastern Ukraine. After the convention, Denman told Reuters in 2016, J.D. Gordon, a Trump foreign policy adviser, told her he was going to speak to Trump about the language on Ukraine, and that Trump's campaign team played a direct role in softening the platform language. The Trump campaign has denied playing any role in the weakening of the party's position regarding Ukraine. Gordon has called Denman's version of events "inaccurate." Stephen Yates, co-chair of the platform committee's national security subcommittee, said he has "heard nothing about other members of the subcommittee being called in for questioning, and I have had no interaction with anyone working on the investigation." Sessions recused himself last year from the federal probe into Russian election meddling after it emerged that he had failed to say during his Senate confirmation hearing to be attorney general that he had met with Russia's ambassador in 2016. (Reporting By Mark Hosenball; Editing by John Walcott and Frances Kerry) More than a year after withdrawing from a big Asia-Pacific trade pact, the Trump administration keeps talking about rejoining it on its own terms. But the Asia-Pacific countries that were eager a year ago to hold the door open for the United States are now busy building their own trading order without Washington at all. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is the latest Trump administration official to talk up the prospect of returning to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the sprawling trade deal that was the centerpiece of the Obama administrations pivot to Asia and the first target of U.S. President Donald Trumps demolition job. Earlier this month, speaking in Chile, Mnuchin said Washington would definitely be open to rejoining the pact once all the administrations other trade deals were taken care of, and provided the trade accord could be rewritten to be more beneficial to the United States. (U.S. trade officials declined to say what those revised conditions might be.) And Larry Kudlow, a former television commentator who was named Trumps top economic adviser, said this month that the United States could lead a trade coalition of the willing to counter Chinas trade heft and abuses almost the very definition of the TPP that Trump walked away from early in his presidency. But that ship seems to have sailed. The remaining 11 countries from the original TPP signed a slightly slimmed-down version of the accord earlier this month in Chile, suspending a score of controversial provisions that the United States had insisted upon. Member countries are already in the process of ratifying the deal, which could go into effect early next year. Many of the member states shudder at the idea of re-opening contentious, yearslong negotiations just to try to coax the United States back into the club. Chiles outgoing president said last month that Washington would have to take the revised deal as is if it wanted back in. And a top Canadian trade official said the United States would get no special treatment if it wanted to rejoin. Even Japan, which wants the United States back in, warns Washington against renegotiating the whole thing. Story continues Is there a chance in hell anyone wants to reopen the thing to get the U.S. back in? Not under a Trump administration, says Mike Callaghan, a former Australian Treasury official and economic advisor to the prime minister, now at the Lowy Institute, a Sydney-based think tank. Thats partly because many countries in the Asia-Pacific region are already inking new, ambitious trade deals left and right even as the Trump administration struggles to tweak existing pacts such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and the free trade deal with South Korea. Japan, Australia, and New Zealand are close to signing free trade deals this year with the European Union. Canada just did the same, and Mexico is close to its own deal with the EU, while Southeast Asian nations hope to sign their own EU deal. Singapore, meanwhile, is inking trade pacts with a bevy of Latin American countries. But domestic politics also play a big part in the reluctance to open up the Trans-Pacific Partnership all over again. Countries such as Japan, Australia, and Vietnam first had to sell their publics on the original deal which included a lot of unpopular provisions Washington insisted on only to see the pacts sponsor back out early last year. Then they had to salvage an 11-member pact during another year of tough negotiations that only concluded at the beginning of this year. Theyve designed a deal they are determined to put into effect, says Wendy Cutler, who spent three decades as a U.S. trade negotiator, including leading talks on the TPP. Theyve gone through two traumatic episodes. Theres not much stomach for more, says Cutler, now vice president of the Asia Society Policy Institute. The revised TPP now formally known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership is smaller and leaner than the original accord. Without the United States, it covers only between 13 and 18 percent of the global economy, rather than 40 percent. That will mean smaller trade benefits for everybody. But the new TPP is also an easier pill for many Asia-Pacific nations to swallow, which should make ratification and longer-term support easier to secure. Gone for now are 22 provisions that U.S. negotiators had insisted on but that were unpopular with potential partners. Those included protections for pharmaceuticals, longer patents and extended copyrights, and some extra protections for corporations against national governments. Almost by definition, the suspended parts cover topics that were controversial to the TPP-11 members, otherwise they would not have been suspended, Callaghan says. And the revised pact is also open to new members and not just the eventual return of the United States. Countries such as South Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Taiwan have all toyed with joining the revised TPP, as have Colombia and even the United Kingdom. (Chiles new president, Sebastian Pinera, even resuscitated the notion that China could eventually join the pact, though Beijing would have to slash tariffs, open up its markets, and boost its labor and environmental standards.) The open nature of the new accord is important, because member countries could see even greater benefits from new arrivals than they could have seen in the original 12-nation deal with the United States on board. The Peterson Institute for International Economics estimated that a TPP-16 that included Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and the Philippines could offer $486 billion in benefits for member countries, compared with $465 billion from the original deal. From an economic point of view, a TPP-16 would be better for them than the original TPP, Cutler says. Of course, several key countries including Japan and Vietnam dont have a separate free trade deal with the United States. Roping Washington back into a sprawling Asian trade pact would be an easier lift than trying to sign separate bilateral trade deals and would also bring greater economic benefits, the Peterson Institute found. Former Japanese economic officials tell Foreign Policy they expect the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is trying to find some way to convince the Trump administration to re-embrace the deal. For other countries, like Australia, joining the TPP alongside the United States in the first place, or coaxing Washington back in, is not ultimately about trade; Canberra already has a free trade pact with the United States. Rather, Callaghan says, its about making sure the United States stays engaged in the Asia-Pacific region as China flexes its economic and military might. For Australia, the driving force behind the TPP was not so much access to the U.S. market as locking the U.S. into the Asian region, he says. For Cutler, who saw previous Congresses and presidents change their minds on trade pacts they once vilified, the mere fact that Trump administration officials keep talking about rejoining the TPP is encouraging. U.S. presence in the pact would advance many of the administrations professed goals, she says, from prying open Asian markets to pushing back against Chinas heft. And ratifying a big trade deal would only require one bruising battle with Congress, while a series of bilateral trade deals will mean going back to the Hill again and again. Its important that the United States makes positive signals, compared with a year ago, Cutler says. Over time, they might come to understand the value in the trade pact. United Nations (United States) (AFP) - The UN Security Council on Friday blacklisted 27 ships, 21 companies and a businessman for helping North Korea circumvent sanctions, as the United States keeps up pressure on Pyongyang despite its recent overtures toward talks, diplomats said. Acting on a request from the United States, it was the largest-ever package of sanctions designations on North Korea approved by a council committee, diplomats said. The move is part of a global crackdown on the smuggling of North Korean commodities in violation of UN sanctions resolutions, which were adopted in response to Pyongyang's nuclear and ballistic missile tests. The sanctions were approved as the United States moves to open talks with North Korea on its nuclear drive, with a summit possible between President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un by the end of May. Despite the diplomatic opening, the United States has made clear they will keep the pressure on Pyongyang to shift course by pressing on with sanctions. Trump's ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, on Friday welcomed the "historic" sanctions package," calling it "a clear sign that the international community is united in our efforts to keep up maximum pressure on the North Korean regime." "We want to thank the members of the Security Council, as well as Japan and South Korea, for working with us to keep up the pressure and for their commitment to implementing UN Security Council resolutions and holding violators accountable," Haley added. A total of 13 North Korean oil tankers and cargo vessels were banned from ports worldwide along with 12 other ships for helping Pyongyang smuggle banned commodities or supplying oil and fuel shipments, according to a UN document obtained by AFP. Two other North Korean vessels were hit with a global assets freeze, but are not banned from port entry. Twenty-one shipping and trading firms were hit by an assets freeze. Three of them are based in Hong Kong including Huaxin Shipping, which delivered shipments of North Korean coal to Vietnam in October. Story continues - North Korea flouts sanctions - Twelve North Korean firms were blacklisted for running ships involved in illegal transfers of oil and fuel, according to the document. Two other companies -- Shanghai Dongfeng Shipping and Weihai World Shipping Freight, also based in China -- were blacklisted for carrying North Korean coal on their vessels. The remaining firms are in based Singapore, Samoa, the Marshall Islands and Panama. A businessman identified as Tsang Yung Yuan was hit by a global travel ban and assets freeze for organizing illegal shipments of North Korean coal with a North Korean broker in Russia. Last year, the Security Council adopted a series of resolutions to ban North Korean exports of commodities in a bid to cut off revenue to the nuclear-armed state's military programs. The measures severely restrict deliveries of oil and refined petroleum products to North Korea, but sanctions monitors have reported that Pyongyang has used vessels to dodge those restrictions. North Korea earned $200 million in revenue last year from exports of coal, iron, steel and other banned commodities, according to a recent report. Only eight North Korean vessels had so far been banned from ports for sanctions-busting -- so the inclusion of 13 other ships on Friday was expected to significantly cripple North Korea's maritime network. The United States had initially asked the United Nations to ban 33 ships and 27 firms over smuggling, but China put a hold on that request to review the list. Earlier this month, the White House said Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping agreed in a phone conversation to keep up the sanctions pressure on North Korea until Pyongyang takes concrete steps toward denuclearization. Aura Hernandez, a 37-year-old woman from Guatemala taking sanctuary in a Manhattan church, holds her 15-month-old daughter during a vigil and procession: Spencer Platt/Getty Images An undocumented mother has pledged to stay inside a New York City church until she is granted reprieve from a deportation, in a last-ditch effort to stay in the same country as her two children. Aura Hernandez, a 37-year-old immigrant from Guatemala, moved into Manhattans Fourth Universalist Society church about two weeks ago. She is hoping to avoid deportation to her home country, which she left in 2005 fleeing an abusive relationship. According to ICE, Ms Hernandez is a fugitive. According to the members of the Fourth Universalist Society, she is their newest congregation member. We want to teach others about our undocumented population and why their humanity matters, said the churchs pastor, Schuyler Vogel, according to the New York Daily News. Aura may not be an American citizen, but she is someone who believes in our values. I certainly dont like living in a country that thinks its okay to tear children from their mother. Ms Hernandez now lives on the upper floor of the church with her 15-month-old daughter, Camille. Her 10-year-old son, Daniel, will live with his father also an undocumented immigrant in a New York City suburb until he finishes the school year. Both children were born in the US, Ms Hernandez says, and are US citizens. Ms Hernandez was first stopped by border patrol agents in 2005, shortly after she crossed the border into Texas. She later moved to Westchester, New York, and met with ICE regularly from 2013 to 2017, according to the Daily News. But last month, she claims, ICE told her there would be no more check-ins. She would have to go back to Guatemala. "After both a motion to reopen and an appeal with the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), an immigration judge upheld the original order of removal," ICE spokeswoman Rachael Yong Yow said in a statement. "Hernandez did not report as required and is now considered an ICE fugitive." "She cannot come out because she will be kidnapped," Rev. Juan Carlos Ruiz said, while participating in a silent Jericho walk for Aura Hernandez, who has taken sanctuary from ICE. Her 10yo old, Daniel, walks alongside Ruiz holding a sign "Please don't deport my mommy" Rajvi Desai (@rajviedesai) March 29, 2018 The 130 members of the Manhattans Fourth Universalist Society have pledged to care for Ms Hernandez - bringing her food, doing her laundry for as long as she remains in the sanctuary, according to the New York Times. From the safety of the church, she plans to lobby for the ability to stay permanently. Story continues I dont intend to stand here with my arms crossed, and do nothing, she said, according to the Times. I have to stand up and raise my voice because an injustice is being committed to me and to us. I think Im here for a reason. Ms Hernandez is one of more than 40 other immigrants who are currently sheltered in houses of worship across US, according to data compiled by the Church World Service. Places of worship are seen as a safe alternative for those avoiding deportation, because they are considered sensitive sites that ICE is supposed to avoid. Of the 37 people who sought sanctuary in houses of worship in 2017, nine of them were granted some sort of reprieve from deportation, according to the Church World Service. A former politburo member in Vietnam was jailed for 18 years Thursday, his second graft conviction this year as part of an aggressive anti-corruption sweep targeting senior officials, bankers and businessmen. Dinh La Thang is already serving 13 years following a corruption conviction in January and is the most senior official to be hit by an anti-graft sweep that critics say is aimed at cleaning up party ranks -- and wiping out the communist leadership's political foes. Thang, the former head of state-run oil giant PetroVietnam (PVN), was handed 18 years in jail Thursday for "violating state regulations on economic management". He will also have to pay $26 million in compensation to the state. Prosecutors had argued that Thang approved a $35-million investment of state funds into Ocean Bank in 2008, without the authorisation of PVN's board, the finance ministry or the prime minister. "Dinh La Thang knew the status of Ocean Bank was weak, he knew the requirements of Ministry of Finance, but deliberately did not follow them and still decided to inject ($35 million) of capital into Ocean Bank," according to a report by state-run Vietnam News agency. Thang had argued during the trial that he did in fact have the greenlight from former Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, according to state media. Ocean Bank nearly collapsed after a series of missteps by its leaders -- including dozens that were convicted for fraud last year -- and Vietnam's central bank bought it for $0 in 2014. Four other senior officials were convicted at Thursday's trial and jailed for between 22 months and 23 years behind bars, while two other officials were sentenced to re-education out of custody, where they are expected to check in with authorities and repent for their wrongdoings. Ninh Van Quynh, former chief accountant of PVN, was sentenced to a total of 23 years in jail, including seven years for the same charge as Thang and sixteen years for abuse of power. Story continues Observers have said that the corruption crackdown in Vietnam -- led by a conservative leadership in charge since 2016 -- is aimed at some of Dung's allies. But the party has consistently said it is focused on punishing graft. Another former PVN executive, Trinh Xuan Thanh who headed up the conglomerate's construction unit, was sentenced to life in prison earlier this year as part of Thang's first trial. Thanh's case stunned Vietnam and sparked a diplomatic dust-up after he was allegedly kidnapped from a park in Berlin by undercover Vietnamese security agents. Hanoi insists he returned home to hand himself over voluntarily, but Germany called the case a "scandalous violation" of its sovereignty and expelled two diplomats after the incident. Vietnam's corruption sweep has captivated a country unused to seeing senior officials and business punished so publicly. The government has vowed to root out graft at the highest ranks of business and government, and said it will also go after day-to-day corruption. Vietnam has been ranked one of the most corrupt countries in Southeast Asia by Transparency International, which says graft permeates across multiple sectors, from health and education to construction, land management and natural resources. WASHINGTON The Trump administrations justifications for adding a question about citizenship to the 2020 census arent particularly strong. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said his decision to add the question was based on three things. First, he wrote in a memo, while the census long-form American Community Survey (ACS) already asks about citizenship, the data it collects arent specific enough for the Department of Justice to best enforce the Voting Rights Act. Second, he said, he saw limited empirical evidence that a citizenship question would decrease response rates. And third, a citizenship question was already well-tested because the decennial census had asked about it in the 19th and 20th centuries (it stopped after the 1950 census), and the ACS questionnaire asks about it. The Trump administrations justifications, which have already shifted, are going to come under more scrutiny as civil rights groups and Democrats file lawsuits challenging the decision. The challengers say the decision to add a citizenship question is politically motivated and will lead to an undercount of immigrants and minority groups, who will be afraid to respond to the survey. The ACS has asked about citizenship since 2005, but John Thompson, the director of the Census Bureau from 2013 to 2017, noted that the ACS is a completely different form than the decennial census. The ACS consists of a few dozen personal questions about things such as income, rent, disabilities and transportation to work, in addition to citizenship. It goes out to 2.6 percent of the population each year. The 2010 decennial census was just 10 questions long and asked very basic questions, including how many people were living in a given household, telephone number, race or ethnicity, and housing status. Thompson noted that there is much more attention paid to the short-form census thats meant to be answered by everyone every 10 years. Justin Levitt, who served as deputy assistant attorney general for civil rights at the Department of Justice from 2015 to 2017, noted that the ACS has lower stakes than the decennial census, which he said is the first responsibility the Constitution gives the federal government. If theres a low response rate on the ACS, he said, there are ways for officials to correct their data. But the Constitution mandates that the federal government count all people. An inaccurate count could disproportionately affect certain states. For instance, if immigrants are not fully counted in an immigrant-rich state because many fear answering a citizenship question, that state could lose congressional seats as well as a fair allocation of hundreds of billions of dollars in federal money. Story continues If we get the percentage of population wrong that happens to have indoor toilets or outdoor toilets, its not of constitutional magnitude, Levitt said. If youre asking people for a lot of information, and theyve already signed up to deliver that other information, then also asking them for information about whether theyre a citizen, feels many people have said less aggressive and less worrisome. Two former top officials at the Justice Department charged with enforcing the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which is intended to protect the voting power of minorities, say the Trump administrations idea that existing ACS citizenship data arent good enough to enforce the law is untrue. I oversaw the enforcement of the Voting Rights Act for just under 2 years in the prior administration and can tell you in clear terms that rigorous enforcement of the Voting Rights Act has never required the addition of a citizenship question in the census, said Vanita Gupta, the president and CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, who served as head of the Department of Justices Civil Rights Division from 2014 until 2017. The Leadership Conference has lobbied against adding the citizenship question. Levitt said that most jurisdictions were large enough that any error in the ACS estimate was eliminated. The only places where the ACS did not produce reliable citizenship estimates were tiny towns and municipalities. Any increase in accuracy from asking about citizenship, Levitt says, would be outweighed by the potential for error caused by adding an untested question. By attempting to increase that precision, from 9.99999 to 10, they are introducing such profound chaos and such intentional and predictable undercount that the amount of error they will introduce into the process swamps, by exponential levels, any incremental accuracy that they are purporting to bring, he said in an interview. If the reason for this is: There are some cases we cant bring because the data on the survey isnt accurate enough, to believe that adding this question in this environment, without testing it and that is unthinkable its essentially setting off with the Titantic saying, Were pretty sure that this wont create a problem, but just in case, yeah, lets throw a massive iceberg in the way. Even though the Census Bureau can spend years testing the wording of a question, it hasnt done any testing at all on the effect of adding a citizenship question. It will go into the 2020 test essentially blindfolded, taking the risk that a citizenship question wont suppress response rates. Civil rights groups say that immigrants and other minority groups are less likely to respond to a citizenship question because of fear that the Trump administration could use their answer to find them and deport them or deport someone they know. Six former directors of the Census Bureau warned Ross against adding the question, saying it was too risky. But Ross and the White House have downplayed the risk, saying its presence on the ACS is a test and theres limited empirical evidence that fewer people will respond. The Census Bureau took the citizenship question off in 1960 and started asking about it only on the longer questionnaires in 1970 as the practice of sampling the population became more popular in the 20th century, said Margo Anderson, a historian of the census at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. But asking a question on those long-form surveys isnt a substitute for testing the effect of the question on the actual decennial form. 1950 is a long time ago, Anderson said. The normal method would be to say, OK, if you want to do this, lets test it. Kathleen Joyce Weldon, director of data operations and communications at the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, said pollsters are careful about including questions about citizenship in polls out of fear that people wont respond. The seriousness of the census, a government-conducted national survey, could only further discourage people from responding. Beyond the differences in content between the long-form ACS and the decennial census, its risky to assume that a question that works well on one survey will work on a different one. Social scientists are careful about the way any question on a survey is asked and even the way questions are ordered because the wording of a single question can influence how a person responds to all other questions or if they choose to continue responding at all. In a January letter to Ross, the American Statistical Association warned that adding a citizenship question could invalidate all of the careful testing and calibration the Census Bureau had done so far to prepare the questions for the decennial survey. Adding a question at this late stage of the census process does not allow time for adequate testing to incorporate new questions, particularly if the testing reveals substantial problems. Further, a new question undermines the validity of the extensive testing of the current questions carried out to date.... We believe the potential for a citizenship question to create problems argues strongly against its inclusion at this advanced stage. The most likely results would be a lower response rate, more non-participation, and ultimately a sharp increase in cost for non-response follow-up. Related Coverage Trump Administration Decides To Add A Question About Citizenship To 2020 Census California Sues Trump Administration Over Census Citizenship Question At Least A Dozen States Plan To Sue Over New Census Citizenship Question Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Mr Trump delivering his speech in Ohio: AP The White House has complained after three top cable networks cut away from a speech being delivered by President Donald Trump in Ohio. The networks cut away from the speech after Mr Trump began to discuss topics other than his planned remarks on infrastructure. CNN and MSNBC had switched away from Mr Trump's speech within 30 minutes of its start before they cut away to other news and some analysis. They were followed by Fox News about 10 minutes later, according to users on social media. Fox Business covered Mr Trump's entire speech. The decision to cut the speech off by the networks was criticised by some in the White House, including a senior member of the staff. That includes special assistant to the president Steven Cheung, who tweeted a screenshot of the networks side-by-side. Crystal Masons mom insisted that she vote in the 2016 presidential election, but when she went to her polling place in Tarrant County, Texas, she found her name wasnt on the rolls. A poll worker helped her fill out a provisional ballot, of the sort given to people who arent on the rolls, and she cast it. Five years earlier, Mason had pleaded guilty to tax fraud and was ordered to pay $4.2 million in restitution. She was also sentenced to five years in prison, as well as three years of supervised release. Though Mason says she didnt realize it at the time, by casting that provisional ballot in November 2016, she had committed another felony. Texas prohibits anyone convicted of a felony from voting, and only allows them to vote once they have entirely finished their sentence, including any probation, parole and supervised release. In Texas, it is a second-degree felony to vote in an election in which you know you are not eligible. On Wednesday, state District Judge Ruben Gonzalez sentenced Mason to five years in prison for illegally voting, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Mason says she had no idea she was ineligible, but Gonzalez pointed out that an affidavit at the top of the provisional ballot notes that people on supervised release cant vote. A Texas judge argued that Crystal Mason would have known she was ineligible to vote in the 2016 election because she signed this affidavit. Mason's lawyer says she never read it and had no idea she was ineligible. (Photo: Texas Department of State) J. Warren St. John, Masons attorney, told HuffPost that no one at the federal court, the prison, the halfway house or the probation house had ever told Mason she was ineligible to vote because she was a convicted felon. Mason has worked to restart her life after getting released from prison, St. John said, getting a job with the Texas Department of Transportation, then getting a degree from beauty school and becoming self-employed. In court, Mason rhetorically asked why she would intentionally jeopardize her new life to vote. I inflated returns, Mason said, according to the Star-Telegram. I was trying to get more money back for my clients. I admitted that. I owned up to that. I took accountability for that. I would never do that again. I was happy enough to come home and see my daughter graduate. My son is about to graduate. Why would I jeopardize that? Not to vote... I didnt even want to go vote. Story continues St. John said he plans to file an appeal and that Mason, who was taken into custody on Wednesday, is currently out of jail on a $20,000 bond. St. John said its ridiculous to think his client intentionally defrauded the state of Texas to vote. He noted that Mason went to the same polling place where shed always voted, and used a legitimate drivers license and address. Theres no evidence, St. John said, that Mason even read the language on the provisional ballot telling her that people on supervised release are ineligible to vote. In 2016, there were more than 6 million people in the United States who were disenfranchised because of a felony conviction, according to The Sentencing Project. States differ in how voting rights are restored. In four states, felons are permanently disenfranchised and can only have their voting rights restored at the discretion of the governor. Some states allow people to vote once they are released from prison, while others, like Texas, force them to complete all aspects of their sentences before they can vote again. Voter fraud is exceedingly rare in the U.S., but Masons case and others illustrate how ineligible people sometimes end up casting ballots out of confusion. In 2017, a Texas mother of four who legally immigrated to the United States was sentenced to eight years in jail for unknowingly illegally voting in multiple elections. She now faces likely deportation. In North Carolina, the district attorney in Alamance County is pursuing criminal charges against several felons who voted while they were on probation. At least a few of them say they didnt know they couldnt vote. Why would she vote illegally? St. John said of his client. What benefit does she receive by doing that? Nothing she did changed the outcome of any election. It didnt count anyway because she was kicked out. Sharen Wilson, the Tarrant County district attorney, said in a statement Friday that Mason had chosen to break the law. Our society is built on personal responsibility, Wilson said. There were multiple safeguards in place to keep Crystal Mason from breaking the law, but she still made that choice. She signed and affirmed a document which clearly stated that (1) she was prohibited from voting due to her status as a convicted felon still serving her term of supervision, and (2) she would be committing a second degree felony if she lied about her status, Wilson went on. The judge found her guilty of illegal voting beyond a reasonable doubt. The judge set her sentence after hearing all the facts of the case. Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), the chair of the congressional black caucus, said he was heartbroken over Masons case. The punishment does not fit the crime in this instance. This woman now faces the prospect of more time away from her family just because she was transitioning away from a prison setting, he said in a statement. Americans should be ashamed of this prison sentence. This post has been updated with comment from Wilson and Richmond. Also on HuffPost Alabama State Capitol (Montgomery, Ala.) Pictured on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin) Alaska State Capitol (Juneau, Alaska) Pictured on Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Chris Miller) Arizona State Capitol (Phoenix) Pictured on Friday, April 23, 2010. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Arkansas State Capitol (Little Rock, Ark.) Pictured on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston) California State Capitol (Sacramento, Calif.) Pictured on Thursday, Jan. 5, 2006. (Photo by David Paul Morris/Getty Images) Colorado State Capitol (Denver) Pictured on Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006. (Photo by Doug Pensinger/Getty Images) Connecticut State Capitol (Hartford, Conn.) Pictured on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1999. (AP Photo/Bob Child) Delaware State Capitol (Dover, Del.) Florida State Capitol (Tallahassee, Fla.) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 3, 2011. (AP Photo/John Raoux) Georgia State Capitol (Atlanta) Pictured on Tuesday, November 13, 2007. (Photo by Jessica McGowan/Getty Images) Hawaii State Capitol (Honolulu) Idaho State Capitol (Boise, Idaho) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 14, 2008. (Ned Dishman/NBAE via Getty Images) Illinois State Capitol (Springfield, Ill.) Pictured on Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2004. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman) Indiana State Capitol (Indianapolis) Pictured on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (Photo by Jeff Gross/Getty Images) Iowa State Capitol (Des Moines, Iowa) Pictured on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Kansas State Capitol (Topeka, Kan.) Pictured on Thursday, April 15, 2010. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner) Kentucky State Capitol (Frankfort, Ky.) Pictured on Wednesday, April 12, 2006. (AP Photo/James Crisp) Louisiana State Capitol (Baton Rouge, La.) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 14, 2008. (Matthew HINTON/AFP/Getty Images) Maine State Capitol (Augusta, Me.) Pictured on Monday, Oct. 17, 2011. (AP Photo/Pat Wellenbach) Maryland State House (Annapolis, Md.) (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images) Massachusetts State House (Boston) Pictured on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) Michigan State Capitol (Lansing, Mich.) Pictured on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) Minnesota State Capitol (St. Paul, Minn.) Pictured on Friday, July 1, 2011. (Photo by Hannah Foslien/Getty Images) Mississippi State Capitol (Jackson, Miss.) Pictured on Thursday, June 10, 1999. (AP Photo/Rogelio Solis) Missouri State Capitol (Jefferson City, Mo.) Pictured on Friday, Oct. 16, 2000. (Photo credit should read ORLIN WAGNER/AFP/Getty Images) Montana State Capitol (Helena, Mont.) Nebraska State Capitol (Lincoln, Neb.) Pictured on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1998. (AP Photo/S.E. McKee) Nevada State Capitol (Carson City, Nev.) New Hampshire State House (Concord, N.H.) Pictured on Friday, Dec. 28, 2001. (Todd Warshaw//Pool/Getty Images New Jersey State House (Trenton, N.J.) Pictured on Friday, Aug. 13, 2004. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images) New Mexico State Capitol (Santa Fe, N.M.) New York State Capitol (Albany, N.Y.) Pictured on Sunday, March 16, 2008. (Photo by Daniel Barry/Getty Images) North Carolina State Capitol (Raleigh, N.C.) Pictured in 1930. (AP Photo) North Dakota State Capitol (Bismarck, N.D.) Pictured on Thursday, April 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Dale Wetzel) Ohio Statehouse (Columbus, Ohio) Pictured on Tuesday, March 8, 2011. (Photo by Mike Munden/Getty Images) Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Tokyo (AFP) - A newly created Space Colony Research centre led by Japan's first female astronaut is bringing cutting-edge technology to bear on one of mankind's greatest questions: Can we live in space? Tucked away in high-tech laboratories at the Tokyo University of Science, a team of 30 researchers directed by Chiaki Mukai are studying new ways to keep humans alive on a potential moon or Mars colony. "It's in our nature to explore. The Earth is too small for us, don't you think?" asked Mukai, a petite and energetic 66-year-old who spent more than 500 hours in space on two separate missions. Human space exploration is entering a new era, said Mukai, with commercial ventures like Elon Musk's SpaceX and US President Donald Trump's pledge to explore beyond the moon and towards Mars. Billionaire entrepreneur Musk has grand visions for private space exploration, including sending tourists into orbit around the moon and eventually colonising Mars. In December, Trump directed US space agency NASA to set up a lunar base as a first step in a mission to Mars. "It's very realistic to establish a colony on the moon by 2030," said Mukai, who said humans needed to think beyond the International Space Station, which she described as a "campsite -- you have to bring everything with you". One of her team's innovations is a unique food production system using liquid plasma created by passing high-voltage electricity through a saline solution. This reduces the damaging algae usually formed in water when growing crops, and tests simulating conditions in space have shown that potatoes can be grown quicker and more efficiently using this system. The Space Colony Research Centre has also developed a system to create electricity using tiny thermoelectric sensors about the size of an iPod Nano that could be attached to a potential colony. The colony would be kept at comfortable room temperature, but outside it would vary between 130 degrees Celsius (266 Fahrenheit) during the day and -230 at night. Story continues The technology harnesses the difference in temperature -- heat flux -- between inside and outside to create enough electricity to "power an entire space colony," said Tsutomu Lida, in charge of the project. "The same device can be used for day and night. There are no moving parts, so there is no maintenance required," said Lida. Another team is working on early detection and capture of space debris. More than 29,000 pieces measuring at least 10 centimetres (four inches) across orbit Earth and could pose a danger to potential space colonists. - Space flight attendant - Mukai, who established the centre as part of the Tokyo University of Science at the beginning of the year, said many of the technologies they are working on have applications here on Earth. "We are not only developing the technology for a moon base but as a spin-off, we will be able to help many issues that we need to solve on Earth," she said. For example, she said hydroponic technology -- growing food without soil -- could be valuable in countries in parts of sub-Saharan Africa lacking natural resources and minerals. Mukai said she was "certain" she would see a fully-functioning moon colony in her lifetime and was itching to go back into space, taking as her example former colleague and US astronaut John Glenn, who went into orbit aged 77. The former heart surgeon said that with her medical expertise and extra-terrestrial experience, she could be very useful on future commercial space tourism flights. "My dream is to get a job as a flight attendant on a commercial spaceflight so I can help to get people to the moon," she said, laughing. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. 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But these are peace relations which have a huge potential, and only a little of it has been realized. Leaders at the signing of Israel-Jordan peace treaty (Photo: Zoom 77) The peace agreement is based on its strategic importance to both sides. From the Jordanian perspective, the peace agreement with Israel is a highly important strategic anchor of stability: It has reinforced the Israeli umbrella of defense, as well as Jordans strategic relations with the United States. The Israeli-American umbrella of defense is crucial for Jordan in light of external threats from the east and from the north, but it also helps with internal security against the subversion of regional and local terror elements. From the Israeli perspective, the peace agreement with Jordan is one of the pillars of the strategic-political stability, alongside the peace agreement with Egypt. Jordan serves as a friendly buffer state and a strategic partnerin the past, against threats from an Iraqi-led Arab front, and in recent years, against an Iranian-led Shiite coalition and dangers from the direction of Syria. The extensive security cooperation became possible after the two governments recognized the critical need for this type of cooperation and invested all the required efforts, resources and attention for its development. The other areasdiplomatic, economic and civilianhavent enjoyed the same amount of attention and havent been perceived as equally vital, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has made it very difficult to advance collaborations in these areas. As a result, the great potential hidden in the peace agreement hasnt been realized. In the diplomatic area, Jordan could become a closer partner of Israel in managing the relations with the Palestinians and furthering peace processes. It could be, as it has proved in the past, a good partner in running Jerusalems holy sites. In addition, it could serve as a partner in advancing relations with other Arab countries. In the civilian area, Israel and Jordan share a number of issues and joint challenges that require tighter cooperation. Water is of course a key issue, and the existing agreementscoupled with the Red SeaDead Sea Conveyance and water swaps planspoint to the existing potential. Furthermore, collaborations between the countries on issues and projects in the fields of environment, energy, tourism and infrastructure will provide the two countries with dividends that each country would be unable to achieve on its own. The Israeli Embassy in Amman (Photo: Shalom Bar Tal) Its true that without considerable progress towards an Israeli-Palestinian agreement, the huge potential concealed in the relations between the countries cannot be fully realized. Nevertheless, in light of the existence of a formal peace agreement, real and invaluable progress can also be achieved in the current state of affairs between Israel and the Palestinians. The existing set of agreements between Israel and Jordanin commerce, transportation, water, gas and other areasserves as an infrastructure facilitating the quick advancement of plenty of collaborations, if the necessary priority is given. The economic aspect is a good example. From the Israeli perspective, the economic relations with the small Jordanian economy are of minor importance (even in light of the latest agreement to sell natural gas to Jordan), but Jordan has a very important role as a bridge for Israeli commerce with the large Gulf state markets and other Arab markets. According to studies conducted in recent years, opening up the Arab markets to Israel will create a new and powerful growth engine that would help increase the Israeli product by a quarter or a third more than expected in todays conditions, and will make Israel part of the group of the worlds 15 richest countries. The Arab market will become Israels most important market alongside the European market. The existing commerce and transportation agreements between Israel and Jordan could serve as a basis for the development of a new route of commerce between the Gulf states large markets and the Mediterranean Sea, through Jordan and Israel. This route is already active today, through the Jordan River border crossing near Beit Shean and the Haifa Port, but the volume of freight passing through it is relatively small. Turning this route into a regional terrestrial bridge will become possible by connecting Israel Railways to the new regional railway network. This network is already in advanced construction stages in Saudi Arabia and along the Persian Gulf coasts. The plan is for Jordan to serve as the main junction of this network. Connecting the Jordanian train to Israels valley railroad will make it possible to complete the terrestrial bridge. New Israeli Ambassador to Jordan Amir Weissbrod Despite some major difficulties, this project is politically feasible, as it is based on an active route and on a system of existing trade and transportation agreements. Any progress in this project could help create a new climate of faith in Israeli-Jordanian peace and gradually change the Jordanian (and Israeli) publics views. To strengthen the positive influence of the economic cooperation, its important to couple these moves with ongoing PR efforts among both the Israeli and Jordanian publics, which would stress the benefits of the peace process, change the perception towards the other side and support the establishment of warm peace. The public perception changes, for their part, would help strengthen the collaborations and create other benefits. Success stories in the Israeli-Jordanian contexts would help strengthen the two countries regional standing as players with a stabilizingeconomic and diplomaticcontribution to the regional system in general. The Israel-Jordan peace agreement is a strategic asset with huge potential for both Israel and Jordan in many aspects. The reopening of the Israeli embassy in Jordan, after it was closed for half a year following the crisis between the countries, is an opportunity to look into ways to fix the missed opportunity and realize at least part of the major potential concealed in the peace agreement. Yitzhak Gal is a financial and business advisor specializing in the Arab markets, and a researcher at Tel Aviv Universitys Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies and at Mitvimthe Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies . This article is based on a study of Israel-Jordan relations written as part of a Mitvim Institute project, Israels relations with Arab states: The unrealized potential, which can be read here (in Hebrew). US Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt accused Hamas on Thursday of orchestrating a "hostile march" against Israel, lambasting them on their lack of focus on deeply pressing issues, such as the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, which they control. "Hamas is encouraging a hostile march on the Israel-Gaza border," Greenblatt tweeted. "Hamas should focus on desperately needed improvements to the lives of Palestinians in Gaza instead of inciting violence against Israel that only increases hardship & undermines chances for peace." Gazas embattled Hamas rulers are imploring people to march along the border with Israel in the coming weeks in a risky gambit meant to shore up their shaky rule. In an unusual statement on Thursday evening, though, Hamas called on the masses expected to take part in the "Great March of Return" to stick to "peaceful ways" of protest. A Gaza farmer was killed and a second man was wounded by an Israeli tank shell on Friday, a Gaza health ministry spokesman said, on a day of heightened tensions ahead of planned protests by Palestinians along the border with Israel. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter IDF officials confirmed that shots were fired at two suspects who approached the security fence and "carried out suspicious activity" twice throughout the night between Thursday and Friday. "During the night two suspects approached the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip and carried out suspicious activity on the ground nearby. In response, an IDF force fired at them with a tank," an IDF spokesperson said, describing the second incident that transpired that night. Palestinian wounded by IDF fire carried of from the scene (: ) X The IDF added it is checking details reported by the Gaza health ministry regarding the death of the Gazan farmer. The Gaza health ministry spokesman said the farmer was killed and another wounded near the town of Khan Yunis. Residents there said he was gathering crops to sell later. "Amr Samour, 27, was martyred and another citizen was wounded as a result of (Israeli) targeting of farmers east of Qarara village," the health ministry said. Relatives, friends of Samour mourn him at the hospital (Photo: Reuters) Yasser Samour, a relative and fellow farmer who witnessed the incident, said Amr was harvesting parsley before dawn, in hopes of selling it fresh in the market later in the day. I was working on the next field, Samour said. We heard shelling landing on the field where Amr works. We ran there and found him hit directly with a shell. We were more than a kilometer away from the border. Another farmer was wounded in the leg by shrapnel, he added. IDF tanks near the Gaza border (Photo: Barel Efraim) Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are planning to begin a six-week-long tent city protest to demand Palestinian refugees be allowed to return to what is now Israel. Israeli security forces are on heightened alert . Israels military chief said in an interview on Wednesday more than 100 sharpshooters had been deployed on the Gaza border ahead of the planned mass demonstration near the frontier. Organizers from a number of factions, including Islamist Hamas, which dominates Gaza, hope thousands will answer their call to flock to tent cities in five locations along the sensitive border to call for a right of return of Palestinian refugees to what is now Israel. The Israeli military, citing security concerns, enforces a no go zone for Palestinians on land in Gaza adjacent to Israels border fence. Palestinian children brought to March of Return (Photo: EPA) The March 30 date for the start of the protest marks Land Day commemorating the six Arab citizens of Israel who were killed by Israeli security forces during demonstrations in 1976 over government land confiscations in northern Israel. It is due to end on May 15, the day Palestinians call the "Nakba" or "catastrophe," marking the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the conflict surrounding the creation of Israel in 1948. At least 16 Palestinians were killed and hundreds more were wounded by IDF gunfire along the Israel-Gaza border, Palestinian sources said Friday, as thousands swarmed the security fence as part of "The Great March of Return," called for by enclave's militant Hamas rulers. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter It was the deadliest day in Gaza in several months. Eleven of the Palestinians were killed during the clashes, a farmer was killed by pre-dawn tank fire in a separate incident, and four others from IDF tank fire at an observation post in the northern Gaza Strip. The IDF said two of the Palestinians killed were members of Hamas's elite Nukhba force. The military also said all of the dead were terror activists aged 18 to 30. According to Palestinian reports, one of those killed was reportedly 16 while another was 33. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared Saturday would be a national day of mourning. "Israel is fully responsible for all of the aggression in Gaza today, and fully responsible for the death of Palestinians," Abbas said. He ordered the Palestinian envoy to the UN, Riyad al-Maliki, to take all immediate steps to demand international protection for the Palestinian people. The United Nations Security Council was due to meet later on Friday to discuss the situation in Gaza, diplomats said. The Palestinian Health Ministry said more than 1,400 were hurt in the clashes. The ministry clarified those injured included protesters hit by live bullets and rubber-coated steel pellets, while others were overcome by tear gas. Palestinian health officials said 758 of the protesters were wounded by live gunfire, while others were struck by rubber bullets or treated for tear gas inhalation. Witnesses said the military had used a drone in at least one location to drop tear gas. Clashes on the Gaza border as part of March of Return (: ) X While protest organizers expected some 100,000 Palestinians to join the demonstration, the IDF estimated only about 30,000 showed up. Organizers invested a lot of resource in free bus services to transport Gazans to the border, the construction of the tent encampments, and an aggressive public campaign among other things, with little results. In addition, Palestinian witnesses said tens of thousands gathered in tent encampments set up at five sites at a distance of several hundred meters (yards) from the border, but that only some of them engaged in clashes, burning tires and throwing stones at IDF soldiers. March of Return protest (Photo: EPA) As the protest turned chaotic, the IDF declared the security fence on the Gaza Strip border a closed military zone and began dispersing demonstrators using riot control measures and firing at major instigators with live rounds. Palestinian protester, shot by IDF sniper, being carried off for treatment (Photo: AFP) An IDF force caught a seven-year-old Palestinian girl attempting to cross the border fence, and returned her back to her parents in Gaza. The IDF said that the girl was encouraged to attempt to cross by Hamas, which "endangers women and children and uses them cynically." GOC Southern Command Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir said that IDF forces spotted attempts to carry out terrorist attacks, including planting explosive charges on the security fence, under the cover of the mass demonstration. No IDF troops have been hurt in the clashes. IDF officials estimated early Friday evening the violent clashes on the Gaza border will continue in the coming days, and that even after the great mass of rioters are dispersed, attempts will continue to sabotage the border fence and carry out attacks. Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit) "We didn't allow any crossing of the border fence so far, and no significant damage has been caused to our infrastructure near the fence," said the IDF's Spokesman, Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis. "What's been happening since this morning is a violent terror protest. We're still in the midst of the event. So far, we've succeeded in our mission, and anywhere there was an attempt to damage the fence, accurate fire was used with strength, determination and discretion," Manelis added. "We have information about plans to carry out many terror attacks during the rioting. A significant terror incident will lead to a response by us that will not be limited to the border fence area," the IDF spokesman warned. The March of Return, Hamas says, is intended to be a weeks-long peaceful demonstration advocating for the return of Palestinian refugees to Israel. The IDF is on high alert as it sees the march as a hostile attempt by Hamas to sabotage IDF infrastructure and the Gaza security fence, and fear it may lead to a mass breach of the border. IDF soldiers on lookout, near the border (Photo: AFP) Haniyeh: We will not give up right of return In the meantime, the Hamas leadership visited the various protest locations: the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, was east of Gaza City; Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar was at the southern Gaza Strip; and Gaza Interior Minister Fathi Hamad was at the northern Gaza Strip. They were seen among the crowd, encouraging the people and showing their support. Hamas leader Haniyeh, at the protest (Photo: AFP) "This march demonstrates that there are no alternatives to Palestine and the right of return (for the Palestinian people)," Haniyeh told exuberant gatherers, praising their decision to leave their home and attend the protest to "write the future." Haniyeh then brought to attention the goal of the march, teling attendees it constitutes "the beginning of a return (of the Palestinian people) to the entirety of the land of Palestine." "We will not give up and we will not bargain with the Zionist entity over even a small piece of the land of Palestine," Haniyeh continued, stressing they will reject any deal proposed by the Trump administration, who he blamed of trampling Palestinian right by "Trump's decision to grant Jerusalem to Israel." "Israel's threats do not scare us. Our people went out today to make it clear that we will not give up Jerusalem and that there is no alternative to Palestine and the right of return. We will not accept the right of return staying only a slogan," he concluded, telling the crowd, "walk in the path of Allahyou are the victors." Sinwar, meanwhile, said the protests are a signal to Israel and the world that "our people will not accept the continuation of the siege." Yahya Sinwar (Photo: AFP) Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum praised the turnout. "The large crowds ... reflect the Palestinian people's determination to achieve the right of return and break the siege and no force can stop this right," he said. The march to the border (Photo: AFP) Ahead of the protests, the military said it doubled its standard troop level along the border, deploying snipers, special forces and paramilitary border police units, which specialize in riot control. The army said it would not allow the crowds to breach the fence or damage military infrastructure. Brig. Gen. Manelis said Israel wants to avoid violence, but warned the IDF will shoot anyone who approaches the border's security fence, enforcing a "no go" zone for Palestinians. At one of five encampments, east of Gaza City, people clustered around the tents. An unpaved road linking the tents and the border fence was filled with people walking in both directions. People ran for cover from time to time to escape tear gas. Ghanem Abdelal, 50, distributed water bottles to family members sitting on a mat near one of the tents. He said he hopes the protest "will bring a breakthrough, an improvement, to our life in Gaza." Palestinians burning Israeli flag, pictures of US President Trump (Photo: AFP) Families brought their children to camps just a few hundred meters from the border fence, with football fields marked out in the sand, and scout bands playing. But hundreds of Palestinian youths ignored calls from the organizers and from the IDF to keep away, increasing the risk of confrontation with Israeli troops who had taken up positions on the other side of the fence. Some of the tents bore names of the refugees' original villages in what is now Israel, written in Arabic and Hebrew alike. Eighty-year-old Mansi Nassar walked towards the sensitive frontier with the aid of his cane, disregarding entreaties to remain 700 metres (2,300 feet) from the barrier. "I was born in Beit Darras inside Palestine and I will accept no less than returning to it," he said, referring to his former home village just south of the modern Israeli city of Ashdod. The village no longer exists. Protesters break for noon prayer (Photo: AFP) Directly addressing the residents of Gaza in Arabic on twitter, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman accused Hamas of "playing" with their citizens' lives, which he warned will be put in danger should they approach the security fence. : . . . (@AvigdorLiberman) March 30, 2018 "I suggest that get on with your lives and not participate in the provocation," he wrote, attempting to dissuade them from the protest. IDF snipers taking aim at main instigators (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Office) Tear gas used to disperse demonstrators (Photo: Reuters) The start of the demonstration was symbolically linked to what Palestinians call "Land Day," which commemorates the six Arab citizens of Israel killed by Israeli security forces in demonstrations in 1976 over land confiscations. The week-long Jewish holiday of Passover, when Israel heightens security, also begins Friday. Just hours prior to the march, a Gaza man was killed and a second was wounded by an Israeli tank shell after they approached the security fence at the southern part of the strip and "carried out suspicious activity," according to the IDF. The Gaza health ministry spokesman said the two were farmers. Residents there said they were gathering crops to sell later. The protest is due to end on May 15, the day Palestinians call the "Nakba" or "Catastrophe," marking the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the conflict surrounding the creation of Israel in 1948. While Gazans were rallying at the border, dozens of Palestinians commemorating Land Day clashed with IDF forces at the Beit El checkpoint at the entrance to Ramallah and in the Bab a-Zawiya neighborhood of Hebron, burning tires and throwing stones at security forces, which were using riot control measures to disperse them. 65 Palestinians were injured. Palestinians have long demanded that as many as five million of their compatriots be granted the right to return. Israel rules this out, fearing an influx of Arabs that would eliminate its Jewish majority. Israel argues the refugees should resettle in a future state that the Palestinians seek in West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The US military says two coalition personnel have been killed and five were wounded by an improvised explosive device in Syria. A US military statement says the incident occurred on Thursday night and that the wounded personnel were being evacuated for further medical treatment. Friday's statement did not say where the explosion occurred and did not state the casualties are Americans. A Syrian official had told The Associated Press earlier that a roadside bomb exploded in the mixed Arab-Kurdish town of Manbij. Mohammed Abu Adel, the head of the Manbij Military Council, an Arab-Kurdish US-backed group in the town, says the bomb went off hundreds of meters away from a security headquarters that houses the council just before midnight on Thursday. The coalition statement said details pertaining to the incident are being withheld pending further investigation. France denied claims of a military buildup against Turkish forces in Syria, scrambling Friday to calm tensions with NATO ally Turkey that threaten to further aggravate the Syria war. French President Emmanuel Macron raised Turkey's ire by meeting in Paris with Syrian rebels, including Kurdish fighters that Turkey considers terrorists. Worsening matters, Macron offered to mediate between them. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan angrily refused, accusing Macron on Friday of overstepping "his limits" and going "over his head." A French presidential official said the Turkish response was no surprise given the "sensitivities" around Kurdish separatist violence in Turkey. Still, the official insisted that the Turkish offensive against opposition forces in northwest Syria "must stop." The official argued that the operation is jeopardizing the broader US-led military campaign against the Islamic State group. Dozens of Palestinians clashed with IDF forces at the Beit El checkpoint at the entrance to Ramallah and in the Bab a-Zawiya neighborhood of Hebron, burning tires and throwing stones at security forces, which were using riot control measures to disperse them. The riot broke out in commemoration of "Land Day," which commemorates the six Arab citizens of Israel killed by Israeli security forces in demonstrations in 1976 over land confiscations. Russia ordered new cuts Friday in the number of British envoys in the country, escalating a dispute with the West over the poisoning of an ex-spy in Britain. The massive expulsion of diplomats on both sides has reached a scale unseen even at the height of the Cold War. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Two dozen countries, including the US and many EU nations, and NATO ordered out more than 150 Russian diplomats this week in a show of solidarity with Britain over the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter that London blamed on Russia. Moscow has vehemently denied involvement in the nerve agent attack and announced Thursday that it would expel the same number of diplomats from each nation. British PM Theresa May and Russian President Putin (Photo: AP) The US State Department said after Russia announced the expulsions on Thursday evening, that it reserved the right to respond further, saying the list of diplomats designated for expulsion by Russia showed Moscow was not interested in diplomacy. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, in a conference call with reporters on Friday, disagreed with that assessment, saying that Putin still favoured mending ties with other countries, including with the United States. The Russian Foreign Ministry further escalated its response Friday, saying it has ordered Britain to reduce the number of its diplomats in Moscow to the level that Russia has in London. That exact number wasn't immediately clear. The ministry said it summoned the British ambassador to hand him a protest over the "provocative and unsubstantiated actions by Britain, which instigated the expulsion of Russian diplomats from various nations for no reason." It gave London one month to reduce its diplomatic personnel in Russia. Commenting on the Russian move, a spokeswoman for the British Foreign Office said "it's regrettable but in light of Russia's previous behavior, we anticipated a response." British ambassador to Russia, Laurie Bristow, leaves after a meeting at the Russian foreign ministry (Photo: AP) "However, this doesn't change the facts of the matter: the attempted assassination of two people on British soil, for which there is no alternative conclusion other than that the Russian State was culpable," she said. "Russia is in flagrant breach of international law and the Chemical Weapons Convention and actions by countries around the world have demonstrated the depth of international concern." The Russian Foreign Ministry also summoned Friday the representatives of 23 countries that had taken what it called unfriendly action against Russia in solidarity with Britain because of the Skripal affair. "The envoys will be handed protest notes and told about the Russian side's retaliatory measures," the ministry said. Embassy officials from France, Germany, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, Croatia, Belgium, Sweden, Australia, Canada and the Czech Republic were all seen arriving in their official cars at the Foreign Ministry building in Moscow. Security personnel carry equipment out of the US Consulate General in St. Petersburg (Photo: EPA) Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement it reserved the right to retaliate against expulsion of Russian diplomats from Hungary, Georgia and Montenegro. The ministry also said it decided to expel 13 diplomats from Ukraine, Russia's state-run RIA news agency reported. Emerging from the Russian Foreign Ministry building, German ambassador Rudiger von Fritsch said Russia had questions to answer about the poisoning of Skripal, but that Berlin remained open to dialogue with Moscow. Speaking to reporters Friday in Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov insisted that "Russia didn't start any diplomatic wars," and "remains open for developing good ties." He added that Russia has called a meeting of the international chemical weapons watchdog next week to press for an "unbiased and objective investigation." On Thursday, Russia summoned the US ambassador to announce the closure of the American consulate in St. Petersburg and the expulsion of 60 US diplomats in a tit-for-tat response to Washington's move to order 60 Russians out and shut the Russian consulate in Seattle. An Associated Press reporter on Friday saw US consulate staff carrying boxes from the building in St. Petersburg and loading them into a van. Several mini-vans drove out of the consulate while security also detained a man who threw a Starbucks cup at the building. Security personnel carry equipment out of the US Consulate General in St. Petersburg (Photo: EPA) Some passers-by near the US consulate in St. Petersburg cheered the expulsions. "Let them get out of here," said 61-year-old retiree Viktor Fedin. "You won't put Russia on its knees." Others were more cautious, worried that the closures would affect visa processing for Russians. "The Russian government has to respond to the hostile actions against Russia," said 32-year-old researcher Yelena Bogomazova. "But the escalation is bad. The closure of the consulate will make it difficult for people to get US visas, they will have to go to Moscow." After Russia expelled several dozens of US diplomats, the waiting list for US visa applications in Russia has increased to weeks, if not months. The US embassy said it was unable to process visa applications faster because of the staff shortage. The hospital where she is being treated said on Thursday that Yulia Skripal was getting better after spending three weeks in a critical condition due to the nerve toxin attack. Her father remains in a critical but stable condition. The BBC, citing "separate sources", reported on Friday that Yulia was "conscious and talking". WASHINGTON - One of the personnel killed with an improvised explosive device in Syria on Thursday was a US service member, two US officials told Reuters. On Friday, the coalition fighting Islamic State said in a statement that two personnel from the coalition had been killed, without giving the nationalities. Two US officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity and citing initial information, said one of the personnel was American and the incident took place near the Syrian city of Manbij. They declined to say which country the other individual was from. A delegation of US House Democrats that visited Israel this week sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urging him to release the Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers imprisoned in the Saharonim Prison, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA). Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter A letter sent from the office of House of Representatives Minority leader Nancy Pelosi, who led the visit to Israel and Jordan, detailed the delegation's meetings representatives of the African asylum seekers. Pelosi said in the letter that the asylum seekers told the visiting Congressmen about the abuse and human rights violations they faced in Sudan and Eritrea. Netanyahu meets with House Democrats delegation (Photo: Kobi Gideon/GPO) The letter, which was sent a day after the delegation's meeting with Netanyahu in Jerusalem, Pelosi cited a ruling by Israel's High Court of Justice which determined the government could not forcefully expel the asylum seekers, noting there is therefore no legal justifications for their "continued detention." "We hope these detainees will be released before the Passover holiday and that durable solutions, including in Israel, can be found," Pelosi wrote on behalf of the delegation's members. Earlier this week, the High Court granted the state a two week extension to reply to a petition against the government-led plan to deport illegal African migrants from Israel, extending the deadline to April 9. The expulsion, which was due to start April 1, will therefore be postponed by at least eight days. The Population and Immigration Authority called at the beginning of the year on migrants from Sudan and Eritrea to leave "to their country or to a third country," meaning Rwanda or Uganda. Those who leave by the end of March will be given $3,500, along with airfare and other incentives. Asylum seekers leaving Holot (Photo: Reuters) The ultimatum is part of a large-scale campaign to remove 42,000 illegal African migrants from Israel. In its request , the state noted that the extension is being sought in order to allow for the senior legal and political echelons to consider the subject more closely." In addition, the state asked to submit to the court on Monday a confidential document that it said will present an additional reason of weight that underlies the extension request that can be presented to the court only. The request was filed in response to two separate petitions against the governments program to deport the migrants, thousands of whom made their way into Israel via its once porous southern border. The first was submitted by 119 human rights activists while the second was filed by attorney Avigdor Feldman who said in response to the states request that he agreed with the extension but opposed the presentation of a confidential document. The IDF said Friday that two of the Palestinians killed in the violet clashes on the Gaza border were members of Hamas's elite Nukhba force. The military also said all of the dead were terror activists aged 18 to 30. ANKARA - Turkey accused Israel of using "disproportionate force" against the Palestinians as clashes in Gaza near the Israeli border on Friday left at least 10 people dead and hundreds wounded. "We strongly condemn Israel's use of disproportionate force against Palestinians during the peaceful protests today (Friday) in Gaza," the foreign ministry said in a statement. The Turkish foreign ministry expressed "concerns" over the casualties. "It is necessary that Israel rapidly ends use of force that would further raise the tensions in the region," it said. "We are inviting the international community to fulfill its responsibility to convince Israel to give up on its hostile attitude." WEST PALM BEACH - President Donald Trump is telling advisers he wants an early exit of US troops from Syria, two senior administration officials said on Friday, a stance that may put him at odds with many top US officials. Trump is spending Easter weekend at his Palm Beach, Florida, estate. During a speech in Richfield, Ohio on Thursday, he revealed his desire to withdraw US forces from Syria and turn over security to regional countries. He said that based on allied victories against Islamic State militants, "We'll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon." The administration officials, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said Trump's comment during the speech reflected internal deliberations with advisers in which he has wondered aloud why US forces should remain with the militants on their heels. The Border Police dropped tear gas from a drone onto Palestinian protesters in Gaza on Friday, a police spokesman told AFP, acknowledging operational deployment of new technology. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter An AFP correspondent saw a drone release around 10 gas canisters as protesters on the border with Israel cursed the small craft. Tear gas dropped onto Palestinian rioters in Gaza (Photo: AFP) A number of people were injured by the containers, which fell from a height of between 10 and 20 meters (30-60 feet), the correspondent said. Use of unmanned aerial vehicles to launch gas is a recent innovation, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. Drone drops tear gas onto Palestinian rioters in Gaza (Photo: AFP) "It was used a few weeks ago around the Gaza Strip area and it is also being used today, in order to prevent protesters getting to the Gaza crossing or Gaza border," he said. "It's a mini-drone which has the capability of flying over certain zones and certain areas and then letting go of tear gas in areas that we want to prevent protesters from reaching." Tear gas dropped onto Palestinian rioters in Gaza (Photo: AFP) Video of the tactic in use was shown in a report earlier this month by the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV channel. Tens of thousands of Gazans took to the streets Friday in mass protests calling for Palestinians to be allowed to return to land that their ancestors fled from in the 1948 war but that is now part of Israel. They threw stones and Molotov cocktails at the border fence and troops on the other side. Tear gas dropped onto Palestinian rioters in Gaza (Photo: EPA) The IDF has pledged to stop, by force if necessary, any attempt by protesters to cross into Israel. Israeli forces regularly use tear gas to disperse Palestinian protesters, whether thrown by soldiers or fired from specially equipped vehicles. The IDF thwarted an attempt by a terror cell to carry out a shooting attack at the northern Gaza Strip on Friday evening. According to the army, two terrorists came near the border fence and opened fire at IDF soldiers on the other side. The Israeli troops responded with gunfire, tank fire and aircraft fire at the terrorists and at Hamas positions in the area. None of the Israeli soldiers were hurt. The IDF thwarted an attempt by a terror cell to carry out a shooting attack at the northern Gaza Strip on Friday evening. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter According to the army, two terrorists came near the border fence and opened fire at IDF soldiers on the other side. The Israeli troops responded with gunfire at the terrorists and tank and aircraft fire at at Hamas and Islamic Jihad observation positions in the north and south of the Gaza Strip. IDF retaliates against Palestinian terrorists for shooting (: ) X The Palestinians reported four terrorists were killed in the fire exchange. None of the Israeli soldiers were hurt. Tens of thousands of Palestinians swarmed the Gaza border fence on Friday as part of "The Great March of Return," called for by enclave's militant Hamas rulers. GOC Southern Command Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir said that IDF forces spotted attempts to carry out terrorist attacks, including planting explosive charges on the security fence, under the cover of the mass demonstration. IDF officials estimated early Friday evening the violent clashes on the Gaza border will continue in the coming days, and that even after the great mass of rioters are dispersed, attempts will continue to sabotage the border fence and carry out attacks. "We didn't allow any crossing of the border fence so far, and no significant damage has been caused to our infrastructure near the fence," said the IDF's Spokesman, Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis. "What's been happening since this morning is a violent terror protest. We're still in the midst of the event. So far, we've succeeded in our mission, and anywhere there was an attempt to damage the fence, accurate fire was used with strength, determination and discretion," Manelis added. "We have information about plans to carry out many terror attacks during the rioting. A significant terror incident will lead to a response by us that will not be limited to the border fence area," the IDF spokesman warned. KOBANI - Two British members of the Islamic State group believed to have belonged to a cell notorious for beheading hostages in northern Syria said Friday that their home country's revoking of their citizenship denies them the possibility of fair trial. One of them said the killings of captives was "regrettable" and could have been avoided. The men were allegedly among four British jihadis who made up the ISIS cell nicknamed "The Beatles" by surviving captives because of their English accents. The cell became known for its brutality, holding in captivity more than 20 Western hostages, and torturing and killing several, including American, British and Japanese journalists and aid workers, in 2014 and 2015. The two men, El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Amon Kotey, spoke to The Associated Press from their detention Friday in northern Syria in their first interview with the media. They were captured in early January in eastern Syria by the Kurdish-led US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces amid the collapse of ISIS. President Donald Trump is telling advisers he wants an early exit of US troops from Syria, two senior administration officials said on Friday, a stance that may put him at odds with many top US officials. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Trump is spending Easter weekend at his Palm Beach, Florida, estate. During a speech in Richfield, Ohio on Thursday, he revealed his desire to withdraw US forces from Syria and turn over security to regional countries. He said that based on allied victories against Islamic State militants, "We'll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon." US President Donald Trump gives speech in Richfield, Ohio (Photo: Reuters) "Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon, we're coming out," Trump said. "We're going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be." The administration officials, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said Trump's comment during the speech reflected internal deliberations with advisers in which he has wondered aloud why US forces should remain with the militants on their heels. Trump has made clear that "once ISIS and its remnants are destroyed that the United States would be looking toward having countries in the region playing a larger role in ensuring security and leaving it at that," one official said. Such a policy is nowhere near complete, however, the official added. The second official said Trump's national security advisers have told him US forces should stay in small numbers for at least a couple of years to make sure gains against the militants are held and ensure Syria does not essentially become a permanent Iranian base. Top national security aides discussed Syria in a White House meeting recently but have yet to settle on a strategy for US forces in Syria to recommend to Trump going forward, the official said. "So far he has not given an order to just get out," the official said. American troops in Syria (: AP) About 2,000 US troops are deployed in Syria. An American service member was among two people killed on Thursday by improvised explosive device in Syria, two US officials told Reuters. Four officials at the State and Defense Departments and the CIA said on Friday they were surprised by Trump's Syria remarks, which one senior intelligence official said "appeared to be completely off the cuff." They added, speaking on the condition of anonymity, that Trump's comments also appear to be part of a pattern that includes questioning the US commitment to Article 5 of the NATO Charter and suggesting the Pentagon will pay for a border wall with Mexico, positions that many or most national security officials opposed. Trump last year went through a similar wrenching debate over whether to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan, ultimately agreeing to keep them there but only after repeatedly raising questions of why they should stay. Trump's view on Syria may put him at odds with those of former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton , named by Trump a week ago to replace H.R. McMaster as White House national security adviser "The caliphate in Syria & Iraq is gone, but #ISIS's terrorist activities will continue and #Iran is becoming a bigger player in the region," Bolton tweeted last Oct. 20 when he was a national security analyst. This number needs to be read a few times in order to comprehend itthere are approximately 100 cases of anti-Semitism documented each month worldwide, expressions of racism through violence and even murder. And this is data only from the last several relatively "calm" months. During times of heightened security tension, these numbers double and even triple. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter Last January, for example, anti-Semitic graffiti was sprayed in Britain, a memorial plaque to the Holocaust was defaced in Italy, leaflets denying the Holocaust were distributed in Sweden, five people were attacked in France, headstones were defaced in a Jewish cemetery in Germany, swastikas were sprayed on the cars of Jews in Australia and Canada, expressions of anti-Semitism have appeared in newspapers in Puerto Rico, Molotov cocktails have been thrown at a Jewish school in Tunisia and a British charity worker published a message against a Jewish person on Facebook saying, "The 1940s are calling, your shower is ready." All this, and even more examples since January, without even mentioning the Polish law or the rise of the extreme right. Anti-Semitic graffiti on the New York Subway (Photo: Gregory Locke) This is already beyond simply raising concern: this is a real trend. And it raises an important question about the nature of the proper intervention by Israel in the fight against anti-Semitismwhich has been led over the last several years by non-governmental organizations such as the World Zionist Federation, the Jewish Agency and many other local organizations. Right and Left, Orthodox and Reform, conservative and liberal: anti-Semitism unites Jewish organizations worldwide. Unlike the past, Israel now truly has the ability as a state to act forcefully in the fight against anti-Semitism. Formal condemnations and diplomatic pronouncements are important, but they are not enough. We have an extensive arsenal of efficient weapons at our disposal: media, legal, social networks and even a not insignificant economic force in certain countries. The time has come to join forces, to recruit opinion-makers and people of influence throughout the world to begin the hunt for our pursuers. It's that simple. Whether through the filing of claims that will be directed by leading attorneys against any global expressions of anti-Semitism on social networks so that the attackers will know that racism costs money and will think twice before giving it expression, in providing assistance to law enforcement in other countries so that anti-Semitic criminals can be identified and, of course, by spreading the message in the public and in the media. There are times when it is permissible to issue an emergency call-up, even for the biggest cultural stars and tell themou are now part of the war on anti-Semitism. The Jewish-American actress Mayim Bialik is a perfect example of a public figure who is using her visibility in the fight against anti-Semitism. She is an activist, engaged in pro-Israel hasbara and has not shied away from being photographed with IDF soldiers or from expressing her support for them. She recently spoke at the 6th annual Global Forum for Combating anti-Semitism that was held at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem. It is possible and appropriate to engage other opinion-makers to act like her. Even with the encouragement and financial support of the Israeli government, if necessary. Anti-Semitism cannot be taken lightly: these are lessons not only of the past, but also and particularly lessons of the present. This is a sickness that has claimed a heavy price from us and also damages Israeleconomically and in the court of public opinion. The fight against anti-Semitism must be at the very top of Israel's public agenda in a more prominent way. If we're not the first to respond to each incident with the full gravity to which it is duewe can't complain about others. The writer is the CEO of the International Convention Center (Binyanei Hauma) in Jerusalem. Several hours before millions of Jews across Israel sat down at the dinner table to celebrate Passover, some 250 lone soldiers gathered Friday morning for a special Seder feast. Follow Ynetnews on Facebook and Twitter For most of them, this is their first Seder away from their countries of birth and their families. May Cassif, 20, who made aliyah from Boston and serves at a religious college for girls in Har Gilo in Jerusalem, talked about how happy she was about her decision to immigration to Israel in 2016. Vladimir Steinman, May Cassif and Ivan Lavrov (Photo: Ido Erez) "This is a very cool country. There may be a lot of difficulties compared to where I come from, but this is what makes this country interesting," she said. A year ago she was in basic training, but this year would be her first Passover as an Israeli citizen. "My family is very happy I'm here," she said. Vladimir Steinman, 21, feels the same. He immigrated to Israel in 2014 from Latvia, and currently serves in the Givati Brigade's reconnaissance platoon. "It makes me very happy that the army is taking care of us like this," he said. The lone soldiers at the special event (Photo: Ido Erez) He said he was happy to be wearing the olive green uniforms. "I'm Zionist, and that is why I wanted to make aliyah. My family stayed behind, and I'm trying to convince them (to come)," he said. This is Steinman's third Passover in Israel and the first in the IDF. "The last two years, I celebrated with my adoptive family," he said. Ivan Lavrov, 21, who made aliyah from Belarus five years ago and lives with his grandmother, is one of the more veteran immigrants. Lavrov, who serves as a technician for a Puma IFV in the IDF's Engineering Corps, told Ynet that while this is his fifth Passover in Israel, he was still very excited to be celebrating it in IDF uniforms with hundreds of soldiers. "I made aliyah through the Masa Israel organization and then went to a pre-army school at Tel Aviv University before enlisting," he described his journey. "Of course I miss my parents. I'm personally very close to my mother, who lives in Belarus," he admitted. The head of the IDF's Manpower Directorate, Maj. Gen. Moti Almoz, also attended the special Seder, telling the lone soldiers, "The story of Israel's escape from Egypt has a positive ending. It starts with despair, as a pessimistic story, but it ends with freedom. To reach that, we need people to believe in freedom, make decisions and take actions." The head of the IDF Manpower's Directorate, Maj. Gen. Moti Almoz (Photo: Ido Erez) The event was organized by Yahad - United for Israel's Soldiers, a joint organization of AWIS (Association for the Wellbeing of Israel's Soldiers) and The Libi Fund. An additional 150 soldiers who were invited could not make it due to the high tensions on the Gaza border, which required many lone soldiers to stay in their bases or otherwise deploy to the border. At another event that took place Thursday in the southern resort city of Eilat, some 200 IDF orphans released hundreds of balloons into the air with the writing "Dear Father." They attached letters to the balloons addressed to fathers who were killed while performing their duty in Israel's security forces. UNITED NATIONS - The United Nations Security Council will meet on Friday to discuss the situation in Gaza at the request of Kuwait, diplomats said. At least 15 Palestinians were killed and hundreds injured by Israeli security forces confronting one of the largest Palestinian demonstrations along the Israel-Gaza border in recent years, Gaza medical officials said. Romania's Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu said Friday that Russia has "a very solid presence" of spies in his country, in unusually outspoken remarks about alleged Russian espionage. "I don't know in figures, but we can feel a very solid presence" of Russian spies, Melescanu said in the first direct comment of late made by a high-level Romanian official on the topic. Relations between Romania and Russia, which are generally cool, strained further this week after Romania expelled one Russian diplomat over the nerve agent attack on ex-spy Sergei Skripal. Russia responded in kind. Russia's ambassador to Romania Valery Kuzmin called the expulsion of Russian diplomats "the manifestation of collective political madness," but Melescanu responded Friday that "the madness was the attack in Salisbury." Melescanu headed Romania's foreign espionage agency from 2012 to 2014. For many, Easter is usually the first holiday weekend of the year that comes with four straight off-days. But Easter is the most confusing of all the holiday dates. When is Easter 2018? Why do we experience different Easter dates every year? How does one determine the date of Easter for a given year? How is the date of Easter-related to the full moon, what do they have to do with each other? What is the Golden number and when does Easter fall 2018? This post highlights all you need to know about this crucial Christian celebration and the Easter traditions. Source: Cap Cana When is Easter on 2018? Easter is never fixed, and it changes according to the dynamics of the lunar calendar. You may be planning a break with friends, a weekend visiting your family, or youre just looking forward to enjoying the long weekend relaxing indoors. Or maybe youre just curious about the religious origins of Easter celebrations and the events that unfolded during the holy week to make us mark the date. When is Easter 2018 calendar beginning? The key dates are highlighted next. Palm Sunday : March 25 A huge section of Christians observes this day on the Sunday that comes before Easter to celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. It is referred to a Palm Sunday due to the fact that on the day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, a mammoth crowd in the city spread palm branches on the ground to symbolize his kingship. All through his three-year ministry, Jesus downplayed his messianic role and would go as far as telling those he had healed not to mention anything concerning the miracle to other individuals. However, Palm Sunday was an exceptional day, and his glory was loudly proclaimed by his followers. Christians of today celebrate this day joyously and triumphantly to emphasize the glory of the Messiah. Some churches even spread palm branches around the sanctuary to commemorate the event. Some even go a step further to walk a donkey around the town as they wave palm fronds as a way of announcing the return of Jesus Christ. READ ALSO: Ten regions in Ghana and their festivals: Learn the Ghanaian Culture Maundy Thursday: March 29 This year, this day falls on March 29. In Jesus time, it was the time for Passover, a Jewish celebration. Through the Passover celebration, Jesus and his disciples had a meal together. The custom involved roasting lamb (which has brought the Easter lamb tradition of today), wine, and bread. Note that this was the last meal that Jesus had before his death, currently known as the Last Supper. The actions of Jesus Christ during this dinner session have a significant role in the Christian religion. During the meal, he gave the bread and wine to his disciples as a representation of his body and blood respectively. The term Maundy is Latin for command, and Jesus commanded them to break the bread and wine together while thinking of him after hes been crucified. This is what is known as Communion. Good Friday, March 30 Good Friday represents the day when Jesus Christ died on the cross, which was the main significance of the Lent period. How do you call a day when someone died Good? The day got this term as a synonym for holy. Here, Christians remember when Jesus was flogged and while carrying the cross, was taken to Golgotha where he was crucified between two thieves, yet he had done no wrong. The Christian faith uses the cross as a symbol of faith since Jesus was nailed to the cross and left to die. Holy Saturday: March 31 This day that comes between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, its referred to as Holy Saturday, and it has a part to play in the weekend. The idea of this day was to hold a service aimed at welcoming Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead the next day at dawn. When is Easter Sunday? It's on April 1 This is the most important day in the Christian calendar church year. On this day, which comes three days after Jesus Christ died on the cross, Christians believe their savior rose from the dead. The day is usually referred to as the Resurrection Sunday. Here are the events of the day as highlighted in Luke: 24, New International Version (NIV). Source: ReedGroup On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright, the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again. Then they remembered his words. Easter Monday: April 2 The day comes after Easter Sunday and usually has several names including Dyngus Day, Renewal Monday, Wet Monday, and Bright Monday. This day is observed by numerous groups of Christians, primarily the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox traditions. In Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, the day marks the commencement of the Easter week and Bright Week respectively. Different cultures observe the day in distinct ways. For some, it serves a solemn remembrance of the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ that is marked by outdoor processions. Others take part in egg rolling competitions on this day. Another section, particularly siblings, and spouses, you will be woken up by a bucket of cold water, hence the name Wet Monday. Others just celebrate the day with large gatherings and polka festivals (Dingus Day). Why does the Easter date change? Easter is a feast day celebrated by Christians. These days are important in the life of both the saints and their master, Jesus Christ. Unlike most celebrations in the Cristian calendar, the dates for Easter are not fixed. This kind of dates is known as movable days. This means that the days do not fall on a particular date in the normal Julian and Gregorian calendars that usually follow the suns cycle. Instead, Easter dates are usually determined by the lunar calendar whose basis is on the phases of the moon. Easter is expected to fall on the Sunday that comes right after the first full moon that comes after the Spring Equinox. This should be after the 20th of March. The March, or spring, Vernal Equinox refers to the period when the sun cuts across the celestial equator, which is an imaginary line that projects the earths equator into space. When will Easter 2018 be in Ghana? In the case of our country, Easter will fall on April 1. So who came up with the decision on when the Easter dates should fall? Constantine I, the Roman Emperor convened a council of Christian bishops in AD 325. This was the first Council of Nicea, the first effort by Christians to get a consensus on the actual teachings of the church. It was at this council that a decision was made that Easter should come on the first full moon that comes right after the Spring Equinox, and it must always fall on a Sunday. That was how the date to represent death and Resurrection of Christ was settled at. When is Passover and Easter 2018? Sometimes, Easter and Passover celebrations coincide, and in some instances, they may even be weeks apart. Passover is a Christian holiday that commemorates the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt where they had been held as slaves. The celebration lasts a week in Israel, and among reform Jews and in other parts of the world, its held for eight days. Passover commences on the fifteenth day of Nisan (The seventh month of the Jewish calendar) and ends on the 21st day. Notably, Hebrew days begin and end at sunset, so the celebrations begin on the preceding day at sundown. Heres why the two days fall together Every two to three years, the Jewish calendar requires an adjustment of the leap year. In a Jewish leap year, an extra 29-day moth is added before Nisan since this calendar year has fewer days than the solar year. This way, the Jewish calendar year will be realigned with the solar years seasons. Note that the Jewish holidays closely relate to seasons. For instance, according to the Torah, the Passover should be celebrated during spring, which happens to be the same period where Ester falls. Source: Yen Maverick politician and Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong, has hinted on why he has no intentions of vying for the position of the president of Ghana. Kennedy Agyapong said the office of the presidency in Ghana comes with so much pressure. I am a politician, a Member of Parliament and I am ok with that but I am not interested in becoming a president. Of course I can do the job, but Im just not into it. I prefer being a business man, I dont want to grow old too fast. I want to be myself, a very good business man. Kennedy Agyapong READ ALSO: Nana Addo is my inspiration - Deputy Education Minister According to the loudmouthed politician who has generated a lot of controversies in the country through comments and allegations of corruption particularly against some government officials at the presidency, he would rather focus on growing his businesses than serving as the countrys president. Kennedy Agyapong said this during a cooking show dubbed 'Dinning with Cooks and Braggarts' hosted by pretty actress Yvonne Okoro. He also said he decided to go into politics just to help the vulnerable in society. I came back to Ghana, went to my village and everybody was asking for a favor. I was asking how I was going to render or give these favors out, so I had an opinion that I could represent these people and speak for them. That is how I went in to politics and I think I have been doing just that, Kennedy Agyapong said. Aside from being a Member of Parliament, the law maker is believed to own some companies including Ash, Oman and Spice FM, Gold Coin Communications, Imperial World Business Limited, Net 2 Television and the National Newspaper. Kennedy Agyapong has however urged the public to trust their leaders and not underestimate the politicians representing them. Watch the Deputy Minister of Education's powerful message to Ghanaians in the video below. YEN is building a platform where Ghanaians can share local news and own experiences with each other. Witnessing an incident? Want to tell about a local problem? Know someone who is extremely talented and needs recognition? Your stories and photos are always welcome. Send us a message via YENs official Facebook page. Source: Yen The immediate former British High Commissioner to Ghana, Mr. Jon Benjamin, has taken yet another swipe at his favorite target on social media, the popular Ghanaian actor, John Dumelo. Yesterday's announcement by government that the seat of government, which was renamed to Flagstaff House by the Atta-Mills led government administration, would be henceforth be called the Jubilee House, the name the building was given when it was built by the Kufour government administration. Pro-NPP supporters have hailed the move as a step in the right direction, while supporters of the opposition have condemned government, and accused it of attempting to rewrite history. READ ALSO: Sekou Nkrumah upset over "Jubilee House" Others still have said the move is a pointless one, and that people want leaders to focus on important things, and not name changes. It appears that Mr. Jon Benjamin has kept abreast of affairs happening in Ghana, and couldn't resist the opportunity to tease his favorite troll target when John Dumelo. In a reply to John Dumelo's tweet asking social media followers to caption his photo, Jon Benjamin tease his Dumelo in the best way he knows how, by making fun of his affiliation to the opposition NDC. Checkout Jon Benjamin's tweet below: Also checkout a video of Ebony's mother giving a heartfelt tribute at the late dancehall artiste's funeral, which was held at the forecourt of State House, and was attended by a plethora of Ghanaian celebrities: READ ALSO: PHOTO: Agyemang Konadu slays in adorable throwback photo of the Rawlings family Do you have any story to share with YEN? Get featured! We are available on Facebook and Instagram Source: - Kennedy Agyapong has revealed the minority and majority leaders in parliament are his favorite politicians - The maverick politician says these two men ate of high experience and quality. Maverick politician, Kennedy Agyapong has named his best politicians in Ghana so far. According to Kennedy Agyapong, the Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and Majority Leader Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu are the two seasoned politicians he admires the most. READ ALSO: Mysterious injections kill 3 people 'I have people that I admire like Kyei Mensah-Bonsu very good, hes not a lawyer but he knows the constitution very brilliant guy, Haruna Iddrisu also another smart guy. We have a lot of good ones, I like everybody,' Ken Agyapong revealed during a cookout session with actress Yvonne Okoro on GHone TV. Kennedy Kwame Ohene Agyapong is an accomplished Ghanaian businessman and a very influential politician belonging to the New Patriotic Party (NPP). He was born June 16, 1960, at Assin Dompem, a small farming community in the Central Region of Ghana. Ken began his educational journey at Adisadel College, one of the influential Secondary Schools in Cape Coast as early as 11-years-old in 1976. However, he could not continue to Sixth Form for some reasons. He then proceeded to Winneba Secondary School and finally ended at Fordham University in the United States for further studies. Kennedy Agyapong holds General Certificate in Education (GCE), A Level which he obtained in 1983. He also worked and held many top positions with many companies in both United States and in Ghana. In the year 2000, the vibrant businessman ventured into full-time politics, where he won the parliamentary seat for the Assin North constituency from January, 2000 till date as Member of Parliament. READ ALSO: There is no hell - Pope makes stunning revelation Today, Adisadel College is proud to have Mr. Agyapong as one of their prominent alumni and have awarded him on three occasions. The NPP MP is also the founder and Chief Executive of numerous companies operating fully in Ghana. Ken is a married man with 14 children but with different women. Hon Barbara A. Ayisi talks about how Nana Akufo-Addo has inspired her Want to be featured on Send us a message on our Facebook page or on Instagram with your stories, photos or videos. Source: Yen Ghanaian model and actress, Moesha Boduong, has once again released a lovely photo of herself on social media. READ ALSO: Kuami Eugene reveals in a new video the reason why he quit SHS In her latest photo, she looked amazing in a red blouse which had a brooch pinned to it. A light blue skirt, together with a glowing skin, lovely hairstyle and a beautiful smile were all that her fans needed to extend compliments to her. That was not all. She had an insightful message for he social media followers. She wrote: Wishing you joy, happiness, freedom, healing, love, victory and the peace within and peace without that comes with Easter. Be covered with the blood of Jesus that was shed on Calvary. Amen! Her fans expressed their joy in her outfit and her message: @sir_innocent remarked: "You're looking awesome!" @nura_ladi added: "Aww moe @moeshaboduong, these pictures are so peaceful" @barberarthur also wrote: "It's amazing to wake up and the eyes have the blessing to behold such a glorious sight, Happy Easter to you" and @lamiidbricks added: "Looking decent, bold and beautiful" Moesha Boduong, who hails from the Upper West region, has carved a niche for herself as a model whose photos and videos always generated mixed reactions from the public. READ ALSO: Don't stop playing my daughter's songs - Ebony's mother makes a passionate appeal Hon Barbara A. Ayisi talks about how Nana Akufo-Addo has inspired her (Interview) Use the comments section below to share your views on this story. Do you have a story to share or you have information for us? Get featured on Message us on Facebook or Instagram Source: Yen Ghana - Thousands of Ghanaians have converged at Kwahu to celebrate Easter - The AIDS commission has distributed 60,000 condoms so far - Chiefs of the town are angry over what they consider to be the increase in promiscuity there The Easter festivity is ongoing across the world and here in Ghana, thousands of holiday revelers are heading to the town of Kwahu to celebrate the festivity. The reason for the choice of Kwahu remains due to the tourist attractions with celebrations culminating to the most-loved paragliding exercise. READ ALSO: There is no hell - Pope makes stunning revelation has earlier reported how the Ghana Aids Commission is embarking on an exercise to ensure revelers do not contract STDs. This they are doing through the distribution of over 60,000 condoms for free. Kwahu Easter festivity, which is originally meant to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has now been seen as a promiscuous event which sees revelers, especially teenagers, engage in various 'unacceptable vices'. It pulls thousands of tourists and hoteliers who bank in the festivity as most of them are feared to have been booked already. Meanwhile, the chief of Akuapem Berekusu in the Eastern Region, Nana Oteng Korankye, is calling for the arrest of persons who wear tight and short and skimpy dresses to this year's Kwahu Easter celebration. But, one development which beautifies the Kwahu Easter festivities is the paragliding festival which was introduced more than a decade ago to promote tourism in the country, and also to spice up the Easter celebrations in Kwahu. READ ALSO: Mysterious injections kill 3 people Last years paragliding exercise was launched by the tourism ministry and also saw six international tandem pilots from the United States, Romania, and Japan recruited to fly passengers at the festival. Hon Barbara A. Ayisi talks about how Nana Akufo-Addo has inspired her Want to be featured on Send us a message on our Facebook page or on Instagram with your stories, photos or videos. Source: Yen [March 29, 2018] Pacific Dental Services Delivers Superior Patient Experience With RingCentral's Cloud Communications Solutions Across Over 625 Office Locations RingCentral, Inc. (NYSE:RNG), a leading provider of global enterprise cloud communications and collaboration solutions, today announced that Pacific Dental Services (PDS), one of the country's leading dental support organizations, has selected RingCentral (News - Alert) to provide a superior patient experience and improve communications among its distributed workforce. With nearly 10,000 team members and more than 625 supported offices across 19 states, PDS needed robust communications and collaboration solutions that also met its requirement for HIPAA compliance. Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America for the past 10 years, PDS' Private Practice+ model provides supported autonomy that allows dentists to concentrate on clinical excellence and the highest levels of cost-effective, comprehensive patient care, while PDS provides the business support structure, including the latest technology, best operational practices and procedures, highly skilled support staff, and ongoing training and education. Growing at a rapid pace, PDS plans to add as many as 80 offices each year, which perpetuated their need for scalable, cloud-based communications solutions. Previously, PDS had legacy communications systems that were primarily voice-only and lacked scalability, reliability, and voice quality. In addition, PDS was using six different tools for video conferencing, which was cumbersome for IT and provided a disjointed experience for end users. PDS selected RingCentral for its robust functionality across voice, video meetings, team messaging, and fax-all seamlessly integrated in a single cloud solution that complies with HIPAA security requirements. "Recognizing our disparate legacy systems could not effectively support our business growth, we decided to migrate to the cloud," said David Baker, SVP & CIO of Pacific Dental Services. "It became clear to us that RingCentral was able to support our transition to the cloud better than any other unified communications as a service provider. With RingCentral, our staff and patients are able to communicate in the ways they prefer, which for many, is vi text and chat. We're seeing our patients using RingCentral text messaging for enquiries that don't need to be serviced via a phone call, translating to increased patient satisfaction." Key RingCentral benefits for Pacific Dental Services include: HiTrust CSF Certification validation of compliance with HIPAA security requirements: Ensures communications between dentists and their patients are guarded against unauthorized access by means of encryption; includes a Business Associate Agreement (BAA). CSF Certification validation of compliance with HIPAA security requirements: Ensures communications between dentists and their patients are guarded against unauthorized access by means of encryption; includes a Business Associate Agreement (BAA). RingCentral Glip team messaging: Streamlines communication across offices through real-time chat, task management, and collaboration, enabling enhanced productivity. team messaging: Streamlines communication across offices through real-time chat, task management, and collaboration, enabling enhanced productivity. RingCentral Rooms video conferencing: Delivers HD video, audio, and web conferencing capabilities; easy to configure with off-the-shelf equipment for any conference room, huddle room, or large open space rooms; connects with other meeting participants joining from mobile, tablets, desktops, telephones, or other RingCentral Rooms. video conferencing: Delivers HD video, audio, and web conferencing capabilities; easy to configure with off-the-shelf equipment for any conference room, huddle room, or large open space rooms; connects with other meeting participants joining from mobile, tablets, desktops, telephones, or other RingCentral Rooms. Open platform: Integrates with leading cloud business applications used by PDS, such as Salesforce, Box (News - Alert) , Microsoft Office 365, and Okta, to enable seamless business workflows. Mike Miller, Digital Solutions Consultant at Sidepath said: "I was tasked to identify a truly holistic and scalable communications solution for PDS that not only replaced the existing legacy system, but also established an enhanced experience across all of the dental offices. As the recognized leader in cloud communications, RingCentral is the only provider to offer a unified solution across all modes of communication. Now, PDS is equipped to take its differentiated patient experience to the next level." For more information, please visit About Pacific Dental Services Founded in 1994, Pacific Dental Services (PDS) is one of the country's leading dental support organizations and has been on the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest growing private companies in America for the past 10 years in a row. PDS originated the Private Practice+ model to enable dentists to focus on their passion: serving patients. PDS continues to grow, with over 625 supported dental offices across the United States and plans to expand into several new markets. PDS' Perfect Patient Experience operating model gives patients in PDS-supported offices an extraordinary, differentiated experience, creating Patients for Life. About RingCentral RingCentral, Inc. (NYSE:RNG) is a leading provider of global enterprise cloud communications and collaboration solutions. More flexible and cost-effective than legacy on-premises systems, RingCentral empowers today's mobile and distributed workforce to communicate, collaborate, and connect from anywhere, on any device. RingCentral unifies voice, video, team messaging and collaboration, conferencing, online meetings, and integrated contact center solutions. RingCentral's open platform integrates with leading business apps and enables customers to easily customize business workflows. RingCentral is headquartered in Belmont, California, and has offices around the world. 2018 RingCentral, Inc. All rights reserved. RingCentral, RingCentral Glip, RingCentral Rooms, and the RingCentral logo are trademarks of RingCentral, Inc. Other third-party marks and logos displayed in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners. View source version on [ Back To SIP Trunking Home's Homepage ] Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Regular Press Conference on March 30, 2018 2018/03/30 As agreed by China and Russia, as the Special Envoy of President Xi Jinping, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay a working visit to Russia from April 4 to 5. Q: According to reports, US Ambassador to China Terry Branstad said in an interview recently that China should not take retaliatory measures aimed at imports of American soybeans. What is your comment? A: We all know that Ambassador Branstad comes from an important agricultural state of the United States. As such, it is understandable that he concerns himself with the interests of American agricultural workers. In fact, we have seen that the US agricultural industry, among many other sectors and industries, have expressed their concerns recently over worsening China-US trade ties due to the US government's unilateral measures. As to whether China should target soybeans as retaliation in the future, I think you need to make out the fundamental difference between trade and trade war. To be specific, trade is based on consultation. In contrast, a trade war, once waged, will force the other side to take countermeasures at a certain point and in a certain way and field based on its own interests and needs. As we stressed many times, China doesn't want a trade war. In the meantime, we also stated that if forced into a trade war, we have every strength and confidence to safeguard our own interests. We hope that the US decision-makers will heed the call of American consumers and relevant industries and weigh the possible gains against losses once they take the unilateral measures which should not be taken. It's wise for one to turn back before running into a blank wall. Q: According to reports, China said that the Tiangong-1 space laboratory is supposed to reenter the atmosphere on March 31. Does China know yet where exactly it may reenter the atmosphere? Does China expect that it may have any impact upon any part of the world where it might fall? What communications has China had with other countries on this? A: With regard to the specific information, I may refer you to the websites of China Manned Space and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. China attaches high importance to the reentry of Tiangong-1 into the atmosphere and has been handling it in accordance with relevant international conventions and practices and with a high sense of responsibility. China has reported relevant situation to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs many times and kept the information open and transparent. We will communicate with relevant countries if necessary. Q: According to reports, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced on March 29 that it would expel 60 US diplomats and close the US Consulate-General in St. Petersburg. The White House said that the decision would deteriorate US-Russia relations. What is your comment? A: We have noted that the decision made by the Russian government yesterday is the continuation of a sequence of incidents that happened recently. Over a period of time, the Russia-US relations have met with some difficulties. I would like to stress that both Russia and the United States are two major countries with important influence in the world. What needs to be mentioned is that they are also two permanent members of the UN Security Council which shoulder important responsibilities for world peace and security. We sincerely hope that Russia and the United States can properly resolve their differences through dialogue and consultation on the basis of equality and mutual respect. Q: Next Monday, Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa will kick off his state visit to China. What outcome does China expect to achieve through this visit? In addition, we have noted the reports saying that Zimbabwe's largest hydropower station constructed by a Chinese company since its independence was completed yesterday. What is your comment? A: At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa will pay a state visit to China from April 2 to April 6. China and Zimbabwe enjoy traditional friendship. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China-Zimbabwe relations have been growing in a sound and steady manner with frequent exchange of high-level visits, fruitful outcomes reaped in cooperation across the board and close communication and coordination in international and regional affairs. China values developing its ties with Zimbabwe. We are willing to work with Zimbabwe to further elevate China-Zimbabwe relations and deliver greater benefits to the two countries and two peoples. We are convinced that President Mnangagwa's visit will inject new impetus into the development of China-Zimbabwe relations. Regarding your second question, the expansion project of Zimbabwe's Kariba South hydropower station funded and constructed by China is one of the important outcomes of China-Zimbabwe pragmatic cooperation. After its completion, the project will play a positive role in increasing Zimbabwe's power supply and promoting its economic and social development. China is pleased to see this. Actually, the Kariba South hydropower station is one of the many cooperation projects between our two countries, which fully demonstrates that China's investment and financing cooperation with Africa has substantially fueled the projects of production in African countries, yielded sound economic and social benefits and been widely welcomed by the African countries and their people. Q: In terms of China-aided construction projects in Africa, they are not all infrastructure projects such as hydropower stations. There are also some other projects including the new Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) headquarters and the parliamentary buildings in Zimbabwe. Why does China decide to undertake the new ECOWAS headquarters project? Will it result in China enjoying more political influence in West Africa? What is your comment on those criticizing China's motives? A: The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is an important sub-regional organization in Africa which has made important contributions to upholding regional peace and regional economic integration. We always support ECOWAS in strengthening capacity building and playing a bigger role in the cause of peace and development in West Africa and the whole African region. In fact, this also constitutes an important part of China's support for Africa's pursuit of strength through unity and regional integration as well as its peace and development cause. As is known to us all, poor infrastructure is one of the main bottlenecks choking Africa's development and progress. The infrastructure projects constructed with the assistance of China are welcomed by African countries and their people. The construction of the new ECOWAS headquarters you mentioned was aided by the Chinese government at the explicit request of the organization. As for the groundless accusations of certain Western media, I can only say that they are measuring other people's corn by their own bushel. I don't know whether you have noted that Namibian President Hage Geingob, who is now on his state visit in China, said yesterday that China has never colonized or looted Africa, and always treated small and medium-sized African countries on an equal footing. China lent support to Africa's just cause in the past and is now helping Africa to develop. China is the sincere partner and friend of Africa, and African people are opposed to those groundless accusations against China. I think that we'd better lend our ears to the voice of the African people. Please rest assured that the noises will not shake the determination of China and Africa for solidarity and cooperation, neither will it prevent us from forging ahead hand in hand. Q: Beyond Africa, China over decades has been funding, designing and perhaps even constructing projects in many countries throughout the world. What is the overall aim of China's overseas building efforts? How does it help China's foreign relations? A:Just as President Xi Jinping pointed out when holding talks with President Hage Geingob yesterday, in the era when China was not well-off, Chairman Mao Zedong and other Chinese leaders of the older generation said that we would lend support to Africa against all odds. Now China is developing rapidly, so in view of both our brotherhood and China's economic strength, we should step up our efforts to offer assistance to Africa. It goes without saying that supporting the African countries and other developing countries in enhancing their capacity building and achieving common prosperity still remains an important aspect of China's diplomacy. We will continue with our efforts to conduct mutually beneficial cooperation with developing countries in accordance with their own will so as to achieve common development and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind. Q: According to reports, satellite images earlier this week showed that the Liaoning aircraft carrier took part in a large carrier group formation in the South China Sea with about 40 other ships. What is the purpose of this exercise? A: The spokesperson of China's Ministry of National Defense has responded to this question at yesterday's press conference. The Chinese navy's combat exercise in the South China Sea was a routine arrangement included in the annual training program. You may read over the transcript of the Defense Ministry's press conference. Q: Yesterday you announced that from next Monday, member of the Federal Council and head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis will visit China and hold the first round of China-Switzerland Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue. What topics will the dialogue focus on? What are China's expectations for it? A: During member of the Federal Council and head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis's visit to China, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will hold the first round of China-Switzerland Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue with him, which will help to promote the establishment of China-Switzerland high-level innovation platform. According to my information, besides Beijing, Mr. Cassis will also travel to Shaanxi. Presently, China-Switzerland relations enjoy a sound momentum of growth. In 2016, our two countries established the innovative strategic partnership. At the beginning of 2017, President Xi Jinping's state visit to Switzerland achieved full success and elevated China-Switzerland relations to a new level. It is one of the important consensus reached by the two heads of state during President Xi Jinping's visit to Switzerland to set up the Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue mechanism and promote the establishment of the high-level innovation platform. China attaches importance to developing its ties with Switzerland. We are willing to work with Switzerland to follow the spirit of mutual respect, treating each other as equals and win-win cooperation to continue further advancing our innovative cooperation in various areas so as to deliver greater benefits to the two countries and two peoples. Q: What are the chances of the debris of Tiangong-1 falling onto the ground when it is burnt up on reentry? A: As I said just now, China attaches high importance to the reentry of Tiangong-1 into the atmosphere and has informed the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs of relevant situation in a timely manner. As the time for the possible reentry of Tiangong-1 into the atmosphere approaches, China will adjust its pace in keeping the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs posted as needed. With regard to this issue, China keeps the information open and transparent with a high sense of responsibility. We will also contact relevant countries in a timely manner if necessary, like what I said just now. Regarding the specifics you asked about, I'm not quite clear about them given they are something very technical. I will refer you to the websites of China Manned Space or the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. The gravity of the existential threat we face from Islamic Jihad is truly of epic proportions. It is essentially a battle pitting free-civilized man against a totalitarian barbarian. What is at stake is the struggle for our very soul - namely who we are and what we represent. The lives that were sacrificed for individual rights and freedoms that we've come to cherish are being chiseled away from right under our noses by the stealth jihadists. And many of us are in denial and totally clueless. The left's appeasement and pandering to evil is nothing new. What makes their utopian delusions so infuriating and unpardonable is that it is not only they who will have to pay the consequences, and deservedly, so, they are thwarting and undermining our best efforts at resistance and are thus dragging us down in the process as well. By Peter Lancz,, the head of the Raoul Wallenberg World Campaign Against Racism. In 1995 the Gay and Lesbian Community Center (now the Pride Center) joined forces with the Stonewall Library (now the Stonewall Museum and Archives) to produce a poster meant to increase the awareness of the citizens of Broward County to some of the historically important events of the Broward County gay community. The poster celebrated 12 historic events in Browards LGBT history: Community Center launched (August 18, 1993); First Broward County human rights referendum held (we lost that one) (September 4, 1990); Broward Women in Network created (July 29, 1987); John Fiore elected to the Wilton Manors City Council (March 8, 1988) and Chris Wilson elected to the Oakland Park City Council (March 9, 1993); Rainbow Pride flag is adopted at a conference held at the Marlin Beach Hotel (October 12, 1985); AIDS Center One created (September 12, 1984); Florida authorizes Sharon McCracken to be a foster parent (November 18, 1992); Fort Lauderdale MCC (now the Sunshine Cathedral) established (February 27, 1972); Stonewall Library and Archives created (April 12, 1973); Ken Wolf wins Fort Lauderdale City Commission primary (February 8, 1994); Lambda South Clubhouse opens (June 4, 1983); and Congregation Etz Chaim founded (March 4, 1974). Each of these events is an important part of our history, and each deserves its own article. I had the privilege to witness LGBT history in the making on March 20 when Dean Trantalis was sworn-in as Mayor of the City of Fort Lauderdale. I have the honor to know Dean for over three decades, years in which he excelled as a lawyer, LGBT rights activist and City Commissioner. Under his leadership, Broward enacted a human rights ordinance that finally survived an effort to repeal it (1995). Later he joined Robin Bodiford and others in a successful move to get the County Commission to enact domestic partner legislation (1999). He also served, at different times, as chair of Broward United Against Discrimination, co-chair (with Bodiford) of Americans For Equality; and president of the Dolphin Democrats. But Dean Trantalis is more than a one trick pony. He was first elected to the Fort Lauderdale City Commission in 2002, in which he proved to be a capable and compassionate leader, not only for his LGBT community but for everyone. His knowledge of and care for the needs of his city, its residents and its visitors earned him a following that went beyond his sexuality or his Greek-American heritage; and on March 13 he was elected the peoples mayor in a landslide. I contributed a very small part towards Dean Trantaliss victory, serving as a volunteer in various campaign fundraisers throughout Fort Lauderdale. Besides the fact that this gave me an opportunity to visit some of the citys most posh houses or apartments, volunteer work allowed me to see the affection that many in Fort Lauderdale had for their current commissioner and future mayor. Attempts by supporters of City Commissioner Bruce Roberts, Deans main opponent, to paint him as a gay stereotype failed miserably. After all, Dean Trantalis is the straightest gay man I know (sorry, Dean). His victory party, held at Thasos Greek Taverna (a great place to eat, if you can afford it) was attended by a veritable whos who of Browards LGBT and mainstream communities, who were there to celebrate Deans victory and their citys future. The election of Steven Glassman as City Commissioner, keeping the District 2 seat formerly held by Dean in gay hands, only added to the historical moment. The election of Ben Sorensen from District 4 gave Mayor Trantalis, at least for now, a 3-2 majority in the City Commission. Fort Lauderdale has come a long way in just over a decade, from the homophobic Mayor Jim Naugle to the out and proud Dean Trantalis. But Dean is not Floridas first openly gay mayor. Key West, Oakland Park, Palm Beach Shores and Wilton Manors have or had elected queer mayors through the years; and J. P. Sasser served as the matter-of-fact, openly gay Mayor of Pahokee - a small city on the shore of Lake Okeechobee - for years without raising an eyebrow. But Fort Lauderdale is a large city, larger than Key West, Oakland Park, Palm Beach Shores, Wilton Manors or Pahokee. Deans election makes Fort Lauderdale, now that Annise Parker is no longer Mayor of Houston, the largest city in the South with an openly LGBT mayor. That makes Dean Trantaliss victory a truly historic event, not just for Floridians but for all Americans. Keep up the good work, Dean. We will be rooting for you. This report discusses the monthly meeting of the South Florida AIDS Network (SFAN). SFAN is the advisory board for the Ryan White Care (RWC) program of the Florida Department of Health in Broward. On March 1, SFAN held an evening community meeting. That meeting discussed problems related to changes in the PAC Medicaid Waiver program. The PAC Medicaid Waiver Program had allowed Medicaid to pay for services not covered by Medicaid. Eligibility for this program was restricted to clients with specified serious diseases like HIV. Case managers at RWC agencies could authorize those services. The Agency for Health Care Administration (ACHA) manages Medicaid in Florida. Its auditors discovered irregularities in the program. Some case managers had authorized expenses that they should not have authorized. ACHA then launched a statewide investigation. ACHA has moved the case manager role from RWC agencies to agencies that specialize in case management. In many Florida counties, this transition has occurred with minimal disruption. In Broward, clients have reported problems. Joey Wynn, SFAN chair, said that this meeting would collect reports of these problems. He stressed that this meeting would only gather and document problems. SFAN would then bring these documented problems to ACHA and demand accountability. SFAN would present the results of that meeting at the April meeting of SFAN. Wynn said that some Medicaid clients with HIV need intensive case management to avoid hospitalization. Effective case management can contain costs without decreasing available services. ACHA has designated two agencies as enhanced HIV agencies: Clear Health Alliance and AIDS Healthcare Foundation. These agencies provide special HIV training to their staff. In return, these agencies can charge ACHA an enhanced rate. In addition, three Medicaid managed care companies provide telephone-based case management: Amerigroup, Clear Health, and Positive Health Care. Gary Hensley of SunServe said that these case management agencies have failed to link with the prior case managers. SunServe had previously provided these case management services. About six Broward Medicaid clients reported problems. These clients reported that the contact numbers for Amerigroup and Clear Health had Miami-Date area codes. Providers that served both counties reported that Miami clients did not have problems. Only Broward clients had problems. Clients reported many issues. Some case managers referred clients to doctors that did not accept their insurance. Some case managers failed to return phone calls about serious medical issues. Some case managers had failed to contact their clients for three months or more. Some case managers and their supervisors lacked basic knowledge about HIV and failed to understand HIV terminology. Their clients had to educate them. Case managers used to help clients reapply for Medicaid. Now some were refusing to do so. A black male client broke down in tears while telling his story. In addition to HIV, he has balance issues. He has fallen. He had to lean on a cane to speak. He appeared to be having some speech issues and to be short of breath. He said that he had seen his case manager once and that lasted just 40 minutes. Wynn stressed, People are getting paid to perform a service. If they are not providing that service, they should lose that contract and give the contract to someone who can. Announcements SFAN and Broward Department of Health are conducting an online survey to learn about perceived availability of services for people not living with HIV. The survey will be available through April 13, 2018. It is available online in English and Spanish (, and Kreyol ( The next SFAN Meeting will be on Friday, April 6, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., at the Holy Cross Healthplex, 1000 NE 56th Street, Ft. Lauderdale. Many individuals with HIV/AIDS dont want your pity. But self-pity isnt as easy to dismiss. According to the CDC, many individuals with HIV/AIDS struggle with how the disease makes them feel about themselves; 1 in 4 say it makes them feel dirty or worthless, 1 in 3 say they feel guilty or ashamed about their status, 2 out of 3 say its difficult to reveal their infection to others, 8 out of 10 report some kind of feeling of internalized-stigma. That internalized-stigma was the focus at a recent meeting of POZitive Attitudes, a topic-driven support group for men and women with HIV/AIDS which meets in Wilton Manors. Susan Mintz, whose husband, Jeffrey Mintz, a gay man, died of AIDS in 1994, spoke to POZitive Attitudes of the stigma she faced when she first started answering questions about how he died. Get it out of your brain and out of your heart, she told POZitive Attitudes. I cant give you internalized-stigma. Only you can. Theres an estimated 300 members in the group, some of whom have had the disease since it first became widely-known in the early 1980s. What drives much of the stigma, say members, some of whom did not provide their names for publication, are outside circumstances and pressures. One man said he doesnt advertise he has AIDS, but hes not shy about revealing his status when it comes up. I share when Im asked. Dating, and the rejection that ensues because of an HIV/AIDS status, was cited by more than one person in the group. One man talked about revealing his HIV status on dates. I just feel overwhelmed by the stigma. You tell them and they walk out the back door. One woman said thats how the stigma gets internalized. Now that Im single, the stigma is right in my face. Steve Stagon, facilitator of the group since 2006, said the name, POZitive Attitudes, is a reflection of the positive status of each member as well as the positive attitude members are encouraged to adopt. You just have to let the water roll over your back, like a duck, said Stagon. But much of that proverbial water comes from members of the LGBT community who dont have HIV/AIDS, say some members. Sometimes, non-gay people are more understanding than gay people, said one man. Wilton Manors is exactly like he said, commented another. For all its flaws though, Wilton Manors and South Florida, said another man, are far more accepting than many other areas, including many cities generally thought of as progressive when it comes to the LGBT community or HIV/AIDS. Coming here from New York, it was like Nirvana. Theres a lot less stigma here than almost anywhere else, he said. Dan Drennen said white suburban housewives and some other heterosexuals are much more likely to be less stigmatizing because they dont fear getting the disease from gay men. Drennen said fear about HIV/AIDS is not always logical. But talking about the problems faced by individuals with HIV/AIDS isnt the only purpose of the group. Its also a place to socialize outside of meetings, including movie nights, parties, and fundraisers for HIV/AIDS causes. It means a lot. Its a place where you can focus on community, Peter Accardi said. We enjoy these types of discussion groups. We do fun things, too. Members take turns bringing dessert and refreshments each meeting. Another member moved here in 2004 and joined the group not long after. Thats how I made my social life in Fort Lauderdale. Its very important to me. POZitive Attitudes meets every Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the World AIDS Museum, 1201 NE 26th St., Wilton Manors. Visit for more information. On an extremely foggy afternoon with intermittent rain falling in New York's southern Catskill Mountains, Paul Minore sat a two-hole trip then rallied Wygant Prince to a neck victory in Thursdays third leg of the North American Amateur Drivers Association trot at Monticello Raceway. After starting from the pole position Minore parked Jennifer Lappe's Here Come Numbers around the first turn then allowed the 10-year-old gelding to take command as the field trotted by the first panel in :29. I didn't want Here Comes Numbers to take command with ease so I parked him a ways and then let Jennifer have the lead, Minore related in the paddock after the race was over. I figured I'd get a good two-hole trip behind her because her trotter was the betting favourite and had raced well in his recent starts. Once on top Lappe showed the way by the half in :59.2 with Wygant Prince tucked in tightly behind her trotter. As the seven-horse passed the third stanza in 1:30.1 Here Comes Numbers opened up daylight and he was 2-1/2 lengths in front as they headed for paydirt. She (Ms Lappe) got away a bit on the final turn but once we straightened for home my horse began to grind away at the leader and in the final strides we got up for a neck victory in 2:00.3. Third place went to Connie Keeper , driven by Tony Verruso. The race winner, an 11 year-old altered son of SJs Photo, notched his third seasonal victory and the 34th of his illustrious career and leaves him just $93 short of $400,000 in lifetime earnings. He is owned by Minore and trained by Taylor Gower. As for Minore it was his 94th career driving victory in the USA and when one counts Minore's three triumphs in races contested in Europe he now needs just three more for 100 lifetime victories. The NAADA trotting series continues next Thursday at Yonkers Raceway. (NAADA) Fiesta Hermosa will be back for Labor Day weekend, but with a new local look, slightly different name Dedicated to the Restoration of Progressive Democracy 'Digital literacy crucial for progressive Bangladesh' City Desk : State Minister for ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak has put emphasis on practicing digital literacy by the young people, saying that it is very important to make Bangladesh progressive and tolerant. "Digital literacy among young people is crucial to make Bangladesh progressive and tolerant," he told "Digital Khichuri Challenge" follow-up event, organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Thursday. Partnering with Facebook and Bangladesh ICT Division, UNDP initiated "Digital Khichuri Challenge" in 2016 in order to glean ideas from the youth with a view to building a more peaceful and tolerant society and promoting cultural diversity, said a press release on Friday. After three successful "Digital Khichuri Challenge", an event was organized to share the learning and challenges and find the way forward. The winning teams from the past events presented the progress of their projects till to date. Among the winners; 'It's Okay Bangladesh', a platform, created by the winners of Digital Khichuri Challenge 2016 is now providing mental support to distressed individuals, through the website: http: Another winning team 'Icarus' started an online platform "Onimikh"- https: for young artists to promote Bangladeshi culture and heritage. Team "Bonshai" is now working on an automated online messenger app called Anu-Bot that will attend to the problems of youths and provide solution to manage their anger and stress. Addressing the event as the chief guest, the state minister assured the support from his ministry to continue their work. "Youths are the architects of Digital Bangladesh and the current government is always interested to invest in youth through initiatives, like Startup," said Palak. "Platform like Digital Khichuri, will help Bangladesh to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 16- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions," said Kyoko Yokosuka, deputy country director, UNDP Bangladesh. NOVOAIR to increase domestic flights Chittagong Bureau : The popular domestic airline of the country NOVOAIR is increasing flights in domestic route from today. Daily one more flight will include Chittagong, Cox's Bazar and Saidpur route from today.. NOVOAIR will also operate daily flight to Rajshahi from April 1. To meet the increasing demand of the valued passengers NOVOAIR will operate daily 6 flights to Chittagong, 4 flights to Cox's Bazar and 4 flights to Saidpur from April 1. NOVOAIR also operates daily 3 flights to Jessore, 1 flight to Sylhet and 1 flight to Kolkata. One Way starting fare to Chittagong is BDT 2500, while to Cox's Bazar BDT 3900, Jessore BDT 2700, Saidpur BDT 2700, Sylhet BDT 2700, Rajshahi BDT 2999 and Kolkata return fare starts from BDT 9999 (including all taxes) only. Biman launches additional Ctg- Jeddah flight Chittagong Bureau : Biman Bangladesh Airlines started operation of its third weekly flight to Jeddah from port city Chittagong. The national flag carrier's flight no BG 135 took off Hazrat Shah Amanat International Airport boarding 402 passengers by Boeing 777-300 ER at 8 pm on Sunday, a press release said . Managing Director and CEO of Biman Bangladesh A M Mosaddique Ahmed inaugurated the flight at the airport. Prior the flight at a press briefing, Mosaddique said Biman Bangladesh flight increased the flight frequency on Chittagong-Jeddah-Chittagong route as huge number of expatriate Bangladeshi manpower of Middle East belong to Chittagong. Currently, he said, Biman Bangladesh Airlines operates flights from Chittagong to different middle eastern destinations - weekly five flights to Dubai, five flights to Abu Dhabi, four flights to Mascat, three flights to Jeddah and one flight to Doha, the press briefing wastold. Besides, Biman operates two weekly flights from Chittagong to Kolkata in convenience of the business travelers as well as tourists. Judge rejects trial demand in Stormy Daniels case AP, New York : A porn star who said she had an affair with President Donald Trump and is suing so she can discuss the alleged relationship can't have a jury trial or question the president under oath because the request is premature, a federal judge in Los Angeles ruled Thursday. Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, had been seeking to invalidate the non-disclosure agreement she signed days before the 2016 presidential election and offered to return the $130,000 she was paid to "set the record straight." Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti, on Wednesday asked for a jury trial and sought sworn testimony from Trump and his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, about the payment that was made to Daniels as part of the nondisclosure agreement. Trump's attorneys filed documents in federal court in Los Angeles earlier this month seeking to compel private arbitration in the case and argued that Daniels could owe about $20 million for violating the agreement. Daniels argues the agreement is legally invalid because it was only signed by Daniels and Cohen, but was not signed by Trump. She's said she had sex with Trump once in 2006 and their relationship and continued for about a year. Trump married his current wife, Melania Trump, in 2005, and their son, Barron, was born in 2006. The White House has said Trump denies having an affair. Cohen's attorney, David Schwartz, told CBS that the filing seeking to compel Trump and Cohen's testimony was a "reckless use of the legal system." Avenatti is planning to refile his motion as soon as Trump's attorneys formally demand an arbitration proceeding in the case, he said Thursday. The ruling, handed down on Thursday, said the case "is not the most important matter on the court's docket." UN Chief warns of return to Cold-War-like tensions UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warns of a return Cold War-like tensions. AFP, United Nations : UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thurday warned of a return to Cold War-like tensions between the United States and Russia following the West's mass expulsions of Russian diplomats. 'I think we are coming to a situation that is similar, to a large extent, to what we lived during the Cold War,' Guterres told reporters at UN headquarters in New York. The United States, European nations and NATO countries have announced the expulsion of over 150 Russian diplomats in retaliation for the poisoning of a former spy in England. Russia on Thursday announced it would expel 60 US diplomats and close a consulate in a tit-for-tat move. Guterres said he was 'very concerned' about the lack of mechanisms to defuse tensions, such as special channels for information-sharing between Washington and Moscow, which were dismantled with the end of the Cold War. 'I do believe it's time for precautions of this sort, guaranteeing effective communication, guaranteeing capacity to prevent escalation,' he said. President Donald Trump ordered the departure of 48 Russian diplomats serving in missions in the United States and 12 from the Russian mission to the United Nations , the largest US expulsion of Russian or Soviet agents ever. Former US president Barack Obama expelled 35 in late 2016 over alleged election meddling. Relations between the United States and Russia at the UN Security Council have soured over Syria although Moscow has backed Washington's push for sanctions on North Korea. "I am really concerned," he replied when asked if the increased tension warrants a revival of Cold War safety mechanisms. "I think we are coming to a situation that is similar to a large extent to what lived during the Cold War," the UN chief said. "I do believe it's time for precaution of this sort guaranteeing effective communication, effective capacity to prevent escalation," Guterres said. He said that he believes that mechanisms of that sort are necessary again. The question was raised after Britain and its allies expelled more than 100 diplomats in retaliation for the alleged Moscow-directed nerve-agent attack on March 4 against a former Russian spy and his daughter in Salisbury, England. They remain in critical condition. The UN chief said there are "two important differences" between the Cold War era and the current situation. "In the Cold War there were clearly two superpowers with a complete control of the situation in two areas of the world," he said. "But now we have many other actors that are relatively independent with a really important role in many of the conflicts that we are witnessing." "On the other hand, during the Cold War there were mechanisms of communicating and control to avoid the escalation of incidents to make sure that things would not get out of control when tensions would rise," the UN chief said. While saying the old mechanisms should be restored, he gave no specifics. During the Cold War, there were, for instance, "hotlines" set up among major capitals, such as between Washington and Moscow. Leaders could speak by telephone directly with each other when tensions were heightened by emergencies to avoid them escalating into a nuclear war. US withdrawing from Syria `very soon`:Trump President Donald Trump has announced the imminent withdrawal of American troops from Syria, saying US is using all its resources in the anti-ISIS war. AFP, Richfield : US President Donald Trump insisted Thursday that US forces would pull out of Syria "very soon" and lamented what he said was Washington's waste of $7 trillion in Middle East wars. In a populist address to industrial workers in Ohio, Trump said US forces were close to securing all of the territory that the Islamic State jihadist group once claimed. "We'll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now," he promised, to applause. Trump did not say who the others were who might take care of Syria, but Russia and Iran have sizable forces in the country to support President Bashar al-Assad's regime. "Very soon-very soon we're coming out. We're going to have 100 percent of the caliphate, as they call it-sometimes referred to as 'land'-taking it all back quickly, quickly," he said. "But we're going to be coming out of there real soon. Going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be." State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert was later asked at a briefing if she was aware of any decision for the US to pull out of Syria. She responded, "I am not, no. No." The United States has more than 2,000 military personnel in eastern Syria, working with local militia groups to defeat the Islamic State group while trying to keep out of Syria's broader civil war. Trump's eagerness to quit the conflict flies in the face of a new US Syria strategy announced in January by then secretary of state Rex Tillerson-who has since been sacked. Tillerson argued that US forces must remain engaged in Syria to prevent IS and Al-Qaeda from returning and to deny Iran a chance "to further strengthen its position in Syria." In a speech at Stanford University, he also warned that "a total withdrawal of American personnel at this time would restore Assad and continue his brutal treatment against his own people." But Tillerson has gone after being dismissed in a tweet. And Trump, who increasingly makes foreign policy announcements without seeking the advice of US generals or diplomats, wants out. "We spent $7 trillion in the Middle East. And you know what we have for it? Nothing," Trump declared, promising to focus future US spending on building jobs and infrastructure at home. Richfield, United States: US President Donald Trump insisted Thursday that US forces would pull out of Syria "very soon" and lamented what he said was Washington's waste of $7 trillion in Middle East wars. In a populist address to industrial workers in Ohio, Trump said US forces were close to securing all of the territory that the ISIS terrorist group once claimed. "We'll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now," he promised, to applause. Trump did not say who the others were who might take care of Syria, but Russia and Iran have sizable forces in the country to support Bashar al-Assad's regime. Seminar on 'Academia-Software Industry' at DIU Prof Dr Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University along with distinguished guests on \'Academia-Software Industry : Bridging the Gaps\' seminar recently at RAOWA Convention Hall in the city. Campus Report : Daffodil International University (DIU) organized a seminar titled 'Academia-Software Industry: Bridging the Gaps' recently at RAOWA Convention Hall, in the city. Presided over by Prof Dr Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor of DIU, the seminar was addressed by Mohammad Nuruzzaman, CEO of Daffodil Family, Shahid Uddin Akbar, CEO of Bangladesh Institute of ICT in Development, Ashraf Abir, Former Director of BASIS and CEO of Multimedia Content and Communication, Luna Samsuddoha, Chairman of Janata Bank and CEO of Dohatech New Media, Fahim Masrur, Former President of BASIS, Rasel T Ahmed, Sr Vice President of BASIS, Prof Dr Syed Akther Hossen, Head, Department of CSE, DIU, Dr Touhid Bhuyan, Head, Department of Software Engineering, DIU, Munir Hasan and many other country's renowned personality of software industry in Bangladesh. Conducted by Syed Mizanur Rahman, Director of Student Affairs, DIU, Dean from different faculty, Faculty Member of CSE and Software Engineering Department, high officials of Daffodil Family and a large number of BASIS members were also present at the seminar. Distinguish guests said to the seminar that students should achieve competency and job skills besides gathering knowledge from textbook, so that the employer can't say that they don't get efficient employees. The speakers also said that, the market opportunity of garment products of Bangladesh spreads all over the world now a day, but in near future, software industry will leave behind the garments industry. The speakers expressed their hope that if we can use the opportunity of software industry and utilize the talent and expertise of our young generation, we can build a history in national export volume through software sector of Bangladesh. Prof Dr Yousuf Mahbubul Islam said, realizing the market trend and market demand, Daffodil International University has included practical education in its course curriculum as per the demand of new age and that's why students are getting opportunity to make competent themselves in local and global market. 'Youtuka' means gifts made before and also after nuptial fire Appellate Division (Civil) Surendra Kumar Sinha CJ Syed Mahmud Hossain J Hasan Foez Siddique J Mirza Hussain Haider J Abdur Rahim Molla ............ .......... Appellant (In CA Nos. 325 & 330 of 2009) vs Prosenjit Kumar Shaha and others .........Respondents (In all the appeals) Judgment November 22nd, 2016 Transfer of Property Act (IV of 1882) Section 123 'Youtuka' is a kind of gift and such gift if made at the time of marriage of daughter is valid in respect of immovable property and no registration is required according to Section 123 of the Act. This term has been interpreted by the High Court Division of Calcutta as including not only gifts made before the nuptial fire but gifts made during continuance of the marriage ceremonies, that is, the ceremonies beginning with shraddha and ending with that of prostrating before the husband. It is conceived that it includes gifts from strangers made before the nuptial fire and at the bridal procession. . ..... (17) Prem Mohan Das vs Hari Mohan Das, ILR (1925) 52 Calcutta 425 ref. Shahidul Islam, Advocate, instructed by Shirin Afroz, Advocate-on-Record-For the Appellants (In all the appeals). Probir Neogi, Senior Advocate, instructed by Mojibur Rahman, Advocate-on-Record-For the Respondents (In all the appeals). Judgment Syed Mahmud Hossain J: All the appeals by leave are directed against the common judgment and order dated 10-7-2008 passed by the High Court Division making the Rules absolute in Civil Revision Nos. 571, 572, 573 of 1987 and discharging the Rules in Civil Revision Nos. 8692, 9205 and 9106 of 1991. 2. All the appeals involving similar questions of laws and facts having been heard together are now disposed of by this single judgment. 3. The facts, leading to the filing of these appeals, in a nutshell, are: Prosenjit Kumar Saha and others as the plaintiffs filed Title Suit Nos. 980, 982 and 983 of 1975 against Abdur Rahim Mollah and Rashik Lai Saha in the Third Court of the then Munsif, Pabna for declaration of title to the suit land. Subsequently, the suits were renumbered as other Class Suit Nos. 36,37 and 38 of 1984. Their case, in short, is that the suit property described in 'Ka' schedule to the plaint originally belonged to Banomadhab Saha, while 'Kha' schedule land to Banomadhab Saha and one Jatish Chandra Saha in equal 8 annas share. Banomadhab Saha had no son but had a daughter Panchanani Saha. He orally gifted his entire property to his daughter Panchanani Saha as 'Youtaka', during her marriage with Sarat Chandra, who began to live in the, house of Banomadhab as domesticated son-in-law and possessed the gifted property. Jotish Chandra Saha gifted his 8 annas share to his mother Dharijyamoyee Saha and delivered possession to her, who in course of her owning and possessing in her absolute right, gifted the same to her brother-in-law's daughter Panchanani by a registered deed of gift dated 7-10-1941. Said Panchanani thereby became owner of 16 annas share of the entire suit property described in 'Ka' and 'Kha' schedules to the plaint. While owning and possessing the same through her bargadars, she died on 5-12-1967 childless but her husband Sarat Chandra while owning and possessing the same died on 16-3-1972 leaving behind 3 grand sons, namely, Prosanjit, Nitai and Amarendra, all sons of Sarashibala, the predeceased first wife Banamadhab. The aforesaid grandsons of Banamadhab are of plaintiffs in the instant suit and they became owners of 16 annas share of the suit property. Defendant No.1, Abul Hossain Khan, a desperate person, disclosed in the month of July, 1976 that he has purchased the suit property in the month of Joistha, 1383 BS from defendant No.2, Rashik Lai but as a matter of fact, he had no interest whatsoever in the property inasmuch as his father Tustalal, full sister's son of Banomadhab had died before Panchanani on 30-3-1965. Thus the plaintiffs' title became clouded and hence the suit was filed. 4. Defendant No.1 contested the suit by filing written statement, denying all the material statements made in the plaint. His case, in short, is that Banomadhab and Banamali were 2 full brothers. The suit properties described in 'Ka' schedule to the plaint belonged to Banomadhab while 'Kha' Schedule to Banamali in 8 annas shares. Jyotish Chandra son of Banoamali died leaving his mother Dharijamoyee and full paternal uncle Banomadhab. Dharijamoyee possessed 8 annas share in limited life interest and then died leaving behind aforesaid Banomadhab, who lied leaving a barren daughter Panchanani and full sister's son Tustalal, who inherited the property and began to possess the same through bargadars under the care of Panchanani and then died leaving a son Rashiklal, who sold the suit properties to defendant No.1 by kabala dated 11.06.1976. Defendant No. 1 remained in possession thereon since then. The suits are liable to be dismissed with cost. 5. The trial Court by judgment and order dated 31-7-1985 dismissed all the suits. Against the said judgment and decrees of the trial Court, the plaintiffs preferred Other Class Appeal Nos.157, 158 and 159 of 1995 before the learned District Judge, Pabna, who by his judgment and order dated 26-11-1986 allowed the appeals in part and decreed the suit in respect of 8 annas share in 'Kha' schedule land in favour of the plaintiffs. 6. Being aggrieved by the aforesaid judgment and decree passed by the appellate Court, the plaintiffs preferred three revisional applications before the High Court Division and obtained Rules in Civil Revision Nos. 571, 572 and 573 of 1987 and defendant No. 1 preferred three revisional applications before the High Court Division and obtained Rules in Civil Revision Nos. 8692, 9106 and 9206 of 1991. The learned Single Judge of the High Court of the High Court Division, upon hearing the parties, by the judgment and order dated 10.07.2008 made the Rules absolute in Civil Revision Nos.571, 572 and 573 of 1987 and discharged the Rules in Civil Revision Nos.8692, 9106 and 9206 of 1991. 7. Feeling aggrieved by and dissatisfied with the impugned judgment and order dated 10-7-2008 passed by the High Court Division, the leave-petitioners have filed Civil Petition for Leave to Appeal Nos.1936-1941 of 2008 and obtained leave in all the petitions on 12-4-2009 resulting in Civil Appeal Nos.325-330 of 2009. 8. Mr Shahidul Islam, learned Advocate, appearing on behalf of the appellants in all the appeals, submits that the High Court Division failed to consider the evidence on record that the plaintiffs hopelessly failed to prove their title to and possession in the suit land. He lastly submits that the High Court Division failed to consider properly the meaning of gift under Hindu Law and the law relating to transfer of immovable property through gift. 9. Mr Probir Neogi, learned Senior Advocate, appearing on behalf of the respondents in all the appeals, on the olher hand, submits that the plaintiffs inherited 'Ka' schedule and half of 'Kha' schedule properly, which is "Youtuka" of Panchanani and they inherited half of 'Kha' schedule land as grandsons of Panchanani's husband Sharat Chandra. He then submits that the defendant miserably failed to prove that Panchanani was a concubine of Sharat Chandra and that exhibit-3, the deed of gift of the year, 1941 proves that she is in fact the wife of Sharat Chandra and as such, no interference is called for. 10. We have considered the submissions of the learned Advocate for the appellants and the learned Senior Advocate for the respondents, perused the impugned judgment and the materials on record. 11. Before addressing the conflicting submissions of the learned Advocates of both the sides, it would be pertinent to go through the grounds, for which, leave was granted. The grounds are as follows: "Panchanani Shaha was not wife of Sharat Chandra Shaha and the plaintiff could not produce any evidence to prove that Panchanani Shaha was the wife of Sharat Chandra Shaha and as such, the plaintiff did not acquire any right, title and interest in the suit land but the High Court Division did not consider the aforesaid aspect and thus committed error of law resulting in an error in the decision occasioning failure of justice. The High Court Division failed to consider the evidence on record that the plaintiff hopelessly failed to prove their right, title and possession in the suit land. The High Court Division failed to consider properly the meaning, of gift under the Hindu Law and the law relating to the transfer of immovable property through gift." 12. The trial Court came to a finding that the plaintiffs could not prove that Panchanani was not a concubine of Sharat Chandra and that Dharijyamoyee having the life interest in half of 'Kha' schedule land did not have any right to transfer half of 'Kha' schedule land to Panchanani. The trial Court also found that the plaintiffs could not prove their title to and possession in the suit land. 13. The appellate Court on the other hand found that the 'Ka' schedule land and half of 'Kha' schedule land owned by Banomadhab Saha went to Tustalal Shaha, the sister's son of Banomadhab Shaha and that the plaintiff are enlitled to only half of the 'Kha' schedule and which Dharijyamoyee gifted to Panchanani by a registered deed of gift dated 7-10-1941. 14. The High Court Division found that the defendant has admitted in the written statement that the property was transferred to Panchanani Shaha by gift and that she remained in possession thereof on behalf of Tusta Lai. The High Court Division held that defendant-witnesses also admitted possession of Panchanani Shaha for some times. SA khatians which have been exhibited in Court and marked as exhibits-2(a)-2(f) show that the name of Panchanani had been recorded in the khatians and she paid rent regularly as shown by exhibit-5 series. The High Court Division further found that the alleged transfer of the suit land ih favour of Panchanani by way of 'Youtuka', and gift was acted upon. The High Court Division found that the plaintiffs contention to the effect that Tustalal died on 30-3-1964 before the death of Panchanani on 5-12-1967 was proved. 15. Admittedly, the 'Ka' schedule land longed to Banomadhab Shaha and the 'Kha' schedule land belonged to Banomadhab Shaha and his nephew, Joytish Chandra Shaha in equal shares. The plaintiffs contended that Banomadhab Shaha having no son gifted his entire property as "Youtuka" to his daughter Panchanani. The plaintiffs also contended that Joytish Chandra Shaha gifted his share orally to his mother Dharijyamoyee who gifted the same to his brother-in-law, Banomadhab's daughter, Panchanani by a registered deed of gift dated 7-10-1941. Therefore, Panchanani became the owner of entire suit property. Panchanani died childless on 5-12-1964 (1374BS). Her husband Sharat Chandra died on 16-3-1972 leaving behind three grandsons of his son, Purna Chandra who was the son of Sharat Chandra's predeceased first wife Saralabala, that is, Puma Chandra was the step son of Panchanani. The names of the grandsons of Sarat Chandra Shaha are Prosenjit Saha, Nitaijit Shaha and Amarendra Nath 5haha alias Nirmaipada Shaha who are plaintiff Nos.1 to 3. 16. The defendant on the other hand contends that the suit property belonged to Banomadhab Shaha. Banomadhab Shaha died leaving behind daughter Panchanani and sister's son Tustalal Shaha. According to the defendant as per Dayabaga succession, Panchani being a barren daughter of Banomadhab is excluded from inheriting the property left behind by Banomadhab and as such, Sharat Chandra Shaha, his grandsons, plaintiff Nos. 1-3 were excluded from inheriting the property left behind by Banomadhab. The entire property has vested in the sister's son Tutalal and thereafter upon Rashiklal. 17. It is to be seen whether Banomadhab could gift the 'Ka' schedule land and half of 'Kha' schedule to Panchanani by way of 'Youtuka'. According to Dayabaga School, the plaintiffs as Panchanani's step son's sons stand al serial No. 10 and in the absence of serial Nos.1-9, Panchanani's son's sons would inherit her 'Youtuka'. After the death of Panchanani's husband Sharat Chandra, his grandsons inherited half of 'Kha' land from him. Admittedly, 'Youtuka' is a kind of gift and such gift if made at the time of marriage of daughter is valid in respect of immovable property and no registration is required according to Section 123 of the Transfer of Property Act. 'Youtuka' has been defined in Molla's Hindu Law twentieth edition 'Youtuka', that is, gift made at the time of marriage. This term has been interpreted by the High Court Division of Calcutta as including not only gifts made before the nuptial fire but gifts made during continuance of the marriage ceremonies, that is, the ceremonies beginning with shraddha and ending with that of prostrating before' the husband. It is conceived that it includes gifts from strangers made before the nuptial fire and at the bridal procession. 18. In this connection reliance may be placed on the case of Prem Mohan Das vs Hari Mohan Das, ILR (1925) 52 Calcutta 425 where the plaintiff (father) had pronounced to give a house to his daughter and thus had induced the bridegroom's party to agree to this marriage and he did not register the deed of gift but his daughter and son-in-law had been in possession of the said house for nearly 10 years in their own right. The father filed a suit to recover the house in question from the daughter's transferee's. 19. To the above case, it has been held that there was an ante-nuptial promise by the plaintiff which became a binding contract when the marriage followed and that the validity of such contract was well established. 20. In view of the above finding, we are of the view that 'Youtuka', that is, gift of immovable property made as consideration of marriage at the time of nuptial fire is valid. 21. As regards, the deeds of gift dated 7-10-1941 (exhibit-3), we find that in the said deed Panchanani was described as the wife of Sharat Chandra and as such, the claim of the defendants that Panchanani was concubine of Sharat Chandra has been falsified. Moreover, continuous living together for a long time proves that Sarat Chandra and Panchanani were husband and wife. In fact, Panchanani was the wife of Sharat Chandra and that she inherited 'Ka' schedule land and half of 'Kha' schedule land as 'Youtuka'. 21. It is contended that Dharijyamoyee had no right to make a deed of gift in favour of Panchanani and such gift was illegal and as such, half of 'Kha' schedule property did not pass to Panchanani. The appellate Court found that the deed of gift made by Dharijyamoyee in favour of Panchanani on 7-10-1941 was a valid document. The appellate Court found that even if it is found that Joytish Chandra did not make oral gift to Dharijamoyee, Dharijyamoyee got half of 'Kha' schedule land after death of his son Joytish Chandra Shaha as life estate. The appellate Court rightly found that Dharijyamoyee could legally transfer the property which she got in life interest to Panchanani for legal necessity. The appellate Court noted that Dharijyamoyee became blind and Panchanani used to look after her and that prompted Dharijyamoyee to make gift of half of 'Kha' schedule land to Panchanani. Thereafter, Panchanani validly acquired half of 'Kha' schedule land by the deed of gift dated 7-10-1941. 22. Banomadhab's sister's son, Tustalal died on 30-3-1965 before Panchanani, who died on 5-12-1967. Therefore, Tustalal inherited nothing. 23. As regards possession, the appellate Court found that the plaintiffs have been in possession in part of the suit land. The High Court Division, however, on consideration of the oral evidence and the SA khatians, exhibits 2(a)-2(f) and the rent receipts, exhibit-5 series found that the plaintiffs are in possession of the entire suit land. The finding of possession of the High Court Division having been based on proper appreciation of evidence on record does not call for interference. In the light of the findings made before, we do not find any substance in these civil appeals. Accordingly, all the appeals are dismissed without any order as to costs. Hailstorm damages crops, fruits in Panchagarh, Nilphamari UNB, Dhaka : A hailstorm coupled with rain lashed Panchagarh and Nilphamari districts on Friday, damaging different crops and fruits on vast tracts of land. In Panchagarh, a violent hailstorm that swept a number of villages in Sadar upazila badly damaged mango and litchi buds and different crops. Locals said the hailstorm that struck early in the morning and ended 9am also damaged hybrid tomatoes and watermelons on a vast track of land during its fury. Kamarjani, Kunderpara, Prodhaner Bazar, Jhakurer Bhita, Goghat, Kharjani, Dariapur, Karaibari, Counciler Bazar and Nayagani were among the worst-affected 19 villages under Haribhasa, Hafizabad and Kamat Kajoldighi unions. Nuruzzaman, a farmer at Haribhasa union, said he cultivated hybrid tomatoes and watermelons, but they were totally destroyed. "I've lost all of my capital," he added. Azizar Rahman, a farmer at Chaklahat union, said most of buds of litchis and mangoes were damaged as the hailstorm lashed the union. Local agriculture office has recorded 37 mm rain in Sadar upazila. Officials at the Department of Agricultural Extension visited the affected areas to assess the extent of losses, said Shamsul Haque, deputy director of district DAE office. The electricity supply also remained suspended in the district till 5pm following the hailstorm. In Niphamari, a hailstorm, accompanied by rain, hit Domar, Dimla and Jaldhaka upazilas, leaving three people injured and disrupting power supply for several hours. The worst-affected unions are Zorabari, Gomanti, Bamunia, Bhogdaburi, Ketkibari unions under Domar upazila while Mirganj, Shimulbnari and Golna unions in Jaldhaka upazila and Khalishachapani and Naotara unions in Dimla upazila. The power supply was disrupted for several hours as tree branches fell on the electric lines on Sayedpur-Nilphamari road due to storm, said Abu Sayed, executive engineer of North West Power Distribution Company. BNP demands Khaleda`s release for treatment Staff Reporter : The BNP on Friday demanded immediate release of the party Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia for better treatment either at home or abroad as she fell sick in gail. The party has also expressed concern over her health condition. BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir made the demand in a press briefing at the party's Nayapaltan central office in the capital. "We have some demands. Permit Khaleda's personal medical team to examine her health in jail and take necessary steps for her treatment in the light of the recommendations of the team. Release her immediately as the court has given her bail," Mirza Fakhrul said. The party secretary general referred to the postponement of his scheduled visit to Khaleda Zia on Thursday. He said the decision was taken as she was ill. Khaleda Zia could not appear in the court on Wednesday for the same reason. Mirza Fakhrul said, "We are yet to know about the nature of our party chief's sickness and what measure has the government taken about her treatment." "Neither the jail authorities nor the government informed us," he said. The Secretary General said, "Khaleda Zia is not safe under the present autocratic government. The former Prime Minister's fate may be what others had sustained under other autocratic governments." He said that they did not know whether her food served in the jail was tested. Standing committee members Dr. Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Barrister Moudud Ahmed, Nazrul Islam Khan, Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury and Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, among others, were present at the briefing. Diarrhoea on rise Unsafe water, juice and rotten foods blamed Children overcrowding ICDDR\'B Hospital in city as diarrhoea took epidemic form due to gradual rise in temperature over the last few days. This photo was taken on Friday. Reza Mahmud : Diarrhoea is becoming epidemic in the capital and other parts of the country due to gradual rise in temperature for the last few days of the summer. Experts said, the diarrhoea is a water borne disease and the children are mostly the victims of it because they drink unsafe water, juice and also take ice-cream to get rid of hot weather. Dr. Ayesha Akter, In-charge of the National Health Crisis Management Center and Control Room of the Health Department told The New Nation, "The increasing temperature is the cause of the outbreak of diarrhoea." She said, over 5000 diarrhoea patients have been admitted in International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) in last 11 days since March 20 to 30. Icddr,b records said 428 patients were admitted on March 20, 462 on March 21, 466 on March 22, 458 on March 23, 468 on March 24, 477 on March 25, 527 on March 26, 506 on March 27, 553 on March 28, 507 on March 29 and around 400 on March 30. Dr. Ayesha said, in some districts diarrhoea patients are reportedly increasing. Among those, On Thursday, 55 diarrhoea patients were admitted to hospitals in Bogra, 52 in Kishorgonj, 53 in Comilla, 13 in Rangamati, 20 in Dinajpur, 46 in Thakurgaon and 51 in Jessor. The Chief Physician (Clinical Service) of icddr,b, Dr. Pradip Kumar Bardhan told The New Nation, "The number of diarrhoea patients increased in the recent days, but there is no reason of panic for this." He said over 507 diarrhoea patients were admitted to hospitals and in the last 24 hours at the icddr,b, most of those are children. "The main reasons for spread of the disease are unsafe water and unawareness about washing hands before taking meals," he said. The expert stressed on to take safe water and to wash hands before taking meals every time. "The parents should keep watch on their children when they take water, juice and ice-cream," he said. 2 robbers killed in gunfights with police Staff Reporter : Two suspected robbers were killed in separate gunfights with police in Dhaka and Magura in the small hours of Friday. The deceased are: Zahirul Islam, who hailed from Dakkhinkhan area in the capital and Fakhrul Islam from Magura district, police said. In Dhaka, a man, held for a robbery, was killed in a gunfight between police and a gang of robbers in city's Dakkhinkhan area, said Tapan Kumar Saha, Officer-in-Charge of Dakkhinkhan Police Station. Locals caught Zahirul and four others on Thursday afternoon as they tried to rob a neighbourhood's house at Mollertek Road. The mob then handed them to police. Police seized three firearms, two machetes and looted goods from their possession. Early on Friday, police took Zahirul along with detainees went to raid in Diabari area to nab other members of his gang, the OC said. "Around 4:30am, the shootout erupted as police retaliated after the robbers opened fire. Zahirul was shot at one point." The 35-year-old Zahirul was declared dead after being taken to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH). Other robbers managed to flee, according to the OC. In Magura, an alleged dacoit was killed in a gunfight between two gangs in Sadar upazila of Magura early in the day, said Additional Superintendent of Magura Police (ASP) Tariqul Islam. Acting on a tip-off, a police team from Magura conducted a drive in Chhonpur area of the upazila around 2.00am where two rival gangs of robbers were involved in a gunfight, he said. Sensing the presence of police, both the groups fled the scene. Latter, police recovered the bullet-hit body of Fakhrul from the spot, he added. The body was sent to Magura Sadar Hospital morgue for autopsy. Nor`wester lashes 5 dists: 7 killed At least seven people including a baby died after a nor'wester lashed Bangladesh on Friday. In Sylhet, two including a baby died after a nor'wester lashed Sylhet's Omaninagar upazila on Friday after noon. Sixteen-month-old Hasan Ahmed was washed away and drowned in a pond after a house in Sikandapur village was damaged in the storm, our local correspondent reports quoting officials. Sadia Begum, 45, who was visiting the house of a relative, died after she was struck by a loose tin from the roof of a building in Doshal village during the time of the storm. Osmaninagar Upazila Nirbahi Officer Anisur Rahman endorsed both cases of deaths. Around 100 houses were damaged and a large number of trees uprooted during the storm that struck the district around 5:00pm, the upazila administration officer said. In Magura, farmer Akram Hossain, 35, suffered injuries as the hailstorm hit him while working field at Dohorsingra village in Sadar upazila around afternoon. He died on the way to hospital, reports our Magura correspondent quoting district's Deputy Commissioner Atiqur Rahman. In Dinajpur, one person, Said Ali, 55, son of Lal Mohammad in Parbatipur upazila, was killed during a hailstorm, Raihan Ali, Residential Medical Officer of Parbatipur upazila Health Complex, said. In Jessore, a young boy, Laijul Islam, 17, died from electrocution as a live electric war fell on him at Prembag in Abhaynagar upazila this evening during a storm, our Benapole correspondent reports quoting Anisur Rahman, officer-in-charge of Abhaynagar Police Station. In Rangpur, two persons - yet to be identified - died from electrocution in Badarganj and Gangachara upazilas, during storm our local correspondent reports quoting Gangachara Police Station OC Mashiur Rahman and Badarganj police's OC Akhteruzzaman. The Undead Archives I have finally salvaged my pre-Blogger TDR archives and added them into Blogger. They are almost totally in the form of one giant post for each month. And the formatting strayed from the originals. Sorry. But historians everywhere can rejoice that this treasure trove of my thoughts is restored to the world. CLUTE Police have released the name and a photo of the third man they are seeking in connection with a fatal shooting earlier this week in h Yes, the decision belongs on the local level No, no one should be able to dictate whether people wear masks Vote View Results If you are looking for the new Immoral Minority posts, you should know that they can be found here at our new home Please stop by to get caught up on politics, join the conversations, or simply check out the new digs. The best bang for your buck! This option enables you to purchase online 24/7 access and receive the Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday print edition at no additional cost * Print edition only available in our carrier delivery area. Allow up to 72 hours for delivery of your print edition to begin. Print edition not available for Day Pass option. Jemariah Diamond topped all others in this years Grade Five Public Speaking Competition. Half way through her presentation, Jemariah Diamond raised the level of the Grade Five Public Speaking Competition. Her combination of research material, delivered in a commanding manner, earned points which made the difference. The ten-year-old Marriaqua Government School student walked away with the overall top prize. Jemariah received help from teacher Carla Matthews and praised her mother Jennetha. From La Croix in the interior of mainland St. Vincent, Jeremiah expressed satisfaction on her achievement. Seven finalists spoke on the prepared speech: Dance Hall music is contributing towards the increase in violence among youths in the Vincentian society. How far do you agree with this statement? Jemariah pulled the topic: Why are manners important for her Impromptu presentation. This category was won by Ginniek Shallow who spoke on: If I ruled the world. That performance crowned a good all-round effort for the Lower Bay School Inc, as Ginniek took second place. Third place went to Rosashia Shortte from Lowmans Leeward Anglican School. Her Impromptu speech was on Dogs are better than cats. Fourth place was taken by Rolando Lewis from Diamond Government School. His Impromptu topic was: Should children watch less television? The other finalists were Shavel Lewis of the Fancy Government who pulled the topic Saying thank you; Jaiden Kydd - Paget Farm Government with If I had wings; and Deandra Boyle representing Argyle Primary who spoke on Praying. Twenty students took part in preliminary rounds organised by the Ministry of Education, National Reconciliation and Information, with support from the National Insurance Services. Sharon Ashton, representing NIS, reflected on the 15 years since the sponsorship has been taking place. NIS has been in existence for the past 31 years, but Ashton noted that many persons were still not aware of the importance of social security. (WKA) Keith Miller, Head of Security at the AIA, sought to assure the public that his security officers were not at fault as Stephen Joachim alleged. Head of Security at the Argyle International Airport, Keith Miller, has said that, based on investigations conducted, there is no evidence to support the claims made by Stephen Joachim, the Chief Financial Officer of Mustique Company Ltd., that he was strip- searched and manhandled by screening officers. And to support this conclusion, members of the media, during a press briefing held by the AIA last Monday, were shown video footage of the incident in question. The AIAs Security Chief said that he had received a telephone call on March 17 from a senior member of staff at the airport who had reported to him that Joachim had leveled the allegations of being manhandled and strip-searched by security personnel. This was, according to information on file, the second time that Joachim had apparently had issues with security officers at AIA. According to Miller, the first incident occurred on September 22, 2017. Reports coming from members of staff, according to Miller, suggest that Joachim used abusive and obscene language against the security officer, and in the security area in the presence of other passengers. Members of the media were afforded the opportunity to view the video footage for both incidents. No video proof During the playback of the recording of the March 17 incident, Joachim is seen entering the security restricted area around 1:24 pm on the said day; he walks through the metal detectors, then there is a visible exchange between the security officer and Joachim. At one point, Joachim is seen to have lifted his t-shirt exposing his abdominal area, but there was nothing to suggest that he was manhandled. And despite the allegations leveled against the security staff, Miller said that investigations on both occasions determined that the screeners carried out their duties with utmost professionalism. "Reports like this will trigger off an immediate investigation because we cannot have anything being said adversely about us, Miller said. "Any bit that comes out of AIA will affect a number of things with respect to St Vincent and the Grenadines and particularly AIA, he continued. AIA complying with intl standards The procedures as they relate to security screening and checks at AIA are not set by local authorities, but by international aviation agencies, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority (ECCAA) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Evaluation of the implementation of these guidelines and procedures spelt out by these agencies is an ongoing process, and a prerequisite for continued operation of any international airport. The enforcement of these regulations is done through the use of applicable equipment and conducted by trained personnel. "What is done at the airport is not just done by guess but is a system that is well organized and systematic, Miller said, adding that he wanted to give the assurance to members of the public that they can be confident that what the screeners do at the AIA is in compliance with the standards of ICAO and other agencies. It was confirmed that only the Head of State, the Governor General in our case, was exempt from screening. Members of the diplomatic core were offered certain courtesies as well, but all other individuals are subjected to being screened and or searched if deemed necessary. Miller reminded the public that, once a passenger openly and aggressively refused to be screened, that becomes visibly irate, that persons can be denied access to the aircraft. Furthermore, under the Civil Aviation Act, which was amended in 2017 to reflect some of the new international regulations, an individual who is in breach of the law can be arrested on site, without a warrant. All attempts made by THE VINCENTIAN to contact Joachim for a response, proved futile. (DD) Tawazun Economic Council has announced the closure of Alfia after successfully fulfilling its purpose of serving as an investment fund for defence contractors. Tareq Abdul Raheem Al Hosani, chief executive officer of Tawazun Economic Council, said: Alfia Fund has successfully realised Tawazun Economic Councils objectives of creating wealth for economic development in the UAE, investing in viable public and private ventures and providing job opportunities to the Emiratis. He pointed out that seven defence contractors, along with Tawazun Economic Council, subscribed to the Alfia Fund. "Alfia Fund has performed well over its period which is reflected in a 13 per cent percent growth in returns to its investors, accounting for Dh85 million ($23.1 million) in total, he added. "The purpose of the fund was to maximise returns from a diversified portfolio of investments in local ventures under the 'Tawazun Economic Program' administered by the Industrial Development Unit of Tawazun Economic Council Investments in the fund," Al Hosani said, adding that it enabled the defence contractors to fulfil their respective obligations, and to contribute to the ongoing economic development drive. "With the closing of Alfia Fund, we now have yet another successful case on doing business in UAE," he said. Mohamed Helal Al Muhairi, director of the Alfia Fund, said the fund made six select investments in UAE and has successfully divested from these profitable ventures by selling its shares to private Emirati investors, thereby maximising the value for their investments. The fund has created many companies in various sectors, ranging from education, third-party health insurance, construction etc, he added. Khaleefa Al Hemairi, Member of Alfia Funds Board of Directors, said upon its closure, the fund had distributed both initial investments and earnings to the investors. "All investments from this fund were done in UAE which has generated good returns enabling defence contractors to not only meet offset obligations but also to gain sizable premium over their initial subscription," he noted. Formerly known as the Chescor Capital Offset Fund, or CCO, Alfia Fund was established in Mauritius under the management of Chescor Capital Middle East (CCME), and under the administration of International Financial Services Limited. The fund operations were managed by one of the leading banks in UAE with a high level of expertise in investment funds. Since its establishment, Tawazun Economic Council has facilitated the creation of over 90 companies and joint ventures, at a total value of Dh36 billion ($9.7 billion), generating more than Dh70 billion ($19 billion) in revenues and creating over 95,000 jobs. The consolidated assets of these companies have grown exponentially to Dh542 billion ($147.5 billion). - TradeArabia News Service Diyar Al Muharraq, one of the leading urban developers in Bahrain, has officially inaugurated the Aysha Al Rasheed Mosque in Hai Al Sherooq. The mosque was opened on March 20 in the presence of the chairman of the Sunni Waqf Directorate, Dr Rashid bin Mohammed Al Hajeri. The occasion was also attended by the relatives the benefactor of the Aysha Al Rasheed Mosque, headed by Samir Yacoub Al Nafisi, and the chairman of Diyar Al Muharraq, Abdulhakeem Alkhayyat, along with other prominent public figures and Hai Al Sherooqs residents. Dr Al Hajeri congratulated the residents of Hai Al Sherooq and Diyar Al Muharraq on the opening of the new mosque. He stressed on the importance of mosques shaping the values of each member of society, and thanked all who worked and donated for the project, specially mentioning the Al Rasheed and Al Nafisi families for their sponsorship of the construction of the mosque. Samir Yacoub Al Nafisi expressed his pleasure in witnessing the completion of the construction of the Mosque and its inauguration. Abdulhakeem Alkhayyat said: We are honoured to have been a part of the manifestation of this holy place, which would not have been possible without the generous donation of Mrs Aysha Abdulla Al Rasheed. The establishment of the myriad mosques within Diyar Al Muharraq reflects our keenness to consolidate the virtuous values of the people of Bahrain, as we work hand in hand with the Sunni Waqf Directorate to further strengthen the foundations that preserve the principles of Islam. The Aysha Al Rasheed Mosque occupies a total area of 739 sq m and is designed to accommodate more than 160 worshippers. The mosque has a dedicated prayer hall for women and a multi-purpose men's majlis that is suitable for hosting various community events. Diyar Al Muharraq is a unique master-planned city for the people of Bahrain offering range of housing options and quality lifestyle. Diyar Al Muharraq offers a cohesive mix of residential and commercial properties with a strong line up of projects aimed at creating a long-term and sophisticated township. TradeArabia News Service Hospitality Management Holding (HMH) is preparing for a strong show at the Riyadh Travel Fair (RTF) in April, one of the key tourism and travel events in the region. Participating for the 10th year in a row, the hotel group will promote its properties at the event, including the Bahi Ajman Palace Hotel, Coral Port Sudan Hotel, Coral Dubai Deira Hotel, Corp Amman Hotel, Coral Khartoum Hotel and EWA Khartoum Hotel and Apartments. RTF is also an opportunity for HMH to present its new five-star property in Saudi Arabia The Coral Al Madinah Hotel - scheduled to open in the next quarter, in time for Hajj season. Welcoming this opportunity, Ferghal Purcell, chief operating officer of HMH, said: With Saudi Arabia continuing to grow at such an inspiring rate, the kingdom is, without doubt, a key market for HMH, as part of our wider GCC expansion. We are delighted to have a powerful presence in Saudi Arabia, and our portfolio has been significantly improved by the addition of the Coral Al Madinah Hotel which is designed to meet the needs of Hajj and Umrah pilgrims and their families. Commenting on this occasion, Aboudi Asali, chief executive officer of HMH, said: Im thrilled to welcome the Coral Al Madinah Hotel to our portfolio. Saudi Arabia is an incredibly influential and promising market with tremendous growth potential. With the introduction of Coral Al Madinah, HMH will have a strong foothold in the region with world-class hotels and a commitment to guest service thats nothing short of exceptional. Coral Al Madinah joins HMHs existing portfolio in Saudi Arabia, which includes the Coral Al Khobar Hotel, Coral Jubail Hotel and Coral Al Ahsa Hotel. The Riyadh Travel Fair 2018 will take place from April 10 - 13, in Prince Sultan Hall, Al Faisaliah Hotel Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.- TradeArabia News Service By Siddhant Mohan, Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, on Wednesday night, passed an order to all government bodies of the state to add Ramji as the middle name for the Bhimrao Ambedkar. The order also applies to all the benches of lower courts and the High Court of the state. While the spelling of Ambedkar in English will remain unchanged, the spelling in Hindi will change so that his name is pronounced Aambedkar. Support TwoCircles States governor Ram Naik started a campaign in December 2017 for the name change of the iconic Dalit and equality leader BR Ambedkar, who is also famous for drafting the Constitution of India. Naik also wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in January 2018, drawing his attention to the incorrect spelling and usage of Ambedkar in official records, and asking him to issue directions for its correction. The main point is the way the name should be pronounced. While its English spelling is correct, the spelling will have to change in Hindi, as will the pronunciation. Ramji was his fathers name. As per common practice in Maharashtra, fathers name is used as a middle name for sons, Dr. Lalji Prasad Nirmal, the director of the Mahasabha, was quoted by the Times of India as saying. Ambedkars signatures over the pages of the constitution draft are clearly seen as Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar. But in popular culture, as well as in discourses, Ambedkar was never mentioned with the Ramji as a middle name. Political experts and BJP rivals see the name change as an attempt to change the anti-Ambedkar nature of Bhartiya Janta Party. Since past few months, BJP leaders and cabinet ministers have been seen in the news having lunch at the houses of Dalits in Uttar Pradesh and other states to match the gap between the two. Especially after the arrest and trial of Chandrashekhar Azad Ravan and subsequent killing of the Dalit movement across western Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath government in the state has been perceived as anti-Dalit in nature. However, the government order does not specify the reason behind the changing the name of BR Ambedkar, and government sources were not able to comment as well on the same query. About Me I am an urban/commercial district revitalization and transportation/mobility advocate and consultant and a principal in BicyclePASS, a bicycle facilities systems integration firm, based in Washington, DC. Urban economic competitiveness is dependent on efficient transit and mixed use, compact places. Therefore, I end up writing mostly about mobility and urban design. While I am based in and write about Washington, DC issues, I try to write so that "universal lessons" are evident in the entries. View my complete profile Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 Following the Turkey-EU meeting in Varna on March 26, Prime Minister Binali Yldrm said, We have not seen signs that the EU will treat Turkey on fair ground. As Hurriyet Daliy News writes in an article "A European Turkey", globalization is currently in a phase where identities have become militarized, migration movements have created mass societies, economies have turned into protectionist economies and terrorism and security have entered a phase of internationalization. Isolation has become more dangerous than ever. EU Council President Donald Tusk also said following the Turkey-EU summit that there had not been any concrete compromise on the issues that were discussed in Varna. So did they just beat the air? Or could one honestly not expect European crusaders to be Turkeys genuine friend? Lets elaborate more on the conspiracy theory. Is it possible for the Crusader-Zionist alliance dedicated to remove Turkey from the world map to have good intentions? Diplomatic language First of all, let us underline one factor: The language President Recep Tayyip Erdogan used, which was genuine diplomatic language, was very different from his usual rethoric towards Europe at the rallies in Turkey. We hope we have left behind a difficult period in Turkey-EU relations. It would be a grave mistake for Europe, which claims to be a global force, to push Turkey out of its expansion policy. Lets build a prosperous and strong Europe together, he said. I find this the right kind of approach and tone. However, it will take some time to remove the traces of the language he had used at rallies during tense periods. More importantly, even though there are very important common interests between Turkey and the EU, there are serious disputes between them as well. For instance, naturally, Turkey will not accept Europes approach about problems regarding the Aegean Sea, the eastern Mediterranean and relations with Greek Cyprus, while Europe is under Greek influence. In addition, the legal definition of terror is also a matter of dispute between Turkey and Europe. From Europes perspective From Europes perspective, it is not possible to find the state of emergency practices, the Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSK) system, jurisdiction problems or widespread arrests in Turkey in accordance with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). It is unacceptable under EU law for politicians to oppose and then for local courts to not comply with a decision the Turkish Constitutional Court has ruled as a violation. We shouldnt forget that France amended the 65th article in its constitution, removing the president and justice minister from the High Council of the Judiciary in 2007 for their affiliation with a political party, in order to reinforce the trust of its citizens in the justice system and in order to comply with the ECHRs definition of separation of powers. It is important to understand that the problems viewed from Turkeys perspective and from Europes perspective cannot be solved at a summit easily. However, it is also important to understand that there are many common interests between Turkey and Europe. In the age of globalization As expressed by daily Hurriyets correspondent Guven Ozalp, the language used internally differed from the language used externally at the Varna summit. Disputes and problems were discussed internally, but the language used by the leaders externally was diplomatic due to shared vital interests. Tusk explained that the positive progress, including the accession period, could improve relations between Turkey and the EU. Juncker emphasized the importance of relations with Turkey. The key is to limit disputes between the two parties without damaging their important interests and to solve them on time. Since Turkey has integrated with European institutions, it should be able to integrate with European law on one hand and globally on the other hand. China has pledged to boost imports from Kazakhstan and guaranteed that US moves to slap punitive tariffs on Beijings goods will not affect the amount of metals, oil and gas it buys from the Central Asian nation. Chinas ambassador to Kazakhstan, Zhang Hanhui, also signaled at a press briefing on March 27 that his country wants to consolidate economic cooperation in the region with Russia. As Eurasianet writes in an article "China Assures Kazakhstan That US Trade Offensive Won't Hit Imports", while the ambassadors remarks were seemingly intended primarily to reassure that increasingly hawkish trade positions adopted by Washington would not have a deleterious knock-on effect in Kazakhstan, they also signaled that China has a strategic backup plan. Far from anticipating a shrinking appetite for Kazakhstans exports, Zhang said that China wants to expand its investments there. In February, Ning Jizhe, chairman of Chinas National Development and Reform Commission, said at a bilateral investment forum in Beijing that his government is looking in particular at sharing its experiences in high-tech and green technology in Kazakhstan. That would mark a shift away from concentration on the raw materials industry, which has traditionally constituted the main focus of Chinese investment. Later that same month, Kazakhstans Minister for Investment and Development, Zhenis Kasymbek, said that cooperation with China has generated 51 ongoing commercial projects worth a total of $27.7 billion. Another six projects were to be rolled out in 2018 at value of $363 million. The bilateral trade figures are generally in Kazakhstans favor. The figure for 2017 reached $10.5 billion, with around $5.8 billion of that total accounted for by exports to China. That export figure marked a 37 percent rise year-on-year. Zhang, the ambassador, said, with perhaps a hint of mischievousness, that Beijing wants to continue developing projects in Kazakhstan with European help. This will be very good. If our cooperation is in everybodys interests, then why not? You Europeans can come with your ideas and technology. If you dont have money, then we will have it, he said. Zhang said he has received specific expressions of interest from his German, United Kingdom and European Union counterparts. The priority, he indicated, will be in consolidating the three-way axis with Russia and Kazakhstan, however. The Russian ambassador [in Kazakhstan], my old friend [Aleksei] Borodavkin is dropping by this Sunday and we will have talks. I think that we have very good conditions and basis for trilateral cooperation, Zhang said. Chinese reaffirmation of its commitment to Kazakhstan comes a few weeks after President Nursultan Nazarbayev traveled to Washington to meet with President Donald Trump, where the pair spoke warmly of their intention to take their partnership to a new strategic level. In trademark fashion, however, Trump framed relations with Kazakhstan in resoundingly self-interested terms. A lot of goods are being purchased from our country, meaning jobs General Electric, Boeing. Tremendous amounts of money, he said on January 16 before talks with Nazarbayev. China is more careful to frame its narrative if not its deeds necessarily in ways that emphasize mutual interests and connectivity. One such example was a cargo train that departed on the morning of March 28 from the eastern Chinese city of Xinxiang to embark on a maiden trip through all five Central Asian states. This train will operate once weekly and pull 50 carriages carrying cargo weighing between 150,000 tons and 200,000 tons. As a report by Chinas state-owned Xinhua news agency noted, the train is expected to operate on the principle of leave full, return full. It will send mechanical equipment, rubber products, fire-resistant materials and other goods to the countries of Central Asia, and return a variety of raw materials, the agency reported. One of Turkey's largest international investors, SOCAR, has announced new investment plans for the country's petrochemicals industry to be completed by 2022, citing the opportunities in Turkey's petrochemicals market. As Daily Sabah writes in an article "Energy giant SOCAR plans another petrochemical investment in Turkey", investing in Turkey since 2008 starting with the acquisition of Petkim for nearly $2.5 billion and reaching investments of $19.5 billion, State Oil Company of Azerbaijani Republic (SOCAR)'s Turkey subsidiary announced a new investment plan in Turkey's petrochemical industry. SOCAR Turkey CEO Zaur Gahramanov has said that SOCAR Turkey's refinery in Aliaga, Izmir, SOCAR Turkey Aegean Refinery (STAR) will start production in September and that the Azeri energy giant is scheduled to decide on new investments in 2019. The company, which has earned the title of Turkey's largest international investor with the energy projects it has undertaken and finished, plans to complete the construction of the new petrochemical complex by the end of 2022. Gahramanov said that the firm delivered a good performance in 2017. One of the companies operating under SOCAR Turkey, Petkim, broke production, revenue and profit records last year with TL 1.4 billion ($351.22 million) in profits, the CEO added. "All projects are progressing very well. The constructions of Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline [TANAP] and STAR refinery currently continue and they will start operating this year," he said. With their completion, the two largest energy projects in Turkey in which the company has been investing for the past eight years will be accomplished. As Energy and Natural Resources Minister Berat Albayrak previously announced, TANAP is scheduled to start its first deliveries of gas in July, and the STAR refinery will start production in September, Gahramanov said. SOCAR has so far invested $12.6 billion of the planned $19.5 in Turkey. Once the ongoing projects finish, the company's investments will reach $16.5 billion. The remaining $3 billion, Gahramanov said, will be allocated to new investment projects for 2018, 2019 and 2020. Concerning the opportunities in the Turkish market for petrochemical investments, Gahramanov said: "We are working on new petrochemical investment projects in Turkey. We will decide on a new petrochemical investment in 2019, and plan to complete the construction of the new petrochemical complex by the end of 2022."Gahramanov drew attention to the problem of Turkey's current account deficit, which largely depends on imported energy products. He said that all of SOCAR's investment aim to narrow that deficit. "The STAR refinery, TANAP and our new petrochemical complex project are designed to narrow the current account deficit and will provide billions of dollars to the Turkish economy," he said, adding that SOCAR plans long-term investments in Turkey as the company has confidence in the country's economy. Gahramanov said that SOCAR exports 50 percent of Petkim's production and the STAR refinery's petrochemical production will be distributed in the Turkish market. The company expects $12 billion in turnover by 2019 when they start to operate on full capacity. "A new refinery with a capacity of 10 million tons will start operating in Turkey," he said, referring to STAR. STAR, whose started construction in 2011, is currently under construction on a 2,400-hectare site on the Aliaga Peninsula. With a crude oil processing capacity of 10 million tons, STAR is underway as the most critical component of SOCAR Turkey's integrated energy solutions and value chain. A $6 billion investment, the STAR refinery is the largest foreign direct investment (FDI) made in a single location. As for oil prices, Gahramanov said that SOCAR does not expect either a drastic fall or rise in prices and foresees that crude prices will hover around $65 to $70 per barrel. Armenia was visited by two Russian parliamentary delegations in the past month. A couple of weeks ago, a delegation of the Russian Federation Council led by the chairperson of the Committee on Foreign Affairs Konstantin Kosachev visited Yerevan, and recently the guests of the parliament were State Duma deputies led by First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Konstantin Zatulin. According to the majority of Armenian experts, these visits were not accidental. Novosti-Armenia agency tells its side of the story. International isolation of Moscow and the series of visits Without diminishing the importance of Armenia in the South Caucasus for Russia, however, the root cause of intermittent visits should be sought in Moscow's continued international isolation. But this is one thing, the real trouble is that unlike Western countries and international organizations, for example, NATO and the EU, which support the anti-Russian sentiments at the level of the highest leadership, more or less adequate response to such an attitude towards Russia has been received neither from the CSTO, nor the EEU, not to mention separate countries - members of these organizations. "Allies" pulling strings behind the scene Russia, unlike, for example, the UK, appears before the West alone in the sense of what has been said. Moreover, along with the strengthening of sanctions against Moscow, Russia's most important partners in the Eurasian community continue to expand their relations with the "enemies" of their main strategic ally. For example, Kazakhstan, represented by its president during his visit to Washington in January this year, not only achieved billions of US investments in his country, but also expressed the desire to raise the level of relations between the United States and Kazakhstan to an "expanded strategic partnership", but also announced the visa waiver program for US citizens, which could not but provoke feelings of vexation in Moscow. The behavior of another EEU partner and the union state, Belarus, also raises many questions for the Kremlin, especially after the introduction of retaliatory sanctions from Russia, when shrimps and lobsters suddenly appeared on the territory of the union state, which probably never existed there. What does the loss of Armenia in the South Caucasus mean for Russia? With regard to other Russian partners in the above-mentioned unions, then, of course, Armenia occupies a key geopolitical position among them, at least in the South Caucasus, which, unlike for Kazakhstan and Belarus, is equally important for both Moscow and Yerevan. I think Moscow is well aware that loss of Armenia as an ally is fraught with not just Russia's withdrawal from the South Caucasus, but also the escalation of problems in the North Caucasus. After all, it's not a secret hat stability in this region is maintained solely due to the tough power of local leaders, whose dedication to the Kremlin is measured by the amount of investment from Moscow. Kremlin's vain attempts to win over Azerbaijan One can says that Russia's attempt to win over Azerbaijan is not successful at the moment, simply because the latter has a close "relative" in the region in the person of Turkey, the economic potential of which is comparable with Russia's one. Therefore, in addition to refusing to join the EEU, after the expulsion of the Russian military from Gabala, Azerbaijan does not allow any Russian military presence on its territory, demanding Moscow's pressure on Yerevan in terms of concessions on Karabakh as the price of slightest progress on this matter. As for Russia's attempts to make Azerbaijan depend on it by selling arms, then Moscow should not rejoice here either. The decrease in the volume of arms sales to Azerbaijan, which Russian deputies and senators during the visit to Yerevan tried to present as "concessions" to Armenia, are beneath all criticism hardly taken seriously. In the opinion of many Russian and Armenian experts, there are absolutely different reasons for reducing arms sales to Azerbaijan: - the terms of previous contracts for Russia's arms supply to Azerbaijan have expired or will expire soon, and new contracts have not yet been signed; - Azerbaijan has alternative sources for the purchase of weapons in Ukraine, Belarus, Israel and, of course, Turkey. By the way, according to Turkish media reports, Ankara delivers Turkey's Sakarya multiple launch rocket system and Kasrga guided missile system to Baku, which, according to the Turks, were used during the "four-day war" in April 2016. As for Belarus, even here our CSTO and EEU ally has something to offer to Azerbaijan. For example, the Polonez multiple launch rocket system, the purchase of which Baku considers an adequate response to the delivery of Russia's Iskanders to Armenia. What's left for Moscow? Today, Moscow's only real ally in the South Caucasus, and even in the Eurasian space, is Armenia. In this sense, the idea of Vazgen Sargsyan (former defense minister who died during the terrorist attack in the National Assembly in October 1999) that Russia has its own Israel in the South Caucasus in the face of Armenia, which was recently repeated by Konstantin Zatulin in the Armenian parliament, is not accidental. And then, of course, one can assume that the recent strengthening of the Western vector of Yerevan's foreign policy (the framework agreement with the EU, the Armenian parliamentary delegation's visit to Washington, the reception of the President of the Republic of Artsakh (referring to the leader of the unrecognized, separatist NKR Bako Sahakyan - VK) in the US Congress, the forthcoming Francophonie summit in Yerevan) against the backdrop of the deteriorating relations between Russia and the West, could cause Moscow's disquiet, if not to say jealousy. "Notes to be compared" after April 17 Usually, "notes were compared" at the highest level in such cases. However, since that the election of Russia's leader has just ended, and, in accordance with the new Constitution, the main official of the country is yet to be elected in Yerevan, it is quite possible that comparing notes at the highest level will take place after April 17. Until then, Moscow has limited itself to lower-ranking visitors ... This year, the European Union celebrates the quarter-century anniversary of its domestic market created in 1993 for the free movement of goods, capital, services and people. The head of the Center for Economic Integration of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the assistant professor of the International Relations Department at the School of World Politics and Economy of the Higher School of Economics, Natalia Kondratyeva, spoke about the development of the European digital single market. "Europeans are lagging behind their competitors in terms of the high technology development. There are few European companies working in the field of ICT on the market. Europeans are worried and they are making efforts to help their economy and companies. One of the results of the recent EU summit in Brussels was an arrangement of the intermediate results of the digital single markets creation. The EU has already done a lot in this direction, "Kondratyeva said. According to her, the single digital market is not only about buying and selling online: "The result, which the EU is proud of, is the abolition of roaming." The EU institutions and European mobile operators have spent 10 years trying to agree on the abolishment of the payment for roaming. Finally, they showed determination and adopted new, more stringent competition conditions. Many events are taking place in the field of the data protection. This month, the regulations came into force giving Europeans who travel within the single EU market borders the right to maintain online access to the services. In February, a regulation was adopted on the prohibition of geolocation in the area of the single internal market. Each of us has faced geo-blocking, which is a discriminatory practice that prohibits either access to products, prices or transportation services. This issue has been resolved finally. Now European consumers will not experience any inconvenience, there will be no discrimination in this field. " Natalia Kondratyeva also said that much has been done with respect to the reputation of the digital markets: "This month, the new operational measures have been introduced to combat illegal content on the Internet. There is already a code of conduct and the fight is waged against the illegal practices, there is a memorandum banning the sale of the counterfeit goods. The requirements for the removal of terrorist content within one hour since its appearance have entered into force. Every three months the EU states are obliged to report to the European Commission on cooperation with the companies providing Internet traffic to stop this terrorist activity. Turkey rejects any approach for mediation or dialogue with PKK/PYD/YPG, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kaln said. In shared posts on Twitter, Kaln said Turkey expects its allies to stand "clearly" against all kinds of terrorism. "Turkey's stance against PKK/PYD/YPG is clear. We reject 'dialogue, contact, mediation' approaches with these terrorist structures, which are irresponsible," Kaln wrote. "Countries that we count on as allies should have a clear attitude against all kinds of terror, instead of taking steps towards legitimizing efforts put forth by terrorist groups," he said on Twitter. "Different names and clothings cannot hide the true identity of terrorist groups," Anadolu agency cited him as saying. The written statement from the Elysee Palace said, French President Emmanuel Macron recalled the commitment of France against the PKK and its commitment to the security of Turkey during his meeting with the PYD/PKK-led SDF delegation. Macron also said that the SDF had no operational link with this terrorist group, adding that "a dialogue could be established between the SDF and Turkey with the assistance of France and the international community". Erzurum has been officially nominated as a candidate for the 2026 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, reported. Haberturk said a bid from the Eastern resort had been given the backing of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It comes with the deadline to express interest to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) expiring tomorrow. Mustafa Ilcal, an official for Erzurum representing Erdogan's ruling AK Party, confirmed the news on his Twitter page. "I would like to extend my gratitude to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and my Government for the support of Erzurum for the official candidacy application for the 2026 Winter Olympics," he said. Gazprom filed an application to the Svea Court of Appeal in Stockholm to challenge and partially cancel the final decision on arbitration proceeding with Naftogaz of Ukraine on the gas transit case on March 29, 2018, TASS reports. Gazprom explains the filing of an application by significant procedural irregularities committed by the arbitrators in making the decision. On March 21, Gazprom has sent a petition to the Svea Court of Appeal in Stockholm for a partial cancellation of the Stockholm arbitration decision in the proceedings with Naftogaz of Ukraine on gas supplies. In November last year, Gazprom filed an application to the Court of Appeal to challenge a separate decision on gas supplies and its partial cancellation. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani took part in an Azerbaijani-Iranian business forum in the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku yesterday. The forum featured a video reflecting the work carried out in Azerbaijans Neftchala industrial park. Ilham Aliyev and Hassan Rouhani launched the Khazar automobile plant built by Azermash OJSC jointly with the Iran Khodro company in the Neftchala industrial park. Then a video reflecting the production process at the automobile plant was shown, followed by a video about the cargo terminal in Irans Astara city, where Azerbaijan invested as part of the International North-South Transport Corridor project. The relations between Azerbaijan and Iran are of great importance not only for the two countries, but also for the region and the world because the projects implemented on the initiatives of the two countries are of great importance for the entire region and the Eurasian continent, President Aliyev said at the forum. The president noted that today friendly and fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Iran are at the highest level. We meet regularly with President Rouhani. Over the last four years, we have had 11 meetings. This figure itself shows how closely we cooperate and what kind of mutual trust exists between us. It is natural because our peoples have lived and worked together for centuries, the head of state added. According to the Azerbaijani president, a shared history and culture between the two countries is a key factor for present-day relations. It is a great pleasure for us to see these relations growing fast, Aliyev noted. Since our political relations have reached such a high level, of course, we can implement any economic and transport projects and thats what were doing. We personally control all the tasks we have given. Im glad that members of the intergovernmental commission and all officials perform their duties honorably, he said. President Aliyev said that he also discussed with his Iranian counterpart the development of trade relations. We think the current level of trade relations does not reflect the level of our ties. Therefore, my recommendation to businessmen participating in this business forum is that we must cooperate even more closely, the head of state said. The head of state underscored the need to take practical steps in order to increase the mutual trade turnover. I hope our mutual export will also increase in the coming years. There are opportunities to achieve this, Aliyev added. He also noted that one the unsolved issue is cooperation in banking and financial sector: "Relevant tasks were given yesterday. Im sure that they will be solved till the next meeting. Increase of trade turnover, joint operation in energy are priority today. We are very pleased that Iranian businessmen are interested in Azerbaijans economy. They can operate as investors and contractors in Azerbaijan. There are all opportunities for these activity. We create new reality in our region. Iran-Azerbaijan relations have already become a significant factor for regional security, stability and cooperation. We did it, even in a short period". Maia Tskhitishvili will be Georgias new Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure, Georgia's Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili said at a special briefing. Tskhitishvili has been the Head of the Government Administration since 2012. She will replace Zurab Alavidze, who took up the ministerial position in November 2016. Introducing Tskhitishvili as a very successful head of administration who dealt with a huge volume of tasks, Kvirikashvili said she will be a very successful minister as well. According to Kvirikashvili, Alavidze tendered his resignation a couple of days ago in order to return to the private sector where he has a long record of experience, reported. Thanking Alavidze for all the other projects that are underway at the ministry concerning the rehabilitation of roads and the improvement of water provision systems, Kvirikashvili wished Alavidze success in his future endeavors. Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants staged an attack near a military base in southeast Turkeys Siirt province, killing six Turkish security force members and wounding seven, security sources said. They said the attack occurred in the area of a military base in the Eruh district of Siirt and that those killed were from a village guard militia which supports the Turkish military, Reuters reported. The sources initially said five soldiers were killed. Anadolu news agency said four soldiers and three village guards were also wounded in the attack, which occurred in an area where road construction work was being carried out. The global information war has recently worked in increasingly surprising, though not effective ways, by hands of those who consider it advantageous to attack Russia by fake news, hoping for any negative effect. A typical example was the publication of the article "Russia's arms supply to Azerbaijan causes discontent in Baku and indignation in Armenia" by the Polish edition of 'Belarusian Truth', which positions itself as the Belarusian opposition but, of course, has nothing to do with Belarus. The article, without citing any sources, presents claims for Russia's arms supply, allegedly expressed by Azerbaijan. The author of the fake, identifying himself as Yuri Baranevich, focuses on writing the shortcomings found by the Azerbaijani military in Russia's weapons: the rockets do not explode, the machine guns do not fire, the helicopters do not start, the automation does not work. The fake is trying to convince the readers: all models of "defective" Russian weapons are listed, each problem is described, even an explanation was given why Moscow sells garbage to Baku instead of normal weapon - in order to maintain balance in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, also explaining the unsettledness of which by the Kremlin's hand. In the end, the article unexpectedly pushes out an attempt to advertise Belarusian weapons for Azerbaijan. The goal is obvious - to create discord between Russia, Azerbaijan and Belarus. The 'Belarusian Truth' fake was quickly exposed by Azerbaijan, which stressed that these claims do not reflect reality and are of provocative nature. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry noted that Azerbaijan pays particular attention to the purchase and acquisition of different types of weaponry from certain manufacturing countries. "We carefully choose the best, most qualitative and effective military products necessary to increase our combat potential in order to liberate the occupied territories. The new Russian weaponry the Azerbaijani Army now has at its disposal meets the increased requirements for modern weapon systems. These weapons significantly increase the maneuvering and firing capabilities of the military units, particularly of those that perform combat missions at the forefront defense line of our troops, the ministry stressed. Head of the expert council of Baku Network, Elkhan Alasgarov, speaking with Vestnik Kavkaza, noted that the destruction of Russian-Azerbaijani relations is one of the points of the anti-Russian information campaign. "Some forces want to spoil Russian-Azerbaijani relations against the backdrop of the processes taking place in the world. Azerbaijan-Russia relations are at a higher level than ever, we have a lot of economic and political interests. Russia is the co-chairman of the Minsk Group, and we expect that Russia will play a decisive role in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In addition, information aboput problems with arms supplies comes from foreign sources, hence the sources of fakes are outside Azerbaijan," he noted. Elkhan Alasgarov also suggested that the primary goal is discrediting Russian arms in the world arms market. "The big arms firms are interested in eliminating the competition of Russian military equipment and taking away their markets. Hence the focus on the nonconformity of specific models of weapons supplied to Azerbaijan, although each party is tested. The struggle for markets is more evident in the claim about sale of obsolete weapons to Baku - no buyer will buy obsolete weapons, and the seller will not put it on sale being in a competitive market," he pointed out. The director of the Institute of Political Studies Sergei Markov agreed with the expert. "This fake was directed against Russia, the Russian military-industrial complex, Russia's strategic military-technical agreements with other countries, and, in general, against Russia's good relations with its neighbors. Ultimately, this is a manifestation of the malicious Russophobia which is very common in Polish media," he said. Among other things, Western forces do not like Russia's positive role in the lives of its neighbors. "Their political elites are actively participating in the global political hybrid war against Russia in order to break it as the country that most fully realizes the right to sovereignty together with China and as a country that is to some extent the exporter of sovereignty in the world as a whole. While selling weapons to Azerbaijan, Russia contributes to the strengthening of Azerbaijan's sovereignty. Certain global elites, with which the Polish media and politicians are partly connected, do not like this Russia's role very much," Sergey Markov concluded. Russia will expel 60 US diplomats and close the US Consulate General in St. Petersburg, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. Russia has declared 58 employees of the US Embassy in Moscow and two staff members of the Consulate General in Yekaterinburg personae non gratae, they will have to leave the country by April 5, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. "On March 29, US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov handed over to him a note of protest over the outrageous and unsubstantiated demands by the US authorities that 60 Russian diplomats leave the US and the Russian Consulate General in Seattle be closed and also in connection with the US authorities intention to seize its premises. That was preceded by the seizure of five other facilities in the US owned by Russia in 2016-2017," the ministry said. "Based on the reciprocity principle, as a retaliatory measure, 58 employees of the US Embassy in Moscow and two staff members of the Consulate General in Yekaterinburg have been declared personae non gratae for the activities incompatible with their diplomatic status. They will have to leave the Russian Federation by April 5, 2018," the ministry said. Besides, Moscow has revoked its consent to the opening and operations of the US Consulate General in St. Petersburg. "The American representatives are expected to move out of the administrative building, which was granted to them for their establishment, no later than March 31," the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed. Moscow also suggested convening a meeting of the OPCW executive council on April 2, where it will bring up all questions, Lavrov said adding that if "our Western partners" dodge this, then it will be further "evidence" that everything thats happened is a "provocation." Russian and Chinese Foreign Ministers Sergey Lavrov and Wang Yi will hold negotiations on April 5 in Moscow, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported. "Special Envoy of the President of the Peoples Republic of China, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will be visiting Russia on April 4-5," the ministry said, adding that the talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are scheduled for April 5. The ministry specified that Sergey Lavrov and Wang Yi will share their views "on the state and prospects of further development of Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation, as well as extension of mutual coordination in international and regional affairs." Wang Yis visit to Russia was initially scheduled for March 27-28. However, the date of the visit was shifted later due to changes in the Russian administrations schedule in the wake of the Kemerovo tragedy. The British authorities have barred the crew of a Russian Aeroflot plane bound for Moscow from being present during the search of their plane, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday, TASS reports. "The British authorities asked the Russian crew, including the captain, to leave the aircraft. The captain suggested the search be conducted in his personal presence as in line with the instructions he cannot leave the plane. As of now, the Britons have begun the search, keeping the captain inside the cockpit, not letting him be present during the search," she told the Rossiya-24 television channel. Russian diplomats are in contact with the British authorities over the search of Russias Aeroflot jet at Londons Heathrow airport. Moscow urges London to stop provocative actions: "Officers of the Russian embassy in the United Kingdom are currently on the way to the airport. The Russian diplomatic mission, the Russian ambassador [Alexander Yakovenko] are getting in touch with the local side," Zakharova stated. "We urge the British authorities to stop provocative actions and get the situation back to the legal framework." The Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping mall in Kemerovo was an unauthorized construction, spokesperson for the Russian Investigative Committee, Svetlana Petrenko, said. The main regional inspector of the State Construction Supervision Tanzil Komkova was detained, she is to be charged with abuse of official capacity. "According to the investigation, Komkova did not take measures to stop the unauthorized erection of the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping mall in the city of Kemerovo without a building permit, which caused the death of visitors to the shopping mall," Interfax cited Petrenko as saying. Today, the suspect is to be charged, the investigation will request her arrest. In addition, Komkova's actions will be checked for corruption. Tanzily Komkova may face ten years in jail. The investigation initiated a judicial fire and technical expertise, experts from St. Petersburg arrived in Kemerovo and have started working. Kemerovo firefighting service official, Andrey Bursin, said that he thinks that the rapid spread of fire was caused by voids in the structure and the old air conditioning system. He specified that the work of firefighters was hampered by he configuration and size of the mall. Fire witnesses report possible problems with wiring that could cause a fire. "The witness confirms that the fire's point of origin was on the playground," the judge Dmitry Shandrov said. "The cause of the fire, perhaps, was wiring or a spark from the ceiling - there was a whole bunch of cables," the testimony said. The investigator said during a speech in court that, as follows from the testimony of another witness - deputy manager of the shopping mall, the employees had no fire drills, the fire alarm was broken. According to Investigative Committee Chairman Alexander Bastrykin, 24 hours before the fire visitors could smell the burning wiring. Russia's emergency ministry said that 20 people were brought down from the upper floors with the use of firefighting equipment; over 700 people were evacuated from the shopping mall. Russia's emergency situations minister, Vladimir Puchkov, said that the priority of the work is payments to the victims and families of the deceased from the federal budget, as well as the provision of targeted assistance. A total of 64 people, including 41 children, were killed in the fire that erupted at the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping mall in Kemerovo on March 25. Saudi Arabia may go to war with Iran in the next 10-15 years if the international community fails to apply more sanctions pressure on Tehran, Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman told The Wall Street Journal. He called on the international community to impose more severe sanctions against Tehran in order to avoid a military confrontation in the region. "We must achieve this in order to avoid a military conflict, if we fail to do this, we will probably have a war with Iran in 10-15 years," the prince said. Recently, the crown prince lashed out at Iran, comparing the country's authorities with Hitler and mentioned the possibility of an arms race in the region if Tehran develops its nuclear program. Commenting on bin Salmans statement, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi called the Crown Prince a "delusional, naive person." Russia, as well as Iran, is the huge part of the problem in Syria, US State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said during a press briefing. According to her, Russia is not doing anything to help in Syria. "Russia is the huge part of the problem for the tens of thousands of innocent civilians who have been killed and are still being killed each and every day as we look at the video thats coming out of Eastern Ghouta. Russia is responsible for that," she told the reporters, adding that Iran also responsible. Earlier, United Nations chief Antonio Guterres warned that Russian and US relations were deteriorating into a situation similar, to a large extent, to what we lived during the Cold War. Turkey has started preparations to clear northern Syrias Ayn al-Arab, Ras al-Ain and Tel Abyad regions from militants up to the Iraqi border, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, adding that it would also clear militants from Iraq. Erdogan said Turkey has no intention of harming soldiers of allied nations positioned in the region, but that it could not allow militants to roam free, Reuters reported. He added that a total of 3800 terrorists have been killed since the start of the Operation Olive Branch in Syria's Afrin region. The Operation Olive Branch was launched on January 20 to clear terrorist groups from Afrin in northwestern Syria amid growing threats from the region. The 5th session of the Turkey-U.S. Defense Industry Trade Dialogue was held in Ankara on Friday to discuss bilateral defense trade and security cooperation, Anadolu Agency reported. According to a statement by the Foreign Ministry, representatives of the Turkish General Staff, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Economy, Defense Industry Undersecretariat, and officials from the U.S. participated in the first session of the day organized by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and U.S. Department of State. Several U.S. and Turkish defense industry companies also participated in the afternoon for the second session of the day, the statement said. Participants reaffirmed the commitment of Turkey and the United States to address shared security and defense trade goals for the benefit of each nation. Additionally, they discussed current developments in the Turkish-U.S. defense industry, possibilities for cooperation between the two countries, and potential joint undertakings, the statement added. A UK soldier has been killed in combat in Syria, the British Ministry of Defence has said, BBC reports. The serviceman - embedded with US forces as part of a counter-terrorism operation against the Islamic State group - was killed on Thursday by an improvised explosive device. An American soldier was also killed by the roadside bomb, US officials said. The MOD confirmed that his family had been notified, adding "our thoughts are with them at this difficult time". The United States intelligence services are trying to get in contact with Russian diplomats who have been expelled from the United States with no serious grounds for that, the Russian foreign ministry said on Friday, TASS reports. "We observe a dramatic increase in provocative actions against Russian diplomats in the United States," the ministry said. "In the recent days, following the decision on the ungrounded expulsion of 60 employees of Russian diplomatic missions in that country, the US intelligence services are taking frenzied efforts to get in contact with them." The Russian Foreign Ministry drew attention to a series of episodes when Washington was attempting to "offer assistance for covert relations on the mutually beneficial basis" to those it was forcing to cut short their missions. "The United States has obviously decided to put through a combination: the official authorities expel Russian diplomats for no good reason and the US intelligence services, which have been acting more and more aggressively, are rushing to use this difficult moment for our nationals," the ministry said. "These obvious plans are failing but such conduct is cynical and loathsome as though Washington no longer sees the bounds of elementary decency." "We take note of each of such cases and make conclusions," the ministry stressed. HCM CITY At least six member countries of the Transpacific Partnerships new avatar, the CPTPP, including Viet Nam, are likely to ratify it this year, enabling it to come into force in early 2019, a seminar heard in HCM City yesterday. On March 8 the CPTPP, formally known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, was signed in Santiago, Chile, by the 11 remaining countries -- Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Viet Nam -- after the US pulled out from the original deal, the TPP, last November. Gaining access to the US market was a major reason for many countries to sign the deal, meaning the USs withdrawal made TPP-11 less attractive, Ngo Chung Khanh, deputy director of the Ministry of Industry and Trades multilateral trade policy department, said. But it is only in the short term. In the long term, the CPTPP still offers a lot of benefits [to member countries]. The CPTPP is a deal that reaffirms freedom of trade in the Asia Pacific, and joining the pact does not only give us access to 10 markets but in the long run to others as the deal will be expanded in future. The CPTPP, which will bring 90 per cent of trade tariffs between 11 nations down to zero, is very similar to the original TPP, though 22 of the latters provisions (mostly insisted on by the US) have been suspended. Khanh said it is possible the US would come back to join the CPTPP as the pact is gaining interest in many countries like the UK, Indonesia and South Korea. But he said from his experience as a member of Viet Nams WTO negotiating delegation a decade ago that a country achieving membership of an existing organisation is tough because then the negotiations involve one versus many. He said at the next meeting the CPTPP members would discuss guidelines for countries wishing to join the pact in future. He advised Vietnamese firms to get up to speed on the new terms of the CPTPP to take advantage of the opportunities it would bring in 2019. The pact will come into force two months after it is fully ratified by six of the 11 members. Japan has taken the initiative and ratified it. Besides, Canada, Australia, Peru, Mexico, Chile, and Viet Nam are all committed to ratifying the pact this year. CPTPP members represent 13.5 per cent of the global economy and a population of 500 million, which is larger than that of the Europe Union. According to estimates from the Peterson Institute for International Economics, the economies of the CPTPP members will add 1.7 percentage points because of the deal. Viet Nam and Peru will be the biggest winners with their GDPs benefiting by 2-3 per cent. VNS HA NOI Chinese enterprises importing Vietnamese fruits to the country must provide information about the origin and quality of such fruits while following import procedures from April 1, 2018. This was announced by Viet Nams Ministry of Industry and Trade. The ministrys Asia-Africa Market Department said the ministry had recently received requests from the provincial authorities to trace the origin of Vietnamese fruits imported by China via border gates in Guangxi Province. Thus, from April 1, Chinese enterprises importing fruits from Viet Nam must provide packaging images containing traceability and quality information of product when they follow the procedures for getting imported animal and plant quarantine permits at Guangxis import quarantine management agency. The department said the enterprises must list the name of the fruits and their origin as well as the name and code of the packaging facilities either in Chinese or English. In addition to this, businesses can add labels with the above-mentioned information, bar code, quick response code or anti-counterfeiting stamp to be able to be checked any time. According to the department, in 2017, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China gave permission to four border gates in Guangxi Province to import fruits. Currently, the province has seven border gates allowing the import of fruits. Meanwhile, Guangxi Province also imports fruits from Viet Nam that have preferential loans for businesses importing them, including dragon fruit, longan and mango. The Pingxiang China-ASEAN Fruit Import and Export Chamber said the demand for imported fruits in China was huge. Fruit imports in Pingxiang City alone accounts for nearly 50 per cent of Chinas total fruit imports. VNS HA NOI Viet Nams enterprises should promote the transfer of technology from Israel to develop their businesses and also increase trade promotion activities to this market. Le Thai Hoa, deputy director of the Asia-Africa Market Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, said this at a seminar on trade promotion to Israel held by the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Ha Noi on Thursday. The seminar was aimed at updating Vietnamese enterprises with information about the Israeli market. Hoa said in the field of agriculture, Israel is one of the countries with a developed agricultural sector so, Viet Nam can become a potential market for Israeli enterprises in the fields of manufacturing and production of high-tech agricultural machinery. Key export products of Viet Nam will have the chance to enter the Israeli market, especially agricultural products such as rice, coffee, tea, and pepper, as well as furniture, garments and shoes. Israel is an easy market but it still needs quality goods. The market does not have many customers, but their income is quite high. Consumers in this market segment demand high quality and reasonably priced goods, he said. To enter the market quickly and efficiently, Vietnamese enterprises should participate in trade fairs. This is the best way for Israeli consumers to discover Vietnamese products, Hoa said. In addition, local businesses need to coordinate with relevant agencies to organise advertisement programmes, trade promotions and seminars to advertise Vietnamese goods. Le Hoang Tai, deputy head of the Viet Nam Trade Promotion Agency, said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1993, the two countries have established cooperative relations in many fields. The bilateral trade value of Viet Nam and Israel increased from US$68 million in 2005 to some $1 billion in 2017, Tai said. Of this, Viet Nam exported goods and services worth $700 million to Israel and saw imports worth $345 million from Israel. By 2017, Israel had 26 direct investment projects in Viet Nam, with a total capital of over $47 million, ranking 11th out of 56 countries and territories investing in Viet Nam. These include seven projects in the manufacturing and processing industry with a total capital of some $25 million. Meanwhile, Israel has committed to providing a $250 million credit package to Vietnamese businesses in the near future. VNS HA NOI Real estate and construction firm 577 Investment Corporation has lost VN614.7 billion (US$27.3 million) in market capitalisation following the fire at Carina Plaza in HCM City on March 23. The corporation has listed more than 97.5 million shares on the HCM Stock Exchange, and its shares have lost nearly 25.5 per cent in the last five trading sessions to close Thursday at VN19,000 per share. Its shares started to decline on March 23, when a fire broke out at a building of Carina Plaza early on the day, killing 13 residents and injuring 90 others. Carina Plaza was constructed by contractor Hung Thanh Construction-Trading-Services-Production Co Ltd, in which 577 Investment Corp holds a 95 per cent stake. On March 26, 577 Investment Corp. sent a filing to the HCM Stock Exchange, in which it said the two companies had worked out with the city authorities to support the families of the apartment building and investigate the cause of the fire. Regarding its relationship with Hung Thanh company, 577 Investment Corp. said although it held 95 per cent stake at the company, the contractor was an independent legal entity and was the sole contractor of Carina Plaza. The responsibilities, obligations and interests of the stakeholders in the fire case will be determined by legal enforcement, the company said in its statement. On March 29, HCM City Police Department reported that an apartment building at the Plaza was set on fire after a motorbike in the basement parking caught fire. No security staff was present to control the situation. All emergency doors were open, and the fire alarm system (water sprinklers) was not functional, according to the citys police department. The department had invited the director of Hung Thanh company to co-work on the case. The director refused citing poor health. The department decided to initiate an official investigation into the case on March 29. VNS HA NOI The starting price for the initial public offering (IPO) of the Vietnam Television Cable Corporation (VTVCab) has been set at VN140,900 (US$6.26) per share. VTVCab will sell 42.2 million shares, or 47.84 per cent of the firms charter capital, at its upcoming IPO on April 17 at the Ha Noi Stock Exchange. Under its equitisation plan, which was approved by the Prime Minister in January 2016, VTV Cab will have a charter capital of VN884 billion ($39.3 million), with the Government reducing its ownership to 51 per cent (more than 45 million shares). The total value of the company as of December 31, 2015, was more than VN7.9 trillion ($351 million), with the Government holding more than 80 per cent stake. More than one million shares (1.16 per cent of the capital) will be sold to the pay TV providers current employees at cheap prices. VTVCab is a State-owned enterprise founded in 1995. In 2012, the company was renamed to its current name and had opened more than 100 offices and branches across the country. During the 2014-16 period, VTVCab posted a steady growth in its total revenue, but its post-tax profit showed some decline. It earned an average of VN2 trillion in total revenue during that period. Its post-tax profit rose to VN130.5 billion in 2015 from VN126.5 billion in 2014 but fell sharply to VN76.5 billion a year later, in 2016. During 2018-20, the company projects its total revenue to increase from VN2.95 trillion in 2018 to VN3.5 trillion in 2019 and VN3.96 trillion in 2020. Its pre-tax profit for the next period is also expected to rise from VN74.3 billion (in 2018) to VN81 billion and VN106.6 billion in the next two years, respectively. VNS CA MAU Ca Mau Province plans to help set up and attract around 6,000 new businesses by 2020, and 15,000 companies by 2030, by offering funding and changing legal procedures to accommodate the private sector. The province plans to focus on investment, distribution networks, infrastructure and business registration procedures, while providing more aid to improve technologies and training for the workforce. Local authorities are also considering new tax policies and other ways to aid small- to medium-sized businesses, especially those that focus on Ca Maus key production areas like aquaculture and agriculture. Lam Van Bi, deputy chairman of Ca Mau Peoples Committee, said that private businesses account for around 70 per cent of the total number in the province, contributing greatly to economic development of the region. VNS HA NOI Countries in the Great Mekong Sub-region (GMS) should focus on improving the infrastructure to better the connectivity among them, said Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, Thailands Minister of Transport. Speaking at the GMS Business Summit on Friday, he said the connectivity among GMS countries was not good enough as the local governments in power were not very efficient. The GMS community is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Arkhom also urged member economies to work together to develop new industries with high-added value, while ensuring the sustainable development of agriculture and food sectors as the two had always been the strength of the region. The six member countries of the GMS community should also improve the business and investment environment so that they can move forward and benefit each other, Arkhom said. To do that, the governments must work together to reduce regulations and legal barriers that have prevented the GMS business community from developing further, he added. Local governments should ensure that all businesses are able to benefit from the digitalisation era or the 4.0 industrial revolution, so that they can move further and develop and stimulate more values not only for their own nations but also for the whole region, Arkhom said. Vu Tien Loc, President of Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said despite achieving many milestones in the past, the GMS community has remained weak in its own development compared to ASEAN, Asia and the world regarding per capita gross domestic product, infrastructure development, financial and technological foundation as well as quality of human resources. The sub-regional business community will play an important role in driving the regions economic growth, bringing opportunities to become a new manufacturing hub of the world while maintaining its advantages in abundant natural resources, cheap labour and young population, Loc said. Besides such advantages, GMS economies must improve their economic models and competitiveness, while the GMS business community must meet international standards and be present in the global supply chain, he said. Thus, a major boost for the development of the GMS community will be entrepreneurship, development of micro and small- and medium-sized enterprises as well as integration of woman-owned firms, he added. VNS HA NOI Countries in the Greater Mekong region need billions of dollars to meet the increasing demand for infrastructure, but institutional barriers are stopping the private sector from investing. The region, consisting of Viet Nam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and China particularly the Yunnan Province and Guangxi Autonomous Region, is a young and developing region, Vietnamese Minister of Transport Nguyen Van The told economic experts, representatives of international organsisations and local and international businesses at a sideline conference on regional infrastructure and financing of the 6th Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Summit on Friday. Apart from China or Thailand, other countries like Viet Nam are yet to modernise and fully develop their infrastructure, he said. The said that Viet Nam planned to build up to 8,500km of expressway to catch up with other countries in Asia. However, less than 10 per cent was completed so far with about 3,000km pending and no plans in the near future for more than 6,500km of roads. Viet Nam is calling for more transport investment in public-private partnerships (PPP), the minister said, adding that the National Assembly is expected to pass a law this year which will serve as a legal basis for PPP investors. Level playing field The Asian Development Bank (ADB) estimated that the GMS would need at least US$33 billion for infrastructure investment between 2014 and 2020, with only 80 per cent able to be mobilised from the budget of the countries and development banks, leaving them about $6.4 billion short, mostly in transport and energy infrastructure investment. Mobilising private capital will be absolutely needed to bridge this gap, said Supee Teravaninthorn, General Director of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Banks Investment Operation Department I. But the private sector doesnt invest for charity. They need fair competition to invest. A report by the ADB showed that infrastructure investment in Asia during 2010-2014 heavily depended on the public sector which funded more than 90 per cent of the regions overall investment. That translated to about 5.1 per cent of annual GDP, while merely 0.4 per cent came from the private sector. There were always concerns over how to find a reliable private company and let it invest in infrastructure, which resulted in a reluctant attitude from the Government to open the playing field for the private sector, said Viet Nam-Oman Investment JSC Co CEO Nguyen Hong Son. But we need local private companies for partnerships as we dont know what is the situation in Viet Nam, for example the land clearance process, the licensing and the changing tariffs, he said. Take solar energy sector for example. There have been 50 licences granted for solar projects. But how many have had land cleared? Some companies came to the domestic banks for financial support to carry out their projects, Son added, but what the banks offered was basically impossible to perform an infrastructure project. The private sector was waiting for a whole package of policies that would open the path for them to invest in infrastructure, and the Government should take this into account if they want to mobilise funding from the private sector, the CEO said. Hard and soft infrastructure While stressing the need for more infrastructure investment, particularly in transport, energy and information communications and technology or hard infrastructure, Teravaninthorn also urged regional governments to work more on soft infrastructure. For example, she said, Viet Nam built a $200-million expressway that leads to the border of China which saved travel time by one or two days. But with the cargo sat at the border that time saving amounts to nothing, she said. In terms of transport connectivity, dont underestimate soft infrastructure like the customs and the one-stop border mechanisms. We have to be more efficient and effective for economic development, she said. VNS HA NOI Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) countries need to better use the private sector and high technology to boost their sustainable development, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said on March 30. "The GMS economies need to reveal new drivers for development amid a transformation of the world economy and development environment," he said at the Plenary Meeting of the GMS Business Summit. The first-ever business summit was a part of the sixth GMS Summit in the context of the GMS Community celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The GMS includes five ASEAN countries (Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar) and Yunnan and Guangxi provinces of China. With a total population of 340 million people and total GDP exceeding US$1.3 trillion, the GMS can become a shared economic region, a common market and open up new opportunities for economic development, according to the Prime Minister. PM Phuc urged member economies of the GMS to maintain their unique identity as an effective mechanism to amplify the combined determination and effort of all sides in order to generate new resources to settle differences, broaden and deepen the sphere for economic co-operation. Each member economy needs to create a favourable business environment to harness all the potential and innovation of businesses and people, thus, attracting assistance from international development partners and outside resources for the sustainable development of the GMS and Cambodia-Laos-Viet Nam (CLV) region in particular, according to the Vietnamese leader. Technological advancements and breakthroughs are also important new resources that will carry the potential for connecting GMS and CLV economies and surpass the bounds of GMS founders imagination from 25 years ago. These will turn into new drivers for the development of the GMS in the future. However, sub-regional economies need to ensure sustainable and harmonious development to achieve a prosperous, sustainable and integrated GMS. Rapid and sustainable development must remain the top priority, as it is the future generations expectation toward each of our decisions and actions. Rapid growth must go hand-in-hand with protection of the ecology and natural resources, especially the sustainable management and use of the Mekong Rivers valuable resource, he said. Viet Nams Government would strive to be a facilitating, action-oriented Government to serve its people and businesses, he said. Such a Government would focus on creating a favourable environment for development, improving institutional and legal frameworks, enhancing management capacity, making further investment in the infrastructure, promoting international integration in the GMS and CLV regions and bringing equal opportunities for all economic sectors, he added. Connect GMS enterprises Sok Phiset, Vice Chairman of GMS-Busines Council and President of the Cambodia Young Entrepreneurs Association, on Friday launched the GMS Business Connect (GBC) application that is expected to become a platform for sub-regional businesses to co-operate and boost corporate performances. Companies and economies must use high-tech applications to improve the links in the sub-region, providing accurate information and data about GMS companies, Sok said. Enterprises in the sub-region will encounter many challenges given the rise of the fourth industrial revolution and regional economies pushing to finalise free trade agreements (FTAs), according to Phan Vinh Quang, Deputy Project Director of the Mekong Business Initiative. Therefore, businesses need to transform, especially with their technological background before the market makes them change, Quang said, adding that they should focus on their strengths and opportunities first and learn from failures at the same time. Souphaphone Souannavong, Founder & Managing Director of TOH-LAO Coworking Space & TOH-X Coworking Space, said that the Lao government had implemented many policies to encourage start-ups by standardising the business environment and creating opportunities for entrepreneurs. Though start-ups in Laos had not become typical examples of the sub-region, they had worked efficiently, made some achievements and had a lot of potential, she said. VNS HA NOI Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has ordered ministries, sectors and localities to use their resources more efficiently to better cope with natural disasters, which are striking the country more frequently and severely due to climate change. The PM issued the order while chairing a meeting organised by the National Steering Committee on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control yesterday. The effort was a major task for the agencies to better cope with natural disasters this year, he said. A person, who works in a sector tasked with coping with natural disasters, must be well-trained, dedicated and responsible, Phuc said. Any officer who lacks knowledge of coping with natural disasters that lets any resident go hungry or thirsty during natural disasters, must take responsibility, Phuc said. Phuc also said agriculture should be reshaped to better adapt to natural disasters. Although the country had made many efforts, the damage suffered from natural disasters was still huge, he said. Data from the committee shows that natural disasters killed 386 people and caused losses of VN60 trillion (US$2.6 billion) last year alone. The losses are estimated to be equal to 1-1.5 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). To minimise the damage during natural disasters, Phuc required local administrations to focus on taking prompt actions to cope with floods, torrential rain and landslide and to ensure safety for dams and reservoirs during floods and prolonged torrential rain. Major solutions Speaking at the meeting, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development cum head of the steering committee Nguyen Xuan Cuong pointed out three major solutions to better prepare for natural disasters this year. Cuong said first, the committee would build a plan at both national and local levels to cope with natural disasters, with safety during natural disasters for public works included. The committee also planned to call for more investment to enhance infrastructure and make it ready for natural disasters, he said. Lastly, he said perfecting the process of dealing with dams and reservoirs to ensure safety for people during any natural disaster was important. Former agricultural minister Le Huy Ngo, said: We have to come to storm-prone areas before the storm comes. Natural disasters 2017: many records The committee said 2017 featured many natural disaster records. There were 16 typhoons and four tropical low-pressure systems hitting the East Sea - the highest number of typhoons and tropical low-pressure systems recorded so far. The total number of torrential rains in 2017 was estimated to be 40 per cent higher than many previous years. For example, prolonged torrential rains battering the northern province of Hoa Binh last October, resulted in the Hoa Binh Hydro-power Plant opening eight floodgates at the same time, a first for the plant. In a related movement, the National Centre for Hydro-meteorological Centre warned that natural disasters developments this year would become more complicated. The number of typhoons and tropical low-pressure systems this year is predicted to be the same compared to last year and central provinces are still expected to suffer the most from typhoons and tropical low-pressure systems. Heat waves are forecast to appear in the north and mid-north localities later than last year while torrential rains will appear between June and August in the north. VNS HA NOI The Viet Nam International Travel Mart 2018 (VITM) began yesterday in Ha Noi, drawing tourism, cuisine and culture lovers. This year, VITM features more than 670 businesses including travel companies, hotels, hospitality services providers and tourism promotion centres from 21 countries and territories and 45 provinces and cities of Viet Nam. This years theme "Online tourism Viet Nam tourism makes an advance on 4.0 Industry" is part of the tourism industrys efforts to promote 4.0 technology for economic growth, as instructed by the Government. Attending the opening ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Vu uc am said he was pleased with the fast growth of the Vietnamese tourism industry. We want to join hands with international partners and regional economies to boost the development of tourism, he said. This year, we will discuss the role of 4.0 technology in developing tourism. We will take full advantage of technology to connect peoples, organisations, countries and enterprises and to develop tourism. VITM includes dozens of seminars, workshops, round-table meetings, and press conferences among other events, facilitating tourism businesses and experts discussions, recommendations and proposals on tourism policies, professionalism and skills. Key events include an online tourism forum, a symposium on "Conservation and Development of Traditional Vietnamese Food Culture" and a tourism start-ups forum. In addition, tourism businesses and airlines will offer thousands of promotional tours and discounted airline tickets, aiming to boost the number of domestic and inbound visitors. Tourism has proves itself to be a sector which rapidly and effectively applies information technology in every activity, said Vu The Binh, vice chairman of the Viet Nam Tourism Association (VITA), co-organiser of the event. Ngo Van Quy, vice chairman of the Ha Noi Peoples Committee, said VITM is the largest international tourism fair in the country held annually from 2013 in Ha Noi. Through five successive years, the fair has affirmed itself as the leading tourism fair in the country and the region, contributing to promoting the image of the country and people of Viet Nam and Ha Noi in particular, with international friends, to enhance the position of Viet Nams tourism in the region and to attract many tourist organisations, international and domestic tourism businesses to participate in, buy and sell tourism products and services. In recent years, the tourism industry in the city has developed rapidly. The number of international visitors to Ha Noi has increased by an average of 20-23 per cent each year over the last five years and accounted for about 40 per cent of international visitors to Viet Nam. Travel enterprises like Flamingo Group offer attractive tours during VITM. VNS Photo Truong Vi In 2017, the capital received 23.83 million visitors, up 9 per cent compared to 2016, accounting for 27.1 per cent of the countrys tourists, of which international tourists reached 4.95 million, up 23 per cent from 2016. In the first two month of 2018, tourists arrivals to Ha Noi continued to grow, reaching 4.46 million, up 11 per cent from the same period last year. Notably, international tourists to the city reached 1.5 million, 31 per cent more year-on-year. With the development of tourism in recent years, Ha Noi ranked third in the most attractive tourist destinations in Asia and 12th in the best tourist destinations in the world according to according to the poll results of world famous travel site Trip Advisor, said Quy. This result is recognition of the efforts of authorities and citizens of the capital to build a safe, friendly, quality and attractive tourist destination, he continued. Nasih Moosa, managing director of UI Hotels Group from Maldives, attended the VITM for the first time. He said the number of Vietnamese tourists to Maldives increases 25 per cent each year, which is why he attended the forum. Viet Nam is a promising market for us, said Moosa. During the first day of the VITM, I can invite visitors to come to our booth to learn more about tour packages and destinations in Maldives. We also exchange with partners from Viet Nam and other countries. Its really a good place to boost tourism industry. VITM is not just a platform for travel agents and companies, it also features the culture of various countries through their booths. Visitors can enjoy Thai massages, learn to make Korean souvenirs and try various cuisines from different regions of Viet Nam. The event will run until April 1 at the Friendship Culture Palace, 91 Tran Hung ao Street, Ha Noi. VNS LONDON More than 100,000 visitors are expected in Windsor, west of London, for the wedding of Prince Harry and US actress Meghan Markle on May 19, police said on Thursday. "The policing operation will be amongst the largest in Thames Valley Polices history," the force said in a statement. "This national celebration is expected to attract in excess of 100,000 people from around the world to Windsor," it said. Thames Valley Police also announced a raft of security measures already in place, including road barriers and number-plate-recognition technology ahead of the big day. Local businesses and visitors "can expect to see an increased police presence" ahead of the wedding including armed police, search dogs and helicopters, the police said. "On the day, visitors may be stopped and checked," it said, adding that police would also be patrolling stations and train carriages into Windsor. "Once you arrive in Windsor there will be a screening and search regime. Any items that may pose a risk to the public will be removed," the statement said. Prince Harry and Markle are to marry at St Georges Chapel, within the grounds of Queen Elizabeth IIs Windsor Castle residence. AFP HA NOI Former Politburo member and chairman of the State-owned oil group PetroVietnam (PVN) inh La Thang yesterday received an 18-year sentence for his principal role in the notorious OceanBank case that caused losses of VN800 billion (US$34.8 million) to the State budget. The former Minister of Transport and former Party Secretary of the HCM City Party Committee will also be required to repay VN600 billion ($26.34 million), a three quarter of the total losses, per the verdict of the Ha Noi Peoples Court, concluding the 10-day trial into the major economic mismanagement case and a highlight in the Viet Nam Communist Partys anti-corruption drive. Thang, along with five other defendants PVN former deputy director-general Nguyen Xuan Son and four members of PVNs board of directors who received sentences ranging from several months on probation to five-year imprisonment, were charged with deliberate violations of the States economic regulations, causing serious consequences. Slapped with the heaviest penalty in the case, Ninh Van Quynh, former chief accountant of PVN, received a total 23 years in prison seven years for serious economic mismanagement and 16 years for abuse of power to misappropriate assets. Quynh was found to have received gifts worth several billion ong including cash and a luxury apartment in Ha Noi from Son (sourced from OceanBanks illegally gained profits) for his lobbying efforts that would sway PVNs actions in OceanBanks interests. The other defendants were also asked by the court to pay the rest of the civic compensation for the full amount of the $34.8 million loss. This is the second time Thang was put on trial, as he already got 13 years for a separate case of mismanagement at PVN. Flouting the law In 2008, after PVNs initial plan to establish a joint-stock commercial bank was rejected, the oil group switched to investing instead into the private OceanBank. The entire process, involving three share purchases lasting from 2008 through 2011, was conducted at inh La Thangs helm and by other defendants, despite their full awareness of OceanBanks then small scale and limited financial capacity. Coupled with OceanBank chairman Ha Van Thams wilful violations of regulations for credit institutions, the bank later suffered serious losses and the owners equity dropped to minus value, meaning PVNs shares were essentially wiped out when the State Bank of Viet Nam had to step in and buy it for zero ong in 2015 to avoid the banks otherwise unavoidable bankruptcy. During the trial, Thang and his lawyer several times argued that he did not intentionally commit wrongdoings, claiming that the capital contribution was approved by the then Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Government, and that it was in line with the 2006 decision to establish the oil group, which allowed the corporation to invest outside of the energy sector. However, the judge panel said that Thangs decision was made without going through PVNs board of directors, or without regards to the finance ministrys regulations on conditions for capital contribution. His decision was only reported to the then Prime Minister afterwards. Since January 11, 2011, the law on credit institutions provided that a shareholder must not hold more than 15 per cent of a credit institutions shares, however, Thang directed his subordinates to buy more shares of the bank resulting in PVN holding 20 per cent of shares at OceanBank. The defendants lawyers also argued that the 34.8 million losses were not real since PVNs investment yielded productive results, and PVN shareholders received their dividends each year, and that Thang and his cohorts actions did not have any causal relations with the consequences. The judge panel noted that by the end of 2012, OceanBank was already shouldering losses of VN992 billion and still refused to correct its wrongdoings, according to the State Banks inspection. The inspection results also showed that the banks annual earnings reports were untruthful, as were the so-called dividends paid to shareholders. The judge panel said there was enough evidence to establish a causal relationship between the intentional wrongdoings of the defendants and the loss incurred. VNS Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (r) receives Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko in Ha Noi yesterday. VNA/VNS Photo Thong Nhat HA NOI Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc wants Viet Nam and Belarus to employ measures to raise their trade value from the current US$100 million as there is huge untapped co-operation potential. He made the remarks in Ha Noi yesterday at a reception for visiting Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko. The PM described the visit by the Belarusian guest as a milestone, ushering in new prospects for co-operation between Viet Nam and Belarus, stressing that Viet Nam always respects and wishes to continue maintaining and fostering sustainable friendship and co-operation with Belarus. High-level visits in recent years created an impetus for the two countries to broaden their links across politics, economy, and people-to-people exchange. The free trade agreement between Viet Nam and the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) that took effect in late 2016 in particular opened up many new opportunities for the two sides economic partnership, he said. The Belarusian Deputy PM briefed his host on the fruitful outcomes of his working session with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam, referring to their review of bilateral co-operation after a year and a half of implementing the Viet Nam-EEU free trade agreement. He suggested boosting bilateral co-operation in Belaruss strong fields like the production of dairy products, mechanical engineering and industrial products. PM Phuc hailed the working session his guest participated in, expressing his hope that the two sides would share more information and hold regular exchanges between businesses to market their products to raise the trade value. Viet Nam is ready to provide the best possible conditions for Belarusian businesses to co-operate, invest and do productive, stable and long-term business associated with Viet Nams sustainable development, the leader said. He pledged that the country will work to facilitate the entry of Belarusian industrial, mechanical engineering, energy and mining products in its market. Referring to the East Sea, the PM asked Belarus to support the just stance of Viet Nam and ASEAN of addressing disputes in the waters by peaceful means based on international law, especially the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982. VNS Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan visits the Royal HaskoningDHVs Netherlands Airport Consultants (NACO) yesterday during her official visit to the Netherlands. VNA/VNS Photo Trong uc AMSTERDAM Viet Nams aviation infrastructure projects will bring opportunities to Dutch manufacturers, consultants and education centres operating in aviation and space, according to Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan. She made the statement while visiting the Royal HaskoningDHVs Netherlands Airport Consultants (NACO) yesterday during her official visit to the Netherlands. Ngan said that aviation solutions provided by the Dutch side for Viet Nam under the Partners for International Business Programme Dutch Aviation Vietnam aim to set up business ties and recommend training activities between aviation agencies from both sides. She lauded NACOs participation in 550 aviation projects in 100 countries worldwide and expressed her belief that NACO will be successful in its role as a co-ordinator and representative for eight companies, universities and research institute involved in this programme. The aviation sector has played an important part in Viet Nams development, she affirmed, adding that the country is working to develop aviation infrastructure to become a passenger and cargo transport centre in the region. Priority will be given to the expansion of Tan Son Nhat International Airport, construction of Long Thanh International Airport and the opening of new airports, she told company executives. After visitng NACO, the top legislator and the Vietnamese delegation left the Netherlands, wrapping up their visit to the European country. VNS HA NOI General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) Nguyen Phu Trong had talks with First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee and President of the Councils of State and Ministers of Cuba Raul Castro Ruz in Havana on March 29 afternoon (local time). At the talks following the official welcome ceremony, Raul Castro Ruz affirmed that the State visit by the CPV leader is of special importance to the reinforcement of the ties between the two Parties, States and peoples. He congratulated Viet Nam on its enormous achievements over 30 years of oi Moi (reforms), voicing his belief that under the CPVs leadership, the Vietnamese people will continue to gain even more accomplishment in national development and protection. General Secretary Trong underlined that the Party, State and people of Viet Nam have a sincere friendship with their Cuban counterparts. He stressed late Leader Fidel Castro was a big friend of Viet Nam, and his example, ideology and revolutionary career will live in the heart of the two peoples forever. He also congratulated the Cuban Party, State and people on their persistence in the revolutionary path, the accomplishments in updating their socio-economic model, initiated and implemented by the PCC, and recent successful local and national assembly elections. He expressed his belief that the Cuban Party, State and people will keep solidarity to tackle all challenges and difficulties to promote the countrys revolutionary cause. At the talks, the two leaders noted that the special Cuba- Viet Nam relationship, nurtured by late President Ho Chi Minh and Leader Fidel Castro, is a priceless asset of the two Parties, States and peoples. The two sides need to make unceasing efforts to protect, develop and pass those ties down to future generations. Raul Castro lauded the support the Vietnamese Party, State and people have given to Cuba, appreciating Viet Nams decision to free the Cuban Government from its debt to Viet Nam during the visit. Noting with pleasure the fruitful relationship between Viet Nam and Cuba, the leaders agreed to increase high-level exchanges and meetings, improve the quality and efficiency of cooperation mechanisms and implement signed agreements. At the same time, they will intensify the sharing of experience, especially in leadership and management training, socio-economic development and Party building. Host and guest decided to step up cooperation in economy, trade, investment and education for young generations while continuing close cooperation in national defence and security, as well as external affairs. Apart from enhancing mutual support and coordination at multilateral forums, the two sides will intensify people-to-people exchange and education for youths of the two countries. The leaders also agreed to work together to seek solutions to elevate bilateral economic ties more effectively, matching the potential for their cooperation. They also highlighted similarities in the two countries stance on many international issues and agreed to maintain mutual support at international organisations and multilateral forums to which both are members, particularly the UN. Viet Nam committed to backing Cubas bid to run for a seat in the UN Human Rights Council for 2021-2023. Meanwhile, Cuba pledged its support for Vietnams nomination for a seat in the UN Security Council for 2020-2021. Party General Secretary Trong invited the Cuban leader to soon return to Viet Nam. Raul Castro Ruz accepted the invitation, saying he will visit the country at an appropriate time. Earlier, Party General Secretary Trong and his entourage paid floral tribute to Cubans national hero Jose Marti at his statue. VNA/VNS HAVANA Viet Nam has chosen to free Cuba of its debts to the Southeast Asian nation. The agreement was part of several deals signed between the two countries during the State visit to Cuba by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong from March 28-31. The documents also include a co-operation agreement between the CPV and the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) for 2018-2023 and an agreement on judicial support in criminal affairs. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the enhancement of scientific and technological collaboration between Viet Nams Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Cuban Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, a MoU between the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and Cubas Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and another MoU between the Vietnamese and Cuban construction ministries were also inked. Notably, Viet Nam and Cuba also agreed to scale up efforts to sign a new trade agreement, putting it into force as soon as possible. The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and Prensa Latina News Agency also inked an agreement, aiming to increase the exchange of information and consolidate the traditional co-operation between the two agencies. The VNA also reached a MoU with the Cuban News Agency (ACN) in an effort to raise the efficiency of co-operation and make their information sharing and professional assistance more suitable with the requirements of the modern press.VNS HAVANA Cubas President has received Viet Nams highest honour, the Gold Star Order. General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong presented the award to First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee and President of the Council of State and the Council of Ministers of Cuba Raul Castro Ruz. The honour was granted to the Cuban leader in recognition of his contributions to the solidarity between the Parties, States, Governments and peoples of the two countries, at a ceremony in Havana on Thursday (local time) within the visit to Cuba by Party General Secretary Trong from 28-31. Speaking at the ceremony, Raul Castro highlighted the time-tested relationship between the two countries. The Parties, Governments and people of Cuba and Viet Nam have always stood side by side and shared experience in building socialism, he said, hoping that the bilateral relationship will be preserved by young generations of the two countries. Raul Castro thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for the honour, and described it as a vivid manifestation of bilateral solidarity. The Cuban leader expressed his wish that Vietnamese people, under the leadership of the CPV, will obtain greater achievements in national construction and development, and that Cuba-Viet Nam ties will continuously yield fruits. VNS HA NOI Viet Nam and Cuba have issued a joint statement during the State visit to Cuba by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong. The visit is made at the invitation of First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee and President of the Council of State and the Council of Ministers of Cuba General Raul Castro Ruz, the joint statement says. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met with Second Secretary of the PCC Central Committee Jose Ramon Machado Ventura, Politburo member and President of the Cuban National Assembly Esteban Lazo Hernandez, and Politburo member and First Vice President of the Cuban Council of State and the Council of Ministers Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez. Vietnamese and Cuban leaders agreed the special friendship and solidarity between the two countries is a symbol of the era and an invaluable asset of the Parties and people. Their resolve is to follow in the footsteps of the friendship fostered by President Ho Chi Minh and Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro. The leaders agreed on the importance of expanding and deepening the friendship and comprehensive co-operation between the two countries, thus actively contributing to their national construction and defence, and to maintaining peace, stability, and development in the region and the world. During the talks, they expressed their joy at the flourishing bilateral relations between the two nations, and affirmed their determination to turn the special relations into a new development period, on the basis of political trust. They stressed the two sides should work closely to improve the efficiency of bilateral economic, trade and investment co-operation, while comparing their notes on international and regional issues of common concern. The Vietnamese Party Chief congratulated Cuba on its recent successful local and national assembly elections, expressing his belief Cuba will continue the process of updating the socialism economic model, opening a new development stage of the process to build a sovereign, independent, socialist, democratic, prosperous and sustainable state. He reiterated Viet Nams consistent stance on supporting Cubas struggle for immediate and unconditional removal of economic, trade and financial sanctions against the country, and efforts to normalise the Cuba-US relations on the basis of equality, and respect for sovereignty, independence and political institutions of each country. Viet Nam appreciated the prestige and role of Cuba in the Latin American and Caribbean regions, and in the international arena as well. President Castro congratulated Viet Nam on its prominent achievements in its oi moi (renewal) process initiated by the CPV. He spoke highly of Viet Nams peaceful foreign policy and international prestige; its efforts to protect independence and sovereignty, and to promote international integration; and the countrys contributions to peace, stability, co-operation and development in the Southeast Asia and Asia-Pacific regions, and in the world, adding that Cuba supports and believes Viet Nam will continue obtaining greater achievements in the future. The two leaders agreed the countries should maintain regular meetings at all levels, and discuss and share experience related to state leadership, socio-economic management, and Party building. The two sides stressed the importance of bilateral co-operation mechanisms like the exchange and co-operation agreement between the CPV and the PCC, the two Parties theoretical workshops, the Inter-governmental Committee on economic, scientific and technical co-operation, and the political consultation between the two foreign ministries. They expressed their resolve to enhance the effectiveness of these mechanisms. General Secretary Trong and President Raul Castro emphasised the significance of enhancing economic partnership. They highly valued the two sides finalisation of the negotiation on a new trade agreement, considering this a basis for them to continue expanding economic and trade ties. Cuba also supports the increase of Viet Nams investment in the country. The two sides will consider their potential to boost co-operation in priority fields such as energy, telecommunication, tourism, construction, healthcare services, industry, agriculture, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, transport, and other spheres. President Castro thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and Government for freeing the Cuban Government from its debt to the Vietnamese Government, describing this as an illustration of the two countries special relations. The two leaders expressed their delight at the complete similarities in the countries stance on many international issues. They stressed international disputes need to be resolved by peaceful means on the basis on international law and the UN Charter. They also underlined the necessity to respect the principles of independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and the right to self-determination of countries, non-interference in other countries internal affairs, and no use of force or threat to use force. They share the view that the increasingly tightened bilateral links will help expand Viet Nams co-operation with Latin American and Caribbean nations and Cubas co-operation with Asia-Pacific countries. They re-affirmed the validity of the fundamental principles of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), stressing the targets and principles of NAM need to be thoroughly respected. They also applauded NAMs contributions to the protection of the principles of international law. Both sides renewed the commitment to promoting international peace and security and disarmament, especially nuclear disarmament. They expressed their delight at the two countries signing and participation in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and also agreed to effectively implement the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, continue actively contributing to climate change response efforts. The two countries will continue supporting each other at international organisations and multilateral forums, especially at the UN. They will foster co-operation and mutual support within the framework of the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties, the Sao Paulo Forum, and other political and social forums. In the statement, the two sides hailed the State visit as a success, adding it was a special event amid the 45th anniversary of the first visit to Viet Nam by Fidel Castro Ruz, the only foreign leader visiting the newly liberated area at the 17th Parallel in Quang Tri Province of Viet Nam. General Secretary Trong invited First Secretary and President Raul Castro to pay an official visit to Viet Nam. The Cuban leader thanked and accepted the invitation with pleasure. VNS HA NOI Viet Nam and Thailand should seek measures to raise two-way trade to US$15 billion before 2020 as the two nations still hold great potential for trade and investment co-operation, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc told his Thai counterpart Prayut Chan-ocha in Ha Noi on March 30. Welcoming the Thai leaders attendance at the sixth Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Summit, PM Phuc said that this reflected Thailands positive role in GMS co-operation. He agreed on the need for greater transport connectivity between Thailand, Laos and Viet Nam, and affirmed to create all favourable conditions to speed up the work. PM Phuc said he had assigned the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other ministries and sectors to remove difficulties in automobile imports from Thailand. He suggested the two countries maintain close ties in addressing illegal fishing, including the establishment of a hotline between marine law enforcement agencies of Viet Nam and Thailand. The Vietnamese leader also asked Thailand to solve bottlenecks in labour co-operation, while urging the two foreign ministries to establish a hotline between the two PMs. For his part, PM Chan-ocha said that he always reminded Thai enterprises to abide by the host countrys law, pay attention to employees living conditions and protect the environment when investing in Viet Nam. He expressed his hope that the Vietnamese Government would tackle difficulties in transport connectivity among Laos, Viet Nam and Thailand to facilitate trade between the three nations. The Thai PM proposed Viet Nam help Thai investors invest in a wind power plant project in Bac Lieu Province and to support Thai banks expansion in Viet Nam. The Thai leader agreed to step up the implementation of bilateral co-operation mechanisms in 2018, including the fourth Joint Cabinet Meeting, the third meeting of the Joint Committee on Bilateral Cooperation and the third meeting of the Joint Trade Committee. VNS HA NOI Viet Nam welcomes capable businesses from China to take part in major projects in the country, especially those within the framework of Two corridors one economic belt and Belt and Road connectivity initiatives, said Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc. PM Phuc made the statement during a reception in Ha Noi on March 30 for leaders of the Chinese provinces of Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan, who have been in Vietnam to attend the sixth Greater Mekong Sub-region Summit (GMS 6) and the GMS Business Summit. Highlighting the growing partnership between ministries, sectors and localities of the two countries as well as exchanges between their people, the PM affirmed that Viet Nam always attached great importance to fostering cooperation with China, in which collaboration among their localities plays a significant role. "The fruitful cooperation among localities is a bright spot in the Viet Nam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership," he said, adding that the Government of Vietnam always supported and created optimal conditions, especially in terms of infrastructure, for localities to strengthen win-win partnerships. Leaders of the Chinese provinces said they were impressed by Viet Nams rapid and comprehensive development, expressing their belief that the success of the GMS would open up new cooperation prospects for Viet Nam and China and their localities in particular, especially in economy, trade, tourism, and people-to-people exchanges. Vice Governor of Guangdong province Au Yang Wei Min spoke highly of the close friendship between localities of China and Viet Nam. Meanwhile, Li Xiu Ling, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Yunnan province, said that many enterprises of Yunnan were accompanying him during his current trip to Viet Nam to seek opportunities of cooperation with Vietnamese partners. He said Yunnan hoped to step up cooperation with Viet Nam through the Lao Cai-Hekou route and the building of Kunming-Ha Noi-Hai Phong economic corridor as well as the Hai Phong-Lao Cai railway route. Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee of Hainan Wang Lu invited leaders of the Vietnamese Government and localities to attend the Boao Economic Forum 2018 in Hainan. Leaders of both Hainan and Guangxi provinces showed their hope to boost collaboration with Vietnamese localities in the fields of tourism, education and training. PM Phuc suggested Vietnamese and Chinese localities design their cooperation plans in all fields, not only in economy and trade but also in Party and administration building. Viet Nam and China should work together closely to deal with arising difficulties facing their cooperative ties for sustainable development, he said, proposing China improve its transport infrastructure to create more favourable conditions for promoting economic, trade, tourism ties and people-to-people exchanges with Viet Nam Along with applying measures to implement common perceptions reached by senior leaders of the two countries, the localities should simplify customs clearance procedures for each others goods and people, he said, noting that trade between the four Chinese provinces and Viet Nam reached US$60 billion in 2017. Vietnamese and Chinese localities should also foster people-to-people exchanges, thus increasing mutual trust and understanding and strengthening solidarity between the people of the two countries, the PM added VNS HA NOI Science-technology is a breakthrough solution to green and high-value agriculture development, said agriculture minister Nguyen Xuan Cuong at a session on agriculture business and technology within the framework of the GMS Business Summit in Ha Noi on March 30. The Minister highlighted the important role of agriculture in economic growth and sustainable development of GMS nations, particularly Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Viet Nam (CLMV). The sector provides livelihoods for the regional citizens, particularly the low-income groups. Cuong underlined the export capability and competitiveness of GMS agricultural products thanks to the regions favourable geographic location as a gateway to the Asia Pacific region and the world. In the coming time, agriculture will continue being an important sector to ensure food security, promote poverty reduction and hunger eradication, and serve as important support for other economic sectors, Cuong affirmed. The fourth industrial revolution presents an opportunity for the GMS nations to boost hi-tech agriculture, in terms of artificial intellectual to reduce labour force and biotechnology to create high-yield varieties, among others, he said. Technology application in agriculture produce has helped halved the poverty rate in GMS nations over the past years, thanks to increased productivity and income for farmers. He called on the GMS nations to develop a cross-border agriculture value chain with application of technology while exchanging information and cooperating closely together in building strategies and making planning for regional agriculture development. Focus should be placed on developing logistics to support agriculture and managing cross-border agricultural products quality. The GMS nations should also strengthen technology application in managing natural resources, natural disasters, and the use of Mekong water resources for agriculture. Participants suggested the regional countries build a policy framework to facilitate participation of private sector in ensuring food security in particular and contributing to the regional economic growth in general. They also attached significance to direct linkage between farmers and traders to help farmers produce their products in line with the standards while increasing farmers income. Ngo Minh Hai, Chairman of the Viet Nam-based TH True Milk, said his group worked directly with households and cooperatives to ensure they grow grasses and cows in line with the companys requirement in terms of production procedure and products quality They provide training courses and technical assistance for involved farmers, thus introducing them to technologies applied in their farming, while giving them sustainable livelihoods and incomes. ang Hoang Giang, President of the Viet Nam Cashew Association (VINACASS) underlined the factor of technology application in increasing the value of agricultural products in general and cashew nuts in particular. He also stressed the need for developing large-scale fields and specialised crops to ensure efficient application of technology in production and processing. Ousmane Dione, Country Director of the World Bank in Viet Nam, affirmed that the agricultural sector continued to be the key factor for economic growth and sustainable development of the GMS nations. The regional nations needed to ensure the sector would be competitive, adaptive to climate change, and integrate into the regional and global supply chains. The first-ever Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Business Summit forms part of the sixth GMS Summit (GMS-6) and the 10th Cambodia-Laos-Viet Nam Development Triangle Summit (CLV-10). As an initiative of host Viet Nam, the event aims to strengthen dialogues between enterprises and governments and connect businesses in the region and the world, while encouraging resources from the private sector for the GMS Programme. VNS HCM CITY Construction of Long Thanh International Airport in the southern province of ong Nai at an earlier date than initially planned would help reduce the overload on neighbouring Tan Son Nhat International Airport in HCM City, experts said at a seminar held in the city yesterday. Organised by the Tien Phong (Vanguard) newspaper, the seminar was attended by local experts, officials from ministries and departments, and representatives from other agencies. The aim was to discuss solutions to implementing the Long Thanh International Airport project at an earlier date than originally planned. Attendees expressed concern about policies and measures related to capital sources, modes of investment, land clearance, resettlement, and compensation to landowners. Many experts agreed that the opening of Long Thanh International Airport would allow Tan Son Nhat International Airport to decrease its number of flights and have time to upgrade and expand later. Nguyen Ngoc ong, deputy minister of transport, said: "Creating favourable conditions for the construction of Long Thanh International Airport will offer a great opportunity for growth of the aviation market. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Viet Nam will become one of the five fastest-growing markets in the world in terms of additional passengers per year in 2015-35 period. Nguyen Ngoc Hung, deputy director of the provinces Department of Natural Resources and Environment, said the airport project would be the largest project in the province since 1975. It will cover an area of 5,000ha, including 1,800ha of rubber trees. Relocating residents will not be a problem because most of them have agreed to move and co-operate in land clearance and compensation, he said. However, about 15,000 people, most of them farmers and workers at rubber plantations, need to be resettled and given new jobs. Land for two new residential areas is being recovered, and vocational training for people of working age will be offered, according to Hung. He said the government needs to set a clear policy related to land prices to avoid unreasonable price hikes and ensure profits for residents. The long wait for the start of this project has affected the living conditions of local people, because they dont know when it is going to be built, Duong Trung Quoc, historian and National Assembly deputy, said. We need to draw up plans for urban planning instead of focusing on the airport project only, he said, adding that the government should call for their contribution and see their participation as critical for long-term growth. The Long Thanh International Airport has been designed to handle about 100 million passengers and five million tonnes of goods each year. Total costs are estimated at VN336.6 trillion (US$16 billion). Construction of the first phase is expected to begin in 2020 with completion in 2025. The first terminal to be completed in the first phase of the project is expected to handle 25 million passengers and 1.2 million tonnes of goods per year. VNS HCM CITY More than 7,000 primary and secondary school students in HCM City are expected to benefit from better access to English and Vietnamese books, online and multimedia facilities, and other library resources by 2020 with the launch of the second phase of the Words on Wheels mobile digital library programme yesterday. The programme is organised by the Singapore International Foundation (SIF) and the General Sciences Library (GSL) and funded by Keppel Land Limited. Speaking at the ceremony in HCM City, SIF Governor Lian Wee Cheow, said: Words on Wheels is an SIF signature programme that seeks to promote the joy of reading and lifelong learning among children. Since its inception in Ha Noi in 2011, WoW has expanded to HCM City; Bandung and Yogyakarta in Indonesia and Jaffna in Sri Lanka. In 2014 the SIF had launched the first edition of WoW in HCM City, and the mobile library has since benefited more than 3,000 school children, he said. Close to 250 Singaporean international volunteers volunteered their time and talent to make this possible. Bui Xuan uc, GSL director, said: WoW carries out the good and basic function of a public library of books finding readers by organising mobile library trips to provide books and newspapers across the country. The children did not want to leave the mobile library van or say goodbye to the volunteer librarians during these trips. WoW not only feeds the hunger for information and technology, it contributes to improving skills and inspiring the passion to build a reading culture, particularly in developing good reading habits for children at a young age. Lian Wee Cheow said in phase two the mobile library would visit seven public schools in districts 2 and 8 by turns to positively impact over 7,000 students aged six to 15. Libraries and computer labs at participating schools will be refurbished to create a more conducive learning environment for students. An estimated 120 Singapore international volunteers will travel to HCM City over the next three years to conduct English language and IT literacy workshops, opening doors for opportunities to experience rich cross-cultural exchanges and knowledge sharing. The curriculum will be specially designed to cultivate students interest in reading and learning, while facilitating cross-cultural exchanges. In addition, staff volunteers from Keppel Land have developed English lessons on green living and financial literacy with the aim of inculcating values on sustainability in the local community, particularly youths. VNS HA NOI Developing smart cities means officials and planning need to be a step ahead, according to a local official. Tran Quoc Thai, deputy director of Urban Development Department, at the Ministry of Construction made the statement at a seminar yesterday in Ha Noi. Smart cities must meet the criteria of planning, management and provision of smart and comfortable services that are supplied by the State or other economic sectors, he said at the seminar titled Developing Smart Cities in Viet Nam towards Green and Sustainable Growth, organised by the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction and Embassy of the Netherlands. The building of smart cities requires appropriate institutions on the basis of integrated planning and management, while developing standards for safety, security and social affairs. Viet Nam is currently undergoing rapid urbanisation,with 802 urban areas currently and an estimated 1,000 by 2030. Peoples living standards and knowledge have improved when they have access to modern and advanced information technology. However, citizens also face more traffic jams, environmental pollution, accommodation shortages, unemployment, public debt and limited management capacity. Thai admitted at the seminar, the development of smart cities in Viet Nam still has many problems, including population growth, over-consumption of natural resources, substandard urban infrastructure and inability to cope with climate change, especially in coastal cities. According to Thai, the State should develop strategic and sustainable planning and assessments on traffic congestion, flood risks, housing, urban finance and environmental issues to solve urban development problems. The Ministry of Information and Communication (MoIC) has been working with the Ministry of Construction to build a set of indicators for smart cities including mechanisms, policies and guidelines for their development. Le Duy Tien, from the MoIC said the indicators for smart cities are based on the countries with intelligent urban development similar to Viet Nam. Global trends like urbanisation, climate change, digitalisation, mobility and the depletion of natural resources are dramatically transforming society. Pressure for cities to address these problems is rapidly mounting. By 2050, 70 per cent of the world population will be living in cities. This tremendous growth pressures infrastructure, public facilities, municipal land, houses and jobs. On the other hand, cities are enjoying increased engagement from their citizens. Well-informed citizens, with access to relevant data, contribute to solutions by launching neighbourhood initiatives. City authorities also have better relationships with commuters, students, tourists and road users. Incorporating these relationships into a smart city ecosystem ultimately leads to a smart society. This global trend also applies to Viet Nam and can be clearly observed. Viet Nam has a large population of 90 million, a young resourceful workforce and is growing at a fast pace. It is also one of the countries most affected by climate change, said Dutch Ambassador Nienke Trooster. Therefore, to ensure that society can cope with future challenges and accommodate growth, to make sure there will be enough work and the right skills are being equipped to the workforce, all while still strengthening economic growth, it is recommended for Viet Nam to not only plan ahead but also plan smarter. The Dutch Ambassador shared her countrys experience of having many municipalities develop into smart cities. The country is known for succeeding with a joint approach where cities, companies, the research sector and civil society work together to exchange come up with a strategy together. The Dutch Ambassador said: We dont know exactly what the city of the future will look like. But we do know that certain transitions will definitely take place, like the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy and a rise in self-driving cars. Resilience also means that a city can accommodate short term upheavals, like a flood. Smart cities offer an architecture for structuring procedures in such a way that cities will be resilient enough to handle all those future developments. At the event, Smart Cities Consortium NL of the Netherlands and the Vietnamese Ministry of Constructions Urban Development Agency signed a Letter of Intent (LOI), to lay the foundation for future co-operation between the Netherlands and Viet Nam on smart cities. The LOI aims to support the urban development and foster the co-operation of both sides on the exchange of information, know-how, and expertise, a representative of Dutch Embassy in Viet Nam said. VNS A water sprinkler system is tested at an apartment building in Tan Binh District. VNS Photo Chi Cong HCM CITY Fire-fighting police in districts throughout HCM City are working with investors and managers of apartment buildings to strengthen fire-prevention measures at all high-rises and apartment buildings in the city, following a fire at the Carina Plaza apartment complex in District 8 that killed 13 people and injured 50 on March 23. Since March 24, fire-fighting police in Tan Binh District, for example, have been checking fire alarms, emergency sprinkler systems, and other fire-prevention devices at many high-rises. In Tan Phu District, residents at the Phu Thanh apartment building were informed about a similar check which took place from March 26 to 28. On March 25, firefighting police engaged in fire-prevention and fire-safety training at the building. On March 24, residents were shown how to escape down the stairs and exist safely during a drill at an older apartment building on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street in District 3. Tran The Thuan, chairman of the District 1 Peoples Committee, said that fire-prevention systems at 161 apartment buildings in the district had recently been checked. At a press conference yesterday, Colonel Nguyen Minh Thong, chief of the investigative police divisions secretariat, said that the cause of the Carina Plaza fire was from a motorbike parked in the basement, Thong said. No one had noticed the small fire and within slightly more than 13 minutes the fire had quickly spread. If this fire had been discovered quickly, a small fire extinguisher could have put it out, he said. An initial investigation showed that the apartment complexs fire alarms and the sprinkler system did not operate. Residents only knew about the fire thanks to shouts from others, Truong Huy Bang, who was living on the 12th floor of the building, told Viet Nam News Agency. The HCM City Police on March 26 started criminal proceedings in the case of the Carina Paza fire. City leaders have asked the District 8 Peoples Committee to work with the investor of the Carina Plaza apartment complex to provide assistance to victims and residents, including fees for room rentals. Of 120 fires occurring in the first three months in the city, the Carina Plaza fire was the most severe, according to the citys Peoples Committee report. Of the total number of fires this year, there have been a total of 15 fatalities. A fire alarm is tested at an apartment building in Tan Binh District. VNS Photo Chi Cong Precautions HCM City Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Thien Nhan has asked fire-fighting police to submit a report on the status of fire-prevention equipment and procedures at the Carina Plaza building. More fire drills and guidance on how to exit buildings safely should be carried out at the building, he said. The Ministry of Construction is also working with the citys Department of Construction to check all apartment buildings in the city and require buildings investors to solve all shortcomings. The ministry has urged developers, builders and partners to follow technical standards for construction of apartment buildings. Sr Lt Col Nguyen Thanh Huong, acting director of the Fire Fighting and Prevention Police Department, said the department would provide further guidance to residents on rescue methods and ways of escape. He urged the public to report violations of fire regulations and to call 114 to report a fire. According to the departments figures, seven apartment buildings in the city that do not follow fire-safety regulations have people living in them. Last year, a department report found that several apartment buildings in the city had yet to be checked by the department but investors had continued to allow people to buy apartments before or during construction. Of the buildings that were checked, the department found that many had fire equipment but they were not used properly, and alarms did not operate, according to the report. The department noted in its report that it faced challenges because the radius of operation is too wide between fire-fighting police divisions in the citys 24 districts. Last year, the citys total of six firefighting divisions were responsible for managing two districts each, and it took time for fire trucks to access fires, according to the department. Speaking at a meeting held yesterday, Nguyen Thanh Phong, chairman of the municipal Peoples Committee, said that fire-safety activities had been carried out in the city, but effectiveness had been low. Today, the committee is holding a conference on fire prevention and fighting at apartment buildings and high-rises. Vo Van Hoan, chief of the committees secretariat, said that HCM City Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Thien Nhan had ordered a review and the publication of a list of apartment buildings, to be classified as fire-safe, less safe or unsafe. This announcement will help investors pay more attention to fire safety and residents can also take the initiative in improving things, Hoan added. Low public awareness Residents in apartment buildings have a low awareness about fire-prevention regulations and procedures, according to Le Xuan Minh of the fire-fighting police in Tan Phu District. He said exit doors should not be blocked with stones because smoke can pass through the openings to higher floors, leading to suffocation. Huong of the Fire Fighting and Prevention Police Department said that suffocation was the cause of death for 11 of the 13 ill-fated victims at the Carina Plaza fire. An inspection also showed that cigarette ash was found in the buildings basement, which had more than 1,500 parked motorbikes and cars. In other buildings in the city, far too many cars and motorbikes are parked in small spaces, such as in the Phu Thanh Building in Tan Phu District. This can block fire trucks from entering the building grounds, Minh said. A fire extinguisher is installed at an apartment building in Tan Phu District. VNS Photo Gia Loc Rush for fire-prevention devices After the deadly Carina Plaza fire, many city residents began looking for high-quality face masks, blankets, clothes and drop ladders. A resident living on the 10th floor of Phu Thanh Building said he did not know where he could purchase high-quality items. He said he also wanted to install a rope-and-pulley system. A female resident of the Truong Sa B1 apartment building in Binh Thanh District, who declined to be named, said that she would buy drop ladders and look for information about fire prevention on social media. Other residents are also paying more attention to such devices. Over the last few days, purchases of fire-prevention items rose by 30-40 per cent compared to normal days, according to the Centre for Fire-Prevention Devices. Minh of the fire-fighting police in Tan Phu District suggested that residents install a rope-and-pulley system if they can afford the cost, which is at least VN10 million (US$438). However, he said they should ask for guidance from the seller on how the system should be properly installed, and should avoid fake products by doing research about sellers and products. VNS HAI PHONG A huge blaze burnt down a warehouse and three other houses last night in Hai Phong city, reported the Voice of Viet Nam online, According to people living in the local area, the fire started at the warehouse about 6pm Thursday at 648, Le Thanh Tong Street. The place, owned by Nguyen Van Hao, stored wooden and plastic plates. Eyewitness said there was a huge explosion at first, followed by black smoke coming out of the warehouse. Some 15 minutes later, the warehouse caught fire. The wooden and plastic plates aggravated the fire, which quicky spread to neighbouring houses. The warehouse owner tried to extinguish the blaze, but to no avail. The fire was put out after many hours, but just in time to prevent it from spreading to a nearby petroleum station. There was no loss of human life, but the blaze completely burnt down the warehouse, besides seriously damaging three houses next to it. The warehouse has been in the residential area for more than 10 years. People in the neighbourhood had reportedly complained to the local government in the past about safety concerns, but no action was taken. VNS A NANG Thousands of vacant plots of land in the central city of a Nang have become garbage dumps, online newspaper reported. Piles of broken furniture and domestic waste have filled up along the road in a residential area in Son Tra District. Huynh Van Viet, a local resident, said this situation has existed for more than 10 years, causing great concern to the people. Many times, the local residents clear the garbage, but a few days later, people from other areas start dumping waste again. The area stinks of garbage throughout the day, he said. In the wards of An Hai ong, An Hai Bac, Nai Hien ong and Phuoc My of Son Tra District and along the roads leading up to Vo Van Kiet, Vo Nguyen Giap and Ha Bong, which attract many foreigners, the vacant land has been filled with garbage and construction waste. These garbage dumps in residential areas are causing environmental pollution and increasing the risk of diseases. According to Viet, dozens of peope in Son Tra District were infected with dengue fever and malaria last year. Nguyen Quang Tuyen, the deputy director of Son Tra Environment Company, said his firm had 120 workers with four lorries, which collected 160 tonnes of waste in 20 rounds per day. But their work was rendered ineffective as people again started littering quickly. Although the company has placed many dust bins, people continue to litter, he said. VNS by Gia Loc When travelling to the south-central coastal province of Binh Thuan, tourists often head for the well-known resorts, beaches and sand dunes in the Mui Ne area of Phan Thiet City. But only 100 kilometres away is Co Thach beach in the provinces Tuy Phong District, an unusual coastal site lined with seaweed-covered pebbles and rocks of varying shapes and sizes. In recent years, the area has seen thousands of people, mostly photographers, coming to visit between February and April to capture images of the rocks at sunrise and sunset. When the tide recedes, the green seaweed on the stones and rocks glistens in the morning sunlight and appears blue, but at noon it takes on a yellow hue. The stunning changes in colour can also be seen at sunset. For me, Co Thach beach and Chua Hang (Cave Pagoda) nearby are part of my childhood memories with many caves nearby to discover. On holidays, especially during Tet (Lunar New Year festival), locals would visit the beach to relax after a year of hard work and study. Good morning: Sunrise at Co Thach Beach in Binh Thuan Provinces Tuy Phong District. VNS Photo Duong uc Today, the beach, which is about one kilometre long and 200 to 300 metres wide, is as beautiful as ever. With a dizzying variety of small and big stones, I can still climb up to the top of a rocky boulder and sit and enjoy the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. As children, we were fascinated with the stones and rocks that had been pushed to the shore for thousands of years. We would pick up the small oddly-shaped stones, some with a heart shape, and take them home with us after each trip. Many of the small stones appear in a variety of colours. Some look turquoise or yellow, and others purple, white, pink or red under the sunlight and morning dew. The stone shapes are dependent on the strength of the sea waves and the flow of water. Every year, shortly after Tet, our parents would take us to Chua Hang Pagoda by motorbike to pray for happiness and to have a picnic. It was an easy trip as our home was only 14 kilometres away in Tuy Phong Districts Phan Ri Cua Town. Built between 1835 and 1836 on a low hill 64 metres above sea level, the pagoda was recognised as a national historic site by the Ministry of Culture and Information in 1993. Reflective: Stones and rocks covered with moss shimmer under the sun. VNS Photo Duong uc. The pagoda was first built by Zen Master Bao Tang in the mid-19th century. Over the last 176 years, the structure was expanded, and there are now shrines that can be seen inside many caves located on the pagodas grounds. In 2011, the Viet Nam Guinness Book Centre officially recognised the beach as one of the most colourful in the country because of its thousands of stones and rocks. Many of the stones from the beach are used by artisans in the area in their works, which are the pride of Tuy Phong District residents. Like other beaches in Binh Thuan Province, the beachs water is clear and deep blue. Besides the small stones, the beach is surrounded by giant rocks of different sizes and shapes that resemble an elephant or an old woman with a hunchback, some of which have legends associated with them. At the beach, many tourists like to eat fresh seafood like crab, scallop and grilled or boiled fish at food stalls located near the beach or on the way to the beach and pagoda. Enchanting: Stones and rocks covered with moss take on a deep blue hue. VNS Photo Duong uc To get to the beach from HCM City, you can travel by bus for around seven hours to Tuy Phong and then hire a motorbike driver. They can either hire a tent for VN50,000 to camp on the beach or stay at inexpensive hotels for no more than US$5 a night. If you drive on your own from HCM City, it will take longer, about eight or nine hours, but you will be able to see the sea and sand dunes the entire way. From HCM City, drive to Phan Thiet City and then travel along the provinces Mui Ne beach until you reach Phan Ri Cua Town in Tuy Phong. Co Thach beach is about 14 km away. To attract more local and foreign tourists to the area, provincial authorities have invested in new roads that extend from HCM City to the beach and the pagoda. Visitors can often see young people on motorbikes taking in the peaceful, beautiful views of the sea and the colours of the seaweed and stones on the beach as they pass by on a leisurely ride during the weekend. VNS PARIS Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy has been ordered to stand trial on charges of corruption and influence peddling involving a judge from whom he sought information about an investigation, a legal source told AFP on Thursday. Prosecutors have also recommended Sarkozys lawyer Thierry Herzog and former judge Gilbert Azibert stand trial in the case dating back to 2014, the source said. If confirmed it would be a second trial for the rightwinger, who is set to be prosecuted over alleged illegal campaign financing for his unsuccessful re-election bid in 2012. However, Sarkozy would be expected to appeal the decision. The 63-year-old has also been charged over suspected illegal financing and corruption involving former Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi in the most serious of the allegations against him. The influence-peddling case centres on conversations between Sarkozys lawyer and the judge Azibert that were tapped by investigators looking into claims that Sarkozy had once accepted illicit payments from the LOreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt. He was cleared over the Bettencourt allegations in 2013, but the wiretaps suggested he had floated the idea that Azibert, a magistrate from a top appeals court, could be given a top job in Monaco in exchange for information on the Bettencourt probe. Sarkozy has argued that the job never materialised, meaning he is not guilty of anything, but investigators believe the deal fell through because the former president and his lawyer learned their phones were being tapped. Herzog and Azibert are also facing charges of violation of confidentiality. In 2014, Sarkozy became the first former French president to be taken into police custody during a preliminary stage of the inquiry. Finished in politics He is not the first ex-president to be prosecuted for corruption -- his predecessor Jacques Chirac was given a two-year suspended sentence in 2011 for embezzlement and misuse of public funds during his time as mayor of Paris. Sarkozy claims he is innocent of all the charges against him and has consistently claimed the cases are politically motivated. After being charged over the Libya financing allegations on March 21, he vowed to clear his name. "It might take me one, two, 10 years but Ill smash this group (of accusers) and will restore my honour," he said during an emotion-charged prime-time television interview. "I dont plan to give an inch!" Sarkozy had already stepped back from a front-line public role in 2016 after he failed with a bid to run again for president, but he remains an influential figure behind the scenes at the Republicans party. After being charged in the Libya case, he admitted that he was "finished" in politics. AFP SEOUL South Koreas unification ministry said on Friday it does not attach any meaning to North Korean state media reports that did not mention the date and venue for an inter-Korean summit in April. The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Thursday that the two Koreas agreed to hold a summit of their leaders after holding high-level talks, but it did not mention that the meeting will be held at the truce village of Panmunjom on April 27. Previously, North Koreas state media reported details of the two inter-Korean summits, held in 2000 and 2007 in Pyongyang. "State media reports without summit details do not appear to have significance. The move may be related to North Koreas (practice of not revealing Kim Jong-uns) movement routes or other internal issues," Lee Eugene, vice spokesperson at Seouls unification ministry, told a press briefing. The meeting between President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim will be the first summit between the two Koreas in more than a decade. A North Korean ruler will cross the tense border for the first time to the South. Long-term N. Korea progress to face complications: U.N. political chief With the apparent thaw in relations on the Korean Peninsula, developments seem promising in the short term but there are more complicated challenges ahead, the outgoing UN political chief said on Thursday. "The fact that were talking about summits now...may be unusual, but (North Korea) has suspended the type of tests that could have advanced the nuclear and missile program," Jeffrey Feltman told reporters. "So I look at this as something that is, in the short term, inherently good." The UN undersecretary general of political affairs made the comments on the heels of the first meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, a development which Feltman said was encouraging. "Thats not the same as denuclearization, but it means that instead of having tensions continue to rise...we have a scenario by which various parties are talking about getting together, at various levels, to see if theres a way forward that would be consistent with the Security Council resolutions," he noted. YONHAP/KYODO By WestKyStar & St. Mary School System Staff Mar. 29, 2018 | 08:09 PM | PADUCAH, KY Students will travel to Frankfort, KY in April as part of Kentucky's Rural Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program. Students will learn how Kentucky government works by meeting with legislators, touring the Capitol Building and the Governor's Mansion. During June, these students will represent JPEC in a trip to Washington, DC. They will tour Monticello, the Capitol, Arlington National Cemetery, the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution during this tour. Jackson Purchase Energy annually selects juniors who exemplify leadership in their school, church or community to represent them on a Youth Tour. St. Mary High School juniors Brianna Doran and Adisyn Fleming were selected for the JPEC Youth Tour. By The Associated Press By The Associated Press Mar. 29, 2018 | 05:04 AM | FRANKFORT, KY Kentucky lawmakers are continuing budget negotiations out of public view. House and Senate leaders met privately on Wednesday as they seek to reach a compromise on how to spend more than $70 billion of state and federal tax dollars over the next two years. Senate budget chairman Chris McDaniel and House budget chairman Steven Rudy said lawmakers will not formally meet again until Thursday. But they said private discussions would be ongoing. Dozens of teachers lined the hallway outside of a meeting room in the Kentucky Capitol Annex, holding signs asking lawmakers to support public education. past daily news Sep 13 (1) Sep 09 (15) Sep 06 (12) Sep 04 (10) Sep 03 (10) Aug 31 (17) Aug 29 (14) Aug 26 (13) Aug 22 (11) Aug 21 (12) Aug 19 (21) Aug 14 (6) Aug 13 (10) Aug 10 (10) Aug 08 (9) Aug 07 (10) Aug 06 (10) Aug 05 (8) Aug 03 (8) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (7) Jul 31 (14) Jul 29 (1) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (5) Jul 24 (10) Jul 22 (11) Jul 19 (16) Jul 17 (6) Jul 16 (10) Jul 15 (13) Jul 12 (7) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (8) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (3) Jul 06 (5) Jul 05 (8) Jul 04 (11) Jul 03 (8) Jul 02 (7) Jul 01 (5) Jun 30 (8) Jun 28 (7) Jun 27 (8) Jun 26 (7) Jun 25 (8) Jun 24 (6) Jun 23 (6) Jun 22 (9) Jun 20 (5) Jun 19 (9) Jun 18 (8) Jun 15 (9) Jun 13 (13) Jun 11 (11) Jun 09 (19) Jun 06 (10) Jun 04 (10) Jun 03 (8) Jun 01 (6) May 31 (5) May 30 (5) May 29 (6) May 28 (7) May 27 (7) May 26 (6) May 25 (4) May 23 (6) May 22 (6) May 21 (4) May 20 (7) May 19 (9) 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18 (15) Jul 15 (14) Jul 14 (5) Jul 13 (6) Jul 12 (12) Jul 11 (8) Jul 10 (3) Jul 09 (11) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (7) Jul 06 (10) Jul 05 (4) Jul 04 (4) Jul 03 (5) Jul 02 (7) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (10) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (5) Jun 25 (4) Jun 24 (2) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (5) Jun 21 (7) Jun 20 (3) Jun 19 (7) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (11) Jun 16 (5) Jun 15 (5) Jun 14 (7) Jun 13 (14) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (8) Jun 09 (9) Jun 08 (11) Jun 07 (14) Jun 06 (16) Jun 03 (8) Jun 02 (12) Jun 01 (5) May 31 (7) May 30 (15) May 28 (7) May 27 (5) May 26 (21) May 25 (14) May 24 (10) May 23 (7) May 22 (8) May 21 (11) May 20 (5) May 19 (4) May 18 (10) May 17 (11) May 16 (5) May 15 (6) May 14 (7) May 13 (12) May 12 (10) May 11 (7) May 10 (13) May 09 (4) May 08 (7) May 07 (3) May 06 (6) May 05 (9) May 04 (14) May 03 (7) May 02 (10) May 01 (10) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (9) Apr 28 (5) Apr 27 (9) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (8) Apr 24 (6) Apr 23 (14) Apr 22 (16) Apr 21 (11) Apr 20 (7) Apr 19 (16) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (7) Apr 16 (10) Apr 15 (8) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (11) Apr 12 (10) Apr 11 (8) Apr 10 (12) Apr 09 (5) Apr 08 (13) Apr 07 (9) Apr 06 (11) Apr 05 (15) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (15) Apr 02 (5) Apr 01 (11) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (10) Mar 29 (8) Mar 28 (7) Mar 27 (12) Mar 26 (8) Mar 25 (8) Mar 24 (7) Mar 23 (15) Mar 22 (17) Mar 21 (9) Mar 20 (8) Mar 19 (4) Mar 18 (16) Mar 17 (8) Mar 16 (19) Mar 15 (13) Mar 14 (7) Mar 13 (20) Mar 11 (5) Mar 10 (11) Mar 09 (13) Mar 08 (13) Mar 07 (7) Mar 06 (6) Mar 05 (9) Mar 04 (10) Mar 03 (16) Mar 02 (16) Mar 01 (13) Feb 29 (8) Feb 28 (6) Feb 27 (16) Feb 26 (10) Feb 25 (6) Feb 24 (12) Feb 23 (14) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (11) Feb 20 (8) Feb 19 (12) Feb 18 (12) Feb 17 (11) Feb 16 (8) Feb 15 (9) Feb 14 (7) Feb 13 (10) Feb 12 (11) Feb 11 (13) Feb 10 (5) Feb 09 (6) Feb 08 (4) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (13) Feb 05 (10) Feb 04 (11) Feb 03 (7) Feb 02 (19) Jan 31 (21) Jan 29 (11) Jan 28 (10) Jan 27 (13) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (5) Jan 24 (2) Jan 23 (8) Jan 22 (13) Jan 21 (11) Jan 20 (9) Jan 19 (13) Jan 18 (4) Jan 17 (11) Jan 15 (7) Jan 14 (13) Jan 13 (9) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (5) Jan 10 (8) Jan 09 (7) Jan 08 (7) Jan 07 (6) Jan 06 (11) Jan 05 (7) Jan 04 (7) Jan 03 (3) Jan 02 (8) Jan 01 (5) Dec 31 (10) Dec 30 (9) Dec 29 (7) Dec 28 (9) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (1) Dec 25 (5) Dec 24 (6) Dec 23 (6) Dec 22 (7) Dec 21 (6) Dec 20 (7) Dec 19 (13) Dec 18 (16) Dec 17 (10) Dec 16 (13) Dec 15 (11) Dec 14 (8) Dec 13 (4) Dec 12 (9) Dec 11 (10) Dec 10 (12) Dec 09 (10) Dec 08 (13) Dec 07 (7) Dec 06 (12) Dec 05 (8) Dec 04 (11) Dec 03 (12) Dec 02 (16) Dec 01 (14) Nov 30 (10) Nov 29 (11) Nov 28 (15) Nov 27 (16) Nov 26 (11) Nov 25 (9) Nov 24 (13) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (1) Nov 21 (7) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (10) Nov 18 (11) Nov 17 (11) Nov 16 (10) Nov 15 (3) Nov 14 (10) Nov 13 (14) Nov 12 (8) Nov 11 (13) Nov 10 (10) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (9) Nov 07 (11) Nov 06 (12) Nov 05 (17) Nov 04 (12) Nov 03 (11) Nov 02 (5) Nov 01 (12) Oct 31 (11) Oct 30 (11) Oct 29 (10) Oct 28 (18) Oct 27 (16) Oct 26 (11) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (12) Oct 23 (11) Oct 22 (14) Oct 21 (12) Oct 20 (17) Oct 19 (12) Oct 18 (13) Oct 17 (15) Oct 16 (14) Oct 15 (10) Oct 14 (16) Oct 13 (12) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (8) Oct 10 (12) Oct 09 (21) Oct 08 (22) Oct 07 (19) Oct 06 (18) Oct 05 (6) Oct 04 (17) Oct 03 (13) Oct 02 (14) Oct 01 (13) Sep 30 (14) Sep 29 (15) Sep 28 (12) Sep 27 (11) Sep 26 (15) Sep 25 (13) Sep 24 (9) Sep 23 (10) Sep 22 (12) Sep 21 (8) Sep 20 (4) Sep 19 (12) Sep 18 (12) Sep 17 (16) Sep 16 (21) Sep 15 (14) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (5) Sep 12 (10) Sep 11 (16) Sep 10 (7) Sep 09 (8) Sep 08 (10) Sep 07 (7) Sep 06 (5) Sep 05 (8) Sep 04 (9) Sep 03 (8) Sep 02 (11) Sep 01 (10) Aug 31 (4) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (1) Aug 28 (10) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (8) Aug 25 (14) Aug 24 (4) Aug 23 (3) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (13) Aug 20 (9) Aug 19 (13) Aug 18 (3) Aug 17 (3) Aug 16 (3) Aug 15 (6) Aug 14 (8) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (12) Aug 11 (9) Aug 10 (8) Aug 09 (14) Aug 08 (6) Aug 07 (1) Aug 06 (4) Aug 05 (8) Aug 04 (6) Aug 03 (6) Aug 02 (2) Aug 01 (6) Jul 31 (6) Jul 30 (3) Jul 29 (6) Jul 28 (8) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (4) Jul 24 (6) Jul 23 (5) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (7) Jul 20 (5) Jul 18 (6) Jul 17 (5) Jul 16 (4) Jul 15 (9) Jul 14 (2) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (1) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (8) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (3) Jul 07 (13) Jul 05 (2) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (7) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (3) Jun 28 (1) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (7) Jun 25 (4) Jun 24 (6) Jun 23 (9) Jun 22 (4) Jun 21 (3) Jun 19 (4) Jun 18 (7) Jun 17 (7) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (11) Jun 12 (6) Jun 11 (3) Jun 10 (10) Jun 09 (3) Jun 08 (3) Jun 07 (4) Jun 06 (2) Jun 05 (9) Jun 04 (8) Jun 03 (9) Jun 02 (6) Jun 01 (4) May 30 (7) May 29 (9) May 28 (13) May 26 (8) May 25 (5) May 24 (2) May 23 (8) May 22 (9) May 21 (7) May 20 (4) May 19 (6) May 18 (7) May 17 (8) May 15 (9) May 14 (5) May 13 (8) May 12 (6) May 11 (6) May 09 (7) May 08 (6) May 07 (11) May 06 (7) May 05 (4) May 04 (11) May 03 (5) May 02 (4) May 01 (9) Apr 30 (6) Apr 29 (4) Apr 28 (9) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (3) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (3) Apr 23 (10) Apr 22 (8) Apr 21 (9) Apr 20 (3) Apr 19 (4) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (7) Apr 16 (4) Apr 15 (6) Apr 14 (8) Apr 13 (3) Apr 12 (6) Apr 10 (2) Apr 09 (4) Apr 08 (5) Apr 07 (5) Apr 06 (2) Apr 05 (2) Apr 04 (5) Apr 03 (7) Apr 02 (7) Apr 01 (12) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (3) Mar 29 (1) Mar 28 (2) Mar 27 (6) Mar 26 (2) Mar 25 (5) Mar 24 (4) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (4) Mar 21 (6) Mar 20 (9) Mar 19 (9) Mar 18 (8) Mar 17 (9) Mar 16 (7) Mar 15 (11) Mar 13 (5) Mar 12 (12) Mar 11 (9) Mar 10 (12) Mar 09 (4) Mar 08 (5) Mar 07 (5) Mar 06 (5) Mar 05 (5) Mar 04 (6) Mar 03 (11) Mar 02 (5) Mar 01 (8) Feb 27 (9) Feb 26 (9) Feb 25 (8) Feb 24 (6) Feb 23 (4) Feb 22 (3) Feb 21 (6) Feb 20 (3) Feb 19 (10) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (7) Feb 16 (5) Feb 15 (2) Feb 14 (8) Feb 13 (12) Feb 12 (8) Feb 11 (10) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (6) Feb 08 (3) Feb 07 (2) Feb 06 (7) Feb 05 (4) Feb 04 (11) Feb 03 (5) Feb 02 (7) Feb 01 (4) Jan 31 (5) Jan 30 (8) Jan 29 (12) Jan 28 (6) Jan 27 (8) Jan 26 (13) Jan 24 (8) Jan 23 (12) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (10) Jan 20 (8) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (9) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (4) Jan 15 (11) Jan 14 (4) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (6) Jan 10 (2) Jan 09 (6) Jan 08 (5) Jan 07 (6) Jan 06 (4) Jan 05 (4) Jan 04 (3) Jan 03 (6) Jan 02 (2) Jan 01 (3) Dec 31 (6) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (4) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (2) Dec 25 (3) Dec 24 (5) Dec 23 (7) Dec 22 (5) Dec 21 (4) Dec 20 (4) Dec 19 (5) Dec 18 (8) Dec 17 (5) Dec 16 (9) Dec 15 (7) Dec 14 (3) Dec 13 (10) Dec 12 (10) Dec 11 (9) Dec 10 (10) Dec 09 (11) Dec 08 (5) Dec 07 (5) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (9) Dec 04 (3) Dec 03 (8) Dec 02 (10) Dec 01 (6) Nov 30 (1) Nov 29 (3) Nov 28 (9) Nov 27 (3) Nov 26 (7) Nov 25 (12) Nov 24 (3) Nov 23 (8) Nov 22 (4) Nov 21 (3) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (6) Nov 18 (10) Nov 17 (12) Nov 16 (5) Nov 15 (5) Nov 14 (12) Nov 13 (3) Nov 12 (7) Nov 11 (8) Nov 10 (7) Nov 09 (6) Nov 08 (5) Nov 07 (5) Nov 06 (6) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (9) Nov 03 (6) Nov 02 (14) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (6) Oct 30 (7) Oct 29 (9) Oct 28 (9) Oct 27 (3) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (8) Oct 23 (4) Oct 22 (3) Oct 21 (4) Oct 20 (2) Oct 19 (11) Oct 17 (6) Oct 16 (7) Oct 15 (7) Oct 14 (8) Oct 13 (5) Oct 12 (8) Oct 11 (6) Oct 10 (5) Oct 09 (11) Oct 08 (10) Oct 07 (8) Oct 06 (3) Oct 05 (7) Oct 04 (8) Oct 03 (3) Oct 02 (10) Oct 01 (3) Sep 30 (7) Sep 29 (6) Sep 28 (5) Sep 27 (8) Sep 26 (11) Sep 25 (11) Sep 24 (15) Sep 23 (8) Sep 22 (9) Sep 21 (4) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (9) Sep 18 (10) Sep 17 (10) Sep 16 (5) Sep 15 (5) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (5) Sep 12 (5) Sep 11 (8) Sep 10 (6) Sep 09 (7) Sep 08 (5) Sep 07 (2) Sep 06 (4) Sep 05 (7) Sep 04 (11) Sep 03 (7) Sep 02 (7) Sep 01 (2) Aug 31 (3) Aug 30 (1) Aug 29 (10) Aug 28 (5) Aug 27 (4) Aug 26 (10) Aug 25 (6) Aug 24 (9) Aug 22 (11) Aug 21 (8) Aug 20 (12) Aug 19 (8) Aug 18 (4) Aug 17 (4) Aug 16 (3) Aug 15 (6) Aug 14 (4) Aug 13 (7) Aug 12 (8) Aug 11 (7) Aug 10 (12) Aug 08 (5) Aug 07 (6) Aug 06 (6) Aug 05 (8) Aug 04 (5) Aug 03 (4) Aug 01 (7) Jul 31 (6) Jul 30 (12) Jul 29 (4) Jul 28 (5) Jul 27 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (8) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (3) Jul 21 (8) Jul 20 (6) Jul 19 (3) Jul 18 (8) Jul 17 (2) Jul 16 (7) Jul 15 (6) Jul 14 (9) Jul 13 (10) Jul 11 (9) Jul 10 (8) Jul 09 (3) Jul 08 (7) Jul 07 (7) Jul 06 (7) Jul 05 (10) Jul 04 (4) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (5) Jun 29 (6) Jun 28 (1) Jun 27 (15) Jun 26 (10) Jun 25 (9) Jun 24 (16) Jun 23 (6) Jun 22 (12) Jun 20 (6) Jun 19 (8) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (6) Jun 16 (7) Jun 15 (5) Jun 14 (5) Jun 13 (13) Jun 12 (7) Jun 11 (14) Jun 10 (3) Jun 09 (2) Jun 08 (2) Jun 07 (7) Jun 06 (16) Jun 05 (7) Jun 04 (18) Jun 03 (12) Jun 02 (8) May 31 (3) May 30 (6) May 29 (6) May 28 (7) May 27 (4) May 26 (4) May 25 (6) May 23 (4) May 22 (8) May 21 (5) May 20 (6) May 19 (2) May 18 (9) May 17 (1) May 16 (5) May 15 (5) May 14 (7) May 13 (7) May 12 (7) May 11 (4) May 10 (4) May 09 (5) May 08 (10) May 07 (4) May 06 (13) May 05 (4) May 04 (10) May 02 (2) May 01 (5) Apr 30 (9) Apr 29 (6) Apr 28 (3) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (9) Apr 25 (9) Apr 24 (7) Apr 23 (11) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (3) Apr 20 (10) Apr 19 (6) Apr 18 (5) Apr 17 (6) Apr 16 (6) Apr 15 (7) Apr 14 (11) Apr 13 (4) Apr 12 (5) Apr 11 (9) Apr 10 (4) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (6) Apr 07 (3) Apr 06 (6) Apr 05 (10) Apr 03 (9) Apr 02 (9) Apr 01 (12) Mar 31 (4) Mar 30 (9) Mar 29 (10) Mar 28 (7) Mar 27 (8) Mar 26 (8) Mar 25 (15) Mar 24 (11) Mar 23 (8) Mar 22 (7) Mar 21 (14) Mar 20 (6) Mar 19 (11) Mar 18 (11) Mar 17 (12) Mar 16 (8) Mar 15 (8) Mar 14 (13) Mar 13 (8) Mar 12 (10) Mar 11 (8) Mar 10 (7) Mar 09 (3) Mar 08 (12) Mar 07 (15) Mar 06 (16) Mar 05 (9) Mar 04 (6) Mar 03 (12) Mar 02 (20) Feb 28 (11) Feb 27 (8) Feb 26 (11) Feb 25 (6) Feb 24 (14) Feb 23 (5) Feb 22 (6) Feb 21 (8) Feb 20 (11) Feb 19 (7) Feb 18 (4) Feb 17 (8) Feb 16 (11) Feb 15 (3) Feb 14 (10) Feb 13 (4) Feb 12 (10) Feb 11 (7) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (4) Feb 08 (6) Feb 07 (5) Feb 06 (4) Feb 05 (10) Feb 04 (5) Feb 03 (4) Feb 02 (4) Feb 01 (3) Jan 31 (3) Jan 30 (5) Jan 29 (2) Jan 28 (6) Jan 27 (3) Jan 26 (2) Jan 25 (5) Jan 24 (7) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (4) Jan 21 (5) Jan 20 (5) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (7) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (4) Jan 15 (3) Jan 14 (5) Jan 13 (4) Jan 12 (5) Jan 11 (3) Jan 10 (5) Jan 09 (6) Jan 08 (6) Jan 07 (3) Jan 06 (1) Jan 05 (4) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (3) Jan 02 (6) Jan 01 (2) Dec 31 (6) Dec 30 (1) Dec 29 (5) Dec 27 (1) Dec 26 (2) Dec 25 (4) Dec 24 (8) Dec 23 (2) Dec 22 (1) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (8) Dec 18 (3) Dec 17 (4) Dec 16 (3) Dec 15 (3) Dec 14 (3) Dec 13 (3) Dec 12 (4) Dec 11 (4) Dec 10 (7) Dec 09 (5) Dec 08 (2) Dec 07 (5) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (10) Dec 04 (9) Dec 03 (4) Dec 02 (2) Dec 01 (8) Nov 29 (5) Nov 28 (7) Nov 27 (5) Nov 26 (9) Nov 25 (3) Nov 24 (5) Nov 23 (6) Nov 22 (5) Nov 21 (12) Nov 20 (12) Nov 19 (10) Nov 18 (4) Nov 17 (3) Nov 16 (8) Nov 15 (7) Nov 14 (7) Nov 13 (6) Nov 12 (12) Nov 11 (6) Nov 10 (3) Nov 09 (4) Nov 08 (10) Nov 07 (5) Nov 06 (5) Nov 05 (9) Nov 04 (4) Nov 03 (4) Nov 02 (3) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (10) Oct 30 (4) Oct 29 (11) Oct 28 (3) Oct 27 (7) Oct 26 (7) Oct 25 (6) Oct 24 (7) Oct 23 (11) Oct 22 (2) Oct 21 (7) Oct 20 (4) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (7) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (8) Oct 15 (5) Oct 14 (5) Oct 13 (3) Oct 12 (7) Oct 11 (20) Oct 10 (2) Oct 09 (4) Oct 08 (21) Oct 07 (20) Oct 06 (34) Oct 04 (24) Oct 03 (21) Oct 02 (3) Oct 01 (7) Sep 30 (3) Sep 29 (5) Sep 28 (6) Sep 27 (5) Sep 26 (6) Sep 25 (5) Sep 24 (2) Sep 23 (8) Sep 22 (4) Sep 21 (3) Sep 20 (9) Sep 19 (11) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (7) Sep 16 (6) Sep 15 (3) Sep 14 (7) Sep 13 (8) Sep 12 (11) Sep 11 (7) Sep 10 (6) Sep 09 (5) Sep 08 (3) Sep 07 (6) Sep 06 (10) Sep 05 (7) Sep 04 (7) Sep 03 (5) Sep 02 (4) Sep 01 (8) Aug 31 (5) Aug 30 (7) Aug 29 (10) Aug 28 (7) Aug 27 (6) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (3) Aug 24 (8) Aug 23 (6) Aug 22 (6) Aug 21 (8) Aug 20 (8) Aug 19 (4) Aug 18 (2) Aug 17 (5) Aug 16 (7) Aug 15 (4) Aug 14 (3) Aug 13 (4) Aug 12 (6) Aug 11 (6) Aug 10 (4) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (6) Aug 07 (4) Aug 06 (6) Aug 05 (4) Aug 04 (12) Aug 03 (3) Aug 02 (4) Aug 01 (10) Jul 31 (3) Jul 30 (7) Jul 29 (3) Jul 28 (6) Jul 27 (4) Jul 26 (5) Jul 25 (4) Jul 24 (7) Jul 23 (10) Jul 22 (8) Jul 21 (5) Jul 20 (4) Jul 19 (7) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (10) Jul 16 (11) Jul 15 (5) Jul 13 (5) Jul 12 (9) Jul 11 (11) Jul 10 (12) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (8) Jul 06 (9) Jul 05 (10) Jul 04 (8) Jul 03 (10) Jul 02 (12) Jul 01 (8) Jun 30 (5) Jun 29 (6) Jun 28 (23) Jun 27 (18) Jun 26 (12) Jun 25 (14) Jun 24 (15) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (11) Jun 21 (15) Jun 20 (9) Jun 19 (8) Jun 18 (11) Jun 17 (7) Jun 16 (6) Jun 15 (6) Jun 14 (6) Jun 13 (5) Jun 12 (6) Jun 11 (9) Jun 10 (10) Jun 09 (9) Jun 08 (6) Jun 07 (2) Jun 06 (6) Jun 05 (4) Jun 04 (3) Jun 03 (4) Jun 02 (3) Jun 01 (6) May 31 (3) May 30 (5) May 29 (8) May 28 (7) May 27 (2) May 26 (2) May 25 (8) May 24 (7) May 23 (6) May 22 (9) May 21 (6) May 20 (5) May 19 (6) May 18 (9) May 17 (10) May 16 (11) May 15 (5) May 14 (11) May 13 (6) May 12 (7) May 11 (7) May 10 (5) May 09 (3) May 08 (10) May 07 (8) May 06 (11) May 05 (5) May 04 (9) May 03 (3) May 02 (2) May 01 (5) Apr 30 (5) Apr 29 (8) Apr 28 (6) Apr 27 (4) Apr 26 (9) Apr 25 (11) Apr 24 (4) Apr 23 (11) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (5) Apr 20 (7) Apr 19 (10) Apr 18 (8) Apr 17 (10) Apr 16 (8) Apr 15 (4) Apr 14 (5) Apr 13 (7) Apr 12 (11) Apr 11 (6) Apr 10 (7) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (3) Apr 07 (3) Apr 06 (9) Apr 05 (10) Apr 04 (7) Apr 03 (2) Apr 02 (6) Apr 01 (4) Mar 31 (3) Mar 30 (4) Mar 29 (3) Mar 28 (5) Mar 27 (10) Mar 26 (5) Mar 25 (4) Mar 24 (5) Mar 23 (7) Mar 22 (6) Mar 21 (9) Mar 20 (5) Mar 19 (5) Mar 18 (9) Mar 17 (2) Mar 16 (8) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (10) Mar 12 (10) Mar 11 (2) Mar 10 (1) Mar 09 (6) Mar 08 (4) Mar 07 (4) Mar 06 (3) Mar 05 (3) Mar 04 (7) Mar 03 (6) Mar 02 (8) Mar 01 (9) Feb 28 (6) Feb 27 (3) Feb 26 (8) Feb 25 (7) Feb 24 (3) Feb 23 (4) Feb 22 (4) Feb 21 (7) Feb 20 (4) Feb 19 (4) Feb 18 (2) Feb 17 (1) Feb 16 (6) Feb 15 (6) Feb 14 (5) Feb 13 (4) Feb 12 (7) Feb 11 (2) Feb 10 (2) Feb 09 (5) Feb 08 (5) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (4) Feb 05 (9) Feb 04 (3) Feb 03 (3) Feb 02 (10) Feb 01 (9) Jan 31 (5) Jan 30 (8) Jan 29 (5) Jan 28 (3) Jan 27 (4) Jan 26 (5) Jan 25 (6) Jan 24 (5) Jan 23 (4) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (3) Jan 20 (3) Jan 19 (7) Jan 18 (3) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (8) Jan 15 (7) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (1) Jan 12 (7) Jan 11 (1) Jan 10 (3) Jan 09 (3) Jan 08 (5) Jan 07 (4) Jan 06 (2) Jan 05 (3) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (4) Jan 02 (4) Jan 01 (4) Dec 31 (3) Dec 30 (4) Dec 29 (5) Dec 28 (8) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (2) Dec 24 (4) Dec 23 (4) Dec 22 (7) Dec 21 (5) Dec 20 (3) Dec 19 (4) Dec 18 (6) Dec 17 (4) Dec 16 (5) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (8) Dec 13 (3) Dec 12 (6) Dec 11 (8) Dec 10 (5) Dec 09 (4) Dec 08 (4) Dec 07 (7) Dec 06 (7) Dec 05 (6) Dec 04 (6) Dec 03 (7) Dec 02 (1) Dec 01 (6) Nov 30 (2) Nov 29 (8) Nov 28 (16) Nov 27 (7) Nov 26 (5) Nov 25 (2) Nov 24 (6) Nov 23 (5) Nov 22 (5) Nov 21 (5) Nov 20 (15) Nov 19 (8) Nov 18 (2) Nov 17 (3) Nov 16 (5) Nov 15 (7) Nov 14 (6) Nov 13 (9) Nov 12 (7) Nov 11 (8) Nov 10 (3) Nov 09 (5) Nov 08 (8) Nov 07 (9) Nov 06 (9) Nov 05 (1) Nov 04 (4) Nov 03 (8) Nov 02 (6) Nov 01 (3) Oct 31 (6) Oct 30 (7) Oct 29 (3) Oct 28 (3) Oct 27 (4) Oct 26 (4) Oct 25 (8) Oct 24 (4) Oct 23 (1) Oct 22 (6) Oct 21 (1) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (6) Oct 18 (10) Oct 17 (6) Oct 16 (15) Oct 15 (4) Oct 14 (5) Oct 13 (3) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (7) Oct 10 (1) Oct 09 (5) Oct 08 (7) Oct 07 (3) Oct 06 (8) Oct 05 (5) Oct 04 (3) Oct 03 (7) Oct 02 (6) Oct 01 (6) Sep 30 (8) Sep 29 (6) Sep 28 (13) Sep 27 (10) Sep 26 (8) Sep 25 (8) Sep 24 (8) Sep 23 (3) Sep 22 (7) Sep 21 (9) Sep 20 (7) Sep 19 (8) Sep 18 (4) Sep 17 (3) Sep 16 (4) Sep 15 (8) Sep 14 (5) Sep 13 (7) Sep 12 (7) Sep 11 (9) Sep 10 (4) Sep 09 (10) Sep 08 (4) Sep 07 (12) Sep 06 (13) Sep 05 (15) Sep 04 (5) Sep 03 (4) Sep 02 (6) Sep 01 (9) Aug 31 (7) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (8) Aug 28 (11) Aug 27 (2) Aug 26 (6) Aug 25 (15) Aug 24 (6) Aug 23 (8) Aug 22 (5) Aug 21 (6) Aug 20 (7) Aug 19 (2) Aug 18 (5) Aug 17 (5) Aug 16 (11) Aug 15 (4) Aug 14 (6) Aug 13 (9) Aug 12 (4) Aug 11 (5) Aug 10 (6) Aug 09 (5) Aug 08 (7) Aug 07 (9) Aug 06 (4) Aug 05 (4) Aug 04 (4) Aug 03 (8) Aug 02 (9) Aug 01 (10) Jul 31 (11) Jul 30 (4) Jul 29 (3) Jul 28 (11) Jul 27 (4) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (4) Jul 23 (8) Jul 22 (5) Jul 21 (4) Jul 20 (10) Jul 19 (6) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (6) Jul 16 (7) Jul 15 (6) Jul 14 (4) Jul 13 (7) Jul 12 (8) Jul 11 (6) Jul 10 (14) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (5) Jul 07 (4) Jul 06 (9) Jul 05 (8) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (8) Jul 02 (5) Jul 01 (5) Jun 30 (6) Jun 29 (3) Jun 28 (3) Jun 27 (4) Jun 26 (8) Jun 25 (3) Jun 24 (5) Jun 23 (14) Jun 22 (11) Jun 21 (5) Jun 20 (8) Jun 19 (7) Jun 18 (4) Jun 17 (3) Jun 16 (12) Jun 15 (12) Jun 14 (10) Jun 13 (10) Jun 12 (9) Jun 11 (6) Jun 10 (12) Jun 09 (4) Jun 08 (3) Jun 07 (12) Jun 06 (6) Jun 05 (7) Jun 04 (6) Jun 03 (3) Jun 02 (4) Jun 01 (8) May 31 (4) May 30 (3) May 29 (8) May 28 (7) May 27 (4) May 26 (3) May 25 (5) May 24 (9) May 23 (16) May 22 (12) May 21 (11) May 20 (7) May 19 (10) May 18 (8) May 17 (8) May 16 (10) May 15 (8) May 14 (5) May 13 (1) May 12 (6) May 11 (9) May 10 (9) May 09 (10) May 08 (9) May 07 (6) May 06 (5) May 05 (7) May 04 (10) May 03 (7) May 02 (9) May 01 (10) Apr 30 (4) Apr 29 (9) Apr 28 (12) Apr 27 (9) Apr 26 (4) Apr 25 (5) Apr 24 (9) Apr 23 (4) Apr 22 (7) Apr 21 (8) Apr 20 (9) Apr 19 (6) Apr 18 (4) Apr 17 (2) Apr 16 (4) Apr 15 (10) Apr 14 (7) Apr 13 (5) Apr 12 (7) Apr 11 (7) Apr 10 (7) Apr 09 (6) Apr 08 (7) Apr 07 (10) Apr 06 (8) Apr 05 (8) Apr 04 (9) Apr 03 (6) Apr 02 (4) Apr 01 (4) Mar 31 (11) Mar 30 (12) Mar 29 (16) Mar 28 (8) Mar 27 (10) Mar 26 (12) Mar 25 (6) Mar 24 (9) Mar 23 (3) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (12) Mar 20 (14) Mar 19 (8) Mar 18 (7) Mar 17 (8) Mar 16 (4) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (9) Mar 12 (6) Mar 11 (5) Mar 10 (13) Mar 09 (8) Mar 08 (10) Mar 07 (12) Mar 06 (6) Mar 05 (4) Mar 04 (2) Mar 03 (3) Mar 02 (12) Mar 01 (8) Feb 29 (11) Feb 28 (5) Feb 27 (3) Feb 26 (13) Feb 25 (10) Feb 24 (13) Feb 23 (10) Feb 22 (9) Feb 21 (18) Feb 20 (6) Feb 19 (7) Feb 18 (9) Feb 17 (5) Feb 16 (9) Feb 15 (7) Feb 14 (6) Feb 13 (5) Feb 12 (6) Feb 11 (4) Feb 10 (8) Feb 09 (5) Feb 08 (8) Feb 07 (10) Feb 06 (7) Feb 05 (7) Feb 04 (5) Feb 03 (11) Feb 02 (4) Feb 01 (3) Jan 31 (12) Jan 30 (7) Jan 29 (7) Jan 28 (7) Jan 27 (12) Jan 26 (7) Jan 25 (11) Jan 24 (4) Jan 23 (6) Jan 22 (8) Jan 21 (12) Jan 20 (11) Jan 19 (6) Jan 18 (6) Jan 17 (11) Jan 16 (9) Jan 15 (4) Jan 14 (3) Jan 13 (6) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (9) Jan 10 (10) Jan 09 (5) Jan 08 (10) Jan 07 (5) Jan 06 (6) Jan 05 (8) Jan 04 (5) Jan 03 (8) Jan 02 (7) Jan 01 (7) Dec 31 (10) Dec 30 (11) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (5) Dec 27 (10) Dec 26 (4) Dec 25 (5) Dec 24 (7) Dec 23 (2) Dec 22 (9) Dec 21 (8) Dec 20 (8) Dec 19 (5) Dec 18 (1) Dec 17 (5) Dec 16 (6) Dec 15 (5) Dec 14 (13) Dec 13 (8) Dec 12 (7) Dec 11 (9) Dec 10 (12) Dec 09 (7) Dec 08 (11) Dec 07 (9) Dec 06 (11) Dec 05 (10) Dec 04 (6) Dec 03 (8) Dec 02 (6) Dec 01 (14) Nov 30 (7) Nov 29 (8) Nov 28 (8) Nov 27 (6) Nov 26 (9) Nov 25 (10) Nov 24 (12) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (10) Nov 21 (10) Nov 20 (4) Nov 19 (4) Nov 18 (8) Nov 17 (9) Nov 16 (9) Nov 15 (12) Nov 14 (6) Nov 13 (9) Nov 12 (3) Nov 11 (9) Nov 10 (10) Nov 09 (10) Nov 08 (7) Nov 07 (8) Nov 06 (10) Nov 05 (8) Nov 04 (7) Nov 03 (10) Nov 02 (11) Nov 01 (10) Oct 31 (5) Oct 30 (8) Oct 29 (8) Oct 28 (8) Oct 27 (11) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (9) Oct 24 (10) Oct 23 (5) Oct 22 (14) Oct 21 (10) Oct 20 (8) Oct 19 (11) Oct 18 (13) Oct 17 (7) Oct 16 (6) Oct 15 (9) Oct 14 (7) Oct 13 (12) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (9) Oct 10 (8) Oct 09 (9) Oct 08 (7) Oct 07 (12) Oct 06 (8) Oct 05 (13) Oct 04 (11) Oct 03 (7) Oct 02 (5) Oct 01 (14) Sep 30 (12) Sep 29 (12) Sep 28 (11) Sep 27 (11) Sep 26 (7) Sep 25 (10) Sep 24 (3) Sep 23 (7) Sep 22 (8) Sep 21 (8) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (7) Sep 18 (5) Sep 17 (14) Sep 16 (7) Sep 15 (11) Sep 14 (13) Sep 13 (11) Sep 12 (9) Sep 11 (5) Sep 10 (4) Sep 09 (13) Sep 08 (11) Sep 07 (11) Sep 06 (16) Sep 05 (1) Sep 04 (10) Sep 03 (8) Sep 02 (8) Sep 01 (7) Aug 31 (1) Aug 30 (6) Aug 29 (2) Aug 28 (3) Aug 27 (6) Aug 26 (8) Aug 25 (5) Aug 24 (5) Aug 23 (6) Aug 22 (7) Aug 21 (6) Aug 20 (4) Aug 19 (9) Aug 18 (7) Aug 17 (7) Aug 16 (10) Aug 15 (2) Aug 14 (5) Aug 13 (5) Aug 12 (10) Aug 11 (5) Aug 10 (4) Aug 09 (8) Aug 08 (3) Aug 07 (5) Aug 06 (12) Aug 05 (5) Aug 04 (7) Aug 03 (6) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (14) Jul 31 (7) Jul 30 (7) Jul 29 (13) Jul 28 (10) Jul 27 (6) Jul 26 (7) Jul 25 (7) Jul 24 (4) Jul 23 (12) Jul 22 (14) Jul 21 (6) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (12) Jul 18 (9) Jul 17 (4) Jul 16 (6) Jul 15 (8) Jul 14 (15) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (10) Jul 11 (6) Jul 10 (6) Jul 09 (6) Jul 08 (6) Jul 07 (9) Jul 06 (15) Jul 05 (6) Jul 04 (10) Jul 03 (6) Jul 02 (6) Jul 01 (11) Jun 30 (7) Jun 29 (4) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (8) Jun 26 (5) Jun 25 (11) Jun 24 (9) Jun 23 (10) Jun 22 (8) Jun 21 (8) Jun 20 (6) Jun 19 (5) Jun 18 (15) Jun 17 (8) Jun 16 (13) Jun 15 (15) Jun 14 (11) Jun 13 (6) Jun 12 (15) Jun 11 (7) Jun 10 (7) Jun 09 (18) Jun 08 (20) Jun 07 (17) Jun 06 (9) Jun 05 (9) Jun 04 (12) Jun 03 (13) Jun 02 (14) Jun 01 (8) May 31 (13) May 30 (8) May 29 (6) May 28 (8) May 27 (17) May 26 (8) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (9) May 22 (4) May 21 (4) May 20 (11) May 19 (14) May 18 (6) May 17 (10) May 16 (4) May 15 (5) May 14 (28) May 12 (9) May 11 (17) May 10 (15) May 09 (12) May 08 (5) May 07 (4) May 06 (10) May 05 (8) May 04 (10) May 03 (5) May 02 (6) May 01 (8) Apr 30 (8) Apr 29 (12) Apr 28 (6) Apr 27 (11) Apr 26 (12) Apr 25 (6) Apr 24 (3) Apr 23 (5) Apr 22 (10) Apr 21 (19) Apr 20 (13) Apr 19 (11) Apr 18 (11) Apr 17 (5) Apr 16 (12) Apr 15 (11) Apr 14 (17) Apr 13 (6) Apr 12 (16) Apr 11 (10) Apr 10 (1) Apr 09 (18) Apr 08 (14) Apr 07 (6) Apr 06 (10) Apr 05 (21) Apr 04 (12) Apr 03 (4) Apr 02 (13) Apr 01 (8) Mar 31 (10) Mar 30 (11) Mar 29 (10) Mar 28 (8) Mar 27 (6) Mar 26 (12) Mar 25 (15) Mar 24 (10) Mar 23 (12) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (8) Mar 20 (4) Mar 19 (11) Mar 18 (7) Mar 17 (7) Mar 16 (9) Mar 15 (10) Mar 14 (4) Mar 13 (2) Mar 12 (14) Mar 11 (13) Mar 10 (7) Mar 09 (9) Mar 08 (17) Mar 07 (5) Mar 06 (7) Mar 05 (13) Mar 04 (10) Mar 03 (14) Mar 02 (12) Mar 01 (18) Feb 28 (8) Feb 27 (2) Feb 26 (9) Feb 25 (13) Feb 24 (17) Feb 23 (13) Feb 22 (12) Feb 21 (11) Feb 20 (11) Feb 19 (16) Feb 18 (17) Feb 17 (15) Feb 16 (15) Feb 15 (15) Feb 14 (10) Feb 13 (8) Feb 12 (10) Feb 11 (15) Feb 10 (11) Feb 09 (13) Feb 08 (10) Feb 07 (9) Feb 06 (6) Feb 05 (15) Feb 04 (15) Feb 03 (11) Feb 02 (14) Feb 01 (15) Jan 31 (11) Jan 30 (9) Jan 29 (19) Jan 28 (9) Jan 27 (9) Jan 26 (16) Jan 25 (19) Jan 24 (17) Jan 23 (8) Jan 22 (15) Jan 21 (9) Jan 20 (11) Jan 19 (7) Jan 18 (9) Jan 17 (6) Jan 16 (7) Jan 15 (12) Jan 14 (9) Jan 13 (14) Jan 12 (11) Jan 11 (13) Jan 10 (8) Jan 09 (8) Jan 08 (20) Jan 07 (11) Jan 06 (11) Jan 05 (8) Jan 04 (14) Jan 03 (6) Jan 02 (7) Jan 01 (7) Dec 31 (14) Dec 30 (15) Dec 29 (7) Dec 28 (10) Dec 27 (4) Dec 26 (3) Dec 25 (11) Dec 24 (9) Dec 23 (9) Dec 22 (15) Dec 21 (12) Dec 20 (11) Dec 19 (4) Dec 18 (16) Dec 17 (6) Dec 16 (12) Dec 15 (14) Dec 14 (11) Dec 13 (10) Dec 12 (6) Dec 11 (10) Dec 10 (17) Dec 09 (11) Dec 08 (12) Dec 07 (16) Dec 06 (11) Dec 05 (5) Dec 04 (12) Dec 03 (15) Dec 02 (15) Dec 01 (12) Nov 30 (16) Nov 29 (7) Nov 28 (11) Nov 27 (13) Nov 26 (13) Nov 25 (16) Nov 24 (15) Nov 23 (10) Nov 22 (10) Nov 21 (4) Nov 20 (8) Nov 19 (9) Nov 18 (16) Nov 17 (11) Nov 16 (11) Nov 15 (10) Nov 14 (9) Nov 13 (6) Nov 12 (10) Nov 11 (12) Nov 10 (15) Nov 09 (9) Nov 08 (10) Nov 07 (6) Nov 06 (7) Nov 05 (12) Nov 04 (14) Nov 03 (10) Nov 02 (13) Nov 01 (9) Oct 31 (9) Oct 30 (11) Oct 29 (18) Oct 28 (13) Oct 27 (23) Oct 26 (12) Oct 25 (14) Oct 24 (20) Oct 22 (18) Oct 21 (18) Oct 20 (19) Oct 19 (12) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (5) Oct 16 (18) Oct 15 (8) Oct 14 (11) Oct 13 (9) Oct 12 (13) Oct 11 (6) Oct 10 (7) Oct 09 (27) Oct 08 (14) Oct 07 (10) Oct 06 (9) Oct 05 (7) Oct 04 (10) Oct 03 (6) Oct 02 (9) Oct 01 (13) Sep 30 (12) Sep 29 (13) Sep 28 (8) Sep 27 (9) Sep 26 (8) Sep 25 (14) Sep 24 (4) Sep 23 (14) Sep 22 (20) Sep 21 (11) Sep 20 (6) Sep 19 (9) Sep 18 (14) Sep 17 (8) Sep 16 (17) Sep 15 (6) Sep 14 (11) Sep 13 (9) Sep 12 (4) Sep 11 (7) Sep 10 (14) Sep 09 (12) Sep 08 (17) Sep 07 (12) Sep 06 (13) Sep 05 (9) Sep 04 (20) Sep 03 (16) Sep 02 (16) Sep 01 (10) Aug 31 (13) Aug 30 (4) Aug 29 (9) Aug 28 (6) Aug 27 (8) Aug 26 (11) Aug 25 (10) Aug 24 (14) Aug 23 (12) Aug 22 (13) Aug 21 (10) Aug 20 (13) Aug 19 (15) Aug 18 (8) Aug 17 (10) Aug 16 (8) Aug 15 (3) Aug 14 (11) Aug 13 (12) Aug 12 (15) Aug 11 (10) Aug 10 (17) Aug 09 (6) Aug 08 (13) Aug 07 (11) Aug 06 (13) Aug 05 (11) Aug 04 (11) Aug 03 (10) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (6) Jul 31 (10) Jul 30 (21) Jul 29 (14) Jul 28 (13) Jul 27 (16) Jul 26 (10) Jul 25 (15) Jul 24 (17) Jul 23 (15) Jul 22 (15) Jul 21 (19) Jul 20 (17) Jul 19 (9) Jul 18 (7) Jul 17 (26) Jul 16 (18) Jul 15 (20) Jul 14 (16) Jul 13 (19) Jul 12 (11) Jul 11 (5) Jul 10 (13) Jul 09 (11) Jul 08 (8) Jul 07 (12) Jul 06 (16) Jul 05 (9) Jul 04 (5) Jul 03 (15) Jul 02 (11) Jul 01 (14) Jun 30 (13) Jun 29 (19) Jun 28 (8) Jun 27 (9) Jun 26 (16) Jun 25 (22) Jun 24 (17) Jun 23 (11) Jun 22 (15) Jun 21 (14) Jun 20 (8) Jun 19 (17) Jun 18 (10) Jun 17 (10) Jun 16 (17) Jun 15 (13) Jun 14 (14) Jun 13 (4) Jun 12 (13) Jun 11 (15) Jun 10 (25) Jun 09 (10) Jun 08 (23) Jun 07 (14) Jun 06 (20) Jun 05 (10) Jun 04 (11) Jun 03 (12) Jun 02 (21) Jun 01 (14) May 31 (10) May 30 (14) May 29 (8) May 28 (23) May 27 (20) May 26 (16) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (10) May 22 (18) May 21 (14) May 20 (12) May 19 (18) May 18 (14) May 17 (13) May 16 (4) May 15 (7) May 14 (16) May 13 (13) May 12 (8) May 11 (18) May 10 (8) May 09 (7) May 08 (13) May 07 (11) May 06 (15) May 05 (18) May 04 (17) May 03 (7) May 02 (5) May 01 (11) Apr 30 (19) Apr 29 (21) Apr 28 (18) Apr 27 (16) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (11) Apr 24 (9) Apr 23 (20) Apr 22 (23) Apr 21 (5) Apr 20 (16) Apr 19 (13) Apr 18 (6) Apr 17 (6) Apr 16 (16) Apr 15 (18) Apr 14 (13) Apr 13 (14) Apr 12 (9) Apr 11 (3) Apr 10 (16) Apr 09 (14) Apr 08 (12) Apr 07 (18) Apr 06 (7) Apr 05 (11) Apr 04 (9) Apr 03 (19) Apr 02 (17) Apr 01 (16) Mar 31 (16) Mar 30 (22) Mar 29 (16) Mar 28 (16) Mar 27 (19) Mar 26 (31) Mar 25 (25) Mar 24 (26) Mar 23 (27) Mar 22 (22) Mar 21 (22) Mar 20 (13) Mar 19 (21) Mar 18 (20) Mar 17 (24) Mar 16 (18) Mar 15 (9) Mar 14 (9) Mar 13 (29) Mar 12 (15) Mar 11 (11) Mar 10 (11) Mar 09 (20) Mar 08 (12) Mar 07 (6) Mar 06 (21) Mar 05 (22) Mar 04 (19) Mar 03 (9) Mar 02 (20) Mar 01 (11) Feb 28 (11) Feb 27 (27) Feb 26 (15) Feb 25 (18) Feb 24 (17) Feb 23 (19) Feb 22 (24) Feb 21 (10) Feb 20 (14) Feb 19 (25) Feb 18 (16) Feb 17 (19) Feb 16 (23) Feb 15 (8) Feb 14 (11) Feb 13 (25) Feb 12 (16) Feb 11 (12) Feb 10 (18) Feb 09 (12) Feb 08 (14) Feb 07 (8) Feb 06 (27) Feb 05 (28) Feb 04 (24) Feb 03 (17) Feb 02 (20) Feb 01 (23) Jan 31 (16) Jan 30 (20) Jan 29 (26) Jan 28 (17) Jan 27 (21) Jan 26 (24) Jan 25 (16) Jan 24 (14) Jan 23 (16) Jan 22 (17) Jan 21 (19) Jan 20 (21) Jan 19 (17) Jan 18 (13) Jan 17 (14) Jan 16 (10) Jan 15 (21) Jan 14 (16) Jan 13 (19) Jan 12 (30) Jan 11 (14) Jan 10 (11) Jan 09 (8) Jan 08 (23) Jan 07 (13) Jan 06 (21) Jan 05 (15) Jan 04 (18) Jan 03 (9) Jan 02 (12) Jan 01 (15) Dec 31 (18) Dec 30 (7) Dec 29 (13) Dec 28 (11) Dec 27 (8) Dec 26 (6) Dec 25 (8) Dec 24 (28) Dec 23 (12) Dec 22 (12) Dec 21 (17) Dec 20 (19) Dec 19 (19) Dec 18 (22) Dec 17 (24) Dec 16 (17) Dec 15 (29) Dec 14 (22) Dec 13 (12) Dec 12 (22) Dec 11 (24) Dec 10 (25) Dec 09 (18) Dec 08 (15) Dec 07 (21) Dec 06 (24) Dec 05 (30) Dec 04 (28) Dec 03 (26) Dec 02 (22) Dec 01 (33) Nov 30 (23) Nov 29 (9) Nov 28 (18) Nov 27 (25) Nov 26 (17) Nov 25 (23) Nov 24 (27) Nov 23 (12) Nov 22 (10) Nov 21 (15) Nov 20 (23) Nov 19 (23) Nov 18 (24) Nov 17 (21) Nov 16 (20) Nov 15 (13) Nov 14 (15) Nov 13 (27) Nov 12 (23) Nov 11 (19) Nov 10 (21) Nov 09 (13) Nov 08 (16) Nov 07 (16) Nov 06 (32) Nov 05 (24) Nov 04 (20) Nov 03 (29) Nov 02 (12) Nov 01 (15) Oct 31 (20) Oct 30 (22) Oct 29 (27) Oct 28 (20) Oct 27 (23) Oct 26 (21) Oct 25 (15) Oct 24 (23) Oct 23 (26) Oct 22 (27) Oct 21 (28) Oct 20 (24) Oct 19 (13) Oct 18 (9) Oct 17 (30) Oct 16 (8) Oct 15 (20) Oct 14 (14) Oct 13 (17) Oct 12 (16) Oct 11 (8) Oct 10 (19) Oct 09 (22) Oct 08 (16) Oct 07 (18) Oct 06 (23) Oct 05 (7) Oct 04 (15) Oct 03 (21) Oct 02 (17) Oct 01 (22) Sep 30 (25) Sep 29 (20) Sep 28 (17) Sep 27 (13) Sep 26 (20) Sep 25 (15) Sep 24 (24) Sep 23 (23) Sep 22 (18) Sep 21 (20) Sep 20 (11) Sep 19 (24) Sep 18 (25) Sep 17 (25) Sep 16 (19) Sep 15 (21) Sep 14 (15) Sep 13 (10) Sep 12 (23) Sep 11 (23) Sep 10 (25) Sep 09 (25) Sep 08 (17) Sep 07 (3) Sep 06 (17) Sep 05 (14) Sep 04 (24) Sep 03 (16) Sep 02 (11) Sep 01 (19) Aug 31 (20) Aug 30 (11) Aug 29 (24) Aug 28 (24) Aug 27 (16) Aug 26 (26) Aug 25 (21) Aug 24 (15) Aug 23 (19) Aug 22 (15) Aug 21 (25) Aug 20 (27) Aug 19 (19) Aug 18 (24) Aug 17 (14) Aug 16 (10) Aug 15 (15) Aug 14 (16) Aug 13 (21) Aug 12 (30) Aug 11 (19) Aug 10 (8) Aug 09 (12) Aug 08 (17) Aug 07 (21) Aug 06 (26) Aug 05 (23) Aug 04 (21) Aug 03 (12) Aug 02 (7) Aug 01 (19) Jul 31 (21) Jul 30 (25) Jul 29 (29) Jul 28 (23) Jul 27 (17) Jul 26 (11) Jul 25 (21) Jul 24 (14) Jul 23 (15) Jul 22 (19) Jul 21 (15) Jul 20 (9) Jul 19 (10) Jul 18 (15) Jul 17 (22) Jul 16 (18) Jul 15 (21) Jul 14 (20) Jul 13 (7) Jul 12 (9) Jul 11 (29) Jul 10 (19) Jul 09 (17) Jul 08 (26) Jul 07 (21) Jul 06 (18) Jul 05 (14) Jul 04 (20) Jul 03 (17) Jul 02 (24) Jul 01 (23) Jun 30 (23) Jun 29 (18) Jun 28 (16) Jun 27 (16) Jun 26 (17) Jun 25 (23) Jun 24 (32) Jun 23 (29) Jun 22 (8) Jun 21 (17) Jun 20 (25) Jun 19 (28) Jun 18 (19) Jun 17 (25) Jun 16 (23) Jun 15 (9) Jun 14 (11) Jun 13 (14) Jun 12 (22) Jun 11 (19) Jun 10 (17) Jun 09 (15) Jun 08 (16) Jun 07 (7) Jun 06 (29) Jun 05 (27) Jun 04 (24) Jun 03 (22) Jun 02 (22) Jun 01 (13) May 31 (9) May 30 (26) May 29 (19) May 28 (15) May 27 (15) May 26 (23) May 25 (13) May 24 (12) May 23 (24) May 22 (13) May 21 (21) May 20 (18) May 19 (16) May 18 (7) May 17 (12) May 16 (25) May 15 (24) May 14 (23) May 13 (19) May 12 (17) May 11 (8) May 10 (6) May 09 (14) May 08 (21) May 07 (26) May 06 (14) May 05 (14) May 04 (3) May 03 (3) May 02 (24) May 01 (13) Apr 30 (15) Apr 29 (24) Apr 28 (24) Apr 27 (11) Apr 26 (8) Apr 25 (13) Apr 24 (27) Apr 23 (15) Apr 22 (21) Apr 21 (19) Apr 20 (17) Apr 19 (8) Apr 18 (20) Apr 17 (27) Apr 16 (27) Apr 15 (21) Apr 14 (8) Apr 13 (8) Apr 12 (7) Apr 11 (7) Apr 10 (22) Apr 09 (15) Apr 08 (15) Apr 07 (17) Apr 06 (14) Apr 05 (5) Apr 04 (12) Apr 03 (19) Apr 02 (17) Apr 01 (19) Mar 31 (25) Mar 30 (13) Mar 29 (9) Mar 28 (16) Mar 27 (23) Mar 26 (22) Mar 25 (17) Mar 24 (25) Mar 23 (16) Mar 22 (13) Mar 21 (24) Mar 20 (27) Mar 19 (20) Mar 18 (24) Mar 17 (17) Mar 16 (11) Mar 15 (6) Mar 14 (20) Mar 13 (28) Mar 12 (30) Mar 11 (20) Mar 10 (21) Mar 09 (12) Mar 08 (8) Mar 07 (17) Mar 06 (20) Mar 05 (19) Mar 04 (15) Mar 03 (17) Mar 02 (8) Mar 01 (12) Feb 28 (16) Feb 27 (17) Feb 26 (8) Feb 25 (23) Feb 24 (15) Feb 23 (8) Feb 22 (10) Feb 21 (24) Feb 20 (14) Feb 19 (24) Feb 18 (19) Feb 17 (27) Feb 16 (13) Feb 15 (11) Feb 14 (15) Feb 13 (13) Feb 12 (13) Feb 11 (21) Feb 10 (16) Feb 09 (15) Feb 08 (10) Feb 07 (17) Feb 06 (21) Feb 05 (17) Feb 04 (14) Feb 03 (23) Feb 02 (5) Feb 01 (8) Jan 31 (17) Jan 30 (22) Jan 29 (23) Jan 28 (10) Jan 27 (24) Jan 26 (12) Jan 25 (9) Jan 24 (12) Jan 23 (19) Jan 22 (19) Jan 21 (14) Jan 20 (21) Jan 19 (12) Jan 18 (8) Jan 17 (20) Jan 16 (14) Jan 15 (23) Jan 14 (8) Jan 13 (20) Jan 12 (9) Jan 11 (7) Jan 10 (18) Jan 09 (11) Jan 08 (18) Jan 07 (13) Jan 06 (12) Jan 05 (12) Jan 04 (11) Jan 03 (10) Jan 02 (9) Jan 01 (9) Dec 31 (12) Dec 30 (11) Dec 29 (6) Dec 28 (9) Dec 27 (13) Dec 26 (15) Dec 25 (8) Dec 24 (6) Dec 23 (8) Dec 22 (5) Dec 21 (6) Dec 20 (14) Dec 19 (17) Dec 18 (14) Dec 17 (14) Dec 16 (13) Dec 15 (9) Dec 14 (9) Dec 13 (11) Dec 12 (16) Dec 11 (18) Dec 10 (4) Dec 09 (24) Dec 08 (11) Dec 07 (19) Dec 06 (6) Dec 05 (26) Dec 04 (15) Dec 03 (20) Dec 02 (17) Dec 01 (11) Nov 30 (10) Nov 29 (18) Nov 28 (21) Nov 27 (10) Nov 26 (22) Nov 25 (16) Nov 24 (12) Nov 23 (8) Nov 22 (18) Nov 21 (9) Nov 20 (17) Nov 19 (16) Nov 18 (16) Nov 17 (5) Nov 16 (9) Nov 15 (21) Nov 14 (17) Nov 13 (20) Nov 12 (16) Nov 11 (13) Nov 10 (9) Nov 09 (10) Nov 08 (16) Nov 07 (15) Nov 06 (18) Nov 05 (19) Nov 04 (16) Nov 03 (11) Nov 02 (5) Nov 01 (17) Oct 31 (17) Oct 30 (21) Oct 29 (9) Oct 28 (16) Oct 27 (6) Oct 26 (6) Oct 25 (16) Oct 24 (18) Oct 23 (14) Oct 22 (17) Oct 21 (10) Oct 20 (6) Oct 19 (8) Oct 18 (11) Oct 17 (12) Oct 16 (14) Oct 15 (19) Oct 14 (15) Oct 13 (11) Oct 12 (9) Oct 11 (10) Oct 10 (23) Oct 09 (13) Oct 08 (15) Oct 07 (20) Oct 06 (13) Oct 05 (4) Oct 04 (16) Oct 03 (17) Oct 02 (17) Oct 01 (20) Sep 30 (17) Sep 29 (9) Sep 28 (8) Sep 27 (14) Sep 26 (20) Sep 25 (19) Sep 24 (13) Sep 23 (11) Sep 22 (9) Sep 21 (5) Sep 20 (8) Sep 19 (21) Sep 18 (12) Sep 17 (20) Sep 16 (16) Sep 15 (10) Sep 14 (6) Sep 13 (18) Sep 12 (14) Sep 11 (24) Sep 10 (17) Sep 09 (16) Sep 08 (16) Sep 07 (10) Sep 06 (20) Sep 05 (13) Sep 04 (23) Sep 03 (14) Sep 02 (12) Sep 01 (11) Aug 31 (11) Aug 30 (13) Aug 29 (18) Aug 28 (14) Aug 27 (21) Aug 26 (10) Aug 25 (8) Aug 24 (10) Aug 23 (17) Aug 22 (15) Aug 21 (14) Aug 20 (20) Aug 19 (20) Aug 18 (7) Aug 17 (9) Aug 16 (11) Aug 15 (12) Aug 14 (14) Aug 13 (19) Aug 12 (14) Aug 11 (6) Aug 10 (12) Aug 09 (7) Aug 08 (18) Aug 07 (16) Aug 06 (16) Aug 05 (20) Aug 04 (12) Aug 03 (8) Aug 02 (12) Aug 01 (14) Jul 31 (16) Jul 30 (16) Jul 29 (11) Jul 28 (8) Jul 27 (9) Jul 26 (17) Jul 25 (20) Jul 24 (17) Jul 23 (11) Jul 22 (18) Jul 21 (7) Jul 20 (10) Jul 19 (14) Jul 18 (11) Jul 17 (15) Jul 16 (12) Jul 15 (10) Jul 14 (8) Jul 13 (8) Jul 12 (17) Jul 11 (18) Jul 10 (16) Jul 09 (13) Jul 08 (10) Jul 07 (12) Jul 06 (8) Jul 05 (16) Jul 04 (14) Jul 03 (17) Jul 02 (13) Jul 01 (16) Jun 30 (19) Jun 29 (7) Jun 28 (19) Jun 27 (21) Jun 26 (27) Jun 25 (23) Jun 24 (23) Jun 23 (12) Jun 22 (9) Jun 21 (18) Jun 20 (15) Jun 19 (24) Jun 18 (21) Jun 17 (13) Jun 16 (9) Jun 15 (9) Jun 14 (18) Jun 13 (24) Jun 12 (18) Jun 11 (23) Jun 10 (25) Jun 09 (24) Jun 08 (27) Jun 07 (5) Jun 06 (25) Jun 05 (30) Jun 04 (23) Jun 03 (22) Jun 02 (16) Jun 01 (17) May 31 (18) May 30 (19) May 29 (17) May 28 (23) May 27 (15) May 26 (10) May 25 (19) May 24 (16) May 23 (16) May 22 (27) May 21 (20) May 20 (26) May 19 (6) May 18 (8) May 17 (20) May 16 (8) May 15 (18) May 14 (5) May 13 (21) May 12 (9) May 11 (8) May 10 (12) May 09 (18) May 08 (11) May 07 (27) May 06 (12) May 05 (16) May 04 (19) May 03 (14) May 02 (18) May 01 (18) Apr 30 (25) Apr 29 (27) Apr 28 (11) Apr 27 (10) Apr 26 (18) Apr 25 (10) Apr 24 (29) Apr 23 (29) Apr 22 (14) Apr 21 (15) Apr 20 (20) Apr 19 (22) Apr 18 (16) Apr 17 (32) Apr 16 (12) Apr 15 (21) Apr 14 (21) Apr 13 (15) Apr 12 (13) Apr 11 (14) Apr 10 (16) Apr 09 (20) Apr 08 (36) Apr 07 (22) Apr 06 (11) Apr 05 (28) Apr 04 (20) Apr 03 (29) Apr 02 (32) Apr 01 (18) Mar 31 (12) Mar 30 (9) Mar 29 (15) Mar 28 (22) Mar 27 (24) Mar 26 (17) Mar 25 (17) Mar 24 (13) Mar 23 (5) Mar 22 (12) Mar 21 (15) Mar 20 (18) Mar 19 (19) Mar 18 (16) Mar 17 (10) Mar 16 (6) Mar 15 (18) Mar 14 (24) Mar 13 (18) Mar 12 (18) Mar 11 (17) Mar 10 (13) Mar 09 (12) Mar 08 (18) Mar 07 (25) Mar 06 (16) Mar 05 (16) Mar 04 (22) Mar 03 (17) Mar 02 (6) Mar 01 (23) Feb 29 (19) Feb 28 (25) Feb 27 (26) Feb 26 (23) Feb 25 (12) Feb 24 (13) Feb 23 (15) Feb 22 (26) Feb 21 (31) Feb 20 (12) Feb 19 (21) Feb 18 (15) Feb 17 (10) Feb 16 (15) Feb 15 (19) Feb 14 (15) Feb 13 (25) Feb 12 (20) Feb 11 (9) Feb 10 (7) Feb 09 (28) Feb 08 (20) Feb 07 (22) Feb 06 (20) Feb 05 (19) Feb 04 (14) Feb 03 (16) Feb 02 (28) Feb 01 (37) Jan 31 (27) Jan 30 (31) Jan 29 (18) Jan 28 (14) Jan 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29 (1) Oct 01 (1) Jul 29 (1) May 11 (1) Jul 11 (1) Yes, you can transfer your domain to any registrar or hosting company once you have purchased it. Since domain transfers are a manual process, it can take up to 5 days to transfer the domain. Domains purchased with payment plans are not eligible to transfer until all payments have been made. Please remember that our 30-day money back guarantee is void once a domain has been transferred. For transfer instructions to GoDaddy, please click here. Mar 30, 2018 | By Tess Researchers from the University of Southern California have drawn inspiration from nature for the development of materials that could help clean up oil spills. The team has used 3D printing to recreate the microstructure composition of floating fern leaves for this purpose. (Image: Forest and Kim Starr / Wikipedia) Salvinia molesta is a type of aquatic fern native to Brazil which is known for floating on water. The plants leaves are made up of unique protrusions which the researchers liken to eggbeater-like shapes. This structure reportedly gives the fern leaves super-hydrophic propertiesin other words, they repel water very effectively. I think the reason the plants surface is super-hydrophobic is because it lives on the water and requires air to survive, explained Yang Yang, a postdoctoral researcher working with Associate Professor Yong Chen on the project. If it werent for the long-term evolution of this plant, the plant could be submerged in water and would die. It was this hydrophobic structure that drew the attention of researchers from the University of Southern California. If they could recreate the structure, they believed they could make materials with the ability to separate oil from water, which could have a major impact on cleaning up man-made disasters such as oil spills. (Image: Yang Yang) To recreate the fern leafs intricate micro-texture, the researchers created a similar structure using 3D printing technologies. Amazingly, the team was able to 3D print the unique eggbeater structure at the same scale as it exists in nature. The team didnt use FDM 3D printing to accomplish this. Instead, they turned to a highly precise and advanced process known as immersed surface accumulation 3D printing to create the hydrophobic micro-structures. By integrating the ability to both repel water and absorb oil into the 3D printed material, the researchers have presented an amazingly innovative process for cleaning bodies of water that are exposed to oil spills. We tried to create one functional surface texture that would be able to separate oil from water, Chen added. Basically, we modified the surface of the materials by using a 3D printing approach that helped us achieve some interesting surface properties. So far, the team has successfully 3D printed a prototype of the oil-absorbing material, and the technique for separating oil from water could present a much simpler and more energy-efficient approach tha existing methods, which require electric fields or mechanically applied pressure to decontaminate the water. Chens team adds that the 3D printed eggbeater structure is capable of microdroplet manipulation, which could make it suitable for medical applications. For instance, a robotic gripper made from the material could deposit microdroplets of blood into different chemical mixtures for improving the efficiency of blood tests. Xiangjia Li, a PhD student on Chens team, said one example of high-performance microdroplet manipulation could lead to more efficient blood analyses for patients. You can have a robotic arm with a gripper made to mimic Salvinia effect, one of the researchers said. No matter which way you move the arm, the gripping force is so large that a droplet will stay attached. The innovative 3D printing study was recently published in the journal Advanced Materials. Posted in 3D Printing Application Maybe you also like: Andrew Friedman in Longreads: The dawn and rise of the American chef commenced when Americans, from coast to coast, and in large numbers, began voluntarily, enthusiastically cooking in restaurants for a living a once forbidden and unrespected professional course screw the consequences. Many started like Marder, spontaneously, rebelliously, often in isolation, with no idea there were others like them Out There. A few stuck their toes in the water in the 1960s, a few more in the 1970s, and then hordes jumped into the pool in the 1980s and 90s, after which there was no looking back. These werent the first American chefs, or even the first prominent ones. There had always been exceptions, like the astounding Edna Lewis, who for five years ending in 1954 had been the chef and a business partner at Cafe Nicholson in Midtown Manhattan that she did this as both an African American and a woman in the 1950s is nothing short of miraculous. But those stories were few and far between, not part of an overarching national phenomenon. And the lower kitchen ranks were more often than not populated with lost souls who lacked ambition or the aptitude for a traditional career, werent pursuing a love of food and/or craft, or acting on Marder-like epiphanies, a version of which became a rite of passage for an entire generation. Professional cooking was viewed as menial, unskilled labor performed, often in unsavory conditions, by anonymous worker bees. The United States Department of Labor categorized chefs as domestics through 1976 when after lobbying by the American Culinary Federation, who themselves required nudging by Louis Szathmary, the Hungarian American Chicago chef, writer, and television personality it recognized them as professionals. Domestics suggests chauffeurs and housekeepers; most Americans regarded cooks as something grittier. More here. [Thanks to Asad Raza.] SF's Sixth Street is experiencing a cultural renaissanceso is Treasure Island!andmore headlines you may have missed this week. Berkeley Cuts Taxes on Marijuana to Compete With Black Market, CBS As one of the only cities in California to make the move, Berkeley is cutting the tax on ganja from 10 percent to five to price match what your dealer is offering. Read more. New Spots Opening on 6th Street, Long Known for Gritty Realities of Urban Life, SF Chronicle Property owners have taken an interest in the dicey two-block corridor between Market and Howard streets. Recent openings include a new cafe and art gallery, a bar, Jewish bakery, grilled cheese shop, milk tea cafe, and awig store. But that's just the beginning. Read more. Treasure Island Public Art Proposals Go on View, SF Gate Seven artistsincluding Ai Wei Wei, Andy Goldsworthy, and Hiroshi Sugimotohave installed their proposals for the redevelopment of Treasure Island, and they're available for public view. Read more. Autonomous Car Gets First-Ever Traffic Ticket, In San Francisco, Forbes It's been a bleak ride for self-driving cars so far. But now they're getting citationsfor failure to yield the right of way to a pedestrian, no less. Read more. Looks Like Thomas Keller Is Opening a Mexican Restaurant, Eater SF Look out, Napa. Thomas Keller is seeking a chef de cuisine who specializes in Mexican cooking. Read more. A gorgeous ceremony at San Francisco City Hall, photo opps at the Golden Gate Bridge, an evening of jazz, and a weekend of wine... These newlyweds did it right. Love usually sparks from a physical attractionin this case, the bride and groom connected through college sports. Before jocks Jocelyn Fisher (Duke University) and Dennis Gates (Florida State) were introduced, their mutual friend asked Fisher if she was ready to meet her future husband. She thought nothing of it...until she saw him. "Really handsome," she recalls. A casual conversation was followed by a phone call later that evening, which led to a date the next weekand every week after that. After five years of dates, Gates popped the question. Fisher says she knew, even before she said yes, that they would be wed inside the stunning Beaux Arts walls of SF City Hall. The couple kept their ceremony intimate, with just a small group friends who flew in from all over the United States. After breakfast, the bride and her closest friends rode the cable car to City Hall; a reception at 1300 Fillmore, in the historic Jazz District, followed the nuptials. The party didn't stop there. The couple and their 70 guests ran off to Napa Valley for a weekend of sipping vino at Domaine Chandon, Flora Springs, and Artesa. Pre-ceremony location: Parc 55 Hotel Venue: San Francisco City Hall Reception: 1300 on Fillmore Shoes: Christian Louboutin Makeup: Ninahwee Beauty Maker Floral designer: Soulflower Floral Design Event planner: Tamara J Events Invitations: Kristy Elizabeth Design Linens: La Tavola Fine Linen Rental and Napa Valley Linens Photography: Sasha Photography Video: Sasha Kino A Russian hacker suspected of stealing 117 million LinkedIn passwords in 2012 has been extradited to the United States after a protracted diplomatic struggle between the US and Russia, the Czech Justice Ministry said on Friday. A US official told CNN that Yevgeniy Nikulin arrived in the United States overnight and is expected to eventually appear before a federal judge in San Francisco. Nikulin was arrested by Czech police in Prague in 2016 after US authorities issued an international arrest warrant for him. A grand jury indictment filed in 2016 in California charged him with computer intrusion and aggravated identity theft, among other offenses. According to the indictment, Nikulin managed to break into LinkedIn's computers in March 2012 because he stole the username and password of an employee who worked at the company's Mountain View, California, headquarters. Nikulin denies all the charges. His extradition from the Czech Republic to the United States was a culmination of a year-and-a-half-long legal and political battle between the US and Russia, and the case reached the highest levels of politics in the Czech Republic, the US and Russia. Soon after his arrest and the US extradition request, the Russian government asked for Nikulin to be extradited to his home country over an alleged theft from an online money transfer company back in 2009. The Russian Foreign Ministry said at the time it wanted to prevent Nikulin's extradition to the United States. US House Speaker Paul Ryan met with the Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis during his visit to Prague earlier this week. A spokesperson for Babis said the topic of Nikulin's extradition was discussed during the meeting. Robert Pelikan, the Czech Minister of Justice, told CNN that the move to extradite Nikulin to the United States was an "easy decision" after comparing the alleged crimes in the US and Russia and the level of intensity of the countries to extradite him. He also said he did not feel pressured by the Russians. Pelikan added that he made the decision a "long time ago" but waited for all the legal proceedings to be finished. The Nikulin case has further strained US-Russian relations. Russian authorities have objected to US efforts to extradite Russian nationals from third countries in connection with alleged hacking offenses. US authorities have filed extradition requests for Russian hackers arrested in Latvia, Spain and Greece. Chico, Calif.--Two weeks ago we told you how one Chico resident living on Oak Way is frustrated about speeders in his neighborhood. The city is responding, but not in the way that he was anticipating. A signed posted on the street says the speed limit is 25 miles per hour, but Mark Woodson who has lived on the street for three years, said drivers sometimes go double that and the city is responding to his concerns by potentially raising raising the speed limit. Woodson first spoke to Action News Now on March 12 complaining about people speeding on his street and says nothing has really changed. "I see people and hear people accelerating like they're doing Nascar from the stop sign. It seems not fuel effieint to me but people drive really, really fast," he said. He's been in contact with the Bikram Kahlon, the city's senior trafic engineer. The city responded to his concern on March 19 by conducting a speed survey in which they found that 85 % of drivers traveled 36 miles per hour down the street. Now, they're proposing setting a speed limit of 30 miles per hour. It's a move that Woodson was initially frustrated by considering there's an elementary school at the end of the street and a steady flow of pedestrians. He believes this is just going to cause people to drive faster. "Enforcement seemed like the right response but, I understand that there's laws they have to do. It is what it is," he said. In an email to Woodson, Kahlon said in order to have a speeding ticket upheld in court, an engineering speed survey is needed in order for traffic enforcement officers to properly enforce and ticket for violators. The 30 miles per hour speed limit will be enforcable, whereas 25 is not. Regardless of the speed limit, Woodson said he just wants drivers to be responsible and slow down. "Drive like your kids live here, it's important. If you think your kid's going to run out in the street, drive like your kid's going to run out in the street. Just pretend it's your street.," he said. The findings of the speed survey will be presented to the city's internal affairs in May where they will discuss the issue and decide on the speed limit. The Assyrian Poet and the Kurdish Boy In 2015, an image of a little boy lying face-down on a Turkish beach, who had attempted to flee the war between the Assad regime and ISIS, went viral in the midst of roiling debates over immigration policy. Then we elected a president who campaigned on closing our nation's doors to refugees and Americans moved on. Dunya Mikhail, an Iraqi exile and one of the foremost poets of our time, has not. In The Beekeeper: Rescuing the Stolen Women of Iraq, Mikhail memorializes three-year old Alan Kurdi: On the Turkish shore, A calm beautiful graceful child is on his stomach The wave caresses his tiny corpse He doesn't seem to protest our ridiculousness, Though his face turned away from us, From our lives overturned like a rusty boat. Mikhail's book serves as testimony for the victims of ISIS (known in the region as Daesh) who have been brutalized physically and psychologically. Giving voice to the voiceless, she devotes much of "The Beekeeper" to transcribing the stories of the Yazidi women of northern Iraq who have been driven from their homes, sold into sexual slavery, and yet, remarkably, survived. At the heart of the book is the beekeeper Abdullah Shrem, who abandoned his beloved bees to dedicate himself to locating these women and children and transporting them to safety, risking his life daily. Everyday heroes populate this landscape, many of them Muslim -- that is, regular observant Muslims, not the twisted fundamentalist version that Daesh promulgates. One seamstress hides a woman fleeing Daesh, along with her infant son and two daughters, until they can escape to safety. When another victim tries to pay a taxi driver who ferried her home, he responds, "The world isn't that rotten. Go on, I don't want anything." An expectant mother, hearing of Daesh's invasion of her village, orders her husband to take their four children up the mountain, while she stays behind, hiding in the sheep pen. When he returns days later, he finds her calmly nursing the newborn she delivered on her own. Iraqi Assyrian poet Dunya Mikhail. I found myself thinking of the "righteous gentiles," ordinary people who took extraordinary risks to hide Jews during the Holocaust. Mikhail draws out historical parallels as well in displacement resulting from ethnic cleansing, whether in the persecution of Jews, Christians, or Muslims (see Myanmar). Hauntingly, she recalls her grandmother's best friend, driven out of Baghdad after the Farhud, a pogrom in 1941 when Jews from communities established since the sixth century were murdered during two days of riots. As disturbing is Daesh's exploitation of children. Children barely more than toddlers are forced to manufacture bombs, while boys in Daesh camps are indoctrinated in violence and fundamentalist doctrines. A bus full of girls will be "used for [sexual] service" or sold for their organs. Yet. A girl jumping rope suggests the promise of emancipation. A man who adopted a sparrow leads Mikhail to a sacred spring of water deep in a cave, reminding us that tenderness still exists. This is the balance Mikhail strikes in her book, which bears unflinching witness to a world of brutality, even as it testifies to acts of generosity, courage and grace. When Mikhail pauses to reflect on her own experience, she captures the idiosyncratic grace of the world around her, showing herself an acute observer of its oddities and beauty. Birds in Michigan sing so loudly that the beekeeper, Abdullah, hears them through her phone. In a tone reminiscent of Annie Dillard's writings on God and nature, she muses on a "chirp" discovered by scientists (from colliding black holes, I read elsewhere) wondering why God "broke his silence," or recalls a favorite book that taught her, "When a group of elephants faces danger ... the rest of the elephants will leave the area in protest." Yet with Mikhail, there is always the echo of exile. Books she left in Iraq were eventually used by an enterprising relative to wrap sandwiches. The daffodil, customary for Yazidis to give as gifts, "shrinks away when strong rains fall," but blooms again when the sun returns, a metaphor, she hopes, for Kurdistan. She is filled with wonder as the refugees in a camp she visits offer her food and drink. "We have to offer you something," they say, so deeply imbued is their "spirit of hospitality." What do we owe each other -- one thinks of the cab driver waiving away payment -- and what can we offer? Just after her poem memorializing the small refugee boy who washed ashore, Mikhail addresses her readers directly: "The remote control is in your hand." Her book compels us to listen to these voices and not change the channel. It compels us to open our doors wider to refugees. Turkey's Long Persecution Against Pontian Christians In the Turkish city Trabzon, where few Christians are left, St. Maria Catholic Church has suffered its second attack this year. A gunman shot at the church on March 6, but there were no causalities because no one was inside at the time. The congregation is the only active one in Trabzon and has barely a dozen members. International media first noticed St. Maria on February 5, 2006, when Oguzhan Akdin murdered Father Andrea Santoro, an Italian Catholic priest who served there. In 2011, it emerged that the police had tapped Santoro's phones for three months before his murder. Authorities had marked him as a suspect active in "separatist activities based on the Pontian Greek idea," that is, establishing a Greek Orthodox state in the Black Sea area. The name of Pontians (or Pontic people) derives from the Greek word "Pontus," meaning "the sea," and refers to the Greek population that lived for three millennia in the Black Sea coastal cities, which are now in northern Turkey. The first Greek settlements appeared in the region as early as 800 BC, and many renowned Greek philosophers, such as Diogenes and Strabo, were born here. Trabzon, historically known as Trebizond, is also located in Pontus. Mentioned three times in the New Testament, Pontus is central to the Christian faith, and Pontians were some of the very first converts to Christianity. According to the Pontian Greek Society of Chicago, Andrew the Apostle was the first Christian preacher in the region, and after his ministry the religion quickly spread across the area. However, Anatolian Christianity began to decline in the eleventh century. In 1071, Turkic jihadists from Central Asia invaded the Armenian highland, which was then part of the Greek-speaking, Christian Byzantine Empire. In 1204, Pontians established the Greek Empire of Trebizond centered in Pontus. After the Ottomans established a state in western Anatolia in 1299, they escalated their attacks on surrounding regions. The Byzantine Empire ended when Constantinople fell in 1453, and then in 1461 the Ottomans invaded Trebizond and forced Christians to convert to Islam. Under the new rulers, Christians and Jews became "dhimmis," third-class citizens forced to pay a tax in exchange for "protection." But the most destructive blow to Greek and other Anatolian Christians was the 10-year genocide that took place before, during, and after the World War I. This crime was part of the mass annihilation that exterminated around three million Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks in Asia Minor between 1914 and 1923. The International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) has recognized the Ottoman campaign against Christian minorities during that period as genocide. In Dictionary of Genocide, Samuel Totten and Paul R. Bartrop write: In a campaign reminiscent of the Armenian genocide that was being perpetuated at roughly the same time, the Pontic Greeks suffered innumerable cruelties at the hands of the Turks. An estimated three hundred fifty-three thousand Pontic Greeks died, many on forced marches through Anatolia and the Syrian Desert just like the Armenians. The destruction of the Pontic Greeks, and the forcible deportation that followed, had but a single planned outcome: the removal of all Greeks from Turkey... In another parallel with the Armenian situation, successive Turkish governments have denied that the Pontic genocide ever occurred. The Ottoman government and the military forces led by Mustafa Kemal Atat Birmingham-based Taziki's Mediterranean Cafe has named a new chief executive officer. The company announced on Friday that Dan Simpson, the company's chief innovation officer for about two years, is the new CEO. Simpson is working closely with Taziki's founder Keith Richards as the restaurant plans to reach 100 total locations by 2019. The two have worked closely with Taziki's board and staff to form a clarified purpose, mission and brand values to guide the next 20 years, according to the company "Keith's vision for his restaurant is an inspiration to so many, he has created an environment that combines extraordinary food with meaningful human experience," Simpson said. "He has led the charge to offer fresh, healthy, diverse, and affordable food options to the tables of tens of thousands of people for the past 20 years." During his time as chief innovation officer, Simpson was instrumental in the growth of the restaurant brand visiting Taziki's locations in the 16 states where the chain has a presence and gathering both customer and employee feedback, according to the company. Richards is managing the flagship market in Birmingham and will continue to lead Taziki's culinary R+D and the HOPE program, Taziki's signature charity, which focuses on special needs education. The restaurants' fresh, locally grown herbs parsley, oregano, cilantro, basil, and rosemary are grown by students at various HOPE programs across the county. The goal of the HOPE Program is to teach students with special needs all aspects of the herb business using skills that will transfer to other jobs. Richards will be traveling to Greece with his wife Amy and two sets of twins this summer to develop new menu items for the restaurant. "Dan is working closely with me to carry out my vision for the next 20 years of Taziki's," Richards said. "His passion for working to create the new 'Mediterranean-Coastal' design for our restaurants has been an integral part of this process." Prior to joining the Taziki's family, Simpson was the founder and CEO of ToGo Technologies from May 2012 until January 2015. "Expanding Taziki's technology capabilities for our customers including our app offerings, accessibility to ordering online as well as a new website is a big focus for our team," Simpson said. "We are working to anticipate consumer trends and seeking innovations that enhance guest experiences." Later this year, Simpson will be launching TazRewards, Taziki's rewards loyalty program, that works both in-line and on-line through Taziki's app, as a way to say thank you to the restaurant's growing community of loyal guests. Simpson also previously served as chief development officer of Dispensary of Hope in Nashville from May 2008 until May 2012. He earned his bachelor's degree from Clearwater Christian College and a master's in business administration from West Virginia University. Simpson, his wife Kim and their three kids live in Nashville. He serves on the boards of the Shalom Foundation/Moore Pediatric Surgery Center and Dovehouse Ministries and is a member of TedXNashville Society of Fellows. Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is in stable condition Friday after undergoing heart surgery in Los Angeles, his spokesman Daniel Ketchell told The Washington Post. Schwarzenegger's condition was first reported by TMZ, which said the actor and former bodybuilding champion had gone to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for a "somewhat experimental" catheter valve replacement. According to the celebrity news site, doctors decided to perform open-heart surgery after Schwarzenegger developed complications. Ketchell said Friday that he could only confirm Schwarzenegger was stable after a heart procedure. "That's the most important part," he said. Best known in the 1980s and '90s as a former "Mr. Universe" and for his roles in action movies like "Terminator" and "Total Recall," Schwarzenegger, a native of Austria, transitioned from Hollywood star to politician when he successfully ran for California governor as a Republican. From 2003 to 2011, he served two terms as governor and was nicknamed "The Governator." Since then, he has mixed acting and politics. He was the host of the "New Celebrity Apprentice," on NBC. And over the past year, Schwarzenegger has emerged as a vocal opponent of President Donald Trump, publicly criticizing Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord and lambasting the president's equivocation after violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killed a counterprotester. File Photo Yellawood company putting Trump tax break into benefits Some employers have handed out bonus checks since President Donald Trump signed a tax reform plan into law late last year. Great Southern Wood Preserving will not. Instead, Great Southern has announced that it is reinvesting its tax savings in "an active and ongoing process to increase employee benefits" with the windfall from lower corporate tax rates. Don't Edit Airbus Airbus wants to keeping that new-jet shine If you've ever had second thoughts about putting a shiny new car on a dirty road, you can relate to one of the concerns the Mobile Airport Authority dealt with on Thursday. You can also appreciate that the stakes are a little higher when you're talking about a pristine new A321 fresh from Airbus' plant at the Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley. Don't Edit File Photo Tim Cook criticizes Facebook for privacy controversy Apple chief executive Tim Cook took some swipes at a couple of fellow tech giants Wednesday, appearing to accuse Facebook of selling its customers as products and taking aim at Amazon's bid to find a home for its new campus. "What would I do? I wouldn't be in that situation," Cook said. Don't Edit NASA Photo NASA is hiring flight directors NASA expects to be in the human spaceflight business for a long time, and that's led to one of the more interesting job postings so far this year. The space agency is hiring flight directors. Flight directors lead the flight controllers, engineers, and support teams around the world during space missions. They make "the real-time decisions critical to keeping NASA astronauts safe in space," the agency says. For that, they're paid between $118,000 and $154,000 a year. Don't Edit (Lawrence Specker/ UAB-Infirmary Health alliance could have big impact An alliance between UAB Health System and Mobile-based Infirmary Health clearly has potential to impact health care in Alabama, starting with the sheer throw weight of a $4 billion-per-year combined budget. Don't Edit Don't Edit Courtesy of Boeing Boeing hit by cyberattack Boeing has reportedly been hit by a cyberattack. The attack is reportedly from the WannaCry, the same malware that hit computers in more than 70 countries last year. Don't Edit Michelle Matthews/ Three Georges: sweet on Mobile for 100 years Becoming the owner of Three Georges Candy Shop in downtown Mobile might have been Scott Gonzalez's destiny. Gonzalez, who once thought he wanted to become an architect, appreciates history and old things - which is apropos for the owner of one of Mobile's oldest businesses. Don't Edit Contributed Proposed industrial park to receive $6 million grant A proposed high-tech industrial park and residential community near Barber Motorsports in Birmingham could receive $6 million in federal grants to spur development of the projects. U.S. Steel, Birmingham, Southern Museum of Flight, Jefferson County and Leeds has partnered on the project called Grand River Technology Park and Grand River Homes. Don't Edit Contributed Mark Richenderfer joins Birmingham Business Alliance Mark Richenderfer has joined the Birmingham Business Alliance as vice president of investor relations. Richenderfer, who has more than 20 years of business experience, will be responsible for recruiting new investors to the BBA by messaging how the BBA positively impacts regional development, business growth and quality of life in the region, the organization announced on Thursday. Don't Edit Courtesy BCBS Tim Vines to lead state's largest health insurer Tim Vines has been elected as the new president and CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, the insurer announced Wednesday. According to information released by Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Vines has a 24-year history with the company; past jobs have included president and chief operating officer, chief administrative officer and senior vice president for health management. Don't Edit Don't Edit Associated Press President Trump goes after a favorite target, Amazon President Donald Trump took another shot at Thursday, tweeting that the online retailer pays "little or no taxes" and that it uses the U.S. Postal Service as "their Delivery Boy." Trump's frustrations with Amazon are no surprise. He has accused the company of not paying enough taxes before, and in December tweeted that the U.S. Postal Service should charge Amazon more for delivering packages At first glance, Good Friday seems like the ultimate misnomer. If Jesus suffered and died on this day, then why is it called Good Friday? On one level, the answer is about the meaning of words. The term "Good" as applied to Good Friday is an Old English expression meaning holy. It's often called Holy Friday also. But in another sense, Good Friday is always tied to Easter Sunday, which is a joyful celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. He could not have been resurrected if he had not died first. Suffering Christ or Glorified Christ? In planning the mural for the Beeson Divinity School chapel dome several years ago, Samford University had to decide how to portray Christ: glorified or suffering. He is portrayed in the artwork as exalted in heaven - but also with nail prints in his hands - to remember the suffering of the crucifixion. "Theologically, we must keep Good Friday and Easter together," Divinity School Dean Timothy George explained. "Good Friday without Easter is doom and despair. Easter without Good Friday is empty sentiment and sentimentality. We have to remember what Jesus did on the cross, which is the fulfillment of God's eternal plan for the whole world. It has cosmic consequences." Carrying the Cross Today millions of Christians worldwide observe the somber holy day of Good Friday, which commemorates the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus. The faithful often act it out by carrying a large wooden cross and crown of thorns symbolic of the suffering of Christ. In Jerusalem, they follow the Via Dolorosa, or Way of the Cross. Jesus told his followers, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24, New International Version) Jesus' example can provide strength through suffering, said the late Rev. John Claypool, who was a Southern Baptist preacher in Kentucky and later an Episcopal priest in Alabama. A Glimpse at the depths of evil "God really does understand from the inside what it's like to suffer, to be abandoned, to be alone," Claypool said. "You can't realize the absolute marvel of Easter unless you appreciate the suffering of Good Friday." The events of Good Friday described in the Bible include the trial of Jesus, the shouts of the crowd to "Crucify him!" even when given a choice to free Jesus or Barabbas, followed by Jesus carrying the cross and being hung on it to die. "Good Friday is so powerfully significant because it gives us a glimpse into the depths of human evil," Claypool said. "You see the best and the worst of human nature." Mercy and patience God shows incredible mercy and patience in the events of Good Friday, Claypool said. "It's a time to reflect on the dark tendencies that are in all of us," Claypool said. "It's a day to be silent, it's a day to remember, to focus on who Jesus is and what He meant for humanity," George said. "Christians believe the sins of the whole world were poured out on Christ," George said. "It's really a bad Friday, a horrible Friday. When it is seen as leading to the Resurrection, it was indeed a Good Friday." A 2-month-old child is in critical condition and a Tuscaloosa woman is behind bars. Tuscaloosa police on Friday announced the arrest of 24-year-old LaKendra Yashekia Williams. On Wednesday, Tuscaloosa police responded to Children's of Alabama in Birmingham on a report of a child suffering severe head trauma, said Lt. Teena Richardson. Once at the hospital, detectives launched an investigation into the assault of the child. The findings led to a charge first-degree domestic violence assault against Williams. Police have not disclosed what caused the child's injury and have not released the relationship between the two. The child remains in critical condition. Williams is being held in the Tuscaloosa County Jail on $60,000 bond. An Anniston man died following a single-vehicle crash in Calhoun County. Alabama State Troopers identified the victim as Cody Kenneth Cross. He was 25. The crash happened at 11:50 p.m. Wednesday on Bernard Couch Drive, about seven miles east of Oxford.Cpl. Jimmy Harrell said Cross was driving a pickup truck when he left the roadway, struck a mailbox, collided with a tree and overturned. He was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected from the vehicle. Cross was airlifted to Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, where he was pronounced dead. A federal grand jury in Birmingham indicted five people in three separate cases. Those indicted include two sisters from Guatemala for fraudulent using someone else's Social Security number to misrepresent their immigration status, two Georgia men accused of conspiring to distribute methamphetamine in Jefferson and St. Clair counties and a California man for stealing identities to open accounts at the Birmingham -based BBVA Compass Bank. In the first case, according to U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town and Social Security Administration, Office of Inspector General, Special Agent in Charge Margaret Moore-Jackson, the two Guatemalan women misrepresented their immigration status to obtain jobs in Marion County. Separate indictments filed in U.S. District Court charge that both Ines Gladdis Avalos-Paau, 35, and Lourdes Magdalena Avalos-Paau, 33, used an alias, falsely claimed a Social Security number assigned to the person whose name they used, and fraudulently presented an Arkansas non-driver's identification card in that name when they applied for jobs. The indictment also charges that the women fraudulently misrepresented on U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' forms for employment eligibility verification that they were U.S. citizens. Ines Gladdis Avalos-Paau misused the documents and misrepresented her immigration status in February 2014 when she applied for a job at Hamilton Plastic Products in Hamilton, according to her indictment. Lourdes Magdalena Avalos-Paau misused the documents and misrepresented her immigration status in December 2017 when she applied for a job at Kith Kitchens in Haleyville, according to her indictment. The maximum penalty for both falsely representing a Social Security number and for fraudulently using an identification document is five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The maximum penalty for making a fraudulent statement on a government immigration document is 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The Georgia men indicted on drug charges are Michael Montoya-Austria, 26, and Sergio Ortiz, 31, according to Town and Drug Enforcement Administration Assistant Special Agent in Charge Bret Hamilton. The three-count U.S. District Court indictment said Montoya-Austria and Ortiz, a Mexican national living in Doraville, Ga., with conspiring to distribute 500 grams or more of methamphetamine in Jefferson County between February and March. The indictment also charges both Montoya-Austria and Ortiz with possessing with intent to distribute that quantity of the drug on March 7. The indictment charges Montoya-Austria with distributing 500 grams or more of methamphetamine in St. Clair County on Feb. 27. The penalty for each charge is 10 years to life in prison and a maximum $10 million fine. In the Birmingham case, Eduardo Fernando Villanueva Aranguena, 32, of Reseda, Calif., is the defendant in a 12-count indictment, said Town and FBI Special Agent in Charge Johnnie Sharp Jr. He is charged with six counts each of bank fraud and aggravated identity theft. Aranguena obtained personally identifying information for six individuals and opened an account or accounts in those individuals' names at Compass Bank between Sept. 15, 2016, and Nov. 1, 2016, according to the indictment. Aranguena used the fraudulently established accounts to deposit, withdraw and transfer money, as well as to make purchases, load gift cards, open lines of credit and apply for credit cards, according to the indictment. "With today's technology, cyber criminals can commit identity theft against a Birmingham, Alabama, bank from thousands of miles away," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Keim, who is prosecuting the case. "We appreciate the investigative assistance of the U.S. Attorney's Offices for the Central District of California and the Western District of North Carolina and the Charlotte Field Office of the FBI." The maximum penalty for bank fraud is 30 years in prison and a fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss, whichever is greater. Aggravated identity theft carries a mandatory two-year prison sentence, which would have to be served consecutively to any sentence imposed for bank fraud, and a possible fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss, whichever is greater. Construction is set to begin this summer on a luxury hotel in the former Protective Life and Commerce Center building in downtown Birmingham. The 96-room hotel is expected to be open in summer 2019, according to REV Birmingham, an economic development group, which recently got a tour of the building. Birmingham-based Rhaglan Hospitality, the group behind Redmont Hotel, is developing the project. Rhaglan Hospitality was awarded a $5 million Alabama Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit in March to help redevelop the building. The developer is also seeking a loan through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for up to $2.5 million for a term up to 20 years. The 14-story, Art Deco-inspired office at 2027 1st Ave. N. was built in 1928 on top of the former three-story Birmingham Ledger building. Many of the buildings' original elaborate architectural details remain like the domed entrance and high-end finishes like marble floors and marble wainscoting. Rhaglin plans to keep these details. The Protective Life building was designed by Warren, Knight & Davis, a Birmingham architecture firm behind many of the city's most recognizable structures - including the Federal Reserve, Alabama Power and Watts buildings. "The building's landings and corridors are spectacular - and they're still there," Rhaglan Hospitality CEO Jim Lewis said. "We want people to simultaneously think, 'These are high quality finishes,' and 'This has been here for a long time.' It's hard to achieve both without the real thing. The intricate marble work is beautiful and we're retaining it. Part of the good fortune we feel is due to the extraordinary elements of this building that can be restored." Lewis sees the biggest challenge with converting this historic building into a hotel is finding a way to keep all the original touches that make it special as it is being converted from office space into comfortable guest rooms. Rhaglin Hospitality plans to save one special office in the building - the Warren, Knight & Davis firm's former home on the seventh floor, which is still intact. "I'm encouraged by the community's interest in historic preservation and delighted to see teams like Rhaglan working to salvage original materials and incorporate interesting parts of historic buildings into their design," said REV CEO David Fleming. "Historic tax credits help save the magic pieces of our city like the Protective Life building, and there's no denying their impact on downtown Birmingham." Rhaglan's development team, led by Patrick Mercier, will take the lobby back to its original, wide open state with floor to ceiling windows. "We have old photos of the building, and we're working to bring that look back," Lewis said. "With the floor-to-ceiling windows in the lobby, the eastern sun in the mornings will be beautiful." To take advantage of the view, a rooftop restaurant and bar is being planned. About 75 percent of the space, though, will be inside with plenty of windows and the rest will be an open-air patio. The tower's attached two-story building on the Morris Avenue side will also be redeveloped. Rhaglan is considering making the upper floor a full-service spa, while the downstairs (facing Morris Avenue) could be hotel offices or a shop that complements the block. "I'm a huge believer in the potential of Birmingham," Lewis said. "We're on the national investment horizon now. People who don't have a local stake are taking notice and are looking at the market for what's absent so they can fill those needs. Birmingham is poised to explode; it's an appealing place to live. Big manufacturers have already figured that out, and other types of business and investments will follow." An improvised explosive device killed an American service member in Syria, a U.S. military official said Friday, bringing the total number of American military personnel killed in action in Syria and Iraq since the operation against Islamic State began to 14. The U.S.-led coalition said another service member also died in the attack on Thursday night but declined to identify the person's nationality. The coalition said five people were wounded. Col. Ryan Dillon, a spokesman for the coalition, declined to identify the nationalities of the service members, or to specify where in Syria the attack took place. The coalition said in a statement that the wounded were being evacuated for medical treatment, and that the identities of the dead would be released at the discretion of their home authorities. The incident underscored the risks facing coalition personnel across northern and central Syria as they transition from fighting the Islamic State to stabilizing areas that the militants left behind. The U.S. military has suffered 60 deaths since the operation to destroy Islamic State began in 2014, 14 of which were so-called "hostile" deaths, or personnel killed in action. The others died in "non-hostile" circumstances during the operation such as aircraft and vehicle accidents. The coalition doesn't break down the number of people killed in Syria versus Iraq. Deaths that occur in other countries in the region where the U.S. military is supporting the operation are also included in the figures. The United States has more than 2,000 service members in Syria, many of them working with a Kurdish-dominated partner force. Thursday's attack appeared to have taken place in the northern city of Manbij, a former Islamic State stronghold that has become a critical flash point between Turkey and Kurdish fighters in Syria. While mutually antagonistic, both are key allies of the United States. In an attempt to calm those tensions, U.S. forces conduct routine patrols in the area. A local activist reported that an explosion had taken place in the city's southern district, and that several helicopters appeared to have arrived to take away those affected. In a surprise announcement Thursday, President Donald Trump appeared to signal that those would be withdrawing from Syria in the near future. "By the way, we're knocking the hell out of ISIS," Trump said midway through an infrastructure speech in Ohio, using an alternate term for the Islamic State. "We're coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon - very soon we're coming out." No further details were immediately available. A federal judge ruled today that the law the Alabama Legislature passed to make notorious killer Judith Ann Neelley ineligible for parole is unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Keith Watkins found that the law violated the Constitution's bans on retroactive laws, called "ex post facto," and laws aimed at one person or a small group, called "bills of attainder." The Legislature changed state law in 2003 specifically to block Neelley from the possibility of parole after Gov. Fob James commuted her death sentence to life imprisonment in 1999. At the time of the commutation, the law said Neelley would be eligible for parole in 15 years. Neelley's attorney, Barry Ragsdale, said the bans on "ex post facto" laws and "bills of attainder" are core legal principals in place since the nation's founding. "I think this is a victory for the Constitution," Ragsdale said. The state attorney general's office said it would review the judge's opinion and consult with the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles to decide whether to appeal. Neelley has been at Julia Tutwiler Prison for more than three decades. Watkins' ruling today comes in a lawsuit Neelley filed in 2014 against the parole board. Watkins included with his ruling a description of Neelley's crimes written by the judge in her murder trial. In September 1982, Neelley abducted Lisa Ann Millican, 13, from a Rome, Ga., shopping mall. Neelley and her husband, Alvin Neelley, held Millican captive and brutalized her. Alvin Neelley raped the girl several times. Three days after the abduction, Neelley handcuffed Millican to a tree at Little River Canyon in DeKalb County and used a needle and syringe to inject her repeatedly with drain cleaner. When that failed to kill Millican, Neelley shot her and threw her body into the canyon. In the conclusion of his 31-page opinion, Watkins wrote: "The foregoing discussion is not meant to suggest that Ms. Neelley's particular crime does not deserve a punishment greater than life with the possibility of parole. That question does not have this court's name on it. "Nor is it a question for the Alabama Legislature to answer. The Alabama Legislature may have disagreed with Governor James's decision to commute Ms. Neelley's sentence to life with the possibility of parole, or perhaps it thought Governor James meant to commute her sentence to life without the possibility of parole. But the Alabama Legislature could not increase her punishment after her death sentence was commuted." Ragsdale has represented Neelley on and off for a couple of decades and was her lawyer at the time James commuted her sentence. "People can focus on how reprehensible the crimes were that Ms. Neelley committed," Ragsdale said. "But the Supreme Court has long recognized that if the Constitution doesn't apply to the worst among us, it doesn't apply to anybody." Ragsdale said he hasn't spoken face-to-face with Neelley in about nine months and was not sure today if she had received the news about the judge's order. Ragsdale said he did not think Neelley has a realistic expectation for parole anytime soon but said eligibility for parole will have benefits. "Whether or not she is eligible or ineligible for parole determines things like where she can live and what access she has to things like chapel and all kinds of stuff like that," Ragsdale said. "It will make a day-to-day difference in her life even as she continues to be confined." James did not give a reason for his decision when he commuted Neelley's sentence on his last day as governor in 1999. After the commutation, the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles requested an opinion from Attorney General Bill Pryor on whether Neelley was eligible for parole. The law at that time said that a person whose death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment was eligible for parole after serving 15 years of that life sentence. Pryor advised the parole board that Neelley would be eligible for parole in 2014. The board then notified Neelley of that. In 2003, the Legislature passed a law saying that a person whose death sentence is commuted to life imprisonment by the governor is not eligible for parole. The law was made retroactive to September 1998, a few months before James commuted Neelley's sentence. The retroactive provision was specifically for Neelley, because she is the only Alabama death row inmate to receive a sentence commutation since 1962. Because of the 2003 law, the parole board again sought an attorney general's opinion when Neelley was due to come up for parole, in January 2014. Attorney General Luther Strange determined Neelley was not eligible. The parole board notified Neelley that she was not eligible. Neelley filed her lawsuit against the parole board in April 2014, challenging the constitutionality of the 2003 law. "Gov. James changed Ms. Neelley's sentence to life with the possibility of parole and the Legislature decided they didn't like that so they went back and retroactively changed her sentence to life without the opportunity for parole," Ragsdale said. "And Judge Watkins, I think following clear legal precedent, concluded that that was unconstitutional." Lisa Ann Millican was not the Neelleys' only victim during their 1982 crime spree. Neelley also pleaded guilty to the murder of 22-year-old Janice Chatman of Rome, Ga., and agreed to testify against Alvin Neelley, who died in a Georgia prison in 2005. Judith Ann Neelley Court Ruling by Mike Cason on Scribd After a day-long trial, a Blount County judge granted a motion of acquittal in the case of two Birmingham-area attorneys arrested outside the Blount County Courthouse. Victor Revill and his associate Megan Garcia were arrested by Blount County Sheriff's deputies Feb. 23, 2017, on the steps of the courthouse while officers were executing a search warrant of their client's person. They were charged with obstructing governmental operations and refusal to permit inspection of property subject to a search warrant last year. Both charges are misdemeanors. "These attorneys were charged with obstructing governmental operations and refusal to permit inspection for doing nothing more than refusing to consent to a warrantless search," said attorney Clayton Tartt, who represented Revill. Stan Glasscox represented Garcia. "Neither Megan or victor did anything to prevent anyone from obtaining anything. They merely said no," he said. The ruling came after the Blount County District Attorney's Office presented their case and called four witnesses to testify during the bench trial Thursday, Tartt said. After the state rested, Circuit Judge Steven King granted the defense's motion of acquittal, dismissing the charges. "The state plans to appeal this ruling through the appellate court," Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey told on the phone. "They were not found not guilty." Tartt, however, disagrees. "It's better than a not guilty verdict. It means the charges should not have been brought in the first place," he said. After the hearing, they spoke to their client inside the courthouse for 15 to 20 minutes. During that conversation, they asked their client for his cellphone so they can gather more information for his case. On their way out of the courthouse, the client was stopped by a police officer and an investigator. The officer told the client they had a warrant to search both him and his vehicle. After looking at the search warrant himself, Revill told the client that the authorities had a right to search him. That's when the investigator asked to see Garcia's satchel because they saw the client give Garcia his cellphone. Revill said they didn't consent to the search and they were detained. Both attorneys were arrested and put in handcuffs outside the courthouse. Revill said standing in court Thursday not as a defense attorney, but as a client, was an emotional experience. "I'm thankful to God that the system worked. I'm thankful I had great attorneys fighting for me--thankful I didn't have to tell my 1-year-old child that I was convicted of a crime I didn't commit," he said. Up to 75 pounds of marijuana was discovered inside a FedEx package in Mobile Wednesday. FedEx employees at the Trippel road site called police officers when they smelled marijuana coming from inside the package. The package was turned over to narcotics, according to police. There are currently no suspects. Since some U.S. states made marijuana legal, courier companies have had to adapt their policies to ensure that customers were not shipping from legal states to illegal states. FedEx changed its policy earlier this year that placed marijuana on the list of prohibited items. In Alabama, possession of the psychoactive element of marijuana can result in a misdemeanor for first-time possession or a felony if the person is caught again, or is a courier or drug dealer. Earlier this year, a state bill aimed at reducing sentences for those caught with marijuana failed in congress. The proposal would have seen a person in possession of one ounce or less given a violation -- considered less serious than a misdemeanor -- and would be punishable only by a fine not to exceed $250. That penalty would have applied to both a first and a second offense. A third offense would have been a violation punishable by a fine of up to $500. In 2015, the U.S. Postal Service confiscated around 34,000 pounds of the drug. Posted on: March 30, 2018 11:05 AM An Easter message from the Primate of the Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean, Archbishop James Wong. Alleluia, Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and he is alive. The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! My dear brothers and sisters, greetings! We are once again celebrating the joyous feast of Easter. I hope that you had a blessed Lenten season during which we have journeyed from the life of a believer to a life of a disciple and you were blessed. Lent has been a season of movement, transformation and commitment. Easter is an extension of the movement, transformation and commitment. Very early, this very morning of the first Easter, we see Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved were moving to and from the grave. The stone was removed. The strips of linen lying in the tomb and the body of our Lord was removed? No, the body was resurrected, transformed into a glorious one. The curse of the cross has been changed, transformed into a blessing. The cross is now seen as a symbol of hope, and a reminder of Gods love for us. The grave was seen as the final destination of a person, a door we close on our earthly life. Now, we can rejoice that beyond death is where life really begins, and it will never end. Easter teaches us that death has been transformed; we have the hope of life after death because Jesus is risen from the dead and He is alive. Alleluia! Alleluia! Dear fellow pilgrims on our earthly journey, have you been moving from a believer to a disciple? Has your life been transformed into one which is an expression of our active faith as a disciple? The lives of Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved were transformed and they committed themselves to sharing the message of the resurrection to the community of the Apostles, disciples and believers and eventually to the world. And they did it. Have we committed our lives to serve actively God and the Church? If yes, Praise the Lord and if no, now is the time for us to commit our lives to do so. Choosing to be a disciple is a choice that we commit to in a radical way. Each one of us is, in this world, to live for Jesus Christ and do His will straight forwardly without reserve. We are as Christians celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us also celebrate our commitment to be Christlike. Easter reminds us how God has been good to us. He gave His own precious son to save us from our sins. Lets return the favour by sharing our blessings to others. Happy Easter to you and your love ones! Together for the glory of God, Archbishop James Wong Yin Song Your fellow pilgrim and Bishop Posted on: March 30, 2018 6:30 PM An Easter message from the Chair of the Anglican Consultative Council and Primate of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (the Anglican Church in Hong Kong), Archbishop Paul Kwong. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, May the Peace of our Lord be with you! Three months ago, we celebrated the birth of Christ at Christmas. Our focus then was on the manger, a feeding place for animals where the baby Jesus slept. In contrast, on Easter, our focus is on His empty tomb. At Christmas, the angels sang Glory to God; but on the day of Jesus resurrection, two angels asked the women who went to the empty tomb in search of Christ Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen (Luke 24:56). Christmas is full of joy because it is about a baby who came into this world for us. Yet the atmosphere of Easter is more solemn and its message more profound. On Easter, this child who was born on Christmas not only died for us, but was also resurrected for us. If the Lords salvation is a musical movement, Christmas is the prelude and Easter is its climax. Easter reminds us of three key points. Firstly, Jesus truly did rise from the dead and come back to life. However, this is a fact that many deny or are unwilling to accept, including some who were among Jesus friends. On the first Easter, two of Christs disciples were walking along the road to Emmaus, feeling disappointed about Jesus death. They said sadly But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel (Luke 24:21). Thomas was also adamant in his denial of the Lords resurrection when his brothers told him the news. He said, Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe (John 20:25). Throughout subsequent generations, there have been many others like them, who are unwilling to believe that the Lord is resurrected. Some even criticised the resurrection as a product of the Christian imagination or a fabricated myth of an immature faith. Secondly, although Christmas and Easter differ in many core aspects, they have one point in common: we are the beneficiaries of Jesus actions. He not only lived for us and died for us, but was also resurrected for us. The term us refers to the whole of humankind, from Adam to the Anti-Christ. The Lord was not only resurrected for those who are good, pious, just, and passionate about serving. He came back to life not only for the Virgin Mary who gave birth to Him, but also for Judas who betrayed him and for Peter who denied him three times before the cock crowed. His resurrection is for every single one of us, irrespective of our ages and gender, even now. Although people are a large part of the Easter story, the central figure is Jesus Christ He who is resurrected and lives in glory for us. The phrase for us refers to us Christians who are resurrected with Christ. This brings us to the third point. What do we mean by being resurrected Christians? St Paul provided an explanation in his letter to the Christians in Rome. He asked, Do you not know that all of us who have been baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life (Romans 6:34). This is something we need to think about constantly, especially during Easter. Baptized into Christ is a phrase rich in meaning. However, we have seldom explored its true significance. Baptism originally means immerse. Therefore, St Paul used the term baptised into Christ. To convey the true meaning of baptism, the early Church immersed candidates fully into the water during the rite. Unfortunately, baptismal fonts in most Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui churches are quite small (although we do have an immersion font in the Holy Spirit Church), so priests can only perform baptism by pouring water over a candidates head. Since this form of baptism does not immerse a candidate fully into the water, it cannot convey the full symbolic meaning of baptism: the sinner within the candidate has died, and the candidate is resurrected with Christ into the new life of the baptised community. To celebrate our new lives at Easter, we need go beyond worshiping God at church every Sunday, reading the Bible, praying, serving with passion, and spreading the gospel. These are all part of our duties as Christians, but we need to do more. I would like to use the prophet Micahs instructions to his fellow Jews to remind you how you should live your new life. He said, He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8). The justice to which the prophet Micah refers is neither defined by peoples preferences, nor created by human intelligence. It is built on Gods promise when we made a covenant with Him. God commands us to be faithful to ethical relationships and be responsible, that is, to love, be faithful, and be responsible to God, to others, and to the world. If a Christian is to be resurrected from death with Christ, one should abide by His teachings in daily life. He said, For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me. . . Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me (Matthew 25:3540). Resurrected Christians should live their new lives abiding by His teachings. This is a burden the faithful should bear for God, for others, and for the world. The Lord has called upon those of us who are resurrected through baptism to share in His life and bear this burden. In fact, if we do not participate in the life of our Lord, our new lives would not exist, and we would only be surviving alone. Brothers and sisters, may you be able to live out the life of the resurrected Lord faithfully and responsibly. + Paul Kwong Posted on: March 30, 2018 2:42 PM An Easter message from the Primate of the Church of the Province of Uganda, Archbishop Stanley Ntagali. The Bible says that Jesus is the first born from the dead. Meaning, that he is the first of many others who will be resurrected. The message of Easter is that if you want to have eternal life, the only way is through Jesus. You must first renounce the world, the flesh, and the devil. You must renounce the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10.10). Then, you must turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Saviour and obey him as your Lord. Once you are in Christ you too will follow Jesus into resurrection and eternal life. There is no other way. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. If the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, it is Jesus who came to bring life and bring it abundantly (John 10.10). My message for Ugandans this Easter is this: First, if you want to have eternal life, turn to Jesus Christ. Choose this day whom you will serve! Secondly, Easter is about life. I want to encourage all of us this Easter to reject the growing culture of death around us and, instead, promote a culture of life. Why? Because when Jesus destroyed death through his resurrection, he also destroyed the culture of death and opened the way to us of a culture of life. Choose this day whom you will serve the thief who brings death or Jesus who brings life. What do I mean by this? We all know about the random killings that have been taking place, especially of women, and the delay in solving the mystery of who the killers are and bringing them to justice. The increasing number of deaths and the seeming inability to do anything about them is part of our current culture of death. This is not the way of Jesus. The desire on the part of some government leaders and organisations to legalise abortion is promoting a culture of death to the most vulnerable among us. That is, the unborn. This is not the way of Jesus. The way of Jesus promotes life, not death. When hospital workers steal vital drugs to sell elsewhere, they deprive the living of essential life-saving treatments. That is a culture of death. And, then, family members are willing to pay more to bury a person and put cement and tile on their grave. Yet, the same amount of money could have saved their life. The way of Jesus promotes life. Let us also promote a culture of life in our work places, families, and communities. When someone kills someone else just to steal a phone, what does that tell us about the value of life? It says that life is cheap. But, actually, life is not cheap. Jesus died and rose again so that we could have life. Life is very costly. The culture of death has taken control of South Sudan and many provinces in eastern Congo, and has had a big impact on Uganda. I want to thank the President, the government, and the people of Uganda for welcoming so many of our neighbours who have had to flee for their lives. As Christians, we must oppose this culture of death and killing. We must also oppose a kind of politics that is more about keeping people in power while many people die in the process. This culture of death extends even to violence in our own country. We too easily resort to violence in order to resolve conflict even petty conflicts. That is not the way of Jesus. Recently, an Honourable Member of Parliament gave an interview on TV about the importance of husbands beating their wives in order to streamline them. I want to state categorically and very clearly that the Church of Uganda does not support his views. Even though he is an Anglican, he and his views do not represent the Church of Uganda. We condemn all domestic violence. No exceptions. Men: it is NEVER right to beat your wife. Women: it is NEVER right to resolve conflict with violence. Women, you should never believe your Aunties when they tell you that if your husband doesnt beat you then that means he doesnt love you. That is a lie. Listen to me carefully. The position of the Church of Uganda is that domestic violence is always wrong. Always. Please learn the way of Jesus, which is the way of life. Jesus destroyed the culture of death through his resurrection, and he brought us a culture of life. So, I ask you, Why are we continuing the culture of death? I am glad to know that the Hon MP has apologised before Parliament. I urge him to now show the fruits of repentance and become a public leader in the fight against domestic violence, and in his own family and marriage to practice love and preach love to others. In two months time, we will remember the Martyrs of Uganda at a special celebration in Namugongo on 3 June. This years Martyrs Day organisers are the Dioceses of greater Kigezi. The co-Chairs of the Organising Committee are Honourables Ruhakana Rugunda and Amama Mbabazi. They are challenging us to double the number of Anglicans participating in the 3 June Namugongo celebrations. There will be a health camp as well as other programmes for children and youth. I urge you to make a special effort to mobilise big numbers from your dioceses to participate in this years Martys Day celebrations. In conclusion, I sincerely appeal to you this Easter to renounce once and for all the growing culture of death in Uganda and embrace the culture of life that Jesus offers us through his death and resurrection. Choose this day whom you will serve! Will you serve the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy? Or, will you serve Jesus who came to bring life? If the 80 per cent of Ugandans who claim to be Christians actually renounced the culture of death and promoted Jesus culture of life, then Uganda would be a very different place than it is today. We send special Easter greetings to the President of Uganda, His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and Mama Janet; The Vice President of Uganda; The Rt Hon Speaker of Parliament and all Members of Parliament; The Rt Hon Prime Minister; Members of the judiciary; Our brothers and sisters in other denominations; My brother bishops, clergy, lay readers and all Christians in all our dioceses and All of you fellow Ugandans! I wish you all a joyful Easter. May you fully and completely choose Jesus this Easter so that Easter 2018 will be a turning point in your life and in our life as a country. Andrew Neil explains anti-Semitism to the uneducated and Corbyns Labour Andrew Neil presents must-see TV. Brilliant work by @afneil and @bbcthisweek in explaining what anti-Semitism is to the uneducated, and Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters who have difficulty spotting it: That, dear viewer, is anti-Semitism. At its deadliest and most depraved. Which is how it always ends up. Which is why it cant be tolerated. Those still in doubt need to educate themselves. Fast. @afneil opening #bbctw BBC This Week (@bbcthisweek) March 29, 2018 Mireille Knoll was found dead inside her Paris flat. Police think she was killed for being a Jew. The killer then her home set alight. French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, opines: It reminds us of the fundamental and permanent side of this battle against antisemitism. On the same day Ms Knoll was killed, Islamists murdered Arnaud Beltrame, a 44-year-old police officer. He was a true hero. A year before Knolls slaying, Sarah Halimi, a retired Orthodox doctor and kindergarten teacher, was killed in her Paris apartment, her body then hurled out a window. In 2012, three children and a teacher were murdered in an attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse. In 2006, Ilan Halimi, a 23-year-old cellphone salesman, was tortured by gang members who assumed his middle-class parents could pay a hefty ransom because they were Jewish. Halimis charred body was found by the side of a road three weeks after his abduction. The oldest story is back. The Jew the rich, powerful, uniquely barbaric and deserving Jew is seen as fair game. Dont yield to anti-Semitism. Ive been confronted with it recently things I never thought I would have said to me, and threats made to me. Jew bating is normalised. Its unnerving. Paul Sorene Posted: 30th, March 2018 | In: News, TV & Radio Comment | TrackBack | Permalink (ANSA) - Rome, March 30 - Alessandro Fiori, the 33-year-old manager from Cremona found dead with his skull caved in in Istanbul Wednesday night, had been in hospital in the Turkish capital on March 15, sources said Friday. This was one day after Fiori's cellphone and personal documents were found in a bin in his hotel room. Fiori's body was found in the sea in Istanbul Wednesday evening, two weeks after going missing in the Turkish capital. The head of Fiori, from Soncino near Cremona, was so disfigured he had to be identified by DNA taken from his father. His body had been carried by strong currents down to a point opposite the famed Topkapi Palace, local sources told Italian reporters. Fiori went missing from his Istanbul hotel on March 14, sources said. He had left for a short holiday in Turkey on March 12, his family said. The family said he had not ran away from anything and was in the habit of making short trips to places in Europe. A DNA test has confirmed that the body is Fiori's, Italian foreign ministry sources said Thursday, adding that the young man's family have asked for their privacy to be strictly respected. Rome prosecutors on Thursday opened a probe into Fiori's death. Prosecutors are awaiting a first report on the case, the sources said. Fiori's documents, phone and empty wallet were found in his Istanbul hotel room. The discovery of the body was first announced by a RAI State broadcaster missing-persons show, Chi l'ha visto? (Who has seen him), which has been following the case. The Turkish police have not ruled out the possibility that Fiori committed suicide, Turkish daily Hurriyet reported. Fiori's body was found on the shore of the Sarayburnu district in the Turkish capital, it said. Fiori did not have a meeting set up in Turkey, his father said Tuesday. "I recharged the battery of Alessandro's phone and I redialled all the numbers he had last called: there was no stranger," said Eligio Fiori. The father had a bad turn after identifying his son's body and was unable to speak to the media. Fiori's documents and cellphone were found in a bin in his hotel room while his Italian bank account has been emptied, sources said Sunday. Fiori's suitcases and clothes were found in his room along with his empty wallet. Witnesses told Turkish TV they had seen him near the Sultanhamet Hotel and then in a taxi that allegedly took him to the city centre. Eligio Fiori, the father, said he could "rule out he was running away from anything" on Monday. He said his son often took low-cost flights to places for a few days when work permitted. "My son left with a simple backpack so as not to have to put his luggage in the hold," Eligio Fiori said on the telephone. "It was a habit of his. That backpack was found in his room at the Sultanhamet Hotel. I can't say anything else other than ruling out it was a flit". The manager reportedly told his tobacconist he was going to Istanbul for a short holiday. (ANSA) - Rome, March 30 - A Somali man wrongfully convicted in the Mogadishu murder of RAI reporter Ilaria Alpi and her cameraman Milan Hrovatin on Friday got three million euros in compensation for his almost 17 years in jail. Hashi Omar Hassan received 3.181 million euros in a ruling from the Perugia appeals court. In October 2016 a Perugia court reversed the conviction of Hassan for the 1994 murder of Alpi and Hrovatin in the Somali capital. Prosecutor Dario Razzi told the court Hassan "did not commit" the crime he served more than 16 years in jail for. He was the only person convicted of the murders. Alpi, 32, and Hrovatin, 45, were ambushed and shot in their jeep in Mogadishu by a seven-man commando on March 20, 1994. Initially, it was thought that the journalist was murdered in revenge for clashes which had broken out between the militias of Somalia's warlords and Italian peacekeepers. But a 1999 book by Alpi's parents called The Execution alleged that Alpi and Hrovatin were killed to stop them revealing what they knew about an international arms and toxic-waste ring implicating high-level political, military and economic figures in both countries. The book accuses the Italian secret services of playing a major role in this ring. In 2015 Ahmed Ali Rage, who was also known as Gelle and who was a key witness for the prosecution in the trial that led to the conviction, said that Hassan was "innocent". Rage told a new trial that he "never told anyone" Hassan was part of the murder commando. Hassan was released into the custody of social services in 2015 with 10 years to go on his 26-year sentence. "Thank God it's over," said Hassan at the time. Alpi's mother Luciana, who backed Hassan's battle against the miscarriage of justice, said that she was "happy" Hassan had been cleared, but added that she was "bitter and depressed" that the real culprits had not been brought to justice. "It's as if she and Miran Hrovatin died of the heat in Mogadishu," Luciana Alpi told ANSA. "We don't have the truth and I don't think we ever will". Photos taken of the dead body of Alpi, who worked for public broadcaster RAI's third channel, and a medical report on the deaths, along with other key evidence including Alpi's notes, camera and video cassettes, mysteriously went missing on the journey back from Africa to Italy, fuelling suspicions of a cover-up. Speaking to RAI Channel 3, Rage in February 2015 claimed that he was asked to testify against Hassan. "I did not see who fired the shots," he reportedly told RAI 3. According to the Italian diplomat who investigated the case in Somalia, former ambassador Giuseppe Cassini, the driver who acted as a key witness for the prosecution was "an unreliable individual who would do anything to survive". Hassan, who travelled to Italy in 1998 to give evidence in a probe into brutality by Italian soldiers, was acquitted of involvement in the two murders at the end of a first trial in July 1999. But he was found guilty by an appeals court in 2000 and sentenced to life in prison. Italy's supreme Cassation Court upheld the guilty verdict in October 2001 but reduced the sentence from life to 26 years because it said the crimes were not premeditated. Hassan's lawyers said he was not in Mogadishu at the time of the killing and was tricked into coming to Italy. photo: Hassan in 1999 (ANSA) - Rome, March 30 - The interior ministry said Friday that 6,161 asylum seekers arrived in Italy via sea in the first quarter of this year, down 75% on the 24,278 arrivals in the same period in 2017. The number of migrants to set out from Libya was 4,399, down 81% on the 23,549 in the first three months of 2017. The ministry said 1,551 of the asylum seekers were from Eritrea and 1,187 were Tunisian, making them the two biggest national groups for asylum seekers. It said 909 minors arrived. The ministry added that the number of asylum seekers to go to other European countries via the relocation system climbed to 12,354. (by Paolo Paluzzi) TUNIS - The performance 'Il teatro comico' (comic theater) staged by Milan's Piccolo Teatro company in Tunis, directed by Roberto Latini, has been a success. The numerous public applauded the play, which lasted two hours and a half. Latini said that the ''story of 'teatro comico' is extremely complicated and the intention is to follow a Prandello-like approach in dealing with the comedy's characters. You will not find one Harlequin because we are all Harlequins'', said the director. ''Goldoni - he continued - writes a comedy that talks about the theater. It is something that tastes like Prandello almost two centuries before, it appears to deal with the 1900s and with an ability for self-reflection, from Artaud onwards, including Pirandello, Beckett, Pinter, Ionesco, Muller It is not theater within theater, it is the conscience of theater'', said Latini. The performance at the 4eme Art was also attended by the director of the Piccolo theater, Sergio Escobar, who was particularly satisfied with the initiative promoted by the cultural ministry in cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute, the Italian embassy in Tunis and the Thetre National Tunisien. The initiative, part of the integrated promotional program 'Italy, culture, Mediterranean', included two days of master classes held by Roberto Latini, which involved students of the Ecole de l'Acteur of Fadhel Jabi. In November, the same performance will be held at the International festival in Istanbul, also with meetings with the public and workshops held by the director and the play's actors. ISTANBUL - Turkey on Friday dismissed an alleged offer by France to send troops to northern Syria in support of Kurdish militias there. "The countries we consider to be our allies and friends should take a clear stance against all types of terrorism, and not take steps that legitimise terrorist groups," Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said. His comment came after French Pesident Emmanuel Macron met members of the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) including the YPG in Paris on Thursday and offered to mediate in the conflict. Turkey launched a military offensive against Kurdish fighters operating in northern Syria in January. "Turkey's approach towards the PKK/PYD/YPG is clear: we reject fatuous approaches such as dialogue, contact or mediation with these terrorist groups," Kalin said. Macron on Thursday promised he would send French troops to the northern Syrian town of Manbij, according to Kurdish representative Asiya Abdellah who attended the meeting. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Manbij will be the next town to come under attack. US troops are already stationed there. Khaled Eissa, a Kurdish official based in Paris, confirmed that France "will strengthen its military deployment". No new military intervention in northern Syria, France says > PARIS - France is not planning any new military operation in northern Syria beyond its existing commitments to the US-led international anti-ISIS coalition, the presidential office said on Friday. The clarification came after Kurdish representatives said after a meeting with President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Thursday that France would send "new troops" to the region. "It is necessary to continue this battle together," the statement said. The French president is concerned about the "risks of recovery by Daesh" particularly in the border region with Iraq. During Thursday's meeting with eight members of the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) including the YPG Macron reaffirmed his concern over the situation in northern Syria, where Turkish troops have recently taken the Kurdish enclave of Afrin. Theater: Tunis hails Goldoni play by Piccolo Theater Performance,masterclass with Latini, play in Istanbul in Nov. (by Paolo Paluzzi) (ANSAmed) - TUNIS, MARCH 30 - The performance 'Il teatro comico' (comic theater) staged by Milan's Piccolo Teatro company in Tunis, directed by Roberto Latini, has been a success. The numerous public applauded the play, which lasted two hours and a half. Latini said that the ''story of 'teatro comico' is extremely complicated and the intention is to follow a Prandello-like approach in dealing with the comedy's characters. You will not find one Harlequin because we are all Harlequins'', said the director. ''Goldoni - he continued - writes a comedy that talks about the theater. It is something that tastes like Prandello almost two centuries before, it appears to deal with the 1900s and with an ability for self-reflection, from Artaud onwards, including Pirandello, Beckett, Pinter, Ionesco, Muller It is not theater within theater, it is the conscience of theater'', said Latini. The performance at the 4eme Art was also attended by the director of the Piccolo theater, Sergio Escobar, who was particularly satisfied with the initiative promoted by the cultural ministry in cooperation with the Italian Cultural Institute, the Italian embassy in Tunis and the Thetre National Tunisien. The initiative, part of the integrated promotional program 'Italy, culture, Mediterranean', included two days of master classes held by Roberto Latini, which involved students of the Ecole de l'Acteur of Fadhel Jabi. In November, the same performance will be held at the International festival in Istanbul, also with meetings with the public and workshops held by the director and the play's actors. BEIRUT- Roughly 6,000 Syrian rebels and civilians have arrived in the northwestern region of Idlib from besieged Eastern Ghouta, sources on the ground at the Qalaat al Madiq crossing reported Friday. The National observatory for human rights in Syria (ONDUS) has confirmed that the transfer by the Syrian government and Russia of surrendered rebels and civilians from Ghouta to Idlib continued during the night. Just one rebel group is still holding out in the town of Douma but is expected to surrender before Saturday evening, when the three-day ultimatum given by Syrian and Russia troops expires. Libya: released Tripoli mayor 'held by militias' Car bomb in Ajdabiya in Cyrenaica, 8 dead. 'ISIS responsible' (ANSAmed) - CAIRO, MARCH 30 - The office for security coordination in Tripoli, Libya, Friday said on its Facebook page that the city's mayor, Abdulrauf Beitelmal, ''has been released''. It also stressed that the mayor had been held by ''illegal militia''. The alarm was raised yesterday by the municipal council of the Libyan capital and some sources had suggested that the abductors could belong to a group of the interior ministry. Other sources instead claimed that the mayor had been arrested on corruption charges. Beitelmal had assumed a national role when, over the past few days, he had taken to Tripoli mayors from across Libya, including those from the east under the control of general Khalifa Haftar, presenting himself as a man of dialogue. Meanwhile last night a car bomb exploded at a checkpoint at the eastern entrance of the Libyan city of Ajdabiya, in Cyrenaica, a high-level military source told a Libyan news agency. The source added that the attack killed eight and wounded 10 and was allegedly carried out by ISIS. Al Wasat instead reported that five people died and three others were wounded. A security source in Ajdabiya told the website that a suspect was detained in connection with the attack and handed over to the local agency for the fight against terrorism. (ANSAmed) Palestinian killed by Israeli artillery fire, doctors say Great March of Return protests start Fri in Gaza (ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, MARCH 30 - A Palestinian farmer was killed by "Israeli artillery fire" near Khan Yunis in southern Gaza on Friday morning, local medical sources have said. Ahmed Wahid Samour, 27, reportedly died after being hit by a tank shell on the eastern border of the al-Qarara area north east of Khan Younis. A second man was injured, the sources said. The Israeli military has so far made no comment on this development. Friday sees the start of the Great March of Return protests near the border fence as part of Land Day, a demonstration backed by Hamas to commemorate the killing of six Palestinians by Israeli security forces during protests over land confiscation in 1976. The first tents were erected on Thursday amid a heightened Israeli security presence. (ANSAmed). Two Palestinian killed in clashes on Gaza-Israel border Death toll in 'Land Day' protest rises to 3 (ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, MARCH 30 - Two Palestinian protesters has been killed on Friday in violent clashes with the Israeli military along the barrier fence between Gaza and the Jewish state where the Great March of Return protest is underway as part of Land Day, local sources reported on Friday. Mohammed Kamal Najjar, 25, was killed east of Jabalya in northern Gaza, and Amin Mahmoud Muammar (35), was killed n Rafah in the south of the Strip, taking Friday's death toll to three. A 27-year-old farmer was killed by tank fire near Khan Yunis in southern Gaza on Friday morning. The Israeli military reports that thousands of Palestinians are "rioting in six places along the Gaza Strip, buring types, throwing stones at the barrier fence and at Israeli troops, which are responding with anti-riot equipment and by firing at the main instigators". The army alos accuses Hamas, which has backed the protests, "of endangering civilian lives and using them for terrorist purposes". (ANSAmed) Land Day - Israel's expropriation in 1976 Palestinians remember protest that killed six (ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, MARCH 30 - Palestinians commemorate Land Day every March 30 to remember the first protest in 1976 against the Israeli government's expropriation of land surrounding Palestinian villages in the Galilee. Six Israeli Arabs were killed and 100 others were wounded in clashes with the Israeli army, according to reports at the time. Protesters were demonstrating against the expropriation of Arab properties to build Jewish settlements in northern Israel. The protests followed the announcement made by the Israeli government of a plan to expropriate some 100 dunam (one dunham is approximately 1000 square meters). Arab organizations called a general strike and organized marches in several Arab cities in Israeli territory, from Galilee in the north to Negev in the south. The clashes that ensued led to the casualties and to dozens of arrests among demonstrators. Since then, March 30 has become for Palestinians and Israeli Arabs 'Yom al-Ard', or Land Day, which is commemorated in the Territories (including Gaza) and in the Arab part of Israel. To mark Land Day - and for six weeks until the day of Israel's birth in May 1948, which Palestinians called 'Nakba' (catastrophe) - several 'marches for the return' of Palestinian refugees are also planned. Such an issue is claimed by Palestinians every time a peace deal is discussed. This year Land Day and marches backed by Hamas in Gaza coincided with Passover which is celebrated starting tonight for a week. (ANSAmed) No new military intervention in northern Syria, France says (ANSAmed) - PARIS, MARCH 30 - France is not planning any new military operation in northern Syria beyond its existing commitments to the US-led international anti-ISIS coalition, the presidential office said on Friday. The clarification came after Kurdish representatives said after a meeting with President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Thursday that France would send "new troops" to the region. "It is necessary to continue this battle together," the statement said. The French president is concerned about the "risks of recovery by Daesh" particularly in the border region with Iraq. During Thursday's meeting with eight members of the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) including the YPG Macron reaffirmed his concern over the situation in northern Syria, where Turkish troops have recently taken the Kurdish enclave of Afrin. (ANSAmed) Turkey rejects alleged French support to Syrian Kurds No to steps that legitimise terrorist groups, spok (ANSAmed) - ISTANBUL, MARCH 30 - Turkey on Friday dismissed an alleged offer by France to send troops to northern Syria in support of Kurdish militias there. "The countries we consider to be our allies and friends should take a clear stance against all types of terrorism, and not take steps that legitimise terrorist groups," Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said. His comment came after French Pesident Emmanuel Macron met members of the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) including the YPG in Paris on Thursday and offered to mediate in the conflict. Turkey launched a military offensive against Kurdish fighters operating in northern Syria in January. "Turkey's approach towards the PKK/PYD/YPG is clear: we reject fatuous approaches such as dialogue, contact or mediation with these terrorist groups," Kalin said. Macron on Thursday promised he would send French troops to the northern Syrian town of Manbij, according to Kurdish representative Asiya Abdellah who attended the meeting. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Manbij will be the next town to come under attack. US troops are already stationed there. Khaled Eissa, a Kurdish official based in Paris, confirmed that France "will strengthen its military deployment". (ANSAmed) Advanced composite materials manufacturer Hexcel celebrated the grand opening of its state-of-the art manufacturing facility at the MidParc Free Trade Zone in Casablanca. The opening ceremony was attended by Mr Moulay Hafid Elalamy, Minister for Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy; Nick Stanage, Hexcel Chairman, CEO and President; and Thierry Merlot, President, Aerospace Europe/Asia Pacific/MEA. At the new $20 million facility, Hexcel transforms lightweight honeycomb materials into engineered core parts that provide structural reinforcement for aerospace applications including aircraft structures, engine nacelles and helicopter blades. The site is expected to employ more than 200 people by 2020, and it made its first customer delivery last December. The Moroccan plant is part of Hexcels ongoing worldwide investment to create a diversified and robust global supply chain to support aerospace customers growing demand for engineered core. Hexcels Nick Stanage commented: We could not be more pleased to become neighbors here in Midparc with our customers including Airbus, Boeing, Safran and Bombardier. This facility is critical to our success because it positions us to secure additional growth with our aerospace customers in Morocco and around the world, he said. Mr Elalamy commented: The Aerospace sector is achieving its potential in terms of export business and local integration, following the launch of the Industrial Acceleration Plan. The recently launched engines and composite materials ecosystems add significantly increased value that Hexcel will support and reinforce. The company is the driving force of the composite materials ecosystem, and its business is sure to encourage other structural investments to the region, added M. Elalamy. The only supplier selected for all three engine-types, AFI KLM E&M has already started repairs on four CFM56-5A powerplants ahead of the Tunisian carriers summer season schedule. In late December 2017, AFI KLM E&M and Tunisair signed a new Time & Material engine support contract covering the CFM56-5A, CFM56-5B and CFM56-7B engines powering the Tunisair fleets sixteen Airbus A320s, four A319s and seven Boeing 737s. The Tunisian flag carrier had launched a call for tenders in late 2016 aimed at selecting two MRO suppliers for each engine type. Following the consultation, AFI KLM E&M was the sole candidate to be selected to handle all three engine-types simultaneously. A new chapter in the long history of trust-based relations between Tunisair and Air France, and in broader close cooperation between France and Tunisia, opens with this latest contract. Senior Vice President Commercial AFI KLM E&M Fabrice Defrance said: We are very happy with Tunisairs renewed trust. Being the sole MRO to work simultaneously on all three engine-types is striking recognition of our expertise and the competitive nature of our offerings. As we have demonstrated by the speed with which we are moving to overhaul the first four engines, we will strive to meet all Tunisairs needs and contribute to the development of its operations as its summer schedule gets into full swing, and also, I hope, in the much longer term. The UAE Space Agency, represented by Dr. Mohammed Nasser Al Ahbabi, the Director General of the Agency, hosted a high-level delegation from Saudi Arabia headed by Dr. Ibrahim bin Mahmoud Babli Undersecretary for Sectorial Development, Ministry of Economy and Planning. The visiting delegation was briefed on the UAE space sector and its key initiatives, achievements and projects. Accompanied by a number of officials and engineers, the delegation also toured the Agency's headquarters in Abu Dhabi where they learned about the latest developments in the UAE national space sector, the latest developments in regards to the Agency's projects, initiatives and achievements since its inception. The delegation also discussed the potential for bilateral cooperation across the fields of space science, research, technology and exploration. Dr. Mohammed Nasser Al Ahbabi said: The UAE has become a model for how to organize an advanced space sector capable of launching advanced and ambitious projects that support global space exploration efforts while also enhancing national capabilities. Likewise, the importance of a vibrant space sector in supporting the development of a knowledge-based economy should not be overlooked. The visit by the Saudi delegation provided us with the opportunity to share our unique experience in developing a highly successful space program through the enhancement of existing national capabilities and the formation of partnerships with key organizations and institutions to facilitate the exploration of Mars and the expansion of space education programs across national schools and universities, added Al Ahbabi. Russia is beefing up military-technical cooperation (MTC) with Laos, Russian media outlets say. Moscow and Vientiane have recently signed an agreement to open a new facility in Laos in order to maintain military platforms operated by the South Asian country. "The facility will provide assistance in resolving issues of military/military-technical cooperation," the document says. The project will be partially funded by Laos. Russia and Laos are beefing up their military-technical cooperation (Picture source: Russian MoD) Laos still operates a large number of Soviet-originated military platforms. Already at a meeting with his Lao counterpart Chansamone Chanyalath at the VI Moscow Conference on International Security held on April 24, 2017, the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, and his Lao counterpart Chansamone Chanyalath, the first stated that Our countries have a long history of friendship and cooperation. We consider Laos to be a reliable partner of Russia. Contacts at the highest level, including the meeting of our presidents last May in Sochi, is a confirmation of mutual interest in the development of bilateral relations", Sergei Shoigu said. According to The Diplomat magazine, Laos and Russia have long had a close defense relationship that extends across several realms, including military education, law enforcement cooperation, and the purchase of military equipment. But ties have also been on the uptick of late, as Vladimir Putins Russia ambitious abroad and increasingly isolated from the West tries to deepen ties with Southeast Asian states, and Laos new leadership, which took over following the quinquennial party congress in 2016, looks to solidify ties with neighboring states and major powers. Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith said that virtually everything the Laotian Armed Forces now have is linked with Russia., The Diplomat magazine reported. During the Vietnam war, starting in 1963, the shoulder-fired M72 LAW rocket launcher equipped the US armed forces in very large numbers. The US Marine Corps is now surveying how to replace it with a weapon associating the advantages of a shoulder-fired rocket and a recoilless rifle to destroy a wide variety of targets. The weapon must be usable safely from inside buildings. How long will the US Marine Corps keep using their Vietnam-era M72 LAW rocket launchers? (Picture source: Youtube) As reported by Defense News and very interestingly commented on War Zone, this March 2018, U.S. marines from 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment got a chance to test out the new versions of the M72 LAW (Light Anti-armor Weapon) at the Urban Advanced Naval Technology Exercises 2018, or ANTX18, at Camp Pendleton in California earlier in March 2018. The M72 is 3 lbs lighter than the somewhat equivalent Swedish-made M3E1 Carl Gustav recoilless rifle. Beyond its light weight and simplicity, an advantage resides in the number of different rockets available, which makes the M72 a much more polyvalent weapon than only the antitank initially intended. Lets recall that the Panzerfaust the first weapon of that kind and size widely distributed to the German forces from 1944 and, from 1945, even to the civilian Volksturm, was already used against many more targets than only armored vehicles. With the evolution of tanks, it appeared that the small 66mm rocket had limited effectiveness against them, though it could blast through lighter armored vehicles. In Vietnam, few combats opposed U.S. forces to North Vietnamese armored vehicles. But soldiers and marines used the weapons to blow apart bunkers and otherwise provide additional fire support. In the late 1980s, the U.S. armed forces began replacing the bulk of their M72s with a new, Swedish-designed 84mm disposable recoilless rifle: the AT-4, or M136. But the latter still doesnt totally replace the good old M72, mostly among special forces. The Norwegian aerospace and defense firm Nammo now produces more than a half-dozen different rocket variants for the M136, adapted to a wide range of targets. There is namely a version with a penetrating warhead that can break through brick walls and reinforced doors before exploding within. Another variant has similar abilities to bust through barriers, but combines it with a large fragmentation warhead that creates a cloud of shrapnel, something particularly deadly in a confined space. Nammo is now offering programmable rounds where the operator can select certain options before firing. One of these newer dual-fuze options gives the shooter the ability to have the rocket explode when it hits a target or delay its detonation to try and bust through a barrier. A major improvement, the Norwegian manufacturer has designed a system that, better than the Carl Gustav M136A1, eliminates the backblast of firing the rocket, which makes it safer to use near other friendly forces and from within a building. The system has the added benefit of reducing the weapons acoustic signature, reportedly similar to a pistol shot, which could help conceal the firer and just protect their hearing. Both the Marine Corps and the Army are looking at fielding the reloadable Carl Gustav recoilless rifle. Though heavier and bulkier, that system gives troops the ability to fire multiple rounds from the same weapon and load up only the one they need for a particular target, instead of having to find the appropriate M72 in a pile of outwardly identical looking launchers. In the meantime, it appears possible that the USMC could keep using some versions of their old M72, if even in a limited capacity, for the foreseeable future. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas is investigating reports of New Mexico teachers TEACH grants that have summarily been converted to loans by the U.S. Department of Education. Balderas is encouraging teachers in New Mexico who have been affected by this to contact his office. Nationally, reports are that approximately a third of TEACH grants have been converted to loans without allowing teachers notice or time to correct even minor clerical errors in renewal paperwork. When a TEACH grant is converted to a loan, recipients have to repay the whole amount of grants received, with accrued interest dating from the original date of the grant. I am highly concerned that teachers who have committed themselves to serving our most vulnerable communities are having the terms of critical grant funds cancelled and suddenly owe the federal government money, said Balderas. I will fight aggressively to ensure that teachers are protected so that they can do the important work of teaching our most vulnerable students. TEACH grants allow promising students to earn masters degrees if they agree to teach math or science for four years in a high-poverty area. The TEACH grant recipients have eight years to fulfill their obligation to teach for four years in exchange for grants worth up to $4,000 per year. For many teachers, TEACH grant funding has made their education and training possible by reducing the amount of debt incurred for that education. Many teachers, who are actively fulfilling their responsibilities to teach in high poverty schools, are suddenly discovering that their grants are no longer in place often based on minor clerical mistakes that the grant terms allow for correcting. Cancellation of terms of agreements may mean fewer students can become teachers in New Mexico, where attracting qualified teachers to serve high poverty or otherwise underserved areas is already extremely difficult. As a result, fewer students in high-poverty schools will be taught by highly trained math and science teachers who have lost their grant funding. To report a cancellation, a TEACH recipient can file an online complaint form at or call 1-844-255-9210 toll-free-statewide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drought is tightening its grip across a wide swath of the American Southwest as farmers, ranchers and water managers throughout the region brace for whats expected to be more warm and dry weather through the spring. The federal drought map released Thursday shows dry conditions intensifying across northern New Mexico and into southwestern Arizona. On the southern high plains, Oklahoma is ground zero right now for the worst drought conditions in the United States. Federal agriculture officials say crop conditions in some areas are declining. In New Mexico, about three-quarters of the winter wheat crop is in poor to very poor condition as meaningful moisture has been scarce. Along the Rio Grande in southern New Mexico, the irrigation allotment will be less than half of what farmers received last year. In todays Wall Street Journal I review the Broadway revivals (and premieres) of two important plays, Edward Albees Three Tall Women and Kenneth Lonergans Lobby Hero. Heres an excerpt. * * * Edward Albee may have been one of Americas greatest playwrights, but he couldnt get a decent review between 1975, when he won a Pulitzer Prize for Seascape, and 1994, when the off-Broadway premiere of Three Tall Women brought him a third Pulitzer and restored him to critical favor after a string of flops. That Three Tall Women subsequently failed to move to Broadway remains an impenetrable mystery, but its there now at last, staged with no-nonsense clarity by Joe Mantello and starring Glenda Jackson, Laurie Metcalf and Alison Pill. Three Tall Women is a conversation piece set in the bedroom of a rich, senile woman (Ms. Jackson) who is looked after by a long-suffering paid companion of a certain age (Ms. Metcalf) and is being visited by a young lawyer who takes care of her estate (Ms. Pill). In the first part of the play, Ms. Jacksons character gabbles randomly, incessantly and revealingly about her long and eventful life. Then she has a stroke, at which point the three actors suddenly metamorphose without authorial explanation into herself when young, middle-aged and very old. Ms. Jackson, who is returning to Broadway after a 30-year hiatus, gives an acrid, wised-up performance that is as pointed as youd expect from so celebrated an actor. Its no better, though, than than that of Ms. Metcalf, whos as memorable here as she was in Lady Bird, while Ms. Pill acquits herself well as their foil. Kenneth Lonergan is far from prolific, but everything he writes, whether for stage or screen, is worth seeing. Lobby Hero, which was first performed off Broadway in 2001 but is only just receiving its Broadway premiere, is his most provocative play to date, a study of what it meansand what it coststo tell the truth in a corrupt world. In it, two security guards (Michael Cera and Brian Tyree Henry) and two cops, one badly bent (Chris Evans) and the other young and naive (Bel Powley), come together in the lobby of a New York apartment house to talk for two and a half hours about a murder in which they are variously and complicatedly involved. Mr. Cera and Mr. Evans are well known from TV and the movies, which accounts for the presence of shrieking fans in and outside the theater. The true star of the show, however, is Mr. Henry, who is calm, solid and touchingly troubled as the guard whose dilemma (he knows that his brother may have done something unforgivably terrible) sets Lobby Hero in motion. * * * To read my complete review of Three Tall Women, go here. To read my complete review of Lobby Hero, go here. The cast of Lobby Hero talks about the play: White House shoots down that Trumps criticism was part of a grudge. Washington: US President Donald Trump on Thursday blasted with a list of complaints, a day after news website Axios reported that Mr Trump wants to curb the mega retailers growing power using federal antitrust laws and led its shares to fall almost 5 per cent. I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election. Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the US), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business! Mr Trump tweeted early on Thursday. Amazon founder and chairman, Jeff Bezos, also privately owns the Washington Post, which won a Pulitzer Prize last year for its investigation of Mr Trumps donations to charities. The probe found that many of Mr Trumps philanthropic claims were exaggerated and often were not charitable donations. Still, White House Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah shot down the notion that Mr Trumps criticism was part of a personal grudge. A lot of people have made this, with respect to Amazon, about personalities and the CEO at Amazon were talking about Jeff Bezos here, he said on Thursday on the Fox News Channel. Its really about policy. Mr Shah reiterated that Mr Trump was not making specific policy changes. There are a number of proposals that have worked their ways through the House and the Senate or have been considered by the House and the Senate. Hed be supportive of such efforts, he said. Mr Trumps claims about Amazons state and local tax payments have been met with skepticism. While the company was once criticized for attempting to skirt state sales taxes, it currently has a reputation as a leader in collecting the levies, which can vary from state to state. Legally pursuing Amazon could affect more than its share price, which was largely steady after Mr Trumps tweet. Amazon is currently in the process of establishing a $5 billion second headquarters which could bring 50,000 new jobs to the location it selects. In January, it winnowed the list of possible locations down to 20 metropolitan areas. Apart from nationwide goods deliveries, Amazons services include video streaming, a digital home assistant known as Alexa, and an online payments program. Kriti explains that working with Sajid Nadiadwala is like homecoming. Kriti Sanon may be new to the industry, but shes been making all the right moves here. Post the success of Bareilly Ki Barfi, she will now be seen in Housefull 4, bringing on her comic side. But Kriti knows the challenges of such a role. I love comedies, and I think its very difficult to make people laugh. But I love being part of such movies. The fact that you make others laugh, while enjoying being part of a fun journey is great, she smiles. Kriti explains that working with Sajid Nadiadwala is like homecoming. Its my second film with Sajid sir, and Im very excited to start the film. Its like coming back to my home production, she smiles. Touted to be Indias first 3D comedy, Housefull 4 will release in Diwali 2019. Meanwhile, the actress, who made her debut with Tiger Shroff in Heropanti, says she shares a great bond with him. Having been to a screening of Baaghi 2 recently, shes hopeful the two will work together again soon. We made our debuts together, so I have a soft corner for Tiger. Im very proud of him, because he keeps going to the next level in every movie. I would like to work with him again. Maybe in Heropanti 2! Kriti signs off, hopefully. While there are strong rumours that Alia and Ranbir are dating, insiders insist that its not true. Ranbir Raj Kapoor is 35-years-old and unabashedly a mamas boy. Or so the rumours go. His mom Neetu Kapoor, a popular former star in her heydays, ironically has never approved of any of the actresses her darling son has dated. Strange, considering that Neetu was not exactly to the manner born. So it is hard to understand her inherent disdain for her sons ex-girlfriends, be it Deepika Padukone or Katrina Kaif. When, a madly in love Ranbir was dating Deepika, Neetu constantly made snide references about how her son was not getting enough sleep and his girlfriend was not a good influence on him. The first time he felt involved, I knew the girl was not right for him. I told him dont get serious so soon, the more you see the more you know and learn, so meet many girls, and go out with them, but dont commit yet, was her refrain. Today, that very same Deepika is Indias top female star. And now Neetu Kapoor even sent out a bouquet to the actress, saying proud of you, after watching her act in Padmavaat. What exactly was she proud of? Official girlfriend number two, Katrina Kaif assumed she had managed to get the Kapoor boy into her fold after they opted for a live in arrangement, much to mama Kapoors disappointment. All Neetu could do was talk about being happy for her son even as she plotted Kats exit from Ranbirs life. Who can forget that famous Xmas lunch at the late Shashi Kapoors house, after which Neetu conveniently cropped out Kat from a group picture. The following year, Neetu and Rishi did not attend the family lunch as they didnt want to bump into Katrina there. This was also a strong message to Ranbir to choose his parents or his girlfriend. The rest is history. Everyone has their own life. I cannot say anything. What do I say? was her reaction after the news broke out about their break up clearly dissociating herself from the story. Recently, Neetu posted happy pictures with actress Alia Bhatt, who celebrated her birthday in Bulgaria where she was shooting with Ranbir. Neetu appears to be fond of Alia. And when Alia posted a picture of her with Ranbir smartly captioning it. And its just the beginning, Neetu replied with heart emoticons on the post. While there are strong rumours that Alia and Ranbir are dating, insiders insist that its not true. And now with reports out of how Ranbir still nurses a soft spot for Pakistani actress and single mom, Mahira Khan, his mum must be getting serious palpitations. See, Neetu is a caring mother. Ranbir is a soft guy. He never wants to hurt anyone but ends up getting hurt most of the time. Thats the precise reason, why Neetu wants him to be careful of the relationships he gets into. For instance, if she likes Alia and feels that the actress is also the kind of person that Ranbir can be with, she will be fine. Ranbir is a simple guy. Neetu is only scared of a high maintenance bahu in the family, says a source. In August last year, Ranbir and his mother had gone off to London, apparently to meet a homely girl from a business family in London. While mama Kapoor was convinced, Ranbir wanted time off to get a few blockbusters on the big screen before getting married. Guess, this time he is having his way. Maybe he is trying hard to break away from her overbearing arms and Mahira maybe a step in that direction! The decision, designed to give a Hindu identity to dalits in the state, did not go down well with the Opposition ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. Lucknow: The Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh waded into a political controversy on Thursday by deciding to introduce Ramji as the middle name of the Father of the Constitution, B.R. Ambedkar, in all official correspondence and records. The decision, designed to give a Hindu identity to dalits in the state, did not go down well with the Opposition ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. BSP supremo Mayawati termed it as a politics of selfish interest triggered off by casteist designs, and said that Dr Ambedkar was popularly known as Baba Saheb and he had signed his resignation letter as law minister in 1951 as Dr B.R. Ambedkar. Mahatma Gandhi is known as Bapu and is rarely referred to by his full name, which is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Similarly, Prime Minister is referred to as Narendra Modi and not as Narendra Damodar Das Modi. The BJP has not been able to produce a leader of the stature of Baba Saheb and are now indulging in such tactics, she said. A Bahujan Samaj Party functionary said that the Bharatiya Janata Party is in a tearing hurry to claim Ambedkar and project a dalit-friendly image since elections are round the corner, while a fuming Samajwadi Party said vote-bank politics was behind the move. Truing to blunt the Oppositions attack, a BJP functionary said on Thursday, In the 2014 and 2017 elections, dalits had turned Hindus first and voted for the BJP in large numbers which led to our spectacular victory in the Lok Sabha and then the Assembly elections. Most of the dalits do not know that Dr B.R. Ambedkar used Ramji as his middle name in his entire signature. We are simply reminding them that their icon also believed in Ram. Ramji was the name of B.R. Ambedkars father, Ramji Maliji Sakpal. And as per practice in Maharashtra, fathers name is often used as the middle name by sons. The initials B.R. were short for Bhimrao Ramji though it is popularly used as Bhim Rao. The change in the name of the dalit icon was made on the suggestion of UP Governor Ram Naik who had written to the Prime Minister and chief minister in this regard in December last year. The Hindi speaking states have been writing his name incorrectly. Most importantly, his name is written as Bhim Rao as two words, however, the correct way to write is Bhimrao, the Governor told reporters on Thursday. He further said that the spelling of Ambedkar in English will remain unchanged, but in Hindi it will be spelt as Aambedkar. The BJP government is playing politics with the name of the dalit icon, SP leader Anurag Bhadoria said hours after the state government issued the order. In Mainpuri, SP chief Akhilesh Yadav said instead of altering Ambedkars name, it is important that the path he showed is followed. A change has been made in the name of Bhim Rao Ambedkar ... Whosoever has the right to vote knows his name... It is essential today, when he is being remembered and a new name is being affixed with his name, to follow the path shown by him, he said, adding, Every child knows Ambedkars name. A BSP functionary said that the BJP was in a tearing hurry to claim Ambedkar and project a dalit-friendly image since elections were round the corner. They have added Ramji to Ambedkars name in order to promote their own Ram. Where are they when Ambedkar statues are desecrated across the state? he asked. UP minister Siddhartha Nath Singh said, In Maharashtra, a fathers name is mentioned in the middle of his sons name. But if they (Opposition) sees Ayodhya in it, this shows how hollow they are and how low they have stooped to that they connect everything with it (Ram and Ayodhya) We are not doing anything drastic but are merely correcting a mistake. Dr Ambedkar himself signed his name as Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and we are simply correcting this historical fact Those who follow his ideals should not dabble in politics on his name... When it is being written and used rightly they should praise it. Surprisingly, BJP MP from Delhi, Udit Raj was quoted as having said that, I dont find any reason to change his name. It is an individuals choice to decide how he wants to be known. Why create a controversy unnecessarily? The dalit community has expressed its displeasure. The order to include Ramji in Ambedkars name was issued on Wednesday night by principal secretary (administration) Jitendra Kumar, an official spokesman said in Lucknow on Thursday. Addressing the media, Secretary Education Anil Swarup informed that re-examination of Class 12 Economics will be held on April 25. Central Board of Secondary Education has announced the re-examination dates of Class 12 Economics and Class 10 Maths exams. (Photo: ANI/Twitter) New Delhi: The Union Human Resource Development Ministry on Friday announced the re-examination dates of Class 12 Economics exam. Addressing the media, Secretary Education Anil Swarup informed that re-examination of Class 12 Economics will be held on April 25. For Class 10 Maths, the re-exam will be held in July in Delhi and Haryana. The exact date for the Class 10 exam will be announced later. "Regarding Class 10 re-examination, as leak was restricted to Delhi and Haryana, if it at all a re-exam will happen, it will happen only in Delhi and Haryana and a decision will be taken on this in next 15 days. If at all a re-exam is done, it will be in July," Swarup further added. Chief Minister K Palanisamy on Friday said that the state government will pursue legally for the formation of CMB. The AIADMK government earlier on Tuesday decided to move a contempt petition on March 31. (Photo: PTI/File) Chennai: Stung by the Centre's inaction over Cauvery issue, the AIADMK party members have decided to observe fast across Tamil Nadu on April 2 to urge the Central government to form a Cauvery Management Board (CMB). Talking to media, Chief Minister K Palanisamy on Friday said that the state government will pursue legally for the formation of CMB. "We scuttled the Parliament for 17 days for Cauvery Management Board. This has never happened for a state's cause," Palanisamy was quoted as saying by NDTV. Tamil Nadu Fisheries Minister D Jayakumar said that the government was discussing about the next course of action and will approach the Supreme Court again, after the Centre failed to implement it. An executive committee meet headed by DMK working president MK Stalin passed a resolution to convene an all-party meeting to decide on next course of action on CMB formation. It said a protest will be planned after consulting all opposition parties. The DMK also condemned the state and Central government for not implementing the SC order. Members of Sidelined AIADMK leader TTV Dhinakaran's newly launched party 'Amma Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam' had earlier on Sunday held a hunger strike in Chennai demanding constitution of the Cauvery Management Board as soon as possible. Also Read: Dhinakaran's party on hunger strike over Cauvery Management Board The Supreme Court had given a six-week deadline to the Centre to formulate the CMB, which ended on Thursday. The AIADMK government earlier on Tuesday decided to move a contempt petition on March 31, in case the demand is not met by the Centre. Also Read: Cauvery issue: TN to file contempt against Centre; CM meets ministers Chief Minister EK Palanisamy had also held discussions with his senior ministers on the Cauvery issue on Thursday. The apex court in its much-awaited verdict on the decades-long dispute increased Karnataka's share of water and directed the state to release 177.25 tmc to Tamil Nadu. Following the verdict, the Supreme Court on February 16 had ordered the Central government to set up the CMB and the Cauvery Water Regulatory Committee within six weeks. The accused told the police that he got in touch with the victim through a dating site and had met thrice in 10 days. Ayush Nautiyal, a final year student of commerce at the Ram Lal Anand college, went missing last Thursday just after he left home from college. (Photo: New Delhi: Days after a 21-year-old Delhi University student was found murdered near a drain in Dwarka, the police have arrested the accused, Istiaq (25), who confessed to killing the student on March 22 after a tiff. He said he had cooked up the kidnapping story to mislead the victim's family and the police. The accused told the police that he got in touch with the victim through a dating site and had met thrice in 10 days. On March 22, when they met, they had a fight which got aggravated and the accused attacked Nautiyal multiple times on the head with a hammer, the police said. Ayush Nautiyal, a final year student of commerce at the Ram Lal Anand college, went missing last Thursday just after he left home from college. Later, his family received a WhatsApp message from his phone in which the kidnappers demanded a ransom of Rs 50 lakh. The accused had also shared a photo in which Nautiyal was gagged and his head was bandaged. His clothes had blood stains on them. The family drove through the area in search of the kidnapper carrying the money after which Ayush's body was found near a drain on Wedmnesday night. During investigation, it was found that the deceased had gone to a restaurant in Dwarka Sector 14 with another man on March 22. On the basis of that clue, the police proceeded in their investigation. On the basis of a photograph that the police had procured from a CCTV camera at the restaurant, it was found that the man accompanying him is a former student of a fashion institute. Details of the student were sought from the institute and subsequently he was nabbed from Uttam Nagar on Thursday. (With PTI inputs) Official sources said top law officers are brainstorming with officials of the social justice ministry to prepare a credible review plea. New Delhi: With pressure mounting from the Opposition as well as its own allies, and Assembly polls in several key states due this year, followed by 2019 general elections, the Centre on Thursday decided to file a review petition in the Supreme Court next week challenging its order banning automatic arrests and filing of cases for alleged harassment of SCs/STs. The decision came a day after several SC/ST MPs of the NDA led by Lok Janshakti Party president and Union minister Ram Vilas Paswan met Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the issue. Also, several Opposition parties led by Congress president Rahul Gandhi met President Ram Nath Kovind on Wednesday over the dilution of SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, and sought his intervention. In their memorandum to the President, the Opposition parties said, There is great unease and a feeling of insecurity among members of the dalit community and other oppressed classes after the Supreme Court judgment was delivered. If immediate steps are not taken by the government, then we are afraid this may turn into something not less than a national disaster. Official sources said top law officers are brainstorming with officials of the social justice ministry to prepare a credible review plea. Law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said at a press conference earlier Thursday that the government had taken note of the Supreme Court order about laying down new norms on the SC/ST Act. I have already instructed my ministry to consider the desirability of filing a review. Appropriate followup steps are being taken, he said. The Supreme Court recently banned automatic arrests and registration of criminal cases under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989. The law protects marginalised communities against discrimination and atrocities. Social justice minister Thawarchand Gehlot had written to Mr Prasad about a review plea against the Supreme Court verdict. He said there were concerns that the order would make the law ineffective and adversely impact the dispensation of justice to dalits and tribals. On March 20, the Supreme Court, in a bid to check the misuse of the SC/ST Act, ruled that preliminary enquiry in a case under the Atrocities Act would be done by the DSP to ensure the allegations are not frivolous, and to avoid false implication of an innocent person. The court also held that a government official cannot be prosecuted on the mere allegation of committing an offence under the act without the sanction of the appointing authority. The TDP chief also accused the Centre of 'spreading lies' regarding quashing of special category status for states. On March 16, the TDP reached a deadlock with the BJP over the issue of granting 'special category status' to Andhra Pradesh, which ultimately forced the party to quit the NDA coalition. (Photo: File) Guntur: Amid the ongoing tussle between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Telugu Desam Party (TDP) regarding special status for Andhra Pradesh, Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu claimed that if his party had not allied with the former, they would have won 15 more seats. "Post bifurcation, we had tied up with the BJP. It was not for political gain, but solely with the intention of development. Had we not allied with the BJP, we would have won 15 more seats. They have cheated us on the special status front," Naidu said at the TDP's 37th formation day celebrations in Guntur on Thursday. The TDP chief also accused the Centre of "spreading lies" regarding the quashing of the special category status for states. "They (BJP) said the special category status is quashed. But even now, its benefits are being given to North-Eastern states. Then why are they not giving it to us? It is our right. The Centre is spreading lies," he said. On March 16, the TDP reached a deadlock with the BJP over the issue of granting 'special category status' to Andhra Pradesh, which ultimately forced the party to quit the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) coalition. The TDP and YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) also wrote to the Lok Sabha Secretary-General for moving a motion on 'No-Confidence in the Council of Ministers' in the House. On Tuesday, the YSRCP announced that their MPs would resign from Lok Sabha and asked the TDP MPs to follow the suit over the issue of special status. Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu will camp in New Delhi on April two and three to meet leaders of various political parties and seek their support for the demand of special status to the state. TDP sources on Thursday said the chief minister would confer with all non-BJP parties to explain the "injustice" done to Andhra Pradesh post-bifurcation and how the NDA government "failed" to honour the promises made in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014. Already, the TDP MPs have handed over a letter written by Naidu to leaders of various parties and sought their support in the state's fight for its rights. The Himachal Pradesh high court on Wednesday asked the Director CBI to appear before the court in the next hearing. However, after the CBI filed another status report in its probe pertaining to the case, the high court on Thursday amended its order to summon the agency director. New Delhi: The CBI team probing the sensational gangrape and murder of a schoolgirl and the custodial death of an accused in Shimla district in July 2017, will soon make a significant arrest in connection with the case. Expressing its displeasure over the inordinate delay in probe, the Himachal Pradesh high court on Wednesday asked the Director CBI to appear before the court in the next hearing. However, after the CBI filed another status report in its probe pertaining to the case, the high court on Thursday amended its order to summon the agency director. The court has now deferred his (head of the investigation agency) appearance till May 9. Raising questions pertaining to the CBI probe, a Division Bench of Acting Chief Justice Sanjay Karol and justice Sandeep Sharma on Wednesday had directed the CBI chief to personally appear in the court and file an affidavit on the status of the probe. After hearing CBI counsels plea on Thursday, the bench said: If the status report (of the CBI) to be filed on April 25 is not satisfactory and didnt contain sufficient evidence, the CBI Director is supposed to appear in the court on May 9. CBI counsel Anshul Bansal said, Our investigations are scientific. After the court hearing on Wednesday, we received some leads into the crime and this morning we apprised the High Court through an additional status report. He said the case could be cracked by the CBI any time now. We have in the status report said that hopefully by the next date (on April 25) we will present the accused before the court. On the basis of the status report, the high court modified its order, he added. The bench had observed on Wednesday: It has been more than eight months that this court entrusted the investigation to the CBI. We are only reminded of the fact that the crime relates to the rape and murder of a 16-year-old girl child. The fleet of these 71 new buses is expected to reach Seychelles by June, 2018, an Indian government communique said. NEW DELHI: With Indian governments plan to build a naval military station in the strategic island of Assomption in Seychelles caught in the doldrums after the island nations Opposition refused to support it, India announced a clutch of sops for the nation on Tuesday. The sops, valued at about Rs 55 crore, include committed financial support for five civilian projects in Seychelles, of which more than Rs 23 crore would be used for the construction a state-of-the-art magistrates court at capital Mahe. It also includes 71 Tata buses for the Seychelles Public Transport Corporation (SPTC), 10 ambulances and the setting up of an emergency response system at the main islands, Mahe, Praslin and La Digue, besides 10 swift response vehicles for the Anti-Narcotics Bureau to combat drug trafficking. The fleet of these 71 new buses is expected to reach Seychelles by June, 2018, an Indian government communique said. On March 6, this newspaper had reported details of a secret pact signed on January 27 by foreign secretary S. Jaishankar and Barry Faure, Seychelles secretary of state for foreign affairs. To be valid, the pact has to be ratified by Indias Union Cabinet and by Seychelles Cabinet of ministers as well as by the National Assembly. India has been trying hard to counter Chinas String of Pearls strategy, a perceived effort to encircle India commercially and militarily by upping its spheres of influence in Indias neighbourhood. While India will build, maintain, and operate the base, the ownership rights will vest with Seychelles. India will also at its own cost train, deploy Seychellois military personnel and also conduct joint military exercises. The pact also allows an Indian Navy officer to oversee operations and maintenance of the base while Indian personnel will wear their military uniforms along with personal weapons. The protests in the island, on environmental grounds, are being led by the :Save the Aldabra Island Group. The issue will be resolved as per 1992 'Code of Conduct for the treatment of diplomatic/consular personnel in India and Pakistan.' India and Pakistan on Friday mutually agreed to resolve matters related to the treatment of diplomats and diplomatic premises. (Photo: Representational/AFP) New Delhi: India and Pakistan on Friday mutually agreed to resolve matters related to the treatment of diplomats and diplomatic premises, a press release of the Ministry of External Affairs said. The two countries have decided to resolve the matter in line with the 1992 "Code of Conduct for the treatment of diplomatic/consular personnel in India and Pakistan", the release added. The pact laid down 12-point code of conduct regarding the way diplomats would be treated in the other country. The diplomatic row had taken India-Pakistan ties to new low. Earlier this month, India alleged mistreatment of its envoy in Pakistan and asked Islamabad to ensure safety and security of its officials working at the Indian mission in Islamabad. In incidents of alleged harassment, one Indian diplomat going to a restaurant in Islamabad was aggressively followed by some people in a car. Four Indian diplomats travelling in an official vehicle on their way to a market were also tailed by two people on a motorcycle. Pakistan also accused India of harassing its diplomats and released videos of alleged intimidation of its officials. It also called its High Commissioner to India back home for consultations on the issue. However, the Indian government said that calling back envoys for consultations is a routine process and there is nothing unusual in this. Latifa, along with her friend, were taken hostage in March by four unidentified men in international waters next to India's western coast. Princess Sheikha Latifa is the daughter of Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. (Photo: Screengrab | YouTube) Mumbai: Dubai Princess Sheikha Latifa, kidnapped off the coast of Goa, has been taken back to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with the help of the Indian government. Princess Sheikha Latifa is the daughter of Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Latifa, along with her friend Herve Jaubert, were taken hostage earlier in March by four unidentified men in international waters next to the western coast of India. Sources told Deccan Chronicle, the Indian Navy received an SOS call on March 2 about the missing Dubai Princess and jumped into action. The Navy had spotted a suspicious sailing vessel off the coast of Goa and sources said around four people, who seemed Indian but had a completely different accent, were found in the sailing vessel in which the princess was taken hostage. The fact that a sailing vessel was drifting off the coast of Goa had initially raised suspicion for the Indian Navy. It is also unclear how the princess landed in the sailing boat along with her captors and from which port. The officers had information from their superiors that the boat may contain the Princess, her friend and four other men. Indian Navy personnel then tracked the sailing vessel, and along with its Coast Guard counterparts, boarded it to rescue the princess and her friend. They were in civilian clothes in order not to raise the hackles of the kidnappers. Two ships belong to the Coast Guard the ICGS Samarth and Shoor -- were part of the mission. The first information about the kidnapping had come from Sheikha Latifa herself when she sent a frantic WhatsApp message on March 4 to a contact identified as Radha Stirling, who also works for a UAE help group Detained in Dubai. She alleged she and her French friend Herve Jaubert were surrounded by men who were firing at them. According to The Sun, the princess told Stirling: "Radha, please help me, there are men outside," before claiming to hear gunshots. Stirling asked the princess to record the gunshots, but she did not get a reply. Stirling said Latifa first got in touch with her firm Detained in Dubai on February 26, claiming she had escaped from Dubai where she was tortured for helping a sibling who also ran away. The WhatsApp video also shot by the Dubai Princess earlier said she was unsure of returning to Dubai. Sheikha Latifa said in the video, She doesn't have the freedom to live her own life in Dubai - and was secretly detained in prison for three years after a previous failed escape attempt as a teenager. According to reports, the Dubai princess claimed she was not allowed to drive, was monitored round the clock and was locked up - and even drugged - after a failed attempt to escape the country when she was 16. Dubai Princess Sheikha Latifa was sent back to UAE by Indian forces on March 8. Latifa, 33, said she was one of the 30 children the billionaire Dubai ruler has with six wives, and has left the strict Arab state, she claims, with the help of a former French spy. Her friend Herve Jaubert is believed to be a former French intelligence officer. Latifa said she was the daughter of one of the lesser known wives of the Sheikh. Click here to watch the video. Prahlad Joshi translating Amit Shah's speech claimed that 'Narendra Modi will not do anything for the poor and Dalits'. Pralahad Joshi was the one who corrected BJP chief Amit Shah earlier this week when he said by mistake that the government of BS Yeddyurappa was the 'number one most corrupt'. (Photo: File) Bengaluru: With Karnataka Assembly elections round the corner, the Bharatiya Janata Party is making headline for all the wrong reasons in the poll-bound state. For the second time this week, BJP national president Amit Shah was caught in another embarrassing gaffe due to MP Prahlad Joshi, who was translating his speech at a rally in Challkere of Karnatakas Devanagiri district. Pralahad Joshi was the one who corrected Amit Shah earlier this week when he said by mistake that the government of BS Yeddyurappa (the BJP's chief ministerial candidate) was the "number one most corrupt". He obviously meant to say the Congress government of Siddaramaiah. On Tuesday, Prahlad Joshi while translating BJP chiefs speech from Hindi to Kannada during an election rally ahead of polls on May 12, claimed that "Narendra Modi will not do anything for the poor and Dalits". Amit Shah had said in Hindi, "The Siddaramaiah government could not develop Karnataka. You have faith in Prime Minister Narendra Modi and cast your vote for Yeddyurappa. We will transform Karnataka into the number one state." Pralahad Joshi's translation, inexplicably, was this, "Narendra Modi will do nothing for the poor and the downtrodden...there is the government of honorable Modiji in the centre. Ensure Yeddyurappa wins and together will transform Karnataka into the number one state." Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah tweeted: "I am suprised that all BJP leaders have started speaking the truth." BJP MP Prahlad Joshi says "Narendra Modi will not do anything for the poor and Dalits". I am surprised that all BJP leaders have started speaking the truth. Siddaramaiah (@siddaramaiah) March 29, 2018 On Tuesday, Amit Shah, while accusing Karnatakas ruling Congress at a press conference, said, "Recently a retired Supreme Court judge said if there was ever a competition of the most corrupt government then the Yeddyurappa government is number one..." Sitting next to him, Yeddyurappa glanced at him in surprise. Then it was Pralahad Joshi seen whispering something to the BJP president, who quickly corrected himself. Amit Shah, who was in Mysuru on Saturday said, "In a slip of tongue, I said that Yeddyurappa government is corrupt instead of Siddaramaiah's, and the entire Congress party started to rejoice. I want to tell Rahul Gandhi, that I might have made a mistake but the people of Karnataka will not." Also Read: Amit Shah slips, calls Yeddyurappa 'most corrupt' ever Despite prompt correction, Amit Shah's slip of tongue did nothing to stop the Congress from gleefully tweeting and retweeting the video. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah "thanked" the BJP president on Twitter. Karnataka will go to polls on May 12, the counting and the results will be announced on May 15. 'Postcard News' founder Mahesh Vikram Hegde is one of the 1,936 people who PM Narendra Modi follows on Twitter. 'Postcard News' founder Mahesh Vikram Hegde was taken into custody for falsely claiming in a social media post on March 18 that a Jain monk from Karnataka had got injured after being attacked by a Muslim youth. (Photo: ANI) Bengaluru: The founder of online portal "Postcard News", Mahesh Vikram Hegde, was arrested by a Central Crime Branch unit of Bengaluru police on Thursday in Karnataka on charges of spreading fake and communally sensitive news. The editor has been charged under cybercrime laws. Deputy Commissioner of police (crime) in Bengaluru Jinendra Kanagavi said Hegde had been arrested Thursday on the basis of a complaint filed with the cyber crime police station attached to the Central Crime Branch regarding a fake news item tweeted and posted by Postcard News. Mahesh Vikram Hegde was taken into custody for falsely claiming in a social media post on March 18 that a Jain monk from Karnataka had got injured after being attacked by a Muslim youth. It has been found that the monk had been injured in a road accident. "Postcard News" founder was arrested based on two complaints - one of which was filed on March 18 by Gaffar Baig, the General Secretary Bengaluru District Congress Committee. Another complaint was filed in Sanjay Nagar against a story published by Postcard News about Rani Chennamma and Onake Obava. "No one safe in Siddaramaiah's Karnataka," the Facebook page of Postcard News said. The post, which was accompanied by a picture of the monk with injuries on his arm and shoulder, has now been deleted. Hegde's portal had reported that Upadhyaya Mayank Sagar Ji Maharaj was hit by a drunk biker, who is Muslim. "Very sad news, yesterday in Karnataka Jain muni attacked by Muslim youth. No one is safe in Siddaramaiah's Karnataka," the editor had said in the tweet that was on the "Postcard News" Twitter handle and was retweeted hundred times. Mahesh Vikram Hegde is one of the 1,936 people who Prime Minister Narendra Modi follows on Twitter. The incident was falsely reported, say the police. A leader of the Karnatak's ruling Congress reportedly filed a complaint against the site and its founder. According to reports, the monk was hit by a car on March 13, not a bike, and the driver was not Muslim. The monk suffered injuries to his arm and head when he was hit by the car. The portal, "Postcard News" had earlier been charged with publishing content that incites communal hate. In December, "Postcard News" had published a controversial article on a legendary 18th century Chittor Queen, Chennamma, which provoked much outrage. Just ahead of the Karnataka polls, in which the ruling Congress faces a tough challenge with the BJP campaigning aggressively to wrest the state, the arrest has fuelled a political outcry. The opposition BJP in the state has condemned the editor's arrest. "The arrest was a deplorable move by the Siddaramaiah government," said BJP parliamentarian Pratap Simha. Hegde and his website have often been accused of writing fake news stories to propagate the right-wing Hindu nationalist agenda. (With inputs from agencies) Nitish Kumar had formed an alliance with the BJP last year after dumping Lalu Yadav-led JD(U) and the Congress. Earlier in March, Nitish Kumar had voiced his discomfort with ally BJP saying that he would not compromise with those trying to divide the society. (Photo: PTI/File) Patna: Facing criticism over the government's inefficiency to control the riots and communal violence in Bihar, the JD(U) on Thursday in a sharp message to the BJP asked the saffron party to restrain its leaders who are seen to have contributed to the violence. Talking to NDTV, JD(U) general secretary Shyam Rajak said, "Nitishji never compromises on the law and order from... and for this, we are willing to pay any price". Earlier in March, Nitish Kumar had voiced his discomfort with ally BJP saying that he would not compromise with those trying to divide the society. "Please remember, neither did I compromise with corruption, nor I will compromise with those trying to divide the society. I'm for complete communal and social peace... I want to make it clear that this country will march ahead on the basis of love, compassion and communal harmony," he said. Nitish Kumar had formed an alliance with the BJP last year after dumping Lalu Yadav-led JD(U) and the Congress. Communal clashes have been reported from various parts of Bihar in the recent past, with opposition parties like the RJD and the Congress accusing the BJP of inciting violence and charging JD(U) president and Chief Minister Nitish Kumar with being "helpless" before the coalition partner. RJD supremo and former Bihar chief minister Lalu Prasad Yadav after being brought to Delhi for treatment at AIIMS on Thursday had said that "Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is now finished". Pointing out the riots and incidents of violence in Bihar, Lalu Yadav said that the "BJP has set the whole state ablaze". Also Read: Nitish Kumar is finished, BJP has set Bihar ablaze: Lalu Yadav According to PTI, members of two communities clashed on Wednesday over taking out a religious procession in Bihar's Nalanda district, leaving more than 20 persons, including four security personnel, injured. Nalanda is the native district of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Communal clashes have erupted in several districts in the state since Ram Navami last Sunday. Militants on Thursday night also targeted an army patrolling party with rifle fire in Ahgam area of neighbouring Shopian district. The soldiers returned the fire and the exchange continued for some time but no casualties were reported. (Photo: File/Representational) Srinagar: A special police officer (SPO) was shot dead by suspected militants inside his home in Jammu and Kashmirs southern Anantnag district on Thursday evening. His wife was critically injured in the shootout, the police said, adding she has been admitted in a local hospital. Militants on Thursday night also targeted an army patrolling party with rifle fire in Ahgam area of neighbouring Shopian district. The officials said the soldiers of the Armys 44 Rashtriya Rifles were patrolling Ahgam at around 8.30 pm when the militants opened fire at them. The soldiers returned the fire and the exchange continued for some time but no casualties were reported. The Army reinforcements along with J&K polices counterinsurgency Special Operations Group (SOG) and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has launched a search operation in the area, reports said. In a separate incident, unknown gunmen shot at a 25-year-old teacher in Khandaypora village of Kulgam district late Thursday, police said. It said that the teacher Sayer Ahmad Wani was attacked outside a mosque when he was returning to a seminary where he teaches. He sustained a bullet wound in his leg. Sushma Swaraj informed the Rajya Sabha that all 39 Indians kidnapped by ISIS in Mosul were dead. Earlier in July 2017, Singh had travelled to Erbil, Iraq to locate and bring back the 39 Indians reportedly kept in Mosul as hostages of the ISIS. (Photo: PTI/File) New Delhi: Almost ten days after Union External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj informed the Rajya Sabha that all 39 Indians kidnapped by ISIS in Mosul three years ago were dead. MoS VK Singh will travel to Iraq on April 1 to bring back the mortal remains of the slain Indians. Deep penetration radar confirmed that all Indians were dead after all bodies were exhumed, Sushma Swaraj had told the Rajya Sabha. Also Read: All 39 Indians kidnapped in Iraqs Mosul killed by ISIS: Sushma Swaraj Swaraj said that the mortal remains were sent to Baghdad. In 2017, families of all 39 Indians were asked to undergo DNA tests for the verification of bodies, Sushma had said. This will be second time; Singh will be visiting Iraq regarding the matter. Earlier in July 2017, Singh had travelled to Erbil, Iraq to locate and bring back the 39 Indians reportedly kept in Mosul as hostages of the ISIS. The group of Indian labourers, mostly from Punjab, was taken hostage by ISIS when it overran Iraq's second largest city Mosul in 2014. The workers were trying to leave Mosul when they were intercepted. In July 2017, Swaraj had firmly said in the Parliament that she would not declare the 39 Indians dead without concrete proof or evidence. Union Minister Babul Supriyo was stopped by police from entering the Asansol-Raniganj area on Thursday. BJP chief Amit Shah on Friday constituted a four-member committee comprising senior party leaders, who would visit the state and submit a report to him in this regard. (Photo: File) New Delhi: In the wake of violence over Ram Navami processions in West Bengal, BJP chief Amit Shah on Friday constituted a four-member committee comprising senior party leaders, who would visit the state and submit a report to him in this regard. Shah condemned the violence in Asansol in West Bengal and said "such incidents are unfortunate and painful". The four-member committee the BJP chief formed comprises the party's national vice-president Om Mathur, spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain and two MPs -- Roopa Ganguly and B D Ram. The committee members will visit the state and submit a report to Shah, the statement said. Union Minister Babul Supriyo, state BJP Mahila Morcha president Locket Chatterjee and another senior state BJP leader were on Thursday stopped by police from entering the Asansol-Raniganj area. Supriyo claimed that two FIRs were lodged against him after which he also filed a complaint against the police. However, there was no confirmation from the police whether such FIRs were lodged or not. A group of people shouted slogans against the minister and demanded that he immediately leave the area. TV channels showed him engaged in a verbal spat with police personnel, who had surrounded his vehicle. "As a public representative, I have every right to visit my constituency, especially when people are in trouble. It is my duty. But the police is saying I won't be allowed to go as Section 144 is imposed in the area. Being a minister, I cannot violate rules," Supriyo said. He said he would inform Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Rajnath Singh about the incident. Earlier, the BJP had hit out at West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over the incidents of violence in the state and accused the Trinamool Congress (TMC) supremo of doing politics while the state was burning. Supriyo claimed that only the deployment of central forces could bring back peace to the area as locals did not have faith in the police. A clash had broken out between two groups over a Ram Navami procession at Raniganj, near Asansol, on Monday. One person was allegedly hacked to death while a deputy commissioner of police had lost a hand after being hit by a bomb. Swarup said a preliminary inquiry had revealed that the leak of the Class 10 Maths paper had been restricted to Delhi and Haryana. Facing flak over the CBSE leak, HRD minister Prakash Javadekar on Friday turned to students asking them to find a solution to this challenge. (Photo: PTI) New Delhi: As Union education secretary Anil Swarup announced that the re-examination of the CBSE Class 12 Economics paper will be held on April 25 and that of the Class 10 Maths paper in July, angry students and Congress workers continued their protests for the second day on Friday by hitting the streets across New Delhi. Congress president Rahul Gandhi also stepped up his tirade against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying the PM will now write a sequel to his book Exam Warriors to teach students stress relief after their lives were destroyed due to the paper leaks. Mr Swarup said a preliminary inquiry had revealed that the leak of the Class 10 Maths paper had been restricted to Delhi and Haryana. Also, there was no leak outside India, hence no re-examination will be held outside the country, he said. The question papers are different for students appearing for the CBSE exams outside India. The Delhi Police, which is investigating the leaks, has meanwhile questioned 10 more people and interacted with the CBSEs controller of examinations over the leaks. It also wrote to Google seeking details of the email address from where the CBSE chief was sent an email a day before the exam on the Class 10 maths paper. A senior officer said the police had written asking Google to share details of the ID from which the email was sent. The email reportedly contained images of 12 pages of handwritten question papers, which were posted on WhatsApp groups. The police is said to have identified over 10 WhatsApp groups, each with 50-60 members, for further investigation. The CBSE is learnt to have given the police details of the examination centres sought by its crime branch. The police had sought details of the exam centres, their superintendents and the contacts of banks where the papers were stored for safekeeping. The police said the board has given the details pertaining to both Delhi and Haryana to the investigators. Facing flak over the CBSE leak, HRD minister Prakash Javadekar on Friday turned to students asking them to find a solution to this challenge. His comments came in the backdrop of the CBSE announcing the re-test of its Class 10 Maths and Class 12 Economics papers. Mr Javedkar said: I am facing one problem in the country. It is a problem of paper leak. So how to solve it is also a challenge. And I am throwing this challenge to the students. Some people can also work after Hackathon and give us suggestions, Mr Javadekar said, while addressing students at an event to launch the finale of Smart India Hackathon 2018 (Software Edition). Mr Javedkar, however, said the paper leak problem was not a subject of this years Smart India Hackathon, an event where thousands of students would try to find innovative solutions to the problems faced by various ministries and departments. Congress president Rahul Gandhi, mocking the PM on Twitter, attached a photograph of Mr Modi playing with children. He tweeted: PM wrote Exam Warriors, a book to teach students stress relief during exams. Next up: Exam Warriors 2, a book to teach students and parents stress relief once their lives are destroyed due to leaked exam papers. Meanwhile, continuing their protests, a large number of students and Congress youth leaders hit the streets of the nations capital against the CBSE on Friday, accusing the board of negligence and demanding immediate action against the guilty. While some gathered at Parliament Street in the heart of the city, members of the National Students Union of India (NSUI) began marching towards the HRD ministers residence, but were stopped. Student groups and the Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee also demonstrated outside the CBSE headquarters in East Delhis Preet Vihar, raising various demands, including an independent investigation. NSUI leader Neeraj Mishra said: The leaks exposed the capture of the highest academic institutions by the exam mafia under the watch of the Modi government as well as the abdication of authority by the HRD minister and the CBSE chairperson. He said they would demand the resignations of Mr Javadekar as well as CBSE chief Anita Karwal. Delhi deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia asked Mr Javadekar to call a meeting of state education ministers to discuss the CBSE paper leaks and to ensure that such serious incidents dont recur. Mr Sisodia, who wrote a letter to Mr Javadekar, said there was a need to move beyond party politics on such issues. He said every time an exam paper was leaked be it CBSE, SSB or DSSSB the negative consequences were for the entire country, not just for any one government or one party. Find out why. The new royal baby is expected to arrive soon. However, what is more intriguing is that the new addition to the royal family will be born a commoner, even though it will be given an impressive title. Prince William and Kate Middleton's third baby "will be known as His Royal Highness Prince [name] of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or Her Royal Highness Princess [name] of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland," Town & Country explained. In a report by The Sun, royal historian Marlene Koenig revealed children in the royal family are 'styled' in a different manner if they are children of a royal duke. "As the baby will be the son or daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, they'll actually be His/Her Royal Highness Prince/Princess [name] of Cambridge," she is quoted as saying by The Sun. She also explained why the baby will be born a commoner. "It sounds complicated, but in the UK, the only people who are not commoners are the Sovereign and peers of the realm, [those with titles such as] Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, and Baron," Koenig revealed. Even though Prince Harry is recognised as a 'commoner', he will most likely be given a title when he marries Meghan Markle on May 19. Meanwhile, Kate and Prince William's baby is expected to arrive in April. The Duchess of Cambridge is already on maternity leave and the Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London is getting ready for the birth. Sources say extra precaution is being taken by all airlines after the incident, leading to the process of checking-in slowing down further. New Delhi: Commuters had a tough day on Thursday eveni-ng at the IGI airport af-ter the baggage handling system reported a failure with thousands of bags were reportedly misplaced. Private airline carrier Vistara has put out a statement confirming the system failure. All airlines and hundreds of bags have been impacted, not being loa-ded on the flights, accor-ding to the statement. Sources said that airlines are going to charge DIAL for the failure.Meanwhile, airport so-urces say some flights were delayed as well with the passengers taking to Twitter with their grievances. Among tho-se affected by the slow process included actress Hema Malini and former UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav. Delhi Airport has been facing challenges with the baggage handling system post check-in, Vistara said in the statement. With the onset of holiday weekend, Delhi Airport today experienced an increase level of dangerous go-ods, particularly power banks and lighters, in customer checked-in luggage. The incident rate today was 30 per cent higher than on an average day. This impac-ted the baggage handling processing, said a DIAL spokesperson. Passengers are being reminded, not to pack these items in their checked-luggage. This has addressed the instances of passengers sending their baggage with prohibited items, the spokesperson added. on the BHS and hence the issue is now under control, the spokesperson added.Earlier, a Hyderabad-bound Vistara aircraft had to return to T-3 on March 22 after a passenger belatedly remembered he had kept a power-bank in his checked-in baggage. Sources say extra precaution is being taken by all airlines after the incident, leading to the process of checking-in slowing down further. We apologise for the inconvenience. We would like to inform you that the Delhi airport has been facing challenges with the baggage handling system post-checking and all airlines are impacted, not being loaded onto flight, said Vistara airlines. However, it had become a task for the police to establish the deceaseds identity. Investigation was taken up and it was found that the GPS device of the vehicle had been removed after the incident. (Photo: File/Representational) New Delhi: A tailors mark on the shirt of the murdered Ola cab driver led Delhi police crack the robbery-cum-murder case of 35-year-old man whose body was disfigured beyond recognition to prevent the police from establishing his identity. Five persons and one juvenile were apprehended by the police in this connection. The police said that deceased Hari Narayan, the Ola cab driver, was found murdered on March 23. The body was found near a vacant DDA land behind Khampur radio station, Alipur. However, it had become a task for the police to establish the deceaseds identity. According to a senior police officer, a team was sent to Noida who met the tailor who had stitched the deceased drivers shirt. After establishing the identity of the body to Hari Narayan. Investigation was taken up and it was found that the GPS device of the vehicle had been removed after the incident. However, with the available information of the cars GPS data, the team visited various place in the capital as well as Sonepat. The probe team got a clue that the vehicle was seen in village Nahri of Sonepat district. On the intervening night of March 28 and 29, the police received a tip off that criminals involved in the Ola cab drivers murder would come near Smirti Van, near Raja Harish Chander Hospital, Narela. The police laid a trap and apprehended three accused Rahul, Naeemudin and Hemant. On personal search of the accused, three country made pistols and six live cartridges were recovered. They were used by the accused for threatening the deceased. The arrested persons disclosed the names of their associates as Amit and Vishal and a juvenile was also apprehended. During interrogation, it was revealed that Rahul, Naveen, Hemant and Bunty are friends and were in need of money. They planned to rob a car to fulfill their money requirement and procured three country made pistols. On March 29, Naveen booked an Ola cab for Kashmiri Gate. They called the driver by phone. Raj Bhavan had stated that Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi planned the visit to acquaint himself about the situation (sic). Kolkata: The BJP is sending a four-member team to visit violence-hit Raniganj Asansol towns in Burdwan West where clashes broke out during the Ramnavami festival celebrations. Led by the BJPs national vice-president Om Mathur, the team also has Rajya Sabha MP Roopa Ganguly, former Union minister Shahnawaz Hussain and Palamau MP, V.D. Ram. They will take stock of the ground situation and submit a report to BJP president Amit Shah, who had described the situation as painful and unfortunate. Asked about the BJP delegations schedule, state BJP spokesperson Sayantan Basu said, They will reach Kolkata on Saturday night. They will visit the area on Sunday. Although Raniganj and Asansol are limping back to normalcy, with prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code being regulated to allow people to lead their routine lives, it is not clear whether the BJP delegation would be allowed by the district administration to visit the trouble-hit areas. The BJPs move to send a team from Delhi comes close on the heels of the Mamata Banerjee government barring Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi on March 27 to visit 47-year-old IPS officer Arindram Dutta Chowdhury, who was then admitted to Mission Hospital in Durgapur with injuries on his right hand. Raj Bhavan had stated that Mr Tripathi planned the visit to acquaint himself about the situation (sic). Major portion of the right wrist of the deputy commissioner of police (headquarters) of the Asansol Durgapur police commissionerate was blown off after being hit by a bomb during the clash on March 26. Mr Chowdhury has been shifted to Ganga Hospital in Coimbatore for reconstructive surgery. Pak is seeking to make China its main supplier of military hardware, partly due to the looser financial terms offered by Beijing. Chinas 2.3 million-strong military is the worlds largest, and Pakistan has emerged as the biggest consumer of the China-produced military hardware. (Photo: Representational) Beijing: Close ties between militaries of China and Pakistan will not only help an all-weather partnership between the two countries but also maintain regional peace and global stability, the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) said on Thursday. Chinas 2.3 million-strong military is the worlds largest, and Pakistan has emerged as the biggest consumer of the China-produced military hardware. In the past five years, Pakistan has bought 41 per cent of Chinas exported weapons, according to analysts. Pakistan is seeking to make China its main supplier of military hardware, partly due to the looser financial terms offered by Beijing, replacing traditional suppliers from the west. China and Pakistan share all weather partnership. We have maintained very high level of defence exchange and cooperation, Chinese military spokesman, Col Ren Guoqiang told a media briefing in Beijing. At the same time, I am very confident that military cooperation will help facilitate our state to state relationship and also in maintaining regional peace and international stability, he said. Guoqiangs comments came in the backdrop of China selling a powerful tracking system in an unprecedented deal, which could speed up the development of multi-warhead missiles by Pakistan. Zheng Mengwei, a researcher with the state-run Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Institute of Optics and Electronics in Chengdu, Sichuan province recently. The researchers told the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post that Pakistan had bought a highly sophisticated, large-scale optical tracking and measurement system from China and deployed it at a firing range for use in testing and developing its new missiles. China was the first country to export such sensitive equipment to Pakistan, CAS said. The Post report attributed the sale of the equipment to Pakistan to India testing the most advanced nuclear-ready intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Agni-V with a range long enough to hit Beijing or Shanghai. Chinese authorities declassified information about the sale of the tracking system on Wednesday. While Indias single-warhead missiles are bigger and cover longer distances, Pakistan has focused its efforts on developing multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRVs), a type of missile carrying several nuclear warheads that can be directed towards different targets, the report said. Unlike the US, which accounts for one-third of exports and supplies at least 100 countries, China delivered major arms to 44 countries, mostly in Asia and Africa. More than 60 per cent of Chinas exports went to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar and another 22 per cent went to Africa, a recent study report by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said. The summit is being seen as a victory for Moon, who has long been pushing hard for diplomatic relations with North Korea. Seoul: The two Koreas on Thursday set a date for a rare inter-Korean summit, following a high-level meeting that was held days after the nuclear-armed Norths leader Kim Jong Un made his international debut with a surprise trip to China. The landmark meeting between South Koreas President Moon Jae-in and North Korea President Kim Jong Un will take place on April 27 at Freedom House on the southern side of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), according to the joint statement issued after the talks. According to the will of both leaders, the South and North agreed to hold the 2018 South-North summit on April 27 at the Souths Peace House in Panmunjom, said a joint press statement, read out in turn by both delegations leaders. The meeting between Kim Jong Un, leader of nuclear-armed North Korea, and the Souths President will be only the third of its kind, and will be followed by landmark talks with US President Donald Trump which could come as early as May. The venue will make Kim the first North Korean leader to set foot in the South since the end of the Korean War although according to Pyongyangs official accounts, during the conflict his grandfather and predecessor Kim Il Sung went several times to Seoul, which twice fell to his forces. The summit is being seen as a victory for Moon, who has long been pushing hard for diplomatic relations with North Korea. He said at his swearing-in ceremony in 2017 for peace on the Korean Peninsula, I will do everything that I can do. The last Inter-Korean summit was held in October 2007, when then President Roh Moo-hyun met Kims father, Kim Jong Il. Most voters in England and Wales backed Brexit, while majorities in Scotland and Northern Ireland wanted the UK to stay in the EU. London: Prime Minister Theresa May made a plea for national unity over Brexit on Thursday as she toured Britain on the day that a one-year countdown to departure from the European Union begins. Ms May was visiting Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales during her day-long tour, aiming to shore up support for the governments Brexit strategy. Brexit remains a fractious topic, with former prime minister Tony Blair leading a push for second referendum. Ms May kicked off the trip with a visit to a textile factory in Ayrshire, southwest Scotland, before travelling to Newcastle in northeast England to meet a parent and toddler group. Brexit provides us with opportunities. I want to see us coming together, the four nations across the United Kingdom, she told the Ayr gathering, insisting that we will be leaving the European Union on March 29 2019. Ms May was later to stop for lunch with farmers near Belfast in Northern Ireland before meeting Welsh business owners in Barry, then returning to London in time for tea with a Polish group. I am determined that as we leave the EU, and in the years ahead, we will strengthen the bonds that unite us, May said before her visit. I have an absolute responsibility to protect the integrity of the United Kingdom as a whole. In a seismic referendum on June 23, 2016, 52 percent of voters in the UK opted for Britain to leave the European Union. Most voters in England and Wales backed Brexit, while majorities in Scotland and Northern Ireland wanted the UK to stay in the EU. by Mathias Hariyadi Many lay people take part in spiritual exercises in West Kalimantan and Tegal. The archbishops of Pontianak, Palembang and Semarang bring together the clergy for two-day retreats and Chrism Mass. Mgr Agustinus Agus focused on observing and experiencing Christs love. For Mgr Robertus Rubiyatmoko, being compassionate towards others simply means turning words into actions. Jakarta (AsiaNews) Over the past decade, more and more Catholic dioceses have adopted the tradition of preparing for the Easter Triduum through spiritual retreats, involving both lay and consecrated people. Fr Andreas Mayong Acin, Capuchins provincial superior, organised a one-day retreat at St Marys Peace Promoter Church in Pontaniak, capital of West Kalimantan province. Some 400 people attended the event. "The issue discussed at Fr Acins meeting was 'Faith and Actions', said Sister Kresentia, a local Franciscan nun who spoke to AsiaNews. The priest mentioned some of the qualities needed to be faithful to Christianity and the virtues to be attained." In Tegal (Central Java), some 600 parishioners at the Church of the Sacred Heart attended spiritual exercises led by Fr Emanuel PD Martasudjito, professor of theology in Yogyakarta. The focus was on liturgical symbols and their definitions, in particular the Eucharist. "I was happy to discover the great enthusiasm with which the parishioners of the Sacred Heart participated in this retreat, said the local parish priest, Fr Yohanes Suratman PR. Among the most satisfied were adults and seniors, but also young people, who now better understand all the liturgical symbols of the Mass." A two-day retreat ended yesterday in Pontianak with the Chrism Mass led by the local archbishops, Mgr Agustinus Agus. Some 65 priests serving in the archdiocese attended the event. Fr Yohanes Subagya facilitated the exercises. He is a former vicar general in Jakarta who currently teaches theology at the Catholic University of Atma Jaya in the Indonesian capital. During the solemn Mass that brought the two-day event (pictured) to a close, Mgr Agus called on those present to "observe and experience" Christs love in the daily Mass, in their prayers and in their pastoral works. Citing some key points in the archbishop's homily, Fr Ruben said that "Mgr Agus also invited priests to confess frequently, to experience God's mercy. Mgr Aloysius Sudarso, archbishop of Palembang (South Sumatera), celebrated the Chrism Mass in the parish of the Sacred Heart (pictured), at the end of a two-day retreat for consecrated persons. His remote archdiocese covers a large territory that includes three provinces: South Sumatera, Bengkulu and Jambi. Distances and difficult travel complicate priests pastoral work. Nevertheless, dozens of them did not want to miss the spiritual exercises. "During the meeting, Mgr Aloysius Sudarso warmly recommended to all priests to remain intact in the different aspects of their lives, said Fr Frans de Sales, head of the archdioceses social communication office. The prelate, he added, encouraged them to maintain deep respect for people, say nothing but the truth with a clear conscience, show compassion towards others, be honest and practise a simple life everyday. For his part, the archbishop reiterated the importance of "knowing oneself," urging priests to hold regular sessions with their spiritual mentor to "stay on the right path and not deviate." Finally, after two days of spiritual exercises, Archbishop Robertus Rubiyatmoko celebrated Chrism Mass in Semarang, Central Java (pictured) in a packed cathedral. As evidence of the large size of the local community, about three hundred priests and several hundred more worshippers took part in the service. In his homily, Mgr Rubiyatmoko stressed the importance of the "synergy" and "personal integrity" of each priest, who must be able to turn his words into actions. "Taking care and being compassionate towards others simply means this," noted the archbishop. By Deanna Cheng Special to The Post Two 22-year-old university students are pushing back against the negative responses they have read in the media regarding a modular housing proposal in Richmond. Joannie Fu and Vinson Shih created an online petition to support the modular housing project at 7300 Elmbridge Way. They both grew up in Richmond and their goal is to see city council pass the proposal. Shih said, in an email, The needs of people wanting to exit homelessness outweighs the interests of property owners who are already in positions of privilege and power. While both of them have volunteer experience serving food to vulnerable populations in Richmond, they were surprised by the extent of the need. A BC Housing document addressed to the City of Richmond identified 70 homeless citizens in Richmond and 80 per cent of that have lived in the city for more than a year. The petition responds to those who believe the housing should be built elsewhere. The modular supportive housing initiative seeks to help the 70 people within Richmond that lack a home, it said. To suggest housing be built elsewhere is irresponsible not only because it minimizes the toll of being dislocated, but diminishes the human worth of those experiencing homelessness. The two Taiwanese-Canadians also draw from their own experience as part of the immigrant community. Shih said, The immigrant community has experienced its own fair share of stigmatization, stereotyping and generalizations that resulted in exclusionary policies. He finds it necessary to be vigilant in recognizing human worth beyond visible differences. In addition to Shihs sentiments, Fu said its important to her due to her Christian faith and the values she was brought up with. She said one of the most important commandments is for people to love our neighbours as ourselves. The university student said, There are no conditions in the love you are supposed to show your neighbours. Fu added that Jesus didnt say to love your neighbours only if they are rich or if they live in houses, but as if your neighbours were yourselves. Another position Fu takes is as a woman supporting other women, especially one with a sister currently attending middle school in Richmond. For women to escape the cycle of abuse, they need to be physically separated from their abuser and one of the basic ways this can happen is through providing safe shelter and housing for them, she said. A report from Richmond RCMP shows an upward trend of reported domestic violence cases, including intimate partner violence, from 2012 to 2016. It also said the BC Coroners Service reported in 2016 that the majority of the victims in domestic violence deaths were women with a known history of intimate partner violence (78 per cent). The city itself would also benefit from the housing initiative. Having majors in both psychology, and criminology and socio-legal studies, Shih has learned homelessness often results in people committing crimes of survival such as eating a bag of chips in a convenience store without paying. When given the chance, nobody would willingly choose to remain in a state of deprivation and stigmatization, he said. It is important to realize that we are human beings first and everyone deserves to have a chance to get back up. He believes the housing initiative is a tiny step in the right direction. Shih said, Having a home is the most basic need that will help give people the necessary resources to reintegrate into the community and become financially independent. A report by Mental Health Commission of Canada said history has shown that many Canadians with mental illness benefit from being a community member and not trapped in institutions but they require additional support to thrive. Housing is an important factor that stands out from the rest, it said. When asked about public feedback, Fu and Shih said they have received mixed responses but overall, it has been positive. Both Fu and Shih plan to move back to Richmond after they graduate from the University of Toronto and contribute positive change to their city. Shih heard how students in the Marpole community welcomed residents to the modular housing units there with welcome cards and care packages. He would like to do something similar with other organizations. Deanna Cheng is a freelance journalist, copyeditor and researcher. Follow @writerly_dee milomilo said: By the way I'm over age 31 if that makes any difference Click to expand... Yes this makes a lot of difference, as it rules out a 417.As you surmised the student visa will be easier to come by then the TSS. There would be nothing stopping you transitioning into a TSS at a later date when you find a job. Just remember you will still be liable for any associated course fees dependant on what contract you sign with your education provider.Living together for 12 months doesn't constitute the requirement for a defacto visa. You need to prove you've been in a defacto relationship for 12 months, there is no requirement to have physically resided together for those 12 months.Also just remember whatever visa you come in on you need to be a genuine entrant on that visa. There is no visa designed as a stepping stone visa for an 820/801. (Technicality PMV but irrelevant based on what you've said).Finally just to avoid confusion down the line, a bridging visa with full work rights doesn't come into effect when you apply for your 820, it comes into effect when your current visa expires. So if you apply for a 4 year student visa you will be bound by its conditions for 4 years or until the 820 is granted, whichever comes first. Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone would have the same experience, if you have a current Tourist Visa and would want to apply for a 457 subsequent once you entered AU. Is it possible that they give you working rights on your bridging visa? Thank you for answering! Photo courtesy of Waste Management NZ. Waste Management NZ opened a workshop in New Zealand that plans to convert 20 of its diesel trucks into electric vehicles in the next two years. The company is close to finalizing its first converted vehicle, which will be used to collect waste from Auckland Hospital, according to a release from Waste Management NZ. The workshop will also be open for other companies that are looking to convert vehicles into EVs. The companys conversion partner, Netherlands-based EMOSS, provided the tools and knowledge to complete conversions in Auckland, which is where the conversion facility is based, said Waste Management. The New Zealand governments Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund, administered by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, contributed $500,000 in 2017 to help build the workshop and convert the first two trucks as part of its commitment to EV development. Bakersfield, CA (93308) Today A clear sky. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 68F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight A clear sky. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 68F. Winds light and variable. Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your country. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to your market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism. A Tampa middle school principal has been assigned other duties while police investigate allegations against him of child abuse. Alleged incident occurred March 21 Principal accused of grabbing student, throwing him into a bush Witnesses tell completely different story The attorney for Coleman Middle School principal Michael Hoskinson, Rick Escobar, held a news conference Thursday afternoon to discuss his clients innocence. The allegations surfaced on March 21, when a student called 911 and alleged that Hoskinson grabbed him by the back of his neck and by the waist and threw him into the bushes. Parents invited to speak at the news conference by Escobar who said they witnessed the incident told a different story. They said the student was cursing and being unruly during dismissal, and that they saw Hoskinson grab the kid by the arm to try to restrain him. They said they believed Hoskinson acted appropriately. [The student] wasnt pushed into the bush," explained parent Denise Battle. "Mr. Hoskinson was standing right behind the little kid. He was trying to calm him down. [The student] kept saying 'f this', 'f that.' And [Hoskinson] said 'Im not even holding you, youre free to go. No question in my mind he is going to be completely cleared," Escobar said. "I dont know of a single witness who was out there other than maybe complainant himself that believed that the actions that were taken by my client were inappropriate in any way." According to Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan, detectives have interviewed the student who made the 911 call, along with 11 other students and four adults. The chiefs statement said Hoskinson, speaking through Escobar, declined requests to speak with police to give his side of the story. Escobar did not allow his client to speak during the news conference, either. Escobar also said hes unaware of any surveillance video capturing the incident. We owe it to the student who made the call and to the principal to be fair and thorough in our investigation," Dugan said in a statement. "Our detectives have done that. At this time, the results of the investigation have been shared with the State Attorneys Ofice so they can determine whether a crime occurred." A child abuse charge against Hoskinson was dropped back in January in a different case. In that instance, Hoskinson and his wife were accused of bruising the ribs of a child and sending a threatening text message. Detectives later learned those allegations were false. The Surreal, Bubble-like Creatures on Oregon Coast Beaches and Their Faux Glow Published 03/29/2018 at 5:35 PM PDT By Oregon Coast Beach Connection Staff (Oregon Coast) The weird and wild wonders of the Oregon coast are aplenty. It's among the most dynamic environments in the world, with a huge variety of stuff washing up on a consistent basis and scattering about the sands. (All photos Tiffany Boothe of Seaside Aquarium). Among the finds you're sure to make soon if not already is the tiny gooseberry. Looking down at the tideline as you stroll near the waves, you'll see a lot of bubbles in the foam. But what about those bubbles that look different and don't seem to dissipate? There's something unusual about them. You could be finding the sea gooseberry, otherwise known as comb jellies. Their scientific name is Pleurobrachia, and they're usually no larger than a dime. Seaside Aquarium's Tiffany Boothe said they periodically show up on the Oregon coast when west winds push them onshore. They are both residents of near shore and open ocean habitats, Boothe said. They are abundant at times along the West Coast, but as with all jellies they are not seasonal. They can wash up anytime. They can swim, but not against the ocean's currents. So like the purple sails they are at the mercy of the ocean. Strong west winds will strand them on the beach. Gooseberries are barely a quarter inch in diameter, and look like big or small bubbles sitting by the tideline. Despite the name, they are actually not related to jellyfish at all. It's not uncommon indeed it's understandable that these translucent, spherical creatures are often mistaken for that kind of creature. Gooseberries come with two feathery tentacles, which can be retracted into special pouches. The name comb jelly refers to the eight rows of hair-like cilia on their bodies, which vibrate and enables them to swim. Another reason they have nothing to do with regular jellies is that they have no stinging cells, which are called nematocysts. They capture their food with a transparent mucous 'net,' Boothe said. They are strictly carnivores, feeding on a variety of platonic animals. They are both residents of near shore and open ocean habitats. Sea gooseberries have a very short live span of only 4 to 6 months. There's a trippy special effect that happens with the comb jelly: it looks like it's bioluminescent, meaning it appears to glow. At least in it's natural environment. But that's not the case. Boothe said their bodies are virtually transparent and the many cilia refract the light, producing rainbow-like colors that can give the false appearance of bioluminescence. This won't show up on land, however. You have to get them into the water to see this effect. Periodically, Seaside Aquarium has found and revived a few by putting them in the facility's tanks, and the visuals are spectacular. For big sci-fi and video game fans, you may notice they look like the aliens in Crysis franchise. Oregon Coast Hotels for finding this - Where to eat - Maps - Virtual Tours More About Oregon Coast hotels, lodging..... More About Oregon Coast Restaurants, Dining..... Coastal Spotlight LATEST Related Oregon Coast Articles Back to Oregon Coast Contact Advertise on All Content, unless otherwise attributed, copyright Unauthorized use or publication is not permitted Surfing Film on Central Oregon Coast Features Director Appearing Live Published 03/29/2018 at 4:35 PM PDT By Oregon Coast Beach Connection Staff (Newport, Oregon) The celebration of women in surfing continues on the central Oregon coast as the Newport Chapter of Surfrider Foundations Surf n Stewardship Film Series gears up for some special events on April 6. This time around, the movie screening comes with a live appearance of the director of the movie. In the film It Aint Pretty, director Dayla Soul documents the challenges and triumphs of female big wave surfers fighting sexism in the water, in competition, in the media, and in the surf industry with the support of a closely-knit community of like minded women. This event is the final feature of the Newport Chapter Surfrider Foundations Surf n Stewardship Film Series, which centers around women and the sea. It Aint Pretty will screen at Rogue Brewers on the Bay (2320 SE Marine Science Dr, Newport, Oregon) on Friday, April 6th at 6 p.m. (doors open at 5:30 p.m.). Dayla Soul herself will be in attendance and following the screening the audience will have a chance to discuss the topics of the film with the director. Admission is free (donations accepted). This documentary features Ocean Beach surfer Bianca Valentis journey from childhood phenomenon to world-class big wave charger. This thought-provoking film takes you inside a growing movement of women that are shattering the shallow and sexualized images of female surfers in the media. It includes interviews with top female athletes and awe-inspiring big wave surf footage filmed in the icy waters of Ocean Beach, San Francisco and Mavericks - one of the biggest waves on the planet. The film empowers a new generation of girls to live their dreams and overcome the challenges they face along the way. Told through the lens of surfing, this film is about creating new role models based on ability and determination. It's not just about the waves, said Soul. The following morning, Saturday April 7 at 10 a.m., the community is invited to join a paddle out to celebrate women and the ocean waters of the Oregon coast. From the north end of Agate Beach the group will paddle out to honor the ocean and commit to continued stewardship of our oceans and beaches. All are encouraged to join. All screenings will begin with a brief presentation about the Newport Chapter of Surfrider Foundation, focusing on how you can get involved with our mission to protect and enjoy our oceans, waves, and beaches. For more information, call 541-270-3332. Newport Hotels in Newport for this event - Where to eat - Map and Virtual Tour More About Oregon Coast hotels, lodging..... More About Oregon Coast Restaurants, Dining..... Coastal Spotlight LATEST Related Oregon Coast Articles Back to Oregon Coast Contact Advertise on All Content, unless otherwise attributed, copyright Unauthorized use or publication is not permitted For Immediate Release, March 30, 2018 Contact: Loyal Mehrhoff, (808) 351-3200, Hawaii's State Bird Proposed for Downlisting to Threatened After Successful Recovery Nene Numbers Climbed From 30 in 1960 to More Than 2,800 Today HONOLULU The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed downlisting the Hawaiian goose, or nene, from endangered to threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The nene was first protected in 1967 and has been the subject of a concerted recovery effort, including captive breeding, predator control and habitat protection. Thanks to the Endangered Species Act, the nene is well on its way to recovery, said Loyal Mehrhoff, endangered species recovery director at the Center for Biological Diversity and former field supervisor for the Fish and Wildlife Service in Hawaii. This landmark law helped bring our state bird back from the very edge of extinction. Its a real testament to the Acts effectiveness. The nene is believed to have evolved from the Canada goose and once occupied nearly all of the Hawaiian islands. The birds numbers dropped to just 30 animals on the island of Hawaii by 1960. Today, there are more than 2,800 hundred birds spread across Hawaii, with 1,095 on the Big Island, 616 living on Maui, 35 occupying Molokai, 1,107 on Kauai, and two on Oahu. The nene retains protection as a threatened species based on ongoing threats from non-native predators such as mongooses and cats, habitat destruction and vehicle collisions. The nene still faces threats and needs ongoing protection, but the immediate risk of extinction appears to have been reduced, said Mehrhoff. The story of the nene is not unique since the Endangered Species Act is working right now to save hundreds of species across the country. A 2016 report put out by the Center for Biological Diversity found that 85 percent of continental birds and 61 percent of Pacific Island species have stabilized or increased after protection under the Endangered Species Act. For Immediate Release, March 30, 2018 Contact: Stephanie Kurose, (202) 849-8395, Trump Appoints Endangered Species Foe to Oversee Protection of America's Most Imperiled Wildlife WASHINGTON The Trump administration has quietly named Susan Combs an outspoken foe of endangered species and a climate change denier as acting assistant secretary for fish, wildlife and parks. She now oversees the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the endangered species it protects. Putting Combs in charge of the Fish and Wildlife Service is like appointing an arsonist as the town fire marshal, said Stephanie Kurose, endangered species specialist at the Center for Biological Diversity. Combs will only work to strip away critical protections for our most vulnerable animals, not protect them. As long as her industry pals make a profit, she wont think twice about letting a species go extinct. As a former Texas state comptroller, Combs wrested control of the state's endangered species program from the Department of Parks and Wildlife to her office, which managed state fiscal and tax matters, not biology. She used her authority to oppose any Endangered Species Act protections, often teaming with the oil and gas industry. Combs was nominated in 2017 to be the U.S. Department of the Interiors assistant secretary for policy, management and budget, where she would have controlled the purse strings over the entire department, including the Fish and Wildlife Service. Her nomination was approved on a party line vote in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. However, the full Senate did not take up her nomination and sent it back to the White House at the end of 2017. In 2018, the Trump administration re-nominated Combs to the same position. More than 70 conservation organizations sent a letter to the Senate opposing her nomination. Combs is the third political appointee named as acting assistant secretary for fish, wildlife and parks since Trump took office. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke appointed Aurelia Skipwith, a former Monsanto employee, to the role in April 2017. Then in January, Zinke appointed Jason Larrabee, the former chief of staff for Rep. Jeff Denham (R-Calif.), to the position. The Federal Vacancies Reform Act limits which political appointees can serve in an acting capacity in particular Senate-confirmed offices to a period of up to 210 days, and only for a limited time after a new president is sworn in. Once 300 days or more have passed since a position becomes vacant, the ability to appoint acting officials is severely limited. To date, Trump has not named a person for the Senate to confirm in the assistant secretary for fish, wildlife and parks job. Trumps dereliction of duty to even offer names for key officials for the Department of the Interior is damaging our nations natural heritage, said Kurose. It has allowed a parade of unqualified political cronies to occupy the highest levels of the Interior Department and cause even more harm behind closed doors. In The Revelator: The Fight to Save the EPA These are times like no other at the Environmental Protection Agency. The Trump administration is rolling back regulations for clean air and water, trying to repeal the Clean Power Plan, stripping climate change from its policies, and expanding the use of toxic pesticides. Pushing back against all this is Save the U.S. EPA, a campaign organized by the employees' union. The Revelator's John Platt spoke with John J. O'Grady, a 31-year-veteran of the EPA and spokesman for Save the U.S. EPA. "We're trying to prevent the utter destruction of the EPA," O'Grady said. "We're hoping there's something left in the rubble after this particular administration leaves office, but who knows." Read the story in The Revelator. A refugee is a person that cannot live in his/her own country for fear of persecution, human rights violations, or no rights at all. Economic migrants, on the other hand, have economic reasons for leaving one country for another. Meron Estefanos is an Eritrean journalist and human rights activist. Mandatory conscription No media freedom Elections repeatedly postponed Economic migrants are not refugees and the two should not be confused. In Europe, migration is the main topic in elections. While half a million people migrate through air travel and only 120,000 by boat, the focus is on the people in the boat, said Meron Estefanos , an Eritrean journalist and human rights activist, speaking at the Oslo Freedom Form (OFF) in Johannesburg recently.Her first memory is of her parents listening to the radio - to an illegal broadcast from liberation fighters. Shortly after this, her father, a political activist, fled to Sweden. We joined him later. I was 13 at the time. She considers herself one of the lucky ones.Because we went to Sweden, I grew up there and did not suffer the hardships most of the people of Eritrea did. Even when I decided to return to Eritrea, I did not have to do military service because of my Swedish citizenship.In Eritrea, you serve in the military from the age of 15 to 50. You are arrested if you try to leave the country. She says the presidents own ministers criticised him, but this only resulted in their arrest. It is estimated that there are 50,000 political prisoners in the country.Her role as an activist started in Johannesburg. In 2002 I returned to Eritrea, but I had no idea what I was going back to. As I had Swedish citizenship, I did not have to do military service, but everyone around me did.After her neighbours arrest, she decided she needed to do something. There was a group of students from Eritrea operating from South Africa. I contacted them. They trained me as a journalist and I worked for them in Europe.Estefanos says that there are many incidents of groups of people in the country disappearing or being killed. I remember the arrest of the Jehovahs Witnesses in the country. Today, still, no one knows if they are alive or not. She also saw the war veterans shot in the street.Estefanos is a radio journalist and she broadcasts into the country. There is no media freedom in the country and the people are deprived of information. When the Arab Spring happened, they did not know.Her work extends beyond this - she is known for rescuing people. People have got my number from somewhere and I receive phone calls from refugees in sinking boats crossing the Mediterranean. They tell me their lives depend on me.Her stories include slaves, people being held for ransom, women being raped. They all call me, I try and help them, but it is heart breaking.The source of income for the government is mining. There are 21 different minerals in the country. The companies operating and investing there are all intentional. They include Anglo Gold Ashanti as well as Canadian, Australian and Chinese companies. Nevsun, Chalice, and Donia are all in the country.Eritrea, in the Horn of Africa, has a population of 3.6-million people. In 1991 the country was freed from a 30-year occupation by Ethiopia by the Eritrean liberation fighters. The president, Isaias Afwerki, has been in office since independence in 1993. Eritrea is a one-party state in which national legislative elections have been repeatedly postponed.According to Human Rights Watch, the Eritrean government's human rights record is among the worst in the world. The Eritrean government has dismissed these allegations as politically motivated. Dear Reader, Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments that are of interest to you and have wider political and economic implications for the country and the world. Your encouragement and constant feedback on how to improve our offering have only made our resolve and commitment to these ideals stronger. Even during these difficult times arising out of Covid-19, we continue to remain committed to keeping you informed and updated with credible news, authoritative views and incisive commentary on topical issues of relevance. We, however, have a request. As we battle the economic impact of the pandemic, we need your support even more, so that we can continue to offer you more quality content. Our subscription model has seen an encouraging response from many of you, who have subscribed to our online content. More subscription to our online content can only help us achieve the goals of offering you even better and more relevant content. We believe in free, fair and credible journalism. Your support through more subscriptions can help us practise the journalism to which we are committed. Support quality journalism and subscribe to Business Standard. Digital Editor HMD Global, the Finnish company behind Nokia-branded phones, on March 26 launched the Nokia 1 in India at Rs 5,499, along with an introductory offer from Reliance Jio. The telecommunication provider, in partnership with Nokia, is offering a cashback of up to Rs 2,200 bundled with the Android Oreo (Go edition)-based smartphone. According to the terms and conditions of the offer, the cashback is valid only for Jio users and would be credited in the form of vouchers that can be redeemed only on recharges. To avail of the offer, Jio subscribers need to purchase the Nokia 1 and use a Jio ... The resolution professional for Ferro Alloys Corporation (Facor) is likely to submit the plan to the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) for approval on April 2. This is the same day when the 270-day period, stipulated under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), will expire. However, its committee of creditors (CoC) has still not been able to select a H1 bidder. If the resolution plan cannot be submitted by April 2, the company may face liquidation. Facor was taken to the NCLT in July last year for not paying a debt of Rs 8 billion. The deadline for submission of bids has been ... About two years ago, when Shanthi Sonu was on her way for an art project at a Bengaluru government school, she suddenly got jittery about how the children would react to her presence. Drop me off anywhere, she told Poornima Sukumar, the Bengaluru-based artist she was riding with. A transgender woman who once paid for her decision to live as a woman by sleeping on pavements, Sonu says children are often the worst critics a transgender person can encounter. Still, she went to the school. In between brushstrokes that came together to form trees, rainbows and flowers, Sonu was ... The Congress on Friday accused the Modi government of playing an "extremely dangerous game" of "treading upon" judicial independence, following the letter by Supreme Court judge Justice J Chelameswar cautioning on the judiciary-government bonhomie. "Independence of India's judiciary has been under attack on the part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government since they have taken over, and I'm saying this with the sense of responsibility," AICC in-charge communications Randeep Singh Surjewala said. "Subjugation of the judiciary, suppression of their independence and decimation of their constitutional right of selecting and appointing judges by the colourable exercise of power by Prime Minister Modi has been the DNA of the Modi government," he told reporters here in response to a question. In an unprecedented letter to the Chief Justice of India, copies of which were also sent to 22 other apex court judges on March 21, Justice Chelameswar had said that any "bonhomie" between the judiciary and the government would sound the"death knell" for the democracy. He had also urged him to convene a full court to deal with the alleged executive interference in the judiciary. Quoting various instances, including the Supreme Court judges holding a press conference, Surjewala hit out at the government for refusing to answer the issues raised by one of the senior-most judges of the Supreme Court. "..Modi government is playing an extremely dangerous game of treading upon judicial independence. May God almighty give them some sense of propriety, of justice and of the constitutional division of labour," he added. Surjewala blamed the government for Parliament logjam, saying it was an attempt to ensure that various issues, including the no-confidence motion against it, were not discussed. He said the prime minister and his government were "insulting" the great institution of Parliament by not permitting it to function. "This may be the first instance in India's history in the last 70 years where a ruling government is not allowing Parliament to function," he said. Flaying the government on the issue of the CBSE question paper leak, he alleged 'exam mafia' is flourishing under Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar. Hitting out at Javadekar, the AICC communications in-charge accused him of shying away from an independent judicial investigation. "Do you have something to hide? Are you shielding or protecting somebody?" he asked, and sought to know "how an independent investigation can take place unless Javadekar, who is busy with Karnataka election and playing partisan politics and the CBSE chairperson are sacked". On his maiden foreign trip after assuming office, Nepal's Prime Minister will visit India from April 6-8 during which he will hold talks with the top leadership here to strengthen the partnership between the two countries. The upcoming visit will provide an opportunity to the two sides to review the wide-ranging cooperative partnership, and to progress it further for the benefit of the two peoples, a Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) statement said. Oli will hold talks with his Indian counterpart and call on President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu during his trip. A high-level delegation will accompany Oli on his state visit to India, the MEA said. The Nepalese premier, who will also be accompanied by his wife Radhika Shakya Oli, will visit the G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology in Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, during the visit. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and other ministers will call on the Nepalese prime minister, the MEA said. India and Nepal enjoy age-old, special ties of friendship and cooperation, it said. Oli's visit is in line with the tradition of a Nepalese premier visiting India on his first overseas trip. Swaraj had visited Nepal before Oli took office to congratulate him for the historic victory of the Left Alliance in the Parliamentary and Provincial elections. She was the first senior Indian minister to visit Nepal after the conclusion of elections to local bodies, provincial assemblies and federal Parliament. While congratulating Oli over phone upon his appointment to the top executive post last month, Prime Minister Modi had extended an invitation to him for a visit to India. NASA is inviting people around the world to submit their names online to be placed on a microchip aboard its first mission to touch the Sun. The Parker Solar Probe mission, to be launched this summer, will travel through the Sun's atmosphere, facing brutal heat and radiation conditions, NASA said. "This probe will journey to a region humanity has never explored before, said Thomas Zurbuchen, the associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA. "This mission will answer questions scientists have sought to uncover for more than six decades," said Zurbuchen. Understanding the Sun has always been a top priority for space scientists. Studying how the Sun affects space and the space environment of planets is the field known as heliophysics. The field is not only vital to understanding Earth's most important and life-sustaining star, it supports exploration in the solar system and beyond. Submission of names will be accepted until April 27, according to the US space agency. The spacecraft, about the size of a small car, will travel directly into the Sun's atmosphere about four million miles from the star's surface. The primary science goals for the mission are to trace how energy and heat move through the solar corona and to explore what accelerates the solar wind as well as solar energetic particles. The mission will revolutionise our understanding of the Sun, where changing conditions can spread out into the solar system, affecting Earth and other worlds. President Donald Trump does not like the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Its a horrible law, Trump has said. The FCPA makes it a crime for U. S. companies to bribe foreign officials, or to partner with others who are clearly doing so. Trump has argued that the law puts U. S. firms at a disadvantage. Its things like this that cause us to not be able to lead the world, Trump said on CNBC in 2012. For this country to prosecute because something took place in India is outrageous. Corruption in India is quite common, particularly ... Two days after Donald J Trump won the 2016 election, executives at Google consoled their employees in an all-staff meeting broadcast around the world. There is a lot of fear within Google, said Sundar Pichai, the companys chief executive, according to a video of the meeting viewed by The New York Times. When asked by an employee if there was any silver lining to Mr. Trumps election, the Google co-founder Sergey Brin said, Boy, thats a really tough one right now. Ruth Porat, the finance chief, said Mr. Trumps victory felt ... Six Turkish security forces were killed on Friday after an attack by Kurdish militants in the southeastern province of Siirt in Turkey, local officials said. Three other village guards and four soldiers were wounded while they were providing safety during road construction, the Siirt governor's office said in a statement. Those killed were also village guards - locals employed to combat Kurdish militants. The governorate did not give further details on the attack but blamed the "separatist terrorist organisation" -- Turkey's official term for the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The office said that a wide operation was underway to "neutralise the PKK terrorists who launched the attack". The PKK has been waging an insurgency in the southeast since 1984 and is proscribed as a terror organisation by Ankara and its Western allies. Fighting in the region intensified between Turkish security forces and the PKK after the collapse of a two-year ceasefire in 2015. Deutsche Bank's chairman Paul Achleitner is considering making Juerg Zeltner, the former head of the wealth management business of Swiss bank UBS, the successor to Chief Executive John Cryan, Spiegel magazine reported on Friday. Sources had told Reuters on Tuesday that Germany's flagship bank had begun looking for a new CEO to replace Cryan to mollify investors frustrated by the slow turnaround of the loss-making lender. Cryan said in a staff memo on Wednesday that he was "absolutely committed" to the lender. But Achleitner, who the sources said had initiated ... At least 21 people were charred to death on Friday after a chartered bus carrying workers from Myanmar crashed and burned on a highway in western Thailand, near the capital Bangkok. According to the police officials, there were 48 Myanmar workers in the bus, including the driver and his wife. As per Bangkok Post, the accident occurred at Kilometre 60 on Highway 12, at the Taksin Maharat National Park in Tambon Mae Thor in Tak province. The remaining 27 passengers were injured in the accident and taken to the hospital. However, their condition is yet to be ascertained. According to reports, the bus was coming from Mae Sot province to Nava Nakorn Industrial Zone in Pathum Thani, after the workers had successfully completed the registration of their work permits by the Thai labour ministry. According to AFP reports, the television footage showed a bus destroyed by fire which trapped many passengers inside. "The death toll is now 20, with three people injured," Pollawat Sapsongsuk of the Tak Disaster Prevention and Mitigation centre told AFP earlier. Kittisak Boonchan, a rescue worker in Tak province, told reporters there were 47 people on the bus. The accident took place at 1:25 am in the northwestern province of Tak which borders Myanmar, a source of much of Thailand's huge migrant labour force. Low status and poorly paid, migrant workers often fall victim to safety lapses and exploitation in Thailand. The kingdom has a poor road safety record on crashes with around 24,000 people perishing on its roads each year, according to the World Health Organization. Last week 18 people died when a bus veered of the road and smashed into a tree in the northeast of the country. The driver of that bus later confessed to being on drugs at the time of the crash. Initial reports had said that the engine of the bus had caught fire, which spread quickly through the vehicle. Last week, 18 people were killed and 28 injured when a tourist bus skidded suddenly and crashed into a tree in Nakhon Ratchasima province in north-eastern Thailand. UN chief has said that he is "really very concerned" to the world heading to a time reminiscent of the Cold war era in the wake of the tensions between US and Russia and called for putting precautions in place to guarantee effective communication and prevent escalation. His comments came after, the Trump administration this week ordered the expulsion of 60 Russians from the US over the alleged poisoning of ex-double agent Sergei Skripal in the UK on March 4. Of the 60 expelled, 12 are intelligence operatives from the Russian Mission to the UN who have been accused of abusing their privilege of residence in the United States. "I am really very concerned. I think we are coming to a situation that is similar, to a large extent, to what we lived during the Cold War but with two very important differences," UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in response to questions by reporters on the US announcement to expel Russian UN diplomats and could a new Cold War be developing. Guterres said in the Cold War, there were clearly two superpowers with a complete control of the situation of two areas in the world. "Now, we have many other actors that are relatively independent and with an important role in many of the conflicts that we are witnessing, with risks of escalation that are well known," he said. He pointed out that during the Cold War, there were mechanisms of communication and control in place to avoid the escalation of incidents and to make sure that things would not get out of control when tensions would rise. But with those mechanisms now dismantlement, it is time "for precautions of this sort, guaranteeing effective communication, guaranteeing capacity to prevent escalation. I do believe that mechanisms of this sort are necessary again." On how optimistic is he over the summit between South Korea and North Korea, the Secretary General said he is "very encouraged" by the announcement of the inter-Korean summit. He said he is "very happy" that it was possible in the visit to North Korea by Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman for the UN to make very clearly the case that a resumption of dialogues between the North and the South of the Peninsula was needed to reach the peaceful denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. The UN chief had met in PyeongChang both the North Korean delegation and as well as South Korean President Moon Jae In and had encouraged them as much as possible to move in these two directions. "I was extremely encouraged by the recent visit of the leader of the North Korea to China, and I think China is, of course, a very important contributor to a solution in this region," he said referring to the surprise visit by Kim Jong-un to Beijing this week. "I believe that, in this world where, unfortunately, so many problems seem not to have a solution, I think there is here an opportunity for a peaceful solution to something that, a few months ago, was haunting us as the biggest danger we were facing," he said, a reference to the escalation of tensions over North Korea's nuclear programme. Imports of Iranian crude oil by major buyers in Asia fell by nearly a fifth in February from the same month a year earlier, hitting a two-month low as all of them except India curbed purchases, government and ship-tracking data showed. China, India, Japan and South Korea last month imported a total of 1.63 million barrels per day (bpd) from Iran, the lowest volume since December, the data showed. Iran has been pushing to retain its prized customers in Asia but concerns that U.S. President Donald Trump will carry out a threat to exit Tehran's nuclear deal with world powers ... At least 15 Palestinians have been killed and more than 1,400 others have been wounded in confrontations with the Israeli forces as scores of them marched towards the fence that separates Gaza from Israel at the start of a six-week protest. About 1,416 people were wounded and the dead included one minor aged 16, CNN reported, citing the Palestinian Ministry of Health, as saying. The Israeli military has apparently resorted to the usage of rubber bullets, tear gas and live rounds. According to the ministry, the majority were injured in live fire, rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas inhalation. According to the report, at least two dozen people were being taken away by ambulances in the span of half an hour. A slew of Palestinian protesters marched in Gaza along the fence in what is being labeled as the Great March of Return. Thousands of Palestinians were "rioting throughout the Gaza Strip, rolling burning tires and hurling stones at the security fence and at IDF troops, who are responding with riot dispersal means and firing towards main instigators," The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's (AIADMK) S. Muthukaruppan on Friday resigned from the membership of the Rajya Sabha over the Centre's negligence in forming the Cauvery Management Board (CMB). "I raised the issue of formation of Cauvery management board so many times, before Prime Minister of India and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader. My brothers, TamilNadu CM and Deputy CM are doing their job properly," Muthukaruppan told ANI. Meanwhile, the AIADMK leaders decided to observe a fast on April 3 in order to pressurise the Centre to form a Cauvery Management Board. The six-week time frame directed by the Supreme Court to set up a Cauvery Management Board had ended on Thursday, after which the state government stated that they would re-approach the apex court. The apex court on February 16 had ordered the Central Government to set up the CMB and the Cauvery Water Regulatory Committee within six weeks. However, the Centre has not formed the CMB yet. The apex court had also increased Karnataka's share of Cauvery water, thus, reducing Tamil Nadu's share to 177.25 thousand million cubic feet. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Tech giant Apple announced the addition of new animated emoticons or Animojis for its anniversary edition iPhone X, on the sidelines of the rollout of iOS 11.3. The new version of iOS, which has been rolled out for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, consists of an improved ARKit for more advanced augmented reality, and the ability to turn off processor throttling for iPhones with aging batteries inside, in addition to the new Animoji collection, reports The Verge. iOS 11.3 comes with four new Animoji for iPhone X owners: a lion, bear, dragon, and skull. On the AR front, the ARKit has been improved to allow apps to extend the mixed-world experience to vertical surfaces like walls and doors, in addition to the horizontal surfaces. Apart from this, the iPhone maker has also introduced a Health Records section inside the Health app, giving patients quick access to their medical records from supported doctors and care centers directly on their device. Moreover, the company is launching the beta version of Business Chat, which allows select businesses to communicate with customers directly in the Messages app instead of over social media, email, or by phone. Apart from the above additions, Apple says a number of bugs faced by users have also been fixed in the latest version of the iOS. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The five Bangladeshi nationals, who were arrested two weeks ago for allegedly having terrorist links, will remain in custody till April 5, officials from the Maharashtra Anti Terror Squad(ATS) said on Thursday. The individuals were nabbed by the ATS' Pune force for their links with the Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT), a banned terror outfit of Bangladesh, which was supposedly a front organisation for the al-Qaeda. Following their arrest on March 17, the accused were sent to police custody till March 29, which has been extended to April 5. The Maharashtra ATS's Pune unit had gotten information about several illegal Bangladeshi immigrants living in Wanvadi and Akurdi area in and around Pune. These illegal migrants were suspected of having links to the ABT and providing shelter to other ABT members who came to Pune. While carrying out search operations in the area, one person was apprehended in Wanvadi area, who, during interrogation, told the police about more Bangladeshi migrants. This led to the arrest of two more suspects from Akurdi area. Initial inquiries revealed that these Bangladeshi migrants were living in India without any valid papers. They were also found to be in possession of forged documents like Aadhar Card, Pan Card and so on. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) worker Anil Singh, who was arrested in connection with the recent communal clash in Bihar's Aurangabad, has escaped from the police custody. Singh, who was one of the central figures among the 148 persons booked in the matter fled away on Thursday. A clash broke out between two communities during Rama Navami celebrations on March 25. The situation became tense in the evening when rioters set ablaze more than 20 shops and pelted stones at those participating in the Rama Navami procession through Nawadih Colony. As per reports, nearly 50 shops were torched by rioters, while nearly 60 persons, including 20 policemen were injured due to stone pelting by miscreants. The situation further intensified on Monday, which thereby led to a curfew being imposed in the vicinity. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) After communal violence marred Ram Navami celebrations in Bihar, another clash was reported in the state on Friday after miscreants vandalised a Hanuman idol in Nawada. A clash erupted on Friday between two communities after an idol of Lord Hanuman was vandalised by miscreants. However, the situation came under control after security personnel was deployed in the area. To bring the crowd under control, the police had to fire several rounds in the air. Some youths targeted the media, by damaging cameras and mics of some media persons. The District Magistrate of Nawada, Kaushal Kumar said that the two communities came face to face after an idol was vandalised by some miscreants. "It was a matter of an idol being vandalised by some miscreants, which led to the communities coming face-to-face; situation is now under control," he said. Recently, tension gripped Bihar after communal violence erupted in several parts of the states, including Bhagalpur and Aurangabad. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Model Janice Dickinson will testify at the upcoming retrial of American comedian Bill Cosby, which is scheduled to open in April in Pennsylvania state court. Dickinson is one of as many as five "prior bad acts" witnesses, who the prosecutors are considering to use to establish that Cosby's actions related to Constand were part of a pattern and were not a one-time mistake, CNN reported. Dickinson claims she was drugged and raped by Cosby in Lake Tahoe in 1982 when she was 27. She alleged that he gave her a pill and a glass of red wine shortly before she passed out. The 80-year-old Cosby, once branded as "America's Dad", faces a retrial on three charges of aggravated indecent assault for allegedly drugging and assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004 at his home outside Philadelphia, the report said. More than 60 women have accused him of sexual misconduct. However, only one accuser - Andrea Constand - has brought a criminal case against Cosby. The disgraced comedian first went to trial last year, and the case ended in a mistrial after the jury failed to deliver a verdict. "It sickens me, but I have to be strong, for our daughters, our sisters, our mothers, our aunts, our cousins. I have to be strong for women," she added. "I have to do this. It's the right thing to do," Dickinson said. Cosby and his lawyers have maintained his innocence throughout the process. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Karnataka Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday filed a complaint with the Election Commission against Chief Minister Siddaramaiah for violating the model code of conduct. According to the Centre ruling party, the Chief Minister "bribed" two women, who welcomed him at Chamundeshwari temple in Mysuru, with Rs 2,000 each. The party further alleged that Siddaramaiah paid Rs 2,000 to a priest of the temple in an attempt to polarise him ahead of the Karnataka Assembly Election. Earlier in the day, Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee filed a complaint with the EC against BJP president Amit Shah, citing the violation of model code of conduct. According to the complaint, Shah handed a cheque of Rs 5 lakh to the family of murdered RSS worker Raju with an intention to polarise voters in Mysuru. The election for 224-seat Karnataka Assembly will be held on May 12 and the counting of the votes will take place on May 15. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) cadres will hold a hunger strike across Tamil Nadu on April 3 to urge the central government to form a Cauvery Management Board. They had earlier announced April 2 as the day to observe fast. Chief Minister K Palaniswami yesterday held the discussion with his senior ministers on the matter as protests were staged across the state demanding constitution of Cauvery Management Board. The Supreme Court had on February 16 pronounced its verdict on the vexed dispute between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The apex court directed Karnataka to release 177.25 thousand million cubic feet (tmcft) of water to Tamil Nadu. This reduced Tamil Nadu's share of Cauvery water by 14.75 tmcft from the 192 tmcft allocated by a tribunal in 2007. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Congress Party on Friday said that Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Prakash Javadekar Ministry's failure lead to CBSE paper leak. Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge expressed concern over the issue while saying that future of 28 lakh students is at stake. "The paper leak issue shows the HRD ministry's failure. The future of 28 lakh students is at stake. We will raise this issue in the Parliament," Kharge told ANI. Several students and Congress youth leaders earlier today held protests in several parts of the capital against the paper leak while demanding immediate action in the matter. The papers of the Economics exam of class XII, held on March 26 and Maths exam of class X, held on March 28 were leaked on social media hours before the examination. Soon after this, CBSE announced re-examination and a police investigation into the matter. Union Minister Javadekar also took cognisance of the matter and assured strict action against the culprits. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Vilifying The United States' 'Trade War' approach, China asserted on turning to dialogue and consultations to settle the ongoing trade-feuds between the nations. According to Xinhua News, Gao Feng, a spokesperson with China's Ministry of Commerce, in response to questions about the US sanctioning tariffs amounting to around USD 60 billion on Chinese goods, said that the move could set in motion a domino effect on protectionism. "The United States must abandon unilateralism and protectionism, take measures and resort to dialogue and consultation to settle disputes," Gao said. "China is always open for negotiations," he added, highlighting the need for a joint effort by both nations to reach a suitable settlement. "The latest U.S. trade measures towards China are typical trade protectionism with cold war and a zero-sum mentality. Don't make China an excuse," said Gao. Last Thursday, US President Donald Trump imposed massive trade tariffs amounting to USD 60 billion on Chinese imports, in a move that could escalate into a global trade war. China retaliated the next day by threatening to suspend tariff concessions amounting to USD 3 billion on 128 categories of imported US goods including fresh fruits, wine and pork. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) leaders will observe fast on April 2 in order to pressurise the Centre to form a Cauvery Management Board. The state government will convene a meeting to mull the further course of action in this regard. "The party is discussing the next course of action after the Central government failed to implement Cauvery Management Board and also indicated that the state government is sure about approaching the Supreme Court again," Tamil Nadu Fisheries Minister D Jayakumar told media here. Chief Minister K Palaniswami yesterday held discussion with his senior ministers on the matter as protests were staged across the state in the connection demanding constitution of Cauvery Management Board. The Supreme Court had on February 16 pronounced its verdict on the vexed dispute between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The Apex Court has directed Karnataka to release 177.25 thousand million cubic feet (tmcft) of water to Tamil Nadu. This reduced Tamil Nadu's share of Cauvery water by 14.75tmcft from the 192tmcft allocated by a tribunal in 2007. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Condemning the Centre's failure to form the Cauvery Management Board (CMB) within the prescribed timeframe, Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam's (DMK) working president MK Stalin headed an executive committee meeting at the party headquarters to decide on the future course of action. "An all party meeting has been convened to decide on the next course of action on the Cauvery Management Board formation, protest will be planned after consulting all opposition parties. We condemn state & central government for not implementing SC order," the DMK said in a statement. Blasting the Central Government and the ruling AIADMK party, DMK leader A. Sarvanan said, "The Tamil Nadu government and the Centre both have totally betrayed the interest of Tamil Nadu farmers and the people who entirely depend upon Cauvery." Questioning the Centre's attitude he said, "Our leader MK Stalin wanted the state government to mount adequate pressure but it's not been done. The Central Government is shielding the state government from various corruption charges, that's the reason why the CMB has not been setup yet." The apex court on February 16, had ordered the Central Government to set up the CMB and the Cauvery Water Regulatory Committee within six weeks. However, the Centre has not formed the CMB as yet. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Russia on Friday ordered the expulsion of four German diplomats in retaliation over the poisoning of its former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter at Salisbury. As per the media reports, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said, "The news from Moscow comes as no surprise". Maas further assured that Germany was still ready for a dialogue with Russia and wanted to continue working for "a constructive future of relations" between the two countries. Germany, this week, expelled four Russian diplomats over Moscow's suspected involvement in the poisoning of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal in England. Retired military intelligence officer Skripal, 66, and his daughter, Yulia, 33, were found slumped on a bench in Salisbury city centre on March 4. While Yulia is said to be out of danger, Skripal continues to be in a critical condition. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) An over ground worker (OGW) of Hizbul Mujahideen has been arrested here, Jammu and Kashmir Police said on Friday. A huge cache of incriminating materials has also been recovered from his possession. A case has been registered in this regard and further probe is underway. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Attorney General Jeff Sessions has revealed that U.S. attorney John Huber has been designated as the prosecutor tasked with probing the allegations of abuse of power at the FBI. Huber, whose identity had remained a secret, has been looking into allegations that the FBI abused its powers in surveilling a former Trump campaign adviser, CNN reported. However, in a written response to recent calls from Republicans to appoint a second special counsel, Sessions reportedly said a second special counsel to probe the Justice Department's handling of the Russia investigation is not yet warranted. He said he will rely on Huber's review to determine if a special counsel is needed. Huber, who currently serves as the US attorney in Utah, was originally appointed by former President Barack Obama in 2015 and was reappointed by Trump last year. According to Sessions, Huber will conduct his investigation from outside Washington D.C. and in cooperation with Inspector General Michael Horowitz. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A 24-year old lady, mother of two young kids, hailing from a middle class family in Jharkhand has been having symptoms of easy fatigability and palpitation for the last few years. A year back, Selva Mohan (name changed on request), recalls that she started dragging herself to household work but after sometime, she could not even hold her four-month-old baby or do other household chores. In such a scenario, her husband, who is into a decent job, got her evaluated locally. It was detected that Selva had a very large hole between the two upper chambers of the heart (in between the right and left atrium of the heart), known as atrial septal defect (ASD) in medical terminology. Incidentally, Selva had no such complication until five years ago, but slowly she could understand the symptoms affecting her health. She was referred to Medica Superspecialty Hospital in Kolkata for further diagnosis and necessary treatment. Selva was very lean and weighed only 32 kgs. On detailed evaluation, including trans-esophageal echocardiogram (TEE), it was diagnosed that she had a very large ASD. There were thin and deficient margins along with dilatation of right sided chambers of the heart which was unarguably due to the volume overload. The large hole in the heart required early closure without any delay. Generally, such large holes with deficient rims in the heart are closed by open heart surgery which requires prolonged hospital stay and large scar on the chest. "The young lady and family members were not eager for surgical closure in view of possible difficulty in breast feeding of the young kid in post-operative period, associated scar and morbidity," recalls Dr. Anil Kumar Singhi, Senior Consultant Interventional Paediatric Cardiologist and Dr. Rana Rathor Roy, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Medica Superspecialty Hospital. The whole task of closure with the device was more challenging with deficient rims of the hole. The Government of Jharkhand supported the procedure cost as Medica Superspecialty Hospital has a tie-up with it. The procedure was done with a special technique of balloon support of device deployment under fluoroscopic and trans esophageal echocardiogram guidance in cardiac catheterization laboratory. The procedure was done in around 90 minutes. The device was successfully placed and she was extubated on the table. Selva was shifted to the ward within few hours of the procedure being completed. On the second day, the doctors, after re-examining, confirmed that the hole was closed completely. On doctors' recommendations, the lady was discharged on the second day after her operation. "It was extremely difficult for the family to believe that the major cardiac intervention was done without any particular scar and on top of that, the patient was discharged on the next day of the procedure," elaborated the doctors. Nowadays large holes with deficient rims can be closed without cut and scar in the chest with better results, fewer complications, faster patient recovery and lower healthcare costs. Regarding risks with this method, the doctors said, "Any invasive procedure has associated risk. We do the procedure in beating heart. The risks and complications are much less than surgical intervention. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A 21-year old boy, who was missing since March 22, was found dead on Thursday. The body of the deceased Delhi University student, identified as Ayush, was found in a drain here in Dwarka area. On March 22, the Palam Village police station was informed that a message was sent to Ayush's father asking for a sum of Rs. 50 lakh against his release by the accused. Immediately, a case was registered and taken for investigation. There on, the abductor on March 26 had sent another message asking to deliver the money near Uttam Nagar area. Thereafter, 30 police teams in civilian clothing were deployed to nab the culprit when he comes to collect the ransom. However, the kidnapper didn't come to collect the money. Police teams eventually recovered the missing boy's body from a drain in Dwarka Sector 13 on March 28. During the investigation, it was found that Ayush was a regular user of various dating apps and met strangers frequently. Based on these inputs, technical surveillance and CCTV footage collected from various locations, one accused was identified and arrested. 25-year-old Ishtiaq Ali, a resident of Uttam Nagar, confessed to the killing citing an altercation with the deceased. He further stated that he had made ransom calls to divert the attention of the parents and police to buy some time to dispose off the body. The phone of the deceased and the vehicle used to dispose off the body were recovered. Further investigation is underway. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Chhattisgarh Police on Friday busted a Naxal hideout in Irpanar forest area of Narayanpur district. Nine Naxals were held from the hideout. Police uniforms, materials to make improvised explosive devices (IED) and two hand grenades were recovered from the site. Earlier in the day, a security personnel was injured in an IED blast in Bijapur district. Security personnel Laxman Rao's both legs were injured in the blast that occurred in Chinnakorepal village of the district. Earlier on Thursday, 59 Maoist surrendered before the police and CRPF in Sukma district. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Nepal Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli will embark on a three-day visit to India, starting from April 6, at the invitation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Nepal's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Friday. Prime Minister Oli will be accompanied by his spouse Radhika Shakya and will be accompanied by a high-level delegation. The entourage of the Nepali Prime Minister will comprise of ministers, Members of Parliament (MPs), secretaries and other high-ranking officials of the Nepal Government. During the visit, Prime Minister Oli will meet President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu and Prime Minister Modi. He will hold official talks with Prime Minister Modi and exchange views on matters of mutual interests. Also, senior cabinet members of Modi-cabinet will call on Prime Minister Oli. He will also visit Pantnagar in Uttarakhand and attend a programme organised at Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology. India and Nepal enjoy age-old, special ties of friendship and cooperation. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Amid the ongoing furore post the Central Board of Secondary (CBSE) Class X question paper leak, Union Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Prakash Javadekar on Friday confirmed that out of the 16 lakh students, more than 14 lakh will not have to appear for the Mathematics re-exam. "I am amazed to see headlines in some news channels about confusion over retest. Out of 16 lakh students, more than 14 lakh students of Class X will not have to give retest in Maths. This is the final decision," Javadekar tweeted. "Class-X students from J&K, Uttarakhand, Himachal, Punjab, Chandigarh, Rajasthan, UP, Bihar, WB, Northeastern states, Jharkhand, Odisha, Andhra, Telangana, Karnataka, TN, Puduchery, Andaman, Lakshadweep, Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat, MP, Chhattisgarh will not give Maths retest," he added. Clearing the air regarding Delhi and Haryana, Javadekar stated that a retest will be conducted only if police investigation points to a large-scale leak. For the unversed, the papers of class XII Economics held on March 26, and class X Maths, held on March 28, were leaked on social media hours before the examination. Ever since, scores of students have taken to mass-protesting to express their dissatisfaction over the poor governance and the CBSE re-examination decision. Earlier on Friday, the HRD Ministry announced that the re-examination for the Economics paper for Class XII students will be held on 25 April. "Regarding Class 10th re-examination, as the leak was restricted to Delhi and Haryana, if it at all a re-exam will happen, it will happen only in Delhi and Haryana and a decision will be taken on this in next 15 days. If at all a re-exam is done, it will be held in July," Union Secretary Anil Swarup told media here. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi will pay a visit to Afghanistan next week and will hold talks with various Afghan officials, Afghanistan's CEO office announced on Friday. According to TOLOnews, Prime Minister Abbasi's upcoming visit to Afghanistan is aimed at addressing the efforts to combat terrorism and also to improve ties between the two countries, Jawed Faisal, deputy spokesman to CEO Abdullah Abdullah said in a statement. Earlier on Thursday, Pakistan's Foreign Office spokesman Dr. Muhammad Faisal said that Prime Minister Abbasi would visit the war-torn country very soon. The dates for the visit is currently being worked out by the officials. The proposed visit to Afghanistan comes against the backdrop of Pakistan's National Security Advisor (NSA) Nasser Khan Janjua visit to Kabul last week, where he met President Ashraf Ghani. The Afghanistan president had extended an official invitation to Prime Minister Abbasi to visit Afghanistan, in what was seen as an effort by Kabul to normalise its icy relations with Islamabad. Relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan have remained frosty in recent years due to the terrorist activities of the Taliban and Haqqani Network carried out from the former's land. Kabul contests that the two militant groups are supported by Islamabad and it does very little to stop them. Pakistan has repeatedly urged Afghanistan to stop the blame game and asked for its co-operation in combating terrorism. Last month, the Afghan President had made a peace offer to the Taliban in the Kabul Process Conference, which also included the recognition of the militant group as a political entity. However, the group is yet to officially respond to President Ghani's offer. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force on Friday busted an international gang of turtle smugglers and arrested one person from Kanpur. The police have also recovered 27 kg of dried turtle calipee from the accused, identified as Mohammad Salim Sheikh, who hails from West Bengal. The species of turtle calipee that has been recovered from Salim is found around the Ganga, Gomti, Ghaghra and Gandak rivers, read an official note. The accused was taken into custody from Kanpur railway station.During interrogation, Salim had revealed that he was a part of an international gang of turtle smuggling, it added. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray on Friday asked students not to sit for Central Board of Secondary (CBSE) re-examination after the board decided to re-conduct the test of leaked papers. The Economics question paper of class XII and Maths question paper of class X were allegedly leaked on social media hours before the examination. The Economics exam was held on March 26 and Maths on March 28. Talking to reporters in Mumbai, Thackeray termed the paper leak as the failure of the government. "It is the failure of the government. Without accepting its failure, why does the government want students to re-appear for the exam? I request to the parents throughout the country, do not let your child sit for re-examination in any condition," Thackeray said. Congress leader Kapil Sibal also termed the paper leak as government's failure and asked it to take accountability. "CBSE paper leak is not the only paper leak. The staff selection commission (SSC) scam was another major concern. If the government does not take accountability for its wrongdoings, then who will?" asked Sibal. On Thursday, Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar announced that the CBSE will soon announce dates of re-examination. The Crime Branch of Delhi Police on Wednesday set up a special investigation team (SIT) to probe the alleged leak of the CBSE examination papers. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) External Affairs Minister (EAM) Sushma Swaraj met Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe here on Friday. During the meeting, the two leaders discussed ways to further enhance the bilateral ties between India and Japan. Swaraj also conveyed the greetings of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Prime Minister Abe. On the other hand, the Japanese Prime Minister added that the traditional friendship between the two countries was characterised by heart-to-heart bonds and blessed with a huge potential for growth. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Raveesh Kumar captured the moments of the meeting on Twitter. EAM @SushmaSwaraj called on Japanese Prime Minister @AbeShinzo today morning in Tokyo. EAM conveyed the greetings of PM @narendramodi to PM Abe. PM Abe said that ???????? traditional friendship are characterised by heart-to-heart bonds and blessed with a huge potential for growth Raveesh Kumar (@MEAIndia) March 30, 2018 India and Japan on Thursday discussed various issues including terrorism, economic development, and mutual cooperation, a joint statement by Swaraj and Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono said. The EAM also on Thursday held a bilateral meeting with Kono for discussing ways to strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries. Prior to this, Swaraj met the chairman of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Policy Research Council Fumio Kishida. While addressing a gathering of Indian diaspora at the Vivekanand Cultural Centre in Tokyo yesterday, Swaraj lauded the contribution of the diaspora for strengthening the bond with Japan and creating a positive image about India in Japan. The EAM reached Tokyo on Wednesday, on a three-day visit to attend the ninth India-Japan Strategic Dialogue with Kono. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) President Donald Trump has apparently signaled the withdrawal of the United States (US) from war-torn Syria "very soon". " By the way, we're knocking the hell out of ISIS. We'll be coming out of Syria like very soon. Let the other people take care of it now," CNN reported Trump, as telling a crowd in Ohio during a speech on infrastructure spending. "We are going to have 100% of the caliphate, as they call it, sometimes referred to as land ... But we are going to be coming out of there real soon. We are going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be," the US President added. A US defense official having the know-how of the Islamic State (IS) campaign directly said it is unclear what the President meant by the comments. According to the official, Trump could decide at any point of time to pull out; however military commanders were not in the favour of that course of action at this time. The official also made a note of figuring out what to do with some 400 foreign IS fighters, who are presently being held by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces as one instance of the hurdles to a US withdrawal. Furthermore, the State Department and US Agency for International Development have dozens of officials working on the ground to stabilise cities and towns after ISIS's defeat. They work with international partners on demining, rubble removal, and restoring services like water, electricity, and schools and hospitals, according to the reports. About 2,000 US troops deployed to Syria have been working alongside the Syrian Democratic Forces, reclaiming territory from IS to include the city of Raqqa. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Seventeen migrants were killed and 36 injured on Thursday when their minibus crashed into a night lamp pole at Igdir province in Eastern Turkey. "The minibus caught fire after crashing with the pole," the Anadolu Agency quoted provincial governor of Igdir Enver Unlu. The migrants included the citizens of Afghan, Pakistan and Iran, who reportedly entered Turkey via the Iranian border. "50 people were in the vehicle, of which the passenger capacity is only 14" informed deputy provincial Health Director, Taner Basaran. Though, it was later reported that the bus was carrying more than 50 passengers. Unlu expressed sorrow upon the death of the migrants while informing that the driver was among those who were killed. Gendarmerie forces, a fire brigade squad, disaster and emergency management teams and medical teams were rushed to the scene soon after the incident. The injured, including some in serious condition, were taken to Igdir State Hospital. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) In another case of medical apathy, severed foot of a man was kept between his legs at a hospital in Uttar Pradesh's Sultanpur. Atul Pandey, 48, lost a foot when a train ran over him. The locals rushed Pandey to a nearby district hospital. During the course of treatment, the severed foot was kept between his legs. It was only removed by the doctors when people started clicking pictures of it. Considering Pandey's deteriorating condition, doctors later referred him to Lucknow. However, Chief Medical Superintendent of the hospital Yogendra Yati denied any medical negligence and said Pandey was given the best treatment. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) As many as six Islamic State (IS) militants were killed in a US drone strike in Kunar province in northeastern Afghanistan, local officials said on Friday. The officials said that the latest airstrike was carried out in Chapa Dara district in the province. The spokesperson of Kunar provincial governor Faridullah Dehqan, was quoted by the Khaama Press as saying that two top IS commanders were among those killed in the airstrike. He said that the airstrike was necessitated to clear out the terror hideouts of the dreaded militant group in Kunar province. The IS group has not commented on the incident so far. This comes as at least five militants affiliated with the terror group were killed in a similar airstrike conducted in the same district last week. The US forces, along with the Afghan forces frequently carries out airstrikes on IS targets in Kunar province and elsewhere in Afghanistan, in a bid to eliminate the presence of the militant group in the country. Furthermore, three IS militants hailing from Uzbekistan were killed in a similar airstrike on Wednesday in Haska Meyna district of Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan, according to the local officials. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A Vistara Airlines flight on Friday returned to Ahmedabad airport after it faced technical problem in one of its engines. The New Delhi-bound flight from Ahmedabad experienced the glitch after departure and landed in Ahmedabad at 8.55 p.m. All passengers are said to be safe in the aircraft. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Most cyber frauds in India's booming business process outsourcing (BPO) sector occur due to lack of strict implementation of existing information security protocols together with poor employee awareness, noted a recent survey jointly conducted by apex industry body ASSOCHAM and global software giant Microsoft. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) along with Microsoft conducted a survey titled, 'Understanding the perceptions and awareness around cyber security among employees working in BPOs,' in Delhi-NCR and Kolkata to ascertain the level of awareness regarding cyber frauds among people employed in the sector. The survey sample design comprised of four focus group discussions (FGDs) and 20 in-depth interviews (IDIs) held across Delhi-NCR and Kolkata. It was noted that awareness about cyber frauds was low amid freshers and job applicants, but it was relatively higher in experienced employees. Both employees and customers are to be blamed for cyber frauds as employees lack ethics and customers for being careless about security and privacy, admitted experienced BPO professionals while acknowledging that computer hacking, credit card/bank frauds, malware/virus, tech support scams are most prevalent. Highlighting the poor levels of awareness among freshers and job applicants, the survey noted that perceptions about cyber frauds are mostly driven by word of mouth and media. Besides, the predominant perception for causes of cyber frauds is the growing shift of online transactions - from shopping to banking and consumers' growing trust on internet and its safety nets. While enough measures exist in the BPO sector to keep a check on cyber frauds, it is the lack of seriousness at the organisational level towards the issue which is the root cause to the problem as casual attitude is often passed down to employees, according to the ASSOCHAM-Microsoft survey. Basic protocols like frisking/checking before entry/exit, no mobile phones on floor, no pen and paper and others are frequently overlooked, thereby exposing gaps. It was also revealed that there is certain casualness, as the general feeling is that most cyber frauds occur on a larger scale, and the security staff is not aware of implications of not following proper protocols. There is also little awareness on importance of protecting data of clients leading to casual attitude of employees towards data. While seriousness of implications and fear of repercussions is not deeply instilled in the employees' minds, they can also get trapped or perpetrate those frauds unknowingly. The survey also suggested immediate steps to drive home seriousness about cyber frauds - include comprehensive session on cyber fraud in induction programme, implement stringent security measures, install strong antivirus systems, organise sessions on ethical practices, implement training and development programmes. ASSOCHAM in collaboration with Microsoft has launched 'Cybersuraksha Youth Awareness Campaign,' wherein series of workshops are being organised in various states with an aim to promote awareness about cyber security threats among citizens and provide up-to-date security information through education and sharing of good practices. Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Twenty migrant workers from Myanmar were killed when their bus caught fire in northwestern Thailand on Friday, the police said. The workers were travelling to a factory district near Bangkok when their chartered bus was engulfed in flames around 1.30 a.m. in Tak Province, the Bangkok Post reported. The double-decker bus was carrying 47 Myanmar workers, out of which 27 managed to escape the inferno, said Col. Krissana Pattanacharoen, a Royal Thai Police spokesman. The cause of the fire was not yet known, he said. Initial reports said that the engine of the bus caught fire which spread quickly through the vehicle. Police said the fire was so intense that identifying the dead would require experts. One officer at the scene told the daily that he could not distinguish between male and female corpses. The authorities were planning to interview the driver, who survived the fire. "We are trying to identify the bodies and also trying to contact the Myanmar Consulate in order to identify the bodies," Colonel Krissana said. "They are Buddhists, so we've got to send them back to their hometown for religious ceremonies there." The workers who were killed on Friday had passed the lengthy new registration process to work in the country, reports said. Thailand has the world's highest rate of road traffic deaths, according to World Health Organisation data from 2013. In 2015, it was found to have the second highest road fatality rate behind Libya. --IANS soni/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) At least seven Palestinians were killed and over 500 injured in violent clashes between hundreds of Palestinians and Israeli soldiers during a march close to the border between Gaza Strip and Israel on Friday. The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death toll and according to reports 550 Palestinians were injured as they launched a six-week protest dubbed the "Great March of Return" amid Israeli Army presence on the borderline area with the Gaza Strip, the BBC reported. Eyewitnesses said the Israeli Army sent more forces, including armoured vehicles, snipers, sniffer dogs and soldiers equipped with teargas, rubber bullets and live ammunition to prevent the Palestinians from reaching the fence of the borders. Thousands of Palestinians, including women and children, arrived by buses at six different areas in the eastern part of the Gaza Strip to join the march. Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qedra told reporters that early in the day, Israeli soldiers targeted two farmers close to the border with the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis, killing a 27-year-old farmer and wounding another. Witnesses said the two men were hit by tank fire while collecting parsley in a field. Later, six other Palestinian demonstrators were shot dead by Israeli troops near the border between eastern Gaza Strip and Israel during violent confrontations, he said. March 30 marks Land Day, which commemorates the killing of six protesters by Israeli security forces during demonstrations over land confiscation in 1976. Palestinians erected five main camp areas along the Israel border for the protest, from Erez in the north to Rafah near the Egyptian border in the south. The protest is scheduled to end on May 15. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said there were about 17,000 Palestinians in five locations along the border fence. The IDF said troops were "firing towards the main instigators" to break up rioting that included the burning of tyres and the throwing of Molotov cocktails and stones at the fence. Hamas, the militant group which dominates the Gaza Strip, accused Israel of trying to intimidate Palestinians. The Israeli Foreign Ministry said the protest was a "deliberate attempt to provoke a confrontation with Israel" and that "responsibility for any clashes lies solely with Hamas and other participating Palestinian organisations". Meanwhile, Saeb Erekat, Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organisation's Executive Committee, said the Israeli government had been preparing to attack unarmed Palestinians during their march on the Palestinian Land Day. An Afghan provincial council member, along with a local pro-government leader and an attacker, was killed when the latter blew himself up in the country's Kunar province on Friday, a government spokesman said. The explosion occurred in the afternoon after the arrival of Shah Wali Hemat, a provincial council member, to attend a local funeral ceremony, government spokesman Ghani Musamim told Xinhua news agency. A local tribesman named Abdul Rahman also died on the spot. A security guard was injured in the explosion, the latest targeted attack against government officials and local leaders. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. --IANS and/soni/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Several major airlines have asked the government to investigate the matter of "inaccurate" reporting of technical snags by some other passenger carriers. In a letter dated March 28, to the Minister of State for Civil Aviation Jayant Sinha, Jet Airways, SpiceJet and Vistara alleged that the "number of technical snags being reported by various airlines is inaccurate". "It seems apparent that the number of technical snags being reported by various airlines is inaccurate. This discrepancy or misreporting of data is leading to the false illusion of the relative safety of some airlines over others. "As you are aware, reporting of snags and defects is mandatory in India and accurate reporting of such snags is in the interest of passengers and aviation safety," it said. The development comes after Sinha in a reply to a question informed the Rajya Sabha that airlines in India had reported a total of 24,791 defects or snags in 2017. "We request you to get this matter investigated by the DGCA so that accurate information may be made available to the Parliament of India and the travelling public," the letter added. --IANS rv/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Actress Isha Talwar, who will soon be seen in Prithviraj Sukumaran-starrer Malayalam film "Ranam", says she had been wanting to work with the actor for six years, since the time she entered the film industry. "When I got the first call to do 'Ranam', I thought people were playing a prank on me because the call came from America. But then Prithviraj messaged and said we would like you to play a part in the film," said Isha in a statement. "I have been wanting to work with Prithviraj for six years now, ever since I got here. He is also an actor who shuttles between industries as well, and I was totally looking forward to working with him. So it was cool working with the heartthrob from Malayalam cinema. I am glad I've ticked this off the list," added the actress, who has also worked in Salman Khan-starrer "Tubelight". "Ranam" is scheduled to release on April 13 and is directed by Nirmal Sahadev. --IANS ks/dc/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Actor Ben Affleck took to social media to take down a magazine, which body shamed him in an article titled "The Great Sadness of Ben Affleck". Affleck responded to a New Yorker magazine which suggested he was depressed after new photos surfaced of Affleck on a beach with a large tattoo of a phoenix on his back, reports The actor took to Twitter with the post: "New Yorker I'm doing just fine. Thick skin bolstered by garish tattoos". When the tattoo was first spotted in 2016, Affleck insisted it was fake and just for a movie. The New Yorker article said that ever since Affleck's 2015 split from actress Jennifer Garner, paparazzi photographs have shown a "sad Ben", from him vaping in his car to the low-energy interviews he gave during the "Batman v Superman" press tour. The article drew backlash online this week as the story also appeared to fat-shame Affleck with lines like, "his gut is pooching" and "a blue-gray towel is wrapped protectively around his midsection-recalling a shy teen at the local pool." The images were taken while Affleck was filming Netflix movie "Triple Frontier" in Hawaii with Garrett Hedlund, Charlie Hunnam and Oscar Isaac, who were also photographed in the water. --IANS ks/dc/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Parts of Raniganj in West Bengal's Paschim Burdwan district that remained tense for most of this week following clashes over Ram Navami rallies limped back to normalcy on Friday even as large number of police and para-military forces continued to be deployed in the area to prevent any breach of peace. "We are maintaining a tight vigil. The situation is normal. No further untoward incidents have happened so far," a police officer from the district said. A large number of security personnel were deployed on the streets of Raniganj while a section of shops opened their shutters after remaining closed for the last five days. "Things are slowly becoming normal. We could not come out of our houses since the clash broke out. Today I am able to go to office," a commuter said. The internet services remained suspended even on Friday. Meanwhile, a four-member committee formed by BJP President Amit Shah is set to visit the trouble hit areas of Raniganj on Sunday and submit a report, a leader of the party's state unit said. The committee, led by BJP Vice President Om Mathur, also has former Union Minister Shahnawaz Hussain and MPs Roopa Ganguly and B.D. Ram. A clash broke out between two groups centring a Ram Navami procession in Raniganj on Monday. A person was allegedly hacked to death while a Deputy Commissioner of Police lost a hand after getting hit by a bomb. The Union Home Ministry has sought a report from the state government on incidents of arson and violence during the processions. The Trinamool Congress government blamed the Bharatiya Janata Party for the unrest. Several shops and houses were vandalised and set ablaze during the clashes in parts of Paschim Bardhaman district. Police have arrested 19 people for fomenting trouble. Five police personnel were injured as clashes broke out over a Ram Navami rally organised by the saffron outfit and the Sangh affiliates in an area in Purulia district. The BJP, which is trying to pitchfork itself as the main challenger to the Trinamool in the state, has been using the Ram Navami celebrations since last year to appeal to the sentiments of the majority Hindu population. Sensing the BJP's motive, the Trinamool also resorted to celebrate the occasion massively on its own this year. --IANS mgr/ssp/him/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi's maiden India-set project "Beyond The Clouds", featuring Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor's younger brother Ishaan Khatter and Malavika Mohanan, will release in 34 territories, including Pakistan. Zee Studios International is taking the film to the foreign shores. The film will see a 34 territory release including a wide release in Iran as well as over 70 screens in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) regions including Dubai, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar, read a statement. Apart from the GCC region, the film will also open in the US, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Maldives, Luxembourg, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, East West and South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia and Pakistan. "Beyond The Clouds" narrates a heart-warming tale of a brother and sister, and how they find happiness in separation and turbulent times. The film celebrates the triumph and adoration of life against a Mumbai backdrop. Produced by Zee Studios and Namah Pictures, the film will open in UAE and GCC regions on April 19. In North America, UK and Singapore, the film will release on April 20. The release date for Australia, New Zealand and Fiji is yet to be confirmed. Vibha Chopra, Head - Zee Studios International (Film Marketing, Distribution and Acquisition), said: "The popularity of Indian cinema, Hindi as well as other regional films, is rising at rapid pace. Majid Majidi's films are those that are awaited by Indians as well as non-diaspora audience worldwide. "And that is why the different approach to the film. The film has been marketed keeping in mind both these type of movie-goers. Content is what is key, around the globe. We have tapped 34 territories in the first phase of release for the film and are looking to go wider in phase two." In the phase two, the film will open in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Russia. With music by A.R. Rahman, cinematography by Anil Mehta and Hindi dialogues by Vishal Bhardwaj, it will open in India on April 20. --IANS sug/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Uttar Pradesh government on Friday denied the opposition's charges that its move to add 'Ramji' to the name of Dalit icon Bhimrao Ambedkar was politically motivated. The state government shared with the media a postal stamp of 1991 when the then Congress government at the Centre had 'Ramji' in the name. "His full name is Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and we have only done what is factual and correct," said a minister on Friday, adding that the opposition was being unfair in seeing everything through the prism of electoral The BJP government in the state earlier this week issued an order, seeking the change of the name of the architect of the Indian Constitution from the hitherto used Bhim Rao Ambedkar to Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar. This triggered a political storm as opposition parties, led by the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), accused the government of distorting historical things for petty political gains. BSP supremo Mayawati has said the BJP was engaged in a political drama. She also mentioned how neither Mahatma Gandhi (whose full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) nor in present times the Prime Minister (whose full name is Narendra Damodar Das Modi) have ever been addressed by their full names. This, the four-time Chief Minister alleged, was being done to come across as champion of the Dalits and to cause confusion. --IANS md/him/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Referring to rising communal disturbances in Bihar, the CPI-M on Friday accused the BJP of sharpening communal polarization following its rout in the Lok Sabha by-elections in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. "Widespread communal disturbances are occurring in most districts of Bihar," a statement by the Communist Party of India-Marxist said, at the end of a Central Committee meeting here. "After the betrayal of the 'Grand Alliance' by (Chief Minister) Nitish Kumar and the BJP being in the government, official patronage is being extended to such communal polarization," it said. "Central ministers are playing an active role in creating disturbances in various states across the country - Bihar, Bengal, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh. "It is clear that after the severe drubbing that the BJP received in recent by-elections, it is intensifying the sharpening of communal polarization by mounting such attacks against religious minorities and the Dalits," it said. --IANS mr/soni (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Reacting to BJP's allegation of his involvement in a "land scam", Congress leader Kapil Sibal on Friday said the ruling party is being selective in highlighting facts and that the same website they are referring to had said there was no evidence against him. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday accused former Law Minister and Congress leader Kapil Sibal of being involved in a "land scam", claiming that he bought a piece of land in Delhi worth crores for a "very small price" from an accused in a money laundering case. Referring to a report by the website which alleged that Sibal acquired the land by paying just Rs 1 lakh, Information and Broadcasting Minister Smriti Irani said Sibal and his wife got the ownership of a company, Grande Castello, from one Piyoosh Goyal, a businessman. "The same website on the basis of which Smriti Irani did a press conference (on Thursday), had said there is no evidence that Sibal was party to money laundering or corruption. The same site had said that Sibal had no role," Sibal stressed. "It also said that there is no evidence to suggest that Sibal interfered in Goyal's case... This makes it evident how selective they are. They chose not to read it." Why did the press conference was organised, only they would know, he added. --IANS sid/nir (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Maharashtra Navnirman Sena President Raj Thackeray on Friday asked students and parents to "boycott the re-examinations" proposed by the government over the Central Board of Secondary (CBSE) question paper leak. Addressing parents and students, Thackeray said it was the responsibility of the government, but instead of owning up its mistake, it was again burdening the students with a re-examination of the leaked papers. "The government is incapable of safeguarding the question papers and yet it is the students who have to bear the anguish of a re-exam. Why should they (students) be made to undergo this ordeal for no fault of theirs?" Thackeray demanded. "I appeal to all the parents of CBSE students in Maharashtra and rest of the country, that under no circumstances should you permit your children to sit for the re-examinations. If you bow and adjust now, you will be made to bend more in future." He called for a "tough and firm united stand" on the issue. "The government must be given a clear message to set its house in order first instead of compelling the students to suffer for its mistakes. If the parents falter now, and the students write the examinations again, then such mistakes will keep recurring in future," he said. Thackeray's comments come after the leak of the economics question paper of Class 12 and the mathematics paper of Class 10 was reported on Wednesday. The CBSE has announced a re-examination in the two papers though fresh dates are yet to be announced. --IANS qn/ksk/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The CBI has registered three cases in connection with four alleged staged shootout deaths in Manipur in which personnel of the state police, Assam Rifles and CRPF are accused, an official said on Friday. The FIRs were filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday following the Supreme Court's March 12 order on writ petitions filed by the families of the deceased. In the first FIR, the CBI named five Manipur Police personnel and some unidentified policemen for taking Manipur resident R.K. Laksana in custody on February 15, 1999, and later allegedly killing him in a staged shootout. The named accused are Sub-Inspector Pebam John Singh and Constables Longjam Rokhon Singh, Thangmang Kipgen, K. Bijoy Tarao and Fajur Rahman. In the second case, the CBI booked unidentified personnel of 20 Assam Rifles on the charge of killing Ramaso Shingnaisui on July 17, 1997, in custody. "As per Shingnaisui's post-mortem report, he died of shock and haemorrhage as a result of multiple blunt force injuries, which were homicidal in nature," the FIR said. In another FIR, the CBI booked unidentified personnel of the Central Reserve Police Force's 121 and 134 Battalions for killing Asem Romajit and Yumnam Robita Devi in a staged shootout in 2002. "It was alleged that on April 9, 2002, some personnel of CRPF's 121 and 134 Battalions were attacked by unidentified armed insurgents in Pangei Bazar, which resulted in the killing of four CRPF troopers and injuries to many more. "The CRPF personnel subsequently carried out searches of all houses in the area and started firing indiscriminately, during which Romajit was shot dead from close range. Similarly, Robita, who was waiting for a passenger bus, lay down on the ground to save herself but was shot dead by CRPF personnel," the FIR said. The CBI had registered on Wednesday an FIR against unidentified personnel of 19 Assam Rifles to probe the alleged arrest, torture and murder of Manipur college student Khundrakpam Tejkumar Singh in 2004. --IANS rak/tsb/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Friday taunted Prime Minister Narendra Modi, asking him if he was now penning a book for students on how to de-stress after their lives were "destroyed" following the leak of CBSE question papers. Gandhi said Modi "wrote 'Exam Warriors', a book to teach students stress relief during exams. "Next up: 'Exam Warriors 2', a book to teach students and parents stress relief, once their lives are destroyed due to leaked exam papers." Ahead of the exam season, Modi came out with a book "Exam Warriors" released in February that advises students how to fight exam stress. The Prime Minister has extensively spoken about exam stress in his monthly "Mann Ki Baat" radio address for four exam cycles since he came to power in May 2014. He also held a televised interactive session with students all over the country, giving them a pep talk on how not to fear exams. But the government has came under huge criticism after question papers for Class 10 maths and Class 12 economics were circulated on WhatsApp days before examinations were held on Monday and Wednesday, respectively. The Central Board of School acknowledged that the question papers were "leaked". On Wednesday, the board ordered that students will have to re-write the exams for the two subjects, triggering outrage. --IANS nkh/sar/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Beijing hopes an upcoming summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, and another one between Kim and US President Donald Trump will yield significant results, China's top diplomat said here on Friday. Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi said during a meeting with South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha that China backs the planned inter-Korean summit on April 27 and a summit between Trump and Kim in May, and believes they would help ease tension on the Korean Peninsula, Efe news reported. Yang said China hopes to maintain strong communication with South Korea and work together to continue to address the issue. The meeting in April would be the first inter-Korean summit after 2007, while the one in May would be the first-ever summit between the leaders of North Korea and the US after seven decades of conflict and 25 years of failed negotiations. --IANS and/soni/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Christians in Kerala on Friday were out in large numbers and local hurches were overflowing as they participated in the Good Friday mass. This Friday's mass commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Mount Calvary in Jerusalem, nearly 2,000 years ago. Of the around 3.4 crore population of Kerala, Christians number 61.41 lakhs, composed of 29.94 lakhs males and 31.47 lakhs females. The Good Friday mass timings differ according to church denominations, starting from 8.30 a.m and ending in some churches as late as 3 p.m. The main event of the day in the churches is the re-enactment by worshippers of the "Way of the Cross" - the 14 stations on Christ's final journey to Mount Calvary from the palace Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of the province. The chief priest, who conducts the day's mass, along with a large number of the laity re-enact Jesus' journey with the worshippers moving to each station singing hymns as the story of the betrayal, arrest, trial and crucifixion of Christ is narrated by the priest. The most important ritual in this mass is the drinking of 'choruka' - a decoction made of bitter gourd juice and vinegar - by all the devotees. When the Good Friday mass reaches its last lap, the priest pours out a spoon of 'choruka' into the mouth of each and every person attending the mass. This symbolises the event of Christ crying out while on the cross, on hearing which some onlookers dipped a piece of cloth in cheap wine and lifted it to his mouth to make him drink just before he died. At the end of the Good Friday mass in Kerala, those attending are served 'kanji' - the steaming hot gruel made of rice along with mango pickle and a serving of pulses. The next major event takes place on Sunday morning, when the "Passion Week" ends with the Easter Sunday festival which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. --IANS sg/bc (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Amid outrage over leak of CBSE question papers, the government on Friday said re-examination of Class 10 maths paper will be held only in Delhi, NCR and Haryana, "if at all", while fresh Class 12 test for economics students will be conducted on April 25. Anil Swarup, Secretary School in Union Human Resources Development Ministry, said the CBSE Class 10 mathematics question paper was leaked only in Delhi and Haryana as there was no evidence that it was a pan-India affair. "The leak was restricted to Delhi and Haryana, if at all a re-exam will happen, it will happen only in these states in July. A decision will be taken on this in the next 15 days," Swarup told reporters. He said the Class 12 economics re-exam will be held on April 25. But there will be no fresh test outside of India. --IANS aks-sar/vsc/mr (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Communal tension gripped Bihar's Nawada town on Friday after a religious idol was found damaged, police said. Nawada District Magistrate Kaushal Kumar said that as soon as the news spread, a protest erupted, leading to violent clashes between two communities. Angry mobs damaged vehicles, torched shops and pelted stones at the police. However, the situation was soon brought under control, Kumar added. Additional security forces have been deployed in the town to maintain law and order. The Nawada parliamentary constituency is represented by Union Minister Giriraj Singh, who is known to be a vocal champion of Hinduvta Communal tension had erupted in Nawada last year and also in 2013. In the past week, communal tension that first started in Aurangabad district during Ram Navami processions, spread to Samastipur, Munger, Nalanda, Sheikhpura and Gaya districts. The opposition Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) has attacked Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for failing to handle he situation. --IANS ik/ksk/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Union Minister Giriraj Singh on Friday accused the Congress of inciting communal violence in Bihar and West Bengal, saying this was being done to "weaken" the majority Hindu community at these places. At a brief stop over at the circuit house in Allahabad, while on his way to Pratapgarh, the senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, known for his controversial comments, alleged all this was happening on the directions of Congress President Rahul Gandhi under "a well-planned conspiracy". "Rahul Gandhi is working overtime to disrupt communal harmony and to weaken Hindus," he claimed, adding that the Congress chief's only aim is to discredit the Narendra Modi government and they are wearing Hindus to split the nation. "Wherever the Hindus are being weakened, incidents like those taking place in Bihar and West Bengal happen," he said, but declined to elaborate of the communal unrest in some districts of Bihar as he has not been visiting his home state for some time. He also defended the decision of the Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh for inserting 'Ramji' in the name of Dalit icon Bhimrao Ambedkar and added that there was nothing wrong in it as "this was the real name of the Architect of the Constitution". Ambedkar belongs to everyone, irrespective of caste or creed and hence he cannot be owned by any person or party, he said in an apparent reference to the Bahujan Samaj Party, which has been crying foul over the name change. --IANS md/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Supporting Supreme Court Judge J. Chelameswar's letter to Chief Justice of India Dipak Mishra, the Congress on Friday said the "bonhomie between media and the government and judiciary and the government will lead to destruction of democracy" and that the Modi government was targeting all organisations. Referring to Justice Chelameswar's letter, Congress leader and senior lawyer Kapil Sibal said: "The Modi government's mindset is to bring the higher judiciary under their control and to fill the judiciary with RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) people". Justice Chelameswar, in his letter, had said that "the bonhomie between the judiciary and the government in any state sounds the death knell of democracy". The letter questioned the inquiry initiated by Karnataka High Court Chief Justice Dinesh Maheshwari against District and Sessions Judge Krishna Bhat allegedly at the instance of the Ministry of Law and Justice, despite Bhat's name being recommended for elevation twice by the Supreme Court Collegium. "Justice Chelameshwar had asked why this was happening. He also said this should be discussed in full court. The Law Ministry has even ignored the collegium and the CJI and directly written a letter to Chief Justice Maheshwari. "Their mindset is to bring the judiciary under their control. The names recommended by the Judges are rejected by the government. Ever since this government has come to power, they have targeted all the organisations," the Congress leader said. Sibal said: "Prime Minister Narendra Modi doesn't even allow discussion on the no-trust motion (in Parliament). Every bill is turned into a money bill so that there could be no discussion in the Rajya Sabha. "In Parliament, he (Modi) doesn't even take questions. First, they are destroying Parliament as an institution. Then they target the media. "Media and judiciary are two pillars that can protect democracy. They (the government) have captured most of the media houses. When media and government come together, then what will be its consequence on democracy? History speaks for itself. "The other organisation which they are targeting is the judiciary," he added. --IANS sid/tsb/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan on Friday said there are no human rights for anti-social elements, justifying the police parading criminals in public. While speaking at an event organised for creating awareness about women's safety and security, Chauhan said, his government has zero-tolerance for crimes against women. He also said his government's priority is to provide security to women. "Criminals who eve-tease our daughters and make it difficult for them to step out of the house cannot claim human rights," he said. The police has all the power to take action against the criminals, he said. Attacking human right activists, he said that they should also be aware that criminals don't have human rights. --IANS hindi-nks/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi discussed on Thursday mutual military cooperation with visiting chairman of the Pakistani Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Zubair Mahmood Hayat. In a statement, Sisi and Hayat discussed bilateral relations and boosting military cooperation between the two countries, Xinhua reported. They also talked about the latest regional developments, mainly war on terror, which is a major challenge for both countries. On Thursday, Egyptian state media reported that Sisi won 92 percent of the votes in the 2018 presidential election, with 23 million Egyptians voting for him. Sisi was expected to make an easy win on his sole rival, a little-known politician, for a second four-year term. --IANS ahm/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Two persons, including an engineer, were shot dead in Ranchi district of Jharkhand on Friday by some criminals, who also injured one person, police said. Police said unidentified criminals raided the camp office of a contractor involved in railway work at Chete village in Nagari police station jurisdiction and fired on those present there. Of the three persons who sustained bullet injuries, two died -- engineer Vishal Reddy and Munshi Prahalad Singh Rathod. Reddy was a Karnataka native while Rathod hailed from Madhya Pradesh. The injured, whose identity could not be known, was admitted in the Rajendra Institute of Medical Science in Ranchi. Police said it suspected that refusal to pay a levy to criminals could have led to the killings. Police said the role of a Maoist group, People's Liberation Front of India, is also suspected since it could be in retaliation to the killing of two PLFI members in a gun battle with security forces on Thursday in Khuti district. --IANS ns/tsb/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The enthronement ceremony of Crown Prince Naruhito as Japan's next emperor will be held on October 22, 2019, six months after the abdication of his father, Emperor Akihito, the government announced on Friday. Prior to the ceremony, Naruhito, 59, will succeed to the Chrysanthemum Throne on May 1, 2019, one day after Akihito's abdication, in an intimate and closed-door ritual, reports Efe news. The ceremony will be held at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo in front of thousands of guests and delegations from around the world. It is expected to be similar to that of Akihito, held on November 12, 1990, which was attended by 2,500 guests, including 157 foreign dignitaries. Akihito ascended to the Chrysanthemum Throne after more than a year mourning his father, Emperor Hirohito's death, who had reigned for 63 years since 1928. The 125th emperor of Japan, Akihito expressed his desire to abdicate in an unusual televised message in August 2016, citing his age and deteriorating health. --IANS ksk/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Jharkhand government on Friday lodged an FIR against a senior police officer and the Press Adviser of the Chief Minister in connection with the 2016 Rajya Sabha election. The FIR against Additional Director General of Police (ADG) - Special Branch Anurag Gupta and Press Adviser Ajay Kumar was lodged following a directive to the state government from the Election Commission (EC) in June 2017 to initiate action against the two. Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das on March 26 gave his approval to initiate action against the police officer and his aide. The FIR was lodged at Jagannathpur Police Station of Ranchi under sections 171B and 171C of the IPC. Both sections relate to acts aimed at influencing the outcome of an election. The EC earlier this month in its second reminder had asked the state government to lodge the FIR. There are allegations that Gupta in the capacity of ADG had tried to influence the legislators to vote in favour of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the 2016 Rajya Sabha election, wherein Kumar also had a role. Former Chief Minister Babulal Marandi had come out with a CD having an audio of the conversation of former Minister and Congress leader Yogendra Sao with the ADG, in which the police officer was allegedly seeking votes in favour of the BJP. Yogendra Sao's wife Nirmala Devi is a Congress legislator. The opposition parties had complained about it to the EC and the Union Home Ministry. As the EC asked the state government to initiate disciplinary action against Gupta and Kumar in connection with the 2016 Rajya Sabha election, it had filed a review petition, which was rejected by the top poll panel. The opposition parties had again raised the issue ahead of the just concluded Rajya Sabha polls. The BJP had won both the Rajya Sabha seats in 2016 despite the numbers not being in their favour. --IANS ns/nir/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old who shot and killed 17 people at a Florida high school, was receiving a massive amount of fan mail from across the US and Europe at the county jail where he was being held, the media reported. The Broward County Public Defender's office, which represents Cruz, has said that between 100 and 200 pieces of mail have arrived at the jail since his arrest after the massacre at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland on February 14, reports CNN. The letters are from women, girls and grown men. Some were handwritten on college-ruled notebook paper and in fancy greeting cards with cartoons, others typed. Some letters were also stuffed with sexually suggestive photos of women and teenagers. There was even a handwritten note from a Girl Scout troop in New Jersey, signed by more than a dozen girls. "May God Forgive," they wrote. Broward County Public Defender Howard Finkelstein told CNN that he had never seen a defendant get so many letters. However, Cruz does not have access to these letters. Unless his attorneys or family tell him, he would not know about them. Finkelstein said he has only shared the contents of the religious letters with Cruz. --IANS ksk (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Describing the violence in West Bengal's Asansol "painful and unfortunate", BJP President Amit Shah on Friday formed a four-member committee to visit the city and submit a report. The committee members are BJP Vice-President Om Mathur, former Union Minister Shahnawaz Hussain and MPs Roopa Ganguly and B.D. Ram. In a statement issued here, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said that Shah condemned the Asansol violence. On Monday, a clash broke out between two groups over a Ram Navami procession at Raniganj in Asansol. A person was allegedly hacked to death while a Deputy Commissioner of Police lost a hand in a bomb hit. Several shops and houses were vandalised and set ablaze during the procession. The BJP has accused West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee of playing in Delhi while the state burnt due to violence during Ram Navami. Banerjee was in Delhi for two days to pitch for an anti-BJP coalition ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. --IANS aks/tsb/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) France has offered to mediate between Turkey and Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern Syria, according to President Emmanuel Macrons office. Meeting a delegation from northern Syria, including the Kurdish Peoples' Protection Units (YPG), a part of the Kurdish-dominated SDF, Macron said on Thursday that he hoped "a dialogue can be established between the SDF and Turkey with help from France and the international community". Macron's office said he "paid tribute to the sacrifices and the determining role" of the SDF in the fight against the Islamic State (IS) group, the BBC reported. Ankara is battling to drive out the Kurdish YPG militia, which it sees as an extension of the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Turkey rejected the offer, calling the Kurdish militia a "terrorist" group. Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said countries should instead take a "clear stance against all types of terrorism". Separately on Friday, Turkey said five soldiers were killed and seven wounded in an attack by the PKK in its south-eastern province of Siirt. The attack, the deadliest by the PKK for months, was reportedly a "revenge" for Turkey's offensive in northern Syria. The SDF is a key US ally in the fight against IS and the Kurdish YPG forms a core part of it. France and the US have given the militia weapons and training to support its battle against IS. The US also backs the YPG's assertion that it has no direct organisational links to the PKK. Macron said France would support the "stabilisation" of the security zone in northeast Syria to stop IS regaining strength. Turkish presidential spokesman Kalin said on Twitter that the PKK and YPG were trying to legitimise themselves under the SDF. "We reject any efforts to promote 'dialogue', 'contact' or 'mediation' between Turkey and those terrorist organisations," he said, adding "friendly countries" should not "legitimise the structure of terror". --IANS soni/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Senior hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Geelani offered congregational Friday prayers after eight years. Geelani joined the devotees on Friday at the Hyderpora mosque some distance away from his home here. This came after state police chief S.P.Vaid on Thursday announced authorities had decided to lift house arrest restrictions on the octogenarian separatist leader and also on Mirwaiz Umer Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik. Apprehending law and order problems, authorities in the Valley have been imposing restrictions in law and order vulnerable areas for the last 30 years since separatist violence started here. Such restrictions have always accompanied placing Geelani, Mirwaiz and Malik under house arrest to ensure that these separatist leaders are prevented from joining anti-government protests. There are speculations that the decision to ease restrictions on the separatist leaders was taken after Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti held a meeting with Union Home Secretary Rajiv Gauba who was here for two days to review the law and order and anti-militancy situation earlier this week. Centre's special representative, Dineshwar Sharma, also currently here, is reportedly been supporting the idea that imposing restrictions on senior separatist leaders at the drop of the hat has aggrieved instead of easing tensions here. A top security force officer who did not want to be named, however, said not much should be read in the decision to allow Geelani move about freely. "The easing of restrictions does not mean they can indulge in protests and secessionist activities. All of us are free as long as we abide by the law," said the officer. --IANS sq/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Uttar Pradesh government is committed to Ram Rajya, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath declared on Friday while inaugurating 20 projects worth Rs 1,800 crore here. Defining "Ram Rajya", he said it amounted to providing homes for the homeless, electricity to to the poor, ration card to those below poverty line and security to everyone. Before addressing a public meeting at Kavi Nagar, Adityanath inaugurated a 10.3-km elevated road connecting newly developed Raj Nagar Extension township with UP Gate on Delhi border. He said his government was committed to providing homes for 3.5 lakh families under the Prime Minister's housing schemes. During last 15 years, he accused the Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party of dividing the society. Under the Swachh Bharat Mission, eight districts of western Uttar Pradesh would be declared open defecation free (ODF) on October 2, 2018. "Only true nationals will survive in the state," the Chief Minister thundered. "Criminals will either leave the state or will remain in jails." --IANS sps/mr/nir/sar (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Himachal Pradesh and Japan have signed an agreement for a Rs 800 crore project that will help improvement of forest natural resources besides providing livelihood to locals, an official said on Friday. The project named Himachal Pradesh Livelihood and Forest Ecosystems Management would be carried out in six districts -- Bilaspur, Kinnaur, Kullu, Lahaul-Spiti, Mandi and Shimla -- in 10 years. Out of the total project cost, Rs 640 crore would be provided as loans, a government spokesperson told IANS. He said state Forest Minister Govind Singh Thakur and Japanese Ambassador on Thursday signed the MoU for the project. --IANS vg/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Chinese handset maker Huawei shipped 153 million smartphones (including its sub-brand Honor) in 2017, reporting revenue of 237.2 billion yuan ($36.4 billion), an increase of 31.9 per cent Year-on-Year (YoY). In the consumer business, Huawei and Honor brands ran full speed ahead, leading to rapid growth in their respective markets, the company said on Friday. The company's 2017 results looked better as the Honor brand helped pushed sales both within and outside China, according to the latest report by market research firm Counterpoint's "Market Monitor service". "Huawei secured the leading position in the Chinese smartphone market during the final quarter of 2017 and for the full year 2017 it registered 19 per cent YoY growth. This allowed the world's third largest smartphone brand to capture 19 per cent share of the smartphone market, its highest ever for a full year," said Counterpoint. The Shenzhen-based firm launched its latest flagship smartphones -- "P20" and "P20 Pro" -- earlier this week at an event in Paris. "P20" with 5.8-inch screen features a Leica dual camera and "P20 Pro" with 6.1-inch screen comes with Leica triple camera and 5x Hybrid Zoom. Both the devices feature a 24MP selfie camera with Artificial Intelligence (AI) beautification capabilities and 3D portrait lighting. The phones also come with a colour temperature sensor for better colour reproduction. --IANS ksc/na/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) In wake of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) paper leak, Union Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Prakash Javadekar on Friday asked engineering students to devise solutions for making exams "leak-proof". Amid protests over the leak of CBSE question papers, the government on Friday said re-examination of Class 12 economics will be held on April 25, while the decision over the class 10 maths re-exam will be taken in the next 15 days. Meanwhile, the opposition stepped up its attack on the government over the CBSE paper leaks, with the Congress accusing the government of sheltering the "exam mafia" that it claimed has taken over the examination system of the country. The leaked question papers of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) examination were shared on 10 WhatsApp groups, said the police. Meanwhile, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray asked students not to sit for CBSE re-examination after the education board decided to re-conduct the test of leaked papers. He termed the paper leak as the failure of the government. Launching the final round of the Smart India Hackathon-2018 (software edition) here at New Delhi Institute of Management, he appealed to the students to "come out with the solution for making examinations leak proof", an official statement said. Javadekar said though the problem was not a subject of this year's competition, he asked the students to "work on the solution of full proof examination" after the competition gets over. The two-day final of the Hackathon is being held at 28 nodal centres across the country. There are 1,296 entries selected for the finals out of more than 17,400 teams with participation of around one lakh students of Engineering, Management and MCA. Addressing the participants, Javadekar said: "More than one lakh students of more than 1,200 colleges are participating in this second edition of the Smart India Hackathon 2018, which is a record." "... more than 8,000 students at 28 different centres will work on their final innovations for the next 36 hours. These students will codify their innovations in a group of six, on which they are working hard since last four months." (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal attacked Lt. Governor Anil Baijal on Friday over the latter's objection to a government scheme to offer free pilgrimage for senior citizens. Under the "Mukhyamantri Teerth Yatra Yojana", 77,000 people were proposed to be taken on free pilgrimage every year but the scheme needed Baijal's approval. "LG is practically obstructing every scheme and every project of Delhi (government). How do we run (a government) like this?" Kejriwal asked in a tweet. "My appeal to BJP - Don't obstruct our work. I challenge your governments in other states to compete with us in work," the Aam Aadmi Party leader added. Earlier, Delhi Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot said the Lt Governor wanted the pilgrimage to be restricted to families below poverty line (BPL). "LG forgets that many children do not support their old parents. They would be happy to receive government support. And every government facility should not be restricted only to BPL," Gahlot said. --IANS nkh/mr (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Kerala government is holding consultations with legal experts to change the law to allow passengers travel while standing in government buses, a Minister said on Friday. "We have already consulted a few legal experts. We are speaking to more to see how best we can amend the laws in the wake of the Kerala High Court directive. We are exploring whether it is possible to allow passengers equivalent to 25 per cent of bus seating capacity to travel while standing. We are looking at various options," Transport Minister A.K. Saseendran told the media here. A Division Bench of Chief Justice Antony Dominic, acting on a petition filed by a social organisation, on Tuesday said that as per the Motor Vehicle Act, passengers should not be allowed to travel while standing. Kerala State Road Transport Corporation buses (KSRTC) staff unions have opposed the judgment since the corporation, with accumulated losses of Rs 7,966 crore, is finding it tough to pay salaries and pensions. Earlier this month, 40,000 KSRTC pensioners got pensions after almost six months after the government pumped in the money. --IANS sg/tsb/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) In a big blow to two-time champions Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) ahead of the Indian Premier League (IPL), pace spearhead Mitchell Starc was on Friday ruled out of the fourth Test against South Africa and the IPL due to a tibial bone stress fracture in his right leg. "Mitchell Starc has a 'tibial bone stress in his right leg'. He will return home for further assessment after the Test and will miss the IPL," Cricket Australia tweeted. In the final Test in Johannesburg, Starc was replaced for by South Australia's Chadd Sayers. Starc will fly home after the series for further injury investigation and assessment. Starc was roped in for a whopping sum of Rs 94 million by KKR and was tipped to lead the franchise's bowling attack. Sans the 28-year old fast bowler, KKR will now depend more on compatriot Mitchell Johnson. It is understood that in accordance with the Player Regulations, KKR will now be allowed to choose a replacement from the Registered and Available Player Pool (RAPP). Mexico City, one of the most polluted cities in the world, has unveiled a prototype for a "hybrid taxi", which will soon take to the streets and produce 50 per cent less emissions than regular cabs. During the presentation on Thursday, Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said 50 of these new models would be rolled out in April as part of the first phase, reports Xinhua news agency. The city government is planning to replace all conventional taxis with these environmentally friendlier options, which will also save up to 60 per cent on fuel. The government will install electric recharge stations in different neighbourhoods as the programme is progressively rolled out across the Mexican capital. Mexico City, with almost 22 million residents, has faced almost 100 environmental alerts due to high ozone levels in the past two years. Since 2016, a new federal norm has tightened the limits for gas emissions on vehicles inside Mexico City and 18 surrounding towns. --IANS ksk (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Myanmar's new President Win Myint reshuffled his 27-member cabinet on Friday. According to an announcement by the President's Office, the cabinet was reformed with Win Myint as President and Myint Swe and Henry Van Thio as the two Vice Presidents. Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lt. Gen. Kyaw Swe Minister of Home Affairs, Lt. Gen. Sein Win as Minister of Defence and Lt. Gen. Ye Aung as Minister for Border Affairs, Xinhua news agency reported. Win Myint, 66, was sworn-in as the President earlier in the day after he was elected by Parliament to replace Htin Kyaw, who resigned last week over health concerns. He was elected after defeating two other candidates on Wednesday. Myint was a former political prisoner jailed under the last military junta. Ruling party National League for Democracy (NLD) veteran, Myint is one of the small circle of trusted men of Suu Kyi. He replaces Htin Kyaw, who resigned on March 21 after the government revealed the former President, 71, had travelled abroad several times for medical treatment. The last military junta was dissolved in 2011 and passed power to a civilian government formed by former generals, which was later replaced by the NLD. The Myanmar Constitution reserves broad powers for the armed forces, including a quarter of Parliament seats and key ministries such as Interior, Defence and Borders. --IANS soni/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) NBCC (India) on Friday extended, by an year, the tenure of its Chairman and MD Anoop Kumar Mittal which was to end on March 31 (Saturday). Mittal has been heading NBCC from 2013 and joined the company in 1985, the company said in a statement here. NBCC (India), is an enterprise under the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. --IANS rrb/him/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Nepal Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli will visit India from April 6 to 8 on his maiden foreign trip after assuming office, in line with the tradition of a Nepali PM visiting India on his first overseas trip, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Friday. Oli's visit comes following an invitation from his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi. Accompanied by his wife Radhika Shakya, Oli will lead a government delegation comprising of ministers, members of Parliament, secretaries and other high-ranking officials of the Nepali government, the Ministry said. His visit aims to revisit the century-old ties between the two countries. During the visit, Oli will pay courtesy calls on Indian President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu. Some senior Cabinet members of the Indian government will call on the Nepali leader. Oli will also visit Pantnagar, Uttarakhand and attend a programme at Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, according to the Ministry. The Indian External Affairs Ministry said in a statement that Oli's upcoming visit "will provide an opportunity to the two sides to review wide-ranging cooperative partnership and to progress it further". --IANS giri/soni/bg (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Nepal's central bank has paved the way for domestic commercial banks to borrow from foreign banks and financial institutions to address the liquidity crunch in banking system in the last few months, a Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) official said on Friday. It is for the first time that Nepali banks have been allowed to borrow from abroad. Other firms can borrow from abroad. "A meeting of the board of directors of the central bank endorsed a proposal on allowing domestic commercial banks to borrow from foreign banks and financial institutions," Rajendra Pandit, assistant spokesperson of NRB, told Xinhua news agency. Domestic banks could borrow loans up to 25 per cent of their core capital, he said. "The banks can borrow loans for the period from one year to five years to finance only in the productive sector such as agriculture, tourism, hydropower and outer infrastructure projects," said Pandit. "Borrowed loans from abroad cannot be used to lend to the real estate, share market and imports," he said. --IANS soni/mr (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte will be on a two-day visit to India on May 24-25, the country's embassy said in a statement here on Friday. Ahead of the visist, a Dutch delegation comprising officials, companies and institutions will arrive on May 22 and stay till May 25. Rutte's visit comes within a year of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the Netherlands last June. "The state visit will further boost the economic and political cooperation between India and the Netherlands while focusing on the existing and the potential partnerships in agriculture, water management, healthcare, innovation, start-ups among several other sectors," the statement said. Rutte will be accompanied by a high-level delegation comprising Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Sigrid Kaag, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Carola Schouten, Minister for Infrastructure and Water Management Cora van Nieuwenhuizen and Minister for Medical Care Bruno Bruins. This will be Rutte's second visit to India since June 2015, but the first after being re-elected as Prime Minister in 2017. --IANS ab/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Enter into an enchanting world of fantasy and adventure, in which mythology, action and suspense come together; read the romantic story of a man, who has to embark on a journey that spans thousands of miles and pulls him back into a past; flick through a timely, inquisitive chronicle of malaria and its influence on human lives; and enjoy a celebration of flora and fauna, particularly of the profusion of commonly found plant life that flourishes in most regions of Bengal. IANS bookshelf has a variety of subjects to offer to this weekend. 1. Book: The Pataala Prophecy; Author: Christopher C Doyle; Publisher: Westland; Price: Rs 399; Pages: 347 Fifteen-year-old Maya and Arjun find their placid world suddenly overturned when their favourite history teacher is found brutally murdered. The death shocks students at the school and baffles the police. Meanwhile, a mysterious stranger's reappearance after 5,000 years strikes fear into the hearts of powerful members of a secret society, called the Sangha. Who is he and what is he after? What secrets are Arjun's uncle and mother hiding and why do they inexplicably decide to leave town for an unknown destination? What is the Pataala Prophecy, that must be decoded even as the world hurtles towards a fate that may doom humanity? In a race against time, Arjun and Maya must join forces with the Sangha to face an ageless and terrible enemy from the depths of Pataala. But can they overcome an ancient power that is out to wreak vengeance? 2. Book: Little Maryam; Author: Hamid Baig; Publisher: Notion Press; Price: Rs 225; Pages: 285 While giving an acceptance speech for his Nobel Prize nomination, Dr. Saadiq Haider, a renowned gene therapist and professor at Stanford University, receives a phone call that changes his life. Abandoning his duties and responsibilities, Haider hurriedly boards a flight bound for India, embarking on a journey that spans thousands of miles and pulls him back into a past Saadiq thought long-buried. Seated next to him on the flight, Anne Miller -- an intrepid journalist with a nose for headline news -- senses the reclusive genius has a story to tell. During the flight, Miller manages to break through Haider's hard exterior and listens, rapt, as he unfurls a tale fraught with love and heartbreak. His story transports Miller back in time to a small, sleepy town nestled in the mountains of northern India, where Haider spent his childhood. Through Haider, Miller meets Maryam and witnesses the friendship between Maryam and Haider mature into an intense love; a love that is tested when tragedy strikes and the lovers are separated. Try as they might, their devotion is no match against the workings of fate, and the tighter Haider and Maryam cling to one another, the faster they slip apart. Now, after two decades of trying to forget his past with alcohol and drug abuse, Haider tells Miller that fate has acted again; Maryam is the hospital, her condition critical. When their plane lands in India, the newfound friends part ways and while Haider rushes to Maryam's side, Miller returns to her life, grateful to have met the enigmatic man. Months later, Miller learns that after wrenching Maryam from the indomitable grip of death, Haider took her back to America, where they finally married. But, her assumption that the greatest love story she had ever known would end happily is shattered when Miller receives devastating news. 3. Book: The Fever; Author: Sonia Shah; Publisher: Penguin; Price: Rs 449; Pages: 309 In recent years, malaria has emerged as a cause of worry for prominent philanthropists. Bill Gates, Bono and Laura Bush are only a few of the personalities who have opened their pocketbooks in twhe hope of eradicating the scourge. How does a parasitic disease that we have known how to prevent for more than a century still infect 300 million people every year, killing nearly one million of them? In "The Fever", Sonia Shah, a journalist sets out to answer this question, delivering a timely, inquisitive chronicle of the illness and its influence on human lives. "The Fever" captures the curiously fascinating, devastating history of this long-standing thorn in the side of humanity. 4. Book: Restless Waters of the Ichhamati; Author: Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay; Translated by: Ramli Bhattacharya; Publisher: Rupa; Price: Rs 495; Pages: 370 "Restless Waters of the Ichhamati" is a celebration of flora and fauna, particularly of the profusion of commonly found plant life that flourishes in most regions of Bengal. The gaze of a slow-moving attentive river-farer brings into view glimpses of vibrant plant life, traces of human habitation and changes of sky and water in the course of seasons. These are signs, evoking the flow of time in which generations unknown have lived and those unborn will live along the Ichhamati's banks as it wends its way through Jessore district towards the Bay of Bengal. Born of this tension between the ephemeral and the forever, the novel's own riverine course dispenses with chapter breaks a writer's decision that the translation follows. --IANS mg/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Opposition parties are having hectic discussions for moving an impeachment motion against Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra, with leaders from all parties having consultations on the issue. "There are serious allegations against CJI. As long as all the opposition parties come together, it is not possible. Discussions are being held within the parties. All parties are discussing," said an opposition leader. The leader, however, said "it was still far-fetched." Asked if the motion would be based on the issues raised by the judges of the Supreme Court, the leader said the main issue is corruption. "It is none other than the Chief Justice of India. We do understand the seriousness of the situation. The motion should have detailed article of charges with evidences," he added. CJI Dipak Mishra is slated to retire in October this year. According to the law, the motion can be moved in either of the two Houses. It should have the signatures of either 50 MPs of Rajya Sabha or 100 MPs of the Lok Sabha. The Rajya Sabha Chairman or Lok Sabha Speaker may either accept or reject the motion. If the motion is accepted, the Chairman or the Speaker sets up a committee to conduct an inquiry into the matter. Its report is also required to be passed by two-thirds majority of the two Houses. --IANS sid/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A Palestinian farmer was killed and another was injured on Friday by Israeli artillery fire on eastern Gaza Strip, officials said, hours before a major protest by Palestinians along the border. Gaza's Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf al Qedra said 27-year-old Omar Wahid Samur was killed and another one was moderately injured when the Israeli fire hit east of al-Garara town east of Khan Younis. The shelling came as the Palestinians were preparing to launch a six-week protest dubbed the "Great March of Return", scheduled to start on Friday amid Israeli Army presence on the borderline area with the Gaza Strip, the BBC reported. Hamas, the militant group which dominates the Gaza Strip, accused Israel of trying to intimidate Palestinians by killing the farmer and by urging them not to participate in the protests. The Israeli Foreign Ministry said the protest was a "deliberate attempt to provoke a confrontation with Israel" and that "responsibility for any clashes lies solely with Hamas and other participating Palestinian organisations". March 30 marks Land Day, which commemorates the killing of six protesters by Israeli security forces during demonstrations over land confiscation in 1976. According to witnesses, the two men were hit by tank fire while collecting parsley in a field. Palestinians erected five main camp areas along the Israel border for the protest, from Erez in the north to Rafah near the Egyptian border in the south. The protest is scheduled to end on May 15. --IANS soni/mr (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Russia has conducted a second drop test of its latest heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the Defence Ministry said on Friday. The missile, Sarmat, was test-dropped at the northern Plesetsk spaceport. The ministry said the trial had confirmed its pre-launch and first flight stage characteristics, Xinhua news agency reported. A rare video of the test was released on the social media. The first launch of this rocket took place in December 2017. It will replace the Soviet-era Satan missile, which is approaching the end of its service life. In his annual address to parliament on March 1, President Vladimir Putin said Russia has begun testing Sarmat which has "practically no range limits" and can penetrate any missile shield. Sarmat reportedly has a shortened active phase of flight. It has enhanced capabilities to overcome missile defence and is capable of carrying large quantities of ammunition. --IANS and/ksk/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Saudi air defence forces intercepted and destroyed a Houthi ballistic missile targeting the border city of Najran on Saturday, the media reported. The Saudi Press Agency quoted Coalition Forces spokesman Colonel Turki Al-Malki as saying the missile was deliberately launched to target civilian populated areas. "The missile was intercepted and destroyed by the Saudi Royal Air Defence Forces." The Saudi-led coalition Air Force destroyed the missile's platform. Another border city, Jazan, was also targeted with a missile earlier this week that was intercepted by the forces, it said. --IANS and/soni/vm (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Security was heightened around Union Human Resource Development Minister Praksh Javadekar's residence here on Friday over a possible gathering of demonstrators protesting against the leakage of Class 10 and Class 12 question papers. The Delhi Police imposed Section 144 outside his residence on Kushak Road. "We have beefed up security and the Rapid Action Force is on standby. Same measures have been taken for areas around Parliament House," Delhi Police PRO Madhur Verma told IANS. Javadekar has been under widepread criticism since the incident surfaced on Wednesday. The dates for reconducting the maths and economics exams for Class 10 and 12 respectively have not been announced yet. --IANS vn/ksk/vm (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) BJP National President Amit Shah on Friday was 'heckled' by angry protesters who raised slogans against anti-Dalit remarks by Union Minister Ananth Kumar Hegde a few months ago. Shah, who is on a two-day visit to the old Mysuru region in the poll-bound Karnataka, sought to pacify the Dalit leaders by distancing from Hegde's controversial remarks and for which the latter had apologized too. "Neither the BJP nor me has anything to do with Hegde's statements. We don't endorse such remarks," Shah told the Dalit leaders at a meeting here where he sought their support for the party's victory in the May 12 assembly poll. Accusing the media of "twisting" his speech at Ballari in the state's northwest district in December, Hegde had then tweeted that he would apologise if his remarks had hurt the feelings of the people. Hegde is also accused of comparing Dalits with "barking dogs" on an earlier occasion at Sirsi, his constituency in the state's Uttara Kannada district. Supporting the protest by the Dalits, the Congress state unit urged Shah to answer their legitimate questions on Hegde "insulting" the community. "Why haven't you taken any action against your party man for such derogatory comments? This clearly shows that BJP endorses his hate-mongering," said the party in a tweet. Ruling party's spokesman Randeep Singh Surjewala also tweeted that the anti-Dalit mindset of the BJP was exposed again. "Amit Shah acts as a political chameleon and follows worst type of opportunism by publicly disowning Union Minister Anant Hegde. Will he dare to sack him? Stop the doublespeak and act," tweeted Surjewala. --IANS fb/ahm/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Seething with anger against the Central government for not setting up the Cauvery Management Board (CMB), political parties in Tamil Nadu are resorting to hunger strike or hoisting black flags in condemnation. Speaking at a wedding function in Madurai around 500 km from here on Friday, AIADMK Coordinator and Deputy Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam said the AIADMK would go on a day's hunger strike on April 2 at all district headquarters. He said this would be against the Central government's failure to set up the CMB despite Supreme Court orders. The six-week deadline laid by the apex court for forming the CMB and the Cauvery Water Regulatory Committee (CWRC) ended on Thursday. Tamil Nadu Fisheries Minister D. Jayakumar told reporters here that the state government would fight for its rights and it was "friendly" with the Modi government only to get various developmental projects approved. He said the Tamil Nadu government would move the apex court on the issue. Meanwhile, PMK activists led by party founder S. Ramadoss and former Union Minister Anbumani Ramadoss hoisted black flags on their houses. On its part, a DMK Executive Council meeting here condemned both the Central and state governments. The DMK also decided to meet all other political parties and decide the next course of action over the Cauvery issue. Tamil Nadu parties allege that the Modi government did not set up the CMB as it does not want to alienate voters in neighbouring Karnataka, which is opposed to the Supreme Court order. --IANS vj/mr/ksk (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) With anger sweeping Tamil Nadu over the Centre's failure to set up a Cauvery Water Management Board (CMB), the ruling AIADMK announced a hunger strike on April 3 and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami hinted the state will move the Supreme Court with a contempt plea against the Centre. Reports have it that the contempt plea may be filed in the apex court on Saturday. The AIADMK, which first announced that the hunger strike programme will be held on April 2, subsequently postponed it by a day to April 3. On the rival front, the DMK demanded that the Chief Minister convene a meeting of his cabinet and pass a resolution condemning the Central government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the Cauvery issue. DMK leader M.K. Stalin also said after a meeting of the party Executive Council that the state government should file a contempt of court petition in the Supreme Court against the Modi government for not setting up the CMB within six weeks, which deadline expired on Thursday. Seething with anger against the Central government for not setting up the CMB, political parties in Tamil Nadu are planning protests including hoisting black flags in condemnation. At a wedding function in Madurai, AIADMK Coordinator and Deputy Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam had said the AIADMK would go on a day's hunger strike on April 2 at all district headquarters. He said the government of late Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa would take all steps to protect the rights of Tamil Nadu. In his speech, Palaniswami said the AIADMK had created "history" in Parliament by disrupting the Lok Sabha's functioning for the last 17 days continuously. "Such a disruption has not been done in the history of the Lok Sabha in support of a demand of a state. "The Centre has failed to implement the Supreme Court order on the constitution of the CMB. We want the Centre to implement it. And we will take legal steps in this regard," Palaniswami said in an apparent reference to the moves to approach the Supreme Court. Tamil Nadu Fisheries Minister D. Jayakumar told reporters in Chennai that the state government would fight for its rights and it was "friendly" with the Modi government only to get various developmental projects approved. Stalin said the Tamil Nadu government should have approached the apex court with a contempt petition when the Union Minister for Water Resources and the Union Water Resources Secretary spoke against the apex court order on constituting the CMB. He said the party would show black flags to Prime Minister Modi, who is reportedly set to visit Tamil Nadu on April 15. He also said the DMK would sit with like-minded parties to decide what type of protests should be held on the issue. A DMK Executive Council meeting condemned both the Central and state governments. PMK founder S. Ramadoss accused the Centre of "betraying" Tamil Nadu's interests and said people of the state would not believe the state government on the issue. Party activists led by Ramadoss and former Union Minister Anbumani Ramadoss hoisted black flags on their houses. Tamil Nadu parties allege that the Modi government did not set up the CMB as it does not want to alienate voters in neighbouring Karnataka, which is opposed to the Supreme Court order. --IANS vj/vd (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) US President Donald Trump said goodbye to longtime aide Hope Hicks, who is leaving the White House at the end of the week, the media reported. Trump and his former communications director walked out of the Oval Office together on Thursday and waved to reporters, reports The Hill magazine. The 29-year-old announced at the end of February she would resign, depriving Trump of a valued and trusted aide who has been at his side since before he launched his presidential campaign. Her exit came amid a controversy surrounding fired staff secretary Rob Porter. Hicks played a role in crafting the White House's response to allegations of spousal abuse against Porter, whom she was dating at the time. She also drew criticism from lawmakers after she declined to answer several questions from the House Intelligence Committee as part of its Russia investigation. Hicks's departure, which becomes official on Friday, has set off a fierce internal battle to succeed her between Trump administration aides, the Hill reported. Her replacement as White House communications director will be the fifth person named to the role. --IANS ksk (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Uttar Pradesh government will oppose the entry of jailed lawmakers in Assembly sessions and important legislative events, an official said on Friday. Principal Secretary (Home) Arvind Kumar has issued a notice to the prosecution directorate. As per the notice, prosecution officers have been asked to oppose the matters in the court related to jailed legislators seeking bail or permission to attend legislative events such as sessions, sources said. The officers have been asked to take reference to the High Court ruling in the matter of the former legislator Shekhar Tiwari, wherein the court had observed that the lawmakers who are in jail have no legal right to attend legislative sessions. The court had recently barred mafia-don-turned-politician, Mukhtar Ansari of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) to attend the voting for the Rajya Sabha seats. Hari Om Yadav, a legislator of the Samajwadi Party (SP), was also denied permission for attending the biennial polls to cast his vote. Opposition had alleged that this was done at the behest of the ruling party to prevent their MLAs from casting their votes in the close call elections, but the ruling party had said that the matter was in court and that they had nothing to do with it. --IANS md/nks/ksk (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The United States on Thursday described Russia's decision to expel 60 US diplomats, over the White House's response to the former-spy poisoning incident in Britain, as "regrettable". "It appears that Russia has chosen a regrettable, unwarranted action to respond to our entirely justified action," said State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert during a press conference in Washington, Efe reported. The Russian government on Thursday ordered the expulsion from the country of 60 US diplomatic service officials, whom it declared "persona non grata", and gave them until April 5 to leave Russia. In addition, Moscow also ordered the closure of the American consulate in St. Petersburg in response to Washington's decision to close down the Russian consulate in Seattle. According to Nauert, there was no justification for the Kremlin's response, as the US move was motivated by Russia itself, which is the one who carried out an "irresponsible attack" with a chemical weapon on its former spy, Sergei Skripal. "Russia should not be acting like a victim," Nauert said, adding "the only victims in this situation are the two victims in the hospital in the UK right now." In the assassination attempt, which took place on Mar. 5 in a park in Salisbury, southern England, the former spy Skripal, his daughter and a policeman who was involved in locating the source of the poison were affected. Nauert added that Moscow's response does not surprise Washington and insisted that the US "deserves the right to respond." Nauert stressed that 28 other countries have joined the US in taking measures against the Russian government over its attack on Britain, which has led Russia to further "isolate" itself from the international community. "Russia clearly is not interested in having good relations with other countries," she said. For its part, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a statement that the Kremlin's decision marks "a further deterioration" in relations between Russia and the US. She also said that "Russia's response was not unanticipated and the US will deal with it." --IANS ahm/ (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) President Donald Trump said that the US would "be coming out of Syria very soon", the media reported. "We're knocking the hell out of IS (Islamic State). We'll be coming out of Syria like very soon. Let the other people take care of it now," Trump told supporters at an event in Ohio on Thursday. "We are going to have 100 per cent of the caliphate, as they call it, sometimes referred to as land... But we are going to be coming out of there real soon. We are going to get back to our country, where we belong, where we want to be," Trump added. A US defence official told CNN that it was unclear what the President meant by the comments. Trump's remarks on pulling out of Syria were made just hours after Chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana White told reporters that "important work remains to guarantee the lasting defeat of these violent extremists" in the country. Despite Trump's focus on the terror group's dwindling control of territory, White said the military was focused on more than just IS-controlled areas, saying "our commitment to win must outlast the so-called physical caliphate, and the warped ideas that guide the calculated cruelty of IS". "We must not relent on IS or permit these terrorists to recover from their battlefield loses," she said, noting that the group still poses a threat. The official also pointed to several challenges, including figuring out what to do with the some 400 foreign IS fighters currently being held by the Washington-backed Syrian Democratic Forces as one example of the obstacles to a US withdrawal, CNN reported. He added that the US still needed to decide on a policy with regard to the future of Syrian President Bashar al Assad and Russia's continued military presence in the county as additional complicating factors. --IANS ksk (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Questioning Prime Minister Narendra Modi's silence on the CBSE paper leak, the Congress on Friday said that a "mafia" is controlling India's examination system and if the government can't ensure security of school question papers, how will it ensure the seurity of the country. The party also asked why Modi and his government was not apologising to the students for the CBSE paper leak. "When there is darkness in the country, the 'chowkidar' (the Prime M