Rep. Garry Smith has proposed the creation of a central registry of people who abuse, neglect or exploit adults. The registry would allow family members to see if a prospective caregiver has a history of maltreatment. An Azalea man charged with a double murder, almost a year and a half ago, has had a habit of being absent from the courtroom in most of his co Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Managing Editor Having lived and worked in Indy on and off since 1977, and currently living in Carmel, I've seen the city change a great deal. I love covering the arts in all its forms, and the places where the arts and broader cultural issues intersect. Writer Beer & Society There is nothing that cannot be discussed and worked out over a beer. Join me as I explore local beer, breweries and how they can civilize us. GoPros genius discount grows larger. The wearable-camera maker styled itself a media company when it went public in 2014, but even its hardware business is suffering job cuts as sales fall short. Success is even harder than usual when as at Snap, which fancied itself a camera company the boss wastes time and resources chasing whims. The companys portable cameras are popular among snowboarders, sky divers and mountain bikers, but its media partnerships and attempts to launch action shows never amounted to much. GoPro shut down those efforts in 2016. A bid to crack the drone market hasnt fared any better. The firm now says it will exit that business, blaming competition and a hostile regulatory environment. While GoPro chased those dreams, competition in its core business of making portable cameras grew ever tougher. Asian rivals caught up on quality while cutting prices. And the emergence of waterproof smartphones with quality lenses and better editing software has caused some customers to wonder why they need a separate camera at all. Its one thing to turn a good idea into a thriving business, as GoPros founder, Nick Woodman, did with small, rugged cameras for action sports. But one success hardly guarantees another, no matter how clever the vision. Snap, for example, has seen features like its disappearing messages, face filters and story format copied by Facebook. And the companys camera glasses have proved to be a dud, prompting it to take a $40 million charge against inventory last quarter. The newly passed tax law could save Americans billions of dollars on their utility bills. In recent days, electric companies in Massachusetts, Illinois, Oregon and other states have announced plans to pass their tax cuts on to customers through lower rates. On Tuesday, Pepco, which provides power to nearly 300,000 customers in Washington, D.C., said it would cut rates beginning in the current quarter. Other utilities might be forced to follow suit. In much of the country, investor-owned utilities have a monopoly on providing electricity and gas to homes and businesses. State regulators allow them to charge rates high enough to recoup their costs including the cost of paying taxes and to provide a return to their shareholders. Those regulators periodically scrutinize rates to ensure that they are reasonable. When taxes go down, so should customers utility bills. State regulators across the country have said they will make sure that actually happens. And in a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Tuesday, the attorneys general of several states, including Massachusetts, Texas and New York, asked the agency to act as well. PASADENA, Calif. Get ready for Rose McGowan on the small screen. Ms. McGowan, the actress turned activist whose accusations against Harvey Weinstein helped spur a national reckoning on sexual abuse and harassment, will star in a documentary series, Citizen Rose, that is scheduled to premiere on E! later this month. It is a time of reckoning and the reset button, she said at a Television Critics Association media event on Tuesday. The cable network promised that the series will be an unfettered look into Ms. McGowans life. Filming began in September, the month before the publication of the New York Times story that disclosed her settlement agreement with Mr. Weinstein, whom she had accused of sexual assault. She kept saying, Itll be worth it, I promise, Andrea Metz, an executive producer of the series, said of Ms. McGowans pitch to Bunim/Murray Productions. Just a Show? From The Ringer: In a response to the Golden Globes, Lindsay Zoladz, a cultural critic for The Ringer, explores the dissonance created by the ceremony during which symbols of feminist progress were overshadowed by antiquated traditions on the red carpet and during the presentations. She finds that the backdrop of male-dominated Hollywood machinery underscored just how little had changed. The celebratory we fixed sexism tone too often felt premature, she writes, worrying that the fashion of acknowledging the industrys entrenched sexism could be as fleeting as any other Hollywood trend. Jonah Engel Bromwich, reporter, Express Team And while he made his case, Mr. Christie did gloss over some numbers. Though he did cut the unemployment rate in half, New Jerseys rate of 4.9 percent is still higher than the national average of 4.1 percent. And when he talked about a newly replenished state fund used to pay for public transit and road projects, he did not mention how close it came to bankruptcy, how New Jersey Transit service has declined or how he canceled a proposed rail tunnel under the Hudson River. He paused in listing his accomplishments to thank political partners by name, including Democrats like Dana Redd, the former mayor of Camden, and Stephen M. Sweeney, the Senate president with whom Mr. Christie negotiated many deals. He was just as harsh in his criticisms as he was glowing in his tributes. He admonished Mr. Murphy against wanting to be liked or working too closely with public worker unions. And while lamenting the states large, unfunded pension system, Mr. Christie criticized many of his predecessors in office by name, saying, They not only didnt fix it, they made it worse each and every year. Sitting in the front row was one of those governors, James E. McGreevey. He did not join in the standing ovation that followed that line. Mr. Christie saved his strongest superlatives for his administrations response to Hurricane Sandy, the 2012 disaster that launched his approval ratings into the stratosphere and elevated his national stature. Dear Diary: I was rushing to catch a train at Union Square to get to a doctors appointment. The door closed before I could get on, snagging my foot. I pulled my foot out, but the beige mule that was on it got stuck. It teetered a moment before slipping between the train car and the platform, and then falling onto the tracks. I reported my loss to a station attendant and learned that it might be some time before the shoe could be rescued. I left my phone number and got on the next train, tucking my bare foot under the seat and casually gazing upward. After reaching my stop, I left the station in one shoe and my bare foot on tiptoes. I found some footsie socks at a Duane Reade and walked on, dodging the puddles on Park Avenue where building superintendents had hosed down the pavement. The mayor and the police commissioner have spoken to the need for increasing transparency into the way our city is policed, Austin Finan, a spokesman for Mr. de Blasio, said. The release of body camera footage, when possible, is an important extension of that commitment. Robert J. Freeman, the executive director of the state Committee on Open Government, who has called for the 50-a statute to be amended or repealed, said the lawsuit was an attempt by the union to further shield police officers from public accountability. You have this myth that the disclosure of information relating to the performance of the duties of a public employee in some way relates to that persons personal privacy, he said. Not so. Not so. The record that indicates my salary is about me, but its not personal. Its about me as a public employee. The police union, like others in Boston and Seattle, has resisted body cameras for its officers. Officials considered taking legal action against the city during contract negotiations last year until the city agreed to give a raise for officers who would be required to wear them. While the police union would rather not see the videos released at all, prosecutors prefer that decision to be made after they have completed investigations and decided if criminal charges are warranted. And police-reform advocates have pushed for a standardized process that would allow more videos to be made public. Darius Charney, the lead lawyer in a 2008 lawsuit that challenged the Police Departments stop-and-frisk tactics and led to a court-ordered body camera pilot, said the videos should be considered official reports, no different from what officers file each time they conduct a stop, arrest or other enforcement action. Richard M. Aborn, the president of the Citizens Crime Commission of New York City, a criminal justice policy nonprofit, said that whether the statute applies to body camera video may depend on whether the Police Department plans to use it to evaluate officers performances or make disciplinary decisions. Martin Garbus, the lawyer for the victim, wrote a scathing Op-Ed piece in The New York Times in 2013 after seeing Lucky Guy, the Broadway show that lionized Mr. McAlary. He said on Tuesday that the trauma from the news stories was nearly as great as the trauma from the rape; she had to live with those stories for 23 years. The detective said it was my piece, in The Times, on the play, that led him to begin to think about reopening the case, Mr. Garbus said, adding that no one has yet apologized to the woman. Mr. Garbus conceded there was very little officials could do now, legally. He said the woman, who is now 51 and married with two children, feels relieved about the police breakthrough in her case, but was declining to speak about the matter. Mr. Garbus would not say what she does for a living, though she was pursuing an acting career at the time of the attack. He said that she now lives in the metropolitan area. She was called a liar, Mr. Garbus said. So she feels good about her vindication. She doesnt have to walk along the streets any longer and fear that someone is going to call her a liar. But what happened to her is terrible. Mr. McAlary, a dominant tabloid reporter, went on to write a series of columns in The Daily News on the brutalization of Abner Louima by officers in Brooklyn, which earned him a Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 1998, months before he died at age 41. A libel suit that Mr. Garbus had brought against him on behalf of the woman was dismissed in 1997 after a judge ruled that Mr. McAlary was entitled to First Amendment protections to write about what the police had told him. Mr. Webb has a long criminal history: He was arrested for at least 10 sex offenses from 1968 to 1995, the police said. In 1995, he was charged with raping four women and attempting to rape a fifth, according to law enforcement officials and court records. He was convicted in October 1997 in connection with all five cases, and sentenced in December 1997 to 75 years to life in prison. Mr. Davis, the police spokesman, said it was important to close the Prospect Park rape case, even with an expired statute of limitations. Its an open case, Mr. Davis said. We want closure on it. We want to try to do everything we can to show that we are going to fully investigate these things as thoroughly as we can. The Trump administrations decision to end the Temporary Protected Status for nearly 200,000 people from El Salvador who have been allowed to live in the United States for more than a decade comes as no surprise, given President Trumps attitude toward immigration and his past decisions to end protected status for Haitians and Nicaraguans. Its the wrong decision, on humanitarian and practical grounds. The T.P.S. program was approved in 1990 to allow undocumented foreigners who were in the United States when disaster struck their homeland to remain in the country until it was safe to return. The Salvadorans were granted protected status after a pair of devastating earthquakes in their land in 2001, and their status was extended several times by the George W. Bush and Obama administrations. Technically, the Department of Homeland Security is right that the conditions created by those quakes no longer exist. But the reasons the Salvadorans, like the Haitians and Nicaraguans, should be allowed to stay far outweigh the technically legal reasons to send them home. There is nothing stopping Congress and the Trump administration from rewriting immigration law to avoid such harsh choices in the future. And President Trump signaled on Tuesday that hed consider compromise on the hundreds of thousands of so-called Dreamers, undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children. Since we published, the public has learned a great deal more about how seriously the F.B.I. took the dossier. The F.B.I., CNN reported, used the dossier to justify its effort to spy on an American citizen, and reimbursed Mr. Steele for some of his expenses. The BBC reported that the dossier was a road map to the F.B.I. investigation. Fox News recently reported that a top Department of Justice official met with Mr. Steele during the 2016 campaign. And on Tuesday, the public was given a glimpse, in the release of secret testimony, into the fierce battle between Senate Democrats and Republicans over the dossier and how the F.B.I. made use of it during the 2016 campaign. As the seriousness of the Russia investigation has become clearer, the pro-Trump line has shifted from dismissing the dossier to stressing its role in the investigation: The dossier, some of Mr. Trumps defenders now say, played too big a part, given that a portion of Mr. Steeles funding came from political enemies of Mr. Trump, including the Democratic National Committee. Are we in the midst of a major criminal investigation against the president of the United States as a result of this dodgy dossier? asked Tom Fitton, a Trump ally, on Fox & Friends recently. While Mr. Trumps camp dismiss the dossier as malicious fiction or pure political opportunism, some elements have been corroborated. For example, that the Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort hid payments for his work in Ukraine, as federal authorities have alleged; that the Russian diplomat Mikhail Kalugin was withdrawn suddenly from the United States; and that Mr. Trump sought, but never consummated, business deals in Russia. Mr. Steele also reported, in pages submitted just 11 days after a Russian lawyer reportedly promised Mr. Trumps aides negative information on Hillary Clinton during a meeting in Trump Tower, that the Kremlin had been feeding Trump and his team valuable intelligence on his opponents, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. One large portion of the dossier is crystal-clear, certain, consistent and corroborated, a C.I.A. veteran, John Sipher, wrote recently. Russias goal all along has been to do damage to America and our leadership role in the world. For all these reasons, the chorus of criticism of our decision to publish has faded. I havent had a single person approach me to say, I wish I hadnt read the dossier, and wish I had less insight into the forces at play in America. Do you feel that way? Does anyone? After the Maricopa County sheriffs office detained a Latino man with a valid visa for nine hours in 2007, a class-action lawsuit led to an injunction requiring Mr. Arpaios office to end its immigration-related stops. Mr. Arpaio defied the injunction for years, boasting about it to the news media. He was convicted and facing a potential six-month jail sentence when he was pardoned. Mr. Arpaio is similar to Roy Moore, the Republican Senate candidate vanquished by Doug Jones in Alabama last month. A tough-talking champion to far-right conservatives, Mr. Arpaio is a morally repugnant publicity hound to Arizonans whod like their state to be known for something more noble than racial profiling and Tent City. His entire platform pretty much consists of Im a big supporter of President Trump. And since Mr. Trump suggested on Tuesday that hed endorse a deal to eventually grant millions of undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship, a squirming Sheriff Joe came up with what he called a far-out plan: When they come to your attention that theyre here illegally, these young people, deport them back to Mexico or whatever and then try to put them on a fast track to come back into the United States legally with special permits. Whats wrong with that? Theyd say they dont know where their home country is, so let them go there and spend six months, because it might take that long to do paperwork to get them here legally, and let them see their home country and see what its really like. They ought to be proud where they came from So, you could kill two birds with one stone. Mr. Arpaio acknowledges this idea may look stupid. Yep. The legendary Memphis newspaper editor Ida B. Wells was targeted for assassination and driven into exile for exposing the lies that were routinely used to justify hanging, dismembering and burning alive African-Americans in the Jim Crow South. Whites were particularly outraged when Wells said in an incendiary editorial, Nobody in this section of the country believes the old threadbare lie that Negro men rape white women implying that rape accusations that preceded lynchings arose from the discovery of consensual sex between black men and white women. By the time Wells took refuge in the North in 1892, white Southerners had made racial terrorism a fact of life and embarked on a propaganda campaign that romanticized slavery, idealized the Confederate past and held that white supremacy would restore lost Southern greatness. The Confederate monuments that sprang up in public spaces across the South and that still stand today were an essential part of that campaign. The Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were popular choices for veneration. But Wellss beloved city of Memphis set its sights on Tennessees native son, the Civil War general and Ku Klux Klan founder Nathan Bedford Forrest. A monument of Forrest astride his horse towered over a public park in the city for more than a century until shortly before Christmas, when the city overcame state opposition to finally dismantle it. Mrs. Sonny Bono, Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Donald J. Trump walk into a bar. Assuming youre the bartender, by what names will you address them? Oh, wait, thats easy. Call them Cher, Your Holiness and Mr. President. Because those are the names by which they are known. Easy enough, except maybe for the strangeness of being in a bar with both Pope Francis and Cher (a situation that, you have to admit, has potential). So how about this scenario then, which is poised to take place next Tuesday afternoon: There Ill be, in the seminar room, kicking off spring term at Barnard by asking my students for their names, hometowns and personal pronouns. Yes, pronouns. Even though Barnard is a womens college, its routine for there to be students in the room who dont use she. In part, this is because men from Columbia (our sibling institution) routinely cross Broadway to enroll in a class at Barnard, and also because I might have a few transgender students in one of my classes. (Barnard admits students who identify as female at the time of their application to the college; students coming out as trans men while matriculating continue to be welcomed as part of the community.) Still other students use the gender nonspecific singular they, or the gender-neutral pronouns ze or hir or xem. NATIONAL An article on Tuesday about natural disasters in the United States in 2017 misstated the name of an American scientific agency. It is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, not the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. An article on Monday about the potential impact that the new tax law and President Trumps position on trade could have on farmers misstated the tariff that South Korea could impose on United States beef. It could raise its tariffs to 40 percent on beef, not 27 percent. NEW YORK An article on Monday about Dr. Mitchell H. Katz, the incoming president of NYC Health & Hospitals, described incorrectly the services offered by Healthy San Francisco. It provides health care to uninsured people; it does not provide health insurance. BUSINESS DAY The Square Feet column on Wednesday about rebuilding Salt Lake City International Airport referred incorrectly to its relationship with airlines. It serves nine carriers; it is not a hub for nine airlines. One night last week, I found myself bundled up, standing with a photographer in an unusually quiet Pennsylvania Station. About 10 inches of snow had fallen in New York, the wind was picking up outside, and temperatures were dropping. Our assignment was to check on the homeless. Were there more in the citys major transit hubs than usual? Where would they take shelter from the cold? Last year, there were about 3,900 unsheltered homeless people in the city, an increase of 40 percent from the previous year. This population, which includes those who live in the subways and on the streets, has soaring rates of mental illness and addiction, and its members are thought to be standoffish, at best. Our subjects for that evening and the weekend, as it turned out did not look particularly eager to talk or be photographed. I emailed my editor, Amy Virshup, for guidance. The important thing to do, she said this week, was to get their names. We needed to talk to the homeless and identify them by name the same way we do with other sources. Not just to count them. When it comes to heroic dads, its hard to outdo the emperor penguin. But a newly released study suggests the reality may fall short of the legend. Male emperor penguins are famous for going without food for up to 115 days while they mate and then shelter a solitary egg from the brutal winter winds. Dramatic footage of the semiannual ritual, which begins with a 100-kilometer Antarctic trek to an inland breeding ground, helped make 2005s March of the Penguins one of the highest grossing documentaries of all time. But researchers who visited a different colony say they witnessed the animals taking breaks from their breeding duties to go fishing in the winter darkness, challenging the popular notion that they are natures most dedicated dads. The behavior was witnessed at Antarcticas Cape Washington in late May 1998 after breeding season had begun and the sun had permanently set for the winter by a team led by Gerald L. Kooyman, a marine biologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego. Republican officials in the General Assembly said Tuesday evening that they intended to appeal the ruling, which many elected officials and political strategists were still scrambling to digest. Dallas Woodhouse, the executive director of the North Carolina Republican Party, criticized Judge Wynn and accused him of waging a personal, partisan war on North Carolina Republicans. In a separate post on Twitter, Mr. Woodhouse argued that Judge Wynn had concluded that North Carolinas Republicans should not be allowed to draw election districts under any circumstances under any set of rules, an effort he called a hostile takeover of the General Assembly and legislatures nationwide. Republicans could ask the Supreme Court to stay the decision and allow the disputed map to be used this year. But critics of the congressional map welcomed a decision that was notable for its tartness and urgency. Clearly, the courts have realized that they do need to step in and police extreme partisan gerrymanders, and the court recognized that North Carolinas gerrymander was one of the most extreme in history, said Ruth Greenwood, senior legal counsel at the Campaign Legal Center and a lawyer representing some of the maps challengers. The chairman of the North Carolina Democratic Party, Wayne Goodwin, said the decision was a major victory for North Carolina and people across the state whose voices were silenced by Republicans unconstitutional attempts to rig the system to their partisan advantage. The judges issued their decision fewer than 24 hours before the General Assembly was to convene in Raleigh for a special session. The ruling unmistakably placed lawmakers on the clock, giving them two weeks to present a remedial plan and declaring that the court would institute its own map if it finds the new district lines unsatisfactory. Politically, this gives hope to Democrats, said J. Michael Bitzer, a professor of political science at Catawba College, which is near Charlotte. I can imagine the Republicans being furious, but they have to see political reality, and its not just in the next two weeks: Its come November. The same is true of Mr. Cohen, who has vehemently denied any role in the conspiracy claimed in the dossier. In August, Mr. Cohen went so far as to give Congress a point-by-point rebuttal of the dossiers allegations that he has deep ties to Russian officials. He specifically denied one of the best-known allegations against him that he secretly met in Prague with a Russian official last summer. In the lawsuit, Mr. Cohens lawyers say that Fusion acted recklessly and then disseminated the dossier to reporters without being able to back up its explosive claims. Mr. Cohen was collateral damage in a U.S. political operation, the lawsuit says. We want to the courts to bring to a head because nobody else was going to bring this to a head, said David. M Schwartz, Mr. Cohens lawyer. This is the way Michael Cohen will get back his reputation through the courts. Neither Fusion nor Mr. Steele had any immediate comment on Mr. Cohens lawsuit. Ben Smith, the editor in chief of BuzzFeed News, wrote in an op-ed article published late Tuesday by The Times that a year of government inquiries and blockbuster journalism has made clear that the dossier is unquestionably real news. He defended BuzzFeeds decision to publish the dossier, despite having not verified the accuracy of its contents. Without it, many Americans would not have had the context necessary to fully understand the Russia investigations, he wrote. We strongly believed that publishing the disputed document whose existence we and others were reporting was in the public interest, he wrote. Mr. Cohen is not the first to sue BuzzFeed over the dossier. The news organization also faces a lawsuit by Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian technology executive named in the dossier. As part of that case, lawyers for Mr. Gubarev, who runs XBT, a technology company based in Luxembourg, have subpoenaed both Fusion and Mr. Steele for documents about the dossier and their communications with the news media. Mr. Gubarev is mentioned at the end of the dossier, which claims that he and his company were involved in hacking operations against the leadership of the Democratic Party. The president has stated his opposition to cuts to Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security, Mr. Azar replied. He said that in the campaign, and I believe he remains steadfast in his views on that. Hes made that commitment. I will live up to that if Im confirmed. But like many Republicans, Mr. Azar said that cuts in the growth of federal benefit programs were not really cuts if federal spending on the programs continued to increase. Democrats kept returning to the question of drug prices. Mr. Azar said that the expertise he acquired in the pharmaceutical industry would help him rein in drug costs as a federal official. Across the board, he said, drug prices are too high. Insulin prices are too high. All drug prices are too high in this country. Democrats were generally skeptical, based on Lillys record during Mr. Azars time at the company. The price of Lillys bone-growth drug Forteo, used to treat osteoporosis, more than doubled on Mr. Azars watch, said Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, the senior Democrat on the Finance Committee. In the same period, Mr. Wyden said, the company more than doubled prices for other drugs including Humalog, used to treat diabetes, and Strattera, for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Mr. Wyden asked Mr. Azar if, as head of Lillys operations in the United States, he had ever approved a reduction in the price of a Lilly drug. Mr. Azar avoided a direct answer and blamed the system. I dont know that there is any drug price of a branded product that has ever gone down from any company on any drug in the United States because every incentive in this system is toward higher prices, Mr. Azar said, adding: No one company is going to fix that system. Thats why I want to be here working with you. The West Wing met The Apprentice on Tuesday when President Trump presided over an extraordinary meeting, later broadcast on television, of lawmakers from both parties debating policy in the cabinet room. On the table: immigration. Over the course of about 55 minutes, members of both the House and the Senate discussed how best to protect undocumented immigrants who arrived as children, and whether to embrace a path to citizenship for millions of other immigrants. President Trump gave his endorsement to a plan for broad changes, even as the lawmakers debated a narrower deal that could be reached sooner. Here are some dramatic moments from the meeting. First of all, take a look at who was around the table. WASHINGTON For 55 minutes, with cameras rolling, President Trump engaged in a vigorous discussion of immigration with congressional leaders of both parties in a setting usually reserved for bland talking points and meaningless photo opportunities. In effect, the president and his visitors threw away the blah-blah scripts and negotiated possible legislation in front of the nation. I hope weve given you enough material, a pleased Mr. Trump joked with reporters as he finally ushered them out of the Cabinet Room in the White House. That was the point. After days in which his very fitness for office was debated, Mr. Trump appeared intent on demonstrating that he could handle the presidency. He was in command of the meeting while inviting input. He did not berate anyone. He did not call anyone derogatory nicknames. He signaled that he was open to compromise. The bar, of course, was historically low given that Democrats and even some Republicans have been describing him as so unstable that he should be removed from office. For his advisers, the meeting was a relief, a chance to reset the narrative and make Mr. Trump look more like a traditional president. And his critics, grading on a curve, called it a welcome change, a moment of constructive engagement that they hoped would lead to more. WASHINGTON Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson is opening a formal inquiry into what the government has described as mysterious attacks in 2016 that sickened or injured 24 United States personnel who were stationed at the American Embassy in Cuba. But at a hearing on Tuesday, Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, said the State Department did not follow the law in failing to set up a review board months ago. It was the first public discussion of many of the details behind the events in Havana, which are being investigated by the F.B.I. and top American medical authorities. The Cuban government has repeatedly denied any responsibility for the problems reported by American personnel in Havana and has decried the plunge in relations with the United States under Mr. Trump. Whether the government of Cuba is at fault for the illnesses was disputed by senators, and some, including Mr. Rubio, argued that Havana should be punished. The idea that someone could put together some sort of action against them, 24 of them, and the Cuban government not know who did it, its just impossible, Mr. Rubio said. He noted that the Americans in Havana became sick just after Mr. Trumps election, and speculated that rogue government officials from either Cuba or Russia had sought to create friction between Havana and the new administration in Washington. The politicians are using us like a sport, you know, theyre using us like punching bags. Democrats and Republicans alike have to stand up for us because there are DACA beneficiaries in every state. I was brought when I was 11 ... when I was 7, from Brazil. I was about 10. I was 12 years old. I was 7 years old. ... about 8 years old. We crossed the border, but we were little. So Ive been here 18 years. Im 29 years old. I am 20. I am 19 years old. Ive been here for 21 years. I am 27 years old now. I am 23 years old and I am originally from Mexico. When DACA was announced, I remember exactly where I was in 2012. I was at the Museum of American History. Before DACA I always felt like I was in between two worlds. I was born in Honduras. But if I were to go back to Honduras, its like Im foreign to them. Its a tug of war. When youre undocumented, youre always just aware of the situations, of the locations, who you were talking to, how you are interacting with folks, ensuring that you dont do anything that will bring attention to you because you live a life of shadows. You know, I have been able to accomplish a lot more than when I was undocumented. To get a social security number, loans from the bank, a better job. Every time my parents call me after 11 p.m., its like my heart is racing. When you are an immigrant in this country, you wake up every day with the fear that you could be taken away, right, that your family could be broken up. I have been preparing my kids of, for, you know, These are the risk[s]. This could happen to your dad and to me. I just cant imagine, you know, my nieces and nephews being separated from their parents or them going back to a country that they dont know because this is their home. They shouldnt live with that fear that I had to grow up with. Thats not a normal life. Thats not normal. And I know that like my friends that are U.S. citizens dont go through that. And nobody should go through that. Im not leaving my home, and I think if Trump ever wanted to talk to us, if he wanted to talk to these Dreamers he would realize that we love this country. We want to stay here, and ... ... if its taken away, Im losing my job, Im losing the opportunity to work and school. People dont understand but its a big thing, its a huge thing, its privileges that some people here take for granted. Taking DACA away is like taking a family member away from me. That wall that Donald Trump wants to build, you know, its putting a wall in front of me where I wont be able to move forward. You are not just taking something away from us, but youre taking something away from this country. This land is not a white America. Its not. This is a land of immigrants. I mean, I was already a person before DACA. A lot of people say, Oh, you know, whats going to happen after DACA? Im not going down without a fight. You know, whatever happens next, I love this country and I belong here. Im fighting for my family, Im fighting for the friends of mine that cant even stand up because theyre scared. We just want to stay here and contribute to this country, to the economy ... We are good people. Were not criminals. Months after two Category 5 hurricanes pummeled the United States Virgin Islands, officials said Tuesday that power has been restored to 92 percent of customers, a significant improvement from even a month ago, when about half of them remained in the dark. Bringing power back up may help speed recovery in other areas that require basic infrastructure to operate, experts say, even as Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp estimated Tuesday that there was a long way to go after Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Hospitals that sustained major structural damage on the islands, home to some 103,000 people mainly on St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas, continue to evacuate patients in serious condition to the mainland, Mr. Mapp said in an interview. Schools that have managed to reopen are juggling double sessions to accommodate students, and tourism the economys lifeblood is still slow, Mr. Mapp said. The destruction the storms left on the islands about 90 percent of customers lacked power in September was at times overshadowed by the catastrophic devastation on neighboring Puerto Rico. About half of Puerto Ricos more than three million people still do not have electricity, the government acknowledged on Dec. 29, 100 days after Maria cut its brutal path across the island. In the 90s and still today, United States authorities rounded up these gang members and deported them back to El Salvador. From there, the new seeds of gang culture, imported from the United States, grew into the vicious networks that operate with impunity throughout El Salvador. The U.S. has such a deep impact on El Salvador for its own foreign policy needs that it bears significant responsibility, not only for the flow of migrants out of El Salvador into the U.S., but also for the current conditions of violence that exist there, said Erik Ching, a history professor at Furman University in South Carolina. El Salvador has been struggling beneath the weight of these deportees and the turbulent dynamic they brought with them. Prisons are overflowing and have become cesspools of disease and overcrowding. On the outside, joblessness and violence are the broken realities of life. The potential for 200,000 others to return will only exacerbate those problems. And in the meantime, the exodus continues: More than 250 Salvadorans leave the country each day, said Mr. Lopez of Cofamide. Citing survey and medical data released last year that was gathered by its teams working with Salvadoran migrants traveling through Mexico, Doctors Without Borders said 55 percent of Salvadoran refugees and migrants reported being victims of blackmail or extortion. An additional 56 percent had a relative lost to violence, and 67 percent said they never felt safe at home. The Border Patrol apprehended more than 27,000 families in the year ending in September 2016, and an additional 17,500 children made the trip alone. And those figures were down from recent years. Thousands of families will be divided, and those who stay in the U.S. will be desperately worried about the safety of their relatives going back to a poor, unprepared country where their physical safety will be threatened every single day, said Mr. Lindo-Fuentes of Fordham. BEIJING A senior Chinese general who won the national spotlight by overseeing a grand military parade and who vowed unwavering support for President Xi Jinpings drive against corruption has come under investigation for graft, the latest in a string of Peoples Liberation Army commanders to fall. Gen. Fang Fenghui disappeared from public view nearly five months ago and quietly retired from his posts, igniting rumors that he was under investigation. Xinhua, Chinas official news agency, confirmed on Tuesday that military prosecutors were investigating him on charges of giving and taking bribes. The brief announcement gave no other details. But the charges that he had given, as well as taken, kickbacks raised the possibility that he may have paid his way up the ranks, some Chinese news media said. Mr. Xi has warned that such corruption threatens to shake Communist Party rule by eroding the loyalty and preparedness of the armed forces. In fact, as early as 2003, he was already a senior military officer at military region deputy level, said a party commentary widely republished by the Chinese news media. The target of his bribes must be shocking. Two years ago, the collector Patricia Phelps de Cisneros donated 102 Latin American artworks to the Museum of Modern Art. It turns out that was just the overture: On Wednesday she announced that her organization will donate 202 additional works to six international museums, including MoMA. The donation includes work by 91 artists from 22 countries across Latin America, most of whom are still living. They include Jac Leirner (Brazil), Luis Camnitzer (Uruguay), Amalia Pica (Argentina) and Regina Jose Galindo (Guatemala). While the earliest works date back to the middle of the 20th century, a majority of them were made after 2000, and range from sculptures to videos to tapestries. Ms. Cisneros, a prominent collector of Latin American art and a member of the MoMA board, said she has been working on this project accumulating art with the intention of eventually bringing it to a wider international audience for 40 years. Our mission has always been to build bridges of understanding between Latin America and the U.S. and the rest of the world, rather than to build walls, she said in a phone interview. Ninety of the 202 pieces will go to MoMA, where Ms. Cisneros has been involved for decades. She has been a catalyst in transforming the way the MoMA thinks about Latin American art, Glenn D. Lowry the museums director, said in a phone interview. He said a team of curators worked with the staff at the Coleccion Patricia Phelps de Cisneros to comb through its vast contemporary holdings, with the intention of introducing new artists, like Ms. Galindo, to MoMAs collection. In a way, its even more important than the first gift, Mr. Lowry said. Celso Renato Through Jan. 20. Mendes Wood DM, 60 East 66th Street, 2nd floor, Manhattan; 212-220-9943, The story of modernisms debt to non-Western, folk and tribal art is complex and only getting more so. A new wrinkle in the narrative is the work of the singular Brazilian artist Celso Renato (1919-1992), seen in its beguiling seven-piece United States debut at Mendes Wood DM. He was a practicing lawyer and self-taught artist who spent most of his life in Belo Horizonte in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Renato began painting in the 1960s and by the 1980s was working with a spare geometric vocabulary applied freehand to found pieces of wood and lumber, which he tended to use unaltered. The combination made him an odd man out with the Neo-Concretists. Like them he rejected the clean rational forms of the Concretists, but he retained the earlier groups attachment to the art object His efforts communicate and reward empathic attention. A piece of lumber shaped like a narrow irregular house about two feet tall is cracked all the way through at the center, giving it a crevicelike door. Renato simply painted a series of bars and blocks in red, black or white around its edges, giving it a kind of frame and turning it into a votive object of a female goddess. The same blocks and bars appear on a portion of an old tree trunk. They form a narrow stack at the center of the trunks round side, like an abstract homage to the tree it was once part of. 1. Broken and unfair. That was President Trumps assessment of the courts after a federal judge ordered the administration to restart a program that shields young, undocumented immigrants from deportation. The president had ordered a halt to the Obama-era program, called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, in the fall. But the judge ruled that it must continue as various legal challenges make their way through the courts. Escalating brinkmanship, crippling sanctions, intercontinental missile testing can the hair-trigger standoff between North and South Korea be defused by figure skating? The 2018 Winter Games will be hosted by North Koreas mortal enemy about 40 miles from their border, in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Whether the regime ends up as a participant or a pariah, it will not be the first time the Olympics has been at the center of a geopolitical chess game. Despite a tiny economy and decades of international isolation, North Korea has produced an impressive slate of world-class athletes, and won dozens of Olympic medals, from judo to gymnastics, table tennis to wrestling. In the early 2000s, the two Koreas, still formally at war, actually marched together in the Olympic ceremonies. This year, even with the global crackdown on the regime, South Koreas president and the International Olympic Committee have been repeatedly urging North Korea to attend the so-called games of peace. To fully understand the global push to get North Korea to compete, you need to rewind to the 1988 Olympics. Seoul was selected as the host city. To North Korea, it was not just a snub, but an affront to their national dignity. They demanded, with apparent support from China and the Soviet Union, that the International Olympic Committee allow the North to co-host and move some events across the border. There were two years of secret negotiations and threats. Ten months before the 1988 games, two agents of the regime placed a bomb on Korean Air Flight 858, killing more than 100 people. The bombers later said that the goal was to sabotage the Olympics by scaring off attendees. But the games went on as planned and were hailed as a historic success for the South. Meanwhile, North Korea, which carried out a feeble boycott after being abandoned by the Soviets and Chinese, was named a state sponsor of terror by the United States. What followed was years of international isolation, crippling hardship and famine, and aggressive nuclear ambitions. There have been periods of calm. The North occasionally sent teams to international competitions in the South. In 1991, the two Koreas actually united to play as a single team in youth soccer and table top tennis tournaments. But North Korea notoriously lashed out again when the South was hosting the World Cup in 2002. During the final set of matches, two boats from the North opened fire on a South Korean patrol ship, triggering a gun battle that killed and injured dozens of sailors on both sides. It was the last major international sports competition held in South Korea. Today, the threat posed by North Korea has been intensifying. But diplomacy has found a place on the playing field. There were the North and South gymnasts in Rio, the cross-border womens hockey and soccer matches last spring, the tae kwon do exchange in June. And then there was a pair of figure skaters from North Korea, who, in September, won worldwide fans and qualified to compete in the Olympics, skating to a Beatles song. But it remains to be seen whether the games can offer a diplomatic off-ramp for the Korean standoff or even a brief reprieve for a whirl around the rink. Ms. Donegan, who wrote that she had graduated from college in 2013, began by explaining that she was the person who had first collected a range of rumors and allegations of sexual misconduct, much of it violent, by men in magazines and publishing. She added, The anonymous, crowdsourced document was a first attempt at solving what has seemed like an intractable problem: how women can protect ourselves from sexual harassment and assault. After acknowledging that the list had its pitfalls and made many people uncomfortable, she explained that she had never expected it to gain the attention of people beyond the group of women in media who were its intended audience. But as more and more women added their own names and descriptions of inappropriate behavior to it, the list began to circulate far and wide. It was mentioned in an article on BuzzFeed and a version was posted on Reddit. I had imagined a document that would assemble the collective, unspoken knowledge of sexual misconduct that was shared by the women in my circles: What I got instead was a much broader reckoning with abuses of power that spanned an industry, Ms. Donegan wrote. It is likely that the Harpers article, which had yet to reach its final version on Wednesday, will be revised to reflect Ms. Donegans revealing herself as the person who created what became an important document at a time when powerful men in the media and other fields have been called out and punished not only for instances of alleged rape and sexual assault, but also for modes of behavior that seemed acceptable in workplaces just a decade ago. Hours before the publication of Ms. Donegans story on The Cut, Ms. Roiphe said that she herself did not know the identity of the person who had started the list and added, I would never put in the creator of the list if they didnt want to be named. Last week, a lawyer working on Mr. Trumps behalf, Charles J. Harder of Harder Mirell & Abrams in Beverly Hills, Calif., sent an 11-page cease-and-desist letter to the publisher of Mr. Wolffs book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. Mr. Harders letter demanded that the publisher, Henry Holt and Company, withdraw the book from stores and apologize; the publisher responded by moving up the books release date and increasing its first print run to one million copies, from 150,000. Mr. Trumps remarks on Wednesday about libel law seemed, at times, to refer obliquely to the book, which debuted at No. 1 on the New York Times nonfiction best-seller list, and has provided fodder for dozens of news articles, opinion pieces and cable news segments. We want fairness, the president said. Cant say things that are false, knowingly false, and be able to smile as money pours into your bank account. We are going to take a very, very strong look at that, and I think what the American people want to see is fairness. As a presidential candidate, Mr. Trump made sport of the reporters who stood in fenced-off areas during his speeches, often whipping up the crowd against them. He also said on the campaign trail that he would open up the countrys libel laws although he later backed off that pledge in an interview with editors and writers at The Times, joking that he personally might be in trouble if the laws were loosened. Somebody said to me on that, they said, You know, its a great idea softening up those laws, but you may get sued a lot more, Mr. Trump, who propagated false rumors that Barack Obama was born in Africa and that the father of Senator Ted Cruz had aided the assassination of John F. Kennedy, said at the time. Five months after announcing that they would reward some American city with a $1.6 billion car plant and 4,000 jobs, Toyota Motor and Mazda Motor said on Wednesday that they had a winner: Huntsville, Ala. Huntsville, home to a number of aerospace manufacturers, is the latest location in the Deep South to emerge as an auto-manufacturing hub. This is indeed a great day in Alabama, Gov. Kay Ivey said at a news conference in Montgomery. The two Japanese companies said the plant would open in 2021 and be capable of making 300,000 cars a year. In addition to direct employment, the factory is expected to create thousands of related jobs. Toyotas chief executive, Akio Toyoda, said he was confident that the plant would be a built-in-America success story. The authors of the study said that the removal of the words climate change from government websites, and a widespread effort to delete or bury information on climate change programs, would quite likely have a detrimental impact. We have found significant loss of public access to information about climate change, the authors wrote. Why are these federal agencies putting so much effort into science cleansing instead of using time and resources to fulfill agency responsibilities, such as protecting the environment and advancing energy security? they wrote. Removing information regarding climate change from federal websites does not affect the reality of climate change, but may serve to obfuscate the subject and inject doubt regarding the scientific consensus that climate change is happening and that it is caused by human activity. The report tracks the Environmental Protection Agencys removal of hundreds of websites connected to state and local climate change programs; the removal of information about international climate change programs from the State Department, Energy Department and E.P.A. websites; and the deletion of the words climate change from websites throughout the federal government. Want the latest climate news in your inbox? You can sign up here to receive Climate Fwd:, our new email newsletter. WASHINGTON At 5:20 on Tuesday evening, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke tweeted a photo of himself at the Tallahassee airport with Gov. Rick Scott of Florida, announcing that he had decided, after meeting with Governor Scott, to exempt the state from a new Trump administration plan to open up most of the nations coastline to offshore oil drilling. It was a sudden and unexpected change to a plan that President Trump had celebrated just five days before, and it took lawmakers and governors from both parties by surprise. It also gave Governor Scott, a Republican who is widely expected to run for the Senate this year, a clear political boost in that race. Florida lawmakers of both parties have long opposed offshore drilling, especially after the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill sent tarballs to the shores of a state where the economy relies heavily on tourism. Mr. Zinkes sudden flip-flop on Florida drilling allows Governor Scott to tout the decision as evidence of his influence with the White House. Good morning. Theres a lot of exciting reading in the Food section we sent to the printing plants last night and delivered to the vicinity of front doors and driveways this chilly morning. Ligaya Mishan takes us all on vacation to Hawaii, where shes from, to eat poke and experience it in its indigenous form, far superior to anything youll ever find on the mainland. For Beers of The Times, Eric Asimov and his merry band of tasters dive deep into the pleasures of brown ale. Pete Wells reviews Ferris, a new New American restaurant in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. And Tejal Rao brings forth a delightful profile of Angie Mar, the chef and an owner of the Beatrice Inn in Manhattan, which includes a recipe of Ms. Mars for an impressively large English-style meat pie with potatoes and brown gravy, with a marrow bone roasted right into it. Some, like me, will want to make that as soon as this weekend, a kind of cry against winter in place of a flight to Kailua. (Though wed take that flight if we could, for sure. You ever see how they fish for giant trevally there?) Tonight, though, I think most will want to cook simply, get some grub on the table soon as possible. That is the way of the world in the middle of the week, and, though we ache to change many things about our state of affairs, that is not one of them. You wont even need a recipe! Just cook some pasta ziti, for instance, for thats what is on the shelf in salted water, and drain it just before it is done, reserving a cup of the cooking water. While the pasta cooks, melt a honking big knob of unsalted butter in a pan large enough to hold the pasta and cook some diced onions or shallots in it until theyre translucent. Add some slivered sage leaves and finish cooking the pasta in all of that, making a kind of sauce with around a half-cup of the cooking water and a healthy shower of grated Parmesan like, at least a cup. Season liberally with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper and heres a twist serve the whole thing on a bed of raw baby greens, which will melt a little in the heat, while still retaining some crunch. Dinner is served. During the eight years I lived in China, people would often say they felt as if they had no voice under Communist Party rule. This was especially true for minorities. So when Tashi Wangchuk, a Tibetan herder turned shopkeeper, showed up at my apartment in Beijing in the spring of 2015, I of course wanted to listen to his story. He told me the Chinese authorities on the Tibetan Plateau had been slowly eradicating the Tibetan language from schools and the business world. Mr. Tashi believed prohibiting the study of the Tibetan language went against Chinas constitution. The New York Times was not Mr. Tashis first stop in his attempt to raise this issue, I learned. Chinese state-controlled media had refused to listen to him. And years earlier, the Chinese authorities had briefly jailed him for expressing his opinions on social media. Foreign media were his last resort to be heard. Bioethics is a broad, interdisciplinary field. Its subject matter encompasses many of the most controversial and weighty matters facing contemporary society, including aid in dying or assisted suicide, human cloning, abortion, artificial reproduction, genetic engineering, organ transplantation, medical marijuana and health care rationing. In this first part of a two-part series, we use resources in The Times to help students explore difficult ethical questions related to patient autonomy, physician autonomy and scarce resources, such as: Should fertility clinics be required to offer services to gay or lesbian couples? Should parents have the right to refuse lifesaving medical care for their children because of religious beliefs? Should limits be placed on the amount of money the government spends on any one patients health care? To help students address these questions, we first introduce them to guiding principles in bioethics. Then, in the suggested activities that follow, we ask students to take on the role of bioethicist, and apply these principles as they consider one or more of the topics below. Teachers can also invite students to use the final activity to read The Times on their own to see how overarching questions about bioethics are often a part of our everyday lives. My 12-year-old son and I found a cellphone in the back seat of a taxi. I called someone on the owners contact list who called him who then called me. We met on a convenient corner, and I gave him the phone. He was very appreciative and wanted to give us $40 to express his thanks. My son started to take it. I said: Thank you, but no thank you. We didnt do this for a reward. Trying to explain integrity to my son, however, has been very difficult. He doesnt see why we didnt take money for a good deed. Even some of my friends said I should have taken the reward. What do you think? Name Withheld I understand your concern. We should be cautious about extracting market value from moral values. Imagine if we rewarded heroism in battle not with medals but with a cash prize. In his book The Moral Economy, Samuel Bowles, who directs the behavioral-sciences program at the Santa Fe Institute, argues that appeals to self-interest can undermine moral motivations. But lets distinguish two issues here. One is why you should do the sort of generous thing you and your son did. The answer is, as you suggest, that good deeds are their own reward. And it was a good deed: You werent obliged to take the trouble to get the phone back to its owner yourself. You could have given it to the taxi driver, who has a professional duty either to arrange the return of lost property or to drop it off at a police station or with the owner of the cab. So what you did went above and beyond the call of duty. It was, to use a philosophers sesquipedalian word, an act of supererogation. Had the phones owner just expressed his thanks, you would have had the satisfaction that decent people get from their decent acts. More than this, a world of decent people like you is a better world. Moments like these connect us to strangers in a way that reflects our common humanity. So we should honor these decent acts in others. I agree with you about all of that. As this dispute was going on, Chinas anti-corruption operation was building a case against Ma Jian. In Guos telling, Ma had long been rumored to be collecting intelligence on Chinas leaders. As the anti-corruption campaign gained speed and officials like Wang Qishan gained power, Mas well of intelligence started to look like a threat. It was Guos relationship with Ma, the tycoon maintains, that made officials nervous. Ma was detained by the authorities in January 2015, shortly after Guo fled the country. Soon after Mas detention, accounts began appearing in Chinas state-run media claiming that Ma had six Beijing villas, six mistresses and at least two illegitimate sons. In a 2015 article that ran in the party-run newspaper The China Daily, the writer added another detail: The investigation also found that Ma had acted as an umbrella for the business ventures of Guo Wengui, a tycoon from Henan Province. In the mix of spies, corrupt business dealings, mistresses and sex scandals, Guo has one more unbelievable story to tell about his past. It is one reason, he says, that he was mentally prepared to confront the leaders of the Communist Party. It happened nearly 29 years ago, in the aftermath of the crackdown on Tiananmen Square. According to Guo, he had donated money to the students protesting in the square, and so a group of local police officers came to find him at his home. An overzealous officer fired off a shot at Guos wife at which point Guos younger brother jumped in front of the bullet, suffering a fatal wound. That was when I started my plan, he said. If your brother had been killed in front of your eyes, would you just forget it? Never mind the fact that it would take 28 years for him to take any public stand against the party that caused his brothers death. Never mind that the leadership had changed. Im not saying everyone in the Communist Party is bad, he said. The system is bad. So what I need to oppose is the system. On an unusually warm Saturday afternoon in Flushing, Queens, a group of around 30 of Guos supporters gathered for a barbecue in Kissena Park. They laid out a spread of vegetables and skewers of shrimp and squid. Some children toddled through the crowd, chewing on hot dogs and rolling around an unopened can of Coke. The adults fussed with a loudspeaker and a banner that featured the name that Guo goes by in English, Miles Kwok. Miles Kwok, NY loves U, it said, a heart standing in for the word loves. Democracy, Justice, Liberty for China. Someone else had carried in a life-size cutout of the billionaire. The revelers decided to hold the event in the park partly for the available grills but also partly because the square in front of Guos penthouse had turned dangerous. A few weeks earlier, some older women had been out supporting Guo when a group of Chinese men holding flags and banners showed up. At one point, the men wrapped the women in a protest banner and hit them. The park was a safer option. And the protesters had learned from Guo it wasnt a live audience they were hoping for. The group would be filming the protest and posting it on social media. Halfway through, Guo would call in on someones cellphone, and the crowd would cheer. Despite this show of support, Guos claims have divided Chinas exiled dissidents to such an extent that on a single day near the end of September, two dueling meetings of pro-democracy activists were held in New York, one supporting Guo, the other casting doubt on his motivations. (They are jealous of me, Guo said of his detractors. They think: Why is he so handsome? Why are so many people listening to him?) Some of Guos claims are verifiably untrue he claimed in an interview with Vice that he paid $82 million for his apartment and others seem comically aggrandized. (Guo says he never wears the same pair of underwear twice.) But the repercussions he is facing are real. In December, Guos brother was sentenced to three years and six months in prison for destroying accounting records. The lawsuits filed against Guo for defamation are piling up, and Guo has claimed to be amassing a war chest of $150 million to cover his legal expenses. In September, a new set of claims against Guo were made in a 49-page document circulated by a former business rival. For Ha Jin, Guos significance runs deeper than his soap-opera tales of scandal and corruption. The grand propaganda scheme is to suppress and control all the voices, Jin said. Now everybody knows that you can create your own voice. You can have your own show. That fact alone is historical. In the future, Jin predicts, there will be more rebels like Guo. There is something very primitive about this, realizing that this is a man, a regular citizen who can confront state power. Ho Pin, the founder of Long Islands Mingjing News, echoed Jin. Mingjings reporters felt that covering Guo was imperative, no matter the haziness of the information. In China, the political elite that Guo was attacking had platforms of their own, Ho said. They have the opportunity, the power and the ability to use all the governments apparatus to refute and oppose Guo Wengui. So our most important job is to allow Guo Wenguis insider knowledge reach the fair, open-minded people in China. Still, people like Pei urge caution when dealing with Guos claims. Even Guos escape raises questions. Few others have slipped through the net of Chinas anti-corruption drive. How could he get so lucky? Pei asked. He must have been tipped off long before. Kenneth Leedom met Peter Cott in 1955, and when they were interviewed in 2013 about their 58 years together, they were newly married, living in a senior building in Lower Manhattan where I regularly visit my mother. Mr. Cott was the more sociable of the two, and saucy; he was also slipping into dementia. Mr. Leedom was the organizer and planner, worried that he would not be able to take care of his husband. Short-term memory is terrible, Mr. Leedom said. But Im charming, Mr. Cott said. And he was. Mr. Cott died the following year. Mr. Leedom continued on, going out less and less frequently. He went to Kinky Boots. He went to Sunset Boulevard. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand plans to use a prerogative given to home-state senators to try to block the confirmation of Geoffrey S. Berman if he is nominated by President Trump as the United States attorney in Manhattan, her spokesman said on Wednesday. The senator, Democrat of New York, intends to use her blue-slip prerogative to lodge her objection over reports that President Trump had personally interviewed Mr. Berman as part of the selection process. Ms. Gillibrand, through her spokesman, said those reports were deeply disturbing, because of conflicts of interest inherent in Mr. Bermans potential jurisdiction on matters that could affect the president personally. Under these circumstances, Ms. Gillibrands spokesman, Glen Caplin, said, if such a meeting took place and Mr. Berman were nominated as United States attorney, the senator would have no choice but to stand up for the independence of this office by using her blue-slip prerogative. A resident of 220 Riverside Boulevard, another condominium nearby, initiated a petition to remove the name from her building that garnered support from at least 57 homeowners and 24 renters in the building, although little came of it. At 200 Riverside Boulevard, the boards residential committee conducted an anonymous survey of residents last February about whether to keep or remove the Trump name. The letter announcing the effort assured residents, in capital letters, that THIS IS A BLIND SURVEY AND CANNOT BE TRACKED TO AN APARTMENT, lest they be fearful of answering honestly. A majority was in favor of removing the Trump letters, Mr. Koeppel, an independent management and technology consultant, recalled. He said a minority of residents had no issue with the letters, while others supported the president. Mr. Harvey and his wife, Peggy Koeppel, sold their 12th-floor apartment in July, after retiring and moving to the Hudson Valley, but not before they were forced to drop the price by 10 percent to secure a buyer. Just before a meeting of unit owners to discuss the survey results, on March 29, Alan Garten, the chief legal officer of the Trump Organization, sent a letter to the board saying that removal of the letters would constitute a flagrant and material breach of the license agreement. Mr. Garten also said that many apartment owners had reached out to express their grave concerns with the Boards contemplated action. That cast a pall over the meeting, Mr. Koeppel said. There was definitively a fear in the air. With a new board on its way in, a decision was delayed. Then, last week, the residential committee of the board asked the court to issue a declaratory judgment that the condominium has the right to use or remove the letters without violating its licensing agreement with Mr. Trump. Under the licensing agreement, the committee acknowledges the boards obligation to maintain the building in a manner consistent with super luxury condominiums in Manhattan. Anna Mae Hays, a front-line nurse who was named the United States militarys first female general after serving in three wars in the jungles of India during World War II, in Korea and in Vietnam died on Monday in Washington. She was 97. The cause was a heart attack, a niece, Doris A. Kressly, said. General Hays, who grew up mostly in Pennsylvania as the daughter of Salvation Army officers, had enlisted in the Army Nurse Corps during World War II. She was shortly deployed to a field hospital in northeastern India, where she treated construction workers and Army engineers building a road to China, sometimes assisting in amputations. In South Korea, she helped establish the first military hospital in the coastal city of Inchon, the scene of a decisive victory for United Nations forces in 1950. During her three decades in the military, which culminated in her appointment to chief of the nurse corps, General Hays witnessed extraordinary medical advances, from the introduction of lifesaving antibiotics and painkillers to helicopter airlifts of wounded soldiers. Dr. James Melius, an international expert on workplace medicine who advised the sponsors of a federal law that authorized billions of dollars for the medical care of first responders and others after the World Trade Center attacks in 2001, died on Jan. 1 at his home in Copake Falls, N.Y. He was 69. His son Jeremy said the cause was cardiac arrest. In the years before passage of the law in 2010, Dr. Melius gave forceful testimony to congressional committees that drew on his decades of work for government agencies and labor organizations. He urged that Congress pass a comprehensive program to relieve the economic hardships of those who had developed and would develop respiratory diseases, cancer and other illnesses caused by exposure to toxins like asbestos and alkaline dust after the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001. He also lobbied to help workers who had lost their jobs and medical insurance and had found their medical claims being challenged by workers compensation. To the Editor: Re G.O.P. Senators Pursuing Author of File on Trump (front page, Jan. 6): Instead of putting party over country in an attempt to discredit a government source and longtime intelligence ally in Christopher Steele, a former British agent, Senators Lindsey Graham and Charles Grassley would serve their judicial oversight roles and the American public better by working with their colleagues to investigate the Russian attack on our political system. Since Mr. Steele did bring the findings of his research to the F.B.I. because he was concerned that Kremlin interference was a threat to our election, senators serious about judicial oversight should be grateful for his information, not referring him to the Justice Department for criminal investigation. After all, had any of the members of Mr. Trumps campaign gone to the F.B.I. when they first discovered that the Kremlin wanted to help Mr. Trump win the election, our country might not be in this mess now. JANE RUPERT, HUNTINGTON, N.Y. To the Editor: Re With Red Tape Losing Its Grip, Firms Ante Up (front page, Jan. 2): The examples cited as producing a wave of optimism that has swept over American business leaders show exactly why we should not set policy based on the preferences of corporate chiefs. The articles examples of regulations to be overturned include limiting mining debris in streams; requiring broadband providers to obtain permission from customers to collect and use online information; banning plastic bottles from national parks, and restricting housing development in wetlands. The prospect of removing this red tape is, according to a Moodys economist, lifting everyones spirits. Not mine. Every one of these changes would have the effect of increasing short-term profits at long-term cost to us all. It is the job of government to weigh all factors and write rules that do not overly constrain business plans, but whose primary motivation is to consider the consequences to society as a whole. The views of corporations are just one highly self-interested pole of that debate; only regulation can balance their incentives away from short-term profit. The key part of Simpsons testimony, as The Plum Lines Greg Sargent notes: The F.B.I. was already investigating the Trump campaigns relationship with Russia when it received additional information from Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer working with Simpsons firm, Fusion GPS. (Various Fox News commentators and others have tried to spin a tale in which the Clinton campaign effectively started the F.B.I. investigation, via Steele and Fusion.) We still dont know how much of the information in Steeles infamous Trump dossier is accurate. Either way, Steele and Fusion are only supporting players in this story. The main questions are about Trumps campaign and Russia not the people trying to figure out what was happening between the campaign and Russia. Related: In The Times, Ben Smith, the editor in chief of BuzzFeed News, defends its decision to publish the Steele dossier one year ago today. Perspective. The story of Russian collusion is devilishly complicated. Susan Hennessey a legal expert whose work Ive often cited in this newsletter offered an especially clear summary in a recent podcast with Voxs Ezra Klein. She described two scenarios one more innocent, one less so. Here are the basics: The innocent explanation: Amateurish Trump officials unwittingly blundered into a campaign by Russia to influence American policy and create chaos. The Trump officials cooperated with Russian nationals because they didnt know they shouldnt. They then lied about their contacts because those contacts were embarrassing, not because they were part of a sophisticated conspiracy. As Hennessey puts it, the cover up is worse than the crime. The less-innocent explanation: Top Trump officials understood that they were doing something wrong. Perhaps they were trying to help their campaign with tactics they understood were wrong. Or perhaps they were working to advance the interests of a foreign power, because of financial entanglements between those officials maybe including Trump and Russia. These officials, and others who were aware of the entanglements, then lied about the contacts. In that case, Hennessey explains, the decision making at the top of the executive branch is not in any meaningful way being guided by the best interests of the American people. To the Editor: Re Attacks on Mueller and F.B.I. Open a Rift in the Party of Law and Order (news article, Dec. 30): As a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, I would like to address claims about the supposed bias at the F.B.I. I questioned the deputy F.B.I. director, Andrew McCabe, in a closed committee session. While the discussion was confidential, I can assure you that the men and women at the bureau are dedicated public servants committed to defending the American people and upholding the law. Firing the special counsel, Robert Mueller, would cross a line that congressional leaders in both parties have made clear. Instead, the presidents team is attacking the credibility of Mr. Mueller and the F.B.I. in what appears to be an attempt to sow doubt about Mr. Muellers eventual findings. These attacks are beyond the scope of normal political dialogue and raise a profound question: What is the presidents team afraid of? Not that it doesnt have partisan tilts and colorations. Some of its manifestations are more common in conservative America where they usually have an evangelical and commercial gloss, as with Joel Osteen and his epigones. (This red-state style of spirituality was recently co-opted, with some success, by the prosperity preacher known as Donald Trump.) Others are more common in liberal communities where they emphasize Eastern wisdom and Lost Christianities and the New Age and Esalen-style mystical humanism. Where the spiritual worldview blurs into secularism, its usually claiming scientific bona fides; where it blurs into traditional religion its usually talking about Jesus. And Oprah herself, with her Obama-endorsing, #MeToo politics and her tendency to mix spirituality with pseudoscience, is clearly somewhat on the blue-state side of that divide but only somewhat, because the divide between blue-state spirituality and red-state spirituality is much more porous than other divisions in our balkanized society, and the appeal of the spiritual worldview cuts across partisan lines and racial divides. (Health-and-wealth theology is a rare pan-ethnic religious movement, as popular among blacks and Hispanics as among Americans with Joel Osteens skin tone, and when Oprah touts something like The Secret, the power-of-spiritual-thinking tract from the author Rhonda Byrne, shes offering a theology thats just Osteen without Jesus.) Indeed, it may be the strongest force holding our metaphysically divided country together, the soft, squishy, unifying center that keeps secularists and traditionalists from replaying the Spanish Civil War. Which is not to say that its a good force in its own right; you could fill a book (as I once tried to do) with theological and sociological arguments about whats wrong with religious individualism, its false ideas and fatal consequences. But it clearly holds the balance of power in our cultural conflicts, and its hard to imagine our civic peace surviving without the bipartisan influence of its soothing faux profundities. I know, I know: Youve stuck around this long to find out what all this religious business means for an Oprah presidential campaign. The disappointing answer is that I have no definite idea. It could be that Oprah would cease to be a figure of the spiritual center the instant she assumed a partisan mantle, that in entering in the political fray she would automatically lose her papal tiara. Or it could be that her religious authority would make the Democratic Party far more popular and powerful, more a pan-racial party of the cultural center and less a party defined by its secular and anticlerical left wing. It could be that she would be extremely effective in the increasingly imperial role that our presidency plays, effectively uniting throne and altar and presiding over our divisions with a kind of spirituality-drenched mass empathy, to quote Business Insiders Josh Barro, that our present partisans conspicuously lack. Or it could be that by turning the spiritual center to partisan ends she would hasten its collapse, heightening polarization and hustling us deeper into metaphysical civil war. All of these scenarios seem possible, even as the most plausible scenario remains the one where she decides being a prophetess is better than being a president and declines to run at all. But either way, the Oprah boomlet is a chance to recognize her real importance in our culture and the sheer unpredictable weirdness, perhaps eclipsing even Donald Trumps ascent, that might follow if our most important religious leader tries to lay claim to temporal power as well. I met Steve Bannon for the first time in September 2013 at the so-called Breitbart Embassy on Capitol Hill in Washington. I had spent the better part of the previous seven years working for Republican members of Congress before making the leap to start my own public relations firm. Like anyone starting a business, I was eager to find clients. In Breitbart I had a media platform at my disposal to attract a stable. Before that meeting, I had never met or even heard of Steve, and so I approached it with an open mind. But as I would come to learn over the course of two years working with him closely, his character and temperament made his stunning fall over the past few days inevitable. In that first meeting, Steve described his ambitious vision for Breitbart. He wanted to seize on the social media revolution to create a central digital destination for conservatives. His observation entirely correct was that the center-right media universe was fractured and underserved by the mainstream media. The Tea Party movement that swept unconventional Republicans into office in 2010 represented a turning point that upended the establishment, and Steve wanted to use Breitbart to tap into that movement. Let me say right here that I dont for a moment think the United States will follow the path of Venezuela, Germany or Italy. Yes, I do see in Trump these authoritarian tendencies plus a troubling fondness for other authoritarians, like Vladimir Putin in Russia and Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines but Im confident our institutions are stronger than Trump. Its true that he has tried to undermine institutions and referees of our political system: judges, the Justice Department, law enforcement agencies like the F.B.I., the intelligence community, the news media, the opposition party and Congress. But to his great frustration, American institutions have mostly passed the stress test with flying colors. President Trump followed the electoral authoritarian script during his first year, Levitsky and Ziblatt conclude. He made efforts to capture the referees, sideline the key players who might halt him, and tilt the playing field. But the president has talked more than he has acted, and his most notorious threats have not been realized. Little actual backsliding occurred in 2017. That seems right to me: The system worked. And yet. For all my confidence that our institutions will trump Trump, the chipping away at the integrity of our institutions and norms does worry me. Levitsky and Ziblatt warn of the unraveling of democratic norms norms such as treating the other side as rivals rather than as enemies, condemning violence and bigotry, and so on. This unraveling was underway long before Trump (Newt Gingrich nudged it along in the 1990s), but Trump accelerated it. It matters when Trump denounces the deep state Justice Department, calls Hillary Clinton a criminal and urges jail for Huma Abedin, denounces journalists as the enemy of the American people and promises to pay the legal fees of supporters who beat the crap out of protesters. With such bombast, Trump is beating the crap out of American norms. I asked the authors how we citizens can most effectively resist an authoritarian president. The answer, they said, is not for Trump opponents to demonize the other side or to adopt scorched-earth tactics, for this can result in a death spiral in which rule-breaking becomes pandemic. Its also not terribly effective, as weve seen in Venezuela. Rather, they suggested protesting vigorously but above all, in defense of rights and institutions, not just against the ruler. They emphasized that its critical to build coalitions, even if that means making painful compromises, so that protests are very broadly based. If these actions are limited to blue-state progressives, the risk of failure and/or deeper polarization is very high, Levitsky told me in an interview. Extraordinary measures are sometimes necessary to defend democracy, but they should rest on extraordinary coalitions coalitions that include business leaders, religious leaders and crucially, as many conservatives and Republicans as possible. There are several reasons for this. Turkey is already paying a serious economic price for measures that Mr. Erdogan feels are necessary to maintain his power, as post-coup purges and a continuing state of emergency frighten away foreign investors. Moreover, from Ankaras perspective, the United States is already putting enormous pressure on Turkey. To Turkey, Washingtons military support for Syrian Kurdish fighters whose partners are at war with the Turkish Army, for example, makes matters of visa policy seem small. As Turkeys political and economic situation deteriorates, the risk grows that further pressure will be counterproductive. Any sanctions with real bite would only increase the already serious possibility of a major economic crisis in Turkey. Rather than leave Turkey more dependent on Washington, such a crisis could well empower those in Ankara who already believe that Turkey has less to lose and more to gain by breaking with the West completely. Given the grip on power that he now enjoys, Mr. Erdogan is unlikely to be voted out, regardless of how bad the economy gets. If he decides to cling to power at all costs, even his fall would be more likely to unleash violence than facilitate a smooth return to some form of democracy. In these circumstances, pushing the country toward the brink would do little to advance Americas ideals or interests, much less those of the Turkish people. For all of Mr. Erdogans anger at America, he now stands to benefit from the very American cynicism he regularly denounces. However infuriating and dangerous American policy makers find him, they will ultimately find the alternative chaos in Turkey scarier. Having missed the opportunity to apply pressure earlier in Mr. Erdogans tenure, when it might have been effective, Washington is likely to end up quietly hoping he maintains his hold over the country for the same reason it has supported many other authoritarian leaders: stability. With this in mind, American policy should look toward helping Turkey emerge intact from an inevitable period of authoritarian rule as early as realistically possible. Congress should focus any future sanctions on concrete issues affecting bilateral relations, like the targeting of American government employees and citizens. American leaders should remain consistent in their public and private criticism of Mr. Erdogans undemocratic behavior, rather than withholding or deploying it selectively as a diplomatic tool. Finally, it is important to prevent further escalation of Turkeys Kurdish conflict. The United States can use its military and diplomatic leverage in Syria to forestall both Turkish attacks on Kurdish forces there and renewed terrorist attacks by Kurdish groups in Turkey. Beyond this, though, Americans can do little but brace for whats next. Turkeys political turmoil, like its relationship with the United States, will almost certainly get worse before it gets better. In the end, the only interest Washington and Ankara share may be a desire to keep Turkey from becoming even less stable. Set and shot amid the Lebanese civil war, Ms. Saabs feature debut, A Suspended Life (1984), follows Samar, an independent-minded young girl reveling in the freedom afforded by warfare chaos. She thinks herself and proclaims herself free and able to do whatever I want, but the cost of her spirited wandering is a hymen-restoring operation imposed by her family. Ms. Sabbag, who died in 2008, was equally provocative. Her early films include Sand Screens (1991), a drama centering on a woman determined to lead an uninhibited life in a deeply conservative society, and the sarcastically titled A Civilized People (1999), which touches on such discomfiting topics as homosexuality, the ill treatment of immigrant house servants and religious acrimony in Lebanese society. (The Lebanese government banned the film.) Ms. Srour, Ms. Saab and Ms. Sabbag are among the women featured in Rebecca Hillauers Encyclopedia of Arab Women Filmmakers. Ms. Hillauer notes in the preface that the book started with an investigation into the question Arab women filmmakers do they exist? By the time she completed her research, she had enough material to expand what she had conceived as a small reference work into a tome of some 400 pages, covering women from Iraq to Egypt to Tunisia. Since the most recent version of Ms. Hillauers book was released, in 2005, a number of younger Arab women have taken up film. In Morocco, Tunisia and Lebanon, women make up about a quarter of all new directors, and most focus largely on aspects of womens lives in the Arab world, according to Roy Armess 2015 book New Voices in Arab Cinema. Mr. Armes credits the number of female directors to outside influence. Virtually all the women born in the 1960s and 1970s who have made a fictional feature have lived, worked, and/or trained abroad, he writes. There is no single pattern of entry to filmmaking, but it is notable that none of them has had the conventional, sheltered upbringing reserved for so many women in the Arab world. (Ms. Labaki, who has spent her life in Lebanon, is, as Mr. Armes points out, an exception.) This mass of educated and articulate women has changed the way in which a whole array of aspects of Arab society are experienced and depicted. Ms. Hamoud and Ms. Labaki are entirely deserving of praise. They have made polished films with high production values, which are thoroughly engaging, often caustic and, at times, devastating. But they follow a path blazed by many women before them. Today they have a support system, which their predecessors lacked. The women before them worked away on their own, under much more dangerous conditions (including actual wars) and against much more pushback. But just like these contemporary Arab women directors, their work was acclaimed, welcomed and shown abroad, at leading European film festivals and on international movie screens. The output of the new wave of Arab female filmmakers and even female writers and artists should be viewed in the actual context of the history of Arab cinema, literature and art, and not with any misguided idea that these voices are emanating from a vacuum. On todays episode: Jason Zengerle, a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine. Background reading: Mr. Zengerles article on Carter Page, and how he differs greatly from others in the Trump-Russia story. A Times article on George Papadopouloss interactions with Russians. Tune in, and tell us what you think. Email us at Tweet me at @mikiebarb. 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Astronomers have been baffled lately by the mysterious pulses of cosmic energy known as fast radio bursts that seem to pepper the cosmos. In a few unpredictable milliseconds, they typically emit as much energy as the sun does in a day. About 30 of these objects have been discovered deep in space since the first was detected in 2007, all but one burping out a cataclysmic radio pulse exactly once and then disappearing into the night. Only one burster, known as FRB121102, after the date it was discovered (Nov. 2, 2012), has repeated itself, hundreds of times now. That allowed Shami Chatterjee of Cornell and his colleagues to track it to a galaxy 3 billion light years away. But that only deepened the mystery of the powers of these objects, and why none are closer to us. Among the more out-there explanations proffered was that they are lasers propelling alien interstellar spacecraft. That is a scheme that Earthlings themselves are considering to launch a fleet of miniature space probes to Alpha Centauri later this century. WeCroak, Mr. Bergwall said, was born of Bhutanese folklore saying that to be happy, one ought to contemplate death five times a day. For the more than 9,000 users of WeCroak, most in their 20s and 30s, he said, there is no time like the moment to get a grip on life by embracing mortality. Hovering near the top of the App Stores paid health and fitness chart, the app, which I first read about in The Atlantic, is an exhortation to mindfulness. Meditation urges you to focus on your breath, Mr. Bergwall said. Its the same thing with remembering that youre mortal. You forget, so you need something strong, someone telling you straight out, being blunt about it. That very bluntness is a provocation. Death until recently was often a conversational taboo, dark fodder for goth sites, maybe, but otherwise invoked discreetly, if at all, in spirit-soothing euphemisms. Now its trending. The app, on iOS and Android, could not be simpler. Ad-free, it is there strictly to remind you that the end is near, its message accompanied by alternately somber and uplifting homilies: The grave has no sunny corners or, more motivating, Begin again the story of your life. The words come from a variety of sources, including work by Emily Dickinson, Pablo Neruda, Henry David Thoreau, Charles Bukowksi, Pablo Neruda, Lao Tzu and Margaret Atwood. Lennon Gave Him TV Guide Mr. Reed may not have made a fortune in the film business, but he is sitting on millions of dollars of real estate. Its an awfully comfortable bachelor pad, he said of the book-filled Dakota apartment he has lived in since 1969, which he bought for $30,000. He found the apartment through his friendship with Ruth Ford, the Broadway actress who lived there with her husband, the actor Zachary Scott, whose family owned half of Texas, Mr. Reed said. The playwright William Inge, Judy Garland, Judy Holliday and the saxophone player Gerry Mulligan were all neighbors at various points. I moved into this apartment with an A.&P. shopping cart, some books and whatever I could drag over from my little walk-up on 73rd Street, Mr. Reed said. His only furniture was a corduroy Queen Anne chair and a sleeping bag. The night he moved in, the film star Robert Ryan, who was president of the Dakotas board, rang the doorbell to welcome him, and the two shared instant coffee, Mr. Reed on the sleeping bag, Mr. Ryan in the chair. Do you think that happens today? he asked. Boris Karloff was another neighbor. Rudolf Nureyev, Leonard Bernstein and Rosemary Clooney lived in the building. Betty Bacall, whose spacious three-bedroom apartment sold for $21 million in 2015 after her death the previous year, and Mr. Reed used to eat together regularly, he said. He once signed a petition supporting John Lennon when the government was trying to deport Mr. Lennon because of his drug use and political activism. Mr. Lennon thanked him with a one-year subscription to TV Guide, Mr. Reed said, adding, That was his bible. All he did was lie around stoned watching television. If Mr. Lennon famously sang, All You Need Is Love, Mr. Reed appears to disagree. I dont have relationships, except friends, he said. I dont know, love is not something that Ive been really good at. I think people are intimidated by people with opinions. MUMBAI, India Indias central government moved on Wednesday to reinvigorate its sluggish economy by relaxing rules governing foreign investment in industries including retailing and air travel. The changes could lead Apple and other companies based outside this country of 1.2 billion to significantly expand their retail presence here. In addition to the changes in the retail sector, the government also said it would allow up to 49 percent of Air India, the troubled national air carrier that is now up for sale, to be bought by foreign airlines. The moves are the latest steps taken by the government to open Indias economy up to outside companies. Foreign investment in the country reached $60 billion in the fiscal year that ended March 31, up 8 percent from the previous year. In a statement, the government said the changes would contribute to growth of investment, income and employment. Among the potential beneficiaries of the changes is Apple, which has long sought to open stores in India. The companys iPhones account for only about 1 in 20 smartphones in active use in the country, according to the research firm Forrester, and Apple phones are now sold only by third-party vendors. WILLIAMSBURG, Va. The playwright Adrienne Kennedy never wanted to move to Virginia. She spent 30 years living on the fourth floor of a brownstone on West 89th Street her little Victorian palace, she called it. But the rent went higher. Her breath on the stairs came shorter. Just before she turned 80, she traveled down to Williamsburg, Va., to visit her younger son, Adam Kennedy, and she stayed. Unfortunately, Ive been here six years, she said of her new city. I hate it. The move to Virginia cost Ms. Kennedy her shelves of books and her walks down Broadway. But it has given her a poem, a memoir and a play, He Brought Her Heart Back in a Box, which begins performances at Theater for a New Audience on Jan. 18. It is her first new play in nearly a decade and the first that she has written without a collaborator in 20 years. Ms. Kennedy, one of the American theaters greatest and least compromising experimentalists, was speaking at a table in a genteel hotel lounge near the Colonial Williamsburg living history site. Her dramas are sites of living history, too, where personal stories of racisms unhealed wounds mingle with dark tales thieved from the Brothers Grimm and 1940s Hollywood. On a morning just after Christmas, the hotel was still decorated for the holidays and so was Ms. Kennedy, in a brocade coat, a purple scarf and a black broderie anglaise dress. One hand clutched an asthma inhaler. It is two such nights beginning with a movable celebration of their 17th birthdays that particularly concern Disco Pigs. The script follows Pig and Runts paths of destruction through shops, pubs and clubs where they steal, guzzle, dance and beat up on fellow townsfolk; into their bedrooms, where they are mesmerized by reruns of Baywatch; onto an empty beach, where their thoughts turn to the adulthoods that await them; and into a palatial discotheque that would appear to be the embodiment of their most cherished dreams. And by furtive degrees, you become conscious of their nagging, growing awareness that their private realm of anarchy is beginning to dissolve. So is the symbiotic bond that has protected them from the bleakness of their lives. The hallucinatory, Joycean night-town through which Pig and Runt roam is effectively conjured by Giles Thomass dense sensory soundscape, with lighting to match by Elliot Griggs. But its the hyper-physical performances (Naomi Saids movement direction is key) that define not only a completely detailed environment as Pig and Runt see it, but also the reality beyond it. Watch Mr. Campbells Pig rush through the gamut of an entire alphabet of disco moves, in a trance of self-infatuation that fades into the realization that everyone around him is laughing at him. Observe how Ms. Lynchs Runt withdraws in betrayed, surprised disgust when her soul mates customary roughhousing turns erotic. These segues feel even more affecting than they did when I first saw this production at Trafalgar Studios in London this summer. It helps, of course, to see Disco Pigs more than once to fully understand its dense, vernacular poetry, which abounds in thickly Gaelic neologisms and more classic obscenities. Here is Pig on tripping the light fan-frigging-tastic at the disco: Beat beat through da veins full a drink! Ah pig he wee wee full a drink! Dis is sex in step to dat beautiful soun dat deep down thru me pump da danceflower. In print, that may look as impenetrable as a passage from Finnegans Wake. But when such descriptions are recited by Mr. Campbell and Ms. Lynch, you know and feel exactly what they mean. Federal immigration agents descended on dozens of 7-Eleven convenience stores across the country before daybreak on Wednesday, arresting undocumented workers and demanding paperwork from managers, in what the Trump administration described as its largest enforcement operation against employers so far. The sweeps of 98 stores in 17 states, from California to Florida, resulted in 21 arrests, according to United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which signaled intensified efforts against businesses that hire unauthorized workers. Todays actions send a strong message to U.S. businesses that hire and employ an illegal work force: ICE will enforce the law, and if you are found to be breaking the law, you will be held accountable, Thomas D. Homan, the acting director of the agency, said in a statement. Mr. Homan, the nations top immigration-enforcement official, has promised more scrutiny of businesses that knowingly violate federal laws requiring employers to verify the identity and employment eligibility of their workers. A neo-Nazi leader in Florida was sentenced to five years in prison on Tuesday over his stash of explosives, which the authorities discovered while investigating one of his roommates in the killing of the other two. Officials were alerted in May to the explosives belonging to the neo-Nazi, Brandon Russell, by his roommate Devon Arthurs, who warned them that Mr. Russell had written online about plans to kill people and detonate bombs. Mr. Arthurs confessed in May to shooting their other two roommates for disrespecting his newfound Muslim faith, the police said. Lawmakers in New Hampshire have voted against a proposal to ban conversion therapy, a discredited practice that is meant to discourage same-sex attraction. The bills sought to prohibit counselors from proposing or engaging in treatments to change a minors sexual orientation or gender identity. Conversion therapy, also called reparative therapy, has been widely condemned, and bans on using it against minors have been enacted in at least nine states and Washington, D.C., as well as other municipalities. The House bill was defeated by one vote, 166-165, after House Speaker Gene Chandler, a Republican, broke a tie. The Senate version of the bill, which the House was voting on as well, was also narrowly defeated, 170-169, with Mr. Chandlers vote. Opponents said the bill could have prevented minors from discussing unwanted same-sex attraction with a qualified counselor. SAN FRANCISCO Rescue workers scoured mud-swollen riverbeds in the wealthy Southern California enclave of Montecito on Wednesday, clutching to the hope that they might find some of the more than a dozen people missing after mudslides swept away about 100 houses. At least 17 people were killed in mud flows so powerful that some one-story ranch homes in the area, which is northwest of Los Angeles, were covered up to their gutters. The devastation, sudden and violent, struck early Tuesday after a winter storm drenched and destabilized hillsides stripped bare last month by the largest wildfire in California history. Hundreds of people have been rescued and evacuated, many of them having to be hoisted out of the area by our aircraft, Bill Brown, the Santa Barbara County sheriff, said Wednesday afternoon. The amendment is chiefly sponsored by Representative Justin Amash, Republican of Michigan, and Representative Zoe Lofgren, Democrat of California. It would substitute in the text of another bill, dubbed the USA Rights Act, which would extend Section 702 by only four years. The bipartisan coalition backing overhaul efforts which includes some of the most conservative and most liberal members of the House say that change is necessary to uphold the meaning and substance of Fourth Amendment privacy rights in light of 21st-century communications technology and surveillance powers. But the F.B.I. and the intelligence community have balked at that proposal, saying it would impede their efforts to protect the country to require warrants to query information the government already possesses. There are also lawmakers of both parties backed by House leadership who oppose the amendment. Aides to Representative Devin Nunes, the California Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, distributed a one-page sheet this week denouncing the amendment as imposing unnecessarily severe requirements that would endanger Americans. Complicating matters, the base bill backed by Mr. Nunes contains a gesture toward a court-order requirement, too. It would apply only under narrow circumstances: if F.B.I. agents have already opened a criminal investigation into the American whose information they are searching for, and if the agents have no national-security rationale. Representative Adam Schiff of California, the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, said the warrant requirement in the base bill would be sufficient to prevent the database from being used as a general tool to gather evidence and introduce it in court in cases that have nothing to do with terrorism. But the base bill would still permit routine queries for Americans information without warrants. Its warrant requirement would not apply to national-security-related queries by a range of agencies, including the C.I.A., the N.S.A. and the F.B.I. Nor would it apply to F.B.I. queries when agents are merely pursuing tips about an American but do not yet have enough evidence of wrongdoing to open a criminal investigation. Hours after the White House meeting, Judge William Alsup of Federal District Court in San Francisco wrote that it was not proper to kill the program, and that the administration must maintain the DACA program on a nationwide basis as the legal challenge to the presidents decision in September to end the program moves forward. Mr. Trump has previously criticized the courts system after judges have halted or held up his policy initiatives. Ms. Sanders said the fate of the program should be addressed by Congress. President Trump is committed to the rule of law, and will work with members of both parties to reach a permanent solution that corrects the unconstitutional actions taken by the last administration, Ms. Sanders said. A central question in the case was whether a failure to vote could be the reason to send out the notice. Ohio is more aggressive than any other state in purging its voter rolls. After skipping a single federal election cycle, voters are sent a notice. If they fail to respond and do not vote in the next four years, their names are purged from the rolls. A few other states use similar approaches, but not one of them moves as fast. Ohio is the only state that commences such a process based on the failure to vote in a single federal election cycle, said a brief from the League of Women Voters and the Brennan Center for Justice. Literally every other state uses a different, and more voter-protective, practice. At Wednesdays argument, Eric E. Murphy, Ohios state solicitor, said about eight states send out notices based on the failure to vote. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said there was good reason to think that Congress didnt want failure to vote to be a trigger for this procedure. But Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. said the laws appeared to permit Ohio to use its notification process. Why isnt the best interpretation of this that one cannot be removed from the list solely because of failure to vote? he asked. The failure to respond to the notice, he suggested, was an additional reason. Mr. Trump, in his remarks, repeated his often-stated assertion that he has essentially been cleared of colluding with Russia. It has been determined that theres been no collusion and by virtually everybody, he said. When they have no collusion, and nobodys found any collusion at any level, it seems unlikely that youd even have an interview. In fact, the Senate Intelligence Committee and its House counterparts have not reached a conclusion on that question, which Mr. Mueller is also believed to be exploring, along with whether the president or his team obstructed justice in firing Mr. Comey. The Democratic report on Russian interference looked at efforts of the government of President Vladimir V. Putin in 19 countries, and describes misinformation campaigns, the funding of far-right political causes and the manipulation of energy supplies long before 2016 in an attempt to glean lessons for American officials considering how to counteract similar efforts here. In total, the report offers more than 30 recommendations to safeguard the countrys electoral process and to work with allies, primarily in Europe, to establish new standards to address these types of threats. They include new sanctions to punish states that initiate cyberattacks on elections or critical infrastructure, an international summit meeting centered on such threats, an allied commitment of mutual defense against cyberattacks, as well as forcing social media companies to disclose the sources of funding for political ads. The document begins by calling on Mr. Trump to assert presidential leadership to establish a governmentwide response to the Russian efforts, including setting up an interagency center modeled after the National Counterterrorism Center to coordinate the American response to threats and policy related to their deterrence. And it argues that merely investigating what the Russians did in 2016 will be insufficient in protecting against future attacks, given their persistence. Over all, the report argues that Mr. Putins rise and hold on power in Russia has depended on the use of force and the undermining of institutions at home and abroad. It points to successful actions taken by European nations, including Germany and Nordic countries, as models for counteracting Russian tools like disinformation and hacking. Facial exercises may significantly reduce some of the signs of aging, according to an interesting new study of the effects of repeating specific, expressive movements on peoples appearance. The study, published in JAMA Dermatology, found that middle-aged women looked about three years younger after a few months of exercising, perhaps providing a reasonable, new rationale for making faces behind our spouses backs. As all of us regrettably know, the human face changes with age. It begins to accumulate the grooves and wrinkles that connote either lengthening years or deepening character, depending on your viewpoint, and also starts, almost invariably, to sag. This sagging occurs in large part because the fat pads that underlie the skin on our faces thin with age. When we are young, these pads snuggle together like Lego pieces, providing much of the structure of the contours of our faces. But as the pads change with age, their connections loosen and gravity draws them downward, leaving cheeks hollowed and visages generally droopier. He said he had recalled the leader of his team involved in peace negotiations with the rebels. Mr. Santos won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2016 for his role in the deal with the FARC. But security analysts say that the ELN is far less organized and more ideological, and that Mr. Santos, whose term ends this year, has few viable paths to sign a peace agreement with a group that seems interested in continuing attacks. The ELN is disconnected from the electoral reality, said Jairo Libreros, a professor at the Externado University in Colombia who follows the group. They think that through acts of violence, society will rise up to call that the government signs a peace deal. The attacks appeared to be typical for guerrillas: a midnight raid on a military base in the eastern department of Arauca, in which commandos threw a grenade at soldiers guarding a post, injuring several them. Near the town of Aguazul, about 100 miles from Bogota, the capital, another group bombed an oil pipeline, the government said. The guerrillas defended their decision to resume attacks. The main purpose of the cease-fire, to improve the humanitarian situation of the population, was hardly achieved by the regime, they said in a statement. We delivered on the objectives. The guerrillas said the attacks on Wednesday had occurred in the middle of a complex situation of conflict in the country. It called on the government to resume talks but did not offer another cease-fire. Leer en espanol Earlier this week, we published an article on Mexican towns and cities that are dealing with public corruption and record violence by effectively seceding from the state. But we wanted to elaborate more on this story by recounting what it was like to report on each town, which we visited last year, and offering our thoughts on its larger lesson for Mexico and the world. This article originally appeared in our Interpreter newsletter, and two more pieces spotlighting the other areas will publish later this month. So sign up the Interpreter newsletter here, and let us know what you think: We came to Monterrey, a rich commercial city, with many questions. But there was one we asked over and over because we just could not believe the answer we kept getting. Are you really O.K. with local business leaders seizing control of the police? We asked rich and poor. We asked in corporate offices and community outreach centers. We asked activists and government officials. We asked a man who had been forced from his home by criminals. We asked a nun. BANGKOK The government of Malaysia and an American ocean exploration company began a new effort on Wednesday to solve one of historys greatest aviation mysteries: the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 nearly four years ago. Ocean Infinity, a Houston-based company, could receive as much as $70 million if it finds the planes debris field or two data recorders within 90 days, Transportation Minister Liow Tiong Lai said Wednesday at a signing ceremony with company officials at Putrajaya, Malaysias federal administrative center. But under the agreement, the company will receive nothing if it does not find the missing Boeing 777, which disappeared over the Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014, with 239 people aboard. Mr. Liow called it a no cure, no fee agreement. Under the contract, Malaysia will pay Ocean Infinity $20 million if it finds the wreckage or data recorders early in the search. The potential fee rises in staggered amounts to as much as $70 million, depending on how large an area the vessel searches before locating the plane. SEOUL, South Korea President Moon Jae-in of South Korea warned on Wednesday that North Korea would face stiffer sanctions if it resumed weapons tests, while crediting President Trump with helping force the North to resume dialogue and strike a broader agreement to improve Korean ties. I am giving a lot of credit to President Trump, Mr. Moon said at a nationally televised news conference a day after the two Koreas forged their agreement during border talks. I am expressing my gratitude. The White House said that Mr. Trump and Mr. Moon had spoken and underscored the importance of continuing the maximum pressure campaign against North Korea, adding that Mr. Trump expressed his openness to holding talks between the United States and North Korea at the appropriate time, under the right circumstances. Mr. Moons comments and his conversation with Mr. Trump suggested a tactful maneuver by the South Korean leader to stroke the ego of Mr. Trump, who has claimed credit for the inter-Korean dialogue, while easing fears in Washington and among his conservative critics at home that in his eagerness for dialogue, he may be too accommodating to North Koreas leader, Kim Jong-un. BANGKOK Two journalists for the Reuters news agency were formally charged in Myanmar with obtaining state secrets, prosecutors said Wednesday, in a case seen as a key test of the countrys nascent political freedoms. The reporters, U Wa Lone and U Kyaw Soe Oo, have been accused of violating the Official Secrets Act, a law dating to the British colonial period that carries a maximum punishment of 14 years in prison. The journalists were brought to court in Yangon, Myanmars commercial capital, where they were arrested on Dec. 12, almost immediately after being given unidentified documents by members of the police. Before their arrest, the journalists had been investigating the existence of a mass grave in Rakhine State, where a military campaign against Rohingya Muslims has sent more than 655,000 members of the persecuted minority fleeing to Bangladesh over the past four and a half months. KATHMANDU, Nepal The last time anyone saw Gauri Kumari Bayak alive, she was gathering grass and firewood. Considered impure because she was menstruating, she was about to sleep outside in a cold hut. She never woke up. According to the police, Ms. Bayak is the latest victim of a very old tradition in rural Nepal, in which religious Hindus believe that menstruating women are unclean and should be banished from the family home. She was found dead on Monday, apparently having asphyxiated after building a small fire inside the hut to keep warm. In Nepal, one of Asias poorest countries, dozens of women and girls have died in recent years from following this tradition, despite activists campaigns and government efforts to end the practice. Menstruating women often trudge outside at night to bed down with cows or goats in tiny, rough, grass-roofed huts and sheds. Many have been raped by intruders or died from exposure to the elements. A review of Ms. Mas case involving interviews with officials, diplomats and others, as well as searches in corporate registries underscored Chinas deep ambivalence as it has come under increasing pressure to enforce sanctions against North Korea. While China is on the record opposing the Norths pursuit of nuclear weapons, it is wary of being seen imposing punishments at the bidding of the United States, especially against its own citizens. Image Ms. Ma in a company photo. Since China announced an investigation in 2016, her whereabouts has been shrouded in mystery. North Koreas agreement on Tuesday to send athletes to the Winter Olympics in South Korea next month, and to hold talks and other exchanges with the South, may have been symbolic and perhaps a cynical effort to bide time. Yet it suggested that the rising diplomatic and economic pressure, meant to deny it the financial and material resources needed to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, may have had some effect on the Norths leader Kim Jong-un. Mr. Kim has given no signal that he would give up his nuclear ambitions, but after the Norths initial overtures, Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter that the talks were evidence that sanctions and other pressures are beginning to have a big impact on North Korea. China has shown a willingness to support tougher sanctions at the United Nations Security Council over the last year, but it has done so grudgingly. The reasons for that are historical and strategic. North Korea has long counted on China as its only real ally, for example, but some analysts argue that economic factors also play a part. ISLAMABAD, Pakistan Hundreds of protesters, enraged over the murder of a young girl, clashed with the police in eastern Pakistan on Wednesday after surrounding the office of a senior district official and demanding justice. At least two people were killed when the police opened fire on the protesters in the city of Kasur, officials said. Police officials said they had opened fire to safeguard public property after protesters tried to storm the office. Protesters said they were outraged over the polices inability to stop a spree of child killings in the district. The police say at least 12 children have been killed within a radius of about a mile in the past two years in Kasur. The violence came a day after the body of a girl, Zainab Amin, whose father said she was around 7, was found on a pile of garbage near a busy road in the district of Kasur. The city is about 30 miles from Lahore, the capital of Punjab Province. The main separatist parties of Catalonia have reached a preliminary agreement to re-elect Carles Puigdemont as leader of the restive Spanish region, even as he remains in self-imposed exile in Belgium, the Catalan news media reported on Wednesday. The deal reached over dinner in Brussels on Tuesday would allow Mr. Puigdemont to deliver his acceptance speech this month either by videoconference from Belgium or by having another lawmaker read it in the Catalan Parliament on his behalf, according to the Catalan radio station Rac1 and other outlets. In a Catalan election on Dec. 21, the three main separatist parties won 70 of the 135 seats in the regional Parliament, with 47.5 percent of the vote almost identical to the result in 2015. The result was a setback for Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy of Spain, who had called the election in the hope that voters would deliver a decisive blow to the secessionist movement. But the separatists will still struggle to form a coalition government, in large part because eight of their 70 elected lawmakers are either in jail in Madrid or with Mr. Puigdemont in Belgium to avoid prosecution in Spain. This proposal is an encouraging and effective method of educating people of all backgrounds about the Nazi attempt to wipe out the entire Jewish population of Europe and the dangers such hatred can yield, Ronald S. Lauder, the organizations president, said in an emailed response to a request for comment. More than any other country, Germany has faced up to the crimes of its past in an honest and straightforward way, and has made it clear at the highest levels of government that the memory of the Holocaust must never be forgotten or diminished, Mr. Lauder said. The idea of requiring new arrivals to visit concentration camps was not universally endorsed. Some scholars of German history described it as a simplistic answer to a more complicated and insidious problem. Many acts of anti-Semitism in Germany, they emphasized, are not by immigrants. You dont stop someone from being a racist or xenophobe by taking them to a concentration camp, said Sabine von Mering, the director of the Center for German and European Studies at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. I dont think that making it a requirement is somehow going to magically solve this problem. It requires a lot more attention and education. Ms. Chebli, who suggested the required visits in an interview published Sunday in the newspaper Bild am Sonntag, was not immediately available for comment. Nor was it clear whether the German government would move to make such visits mandatory for immigrants, who are currently offered courses on German language, culture and history. ATHENS Greece has passed a law to limit the powers of Islamic courts in a northern region that is home to about 100,000 Muslims, restricting the application of religious law in the country and giving Muslims the option to take civil cases to Greek courts. Lawmakers from all Greek parties except the far-right Golden Dawn voted on Tuesday in favor of the law, which Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras described as a historic step that broadens and deepens equality before the law to all Greeks. The legislation was passed a month after the European Court of Human Rights examined an appeal filed by a Muslim woman in Komotini, Greece, of a case involving the application of Shariah, the Islamic legal code, over an inheritance dispute. A ruling in that case is expected this year. Shariah has been applied in the northern region, Thrace, for nearly a century, the result of international treaties signed after World War I and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which led to population movements between Greece and Turkey, and affecting the rights of minorities. The treaties stipulated that Islamic law and custom would apply to the thousands of Muslims in Greece. MOSCOW A human-rights activist in Chechnya has been detained by the police on drug possession charges in a case that colleagues and international observers say is part of a concerted effort to drive dissidents out of the Russian republic. The activist, Oyub Titiev, 60, has run the Chechen branch of the Memorial Human Rights Center since the 2009 abduction and murder of another activist, Natalya Estemirova, a case that remains unsolved. Chechnyas Ministry of Internal Affairs reported on its website that the police found a plastic bag with what it said the police suspected was marijuana weighing about 180 grams when they stopped Mr. Titievs car for a document inspection on Tuesday. The drug possession offense is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. The State Department on Wednesday called for the immediate release of Mr. Titiev, saying his detention was the latest in a string of reports of alarming recent human rights violations in Chechnya. SIENA, Italy The colorful tickets bearing images of an elephant and giraffes behind the Colosseum along with the two iconic tigers of an Italian circus promised an afternoons respite from hardship, a gift from the Vatican to thousands of poor people. But the announcement on Wednesday that Pope Francis charity office was planning to take 2,100 homeless and poor people to the circus, along with refugees and prisoners, did not go down well with animal rights activists. Carla Rocchi, the chairwoman of Italys Animal Protection League, criticized the plan to attend the Thursday show, pointing to what she called the unnatural condition of detention and exploitation, if not mistreatment, of circus animals. The vast majority of people and of the faithful believe that love for animals should not be sacrificed to love for the others, Ms. Rocchi said in a statement. ARCHIDONA, Spain When the Spanish authorities intercepted about 500 Algerian migrants who had traveled by boat to the southeastern coast of Spain, a space shortage in the countrys migrant detention centers left few options for where to send the new arrivals. So the government sent them to an empty facility near this whitewashed town in the mountainous heartland of southern Spain, about 35 miles north of Malaga: its brand-new prison. Archidonas penitentiary stands a few miles outside the town, amid olive groves that were covered in snow last weekend. Designed to hold about 2,000 prisoners, with a staff of almost 600, it was due to open in the first quarter of this year. The arrival of the migrants, in November, has provoked mixed feelings. Many of the towns 8,400 residents helped collect food and clothing for them. Then the migrants held protests in the prison smashing windows and furniture, and prompting the stationing of riot police officers in Archidona, according to the authorities. Some residents voiced concerns about possible damage to the new prison even before its official opening. LONDON Imagine being trapped in paradise. Or winter wonderland. This was the situation 13,000 tourists found themselves in on Wednesday at the foot of the Matterhorn, Switzerlands most famously photogenic mountain. A combination of heavy snowfall and rain made access routes inaccessible this week, stranding visitors in Zermatt, a picturesque resort village sitting among glaciers that promise white slopes all year round. Both road and rail access remained cut off for much of Wednesday as officials raced to clear the way for tourists and locals alike to reach the lower valley. The Glacier Express, whose carriages offer stunning views of some of the most spectacular peaks in the Alps, couldnt reach Zermatt, either. TEHRAN Iranians sentenced to death for drug-related crimes have had their convictions suspended by the countrys hard-line judiciary, a move that activists say could save potentially 5,000 lives. The decision, part of a legal overhaul in the works since 2016, is aimed at reducing the number of executions in the country. Iran is second only to China in its number of executions, and the majority who receive death sentences have been convicted of drug-related crimes. Irans Parliament amended the countrys drug laws last autumn, removing the death sentence for a number of drug-related crimes and replacing it with life imprisonment or fines. Around 5,000 people are currently awaiting execution in Iran for such crimes, activists say. On Tuesday, the head of the judiciary, Sadegh Amoli Larijani, announced that anyone awaiting execution for such crimes was entitled to have his or her case fully re-examined. The move has also been approved by the Guardian Council. The Sinai militant group that later pledged allegiance to the Islamic State has been at war with the Egyptian government since 2013, when the military ousted the countrys Islamist government. The group has since become one of the Islamic States most effective local affiliates. It downed a Russian jetliner in 2015, killing 224 people, and appears to have been responsible for an attack on a Sufi mosque in north Sinai in November, killing 311 people in Egypts worst terrorist attack. Hamas is essentially a Palestinian national movement whose main effort is directed against Israel. It has periodically cracked down on more extreme jihadists in Gaza who are ideologically closer to the Islamic State and Al Qaeda including in a recent wave of arrests as extremists fired rockets into Israel to protest President Trumps Jerusalem move. Islamic State sympathizers argue that those arrests served only Israel. Salah Bardawil, a senior Hamas official, described the video as a Zionist production. Another senior Hamas official, Mahmoud al-Zahar, said the Islamic States Sinai branch does not want there to be weapons in Hamass hands to resist the Israeli occupation. Generally, though, Hamas has remained tight-lipped about the video, not wanting to draw more attention to it. Families whose sons have joined the Islamic State are reluctant to talk about them for fear of repercussions from Hamas, which dominates the Palestinian coastal territory. There is an undeclared war between Hamas and Daesh, said Mkhaimar Abusada, a political scientist at Al Azhar University in Gaza, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. These are guys who disassociated themselves from Hamas and joined Daesh because they disagreed with Hamass participation in the 2006 elections. They dont like Hamass behavior as it doesnt enforce Shariah Islamic law and there are aspects of corruption regarding its rule in Gaza. Ehud Yaari, an Israel-based fellow of the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy, said that in the past Hamas had provided the Islamic States Sinai branch with training and advanced weapons, and had allowed wounded fighters to come to Gaza for treatment. The recent shift, Mr. Yaari said, was a typical story of Middle Eastern changing alliances. TRIPOLI, Libya The Libyan Navy said on Wednesday that its Coast Guard had rescued at least 279 migrants off the coast of Libya, but that about 100 more were missing and feared dead. The migrants, mostly Africans, had been packed into several vessels hoping to cross the Mediterranean and reach southern Europe. The missing appeared to have all been in the same dinghy, whose remnants were found near the city of Khoms, the navy said. Search-and-rescue efforts continued for more than 12 hours in rough conditions, the navy said. All of the survivors, including 19 women and 17 children, were taken to a naval base in the capital, Tripoli, and were later handed over to Libyas anti-migration authority. The United Nations migration agency estimates that more than 3,100 migrants died while trying to cross the Mediterranean in 2017, a number attributed to smugglers use of small dinghies and other poor-quality vessels. Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. If you want further access to Ireland's best local journalism, consider subscribing to our ePaper and/or free daily Newsletter . Support our mission and join our community now. AAP leaders to visit Ram Lalla shrine before Ayodhya yatra, first list of UP candidates soon 1984 sikh riots case: AAP welcomes SC decision of constituting SIT India pti-PTI New Delhi, Jan 10: The Aam Admi Party (AAP) on Wednesday welcomed Supreme Court's order to constitute a new three-member special investigation team to monitor the re-investigation into 186 cases related to the anti-Sikh riots in 1984 which were closed earlier. AAP leader Jarnail Singh, fighting for the families affected by the anti-Sikh riots, also urged the Supreme Court to direct the CBI, or an independent investigation agency, to investigate the cases. "We have no trust in Delhi Police, which was directly involved in killings and made the biggest cover up in the history of India," Singh alleged. "The cases should be monitored by Supreme Court as it was done in Gujarat riot cases and resulted in a few convictions," he added. Large-scale riots had broken out in Delhi in the aftermath of the assassination of then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by two Sikh security guards on October 31, 1984. The violence claimed 2,733 lives in the national capital alone. Deciding to set up a new SIT, the Supreme Court today held that the previous SIT had not carried out further probe into the 186 cases in which closure reports were filed. It said a supervisory body it had appointed found that out of 241 cases, 186 cases were closed without investigation. On August 16 last year, the court had appointed the supervisory panel to examine the SIT's decision to close 241 cases. PTI Step by step instructions on how to lock and unlock your Aadhaar biometrics online No denial of Covid vaccine, treatment, essential services for want of Aadhaar: UIDAI Aadhaar data breach case: CITU denounces Centre for being vindictive against scribe India pti-PTI New Delhi, Jan 10: The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) on Wednesday accused the BJP government of taking "vindictive action" by registering an FIR in connection with a newspaper report on alleged Aadhaar data breach. UIDAI has registered a case against 'The Tribune' journalist for exposing the leakage in Aadhaar data. "The CITU denounces the Government's move in registering an FIR against the journalist of Tribune, Rachna Khaira, and her sources for exposing the leakage-prone systemic fault in Aadhaar administration," it said in a statement issued here. The CITU also welcomed rising protests against the "vindictive action" by the Centre. "Such vindictive action is the reflection of an obnoxious, authoritarian arrogance of the government, as if 'the king can do any wrong'. The CITU welcomes rising protests against such vindictive actions of the government from various organisations and agencies, including the journalists', and the newspaper employees' unions, and urges the government to take a call initiating corrective action," the statement said. 'The Tribune' correspondent Rachna Khaira and her sources were named in an FIR over her report on the breach of one billion Aadhaar cards data. The journalist should have been "rewarded" for successfully investigating the faults in the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) system in respect of protecting individual data for preventing intrusion on peoples' right to privacy, which had been upheld by the Supreme Court, the CITU said in the statement. Even though the issue was raised in Parliament, the government did not recognise the faults in the system and its fallouts which raised doubts, it claimed. The CITU has demanded that the government should "withdraw the FIR against the journalist in the interest of fairness and propriety". PTI Karnataka: Will Congress not allow Kumaraswamy to be CM for full 5-year term? Is it chief minister Kumaraswamy or chief manager of Congress Ktaka ATM? BJP has an answer All is well between Congress, JD(S)? Kumaraswamy meets Rahul as Karnataka waits for full cabinet Amit Shah slams Siddaramaiah govt, vows to uproot Congress in 2018 polls India oi-Deepika By Deepika BJP chief Amit Shah on Wednesday vowed to uproot Congress from Karnataka during his address at the Pairvartana Yatre in Chitradurga. Launching a scathing attack on the Congress government Shah accused it of slowing down development and rampant corruption. He claimed that the Modi government had allotted close to Rs 2,19,000 crore to Karnataka, and questioned the implementation of the money under the state's Congress government. "In 13th Finance Commission under UPA Rs 88,583 cr was allocated for Karnataka, under our govt in 14th Finance Commission, Karnataka was given 2 lakh 19 thousand crores. But where did all the money given by the centre go? Did it reach your village?" he questioned. I have come to answer the CM's question on what has centre done for Karnataka. In 13th Finance Commission under UPA Rs 88,583 cr was allocated for Karnataka, under our govt in 14th Finance Commission, Karnataka was given 2 lakh 19 thousand cr: Amit Shah in Chitradurga #Karnataka ANI (@ANI) January 10, 2018 "This govt (of Karnataka) is doing vote bank politics, it is an anti-Hindu govt. They have withdrawn all cases against SDPI, which is an anti-India organisation," Shah further said. The BJP and Congress have sounded the poll bugle in Karnataka, which is expected to see assembly elections in April-May OneIndia News Why is the government unable to stop the grand terrorist funerals in Kashmir 'AMU scholar Wani is with us', says Hizbul Mujahideen India oi-Vicky By Vicky The Hizbul Mujahideen has confirmed that AMU scholar Mannan Wani has joined the outfit. The confirmation comes at a time when the police continue to probe whether Wani had joined the outfit or not. "Joining of Manaan Wani exposes the Indian propaganda that the youths of Kashmir are joining militant ranks due to unemployment and economic distress," Salahuddin said in the statement to a Srinagar-based news gathering agency yesterday. Wani, who belongs to Tikipora in Lolab area of north Kashmir's Kupwara district, went missing last week. He was scheduled to return home from Delhi on January 6. AMU research scholar who joined Hizbul had blamed Army in a November post The 26-year-old scholar was yesterday expelled by AMU following reports that he may have joined the terror group after his photograph, showing him with an AK-47 rifle, appeared in social media. "From years on, educated and qualified youths of Kashmir have been joining Hizbul Mujahideen to take this ongoing freedom movement to a logical conclusion. This spirit of youths is laudable," Salahuddin said, confirming that Wani had joined Hizbul Mujahideen, in the statement in Urdu. Did this brilliant AMU research scholar from Kashmir join the Hizbul Mujahideen? Police had yesterday refused to deny or confirm the reports of Wani's joining the terror group, saying they were investigating the photograph of him brandishing the rifle on social media sites. OneIndia News India 9th largest recipient of FDI in 2019, will continue to attract investments: UN Cabinet nod for 100% FDI in single-brand retail via automatic route India oi-Deepika By Deepika The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved a proposal to allow 100 per cent FDI or foreign direct investment through automatic route in single brand retail. The move is a departure from the earlier mechanism where the government's nod was needed for more than 49% FDI in single-brand retail. The Cabinet decision comes days before PM Narendra Modi's visit to Davos for the CEO meet. The Cabinet has also approved some changes to FDI in the aviation sector, according to TV reports. FDI norms have also been liberalised for power exchanges and real estate broking, the reports said quoting sources. The Cabinet also allowed foreign airlines to invest up to 49 per cent in national carrier Air India under the approval route. This move is expected to expedite the Air India divestment process. Foreign airlines allowed to invest up to 49 per cent under approval route in Air India," the statement said. As per the policy, foreign airlines are allowed to invest under government approval route in Indian companies operating scheduled and non-scheduled air transport services, up to the limit of 49 per cent of their paid-up capital. However, the provision was not applicable to Air India, thereby implying that foreign airlines could not invest in Air India. "It has now been decided to do away with this restriction and allow foreign airlines to invest up to 49 per cent under approval route in Air India," it added. This condition was relaxed subject to certain conditions. The statement said that foreign investment in Air India including that of foreign Airline (s) shall not exceed 49 per cent either directly or indirectly and "substantial ownership and effective control of Air India shall continue to be vested in Indian National". The government said that the decision would help provide ease of doing business and also lead to larger FDI inflows contributing to growth of investment, income and employment. Further it has clarified that real-estate broking service does not amount to real estate business and is therefore, eligible for 100 per cent FDI under automatic route. The cabinet also decided to allow FIIs/FPIs to invest in power exchanges through primary market as well. So far 49 per cent FDI was permitted under automatic route in power exchanges registered under the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power Market) Regulations, 2010. However, FII/FPI purchases were restricted to secondary market only. OneIndia News (with agency inputs) No love for those who do not love cows: Bhupendrasinh Chudasama Cow vigilantism hits UP, once again: 2 men beaten up, heads tonsured, paraded for cattle stealing India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Lucknow, Jan 10: In 2017, India got a clear-cut idea how cow vigilantism, carried out by gau rakshaks (cow vigilantes), could prove fatal to the nation's peace and diversity. While gau rakshaks possessed by mad love for cow (considered holy in the Hindu religion) did not even shy away from killing people in the name of animal protection, the country's minority communities like the Muslims and Dalits (mostly engaged in cattle-related trade) started living their lives under the shadow of fear. It seems 2018 is not going to be any different, as the first high-profile case related to cow vigilantism came to light from Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday, within the first 10 days of the new year. According to reports, two men were beaten up by a mob in Ballia, UP for alleged cattle stealing. The "animal lovers" did not stop at that. The mob also partially tonsured the heads of the two alleged cow thieves as a punishment. Later, the duo was seen walking on the streets of Ballia holding placards saying "gai chor" (cow thieves). "Two people were beaten up, their heads partially tonsured and paraded on allegations of stealing cattle in Ballia," tweeted ANI. Two people were beaten up,their heads partially tonsured and paraded on allegations of stealing cattle in Ballia ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) January 10, 2018 The authorities are yet to issue any statement in this regard. After coming to power in March last year, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had ordered the closure of slaughterhouses and banned cow smuggling across the state. Recently, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in UP decided to spend a whopping Rs 7.86 crore for the cow census. Along with it, the state government would also get a census of buffaloes, pigs, goats and sheep done. In November last year, Yogi said that any person who indulges in cruelty to cows will find himself behind bars. "If any person indulges in cruelty to cows (leave aside talking of killing of cows), he will find himself behind bars," Yogi said while addressing an event organised by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad's Gauraksha Vibhag. OneIndia News Cow vigilantism a 'nasur' for India, says Indian-origin Tanzanian lawmaker India pti-PTI New Delhi, Jan 10: Salim Turky, a Tanzanian lawmaker of Indian-origin has said that he was deeply concerned over cow vigilantism in India, and claimed that it has become a "nasur" (canker sore) for the country. Part of the Tanzanian delegation, was in Delhi to attend the First PIO-Parliamentary Conference, Turky was also one of the speakers at the day-long event. Turky, two-time lawmaker of the Tanzanian ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), on Tuesday, said that he has raised the issue with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj. "We are proud of what Modi government is doing in the world and in the country. But one thing is not good for India and I call it a 'nasur' and that is cow vigilantism," Turky said on the sidelines of the event. "We do not live in India, but in the news, specially the (electronic) media, you find clips of people being killed, being provoked. This is like discrimination," he said. Turky's great-grandfather migrated to Tanzania from Gujarat's Kutch region. When asked why he did not raise the issue in the conference, he said it would have "made the atmosphere bad". "I have raised the issue with External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj. She said these issues have been exaggerated," Turky claimed. His remarks come in the backdrop of incidents of violence allegedly committed by cow vigilantes in some states in the recent past. He drew a parallel to the albinos in his country, who are killed as their body parts are considered as lucky. Turky said the Tanzanian government came hard on those involved in the killing of albinos. In 2015, Tanzania banned witch doctors in an attempt to curb a rising wave of attacks and murders of albinos whose body parts are prized for witchcraft. PTI 'Act against those foisting false cases': Opposition leaders write to President after Stan Swamy's death Dalai Lama condemns Bhima-Koregaon violence India oi-PTI The Dalai Lama on Wednesday condemned Pune's Bhima-Koregaon violence saying that people should not mobilise against any religion. He was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of inauguration of National Teachers Congress, organised by MAEERs MIT World Peace University and MIT School of Government. Replying to a question on what message he wants to give in the wake of violence at Koregaon Bhima in Pune district on January 1, the spiritual leader said, "Religion is a personal business. Whether you follow this religion or that religion, it is personal matter. We should not we Buddhist, we Hindus, we Muslims. That is not good." Dalits visiting a war memorial at Koregaon Bhima were attacked here on January 1 that led to a state-wide shutdown in Maharashtra two days later. In his speech at the conference, the Dalai Lama hailed the Indian society for accommodating diverse religious faiths. "The largest democracy in the world, India is young and yet a complicated nation. The country has remarkable tolerance when it comes to safeguarding religious faiths of different religions," he said. He also said that Indians should preserve their ancient knowledge and traditions. "We kept the Nalanda tradition...but you Indians forgot. Indians should pay more attention to this Indian ancient knowledge and through rigorous study, they should revive these things," he said. Addressing the teachers community, he said the present educational system gives more importance to material values and not "inner values". "Today, the world is facing emotional problem and it can be only tackled by education and not religious faiths," he said. "The 21st century should be the century of dialogue.... For building a better world, one needs to think about oneness of human beings," said the spiritual leader. PTI For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 22:07 [IST] Fathers heart breaking plea falls on deaf ears of terrorist son India oi-Vicky By Vicky For Farhan Wani, one of the terrorists killed in an encounter at Kashmir on Tuesday, the pleas by his father made no difference. His father had put up a heartbreaking plea on his social media page on November 24. However, Wani decided to stay with the terrorists and bit the Army's bullet in the Anantnag encounter on Tuesday. AMU scholar Wani is with us says Hizbul Mujahideen Wani had joined the Hizbul Mujahideen in October 2017. Hailing from Kulgam, he was the son of Ghulam Mohammad Wani. His father posted a message on his Facebook page urging him to give up the gun and return home. The father wrote, "dear son, my body has begun betraying me ever since you left us. I scream from the pain you have inflicted upon us, but still, believe that you will return home." AMU research scholar who joined Hizbul had blamed Army in a November post "I can't explain how much I miss your smiling face. It's been almost six months, but not a minute goes by without me thinking about you. I hope you are okay, I hope you are well. I am your father, and if I do not tell you this, nobody else will," he continued. "I am sorry, but I am going to die. I am left with no other choice. You still have a lot to learn, but I will not be there to teach you, to scold you, to help you." OneIndia News Posted Thursday, January 4, 2018 1:32 pm January 9 6 p.m. Postcard collecting can be addictive. Just ask Wally Jung of Lansing, who recently added a cache of rock n roll cards to his already impressive hoard of postcards. For years Jung has been collecting postcards from Battle Creek, Benton Harbor, Lansing and many other Michigan cities hes called home. Jung was first drawn to a postcard issued by a southwest Michigan radio station WHFB and then one from WKZO advertising the country band Rem Wall & the Green Valley Boys. I never liked country that much, but I picked it up for my mother who listened to the program, Jung said. That one postcard led to another and soon he was building a collection of music themed postcards. Jung eventually added a card from the rock group the Vogues which had several hits in the 60s including, Youre the One and Five Oclock World. Then Jung picked up a card featuring The New Christy Minstrels, a large-ensemble folk group whose alumni includes Kenny Rogers and Gene Clark. He also has numerous postcards from local radio stations. Now I have a whole box of cards, Jung said. I had two requirements: the cards Courtesy photo had to be of groups that I liked and I had to like the graphics. This past November, Jung bought a large collection of postcards from a Las Vegas dealer. The trove included many cards from the legendary Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco, featuring art by renowned psychedelic artists. Since then Jung has added similar postcards from the Grande Ballroom in Detroit. Russ Gibb, impresario of the Grande Ballroom, produced about 80 cards to promote his concerts. Today, some of those cards by legendary artists Gary Grimshaw and Carl Lundgren sell for more than $150. My favorite music cards are the psychedelic ones, they are cool, Jung said. He also has numerous Coral-Lee postcards from the 80s which were commercially produced and feature popular musicians like Elvis Presley and Diana Ross. Music of the sixties and seventies tells the story of my life, Jung said. I couldnt tell you where I was three weeks ago, but I can tell you where I was when I first heard Ferry Across the Mersey by Gerry and the Pacemakers. Jung will take guests on a rock n roll tour at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 9 at the Delta Township Library. His presentation includes music from several eras. Jung will showcase a couple hundred rock postcards accompanied with music. Exhibition of Rare Rock Art Postcards Tuesday, January 9, 6 p.m. Delta Township Library 5130 Davenport Dr., Lansing Admission: Free If you attack people for eating beef then also give up consuming mutton, says Netajis grandnephew It's all Media creation: Kerala Police academy denies reports of excluding beef from menu Goa to enjoy beef, once again, after traders call off strike India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Panaji, Jan 10: The beef traders in Goa went on a strike to raise their protest against harassment meted out to them by cow vigilantes. In the process, foodies, including a large portion of tourists, in the state were forced to stay away from enjoying beef after the normal supply of meat got affected. On Tuesday evening, beef traders finally decided to call off their four days of strike giving relief to the meat lovers. While announcing the withdrawal of strike, All Goa Qureshi Meat Traders Association said the resumption of meat supply from neighbouring Karnataka will start from Wednesday. "Police have assured us that they will not allow the harassment of traders who import beef from Belagavi in Karnataka at the border," Association president Manna Bepari told reporters. "So we are withdrawing our strike and the supplies will resume from tomorrow," Bepari said. Beef traders were on a strike for four days as a result of which the coastal state faced a scarcity of beef. Gau Raksha Abhiyaan, an NGO, had targeted trucks carrying beef from Karnataka, claiming that animals are slaughtered in illegal slaughterhouses across the state border. Former Congress MP Francis Sardinha alleged that many cow vigilantes "are sponsored by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)- led state government (in Goa)". "This is because the government wants to satisfy its bosses in the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)," Sardinha told a press conference. "Beef was a staple food in the coastal state and part of the cuisine of the minority communities", he said. Slaughterhouses in Karnataka too had refused to supply the meat till the Goa government took steps to stop the harassment by cow vigilante groups. According to Bepari, around 25 tonnes of beef is brought to Goa from Belagavi every day. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) alleged that the "beef crisis" was being created to divert the attention of people from controversies like the Mahadeyi river water sharing and coal pollution. While the BJP and several right-wing groups have openly expressed their reservation over-consumption of beef, Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar government has always maintained that legal beef trade will never be stopped in the state. "Those selling beef after completing all the legal formalities are free to carry forward their business as always", Parrikar said on Sunday. OneIndia News Nirbhaya: Convict Pawan refuses to meet new legal aid, authorities ask on last meeting with family Hanging by neck most viable option to execute death sentence: Centre in SC India oi-Vicky By Vicky The most viable way to execute a death sentence is hanging by the neck, the Centre has told the Supreme Court. The submission was made before a three-judge Bench headed by Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra. The court directed the Centre to come up with a list of the prevailing methods adopted in other countries when it came to executing death sentences. The court granted the Centre represented by the additional solicitor general, Pinky Anand to file an affidavit in response to the petition that contended death by hanging, as contemplated under Section 354(5) of the Criminal Procedure Code, was "barbaric, inhuman and cruel". On October 6, the court sought to know from the government if death by hanging is the best way of executing condemned convicts. The court had then said the legislature can think of some other mode by which a convict has to meet his death in view of the invention of less painful ways of carrying out the execution. OneIndia News Finance Minister calls for written representations on glitches with new Income Tax portal Facebook to publish interim compliance report as per IT rules on Jul 2, final report on Jul 15 I-T sleuths conduct searches at premises of south India-based jewellery chains India pti-PTI New Delhi, Jan 10: The Income Tax Department on Wednesday conducted country-wide searches at over 100 stores and other premises belonging to two major south-India based jewellery chains on charges of alleged tax evasion. The action is being carried out against Kerala-based jewellery group Joyalukkas and another firm connected with it. I-T sleuths are raiding 130 premises of the business houses in the cities of Chennai, Hyderabad, Thrissur and other locations in Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Delhi and West Bengal, I-T sources said. The action, they said, is aimed at checking alleged tax evasion following demonetisation in the two firms. Tax sleuths detected huge cash deposits and sale figures of gold, diamond and jewellery in their accounts. The Chennai wing of the income tax department is coordinating the nation-wide action, involving over 100 tax sleuths and a number of police teams, sources told PTI. PTI 'If Hindu, vote for me, if Muslim vote for Congress', says Rajasthan minister India oi-Deepika By Deepika Jaswant Yadav, the BJP candidate for the Alwar Lok Sabha bypoll, allegedly made a communal remark on Tuesday by saying that Hindus should vote for the BJP and Muslims should vote for the Congress. A video clip of Rajasthan cabinet minister Jaswant Yadav purportedly asking Hindus to vote for BJP and Muslims for Congress has gone viral on social media. "When I visited Mewat villages and met members of Meo community, they told me that 'we are willing to vote for you' but not for BJP because BJP is a Hindu party. So I said, if you are Hindu vote for me if you are Muslim then vote for the Congress (candidate)," Jaswant Yadav is purportedly heard saying in the video. Jaswant Singh Yadav is the Labour and Employment minister in Vasundhara Raje- led Rajasthan Government and BJP's candidate for Alwar Lok Sabha constituency. By-elections are to be held this month in two Lok Sabha constituencies, including Alwar and one Assembly constituency. Yadav, however, denied the allegations and said the video clips were a Congress conspiracy. Yadav said Congressmen were distorting his videos. "Earlier, when I said that our Prime minister Narendra Modi is the 'best PM', Congress people distorted it and claimed that I was saying Modi was the 'bhrasht (corrupt) PM'," Yadav said. Recently Rajasthan MLA Banwari Lal Singhal, made a shocking comment in a video posted on Facebook, saying Muslims deliberately produce more children to corner Hindus in their own country. He said if the rise of population of Muslims was unchecked, the country will have a Muslims prime minister, Muslim president and chief ministers in most of the states. Bansal further said that the when the Muslims rule, Hindus will become second class citizens. OneIndia News Global economy will shrink by 5.2 per cent this year says World Bank Indias economy to grow at 7.3 per cent in 2018, World Bank gives a thumbs up to Modi govt India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Jan 10: Since November 8, 2016, after the controversial demonetisation was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government has come under severe scrutiny for failing to uplift the country's economy because of its "hasty decisions". Then Goods and Services Tax (GST) came into effect from July 1 last year, causing tremor in the country's economy. While the Modi government maintains that both the demonetisation and GST will help the country's economy in the long run, the Opposition constantly reminded the Centre about the various lacunae in its economy policies which led to slowdown in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Now, the ruling BJP can heave a sigh of relief as a latest World Bank report has given a thumbs up to the government's economic policies. The reported added that India is going to grow at a much faster rate than other economies in the world. With an "ambitious government undertaking comprehensive reforms", India has "enormous growth potential" compared to other emerging economies, the World Bank said on Tuesday. It has also projected country's growth rate to 7.3 per cent in 2018 and 7.5 for the next two years. India, despite initial setbacks from the demonetisation and GST, is estimated to have grown at 6.7 per cent in 2017, according to the 2018 Global Economics Prospect released by the World Bank in Washington on Tuesday. "In all likelihood India is going to register higher growth rate than other major emerging market economies in the next decade. So, I wouldn't focus on the short-term numbers. I would look at the big picture for India and big picture is telling us that it has enormous potential," Ayhan Kose, Director, Development Prospects Group, World Bank, told PTI in an interview. He said in comparison with China, which is slowing, the World Bank is expecting India to gradually accelerate. "The growth numbers of the past three years were very healthy," Kose, author of the report, said. In 2017, China grew at 6.8 per cent, 0.1 per cent more than that of India, while in 2018, its growth rate is projected at 6.4 per cent. And in the next two years, the country's growth rate will drop marginally to 6.3 and 6.2 per cent, respectively. To materialise its potential, India, Kose said, needs to take steps to boost investment prospects. There are measures underway to do in terms of nonperforming loans and productivity, he said. "On the productivity side, India has enormous potential with respect to secondary education completion rate. All in all, improved labour market reforms, education and health reforms as well as relaxing investment bottleneck will help improve India's prospects," Kose said. Noting that India has a favourable demographic profile, he said it is rarely seen in other economies. "In that context, improving female labour force participation rate is going to be important. Female labour force participation still remains low relative to other emerging market economies. Bringing force right now idle outside of the productive activities will make a huge difference," he said. Reducing youth unemployment is critical, and pushing for private investment, where problems are already well-known like bank assets quality issues...If these are done, India can reach its potential easily and exceed, Kose asserted. "In fact, we expect India to do better than its potential in 2018 and move forward," he said. India's growth potential, he said, would be around 7 per cent for the next 10 years. The Indian government is "very serious" with GST being a major turning point and banking recapitalisation programme is really important, Kose said. "The Indian government has already recognise some of these problems and undertaking measures and willing to see the outcomes of these measures," he said. "India is a very large economy. It has a huge potential. At the same time, it has its own challenges. This government is very much aware of these challenges and is showing just doing its best in terms of dealing with them," the World Bank official said. The latest World Bank growth estimate for 2017 is 0.5 per cent, less than the previous projection, and 0.2 per cent less in the next two years. "It is slightly lower than its previous forecast, primarily because India is undertaking major reforms," Kose said. These reforms, of course, will bring certain policy uncertainty, he said, "but the big issue about India, when you look at India's growth potential and our numbers down the road 2019 and 2020, is that it is going to be the fastest growing large emerging market." "India has an ambitious government undertaking comprehensive reforms. GST is a major reform to have harmonised taxes, is one nation one market one tax concept. Then, of course, the late 2016 demonetisation reform was there. The government is well aware of these short-term implications," Kose said. He said there might have been some temporary disruptions but "all in all" the Indian economy has done well. "The potential growth rate of the Indian economy is very healthy to 7 per cent. I think the growth is going to be at a high rate going forward," the World Bank official said. The big question is whether Indian policymakers would, under the necessary reforms, push its potential growth up, Kose said. "So far we have seen ambitious policy initiatives and implementation like GST. And we have all the reasons to expect this government to continue economic policies to create friendly environment for businesses and push its growth potential up," he said. In a South Asia regional press release, the World Bank said India is estimated to grow 6.7 per cent in fiscal year 2017-18, slightly down from the 7.1 per cent of the previous fiscal year. This is due in part to the effects of the introduction of the GST, but also to protracted balance sheet weaknesses, including corporate debt burdens and nonperforming loans in the banking sector, weighing down private investment, it said. If the ruling government at the Centre implement all the suggestions given by the World Bank, including creation of jobs, a day is not far away when the country could truly say "achhe din" (goods days), as Modi had promised during the 2014 Lok Sabha election campaign, has finally arrived. OneIndia News Padmaavat protest: Goons who attacked school bus ought to be booked for 'attempt to murder' Would it be accepted if Gandhiji is shown doing bhangra ': Giriraj Singh on Padmaavat row 46 people have been arrested so far in connection with 'Padmaavat violence': Gurgaon Police Is Goa planning to ban Padmavat? India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Panaji, Jan 10: The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has recently cleared the controversial Bollywood movie, Padmavat, with a U/A certificate to be screened across the country on January 25. The film, earlier titled Padmavati, created national furore after Rajput and Hindu right-wing groups protested against the depiction of the character of Queen Padmavati, played by actress Deepika Padukone, in the Sanjay Leela Bhansali's directorial venture. The film, which was earlier supposed to release on December 1, got delayed because of the violent protest it witnessed in several parts of the country. In spite of the Censor Board (as the CBFC is also known as) clearing the film for public viewing, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in Rajasthan made it clear that the film on the Rajasthani queen won't be released in the state as it hurts the sentiments of Rajputs. Rajput is a dominant community in the state. Now, it seems another BJP-ruled state is going to ban the screening of the film. According to ANI, the Goa Police has written to the Manohar Parrikar government asking it not to allow the screening of Padmavat in the state. The Goa Police has given a reason that since the film is controversial it would need special security arrangements for its screening in various theatres. Currently, the department is already overloaded with work as it is the peak tourist season in the coastal state. Thus the screening of the film during the peak tourist season will add pressure on the state's police force. Goa Police writes to the state government asking that #Padmavat be not screened in Goa during peak tourist season as it will put pressure on the state's police force ANI (@ANI) January 10, 2018 Recently, reports suggested that the Censor Board has asked the director of the film to make at least 300 changes in Padmavat. However, the chief of the board, lyricist and poet Prasoon Joshi, denied the reports stating that the film has been cleared after it made the changes as suggested by a special committee. Now, the Shri Rajput Karni Sena, the fringe group which has been at the centre protesting against the film, has asked for an all-India ban on Padmavat. OneIndia News Karnataka assembly elections: 'Chargesheet Congress by January 16', says Amit Shah India oi-Vicky By Vicky January 16 is the deadline set by BJP national president Amit Shah to file chargesheets against the ruling Congress in Karnataka. Addressing party workers at a resort in the outskirts of Bengaluru, Shah said that the chargesheet on the wrongdoings by the Congress will have to be ready by January 16 and it has to be made public all through the campaign. Shah was addressing the BJP workers as part of the election strategy in the run-up to the Karnataka Assembly Elections 2018. He said that enough progress was not made by the Karnataka BJP. What are you waiting for? Do not wait until the last minute, a BJP leader part of the meeting informed OneIndia. When will Karnataka Assembly Election 2018 be held: EC contemplates April Shah further told the BJP leaders that the process of appointing a page pramukh needs to be done at any cost. There should be a volunteer for each page of the voters' list, he said. While explaining the importance of a page pramukh, Shah said that this is aimed at micro-managing the elections. The pramukh would be in touch with each one on the voters' list, he said. He cited the example of Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat while pointing out that it was micro-management that helped them win the elections. Karnataka Assembly elections 2018: Yogi, Siddaramaiah engage in Twitter war Shah once again reminded the BJP about the one-plus-one strategy. He said that implementing the same would be crucial. As part of this strategy, a legislator looks after his own constituency apart from the one assigned to him by the party. He said that when he was here the last time, he had given a January 9 deadline for the same to be implemented. However it has not been done and the next time I am here, I want no excuses he said in a stern message. OneIndia News Swachh Survekshan 2021: Indore, India's cleanest city is now the country's first 'water plus' city Viral video: Bangle seller thrashed in MP's Indore; Minister says used fake name Madhya Pradesh minister calls Valmiki dacoit, sparks row India oi-Deepika By Deepika BJP leader Archana Chitnis calls sage Valmiki 'Dacoit', Watch video | Oneindia News Madhya Pradesh women and child welfare minister Archana Chitnis has stirred up a controversy when she called sage Valmiki, author of Ramayana, a 'daaku' (dacoit), at a meeting in Mandsaur a couple of days ago. She made the remarks at the All India Valmiki community conclave. Her remarks, on Tuesday, sparked a furore among the Valmiki community members who decided to move the RSS leadership seeking to restrain the BJP leaders from making 'uncharitable' remarks against the revered leaders of different communities. After she finished her address, some of the members of Valmiki community protested against her for insulting the great sage by calling him a dacoit. "The minister's poor portrayal of our 'Dharam Guru' Maharshi Valmiki has hurt sentiments of our community," Devidas Chabaria, state general secretary of All India Valmiki Mahasabha, said. However, the minister later apologised for her remarks. Later talking to reporters, Chitnis said, "I was only talking about correcting the history that was written under British Rule. If someone is hurt by my words then I apologise from the core of my heart." "I only talked of unity and the greatness of Valmiki ji, maybe in my one-hour speech i framed a wrong word or something, for that I humbly accept my fault and regret it", she added. OneIndia News Utah woman, who did not know she was pregnant, gives birth to baby on flight to Hawaii Mid-air forex smuggling: How the trap was set and operation carried out India oi-Vicky By Vicky A few years back a Ghana Airways flight was raided by New York customs officials on the tarmac. Three flight attendants were apprehended with 45,000 US dollars and booked under provisions of money laundering. Earlier this week a flight attendant of the Jet Airways was picked up by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence was picked up after it was found that she was carrying US dollars worth Rs 3.2 crore on her meant to be exchanged for gold in Hong Kong. Read | Flight attendant was part of global hawala racket: DRI Flight attendants are easy targets for such acts of money laundering. Take the instant case on hand. The prime accused in the case, Amit Malhotra was travelling on a Jet Airways flight when he spotted the attendant, Devshi. He then approached her and told her that he was a business tycoon. Impressed with him, she shared her number. A few days later Malhotra messaged her asking whether she could meet him. The two met and then he made an offer to her. He told her whether she could carry some cash with her meant for an associate in Hong Kong. Initially, she was apprehensive about the offer and even turned it down. Malhotra continued to persist and told her that it was safe. He even demonstrated to her that money wrapped in a silver foil could not be detected by X-ray machines. The entire operation began with a low amount. She packed the money in a silver foil and concealed it in her baggage. The silver foil passed off as chocolates. On reaching Hong Kong she messaged the details and Malhotra arranged for a person to pick up the cash. The operation went off smoothly and Devshi was impressed that she could carry this off. She carried out seven such operations. In the last few operations, she had charged a rupee for every dollar. In the last operation that she was attempting to carry out before her luck ran out, she was to get Rs 4.8 lakhs, investigations showed. OneIndia News ITBP contingent An officer of ITBP contingent watching soldiers march during rehearsals ahead of the Republic Day parade in New Delhi on Monday. PTI Photo Security check at the venue Security personnel with sniffer dogs inspect the lawns at India Gate, as a part of the preparations for the Republic Day celebrations, in New Delhi on Sunday. PTI Photo Construction underway A structure is being created as preparations are underway for the Republic day Celebrations at Rajpath, in New Delhi on Tuesday. PTI Photo President's bodyguards President's bodyguards practice in dense fog ahead of the Republic Day parade in New Delhi on Thursday. PTI Photo Republic Day statues Artisans giving final touches on the fiberglass statues of great Indian personalities, at Kumartuli in Kolkata on Monday. The statues will be sent to Delhi for the forthcoming Republic Day function at India Gate. PTI Photo Fiberglass sculptors An artisan making a fiberglass sculptor of a sitar near readied statues, at Kumartuli in Kolkata on Monday. The statues will be sent to Delhi for the forthcoming Republic Day function at India Gate. PTI Photo To take down terrorists effectively, NSG spruces sniping capabilities India oi-Vicky By Vicky The NSG has spruced up its sniping capabilities in a bid to effectively take down terrorists, the force's chief said. The 'black cat' commando force has procured new sniper weapons and trained more sharp-shooters in the skill in the recent past and is increasingly using them for special operations, NSG Director General S P Singh said. "The skill of sniping is a big asset for a commando force like us. We have put a greater stress on this domain," Singh told PTI. The National Security Guard (NSG), he said, has also procured advanced sniping weapons and has trained more personnel for special tasks. The NSG DG, however, did not quantify the number of NSG commandos trained in the skill. Official sources said while snipers were essentially part of NSG assault teams in operations, their numbers were now being increased and used more frequently. "So, the next time a counter-terror team is making an intervention where a terrorist is holed up, the snipers would not only give them a good cover but also help in neutralising the target in better time," a senior officer said. PTI, in February last year, had reported that the force, has upgraded its sniper rifles and inducted the German PSG1 A1, which carries an enhanced number of 20 rounds to engage and pin down targets for a longer time and is complemented with longer range and extreme accuracy. The 7.2kg rifle with a telescopic sight is an upgrade of the PSG1 sniper variant being used by the marksmen of the NSG till recently. The sniping discipline has also been included for the first time in the 8th All India Police Commando Competition, being hosted by the NSG this time. The competition, involving 25 teams from various state police and paramilitary forces, will begin this weekend at the NSG garrison in Manesar near here. The DG said the NSG desires that all the security forces of the country have "synergy and inter-operability" when it comes to tackling terror threats and attacks. Singh said the force is "all prepared" to tackle any situation in the run-up to the upcoming Republic Day celebrations on January 26. The NSG was raised in 1986 as the federal contingency force of commandos to counter any variant of terror or hijack threat. OneIndia News UP: Drunken man gives triple talaq to wife over phone, police remain mute spectators India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Lucknow, Jan 10: While lawmakers debated over the controversial triple talaq bill in Parliament, a woman in Uttar Pradesh has alleged that her husband in an inebriated state has given her divorce by uttering the word "talaq" three times over the phone. What makes the woman's case more chilling is that in spite of the victim approaching the police for "justice", the cops are yet to take any action against the husband. News agency ANI tweeted that a woman in Kaushambi, UP alleged that her husband gave triple talaq to her in an inebriated condition over the phone. Woman in Kaushambi says her husband gave #TripleTalaq to her in an inebriated condition over the phone. ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) January 10, 2018 She added that her husband used to beat her up and abuse her regularly for the last three-four years. "After he gave me talaq over phone, I complained to the police but no action has been taken till now," rued Rosy Begum. He used to beat me up and abuse me regularly for the last 3-4 years. After he gave me talaq over the phone, I complained to police but no action has been taken till now: Rosy Begum,victim #Kaushambi ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) January 10, 2018 In the recently concluded Winter Session of Parliament, the triple talaq bill got stuck in the Rajya Sabha after opposition parties demanded that it should be first sent to a select committee for review. That bill got passed in the Lok Sabha without much protest as the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) enjoys a majority in the Lower House of Parliament. The bill will be once again tabled in the Rajya Sabha in the upcoming Budget Session of Parliament. On August 22 last year, the Supreme Court banned the practice of instant triple talaq, (the practice under which a Muslim man can divorce his wife by simply uttering the word "talaq" three times) calling it unconstitutional. Now, the bill has to be passed by the Upper House of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, to become a law. The passage of the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill will make the practice of triple talaq criminal. While moving the triple talaq bill for consideration and passage in the Lok Sabha, Union law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on December 28 last year said that about 100 triple talaq cases had taken place since the Supreme Court struck it down in August last year. OneIndia News Was Jignesh Mevani's 'Yuva Hunkar' rally a flop show? India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Yuva Hunkar rally was a flop show, barely 200-300 people attended the event | Oneindia News Reports from the venue of the 'Yuva Hunkar' rally say that Jignesh Mevani's event was a flop show with barely 200-300 people in attendance and being outnumbered by police and media persons. According to reports, even 80 per cent of security was withdrawn around the area. The organisers claimed that supporters from outside of Delhi would attend the rally, which began at 1 pm. However, according to Times Now, only few hundred supporters turned up for the event. However, the organisers deny reports calling the event a flop. CPI-ML Polit bureau member Kavita Krishnan termed the reports as blatant lies. After first lying about Police permission being denied for #YuvaHunkarRally, the media is now trying to claim participation in the rally is poor! Does this look like poor participation?! Kavita Krishnan (@kavita_krishnan) January 9, 2018 Jignesh Mevani took a dig at the BJP and the right wing activists while speaking at Yuva Hunkar rally in Parliament-street on Tuesday. Mevani said, "The way corruption, poverty, unemployment and the real issues are being swept under the carpet and ghar wapasi, love jihad and cows are being given space, we stand against that." "We believe in India's polity. We are not love jihad guys. We're pyaar ishq muhabbat guys. We will celebrate 14th February (Valentines' Day)," Jignesh Mevani said. Earlier, Amid heavy security, the 'Yuva Hunkar' started at Parliament Street. Around 2,000 security personnel, including the paramilitary forces, deployed at the venue. Parliament Street was fortified and water cannon vehicles were also deployed. On being denied permission for Yuva Hunkar rally, Jignesh Mewani, said, "Unfortunate. We were just going to demonstrate democratically and peacefully, the Govt is targeting us, an elected representative is not being allowed to speak." But, the Delhi Police maintained that permission has been denied for the event. A senior officer from New Delhi district told PTI that additional forces from other districts of the city have been called in. Akhil Gogoi from Assam, Manoj Manzil from Bihar, Pooja Shukla from Lucknow to attended the event. The youth rally aimed to question PM Narendra Modi's government over unemployment and rise in attacks on Dalits. OneIndia News Karnataka: Will Congress not allow Kumaraswamy to be CM for full 5-year term? Is it chief minister Kumaraswamy or chief manager of Congress Ktaka ATM? BJP has an answer All is well between Congress, JD(S)? Kumaraswamy meets Rahul as Karnataka waits for full cabinet When will Karnataka Assembly Election 2018 be held: EC contemplates April India oi-Vicky By Vicky The date of the Karnataka Assembly Elections 2018 will be announced by mid-march. The Election Commission of India would take into account the SSLC and PUC examinations before announcing the date. The elections in Karnataka are likely to be held anytime between April 5 and May 5. Once the dates are announced the model code of conduct would come into force. A meeting of the EC officials was held this week to deliberate on the date of the elections. 'If you are a Hindu, why promote eating beef', Yogi asks Siddaramaiah The meeting was attended by senior government officials, members from the state election commission and chief secretary Ratna Prabha. The DG/IG of police was also present at the meeting. Karnataka Assembly elections 2018: Yogi, Siddaramaiah engage in Twitter war It was decided at the meeting that the process of revising the electoral rolls would be completed by March. Further deliberations on whether to hold the polls in a single phase were also discussed. In all probability the polls would be held in a single phase and the approval of political parties would be sought to this effect. A meeting with the political party representatives is scheduled for this week. The elections in Karnataka this time would also see the use of voter-verified paper audit trail. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 7:49 [IST] World must brace for huge mess if its advice on Afghanistan ignored: Pakistan Pakistan suspends military, intelligence cooperation with US: Reports International oi-Deepika By Deepika Pakistan has suspended its military and intelligence cooperation with the United States according to Pakistan media reports. Confirming that military and intelligence cooperation has been suspended, Khurram Dastgir Khan was quoted by Pakistani newspaper Dawn as saying that the US is engaging Pakistan in a blame game rather than assisting in the battle on terror. "Pakistan does not want to put a price on its sacrifices but wants them to be recognised," he said on Tuesday. At a seminar titled 'Contours of Security Environment of Pakistan', he reportedly said that despite the US spending billions of dollars, it was facing defeat in Afghanistan and was using Pakistan as a scapegoat for its failures. "Pakistan does not want to put a price on its sacrifices but wants them to be recognised," Dawn quoted the defence minister as saying.He added Pakistan won't let Afghanistan's war be fought on Pakistani territory. Pakistan's claim came after Washington's decision to suspend security assistance to Islamabad. While the US embassy in Islamabad has not confirmed if cooperation in the said areas has indeed been halted, souring relations between the two countries indeed point towards a firm possibility. "We have not received any formal communication regarding a suspension," Embassy spokesman Richard Snelsire said, according to VOA news. Since the beginning of New, Washington has increased pressure on Islamabad to "do more" in the fight against terrorism. Washington has stated that the suspension of military aid, which came after Trump accused Pakistan of "lies and deceit", is part of America's South Asia strategy. The development has followed in the aftermath of an increasingly terse back-and-forth between Washington and Islamabad since Trump announced the policy. OneIndia News PM Modi likely to visit US later this month Will Modi meet Trump at World Economic Forum in Davos? International oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Washington, Jan 10: Whenever they have met, the world observed with bated breath. As world leaders, economists and business honchos are all set to meet at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland beginning from January 23, a buzz is that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump are likely to meet or walk into each other at the four-day gala event. According to reports, the US President will attend the World Economic Forum in Davos later this month, opening up a distinct possibility of a meeting with PM Modi. This would be for the first time in 18 years that a US president would be attending an annual gathering of global economic leaders. "The President welcomes opportunities to advance his America First agenda with world leaders," White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters at her daily news conference. She said Trump looks forward to promoting his policies to strengthen "American businesses, American industries, and American workers". Details of the President's trip to Davos, including bilateral meetings, are being worked out, Sanders said. "We're finalising the details on exactly when the President will be there. We don't have any commitments beyond this year at this point," she said, adding that the White House is looking forward to being part of the process. "The President's message is very much the same here as it will be there; just the same as it was here, as it was when he made many stops in Asia. This is very much an America First agenda," Sanders said. She said Trump is "still 100 per cent focused and committed to promoting policies that strength American businesses and the American workers." "That's going to be the same whether he's in the US or any other place," Sanders said. Several senior members of the Cabinet and administration will be part of this event, she said. The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018 will take place later this month in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, under the theme, Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World. Modi will travel to Switzerland on January 22 on a two- day visit during which he will deliver the keynote address at the plenary session of the WEF. This would be the first time since 1997 that an Indian PM will attend the Davos summit. The annual meeting will be attended by 350 governmental leaders (among them over 60 heads of state or government), the chairs and chief executive officers of the world's most important companies and over 1,000 leaders from civil society, academia and the media. Although, no official statement has been issued regarding the Modi-Trump meeting, looking at the bonhomie the two top leaders shared during their previous meetings, we can definitely expect a few friendly handshakes, hugs and peals of laughter as they meet and greet each other in Davos. OneIndia News Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. See original here California Democratic says "only way to set the record straight is to make the transcript public" U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein, a California Democrat and ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee, released on Tuesday the complete transcript of testimony given by Glenn Simpson, co-founder of the political research firm Fusion GPS, which originally commissioned the now infamous "Steele Dossier" which documents unsubstantiated yet explosive claims about the relationship between President Donald Trump and Russian officials. In a statement released alongside more than 300 pages of Simpson's tesimony(pdf), Feinstein said, "The American people deserve the opportunity to see what he said and judge for themselves. The innuendo and misinformation circulating about the transcript are part of a deeply troubling effort to undermine the investigation into potential collusion and obstruction of justice. The only way to set the record straight is to make the transcript public." Among the explosive highlights contained in the transcript, as the Daily Beast reports, was that Simpson told the committee how the FBI had told Steele they had a "walk-in" whistleblower "from within the Trump campaign or organization" who may have offered damning evidence to law enforcement officials. Though released on her own accord without permission of the GOP-controlled committee, Feinstein's decision comes days after it was learned that Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) had issued a criminal referral to the Department of Justice for Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer who compiled the dossier at the request of GPS. In an op-ed in the New York Times last week, Simpson, along with fellow GPS co-founder Peter Fritsch, said publicly they wanted the testimony given to the committee released. "Republicans have refused to release full transcripts of our firm's testimony, even as they selectively leak details to media outlets on the far right," Simpson and Fritsch wrote. "It's time to share what our company told investigators." The two men said they were proud of their work -- conducted at the behest of paying clients -- but said it was time to "stop chasing rabbits" in terms of misinformation about the role they played in creating the controversial dossier and how its existence and contents have been manipulated in the ever-growing spectacle of the Trump-Russia probe. "The public still has much to learn about a man with the most troubling business past of any United States president," the two men concluded. "Congress should release transcripts of our firm's testimony, so that the American people can learn the truth about our work and most important, what happened to our democracy." Kevin Breuninger at CNBC detailed other key highlights contained in the transcript as these: This week, the publication of excerpts from Michael Wolff's book Fire and Fury painted a picture of a White House that was full of chaos and contempt for Donald Trump. A few points here on the book and the fallout: 1. "Tell-all" books--purporting to give the "real, behind-the-scenes" look at palace intrigue--generally focus on gossip and rumor and are notorious for unattributed and/or denied quotes. Those who are quoted are very often trying to maneuver and manipulate within internal power struggles, almost always shading the truth and sometimes just plain inventing. These books are generally not reliable and objective and should not be taken at face value--though they may provide clues to power struggles within an administration. 2. This book does not break anything new. It is not news that Trump is an extremely ignorant and arrogant man who surrounds himself with toadies and backstabbers. On the other hand, it could lend itself to underestimating the danger posed by Trump in particular. Trump has in fact demonstrated tactical skill in the dogfights that go on within the ruling class. He intuited that the straight-up reactionary vision and persona he projects was needed to cohere the base for fascism in this country, and ascended to power on that basis. Notions that Trump is a dummy pure and simple or that the presidency is imploding are dangerous. Fascist regimes generally have their origin in ruling class factions that have not been part of the core establishment and come to power with a necessity and a will to tear apart previous norms and arrangements of ruling. They thus tend to proceed through a certain chaos, incoherence, splits, and improvisation. This one is no different. 3. Some people are now saying that it is time to invoke the 25th Amendment, which allows the vice president, with a majority of the cabinet, to declare the president incapacitated. Some Democratic politicians and cable news hosts are pushing this particularly hard. But first, who exactly is going to invoke it? Pence? Or the Christian fascists (where Pence has his origins and strength) who have made clear their intense support for Trump? These religious fanatics went all-in for the profane and obscene Trump during the campaign because they believed he would boldly and brazenly tear up the norms and systems of bourgeois democratic rule and enable them to achieve their fascist agenda. And they were proven right--Trump is packing the federal courts with Christian (and other) fascists, moving to gut abortion rights, persecuting LGBTQ people, attacking Islam and Muslim people, breaking down the separation between church and state, and more. To the Christian fascists, Trump is "a miracle"! (In this regard, it may be of significance that the Christian fascists did not seem to have come in for any kind of criticism or embarrassment off the book.) Even if Pence (and the forces he represents) do at some point move on Trump, would it really be better to have an end-times, rapture-believing theocrat with his finger on the nuclear button and his hands on the state apparatus than a demented, openly racist, openly misogynist, unapologetic pig? Second, even if somehow this amendment were to get invoked through congressional action, if Trump then contested it, he would need the support of only one-third of either the Senate or the House to remain in power. But more than that: it is clear, once again, including as the dust has settled off the frenzy initially surrounding the book, that the ruling class--even those who have serious differences with the fascists--right now plan to do nothing more than maneuver within a world in which that regime holds the reins and is moving for a full-out fascist regime. 4. The take-home is this: Everybody has known for a while that Trump, the head of a whole fascist cabal including Pence, is utterly ignorant, demented, and certainly viciously arrogant, and that--as he so brutally reminded the world just this week--he has "the nuclear button" in his hands. The question confronting the people who know this and find it a nightmare is: Will we act in accordance with this knowledge, or will we continue to try to deny the implications? Will we play the useless and frankly damaging waiting game of elections, or will we act in a way that is commensurate with the danger posed to the very existence of humanity every day this regime is in power? Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled: it will not hear the case of Young v. Borders. Despite the fact that a 26-year-old man was gunned down by police who banged on the wrong door at 1:30 am, failed to identify themselves as police, and then repeatedly shot and killed the innocent homeowner who answered the door while holding a gun in self-defense, the justices of the high court refused to intervene to address police misconduct. Although 26-year-old Andrew Scott committed no crime and never fired a single bullet or lifted his firearm against police, only to be gunned down by police who were investigating a speeding incident by engaging in a middle-of-the-night "knock and talk" in Scott's apartment complex, the Supreme Court refused to balance the scales between justice and injustice. Despite the fact that polic e shot and killed nearly 1,000 people nationwide for the third year in a row (many of whom were unarmed, mentally ill, minors or were shot merely because militarized police who were armed to the hilt "feared" for their safety), the Supreme Court will not act to right the wrongs being meted out by the American police state. Although "knock-and-talk" policing has become a thinly veiled, warrantless--lethal--exercise by which citizens are coerced and intimidated into "talking" with heavily armed police who "knock" on their doors in the middle of the night, the Supreme Court will not make the government play by the rules of the Constitution. The lesson to be learned: the U.S. Supreme Court will not save us. No one is coming to save us: not the courts, not the legislatures, and not the president. According to journalist Michael Harriot: More people died from police violence in 2017 than the total number of U.S. soldiers killed in action around the globe (21). More people died at the hands of police in 2017 than the number of black people who were lynched in the worst year of Jim Crow (161 in 1892). Cops killed more Americans in 2017 than terrorists did (four). They killed more citizens than airplanes (13 deaths worldwide), mass shooters (428 deaths) and Chicago's "top gang thugs" (675 Chicago homicides). Americans are dying at the hands of the police, and the U.S. government doesn't care. Worse, the U.S. government is actively doing everything in its power to ensure that the killing spree continues. Take Jeff Sessions, for example. While the president's conveniently-timed tweets distract the public and dominate the headlines, his attorney general continues to bulldoze over the Constitution, knocking down what scant protections remain between the citizenry and the hydra-headed police state. Within his first year as attorney general, Jeff Sessions has made a concerted effort to expand the police state's power to search, strip, seize, raid, steal from, arrest and jail Americans for any infraction, no matter how insignificant. What this means is more militarized police, more asset forfeiture, more private prisons, more SWAT-team raids, more police shootings of unarmed citizens, and more wars waged by the government against the American people. And while the crime rate may be falling, the death toll--casualties of the government's war on the American people--is growing. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Strategic Culture Almost a year of "Russia-gate scandal" alleging collusion between President Trump and the Kremlin has produced nothing in the way of pressuring his resignation from the White House. No doubt, that's simply because there is no substance to this "scandal." However, the failure to bring Trump down through Russia-gate by his domestic political enemies, may have found a new lever in the form of salacious questions over the president's mental state. Trump is due to take a medical examination later this week, and that appointment is fueling media speculation that the doctors may find evidence of the president's alleged psychiatric deterioration. The media speculation over Trump's mental state has exploded after publication of the tell-all book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, by Michael Wolff. Days after going on sale, the book has already become a best-seller. In it, Wolff quotes senior White House staff and aides, and even Trump family members, whom he says all attest that the president is suffering from mental ill-health. The White House and senior members of the Trump administration have since come out in public interviews to denounce Wolff's book as a "garbage work of fiction." Trump himself has described the volume as a "fake book" and he says he was never interviewed by the author. Michael Wolff, the author, claims that he interviewed some 200 White House people over a period of 18 months. One of his main sources was Stephen Bannon who was formerly Trump's chief strategist. Bannon has since retracted his views cited by Wolff and claims that he was misquoted. Nevertheless, in several media interviews, Wolff has categorically stated that all his interviewees -- "100 percent of people" -- told him of their concerns about President Trump's mental fitness. The president was described as "paranoid, unstable, impetuous, repetitive, infantile and semi-literate." Speaking at the weekend from his Camp David retreat outside Washington DC, Trump's rebuttal of the claims about mental instability were far from convincing. He described himself as a "stable genius." "Throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart... I went from very successful businessman to top TV star to president of the United States... I think that would qualify me as not smart, but genius... and a very stable genius at that!" This is by no means the first time that Trump's mental health has raised questions of concern. Many psychiatric professionals at respected American universities have for months been publicly voicing warnings that the 45th president may not be fit to carry out his duties of office. One of those experts, Bandy Lee, professor of psychiatry at Yale University, has even testified to members of Congress about "signs of instability" in Trump's behavior and speech which "place our country and world at extreme risk of danger." Professor Lee points in particular to Trump's unhinged verbal exchanges with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Last week, Trump boasted that his nuclear button was bigger and more powerful that that of the North Korea leader after Kim had noted in a New Year address that his country had acquired a nuclear capability of striking the US mainland. American political opponents of Trump among the Democrats, some Republicans, large sections of the news media, as well as key figures in the security-military apparatus of the "deep state," have never accepted Donald Trump's election as president back in November 2016. The Russia-gate scandal has been the mainstay for the campaign to discredit Trump and to coerce his impeachment. The problem with the Russia-gate tactic for overturning the US election result is threefold: first, it lacks credibility owing to an objective lack of substance about alleged Russian collusion; secondly, the American public seem to discern this lack of credibility and are finding the whole Russia-gate saga a boring drag; thirdly, if an impeachment were to be mounted against Trump, which is increasingly unlikely given the Russia-gate scandal's waning credibility, it would require a majority of Congress to support such a motion. Given the Congress's Republican majority, a motion to impeach a Republican president has next to no chance. So, that raises the option of a "palace coup." The 25th Amendment to the US Constitution, which was signed into law in 1967 four years after the assassination of President John F Kennedy, gives power to the vice president and a majority of the 15-member White House Cabinet to remove a sitting president if he is deemed to be unfit to carry out his duties. The president's unfitness for office could be due to physical or mental incapacity. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From No More Fake News Donald Trump (Image by Details DMCA -- After investigating psychiatry for two decades, I'm confident that, if we could go back and rewrite history, deleting all psychiatrists on the planet, so they'd never exist -- deleting their diagnoses and their drugs -- this would have resulted in a massive upsurge in mental health, moving forward -- The Daily Mail: "A group of leading psychiatrists told a conference that Donald Trump has clear hallmarks of mental illness that compromise his role as president. Twenty-five researchers made a drastic break away from ethical standards by meeting at Yale University on Thursday to discuss evidence questioning the commander-in-chief's mental health." Psychiatrist Allen Frances, who has played a central role in defining mental disorders, disagrees. He wrote in the NY Times: "Most amateur diagnosticians have mislabeled [Mr. Trump as having] narcissistic personality disorder. He may be a world-class narcissist, but this doesn't make him mentally ill." Dr. Frances makes an interesting point. He distinguishes between behavior and earning a badge for having a particular mental disorder. For example, a person can be sad, but that alone doesn't make him a candidate for the label, "clinical depression." A person can take aggressive actions against authority, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is suffering from Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Consider the accusation that Trump has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). What does that mean? What is the official definition of NPD? Here is an excerpt from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the official bible of the American Psychiatric Association. Go ahead, plow through it, it'll only take a minute: "The definition of NPD states that it comprises of a persistent manner of grandiosity, a continuous desire for admiration, along with a lack of empathy. It starts by early adulthood and occurs in a range of situations, as signified by the existence of any 5 of the next 9 standards (American Psychiatric Association, 2013): " A grandiose logic of self-importance. " A fixation with fantasies of infinite success, control, brilliance, beauty, or idyllic love. " A credence that he or she is extraordinary and exceptional and can only be understood by, or should connect with, other extraordinary or important people or institutions. " A desire for unwarranted admiration. " A sense of entitlement. " Interpersonally oppressive behavior. " No form of empathy. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Saudi Arabia is seeking to buy Israeli defense systems and working with Israel to prevent Iran's expansion in the Middle East, according to the Swiss newspaper Basler Zeitung. Basler Zeitung reported on Monday (January 8) a "secret alliance" between Saudi Arabia and Israel, intended "to restrain Iran's expansion in the region, despite the absence of any official relations between the two countries." The paper said the two countries are cooperating significantly in the areas of military issues and security on strategic issues, despite the fact that they have no open diplomatic ties. "For the time being, Riyadh rejects any official normalization of relationships with Israel as long as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not resolved and normalization has not been publicly declared by Arab countries and thus there will be no exchange of ambassadors," Pierre Heumann, the newspaper's correspondent in Israel said in his report. Iranian Factor "There is an intensive secret cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Israel in order to achieve the main goal of curbing Iran's expansion project and undermining its regional ambitions," Heumann said. He added that "there exists indeed military cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Tel Aviv." According to Middle East experts, the unifying security factor that has animated Israel and Saudi Arabia to intensify military cooperation is the Iranian regime's "jingoism in the Middle East". "Both want to hold back the regional ambitions of Iran," wrote Heumann. The Swiss daily also claimed that Riyadh requested Israel examine the possibility of acquiring, including through a third party, anti-tank defense systems and the Iron Dome anti-missile system. According to the newspaper, "Riyadh seeks to intercept missiles coming from Yemen. Observers from Tel Aviv and Riyadh are confirming that cooperation between the security services of Israel and Saudi Arabia is very advanced, although Saudi Arabia has been officially denying any sort of cooperation with Israel," as the newspaper put it. The Swiss newspaper also said "the Saudi elite has abandoned its fears of overt contact with representatives of Israel long time ago." CIA Director Mike Pompeo announced in early December last year that Saudi Arabia is working directly with Israel and other Sunni countries in the field of fighting terrorism. Recently, there were several reports of Israeli and Saudi officials meeting, though neither side disclosed the topics discussed. The Swiss report claims that in October, intelligence officials from both countries met in order to tighten cooperation, and discussed holding an additional meeting with intelligence leaders of both countries. The newspaper pointed out that a number of Saudi prominent figures met up with Israeli officials in public. In October, the two former Intelligence chiefs in Israel and Saudi Arabia met to exchange views about the US policy in the region. The newspaper noted that former Saudi Intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal held talks with former "Mossad" chief Efraim Halevy. Al-Faisal was even ready to participate with his Israeli counterpart at a symposium at the Jewish Community Centre in New York. Israeli General's interview In November, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot gave an interview to the Saudi Arabian news site Elaph, stating that "the real and greatest threat in the region is Iran, which has three important issues that need to be acted upon. The first is its nuclear programme, which has been temporarily frozen, but there is no doubt about Iran's intentions to achieve nuclear capabilities. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Congress Switchboard: 202-224-3121 "Rob Kall is tapping in, exploring, assessing, and clarifying this important new way of thinking that has been influenced by the civil rights movement; women's movement; and new, more effective ways of doing business. This will be an important book that can make changes in our world." Dr. Linda Seger, author of twelve books, including the best-selling Making a Good Script Great, Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success and The Better Way to Win. Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Truthout Crazy Donald John Trump is the 45th and current President of the United States (Image by YouTube, Channel: All You Want) Details DMCA George Orwell warns us in his dystopian novel 1984 that authoritarianism begins with language. Words now operate as "Newspeak," in which language is twisted in order to deceive, seduce and undermine the ability of people to think critically and freely. As authoritarianism gains in strength, the formative cultures that give rise to dissent become more embattled along with the public spaces and institutions that make conscious critical thought possible. Words that speak to the truth, reveal injustices and provide informed critical analysis begin to disappear, making it all the more difficult, if not dangerous, to hold dominant power accountable. Notions of virtue, honor, respect and compassion are policed, and those who advocate them are punished. I think it is fair to argue that Orwell's nightmare vision of the future is no longer fiction. Under the regime of Donald Trump, the Ministry of Truth has become the Ministry of "Fake News," and the language of "Newspeak" has multiple platforms and has morphed into a giant disimagination machinery of propaganda, violence, bigotry, hatred and war. With the advent of the Trump presidency, language is undergoing a shift in the United States: It now treats dissent, critical media and scientific evidence as a species of "fake news." The administration also views the critical media as the "enemy of the American people." In fact, Trump has repeated this view of the press so often that almost a third of Americans believe it and support government-imposed restrictions on the media, according to a Poynter survey. Language has become unmoored from critical reason, informed debate and the weight of scientific evidence, and is now being reconfigured within new relations of power tied to pageantry, political theater and a deep-seated anti-intellectualism, increasingly shaped by the widespread banality of celebrity culture, the celebration of ignorance over intelligence, a culture of rancid consumerism, and a corporate-controlled media that revels in commodification, spectacles of violence, the spirit of unchecked self-interest and a "survival of the fittest" ethos. Under such circumstances, language has been emptied of substantive meaning and functions increasingly to lull large swaths of the American public into acquiescence, if not a willingness to accommodate and support a rancid "populism" and galloping authoritarianism. The language of civic literacy and democracy has given way to the language of saviors, decline, bigotry and hatred. One consequence is that matters of moral and political responsibility disappear, injustices proliferate and language functions as a tool of state repression. The Ministry of "Fake News" works incessantly to set limits on what is thinkable, claiming that reason, standards of evidence, consistency and logic no longer serve the truth, because the latter are crooked ideological devices used by enemies of the state. "Thought crimes" are now labeled as "fake news." The notion of truth is viewed by this president as a corrupt tool used by the critical media to question his dismissal of legal checks on his power -- particularly his attacks on judges, courts, and any other governing institutions that will not promise him complete and unchecked loyalty. For Trump, intimidation takes the place of unquestioned loyalty when he does not get his way, revealing a view of the presidency that is more about winning than about governing. One consequence is myriad practices in which Trump gleefully humiliates and punishes his critics, willfully engages in shameful acts of self-promotion and unapologetically enriches his financial coffers. David Axelrod, a former senior advisor to President Obama, is right in stating: "And while every president is irritated by the limitations of democracy on them, they all grudgingly accept it. [Trump] has not. He has waged a war on the institutions of democracy from the beginning, and I think in a very corrosive way." New York Times writer Peter Baker adds to this charge by arguing that Trump -- buoyed by an infatuation with absolute power and an admiration for authoritarians -- uses language and the power of the presidency as a potent weapon in his attacks on the First Amendment, the courts and responsible governing. Trump's admiration for a number of dictators is well known. What is often underplayed is his inclination to mimic their language and polices. For instance, Trump's call for "law and order," his encouraging police officers to be more violent with "thugs," and his adoration of all things militaristic echoes the ideology and language of Philippine President and strongman Rodrigo Duterte, who has called for mass murder and boasted about "killing criminals with his own hand." At the same time, it would be irresponsible to suggest that the current expression of authoritarianism in US politics began with Trump, or that the context for his rise to power represents a distinctive moment in American history. As Howard Zinn points out in A People's History of the United States, the US was born out of acts of genocide, nativism and the ongoing violence of white supremacy. Moreover, the US has a long history of demagogues, extending from Huey Long and Joe McCarthy to George Wallace and Newt Gingrich. Authoritarianism runs deep in American history, and Trump is simply the end point of these anti-democratic practices. With the rise of casino capitalism, a "winner-take-all" ethos has made the United States a mean-spirited and iniquitous nation that has turned its back on the poor, underserved, and those considered racially and ethnically disposable. It is worth noting that in the last 40 years, we have witnessed an increasing dictatorship of finance capital and an increasing concentration of power and ownership regarding the rise and workings of the new media and mainstream cultural apparatuses. These powerful digital and traditional pedagogical apparatuses of the 21st century have turned people into consumers, and citizenship into a neoliberal obsession with self-interest and an empty notion of freedom. The ecosystem of visual and print representations has taken on an unprecedented influence, given the merging of power and culture as a dominant political and pedagogical force. This cultural apparatus has become so powerful, in fact, that it is difficult to dispute the central role it played in the election of Donald Trump to the presidency. Analyzing the forces behind the election of Trump, Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt provide a cogent commentary on the political and pedagogical power of an old and updated media landscape. They write: "Undoubtedly, Trump's celebrity status played a role. But equally important was the changed media landscape... By one estimate, the Twitter accounts of MSNBC, CNN, CBS, and NBC -- four outlets that no one could accuse of pro-Trump leanings -- mentioned Trump twice as often as Hillary Clinton. According to another study, Trump enjoyed up to $2 billion in free media coverage during the primary season. Trump didn't need traditional Republican power brokers. The gatekeepers of the invisible primary weren't merely invisible; by 2016, they were gone entirely." Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). The story appeared, astonishingly, in The New England Journal of Medicine in the summer of 2007. Adopted as a kitten by the medical staff , Oscar reigned over one floor of the Steere House nursing home in Rhode Island. When the cat would sniff the air, crane his neck and curl up next to a man or woman, it was a sure sign of impending demise. The doctors would call the families to come in for their last visit. Over the course of several years, the cat had curled up next to 50 patients. Every one of them died shortly thereafter. SIDDHARTHA MUKHERJEE, writing for the NYTimes Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. The Electoral College has caused fundamental damage to the United States in the first part of the twenty-first century. We have had two minority presidents, George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump, as a result of the arcane machinations of the electoral college. As a result, we have suffered through the Iraq War and its aftermath, including ISIS and al Queda. Now we will suffer generational damage to the federal courts, the environment, and tax inequality caused by President Trump and his merry band of misfits. Constitutional Compromise As President Trump said, "The election is rigged." He was right: The electoral college rigs the system. Elections are now decided by a few states where there are roughly equal blocks of Democrats and Republicans: Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, Michigan and Wisconsin. A slim majority in several of these states can tilt the electoral college against the will of the people. [Print by Joel D. Joseph.] The Constitution is an exceptional document that has lasted 240 years. The electoral college was a compromise. At the time of the first election in 1789, thirteen states ranged in population from 68,000 in Rhode Island to 748,000 in Virginia, but those numbers included slaves, women and children. The total population of the United States was 3,929,214, less than half the population of Los Angeles County or New York City today. If we only look at the white male vote (the only ones who could vote in 1789), there was only a total of 800,000 voters. Virginia had 110,00 white males, New York, 83,000, Delaware 12,000. Constitutional Amendment The Constitution was meant to be amended. Article V of the Constitution provides for amendments. Thomas Jefferson, one of the primary drafters of the Constitution, said, "Laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." Jefferson also wrote the Declaration of Independence which provides in part, "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." Popular Vote In a democracy, the popular vote is the only vote that matters. U.S. citizens now travel and move more often than in 1790 and the weight of their vote should not be decided on where they live. Whether you vote in Delaware or California, you vote should be treated equally. The Supreme Court in Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S.186 (1962), decided that the Constitution required that all votes be treated equally (not counting Presidential elections). In that case, Tennessee gave voters in some districts two or three times the weight of other districts in State elections. The Constitution does the same thing with the electoral college. Now is the time to get rid of that anachronistic piece of history. I understand ratification of a Constitutional amendment is difficult, requiring a 2/3 vote in Congress and approval by of the States. But the United States cannot afford a third mistake: we do not want another George W. Bush or Donald J. Trump, a minority president ill-prepared to lead this country and the world. Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Our Future The new year had barely started when the world got new grist for the "Trump-is-crazy" mill, one of the few American industries to experience a boom since Trump became president. Michael Wolff's profile of the current White House, "Fire and Fury," is filled with rumors and backbiting. But the book, and the president's unhinged reaction to it, provide new evidence that Trump is cognitively and emotionally unfit for office. Wolff got headlines, even in the august New York Times, for saying Trump has "less credibility" than anyone who has ever walked on earth." Hard news becomes indistinguishable from hyperbole and high school gossip. That's understandably irresistible for a lot of people. And a person's sanity becomes existentially important when they hold a nuclear button, regardless of its size. But the deeper forces of history move on, and we ignore them at our peril. While the nation obsesses about Trump, he and his fellow Republicans are radically rewiring our political and economic order. The tax bill they passed at the end of last year proves it. Years are arbitrary divisions, of course, but they're a useful reminder to note our individual and collective progress -- or lack thereof. There are always end-of-year retrospectives. But how does the Trump era look from a centuries-long perspective on our nation? 200 years ago, at the start of 1818, President James Monroe was about to claim the continent for American military expansion. General (and future president) Andrew Jackson invaded Florida during the so-called "Seminole Wars," a military incursion against indigenous people and the Spanish colonial government there. There was a growing belief in the federal government's ability to accomplish things. Close to my own childhood home, a major infrastructure project was kicked off in 1817 when construction of the Erie Canal began in Rome, N.Y. (I was born in nearby Utica, where the canal has long since been paved over.) Monroe began promoting his own brand of national unity, based on a political consensus that supposedly transcended party divisions. In some ways, it foreshadowed the "centrist" bipartisanship promoted by Democrats like Barack Obama and the Clintons. This period came to be known as the "Era of Good Feelings," a name that could hardly be applied to our own. But then, it undoubtedly didn't feel good for the slaves, women, native peoples, and poor whites who struggled to survive every day. A century later, 1917 had just ended. It was an eventful year. The country entered World War I after a German terror attack blew up a naval ship docked in Lyndhurst, N.J. Germans, not Muslims, were the country's most hated and feared immigrant group in those days, as we noted back in 2016. The Alien Enemy Act was passed, placing immigrants like Trump's father under the watchful eye of the authorities. The National Archives tell of German-language newspapers shut down or forced out of business. Bilingual churches were pressured to stop conducting services in German. German-language societies and even choral groups were disbanded as "volunteer watchdog societies reported on "German American gatherings and activities to federal authorities." In an echo of Monroe's wars of expansion, General John "Black Jack" Pershing launched another one of his "punitive expeditions" into Mexico. In 1917, racism's structural violence led to African-American uprisings -- often called "riots" -- in East St. Louis, Houston, and elsewhere. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. From Counterpunch Steven Spielberg's new movie "The Post" depicts a newspaper's decision to defy the government, risk its financial health and imprisonment of its editors in order to report a hard truth and defend the press' First Amendment rights by publishing the Pentagon Papers. After the Washington Post's decision to inform the American people that top government officials had known that the Vietnam War was unwinnable yet had repeatedly lied about it for years, editor Ben Bradlee (played by Tom Hanks) dumps a pile of out-of-town newspapers on a desk for publisher Katherine Graham (Meryl Streep) to see. We've started a "rebellion," Bradlee informs Graham. "We're no longer in speaking truth to power." No way would that happen today. I was pleased to see that "The Post" highlights the pressures and biases that weighed against publication: a publisher undermined by sexism and low expectations, a paper trying to raise capital under the eye of nervous bankers, the Nixon Administration's take-no-prisoners prosecutorial abuse by a vicious attorney general, and -- not least -- the Post's cozy establishmentarianism, centered around Graham's famous hard-drinking salons where reporters hobnobbed with the officials they were supposed to cover objectively. After a lot of wavering and gnashing of lawyerly teeth, Graham finally makes the call: go to press. The key point of this story, which isn't made in the movie and few younger moviegoers are likely to be aware, is that it was her decision to make. The Graham family held controlling interest in the Washington Post Company. Great newspaper families like the Grahams, the Chandlers and the Sulzbergers were quirky and often had bad politics. But they also had something today's corporate, publicly-traded media outlets do not: editorial freedom. They didn't always do the right thing. But they could. So sometimes they did. Sadly, those days are gone. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, reportedly a right-leaning libertarian, bought the Post in late 2013. What reception would a Daniel Ellsberg (who leaked the Pentagon Papers) or an Edward Snowden get if they contacted a Post reporter today, under Bezos? Snowden's case is indicative. The Post and three other papers published Snowden's NSA leaks in 2013, months before Bezos took over. In 2016, the Bezos-owned Post called upon President Obama to refuse a Snowden's pardon application. In so doing, wrote Glenn Greenwald, the Post "achieved an ignominious feat in U.S. media history: the first-ever paper to explicitly editorialize for the criminal prosecution of its own source -- one on whose back the paper won and eagerly accepted a Pulitzer Prize for Public Service." (The other three papers were pro-pardon.) Even more obnoxiously, the Post's Snowden editorial didn't mention its major conflict of interest related to intelligence agencies like the NSA. Amazon -- the Post's sister company under Bezos -- had the CIA (where Snowden also worked) as a $600 million client. That's more than twice what Bezos paid for the Post. Coincidence? Je pense que non. The Los Angeles Times sells "Speaking Truth to Power" hoodies. But when the power is the LAPD -- and the LAPD owns the paper -- the Times publishes lies. My regular readers are familiar with the sordid details of my 2015 firing by The Los Angeles Times as a favor to LAPD Chief Charlie Beck. You're not much of a political cartoonist in L.A. if you don't go after the militarized, racist, violent LAPD -- and the Times published many of my anti-LAPD/anti-Beck toons over the years. So did the Pasadena Weekly, which drove the boys in blue so nuts that they asked its publisher to fire me. PW refused. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. Lithuania has entered the New Year with a political chaos. As it turned out there are problems and complete misunderstanding between the high-ranking officials concerning Lithuanian foreign policy. National mass media perplexedly quote the President, the Prime-minister and the Minister of foreign affairs, who have completely opposite views on Lithuania's role in the international arena. (click here) It sounds paradoxical, but Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskait "did not consult the government before making her decision to vote in favor of a UN resolution rejecting US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel." This way Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis commented her decision on the issue. On the other hand the President called the statement made by Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis on the possibility of resumption of the work of the Lithuanian-Russian commission on intergovernmental cooperation irresponsible. It has become absolutely obvious that lack of consent between Lithuanian authorities has led to the political chaos. The situation when "left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing" is typical for Lithuanian domestic policy at least in the last five years. Probably, the fact is that Dalia Grybauskait and Saulius Skvernelis pursue different goals in the foreign policy. The Prime Minister is guided by national economic interests while the President is highly dependent on her previous promise to support the US and EU common strategy to restrain the growing might of Russia and its allies. Once again national interests contradict the interests of huge international organization -- NATO and EU. Having received huge financial resources she lost voice in these organizations. The more so Dalia Grybauskait also lobbies the US policy in Europe though it very often harms the national economy. As a result -- she could not oppose Washingnon's decisions. In other words she "works out" the funds received by exaggerating the threat coming from Russia and its neighbor Belarus. Such foreign policy may be a straightforward consequence of failed domestic policy. The President could not find ways to restore the state economy after gaining independence. She has become accustomed to rely on external NATO, EU and the US assistance and continues to do so further. As soon as the issue of the threat from the East ceases to sound loudly, the president tries to aggravate the problem by inventing horror stories, for example about the Russian-Belarus Zapad 2017 exercise when the strength of involved troops was greatly overestimated in order to gain additional attention and financial aid. Lithuanian Prime minister, who suggested resuming political contacts with Moscow, said that dialogue between Lithuania and Russia could address issues relating to trade, energy, and transport cooperation, as well as issues relating to agriculture, carriers, and the situation with teachers of the Lithuanian language in the Kaliningrad region. For Lithuania it is a good chance not only to support national economy but also restore lost ties. Former President Rolandas Paksas, for example, reminds that Lithuania has three strategic political directions: NATO and EU membership as well neighborhood policy. It seems as if the third direction is no more actual one for the President. He also blamed Dalia Grybauskait for refusing to negotiate not only with Russia but with Belarus. Today Lithuania fiercely protests against the construction of a Belarusian nuclear power plant about 50 kilometers from Vilnius, but, in his opinion, it was the unwillingness to talk and negotiate that led the Belarusians to build a station in a place so unsuitable for Lithuania. Lithuania can not establish good neighbor relations even with Poland that is NATO and EU members either. The President forgets or consciously does not want to use Lithuania's advantageous geographical position. After all, Lithuania can and should play the role of a bridge between the West and the East in all spheres: cultural, economic and even military. Today, Western countries communicate directly with Russia, and the heads of state do not refuse meetings and contacts, so it is unclear why Lithuania can not do the same. " Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." ---Albert Einstein. Adomas Abromaitis Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. The Trump administration announced Monday, Jan 8, that it will end "temporary protected status" (TPS) that was first granted to Salvadorans nearly two decades ago. Roughly 263,000 people from El Salvador are covered by the program, which allowed the immigrants to stay and work in the United States legally. According to Gabe Ortiz of Daily Kos, with this marking the fourth termination of status for TPS recipients in four months, it's a systemic plan from the Trump administration to create more undocumented immigrants to deport, and a plan that's covered in the white supremacist fingerprints of the ghoulish Stephen Miller. But with several bills sitting in Congress that would protect TPS recipients from deportation, it's a plan we can fight back. "With the termination of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and TPS status for individuals from Nicaragua, Sudan, and Haiti, this administration has now taken away lawful status from more than 1 million people, forcing them to live in the shadows or return to countries that are unstable and dangerous," said the National Immigrant Justice Center. "In light of this tragic reality, NIJC calls on Congress to act now to uphold American values and prevent human and economic devastation to our country and global community." It may be recalled that Salvadoran immigrants had been streaming into the United States prompted by the country's civil war, which lasted from 1980 to 1992. Experts estimate the conflict sent more than 25% of El Salvador's residents fleeing for their lives. More than 330,000 Salvadorans came to the United States between 1985 and 1990, according to the Migration Policy Institute. Over 75,000 civilians died at the hands of government forces during the civil war in El Salvador with US-backed death squads. According to David Kirsch, the author of Death Squads in El Salvador: A Pattern of U.S. Complicity now, there is compelling evidence to show that for over 30 years, members of the U.S. military and the CIA have helped organize, train, and fund death squad activity in El Salvador. The United Nations has estimated that the Farabundo Mart- National Liberation Front (FMLN) guerrillas were responsible for 5% of the murders of civilians during the civil war, while approximately 85% of all killings of civilians were committed by the Salvadoran armed forces and death squads. In January 2001 the 7.7-magnitude quake that struck El Salvador that was the worst to hit the country in a decade. Neighborhoods were buried. Homes collapsed. More than 1,100 people were killed. Another 1.3 million were displaced. The devastation spurred a decision that March by then-US Attorney General John Ashcroft: Immigrants from El Salvador who'd been in the United States since February 2001 could apply for temporary protected status, or TPS, which would protect them from deportation and allow them to get work permits. It was an 18-month designation. Now, it's been nearly 17 years. Time after time, officials from different administrations determined that conditions in El Salvador hadn't improved enough for migrants with TPS to return. On Monday, the Trump administration said it decided to end protections effective September 9, 2019. Tellingly, El Salvador's murder rate is one of the highest in the world, and experts have said poverty and violence were major factors fueling the recent migration wave. El Salvador foreign minister "We are going to focus on the United States Congress, so that they pass legislation that allows our compatriots" to become residents, Hugo Mart-nez, El Salvador's foreign minister, said in a phone interview to Washington Post. "We think we have sufficient time and will work hard for this alternative." The Salvadoran government has lobbied the Trump administration for months to find a solution that would allow these people to stay in the United States, rather than end the Temporary Protected Status program, or TPS, that has been in effect since 2001. Over the weekend, El Salvador's Foreign Ministry continued tweeting about the benefits that Salvadorans bring to the U.S. economy and culture, saying that 95 percent of Salvadorans in the program are employed or own their own businesses. Congress created TPS in 1990 Congress created TPS in 1990 as a form of humanitarian relief for people who would face extreme hardship if forced to return to homelands devastated by armed conflict and natural disasters. Currently, about 437,000 people from 10 countries have TPS, according to the Congressional Research Service, but tens of thousands will lose that protection in the coming years. This year officials will also have to decide whether to extend TPS for Nepal, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. The Trump administration extended TPS for South Sudan last year and will reconsider the issue again in 2019. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Would you like to know how many people have read this article? Or how reputable the author is? Simply sign up for a Advocate premium membership and you'll automatically see this data on every article. Plus a lot more, too. (Image by Egberto Willies) Details DMCA Progressive activists running for office always face headwinds. They have a party with a deep-seated belief that America is much less Progressive than it really is. Candidates sanctioned by Our Revolution, Justice Democrats, Brand New Congress, and some running on their own are dispelling that false belief. Tamara Johnson-Shealey is one of those Progressives. I met Tamara at Netroots Nation 2015 in Phoenix Arizona. As I interviewed her for my blog, I immediately saw that she was a committed Progressive, one that needed to be in office. She had a presence like few first-time candidates I had ever seen. Nothing was going to stop her from running again for Senate District 40 in Georgia which was ill-served by its current Republican occupant. Without support from the party and with little money she launched a well-noticed campaign. A district that seemed unwinnable is now in the crosshairs. And the work she has done to build a base has encouraged the Democratic Party to engage including the running of a more establishment candidate as her opponent in the Democratic Primary. Not deterred, Tamara hits the pavement every day, meeting with the constituents and doing what community engagement is about when one wants to serve. What are your thoughts? Let's talk. Tag your tweets with hashtag #PoliticsDoneRight. Follow me on Twitter @EgbertoWillies. We broadcast live on Facebook Live here and on BlogTalkRadio here. (Article changed on January 10, 2018 at 18:34) Artsyl Technologies Goes Platinum with Acumatica ONTARIO, CANADA (January 9, 2018) Artsyl Technologies, Inc., a leading global provider of digital transformation technology for intelligent data capture and document workflow processing, today announced that it enlisted as a Platinum Sponsor for the 2018 Acumatica Summit to be held January 28-February 2 in Nashville, TN.The companys anticipated release of docAlpha 5.0 SP5, a significant enhancement to the companys flagship digital transformation platform, delivering intelligent capture and workflow functionality and integration with Acumatica for end-to-end business process automation, will be showcased at the Acumatica Summit.Artsyl continues to elevate our role within Acumaticas community of customers and partners as part of our vision to deliver fully automated business process automation solutions to the middle market, said Jeff Moore, Chief Sales Officer of Artsyl Technologies. The docAlpha digital transformation platform is a perfect fit for Acumatica partners and customers who want to maximize their return on investment in cloud ERP technology and business process automation.The Artsyl docAlpha platforms ERP and ECM integrations allow companies to quickly and easily implement automated processes to extract data from business documents, input that data into Acumatica and launch approval workflows.Integration with docAlpha will empower Acumatica customers to cost-effectively automate business processes, including Procure to Pay and Order to Cash processes, where companies waste countless hours manually processing vendor invoices and/or customer sales orders, adds Moore. We look forward to adding our business process and automation technology domain expertise to the collective knowledge of the Acumatica family.Platform capabilities provided by docAlpha 5.0 will allow Acumatica customers to: Automate A/P, A/R and other business processes end-to-end, eliminating manual data entry and driving approval workflows and transaction entry within Acumatica Transform existing documents and files into transaction data to inform business rules for process automation Gain control and visibility over your AP/AR and other processes while reducing cycle times Create and share reports to deliver business intelligence that creates greater visibility to processes and key performance indicators.Artsyl Technologies, Inc. is the innovative company behind the docAlpha Smart Process Platform. For over 10 years Artsyl has been designing, building and innovating technology used by companies globally to reduce their document processing burdens. Whether you have Accounts Payable Invoices, Sales Orders or Remittances docAlpha is designed to make their processing easy. docAlpha can be used in any business process to automate the classification, data extraction, validation and routing of mission critical information to its proper line-of-business application. docAlpha is a state-of-the-art IDR platform designed using Microsoft .NET and a Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) which allows it to scale up for Enterprise level On-Premise deployment or be used as a CLOUD based SaaS solution. docAlpha is sold through distributors and VARs globally. Visitfor more information.Artsyl Technologies, Inc.10-8707 Dufferin Street, Suite # 111, Vaughan, ON L4J 0A6 CanadaNastya Enable Injections Names Jeannie Joughin, Ph.D. Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer Dr. Jeannie Joughin named Enable Injections Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer CINCINNATI, OHJanuary 9, 2018Enable Injections, Inc., developer of the advanced enFuse large-volume wearable injectors (LVWI) platform for subcutaneous delivery of biologics, has named Dr. Jeannette Jeannie Joughin Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer.A global pharmaceutical executive and long-time champion of a patient-focused approach to treatment, Dr. Joughin joined the company as Vice President of Corporate Development in 2015. In her new role she will support the CEO and Board with investment strategy and remains responsible for business development, strategic pharma partnerships, alliance management, as well as aiding in selection and prioritization of Enable Injections global portfolio.Jeannie has exceptional experience and a proven track record of developing mutually-beneficial partnerships with pharmaceutical companies who share our passion for radically improving the patient infusion experience, said Michael D. Hooven, Enable Injections President and CEO. Today we are recognizing her leadership in helping to drive the next phase of growth for Enable Injections.Prior to joining Enable Injections, Dr. Joughin was Vice President, Business Development at drug maker CSL Behring, with global responsibility. . The Australian native also served as Marketing Manager at Mayne Pharma, as General Manager of Medimark International, and held clinical and commercial roles at Bristol-Myers Squibb.# # # #About Enable Injections, Inc.Founded by medical device industry veterans, Cincinnati, OH-based Enable Injections develops and manufactures wearable devices that allow easy, comfortable patient self-administration of large volume/high viscosity drugs in doses from 4 ml to 50 ml. The Enable body-worn enFuse drug delivery platform utilizes any standard container closure system, including syringes or vials; automatically warms and can automatically mix lyophilized solutions. Enables devices are available for pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry investigational use. For more information please visitand follow us on2863 E. Sharon Rd.Cincinnati OH 45241 Global Pre-engineered Building Market Trends, Drivers, Strategies, Segmentation Application, Technology & Market Analysis Research Report to 2021 The report on Pre-engineered Building market is a source of expansive ideas, statistical data, and detailed information, which has the potency to ensure profit of an enterprises. It gives a basic overview of the industry which includes definition, applications, classifications, and industry chain structure. Extensive development plans and policies are discussed meticulously. There also exists a cost study and manufacturing structures with perfect explanation. The import/export, consumption and supply figures are also included in the report.The report study begins with a brief market history and then gives a comprehensive market overview. The report talks about the market dynamics the trends that are shaping the global Pre-engineered Building market. A detailed analysis of the key market drivers and restraints are presented. In addition to this, an in-depth analysis of the challenges, threats the market faces are covered in this study. The study delivers an impact analysis of these key trends according to demography.Get Sample Copy of this Report:Key Players:BlueScope Steel, Kirby Building Systems, PEB Steel Buildings, Zamil Steel, Era Infra, Everest Industries, Interarch Building Products, Jindal Buildsys, Lloyd Insulations, Multicolor Steels, PEBS Pennar, SML Group, Tiger Steel EngineeringThe stages of development of Pre-engineered Building market with respect to many geographic regions have also been presented thoroughly. This information which is provided helps the emerging players gain up-to-date information which can help them take perfect business decisions. 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A segmentation of the global Pre-engineered Building market has been done for the purpose of a detailed study. The profiling of the leading players is done in order to judge the current competitive scenario. The competitive landscape is assessed by taking into consideration many important factors such as business growth, recent developments, product pipeline, and others. The research report further makes use of graphical representations such as tables, info graphics, and charts to forecast figures and historical data of the global Pre-engineered Building market.Get Complete Report@:About QYReports:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager) Global Protection Construction Glass Market Analysis, Technologies & Forecasts to 2021 The report on Protection Construction Glass market is a source of expansive ideas, statistical data, and detailed information, which has the potency to ensure profit of an enterprises. It gives a basic overview of the industry which includes definition, applications, classifications, and industry chain structure. Extensive development plans and policies are discussed meticulously. There also exists a cost study and manufacturing structures with perfect explanation. The import/export, consumption and supply figures are also included in the report.The report study begins with a brief market history and then gives a comprehensive market overview. The report talks about the market dynamics the trends that are shaping the global Protection Construction Glass market. A detailed analysis of the key market drivers and restraints are presented. In addition to this, an in-depth analysis of the challenges, threats the market faces are covered in this study. The study delivers an impact analysis of these key trends according to demography.Get Sample Copy of this Report:Key Players:Asahi Glass, Central Glass, China Glass Holdings, Guardian Industries, Nippon Sheet Glass, PPG Industries, Saint-Gobain, Schott AG, Sisecam, Xinyi Glass HoldingsThe stages of development of Protection Construction Glass market with respect to many geographic regions have also been presented thoroughly. This information which is provided helps the emerging players gain up-to-date information which can help them take perfect business decisions. In similar way, many other segments and sub segments are mentioned in Protection Construction Glass market helping in conveying impeccable data to the users.Avail Discount up to 30% on this report now at:The report is presented in a clear and concise manner so that readers can understand the market structure and dynamics effectively. Recent trends and developments in the global Protection Construction Glass market have been analyzed. Opportunities leading to the growth of the market have been analyzed and stated. The report focuses on the global Protection Construction Glass market, and answers some of the most critical questions stakeholders are currently facing across the globe. Information about the size of the market (by the end of the forecast year), companies that are most likely to scale up their competitive abilities, leading segments, and challenges impeding the growth of the market are given.Drivers and restraints impacting the growth of the market have also been analyzed. A segmentation of the global Protection Construction Glass market has been done for the purpose of a detailed study. The profiling of the leading players is done in order to judge the current competitive scenario. The competitive landscape is assessed by taking into consideration many important factors such as business growth, recent developments, product pipeline, and others. The research report further makes use of graphical representations such as tables, info graphics, and charts to forecast figures and historical data of the global Protection Construction Glass market.Get Complete Report@:About QYReports:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager) New Research on Residential Roofing Materials Sales Market Analysis- Size, Share, Sales, Growth, Forecast, Segment, Application Analysis 2018 Global Residential Roofing Materials Sales Market The global roofing materials market is estimated at USD 105 billion in 2017. This demand is expected to accelerate by resuming residential construction activities in developed countries. The United States is expected to record a positive growth rate. Asia-Pacific markets are expected to grow further in the future, where residential demand is expected to account for more than 35% of roofing material demand.Various roofing materials can be used for building materials, performance, aesthetic and economic reasons. In recent years, roof design has become an architectural trademark that is both environmentally friendly and aesthetically appealing, structurally sound, and affordable. Many small regional markets, including India and Indonesia, are expected to grow steadily due to increased demand for re-roofing in rural areas supported by government-sponsored plans. Developing countries are expected to record steady construction growth similar to the US. The United States, which uses large quantities, is expected to account for more than 50% of North America's demand for roofing materials.The roofing industry is characterized by high brand loyalty and long-term relationships between customers and manufacturers. Key players focus on increasing brand reputation by providing a broad range of products and improving quality standards compared to competitors. Major manufacturers combine tile product portfolio with other roof components and integrated system services to secure competitive advantage for local manufacturers and suppliers.Companies Profiled In This Report:Atlas Roofing, Background, Company News, Products, Financial Performance, Strategic Direction, Distribution, Boral Limited, Boral Usa, Background, Financial Performance, Products, Building Products Of Canada, Background, Products, Financial Performance, Strategic Direction, Distribution, Carlisle Syntec, Carlisle Companies IncorporatedAccess Sample Copy:By Regions, this report covers North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan, IndiaA deeper knowledge of the Global Residential Roofing Materials Sales Market could be attained through this report as the researchers have attempted to unveil important distributors and traders and vital factors such as market positioning and marketing channel. Readers have been offered with an intelligent analysis of marketing strategy for the sales while focusing on elements such as target client, brand strategy, and pricing strategy. With a view to helping understand the concept of a marketing channel for glass beads sales, the researchers have exposed some of the significant trends of marketing channel development, indirect marketing, and direct marketing.The report also looks into influential external factors likely to affect the development of the Global Residential Roofing Materials Sales Market in the coming years. These include the technological framework of the industry and likely advances expected in the coming years, consumer preference patterns, economic environment, and the demand for alternative technologies and devices. The report presents studied 2018-2023 forecasts for the Global Residential Roofing Materials Sales Market.Access to Remarkable Discount & Benefits on This Report:In the last sections of the report, the manufacturers responsible for increasing the sales in the market have been presented. These manufacturers have been analyzed in terms of their manufacturing base, basic information, and competitors. In addition, the technology and product type introduced by each of these manufacturers also form a key part of this section of the report. The recent developments that took place in the Global Residential Roofing Materials Sales Market and their impact on the future growth of the market have also been presented through this study.For More Information:Table of Contents:Global Residential Roofing Materials Sales Market Research Report 2017Chapter 1: Global Residential Roofing Materials Sales Market OverviewChapter 2: Global Economic Impact on IndustryChapter 3: Global Market Competition by ManufacturersChapter 4: Global Production, Revenue (Value) by RegionChapter 5: Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by RegionsChapter 6: Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by TypeChapter 7: Global Market Analysis by ApplicationChapter 8: Manufacturing Cost AnalysisChapter 9: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream BuyersChapter 10: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/TradersChapter 11: Market Effect Factors AnalysisChapter 12: Global Residential Roofing Materials Sales Market ForecastIf you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Access This Report Now:We at, QYReports , a leading market research report publisher accommodate more than 4,000 celebrated clients worldwide putting them at advantage in todays competitive world with our understanding of research. Our list of customers include prestigious Chinese companies, multinational companies, SME's and private equity firms whom we have helped grow and sustain with our fact-based research. Our business study covers a market size of over 30 industries offering unfailing insights into analysis to reimagine your business. We specialize in forecasts needed for investing in a new project, to revolutionize your business, to become more customer centric and improve the quality of output.Contact:QYReportsJones John(Sales Manager) Machine Learning as a Service Market Outlook : Top Companies, Trends and Growth Factors Details for Business Development 2023 Global machine learning as a service market is on a significant rise because of the ongoing revolution of internet and its related services. Service category contributed a larger revenue to the global market in 2016 due to increase in the demand for advanced cloud based machine learning services across sectors. MLaaS refers to a range of services which offer machine learning tools as part of advanced cloud computing services. The tools in the MLaaS include data visualization, application program interface (API), face recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics and deep learning. The prime attraction of MLaaS is that consumers can get started easily with machine learning without the need to install software, or provision their own servers, just like any other cloud service. For decades, machine learning has been a field which was dominated by data scientists and few organizations who had enough computing power to run complex algorithms against huge datasets.Explore Report Description at:The global market is driven by factors such as increase in adoption of cloud based technologies by enterprises, growing need to understand consumer behaviour, advancement in learning and analytics technologies, and increase in affordability of data storage. Internet of things (IoT), neural networks, cognitive computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and deep learning technologies are expected to provide numerous opportunities for the growth of global machine learning industry. However, the roadblocks to the growth of the global market include lack of historical data among small sized enterprises, seamless integration into current operating systems, and the growing need for effective and efficient predictive analytics technologies.North America has been the largest revenue contributor to the global market. The market in the region is also expected to grow the fastest during the forecast period. The fastest growth is expected to be fuelled by the increase in the need for integration of MLaaS with big data, and rise in IoT and other advanced data oriented technologies. Another reason which is expected to escalate the demand for machine learning solutions is the rapid expansion of all sized enterprises in the region. On the other hand, the market in Asia-Pacific is also expected to witness significant growth in coming years. The high growth in Asia-Pacific is expected to be backed by rise in investment for analytics and predictive software development by regional players, growth in adoption of machine learning tools, and the ongoing e-commerce wave.Download Free Report Sample at:Some of the prominent players operating in the global machine learning industry are IBM Corporation, Google Inc., Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Corporation, AT&T, FICO,, Yottamine Analytics, Ersatz Labs Inc, Predictron Labs Ltd and SAS Institute.About P&S Market ResearchP&S Market Research is a global market research and consulting company. We provide market research reports, industry reports; business intelligence and research based consulting services across a range of industries.With the help of our professional corporate relations with various companies, our market research offers the most accurate market forecasting. Our analysts and consultants interact with leading companies of the concerned domain to substantiate every single data presented in our publication. Our research assists our client in identifying new and different windows of opportunity and frame informed and customized strategies for expansion in different regions.Contact:P&S Market Research347, 5th Ave. #1402New York City, NY - 10016Toll-free: +1-888-778-7886 (USA/Canada)Email: enquiry@psmarketresearch.comWeb: Paper Bags Packaging Market To Perceive Huge Accretions By 2022; Asserts MRFR Market Research Future published a research report on Paper Bags Packaging Market Research Report- Forecast 2022 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2022.Global Paper Bags Packaging Market - OverviewPaper Bags packaging refers to packaging converted out of flexible paper sheets to be used across industries. Paper bags are made from Kraft paper or sack papers and have wide range of applications. Paper bags give customers a sustainable option to carry their purchases home. These bags are durable, lightweight, and customizable to meet products as well as customers specific demand. It come in various product types; multiwall paper sacks, flat paper bags, bags with handles and others. The Global Paper Bags packaging Market is growing with the rapid pace; mainly due to the increase in consumption of packaged and processed food.According to a recent study report published by the Market Research Future, The global market of Paper Bags Packaging is booming and expected to gain prominence over the forecast period. The Global Paper Bags Packaging market is forecasted to demonstrate an exponential growth by 2023, surpassing its previous growth records in terms of value during the estimated period (2017 2023).Growth in retail sector is major factor driving the growth of the market. Increasing the number of mall developments and growing concentration of supermarkets offer opportunities in the sector. Additionally, various supportive government initiatives fuelling the growth of the market. Paper bags are cost effective, easy to form, easy to use, and very easily recyclable, and these features grab the attention of manufacturers and consumers towards paper bags packaging style. Whereas, fluctuating raw material prices are expected to pose challenges for the market.Get Sample of Report @Key Players:DS Smith Plc. (U.K.), International Paper Company (U.S.), WestRock Company (U.S.), OJI Holding Corporation (Japan), Smurfit Kappa Group Plc. (Ireland), Georgia-Pacific LLC. (U.S.), Industrial Development Company (INDEVCO) sal (Lebanon), Holmen Group (Sweden), and Hood Packaging Corporation (Canada) are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the Global Paper Bags Packaging Market.Paper Bags Packaging Global Market - Competitive AnalysisGlobal Paper Bags Packaging Market appears to be highly fragmented and competitive owning to the presence of numerous large and small players active in regional market. The key strategies traced from the analysis of recent developments of the key players include Product Launch, Agreement & Partnership, Acquisition and expansion. Strategic partnerships between Key players support the growth and expansion plans of the key players during the forecast period. On the product and sales side, companies are investing in innovation/R&D, brand building, and fostering strong relationships with customers to support their competitive position.Manufacturers operating in the market strive to deliver innovative solutions that improve the design and manufacturing processes of business around the world. Focusing upon the competitive edge, Paper Bags Packaging strive to develop products that can deliver optimal efficient, convenience and reliability. Utilizing their international and regional presence, these manufacturers assure their customers with the consistency in product & service quality. Manufacturers strive to develop their product portfolio with a wide range of Paper Bags Packaging for every application.Enquiry before Buying @Paper Bags Packaging Market - SegmentationGlobal Paper Bags Packaging Market is segmented in to two key dynamics for an easy grasp and enhanced understanding.Segmentation:On the basis of product, market is segmented into Flat Paper Bag, Multi-wall Paper Sacks / Paper Shipping Sacks, Twisted Paper Bags and others.Based on application segment the market is segmented into Bakery & Confectionery, Dairy, Consumer Goods, Pharmaceutical and others.Segmentation by Regions: Comprises Geographical regions - North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World.Paper Bags Packaging Market - Regional AnalysisNorth America dominates the Global Paper Bags Packaging Market. Ban on the usage of plastic bags in the country ultimately increase the demand of paper bags. The U.S. is the major market in North America. Asia pacific is also the major region for the region. India, China, and japan are the major market in the region. The region is expected to see various mall developments in the pipeline and growing concentration of supermarkets offer opportunities in the sector. Changing life style along with increase in per capita income in the developing regions boosts the consumption of wide range of products, which in turn drives the demand for the paper bags packaging of these products.Access Full Report @About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for , regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Akash Anand,Market Research FuturePune 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone No. :+1 646 845 9312Email: Dynamic Glazing Market To Perceive Huge Accretions By 2023; Asserts MRFR Global Dynamic Glazing Market Information by Technology (Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals (PDLC), Suspended Particle Device, Photochromic, Thermochromic, Electrochromic), By Application (Day Lighting Performance, Glare Control, Energy Savings, Heat Gain), By End-Use (Residential, Commercial, Transportation and Others) and By Region Forecast To 2023Market Synopsis of Global Dynamic GlazingThe Global Dynamic Glazing Market is majorly driven by the ability to tune its solar heat gain coefficient and visible light transmission in response to the external environment. The dynamic glazing helps in controlling the glares and heat gain as well as it maintains the view through window. The growth of the market is also being majorly driven by its rising usage in the commercial sector, owing to properties such as improved exterior color aesthetics, nonrectangular shapes, wirelessly powered and controlled products for retrofit applications and enhanced daylight management features. Dynamic glazing has been shown to save energy, reduce CO2 emissions and have contribution in occupant comfort and productivity in buildings.Geographically, the Dynamic Glazing Market has been segmented as North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Rest of the world. The North America region is expected to contribute the highest revenue in the Dynamic Glazing Market during the forecast period. The region is experiencing an increase in the number of applications of dynamic glazing technology such as electrochromic glass in commercial offices, which is expected to positively impact the growth of Dynamic Glazing Market during the forecast period. The growth of Asia-Pacific region can be attributed to factors such as the growing demand for dynamic glazing glass in the field of architecture, growth in real estate, and the growing awareness about the conservation of energy, which will also boost the growth of the Dynamic Glazing Market.Get Sample of Report @This study provides an overview of the Global Dynamic Glazing Market, tracking three market segments across four geographic regions. The report studies key players, providing a five-year annual trend analysis that highlights market size, volume and share for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC) and Rest of the World (ROW). The report also provides a forecast, focusing on the market opportunities for the next five years for each region. The scope of the study segments the Global Dynamic Glazing Market by its technology, application, end-user and region.By Technology Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals (PDLC) Suspended Particle Device Photochromic Thermochromic ElectrochromicBy Application Day lighting performance Glare Control Energy Savings Heat GainBy end-user Residential Commercial Transportation OthersBy Region North America Asia Pacific Europe Rest of the WorldKey PlayersThe key players of Global Dynamic Glazing Market include Guardian Industries (U.S.), Beautex Industries Pvt. Ltd (India), Corning Inc. (U.S.), Saint-Gobain S.A(France), Research Frontiers, Inc.(U.S.), Pleotint LLC(U.S.), PPG Industries, Inc.(U.S.), GPD Group (U.S.), Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd.(Japan), GlasNovations, Ltd. (U.K.) and others.Enquiry before Buying @BRIEF TOC:1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3. MARKET DYNAMICS4. GLOBAL MARKET SEGMENTATION5. REGIONAL MARKET ANALYSIS6. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS7. CONCLUSION8. LIST OF TABLES9. LIST OF FIGURESAsk for your specific company profile and country level customization on reports.Access Full Report @About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for , regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Akash Anand,Market Research FuturePune 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone No. :+1 646 845 9312Email: Sanding Pads Market Projected to Reach USD 2,764 Mn by 2023, with a CAGR of 4.19% through 2023 Global Sanding Pads Market Information by Product (Disc, Wheels, Rolls, and Others), by Backing Material (Velcro / Hook and Loop, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, and Others), by End-User (Automotive, Construction, Metal Fabrication and Others) and by Region - Forecast to 2023Market ScenarioSanding pads are coated abrasives that are used with sander power tool to smoothen surfaces. They are majorly used in industrial and commercial sanding applications. Different types of sanding pads are available for different surfaces. The growing construction industry across the globe, is the primary driving factor of the sanding pads market. Sanding pads are largely used in the construction industry for various applications such as smoothening a surface and scraping off layers of a surface, mainly during painting. Hence, the growth of construction industry across the globe has augmented the rise in global sanding pad market. However, stringent government regulations on the use of silica, is the factor that may hamper the growth of market.Global Sanding Pads Market is projected to reach USD 2,764 million by 2023, with a CAGR of 4.19% from 2017 to 2023.Get Sample of Report @Regional Analysis of Global Sanding Pads MarketAsia-Pacific region dominates the global sanding pads market. It accounts for the largest share of 40% in the global sanding pads market in 2015. Rapid industrialization and urbanization, especially in India, China, and Japan are the key contributors of the market growth in the region. Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.82% during the forecast period. North America is expected to grow from a market size of USD 546.6 million in 2015 to USD 728 million by the end of 2023.Key PlayersThe key players of global sanding pads market are Robert Bosch Tool Corporation (U.S.), 3M Company (U.S.), Saint-Gobain Abrasives (U.S.), SAIT Abrasivi S.p.A (Italy), Keystone Abrasives (U.S.), Klingspor AG (Germany), Mirka Ltd. (Finland), Abrasiflex Pty Ltd (Australia), Abcon industrial products Ltd (Ireland), Astro Pneumatic Tool Company (U.S.) and others.Target Audience Manufacturing Organizations. Distributors & Suppliers Government as well as Independent Regulatory Authorities Research Institute / Education Institute Potential InvestorsAccess Full Report @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Akash Anand,Market Research FuturePune 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone No. :+1 646 845 9312Email: Ambient Food Packaging Market Driven By Demand Surge to Grow Exceptionally at more than 6% of CAGR, 2023 Global Ambient Food Packaging Market Report by Packaging Type (Rigid Packaging and Flexible Packaging), By Material Type (Metal, Glass, and Plastic) and By Region - Global Forecast to 2023.Market ScenarioAmbient food packaging refers to packaging a food product in pasteurized and sterilized packs to increase its shelf life. Ambient food packing has become a trend in the food packaging industry and ambient food products are preferred by majority of the customers over others. Increasing demand for having more empty space in chill cabinets calls for the adoption of the food packaging methods that can offer a better shelf life to the product even without a refrigerator.Ambient food packaging bestows longer shelf life to the food product as compared to the usual packaging method, thus, enabling storage of products at room temperature. Additionally, it involves the use of high barrier sheets, which assure aspects such as safety of the food stored inside, consumer convenience, and attractive design, are taken care of. All these supporting factors have led to the increased demand for ambient food packaging among food manufacturers, globally. Manufacturers determine the extrinsic and intrinsic properties of the food products that affect its quality and safety. These include manufacturing process, ingredients used, packaging type and storage conditions. Two major processes for ambient food packaging are sterilization and pasteurization. Increasing competition for chill cabinet space signifies rise in demand of food packaging, which improves shelf life. The use of sustainable packaging products is a trend in the ambient food packaging market, which increases the demand for sustainable packaging materials.The global ambient food packaging market is expected to grow at ~ 6% CAGR during the forecast period.Get Sample of Report @Different food packaging and preservation processes are used to increase product shelf life. Increasing the products acidity, decreasing its water content and using air tight envelope can increase the products shelf life without changing its texture and taste.Global ambient food packaging market has been segmented based on packaging type, material type and by region. Based on packaging type the market has been as rigid packaging and flexible packaging. Flexible packaging is the largest packaging type segment in the market as it provides enhanced safety in product transportation and is easy to handle. Based on the material the market is segmented as metal, glass, and plastic. Plastic is an important material of the packaged food supply chain. Plastic ambient food packaging is the effective method for packaging bulky products and perishable food as it offers enhanced safety.Consumers expect ambient food packaging materials that are environment-friendly and sustainable. Vendors are investing in R&D to develop food packaging materials that can be recycled and have the traditional capabilities of friction, moisture, and heat resistance. A new innovative technology developed by the Western Reserve University Lab, AeroClay technology, helps in turning clay and other ingredients into a versatile material that is sturdy, eco-friendly, and temperature-resistant. It can be used as an insulated packaging material, and can keep products fresh for longer, which is the basic requirement for ambient food products. However, high level of processing required in case of ambient food packaging ultimately adds to the overall cost of packaging product. This poses a potential threat for growth of the global ambient food packaging market.Flexible packaging is expected to grow at the highest CAGR.Global ambient food packaging market has been segmented based on packaging type, material type and region. Based on packaging type, the market has been segmented as rigid packaging and flexible packaging. Flexible packaging combines the best qualities of plastic, film, paper and aluminum foil to deliver a broad range of protective properties while employing a minimum of material. Leading the way in packaging innovation, flexible packaging adds value and marketability to food and non-food products alike. From ensuring food safety and extending shelf life, to providing even heating, barrier protection, ease of use, resealability and superb printability, the industry continues to advance at an unprecedented rate.Enquiry before Buying @Global Ambient Food Packaging MarketThe global ambient food packaging market is expected to witness phenomenal growth during the forecast period. This is due to the considerably growing demand from food packaging Industries. Governments, across regions have set regulations to reduce packaging wastage, which drives the demand for environment friendly packaging materials such as recyclable ambient food packaging. The significant growth in e-Commerce has also augmented the growth of ambient food packaging. North America was the dominant market with a market share of more than 35% in 2016, while, Asia Pacific is the fastest growing market in the forecast period. This is attributed to growing demand for packaging of fruits & vegetable, meat, dairy products and others in emerging economies such as India and China.Scope of the ReportThis study provides an overview of the global ambient food packaging market, tracking two market segments across four geographic regions. The report studies key players, providing a five-year annual trend analysis that highlights market size, volume and share for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC) and Rest of the World (ROW). The report also provides a forecast, focusing on the market opportunities for the next five years for each region. The scope of the study segments the ambient food packaging market by its packaging type, by material type and by region.By Packaging Type Rigid Packaging Flexible PackagingBy Material Type Metal Glass PlasticBy Regions North America Asia Pacific Europe Rest of the WorldKey PlayersThe key players of global ambient food packaging market are FFP Packaging Solutions Ltd. (U.K), RPC Group (U.K), Amcor Limited (Australia), SIG Combiblog Obeikan (Switzerland), Tetra Pak (India), Rexam (U.K), Bemis (U.S.), Mondi (South Africa), Ampac (U.S), Dupont (U.S.), Excelsior Technologies (India) and KM Packaging (UK).Access Full Report @About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for , regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Akash Anand,Market Research FuturePune 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone No. :+1 646 845 9312Email: Construction Repaint Market - Region-Wise Outlook & Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Construction Repaint Market: SnapshotCompanies operating in the world construction repaint market could tap into several new avenues of application birthed with the development and innovation of new products through wide-ranging research and development accomplishments. PPG Industries, for instance, unveiled two innovative water-based aerosol ceiling textures under its HOMAX brand. These new products suitable for orange-peel and knockdown repair projects are expected to reduce the repair time of ceilings. This launch is anticipated to help the company gain a strong traction in the world construction repaint market.In 2016, a majority of players had taken to new product development, acquisitions, and expansions in order to enlarge their product portfolio and improve their international reach in the world construction repaint market. Other strategies that could take shape in the world construction repaint market to help players gain a competitive edge over their competitors include joint ventures and partnerships. Involved in various repaint seminars and projects, Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. launched Nippon VirusGuard Paint, a new antibacterial and antivirus paint.Request Sample Copy of the Report @The application of volatile organic compound-free or VOC-free paints is envisioned to dominate at almost all classes of the construction industry, especially in developed nations such as the U.S. Most American consumers are aware of the negative effects of VOCs on the environment and therefore could avoid the use of such paints for their repainting work in residential and commercial sites. Organizations at larger are foretold to invest in the Washington County Operation Clean House and other similar events to collect and safely dispose of VOC paints as per the prescribed regulations.Global Construction Repaint Market: OverviewConstruction repaints are paints used in residential buildings, commercial, and institutional establishments for the purpose of maintenance works, making repairs, and carrying out renovation. They typically consist of varnishes, emulsions, and enamels. The paints are primarily waterborne or solvent-borne formulations. The large number of buildings and constructions across the globe that need renovation and repairs have necessitated the demand for these repaints and kept the construction repaint market fast emerging.Request TOC of the Report @The construction repaints market can be segmented on the basis of resin type, formulation, application, and region. Major resin types that have applications as repaints are acrylic, epoxy, alkyd, polyurethane, and epoxy. Key regions witnessing the growth of the construction repaint market are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, and Latin America.Waterborne paints being water soluble are widely used as construction repaints. Acrylic paint, a resin type and having waterborne formulations, occupies a prominent share in the construction repaint market. Acrylic paints are available as emulsions, lacquers, powders, and enamels and are easy to maintain. Being cost-effective and having low volatile organic compounds (VOC), they are preferred over other construction repaints. Stringent environmental regulations related to emission norms of volatile organic compounds laid down by the governments in various countries have led to a significant demand for these construction repaints.The research report provides a comprehensive insight into the manufacturing processes, current and emerging trends, and the advances in specialty chemicals. The study analyzes the key market dynamics and assesses their impact on the demand for the major types of construction repaints across the globe. Prepared with the help of insights from various industry leaders and market experts, the report evaluates the development of upstream raw material value chain, downstream client survey, and supply chain network, along with their impact on competitive dynamics. The insights help stakeholders track the key trends and enable players to devise impactful strategies to gain a stronghold in the construction repaint market.Get Discount @Global Construction Repaint Market: Drivers and RestraintsWorn-off paint coatings in a large number of commercial and residential buildings and the damage of paints in various construction structures over time are the key factors driving the demand for construction repaints. Coupled with this, the rising demand for various repair and maintenance activities in the construction sector is anticipated to boost the growth of the construction repaint market. The demand for paints in different end-use industries such oil and gas, petrochemical, mining, and pharmaceutical is expected to stimulate the demand for construction repaints for various applications.In contrast, volatility in the raw materials prices due to fluctuating crude oil prices and growing popularity of glass buildings are crucial factors expected to hinder the growth of the construction repaints market. The application of durable paints, which has slowed down the decay of paints in buildings, is likely to impede the growth of the construction repaint market to some extent. In addition, the high cost involved in the manufacturing of paints having high performance characteristics is expected to hinder the growth of the market in some regions. However, the demand for bio-based paint materials driven by stringent environmental regulations by various governments in developed and developing regions is anticipated to create promising growth opportunities for players in the construction repaint market.Global Construction Repaint Market: Region-wise OutlookThe Asia Pacific region is estimated to contribute a major share in the construction repaint industry. The growth in the region is driven by the construction of residential and commercial buildings in countries such as China, Japan, and India, which has spurred the demand for cost-effective construction repaints. Growth of non-residential constructions due to increased urbanization in these countries and the rise in infrastructural spending have stimulated the demand for construction repaints in Asia Pacific. Companies vying for a significant share in these regions need to evaluate the market dynamics and the key development trends to devise business strategies.Companies mentioned in the report:Prominent players operating in the construction repaint market include Akzonobel N.V., PPG Industries Inc., The Sherwin-Williams Company, Axalta Coating Systems LLC, RPM International Inc., The Valspar Corporation, Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd., Kansai Paint Co., Ltd., and Asian Paints Ltd.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Hookah Tobacco 2018 Global Industry Key Players - Starbuzz , Fantasia , Al Fakher , Social Smoke , Alchemist Tobacco Market Analysis And Forecast To 2025 Global Hookah Tobacco Market Global Hookah Tobacco MarketIn this report, the global Hookah Tobacco market is valued at USD XX million in 2017 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2017 and 2025.Global Hookah Tobacco market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingStarbuzzFantasiaAl FakherSocial SmokeAlchemist TobaccoAl-Tawareg TobaccoHaze TobaccoFumariRequest a Sample Report @Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Hookah Tobacco in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoFruit FlavorMixed FlavorHerbal FlavorOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingOffline SalesOnline SalesTo enquire about this report visit @Table of Contents-Key Points CoveredGlobal Hookah Tobacco Market Research Report 20181 Hookah Tobacco Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Hookah Tobacco1.2 Hookah Tobacco Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Hookah Tobacco Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Hookah Tobacco Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Fruit Flavor1.2.4 Mixed Flavor1.2.5 Herbal Flavor1.3 Global Hookah Tobacco Segment by Application1.3.1 Hookah Tobacco Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.3.2 Offline Sales1.3.3 Online Sales1.4 Global Hookah Tobacco Market by Region (2013-2025)1.4.1 Global Hookah Tobacco Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Hookah Tobacco (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Hookah Tobacco Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.5.2 Global Hookah Tobacco Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025).7 Global Hookah Tobacco Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 Starbuzz7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Hookah Tobacco Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 Starbuzz Hookah Tobacco Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Fantasia7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Hookah Tobacco Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Fantasia Hookah Tobacco Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 Al Fakher7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Hookah Tobacco Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 Al Fakher Hookah Tobacco Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 Social Smoke7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Hookah Tobacco Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 Social Smoke Hookah Tobacco Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Alchemist Tobacco7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Hookah Tobacco Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Alchemist Tobacco Hookah Tobacco Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 Al-Tawareg Tobacco7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Hookah Tobacco Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 Al-Tawareg Tobacco Hookah Tobacco Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 Haze Tobacco7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Hookah Tobacco Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 Haze Tobacco Hookah Tobacco Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.8 Fumari7.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.8.2 Hookah Tobacco Product Category, Application and Specification7.8.2.1 Product A7.8.2.2 Product B7.8.3 Fumari Hookah Tobacco Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.8.4 Main Business/Business OverviewContinued..Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt LtdOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Silicone Gel Market - Emerging Trends & Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Silicone Gel Market: SnapshotThe global silicone gel market has welcomed several new application avenues in the last few years thanks to its versatility of use. Silicone gel is now commonly used in several modern medical devices, electronic goods, lubricants, and, most importantly, cosmetics. The steady growth of numerous end use sectors has been the key driver for the global silicone gel market, as sectors such as cosmetics, electronics, and medical devices are likely to remain leading consumers in the global silicone gel market.Asia Pacific is likely to be a key region for the global silicone gel market in the coming years. Countries in the region, including China, India, and Japan, have been leading pioneers in the solar energy sector in Asia Pacific, which has been a major factor in driving the Asia Pacific silicone gel market. The abundant availability of sunlight in the subtropical region has led to the solar power sector receiving significant government support throughout Asia Pacific, while the rising geopolitical complexities in the region have also heated up the alternative energy scenario, as power constitutes a key part of the economic dynamics in the region.Request Sample Copy of the Report @The medical devices sector in rising Asia Pacific countries has been subject to significant investment in the last few years from government agencies as well as private investors keen to enter the increasingly lucrative healthcare market in Asia Pacific. Rising private investment in the healthcare sector in ASEAN countries is likely to remain a key driver for the Asia Pacific silicone gel market in the coming years. The rising standard of care in emerging economies has also enabled growth of the geriatric demographic in Asia Pacific, leading to further growth of the silicone gel market.Global Silicone Gel Market: OverviewThe increasing use of prosthetics and implants in the medical application segment is expected to boost the market for silicone gel, according to new findings. Silicone gel is characterized by resinous, rubbery, and fluid texture. It is water-repellent. It is chiefly used in the manufacturing of lubricants, adhesives, hydraulic oils, electrical insulation, and cosmetics.Request TOC of the Report @The report discusses the key market opportunities, trends, growth drivers and restraints. Key market segments have been analyzed in detail along with statistical data and figures. The supply-demand dynamics, market size, and market projections have been discussed in the report. The major players in the market for silicone gel have been discussed in terms of their business strategies, product analysis, and market shares.Global Silicone Gel Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe silicone gel market will grow to a great extent on account of new applications. Some of these applications are chemistry, LED lighting, cosmetics and personal care, photovoltaic sectors, automotive electronics, aerospace and defense, comfort pads, agriculture, pharmaceutical industries, footwear and medical industries. The rapidly expanding electrical & electronics industry will boost the demand for silicone gel. Silicone gel has some primary properties such as high dielectric breakdown, hydrophobicity, and resistance for humidity, water, and high and low temperatures. It is also easy to use. As these properties are of great benefit to the electrical & electronics industry, it has been demanding silicone gel increasingly. Therefore, the market for silicone gel will rise at a considerable pace.Get Discount @On the other hand, the high costs of silicone gel in terms of manufacturing and unstable prices of raw materials have been key market restraints. However, extensive opportunities are to be found in the medical sector, as the geriatric population increases on a global scale.The medical application segment is projected to expand at a substantial rate due to the usage of silicone gel in medical implants. Apart from medical applications, silicone gel will gain prominence on account of the growth of LED lighting industry. Silicone gel plays an important role in the protection of the diode, along with improving light transmission. Moreover, it can also be used as a packaging material to cover and protect ready-to-ship lighting or display units.Global Silicone Gel Market: Regional OutlookOn the basis of geography, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and MEA can be the key market segments. The region of Asia Pacific is expected to grow at a phenomenal rate over the coming years, with a promising CAGR, on account of the high demand displayed by end-user industries in the region.China is likely to emerge as be the most prominent regional segment in Asia Pacific. Latin America and MEA will exhibit a sluggish rate of growth, whereas Europe will display decreased demand for silicone on account of vast stakes at risk. However, countries such as Japan, India, South Korea, and China have been exhibiting increased usage in their photovoltaic sector, boosting growth. Popularity of low-cost, small, and advanced electronics components in these countries is also expected to fuel the market for silicone gel, apart from the factors such as increased healthcare expenditure, rising disposable incomes of people, and rapid infrastructural development.Companies Mentioned in the ReportSome of the key players operating in the global market for silicone gel are North Coast Medical Inc., DOW Corning Corporation, Applied Silicone Corporation, KCC Corporation, and ACC Silicones Ltd. One of the key developments in the competitive scenario is that ACC Silicones has announced that currently it will supply silicone gel only for short term out-of-body exposure, and not inside-the-body applications such as breast implants.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Global Aspherical Lense Market 2018- Schott, SEIKO, GeniuS Electronic Optical (GSEO), ZEISS eReportsMarket has recently added a new Aspherical Lense research report to its huge database of research studies. The research report, titled Global Aspherical Lense Industry 2018 Market Research Report, provides a comprehensive analysis of the industry, including an overview, Aspherical Lense market drivers and restraints, product segmentation, and major geographical segments.The Aspherical Lense study also covers the competitive scenario of the global Aspherical Lense market, providing detailed profiles of the leading players. The valuable inputs and recommendations by Aspherical Lense industry experts will guide the players in constructing their policies and strategies in an effective manner and gain a competitive advantage in the Aspherical Lense industry.Request For Sample Report @Besides, the Aspherical Lense market 2018 report covers the competitive scenario of the global Aspherical Lense market, including an overview of the major companies, followed by their financial overview, business policies, and recent developments. The major players operating in the global Aspherical Lense market include Panasonic, Kinko Optical, Asahi Glass (AGC), GeniuS Electronic Optical (GSEO), Tokai Optical, Nikon, Calin Technology, LARGAN Precision, SEIKO, HOYA, Canon, Schott and ZEISS. A detailed SWOT analysis of these players has also been included in the Aspherical Lense market report to determine the threats and opportunities faced by them while operating in the Aspherical Lense industry.This report focuses on Top Manufacturers in global Aspherical Lense market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering Panasonic, Kinko Optical, Asahi Glass (AGC), GeniuS Electronic Optical (GSEO), Tokai Optical, Nikon, Calin Technology, LARGAN Precision, SEIKO, HOYA, Canon, Schott and ZEISSComplete Report Toc @On the basis of product, this report presents the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily divided into Cameras, Optical Instruments, Ophthalmic, Mobile phone, Other.By Application, the market can be divided into Glass, Plastic, OtherBy Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want)North AmericaChinaEuropeSoutheast AsiaJapanIndiaReport Inquiry @eReportsMarket evermore pursuances high product quality with the assurance that quality is the heart of a business.420 Lexington Avenue Suite 300New York City, NY 10170 Global Lithium Compound Market Overview 2017, Demand by Regions, Types and Analysis of Key Players The global lithium compound market has witnessed a positive growth in the past several years. This can be accredited to the augmented demand for lithium-ion batteries on account of increased use for portable electronic devices. Some of the other factors include huge investments for infrastructural developments and growth of end-use industries.Request a free sample report:According to IMARC Groups latest report, titled Lithium Compound Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2017-2022, the global lithium compound market reached a volume of 260,500 Tons in 2016. Lithium is a soft, silvery-white alkali metal, generally extracted from ores and mineral springs where it is found in small amounts. It is a highly reactive and flammable metal and burns with a brilliant white flame. It reacts with oxygen to form monoxide and peroxide and its reaction with water is known to be extremely vigorous. Lithium and its compounds find several industrial applications in the cooling systems for nuclear reactors, rechargeable batteries, special glasses, glass ceramics, aircrafts, armour plating, bicycle frames, etc.Highlights of the global lithium compound market:Increasing use of portable electronic devices such as electric vehicles, camera, pacemakers, smartphones and watches represents the key growth inducing factor.Lithium carbonate represents the most popular type of lithium compound.Asia Pacific dominates the market, accounting for the majority of the global share.The increasing demand-supply gap in the electricity sector has resulted in an augmented demand for lithium-ion batteries. The market is also driven by the increased popularity of portable electronic devices such as electric vehicles, camera, pacemakers, smartphones and watches. Moreover, huge investments in infrastructure developments, renovation of buildings and new housing projects are increasing the demand for glasses and ceramics, thereby providing a thrust to the global lithium compound market. Additionally, increased focus on reducing carbon footprint and the increasing number of power outages particularly in the Asia Pacific region has facilitated the market growth. Owing to the aforementioned factors, the market is expected to reach a volume of 399,800 Tons by 2022, exhibiting a CAGR of more than 7% during 2017-2022.The market has been segmented on the basis of type, wherein lithium carbonate represents the most popular type of lithium compound. It is followed by lithium hydroxide, lithium concentrate, lithium metal, lithium chloride and butyllithium. The market is also segregated on the basis of end-use into batteries, glass and glass ceramics, automotive parts, greases, metallurgy, polymer and air treatment. Amongst these, batteries account for the majority of the total share. Region-wise, Asia Pacific dominates the market, accounting for the majority of the global share. Other major regions include North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. On analyzing the competitive landscape, it is found that SQM, FMC Corporation, Orocobre Limited, Lithium Americas Corp. and Neometals Ltd. are some of the key players operative in the market.Read full report with TOC :The report by IMARC Group has examined the global lithium compound market on the basis of:Type:Lithium CarbonateLithium HydroxideLithium ConcentrateLithium MetalLithium ChlorideButyllithiumOther Lithium CompoundEnd-use:BatteriesGlass and Glass CeramicsAutomotive PartsGreasesMetallurgyPolymerAir TreatmentOthersRegion:Asia PacificNorth AmericaEuropeMiddle East and AfricaLatin AmericaKey Players:SQMFMC CorporationOrocobre LimitedLithium Americas Corp.Neometals Ltd.Browse related reports:Polyisobutylene Market Research Report:Silicones Market Research Report:About UsIMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.IMARCs information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the companys expertise.Contact usIMARC Group309 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11215, USAWebsite:Email: sales@imarcgroup.comUSA: +1-631-791-1145Follow us on twitter: @imarcglobal Management Consulting Market Share and Growth with Development Factors, Applications, Regional Analysis, Leading Key Players and Outlook to 2022 ReportsWeb Management Consulting Report Covering Global and United States Market Status and Forecast by Players, Types and Applications 2017-2022 newly adds in database. This report covers leading key company profiles with information such as business overview, regional analysis, consumption, revenue and specification.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share (%) and growth Rate (%) of Management Consulting in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast) , coveringUnited StatesNorth AmericaEuropeAsia-PacificSouth AmericaMiddle East and AfricaGet FREE Sample Copy of this report atThe major players in global and United States Management Consulting market, including Deloitte Consulting, PwC, EY, KPMG, McKinsey, Booz Allen Hamilton, The Boston Consulting Group, Bain & Company.The On the basis of product, the Management Consulting market is primarily split intoOperations AdvisoryFinancial AdvisoryTechnology AdvisoryOn the basis on the end users/applications, this report coversClient's Market Capitalization: below 300 MillionClient's Market Capitalization: 300-2000 MillionClient's Market Capitalization: 2000-5000 MillionClient's Market Capitalization: above 5000 MillionAccess Report Details atTable of Content1 Methodology and Data Source2 Management Consulting Market Overview3 Management Consulting Application/End Users4 Management Consulting Market Status and Outlook by Regions5 Global Management Consulting Market Competition by Players/Manufacturers6 United States Management Consulting Market Competition by Players/Manufacturers7 Management Consulting Players/Manufacturers Profiles and Sales Data7.1 Deloitte Consulting7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base and Competitors7.1.2 Management Consulting Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 Deloitte Consulting Management Consulting Sales (K Sets) , Revenue (Million USD) , Price (USD/Set) and Gross Margin (%) (2012-2017)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 PwC7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base and Competitors7.2.2 Management Consulting Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 PwC Management Consulting Sales (K Sets) , Revenue (Million USD) , Price (USD/Set) and Gross Margin (%) (2012-2017)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 EY7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base and Competitors7.3.2 Management Consulting Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 EY Management Consulting Sales (K Sets) , Revenue (Million USD) , Price (USD/Set) and Gross Margin (%) (2012-2017)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview8 Management Consulting Manufacturing Cost, Industrial Chain and Downstream Buyers9 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors and Market Effect Factors10 Global Management Consulting Market ForecastPurchase complete report atNote: If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Contact Info:Name: Sameer JoshiEmail: sales@reportsweb.comOrganization: ReportsWebPhone: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.533, 6th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Soy Milk Market: In-Depth Qualitative Insights And Projected Industry Growth, 2017- 2025 Soy milk is a type of grain milk which is prepared by soaking dried soya beans which is grinded in water. Soy milk is a stable emulsion of water, oil and protein. Soy milk is available in various flavors in the market which is also fortified with extra calcium and vitamins. Soy milk contains high amount of essential ingredients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and calcium as compared to regular cow milk.Soy milks does not contain lactose, and is highly preferred by consumers which are lactose intolerant and individuals that avoid dairy products, including vegan consumers. Manufacturers are offering innovative soy milk-based products which are fortified with vitamins such as vitamin B12 and B3, minerals and iron for increasing their product quality. Soy milks are the most consumed milk alternative worldwide which are boosting the sales growth over the recent years. Soy milk is mostly consumed by individuals which are lactose intolerant, allergic to soy and soy-based products or milk products. Soy milks are rich in protein and is calcium fortified drinks.Download PDF Brochure @Global Soy Milk: Market SegmentationThe global soy milk market is segmented on the basis of form, flavor, distribution channel, application and region. The soy milk market is segmented on the basis of form such as plain unsweetened form and plain sweetened form. The soy milk market is segmented on the basis of flavor such as chocolate and vanilla. The soy milk market is segmented on the basis of distribution channel such as online stores, supermarket/hypermarket, retail stores, and others. The global soy milk market is segmented on the basis of application in which soy milk is used in application in food products such as cheese, desserts, and snacks and beverages such as cold-pressed milks and others. Hence, the global soy milk market is expected to significantly increase the revenue contribution over the forecast period.Global Soy Milk Market: Regional OutlookGeographically, the global soy milk industry can be divided by major regions which include North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific, Japan and Middle East & Africa. Globally, among all regions, Asia Pacific has developed as the dominant region in global soy milk market followed by Europe. Increasing demand for soy milk in lactose-intolerant consumers, has strengthened the growth of global soy milk market and hence is projected to significantly expand the revenue contribution of the market over the forecast period.Global Soy Milk Market: Growth DriversThe global soy milk market driving factors are increasing demand for lactose-free food products due to the ease of digest which is likely to contribute significantly to the revenue growth of global soy milk market till 2025. Growing levels of lactose intolerance is one of the major driving factor of the market. Rising consumer awareness regarding usage of lactose-free dairy products in day-to-day life which helps in maintaining the galactose level in the body, is one of the major driving factor for the market. Manufacturers are offering a variety of soy milk-based dairy products to the consumers in order to remain in the competition. Growing population of lactose intolerance consumers is also a major factor which is driving the global soy milk market. Hence, the global soy milk market is expected to observe robust growth over the forecast period.Obtain Report Details @Global Soy Milk Market: Key PlayersSome of the key players identified across the value chain of the global soy milk market include Vitasoy Australia, Alpro, Provamel, DREAM, Furama, NOW Foods, Palsgaard, Pacific Foods of Oregon, Inc., The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., Lam Soon Group are among others. The companies are expected to expand their business by enhancing their product portfolio in global soy milk market. The companies are projected to frame certain strategies in future in order to gain the competitive advantage in global soy milk market till 2025.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Transparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700,Albany, NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Oriental Carbon & Chemicals Ltd Oriental Carbon & Chemicals Ltd- Company Profile & Financial Analysis" contains in depth information and data about the company and its operations. You will find information on the business structure, areas of operation, products and services offered by the company. It also comprises SWOT analysis, key ratios, historical financial data and insiders view on financial stability and industrial ranking with financial forecasts for two- year period.This report is a decisive resource for industry executives and stakeholders who are looking to access key information about "Oriental Carbon & Chemicals Ltd". It helps you formulate strategies that augment your business by enabling you to understand your partners, customers and competitors better.The report utilizes a wide range of primary and secondary sources, which are analyzed and presented in a consistent and easily accessible format. SKBKS strictly follows a standardized research methodology to ensure high levels of data quality and these characteristics guarantee a unique report.Try Sample Report @ABSTRACTOriental Carbon & Chemicals Ltd (OCCL) is one of the largest manufacturers of Insoluble Sulphur (IS) in the world. The company has a presence in 21 countries across the world with a huge presence in Asia and Europe, expected to be the leading markets in terms of demand of radialised tyres.The company's segments include Chemicals (including Sulfur, Sulfuric acid Oleum), Automotive Products and Fluid Power & Automation. OOCL manufactures both commercial grade and battery grade sulfuric acid and oleums.The company's production capacity of Insoluble Sulfur is approximately 23,000MTPA. It has manufacturing facilities in India at Dharuhera in state of Haryana and at Mundra in state of Gujarat. The company's subsidiary is Schrader Duncan Limited.RECENT DEVELOPMENTu Oriental Carbon plans Rs1.59bn investment to expand insoluble sulfur capacityREPORT HIGHLIGHTS Business description A detailed description of the companys operations and business divisions Corporate business strategies Analysts summarization of the companys business strategies Major products and services A descriptive list of major products, services and brands of the company. Company history Major milestones achieved by the company Stock details- Ticker code at BSE and NSE, Market capitalization, Share price, 52 week relative performance at BSE, share holding pattern for the recent quarter Major Mergers & Acquisitions trends-a descriptive strategic acquisitions done by the company during the course of operations Financial Analysis- Five year financial summary; financial performance analysis of the company- a yearly and quarterly Detailed financial ratios for the past five years The latest financial ratios derived from the annual financial statements with 5 years history. Cost structure- Five year cost structure analysis as percentage of sales Industry and peer competitors Competitive economic environment in the industry and comparative financial analysis of peers. SWOT Analysis A detailed analysis of the companys strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Recent developments and Investment-Includes recent activities and strategies followed by the company and investments done and planned for future Outlook- Outlook of the industry with growth drivers Analysts view on the company with forecast for two year period. Supplemented with graphs and tabular information wherever necessaryFor Detailed Reading Please visit WiseGuy Reports @REASONS TO BUYu Quickly enhance your understanding of " Oriental Carbon & Chemicals Ltd "u Gain insight into the marketplace and a better understanding of internal and external factors which could impact the industry.u Increase business/sales activities by understanding your competitors businesses better.u Recognize potential partnerships and suppliers.u Examine potential investment and acquisition targets with this reports detailed insight into the companys strategic, business and operational performance.u Gain key insights into the company for academic or business research purposes. Key elements such as SWOT analysis and corporate strategy are incorporated in the profile to assist your academic or business research needs.For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comAbout UsWise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available.Contact Us:Norah Trent+1 646 845 9349 / +44 208 133 9349Follow on LinkedIn:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt LtdPune 411028Maharashtra,Ph: +91 841 198 5042 Tata Elxsi Ltd Tata Elxsi Ltd Tata Elxsi Ltd- Company Profile & Financial Analysis" contains in depth information and data about the company and its operations. You will find information on the business structure, areas of operation, products and services offered by the company. It also comprises SWOT analysis, key ratios, historical financial data and insiders view on financial stability and industrial ranking with financial forecasts for two- year period.This report is a decisive resource for industry executives and stakeholders who are looking to access key information about "Tata Elxsi Ltd". It helps you formulate strategies that augment your business by enabling you to understand your partners, customers and competitors better.The report utilizes a wide range of primary and secondary sources, which are analyzed and presented in a consistent and easily accessible format. SKBKS strictly follows a standardized research methodology to ensure high levels of data quality and these characteristics guarantee a unique report.Try Sample Report @ABSTRACTTata Elxsi is a global design company that blends technology, creativity and engineering to help customers transform ideas into world-class products and solutions. It is a part of the US$100bn Tata Group. It is amongst the worlds leading providers of design and technology services for product engineering and solutions across industries including Broadcast, Communications and Automotive. It provides technology consulting, new product design, development, and testing services. Tata Elxsi also provides solutions and services for emerging technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data Analytics, Cloud, Mobility, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence.. Headquartered in Bangalore, India, Tata Elxsis global network of offices includes Dubai, France, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, UAE, UK, and USA.RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Tata Elxsi partnered with M-Star Semiconductor to provide a suite of software for MStars System-on-a-Chip (SoC) targeted at Set-Top Boxes (STB). The partnership is supposed to benefit MSOs and OEMs. Tata Elxsi partnered with Welspun to engage kids in immersive storytelling using Augmented Reality Tata Elxsi to test driverless cars on Bengaluru roads Tata Elxsi inked a pact with Netherlands-headquartered Irdeto to provide secure in-car display systems for auto mobiles.For Detailed Reading Please visit WiseGuy Reports @REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Business description A detailed description of the companys operations and business divisions Corporate business strategies Analysts summarization of the companys business strategies Major products and services A descriptive list of major products, services and brands of the company. Company history Major milestones achieved by the company Stock details- Ticker code at BSE and NSE, Market capitalization, Share price, 52 week relative performance at BSE, share holding pattern for the recent quarter Major Mergers & Acquisitions trends-a descriptive strategic acquisitions done by the company during the course of operations Financial Analysis- Five year financial summary; financial performance analysis of the company- a yearly and quarterly Detailed financial ratios for the past five years The latest financial ratios derived from the annual financial statements with 5 years history. Cost structure- Five year cost structure analysis as percentage of sales Industry and peer competitors Competitive economic environment in the industry and comparative financial analysis of peers. SWOT Analysis A detailed analysis of the companys strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Recent developments and Investment-Includes recent activities and strategies followed by the company and investments done and planned for future Outlook- Outlook of the industry with growth drivers Analysts view on the company with forecast for two year period. Supplemented with graphs and tabular information wherever necessaryREASONS TO BUYu Quickly enhance your understanding of "Tata Elxsi Ltd "u Gain insight into the marketplace and a better understanding of internal and external factors which could impact the industry.u Increase business/sales activities by understanding your competitors businesses better.u Recognize potential partnerships and suppliers.u Examine potential investment and acquisition targets with this reports detailed insight into the companys strategic, business and operational performance.u Gain key insights into the company for academic or business research purposes. Key elements such as SWOT analysis and corporate strategy are incorporated in the profile to assist your academic or business research needs.For more information or any query mail at sales@wiseguyreports.comAbout UsWise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available.Contact Us:Norah Trent+1 646 845 9349 / +44 208 133 9349Follow on LinkedIn:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Wise Guy Research Consultants Pvt LtdPune 411028Maharashtra,Ph: +91 841 198 5042 Polo Shirt Market 2018 Insights by Banana Republic, Ralph Lauren Corporation, Abercrombie & Fitch, Brooks Brothers, Calvin Klein, Burberry and Global Futures to 2025 ReportsWeb The latest report on "Global Polo Shirt Market Research Report 2018-2025" published by ReportsWeb which covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. It also includes a discussion of the key players operating in this market.Global Polo Shirt market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingBanana RepublicRalph Lauren CorporationAbercrombie & FitchBrooks BrothersCalvin KleinBurberryPradaLacostePaul StuartJ. PressHugo BossGucciTommy HilfigerVineyard VinesKent WangThom BrowneRequest a Free Sample on Polo Shirt market atGeographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD) , market share and growth rate of Polo Shirt in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast) , coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoKids ShirtWomen ShirtMen ShirtOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales) , market share and growth rate for each application, includingEvery Day WearGame WearOthersOrder a copy of Global Polo Shirt Market atKey Point from Table of Contents:1 Polo Shirt Market Overview2 Global Polo Shirt Market Competition by Manufacturers3 Global Polo Shirt Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2013-2018)4 Global Polo Shirt Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2013-2018)5 Global Polo Shirt Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type6 Global Polo Shirt Market Analysis by Application7 Global Polo Shirt Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis8 Polo Shirt Manufacturing Cost Analysis9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders11 Market Effect Factors Analysis12 Global Polo Shirt Market Forecast (2018-2025)13 Research Findings and ConclusionComplete report on Polo Shirt Market is now available atContact Information:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.505, 6th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Connected IoT Devices Market 2017 Global Key Players: Advantech, Amplia Soluciones, Microsoft, Smith Micro Software, Hewlett-Packard, LG, Samsung Market Research Future published a research report on Connected IoT Devices Market Research Report - Global Forecast to 2023 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2023.Market ScenarioConnected IoT devices refer to a network of physical devices, home appliances, vehicles and other electronics, sensors, and actuators that enable objects to connect with each other and send & receive data. It comprises of various application areas including consumer applications, infrastructure management, enterprise management, and others.Technology giants such as IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Oracle Corporation, and PTC Incorporation are some of the major players in the global Connected Iot Devices Market. IBM Corporation has launched IoT for electronics, which ingests device data and transforms that data into meaningful insights, which can help optimize processes and provide new guided designs. The IoT for electronics focuses on controlling and analyzing connected electronics, enhancing product development, and integrating enterprise asset management with IoT devices. Whereas, Oracle Corporation focuses on providing solutions for a connected world by providing end to end solutions.Increasing demand for mobile applications and growing popularity of connected things are other major factors driving the growth of the global connected IoT devices market. Furthermore, increasing adoption of bring your own device and carry your own device is boosting the growth of the market. The proliferation of intelligent connected devices is one of the major factors driving the growth of the connected IoT devices market.Get Sample of Report @The global connected IoT devices market is segmented on the basis of the component, deployment, and application. The component segment is classified into solution and services. The solution segment is further classified into data management, remote monitoring, and real-time streaming analytics, security solutions, and network bandwidth management. However, the security solutions are expected to grow at the highest rate over the forecast period owing to the increasing security concerns amongst the clients deploying IoT solutions for the connected devices. Non-standardization and non-compatibility in devices is another factor responsible for driving the growth of security solutions, thereby is also responsible for fueling the growth of the global connected IoT devices market.The North American region holds the largest share of the market across the globe followed by Europe, and Asia Pacific region. The U.S. and Canada are dominating the North America market due to rising technological enhancements and proliferation of intelligent connected devices in the region. Moreover, the region has a well-established infrastructure, which allows faster implementation of advanced technologies. Additionally, the growing adoption of device and vendor agnostic platform is another major factor driving the growth of the connected IoT devices market in the region.The global connected IoT devices market is expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 19% during the forecast period 2017-2023.Key Players:Some of the prominent players in the global connected IoT devices market are Advantech Co., Ltd. (Taiwan), Aeris Communication, Inc. (U.S.), Amplia Soluciones (Spain), Cumulocity GmbH (Germany), IBM Corporation (U.S.), Microsoft Corporation (U.S.), Oracle Corporation (U.S.), PTC Incorporation (U.S.), Smith Micro Software, Inc. (U.S.), Telit Communications PLC (Italy), Wind River Systems (U.S.), Xively (U.S.), Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (South Korea), Motorola Inc. (U.S.), Nokia Solutions Network (Finland), LG Corporation (South Korea), Hewlett-Packard (U.S.), HTC Corporation (Taiwan), Apple Inc. (U.S.), Dell Inc. (U.S.) and others.Connected IoT Devices Market Segmentation:The global connected IoT devices market is segmented on the basis of the component, deployment, and application. The deployment segment is classified as a private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud. However, the hybrid cloud segment is expected to grow at the highest rate across the globe over the forecast period. The hybrid cloud deployment offers various benefits to the businesses such as providing low-cost solutions, and flexible and scalable access to clients.Market Research Analysis:North America is estimated to account for the largest share of the market, whereas Europe market is projected to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast period. The North American market is witnessing a rapid growth due to technological advancements and increasing demand for mobile application development platforms across different industry verticals in this region. The U.S. holds the majority of market share both in terms of revenue as well as the adoption of smart homes and another connected internet of things applications and devices.Get Complete Report @Intended Audience Technology Investors Research/Consultancy firms Technology Solution Providers Government Bodies IoT devise management solution vendors System integrators Regulatory agencies Investors and venture capitalistsAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Ginger Extract Market : Opportunities and Forecast Assessment, 2017- 2027 Ginger Extract Market: OverviewGinger is an edible flowering plant used as a spice and nutraceutical, which possesses various medicinal properties. It initially originated from tropical rainforest of Southern Asia, and belongs to the family Zingiberaceae. Galangal, cardamom, and turmeric are other constitutes of this family. Ginger is traditionally used in the manufacturing of pastes, drying fruits, and candies. Medicinally, ginger is majorly used for curing nausea and mild digestion problems. Furthermore, the presence of phenols in ginger extract, makes it an excellent preservative.Some new studies have found that ginger oil could help cure cardiac problems. Moreover, the side effects caused by chemotherapy could be cured by using ginger extract. Therapeutic effects against inflammation is expected to increase the application areas of ginger extract in the medical industry. Additionally, it is found that ginger is beneficial for immunity enhancement against hepatoprotection and gastric ulcer. All these health benefits and medicinal abilities of ginger extract are expected to contribute to the growth of the global ginger extract market.Download PDF Brochure @Ginger is also employed in the production of cosmetics. The growing demand for natural based products for consumers and the acceleration of this trend are likely to fuel the market growth of ginger. Furthermore, the swift cooking habits of people owing to hectic lifestyle is raising the demand for ready-to-use ginger pastes. A few studies have also suggested that the use of ginger in daily food routine may assist in fat loss, thus resulting in reduction of heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity occurrences. Furthermore, it is experienced that the consumption of regular ginger leads to increased energy and healthy hair and complexion. While it is expected that the global consumption of ginger may rise, the prominent exporters such as China and India in the Asia Pacific region might benefit exponentially from this scenario.Ginger Extract Market: Introduction:Ginger is an edible medicinal root and is used as nutraceutical and spice. Ginger has been typically used as an ingredient in candies, dried form, paste, and others. It has been using to cure mild digestion problems and nausea. The phenols present in the ginger extract are an excellent natural source of preservatives. The ginger extract has shown therapeutic effects against inflammation. New studies have open up opportunities to increase the use of the ginger extract for the treatment of the side effects caused by chemotherapy. It has shown an increase in immunity against gastric ulcer and hepatoprotection. Studies have also shown there are possibilities to cure cardiac problems by ginger extract oil. This creates a huge opportunity for the ginger extract market because of its multi-usability. The largest exporters of the ginger extract are China followed by India in the Asia Pacific region.Ginger Extract Market Segments:The ginger extract market can be segmented into its types, applications, and distribution channel. Under the type of products, the ginger extract market is divided into organic, natural and others. The organic ginger extracts are produced under strict conditions both pre-harvest and post-harvest. The natural ginger harvest extract is produced by conserving the natural flavor and aroma of the extract in postharvest stage. The other segment includes the ginger extracts which is mixed with different enhancing and preserving agents.Based on the application of the ginger extract market can be segmented as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics. Ginger extract is widely used as spice and flavoring agent in food and beverage market. Also ginger extract is also used as natural preservatives in the food industry. Ginger extracts can be used as a therapeutic ointment or as the drug in the pharmaceutical market. Ginger extract can be added to the cosmetic for improvement of skin condition and hence has a significant role in cosmetics market.The ginger extract market distribution channel can be of two types. The extracts produce by the manufacturer is directly sold to another manufacturer who can use it as an additive or preservative in the first case of ginger extract market. And in the other case of the distribution channel, the manufacturer produces packed ginger extract, which gets consumed by the customers as a spice or flavoring agent.Ginger Extract Market: Region-wise Outlook:On basis of regions, ginger extract market is segmented by North America, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia-Pacific and Western Europe, excluding Japan, Japan & Middle East & Africa. Asia pacific stands as the major producers of the ginger extract. In Asia-pacific China, India, Vietnam, Myanmar and Indonesia holds the top list. In the Middle East and Africa, Nigeria is the largest exporter of ginger extract. In Western Europe countries such as U.K, Netherland, France and Spain are leading exporters of ginger extract.Ginger Extract Market Drivers and Restrains:Due to change in the market trend, people are more focused on natural products which will play an important role in the present ginger extract market as it can suffice the need. The need of fast mode of cooking has also created a market for the ready to use ginger paste. The segment is new in a lot of the countries and has a potential market to grow. Improved farming techniques in the producing regions have created a good surplus yield and hence there is an availability of cheap raw source for the ginger extract market.The low shelf life of the products containing ginger extract can be a restrain for the producers for the market. Also, the quality of the final product is determined by pre-harvest and post-harvest factors like harvest time of the rhizomes or the moisture content of the extract.Obtain Report Details @Ginger Extract Market: Key PlayersThe local manufacturer can be a key player in the upcoming ginger extract market. Some of the prominent manufacturers of the ginger extract are Nutragreen limited, Arjuna natural extract LTD., Apex biotech limited, Ginger Dragon Ltd and others. The key players can increase their distribution by producing a better portfolio of the product.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Transparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700,Albany, NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Integrated Telecom Infrastructure Market 2017 Global Leaders: Texas Instruments, CROC, Tech Mahindra, Huawei Technologies, Experis IT, ZTE, Nokia Networks, Ericsson Market Research Future published a research report on Integrated Telecom Infrastructure Market Research Report -Global Forecast till 2023 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2023.Market HighlightsThe global integrated telecom infrastructure market is segmented on the basis of services, components, and infrastructure type. The services are sub-sub-segmented into professionals services, managed services, and technical services. Among these, the professional services lead the market. However, the technical services are projected to witness fast growth during the forecast period. On the basis of the component, the market is sub-segmented into optical component, power component, network component, telecom tower component, video component, and network management component. These component work in an integration to provide better calling and internet services. The segmentation is also done by infrastructure type under civil infrastructure, electrical infrastructure, network infrastructure, and management layer infrastructure. Among these, the management layer infrastructure leads the market segment by infrastructure type. The major factors that drive the growth of the integrated telecom infrastructure are the advancement in VoLTE and 5G technology. Additionally, the demand for smartphone is growing along with enhanced mobile communication technology. Thus the mobile operators are putting more efforts to reduce call drops, interrupted networks, data packet loss during data transmission. The integrated telecom infrastructure market is expected to reach USD 60 billion at a CAGR of 26% over the review period.Get Sample of Report @Key Players:Sone of the key players in the integrated telecom infrastructure market: Nu Tek India ltd. (India), Texas Instruments Inc (U.S.), CROC Inc (Russia), Tech Mahindra Limited (India), Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd (U.S.), Experis IT Pvt. Ltd, ZTE Corporation (China), Nokia Networks (Finland), NEC Corporation (Japan), Ericsson (Sweden), and Siemens AG (Germany).The global Integrated Telecom Infrastructure Market is expected to reach USD 60 billion at a CAGR of 26% during the forecasted period 2017-2023.Regional AnalysisThe integrated telecom infrastructure regional analysis covers the geographical regions of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the world. Among these regions, Asia Pacific is leading the global market and is expected to shows the fastest growth during the forecast period due to the growing government spending to adopt VoLTE, 5G, and other advanced mobile telecommunication technologies. Countries like China, Japan, and India are investing heavily in the development of telecommunication infrastructure. India has launched its own independent satellites to provide a better geographical coverage and increase the global positioning system (GPS). India is also helping the countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar to develop the telecommunication infrastructure. On the other hand, Europe and North America are already matured market in integrated telecom infrastructure as these regions are the early adopters of these technologies and continue to show a steady growth. Europe shows a steady growth in the telecom infrastructure due to its European Union policies of no border restrictions. The mobile operators cover up the entire geographical segment of these countries. Also, the population and smartphone penetration of the regions is less than that of Asia Pacific. North America gets the third spot in the integrated telecom infrastructure due to the already established integrated mobile technologies. However, major upgrades are taking place in these regions to improve the communication and create a more integrated infrastructure.SegmentationThe integrated telecom infrastructure market is segmented into services, components, and infrastructure type. On the basis of services, the market is further segmented into professional services, technical services, and managed services. The professional services includes network consulting (network designing and planning), system integration (network migration and transformation), and network optimization. The professional services lead market since they are the most used services and they serve as a backbone to the integrated telecom infrastructure. On the other hand, the technical services include, deployment (installation and commission), maintenance (repair and replacement), and support (helpdesk and trouble shooting). The technical service is growing at a fast rate owing to the lack of experienced and skilled labor encouraging the companies to adopt the automation of helpdesk support, troubleshooting, and installation. The managed services include network outsourcing, and hosted & managed services and applications.On the basis of components, the market is segmented into power component, network component, telecom tower, video component, and network management component. The power component provides the required power to operate the electrical equipment like antenna receivers, antenna transmitters, network devices (routers, switches, modems) and transmission devices (repeaters, amplifiers). However, the network component is leading this market segment as it includes the LAN, MAN, and WAN technology required for the widespread of telecom network. In addition to network component, optical component plays an equally important role as it includes fiber optic cables, optical transmitters, and couplers. The Video component is expected to increase at a fast rate as this is the result of the advancement in VoLTE and 5G technology.On the basis of infrastructure type, the market is sub-segmented in to civil infrastructure, electrical infrastructure, network infrastructure, and management layer infrastructure. These infrastructure are important in the overall operation of the telecommunication. The management layer infrastructure segment is growing at the fastest rate owing to constantly growing need for upgrades and maintenance.Get Complete Report @Intended Audience Storage providers Network providers Telecommunicarion network providers Research firms Software investors Software Developers BTS providers Call centers Software Testers IT enablers Database solutions Cloud providers Telecommunication companies Government service providersAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Image Sensor Market 2017 Analytical Overview and Key Players: Sony, OmniVision Technologies, Aptina Imaging, Himax Imaging, GalaxyCore, SK Hynix Market Research Future published a research report on Image Sensor Market Research Report- Global Forecast 2021 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2021.Market HighlightsThe CMOS image sensor segment is projected to be the fastest-growing technology during the period 2015 to 2024.Rapid development of low-power CMOS image sensors allows their penetration into various disciplines such as automotive, mobile phones, digital still cameras and others.CMOS image sensors offer considerable advantages in terms of flexibility, low power, low cost, low voltage, and miniaturization. These features make them very suitable for security and medical applications. CMOS image sensors medical applications open new perspectives for invasive medical devices, such as wireless capsules for gastrointestinal tract observation. In addition,surveillance and security systems enable a human operator to remotely monitor activities over large areas.Get Sample of Report @Key Players:This report includes a study of strategies, of major market players. It includes the product portfolios, developments of leading major players such as Sony Corporation (Japan), Samsung Semiconductor Inc. (South Korea), OmniVision Technologies Inc. (U.S.), Aptina Imaging Corporation (ON Semiconductor) (U.S.), Himax Imaging (Taiwan), GalaxyCore Inc. (China), SK Hynix Inc. (Korea), and STMicroelectronics N.V (Switzerland) and othersConsumer electronics and automotive are the one of largest image sensor marketThe factors driving the global image sensors market are growing use of image sensors for biomedical applications, camera enabled mobile phones and others. Increasing usage of image sensors in automotive applications such as lane departure warning system, rear corners, advanced driver assistance system, safety and security system and others,are laying new opportunities for the image sensors market.North America and Asia-Pacific regions to dominate the Image Sensor Market Information in 2015The North America region was the largest market for image sensor device in 2014. Countries such as U.S., Canada, and Mexico are major consumers of image sensor devices. Asia-Pacific image sensors market is expected to grow at highest rate during the forecast period attributed to rising demand of consumer electronics products. The growth of the smartphone and feature phone in addition with rising homeland security budget in the developing countries has boosted the demand of camera system in recent years. Japan, China, India and Taiwan are some of the major markets of image sensor in Asia-Pacific.Ask for your specific company profile and country level customization on reports.This research report has provides the insights, on various levels of analyses such industry analysis, market share analysis leading market players and their profiles. This report also helps in studying the target segments by providing views on emerging & high-growth segments and market conclusion. Together the market data comprise and discuss with the basic assessments on the competitive scenerios & strategies, of the global image sensor market, including the high-growth regions, countries and their political, economical and technological environments. Furthermore the project report also provides the views over the historical market values as well as, pricing and cost analysis of the same.Get Complete Report @Intended Audience Investors and consultants System Integrators Research/Consultancy firms Technology solution providers IT Solution Providers Original Equipment ManufacturersAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Solutions, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Organic Honey Global Market Top Key Players Glorybee Inc. , Little Bee Impex , Madhava Honey , Wholesome Sweeteners , Y.S. Eco Bee Farms and Forecast to 2022 Organic Honey Market Global Organic Honey MarketDescriptionWiseGuyReports.Com adds Global Organic Honey Market Research Report 2018 Research To Its Database.Global Organic Honey Market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingGlorybee Inc.Little Bee ImpexMadhava HoneyWholesome SweetenersY.S. Eco Bee FarmsNorth Dallas Honey CompanyHeavenly OrganicsWedderspoon Organic Holdings,Barkman Honey LLC.Get sample Report @Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Organic Honey in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoby TypesClover HoneyManuka HoneySourwood HoneyBuckwheat HoneyRosemary HoneyDandelion HoneyOthersby Packaging TypeGlass JarPlastic ContainersOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingCosmetic & Personal CareFood & BeveragePharmaceuticals & NutraceuticalsEnquiry About Report @Table of Contents -Major Key PointsGlobal Organic Honey Market Research Report 20181 Organic Honey Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Organic Honey1.2 Organic Honey Segment by Types1.2.1 Global Organic Honey Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Types (Product Category)(2013-2025)1.2.2 Global Organic Honey Production Market Share by Types (Product Category) in 20171.2.3 Clover Honey1.2.4 Manuka Honey1.2.5 Sourwood Honey1.2.6 Buckwheat Honey1.2.7 Rosemary Honey1.2.8 Dandelion Honey1.2.9 Others1.3 Organic Honey Segment by Packaging Type1.3.1 Glass Jar1.3.2 Plastic Containers1.4 Global Organic Honey Segment by Application1.4.1 Organic Honey Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2013-2025)1.4.2 Cosmetic & Personal Care1.4.3 Food & Beverage1.4.4 Pharmaceuticals & Nutraceuticals1.5 Global Organic Honey Market by Region (2013-2025)1.5.1 Global Organic Honey Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2013-2025)1.5.2 North America Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5.4 China Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.5.7 India Status and Prospect (2013-2025)1.6 Global Market Size (Value) of Organic Honey (2013-2025)1.6.1 Global Organic Honey Revenue Status and Outlook (2013-2025)1.6.2 Global Organic Honey Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2013-2025).7 Global Organic Honey Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis7.1 Glorybee Inc.7.1.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.1.2 Organic Honey Product Category, Application and Specification7.1.2.1 Product A7.1.2.2 Product B7.1.3 Glorybee Inc. Organic Honey Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.1.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.2 Little Bee Impex7.2.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.2.2 Organic Honey Product Category, Application and Specification7.2.2.1 Product A7.2.2.2 Product B7.2.3 Little Bee Impex Organic Honey Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.2.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.3 Madhava Honey7.3.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.3.2 Organic Honey Product Category, Application and Specification7.3.2.1 Product A7.3.2.2 Product B7.3.3 Madhava Honey Organic Honey Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.3.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.4 Wholesome Sweeteners7.4.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.4.2 Organic Honey Product Category, Application and Specification7.4.2.1 Product A7.4.2.2 Product B7.4.3 Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Honey Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.4.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.5 Y.S. Eco Bee Farms7.5.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.5.2 Organic Honey Product Category, Application and Specification7.5.2.1 Product A7.5.2.2 Product B7.5.3 Y.S. Eco Bee Farms Organic Honey Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.5.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.6 North Dallas Honey Company7.6.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.6.2 Organic Honey Product Category, Application and Specification7.6.2.1 Product A7.6.2.2 Product B7.6.3 North Dallas Honey Company Organic Honey Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.6.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.7 Heavenly Organics7.7.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.7.2 Organic Honey Product Category, Application and Specification7.7.2.1 Product A7.7.2.2 Product B7.7.3 Heavenly Organics Organic Honey Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.7.4 Main Business/Business Overview7.8 Wedderspoon Organic Holdings,7.8.1 Company Basic Information, Manufacturing Base, Sales Area and Its Competitors7.8.2 Organic Honey Product Category, Application and Specification7.8.2.1 Product A7.8.2.2 Product B7.8.3 Wedderspoon Organic Holdings, Organic Honey Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2013-2018)7.8.4 Main Business/Business Overview..CONTINUEDAbout UsWise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, Industry research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available.NORAH TRENTPartner Relations & Marketing Managersales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US)Ph: +44 208 133 9349 (UK) Energy Meter Market with Competitive Landscape, Trends, Market Concentration Rate, Business Strategies and Forecasts to 2022 ReportsWeb Global Energy Meter Market Professional Survey Report 2018 newly adds in database. This report covers leading key company profiles with information such as business overview, regional analysis, consumption, revenue and specification.This report studies Energy Meter in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2012 to 2016, and forecast to 2022.This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering Eaton, CAREL, SMA Australia, E.ON, Iberdrola, Holley Metering, Itron and CIRCUTOR,FREE | Request Sample Copy is Available atOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into Electromechanical Meters and Electronic Meters. By Application, the market can be split into Commercial Use and Residential Use. By Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want) North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India.Browse Complete Report atTable of Content1 Industry Overview of Energy Meter2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Energy Meter3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Energy Meter4 Global Energy Meter Overall Market Overview5 Energy Meter Regional Market Analysis6 Global 2012-2018 Energy Meter Segment Market Analysis (by Type)7 Global 2012-2018 Energy Meter Segment Market Analysis (by Application)8 Major Manufacturers Analysis of Energy Meter8.1 Eaton8.1.1 Company Profile8.1.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.1.2.1 Product A8.1.2.2 Product B8.1.3 Eaton 2016 Energy Meter Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.1.4 Eaton 2016 Energy Meter Business Region Distribution Analysis8.2 CAREL8.2.1 Company Profile8.2.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.2.2.1 Product A8.2.2.2 Product B8.2.3 CAREL 2016 Energy Meter Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.2.4 CAREL 2016 Energy Meter Business Region Distribution Analysis8.3 SMA Australia8.3.1 Company Profile8.3.2 Product Picture and Specifications8.3.2.1 Product A8.3.2.2 Product B8.3.3 SMA Australia 2016 Energy Meter Sales, Ex-factory Price, Revenue, Gross Margin Analysis8.3.4 SMA Australia 2016 Energy Meter Business Region Distribution Analysis9 Development Trend of Analysis of Energy Meter Market10 Energy Meter Marketing Type Analysis11 Consumers Analysis of Energy MeterPurchase this report atNote: If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Contact Info:Name: Sameer JoshiEmail: sales@reportsweb.comOrganization: ReportsWebPhone: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.505, 6th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Sensors Market - Rising Requirement of Devices & Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Sensors Market: SnapshotThe global sensors market is prophesied to record a healthy CAGR during the forecast period 20172025 on account of the growing application of intelligent management and monitoring in the smart systems industry. Distributed sensor networks are heavily engaged for transmitting control instructions and valuable measurement information after interconnecting the devices in networked embedded systems. In todays era of smart technologies, vendors could take advantage of key applications such as assembling infrastructure systems, intelligent transportation, smart water networks, smart homes, and smart grids with the use of sensors.The global sensors market is envisioned to witness the advent of more efficient products with superior sensing quality. For instance, in late 2016, the HC1100 single-chip offering was launched in the global sensors market via a joint effort by HMicro and STMicroelectronics. HC1100 is considered to be applicable for disposable, clinical-grade biosensors and smart patches. Electrocardiogram, vital sign monitoring, and other wired wearable devices could be especially benefited with such biosensors and smart patches. As a result, the rising requirement of such devices is projected to propel the growth of the global sensors market throughout the forecast period.Request Sample Copy of the Report @The coveted application of sensors in smartphones for improving user interface experience is foreseen to rake in a telling demand in the global sensors market. More number of leading smartphone manufacturers are anticipated to demand sensors at a significant rate. Google claims to boast of the best-ever smartphone camera in history after it launched Pixel in 2016, featuring the Sony IMX378 sensor.Global Sensors Market: OverviewIn recent times, the increasing trend of automation is providing a thrust to the global sensors market. Sensors form the backbone of automated systems. The market has witnessed a tremendous transformational leap with the rapid advancements in the sensor technology. With advancements, there has been a considerable expansion in the scope of applications of sensors. They are used across numerous industrial verticals including automotive, consumer electronics, oil and gas, healthcare, utility, and manufacturing and for a myriad of parameters such as temperature, level, position, pressure, image, light, motion, and magnetic field.The report serves as a repository of analysis and data regarding several critical parameters of the global sensors market including value chain analysis, its dynamics, geographical segmentation, and competitive landscape. It takes into account the historical statistics and the current scenario to estimate the future trends of the market. It profiles prominent players in the market along with their business strategies, market shares, contact information, revenue generation, and latest developments. It performs SWOT analysis on key players to derive the growth trajectory each player will experience.Request TOC of the Report @Global Sensors Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe proliferation of consumer electronics is providing a fillip to the global sensors market. The manufacturing of consumer electronics demands a large number of sensors such as pressure sensors, motion sensors, and image sensors. In addition, the rising implementation of fingerprint sensors in smartphones and wearable devices is augmenting the market. Moreover, the emergence of wireless technology is working in favor of the growth of the market. Sensors play a critical part in the proper functioning of wireless platforms. Furthermore, the growing need for real-time analysis is triggering their demand. On the other hand, the declining prices of sensors are adversely affecting the overall revenue generation of the market. However, the booming trend of miniaturization is creating ample growth opportunities for the market.Global Sensors Market: Region-wise OutlookThe key regional markets covered in the report are Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and Rest of the World. Asia Pacific will be a prominent market throughout the forecast period. The presence of a large number of manufacturing facilities and the flourishing growth of various end-user industries are providing a fillip to the growth of the region. The cheap cost of labor and less stringent government regulations are attracting several multinational companies to set up their manufacturing plants in the region. North America will also account for a large share in the market, thanks to the rapid advancements in the field of sensor technology in the region.Global Sensors Market: Competitive LandscapeKey players in the global sensors market are paying high attention of technological advancements to stay relevant. They are pouring large funds into the research and development of novel and innovative sensors to differentiate their offerings and gain a competitive edge over their peers. Mergers and acquisitions are commonly adopted strategies by them to expand their business across different geographies.Get Discount @The immense potential of the market along with low entry barriers are attracting a large number of new players to invest in the market. The influx of new manufacturers is expected to intensify the competition in the market in the near future. Some of the prominent players in the global sensors market are Texas Instruments Inc., TE Connectivity Ltd., Infineon Technologies AG, Honeywell International Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH, ABB Ltd., Siemens AG, Emerson Electric Company, Omron Corporation, NXP Semiconductor N.V., and ARM Holdings Plc.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Global Smart Mining Market: Technological Advancements Will Drive Market Share in the Coming Years MRRSE The report analyses the smart mining market on the basis of volume in units and revenue in US$ Mn. The report titled Global Smart Mining Market has been added to Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE)s extensive research database. This report showcases a comprehensive geographical segmental analysis along with the market development estimates over the period ranging from 2017 to 2025, while considering 2015 as its base year. The historical data as well as current data is provided over the assessment period of 2017 and 2025. The report study also offers a comprehensive competitive scrutiny of key players associated in the advancement in technologies for the smart mining market. The research publication also covers the market force including opportunity, drivers, restraints and trend influencing the growth of the worldwide market for smart mining. Additionally, with the help of porters five force analysis the report offers a detailed analysis of the global and regional status of the market.Get Free Sample Report @Global Smart Mining Market: Segmental AnalysisThis research study categorizes the worldwide market for smart mining into service, software solution, region, automated equipment, hardware component. Based on service, the report divides the smart mining market into consulting services, support and maintenance, Automated Equipment training services, and system integration and implementation services. In terms of region, the study categorizes the smart mining market into Japan, South and Central America, North America, MEA, and Asia Pacific. On the basis of software solution, the report segregated the international smart mining market into asset management solutions, logistics software, remote management solutions, safety and security systems, analytics solutions, and connectivity solutions. Based on hardware component, the study segmented the market into intelligent systems, sensors, RFID tags, and other hardware component. On account of automated equipment, the report divided the market into drillers & breakers, excavators, robotic truck, load haul dump and others. The report also highlight the analysis of the market on the basis of each regional segments and provide opportunity for the new entrants in the five regions. Furthermore, the report also provide market attractiveness index, enabling the client to obtain information on competitive landscape of the smart mining market around the world as well as key findings.Browse Complete Report with TOC @Global Smart Mining Market: Key Player InsightsThis portion of the report highlights the key companies functioning in the global market for smart mining. The report analysis the global smart mining market on the basis of various parameters which include financial overview, product portfolios, SWOT analysis, and recent growth in the market. The final section of the report also highlights the key opportunity in the smart mining market along with the trends and important business strategies of prominent players, enabling the reader to get the scope of the present nature and future status of the smart mining market across the globe. The report also features companies operating in the global smart mining market such as Alcatel-Lucent,, Rockwell Automation, Inc., Sandvik AB, Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., Trimble Navigation Limited, Cisco Systems, Inc., Komatsu Ltd., SAP SE, HEXAGON, STONE THREE MINING PTY LTD, Caterpillar Inc., SYMBOTICWARE INC., Atlas Copco, Alastri, and ABB Ltd.Enquire About this Report @About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of market intelligence reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.ContactState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United StatesTelephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Crop Protection Chemicals Market Significant Profits Estimated to be generated by 2023 with Leading Company Profiles Market Overview:Crop protection is the practice of managing weather, weeds, pests, and diseases that damage or inhibit the growth of fruit, vegetable and other horticultural crops. Crop protection chemicals assist in these functions and promote plant growth. The most common types of crop protection chemicals include herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and others. There are different formulations for application of crop protection chemicals such as emulsifiable concentrates, wettable powder, soluble powder, suspension concentrate, capsule suspensions, and others.Crop protection chemicals are used to promote plant health and increase agriculture productivity. They are applicable to oilseeds & pulses, cereals & grains, fruits & vegetables, and others. The continuous rising population is increasing the demand for high agricultural productivity and driving the growth of global crop protection chemicals market.Change in farming practices and technology leading to increasing acceptance of modern farming and protected agriculture is boosting the growth of the crop protection chemicals market. Moreover, limited availability of cultivable land due to increasing soil erosion and land pollution is further boosting the need for crop protection chemicals to increase farm productivity. However, several environmental and health hazards caused due to crop protection chemicals is restraining the growth of the market. Nevertheless, the market for natural crop protection chemicals can act as an opportunity for crop protection chemicals market.Request a Sample Report @Key Players:Some of the key players profiled in the global Crop protection chemicals market are BASF SE (Germany), The Dow Chemical Company (U.S.), Monsanto Company (U.S.), FMC Corporation (U.S.), Bayer AG (Germany), Agrium Inc. (Canada), Syngenta AG (Switzerland)Key Findings:Bio based crop protection chemicals are expected to offer huge growth opportunity in North America and Europe.Synthetically produced crop protection chemicals are gaining popularity globally owing to low cost and higher efficiencyMarket Segments:Crop protection chemicals market is segmented on the basis of a type such as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and others. Among them, the herbicides segment is dominating the market followed by the fungicides market. The high utility of herbicides for destroying various herbs and unwanted weeds to minimize the crop loss is driving the growth of this segment.Based on the formulation, the crop protection chemicals market is segmented into emulsifiable concentrates, wettable powder, soluble powder, suspension concentrate, capsule suspensions, and others. Among all, the suspension concentrate is anticipated to grow substantially over the forecast period owing to reduced or no use of hazardous solvents and improved stability.On the basis of the method of application, the crop protection chemicals market is segmented into foliar, soil treatment, seed treatment, and others. The foliar applied crop protection chemicals are dominating the market and are expected to grow substantially over the forecast period.Based on the application of the crop protection chemicals, the market is segmented into oilseeds & pulses, cereals & grains, fruits & vegetables, and others. Among all, the fruits and vegetable segment is dominating the market. However, the segment cereals and grains are expected to witness substantial growth over the forecast period.Access Report Details @Regional Analysis:The global crop protection chemicals market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and rest of the world (RoW). Asia Pacific dominates the market and is projected to continue growing over the estimated period. India and China, two of the largest countries in terms of population are majorly contributing to the growth of crop protection chemicals in this region.North America is the second largest consumer of crop protection chemicals. However, stringent environmental regulations in the developed economies of North America and Europe have expected to restraint the market growth in these regions. In rest of the world, South America is dominating the market.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Payments Landscape in Belgium Market 2017: Key Players: BNP Paribas, Belfius Bank, KBC Bank, Mastercard, Visa, and More Payments Landscape in Belgium Market WiseGuyReports published new report, titled Payments Landscape in BelgiumSummary"Payments Landscape in Belgium: Opportunities and Risks to 2021", report provides detailed analysis of market trends in the Belgian cards and payments industry. It provides values and volumes for a number of key performance indicators in the industry, including credit transfers, direct debit, cash, payment cards, and cheques during the review-period (2013-17e).The report also analyzes various payment card markets operating in the industry, and provides detailed information on the number of cards in circulation, transaction values and volumes during the review-period and over the forecast-period (2017-21f). It also offers information on the country's competitive landscape, including the market shares of issuers and schemes.The report brings together research, modeling, and analysis expertise to allow banks and card issuers to identify segment dynamics and competitive advantages. The report also covers details of regulatory policy and recent changes in the regulatory structure.The report provides top-level market analysis, information and insights into the Belgian cards and payments industry, including - Current and forecast values for each market in the Belgian cards and payments industry, including debit and credit cards.- Detailed insights into payment instruments including credit transfers, cheques, direct debit, cash, and payment cards. It also, includes an overview of the country's key alternative payment instruments.- E-commerce market analysis and payment methods.- Analysis of various market drivers and regulations governing the Belgian cards and payments industry.- Detailed analysis of strategies adopted by banks and other institutions to market debit and credit cards.GET SAMPLE REPORT @Companies mentionedBNP ParibasBelfius BankING BankKBC BankCredit MutuelBancontactVisaMastercardAmerican ExpressScope- To boost contactless payments in the country, Bancontact - the dominant scheme provider in Belgium - enabled contactless payments on its mobile app in October 2017, allowing users to store their Bancontact card details and make contactless payments at NFC-enabled terminals. The app is now supported by 20 banks in Belgium, making the service available to 99% of Bancontact card holders in the country. More than two thirds of payment terminals in Belgium already support NFC technology. All terminals in the country should be able to offer contactless payments by 2018.- Alternative payments are gaining prominence in Belgium, with rising adoption of local and international payment solutions. Android Pay was launched in Belgium in March 2017, and allows users to make in-store, in-app, and online payments. The solution is now supported by major schemes including Mastercard and Visa, as well as card issuers including BNP Paribas Fortis, Fintro, and Hello bank!. The solution allows users to load their card by taking a picture of it using their mobile phone. Meanwhile, in June 2015 Masterpass was launched by Mastercard in Belgium. It allows users to store multiple card details and billing addresses for faster checkout. Once details are saved, users can skip the process of entering card and shipping details for all future payments.- The emergence of mobile-only banks is likely to accelerate a shift towards electronic payments in Belgium. BNP Paribas launched mobile-only bank Hello bank! in Belgium in 2013, allowing consumers to conduct banking transactions entirely on their mobile phone. Similarly, French telecom provider Orange plans to introduce its mobile-only bank, Orange Bank, in Belgium in 2019.Key points- Make strategic business decisions, using top-level historic and forecast market data, related to the Belgian cards and payments industry and each market within it.- Understand the key market trends and growth opportunities in the Belgian cards and payments industry.- Assess the competitive dynamics in the Belgian cards and payments industry.- Gain insights into marketing strategies used for various card types in Belgium.- Gain insights into key regulations governing the Belgian cards and payments industry...CONTINUEDFor accessing accurate and deep understanding and to gain latest insights and key developments in the area of your interest, we also have a list of conferences in which you will be interested in, for more information, cordially checkFor updating knowledge or for thoroughly understanding various terminologies, we also have vast list of seminars for your reference, for more information cordially checkWise Guy Reports understand how essential statistical surveying information is for your organization or association. Therefore, we have associated with the top publishers and research firms all specialized in specific domains, ensuring you will receive the most reliable and up to date research data available. We also provide COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) business sector reports as custom exploration agreeing your particular needs.WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Global Cosmetics Market is expected to reach $12.9 billion by 2022, growing at 4.4% CAGR According to a new report, Global Cosmetics Market (2016-2022), published by KBV Research, the Europe market dominated the Global Cosmetics Market in 2015, and would grow at a CAGR of 4.4% during the forecast period. The Asia-Pacific market is expected to attain a market size of $4.2 billion by 2022. However, North America market is expected to grow at CAGR of 4% during 2016-2022.The Skin and Sun Care market contributed the larger revenue share to the Global Cosmetics Market in 2015, and would grow at a CAGR of 3.8% during the forecast period. The Hair Care market is expected attain a market size of $3.1 billion by 2022.The Retail market registered the largest revenue share to the Global Cosmetics Market in 2015. The Online market is expected attain a market size of $5.7 billion by 2022.The report highlights the adoption of Cosmetics, globally.Based on the Category, the Global Cosmetics Market is segmented into Skin and Sun Care, Hair Care, Deodorants, Makeup and Colour and Fragrances segment. Based on the Mode of Sale, the market is bifurcated into Retail and Onlinesegment. The global cosmetics market is further segmented into men and women segments based on the gender. The geographies included in the report are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East and Africa).Key players profiled in the report includes Loreal International, Avon Products, The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G), Unilever Plc., Oriflame Cosmetics, Revlon, Kao Corporation, The Estee Lauder Companies Inc, Shiseido Corporation, and Skin Food.Full report:SegmentationThe market is segmented based on Category, Source and Geography.Global Cosmetics Market, by Category Skin and Sun Care Hair Care Deodorants Makeup and Color FragrancesGlobal Cosmetics Market, by Mode of Sale Retail OnlineGlobal Cosmetics Market, by Gender Men WomenGlobal Cosmetics Market, by GeographyNorth AmericaU.SCanadaMexicoRest of North AmericaEuropeGermanyUKFranceRussiaSpainItalyRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaJapanIndiaSouth KoreaSingaporeMalaysiaRest of Asia PacificLAMEABrazilArgentinaUAESaudi ArabiaSouth AfricaNigeriaRest of LAMEACompany Profiles Loreal International Avon Products The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) Unilever Plc. Oriflame Cosmetics Revlon Kao Corporation The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. Shiseido Corporation and Skin FoodRelated Reports-North America Cosmetics MarketEurope Cosmetics MarketAsia Pacific Cosmetics MarketLamea Cosmetics MarketKnowledge Based Value Research is a global brand and consulting firm serving all kinds of business verticals, government and non-governmental organizations, and not-for-profit organizations. Our motto is to extend our services that will have a lasting impact on our clients who trust us with their business goals.4F CS 27, Ansal PlazaSector 1, Vaishali 201010Delhi NCR, Ghaziabad, IndiaTel: 0120-4968631 / +91-9990696033Email: Global Automotive Camera Module Market to grow at a CAGR of 21.54% during 2017-2021 - AEi Boston, Autoliv, Bosch, Continental ACMs are devices that are installed in the front, rear, and sides of vehicles to provide maximum information to the driver about the surroundings to prevent accidents. Types of dash cameras: Basic dash cameras, Advanced dash cameras, and Dual cameras. Basic dash cameras are hard-wired into a vehicles electrical system and are used to record the driving sessions. Advanced dash cameras help in locating vehicles and in maintaining recommended speed limits. Dual cameras have a typical setup in which one camera faces outward, and the other records the interior of the vehicle.The global automotive camera module market to grow at a CAGR of 21.54% during the period 2017-2021. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global automotive camera module market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers camera module installed in new shipments of passenger and commercial vehicles.Click to get Sample PDF:The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:- Americas- APAC- EMEATechnavio's report, Global Automotive Camera Module Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Key vendors- AEi Boston- Autoliv- Bosch- ContinentalOther prominent vendors- Ambarella- Kappa optronics- OSRAM Opto Semiconductors- SAMSUNG ELECTRO-MECHANICS- Samvardhana Motherson Group (SMG)- Texas InstrumentsMarket driver- Increased popularity of CMOS sensors due to improved performance- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge- High replacement costs associated with camera modules- For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket trend- Introduction of advanced night vision camera module- For a full, detailed list, view our reportKey questions answered in this report- What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be?- What are the key market trends?- What is driving this market?- What are the challenges to market growth?- Who are the key vendors in this market space?ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Cottonseed Oil Market trends estimates high demand by 2024 A new research report by Transparency Market Research offers a comprehensive evaluation of the global Cottonseed Oil Market. The study, titled Cottonseed Oil Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2024, is available for sale on the firms website.Global Cottonseed Oil Market: OverviewThe rising use of cottonseed oil in food products and other industries is encouraging the growth of the global cottonseed oil market in the next few years. The enhancement of the distribution network by the key players is projected to accelerate the development of the overall market in the forecast period.The research report on the global cottonseed oil market provides insights into the key aspects of the market that are estimated to influence the development in the coming few years. The research study throws light on the growth drivers, barriers, and limitations in the global market. Moreover, the key segmentation, product portfolio, key applications, and the competitive scenario of the global cottonseed oil have been provided in the scope of the research study.View Report Preview:Global Cottonseed Oil Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe global cottonseed oil market is expected to grow significantly in the next few years, thanks to the rising demand for cottonseed oil across diverse industries. The increasing awareness among consumers regarding the benefits of cottonseed oil is estimated to accelerate the growth of the overall market in the forecast period. In addition, the low price of cottonseed oil for cooking purposes is predicted to encourage the development of the market in the near future.As per these factors, the global cottonseed oil market is expected to register a progressive growth rate in the next few years. Some of the prominent end use industries of global cottonseed oil market are food processing, retail, cosmetics, and other industries. The expansion of the application base is projected to generate promising and lucrative opportunities for leading players operating in the cottonseed oil market across the globe.Global Cottonseed Oil Market: Region-wise OutlookFrom a geographical perspective, the North America market for cottonseed oil is anticipated to witness a healthy growth in the near future. The rising contribution from the U.S. is one of the key factors predicted to encourage the growth of this region in the coming years. In addition, the growing demand from several industries is estimated to accelerate the growth of the market in the next few years.On the other hand, on the basis of consumption and production, Asia Pacific is estimated to register a progressive growth rate in the next few years. The increasing contribution from China and India is predicted to encourage the development of the Asia Pacific market in the forecast period. Furthermore, Uzbekistan and Pakistan are expected to contribute extensively towards the growth of the market in the coming years. The rising demand for low-priced cooking oil is predicted to supplement the growth of the market in the near future.Key Players Mentioned in the Research Report are:Some of the leading players operating in the cottonseed oil market across the globe are Matangi Cotton Industries, Gokul Refoils & Solvent Ltd., Oil Seeds International Ltd., FEDIOL, Asha Cotton Industries, Willmar International Ltd., and Pyco Industries. The rising demand for cottonseed oil from diverse industries is anticipated to enhance the level of competition over the next few years. The presence of a large number of players and the expansion of their product portfolio are estimated to fuel the growth of the market.Request to view Sample Report:The research study offers a detailed overview of the competitive landscape of the global cottonseed oil market and highlights the key business policies that are being adopted by the players in order to sustain in the market worldwide. The company profiles of the dominating players have been provided in the research study, along with their SWOT analysis and financial overview. A list of other key players operating worldwide has also been provided in the scope of the research study.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.Contact UsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Managed DNS Services Market Key Players - VeriSign Inc (U.S.), Dyn Inc (U.S.), Neustar (U.S.), ultra DNS (U.S.) by Forecast to 2027 Managed DNS Services Market Global Managed DNS Services Market Overview:DNS is a distributed, coherent, reliable, autonomous, hierarchical database, the first and only one of its kind. The Domain Name System (DNS) translates Internet domain and host names to IP addresses and vice versa. On the Internet, DNS automatically converts between the names we type in our Web browser address bar to the IP addresses of Web servers hosting those sites. Larger corporations also use DNS to manage their own company intranet. Home networks use DNS when accessing the Internet but do not use it for managing the names of home computers.Some of the major functions of DNS include locating IP addresses to specific site names, and then storing this data. This process is also known as maintaining records. Second function is to distribute the DNS over a vast network of connections, and a DNS can also store a vast library of records. DNS is the term used to define a database and, most importantly, a database that can be easily shared. This is because each server holds only a minor portion of the host name to IP address mapping details.Managed DNS Services Market is so widely used and is typically the first point of contact between a user and an application, it can be utilized to extend the plane of control far beyond the confines of the data center where legacy appliances tend to dominate to the extreme edge of the Internet. Developers are now managing failover, disaster recovery, load-shedding, load-balancing, and traffic management functions at points much closer to the end user. By doing so, they are improving performance while creating a new orchestration layer far away from the core application itself, thereby boosting resiliency.Issues with DNS can be intermittent and difficult to troubleshoot given its geographically-distributed nature. Clients can still connect to their local network when DNS is broken, but they will be unable to reach remote devices by their name.Request a Sample @Major Key Players:VeriSign Inc(U.S.), Dyn Inc (U.S.), Neustar (U.S.), ultraDNS (U.S.), Akamai (U.S.), Cloud flare (U.S.), DNS made easy (U.S.), Easy DNS (U.S.), AWS route 53 (U.S.), and Cotendo Advanced DNS (U.S.) are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the Global Mobile Security Market.Industry News :December, 2017 - RedLegg, a global partner for managed and cyber security services, announces new partnerships with Value Added Resellers. RedLegg provides a Channel Partner Program with comprehensive advisory solutions for real-world data protection and security challenges. The partnership with VARs and RedLegg will enable VARs to add additional security services to their already comprehensive full-service technology companiesDecember, 2017 - Advanced Technology Services, Inc. (ATS), a leading global manufacturing services and IT solutions provider, acquired Innovative Technology Solutions, LLC (ITS), an IT managed services and technology consulting company. The two companies will continue to operate independently with their current workforces and brands, but the acquisition creates new opportunities for both.Global Managed DNS Services Market Competitive Analysis:The Market of managed DNS services appears to be highly competitive. To maintain their market position and to drive the market growth, various dynamic and diversified international organizations, domestic organizations and as well as new entrants form a competitive landscape. Market leaders are innovating continuously and increasingly seeking market expansion through various strategic mergers and acquisitions, innovation, increasing investments in research and development and cost-effective product portfolio. Major players are investing on internal R&D and, most of all, in acquiring other firms.Global Managed DNS Services Market - SegmentationThe managed DNS services market can be segmented in to 3 key dynamics for the convenience of the report and enhanced understanding;Segmentation by Type: Recursive DNS and Authoritative DNSSegmentation by Server Provider: Comprises enterprise service provider, self service providerSegmentation by Regions: Comprises Geographical regions - North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World.Browse Full Report Details @Global Managed DNS Services Market Regional Analysis:North-America is dominating the Global managed DNS services market and is expected to dominate the market from 2017 to 2027 because this region accounts for the major chunk of the DDI solutions and services market, and the region is considered to be one of the most advanced regions with regards to the technology adoption and infrastructure. Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing market for managed DNS services currently, followed by North America. Furthermore, Asia Pacific is probable to grow at a significant rate owing to the proliferation of mobile devices, high density of population and internet usage in the region is expected to contribute to the growth of industry. The growth adoption of 4G and upcoming 5G networks solution is estimated to increase the average internet connection speeds owing to achieve effective IPAM solutions to manage the various IP address pools. This is expected to increase the demand of DDI (DNS, DHCP and IP address management) Market during the forecast period from 2017- 2027.About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.ContactMarket Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Delta Decalactone Market to observe high growth by 2020 A new research report by Transparency Market Research offers a comprehensive evaluation of the global Delta Decalactone Market. The study, titled Delta Decalactone Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2014 - 2020, is available for sale on the firms website.Delta decalactone is found in animal foods such as butter oil, coconut oil, apricots, peaches, cheese, cane sugar, pork fat, margarine, lavender oil, and other substances. The chemical name for delta decalactone is Decan-5-olide. It is heat-sensitive and light-sensitive, due to which its container needs to be tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Delta decalactone is an indispensable lactone that is useful for lending roundness, creaminess, or a fleshy character to brown nuts, vanilla, diary, red fruit, meat, tropical fruit, and yellow fruit. Natural delta decalactone is an important constituent of a variety of natural flavorings. Its chemical formula is C10H18O2. Optical isomers of delta decalactone and delta dodecalactone imparts and / or enhance the aroma and taste of consumable materials including chewing gums, foodstuffs, beverages, perfume compositions, colognes, and fragrant articles such as solid & liquid anionic, cationic, nonionic, or zwitterionic detergents, hair preparations, and fabric softeners.View Report Preview:Delta decalactone is used as a fragrance in creams, household products; mango, coconut, raspberry, & nectarine flavors; and as a coumarin replacer. It is employed in pharmaceutical preparations and flavorings and is also an ingredient in the manufacturing of mixtures. The good solvency properties of delta decalactone is useful in industrial application. They also have wide demand in artificial fiber industry, they are polymerizable and can be used as nylon precursors. Usage of delta decalactone by the general public is strongly discouraged.Delta decalactone is found to be chemically stable under normal operating conditions. It is not considered dangerous according to directives and regulations; and the possibility of any form of hazardous polymerization is less, as it does not undergo any dangerous or explosive reactions. Avoiding heat, flames, and other sources of ignition is recommended. Delta decalactone is highly incompatible with chemicals such as strong oxidizing agents, reducing agents, and oxidizing mineral acids. Upon combustion, it may release hazardous decomposition products such as carbon monoxide and other unidentified organic compounds.It is advisable to use carbon dioxide in dry chemical powder or appropriate foam form as an extinguishing medium. Full water jets are not recommended for safety reasons. First aid measures to be followed on consumption of delta decalactone include rinsing ones mouth with water if swallowed and cleaning with copious amounts of water in case of eye or skin contact. Delta decalactone must be stored in a cool and dry place and in a tight container and be kept away from food, drink, and animal feed. During disposal, one must take into consideration all the state and local environmental regulations, the specific material, and the container in which it is stored. Reuse of empty containers is not prescribed. General control parameters for using delta decalactone include wearing personal protection equipment such as breathing apparatus for respiratory protection.Asia Pacific and North America followed by Europe are the dominant regions in the delta decalactone market because of the products wide application as a flavoring agent in food and animal products. Latin America and Middle East & Africa are still in their developmental phase but expected to witness decent growth over the forecast period.Request to view Sample Report:Key players operating in the delta decalactone market include Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, United International Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Simeiquan Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Nanjing Oriental Pearl Industry & Trade Industry Co., Xiamen Miracle Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Rihua Flavor & Fragrance Co., Ltd., and Fairlong Aroma Chemical Co., Ltd.The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.Contact UsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Coconut Water Market is Projected to Worth Over $8 Billion by 2023 | Arizton The coconut water market is expected to grow from $2,193.4 million in 2017 to $8,346.0 million by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 24.95% during the forecast period.Ariztons recent market research report on the coconut water market provides comprehensive industry analysis, trend forecasts, and competitive analysis. The research study segments the market by variants (plain and flavored), packaging (paper and paperboard, metal, and plastic), type (sweetened and unsweetened), distribution (hypermarket and supermarket, convenience stores, specialty stores, and others), and geography (North America, APAC, Europe, MEA, and Latin America).The growing demand for healthier on-the-go alternatives is driving the growth of the coconut water market. The food and beverage industry is witnessing a trend where consumers are shifting from high-sugar and calorie dominated carbonated drinks to healthier substitutes. Moreover, the increasing awareness about obesity and other lifestyle diseases will boost the demand for healthy beverage options such as coconut water in the global market.Request for your free sample today!The leading three drivers and trends driving the coconut water market are discussed below:Increased Global Awareness for Health and NutritionThe growing awareness of metabolic disorders and health risks such as obesity, diabetes, liver damage, kidney stones, heartburn, tooth decay, hypertension, and impaired digestion is propelling the growth of the global coconut water market. According to a WHO estimate, more than 39% adults worldwide were overweight in 2014 with the count increasing. With the increase in lifestyle related diseases, government bodies across the world are driving initiatives and programs to discourage the intake of sugar or aerated beverages, thereby promoting the market for nutritional, healthy, natural drinks. Vendors in the global market are increasing their investments and expand businesses by introducing healthy beverages and drinks that include green tea, juices, coconut water, and yoghurt. Such initiatives and business opportunities will drive the development of the global coconut water market.High Investments and Pro-government Policies in Coconut Farming to Boost Supply SideThe exponential demand for not only coconut water but also for coconut milk, concentrates, and dried products is encouraging governments of tropical countries to introduce packages and subsidies to promote the cultivation of coconut trees. The use of coconut in the medicine, cooking, and food and beverage industries is driving the growth of the coconut water market. Asian countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Brazil, and Sri Lanka constitute 75% of the global coconut supplies. The policy convenience from governments in tropical countries and the rise in general demand driven by increased health awareness are creating new opportunities for vendors in the global coconut water market.Request for your free sample today!Growing Demand for Coconut Water Mix and ConcentratesThe health benefits associated with coconut water includes lowering the blood pressure, rehydrating the body, improving the heart health, promoting weight loss, treating headaches, regulating the blood sugar, and balancing the pH levels in the human body. Due to these health benefits, the number of health-conscious consumers is growing, which is propelling the demand in the global coconut water market during the forecast period. Vendors are introducing new alternatives to bottled coconut water, including mix, concentrates, and candies, which are economical, health-friendly, and convenient to meet the requirements of consumers and gain a large market share in the global coconut water market.Amy and Brian Naturals, Coca-Cola, Green COCO, PepsiCo, and Vita-Coco are the leading vendors in the coconut water market.The complete overview of the latest market research report on the coconut water market by Arizton is now available.The report offers a detailed study of major trends, drivers, challenges, and provides the market size and forecast for major geographical regions and key countries.Source :About Arizton Advisory & IntelligenceArizton Advisory and Intelligence is an innovation and quality-driven firm, which offers cutting-edge research solutions to clients across the world. We excel in providing comprehensive market intelligence reports and advisory and consulting services.We offer comprehensive market research reports on industries such as consumer goods & retail technology, automotive and mobility, smart tech, healthcare and life sciences, industrial machinery, chemicals and materials, IT and media, logistics and packaging. These reports contain detailed industry analysis, market size, share, growth drivers, and trend forecasts.Arizton comprises a team of exuberant and well-experienced analysts who have mastered in generating incisive reports. Our specialist analysts possess exemplary skills in market research. We train our team in advanced research practices, techniques, and ethics to outperform in fabricating impregnable research reports.Arizton Advisory & IntelligenceChicago, Illinois, 60605Mail: enquiry@arizton.comCall: +1-312-465-7864 Diisobutyl Carbinyl Acetate Market to Register Substantial Expansion by 2024 A new research report by Transparency Market Research offers a comprehensive evaluation of the global Diisobutyl Carbinyl Acetate Market. The study, titled Diisobutyl Carbinyl Acetate Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2024, is available for sale on the firms website.Diisobutyl carbinyl acetate is a colorless to pale yellow liquid with a floral and fruity odor reminiscent of pear. It is synthesized by the acetylation of dimethylbenzyl carbinol. The resulting liquid is used as an ingredient for cosmetics and perfumes.Several factors directly or indirectly drive the diisobutyl carbinyl acetate market including changing consumer lifestyles and rising disposable incomes especially in Europe and Asia Pacific. Cosmetics are a premium segment of this market due to the expanding middle class in developing nations leading to their advancement, which boosts the demand for diisobutyl carbinyl acetate as it is a major ingredient in cosmetics. The fragrance and perfume industries are developing at a significant rate especially in emerging economies such as China and India with their massive population and rising income levels, which is another contributing factor. However, volatile raw material prices and availability of substitutes might pose a hindrance to some extent.View Report Preview:Currently, Asia Pacific is a major consumer of diisobutyl carbinyl acetate. China accounts for a significant share in the regions total consumption. Economic growth and rising standards of living fuel the demand for end-user products here. The Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and Japan are other important markets. Availability of raw materials and infrastructure are turning South East Asia into a manufacturing hub for the perfume industry. The global fragrances & perfumes market is highly competitive and consists of multiple vendors and large retail chains. Specialist retailers face tough competition from the retail giants as the latter possess the ability to offer products at lower prices as compared to the former. The industry has shifted from mainland Europe and North America toward Asia. A major chunk of diisobutyl carbinyl acetate in Asia Pacific is employed in perfume and cosmetics production. Consumption in Latin America and Europe is likely to experience moderate to high growth due to the products usage in personal and home care products.Large and medium chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies dominate the diisobutyl carbinyl acetate market. Key players in the market include P and G Chemicals (U.S), Wilmar (U.S), Myriant (U.S), Gevo (U.S), Amyris (U.S.), Solazyme (U.S.), Codexis (U.S.), Emery Oleochemicals (U.S) and Goldschmidt (U.S.) among others. Some other players include, Magna-Kron Corp (U.S.), Clearsynth Labs Limited (U.S.), Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc (U.S.), Hangzhou J and H Chemical Co Ltd (U.S.), Gihi Chemicals Co Ltd (U.S.), Merck Schuchardt OHG (U.S.), Cfm Oskar Tropitzsch GmbH (U.S.), Suzhou Bichal Biological Technology Co Ltd (U.S.), Karl H. Boddin Chemiehandel GmbH (China), Biesterfeld Spezialchemie GmbH (China), Reuter Chemische Apparatebau KG (China), SIGMA-ALDRICH Corporation (China), Hangzhou Dayangchem Co Ltd (China), Jinan Haohua Industry Co Ltd (China) and Simagchem Corporation (China) among others. Companies are adopting economies of scale and aggressive marketing campaigns in order to expand their market share. They are also shifting their production facilities to emerging economies in Asia Pacific due to availability of cheap labor, land, and government subsidies. In addition, companies are using export as a tool for geographic expansion in emerging economies of the Middle East & Africa.Request to view Sample Report:The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.Contact UsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Dimer Acid Market Growth to be Driven by Technological Advancements 2024 A new research report by Transparency Market Research offers a comprehensive evaluation of the global Dimer Acid Market. The study, titled Dimer Acid Market - Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Trends, Analysis, Growth and Forecast 2016 - 2024, is available for sale on the firms website.Dimer acids also known as dimerized fatty acids are known to be dicarboxylic acids that are produced by a process of dimerizing unsaturated fatty acids. These unsaturated fatty acids are obtained from fatty acid feedstock such as tallow oil, rapeseed oil and tall oil among others. Crude dimer is produced from tall oil fatty acid by heat treatment with or without use of a suitable catalyst. They act as building blocks for several end-products due to its di-carboxylic acid reactivity. Dimeric acids usually consist of stearic acids, therefore called as C36 dimer acid. This chemistry of Dimer acid can further produce trimer acid comprising of three fatty acid molecules. Dimer acids are transparent light yellow colored viscous liquids which are non-toxic in nature.View Report Preview:The major application of dimer acids is in manufacturing polyamide resins which are used in inks and coatings and adhesives among others. The other areas of application of dimer acids include reactive and non-reactive polyamides for epoxy resins, fuel additives, synthetic lubricants, polyol esters, alkyd resins, corrosion inhibitors, personal care and oil field drilling muds among others.Growing demand for dimer acids for manufacturing polyamides is the major factor driving the global dimer acid market. Increasing demand from the automobile industry is another factor generating scope for growth of global dimer acid market. Moreover, increasing demand from the end-user industries such as inks and coatings, adhesives and oil and petroleum industries is also expected to boost demand for dimer acids in the near future.However, the limitation to the growth of global dimer acid market is due to low availability of feedstock such as C18 tall oil fatty acid. This tall oil is a result of kraft wood pulping operations. Major production of dimer acids is carried out from tall oil fatty acids. This factor is expected to hamper the growth of global dimer acid marker in the near future.The environmental friendly nature of dimer acids has led to its application in wide range of applications in various end-user industries. Growing opportunities from the automobile industry for corrosion inhibitors, personal care and cosmetics and flexographic ink industry are expected to boost market demand for dimer acids in the developing as well as developing economies in the near future.North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World (RoW) are the major segments for global dimer acids market. Asia Pacific is expected to consume large volume of dimer acids owing to the growing demand from the adhesives industry in the region. Other industries such as personal care and cosmetics and lubricant industry is also expected to fuel demand for dimer acids in the region. North America and Europe are also expected to boost demand for dimer acids due to the rising demand from the other end-user industries in the regions.The key players profiled for global dimer acid market include: Anqing Juyuan Polymer Technology Co., Ltd., Anqing Hongyu Chemical Co., Ltd, Aturex Group, Arizona Chemical Company, LLC, BASF SE, Harima Chemicals Group, Inc, Jiangsu Jinma Oil Technology Development Co., Ltd., Croda International, Jiangsu Yonglin Chemical Oil Co., Ltd, Kodia Company Limited Company, ,Jiangxi Longwell Industrial Co.,Ltd, Shandong Huijin Chemical Co., Ltd , Jiangxi Yichun Yuanda Chemical Co.,Ltd, Tianmen Chengxin Chemical Co., Ltd. Company, Jiujiang Lishan Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd, Cognis Corporation, Florachem, CHEMICAL ASSOCIATES, Hexion Specialty Chemicals and Liancheng baixin science and technology Co., Ltd., among others.Request to view Sample Report:The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.Contact UsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Market is expected to gain increased traction in the Upcoming Year global positioning systems market is expected to gain increased traction in the next few years.Global positioning technology, also called the NAVSTAR technology, short for navigation system for timing and ranging, came to reality owing to the efforts put in by the United States' Department of Defense to establish a reliable satellite-based navigation system. Consisting a network of between 24 and 32 satellites orbiting the earth, global positioning systems (GPS) works across the globe in all weather conditions, helping users track routes, locations, and objects.This report on the global market for global positioning systems presents a comprehensive overview of the present growth dynamics of the market and its key segments. The report also includes projections about the growth prospects of the market over the period between 2016 and 2024, based on quantitative and qualitative details pertaining to aspects such as recent trends, growth drivers, challenges, opportunities, regulations, and level of competition.Request Brochure:A detailed overview of the competitive landscape is also included in the report wherein business profiles of some of the key vendors in the market, and market data about aspects such as their recent strategies, technological advancements, and involvement in activities such as mergers and acquisitions is included. A detailed SWOT analysis of all companies examined in the report is also included. The competitive landscape is further examined with the help of Porters five forces analysis.Global Positioning System Market: Drivers and RestraintsFrom its use mostly restricted to military and defense purposes to being used across a vast range of civilian applications, the market for global positioning systems has come a long way in a matter of few decades. A large number of industrial applications put GPS to use for a number of purposes and the set of these applications continues to rise on a rapid pace. Industries such as construction, farming, transportation, and aerospace are among the key users of global positioning systems.The use of the GPS technology helps these industries improve their operational efficiency and bring about a notable reduction in overall operation costs. The transportation industry, especially, is presenting a multitude of new application areas through in-build GPS units in passenger vehicles or through smartphone apps specifically made to guide travelers through unknown routes.Browse Our Report:Global positioning systems have also significantly helped in improving the response time in terms of emergency across a number of end-use areas, leading to a stark improvement in safety of resources operating in remote areas. With the vast rise in the number of consumers using location services-enabled smartphone across the globe, the global positioning systems market is expected to gain increased traction in the next few years. High-speed mobile data technologies such as 3G and 4G have further supported the use of GPS across the globe. One of the key restraints for the market is the concern of licensing owing to strict regulatory policies.Global Positioning System Market: SegmentationThe global market for global positioning systems has been segmented on the basis of criteria such as application, type, and geography. Based on product type, the market is segmented into GPS-enabled mobile phones, marine systems, automotive systems, GPS cameras, and aviation systems. On the basis of application, the market is segmented into navigation and position tracking, security, and traffic control. From a geographical perspective, the market has been examined for Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and Middle East and Africa.Pre Book Now This Report:Some of the key players operating in the global market for global positioning systems profiled in the report are Furono Electronics, FEI-Zyfer, Avidyne Corporation, Polar Electro Oy, MiTAC International, Garmin International, Raytheon Company, ECT Industries, Orolia SA, KVH Industries Inc, SiRF Technology, Hemisphere GPS, Trimble, Johnson Outdoors, Navico, Rockwell Collins, Symmetricom, TomTom NV, and Novatel.Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Vacuum Pouches Market - Forecast on Market Dynamics, Emerging Trends, Growth Factors Vacuum pouches is a type packaging method that includes the process of removing excess air before sealing the bag. The vacuum pouches are primarily used to preserve fresh food and decrease food spoilage. Vacuum packaging is a common technique of extending the shelf life of food related products without adversely impacting their quality. Moreover, vacuum pouches have good machine handling as it does not curl, it provides gas and moisture barrier properties, exhibits excellent mechanical properties at low thickness and low cost, has aroma retention power, provides good resistance to puncture and tearing. All the mentioned features make vacuum pouches makes it a preferred packaging technique in comparison to other traditional packaging.Fill the form to gain deeper insights on this market @Vacuum Pouches Market- Market Segmentation:Vacuum pouches market is segmented by material type, packaging type, process type, application type and by region. On the basis of material type, the vacuum pouches market can be segmented into polyethylene (PE), polyvinylidenchloride (PVDC), polypropylene (PP), polyvinylchloride (PVC), polyester (PET), polyamide (PA) and others. On the basis of packaging type global vacuum pouches market can be segmented into flexible packaging and semi-rigid packaging. On the basis of process type, vacuum pouches market can be segmented into shrink packaging, skin packaging and traditional packaging. On the basis of application type, vacuum pouches market can be segmented into food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, industrial goods, consumer goods, and others. On the basis of region, we have segmented vacuum pouches market into, North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East & Africa.Vacuum Pouches Market - Market Dynamics:The vacuum pouches market is expected to witness a healthy grow rate during the forecast period. Due to speedy urbanization and industrialization the vacuum pouches market is undergoing technological advancements. Other than that growing use of vacuum pouches in pharmaceutical, food and beverage industry is significantly fuelling this market. The retail sector in Asia Pacific is booming, mainly due to changing lifestyle coupled with increasing per capita annual disposable income of consumers in this region. Shelf life of products is an important attribute across all industry verticals, however, is strategically significant in food and beverages industry. This emerging cluster of the globe is also witnessing quick urbanization. Over past five years approximately 20% of the product manufacturers switched to vacuum packaging from conventional packaging options. On the other side high initial cost and rising demand of modified atmosphere packaging market might hamper the growth of global vacuum pouches market globally. The trend towards vacuum pouches is driven by consumer preference for lightweight, portable ease to handle and re-closable products with long shelf life. Thus companies are focusing on developing sustainable, recyclable, lightweight, and tough with long shelf life through barrier film.Vacuum Pouches Market - Regional Outlook:Vacuum pouches market is expected to register a high CAGR for the forecast period. Depending on geographic regions, vacuum pouches market is segmented into five key regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific is expected experience the maximum growth in the vacuum pouches market primarily due to growth in the retail industry, increased sale of online products and rising disposable income. Increased demand for industrial products from the developed economies of North America and Europe is expected to drive the demand in the vacuum pouches market for these regions. Whereas, Latin America and MEA are expected to witness a stable growth in the vacuum pouches market over the forecast period.Browse Market Research Report @Vacuum Pouches Market - Major Players:Some of the major players identified across the globe in the heat sealing tape market are Amcor Limited, Bemis Company Inc., Berry Plastics, Sealed Air Corporation, Wipak Group, Mondi Group, Wenzhou Chuangjia Packing Material Co., Ltd., Dongguan OK Packaging Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Cangnan Kanghui Packaging Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Rishanhong Plastic Packaging Products Co., Ltd. etc.About TMRTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Contact TMR90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: New Research Report Explore Conjugate Vaccine Market Size Share and Global Forecast to 2017 - 2025 "The Latest Research Report Conjugate Vaccine Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2025 provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. -"This exclusive report will provide you with the market size and forecast (US$ Mn) for the global market and its segments for the period from 2015 to 2025 along with the growth rate (CAGR) from 2017 to 2025, considering 2016 as base year. In addition, drivers, restraints and opportunities, competitive landscape have also been covered under the current proposed table of contents, which will in due course help you to take strategic decisions with respect to the market.Conjugate vaccines are vaccines for infectious diseases. There are special polysaccharide coatings on some bacteria and viruses that help them to escape the immune system. An immature immune system can recognize these bacteria with the help of the conjugate vaccines, as these vaccines link the special polysaccharide coatings to an organism by producing immunity and response. The examples of conjugate vaccines are meningococcal vaccine to prevent meningitis, haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) vaccine, and pneumococcal vaccine.Get Sample Copy of this report @Increased revenue from the sale of meningococcal vaccines and pneumococcal vaccines are driving the global conjugate vaccine market due to increasing advancements in the research and development. Increasing prevalence of infectious diseases and rising awareness toward prevention of these disease is anticipated to boost the global conjugate vaccine market during the forecast period. However, long time interval between the introduction of new conjugate vaccines in low-income countries and high-income countries is likely to restrain the global conjugate vaccine market. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, high mortality and morbidity are caused due to vaccine-preventable diseases. In 2010, 87% of the population of high-income countries had pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in their immunization schedules, whereas only 2% had pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in their immunization schedules among the total population of low-income countries.The global conjugate vaccine market can be classified on the basis of product type, disease indication, pathogen type, patient type, and region. In terms of product type, the global conjugate vaccine market can be segmented into multivalent conjugate vaccines and monovalent conjugate vaccines. The monovalent conjugate vaccines segment held the major share of the market in 2016 due to the high awareness and high quality vaccines provided by key players. However, the multivalent conjugate vaccines segment is anticipated to expand in the near future due to the improvements in technology and government initiatives.In terms of disease indication, the global conjugate vaccine market can be segmented into meningococcal, diphtheria tetanus pertussis, influenza, pneumococcal, and others. The diphtheria tetanus pertussis segment of the global conjugate vaccine market expanded in 2016 due to its high prevalence and highly contagious nature of the respiratory tract infection. The pneumococcal segment of the global conjugate vaccine market is anticipated to expand during the forecast period, as it is the most attractive segment in the market, in terms of technology. In terms of pathogen type, the global conjugate vaccine market can be segmented into combination (viral and bacterial) conjugate vaccine, viral conjugate vaccine, and bacterial conjugate vaccine. In terms of patient type, the market can be segmented into adults conjugate vaccine and pediatrics conjugate vaccine. The pediatrics conjugate vaccine segment held a major share of the global market in 2016 due to the high prevalence of infectious diseases among children.View Report @Geographically, the global conjugate vaccine market can be segmented into Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. In terms of technology, North America is projected to be the most attractive market for conjugate vaccine during the forecast period, due to rise in demand for pneumococcal, meningococcal vaccines, and other conjugate vaccines. The market in Asia Pacific is anticipated to expand during the forecast period due to increasing immunization initiatives by organizations such as GAVI and World Health Organization in emerging economies such as India and China. Increasing focus of major players on the market in India and governmental initiatives for infectious diseases are likely to fuel the demand for the conjugate vaccines in the region.Key players operating in the global conjugate vaccine market include Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd., Sanofi Pasteur, Pfizer, Inc., Novartis AG, Neuron Biotech, Merck & Co., Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, CSL Behring, Biological E, and Bharat Biotech.The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.The study is a source of reliable data on:Market segments and sub-segmentsMarket trends and dynamicsSupply and demandMarket sizeCurrent trends/opportunities/challengesCompetitive landscapeTechnological breakthroughsValue chain and stakeholder analysisSend An Enquiry Request @The regional analysis covers:North America (U.S. and Canada)Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and others)Western Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Nordic countries, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg)Eastern Europe (Poland and Russia)Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand)Middle East and Africa (GCC, Southern Africa, and North Africa)The report has been compiled through extensive primary research (through interviews, surveys, and observations of seasoned analysts) and secondary research (which entails reputable paid sources, trade journals, and industry body databases). The report also features a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment by analyzing data gathered from industry analysts and market participants across key points in the industrys value chain.A separate analysis of prevailing trends in the parent market, macro- and micro-economic indicators, and regulations and mandates is included under the purview of the study. By doing so, the report projects the attractiveness of each major segment over the forecast period.Highlights of the report:A complete backdrop analysis, which includes an assessment of the parent marketImportant changes in market dynamicsMarket segmentation up to the second or third levelHistorical, current, and projected size of the market from the standpoint of both value and volumeReporting and evaluation of recent industry developmentsMarket shares and strategies of key playersEmerging niche segments and regional marketsAn objective assessment of the trajectory of the marketRecommendations to companies for strengthening their foothold in the marketCheck Discount This Report From Here @About is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.ContactMr. NachiketState Tower90 Sate Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-621-2074Website:E: Dual-clutch Transmission Market will Register a CAGR of 11.3% by value through 2020 Dual-clutch transmission (DCT) market is expected to expand at a steady rate in 2016. However, consumer dissatisfaction with the technology in developed markets can create significant challenges for manufacturers during the forecast period. The sluggish growth in developed markets will be compensated to a large extent by robust adoption in Asia Pacific.Request For Report Sample:Higher fuel economy and convenient driving experience will continue to influence consumer preferences in Asia Pacific, providing an uplift to dual-clutch transmission market. Strict regulatory compliance targeted to curbed carbon emissions will continue fuelling demand for the technology in 2016. DCT technology is witnessing an uptick from manufacturers, as it serves as a differentiating factor. In order to achieve fuel efficiency and lower carbon footprint, adoption of DCT technology by manufacturers for integration in hybrid vehicles, will push the demand for DCT technology. Stellar growth in manufacturing and sales of vehicles in Asia Pacific will also play a key role in driving demand for DCT technology.Rising environmental awareness is catapulting the demand for lower carbon footprint technologies. OEMs are meticulously following the emission standards to meet stringent environmental regulations. Consumers are seeking enhanced driving experience, pushing the demand for the technology further. However, consistent criticisations and unfavourable customer reviews regarding the technologys performance and comfort will continue to deter the market growth. In addition, cost-intensive cost of DCT technology is expected to restrain its penetration in small and medium sized vehicles in developing economies.Based on product type, dry clutch transmissions segment will retain dominance over wet clutch transmissions, owing to economical costs. Dry clutch transmissions are estimated to experience hefty sales of nearly 3,755 thousand units in 2016, attributed to their application in passenger vehicles.On the basis of end use, passenger cars segment currently dominates over commercial vehicles, with over 80% of the market share. The Y-O-Y growth will however decline from 12.6% in 2016 to 11.7% in 2017.Based on region, the technology will continue to gain traction among manufacturers in Asia Pacific. North America, Western Europe, and APAC collectively contribute around 85% share to the global market revenues. N. America and W. Europe are expected to continue declining markets for dual clutch transmission technology, losing revenue shares to APAC. China, being the largest automotive market, is anticipated to reaffirm the highest adoption of DCT technology.Markets within APEC, including China, India, and Japan will witness introduction of compact DCT technology for compact sized vehicles. OEMs and suppliers are increasingly collaborating to improve DCT penetration in suppressed markets. Following the effort by OEMs and suppliers toward reduction in prices, DCT market may experience optimistic scenario. APAC will register the largest market in terms of volume, followed by Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and Middle East & Africa (MEA). Japan is a saturated market and will witness sluggish growth.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Key players competing in the dual clutch transmission technology market, include BorgWarner Inc., Getrag, ZF Friedrichshafen, Continental, and Eaton Corporation. Leading companies are increasingly focusing on the rising demand for DCTs, by increasing production capacity in Asia Pacific.Long-term Outlook: Global market for dual clutch transmission technology will witness a promising CAGR of 11.3% by value, over the forecast period 2014-2020. APAC will register the highest CAGR of 16.1% by value, by 2020 end.You can now buy a single user license of the report :ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way,Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage,New York 10989,United StatesTel: +1-347-918-3531Fax: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Specialty Silica Market Size Projected to Rise Lucratively during 2024 Only a handful of names were visible as prominent in the global specialty silica market for 2015. In this consolidated market, the players Evonik Industries AG, Wacker Chemie AG, and Cabot Corporation, collectively held a significant 69% of its overall value. At the same time, there do exist a sizeable number of regional players in the global specialty silica market.As per a market intelligence publication released by Transparency Market Research, the global specialty silica market is expected to hold an increasingly intensifying rate of competition over the coming years. The current player landscape of the global specialty silica market shows a moderately consolidated structure with a medium to low presence of key global players. Meanwhile, the demand for specialty silica is increasing and the entry barriers for new players are low.View Report Preview:The low initial investments required to initiate the manufacture of specialty silica is expected to encourage new entrants over the coming years. The global specialty silica market is expected to be valued at US$4.62 bn by the end of 2016. Between 2016 and 2024, this markets value is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.9% and reach US$7.32 bn by the end of 2024. In terms of volume, the global specialty silica market is expected to reach 5,185.0 kilo tons in 2024.Surge in Demand for Green Tires Expected Over Coming YearsThe automotive industry has consistently been a top application segment for the global specialty silica market for the past few years. Fossil fuels are depleting and emission norms are getting stricter every year. This is pressuring the automotive industry to achieve greater feats of engineering that allow vehicles to use as little resources as possible. One of the greater ways to achieve this is to use tires that give a lower rolling resistance, effectively allowing a vehicle to move further while consuming lesser fuel. And one of the leading ways to achieve a reduction in rolling resistance is to use tires created with a mixture of specialty silica with rubber. Specialty silica imparts several beneficial physical properties to tires, including toughness and a smaller coefficient of friction for rolling resistance, states a TMR analyst.Easy Availability of Substitutes Stifles Specialty Silica DemandColloidal silica and fused silica are the two key products from the global specialty silica market that are used in refractories. Both products are known to be expensive in nature and buyers are often reluctant enough to go for cheaper alternative even at the cost of lesser efficiency. Substitutes such as silica gel are not only cheaper than specialty silica but they are also easier to procure, therefore being a better preferred option for small and even medium scale buyers. This is currently a key restraining factor on the global specialty silica market, and might reduce in severity over time as development can help reduce product costs.Developments in the global specialty silica market are expected to provide the boost that manufacturers need to gain better opportunities. One of the key opportunities currently visible in the global specialty silica market includes the development and production of highly dispersible silica.Request to view Sample Report:HDS finds noteworthy use in high-performance tires which are commonly meant for premium cars. Over time, the growing concern over fuel usage and consistent developments on HDS by leading players should get it into the commercial markets at reasonable rates, creating a whole new world of opportunities, adds the analyst.The information presented in this review is based on a Transparency Market Research report, titled, Specialty Silica Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 - 2024.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.Contact UsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Haptic and Touch Technology Market to Expand Substantially Owing to Technological Innovations During 2016-2024 CAGR of 7.7% during the forecast period.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Vendor insightsIBM Corporation, SAP SE, Oracle Corporation, ABB Ltd., IFS AB, Infor Inc., Ultimo Software Solutions bv, CARL International SA, eMaint Enterprises, LLC, Mainsaver Inc., MEX Pty Ltd., and AssetWorks LLC are some of the leading companies operating in the global enterprise asset management market. Key market players are focussing on deploying enterprise asset management solutions primarily for large enterprises and asset intensive industries such as public sector, transportation, and energy & utilities.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way,Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage,New York 10989,United StatesTel: +1-347-918-3531Fax: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Managed Security Service Market : Industry Analysis, Size, Trends, and Forecast Report 2025 Global Managed Security Service Market: OverviewNetwork security services when outsourced to a third-party service provider is known as managed security services (MSS). A company providing such a service is referred to as a managed security services provider (MSSP). A managed security service provider monitors and manages security of devices and systems. Some of the popular services provided by them include intrusion detection, managed firewall, virtual private network, vulnerability scanning, and anti-viral services.Managed security service providers leverage high-availability security operation centers, either from their own in-house facilities or from other data center providers, to bring round-the-clock services. This helps to bring down the number of operational security personnel needed to hire, train and maintain proper security.Global Managed Security Service Market: Key TrendsTwo of the unique perceived benefits of managed security service is the convenience and effectiveness in providing high level of security. This has resulted in their uptake among end users and will continue doing so in the near future as well, thereby stoking growth in the global market. Further, its ability in bringing down the expenditure on IT and enabling quick resolution of problems is also slated work in favor of its markets growth.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Other factors stoking the market is the soaring uptake of public cloud and the shared responsibility model for security in the cloud. Besides, major dearth of skilled cyber security professionals along with the changing contours of cyber security is also pushing demand in the global managed security service market.Global Managed Security Service Market: Market PotentialAmong the different end users, the banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) segment is seeing a rapid change in consumers behaviors which has resulted in massive usage of mobile applications and other online platforms. This has resulted in increased susceptibility to cyber-attacks. In December 2016, for example, the Russian central bank along with other private banks lost US$3 mn in cyber-attacks.Request TOC of the Report @Such incidents have necessitated robust security which in turn has driven up demand in the managed security service market. Other end use sectors driving the market are government, healthcare, retail, telecommunication and information technology, energy and utilities, and industrial manufacturing, among others.At the forefront of driving growth are the market is small and medium businesses that are increasingly ramping up their current business models and infrastructure to stay competitive. In the process they are increasingly taking to managed security services that helps them optimize business processes and enhance operational efficiency within their budgets.Global Managed Security Service Market: Regional OutlookFrom a geographical perspective, currently North America is a key market. One reason why the market has seen good growth is the presence of many organizations large, medium, and small in the economically advanced nations of the U.S. and Canada. In the near future, the market for managed security service is predicted to grow fast on account of rising demand for mobile workforce and proliferating mobile devices and digital technologies.Request Discount of the Report @Moving forward, however, the market is slated to lose some of its sheen because of the powerful emergence of the Asia Pacific market on the back of swift uptake of cloud-based managed security services by enterprises of different sizes.Global Managed Security Service Market: Competitive AnalysisThe global managed security services market is characterized by stiff competition owing to the presence of a copious number of small and large vendors. In order to bolster their positions further, established players are trying to acquire niche vendors. This would enable them to expand their product portfolio and up market shares. Some of the prominent vendors profiled in the report are IBM Corporation, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, Verizon Communications, Inc., AT&T, Inc., Symantec Corporation, and Rapid7, Inc.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Powder Coating Market Volume Analysis, Segments, Value Share and Key Trends 2017-2025 Powder Coating Market: IntroductionA dry finishing process in which fine particles of paint are electro-statically charged and sprayed on a workpiece is known as Powder Coating Process. Once this is done, the workpiece is put into an oven at high temperatures so that it can flow and form a uniform layer of coating which is durable and environmentally safe. The coating finally obtained is of high quality and has attractive finish. Powder coating can be applied on various substrates such as metal, plastics, glass, and wood of which metal type accounts for over 90% of the overall use.Generally, six ingredients are used in the production of powder coating: resin, curing agents, additives, post additives, tint pigments and extenders. The powder may be thermoplastic or thermoset polymer in nature.Powder Coating possesses some unique properties. For instance, it is durable and abrasion, corrosion, chemicals and scratch resistant. It also meet the various requirements of end use industries it can offer both high and low gloss. It offers a wide array of color selection and texture choices, such as for smooth surfaces, rough textures, etc. Powder coating can be very effective at hiding imperfections and providing matte finish. Powder Coating maximizes production as well as improving efficiency of coating while reducing the cost as coating that has been over spayed can be re-used and retrieved in comparison to liquid coating. Due to the eco- friendly nature of Powder Coating, when applied on a surface or equipment, it gives an attractive finish and is resistant to moisture, chemicals, ultra violet radiations and extreme weather conditions. Powder coating also reduces the risk of chipping, fading and wear and tear and is able to last for a longer period of time.Request to Browse Full Table of Content, figure and Tables @There are many advantages of using Powder Coating instead of liquid coating. Some of these includeNo volatile organic Compounds (VOCs) are generated.They Produce Less wasteThey are Eco- FriendlyThey do not contain any solvents, thereby reducing the risk of fire and the hassle of disposing wastePowder can be recycled when applied in excess.Health risk for operator is reducedPowder Coating Market: Market DynamicsThe stringent government regulations on solvent based coatings with respect to emissions, air quality, toxicity controls and individual and industry associates/initiatives is expected to favor the growth of powder coating market during the forecasted period owing to its non-hazardous effects .Factors such as increasing consumption of consumer goods, increased spending on vehicle refinish surface coatings, etc. have been driving factors of the powder coatings market. Currently, the demand from domestic appliance and furniture industries has been driving the consumption of powder coatings due to superior finish and product durability characteristics. It is expected that increasing scope of application in construction & architecture, agricultural & construction equipment, transportation, etc. will fuel the growth of the Powder Coating Market in the forecasted period.However, high installation cost and non-conformance to thin layer coatings in major end use applications is considered to be a restraint for the Powder Coating Market.Request Sample Report @Powder Coating Market: Regional OutlookThe ever increasing population, growing retail sector, hospitality sector and increased urbanization coupled with higher purchasing power of population in China, Brazil and India is expected to drive the demand for furniture and automobiles, which in turn, will fuel the consumption of Powder Coating, thereby driving the Powder Coating Market in the region.Increased demand for domestic appliances, such as washing machines, microwave ovens and freezer cabinets is expected to increase the use of Powder Coating in these applications in China, India, Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines. China is expected to be the growing market for Powder Coatings during the forecasted period.Latin America, Middle East countries and Europe are expected to be economically progressive regions having huge potential opportunities. Higher income of people along with a general increase in the consumption of automobiles has triggered the boom in the automobile market. It is expected that countries, such as Dubai, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will invite automobile coating companies to invest in the region and generate better revenue. Countries like Germany, Hungary, U.K. and Romania are expected to show an increase in demand for Powder Coating as various automobile producing companies are located in these countries. Support from regulatory bodies like REACHES and EPA to use powder coating over conventional materials will also help the growth of the Powder Coating market in the region.Mexico is expected to witness significant growth in Powder coatings Market as many companies have shifted their manufacturing operation to Mexico, thereby driving the Powder coating market in the region.Pre Book Full Report @Powder Coating Market: Market ParticipantsSome of the examples of the market players operating in the global Powder Coating Market areAxalta Coating Systems,LLCThe Valspar Corporation.Akzo Nobel N.VAmerican Powder Coatings IncAllnex groupProcoatPPG Industries Inc.IFS CoatingsRPM International Inc.Midwest Industrial Coating Inc.Guangzhou Kinte Powder Coating Co. Ltd.ABOUT US:Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance. To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.CONTACT:Persistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Server Software Market Current Market Trends and Dynamics 8.5 T)On the basis of engine type, the commercial helicopter market can be segmented into:Single EngineMulti EngineCommercial Helicopter Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants in the global commercial helicopter market identified across the value chain include-Airbus Helicopter (Airbus Group)Lockheed Martin Corporation (Sikorsky)Leonardo S.p.A.Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.MD Helicopters Inc.Russian Helicopters, JSCRobinson Helicopter CompanyABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Global Industry Analysis, Growth, Trend Research Report 2017 Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market Researchmoz added Most up-to-date research on "Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market Research Report 2017" to its huge collection of research reports.In this report, the global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022.Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), coveringNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaTo Get Sample Copy of Report visit @Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingRoboteam IncQinetiq Group PLCiRobot CorporationBoeingThales GroupNorthrop Grumman CorporationClearpath RoboticsRobotnik AutomationRecon Robotics Inc1Perrone RoboticsOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoTele-operatedSemi-autonomousAutonomousOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingISREODCBRNE & HAZMATOtherTable of ContentsGlobal Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market Research Report 20171 Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots1.2 Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2012-2022)1.2.2 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20161.2.3 Tele-operated1.2.4 Semi-autonomous1.2.5 Autonomous1.3 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Segment by Application1.3.1 Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2012-2022)1.3.2 ISR1.3.3 EOD1.3.4 CBRNE & HAZMAT1.3.5 Other1.4 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market by Region (2012-2022)1.4.1 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2012-2022)1.4.2 North America Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.3 Europe Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.6 Southeast Asia Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.7 India Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots (2012-2022)1.5.1 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Revenue Status and Outlook (2012-2022)1.5.2 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2012-2022)2 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.1 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.2 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.2 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.3 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Average Price by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.4 Manufacturers Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, ExpansionGet Complete TOC With Tables and Figures @3 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2012-2017)3.1 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.2 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.3 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.4 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.5 North America Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.6 Europe Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.7 China Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.8 Japan Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.9 Southeast Asia Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.10 India Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)4 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2012-2017)4.1 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Consumption by Region (2012-2017)4.2 North America Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.3 Europe Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.4 China Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.5 Japan Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.6 Southeast Asia Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.7 India Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)5 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type5.1 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.2 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Revenue and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.3 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Price by Type (2012-2017)5.4 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Production Growth by Type (2012-2017)6 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Market Analysis by Application6.1 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Consumption and Market Share by Application (2012-2017)6.2 Global Military Micro Tactical Ground Robots Consumption Growth Rate by Application (2012-2017)6.3 Market Drivers and Opportunities6.3.1 Potential Applications6.3.2 Emerging Markets/CountriesContinue...About ResearchMozResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.ResearchMozState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesEmail: sales@researchmoz.usWebsite @Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Follow us on LinkedIn @ Radiation Detection, Monitoring and Safety Equipment Market Projected to Discern Stable Expansion During 2021 Increasing levels of radiationarecausing harm to human health globally. According to the United States Environment Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), radioactive materials produce ionizing radiation on decaying, which can damage the living tissues in human body. The human body tries to repair the damage but sometimes in cases of high severity it fails to repair them which lead to disease such as cancer .The most common forms of ionizing radiation are alpha, beta, and gamma.Threat of nuclear disasters drives governments and companies prone to the threat of radiation to upgrade their radiation detection and monitoring devices. The nuclear disaster in the Fukushima plant in Japan in 2011 resulted in meltdown of three nuclear reactors, leading to the release of a substantial amount of radioactive materials.Request Report for TOC @The use of radiation detection, monitoring, and safety equipment minimize the effects of harmful radiations. Radiation detection, monitoring, and safety equipment includes radiation protection equipment and instruments. Based on application, the radiation detection, monitoring, and safety equipment market can be segmented into six major categories including nuclear power plants, defense and homeland security, occupational safety, oil and resource exploration,and manufacturing . Nuclear power plants also use radiation safety accessories including full body radiation protection andhand safety accessories.Based on composition, the radiation detection, monitoring, and safety equipment market can be segmented into gas filled detectors, scintillators,and semiconductor-based detectors. There are three types of gas-filled detectors, namely Geiger Mueller counters, proportional counters, and ionization counters. Scintillators can be segmented into two categories, namely inorganic scintillators and organic scintillators. Based on product, the radiation detection, monitoring, and safety equipment market can be segmented into five categories:personal dosimeters, area process monitors, environment radiation monitors, surface contamination monitors, and radioactive material monitors. Gas-filleddetectors and personal dosimeters dominate the global sales. Scintillators dominate the gas filled detectors market for defense and homeland security due to their ability to detect radiation at micro levels. Personal dosimeters include passive dosimeters and active dosimeters.Request to Sample of Report @Increase in the number of nuclear energy industries has been propelling growth of nuclear power plants globally. The use of radioactive compounds in several consumer productsis another source of radiation.Increasing nuclear threats in developed countries and growing concern of governments regarding internal security are propellinggrowth of the radiation detection, monitoring, and safety equipment market fordefenseand homeland security.Increasing use of radiation therapy and nuclear medicine in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases is one of the major market drivers. Medical detectors include CT X-ray detectors, PET, and SPECT detectors.North America dominated the radiation detection, monitoring, and safety equipment market in 2013 in terms of global sales, followed by Europe. North America is expected to continue with its dominance during the forecast period due to technological advancements andgovernment support to the radiation detection, monitoring, and safety equipment market .Pre Book Full Report @Major players in the radiation detection, monitoring, and safety equipment market include Canberra Industries, Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Landauer, Inc., Mirion Technologies, Inc., Bar-Ray Products, Inc., Biodex Medical Systems, Inc., Protech Radiation Safety, ProtecX and Amtek, Inc. Most of the major players in the global radiation detection, monitoring, and safety equipment market are U.S. based.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Maritime Traffic Management System Market to Expand with Significant CAGR During 2017 - 2025 In the history, harbor controlled radar was developed in order to increase the efficiency of waterways. With the rapid growth in the marine industry, the safety and security at harbors were difficult to achieve. To resolve this problem, many systems were developed like radio-communications, navigation rules, electronic chart systems and identification systems. Then came the evolution of maritime traffic management system. These systems were needed in order to manage, plan and supervise the traffic on road, air and ports. At present, the maritime traffic management systems are used to manage traffic on ports, harbor and coastal areas in order to increase the safety and security of materials and humans.Request Report for TOC @The latest technology developed in these systems are 3D maritime traffic management system which helps its users to make appropriate decisions in any situation. These systems provide many functionalities like it has remote sensors which can monitor and control traffic, it provides real-time and off-line data archiving, creating routes and providing alternative routes.Maritime Traffic Management System: Drivers and RestraintsThe maritime traffic management systems provide users with many advantages like traffic analysis of waterways, increase the efficiency of ports, protection of the environment and also guards the coasts against any damage. Such benefits are driving the usage of these systems thereby elevating the market growth.The high cost of deploying the system in the marine area is one of the major factor restraining the growth of maritime traffic management system. Also, the complexity of the system is very high which requires skilled labor. Such factors are major challenges to the adoption of the systems in the market.Continuous research and development in this field and investments by major vendors are the key trends in the maritime traffic management systems market.Maritime Traffic Management System: SegmentationSegmentation based on components of Maritime Traffic Management System in Market:HardwareSoftware PlatformSupport ServicesRequest to Sample of Report @Segmentation based on applications of Maritime Traffic Management System in Market:Port SecurityWaterways Traffic ManagementCoastal SurveillanceNavigation ManagementOther SystemMaritime Traffic Management System: Competitive LandscapeThe key players of the market are Saab AB, Thales Group, Transas Marine Ltd., Marlan Maritime Technologies, Arlo Maritime AS, Frequentis, Ericsson Inc., Elcome International LLC, Xanatos Marine Ltd., and Lockheed Martin Corporation.Regional OverviewNorth America is expected to the largest market of Maritime Traffic Management System. The majority of Maritime Traffic Management System vendors such as Elcome International LLC, Xanatos Marine Ltd., and Lockheed Martin Corporation are based in North America region. This is attributed to the growth of marine industry. The market is anticipated to grow in Europe region due to the presence of other market vendors like Transas Marine Ltd., Arlo Maritime AS and few others in the region.Pre Book Full Report @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Spend Analytics Market Global Outlook 2018: IBM, Oracle, Zycus, Empronc, Ivalua Spend Analytics Market 2018 The report entitled Global Spend Analytics Market 2018 delivers the comprehensive and in-depth research analysis of the key regional industry standing of the Spend Analytics market on a global level. This report especially focuses on the core regions such as North & South America, Europe, Africa, South & Middle East Asia and Australia and also the key countries like (USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Russia, India, China, South Korea and Japan).Get Sample Copy of Report Here:This Spend Analytics market report state and future prospects of the segment have jointly been examined. Additionally, key methods within the Spend Analytics market that features partnerships, product developments, link-ups, and acquisitions, etc., mentioned. Besides, Upstream raw materials, equipment, and downstream consumers analysis is equally carried out. This extensive research encompasses of market profit, sales, Spend Analytics market revenue, potentials, and challenges also project the growth rate. Producers Analysis and Prime Sellers of world Spend Analytics Market 2018:IBMOracleCoupa SoftwareZycusProactisEmpronc SolutionsJaggaerRosslyn AnalyticsIvaluaInquiry for Buying, Visit Here: Spend Analytics Market (Type Analysis):- Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics, Descriptive Analytics Spend Analytics Market (Application Analysis):- Manufacturing, Retail and Ecommerce, Government and Defense, Telecommunications and It, OthersIn the first segment, The Spend Analytics report covers the marketing research and forecast of Spend Analytics Market on a regional also the world level. The Spend Analytics report is generically divided into six components and each half aims at the summary of the Spend Analytics past, present and future conditions of the market, the feasibility of the investment on many methods and policies. Excluding the classification and definition, the Spend Analytics market report conjointly discusses the analysis crucial and export and explain a comparison of the Spend Analytics market that is targeted at the trends and development. Key Emphasizes the Spend Analytics Market:1. Spend Analytics Market evolution for the regional as well as country level segments.2. Depth Analysis of global market forecasts and outlook for 2022, and forecasting of CAGRs through an expected period.3. In-depth analysis of Types/product and applications.4. Competitive mapping the prevailing key trends.5. Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the Spend Analytics market estimations.6. Analyze the crucial market trends and new evolution technologically in the Spend Analytics Market.After that, This Spend Analytics report deals with the precise info on the selling Channels and novel project investments. So the modern professionals and the mainstream industry rival get the direction of these markets trends as well as regional analysis. This report also supports the new entrants, readers, investors and the established players to set up their plans and decide which segment or sub-segment to invest on so as to reap maximum profits.Finally, In Spend Analytics report key details, methods, and variables are examined and also whole helpful data are combined together for the learning and understanding the key facts related the worldwide Spend Analytics market. The Spend Analytics market share and production price with the SWOT analysis everything is integrated into this report.About Us:Business Worldwide is a trusted brand in the research industry with a capability of commissioning complex projects within a short span of time with high level of accuracy. At Business Worldwide, we believe in building long-term relations with our clients. Our services cover a broad spectrum of industries including Energy, Chemicals and Materials, Automotive, Software and Aerospace.Contact Us:Joel JohnSuite #8138, 3422 SW 15 Street,Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442United StatesToll Free: +1-855-465-4651 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-386-310-3803 Anti-aging Market Expansion Projected to Gain an Uptick During 2020 A new Transparency Market Research report states that the Asia, Europe, and South America anti-aging market was valued at US$15.3 bn in 2012 and is predicted to reach US$30.9 bn in 2020. It is expected to expand at a CAGR of 9.30% from 2014 to 2020. The title of the report is Asia, Europe, and South America Anti-aging Market - Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2014 - 2020.As per the report, the anti-aging market in Asia, Europe, and South America is majorly fuelled by the increasing number of baby boomers, thus increasing the demand for various methods of curbing and reversing the prominent signs of aging. The market is continuously growing and a number of products, devices, and services have entered the market in recent years due to the consistent demand to lessen the signs of aging. Amongst these, in 2013, the anti-aging products held the biggest share in the anti-aging market due to increasing awareness amongst people and the economical prices of these products.Request to view Sample Report:On the basis of product type, the market is segmented into dermal fillers, UV absorbers, botox, anti-stretch products, anti-wrinkle products, and hair color. Amongst these, in 2013, anti-wrinkle products held the biggest share in the anti-aging products market in Asia. The anti-wrinkle product segment stood at more than US$8.1 bn in Asia in 2013. This is due to the broad range of anti-wrinkle products available in the market and the rising awareness owing to a number of promotional campaigns held in Asia. Anti-wrinkle products also held the largest share in Europe in the same year. The demand for these products is high in European countries owing to their increasing availability at economical prices.On the basis of service, the market is segmented into anti-adult acne therapy, anti-pigmentation therapy, liposuction, chemical peel, abdominoplasty, hair restoration therapy, sclerotherapy, and eyelid surgery. The anti-aging services market is expanding swiftly in Europe on account of the rising disposable income of consumers owing to ongoing recovery from the economic crisis in Europe. Within Europe, the anti-aging services market in Italy held the biggest share in 2013 owing to increasing demand for hair restoration treatments and breast augmentation. The anti-aging services market is predicted to record the highest growth rate in Spain in the forecast horizon due to the rising aging population and the increasing prevalence of obesity.On the basis of device type, the market is segmented into microdermabrasion devices, anti-cellulite treatment devices, radio frequency devices, and laser aesthetic devices. Anti-aging devices are the most prevalent in South American countries. Radiofrequency devices and laser aesthetic devices held the biggest share in South America, especially in Brazil, due to their high effectiveness and safety.Alma Laser Ltd., Allergan, Inc., Beiersdorf AG, Cynosure, Inc., Coty, Inc., LOreal SA, Valeant Pharmaceutical International, Inc., Solta Medical, Inc., and PhotoMedex, Inc., among others, are the major players dominant in the market.View Report @About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Each TMR syndicated research report covers a different sector - such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, TMRs syndicated reports strive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Underground Coal Gasification Market Size to Grow at a Steady Rate During Forecast Period 2014-2020 Global energy demand had seen an exponential growth over the decade due to changing lifestyle. At the time when natural gas prices witnessing fluctuation and coal resources are depleting, the world is witnessing a significant gap between demand and supply of energy. Though as per World Coal Association, global coal reserves are estimated to be 861 tonne and accounts to 42% of total world electricity production; the year on year growth for coal consumption was highest in FY 2013, making it the highest since 1970. The demand for coal consumption is increasing every year thereby leading to depletion of coal reserves at an alarming rate. Moreover, most regions are economically unviable to extract coal from its bed. It is due to this reason that companies are looking for alternative solution that can lead to harnessing the total potential of coal, without disturbing the ecological balance.Underground coal gasification (UCG) is an industrial process by which coal is gasified under intense heat and atmospheric pressure. This enables the production of synthetic gas, constituents of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which are extracted through a well and utilized in various sectors, ranging from power generation to biodiesel and fertilizer production. Though this concept is not new to the market, little progress has been achieved in this sector, primarily due to low R&D. However, with growing energy consumption and fluctuating oil prices, industries are focusing on UCG to offer clean, efficient and cost-effective energy to various industries.Request For Report Sample@Asia-Pacific is projected as the largest market for underground coal gasification over the next 5 years due to impressive growth in end-use industries ranging from power to chemicals. China along with India, and Australia are key markets for underground coal gasification projects. China is the largest producer as well as the largest consumer of coal based energy. It consumes almost half of the total coal production to meet its energy demand. China has conducted 17 UCG trials since 1991 to check the economic viability of UCG. Major power generating enterprise SinoCoking Coal is planning to harness coal reserves in Henan Province which was abruptly shut down because of strict environmental compliance set up by Chinese government. UCG is an environmental friendly approach that empowers companies to scale high power generation. With worlds most populated country, China offers a vibrant platform for energy sector companies to set up their base in China and thereby meet the growing demand of energy in China. Recently, China signed a whooping US $ 1.5 billion major pact with UK for commercial development of UCG in interiors of Mongolia.Next prominent market is India. In India, mining contributes 10% of Indias GDP. With vast coal reserves, India is looking towards harnessing coal without disturbing ecological balance. There are also some sites which are economically nonviable to mine. Though Indias untapped 88.6 billion tonnes of non-metallurgical coal is found at a depth of 300 to 1200 metre is economically nonviable; UCG makes it economically sound option. Coal India Limited is trying to push the UCG technology to harness the coal in Kaitha (Jharkhand) and Thesgora (Madhya Pradesh) area. These two promising region is expected to generate high return on investment (ROI) by FY 2025.Next prominent destination is Australia. In Australia, most companies are undertaking R&D to fully harness the concept of UCG. At present, three major UCG trials is being conducted by Linc Energy, Cougar Energy, and Carbon Energy at Queensland. Australian government is paying a vigil eye on these projects until the technology is commercially proven.SinoCoking Coal, Cougar Energy, Carbon Energy, Linc Energy, and ONGC are key market players that have conducted pilot projects on UCG technology.Future is optimistic for underground coal gasification. With major innovations going around globally, it is expected to meet the needs of people in oil shortage region. Regions including APAC, and Africa will be a future market for underground coal gasification segments.Visit For TOC@This research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data and statistically-supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to categories such as market geographies, End user industry etc.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACTFuture Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Advanced Battery Energy Storage System Market : Trends and Growth in Forthcoming Years Global Advanced Battery Energy Storage System Market: OverviewEnergy storage is referred to as the capturing of energy produced at one point of time for future use. A device that is used for storing energy is often known as an accumulator. Energy is found in multiple forms such as kinetic, latent heat, elevated temperature, electricity, electrical potential, gravitational potential, chemical, and radiation. Battery energy storage comprises converting energy into a form that can be easily stored in the form of battery and are more convenient and economically feasible. Battery energy systems are gaining prominence among residential, commercial, and transportation sectors as a mean of storing natural energy and using it at the time of emergency. Manufacturers seek huge growth potentials in the micro-grid developments in advanced battery energy storage systems for disaster relief and military purposes. Batteries such as lithium ion used for energy storage are witnessing high demand owing to factors such as low cost, long battery life, fast charging, light weight, and low requirement for space.The report examines the growth of the global advanced battery energy storage systems market that occurred in the last over the last few years and is likely to occur in the coming years. The research publication additionally explains the causes of the fluctuations in the global market. It does this by assessing of the facets and the different trends that have been prevalent from past few years and also the aspects that are anticipated to maintain a strong impact on the market over the coming years. The Porters five forces analysis has been considered by analysts to present a clear picture of the vendor landscape to readers. Agreements, mergers, acquisitions, and other dealings have been further mentioned in the study. It focuses on the strategies, products, and market share along with position of the companies operating in the market.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Advanced Battery Energy Storage System Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe global market for advanced battery energy storage systems is likely to benefit from the growing emphasis on decreasing the dependence on fossil fuels and magnifying the share of clean resources in the energy mix. The burgeoning demand for enhanced power quality, time shifting, improved grid network utilization, and the availability of emergency power source for protecting and controlling equipment is expected to further drive the global advanced battery energy storage system market. These advanced battery energy storage systems have application in sectors such as forklifts, UPS, telecom, grid storage, and transportation. The growing demand from these sectors is likely to boost the growth of the market over the coming years. In order to enhance business productivity, there is an incessant need for uninterrupted supply of power in telecommunications and data centers. As a result of this, the demand for these storage systems is likely to exponentially rise.Request TOC of the Report @Global Advanced Battery Energy Storage System Market: Regional OutlookRegionally, the global market for advanced battery energy storage system can be segmented into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Rest of the World. North America and Europe are likely to emerge as prominent regions in the market owing to high availability of natural resources and advanced means of converting and storing them. Asia Pacific is also expected to catch up in the run owing to rising focus on the use of the available natural sources for energy needs.Request Discount of the Report @Global Advanced Battery Energy Storage System Market: Competitive LandscapeSome of the key participants in the market are EnerSys, Samsung SDI, AES Technologies, Exide Technologies, Hitachi Ltd., and General Electric.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Network Traffic Analyzer Market Professional Survey Report 2018-2025 The Insight Partners A comprehensive research report created through extensive primary research (inputs from industry experts, companies, and stakeholders) and secondary research, the report aims to present the analysis of Global Network Traffic Analyzer Market By Type, By Application, By Region - North America, Europe, South America, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment evaluation. Besides, the report also identifies and analyses the emerging trends along with major drivers, challenges and opportunities in the global Network Traffic Analyzer market. Additionally, the report also highlights market entry strategies for various companies across the globe.Worldwide Network Traffic Analyzer Market Analysis to 2025 is a specialized and in-depth study of the Network Traffic Analyzer industry with a focus on the global market trend. The report aims to provide an overview of global Network Traffic Analyzer market with detailed market segmentation by product/application and geography. The global Network Traffic Analyzer market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the Network Traffic Analyzer players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market.Major Network Traffic Analyzer Market Players:1. ManageEngine2. CA Technologies3. NETSCOUT SYSTEMS4. Ipswitch5. Colasoft6. Plixer7. Genie Networks8. Cisco Systems9. Nokia10. HPEView Complete Report atThe report provides a detailed overview of the industry including both qualitative and quantitative information. It provides overview and forecast of the global Network Traffic Analyzer market based on product and application. It also provides market size and forecast till 2025 for overall Network Traffic Analyzer market with respect to five major regions, namely; North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America (SAM), which is later sub-segmented by respective countries and segments. The report evaluates market dynamics effecting the market during the forecast period i.e., drivers, restraints, opportunities, and future trend and provides exhaustive PEST analysis for all five regions.Also, key Network Traffic Analyzer market players influencing the market are profiled in the study along with their SWOT analysis and market strategies. The report also focuses on leading industry players with information such as company profiles, products and services offered, financial information of last 3 years, key development in past five years.Request a Sample Report atReason to Buy- Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.- The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Network Traffic Analyzer market, thereby allowing players to develop effective long term strategies.- Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.- Scrutinize in-depth global market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the market, as well as those hindering it.- Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to products, segmentation and industry verticals.Inquire before Buying atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: sales@theinsightpartners.comAbout Us:The Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We are a specialist in Technology, Media, and Telecommunication industries.533, 5th Floor, Amanora Chambers,Amanora Township, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Cloud ELN Service Market to Observe Strong Development by 2026 Electronic lab notebook (ELN) are computer applications which performs functions of laboratory notebooks digitally. With the help of ELN, data is captured and recorded with better accessibility and security. It helps to achieve better efficiency with lower costs. ELN services are been offered on premise and are preferred by many organizations because the data is kept within their own firewall and is been considered more secured mode for data storage.A sample of this report is available upon request @Many ELN supplier are now providing ELN services hosted as Software as a Service (SaaS) through cloud where the service is offered on a subscription model by the vendors and can be accessed by any device from any location by the user. The market is in its infancy stage but growing number of engineers, technicians and scientists have started using the application and is expected to attract more number of users because of its advantages over on premise ELN services where various functionalities are been managed by vendors such as performing periodic system backups, software up gradation, server support etc. Access to data is allowed to allotted user where the data can be encrypted by signatures and passwords so as to make portability of the service more convenient without compromising on the security of the data.Cloud ELN Market SegmentationSegmentation of cloud ELN market on the basis of mode of deployment:Public Cloud:Public cloud supports multiple users with single code basis and since many clients can be supported by the same systems, these services are cost effective because the overall costs are been distributed over larger set of users. Also since there is no requirement for hardwares such as servers and networking devices, the service requires no investment.Although public cloud hosted ELN services are suffered by certain drawbacks such as lack of customization for individual users, high risk on data security etc. but will be in demand from medium and small scale organizations, research firms, individual doctors, scientists, technicians etc.Private or Hosted Cloud:In private or hosted cloud, service providers hosts the application for limited number of users where the applications are been supported individually and no other user share the same code. The host manages other operations such as backup and data security. Private clouds although suffer by performance issues because the same hardware supports all the clients on distributed systems, corporate organization are expected to choose private over public cloud because of customized applications and better data security.Segmentation of cloud ELN market on the basis of usage in different industries:PharmaceuticalsChemicalsLife ScienceResearch LabsAcademic InstitutionsOthersOn the basis of usage cloud ELN can be segment into corporate, academics & research, government and other sectors. Corporate, academic and research usages are expected to contribute maximum because these sectors are expected to use the technology in its nascent stage as they are been considered early adaptors compared to government sector who are expected to use cloud based ELN services at a later stage because this sector is more hesitant in using any new technology offered in the market and normally follows any technology only after it has been adopted by the corporate sector.Regional OverviewOn the basis of geography, global cloud ELN market can be segmented into four key markets namely North America, Europe, Asia and rest of the world. North America is expected to dominate market for cloud ELN among all the regions. USA in particular is expected to account for largest share in cloud ELN market and is expected to grow at highest CAGR. Europe market for cloud ELN trails behind the North American market. With increasing healthcare, research and IT developments, Asia-Pacific provides lucrative opportunities for the cloud ELN market. In rest of the world, countries belonging to Latin America and East Asia are expected to contribute more because of increasing healthcare and IT industry.Increasing adoption of cloud computing services in healthcare and research fields will motivate more users to move towards ELN and cloud ELN because of their latent advantages over paper based lab notebooks such as data security, portability, accuracy of the data, cost effectiveness etc. In todays scenario where most of the records in the fields of healthcare and research are been stored on servers instead of traditional paper based storage systems, more and more users will be attracted towards benefits offered by cloud based ELN services. ELN offered as public cloud is expected to attract more individual users because of its cost effectiveness which is expected to come down further with increasing number of users for the same shared service.Acceptance of SaaS for keeping confidential data such as patent related information in the cloud can be challenging task for the users who will fear from data security issues and can be a major restrain for cloud based ELN services. Although the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks but data security is one such fear which will be difficult to overcome for the users. Resistance to change can be a restrain for the market as users have been using paper lab notebooks from a long time and may show reluctance in using cloud ELN. Even on premise based ELN services can be a substitute for cloud ELN and will be preferred by corporate and government agencies who are quite critical about data security.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Some of the major companies offering Cloud ELN services are PerkinElmer, Dassault Systemes, Core Informatics, Arxspan and Biovia. Many a companies are offering on premise ELN as well as cloud supported ELN both so as to meet the demands of varying set of customers. Cloud ELN being in its nascent stage is expected to drive the demand more after few years compared to on premise ELN.About UsFuture Market Insights is the premier provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in London, the global financial capital, and has delivery centres in the U.S. and India.FMIs research and consulting services help businesses around the globe navigate the challenges in a rapidly evolving marketplace with confidence and clarity. Our customised and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. We continuously track emerging trends and events in a broad range of end industries to ensure our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.Contact Us:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way,Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage,New York 10989,United StatesTel: +1-347-918-3531Fax: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Earthenware Market: Projection of Each Major Segment over the Forecast Period 2024 week occurred in 12% of patients with mBC and liposarcoma or leiomyosarcoma. Febrile neutropenia occurred in 5% of patients with mBC and 2 patients (0.4%) died from complications. Febrile neutropenia occurred in 0.9% of patients with liposarcoma or leiomyosarcoma, and fatal neutropenic sepsis occurred in 0.9% of patients. Patients with mBC with elevated liver enzymes >3 ULN and bilirubin >1.5 ULN experienced a higher incidence of Grade 4 neutropenia and febrile neutropenia than patients with normal levels. Monitor complete blood cell counts prior to each dose, and increase the frequency of monitoring in patients who develop Grade 3 or 4 cytopenias. Delay administration and reduce subsequent doses in patients who experience febrile neutropenia or Grade 4 neutropenia lasting >7 days. Peripheral Neuropathy: Grade 3 peripheral neuropathy occurred in 8% of patients with mBC (Grade 4=0.4%) and 22% developed a new or worsening neuropathy that had not recovered within a median follow-up duration of 269 days (range 25-662 days). Neuropathy lasting >1 year occurred in 5% of patients with mBC. Grade 3 peripheral neuropathy occurred in 3.1% of patients with liposarcoma and leiomyosarcoma receiving HALAVEN and neuropathy lasting more than 60 days occurred in 58% (38/65) of patients who had neuropathy at the last treatment visit. Patients should be monitored for signs of peripheral motor and sensory neuropathy. Withhold HALAVEN in patients who experience Grade 3 or 4 peripheral neuropathy until resolution to Grade 2 or less. Embryo-Fetal Toxicity: HALAVEN can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with HALAVEN and for at least 2 weeks following the final dose. Advise males with female partners of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with HALAVEN and for 3.5 months following the final dose. QT Prolongation: Monitor for prolonged QT intervals in patients with congestive heart failure, bradyarrhythmias, drugs known to prolong the QT interval, and electrolyte abnormalities. Correct hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia prior to initiating HALAVEN and monitor these electrolytes periodically during therapy. Avoid in patients with congenital long QT syndrome. Adverse Reactions In patients with mBC receiving HALAVEN (eribulin mesylate) Injection, the most common adverse reactions (25%) were neutropenia (82%), anemia (58%), asthenia/fatigue (54%), alopecia (45%), peripheral neuropathy (35%), nausea (35%), and constipation (25%). Febrile neutropenia (4%) and neutropenia (2%) were the most common serious adverse reactions. The most common adverse reaction resulting in discontinuation was peripheral neuropathy (5%). In patients with liposarcoma and leiomyosarcoma receiving HALAVEN, the most common adverse reactions (25%) reported in patients receiving HALAVEN were fatigue (62%), nausea (41%), alopecia (35%), constipation (32%), peripheral neuropathy (29%), abdominal pain (29%), and pyrexia (28%). The most common (5%) Grade 3-4 laboratory abnormalities reported in patients receiving HALAVEN were neutropenia (32%), hypokalemia (5.4%), and hypocalcemia (5%). Neutropenia (4.9%) and pyrexia (4.5%) were the most common serious adverse reactions. The most common adverse reactions resulting in discontinuation were fatigue and thrombocytopenia (0.9% each). Use in Specific Populations Lactation: Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in breastfed infants from eribulin mesylate, advise women not to breastfeed during treatment with HALAVEN and for 2 weeks after the final dose. Hepatic and Renal Impairment: A reduction in starting dose is recommended for patients with mild or moderate hepatic impairment and/or moderate or severe renal impairment. For more information about HALAVEN, click here for the full Prescribing Information. Morphotek Contacts: Investor Inquiries: Media Inquiries: Rod Dausch Diana Martens 610-423-6111 610-423-6085 [email protected] [email protected] SOURCE Morphotek, Inc. Related Links HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 10, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board today held the first in a series of auctions in a process that establishes the order in which the winning bidders select a location for a Category 4 casino. In today's public bid opening, in which 4 bids were received, Mountainview Thoroughbred Racing Association, LLC, which operates Hollywood Casino at Penn National Race Course, was the high bidder with a bid of $50,100,000. The center of the Category 4 location, which is an area 30 miles in diameter, chosen by Mountainview Thoroughbred Racing Association, LLC is located in the Borough of Yoe in York County. Mountainview Thoroughbred Racing Association, LLC, is required to pay the bid price to the Commonwealth within two business days, and then has up to six months to submit an application for the Category 4 slot machine license. The application will contain the precise site of the proposed Category 4 casino, as well as detailed plans and information concerning the proposed building plan, amenities, employment projections and other related information. Once the application is received, the Board will post public information about the project on its website for interested persons to review. A Category 4 slot machine license would permit the entity to operate between 300 and 750 slot machines. The entity could also petition for permission to initially operate up to 30 table games for an additional fee of $2.5 million with the capability of adding an additional 10 tables games after its first year of operation. Additional information on the Category 4 auction process is available on the Board's web site at The Gaming Control Board plans to hold its next public auction on Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in its Harrisburg Public Hearing Room in Strawberry Square. The auction will also be streamed live from the Board's web site. Subsequent auctions are planned every two weeks thereafter on Wednesdays at the same time and location. About the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board : The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board is tasked to oversee all aspects of the state's casino industry, along with oversight of new gaming initiatives to the Race Horse Development and Gaming Act recently approved through the signing of Act 42 of 2017. The Commonwealth's casino industry currently consists of 10 stand-alone and racetrack casinos in operation, along with the two smaller resort casinos. These facilities collectively employ 18,000 people and annually generate approximately $1.4 billion in tax revenue from slot machine and table games play. The largest portion of that money is used for property tax reduction to all Pennsylvania homeowners. Additional information about both the PGCB's gaming regulatory efforts and Pennsylvania's gaming industry can be found at You can also follow the agency on Twitter by choosing @PAGamingControl. CONTACTS: Doug Harbach or Richard McGarvey (717) 346-8321 SOURCE Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board Related Links WASHINGTON, Jan. 10, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- National Taxpayer Advocate (NTA) Nina E. Olson today released her 2017 Annual Report to Congress, describing challenges the IRS will face as it implements the recently enacted tax reform legislation and unveiling a new publication, "The Purple Book," describing 50 legislative recommendations intended to strengthen taxpayer rights and improve tax administration. The report also examines a range of other tax administration issues. The NTA's report says the reduction in IRS funding since FY 2010 has challenged the agency's ability to perform basic tasks of administering the tax system. "I see the consequences of reduced IRS funding and the choices made by the agency in the face of these funding constraints," Olson wrote. "Funding cuts have rendered the IRS unable to provide acceptable levels of taxpayer service, update its technology to improve its efficiency and effectiveness, and maintain compliance programs that both promote compliance and protect taxpayer rights. 'Shortcuts' have become the norm, and 'shortcuts' are incompatible with high-quality tax administration." While Ms. Olson said the IRS needs additional funding, she also expressed concern that the agency has sometimes been too quick to cite funding constraints as a basis for inaction. "[L]imited resources cannot be used as an all-purpose excuse for mediocrity," she wrote. "There is not a day that goes by inside the agency when someone proposes a good idea only to be told, 'We don't have the resources.'" Notwithstanding funding constraints, she said there are steps the IRS can take to improve taxpayer service through creativity and innovation. Still, the report says the implementation of major tax legislation is always a heavy lift for the agency. A preliminary estimate from the IRS projected it would require additional funding of $495 million in fiscal years 2018 and 2019. "The IRS will have many issues to work through, and taxpayers will have questions. But with more funding, strong leadership, and a closer working relationship with Congress, I am convinced the IRS can do the job well," Olson said. In the Advocate's new "Purple Book," she suggests Congress codify both the Taxpayer Bill of Rights and the IRS mission statement as Section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code. This year's report identifies 21 problems, makes dozens of recommendations for administrative change, makes 11 recommendations for legislative change, analyzes the 10 tax issues most frequently litigated in the federal courts, and presents 7 research studies and 2 literature reviews. Problems addressed include: Private Debt Collection. Online Taxpayer Accounts. Taxpayer Rights in "Real" vs. "Unreal" Audits. Streamlined Section 501(c)(3) Approval Process (1023 EZ). Passport Denial and Revocation. Volume 2 of the report contains or outlines research studies on seven additional topics related to taxpayers. The report also contains literature reviews on two topics. Visit for more information. Related Items: About the International Conference on Taxpayer Rights The NTA has organized and will convene the third International Conference on Taxpayer Rights in Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 3-4, 2018. The conference will be hosted by the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation and sponsored by Tax Analysts. Registration is now open on the Taxpayer Rights Conference website. "The International Conferences on Taxpayer Rights broadened the focus on taxpayer rights beyond the United States. Tax administrators, academics, and tax professionals from all over the world were afforded the opportunity to discuss the reasons for and challenges in adopting and implementing a Taxpayer Bill of Rights or taxpayer charter," said Olson. About the Taxpayer Advocate Service The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. TAS can help if you need assistance resolving an IRS problem, if your problem is causing financial difficulty, or if you believe an IRS system or procedure isn't working as it should. And the service is free. Contact local Taxpayer Advocate at Call TAS toll-free at 1-877-777-4778. For more information about TAS and your rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, go to Visit TAS at,, and Media Relations Office Media Contact: 202.317.4000 Public Contact: 800.829.1040 SOURCE Taxpayer Advocate Service Related Links With the mission of embedding power-efficient AI everywhere, the founder and CEO of NovuMind Ren Wu and his team have been developing the chip for more than two years. Now, the latest AI chip with an absolute advantage over its competitors in the industry, designed by NovuMind, is being showcased for the first time at CES. NovuTensor runs on a 15 teraflops of performance (ToP) chip under 5 watts. Mike Li, IC engineering VP of NovuMind said, "With such performance and power efficiency, NovuTensor can offer the best hardware accelerators for AI applications." In the past two years, with 50 top AI engineers, including 35 in the U.S. and 15 in Beijing, NovuMind has been seeking for what Wu describes as the best approach to deep learning. The market of deep-learning accelerators for edge devices is highly competitive. All the players are facing fierce challenges, "but we have the confidence to deliver the best products to the industry," said Bin Zhou, President of NovuMind China. To enable embedded AI, NovuMind provides not only NovuTensor with high performance and low power, which is vital for AI inference, but also NovuStar, a supercomputer specially designed for AI which provides industry leading performance for AI training. "We are a full stack AI technology company. NovuTensor and NovuStar are like little brains that sense, process, react and adapt to the environment and interact with rest of the world intelligently," Bin said. One of NovuMind's showcase is the AI endoscope diagnosis, which is known as the first global artificial intelligence digestive endoscope by Chinese media. As the tech support team, NovuMind provides full stack AI technology to West China Hospital of Sichuan University, including ASIC chips NovuTensor and AI training platform NovuForce. According to the data published by West China Hospital, the accuracy rate of detection reached a high level of 92% - 96%, which is even better than human doctor. Powered by NovuTensor, AI technology can help traditional TV improve the image rate of display. NovuMind super-resolution uses deep neural networks to intelligently creat details, restore edges, and reduce noise of imagines, helping traditional display achieve high quality visual effects, not only more effective, but also in real time. Up to now there are international well-known manufacturers already reach cooperation with NovuMind. CES is the world's gathering place for all those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for 50 years. As an enterprise that has caught the attention of the industry, NovuMind showcased its new chip at the CES for the first time, which was praised by many media as the next-generation innovation in AI chips market. After raising $15.2 million in series A funding in December 2016, NovuMind is expecting a new round of financing. Its second chip, designed to run under a watt, is expected to launch in mid-2018. SOURCE NovuMind It offers scholarships of as much as 75 percent of tuition to U.S. residents, bringing the total tuition for the rigorous, highly technical education to $15,000 for the entire program the lowest of any cybersecurity master's degree program in New York City. "Perhaps the most important element of the New York Cyber Fellows program is the way it will reflect our collaboration with influential New York employers, including the NYC Cyber Command to ensure students get the precise hands-on education they need," said Professor Nasir Memon, founder of NYU Tandon's cybersecurity program and Associate Dean for Online Learning. "The NY Cyber Fellows will work on real-world problems and get unprecedented access to our city's job market." "A more affordable degree in this field means more New Yorkers will develop the skills to defend our digital city and land a great job. We're proud to work in partnership with NYU's Tandon School to launch the program this fall and I encourage New Yorkers to apply now," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "This is exactly the kind of program New York needs to attract companies in this fast-growing sector, and to help New Yorkers compete for those good jobs." To shape the program, NYU Tandon elicited curriculum recommendations from NYC3 and leading sectors of the city's economy. Business partners include Blackstone, Booz Allen Hamilton, Bridgewater, EY LLC, Goldman Sachs, IBM Security, Jefferies, Loki Labs, Morgan Stanley, Synack, and U.S. Bank. NYC3, the agency that leads the City of New York's cyber defense efforts, will offer Cyber Fellows access to the NYC3 Cyber Range a virtual laboratory with realistic simulation for hands-on training and development. "NYC3's Cyber Range will expose students to simulation, testing, and research into a wide range of security and technology concerns associated with securing one of the largest digital cities in the world," said Geoff Brown, New York City Chief Information Security Officer and Head of NYC3. "We're proud to support a program that opens up a career in cyber defense to more students, allowing the next generation of cyber professionals to better resemble the diversity of the society they will be charged to protect." The NY Cyber Fellows program answers a call from New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's New York Works initiative to add 10,000 cybersecurity experts to the workforce within a decade. NYU Tandon decided to extend its reach nationally at the encouragement of national employers. One of the program's most compelling benefits: A free five-year subscription to audit the newest versions of the online courses that graduates took as NY Cyber Fellows important because coursework typically updates every semester, as new threats emerge. "We want our Cyber Fellows to know we will be with them for the long term and I have no doubt that their experiences in the field will enrich future scholars," Memon said. Other novel elements of the NY Cyber Fellows program include: Exclusive access to speakers, events, and mentorships provided by business partners and NYC3. The advising institutions will also offer internship and employment opportunities, and capstone projects will link student research projects to these institutions. Year-round, around-the-clock access to the Capture the Flag (CTF) and other challenges developed for Cyber Security Awareness Week (CSAW), the giant worldwide cybersecurity games founded by NYU Tandon. Such games are widely used for education and by employers to find the most skilled applicants. Access to Synack's crowd-sourced penetration testing challenges to build the offensive skills valued by employers an element of the offensive security skills long recognized as a cornerstone of NYU Tandon's cybersecurity education. The NY Cyber Fellows program is structured as a part-time curriculum to accommodate working professionals. For those without an engineering baccalaureate degree, NYU Tandon will offer its groundbreaking Bridge to Tandon to qualified NY Cyber Fellows applicants. It provides the foundation they will need to apply to a master's degree program in cybersecurity within 26 weeks and for $1,500. "The New York Cyber Fellows program continues NYU Tandon's long history of actively working with our community to solve its most pressing societal problems and few problems are as pressing in the 21st century as digital security, especially for New York City as the financial and media capital of the world," said NYU Dean of Engineering Katepalli R. Sreenivasan. "Over the years, we have helped the City engineer building codes, train firefighters to combat high-rise conflagrations, and develop and maintain our power grid. Today, NYU Tandon is proud to add our experience to securing our personal and collective digital futures as we continue to educate larger and larger community of experts in the field." "Growing our cybersecurity industry is critical to the de Blasio Administration's plan to create 100,000 good-paying jobs over the next 10 years, a goal that cannot be accomplished without preparing New Yorkers with 21st century training and skills," said New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) President and CEO James Patchett. "NYU's Cyber Fellows program will open the door for many New Yorkers looking to join a growing and high-paying industry, while building a talent pipeline that will keep New York City a leader in cybersecurity for years to come. NYCEDC has been making a big push to advance the cybersecurity industry through our CyberNYC initiative, and we thank both New York City Cyber Command and NYU Tandon for building on these important efforts." New York City reports it is already home to more than 6,000 cybersecurity jobs and that local businesses are eager to add more. If the demand for cybersecurity jobs keeps pace with the recent trends and growth of other major hubs of activity, New York City estimates it will need more than 10,000 additional cybersecurity professionals over the next ten years. Educating new experts rather than hiring from outside the region is key to solving the local shortage because the city competes for talent amidst a global drought: There are already some 200,000 unfilled jobs nationwide, and the shortfall is expected to climb to 1.8 million worldwide by 2022. Cyber Fellows Partners Comment Anil Markose, a Booz Allen Hamilton Senior Vice President and leader in firm's commercial business, said: "The NYU Cyber Fellows program helps addresses a major talent shortfall in our industry; Booz Allen is excited to share our expertise in cyber with NYU to provide real-world opportunities right here in New York for the next generation of cyber experts." Richard A. Falkenrath, Chief Security Officer, and Tom Ostebo, Deputy Chief Security Officer at Bridgewater Associates LP, said: "The Security Department at Bridgewater Associates is honored and excited to partner with the NYU Tandon School of Engineering on their Cyber Fellows Master's Degree Program and support students in helping to advance their knowledge and careers in cybersecurity." M.J. Vaidya, Principal at EY, said: "As someone who has focused on this area for several years including as an educator, I am very excited to see the launch of this program. As our government and businesses focus on digital enablement and implement solutions that result in increased collection of sensitive data and/or connected IoT products, security risk management becomes a fundamental requirement. To that end, the New York Cyber Fellows program is helping address a critical cyber talent shortage and at the same time providing growth opportunities for working professionals." Bill McDonald, Director of HR, IBM Security, said: "Cybersecurity threats currently pose one of the greatest challenges to our businesses, personal data, and society at large, and it's more important than ever to create a talent pipeline that can keep pace. It's essential that the cybersecurity experts working in the field today join forces with educators to ensure that the next generation of cyber defenders is equipped for today's rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape. Partnerships like this are a great way to connect training and curriculum with the real-world knowledge and skills needed for the modern security workforce." Nick Hnatiw, CEO of Loki Labs, said: "We are excited about NYU Tandon's response to Mayor de Blasio's New York Works initiative because it uniquely addresses the cybersecurity skills shortage facing the city by providing access to education and training that is both affordable and world-class. As a Brooklyn-based cybersecurity company, we look forward to partnering with NYU Tandon and supporting the Cyber Range, which will provide the next generation of much-needed cybersecurity professionals with world-class training. This virtual laboratory will give students access to leading technology and tools in a learning and research environment that is second to none globally." Jerry Brady, Global Chief Information Security Officer, Morgan Stanley, said: "We are delighted to provide our expertise and support to the New York Cyber Fellows program to educate the next generation of cyber security leaders. In light of the rapid evolution of the cybersecurity landscape, it's the joint responsibility of our industry to ensure we invest in world class talent to help safeguard our business, clients and assets." Tom Brennan, Member of the Global Board of Directors of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), said: "The OWASP Foundation supports the mission of raising visibility for software security and applauds the efforts of NYU locally and globally." Jay Kaplan, CEO and Co-Founder of Synack, said: "The epidemic of cybercrime is one of the most critical issues governments and businesses face today. I applaud NYU on their initiative to train our next generation of capable cybersecurity experts. Through working with the largest government and corporate enterprises in the world on implementing crowdsourced security programs, we understand at Synack how imperative it is to augment formal education with real-world, hands-on hacking experience. We're excited about taking on an advisory role with NYU Tandon for their Cyber Fellows program and contributing through curriculum development, integrated hacking opportunities, and specialized internship opportunities to support the next generation of ethical hackers. Together we can start to get ahead of the cyber attacks and issues of today." Jason Witty, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer of U.S. Bank, said: "U.S. Bank looks forward to partnering with New York University on Cyber Fellows. This program makes a graduate degree from a highly respected institution accessible to a geographically diverse workforce, and we look forward to helping NYU empower these talented leaders and cyber professionals to hit the ground running and add substantively to the security of sensitive network operations." A Cybersecurity Innovator NYU Tandon, which introduced one of the earliest master's cybersecurity degree programs, is an internationally recognized center for cybersecurity research, education, and policy. It has received all three Center of Excellence designations from the National Security Agency and the United States Cyber Command. NYU Tandon has joined with other NYU schools to form the NYU Center for Cybersecurity to research new approaches to security and privacy by combining security technology, psychology, law, public policy, and business. U.S. News & World Report scored NYU Tandon number two in the nation in its 2018 rankings of the "Best Online Graduate Programs in Computer Information Technology" and ranked Tandon number 13 among the "Best Online Graduate Engineering Programs," assigning it to the top tier for the sixth consecutive year. NYU Tandon's virtual cybersecurity program was previously named the nation's best online program by the Sloan Consortium (now the Online Learning Consortium). NYU Tandon Online received the Consortium's 2015 Ralph E. Gomory Award for Quality Online Education. Fourteen years ago, NYU Tandon founded CSAW, which has grown into the world's largest student-led security games, staged across five international sites. NYU Tandon's cybersecurity students keep their network active throughout the year, staging weekly Hack Nights to educate one another and studying and researching in the Offensive Security, Incident Response and Internet Security Laboratory (OSIRIS Lab), founded with National Science Foundation (NSF) support. The NSF was also the original supporter of one of NYU Tandon's longest-running outreach programs for women, which educates high school girls each summer in computer science and cybersecurity. NYU Tandon helps retain its reputation for connecting students to the wider security community and preparing them with current offensive and defensive skills they need in the wild through classes taught by industry and government professionals, particularly its Hackers in Residence. To learn more about the NY Cyber Fellows, visit Deadline to apply for the fall semester is May 1, 2017. About the New York University Tandon School of Engineering The NYU Tandon School of Engineering dates to 1854, the founding date for both the New York University School of Civil Engineering and Architecture and the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute (widely known as Brooklyn Poly). A January 2014 merger created a comprehensive school of education and research in engineering and applied sciences, rooted in a tradition of invention and entrepreneurship and dedicated to furthering technology in service to society. In addition to its main location in Brooklyn, NYU Tandon collaborates with other schools within NYU, the country's largest private research university, and is closely connected to engineering programs at NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai. It operates Future Labs focused on start-up businesses in downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn and an award-winning online graduate program. For more information, visit Fast Facts Cybersecurity Careers in NYC Current national shortage of cybersecurity experts: 200,000 * Projected shortfall in NYC by 2027: 10,000 ** Projected shortfall worldwide by 2022: 1.8 million *** Median starting salary of Network Security Administrator in NYC: $153,500 **** **** Median starting salary of Information Systems Security Manager in NYC: $192,500 **** * CyberSeek ** New York Works *** Frost & Sullivan **** Robert Half Note: Images available at Video at tps:// @NYUTandon SOURCE NYU Tandon School of Engineering Related Links As a global leader in crowd sourced computing, Onething achieved the innovative breakthrough of combining the shared economy, cloud computing and blockchain technology to effectively improve future computing. With the popularity of OneThing Cloud and Nebula CDN, it has access to solve the problem of scant computing resources through the sharing economy and provided a platform for fair usage of public resource with advanced blockchain technology. Launched in August 2017, OneThing Cloud is a private cloud specifically designed for individuals who pursue life with high quality digital needs, providing people with quick downloads, storage, file management and other functions with remote control. By enrolling in Onething Reward Program, it is also a shared computing node, enabling Onething to sell cloud computing to technology companies at a much lower cost. Each people joined this program can get LinkToken as a free gift in exchange of the computing resources (bandwidth, storage and so on). Within three months, the company received more than 20 million pre-orders for OneThing Cloud on, with a nearly 100% customer satisfaction rating. In China, Onething currently harness one million consumer devices and bandwidth in their cloud computing infrastructure, while providing Nebula CDN services to China's largest video streaming companies,such as XiaoMi, iQIYI, PandaTV, Kuaishou and other top-rated companies. With Xunlei's 10-year downloading and acceleration techniques, this new generation product possesses the domestic pioneering Nebula scheduling technology, weak network acceleration technology, dynamic defense technology as well as the infinite nodes cannot be matched by traditional CDN manufacturers. Recently certified by the US Federal Communications Commission and European Commission, Onething will begin its foreign expansion in developing markets closer to China in January or February and move to Western countries later this year. Onething's foreign expansion will redefine the industry with unique cloud computing platform based on shared economy and aim for sustainable development in the future computing. "Onething has certain advantages over the traditional cloud computing industry and is leading the world," said industry analyst. "By expanding into developed markets, Onething will not only bring innovative products and services to the world, but also contribute to a sustainable cloud computing business by replacing the high-cost data centers." Onething is committed to promoting a sustainable development of crowd sourced computing ecological cycle. For society, it is a great effort to engage future computing; for customers, the internationalized LinkToken will be applied for various uses and bring more applications of the blockchain technology; for corporations, Onething will largely reduce Internet companies' operation costs by providing efficient shared-computing services; for Onething itself, with the constantly transcendental entrepreneurship passion and foreign expanding strategies, the company will grow in all aspects. CES 2018, January 9-12 in Las Vegas, is the world's gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for 50 years. The Onething booth will be in the Las Vegas Convention Center's South Plaza #63925, and company executives are available by appointment to provide technology demos. About Onething: Founded in 2013, Shenzhen Onething Technologies Co., Ltd is committed to providing technical resources for global internet development. The company combines Nebula CDN and Xunlei MineCrafter through innovative technology, building the first domestic millions of magnitude node of "infinite node type content delivery network". Through authorized intelligent hardware, Onething Technologies collect bandwidth, storage, computing and other resources which are idle in ordinary families. By using virtual technology of cross platform, low power consumption, and also the intelligent scheduling technology of access to the nearest node, Onething Technologies create a new computing mode that is faster, easier to expand, and more environmentally friendly. Onething not only redefines the CDN industry and Internet content transmission, but also heralds shared economic cloud computing era. For more information, please visit: SOURCE Onething Technologies Co., Ltd. "For the past seven years, our employees have rolled up their sleeves to help support the cities that host our Distribution team conferences," said John McDonough , Head of Distribution and Marketing at OppenheimerFunds. "This year, we are proud to partner with Trusted World and Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas to help advance the positive contributions they make in these local communities and beyond." Trusted World is a global non-profit organization that provides free resources to both local and national organizations serving individuals and families in need. Attendees assisted in packing 4,000 meal kits that will be distributed to families recovering from recent natural disasters. In addition, the firm donated 16,000 meal kits to the organization. "We are pleased to partner with OppenheimerFunds to help those affected by recent hurricanes," said Michael Garrett, CEO for Trusted World. "Each package assembled during the firm's Distribution Symposium can help families by providing them with six nutritionally complete meals." Attendees also supported Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas by assembling 60 Robotics IQ Kits for use in their Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics program. In addition, the firm donated 115 Robotics IQ Kits to the organization. "Math literacy is a crucial skill for our Club members to develop throughout their education," said Charles English, President & CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas. "The school supplies and robotics kits donated by OppenheimerFunds will help our clubs achieve this goal." To further support math literacy, OppenheimerFunds also partnered with WorldVision to host a SchoolTools event where conference attendees filled 200 backpacks with school supplies and personalized notes. The backpacks were donated to Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas. The firm's corporate philanthropy and community initiatives include its 10,000 Kids by 2020 program, which aims to introduce 10,000 students to math literacy programs over the next few years through nonprofit partnerships and active employee volunteerism. The firm works closely with organizations including the National Museum of Mathematics, Boys & Girls Club, MATHSWORLDUK and Cross-Cultural Solutions, which provides impactful and sustainable service opportunities and skills based volunteer programs. OppenheimerFunds is one of the world's leading global asset managers, with nearly 2,000 employees and more than 170 investment professionals in offices including New York, Dallas, Denver, London, Rochester and Seattle. In 2012, OppenheimerFunds established its Dallas location through its acquisition of SteelPath, an innovator in developing midstream energy investment products as one of the first firms to market with MLP-focused open-end mutual funds. OppenheimerFunds Distribution Symposium Volunteer Highlights Date Location Organization Activity Amount Donated January 2011 Dallas, TX Dallas Children's Hospital Created murals for hospital walls $10,000 August 2011 Chicago, IL Chicago Cares to benefit Woodson South Elementary School Refurbished local school facilities $10,000 January 2012 Fort Worth, TX USO Dallas Assembled and donated backpacks for troops $10,000 August 2012 Salt Lake City, UT Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salt Lake Built and donated bicycles $10,000 January 2013 New York, NY Breezy Point Relief Fund Assembled and donated care packages $10,000 August 2013 Laguna Nigel, CA Las Palmas Elementary School Refurbished local school facilities $10,000 January 2014 Dallas, TX Flood victims Provided various types of assistance $10,000 August 2014 Washington, DC Boys Town Made campus improvements, organized donated items, created backpacks, repaired kitchen facilities $10,000 January 2015 Atlanta, GA USO Council of Georgia Gathered and donated care packages for troops $10,000 August 2015 San Diego, CA Support the Enlisted Project (STEP) Built 75 wheelchairs for donation $10,000 August 2015 San Diego, CA Ronald McDonald House Stuffed ~100 teddy bears for children $10,000 January 2016 Atlanta, GA Hands On Atlanta Assembled 600 snack packs and hygiene essential kits $10,000 July 2016 Boston, MA Boston Cares Constructed 30 toddler beds and packed 100 blankets and 100 superhero capes $10,000 January 2017 Atlanta, GA Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta Assembled and donated 300 College Bound Care packages $10,000 August 2017 San Diego, CA Operation Homefront Created 400 baby care packages for local military families $10,000 August 2017 San Diego, CA Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego Helped build 20 model solar cars with children from Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego and donated 100 model solar car kits to the organization's STEM program $10,000 January 2018 Dallas, TX Trusted World Attendees packed and donated 20,000 meal kits to be distributed to families recovering from recent natural disasters. $10,000 January 2018 Dallas, TX Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas Assembled and donated 175 Robotics IQ Kits for the organization's STEM program. $10,000 About OppenheimerFunds OppenheimerFunds, Inc., a leader in global asset management, is dedicated to providing solutions for its partners and end investors. OppenheimerFunds, including its subsidiaries, manages more than $249 billion in assets for over 13 million shareholder accounts, including sub-accounts, as of December 29, 2017. Founded in 1959, OppenheimerFunds is an asset manager with a history of providing innovative strategies to its investors. The firm's 16 investment management teams specialize in equity, fixed income, alternative, multi-asset, and factor and revenue-weighted-ETF strategies, including ESG offerings, and is a signatory of the UN PRI. OppenheimerFunds and its subsidiaries offer a broad array of products and services to clients, who range from endowments and sovereigns to financial advisors and individual investors. OppenheimerFunds and certain of its subsidiaries provide advisory services to the Oppenheimer family of funds, and OFI Global Asset Management offers solutions to institutions. The firm is also active through its Philanthropy & Community initiative: 10,000 Kids by 2020, reaching children with introductions to math literacy programs. Web: Tweets: Podcasts: Shares of Oppenheimer funds are not deposits or obligations of any bank, are not guaranteed by any bank, are not insured by the FDIC or any other agency, and involve investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Before investing in any of the Oppenheimer funds, investors should carefully consider a fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses contain this and other information about the funds, and may be obtained by asking your financial advisor, visiting or calling 1.800.CALL OPP (225.5677). Read prospectuses and summary prospectuses carefully before investing. Oppenheimer funds are distributed by OppenheimerFunds Distributor, Inc. 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281-1008 2018 OppenheimerFunds Distributor, Inc. All rights reserved. SOURCE OppenheimerFunds Related Links Known for their signature style and alluring looks, the pair of savvy business women are the designers behind the prominent brand 'Nat & Liv' and authors of stylish fashion blog Jerome. Their remarkable online presence is one to admire, with a notable five million social media followers combined. The beautiful cousins and best friends also have featured roles on E!'s reality TV series WAGS, where they have become fan favorites. "We're thrilled to collaborate with Nat & Liv. The girls are trendsetters and well known for their love of beauty products and treatments," said Kerry Mcgreevy, Digital Marketing Director for OROGOLD. "They bring a breath of fresh air to the brand." In an exclusive interview with OROGOLD Lifestyle Magazine, the dazzling beauties shared their love for the new OROGOLD 24K Cryogenic MagnoLift Mask. "You put the mask on your face and you actually have a magnet and you hover it over your skin, it's like a vacuum and it pulls out all the impurities and stimulates blood flow. Your skin is so glowy after, it's to die for," said Natalie of the OROGOLD 24K Cryogenic MagnoLift Mask. "Yeah, I am obsessed with this mask. Our moms actually tried it too and they are in love. So, it's really cool to know that it's good for mature skin and younger skin," Olivia added. In addition to being authors and personalities, Nat and Liv are getting ready to launch their highly anticipated clothing brand 'Nat & Liv' later this year. Whether it's on TV, social media or on the blog, the vivacious, sparkling personalities of these beauties definitely shine through in whatever they do. About OROGOLD Cosmetics: Founded in 2008, OROGOLD Cosmetics is an innovating brand of luxury skin care products. Known for using 24K gold as the main ingredient, pampering store experiences and quality formulas, OROGOLD Cosmetics helps users address any skin concern to achieve flawless looking skin. Follow OROGOLD and join the conversation: SOURCE OROGOLD Cosmetics HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 10, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Secretary of Banking and Securities Robin L. Wiessmann today announced the launch of a blog, "PA Money Talks," which will help consumers and businesses become better informed about the financial services marketplace. "This new communication tool will harness the department's resources to deliver pertinent, timely, and useful information to consumers and stakeholders," said Wiessmann. "'PA Money Talks' will provide research, perspective, and insight that help consumers better understand financial services, products, companies, and transactions; help businesses better understand compliance and financial services industry issues; and to help media and elected officials better understand the issues facing financial services regulators." The inaugural blog post focuses on a topic that continues to be a top priority of the department and one that Wiessmann has been addressing since her arrival at the department in 2015: cybersecurity. "We are living in an age where technology has made simple tasks easier and complex functions more convenient. However, along with these advances in technology, the associated risks to consumers have evolved and become more challenging," writes Wiessmann. "People's identities can be stolen, their bank accounts drained, and their credit ruined by criminals in distant lands over the course of weeks, months, or even years." Wiessmann said she expects "PA Money Talks" to address a wide range of issues in bi-monthly posts, including homeowner challenges, protecting senior citizens from financial abuse; financial technology trends, fiduciary duties of investment advisers, women in finance, financial challenges facing the military community, and the challenges facing people without access to traditional financial services. The blog can be accessed through the department's Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, or directly on the department's website: Anyone can contact the Department of Banking and Securities at or 1-800-PA-BANKS (or 1-800-600-0007) to ask questions or file complaints about financial transactions, companies, or products. MEDIA CONTACT: Ed Novak, 717-783-4721 SOURCE Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities Related Links NEW YORK, Jan. 10, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Pareteum Corporation (NYSE American: TEUM), ("Pareteum" or the "Company"), the rapidly growing Cloud Communications Platform company, today announced that it has been awarded a three-year contract from a significant Cross Border European and African Mobile Operator. This established Mobile Operator provides Consumer, Enterprise and Internet of Things wireless services throughout Europe and Africa. Under the terms of the Agreement, Pareteum will provide its Global Cloud Services platform and receive revenue for subscribers, data and messaging services. According to Ericsson, "While Nigeria and South Africa will continue to have the highest number of connected devices, IoT is taking shape in the rest of the region, especially in East Africa. The number of cellular IoT connections in the region is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 38 percent from 2016 to 2022, as governments and industries in the region begin to explore IoT solutions to solve region-specific challenges." "We are honored to be chosen for this contract. It represents the continued expansion to all corners of the Globe where there is a need for new offerings, applications, settlement services and access to a superior cloud platform. We look forward to deploying these services and generating revenue in the first half of 2018," stated Vic Bozzo, CEO of Pareteum. "Our efficient TEUM continues to perform at a level higher than industry standard because our customers and TEUM live in an 'always on' world requiring us to live differently and answer industry demands faster. One consistent platform anywhere in the world is why customers are flocking to our solution," stated Hal Turner, Executive Chairman and Principal Executive Officer of Pareteum. About Pareteum Corporation: The mission of Pareteum Corporation (NYSE American: TEUM) is to connect "every person and everything". Organizations use Pareteum to energize their growth and profitability through cloud communication services and complete turnkey solutions featuring relevant content, applications, and connectivity worldwide. By harnessing the value of communications, Pareteum serves retail, enterprise and IoT customers. Pareteum currently has offices in New York, Sao Paulo, Madrid, Barcelona, Bahrain and the Netherlands. For more information please visit: Forward Looking Statements: Certain statements contained herein constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may include, without limitation, statements with respect to Pareteum's plans and objectives, projections, expectations and intentions. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about Pareteum's industry, management's beliefs and certain assumptions made by management. Readers are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Because such statements involve risks and uncertainties, the actual results and performance of Pareteum may differ materially from the results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. Unless otherwise required by law, Pareteum also disclaims any obligation to update its view of any such risks or uncertainties or to announce publicly the result of any revisions to the forward-looking statements made here. Additional information concerning certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or suggested in Pareteum's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, copies of which are available from the SEC or may be obtained upon request from Pareteum Corporation. Contractual Revenue Backlog Definition: Contractual revenue backlog is measured on a forward looking 36 month snapshot view monthly, and, is generated by each of the Company's Managed Services, Global Mobility Cloud, and Application Exchange & Developer's Platform customers. The Pareteum multi-year Software-as-a-Service agreements include service establishment and implementation fees, guaranteed minimum monthly recurring fees, as well as contractually scheduled subscribers, in some cases including subscriber usage, during the term of the agreement, and, their resulting monthly recurring revenue. Investor Relations Contact: Ted O'Donnell Chief Financial Officer (212) 984-1096 [email protected] Hayden IR 917-658-7878 SOURCE Pareteum Corporation Related Links ALBANY, New York, January 10, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The global patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display market size is expected to reach US$ 4,605.4 Mn by 2025, expanding at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2017 to 2025. North America was the largest market for patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display market in 2016. As healthcare industry shifts from the traditional medical instruments to digital instruments, medical and imaging devices have increasing requirements for both performance and features. Hospitals are looking for rugged device displays that can provide high contrast, high resolution images, and data, as well as resistance to glare in high-ambient-light environments such as surgical rooms, emergency rooms and intensive care units (ICU's). Various end-users are preferring touch interactive and wide viewing angle displays for ease of readability. The increasing demand for advanced patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display is expected to contribute to the growth of patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display market. View Report Preview at The global patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display market can be segmented on the basis of its device type, screen size, screen resolution, touch type, display technology, color and region used in patient monitoring and ultrasound medical devices. Under patient monitoring device type the market is segmented into hemodynamic monitoring devices, neuromonitoring devices, cardiac monitoring devices, fetal & neonatal monitoring devices, respiratory monitoring devices, multiparameter monitoring devices, remote patient monitoring devices, weight monitoring devices and temperature monitoring devices, whereas, under ultrasound device type it segmented into 2D Ultrasound, 3D Ultrasound, 4D Ultrasound, Doppler Ultrasound, High-intensity Focused Ultrasound and Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy. The market further segmented based on various display screen sizes into 4" - 8", 8" - 12", 12" - 16", 16" - 20" and 20" and above. In terms of screen resolution, patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display market can be segmented into 640 x 480, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 800, 1280 x 1024 and others. Based on the touch type, the market is further categorized into interactive and non-interactive display. Further the market has been segmented into LED, TFT-LCD, PM-LCD, CRT, PMOLED, AMOLED patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display on the basis of display technology. In terms of color display, the market is segmented into Black & White (B/W) and Colorful display. Due to high demand for the advanced patient monitoring and ultrasound devices by the various end-users is expected to grow the patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display market with a significant CAGR during 2017-2025. Request to View Sample of Report - Geographically, North America holds largest share in patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display market in 2016. This is due to the early penetration of medical technology in this region. Moreover, Asia-Pacific is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period followed by Middle East & Africa and South America. The growth in Asia-Pacific is fuelled by the growing adoption of patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display in healthcare automation and advance digital imaging solutions in the emerging countries in the region such as China, India, Japan and others during the forecast period. Download PDF Brochure of Report: The global patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display market is highly fragmented with number of companies operating in the segment. Leading players are currently focusing on providing cost competitive products to the customers. Some of the key players engaged in patient monitoring and ultrasound devices display market include various manufacturers such as Fujifilm Holdings Corporation, GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Shimadzu Corporation, Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation (TMSC), Carestream Health, Hitachi Medical Corporation, Barco NV, Hologic, Inc., Esaote SpA, EZISURG MEDICAL, Beijing JingJing Medical Equipment Co Ltd, Cook Medical, Medtronic, Inc., Shanghai Fosun Long March Medical Science Co Ltd, Lifetech Scientific Corporation, China Medical Equipment Co Ltd., Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co Ltd., and Beijing Leadman Biochemistry Ltd. Buy Patient Monitoring and Ultrasound Devices Display Market Research Report: